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20-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016149710A3

13-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU177827U1

Кронштейн предназначен для использования в подвесках колесных транспортных средств.Технический результат заключается в возможности изготовления кронштейна в виде монолитного изделия из одной металлической пластины путем применения к этой пластине операций сверления отверстий и изгиба по трем параллельным линиям, что упрощает технологию изготовления кронштейна, упрощает конструкцию, уменьшает металлоемкость.Технический результат также заключается в возможности автономного крепления кронштейна к поперечной балке подвески, т.е. без использования фланца поперечной балки совместно со щитом тормоза, что упрощает эксплуатацию кронштейна (например, его замену), так как операции его установки и снятия не касаются щита тормоза. Кронштейн содержит установочную часть 1 и крепежную часть 2. Установочная часть 1 представляет собой фланец 3, предназначенный для установки кронштейна на поперечной балке подвески. Фланец 3 имеет четыре установочных отверстия 4-7, центры которых расположены в углах условного ...

12-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU212212U1

Полезная модель относится к подрессориванию транспортных средств, в частности к пневматическим подвескам с воздушным демпфером, саморегулируемым по амплитуде и направлению колебаний. Заданный технический результат достигается тем, что пневматический упругий элемент содержит верхний и нижний обратные клапаны, резинокордную оболочку, соединенную с корпусом и крышкой, и разделен на верхнюю и нижнюю полости направляющим элементом, выполненным в виде упругого шарнира, в осевом отверстии которого с возможностью осевого перемещения установлен соединенный с крышкой шток, на концах и в средней части которого выполнены отверстия, причем шток выполнен полым, отверстия в нем выполнены попарно симметрично относительно его оси в виде узких поперечных щелей с большим проходным сечением, а верхний и нижний обратные клапаны выполнены в виде упругих разрезных колец, установленных внутри штока с возможностью перекрытия верхних и нижних поперечных щелей на концах штока. Техническим результатом заявленного ...

12-08-2020 дата публикации

Пневмогидравлическая рессора подвески транспортного средства

Номер: RU199075U1

Полезная модель относится к пневмогидравлическим рессорам подвесок быстроходных боевых машин с адаптивным демпфированием.Техническим результатом заявленной полезной модели является повышение надежности пневмогидравлической рессоры подвески и плавности хода быстроходной боевой машины при ее движении с высокими скоростями по бездорожью.Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что в корпусе демпфирующего узла со стороны полости гидроаккумулятора установлен амортизатор, включающий подпружиненный ступенчатый предохранительный клапан хода сжатия, образующий в корпусе амортизатора левую клапанную полость, сообщающуюся с кольцевой плунжерной полостью максимального хода сжатия через нижнее отверстие, выполненное в корпусе демпфирующего узла, и кольцевую клапанную полость, сообщающуюся с левой клапанной полостью через косые отверстия в большей ступени предохранительного клапана хода сжатия, и сообщающуюся с полостью гидроаккумулятора через основной дроссельный канал, выполненный в виде радиального ...

15-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU186292U1

Полезная модель относится к подрессориванию транспортных средств, в частности к пневматическим подвескам с воздушным демпфером, саморегулируемым по амплитуде и направлению колебаний. Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что в средней части штока выполнены нижнее правое и верхнее левое радиальные отверстия, а также правый и левый продольные каналы, причем нижнее правое радиальное отверстие расположено ниже направляющего элемента и соединено правым продольным каналом с верхним радиальным отверстием, верхнее левое радиальное отверстие расположено выше направляющего элемента и соединено левым продольным каналом с нижним радиальным отверстием, а пневматический упругий элемент дополнительно снабжен двумя обратными клапанами, один из которых установлен в правом продольном канале и сообщает верхнюю полость с нижней полостью на ходе сжатия от среднего положения до момента перекрытия упругим шарниром верхнего радиального отверстия, а другой обратный клапан установлен в левом продольном канале ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU189476U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для гашения колебаний виброизолируемых объектов, в частности к инерционно-фрикционным амортизаторам, и предназначена для применения преимущественно в подвесках транспортных средств с высокой жесткостью упругих элементов.Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что в амортизаторе, содержащем маховик и механическую передачу от движущихся элементов подвески автомобиля к маховику, включающую фрикционную муфту, зубчатую передачу, выполненную в виде планетарного ряда с входным валом и выходным валом, и механизм, преобразующий возвратно-поступательное движение элементов подвески в возвратно-вращательное движение входного вала, этот механизм выполнен в виде ременной передачи, включающей закрепленный на входном валу шкив с установленным на нем в один полный оборот клиновым ремнем, при этом шкив выполнен с винтовыми канавками под клиновой ремень, установленный в средней части шкива, что приводит к проскальзыванию ремня относительно шкива и предохраняет планетарный ...

10-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2092330C1

FIELD: mechanical engineering. SUBSTANCE: oil-base hydraulic liquid is pressure fed into hydraulic motor along flexible hoses. To preclude damage to oil lines, shock absorbing strut of new design is used along which liquid is fed. Both supply and return lines are provided with telescopic pipe joints rigidly connected with outer guide housing at one side and with swivel joint at other side. Swivel joint is axially fixed relative to spring support member. Hydraulic motor connections (supply and return of hydraulic fluid) are rigidly installed relative to controlled support member. EFFECT: enlarged operating capabilities. 6 cl, 3 dwg О05$5Сс60с ПЧ ГЭ РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) ВИ “” 2 092 330 Сл (51) МПК В 60 С 11/26, 15/08 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 94017668/11, 02.09.1992 (30) Приоритет: 21.09.1991 ОЕ Р 4131545.6 (46) Дата публикации: 10.10.1997 (56) Ссылки: Патент США М 4220352, кл. 280-708, 1981. (86) Заявка РСТ: ЕР 92102024 (02.09.92) (71) Заявитель: Крупп Индустритехник ГмбХ (0Е) (72) Изобретатель: Хорст Циммерманн[0Е] (73) Патентообладатель: Крупп Индустритехник ГмбХ (0Е) (54) АМОРТИЗАЦИОННАЯ СТОЙКА ДЛЯ ГИДРАВЛИЧЕСКОГО ПРИВОДА КОЛЕС (57) Реферат: При использовании амортизационных стоек с гидравлическим приводом колес обычно гидравлическая жидкость на масляной основе подается под давлением в гидравлический двигатель по гибким шлангам. Для того, чтобы избежать повреждений этих маслопроводов, осуществляют подачу масляной рабочей ЖИДКОСТИ С применением НОВОЙ амортизационной стойки, по которой внутри и подается эта жидкость. Как питающая линия, так и сливная линия имеют телескопическое трубопроводное соединение, которое с одной стороны жестко соединено с наружным направляющим корпусом, а с другой стороны - Сс поворотным соединением, которое зафиксировано в осевом направлении по отношению к пружинящему опорному элементу. Присоединения для гидравлического двигателя (подача и слив ...

07-07-1988 дата публикации

Упругий элемент гидропневматической подвески

Номер: SU1409136A3
Принадлежит: Perlini Roberto

A fluid suspension unit, particularly for heavy motor vehicles, comprising an outer cylinder and an inner cylinder slidably mounted within the outer cylinder, the outer and inner cylinders defining therein a chamber of variable volume containing hydraulic fluid and compressed gas. A diaphragm divides the chamber into two portions and has an opening therein which is normally closed by a mushroom valve. The upper portion of the chamber has a constant volume and a prefixed pressure and the lower portion has a variable volume and a variable pressure, lower or at most equal to that of the upper portion. The mushroom valve, normally closed, opens mechanically only when the suspension reaches a predetermined degree of compression that is when the pressure in the two portions of the chamber are the same. The valve is closed by gravity when the suspension returns to the same predetermined degree of compression.

01-12-1988 дата публикации

Oscillation damper with gas- or liquid-filled spaces

Номер: DE0003815967A1

Oscillation dampers for the oscillation damping of two components that can be moved relative to one another generally have gas- or liquid-filled spaces which are connected to one another via flow restriction openings. In vehicles, especially motor vehicles, use is generally made of hydraulic telescopic shock absorbers and these require a considerable installation space in the direction of compression. The new oscillation damper, in contrast, is to require less space in the direction of compression but nevertheless to have good damping properties both in the compression stage and in the extension stage. It has a dimensionally stable can-shaped first damper part with a storage space of constant volume and an axially adjacent second damper part with a first spring-damper space of variable volume enclosed by a rolling bellows. This space communicates via first flow restriction openings with the storage space and via second flow restriction openings with a second spring-damper space of variable ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Starres Fahrwerk für Nutzfahrzeuge

Номер: DE102016007367A1

Der Erfindung liegt die Aufgabe zugrunde, ein starres Fahrwerk für Nutzfahrzeuge mit geringerem Gewicht und verbesserten Federungseigenschaften zu schaffen. Das wird dadurch erreicht, dass die Verbindungen zwischen linkem und rechtem Rad sowie den Aufhängungspunkten durch miteinander verbundene Längs-, Quer- und Diagonalstreben ausgeführt sind, die zusammengenommen ein Tragwerk bilden, das skelettartig die Fahrwerkfedern umschlingt. Die Fahrwerkfedern sind in der Seitenansicht in nahezu vertikaler Verlängerung des Radaufstandspunktes positioniert und werden von den Mittellinien der Achszapfen durchkreuzt. Die untere Querstrebe verläuft unterhalb der Fahrwerkfedern und die obere Quertrebe umschlingt die Fahrwerkfedern. Beide Querstreben sind im mittleren Abschnitt über Diagonalstreben verbunden.

21-05-2008 дата публикации

Hydropneumatische Feder

Номер: DE0050212058D1

20-04-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003734212A1

29-02-2012 дата публикации

Compressor and air suspension apparatus using the same

Номер: GB0201200753D0

22-05-1968 дата публикации

Piston unit for a hydraulic damping device

Номер: GB0001114825A

... 1,114,825. Hydropneumatic dampers; pistons. BOFORS A.B. 4 Nov., 1965 [4 Nov., 1964], No. 46826/65. Headings F2S and F2T. [Also in Division E2] A hydro-pneumatic damper comprises a piston 11 and cylinder 10 assembly, the pistonrod 8 being connected to the piston 11 by a ball 9 and socket joint. A bore 21 is provided in the piston communicating with the socket-defining surface of the joint such that hydraulic fluid from the cylinder lubricates thejoint. An O- ring 24 and anti-extrusion ring 27 assembly is provided in a, groove 23 of the piston to cooperate with the ball 9, the O-ring 24 being urged. against the ball 9 by hydraulic fluid working in one or more bores 22 communicating with the groove A further bore 25 communicates, with an annular space 26 formed in the periphery of the piston 11.

12-06-2019 дата публикации

A Suspension assembly

Номер: GB0002569189A

A suspension assembly 100 comprising a body 110 defining a primary chamber 122 for containing a suspension fluid, a relief port 172 for discharging suspension fluid to a relief reservoir 168 a piston arm 150 having a piston end 152 slidably received in the body to act on suspension fluid in the primary chamber wherein the piston arm is moveable relative the body in rebound and jounce directions, a gas spring chamber 139 and a moveable member 138 configured to vary a volume of the gas spring chamber to equalise pressure of the suspension fluid and gas in the gas spring chamber, a selectively engageable isolator 137 configured to isolate suspension fluid in the primary chamber from pressure of gas in the gas spring chamber, whereby the suspension assembly is configured for stowing the piston arm by selectively engaging the isolator and subsequently sliding the piston arm along the jounce direction to discharge suspension fluid through the relief port.

10-08-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to shock absorbing assemblies

Номер: GB0000734947A

... 734,947. Springs; road-vehicle undercarriages. SOC. APPLICAZIONI GOMMA ANTIVIBRANTI S.A.G.A. SOC. PER AZIONI. Oct. 31, 1952 [Nov. 3, 1951] No. 27398/52. Classes 108 (2) and 108 (3). A shock-absorbing assembly comprises an annular rubber body A containing fluid which is maintained at a constant pressure and co-operates with the body A so that the latter is not substantially deformed under conditions of normal load. In Fig. 4 the body A comprises a helical coil having a cavity 6 connected to a source of pressure fluid. Alternatively it may be connected to a reservoir at one end of the coil and at its other end to a pump which extends upwards concentrically through the body A (Fig. 5, not shown). Wire reinforcement i is provided. In other constructions (Figs. 1 and 2, not shown) the spring is a rubber block and a pressure fluid source is connected to its hollow interior. Four shock absorbers respective to the wheels of a road vehicle, may be connected to a common fluid reservoir (Fig. 6, not ...

22-04-1970 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Fluid Springs

Номер: GB0001189295A

... 1,189,295. Vehicle suspension systems. METALASTIK Ltd. 28 Sept., 1967 [13 Oct., 1966], No. 45753/66. Heading B7D. [Also in Division F2] A vehicle suspension system incorporates fluid springs of the rolling diaphragm type in which the tendency of such springs to undergo unsprung lateral displacement is avoided by the expedient of fitting an elastomeric O-ring in the spring chamber in contact with the diaphragm and surrounding its operating plunger (see Division F2). In Fig. 3, a public transport vehicle has its rear axle supported by a pair of rigid beams 64 each of which is fitted with a fluid spring 67 of this form. The front axle is supported by a pair of trailing links 72 each fitted with one such spring 80. The fluid (gas or liquid) for all these springs may be derived from a common source (not shown) to which they are all connected through suitable valves, e.g. to constitute a self-levelling system.

05-05-1970 дата публикации

Seal for pistons.

Номер: OA0000002144A

15-12-1969 дата публикации


Номер: OA0000001750A

15-12-1970 дата публикации

Improvements with the hydraulic suspensions with correction of level.

Номер: OA0000002630A

15-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000391618T

15-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000133120T

15-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000086192T

22-04-2010 дата публикации

Electronic height control system for a vehicle with multiple input signals

Номер: AU2008200914B2

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Pneumatic spring for axles of vehicles with air suspension

Номер: AU2017206408A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

The invention relates to a pneumatic spring (1) for axles of vehicles with air suspension, comprising a plunger piston (5) which can be fixed to an axle, an upper closure cover (2) which can be fixed to the vehicle and which comprises rolling bellows (3) secured to the cover, and a bead (32) which is formed on the rolling bellows (3) and which is fixed to the upper face (13) of the plunger piston (5) by a ring (6). The aim of the invention is to allow a simple, non-detachable, and pressure-tight fixation of the rolling bellows (3) to the plunger piston (5) with a pneumatic spring (1) and to allow a fully automatic assembly. According to the invention, this is achieved in that the ring (6) is secured against the plunger piston (5) via a rotational mechanism formed on the ring (6) and on the plunger piston (5).

03-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA923933A

22-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001141787A1

06-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002431450A1

An automatic air suspension control system for a tractor trailer includes a system for allowing suspension air pressure to be dumped for the suspension system during a necessary and required loading/unloading of the tractor trailer. The control system includes a transmission device and an receiving device for activating a valve for exhausting the air pressure from a suspension unit.

30-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002066650A1

... 2066650 9104877 PCTABS00003 A vehicle having a body (25) supported respective pairs of front and rear wheels (30, 31, 32, 33), two piston and cylinder units (23-24, 35-36, 37-38, 34-39) being associated with each wheel and connected between the wheel (30) and body (25) so the piston moves in the cylinders in response to relative movement between the wheel and the body. An individual fluid circuit (40, 41, 42, 43) connecting one piston and cylinder unit (23) of each wheel (30) to a corresponding unit (34) longitudinally spaced therefrom on the same side of the vehicle, and the other piston and cylinder unit (24) of each wheel to a corresponding unit (35) on the transversely opposite side of the vehicle. This arrangement results in the fluid pressure in any two piston and cylinder units interconnected by an individual fluid circuit being equal, and relative movement between any one wheel and the vehicle body induces an opposite relative movement between the vehicle body an the wheel in fluid ...

15-12-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000672615A5

21-09-1933 дата публикации

Hydropneumatic suspension for motor vehicles and different

Номер: FR0000752363A

05-07-1922 дата публикации

Suspension absorbing the shocks and the vibrations

Номер: FR0000540111A

10-08-1962 дата публикации

Device of suspension of wheel of vehicle

Номер: FR0001300962A

21-04-1967 дата публикации

Pneumatic case of suspension for car

Номер: FR0000088975E

29-08-1927 дата публикации

Penumatic suspension for vehicles of all kinds

Номер: FR0000032014E

25-02-1966 дата публикации

Ball joint for device of elastic suspension

Номер: FR0001452534A

04-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002732271A1

Dispositif de commande d'une suspension telle qu'une suspension hydropneumatique de véhicule automobile. Ce dispositif comprend trois actionneurs (E1, E2, E3) aptes à envoyer du liquide dans trois circuits indépendants (C1, C2, C3) de la suspension ou à en retirer. Ces actionneurs sont pilotés par un calculateur (18) selon une loi prédéterminée. Selon l'invention, cette loi tient compte non seulement de la position de la caisse, mais des dérivées temporelles d'ordre 1, 2 et 3 de paramètres représentatifs de cette position. Application à l'industrie automobile.

13-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002647062B3

21-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: BR8203740A

06-08-1968 дата публикации

Номер: US0003395931A1

29-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: US0003736001A1

16-08-1988 дата публикации

Airspring and sleeve

Номер: US4763883A

03-06-2014 дата публикации

Spring tube melting machine for air suspension system

Номер: US0008740605B2
Автор: Jong hun Kim, KIM JONG HUN

Disclosed therein is a spring tube melting machine of an air suspension system. The spring tube melting machine includes an inner molding part (100) and an outer molding part (200), which can mold an integrated spring tube by compressing half-finished spring tube materials at high temperature in order prevent bad molding due to the remaining air and overlap of spring tube materials and simplify maintenance due to repeated use.

09-03-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230076851A1
Автор: Frederik Biewer

A steering system, in particular for use in commercial vehicles, having a base body and a retaining element, wherein the base body has a contact surface on the base body side and the retaining element has a contact surface on the retaining side, wherein the base body has a bearing area for a pivotable suspension at its first distal end, wherein the contact surface on the base body side is arranged at the end of the base body opposite the first distal end, wherein the retaining element has a fastening section for fastening a spring element, wherein the retaining element can be fixed or is fixed to the base body by means of an adhesive introduced between the contact surface on the base body side and the contact surface on the retaining side, and/or wherein an axle body with a contact surface on the axle side is provided, wherein the base body can be fixed or is fixed to the axle body by means of an adhesive introduced between the contact surface on the base body side and the contact surface ...

25-04-2023 дата публикации

Suspension strut

Номер: US0011633998B2

A suspension strut for a vehicle comprises: a first connector for connecting to a first point on the vehicle; a second connector for connecting to a second point on the vehicle; and a damper assembly adapted to provide a damping force as fluid flows through the damper assembly during relative compression between the first point and the second point, wherein the damper assembly comprises a side wall and a damper aperture in the side wall, wherein the damper aperture is open throughout operation of the strut to allow fluid to flow through the damper assembly.

13-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2663959C1

Изобретение относится к ходовым подвескам колесных транспортных средств. Кронштейн содержит установочную часть и крепежную часть. Установочная часть представляет собой фланец, предназначенный для установки кронштейна на поперечной балке подвески. Фланец имеет четыре установочных отверстия, центры которых расположены в углах условного установочного прямоугольника со сторонами. Одни из этих сторон являются продольными, а другие являются поперечными. Фланец выполнен с ребром жесткости в виде пластины, образованной изгибом исходной пластины (заготовки). Крепежная часть кронштейна выполнена в виде швеллера со стенкой и полками. В полках швеллера выполнены сквозные соосно расположенные отверстия для шарнирного крепления амортизатора. Достигается возможность изготовления кронштейна в виде монолитного изделия из одной металлической пластины, что упрощает технологию изготовления кронштейна, упрощает конструкцию и уменьшает металлоемкость. 5 ил.

08-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU192934U1

Полезная модель относится к подвескам транспортных средств, в частности к пневматическим рессорам со встроенными воздушными демпферами.Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что в пневматической рессоре подвески транспортного средства, содержащей основной упругий элемент, состоящий из первого цилиндрического стакана с осевым отверстием на его нижнем торце, резинокордной оболочки, размещенной внутри первого цилиндрического стакана, рабочей и дополнительной емкостей и расположенной между ними перегородки с основным калиброванным отверстием и основным обратным клапаном, перекрываемым при ходе отдачи, и вспомогательный упругий элемент, состоящий из второго цилиндрического стакана, установленного в осевом отверстии нижнего торца первого цилиндрического стакана, вспомогательной рабочей емкости, дополнительного калиброванного отверстия и дополнительного обратного клапана, перегородка соединена с верхним торцом второго цилиндрического стакана и образует с резинокордной оболочкой и верхним ...

11-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU187506U1

Полезная модель относится к транспортному машиностроению, а именно к элементам пневматических подвесок и подъемных осей транспортных средств. Опора пневматической рессоры содержит основание (1) с элементами для крепления к пневморессоре и элементы (2) для крепления к балке оси (3). Элементы (2) для крепления основания (1) к балке оси (3) выполнены в виде скобы, боковые стороны которой выполнены в виде косынки из листа с двумя гибами. Центральная часть скобы выполнена с окошком. Нижние присоединительные грани боковых сторон скобы повторяют форму балки оси (3). Элементы для крепления основания (1) к пневморессоре выполнены в виде одного или несколько отверстий. Основание (1) выполнено в виде диска из листа или литым. Основание (1) может быть выполнено за одно целое с элементами (2) для крепления. Основание (1) соединено с элементами (2) для крепления неразъемно или разъемно. Технический результат заключается в повышении эксплуатационных качеств опоры пневматической рессоры. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ...

27-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU167214U1

Блок гидропневматической рессоры подвески транспортного средства, содержащий гидроцилиндр, состоящий из корпуса, штока и поршня, который делит гидроцилиндр на поршневую и штоковую полости, которые посредством гидромагистралей соединены с гидропневмоаккумуляторами, гидромагистраль, соединяющая штоковую полость и гидроаккумулятор, снабжена дроссельным узлом, а гидромагистраль, соединяющая поршневую полость и гидроаккумулятор снабжена клапаном, отличающийся тем, что гидромагистраль, соединяющая штоковую полость и гидроаккумулятор, снабжена клапаном, а гидромагистраль, соединяющая поршневую полость и гидроаккумулятор, снабжена дроссельным узлом.

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Dämpferanordnung mit Einrohr und dynamischem Kompressionsventil und Fahrzeug mit derselben

Номер: DE102014106723A1

Die Dämpferanordnung weist ein Dämpfergehäuse auf, das zumindest teilweise eine innere Kammer definiert. Ein freier Kolben ist im Dämpfergehäuse angeordnet, um die innere Kammer in eine mit Gas gefüllte Kammer und eine mit Fluid gefüllte Kammer zu trennen. Eine Kolbenanordnung ist dazu konfiguriert, sich innerhalb der mit Fluid gefüllten Kammer zu bewegen, und trennt die mit Fluid gefüllte Kammer in eine Expansionskammer und eine Kompressionskammer. Eine Ventilanordnung trennt die Kompressionskammer in eine primäre Kammer benachbart zur Kolbenanordnung und eine sekundäre Kammer benachbart zum freien Kolben. Die Ventilanordnung ist dazu konfiguriert, eine Strömung von der primären Kammer zur sekundären Kammer zu drosseln, um einen Druckabfall während der Kompression durch die Kolbenanordnung zu verursachen. Der freie Kolben ist dazu konfiguriert, innerhalb des Dämpfergehäuses in Ansprechen auf eine Fluidverdrängung zu gleiten, die durch die Bewegung der Kolbenstange in der mit Fluid gefüllten ...

30-06-1965 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to steering linkage ball joints of vehicles equipped with a hydropneumatic suspension system

Номер: GB0000996438A

... 996,438. Steering ball joints. ANDRE CITROEN S.A. June 4, 1964 [June 10, 1963], No. 23151/64. Heading B7H. The space between a vehicle steering balljoint 4 and the seating 10 therefor is hydraulically connected through bore 12 and pipe 11 with hydropneumatic suspension unit 9, an 0-ring seal defining the edge of the space and being of such a diameter that the loads on the ball joint are " balanced." ...

14-10-1929 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to pneumatic or other elastic fluid-containing chambers

Номер: GB0000320633A

... 320,633. Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Paull, W. H., Fellowes, F., and Nicholas, F. A. July 14, 1928. Springs, arrangement of. -A pneumatic chamber adapted to lengthen or shorten without substantial change in its cross-sectional dimensions is constructed of rubber reinforced by layers of threads or cords which extend helically around the chamber. Fig. 1 shows a cylindrical chamber with several layers of cord 3 and 3b wound helically in opposite directions. Each layer may consist of a single cord or may be formed from a strip comprising a number of cords. In the application to a vehicle shown in Fig. 3, the frame 18 is supported from the axle 19 by a lever 17 pivoted to the frame, a pneumatic compression chamber 1 being interposed between the axle and the frame while a similar chamber 1 is arranged between the end of the lever 17 and the frame to check rebound.

18-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008919976D0

14-08-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001363520A

... 1363520 Vehicle suspensions J C STAMMREICH 25 Aug 1971 [9 Sept 1970] 39949/71 Heading B7D A vehicle suspension comprises a guide plate 16 on the vehicle frame, wheel carriers 11, 12 mounting wheels 13, 14, and respective upper and lower linkages 26-41, 126-141, 226-241, 326-341 extending between the guide plate 16 and the wheel carriers 11, 12, the motion of the linkage members being guided by slots 17, 24 in the guide plate so as to maintain the wheels in a constant camber attitude throughout operation of the vehicle, or to vary the camber in predetermined fashion. Each linkage, Figs. 1, 2, comprises a link 26, 27 connected at one end to the respective wheel carrier 12 and carrying at the other end a pin 30 which engages the slot 19 to define a first movable pivot point C. A second link 28 connected to an intermediate point on the link 26, 27 by a pin 37 defining a pivot point B carries a pin 40 which engages the slot 20 to define a second movable pivot point A. Under one wheel bump conditions ...

26-09-1962 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to suspension systems for motor vehicles

Номер: GB0000906727A

... 906,727. Road vehicle hydro-pneumatic suspensions. ALLINQUANT, F. S. Oct. 26, 1959 [Nov. 8, 1958], No. 36222/59. Classes 108(2) and 108(3). In a hydro-pneumatic suspension system for a motor vehicle in which a cylinder 7, Fig. 3, is connected by a duct 12 to a pneumatic pressure casing fixed on the vehicle frame, the piston rod 36 is yieldingly connected to the piston 8 through a rubber pad 34 mounted in the upper end of the piston 8 and engaged by a metal washer 37 on a shouldered end 35 of the piston rod. The open end of the cylinder 7 is covered by a thin-wall flexible seal 38 having a lubricated boss 39 in which the piston rod 36 slides. The cylinder 7 is yieldingly mounted in a rubber sleeve 17 having a beaded end 18 engaged by a flange 19 of the cylinder. The sleeve 17 may be mounted in a frame bracket or other fitting such as a pot 21 attached to a frame bracket 23 and carrying a metal cover 27 adapted to accommodate the sleeve 17. A knife-edge connection 44, 45 is provided between ...

30-11-2011 дата публикации

A suspension unit for use on a tracked vehicle including a load sensor

Номер: GB0002480628A

A suspension unit 1 for use on a tracked vehicle comprises: a chamber arranged to contain a fluid; a piston 22, 36 slidably disposed within the chamber so as to act on the fluid; and a sensor 32 arranged to measure data relating to the load through the suspension unit. The data relates to a load through the suspension unit 1 and is measured and compared with reference data. The suspension unit 1 is diagnosed as abnormal if the measured data exceeds the reference data by a predetermined amount.

25-04-1969 дата публикации

Springy one and shock absorbing supporting device for vehicle wheels

Номер: AT0000270413B

15-02-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000049734T

15-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000076820T

15-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000107748T

08-08-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000545923B2

21-02-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001250327A1

02-09-2009 дата публикации

Systeme de suspension hydraulique

Номер: CN0101519028A

A hydraulic suspension system includes a suspension base (16) supporting wheels, a hydraulic cylinder (19) for displaceably suspending the suspension base from a vehicle body, and an oil passage connected to the hydraulic cylinder. An accumulator (21, 23) is incorporated within the oil passage. A flow control valve (51) is incorporated at an oil passage portion between the hydraulic cylinder and said accumulator for controlling an amount of work oil flowing therebetween. A pressure sensor (56) is provided for detecting a cylinder oil passage pressure effective on the hydraulic cylinder. A control unit (57) is provided for controlling operation of the flow control valve, based upon a detection value from the pressure sensor.

23-11-2012 дата публикации

Support device for control unit of hydropneumatic suspension of e.g. rear wheel-axle unit of car, has cross-pieces fixed on side members of back structure of vehicle, where control units are fixed on side members

Номер: FR0002975343A1

The device has two U-shaped cross-pieces extending transversely with respect to a longitudinal axis of a vehicle, where the device is provided in the form of a suspended cradle. The cross-pieces are fixed on side members of a back structure of the vehicle by screwing process, where control units are fixed on the side members. A set of sleeves (10A, 10B, 20A, 20B) is fixed at an end of each cross-piece. The cross-pieces are interconnected by a connecting bar (5). Side parts (10F, 10G, 20F, 20G) of the cross-pieces are connected with central parts (10C, 20C) of the cross-pieces.

17-09-1932 дата публикации

Pneumatic suspension for vehicles of all kinds

Номер: FR0000041000E

31-12-1976 дата публикации

Номер: FR0000096658E

22-10-1965 дата публикации

Device of hydropneumatic suspension in particular for motor vehicles

Номер: FR0001414885A

17-03-1989 дата публикации

Element de suspension hydropneumatique pour vehicule a roues, notamment tout terrain

Номер: FR0002620385A

Cet element comprend deux verins hydropneumatiques 2 d'axes X-X paralleles et verticaux, comportant des corps 5 pouvant etre rigidement relies par une plaque 3 et montes a coulisse sur des tiges 6 fixees au chassis 7 du vehicule. La plaque 3 a une largeur suffisante pour autoriser eventuellement le passage d'une transmission de la roue correspondante. Cet agencement ameliore le guidage des roues en les maintenant dans des plans fixes et permet eventuellement de les rendre motrices et/ou directrices.

05-09-2018 дата публикации

Защитное устройство баллона передней пневмоподвески автомобиля

Номер: RU0000182894U1

Предложенное техническое решение относится к защитным средствам для баллона передней пневмоподвески автомобиля. Защитное устройство баллона передней пневмоподвески автомобиля выполнено в виде резиновой цилиндрической втулки длиной L с гофрами в его верхней и нижней частях, при этом расстояние между гофрами в верхней и нижней частях L 1 = L/(1,5-2,5). Полезная модель позволяет повысить долговечность и надежность работы баллона передней пневмоподвески автомобиля и защитного устройства баллона передней пневмоподвески автомобиля. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 182 894 U1 (51) МПК B60G 11/26 (2006.01) F16F 1/38 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60G 11/26 (2006.01); F16F 9/38 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018114731, 20.04.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ЭЙРБАРТЕР" (RU) Дата регистрации: 05.09.2018 2412068 C2, 20.02.2011. US 5015002 A1, 14.05.1991. WO 2016188933 A2, 01.12.2016. RU 2243103 C1, 27.12.2004. (45) Опубликовано: 05.09.2018 Бюл. № 25 1 8 2 8 9 4 R U (54) ЗАЩИТНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО БАЛЛОНА ПЕРЕДНЕЙ ПНЕВМОПОДВЕСКИ АВТОМОБИЛЯ (57) Реферат: Предложенное техническое решение относится между гофрами в верхней и нижней частях L1= L/ к защитным средствам для баллона передней (1,5-2,5). Полезная модель позволяет повысить пневмоподвески автомобиля. Защитное долговечность и надежность работы баллона устройство баллона передней пневмоподвески передней пневмоподвески автомобиля и автомобиля выполнено в виде резиновой защитного устройства баллона передней цилиндрической втулки длиной L с гофрами в его пневмоподвески автомобиля. верхней и нижней частях, при этом расстояние Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 109456, Москва, ул. Рязанский проспект, 75, корп. 4, Купцовой Е.В. 1 8 2 8 9 4 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 5472072 A1, 05.12.1995. RU Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 20. ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Hydraulic Suspension System for Work Vehicle

Номер: US20130087421A1
Принадлежит: Kubota Corp

The hydraulic suspension system comprises a suspension mechanism ( 100 ) for a traveling vehicle body, a suspension reference position variation mechanism ( 18 ) for varying a reference position of a suspension stroke of the suspension mechanism, and a stopped state detector ( 58 ) for detecting a state in which operation of the suspension mechanism ( 100 ) has stopped. The control management unit ( 60 ) controls the suspension reference position variation mechanism ( 18 ) so that when operation of the suspension mechanism ( 100 ) is detected by the stopped state detector ( 58 ) to be in a stopped state, the operation of the suspension mechanism ( 100 ) moves toward a target range, in preference to control based on a suspension stroke position obtained from a suspension stroke position sensor ( 37 ).

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Multi-function damper system

Номер: US20130090808A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The embodiments of the invention are directed to a method and apparatus for improvement in the function of dampers used on mobile vehicles such as recreational vehicles. The main function of current dampers (sometimes called shock absorbers) is to extract energy from the suspension system of a moving vehicle by forcing liquid through a system of valves internal to the damper. This invention adds two more functions. One is to lock the suspension so it cannot move when the vehicle is stationary. The second additional function is to level the chassis of the vehicle with respect to the gravity field.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154223A1

A motor vehicle includes a rear suspension equipped with at least one shock absorber including a by-pass passage for bringing about a damping effect that is different in different portions of the stroke of the plunger of the shock absorber. The shock absorber and the by-pass passage are configured in such a way that the shock absorber produces a maximum damping effect in a final stretch of the stroke of the plunger in the direction of lengthening of the shock absorber, said final stretch of stroke being pre-arranged so as to correspond to the final part of the maximum possible lift of said rear suspension during braking of the motor vehicle. 1. A motor vehicle with a rear suspension including at least one hydraulic shock absorber , said shock absorber including: a cylindrical body; a plunger slidably mounted in the cylindrical body; a stem connected to the plunger and coming out of one end of the cylindrical body; valve means associated to said plunger for setting in communication with one another the two chambers present inside the cylindrical body and located on the two opposite sides of the plunger; and a by-pass passage on the outside of said cylindrical body , having two opposite ends giving out into two openings of the wall of the cylindrical body axially set at a distance from one another , in such a way that said shock absorber produces a damping effect that is different in different portions of the stroke of the plunger ,said motor vehicle being wherein said shock absorber and said by-pass passage are configured in such a way that said shock absorber produces a maximum damping effect in a final stretch of the stroke of the plunger in the direction of lengthening of the shock absorber, said final stretch of stroke being pre- arranged so as to correspond to the final part of the maximum possible lift of said rear suspension during braking of the motor vehicle.2. The motor vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein said shock absorber and said by-pass passage are ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130249183A1

A damper assembly for a vehicle suspension system includes a primary damper and a secondary damper. The secondary damper is coupled to the primary damper and includes a housing and an annular piston. The housing includes a sidewall that partially surrounds the primary damper, and the volume between the sidewall and the primary damper defines a damping chamber. The sidewall defines a plurality of apertures. The annular piston is positioned within the damping chamber and slidably coupled to the sidewall. The primary damper provides a base damping force and the secondary damper provides a supplemental damping force that varies based on the position of the annular piston along the housing. 1. A damper assembly for a vehicle suspension system , comprising:a primary damper; and a housing including a sidewall that partially surrounds the primary damper, the volume between the sidewall and the primary damper defining a damping chamber, wherein the sidewall defines a plurality of apertures; and', 'an annular piston positioned within the damping chamber and slidably coupled to the sidewall,, 'a secondary damper coupled to the primary damper, comprisingwherein the primary damper provides a base damping force and the secondary damper provides a supplemental damping force that varies based on the position of the annular piston along the housing.2. The damper assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of apertures include a first set of apertures and a second set of apertures.3. The damper assembly of claim 2 , further comprising a first conduit forming a first flow path between the first set of apertures and a second conduit forming a second flow path between the second set of apertures claim 2 , wherein movement of the annular piston along the housing activates and deactivates the first flow path and the second flow path.4. The damper assembly of claim 3 , further comprising a first bidirectional flow valve positioned along the first flow path and a second bidirectional flow ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001713A1

A mobile working machine, in particular an agricultural device such as a self-propelled sprayer, comprising a structure which is hydraulically supported with respect to an undercarriage by means of cylinders () having a piston chamber () and a rod chamber (), wherein a switching device () is provided which, in a switching position, fluidically connects the piston chamber () of a cylinder () to the rod chamber () of another cylinder (), and vice versa, characterised in that, as part of the switching device, first valves () and second valves () are connected on the fluid-conveying connection () between the piston chamber () of the one cylinder () and the rod chamber () of the other cylinder (), the first valves () each being connected on the input side to the piston chamber () and to a first hydraulic accumulator () and the second valves () being connected on the input side to the rod chamber () and on the output side to a second hydraulic accumulator (). 1246818223638624824182236381214624824182262830363883234. A mobile machine , in particular an agricultural machine such as a self-propelled spray unit , comprising a structure that is hydraulically supported with respect to an undercarriage by means of cylinders ( , ) that are provided with a piston chamber () and a rod chamber () , wherein a switching device ( , , , ) is provided that connects , in one switch position , the piston chamber () of one cylinder ( , ) with the rod chamber () of another cylinder ( , ) and vice versa in a fluid-conducting manner , characterized in that first ( , ) and second valves ( , ) are connected to the respective fluid connections ( , ) between the piston chamber () of the one cylinder ( , ) and the rod chamber () of the other cylinder ( , ) as part of the switching device , wherein said first valves ( , ) are each connected to the inlet side of the piston chamber () and to a first hydraulic accumulator ( , ) each , and the said second valves ( , ) are each connected to the inlet side ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Vehicle axle suspension system

Номер: US20150001825A1

A suspension system is provided for a movable, supported vehicle axle. The suspension system includes a pair of hydraulic suspension cylinders, which are placed between the vehicle axle and a supporting vehicle structure. Each hydraulic suspension cylinder includes a first work chamber connected to a first pressure accumulator, and a second work chamber connected to a second pressure accumulator. A pressure-limiting valve is exposed to pressure in the first work chamber and has an outlet connected to the second pressure accumulator.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Suspension device

Номер: US20200009936A1
Автор: Heinz-Peter Huth
Принадлежит: Hydac Systems and Services GmbH

A suspension device, in particular for axle suspensions in tractors, having at least one suspension cylinder, the piston rod unit (12) of which separates a piston side (18) from an annular side (14) in a cylinder housing (20), is characterized in that a pressure relief valve (26) is used to limit a maximum pressure at the annular side (14) of the relevant suspension cylinder.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022179A1
Автор: Collins Andrew John

An active suspension system for a vehicle. The suspension system comprises a hydraulic actuator for connection to the vehicle, an accumulator arranged to provide fluid to the actuator and a spool valve . The spool valve comprises a spool mounted for movement between a first position in which the flow of fluid from the accumulator to the actuator is prevented and a second position in which fluid can flow from the accumulator to the actuator via the spool thereby causing movement of the actuator 1. An active suspension system for a vehicle , the suspension system comprising a hydraulic actuator for connection to the vehicle , an accumulator arranged to provide fluid to the actuator and a spool valve comprising a spool mounted for movement between a first position in which the flow of fluid from the accumulator to the actuator is prevented and a second position in which fluid can flow from the accumulator to the actuator via the spool thereby causing movement of the actuator.2. An active suspension system according to claim 1 , wherein the accumulator forms part of a high-pressure sub-system and the suspension system further comprises a low-pressure sub-system claim 1 , and wherein fluid can flow from the hydraulic actuator to the low-pressure sub-system via the spool when the spool is in the second position.3. An active suspension system according to claim 2 , wherein the spool is mounted for movement between the first position and a third position in which fluid can flow from the hydraulic actuator to the low-pressure sub-system via the spool and wherein the flow of fluid from the high-pressure sub-system to the hydraulic actuator is prevented by the spool when the spool is in the third position.4. An active suspension system according to claim 3 , wherein the spool passes through the third position when the spool moves from the first position to the second position.5. An active suspension system according to claim 1 , wherein the suspension system comprises a pump ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047345A1
Автор: Dockter Nathan D.

Self-propelled vehicles that adjust the pitch of the vehicle during use are disclosed. The vehicle may include a suspension system position sensor and a control unit that adjusts a suspension element based at least in part on a signal from the suspension system position sensor. In some embodiments, the self-propelled vehicle may include an inclinometer for measuring the pitch of the terrain. 1. A self-propelled vehicle comprising:a chassis;first and second rear wheels connected to the chassis;first and second front wheels connected to the chassis;an inclinometer for sensing a ground pitch;a suspension system comprising a suspension element that enables one of the first and second rear wheels and first and second front wheels to move relative to the chassis;a suspension system position sensor, the sensor producing a signal based on the position of the suspension system relative to the chassis; anda control unit that receives signals from the suspension system position sensor, the control unit adjusting the suspension element based at least in part on the signal from the suspension system position sensor.2. The self-propelled vehicle as set forth in wherein the self-propelled vehicle comprises a controller configured to adjust the vehicle based on a signal from the inclinometer after the suspension element has been adjusted.3. The self-propelled vehicle as set forth in wherein the suspension element is a hydraulic cylinder.4. The self-propelled vehicle as set forth in wherein the self-propelled vehicle is a self-propelled baler.5. The self-propelled vehicle as set forth in wherein the self-propelled baler comprises a controller that presents a suggested bale position based at least in part on a signal from the inclinometer.6. The self-propelled vehicle as set forth in wherein the first and second front wheels are caster wheels and the first and second rear wheels are drive wheels.7. The self-propelled vehicle as set forth in wherein the suspension element is a ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056746A1
Принадлежит: Oshkosh Defense, LLC

A damper assembly for a vehicle suspension system includes a primary damper and a secondary damper. The secondary damper includes a housing having a wall that at least partially surrounds at least a portion of the primary damper, the volume between the wall and the primary damper defining a chamber, and the wall defines an aperture. The secondary damper also includes a piston positioned within the chamber, a conduit defining a flow path that includes the aperture, and a valve disposed along the flow path. The secondary damper is configured to provide a damping force that varies based on the position of the piston within the chamber. 1. A damper assembly for a vehicle suspension system , comprising:a primary damper; and a housing including a wall that at least partially surrounds at least a portion of the primary damper, the volume between the wall and the primary damper defining a chamber, wherein the wall defines an aperture;', 'a piston positioned within the chamber;', 'a conduit defining a flow path that includes the aperture; and', 'a valve disposed along the flow path,, 'a secondary damper, comprisingwherein the secondary damper is configured to provide a damping force that varies based on the position of the piston within the chamber.2. The damper assembly of claim 1 , wherein the wall defines a set of apertures claim 1 , the conduit defining the flow path between the set of apertures.3. The damper assembly of claim 2 , wherein the valve comprises a bidirectional flow valve configured to produce different damping forces based on the position and the travel direction of the piston.4. The damper assembly of claim 2 , wherein the wall defines a second set of apertures.5. The damper assembly of claim 4 , further comprising a second conduit forming a second flow path between the second set of apertures claim 4 , wherein the piston is configured such that movement thereof along the housing activates and deactivates the first flow path and the second flow path.6. The ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057316A1
Принадлежит: Regents of the University of Minnesota

APC systems and methods using vehicle mass to assess boardings and alightings of passengers on transit vehicles (e.g., buses). Vehicle mass is determined based on signaled information indicative of a pressure in one or more air bag circuits of an air ride suspension system of the vehicle. In some embodiments, pressure information from three air bag circuits of the vehicle are monitored and reviewed to determine vehicle mass. The passenger count can be estimated based on determined vehicle mass by an Additional Mass Method or an Event-Based Method for example. 1. A computer-implemented method for estimating vehicle passenger count , the method comprising:identifying occurrence of a first ridership change episode; andestimating a first passenger count of the vehicle at a conclusion of the first ridership change episode based upon at least one sensed parameter indicative of vehicle mass.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle includes an air ride suspension system having a first air bag circuit claim 1 , and further wherein the step of estimating includes:reviewing a signal from a sensor associated with the first air bag circuit, the signal being indicative of a current pressure in the first air bag circuit.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the step of estimating includes determining the vehicle mass at a conclusion of the first ridership change episode as a function of the current air pressure of the first air bag circuit at a time of the conclusion of the first ridership change episode.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the step of estimating further includes comparing the vehicle mass with an unloaded vehicle mass.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the step of estimating further includes establishing an estimated passenger count at the conclusion of the first ridership change episode as a function of the determined vehicle mass claim 4 , the unloaded vehicle mass claim 4 , and a constant representative of an average passenger mass.6. The method of claim 3 , ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061043A1
Автор: YUN Jeong Joo

A vehicle height adjustment system includes: an input housing part having a space in which working fluid is stored; an input piston part positioned in the input housing part, the input piston part configured to move along a lengthwise direction of the input housing part; a lead screw inserted into the input piston part, the lead screw configured to move in response to receiving external power; and a connection part fastening the input piston part with the lead screw. 1. A vehicle height adjustment system , comprising:an input housing part having a space in which working fluid is stored;an input piston part positioned in the input housing part, the input piston part configured to move along a lengthwise direction of the input housing part;a lead screw inserted into the input piston part, the lead screw configured to move in response to receiving external power; anda connection part fastening the input piston part with the lead screw.2. The vehicle height adjustment system according to claim 1 , wherein the connection part comprises:a first locking member passing through and connecting the input piston part and the lead screw in a horizontal direction.3. The vehicle height adjustment system according to claim 1 , wherein the connection part comprises:a second locking member passing through the input piston part and locked onto the lead screw.4. The vehicle height adjustment system according to claim 3 , wherein the second locking member comprises a plurality of second locking member parts disposed around the lead screw.5. The vehicle height adjustment system according to claim 1 , wherein the connection part comprises:a third locking member passing through and connecting the input piston part and the lead screw in a vertical direction.6. The vehicle height adjustment system according to is free of a hydraulic seal member interposed between the input piston part and the lead screw.7. A vehicle height adjustment system claim 1 , comprising:an output unit connected to a ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Device for adjusting height of vehicle

Номер: US20210061044A1
Автор: Kyung Ryul PARK
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co Ltd

A vehicle height adjustment system includes: a cylinder housing part having an inner space configured to receive working fluid; a piston part positioned in the cylinder housing part, the piston part configured to move linearly, in response to a working fluid, in a moving direction along the cylinder housing part; and a rotation suppressing bracket coupled to the cylinder housing part and connected to a side surface of the piston part, the rotation suppressing bracket configured to suppress rotational movement with respect to the moving direction of the piston part.

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140138931A1
Автор: ENDO Hiroshi
Принадлежит: Showa Corporation

A pressure buffer device includes a bypass path configured to form a channel of the oil from the a second oil chamber to the a first oil chamber, a slit valve connected to the bypass path, configured to form an inflow route of the oil from the bypass path to a pressure chamber, and having a channel sectional area smaller than a channel sectional area of the bypass path, and a communication path connected to the bypass path, configured to form an inflow route of the oil from the bypass path to an annular recess, and having a channel sectional area larger than the channel sectional area of the slit valve and smaller than the channel sectional area of the bypass path. 1. A pressure buffer device comprising:a cylinder configured to store liquid;a partitioning member configured to partition a space in the cylinder into a first liquid chamber and a second liquid chamber for storing the liquid;a channel section configured to form a channel of the liquid from the second liquid chamber to the first liquid chamber;a releasing and blocking section configured to release and block a flow of the liquid flowing from the second liquid chamber to the first liquid chamber via the channel section;a first space forming section opposed to one side of the releasing and blocking section and configured to form a space for receiving inflow of the liquid;a second space forming section opposed to the other side of the releasing and blocking section and configured to form a space for receiving inflow of the liquid;a first inflow section connected to the channel section, configured to form an inflow route of the liquid from the channel section to the first space forming section, and having a channel sectional area smaller than a channel sectional area of the channel section; anda second inflow section connected to the channel section, configured to form an inflow route of the liquid from the channel section to the second space forming section, and having a channel sectional area larger than the ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068034A1
Автор: Smith Justin

A convertible link for use with an anti-sway bar is provided. The convertible link includes a hydraulic cylinder having a link tube and a fluid shaft. The fluid shaft includes a piston coupled to a first end of the fluid shaft, wherein the fluid shaft and the piston are slidably coupled within the link tube. Fluid flows in and out of the hydraulic cylinder to move the hydraulic cylinder between a fixed and a moveable condition. In the fixed position the fluid shaft does not move with respect to the link tube and the anti-sway bar is operational to control roll. In the moveable condition the fluid shaft is moveable with respect to the link tube and the anti-sway bar is not operational to control roll. 1. A convertible link for use with an anti-sway bar , the convertible link comprising: a link tube; and', 'a fluid shaft having a piston coupled to a first end of the fluid shaft, wherein the fluid shaft and the piston are slidably coupled within the link tube, wherein fluid flows in and out of the hydraulic cylinder to move the hydraulic cylinder between a fixed and a moveable condition, wherein in the fixed position, the fluid shaft is fixed with respect to the link tube and the anti-sway bar is operational to control roll and in the moveable condition, the fluid shaft is moveable with respect to the link tube and the anti-sway bar is not operational to control roll., 'a hydraulic cylinder comprising2. The convertible link of claim 1 , further comprising a link cap coupled to a first end of the link tube claim 1 , wherein the link cap comprises an aperture used to couple the link cap to the anti-sway bar.3. The convertible link of claim 2 , further comprising fluid shaft cap coupled to a second end of the fluid shaft claim 2 , wherein the fluid shaft cap comprises an aperture used to couple the fluid shaft cap to a control arm of vehicle suspension.4. The convertible link of claim 3 , further comprising an end cap claim 3 , wherein the end cap includes an aperture ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140145411A1
Автор: May Lutz

The subject invention relates to an air spring height sensor. The air spring height sensor of this invention comprises a height measuring signal transmitter () and a receiver (). The height measuring signal transmitter is adapted for transmitting a height signal. The receiver is adapted for sensing the height signal transmitted by the height measuring signal transmitter. The height signal indicates a distance between the height measuring signal transmitter and the receiver. 1. An air spring height sensor , comprisinga height measuring signal transmitter, anda receiver,wherein the height measuring signal transmitter is adapted for transmitting a height signal,wherein the receiver is adapted for sensing the height signal transmitted by the height measuring signal transmitter, andwherein the height signal indicates a distance between the height measuring signal transmitter and the receiver.2. The air spring height sensor according to claim 1 ,wherein at least one of the height measuring signal transmitter and the receiver is adapted for being connected (by wire) to an electric power supply.3. The air spring height sensor according to claim 2 ,wherein at least one of the height measuring signal transmitter or the receiver is adapted for being connected to an electric power supply with a wire.4. The air spring height sensor according to claim 1 ,wherein one energy transmitting element of the height measuring signal transmitter and the receiver is adapted for wirelessly transmitting energy to the other one energy receiving element of the height measuring signal transmitter and the receiver,wherein the energy transmitting element is adapted to generate a magnetic field), andwherein the magnetic field is adapted to induce an electric current in the energy receiving element.5. The air spring height sensor according to claim 1 ,further comprising a first energy transfer element connecting the height measuring signal transmitter and the receiver,wherein the first energy ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094645A1

A suspension system may include a pneumatic spring at each wheel of a vehicle. The suspension system may be configured to determine and achieve a pressure set point in each of the pneumatic springs and a target ride height at each wheel of the vehicle. The pressure set point may be determined based on a load at each of the wheels and the center of gravity of the vehicle, such that upon reaching the pressure set point at each in each of the pneumatic springs, a target load and target ride height may be achieved at each of the wheels of the vehicle. The system may also be used to level the ride height of the vehicle and/or achieve a desired orientation. 1. A vehicle comprising:a chassis;a first wheel;a first pneumatic spring coupled to the first wheel and the chassis;a first sensor configured to generate a first signal indicative of a current first ride height of the vehicle at the first wheel;a second wheel;a second pneumatic spring coupled to the second wheel and the chassis;a second sensor configured to generate a second signal indicative of a current second ride height of the vehicle at the second wheel;a pneumatic system in flow communication with the first pneumatic spring and the second pneumatic spring; and determine a current first pressure and a current second pressure;', 'determine a target first ride height and a target second ride height;', 'determine, based at least in part on the current first pressure, the current second pressure, the target first ride height, and the target second ride height, a first pressure set point for the first pneumatic spring and a second pressure set point for the second pneumatic spring;', 'determine, based at least in part on the first pressure set point, the current first pressure, and a current first ride height, a first target pressure;', 'determine, based at least in part on the second pressure set point, the current second pressure, and a second current ride height, a second target pressure;', 'receive a signal from ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200095736A1
Автор: Wiktor Roland

A paver includes a main vehicle body and a set of fore-wheels. The set of fore-wheels is connected to the main vehicle body via a hydraulic wheel suspension system which, in at least a paving mode of the paver, allows hydraulic level compensation for each wheel of the set of fore-wheels. The paver further includes a hydraulic motion control assembly adapted to selectively provide hydraulic spring suspension and/or hydraulic dampening to at least one wheel of the set of fore-wheels. 1. A paver comprising:a main vehicle body, anda set of fore-wheels, said set of fore-wheels being connected to said main vehicle body via a hydraulic wheel suspension system which, in at least a paving mode of said paver, allows hydraulic level compensation for each wheel of said set of fore-wheels, wherein said paver further comprises a hydraulic motion control assembly adapted to selectively provide hydraulic spring suspension and/or hydraulic dampening to at least one wheel of said set of fore-wheels.2. The paver according to claim 1 , wherein said set of fore-wheels comprises a pair of front fore-wheels and a pair of back fore-wheels claim 1 , as seen in an intended forward direction of travel of said paver claim 1 , said hydraulic motion control assembly being adapted to selectively provide hydraulic spring suspension and/or hydraulic dampening to at least each wheel of said pair of back fore-wheels.3. The paver according to claim 1 , wherein said hydraulic motion control assembly comprises a hydraulic accumulator.4. The paver according to claim 3 , wherein said hydraulic motion control assembly comprises a throttling arrangement in fluid communication with said hydraulic accumulator.5. The paver according to claim 1 , wherein said hydraulic wheel suspension system comprises a plurality of cylinders claim 1 , with a cylinder associated with each wheel of said set of fore-wheels claim 1 , each cylinder having a piston side and a piston rod side.6. The paver according to claim 5 , ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170100982A1

A work vehicle with the cylinder cushioning arrangement includes two frame members coupled together with two hydraulic cylinders that are cross-coupled to each other. Each of the two hydraulic cylinders includes a flow-restricted port (at either its rod end or the cylinder end) that throttles hydraulic fluid flow. 1. A work vehicle with a cylinder cushioning arrangement , comprising:a first vehicle frame member;a second vehicle frame member pivotally coupled to the first vehicle frame member at a pivot joint wherein the pivot joint defines an axis of pivot;a first hydraulic cylinder coupled to and between the first vehicle frame member and the second vehicle frame member, the first hydraulic cylinder having a unrestricted cylinder end port, an unrestricted rod end port, and either a restricted rod end port or a restricted cylinder end port;a second hydraulic cylinder coupled to and between the first vehicle frame member and the second vehicle frame member, the second hydraulic cylinder having an unrestricted cylinder end port, and unrestricted rod end port and either a restricted rod end port or a restricted cylinder end port;a first conduit hydraulically coupling the unrestricted rod end port of the first hydraulic cylinder to the unrestricted cylinder end port of the second hydraulic cylinder; anda second conduit hydraulically coupling the unrestricted cylinder end port of the first hydraulic cylinder to the unrestricted rod end port of the second hydraulic cylinder.2. The work vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a hydraulic valve coupled to the restricted rod end port or the restricted cylinder end port of the first hydraulic cylinder claim 1 , and also coupled to the restricted rod end port or the restricted cylinder end port of the second hydraulic cylinder claim 1 , wherein the hydraulic valve is controllable to introduce hydraulic fluid into the first hydraulic cylinder and the second hydraulic cylinder claim 1 , and to remove hydraulic fluid from the ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

System and Method For Adjusting A Motor Vehicle Chassis

Номер: US20190118608A1

An adjustment system and method for adjusting a chassis property of a motor vehicle wherein an understeering sensitivity of the motor vehicle is increased upon detecting that a trailer has been coupled to the motor vehicle. A detection unit operates to detect when a trailer is attached or coupled to the motor vehicle. 1. A method for adjusting a chassis property of a motor vehicle comprising:detecting whether a trailer is coupled to the motor vehicle;providing an adjustable chassis adjuster associated with one of a front axle of the motor vehicle and a rear axle of the motor vehicle; andusing said adjustable chassis adjuster to increase an understeer of the motor vehicle upon detecting that a trailer has been coupled to the motor vehicle.2. The method of including increasing the understeer of the motor vehicle by increasing roll stability of the front axle of the motor vehicle.3. The method of including increasing the understeer of the motor vehicle by adjusting a front stabilizer coupled to the front axle such that said front stabilizer has a greater torsional stiffness than a torsional stiffness of a rear stabilizer coupled to a rear axle.4. The method of including increasing the understeer of the motor vehicle by adjusting a rear stabilizer coupled to the rear axle such that said rear stabilizer has a less torsional stiffness than a torsional stiffness of a front stabilizer coupled to a front axle.5. The method of including providing a right wheel vertical chassis actuator on the front axle and a left wheel vertical chassis adjuster on the front axle; andusing the right wheel vertical chassis actuator and the left wheel chassis actuator to increase wheel load differences between a right wheel and a left wheel.6. The method of including providing a right wheel vertical chassis actuator on the rear axle and a left wheel vertical chassis adjuster on the rear axle; andusing the right wheel vertical chassis actuator and the left wheel chassis actuator to increase ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle Wheel Suspension with a Hydraulic Vibration Damper

Номер: US20140217693A1

A vehicle wheel suspension is provided having a hydraulic vibration damper, which is connected in parallel to a suspension spring which proportionally supports the vehicle body. A rebound spring is provided, which preferably and typically becomes effective in the event of larger spring deflection distances. The support point of the rebound spring is displaceable in relation to the damper housing by way of a spring support piston, which is provided therein and is displaceable by fluid externally supplied with pressure via pump. In this case, the pump is connected to a pressure accumulator for the fluid and delivers fluid out of the pressure accumulator into the damper housing or out of the damper housing back into the pressure accumulator. The absolute value of the spring constant of the pressure accumulator is at least in the order of magnitude of the spring constant of the associated suspension spring or springs, or is greater. 1. A vehicle wheel suspension , comprising: a dampening housing;', 'a rebound spring that first becomes effective in an event of larger spring deflection distances,', 'a spring support piston provided in the damper housing and being displaceable by fluid externally supplied with pressure by a pump,', 'a support point of the rebound spring being displaceable in relation to the damper housing of the vibration damper by way of the spring support piston, wherein:', 'the pump is connected to a pressure accumulator for said fluid and delivers fluid out of said pressure accumulator into the damper housing or out of the damper housing back into the pressure accumulator, and', 'an absolute value of the spring constant of the pressure accumulator is at least on an order of magnitude of the spring constant of the associated suspension spring or, in the case of multiple suspension springs associated with one pressure accumulator, the spring constants of the multiple suspension springs, or is greater., 'a hydraulic vibration damper connected in parallel ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180154723A1
Принадлежит: ClearMotion, Inc.

A self-driving vehicle with an integrated fully-active suspension system. The fully-active suspension utilizes data from one or more sensors used for autonomous driving (e.g. vision, LIDAR, GPS) in order to anticipate road conditions in advance. The system builds a topographical map of the road surface. Suspension and road data is delivered back to the vehicle in order to change autonomous driving behavior including route planning. Energy storage is regulated based on a planned route. Forward and lateral acceleration feel is mitigated through active pitch and tilt compensation. The fully-active suspension pushes and pulls the suspension in three or more operational quadrants in order to deliver superior ride comfort, handling, and/safety of the vehicle. 152-. (canceled)53. A self-driving vehicle , comprising:a plurality of active suspension actuators;a self-driving vehicle controller that receives information about a destination and is configured to plan a route to reach the destination based on the received information, wherein the self-driving vehicle controller determines a path of travel of a wheel to be travelled by the wheel during at least a portion of the planned route; andan active suspension controller that receives information about the path of travel of the wheel from the self-driving vehicle controller, and wherein the active suspension controller controls at least one of the plurality of active suspension actuators based at least partially on the information about the path of travel of the wheel from the self-driving vehicle controller.54. The self-driving vehicle of claim 53 , wherein the self-driving vehicle controller obtains information about the path of travel of the wheel.55. The self-driving vehicle of claim 54 , further comprising: a data storage system that includes a map with three-dimensional terrain information claim 54 , wherein at least a portion of the information obtained by the self-driving vehicle controller about the path of travel ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220305861A1
Автор: Cowley Denis

A moveable subframe system, a slider box improvement system, an agent injection system, an airbag apparatus, a process of filling a suspension airbag, a process of repairing a suspension airbag, and methods of use are presented. The present disclosure provides an apparatus, process, manufacturing method, and methods of use for an airbag and/or airbag replacement for an air ride suspension system. The disclosure may include replacement and/or new installation of a no-flat airbag to be used in an air suspension system, thus reducing waste and costs associated with suspension system repair. Utilizing the system and process disclosed herein, a broken and/or punctured airbag of an existing airbag suspension system is repaired and utilized in operation. Furthermore, the system provides for utilizing new airbags in the same. 1. An improved airbag apparatus , comparing: the airbag extending a length from a first end to a second end;', 'the airbag having a membrane;', 'the airbag having a hollow interior;', 'the airbag having a first aperture for filling the airbag;', 'the airbag having a first aperture for bleeding air from the airbag while the airbag is being filled;, 'an airbag;'}wherein the airbag is configured to act as a suspension airbag;wherein the airbag can be deflated;wherein the airbag is filled with a foam material;wherein the airbag is configured to accommodate repeated compression relative to the first end and the second end of the airbag.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:wherein the airbag is configured to be used in an air suspension system;the air suspension system being part of a tractor trailer vehicle;wherein the airbag is configured to provide a smooth operation of a vehicle due to absorption of impacts.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:wherein the airbag is a replacement airbag; 'the foam being a material capable of flexion in accordance with deformations caused on the airbag during operation.', 'wherein the airbag has been ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150174979A1

A weapons platform including an undercarriage () and a weapon () that is positioned in a directable manner on the undercarriage (). The undercarriage () may be supported in relation to the ground beneath by a supporting device () that is damped in order to absorb firing recoil forces, the damping characteristics of the supporting device () being adjustable in accordance with the firing recoil forces that are to be expected from the weapon (). The weapons platform () may be mounted on a military vehicle (). A method for operating such a weapons platform () is also disclosed. 111111131131111111111161161611613113. A weapons platform comprising an undercarriage ( , ) and a weapon ( , ) arranged in a directable manner with respect to the undercarriage ( , ) , wherein the undercarriage ( , ) is supported with respect to the ground beneath by means of a supporting device ( , ) of a damped design for absorbing firing reaction forces , characterized in that the damping characteristics of the supporting device ( , ) are set in dependence on the firing reaction forces of the weapon ( , ) that are to be expected.21611613113. The weapons platform as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the damping characteristics of the supporting device ( claim 1 , ) are set in dependence on the direction and/or the magnitude of the firing reaction forces of the weapon ( claim 1 , ) that are to be expected.31611613113. The weapons platform as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the damping characteristics of the supporting device ( claim 1 , ) are set in dependence on the type of weapon ( claim 1 , ).41611613113. The weapons platform as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the damping characteristics of the supporting device ( claim 1 , ) are set in dependence on the directional position of the weapon ( claim 1 , ).51611613113. The weapons platform as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the damping characteristics of the supporting device ( claim 1 , ) are set in dependence on a type of munition introduced into the weapon ( ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190168561A1
Автор: BUCKNELL John Russell

A dual-mode suspension system using hydraulic dampers is disclosed. One or more dampers on each side of the four-wheel suspension system are coupled to a respective damper on the other side via a damper valve. One or more leaf springs may be arranged between the leading links coupled to some of the dampers, and trailing links coupled to other of the dampers. The suspension system may advantageously engage, lock, or partially disengage the respective dampers connected by the valve on each side of the system. Manipulating the valve to control engagement of the dampers, which may depend on the speed and related issues, provides control over whether heave motions should be separated from roll. In another embodiment, one or more single or double acting hydraulic cylinders may be used to engage dampers. 1. A quadricycle suspension system for a vehicle , comprising:a first damper arranged on a first side of the suspension system; anda second damper arranged on a second side of the suspension system,wherein the first damper is coupled to the second damper via at least one interconnect, each at least one interconnect comprising a valve configured to control the motion of the first damper relative to the second damper.2. The suspension system of claim 1 , wherein the valve corresponding to each at least one interconnect is further configured to at least partially disengage the first and second dampers in response to control system commands.3. The suspension system of claim 1 , wherein the control system commands comprise at least one of vehicle speed and vehicle lateral acceleration.4. The suspension system of claim 1 , wherein the first and second dampers are coupled to leading links respectively located on the first and second sides.5. The suspension system of claim 4 , further comprising:a third damper arranged on the first side; anda fourth damper arranged on the second side,wherein the third damper is coupled to the fourth damper via at least one second interconnect, ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180186207A1
Принадлежит: CNH Industrial America, LLC

The disclosure relates to a dampening system useful for reducing the shimmying or movement of caster on suspension systems of harvesters, such as self-propelled windrowers. The suspension system utilizes hydraulic cylinders on harvesters which are operably linked to the caster and that respond to movement of the caster and/or caster wheel during operation of the harvester in a high-speed operable mode. 1. A harvester comprising:a vehicle frame configured for attachment to an implement to be moved in a longitudinal working direction across the ground;at least one rear axle positioned transversely to the longitudinal working direction of the harvester and operably attached to the vehicle frame;a first pair of actuator mounting brackets mounted on the axle by at least one fastening member at positions spaced transversely and on the axle, each actuator mounting bracket operably attached to a caster oppositely positioned below the axle;a first pair of ground wheels mounted on the casters;a pair of hydraulic actuators, each in fluid communication with at least one hydraulic circuit and operably mounted on the actuator mounting brackets configured for absorbing vibration from the casters during operation of the harvester in one or more operable modes.2. The harvester of claim 1 , wherein the one or more operable modes comprise a first operable mode in which the harvester operates at a speed of from about 0 to about 15 miles per hour; and a second operable mode in which the harvester operates at a speed of from about 16 to about 30 miles per hour.3. The harvester of claim 1 , further comprising a ballast box attached by at least one fastening member to the rear edge of the frame.4. The harvester of further comprising a hydraulic fluid reservoir and a hydraulic valve manifold comprising the hydraulic circuit.5. The harvester of claim 1 , wherein the ground wheels are mounted on the casters with a pivotal attachment allowing independent pivotal movement about a vertical or ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170197667A1
Автор: Kabayama Shohei
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A vehicle body structure for an automobile includes left and right rear side frames that extend in a front-rear direction, a rear floor that connects the left and right rear side frames to each other and that includes a lower surface having a rear portion where a compressor for air suspension is supported, a compressor housing that covers the compressor, and left and right rear braces that are disposed so as to form a V shape having an opening on a front side in top view and that couple front portions of the left and right rear side frames to the compressor housing. 1. A vehicle body structure for an automobile comprising:left and right rear side frames that extend in a front-rear direction, respectively;a rear floor that connects the left and right rear side frames to each other;a compressor for air suspension attached to a lower surface of a rear portion of the rear floor;a compressor housing that covers the compressor; andleft and right rear braces that are disposed so as to have a V shape having an opening on a front side thereof in top view and that couple front portions of the left and right rear side frames to the compressor housing, respectively.2. The vehicle body structure for an automobile according to claim 1 , further comprising:left and right front securing portions provided on the left and right rear side frames, respectively;left and right rear securing portions provided on the left and right rear side frames, respectively;a quadrangle frame-shaped subframe having four corners supported by the left and right front securing portions and the left and right rear securing portions, respectively;left and right coupling members; andleft and right subframe support brackets provided on the lower surface of the rear floor,wherein the left and right rear securing portions are coupled to the left and right subframe support brackets via the left and right coupling members interposed therebetween, respectively, andwherein left and right ends of the compressor ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Active stabilization system for truck cabins

Номер: US20140297113A1
Принадлежит: Levant Power Corp

An active suspension system for a truck cabin that actively responds to and mitigates external force inputs between the truck chassis and the cabin. The system greatly reduces pitch, roll, and heave motions that lead to operator discomfort. The assembly is comprised of two or more self-contained actuators that respond to commands from an electronic controller. The controller commands the actuators based on feedback from one or more sensors on the cabin and/or chassis.

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Distributed active suspension control system

Номер: US20140297117A1
Принадлежит: Levant Power Corp

A distributed active suspension control system is provided. The control system is based on a distributed, processor-based controller that is coupled to an electronic suspension actuator. The controller processes sensor data at the distributed node, making processing decisions for the wheel actuator it is associated with. Concurrently, multiple distributed controllers on a common network communicate such that vehicle-level control (such as roll mitigation) may be achieved. Local processing at the distributed controller has the advantage of reducing latency and response time to localized sensing and events, while also reducing the processing load and cost requirements of a central node. The topology of the distributed active suspension controller contained herein has been designed to respond to fault modes with fault-safe mechanisms that prevent node-level failure from propagating to system-level fault. Systems, algorithms, and methods for accomplishing this distributed and fault-safe processing are disclosed.

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170210193A1

An adjustment system and method for adjusting a chassis property of a motor vehicle wherein an understeering sensitivity of the motor vehicle is increased upon detecting that a trailer has been coupled to the motor vehicle. A detection unit operates to detect when a trailer is attached or coupled to the motor vehicle. 1. A method for adjusting a chassis property of a motor vehicle comprising:increasing an understeering sensitivity of the motor vehicle upon detecting that a trailer has been coupled to the motor vehicle.2. The method of including adjusting a front axle of the motor vehicle to be more roll-stabilized than a rear axle of the motor vehicle.3. The method of wherein a front stabilizer coupled to the front axle is adjusted to have greater torsional stiffness than the torsional stiffness of a rear stabilizer coupled to a rear axle.4. The method of wherein a rear stabilizer coupled to the rear axle is adjusted to have less torsional stiffness than the torsional stiffness of a front stabilizer coupled to a front axle.5. The method of wherein two vertical chassis actuators assigned to the front axle are adjusted to increase wheel load differences between the right and the left wheels.6. The method of wherein two vertical chassis actuators assigned to the rear axle are adjusted to decrease wheel load differences between the right and the left wheels.7. The method of including using contact information between the trailer and motor vehicle wherein the coupling of the trailer to the motor vehicle is determined based said contact information.8. The method of wherein coupling of the trailer to the motor vehicle is determined based on operating characteristics of the motor vehicle.9. A system for adjusting a chassis property of a motor vehicle comprising:a front axle;a rear axle;an adjustable chassis adjuster associated with on one of the front axle and rear axle;a detector; anda controller connected to and adjusting said adjustable chassis adjuster based on a signal ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180208011A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Underground Mining Pty Ltd.

A vehicle suspension control system is disclosed for use in load-carrying vehicles. The system controls a response of a suspension cylinder configured to support a main body of a vehicle in relation to a ground-contacting portion of the vehicle. A main accumulator is configured to contain a main compressible gas volume and is fluidly connected with the suspension cylinder. An auxiliary accumulator is configured to contain an auxiliary compressible gas volume. A valve is configured to selectively fluidly connect the auxiliary accumulator to the suspension cylinder. When the valve is open, compressing the suspension cylinder compresses both the main compressible gas volume and the auxiliary compressible gas volume. When the valve is closed, the auxiliary accumulator is fluidly isolated from the suspension cylinder. A processor is configured to automatically open or close the valve using a solenoid actuator based on one or more operating parameters of the vehicle. 1. A suspension control system for controlling a response of a suspension cylinder configured to support a main body of a vehicle in relation to a ground-contacting portion of the vehicle , the suspension control system comprising:a main accumulator configured to contain a main compressible gas volume, the main accumulator fluidly connected with the suspension cylinder such that compressing the suspension cylinder compresses the main compressible gas volume;an auxiliary accumulator configured to contain an auxiliary compressible gas volume; when the valve is in an open position, compressing the suspension cylinder compresses both the main compressible gas volume and the auxiliary compressible gas volume; and', 'when the valve is in a closed position, the auxiliary accumulator is fluidly isolated from the suspension cylinder;, 'a valve configured to selectively fluidly connect the auxiliary accumulator to the suspension cylinder, whereina solenoid actuator configured to open and close the valve; anda processor ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210237528A1

A hydraulic suspension system for a motor vehicle having at least a pair of road engaging wheels. The suspension system includes, a hydraulic cylinder coupled with the each of the pair of road engaging wheels, the hydraulic cylinder defining a cap end volume and a rod end volume separated by a piston. A hydraulic supply circuit for the hydraulic cylinder includes, a high pressure hydraulic source, a low pressure hydraulic drain, a pair of hydraulic sub circuits each coupled to one of the hydraulic cylinder cap and rod end volumes. Each hydraulic sub circuit includes, a proportional supply flow valve coupled with the high pressure hydraulic source and one of the cylinder volumes, a return flow control proportional valve coupled with the low pressure hydraulic drain and the one cylinder volume, and an accumulator coupled to the associated hydraulic cylinder volume through an accumulator fill control proportional valve. 1. A hydraulic suspension system for a motor vehicle having at least a pair of road engaging wheels , the suspension system comprising ,a hydraulic cylinder coupled with the each of the pair of road engaging wheels, the hydraulic cylinder defining a cap end volume and a rod end volume separated by a piston,a hydraulic supply circuit for the hydraulic cylinder including,a high pressure hydraulic source, a low pressure hydraulic drain, a pair of hydraulic sub circuits each coupled to one of the hydraulic cylinder cap and rod end volumes, each hydraulic subsystem including, a proportional supply flow valve coupled with the high pressure hydraulic source and one of the cylinder end volumes, a return flow control proportional valve coupled with the low pressure hydraulic drain another of the cylinder volumes, and an accumulator coupled to one of the hydraulic cylinder volumes through an accumulator fill control proportional valve.2. The hydraulic suspension system in accordance with further comprising claim 1 , a high travel suspension arm pivotably ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170217486A1
Автор: EVELEY Nicholas

The present invention relates to a new hydraulic stabilizing unit that can be mounted onto any self-steering axle assembly that utilises a pneumatic stabilizing system. The hydraulic stabilizer works in conjunction with the pneumatic stabilizer to eliminate a “dead zone” of the pneumatic system to avoid wheel shimmy and hop conditions associated with out of specification caster angles on the axle. 1. A self-steering axle comprising:a main axle beam which interacts with a tie rod through a pair of lever arms rockingly coupled to the main axle beam for rocking about a lever axis generally orthogonal to said tie rod and said main axle beam;each said lever arm having a tie rod end opposite a spring end with said lever axis therebetween;said tie rod ends receiving translational input from said tie rod to cause said lever arms to rock about said lever axis;said spring ends acting against a resilient member mounted therebetween to resist said translational input; anda double acting hydraulic dampener connecting said lever arms between said lever axis and said tie rod ends to resist movement of said tie rod ends of said lever arms toward and away from each other.2. A method of stabilizing a self-steering axle having a main axle beam which interacts with a tie rod through a pair of lever arms rockingly coupled to the main axle beam for rocking about a lever axis generally orthogonal to said tie rod and said main axle beam , each said lever arms having a tie rod end opposite a spring end with said lever axis therebetween , said tie rod ends receiving translational input from said tie rod to cause said lever arms to rock about said lever axis , said spring ends acting against a resilient member mounted therebetween to resist said translational input , said method comprising:connecting said lever arms with a double acting hydraulic dampener between said lever axis and said tie rod ends to resist movement of said tie rod ends of said lever arms toward and away from each other. ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210245565A1
Автор: Harrison Eric

Techniques regarding a vehicle suspension assembly are provided herein. For example, one or more embodiments described herein can regard an apparatus that can comprise a locking plate that can be located between a first spring and a second spring in a first direction. Also, the locking plate can comprise a locking pin. Moreover, the apparatus can comprise a locking sleeve that can surround the first spring and the locking plate. The locking sleeve can comprise a first channel that traverses the locking sleeve in the first direction. The locking sleeve can further comprise a second channel that is connected to the first channel and traverses the locking sleeve in a second direction. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a locking plate located between a first spring and a second spring in a first direction, the locking plate comprises a locking pin; anda locking sleeve positioned adjacent to the first spring and rotatably fixed in relation to the first spring, the locking sleeve comprising a first channel oriented in the first direction and a second channel oriented in a second direction.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the locking pin is positioned between the first spring and second spring and extends from a side of the locking plate.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first spring is configured to compress along the first direction in response to a force being exerted on an end of the apparatus.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the locking pin is located within the first channel based on the apparatus being in an unlocked position claim 1 , and wherein the locking pin is located within the second channel based on the apparatus being in a locked position.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the first spring is configured to be compressible along the first direction based on the apparatus being in the unlocked position claim 4 , wherein compression of the first spring is inhibited along the first direction based on the apparatus being in the locked position ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Hydraulic suspension system for off-road vehicles

Номер: US20210260949A1
Автор: Jonathan L. Corsico
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and methods are provided for a suspension system of an off-road vehicle that allows the springs to be mounted remotely, in any location on the vehicle, enabling the use of spring sizes, spring rates, motion ratios, and damping profiles that would be impractical with traditional suspensions. The suspension system includes a hydraulic cylinder coupled between the wheel and the chassis, in lieu of a conventional spring. This cylinder is in fluid communication with another cylinder by way of a hydraulic hose. This second cylinder includes a piston that presses against a suspension spring that is in contact with a fixed spring stop, thus transferring spring forces to the wheel. Alternatively, the spring stop may comprise a control actuator that moves according to signals from an onboard computer control system, enabling active control over spring load and chassis attitude.

17-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150259011A1

The present invention relates to all terrain vehicles having at least a pair of laterally spaced apart seating surfaces. 117.-. (canceled)1810. A utility vehicle () , comprising:{'b': 14', '16, 'a plurality of ground engaging members (, );'}{'b': 12', '84, 'a frame () supported by the ground engaging members and including a lower frame portion and a cab frame () coupled to the lower frame portion to define an operator area;'}{'b': 60', '62', '64, 'a seating area () supported within the operator area and including a driver seat () and a passenger seat () in a side-by-side arrangement;'}a first opening adjacent the driver seat and defined between the lower frame portion and the cab frame for ingress and egress from the operator area;a second opening adjacent the passenger seat and defined between the lower frame portion and the cab frame for ingress and egress from the operator area;{'b': '164', 'a first frame member () extending into the first opening and removably coupled to at least one of the lower frame portion and the cab frame;'}{'b': '164', 'a second frame member () extending into the second opening and removably coupled to at least one of the lower frame portion and the cab frame;'}{'b': '1500', 'a first door () extending across at least a portion of the first opening, the first door being coupled to the first frame member when the first frame member is coupled to at least one of the lower frame portion and the cab frame, and the first door being coupled to at least one of the lower frame portion and the cab frame when the first frame member is removed from the utility vehicle; and'}{'b': '1500', 'a second door () extending across at least a portion of the second opening, the second door being coupled to the second frame member when the second frame member is coupled to at least one of the lower frame portion and the cab frame, and the second door being coupled to at least one of the lower frame portion and the cab frame when the second frame member is ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Damper assembly with monotube and dynamic compression valve and vehicle having same

Номер: US20140353938A1
Автор: Robert P. Marble

The damper assembly has a damper housing at least partially defining an interior chamber. A free piston is positioned in the damper housing to separate the interior chamber into a gas-filled chamber and a fluid-filled chamber. A piston assembly is configured to move within the fluid-filled chamber and separates the fluid-filled chamber into an extension chamber and a compression chamber. A valve assembly separates the compression chamber into a primary chamber adjacent the piston assembly and a secondary chamber adjacent the free piston. The valve assembly is configured to restrict flow from the primary chamber to the secondary chamber to cause a pressure drop during compression by the piston assembly. The free piston is configured to slide within the damper housing in response to fluid displacement caused by movement of the piston rod in the fluid-filled chamber.

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190263209A1
Автор: Harrison Eric

Techniques regarding a vehicle suspension assembly are provided herein. For example, one or more embodiments described herein can regard an apparatus that can comprise a locking plate that can be located between a first spring and a second spring in a first direction. Also, the locking plate can comprise a locking pin. Moreover, the apparatus can comprise a locking sleeve that can surround the first spring and the locking plate. The locking sleeve can comprise a first channel that traverses the locking sleeve in the first direction. The locking sleeve can further comprise a second channel that is connected to the first channel and traverses the locking sleeve in a second direction. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a locking plate located between a first spring and a second spring in a first direction, and wherein the locking plate comprises a locking pin; anda locking sleeve that surrounds the first spring and the locking plate, wherein the locking sleeve comprises a first channel that traverses the locking sleeve in the first direction, wherein the locking sleeve further comprises a second channel that is connected to the first channel and traverses the locking sleeve in a second direction.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a first mounting bracket located adjacent to a first end of the first spring; anda second mounting bracket located adjacent to a first end of the second spring, wherein the first spring and the second spring are positioned end-to-end and between the first mounting bracket and the second mounting bracket in the first direction.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first spring is configured to compress along the first direction in response to a force being exerted on an end of the apparatus claim 2 , and wherein the end of the apparatus is selected from a group consisting of the first mounting bracket and the second mounting bracket.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the locking pin is located within the first channel in response ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации

Mobile safety platform with integral transport

Номер: US20160297271A1
Автор: Oscar T. Scott, IV

In some embodiments, a mobile safety platform includes a protective enclosure coupled to a frame of a wheeled transport. The wheeled transport is configured to raise the protective enclosure so that the wheeled transport can relocate the protective enclosure and to lower the protective enclosure so that the protective enclosure and/or deck is deployed on a substrate. In at least one embodiment, the wheeled transport is configured to raise and to lower the protective enclosure utilizing a lifting and lowering mechanism, such as a hydraulic system. In at least one embodiment, the lifting and lowering mechanism is configured, when deployed, to transfer at least some of the weight of the transport to the protective enclosure and/or deck. In at least one embodiment, the wheeled transport comprises a trailer. In other embodiments, the wheeled transport can be a motor vehicle including an engine.

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200276876A1
Автор: Dockter Nathan D.

Self-propelled vehicles that adjust the pitch of the vehicle during use are disclosed. The vehicle may include a suspension system position sensor and a control unit that adjusts a suspension element based at least in part on a signal from the suspension system position sensor. In some embodiments, the self-propelled vehicle may include an inclinometer for measuring the pitch of the terrain. 1. A self-propelled vehicle having a longitudinal axis and comprising:a chassis;first and second rear drive wheels fixed to the chassis, each rear drive wheel being driven and controlled by a separate drive system;first and second front wheels each connected to the chassis, each front wheel being rotatably mounted about a rotational axis, pivotally connected about a vertical pivot axis at a swivel joint, and suspended by a suspension system comprising a suspension element;an operator station forward of the driven rear wheels with at least a portion of the operator station overlapping the front wheels along the longitudinal axis;a suspension system control operatively connected to the suspension element; anda control system to control the rate of rotation of the rear drive wheels, the control system being capable of controlling the rear wheels in at least a counter-steering mode in which the rear wheels rotate in opposite directions and a zero-turn steering mode in which one rear wheel is stationary while the other wheel rotates, wherein the suspension system control is suspended in the counter-steering mode and the zero-turn steering mode.2. The self-propelled vehicle as set forth in wherein the self-propelled vehicle is a self-propelled baler having a baling chamber.3. The self-propelled vehicle as set forth in further comprising:a cab, the operator station being enclosed in the cab; andan engine disposed behind the cab, the engine being carried by the chassis.4. The self-propelled vehicle as set forth in wherein the self-propelled vehicle is a self-propelled baler having a ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190291527A1
Автор: Weber Elmar

A chassis system for commercial vehicles includes a trailing arm and a plunger piston which are connected or can be connected to one another via a connecting region, the connecting region having an adjusting device which includes an engagement element and a guide element, and it being possible for the engagement element to be moved relative to the guide element in such a way that a displacement, in particular a translational movement, of the plunger piston relative to the trailing arm is made possible. 18.-. (canceled)9. A chassis system for commercial vehicles , comprising:a trailing arm;a plunger piston; anda connecting region connecting the trailing arm and the plunger piston, the connecting region having an adjusting device which comprises a guide element and an engagement element moveable relative to the guide element thereby allowing a translational movement of the plunger piston relative to the trailing arm, the engagement element displaceable in the guide element in an infinitely variable manner.10. The chassis system as claimed in claim 9 , where the adjusting device is configured such that the translational movement is substantially parallel to an axle tube longitudinal direction.11. The chassis system as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the guide element has a guide channel.12. The chassis system as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the guide channel has a groove profile.13. The chassis system as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the guide channel is closed at one end.14. The chassis system as claimed in claim 9 , wherein one or more spacer pieces are arranged in or on the guide element and configured to allow setting of a position of the engagement element relative to the trailing arm and/or to the guide element.15. The chassis system as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the guide element is spaced apart from an axle tube center point at a spacing of from about 340 to about 380 mm.16. The chassis system as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the engagement element is offset ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170305372A1
Автор: Adler Tamas, NÉMETH Huba

A compressed air system for a motor vehicle with an air supply system, including: an electric drive motor, which can be controlled for variable speed, an air compressor coupled to be driven by the electric drive motor, an electric power supply for supplying electric power to the electric drive motor, at least one air reservoir connected with the air compressor to receive air from the air compressor, an air utilization system connected to the at least one air reservoir to receive air from the at least one air reservoir, a controller to control the speed of the electric drive motor. The controller controls the electric drive motor to determine the speed of the electric drive motor so that during filling of the air reservoir, when the pressure level in the air reservoir passes a setpoint that is between a minimum level and a higher cut off pressure level, the controller changes the compressor speed so that specific power consumption per unit mass of air compressed is decreased. 121-. (canceled)22. A compressed air system for a motor vehicle with an air supply system , comprising:an electric drive motor, which is controllable for variable speed;an air compressor coupled to be driven by the electric drive motor;an electric power supply to supply electric power to the electric drive motor;at least one air reservoir connected with the air compressor to receive air from the air compressor;an air utilization system connected to the at least one air reservoir to receive air from the at least one air reservoir;a controller to control the speed of the electric drive motor; a signal representing the activation status of an accelerator pedal of the vehicle,', 'a signal representing the speed of the vehicle,', 'a signal representing the temperature of the power supply,', 'a signal representing the temperature of the electric drive motor,', 'a signal representing the wetness level of the air compressed by the air compressor,', 'a signal representing the load of the air compressor ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150316039A1

A linear energy harvesting device that includes a housing and a piston that moves at least partially through the housing when it is compressed or extended from a rest position. When the piston moves, hydraulic fluid is pressurized and drives a hydraulic motor. The hydraulic motor drives an electric generator that produces electricity. Both the motor and generator are central to the device housing. Exemplary configurations are disclosed such as monotube, twin-tube, tri-tube and rotary based designs that each incorporates an integrated energy harvesting apparatus. By varying the electrical characteristics on an internal generator, the kinematic characteristics of to the energy harvesting apparatus can be dynamically altered. In another mode, the apparatus can be used as an actuator to create linear movement. Applications include vehicle suspension systems (to act as the primary damper component), railcar bogie dampers, or industrial applications such as machinery dampers and wave energy harvesters, and electro-hydraulic actuators. 1166-. (canceled)167. A vehicle active suspension system comprising at least two actuators , wherein each actuator comprises:a piston disposed in a fluid filled first housing, wherein the piston divides at least a portion of the housing into a compression volume and an extension volume;a second housing containing a hydraulic pump with a first port in fluid communication with the compression volume and a second port in fluid communication with the extension volume; andan electric motor at least partially located in the pump housing and operatively coupled to the hydraulic pump; wherein during at least a first mode of operation the electric motor drives the hydraulic pump to actively drive the piston. 1. FieldAspects relate to damper systems and linear and rotary energy capture systems that capture energy associated with relative motion.2. Discussion of Related ArtA typical damper dissipates energy associated with motion. Linear dampers ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170321667A1
Принадлежит: ClearMotion, Inc.

A linear energy harvesting device that includes a housing and a piston that moves at least partially through the housing when it is compressed or extended from a rest position. When the piston moves, hydraulic fluid is pressurized and drives a hydraulic motor. The hydraulic motor drives an electric generator that produces electricity. Both the motor and generator are central to the device housing. Exemplary configurations are disclosed such as monotube, twin-tube, tri-tube and rotary based designs that each incorporates an integrated energy harvesting apparatus. By varying the electrical characteristics on an internal generator, the kinematic characteristics of the energy harvesting apparatus can be dynamically altered. In another mode, the apparatus can be used as an actuator to create linear movement. Applications include vehicle suspension systems (to act as the primary damper component), railcar bogie dampers, or industrial applications such as machinery dampers and wave energy harvesters, and electro-hydraulic actuators. 1166-. (canceled)167. A suspension system including at least one hydraulic damper assembly comprising:a damper with a first housing that includes a first volume containing hydraulic fluid at a first pressure and a second volume containing hydraulic fluid at a second pressure, wherein the first volume and the second volume are separated by a piston that is received in the housing and attached to a piston rod, and wherein the first pressure acts on a first side of the piston and the second pressure acts on a second side of the piston;a second housing that includes a hydraulic unit with a rotational component operatively coupled to an electric machine,a first flow path between the first volume and the second volume that passes through the hydraulic unit;a second flow path, between the first volume and the second volume that bypasses the hydraulic unit,a first valve that controls a first fluid flow through the second flow path;at least one ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190337350A1
Принадлежит: Oshkosh Defense, LLC

A damper assembly for a vehicle suspension system includes a first damper and a second damper. The second damper includes a housing having a wall that at least partially surrounds at least a portion of the first damper, the volume between the wall and the first damper defining a chamber, and the wall defines an aperture. The second damper also includes a piston positioned within the chamber, a conduit defining a flow path that includes the aperture, and a flow control device disposed along the flow path. The second damper is configured to provide a damping force that varies based on the position of the piston within the chamber.

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190338760A1
Принадлежит: ClearMotion, Inc.

A linear energy harvesting device that includes a housing and a piston that moves at least partially through the housing when it is compressed or extended from a rest position. When the piston moves, hydraulic fluid is pressurized and drives a hydraulic motor. The hydraulic motor drives an electric generator that produces electricity. Both the motor and generator are central to the device housing. Exemplary configurations are disclosed such as monotube, twin-tube, tri-tube and rotary based designs that each incorporates an integrated energy harvesting apparatus. By varying the electrical characteristics on an internal generator, the kinematic characteristics of the energy harvesting apparatus can be dynamically altered. In another mode, the apparatus can be used as an actuator to create linear movement. Applications include vehicle suspension systems (to act as the primary damper component), railcar bogie dampers, or industrial applications such as machinery dampers and wave energy harvesters, and electro-hydraulic actuators. 1. A hydraulic suspension actuator of a vehicle , comprising: a hydraulic unit;', 'an electric machine operatively coupled to the hydraulic unit, wherein the hydraulic unit includes a first port and a second port, wherein the hydraulic unit is configured to operate as a hydraulic pump, and, 'an integrated unit includingwherein the electric machine is configured to operate as an electric motor; an inner tube;', 'an outer tube that at least partially surrounds the inner tube, wherein a first volume is located between the inner tube and the outer tube;', 'a piston, slidably received in the inner tube, wherein the inner tube includes a second volume containing hydraulic fluid and a third volume containing hydraulic fluid, wherein the second volume and the third volume are separated by the piston, wherein the first volume is fluidly connected to at least one of the second volume and the third volume;', 'a compressible medium contained in a portion ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150367701A1
Автор: Yamada Yoshihisa

A shock absorber system installed on a vehicle having four wheels in which a VSC control for giving a braking force to any of the wheels is to be executed to reduce an improper turning behavior of the vehicle due to an excessive side slip of any of the wheels, including: four hydraulic shock absorbers each configured to generate a damping force with respect to a relative movement of a corresponding sprung and unsprung portion and having a damping-force changer configured to change the damping force; and a controller configured to control the damping force by controlling the damping-force changer and configured such that, when the improper turning behavior of the vehicle occurs, the controller executes a reduction control in which the damping force to be generated by at least one of the four shock absorbers is controlled to reduce the improper turning behavior. 1. A shock absorber system installed on a vehicle which has four wheels and in which a VSC control for giving a braking force to any of the four wheels is to be executed to reduce an improper turning behavior of the vehicle due to an excessive side slip of any of the four wheels , comprising:four hydraulic shock absorbers which are provided for the respective four wheels and each of which is disposed between a corresponding sprung portion and a corresponding unsprung portion of the vehicle, each of the four hydraulic shock absorbers being configured to extend and contract in accordance with a relative movement of the sprung portion and the unsprung portion in an up-down direction and to generate a damping force with respect to the relative movement, each of the four hydraulic shock absorbers having a damping-force changer configured to give a resistance to a flow of a working fluid caused by the relative movement and to change a magnitude of the resistance so as to change the damping force; anda controller configured to control the damping force to be generated by each of the four hydraulic shock absorbers by ...

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170361671A1
Автор: Frey Christopher

The invention relates to a running gear structure () for a commercial vehicle. The running gear structure comprises a lower transverse strut () and an upper transverse strut (). The lower transverse strut () and said upper transverse strut () are fixedly connected to each other. The upper transverse strut () comprising two recesses () which limit a space () located above the lower transverse strut (). The space () is open at least in upper direction and dimensioned for accommodating a suspension spring (). Preferably, an axle body and longitudinal swinging arms () of the running gear structure () have a skeletal design with a plurality of struts (). It is possible that the running gear structure () is L-shaped in a side view. Here, one leg of the L is formed by a horizontal structure part forming the longitudinal swinging arms () whereas the other leg of the L is formed by a vertical structure part forming the axle body. 1. Running gear structure for a commercial vehicle with a lower transverse strut and an upper transverse strut , said lower transverse strut and said upper transverse strut being fixedly connected to each other and said upper transverse strut comprising two recesses by which above the lower transverse strut a space is limited which is open at least in upper direction and which is dimensioned for accommodating a suspension spring.2. The running gear structure of claim 1 , wherein the recesses of the upper transverse strut each comprise a distance from the lower transverse strut which is smaller than a longitudinal extension of the suspension spring.3. The running gear structure of claim 1 , wherein the running gear structure comprises wheel suspension locations and a connecting line of the wheel suspension locations crosses the space.4. The running gear structure of claim 1 , wherein the running gear structure comprises at least two diagonal struts.5. The running gear structure of claim 1 , wherein at both ends the upper transverse strut and the ...

29-12-2016 дата публикации

Independent Suspension System and Crane Having Same

Номер: US20160375738A1
Принадлежит: Xuzhou Heavy Machinery Co Ltd

An independent suspension system includes two suspension oil cylinders, respectively arranged between wheels at two sides and a frame: and a steering mechanism, configured to be driven by a steering booster oil cylinder to drive the wheels at two sides to turn. The independent system also includes two swing links arranged corresponding to the wheels at two sides, an end at one side of each of the swing links is hinged to a wheel hub of the wheel at the corresponding side via a spherical hinge, and an end at another side of each of the swing links is hinged to a fixing member fixed below a main speed reducer via two spherical hinges respectively along a fore-and-aft direction. A crane having the independent suspension system is further provided.

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170368901A1
Автор: Davis Ivan, Perrault David

A suspension system is disclosed utilizing oil addition and subtraction to actuate an accumulator to control position and stiffness in an Emulsion Shock/Oleo Pneumatic strut/Air spring strut. The strut maintains ride height for a wide variation in sprung mass and adjusts for the expansion/compression of the gas due to variations in temperature. The strut provides spring and damping characteristics. 2. The load leveling strut of wherein the first compressible fluid is an oil and gas emulsion and the second compressible fluid is a gas claim 1 , and the incompressible fluid is oil.3. The load leveling strut of wherein a bridge provides the fluid communication between the first chamber and the volume defined by the strut rod and sleeve.4. The load leveling strut of wherein the volume of compressible fluid introduced into the second chamber is varied based on at least one of a sensed condition indicating a vehicle level condition claim 1 , a strut deflection amount claim 1 , or a pressure in the first chamber. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/277,160, filed Jan. 11, 2016, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference.This invention relates in general to load leveling suspensions. In particular, this invention relates to a fluid sprung, load leveling strut having a compensation unit that can adjust for factors affecting vehicle ride height.Load leveling suspensions are known that compensate for vehicle ride height by providing for the addition of fluid, such as oil or air, to directly extend an inner strut member relative to an outer strut member. The compensating fluid may be added manually or in response to a sensed unlevel condition. Some leveling suspensions rely on conventional coil or leaf springs to support the majority of vehicle weight and utilize a load leveling component for additional load compensation. Certain types of leveling suspensions, such as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,582,106 to Keijzer, utilize ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180370565A1

Self-steering axle assembly has an axle with central tube having a longitudinal central axis. A king pin is connected with an end portion of the axle. A knuckle is connected with the king pin. The knuckle includes a torque plate section. A first arm of the knuckle extends from a side of the torque plate section and receives a first end portion of the king pin. A second arm extends from the torque plate section in the same direction as the first arm. The second arm receives a second end portion of the king pin. A spindle is friction welded to the torque plate section and has a longitudinal central axis. The torque plate section has at least one surface on the torque plate section extending substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal central axis of the spindle. A tool engages the surface during friction welding of the spindle to the torque plate section. The relative locations of the axle, spindle and king pin enable an air disc brake actuator to avoid contact with components of the heavy-duty vehicle during steering and with the ground and debris. 1. A self-steering axle assembly for use on a heavy-duty vehicle having an air disc brake system , the self-steering axle assembly comprising:an axle having a central tube with a longitudinal central axis;a king pin connected with an end portion of the central tube; a torque plate section;', 'a first arm extending in a direction substantially perpendicular from an inboard side of the torque plate section, the first arm having an opening for receiving a first end portion of the king pin;', 'a second arm extending in a direction substantially perpendicular from the torque plate section in the same direction that the first arm extends, the second arm having an opening coaxially aligned with the opening in the first arm for receiving an opposite second end portion of the king pin;', 'a spindle friction welded to and extending from an outboard side of the torque plate section, the spindle having a longitudinal central axis; ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200364952A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD.

A work vehicle state detection system includes: a travel state detector provided in a work vehicle having a rotating machine and detecting a travel state of the work vehicle; a vibration sensor in the rotating machine; a travel state data acquisition unit acquiring travel state data indicating the travel state; a condition satisfaction determination unit determining whether the travel state satisfies a condition; a vibration detection data acquisition unit acquiring vibration detection data indicating a detection value of the vibration sensor when the travel state satisfies the condition; a normal vibration data storage storing normal vibration data indicating a detection value of the vibration sensor when the rotating machine is normal and the travel state satisfies the condition; and an analysis unit that, based on the vibration detection data and the normal vibration data, analyzes a state of the rotating machine when the vibration detection data is acquired. 1. A work vehicle state detection system comprising:a travel state detection device that is provided in a work vehicle having a rotating machine and detects a travel state of the work vehicle;a vibration sensor provided in the rotating machine;a travel state data acquisition unit that acquires travel state data indicating the travel state;a condition satisfaction determination unit that determines whether or not the travel state satisfies a prescribed condition;a vibration detection data acquisition unit that acquires vibration detection data indicating a detection value of the vibration sensor when the travel state satisfies the prescribed condition;a normal vibration data storage unit that stores normal vibration data indicating a detection value of the vibration sensor when the rotating machine is normal and the travel state satisfies the prescribed condition; andan analysis unit that, based on the vibration detection data and the normal vibration data, analyzes a state of the rotating machine when the ...

17-12-2020 дата публикации

Suspension strut

Номер: US20200391564A1
Принадлежит: BAE SYSTEMS plc

A suspension strut for a vehicle comprises: a first connector for connecting to a first point on the vehicle; a second connector for connecting to a second point on the vehicle; and a damper assembly adapted to provide a damping force as fluid flows through the damper assembly during relative compression between the first point and the second point, wherein the damper assembly comprises a side wall and a damper aperture in the side wall, wherein the damper aperture is open throughout operation of the strut to allow fluid to flow through the damper assembly.

31-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200408199A1
Принадлежит: ClearMotion, Inc.

A linear energy harvesting device that includes a housing and a piston that moves at least partially through the housing when it is compressed or extended from a rest position. When the piston moves, hydraulic fluid is pressurized and drives a hydraulic motor. The hydraulic motor drives an electric generator that produces electricity. Both the motor and generator are central to the device housing. Exemplary configurations are disclosed such as monotube, twin-tube, tri-tube and rotary based designs that each incorporates an integrated energy harvesting apparatus. By varying the electrical characteristics on an internal generator, the kinematic characteristics of the energy harvesting apparatus can be dynamically altered. In another mode, the apparatus can be used as an actuator to create linear movement. Applications include vehicle suspension systems (to act as the primary damper component), railcar bogie dampers, or industrial applications such as machinery dampers and wave energy harvesters, and electro-hydraulic actuators. 1. (canceled)2. A hydraulic active suspension actuator of a vehicle , comprising:a hydraulic pump comprising a first port and a second port; and a first tube;', 'a second tube that at least partially surrounds the first tube, wherein a first volume is located between the first tube and the second tube;', 'a piston, slidably received in the first tube, wherein the first tube includes a second volume containing hydraulic fluid and a third volume containing hydraulic fluid, wherein the second volume and the third volume are separated by the piston, wherein the first volume is fluidly connected to at least one of the second volume or the third volume; and', 'a compressible medium contained in a portion of the first volume., 'a multi-tube damper assembly in fluid communication with the hydraulic unit, the multi-tube damper assembly, comprising3. The hydraulic suspension actuator of claim 2 , further comprising a first fluid flow path that fluidly ...

10-06-1983 дата публикации

Patent FR2447820B1

Номер: FR2447820B1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Automobiles Citroen SA

30-01-1993 дата публикации

Shock-absorbing strut with cylindrical guide body secured on vehicle frame

Номер: RU1792378C
Принадлежит: Фрид Крупп Гмбх

Использование: относитс  к амортизационной стойке с установленным на раме транспортного средства корпусом. Сущность изобретени : амортизационна  стойка установлена на раме 1 транспортного средства и имеет бнешний направл ющий корпус 3 с введенным в него с возможностью скольжени  и поворота опорным элементом 4. Между направл ющими корпусом 3 и опорным элементом 4 имеетс  гидравлическа  камера сжати  14. Камера сжати  образована посредством установленного внутри опорного элемента 4 гидроцилиндра 10 и закрыта поршнем .11, аксиально и вра- щательно жестко соединенным с направл ющим корпусом 3. Гидроцилиндр 10 сам мЪж ет быть образован посредством опорного элемента. 4 или как конструктивна  единица может быть вставлен в опорный элемент. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. / / ел С

16-04-2018 дата публикации

Active suspension system

Номер: KR20180038284A
Автор: 지영환
Принадлежит: 주식회사 만도

본 발명은 감쇠력 가변 기구와 쇽업소버를 공간적으로 이격시켜, 쇽업소버의 장착 자유도를 증가시키고, 능동 현가 시스템의 내구성을 향상시킬 수 있는 능동 현가 시스템을 제공하기 위한 것으로서, 본 발명에 따르면, 실린더, 상기 실린더 내부에 슬라이딩 가능하게 배치되어 상기 실린더 내부를 압축 챔버와 리바운드 챔버로 분할하는 피스톤 및 상기 피스톤에 일 단부가 연결되는 이중 구조의 피스톤 로드를 포함하는 쇽업소버; 상기 2중 피스톤 로드의 타 단부가 돌출되도록 상기 타 단부에 연결되는 브라켓; 상기 브라켓의 바디 내부에 형성되는 연결 유로에 일 단부가 연결되는 제1 튜브; 상기 피스톤 로드의 돌출된 상기 타 단부에 일 단부가 연결되는 제2 튜브; 상기 제1 튜브의 타 단부 및 상기 제2 튜브의 타 단부가 연결되는, 상기 쇽업소버의 작동 유체의 유량을 제어하기 위한 감쇠력 가변 기구를 포함하는 능동 현가 시스템이 제공된다.

03-07-2018 дата публикации

Steering assembly, steering gear and heavy-duty vehicle with multiple steering control

Номер: RU2659707C1

FIELD: transportation. SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to the steering arm assembly, steering gear and vehicle. Above steering arm assembly includes a steering arm body, first and second rotatable coupling parts, wherein the first and the second ends of the body of the steering arm are rigidly connected to the first and second link arms respectively. Such first and second rotatable coupling parts are respectively connected to the first and second ends of the body of the steering arm. Wherein the body of the steering arm is pivotable with respect to the first and second rotatable coupling parts. And the body of the steering arm is removably disposed on the mounting bracket by means of the first and second rotatable coupling parts, which include a first and a second shaft housing that cooperates with the first and second mounting plates, respectively, for locating the steering arm body on the mounting bracket. EFFECT: strength of the connection is increased, as well as reduction in expenditures and costs of subsequent maintenance. 12 cl, 6 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 659 707 C1 (51) МПК B62D 7/20 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B62D 7/166 (2006.01); B62D 7/18 (2006.01); B62D 7/20 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017127146, 21.10.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 03.07.2018 (73) Патентообладатель(и): СЮЙЧЖОУ ХЭВИ МАШИНЕРИ КО., ЛТД. (CN) 30.12.2014 CN 201410841064.4 (45) Опубликовано: 03.07.2018 Бюл. № 19 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: CN 203902663 U, 29.10.2014. CN (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 31.07.2017 203864791 U, 08.10.2014. CN 203864790 U, 08.10.2014. WO 2014187085 A1, 27.11.2014. (86) Заявка PCT: 2 6 5 9 7 0 7 R U (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2016/107250 (07.07.2016) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Большая Спасская, д. 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма ...

30-03-1976 дата публикации

Liquid spring, vehicle suspension system and method for producing a low variance in natural frequency over a predetermined load range

Номер: US3947004A
Автор: Douglas P. Taylor
Принадлежит: Tayco Developments Inc

A method of obtaining a low variance in suspension frequency of an object including the steps of establishing the natural frequency which is desired, calculating the varying spring rate required to maintain the desired suspension frequency throughout a predetermined load range, selecting a compressible fluid having a varying rate of compressibility which approaches the desired calculated varying spring rate, and utilizing a spring constructed with said compressible fluid to support said object. A vehicle suspension system comprising in combination a vehicle body for functioning over a predetermined load range and a spring suspension having a low variance in natural frequency over said predetermined load range comprising a housing, a piston in said housing, a compressible fluid having a varying compressibility in said housing with the rate of change of the compressibility of the compressible fluid being matched to a varying spring rate which will produce said low variance. A liquid spring including a housing, piston means in said housing, and liquid means in said housing having a predetermined varying spring rate which will produce a predetermined natural frequency range over a predetermined load range.

25-11-2015 дата публикации

Integrated energy produces damper

Номер: CN103080544B
Принадлежит: Levant Power Corp


25-03-2020 дата публикации

Active vehicle suspension improvements

Номер: EP3626485A1
Принадлежит: ClearMotion Inc

A method of on-demand energy delivery to an active suspension system comprising an actuator body, hydraulic pump, electric motor, plurality of sensors, energy storage facility, and controller is provided. The method comprises disposing an active suspension system in a vehicle between a wheel mount and a vehicle body, detecting a wheel event requiring control of the active suspension; and sourcing energy from the energy storage facility and delivering it to the electric motor in response to the wheel event.

02-08-2019 дата публикации

A kind of control method of the distributed more wheel mobile platforms of intelligent control pure electric vehicle

Номер: CN108297639B


15-03-2017 дата публикации

Independent suspension hydro-pneumatic spring mounting bracket

Номер: CN106494169A


09-09-1998 дата публикации

Shock absorber for hydraulic gearing

Номер: CN1039683C
Автор: 霍斯特·兹姆曼
Принадлежит: Kidd Industries


18-03-2011 дата публикации

Hydropneumatic suspension unit

Номер: KR20110028497A
Принадлежит: 스트룀스홀멘 에이비이

본 발명에 따르면, 제1 챔버(3)를 한정하는 외측 슬리브(2)와, 제1 챔버(3) 내에서 슬라이딩 변위하도록 배치되는 댐핑 피스톤(4)을 포함하는, 차량(20)용 유공압 서스펜션 유닛(hydropneumatic suspension unit)(1)이 제공된다. 제1 챔버(3)는, 주로 스프링 작용을 제공하는 가스와, 주로 댐핑 작용을 제공하는 액체를 수용한다. 가스는 액체와 직접 접촉한다.

16-07-2019 дата публикации

Pneumatic hydraulic spring of vehicle suspension

Номер: RU2694706C1

FIELD: transportation. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to automotive suspensions. Pneumohydraulic spring comprises a cylinder with a piston and a rod and a hydraulic accumulator connected to the cylinder cavity through the valve. In the valve body perpendicular to the rod axis and parallel to each other there is a connecting channel, the first and the second stepped holes. Channel is communicated with the piston cavity through the upper hole, and with the hydraulic accumulator through the main and additional throttling channels, the transverse channel, the first and the second stepped holes. In the holes there installed are the spring-loaded stepped plungers of the maximum stroke of compression and rebound, respectively, which form above-plunger cavities interconnected with atmosphere, sub-plunger and annular cavities in them. Annular cavity is communicated with the connecting channel and with the second opening through the transverse channel covered by the higher stage of the compression plunger in the extreme upper position. Sub-plunger cavity is communicated with the hydraulic accumulator cavity through the additional throttling channel shut off by the greater step of the clearing plunger in the extreme lower position. Compression springs are installed in annular cavities. Check valves and throttles are installed in large stages of plungers and communicate annular cavities with sub-plunger ones. EFFECT: higher damping properties of the spring. 1 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 694 706 C1 (51) МПК B60G 11/26 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60G 11/26 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018134438, 28.09.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 16.07.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 16.07.2019 Бюл. № 20 2 6 9 4 7 0 6 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 70853 U1, 20.02.2008. RU 172018 U1, 26.06.2017. RU 2319620 C1, 20.03.2008. DE ...

11-06-1996 дата публикации

V-bar suspension linkage

Номер: US5524921A
Автор: Svein Ellingsen
Принадлежит: PACCAR INC

A V-bar suspension linkage is shown and described. In a preferred embodiment, two arms are mounted between the axle and the vehicle frame rails, the arms extending outwardly at an angle to each other to form a "V" shaped linkage, having its vertex at the axle. The first end of each arm is coupled to the axle via a vertically oriented bushing pin that is secured to an axle bracket which in turn is mounted on the axle. By vertically mounting the bushing pins, the ends of the arms may be closer together, thereby increasing the angle between the arms and reducing the stresses in the arms and bushings. The distal end of each arm is coupled to a frame rail via a vertically oriented bushing pin that is secured in place by anchor lugs that are provided on upper and lower gussets that form part of the vehicle frame assembly. The pitch and lateral placement of the axle is easily adjusted at the axle via use of spacers between the axle bracket and bushing pins.

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Suspension strut for a vehicle suspension system

Номер: DE102017207690A1
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

Federbein (10) für ein Fahrzeugfederungssystem, mit einem Federzylinder (12) sowie einem in dem Federzylinder (12) längsverschiebbar gelagerten Federkolben (14), wobei der Federkolben (14) eine von dem Federzylinder (12) gebildete Zylinderkammer (16) in eine erste und zweite äußere Arbeitskammer (18, 20) unterteilt. Hierbei weist der Federzylinder (12) einen Innenstößel (22) auf, der eine von dem Federkolben (14) gebildete Kolbenkammer (24) in eine erste und zweite innere Arbeitskammer (26, 28) unterteilt, wobei die erste innere Arbeitskammer (26, 28) zugleich durch Unterteilung der Zylinderkammer (16) mittels des Federkolbens (14) gebildet ist. Suspension strut (10) for a vehicle suspension system, comprising a spring cylinder (12) and a spring piston (14) mounted longitudinally displaceably in the spring cylinder (12), wherein the spring piston (14) forms a cylinder chamber (16) formed by the spring cylinder (12) into a first and second outer working chamber (18, 20) divided. In this case, the spring cylinder (12) has an inner tappet (22) which divides a piston chamber (24) formed by the spring piston (14) into first and second inner working chambers (26, 28), the first inner working chamber (26, 28 ) is formed at the same time by subdivision of the cylinder chamber (16) by means of the spring piston (14).

10-09-1987 дата публикации

Patent DE3532006C2

Номер: DE3532006C2

06-05-2015 дата публикации

Hydropneumatic suspension unit

Номер: KR101518097B1
Принадлежит: 스트룀스홀멘 에이비이

본 발명에 따르면, 제1 챔버(3)를 한정하는 외측 슬리브(2)와, 제1 챔버(3) 내에서 슬라이딩 변위하도록 배치되는 댐핑 피스톤(4)을 포함하는, 차량(20)용 유공압 서스펜션 유닛(hydropneumatic suspension unit)(1)이 제공된다. 제1 챔버(3)는, 주로 스프링 작용을 제공하는 가스와, 주로 댐핑 작용을 제공하는 액체를 수용한다. 가스는 액체와 직접 접촉한다. According to the present invention there is provided a pneumatic suspension system for a vehicle 20 comprising an outer sleeve 2 defining a first chamber 3 and a damping piston 4 arranged to be displaced in a sliding manner in the first chamber 3, A hydropneumatic suspension unit 1 is provided. The first chamber 3 receives a gas, which mainly provides a spring action, and a liquid which mainly provides a damping action. The gas is in direct contact with the liquid.

15-12-1977 дата публикации

Gas spring apparatus

Номер: JPS52151479A
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

16-10-2008 дата публикации

Electronic height control system for a vehicle with multiple input signals

Номер: US20080252025A1
Автор: Victor A. Plath
Принадлежит: Haldex Brake Corp

A control system for controlling the ride height of a vehicle, the system including a controller that receives and processes multiple variable inputs to provide enhanced ride height control. The inputs include a brake system signal including an Automatic Braking System (ABS) signal and/or an Electronic Braking System (EBS) signal, a remote setpoint signal and/or a fluid dump signal. The system also provides for measuring the actual ride height, filtering the measured ride height, determining if the filter ride height signal exceeds a threshold level, and adjusting the ride height accordingly.

10-04-1997 дата публикации

Air suspension system

Номер: DE4409252C2
Принадлежит: Fichtel and Sachs AG

08-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE69727925D1
Автор: K Vandenberg

02-03-1999 дата публикации

Equipment for controlling automotive suspension systems such as hydraulic and pneumatic

Номер: JPH11502486A

(57)【要約】 自動車の懸架装置、例えば液圧空気式懸架装置のための制御装置を開示する。この制御装置は、3つの独立した懸架装置管路に対し液体を給排できる3つのアクチュエータE1,E2,E3を有している。この場合、これらのアクチュエータは、前設定規則にしたがって、コンピュータ18を介して駆動される。この規則には、車体位置同様、車体位置を表すパラメータの時間的な1階、2階、3階の各導関数が考慮に入れられている。本発明は、自動車用に有用である。

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Weapon platform, military vehicle with a weapons platform and method of operating a weapons platform

Номер: DE102012106626B3
Принадлежит: Krauss Maffei Wegmann GmbH and Co KG

Die Erfindung betrifft Waffenplattform mit einem Unterbau (11, 111) und einer gegenüber dem Unterbau (11, 111) richtbar angeordneten Waffe (13, 113), wobei der Unterbau (11, 111) über eine zur Aufnahme von Abschussreaktionskräften gedämpft ausgestaltete Abstützvorrichtung (16, 116) gegenüber dem Untergrund abstützbar ist, wobei die Dämpfungscharakteristik der Abstützvorrichtung (16, 116) in Abhängigkeit von den zu erwartenden Abschussreaktionskräften der Waffe (13, 113) einstellbar ist sowie ein militärisches Fahrzeug (1) mit einer derartigen Waffenplattform (10, 110). Ferner betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zum Betrieb der solchen Waffenplattform (10, 110).

12-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR101798560B1
Автор: 강동원, 김남호
Принадлежит: 주식회사 만도

An object of the present invention is to provide a shock absorber capable of easily determining the mounting direction of the body valve and capable of reducing the number of parts. The body valve according to the present invention comprises: a base body mounted on the other end of the inner cylinder; And a direction determining support member formed at an outer edge of the base body, wherein the base cap includes an aligning member, and the direction determining support member of the body valve is engaged with the aligning member, Is determined.

10-06-2010 дата публикации

Electronic system to control vehicle clearance with larger amount of input signals

Номер: RU2391222C2

FIELD: transport. ^ SUBSTANCE: set of invention relates to appliance intended for adjusting road clearance by varying pneumatic suspension height. Proposed system comprises control unit to receive and process multiple variable input data to perfect control over body height. Input data comprise braking system signal including automatic braking signal (ABS) and/or electronic control braking system signal (EBS), clearance remote setting signal and/or braking fluid feed reset signal. Proposed device allows measuring current road clearance, filtering measurement results. It allows also to determine the amount the filtered signal exceeds threshold level by and appropriate adjustment of road clearance. ^ EFFECT: high quality of control over automotive pneumatic suspension. ^ 15 cl, 23 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 391 222 (13) C2 (51) МПК B60G 17/052 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008114258/11, 11.04.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.04.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ХЭЛДЕКС БРЭЙК КОРПОРЕЙШН (US) R U (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 12.04.2007 US 11/734,597 (72) Автор(ы): ПЛЭТ Виктор А. (US) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.10.2009 2 3 9 1 2 2 2 (45) Опубликовано: 10.06.2010 Бюл. № 16 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2268161 С2, 20.01.2006. US 2005/0040573 A1, 24.02.2005. US 2005/0110229 A1, 26.05.2005. JP 10193940 A, 28.07.1998. 2 3 9 1 2 2 2 R U (54) ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ СИСТЕМА УПРАВЛЕНИЯ КЛИРЕНСОМ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА С БОЛЬШИМ КОЛИЧЕСТВОМ ВХОДНЫХ СИГНАЛОВ (57) Реферат: Группа изобретений относится к технике реализации регулирования высоты пневматических подвесок транспортного средства. Система содержит устройство управления, которое получает и обрабатывает множество переменных входных данных для обеспечения усовершенствованного управления высотой расположения кузова. Входные данные охватывают сигнал ...

10-10-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle hydropneumatic suspension

Номер: RU2599075C1

FIELD: transportation. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to automotive suspensions. Automotive hydraulic and pneumatic suspension comprises wheel suspension hydraulic cylinders of left and right sides front and rear axes, pump and distributors. Each hydraulic cylinder comprises housing, rod, piston. Piston divides suspension hydraulic cylinder inner cavity on head end and rod end. Pump is equipped with safety valve and on one side is connected with hydraulic tank by hydraulic line, and on the other side is connected to each hydraulic cylinder additional sections head ends. Hydraulic tank has filling neck, drain cock, working fluid level indicator sensor and working fluid temperature sensor. EFFECT: possibility to adjust road clearance, due to extension of hydraulic cylinder additional section. 1 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 599 075 C1 (51) МПК B60G 11/26 (2006.01) B60G 17/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015121144/11, 03.06.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 03.06.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2016 Бюл. № 28 2 5 9 9 0 7 5 R U (54) ГИДРОПНЕВМАТИЧЕСКАЯ ПОДВЕСКА ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к подвескам с одной стороны посредством гидромагистрали транспортных средств. Гидропневматическая соединен с гидробаком, а с другой стороны подвеска транспортного средства содержит подключен к поршневым полостям гидроцилиндры подвески колес левого, правого дополнительных секций каждого гидроцилиндра. бортов передней и задней оси, насос и Гидробак содержит заливную горловину, сливной распределители. Каждый гидроцилиндр содержит кран, датчик указателя уровня рабочей жидкости корпус, шток, поршень. Поршень делит и датчик температуры рабочей жидкости. внутреннюю полость гидроцилиндра подвески Достигается возможность регулирования на поршневую полость и штоковую полость. дорожного просвета, за счет выдвижения Насос оснащен ...

07-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2737978C1

FIELD: transportation. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to cushioning systems of vehicles as a load element in sports simulators and in robotics. Shock absorber comprises working chamber with rod and piston, piston and rod chambers communicating by means of controlled valve and oil lines with remote chamber. External chamber is composed of two separate coaxial chambers, pistons of which are connected by common rod. Piston cavity of one separate chamber is interconnected with, at least, equal to it by volume piston cavity of working chamber, and piston cavity of other separate chamber communicates with rod end of working chamber. Volume of piston cavity of this separate chamber is at least equal to volume of rod cavity of working chamber minus volume of rod. EFFECT: possibility of equalizing working medium pressure in rod and piston cavities of working chamber. 1 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 737 978 C1 (51) МПК B60G 11/26 (2006.01) B60G 17/04 (2006.01) F16F 9/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60G 11/26 (2020.08); B60G 17/04 (2020.08); F16F 9/10 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020107211, 17.02.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Сулейманов Курбан Магомед-Расулович (RU) Дата регистрации: 07.12.2020 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2408475 C2, 10.01.2011. SU 285515 A1, 29.10.1970. RU 2500936 C1, 10.12.2013. RU 157974 U1, 20.12.2015. SU 230565 A1, 10.03.1969. (45) Опубликовано: 07.12.2020 Бюл. № 34 2 7 3 7 9 7 8 R U (54) АМОРТИЗАТОР (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к системам подрессоривания транспортных средств в качестве элемента нагрузки в спортивных тренажерах и в робототехнике. Амортизатор содержит рабочую камеру со штоком и поршнем, поршневую и штоковую полости, сообщающиеся посредством регулируемого клапана и маслопроводов с выносной камерой. Выносная камера составлена из двух раздельных соосных камер ...

29-12-2011 дата публикации

Laser initial crystallization apparatus

Номер: KR101100441B1

대출력 레이저에 의한 가열 결정화를 행한다. 실리콘 웨이퍼의 반송은 일방향의 반송을 기본으로 한다. 그 반송 방향에 수직인 방향으로 레이저 헤드를 왕복 운동시켜 레이저 조사한다. 회전 운동을 가해도 좋다. 웨이퍼 받침 주변부에 웨이퍼를 위치 결정하는 수직 상승 부분이 있고, 그 일부에 횡으로부터 웨이퍼를 들어 올리는 조작부가 들어가는 절결부를 갖는다. 레이저 스폿 면적과 조사 시간을 소정의 범위 내로 한다. 장치의 일부가 진공 제막 장치 중에 있어도 좋다. Heating crystallization by a high power laser is performed. The transfer of the silicon wafer is based on the transfer in one direction. Laser irradiation is performed by reciprocating the laser head in a direction perpendicular to the conveying direction. Rotational motion may be applied. There is a vertically raised portion for positioning the wafer at the periphery of the wafer support, and a portion has a cutout portion into which an operation portion for lifting the wafer from the side enters. The laser spot area and irradiation time are within a predetermined range. A part of the apparatus may be in a vacuum film forming apparatus. 반도체 레이저, 대물 렌즈, 레이저 스폿, 실리콘 웨이퍼, 레이저 헤드 Semiconductor laser, objective lens, laser spot, silicon wafer, laser head

23-06-2006 дата публикации

Active hydropneumatic suspension device for private motor vehicle, has slide valves, pressurized fluid pumps and connection pipe to control roll stiffness, roll attitude, pitch and brake fanning of body shell of vehicle

Номер: FR2879509A1

The device has slide valves (20a, 20b, 21a, 21b, 27a, 27b) and pressurized fluid pumps (22a, 22b) to control roll stiffness and roll attitude of a motor vehicle. Slide valves (30a, 30b) and fluid reservoirs (33a, 33b) control course of wheel of each axle system, and slide valves (40a, 40b, 42a, 42b, 44a, 44b, 46a, 46b) and a connection pipe (50) control pitch and brake fanning of body shell of the vehicle. An independent claim is also included for a motor vehicle.

13-08-1976 дата публикации

Patent FR2201242B1

Номер: FR2201242B1
Принадлежит: Delattre Levivier SA

10-05-1974 дата публикации

Patent FR2152351B1

Номер: FR2152351B1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Automobiles Citroen SA

18-08-2017 дата публикации

A kind of five axle dumper hydro pneumatic suspension hydraulic control systems

Номер: CN107053986A


01-07-1977 дата публикации

Hydraulic adjustable suspension for road vehicle - has spherical articulated joint at each end to displacement and angular movement

Номер: FR2333987A1
Автор: [UNK]

The unit is fitted between the fixed and movable arms of a vehicle suspension to permit relative movement and adjust the degree of suspension. It comprises a cylinder (1) closed at one end by a welded-in plug (2), this having a spherical recess (21) for a ball joint (3). Retainer plates (22) and a protective bellows (4) are fitted. Inside the cylinder is a piston (8), its head (81) being spherical and provided with a trunnion type articulated mounting (9). This piston almost fills the cylinder, seals being fitted and sufficient space left for entry (7) of hydraulic fluid under pressure. The seals are capable of absorbing some sideways movement.

17-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR3076765B1
Принадлежит: PSA Automobiles SA

L'invention a pour objet un véhicule automobile inclinable (2) latéralement, tel un véhicule pendulaire. Le véhicule (2) comprend un essieu avant avec une roue gauche (4), une roue droite (6), ainsi qu'un système de correction d'inclinaison (20) du véhicule. Le système comprend (20) un circuit de suspension hydraulique, un vérin gauche (8) et un vérin droit (10) couplés respectivement à la roue gauche et à la roue droite, un vérin motorisé (24) apte à aspirer et à injecter du fluide hydraulique (16) dans le vérin gauche et dans le vérin droit via le circuit hydraulique (22) afin de redresser le véhicule. Des moyens d'obturation, telles des premières électrovannes, permettent de bloquer la circulation du fluide hydraulique depuis le vérin motorisé vers le vérin gauche (8) et/ou vers le vérin droit. L'invention propose également un procédé de correction d'inclinaison de véhicule.

08-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR3080798A1
Автор: Jean-Luc Vermande
Принадлежит: Individual

Dispositif de suspension hydropneumatique pour véhicule automobile (100) comportant un circuit hydraulique, d'alimentation de vérins hydrauliques (9) de suspension des roues, alimenté par une pompe hydraulique haute pression (202); chaque roue suspendue étant munie d'un vérin hydraulique (9) de suspension, caractérisé en ce que pour chaque roue suspendue (104), un accumulateur pneumatique tampon azote (5a, 5b) est disposé dans le circuit hydraulique et forme un amortisseur pneumatique entre un circuit hydraulique amont (2) côté pompe et un circuit hydraulique aval (7) côté vérin hydraulique de suspension. Hydropneumatic suspension device for a motor vehicle (100) comprising a hydraulic circuit for supplying hydraulic jacks (9) for suspension of the wheels, powered by a high-pressure hydraulic pump (202); each suspended wheel being provided with a hydraulic cylinder (9) for suspension, characterized in that for each suspended wheel (104), a nitrogen buffer pneumatic accumulator (5a, 5b) is arranged in the hydraulic circuit and forms a pneumatic damper between an upstream hydraulic circuit (2) on the pump side and a downstream hydraulic circuit (7) on the hydraulic suspension cylinder side.

22-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: FR2865179A1
Принадлежит: Linde GmbH

Machine de travail, notamment chariot transporteur, comportant un essieu de direction équipé de deux chevalets pivotants écartés transversalement l'un de l'autre et munis chacun d'au moins une roue, les chevalets étant installés chacun à l'extrémité inférieure d'un vérin hydraulique muni d'un piston tournant, susceptible de se déployer vers le bas, et auquel est fixé le chevalet pivotant.Une tige de rotor (RS1, RS2) axialement fixe est installée dans le cylindre (Z1, Z2), l'extrémité inférieure de cette tige pénétrant par le dessus dans une cavité centrée du piston (K1, K2) de manière à transmettre un couple et un mouvement de rotation et cette tige sort de l'extrémité supérieure du cylindre (Z1, Z2) en étant couplée à un entraînement de direction. Working machine, in particular transport trolley, comprising a steering axle equipped with two pivoting trestles spaced transversely from one another and each fitted with at least one wheel, the trestles each being installed at the lower end of a hydraulic cylinder fitted with a rotating piston, capable of being deployed downwards, and to which the swiveling trestle is attached An axially fixed rotor rod (RS1, RS2) is installed in the cylinder (Z1, Z2), the end lower part of this rod penetrating from above into a centered cavity of the piston (K1, K2) so as to transmit a torque and a rotational movement and this rod comes out of the upper end of the cylinder (Z1, Z2) while being coupled to leadership training.

20-09-1968 дата публикации

Fluid spring, especially for vehicle suspension

Номер: FR1540178A
Автор: Archie John Hirst
Принадлежит: Metalastik Ltd

24-12-1964 дата публикации

Automotive Air Suspension Housing

Номер: FR1382989A

28-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR2927847A1
Принадлежит: Kubota Corp

Un système de suspension hydraulique inclut une base de suspension (16) qui supporte des roues, un vérin hydraulique (19) pour suspendre de manière déplaçable la base de suspension depuis un corps d'un véhicule, et un passage d'huile relié au vérin hydraulique. Un accumulateur (21, 23) est incorporé dans le passage d'huile. Une soupape de commande d'écoulement (51) est incoiporée dans une portion du passage d'huile entre le vérin hydraulique et l'accumulateur pour commander une quantité d'huile de travail qui s'écoule entre ceux-ci. Un capteur de pression (56) est prévu pour détecter une pression dans le passage d'huile du vérin qui agit sur le vérin hydraulique. Une unité de commande (57) est prévue pour commander le fonctionnement de la soupape de commande d'écoulement, en se basant sur une valeur de détection provenant du capteur de pression. A hydraulic suspension system includes a suspension base (16) that supports wheels, a hydraulic cylinder (19) for movably suspending the suspension base from a body of a vehicle, and an oil passage connected to the cylinder hydraulic. An accumulator (21, 23) is incorporated in the oil passage. A flow control valve (51) is incoφorated in a portion of the oil passage between the hydraulic cylinder and the accumulator to control a quantity of working oil flowing therebetween. A pressure sensor (56) is provided to sense a pressure in the cylinder oil passage acting on the hydraulic cylinder. A control unit (57) is provided for controlling the operation of the flow control valve, based on a detection value from the pressure sensor.

30-06-1960 дата публикации

Motor vehicle suspension

Номер: FR1225370A
Принадлежит: Ford Motor Co

10-02-1959 дата публикации

Vehicle axle, and vehicle equipped with this axle

Номер: FR1172401A
Принадлежит: Karl Kaessbohrer Fahrzeugwerke GmbH

18-11-1966 дата публикации

Automotive Air Suspension Housing

Номер: FR87971E
