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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

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Применить Всего найдено 5750. Отображено 200.
27-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2434753C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к неслипающейся многослойной эластомерной пленке, а также к способу ее получения. Пленка включает первый хрупкий полимерный пленочный слой, который не может растягиваться до более чем 110% от своего первоначального размера без разрыва или растрескивания, и второй эластомерный полимерный пленочный слой. Первый полимерный слой соединяют с первой поверхностью второго полимерного пленочного слоя. Первый слой представляет собой полистирол, а второй слой выбирают из группы, включающей блок-сополимер стирола и эластомерного полиолефина. Многослойную пленку можно активировать с разрушением первого хрупкого полимерного слоя и с приданием многослойной пленке эластомерности. Пленка может растягиваться до приблизительно 150% от своего первоначального размера и восстанавливаться после растяжения до не более чем 120% от своего первоначального размера. Способ получения указанной пленки включает обеспечение наличия неслипающегося многослойного пленочного слоя и активирование ...

10-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2420407C2

Изобретение относится к волокнистым композиционным материалам. Композитный материал содержит по меньшей мере первый ряд тонких углеродных слоев и второй смежный ряд тонких углеродных слоев. Указанные слои имеют толщину менее 0,06 мм. Причем слои первого ряда ориентированы в первом направлении, а слои второго ряда ориентированы во втором направлении под углом к первому направлению. При этом слои на поверхности раздела между первым и вторым рядом находятся в контакте. Технический результат - увеличение стойкости к расслоению материала. 4 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 19 ил.

20-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2581869C2

Изобретение относится к полиолефиновой мембране, пригодной для использования в гидроизоляционных приложениях. Мембрана включает слой (A) и слой (B), где слой (A) содержит композицию (i), содержащую следующие полимерные компоненты, причем все процентные величины относятся к массе: a) от 10 до 40% пропиленового гомополимера и/или сополимера, содержащего более 85% пропилена и имеющего не растворимую в ксилоле фракцию, составляющую при комнатной температуре более чем 80%; и b) от 60 до 90% одного или нескольких сополимеров α-олефина и этилена, содержащих менее чем 40% этилена и имеющих растворимую в ксилоле фракцию, составляющую при комнатной температуре более чем 70%; причем количества (a) и (b) приведены по отношению к суммарной массе (a) и (b); и слой (B) содержит этиленовый гомополимер и/или сополимер, имеющий плотность от 0,915 до 0,980 г/см; причем указанный слой (B) по меньшей мере частично связан со слоем (A). Мембрана обладает высокой инертностью к агрессивным химическим веществам, ...

20-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2221698C2

Изобретение относится к листовому материалу многоцелевого назначения, который подходит для защиты несущих поверхностей от помещенных на нее различных предметов и веществ, в частности кухонных поверхностей. Листовой материал содержит поглощающий слой с противоположными первой и второй поверхностями. При этом листовой материал также содержит обладающую сопротивлением резанию опорную систему, соприкасающуюся с поглощающим слоем, в котором листовой материал имеет эффективность поглощения, равную не менее чем приблизительно 0,2, и сопротивление разрезанию не менее чем приблизительно 30 кгс/см, при этом обладающая сопротивлением резанию опорная система либо образует непрерывную сеть, либо состоит из массы дискретных элементов, выполненных в поглощающем слое. Также настоящее решение относится к изделию, обладающему поглощающей способностью, сопротивлением резанию и измельчению. Техническим результатом, который достигается указанными признаками, является создание листового материала, обладающего ...

10-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2540615C2

Изобретение относится к отверждаемым футеровкам для канала или трубы, например для ремонта поврежденных труб, таких как подземные канализационные или газовые трубы, и способу футеровки. Футеровка включает трехслойное покрытие из термопластичного полиуретана (ТПУ) на волокнистом мате из нетканого материала. Покрытие из ТПУ содержит барьерный слой, препятствующий миграции стирола из футеровки в среду, применяемую для прижатия футеровки к поврежденной трубе и активации термореактивной смолы. Термореактивная смола превращает футеровку из гибкой в жесткую при отверждении футеровки по месту внутри трубы. Изобретение обеспечивает футеровке высокую устойчивость к пропусканию стирола, благодаря чему стирол не загрязняет воду или пар. 2 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.,5 пр.

10-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2599519C2

Целью настоящего изобретения является предложение листа для покрытия стен в сейсмостойком сооружении, способного подавлять повреждение обоев, даже то повреждение, которое вызвано вибрацией при землетрясении. Этот лист является слоистой структурой, полученной путем укладки слоя смолы, включающего по меньшей мере слой пеносмолы на волокнистом материале основы, и согласно способу, описанному в JIS K7128-3, предназначенному для определения прочности листов на разрыв, в котором смещение из первой точки максимума прочности на разрыв в направлении по ширине, измеренной при скорости растяжения 3 мм/мин и при расстоянии между захватами 800 мм при способе определения прочности на разрыв, описанном в JIS K7128-3, до второй точки максимума составляет от 1 до 5 мм. Такой лист может подавлять повреждения даже будучи подвержен вибрации, ожидаемой в сейсмостойких сооружениях, и обладает прочностью на разрыв, требующейся для листа для покрытия стен сейсмостойких сооружений, который должен приклеиваться ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2483930C2

Изобретение касается барьерных структур, которые имеют время определения прорыва при проникновении химических соединений более чем приблизительно час для опасных химических соединений, а также изделий, сделанных из таких барьерных структур. Барьерная структура включает фторполимерный слой и полимерный слой. Фторполимерный слой имеет основную поверхность, которая подвергнута обработке коронным разрядом в атмосфере органического газа. Фторполимерный и полимерный слои создают литьем, экструдированием или строганием. Барьерный материал предназначен для создания защитных укрытий, защитной одежды, систем защитных оболочек. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 2 табл., 10 пр.

14-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2635599C2
Принадлежит: БОРЕАЛИС АГ (AT)

Изобретение относится к многослойной полимерной пленке, содержащей два герметизирующих слоя и полиолефиновый базовый слой в следующей последовательности слоев: герметизирующий слой - базовый слой - герметизирующий слой, где герметизирующий слой содержит полипропилен и где герметизирующий слой из полипропилена SL-PP содержит сомономерные единицы, полученные из этилена, в количестве от 0,5 до 25 мас.%, и по меньшей мере одного Cальфа-олефина, в количестве от 0,5 до 4,0 мол.%, и содержание фракции, растворимой в холодном ксилоле XS, составляет от 20 до 60 мас.%, и фракция, растворимая в холодном ксилоле, содержит сомономерные единицы, полученные из этилена, в количестве от 4 до 50 мас.%. Многослойные пленки по изобретению имеют более низкую температуру начала сваривания наряду с улучшенной ударной прочностью и свойствами сопротивления на раздир. 10 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл.

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2519879C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к поддерживающим элементам, таким как ленты или рукава, которые используют в производстве имеющих рисунок, маркированных или текстурированных нетканых изделий. Поддерживающий элемент, такой как лента или рукав, содержит рисунок рельефа поверхности на стороне, соприкасающейся с листом. На верхней поверхности поддерживающего элемента сформированы контактные площадки, соответствующие углубления, сквозные пустоты и/или желобки для создания рисунка рельефа поверхности. Контактные площадки, соответствующие углубления, сквозные пустоты и/или желобки могут быть сформированы гравированием, вырезанием, травлением, тиснением, механическим перфорированием или их комбинацией. Улучшенная лента или рукав придают изготовленному на них нетканому изделию требуемые физические характеристики, такие как объемный вес, внешний вид, текстура, впитывающая способность, прочность и тактильные ощущения. Технический результат заключается в улучшении сцепления волокон, уменьшении выщипывания ...

10-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2357865C2

Изобретение относится к изоляционному материалу, в частности к такому материалу, который используют для изготовления верхней одежды и обуви. Изоляционный слоистый материал содержит слой функциональной ткани, воздухопроницаемый водоотталкивающий изоляционный слой и слой микропористой мембраны с высокой воздухопроницаемостью, имеющий сеть пор. Функциональная ткань, изоляционный слой с высокой воздухопроницаемостью и слой микропористой мембраны соединены между собой путем ламинирования с образованием водонепроницаемого воздухопроницаемого изоляционного слоистого материала. Изобретение обеспечивает создание водонепроницаемого воздухопроницаемого изоляционного материала, который не набухает и имеет достаточную прочность на разрыв, при этом не является слишком жестким и не производит шума. 2 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

25-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2652226C2

Изобретение относится к термопластичным кровельным мембранам и касается многослойной кровельной мембраны. Мембрана содержит первый термопластичный слой и второй термопластичный слой, причем второй слой содержит по меньшей мере два подслоя, которые образованы соэкструзией, при этом по меньшей мере один из указанных слоев содержит расширяемый графит. Изобретение обеспечивает создание кровельной мембраны на основе термопластичных полимеров методом экструзии, обеспечивая возможность термосварки мембран с образованием непрерывной гидроизоляции на поверхности крыши и обладающих стандартом огнестойкости. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

29-05-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018134118A3

01-06-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018134113A3

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017124990A3

26-04-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019125593A3

26-02-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019116156A3

18-02-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017128414A3

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2486058C2

Изобретение относится к легковесным пленкам и касается пленочного материала, имеющего текстильные свойства, способа и устройства для его осуществления. Образован из термопластичного полимерного материала. Обрабатывается таким образом, чтобы иметь линейно проходящие области А, соединенные друг с другом посредством линейно проходящих перемычек В, при этом каждая из областей А и перемычек В является ориентированной, при этом преобладающее направление ориентации в областях А образует угол (v) относительно направления, в котором проходят A, и перемычки В содержат множества прямолинейных бороздок более тонкого материала или щели, образующие углы (u) большие, чем (v), относительно направления, в котором проходят А. Способ включает прохождение ориентированной пленки через пару сцепляющихся рифленых валиков для холодного растягивания пленки в направлении под углом относительно преобладающей первоначальной ориентации, при этом, по меньшей мере, один из рифленых валиков имеет гребни с острыми краями ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2511365C2

Изобретение относится к строительным материалам и касается композитного строительного картона с пластиковым покрытием и способа его изготовления. Композитный строительный картон может включать один или более слоев суспензии с погруженными волокнистыми матами. Внешнее пластиковое покрытие механически прикреплено к нижележащему слою суспензии. Пластиковый слой химически связан и образует поперечные химические связи с полимерными добавками в слое суспензии. Изобретение обеспечивает создание строительного картона с полимерной матрицей, обеспечивающей улучшенную долговечность и нагрузочную способность. 5 н. и 27 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

27-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010120693A

... 1. Многослойная пленка, содержащая термопластичный полимер, где указанная пленка имеет общую толщину от примерно 10 до примерно 50 мкм, и где указанная пленка содержит от примерно 6 до примерно 2000 слоев. ! 2. Многослойная пленка по п.1, где указанная пленка имеет общую толщину от примерно 17 до примерно 30 мкм. ! 3. Многослойная пленка по п.1, где многослойная пленка содержит от примерно 10 до примерно 100 слоев. ! 4. Многослойная пленка по п.1, в которой каждый слой содержит одинаковый термопластичный полимер или смесь полимеров. ! 5. Многослойная пленка по п.1, в которой каждый слой содержит полимер, выбранный из группы, состоящей из полиолефинов, полистирола, сложных полиэфиров, поликарбонатов, полиамидов и их комбинаций. ! 6. Многослойная пленка по п.1, в которой каждый слой содержит полимер, выбранный из группы, состоящей из полиэтилена, полипропилена, полибутадиена, линейного полиэтилена низкой плотности, линейного полиэтилена средней плотности, интерполимера полипропилен-этилен ...

20-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015115633A

... 1. Вспененный многослойный лист, полученный наслаиванием полимерного слоя, включающего по меньшей мере вспененный полимерный слой, на волокнистый основной материал, где смещение от первой точки максимума прочности при растяжении в поперечном направлении до второй точки максимума прочности во вспененном многослойном листе в процессе измерения при растяжении со скоростью 3 мм/мин способом исследования прочности на разрыв листового покрытия, который определен стандартом JIS К7128-3, составляет от 1 до 5 мм.2. Вспененный многослойный лист по п. 1, для которого, кроме того, результат исследования эксплуатационных характеристик обоев с упрочненной поверхностью, полученный способом, определенным Ассоциацией обойной промышленности, соответствует четвертому или более высокому классу.3. Вспененный многослойный лист по п. 1, в котором полимерный слой содержит полимерные компоненты двух или более типов, выбранные из группы, которую составляют полиэтилен, сополимер олефина и винилового эфира карбоновой ...

22-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018134118A

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011123471A

... 1. Барьерная структура, включающая:фторполимерный слой, имеющий основную поверхность, которая подвергнута С-обработке; иполимерный слой, покрывающий основную поверхность фторполимерного слоя;при этом барьерная структура является термосклеиваемой и имеет время определения прорыва при проникновении химических соединений более чем приблизительно один час для опасных химических соединений, при измерении по ASTM F739.2. Барьерная структура по п.1, у которой основной поверхностью является фторполимер, поддающийся С-обработке, включая фторированный этилен-пропилен (FEP), перфторалкокси-модифицированный PTFE, сополимер тетрафторэтилена и перфторпропилвинилового эфира (PFA) или их смеси.3. Барьерная структура по любому из пп.1 и 2, у которой полимерный материал включает поливинилхлорид (PVC).4. Барьерная структура по любому из пп.1 и 2, у которой полимерный материал включает полиуретан.5. Барьерная структура по п.1, дополнительно включающая армирующий слой, расположенный между фторполимерным слоем ...

10-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011103455A

... 1. Пленка, включающая по меньшей мере три слоя, один внутренний слой, смежный с двумя наружными слоями, и в которой по меньшей мере один внутренний слой образован из композиции, включающей полимер на основе этилена с плотностью, большей или равной 0,945 г/см3, или сополимера циклического олефина; и ! в которой каждый наружный слой, независимо, образован из композиции, включающей полимер на основе пропилена; и ! в которой по меньшей мере один внутренний слой имеет толщину, меньшую или равную 25% от общей толщины пленки. ! 2. Пленка по п.1, в которой по меньшей мере один внутренний слой имеет толщину, меньшую или равную 20% от общей толщины пленки. ! 3. Пленка по любому из предшествующих пунктов, в которой по меньшей мере один внутренний слой образован из композиции, включающей полимер на основе этилена с плотностью, большей или равной 0,945 г/см3. ! 4. Пленка по п.3, в которой полимер на основе этилена имеет плотность, большую или равную 0,95 г/см3, предпочтительно большую или равную 0,96 ...

27-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013120421A

... 1. Одноразовое абсорбирующее изделие, содержащее эластичный материал пленки, устойчивый к росту разрыва, при этом эластичный материал пленки характеризуется температурой плавления от приблизительно 10°C до приблизительно 20°C и временем до разрушения большим, чем приблизительно 1 час.2. Одноразовое абсорбирующее изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что пленка содержит стирол-этилен-этилен-пропилен-стирольный блок-сополимер или стирол-этилен-бутилен-стирольный блок-сополимер.3. Одноразовое абсорбирующее изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что пленка характеризуется временем до разрушения большим, чем приблизительно 12 часов.4. Одноразовое абсорбирующее изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что пленка характеризуется временем до разрушения большим, чем приблизительно 24 часа.5. Одноразовое абсорбирующее изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что пленка имеет эффективную среднюю толщину от приблизительно 1 мкм до приблизительно 1 мм.6. Одноразовое абсорбирующее изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что эластичная ...

27-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008118993A

... 1. Упаковочный материал с высокими барьерными свойствами для упаковки продуктов, включающий ! а) по крайней мере, один внешний слой из крафт-бумаги; ! b) соединенный с внешним слоем, по крайней мере, один центральный слой из металлизированного полиэтилентерефталата (PET) с высокими барьерными свойствами; ! c) соединенный с центральным слоем, по крайней мере, один внутренний слой из линейного полиэтилена низкой плотности (LLDPE), при этом продукт контактирует с внутренним слоем. ! 2. Упаковочный материал по п.1, в котором центральный слой включает два слоя металлизированного PET, которые соединены между собой металлическими поверхностями. ! 3. Упаковочный материал по п.2, в котором металлические поверхности соединены между собой при помощи полиуретанового клея. ! 4. Упаковочный материал по п.1, содержащий два внешних слоя из крафт-бумаги. ! 5. Упаковочный материал по п.1, содержащий три внешних слоя из крафт-бумаги. ! 6. Упаковочный материал по п.1, содержащий два центральных слоя из металлизированного ...

27-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011138612A

... 1. Способ получения кольцеобразной многослойной структуры, включающий стадии, на которых:создают поток с многослойным течением термопластических смолообразных материалов, причем поток с многослойным течением включает микрослоистую часть, имеющую по меньшей мере 30 слоев, и по меньшей мере один дополнительный слой на первой и второй стороне микрослоистой части, при этом микрослоистая часть имеет микрослоистую структуру;подают поток с многослойным течением в единичный распределительный канал-коллектор кольцеобразной фильеры;разделяют поток с многослойным течением по меньшей мере на два потока текучей среды, в котором по меньшей мере два потока текучей среды перемещаются в противоположных направлениях вокруг периметра распределительного канала-коллектора с образованием кольцеобразного потока с многослойным течением, один конец одного из потоков текучей среды перекрывается с одним концом еще одного потока текучей среды в области перекрывания, при этом микрослоистая структура сохраняется в области ...

27-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007138488A

... 1. Стерилизуемая многослойная упаковочная пленка, включающая: ! (A) поперечно-сшитый термосвариваемый слой, содержащий сополимер альфа-олефинов С2-3 и С3-20, причем термосвариваемый слой является внешним слоем; ! (B) поперечно-сшитый маслостойкий слой, содержащий, по меньшей мере, один элемент, выбираемый из группы, включающей: ! (i) кристаллический сополимер альфа-олефинов С2-3 и С6-20 с привитым ангидридом плотностью от 0,93 до 0,97 г/см3; ! (ii) кристаллический сополимер С2-3 и бутена плотностью, по меньшей мере, 0,92 г/см3; ! (iii) иономерную смолу; ! (iv) сополимер этилена и ненасыщенной кислоты. ! 2. Стерилизуемая многослойная упаковочная пленка по п.1, дополнительно включающая О2-барьерный слой, при этом маслостойкий слой располагается между термосвариваемым слоем и О2-барьерным слоем. ! 3. Стерилизуемая многослойная упаковочная пленка по п.2, в которой О2-барьерный слой содержит, по меньшей мере, один элемент, выбираемый из группы, состоящей из кристаллического полиамида, аморфного ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014107452A

... 1. Термоусадочная пленка для этикеток, включающая слой пенопласта 10, содержащий полистирол в качестве основного компонента, и пару невспененных слоев 20, прикрепленных плавлением к обеим сторонам слоя 10, где последний 10 и пара невспененных слоев 20 соединены в слоистую структуру путем коэкструзии с получением пленки, имеющей удельный вес ниже 1,0.2. Термоусадочная пленка по п. 1, в которой толщина слоя пенопласта 10 составляет от 60 до 90% общей толщины пленки, а толщина каждого невспененного слоя 20 составляет от 5 до 20% общей толщины пленки.3. Термоусадочная пленка по п. 1, в которой коэффициент вспенивания слоя пенопласта 10 составляет от 5 до 20%.4. Термоусадочная пленка по любому из пп. 1-3, где пленка имеет толщину от 30 до 60 мкм.5. Термоусадочная пленка по п. 4, в которой слой пенопласта 10 содержит от 30 до 95% по весу сополимера стирола и бутадиена и от 5 до 70% по весу полистирола общего назначения, а невспененные слои 20 содержат от 30 до 95% по весу сополимера стирола и ...

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011124025A

... 1. Техническая ткань, лента конвейера или рукав, сформированные спиральной намоткой одной или более полосы полимерного материала, при этом в качестве указанной одной или более полосы полимерного материала используют технический обвязочный материал или ленту.2. Техническая ткань, лента конвейера или рукав по п.1, которые являются основой для использования в формующей ткани, прессовой ткани, сушильной ткани, сушильной ткани для сквозной сушки воздухом (TAD), ткани башмачного пресса, транспортной ткани или ленте каландра, технологической ленте, использующейся в процессах, таких как суховоздушное формирование полотна, мелтблоун (melt blowing), спанбонд (spunbonding) или гидросплетение (hydroentangling), ткани пресса с удлиненной зоной прессования (LNP), ленте гофромашины, безусадочной ленте, дубильной ленте, формующей пульпу ленте или сжимающей пульпу ленте, сушильной ленте двухвальцового пресса (DNT) в машине, смывающей типографскую краску с макулатуры, или ленте, использующейся для обезвоживания ...

27-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007115401A

... 1. Композитный материал, содержащий тонкие слои толщиной менее 0,08 мм.2. Материал по п.1, причем материал включает комбинацию обычных слоев толщиной по меньшей мере 0,12 мм и тонких слоев толщиной менее 0,08 мм.3. Материал по п.1, причем материал включает комбинацию субламинатных модулей из тонких слоев.4. Материал по п.2, причем материал включает субламинатные модули из тонких слоев и субламинатные модули из обычных слоев.5. Материал по п.2, причем материал включает субламинатные модули, имеющие тонкие слои и обычные слои.6. Материал по пп.1-5, причем тонкие слои являются переплетенными или ткаными.7. Материал по пп.1-5, причем материал образован трансферным формованием смолы.8. Материал по пп.1-5, причем тонкие слои комбинируют с адгезивом, чтобы получить упрочненный скрепляющий материал для соединения композитов и/или металлических компонентов со стыковыми соединениями.9. Материал по пп.1-5, причем тонкие слои комбинируют с адгезивом, чтобы получить упрочненный скрепляющий материал ...

11-02-1999 дата публикации

Tent-like construction for e.g. military applications

Номер: DE0019731270A1

A building structure, eg. a tent, has a support structure which holds walls made of a flexible material. The walls are reinforced, at least in part, by means of a bullet-proof layer. The protective layer consists of a number of textile layers made of fibres with a high degree of tear resistance. In one embodiment, the flexible wall material is equipped with pockets (9) in which segments (11) of the bullet-proof layer can be inserted.

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018008585A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Verbundfolie (1), vorzugsweise vorgesehen für den Einsatz in der Bauwirtschaft und/oder vorzugsweise zur Verwendung als Baufolie, mit wenigstens einer Funktionsschicht (2), wenigstens einer äußeren Schutzschicht (3) und wenigstens einer inneren Schutzschicht (4), wobei die Funktionsschicht (2) zwischen der äußeren Schutzschicht (3) und der inneren Schutzschicht (4) angeordnet ist. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass die Funktionsschicht (2) als wenigstens einlagige Membranschicht ausgebildet ist, dass die äußere Schutzschicht (3) als eine Polyolefin aufweisende Vliesschicht und die innere Schutzschicht (4) als eine Polyester aufweisende Vliesschicht ausgebildet sind.

29-11-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002363685B2

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Hoch abriebfestes technisches Klebeband mit doppellagigem Träger

Номер: DE102013108917A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein hoch abriebfestes technisches Klebeband (1), insbesondere ein auf sich selbst zu einer Klebebandrolle aufwickelbares Klebeband (1), vorzugsweise ein Kabelwickelband (1), mit einem bandförmigem doppellagigem Träger (2), der auf einer Seite mit einer druckempfindlichen Klebebeschichtung (3) versehen ist, wobei der Träger (2) eine erste, aus einem Gewebe bestehende textile Schichtlage (4) und eine zweite textile Schichtlage (5) umfasst, die vollfächig durch eine Klebverbindungsschicht (6) fest miteinander verbunden sind. Um zu erreichen, dass ein derartiges Klebeband bei hoher Abriebfestigkeit, insbesondere bei einer Abriebfestigkeit nach Klasse E gemäß LV 312, sowohl manuell, als auch maschinell leicht verarbeitbar ist und eine geringe Dicke aufweist, wird vorgeschlagen, dass die zweite textile Schichtlage (5) aus einem Gewebe besteht, wobei das Gewebe ersten textilen Schichtlage (4) und das Gewebe der zweiten Schichtlage (5) jeweils ein Flächengewicht im Bereich ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Mehrschichtaufbau und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung für ein Einlageblatt sowie ein Einlageblatt und ein Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung und ein Wert- und/oder Sicherheitsdokument

Номер: DE102014110582A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Mehrschichtaufbau für ein Einlageblatt zum Einbinden in ein vorzugsweise buchartiges Sicherheits- und/oder Wertdokument, mit einem Bereich zur Bildung eines Datenblatts (14) und einem Bereich zur Bildung einer Lasche (16), wobei zumindest eine Faserverbundschicht (18) und zumindest eine Schicht (19, 24) aus einem thermoplastischen Polymer vorgesehen ist, die auf zumindest einer Seite der Faserverbundschicht (18) aufgebrachte und im Überdeckungsbereich bezogen auf die Dicke der Schicht (19, 24) zumindest teilweise in die Faserverbundschicht (18) einpenetriert ist.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019115017A1

Ein Gewirke zur Verwendung auf einem Fahrzeugsitz beinhaltet eine Vielzahl von miteinander verbundenen Schlaufen aus Garn, die ein sich wiederholendes Maschenmuster bilden, das eine Vielzahl von quergerichteten Lagen und eine Vielzahl von längsgerichteten Maschenstäben beinhaltet, worin jede Schlaufe der Vielzahl von Schlaufen in einem ersten Verlauf der Vielzahl von Lagen in Kontakt mit einer benachbarten Schlaufe im ersten Verlauf der Vielzahl von Lagen positioniert ist. Das Garn ist ein Flachgarn mit mindestens zwei Lagen, wobei jede Lage eine Lagenverdrehung von mindestens drei Windungen pro Zoll aufweist und das Garn durch eine Gesamtverdrehung von mindestens acht Windungen pro Zoll gekennzeichnet ist. Eine Maschendichte des Gewirkes ist größer als zwölf Stäbchen pro Zoll.

23-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE102008005466A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Vlies wie auch eine Vliesfaser, die eine Polymermischung aufweist, die als Basispolymer ein Polyethylen mit einem MFI zwischen 15 und 35, vorzugsweise zwischen 15 und 20 g/10 min nach ISO 1133 und einer Dichte von 0,935 bis 0,965 g/cm3 nach ASTM D-792 hat und die zumindest als zweites Polymer ein LLDPE mit einer Dichte zwischen 0,85 und 0,900 g/cm3 nach ASTM D-762 aufweist. Des Weiteren werden verschiedene Anwendungen zur Nutzung des Vlieses vorgeschlagen.

08-05-2008 дата публикации

Verbundwerkstoff für Schutzbekleidung

Номер: DE102005018480B4

Verbundwerkstoff für Schutzbekleidung, insbesondere für gegen Durchdringung gesicherte Protektoren, vorzugsweise in Form einer in einem Kleidungsstück anzuordnenden Platte oder in an einen menschlichen Körper angepasster Form, bestehend aus zumindest zwei äußeren Schichten und einer inneren Schicht aus einer Folie, wobei zumindest die erste, dem Körper zugewandte äußere Schicht aus einem elastisch verformbaren Schaumstoff besteht, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die innere Schicht (7) vollflächig mit den beiden äußeren Schichten (3, 4) verklebt ist und eine Shore-Härte (3s) von ≥ 70 und (15s) von ≥ 65 sowie eine Reißfestigkeit von ≥ 25 Mpa, insbesondere ≥ 33 Mpa aufweist.

06-12-2017 дата публикации

Method for the manufacture of a polymer foam composite, polymer foam composites prepared thereby, and articles prepared therefrom

Номер: GB0002551076A

A method for the manufacture of a polymer foam composite includes forming a polymer foam that is at least partially uncured; contacting the formed polymer foam with a fibrous mat including a plurality of nonwoven fibers having an average diameter of 100 um or less under conditions effective to infiltrate a portion of the polymer foam into the mat, to provide a pre-composite; and curing the pre-composite to form the polymer foam composite. The pre-composite includes a polymer foam layer and an intermixed layer including the fibrous mat and the same polymer as the polymer of the polymer foam layer. The polymer foam composite includes a cured polymer foam layer and an intermixed layer integrally bonded to the first layer, wherein the intermixed layer includes the fibrous mat and a cured polymer the same as the polymer of the cured polymer foam layer ...

05-07-2017 дата публикации

A laminate membrane, an implant comprising the laminate membrane and a method of manufacturing the same

Номер: GB0201708025D0

03-01-1996 дата публикации

Thermoplastic composite film intended for packaging

Номер: GB0002290500A

Thermoplastic composite film obtained by extrusion, the substrate of which comprises an ionic polymer of an olefin, which is the major component in molar proportion, and of an unsaturated carboxylic acid, the carboxylic acid groups of which polymer are neutralized by metal ions, and a polyolefin, characterized in that, expressed in cN/ mu m according to the Elmendorf method, the longitudinal tear strength (DL) in the extrusion direction, is at most equal to 0.8 and the transverse tear strength (Dt), perpendicular to the longitudinal direction, is at most equal to 2.0, satisfying a Dt/DL ratio less than 4, in order to obtain an oblique tear strength (DO), in a direction at 45 DEG with respect to the longitudinal and transverse directions, at most equal to 2.5. The suhstrate may consist of a single layer or of at least two layers, namely of the ionic copolymer and of the polyolefin respectively.

06-08-2003 дата публикации

Bond pattern

Номер: GB0002384747A

Bonded composites, and absorbent articles made with such bonded composites. The bonded composite has first and second thin-section elements bonded to each other. The bonds are comprised in an array of separate, distinct, and spaced interlocking arcuate bond elements. Each bond element has spaced first and second ends and corresponding end portions, and an arcuate intermediate portion, at least part of which is disposed toward a respective side edge of the bond pattern. Ends of such bond elements are disposed inwardly of the side edges. A respective bond element can represent a substantial portion of, for example, an ellipse, a circle, or an hyperbola. Intermediate portions of the bond elements can include inflections, and can extend from the first side of the bond pattern to the second side of the bond pattern. Width of the bond pattern can be about 4 to about 14 millimeters, preferably about 5 to about 12 millimeters. Absorbent articles of the present invention can serve a variety of functions ...

11-10-2006 дата публикации

Protective laminate and method for making the same

Номер: GB0002424852A

The present invention is directed to a protective laminate, and more specifically to a durable woven and film protective laminate comprising an adhesive applied with a sputter coat technique and a vapor corrosive inhibitor that helps prevent the oxidation of metal goods and associated alloys during transport and storage.

04-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002051674B
Принадлежит: BRITTON A

30-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002095618B
Принадлежит: GRACE W R & CO

08-02-1984 дата публикации

Measuring Tape

Номер: GB0002123955A

A measuring tape and a method of forming same in which glass yarn is used to form a longitudinal reinforcement layer and give dimensional stability to the tape and natural or artificial fibres in random order are overlaid with respect to the glass yarn layer to give resistance to tearing and maintain flexibility.

16-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001597931A

17-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: GB2580929B
Принадлежит: INNOVIA FILMS LTD, Innovia Films Limited

30-03-2022 дата публикации

Shark resistant composite fabric

Номер: GB0002599248A

The present invention discloses a shark resistant composite fabric that has an outer layer of a woven or knitted shark bite resistant fabric material; an intermediate layer neoprene. An inner layer of a woven or knitted shark bite resistant fabric material may also be provided.

15-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000437986T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000535364T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000533618T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000536251T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000535570T

15-11-2019 дата публикации

Recycle friendly packaging laminate with improved heat resistance during the sealing

Номер: AT0000521168B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein recycelfreundliches Verpackungslaminat mit einer außen liegenden Siegelschicht (2) mit einem Polyethylen-Anteil von zumindest 80 Vol%, mit einer Substratschicht (4) mit einem Polyethylen-Anteil von zumindest 60 Vol% und mit einer Wärmestabilitätsschicht (6), wobei die Wärmestabilitätsschicht (3) außen liegend, gegenüber der Siegelschicht (2) angeordnet ist und die Substratschicht (4) zwischen der Siegelschicht (2) und der Wärmestabilitätsschicht (3) angeordnet ist, wobei die Wärmestabilitätsschicht (3) aus Ethylen- Vinylalkohol-Copolymer hergestellt wird und die Dicke der Wärmestabilitätsschicht (3) bis zu 10% der Gesamtdicke des Verpackungslaminats (1), aber maximal 10 μm, ausmacht.

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000547338T

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507592B1

A wood composite material comprises a wood veneer (3) having a thickness of 0.2-1.5 mm, where the wood veneer is bonded with a tear-resistant film (1) by using an adhesive (2). The tear-resistant film includes cellulose or cellulose fibers with a thickness of 0.01-0.4 mm. Independent claims are also included for: (1) production of wood composite material, which involves bonding wood veneer with the tear-resistant film by using adhesive; and (2) production of a flat or multi-dimensional shape composite material, which involves connecting a wood veneer with a stiff, highly tear-resistant film and forming composite material or lamination of composite material on a carrier.

15-12-2018 дата публикации

Multilayer elastic film

Номер: AT0000517857A3

Die Erfindung betrifft eine mehrschichtige elastische Folie, wobei die Folie eine nicht vorgereckte zumindest dreischichtige coextrudierte Folie ist, deren Schichten jeweils Polyolefine und/oder deren Blends umfassen, sowie die Verwendung dieser Folie zum Umwickeln von Müll oder landwirtschaftlicher Pflanzenprodukte.

15-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000425206T

15-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0001068673A

07-05-2020 дата публикации

A laminate membrane, an implant comprising the laminate membrane and a method of manufacturing the same

Номер: AU2020202567A1
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

A LAMINATE MEMBRANE, AN IMPLANT COMPRISING THE LAMINATE MEMBRANE AND A METHOD OF MANUFACTURING THE SAME There is provided a laminate membrane for an implant. The laminate member comprises an inner layer having an inner layer thickness. A first covering layer is disposed on one side of the inner layer, and the first covering layer has a first 10 covering layer thickness. A second covering layer is disposed on another side of the inner layer, and the second covering layer has a second covering layer thickness. The inner layer comprises, or consists of, a polyurethane and polytetrafluoroethylene composite. At least one of the first 15 covering layer and the second covering layer comprises, or consists of, a hydrophilic material. There is also provided a method of manufacturing a laminate member. The method comprises providing an inner layer, providing a first covering layer on one side of the inner layer, and providing the second 20 covering layer on another side of the inner layer. Fig. I ...

05-12-2019 дата публикации

Sealing web

Номер: AU2018268965A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The invention relates to a multi-layer sealing web (10) for a region of a structure, said sealing web comprising: outer layers (14, 22, 24), which contain a base polymer and a plasticizer; and a combination carrier insert (16), which contains a glass nonwoven (20) and a glass reinforcement (18), the plasticizer being a low-molecular-weight plasticizer, the proportion of which in the outer layers (14, 22, 24) containing the base polymer being between 25 wt% and 40 wt%.

14-08-2001 дата публикации

Papermaking process and paper made therefrom

Номер: AU2001231274A8
Автор: Iwasaki, Sachiko

10-08-2006 дата публикации

Polyethylene pipe patching systems and methods

Номер: AU2006210935A1

30-04-2001 дата публикации

Embossed cling wrap

Номер: AU0007496100A

03-11-2011 дата публикации

Stretchable laminates of nonwoven web(s) and elastic film

Номер: AU2010234425A1

A stretchable laminate, a process of making a stretchable laminate and a disposable absorbent article that includes a stretchable laminate are disclosed. The stretchable laminate includes a nonwoven web and a web of elastomeric material. The nonwoven web includes two layers of spunbond fibers and one layer of meltblown fibers. Some of the meltblown fibers are present in the interstices formed by the spunbond fibers of one of the layers. As a result of activation of the stretchable laminate, the nonwoven web has a Residual Maximum Peak Force of at least 0.3 N/cm.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Branched aliphatic-aromatic polyester blends

Номер: AU2010265952A1

Compositions of PHAs with aromatic/aliphatic polyester are described and methods of making the same.

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Easy-open packages formed from peelable thermoplastic laminates

Номер: AU2010241296B2

Attorney Docket 20756-1 PATENT An easy-open package formed from a peelable thermoplastic laminate and adapted to peel open, whereby the manually tearing the package causes a removable strip to form thereby exposing a product enclosed therein. 107c 107b ...

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Reinforced thin film for flexible packaging

Номер: AU2010291159A1

The invention provides a thermoplastic film comprising: a base film wherein the base film comprises a stretchable polyolefin material comprising one or more layers; and a plurality of extruded fibre elements; wherein the extruded fibre elements are located on at least one surface of the base film; wherein the extruded fibres form one or more protrusions relative to the plane of the base film; wherein at the location where the fibre elements are provided on the base film, a domain of a material mixture comprising the base film material and the fibre material is present between a domain of pure base film material and a domain of pure fibre material, and wherein the average thickness of the base film is less than the average thickness of the protrusion.

11-11-2002 дата публикации

Multilayer polymeric films

Номер: AU2002249461A1

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Breathable composite film

Номер: AU2014334546A1

A composite film comprising one or more barrier film layers, wherein the one or more barrier film layers are liquid impermeable and have a total moisture vapor transfer rate (MVTR) of at least 14.6 g/24hr/m ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации

Burnthrough protection system

Номер: AU2011366859B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A burnthrough protection system including a fire barrier layer, a foam insulation material, and a distinct buffer layer disposed between the fire barrier layer and the foam insulation material, wherein the buffer layer is adapted to prevent adhesion between the fire barrier layer and the foam insulation at elevated temperature. The burnthrough protection system may be capable of passing the flame propagation and burnthrough resistance test protocols of 14 C.F.R. § 25.856(a) and (b), Appendix F, Parts VI and VII. Also, an aircraft including an exterior skin, an interior liner, and the burnthrough protection system disposed between the exterior skin and the interior liner.

21-10-1999 дата публикации

Composite panel

Номер: AU0000711682B2

17-11-2000 дата публикации

Venting tape

Номер: AU0004494100A

10-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002595601A1

26-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002674986C

The present invention relates to a non-combustible, sound-absorbing facing (30) having an air flow resistivity of between 80 and 3,000 Rayls and a weight per unit area of between 20 and 1,000 g/m2 and to a laminate (10) comprising the facing (30) and a substrate (20) wherein superimposing the facing (30) on the substrate (20) forms the laminate (10) having good sound absorbing characteristics.

18-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002757907C

A stretchable laminate, a process of making a stretchable laminate and a disposable absorbent article that includes a stretchable laminate are disclosed. The stretchable laminate includes a nonwoven web and a web of elastomeric material. The nonwoven web includes two layers of spunbond fibers and one layer of meltblown fibers. Some of the meltblown fibers are present in the interstices formed by the spunbond fibers of one of the layers. As a result of activation of the stretchable laminate, the nonwoven web has a Residual Maximum Peak Force of at least 0.3 N/cm.

19-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002767751A1

High barrier multilayer films are disclosed that incorporate a selectively permeable outer layer and a moisture barrier nanocomposite membrane. More particularly, insulation facing materials and insulation articles can incorporate an insulation facing material having a variable vapor barrier. The facing materials can include a moisture barrier membrane that incorporates a nanoclay.

03-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1247999A

IMPROVEMENTS IN OR RELATING TO SHEET MATERIAL A sheet material comprises at least three superposed layers (11, 12, 13, 14) each consisting of a plurality of strands (11a, 12a, 13a, 14a) disposed in a mass of adhesive so that individual strands of each layer adhere to one another and adjacent layers adhere to each other. Strands in adjacent layers are transversely, and preferably perpendicularly, arranged. A preferred adhesive is curable polyvinyl chloride. Strands in non-adjacent layers may be substantially aligned or may be offset. Strands may have a non uniform or uniform spacing and may be of the same or differing decitex. Material is made by embedding strands in adhesive, placing layers so formed together and thereafter curing the adhesive. The material has greater tear strength in at least one direction than conventional plastics coated woven material having the same yarn content.

12-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA1013530A

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Partially crystalline cycloolefin elastomer medical tubing

Номер: US20120003410A1
Автор: Paul D. Tatarka
Принадлежит: Topas Advanced Polymers Inc

Medical tubing made with a partially crystalline, cycloolefin elastomer of norbornene and ethylene typically having at least one glass transition temperature (Tg) in the range of from −10° C. to 15° C. and a crystalline melting temperature in the range of from 60° C. to 125° C. and a % crystallinity by weight in the range of from 5% to 40%.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Cling wrap

Номер: US20120012633A1
Принадлежит: Glad Products Co

A thermoplastic food wrap film including a plurality of parallel ribs formed therein. To produce the film, a thermoplastic web may be directed between opposing first and second rollers having ridges. The formation of the ribs may increase the width of the web. The film may be formed into a roll and inserted into a box having a cutting strip.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Composite sound absorber

Номер: US20120024626A1
Принадлежит: Eman8 Pty Ltd

A sound absorbing material comprising a nonwoven fibrous acoustic insulation material and a flow resistive non-woven facing, wherein the flow resistive nonwoven facing is bonded to the insulation material and has an air flow resistance of from about 600 to about 1800 Rayls and a surface mass of from about 20 to about 150 g/m 2 .

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Fiber-reinforced film processes and films

Номер: US20120064270A1
Принадлежит: PACTIV LLC

A blown-film process for making a fiber-reinforced film comprises providing and melting at least one thermoplastic resin. The at least one thermoplastic resin is extruded through an extension die to form a film bubble. A plurality of fibers is introduced inside of the film bubble. The fibers are distributed inside of the film bubble. The film bubble is collapsed after introducing the plurality of fibers so as to form a fiber-reinforced film. The fiber-reinforced film has a first thermoplastic layer, a second thermoplastic layer, and a plurality of fibers dispersed therebetween. The film may be formed in a bag.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Void-containing heat-shrinkable polyester film and process for production thereof

Номер: US20120100363A1
Принадлежит: Toyobo Co Ltd

Disclosed is a void-containing heat-shrinkable polyester film which is composed of at least two layers, wherein at least one of the layers is a polyester resin layer comprising a cyclic polyolefin resin and containing voids. The film has an apparent specific gravity of less than 1.00 and has specified heat shrinking properties and mechanical properties. Also disclosed is a void-containing heat-shrinkable polyester film as mentioned above, which exhibits specified cuttability along a perforation. Further disclosed is a process for producing a void-containing heat-shrinkable polyester film as mentioned above.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Absorbent Articles with Tear Resistant Film

Номер: US20120209230A1
Автор: Todd Leon Mansfield
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A disposable absorbent article that includes an elastic film material. The elastic film resists the growth of a tear and include an SEEPS block copolymer having a T m of between about 10° C. and about 20° C. The film has a time-to-fail of greater than 1 hour.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Adhesive tape for jacketing elongate material such as especially cable looms and jacketing method

Номер: US20120238172A1
Принадлежит: TESA SE

An adhesive tape, especially for jacketing elongate material such as cable looms in a motor vehicle, having a carrier material which is provided at least on one side with an adhesive coating, characterized in that the carrier material consists of a laminate, the laminate being formed from a textile carrier in the form of a staple fiber web or a spunbonded web and from a film which is located on the underside of the textile carrier and is made preferably of polyolefins, TPU or PVC such as plasticized PVC, more preferably of polyolefins, the film having a thickness of 15 to 80 μm.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Crosslaminate of oriented films and methods and apparatus for manufacturing same

Номер: US20120292819A1
Автор: Ole-Bendt Rasmussen
Принадлежит: Ole-Bendt Rasmussen

A crosslaminate is formed from two oriented plies of thermoplastic polymer material, arranged so that their orientation directions cross one another, the plies being heat sealed together. Each ply is semi-fibrillated, that is consist of linear thin regions of biaxially oriented material and thicker linear bosses between the thinner regions. The webs are sealed primarily through bonds formed at the intersection of the bosses (thicker regions). The array of bosses has a division less than 2 mm. The laminate has improved aesthetic and strength properties. A method for forming the crosslaminate involves segmental stretching of the material to form the thinner regions, and apparatus comprising intermeshing grooved stretching rollers having sharp-edged crests is described.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Resealable Laminate for Heat Sealed Packaging

Номер: US20130020328A1
Принадлежит: Avery Dennison Corp

A resealable and disposable package assembly is described. The assembly includes a container and a multilayer cover laminate that are bonded to one another to initially seal the contents of the package. The package can then be easily opened by at least partially separating the cover laminate along a predesignated interface. The package can be reliably and effectively sealed by recontacting the previously separated cover portions to one another.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for manufacturing a roll of sheet

Номер: US20130068388A1
Автор: Hiroo Hayashi
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corp

A method of manufacturing a roll of sheet includes forming a layered sheet by combining a plurality of overlapped fiber sheets which is moving in a continuation direction and winding the layered sheet. The forming of the layered sheet includes performing a first compression in which a plurality of first regions and a plurality of second regions are disposed in an alternating manner in the continuation direction, the second regions lying along an intersecting direction and performing second compression in which among the first regions and the second regions, at least the first regions are compressed. The accumulating of the layered sheet includes forming a loop of the layered sheet by disposing the layered sheet along the peripheral surface of a rotatable roller. The winding of the layered sheet includes winding the layered sheet on a winding mandrel located downstream of the rotatable roller.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Composite material with coating material

Номер: US20130129952A1

A composite material includes a carrier material, wherein the carrier material is coated on a first surface with a first coating material and on a second surface with a second coating material, the composite material has links of coating material which run from the first surface of the carrier material to the second surface of the carrier material, and the links of coating material start from 1% to 90% of at least one of the surfaces of the carrier material. A method includes producing a composite material of this type.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Shingle with Reinforcement Layer

Номер: US20130180196A1
Принадлежит: Certainteed LLC

A shingle, a method of making it, and a roof embodying the shingle is provided, in which an exterior surface of the shingle is provided with an attached reinforcement layer through which fasteners may be applied when the shingle is applied to a roof.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Open-mesh bags and methods of production

Номер: US20130196098A1
Принадлежит: VOLM COS Inc

Bags, such as L-sewn bags and multi-substrate bags, are formed at least in part from an open mesh material that includes filaments that intersect one another. At least some of the filaments are composite filaments having a carrier portion of a relatively high melting point and a bonding portion of a relatively low melting point, the bonding portion of each composite filament being thermally bonded to other filaments at points of intersection. The material may be a non-woven fabric that contains at least two layers of weft filaments that may be bordered on one or both sides by a layer of warp filaments. When compared to other open mesh materials, the open mesh material disclosed herein has a superior combination of some or all of high strength, light weight, high dimensional stability, and openness. Also disclosed herein are methods of making and using such bags.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Shingle with Reinforcement Layer

Номер: US20130219819A1
Принадлежит: Certainteed LLC

A shingle, a method of making it, and a roof embodying the shingle is provided, in which an exterior surface of the shingle is provided with an attached reinforcement layer through which fasteners may be applied when the shingle is applied to a roof.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Protective film for applying to a display and set for applying a protective film to a display

Номер: US20130287987A1
Автор: Hubert Koch
Принадлежит: Tormaxx GmbH

The invention relates to a protective film for applying to a display with a display film and a film protective layer as well as a set for applying a protective film to a display, in particular with a protective film according to the invention.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Elastic laminate sheet

Номер: US20140045401A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

An elastic laminate sheet with excellent elasticity while maintaining softness and favorable appearance including surface feel and the like, an article containing this elastic laminate sheet, a laminate sheet where a high elasticity laminate portion is the elastic laminate sheet, and an article containing the laminate sheet.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Multilayer Films and Methods of Making the Same

Номер: US20180001604A1

Disclosed are multilayer films with high toughness performance, where the films have an elastic ethylene copolymer in the core layer. 1. A multilayer film comprising a first layer , a second layer , and a third layer between the first layer and the second layer , wherein the third layer comprises 100 wt % of a first ethylene copolymer , based on total weight of polymer in the third layer;wherein the multilayer film has at least one of the following properties: (i) a tear resistance of at least about 6% higher in the Machine Direction (MD); (ii) a tear resistance of at least about 12% higher in the Transverse Direction (TD); and (iii) a dart impact of at least about 12% higher, compared to that of a film free of the first ethylene copolymer, but is otherwise identical in terms of film structure, layers' compositions and the film's overall thickness.2. The multilayer film of claim 1 , wherein the first ethylene copolymer comprises at least one of the following:{'sub': 4', '20', 'w', 'n, 'sup': '13', '(a) a low crystalline polymer comprising greater than or equal to about 70 wt % units derived from ethylene, less than or equal to about 30 wt % units derived from propylene, and less than about 5 wt % of units derived from C-Cα-olefins, based on total weight of the polymer, and having the following properties: (i) crystallinity derived from ethylene; (ii) a heat of fusion of about 20 to about 85 J/g; (iii) a polydispersity index (M/M) of less than about 2.5; (iv) a reactivity ratio of about 0.5 to about 1.5; (v) a proportion of inversely inserted propylene units based on 2, 1 insertion of propylene monomer in all propylene insertions, as measured by C NMR of less than 0.5 wt %; and (vi) a branching index greater than about 0.5; wherein the polymer is prepared in a single reactor;'}(b) a low crystalline polymer blend composition, comprising: (i) from 65 wt % to 90 wt % based on the total weight of the blend of an ethylene α-olefin elastomer having either no crystallinity ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Multilayer Films and Methods of Making the Same

Номер: US20190001639A1

Disclosed are multilayer films which can provide desired film performance and balanced overall performance suited for various applications. 1. A multilayer film , comprising two outer layers , a core layer between the two outer layers , and two inner layers each between the core layer and each outer layer , wherein at least one of the inner layers has a density within about 0.065 g/cmhigher than or equal to that of the core layer , and about 0.015 to about 0.065 g/cmhigher than that of the outer layer on the same side of the core layer; wherein the core layer has a density no lower than that of each of the outer layers;wherein the multilayer film has at least one of the following properties: (i) a bending stiffness factor of at most about 50% higher; (ii) a tear resistance of at most about 15% higher in the Machine Direction (MD); and (iii) a dart impact of at most about 40% higher; compared to that of a three-layer film having two outer layers and a core layer between the two outer layers, the same total thickness as that of the multilayer film, the same composition of each of the two outer layers as that of the multilayer film, maximum thickness of the core layer equal to total thickness of the two inner layers and the core layer of the multilayer film, and maximum density of the core layer equal to compound density of the two inner layers and the core layer of the multilayer film.2. The multilayer film of claim 1 , wherein the multilayer film further has at least one of the following properties: (i) a 1% Secant Modulus of at most about 30% higher in MD and of at most about 30% higher in Transverse Direction (TD); (ii) a 10% offset yield stress of at most about 15% higher in MD; (iii) a yield stress of at most about 20% higher in TD; and (iv) a gloss of at most about 15% higher claim 1 , compared to that of a three-layer film having two outer layers and a core layer between the two outer layers claim 1 , the same total thickness as that of the multilayer film ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Reinforced polymer laminate

Номер: US20190001650A1
Принадлежит: SABIC Global Technologies BV

A polymer laminate and a method for manufacturing a polymer laminate are disclosed. The polymer laminate includes a first layer having a first surface and a second surface. The first layer includes a first non-porous polymer material. The polymer laminate also includes a second layer on the first surface of the first layer. The second layer includes a first porous polymer material defining a first plurality of pores, and the first non-porous polymer material located within the first plurality of pores.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Light Weight Gypsum Board

Номер: US20180002233A1

This invention provides low dust low density gypsum wallboard products having high total core void volumes, corresponding to low densities in the range of about 10 to 30 pcf. The wallboards have a set gypsum core formed between two substantially parallel cover sheets, the set gypsum core preferably having a total void volume from about 80% to about 92%, and made from a slurry including stucco, pregelatinized starch, and a naphthalenesulfonate dispersant. The combination of the pregelatinized starch and the naphthalenesulfonate dispersant also provides a glue-like effect in binding the set gypsum crystals together. The wallboard formulation, along with small air bubble voids (and water voids) provides dust control during cutting, sawing, routing, snapping, nailing or screwing down, or drilling of the gypsum-containing products. This invention also provides a method of making the low dust low density gypsum products including the introduction of soap foam in an amount sufficient to form a total void volume, including air voids, preferably from about 80% to about 92% in the set gypsum core, corresponding to a set gypsum core density from about 10 pcf to about 30 pcf. The wallboards produced by the method generate significantly less dust during working. 155.-. (canceled)56. A light weight gypsum board comprising:a set gypsum core disposed between two cover sheets;the set gypsum core formed from a slurry comprising water, foam, and stucco;the set gypsum core comprising a gypsum crystal matrix having a pore size distribution comprising (i) water voids having a pore size less than about 5 microns in diameter, (ii) air voids having a pore size of at least about 5 microns and less than about 50 microns in diameter, (iii) air voids having a pore size from about 50 microns to about 100 microns in diameter, and (iv) air voids having a pore size greater than about 100 microns in diameter, the air voids having a pore size greater than about 100 microns in diameter comprising at ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Multilayer films and related uses thereof

Номер: US20180002780A1

Embodiments disclosed herein include multilayer films that have at least two layers. More particularly, disclosed in embodiments herein are multilayer films that include at least a first layer and a second layer, wherein the first layer includes at least one polyethylene polymer, wherein the second layer includes at least one water-soluble polymer, wherein the second layer is insoluble in water at a temperature of less than 20° C., wherein the second layer is soluble in water at a temperature of 20° C. or greater, and wherein the first layer has one or more openings through the first layer to expose the second layer. Also disclosed herein are methods of using such multilayer films for extracting metal from metal ore.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002931A1
Автор: Warner Neil A.

A method for producing an injection molded and anti-skid mat providing a lower mold half and an enclosing upper mold half, the mold halves defining therebetween an interior cavity which is a negative of the mat to be produced. A cavity defining surface is configured in the bottom mold half with locations for preplacement of a plurality of underside adhering portions. A flowable plasticized/rubberized material is communicated through a channel in at least one of the mold halves in order to fill the interior cavity, the material setting and cooling prior to removing the upper mold half and the formed mat. 1. A method for producing an injection molded and anti-skid mat , comprising the steps of:providing a lower mold half and an enclosing upper mold half, said mold halves defining therebetween an interior cavity which is a negative of the mat to be produced;configuring a cavity defining surface of the bottom mold half with locations for preplacement of a plurality of underside adhering portions;communicating a flowable plasticized/rubberized material through a channel in at least one of the mold halves in order to fill the interior cavity; andsetting and cooling the material prior to removing the upper mold half and the formed mat.2. The method as described in claim 1 , further comprising the step of configuring the cavity defining surface with the bottom mold half with width extending locations for imparting hinge lines into the mat.3. The method as described in claim 1 , further comprising the step of shaping said body as an elongated rectangle.4. The method as described in claim 1 , said step of communicating a flowable plasticized/rubberized material further comprising the step of communicating at least one of a neoprene or synthetic rubberized material.5. The method as described in claim 1 , further comprising the step of configuring a cavity defining surface of the upper mold half with a textured and anti skid profile including a diamond deck pattern.6. The ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024401A1

An automotive crash pad and a method for manufacturing the same. The automotive crash pad includes: a skin layer forming the outer surface of the crash pad including an airbag module; a fiber-based layer formed on the lower surface of the skin layer; a cushion layer formed on the lower surface of the fiber-based layer and including slab foam; and a core layer formed on the lower surface of the cushion layer, wherein a laminate of the skin layer and the fiber-based layer has a tensile strength in transverse direction (TD) of 5 to 50 kgf/3 cm and an elongation at break in transverse direction (TD) of 40 to 220%. 1. An automotive crash pad comprising:a skin layer forming an outer surface of the crash pad including an airbag module;a fiber-based layer formed on a lower surface of the skin layer;a cushion layer formed on a lower surface of the fiber-based layer and comprising slab foam; anda core layer formed on a lower surface of the cushion layer,wherein a laminate of the skin layer and the fiber-based layer has a tensile strength in a transverse direction (TD) of 5 to 50 kgf/3 cm and an elongation at break in a transverse direction (TD) of 40 to 220%.2. The automotive crash pad of claim 1 , wherein the skin layer has a thickness of 0.1 to 0.7 mm claim 1 , the fiber-based layer has a thickness of 0.3 to 0.7 mm claim 1 , the cushion layer has a thickness of 1 to 10 mm claim 1 , and the core layer has a thickness of 1 to 6 mm.3. The automotive crash pad of claim 1 , wherein the cushion layer has a density of 0.05 to 5 g/cm claim 1 , a porosity of 5 to 80% claim 1 , a tensile strength of 3 to 20 kgf/cm claim 1 , an elongation of 50 to 200% claim 1 , and a tearing strength of 0.2 to 1.5 kgf/cm.4. The automotive crash pad of claim 1 , wherein the skin layer comprises one or more of thermoplastic polyurethane claim 1 , thermoplastic polyolefin claim 1 , polyvinyl chloride claim 1 , and thermosetting polyurethane.5. The automotive crash pad of claim 1 , wherein the skin layer ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009508A1
Принадлежит: Konrad Hornschuch AG

The invention relates to a process for producing a coating film, optionally in the form of sheets or slabs, especially for the coating of a carrier layer (), optionally textile materials and/or peelable polyurethane foams and/or a textile carrier layer (), wherein the coating film () has an optionally multilayer upper layer () and a bonding layer () bonded thereto and optionally having multiple layers (″) for bonding to the carrier layer (). 148.-. (canceled)49. A process for producing a coating film , optionally in the form of sheets or slabs , especially for the coating of a carrier layer , optionally textile materials and/or a textile carrier layer , the coating film having an optionally multilayer upper layer and a bonding layer bonded thereto and optionally having multiple layers for bonding to the carrier layer , wherein:the bonding layer creates an uncrosslinked, polyurethane layer having thermoplastic properties and having a thickness between 0.080 and 0.500 mm, and is bonded to the upper layer; and,the upper layer is a polyurethane layer which has a two-layer structure with an outer layer and inner layer and does not have thermoplastic properties, or a non-thermoplastic polyurethane layer which is amorphous or has a predominantly amorphous structure, the polyurethane layer being thinner than the bonding layer.51. The process as claimed in claim 49 , wherein the upper layer is bonded claim 49 , directly or using an adhesive layer of a crosslinked polyurethane dispersion having a thickness of 0.005 to 0.010 mm claim 49 , to the thermoplastic bonding layer which is applied to the upper layer and/or the bonding layer.52. The process as claimed in claim 49 , wherein the upper layer takes the form of a layer of an aliphatic crosslinked solidified polyurethane dispersion based on polycarbonate claim 49 , polyester and/or polyether and/or mixtures thereof claim 49 , and has a thickness between 0.0400 and 0.0950 mm; and/or claim 49 ,is unmeltable because its melting ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Multilayer composite material and method for manufacturing

Номер: US20200009832A1
Принадлежит: DSM IP ASSETS BV

The invention relates to a structural multilayer composite comprising a layer of leather in contact with at least one monolayer comprising parallel aligned fibers and a matrix material. The composite may further comprise film layer(s) that may be breathable and/or waterproof. The structural multilayer composite material is suitable for use in clothing and outdoor gear and apparel.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Antiblock coating for adhesive in bag manufacture

Номер: US20200009841A1
Автор: Patrick G. Lennon

The present invention includes an antiblock agent added to an adhesive applied to a substrate material and the method of adding the antiblock agent to the adhesive applied to the substrate material. The antiblock agent may be a food grade starch powder. The material may be applied with dry dusting systems. The substrate material may be woven polypropylene structures or polylaminates. The woven polypropylene structures may be polywoven pinch bags.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Composite Foam Article

Номер: US20220032577A1
Принадлежит: Proprietect LP

A composite foam article is disclosed herein. The composite foam article comprises a polyurethane foam core presenting a first surface and a second surface facing opposite the first surface. A first skin is disposed on the first surface and a second skin is disposed on the second surface. The polyurethane foam core has a density of 15-80 kg/m 3 . The first and second skins comprise a plurality of fibers and a polymeric binder. The composite foam article has a weight per unit area of 500-1000 g/m 2 and a strength of greater than 17 N at a post-compression thickness of greater than 2 mm when tested in according with SAE J949 at 23° C.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Liquid barrier furniture protector with welded quilting

Номер: US20190014918A1
Автор: Evan Markowitz
Принадлежит: Green Point Decor LLC

Disclosed herein is a liquid barrier protective cover used to protect the outer surface of a furniture article. The liquid barrier protective cover includes a first layer formed of a protective material, a second layer formed of a liquid barrier material, and an intermediate layer, which are all fused together at one or more discrete locations. The cover also includes a retention tie connected to at least one of the first layer or the second layer. The retention tie is operable to extend around a first portion of the furniture article such that the retention tie operably anchors the first layer and the second layer to the furniture article. The retention tie is attached to at least one of the first layer or the second layer such that the liquid barrier material of the second layer is held against the first portion of the furniture article.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015478A1

Wrapper-type packaging composed of a flexible plastics sheet material in the form of a sack or bag having a front wall and a rear wall, which are located opposite one another and are sealed by a side sealing seam to form a flexible sack-like or bag-like tube, of which the opening is covered by a closure flap which is formed by a projection of the rear wall and is folded onto the front wall at least as far as the opening and is closed by longitudinal sealing and, possibly, transverse sealing or adhesive bonding, the opening having an opening aid, wherein the flexible plastics sheet material is oriented at least uniaxially and optionally is embossed and has a tear-propagation resistance in the machine direction which differs by at least 30% from the tear propagation resistance in the direction transverse to the machine direction. 1: A wrapper-type packaging composed of a flexible polymeric film in the form of a sack or bag , having a front wall and a rear wall , which are opposite to one another and are sealed in each case by a side sealing seam to form a sack like or bag like tube , of which the opening is covered by a closure flap which is formed by a projection of the rear wall and is folded onto the front wall , and also closed by respectively longitudinal side sealing and optionally transverse sealing or adhesive bonding , and optionally having an opening aid , wherein the flexible polymeric film is comprised of to an extent of at least 50 wt % of polyolefins , has through monoaxially orientation a tear propagation resistance in machine direction which differs by at least 30% in relation to the tear propagation resistance in the direction transverse to the machine direction , measured according to DIN 53356-trouser leg , and the opening aid marks the direction of relatively low tear propagation resistance for opening the packaging without tearing one of the sealed seams.2: A wrapper-type packaging as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least longitudinally side ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Multilayer film resistant to linear tear propagation

Номер: US20160016392A1
Принадлежит: Infiana Germany GmbH and Co KG

A multilayer film comprising a layer sequence made of (a) a layer (a) composed of at least one polyethylene of low density or a mixture of a polyethylene of relatively low density and at least one aliphatic C 3 -C 6 olefin homo- or copolymer, (b) a layer (b) composed of a mixture of at least one polyethylene of low density and at least one thermoplastic polymer, a layer (c) composed of at least one polyethylene of low density or a mixture of at least one polyethylene of low density and at least one aliphatic C 3 -C 6 olefin homo- or copolymer.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Flexible Reinforcement for Flexible Container

Номер: US20200017269A1
Принадлежит: Printpack Illinois Inc

A package includes a polymeric flexible bag with an opening to an interior space configured to contain liquid, and a flexible reinforcing article having a cavity at least partially containing the flexible bag. The reinforcing article protects the flexible bag from impacts. The reinforcing article includes at least one piece of flexible polymeric material extending at least partially around the cavity. The reinforcing article circumferentially engages, and circumferentially provides inwardly oriented force against, an exterior of the flexible bag. Opposite ends of the reinforcing article are spaced apart by a distance that is less than a distance between opposite ends of the flexible bag. An opening of the reinforcing article is proximate one of the opposite ends of the reinforcing article and configured to have a portion of the flexible bag extend through the opening. The reinforcing article can be a sleeve or bag.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Moisture-curable polyurethane hot-melt resin composition

Номер: US20200017735A1
Автор: Chenyan BAI, Rui Shi
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

The present disclosure provides a polyurethane hot-melt adhesive composition comprising a polyol component and an isocyanate component, wherein the polyol component comprises a polyol having two or more OH groups and a hydrogen-bridging group.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Resin coated metal laminate, battery package, and battery

Номер: US20180019502A1
Принадлежит: Fujimori Kogyo Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a resin coated metal laminate comprising at least a sealant layer, a barrier layer, and a substrate layer in this order, wherein the barrier layer includes stainless steel having a thickness of 50 μm or less, the substrate layer includes a polyamide as a main component, a thickness of the substrate layer is thinner than a thickness of the barrier layer, and a maximum value of tensile strength in a tensile test of the substrate layer is 25 N/mm or more, as well as a battery package and a battery using the resin coated metal laminate.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023426A1

A film material formed of thermoplastic polymer material is processed so as to have linearly extending regions (A) linked together by linearly extending webs (B), regions (A) and webs (B) each being oriented, the dominant direction of orientation in regions (A) forming an angle (V) to the direction on which (A) extends and webs (B) comprising arrays of linear furrows of thinner material or splits forming angles (U) higher than (V) to the direction in which (A) extends. The method of producing the new film involves passing an orientated film through a pair of intermeshing grooved rollers to cold-stretch the film in a direction at an angle to the predominant original orientation, at least one of the grooved rollers having crests with sharp edges to form the division between regions A and webs B and to stretch the material to form webs B while stretching the material less or not at all to form regions A. Preferably at least one of the grooved rollers has crests with a waved surface shape. 1. A product comprising: an array of parallel band-shaped, linearly extending regions (A) and', 'distinct linearly extending webs (B) integrally connecting the regions (A),', 'where each web (B) along its linear extension is thinner than adjacent portions of the regions (A), and, 'a film or an assembly of films comprisingwhere the regions (A) and the webs (B) are oriented having at each location a dominating direction of orientation,where each of the dominating directions of orientation of the regions (A) forms an angle (v) with a direction in which the regions (A) extend,where the angle (v) has a value greater than 0° and less than or equal to 80°,where the regions (A) are waved and the waves extend along a width of the regions (A),where the webs (B) are contracted transversely of their main direction of orientation to stabilize the waves in the regions (A), andwhere each film comprises a thermoplastic polymer material.2. The product according to claim 1 , wherein the webs (b) have a ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021599A1

A multilayer ethylene-based shrink films comprising a core layer comprising a polyethylene resin,and two skin layers, wherein the core layer is positioned between the two skin layers,wherein the polyethylene resin comprises greater than 50 mol. % of the units derived from ethylene and less than 30 mol. % of the units derived from one or more alpha-olefin comonomers, has greater than 50% of the copolymer fraction eluting between 75.0° C. and 95.0° C. as determined by Crystallization Elution Fractionation (CEF), and has a density ranging from 0.915 to 0.940 g/cc, and wherein the film is biaxially-oriented. 1. A multilayer ethylene-based shrink film comprising:a core layer comprising a polyethylene resin; andtwo skin layers;wherein the core layer is positioned between the two skin layers; and comprises greater than 50 mol. % of the units derived from ethylene and less than 30 mol. % of the units derived from one or more alpha-olefin comonomers;', 'has greater than 50% of the copolymer fraction eluting between 75.0° C. and 95.0° C. as determined by Crystallization Elution Fractionation (CEF); and', 'has a density ranging from 0.915 to 0.940 g/cc; and, 'wherein the polyethylene resinwherein the film is biaxially-oriented.2. An ethylene-based shrink film comprising a polyethylene resin , wherein the polyethylene resin:comprises greater than 50 mol. % of the units derived from ethylene and less than 30 mol. % of the units derived from one or more alpha-olefin comonomers;has greater than 50% of the copolymer fraction eluting between 75.0° C. and 95.0° C. as determined by Crystallization Elution Fractionation (CEF); andhas a density ranging from 0.915 to 0.940 g/cc; andwherein the film is biaxially-oriented.3. The film of claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene resin in the core layer has a melt index from 0.1 to 5 g/10 min.4. The film of claim 1 , wherein the core layer is a blend that further comprises one or more additional polyethylene resins claim 1 , wherein the blend has a ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Forgery prevention labels for high-temperature applications

Номер: US20220040963A1

Heat resistant brittle films can be made from impact-modified poly(meth)acrylimide, and forgery prevention labels can contain the heat resistant brittle films. The films can be advantageously prepared by extrusion and, depending on the desired purpose, can be designed to be transparent, translucent, or entirely non-transparent, e.g., white. Ideally, the brittle films and the forgery prevention labels containing the brittle films have no intended break points such as slits, perforation, etc. 1. (canceled)3: The poly(meth)acrylamide film according to claim 2 , wherein the poly(meth)acrylimide film has thickness of from 15.0 μm to 120.0 μm claim 2 , anda nominal elongation at break of from 3.0% to 30%, measured according to DIN EN ISO 527-3/2/100 (2003) with a foil having a thickness of 50.0 μm, andtensile stress of from 20.0 MPa to 70.0 MPa, measured according to DIN EN ISO 527-3/2/100 (2003) with a foil having a thickness of 50.0 μm.4: The poly(meth)acrylamide film according claim 2 , wherein the poly(meth)acrylimide film has a resistance to tear propagation claim 2 , measured according to ASTM D1938 (2014) with a foil having a thickness of 50.0 μm claim 2 , of from 0.01 N/mm to 1.50 N/nm.5: The poly(meth)acrylimide film according to claim 2 , wherein a content claim 2 , in wt.-% claim 2 , of the one or several impact modifiers nin the poly(meth)acrylimide film is described following relationship:{'br': None, 'i': n', '≤n', 'n, 'sub': f', 'im', 'f, '0.6*≤1.5*'}{'sub': 'f', 'wherein nis a content, in wt.-%, of the one or several inorganic fillers in the poly(meth)acrylimide film.'}6: The poly(meth)acrylimide film according to claim 2 , wherein the one or several inorganic fillers are selected from the group consisting of titanium dioxide claim 2 , silica claim 2 , zinc oxide claim 2 , zinc sulphide claim 2 , barium sulphate claim 2 , carbon black claim 2 , aluminium trihydroxide claim 2 , and calcium carbonate.7: The poly(meth)acrylimide film according to claim 2 , ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Protection For Elastomeric Materials Used In Down-Hole Tools

Номер: US20170022780A1
Автор: Berry Kevin J.

Down-hole tools, methods of manufacturing the down-hole tools and methods of running the down-hole tools downhole are generally described herein. The down-hole tools generally include a sealing assembly adapted for use down-hole, wherein the sealing assembly includes: a substrate including an elastomeric material; and a heat shrink film adhered to at least a portion of the substrate, wherein the heat shrink film includes a thickness when adhered to the at least a portion of the substrate in a range of about 7.5 mil to about 30 mil and exhibits an Elmendorf tear strength (as measured by ASTM D-1922) in a range of about 1000 g to about 5000 g. 1. A down-hole tool comprising: a substrate comprising an elastomeric material; and', 'a heat shrink film adhered to at least a portion of the substrate, wherein the heat shrink film comprises a thickness when adhered to the at least a portion of the substrate in a range of about 7.5 mil to about 30 mil and exhibits an Elmendorf tear strength (as measured by ASTM D-1922) in a range of about 1000 g to about 5000 g., 'a sealing assembly adapted for use down-hole, wherein the sealing assembly comprises2. The down-hole tool of claim 1 , wherein the sealing assembly is either a packer or a plug.3. The down-hole tool of claim 1 , wherein the heat shrink film exhibits a specific gravity (as measured by ASTM D-792) when adhered to the at least a portion of the substrate in a range of about 2.12 to about 2.17.4. The down-hole tool of claim 1 , wherein the heat shrink film exhibits a tensile strength (as measured by ASTM D-882) when adhered to the at least a portion of the substrate in a range of about 3000 psi to about 4000 psi.5. The down-hole tool of claim 1 , wherein the heat shrink film exhibits a bursting strength (as measured by ASTM D-774) when adhered to the at least a portion of the substrate in a range of about 50 psi to about 250 psi.6. The down-hole tool of claim 1 , wherein the heat shrink film exhibits a coefficient of ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022893A1
Принадлежит: Transhield, Inc.

An apparatus for curing concrete includes a multiple layer polyolefin film and an absorbent layer. The polyolefin film layer can include pH modifying components and antiskid components. The absorbent layer can also include pH modifying components. The absorbent layer can include nonwoven fabric. The apparatus can be applied to curing concrete after hydration water is applied to the curing concrete. The apparatus can also be used to enclose poured concrete members during transport of the members so as to continue the curing process during transport. The film can also be used as a barrier layer between the ground and poured concrete. 1. An apparatus for curing concrete , including:a film having a first outer layer and a second outer layer, the first and second outer layers including linear low density polyethylene, a first inner layer adjacent the first outer layer and a second inner layer adjacent the second outer layer, the first and second inner layers including linear low density polyethylene and high density polyethylene, and a third inner layer adjacent the first inner layer and a fourth inner layer adjacent the second inner layer and the third inner layer, the third and fourth inner layers including an ethylene polypropylene copolymer;an absorbent layer including a nonwoven fabric; andan adhesive material adhering the second outer layer of the film to the absorbent layer.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first outer layer of the film includes an antiskid component.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the kinetic and static coefficients of friction of the first outer layer of the film are each at least 0.74. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven fabric includes a plurality of raised areas and a plurality of recessed areas and the adhesive adheres the second outer layer of the film to the raised areas of the nonwoven fabric.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further including a pH modifying component for modifying the pH of water used to hydrate the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Nonwoven laminate

Номер: US20210023815A1

The invention provides a nonwoven laminate, comprising in order (A) to (E): a spunbond nonwoven layer (A) comprising fibres, which comprise polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and copolyester; an optional spunbond nonwoven layer (B) comprising fibres, which comprise polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and copolyester, the nonwoven layer (B) having a higher copolyester content than nonwoven layer (A); a needled staple fibre nonwoven layer (C), comprising: monocomponent polyethylene terephthalate (PET) staple fibres (c1), and multicomponent staple fibres (c2), which comprise at least a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) component and a copolyester component; an optional spunbond nonwoven layer (D) comprising fibres, which comprise polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and copolyester, the nonwoven layer (D) having a higher copolyester content than nonwoven layer (E); a spunbond nonwoven layer (E) comprising fibres, which comprise polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and copolyester; wherein all layers are melt-bonded to each other.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027754A1

The present disclosure provides a multilayered polymeric film for covering an agricultural structure or greenhouse, wherein the film contains adjacent layers that are capable of delamination from one another. 115-. (canceled)16. A method of covering an agricultural structure or greenhouse with a multilayered polymeric film , wherein the film contains (i) at least one layer comprising a polyamide and/or ethylene vinyl alcohol , and (ii) at least one further polymer layer connected thereto , characterised in that layer (i) and layer (ii) have an average delamination strength of less than 250 g/15 mm when measured using ASTM D-1876 , the at least one further polymer layer (ii) comprises a polymeric material selected from the group consisting of polyethylene , polypropylene , ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer , ethylene butyl acrylate copolymer , thermoplastic polyurethane , and combinations of two or more thereof , and the film has a luminous transmittance greater than 30% , wherein the method comprises the step of inserting gas between the (i) at least one layer comprising a polyamide and/or ethylene vinyl alcohol , and the (ii) at least one further polymer layer.17. A method of covering an agricultural structure or greenhouse with a multilayered polymeric film , wherein the film contains (i) at least one layer comprising a polyamide and/or ethylene vinyl alcohol , and (ii) at least one further polymer layer , characterised in that at least 50% of layer (i) and layer (ii) are able to be delaminated , the at least one further polymer layer (ii) comprises a polymeric material selected from the group consisting of polyethylene , polypropylene , ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer , ethylene butyl acrylate copolymer , thermoplastic polyurethane and combinations of two or more thereof , and the film has a luminous transmittance greater than 30% , wherein the method comprises the step of inserting gas between the (i) at least one layer comprising a polyamide and/or ethylene ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Pet activity apparatus, method and system

Номер: US20220046890A1
Принадлежит: Brilliant Pet 2 LLC

A control module that may be configured to detect animal activity of a pet at a waste pad, litter box, or feeding station. The control module comprises a sensor system having a camera. The control module is configured to analyze pet information and generate user data based on the pet information. Additionally, a mobile device is configured to detect animal activity within a field of view. The mobile device is configured to analyze pet information and generate user data based on the pet information.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046891A1

A control module that may be configured to detect animal activity of a pet at a waste pad, litter box, or feeding station. The control module comprises a sensor system having a camera. The control module is configured to analyze pet information and generate user data based on the pet information. Additionally, a mobile device is configured to detect animal activity within a field of view. The mobile device is configured to analyze pet information and generate user data based on the pet information. 1. A method for monitoring animal activity using a mobile device , wherein the mobile device comprises a sensor system , the method comprising the steps:capturing pet information from within the field of view using the sensor system;associating the pet information with the animal;analyzing the pet information to generate user data; andoutputting the user data for display on the mobile device.2. The method of further comprising identifying an animal located within a field of view of the mobile device.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the sensor system includes a camera;the step of capturing pet information comprises the camera capturing an image within the field of view;the step of analyzing the pet information comprises producing image characteristics from the image; andthe user data is generated based on the image characteristics.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the step of analyzing the pet information comprises analyzing the image for pet waste.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the step of analyzing the pet information further comprises detecting solid pet waste within the field of view.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the step of analyzing the pet information further comprises detecting liquid waste within the field of view.7. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the step of analyzing the pet information further comprises analyzing the image of pet waste for health attributes of the animal; andoutputting the user data comprises providing a notification concerning the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Pet waste collection area apparatus, method and system

Номер: US20220046892A1
Принадлежит: Brilliant Pet 2 LLC

A control module that may be configured to detect animal activity of a pet at a waste pad, litter box, or feeding station. The control module comprises a sensor system having a camera. The control module is configured to analyze pet information and generate user data based on the pet information. Additionally, a mobile device is configured to detect animal activity within a field of view. The mobile device is configured to analyze pet information and generate user data based on the pet information.

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Polyethylene based synthetic paper

Номер: US20180029343A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

The present invention relates to polyethylene films having properties which makes them suitable for use as synthetic paper. The cast films have in a first and a third layer, each of which is an external layer, and each of which independently comprises a linear polyethylene having a density greater than 0.93 g/cm 3 and a melt index greater than or equal to 2.0 g/10 min together with a second layer, which is an internal layer comprising a linear polyethylene having a density greater than or equal to 0.94 g/cm 3 and a melt index less than or equal to 1.3 g/10 min.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032405A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A laminated multilayer polymer containing film (P) comprises at least one layer comprising at least one copolyamide wherein the copolyamide is prepared by polymerizing the following components: (A) 15% to 84% by weight of at least one lactam, (B) 16% to 85% by weight of a monomer mixture (M) comprising the following components: (B1) at least one C32-C40 dimer acid and (B2) at least one C4-C12 diamine, where the percentages by weight of components (A) and (B) are each based on the sum total of the percentages by weight of components (A) and (B) and wherein the laminated multilayer polymer containing film (P) comprises at least one further layer, where the at least one further layer is selected from the group consisting of (i) at least one further polymer (FP) selected from the group consisting of polyolefins, poly(ethylene-vinyl alcohols), poly(ethylene-vinyl acetates), polyethylene terephthalates, polyvinylidene chlorides, maleic anhydride-grafted polyolefins, polyesters and ionomers and (ii) aluminum metal and/or tin metal. 1. A laminated multilayer polymer containing film (P) comprising at least one layer , the at least one layer comprising at least one copolyamide ,wherein the at least one copolyamide is prepared by polymerizing the following components:(A) 15% to 84% by weight of at least one lactam, and [{'sub': 32', '40, '(B1) at least one C-Cdimer acid, and'}, {'sub': 4', '12, '(B2) at least one C-Cdiamine,'}], '(B) 16% to 85% by weight of a monomer mixture (M) comprising the following componentswhere the percentages by weight of components (A) and (B) are each based on the sum total weight of components (A) and (B), and (i) at least one further polymer (FP) selected from the group consisting of polyolefins, poly(ethylene-vinyl alcohols), poly(ethylene-vinyl acetates), polyethylene terephthalates, polyvinylidene chlorides, maleic anhydride-grafted polyolefins, polyesters, and ionomers, and', '(ii) aluminum metal and/or tin metal., 'wherein the laminated ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Brittle acrylic films and forgery prevention labels comprising the same

Номер: US20210032502A1
Принадлежит: Röhm GmbH

Brittle acrylic films are made from impact-modified polyalkyl (meth)acrylate and are useful in forgery prevention labels containing the same. The films can be advantageously prepared by extrusion and, depending on the desired purpose, can be designed to be translucent or entirely non-transparent e.g. white. Ideally, the brittle acrylic films and the forgery prevention labels have no intended break points such as slits, perforation etc. 2: The forgery prevention label according to claim 1 , wherein the polyalkyl(meth)acrylate has an average molar weight Mw of from 50 000 g/mol to 300 000 g/mol and is obtainable by polymerization of a composition whose polymerizable constituents comprise claim 1 , based on the weight of the polymerisable composition:(a) from 50.0 wt.-% to 99.9 wt.-% of methyl methacrylate,{'sub': 1', '4, '(b) from 0.1 wt.-% to 50.0 wt.-% of an acrylic acid ester of a C-Calcohol, and'}(c) from 0.0 wt.-% to 10.0 wt.-% of at least one further monomer copolymerizable with the monomers (a) and (b).3: The forge prevention label according to claim 1 , wherein the polyalkyl(meth)acrylate film hasa thickness of from 15 μm to 120 μm,an elongation at break, measured according to ASTM D1004-13, of from 0.5% to 15%, andan initial tear resistance, measured according to ASTM D1004-13, of from 0.1 N to 30.0 N.4: The forgery prevention label according to claim 1 , wherein the polyalkyl(meth)acrylate film has a resistance to tear propagation claim 1 , measured according to ASTM D1938-14 claim 1 , of from 0.01 N to 1.00 N.5: The forgery prevention label according to claim 1 , wherein the content claim 1 , in wt.-% claim 1 , of the one or several impact modifiers nin the polyalkyl(meth)acrylate film is described by the following relationship:{'br': None, 'i': n', ' Подробнее

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Non-black rubber membranes

Номер: US20150038031A1
Принадлежит: Firestone Building Products Co LLC

A roofing membrane comprising an olefinic rubber; and from about 20 to about 250 parts by weight of a silica filler per 100 parts by weight rubber; wherein the silica filler is chemically coupled to the olefinic rubber; and wherein the roofing membrane is non-black.

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Multi-layered lightly-laminated films and methods of making the same

Номер: US20160039169A1
Принадлежит: Glad Products Co

Apparatus and methods for creating multi-layered lightly-laminated provide films with increased or maintained strength. An increased level of strength is achieved by bonding adjacent layers of the multi-layer film together in a manner that the bond strength of the laminated layers is less than a strength of a weakest tear resistance of the individual first and second film layers. The inventors have surprisingly found that such a configuration of light bonding provides increased and unexpected strength properties to the multi-layer film as compared to a monolayer film of equal thickness or a multi-layer film in which the plurality of layers are tightly bonded together.

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Customizable Protective Barrier, Devices, Systems, And Methods of Protecting Structures

Номер: US20160039173A1
Автор: Gower Ted

Devices, systems, and methods for providing do-it-yourself protection from environmental forces to at least a portion of a structure are provided. The device can include a woven fabric having at least one edge with opposing first and second sides and a reinforcing fabric having a first portion and a second portion, at least the first portion being attached to a portion of the woven fabric at the at least one edge to form at least one reinforced portion, the device being afixable to the structure by at least one anchor extending through the reinforced portion into the structure, the at least one reinforced portion providing tear-resistance at the location of the anchor extending therethrough. 1. A device for providing do-it-yourself protection from environmental forces to at least a portion of a structure , comprising:a protective woven fabric having at least one edge with opposing first and second sides; anda reinforcing fabric having a first portion and a second portion, at least the first portion being attached to a portion of the woven fabric at the at least one edge to form at least one reinforced portion, the device being afixable to the structure by at least one anchor extending through the reinforced portion into the structure, the at least one reinforced portion providing tear-resistance at the location of the anchor extending therethrough.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing fabric is a non-woven fabric.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing fabric is a reinforcing woven fabric.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein the non-woven reinforcing fabric comprises at least one of a polypropylene claim 2 , polyester claim 2 , aramid claim 2 , or polyethylene fabric.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the woven fabric comprises a weave pattern having outward visibility therethrough.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the woven fabric comprises a weave pattern which reduces wind velocity therethrough claim 1 , water flow rate therethrough claim 1 ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Gloves Comprising Propylene-Based Elastomer and Methods of Making Same

Номер: US20170036425A1

Disclosed are gloves including a propylene-based elastomer that may provide desired use comfort and fitting characteristic. 1. A glove , comprising a film comprising a core layer , wherein the core layer comprises:a propylene-based elastomer comprising at least about 60 wt % propylene-derived units and about 3 to about 25 wt % ethylene-derived units, based on the total weight of the propylene-based elastomer, wherein the propylene-based elastomer has a heat of fusion of less than about 80 J/g.2. The glove of claim 1 , wherein the film has at least one of the following properties: (i) a hysteresis (EMC method) of up to 10% lower than that of a comparative PVC glove film; (ii) a tear strength in the Machine Direction (MD) of at least about 70% higher than that of a comparative PVC glove film and in the Transverse Direction (TD) of at least about 220% higher than that of a comparative PVC glove film: (iii) a puncture resistance of up to about 75% higher than that of a comparative PVC glove film; and (iv) a tensile strength of at least about 15% higher than that of a comparative PVC glove film.3. The glove of claim 1 , wherein the propylene-based elastomer is present in an amount of at least about 30 wt % claim 1 , based on total weight of polymer in the core layer.4. The glove of claim 1 , wherein the propylene-based elastomer is present in an amount of about 100 wt % claim 1 , based on total weight of polymer in the core layer.5. The glove of claim 1 , wherein the core layer further comprises a polyethylene.6. The glove of claim 1 , wherein the core layer further comprises at least one of a slip agent claim 1 , an anti block claim 1 , a filler claim 1 , an antioxidant claim 1 , an ultraviolet light stabilizer claim 1 , a thermal stabilizer claim 1 , a pigment claim 1 , a processing aid claim 1 , a crosslinking catalyst claim 1 , a flame retardant claim 1 , and a foaming agent.7. The glove of claim 1 , wherein the film further comprises an outer layer at each side of ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Thermoplastic membranes containing expandable graphite

Номер: US20170036430A1
Принадлежит: Firestone Building Products Co LLC

A multi-layered membrane comprising a first thermoplastic first layer and a second thermoplastic layer, where the second layer includes expandable graphite.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039356A1
Автор: McGee Robert L.

A multilayer film having at least one barrier layer and at least one outer layer, suitable for medical applications, such as ostomy applications, which is effective as barrier for odors and has sufficient properties with respect to provide a pliable, tear resistant with noise damping film is provided. The multilayer film includes polyolefin elastomers, plasticized PVDC, ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers and additives. 1. A multilayer film designed for use in ostomy applications , comprising:an outer layer as a surface protective layer, the outer layer made of a polymer comprising a polyolefin elastomer, a plasticizer of an epoxidized vegetable oil, and a mineral filler; and a barrier layer for preventing the transmission of small molecules from penetrating the multilayer film; wherein the layers of the film are joined together by an adhesive.2. The multilayer film of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive is provided in a first tie layer that contacts and joins the barrier layer and the outer layer together.3. The multilayer film of claim 1 , wherein the barrier layer is made of a polymer comprising a polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) that is plasticized by an epoxidized vegetable oil.4. The multilayer film of claim 1 , wherein the outer layer further comprising an ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer.5. The multilayer film of claim 1 , wherein the outer layer is made of an outer layer mixture claim 1 , wherein the polyolefin elastomer is in the range of from 20 wt % to 90 wt % of the outer layer mixture claim 1 , the epoxidized vegetable oil is in the range of from 0.5 wt % to 6.0 wt % of the outer layer mixture claim 1 , and the mineral filler is in the range of from 0.5 wt % to 6 wt % of the outer layer mixture claim 1 , wherein the polyolefin elastomer claim 1 , the epoxidized vegetable oil claim 1 , the mineral filler claim 1 , and other additional components present in a total amount of 100% of the outer layer mixture.6. The multilayer film of claim 1 , wherein the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039199A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Embodiments are directed to a stretch hood or stretch label multilayer film comprising a first skin layer, a second skin layer, and a core layer disposed between the first skin layer and the second skin layer, wherein: the first skin layer, the second skin layer, or both independently comprise at least 50 wt. % of a linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) resin, wherein the skin LLDPE resin exhibits each of the following properties: a Crystallization Elution Fractionation (CEF) fraction of less than 8% above an elution temperature of 94° C.; and a melt index (I) of 0.1 to 2.0 g/10 min when measured according to ASTM D 1238 at a load of 2.16 kg and temperature of 190° C. The core layer comprises a polyethylene resin having a wt. % crystallinity of from 10% to 40% and a single melting peak as measured by differential scanning calorimetry. 1. A stretch hood or stretch label multilayer film comprising a first skin layer , a second skin layer , and a core layer disposed between the first skin layer and the second skin layer , wherein: a Crystallization Elution Fractionation (CEF) fraction of less than 8% above an elution temperature of 94° C.; and', {'sub': '2', 'a melt index (I) of 0.1 to 2.0 g/10 min when measured according to ASTM D 1238 at a load of 2.16 kg and temperature of 190° C.; and'}], 'the first skin layer, the second skin layer, or both independently comprise at least 50 wt. % of a linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) resin (skin LLDPE resin), wherein the skin LLDPE resin exhibits each of the following properties{'sub': '2', 'the core layer comprises a polyethylene resin having wt. % crystallinity from 10% to 40%, a melt index (I) of 0.1 to 2.0 g/10 min measured according to ASTM D 1238 at a load of 2.16 kg and a temperature of 190° C., and a single melting peak as measured by differential scanning calorimetry.'}2. The stretch hood or stretch label multilayer film of claim 1 , wherein the core polyethylene resin has a wt. % crystallinity of 20% to 40% ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046743A1
Автор: HIRVI Hannu Kalevi
Принадлежит: RKW SE

Multi-layer collation shrink film comprising a main layer based on a polyethylene mixture comprising 75 to 85 wt.-% low density polyethylene and 15 to 25 wt.-% high density polyethylene or linear low density polyethylene and a skin layer based on a polar ethylene copolymer with vinyl acetate or alkyl (meth)acrylate with a vinyl acetate or alkyl (meth)acrylate content of at least 15 wt.-% and containing 5000 to 20000 ppm silica and a slip agent, use of the film in multi-layer packaging films and method for packaging objects together with the multi-layer collation shrink film including printing the skin layer with a digital ink printing process before or after packaging the objects. 115-. (canceled)16. A multi-layer collation shrink film comprising:a main layer based on a polyethylene mixture comprising 75 to 85 wt.-% low density polyethylene and 15 to 25 wt.-% high density polyethylene or linear low density polyethylene and a skin layer based on a polar ethylene copolymer with vinyl acetate or alkyl (meth)acrylate with a vinyl acetate or alkyl (meth)acrylate content of at least 15 wt.-% and containing 5000 to 20000 ppm silica and a slip agent.17. The multi-layer collation shrink film according to claim 16 , wherein the content of silica ranges from 5000 to 15000 ppm.18. The multi-layer collation shrink film according to claim 16 , wherein the content of vinyl acetate or alkyl (meth)acrylate in the ethylene copolymer ranges from 15 to 28 wt.-% of the total ethylene copolymer weight.19. The multi-layer collation shrink film according to claim 16 , wherein the alkyl (meth)acrylate is a C-C-alkyl (meth)acrylate.20. The multi-layer collation shrink film according to claim 16 , wherein the ethylene copolymer is ethylene vinyl acetate.21. The multi-layer collation shrink film according to claim 16 , wherein the skin layer comprises a slip agent selected from unsaturated fatty acid primary amides.22. The multi-layer collation shrink film according to claim 16 , wherein the ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Multi-layered lightly-laminated films and methods of making the same

Номер: US20160046110A1
Принадлежит: Glad Products Co

Apparatus and methods for creating multi-layered lightly-laminated provide films with increased or maintained strength. An increased level of strength is achieved by bonding adjacent layers of the multi-layer film together in a manner that the bond strength of the laminated layers is less than a strength of a weakest tear resistance of the individual first and second film layers. The inventors have surprisingly found that such a configuration of light bonding provides increased and unexpected strength properties to the multi-layer film as compared to a monolayer film of equal thickness or a multi-layer film in which the plurality of layers are tightly bonded together.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Multilayer Films and Methods Thereof

Номер: US20180043670A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

Disclosed are multilayer films which can provide desired mechanical performance suited for flexible packaging applications.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Laminated nonwoven fabric

Номер: US20180044828A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Kasei Fibers Corp

An object of the present invention is to provide a nonwoven fabric having high tensile strength and high tear strength. The laminate nonwoven fabric of the present invention is a laminated nonwoven fabric obtained by thermally press-contacting a thermoplastic continuous fiber layer as an outer layer with both surfaces of an interlayer, wherein the ratio (F1/F2) between the average oblateness (F1) of the thermoplastic continuous fiber present on the surface side and the average oblateness (F2) of the thermoplastic continuous fiber present on the inner side is 1.20 or more.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Composite Foam Article

Номер: US20220063239A1
Принадлежит: Proprietect LP

A composite foam article is disclosed herein. The composite foam article comprises a polyurethane foam core presenting a first surface and a second surface facing opposite the first surface. A first skin is disposed on the first surface and a second skin is disposed on the second surface. The first and second skins comprise a plurality of fibers and a polymeric binder. The composite foam article also comprises at least one supplemental layer comprising an ethylene and acrylic acid copolymer dispersed in and/or disposed between any of said aforementioned skins and core.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063253A1

Multilayer film which comprises a core layer (C) and two outer layers (0-1, 0-2) sandwiching the core layer, wherein (i) the core layer (C) comprises 90 to 100% by weight of a first bimodal ethylene/1-butene/C-C-alpha-olefin terpolymer having a density between >925 kg/mand 970 kg/mwith respect to the total weight of the layer, (ii) two outer layers (0-1) and (0-2) comprise (ii-1) the bimodal terpolymer as defined for the core layer (C) and (ii-2) a second bimodal ethylene/1-butene/C-C-alpha-olefin terpolymer having a density between >910 kg/mand <925 kg/m. 1. Multilayer film , preferably for heavy duty shipping sacks , which comprises a core layer (C) and two outer layers (O-1 , O-2) sandwiching the core layer , wherein{'sub': 6', '12, 'sup': 3', '3, '(i) the core layer (C) comprises 90 to 100% by weight of a first bimodal ethylene/1-butene/C-C-alpha-olefin terpolymer having a density between >925 kg/mand 970 kg/mwith respect to the total weight of the layer,'}(ii) two outer layers (O-1) and (O-2) comprise(ii-1) the bimodal terpolymer as defined for the core layer (C) and{'sub': 6', '12, '(ii-2) a second bimodal ethylene/1-butene/C-C-alpha-olefin terpolymer having a density between >910 kg/m3 and <925 kg/m3.'}2. Multilayer film according to wherein the core layer (C) comprises a first bimodal ethylene/1-butene/C-C-alpha-olefin terpolymer claim 1 , which can comprise(A-1) a low molecular weight homopolymer of ethylene and(A-2) a high molecular weight terpolymer of ethylene, 1-butene and a C6-C12-alpha-olefin3. Multilayer film according to or claim 1 , wherein the C6-C12-alpha-olefins is selected from the group of 1-hexene claim 1 , 4-methyl-1-pentene claim 1 , 1-octene and 1-decene.4. Multilayer film according to or wherein the first bimodal ethylene/1-butene/C-C-alpha-olefin terpolymer comprises a low molecular weight fraction of a homopolymer of ethylene and a high molecular weight fraction of a terpolymer of ethylene claim 1 , 1-butene and a C-C-alpha-olefin claim ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Insulated multi-layer sheet and method of making the same

Номер: US20190047265A1
Принадлежит: Berry Global Inc

A multi-layer sheet includes an insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material, a film, and a polymeric-lamination layer. The insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material may be formed from a polymeric formulation comprising a base resin blend and a physical nucleating agent.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053496A1

Provided is a tile for concealing an underlying surface. The tile includes a base including a downward-facing surface that is to oppose an underlying surface on which the tile is to rest. The base is formed, at least in part, from a material including a combination of crumb rubber and rice hull material. A plurality of feet extend in a downwardly direction from the downward-facing surface to contact the underlying surface on which the tile is to rest and separate the downward-facing surface from the underlying surface. A cap is coupled to a surface of the base opposite the downward-facing surface comprising the feet. 1. A tile comprising:a base comprising a downward-facing surface that is to oppose an underlying surface on which the tile is to rest, the base being formed from a material comprising a combination of crumb rubber and rice hull material;a plurality of feet extending in a downwardly direction from the downward-facing surface to contact the underlying surface on which the tile is to rest and separate the downward-facing surface from the underlying surface; anda cap coupled to a surface of the base opposite the downward-facing surface comprising the feet.2. The tile of claim 1 , wherein the feet are integrally formed as part of a monolithic unit with the base.3. The tile of claim 1 , wherein the feet define channels extending along the downward-facing surface through which a liquid can flow between the downward-facing surface and the underlying surface.4. The tile of further comprising a connection member that is compatible to cooperate with the feet to couple the tile adjacent to a neighboring tile.5. The tile of claim 1 , wherein the cap comprises an overhanging portion and the base comprises a protruding portion. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/971,195, filed Mar. 27, 2014, which is incorporated in its entirety herein by reference.1. Field of the InventionThis application relates generally to flooring materials ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050551A1
Принадлежит: BENJ&SOTO

The invention relates to a composite comprising a base layer, preferably made of plastic foam, wood, plaster, plywood, cork, cardboard, metals or alloys, cement, concrete, stone, ceramics, glass, acrylic polymer, alumina trihydrate; an adhesive layer or a fabric layer, said layer positioned onto the base layer; one or more recurring set of layers, said set of layers comprising an adhesive layer and a fabric layer, wherein the one or more recurring set of layers are positioned onto the adhesive layer or fabric layer, in an alternate order; provided that the composite comprises at least 3 layers in addition to the base layer. In one embodiment, the base layer is an object or surface covered with the described layers. 1. A composite comprisinga) a base layer;b) an adhesive layer or a fabric layer,c) one or more recurring set of layers, said set of layers comprising an adhesive layer and a fabric layer, wherein the one or more recurring set of layers are positioned, in an alternate order, onto the (b) adhesive layer or fabric layer; andwherein the base layer (a) is impregnated with said b) adhesive layer or wherein the base layer (a) is covered partly, substantially, or fully with said b) fabric layer;wherein in the one or more recurring set of layers (c), any one of the fabric layers are impregnated with the adhesive layer.2. (canceled)3. The composite according to claim 1 , wherein any one of the adhesive layers are cured.4. The composite according to claim 1 , wherein the fabrics in any one of the fabric layers are claim 1 , independently of each other claim 1 , selected from a knitted fabric.5. The composite according to claim 4 , wherein the knitted fabric is made from natural and/or synthetic fibers claim 4 , preferably from cotton or Nylon® claim 4 , polyester or polyamide fibers claim 4 , and any mixture thereof.6. The composite according to claim 1 , wherein the composite further comprises d) a protective finish applied onto at least a portion of the one set of ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054616A1

A low-emittance material having improved energy efficiency protection against air infiltration and moisture build-up in buildings is disclosed. The aforementioned low-emittance material utilizes existing framing openings or without increasing the wall profile of a building. The present invention provides a low-emittance material which may be implemented on traditional 2×4 framing having R-15 mass insulation material within existing or newly constructed framing cavities. The material of the present invention also meets requirements for serving as a water resistive barrier as defined by ICC AC38. 1. A flexible insulation comprising:a base insulating material;a covering material positioned over the base insulating material: anda plurality of perforations, wherein each of the perforations comprises an opening through both the base insulating material and the covering material.225-. (canceled) The present application is a continuation of Application No. 13,107,568, filed on May 13, 2011, which claims priority to provisional patent application entitled, “LOW-E HOUSEWRAP,” filed on May 21, 2010, and assigned U.S. Application Ser. No. 61/346,916. The contents of these applications are incorporated by reference.The present invention relates generally to building structure materials, and more specifically to an infiltration barrier used in building construction to improve energy efficiency and to protect against air infiltration and moisture build-up in buildings.In order to improve the energy efficiency of new and existing buildings, it has been common practice in building new structures, and in residing old structures, to cover the exterior wall sheathing with an infiltration barrier, for example, prior to installation of a covering material such as siding. One such infiltration barrier is a high density polyethylene fiber sheeting. While infiltration barriers cut down on drafts and thereby convective heat loss, they provide little other contribution to the energy ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190050027A1

A glass element having a thickness from 25 μm to 125 μm, a first primary surface, a second primary surface, and a compressive stress region extending from the first primary surface to a first depth, the region defined by a compressive stress σI of at least about 100 MPa at the first primary surface. Further, the glass element has a stress profile such that it does not fail when it is subject to 200,000 cycles of bending to a target bend radius of from 1 mm to 20 mm, by the parallel plate method. Still further, the glass element has a puncture resistance of greater than about 1.5 kgf when the first primary surface of the glass element is loaded with a tungsten carbide ball having a diameter of 1.5 mm. 1. A glass article , comprising:a glass element having a thickness from about 25 μm to about 125 μm, the glass element further comprising:(a) a first primary surface;(b) a second primary surface; and(c) a compressive stress region extending from the first primary surface of the glass element to a first depth in the glass element, the region defined by a compressive stress of at least about 150 MPa at the first primary surface of the glass element,wherein the glass element is characterized by:(a) an absence of failure when the glass element is held at a bend radius induced by a parallel plate spacing of about 20 mm for about 60 minutes at about 25° C. and about 50% relative humidity;(b) a puncture resistance of greater than about 1.5 kgf when the first primary surface of the glass element is loaded with a tungsten carbide ball having a diameter of 1.5 mm.2. The article of claim 1 , the glass element comprising (c) a pencil hardness of greater than or equal to 8H.3. The article of claim 2 , wherein the compressive stress at the first primary surface of the glass element is less than or equal to 2000 MPa.4. The article of claim 3 , wherein the first depth is set at approximately one third of the thickness of the glass element or less from the first primary surface of the ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072833A1

A packaging film is described. The packaging film comprises a first layer comprising thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer. The thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer comprises a thermoplastic polyether polyurethane elastomer or a thermoplastic e polyester polyurethane elastomer. The thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer has a shore A hardness in accordance with DtN ISO 7819-1 (3s) of equal to or greater than about 35. The first layer is an inner layer of the packaging film. The packaging film also comprises a second layer comprising a first tie material. The second layer is directly adjacent the first layer. The packaging film also comprises a third layer comprising ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer. The third layer is positioned inferior to each of the first layer and the second layer. Various embodiments of the packaging film are also described. 1. A packaging film comprising:a first layer comprising a thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer, wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer comprises a thermoplastic polyether polyurethane elastomer or a thermoplastic polyester polyurethane elastomer and the thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer has a shore A hardness in accordance with DIN ISO 7619-1 (3s) equal to or greater than 35, and wherein the first layer is an inner layer of the packaging film;a second layer comprising a first tie material, wherein the second layer is directly adjacent the first layer; anda third layer comprising ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer, wherein the third layer is positioned interior to each of the first layer and the second layer.2. The packaging film of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer has a shore A hardness in accordance with DIN ISO 7619-1 (3s) equal to or greater than 83.3. The packaging film of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer has a shore A hardness in accordance with DIN ISO 7619-1 (3s) from 83 to 98.4. The packaging film of claim 1 , wherein the first tie material contributes a ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073262A1

A multi-layer sheet includes an insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material, a film, and a polymeric-lamination layer. The insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material may be formed from a polymeric formulation comprising a base resin blend and a physical nucleating agent. 1. A multi-layer sheet comprising:a film layer,an insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material, anda polymeric-lamination layer extending between and interconnecting the film layer and the insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material,wherein the film layer is a biaxially oriented polypropylene film,wherein the multi-layer sheet comprises an ink layer printed on the film layer.2. The multi-layer sheet of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric-lamination layer comprises a polypropylene claim 1 , regrind claim 1 , a colorant claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.3. The multi-layer sheet of claim 2 , wherein the polymeric-lamination layer comprises at least 40% polypropylene.4. The multi-layer sheet of claim 3 , wherein the regrind is about 0.05% to about 99.5% by weight of the polymeric-lamination layer.5. The multi-layer sheet of claim 4 , wherein the regrind comprises ink and regrind of the multi-layer sheet.6. The multi-layer sheet of claim 1 , wherein the insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material comprises about 40% to about 99.5% by weight of a base resin blend claim 1 , and up to about 50% by weight regrind.7. The multi-layer sheet of claim 6 , wherein the regrind is about 0.05% to about 50% by weight of the insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material.8. The multi-layer sheet of claim 6 , wherein the regrind is substantially free of an adhesive.9. The multi-layer sheet of claim 6 , wherein the base resin blend comprises a first polypropylene and a second polypropylene.10. The multi-layer sheet of claim 9 , wherein the first polypropylene is a first high melt-strength polypropylene and the second polypropylene is a second high melt-strength polypropylene.11. The ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Polymer material based on polylactic acid

Номер: US20140134441A1
Принадлежит: AGC Glass Europe SA

The invention relates to a polymer material comprising a mixture of: a base polylactic acid (PLA) polymer formed by between 60 wt.-% and 85 wt.-% L units and between 15 wt.-% and 40 wt.-% D units or between 60 wt.-% and 85 wt.-% D units and between 15 wt.-% and 40 wt.-% L units; and a plasticiser selected from the group containing citric acid esters, glycerin esters and derivatives, poly(alkylene ethers), oligomers of lactide or derivatives of lactic acid, fatty acid esters and epoxidised oils, representing between 10 wt.-% and 40 wt.-% in relation to the total weight of the polymer material.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074005A1
Автор: MYTAROS Panagiotis

A leather laminate composite includes a leather layer and reinforcing fabric laminated together via an adhesive. The adhesive includes water vapor passages. 1. A leather laminate composite comprising a leather layer and reinforcing fabric laminated together via an adhesive ,wherein the adhesive comprises water vapor passages.2. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the leather laminate has a water vapor permeability of above 5 mg/cm2/hour.3. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the leather laminate has a water vapor permeability of above 5 mg/cm2/hour.4. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein a variation of breathability of a leather laminate varies with less than 25% measured over a plurality of leather laminates.5. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the reinforcing fabric is below 0.1 mm.6. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein an ultimate tensile strength of the reinforcing fabric is at least above 5 kN/m.7. (canceled)8. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein an elongation at break of the reinforcing fabric is between 0.2% and 10%.9. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein a tear strength of the reinforcing fabric is at least 25 N.10. (canceled)11. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein a tensile strength of the reinforcing fabric is between 1 GPa and 5 GPa.12. (canceled)13. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein a peel strength of the leather laminate is between 0.3 N/mm and 1.5 N/mm.14. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing fabric claim 1 , the adhesive claim 1 , and the leather are compatible.1516.-. (canceled)17. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the leather layer is obtained from top grain leather.18. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein a flesh-side of the leather layer is facing the reinforcing fabric of the leather laminate composite.19. The leather ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Compression Fabric Composites and Methods of Making and Using the Same

Номер: US20160059516A1
Автор: Harris Kerry S.

The present invention relates to a stretchable fabric composite. Specifically, the fabric composite comprises a first layer comprising a stretchable fabric and a second layer comprising an elastic polymer; wherein the first layer and second layer are bonded together forming the fabric composite. The fabric composite is useful for constructing a garment or a compression article. A method of making the fabric composite is also provided. 1. A multilayer fabric composite comprising:a first layer comprising a stretchable fabric; and,a second layer comprising an elastic polymer in a lattice pattern,wherein the first layer and second layer are bonded together forming the composite.2. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the first layer comprises spandex.3. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the second layer comprises an elastic polyurethane.4. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the lattice pattern is selected from the group consisting of an open lattice pattern and a reverse lattice pattern.5. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the composite further comprises a middle adhesive layer bonding the first layer and the second layer together.6. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the first layer and the second layer are bonded together through a process selected from the group consisting of sonic welding claim 1 , thermal welding claim 1 , adhesive and mechanical bonding.7. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the second layer has a tacky side and a smooth side claim 1 , wherein the tacky side is bonded together with the first layer and the smooth side is exposed.8. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the second layer has a tacky side and a smooth side claim 1 , wherein the smooth side is bonded together with the first layer and the tacky side is exposed.9. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the composite is stretchable in at least one direction.10. The composite fabric of claim 1 , wherein the composite is stretchable in a plurality of dimensions.11. A compression fabric for use in ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059523A1

The present invention provides an insulation film, comprising a film upper layer () and a film lower layer (), wherein both of the film upper layer () and film lower layer () are made of a PP material, the PP material contains a flame retardant to meet the flame retardance thereof; a film intermediate layer () located between the film upper layer () and the film lower layer (), the film intermediate layer () is made of a PP or PE material, the PP or PE material does not contain a flame retardant or contains a small amount of flame retardant; an upper surface of the film intermediate layer () is bound together with a lower surface of the film upper layer (), a lower surface of the film intermediate layer () is bound together with an upper surface of the film lower layer (). 1. An insulation film , comprising:a film upper layer and a film lower layer, wherein both of the film upper layer and film lower layer are made of a PP material, and the PP material contains a flame retardant to meet the flame retardance thereof;a film intermediate layer located between the film upper layer and the film lower layer, wherein the film intermediate layer is made of a PP or PE material, the PP or PE material does not contain a flame retardant or contains a small amount of flame retardant;an upper surface of the film intermediate layer is bound together with a lower surface of the film upper layer, and a lower surface of the film intermediate layer is bound together with an upper surface of the film lower layer.2. The insulation film according to claim 1 , wherein the film upper layer and the film lower layer are made of similar or same material.3. The insulation film according to claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant in the film upper layer and the film lower layer comprises a halogen-free flame retardant or halogenated flame retardant claim 1 , the halogen-free flame retardant includes a phosphor-containing flame retardant claim 1 , a nitrogen-containing flame retardant claim 1 , a ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059524A1

The present invention relates to a multi-layered polymer film, comprising a sealing layer and a base layer, wherein the sealing layer comprises a polypropylene (SL-PP), and wherein the sealing layer polypropylene SL-PP comprises comonomer units derived from ethylene in an amount of from 0.5 wt % to 25 wt % and from at least one C5-12 alpha-olefin in an amount of from 0.5 mol % to 4.0 mol %, and has an amount of xylene solubles XS of at least 20 wt %, and the xylene solubles have an amount of ethylene-derived comonomer units of from 4 wt % to 50 wt %. 1. A multi-layered polymer film , comprising a sealing layer and a base layer ,wherein the sealing layer comprises a polypropylene, and [{'sub': '5-12', 'comprises comonomer units derived from ethylene in an amount of from 0.5 wt % to 25 wt %, and from at least one Calpha-olefin in an amount of from 0.5 mol % to 4.0 mol %, and'}, 'has an amount of xylene solubles XS of at least 20 wt %, and the xylene solubles have an amount of ethylene-derived comonomer units of from 4 wt % to 50 wt %., 'wherein the sealing layer polypropylene SL-PP'}2. The multi-layered polymer film according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one Calpha-olefin is selected from 1-hexene claim 1 , 1-octene claim 1 , or any mixture thereof.3. The multi-layered polymer film according to claim 1 , {'br': None, 'i': C', 'XS', 'XS/', 'C, 'sub': 2', '2, '[()×100]/(total)≧0.90'}, 'wherein the sealing layer polypropylene complies with the following relationwherein{'sub': '2', 'C(XS) is the amount in wt % of the ethylene-derived comonomer units in the xylene solubles of the sealing layer polypropylene,'}XS is the amount in wt % of xylene solubles of the sealing layer polypropylene,{'sub': '2', 'C(total) is the amount in wt % of the ethylene-derived comonomer units in the sealing layer polypropylene.'}4. The multi-layered polymer film according to claim 1 , wherein the xylene solubles of the sealing layer polypropylene contain an amount of comonomer units which ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a plastic fabric-film composite product, plastic fabric-film composite and packaging bag comprising a plastic fabric-film composite

Номер: US20180057215A1
Автор: KOESTERS Jens

A method for manufacturing a plastic fabric-film composite product includes forming an extruded-film web with at least one sealing layer by film extrusion in such a way that the sealing layer is located on a first side of the extruded-film web and then, feeding and laminating a plastic-fabric web made of film-strip fabric and the prefabricated extruded-film strip with one another to form a composite web. The composite web is formed in such a way that a second side of the extruded-film web faces a first side of the plastic-fabric web. 1. A method for manufacturing a plastic fabric-film composite product , comprising the steps of:using film extrusion, forming an extruded-film web comprising at least one sealing layer so that the sealing layer is located on a first side of the extruded-film web, andforming a composite web by feeding and laminating to one another, a plastic-fabric web comprising a film-strip fabric and the prefabricated extruded-film strip are fed and laminated with one another so that a second side of the extruded-film web faces a first side of the plastic-fabric web.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the step of using film extrusion to form the extruded-film web implemented by blown-film extrusion.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the step of using film extrusion to form the extruded-film web include coextruding the extruded-film web in multiple layers.4. The method as recited in claim 3 , wherein the extruded-film web comprises at least one barrier layer in addition to the sealing layer.5. The method as recited claim 1 , wherein the prefabricated extruded-film web and the plastic-fabric web are connected to each other by extrusion lamination.6. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein a cover film is provided with an imprint on a print side and wherein the cover film is laminated with the plastic-fabric web so that the print side of the cover film faces a second side of the plastic-fabric web.7. The method as recited in claim ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Lightweight underlayment

Номер: US20210060911A1
Автор: Trevor Arthurs
Принадлежит: Intertape Polymer Corp

A roofing underlayment and a novel method for manufacturing same is provided. The roofing underlayment comprises a woven scrim bonded with a nonwoven thermoplastic and at least one coating layer disposed on a deck-facing surface of the woven scrim.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063082A1

A flooring assembly () comprising at least one vertically lapped fibrous material layer (), at least one pressure sensitive adhesive layer () including a flexible substrate (), a mesh () and an adhesive () located along the flexible substrate, and at least one moisture impermeable membrane layer (). 1. A flooring assembly comprising:a) at least one vertically lapped fibrous material layer;b) at least one adhesive layer; and 'wherein the flooring assembly provides acoustic damping.', 'c) at least one moisture impermeable membrane layer;'}2. (canceled)3. The flooring assembly of claim 1 , including a composite layer located above all other layers.4. (canceled)5. The flooring assembly of claim 1 , including a first adhesive layer located in direct planar contact with a first surface of the at least one vertically lapped fibrous material layer.6. The flooring assembly of claim 5 , including a second adhesive layer located in direct planar contact with a second surface of the at least one moisture impermeable membrane layer.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The flooring assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one moisture impermeable membrane layer is located in direct planar contact with the at least one vertically lapped fibrous material layer.10. The flooring assembly of claim 1 , wherein the assembly comprises:a. exactly one vertically lapped fibrous material layer;b. exactly one moisture impermeable membrane layer located in direct planar contact with a second surface of the vertically lapped fibrous material layer;c. a first adhesice layer located in direct planar contact with a first surface of the vertically lapped fibrous material layer; andd. a second adhesive layer located in direct planar contact with a second surface of the moisture impermeable membrane layer.11. The flooring assembly of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the vertically lapped fibrous material layer is about 0.5 mm or greater and about 10 mm or less.12. (canceled)13. The flooring assembly of ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065350A1

A multilayer optical film is provided comprising first optical layers of a first fluoropolymeric material and second optical layers of a second fluoropolymeric material wherein at least a portion of the first layers and at least a portion of the second layers are in intimate contact. 1. A multilayer optical film comprising an optical stack , wherein the optical stack comprises:a) first optical layers consisting essentially of a first fluoropolymeric material, wherein the first fluoropolymeric material is a homopolymer of vinylidene fluoride or a copolymer comprising interpolymerized ethylene and tetrafluoroethylene monomers; andb) second optical layers consisting essentially of a second fluoropolymeric material, wherein the second fluoropolymeric material is a copolymer comprising interpolymerized tetrafluoroethylene, hexafluoropropylene, and vinylidene fluoride monomers,wherein at least a portion of the first optical layers and at least a portion of the second optical layers are in intimate contact, wherein at least 30% of a wavelength of interest is reflected at a 90 degree angle of incidence by the optical stack and the wavelength of interest is a wavelength greater than 700 nm.2. A multilayer optical film according to claim 1 , wherein the refractive index difference between the first fluoropolymeric material and the second fluoropolymeric material is less than 0.20.3. A multilayer optical film according to claim 1 , wherein the refractive index difference between the first fluoropolymeric material and the second fluoropolymeric material is less than 0.10.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. A multilayer optical film according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first fluoropolymeric material or the second fluoropolymeric material is birefringent.8. A multilayer optical film according to claim 1 , wherein the optical stack comprises at least 5 first optical layers and at least 5 second optical layers.9. A multilayer optical film according to claim 1 , ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066921A1

Multilayer composite materials having a camouflaged appearance. More particularly, camouflaged tactical vest covers having slots for the webless attachment of accessories. An easily colored outer fabric is provided with a colored camouflage pattern and backed with a non-colored high tenacity fabric for enhanced durability. A colored intermediate adhesive is employed to maintain a camouflaged visual appearance without the added complexity of dying the high tenacity fibers of the backing material. 1. A multilayer composite comprising:a) a perforated, colored outer fibrous material layer, said outer fibrous material layer comprising one or more fibrous plies; said outer fibrous material layer having at least one color;b) a fibrous base layer adjoined with the outer fibrous material layer, said base layer comprising one or more fibrous plies, each of said fibrous plies comprising fibers having a tenacity of greater than 10 g/denier; wherein the outer fibrous material layer has a different colored appearance than the base layer; andc) a colored polymeric material between said outer fibrous material layer and said base layer; said colored polymeric material having at least one color;wherein the colored polymeric material is partially exposed through said perforations and wherein visual exposure of the base layer through said perforations is at least partially obscured by the colored polymeric material; and wherein the portions of the colored polymeric material exposed through said perforations are camouflaged by the fibrous material layer.2. The composite of wherein the outer fibrous material layer comprises fibers having a tenacity of 10 g/denier or less.3. The composite of wherein said colored polymeric material is a colored polymer film.4. The composite of wherein each color of the colored outer fibrous material has a Munsell hue claim 1 , and each color of the colored polymeric material has a Munsell hue claim 1 , wherein the colored polymeric material has a Munsell ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160070042A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Provided are a base film, a laminate, and a method of forming a polarizing film. Particularly, a base film which may effectively form a polarizing film having a thickness of approximately 10, 8, 7, 6, or 5 μm or less and exhibiting excellent functions such as polarizing performance, a laminate, and a method of forming the same are provided. Therefore, a polarizing film may be formed by preventing tearing or curling during an elongation process, and easily elongating a polarizing material such as a polyvinylalcohol-based resin.

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150072094A1

The present invention relates to a single- or multi-layered synthetic film primarily consisting of biodegradable polymers, said synthetic film consisting of one or more layers (a) of at least one biodegradable polymer and 1-35% by weight, relative to the total weight of the layer (a), of at least one modified, thermoplastic copolymer of α,β-unsaturated olefins having 2-10 carbon atoms and (meth)acrylic acid and/or at least one (meth)acrylic acid derivative that is grafted, preferably with cyclic anhydride groups and/or carboxyl groups and/or ester groups, said invention further relating to a use of such a synthetic film as packaging material. 1. A predominantly biodegradable , single-layer or multilayer polymer film consisting ofat least one layer (a) made up of a mixture of at least one biodegradable polymer and up to a maximum of 35% by weight, based on the total weight of the layer (a), of at least one modified, thermoplastic copolymer composed of α,β-unsaturated olefins having 2-10 carbon atoms and (meth)acrylic acid and/or at least one (meth)acrylic acid derivative, which is grafted, of optionally at least one plasticizer and of optionally one or more commonly used additives; andadditionally optionally other layers;whereby the other layers which are optionally present consist of at least one biodegradable polymer, of optionally a modified, thermoplastic copolymer of α,β-unsaturated olefins having 2-10 carbon atoms and (meth)acrylic acid and/or at least one (meth)acrylic acid derivative, which is grafted, of optionally at least one plasticizer and of optionally one or more commonly used additives,whereas the total proportion of the modified, thermoplastic copolymers of the polymer film, based on the total weight of the polymer film, is not more than 15% by weight andthe polymer film comprises no adhesion promoting layer.2. A polymer film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polymer film is a multilayer film.3. A polymer film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072024A1
Автор: Lopez Luis Arturo

A method of producing a reinforced stretch film includes the steps of: providing an elongated base sheet of plastic stretch film having a longitudinal axis; forming a plurality of cord-like, elongated reinforcement members; positioning the plurality of reinforcement members to the base sheet where the reinforcement members extend along the longitudinal axis of the base sheet; positioning a plurality of plastic film strip overlay over each of the reinforcement members where the overlays being parallel and spaced from one another; and attaching the overlays to the reinforcement members and to the base sheet to fixedly sandwich the reinforcement members between the base sheet and the overlays. Whereby, the reinforcement members comprising parallel, elongated reinforcement strips defining elongated spaces therebetween. 1. A method of producing a reinforced stretch film comprising the steps of:providing an elongated base sheet of plastic stretch film having a longitudinal axis;forming a plurality of cord-like, elongated reinforcement members and forming a plurality of plastic film strip overlays from the same roll which is a roll other than the elongated base sheet;randomly compressing and twisting each individual cord-like, elongated reinforcement member which consists of a single section of the roll;positioning said plurality of cord-like, elongated reinforcement members on said elongated base sheet where said cord-like, elongated reinforcement members extend along the longitudinal axis of said elongated base sheet;positioning a single plastic film strip overlay over each of said cord-like, elongated reinforcement members where each plastic film strip overlay is parallel and spaced from one another; andattaching said plastic film strip overlays to said cord-like, elongated reinforcement members and to said elongated base sheet to fixedly sandwich said cord-like, elongated reinforcement members between said elongated base sheet and said narrow plastic film strip ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070838A1

The invention provides a thermoplastic film comprising: a base film wherein the base film comprises a stretchable polyolefin material comprising one or more layers; and a plurality of extruded fibre elements; wherein the extruded fibre elements are located on at least one surface of the base film; wherein the extruded fibres form one or more protrusions relative to the plane of the base film; wherein at the location where the fibre elements are provided on the base film, a domain of a material mixture comprising the base film material and the fibre material is present between a domain of pure base film material and a domain of pure fibre material, and wherein the average thickness of the base film is less than the average thickness of the protrusion. 1. A thermoplastic film comprising:a base film wherein the base film comprises a stretchable polyolefin material comprising one or more layers; anda plurality of extruded fibre elements;wherein the extruded fibre elements are located on at least one surface of the base film;wherein the extruded fibre elements form one or more protrusions relative to the plane of the base film;wherein at the location where the fibre elements are provided on the base film, a domain of a material mixture comprising the base film material and the fibre material is present between a domain of pure base film material and a domain of pure fibre material,wherein the average thickness of the base film is less than the average thickness of the protrusion; andwherein the fibre elements cover less that 51% of the surface area of the film.2. The thermoplastic film according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the average width to the average length of said elements of the current invention is in a range selected from the group consisting of: 1:500-1:10 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000 and 1:50-1:500 claim 1 ,000.3. The thermoplastic film according to claim 1 , wherein the average diameter of the fibre elements is in a range selected from the group consisting ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Peel and stick waterproofing material

Номер: US20170072660A1
Принадлежит: Tamko Building Products LLC

Disclosed is waterproofing sheeting that uses a polyester layer that provides high lateral stability and puncture resistance. The waterproof sheeting can be used in many applications including waterproof roof underlayments, waterproof sheeting for foundations, underlayment for tile and flooring and various other applications. The waterproof sheeting can be manufactured without many of the problems associated with the granular coatings of existing waterproof sheeting that create excessive wear and environmental hazards.

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Thermoplastic elastomer overmold composition

Номер: US20220089898A1
Принадлежит: Star Thermoplastic Alloys & Rubbers Inc

A thermoplastic elastomer composition for overmolding a plastic article or substrate, a method for the preparation of an overmolded article, and an overmolded article having a layer of thermoplastic elastomer is provided. The thermoplastic elastomer composition comprises a blend of hydrogenated styrene block copolymers and unsaturated styrene block copolymer. The method for the preparation of the overmolded article comprises applying a thermoplastic elastomer composition to at least a portion of the exterior surface of a rigid plastic substrate.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Pearl paper and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20210078308A1
Принадлежит: Nan Ya Plastics Corp

A pearl paper and a method for manufacturing the same are provided. The pearl paper includes a first surface layer, a second surface layer, and a lightweight layer. The lightweight layer is disposed between the first surface layer and the second surface layer. The first surface layer is a polypropylene layer. The second surface layer is a polypropylene layer. The lightweight layer has a continuous phase part and a dispersed phase part. A material of the continuous phase part contains polypropylene and a material of the polymer dispersed phase part contains polyester.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Foam compositions and uses thereof

Номер: US20210079186A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

Components for articles of footwear and athletic equipment including a foam are provided. The foam portion of the components and articles include a composition which includes a thermoplastic copolyester, the composition having a foam structure. A polymer layer is provided on at least on surface of the foam portion. The polymer layer can control or reduce the water uptake of the foam portion. Methods of making the compositions, foams, and components are provided, as well as methods of making an article of footwear including one of the foam components. In some aspects, the foams and foam components can be made by injection molding, or injection molding followed by compression molding.

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Multimodal copolymer of ethylene and at least two alpha-olefin comonomers and final articles made thereof

Номер: US20180079899A1
Принадлежит: Borealis AG

The present invention is directed to a multimodal polyethylene copolymer comprising a first and a second copolymer of ethylene and at least two alpha-olefin comonomers. Such multimodal copolymers are highly suitable for conversion processes that require a high Draw Down Ratio, like the production of thin films. Such multimodal polyethylene copolymers provide a good impact strength in the sense of a high Dart drop impact strength (DDI) and good isotropy of the films produces thereof. The invention further presents final articles such as films made therefrom.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097348A1

Embodiments disclosed herein include multilayer films having a cling layer, a core layer, and a release layer, wherein the cling layer comprises a propylene interpolymer and the core layer comprises a core layer polyethylene composition. 1. A multilayer cast film comprising a cling layer , a core layer , and a release layer , wherein:{'sup': ['3', '3'], '#text': 'the cling layer comprises a propylene interpolymer comprising at least 60 wt. % units derived from propylene and between 1 and 40 wt. % units derived from ethylene, wherein the propylene interpolymer has a density of from 0.840 g/cmto 0.900 g/cm, a highest DSC melting peak temperature of from 50.0° C. to 120.0° C., a melt flow rate, MFR2, of from 1 to 100 g/10 min when measured according to ASTM D1238 at 230° C. and 2.16 kg load, and a molecular weight distribution (MWD) of less than 4.0; and'}the core layer comprises a core layer polyethylene composition which comprises the reaction product of ethylene and, optionally, one or more alpha olefin comonomers, wherein the core layer polyethylene composition is characterized by one or more of the following properties:(a) a melt index, I2, of from 2.5 to 12.0 g/10 min;(b) a density of from 0.910 to 0.925 g/cc;(c) a melt flow ratio, I10/I2, of from 6.0 to 7.6; and(d) a molecular weight distribution, (Mw/Mn) of from 2.25 to 4.0.2. The film of claim 1 , wherein the propylene interpolymer has a percent crystallinity in the range of from 0.5% to 45%.3. The film of claim 1 , wherein the propylene interpolymer has a weight average molecular weight (Mw) of at least 50 claim 1 ,000 grams per mole (g/mol).4. The film of claim 1 , wherein the cling layer further comprises a cling layer polyethylene composition which comprises the reaction product of ethylene and claim 1 , optionally claim 1 , one or more alpha olefin comonomers claim 1 , wherein the cling layer polyethylene composition is characterized by one or more of the following properties:(a) a melt index, I2, of from ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Synthetic Mesh Reinforced Multilayer Material and Bags Made Therefrom

Номер: US20220097918A1

A reinforced multilayer material includes a mesh material covered on at least one side, and possibly both, by a layer of a resinous film material. The mesh material includes filaments that intersect one another, at least some of the filaments being composite filaments having a carrier portion of a relatively high melting point and a bonding portion of a relatively low melting point, the bonding portion of each composite filament being thermally bonded to other filaments at least some points of intersection. The multilayer material has a mass per unit area of less than 9.0 oz/ydand at least one of a) a bursting strength to mass per unit area ratio of at least 9.0 lbs./(oz/yd), where bursting strength is measured in accordance with ASTM-D37 86 and b) a breaking elongation of at least 5% in the warp direction when breaking elongation is measured in accordance with ASTM-D37 86. A bag is provided that is made at least in part from a multilayer material having at least some of the characteristics described above. 1. A reinforced multilayer material comprising:a layer of an open mesh material having first and second opposed surfaces, the open mesh material including filaments that intersect one another, at least some of the filaments being composite filaments having a carrier portion of a relatively high melting point and a bonding portion of a relatively low melting point, the bonding portion of each composite filament being thermally bonded to other filaments in at least some points of intersection; anda layer of film material applied to the first surface of the layer of open mesh material,{'sup': ['2', '2'], '#text': 'wherein the multilayer material has a mass per unit area of less than 9.0 oz/ydand at least one of a) a bursting strength to mass per unit area ratio of at least 9.0 lbs./(oz/yd), where bursting strength is measured in accordance with ASTM-D37 86, and b) a breaking elongation of at least 5% in the warp direction when breaking elongation is measured in ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210084833A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

The agricultural material includes a cellulose acylate layer and a polymer layer. The cellulose acylate layer is formed of cellulose acylate. The polymer layer is provided on a first CA surface, which is one surface of the cellulose acylate layer. The polymer layer has a moisture permeation resistance of at most 7.5×10m·day/g per 1 μm of thickness and is formed of a polymer different from cellulose acylate. The agricultural material has a tear strength of at least 0.10 N. 1. An agricultural material comprising:a cellulose acylate layer formed of cellulose acylate; and{'sup': −4', '2, 'a polymer layer provided on one surface of the cellulose acylate layer, the polymer layer having a moisture permeation resistance of at most 7.5×10m·day/g per 1 μm of thickness and being formed of a polymer different from cellulose acylate,'}wherein the agricultural material has a tear strength of at least 0.10 N.2. The agricultural material according to claim 1 ,wherein a peel strength between the cellulose acylate layer and the polymer layer is at least 0.10 N/25 mm.3. The agricultural material according to claim 1 ,wherein the agricultural material comprises the polymer layer between a pair of the cellulose acylate layers.4. The agricultural material according to claim 1 ,wherein the polymer layer has a thickness in a range of from 10 μm to 150 μm.5. The agricultural material according to claim 1 ,wherein a thickness is in a range of from 80 μm to 300 μm.6. The agricultural material according to claim 1 ,wherein the polymer is any one of polyurethane, polyamide, a polyvinyl alcohol-based polymer, a polyacrylamide derivative, or a polyacrylonitrile derivative.7. An agricultural material roll in which the agricultural material according to formed elongatedly is wound into a roll form.8. An agricultural house comprising:a framework formed of a metal backbone; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the agricultural material according to , forming a space partitioned from ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220134708A1

An information security paper is provided. The information security paper includes a first paper layer, a second paper layer, a sensing unit, and a plastic reinforcement layer. The sensing unit and the plastic reinforcement layer are both disposed between the first paper layer and the second paper layer, and the plastic reinforcement layer is located at one side of the sensing unit.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220134720A1

A multilayer film includes a first skin layer, a second skin layer, and a core layer. The core layer includes at least two lanes of material. Each of the lanes of material of the core layer contacts each of the first skin layer and the second skin layer.

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160096696A1
Автор: Colbert David A.
Принадлежит: Global Material Technologies, Inc.

The present invention provides an apparatus for covering a gap that is adjacent a side of a dock plate, which apparatus includes an elongate member having a top surface and a bottom surface, a pin connected to the bottom surface, a tear-resistant material in contact with the bottom surface of the elongate member; and a means for maintaining the contact between the tear-resistant material and the bottom surface. 1. An apparatus for covering a gap that is adjacent a side of a dock plate , which apparatus comprises:(i) an elongate member having a top surface and a bottom surface;(ii) a pin connected to the bottom surface;(iii) a tear-resistant material in contact with the bottom surface of the elongate member; and(iv) a means for maintaining the contact between the tear-resistant material and the bottom surface.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus has a length that approximates the length of the lateral side of the dock plate.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a sealing material in contact with the tear-resistant material.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the sealing material is rubber or plastic.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the sealing material comprises a polymer of one or more monomers selected from the group consisting of vinylchloride claim 4 , ethylene claim 4 , and vinyl acetate.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the tear-resistant material comprises a metal.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the metal is in the form of metal fibers.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the metal fibers have a rough barbed outer surface with irregularly shaped cross-sections that vary along their respective lengths.9. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the tear-resistant material is a composite nonwoven fabric comprising an interengaged mixture of metal fibers and nonmetal fibers.10. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the means for maintaining the contact between the tear-resistant material and the bottom surface is selected from ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации

High thermal resistance and permeance insulation material

Номер: US20160101588A1
Принадлежит: Environmentally Safe Products Inc

A low-emittance material having improved energy efficiency protection against air infiltration and moisture build-up in buildings is disclosed. The aforementioned low-emittance material utilizes existing framing openings or without increasing the wall profile of a building. The present invention provides a low-emittance material which may be implemented on traditional 2×4 framing having R-15 mass insulation material within existing or newly constructed framing cavities. The material of the present invention also meets requirements for serving as a water resistive barrier as defined by ICC AC38.

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Composite sheet with embedded mesh layer

Номер: US20160101590A1
Принадлежит: Interface Performance Materials Inc

A composite sheet includes a base sheet comprising a single ply of dried stock material that includes non-woven natural fibers or non-woven synthetic fibers or both, with the base sheet having a top surface, a bottom surface, and a base sheet thickness between the top surface and the bottom surface. The composite sheet also includes a scrim formed from a plurality of intersecting strands, with the thickness of the scrim, as defined at the intersections of the strands, being at least one third the base sheet thickness, and with at least a majority portion of the thickness of the mesh layer being embedded within the thickness of the base sheet to provide reinforcement for the base sheet.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200093090A1

A pet waste machine configured to capture animal information and dispose of animal waste. The pet waste machine includes a flat surface configured to receive pet waste, wherein a roll of pads is disposed upon the flat surface. A supply housing for holding a fresh supply of pad rolls which is connected to the waste station. A take-up assembly, which is connected to an end of the pet waste machine, is configured to dispose soiled pads by rolling up and sealing the soiled portion of the pad. A control and drive module is connected to the pet waste machine and is configured to detect animal activity. The control and drive module is comprised of an activity sensor. A network connection is connected to the control and drive module and is capable of transmitting data obtained by the pet waste machine. 1. A pet waste station comprising:a flat surface configured to receive pet waste on a portion of a pad supply disposed on the flat surface;a supply housing for holding a fresh portion of the pad supply therein connected to a first end of the pet waste station;a take-up assembly comprising a take-up housing coupled to a second end of the pet waste station configured to roll up and seal a soiled portion of the pad supply for disposal, wherein the soiled portion of the pad supply is capable of holding pet waste; anda control and drive module coupled to the pet waste station, wherein the control and drive module comprises a sensor system in communication with a server, wherein the server produces user data from pet information provided by the sensor system to the server.2. The pet waste station of claim 1 , wherein the server is in direct communication with the pet waste station.3. The pet waste station of claim 1 , wherein the server is in wireless communication with the pet waste station.4. The pet waste station of claim 1 , wherein the user data is transmitted from the server to a user interface.5. The pet waste station of claim 1 , wherein the sensor system comprises at least ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Multi-Layer Polymeric Films

Номер: US20150104627A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

Multi-layer polymeric films and methods of forming the same are provided. The film includes a combination of layers forming the core of the film, and a polymeric skin layer forming each of the outer surfaces of the multi-layer film. The combination of layers forming the core of the film includes: a polypropylene-rich “A” layer, in which polypropylene is the major component of the “A” layer; and a polyethylene-rich “B” layer, in which polyethylene is the major component of the “B” layer. In some cases, the “B” layer may have high density polyethylene as its major component. In the core, there is at least one “A” layer and at least one “B” layer, and the “B” layer is joined at least indirectly to the “A” layer. The “A” layer(s) and the “B” layer(s) combine to make up 20% to 60% of the thickness of the multi-layer polymeric film. 1. A multi-layer polymeric film having two outer surfaces and a thickness , said film comprising: a) at least one polypropylene-rich “A” layer having a thickness, wherein polypropylene is the major component of the “A” layer, wherein the thickness of the “A” layer(s) comprises from about 10% to about 30% of the thickness of the multi-layer polymeric film; and', 'b) at least one polyethylene-rich “B” layer having a thickness, comprising high density polyethylene (HDPE) as the major component, wherein said “B” layer is joined at least indirectly to said “A” layer, wherein the thickness of the “B” layer(s) comprises from about 10% to about 30% of the thickness of the multi-layer polymeric film,, 'a combination of layers forming the core of said film, said combination of layers comprisingwherein each “A” layer and each “B” layer has a thickness of greater than or equal to about 0.05 micrometers to less than or equal to about 15 micrometers; anda pair of polymeric skin layers, one skin layer forming each of the outer surfaces of said multi-layer polymeric film, wherein the skin layers have a combined thickness that is between about 40% to about 80% ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170100908A1

A burnthrough protection system including a fire barrier layer, a foam insulation material, and a distinct buffer layer disposed between the fire barrier layer and the foam insulation material, wherein the buffer layer is adapted to prevent adhesion between the fire barrier layer and the foam insulation at elevated temperature. The burnthrough protection system may be capable of passing the flame propagation and burnthrough resistance test protocols of 14 C.F.R. §25.856(a) and (b), Appendix F, Parts VI and VII. Also, an aircraft including an exterior skin, an interior liner, and the burnthrough protection system disposed between the exterior skin and the interior liner. 1. A burnthrough protection system comprising a fire barrier layer , a foam insulation material , and a distinct buffer layer disposed between the fire barrier layer and the foam insulation material , wherein the buffer layer comprises a binder and at least one of boron nitride , vermiculite , mica , graphite , or talc , wherein the buffer layer at least partially prevents adhesion between the fire barrier layer and the foam insulation material at elevated temperature associated with exposure to flame to prevent tears or other defects in the fire barrier layer , and wherein the fire barrier layer forms at least a portion of a covering which at least partially encapsulates the foam insulation material and the distinct buffer layer.2. The burnthrough protection system of claim 1 , wherein the buffer layer comprises expandable graphite and a binder.3. The burnthrough protection system of claim 1 , wherein the binder comprises an organic binder.4. The burnthrough protection system of claim 2 , wherein the buffer layer is capable of expanding when the buffer layer experiences a temperature of from about 200° F. to about 1 claim 2 ,950° F.5. The burnthrough protection system of claim 1 , wherein the buffer layer comprises boron nitride and an organic binder.6. The burnthrough protection system of claim 1 , ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Bio-based elastomer composition and film and laminate prepared therefrom

Номер: US20220169806A1
Принадлежит: Foshan King Wonder Hi-Tech Co Ltd

The present invention discloses a composition for preparing bio-based elastomer film with high moisture permeability, and a bio-based elastomer film and a laminate therefrom, wherein the composition comprises: 5%-95% bio-based elastomer material, 0-80% resin polymer, 0.01-90% inorganic powder material having a particle size within 100 μm and/or organic low molecular material having a molecular weight within 2000 Daltons, and 0-10% organic anti-blocking agent (dispersant). The bio-based elastomer film and laminate of the present invention have excellent moisture permeability and mechanical performance, which can be widely used in various fields including outdoor sporting goods, clothing, medical treatment, food packaging and shoe materials, and which are environmentally friendly and green products.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111359A1

Multi-ply films are provided that include a top layer affixed to a coextruded film. The coextruded film includes at least a first polyamide structural layer, a sealant layer, and a first tie layer that is disposed between the first polyamide structural layer and the sealant layer, in which the coextruded film is substantially free of an adhesive. Packages that include the multi-ply films and methods for sterilization are also provided. 1. A multi-ply film comprising a top layer that is affixed to a coextruded film by an adhesive layer disposed between the top layer and the coextruded film , wherein:the coextruded film comprises a first polyamide structural layer, a sealant layer, and a first tie layer disposed between the first polyamide structural layer and the sealant layer; andthe coextruded film is substantially free of an adhesive,wherein the first polyamide structural layer is a biaxially unoriented nylon.2. The multi-ply film of claim 1 , wherein the coextruded film further comprises an outer layer claim 1 , in which the first polyamide structural layer is disposed between the sealant layer and the outer layer claim 1 , and a second tie layer disposed between the first polyamide structural layer and the outer layer.3. The multi-ply film of claim 2 , wherein the coextruded film further comprises a second polyamide structural layer claim 2 , in which the second polyamide structural layer is disposed between the second tie layer and the outer layer claim 2 , and a third tie layer disposed between the second polyamide structural layer and the outer layer.4. The multi-ply film of claim 1 , wherein the first polyamide structural layer comprises adjacent layers of biaxially unoriented nylon or the second polyamide structural layer comprises a nylon.5. (canceled)6. The multi-ply film of claim 1 , wherein the coextruded film further comprises an inner layer comprising a polypropylene claim 1 , a polyethylene claim 1 , or combination thereof disposed between the ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113840A1
Автор: WOLAK Paul Z.

A multi-layer film includes a skin layer and a seal layer. The multi-layer film may be used to form a package for a food product. 1. A multi-layer film comprisinga skin layer,a seal layer located in spaced-apart relation to the skin layer, anda puncture-resistant layer arranged to extend between and interconnect the skin layer and the seal layer,wherein the puncture-resistant layer is configured to minimize puncture of the multi-layer film by objects extending through the multi-layer film from the seal layer through the skin layer so that an outer surface of the skin layer remains uninterrupted.2. The multi-layer film of claim 1 , wherein the puncture-resistant layer includes a first puncture-resistant sub-layer comprising a nylon material claim 1 , a second puncture-resistant sub-layer claim 1 , and a third puncture-resistant sub-layer comprising a polypropylene copolymer material claim 1 , and the second puncture-resistant sub-layer is arranged to extend between and interconnect the first puncture-resistant sub-layer and the third puncture-resistant sub-layer.3. The multi-layer film of claim 2 , wherein the nylon material comprises a copolyamide 6/66 material.4. The multi-layer film of claim 3 , wherein the polypropylene copolymer material comprises a high impact polypropylene copolymer.5. The multi-layer film of claim 4 , wherein the second puncture-resistant sub-layer is a tie layer comprising a polyethylene material.6. The multi-layer film of claim 5 , wherein the polyethylene material of the second puncture-resistant sublayer is mLLDPE.7. The multi-layer film of claim 6 , wherein the tie layer further comprises an adhesive.8. The multi-layer film of claim 1 , wherein the skin layer includes a first skin sub-layer comprising a first polyethylene material claim 1 , a second skin sub-layer comprising a second polyethylene material claim 1 , and the first skin sub-layer is located between the second skin sub-layer and the puncture-resistant layer.9. The multi- ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170115700A1

A glass element having a thickness from 25 μm to 125 μm, a first primary surface, a second primary surface, and a compressive stress region extending from the first primary surface to a first depth, the region defined by a compressive stress σI of at least about 100 MPa at the first primary surface. Further, the glass element has a stress profile such that it does not fail when it is subject to 200,000 cycles of bending to a target bend radius of from 1 mm to 20 mm, by the parallel plate method. Still further, the glass element has a puncture resistance of greater than about 1.5 kgf when the first primary surface of the glass element is loaded with a tungsten carbide ball having a diameter of 1.5 mm. 1. A foldable electronic device article , comprising:an electronic device having a foldable feature, the foldable feature comprising:a substrate having a thickness from about 25 μm to about 125 μm, the substrate further comprising:(a) a first primary surface; and(b) a second primary surface,wherein the substrate is characterized by:(a) a pencil hardness of greater than or equal to 8H;(b) a puncture resistance of greater than about 1.5 kgf when the first primary surface of the substrate is loaded with a tungsten carbide ball having a diameter of 1.5 mm; and one or more of:(c1) an absence of failure when the substrate is held at a bend radius from about 3 mm to about 10 mm for at least 60 minutes at about 25° C. and about 50% relative humidity; and(c2) an absence of failure when the substrate is subject to 200,000 cycles of bending to a target bend radius of from 1 mm to 10 mm, by the parallel plate method.2. The article of claim 1 , the substrate comprising a plurality of layers.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein when the first primary surface of the substrate is subject to a 1 kgf load from a Vickers indenter claim 1 , there is introduced a flaw of <100 microns in the first primary surface.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the substrate has a Vickers hardness of 550 ...
