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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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20-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2341378C2

Изобретение относится к струйному печатающему устройству и картриджу с чернилами. Картридж с чернилами, имеющий часть для хранения чернил, и канал подачи чернил, сообщающийся с частью для хранения чернил, включает первый крепежный элемент, взаимодействующий со вторым крепежным элементом, для прикрепления картриджа с чернилами к части для установки картриджа, причем второй крепежный элемент имеет выступ, диапазон перемещения которого ограничен. Первый крепежный элемент выполнен в плоскости, по существу, параллельной направлению вставления, в котором картридж с чернилами вставляют в часть для установки картриджа. Первый крепежный элемент содержит совокупность, включающую удерживающую часть для сцепления с выступом, первый направляющий канал для направления выступа к удерживающей части, когда картридж с чернилами вставляется в часть для установки картриджа, и второй направляющий канал, отличный от первого направляющего канала, для направления выступа, отцепляемого от удерживающей части, когда ...

10-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2411131C2

Изобретение относится к способу изготовления контейнера для жидкости и контейнеру для жидкости. Способ изготовления контейнера для жидкости включает в себя: открывание по меньшей мере части блокированного участка для формирования канала обходного потока, впрыскивание жидкости в камеру из порта подачи жидкости через канал потока на стороне порта подачи, канал обходного потока и канал потока на стороне камеры и блокирование канала обходного потока после впрыска жидкости. Контейнер для жидкости содержит камеру, содержащую жидкость, канал сообщения с воздухом, порт подачи жидкости, канал потока жидкости, обеспечивающий возможность сообщения контейнера и порта подачи жидкости, клапан разности давлений, расположенный в канале потока жидкости, который обычно прижат в закрытое состояние и который изменяет состояние на открытое состояние, когда разность давлений между стороной порта подачи жидкости и стороной камеры равна или больше, чем заданное значение, и блокированный участок, сформированный ...

10-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2263583C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к конструкции картриджа для струйной печати. Картридж струйной печати, удлиненный в горизонтальном направлении и загружаемый в каретку принтера посредством горизонтального относительного перемещения, содержит прямоугольный призматический корпус картриджа для печати. При этом корпус картриджа для печати имеет нижнюю стенку, несущую, по существу, плоскую печатающую головку с матрицей, которая простирается в вертикальном направлении сопел малого размера, из которых капли чернил выходят, по существу, вертикально вниз во время работы картриджа струйной печати. Причем картридж имеет верхнюю стенку, противоположную и, по существу, параллельную нижней стенке, и, по существу, вертикальную переднюю стенку, которая пересекается с верхней стенкой, образуя при этом границу для верхней стенки. Также картридж содержит фиксатор, надежно прикрепленный к верхней стенке корпуса картриджа для печати вдоль упомянутой границы для крепления картриджа внутри каретки принтера, при ...

27-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2248886C2

Изобретение относится к пишущим элементам струйной печати и струйным принтерам, и более конкретно - к способам адаптации малого пишущего элемента струйной печати к работе в каретке принтера, предназначенного для размещения пишущего элемента с большими габаритами. Система подачи чернил включает в себя пишущий элемент струйной печати, имеющий малый коэффициент формы по высоте и имеющий запас чернил для нанесения на носитель, принимающий чернила. На пишущий элемент, имеющий малый коэффициент формы по высоте, установлен адаптер (50), позволяющий устанавливать этот пишущий элемент с возможностью извлечения внутри колодки или лотка для пишущего элемента. Размеры колодки или лотка обеспечивают размещение пишущего элемента, имеющего большой коэффициент формы по высоте. Картридж (20) струйной печати включает в себя корпус, печатающую головку, установленную на корпусе, базовые поверхности на корпусе для точного размещения корпуса в фиксированном воспроизводимом положении в первой конструкции каретки ...

28-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2731027C2

Изобретение относится к контейнеру для пополнения чернилами, выполненному с возможностью пополнять чернилами резервуар для чернил, предусмотренный для накопления в нем чернил, которые подлежат подаче в регистрирующее устройство, а также к системе пополнения чернилами, выполненной содержащей такой контейнер для пополнения чернилами. Контейнер 63 для пополнения чернилами содержит корпус 64 контейнера, предусмотренный включающим камеру 76 для чернил; образующую выпуск для чернил часть 66, предусмотренную на торце корпуса контейнера включающей выпуск 65 для чернил, предназначенный для обеспечения возможности чернилам вытекать из камеры для чернил; клапан 74, предусмотренный в образующей выпуск для чернил части и выполненный с возможностью закупоривать выпуск для чернил открываемым и закрываемым образом; и позиционирующую структуру, выполненную с возможностью упираться в часть резервуара для чернил и позиционировать клапан относительно резервуара для чернил при открытии клапана. Позиционирующая ...

20-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2501660C2

Изобретение относится к контейнеру для печатающего материала, а более точно к устройству для предотвращения случайных соприкосновений между контактами, расположенными на контейнере для печатающего материала. Контейнер для печатающего материала, присоединяемый к печатающему устройству путем вставления в заданном направлении вставки, причем печатающее устройство имеет множество контактов печатающего устройства, имеет корпус, содержащий печатающий материал, множество контактов контейнера для контактирования с соответствующими контактами из множества контактов на печатающем устройстве, при этом множество контактов на контейнере содержит множество низковольтных контактов и множество высоковольтных контактов. Множество низковольтных контактов на контейнере предназначены для приема низкого напряжения от соответствующего контакта из множества контактов на печатающем устройстве, когда контейнер для печатающего материала прикреплен к печатающему устройству. Множество высоковольтных контактов на контейнере ...

10-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2215657C2

Изобретение относится к струйной технике, в частности к способам для получения документальных копий с помощью модульных струйных устройств и систем. Модульные печатающие механизмы предназначены, согласно изобретению, для использования с совместимым модульным механизмом для документальных копий и устройством для получения документальных копий. Пересмотрено разделение струйного устройства для получения документальных копий по жидкостным элементам и по электронным устройствам. Модульное отделение механизма для документальных копий от пишущего механизма обеспечивает возможность получения заменяемого пишущего модуля, содержащего все ключевые элементы струйной пишущей системы, на основе требований к техническим средствам пишущих систем. В частности, имеются в виду те элементы, которые обладают наибольшей склонностью к старению или отказам с течением времени, в результате частого использования или действий конечного пользователя. Подсистема пишущего механизма включает один или более печатающих ...

10-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2302344C2

Изобретения относятся к чернильному картриджу и принтеру, оборудованному чернильным картриджем. Чернильный картридж содержит корпус, формирующий отсек для хранения чернил, порт подачи чернил, предназначенный для подачи чернильной жидкости в печатающую головку принтера, и позиционирующий выступ, выступающий из стенки корпуса картриджа. Позиционирующий выступ предназначен для вставки в выемку позиционирования каретки так, чтобы корпус картриджа располагался в секции крепления картриджа каретки. Позиционирующий выступ имеет пару пластинчатых секций, расположенных напротив друг друга с зазором, и соединяющую секцию, которая соединяет пластинчатые секции, внешняя поверхность одной из пластинчатых секций является поверхностью позиционирования, которая входит в контакт с выемкой позиционирования. Чернильный картридж в другом варианте выполнения содержит корпус, пористое упругое тело, пропитанное чернильной жидкостью, порт подачи чернил, ребро для удерживания упругого тела, углубленную секцию, ...

10-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2564618C2

Предложен контейнерный узел, приспособленный для расположения за пределами устройства выброса жидкости на установочной поверхности для контейнерного узла и для подачи жидкости к устройству выброса жидкости через соединительный канал. Контейнерный узел включает: контейнер для жидкости, приспособленный для содержания жидкости, причем контейнер для жидкости имеет заправочное отверстие для жидкости для заправки жидкости в контейнер для жидкости; и нижний закрывающий элемент, прикрепленный к контейнеру для жидкости и приспособленный для формирования нижней поверхности, которая входит в контакт с установочной поверхностью контейнерного узла в положении подачи жидкости контейнера для жидкости, в котором жидкость подается к устройству выброса жидкости. Нижний закрывающий элемент имеет сборник жидкости на противоположной поверхности для удерживания потока жидкости в противоположную поверхность, причем противоположная поверхность находится на противоположной стороне относительно нижней поверхности ...

10-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2474497C2

В способе измерения объема жидкости, такой как чернила или растворитель, остающейся в контейнере, таком как сменный картридж для струйного принтера с непрерывной подачей чернил, используется резервуар, заключающий внутреннее пространство с переменным объемом для хранения. Резервуар выполнен с возможностью создания уменьшения давления во внутреннем пространстве, при этом по мере того как жидкость вытягивается в принтер, уменьшение давления монотонно увеличивается по величине, так что объем остающейся в резервуаре жидкости может быть вычислен по известному минимальному вытягивающему давлению, необходимому для дальнейшего вытягивания жидкости из резервуара в принтер. Контейнеры, используемые в соответствии с этим способом, имеют раздаточное отверстие для жидкости, выполненное с возможностью выдачи жидкости, когда вытягивающее давление снаружи этого отверстия меньше, чем давление во внутреннем пространстве, а также с возможностью предотвращения поступления воздуха во внутреннее пространство ...

27-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2407643C1

Чернильный картридж включает в себя участок блокировки первого сигнала, участок блокировки второго сигнала и участок блокировки третьего сигнала. Участок блокировки первого сигнала способен либо препятствовать прохождению первого сигнала через него, либо изменять путь прохождения первого сигнала, когда участок блокировки первого сигнала принимает первый сигнал, участок блокировки второго сигнала способен либо препятствовать прохождению второго сигнала через него, либо изменять путь прохождения второго сигнала, когда участок блокировки второго сигнала принимает второй сигнал, и участок блокировки третьего сигнала способен либо препятствовать прохождению второго сигнала через него, либо изменять путь прохождения второго сигнала, когда участок блокировки третьего сигнала принимает второй сигнал. Технический результат - обеспечение возможности точного определения информации о чернильном картридже независимо от скорости установки пользователем картриджа в пишущее устройство, и независимо от ...

27-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2385232C1

Печатающая головка для струйной печати имеет матрицу выпускных отверстий для выбрасывания чернил в поверхности, образующей выпускные отверстия для выбрасывания, на которой при транспортировке наклеена защитная лента. Поверхность, образующая выпускные отверстия для выбрасывания, имеет наружную зону, которая находится снаружи от каждого из противоположных концов матрицы по отношению к направлению матрицы, а эта наружная зона имеет сопротивление отслаиванию, обеспеченное изменением поверхности, причем это сопротивление больше, чем на другом участке поверхности, образующей выпускные отверстия для выбрасывания. Изобретение обеспечивает печать высококачественных фотографических изображений. 5 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

16-10-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019102817A3

29-06-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018140992A3

11-10-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2020113155A3

15-11-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2020115637A3

10-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU104116U1

... 1. Контейнер для жидкости, устанавливаемый с возможностью снятия на части для установки контейнера устройства, потребляющего жидкость, которая содержит первый и второй позиционирующие штифты, при этом контейнер содержит: ! часть для содержания жидкости, хранящую жидкость; ! переднюю стенку, которая включает более короткие стороны с обоих концов в продольном направлении, ! часть для подвода жидкости, которая образована в передней стенке для подачи жидкости к устройству, потребляющему жидкость; ! первое и второе позиционирующие отверстия, которые выполнены на передней стенке и в которые вставляются позиционирующие штифты, предусмотренные на части для установки контейнера устройства; при этом ! первое позиционирующее отверстие расположено ближе к первой короткой стороне, чем к центру передней стенки; и !второе позиционирующее отверстие расположено ближе ко второй короткой стороне, чем к центру передней стенки; ! отличающийся тем, что часть для подвода жидкости расположена ближе к первому позиционирующему ...

10-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2330759C1

Изобретение относится к контейнеру для чернил, к печатающей головке и устройству для струйной печати, а более конкретно относится к механизму для присоединения контейнера для чернил и отделения от нее. Контейнер для чернил расположен вертикально над печатающей головкой для использования и способен к присоединению к печатающей головке и отделению от нее. При этом контейнер для чернил содержит подвижный элемент для зацепления с соединительным элементом, имеющим соединительный канал, сообщающийся с печатающей головкой, с помощью операции присоединения контейнера для чернил к печатающей головке, и перемещающийся вверх для направления соединительного элемента в часть для хранения чернил контейнера для чернил, который присоединяется. Печатающая головка для выброса чернил содержит соединительный элемент для зацепления с подвижным элементом контейнера для чернил, с помощью операции присоединения контейнера для чернил к печатающей головке, и имеющий соединительный канал, направляемый в часть для ...

27-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014133046A

... 1. Контейнер для жидкости, предназначенный для подачи жидкости в устройство для выталкивания жидкости, содержащий:камеру для жидкости, приспособленную для хранения жидкости и имеющую первую грань и впускное отверстие для жидкости, сформированное в первой грани для заправки жидкостью камеры для жидкости;воздушную камеру, имеющую вторую грань и отверстие для атмосферного воздуха во второй грани для введения воздуха снаружи в воздушную камеру; исоединительный канал для введения атмосферного воздуха в камеру для жидкости,причем камера для жидкости имеет третью грань, противоположную первой и второй граням, ипри этом впускное отверстие для жидкости расположено в более низком положении, чем отверстие для атмосферного воздуха, в пространственном положении, в котором контейнер для жидкости установлен так, что третья грань становится нижней гранью, расположенной на нижней стороне.2. Контейнер для жидкости по п. 1, в которомкамера для жидкости имеет углубленный участок, образованный гранью стенки ...

10-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007119549A

... 1. Способ, заключающийся в том, что генерируют маркировочный пучок (306, 212) электромагнитной энергии в устройстве (102, 102') печати; изменяют визуально маркируемый участок (204) сменной подсистемы (202) который, по меньшей мере, частично размещен в устройстве (102, 102') печати, для чего освещают, по меньшей мере, часть маркируемого участка (204) маркировочным пучком (212).2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что на этапе генерации маркировочного пучка (306, 212) дополнительно направляют маркировочный пучок (306, 212) в, по меньшей мере, одном направлении в устройстве (102, 102') печати.3. Способ по п. 2, отличающийся тем, что на этапе направления маркировочного пучка (212) дополнительно перемещают, по меньшей мере, участок сменной подсистемы (202) в, по меньшей мере, одном направлении до или во время изменения маркируемого участка (204) с использованием маркировочного пучка (212).4. Способ по п. 2, отличающийся тем, чтна этапе изменения визуально маркируемого участка (204) освещают ...

10-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003133187A

... 1. Чернильный картридж, содержащий камеру для хранения чернил, канал для подачи чернил и устройство для создания отрицательного давления, которое избирательно перекрывает и открывает сообщение по текучей среде между камерой для хранения чернил и каналом для подачи чернил в результате потребления чернил, при этом устройство для создания отрицательного давления включает упругий элемент, имеющий первую и вторую поверхности и уплотняющую часть, при этом уплотняющая часть имеет сквозное отверстие, канал для прохода чернил, сообщающийся с каналом для подачи чернил и имеющий открываемую часть в том месте, где уплотняющая часть упругого элемента контактирует с открываемой частью и отходит от открываемой части, при этом открываемая часть обращена к сквозному отверстию, сообщающуюся часть, обращенную к первой поверхности упругого элемента и сообщающуюся с камерой для хранения чернил, и промежуточную часть, обращенную ко второй поверхности упругого элемента и сообщающуюся с каналом для подачи чернил ...

10-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002115251A

... 1. Картридж термоструйной печатающей головки, включающий наружный корпус, прикрепляемое к наружному корпусу жесткое основание, снабженное отверстием для заправки, каналом для выхода чернил и резервуаром для чернил, закрепленным на жестком основании и снабженным устройством для поддержания отрицательного давления в резервуаре, отличающийся тем, что устройство для поддержания отрицательного давления в резервуаре для чернил выполнено в виде пластинчатых пружин, образующих упругие стенки резервуара. 2. Картридж по п.1, отличающийся тем, что устройство для поддержания отрицательного давления в резервуаре для чернил выполнено в виде арки с упругими стенками и с торцами, перекрытыми гибкой герметизирующей пленкой. 3. Картридж по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что упругие стенки резервуара для чернил имеют равномерный профиль по толщине. 4. Картридж по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что упругие стенки резервуара для чернил имеют неравномерный профиль по толщине, подчиняющийся закону h(s)=h0(l+ks2n) ...

17-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2675122C1

Картридж содержит контейнер для жидкости, который по меньшей мере частично изготавливается из гибкого материала и выполнен с возможностью содержать в себе жидкость; углубление, которое выполнено раскрытым в направлении установки картриджа в устройство выброса жидкости; и часть для приема текучей среды, которая располагается внутри углубления и является выполненной с возможностью приема подачи нагнетаемой текучей среды. 3 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

18-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2651259C1

Предложено устройство подачи чернил. Устройство подачи чернил включает в себя фитинг для чернил с первой поверхностью. Устройство подачи чернил также включает в себя наформованный элемент для герметизации ряда поверхностей фитинга для чернил. Наформованный элемент имеет вторую поверхность, которая шире первой поверхности. Вторая поверхность вмещает клей для закрепления устройства подачи чернил на печатающей головке. Устройство подачи чернил также включает в себя паз для чернил, проходящий через наформованный элемент и, по меньшей мере, участок фитинга для чернил. Предложенное решение обеспечивает простое и экономически эффективное устройство подачи чернил. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

20-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009121541A

... 1. Контейнер для жидкости, содержащий: ! корпус контейнера, который установлен с возможностью снятия на части для установки картриджа устройства, потребляющего жидкость, и включает в себя часть для содержания жидкости, хранящую жидкость; ! соединительный канал, который образован в части для содержания жидкости и подводит жидкость; ! часть для подвода жидкости, которая образована в одной поверхности корпуса контейнера для подачи жидкости к устройству, потребляющему жидкость; и ! множество позиционирующих средств, в которые вставляется множество позиционирующих элементов, которые образованы на части для установки контейнера в позициях, обращенных к одной поверхности, когда корпус контейнера устанавливается в устройство, потребляющее жидкость, таким образом, позиционируя корпус контейнера, ! контейнер для жидкости, отличающийся тем, что часть для подвода жидкости образована вблизи любого из множества позиционирующих средств. ! 2. Контейнер по п.1, ! отличающийся тем, что часть для подвода ...

20-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006114340A

... 1. Печатающее устройство для печати печатающим средством, содержащее: каретку, к которой с возможностью извлечения прикрепляется указанное печатающее средство и которая может перемещаться вдоль листа для печати; и удерживающее основание, приспособленное для направления печатающего средства в каретку и удерживания его, когда каретка останавливается в положении для замены, в котором печатающее средство может быть прикреплено к каретке или извлечено из нее. 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором печатающее устройство имеет выступ, каретка имеет охватывающую часть для расположения печатающего средства и направляющую часть для направления печатающего средства в охватывающую часть и удерживания выступа печатающего средства, и удерживающее основание имеет удерживающую выступ часть для направления выступа печатающего средства в направляющую часть. 3. Устройство по п.2, в котором удерживающая выступ часть находится в положении, которое выше направляющей части, продвигает выступ в направляющую часть, когда ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013122629A

... 1. Устройство (10) подачи жидкости для подачи жидкости в жидкоструйное устройство (20), устройство (10) подачи жидкости, содержащее:кожух (10с);содержащую жидкость камеру (16), которая содержит жидкость;трубку (35) для соединения с жидкоструйным устройством (20) и для передачи жидкости из содержащей жидкость камеры (16) в жидкоструйное устройство (20), причем трубка (35) включает в себя по меньшей мере частично гибкую часть (352), которая может упруго деформироваться;отличающееся тем, что содержитоткрывающий и закрывающий блок (37), содержащий ползунок (371) и опорный элемент (372), при этомтрубка (35) установлена так, что гибкая часть (352) размещена между ползунком (371) и опорным элементом (372), причем ползунок (371) сконфигурирован с возможностью размещения в:первом относительном положении (р31) относительно опорного элемента (372), так что имеется пространство между ползунком (371) и опорным элементом (372) в первом относительном положении, и указанное пространство позволяет жидкости ...

27-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007116982A

... 1. Резервуар для хранения жидкости, содержащий кожух (28), определяющий закрытую камеру (30), причем кожух (28) имеет первое отверстие (32) в нем в одной части камеры (30) и второе отверстие (34) в нем во второй части камеры (30) над первой частью камеры (30), прорываемое уплотнение (53, 96, 106, 114 или 126), уплотняющее второе отверстие (34), и кружной туннель (42, 124 или 130), подвергающий камеру (30) атмосферному воздействию через второе отверстие (34), если уплотнение (53, 96, 106, 114 или 126) прорывают. 2. Резервуар по п.1, в котором прорываемое уплотнение (53, 96, 106, 114 или 126) содержит пробку (78 или 96), закупоривающую второе отверстие (34), причем пробка (78 или 96) сконфигурирована так, что необходимо первое усилие для вдавливания пробки (78 или 96) во второе отверстие (34), и необходимо второе усилие, которое меньше, чем первое усилие, для выдавливания пробки (78 или 96) из второго отверстия (34). 3. Резервуар по п.2, в котором пробка (78 или 96), закупоривающая второе ...

10-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006123536A

... 1. Записывающее устройство для записи с использованием картриджа головки, содержащее каретку, на которой установлен картридж головки и которая перемещается вместе с картриджем головки, первое средство детектирования, предназначенное для детектирования перемещения указанной каретки, второе средство детектирования, предназначенное для определения, соединены ли электрически указанная каретка и картридж головки друг с другом, средство различения, предназначенное для определения неправильной установки картриджа головки на каретке, когда первое средство детектирования, после операции установки картриджа головки на каретке, не детектирует перемещение каретки, а второе средство детектирования, после операции установки картриджа головки на каретку, также не детектирует электрического соединения между кареткой и картриджем головки. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, чтопервое средство детектирования включает в себя кодер (датчик положения) для детектирования перемещения указанной каретки. 3.

17-02-2021 дата публикации

Push-Pull-Tintenpatrone und Tintenstrahldrucker

Номер: DE202021100649U1

Push-Pull-Tintenpatrone, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass sie umfasst:einen Kastenkörper, der einen Fluidhohlraum und eine Fluidzuführöffnung umfasst, wobei der Fluidhohlraum mit der Fluidzuführöffnung verbunden ist; einen elektrischen Verbindungsanschluss, der hervorstehend auf der Oberseite des Kastenkörpers vorgesehen ist; ein Blockierungselement, das hervorstehend auf der Oberseite des Kastenkörpers angeordnet ist und sich in Bezug auf eine vorne und hinten verlaufende Richtung hinter dem elektrischen Verbindungsanschluss befindet; einen Antriebsschlitten, der sich in Bezug auf die von vorne nach hinten verlaufende Richtung hinter dem Blockierungselement befindet, wobei der Antriebsschlitten entlang der vorne und hinten verlaufenden Richtung gleitend mit dem Kastenkörper verbunden ist.

02-04-2012 дата публикации

Adapter zum wiederentnehmbaren Einsetzen in einen Tintenstrahldrucker

Номер: DE202011002459U1

Adapter zum wiederentnehmbaren Einsetzen in einen Tintenstrahldrucker (60), umfassend ein Gehäuse (12), sowie Anschlussmittel (14), die fluidleitend mit druckerseitigen Tintenaufnahmemitteln (64) verbindbar ausgebildet sind, sowie fluidleitend mit den Anschlussmitteln (14) verbunden Tintenzuflussmittel (16), die fluidleitend mit einem Tintenbehältnis (40) verbindbar ausgebildet sind.

23-12-2010 дата публикации

Tintenpatrone, Tintenpatronenset und Tintenpatronenbestimmungssystem

Номер: DE202008017957U1

Tintenpatrone (10, 10'), die aufgebaut ist, um in ein Aufzeichnungsgerät (250) in einer Richtung einer Einführung (30) in einem aufrechten Zustand eingeführt zu werden, mit: einer Tintenkammer (100), die aufgebaut ist zum Speichern von Tinte; einem Tintenlieferabschnitt (90), der aufgebaut ist zum Herstellen einer Kommunikation zwischen einem Inneren der Tintenkammer (100) mit der Außenseite; einem ersten Signalblockierabschnitt (191); einem zweiten Signalblockierabschnitt (189, 199); und einem dritten Signalblockierabschnitt (72), wobei der erste Signalblockierabschnitt an oder benachbart zu einem distalen Ende der oberen Wand (163) der Tintenpatrone in dem aufrechten Zustand positioniert ist, der zweite Signalblockierabschnitt (189, 199) weiter in der Richtung der Einführung (30) als der dritte Signalblockierabschnitt (72) angeordnet ist, der erste Signalblockierabschnitt (191) aufgebaut ist entweder zum Hindern eines ersten Signals, da durch zu gehen, oder zum Ändern eines Pfads des ...

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Tintenpatrone, Aufzeichnungsgerät und Verfahren zum Steuern des Aufzeichnungsgeräts

Номер: DE112011100380T5

Eine Tintenpatrone umfasst: eine Tintenaufnahmeeinheit; und eine Speichereinheit. Die Tintenaufnahmeeinheit ist eingerichtet, Tinte darin aufzunehmen. Die Speichereinheit ist eingerichtet, Zeitdauerdaten zu speichern, die eine Zeitdauer angeben, die von einer Tintenpatrone benötigt wird, um sich von einer ersten Position zu einer von der ersten Position verschiedenen zweiten Position zu bewegen, wobei die erste Position und die zweite Position innerhalb einer Anbringeinheit in einem Aufzeichnungsgerät festgelegt sind, wobei die Tintenpatrone die erste Position erreicht, bevor sie die zweite Position erreicht, wenn die Tintenpatrone in der Anbringeinheit angebracht wird.

09-10-2019 дата публикации

Chip eines Tintenstrahldruckers und Tintenstrahldrucker

Номер: DE202016008762U1

Chip für Tintenstrahldrucker, umfassend mindestens einen Hohlraumabschnitt, einen Speicher, zwei Anbringungserkennungsanschlüsse und einen Energieversorgungsanschluss, der mit dem Speicher verbunden ist, wobei Anbringungserkennungskontaktabschnitte zum Ausbilden eines elektrischen Kontakts mit druckerseitigen Anschlüssen des Druckers an den Anbringungserkennungsanschlüssen ausgebildet sind, ein Energieversorgungskontaktabschnitt zum Ausbilden eines elektrischen Kontakts mit einem druckerseitigen Anschluss des Druckers am Energieversorgungsanschluss ausgebildet ist, der Energieversorgungskontaktabschnitt an einer Stirnfläche des Hohlraumabschnitts vorgesehen ist und die Anbringungserkennungskontaktabschnitte beidseits des Hohlraumabschnitts vorgesehen sind, wobei in einer Einsetzrichtung des Einsetzens des Chips in den Drucker der Abstand zwischen den Anbringungserkennungskontaktabschnitten und einem vorderen Ende des Chips kleiner ist als der Abstand zwischen dem Energieversorgungskontaktabschnitt ...

05-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069839102T2

15-09-1994 дата публикации

Tintenstrahlaufzeichnungsgerät und Tintenkassette für das Gerät

Номер: DE0009018060U1

04-05-2006 дата публикации

Tintenpatrone und anpassbarer Tintenstrahldruckkopf dafür

Номер: DE0060117677D1

04-05-2000 дата публикации

Ink printer with replaceable ink cartridge has small volume dirty ink bag next to larger volume clean ink bag in asymmetrical, polygonal cross-section replaceable cartridge

Номер: DE0019849567A1

Printer has liquid connections on printer frame and change tank, connected when cartridge is inserted, whereby cartridge has internal clean ink (13) and dirty ink (14) bags connected via pump to nozzle head and to ink suction station. Small volume dirty ink bag is arranged next to larger volume clean ink bag in asymmetrical, polygonal cross-section replaceable cartridge with clean ink connection (11) off-center and dirty ink connection (12) central.

14-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060203170D1

21-08-2013 дата публикации

Steuermodul zur Anbringung auf einer Verbrauchsmaterialkartusche und Tintenkartusche für einen Drucker

Номер: DE202013006492U1

Steuermodul (1) zur Anbringung auf einer Verbrauchsmaterialkartusche, mit einem Speicherbauelement (3) mit Steuerlogik und Speicherzellen, Kontaktelementen (10, 11, 13, 14) die mit dem Speicherbauelement (3) verbunden sind und die an Druckerkontakte anschließbar sind, gekennzeichnet durch mindestens ein Schaltelement (6), welches in einer Stromversorgungsleitung (5) zwischen einem Stromspeicher (7) und dem Speicherbauelement (3) angeordnet ist, wobei das Schaltelement (6) einen Steuereingang (8) aufweist und abhängig von einem an diesem Steuereingang (8) anliegenden Steuersignal die Stromversorgungsleitung (5) schließt oder unterbricht, und der Steuereingang (8) mit einem Kontaktelement (10) des Steuermoduls (1) verbunden ist.

21-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE602004006326D1

10-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE602004023879D1

09-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE602008003191D1

23-10-1997 дата публикации

Induktive Tintenpegelerfassungsvorrichtung für Tintenvorräte

Номер: DE0019642899A1

An ink level detection mechanism 14 comprises a flexible ink container 16, e.g. in the form of a collapsible bag contained within a cartridge (10, Fig. 1), for storing an ink supply used by an inkjet pen. The ink container has opposing sides which move relative to one another depending upon an amount of ink held therein and which carry a pair of electrically conductive coils 30, 32 formed on the opposing sides of the container. The coils 30, 32 move relative to one another in conjunction with the movement of the container sides, and an ink level sensing circuit 50 connected to the coils generates a signal which induces a magnetic field between the pair of coils. The circuit 50 senses the level of ink within the container 16 by detecting change in the field as the coils 30, 32 are moved relative to one another. The field strength increases as the coils 30, 32 are moved closer together, thereby improving the quality of the measurement as the ink is used from the container.

05-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE602008001595D1

20-08-2009 дата публикации

Tintenpatrone mit Leiterplattenelement

Номер: DE102008009460A1

Tintenpatrone zum Einsetzen in eine Patronenaufnahme eines Tintenstrahldruckers, wobei die Tintenpatrone (10) ein eine Schaltungsanordnung (55) umfassendes Leiterplattenelement (40) aufweist, welches einen ersten in einer Ebene A liegenden Teilbereich (41) und einen gegenüber dem ersten Teilbereich (41) abgewinkelt ausgerichteten zweiten Teilbereich (42) aufweist.

08-03-2000 дата публикации

Ink-jet recorder and ink cartridge

Номер: GB0000000678D0

04-05-2005 дата публикации

Ink cartridge

Номер: GB0000506409D0

08-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009315235D0

02-05-2001 дата публикации

Ink jet print head having a set of electrical contacts on a print module which interconnect with electrical terminals on an extension on a cartridge housing

Номер: GB0002355693A

The ink jet print head 10 includes a print module 11 contained in a cartridge housing 17. The print module includes rows of nozzles 13 formed on a face 14 of a projection 12 of the module which extends in an aperture 21 of the cartridge housing. A set of electrical contacts 15 is formed on a face 16 of the print module. The cartridge housing is provided with an element 25 which extends therefrom and supports a printed circuit board 26 with a set of electrical terminals (27,Fig.6) and electrical contact pads (30) thereon. The contact pads correspond to the set of electrical contacts 15 on the print module, and provide electrical interconnections between the print module contacts and the electrical terminals on the extended element 25. The print head may be used in a secure printer, e.g. a postage meter.

04-10-2006 дата публикации

Ink jet cartridge with a ink sensor with means to ensure that the parts of the sensor are assembled in the correct alignment.

Номер: GB2424710A

Disclosed is a container for liquid, ie an ink jet cartridge, with a liquid sensor in or near the deliver passage. The container has buffer chambers which supply the ink to the sensor. The sensor is sealed to the container by a sealing member eg an elastic ring or washer, and a pressing spring which presses the sensor unit against the side of the container. The sensor has, a sensor chip which has a sensor cavity for receiving the liquid, the top of the cavity is closed by a diaphragm, with a piezoelectric element mounted on it. The sensor chip is mounted on a metal sensor base, which is mounted in a recess in a unit base. A cover, that receives the pressing force of the spring, is fitted on the unit base to over the sensor chip. The sensor has a pair of terminal plates fixed on the unit base electrically connected to a pair of electrodes on the sensor chip. Mis-assembly preventing structures which allow assembly when parts are aligned in the correct way and stops assembly by interference ...

13-02-2008 дата публикации

A method of injecting liquid into a liquid container having a bypass flow passage

Номер: GB2440838A

A method of manufacturing a liquid container 11 including a liquid containing chamber 36, an air communicating passage (60, fig.6) allowing the liquid containing chamber 36 to communicate with air, a liquid supply port 24, a liquid flow passage allowing the liquid container 36 and the liquid supply port 24 to communicate with each other, a differential pressure valve 37 which is disposed in the liquid flow passage, which is normally urged to a closed state, and which is changed to an opened state when a differential pressure between a side of the liquid supply port 24 and a side of the liquid containing chamber 36 is equal to or more than a predetermined value. Further, the liquid container 11 also includes a blocked portion 81 formed by closing a bypass flow passage 81 allowing a supply port side flow passage that is closer to the liquid supply port 24 than the differential pressure valve 37 to communicate with a containing chamber side flow passage that is closer to the liquid containing ...

02-06-2004 дата публикации

Ink cartridge and recording apparatus

Номер: GB0002395684A

The ink cartridge (1) includes an ink supply port (4) formed at a position, offset to one side, of a wall configuring an ink container body (2A); a positioning projecting portion (12), formed on one wall out of two opposing walls adjacent the wall, whose upper surface and side portion are regulated in position when the cartridge has been mounted on a recording apparatus; a lever (9), formed on the other wall out of the two walls, maintaining a normal hinged-open state and having a projection (19) that is forcibly displaced outward when the cartridge (1) is mounted on the recording apparatus; and electrodes (14) that are connected to a memory unit storing information on the ink in an ink container and formed on the positioning projecting portion (12).

08-12-2004 дата публикации

Ink cartridge having identification block

Номер: GB0002402368A

An ink cartridge (101) comprises an identification block (61). The identification block (61) comprises a projection portion (112) for fixing the circuit board 115 and an identification piece (60). The identification piece(s) (61) may be a pair of projections that extend outwardly from the block (61). The identification piece(s) (61) prevent erroneous insertion of the ink cartridge (101) into a carriage (130, fig.18) due to cooperating grooves formed in the carriage.

14-03-2007 дата публикации

Ink cartridge component

Номер: GB0002429954A

An ink cartridge component (100) comprises a body member having a pump portion (102) for supporting a print head and a peripheral wall portion (104) extending from the sump portion. The peripheral wall portion and the sump portion define a volume forming an ink chamber of the ink cartridge. A recessed region (118) is defined at a junction (116) between the peripheral wall portion and the sump portion, the recessed region, in use, underlying a carrier (300) carrying the print head. The recessed region facilitates flexing of the carrier when an ink cartridge including the component is inserted into a cradle of an ink cartridge carriage.

23-12-1998 дата публикации

Ink cartridge cover with circuitous grooved air passages

Номер: GB0002326379A

A series of circuitous grooves 35a-f (Fig.8(b)) are formed in an ink cartridge cover 30 (Fig.8(b)) which encloses the open end of the cartridge. The grooves 35a-c (Fig.8(b)) in communication with small volume ink chambers 12a-c (Fig.8(a)) are longer than the grooves 35d-f (Fig.8(b)) in communication with large volume chambers 12d-f (Fig.8(a)). This arrangement ensures that when the chambers are opened to the air by stripping off a protective film (38a,Fig.8(b)), the amount of ink which evaporates from chambers 12a-c (Fig.8(a)) is less than that from chambers 12d-f (Fig.8(a)). The grooves connect the through-holes 34a-f (Fig.8(b)), used for ink filling and air venting, to the exit throughholes 36a-f (Fig.8(b)). In addition, the cartridge has chambers (2a-f,Fig.1(a)) wherein supply ports (4a-f,Fig.1(a)) associated with the respective chambers are arranged in two linear arrays, such that the cartridge size is reduced. The supply ports may be arranged in a zig-zag, offset manner to allow for ...

20-12-2000 дата публикации

A printer cartridge kit and method

Номер: GB0000026702D0

10-04-2013 дата публикации

Ink cartridge refilling device and method for refilling ink cartridge using it

Номер: GB0002495380A

An ink cartridge refilling device (1) includes an ink reservoir (2), an ink refilling passage (3), an air suction passage (5), an air inlet passage (4), and a leak-proof part provided in the air inlet passage. Both of the air suction passage and the air inlet passage are positioned in the ink reservoir, and therefore the effect of compact structure, less space requirement and simple operation can be achieved. The number of mould is decreased and production cost is reduced during manufacture process.

23-04-2003 дата публикации

Ink cartridge and ink cartridge holder

Номер: GB0000306476D0

19-09-2007 дата публикации

Liquid injecting method and liquid container

Номер: GB0000715668D0

08-10-1997 дата публикации

Ink cartridge and a printing device using the ink cartridge

Номер: GB0009716371D0

15-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000396872T

15-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000396873T

15-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000380113T

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000410726T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000414613T

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000411574T

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000407012T

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000412212T

27-08-2010 дата публикации

Контейнер для печатающего материала (варианты) и плата, устанавливаемая на контейнере для печатающего материала (варианты)

Номер: RU0000097088U1

1. Контейнер для печатающего материала, вставляемый с возможностью снятия в предписанном направлении вставления в печатающее устройство, имеющее выводы печатающего устройства, при этом контейнер для печатающего материала содержит память, схему высокого напряжения, к которой прикладывается напряжение более высокое, чем напряжение, прикладываемое к памяти; и группу выводов, которая включает в себя первые выводы и второй вывод, при этом первые выводы соединены с памятью и соответственно включают в себя первый контактный участок для контакта с соответствующим выводом среди выводов печатающего устройства, второй вывод соединен со схемой высокого напряжения и включает в себя второй контактный участок для контакта с соответствующим выводом среди выводов печатающего устройства, при этом второй контактный участок и часть первых контактных участков расположены так, что образуют первый ряд, другая часть первых контактных участков образует по меньшей мере часть второго ряда, и первый ряд расположен дальше в направлении вставления, чем второй ряд, причем второй контактный участок расположен на конце первого ряда. ! 2. Контейнер для печатающего материала, вставляемый с возможностью снятия в предписанном направлении вставления в печатающее устройство, имеющее выводы печатающего устройства, при этом контейнер для печатающего материала содержит память, схему высокого напряжения, к которой прикладывается напряжение более высокое, чем напряжение, прикладываемое к памяти, и группу выводов, которая включает в себя первые выводы и второй вывод, при этом первые выводы соединены с памятью и соответственно включают в себ РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 97 088 (13) U1 (51) МПК B41J 2/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ(титульный лист) (21), (22) Заявка: 2009130956/08, 13.08.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.12.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): СЕЙКО ЭПСОН КОРПОРЕЙШН (JP) R ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Fluid handling system

Номер: US20120008882A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

A fluid handling system includes a valve assembly within a needle that is movable from a closed state to an open state against a bias while engaging and moving a valve stem of a fluid supply from a closed state to an open state.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Liquid accommodating container, tank unit, and liquid ejecting system

Номер: US20120013687A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A liquid accommodating container in which in a use position, a port opened to the air is provided at a position that is closer to an air chamber uppermost surface and is included in a first corner portion, an air-side opening is provided at a position that is closer to an air chamber lowermost surface and is included in a second corner portion which is at a diagonal position to the first corner portion, and a liquid-side opening is provided at a position satisfying the following conditions (a) and (b), (a) a position closer to a liquid chamber lowermost surface with respect to the vertical direction in the use position and (b) a position which is included in the second corner portion that is at a position equivalent to a diagonal position to the first corner portion.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Liquid container and liquid ejection system

Номер: US20120038719A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A liquid container for supplying a liquid to a liquid ejection apparatus comprises: a liquid chamber provided to store the liquid; an air chamber connected with the liquid chamber to introduce the outside air into the liquid chamber with consumption of the liquid in the liquid chamber; an open-air hole provided to introduce the outside air into the air chamber; and a liquid inlet provided to fill the liquid into the liquid chamber, wherein the liquid inlet is located at a lower position than the open-air hole, in a filling attitude of the liquid container in which the liquid is filled into the liquid chamber.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Tank unit and liquid ejecting system having tank unit

Номер: US20120056938A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A tank unit includes two or more liquid accommodating containers disposed in a row. Each of the liquid accommodating containers includes a main body having a concave shape defining a side opening and a film that blocks the side opening. The main body and the film at least partially define a liquid accommodating chamber for accommodating a liquid. The main body includes a facing wall that faces the film across the liquid accommodating chamber and has a wall larger than the side opening. The liquid accommodating containers are disposed such that the film of at least one of the liquid accommodating containers is covered by the facing wall of an adjacent one of the liquid accommodating containers.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Printhead assembly incorporating ink distribution assembly

Номер: US20120056951A1
Автор: Kia Silverbrook

A printhead assembly includes an ink distribution assembly including an ink distribution molding, the ink distribution molding including a plurality of first ducts; at least one printhead integrated circuit in fluid communication with the ink distribution assembly; and a rotary platen having at least three surface, each surface for providing one of a platen surface, capping portion, and a blotting portion. The ink distribution assembly further includes a plurality of second ducts acutely angled with respect to the plurality of first ducts, a plurality of transfer ports facilitating fluid communication between the plurality of first ducts and the plurality of second ducts, and a plurality of ink inlet ports facilitating fluid communication between an ink cassette and the plurality of first ducts.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Ink tank for inkjet printer

Номер: US20120073699A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to an ink tank for an ink jet printer. The invention further relates to a method of manufacturing the ink tank, as well as well as a method of refilling the ink tank. The ink tank includes an ink tank body and an ink tank lid bonded to the ink tank body at a bond joint. The ink tank lid comprises an opening that leads to a holding area that is adapted to contain a capillary media therein. The holding area comprises a wall that forms a boundary between the capillary media and an enclosure defined by the ink tank body and the ink tank lid. The opening is sized to permit an insertion and removal of the capillary media to and from the holding area when the ink tank lid is bonded to the ink tank body at the bond joint.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Storage device, host device, circuit board, liquid receptacle, and system

Номер: US20120074031A1
Автор: Jun Sato
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A storage device includes a control unit that carries out a communication process with a host device that is connected via a bus; a storage unit into which data from the host device is written; and a storage control unit that controls access to the storage unit. The control unit returns an acknowledgment to the host device in the case where the control unit has received acknowledgment return request information broadcasted from the host device to a plurality of storage devices connected to the bus after the end of a period in which data is written into the plurality of storage devices by the host device, and the data has been successfully written into the storage unit of the storage device to which the control unit belongs.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Recording apparatus capable of detecting residual amount of ink in ink cartridge

Номер: US20120081424A1
Автор: Keiji Kura
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A recording apparatus includes a controller and a cartridge accommodating section in which an ink cartridge of a predetermined type is mountable. The ink cartridge includes: an ink chamber; a first heat conductor that conducts heat to the ink; a pyroelectric portion that outputs an electrical signal; and a first electrical interface that connects to the pyroelectric portion. The cartridge accommodating section includes: a second electrical interface that connects to the first electrical interface when the ink cartridge is mounted in the cartridge accommodating section; a heater that applies heat; and a second heat conductor that conducts heat to the first heat conductor. The controller determines at least one of the type of the mounted ink cartridge and whether an amount of ink in the ink chamber is less than a predetermined amount based on the electrical signal inputted from the pyroelectric portion via the second electrical interface.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Inkjet device and sealing method for the inkjet device

Номер: US20120147088A1
Автор: Hideaki Nishida
Принадлежит: Toshiba TEC Corp

According to one embodiment, an inkjet device includes: an inkjet head; an armor section configured to surround the periphery of the inkjet head; a first gap formed over the entire periphery in the peripheral direction in a plurality of the armor sections; and a seal body for forming a surface tension seal by fluid in a second gap arranged in the first gap to form a gap narrower than the first gap.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Providing information through interaction with a printed page

Номер: US20120147433A1

A method for providing information is disclosed. Page descriptors are stored in a server. A printed page is printed by a printer with visible and invisible data. The invisible data is indicative of one or more of the page descriptors. A sensing device senses the invisible data when placed in an operative position relative to the printed page, and transmits information extracted from sensed invisible data to the server. The page descriptor of the printed page is identified by the server, and information associated with the page descriptor and positioning of the sensing device relative to the printed page is provided by the server.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Forming an ink tank with capillary breather

Номер: US20120151738A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for forming an ink tank for an inkjet printhead, the method includes providing a housing including a back wall, a side wall extending from the back wall, and an ink supply port for providing ink to the inkjet printhead; providing a convex-shaped flexible wall including a peripheral bonding region; inserting a first capillary member into the housing, the first capillary member including a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface; inserting a spring into the housing such that a first portion of the spring contacts the back wall; affixing the peripheral bonding region of the flexible wall to an edge of the side wall of the housing to form a reservoir for holding ink; removing air from the reservoir such that the flexible wall is drawn toward the back wall; and adding liquid ink to the reservoir such that the liquid ink contacts the first surface of the first capillary member and such that air from outside the housing contacts the second surface of the first capillary member.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Liquid supply apparatus

Номер: US20120152976A1
Принадлежит: Fuji Xerox Co Ltd, Fujifilm Corp

According to an aspect of the invention, a liquid supply apparatus includes a liquid bag, a borer, and a discharge stop part. A liquid to be supplied to a supply destination is filled in the liquid bag. The liquid bag has an opening part in which a sealing film is installed. The borer has a radial shape in the cross-sectional view and has a tilt part that is tilted toward the center of the radial shape at the tip to be inserted into the opening part of the liquid bag to bore the sealing film. The discharge stop part is arranged at the opening part of the liquid bag, has elasticity, and is provided with a slit having a minus symbol shape which is pressed and extended by the insertion of the borer.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Ink tank and production process of ink tank

Номер: US20120200647A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An ink tank for being installed in an ink jet recording apparatus to supply ink thereto, including an ink storage portion, one side surface of a casing of the ink tank in which side surface an opening for supplying ink to the apparatus is formed, and a joint member for joining the one side surface to the apparatus by engaging with a connection member of the apparatus. The joint member has a welding portion for being welded to the one side surface along a peripheral portion of the opening, the welding portion corresponding to the peripheral portion; and a hollow portion forming a positioning hole for inserting therein and engaging therewith the connection member for determining a relative position of the apparatus and the one side surface. The hollow portion is provided on the outside of the welding portion and abuts to the one side surface without being welded.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Inkjet ink, pigment dispersion, image forming method, inkjet recording apparatus, ink cartridge, and print

Номер: US20120262518A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

An inkjet ink including water, a pigment, a polymer, and a hydrazine compound. The polymer does not include an anionic unit and includes a first unit having a carbonyl group capable of reacting with a hydrazino group, and a second unit having at least one of an amino group, a dimethylamino group, and a diethylamino group. The content of the first unit is from 40% to 90% by weight based on the weight of the polymer, and the inkjet ink has a pH of not less than 9.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Air extraction piston device for inkjet printhead

Номер: US20120274711A1
Автор: Richard A. Murray
Принадлежит: Individual

An inkjet printhead assembly comprising an array of nozzles fed by a corresponding ink inlet. An ink chamber corresponding to the array of nozzles is fluidly connected to the ink inlet. An air extraction chamber includes an air chamber, a one-way relief valve having an open position that allows venting of the air chamber to ambient, and a closed position that does not allow venting of the air chamber to ambient. A piston in the form of a disk forces air to be vented from the air chamber through the one-way relief valve in its open position. It also applies a reduced air pressure to a membrane while the one-way relief valve is in its closed position.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Ink cartridge used for an inkjet printer

Номер: US20120281040A1
Автор: Haoming Ma
Принадлежит: Zhuhai Ninestar Management Co Ltd

This invention relates to an ink cartridge used for an inkjet printer, comprising an ink storage chamber, an ink outlet and an air inlet, and a detection component is designed inside the ink storage chamber for detecting residual ink volume. The ink storage chamber comprises an ink detection chamber and a relatively enclosed ink refilling chamber with an opening at the lower part. The opening of the ink refilling chamber is inside the ink detection chamber. The detection component is designed inside the ink detection chamber.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Ink cartridge and printing system

Номер: US20120327146A1
Автор: Naoki Mizuno
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

This disclosure discloses an ink cartridge comprises a housing; a reservoir portion disposed so that an end portion on one side in a thickness direction contacts the housing; a detection plate that is supported with respect to the housing at a lower end portion, comes in contact with the other side of the reservoir portion in the thickness direction, and rotates in accordance with an ink volume, thereby executing a display in accordance with the ink volume by that rotational position; and a collapse prevention rib that creates a predetermined gap between an end portion on one side in the thickness direction and a left wall portion of the housing, extends above the detection plate, and causes the upper portion of the reservoir portion to be inserted through the gap, thereby suppressing the displacement of the reservoir portion to the other side in the thickness direction.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Liquid droplet ejecting head, ink cartridge, and image forming apparatus

Номер: US20130016152A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A liquid droplet ejecting head is disclosed, including a nozzle hole which ejects liquid droplets; an ejecting liquid chamber which is in communication with outside via the nozzle hole and which contains an ejecting liquid to be the liquid droplets; a pressure generating unit which generates pressure within the ejecting liquid chamber; a temperature detecting unit which detects temperature at a location at which is arranged a temperature measuring resistive body; and a pressure control unit which controls an output of the pressure generating unit based on detected results of the temperature detecting unit, wherein the pressure generating unit is configured to increase pressure within the ejecting liquid chamber, so that the ejecting liquid within the ejecting liquid chamber is ejected from the nozzle hole as the liquid droplets, and wherein the temperature measuring resistive body is arranged at the ejecting liquid chamber forming member.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Method of minimizing ink consumption during printhead priming

Номер: US20130021408A1
Принадлежит: Zamtec Ltd

A method of minimizing ink consumption during printhead priming in an inkjet printer. The printhead has a nozzle face defining an array of nozzles for ejecting ink on to a media substrate. The method includes the steps of: providing a porous pad having a contact face dimensioned so that it can encompass all the nozzles in the array; moving the porous pad such that the contact face engages the nozzle face to cover the array of nozzles; forcing ink into the printhead under pressure until ink flows out the nozzles in the array and into the porous pad engaged with the nozzle face; and withdrawing the porous pad such that the contact face disengages the nozzle face.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Recording apparatus and carriage unit

Номер: US20130044161A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A movable carriage unit on which a head for discharging ink is mountable includes a fixing member movable between a fixing position for fixing the head to a mounting position and a releasing position for releasing the fixation of the head, and a moving unit including an operation portion. The moving unit is configured to move the fixing member from the fixing position to the releasing position. A guide configured to guide the head to the mounting position when the fixing member is moved to the releasing position by an operation of the operation portion is formed on the operation portion.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Liquid Container

Номер: US20130100214A1
Автор: Kimura Hitotoshi

A liquid container comprises a liquid container pouch of flexible sheets and a liquid outlet between the pair of flexible sheets to permit extraction of a liquid in the pouch. The pouch includes a pair of side portions and a lower gusseted portion defining a basal gusset and including bilateral edge portions overlapping individual lower border zones on the side constituting the lower borders of the pair of side portions during extraction of liquid. The individual lower border zones and the individual bilateral side edge portions overlap to define sealed portions; the lower gusseted portion has a fold line parallel to the lower border between the bilateral edge portions and is oriented in a folding direction to define a chevron shape pointing inwardly into the pouch; and the two sealed portions having regulators to restrain outward expansion by a greater extent than other faces on the pair of side portions. 1. A liquid container comprising:a liquid container pouch constructed of flexible sheets; anda liquid outlet member held between the pair of flexible sheets to permit extraction of a liquid contained in the liquid container pouch to a liquid consuming apparatus;wherein the liquid container pouch includes:a pair of side portions; anda lower gusseted portion that defines a basal gusset and that includes first bilateral edge portions disposed overlapping individual lower border zones that are situated on the side constituting the lower borders of the pair of side portions during extraction of liquid for use by the liquid consuming apparatus;the individual lower border zones of the pair of side portions and the individual bilateral first side edge portions of the lower gusseted portion respectively overlap to define two first sealed portions;the lower gusseted portion has a first fold line extending parallel to the lower border between the first bilateral edge portions and is oriented in a folding direction so as to define a chevron shape pointing inwardly into the ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Ink jet printing apparatus and method for controlling ink jet printing apparatus

Номер: US20130135380A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An ink jet printing apparatus including a plurality of print heads and a method for controlling the ink jet printing apparatus are provided which allows ink ejection to be immediately started. If temperatures of both a first print head and a second print head have become equal to or higher a reference temperature at least once, a printing operation or a preliminary ejection operation using the first print head and the second print head is started even when one of the temperature of the first print head and the temperature of the second print head is lower than the reference temperature.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Liquid ejecting device

Номер: US20130135390A1
Автор: Shinya Yamamoto
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A supporting section is disposed to confront an ejection surface and supports a recording medium. A first tank is mounted on a first-tank mount section. A liquid conveying section conveys liquid to a liquid ejecting head. A receiving section receives liquid ejected from the liquid ejecting head. A waste-liquid conveying section conveys liquid to the waste-liquid tank. A first casing holds the liquid ejecting head, the first-tank mount section, and the liquid conveying section. A second casing holds the supporting section, the receiving section, the waste-liquid tank, and the waste-liquid conveying section. The first casing is connected with the second casing such that the first casing is movable relative to the second casing. The first casing takes a first position at which the ejection surface confronts the supporting section and a second position at which the ejection surface is farther away from the supporting section than at the first position.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Liquid ejecting apparatus

Номер: US20130147873A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

Provided is a liquid ejecting apparatus that includes a liquid ejecting head that ejects ink as a liquid, a detection unit including a light emitting unit and a light receiving unit, and a transparent cover member that covers the detection unit. The cover member possesses the same charge polarity with respect to air as the charge polarity of ink mist which is mist generated from the ink ejected from the liquid ejecting head.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147885A1

An ink cartridge for an inkjet printer includes a bottom face and a front face; interfaces on the front face for connection to a cartridge receiving structure, the interfaces including an ink interface; a guide interface in the bottom face for guiding the cartridge along a straight line during insertion in the cartridge receiving structure for connecting the interfaces, where the guide interface comprises a guide track for guiding a T-rail guide of the cartridge receiving structure, said guide track extending parallel to said straight line; and a latch track and a latch strop disposed in the bottom face of the ink cartridge to guide and retain, respectively, a latch of the cartridge receiving structure. The guide track and the latch track are formed by one integral cut out in the bottom face of the cartridge. 1. An ink cartridge for an inkjet printer , the ink cartridge comprising:a bottom face and a front face;interfaces on the front face for connection to a cartridge receiving structure, the interfaces including an ink interface;a guide interface in the bottom face for guiding the cartridge along a straight line during insertion in the cartridge receiving structure for connecting the interfaces, wherein the guide interface comprises a guide track for guiding a T-rail guide of the cartridge receiving structure, said guide track extending parallel to said straight line; anda latch track and a latch stop disposed in the bottom face of the ink cartridge to guide and retain, respectively, a latch of the cartridge receiving structure;wherein the guide track and the latch track are formed by one integral cut out in the bottom face of the cartridge.2. The ink cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the guide track comprises a T-shaped cut out.3. The ink cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the guide track comprises a tapered receiving opening at the front face of the ink cartridge.4. The ink cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the guide track comprises flanges claim 1 , said flanges being ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155156A1

An ink cartridge for an inkjet printer includes a bottom face and a front face; interfaces on the front face of the ink cartridge for connection to a cartridge receiving structure, the interfaces including an ink interface; a guide interface in the bottom face for guiding the cartridge along a straight line for connecting the interfaces; and a latch stop and a latch track disposed in the bottom face of the ink cartridge to guide and retain, respectively, a latch of the cartridge receiving structure. The latch track includes a locking track and an unlocking track to accommodate movement of the latch with respect to the latch stop, the locking track being at least partly separate from the unlocking track, the movement of the latch being along the locking track into a locked engagement position at insertion, and along the unlocking track into an unlocked position at ejection. 1. An ink cartridge for an inkjet printer , the ink cartridge comprising:a bottom face and a front face;interfaces on the front face of the ink cartridge for connection to a cartridge receiving structure, the interfaces including an ink interface;a guide interface in the bottom face for guiding the cartridge along a straight line for connecting the interfaces; anda latch stop and a latch track disposed in the bottom face of the ink cartridge to guide and retain, respectively, a latch of the cartridge receiving structure; along the locking track into a locked engagement position at insertion, and', 'along the unlocking track into an unlocked position at ejection., 'wherein the latch track comprises a locking track and an unlocking track to accommodate movement of the latch with respect to the latch stop, the locking track being at least partly separate from the unlocking track, the movement of the latch being'}2. The ink cartridge of claim 1 , comprising a latch guide wall at an end of the locking track to direct the latch to engagement with the latch stop.3. The ink cartridge of claim 1 , wherein ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155157A1

An ink cartridge for an inkjet printer includes a bottom face and a front face; an ink interface on the front face of the ink cartridge for connection to a cartridge receiving structure; a guide interface in the bottom face for guiding the cartridge along a straight line during insertion into the cartridge receiving structure for connecting the ink interface; a latch track disposed in the bottom face of the ink cartridge to guide a latch of the cartridge receiving structure; a latch stop disposed in the latch track for engaging the latch, where the latch track comprises a locking track and an unlocking track to accommodate movement of the latch with respect to the latch stop, the locking track being at least partly separate from the unlocking track; and a latch guide for redirecting the latch towards the locking track, rather than the unlocking track. 1. An ink cartridge for an inkjet printer , the ink cartridge comprising:a bottom face and a front face;an ink interface on the front face of the ink cartridge for connection to a cartridge receiving structure;a guide interface in the bottom face for guiding the cartridge along a straight line during insertion into the cartridge receiving structure for connecting the ink interface;a latch track disposed in the bottom face of the ink cartridge to guide a latch of the cartridge receiving structure;a latch stop disposed in the latch track for engaging the latch;wherein the latch track comprises a locking track and an unlocking track to accommodate movement of the latch with respect to the latch stop, the locking track being at least partly separate from the unlocking track; anda latch guide for redirecting the latch towards the locking track, rather than the unlocking track.2. The ink cartridge of claim 1 , wherein latch guide comprises a protrusion that extends into a portion of the latch track to redirect the latch towards the locking track claim 1 , rather than the unlocking track.3. The ink cartridge of claim 1 , ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Cartridge and printing material supply system

Номер: US20130182048A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A printing material supply system includes a printing device and a cartridge. The printing device has a cartridge mounting structure. The cartridge is removably attached to the cartridge mounting structure. The cartridge mounting structure has a device-side terminal, a lever, a first device-side locking element and a second device-side locking element. The device-side terminal is configured to contact with a cartridge-side terminal. The first device-side locking element is configured as part of the lever. The second device-side locking element is configured to engage with a second locking surface of a second cartridge-side locking element. The cartridge-side terminal has a cartridge-side contact portion configured to be in contact with the device-side terminal. The cartridge-side contact portion is provided on the negative Z-axis side of the second locking surface.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182050A1
Автор: AOKI Yuji, Satoh Hiroshi

A liquid consumption apparatus, onto which a liquid supply member is mounted, includes a liquid delivery unit, a liquid accepting unit and an abutting section. The liquid delivery unit is configured to deliver a liquid from the liquid supply member. The liquid accepting unit is provided below the liquid delivery unit. The abutting section abuts against the liquid supply member. The liquid accepting unit is provided to the abutting section. In a state where the abutting section and the liquid supply member abut against each other, the liquid accepting unit protrudes out closer toward the liquid supply member than a surface where the liquid supply member and the abutting section abut against each other. 1. A liquid consumption apparatus onto which a liquid supply member is mounted , the liquid consumption apparatus comprising:a liquid delivery unit configured to deliver a liquid from the liquid supply member;a liquid accepting unit provided below the liquid delivery unit; andan abutting section abutting against the liquid supply member, the liquid accepting unit being provided to the abutting section,wherein, in a state where the abutting section and the liquid supply member abut against each other, the liquid accepting unit protrudes out closer toward the liquid supply member than a surface where the liquid supply member and the abutting section abut against each other.2. The liquid consumption apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprisinga first absorbent agent configured to absorb the liquid, anda member configured to guide the liquid from the liquid accepting unit to the first absorbent material.3. The liquid consumption apparatus according to claim 1 , whereina bottom section of the liquid accepting unit is inclined so that the liquid flows toward the liquid consumption apparatus side.4. The liquid consumption apparatus according to claim 1 , whereina width of the liquid accepting unit is configured so as to become wider going toward a mounting direction in ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Cartridge, printing material supply system, and printing apparatus

Номер: US20130182051A1
Автор: Hiroshi Satoh, Yuji Aoki
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A cartridge includes a concave portion. The concave portion has an opening, first and second side walls, and a bottom wall, and the bottom wall has a tilted surface tilted. The tilted surface is provided with a cartridge side terminal group. The first side wall is provided with a first restriction portion which restricts movements in a +Z axis direction and a +X axis direction of an apparatus side terminal unit, and the second side wall is provided with a second restriction portion which restricts movements in the +Z axis direction and a −X axis direction of an apparatus side terminal unit.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Liquid container and liquid consumption apparatus

Номер: US20130186513A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A liquid container includes a liquid containing bag and a case member. The liquid containing bag includes a flat end portion extending in a first direction. The case member defines an opening at one end and accommodates the liquid containing bag inserted from the opening in the first direction. The case member has an end portion accommodating section extending in the first direction and accommodating at least the end portion of the liquid containing bag, a main portion accommodating section accommodating a main portion of the liquid containing bag, and a partition wall that partitions the end portion accommodating section and the main portion accommodating section. The partition wall includes a slit extending along the first direction, with the end portion of the liquid containing bag being inserted through the slit.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208061A1

In one example, a fluid cartridge includes a reservoir for holding a fluid, an electrical interface, an alignment feature, and a keying feature. The alignment feature is configured to, as the cartridge is inserted into a receiver, bias the electrical interface against a corresponding electrical interface on the receiver. The keying feature discriminates the cartridge from other fluid cartridges to prevent the cartridge from being inserted incorrectly into the receiver. 1. A fluid cartridge insertable into and removable from a receiver , the cartridge comprising:a reservoir for holding a fluid;an electrical interface;an alignment feature configured to, as the cartridge is inserted into a receiver, bias the electrical interface against a corresponding electrical interface on the receiver; anda keying feature discriminating the cartridge from other fluid cartridges to prevent the cartridge from being inserted incorrectly into the receiver, wherein the keying feature and the alignment feature include a datum surface for engaging a corresponding surface on the receiver to bias the electrical interface against a corresponding electrical interface on the receiver,wherein the datum surface is positioned on a first side of a partition and the electrical interface is positioned on a second side of the partition opposite the first side.2. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the keying feature comprises a keyway formed in part by the first side of the partition for receiving a corresponding key on the receiver.3. The cartridge of claim 2 , wherein the keyway comprises:a first keyway formed in part by the first side of the partition for receiving a corresponding first key on the receiver; anda second keyway for receiving a corresponding second key on the receiver.4. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the alignment feature is configured to claim 1 , when the cartridge is inserted into the receiver claim 1 , simultaneously bias the electrical interface against a corresponding ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229469A1

A cartridge includes a printing material supply port which is configured and arranged to be connected to a printing material supply pipe provided in a printing device. An effective area T of the printing material supply port is the same or more and five times or less than an effective area S of the printing material supply pipe. The effective area T may be set as two times or more and is 4.5 times or less than the effective area S. The effective area T may be set as three times or more and is four times or less than the effective area S. 1. A cartridge comprising:a printing material supply port configured and arranged to be connected to a printing material supply pipe provided in a printing device,an effective area of the printing material supply port being the same or more and being five times or less than an effective area of the printing material supply pipe.2. The cartridge according to claim 1 , whereinthe effective area of the printing material supply port is two times or more and is 4.5 times or less than the effective area of the printing material supply pipe.3. The cartridge according to claim 1 , whereinthe effective area of the printing material supply port is three times or more and is four times or less than the effective area of the printing material supply pipe.4. The cartridge according to claim 1 , further comprisinga first surface and a second surface which oppose each other;a third surface and a fourth surface which intersect with the second surface and the first surface and which oppose each other; anda fifth surface and a sixth surface which intersect with the first surface to the fourth surface and which oppose each other,wherein the printing material supply port is provided in the first surface,when a distance between the first surface and the second surface is height, a distance between the third surface and the fourth surface is depth, and a distance between the fifth surface and the sixth surface is width, the depth is larger than the ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229470A1

A cartridge is adapted to be detachably mounted to a carriage in a printing device with a first surface as a lower side, where, when a distance between the first surface and a second surface is set as a height H and a distance between a third surface and a fourth surface is set as a depth D, the height H is ¼ or more and ⅖ or less of the depth D. 1. A cartridge adapted to be detachably mounted on a carriage in a printing device comprising:a first surface as a lower surface and a second surface as an upper surface opposing each other;a third surface and a fourth surface intersecting with the first surface and the second surface and opposing each other; anda fifth surface and a sixth surface intersecting with the first surface to the fourth surface and opposing each other,wherein, when a distance between the first surface and the second surface is set as height and a distance between the third surface and the fourth surface is set as depth, the height is ¼ or more and ⅖ or less of the depth.2. The cartridge according to claim 1 , whereinthe height is ⅓ of the depth.3. The cartridge according to claim 1 , whereinwhen a distance between the fifth surface and the sixth surface is set as width, the width is ⅓ or more and ½ or less of the height.4. The cartridge according to claim 1 , further comprising wherein, one or more convex sections are provided in each of the third surface and the fourth surface, and', 'when a distance between a tip end of the ink supply port and the second surface is set as a maximum height and a distance between a tip end of one of the one or more convex sections, which is the longest in a depth direction among the one or more convex sections which are provided in the third surface, and a tip end of one of the one or more convex sections, which is the longest in the depth direction among the one or more convex sections which are provided in the fourth surface, is set as a maximum depth, the maximum height is ¼ or more and ⅖ or less of the maximum ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Liquid consumption device and liquid residual determination method

Номер: US20130233047A1
Автор: Jun Sato
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A liquid consumption device includes a replaceable liquid container, a sensor, a fault finding section, an estimation section and a determination section. The sensor detects whether or not liquid has reached a predetermined amount. The fault finding section finds whether there is a fault in the sensor. The estimation section calculates an estimated value of a consumption amount of the liquid. The determination section carries out determination based on the estimated value of the liquid container and a threshold value which is specified based on threshold value information when a fault in the sensor has been found. The determination section carries out the determination based on the sensor when a fault in the sensor has not been found and to calculate the threshold value information based on the estimation value when the sensor detects that the liquid has reached the predetermined amount.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Ink filling method and inkjet recording apparatus

Номер: US20130286063A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An inkjet recording apparatus includes a recording head including a discharge port, a carriage configured to perform reciprocating scanning with the recording head mounted thereon, a main tank configured to store ink, a sub-tank configured to be supplied with ink from the main tank via a tube, a supply tube configured to connect the recording head and the sub-tank, and a control unit configured to control the carriage, wherein the control unit controls acceleration of the carriage such that a dynamic pressure of ink inside the supply tube becomes greater than a pressure resistance to an ink movement and a pressure resistance to an air movement in the tube.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Cartridge and sealing member

Номер: US20130314478A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A cartridge or a sealing member is provided to reduce the likelihood that a fluid is leaked outside. The cartridge is configured to supply a fluid to a fluid ejection apparatus. The cartridge has: a fluid accommodation portion; and a fluid supply port connectable with the fluid ejection apparatus. The fluid supply port includes: a fluid exit provided to flow out the fluid to the fluid ejection apparatus; and an opening arranged to connect outside of the fluid supply port with inside of the fluid supply port. The opening is not in contact with a side face of the fluid supply port.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Cover and liquid container

Номер: US20130314479A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A cover for a liquid container which exposes at least a portion of a detecting member, having a liquid supply portion to a liquid ejecting apparatus through communicating with the liquid containing unit, and a first surface provided with a first container side engagement portion arranged between the liquid supply portion and the detecting member. The cover includes a first cover side engagement portion engaging with the first container side engagement portion.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Liquid consumption device and method for controlling liquid consumption device

Номер: US20130320247A1
Автор: Yuichi Nishihara
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A printing device has a detecting section in which a light emitting section and a light receiving section are provided, liquid reservoirs for storing liquid in which a prism is provided to reflect light emitted from the light emitting section corresponding a remaining state of the liquid, and a control section. The control section determines whether a process for air bubbles that is a process corresponding to an adhesion state of air bubbles in the prism is to be conducted or not based on a signal of light reception results obtained by receiving reflected light from the prism by the light receiving section.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130321536A1
Автор: Kawate Hiroyuki

An ink cartridge is adapted to be mounted in a holder of a printer, and includes first to third surfaces and a pressing section. The first and second surfaces face each other. The third surface has first and second end sections respectively adjacent to the first and second surfaces. The pressing section presses the ink cartridge to a second surface side when the ink cartridge is mounted in the holder. The third surface has a detection section which optically detects a remaining state of ink in the ink cartridge, and an abutting section which abuts against the holder. A distance between the detection section and the second end section is shorter than a distance between the detection section and the first end section in the third surface, and the abutting section is positioned between the detection section and the second end section. 1. An ink cartridge adapted to be mounted in a holder of a printer , the ink cartridge comprising:a first surface;a second surface facing the first surface;a third surface having a first end section adjacent to the first surface and a second end section adjacent to the second surface;a pressing section pressing the ink cartridge to a second surface side when the ink cartridge is mounted in the holder, a detection section configured and arranged to optically detect a remaining state of ink which is contained in the ink cartridge, and', 'an abutting section which abuts against the holder when the ink cartridge is mounted in the holder, and', 'a distance between the detection section and the second end section being shorter than a distance between the detection section and the first end section in the third surface, and the abutting section being positioned between the detection section and the second end section., 'the third surface having'}2. The ink cartridge according to claim 1 , whereinthe third surface further has an ink supply port which supplies ink to the printer when the ink cartridge is mounted in the holder, anda distance ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Fluid container having two sealing films for micro-fluid applications

Номер: US20130342618A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A consumable supply item for an imaging device holds an initial or refillable volume of fluid. A housing defines an interior having a backpressure device that moves to regulate pressure in the housing as fluid exits the interior during use. A frame of the housing surrounds the interior and has a ledge. A first film seals to the ledge to prevent fluid from leaking. It is flexible to collapse inward toward the interior as the backpressure device moves inward. A second film seals to the housing over the first film and is spaced by air from the first film. The second film is relatively rigid. It is formed with metal. A tortuous air path traverses under the second film. It has an air inlet vented directly to atmosphere and an air outlet vented directly to the air space between the first and second films.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Inkjet image forming apparatus and ink container

Номер: US20140002553A1
Автор: Masanobu Maeshima
Принадлежит: Kyocera Document Solutions Inc

An inkjet image forming apparatus includes an ink container and a container installed part. The ink container stores an ink. To the container installed part, the ink container is attached/detached. The ink container includes an RFID tag, a pouch pack and a container case. The pouch pack contains the ink. The container case covers the pouch pack, has one wall to which the RFID tag is fixed and further has an engaging part stopping the pouch pack in an engaged state and keeping a distance between the RFID tag and the pouch pack a predetermined value or more. The container installed part includes an RFID sensing circuit board configured to carry out wireless communication with the RFID tag.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009539A1

The cartridge comprises a plurality of printing material supply ports. The plurality of printing material supply ports are projecting from a first surface in a −Z axial direction to correspond to each of a plurality of printing material supply pipes provided on the printing device. A groove section is provided to be concave more to a +Z axial direction side than the first surface, and provided between two of the printing material supply ports adjacent to each other. The groove section receives the partition plate when the printing material supply ports are connected to the printing material supply pipes. 1. A cartridge comprising:a first surface and a second surface opposing each other;a third surface and a fourth surface which intersect with the first surface and the second surface and opposing each other;a fifth surface and a sixth surface which intersect with each surface of the first surface to the fourth surface and opposing each other;a printing material containing section containing the printing material;a plurality of printing material supply ports projecting from the first surface in a −Z axial direction and supplying a printing material from the printing material containing section; anda groove section provided to be concave more in a +Z axial direction opposite to the −Z axial direction than the first surface, and provided between two of the printing material supply ports adjacent to each other.2. The cartridge according to claim 1 , further comprisingan inclined surface linking between the first surface and the third surface and being inclined to the first surface and the third surface;a circuit board with cartridge side terminals provided on the inclined surface; anda latching section provided on at least one of the third surface and the fourth surface,wherein the circuit board and the latching section are provided at positions which cut across a plane CX, the plane CX passes through the center of a length of one of the plurality of printing material ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Ink cartridge for ink jet recording apparatus, connection unit and ink jet recording apparatus

Номер: US20140009542A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

An ink cartridge for supplying the ink in an ink reserving chamber via an ink supply port into a recording head has a differential pressure valve mechanism disposed between an ink flow port and the ink supply port in the ink reserving chamber, whereby the ink is supplied an adequate amount to the recording head by opening or closing the differential pressure valve mechanism in accordance with an ink pressure of the recording head. As a result, it is possible to supply the ink at a substantially constant pressure to the recording head without regard to the variation in the amount of ink or the movement of the carriage.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022317A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A cartridge includes a printing material containing section, a plurality of printing material supply ports, and a branch communicating section. The printing material containing section is configured and arranged to contain a printing material. A detection region is configured as a part of the printing material containing section to detect the printing material in the printing material containing section. The plurality of printing material supply ports are configured and arranged to supply the printing material from the printing material containing section. The branch communicating section branches into the plurality of printing material supply ports respectively and communicates the detection region and the plurality of printing material supply ports to distribute the printing material to the plurality of printing material supply ports respectively.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Liquid ejecting apparatus

Номер: US20140043402A1
Автор: Keiji Hara
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A liquid ejecting apparatus includes a liquid ejecting head, a mounting mechanism including a downstream flow path, a cartridge including an upstream flow path to be communicably connected to the downstream flow path when the cartridge is attached to the mounting mechanism and an annular projection, and configured to be mounted on the mounting mechanism by being made to pivot, a carriage that reciprocates in a predetermined stroke region carrying thereon the liquid ejecting head and the mounting mechanism, a liquid supply tube connecting between a liquid tank located outside the stroke region and the upstream flow path, and an elastic member of an annular shape having a larger outer diameter than that of the annular projection and a smaller inner diameter than that of the annular projection and disposed to surround a liquid introduction path, the elastic member including an abutment portion.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043409A1

A liquid ejection apparatus includes a cover unit that is movable relative to a housing, an ink tank provided outside the housing in a state containing ink, a ink supplying tube in which ink can flow so that ink is supplied from the ink tank to the liquid ejection head, and an insertion hole that allows the ink supplying tube to be inserted into the housing, wherein the housing is formed by a housing portion in which a container that houses a stacker is formed to protrude, and a housing portion which has an operation panel having an inclined surface which protrudes at a position above the container, and the insertion hole is provided on at least one of the housing and the cover unit. 1. A liquid ejection apparatus comprising:a liquid ejection head that ejects liquid onto a target;a housing in which a carriage having the liquid ejection head is disposed in a mobavle manner and an opening is formed so that at least part of a movement area of the carriage is exposed through the opening;a cover member that is movable relative to the housing;a liquid container provided outside the housing in a state containing the liquid;a liquid supplying tube in which the liquid can flow so that the liquid is supplied from the liquid container to the liquid ejection head; andan insertion section that allows the liquid supplying tube to be inserted into the housing,wherein the housing is formed by a housing portion in which a tray housing unit is formed to protrude in an ejection direction of the target, the tray housing unit housing an ejection tray for receiving the target ejected from the housing in a drawable manner, and a housing portion which has an operation panel used for operation which is provided above the tray housing unit and has an inclined surface whose lower end extends farther in the ejection direction than the upper end does, andthe insertion section is provided on at least one of the housing and the cover member.2. The liquid ejection apparatus according to claim 1 , ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043410A1

A recording apparatus includes a recording unit that has a head unit provided with a recording head in a movable manner in a scanning direction of the recording head, and a scanner unit that is provided on the upper side of the recording unit and is capable of opening and closing the upper side of the recording unit; the recording unit includes a flexible ink tube that guides ink which is sent from a ink holding unit for holding the ink to the head unit, a gap formation member configured to form between the recording unit and the scanner unit a gap through which the ink tube passes and the size of which is sufficiently large so as not to block an ink flow path in the ink tube, and a medium reception tray having a relief portion that is formed on the upstream side in a medium discharge direction so as to avoid a feeding unit. 1. A recording apparatus comprising:a recording unit that includes a head unit provided with a recording head configured to eject ink onto a medium at a position inside a main apparatus body in a movable manner in a scanning direction of the recording head; andan opening/closing member that is provided on an upper side of the recording unit and is capable of opening and closing the upper side of the recording unit,wherein the recording unit includes:a flexible ink tube that guides ink which is sent from an ink holding unit for holding the ink to the above head unit;a gap formation member configured to form a gap between the recording unit and the opening/closing member through which the ink tube passes, and the size of which is sufficiently large so as not to block at least an ink flow path in the ink tube;a feeding unit configured to feed out a medium from a medium holding unit for holding the medium; anda medium reception tray that is so provided as to be displaced between a projecting position projected from the recording unit and an accommodation position at which the medium reception tray is accommodated in the recording unit, and that ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Fluid cartridge

Номер: US20140055537A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

An ink cartridge for an inkjet printer includes a bottom face and a front face; an ink interface on the front face of the ink cartridge for connection to a cartridge receiving structure; a guide interface in the bottom face for guiding the cartridge along a straight line during insertion into the cartridge receiving structure for connecting the ink interface; a latch track disposed in the bottom face of the ink cartridge to guide a latch of the cartridge receiving structure; a latch stop disposed in the latch track for engaging the latch, where the latch track comprises a locking track and an unlocking track to accommodate movement of the latch with respect to the latch stop, the locking track being at least partly separate from the unlocking track; and a latch guide for redirecting the latch towards the locking track, rather than the unlocking track.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Ink supply apparatus

Номер: US20140063139A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

An ink supply apparatus includes an ink filling port, an ink storage section, an ink flow path, a displacement section, an ink supply port, and a sealing structure. The ink storage section is communicated with the ink filling port to store the ink. The ink flow path is communicated with the ink storage section. The displacement section defines a portion of the ink flow path, and configured and arranged to be displaced according to internal pressure in the ink flow path so as to be detected by the printer. The ink supply port is communicated with the ink flow path to supply the ink from the ink flow path to the printer. The sealing structure seals an inner section of the ink flow path at least in a low ink remaining amount state where a remaining amount of the ink is a predetermined amount or less.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Liquid ejecting apparatus

Номер: US20140063142A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A liquid ejecting apparatus includes a liquid ejecting portion capable of ejecting ink, a liquid container provided with an injection port for ink, and a liquid reception portion disposed on a lower side of the injection port.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140063152A1
Автор: ITO Noritsugu

An ink cartridge includes: a case; an ink accommodating unit; a moving body; a single detecting unit; and a storing unit. The ink accommodating unit is provided in the case and is configured to accommodate ink therein. The moving body is configured to move relative to the case. The single detecting unit is provided to the case and is configured to output a signal corresponding to a position of the moving body relative to the case. The storing unit is configured to store time length data indicative of a length of time to be taken by a value of the signal to change from a first prescribed value to a second prescribed value different from the first prescribed value. 1. An ink cartridge comprising:a case;an ink accommodating unit provided in the case and configured to accommodate ink therein;a moving body configured to move relative to the case;a single detecting unit provided to the case and configured to output a signal corresponding to a position of the moving body relative to the case; anda storing unit configured to store time length data indicative of a length of time to be taken by a value of the signal to change from a first prescribed value to a second prescribed value different from the first prescribed value.2. The ink cartridge as claimed in claim 1 , wherein only the single detecting unit is provided to the case as a unit configured to detect the moving body.3. A recording device as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe case is provided with an ink delivery path that has an ink delivery opening at one end and that is in fluid communication with the ink accommodating unit at another end; andthe moving body is provided in the ink delivery path such that the moving body is movable in the ink delivery path, the moving body being configured to move by being pushed by a hollow tube that is configured to enter the ink delivery path from the ink delivery opening to take up ink,the ink delivery path is provided with a valve seat,the moving member has a valve body,the ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Liquid discharge apparatuses

Номер: US20140092181A1
Автор: Masataka Kamiya
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A liquid discharge apparatus includes a liquid cartridge and an apparatus main body. The apparatus main body includes needles that are configured to receive peak loads at predetermined intervals in a predetermined order. A greatest load associated with the predetermined order is less than a greatest load associated with each of all others of a plurality of unique orders, the greatest load associated with each unique order corresponding to a greater of the peak load received by a needle receiving the peak load first in each unique order and a sum load of the peak load received by a needle receiving the peak load after the needle receiving the peak load first in each unique order and the steady load received by a needle receiving the peak load before the needle receiving the peak load after the needle receiving the peak load first in each unique order.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001636A1

The aqueous ink for ink jet contains a resin particle dyed with a fluorescent dye, and a water-soluble resin. The fluorescent dye contains a fluorescence-emitting dye selected from the group consisting of basic dye, disperse dye and oil-soluble dye, the resin particle has a core portion that contains an aromatic group-containing unit and cyano group-containing unit, and a shell portion that contains an aromatic group-containing unit, an anionic group-containing unit and a crosslinking agent-derived unit, but free of cyano group-containing unit, percentage (% by mass) of the crosslinking agent-derived unit in the shell portion is 30% by mass or more to 80% by mass or less, the water-soluble resin having an aromatic group-containing unit and an anionic group-containing unit, and the water-soluble resin having an acid value of 100 mgKOH/g or more to 180 mgKOH/g or less. 1. An aqueous ink for ink jet , comprising a resin particle dyed with a fluorescent dye , and a water-soluble resin ,the fluorescent dye containing a fluorescence-emitting dye selected from the group consisting of basic dye, disperse dye and oil-soluble dye,the resin particle having a core portion that contains an aromatic group-containing unit and a cyano group-containing unit, and a shell portion that contains an aromatic group-containing unit, an anionic group-containing unit and a crosslinking agent-derived unit, but free of cyano group-containing unit,percentage (% by mass) of the crosslinking agent-derived unit in the shell portion being 30% by mass or more to 80% by mass or less,the water-soluble resin having an aromatic group-containing unit and an anionic group-containing unit, andthe water-soluble resin having an acid value of 100 mgKOH/g or more to 180 mgKOH/g or less.2. The aqueous ink according to claim 1 , wherein percentage (% by mass) of the cyano group-containing unit in the core portion is 10% by mass or more to 60% by mass or less.3. The aqueous ink according to claim 1 , wherein ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Liquid cartridge and liquid ejecting apparatus

Номер: US20160001564A1
Автор: Mutsumi Otobe
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

In a liquid cartridge, a liquid storing section defines a liquid storing chamber storing liquid, and a channel section defines a channel in fluid communication with the liquid storing chamber. A field forming section forms a field that changes depending on a position of a movable member that is movable in the channel. A power-source potential is inputted to a power-source terminal, and a ground potential is inputted to a ground terminal. A sensor is electrically connected with the power-source terminal and the ground terminal, and generates a potential based on the position of the movable member by being disposed in the field formed by the field forming section. An output terminal outputs the potential generated by the sensor. The sensor generates the potential higher than a ground potential regardless of the position of the movable member.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001565A1

A thermal inkjet cartridge for an organic solvent-based ink includes a cartridge housing, a printhead attached to the housing, and a collapsible ink reservoir disposed in the housing. The ink reservoir has an opening through which ink is supplied to the printhead in fluid communication with the ink reservoir. The reservoir includes a basin member defining a first major portion of the ink reservoir and a movable plate defining a second major portion of the ink reservoir. At least one of the basin member and the movable plate includes a barrier layer for reducing the migration of solvent from the ink reservoir to an external environment. 1. A thermal inkjet cartridge for an organic solvent-based ink comprising:a cartridge housing;a printhead attached to the housing; a basin member defining a first major portion of the ink reservoir; and', 'a movable plate defining a second major portion of the ink reservoir;, 'a collapsible ink reservoir disposed in the housing, the ink reservoir having an opening through which ink is supplied to the printhead in fluid communication with the ink reservoir, the reservoir comprisingwherein at least one of the basin member and the movable plate comprises a barrier layer for reducing the migration of solvent from the ink reservoir to an external environment.2. The thermal inkjet cartridge of wherein the barrier layer is disposed on both the basin member and the movable plate.3. The thermal inkjet cartridge of wherein the barrier layer comprises a metal layer.4. The thermal inkjet cartridge of wherein the metal layer comprises steel.5. The thermal inkjet cartridge of wherein the metal layer is between 0.1 mm and 0.5 mm thick.6. The thermal inkjet cartridge of wherein the barrier layer comprises a composite layer comprising a metal foil layer surrounded by one or more polymer layers.7. The thermal inkjet cartridge of wherein the foil layer is between 0.002 mm and 0.02 mm thick.8. The thermal inkjet cartridge of wherein the cartridge does ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001651A1

A liquid cartridge is configured to be inserted into a liquid consuming apparatus in a first direction along a horizontal direction against an urging force directed in a second direction opposite the first direction, and thereby to be mounted to the liquid consuming apparatus. The liquid cartridge is configured to pivot about a pivot center in the liquid consuming apparatus. The liquid cartridge includes a rear face, and the rear face includes a first portion and a second portion positioned further in an upward direction than the first portion. The first portion includes a portion positioned further in a downward direction than the pivot center, and the first portion is positioned further in the first direction than the second portion. 1. (canceled)2. A liquid cartridge configured to be inserted into a liquid consuming apparatus in a first direction along a horizontal direction against an urging force directed in a second direction opposite the first direction , and thereby to be mounted to the liquid consuming apparatus , comprising:a liquid chamber configured to store liquid therein;a front face facing the first direction when the liquid cartridge is inserted into the liquid consuming apparatus;a liquid supply portion positioned at the front face and configured to allow insertion of a liquid supply tube of the liquid consuming apparatus thereinto;a seal member positioned at the liquid supply portion and having a liquid supply opening formed therethrough, the liquid supply opening defining a pivot center extending through a center of the liquid supply opening, wherein the seal member is configured to contact an outer surface of the liquid supply tube while being elastically deformed when the liquid supply tube is inserted through the liquid supply opening;an upper face facing an upward direction when the liquid cartridge is inserted into the liquid consuming apparatus;a lock surface positioned at the upper face and configured to contact a lock portion of the liquid ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001611A1

A printing-fluid cartridge is inserted into a prescribed insertion space of a cartridge-attachment section in an insertion direction crossing a gravitational direction to be attached thereto in an attached posture. The printing-fluid cartridge includes: a housing including a storage chamber, a supply portion having a supply hole, an electrical interface disposed at an upper surface of the housing, and an interfering surface. The interfering surface is positioned upward of the storage chamber and extends in a widthwise direction of the housing. The interfering surface is positioned downward and frontward relative to the electrical interface and is configured to abut against a projection provided at another insertion space different from the prescribed insertion space of the cartridge-attachment section during an insertion of the printing-fluid cartridge into the another insertion space. 1. (canceled)2. A set of printing-fluid cartridges each defining a depthwise direction , a height direction perpendicular to the depthwise direction , and a widthwise direction perpendicular to the depthwise direction and the height direction when attached to a printer in an attached posture , each of the printing-fluid cartridges comprising:a housing defining a storage chamber configured to store printing fluid therein;a supply portion provided at the housing and having a liquid passage extending in the depthwise direction, the supply portion being positioned at a bottom portion of the housing in the attached posture;an electrical interface disposed at the housing, the electrical interface being positioned at an upper portion of the housing in the attached posture; anda protrusion provided at the housing, the protrusion being positioned at the upper portion of the housing and extending in the depthwise direction in the attached posture, the protrusion being positioned opposite the supply portion with respect to the storage chamber inthe height direction in the attached posture,the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001613A1

A liquid cartridge configured to be inserted into a cartridge attachment section includes: a cartridge body having a liquid storage chamber, and a liquid supply portion configured to supply the liquid stored in the liquid storage chamber to an outside. The liquid supply portion includes: a front end face facing frontward, an outer peripheral surface extending rearward from the front end face, and at least one guide provided at the outer peripheral surface. Each of the at least one guide is guided by corresponding at least one projection of the cartridge attachment section during attachment of a liquid supply tube of the cartridge attachment section to the liquid supply portion at a time of attachment of the liquid cartridge to the cartridge attachment section. Each of the at least one guide includes: a first guide portion, and a second guide portion. 1. (canceled)2. A liquid cartridge comprising:a cartridge body having a chamber configured to store liquid therein; anda liquid supply portion defining a liquid passage therein, the liquid passage extending from the chamber in a frontward direction, a front end face facing frontward, the liquid passage being open frontward on the front end face;', 'an outer peripheral surface extending rearward from the front end face;', 'a first guide groove provided at the outer peripheral surface, the first guide groove extending along the frontward direction; and', 'a second guide groove provided at the outer peripheral surface, the second guide groove extending along the frontward direction., 'the liquid supply portion comprising3. The liquid cartridge according to claim 2 , wherein the liquid supply portion further comprises a third guide groove and a fourth guide groove claim 2 ,wherein the first guide groove is positioned opposite to the fourth guide groove with respect to the liquid passage in a first direction perpendicular to the frontward direction, andwherein the second guide groove is positioned opposite to the third guide ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001614A1

A printing-fluid cartridge is inserted into a printing-fluid consuming apparatus in an insertion direction crossing a gravitational direction and attached thereto in a first posture. The printing-fluid cartridge includes a front surface, a rear surface, a storage chamber, a supply portion having a supply port, an upper surface, an electrical interface disposed at the upper surface, and a locking surface. The printing-fluid cartridge inserted in the printing-fluid consuming apparatus is pivotable between the first posture and a second posture. The electrical interface is positioned closer to the supply port than the locking surface is to the supply port in the insertion direction. The electrical interface is positioned rearward relative to the pivot center in the insertion direction. The locking surface is positioned upward relative to the storage chamber and closer to a rearmost point of the printing-fluid cartridge than to the electrical interface in the insertion direction. 1. (canceled)2. A printing-fluid cartridge comprising:a front surface facing frontward in an upright posture of the printing-fluid cartridge;a rear surface spaced away from the front surface in a rearward direction crossing a gravitational direction in the upright posture, the rear surface facing rearward in the upright posture, the printing-fluid cartridge defining a rearmost point in the rearward direction;a storage chamber configured to store printing fluid therein, the storage chamber being disposed between the front surface and the rear surface in the rearward direction in the upright posture;a supply portion provided at the front surface, the supply portion having a supply port through which the printing fluid is configured to flow out of the storage chamber in a frontward direction opposite to the rearward direction in the upright posture;an upper surface positioned between the front surface and the rear surface in the frontward direction, the upper surface being positioned upward ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Liquid storage unit

Номер: US20190001688A1
Автор: Shuichi Tamaki
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A liquid storage unit includes a liquid container, a spout, a plate-shaped member, and a bag. The liquid container is provided with a storage portion configured to store a liquid inside of a flexible sheet. The spout is provided on the liquid container, and is configured to supply the liquid stored in the storage portion to an inkjet printer in a state in which the spout is connected to the inkjet printer. The plate-shaped member is configured to sandwich at least a portion of an end portion of the liquid container from both sides in an orthogonal direction that is orthogonal to a surface of the sheet. The bag is configured to enclose the liquid container and the plate-shaped member. An inside surface of the bag contacts the plate-shaped member when the inside of the bag is in a depressurized state.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001693A1
Автор: NUKUI Kosuke

A liquid cartridge includes: a cartridge body defining a liquid chamber; a liquid-supply part; a deformable member protruding upward relative to the cartridge body; and a detection member having a detected part. The liquid chamber is configured such that an internal pressure thereof is reduced in accordance with outflow of liquid from the liquid chamber. The deformable member defines an inner space communicating with the liquid chamber, the deformable member being deformable such that a volume of the inner space is reduced in accordance with the reduction in the internal pressure of the liquid chamber. The detected part is movable from a first position to a second position, the detected part at the second position being in contact with the deformable member, the detected part being further movable from the second position to a third position below the second position in accordance with deformation of the deformable member. 1. A liquid cartridge configured to be inserted into a cartridge attachment section of an inkjet recording apparatus in an insertion direction , the liquid cartridge comprising:a cartridge body defining a liquid chamber configured to store liquid therein, the liquid chamber being configured such that an internal pressure of the liquid chamber is reduced in accordance with outflow of the liquid from the liquid chamber, the cartridge body comprising a front wall and an upper wall defining part of the liquid chamber;a liquid-supply part disposed at the front wall of the cartridge body;a deformable member provided at the upper wall and protruding upward relative to the upper wall of the cartridge body in an attached posture of the liquid cartridge, the deformable member defining an inner space in communication with the liquid chamber, the deformable member being deformable such that a volume of the inner space is reduced in accordance with the reduction in the internal pressure of the liquid chamber; anda detection member having a detected part ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001694A1

A liquid cartridge includes: a casing including a liquid chamber; a liquid supply portion; a deformable member; a movable member; and a support member. The liquid chamber is configured such that an internal pressure of the liquid chamber is reduced as liquid flows out of the liquid chamber. The liquid supply portion allows liquid in the liquid chamber to flow out of the liquid chamber. The deformable member protrudes further upward relative to an upper surface of the casing. The deformable member has an internal space in communication with the liquid chamber. The deformable member is elastically deformable such that a volume of the internal space is reduced as the internal pressure of the liquid chamber is reduced. The movable member includes a detection portion movable in upward and downward directions in accordance with the elastic deformation of the deformable member. The support member supports the movable member. 1. A liquid cartridge configured to be inserted into a cartridge attachment section of an inkjet recording apparatus in an insertion direction , the liquid cartridge comprising:a casing including a liquid chamber configured to store liquid therein, the liquid chamber being configured such that an internal pressure of the liquid chamber is reduced in accordance with outflow of liquid from the liquid chamber, the casing including a front surface and an upper surface defined based on an attached posture of the liquid cartridge to the cartridge attachment section;a liquid supply portion disposed at the front surface and extending along the insertion direction;a deformable member protruding further upward relative to the upper surface of the casing, the deformable member having an internal space in communication with the liquid chamber, the deformable member being configured to be elastically deformable such that a volume of the internal space is reduced in accordance with the reduction in the internal pressure of the liquid chamber; anda movable member ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220009238A1

Examples of a print liquid supply unit are described herein. In some examples, the print liquid supply unit includes an electrical interconnect. In some examples, the electrical interconnect is sealed in a supply joint from an outside of the supply unit to an inside of the supply unit. In some examples, the supply joint is welded to join housing components of the supply unit. 1. A print liquid supply unit , comprising:an electrical interconnect sealed in a supply joint from an outside of the supply unit to an inside of the supply unit, wherein the supply joint is welded to join housing components of the supply unit.2. The print liquid supply unit of claim 1 , wherein the electrical interconnect comprises a first conductor and a second conductor claim 1 , wherein the first conductor is a serial data line and the second conductor is a clock line.3. The print liquid supply unit of claim 2 , wherein the electrical interconnect comprises a third conductor and a fourth conductor claim 2 , wherein the third conductor is a power line and the fourth conductor is a ground line.4. The print liquid supply unit of claim 1 , wherein the supply joint comprises a stepped structure in a passage region.5. The print liquid supply unit of claim 1 , further comprising a flow structure to control a flow of joint material during welding.6. The print liquid supply unit of claim 5 , wherein the flow structure comprises protruding ribs along edges of the supply joint claim 5 , wherein the protruding ribs maintain joint material in the supply joint during welding.7. The print liquid supply unit of claim 6 , wherein the protruding ribs compress during welding.8. The print liquid supply unit of claim 1 , wherein a joint geometry comprises extended structures that extend sides of the joint geometry in a passage region.9. The print liquid supply unit of claim 1 , wherein the electrical interconnect is covered by a protective layer.10. The print liquid supply unit of claim 9 , wherein the ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220016891A1

An ink tank that enables to check whether a cover of an ink tank is normally bonded to the ink tank includes a first chamber having a supply port for supplying ink to a printing head that ejects ink, a second chamber having an external air introduction port capable of introducing external air, a partition wall configured to separate the first chamber and the second chamber, a communication path provided in the partition wall and configured to place the first chamber and the second chamber in communication with each other, a first cover member configured to cover an opening of the first chamber without extending over an opening of the second chamber, and a second cover member configured to cover the opening of the second chamber without extending over the opening of the first chamber. 1 a first chamber configured to store ink therein, the first chamber having a first opening on a first side surface of the tank container,', 'a supply port configured to supply ink from the first chamber to a print head that ejects the ink,', 'an injection port configured to inject ink into the first chamber,', 'a second chamber configured to store air therein, the second chamber having a second opening on a second side surface of the tank container and being separated from the first chamber by a partition wall,', 'an air introduction port capable of introducing external air to the second chamber, and', 'a communication path configured to communicate the first chamber and the second chamber;, 'a tank container including'}a tank cap detachably attached to the injection port;a first cover configured to cover the first opening and not to cover the second opening and configured as a sidewall of the ink tank; anda second cover configured to cover the second opening and not to cover the first opening and configured as a sidewall of the ink tank.. An ink tank comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/370,695, filed Mar. 29, 2019, which is a ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220016895A1

There is provided a technology which can improve the mounting posture of a liquid ejection apparatus when mounted to a liquid container. The liquid container is flexible and includes a storage portion configured to store the liquid and a connection member. The connection member is provided with a liquid outlet which is inserted with a liquid introduction portion, a container-side electrical connector which makes electrical contact with an apparatus-side electrical connection unit while receive at least +Z direction force from the apparatus-side electrical connection unit, a first receiver configured to receive a first positioning portion, a second receiver configured to receive a second positioning portion, and a recess which houses a protrusion of the case. The recess and the container-side electrical connector are formed at positions which at least partially overlap each other when viewed from a Z direction in a mounting state. In the mounting state, the width of the liquid container in the Z directions is larger than the width in the Y directions and the width in the X directions. 1. A liquid container configured to be mounted to and removed from a case of a liquid ejection apparatus including , when directions parallel to a gravity direction are Z directions , a direction of the Z directions which is the same as the gravity direction is a +Z direction , a direction of the Z directions opposite to the gravity direction is a −Z direction , directions intersecting the Z directions are Y directions , one direction of the Y directions is a +Y direction and another direction of the Y directions is a −Y direction , directions orthogonal to the Z directions and the Y directions are X directions , one direction of the X directions is a +X direction and another direction of the X directions is a −X direction:a case storage portion;a case configured to move along the +Y direction to thereby be inserted into the case storage portion, the case including a case-side fixing ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220016897A1

A liquid cartridge includes: a cartridge casing having a liquid storage chamber; a first wall; a second wall; and an air communication passage. The first wall is positioned upward relative to the liquid storage chamber. The second wall is positioned upward relative to the first wall. The air communication passage has a first communication hole in communication with the liquid storage chamber and a communication opening open to an atmosphere. The air communication passage includes: an air chamber defined by the first wall and the second wall and in communication with the liquid storage chamber through the first communication hole; a second communication hole formed in the second wall; and a labyrinth path. The labyrinth path is positioned upward relative to the air chamber, and has one end in communication with the second communication hole and another end in communication with the communication opening. 1. (canceled)2. A liquid cartridge comprising:a cartridge casing formed with a storage chamber configured to store liquid therein, the cartridge casing comprising a cover positioned higher than the storage chamber;a liquid supply portion extending in a frontward direction from the cartridge casing; and a first wall extending in the frontward direction and a rearward direction opposite the frontward direction, the first wall having one end in the rearward direction;', 'a second wall spaced apart from the first wall, the second wall extending in the frontward direction and the rearward direction, the second wall having one end in the rearward direction; and', 'a third wall connecting the one end of the first wall and the one end of the second wall to each other., 'a protruding portion provided at the cover to protrude upward therefrom, the protruding portion defining an inner space therein, the protruding portion comprising3. The liquid cartridge according to claim 2 ,wherein a dimension in a widthwise direction of the third wall is smaller than a dimension in the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008295A1

A liquid-consuming apparatus includes: a tank including a liquid storage chamber which stores a liquid, an inlet formed in a surface of the tank, and an outlet through which the liquid from the liquid storage chamber flows; a cap which is movable between a first position and a second position; a cover which is movable relative to the tank between a closed position and an open position; and a holding member which is connected to the cap and which holds the cap at the second position. The cap at the second position or the holding member is configured to obstruct a movement of the cover from the open position to the closed position. 1. A liquid-consuming apparatus , comprising:a tank including a liquid storage chamber, an inlet formed in a surface of the tank, and an outlet formed below the inlet;a cap which is detachably attachable to the inlet;a cover configured to move relative to the tank between a closed position and an open position, the closed position being a position where the inlet is covered, the open position being a position where the inlet is exposed to an exterior of the tank; anda holding member made of an elastic deformable material, connected to the cap, and configured to hold the cap away from the tank by an elastic force against a self-weight of the cap in a detached state of the cap,wherein under a condition that the cap is in the detached state, the holding member is configured to hold the cap at a position where the cap or the holding member overlaps with a locus of the cover moving between the open position to the closed position.2. The liquid-consuming apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the holding member includes an attachment part to be attached to the tank, and an elastic deformation part extending from the attachment part and connected to the cap, andin a state that the cap is in the second position, the elastic deformation part extends above the inlet.3. The liquid-consuming apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the cover is ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008296A1
Автор: IGARASHI Akinori

There is provided a tank including: a wall defining a liquid storage chamber, the wall including: an upper wall defining an upper end of the liquid storage chamber, a lower wall defining a lower end of the liquid storage chamber, and an erected wall between the upper wall and the lower wall and through which the liquid inside the liquid storage chamber is visible from outside of the tank; an inlet penetrating through the upper wall or the erected wall; and an outlet, wherein the lower wall includes an upper stage wall making contact with the erected wall; a lower stage wall located at a position separated and away from the erected wall and below the upper stage wall; and a connecting wall connecting the upper and lower stage walls; and the outlet is disposed below the upper stage wall. 1. A tank configured to store liquid which is to be supplied to a liquid consuming section , the tank comprising:a wall defining a liquid storage chamber configured to store the liquid, the wall including: an upper wall defining an upper end of the liquid storage chamber, a lower wall defining a lower end of the liquid storage chamber and facing the upper wall in an upper-lower direction, an erected wall which is provided between the upper wall and the lower wall and through which the liquid inside the liquid storage chamber is visible from outside of the tank, and a pair of side walls which face each other in a first direction and which are provided at both ends of the upper wall, at both ends of the lower wall, and at both ends of the erected wall;an inlet which penetrates through the upper wall or the erected wall and via which the liquid is allowed to flow into the liquid storage chamber; andan outlet via which the liquid is allowed to flow out from the liquid storage chamber,wherein a gap between the pair of the side walls in the first direction is shorter than a length of the side walls in a second direction that is orthogonal to the first direction and the upper-lower direction ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009097A1

A liquid ejecting apparatus includes a liquid ejecting portion capable of ejecting ink, a liquid container provided with an injection port for ink, and a liquid reception portion disposed on a lower side of the injection port. 1. A liquid ejecting apparatus comprising:a liquid ejecting portion that is capable of ejecting a liquid on a medium;a casing body that accommodates the liquid ejecting portion; anda liquid container that is capable of accommodating the liquid, wherein:the liquid container includes a protruding portion that is protruding outside the casing body.2. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a replenishment port for replenishing the liquid, wherein the replenishment port is disposed on the protruding portion.3. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a transporting path of the medium, whereinthe liquid container is disposed so that the liquid container does not directly face the transporting path of the medium.4. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a replenishment port for replenishing the liquid, wherein the replenishment port is disposed further downward than the liquid ejecting portion.5. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid container is disposed at a lower portion of the casing body.6. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a lower end of the liquid container is located at a position lower than a lower end of the casing body.7. liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a lower end of the protruding portion of the liquid container is supported.8. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a capacity of the protruding portion of the liquid container is larger than a capacity of a portion of the liquid container accommodated within the casing body.9. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a replenishment port for replenishing ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009100A1

A liquid container includes a container portion configured to contain ink; an air chamber configured to contain the air that is introduced into the container portion; a first air introducing path configured to introduce the outside air into the air chamber; and a second air introducing path configured to introduce the air contained in the air chamber into the container portion. The first introducing port is located vertically above a liquid level in the air chamber of the ink flowing from the container portion into the air chamber, in a first attitude that the container portion and the air chamber are aligned in a direction intersecting with a vertical direction and that a first introducing port of the first air introducing path is located vertically above a delivery port of the second air introducing path. 1. A liquid container , comprising:a storage chamber configured to contain a liquid;an air chamber provided to communicate with the storage chamber and configured to contain the air that is introduced into the storage chamber; andan air introducing path provided between the air chamber and the storage chamber and configured to introduce the air contained in the air chamber into the storage chamber, whereina first introducing port formed to introduce the air into the air chamber is located vertically above a liquid level in the air chamber of the liquid that flows from the storage chamber into the air chamber, in a first attitude that the storage chamber and the air chamber are aligned in a direction intersecting with a vertical direction and that the first introducing port is located vertically above a delivery port which is an air chamber-side opening of the air introducing path.2. The liquid container according to claim 1 ,wherein the air introducing path includes a portion extended vertically upward in the first attitude, anda second introducing port which is a storage chamber-side opening of the air introducing path is provided in the portion extended ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009555A1

An object is to identify an abnormal mounted state of a liquid supply unit to a liquid ejection apparatus. There is provided a liquid supply unit configured to supply a liquid to a liquid ejection apparatus that comprises a first electrode assembly including a first electrode and a second electrode; an engagement structure; and a mounting structure which the liquid supply unit is mounted to. The liquid supply unit comprises a liquid supply portion; an engaged structure configured to be engaged with the engagement structure in a mounted state and thereby restrict a motion of the liquid supply unit in a first direction that is a direction of dismounting the liquid supply unit; and an electrically conductive portion provided in the engaged structure. The electrically conductive portion is configured to come into contact with the first electrode and the second electrode in an engaged state that the engaged structure is engaged with the engagement structure, so as to provide electrical continuity between the first electrode and the second electrode and cause the liquid ejection apparatus to detect mounting of the liquid supply unit to the liquid ejection apparatus. 1. A liquid supply unit configured to supply a liquid to a liquid ejection apparatus , the liquid ejection apparatus including a first electrode assembly containing a first electrode and a second electrode; an engagement structure; and a mounting structure which the liquid supply unit is mounted to ,the liquid supply unit comprising:a liquid supply portion configured to supply the liquid to the liquid ejection apparatus;an engaged structure configured to be engaged with the engagement structure and thereby restrict a motion of the liquid supply unit in a first direction that is a direction of dismounting the liquid supply unit from the liquid ejection apparatus, in a mounted state that the liquid supply unit is mounted to the liquid ejection apparatus; andan electrically conductive portion provided in the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Printing-fluid containing device and adaptor

Номер: US20190009558A1
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A printing-fluid containing device configured to be inserted into a cartridge attachment section in an insertion direction to be detachably attached to the cartridge attachment section includes a printing-fluid cartridge and an adaptor. The cartridge includes: a casing; a supply portion; and a detection portion. The adaptor, to which the printing-fluid cartridge is configured to be detachably assembled, includes: an adaptor body into which the printing-fluid cartridge is insertable; an electrical interface; and an engagement portion. The adaptor body has a leading end and a trailing end in the insertion direction. The adaptor body has a front wall at the leading end, has an opening through which the supply portion extends, and further has an outer surface. The electrical interface is disposed on the outer surface. The engagement portion is configured to engage with the cartridge attachment section.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009569A1

A liquid supply device includes a first shell having a liquid storage chamber configured to store liquid and a liquid inlet portion through which the liquid is poured to the liquid storage chamber, a second shell that is a different member from the first shell, a holding member for holding a mutual positional relationship between the first shell and the second shell to be constant, and an atmospheric communication channel that makes outside and the liquid storage chamber communicate with each other. 1. A liquid supply device for supplying liquid to a liquid jetting head , comprising:a first shell having a liquid storage chamber configured to store the liquid, and a liquid inlet portion through which the liquid is poured into the liquid storage chamber;a second shell that is a different member from the first shell;a holding member for holding a mutual positional relationship between the first shell and the second shell to be constant; andan atmospheric communication channel that makes outside and the liquid storage chamber communicate with each other, an air inlet port formed at a wall partitioning the liquid storage chamber, and serving as one end for leading air into the liquid storage chamber,', 'an atmospheric opening port provided at the second shell and serving as an other end that opens outward,', 'an air storage chamber included in the second shell and located between the atmospheric opening port and the air inlet port, and', 'a connection channel connecting the first shell and the second shell and allowing fluid communication between the air storage chamber and the liquid storage chamber., 'the atmospheric communication channel including'}2. The liquid supply device according to claim 1 , whereinthe holding member is a member connected to part of the first shell and part of the second shell.3. The liquid supply device according to claim 2 , whereinthe holding member is a member that connects the part of the first shell and the part of the second shell so ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009874A1

The subject matter discloses a fluid cartridge comprising a container to hold a predetermined volume of fluid, and a lid for closing the container. The lid comprises a valve-recess and an inlet valve in the valve-recess to transfer a volume of a replacement fluid in the container for replacing depleted volume of fluid in the container. A rocker valve is pivoted in the valve-recess to cover the inlet valve during a regulation phase. The rocker valve is to open the inlet valve during an actuation phase to allow the replacement fluid to enter the container. A spring element is movably disposed on the rocker valve to control actuation of the rocker valve for opening and closing the inlet valve. The spring element slides across the rocker valve, from a regulation zone of the rocker valve to an actuation zone of the rocker valve, to open the inlet valve. 1. A fluid cartridge comprising:a container to hold a predetermined volume of fluid; a valve-recess; and', 'an inlet valve in the valve-recess to transfer a volume of a replacement fluid in the container, for replacing a depleted volume of fluid in the container;, 'a lid for closing the container, the lid comprisinga rocker valve pivoted in the valve-recess to cover the inlet valve during a regulation phase, wherein the rocker valve is to open the inlet valve during an actuation phase to allow the replacement fluid to enter the container; anda spring element movably disposed on the rocker valve to control actuation of the rocker valve for opening and closing the inlet valve, wherein the spring element slides across the rocker valve, from a regulation zone of the rocker valve to an actuation zone of the rocker valve, to open the inlet valve.2. The fluid cartridge as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a bag disposed on the container to maintain pressure inside the container, wherein the bag inflates as the pressure inside the container increases due to depletion of the fluid from the container, and wherein the bag ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032629A1

A recording apparatus includes a conveyance unit that conveys a recording medium in a first direction toward a recording head for ejecting a liquid, a tank including a containing chamber containing the liquid to be supplied to the recording head, and an injection port through which the liquid is injected into the containing chamber, the tank being disposed downstream of the conveyance unit in the first direction, a rotatable lever that holds a tank cap for closing the injection port, and a cover that rotates about a rotation shaft between an open position for exposing the lever and a closed position for covering the lever, the rotation shaft being disposed upstream of the conveyance unit in the first direction. The cover includes a sliding portion that is provided on a surface facing the lever and comes into contact with the lever while the cover is rotating toward the closed position. 1. A recording apparatus comprising:a conveyance unit configured to convey a recording medium in a first direction toward a recording head for ejecting a liquid;a tank including a containing chamber containing the liquid to be supplied to the recording head, and an injection port through which the liquid is injected into the containing chamber, the tank being disposed downstream of the conveyance unit in the first direction;a lever configured to rotate and hold a tank cap for closing the injection port; anda cover configured to rotate about a rotation shaft between an open position for exposing the lever and a closed position for covering the lever, the rotation shaft being disposed upstream of the conveyance unit in the first direction,wherein the cover includes a sliding portion provided on a surface facing the lever, and configured to come into contact with the lever while the cover is rotating toward the closed position.2. The recording apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in a case where the lever comes into contact with the sliding portion claim 1 , the lever is ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032630A1

Inkjet printing module () capable of being picked up by the arm () of a robot (), characterized in that said module includes: a print head (); an ink reservoir () capable of supplying ink to said print head (); compressed-gas supply means () capable of suppling compressed gas to said print head (); a mechanical interface () capable of engaging removably with a complementary mechanical interface () of a robot arm; an electronic interface () capable of engaging removably with an electronic interface () of said robot arm in order to transfer data between said module and the robot; and at least one fluid interface () placed in fluid communication with the compressed-gas supply means or with the ink reservoir. 1. An inkjet printing module capable of being picked up by the arm of a robot via a quick-coupling mechanical interface , characterized in that said module includes:a print head;an ink reservoir capable of supplying ink to said print head;compressed-gas supply means capable of supplying compressed gas to said print head;a mechanical interface capable of engaging removably with a complementary mechanical interface of a robot arm;an electronic interface capable of engaging removably with an electronic interface of said robot arm in order to transfer data between said module and the robot; andat least one fluid interface placed in fluid communication with the compressed-gas supply means and/or with the ink reservoir.2. The module according to claim 1 , characterized in that said compressed-gas supply means include a compressed-gas reservoir integrated into said module.3. The module according to claim 1 , characterized in that said ink reservoir includes said compressed-gas reservoir.4. The module according to claim 1 , characterized in that it includes one or two connecting pipes extending between the fluid interface and/or claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , the ink reservoir and the compressed-gas supply means.5. A robot for inkjet printing claim 1 , including a robot ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Printing apparatus and liquid storing container

Номер: US20220032633A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A printing apparatus includes a liquid storing container including a storage chamber configured to store a liquid supplied to a printing unit that prints an image by discharging the liquid, an outlet portion of the liquid, and a channel configured to connect the storage chamber and the outlet portion. The liquid storing container includes a first side portion on a side of a print region where printing is executed by the printing unit, and a second side portion on an opposite side of the first side portion, and the channel is formed in the second side portion.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032637A1
Автор: IGARASHI Akinori

There is provided a liquid consuming apparatus including a casing, a liquid consuming section, and a tank. The tank includes a box-shaped body having a light-transmitting property and having five walls and a partition wall; a film adhered to rear end portions of the walls; and a positioning section disposed at least on an outer surface of each of the upper and lower walls, or of each of the right and left walls. In a state that the liquid consuming apparatus is placed on a horizontal plane, the box-shaped body is positioned at a posture at which the positioning section is brought into contact with the casing to thereby allow the front wall to be exposed from a side surface of the casing which extends in a direction crossing the horizontal plane, and at which the rear end portions are located inside the casing. 1. An ink-jet printer , comprising:a casing having an opening;a recording head arranged in the casing and configured to jet the ink;a tank arranged in the casing and configured to store ink which is to be supplied to the recording head, a front wall having a light-transmitting property;', 'a lower wall;', 'an ink chamber defined by the front wall and the lower wall;', 'an inlet communicating with the ink chamber;', 'a pair of films forming at least a part of a pair of lateral walls, respectively, the pair of lateral walls being different from the front wall; and', 'a positioning section disposed on the lower wall,, 'wherein the tank includeswherein the positioning section is brought into contact with the casing, and thereby the tank is positioned at a posture at which at least a portion of the front wall is exposed from the opening of the casing.2. The ink-jet printer according to claim 1 , wherein the pair of films has a weaker strength than the front wall and the lower wall.3. The ink-jet printer according to claim 1 , wherein the lower wall separates the ink chamber from the positioning section such that the ink chamber is not in liquid communication with ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032638A1

An ink refill container includes a container main body including an ink storage chamber, an ink outlet-forming portion provided on an end portion of the container main body forming an ink outlet that allows the ink to flow out from the ink storage chamber, and a valve provided in the ink outlet-forming portion configured to openably seal the ink outlet, in which the ink outlet-forming portion includes a positioning portion on an outer side of the ink outlet-forming portion. in which the positioning portion is closer to the container main body than the valve is to the container main body in a central axis direction of the ink outlet, and in which the positioning portion partially abuts against an ink tank when the valve is opened for refilling the ink to the ink tank, to thereby position the valve relative to the ink tank. 1a container main body comprising an ink storage chamber configured to store ink to be refilled to the ink tank;an ink outlet-forming portion that is provided on an end portion of the container main body, in which an ink outlet that allows the ink to flow out from the ink storage chamber is formed; anda valve provided in the ink outlet-forming portion, configured to seal the ink outlet in an openable/closeable manner,the ink outlet-forming portion comprising a positioning portion at a position on an outer side of the ink outlet-forming portion, the positioning portion being closer to the container main body than the valve is to the container main body in a central axis direction of the ink outlet, andthe positioning portion abutting against a part of the ink tank when the valve is opened, so as to position the valve with respect to the ink tank.. An ink refill container configured to refill ink to an ink tank configured to store ink, the ink refill container comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 17/070,064, filed Oct. 14, 2020; which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/857,065, filed Apr. 23, 2020 ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015104A1

The invention relates to an ink cartridge () for a CIJ type printer, such a cartridge including at least one volume () delimited by a shell, a sealed aperture () of the shell, a fluid ink () and magnetic means () movable with respect to the cartridge shell. 1. An ink cartridge for a CIJ type printer , such a cartridge including at least one volume delimited by a wall , an aperture of this wall , this aperture being hermetically sealed , a pigmented fluid ink and a magnetic agitator movable with respect to the cartridge shell.2. The cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic agitator is covered with a protecting layer.3. The cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein the cartridge further includes an electronic circuit claim 1 , for storing at least one datum related to at least one physical and/or chemical property of the ink and/or at least one manufacturing and/or expiration date datum of the ink.4. The cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein said wall is semi-rigid or deformable.5. The cartridge according to claim 1 , having a total volume lower than 1 l.6. The cartridge according to claim 1 , further including a partially obturating element preventing said magnetic agitator from being accommodated in an inner flow port.7. The cartridge according to claim 1 , said aperture being hermetically sealed with a material having flexibility claim 1 , for example rubber.8. A cartridge compartment of a CIJ printer claim 1 , including:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a volume for positioning a solvent cartridge and an ink cartridge according to ;'}hydraulic connections of each cartridge to the fluid circuit of the printer;a motor for moving, in the ink cartridge, the magnetic agitator with respect to the ink shell.9. The cartridge compartment of a CIJ printer according to the preceding claim claim 1 , further including a protection to protect said motor.10. The cartridge compartment of a CIJ printer according to claim 7 , wherein said motor is ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016409A1

A liquid container is mountable on a mount portion in a state of being engaged into a first engaging portion with respect to a supporting portion. The liquid container includes a first wall including a first section mountable on the mount portion; a second wall facing the first wall; a third wall intersecting with the first wall and the second wall; a fourth wall which faces the third wall, and intersects with the first wall and the second wall; and a first engaged portion capable of being engaged into the first engaging portion, in which when a direction from the first wall to the second wall is defined as a Z-axis direction, the first engaged portion is projected to the side opposite to the second wall side from the first wall, and is capable of coming in contact with the first engaging portion in the Z-axis direction.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Liquid Ejecting Apparatus and Liquid Supply Unit

Номер: US20160016410A1

A liquid ejecting apparatus includes: a printing head; and a liquid supply unit. The printing head has a reservoir, a plurality of liquid supply ports connected to the reservoir, and a liquid introduction inlet. A first liquid supply port and a second liquid supply port are positioned at ends of the plurality of liquid supply ports in a first direction. Outer periphery of the liquid introduction inlet includes one end section and another end section in the first direction. The one end section is closer to the first liquid supply port than the second liquid supply port. The liquid includes a first liquid with a high content of pigment, and a second liquid with a lower content of pigment. The liquid supply unit supplies the second liquid to the one end section of the liquid introduction inlet.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Liquid Container

Номер: US20160016411A1

In order to set preferred dimensions of a liquid container, the invention provides an ink container including: an ink bag that includes at least two flexible film sheets bonded in a mutually facing relationship and can contain ink between the at least two film sheets; and a handle portion that is positioned at an end portion of the ink bag and protrudes outward from the ink bag, wherein the handle portion includes an opening formed so as to pass through in a first direction that is a direction in which the at least two film sheets face each other, the opening has an opening dimension W in a third direction K within a range from 80 mm to 120 mm, and the ink bag has a width dimension W in the third direction K within a range from 50 mm to 300 mm.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016412A1

A technique that can restrict an arrangement angle of a liquid cartridge before use in a packaged state is provided. A packaging body of a cartridge includes a bag-shaped member and a box-shaped member . The bag-shaped member houses the cartridge . The box-shaped member houses the cartridge housed in the bag-shaped member . The cartridge has an atmosphere introduction hole capable of introducing the atmosphere to the inside, and the box-shaped member has a first side wall portion located at a position opposed to the atmosphere introduction hole . The first side wall portion has a first and second outer wall surfaces and that intersect each other to constitute a projecting portion that projects outward. A third end side portion of the bag-shaped member is housed at a corner portion between the first and second outer wall surfaces and

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015727A1

A technique of enhancing attachment of a liquid supply unit to a liquid ejection device is provided. A first ink cartridge and a second ink cartridge are attached to a carriage of a printing device via a holder structure Each of the first and the second ink cartridges and includes a circuit substrate having a plurality of terminals to which are electrically connected with a device-side terminal assembly provided on the holder structure Each of the first and the second ink cartridges and also includes a main engagement part configured to engage with a lever member of the holder structure as an engaged part, such as to limit motion of the circuit substrate away from the holder structure The circuit substrate includes a first terminal and a second terminal located on respective ends in an array direction of the terminals. The main engagement part has a width greater than an interval between contact portions CP of the first and the second terminals and in the array direction of the terminals. 1. A liquid supply unit configured to be attachable to and detachable from a liquid ejection device that comprises an electrode assembly and an engaged part , the liquid supply unit comprising:a first wall;a second wall opposed to the first wall;a third wall intersecting the first wall and the second wall;a fourth wall intersecting the first wall and the second wall and opposed to the third wall;a fifth wall intersecting the first wall, the second wall, the third wall and the fourth wall;a sixth wall intersecting the first wall, the second wall, the third wall and the fourth wall and opposed to the fifth wall;a plurality of contact portions arrayed in an array direction on the fourth wall, the contact portions being electrically connectable with the electrode assembly; andan engagement part that is located on the fourth wall and is engageable with the engaged part,wherein the engagement part comprises an extended section that extends outwardly from the fourth wall, the extended ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015728A1

To provide an ink cartridge capable of accomplishing satisfactory electrical connection relative to a printer main assembly 150.-. (canceled)51. An ink cartridge mountable , in a mounting direction crossing with a direction of gravity , to a cartridge mounting portion provided with an ink receiving tube and a plurality of electrical connecting portions , said ink cartridge comprising:a casing including an ink accommodating chamber configured to accommodate ink to be supplied to said ink receiving tube, said casing having a first side surface in a position at a leading end with respect to the mounting direction, an upper surface and a bottom surface;a tube inserting portion into which the ink receiving tube is insertable and which is provided at said first side surface in a position closer to said bottom surface than to said upper surface;a substrate having an area above said tube inserting portion, the area crossing with the mounting direction;a plurality of electrical contacts electrically connectable with the plurality of electrical connecting portions, said electrical contacts being arranged in the area in a direction crossing with a direction of height which is from said bottom surface toward said upper surface;a positioning portion provided in a position above said tube inserting portion and below said electrical contacts and engageable with a positioning member provided in the cartridge mounting portion to limit movement of said casing in a direction perpendicular to the mounting direction; anda through-opening at a position between said tube inserting portion and said positioning portion of said first side surface, said through-opening being in fluid communication with said ink accommodating chamber to supply the air into said ink accommodating chamber.52. An ink cartridge according to claim 51 , wherein said area of said substrate is parallel with said first side surface.53. An ink cartridge according to claim 51 , wherein the substrate provided on said ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016144A1

A liquid supply unit includes an outer shell, a liquid supply portion that is arranged in the outer shell and can supply a liquid to the liquid ejection apparatus, and an engaged structure including an engaged portion that can engage with the engagement portion of the liquid ejection apparatus, and a first opening that is formed in the outer shell and through which the engagement structure can be inserted. The engaged portion is arranged further inward than an outer surface of the outer shell. 1. A liquid supply unit that includes an engagement structure having an engagement portion and that can be mounted onto a liquid ejection apparatus , the liquid supply unit comprising:an outer shell;a liquid supply portion that is arranged in the outer shell and can supply a liquid to the liquid ejection apparatus; andan engaged structure including an engaged portion that can engage with the engagement portion of the liquid ejection apparatus, and a first opening that is formed in the outer shell and through which the engagement structure can be inserted, whereinthe engaged portion is arranged further inward than an outer surface of the outer shell.2. The liquid supply unit according to claim 1 , wherein the engaged structure further comprises a second opening open toward a direction different from a direction in which the first opening is open.3. The liquid supply unit according to claim 2 , wherein the engaged structure further comprises a third opening open toward a direction different from a direction in which the first opening is open and a direction in which the second opening is open.4. The liquid supply unit according to claim 1 , further comprising:a unit-side operation unit that is operated in order to release engagement between the engaged portion and the engagement portion.5. The liquid supply unit according to claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , in a process of mounting the liquid supply unit onto the liquid ejection apparatus claim 4 , the engaged portion is configured ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016147A1

The liquid container includes: a container main body including a containment chamber containing a liquid and has some walls including a front-end wall, a rear-end wall, and an upper-surface wall; a liquid outlet connected to a liquid-consuming device to flow out the liquid from the containment chamber to the liquid-consuming device; a liquid inlet on the upper-surface wall at a position closer to the rear-end wall and accepts injection of the liquid from outside of the container main body into the containment chamber; and a visual recognition portion that is provided on the rear-end wall and is see-through so that a position of a liquid surface of the liquid in the containment chamber is recognizable. The rear-end wall has scale marks as indexes of an amount of the liquid in the containment chamber on an outer wall surface and an inner wall surface. 1. A liquid container contains a liquid to be supplied to a liquid-consuming device consuming the liquid and is inserted and loaded into the liquid-consuming device in an insertion direction crossing a direction of gravity , comprising:a container main body that includes a containment chamber containing the liquid and has a plurality of wall parts including a front-end wall part that is positioned on the insertion direction with respect to the containment chamber, a rear-end wall part that is opposite to the front-end wall part with the containment chamber therebetween in the insertion direction and faces the containment chamber, and an upper-surface wall part that crosses the front-end wall part and the rear-end wall part and is positioned above the containment chamber in a loaded state where the liquid container is loaded in the liquid-consuming device;a liquid outlet that is connected to the liquid-consuming device in the loaded state to flow out the liquid from the containment chamber to the liquid-consuming device;a liquid inlet that is provided on the upper-surface wall part at a position closer to the rear-end ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016574A1

A print head can suppress contamination due to ink at the time of being mounted on a printing apparatus and/or after being detached from the printing apparatus. For this purpose, a positioning pin longer than a needle is provided in a joint unit of the print head, and the joint unit includes a shutter which closes an opening on a supply side and an opening on a collection side when the print head is detached. 118.-. (canceled)19. A printing apparatus comprising:a storing unit configured to store liquid to be supplied to a print head configured to print by ejecting liquid; anda holder unit configured to be moved by a driving source and hold a joint unit configured to connect the storing unit and the print head, so that the joint unit can move with respect to the holder unit.20. The printing apparatus according to claim 19 , wherein the joint unit includes a joint opening for supplying liquid from the storing unit to the print head.21. The printing apparatus according to claim 20 , wherein liquid is supplied from the storing unit to the print head under pressure.22. The printing apparatus according to claim 20 , wherein the print head includes a supply port which is connected to the joint unit and a guide member for positioning the joint opening and the supply port.23. The printing apparatus according to claim 22 , wherein the guide member is longer than the supply port.24. The printing apparatus according to claim 19 , wherein the joint unit includes a positioning member for positioning the joint unit with respect to the print head.25. The printing apparatus according to claim 19 , wherein the print head is detachably inserted into the printing apparatus along an insertion direction claim 19 , andwherein a connection between the print head and the joint unit is made at a downstream side with respect to the insertion direction.26. The printing apparatus according to claim 19 , wherein the print head is of a full-line type having a plurality of ejection ports ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140104346A1
Автор: Yamamoto Shinya

A supporting section is disposed to confront an ejection surface and supports a recording medium. A first tank is mounted on a first-tank mount section. A liquid conveying section conveys liquid to a liquid ejecting head. A receiving section receives liquid ejected from the liquid ejecting head. A waste-liquid conveying section conveys liquid to the waste-liquid tank. A first casing holds the liquid ejecting head, the first-tank mount section, and the liquid conveying section. A second casing holds the supporting section, the receiving section, the waste-liquid tank, and the waste-liquid conveying section. The first casing is connected with the second casing such that the first casing is movable relative to the second casing. The first casing takes a first position at which the ejection surface confronts the supporting section and a second position at which the ejection surface is farther away from the supporting section than at the first position. 1. A liquid ejecting device comprising:a frame comprising a first frame and a second frame;a line-type liquid ejecting head having an ejection surface that is elongated in a first direction and that is formed with ejection ports for ejecting liquid;a supporting section disposed in confrontation with the ejection surface and configured to support a recording medium;a first-tank mount section on which a first tank storing liquid is configured to be mounted;a liquid conveying section configured to convey liquid in the first tank mounted on the first-tank mount section to the liquid ejecting head;a receiving section configured to receive liquid ejected from the liquid ejecting head; anda waste-liquid tank configured to store liquid received by the receiving section,wherein the first frame holds the liquid ejecting head, the first-tank mount section, and the liquid conveying section;wherein the second frame holds the supporting section, the receiving section, and the waste-liquid tank; andwherein the first frame is connected ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Applicator heads for handheld treatment apparatus for modifying keratinous surfaces

Номер: US20160022011A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

An applicator head is releasably connectable to an outer housing of an apparatus for treating human skin includes a body having a housing connector end having a releasable connecting feature configured to connect to the outer housing and a skin engaging end having an opening therethrough for delivering a skin treatment composition through an opening in the applicator head onto human skin. A pair of skin engagement members is arranged and configured to flatten a surface of the skin.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022599A1

A cover for a liquid container which exposes at least a portion of a detecting member, having a liquid supply portion to a liquid ejecting apparatus through communicating with the liquid containing unit, and a first surface provided with a first container side engagement portion arranged between the liquid supply portion and the detecting member. The cover includes a first cover side engagement portion engaging with the first container side engagement portion. 1. A cover configured to be attached to a liquid container configured to be mounted on the liquid ejecting apparatus , [ a liquid communication port configured to supply the liquid from the liquid container to a liquid ejecting apparatus,', 'a wall surrounding the liquid communication port, an air communication port configured to introduce air into the liquid container, and', 'a first container side attachment portion;, 'a first surface having'}, 'the wall protruding in a direction from the second surface toward the first surface;', 'a second surface opposite to the first surface,'}, 'a third surface intersecting the first surface and the second surface;', 'a fourth surface intersecting the first surface and the second surface and opposite to the third surface;', 'a fifth surface intersecting the first surface, the second surface, the third surface, and the fourth surface; and', 'a sixth surface intersecting the first surface, the second surface, the third surface, and the fourth surface, and opposite to the fifth surface,', a rib protruding in a direction from the sixth surface toward the fifth surface, and', 'a second container side attachment portion, the first container side attachment portion being located between the wall and the sixth surface in a planer view from a direction extending from the first surface toward the second surface of the liquid container,, 'the fifth surface having'}], 'the liquid container including [ 'an arrangement member configured to be contact with the wall when the cover is ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Angled cartridge assembly for a dispensing device

Номер: US20160022972A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

Included are embodiments of an angled cartridge assembly for modifying a treating surface. These embodiments may include a reservoir for storing a treatment composition, the treatment composition for being applied to the treating surface. Embodiments may also include a body portion that is coupled to the reservoir, where the body portion comprises a base surface and a dispensing surface, where the dispensing surface is disposed opposite the base surface on the angled cartridge assembly, and where the dispensing surface is disposed in a nonparallel configuration relative to the base surface.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Liquid ejection head

Номер: US20170021620A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

Provided is a liquid ejection head, including: an ejection unit including: a recording element substrate including a plurality of recording elements configured to generate energy; and a support member formed of a plate-like member and configured to support the recording element substrate, the support member including: a liquid chamber configured to store liquid therein, and an inlet formed in the liquid chamber so as to allow the liquid to flow into the liquid chamber; a flow path unit including a liquid path through which the liquid is supplied into the ejection unit from a liquid tank storing the liquid therein; a joint member sandwiched between the support member and the flow path unit and configured to seal the liquid; and a buffer chamber formed in a space defined by the joint member, the ejection unit, and the flow path unit and configured to retain gas therein.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Ink cartridge for ink jet recording apparatus, connection unit and ink jet recording apparatus

Номер: US20170021632A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

An ink cartridge for supplying the ink in an ink reserving chamber via an ink supply port into a recording head has a differential pressure valve mechanism disposed between an ink flow port and the ink supply port in the ink reserving chamber, whereby the ink is supplied an adequate amount to the recording head by opening or closing the differential pressure valve mechanism in accordance with an ink pressure of the recording head. As a result, it is possible to supply the ink at a substantially constant pressure to the recording head without regard to the variation in the amount of ink or the movement of the carriage.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Liquid container, liquid consuming apparatus and electrical connector

Номер: US20170021633A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A liquid container comprises a liquid supply portion, a liquid container body, and a container-side electrical connection structure provided to have a contact portion that is configured to come into contact with an apparatus-side electrical connection structure provided in a liquid consuming apparatus. The container-side electrical connection structure includes a placement portion configured to place the contact portion to be located above the liquid container body in the direction of gravity in a process of connecting the liquid container with the liquid consuming apparatus.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021635A1

A liquid cartridge includes a resin frame, a valve and a wall member. The frame defines a portion of a liquid chamber configured to store liquid and a portion of a valve chamber in communication with the liquid chamber, the valve chamber extending in a first direction away from the liquid chamber and having one end in the first direction at which a liquid outlet is provided to provide communication between the valve chamber and an outside of the liquid cartridge, the frame having a wall portion defining a portion of the valve chamber. The valve is disposed within the valve chamber and movable in a second direction opposite the first direction, the valve having a closing part configured to open and close the liquid outlet in accordance with movement of the valve. The wall member defines the valve chamber together with the wall portion of the frame. 1. A liquid cartridge comprising:a resin frame defining a portion of a liquid chamber configured to store liquid and a portion of a valve chamber in communication with the liquid chamber, the valve chamber extending in a first direction away from the liquid chamber and having one end in the first direction at which a liquid outlet is provided to provide communication between the valve chamber and an outside of the liquid cartridge, the frame having a wall portion defining a portion of the valve chamber;a valve disposed within the valve chamber and movable in a second direction opposite the first direction, the valve having a closing part configured to open and close the liquid outlet in accordance with movement of the valve; anda wall member defining the valve chamber together with the wall portion of the frame.2. The liquid cartridge as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the valve chamber includes a first valve chamber and a second valve chamber in communication with each other claim 1 , the second valve chamber being positioned further in the second direction relative to the first valve chamber claim 1 , a first wall defining ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040987A1

A liquid supplying device includes a tank and a cartridge. The cartridge is configured to be detachably attached to the tank in an attachment-detachment direction crossing a vertical direction. The cartridge includes a first storage chamber. The tank includes a second storage chamber, a liquid passage, and a gas passage. The liquid passage has a first end, a second end, and a first extending portion. The second end is formed with a second opening open to an atmosphere. The first extending portion extends from the second opening in the attachment-detachment direction. The gas passage has a third end, a fourth end, and a second extending portion. The fourth end is formed with a fourth opening open to the atmosphere. The second extending portion extends from the fourth opening in the attachment-detachment direction. The second opening is at a position different from the fourth opening in the attachment-detachment direction. 1. (canceled)2. A liquid supplying device comprising:a tank comprising a second storage chamber configured to store liquid; anda cartridge configured to be attached to and detached from the tank in an attachment-detachment direction perpendicular to a vertical direction, the cartridge comprising a first storage chamber configured to store the liquid;a liquid passage in communication with the second storage chamber, the liquid passage having a first end connected to the second storage chamber and formed with a first opening, a second end opposite to the first end and formed with a second opening open to an atmosphere, and the liquid passage protruding from the second storage chamber in the attachment-detachment direction; anda gas passage in communication with the second storage chamber, the gas passage having a third end connected to the second storage chamber and formed with a third opening, a fourth end opposite to the third end and formed with a fourth opening open to the atmosphere, and the gas passage protruding from the second storage chamber ...
