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10-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2428529C2

Изобретение относится к композиционному материалу, способу его изготовления и его применению. Композиционный материал, содержащий по меньшей мере одну механически упрочненную ватку из стекловолокна, и по меньшей мере с одной стороны нанесенную, механически упрочненную ватку из минерального волокна с большей термостойкостью, чем у механически упрочненной ватки из стекловолокна. При этом ватка из стекловолокна и ватка из минерального волокна соединены друг с другом посредством иглопрокалывания. Технический результат заявленного изобретения заключается в том, что изоляционный материал может применятся в интервале до 900°С, а так же его производство не требует больших затрарт. 3 н. и 24 з.п. ф-лы.

05-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2733611C2
Принадлежит: ЗЕ БОИНГ КОМПАНИ (US)

Изобретение относится к области композиционных материалов, применяемых в воздушно-космических летательных аппаратах, и касается предварительно пропитанного проводящего композитного листа и способа его изготовления. Способ включает этапы соединения содержащего наноматериал композитного листа, армированного волокнами листа и смоляной системы с образованием составного листа, нагрева составного листа, компактирования составного листа и охлаждения составного листа с образованием предварительно пропитанного проводящего композитного листа, содержащего армированный волокнами лист и содержащий наноматериал композитный лист, соединенный с армированным волокнами листом, причем армированный волокнами лист и содержащий наноматериал композитный лист встроены в смоляную систему. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение прочности, уменьшение веса, защиты от удара молнии и/или экранирования авиационного оборудования и электронной аппаратуры от внешних электромагнитных помех, обеспечение длительного срока службы ...

02-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2618068C2

Изобретение относится к армированным волокнами полимерным композитам и касается отверждаемых препрегов с отверстиями в поверхностях. Отверждаемые препреги обладают улучшенной способностью к удалению газов из самих препрегов и из пространства между слоями препрегов в уложенном пакете препрегов до и/или во время уплотнения и отверждения. Каждый отверждаемый препрег представляет собой пропитанный смолой тканый материал, который обработан для создания матрицы из отверстий, по меньшей мере, в одной главной поверхности. Расположение отверстий характерно для ткацкого рисунка ткани. При укладывании этих препрегов в пакет и их обработке в процессе отжимания для получения композитной детали может быть достигнуто более короткое время отжимания, по сравнению с применением препрегов без таких отверстий в поверхности. Изобретение обеспечивает снижение количества времени отжимания перед отверждением для изготовления детали и достижения структурных свойств, необходимых для конечного применения в любой ...

28-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2698658C2
Принадлежит: Зе Боинг Компани (US)

Группа изобретений относится к керамическому связующему материалу, к композиционной структуре, включающей связующий материал, и к способу формирования отвержденной керамической структуры. Керамический связующий материал содержит по меньшей мере один волокнистый материал, флюсующий агент и загущающий агент, причем волокнистый материал имеет коэффициент теплового расширения , аналогичный коэффициенту теплового расширения по меньшей мере одного компонента подложки. Композиционная структура содержит первую и вторую подложки с различными коэффициентами теплового расширения, связующий материал и волокнистый материал. Способ формирования отвержденной керамической структуры включает операции по нанесению связующего материала, нагрев керамической структуры, при этом керамический связующий материал обжигают при заданной температуре для скрепления двух смежных торцов подложки. Технический результат, достигаемый при использовании группы изобретений, заключается в том, чтобы обеспечить скрепление керамических ...

20-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2200777C2

Изобретения могут быть использованы для изготовления из ориентированных в различных направлениях холстов волокнистых полотен, предназначенных для образования каркасных армирующих слоев при получении изделий из композитного материала, и позволяют снизить себестоимость изготовления полотен, обеспечить возможность формирования полотен с гладкой поверхностью без отверстий и шероховатости, большой ширины при снижении толщины и поверхностной плотности и при сохранении высокой способности к деформации полотна. Способ изготовления волокнистого полотна из холстов, ориентированных в различных направлениях, включает этапы наложения нескольких холстов, имеющих одно направление волокнистых элементов, ориентированных в различных направлениях, и соединения наложенных холстов между собой. Для изготовления по меньшей мере одного холста, имеющего одно направление волокнистых элементов, по меньшей мере один жгут распределяют таким образом, чтобы получить холст по существу равномерной толщины шириной, равной ...

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2539158C2

Изобретение относится к композитным материалам, используемым в качестве материалов в отделке интерьеров, для обивки, в строительстве и для изготовления мебели, и касается печатания на нетканых полотнах и их применения в композитных материалах. Способ изготовления композитного материала, в котором композитный материал включает в себя носитель и по меньшей мере одну текстильную поверхностную структуру, наслоенную по меньшей мере на одну из двух сторон носителя, причем текстильная поверхностная структура включает по меньшей мере одно отверждаемое связующее средство в состоянии "B-stage" и перед наслоением отпечатана с приданием ей декора с помощью цифровой печати, при этом включает стадии: a) приготовление носителя; b) нанесение покровной бумаги или покровного нетканого полотна по меньшей мере на одну поверхность носителя, причем покровная бумага или покровное нетканое полотно включает по меньшей мере одно связующее средство в состоянии "B-stage"; c) нанесение текстильной поверхностной структуры ...

19-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2740697C2

Охлаждающая ткань, содержащая влагопроницаемый внутренний поверхностный слой, прокладочную ткань и наружный поверхностный слой, где наружный поверхностный слой имеет воздухопроницаемость самое большее 250 л/дм2/мин при 500 Па, измеренную согласно ISO 9237, и где прокладочная ткань содержит монофиламенты, простирающиеся по прокладочной ткани, причем монофиламенты имеют линейную плотность по меньшей мере 250 дтекс и монофиламенты присутствуют при плотности самое большее 800 монофиламентов на квадратный дюйм (124 шт./кв.см). 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 2 ил.

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018123505A3

18-03-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017118770A3

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017124990A3

05-06-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018146951A3

20-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011113528A

... 1. Композиционный материал, содержащий: ! (i) по меньшей мере один материал основы и ! (ii) по меньшей мере одну плоскую текстильную структуру, причем плоская текстильная структура содержит по меньшей мере одно окончательно отвержденное связующее B-стадии, ! отличающийся тем, что ! (iii) окончательно упрочненная связующим B-стадии плоская текстильная структура содержит полости, которые соответствуют объему пор диапазоне более 20%. ! 2. Композиционный материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что имеющаяся в композиционном материале плоская текстильная структура содержит до 35 вес.%, предпочтительно от 15 вес.% до 20 вес.%, окончательно отвержденного связующего B-стадии (каждый раз в расчете на плоскую текстильную структуру без функциональных материалов). ! 3. Композиционный материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что имеющаяся в композиционном материале плоская текстильная структура содержит по меньшей мере один акустически активный наполнитель, который заполняет объем пор, и количество окончательно ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018129384A1

Die Erfindung schlägt einen Faserschichtverbundwerkstoff mit einer Mittelschicht (2) aus einem faserverstärkten Kunstharz vor, auf die beidseitig Bleche aus einer Formgedächtnislegierung (3) geklebt sind. Die Bleche sind pseudoelastisch und Fasern (4) elastisch gedehnt, so dass die Bleche unter einer Druckspannung und die Fasern (4) unter einer Zugspannung stehen. Durch Erwärmen auf oder über eine Umwandlungstemperatur der Formgedächtnislegierung (3) ziehen sich die Bleche zusammen, was die elastisch gedehnten Fasern (4) verstärken.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Hybrider Metall-Kunststoff-Verbund für ein Gleitlager

Номер: DE202014010549U1

Hybrider Metall-Kunststoff-Verbund (1) für ein Gleitlager, umfassend einen bandförmigen metallischen Träger (2) und eine auf diesem aufgetragene Gleitschicht (3), die einen thermoplastischen Basiskunststoff (4) enthält, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der thermoplastische Basiskunststoff (4) ein extrudierbarer Hochleistungskunststoff ist und die Gleitschicht (3) als Extrusionsschicht ausgebildet ist.

19-05-2005 дата публикации

Leichtbau-Verbundmaterial sowie Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung

Номер: DE0010358295A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Leichtbau-Verbundmaterial mit einem Leichtbau-Trägermaterial (12) und einer an mindestens einer der beiden Flachseiten des Trägermaterials (12) vorgesehenen Deckschicht (34). Zwischen der Flachseite des Trägermaterials (12) und der Deckschicht (34) ist eine harzundurchlässige Trennschicht (16) vorgesehen. Die Deckschicht (34) ist aus einem Fasermaterial (20) gebildet, welches in einem auf der Trennschicht (16) ausgehärteten Harzmaterial (32) eingebettet ist. Des weiteren betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines derartigen Verbundmaterials.

10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069728399T2

23-06-2005 дата публикации

Controlled-thermal-expansion layer system with very diverse uses, formed from composite of polymers and knitted fibrous materials, has adjustable thermal expansion in x, y and z layers

Номер: DE102004039505A1

The coefficient of thermal expansion of the laminate in the x-direction, y-direction and z-direction is adjustable : The laminate comprises layer(s) of prepregs pressed together, containing a plastic matrix and a fibrous material. Thermal expansion coefficients in the x and y directions are about equal; that in the z direction equals that in the y or the x or the x and y directions. Differences are limited to 0-5 ppm/K. The thermal expansion coefficient in the cited directions is preferably greater than 50 ppm/K. The fibrous material is a knit. It has high expansibility in the directions cited. It comprises a fiber made of glass, ceramic, carbon, metal, aramid, plastic, natural fibers or polyimide. At least two differing knitted layers are included. All layers in the laminate so formed, have knitting aligned in the same x, y directions. Adjacent layers are turned through the same angle. The matrix is a reactive resin, thermoplastic, cross-linked or non-cross linked elastomer. The matrix ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Harzelement und Verfahren zum Verbinden von Harzelementen

Номер: DE102016201064A1
Автор: ONO TSUBASA, Ono, Tsubasa

Durch die vorliegende Erfindung wird ein Harzelement bereitgestellt, das ein thermoplastisches Harz enthält und durch Ultraschallschweißen mit einem anderen Harzelement verbunden wird. Das Harzelement weist auf: einen Schmelzbeginnabschnitt, auf den während des Ultraschallschweißens ein Kontaktdruck ausgeübt wird, eine Nuteneinheit, die um einen Umfang des Schmelzbeginnabschnitts herum ausgebildet ist, und mindestens eine Wand, die derart ausgebildet ist, dass sie eine Richtung kreuzt, die sich vom Schmelzbeginnabschnitt nach außen erstreckt, und die Nuteneinheit teilt.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zum In-Mold Foaming mit einem schäumbaren Medium und Deckschichten und dadurch erhältlicher Kunststoffformkörper

Номер: DE102010038716A1

Durch Verwendung eines festen, aufschäumbaren Kunststoffes, wie beispielsweise Poly(meth)acrylimid (PMI), Polyvinylchlorid (PVC), Polyurethan (PUR), oder Poly(meth)acrylat, (PMMA) gelingt es, einen im wesentlichen homogenen Kunststoffschaumverbundformkörper herzustellen, der sich im Zuge des Aufschäumprozesses bei ca. 200 Grad Celsius mit einer Deckschicht oder mehreren Deckschichten oder mit mehreren gleichen oder unterschiedlichen Deckschichten mechanisch stabil verbindet.

15-01-2009 дата публикации

Wall- or floor-cover, includes electrically conducting lattice braid

Номер: DE102007030682A1

A wall-or floor-cover is made of a strip-form material with at least two inter-adhered polyester fiber fabrics and an intermediate lattice braid. The lattice braid is electrically conducting and carries a layer of the polyester fiber fabric along at least one lateral edge of the material. Independent claims are included for the following. (1) (A) Implementation of a cover as a wall-paper (2) (B) Implementation of a cover as an intermediate layer between wall or floor and wall or floor layer.

17-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008711193D0

07-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002306630A

An up-armouring kit is suitable for use in protecting a protected zone behind a base 24 against a self forming fragment type landmine. The up-armouring kit comprises an outer wear plate 12, which is advantageously of armour plating of a composition and thickness suitable to prevent penetration by small arm bullets including light machine gun bullets; an inner catch plate 18 of a material having a ductility of at least about 8%; and an intermediate impact absorbing layer 16 of a material selected from the group consisting of a ceramic material, a refractory material, a glass based material and glass. The wear plate, the impact absorbing layer and the catch plate are bonded together in that order to form a sandwich construction (22).

18-07-2018 дата публикации

Fibre ropes and composite materials containing fibre ropes

Номер: GB0002558654A

A rope or yarn 4 comprises a plurality of fibre strands 1. Each strand is formed by twisting a tow 2, the tow comprising a plurality of fibres 1 of a non-polymeric, non-metallic and high modulus (Youngs of greater than 20 GPa) material, such as carbon, boron, glass, ceramic or quartz fibre. The tow is twisted with a first twist density to form each of the fibre strands 3, and the strands are twisted with a second twist density to form the rope 4. Each fibre strand has a helical angle with respect to the elongate axis of the fibre rope of at least about 15 degrees. The first and second twists may be executed simultaneously, each have a density of more than 25 turns per meter, be helical and in opposite directions to each other. A single rope may be combined with a matrix material to form a rod. Ropes may be knitted or woven into a fabric and may be used to from a composite material. Resin for a composite may be added after formation of the rope. For use in aircraft or vehicles.

03-04-2019 дата публикации

Pressurized composite fluid lines and method

Номер: GB0201901973D0

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000451229T

23-08-2018 дата публикации

A decorative panel comprising an inductive coil

Номер: AU2017218838A1
Принадлежит: Adams Pluck

The present invention relates to a decorative panel, comprising a core layer provided with a decor layer, said décor layer comprising a substrate layer provided with at least one coating, wherein within said decorative panel at least one induction coil is located. The present invention furthermore relates to the use of such a decorative panel in indoor and/or outdoor furniture and in interior and/or exterior decoration.

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Composite articles including textured films and furniture articles including them

Номер: AU2019282321A1

A thermoplastic composite article comprising a porous core layer and a textured film disposed on a first surface of the porous core layer is described. The composite article can be used in furniture, a furniture chassis or furniture components as desired.

13-08-2020 дата публикации

Termination arrangement for an overhead electrical cable

Номер: AU2019212363A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

A termination arrangement for securing an overhead electrical cable to a dead-end structure such as a dead-end tower. The termination arrangement includes a compression sheath that is configured to be disposed between a strength member and the conductive strands of the overhead electrical cable. The compression sheath mitigates damage to the strength member that may occur when an outer metallic sleeve is compressed around the conductive strands and the conductive strands are compressed against the strength member. The arrangement is particularly useful for securing overhead electrical cables having a composite strength member to a dead-end structure.

08-06-1994 дата публикации

Material for the fabrication of sails

Номер: AU0005676994A

08-10-2009 дата публикации

Improved core material

Номер: AU2003267864B2

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Novel intermediate material intended to limit the microcracking of composite parts

Номер: AU2009326902B2

The invention relates to an intermediate product intended for the production of a composite part in combination with a resin matrix, formed by at least two unidirectional sets of reinforcing yarns, the yarns of each set extending in a different direction, whereby the sets are interlinked by means of stitching or knitting using at least one stitching or knitting yarn. The invention is characterised in that the stitching or knitting yarn has a yarn count of less than or equal to 30 dTex, preferably less than or equal to 25 dTex, in accordance with standard EN ISO 2060.

11-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003220914A1

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Tape-like dry fibrous reinforcement

Номер: AU2015348417A1
Принадлежит: WRAYS PTY LTD

A tape-like dry fibrous reinforcement, the 'Gapped UD reinforcement tape', providing channels or flow-paths created by inclusion of a layer of separated fiber tows held by at least one adhesive layer. Hereby, quicker wetting of fibers with matrix is obtained, whereby improved composite materials can be economically produced. A method and apparatus for producing the Gapped UD tapes are also disclosed.

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Sound-absorbing/insulating material having excellent exterior and moldability, and method for producing same

Номер: AU2014367640A1

The present invention relates to a sound-absorbing/insulating material having an excellent exterior and moldability and a method for producing same and, more specifically, to a sound-absorbing/insulating material and a method for producing same, the sound-absorbing/insulating material comprising: an inner sound-absorbing/insulating layer (1), which comprises a first non-woven fabric comprising heat-resistant fibers as main constituents and a binder evenly distributed inside the first non-woven fabric in the form of maintaining the three-dimensional shape of the inside of the first non-woven fabric; and an outer sound-absorbing/insulating layer (2', 2"), which comprises a second non-woven fabric comprising heat-resistant fibers as main constituents, the sound-absorbing/insulating material having a structure in which the outer sound-absorbing/insulating layer is stacked on one side or both sides of the inner sound-absorbing/insulating layer. The sound-absorbing/insulating material according ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Multilayer films

Номер: AU2012318251C1

There is provided a multilayer film comprising a starch layer and at least one other layer. The multilayer film has excellent barrier properties. The starch 5 layer comprises a modified starch having a degree of substitution less than 1.5. Suitable other layers include polyolefins. The multilayer film finds use in packaging, particularly in packaging foodstuffs.

26-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002674986C

The present invention relates to a non-combustible, sound-absorbing facing (30) having an air flow resistivity of between 80 and 3,000 Rayls and a weight per unit area of between 20 and 1,000 g/m2 and to a laminate (10) comprising the facing (30) and a substrate (20) wherein superimposing the facing (30) on the substrate (20) forms the laminate (10) having good sound absorbing characteristics.

08-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002678979C

New composite materials, method for their manufacture and their use the invention relates to the manufacture of new composite materials suitable in particular as materials in interior construction, for linings, constructions and for the manufacture of furniture and similar products, and a method for manucfacturing a composite material comprising the measures: a) supplying of carrier, b) application of a textile surface structure onto at least one surface of the carrier, the textile surface structure having at least one binder int B-stage state and having at least one functional material, c) lamination of the construction obtained according to step b) under the action of pressure and heat so that the binder present in the B stage receives its final hardening. d) optional application of at least one further protective layer and drying.

31-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002770313A1

A mounting mat (20) for an exhaust gas treatment device (10) including high temperature resistant ceramic fibers containing alumina and/or high temperature resistant biosoluble inorganic fibers, organic binder which at least partially liquefies at elevated temperature prior to binder burnout, colloidal inorganic oxide and optionally intumescent material. The exhaust gas treatment device (10) includes a housing (12), a fragile catalyst support structure (18) resiliently mounted within the housing (12), and the mounting mat (20) disposed in a gap between the housing (12) and the fragile catalyst support structure (18).

27-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002705268C

A V-grooved composite insulation is provided with an adhesive coating and a protective jacketing material bonded to the adhesive. The protective jacketing material extends beyond the perimeter of the grooved insulation board and comprises at least one intact release layer at a location in which the protective jacketing is clear of contact with the bottom surface of the insulation member and a pressure sensitive adhesive between the portion of the protective jacketing material and the at least one release layer. The method also comprises preshaping the grooved insulation board around a pipe by bending the grooved insulation board, removing the release layer of the protective jacketing material, thereby exposing the pressure sensitive adhesive and securing the pressure sensitive adhesive to the protective jacketing to thereby surround the pipe in a vapor free manner. Grooved insulation boards with protective jacketing so constructed are also provided.

28-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002705268A1

A V-grooved composite insulation is provided with an adhesive coating and a protective jacketing material bonded to the adhesive. The protective jacketing material extends beyond the perimeter of the grooved insulation board and comprises at least one intact release layer at a location in which the protective jacketing is clear of contact with the bottom surface of the insulation member and a pressure sensitive adhesive between the portion of the protective jacketing material and the at least one release layer. The method also comprises preshaping the grooved insulation board around a pipe by bending the grooved insulation board, removing the release layer of the protective jacketing material, thereby exposing the pressure sensitive adhesive and securing the pressure sensitive adhesive to the protective jacketing to thereby surround the pipe in a vapor free manner. Grooved insulation boards with protective jacketing so constructed are also provided.

18-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002757525A1

The present invention relates to the field of composite structures, overmolded composites structures and processes for their preparation, particularly it relates to the field of polyamide composite structures. The disclosed composite structures have a surface, which surface has at least a portion made of a surface polyamide resin composition, and comprise a fibrous material selected from non-woven structures, textiles, fibrous battings and combinations thereof, said fibrous material being impregnated with a matrix resin composition, wherein the surface polyamide resin composition is selected from polyamide compositions comprising a blend of a) one or more semi-aromatic polyamides (A) containing repeat units derived from aromatic dicarboxylic acids and aliphatic diamines, and b)one or more fully aliphatic polyamides (B) selected from the group consisting of polyamides containing repeat units derived from aliphatic dicarboxylic acids and aliphatic diamines, polyamides containing repeat units ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003086672A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

Methods of and systems for forming pipe insulation are disclosed. The pipe insulation has properties that are non-homogenous through its thickness.

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003060644A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

A floor element (1) for forming a floor covering, wherein the floor element (1) comprises a decorative layer (3) made of a ceramic material and a support layer (14) arranged below this decorative layer (3), wherein the support layer (14) comprises edges (15) provided with coupling elements (16, 17, 31, 35) configured to realize a mechanical coupling with coupling elements (16, 17, 31, 35) of an adjacent floor element (1) and wherein the floor element (1) comprises a reinforcing layer (11) arranged in between the decorative layer (3) and the support layer (14).

26-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3008305C

A method for forming a composite component, for example a turbine nozzle airfoil, including partially processing a composite ply layup to form a green state layup, machining the green state layup including removing at least a portion of a ply of the green state layup, machining the machined sub-assembly by removing at least a portion of the machined sub-assembly, assembling the green state layup with the machined sub-assembly, and processing to form the composite component. Assembling the green state layup with the machined sub-assembly includes positioning at least a portion of the machined surface of the green state layup against at least a portion of the machined surface of the machined sub-assembly to form an assembly having an interior machined interface comprising the machined surfaces of the green state layup and of the machined sub-assembly.

21-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003011493C

The invention relates to a spar cap for a rotor blade of a wind energy plant, having a longitudinal extension from a first end to a second end, a transverse extension orthogonal to the longitudinal extension and a thickness orthogonal to the longitudinal extension and the transverse extension. The invention further relates to a method for producing the aforementioned spar cap. The spar cap has a longitudinal extension from a first end to a second end, a transverse extension orthogonal to the longitudinal extension and a thickness orthogonal to the longitudinal extension and the transverse extension. The spar cap comprises at least two layers of a first fiber composite material and at least one layer of a second fiber composite material, the first fiber composite material having another matrix material and/or other fibers than the second fiber composite material, wherein the second fiber composite material is disposed in a portion adjacent to the second end in the direction of the thickness ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003011493A1

The invention relates to a spar cap for a rotor blade of a wind energy plant, having a longitudinal extension from a first end to a second end, a transverse extension orthogonal to the longitudinal extension and a thickness orthogonal to the longitudinal extension and the transverse extension. The invention further relates to a method for producing the aforementioned spar cap. The spar cap has a longitudinal extension from a first end to a second end, a transverse extension orthogonal to the longitudinal extension and a thickness orthogonal to the longitudinal extension and the transverse extension. The spar cap comprises at least two layers of a first fiber composite material and at least one layer of a second fiber composite material, the first fiber composite material having another matrix material and/or other fibers than the second fiber composite material, wherein the second fiber composite material is disposed in a portion adjacent to the second end in the direction of the thickness ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003028845A1

The invention relates to a strip-shaped fire protection element (1), in particular for a line (17) fed through a through-opening (16) of a construction element (15), comprising: a planar inner layer (3) extending in a longitudinal direction (L) and having an intumescent material; a reinforcement layer (4) of a fiber composite material, which reinforcement layer is applied to at least one first flat side of the inner layer (3) and extends in the longitudinal direction (L) of the fire protection element (1), wherein the reinforcement layer (4) covers the inner layer (3) at least partially in a width direction.

08-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003061404A1
Принадлежит: LAVERY, DE BILLY, LLP

Disclosed is an insulation material (10, 10', 10", 10"') for thermal and/or acoustic insulation. The insulation material comprises a plurality of layered sheets (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), including one or more flexible polyimide aerogel film/s being at least partially covered with a reflective coating (2a, 2b, 4a, 4b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b) on one or both of its surfaces. Further disclosed is a method for thermally and/or acoustically insulating an entity. The method comprises at least partially shielding, covering and/or enveloping the entity with an insulation material (10, 10', 10", 10"') according to an embodiment of the present invention.

17-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2928832C

Freeform, additive manufacturing equipment, processes and products, including residential, commercial and other buildings. A movable extruder places extrudate that solidifies in open space to create "scaffolding" or "skeletons" of buildings and other products. Elongated extrudate elements are fused to each other or connected by other means to form a cellular structure. Filler material such as polymeric insulating foam may simultaneously or thereafter be placed within the cellular structure to contribute desired strength, rigidity, insulative, barrier or other properties. Finish materials may also be applied.

20-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002974309A1

Disclosed is the use of a boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) fabric as a skin for protection of nano-carbon heaters used for de-icing aircrafts or other vehicles. This allows the heaters to be resistant to hail, bird, and other mechanical striking damages, and can be applied to parts of aircraft that require acoustic protection.

11-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002733421C

A thermal spray masking tape includes a substrate having a first major surface and a second major surface and a surface layer overlying the first major surface of the substrate. The surface layer is formed from an elastomer having an ultimate tensile strength greater than about 600 lbs/square inch.

29-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002859835A1

A multi-layer fireproof insulation roll for fireproofing and thermally insulating a tank car. The multi-layer fireproof insulation roll having a first layer with fire-retardant properties, a second layer having thermal insulating properties and a first strap. The first strap securing the first layer to the tank car. A method of fireproofing and insulating a tank car. A method of making a multi-layer fireproof insulation roll.

02-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002799842C

A reinforced gasket material. A non-metallic scrim layer is interposed between layers of gasket material to provide strength to the gasket material. The layers of the gasket material can include binding agent to aid adhering to each other and to the non-metallic scrim layer. The non-metallic scrim layer can also be coated in binding agent. The layers of the gasket material can include high-temperature sealing material, compressed fiber, exfoliaed graphite, or polytetrafluoroethylene.

03-03-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002137347A1

Containers incorporating a hydraulically settable structural matrix including a hydraulically settable binder such as cement for use in the storing, dispensing, and/or packaging of food and beverage products are disclosed. The disposable and nondisposable food and beverage articles of manufacture have high tensile, compressive, and flexural strengths, and are lightweight, insulative (if desired), inexpensive, and more environmentally compatible than those currently used. These disposable containers and cups are particularly useful for dispensing hot and cold food and beverages in the fast food restaurant environment. The structural matrix of the food and beverage containers includes a hydraulic cement paste (formed from the reaction of water with, e.g., a portland-type cement) preferably in combination with a rheology-modifying plasticizer, such as methylhydroxyethylcellulose, various aggregate materials, and fibrous materials, which provide desired properties at a cost which is economical ...

06-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002035602A1

Flat, rectangular composite insulation comprising two dissimilar insulating materials on a separate flexible backing material is described. At least one of the two dissimilar materials is rigid. V-grooves are formed in the dissimilar materials extending from the surface of the insulation opposite of the flexible backing up to, but not through the flexible backing. The V-grooving permits the rigid composite insulation to be fitted to a curved surface such as a pipe.

12-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002149539C

An improved reinforced laminate for use in sails or other flexible sheet or membrane applications utilizes a pull-truded thin lightweight reinforcing sheet of unidirectional extruded monofilaments in which the reinforcing sheet or sheets (32, 34, 36) form one or more uni-tapes laminated to a polymer film (40) such as Mylar.RTM., or other extended sheet of material. The monofil- aments (38) are uniformly embedded in the uni-tape via an elastomeric polyme r matrix, with the reinforcing sheet, when in- corporated into sails via lamination resulting in sails with reinforcing monofilaments having diameters 5 times less than conventional strands or threads. The use of small diameter monofilaments greatly increases the monofilament-over-mono- filament crossover density, resulting in a dramatic increase in shear strength, and Young's Modulus, with an accompanying dramatic decrease in weight. In one embodiment the improvement in specific modulus over conventional sail laminates is about six-fold ...

27-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000621711A5

15-07-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000666255A5

31-03-2014 дата публикации

Layer arrangement for e.g. hot gas path component of turbine, has substrate layer and ceramic matrix composite layer in between which non-metallic spacer is formed to define the pockets filled with heat insulating substances

Номер: CH0000707023A2

The layer arrangement (100) has a substrate layer (102) and a ceramic matrix composite layer (104) in between which a non-metallic spacer (106) is formed to define the pockets. The substrate layer is formed with superalloy nickel-based or ceramic. The non-metallic spacer is provided with a thermal protecting coating and a cutting rib. The pockets are filled with the heat insulating substances. Independent claims are included for the following: (1) a hot gas path component; and (2) a method for manufacturing layer arrangement.

13-10-2017 дата публикации

Hot gas path component assembly and method for producing a hot gas path component with a layer with a layer arrangement.

Номер: CH0000707023B1
Принадлежит: GEN ELECTRIC, General Electric Company

Es sind eine Heissgaspfadkomponente mit einer Schichtanordnung und ein Verfahren zum Herstellen einer Heissgaspfadkomponente mit einer Schichtanordnung offenbart. Die Schichtanordnung (100) enthält eine Substratschicht (102), eine Keramikmatrix-Verbundschicht (104) und einen nicht-metallischen Abstandshalter (106) zwischen der Substratschicht (102) und der Keramikmatrix-Verbundschicht (104), der eingerichtet ist, um eine oder mehrere Taschen auszubilden. Das Verfahren enthält ein Sichern eines nicht-metallischen Abstandshalters (106) zwischen einer Substratschicht (102) und einer Keramikmatrix-Verbundschicht (104) der Heissgaspfadkomponente mit einer Schichtanordnung.

29-06-2018 дата публикации

Timepiece component made of composite material.

Номер: CH0000713262A2

L’invention se rapporte à un composant horloger en matériau composite comprenant au moins un renfort et une matrice, le renfort présentant une structure en nid d’abeille en trois dimensions avec une pluralité d’alvéoles dans lesquelles est injectée la matrice. L’invention concerne également deux procédés de fabrication d’un tel composant horloger. De tels procédés permettent de fabriquer des composants horlogers tels que des carrures, des fonds, des lunettes, des cadrans ou encore des maillons de bracelet.

12-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000116351C2

08-12-2010 дата публикации

Printing of non-woven fabrics and their use in composite materials

Номер: CN0101905548A

The invention relates to printing of directly decoratable or printable non-woven fabrics and their use in composite materials, suitable in particular as materials in interior finishing, for linings, constructions and for the manufacture of furniture and similar products.

19-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002928859B1

11-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002939451A1

La présente invention concerne notamment un produit intermédiaire, destiné à la réalisation de pièce composite par association avec une matrice de résine, constitué d'au moins deux nappes unidirectionnelles de fils de renfort, les fils de chacune des deux nappes s'étendant dans une direction différente, dans lequel les nappes sont liées entre elles, par couture ou tricotage au moyen d'au moins un fil de couture ou tricotage, caractérisé en ce que ledit fil de couture ou tricotage présente un titre, déterminé selon la norme EN ISO 2060, inférieur ou égal à 30dTex, préférentiellement inférieur ou égal à 25dTex.

26-09-1975 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002262650A1

25-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002928859A1

Produit stratifié (1) formant une structure cellulaire déformable, caractérisé en ce qu'il comporte au moins : ○ une bande supérieure (2) et une bande inférieure (3) orientées toutes deux selon une même direction principale (X) ; ○ entre les deux bandes et connectant ces dernières en des zones (4a, 4b) dites zones d'ancrage, une série (5A, 5B, 5C) s'étendant dans la direction X, de structures cylindriques (5) dites structures cylindriques de connexion non jointives selon la direction X, et en ce que chaque structure cylindrique de connexion (5) comporte une pluralité de cylindres élémentaires préférentiellement concentriques (5a, 5b) ayant leur génératrice orientée selon un axe Y perpendiculaire à la direction X, lesdits cylindres élémentaires étant emboîtés les uns dans les autres et interconnectés entre eux dans chaque zone d'ancrage (4). Lesdits cylindres élémentaires sont notamment des cylindres composites comportant des fibres noyées dans une matrice de résine. Un tel produit stratifié ...

18-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002939715A1

L'invention concerne une pièce (11) en matériau composite formé à base de résine thermodurcissable, qui inclut des moyens de protection contre la foudre comportant, sur une surface supérieure (12) de la pièce (11 ) susceptible d'être exposée à des impacts de foudre, une couche continue d'une feuille métallique (1) présentant des perforations (2) selon un taux de perforation compris entre 0,005 % et 20 %.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020140015336A

23-10-2015 дата публикации

핫플레이트용 인체공학적 팔걸이

Номер: KR1020150119057A

... 인체공학적 팔걸이(200)는 유연한 정전 방전(ESD) 방지 물질로 형성된 외부 표면층(201)을 포함한다. 인체공학적 팔걸이는 또한 외부 표면층을 구조적으로 지지하고 열원에 근접한 인체공학적 팔걸이의 제1 엣지로부터 열원의 반대편의 인체공학적 팔걸이의 제2 엣지에 열을 전달하도록 구성된 제1 금속층(203)을 포함한다. 인체공학적 팔걸이는 열원으로부터 제1 금속층에의 열 전달을 감소시키도록 구성된 단열층(205)을 더 포함한다.

03-07-2017 дата публикации

폴리아미드 복합 구조체 및 그 제조 방법

Номер: KR1020170075811A

... 본 발명은 복합 구조체, 오버몰딩된 복합 구조체 및 그 제조 방법의 분야에 관한 것이며, 특히 본 발명은 폴리아미드 복합 구조체 분야에 관한 것이다. 개시된 복합 구조체는, 적어도 일부가 표면 폴리아미드 수지 조성물로 제조된 표면을 가지며, 부직 구조체, 텍스타일, 섬유질 배팅 및 그 조합으로부터 선택되는 섬유질 물질 - 상기 섬유질 물질은 매트릭스 수지 조성물로 함침됨 - 을 포함하며, 표면 폴리아미드 수지 조성물은 a) 방향족 다이카르복실산과 지방족 다이아민으로부터 유도된 반복 단위를 함유하는 하나 이상의 반방향족 폴리아미드 (A), 및 b) 지방족 다이카르복실산과 지방족 다이아민으로부터 유도된 반복 단위를 함유하는 폴리아미드, 지방족 아미노카르복실산으로부터 유도된 반복 단위를 함유하는 폴리아미드, 및 락탐으로부터 유도된 폴리아미드로 이루어진 군으로부터 선택되는 하나 이상의 완전 지방족 폴리아미드 (B)의 블렌드를 포함하는 폴리아미드 조성물로부터 선택된다.

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160059286A

The present invention relates to a flexible metal laminate comprising: a first thermosetting polyimide resin layer containing 5-75 wt% of a fluorine-based resin; a second thermosetting polyimide resin layer formed on at least one surface of the first thermosetting polyimide resin layer, containing 1 wt% or less of the fluorine-based resin; and a thermoplastic polyimide resin layer formed on one surface of the second thermosetting polyimide resin layer to face the first thermosetting polyimide resin layer, wherein the first thermosetting polyimide resin layer and the second thermosetting polyimide resin layer include the same thermosetting polyimide resin. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

16-02-2018 дата публикации

Fiber-reinforced polyamide resin base, method for producing same, molded article containing same, and composite molded article

Номер: TW0201805333A

A fiber-reinforced polyamide resin base which is obtained by impregnating a continuous reinforcing fiber or a reinforcing fiber base, in which discontinuous reinforcing fibers are dispersed, with a polyamide resin, and which is configured such that the polyamide resin is a terminally modified polyamide resin wherein at least some polymers constituting the polyamide resin have a structure, which is composed of a structural unit different from a repeating structural unit that constitutes the main chain of the polymers, at one end group of the polymers. Consequently, the present invention provides a fiber-reinforced polyamide resin base which exhibits excellent impregnatability and thermal stability, while having few voids and excellent surface quality.

16-04-2019 дата публикации

Polymer matrix composite for eliminating skew and fiber weave effect

Номер: TW0201915091A

The present disclosure provides a polymer matrix composite, and a laminate, a prepreg and a printed circuit board using the same. The polymer matrix composite includes a polymeric resin and a non-woven reinforcing material having a dielectric constant of from about 1.5 to about 4.8 and a dissipation factor at 10 GHz below 0.003. The printed circuit board uses the laminate including the polymer matrix as a core layer which is sandwiched between at least two outer layers. The polymer matrix composite and a laminate, a prepreg and a printed circuit board using the same provided by the instant disclosure can effectively eliminate skew and fiber weave effect by the use of the specific non-woven reinforcing material.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013110573A1

The invention relates to a component comprising a first layer (20) and a second layer (22) partially applied to the first layer (20). The second layer (22) comprises at least one first region (24A, 24B) applied to the first layer (20) and at least one second region (26A, 26B) spaced apart from the first layer (20) and arranged to face same, said second region (26A, 26B) defining, together with the first layer (20), an intermediate space (34A, 34B). The density of the second region (26A, 26B) is lower than the density of the first region (24A, 24B). The second layer (22) includes at least a third region (28A) applied to the first layer (20), the density of the third region (28A) being lower than the density of the first region.

16-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007092889A3

A packaging system or method for protecting combustible material in a sprinkler-provided environment has an outer layer with a combustible surface covering a fire-retardant protection layer. Combustion of the surface of the outer layer promotes effective sprinkler operation, while combustible material is protected by the fire- retardant protection layer.

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US2019338883A1

An article includes walls defining an insulating space therebetween and a vent forming an exit for gas molecules during evacuation of the space. A distance separating the walls is variable in a portion adjacent the vent such that gas molecules are directed towards the vent imparting a greater probability of molecule egress than ingress such that deeper vacuum is developed without requiring getter material. The variable-distance portion may be formed by converging walls. Alternatively, a portion of one of the walls may be formed such that a normal line at any location within that portion is directed substantially towards a vent opening in the other wall.

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160185072A1

A multi-axial fibrous reinforcement material comprising at least one first layer comprising uni-directional fibre tows in a substantially 0 degree direction and at least one further layer comprising uni-directional fibre tows in a direction in a range substantially deviating from 0 degrees and from 90 degrees. The material further comprises a means for securing the layers in relation to one another, the securing means forming a venting structure to provide gas venting in a direction across the respective layers.

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160297174A1

The present invention relates to a sound absorbing and insulating material with superior moldability and appearance and a method for manufacturing the same, more particularly to a sound absorbing and insulating material consisting of an inner layer 1 formed of a first nonwoven fabric mainly formed of a heat-resistant fiber and a binder uniformly distributed inside the first nonwoven fabric and maintaining the three-dimensional structure inside the first nonwoven fabric and an outer layer 2′, 2″ formed of a second nonwoven fabric mainly formed of a heat-resistant fiber, wherein the outer layer is stacked on one or both sides of the inner layer, and a method for manufacturing the same. The sound absorbing and insulating material of the present invention has superior sound-absorbing property, flame retardancy, heat resistance, heat-insulating property and high-temperature moldability. In addition, there is no concern of deterioration of surface appearance caused by leakage of the binder due ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200215365A1

According to some embodiments, a fireproofing system for protecting an elongate member, comprising at least one inner layer configured to at least partially wrap around itself to form an inner passage, the at least one inner layer configured to generally resist heat, and an outer shell or member defining an interior opening, wherein the first layer is configured to be positioned within the interior opening of the outer shell or outer member, wherein an elongate member is configured to pass through the inner passage.

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170184052A1

A piston for a heavy duty diesel engine including a composite layer forming at least a portion of a combustion surface is provided. The composite layer has a thickness greater than 500 microns and includes a mixture of components typically used to form brake pads, such as a thermoset resin, an insulating component, strengthening fibers, and an impact toughening additive. According to one example, the thermoset resin is a phenolic resin, the insulating component is a ceramic, the strengthening fibers are graphite, and the impact toughening additive is an aramid pulp of fibrillated chopped synthetic fibers. The composite layer also has a thermal conductivity of 0.8 to 5 W/m·K. The body portion of the piston can include an undercut scroll thread to improve mechanical locking of the composite layer. The piston can also include a ceramic insert between the body portion and the composite layer.

03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200375270A1

Active fabrics can be created by combining active and passive materials. Active materials with shape memory or other actuation characteristics can generate compression or dynamic fit, and the level of compression and/or change in fit can be determined by setting a knit index, wire diameter, and garment ease, or fit in relation to the body. Maximum compression can be set not only by varying physical properties of the knit structure but by built-in circuit breaking technologies, or by segmentation and control of the garment by a controller. In some embodiments, additive manufacturing can be combined with traditional textile equipment (e.g., circular knitting machine). Uniquely functional or active textiles can be made from additively manufactured, heterogeneous filaments. Yarn-like filament with varying properties (such as elasticity, stiffness, conductivity, activation, or surface properties) can be additively manufactured. This filament can be formed into a textile or garment with functional ...

25-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US20100075106A1

A hybrid ceramic matrix composite (CMC) structure 10 and method for fabricating such an structure are provided. A CMC substrate 12 includes layers 16, 18, 20 of ceramic fibers. Fugitive objects 22 are disposed on at least one of the plurality of layers prior to laying a subsequent layer of ceramic fibers. An outer surface of the subsequent layer influences a shape of the outer surface of the substrate by defining protuberances 24 on the outer surface of the substrate where respective cavities 26 are formed beneath respective protuberances upon dissipation of the fugitives. A liquefied ceramic coating 34 is deposited on the outer surface of the ceramic substrate to fill the cavities. When the ceramic coating is cured to a solidified state, the cavities containing the solidified coating constitute an anchoring arrangement between the ceramic substrate and the ceramic coating.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Composite sound absorber

Номер: US20120024626A1
Принадлежит: Eman8 Pty Ltd

A sound absorbing material comprising a nonwoven fibrous acoustic insulation material and a flow resistive non-woven facing, wherein the flow resistive nonwoven facing is bonded to the insulation material and has an air flow resistance of from about 600 to about 1800 Rayls and a surface mass of from about 20 to about 150 g/m 2 .

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Pre-applied protective jacketing to grooved insulation

Номер: US20120160401A1
Принадлежит: Industrial Insulation Group LLC

A V-grooved composite insulation is provided with an adhesive coating and a protective jacketing material bonded to the adhesive. The protective jacketing material extends beyond the perimeter of the grooved insulation board and comprises at least one intact release layer at a location in which the protective jacketing is clear of contact with the bottom surface of the insulation member and a pressure sensitive adhesive between the portion of the protective jacketing material and the at least one release layer. The method also comprises preshaping the grooved insulation board around a pipe by bending the grooved insulation board, removing the release layer of the protective jacketing material, thereby exposing the pressure sensitive adhesive and securing the pressure sensitive adhesive to the protective jacketing to thereby surround the pipe in a vapor free manner. Grooved insulation boards with protective jacketing so constructed are also provided.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Lightweight fire resistant covering for structures

Номер: US20120207975A1

A building panel, a shingle and a flooring tile are all provided including a reticulated foam body having a weather resistant coating made from a material selected from a group consisting of a polymer, a ceramic glaze and mixtures thereof. In addition, a method of producing these products is also provided.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Reinforced internal composite structures

Номер: US20130089742A1
Автор: William L. Rodman
Принадлежит: Individual

A complex-shaped, three-dimensional fiber reinforced composite structure may be formed by using counteracting pressures applied to a structural lay-up of wetted fibers. The wetted fibers are arranged on pressurizable members and may be configured to include internal structural features, such as shear webs. A reinforcement stiffener may be located adjacent to at least one of the pressurizable members and the wetted fibers that form the internal structural feature. The reinforcement stiffener includes a modulus of elasticity that is substantially higher than a modulus of elasticity of the resin used to wet the fibers. In one embodiment, the reinforcement stiffener may be received in a pocket of one of the pressurizable members and may include a releasing agent that permits removal of the stiffener after the composite structure has been pressurized and cured.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Slurry composition, prepreg tape, and process for producing composites

Номер: US20130157037A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Slurry and tape compositions and processes for producing CMC articles. The slurry composition contains particles of a precursor that converts to a ceramic material when heated to a firing temperature, at least one binder that is capable of adhering the particles of the ceramic precursor together to form a pliable prepreg tape, at least one liquid plasticizer, and a solvent in which the binder is dissolved. The solvent is sufficiently volatile to evaporate from the slurry composition during forming of the tape so that the tape contains less than ten weight percent of the solvent, yet the tape is also pliable as a result of the slurry composition containing a sufficient amount of the liquid plasticizer

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Insulating Construction Element, Use of an Insulating Construction Element and Method for Manufacturing an Insulating Construction Element

Номер: US20130171900A1
Принадлежит: Rockwool International AS

The invention relates to an insulating construction element made of at least one board comprising fibres, aerogel particles and at least one binder. To achieve an insulating construction element which is especially easy to handle, easy to produce and which has high insulation properties the board comprises 20 to 40 percent by weight mineral wool fibres, 45 to 70 percent by weight aerogel particles and 8 to 12 percent by weight binder which components are pressed and cured to the board having a density of 130 kg/m 3 to 200 kg/m 3 .

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Flame resistant backsheet for solar cell modules

Номер: US20130244519A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

Disclosed herein is a flame resistant flexible backsheet for solar cell modules, which comprises (a) a flame resistant layer formed of a non-metal inorganic fiber fabric; and (b) a first polymeric layer that is adhered to a first side of the flame resistant layer. Further disclosed herein is a solar cell module comprising the flame resistant flexible backsheet.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Duct liner

Номер: US20130295303A1

A duct liner includes an insulation layer and a facing. The insulation layer having a first edge surface, a second edge surface that is spaced apart from the first edge surface, and a first and second face surfaces that extend from the first edge surface to the second edge surface. The facing is disposed on the first face surface, such that the first face surface is entirely covered by the facing. The facing is disposed on the first and second edge surfaces, such that the first and second edge surfaces are entirely covered by the facing. Two spaced apart strips of the facing are disposed on and cover a portion of the second face surface adjacent to the first and second edge surfaces, such that a portion of the second face surface between the strips is uncovered by the facing.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Ceramic matrix composite, method of making a ceramic matrix composite, and a pre-preg composite ply

Номер: US20140099484A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A composite, method of making the composite and a pre-pre composite ply are provided. The composite includes a first layer, a second layer and a third layer. The first layer includes at least one ply of unidirectional tape. The second layer is adjacent the first layer and includes at least one composite ply. The at least one composite ply includes a thin continuous matrix ply sheet having a plurality of randomly oriented unidirectional tape segments thereon. The third layer is adjacent the second layer and includes at least one ply of unidirectional tape. The ceramic matrix composite provides about 15% to about 20% strength relative to a composite comprising all unidirectional plies and the ceramic matrix composite has a bending length of 3 cm to 25 cm based on a Shirley stiffness test.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001596A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

A nonwoven fabric sheet exhibiting high flame shielding performance, heat insulating property, and wear resistance is described, where the nonwoven fabric sheet is fabricated and includes at least one fire barrier layer formed of a web containing a non-melting fiber A having a high-temperature shrinkage rate of 3% or less and a thermal conductivity conforming to ISO22007-3 (2008) of 0.060 W/m·K or less and in which the fire barrier layer is coupled with a scrim layer containing a carbide-forming heat resistant fiber B having a LOI value conforming to JIS K 7201-2 (2007) of 25 or more. 1. A nonwoven fabric sheet comprising at least one fire barrier layer formed of a web containing a non-melting fiber A having a high-temperature shrinkage rate of 3% or less and a thermal conductivity conforming to ISO22007-3 (2008) of 0.060 W/m·K or less ,wherein the fire barrier layer is coupled with a scrim layer containing a carbide-forming heat resistant fiber B having a LOI value conforming to ES K 7201-2 (2007) of 25 or more.2. The nonwoven fabric sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven fabric sheet contains the non-melting fiber A at 15% to 70% by mass.3. The nonwoven fabric sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven fabric sheet contains the carbide-forming heat resistant fiber B at 30% to 85% by mass.4. The nonwoven fabric sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven fabric sheet contains a fiber C other than the non-melting fiber A and the carbide-forming heat resistant fiber B at 20% by mass or less.5. The nonwoven fabric sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the non-melting fiber A is a flame resistant fiber or a meta-aramid-based fiber.6. The nonwoven fabric sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the carbide-forming heat resistant fiber B is a fiber formed of a resin selected from the group consisting of anisotropic molten polyester claim 1 , flame retardant poly(alkylene terephthalate) claim 1 , flame retardant poly(acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001405A1

Provided is a vacuum insulator having both an excellent insulating performance and an excellent bending strength. A vacuum insulator () is configured by a sack-shaped enveloping member () and at least one sheet () including a plurality of inorganic fibers and includes a core member () enclosed in the enveloping member (). The sheet () includes a plurality of bundled inorganic fibers () formed by bundling some inorganic fibers from among the plurality of inorganic fibers. At least a part of the bundled inorganic fibers () are in contact with each other. 1. A refrigerator comprising:an outer case;an inner case accommodated in the outer case;a refrigerating cycle; anda vacuum insulator disposed between the outer case and the inner case, a sack-shaped enveloping member having a gas barrier property; and', 'a core member enclosed in the enveloping member and comprising one sheet including a plurality of inorganic fibers or a plurality of stacked sheets, and', 'an inside of the enveloping member is decompressed., 'wherein the vacuum insulator comprises2. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the sheet comprises a plurality of bundled inorganic fibers formed by bundling some inorganic fibers from among the plurality of inorganic fibers claim 1 , and at least a part of the bundled inorganic fibers are in contact with each other.3. A vacuum insulator comprising:a sack-shaped enveloping member having a gas barrier property; anda core member enclosed in the enveloping member and comprising one sheet including a plurality of inorganic fibers or a plurality of stacked sheets,wherein an inside of the enveloping member is decompressed.4. The vacuum insulator of claim 3 , wherein the sheet comprises a plurality of bundled inorganic fibers formed by bundling some inorganic fibers from among the plurality of inorganic fibers claim 3 , and at least a part of the bundled inorganic fibers are in contact with each other.5. The vacuum insulator of claim 3 , wherein the core member ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001613A1

According to one embodiment, there is provided a structural body including a core composed of fiber and a support, which is a component of the core and is in contact with the core. 110-. (canceled)11. A structural body comprising a stack that includes plural porous layers with a porosity of 45% to 95% including a resin with a density of 0.5 g/cmto 3 g/cmand a fiber with an average diameter of 30 nm or more and less than 5 μm.12. The structural body according to claim 11 , wherein the density is from 1 g/cmto 2 g/cm.13. The structural body according to claim 11 , wherein the porosity of the stack is from 45% to 95%.14. The structural body according to claim 11 , wherein a heat conductivity of the fiber is from 0.01 W/m·K to 5 W/m·K.15. The structural body according to claim 11 , wherein the resin is an epoxy resin.16. (canceled)17. The structural body according to claim 11 , wherein the fiber includes the resin.18. The structural body according to claim 17 , wherein a heat conductivity of the fiber is from 0.01 W/m·K to 5 W/m·K.19. The structural body according to claim 11 , wherein the fiber includes an electrolyte.20. The structural body according to claim 19 , wherein the electrolyte includes LiBr.21. The structural body according to claim 19 , wherein an amount of the electrolyte in the fiber is within a range of 0.01 wt % to 10 wt %.22. The structural body according to claim 20 , wherein an amount of the electrolyte in the fiber is within a range of 0.01 wt % to 10 wt %. This is a Divisional Application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/384,673, filed on Dec. 20, 2016, which is a Continuation Application of PCT Application No. PCT/JP2016/058590, filed Mar. 17, 2016, and is based upon and claims the benefit of priority from Japanese Patent Application No. 2015-053452, filed Mar. 17, 2015, the entire contents of all of which are incorporated herein by reference.Embodiments of the present invention relate to a structural body including a core made of fiber and ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002238A1

Ceramic matrix composite articles include, for example a first plurality of plies of ceramic fibers in a ceramic matrix defining a first extent, and a local at least one second ply in said ceramic matrix defining a second extent on and/or in said first plurality of plies with the second extent being less than said first extent. The first plurality of plies has a first property, the at least one second ply has at least one second property, and said first property being different from said at least one second property. The different properties may include one or more different mechanical (stress/strain) properties, one or more different thermal conductivity properties, one or more different electrical conductivity properties, one or more different other properties, and combinations thereof. 1. A method for use in forming a ceramic matrix composite article , the method comprising:laying up a first plurality of plies comprising ceramic fibers defining a first extent;laying up at least one second ply defining a second extent on and/or in the layup of the first plurality of plies, the second extent being less than the first extent; andwherein the first plurality of plies comprises a first property, the at least one second ply comprises at least one second property, and the first property being different from the at least one second property.2. The method of wherein the laying up the at least one second ply comprises laying up the at least one second ply comprising ceramic fibers.3. The method of wherein the laying up the at least one second ply comprises laying up a plurality second plies claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of second plies comprises a plurality of second properties different from the first property.4. The method of wherein the first property comprises a first fiber volume fraction claim 1 , the at least one second property comprises at least one second fiber volume fraction claim 1 , and the first fiber volume fraction being different from the at least ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002356A1

The invention relates to an improved method for producing silica aerogel in pure and flexible sheet form having effective suppression of radiative heat transport at high temperatures and increased thermal insulation property. The suppression of radiative heat transport was achieved by in-situ production of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in very minor concentrations during gelation of silica precursor, with nanoporous surface area more than 300 m2/g and acts as an infra red reflecting agent. When aerogel is subjected to heat during hot object insulation, it automatically turn into infra red reflecting material. Said silica aerogel can be incorporated into the inorganic fibre mat matrix individually or into two or more layers with organic sponge sheet placed in between and stitched together to form a sandwich sheet to form highly insulating flexible sheet. 118.-. (canceled)19. A method for preparation of a silica aerogel thermal insulation product , the method comprising:(a) preparing a hydro-alcoholic solution containing at least one alkali;(b) adding a solution of a metal oxide precursor to the hydro-alcoholic solution to form a dispersion effecting in-situ formation and precipitation of nanoparticles of at least one metal oxide, wherein the metal oxide precursor comprises one or more metals selected from the group consisting of iron, manganese, magnesium, zirconium, zinc, chromium, cobalt, titanium, tin, and indium;(c) mixing at least one silica precursor with the dispersion to form a first mixture;(d) stirring the first mixture to obtain a viscous mixture with the nanoparticles entrapped therewithin;(e) aging the viscous mixture to form an aged viscous mixture; and(f) effecting supercritical drying of the aged viscous mixture, to obtain the silica aerogel thermal insulation product.20. The method of claim 19 , wherein the at least one silica precursor is selected from the group consisting of tetraethylorthosilicate claim 19 , tetramethylorthosilicate claim 19 , ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002921A1
Автор: Cropper Graig

A sheathing material includes a layer of ceramic paper to help prevent the burning of the sheathing during a fire. The material may include insulation disposed between the ceramic paper and the substrate to further reduce damage to the substrate, and may include a thin layer of wood or paper placed over the ceramic paper to protect the ceramic paper and to allow the sheathing to be used in a manner similar to that of a conventional sheathing material. 1. A preformed construction sheathing material comprising:a generally planar and continuous sheet of gypsum board having a length and a width and having a first side and a second side and a thickness disposed between the first side and the second side; anda layer of ceramic fiber material affixed directly to the first side of the sheet of gypsum board to cover substantially all of the first side thereof;wherein substantially all of the second side of the sheet of gypsum board is exposed and forms a second exterior surface of the sheathing material opposite the first exterior surface of the sheathing material;wherein the sheathing material is attached to a building as wall sheathing or ceiling sheathing, such that the second side of the sheet of gypsum board is attached to the building, such that the first side of the sheet of gypsum board faces away from the surface of the building to which the second side of the sheet of gypsum board is attached, and such that the sheet of gypsum board is disposed between the layer of ceramic fiber material and the building such that the layer of ceramic fiber material covers the sheet of gypsum board.2. The sheathing material of claim 1 , wherein the ceramic fiber material is a ceramic paper which has a thickness which is between about 0.3 millimeters and 3 millimeters.3. The sheathing material of claim 1 , wherein the gypsum board comprises a gypsum layer and a paper backing layer.4. The sheathing material of claim 1 , wherein the layer of ceramic fiber material forms a first ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006211A1

Apparatuses, systems and methods associated with substrate assemblies for computer devices are disclosed herein. In embodiments, a core for a substrate assembly includes a first metal region, a second metal region, and a dielectric region located between the first metal region and the second metal region. The dielectric region includes one or more fibers, wherein each of the one or more fibers includes aluminum, boron, silicon, or oxide. Other embodiments may be described and/or claimed. 1. A core for a substrate assembly , comprising:a first metal region;a second metal region; anda dielectric region located between the first metal region and the second metal region, wherein the dielectric region includes one or more fibers, wherein each of the one or more fibers includes aluminum, boron, silicon, or oxide.2. The core of claim 1 , wherein each of the one or more fibers comprises aluminoborosilicate claim 1 , aluminosilicate claim 1 , or alumina.3. The core of claim 1 , wherein each of the one or more fibers further includes:a nucleus formed of an electrically non-conductive material; andan outer layer that encircles the nucleus, the outer layer formed of boron.4. The core of claim 3 , wherein the electrically non-conductive material comprises aluminoborosilicate claim 3 , aluminosilicate claim 3 , or alumina.5. The core of claim 1 , wherein the one or more fibers comprise a plurality of fibers claim 1 , wherein the plurality of fibers are woven to produce a fabric.6. The core of claim 5 , wherein the dielectric region further includes resin claim 5 , and wherein the fabric is impregnated with the resin.7. The core of claim 6 , wherein the resin comprises a dielectric material or a ceramic-based material.8. The core of claim 5 , wherein the fabric has a tensile modulus between 240 gigapascals (GPa) and 400 GPa.9. The core of claim 5 , wherein the fabric has a tensile strength between 3.6 gigapascals (GPa) and 4 GPa.10. A substrate assembly claim 5 , comprising:one or ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009176A1
Принадлежит: Cytec Industries Inc.

Curable prepregs possessing enhanced ability for the removal of gases from within prepregs and between prepreg plies in a prepreg layup prior to and/or during consolidation and curing. Each curable prepreg is a resin-impregnated, woven fabric that has been subjected to a treatment to create an array of openings in at least one major surface. Furthermore, the location of the openings is specific to the weave pattern of the fabric. 1. (canceled)2. A curable prepreg comprising:a woven fabric having two opposing faces and a weaving pattern in which a tow in a first weaving direction passes over another tow in a second weaving direction, then pass under an adjacent tow in the second weaving direction, and interstices are defined between adjacent tows;a curable, hot-melt resin film covering one or both face(s) of the fabric and penetrating partially through the thickness of the fabric leaving an inner section of the fabric, in the thickness direction, substantially free of the resin film; andan array of openings in the resin film(s), each opening exposing a single interstice in the fabric and configured to create a fluid flow path from the inner section of the fabric to at least one outer surface of the prepreg, or from at least one outer surface of the prepreg to the inner section, or from one outer surface of the prepreg to an opposite outer surface, or combination thereof.35-. (canceled)6. The curable prepreg of claim 2 , wherein the weaving pattern of the woven fabric is plain weave.7. The curable prepreg of claim 6 , wherein the openings are formed through opposing outer surfaces of the prepreg.814-. (canceled)15. A method for fabricating a curable composite material with an array of surface openings claim 6 , the method comprising:(a) partially impregnating a woven fabric with a curable, hot-melt resin such that a continuous resin film covers each face of the fabric and penetrates partially through the thickness of the fabric leaving an inner section of the fabric, ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Composite Foam Article

Номер: US20220032577A1
Принадлежит: Proprietect LP

A composite foam article is disclosed herein. The composite foam article comprises a polyurethane foam core presenting a first surface and a second surface facing opposite the first surface. A first skin is disposed on the first surface and a second skin is disposed on the second surface. The polyurethane foam core has a density of 15-80 kg/m 3 . The first and second skins comprise a plurality of fibers and a polymeric binder. The composite foam article has a weight per unit area of 500-1000 g/m 2 and a strength of greater than 17 N at a post-compression thickness of greater than 2 mm when tested in according with SAE J949 at 23° C.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015687A1

A reinforced gasket material. A non-metallic scrim layer is interposed between layers of gasket material to provide strength to the gasket material. The layers of the gasket material can include binding agent to aid adhering to each other and to the non-metallic scrim layer. The non-metallic scrim layer can also be coated in binding agent. The layers of the gasket material can include high-temperature sealing material, compressed fiber, exfoliated graphite, or polytetrafluoroethylene. 1. A reinforced gasket material comprising:a first gasket material layer;a second gasket material layer; anda non-metallic scrim layer interposed between the first gasket material layer and the second gasket material layer; 80 wt % or greater non-oxidizing high temperature filler, wherein the non-oxidizing high temperature filler is a silicate;', '20 wt % or less high temperature fiber, wherein the high temperature fiber is selected from the group consisting of ceramic fibers, mineral wools, and glass fibers; and', '6 wt % or less binding agent., 'wherein the first gasket material layer and the second gasket material layer comprise a high-temperature sealing material, the high-temperature sealing material comprising2. The reinforced gasket material as recited in claim 1 , wherein the non-metallic scrim layer comprises fiber glass claim 1 , ceramic fibers claim 1 , aramid fibers claim 1 , graphite fibers claim 1 , carbon fiber claim 1 , and polymeric fibers.3. The reinforced gasket material as recited in claim 2 , wherein the non-metallic scrim layer comprises two or more non-metallic scrim layers.4. The reinforced gasket material as recited in claim 1 , wherein the non-metallic scrim layer is a woven non-metallic scrim layer having a warp or weft of the mesh in the range of from 30 per inch to 2 per inch.5. The reinforced gasket material as recited in claim 1 , wherein the non-metallic scrim layer has a thickness in the range of from 0.002 inches to 0.025 inches.6. (canceled)7. The ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Water-Management System

Номер: US20170016226A1
Автор: Grisolia Anthony

A building water-management system includes a base material and fiber composite sheets attached to the base material. Each fiber composite sheet includes a fiber core having a first side, an opposing second side, and a surface layer adhered to the first side of the fiber core. Adjacent fiber composite sheets are connected together by a lapped configuration such that the surface layer of a first fiber composite sheet extends from the base material and onto a fiber core of an adjacent second fiber composite sheet and the fiber cores of the first and second fiber composite sheets are aligned next to each other to allow water to flow between the fiber cores, thereby forming a continuous water drainage and repellant layer. A shower assembly using the fiber composite sheets is also disclosed. 1. A building water-management system comprising:a base material; andfiber composite sheets attached to the base material, each fiber composite sheet comprising a fiber core having a first side, an opposing second side, and a surface layer adhered to the first side of the fiber core and in which the surface layer abuts the base material,wherein adjacent fiber composite sheets are connected together by a lapped configuration such that a surface layer and fiber core of a first fiber composite sheet extends from the base material and onto a fiber core of an adjacent second fiber composite sheet so that a portion of the surface layer of the first fiber composite sheet is positioned between the fiber cores of the first and second fiber composite sheets, and in which a portion of the fiber core of the first composite sheet is aligned next to a portion of the fiber core of the second fiber composite sheet to allow water to flow between the fiber cores, thereby forming a continuous water drainage and repellant layer.2. The building water-management system according to claim 1 , further comprising a finishing material attached to the second side of the fiber core of the fiber composite sheets ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Methods of making hybrid laminate and molded composite structures

Номер: US20200016796A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Methods of making a composite structure comprise compression molding a fiber reinforced, thermoplastic component having a web and at least one flange integral with the web; laying up a fiber reinforced, thermoplastic cap; placing the fiber reinforced, thermoplastic cap on the flange; and joining the fiber reinforced, thermoplastic cap with the flange.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Water-Management System

Номер: US20160024788A1
Автор: Grisolia Anthony

A building water-management system () includes a base material () and fiber composite sheets () attached to the base material (). Each fiber composite sheet () includes a fiber core () having a first side (), an opposing second side (), and a surface layer () adhered to the first side () of the fiber core (). Adjacent fiber composite sheets () are connected together by a lapped configuration () such that the surface layer () of a first fiber composite sheet () extends from the base material () and onto a fiber core () of an adjacent second fiber composite sheet () and the fiber cores () of the first and second fiber composite sheets () are aligned next to each other to allow water to flow between the fiber cores (), thereby forming a continuous water drainage and repellant layer. A shower assembly () using the fiber composite sheets () is also disclosed. 1. A building water-management system comprising:a base material; andfiber composite sheets attached to the base material, each fiber composite sheet comprising a fiber core having a first side, an opposing second side, and a surface layer adhered to the first side of the fiber core,wherein adjacent fiber composite sheets are connected together by a lapped configuration such that the surface layer of a first fiber composite sheet extends from the base material and onto a fiber core of an adjacent second fiber composite sheet and the fiber cores of the first and second fiber composite sheets are aligned next to each other to allow water to flow between the fiber cores, thereby forming a continuous water drainage and repellant layer.2. The building water-management system according to claim 1 , further comprising a finishing material attached to the second side of the fiber core of the fiber composite sheets.3. The building water-management system according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber core comprises a porous fiber matrix and a resin material.4. The building water-management system according to claim 3 , wherein the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Duct liner

Номер: US20160025371A1

A duct liner includes an insulation layer and a facing. The insulation layer having a first edge surface, a second edge surface that is spaced apart from the first edge surface, and a first and second face surfaces that extend from the first edge surface to the second edge surface. The facing is disposed on the first face surface, such that the first face surface is entirely covered by the facing. The facing is disposed on the first and second edge surfaces, such that the first and second edge surfaces are entirely covered by the facing. Two spaced apart strips of the facing are disposed on and cover a portion of the second face surface adjacent to the first and second edge surfaces, such that a portion of the second face surface between the strips is uncovered by the facing.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023617A1

A ceramic matrix composite article includes a melt infiltration ceramic matrix composite substrate comprising a ceramic fiber reinforcement material in a ceramic matrix material having a free silicon proportion, and a chemical vapor infiltration ceramic matrix composite outer layer comprising a ceramic fiber reinforcement material in a ceramic matrix material having essentially no free silicon proportion disposed on an outer surface of at least a portion of the substrate. 1. A ceramic matrix composite article comprising:a melt infiltration ceramic matrix composite substrate comprising a ceramic fiber reinforcement material in a ceramic matrix material having a free silicon proportion;a chemical vapor infiltration ceramic matrix composite outer layer comprising a ceramic fiber reinforcement material in a ceramic matrix material having no free silicon disposed on an outer surface of at least a portion of said substrate.2. The ceramic matrix composite article of wherein said substrate comprises generally silicon carbide and free silicon claim 1 , and said outer layer comprises generally pure silicon carbide.3. The ceramic matrix composite article of wherein said substrate comprises generally silicon carbide and free silicon claim 1 , and said outer layer comprises generally silicon carbide and free carbon.4. The ceramic matrix composite article of wherein said substrate comprises a first creep resistance claim 1 , said outer layer comprises a second creep resistance claim 1 , and said second creep resistance being greater than said first creep resistance.5. The ceramic matrix composite article of wherein said substrate comprises a first temperature capability claim 1 , said outer layer comprises a second temperature capability claim 1 , and said second temperature capability being greater than said first temperature capability.6. The ceramic matrix composite article of wherein said substrate comprises a prepreg melt infiltration ceramic matrix composite substrate.7. ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Insulation blanket having a deposited passivator for industrial insulation applications

Номер: US20220042640A1

A passivating flexible insulation blanket positionable about a pipe includes an insulation core, an enclosing fabric, and a non-consumable passivator. The insulation core is substantially hydrophobic and includes a microporous material. The enclosing fabric fully encapsulates the insulation core to form a capsule or pouch about the insulation core. The non-consumable passivator is non-consumable such that there is no appreciable change to a mass of the non-consumable passivator after an extended time of activation. The non-consumable passivator is deposited into the insulation core and has a composition soluble in water. The non-consumable passivator includes a leachable component that leaches from the insulation core and is capable of neutralizing acidic components. The leachable component is water soluble and is capable of reacting with a surface of the pipe to form a protective coating on the pipe to aid in inhibiting corrosion formation on the surface of the pipe.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023810A1

A structural panel includes a first skin, a second skin and a core. The core is connected to the first skin and the second skin. The core includes a corrugated sheet of wire mesh that includes a plurality of corrugations. Each of the corrugations extends vertically between and engages the first skin and the second skin. 1. A structural panel , comprising:a first skin having a first side surface, a second side surface, and a thickness extending there between;a second skin having a first side surface, a second side surface, and a thickness extending there between; anda core extending between the first side surface of the first skin and the first side surface of the second skin, which core includes a plurality of geometric structures formed of a wire mesh, which geometric structures extend between and are attached to the first skin and the second skin;wherein the plurality of geometric structures include a plurality of corrugations, and the corrugations are linear and extend parallel to one another.2. The structural panel of claim 1 , wherein each of the corrugations is formed by a first side portion claim 1 , a second side portion claim 1 , and an intermediate portion that extends between the first side portion and the second side portion.3. The structural panel of claim 1 , wherein the panel has a length and the corrugations extend substantially an entirety of the length.4. The structural panel of claim 1 , wherein the wire mesh is configured from a plurality of wires woven together.5. The structural panel of claim 1 , wherein the wire mesh is formed of a plurality of metal wires claim 1 , a plurality of polymeric wires claim 1 , a plurality of ceramic wires claim 1 , or some combination thereof.6. The structural panel of claim 1 , wherein the wire mesh is formed of a plurality of wires of a first gauge claim 1 , and at least one second wire of a second gauge claim 1 , which second gauge is different from the first gauge.7. The structural panel of claim 1 , wherein ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Reinforced Composite Materials For Use In The Manufacture Moulds And The Use Of Such Moulds

Номер: US20160031183A1

The present disclosure relates to the preparation of composite moulds and methods of preparing the same, wherein the composite moulds may be prepared exclusive or inclusive of a plug. Certain composites comprise a substrate, a structural laminate, and a syntactic foam moulding product. 120-. (canceled)21. A moulded composite capable of producing 20 to 1000 parts , wherein the moulded composite comprises:i) a substrate;ii) a fibre reinforced structural laminate comprising a first plurality of reinforcing fibres;iii) a syntactic foam moulding product comprising a plurality of treated reinforcing microfibres; andiv) optionally a tooling gel coat.22. The moulded composite of claim 21 , wherein said syntactic foam moulding product provides:i) rigidity to the composite mould;ii) a durable and machineable moulding surface to the composite mould; oriii) rigidity and a durable and machineable moulding surface to the composite mould.23. The moulded composite of claim 21 , wherein the substrate comprises:i) a structural substrate, comprising: a solid substrate; a wooden substrate; a plywood substrate; a particle board substrate; a MDF substrate; a composite material; a structural fibre board; a polymer concrete substrate; a concrete substrate; a fibreglass substrate; a polymer composite substrate; or a plastic composite substrate;ii) a non-structural substrate, comprising: a foam substrate; a plastic foam, meshing, or fabric; a sealed polystyrene foam substrate; a polyurethane foam substrate; or a rigid plastic foam substrate;iii) a machined substrate, a CNC machined substrate, a fabricated substrate, and/or a sealed substrate; and/oriv) combinations thereof.24. The moulded composite of claim 21 , wherein the substrate is sealed with a foam sealer product.25. The moulded composite of claim 24 , wherein the foam sealer product comprises:i) a sprayable and/or rollable water based sealer formulated from polyvinyl alcohol;ii) a sealer made from a low viscosity sprayable and/or ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029686A1

A composite material that includes a layer of reinforcing fibres impregnated with a curable resin matrix and a plurality of electrically conductive composite particles positioned adjacent or in proximity to the reinforcing fibres. Each of the electrically conductive composite particles is composed of a conductive component and a polymeric component, wherein the polymeric component includes one or more polymers that are initially in a solid phase and are substantially insoluble in the curable resin, but is able to undergo at least partial phase transition to a fluid phase during a curing cycle of the composite material. 1. A curable composite material comprising:i) at least one structural layer of reinforcing fibres impregnated with a curable resin matrix; and{'sub': 'g', 'ii) at least one electrically conductive composite particle adjacent or in proximity to said reinforcing fibres, said conductive composite particle comprising a conductive component and a polymeric component, wherein the polymeric component of the conductive composite particle comprises one or more thermoplastic polymers that are initially in a solid phase and substantially insoluble in the curable resin matrix prior to curing of the composite material, but is able to undergo at least partial phase transition to a fluid phase by dissolving in the resin matrix during a curing cycle of the composite material, and wherein the one or more thermoplastic polymers has/have a glass transition temperature (T) of greater than 200° C.'}2. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein said curable resin matrix is a thermoset composition in which at least 50% of the polymeric component of the conductive composite particle is soluble in the resin matrix during curing of the composite material claim 1 , and wherein the phase transition to the fluid phase occurs by dissolution of the polymeric component in the resin matrix.3. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the conductive component of each electrically ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048815A1

Thermally insulating fabric comprising a textile fabric layer which comprises fumed silica powder of average pore size 50 to 200 nm in an amount range of 1 to 70% w. 1. A thermally insulating fabric comprising a textile fabric layer which comprises fumed silica powder of average pore size 50 to 200 nm in an amount range of 1 to 70% w.2. Thermally insulating fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the average pore size of the fumed silica is between 50 and 100 nm claim 1 , preferably between 50 and 70 nm.3. Thermally insulating fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of fumed silica ranges from 15 to 50% w claim 1 , preferably from 40 to 50% w.4. Thermally insulating fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the fumed silica is a hydrophobic fumed silica.5. Thermally insulating fabric according to claim 4 , wherein the hydrophobic fumed silica has a silane content of 1 to 5% w claim 4 , preferably 1 to 3% w claim 4 , the % w based upon the total weight of the fumed silica powder.6. Thermally insulating fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the textile fabric layer contains infrared opacifiers in an amount of up to 20% w claim 1 , preferably up to 10% w claim 1 , most preferably in the range 3 to 7% w claim 1 , the % w based upon the weight of the fumed silica present.7. Thermally insulating fabric according to claim 6 , wherein the infrared opacifier is selected from the group consisting of carbon black claim 6 , silicon carbide claim 6 , iron oxide and magnetite powders.8. Thermally insulating fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the textile fabric layer has a thickness in the range 5 to 40 mm claim 1 , preferably 5 to 20 mm claim 1 , most preferably about 10 mm.9. Thermally insulating fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the textile fabric layer prior to the addition of fumed silica has a density in the range of 100 to 180 kg/m3 claim 1 , preferably 110 to 150 kg/m3 claim 1 , most preferably 110 to 130 kg/m3.10. Thermally insulating fabric according to claim 1 ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031569A1
Автор: STEIBEL James Dale

A ceramic matrix composite article includes a melt infiltration ceramic matrix composite substrate comprising a ceramic fiber reinforcement material in a ceramic matrix material having a first free silicon proportion, and a melt infiltration ceramic matrix composite outer layer comprising a ceramic fiber reinforcement material in a ceramic matrix material having a second free silicon proportion disposed on an outer surface of at least a portion of the substrate, or a polymer impregnation and pyrolysis ceramic matrix composite outer layer comprising a ceramic fiber reinforcement material in a ceramic matrix material having a second free silicon proportion disposed on an outer surface of at least a portion of the substrate. The second free silicon proportion is less than the first free silicon proportion. 1. A ceramic matrix composite article , comprising:a melt infiltration ceramic matrix composite substrate comprising a ceramic fiber reinforcement material in a ceramic matrix material having a first free silicon proportion; anda melt infiltration ceramic matrix composite outer layer comprising a ceramic fiber reinforcement material in a ceramic matrix material having a second free silicon proportion disposed on an outer surface of at least a portion of said substrate, or a polymer impregnation and pyrolysis ceramic matrix composite outer layer comprising a ceramic fiber reinforcement material in a ceramic matrix material having a second free silicon proportion disposed on an outer surface of at least a portion of said substrate; andwherein said second free silicon proportion being less than said first free silicon proportion.2. The ceramic matrix composite article of claim 1 , wherein said substrate comprises generally silicon carbide and free silicon claim 1 , and said outer layer comprises generally pure silicon carbide.3. The ceramic matrix composite article of claim 1 , wherein said substrate comprises generally silicon carbide and free silicon claim 1 , and ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049541A1
Автор: Kim Jungho, TIWARI Ratnesh

A low-cost high-performance Vacuum Insulated Glass is produced with three glass panes and bonding fiber mesh structures embedded between the glass panes. Each mesh structure is configured with elongated bonding fiber elements arranged in a grid configuration. The bonding fiber elements are formed with a fiber core covered with a low melting temperature material. The low melting temperature material melts upon heating and creates numerous vacuum sealed cells between the glass panes. The fiber core does not melt, and remains intact bonded to the glass panes, thus creating a support mechanism for supporting the glass panes at a spaced apart relationship. 1. A low-cost high-performance Vacuum Insulated Glass (VIG) , comprising:at least a first glass pane and at least a second glass pane stacked relative to said at least the first glass pane in spaced apart relationship therewith, thus defining a gap therebetween,a first bonding mechanism disposed in said gap defined between said at least first and second glass panes, anda first support mechanism disposed in said gap between said at least first and second glass panes,wherein said first bonding mechanism includes at least a first plurality and at least a second plurality of elongated bonding elements extending in crossing relationship substantially continuously within said gap between said at least first and second glass panes, thus forming at least a first mesh structure embedded in said at least one gap and bonding said at least first and second glass panes together along said elongated bonding elements; anda plurality of vacuum sealed cells defined between said at least first and second glass panes by said first mesh structure, each vacuum sealed cell being sealed along a periphery thereof by respective portions of said at least first and second elongated bonding elements crossing each other at respective crossing points.2. The Vacuum Insulated Glass of claim 1 , wherein said at least first mesh structure further ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031091A1

Certain embodiments described herein are directed to composite materials effective for use in deep draw processes. In some examples, the composites can be used to provide vehicle panels such as, for example, vehicle underbody panels. In some configurations, the composite comprises a fiber reinforced polymer core and a skin material disposed on at least some portion of the fiber reinforced polymer core, in which the skin material comprises a basis weight of at least 65 g/m2 and an elongation at break of at least 20%. 170-. (canceled)71. A method comprising:adding reinforcing fibers and a polymer resin to an agitated liquid-containing foam to form a dispersed mixture of polymer resin and reinforcing fibers;depositing the dispersed mixture of reinforcing fibers and polymer resin onto a forming support element;evacuating the liquid to form a web;heating the web above the softening temperature of the polymer resin;compressing the web to a predetermined thickness to form the polymer material;disposing a skin material on the compressed web to provide a composite material, in which the skin material comprises a basis weight of at least 65 g/m2 and an elongation at break of at least 20%; anddeep drawing the composite material to comprise an area with a depth of least 5 cm without breakthrough of the composite material.7275-. (canceled)76. The method of claim 71 , in which the compressed web comprises a porosity of greater than 0% to about 95% by volume of the polymer core.77. The method of claim 71 , in which the skin material is disposed on an entire planar surface of the compressed web.78. The method of claim 71 , in which the skin material is disposed as a strip on a surface of the compressed web.79. The method of claim 71 , in which the deep drawn composite material is constructed and arranged as a vehicular panel.80. The method of claim 71 , wherein the deep drawn composite material is constructed and arranged as a vehicular underbody panel.81. The method of claim 71 , ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Laminates that consist of metal and a polymer intermediate layer made of thermoplastic polyurethane

Номер: US20220055345A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

Described herein is a laminate including at least one first layer of at least one first metal and at least one further layer of a polymer composition (PC). Also described herein is a process for producing the laminate.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040574A1
Принадлежит: EnviroBuilt Holdings, LLC

Reinforced concrete structures and assemblies, building systems, and methods of fabrication. 1. An insulated reinforced concrete wall panel , comprising:an outer skin coating comprised of at least one of an acrylic resin, ceramic, and titanium;a concrete panel;a mesh mat;at least two fusion bars, each comprising a steel member at least 20″ in length, wherein each fusion bar is disposed within the insulated reinforced concrete wall panel at about 2′ on center intervals;a rebar rod;a wall panel weld plate;a foam panel; andan interior skin.2. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the outer skin coating further comprises a hydrophobic element.3. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the outer skin coating is applied to the concrete panel by one or more of painting claim 1 , rolling claim 1 , and spraying.4. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the outer skin coating is 10 to 16 millimeters thick.5. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the outer skin coating further comprises an acrylic architectural coating formulated with microscopic ceramic spheres.6. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the outer skin coating is mildew and algae resistant.7. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the concrete panel is aerated.8. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the concrete panel is fabricated by pumping concrete into a form.9. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the mesh mat further comprises cold-drawn or cold-rolled wire welded together a grid pattern.10. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the mesh mat further comprises welded rebar.11. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the mesh mat further comprises basalt fiber.12. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the mesh mat further comprises steel.13. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the mesh mat further ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Composite Foam Article

Номер: US20220063239A1
Принадлежит: Proprietect LP

A composite foam article is disclosed herein. The composite foam article comprises a polyurethane foam core presenting a first surface and a second surface facing opposite the first surface. A first skin is disposed on the first surface and a second skin is disposed on the second surface. The first and second skins comprise a plurality of fibers and a polymeric binder. The composite foam article also comprises at least one supplemental layer comprising an ethylene and acrylic acid copolymer dispersed in and/or disposed between any of said aforementioned skins and core.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063240A1

A composite comprising a non-fibrous organic polymer aerogel layer having a first surface and an opposing second surface and a support layer having a first surface and an opposing second surface is disclosed. An interface can be formed between a portion of the first surface of the aerogel layer and a portion of the second surface of the support layer such that the aerogel and support layers are attached to one another. A majority of the volume of the aerogel layer does not have to include the support layer. The composite can have a thickness of 3 mils to 16 mils.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052229A1

The present invention provides a tape with a given width, said tape being composed of an assembly of filaments extending in a direction substantially parallel to the length of the tape, and between which a powder of a polymeric material is distributed, each face of said tape being associated with a nonwoven of polymeric fibers. 1. A veiled tape that is resistant to delamination , said veiled tape comprising:a) a tape having an outer surface that is formed by a top side, bottom side, left edge and right edge, said tape having a thickness between said top side and bottom side, a width between said left edge and said right edge and an inside that is bounded by the top side, bottom side, left edge and right edge of said tape, said tape comprising reinforcing filaments extending in a direction substantially parallel to the length of the tape and inter-filament spaces located in the inside of said tape;b) a powder comprising particles that comprise a polymeric material, wherein said particles have particle sizes that are sufficiently small so that a portion of said particles is located in said inter-filament spaces such that at least 30% by weight of said particles are not in contact with the outer surface of said tape;c) a first nonwoven comprising polymeric fibers, said first nonwoven being bonded to the top side of said calibrated powdered tape; andd) a second nonwoven comprising polymeric fibers, said second nonwoven being bonded to the bottom side of said calibrated powdered tape to form said veiled tape that is resistant to delamination.2. A veiled tape according to wherein the weight of the powder represents 0.5% to 8% of the total weight of the veiled tape.3. A veiled tape according to wherein the total weight of said first and second nonwovens represents less than 15% of the total weight of the veiled tape.4. A veiled tape according to wherein said first nonwoven has a width and second nonwoven has a width and wherein the widths of said first and second nonwovens ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

In-mould-foaming process using a foamable medium with outer layers, and plastics moulding obtainable therefrom

Номер: US20140134422A1
Принадлежит: Evonik Industries AG

The use of a solid, foamable plastic, for example poly(meth)acrylimide (PMI), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyurethane (PU) or poly(meth)acrylate (PMMA), permits the production of a plastics foam composite moulding which is in essence homogeneous and which, in the course of the foaming process at about 200 degrees Celsius, forms a stable mechanical bond with an outer layer or a plurality of outer layers or with a plurality of identical or different outer layers.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Filtration media, filter packs, and filter elements with protrusions

Номер: US20180056226A1
Принадлежит: Donaldson Co Inc

Pleated filtration media, filtration media packs, and filtration elements containing projections are disclosed. The pleated filtration media includes projections on at least one surface, the projections configured to engage adjacent media sheets so as to reduce masking of the media. The pleated media and media pleat packs contain protrusions on the surface of the media. These protrusions are three dimensional structures that are on the surface of the media and are provided by forming the protrusion directly in the filtration media or applying structures, such as adhesive beads, or onto one or both faces of the media. Elongation of the adhesive bead can facilitate greater separation of the adjacent faces of pleated media if desired. These protrusions, also referred to herein as projections or dimples, can either contact each other or contact flat media and keep adjacent media faces from becoming in intimate contact with each other.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Composite Components Having Piezoelectric Fibers

Номер: US20210062717A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Composite components and methods for forming composite components are provided. For example, a composite component of a gas turbine engine comprises a composite material, a plurality of piezoelectric fibers, and an anti-icing mechanism. The anti-icing mechanism is in operative communication with the piezoelectric fibers such that the anti-icing mechanism is activated by one or more electrical signals from the piezoelectric fibers. In exemplary embodiments, the composite component is a composite airfoil and the anti-icing mechanism is one or more heating elements. Methods for forming composite components may comprise forming piezoelectric plies comprising piezoelectric fibers embedded in a matrix material; forming reinforcing plies comprising reinforcing fibers embedded in the matrix material; laying up the piezoelectric and reinforcing plies to form a ply layup; and processing the ply layup to form the composite component. Methods including forming a piece of piezoelectric material that is adhered to a composite component also are provided.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081044A1

A thermoplastic composite article comprising a porous core layer comprising a plurality of reinforcing fibers, a lofting agent and a thermoplastic material is provided. In certain instances, the article further comprises a skin layer disposed on the core layer and an adhesive layer between the core layer and the skin layer. In some configurations, the adhesive layer comprises a thermoplastic polymer and an effective amount of a thermosetting material to provide a post-molding peel strength between the skin layer and the post lofted core layer of at least 0.5 N/cm (in either or both of the machine direction or cross direction) as tested by DIN 53357 A dated Oct. 1, 1982. 170-. (canceled)72. The method of claim 71 , further comprising compressing the composite article to a predetermined thickness prior to lofting of the core layer.73. The method of claim 71 , further comprising crosslinking the thermosetting material of the adhesive layer.74. The method of claim 71 , further comprising disposing the adhesive layer by co-spraying the thermoplastic polymer of the adhesive layer and the thermosetting material of the adhesive layer onto the heated web.75. The method of claim 74 , further comprising crosslinking the thermosetting material of the co-sprayed adhesive layer.76. The method of claim 71 , further comprising blending the thermoplastic polymer of the adhesive layer and the thermosetting material of the adhesive layer prior to disposing the adhesive layer on the core layer.77. The method of claim 76 , further comprising crosslinking the disposed adhesive layer comprising the adhesive blend.78. The method of claim 76 , further comprising rolling the adhesive blend onto the core layer to provide the adhesive layer.79. The method of claim 78 , further comprising crosslinking the adhesive blend of the rolled adhesive layer.80. The method of claim 71 , further comprising disposing a second adhesive layer on a second surface of the core layer claim 71 , and disposing a ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Sound-absorbing membrane, sound absorbing material, and methods of manufacture thereof

Номер: US20190062991A1
Принадлежит: Nagoya Oil Chemical Co Ltd

Provided are a sound-absorbing membrane, a sound-absorbing material, and methods of manufacture therefor that can provide suitable sound absorbing performance, suppressed deterioration in appearance quality, and easy production. A sound-absorbing membrane 10 includes: a base sheet 11 made of a nonwoven fabric having a airflow resistance of 0.01 to 0.1 kPa·s/m; and a resin film 12 covering one surface of the base sheet, the resin film 12 made of a thermosetting resin in a semi-cured state. Fillers 13 made of powder having an average particle diameter of 1 to 100 μm are dispersed in the resin film 12. The sound-absorbing membrane 10 has a whole airflow resistance of 0.2 to 5.0 kPa·s/m. A sound-absorbing material 20 includes a sound absorbing base sheet 21 made of a porous material, and the sound-absorbing membrane 10 laminated on one surface or both surfaces of the sound absorbing base sheet 21 such that the resin film 12 faces the sound absorbing base sheet 21, the sound-absorbing material 20 has a predetermined shape.

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066222A1

A composite has a) a PMC layer, and b) a tile layer comprising a plurality of Ox/Ox CMC tiles each has: i) a central portion, ii) an outer portion disposed surrounding the central portion, the bottom surface of the outer portion is disposed flush with the bottom surface of the central portion, the tile layer forms a smooth continuous top surface and a smooth continuous bottom surface, and the tiles are disposed with respect to one another such that each tile is inverted with respect to an adjoining tile, and iii) one or more overlap joints formed by the overlapping of the outer portions of adjoining tiles, so that hot gases entering the smooth top surface of the tile layer between abutting outer and central periphery segments must travel laterally between the overlapping outer portions of adjoining tiles to reach the top surface of the PMC layer. 1. A composite comprising:a) a PMC layer; and i) a central portion comprising a bottom surface, a top surface, and one or more central portion periphery segments;', 'ii) an outer portion disposed surrounding the central portion, the outer portion comprising a bottom surface and one or more outer portion periphery segments;', 'wherein the bottom surface of the outer portion is disposed flush with the bottom surface of the central portion;', 'wherein each central portion periphery segment abuts or is in very close proximity to an outer portion periphery segment, and each outer portion periphery segment abuts or is in very close proximity to either a central portion periphery segment or to an outer portion. periphery segment, such that the tile layer forms a smooth continuous top surface and a smooth continuous bottom surface; and', 'wherein the one or more tiles are disposed with respect to one another such that each tile is inverted with respect to an adjoining tile; and', 'iii) one or more overlap joints formed by the overlapping of the outer portion of a tile and the outer portion of an adjoining tile, so that hot gases ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Fiber-reinforced polyamide resin base, method for producing same, molded article containing same, and composite molded article

Номер: US20190071549A1

A fiber-reinforced polyamide resin base material comprises continuous reinforcing fibers, or comprises a reinforcing fiber base material in which discontinuous reinforcing fibers are dispersed, impregnated with a polyamide resin. In the polyamide resin, at least part of the polymer constituting the polyamide resin is an end-modified polyamide resin having, at an end group of the polymer, a structure constituted by a structural unit different from a repeating structural unit constituting the backbone of the polymer. A fiber-reinforced polyamide resin base material having an excellent impregnation property and thermal stability, less void, and excellent surface quality is provided.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099047A1

A high temperature thermal protection systems for rockets, and associated methods, is disclosed. A representative system includes a launch vehicle having a first end and a second end generally opposite the first end. The launch vehicle is elongated along a vehicle axis extending between the first and second ends and carries a propulsion system having at least one nozzle positioned at the second end of the launch vehicle. A thermal protection apparatus positioned around the nozzle is used to provide cooling and/or insulation to the nozzle during the flight of the launch vehicle. The thermal protection apparatus can include multiple fabric layers and an insulation layer stacked and stitched together. The fabric layers can include metal alloy fibers. In representative systems, the thermal protection apparatus can further include provisions for water that saturates the insulation layer to provide further insulating and/or cooling effects. 121-. (canceled)22. A thermal protection apparatus for an aerospace system , the thermal protection apparatus comprising:a first flexible layer;a second flexible layer;a layer of flexible insulation between the first flexible layer and the second flexible layer, wherein at least a portion of the layer of flexible insulation is configured to be at least partially saturated with water; anda water distribution system connected to the layer of flexible insulation and positioned to provide water to the layer of flexible insulation to at least partially saturate the portion of the layer of flexible insulation.23. The thermal protection apparatus of claim 22 , wherein the water distribution system comprises one or more conduits extending into the layer of flexible insulation.24. The thermal protection apparatus of claim 22 , wherein the water distribution system comprises one or more conduits arranged along an edge of the layer of flexible insulation and positioned to provide water to the edge of the layer of flexible insulation.25. The ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180084613A1

Disclosed is the use of a boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) fabric as a skin for protection of nano-carbon heaters used for de-icing aircrafts or other vehicles. This allows the heaters to be resistant to hail, bird, and other mechanical striking damages, and can be applied to parts of aircraft that require acoustic protection. 1. A heating assembly comprising:a boron nitride nanotube fabric;a first adhesive;a heating element, wherein the boron nitride nanotube fabric is attached to the heating element by the first adhesive;a second adhesive; anda glass pre-preg fabric, wherein the glass pre-preg fabric is attached to the heating element by the second adhesive on a side of the heating element opposite the boron nitride nanotube fabric.2. The assembly of and further comprising a skin claim 1 , wherein the skin is attached to the boron nitride nanotube fabric by a third adhesive.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the skin comprises a material selected from the group consisting of a metal claim 2 , an alloy claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the skin comprises a carbon pre-preg fabric.5. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the skin comprises a carbon nanotube pre-preg fabric.6. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the skin comprises a carbon nanotube filled film.7. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is a nano-carbon heater.8. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is a resistive heating element.9. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the boron nitride nanotube fabric is impregnated with a polymer selected from the group consisting of an epoxy claim 1 , a phenolic polymer claim 1 , a bismaleimide claim 1 , and combinations thereof.10. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising one or more additional layers11. The assembly of claim 10 , wherein the one or more additional layers comprise pre-preg fabrics.12. A method for making a heating assembly claim 10 , the method comprising:bonding a boron nitride ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Methods for applying polyurethane coatings to golf balls having a thermoplastic polyurethane cover

Номер: US20190083850A1
Принадлежит: Acushnet Co

Golf balls having covers made of thermoplastic polyurethane compositions are provided. Multi-piece golf balls can be made. Polyurethane primer coatings and polyurethane top-coatings are applied to the thermoplastic polyurethane cover. Different coating methods can be used. Isocyanate-rich and polyol-rich polyurethane coatings can be applied. In one embodiment, the golf ball can be treated with a multi-functional isocyanate prior to applying the coatings. The polyurethane cover composition and surface coatings can further include catalysts, ultraviolet (UV)-light stabilizers, and other additives. Heat is used to cure the coatings. The coating methods have many benefits and the finished balls have good physical properties.

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Method of producing metal matrix composite(MMC) with uniform surface layers

Номер: US20150096708A1
Автор: Richard Adams, Sarly Pino
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of producing a Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) with uniform surface layers is disclosed. First, a low volume fraction compressible discontinuous ceramic fiber paper is set on the base of a mold cavity. Next, an array of reinforcement preform(s) (1×1,2×2, 4×4, 2×8, etc) are set in the mold on top of the ceramic fiber paper. A top layer of ceramic fiber paper is next placed on the array of reinforcement preforms and the mold cover seals the mold. The reinforcement porous preform(s) are held to the center of the mold cavity when the sealed mold compresses the top and bottom layers of ceramic fiber paper. The ceramic fiber paper exerts an equal and opposite force on the reinforcement preform(s) within the closed mold centering the preform(s) within the mold cavity. The mold cavity is next infiltrated under pressure with molten metal allowing for metal to penetrate into any open porosity of the ceramic fiber paper, reinforcement preform(s), and areas within the mold cavity that contain open spaces. Subsequent to molten metal infiltration, the aluminum rich surface layers are equal thickness on both sides of the reinforcement preform(s).

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Hybrid Laminate and Molded Composite Structures

Номер: US20160101543A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A hybrid composite structure includes a molded thermoplastic composite component and a laminate thermoplastic composite component co-welded together. The molded component is reinforced with discontinuous fibers, and the laminate component is reinforced with continuous fibers. 1. A method of making a composite structure , comprising:molding a thermoplastic resin first component reinforced with discontinuous fibers;laying up a thermoplastic resin second component reinforced with substantially continuous fibers; andco-welding the thermoplastic resin first and second components.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein molding the thermoplastic resin first component is performed by compression molding a flowable mixture of a thermoplastic resin and discontinuous claim 1 , randomly oriented fibers.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the compression molding includes:placing a charge of thermoplastic prepreg flakes in a mold,forming a flowable mixture of a resin and fibers by melting the thermoplastic resin in the prepreg flakes, andcompressing the flowable mixture within the mold.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein:the compression molding includes cooling the thermoplastic resin first component after it has been molded, andco-welding the thermoplastic resin first and second components includes heating the thermoplastic resin first and second components to a melt temperature of thermoplastic resin in the thermoplastic resin first and second component.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the co-welding is performed by:assembling the thermoplastic resin first and second components together along faying surfaces of the thermoplastic resin first and second components, andmelting the faying surfaces.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein melting the faying surfaces is performed by placing the assembled thermoplastic resin first and second components in an oven.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:consolidating the thermoplastic resin second component before the co-welding is ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190104612A1
Автор: Amla Tarun

The present disclosure provides a polymer matrix composite, and a laminate, a prepreg and a printed circuit board using the same. The polymer matrix composite includes a polymeric resin and a non-woven reinforcing material having a dielectric constant of from about 1.5 to about 4.8 and a dissipation factor at 10 GHz below 0.003. The printed circuit board uses the laminate including the polymer matrix as a core layer which is sandwiched between at least two outer layers. 1. A polymer matrix composite , comprising:a polymeric resin; anda non-woven reinforcing material having a dielectric constant of from about 1.5 to about 4.8 and a dissipation factor at 10 GHz below 0.003.2. The polymer matrix composite according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one of a woven reinforcing material claim 1 , a micro-sized filler claim 1 , a nano-sized filler claim 1 , an organic chopped fiber claim 1 , an inorganic chopped fiber and a flame retardant.3. The polymer matrix composite according to claim 2 , wherein the flame retardant is a halogen-containing flame retardant.4. The polymer matrix composite according to claim 1 , wherein the non-woven reinforcing material is subjected to a surface enhancement treatment.5. The polymer matrix composite according to claim 1 , wherein the non-woven reinforcing material is polytetrafluoroethylene.6. The polymer matrix composite according to claim 1 , wherein the non-woven reinforcing material comprises a liquid crystal polymer.7. The polymer matrix composite according to claim 1 , wherein the non-woven reinforcing material is quartz.8. The polymer matrix composite according to claim 1 , wherein the non-woven reinforcing material is glass.9. A prepreg comprising a resin portion that is partially cured and impregnated with a non-woven reinforcing material having a dielectric constant of from about 1.5 to about 4.8 and a dissipation factor at 10 GHz below 0.003.10. A printed circuit board claim 1 , comprising:at least two outer layers; ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101689A1

A tubular structure for transporting heat transfer fluid including at least: i) a layer (1) in contact with the fluid including at least one thermoplastic polymer P1 that is semicrystalline with Tm1 greater than or equal to 160° C., as determined according to the standard 1 1357-3 (2013) or amorphous with Tgl greater than or equal to 100° C., as determined according to the standard 1 1357-2 (2013), said layer (1) containing no fibers, ii) a layer (2) including at least: (a) a thermoplastic polymer P2 that is semicrystalline, in particular a polyamide with Tm2 greater than or equal to 170° C. or amorphous with Tg2 greater than or equal to 100° C., or a polyolefin with Tm greater than 100° C.; (b) optional continuous fibers, the polymer P2 being identical to P1 or different from P1 in which case the polymers P1 and P2 adhere at least partially to one another. 1. A tubular structure for transporting heat transfer fluid , comprising at least:{'sub': 1', '1, 'claim-text': {'sub': '2', 'ii) a layer (2) comprising at least: a thermoplastic polymer P2 which is semi-crystalline, or which is amorphous with a Tggreater than or equal to 100° C., or a polyolefin with a Tm greater than 100° C.; the polymer P2 being identical to P1 or different than P1, in which case the polymers P1 and P2 adhere at least partially to one another.'}, 'i) a layer (1) in contact with the fluid comprising at least one thermoplastic polymer P1 which is semi-crystalline with a Tmgreater than or equal to 160° C., as determined according to the standard 11357-3 (2013), or which is amorphous with a Tggreater than or equal to 100° C., as determined according to the standard 11357-2 (2013), said layer (1) being devoid of fibers,'}2. The structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said polymer P1 is chosen from polyamides and EVOH.3. The structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said polymer P1 is a semi-crystalline polyamide.4. The structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said polymer P2 is chosen from ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for insulating a pipe

Номер: US20170108158A1

A pipe insulation product including a core of insulating material and a laminate. The core includes a cylindrical outer surface; a cylindrical inner surface; and a wall extending between the cylindrical outer surface and the cylindrical inner surface. The laminate includes a metallized polymeric film sheet layer forming an inner layer, a scrim, a porous media sheet layer, and a polymeric film sheet layer forming an outer exposed layer bonded together via an adhesive. The laminate is coextensive with and bonded to the cylindrical outer surface of the core and the laminate and core are flexible so that the core and laminate can be opened, placed about a pipe, and closed without degrading the laminate.

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106990A1

There is provided a component formed from a plurality of laminates stacked on one another, thereby defining a stacked laminate structure having a leading edge and a trailing edge. Each of the plurality of laminates is formed from a ceramic matrix composite material. In addition, a plurality of interior cooling channels are defined within an interior of the stacked laminate structure and extend longitudinally between the leading edge and the trailing edge. A metal support structure is arranged so as to extend through first openings in the laminates and through the stacked laminate structure. 9. A process for forming a component comprising:about a metal support structure, forming a stacked laminate structure having a plurality of interior cooling channels defined therein from a plurality of first and second laminates, the first and second laminates each comprising a ceramic matrix composite material, the first laminates each further comprising a cooling channel in at least one side thereof, and extending longitudinally between a leading edge and a trailing edge of the first laminates;{'b': 38', '58', '58', '10', '32', '30, 'wherein the metal support structure () is provided via melting and resolidifying successive layers of a metal material (, A) before or after respective laminates (, ) are stacked on one another to form the component ().'}10. (canceled)11. The process of claim 9 , further comprising forming the cooling channel in each of the first laminates by laser cutting the cooling channel in at least one surface thereof.12. The process of claim 9 , wherein the interior cooling channels are formed by stacking a second laminate on a first laminate such that a top portion of the cooling channel of the first laminate is covered by the second laminate claim 9 , and sintering the first and second laminate at a temperature effective to join the first laminate to the second laminate.13. The process of claim 9 , wherein the first laminate is provided with an inlet at or ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Lightweight thermal shield

Номер: US20160116101A1
Принадлежит: Interface Performance Materials Inc

A method of making a lightweight thermal shield that includes obtaining a mold having a shaped support screen with a molding surface configured to allow the passage of air and moisture therethrough, and with the mold being adapted for drawing a vacuum from behind the support screen. The method also includes applying a wet insulation material onto the molding surface of the support screen and drawing a vacuum to withdraw moisture through the support screen and consolidate a layer of insulation material on top the molding surface. The method further includes removing the consolidated layer of insulation material from off the molding surface, installing the consolidated layer of insulation material into an outer shell layer, and drying the consolidated layer of insulation material within the outer shell layer to form a lightweight core insulation layer.

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Ceramic component

Номер: US20220177378A1
Принадлежит: Raytheon Technologies Corp

A ceramic matrix composite includes at least one ply of ceramic fibers and a a ceramic matrix material deposited on the ceramic fibers. A fiber volume fraction is between about 35-45% and an areal weight fibers is between about 150-450 g/m2. A method of fabricating a ceramic matrix composite component is also disclosed.

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle headliner and production method thereof

Номер: US20190111859A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Boshoku Corp

The vehicle headliner includes a base layer, a skin layer disposed on one side of the base layer, and an infrared reflecting layer and a protection layer, in this order, disposed on the other side of the base layer. The base layer contains thermoplastic resin and fiber. The protection layer is a non-stretched resin layer containing a thermoplastic resin having a melting point of 200° C. or more.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210139080A1

Underbody shield materials that can provide an underbody shield with high impact resistance are described. In some configurations, an underbody shield composition comprises a porous core layer comprising a plurality of reinforcing fibers, a lofting agent and a thermoplastic material. In some instances, the underbody shield composition may also comprise a film such that an underbody shield produced from the composition can withstand at least 50 individual impacts as tested using a SAE J400 protocol. 160-. (canceled)61. A method of forming a composite prepreg comprising:combining a thermoplastic polymer, reinforcing fibers and a lofting agent in an aqueous solution;mixing the aqueous solution comprising the thermoplastic polymer, reinforcing fibers and lofting agent to disperse the reinforcing fibers and the lofting agent in the thermoplastic polymer to provide an aqueous foam dispersion;disposing the aqueous foam dispersion onto a forming element;removing liquid from the disposed aqueous foam to provide a web comprising the thermoplastic polymer, the reinforcing fibers and the lofting agent;heating the web above a softening temperature of the thermoplastic polymer of the web; anddisposing a film on a first surface of the web to provide a composite prepreg that can withstand at least 50 individual impacts according to a SAE J400 protocol without damage to the disposed film.62. The method of claim 61 , further comprising compressing the composite prepreg to a predetermined thickness to form a composite article.63. The method of claim 62 , further comprising lofting the composite article to increase the thickness of the composite article.64. The method of claim 61 , further comprising disposing a scrim on a second surface of the web.65. The method of claim 64 , further comprising compressing the composite prepreg to a predetermined thickness to form a composite article.66. The method of claim 61 , further comprising configuring the thermoplastic polymer as a ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210162702A1

A composite material including a plurality of discrete layers layered on top of each other. The composite material may include one or more nonwoven layers, which may be one or more needlepunched layers, one or more spun-bond layers, one or more include one or more fibrous material layers. The composite material may include one or more overmolded features from an injection molding process. The present teachings also contemplate methods of making the composite material. 1. A composite material comprising: one or more nonwoven layers, wherein the one or more nonwoven layers are one or more needlepunched layers, one or more spun-bond layers, one or more melt-blown layers, one or more spun-laced layers, one or more air-laid layers, or a combination thereof, and', 'one or more overmolded features from an injection molding process of overmolding material., 'a plurality of discrete layers layered on top of each other including2. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the composite material includes one or more locally compressed areas to inhibit injection molding materials from reaching the fibrous material layers.3. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the composite material comprises a fibrous material layer sandwiched between two nonwoven layers.4. The composite material of claim 1 , comprising one or more film claim 1 , foil claim 1 , or facing layers.5. The composite material of claim 4 , wherein one or more of the film claim 4 , foil or facing layers has a weight of about 50 grams per square meter or less.6. The composite material of claim 4 , wherein the composite material includes a fibrous material layer sandwiched between a nonwoven layer and a film claim 4 , foil claim 4 , or facing layer.7. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein one or more layers contact the overmolded features claim 1 , and wherein materials forming the one or more layers contacting the overmolded features comprise one or more materials presenting an affinity with the ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123708A1

A reinforced paper includes a nonwoven fibrous mat impregnated with a polyetherimide composition. The nonwoven fibrous mat includes a reinforcing fiber, a high strength toughening fiber, or a combination thereof. The polyetherimide composition includes a polyetherimide having repeating units as defined herein. A method of making a reinforced paper is also disclosed. The method includes contacting at least a portion of a nonwoven fibrous mat with a composition to form a pre-preg, and heating under conditions effective to provide the reinforced paper. Articles including the reinforced paper are also described. 2. The reinforced paper of claim 1 , whereinthe reinforcing fiber comprises carbon fiber, carbon nanotubes, glass fiber, basalt fiber, silicon carbide fiber, tungsten carbide fiber, wollastonite fibers, alumina fibers, aluminium silicate fibers, silica fibers, or a combination thereof; andthe high strength toughening fiber comprises aromatic polyamide, polybenzimidazole, liquid crystal polymer, or a combination thereof.3. The reinforced paper of claim 1 , wherein the fibrous mat further comprisesa thermoplastic fiber comprising a polyetherimide, a polyetherimide sulfone, a polyphenylene sulfide, a polyether ether ketone, a polyphenylene benzobisoxazole, a polytetrafluoroethylene, or a combination thereof; anda binder comprising polycarbonate, polyalkylene terephthalate, polyamide, polypropylene, or a combination thereof.4. The reinforced paper of claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven fibrous mat is a consolidated fibrous mat comprising:3 to 30 weight percent of a reinforcing fiber comprising carbon fiber;5 to 55 weight percent of a high strength toughening fiber comprising an aromatic polyamide;20 to 80 weight percent of a polyetherimide fiber; and0 to 20 weight percent of a binder comprising polycarbonate fiber;wherein weight percent of each component is based on the total weight of the nonwoven fibrous mat.5. The reinforced paper of claim 1 , wherein the reinforced ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160137408A1
Автор: Pherson Thomas R.

Composite panel for air cargo containers including a fire resistant, closed cell foam core, a skin attached to at least one surface of the core formed by fire resistant fibers in a matrix resin, wherein the panel will contain an internal fire with temperatures of up to 1500° F. for a period of at least 4 hours. 1. Composite panel for containers providing resistance to fire emanating from within the interior of the container and comprising:{'sup': 3', '3, 'a foam core made from a fire-resistant, closed cell foam and having a density of between 0.75 lbs/ftand 20.0 lbs/ftand a substantially uniform thickness of at least 0.1 inch; and'}a skin attached to each surface of the core, at least one of the skins is a fire resistant skin formed by fire resistant fibers having a melt temperature of least 1200° F. with fire resistant a matrix resin spread throughout the fibers, the resin composition being such that it does not melt, support flame, or completely degrade in the presence of temperatures up to 1500° F.;wherein the composite panel is of such construction as to be able to block an internal fire with temperatures of up to 1500° F. for a period of at least four hours.2. The composite panel according to wherein the core is formed of foams selected from the group consisting of phenolic claim 1 , carbon claim 1 , ceramic claim 1 , polyimides claim 1 , polysulfides claim 1 , polyketones claim 1 , and mineral based pumice.3. The composite panel according to wherein the foam core density is between 1.9 lbs/ftand 7.4 lbs/ft.4. The composite panel according to wherein the foam core has a substantially uniform thickness between 0.25 inch-2.0 inch.5. The composite panel according to wherein the fire resistant skin is formed from fibers selected from the group consisting of fiberglass claim 1 , basalt claim 1 , aramid claim 1 , carbon claim 1 , ceramic claim 1 , quartz and blends thereof.6. The composite panel according to wherein the matrix resin is selected from the group ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190134937A1

Methods of forming a composite structure include conforming at least one ply of material to a forming surface of a tool having differing features. Apparatuses for forming a composite structure include a forming tool and a material feed assembly configured to hold a supply of material, where the material feed assembly may be configured to pivot the supply of material relative to the forming tool. Composite structures having an at least partially annular shape are formed by an at least partially automated process. 1. A method of forming a composite structure having an at least partially annular shape in an at least partially automated process , the method comprising:applying at least one ply of material on a forming surface of a tool configured to form the composite structure having the at least partially annular shape, wherein fibers in at least one ply of material are offset relative to a side of the at least one ply of material; conforming a first portion of the at least one ply of material to a first radius of curvature to the forming surface of the tool;', 'conforming a middle portion of the at least one ply of material extending between the first portion and a second portion of the at least one ply of material to the forming surface of the tool; and', 'conforming the second portion of the at least one ply of material to a second radius of curvature to the forming surface of the tool, wherein the second radius of curvature is either greater than or lesser than the first radius of curvature; and, 'conforming the at least one ply of material to the forming surface of the tool, comprisingcuring the at least one ply of material to form the composite structure.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein conforming the middle portion of the at least one ply of material comprises extending the middle portion along a portion of the forming surface of the tool that gradually changes from the first radius of curvature to the second radius of curvature.3. The method of claim 1 , ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Fiberglass insulation product

Номер: US20210170715A1

A fibrous insulation product having a plurality of randomly oriented glass fibers and a binder composition that holds the glass fibers together is disclosed. The fibrous insulation product has an R-value in the range of 10 to 54 and, after curing, has a density, when uncompressed, in the range of 0.30 pcf to 2.7 pcf. Furthermore, the fibrous insulation product includes glass fibers that, prior to the application of the binder composition, have an average fiber diameter in the range of 15 HT to 19 HT and a quantity of binder that is in the range of 2% to 10% by weight of the fibrous insulation product. The fibrous insulation product also has an average fiber diameter to density ratio (Fd/D) of less than or equal to 40 and a comfort factor less than or equal to 3.417(Fd/D)+60.

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136765A1

A durable light weight, high temperature acoustic CMC liner system. A thin ceramic matrix composite skin, also referred to as a facesheet, forms an outer layer of a cell in the CMC liner system, forming the boundary with the flow of hot gases in the exhaust. A backplate forms the opposite boundary for the cell. The truss structure is formed between the backplate and the facesheet and provides the cell with strength. When the CMC system replaces the metal liner, the backplate thickness is increased so that it is about the thickness of the liner system that it replaces. The truss structure extends between the backplate and the facesheet, forming channels or volumetric spaces. These channels or volumetric spaces are filled with high temperature air permeable acoustic materials that attenuate sound propagated by cooling air in the acoustic range. 1. A CMC liner system , comprising:a duct;a plurality of cells, each cell further comprising a high temperature structure having a fillable volume within the structure;a material having attenuation capabilities in the acoustic range occupying the fillable volume within the structure, andan attachment device securing each of the plurality of cells to the duct.2. The CMC liner system of wherein the attachment device includes a mechanical fastener system.3. The CMC liner system of wherein the mechanical fastener system includes a bolt and a washer claim 2 , the bolt extending through each cell and the duct.4. The CMC liner system of wherein the attachment device includes a high temperature chemical adhesive system.5. The CMC liner system of wherein a passageway extends between the duct and the plurality of cells claim 1 , the passageway forming a path for cooling air.6. The CMC liner system of further including a first set of apertures in the structure for channeling cooling air from the passageway into cells of the plurality of cells.7. The CMC liner system of including a second set of apertures in the structure for channeling ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Catalytic Converter Substrate

Номер: US20150151290A1

A catalytic converter substrate comprising a plurality of micro-structured hollow ceramic tubes, each tube having an inside surface and an outside surface, the inside surface having openings to micro-channels distributed radially throughout the tube cross-section, the micro-channels extending from the openings in the inside surface towards the outside surface. 1. A catalytic converter substrate comprising a plurality of micro-structured tubes , each tube having an inside surface and an outside surface , wherein:at least one of the inside surface and the outside surface has a plurality of openings to micro-channels; andthe micro-channels extend from said openings in the at least one surface towards the other surface.2. The catalytic converter substrate of claim 1 , wherein the tubes are ceramic tubes.3. The catalytic converter substrate of claim 1 , wherein the micro-channels extend from openings in the inside surface towards the outside surface.4. The catalytic converter substrate of wherein each tube comprises two distinct layers claim 1 , the first layer containing the micro-channels extending from the inside surface and terminating within the tube cross-section and a second solid layer at the outside surface.5. The catalytic converter substrate of any one of wherein the second solid layer has a thickness of up to 70% of the thickness of the wall of the micro-structured tubes.6. The catalytic converter substrate of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises one or more of: cordierite; zirconia; yttrium stabilised zirconia; titania; silicon carbide; clay; alumina; stainless steel claim 1 , FeCr alloys; alloys of iron; alloys of aluminium; or sintered metals.7. The catalytic converter substrate of claim 1 , wherein the GSA is in the range 8 claim 1 ,000 m/mto 15 claim 1 ,000 m/m.8. The catalytic converter substrate of wherein the internal diameter of the micro-structured hollow tubes is from 0.5 to 4 mm.9. The catalytic converter substrate of wherein the wall ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Composite heat and flame barrier

Номер: US20150151510A1
Принадлежит: Albarrie Canada Ltd, Zoltek Companies Inc

A composite flame barrier includes at least two layers of nonwoven flame resistant fibers, and at least one active chemical layer including a heat absorbing intumescent or endothermic compound, the active chemical layer being mechanically bound to and at least partially embedded within the nonwoven fiber layers. The composite flame barrier is particularly useful in applications that require a flexible, extended time fire barrier. Such applications include, for example, fuel line, process pipeline and valve protection when transporting combustible liquids; structural steel fireproofing, electrical cable wrap and fire-rated wall assemblies, especially those requiring two, three and four hour fire-ratings, when tested according to ASTM E-119 or similar testing methods and standards.

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Multi-layer fabric, use thereof and method for producing composites

Номер: US20140227474A1
Автор: Johannes Cramer

This present invention relates to a multilayered fabric consisting of several twin layers, whereby each twin layers is constructed from two layers, namely one layer from structurally arranged reinforcement fibres Vo, Vm and Vu such as for example carbon fibres, and one layer from structurally arranged thermoplastic matrix fibres M1 and M2, such as for example PEEK fibres. Several twin layers are connected with binder fibre B. Additionally the invention comprises use of the multilayer fabric as a semi-finished product and for manufacture of composites plus a process for manufacture of composites using a special multilayered fabric with an “Advanced Synchron Weave” zero crimp fabric structure (FIG. 1 ).

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160160660A1

An assembly for use in a gas turbine engine and method for making the same are described herein. The assembly comprising a CMC component, a metallic component spaced apart from the CMC component, and a spacer. The spacer having a first surface in contact with the CMC and a second surface opposite the first surface in contact with the metallic component, the spacer comprising a CMC substantially free of silicon metal with a porosity of between about 5 percent and about 40 percent by volume to chemically isolate the CMC component from the metallic component. 1. An assembly for use in a gas turbine engine , the assembly comprisinga ceramic matrix composite component,a metallic component spaced apart from the ceramic matrix composite component, anda spacer having a first surface in contact with the ceramic matrix composite and a second surface opposite the first surface in contact with the metallic component, the spacer comprising a ceramic matrix composite substantially free of silicon metal with a porosity of between about 5 percent and about 40 percent by volume to chemically isolate the ceramic matrix composite component from the metallic component.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the metallic component comprises a recess along a surface of the metallic component and the spacer is positioned within the recess of the metallic component.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the metallic component comprises a chemical element that forms a eutectic with silicon.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the spacer is a preform of fibers selected from a group consisting of a silicon carbide-silicon carbide ceramic matrix composite claim 1 , an oxide-oxide ceramic matrix composite claim 1 , a polymer-infiltration-pyrolysis ceramic matrix composite claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the ceramic matrix composite comprises a preform of ceramic fibers and a ceramic layer coating the ceramic fibers.6. The assembly of claim 5 , wherein the ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Syntactic foam

Номер: US20180155519A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Insulation Ltd

A fire resistant syntactic foam material, the material comprising the reaction product of a reaction mixture including a resole cold curing phenolic resin and incorporating a plurality of hollow spheres, the reaction mixture also including a solution of a partial phosphate ester, a low viscosity phosphate plasticiser, a reinforcing filler and a particulate filler.

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190152203A1
Принадлежит: Tipa Corp. Ltd

Disclosed is a biodegradable sheet comprising at least one layer which is a direct contact layer, intended to successfully contact materials, such as liquids, while maintaining the mechanical properties of the sheet and to extend the biodegradable sheet shelf life. The direct contact layer may comprise a hydrophobic polymer selected from poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), Polydioxanone (PDO) polyglycolic acid (PGA), polybutylene succinate (PBS), polybutylene succinate adipate (PBSA), poly lactic acid (PLA), polybutylene adipate terphtalate (PBAT), polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), such as polyhydroxybutyrates (PHB), polyhydroxyvalerates (PHV), and polyhydroxybutyrate-hydroxyvalerate copolymers (PHBV) or any mixture thereof. The biodegradable sheet may further comprise surface treated nanoclay particles, PVOH grafted with a crosslinker and PBS or PBSA The biodegradable sheet may further include at least one metalized, biodegradable, laminate layer. 1. A biodegradable sheet , having at least one layer , wherein the layer comprises a first hydrophobic polymer selected from the group consisting of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) , a polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) and a mixture thereof , and a second hydrophobic polymer selected from the group consisting of polybutylene succinate (PBS) , polybutylene succinate adipate (PBSA) , poly lactic acid (PLA) , polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) , polydioxanone (PDO) , polyglycolic acid (PGA) and any mixture thereof ,wherein the first hydrophobic polymer is present in said at least one layer in an amount of about 20% w/w.2. The biodegradable sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the first hydrophobic polymer is PCL.3. The biodegradable sheet of claim 1 , wherein the second hydrophobic polymer is selected from the group consisting of PLA claim 1 , PBS claim 1 , PBSA and PBAT.4. The biodegradable sheet of claim 1 , wherein the second hydrophobic polymer is a mixture of PBS and PBSA claim 1 , a mixture of PBS ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Storage box having fireproof and heat-insulating functions

Номер: US20210187894A1
Автор: Liu Yuming

The present disclosure relates to the field of storage bags, and discloses a fireproof, explosion-proof and heat-insulating storage bag, including a storage bag body, where the storage bag body is composed of a first fireproof fabric, a heat insulation material, an auxiliary molding material, and a second fireproof fabric. In the present disclosure, different specifications of models are formed by a fireproof and explosion-proof material, the heat insulation material and an auxiliary molding material; a plurality of materials are integrated to achieve fireproof, explosion-proof and heat-insulating functions, so that it is ensured that the product cannot be damaged within a certain period of time when placed on a fire source, and no spontaneous combustion occurs inside the storage bag. The fire source leakage is prevented, the fire source is prevented in the storage bag, and no fire is caused, thereby achieving the fireproof, explosion-proof and heat-insulating functions. 1114567475. A fireproof , explosion-proof and heat-insulating storage bag , comprising a storage bag body () , wherein the storage bag body () is composed of a first fireproof fabric () , a heat insulation material () , an auxiliary molding material () , and a second fireproof fabric (); the first fireproof fabric () and the second fireproof fabric () are each made of one of a silicone rubber-coated glass fiber fabric , a fireproof basalt fiber fabric , a fireproof acrylic cotton fiber fabric , a fireproof Nomex fabric , a fireproof SM fabric , a fireproof blue glass fiber fabric , a fireproof aluminum foil fabric , a fireproof ceramic fabric , a fireproof high silica fabric , a fireproof silicon titanium fabric or another novel fireproof fabric , and the heat insulation material () is made of a glass fiber , asbestos , rock wool , silicate , or another novel heat insulation material , such as aerogel felt or a vacuum board.245672. The fireproof claim 1 , explosion-proof and heat-insulating storage ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Custom Manufactured Fit Pods

Номер: US20210187897A1
Принадлежит: Vicis IP LLC

A microlattice structure may be used for a variety of different applications with a protective helmet assembly. The three-dimensional microlattice layer comprising a plurality of interconnected filaments extending along at least three different directions from a plurality of nodes. The microlattice layer may further comprise at least one material layer extending laterally between and interconnecting at least two or more nodes. The at least one material layer may be configured to transversely and rotationally constrain the nodes to increase the overall compressive strength and stiffness of the microlattice structure. The at least one material layer may comprise a single, continuous layer and/or a plurality of material layer segments. The microlattice layer may comprise a single, continuous layer or a plurality of microlattice layer segments. The microlattice layer may be stacked, the stacked microlattice layers may further comprise one or more material layers and/or one or more impact mitigation layers.

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160167597A1

A fabrication method for fabricating an equipment part for an automotive vehicle. The method includes the following steps. Supplying a sheet comprising ceramic fibers and thermofusible polymer fibers, the melting temperature of the thermofusible polymer being higher than 200° C. Heating the sheet, at a temperature higher than 200° C., so as to melt the thermofusible polymer. Applying a fabric on the sheet, the fabric comprising filament yarns having a core made of polymer presenting a softening point temperature that is higher than or equal to 200° C. And then thermoforming of the fabric and the sheet in a conforming mold. 1. A fabrication method for fabricating an automotive vehicle equipment part , comprising the following steps :supplying a sheet comprising ceramic fibers and thermofusible polymer fibers, the melting temperature of the thermofusible polymer being higher than 200° C.;melting of the thermofusible polymer by heating the sheet at a temperature higher than 200° C.;applying a fabric on the sheet, the fabric comprising filament yarns having a core made of polymer presenting a softening point temperature that is higher than or equal to 200° C.;thermoforming the fabric and the sheet in a conforming mold.2. A fabrication method according to claim 1 , comprising a step of thermal transfer between the sheet and the fabric after the heating of the sheet claim 1 , the thermal transfer thereby enabling the heating of the fabric to a temperature that is higher than or equal to the softening point temperature of the core.3. A fabrication method according to claim 1 , wherein the thermofusible polymer is polyethylene terephthalate (PET).4. A fabrication method according to claim 1 , wherein the filament yarns of the fabric have a core made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET).5. A fabrication method according to claim 1 , wherein the filament yarns of the fabric have a sheath comprising polyvinyl chloride (PVC).6. A fabrication method according to claim 1 , wherein ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Multi-layer insulation with use of polyimide aerogel films

Номер: US20200152166A1
Принадлежит: Arianegroup Gmbh

An insulation material for thermal and/or acoustic insulation. The insulation material comprises a plurality of layered sheets, including one or more flexible polyimide aerogel film/s being at least partially covered with a reflective coating on one or both of its surfaces. A method is provided for thermally and/or acoustically insulating an entity. The method comprises at least partially shielding, covering and/or enveloping the entity with an insulation material comprising comprises a plurality of layered sheets, including one or more flexible polyimide aerogel film/s being at least partially covered with a reflective coating on one or both of its surfaces.

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170166142A1

Disclosed is an insulation fiber composite. In particular, a surface of the insulation fiber composite is substantially improved such that a shape of three dimensions can be maintained as a heat resisting fiber and an insulation material are integrated. The insulation fiber composite of the present invention has excellent formability and surface property and comprises an insulation layer; and a pair of inorganic fiber layers. A first inorganic fiber layer of the pair is stacked on an upper surface of the insulation layer and a second inorganic fiber layer is stacked on a lower surface of the insulation layer, respectively. In particular, each the inorganic fiber layers has a greater planar surface area than a planar surface area of the insulation layer such that the insulation is not exposed to an exterior when the insulation layer and the pair of the inorganic fiber layers are stacked 1. An insulation fiber composite comprising:an insulation layer; anda pair of inorganic fiber layers, a first inorganic fiber layer of the pair being stacked on an upper surface of the insulation layer and a second inorganic fiber layer of the pair being stacked on a lower surface of the insulation layer, respectively,wherein the first inorganic fiber layer and the second inorganic fiber layer each has a greater planar surface area than a planar surface area of the insulation layer such that the insulation is not exposed to an exterior when the insulation layer and the pair of the inorganic fiber layers are stacked;{'sup': '2', 'wherein the insulation fiber composite has a mass per unit ranging from about 300 to about 2,000 g/m.'}2. The insulation fiber composite of claim 1 , wherein the pair of inorganic fiber layers are needle-punched as being stacked on the insulation layer.3. The insulation fiber composite of claim 1 , further comprising an adhesive layer disposed between the insulation layer and each the inorganic fiber layers.4. The insulation fiber composite of claim 3 , ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Sizing composition for wet use chopped strand glass fibers

Номер: US20190161405A1
Автор: Helen Huang, Mohammed Tazi
Принадлежит: OCV Intellectual Capital LLC

A sizing composition including water, a polyvinylpyrrolidone film former, a silane coupling agent, a lubricant, and a surfactant is provided. The polyvinylpyrrolidone film former constitutes from 30 wt. % to 50 wt. % of the dry solids of the sizing composition. Wet use chopped strand glass fibers for use in reinforcing gypsum board are also provided. The wet use chopped strand glass fibers include chopped glass fibers having the sizing composition applied thereto. The sizing composition improves fiber bundle integrity, fiber flow rate, fiber flow rate consistency, and dispersibility of the wet use chopped strand glass fibers in a gypsum matrix or slurry.

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Metallic Attachment System Integrated into a Composite Structure

Номер: US20170167296A1
Автор: RENGGLI Bernard James

The present disclosure is directed to a composite component defining a component aperture extending between a first surface and a second surface. The composite component includes an insert having an insert annular wall positioned in the component aperture. The insert annular wall defines an insert aperture therethrough. An insert flange extends radially outwardly from the insert annular wall and contacts the first surface of the composite component. The insert flange includes a diameter about 1.5 times to about 5 times greater than a smallest diameter of the component aperture defined by the composite component. 1. A composite component defining a component aperture extending between a first surface and a second surface , the composite component comprising an insert , the insert comprising:an insert annular wall positioned in the component aperture, the insert annular wall defining an insert aperture therethrough; andan insert flange extending radially outwardly from the insert annular wall, wherein the insert flange contacts the first surface of the composite component, and wherein the insert flange comprises a diameter about 1.5 times to about 5 times greater than a smallest diameter of the component aperture defined by the composite component.2. The composite component of claim 1 , wherein the insert comprises a metallic superalloy and the composite component comprises a CMC.3. The composite component of claim 1 , wherein the insert is co-cured with the composite component such that the insert flange and a portion of the insert annular wall are bonded to the first surface of the composite component.4. The composite component of claim 1 , wherein the insert flange comprises a diameter about 1.5 times to about 3 times greater than the smallest diameter of the component aperture defined by the composite component.5. The composite component of claim 1 , wherein the first surface of the composite component defines a cavity positioned circumferentially around the ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150174872A1

Disclosed herein are toughened composite materials, and methods for manufacturing thereof. At least one interleaf toughing particle and at least one polymer veil are used to synergistically increase the toughness of a fiber/polymer composite. The at least one interleaf toughening particle and at least one polymer veil can be located in the interlaminar sections of the composite material. 1. A toughened composite material comprising:a first layer comprising a plurality of reinforcing fibers arranged in a fiber configuration and embedded in a polymer matrix; anda second layer contacting and at least partially covering the first layer, the second layer comprising a laminating matrix, wherein the laminating matrix comprises an interlaminar layer and at least one toughening particle embedded in the laminating matrix;wherein the interlaminar layer and the at least one toughening particle are selected in combination to synergistically provide the composite material with improved toughness.2. The toughened composite material of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of reinforcing fibers are selected from carbon fibers claim 1 , glass fibers claim 1 , ceramic fibers claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The toughened composite material of claim 1 , wherein the at least one interlaminar layer comprises a veil.4. The toughened composite material of claim 1 , wherein the at least one interlaminar layer comprises a plurality of polymer fibers oriented in a different direction than a direction of the reinforcing fibers.5. The toughened composite material of claim 1 , wherein the at least one interlaminar layer comprises a plurality of polymer fibers oriented in a generally random direction.6. The toughened composite material of claim 1 , wherein the at least one interlaminar layer comprises a plurality of polymer fibers oriented in a same direction as a direction of the reinforcing fibers.7. The toughened composite material of claim 1 , wherein the at least one interlaminar layer ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Acoustic attenuation panel made of an oxide ceramic composite material with a core made of an electrochemically-converted metal material

Номер: US20180166058A1
Принадлежит: Safran Nacelles SAS

The present disclosure relates to a method for producing an acoustic attenuation panel having two outer skins made from a composite material with a ceramic matrix containing a fibrous reinforcement. The skins are assembled on each side of a central honeycomb core having walls forming acoustic cavities produced by at least partial electrochemical conversion of aluminum into aluminum oxide. The method includes inserting a fugitive filler material into the acoustic cavities, leaving an annular space free in each cavity, on each side against the skin, extending around the cavity, and a step of sintering the composite material, in which the fugitive material is removed and the spaces around the cavities are filled with the composite material.

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170172439A1

Disclosed are various embodiments for electrodes and sensors having nanowires. According to an embodiment as described, a dry sensor is provided. Nanowires, such as silver nanowires, are positioned within a polymer material, such as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) to form an electrode. A conductive element is attached to the electrode during its formation. Example conductive elements include, but are not limited to, a contact or a wire that may be communicatively coupled to medical equipment. 1. A sensor , comprising:a dry electrode comprising a polymer material having a plurality of nanowires dispersed therein; anda conductive element being attached to the electrode.2. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the electrode is configured to measure skin to electrode impedance.3. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein a conductivity of the conductive element is retained during a strain of the sensor from 0% to 50%.4. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the nanowires are silver nanowires.5. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the nanowires are carbon nanotubes.6. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the polymer material comprises a rubber substrate.7. The sensor of claim 6 , wherein the rubber substrate comprises polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS).8. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the conductive element comprises a contact and a wire.9. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the electrode and the conductive element are operatively connected to medical equipment.10. The sensor of claim 9 , wherein the medical equipment is selected from a group consisting of electrocardiogram (ECG) equipment claim 9 , electrocardiography (EKG) equipment claim 9 , electroencephalogram (EEG) equipment claim 9 , electromyogram (EMG) equipment claim 9 , and impedance-measurement equipment.11. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the electrode and the conductive element are communicatively coupled to one of photovoltaic equipment claim 1 , a display device claim 1 , and artificial skin.12. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the electrode and ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200164330A1

Internally reinforced aerogels, articles of manufacture and uses thereof are described. An internally reinforced aerogel includes an aerogel having a support at least partially penetrating the aerogel and having the aerogel penetrating the porous structure of the support. 130-. (canceled)31. A composite comprising:a non-fibrous organic polymer aerogel layer having a first surface and an opposing second surface; anda support layer having a first surface and an opposing second surface,wherein an interface is formed between a portion of the first surface of the aerogel layer and a portion of the second surface of the support layer such that the aerogel and support layers are attached to one another, andwherein a majority of the volume of the aerogel layer does not include the support layer.32. The composite of claim 31 , wherein the support layer is integrated with the aerogel layer such that the support layer adheres to the aerogel layer without the use of an adhesive or binder.33. The composite of claim 31 , wherein the aerogel layer is a polyimide aerogel.34. The composite of claim 31 , wherein the aerogel layer is at most 15 mils thick.35. The composite of claim 31 , wherein the aerogel layer is between 1.5 to 15 mils thick.36. The composite of claim 31 , wherein a ratio of the thickness of the support layer to the aerogel layer is 1:1 to 1:10.37. The composite of claim 31 , wherein a ratio of the thickness of the support layer to the aerogel layer is 1:10 to 1:50.38. The composite of claim 31 , wherein the composite has a flex fatigue of at least 100 claim 31 ,000 cycles to failure.39. The composite of claim 31 , wherein the composite has a tensile strength of at least 15 MPa.40. The composite of claim 31 , wherein the composite is 1.5 to 15 mils thick.41. The composite of claim 31 , wherein the support layer is 1 mil or less in thickness.42. The composite of claim 31 , wherein the support layer is 0.5 and 2 mil thick.43. The composite of claim 31 , wherein the ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160183694A1
Автор: PATEL Biren, PATEL Krunal

The present invention relates to a fire resistant, double knit fabric and methods of manufacturing the same. The fire barrier double knit fabric of the present invention includes a face side having a yard including a fire retardant fiber, and a back side having a yard including a charring yarn. The fabric resistant fabric of the present invention can be made in a stretchable tubular sock that can be used on all mattress widths (one size fits all) or as an open form for upholstering, lamination of mattress ticking. 1. A fire resistant , double knit fabric comprising: (a) a first side comprising a fire retardant (FR) yarn , (b) a second side comprising a char forming yarn , and (c) a middle layer connecting the first and the second sides , the middle layer comprising a middle yarn having at least about 10% charring cellulose fiber or charring wool.2. The fire resistant claim 1 , double knit fabric of claim 1 , wherein the first side comprises the FR yarn wrapped around a structural filament claim 1 , wherein the structural filament yarns include glass claim 1 , metal claim 1 , or ceramic filaments claim 1 , and wherein the structural filaments are about 100 to 700 denier.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The fire resistant claim 1 , double knit fabric of wherein the first side comprises a blend of the FR yarn and a charring yarn.6. The fire resistant claim 1 , double knit fabric of claim 1 , wherein the FR yarn includes inherently flame resistant fibers including modacrylic claim 1 , flame resistant cellulose meta-aramid claim 1 , para-aramid claim 1 , fiberglass claim 1 , melamine claim 1 , polybenzimidazole claim 1 , polybenzoxazole claim 1 , oxidized claim 1 , polyacrylonitrile fiber (OPF) claim 1 , novoloid claim 1 , carbon claim 1 , and combinations thereof.7. The fire resistant claim 1 , double knit fabric of claim 1 , wherein the FR yarn is a blend of OPF and a char forming cellulose fiber.8. The fire resistant claim 1 , double knit fabric of claim 1 , wherein the ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180176989A1

A floor panel assembly includes an insulating layer which protects a sheet heater, first and second structural layers, and a honeycomb layer for support. The floor panel assembly allows for heating of the cabin of an aircraft without mechanical damage to the sheet heater. 1. A floor panel assembly comprising:an insulating layer comprising a material selected from the group consisting of nano alumina and boron nitride nanotubes;a sheet heater, the sheet heater attached to the insulating layer by a first adhesive;a first structural layer attached to the sheet heater opposite the insulating layer by a second adhesive;a honeycomb layer attached to the first structural layer opposite the sheet heater with a third adhesive; anda second structural layer attached to the honeycomb opposite the first structural layer with a fourth adhesive.2. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a skin layer attached to the insulating fabric opposite the sheet heater with a fifth adhesive.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the skin layer is metallic.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the insulating layer is a nano alumina fabric.5. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the insulating layer is a boron nitride nanotube fabric.6. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first structural layer comprises:a first fiberglass pre-impregnated layer attached to the sheet heater opposite the insulating layer with a fourth adhesive;a first carbon fiber pre-impregnated layer attached to the first fiberglass pre-impregnated layer opposite the sheet heater;a second carbon fiber pre-impregnated layer attached to the first carbon fiber pre-impregnated layer opposite the first fiberglass pre-impregnated layer; anda second fiberglass pre-impregnated layer attached to the second carbon fiber pre-impregnated layer opposite the first carbon fiber pre-impregnated layer, and the honeycomb layer.7. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second structural layer comprises:a third fiberglass pre-impregnated layer ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации

Process and Formulation to Join Ceramic Forms While Maintaining Structural and Physical Characteristics Across The Bond Surface

Номер: US20160185935A1

A ceramic bonding material including at least one fibrous material, a flux agent and a thickening agent wherein the ceramic bonding material fired at a set temperature to bond the two adjacent substrate faces. 1. A bonding material comprising:a fibrous material,a fluxing agent; anda thickening agent wherein the fibrous material has a CTE that is substantially similar to the CTE of at least one substrate component that is bonded by the bonding material.2. The bonding material of wherein the fibrous material is a chopped fiber having an average length of from about 1/16th of an inch to about ½ of an inch.3. The bonding material of wherein the fibrous material is selected from fibers of silica (SiO) claim 1 , alumina (AlO) claim 1 , zirconium oxide (ZrO) claim 1 , titanium oxide (TiO) claim 1 , aluminum silicate (Al—Si-oxide) claim 1 , aluminum borosilicate—with or without an alkali metal claim 1 , carbon claim 1 , borosilicate claim 1 , silicon nitride (SiN) or silicon carbide (SiC) and combinations of these fibers.4. The bonding material of wherein the fibrous material is aluminum borosilicate.5. The bonding material of wherein the fibrous material is present in the bonding material before it is cured in an amount ranging from about 50 wt % to about 90 wt %.6. The bonding material of wherein the fluxing agent is sodium carbonate claim 1 , boron carbide claim 1 , lithium metaborate claim 1 , cadmium borate claim 1 , lithium borate claim 1 , silicon boride claim 1 , cadmium borosilicate claim 1 , bismuth oxide claim 1 , lead borosilicate claim 1 , lithium tetraborate claim 1 , cadmium borate claim 1 , cadmium borosilicate or lead borosilicate and combinations thereof.7. The bonding material of wherein the fluxing agent is lithium metaborate.8. The bonding material of wherein the fluxing agent is present in the bonding material before it is cured in an amount ranging from about less than about 0.01 wt % to about 5 wt %.9. The bonding material of wherein the thickening ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Textile material joining techniques

Номер: US20140272246A1
Автор: Andrew Joseph LAZUR
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce Corp

Techniques for joining textile materials are provided. In one non-limiting form, a system includes a woven structure having a first woven layer and at least a first section and a second section. The first section includes a first fringe portion and a first set of fibers, and the second section includes a second fringe portion and a second set of fibers. The fibers of the first and second sets of fibers are configured in the first and second fringe portions to provide an interlocking arrangement between the first and second sections. Further embodiments, forms, features, and aspects shall become apparent from the description and drawings.

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200171784A1

An apparatus includes a first layer including unidirectional first fibers oriented in a first direction and embedded within the first layer, where the first layer has a thickness of less than 25 μm and a second layer bound to the first layer, the second layer including unidirectional second fibers oriented in a second direction and embedded within the second layer, where the first layer has a thickness of less than 25 μm and where the first direction is nonparallel to the second direction. 1. An apparatus comprising:a first layer including unidirectional first fibers oriented in a first direction and embedded within the first layer, wherein the first layer has a thickness of less than 25 μm; anda second layer bound to the first layer, the second layer including unidirectional second fibers oriented in a second direction and embedded within the second layer, wherein the first layer has a thickness of less than 25 μm.wherein the first direction is nonparallel to the second direction.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the direction of the first fibers is substantially perpendicular to the direction of the second fibers.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first fibers and the second fibers have cross-sections that are substantially circular.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein diameters of the first fibers and of the second fibers are less than about 12 μm.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein an average spacing between adjacent unidirectional first fibers is greater than two times the diameter of the first fibers.6. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein an average spacing between adjacent unidirectional first fibers is greater than fives times the diameter of the first fibers.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a third layer bound to the second layer, the third layer including unidirectional third fibers embedded within the third layer, wherein the third layer has a thickness of less than 25 μm and wherein a direction of the third fibers is ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170185108A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

A laminate including a radio wave permeable member having a radio wave permeability; and a heat conducting member having an electromagnetic wave shielding property and/or a rigidity retaining member having an electromagnetic wave shielding property in the thickness direction of the radio wave permeable member; wherein the laminate has a radio wave permeable area solely constituted from the radio wave permeable member as a part of the laminate, and the radio wave permeable area is a thin area; and an integrally molded article using such laminate. 1. A laminate comprising a radio wave permeable member having a radio wave permeability; and a heat conducting member having an electromagnetic wave shielding property and/or a rigidity retaining member having an electromagnetic wave shielding property in the thickness direction of the radio wave permeable member; wherein the laminate has a radio wave permeable area solely constituted from the radio wave permeable member as a part of the laminate , and the radio wave permeable area is a thin area.2. A laminate according to further having a heat conducting area wherein the heat conducting member is exposed claim 1 , and wherein the heat conducting area is a thin area.3. A laminate according to wherein at least one radio wave permeable member is arranged on the side of the design surface in relation to the heat conducting member and/or the rigidity retaining member.4. A laminate according to wherein at least one radio wave permeable member is arranged on the outermost surface on the design surface side.5. A laminate according to wherein the members constituting the laminate are disposed symmetrically in the thickness direction claim 1 , and the heat conducting member is disposed at the center in the thickness direction.6. A laminate according to wherein the radio wave permeable member has an electric field shielding property measured by KEC method of at least 0 dB and less than 20 dB in the frequency band of 1 GHz.7. A ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Preform with Integrated Gap Fillers

Номер: US20170190138A1
Автор: GOERING Jonathan

A three-dimensional gap-filled preform and a method of forming a three-dimensional gap-filled preform. The preforms comprise a base section of all integrally woven layers, a portion of that base separated into three sections, the outer two sections comprising integrally woven layers, and the middle section comprising an integrated gap filler. The integrated gap filler may comprise a center section of one woven layer, independently woven layers, integrally woven layers, or a plurality of layers of warp fibers that are not interwoven with weft fibers. The layers of the integrated gap filler compress or crumple up in the middle section and fill the formed gap or gaps, while the woven layers of the outer sections are folded to form the shape of the preform. 1. A three-dimensional (3D) woven preform having a plurality of woven layers , the woven preform comprising:a base section of the preform comprising integrally woven layers;at least one end portion of the base section of the preform separated into at least three sections comprising:at least one middle section;at least two outer sections comprising integrally woven layers;wherein the at least two outer sections are folded to form a shape of the preform, and the at least one middle section is compressed or crumpled in a gap formed between the at least two outer sections.2. The preform of claim 1 , wherein the at least three sections are formed by cutting the at least one portion of the base.3. The preform of claim 1 , wherein the at least three sections are formed by weaving the at least one end portion of the base.4. The preform of claim 1 , wherein binder picks are used to weave the preform and are omitted at the sides of the at least one end portion of the base enabling a bifurcation to be formed when the separate arms of the preform are folded open.5. The preform of claim 1 , wherein the at least one middle section comprises one or more independently woven layers.6. The preform of claim 1 , wherein the at least one ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Method of making a fiber preform for ceramic matrix composite (cmc) fabrication utilizing a fugitive binder

Номер: US20190185385A1

A method of making a fiber preform for ceramic matrix composite (CMC) fabrication comprises laminating an arrangement of fibers between polymer sheets comprising an organic polymer, which may function as a fugitive binder during fabrication, to form a flexible prepreg sheet. A plurality of the flexible prepreg sheets are laid up in a predetermined geometry to form a stack, and the stack is heated to soften the organic polymer and bond together the flexible prepreg sheets into a bonded prepreg structure. Upon cooling of the bonded prepreg structure, a rigid preform is formed. The rigid preform is heated at a sufficient temperature to pyrolyze the organic polymer. Thus, a porous preform that may undergo further processing into a CMC is formed.

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170191585A1
Автор: Maben Douglas Dean
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

Duct segments that define a channel for conveying a fluid, where the duct wall includes a sheath of reinforcing fabric incorporating multiple reinforcing fibers, and a thermoplastic fused with the sheath of reinforcing fabric. The duct segments may be prepared by wrapping a mandrel configured to define the inner mold line of a desired duct segment with a thermoplastic film, enveloping the wrapped mandrel with a reinforcing sheath incorporating reinforcing fibers; wrapping the enveloped mandrel with another thermoplastic film to form a multilayer duct segment precursor; enclosing the mandrel and multilayer duct segment precursor within an outer mold defining the outer mold line for the desired duct segment; heating the duct segment precursor at a temperature and for a time sufficient to fuse the layers of the multilayer duct segment precursor; and then cooling the resulting duct segment. 1. A method of manufacturing a duct segment , comprising:wrapping a mandrel with a first thermoplastic film, where the mandrel is configured to define an inner mold line for a desired duct segment;enveloping the wrapped mandrel with a reinforcing sheath for the desired duct segment, where the reinforcing sheath incorporates reinforcing fibers;wrapping the enveloped mandrel with a second thermoplastic film to form a multilayer duct segment precursor;enclosing the mandrel and multilayer duct segment precursor within an outer mold configured to define an outer mold line for the duct segment; andheating the enclosed multilayer duct segment precursor at a temperature and for a time sufficient to fuse the layers of the multilayer duct segment precursor; andcooling the resulting duct segment.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising preforming the reinforcing sheath.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein preforming the reinforcing sheath includes weaving the reinforcing fibers to form a woven material claim 2 , and forming the reinforcing sheath from the woven material.4. The method of ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150200442A1

An IHS chassis houses a wireless communications device with an antenna. A IHS chassis wall includes aesthetic fiber layers that are free of a carbon fiber material and that provide both an inner and outer surface of the chassis wall. A plurality of composite fiber layers are located between the aesthetic fiber layers, with each composite fiber layer including a first fiber layer section with a carbon fiber material, and one or more second fiber layer sections that are free of a carbon fiber material and include a non-carbon fiber material that extends between the carbon fiber material in the first fiber layer section. The the one or more second fiber layer sections align to provide one or more wireless transmission windows adjacent the antenna. The carbon fiber material and the non-carbon fiber material may have the same tow size to prevent the appearance of seams. 1. A chassis wall , comprising:a first aesthetic fiber layer that is free of a carbon fiber material and that provides a first surface of a chassis wall;a second aesthetic fiber layer that is free of a carbon fiber material and that provides a second surface of the chassis wall that is opposite the chassis wall from the first surface; and a first fiber layer section that includes a carbon fiber material;', 'one or more second fiber layer sections that are free of a carbon fiber material and that include a non-carbon fiber material that extends between the carbon fiber material in the first fiber layer section;, 'a plurality of composite fiber layers located between the first aesthetic fiber layer and the second aesthetic fiber layer, wherein each of the plurality of composite fiber layers includeswherein the plurality of composite fiber layers are stacked such that each of the one or more second fiber layer sections align to provide one or more wireless transmission windows through the chassis wall.2. The chassis wall of claim 1 , wherein the first fiber layer section includes both the carbon fiber ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Halogen-free low dielectric resin composition, and prepreg, metal-clad laminate, and printed circuit board prepared using the same

Номер: US20200181402A1
Принадлежит: Taiwan Union Technology Corp

A halogen-free low dielectric resin composition is provided. The halogen-free low dielectric resin composition comprises: (A) a resin system, which includes: (a 1 ) a polyphenylene ether resin with unsaturated functional groups, and (a 2 ) a polyfunctional vinyl aromatic copolymer; and (B) an allyl cyclophosphazene compound represented by the following formula (I): in formula (I), t is an integer ranging from 1 to 6, wherein, the polyfunctional vinyl aromatic copolymer (a 2 ) is prepared by copolymerizing one or more divinyl aromatic compounds and one or more monovinyl aromatic compounds.

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150202844A1

The invention relates to a sandwich sheet, in particular for the production of construction components or of vehicle body parts, with metallic cover sheets and with, arranged between the cover sheets, at least one core layer made of polymer and is integrally joined to the cover sheets. The core layer of the sandwich sheet comprises according to the invention a fibre-containing carrier, the fibres of the carrier are surrounded by a polyurethane matrix, in which the polyurethane matrix has been formed from an aqueous, solvent-free polyurethane dispersion, in which the fibres have the form of relatively short fibre pieces with a total fibre length of maximum 50 mm in the polyurethane matrix. The fibres of the carrier are preferably composed of mineral fibres, in particular of ceramic fibres. The sandwich sheet of the invention features an inexpensive, lightweight core layer which extends the range of possible uses of the sandwich sheet. A process is moreover disclosed for the production of this sandwich sheet. 116.-. (canceled)17. A sandwich sheet for use in the production of construction components or vehicle body parts , comprising:a first metallic cover sheet;a second metallic cover sheet spaced apart from said first metallic cover sheet; and a fibre-containing carrier having a plurality of incombustible ceramic fibres integrally disposed therein that each have a maximum length of 50 mm, and', 'a polyurethane matrix surrounding said fibres of said fibre-containing carrier, which polyurethane matrix is formed from an aqueous, solvent-free polyurethane dispersion., 'at least one polymer core layer integrally disposed between and affixed to each of said first and second metallic cover sheets, said core layer including at least,'}18. The sandwich sheet of claim 17 , wherein the polyurethane dispersion comprises blocked isocyanate.19. The sandwich sheet of claim 17 , wherein the fibre-containing carrier is at least one of laid scrim claim 17 , woven fabric claim 17 , or ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Thermoplastic composite pipe with multilayer intermediate lamina

Номер: US20180195646A1
Принадлежит: EVONIK DEGUSSA GmbH

A process for producing a thermoplastic composite pipe, where the process includes: a) providing a tubular liner having a wall containing a thermoplastic polymer A in the region of the outer surface; b) providing a tape containing reinforcing fibres in a matrix containing a thermoplastic polymer B, where polymer A and polymer B are different; c) applying a film or a composite which is produced in d) and is composed of a film and a tape provided in step b) to the tubular liner, with melting of the outer surface of the liner and of the contact surface of the film either beforehand, simultaneously or thereafter, d) applying the tape provided in b) to the outer surface of the film, with melting of the outer surface of the film applied and of the contact surface of the tape either beforehand, simultaneously or thereafter, where the surface of the film which is brought into contact with the liner contains a moulding compound containing polymer A to an extent of at least 30% by weight, and the opposite surface of the film contains a moulding compound containing polymer B to an extent of at least 30% by weight.

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Resin composition, prepreg, and copper clad laminate

Номер: US20190194383A1

A resin composition is provided, which includes 1 part by weight of (a) thermally conductive resin with a biphenyl group, 1.0 to 10.0 parts by weight of (b) polyphenylene oxide, 0.01 to 5.0 parts by weight of (c) hardener, and 0.1 to 5.0 parts by weight of (d) inorganic filler. (d) Inorganic filler is boron nitride, aluminum nitride, silicon nitride, silicon carbide, aluminum oxide, carbon nitride, octahedral carbon, or a combination thereof with a surface modified by iron-containing oxide. (d) Inorganic filler is sheet-shaped or needle-shaped.

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Vacuum thermal insulation material, and home appliance, house wall and transportation equipment provided with same

Номер: US20200191318A1

A vacuum heat insulating material includes a sheath material and a core material that is sealed inside the sheath material in a hermetically sealed decompressed state. The sheath material comprises a gas barrier layer and heat sealing layer. Heat sealing layer contains a heat sealing resin and filler with an aspect ratio exceeding 1. In heat sealing layer, at least some of filler is oriented, with a long-axis direction intersecting with a direction in which heat sealing layer spreads. Accordingly, there is provided a vacuum heat insulating material capable of preventing entry of a gas to the inside and favorably ensuring the hermetically sealed decompressed state on the inside.

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Termination arrangement for an overhead electrical cable

Номер: US20200194989A1
Автор: Douglas A. Pilling
Принадлежит: CTC Global Corp

A termination arrangement for securing an overhead electrical cable to a dead-end structure such as a dead-end tower. The termination arrangement includes a compression sheath structure that is configured to be disposed over the individual composite rods of the strength member. The compression sheath structure mitigates damage to the strength member that may occur when an outer metallic sleeve is compressed around the conductive strands and the conductive strands are compressed against the strength member. The arrangement is particularly useful for securing overhead electrical cables having a composite strength member to a dead-end structure.

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Resin member and method for bonding resin members

Номер: US20160214347A1
Автор: Tsubasa Ono
Принадлежит: Fuji Jukogyo KK

A resin member contains a thermoplastic resin and is bonded to another resin member by ultrasonic welding. The resin member includes: a melting start portion to which contact pressure is applied during the ultrasonic welding; a groove unit that is formed around a periphery of the melting start portion; and at least one wall that is formed so as to cross a direction from the melting start portion toward an outside and partitions the groove unit.

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Prestressed Rod Stiffened Composite Structures

Номер: US20150217535A1
Принадлежит: METNA CO

A structurally efficient rod-stiffened panel incorporating pretressing benefits is provided, the prestress provided by pultruded rod which is already in the system. The pultruded rods being retained in either tension or compression stresses apply prestressing via interfacial behavior. The new system improves the efficiency of structural composites by tailoring the stress system within structure to fully utilize the structural potential of various components, and to avoid premature local failures within composite structures. A method for producing a prestressed rod stiffened composite structure is also provided. 1. A prestressed rod-stiffened composite panel comprisingunidirectional fiber composite elements, generally at least one of cylindrical rods, oval rods and cylindrical tubes;a multiaxial fiber composite constituent comprising skin and stiffeners, where the stiffeners wrap around and bond to said unidirectional composite elements;where the multiaxial fiber composite constituent and the unidirectional fiber composite element are subjected to opposite prestressing forces for improving the structural performance of the rod-stiffened composite panel;wherein said prestressing forces are applied to the unidirectional fiber composite elements using at least one of thermo-mechanical and hydraulic methods, with said forces balanced against reactions applied to temporary external supports before establishing bond between the unidirectional fiber composite elements and the multiaxial fiber composite constituent, followed by establishing said bond and then removal of said temporary external supports in order to balance the prestressing force in the unidirectional fiber composite elements with an opposite prestressing force applied to the multiaxial fiber composite constituent via bond shear stresses.2. The prestressed rod-stiffened composite panel of claim 1 , wherein said multiaxial fiber composite constituent and said unidirectional fiber composite elements are made ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210237396A1

A laminated sheet includes a first porous layer including a plurality of fibers of at least one of inorganic fiber or carbonized fiber; and a second porous layer formed of a plurality of organic fibers, wherein the laminated sheet has a surface density of greater than or equal to 400 g/mand less than or equal to 1550 g/m, wherein the second porous layer is formed of the plurality of organic fibers having a mean diameter of fibers being greater than or equal to 0.5 μm and less than or equal to 14 μm, and wherein, expressing a total volume of solids and voids filling a unit volume of the second porous layer as 100%, a percentage of the solids is greater than or equal to 1.0% and less than or equal to 8.0%. 1. A laminated sheet comprising:a first porous layer including a plurality of fibers of at least one of inorganic fiber or carbonized fiber; anda second porous layer formed of a plurality of organic fibers,{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein the laminated sheet has a surface density of greater than or equal to 400 g/mand less than or equal to 1550 g/m,'}wherein the second porous layer is formed of the plurality of organic fibers having a mean diameter of fibers being greater than or equal to 0.5 μm and less than or equal to 14 μm, andwherein, expressing a total volume of solids and voids filling a unit volume of the second porous layer as 100%, a percentage of the solids is greater than or equal to 1.0% and less than or equal to 8.0%.2. The laminated sheet as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a third porous layer that is arranged on a side of the second porous layer that is opposite to a side thereof on which the first porous layer is arranged,wherein the third porous layer includes a plurality of fibers of at least one of inorganic fiber or carbonized fiber.3. The laminated sheet as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first porous layer has a thickness of greater than or equal to 0.5 mm and less than or equal to 10 mm.4. The laminated sheet as claimed in claim 1 , wherein ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150224739A1

Provided herein are nanofibers, nanofiber mats, and processes for preparing the same. In particular, provided herein are improved nanofibers and nanofiber mats, as well as processes for preparing nanofibers and nanofiber mats, having high performance characteristics. In some instances, such processes involve depositing nanofibers in a distinctly layered structure, which allows nanofibers to retain structural integrity upon post-electrospinning processing, which in turn provides resultant nanofibers with high performance characteristics. 1. A process for preparing a multilayered nanofiber material , the process comprising:a. electrospinning a first nanofiber layer onto a collector, the first nanofiber layer comprising a plurality of first nanofiber segments, the first nanofiber layer being oriented in a first direction, the first direction being an average direction of the first nanofiber segments; andb. electrospinning a second nanofiber layer on top of the first nanofiber layer, the second nanofiber layer comprising a plurality of second nanofiber segments, the second nanofiber layer being oriented in a second direction, the second direction being an average direction of the second nanofiber segments;the first nanofibers and the second nanofibers being the same or different; the first and second directions are oriented at 1-90 degrees to one another; and the deposition of the nanofiber layers producing a nanofiber material with a distinctly layered structure.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein nanofibers of either or both of the first and/or second nanofiber layer(s) comprise (i) polymer; and (ii) metal precursor or nanoparticles; and wherein the nanofiber(s) of the first nanofiber layer are the same or different than the nanofiber(s) of the second nanofiber layer.3. (canceled)4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first and/or second nanofibers are electrospun with a gas stream.5. (canceled)6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first and second directions are ...
