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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2719987C2

Изобретение относится к нагреваемым остеклениям с противообледенительной функцией с применением проводящего слоя, предназначенным для использования в авиации. Многослойное остекление содержит первый структурный слой, соединенный с первым стеклянным листом толщиной 0,5-1,5 мм через первый промежуточный адгезивный слой. Первый стеклянный лист образует первую наружную сторону многослойного остекления, обращенную к наружной атмосфере, при этом сторона первого стеклянного листа, обращенная к первому промежуточному адгезивному слою, покрыта первым нагревательным проводящим слоем толщиной от 2 ангстрем до 500 нм. Первый нагревательный проводящий слой имеет линии разделения потока толщиной 0,05-0,2 мм, разделенные промежутком от 8 до 20 мм, выполненные посредством травления, для направления тока между двумя полосами подвода тока, расположенными вдоль двух противоположных краев остекления. Первый структурный слой содержит стеклянный лист толщиной от 4 до 10 мм или из полимерного материала толщиной ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2669497C2

Изобретение относится к боковому остеклению транспортного средства. Боковое остекление транспортного средства содержит прозрачный экран визуализации, подложку-световод, источник света и средство вывода света, излучаемого источником света. Прозрачный экран визуализации содержит систему формирования изображений, выполненную с возможностью отображать изображения в цифровом формате, и находится только в одной части остекления, так что можно смотреть через другую часть остекления, не глядя через прозрачный экран визуализации. Подложка-световод находится более снаружи, чем прозрачный экран визуализации. Источник света находится на периферии подложки-световода, в частности напротив торцевой кромки упомянутой подложки. Источник света предпочтительно образован множеством светодиодов. Достигается повышение эффективности искусственного обратного освещения для прозрачного экрана. 10 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729993C2

Изобретение относится к области многослойных материалов остекления транспортного средства и касается светосигнального стекло транспортного средства, образующее многослойное лобовое окно. Лобовое окно содержит: первый наружный стеклянный лист; вставку многослойного стекла из полимерного материала, и набор электропроводящих нитей, закрепленных на стороне вставки многослойного стекла; второй внутренний стеклянный лист; набор диодов, излучающих в направлении внутреннего стекла. Для каждого из диодов вставка многослойного стекла содержит глухое отверстие. Изобретение обеспечивает получение светосигнального стекла с улучшенными эксплуатационными свойствами. 4 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 18 ил.

03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2737825C2
Принадлежит: ЭйДжиСи Инк. (JP)

Изобретение относится к ламинированному стеклу. Ламинированное стекло, содержащее: пару стеклянных пластин, расположенных напротив друг друга; пару промежуточных связывающих слоев, расположенных между парой стеклянных пластин, каждый из этих промежуточных связывающих слоев контактирует с соответствующей стеклянной пластиной; и основную пленку, расположенную между этой парой промежуточных связывающих слоев, которая снабжена проводкой по меньшей мере в части ее площади. Толщина одного из промежуточных связывающих слоев является более тонкой, чем толщина другого из промежуточных связывающих слоев. Толщина более тонкого промежуточного связывающего слоя из пары промежуточных связывающих слоев составляет 0,20 мм или меньше. Отношение толщин пары промежуточных связывающих слоев составляет 1:7 или больше. Технический результат - уменьшение оптического искажения, когда ток подается в ламинированное стекло, содержащее внутри основную пленку, в которой сформирована проводящая проводка. 7 з.п. ф-лы ...

25-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2758046C2

Изобретение относится к многослойному светящемуся остеклению транспортного средства (100) с диодами (4), находящимися на периферии на диододержателе (3) напротив кромки (15) нижнего стекла (1), снабженного пазом (22), профилированным валиком (6) и защитной адгезивной полосой (5) между диододержателем и валиком. Изобретение относится также к изготовлению этого остекления. Изобретение обеспечивает создание светящегося остекления со светодиодами, которое защищено без ухудшения оптических свойств или без усложнения фиксации или выравнивания диодов. 4 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил., 1 табл.

16-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2700387C2

Изобретение относится к промежуточной пленке для многослойного стекла. Пленка имеет множество углублений и множество выпуклостей по меньшей мере на одной поверхности. Пленка имеет такую толщину, что разность между максимальной толщиной и минимальной толщиной составляет менее чем 40 мкм в каждой из центральной части, одной краевой части и другой краевой части в поперечном направлении, которое является перпендикулярным, по отношению к машинному направлению пленки при ее изготовлении. Толщина измеряется на протяжении 3 м в машинном направлении пленки при ее изготовлении. Технический результат – повышение степени деаэрации в течение предварительного соединения под давлением и обеспечение высокой прозрачности многослойного стекла. 5 н. и 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 1 табл.

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2559444C2
Принадлежит: СиПиФИЛМЗ ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к области оконных пленок, обладающих низким коэффициентом излучения и пригодных для экранизации электромагнитных помех. Прозрачная композитная пленка с низким коэффициентом излучения не более 0,3 включает прозрачную пленочную подложку, подстилающий слой из устойчивого к истиранию материала твердого покрытия, содержащего отверждаемую акрилатную смолу и совместимого с пленочной подложкой, отражающий инфракрасное излучение слой. Поверх отражающего инфракрасное излучение слоя расположено прозрачное защитное поверхностное покрытие толщиной не более 0,5 мкм, содержащее полисилазан, фторсилан или фторакрилсилан. Изобретение позволяет снизить коэффициент излучения прозрачной композитной пленки, поднять уровень защиты и конфиденциальности электронных данных. 3 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 10 табл., 18 пр.

27-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2517491C2

Изобретение относится к остеклению транспортных средств. Предложеноавиационное остекление, включающее в себя два разнесенных полимерных слоя и комплексное покрытие, обладающее солнцезащитными свойствами. Комплексное покрытие наносится, по меньшей мере, на часть одной или нескольких основных поверхностей и включает в себя первый грунтовочный слой, содержащий силоксан; солнцезащитное покрытие, содержащее металлический и диэлектрический слои; защитное покрытие, содержащее оксид металла; верхнее покрытие, содержащее полисилоксановый матрериал, и внешнее покрытие из оксикарбида кремния. Технический результат - улучшенные солнцезащитные свойства предложенного покрытия по сравнению с известными аналогами, не затрудняющие обзорность пассажиров. 4 н. и 25 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил., 6 пр.

08-09-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018146016A3

30-11-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019113984A3

27-05-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018126064A3

10-08-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016135246A3

14-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016107129A3

07-07-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019133145A3

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017115007A3

07-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017114990A3

20-03-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018126351A3

27-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016116939A3

27-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2701519C1

Изобретение относится к системе стекла, включающей электрообогреваемое многослойное стекло с емкостной областью коммутации, и способу его изготовления. Технический результат - создание усовершенствованного обогреваемого многослойного стекла с емкостной областью коммутации, просто и экономично интегрированной в многослойное стекло и не препятствующей видимости сквозь стекло. Достигается тем, что система (101) стекла с обогреваемым многослойным стеклом (100), имеющим емкостную область (10) коммутации и включающим: прозрачную подложку (1) и прозрачное верхнее стекло (4), и по меньшей мере один первый прозрачный промежуточный слой (3) между подложкой (1) и верхним стеклом (4). Между подложкой (1) и первым промежуточным слоем (3) или между верхним стеклом (4) и первым промежуточным слоем (3) по меньшей мере на отдельных участках расположена прозрачная пленка-основа (5) с прозрачным электропроводным слоем (6), по меньшей мере одна область которого образует емкостную область (10) коммутации, имеющей ...

27-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2480340C1

Изобретение относится к водоотталкивающим пленкам, устойчивым к истиранию, для использования в транспортных средствах и касается водоотталкивающей пленки и детали для транспортного средства, включающей пленку. Пленка включает первый слой, имеющий многочисленные мелкие выступы на своей поверхности, второй слой, покрывающий мелкие выступы и имеющий водоотталкивающие свойства, и третий слой, созданный на поверхности первого слоя на стороне, противоположной мелким выступам. Когда модуль упругости первого слоя определяют как Е1, модуль упругости второго слоя определяют как Е2, и модуль упругости третьего слоя определяют как Е3, то выполняется условие Е2>Е1>Е3. Изобретение обеспечивает получение водоотталкивающей пленки, имеющей превосходную устойчивость к истиранию, в которой тонкая структура с трудом истирается и повреждается внешней силой трения или тому подобной. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил., 19 пр., 3 табл.

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2696979C1

Изобретение относится к электрообогреваемому многослойному стеклу, имеющему емкостную область коммутации, способу его изготовления, системе стекла. Технический результат – усовершенствование обогреваемого многослойного стекла, имеющего емкостную область коммутации, просто и экономично интегрированную в многослойное стекло, не препятствуя видимости сквозь стекло, - достигается тем, что многослойное стекло включает в себя, по меньшей мере: подложку (1), верхнее стекло (4) и по меньшей мере один промежуточный слой (3), расположенный между ними, по меньшей мере одну нагревательную проволоку (21) и по меньшей мере две токособирательные шины (22), расположенные между верхним стеклом (4) и промежуточным слоем (3). При этом нагревательная проволока (21) соединена электропроводяще с токособирательными шинами (22) таким образом, что при подаче электрического напряжения на токособирательные шины (22) через нагревательную проволоку (21) может течь ток нагрева, нагревая нагревательную проволоку (21) ...

10-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006127042A

... 1. Промежуточная пленка для ламинированного стекла, которая содержит, по меньшей мере, каждый слой из теплозащитного слоя и УФ-защитного слоя. 2. Промежуточная пленка для ламинированного стекла по п.1, которая содержит три слоя, состоящих, по меньшей мере, из теплозащитного слоя и УФ-защитного слоя, сформированных по обе стороны теплозащитного слоя. 3. Промежуточная пленка для ламинированного стекла по п.1 или 2, в которой теплозащитный слой имеет свойства экранирования электромагнитных волн, равные 10 дБ или ниже, при частоте от 0,1 МГц до 26,5 ГГц, матовость 1,0% или ниже, пропускание видимого света 70% или выше и пропускание солнечного излучения 85% или ниже, от пропускания видимого света в диапазоне длин волн от 300 до 2100 нм,в случае, когда теплозащитный слой вставляют между двумя пластинами стекла, выбранными из группы, состоящей из прозрачных стекол, зеленых стекол, стекол с высоким поглощением теплового излучения и УФ поглощающих стекол, с получением ламинированного стекла, и УФ-защитный ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2722838C1

Изобретение относится к области изготовления многослойного стекла для автомобиля. Многослойное стекло содержит первую пластину и вторую пластину, причем обе пластины ламинированы посредством размещенной между ними пленки синтетического материала. В пленке синтетического материала сформировано по меньшей мере одно углубление по направлению к первой пластине, причем углубление не является отверстием в пленке синтетического материала, и в углублении размещается светодиод, причем излучающая сторона светодиода ориентирована по направлению к первой пластине. Изобретение обеспечивает получение усовершенствованного многослойного стекла, которое позволяет применять более толстые компоненты электронных устройств, при этом без создания напряжений в многослойном стекле и с сохранением высокого оптического качества. 3 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

24-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2727852C1

Многослойное стекло (100) для отделения внутреннего пространства от внешнего окружения, включающее внутреннюю пластину (1), наружную пластину (4) с поверхностью (II) внутренней стороны, и промежуточный слой (2), который по всей площади соединяет поверхность (II) внутренней стороны наружной пластины (2) с поверхностью (III) наружной стороны внутренней пластины, емкостный датчик (3) для регистрации влаги по меньшей мере с одним конденсатором (5), который соединен с сенсорным электронным устройством (14), которое предусмотрено для регистрации изменения емкости конденсатора (5), причем конденсатор (5) имеет по меньшей мере два электрода (10, 10', 10''), выполненных из прозрачного в видимой области спектра электропроводящего покрытия (6), которые емкостно связаны друг с другом, при этом электроды (10, 10', 10'') пролегают в одной общей плоскости многослойного стекла (100) и электропроводящее покрытие (6) посредством не содержащей покрытие разделительной линии (7) разделено на электрически изолированные ...

27-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007138725A

... 1. Промежуточный слой, включающий: ! полимерную пачку, включающую первый полимерный лист; при этом указанный первый полимерный лист по существу не содержит антиадгезива; и ! второй полимерный лист, расположенный вплотную к указанной первой полимерной пачке; при этом указанный второй полимерный лист включает антиадгезив, а толщина указанного второго полимерного листа составляет менее 0,4 мм. ! 2. Промежуточный слой по п.1, в котором как указанный первый полимерный лист, так и указанный второй полимерный лист включают поливинилбутираль. ! 3. Промежуточный слой по п.2, в котором толщина указанного второго полимерного листа составляет менее 0,3 мм. ! 4. Промежуточный слой по п.2, в котором толщина указанного второго полимерного листа составляет менее 0,25 мм. ! 5. Промежуточный слой по п.2, в котором указанный антиадгезив представляет собой амид жирной кислоты, соответствующий общей формуле: ! ! в которой R представляет собой углеводородную цепочку, включающую приблизительно от 12 до 40 атомов ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012141608A

... 1. Прозрачная композитная пленка с низким коэффициентом излучения, включающая:прозрачную пленочную подложку;подстилающий слой из устойчивого к истиранию материала твердого покрытия, совместимого с прозрачной пленочной подложкой; ипо меньшей мере, один отражающий инфракрасное излучение слой;композитную пленку, имеющую коэффициент излучения не более 0,30, причем подстилающий слой расположен между прозрачной пленочной подложкой и отражающим инфракрасное излучение слоем.2. Композитная пленка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что отражающий инфракрасное излучение слой включает металлический слой, выбранный из группы, включающей в себя алюминий, медь, золото, никель, серебро, платину, палладий, вольфрам, титан или их сплавы.3. Композитная пленка по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно включает прозрачное защитное поверхностное покрытие, обладающее толщиной в высушенном состоянии не более 0,5 микронов, причем защитное поверхностное покрытие расположено поверх отражающего инфракрасное излучение слоя ...

23-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2020113330A

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Laminiertes Glas

Номер: DE112017005403T5
Принадлежит: AGC INC, AGC Inc.

Das vorliegende laminiertes Glas umfasst eine erste Glasplatte; eine zweite Glasplatte; und eine Zwischenschicht, die zwischen der ersten Glasplatte und der zweiten Glasplatte angeordnet ist, zum Verbinden der ersten Glasplatte und der zweiten Glasplatte; wobei ein erster Bereich, ein Übergangsbereich und ein zweiter Bereich von einer Unterseite des laminierten Glases her bereitgestellt sind, wenn das laminierte Glas an einem Fahrzeug angebracht ist; wobei der erste Bereich für ein Head-up-Display verwendet wird und der Übergangsbereich und der zweite Bereich nicht für das Head-up-Display verwendet werden; wobei der erste Bereich eine Dicke an einer oberen Endseite aufweist, die größer ist als an einer unteren Endseite, wenn das laminierte Glas an dem Fahrzeug angebracht ist, so dass er eine keilförmige Querschnittsform aufweist, die einen positiven Keilwinkel bildet; wobei der zweite Bereich eine Dicke an einer oberen Endseite aufweist, die geringer ist als an einer unteren Endseite, wenn ...

10-02-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002533364C3

03-01-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002758581C2

13-07-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002163107A1

25-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008612139D0

05-10-2016 дата публикации

Switchable glazing unit

Номер: GB0201614208D0

14-06-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001513826A

... 1513826 Coating transparent substrates with metals &c. SAINT-GOBAIN INDUSTRIES 25 July 1975 [26 July 1974] 31223/75 Heading C7F [Also in Division B5] A transparent glass or plastics sheet, e.g. for a windscreen, is coated e.g. by evaporation with a bonding layer of Zn S, a metal (Au or Ag) and then a protection layer of the trioxide of Mo or W. A laminated sheet may be made using an intermediate sheet of e.g. polyvinylbutyral. Silver contact strips may be applied along the edges of the sheet, and connected to Cu leads.

15-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000439234T

15-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA456874A

15-08-1980 дата публикации

Apparatus for the production of multifilaments

Номер: ATA406274A

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000525202T

15-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000456874A

23-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006817074A

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Interlayer film for laminated glass, and laminated glass

Номер: AU2015207038B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

An interlayer film for laminated glass is provided with which it is possible to heighten the penetration resistance of laminated glass. In the interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention, when the two surfaces of the interlayer film have different glass transition temperatures and the lower glass transition temperature (°C) of the glass transition temperatures of the two surfaces of the interlayer film is expressed by X, or when the two surfaces of the interlayer film have the same glass transition temperature and this glass transition temperature (°C) of the two surfaces of the interlayer film is expressed by X, and when the tensile rupture energy (J/mm ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Method for producing a plastic vehicle part

Номер: AU2015365866A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The invention relates to a method for producing a polymer vehicle part with a decorative element, wherein a) a polymer part (1) is provided, b) a decorative element (2) is applied to a first surface (I) of the part (1) by means of hot stamping of a carrier film (5) using a stamp (4), c) at least the first surface (I) is provided with a protective coating (3).

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Polymer interlayers comprising stabilized fluorescent particles

Номер: AU2014318069B2
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

An interlayer comprised of a thermoplastic resin, at least one luminescent pigment and a carboxylic acid additive. The use of a thermoplastic resin, at least one luminescent pigment and a carboxylic acid additive reduces or minimizes the optical defects (such as high color or yellowness and increased haze) caused by discoloration of the pigment without sacrificing other characteristics of the interlayer.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AU2014297192B2

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a laminated glass interlayer and a laminated glass that includes the laminated glass interlayer, the laminated glass interlayer comprising two or more layered resin layers, having excellent degassing properties during a laminated glass production process, and being capable of preventing the occurrence of ghost images. The present invention is a laminated glass interlayer comprising two or more layered resin layers, at least one surface of the laminated glass interlayer having a plurality of concave portions and a plurality of convex portions. Bottom portions of the concave portions have continuous groove shapes, and adjacent concave portions are parallel and arranged regularly in lines. On the surface that has the plurality of concave portions and the plurality of convex portions, the groove depths (Rzg) of the concave portions as measured in accordance with JIS B-0601 (1994) are 10—40μm. After a resin layer that comprises the surface that ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Viscoelastic plastic interlayer for vibroacoustic damping and glazing unit comprising such an interlayer

Номер: AU2017200502A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

VISCOELASTIC PLASTIC INTERLAYER FOR VIBRO-ACOUSTIC DAMPING AND GLAZING COMPRISING SUCH AN INTERLAYER Applicant: SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS FRANCE The invention relates to a viscoelastic plastic interlayer intended to be incorporated between two glass sheets to form a laminated glazing with vibro-acoustic damping properties, the interlayer comprising at least one layer (3) made of viscoelastic plastic with vibro-acoustic damping properties, the interlayer being such that the resonant frequency f2 of the second resonance mode of a laminated glazing bar with a surface area of 25 mm x 300 mm composed of two glass sheets each 2.1 mm thick, between which is incorporated the interlayer, determined by measuring the mechanical impedance (MIM) at 200C according to standard ISO 16940, is between 760 Hz and 1000 Hz and the loss factor q2 of the second resonance mode of the same bar, determined by MIM under the same conditions, is greater than or equal to 0.25. The invention allows a reduction in the thickness ...

21-03-1974 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004650772A

08-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002678979C

New composite materials, method for their manufacture and their use the invention relates to the manufacture of new composite materials suitable in particular as materials in interior construction, for linings, constructions and for the manufacture of furniture and similar products, and a method for manucfacturing a composite material comprising the measures: a) supplying of carrier, b) application of a textile surface structure onto at least one surface of the carrier, the textile surface structure having at least one binder int B-stage state and having at least one functional material, c) lamination of the construction obtained according to step b) under the action of pressure and heat so that the binder present in the B stage receives its final hardening. d) optional application of at least one further protective layer and drying.

11-08-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1106999A

POLYCARBONATE DIOLS FOR USE IN POLYCARBONATE URETHANES Energy-absorbing laminates for use as automobile windshields or other safety glass applications comprising a polycarbonate urethane and a sheet. of glass are disclosed. The polyurethane is formed from a cycloaliphatic diisocyanate, a compound containing at least two active hydrogens per molecule and having a molecular weight below 250. and a special polycarbonate diol synthesized from a mixture of linear aliphatic and cycloaliphatic diols.

01-10-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA955621A

06-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000986838A1

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3106424A1

The invention relates to a method for forming a glass pane (1), in which the glass pane (1) is firstly heated and then bent until it reaches a form corresponding to a predefined target contour (ks), wherein external forces are applied to the glass pane (1) in order to bend the glass pane (1). A change over time to a local curvature of the glass pane (1) is controlled such that the surface of the glass pane (1) reaches the target contour simultaneously at all points of the surface that do not remain unmoved in that a temperature and thus a viscosity of the glass pane (1) is not adjusted constantly during the bending in a location-dependent manner and/or forces introduced by holders (6) and/or compressive forces introduced by one or more pressure strips (3) are adjusted appropriately for this purpose. The application also relates to multiple panes produced by the method.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003069765A1

L'invention concerne un intercalaire plastique viscoélastique destiné à être agencé entre deux feuilles de verre (1, 2) d'un vitrage pour lui procurer des propriétés d'amortissement vibro-acoustiques, l'intercalaire comprenant : - deux couches externes (4, 5) en colle thermoplastique, - une couche interne (3) agencée entre les deux couches externes (4, 5), ladite couche interne (3) ayant un facteur de perte tan d supérieur ou égal à 1,6, à 20°C et pour une gamme de fréquences comprise entre 2 kHz et 8 kHz, et - une première et une deuxième couches barrières (6, 7) agencées respectivement entre lesdites couches externes (4, 5) et la couche interne (3), et composées d'un matériau plastique viscoélastique. L'invention permet de fournir un intercalaire pour vitrage feuilleté présentant une isolation acoustique améliorée, tant aérienne que solidienne, en particulier à la fréquence de coïncidence, tout en conservant des caractéristiques satisfaisantes en termes de rigidité, de finesse, et de ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3128223A1

A method of installing a stack of two or more lenses on a curved substrate includes placing a moldable covering on a curved substrate, the moldable covering including a stack of two or more lenses, an adhesive layer interposed between each pair of adjacent lenses from among the two or more lenses, and a 5 sacrificial layer disposed on an outermost lens of the stack, the sacrificial layer including a sacrificial lens and a sacrificial adhesive interposed between the sacrificial lens and the outermost lens of the stack. The method may include applying heat and pressure to the sacrificial layer and peeling off the sacrificial layer to reveal the stack of two or more lenses.

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003049164A1
Принадлежит: LAVERY, DE BILLY, LLP

The invention relates to a laminated pane (1) comprising an electric consumer (9), an outer sheet (3) and an inner sheet (5) which are bonded to each other by means of a thermoplastic intermediate layer (4), wherein the thermoplastic intermediate layer (4) has a cutout (6) which includes an insertion hole (8), the insertion hole (8) is sized such that the electric consumer (9) can be inserted into the cutout (6) through the insertion hole (8) and the electric consumer (9) is placed in the cutout (6).

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003046040A1
Принадлежит: LAVERY, DE BILLY, LLP

The present invention relates to a composite window pane (100) for separating an inside room from an outside environment, comprising an inner pane (1), an outer pane (4) with an inner surface and an intermediate layer (2) that joins the inner surface (II) of the outer pane (4) to an outer surface of the inner pane over their entire surface, a capacitive sensor (3) for detecting moisture and comprising at least one capacitor (5) connected to an electronic sensor unit (14) provided to detect a change in capacitance of the capacitor (5), wherein the capacitor (5) comprises at least two electrodes (10, 10', 10") formed by a transparent, electroconductive coating (6) and capacitively coupled to each other.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002998306A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a composite pane (1), wherein a) a carrier film (5) having an electrically conductive coating (6) is provided, b) a first laminating film (4.1) is laid onto the electrically conductive coating (6) of the carrier film (5), c) the carrier film (5) and the first laminating film (4.1) are joined in order to form a bilayer (7), d) the bilayer (7) is arranged on an outer pane (2) in such a way that the first laminating film (4.1) lies on the outer pane (2) in a planar manner, e) a second laminating film (4.2) is arranged on the bilayer (7) in such a way that the second laminating film (4.2) lies on the carrier film (5) in a planar manner, f) an inner pane (3) is laid onto the second laminating film (4.2), g) the stack of layers comprising outer pane (2), bilayer (7) of first laminating film (4.1) and carrier film (5) having electrically conductive coating (6), second laminating film (4.2), and inner pane (3), is autoclaved in order to form a composite ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003014719A1

The present invention relates to a transparent panel comprising at least one transparent substrate (1) and at least one electrically conductive coating (2) on at least one surface of the transparent substrate (1), wherein the electrically conductive coating (2) has at least 4 functional layers (3) which are arranged one on top of the other and each functional layer (3) comprises at least one layer (4) of a material with a high refractive index = 1.3, above the layer of material (4) with a high refractive index, a first adaptation layer (5), an electrically conductive layer (6) above the first adaptation layer (5), and a second adaptation layer (7) above the electrically conductive layer (6). The layer thickness of in each case one of the electrically conductive layers (6) can be 5 nm to 25 nm, the total layer thickness of all the electrically conductive layers (6) can be 20 nm to 100 nm. At least one layer (4) of highly refractive material which is arranged between two electrically conductive ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003040186A1

Pare-brise feuilleté (1) pour véhicule automobile, comprenant deux feuilles de verre extérieure (4) et intérieure (5), liées entre elles par un intercalaire (6) constitué d'une matière thermoplastique d'indice de réfraction n1, dans lequel ledit pare-brise est muni d'un trou (8) traversant au moins une desdites feuilles de verre et de préférence traversant ledit intercalaire, dans lequel ledit trou est comblé par un dispositif optique (2) adapté pour dévier un faisceau lumineux (3) arrivant sensiblement horizontalement sur la face du pare-brise exposée à l'extérieur du véhicule et le faire converger sensiblement sans déformation vers un dispositif de captation d'image (7) d'une caméra, tel qu'un détecteur CCD ou CMOS, disposé en regard de la face du pare-brise tournée vers l'habitacle du véhicule, ledit détecteur étant disposé sensiblement parallèlement à la surface (13) dudit pare-brise.

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003060329A1
Принадлежит: LAVERY, DE BILLY, LLP

The invention relates to a method for producing a thermoplastic combination film (F) which is suitable for a composite glass pane (1). The thermoplastic combination film (F) comprises at least one fixed region (K) which is provided for a camera window or an HUD (heads-up display) region that has a variable wedge angle. The method has at least the following steps: - providing a first thermoplastic film (F1), - producing a second thermoplastic film (F2) with a variable wedge angle, wherein the three-dimensional shape of the second thermoplastic film (F2) is obtained by means of a molding process on a molding tool (4), and - joining together the first thermoplastic film (F1) and the second thermoplastic film (F2).

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003046177A1

Cet élément (101) comprend deux couches externes transparentes (2, 4) ayant sensiblement le même indice de réfraction (n2, n4) et ayant chacune une surface principale externe (2A, 4A) lisse, l'élément en couches comportant : - une zone écran (ZE) à propriétés de réflexion diffuse et transmission spéculaire comportant une couche centrale texturée (3E) intercalée entre les couches externes (2, 4), - une zone périphérique (ZP) à propriétés de réflexion spéculaire et transmission spéculaire, et - une zone de transition (ZT) à propriétés de réflexion diffuse et transmission spéculaire entre la zone écran (ZE) et la zone périphérique (ZP), qui comprend une couche centrale texturée (3T) intercalée entre les couches externes (2, 4). La réflexion lumineuse diffuse en tout point de la zone de transition est inférieure ou égale à la réflexion lumineuse diffuse en tout point de la zone écran et l'évolution de la réflexion lumineuse diffuse dans la zone de transition depuis la zone écran vers la zone ...

18-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002581874C

... ²²²The present invention relates to methods for attaching a plastic component to ²another component where the plastic component is bonded to the other component ²with an adhesive in the absence of a primer on the plastic component and the ²adhesive is substantially solvent free. In one embodiment, a coated ²transparent or translucent polycarbonate substrate is connected to a frame ²with a polyurethane adhesive containing silicon in the absence of a primer on ²the substrate; or with a substantially solvent free adhesive. The inventions ²also related to bonded articles made according to the disclosed methods.² ...

08-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002944137A1

Provided is an intermediate film for a laminated glass, the intermediate film being capable of increasing the adhesion of a plastic layer and a resin layer and being capable of increasing the handleability of the laminated glass. According to the present invention, an intermediate film for a laminated glass is provided with a plastic layer that has a Young's modulus of 1 GPa or more and a first resin layer that is laminated on a first surface of the plastic layer, and is provided with a second resin layer that is laminated on a second surface that is opposite the first surface of the plastic layer or is not provided with the second resin layer on the second surface that is opposite the first surface of the plastic layer. With regard to a width-direction cross section of the intermediate film, when a first laminate interface of the plastic layer and of the first resin layer is observed, of 100% of the length of the surface of the plastic layer at the first laminate interface, the proportion ...

12-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002928789C

A method for manufacturing a vehicle window component and a vehicle window component, wherein the method for manufacturing the vehicle window comprises: providing a vehicle window substrate (100, 200) and an elastic body (110, 210); adhering the elastic body (110, 210) to a surface of the vehicle window substrate (100, 200), wherein the surface is close to a lateral side of the vehicle window substrate (100, 200); and implementing an injection molding process for forming an encapsulation (120, 220), wherein the injection molding process is performed at an injection molding temperature lower than a melting temperature of the elastic body (110, 210). The method for manufacturing a vehicle window component and the vehicle window component may have no shrink mark.

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002928789A1

A method for manufacturing a vehicle window component and a vehicle window component, wherein the method for manufacturing the vehicle window comprises: providing a vehicle window substrate (100, 200) and an elastic body (110, 210); adhering the elastic body (110, 210) to a surface of the vehicle window substrate (100, 200), wherein the surface is close to a lateral side of the vehicle window substrate (100, 200); and implementing an injection molding process for forming an encapsulation (120, 220), wherein the injection molding process is performed at an injection molding temperature lower than a melting temperature of the elastic body (110, 210). The method for manufacturing a vehicle window component and the vehicle window component may have no shrink mark.

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002936173A1

Provided is an intermediate film for laminated glass, which has high heat shielding properties. An intermediate film for laminated glass according to the present invention comprises: an infrared reflecting layer that reflects infrared light; a first resin layer that is arranged on a first surface of the infrared reflecting layer and contains a thermoplastic resin; and a second resin layer that is arranged on a second surface of the infrared reflecting layer and contains a thermoplastic resin. The infrared light transmittance of the first resin layer at a wavelength of 780-2,100 nm is higher than the infrared light transmittance of the second resin layer at a wavelength of 780-2,100 nm by 10% or more.

31-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002953029C

The invention relates to a heatable laminated side pane for a vehicle side window which can be opened, comprising an upper edge (O), a lower edge (U), a front edge (V), and a rear edge (H), at least comprising an outer pane (1) and an inner pane (2) which are connected together via a thermoplastic intermediate layer (3), and comprising at least one heating wire (4) which is embedded in the intermediate layer (3), runs between a first busbar (5) and a second busbar (6), and is connected to the busbars (5, 6) in an electrically conductive manner. The first busbar (5) and the second busbar (6) are arranged along the front edge (V) or the rear edge (H).

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002953029A1

The invention relates to a heatable laminated side pane for a vehicle side window which can be opened, comprising an upper edge (O), a lower edge (U), a front edge (V), and a rear edge (H), at least comprising an outer pane (1) and an inner pane (2) which are connected together via a thermoplastic intermediate layer (3), and comprising at least one heating wire (4) which is embedded in the intermediate layer (3), runs between a first busbar (5) and a second busbar (6), and is connected to the busbars (5, 6) in an electrically conductive manner. The first busbar (5) and the second busbar (6) are arranged along the front edge (V) or the rear edge (H).

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002925180A1

Vitrage pour la visualisation d'information comprenant un assemblage d'au moins deux feuilles transparentes de verre inorganique ou d'une matière plastique, reliées entre elles par un intercalaire d'une matière thermoplastique ou adhésive ou par des feuillets multicouches incorporant un tel intercalaire, au moins un matériau luminophore étant intégré dans ledit vitrage pour permettre ladite visualisation, dans lequel un desdits luminophores comprend un noyau benzénique substitué au moins par : -deux groupementshydroxyles OH, -un groupement carboné R, ledit groupement R comprenant un hétérocycle insaturé, -un groupement carboné R' de formule COOR'', dans lequel R'' est un groupement hydrocarboné ou l'hydrogène.

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002928405A1

An interlayer film for laminated glass is provided with which it is possible to heighten the penetration resistance of laminated glass. In the interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention, when the two surfaces of the interlayer film have different glass transition temperatures and the lower glass transition temperature (°C) of the glass transition temperatures of the two surfaces of the interlayer film is expressed by X, or when the two surfaces of the interlayer film have the same glass transition temperature and this glass transition temperature (°C) of the two surfaces of the interlayer film is expressed by X, and when the tensile rupture energy (J/mm2) of the interlayer film is expressed by Y, then X is 20-50°C and Y is 0.043X+0.83 J/mm2 or greater.

25-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002968724C

The present invention relates to a composite glass (10) for a head-up display with an upper edge (O) and a lower edge (U), at least comprising an outer pane (1) made of glass and an inner pane (2) made of glass, which are bonded to one another via a thermoplastic intermediate layer (3), wherein the inner pane (1) has a thickness less than 1.2 mm, and wherein the thickness of the intermediate layer (3) in the vertical course between the lower edge (U) and the upper edge (O) is variable at least in sections with a maximum wedge angle (.alpha.) less than or equal to 0.3 mrad.

23-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002865916C

A transparency including a conductive mesh is disclosed. The conductive mesh is formed by a plurality of inkjet printed electrically conductive lines on a polymer film or a glass, polyacrylate, polycarbonate, or polyurethane substrate, wherein at least one inkjet printed electrically conductive line intersects at least one other inkjet printed electrically conductive line. A flying vehicle including a transparency including a conductive mesh is also disclosed. Additionally, a method of preparing a transparency by laminating a polymer film and a substrate together, wherein a conductive mesh is formed on the polymer film by a plurality of inkjet printed electrically conductive lines, is also disclosed.

07-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002303788C

A multi-layer article (10) which may be provided in the from of a tape comprises a conformable, compressible, melt flow-resistant core layer (14) having first and second major surfaces, a sealant layer (12) on the first major surface of the core layer, and optionally a bonding layer (16) on the second major surface of the core layer. The sealant layer and the bonding layer each have a surface available for contacting a separate substrate. Various thermoset and foam core layers are disclosed as are thermosettable and thermoplastic sealant layers. The articles are useful for sealing two substrates together, particularly where one of the substrates is glass. Thus, the articles are especially adapted for sealing motor vehicle windshields to a frame. Various assemblies and methods for producing the same are also described.

13-02-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000572451A5

12-05-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000599063A5

15-08-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000603504A5

31-12-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000679148A5
Принадлежит: GLAVERBEL

30-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000677228A5
Принадлежит: GLAVERBEL

30-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201591214A1

31-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201690829A1

31-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201690824A1

29-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201590348A1

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Крыша транспортного средства

Номер: RU0000192308U1
Принадлежит: АГК ГЛАСС ЮРОП

Полезная модель относится к ламинированной стеклянной крыше автомобиля, обладающей различной светопроницаемостью и обеспечивающей улучшенный комфорт с точки зрения температуры, содержащей два стеклянных листа, т.е. наружный и внутренний стеклянные листы, которые соединены вместе посредством промежуточных слоев из термопластика, сборку пленок устройства на основе взвешенных частиц (SPD) для управления светопроницаемостью, которая встроена в ламинат между двумя стеклянными листами, и систему низкоэмиссионных слоев, расположенных на позиции 4. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 192 308 U1 (51) МПК B32B 17/10 (2006.01) B62D 25/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B32B 17/10036 (2019.05); B32B 17/10229 (2019.05); B62D 25/06 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019117067, 12.06.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): АГК ГЛАСС ЮРОП (BE) Дата регистрации: 12.09.2019 19.06.2012 BE BE2012/0412 (45) Опубликовано: 12.09.2019 Бюл. № 26 1 9 2 3 0 8 R U (54) КРЫША ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к ламинированной стеклянной крыше автомобиля, обладающей различной светопроницаемостью и обеспечивающей улучшенный комфорт с точки зрения температуры, содержащей два стеклянных листа, т.е. наружный и внутренний стеклянные листы, которые соединены вместе посредством Стр.: 1 промежуточных слоев из термопластика, сборку пленок устройства на основе взвешенных частиц (SPD) для управления светопроницаемостью, которая встроена в ламинат между двумя стеклянными листами, и систему низкоэмиссионных слоев, расположенных на позиции 4. U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 105064, Москва, а/я 88, "Патентные поверенные Квашнин, Сапельников и партнеры" 1 9 2 3 0 8 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2010/0165436 A1, 01.07.2010. EP 1200256 A1, 02.05.2002. US 2004124665 A1, 01.07.2004. WO 2011033313 A1, 24.03.2011. Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Transparent Multilayered Carbonate Articles and Method to Manufacture Thereof

Номер: US20120019906A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a transparent multilayer article comprising a core layer comprising a thermoplastic carbonate polymer; a first layer comprising a carbonate thermoplastic polymer and an infrared (IR) absorbing additive; and a second layer comprising a thermoplastic carbonate polymer and a ultraviolet (UV) absorbing stabilizer, wherein the first layer does not contain an UV absorbing additive and the second layer does not contain an IR absorbing additive. Disclosed herein too, is a method for manufacturing a transparent multilayer article comprising melt blending a first thermoplastic carbonate polymer composition to produce a core layer; melt blending a second thermoplastic carbonate polymer composition with an IR absorbing additive to produce a first layer; and melt blending a third thermoplastic carbonate polymer composition with an UV absorbing stabilizer; combining the core layer, first layer, and second layer such that the first layer is disposed between the core layer and the second layer such that a first surface of the first layer is in intimate contact with a first surface of the core layer and a second surface of the first layer is in intimate contact with a first surface of the second layer.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Variable reflectance mirror system

Номер: US20140036339A1
Принадлежит: Gentex Corp

Anisotropic film laminates for use in image-preserving reflectors such as rearview automotive mirror assemblies, and related methods of fabrication. A film may comprise an anisotropic layer such as a light-polarizing layer and other functional layers. The film having controlled water content is heated under omnidirectional pressure and vacuum to a temperature substantially equal to or above a lower limit of a glass-transition temperature range of the film so as to be laminated to a substrate. The laminated film is configured as part of a mirror structure so as to increase contrast of light produced by a light source positioned behind the mirror structure and transmitted through the mirror structure towards a viewer. The mirror structure is devoid of any extended distortion and is characterized by SW and LW values less than 3, more preferably less than 2, and most preferably less than 1.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001417A1
Автор: Izu Yasuyuki, Oota Yuusuke
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd.

The first aspect of the present invention aims to provide an interlayer film for laminated glass, an interlayer film for luminescent laminated glass, and a laminated glass including the interlayer film for laminated glass which are significantly suppressed while containing an aromatic compound such as a salicylic acid compound or a benzophenone compound. The second aspect of the present invention aims to provide an interlayer film for laminated glass which enables display of high luminance images under irradiation with light and inhibits reduction in the luminance of images even after use for a long period of time, and a laminated glass including the interlayer film for laminated glass. The first aspect of the present invention relates to an interlayer film for laminated glass containing: a thermoplastic resin; an aromatic compound that has a structure capable of coordinating with a metal; and an antioxidant, the antioxidant being at least one antioxidant selected from the group consisting of a phenolic compound, a phosphoric acid compound, and a sulfur compound. The second aspect of the present invention relates to an interlayer film for laminated glass including a luminescent layer that contains a thermoplastic resin, a luminescent material having a terephthalic acid ester structure, and a benzotriazole ultraviolet absorber, the luminescent layer containing the benzotriazole ultraviolet absorber in an amount of 0.05 to 10 parts by weight based on 1 part by weight of the luminescent material having a terephthalic acid ester structure. 1. An interlayer film for laminated glass comprising:a thermoplastic resin;an aromatic compound that has a structure capable of coordinating with a metal; andan antioxidant,the antioxidant being at least one antioxidant selected from the group consisting of a phenolic compound, a phosphoric acid compound, and a sulfur compound.2. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,which contains the aromatic compound that ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001695A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Sheet Glass Co Ltd

A laminated glass according to the present invention is a windshield for an automobile to which an information acquisition device for acquiring information from the outside of a vehicle by emitting and/or receiving light can be installed, the windshield including an outer glass plate that includes a first side and a second side that is opposite to the first side, an inner glass plate that is arranged opposite to the outer glass plate and has substantially the same shape as the outer glass plate, and an intermediate film that is arranged between the outer glass plate and the inner glass plate. The windshield includes an information acquisition region that is to be located opposite to the information acquisition device and through which the light passes.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001598A1

There is provided an interlayer film for laminated glass with which the flexural rigidity of laminated glass can be enhanced over a wide temperature range and the sound insulating properties of laminated glass can be enhanced over a wide temperature range. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention has a shear storage equivalent elastic modulus of 10 MPa or more and 500 MPa or less in a temperature region of 80% or more of the temperature region of 0° C. or more and 60° C. or less, a value obtained by dividing a shear storage equivalent elastic modulus at 10° C. by a shear storage equivalent elastic modulus at 50° C. of 1 or more and 10 or less, a glass transition temperature falling within the range of −25° C. or more and 0° C. or less, and a largest value of tan δ in a temperature region of −50° C. or more and 0° C. or less of 0.1 or more and 1 or less. 1. An interlayer film for laminated glass having: a shear storage equivalent elastic modulus of 10 MPa or more and 500 MPa or less in a temperature region of 80% or more of the temperature region of 0° C. or more and 60° C. or less;a value obtained by dividing a shear storage equivalent elastic modulus at 10° C. by a shear storage equivalent elastic modulus at 50° C. of 1 or more and 10 or less;a glass transition temperature falling within the range of −25° C. or more and 0° C. or less; anda largest value of tan δ in a temperature region of −50° C. or more and 0° C. or less of 0.1 or more and 1 or less.2. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , having a glass transition temperature falling within the range of −20° C. or more.3. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , comprising a resin with a weight average molecular weight of 100000 or more and 1300000 or less.4. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , having a value of tan δ of 0.1 or more in a temperature region of 10% or more of the temperature region of −50° C. ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001599A1

There is provided an interlayer film for laminated glass with which the flexural rigidity, sound insulating properties and long-term adhesive stability of laminated glass can be enhanced. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention has a shear storage equivalent elastic modulus of 10 MPa or more and 500 MPa or less in a temperature region of 80% or more of the temperature region of 0° C. or more and 30° C. or less, a value obtained by dividing a shear storage equivalent elastic modulus at 10° C. by a shear storage equivalent elastic modulus at 30° C. of 1 or more and 10 or less, a glass transition temperature falling within the range of −25° C. or more and 0° C. or less, and a largest value of tan δ in a temperature region of −50° C. or more and 0° C. or less of 0.1 or more and 1 or less. 1. An interlayer film for laminated glass having: a shear storage equivalent elastic modulus of 10 MPa or more and 500 MPa or less in a temperature region of 80% or more of the temperature region of 0° C. or more and 30° C. or less;a value obtained by dividing a shear storage equivalent elastic modulus at 10° C. by a shear storage equivalent elastic modulus at 30° C. of 1 or more and 10 or less;a glass transition temperature falling within the range of −25° C. or more and 0° C. or less; anda largest value of tan δ in a temperature region of −50° C. or more and 0° C. or less of 0.1 or more and 1 or less.2. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , having a glass transition temperature falling within the range of −20° C. or more.3. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , comprising a resin with a weight average molecular weight of 100000 or more and 1300000 or less.4. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , having a value of tan δ of 0.1 or more in a temperature region of 10% or more of the temperature region of −50° C. or more and 0° C. or less.5. The interlayer film for laminated glass ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Interlayer for laminated glass and laminated glass

Номер: US20180001600A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd

There is provided an interlayer film for laminated glass with which the flexural rigidity of laminated glass can be enhanced and the sound insulating properties of laminated glass can be enhanced. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention includes a thermoplastic resin, and has a smallest value of the shear storage elastic modulus in a temperature region of 10° C. or more and 40° C. or less measured at a frequency of 0.5 Hz of 3 MPa or more, a ratio of a shear storage elastic modulus at 20° C. measured at a frequency of 0.5 Hz to a shear storage elastic modulus at −30° C. measured at a frequency of 0.5 Hz of 0.01 or more and 0.8 or less, a glass transition temperature falling within the range of −20° C. or more and 0° C. or less, and a largest value of tan δ in a temperature region of −20° C. or more and 0° C. or less of 0.1 or more.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001576A1

Principles and embodiments of the present disclosure relate to unique asymmetric laminates and methods that produce the laminates where the laminate includes an first glass substrate having a first thickness (t), an second glass substrate having a second thickness (t), an interlayer disposed between the second glass substrate and the first glass substrate, wherein the first thickness and the second thickness has a combined third thickness (t), and wherein t/tor t/tis in a range from about 0.7 to about 0.99. 1. A laminate comprising:{'sub': 'o', 'a first glass substrate comprising a first thickness (t) and a first outer surface and a second inner surface;'}{'sub': 'i', 'a second glass substrate comprising a second thickness (t) that is less than to, a third outer surface, and a fourth inner surface;'}an interlayer disposed between the second inner surface and the third outer surface;{'sub': t', 'i, 'wherein a third thickness (t) is equal to the sum of to and t;'}{'sub': o', 't, 'wherein t/tis in a range of from 0.7 to 0.999; and'}{'sub': rr', 'rr', 't', 't', 't, 'sup': '2', 'wherein, when the first outer surface is impacted at normal incidence with a 1 gram ball bearing traveling at a speed of 45 mph, the fourth inner surface experiences a flexural stress (σ) of no more than σ=10.344t−109.33t+347.75 as measured by strain gauge for tin a range of from 2 mm to 7 mm.'}2. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the second glass substrate comprises a soda-lime silicate glass composition claim 1 , an aluminosilicate glass composition claim 1 , or an alkali aluminosilicate glass composition.3. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the second glass substrate comprises a second glass comprising a surface compressive stress (CS) of no more than 300 MPa4. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the second glass substrate comprises a strengthened glass substrate.5. The laminate of claim 4 , wherein the second glass substrate comprises at least one of a surface CS in a range from about 50 MPa to ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001629A1
Автор: LALUET Jean-Yves

A laminated vehicle windshield containing internal luminous information includes a first glazing, a lamination interlayer, and a second glazing with a face bearing a first curved organic-light-emitting-diode device that is configured to illuminate the first sign. 1. A laminated vehicle windshield including one or more internal luminous signs , comprising:a first curved glazing with a first main face, which first main face is intended to be on an exterior side of the vehicle, and an opposite second main face;a second curved glazing with a third main face and an opposite fourth main face, which fourth main face is intended to be on an interior side of the vehicle, at least one of the first and second curved glazings being made of mineral glass.said first and second curved glazings being connected together via the second and third main faces by a lamination interlayer made of a thermoformable polymeric material, said lamination interlayer including a first bonding main face toward a side of the second main face and a second bonding main face toward a side of the third main face;a first peripheral layer forming an interior masking layer made of opaque material, which is between the second bonding face and the third main face or which is on the fourth main face;and/or a second peripheral layer forming an exterior masking layer made of opaque material, between the first bonding face and the second main face; anda first light source configured to emit a first emission in the visible spectrum for a first sign made up of one or more symbols and/or one or more letters;wherein the first light source includes a first curved organic-light-emitting-diode (OLED) device, said first curved OLED device being associated with the fourth main face and on a periphery of the fourth main face side, and wherein the first curved OLED device is configured to emit a first emission in the visible spectrum to illuminate the first sign, which is further from the fourth main face than the first ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing 3d polymer dispersed liquid crystal composite layer structure

Номер: US20190001632A1
Принадлежит: Nanobit Tech Co ltd

The invention provides a method for manufacturing a 3D polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) composite layer structure. A 3D PDLC composite layer is first provided and has an upper transparent resin substrate, a lower transparent resin substrate, a PDLC layer, an upper protective layer and a lower protective layer. The 3D PDLC composite layer is hot-press molded to form a 3D PDLC composite layer structure with a recess portion, where internal light transmission ratio before hot pressing and after hot pressing are in a range of 0.1%-10%. The upper protective layer and the lower protective layer are removed from the resulting structure.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002165A1

A treated substrate includes a low emissivity coating layer disposed on a substrate and a high emissivity coating layer disposed on the low emissivity coating layer. The low emissivity coating layer is formed a low emissivity coating composition including silver, or indium tin oxide, or fluorine-doped tin oxide, while the high emissivity coating layer is formed from a high emissivity coating composition including a carbon-doped silicon oxide. The treated substrate has an emissivity of from 0.7 to less than 1.0 at wavelengths ranging from 8 micrometers to 13 micrometers and has an emissivity of greater than 0 to 0.3 at wavelengths less than 6 micrometers. The treated substrate also maintains a visually acceptable mechanical brush durability resistance for at least 150 test cycles tested in accordance with ASTM D2486-17. 1. A treated substrate comprising:a substrate;a low emissivity coating layer disposed on said substrate, said low emissivity coating layer formed from a low emissivity coating composition; and{'sub': x', 'y', 'z, 'claim-text': wherein x, y and z represent weight percent fractions of silicon, oxygen and carbon atoms in said high emissivity coating composition,', 'wherein x ranges from 10 to 80 weight percent, y ranges from 20 to 90 weight percent, and z ranges from 2 to 50 weight percent, and wherein the sum of x+y+z is 100 weight percent., 'a high emissivity coating layer disposed on said low emissivity coating layer such that said low emissivity coating layer is between said high emissivity coating layer and said substrate, said high emissivity coating layer formed from a high emissivity coating composition comprising a carbon-doped silicon oxide according to the formula SiOC,'}2. The treated substrate of claim 1 , wherein said treated substrate has an emissivity of from greater than 0 to 0.3 at wavelengths below 6 micrometers and an emissivity of from 0.7 to less than 1.0 at wavelengths ranging from 8 micrometers to 13 micrometers.3. The treated ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001932A1
Принадлежит: Tesla, Inc.

A glass structure for a vehicle includes an outer layer of glass and an inner layer of glass. The inner layer of glass is perforated by a plurality of holes and the outer layer of glass and the inner layer of glass are separated by a gap disposed between opposing surfaces of the outer layer of glass and the inner layer of glass. The glass structure provided herein may provide noise absorption and temperature insulation characteristics. 1. A glass structure for a vehicle , the structure comprising:an outer layer of glass; andan inner layer of glass, wherein the inner layer of glass is perforated by a plurality of holes, and wherein the outer layer of glass and the inner layer of glass are separated by a gap disposed between opposing surfaces of the outer layer of glass and the inner layer of glass.2. The structure of claim 1 , wherein the gap is between 0.5 mm and 6 mm.3. The structure of claim 1 , wherein each hole of the plurality of holes is a circle.4. The structure of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of holes are uniformly distributed across the inner layer of glass.5. The structure of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of holes are distributed more densely around the edges of the inner layer of glass than a center of the inner layer of glass.6. The structure of claim 1 , wherein the inner layer of glass is thinner than the outer layer of glass.7. The structure of claim 1 , wherein the inner layer of glass has a higher strength than the outer layer of glass.8. The structure of claim 1 , wherein the chemical composition of the outer layer of glass and the inner layer of glass are the same.9. The structure of claim 1 , wherein the inner layer of glass is a first inner layer of glass claim 1 , further comprising:a second inner layer of glass, wherein the first inner layer of glass and the second inner layer of glass are separated by a gap disposed between opposing surfaces of the first inner layer of glass and the second inner layer of glass.10. The structure of claim ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001888A1

A laminated vehicle glazing includes within the laminate an AMOLED screen and an electrical connection element of the AMOLED screen connected to an interface housing on the face F and containing one or more electronic components notably for controlling the AMOLED screen, the interface housing also being connected to a wired power supply system. 242. The laminated vehicle glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the electrical connection element is flexible and comprises a flexible connecting part between the second main face and the third main face with a front surface on the third main face side and a rear surface on the second main face side claim 1 , the electrical connection element being of thickness E less than E claim 1 , linked to the organic light-emitting diode-based viewing screen and extending the organic light-emitting diode-based viewing screen in the direction of the lip of the second glazing claim 1 , the electrical connection element extending outside of the lip of the second glazing by an exterior part which is curved.3. The laminated vehicle glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the interface housing is connected to a wired data signals transport system for the wherein screen claim 1 , the wired system being on one and the same edge of the interface housing or on a distinct edge as for the wired power supply system.4. The laminated vehicle glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the interface housing contains a receiver of data arising from a local wireless communication network transporting data for the organic light-emitting diode-based viewing screen.5. The laminated vehicle glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the interface housing is mounted on the terminal part or is adjacent to the terminal part and connected to an end of the terminal part and against or fixed to said fourth main face.6. The laminated vehicle glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the interface housing is made of plastic.7444. The laminated vehicle glazing as claimed ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Polyurethane Sealant Based on Poly(Butylene Oxide) Polyols for Glass Sealing

Номер: US20160002512A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A polyurethane glass sealant is made by reacting a poly(1,2-butylene oxide) polymer with a chain extender and a polyisocyanate. The poly(1,2-butylene oxide) polymer may be used as a mixture with up to 50% by weight of other polyols, including castor oil. The sealant is especially useful as a secondary sealant for an insulated glass unit (IGU).

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002576A1

Provided is a resin composition with which pellet blocking resistance can be sufficiently improved and a shaped product having excellent transparency with little clouding can be obtained, and a shaped product having excellent transparency with little clouding and a production method therefor. A resin composition comprises: pellets containing a hydrogenated block copolymer [D] obtained by hydrogenating a block copolymer [C] having a polymer block [A] containing a structural unit derived from an aromatic vinyl compound and a polymer block [B] containing a structural unit derived from a chain conjugated diene compound; and an antiblocking agent, wherein a ratio (wA:wB) between wA and wB is 10:90 to 70:30, and a content of the antiblocking agent per 100 parts by mass of the pellets is 0.001 parts by mass or more and 0.4 parts by mass or less. 1. A resin composition comprising:pellets containing a hydrogenated block copolymer [D] as a main component, the hydrogenated block copolymer [D] being obtained by hydrogenating a block copolymer [C] having two or more polymer blocks [A] containing a structural unit derived from an aromatic vinyl compound as a main component and one or more polymer blocks [B] containing a structural unit derived from a chain conjugated diene compound as a main component; andan antiblocking agent formed from a metal salt of a fatty acid with a carbon number of 10 to 30,wherein a ratio wA:wB between wA and wB is 10:90 to 70:30, where wA is a mass fraction of a total amount of the polymer blocks [A] to the whole block copolymer [C] and wB is a mass fraction of a total amount of the polymer blocks [B] to the whole block copolymer [C], anda content of the antiblocking agent per 100 parts by mass of the pellets is 0.001 parts by mass or more and 0.4 parts by mass or less.2. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein in the hydrogenated block copolymer [D] claim 1 , 90% or more of an unsaturated carbon-carbon bond in a main chain and a side ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Thermoplastic film for a laminated-glass pane having a non-linear continuous wedge insert in the vertical direction in some sections

Номер: US20170003503A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

A thermoplastic film for a laminated-glass pane having a non-linear continuous wedge insert in the vertical direction in some sections. The thermoplastic film has a continuous non-linear wedge angle profile having a first section, which has a wedge angle that is constant or that is variable at least in some sections in order to avoid double images in transmission. The nonlinear wedge angle profile also has a second section, which adjoins the first section. The second section has a variable wedge angle in order to avoid ghost images in reflection. The wedge angle profile has a third section, which adjoins the second section. The third section has a wedge angle that is constant or that is variable at least in some sections in order to avoid double images in transmission.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003756A1
Автор: HOZUMI Yasuhiro
Принадлежит: Nippon Kayaku Kabushiki Kaisha

A heat ray shielding structure including a heat ray shielding layer () between a first resin layer and a second resin layer, wherein the heat ray shielding layer () is a heat ray reflecting layer which is a first heat ray reflecting layer having a repeated multilayer structure of a high-refractive-index layer and a low-refractive-index layer or which is a second heat ray reflecting layer containing at least any one of Au, Ag, Cu and Al, a heat ray absorbing layer containing at least one of an inorganic oxide and a coloring matter and containing a binder resin, or a layer including the heat ray reflecting layer and the heat ray absorbing layer. 1. A heat ray shielding structure comprising a heat ray shielding layer between a first resin layer and a second resin layer ,wherein the heat ray shielding layer is a heat ray reflecting layer which is a first heat ray reflecting layer having a repeated multilayer structure of a high-refractive-index layer and a low-refractive-index layer or which is a second heat ray reflecting layer containing at least any one of Au, Ag, Cu and Al,a heat ray absorbing layer containing at least one of an inorganic oxide and a coloring matter and containing a binder resin, ora layer including the heat ray reflecting layer and the heat ray absorbing layer.2. A method for producing a heat ray shielding structure comprising the following steps: laminating a heat ray reflecting layer which is a first heat ray reflecting layer having a repeated multilayer structure of a high-refractive-index layer and a low-refractive-index layer or which is a second heat ray reflecting layer containing at least any one of Au, Ag, Cu and Al on a substrate having releasability,', 'laminating a heat ray absorbing layer containing at least one of an inorganic oxide and a coloring matter and containing a binder resin, on the substrate having releasability, or', 'laminating any one of the heat ray reflecting layer and the heat ray absorbing layer on the substrate ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Protective film for windshield of vehicle

Номер: US20220024194A1
Принадлежит: Stek Co ltd

The present invention relates to a protective film for a windshield of a vehicle, which can be installed on a curved portion of the windshield of the vehicle without a thermoforming process, thereby improving the workability of a worker, and improving impact resistance to effectively protect the windshield of the vehicle.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024282A1

A automobile laminated glass according to the present invention includes: a first glass plate that is formed into a rectangular shape; a second glass plate that is disposed so as to face the first glass plate, and is formed into a rectangular shape; an intermediate film that is disposed between the first glass plate and the second glass plate; a functional layer that is disposed between the first glass plate and the second glass plate; and an obstructing layer that is laminated on a peripheral edge portion of at least one of the first glass plate and the second glass plate, wherein the functional layer is formed so that an outer edge of at least a portion of the functional layer is located outward of an inner edge of the obstructing layer. 1. An automobile laminated glass comprising:a first glass plate that is formed into a rectangular shape;a second glass plate that is disposed so as to face the first glass plate, and is formed into a rectangular shape;an intermediate film that is disposed between the first glass plate and the second glass plate, and includes a functional layer; andan obstructing layer that is laminated on a peripheral edge portion of at least one of the first glass plate and the second glass plate,wherein the functional layer is formed so that an outer edge of at least a portion of the functional layer is located outward of an inner edge of the obstructing layer.23.-. (canceled)4. The automobile laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the functional layer includes a projection film for a head-up display device, and at least one base film that supports the projection film, anda portion of the outer edge of the functional layer is formed so as to reach an end edge of the automobile laminated glass.5. The automobile laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the functional layer includes a projection film for a head-up display device, and at least one base film that supports the projection film, anda portion of the outer edge of the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Laminated glass and vehicle window

Номер: US20180009294A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

A laminated glass includes a first glass plate; a second glass plate with a plate thickness which is less than a plate thickness of the first glass plate; and an intermediate film. The first glass plate and the second glass plate are laminated via the intermediate film. An external dimension of the second glass plate is less than an external dimension of the first glass plate. At least a part of an outer peripheral edge of the second glass plate is located on an inner periphery side with respect to an outer peripheral edge of the first glass plate.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008842A1

A composite pane containing a functional element having electrically controllable optical properties includes, in this order, a first pane, a first thermoplastic composite film having at least one plasticizer, a functional element having a peripheral edge, a barrier film having a cutout, into which the functional element is inserted, a second thermoplastic composite film having at least one plasticizer, a second pane, wherein the barrier film surrounds the functional element in a frame-like manner and is in direct contact with the peripheral edge of the functional element, and the barrier film contains at most 0.5 wt.-% plasticizer and prevents the diffusion of plasticizer through the barrier film. 2. The composite pane according to claim 1 , wherein the functional element is a polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) film.3. The composite pane according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the barrier film and a thickness of the functional element differ from one another by at most 30% claim 1 , and the thickness of the barrier film and the thickness of the functional element are substantially the same.4. The composite pane according to claim 1 , wherein the barrier film has a thickness of 0.1 mm to 1.0 mm.5. The composite pane according to claim 1 , wherein the first and/or the second thermoplastic composite film contains at least 3 wt. % of a plasticizer claim 1 , and the plasticizer contains or is made of aliphatic diesters of tri- or tetraethylene glycol.6. The composite pane according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic composite films contain at least 60 wt. % of polyvinyl butyral (PVB).7. The composite pane according to claim 1 , wherein the barrier film contains or is made of polyethylene terephthalate PET) or polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) and is plasticizer free.8. The composite pane according to claim 1 , wherein the material composition of the barrier film differs in terms of its main constituent by weight from the main constituent by weight of the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008843A1

A method for producing a composite pane with a functional element having electrically controllable optical properties, includes providing a first pre-composite including a first thermoplastic laminating film and a first barrier film as well as a second pre-composite including a second thermoplastic laminating film and a second barrier layer trimming and the pre-composites substantially to the dimensions of the composite pane, forming a circumferential back cut in the barrier films, arranging the first pane, the first pre-composite, a functional element, the second pre-composite, and a second pane one over another in this order, the barrier films being arranged sheet-wise directly adjacent the functional element, surrounding the circumferential edge of the functional element, and touching one another sheet-wise at least in sections in an overhang u protruding beyond the functional element, and bonding the layer stack. 1. A method for producing a composite pane with a functional element having electrically controllable optical properties , the method comprising:a) providing a first pre-composite comprising a first thermoplastic laminating film and a first barrier film as well as a second pre-composite comprising a second thermoplastic laminating film and a second barrier layer and trimming the first and second pre-composites substantially to dimensions of the composite pane to be produced,b) forming a circumferential back cut in the first and second barrier films,c) arranging a first pane, the first pre-composite, a functional element, the second pre-composite, and a second pane one over another in this order, wherein the first and second barrier films are arranged sheet-wise directly adjacent the functional element with, at least in sections, a common overhang that is beyond the circumferential edge of the functional element and surrounds the circumferential edge of the functional element, andd) bonding the layer stack comprising, in this order, the first pane, the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Laminated vehicle glazing with amoled screen

Номер: US20190009502A1
Автор: Michael Labrot
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

A laminated vehicle glazing includes an AMOLED screen between the internal faces of the glazings and which is located in a visual comfort zone, and is alone or adjacent with another or several other flexible AMOLED screens also clustered in the visual comfort zone.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009837A1

Provided is a thermoplastic resin film capable of controlling the discoloration due to color staining, and capable of controlling occurrence of color irregularity after irradiation with light irrespectively of inclusion of dyes. A thermoplastic resin film according to the present invention includes a thermoplastic resin and a dye, and the thermoplastic resin film has a color difference ΔE of 4.3 or less, determined by measuring change in color tone before and after application of load on a polyvinyl butyral resin film for color staining test in accordance with JIS K8781-4:2013 after applying a load of 200 g/cmat 23° C. and a humidity of 25% for 1 week on a laminate made up of the thermoplastic resin film, the polyvinyl butyral resin film for color staining test, and a green glass in accordance with JIS R3208 having a thickness of 2 mm laminated in this order on a rubber sheet having a hardness of 60. 1. A thermoplastic resin film comprising:a thermoplastic resin; anda dye,{'sup': '2', 'the thermoplastic resin film having a color difference ΔE of 4.3 or less, determined by measuring change in color tone before and after application of load on a polyvinyl butyral resin film for color staining test in accordance with JIS K8781-4:2013 after applying a load of 200 g/cmat 23° C. and a humidity of 25% for 1 week on a laminate made up of the thermoplastic resin film, the polyvinyl butyral resin film for color staining test, and a green glass in accordance with JIS R3208 having a thickness of 2 mm laminated in this order on a rubber sheet having a hardness of 60.'}2. The thermoplastic resin film according to claim 1 , wherein the dye includes a dye having a molar volume of 200 cm/mol or more.3. The thermoplastic resin film according to claim 1 , further comprising a pigment.4. The thermoplastic resin film according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic resin is a polyvinyl acetal resin.5. The thermoplastic resin film according to claim 1 , including an anthraquinone-based ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Thermoplastic resin film and glass plate-containing laminate

Номер: US20200009838A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd

Provided is a thermoplastic resin film capable of controlling the occurrence of color irregularity after irradiation with light. The thermoplastic resin film according to the present invention contains a thermoplastic resin, a pigment, and a hindered amine light stabilizer.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009843A1

A method of making a microstructured adhesive article that includes (a) providing an article comprising a crosslinked pressure sensitive adhesive layer disposed on a backing; and (b) embossing the surface of the crosslinked pressure sensitive adhesive layer to form a crosslinked pressure sensitive adhesive layer having a microstructured adhesive surface. 1. A method of making a microstructured adhesive article comprising:(a) providing an article comprising a crosslinked pressure sensitive adhesive layer disposed on a backing, wherein the crosslinked pressure sensitive adhesive layer has a thickness of from about 10 micrometers to about 1500 micrometers; and(b) embossing the surface of the crosslinked pressure sensitive adhesive layer with a microstructured liner or a molding tool to form a crosslinked pressure sensitive adhesive layer having a microstructured adhesive surface structure, wherein the structure consists of V-grooves or channels and wherein the surface structure is unstable when not in contact with the microstructured liner or molding tool, and the adhesive layer is able to wet out a substrate surface by flattening of the microstructured surface structures and displays complete wet out to a glass substrate after 48 hours.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein embossing comprises contacting the surface of the crosslinked pressure sensitive adhesive layer with a microstructured release liner.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein embossing comprises contacting the surface of the crosslinked pressure sensitive adhesive layer with a microstructured molding tool.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the crosslinked pressure sensitive adhesive layer comprises a covalently crosslinked pressure sensitive adhesive layer.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the crosslinked pressure sensitive adhesive layer comprises a physically crosslinked pressure sensitive adhesive layer.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the crosslinked pressure sensitive adhesive layer comprises a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011209A1
Принадлежит: AGC Inc.

A door glass for a vehicle includes a laminated glass having a first glass plate, a first adhesive layer, an infrared-reflective film, a second adhesive layer, and a second glass plate laminated in this order. The infrared-reflective film includes a laminate in which 100 or more layers of resin layers having different refractive indices are laminated, and has a thermal shrinkage rate of greater than 0.6% and less than 1.2% in a direction in which the thermal shrinkage rate becomes maximum, and in a direction perpendicular to the maximum direction. In an area where the laminated glass is visible when mounted on the vehicle, the outer periphery of the infrared-reflective film is positioned within a range of up to 10 mm inward from the outer periphery of the laminated glass in front view. 1. A door glass for a vehicle comprising:a laminated glass having a first glass plate, a first adhesive layer, an infrared-reflective film, a second adhesive layer, and a second glass plate laminated in this order,wherein the infrared-reflective film includes a laminate in which 100 or more layers of resin layers having different refractive indices are laminated,wherein the infrared-reflective film has a thermal shrinkage rate of greater than 0.6% and less than 1.2% in a direction in which the thermal shrinkage rate becomes maximum, and a thermal shrinkage rate of greater than 0.6% and less than 1.2% in a direction perpendicular to the direction in which the thermal shrinkage rate becomes maximum,wherein the thermal shrinkage rate of the infrared-reflective film in a predetermined direction is a shrinkage rate of a length in the predetermined direction before and after holding the infrared-reflective film at 150° C. for 30 minutes, andwherein in an area where the laminated glass is visible when the laminated glass is mounted on the vehicle, an outer periphery of the infrared-reflective film is positioned within a range of up to 10 mm inward from an outer periphery of the laminated ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing plastic glazing

Номер: US20220032597A1
Автор: Ho Jung Kim, Si Wook LEE
Принадлежит: Seoyon E Hwa Co Ltd

The present disclosure relates to a method for manufacturing highly reliable plastic glazing by forming a high hardness coating layer. The method for manufacturing plastic glazing includes: a base material layer supply step of supplying base material layer made of polycarbonate (PC) resin; an adhesive supply step of applying an adhesive to at least one side of the base material layer; a coating film supply step of seating a coating film on an upper side of the adhesive applied to the base material layer; and an attaching step of pressing the supplied coating film and of attaching to the base material layer. Through such a manufacturing method, there is an effect of improving the scratch resistance, abrasion resistance, chemical resistance, and light resistance by forming the high hardness coating layer in the base material layer made of PC.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Laminated pane with integrated electrical attachment part

Номер: US20220032741A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

A laminated pane having at least one integrated electrical attachment part, includes an inner pane having an inner side and an outer side, an outer pane having an inner side and an outer side, a thermoplastic intermediate layer, which joins the inner side of the outer pane and the inner side of the inner pane to one another, and at least one recess in the inner pane and/or the outer pane, wherein the electrical attachment part is inserted into the recess and is situated completely within the laminated pane, the laminated pane is a vehicle laminated pane having a three-dimensional bend, and the recess is introduced into the inner pane and/or the outer pane by laser processes.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032744A1
Принадлежит: AGC Inc.

The present vehicle includes a projection device installed in the vehicle; and a laminated glass configured to transmit a light beam emitted from the projection device to a vehicle exterior side. The laminated glass includes a vehicle-interior-side glass plate; a vehicle-exterior-side glass plate; an interlayer bonding the vehicle-interior-side glass plate and the vehicle-exterior-side glass plate; and a scattering layer arranged between the vehicle-exterior-side glass plate and the vehicle-interior-side glass plate, and in contact with the interlayer, the scattering layer being configured to be irradiated with the light beam. A relationship between visible light transmittance Tv (%) of the laminated glass and an angle of incidence θ (degrees) to the scattering layer of each ray included in the light beam incident on the scattering layer satisfies Formula (1) described in the description. 4. The vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the scattering layer includes at least one of a transparent screen film claim 1 , a light control film claim 1 , a scattering coating claim 1 , a fluorescent film claim 1 , or a fluorescent coating.5. The vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the scattering layer has a thickness of greater than or equal to 3 μm and less than or equal to 800 μm.6. The vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the laminated glass further includes a visible light transmittance reducing unit.7. The vehicle as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the visible light transmittance reducing unit is arranged closer to a vehicle interior side than the scattering layer is.8. The vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein in the laminated glass claim 1 , a normal to a surface on the vehicle-exterior-side glass plate positioned on the vehicle exterior side wherein the normal passes through a center of gravity of the laminated glass claim 1 , is tilted by greater than or equal to 1 degree in a direction toward sky with respect to ground.9. The vehicle as claimed in claim 8 , ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015088A1
Автор: NOMOTO Yusaku
Принадлежит: KURARAY CO., LTD.

A problem of providing a laminate which is excellent in transparency, heat resistance, moisture resistance, and abrasion. resistance, has a satisfactory bending workability, and includes a layer containing a methacrylate resin and a styrene-based resin, and a layer containing polycarbonate is solved by the invention of a laminate including: a layer including a resin composition containing 5 mass % or more but less than 50 mass % of a methacrylate resin and 50 mass % or more but less than 95 mass % of a copolymer including at least a structural unit derived from an aromatic vinyl compound represented by the following general formula (a) and a structural unit derived from an acid anhydride represented by the following general formula (b); and a layer including polycarbonate. 2. The laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer contains 50 to 85 mass % of a structural unit derived from an aromatic vinyl compound (a) claim 1 , and contains 15 to 50 mass % of a structural unit derived from acid anhydride (b).3. The laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer contains 50 to 84 mass % of a structural unit derived from aromatic vinyl compound (a) claim 1 , 15 to 49 mass % of a structural unit derived from an acid anhydride (b) claim 1 , and 1 to 35 mass % of a methacrylate ester monomer.4. The laminate according to claim 3 , wherein the methacrylate ester monomer is methyl methacrylate.5. The laminate according to claim 1 , further comprising an abrasion-resistant layer formed on at least one surface of the laminate.6. The laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the resin composition has a glass-transition temperature in a range from 120 to 160° C.7. The laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer has a weight average molecular weight in a range from 40 claim 1 ,000 to 300 claim 1 ,000.8. The laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the layer comprising the resin composition and the layer comprising polycarbonate are directly in contact with each ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017424A1
Автор: MATSUNO Ryou
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

A heat ray shielding material having a metal particle-containing layer and a fine-particle containing overcoat layer disposed thereon wherein hexagonal to circular tabular metal particles are contained in 60% by number or more relative to total number of the metal particles contained in the metal particle-containing layer, a main plane of the hexagonal to circular, tabular metal particles is plane-oriented in a range of from 0° to ±30° on average relative to one surface of the metal particle-containing layer, exhibits favorable adhesion-failure resistance, scratch resistance and low haze. 1. A heat ray shielding material comprising a metal particle-containing layer that contains at least one kind of metal particle and an overcoat layer that is in close contact with at least one surface of the metal particle-containing layer , wherein:hexagonal to circular tabular metal particles are contained in 60% by number or more relative to total number of the metal particles contained in the metal particle-containing layer,a main plane of the hexagonal to circular, tabular metal particles is plane-oriented in a range of from 0° to ±30° on average relative to one surface of the metal particle-containing layer, andthe overcoat layer contains fine particles.2. The heat ray shielding material according to claim 1 , wherein the fine particles are colloidal silica.3. The heat ray shielding material according to claim 1 , wherein the fine particles has a mean particle diameter of from 5 nm to 1500 nm.4. The heat ray shielding material according to claim 1 , wherein the fine particles has a mean particle diameter of from 5 nm to 300 nm.5. The heat ray shielding material according to claim 1 , having a transmission haze of at most 3%.6. The heat ray shielding material according to claim 1 , wherein the overcoat layer further contains a binder and a mass ratio of the fine particles to the binder in the overcoat layer is from 0.02 to 0.4.7. The heat ray shielding material according to ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016096A1
Принадлежит: Solutia Inc.

A polyvinyl acetal poly(vinyl acetal), such as polyvinyl butyral, resin formulation, a method of extruding poly(vinyl acetal) resins, and related materials and products that provide for monolithic poly(vinyl acetal) sheets and glass panes having high Tg of at least 50° C. and high modulus at acceptable rates as indicated by their high melt flow index. This is made possible by a reduction in the amount of plasticizer while using a low molecular weight resin not to exceed 160,000 to obtain a thermoplastic resin having a high melt flow index and high Tg. The articles made with these monolithic interlayer sheets can be used in applications that require good modulus at outdoor temperatures. 1. A monolithic interlayer sheet formed from a composition comprising:(A) poly(vinyl acetal) resin in an amount of at least 60 wt. % based on the weight of the composition, wherein the Mw of the poly(vinyl acetal) resin does not exceed 150,000; and(B) a plasticizer in an amount of from 5 to 20 parts per one hundred parts of said poly(vinyl acetal) resin;wherein said interlayer sheet has a Tg of at least 46° C. and a melt flow index (“MFI”) of at least 0.65 grams/10 minutes when measured at 190° C. at a load of 2.16 kilograms, andwherein the interlayer sheet has a modulus E′ at 40° C. of at least 400,000,000 pascals and has a thickness of at least 5 mils.2. The interlayer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said composition has a Tg of at least 50° C.3. The interlayer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said composition has a Tg of at least 55° C.4. The interlayer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said composition has an MFI of at least 0.9.5. The interlayer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said composition has an MFI of at least 1.2.6. The interlayer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said composition contains at least 80 wt. % poly(vinyl acetal) resin.7. The interlayer sheet of claim 1 , wherein the Mw of the poly(vinyl acetal) resin does not exceed 140 claim 1 ,000.8. The interlayer sheet of claim 1 , wherein the Mw of ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016097A1
Принадлежит: Solutia Inc.

A polyvinyl acetal poly(vinyl acetal), such as polyvinyl butyral, resin formulation, a method of extruding poly(vinyl acetal) resins, and related materials and products that provide for monolithic poly(vinyl acetal) sheets and glass panes having high Tg of at least 50° C. and high modulus at acceptable rates as indicated by their high melt flow index. This is made possible by a reduction in the amount of plasticizer while using a low molecular weight resin not to exceed 160,000 to obtain a thermoplastic resin having a high melt flow index and high Tg. The articles made with these monolithic interlayer sheets can be used in applications that require good modulus at outdoor temperatures. 1. A monolithic interlayer sheet formed from a composition comprising:(A) poly(vinyl acetal) resin in an amount of at least 60 wt. % based on the weight of the composition, wherein the Mw of the poly(vinyl acetal) resin does not exceed 150,000; and(B) a plasticizer in an amount of from 5 to 20 parts per one hundred parts of said poly(vinyl acetal) resin;wherein said interlayer sheet has a Tg of at least 46° C. and a melt flow index (“MFI”) of at least 0.65 grams/10 minutes when measured at 190° C. at a load of 2.16 kilograms, andwherein the interlayer sheet has a modulus E′ at 40° C. of at least 400,000,000 pascals and has a thickness of at least 5 mils.2. The interlayer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said composition has a Tg of at least 50° C.3. The interlayer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said composition has a Tg of at least 55° C.4. The interlayer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said composition has an MFI of at least 0.9.5. The interlayer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said composition has an MFI of at least 1.2.6. The interlayer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said composition contains at least 80 wt. % poly(vinyl acetal) resin.7. The interlayer sheet of claim 1 , wherein the Mw of the poly(vinyl acetal) resin does not exceed 140 claim 1 ,000.8. The interlayer sheet of claim 1 , wherein the Mw of ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016806A1

Embodiments of a vehicle interior system and methods for forming the same are disclosed. A glass substrate is bent to a curved shape within a mold cavity, and a liquid polymer material is delivered to the mold and is in contact with the curved glass substrate. The liquid polymer is solidified to form a polymer frame that engages the bent glass substrate, and the engagement between the frame and the glass substrate holds the glass substrate in the bent shape. The temperature of the glass substrate during the bending process and formation of the frame are maintained below the glass transition temperature of the glass substrate. 1. A method of forming a vehicle interior system comprising:supporting a glass substrate within a mold cavity of a mold, wherein the glass substrate has a first major surface and a second major surface opposite the first major surface, wherein the second major surface of the glass substrate faces a curved support surface within the mold; andapplying a force to the glass substrate causing the glass substrate to bend into conformity with a curved shape of the curved support surface such that a curved glass substrate is formed, wherein the first major surface of the curved glass substrate includes a curved section and the second major surface of the curved glass substrate includes a curved section; anddelivering a liquid polymer material to the mold cavity such that the liquid polymer material contacts the first major surface of the glass substrate;solidifying the liquid polymer material within the mold cavity to form a polymer frame engaging the curved glass substrate; andremoving the frame and the curved glass substrate from the mold, wherein the engagement between the frame and the curved glass substrate maintains the curved glass substrate in the curved shape;wherein a maximum temperature of the glass substrate during the supporting step, the applying step, the delivering step, the solidifying step and the removing step is less than a glass ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016871A1

Provided is an interlayer film for laminated glass capable of reducing the variation in double images in laminated glass in the direction perpendicular to the direction connecting one end and the other end of the interlayer film, and effectively suppressing double images. An interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention has one end and the other end being at the opposite side of the the one end, the other end has a thickness of larger than a thickness of the one end, the interlayer film for laminated glass as a whole has a wedge angle of 0.1 mrad or more, and the interlayer film for laminated glass has a thickness varying region in a region extending in the direction perpendicular to the direction connecting the one end and the other end of the interlayer film, having a standard deviation of 11 partial wedge angles measured by the following measuring method of 0.040 mrad or less. 1. An interlayer film for laminated glass for use in laminated glass ,the interlayer film for laminated glass having one end and the other end being at the opposite side of the one end,the other end having a thickness of larger than a thickness of the one end,the interlayer film for laminated glass as a whole having a wedge angle of 0.1 mrad or more,the interlayer film for laminated glass having a thickness varying region in a region extending in the direction perpendicular to the direction connecting the one end and the other end of the interlayer film, the thickness varying region having a standard deviation of 11 partial wedge angles measured by the following measuring method of 0.040 mrad or less,the method for measuring 11 partial wedge angles including: selecting 11 points at 10 cm intervals in the direction perpendicular to the direction connecting the one end and the other end of the interlayer film; at each of the 11 points, measuring a partial wedge angle in the region extending from the position of 6 cm on the one end side from the center between the one ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Intermediate film for laminated glasses, and laminated glass

Номер: US20200016872A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd

Provided is an interlayer film for laminated glass with which double images in laminated glass can be significantly suppressed. An interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention has one end, and the other end having a larger thickness than the one end, the interlayer film has a region for display corresponding to a display region of a head-up display, and when first partial wedge angles θ1 are calculated in respective first partial regions of 80 mm in the direction connecting the one end and the other end centered at respective selected points, second partial wedge angles θ2 are calculated in respective second partial regions of 40 mm in the direction connecting the one end and the other end centered at respective selected points, and |θ1-θ2| is calculated from θ1 and θ2 in the first partial region and the second partial region centered at the same point in the direction connecting the one end and the other end, a maximum value among all values of |θ1-θ2| is 0.2 mrad or less, and the interlayer film as a whole has a wedge angle of 0.1 mrad or more.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016551A1
Автор: KANEKO Tatsuro

Provided is a material with improved surface hardness and abrasion resistance of a plastic substrate and a process for manufacturing the same. 1. A plastic laminate comprising a plastic substrate and a hard coat layer formed on the plastic substrate ,wherein the hard coat layer consists of a cured film of a hard coat agent comprising at least a polysilazane compound and nano-silica having an average particle size of 20 to 100 nm,wherein a continuous hardness difference is provided between the plastic substrate side of the hard coat layer and a surface layer side opposite thereto.2. The plastic laminate according to claim 1 , wherein in the hard coat layer claim 1 , the surface layer side has higher hardness than the plastic substrate side.3. The plastic laminate according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the hard coat layer is 30 to 100 μm.4. The plastic laminate according to claim 2 , wherein a thickness of the hard coat layer is 30 to 100 μm.5. A front window for a transporting vehicle comprising a molded body of the plastic laminate according to .6. A front window for a transporting vehicle comprising a molded body of the plastic laminate according to .7. A front window for a transporting vehicle comprising a molded body of the plastic laminate according to .8. A front window for a transporting vehicle comprising a molded body of the plastic laminate according to .9. A headlight lens for a transporting vehicle comprising a molded body of the plastic laminate according to .10. A headlight lens for a transporting vehicle comprising a molded body of the plastic laminate according to .11. A headlight lens for a transporting vehicle comprising a molded body of the plastic laminate according to .12. A headlight lens for a transporting vehicle comprising a molded body of the plastic laminate according to .13. A process for manufacturing a plastic laminate claim 4 , comprising the steps of:applying a hard coat agent comprising at least a polysilazane compound and nano ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Laminated glass pane having a sensor assembly and method for producing a laminated glass pane having a sensor assembly

Номер: US20190018366A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

A laminated glass pane. The laminated glass pane has a sensor assembly. The sensor assembly has a first glass layer and a second glass layer joined by a combination film. The sensor assembly is suitable for detecting an approach of a user's finger. According to one aspect, a hologram is arranged at the location of the sensor assembly, the hologram becoming visible to a viewer upon illumination of the hologram. According to another aspect, the hologram is arranged between the first glass layer and the second glass layer. A method for producing a laminated glass pane having a sensor assembly is also presented.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023442A1
Автор: Faris Tom

An article includes a plurality of stacked sheets. Each sheet includes a film having a first side, with a print receptive or primed layer, and a second side, with an optional release treated layer; and a bonding layer that is coated at 100% solids on the first side of the film to releasably attach a second side of a film of an overlying sheet to the first side of an underlying sheet. Each sheet is stacked upon another sheet such that except for a topmost sheet of the stack the bonding layer is in contact with the second side of a film of an overlying sheet. The bonding layer of the topmost sheet defines an outer surface of the stack that protects the topmost sheet of the stack from environmental damage. 1. A stack comprising: a plurality of stacked sheets , each sheet comprises:a film having a first side, with a print receptive or primed layer, and a second side, with an optional release treated layer; anda bonding layer that is coated at 100% solids on the first side of the film to releasably attach a second side of a film of an overlying sheet to the first side of an underlying sheet,wherein each sheet is stacked upon another sheet such that except for a topmost sheet of the stack the bonding layer is in contact with the second side of a film of an overlying sheet, the bonding layer of the topmost sheet defining an outer surface of the stack that protects the topmost sheet of the stack from environmental damage, and wherein the topmost sheet can be removed from the stack of sheets by pulling it away from the stack such that a bonding layer of the underlying sheet form an outer surface of the stack that protects the underlying sheet from environmental damage.2. The stack of claim 1 , wherein the bonding layer is chemical and abrasion resistant.3. The stack of claim 1 , being substantially transparent to visible light.4. The stack of claim 1 , the films comprising clear substantially transparent polymer films.5. The stack of claim 4 , the films comprising ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Laminated glazing

Номер: US20170021597A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Ltd

A laminated glazing comprising a first ply of glazing material and a second ply of glazing material joined by at least one ply of adhesive interlayer material is disclosed. The first ply of glazing material comprises a sheet of glass having a first composition and the second ply of glazing material comprises a sheet of glass having a second composition different to the first composition. The laminated glazing has (i) a peripheral region extending around the periphery of the laminated glazing, the laminated glazing having a surface compression stress in the peripheral region and (ii) an edge compression, wherein the magnitude of edge compression is greater than the magnitude of the surface compression stress in the peripheral region. A method of making such a laminated is provided. A glass sheet suitable for being incorporated in such a laminated glazing is also disclosed.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle laminated glazing comprising an amoled screen

Номер: US20190022981A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

A laminated vehicle glazing includes within the laminate an AMOLED screen and a sensor. The AMOLED screen is in the clear window region or is masked by an external peripheral masking layer between the second main face of the first glazing and the rear face of the AMOLED screen and a connecting part is also optionally masked by the external masking layer between the second main face and its rear surface.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022982A1
Автор: HIROTA Etsurou

There is provided an interlayer film for laminated glass capable of being enhanced in handling properties at the time of preparing laminated glass. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention has one end and the other end being at the opposite side of the one end, has two or more uniform thickness parts where the thickness is uniform in a direction connecting the one end and the other end, and has one or more thickness increasing part where the thickness is made to increase in the direction connecting the one end and the other end, the thickness of the other end is larger than the thickness of the one end, and the thickness in the uniform thickness part positioned nearest to the other end side is larger than the thickness in the uniform thickness part positioned nearest to the one end side. 1. An interlayer film for laminated glass , having one end and the other end being at the opposite side of the one end ,having two or more uniform thickness parts where the thickness is uniform in a direction connecting the one end and the other end, andhaving one or more thickness increasing part where the thickness is made to increase in the direction connecting the one end and the other end,the thickness of the other end being larger than the thickness of the one end andthe thickness in the uniform thickness part positioned nearest to the other end side being larger than the thickness in the uniform thickness part positioned nearest to the one end side.2. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein one of the uniform thickness parts is positioned at the one end.3. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein one of the uniform thickness parts is positioned at the one end claim 1 , one of the uniform thickness parts is positioned at the other end claim 1 , andthe thickness increasing part is positioned between the uniform thickness part positioned at the one end and the uniform thickness part ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022984A1

A laminated vehicle glazing includes an AMOLED screen between the internal faces F and F of the glazings and which is located in a widened masking zone of enamel on face F, and is alone or adjacent with another or several other flexible AMOLED screens also clustered in the zone. 2. The laminated vehicle glazing as claimed in claim 19 , wherein the connecting part is also masked by the external masking layer.3. The laminated vehicle glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the widened masking zone is peripheral and is situated between a lateral edge of the glazing and a central zone of the glazing claim 1 , the organic light-emitting diode-based viewing screen is arranged horizontally along the longitudinal edge.4. The laminated vehicle glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the organic light-emitting diode-based viewing screen is arranged horizontally along the longitudinal edge of the glazing claim 1 , on the driver's side or copilot's side:the organic light-emitting diode-based viewing screen is unique in the widened masking zone,or the organic light-emitting diode-based viewing screen is adjacent to the one or more additional organic light-emitting diode-based viewing screens, arranged horizontally, optionally of smaller size than the organic light-emitting diode-based viewing screen.5. The laminated vehicle glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the widened masking zone is peripheral and situated in the central zone of the upper longitudinal edge of the glazing:the organic light-emitting diode-based viewing screen is the only one in the widened masking zone and arranged horizontally,or is adjacent, to one or more additional organic light-emitting diode-based viewing screens arranged horizontally, optionally of smaller sizes.6. The laminated vehicle glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the widened masking zone is peripheral and situated in the central zone of the upper longitudinal edge and:the organic light-emitting diode-based viewing screen is arranged ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023610A1

A transparent pane comprising a transparent substrate and an electrically conductive coating on a surface of the transparent substrate is disclosed. The electrically conductive coating comprises four functional layers arranged one atop another. Each functional layer comprises a layer of optically highly refractive material with a refractive index >1.3, a first matching layer above the layer of optically highly refractive material, an electrically conductive layer above the first matching layer, and a second matching layer above the electrically conductive layer. The layer thickness of each conductive layer can be 5 nm to 25 nm and the total layer thickness of all electrically conductive layers can be 20 nm to 100 nm. 113.-. (canceled)14. A transparent pane , comprising:a transparent substrate; and wherein the electrically conductive coating comprises four functional layers arranged one atop another,', a layer of optically highly refractive material with a refractive index ≥1.3,', 'a first matching layer above the layer of optically highly refractive material,', 'an electrically conductive layer above the first matching layer, and', 'a second matching layer above the electrically conductive layer,, 'wherein each functional layer includes'}, 'wherein the layer thickness of each electrically conductive layer is from 5 nm to 25 nm and a total layer thickness of all electrically conductive layers is from 20 nm to 100 nm,', a layer of a dielectric material with a refractive index less than or equal to 2.1, and', 'a layer of an optically highly refractive material with a refractive index greater than or equal to 2.1, and, 'wherein the layer of optically highly refractive material arranged between two electrically conductive layers includes'}, 'wherein a further layer of optically highly refractive material with a refractive index ≥1.9 arranged above an uppermost functional layer., 'an electrically conductive coating on a surface of the transparent substrate,'}15. The ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023617A1

A glass-resin composite of the present invention includes a plurality of glass sheets and a resin sheet which are integrally combined with each other via an organic resin intermediate layer, wherein, out of outer glass sheets of the plurality of glass sheets, at least one glass sheet has a crystallinity of 30% or less and a Young's modulus higher than a Young's modulus of its inner adjacent glass sheet by 5 GPa or more. 1. A glass-resin composite for a window glass , comprising at least a plurality of glass sheets and a resin sheet ,wherein the plurality of glass sheets and the resin sheet are integrally combined with each other via an organic resin intermediate layer, andwherein, out of outer glass sheets of the plurality of glass sheets, at least one glass sheet has a crystallinity of 30% or less and a Young's modulus higher than a Young's modulus of its inner adjacent glass sheet by 5 GPa or more.2. The glass-resin composite according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , out of the outer glass sheets claim 1 , at least one glass sheet has a glass transition temperature of 850° C. or less.3. The glass-resin composite according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , out of the outer glass sheets claim 1 , at least one glass sheet is amorphous claim 1 , and comprises as a glass composition claim 1 , in terms of mol % claim 1 , 45% to 80% of SiO claim 1 , 5% to 30% of AlO claim 1 , 0% to 20% of LiO+NaO+KO claim 1 , and 3% to 35% of MgO+CaO+SrO+BaO.4. The glass-resin composite according to claim 1 , wherein an innermost glass sheet of the plurality of glass sheets comprises soda lime glass.5. The glass-resin composite according to claim 1 , wherein the resin sheet is arranged on an inside with respect to an innermost glass sheet of the plurality of glass sheets.6. The glass-resin composite according to claim 1 , wherein the resin sheet comprises a polycarbonate sheet.7. The glass-resin composite according to claim 1 , wherein the glass-resin composite has a total thickness of 45 mm ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing glass plate and glass plate for automobile

Номер: US20200023618A1

A method for manufacturing a glass plate according to one aspect of the present invention includes a first step of preparing a glass plate, a second step of preparing an antifog film that includes a film substrate having a thickness of no greater than 100 μm, an antifog layer having antifog properties and layered on one surface of the film substrate, and an adhesive layer layered on another surface of the film substrate, and a third step of attaching the antifog film to the glass plate via the adhesive layer.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023619A1

Provided is an interlayer film for laminated glass with which the sound insulating properties of laminated glass can be enhanced. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention has a one-layer structure or a two or more-layer structure, and includes a first layer having a glass transition temperature in dynamic viscoelasticity measurement of −30° C. or more and 10° C. or less, and when a glass transition temperature in unit ° C. of the first layer is referred to as Tg, a loss tangent tan δ of the first layer at Tg satisfies both of the following formula (1) and formula (2): 1. An interlayer film for laminated glass having a one-layer structure or a two or more-layer structure ,the interlayer film comprising a first layer having a glass transition temperature in dynamic viscoelasticity measurement of −30° C. or more and 10° C. or less, [{'br': None, 'i': 'Tg', '(Loss tangent tan δ of the first layer at )≥1.55\u2003\u2003(1)'}, {'br': None, 'i': Tg', 'A', 'G', 'G', 'B, '(Loss tangent tan δ of the first layer at )=×(first storage modulus ′/second storage modulus ′)+\u2003\u2003(2)'}], 'a loss tangent tan δ of the first layer at Tg satisfying both of the following formula (1) and formula (2) when a glass transition temperature in unit ° C. of the first layer is referred to as Tg, storage modulus G′ of the first layer at Tg−10° C. is referred to as first storage modulus G′, and storage modulus G′ of the first layer at Tg+10° C. is referred to as second storage modulus G′ in dynamic viscoelasticity measurement of the first layerin the above formula (2), A being 0.003 or more and 0.04 or less, and B being 0.7 or more and 1.4 or less.2. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer contains a compound having a softening point of 70° C. or more and 200° C. or less.3. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer contains a thermoplastic resin claim 1 , or contains a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023620A1
Принадлежит: KURARAY CO., LTD.

A polyvinyl acetal resin film for laminated glass, 1. A polyvinyl acetal resin film for laminated glass , wherein:a viscosity of toluene/ethanol=1/1 (by mass ratio) solution of a polyvinyl acetal resin in a resin composition constituting the polyvinyl acetal resin film with a concentration of 10% by mass, measured at 30 rpm and 20° C. by using a Brookfield-type (B-type) viscometer, being more than 200 mPa·s,the polyvinyl acetal resin film comprising a plasticizer in an amount of 0 to 20% by mass based on a total mass of the resin composition constituting the polyvinyl acetal resin film, andthe polyvinyl acetal resin film having a thickness of 10 to 350 μm.2. The polyvinyl acetal resin film according to claim 1 , wherein a value indicating heat creep resistance measured with the polyvinyl acetal resin film bonded to a 0.76 mm thick plasticized polyvinyl butyral resin layer which contains 72% by mass of polyvinyl butyral resin having an acetalization degree of 69 to 71 mol % and containing a vinyl acetate unit as an acetyl group in an amount of 1 mol % or less and 28% by mass of triethylene glycol-bis-(2-ethylhexanoate) is 10 mm or less claim 1 ,the value indicating heat creep resistance being measured by a method of bonding the polyvinyl acetal resin film and the plasticized polyvinyl butyral resin layer, cutting the bonded polyvinyl acetal resin film and plasticized polyvinyl butyral resin layer into a sample having dimensions of 100 mm wide and 270 mm long, arranging and bonding the sample so as to be fit between glass A and glass B that have a width of 100 mm, a length of 300 mm and a thickness of 3 mm and are shifted by 30 mm in a length direction such that the glass A, the polyvinyl acetal resin film, the plasticized polyvinyl butyral resin layer, and the glass B are arranged in this order, bonding an iron plate of 1 kg with an adhesive to a surface of the glass B, which is opposite to a surface bonded to the plasticized polyvinyl butyral resin layer, to obtain ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Laminated glass

Номер: US20200023621A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd

Provided is laminated glass capable of preventing generation of a void in the interlayer film in an end part of laminated glass, and keeping the appearance of laminated glass excellent. Laminated glass according to the present invention is laminate glass including a first lamination glass member, a second lamination glass member, and an interlayer film containing a thermoplastic resin, and no void is generated in the interlayer film irradiated with light in an end part of the laminated glass after a first light irradiation test: “conducting 4 cycles each cycle including the process of irradiating the laminated glass with xenon light 180 W/m 2 at a black panel temperature of 83° C. and a humidity of 50% RH for 144 hours, and dipping the laminated glass in pure water at 80° C. for 24 hours”, or a void is generated within a length of 1 mm or less inwardly from an end part of the interlayer film irradiated with light in the end part of the laminated glass after the first light irradiation test.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028676A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

An antireflection film includes an antireflection structure which has different reflectivity with respect to light to be incident on front and back surfaces, and includes a silver nano-disk layer formed by dispersing a plurality of silver nano-disks in a binder, and a layer of low refractive index which is formed on a surface of the silver nano-disk layer and has a refractive index smaller than a refractive index of the transparent substrate, and in which a ratio of a diameter of the silver nano-disk to a thickness is greater than or equal to 3, an area ratio of the silver nano-disk to the silver nano-disk layer is from 10% to 40%, and a pair of antireflection films having reflection conditions different from each other adhere to both surfaces of glass. 1. An antireflection film preventing an incidence ray having a wavelength λ from being reflected , comprising:a transparent substrate; andan antireflection structure disposed on one surface of the transparent substrate, [{'br': None, 'i': A<', 'B/A>, '1.0% and 2\u2003\u2003(1)'}, {'br': None, 'i': B<', 'A/B>, '1.0% and 2\u2003\u2003(2),'}], 'wherein when reflectivity in a case in which light having a wavelength λ is incident on the antireflection structure from a front surface side is set to A, and reflectivity in a case in which light having a wavelength λ is incident on the antireflection structure from a back surface side, in which the transparent substrate is present, is set to B, A and B satisfy Relational Expression (1) or (2) described below,'}the antireflection structure includes a silver nano-disk layer formed by dispersing a plurality of silver nano-disks in a binder, and a layer of low refractive index which is formed on a surface of the silver nano-disk layer and has a refractive index smaller than a refractive index of the transparent substrate,a ratio of a diameter of the silver nano-disk to a thickness is greater than or equal to 3, andan area ratio of the silver nano-disk to the silver nano-disk layer ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Injection molded window and method

Номер: US20180029264A1

An injection molded part for a motor vehicle includes a film having a scratch-resistant layer, a plastic substrate molded to the film, wherein the plastic substrate is at least partially transparent or translucent, and a scratch-resistant coating molded to the plastic substrate on a side opposite the film.

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Silicone over-molded glazing article and method of manufacturing the article

Номер: US20180029265A1
Принадлежит: Ford Motor Co

A window including a layer of optically clear structural polymer core and two layers of optically clear silicone applied to first and second sides of the core. A method is disclosed for manufacturing a window that comprises injection molding a layer of optically clear structural polymer and solidifying the structural polymer core. Optically clear silicone is then injected onto the entire surface of both of the first and second sides of the optically clear structural polymer core.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029341A1
Автор: Chen Wenjie, Lu Jun
Принадлежит: Solutia Inc.

A polymer interlayer having improved sound insulation is disclosed. The polymer interlayer comprises: at least one soft layer wherein the soft layer comprises a poly(vinyl butyral) resin composition having a dispersity in composition of at least 0.40 and a plasticizer; and a stiff layer comprising a poly(vinyl butyral) resin composition and a plasticizer; wherein the polymer interlayer has a damping loss factor () (as measured by Mechanical Impedance Measurement according to ISO 16940) of at least about 0.15 measured at two or more different temperatures selected from 10° C., 20° C. and 30° C. 1. A polymer interlayer having improved sound insulation , the polymer interlayer comprising:a first stiff layer comprising a poly(vinyl butyral) resin composition and a plasticizer;a soft layer comprising a poly(vinyl butyral) resin composition and a plasticizer, wherein the soft layer has a dispersity in composition of at least 0.40; anda second stiff layer comprising a poly(vinyl butyral) resin composition and a plasticizer, wherein the soft layer is adjacent to and between the first stiff and the second stiff layer;{'img': {'@id': 'CUSTOM-CHARACTER-00010', '@he': '2.79mm', '@wi': '2.12mm', '@file': 'US20180029341A1-20180201-P00002.TIF', '@alt': 'custom-character', '@img-content': 'character', '@img-format': 'tif'}, 'wherein the polymer interlayer has a damping loss factor () (as measured by Mechanical Impedance Measurement according to ISO 16940) of at least about 0.15 measured at two or more different temperatures selected from 10° C., 20° C. and 30° C.'}2. The polymer interlayer of claim 1 , wherein the poly(vinyl butyral) resin composition in the soft layer comprises a first poly(vinyl butyral) resin having a first residual hydroxyl content and a second poly(vinyl butyral) resin having a second residual hydroxyl content claim 1 , wherein the difference between the first residual hydroxyl content and the second residual hydroxyl content is at least 1.0 weight percent.3. ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029342A1
Автор: Lu Jun
Принадлежит: Solutia Inc.

This disclosure is related to the field of polymer interlayers for multiple layer glass panels and multiple layer glass panels having at least one polymer interlayer sheet. Specifically, this disclosure is related to the field of polymer interlayers comprising multiple thermoplastic layers which resist the formation of optical defects. 1. A polymer interlayer comprising:a first polymer layer comprising at least one polymer selected from the group consisting of poly(vinyl butyral), polyurethane, and poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate);a second polymer layer comprising at least one polymer selected from the group consisting of poly(vinyl butyral), polyurethane, and poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate); wherein said second polymer layer is in contact with said first polymer layer; anda third polymer layer comprising at least one polymer selected from the group consisting of poly(vinyl butyral), polyurethane, and poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate); wherein said third polymer layer is in contact with said second polymer layer; and wherein said second polymer layer is disposed between said first polymer layer and said third polymer layer, thereby resulting in a polymer interlayer comprising two skin layers and a core layer; andwherein each of said skin layers has a flow of about 0.19 mm to about 0.37 mm as measured by DF135, and wherein said first polymer layer and/or said third polymer layer has a stress relaxation modulus, G′(t), measured at a temperature of 150° C. and a time of 100 seconds, in the range of from 0.10 to 100 Pascals.2. The polymer interlayer of claim 1 , wherein said first polymer layer and/or said second polymer layer and/or said third layer comprise poly(vinyl butyral).3. The polymer interlayer of claim 2 , wherein said skin layers each have a flow of 0.19 to 0.26 mm as measured by DF135.4. The polymer interlayer of claim 1 , wherein said first polymer layer and/or said third polymer layer has an embossed post heat surface roughness claim 1 , Rz claim 1 , ranging ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030864A1

A highly conductive transparent laminated glass article includes two glass plates and an adhesive film. The adhesive film has a material of Poly(Vinyl Butyral) (PVB) resin and is located between the two glass plates. At least one of the two glass plates is a highly conductive transparent glass-based circuit board with a glass substrate. A surface of the glass substrate is not contact with the adhesive film. A conductive paste, printed on the surface of the glass substrate, is baked, heated, and cooled to form a conductive circuit fused with the surface of the glass substrate. The surface of the glass substrate and an upper surface of the conductive circuit are at the same level. The highly conductive transparent laminated glass article has the characteristics of high conductivity and high light transmittance. The highly conductive transparent laminated glass article is suitable for fabrication, manufacture, and use of industrial and smart-home devices. 1. A highly conductive transparent laminated glass article , comprising:two glass plates, at least one of the two glass plates being a highly conductive transparent glass-based circuit board with a glass substrate; andan adhesive film, having a material of Poly(Vinyl Butyral) (PVB) resin and located between the two glass plates,wherein a surface of the glass substrate is not contact with the adhesive film, and a conductive paste, printed on the surface of the glass substrate, is baked, heated, and cooled to form a conductive circuit fused with the surface of the glass substrate;wherein the conductive circuit is made essentially of a graphene layer or a conductive layer having a graphene upper portion and a metal lower portion fused with the glass substrate, and a surface of the graphene upper portion is fused with a surface of the metal lower portion;wherein the glass substrate is a glass-tempered substrate, and a surface of the conductive circuit, except a region reserved for a solder pad used for welding a component ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030865A1
Принадлежит: AGC Inc.

There is provided a laminated glass for vehicle with an information acquisition device, suppressing distortion in a boundary between a light shielding region provided around a transmission region of signals and the transmission region, and being excellent in productivity. A laminated glass for vehicle, which has: a pair of glass plates; and an intermediate adhesive film between the pair of glass plates, wherein the intermediate adhesive film has one continuous transmission region which includes an optical opening for transceiving an optical signal of an information acquisition device disposed inside a vehicle and transceiving the optical signal with outside the vehicle, and a light shielding region provided around a whole periphery of the optical opening except a part thereof, and a light shielding region of the laminated glass for vehicle corresponding to the light shielding region of the intermediate adhesive film has a visible light transmittance of 3% or less. 1. A laminated glass for vehicle , comprising:a pair of glass plates; andan intermediate adhesive film between the pair of glass plates,wherein the intermediate adhesive film has one continuous transmission region which includes an optical opening for transceiving an optical signal of an information acquisition device disposed inside a vehicle and transceiving the optical signal with outside the vehicle, and a light shielding region provided around a whole periphery of the optical opening except a part thereof, anda light shielding region of the laminated glass for vehicle corresponding to the light shielding region of the intermediate adhesive film has a visible light transmittance of 3% or less.2. The laminated glass for vehicle according to claim 1 ,wherein the light shielding region of the intermediate adhesive film is made of a colored intermediate adhesive film.3. The laminated glass for vehicle according to claim 1 ,wherein the light shielding region of the intermediate adhesive film has a ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031212A1

A glazing includes a window, the window including along at least one part of at least one edge a profiled bead including a groove for clipping a cover piece onto the profiled bead, the cover piece including, seen in cross section, a harpoon penetrating into the groove during clipping, wherein when the harpoon is situated in the groove, the cover piece further includes on the one hand, farther toward the exterior than the harpoon and outside of the groove, a base situated facing and at a distance from at least one part of the edge surface of the window and on the other hand, farther toward the exterior than the base, a flexible exterior covering, made of a material different from that of the harpoon, situated facing at least one part of the edge surface of the window and having a Shore A hardness between 45 and 90 inclusive. 1. Glazing , comprising a laminated window comprising an exterior layer of glass , an interior layer of glass and a plastic material interlayer situated between said interior and exterior layers of glass , said window having an exterior face , an edge surface and an interior face , said window including , along at least one part of at least one longitudinal edge , a profiled bead including a groove for clipping a cover piece to said profiled bead , said cover piece including , seen in cross section , a harpoon penetrating into said groove during clipping ,wherein, when said harpoon is situated in said groove, said cover piece further includes on the one hand, farther toward the exterior than said harpoon and outside of said groove, a base situated facing and at a distance from at least one part of said edge surface of the window, and farther toward the exterior than said base, a flexible exterior covering, made of a material different from that of said harpoon, situated facing at least one part of said edge surface of the window and having a Shore A hardness between 45 and 90 inclusive.2. The glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said exterior ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031494A1

A method for producing a composite pane suitable as a projection surface of a projection assembly, wherein (a) a polarisation-selective coating is provided on a carrier film; (b) the polarisation-selective coating is transferred from the carrier film onto a laminating film, by (i) arranging the carrier film and the laminating film areally one atop the other with the coating positioned therebetween to form a film stack, (ii) treating the film stack for at least 2 hours at a pressure of at least 8 bar and a temperature of 80° C. to 120° C. in an autoclave, and (iii) peeling the carrier film off the laminating film, with the coating remaining on the laminating film; (c) the laminating film is arranged areally between a first pane and a second pane; and (d) the first pane is laminated with the second pane via the laminating film to form the composite pane. 1. A method for producing a composite pane that is suitable as a projection surface of a projection assembly , the method comprising:(a) providing a polarisation-selective coating on a carrier film; (i) arranging the carrier film and the laminating film areally one atop the other with the polarisation-selective coating positioned therebetween to form a film stack,', '(ii) treating the film stack for at least 2 hours at a pressure of at least 8 bar and a temperature of 80° C. to 120° C. in an autoclave, and', '(iii) peeling the carrier film off the laminating film, with the polarisation-selective coating remaining on the laminating film;, '(b) transferring the polarisation-selective coating from the carrier film onto a laminating film, by'}(c) areally arranging the laminating film between a first pane and a second pane; and(d) laminating the first pane with the second pane via the laminating film to form the composite pane.25. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the polarisation-selective coating () includes liquid crystals.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier film includes polyethylene ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Intermediate film for laminated glass, rolled body, and laminated glass

Номер: US20210031495A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd

Provided is an interlayer film for laminated glass capable of enhancing the interlayer adhesive force, and enhancing the sound insulating property after a lapse of a certain period of time from production of the interlayer film. An interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention is an interlayer film for laminated glass having a one-layer or a two or more-layer structure, a compound obtained by trimethylsilylating the polyvinyl acetate in the presence of N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide shows a hydrogen peak of trimethylsilyl group existing at 0.06 ppm or more and 0.3 ppm or less in 1 H-NMR measurement in chloroform-d, and a ratio of peak intensity of all peaks existing at 0.06 ppm or more and 0.3 ppm or less, to intensity of all peaks existing at 4.5 ppm or more and 5.3 ppm or less satisfies 0.02 or more and 3 or less.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033587A1
Принадлежит: AGC Inc.

A laminated glass includes a first glass plate; a second glass plate; and an intermediate film positioned between the first and second glass plates, and configured to be bonded to the first and second glass plates. The laminated glass includes a plurality of display areas used for it head-up display. The plurality of display areas include first and second display areas, on which virtual images having different image distances are displayed. At least one of the first and second display areas has a cross section having a wedge shape, in which a thickness of an upper edge is greater than that of a lower edge. Average wedge angles of the first and second display areas are different from each other. The first and second display areas are arranged with a predetermined distance therebetween in a vertical direction along the laminated glass, when the laminated glass is installed in a vehicle. 1. A laminated glass comprising:a first glass plate;a second glass plate; andan intermediate film positioned between the first glass plate and the second glass plate, and configured to be bonded to the first glass plate and to the second glass plate,wherein the laminated glass further includes a plurality of display areas used for a head-up display,wherein the plurality of display areas include a first display area and a second display area, on which virtual images having different image distances are displayed,wherein at least one of the first display area and the second display area has a cross section that has a wedge shape, in which a thickness of an upper edge is greater than a thickness of a lower edge, when the laminated glass is installed in a vehicle,wherein an average wedge angle of the first display area is different from an average wedge angle of the second display area, andwherein the first display area and the second display area are arranged with a predetermined distance between the first display area and the second display area in a vertical direction along the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170034875A1

An electrically heatable pane with a switch region is presented. The pane has a transparent substrate, with at least one transparent electrically conductive layer that is, at least partially, arranged on a surface of the pane. At least one separating line electrically divides the layer into a heating region and a switch region. At least two busbars are provided for connection to a voltage source. The busbars being connected to the heating region, form a current path between the busbars. A heating current can therefore flow through the current path. Furthermore, the switch region has at least one contact region, a feed line region, and a connection region, where the connection region can be connected to sensor electronics. 117-. (canceled)18. An electrically heatable pane with a switch region , comprising:a transparent substrate with a surface,at least one transparent and electrically conductive layer arranged on at least a part of the surface,at least one separating line that electrically divides the electrically conductive layer into a heating region and a switch region, andat least two busbars provided for connection to a voltage source that are connected to the heating region to form a current path for a heating current between the busbars, the switch region comprises at least one contact region, a feed line region, and a connection region,', 'the at least one contact region, the feed line region, and the connection region are contiguous regions of the electrically conductive layer,', 'the feed line region electrically connects the at least one contact region to the connection region, and', 'the connection region is adapted to be electrically connected to sensor electronics., 'wherein19. The electrically heatable pane according to claim 18 , wherein the feed line region has a length of 1 cm to 70 cm claim 18 , and has a width of 0.5 mm to 10 mm.20. The electrically heatable pane according to claim 18 , wherein an angle α between the current path and a ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033667A1

A window is provided that includes a first substrate, a second substrate spaced apart from the first substrate, an intermediate substrate between the first and second substrate and having a first transparent electrode on a surface proximal to the first substrate and second transparent electrode on a surface proximal to the second substrate, a first electrode on a surface of the first substrate proximal to the intermediate substrate, a second electrode on a surface of the second substrate proximal to the intermediate substrate, a light absorbing layer comprising an electrochromic medium between the first substrate and the intermediate substrate, and a light scattering layer comprising a liquid crystal material between the intermediate substrate and the second substrate. 1. A mirror comprising:a first substrate with a first surface and a second surface,at least one reflective polarizer on at least one surface of the first substrate;wherein the at least one reflective polarizer is operable to transmit light having a first polarization and reflect light having a second polarization, the second polarization comprising a different polarization from the first polarization.2. The mirror of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is a prism.3. The mirror of claim 1 , wherein an electro optic medium is positioned proximate to the reflective polarizer.4. The mirror of claim 4 , wherein the electro optic medium is an electrochromic material.5. The mirror of claim 1 , further comprising:a first electrode disposed on a surface of the first substrate;a second substrate located proximate to the first substrate and placed in a spaced-apart relationship to define a gap therebetween;a second electrode disposed on a surface of the second substrate; andan electrochromic medium disposed in the gap, the electrochromic medium operable to change a transmittance level of light therethrough in response to a voltage applied to one or more of the first and second electrodes.6. The mirror of claim 1 , ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037094A1
Автор: Legrand Denis
Принадлежит: AGC Glass Europe

The invention relates to laminated glass comprising first () and second () sheets of glass laminated using at least one thermoplastic interlayer (). According to the invention, such glass comprises at least one thermoplastic interlayer () including a zone that is opaque at visible wavelengths (). 1. A laminated glazing comprising a first glass sheet and a second glass sheet laminated by at least one thermoplastic interlayer , wherein the at least one thermoplastic interlayer comprises a zone that is opaque to visible wavelength radiation.2. The laminated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the opaque zone extends over a periphery of at least one of the first and second glass sheets.32. The laminated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the opaque zone extends over a periphery of an internal face of the first glass sheet.4. The laminated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one thermoplastic interlayer is formed by an opaque zone claim 1 , the light transmission of which is less than 5% of incident light.5. The laminated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one thermoplastic interlayer is formed by an opaque zone claim 1 , the light transmission of which is 0% of incident light.6. The laminated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one first thermoplastic interlayer is positioned substantially on a surface of the glazing.7. The laminated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one first thermoplastic interlayer is formed from an opaque frame positioned around a nonopaque zone.8. The laminated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the opaque zone extends over lower and upper edges of the laminated glazing.9. The laminated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one first thermoplastic interlayer is a sheet comprising polyvinyl butyral or ethylene-vinyl acetate.10. The laminated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the opaque zone is obtained by a bulk coloring of a periphery of the interlayer. ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160041331A1

A glazing unit includes a transparent display located in only one portion of the glazing unit, at least one light-guiding substrate located nearer the exterior than the display, at least one light source located on the periphery of the substrate, for example facing an edge face of the light-guiding substrate, and a light extraction device for extracting the light emitted by the light source. The light source may be formed from a plurality of light emitting diodes. 1. A glazing unit comprising a transparent display located in only one portion of the glazing unit , at least one light-guiding substrate located nearer the exterior than said transparent display , at least one light source located on a periphery of said light-guiding substrate , and a means for extracting the light emitted by the light source.2. The glazing unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said light-guiding substrate comprises claim 1 , on one portion at least of a surface claim 1 , a plurality of dots regularly distributed over said surface portion in order to allow local extraction of the light claim 1 , the total area of the dots covering claim 1 , seen from the exterior claim 1 , from 50% to 90% of the total area of said transparent display.3. The glazing unit as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said dots are oblong and regularly spaced claim 2 , with a width of the dots comprised from 0.5 to 5 millimeters a length comprised from 1.1 to 2 times the width and a distance between centers of the dots in the two directions x of the length and y of the width comprised from 1.5 to 10 times the length and width of the dots claim 2 , respectively.4. The glazing unit as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said dots are round and regularly spaced claim 2 , with a diameter of the dots comprised from 0.5 to 5 millimeters and a distance between the centers of the dots in the two directions x of the length and y of the width comprised from 1.5 to 10 times the diameter of the dots claim 2 , respectively.5. The glazing unit ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055351A1
Принадлежит: Merck Patent GmBH

A glazing () comprising a switchable optical device () is proposed. The switchable optical device () has a layer structure comprising in this order a first substrate (), a switchable layer () and a second substrate (). 11026. Glazing () comprising a switchable optical device ()having a layer structure comprising in this order{'b': '12', 'a first substrate (),'}{'b': '18', 'a switchable layer () and'}{'b': '24', 'a second substrate (), wherein'}{'b': 12', '24', '30', '40', '48, 'at least one of the first substrate () and the second substrate () is attached to a further sheet () by means of an adhesive tape () or an optically clear adhesive ().'}2101224. Glazing () according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the first substrate () and/or of the second substrate () is in the range of from 0.05 mm to 1.1 mm.3101224. Glazing () according to claim 1 , wherein the first substrate () and/or the second substrate () is an alkali-free glass or a chemically strengthened glass.4103036. Glazing () according to claim 1 , wherein the further sheet () is a substrate of a further switchable optical device ().51030. Glazing () according to claim 1 , wherein the further sheet () is an optically transparent glass sheet or an optically transparent polymer sheet.630. Glazing according to claim 5 , wherein the thickness of the further sheet () is in the range of from 2 mm to 10 mm.740424446. Glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the adhesive tape () is a double coated adhesive tape comprising a first adhesive layer () claim 1 , a carrier layer () and a second adhesive layer ().81048401224. Glazing () according to claim 1 , wherein an index of refraction and/or a coefficient of thermal expansion of the optically clear adhesive () or of the adhesive tape () is selected to correspond to the respective property of the first substrate () or second substrate ().910484246. Glazing () according to claim 7 , wherein the optically clear adhesive () and/or the adhesive of the first adhesive ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055352A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd.

There is provided an interlayer film for laminated glass with which the production efficiency of laminated glass can be enhanced. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention includes an interlayer film body for lamination glass, and a printed part displayed by printing on a first surface of the interlayer film body for laminated glass, and the printed part is a guide for a bonding position to a lamination glass member, or product information of the interlayer film for laminated glass. 1. An interlayer film for laminated glass , comprisingan interlayer film body for laminated glass, and a printed part displayed by printing on a first surface of the interlayer film body for laminated glass,the printed part being a guide for a bonding position to a lamination glass member, or product information of the interlayer film for laminated glass.2. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the printed part is a guide for a bonding position to a lamination glass member.3. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the printed part is displayed as a line claim 1 , a character claim 1 , a symbol or a figure.4. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 3 , wherein the printed part has a part displayed as a line having a line width of 10 mm or less.5. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the printed part is a printed part displayed by UV laser printing.6. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , whereinthe interlayer film has one end and the other end being at the opposite side of the one end,the other end has a thickness larger than a thickness of the one end, andthe interlayer film as a whole has a wedge angle of 0.1 mrad or more.7. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , whereinthe interlayer film is an interlayer film for laminated glass for use in a laminated glass that is a head-up display, and ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055354A1

Embodiments of a laminate and methods of forming a laminate using a separation media are providing. The method includes providing a first glass substrate, disposing separation media on top of the first glass substrate on the second major surface, the separation media being disposed in a predetermined pattern; providing a second glass substrate and forming a stack with the first and second glass substrates and the separation media disposed therebetween; and heating the stack to form a co-shaped stack having a first curved glass substrate and a second curved glass substrate. The predetermined pattern has a first region of separation media and a second region of separation media that is closer to an edge of the second major surface, where a thickness of the second region is greater than a first thickness of the first region. 1. A laminate comprising:a first curved glass substrate comprising a first major surface, a second major surface opposing the first major surface, a first thickness defined as the distance between the first major surface and second major surface, and a first sag depth of about 2 mm or greater;a second curved glass substrate comprising a third major surface, a fourth major surface opposing the third major surface, a second thickness defined as the distance between the third major surface and the fourth major surface, and a second sag depth of about 2 mm or greater; andan interlayer disposed between the first curved glass substrate and the second curved glass substrate and adjacent the second major surface and third major surface,wherein the first sag depth is within 10% of the second sag depth and a shape deviation between the first glass substrate and the second glass substrate is ±5 mm or less as measured by an optical three-dimensional scanner, andwherein at least one of the first curved glass substrate or the second curved glass substrate has no visible bending dot defects.2. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the first curved glass substrate ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Laminates having perforated structural body

Номер: US20220055361A1
Принадлежит: Kuraray Co Ltd

A laminate is provided which includes a substrate and a structural body including a base portion and a through hole and which can concurrently satisfy stickiness and releasability and can be released with no or little adhesive residue. The laminate includes a substrate and a structural body disposed on the surface of at least one side of the substrate, the structural body including a base portion and a through hole. The base portion of the structural body includes an acrylic triblock copolymer (I) and no tackifier resins or includes an acrylic triblock copolymer (I) and a tackifier resin in a tackifier resin/(I) mass ratio of not more than 20/100. The acrylic triblock copolymer (I) includes two polymer blocks (A1) and (A2) each including methacrylic acid ester units and one polymer block (B) including acrylic acid ester units represented by the general formula CH2═CH—COOR1 (1) (wherein R1 denotes a C4-C12 organic group). The acrylic triblock copolymer (I) has an (A1)-(B)-(A2) block structure and a weight average molecular weight of 50,000 to 250,000. The total content of the polymer blocks (A1) and (A2) is not more than 35 mass % of the acrylic triblock copolymer (I).

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039353A1

A laminated glazing unit including a first and a second glass sheet, the first glass sheet being equipped with a first through-hole, a spacer film of thermoplastic polymer disposed between the first and second glass sheets, at least one conducting wire buried within the spacer film or disposed between the spacer film and the first glass sheet or disposed between the spacer film and the second glass sheet, one end of each conducting wire exiting from the laminated glazing unit via the first through-hole in the first glass sheet. The conducting wires are fed through a laminated glazing unit, with a guaranteed quality of positioning of the conducting wires, an improved field of view and with no induced noise. 13.-. (canceled)4. A method of fabrication of a laminated glazing unit , comprising:cutting out a first through-hole in a first glass sheet;positioning a conducting wire and a film of thermoplastic polymer between the first glass sheet and a second glass sheet so that a first extremity and a second extremity of the conducting wire extend outside the laminated glazing unit to be formed, and feeding out the first extremity of the conducting wire via the first through-hole so that the first extremity exits the laminated glazing unit to be formed via the first through-hole, the conducting wire extending continuously from the first extremity to the second extremity, andafter said positioning and feeding out, assembling the conducting wire, the film of thermoplastic polymer, the first glass sheet and the second glass sheet all together to form the laminated glazing.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising attaching the conducting wire onto the film of thermoplastic polymer before positioning the conducting wire and the film of thermoplastic polymer between the first and second glass sheets.6. The method of claim 4 , further comprising a plurality conducting wires claim 4 , each of the plurality of conducting wires extending continuously from a first extremity to a ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Interlayer for laminated glass, and laminated glass

Номер: US20190039354A1
Автор: Kazuhiko Nakayama
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd

The present invention aims to provide an interlayer film for a laminated glass that adheres sufficiently to glass at peripheral portions of the glass to prevent occurrence of a sealing failure at the peripheral portions and also to contribute to improved production efficiency of laminated glass in production of laminated glass, even when having a thickness at the thickest portion of 850 μm or more, and a laminated glass produced using the interlayer film for a laminated glass. Provided is an interlayer film for a laminated glass having a large number of recesses on at least one surface, the interlayer film for a laminated glass having a thickness T (μm) measured in conformity with JIS K-6732 (1996) and a maximum height roughness Ry (μm) measured in conformity with JIS B-0601 (1994) at a thickest portion, the thickness T and the maximum height roughness Ry satisfying the following expressions (1) and (1′): Ry ≤0.0195× T +33.2  (1), T ≥850  (1′).

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Graphene Reinforced Glass

Номер: US20200039183A1
Автор: Jonah Song Han
Принадлежит: Individual

A reinforced glass composite screen which is relatively lightweight and provides relatively high strength and visibility. The glass composite is comprised of alternating layers of tempered glass, graphene, and/or plastics with an optional laminated layer of plastic in the case of directional specific impact to prevent shattering.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039187A1

Improved automotive security has led to an increase in carjacking and smash and grab crimes. Tempered glass offers little resistant to attacks. Laminated glass improves penetration resistance but only by several seconds. By including a stiff frame in the laminate and a plastic interior layer, the present invention significantly increases the amount of time that an occupant has to react and possibly escape an attack by driving off or for the attack to be detected. In the event of an accident, the invention also provides improved occupant retention, especially for movable glass that is not bonded to the vehicle. 1. An automotive laminate comprising:a glass layer having oppositely disposed major faces;a frame having oppositely disposed major faces;a spacer having oppositely disposed major faces;a plastic layer having oppositely disposed major faces; andat least two bonding layers;wherein said frame substantially surrounds the vision area of said laminate;wherein said spacer comprises a transparent material with said spacer having a thickness which is about the same as said frame and sized to fit the interior portion of said frame;wherein one major face of said frame and corresponding major face of said spacer bonded to corresponding major face of said glass layer by means of a first bonding layer of said at least two bonding layers; andwherein opposite major face of said frame and corresponding major face of said spacer bonded to corresponding major face of said plastic layer by means of a second bonding layer of said at least two bonding layers.2. The automotive laminate of claim 1 , wherein the edge of the frame and the plastic layer are offset inboard from the edge of said glass layer.3. The automotive laminate of wherein the edge of the plastic layer is offset inboard from the edge of said frame.4. The automotive laminate of claim 1 , wherein the frame is substantially made of a material selected from the group consisting of: steel claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Laminated glass intermediate film, and laminated glass

Номер: US20200039188A1
Автор: Yuusuke Oota
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd

There is provided an interlayer film for laminated glass with which double images and uneven appearance by light can be effectively suppressed. An interlayer film for laminated glass (11) according to the present invention includes a first layer (1) containing a thermoplastic resin and a plasticizer, and a second layer (2) containing a thermoplastic resin and a plasticizer. The first layer (1) has a minimum thickness of 20 μm or more; a ratio B of thickness of the first layer (1) at the other end (11b) to thickness of the interlayer film at the other end (11b) is 1.1 times or more and 1.7 times or less a ratio A of thickness of the first layer (1) at the one end (11a) to thickness of the interlayer film at the one end (11a) when a wedge angle is 0.1 mrad or more and 0.5 mrad or less, and the ratio B is 0.8 times or more and 1.1 times or less the ratio A when the wedge angle is more than 0.5 mrad; and a content of the plasticizer in the first layer (1) is larger than a content of the plasticizer in the second layer (2).

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170041987A1

A pane with an illuminated switch surface and a heating function is described. The pane includes a transparent substrate and a heating zone that is connected to at least two busbars intended for connecting to a voltage source, such that a current path for a heating current is formed between the busbars. The pane also includes an electrically conductive structure that forms a switch surface, and that can be connected to a sensor electronics assembly. Marking of the switch surface is provided by illumination means. 116.-. (canceled)17. A pane with an illuminated switch surface and a heating function , the pane comprising:a transparent substrate;a heating zone connected to at least two busbars, provided for connection to a voltage source, so as to form a current path for a heating current between the at least two busbars;an electrically conductive structure that forms a switch surface and that is adapted for connection to a sensor electronics assembly; andan illumination means configured to mark the switch surface.18. The pane according to claim 17 , wherein the substrate is bonded via at least one intermediate layer to a cover pane.19. The pane according to claim 18 , wherein the intermediate layer comprises one or more of: a) polyvinyl butyral (PVB) and b) ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA).20. The pane according to claim 17 , wherein the heating zone comprises a transparent and electrically conductive layer.21. The pane according to claim 20 , wherein the electrically conductive structure and the heating zone are electrically isolated from the transparent and electrically conductive layer by at least one dividing line.22. The pane according to claim 17 , wherein the heating zone comprises one of: a) at least one heating wire claim 17 , and b) at least one printed heating structure claim 17 , made of an electrically conductive material.23. The pane according to claim 17 , wherein the electrically conductive structure comprises at least one linearly shaped electrically ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046737A1

Provided is a laminated glass capable of suppressing heat deterioration of a light source device for irradiating a laminated glass that is a head-up display with light for image display. A laminated glass according to the present invention is a head-up display, the laminated glass has a wedge angle of 0.1 mrad or more, or contains a luminescent material, the laminated glass includes a first lamination glass member, a second lamination glass member, and an interlayer film, the first lamination glass member is arranged on a first surface side of the interlayer film, the second lamination glass member is arranged on a second surface side opposite to the first surface of the interlayer film, and the laminated glass has a solar transmittance of 50% or less, and a solar reflectance of 15% or more. 1. A laminated glass that is a head-up display ,the laminated glass having a wedge angle of 0.1 mrad or more, or containing a luminescent material,the laminated glass comprising a first lamination glass member, a second lamination glass member, and an interlayer film,the first lamination glass member being arranged on a first surface side of the interlayer film, the second lamination glass member being arranged on a second surface side opposite to the first surface of the interlayer film,the laminated glass having a solar transmittance of 50% or less, and a solar reflectance of 15% or more.2. The laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the interlayer film contains a heat shielding substance.3. The laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the laminated glass has a wedge angle of 0.1 mrad or more.4. The laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the interlayer film has a wedge angle of 0.1 mrad or more.5. The laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the interlayer film contains a thermoplastic resin.6. The laminated glass according to claim 5 , wherein the thermoplastic resin is a polyvinyl acetal resin.7. The laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046738A1

Provided is an interlayer film for laminated glass that is excellent in unity of appearance. An interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention has a first colored part including a part located on one end side of the interlayer film, and a second colored part including a part located on the other end side of the interlayer film, the first colored part has a first gradation part where visible light transmittance increases from the one end side toward the other end side of the interlayer film, the first gradation part forms a tip of the first colored part on the other end side of the interlayer film, the second colored part has a second gradation part where visible light transmittance increases from the other end side toward the one end side of the interlayer film, the second gradation part forms a tip of the second colored part on the one end side of the interlayer film, and the first gradation part and the second gradation part exist in a specific positional relationship. 1. An interlayer film for laminated glass , comprising:one end; and the other end at an opposite side of the one end,the interlayer film comprising:a first colored part; and a second colored part,the first colored part including a part located closer to the one end of the interlayer film than the second colored part, the second colored part including a part located closer to the other end of the interlayer film than the first colored part,the first colored part having a first gradation part where visible light transmittance increases from the one end side toward the other end side of the interlayer film, the first gradation part forming a tip of the first colored part on the other end side of the interlayer film,the second colored part having a second gradation part where visible light transmittance increases from the other end side toward the one end side of the interlayer film, the second gradation part forming a tip of the second colored part on the one end side of the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046739A1

Provided is an interlayer film for laminated glass capable of suppressing the discoloration by the light and heat in an interlayer film including a resin layer colored with a coloring agent. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention has an infrared reflective layer, and a first resin layer containing a thermoplastic resin, the first resin layer is arranged on a first surface side of the infrared reflective layer, the infrared reflective layer has a first maximum reflection wavelength at a wavelength of 350 nm to 450 nm, and a second maximum reflection wavelength at a wavelength of 800 nm or more, each of reflectance at the first maximum reflection wavelength and reflectance at the second maximum reflection wavelength is 15% or more, and the first resin layer contains a coloring agent. 1. An interlayer film for laminated glass comprising:an infrared reflective layer, and a first resin layer containing a thermoplastic resin,the first resin layer being arranged on a first surface side of the infrared reflective layer,the infrared reflective layer having a first maximum reflection wavelength at a wavelength of 350 nm to 450 nm, and a second maximum reflection wavelength at a wavelength of 800 nm or more, each of a reflectance at the first maximum reflection wavelength and a reflectance at the second maximum reflection wavelength being 15% or more,the first resin layer containing a coloring agent.2. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the infrared reflective layer includes a metal sputtered layer.3. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the coloring agent is a perylene compound claim 1 , a phthalocyanine compound claim 1 , a naphthalocyanine compound claim 1 , or an anthracyanine compound.4. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the first resin layer contains heat shielding particles.5. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046740A1

Provided is an interlayer film for laminated glass capable of enhancing the sound insulating property over a wide temperature range with width of at least 15° C. in a temperature region from 10° C. to 30° C. An interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention is an interlayer film for laminated glass having a two or more-layer structure, the interlayer film includes a layer containing a cured product or a polyolefin resin, the cured product is a cured product of a photocurable compound or a moisture-curable compound, the layer containing a cured product or a polyolefin resin has a glass transition temperature of −10° C. or more and 0° C. or less, tan δ at the glass transition temperature of the resin layer of 2.5 or more, and a storage modulus G′ at −5° C. of the resin layer of 3.0×10Pa or more and 5.0×10Pa or less. 1. An interlayer film for laminated glass having a two or more-layer structure ,the interlayer film comprising a resin layer,the resin layer having a glass transition temperature of −10° C. or more and 0° C. or less,the resin layer having tan δ at the glass transition temperature of 2.5 or more,{'sup': 4', '6, 'the resin layer having a storage modulus G′ at −5° C. of 3.0×10Pa or more and 5.0×10Pa or less.'}2. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , whereinthe resin layer is a layer containing a cured product or a polyolefin resin, andthe cured product is a cured product of a photocurable compound or a moisture-curable compound.3. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 2 , wherein the cured product is a cured product of a photocurable compound.4. An interlayer film for laminated glass having a two or more-layer structure claim 2 ,the interlayer film comprising a resin layer,the resin layer being a layer containing a cured product or a polyolefin resin,the cured product being a cured product of a curable compound having a (meth)acryloyl group,{'sup': 4', '6, 'the layer containing cured ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Polymer interlayers having improved sound insulation properties

Номер: US20180043662A1
Автор: Jun Lu, Wenjie Chen
Принадлежит: Solutia Inc

A polymer interlayer comprising a layer comprising a poly(vinyl acetal) resin having a residual hydroxyl content and a residual acetate content, and a plasticizer, wherein the residual hydroxyl content, the residual acetate content and the plasticizer are selected such that the polymer interlayer has at least one glass transition temperature less than about 20° C. and a peak tan delta of greater than 1.33, and a glass panel having a configuration of 2.3-mm glass//interlayer//2.3-mm glass and at 20° C. has a transmission loss, TL w , of greater than 42 decibels as measured by weighted average sound transmission loss at 2000 to 8000 Hz, and a transmission loss, TL c , of greater than 38 decibels at the coincident frequency is disclosed.

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047692A1

A variety of methods for fabricating organic photovoltaic-based electricity-generating military aircraft windows are described. In particular, a method for fabricating curved electricity-generating military aircraft windows utilizing lamination of highly flexible organic photovoltaic films is described. High-throughput and low-cost fabrication options also allow for economical production. 1. An electricity-generating coating for military window surfaces comprising:a conformal organic photovoltaic device, including one or more cells connected in series and/or parallel,adhered to aircraft window surfaces,along with the wires and power electronics to allow such coatings to provide electricity for mission-critical systems on-board the aircraft.2. The electricity-generating coating of claim 1 , wherein the organic photovoltaic device is adhered to the military aircraft window surfaces using a pressure-sensitive adhesive.3. The electricity-generating coating of claim 2 , wherein the organic photovoltaic device is covered by a very thin claim 2 , highly flexible transparent substrate claim 2 , such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET).4. The electricity-generating coating of claim 3 , wherein the organic photovoltaic device is protected by a transparent encapsulant material.5. The electricity-generating coating of claim 4 , wherein the military aircraft window surface is completely planar (flat).6. The electricity-generating coating of claim 4 , wherein the military aircraft window surface is curved.7. The electricity-generating coating of claim 1 , wherein the military aircraft windows are coated directly with organic photovoltaic device.8. The electricity-generating coating of claim 7 , wherein the organic photovoltaic device is protected by a transparent encapsulant material.9. The electricity-generating coating of claim 8 , wherein the military aircraft window is completely planar (flat).10. The electricity-generating coating of claim 4 , wherein the military aircraft ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Coatings for aircraft window surfaces to produce electricity for mission-critical systems and maintenance load on commercial aircraft

Номер: US20150047693A1
Принадлежит: New Energy Technologies Inc

An electricity-generating coating for commercial aircraft window surfaces and methods for fabricating organic photovoltaic-based electricity-generating aircraft fuselage surfaces are provided. The coating includes a conformal organic photovoltaic device having one or more cells connected in series and/or parallel, adhered to an aircraft window surface, along with wires and power electronics such that the coating provides electricity for mission-critical systems and/or maintenance loads on-board the aircraft.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Head up display apparatus and display surface therefor

Номер: US20180045956A1
Принадлежит: Jaguar Land Rover Ltd

One embodiment of the invention provides a head up display (HUD) apparatus for a vehicle, comprising a display surface, and a light source including one or more narrow band emitters for directing light towards the display surface and forming an image. At least part of the display surface is selectively more reflective at wavelengths corresponding to wavelengths of light emitted by the one or more narrow band emitters for a given angle of incidence relative to other wavelengths in the visible part of the spectrum at the same angle of incidence.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

See-through layered body, transparent screen comprising same, and image projection device comprising same

Номер: US20180045957A1
Принадлежит: JXTG Nippon Oil and Energy Corp

[Problem] Provided is a see-through layered body which allows obtaining a projection type image display transparent screen with a wide viewing angle, and excellent image clarity and transparency. [Solving means] A see-through layered body according to the present invention comprises an intermediate resin film, two transparent substrates holding the intermediate resin film, wherein the intermediate resin film comprises a resin and from 0.0001 to 15% by mass of microparticles, having an average diameter of from 1 nm to 100 μm, and the center plane average roughness SRa of outermost surfaces on both sides of the layered body is from 0.05 to 5.5 nm.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063231A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

A vehicle glass sheet is provided that includes a borosilicate glass with a thickness between 1.1 mm and 5.4 mm and a two-dimensional area for a sensor assigned to this two-dimensional area. The two-dimensional area has an inclination (α) with respect to an upward direction (S) perpendicular to a main direction of movement (V) of the vehicle that is in a range between 35° and 65°. 1. A vehicle glass sheet , comprising:a borosilicate glass having a thickness between 1.1 mm and 5.4 mm; anda two-dimensional area sized and configured to receive a sensor, wherein the two-dimensional area has an inclination (α) with respect to a vertical direction (S) perpendicular to a main vehicle direction of movement (V), and wherein the inclination (α) is in a range between 35° and 65°.2. The vehicle glass sheet of claim 1 , wherein the borosilicate glass is a float glass sheet.3. The vehicle glass sheet of claim 1 , wherein the two-dimensional area is sized and configured to receive an imaging optical sensor.411. The vehicle glass sheet of claim 1 , the inclination (α) is between 35°+β and 65° claim 1 , wherein β is an average angle of particle impingement with respect to the main vehicle direction of movement (V) when more than 50% of the particles come from an area at a higher level than the borosilicate glass.522. The vehicle glass sheet of claim 1 , the inclination (α) is between 35° and 60°−β claim 1 , wherein β is an average angle of particle impingement with respect to the main vehicle direction of movement (V) when more than 50% of the particles come from an area at a lower level than the borosilicate glass.6. The vehicle glass sheet of claim 1 , further comprising a curvature.7. The vehicle glass sheet of claim 6 , further comprising at least two tangents T claim 6 , Tto a surface of the borosilicate glass within the two-dimensional area have a second inclination (α) with with respect to the vertical direction (S) claim 6 , wherein the second inclination (α) is between 35° ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063249A1
Принадлежит: SKC CO., LTD.

Example embodiments provide a resin layer, a light transmitting laminate, and a vehicle. The resin layer includes at least one laminating layer containing a polyvinyl acetal resin, a plasticizer, and a bonding strength modifier. The surface of the laminating layer includes a portion having a hydrophobicity of 3.5 to 10, as calculated by Equation 1: 1. A resin layer comprising at least one laminating layer containing a polyvinyl acetal resin , a plasticizer , and a bonding strength modifier {'br': None, 'Hydrophobicity=Non-polarity/polarity\u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'wherein the surface of the laminating layer comprises a portion having a hydrophobicity of 3.5 to 10, as calculated by Equation 1where the non-polarity represents a non-polar fraction of a surface free energy of the laminating layer and the polarity represents a polar fraction of the surface free energy of the laminating layer.2. The resin layer according to claim 1 ,wherein the laminating layer has two or more peaks in the detection time range of 26 to 28 minutes (RT) in an ultraviolet detector (UVD) of a gel permeation chromatography (GPC) system.3. The resin layer according to claim 1 , {'br': None, 'i': YI', 'B', 'YI', 'A, 'Shelf yellowness index difference=Shelf__−Shelf__\u2003\u2003(2)'}, 'wherein the laminating layer has a shelf yellowness index difference of less than 2, as calculated by Equation 2where Shelf_YI_B represents a yellowness index of the laminating layer measured by the ASTM E313 method after storage at 30° C. and 80% RH for 30 days and Shelf YI_A represents a yellowness index of the laminating layer measured by the ASTM E313 method after storage at 20° C. and 20% RH for 30 days.4. The resin layer according to claim 3 , wherein the laminating layer has a shelf moisture resistance of 0 to 4 claim 3 , as calculated by Equation 3:{'br': None, 'Shelf moisture resistance=(Shelf yellowness index difference)×100/Metal content\u2003\u2003(3)'}where the metal content represents a content (ppm) of a ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063401A1
Принадлежит: AGC Inc.

A laminated glass includes a vehicle-outer side glass plate, a vehicle-inner side glass plate, an interlayer film disposed between the vehicle-outer side glass plate and the vehicle-inner side glass plate, and a first film disposed between the interlayer film and one of the vehicle-outer side glass plate and the vehicle-inner side glass plate, the first film being bonded by a first adhesive layer to the one of the vehicle-outer side glass plate and the vehicle-inner side glass plate, wherein the first film is disposed in at least a part of a display area configured to display information by reflecting an image projected from an inside of a vehicle, and wherein a thickness of the first adhesive layer is 6 μm or more, and is less than 25 μm.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047252A1

A method of manufacturing a smart glass-polymer assembly () includes providing an optically clear polymer film () comprising a thermoplastic polymer, and further having a first surface () and a second surface () opposite the first surface; disposing a smart functionality () onto the second surface of the optically clear polymer film; disposing a first side of an optically clear adhesive layer () onto at least a portion of the smart functionality and the second surface of the optically clear polymer film; and disposing a glass layer () onto a second side of the optically clear adhesive layer opposite the first side of the optically clear adhesive layer. At least one of the disposing steps is by roll-to-roll lamination. A smart glass-polymer assembly and smart window are also described. 110. A method of manufacturing a smart glass-polymer assembly () , the method comprising{'b': 12', '14', '16, 'providing an optically clear polymer film () comprising a thermoplastic polymer, and further comprising a first surface () and a second surface () opposite the first surface;'}{'b': 18', '119', '16', '12, 'disposing a smart functionality () and optionally wiring for the smart functionality () onto the second surface () of the optically clear polymer film ();'}{'b': 22', '20', '18', '16, 'disposing a first side () of an optically clear adhesive layer () onto at least a portion of the smart functionality () and the second surface of the optically clear polymer film (); and'}{'b': 26', '24', '20', '22, 'disposing a glass layer () onto a second side () of the optically clear adhesive layer () opposite the first side () of the optically clear adhesive layer;'}wherein at least one of the disposing steps is by roll-to-roll lamination.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein all of the disposing steps are by roll-to-roll lamination.3321412. The method of claim 1 , further comprising disposing an optically clear support layer () onto the first surface () of the optically clear polymer film ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Laminated glass as optical combiner of hud system having an interlayer comprising a transparent insert

Номер: US20190047261A1
Автор: Uwe Keller

Laminated glass suitable as an optical combiner for HUD is obtained by laminating at least one insert A comprising polyvinyl acetal PA and optionally at least one plasticiser WA and at least one film B comprising polyvinyl acetal PB and at least one plasticiser WB between two glass sheets, wherein prior to lamination the amount of plasticiser WB in film B is at least 24% by weight, and insert A has a non-uniform thickness profile over at least one direction of its surface.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047262A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd.

Provided is an interlayer film for laminated glass capable of being enhanced in sound insulating properties of laminated glass at 30° C. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention includes first and second layers each containing a thermoplastic resin and a plasticizer, and when an absolute value of a difference in cloud point using the thermoplastic resin and the plasticizer in each of the first and second layers is represented by Xa, and a content based on parts by weight of the entire plasticizer in the interlayer film for laminated glass relative to 100 parts by weight of the entire thermoplastic resin in the interlayer film for laminated glass is represented by Z, the interlayer film satisfies at least one of the first constitution: “Xa≤115 and Z≤−0.16Xa+59” and the second constitution: “the thermoplastic resin in the first layer is a polyvinyl acetal resin, and when the acetylation degree on a mole percent basis of the polyvinyl acetal resin in the first layer is represented by Y, Y≥2 and Z≤−0.16Xa−0.2Y+59”. 1. An interlayer film for laminated glass having a two or more-layer structure , the interlayer film for laminated glass comprising:a first layer; anda second layer layered on a first surface of the first layer,the first layer containing a thermoplastic resin and a plasticizer,the second layer containing a thermoplastic resin and a plasticizer, andwhen an absolute value of a difference between a cloud point measured by using a liquid prepared by dissolving 8 parts by weight of the thermoplastic resin in the first layer in 100 parts by weight of the plasticizer in the first layer and a cloud point measured by using a liquid prepared by dissolving 8 parts by weight of the thermoplastic resin in the second layer in 100 parts by weight of the plasticizer in the second layer being represented by Xa, and a content based on parts by weight of an entire plasticizer in the interlayer film for laminated glass relative to 100 parts by ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047271A1
Автор: Li Zhou, Lu Jun
Принадлежит: Solutia Inc.

Resin compositions, layers, and interlayers comprising two or more thermoplastic polymers and at least one RI balancing agent for adjusting the refractive index of at least one of the resins or layers is provided. Such compositions, layers, and interlayers exhibit enhanced optical properties while retaining other properties, such as impact resistance and acoustic performance. 1. An interlayer comprising:a first resin layer, wherein said first resin layer comprises a first poly(vinyl acetal) resin and a first plasticizer, and wherein said first poly(vinyl acetal) resin has a first refractive index;a second resin layer adjacent to said first resin layer, wherein said second resin layer comprises a second poly(vinyl acetal) resin and a second plasticizer, and wherein said second poly(vinyl acetal) resin has a second refractive index,a third resin layer adjacent to said second resin layer, wherein said third resin layer comprises a third poly(vinyl acetal) resin and a third plasticizer, and wherein said third poly(vinyl acetal) resin has a third refractive index,wherein at least one of said first poly(vinyl acetal) resin, said second poly(vinyl acetal) resin, and said third poly(vinyl acetal) resin comprises residues of an aldehyde having a refractive index of at least 1.421;wherein the difference between the amount of said second plasticizer and amount of at least one of said first plasticizer and said third plasticizer is at least 8 parts per hundred parts of resin, andwherein the absolute value of the difference between said second refractive index and at least one of said first refractive index and said third refractive index is not more than 0.010.2. The interlayer of claim 1 , wherein the difference between the amount of said second plasticizer and the amount of at least one of said first plasticizer and said third plasticizer is at least 10 parts per hundred parts of resin.3. The interlayer of claim 1 , wherein the absolute value of the difference between said ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047379A1
Автор: Meller David G.

A method of fabricating a laminated glass panel assembly having inner and outer glass layers includes masking a designated area of the inner glass layer to define an index feature and printing a first blackout layer onto the inner glass layer such that the first blackout layer is not present on the index feature. The method may include unmasking the index feature after printing the first blackout layer, then printing a second blackout layer onto a major surface of the outer glass layer. The major surface overlaps or covers the index feature such that the index feature is not visible to a human observer through the outer glass layer, but is detectable through the outer glass layer using a controller and machine vision logic. A glass panel assembly having the index feature is also described herein, as is a system for making the glass panel assembly. 1. A method of fabricating a laminated glass panel assembly having an inner glass layer and an outer glass layer , the method comprising:masking a designated area of a major surface of the inner glass layer to thereby define an index feature;printing a first blackout layer onto the major surface of the inner glass layer such that the first blackout layer is not printed onto the designated area of the index feature;unmasking the designated area of the index feature after printing the first blackout layer; andprinting a second blackout layer onto a major surface of the outer glass layer such that the major surface of the outer glass layer covers or overlaps the index feature and the index feature is not visible to a human observer through the outer glass layer.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:illuminating the panel assembly with high-intensity light;determining a position of the index feature through the outer glass layer using a vision system camera and a controller after illuminating the panel assembly; andconnecting a hardware component to the inner glass layer using the determined position.3. The method of ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053424A1

The principles and embodiments of the present disclosure relate generally to complexly curved laminates made from a complexly curved substrate and a flat substrate, such as automotive window glazings, and methods of cold forming complexly-curved glass products from a curved substrate and a flat substrate. In one or more embodiments, the laminate includes first complexly-curved glass substrate with a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface, a second complexly-curved glass substrate with a third surface and a fourth surface opposite the third surface with a thickness therebetween; and a polymer interlayer affixed to the second convex surface and third surface, wherein the third surface and fourth surface have compressive stress values respectively that differ such that the fourth surface has as compressive stress value that is greater than the compressive stress value of the third surface. 1. A laminate comprising:a first complexly-curved glass substrate comprising a first surface, a second surface opposite the first surface, and a first thickness therebetween;a second complexly-curved glass substrate comprising a third surface, a fourth surface opposite the third surface, and a second thickness therebetween; anda polymer interlayer affixed to the second surface and the third surface, wherein the first thickness is equal to or less than 4.0 mm and the second thickness is in a range from about 0.1 mm to about 1.4 mm and a compressive stress value of the fourth surface is greater than a compressive stress value of the third surface.2. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the first thickness is in a range from about 1.4 mm to about 4.0 mm.3. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the first thickness is in a range from about 1.6 mm to about 3.85 mm.4. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the first complexly-curved glass substrate comprises a soda lime glass or an alkali-containing borosilicate glass.5. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the polymer interlayer ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047449A1
Автор: Ayuzawa Shotaro
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A vehicle floor panel is provided in which a honeycomb core made of metal sandwiched and adhered between two CFRP plates is one in which a large number of core units formed into a polygon shape are continuous within one plane so as to share a side of the polygon. Since closed-section parts formed by a hat-shaped cross section part formed along the side and one CFRP plate are continuous with each other at a vertex of the polygon of the adjacent core units, not only is it possible to lighten the weight by opening the interior of the polygon (P) shape core unit, but it is also possible to enhance the energy-absorbing performance by dispersing and transmitting a collision load inputted into one direction of the floor panel toward a plurality of other directions because the high strength load transmission path is continuous with other load transmission paths. 11213. A vehicle floor panel in which a honeycomb core () made of metal is sandwiched between two CFRP plates () and adhered ,{'b': 12', '14', '14', '14', '14', '18', '13', '14', '14, 'i': a', 'b', 'c', 'c, 'wherein the honeycomb core () is one in which a large number of core units () formed into a polygon (P) shape are continuous within one plane so as to share a side (S) of the polygon (P), the side (S) forms a hat-shaped cross section part having a top face (), a pair of side faces () and a pair of flange faces (), and closed cross-section parts () formed by adhering one of the CFRP plates () to the pair of flange faces () and linearly extending along the side (S) are continuous with each other at a vertex (V) of the polygon (P) of the adjacent core units ().'}214. The vehicle floor panel according to claim 1 , wherein the core unit () is a square shape or an equilateral triangle shape.31214a. The vehicle floor panel according to claim 1 , wherein a pair of the honeycomb cores () are adhered to each other via the top face () of the hat-shaped cross section part.414121317c. The vehicle floor panel according to ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Laminated safety glass

Номер: US20200047466A1
Принадлежит: AGFA NV

A method for producing laminated safety glass includes the steps of applying imagewise a thermally reducible composition including a organic metal salt on a glass surface or a thermoplastic polymeric surface, and heating at least the imagewise applied thermally reducible composition to form a metal from the organic metal salt.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047467A1

The present invention relates to a resin composition for an interlayer, comprising a copolymer of a monomer mixture containing a (meth)acryloyl compound and a siloxane compound having an ethylenically unsaturated group wherein an ethylenically unsaturated group equivalent is 2000 to 20000 g/mol. 1. A resin composition for an interlayer , comprising a copolymer of a monomer mixture containing a (meth)acryloyl compound and a siloxane compound having an ethylenically unsaturated group wherein an ethylenically unsaturated group equivalent is 2000 to 20000 g/mol.2. The resin composition for an interlayer according to claim 1 , wherein the (meth)acryloyl compound contains an alkyl (meth)acrylate and a (meth)acrylate having a hydroxyl group.3. The resin composition for an interlayer according to claim 2 , wherein the monomer mixture contains 50 to 90 parts by mass of the alkyl (meth)acrylate claim 2 , 5 to 30 parts by mass of the (meth)acrylate having a hydroxyl group claim 2 , and 5 to 20 parts by mass of the siloxane compound.4. The resin composition for an interlayer according to claim 1 , further comprising a thermal crosslinking agent.5. A film material for an interlayer claim 1 , comprising a substrate and a resin layer disposed on the substrate claim 1 ,{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'wherein the resin layer is a layer formed from the resin composition for an interlayer according to .'}6. The film material for an interlayer according to claim 5 , wherein a haze of the resin layer is 5% or less.7. A method of manufacturing a laminated glass including two adherents facing each other and an interlayer sandwiched between the two adherents claim 5 , the method comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00005', 'claim 5'}, 'a step of bonding the two adherents with the resin layer included in the film material for an interlayer according to being interposed therebetween, to obtain a laminate; and'}a step of heating and pressurizing the laminate under a ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047689A1

A laminated motor-vehicle windshield includes exterior glass sheet and an interior glass sheet, which sheets are joined together by an interlayer made of a thermoplastic of refractive index m. The windshield is equipped with a through-hole that passes through at least one of the glass sheets and may pass through the interlayer and wherein the hole is filled with an optical device that is suitable for deviating a light beam incident substantially horizontally on that face of the windshield which is exposed to the exterior of the vehicle and for making it converge, substantially without deformation, on an image-capturing device of a camera, such as a CCD or CMOS detector, placed facing that face of the windshield which is turned toward the passenger compartment of the vehicle. The detector is arranged substantially parallelly to the surface of the windshield. 1. A laminated motor-vehicle windshield comprising an exterior glass sheet and an interior glass sheet , which exterior and interior glass sheets are joined together by an interlayer made of a thermoplastic of refractive index n , wherein said windshield is equipped with a through-hole that passes through at least one of said exterior and interior glass sheets and wherein said through-hole is filled with an optical device that is suitable for deviating a light beam incident substantially horizontally on a face of the windshield which is exposed to the exterior of the vehicle and for making the light beam converge , substantially without deformation , on an image-capturing device of a camera placed facing a face of the windshield which is turned toward the passenger compartment of the vehicle , said image-capturing device being arranged substantially parallelly to a surface of said windshield.2. The laminated windshield as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the optical device comprises a combination of one or more convergent lenses and one or more divergent lenses.3. The laminated windshield as claimed in claim 1 , ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Interlayer for laminated glass, laminated glass, production method for embossing roll, and production method for interlayer for laminated glass

Номер: US20180050519A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd

The present invention aims to provide an interlayer film for a laminated glass having recesses in the shape of engraved lines on both surfaces to exhibit excellent deaeration properties in production of a laminated glass and suppressing formation of a moire pattern when unwound from a rolled body thereof. The present invention also aims to provide a laminated glass including the interlayer film for a laminated glass, a method for producing an embossing roll suitably used for production of the interlayer film for a laminated glass, and a method for producing the interlayer film for a laminated glass. The present invention relates to an interlayer film for a laminated glass, having a large number of recesses on both surfaces, the recesses each having a groove shape with a continuous bottom and being regularly adjacent and parallel to each other, the interlayer film having a glossiness on a surface with the large number of recesses measured in conformity with JIS Z 8741-1997 of higher than 3% or a haze value measured in conformity with JIS K 7105-1981 of 87% or lower.

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Use of plasticizer-free polyvinylacetal for laminating sheets of polycarbonate

Номер: US20180050520A1

At least one polycarbonate sheet is laminated to at least one further rigid layer by at least one adhesion layer, characterized in that the adhesive layer consists of polyvinyl acetal having a content of vinylacetate groups of more than 10 wt. % but less than 25 wt. % and a content of plasticizer of less than 10 wt. %.
