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06-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2643792C2

Использование – в области электротехники. Технический результат – осуществление индикации подключения силового кабеля. Согласно изобретению индикатор коммутации (10) заземленного силового кабеля транспортного средства (100) в соответствии с изобретением содержит индикаторную цепь (11), регулятор (12) напряжения постоянного тока для подачи напряжения постоянного тока и усилитель (13). Индикаторная цепь (11) выполнена с возможностью подачи тока базы транзистора (V4), входящего в состав усилителя (13), через соединение высокого полного сопротивления, по меньшей мере, на нейтральный проводник (2) силового кабеля, при подключении силового кабеля к электрической сети. Протекание тока базы транзистора (V4) через силовой кабель в точку заземления электрической сети вызывает изменение рабочего состояния транзистора (V4). Изменение рабочего состояния транзистора может указывать на то, подключен силовой кабель к сети напряжения переменного тока или нет. Вместо транзисторного усилителя могут быть также ...

20-03-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017101089A3

27-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2505425C1

Изобретение относится к охлаждающей конструкции для устройства накопления электроэнергии. Конструкция содержит воздухозаборник, канал охлаждающего воздуха, крышку. Воздухозаборник расположен так, что его отверстие наклонено к внутренней стороне салона транспортного средства в одной боковой секции задней части салона транспортного средства вблизи стойки. Стойка расположена наклонно позади заднего сиденья. Крышка закрывает воздухозаборник и выполнена с отверстием для сообщения канала охлаждающего воздуха с внутренней стороной салона транспортного средства. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности охлаждения устройства накопления электроэнергии. 10 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2542849C1

Изобретение относится к системам привода транспортных средств. Блок управления для системы привода транспортного средства, в которой содержится двигатель внутреннего сгорания; электрический двигатель; аккумуляторная батарея и передаточный механизм, при этом блок управления включает в себя первую многомерную регулировочную характеристику, в которой область разрешения привода устанавливается согласно состоянию заряда аккумуляторной батареи, и вторую многомерную регулировочную характеристику, в которой область разрешения привода первой многомерной регулировочной характеристики сужена. Управление приводом выполняется посредством выбора второй многомерной регулировочной характеристики, когда компрессор кондиционирования воздуха приводится в действие. В другом варианте управление приводом выполняется посредством выбора первой многомерной регулировочной характеристики, когда привод от двигателя внутреннего сгорания переключается на привод от электрического двигателя в результате вхождения состояния ...

10-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011115841A

... 1. Устанавливаемый на крыше модуль для монтажа на крыше автомобиля, содержащий самонесущую опорную раму, на которой смонтированы компоненты, причем опорная рама (15) выполнена независимо от крыши (2) автомобиля, причем компоненты включают в себя, по меньшей мере, электроаккумуляторные модули (13),отличающийся тем, чтомежду электроаккумуляторными модулями (13) и крышей (2) автомобиля на опорной раме (15) расположен экран (18).2. Модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что экран (18) расположен на обращенной от крыши (2) автомобиля стороне детали (16) опорной рамы (15).3. Модуль по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что опорная рама (15) имеет две продольные опорные стойки (16) и, по меньшей мере, одну поперечную опору (17).4. Модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что электроаккумуляторные модули (13) выполнены из конденсаторов большой емкости.5. Модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что электроаккумуляторные модули (13) расположены спереди по направлению (F) движения.6. Модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что компоненты ...

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011143436A

... 1. Система контроля скорости двигателя при запуске двигателя, содержащая:двигатель;первый аккумулятор, электрически соединенный со стартером двигателя при запуске двигателя;генератор переменного тока, механически соединенный с двигателем, при этом генератор переменного тока имеет цепь возбуждения индукторной катушки, которая электрически демпфируется от первого аккумулятора при запуске двигателя, причем цепь возбуждения индукторной катушки при запуске двигателя электрически соединен с источником энергии отличным от первого аккумулятора; иконтроллер для изменения напряженности магнитного поля, создаваемого индукторной катушкой посредством регулировки входа цепи возбуждения индукторной катушки.2. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что источник энергии представляет собой второй аккумулятор.3. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что источник энергии представляет собой преобразователь постоянного тока в постоянный, и при этом преобразователь постоянного тока в постоянный электрически демпфирует ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Antriebssystem für Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: DE102012010171A1

Die Erfindung betrifft Antriebssysteme für Kraftfahrzeuge mit einem ersten Elektromotor und einem zweiten Elektromotor. Die Antriebssysteme zeichnen sich insbesondere durch ihre große Effizienz aus. Dazu ist der Rotor des ersten Elektromotors entweder direkt mit einem Abtrieb verbunden oder über wenigstens ein erstes Schaltelement lösbar mit einem Abtrieb verbindbar. Zum Einen ist der Rotor des zweiten Elektromotors direkt oder über eine Schaltvorrichtung lösbar mit wenigstens einem Aggregat verbunden. Zum Anderen ist der Rotor des zweiten Elektromotors entweder mit dem Zentralrad eines Planetengetriebes oder sowohl mit dem Zentralrad eines Planetengetriebes als auch über ein zweites Schaltelement lösbar mit dem Rotor des ersten Elektromotors verbunden oder verbindbar. Der Abtrieb ist mit dem Außenrad des Planetengetriebes verbunden. Zwischen dem Außenrad und dem Zentralrad des Planetengetriebes befindet sich wenigstens ein Planetenrad. Darüber hinaus ist der Steg des Planetengetriebes ...

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Batterietemperatur-Anpassungssystem und Batterieladesystem

Номер: DE102012208980A1

Es wird ein Batterietemperatur-Anpassungssystem zum Ausführen einer Aufwärmung einer Batterie ohne Tauabscheidung und zum Aufladen der Batterie in einer effizienten Weise bereitgestellt. Das Batterietemperatur-Anpassungssystem enthält: einen Batterietemperatursensor zum Erfassen einer Temperatur eines Batteriepacks; eine Rohrleitung zum Blasen von Warmluft zum Batteriepack hin; ein Steuergerät zum Aufwärmen des Batteriepacks, indem bewirkt wird, dass die Warmluft nach Maßgabe der Temperatur, die durch den Batterietemperatursensor erfasst wurde, um die Batterie strömt; eine Tauabscheidungs-Ermittlungseinheit zum Feststellen, ob eine Tauabscheidung auf dem Batteriepack stattfindet oder nicht; und einen Verdampfer zum Entfeuchten der Warmluft. Das Steuergerät bewirkt, dass die entfeuchtete Warmluft in die Nähe des Batteriepacks strömt, wenn festgestellt wird, dass die Tauabscheidung auf dem Batteriepack auftreten wird.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013217739A1

Ein thermisches System für ein Elektrofahrzeug enthält eine elektrische Wärmequelle, einen Wärmetauscher, eine Traktionsbatterie, eine erste thermische Schleife, die thermisch an den Wärmetauscher und die Wärmequelle gekoppelt ist, und eine zweite thermische Schleife, die thermisch an die Traktionsbatterie gekoppelt ist und konfiguriert ist zum selektiven thermischen Koppeln an die Wärmequelle. Ein Fahrzeug enthält eine elektrisch Wärmequelle, ein Wärmetauschersystem, das konfiguriert ist zum selektiven thermischen Koppeln mit der elektrischen Wärmequelle, und ein Traktionsbatteriesystem, das konfiguriert ist zum selektiven thermischen Koppeln an die elektrische Wärmequelle. Ein Verfahren zum Steuern eines Batterieelektrofahrzeugs beinhaltet das Detektieren eines Fahrzeugzustandseingangs und Betätigen einer elektrischen Heizung, um ein Fluid zu erwärmen. Eine Ventilanordnung wird betätigt, um das Fluid durch einen ersten Fluidkanal an eine Traktionsbatterie, durch einen zweiten Fluidkanal ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации

Batteriesystem mit auslösbarem Wärmespeicher

Номер: DE102013225582A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Batteriesystem, insbesondere Lithium-Batteriesystem, welches mindestens einen elektrochemischen Energiespeicher, beispielsweise eine Lithium-Batteriezelle, ein Lithium-Batteriemodul und/oder ein Lithium-Batteriepack, umfasst. Um die Funktionalität, den Wirkungsgrad und die Lebensdauer des elektrischen Energiespeichers beziehungsweise einer Fahrzeugkomponente zu verbessern, umfasst das Batteriesystem mindestens einen latenten und/oder thermochemischen Wärmespeicher zur Speicherung von Wärmeenergie und zur auslösbaren Freigabe von gespeicherter Wärmeenergie und mindestens eine Auslöseeinrichtung zur Auslösung einer Freigabe von in dem Wärmespeicher gespeicherter Wärmeenergie. Darüber hinaus betrifft die Erfindung ein Betriebsverfahren für ein derartiges Batteriesystem.

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Kühlvorrichtung und Verfahren zur Kühlung einer Batterie in einem Fahrzeug mittels eines Kühlmittels sowie Fahrzeug mit einer solchen Kühlvorrichtung

Номер: DE102017205081A1
Автор: HAHN MARCUS, Hahn, Marcus

Es wird eine Kühlvorrichtung zur Kühlung einer Batterie 1 in einem Fahrzeug mittels eines Kühlmittels 2 angegeben, die einen ersten Wärmeüberträger 3 zur Wärmeübertragung zwischen dem Kühlmittel 2 und der Batterie 1, eine Pumpeinrichtung 4 und einen Auffangbehälter 5 für das Kühlmittel 2 aufweist, die mittels Kühlmittelleitungen 6 unter Ausbildung eines ersten Kühlmittelkreislaufs miteinander verbunden sind.Zur einfachen, kostengünstigen und umweltschonenden Kühlung der Batterie ist vorgesehen, dass der Auffangbehälter 5 mittels einer Kondensatleitung 7 mit einer Klimaanlage 8 des Fahrzeugs zur Einleitung von Kondensat der Klimaanlage 8 in den Auffangbehälter 5 verbunden ist.Weiterhin wird ein Fahrzeug mit einer solchen Kühlvorrichtung angegeben.In einem Verfahren zur Kühlung einer Batterie 1 in einem Fahrzeug mittels eines Kühlmittels 2 wird in einem ersten Kühlkreislauf ein Kühlmittel 2 von einem Auffangbehälter 5 in einen ersten Wärmeüberträger 3 geleitet, in dem ersten Wärmeüberträger ...

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Wärmetauschsystem eines Flurförderzeugs

Номер: DE102010055304A1

Es wird ein Flurförderzeug, insbesondere Elektro-Fahrersitz-Zugmaschine und/oder Elektro-Fahrersitz-Plattformwagen, mit wenigstens einer zumindest einen im Flurförderzeug fest verbauten elektrischen Antriebsmotor zum Antreiben wenigstens eines Laufrades umfassenden Elektro-Antriebseinheit des Flurförderzeugs und wenigstens einer modularen, austauschbaren Energiewandlereinheit, insbesondere einer Brennstoffzellen-Einheit oder einer Dieselmotor-Generator-Einheit, zur Onboard-Erzeugung von elektrischem Strom zur Energieversorgung des Antriebsmotors und/oder zum Laden einer Traktionsbatterie, wobei die Elektro-Antriebseinheit wenigstens einen Fahrersitz und/oder Fahrkabine umfasst, so dass die Elektro-Antriebseinheit als Elektro-Flurförderzeug ausbildbar ist, wobei die modulare, austauschbare Energiewandlereinheit wenigstens eine ein Kühlmedium und/oder ein Kühlelement umfassende Kühleinheit zur Kühlung der Energiewandlereinheit aufweist, vhnik vermeidet und/oder bei dem eine Nutzung der Verlustwärme ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren und Klimatisierungseinrichtung zum Klimatisieren eines Innenraums eines elektrisch angetriebenen Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE102014217959A1

Die Erfindung offenbart ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zum Temperieren eines Innenraums eines Kraftfahrzeuges mit einem elektrischen Antrieb mittels einer Wärmepumpenanordnung mit einem Heiztemperaturbereich und einem Niedertemperaturbereich, wobei der Heiztemperaturbereich zumindest einen thermisch mit dem Innenraum gekoppelten Innenraum-Wärmetauscher umfasst und der Niedertemperaturbereich einen Außenwärmetauscher und/oder zumindest einen an einer Komponente des elektrischen Antriebs angeordneten Wärmetauscher umfasst, wobei das Verfahren folgende Schritte aufweist: falls ermittelt wird, dass der Innenraum des Kraftfahrzeuges temperiert werden soll, Zuführen von Heizenergie des Heiztemperaturbereiches der Wärmepumpenanordnung an den Innenraum des Fahrzeuges; und Variieren des Betriebspunktes des elektrischen Antriebs derart, dass die Erzeugung von Verlustwärme in zumindest einer elektrischen Komponente des elektrischen Antriebs gesteuert wird, wodurch die Temperatur des Niedertemperaturbereichs ...

25-02-2010 дата публикации

Kraftfahrzeug und zugehöriges Betriebsverfahren

Номер: DE102008037238A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines eine Brennkraftmaschine (2) aufweisenden Kraftfahrzeugs (1), insbesondere eines Personenkraftwagens, - bei dem die Brennkraftmaschine (2) mit einer Start-Stopp-Funktion betrieben wird, bei der die Brennkraftmaschine (2) während des Betriebs des Fahrzeugs (1) in Abhängigkeit von Parametern, wie zum Beispiel ein aktueller Antriebsleistungsbedarf, automatisch eingeschaltet und ausg nur dann aktiviert wird, wenn eine Fahrzeugbatterie (3) eine Batterietemperatur aufweist, die oberhalb einer Batteriemindesttemperatur liegt, - bei dem die Batterie (3) Innenraumluft zur Klimatisierung eines Passagierraums (8) des Fahrzeugs (1) ausgesetzt wird.

16-04-2009 дата публикации

Thermisches Management für HLK und Batterie eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102008046744A1

Ein System eines thermischen Managements für HLK und Batterie für ein Kraftfahrzeug mit einem HLK-Teil und einem Batterieteil sowie ein Betriebsverfahren werden offenbart. Der HLK-Teil kann eine Hauptkammer, einen in der Hauptkammer angeordneten Verdampfer, eine sich über einen Teil der Hauptkammer stromabwärts des Verdampfers erstreckende Heizvorrichtung sowie einen Batteriekanal aufweisen, der sich von der Hauptkammer benachbart zu der Heizvorrichtung erstreckt und in Fluidverbindung mit der Hauptkammer sowohl stromaufwärts als auch stromabwärts der Heizvorrichtung steht. Der Batterieteil kann einen mit dem Batteriekanal in Fluidverbindung stehenden Batteriesatz, ein Batteriekühlventil, das in dem Batteriekanal angeordnet und konfiguriert ist, einen Fluidstrom von der Hauptkammer zwischen dem Verdampfer und der Heizvorrichtung selektiv zuzulassen, und ein Batterieheizventil aufweisen, das in dem Batteriekanal angeordnet und konfiguriert ist, einen Fluidstrom von der Hauptkammer stromabwärts ...

12-09-2012 дата публикации

Method of operating an automotive system

Номер: GB0201213419D0

25-09-1996 дата публикации

Device for heating an interior of an electric vehicle

Номер: GB0002294109B

01-06-2016 дата публикации

Range extender control

Номер: GB0002532872A

An apparatus for controlling a range extender 104 in an electric vehicle 100 comprises means for receiving trip information, means for retrieving power usage information relating to a previous trip, the previous trip having trip information which is at least in part in common with the trip information; and means for activating the range extender 104 in dependence on said power usage information. The range extender 104, which may be a diesel internal combustion (IC) engine, or a hydrogen fuel cell, connected to an electric generator, may be controlled to activate based on stored power usage data related to previous journeys. Alternatively, the range extender 104 may be activated dependent on a state of charge of the battery 106. The range extender 104 may be controlled to operate at its most efficient operating point.

11-09-1997 дата публикации

Distribution network and method and device for regulating electric current from the network

Номер: AU0000681975B2

14-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002943309C

A thermal control system of an electric vehicle is provided. The thermal control system is automatically operated in one of three operation modes to adjust a circulation path of a cooling liquid according to the ambient temperature, the power system temperature and the cabinet air temperature. Consequently, the temperature of the power system is stabilized, the performance and the use life of the power system are enhanced, and the power consumption of the air-conditioning system is reduced.

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002888964A1

A system and method for managing vehicle charging stations such that when at least two of a plurality of electric vehicle charging stations (also known as electric vehicle service equipment, or EVSE) occupied with vehicles awaiting a charge, the present system manages the charging of individual vehicles in cases where the aggregated demand for charging exceeds the capacity of the circuits supplying the plurality of EVSE. By cycling so that only a few of the vehicles are charging at a time, the demand on the circuits is kept below a predetermined limit. In cases where a load shedding event is in progress, the limit can be further reduced. In cases where the cost of electricity is varying dynamically, the system considers a driver's explicit charging requirements (if any) and preferences for opportunistic charging when the price of electricity is not too high.

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002938162A1

A system and a method for heating a componenet of an electric vehicle may be particularly beneficial in cold weather places and/or during winter time. The vehicle may be primarily powered by a main battery. The system may include a supplementary battery being metal-air battery including an electrolyte, for extending the driving range of the electric vehicle and a reservoir tank for holding an electrolyte volume for the metal-air battery, the electrolyte may be heated to a desired temperature. The system may further include a heat exchanger for conveying heat from the electrolyte volume, said heat is conveyable to said passenger's cabin.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002857129A1

A fuel cell vehicle air-conditioning apparatus includes: a cooling system (500) that adjusts a temperature of a fuel cell (2); a waste heat collection unit (61) that collects at least a part of waste heat from the fuel cell (2) and uses the collected waste heat to heat a cabin interior of the fuel cell vehicle; and a heat creation unit (2) that creates heat for heating the fuel cell vehicle. The fuel cell vehicle air-conditioning apparatus calculates a fuel consumption amount required for the fuel cell (2) to generate a total power generation amount, which is a sum of a heating power generation amount and a travel power generation amount, calculates an optimum temperature, which is a temperature of the fuel cell (2) at which the fuel consumption amount reaches a minimum, and controls the cooling system (500) such that the temperature of the fuel cell (2) reaches the optimum temperature.

15-06-2015 дата публикации

Method for the direct use of kinetic vehicle energy by recuperation.

Номер: CH0000708967A2

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Ausnützung kinetischer Fahrzeugenergie für den effizienten Betrieb der Kühlung oder Heizung des Fahrzeuginnenraumes durch das Zuschalten des Klimakompressors, der elektrischen Heizungen oder anderen elektrischen Verbrauchern durch Rekuperation der im Fahrzeug enthaltenen kinetischen Energie. Beim Bremsen, Hinunterfahren oder Verlangsamen wird die kinetische Energie durch eine Einrichtung im Fahrzeug rekuperiert. Die dadurch gewonnene Energie wird direkt, und ohne Zwischenspeicherung für den mit dem Fahrprofil synchronisierten Betrieb des Klimakompressors, von elektrischen Heizungen oder anderen elektrischen Verbrauchern im Fahrzeug verwendet.

15-05-2017 дата публикации

Device and method for regulating the temperature of a battery or a fuel cell of an electric or hybrid vehicle.

Номер: CH0000711726A2

L’invention se rapporte à un dispositif de régulation de la température d’un générateur électrochimique (1) d’un véhicule électrique ou hybride, ledit dispositif de régulation comprenant un circuit de climatisation d’un système HVAC de l’habitacle du véhicule, dans lequel circule un fluide, ledit circuit de climatisation comprenant au moins un condenseur/évaporateur externe (2), un compresseur (4), un condenseur interne (6) destiné à chauffer l’habitacle, un premier orifice de détente (8) prévu en aval du condenseur interne (6), un évaporateur interne (14) destiné à refroidir l’habitacle, un second orifice de détente (12) prévu en amont de l’évaporateur interne (14). Ledit dispositif de régulation comprend en outre un premier circuit de chauffage du générateur électrochimique (1) dans lequel ledit fluide est susceptible de circuler, un second circuit de refroidissement du générateur électrochimique (1) dans lequel ledit fluide est susceptible de circuler, un ensemble de vannes (24, 28, ...

29-11-2019 дата публикации

Device and method for regulating the temperature of a battery or a fuel cell of an electric or hybrid vehicle.

Номер: CH0000711726B1
Автор: REXHEP GASHI, Rexhep Gashi

L’invention se rapporte à un dispositif de régulation de la température d’un générateur électrochimique (1) d’un véhicule électrique ou hybride, ledit dispositif de régulation comprenant un circuit de climatisation d’un système HVAC de l’habitacle du véhicule, dans lequel circule un fluide, ledit circuit de climatisation comprenant au moins un condenseur/évaporateur externe (2), un compresseur (4), un condenseur interne (6) destiné à chauffer l’habitacle, un premier orifice de détente (8) prévu en aval du condenseur interne (6), un évaporateur interne (14) destiné à refroidir l’habitacle, un second orifice de détente (12) prévu en amont de l’évaporateur interne (14). Ledit dispositif de régulation comprend en outre un premier circuit de chauffage du générateur électrochimique dans lequel ledit fluide est susceptible de circuler, un second circuit de refroidissement du générateur électrochimique (1) dans lequel ledit fluide est susceptible de circuler, un ensemble de vannes (24, 28, 32, ...

16-08-2021 дата публикации

Dispositif de récupération et de régulation d'énergie thermique d'un véhicule électrique à générateur électrochimique avec un système HVAC.

Номер: CH0000717116A2

L'invention se rapporte à un dispositif de récupération et de régulation d'énergie thermique d'un véhicule électrique à générateur électrochimique dans lequel circule un fluide, ledit circuit de climatisation comprenant au moins un condenseur/évaporateur externe (2), un compresseur (4), un condenseur interne (6) destiné à chauffer l'habitacle, un premier orifice de détente (8) prévu en aval du condenseur interne (6), un évaporateur interne (14) destiné à refroidir l'habitacle, un second orifice de détente (12) prévu en amont de l'évaporateur interne (14). Ledit dispositif de régulation comprend en outre un premier circuit de chauffage ou de récupération d'énergie thermique de chauffage du générateur électrochimique, du moteur électrique (5), du circuit électronique (7) et oprionnellement du circuit de freinage (9), et un second circuit de refroidissement ou de récupération d'énergie thermique de refroidissement du générateur électrochimique, du moteur électrique, du circuit électronique ...

31-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000718858A2

Ein Fahrzeugsystem (300) ist darauf ausgerichtet, einem Fahrer einen Nutzmodus bereitzustellen, der ein Innenraum-Umgebungszustand eines Fahrzeugs ist, in dem er sich ausruhen kann, und schließt ein: einen Fahrzeug-Kommunikationsabschnitt, der konfiguriert ist, um eine erste Anforderungsnachricht zum Anfordern der Ausführung des Nutzmodus durch Kommunizieren mit einem Server-Endgerät(200) , das in dem Fahrzeug das in dem Fahrzeug bereitgestellt ist, oder mit einem Fahrer-Endgerät (100) zu empfangen, das der Fahrer besitzt; und eine Fahrzeugsteuereinheit, die konfiguriert ist, um elektrische Komponenten und Steuereinheiten, die in das Antreiben des Fahrzeugs (1) einbezogen sind, in einen Aus-Zustand zu versetzen, wenn eine Eintrittsbedingung für die Ausführung des Nutzmodus erfüllt ist und das Starten des Fahrzeugs sich in einem Ein-Zustand befindet, und um eine Klimatisierungsvorrichtung, die einen Innenraum-Luftzustand des Fahrzeugs steuert, und einen Stapel, der Energie erzeugt, die in ...

23-11-2016 дата публикации

Thermal battery for heating vehicles

Номер: CN0106165192A

27-04-2016 дата публикации

Battery module lid system and method

Номер: CN0105531845A

24-05-2017 дата публикации

Including for motor vehicles of the regeneration level selector

Номер: CN0104554262B

25-05-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle-mounted structure of the battery

Номер: CN0103481760B

30-03-2018 дата публикации

-increasing control

Номер: CN0104853947B

28-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002977537B1

31-08-2012 дата публикации

Car, has cooling system for heating passenger compartment and/or certain components of car, and power control circuit including unit to maximize iron loss and joule loss of machine in phases for which rotor of machine is mobile or fixed

Номер: FR0002972086A1

L'invention concerne un véhicule automobile (10) muni d'une machine (11) électrique. La machine (11) électrique comporte un système (16) de refroidissement également utilisé pour chauffer l'habitable, tout en ménageant des températures acceptables pour la machine (11) électrique, et aussi en évitant tout mouvement non désiré de la machine (11) électrique. Les profils des courants sont établis pour permettre aux pertes fer de se développer de façon préférentielle dans le circuit magnétique du stator (12) qui est porteur du système (16) de refroidissement, ainsi que pour permettre aux pertes joules de se développer dans le circuit électrique statorique qui lui-même est à proximité du fluide caloporteur. De fait, la température d'eau du circuit va augmenter et pouvoir réchauffer l'habitacle ou tout autre système monté sur ce même circuit.

20-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002980756B1

23-05-2014 дата публикации

Method for controlling heating mode of synchronous-type electric machine of e.g. electric car, involves supplying current to machine to generate magnetic field, where optimized frequency of field is higher than preset frequency

Номер: FR0002998429A1

Procédé de contrôle en mode chauffage d'une machine électrique du type synchrone (2) pour un véhicule automobile, comprenant l'alimentation de phases du stator de cette machine qui reste à l'arrêt, de manière à générer des pertes joules ainsi que des pertes fer importantes, caractérisé en ce qu'il réalise une alimentation instantanée de la machine à l'arrêt, avec un courant qui génère un champ magnétique tournant équilibré entre les différentes phases, comportant une fréquence optimisée supérieure à une fréquence minimum prédéfinie permettant de ne pas réaliser l'entraînement du rotor.

15-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002964798B1

31-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002995839B1
Принадлежит: RENAULT S.A.S.

03-03-2000 дата публикации

Axle for vehicle with lowered floor e.g. public transport vehicles, has drive transmission units located below floor, with crown wheel gear to transmit drive through to horizontal shafts driving through gears to wheels

Номер: FR0002782678A1

Le véhicule automoteur possède un plancher surbaissé (2), même entre deux roues motrices (20) d'un même essieu. Il comprend au moins un moteur de traction asynchrone discoïdal (10), de grand diamètre, placé sous la partie centrale surbaissée (2) du plancher du véhicule. Un système de transmission à renvoi d'angle éventuellement complété d'un réducteur (6) permet de transmettre la puissance de rotation aux roues (20) placées latéralement. Application aux véhicules automoteurs, notamment pour les transports urbains.

27-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002905309B1

24-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003051424A1

Un système de climatisation pour un véhicule de transport électrique alimenté par un réseau d'alimentation électrique (2) comporte au moins un actionneur de production de chaleur ou de froid (3), et des moyens de régulation (6) configurés pour générer au moins une commande de fonctionnement (6c) appliquée audit moins un actionneur (3) en fonction de valeurs de paramètres représentatifs des conditions climatiques (6a), l'actionneur délivrant une puissance moyenne sur un intervalle de temps prédéterminé (I). Les moyens de régulation sont configurés pour générer au moins une commande de fonctionnement (6c) appliquée à au moins un actionneur (3) en fonction en outre de la valeur d'un paramètre (6b) relatif à au moins un véhicule de transport électrique alimenté par le réseau d'alimentation électrique (2), la valeur du paramètre (6b) indiquant que de l'énergie électrique est consommée par ledit au moins un véhicule de transport électrique ou que de l'énergie électrique est produite par ledit ...

20-12-2013 дата публикации

Method for managing use of electrical energy storage unit of electric car, involves determining selected parameter defining usual use of vehicle, and determining desired use mode of storage unit relative to life phase in progress of vehicle

Номер: FR0002992101A1

Un procédé est destiné à gérer l'utilisation de moyens de stockage d'énergie électrique d'un véhicule à moteur(s) électrique(s). Ce procédé comprend une étape dans laquelle on estime un facteur d'endommagement global des moyens de stockage en fonction d'un point de fonctionnement en cours de ces derniers, d'au moins un paramètre de fonctionnement ou environnemental, et d'un facteur d'endommagement cible, et une étape dans laquelle on détermine un nouveau point de fonctionnement pour les moyens de stockage en fonction du facteur d'endommagement global estimé, d'au moins un paramètre choisi définissant l'usage habituel du véhicule et d'un mode d'utilisation souhaité des moyens de stockage compte tenu d'une phase de vie en cours du véhicule.

07-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002905309A1

L'invention concerne un système de climatisation pour véhicule, notamment un véhicule automobile hybride, équipé d'un moteur thermique (2), d'un moyen d'échange thermique direct ou indirect avec une batterie (5) et d'un circuit hydraulique, ledit système comportant un évaporateur (41), un aérotherme (3) et des moyens pour alimenter en air l'aérotherme en sortie de l'évaporateur, caractérisé en ce qu'il comporte : - un circuit hydraulique d'alimentation du moteur thermique (21) - un circuit hydraulique d'alimentation de l'aérotherme (31) et - un circuit hydraulique secondaire (51) d'alimentation de la batterie, connecté au circuit hydraulique d'alimentation de l'aérotherme.

21-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002984471A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif de conditionnement thermique 1 comprenant un circuit de fluide réfrigérant 2 et un circuit de fluide caloporteur 3, - le circuit de fluide réfrigérant 2 comprenant au moins un compresseur 4, un échangeur de chaleur intérieur 5, un échangeur de chaleur extérieur 6 et un évaporateur 7, - le circuit de fluide caloporteur 3 comprenant au moins un premier échangeur thermique associé à un composant 8, un deuxième échangeur thermique associé à un composant 9 et un radiateur 11, -un échangeur de chaleur fluide/fluide 12 installé dans le circuit de fluide réfrigérant 2 et dans le circuit de fluide caloporteur 3, le circuit de fluide caloporteur 3 comprenant une première boucle 13 et une deuxième boucle 14 interconnectées par un dispositif d'interconnexion 15, caractérisée par le fait que la première boucle 13 comprend l'échangeur de chaleur fluide/fluide 12, le premier échangeur thermique associé à un composant 8 et un moyen de chauffage 16 du fluide caloporteur ...

24-10-1975 дата публикации

Electric vehicle with batteries - has motor armature with two or more windings in series with themselves and field winding

Номер: FR0002265570A1

21-08-2020 дата публикации

Electric power management system

Номер: FR0003092795A1

05-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002973301A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT S.A.S

... 1. Un Système de cogénération d'énergie pour véhicule électrique, comprenant au moins deux circuits de refroidissement-chauffage (15, 17, 19) d'organe du véhicule,un dispositif (3) prolongateur d'autonomie du véhicule, un dispositif thermo générateur à effet Seebeck (7) mettant en œuvre une source chaude (9) et une source froide (11) en vue de produire de l'énergie électrique, la source chaude étant constituée par un échangeur thermique recevant un fluide chaud, par exemple les gaz chauds de combustion produits par le dispositif prolongateur d'autonomie (3) et la source froide étant constituée par un échangeur thermique recevant un fluide froid, caractérisé en ce que le fluide issu de la source froide alimente au moins un circuit de refroidissement-chauffage d'organe (15, 17, 19), et en ce que le système comprend un dispositif de basculement apte à basculer l'alimentation en fluide issu de la source froide de l'au moins un circuit de refroidissement-chauffage sur au moins un autre, et un ...

23-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003045503A1

L'invention concerne dispositif dispersion (200) pour véhicule comportant une pile à combustible (100), ladite pile à combustible comportant un moyen d'évacuation (122) de l'eau produite par la réaction de dihydrogène et de dioxygène, ledit dispositif comportant : Des moyens de diffusion (230, 260) dans l'habitacle du véhicule de l'eau produite par ladite pile, sous la forme de microgouttelettes, Au moins une canalisation (210) pour relier ledit moyen d'évacuation et lesdits moyens de diffusion. L'invention concerne également un système de ventilation et un système de climatisation équipé d'un tel dispositif.

07-08-2014 дата публикации

System and method for providing residual quantity information of EV battery

Номер: KR1020140097806A

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013186209A2
Автор: NICHOLLS, Stephen

A system for providing electrical power to a vehicle, the system comprising a rechargeable electric battery pack having two or more battery pack sections. A control unit is coupled to the rechargeable battery pack sections. The rechargeable electric battery pack is connected to an electric motor for propulsion of the vehicle. Wherein each battery pack section of the battery pack comprises a plurality of rechargeable electric storage cells and two connectable terminals and wherein the control unit is configured automatically to switch the power supply for one or more electrical appliances within the vehicle between the two or more battery pack sections to manage the use of electrical energy stored by the two or more battery pack sections.

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012032271A1
Автор: JACOB, Sébastien

The invention relates to a vehicle, in particular a motor vehicle, which comprises a compartment containing a power supply module (10), a space containing electrical components associated with the battery, and a device for cooling the module by the circulation of cooling air, said circulation being forced by ventilation means, characterized in that the cooling device comprises a fan (16) positioned downstream of the module, a cooling air discharge pipe (15) which connects the fan (16) to the compartment containing the power supply module (10), and a shutter (19) for placing the discharge pipe (15) in communication with said space.

03-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013000385A1

An electric bus is provided. The electric bus comprises: a body (2); a chassis; and a battery system configured to supply electric power for the electric bus, disposed at a middle part of the body (2), under a floor (28) of the body (2) and in a rear cabin of the electric bus. The battery system includes: a first battery group (15) disposed above two front wheel caps (18, 27) of the middle part of the body (2); a second battery group (10) disposed under a floor part of a seat region of the middle part of the body (2); and a third battery group (5) disposed in the rear cabin under a floor part of a rear seat region of the body (2) and behind a rear seat.

11-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002009110352A1

A vehicle battery cooling device which can, even in a situation where a normal cooling means cannot sufficiently cool a battery, efficiently cool the battery to stabilize the temperature of the battery. The vehicle battery cooling device has a cooling system for a heat exchanger (18) and a cooling system for a sub radiator (12), and the cooling systems are adapted to cool a high energy battery (6). When a battery controller (31) for processing information relating to a temperature sensor (33) etc. determines that the temperature of the battery is higher than or equal to a predetermined level, a device for cooling the high energy battery (6) is switched from the cooling system for the heat exchanger (18) to the cooling system for the sub radiator (12).

06-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: WO1997008435A1

The invention concerns a system for actively reducing rotational non-uniformity of a shaft, in particular the drive shaft (10) of an internal-combustion engine (1) or a shaft which is coupled, or can be coupled, to the drive shaft. The system includes at least one electrical machine (4), in particular an induction machine or travelling-wave machine, which is coupled, or can be coupled, to the shaft; at least one inverter (17) which generates the voltage and/or current of variable frequency, amplitude and/or phase necessary to produce the magnetic field of the electrical machine (4); and at least one control device (31) which controls the inverter (17) and hence the electrical machine (4) in such a way that the machine counteracts both positive and negative rotational non-uniformity of the shaft. The invention also concerns a method of actively reducing rotational non-uniformity using the system.

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150091377A1

Systems and methods disclosed herein provide for a distributed high-voltage bus for a battery system included in a vehicle. In certain embodiments, the systems and methods disclosed herein provide for a scalable high-voltage bus architecture utilizing a common high-voltage rail for powering vehicle systems and/or modules. Independent contactors may be utilized on the opposite rail to selective power high-voltage branches. In further embodiments, a common rail pre-charge circuit may be utilized allowing for independent pre-charging of HV branches and systems and/or modules coupled to the HV bus.

26-11-1991 дата публикации

Machine unit consisting of a rotary piston internal combustion engine and a rotary piston compressor

Номер: US0005067557A

A rotary piston internal combustion engine includes two side parts and a casing cover part with a trochoidal shaped dual-arc casing inner surfacing of a fluid-cooled housing. An eccentric shaft passes axially through the housing. A triangular piston is journalled on an eccentric of the eccentric shaft with three corners of the piston gliding along the casing inner surfacing in a continuous sliding engagement. A belt drive connects the eccentric shaft with a refrigeration compressor of the same type of construction as the internal combustion engine. A fan wheel is arranged and joined by a universal coupling joint as to a telescopic part that is nonrotatable although axially shiftable relative to a mating telescopic part connected with an output shaft of the internal combustion engine connected by a first universal coupling joint and connected by a second universal coupling joint relative to the fan wheel. The telescopic parts include a polygon cross section for the inner part and an outer ...

19-02-2002 дата публикации

Refrigeration-cycle device

Номер: US0006347528B1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation, DENSO CORP, DENSO CORPORATION

A gas-injection type refrigeration-cycle device has heat exchanger where refrigerant extracts waste heat from heating devices. In the refrigeration-cycle device, the mode is changed between where lower-pressure refrigerant extracts heat and where intermediate-pressure refrigerant extracts the heat of the hot water. The lower-pressure refrigerant is drawn into compressor, after heat exchanger is set at the lower-pressure side of the refrigeration cycle. The intermediate-pressure refrigerant is introduced into compressor-gas-injection port, after heat exchanger is set at the intermediate-pressure side of the refrigeration cycle. In another aspect, a defrosting mode of outdoor heat exchanger includes a heating mode, and gas refrigerant discharged from compressor flows through condenser without heat exchange. Thereafter, the flow of the gas refrigerant is divided to two portions, and the gas refrigerant of one portion flows into outdoor heat exchanger, thereby defrosting outdoor heat exchanger ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140125059A1
Автор: Mingjun Chen, CHEN MINGJUN

An electric vehicle comprises an air tank (11, 21, 31) and an air turbine (12, 22, 32) connected to the air tank and an electrical power generator (13, 23, 33) respectively. The air tank is provided with an air charging interface and a switching valve, external compressed air is stored into the air tank through the air charging interface, and the stored compressed air is output to the air turbine under the control of the switching valve. The air turbine converts air energy of the input compressed air into kinetic energy for driving the electrical power generator to generator power. The electrical power generator is connected to the driving motor (14, 24, 34) and is used for supplying power to the driving motor when generating power. The electric vehicle has increased travel distance per charge and elongated service life of the storage battery, and is environmental friendly and energy saving.

15-12-2009 дата публикации

Vehicle cooling system

Номер: US0007631512B2

An integrated cooling system includes two separate evaporator coils. Each evaporator coil has its own shutoff, thereby allowing for individual control over the cooling of each of two vehicle spaces. The evaporator coils may be disposed within the vehicle to cool the passenger compartment and a battery compartment, respectively. The separate control afforded by the cooling system provides the flexibility of shutting off cooling to the vehicle passenger compartment for the comfort of the vehicle occupants, while still providing cooling to the battery, as needed. The cooling system includes a number of control features which provide for automatically shutting off cooling to one or more of the evaporator coils based on parameters such as air temperature and refrigerant pressure.

07-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: US20110162901A1

A vehicle having a front seating row, a rear seating row, and an electric compartment located behind an/or beneath the rear seating row has a duct extending forward from the electric compartment. The duct carries air exiting the electric compartment toward a HVAC system intake located forward of the front seating row. The air from the electric compartment may thus be drawn through the HVAC system for cooling before being returned to the passenger cabin, yielding improvements in both electrical equipment cooling and passenger comfort.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014421A1

A thermal management system is provided for a vehicle having an electric traction motor and a battery pack. The thermal management system includes a battery pack heater configured to transfer heat to the battery pack, a second thermal load heater configured to transfer heat to a second thermal load, and a control system. The second thermal load heater is selectively thermally connectable to the battery pack to transfer heat from the second thermal load heater to the battery pack. When the vehicle is connected to an external energy source and the battery pack is at sufficiently low temperature, the control system is configured to control the temperature of the battery pack by activating the second thermal load heater and thermally connecting the second thermal load heater to the battery pack in response to a failure of the battery pack heater.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096550A1

A thermal management system is provided for a vehicle having an electric traction motor. The system includes a coolant system configured to convey coolant through a first thermal load, a refrigerant circuit including a condenser and a compressor configured to compress a refrigerant, a control system and a sensor. The refrigerant circuit is configured to cool at least one second thermal load. The sensor is configured to send signals to the control system that are indicative of a temperature of the first thermal load. The control system is configured to control an outlet pressure of the compressor based on the signals.

20-01-2015 дата публикации

Vehicle mounting structure for battery pack

Номер: US0008936126B2

A vehicle battery pack mounting structure that suppresses vibrations of a floor panel while making a shock absorbing space between the battery pack and vehicle exterior members large by effectively utilizing a space between coil springs. The battery pack mounting structure includes a pair of left and right side members and a cross member for supporting the battery pack. A pair of left and right coil springs is installed at these side members and function as suspension members. The battery pack is installed inside an opening of a floor panel between the coil springs, and also between the coil springs, a front portion of the battery pack has a tapered outer surface that becomes narrower as it enters deeper into a space between the coil springs. The opening of the floor panel also has a tapered edge shape.

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160288662A1

A charge/discharge system includes a controller to control an electric power converter placed between a capacitor and a secondary battery connected in parallel. The controller includes: a request power calculation unit configured to calculate request input/output power for the electric motor generator based on current and voltage of the capacitor and input output current of the electric power converter; a capacitor discharging bias factor map configured to specify a ratio of electric power to be supplied from the capacitor to the electric motor generator to the request input power of the electric motor generator; a capacitor charging bias factor map configured to specify a ratio of electric power to be stored in the capacitor from the electric motor generator to the request output power of the electric motor generator; and a subtraction unit configured to calculate charge/discharge power of the secondary battery by subtracting, from the request input/output power, the charge/discharge power ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200144838A1

A robot for charging a vehicle is provided. The robot has wheels or configured for a track for the robot to automatically move to the vehicle to provide charge to a battery of the vehicle. A charge storage is associated with the robot. An articulating arm of the robot. The articulating arm is configured for movement that enables the articulating arm to automatically connect to a connector of the vehicle after the robot moves in position beside the vehicle for providing charge to the battery of the vehicle.

17-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120118988A1

The present invention provides a heating system for a fuel cell vehicle, in which an additional heating source is used together with an electric heater to lower power consumption and increase fuel efficiency of prior systems. For this purpose the present invention provides a heating system for a fuel cell vehicle, the heating system including: an electric heater for heating air blown by a blower fan and supplied to the interior of the vehicle; and a heater core provided in a coolant line, through which coolant for cooling a fuel cell stack is circulated, and is used for heating the air, blown by the blower fan and supplied to the interior of the vehicle, by heat transfer between the coolant and the air, wherein the heater core is provided at the downstream side of the fuel cell stack in a coolant circulation path such that the air is heated by waste heat of the coolant discharged from the fuel cell stack.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072966A1

A vehicle includes a subsystem conditioner and a controller. The controller is programmed to, in response to a difference between user specified and learned times of day being greater than a threshold, activate the conditioner a predetermined time before each of the times of day. The controller is also programmed to, in response to the difference being less than the threshold, activate the conditioner the predetermined time before the specified time of day but not the learned time of day.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Air-Conditioning System for a Vehicle

Номер: US20120222438A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

An air-conditioning system for a vehicle for performing cooling/air-heating of a temperature controlling object includes: a temperature detection unit 63 that detects a temperature of the temperature controlling object; a controller 61 that controls the air-conditioning system based on a temperature detected by the temperature detection unit 63; a prediction unit 61 that predicts a forward temperature of the temperature controlling object based on at least either one of a detected temperature detected by the temperature detection unit 63 and a current vehicle driving state; a target temperature change unit 61 that changes a target temperature of the temperature controlling object or a target temperature of a cooling medium in the air-conditioning system for a vehicle based on a result of prediction by the prediction unit 61; wherein the controller 61 controls cooling/air-heating of the temperature controlling object based on a target temperature changed by the target temperature change ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US2015035486A1

An electric vehicle is able to be charged from a power source via a supply side controller. The supply side controller retrieves and acquires vehicular information from the electric vehicle as an electric connection is established with the electric vehicle. The supply side controller stores the retrieved vehicular information. The vehicular information may contain charging information used for a charging control and non-charging information not used for the charging control. An information device, such as a smart phone, requests to supply the vehicular information. In response to the request, the supply side controller supplies the stored vehicular information to the information device without accessing the battery charger and the vehicular functional device. Accordingly, it is possible to supply the vehicular information without rebooting the controller on the vehicle in response to the request from the information device.

27-08-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle and regenerative braking control system for a vehicle

Номер: US0010392018B1

A vehicle includes an electric machine, a coolant circuit, a refrigerant circuit, and a controller. The electric machine is configured to charge a battery via regenerative braking. The coolant circuit has an electric heater. The refrigerant circuit has an electric compressor. The controller is programmed to, responsive to a capacity of the battery to receive power being less available regenerative braking power and ambient air temperature being less than a first threshold, direct regenerative braking power to the heater but not the compressor. The controller is further programmed to, responsive to the capacity of the battery to receive power being less available regenerative braking power and ambient air temperature exceeding a second threshold that is greater than the first threshold, direct regenerative braking power to the compressor but not the heater.

19-03-2014 дата публикации

Номер: JP0005447675B2

29-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: JP2005263200A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To enhance the immediate effect property of heating performance in a cabin in an air conditioner for a vehicle. SOLUTION: The air conditioner for the vehicle is provided with a first hot water circuit 11 at a generator 10 side mounted on the vehicle; and a second hot water circuit 13 including a hot water type heater core 12 for heating blown air in the cabin. When a cooling water temperature TW1 of the first hot water circuit 11 is lower than a cooling water temperature TW2 of the second hot water circuit 13 at heating mode, an opening/closing valve 26 is closed and an opening/closing valve 23 is opened to make both hot water circuits 11, 13 to the disconnection state. Whereas, when the cooling water temperature TW1 of the first hot water circuit 11 becomes higher than the cooling water temperature TW2 of the second hot water circuit 13, the opening/closing valve 26 is opened and the opening/closing valve 23 is closed to make both hot water circuits 11, 13 to the ...

27-08-2014 дата публикации

Номер: JP0005578279B2

03-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2673926C2

Изобретение относится к рельсовым транспортным средствам. Система для обеспечения рельсового транспортного средства электрической энергией имеет два двигателя внутреннего сгорания, соединенную с двигателем электрическую машину для выработки электроэнергии и систему управления двигателем и машиной. Система управления при необходимости может запускать двигатели по одному. Также имеется устройство подогрева и определения температуры двигателей. Во время работы одного из двигателей запускается другой двигатель, когда температура другого двигателя достигает или становится ниже первого заданного граничного значения. Система управления снижает мощность уже находящегося в работе двигателя(ей), как только другой двигатель запущен и вносит вклад в общую мощность всех находящихся в работе двигателей. Исключается прогрев двигателя. 3 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2637837C2

Группа изобретений относится к подаче электроэнергии к оборудованию транспортных средств с электротягой. Устройство для эксплуатации потребителя электроэнергии рельсового транспортного средства выполнено с возможностью работы от произведенной в процессе торможения электроэнергии. Устройство для эксплуатации содержит блок управления для регулирования работы потребителя в двух рабочих режимах. Первый рабочий режим предназначен для работы потребителя в первой рабочей фазе во время фазы торможения. Второй рабочий режим предназначен для работы потребителя во второй рабочей фазе во время предшествующей фазе торможения. Блок управления регулирует работу потребителя таким образом, чтобы его рабочая нагрузка во втором рабочем режиме была ниже, чем в первом. Устройство для эксплуатации содержит блок, предназначенный для выбора параметра инициирования второй рабочей фазы в зависимости от параметра фазы торможения. Блок управления регулирует работу потребителя таким образом, что при переходе в первый ...

28-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2617871C1

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам с системой аккумулирования электрической энергии. Транспортное средство содержит устройство для аккумулирования электрической энергии, датчики температуры, вентилятор, систему кондиционирования, контроллер с возможностью управления вентилятором. Когда температура (Tb) устройства для устройства (10) для аккумулирования электрической энергии больше или равна эталонной температуре (Tb_th), вентилятор (22) приводится в действие при расходе (Q) воздуха, которое больше или равно эталонному расходу (Q_ref) воздуха. Когда температура (Tb) устройства ниже эталонной температуры (Tb_th), воздух, который получил тепло от устройства для аккумулирования электрической энергии, направляется в выпускную камеру (LS) посредством приведения в действие вентилятора (22) при расходе (Q) воздуха, который меньше, чем эталонный расход (Q_ref) воздуха, если система кондиционирования воздуха работает и если температура (Tout) наружного воздуха меньше или равна заданной ...

27-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2493986C2

Группа изобретений относится к устройствам управления гибридными транспортными средствами. Устройство управления по первому, второму и третьему вариантам содержит агрегат мост/трансмиссия, в котором установлены электродвигатель, генератор и инвертор, устройство хранения энергии, нагревательное устройство для нагрева двигателя и агрегата мост/трансмиссия, блок управления для управления нагревательным устройством, блок прогнозирования перемещения. Блок управления избирательно осуществляет нагрев двигателя или агрегата мост/трансмиссия. Устройство по второму варианту содержит трубопровод для циркуляции текучей среды через двигатель и кондиционер. В устройстве по третьему варианту нагревательное устройство нагревает двигатель или агрегат мост/трансмиссия с использованием энергии, выделяемой благодаря работе двигателя. Технический результат заключается в повышении топливного КПД двигателя. 3 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013126407A

... 1. Устройство диагностики аккумулятора транспортного средства, которое диагностирует, для транспортного средства, имеющего установленную в нем аккумуляторную батарею, статистику состояния использования аккумуляторной батареи, и, которое представляет меру подавления ухудшения характеристик аккумулятора, содержащее:- средство хранения для хранения альтернативной меры подавления для фактора, обуславливающего ухудшение характеристик аккумуляторной батареи; и- средство диагностики для запрещения представления альтернативной меры подавления в качестве меры подавления, если альтернативная мера подавления не удовлетворяет определенному критерию представления.2. Устройство диагностики аккумулятора транспортного средства по п. 1, дополнительно содержащее:- средство вычисления степени ухудшения характеристик для приема статистических данных относительно состояния использования, связанного с фактором, обуславливающим ухудшение характеристик аккумуляторной батареи, и вычисления степеней ухудшения характеристик ...

10-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011136083A

... 1. Устройство управления для гибридного транспортного средства, имеющего двигатель внутреннего сгорания и электродвигатель в качестве источников тяги, причем гибридное транспортное средство выполнено с возможностью осуществления режима привода от электродвигателя, при котором двигатель остановлен и только электродвигатель работает в качестве источника тяги, причем устройство управления осуществляет дискретное управление, при котором, когда температура двигателя больше или равна разрешающей температуре, осуществляется режим привода от электродвигателя при соблюдении предписанного условия выполнения, и устройство управления блокирует выполнение дискретного управления, когда температура двигателя меньше разрешающей температуры, при этом устройство управления содержитагрегат мост/трансмиссия, в котором установлены электродвигатель, генератор и инвертор,устройство хранения для хранения энергии, производимой при работе двигателя, после инициирования пуска системы в транспортном средстве,нагревательное ...

27-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012156247A

... 1. Система (10), предназначенная для наблюдения и/или управления транспортным средством (12), содержащая:средства (22) передачи данных, предназначенные для приема сигналов данных, передаваемых на шину (24) данных транспортного средства и относящихся к состоянию и/или работе одной или нескольких систем или устройств транспортного средства, где средства передачи данных действуют для преобразования сигналов данных в информационные сообщения, соответствующие сигналам данных; исредства (30) связи, предусматриваемые на борту транспортного средства и предназначенные для беспроводной передачи информационных сообщений, относящейся к одному или нескольким указанным принятым сигналам данных, на устройство (18) мобильной связи с целью демонстрации пользователю, где средства (30) приспособлены для передачи информации, относящейся к одному или нескольким сигналам данных, из транспортного средства на устройство (18) мобильной связи через веб-сервер, веб-портал или другую подключенную к Интернету главную ...

20-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014135383A

... 1. Возбуждающая схема для электрического двигателя, имеющего аэродинамическую поддержку вала двигателя, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит, по меньшей мере, одно средство аккумулирования для сохранения электрической энергии, с помощью которого электрический двигатель обеспечивается электрической энергией при неисправности действующего напряжения питания или напряжения промежуточной цепи для обеспечения минимальной скорости вращения вала двигателя, требуемой для воздушной поддержки, по меньшей мере, временной.2. Возбуждающая схема по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что по меньшей мере, одно средство для аккумулирования энергии выполнено с возможностью зарядки от действующего напряжения питания или напряжения промежуточной цепи.3. Возбуждающая схема по п. 2, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит средства для измерения температуры, по меньшей мере, одного средства для аккумулирования энергии, а зарядное напряжение, по меньшей мере, одного средства для аккумулирования выбирается в зависимости от измеренной ...

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Elektrofahrzeug, Kraftfahrzeug, Aufnahmevorrichtung und Verfahren zum Betrieb des Elektrofahrzeugs

Номер: DE102011112345A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Elektrofahrzeug (1), das eine Aufnahmevorrichtung (8) aufweist, die an der Karosserie (4) lösbar befestigt und/oder im Inneren der Karosserie (4) angeordnet ist, wobei die Aufnahmevorrichtung (8) zumindest ein Haltemittel (9) zur Aufnahme eines Kraftfahrzeugs (10) mit einer Brennkraftmaschine und eine Übertragungseinrichtung, mittels der die von der Brennkraftmaschine erzeugte Energie für die Antriebseinrichtung (3) und/oder für die Erwärmung des Fahrgastraums (5) des Elektrofahrzeugs (1) nutzbar ist, umfasst. Weiterhin betrifft die Erfindung ein Kraftfahrzeug (10) gemäß Anspruch 2, eine Aufnahmevorrichtung (8) gemäß Anspruch 3 und ein Verfahren gemäß Anspruch 8.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Betreiben eines Antriebsstrangs eines Hybridfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102010064379A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zum Betreiben eines Antriebsstrangs (101) eines Hybridfahrzeuges mit einem Bordnetz (102), mit einem Bordnetz (102), wobei der Antriebsstrang (101) mindestens ein Fahrzeugantriebsrad (105) sowie eine erste elektrische Maschine (104) aufweist, und die erste elektrische Maschine (104) an dem Bordnetz (102) angeschlossen ist. Erfindungsgemäß wird zur Spannungsstabilisierung des Bordnetzes (102) die erste elektrische Maschine (104) abgekoppelt von den Antriebsrädern (105) des Hybridfahrzeuges betrieben.

03-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE102009038834A1

Ein erfindungsgemäßes Kraftfahrzeug setzt sich aus einem Chassisrahmen und einem Fahrzeugaufbau zusammen. Der Chassisrahmen wird von einem Frontmodul und einem Heckmodul gebildet, die über ein Zentralmodul miteinander verbunden sind. Das Frontmodul nimmt eine Vorderachse, Wärmetauscher sowie ein Antriebsaggregat in Form eines Elektromotors auf. Am Heckmodul sind neben den Komponenten der Hinterachse ein Verbrennungsmotor sowie ein Elektromotor vorgesehen. Das Zentralmodul nimmt sowohl die elektrischen Batterien zur Versorgung der beiden Elektromotore als auch einen Kraftstofftank für den Verbrennungsmotor auf.

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren sowie Klimasystem zur Klimatisierung eines Elektro- oder Hybridfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102014226514A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren sowie ein Klimasystem zur Klimatisierung eines Elektro- oder Hybridfahrzeugs, das einen Innenraum (8) sowie einen Hochvoltspeicher (6) aufweist, welche beide mittels einer Klimaanlage (4) des Fahrzeugs klimatisierbar sind, die ein bestimmtes Kühlpotential aufweist, wobei der Hochvoltspeicher (6) eine aktuelle HVS-Temperatur (Hakt) aufweist und wobei der Innenraum (8) eine aktuelle Innenraum-Temperatur (Iakt) aufweist. Dabei wird der Hochvoltspeicher (6) zur Vorkonditionierung in einem Vorkonditionierungsmodus (VK) mittels der Klimaanlage (4) auf eine HVS-Temperatur (H) unterhalb einer HVS-Betriebstemperatur (Hopt) unterkühlt.

05-04-2013 дата публикации

Elektrische Einrichtung zum Vorwärmen eines Antriebsmotors eines Kraftfahrzeugs und/oder zum Vorklimatisieren eines Fahrzeuginnenraums im Stillstand des Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE202013001014U1

Elektrische Einrichtung zum Vorwärmen eines Antriebsmotors (1) eines Kraftfahrzeugs (2) und/oder zum Vorklimatisieren eines Fahrzeuginnenraums im Stillstand des Kraftfahrzeugs (2), wobei die zum Betrieb der Einrichtung erforderliche elektrische Energie von einer ortsfesten Versorgungsstation (3) mittels einer elektrischen Kopplungsvorrichtung zum Kraftfahrzeug (2) hin übertragen wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die elektrische Kopplungsvorrichtung als induktive Übertragungsvorrichtung ausgebildet ist, die eine fahrzeugseitige elektrische Wicklung (4) und eine versorgungsstationsseitige, eine stationäre elektrische Wicklung (5) umfassende Ankoppelvorrichtung (6) aufweist, die so an die fahrzeugseitige elektrische Wicklung (4) anfügbar ist, dass die beiden elektrischen Wicklungen (4, 5) einen Transformator ausbilden.

23-02-2015 дата публикации

Elektrisches Fahrzeug mit einer Anfahrkraft

Номер: DE202014105439U1

Elektrisches Fahrzeug mit einer Anfahrkraft, wobei das elektrische Fahrzeug eine Steuereinrichtung (1) und eine Batterieeinheit (6) umfasst, wobei die Steuereinrichtung (1) mit einem Schalter (2), einem elektrischen Motor (3), einer Beschleunigungssteuereinrichtung (4) und einer Generatoreinheit (5) verbunden ist, wobei der Schalter (2) mit der Generatoreinheit (5) verbunden ist, wobei die Batterieeinheit (6) eine primäre Batterie (61) und eine sekundäre Batterie (62) enthält, wobei die primäre Batterie (61) mit der Steuereinrichtung (1) verbunden ist und wobei die sekundäre Batterie (62) mit der Generatoreinheit (5) verbunden ist, wobei, wenn der Schalter (2) eingeschaltet ist, die Steuereinrichtung (1) und die Generatoreinheit (5) aktiviert werden, und wenn die Beschleunigungssteuereinrichtung (4) die Generatoreinheit (5) über die Steuereinrichtung (1) aktiviert, die Steuereinrichtung (1) als erstes Energie an den elektrischen Motor (3) durch die Generatoreinheit (5) liefert, und wobei ...

13-08-2014 дата публикации

Charge control unit for a vehicle manages power from second power supply to thermal preconditioning

Номер: GB0002510713A

A charge control unit and a method for controlling a thermal preconditioning in a vehicle is presented, wherein the charge control unit 16 is installed in the vehicle. The charge control unit 16 is connected over a first control connection with a battery management system 11 of a first power source 12 and is also connected with a second power source 17 over a second control connection. The charge control unit 16 determines an energy requirement for thermal preconditioning, using systems such as air conditioners and heaters, and also determines an energy supply from the second power source 12. The charge control unit 16 may receive information from the system, including maximum current from an on-board charger 13, light intensity and temperature, and may send information to the battery management system 11 or the on-board charger 13. The second power source 17 may be a dye sensitised solar cell.

10-09-2014 дата публикации

Fuel cell vehicle

Номер: GB0201413215D0

17-04-1996 дата публикации

Device for heating the interior of an electrically-powered vehicle

Номер: GB0002294109A

A device for heating the interior of an electric vehicle comprises an air-cooled high-temperature battery (1), the waste heat from which is used for heating the vehicle. The heat is supplied to the interior via a liquid circuit (7) having a heat exchanger (6). The passage of air over the heat exchanger (6) is controlled by flaps, such that hot waste air from the battery, or fresh air may be directed over or away from the heat exchanger (6). The liquid circuit (7) is also connected to heat-generating components (14) of the electric drive system which thus controls their cooling. The interior of the vehicle is heated by heat exchanger (11) having a bypass conduit (13). ...

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Vehicular Air Conditioning System

Номер: US20120037352A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

A vehicular air conditioning system capable of suppressing the power consumption of a refrigerating cycle is disclosed. The vehicular air conditioning system comprises a refrigerating cycle circuit comprising a compressor, an outside heat exchanger and an inside air conditioning heat exchanger annularly connected in order, and a device cooling circuit comprising a heating unit, an inside cooling heat exchanger, an intermediate heat exchanger and a pump being annularly connected, the intermediate heat exchanger being constructed such that one end of a piping of the cooling medium for air conditioning is connected to a liquid piping, the liquid piping providing connection between the outside heat exchanger and the inside air conditioning heat exchanger, and an opposite end of the piping of the cooling medium for air conditioning is connected to a suction port of the compressor.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle cooling system

Номер: US20120085512A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG, Visteon Global Technologies Inc

The disclosure relates to a cooling system and a method for operating the cooling system for cooling a battery of a vehicle using a coolant circuit. The cooling circuit includes a pump device, a heat exchanger for transferring heat between a coolant and the battery, a heat exchanger for transferring heat between the coolant and the surroundings, and a heat exchanger for transferring heat between the coolant and a refrigerant circulating in a refrigerant circuit. The refrigerant circuit is designed with a heat exchanger and an associated expansion element. The refrigerant circuit includes two additional expansion elements. The first expansion element is arranged upstream of the heat exchanger and the second expansion element is arranged downstream of the heat exchanger, with regard to the direction of the refrigerant flow. The heat exchangers designed as evaporators on the refrigerant side can be operated with different pressure and temperature levels.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Saddle-ride-type electrically operated vehicle

Номер: US20120118659A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

In an electrically-operated vehicle including rear wheels on right and left sides of a rear portion of a vehicle body, the electrically-operated vehicle includes a motor that drives the rear wheels, a battery 51 that is arranged above the motor, and a lower battery that is placed between the right and left rear wheels. The lower battery and the motor are arranged in a distributed manner over an axle of the rear wheels between a vehicle front side of the axle of the rear wheels and a vehicle rear side of the axle of the rear wheels. An upper end portion of a rear cushion is supported on a vehicle body frame, and the battery and the motor are supported on a lower end of the rear cushion.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Power supply apparatus for vehicles

Номер: US20120153717A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A power supply apparatus for vehicles is provided. This apparatus includes a battery mounted on a vehicle as well as first and second power transferring means and a power conversion unit. The first power transferring means transfers power between the battery and a first power supply section placed outside the vehicle, in a state where the battery is electrically connected to the power supply section. The second power transferring means transfers power between the battery and the power supply section placed outside the vehicle, in a state where the battery is electromagnetically connected to a second power supply section. The power conversion unit is used commonly in both the first and second power transferring means and used for transferring the power between the battery and the first power supply section and for transferring the power between the battery and the second power supply section.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Brake control device

Номер: US20120160580A1
Автор: Daisuke Nakata
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A fluid pressure brake unit generates a friction braking force by supplying an operating fluid to a wheel cylinder provided to each wheel of a vehicle so as to press a brake pad against the wheel. A regenerative brake unit generates a regenerative braking force by electric power regeneration to a motor that drives the wheel. A battery collects electric power from the motor. A low-temperature determination unit determines that the temperature of the battery is low when the temperature of the battery is below a predetermined temperature range. A battery temperature increasing unit generates, when the temperature of the battery is determined to be low, a braking force to the vehicle by at least either a fluid pressure brake unit or a regenerative brake unit during acceleration of the vehicle by the motor or the engine.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Electric vehicle drive system

Номер: US20120221197A1
Принадлежит: Aisin AW Co Ltd

An electric vehicle drive system including an output member that is drive-coupled to a wheel, and a compressor connection member that is coupled to a compressor for an air conditioner. A drive power to be transmitted to the output member and the compressor connection member is generated by a rotating electric machine. The electric vehicle drive system further includes a wheel-driving rotating electric machine that has a rotor shaft drive-coupled to the output member and an air-conditioner rotating electric machine that has a rotor shaft drive-coupled to the compressor connection member through a second clutch. The rotor shaft of the air-conditioner rotating electric machine is drive-coupled to the rotor shaft of the wheel-driving rotating electric machine through a first clutch.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Heat element cooling device

Номер: US20130000864A1
Автор: Eiji Yamatani
Принадлежит: Calsonic Kansei Corp

In a battery cooling device 1 that cools a battery 2 that is arranged in a battery accommodation space 5 by taking in the air in a passenger compartment 6 through an air intake port part 12 provided in a vehicle interior trim 7 and a first air intake pipe 13 , the first air intake pipe 13 is provided with an auxiliary air intake port 31 that opens to a space 30 formed between the vehicle interior trim 7 and a vehicle interior panel 8 that is located at a passenger-compartment outer side of the vehicle interior to trim 7.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle driving device, vehicle charging system, and automobile

Номер: US20130054069A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A vehicle driving device is arranged such that in accordance with an instruction signal from the outside, a first battery managing section outputs, to the outside, a signal related to charging/discharging control for a first battery.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Method of Operating a Multiport Vehicle Charging System

Номер: US20130057210A1
Принадлежит: Tesla Motor Inc

A method of distributing charging power among a plurality of charge ports of a battery charging station is provided, where the battery charging station includes a plurality of power stages where each power stage includes an AC to DC converter and provides a portion of the charging station's maximum available charging power, the method comprising the steps of (i) monitoring battery charging station conditions and operating conditions for each charging port; (ii) determining current battery charging station conditions, including current operating conditions for each charging port; (iii) determining power distribution for the battery charging station and the charging ports in response to the current battery charging conditions and in accordance with a predefined set of power distribution rules; and (iv) coupling the power stages to the charging ports in accordance with the power distribution.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Plug-In Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment with Indicators

Номер: US20130063075A1
Принадлежит: Service Solution US LLC

A system for connecting an electric vehicle to a high voltage power source. The system including electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) having an electrical plug compatible with a high voltage power outlet, the plug connected to a power cord. The power cord is connected to a housing containing a number of electrical components configured to control the power flow to an electric vehicle to recharge the vehicle's batteries. The housing includes a plurality of light emitting diodes configured to indicate a status of the EVSE. The LEDs can flash, illuminate a solid color, not illuminate a solid color or a combination thereof.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

High voltage battery cooling control technique for a vehicle

Номер: US20130090805A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

The present invention relates to a high voltage battery cooling control technique that improves the operational stability of a high voltage battery by decreasing the likelihood that the battery will overheat due to the indoor air temperature of the vehicle.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Preliminary air conditioning system

Номер: US20130096734A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp, Toyota Motor Corp

A charging start time and preliminary air conditioning time are calculated based on the departure time that is set with a control/operation device, and the charging time and preliminary air conditioning time are set. Then, a control is executed to start charging when at the charging start time and preliminary air conditioning may be started when the amount of charge is sufficient for preliminary air conditioning and a preliminary air conditioning starting trigger is detected, that is locking or preparation for leaving house is detected, for example.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicles

Номер: US20130096752A1
Принадлежит: PAICE LLC

A hybrid vehicle comprises an internal combustion engine, a traction motor, a starter motor, and a battery bank, all controlled by a microprocessor in accordance with the vehicle's instantaneous torque demands so that the engine is run only under conditions of high efficiency, typically only when the load is at least equal to 30% of the engine's maximum torque output. In some embodiments, a turbocharger may be provided, activated only when the load exceeds the engine's maximum torque output for an extended period; a two-speed transmission may further be provided, to further broaden the vehicle's load range. A hybrid brake system provides regenerative braking, with mechanical braking available in the event the battery bank is fully charged, in emergencies, or at rest; a control mechanism is provided to control the brake system to provide linear brake feel under varying circumstances.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Electric vehicle

Номер: US20130151049A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

An electric vehicle includes a drive motor, an air conditioning system, an electric storage device, and a power consumption controller. The drive motor is to generate drive force for the electric vehicle. The electric storage device is to supply power to the drive motor and the air conditioning system. The power consumption controller is configured to control power consumption of the drive motor and the air conditioning system to limit the power consumption of the drive motor while securing preset power consumption of the air conditioning system and to keep securing power for the air conditioning system through limitation of the power consumption of the drive motor until driving of the drive motor is stopped if a remaining charge of the electric storage device approaches zero with consumption of power by the drive motor.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

System for providing information on power consumption amount of electric vehicle

Номер: US20130218366A1

A high-speed calculation of power consumption provided to a driver to figure out whether an electric vehicle is able to reach a destination can be implemented. Solution: A system for providing information on power consumption amount of an electric vehicle includes receiving means for receiving a departure point of the electric vehicle and a destination of the electric vehicle from a terminal device; a database which stores a plurality of power consumption amounts required to move between respective two sections, corresponding to a plurality of combinations of two sections, the combinations including a combination of a first section in a predetermined area including the departure point and the destination, and a second section including a second point in the predetermined area; extracting means which retrieves the database to thereby extract a power consumption amount required to travel from the departure point to the destination; and transmitting means for transmitting information on the power consumption amount extracted by the extracting means to the terminal device.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Electric and hybrid vehicle high current conductor

Номер: US20130278051A1

An apparatus for transferring electrical current between a first component and a second component includes at least one transfer conductor directing electrical current between the first and second components including a plurality of overlapping conducting layers each arranged in parallel with the directed electrical current and a plurality of insulation layers each disposed between alternating ones of the conducting layers.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Control unit for vehicle driving system

Номер: US20130325237A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A control unit 2 includes a standard control map Map 1 in which an EV driving permitting region is set according to the SOC of a battery 3 and a substitute control map Map 2 in which the EV driving permitting region of the standard control map Map 1 is narrowed, whereby when an air conditioning compressor 112 A, 112 B is actuated to operate, the driving is controlled by selecting the substitute control map Map 2 to be referred to in place of the standard control map Map 1.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Power line communication system and method

Номер: US20130336414A1
Автор: Michael T. Burk

Exemplary embodiments of the present invention relate to a power line communication (PLC) system. For example, the PLC system may include a PLC server configured to provide electrical power and electronic communications through a PLC bus to a number of electronic devices, such as an instrument cluster, infotainment interface, rear-seat entertainment console, aftermarket accessories, and the like. The PLC system may also include a power system that may be coupled to an electrical grid for charging a battery associated with one or more of the electronic devices. The power system may be communicatively coupled to the PLC bus, enabling the devices coupled to the PLC bus to communicate with a service provider through the electrical grid. The communications between the devices coupled to the PLC bus and remote devices coupled through the electrical grid may be conducted using a common communication protocol.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Secondary battery module

Номер: US20140030563A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Vehicle Energy Ltd

A secondary battery module 1 of the present invention stores cell blocks 40 in a module case 2 , and cools battery cells 101 in the cell blocks 40 by circulating coolant to the inside of the cell blocks by introduction of the coolant into the module case 2 . The secondary battery module has a structure of communicating coolant circulation ports 22 that open to a case wall section 21 of the module case 2 and coolant circulation ports 62 a that open to the cell blocks 40 with each other by a communication member 71 , and passing wiring through a space region 80 formed outside the communication member 71 and between the case wall section 21 and the cell blocks 40 . Thus, wiring can be executed without interfering flow of the coolant, and the total secondary battery module 1 can be miniaturized.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Optimized Fuzzy Logic Controller For Energy Management In Micro and Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Номер: US20140067183A1
Автор: Brian C. SISK
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

An energy storage system of a vehicle includes an energy storage device, a regulation device coupled to the energy storage device, one or more sensing devices for sensing current levels, voltage levels, temperature levels, and/or pressure levels of the energy storage device and/or on components thereof, and a control unit configured to determine dynamically a power flow in/out of the energy storage device using a fuzzy logic approach. The regulation device is configured to regulate at least one of a voltage level, a current level, and any additional state parameter of the energy storage device.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle air conditioning remote control system, server, and portable terminal

Номер: US20140081481A1
Автор: Junichi Nishida
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A portable terminal transmits to a server a request to start pre-air conditioning when the operations to begin pre-air conditioning are performed on the screen of the portable terminal. The server predicts whether an air conditioning device will begin cooling or heating on the basis of a set of vehicle location information stored in a vehicle information storage unit and a set of temperature information acquired from a temperature information center, and transmits the prediction results to the portable terminal. As a consequence, it is possible to notify the cooling and heating state to a vehicle user in a timely manner.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Air-condition remote control system for vehicle, server, mobile terminal, and vehicle

Номер: US20140100716A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An estimated temperature range is calculated by adding a plus-side temperature width to the temperature detected by a temperature sensor within the cabin of a vehicle and subtracting a minus-side temperature width therefrom, and is displayed on the display of a mobile terminal as a temperature state of the cabin. When cooling is performed, the plus-side temperature width is made greater than the minus-side temperature width. Also, the plus-side temperature width is narrowed with elapse of time from the start of pre-air-conditioning. With this operation, the temperature state of the vehicle cabin from the start of the pre-air-conditioning can be properly communicated to a vehicle user.

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Battery Heating Device, Battery Heat Adjustment Method, Storage Medium, and Electronic Device

Номер: US20220024350A1
Принадлежит: Guangzhou Automobile Group Co Ltd

A battery heating device of an electric vehicle, a battery heat adjustment method, a storage medium, and an electronic device are provided. The device includes a battery heating circuit, an engine cooling circuit and a three-way valve. The three-way valve connects the battery heating circuit and the engine cooling circuit to mix a first liquid in the engine cooling circuit and a second liquid in the battery heating circuit, and transmits a mixed liquid to the battery heating circuit to heat a battery in the battery heating circuit. By means of the disclosure, the problems of large overall weight and packaging space of a system caused by the use of a heat exchanger and high manufacturing cost in a conventional art are solved, the overall weight and packaging space of the system are reduced, additional components are reduced, and the cost is reduced.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009636A1

A vehicle includes a cooling arrangement that includes an air conditioning loop and a battery cooling loop connected together by a common chiller and arranged to cool each of cabin air and a battery. A coolant three-way proportional control valve is connected to the chiller and the battery. The control valve is configured to operatively control a capacity of the chiller for the battery. 120-. (canceled)21. A vehicle cooling arrangement comprising:a cooling arrangement including an air conditioning loop and a battery cooling loop connected together by a chiller and arranged to cool each of cabin air and a battery; anda coolant three-way proportional control valve connected between the chiller and the battery and to a bypass line, wherein the proportional control valve is operable to control a capacity of the chiller.22. The vehicle cooling arrangement of claim 21 , wherein the battery cooling loop further comprises a pump.23. The vehicle cooling arrangement of claim 21 , wherein the air conditioning loop further comprises at least one evaporator and at least one thermal expansion valve for controlling introduction of refrigerant within the air conditioning loop into the chiller.24. The vehicle cooling arrangement of claim 23 , wherein the at least one thermal expansion valve comprises front and rear evaporators.25. The vehicle cooling arrangement of claim 23 , wherein the air conditioning loop further comprises a compressor.26. The vehicle cooling arrangement of claim 21 , wherein the bypass line is operable to direct coolant flow to a duo valve that operatively connects the battery and a radiator.27. The vehicle cooling arrangement of claim 26 , wherein an outlet of the bypass line is connected to a coolant pump.28. The vehicle cooling arrangement of claim 21 , wherein the air conditioning loop further includes a heat exchanger positioned between a radiator and the chiller.29. A method of cooling a vehicle battery claim 21 , comprising:selectively directing coolant ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022186A1

A driver of a vehicle is alerted if an air passage from an air source to a battery becomes blocked. The determination as to whether the air passage is blocked may be based on the temperature of the battery, the airflow through the air passage, and the power to a fan used to move air through the air passage. 120-. (canceled)21. A vehicle comprising:a cabin;a battery;an air passageway configured to direct air from the cabin toward the battery; andat least one controller configured to generate an alert indicating a blockage in the air passageway responsive to a temperature difference between the cabin and battery exceeding a threshold.22. The vehicle of claim 21 , further comprising a fan arranged to further direct air from the cabin toward the battery.23. A method for a vehicle comprising:responsive to a temperature difference between a cabin of the vehicle and a battery of the vehicle exceeding a threshold, generating an alert indicating a blockage in a passageway configured to direct air from the cabin toward the battery.24. A vehicle comprising:a battery;a cabin; andat least one controller configured to generate an alert for a driver of the vehicle in response to a temperature difference between the cabin and battery exceeding a threshold.25. The vehicle of further comprising an air passageway configured to direct air from the cabin toward the battery.26. The vehicle of further comprising a fan configured to further direct air from the cabin toward the battery. This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 11/755,309, filed May 30, 2007, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated in its entirety by reference herein.The invention relates to systems and methods to detect, in vehicles, blockages of airflow passages to power storage units.Battery systems used to store electrical energy in a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) may produce heat when storing or releasing energy. Thermal management of battery systems may improve battery performance and ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle having controller for managing battery and method for the same

Номер: US20190023150A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

Disclosed are a vehicle and method for managing a battery for vehicle. The vehicle includes a battery configured to be charged and discharged while connected to a charger; and a controller configured to charge the battery by distributing charging current for the battery with the foremost priority if the charging current for the battery is smaller than consumption current, and distribute the consumption current after a state of charge (SoC) of the battery reaches a target charging level.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023908A1

An air conditioning system, a vehicle and a method of controlling the vehicle with a vehicle air conditioning system are provided. The vehicle air conditioning system has a refrigeration circuit having a compressor, a condenser, and an evaporator in sequential fluid communication, with a valve assembly and a battery chiller positioned for parallel flow with the evaporator. A cooling circuit in the vehicle has a chiller. A controller is configured to, in response to a temperature of the evaporator being less than a first predetermined value and the compressor operating at a predetermined speed, open the valve assembly to divert a portion of refrigerant through the chiller and away from the evaporator. The refrigerant may be diverted, for example, to raise the temperature of the evaporator and/or prevent cycling of the compressor. 1. A vehicle comprising:a fluid circuit having a chiller and containing a coolant;a refrigeration circuit for a cabin air conditioning system containing a refrigerant, the refrigeration circuit having a compressor, a condenser, a first valve assembly and a cabin evaporator in sequential fluid communication, the refrigeration circuit having a second valve assembly and the chiller positioned for parallel flow of refrigerant with the first valve assembly and the cabin evaporator;a temperature sensor positioned to measure a temperature of the evaporator; anda controller configured to, while the refrigeration circuit is operating and in response to the temperature of the evaporator being less than a first threshold value and the compressor operating at a predetermined speed, open the second valve assembly to divert a portion of refrigerant through the chiller while another portion of refrigerant flows in parallel through the evaporator.2. The vehicle of wherein the controller is further configured to close the second valve assembly in response to the temperature of the evaporator being above a second threshold value claim 1 , the second threshold ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Methods for electric vehicle (EV) charge location visual indicators, notifications of charge state and cloud applications

Номер: US20160031338A1
Принадлежит: Albert S. Penilla, Angel A. Penilla

Methods for managing charge status of an electric vehicle (EV) at a charge unit (CU) and systems that use cloud processing, are provided. One method includes detecting connection of a charging connector of the charge unit to a vehicle charge port of the EV. The method also includes receiving charge status of the EV while the charging connector is connected to the CU and activating a visual indicator at the CU. The visual indicator is set indicative of the charge status of the EV. The method includes changing the visual indicator as the charge status of the EV changes. The method enables a user device to receive notifications of charge status and communicate with cloud processing to request changing of the visual indicator of the CU to a non-full state even when the EV is at a full state of charging.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031249A1

An air-conditioning apparatus for an electric vehicle and a method of controlling the same, may include a heat exchanger performing heat exchange between a first fluid and a second fluid while the first fluid and the second fluid flow separately from each other therethrough; a heat source connected to the heat exchanger through a line through which the second fluid flows to allow the second fluid to circulate between the heat exchanger and the heat source, and heating or cooling the second fluid; a circulator imparting a circulation force to the second fluid such that the second fluid circulates between the heat exchanger and the heat source; and a controller determining a required flow rate of the second fluid by use of a flow rate of the first fluid flowing through the heat exchanger and controlling the circulator on the basis of the required flow rate of the second fluid. 1. An air-conditioning apparatus , comprising:a heat exchanger configured to perform heat exchange between a first fluid and a second fluid, while the first fluid and the second fluid flow separately from each other through a first line and a second line respectively;a heat source fluidically-connected to the heat exchanger through the second line through which the second fluid flows, wherein the second fluid circulates between the heat exchanger and the heat source through the second line and wherein the heat source is configured to heat or cool the second fluid;a circulator mounted to the second line and configured to impart a circulation force to the second fluid, such that the second fluid circulates between the heat exchanger and the heat source by the circulator; anda controller connected to the circulator and configured to determine a required flow rate of the second fluid by use of a flow rate of the first fluid flowing through the heat exchanger, and to control the circulator on a basis of the required flow rate of the second fluid.2. The air-conditioning apparatus of claim 1 , wherein ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Method and system for automatic charging of electric vehicles

Номер: US20150042278A1
Автор: Kevin Walter Leary
Принадлежит: PowerHydrant LLC

An electric charger resource sharing method and system comprise a charger that supplies electrical energy to a plurality of electric vehicles. The charger includes a robotic arm that articulates to be proximal to each of the electric vehicles for supplying the electrical energy to the electric vehicles and a docking interface at a distal end of the robotic arm that couples with a receptacle on each of the electric vehicles for transferring the electrical energy from the charger to the electric vehicles. A resource management device receives a bid from each electric vehicle, and allocates a portion of the electrical energy for a predetermined period of time to an electric vehicle of the plurality of electric vehicles in response to the bid of the electric vehicle.

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Modular robotic rover

Номер: US20190041860A1
Принадлежит: Walmart Apollo LLC

Described herein are a modular robotic rover and a system for a modular robotic rover. An exemplary system includes a modular robotic rover that has a motor coupled to a drive train, a body frame, at least one battery and one or more sensors. The system further includes multiple removable attachments configured to couple to the rover's body frame. The attachments include at least a temperature-controlled compartment with a configurable size. The system also includes a cooling and heating mechanism with an integrated electrical interface that is removably coupled to the body frame and configured to control a temperature of the temperature-controlled compartment. The system also includes a control system to control the drive train and to provide power to the cooling and heating mechanism via the integrated electrical interface.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220059887A1
Принадлежит: Subaru Corp

A vehicle includes a battery pack, an air conditioning system, a communication member, a pack humidity detector, an outside air humidity detector, and a controller. The battery pack contains a battery module. The air conditioning system is configured to regulate humidity of air and send the air. The communication member fluidly connects a blowing port of the air conditioning system and an inside of the battery pack. The pack humidity detector is configured to detect humidity in the inside of the battery pack. The outside air humidity detector is configured to detect humidity of an outside air. The controller is configured to control the air conditioning system so that the humidity in the battery pack is equal to or lower than the humidity of the outside air.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Auxiliary Heating System

Номер: US20190048841A1
Автор: King Ray

An auxiliary heating system comprising interconnected piping which forms a closed fluid flow circuit for permitting a passage of coolant therein, and having formed chamber openings along a length thereof to receive at least one heating element which projects into the closed fluid flow circuit to be in direct contact with, and heat, the coolant. A pump is provided for circulating the coolant, along with a flow switch for monitoring flow of the coolant through the closed fluid flow circuit, wherein if the flow has ceased through the closed fluid flow circuit, the flow switch instructs the system to deactivate the heating elements. 1. An auxiliary heating system constructed and arranged for interconnection with a power source for heating a space , comprising:a first flow pipe and a second flow pipe, the first flow pipe and the second flow pipe being interconnected at ends thereof, and without a housing therebetween, to form a closed fluid flow circuit for permitting a passage of coolant therein, the closed fluid flow circuit including at least one opening defined therein, wherein the at least one opening is disposed in a sidewall of the first flow pipe or the second flow pipe; andat least one heating element inserted into the at least one opening, the at least one heating element being removable without disassembly of the closed fluid flow circuit and having a lower end, the lower end being constructed and arranged for insertion into the at least one opening and projecting into the closed fluid flow circuit whereby the lower end is in direct contact with the coolant.2. The auxiliary heating system of claim 1 , further including a pump for continuously circulating the coolant through the closed fluid flow circuit.3. The auxiliary heating system of claim 2 , further comprising a flow switch for monitoring flow of the coolant through the closed fluid flow circuit claim 2 , wherein if the flow has ceased through the closed fluid flow circuit claim 2 , the flow switch ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Thermal management system

Номер: US20220072927A1

A thermal management system includes a cooling liquid circulation flow path, a refrigerant circulation flow path and a first heat exchanger. The first heat exchanger includes a first heat exchange portion and a second heat exchange portion. The cooling liquid circulation flow path includes a first heat exchange assembly, a second heat exchange assembly and a first branch. The thermal management system has a heating mode. After passing through the first heat exchange assembly, one path of the cooling liquid flows to the first branch, and another path of the cooling liquid flows to the second heat exchange assembly. The cooling liquid after flowing through the first branch and after flowing through the second heat exchange assembly merge and then flow to the first heat exchange portion. As a result, the number of heat exchangers used by the thermal management system to recover waste heat is reduced.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072966A1

Vehicles that are capable of connecting to the AC grid are described that comprise a prime mover and at least one motor generator. In one embodiment, a vehicle may be constructed as a plug-in hybrid system and using the powertrain under controller instruction to either place power on an AC power line (to service AC grids) or to draw power from the AC power line to add electrical energy to the batteries on the vehicle. In some aspects, vehicles may test whether the power needed to service the AC power line may be satisfied by the on-vehicle batteries or, if not, whether and how much power to extract from the prime mover. In some aspects, vehicles may have a thermal management system on board to dynamically supply desired heat dissipation for the powertrain, if the powertrain is using the prime mover to supply power to the AC grid. 1. A server for managing a connection between a vehicle and an AC power line , the server in communication with the vehicle and the AC power line and configured to:receive an indication of a load demand on the AC power line;receive an indication of whether the vehicle is capable of supplying a portion of the load demand on the AC power line; andprompt the vehicle to supply the portion of the load demand on the AC power line when the vehicle is capable of supplying the portion of the load demand on the AC power line;wherein the vehicle supplies, in response to the prompt, the portion of the load demand at least in part by a prime mover of the vehicle when the load demand is not met by a battery of the vehicle and the prime mover operates at substantially an optimum efficiency when the prime mover is used to supply the portion of the load demand.2. The server of claim 1 , wherein the server is further configured to prompt the vehicle to determine when the vehicle is capable of supplying the portion of the load demand on the AC power line.3. The server of claim 1 , wherein the server is further configured to dynamically determine at least one ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054825A1

This disclosure relates to a system and method for heating an electrified vehicle. An exemplary electrified vehicle includes a passenger cabin, and an infrared heater configured to radiate heat for conditioning the passenger cabin. The vehicle further includes a heating device configured to heat airflow for conditioning the passenger cabin. Further, the vehicle includes a controller configured to selectively command a change in an output of the heating device based on an amount of power available to the infrared heater. 1. An electrified vehicle , comprising:a passenger cabin;an infrared heater configured to radiate heat for conditioning the passenger cabin;a heating device configured to heat airflow for conditioning the passenger cabin; anda controller configured to selectively command a change in an output of the heating device based on an amount of power available to the infrared heater.2. The electrified vehicle as recited in claim 1 , wherein the heating device is controlled based on a target value claim 1 , and wherein the controller is configured to selectively change the target value based on an amount of power available to the infrared heater.3. The electrified vehicle as recited in claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to selectively decrease the target value when sufficient power is available to the infrared heater.4. The electrified vehicle as recited in claim 3 , wherein the controller is configured to gradually decrease the target value when sufficient power is available to the infrared heater.5. The electrified vehicle as recited in claim 2 , wherein the heating device includes a heater core fed by coolant claim 2 , and wherein the target value is a temperature of coolant at an inlet of the heater core.6. The electrified vehicle as recited in claim 2 , wherein the heating device includes an air heater claim 2 , and wherein the target value is an amount of power consumed by the air heater.7. The electrified vehicle as recited in claim 2 , ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056804A1

The present disclosure provides a charge, control apparatus for an electric vehicle, the electric vehicle including: a traction motor; a traction battery to which charging current is supplied from an external power source and that supplies current to the traction motor; and an electric device actuated by part of the charging current during charging of the traction battery. The charge control apparatus includes: an instruction unit to instruct decrease of load of the electric device in case that the electric device is actuated during charging of the traction battery; a restriction unit to restrict the charging current after instruction of the decrease of load; and a load decreasing unit for decreasing load of the electric device after restricting the charging current. 1. A charge control apparatus for an electric vehicle , the electric vehicle including: a traction motor; a traction battery to which charging current is supplied from an external power source and that supplies current to the traction motor; and an electric device actuated by part of the charging current during charging of the traction battery ,the charge control apparatus comprising:an instruction unit to instruct decrease of load of the electric device while the electric device is being actuated during charging of the traction battery;a restriction unit to restrict the charging current after instruction of the decrease of load by the instruction unit; anda load decreasing unit to decrease load of the electric device after restriction of the charging current by the restriction unit.2. The charge control apparatus for the electric vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein in case that the charging current is supplied via an external charger claim 1 , the restriction unit restricts the charging current by controlling the external charger.3. The charge control apparatus for the electric vehicle according to claim 1 , further comprising a setting unit to set a delay time based on a maximum load of the ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Battery module printed circuit board assembly system and method

Номер: US20150070021A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

A battery module includes a housing, a plurality of battery cells disposed in the housing, and a printed circuit board (PCB) assembly disposed in the housing. The PCB assembly includes a PCB and a shunt disposed across a first surface of the PCB. A second surface of the shunt directly contacts the first surface of the PCB, and the shunt is electrically coupled between the battery cells and a terminal of the battery module.

12-03-2015 дата публикации

System for providing voltage measurements of battery cells to a pcb within a battery module

Номер: US20150072195A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

A battery module and a method of manufacture are provided. The battery module may include a printed circuit board (PCB) assembly. The PCB assembly may include a PCB designed to be disposed in a battery module for controlling operations of the battery module. The PCB may also include voltage sensing circuitry. In addition, the PCB assembly may include a bus bar cell interconnect. The bus bar cell interconnect may electrically couple batteries of the battery module. The PCB assembly may also include a voltage sense connection tab. The voltage sense connection tab may carry a voltage between a bus bar cell interconnect of the battery module and the voltage sensing circuitry on the PCB.

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089061A1

A controller () for a vehicle (), the vehicle comprising: 1. A controller for a vehicle , the vehicle comprising:a powertrain comprising an electric machine for providing motive power;a cooling system; andan electrical energy storage device for powering the electric machine,wherein the cooling system is configured to cool the electrical energy storage device and a cabin of the vehicle and the vehicle is configured to operate in a first or second driving mode,the controller comprising:an input for receiving information indicative of a temperature of the energy storage device; anda processor arranged to generate a control signal in dependence on the information indicative of temperature of the energy storage device and information indicative of the selected driving mode of the vehicle,wherein:if the vehicle is in the first driving mode the processor is configured to generate the control signal to limit or reduce an amount of power drawn from the electrical energy storage device by the powertrain in dependence on the information indicative of temperature of the energy storage device; and/orif the vehicle is in the second driving mode the processor is configured to generate the control signal to control a proportion of the cooling power of the cooling system that is available to cool the electrical energy storage device relative to the cabin of the vehicle in dependence on the information indicative of temperature of the energy storage device.2. A controller according to configured to limit or reduce the amount of power drawn by the powertrain from the electrical energy storage device by reducing a maximum speed of the vehicle below a nominal maximum for the selected driving mode claim 1 , optionally the processor being further configured to provide an indication to a user that reduced powertrain performance may be experienced.3. A controller according to configured to limit or reduce the amount of power drawn from the electrical energy storage device by the powertrain ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

EV Adaptive Thermal Management System Optimized to Minimize Power Consumption

Номер: US20160082861A1
Принадлежит: Atieva Inc

A method of operating the thermal management system in a vehicle is provided, where the thermal management system includes a heat exchanger (e.g., a radiator) and a heat source (e.g., battery pack, drive train, power electronics, etc.). After characterizing the thermal management system, whenever the system controller issues a cooling demand an appropriate set of operating settings is determined that minimizes the amount of power consumed by the system's actuators (e.g., blower fan, coolant pump) while still meeting the cooling demand. As a result, the heat source is cooled to the degree required with a minimum expenditure of power, thereby minimizing the impact on driving range and vehicle performance.

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180083253A1
Автор: Dulle Ronald J.

A battery module may include a housing, a plurality of battery cells disposed in the housing, a battery terminal extending from the battery module for coupling the battery module with electrical components in the vehicle, and a contactor. A voltage supplied to a relay coil in the contactor may generate a magnetic field to actuate a contactor switch. The battery module may also include a printed circuit board (PCB) disposed in the housing. The PCB may include a relay control circuit configured to control a current flowing across the relay coil, and the relay control circuit may operate in a pull-in mode to transition the contactor switch into a closed position and in a hold mode to maintain the contactor switch in the closed position. 1. A method for controlling operation of a battery module implemented in an automotive vehicle , comprising: the switch is electrically coupled between a battery cell of the battery module and a battery terminal of the battery module;', 'the contactor comprises a relay coil electrically coupled between the high-side input and the low-side output; and', 'instructing the relay control circuit to operate in the pull-in mode comprises instructing the relay control circuit to supply a first substantially constant current to the relay coil that enables the relay coil to generate a first magnetic field that transitions the switch from the open position to a closed position; and, 'instructing, using at least one processor, a relay control circuit electrically coupled to a high-side input and a low-side output of a contactor to operate in a pull-in mode when a switch of the contactor is in an open position, wherein instructing the relay control circuit to operate in hold mode comprises instructing the relay control circuit to supply a second substantially constant current to the relay coil that enables the relay coil to generate a second magnetic field that maintains the switch in the closed position; and', 'the second substantially constant ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle and vehicle control method

Номер: US20140163800A1
Автор: Kenta WATANABE
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle includes an internal combustion engine, a first rotating electric machine starting the internal combustion engine, a power control unit for operating the first rotating electric machine, a power storage device for supplying electric power to the power control unit, and a control device controlling the power control unit such that a voltage of the power storage device does not fall below a lower limit. When a change condition including a condition that the internal combustion engine is being operated is met, the control device sets the lower limit at a value lower than while the internal combustion engine is at a stop. Preferably, the change condition further includes a condition that a magnitude of voltage change of the power storage device is less than or equal to a first threshold value in addition to the condition that the internal combustion engine is being operated.

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Efficient transfer of heat to passenger cabin

Номер: US20180086177A1
Принадлежит: Hanon Systems Corp

A method of efficiently heating a passenger cabin of a vehicle includes heating a first fluid using a fluid heater. The first fluid flows through a thermal storage element to transfer thermal energy to the thermal storage element. The heating of the first fluid and the thermal storage element occurs during a recharging of a rechargeable power source used to power the vehicle. During operation of the vehicle and following discontinuation of the recharging of the rechargeable power source, the thermal energy stored to the thermal storage element is transferred to air to be distributed to the passenger cabin of the vehicle by flowing the first fluid through a first heat exchanger in thermal communication with the air to be distributed to the passenger cabin of the vehicle, thereby extending a range of the vehicle.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190084508A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A vehicle includes a first power distribution branch unit disposed between an energy storage device and a power conversion device and configured to branch current from the energy storage device and supply the current to the power conversion device and an electric auxiliary machine. A travel motor and the power conversion device are supported by a sub frame. The energy storage device is supported by a main frame. The first power distribution branch unit is fixed to a part of a vehicle body that is different from the sub frame or the main frame (for example, fixed to a dashboard).

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle and method of controlling the same

Номер: US20170088114A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle includes an engine and a battery, and is configured to perform external power feeding of supplying electric power to the outside of the vehicle. The vehicle includes an MG that generates electric power by using motive power of the engine, and an ECU that controls the engine and the MG. When an outside air temperature is below a reference temperature and an amount of remaining fuel of the engine is below a reference amount in a case where the external power feeding is to be performed, the ECU limits the driving of the engine.

12-05-2022 дата публикации

System and Method for Managing Vehicle Charging Stations

Номер: US20220144126A1

A system and method for managing vehicle charging stations such that when at least two of a plurality of electric vehicle charging stations (also known as electric vehicle service equipment, or EVSE) occupied with vehicles awaiting a charge, the present system manages the charging of individual vehicles in cases where the aggregated demand for charging exceeds the capacity of the circuits supplying the plurality of EVSE. By cycling so that only a few of the vehicles are charging at a time, the demand on the circuits is kept below a predetermined limit. In cases where a load shedding event is in progress, the limit can be further reduced. In cases where the cost of electricity is varying dynamically, the system considers a driver's explicit charging requirements (if any) and preferences for opportunistic charging when the price of electricity is not too high. 1. A system for fairly managing a bank of EVSEs comprising:a controller, the controller having control over a plurality of EVSEs, the controller having a queue of requests for charging corresponding to at least some of the EVSEs in the bank, the controller selecting from among the requests in the queue and enabling corresponding EVSEs such that aggregate power draw of enabled EVSEs does not exceed a first predetermined limit, the controller subsequently disabling the corresponding EVSEs and returning requests relating to the corresponding EVSEs to the queue.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller further has a detector for load shedding events claim 1 , and in the case of a load shed event being detected claim 1 , further ensures that the aggregate power draw of enabled EVSEs does not exceed a second predetermined limit claim 1 , the second predetermined limit being less than the first predetermined limit.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller further has access to user preferences indicating a minimum energy requirement and the controller removes a corresponding request from the queue once ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Temperature Remediation in Unattended Vehicles

Номер: US20190092127A1
Автор: Nguyen Hien

A temperature remediation and alarm system for assisting helpless occupants of a vehicle, comprising a portable wearable device to be worn by the helpless occupant, and a vehicle installed device for, inter alia, starting the vehicle's engine, climate control system and alarm system prior to an unsafe temperature being reached when the helpless occupant is left unattended. 2. The temperature remediation and alarm system of claim 1 , wherein said message signal is acoustic. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/562,033 filed Sep. 22, 2017 and entitled, Temperature Remediation In Unattended Vehicles.The subject invention relates generally to child and pet safety, and more particularly to systems and methods for preventing unsafe temperatures in unattended vehicles for the protection of helpless occupants confined therein.Each year a number of children and pets die because they are left in vehicles subject to reaching unsafe temperatures for a prolonged period of time. Temperature in a closed car rises rapidly. For example, a car sitting in the sun on a 75-degree day can heat up to 100 degrees within a half-hour. Infants and small children are particularly susceptible to dehydration in hot vehicles and may relatively quickly slip into a comatose state or even worse, suffer a deadly heat stroke. A child can heat up as much as five times faster than an adult. Heat stroke can occur when the body's internal temperature rises above 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Just as with people, heat stroke in pets can cause nausea, loss of consciousness, irreparable brain damage, and death. Pets, more so than humans, are susceptible to overheating when left unattended in vehicle. These tragic incidents typically occur when a driver leaves the car to run a quick errand, forgetting the child or pet is in the car. Once distracted, parents and other caretakers can completely forget that they've left their children unattended.Heretofore, a variety of systems ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190092315A1

A method of controlling vehicle stopping is provided. The method includes dividing an open space from a closed space, in which a gate is connected to the ground, to apply an open space stop control mode to the open space and to apply a closed space stop control mode to the closed space. Additionally, spatial division stop control is performed in which a control condition for each of an engine power, a vehicle interior temperature, and a battery state of charge (SOC) is varied between the open space stop control mode and the closed space stop control mode when a vehicle enters the closed space. 1. A method of controlling vehicle stopping , comprising:dividing, by a controller, an open space from a closed space, in which a gate is connected to the ground to apply an open space stop control mode to the open space and to apply a closed space stop control mode to the closed space; andperforming, by the controller, spatial division stop control in which a control condition for each of an engine power, a vehicle interior temperature, and a battery state of charge (SOC) is varied between the open space stop control mode and the closed space stop control mode when a vehicle enters the closed space.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the open space stop control mode and the closed space stop control mode are provided to a driver by a pop-up window or a selection button.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the controller is connected to a global positioning system (GPS) to divide the closed space from the open space.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the controller is connected to a navigation system to detect whether the vehicle enters and advances to the closed space using map information displayed on the navigation system.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the engine power is operated by switching an engine on and off claim 1 , the vehicle interior temperature is adjusted by switching an air conditioner on and off and a heater of a full auto temperature control system (FATC) ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094706A1

A system and method for managing vehicle charging stations such that when at least two of a plurality of electric vehicle charging stations (also known as electric vehicle service equipment, or EVSE) occupied with vehicles awaiting a charge, the present system manages the charging of individual vehicles in cases where the aggregated demand for charging exceeds the capacity of the circuits supplying the plurality of EVSE. By cycling so that only a few of the vehicles are charging at a time, the demand on the circuits is kept below a predetermined limit. In cases where a load shedding event is in progress, the limit can be further reduced. In cases where the cost of electricity is varying dynamically, the system considers a driver's explicit charging requirements (if any) and preferences for opportunistic charging when the price of electricity is not too high. 16-. (canceled)7. A system for managing Electric Vehicle Service Equipment (EVSEs) comprising:a controller, the controller having control over a plurality of EVSEs, the controller having a set of requests for charging, each request corresponding to a different one of the EVSEs,wherein the controller determines a load-shed state andif the load-shed state is no ongoing load-shed event, then the controller activates a first set of EVSEs, each of the first set of EVSEs corresponding to one from the set of requests, the first set having a first aggregate draw up to a first limit,otherwise, the controller activates a second set of EVSEs, each of the second set of EVSEs corresponding to one from the set of requests, the second set having a second aggregate draw that does not exceed a second limit, the second limit being less than the first limit.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the controller further has access to user preferences indicating a minimum energy requirement and the controller removes a corresponding request from the set of requests once the minimum energy requirement has been met.9. The system of claim 7 ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Electric power supply control apparatus for vehicle and electric power supply control method for vehicle

Номер: US20200101973A1
Принадлежит: Subaru Corp

An electric power supply control apparatus for a vehicle decreases a first electric power prior to switching the modes, when a sum of a request value of a second electric power and the first electric power exceeds a total electric power upper limit value in the mode before the switching, and switches the modes after the sum of the decreased first electric power and the request value of the second electric power becomes equal to or smaller than the total electric power upper limit value.

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Automatic Electric Vehicle Identification and Charging Via Wireless Charging Pads

Номер: US20180111494A1

A cloud system is configured to execute method operations for communicating with connected vehicles of users having user accounts with the cloud system. One example method includes receiving a signal from of an electric vehicle that is associated to a user account. The signal of the electric vehicle is received in response to the electric vehicle parking over a charging pad of a charging unit, and the charging unit is one of a plurality of charging units located in various geo-locations. The method includes sending instructions to the charging unit to enable initiation of charge transfer to a battery of the electric vehicle upon the cloud system confirming that the user account for the electric vehicle is enabled for automatic charging upon parking over said charging pad of the charging unit. The method includes receiving data from the charging unit indicative of a discontinuing of the charge transfer by the charging pad responsive to detecting that the electric vehicle is no longer parked over said charging pad. 1. A cloud system configured to execute method operations for communicating with connected vehicles of users having user accounts with the cloud system and charging units , the method comprising ,receiving a signal from of an electric vehicle that is associated to a user account, the signal of the electric vehicle is received in response to the electric vehicle parking over a charging pad of a charging unit, the charging unit being one of a plurality of charging units located in various geo-locations;sending instructions to the charging unit to enable initiation of charge transfer to a battery of the electric vehicle upon the cloud system confirming that the user account for the electric vehicle is enabled for automatic charging upon parking over said charging pad of the charging unit; andreceiving data from the charging unit indicative of a discontinuing of the charge transfer by the charging pad responsive to detecting that the electric vehicle is no ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Mitigating environmental-control load for a hybrid vehicle

Номер: US20190111791A1

A method and device for mitigating environmental-control load for a hybrid vehicle are disclosed. In operation, a determination is made as to whether a hybrid vehicle is at a high-power operational mode. When the hybrid vehicle is at a high-power operational mode, a determination of an estimated time-of-travel to a low-power operational mode is made based on vehicle trajectory plan data. Heat-load buffer data is generated based on the estimated time to prolong a passenger comfort setting during the low-power operational mode.

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Adaptive control of transport climate control system based on available energy

Номер: US20210138907A1
Принадлежит: Thermo King Corp

Technologies described herein are directed to the prioritized delivery of energy to primary and accessory electrical components associated with a vehicle that is at least partially electrically powered, as well as to a power source of the vehicle itself. To operate accessory electrical components in parallel to delivering power to a vehicle battery, the embodiments described herein facilitate understanding dynamic energy available to the accessory electrical components as well as the vehicle battery, and then managing the usage of energy in a prioritized manner to optimize the whole system performance that is aligned with user priorities with regards to energy availability and energy needs.

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108689A1

A method and apparatus for vehicle cabin cooling for automobile applications. Specifically, an apparatus and method for generating a cold temperature coolant using a split flow chiller having a first low flow portion surrounding a first portion of a refrigerant loop for coupling to a cabin cooler. The split flow chiller has a second high flow portion surrounding a second portion of the refrigeration loop for generating a cool temperature coolant for coupling to a battery cooler. 1. A vehicle cooling system comprising:a cabin cooler;a battery cooler;a chiller having a first passage and a second passage;an inlet for receiving a coolant from the battery cooler and coupling the coolant to a first passage and a second passage;a refrigerant loop having a first portion within the first passage and a second portion within the second passage:a first outlet for coupling the coolant from the first passage to the cabin cooler; anda second outlet for coupling the coolant from the second passage to the battery cooler.2. The vehicle cooling system of wherein an outlet of the cabin cooler is coupled to an inlet of the battery cooler such that the coolant flows in series through the cabin cooler and the battery cooler.3. The vehicle cooling system of wherein the refrigerant loop is an evaporator.4. The vehicle cooling system of a refrigerant flowing within the refrigerant loop has a lower temperature within the first portion and a higher temperature within the second portion.5. The vehicle cooling system of further comprising a valve coupled to the first passage for preventing coolant flow into the first passage.6. The vehicle cooling system of wherein the first passage has a lower coolant flow and the second passage has a higher coolant flow.7. The vehicle cooling system of wherein the vehicle is an electric vehicle having a rechargeable battery.8. The vehicle cooling system of wherein the cabin cooler is located proximate to a rear seat in a vehicle.9. An apparatus comprising:a ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle Communications

Номер: US20160129882A1
Принадлежит: JAGUAR CARS LTD, Jaguar Land Rover Ltd

A method and apparatus 10 for interacting remotely with a vehicle 12 comprising data transfer means 22 for wirelessly communicating messages between a mobile communications device 18 operable by a user and a vehicle databus 24 located within the vehicle 12 . Optionally, the data transfer means 22 is arranged to wirelessly communicate with the mobile communications device 18 via a web server 14 , a web portal or other internet-connected host system. The data transfer means 22 may be arranged to wirelessly communicate with the web portal via a GSM or other cellular communications network 13 . After the vehicle engine has stopped, communication of messages may continue on an intermittent basis, or may be suspended after a predetermined time has elapsed or when the vehicle battery voltage reaches a predetermined threshold. High priority messages may be communicated at any time after the vehicle engine has stopped.

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Navigation apparatus

Номер: US20150142305A1
Автор: Shunitsu Kubo
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A navigation apparatus utilized in an electric vehicle includes a position obtaining section subsequently obtaining present position of the electric vehicle, a display controller displaying an electronic map on a display device, an available travel range calculation section, an estimation available travel range calculation section, and a progress calculation section calculating progress of the available travel range relative to the estimation available travel range. The available travel range is available travel distance or available travel time that can be traveled with remaining power of the travelling battery. The display controller displays light beam locus having sector-like shape on the electronic map with the present position as a base in a travelling direction, and changes a length of the light beam locus in the travelling direction corresponding to progress of the available travel range under a condition that the light beam locus is entirely displayed on the display device.

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180142936A1

A heat exchanging portion and tank portions are formed by bonding plate members. The tank portion is provided with a refrigerant inlet allowing a refrigerant to flow into a refrigerant tank space, a refrigerant outlet allowing the refrigerant to flow from the refrigerant tank space, a heat medium inlet allowing a heat medium to flow into a heat medium tank space, and a heat medium outlet allowing the heat medium to flow from the heat medium tank space. At least one of the refrigerant inlet, the refrigerant outlet, the heat medium inlet, and the heat medium outlet is disposed between both ends of the tank portions in a tube stacking direction of refrigerant tubes and heat medium tubes. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a plurality of plate members which are stacked and bonded to each other, wherein a heat exchanging portion in which refrigerant tubes and heat medium tubes are stacked with each other, a refrigerant in a vapor-compression refrigeration cycle flowing through the refrigerant tubes, a heat medium flowing through the heat medium tubes to exchange heat with the refrigerant, and', 'a tank portion in which at least one of a refrigerant tank space and a heat medium tank space is defined, the refrigerant tank space being adapted to collect or distribute the refrigerant with respect to the refrigerant tubes, the heat medium tank space being adapted to collect or distribute the heat medium with respect to the heat medium tubes,, 'the plurality of plate members constitute'} a first heat exchanging portion in which heat is exchanged between the heat medium and the refrigerant on a high-pressure side of the vapor-compression refrigeration cycle, and', 'a second heat exchanging portion in which heat is exchanged between the heat medium and the refrigerant on a low-pressure side of the vapor-compression refrigeration cycle,, 'the heat exchanging portion includes'}the tank portion is provided with a refrigerant inlet through which the refrigerant flows into the ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации

Charging system for electric vehicle and method for controlling charging of electric vehicle

Номер: US20160152153A1
Автор: Guangming Yang, Min Hu
Принадлежит: BYD Co Ltd

A charging system for an electric vehicle and a method for controlling charging of an electric vehicle are provided. The charging system comprises: a power battery ( 10 ); a charge-discharge socket ( 20 ); an external power supply device ( 1002 ); a charging connection device ( 1001 ); and an energy control device ( 1003 ), comprising: a three-level bidirectional DC-AC module ( 30 ); a charge-discharge control module ( 50 ); and a control module ( 60 ) configured to control the charge-discharge control module ( 50 ) according to a current working mode of the electric vehicle. The energy control device ( 1003 ) and the external power supply device ( 1002 ) communicate by transmitting a modulated PWM signal to each other via the charging connection device ( 1001 ), and the control module ( 60 ) controls the three-level bidirectional DC-AC module ( 30 ) and the charge-discharge control module ( 50 ) to charge the power battery ( 10 ) by the external power supply device ( 1002 ).

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Battery processing apparatus, vehicle, battery processing method, and battery processing program

Номер: US20140232302A1
Автор: Manabu Tsushima
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A battery processing apparatus includes a chargeable and dischargable battery storing electric power to be supplied to a motor for driving a wheel, and a controller performing discharge allowing processing of switching from a second state in which discharge from the battery to a load is not allowed to a first state in which the discharge from the battery to the load is allowed upon reception of on a discharge allowing signal in an overcharged state of the battery in which charge of the battery is suppressed due to an electric storage amount in the battery.

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Route Completion Likelihood Display

Номер: US20140236404A1

A system includes a processor configured to send likelihood-of-success request, including vehicle state information. The processor is further configured to receive information representing likelihood of reaching route points, utilizing a current vehicle charge, along with effects on the likelihood based on one or more power utilization changes. The processor is also configured to interactively display the received information and receive power utilization change selection. Also, the processor is configured to calculate a new likelihood of reaching the points based on the selection and display updated information based on the calculation.

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180154783A1

A system includes a rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) having an enclosure, battery cells, contactors, a first pair of high-voltage interlock (HVIL) ports, and female blind-mate electrical sockets selectively connected to the battery cells via the contactors. The battery cells and contactors are within the RESS enclosure. The system includes a high-power distribution module (HPDM) having another enclosure, male blind-mate electrical pins, a second pair of HVIL ports engagable with the first pair, ring-terminal connections connected to the blind-mate electrical pins and connectable to high-current components, and HV280 electrical connectors electrically connected to one or more of the male blind-mate electrical pins. The male blind-mate electrical pins insert directly into and engage with the female blind-mate electrical sockets of the RESS enclosure. A vehicle includes the system, a transmission, and an electric machine. 1. A system comprising:a rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) having an RESS enclosure, a plurality of battery cells, a plurality of contactors, a first pair of high-voltage interlock (HVIL) ports, and a plurality of female blind-mate electrical sockets selectively connected to the battery cells via operation of a corresponding one of the contactors, wherein the battery cells and the contactors are contained within the RESS enclosure;an RESS heater module contained within the RESS enclosure and electrically connected to the plurality of battery cells; anda high-power distribution module (HPDM) having an HPDM enclosure, a plurality of male blind-mate electrical pins, a second pair of HVIL ports engagable with the first pair of HVIL ports, a plurality of ring-terminal connections electrically connected to the blind-mate electrical pins and connectable to a plurality of high-current components including a power inverter module and a DC charging module, and a plurality of HV280 electrical connectors connectable to a respective one of a ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации

Method of calculating power consumption of air conditioner

Номер: US20150170426A1
Автор: Baro Hyun, Jae Seok YOU
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A method of calculating power consumption of an air conditioner is provided. The method includes calculating, b a controller, a parameter of an autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) model using past initial temperature and target temperature data of an air conditioner as an input variable of the ARMA model, and past accumulated power consumption data of the air conditioner as an output variable of the ARMA model. The controller is configured to set a current target temperature of the air conditioner and detect an indoor temperature of a vehicle, in which the air conditioner is installed. In addition, the controller is configured to substitute the current target temperature, the indoor temperature, and the parameter to the ARMA model, and predict current accumulated power consumption of the air conditioner.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180170186A1

A thermal control system of an electric vehicle is provided. The thermal control system is automatically operated in one of three operation modes to adjust a circulation path of a cooling liquid according to the ambient temperature, the power system temperature and the cabinet air temperature. Consequently, the temperature of the power system is stabilized, the performance and the use life of the power system are enhanced, and the power consumption of the air-conditioning system is reduced. 1. A thermal control system of an electric vehicle , comprising:a first flow switch comprising a first terminal, a second terminal and a third terminal;a second flow switch comprising a first terminal, a second terminal and a third terminal;a liquid temperature adjuster, wherein a first communication port of the liquid temperature adjuster is connected with the first terminal of the first flow switch, and a second communication port of the liquid temperature adjuster is connected with the first terminal of the second flow switch;a cabinet heat exchanger, wherein an inlet of the cabinet heat exchanger is connected with the second terminal of the first flow switch, and an outlet of the cabinet heat exchanger is connected with the second terminal of the second flow switch;a motor cooling channel, wherein an outlet of the motor cooling channel is connected with the third terminal of the first flow switch, and an inlet of the motor cooling channel is connected with the third terminal of the second flow switch; anda radiator, wherein an inlet of the radiator is connected with the inlet of the motor cooling channel, and an outlet of the radiator is connected with the outlet of the motor cooling channel,wherein the first flow switch and the second flow switch adjust a circulation path of a cooling liquid according to an operation mode of the thermal control system, wherein if the operation mode is a normal cooling mode, the cooling liquid from the liquid temperature adjuster is ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Method and Air Conditioning Unit for Air Conditioning an Interior of an Electrically Driven Vehicle

Номер: US20170174039A1

Temperature control of an interior of a motor vehicle having an electrical drive is carried out by a heat pump arrangement having a heating temperature region and a low temperature region, wherein the heating temperature region includes at least one interior heat exchanger thermally coupled to the interior and the low temperature region includes at least one of an exterior heat exchanger and a heat exchanger disposed on a component of the electrical drive. When the interior of the motor vehicle is be temperature-controlled, heat energy from the heating temperature region of the heat pump arrangement is delivered to the interior of the vehicle, and the operating point of the electrical drive is altered such that the generation of thermal losses is controlled in at least one electrical component of the electrical drive, such that the temperature of the low temperature region in the stationary or quasi-stationary operation is controlled at a level so as to ensure that the heat pump arrangement can provide the heating energy. 1. A method for the temperature control of an interior compartment of a motor vehicle having an electric drive by way of a heat pump arrangement having a heating temperature region and having a low-temperature region , wherein the heating temperature region comprises at least one interior compartment heat exchanger which is thermally coupled to the interior compartment , and the low-temperature region comprises at least one of an exterior heat exchanger and a heat exchanger arranged on a component of the electric drive , wherein the method comprises the acts of:supplying heating energy of the heating temperature region of the heat pump arrangement to the interior compartment of the vehicle in response to a determination that the interior compartment of the motor vehicle is to be temperature-controlled; andvarying the operating point of the electric drive such that a generation of heat losses in at least one electrical component of the electric ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170174094A1
Автор: Meitinger Karl-Heinz
Принадлежит: Audi AG

In a method for cooling a component of a motor vehicle, which component is coupled thermally to a cooling volume filled with a liquid coolant, at least one cooling parameter is measured by a control device and, in dependence on the cooling parameter, the component is either cooled in a first cooling mode, in which the cooling volume is connected via a first and second coupling device to a cooling circuit which includes at least one circulating device by means of which the coolant is circulated, or is cooled in a second cooling mode, in which the cooling volume is separated from the cooling circuit by the first and second coupling device, wherein the component is cooled by evaporation of coolant in the cooling volume. 119.-. (canceled)20. A method for cooling a component of a motor vehicle , which is thermally coupled with a cooling volume filled with a coolant , said method comprising:detecting by a control device at least one cooling parameter; andas a function of the cooling parameter cooling the component in one of two cooling modes,a first cooling mode in which the cooling volume is connected with a cooling circuit via a first and a second coupling device, said cooling circuit having at least one circulation device by which the coolant is circulated,a second cooling mode in which the cooling volume is separated from the cooling circuit by the first and second coupling device, wherein the component is cooled by evaporation of the coolant in the cooling volume, andwhen changing from the first into the second cooling mode the pressure in the cooling volume is reduced,said first coupling device being arranged upstream of the cooling volume in relation to a direction of flow of the coolant in the first cooling mode, said second coupling device being arranged downstream of the cooling volume in relation to the direction of flow of the coolant in the first cooling mode,wherein when changing from the first into the second cooling mode first the first coupling device is ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210201369A1

A system and method for ranking or scoring charging stations and/or charging events or sessions, and/or performing actions based on the ranking or scoring is described. In some embodiments, a charging station ranking engine is configured to rank charging stations, or potential charging events, based on feedback received from users of the charging stations, such as drivers of electric vehicles, or other dynamically determined factors. 1. A method , comprising: 'wherein the potential charging event is specific to an electric vehicle;', 'accessing context information associated with a potential charging event at a charging station,'} wherein the context information includes information associated with reviews of previous charging events at the charging station, including information based on a date-weighted average of binary station reviews obtained via check-in actions of other electric vehicles at the charging station, and', 'wherein the score for the potential charging event at the charging station is determined for the potential charging event of charging the electric vehicle at the charging station; and, 'determining a score for the potential charging event at the charging station based on the context information,'}rendering an icon representative of the charging station along with an indicator of the score determined for the potential charging event at the charging station on a map presented by a mapping application associated with the electric vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining a score for the potential charging event at the charging station based on the context information includes dynamically determining the score after accessing the context information for the charging station.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:automatically reserving the charging station when the score for the potential charging event at the charging station is above a threshold score for reserving the electric vehicle at a charging station.4. The method of ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190168569A1
Автор: LEE Hae Jun

The present invention relates to an optimized vehicle thermal management system capable of efficient thermal management of electronic components for an autonomous vehicle by means of a refrigerant cycle for air-conditioning a vehicle interior. The vehicle thermal management system is configured such that: a compressor which sucks in and compresses a refrigerant and then discharges same in a high-temperature, high-pressure, gaseous state, a condenser for condensing the refrigerant by subjecting same to heat exchange with air, a first expansion valve for expanding the refrigerant, and an evaporator which is provided inside an air-conditioning case and subjects the refrigerant to heat exchange with the air being discharged into a vehicle interior are provided, as a refrigerant cycle for air-conditioning the vehicle interior, on a refrigerant line which is the flow passage of the refrigerant; and the cooling system of the electronic components required for the autonomous driving of the vehicle is connected to a branched refrigerant line branched from the refrigerant line. 1. A thermal management system for a vehicle comprising a refrigerant cycle for carrying out air-conditioning of the interior of the vehicle , wherein a compressor for inhaling and compressing refrigerant and discharging the refrigerant in a gaseous state of high temperature and high pressure , a condenser for condensing the refrigerant by exchanging heat with the air , a first expansion valve for expanding the refrigerant , and an evaporator disposed inside an air-conditioning case to exchange heat between the refrigerant and the air discharged to the interior of the vehicle are disposed in a refrigerant line , which is a flow passage of the refrigerant , andwherein a cooling system of electronic components required for autonomous driving of the vehicle is connected to a refrigerant branch line branching off from the refrigerant line.2. The thermal management system according to claim 1 , comprising:a ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200164749A1

Vehicles that are capable of connecting to the AC grid are described that comprise a prime mover and at least one motor generator. In one embodiment, a vehicle may be constructed as a plug-in hybrid system and using the powertrain under controller instruction to either place power on an AC power line (to service AC grids) or to draw power from the AC power line to add electrical energy to the batteries on the vehicle. In some aspects, vehicles may test whether the power needed to service the AC power line may be satisfied by the on-vehicle batteries or, if not, whether and how much power to extract from the prime mover. In some aspects, vehicles may have a thermal management system on board to dynamically supply desired heat dissipation for the powertrain, if the powertrain is using the prime mover to supply power to the AC grid. 1. A vehicle for connecting to an Alternating Current (AC) power line comprising: a prime mover; an electric motor-generator , the electric motor-generator mechanically coupled to the prime mover via a clutch; a battery , the battery electrically coupled to the electric motor-generator , the battery configured to receive from or supply electrical energy to the electric motor-generator; an inverter , the inverter electrically coupled to the battery , the inverter capable of connecting to the AC power line; anda controller, the controller configured to supply control signals to the prime mover, the electric motor-generator and the inverter such that the controller is configured to dynamically affect the flow of electrical power to or from the AC power line;wherein the controller further comprises a processor and a non-transient computer readable storage media, the computer readable storage media comprising instructions that, when read by the processor, causes the vehicle to perform the following:receive signals correlating to an electrical load demand on the AC power line and the battery State Of Charge (SOC);send signals to supply or absorb ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Wiring protective cover structure for electric drive vehicle

Номер: US20150195960A1
Автор: Hidemi Seki, Keisuke Itou
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A wiring protective cover structure for an electric drive vehicle is provided that can be used to cool a battery while effectively blocking noise that is generated from wiring for connecting an electric power converter and the battery disposed on a floor panel. A DC line cable 23 and a control line cable 25 that connect a battery 21 and an electric power converter 22 are disposed on a top surface of a center tunnel 37 of a vehicle 1 , and a metallic wiring protective cover 35 has a cooling passage 30 disposed therein and is disposed on a floor panel 36 so as to cover the DC line cable 23 and the control line cable 25.

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Thermal management system for vehicle

Номер: US20200180392A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A thermal management system for a vehicle is provided. The system includes an interior air conditioning apparatus and a chiller that exchanges heat between first refrigerant and second refrigerant. A first line guides the first refrigerant to be circulated sequentially through a chiller, a high-voltage battery cooling core and a heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) core. A second line guides the second refrigerant to be circulated sequentially through a compressor, a condenser and the chiller. A controller operates the blower, a first pump and the compressor based on an exterior temperature of the vehicle and whether interior air conditioning is necessary, when cooling of the high-voltage battery is necessary.

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210221252A1

A vehicle includes a battery pack as a temperature control target that needs to be subjected to temperature control, a radiator which is a heat exchanger configured such that a heating medium circulates between the battery pack and the heat exchanger, a cover member that covers the radiator and forms an upper surface of a vehicle body and of which the transparency is changeable, a solar radiation detection unit configured to detect solar radiation, and a controller that is able to change the transparency of the cover member based on the result of detection performed by the solar radiation detection unit. 1. A vehicle comprising:a temperature control target that needs to be subjected to temperature control;a heat exchanger configured such that a heating medium circulates between the temperature control target and the heat exchanger;a cover member that covers the heat exchanger and forms an upper surface of a vehicle body and of which a transparency is changeable;a solar radiation detection unit configured to detect solar radiation; anda controller that is able to change the transparency based on a result of detection performed by the solar radiation detection unit.2. The vehicle according to claim 1 , further comprising a state detection unit configured to detect a state of the temperature control target claim 1 ,wherein the controller is able to change the transparency based on a result of detection performed by the state detection unit.3. The vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein:the temperature control target is a battery pack; andthe state detection unit is able to detect a temperature of the battery pack.4. The vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein:the temperature control target is a battery pack; andthe state detection unit is able to detect a state of use of the battery pack.5. The vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein:the temperature control target is a battery pack installed below a floor of a vehicle cabin; andthe state detection unit is able to detect a ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle with ac-to-dc inverter system for vehicle-to-grid power integration

Номер: US20180194232A1
Принадлежит: Efficient Drivetrains Inc

Vehicles that are capable of connecting to the AC grid are described that comprise a prime mover and at least one motor generator. In one embodiment, a vehicle may be constructed as a plug-in hybrid system and using the powertrain under controller instruction to either place power on an AC power line (to service AC grids) or to draw power from the AC power line to add electrical energy to the batteries on the vehicle. In some aspects, vehicles may test whether the power needed to service the AC power line may be satisfied by the on-vehicle batteries or, if not, whether and how much power to extract from the prime mover. In some aspects, vehicles may have a thermal management system on board to dynamically supply desired heat dissipation for the powertrain, if the powertrain is using the prime mover to supply power to the AC grid.

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Electric vehicle

Номер: US20190193523A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

An electric vehicle includes an electric motor, a power storage device, a control device, and a refrigerant circuit. The refrigerant circuit includes a compressor, an outdoor heat exchanger, an expansion valve, a first indoor heat exchanger, and a heating decompression valve. The heating decompression valve changes a passage resistance between the compressor and the outdoor heat exchanger. The control device increases the passage resistance by the heating decompression valve when the remaining capacity of the power storage device is equal to or larger than a predetermined value.

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle Air Conditioning Apparatus

Номер: US20180208020A1

A vehicle air conditioning apparatus is provided that can extend the mileage of a vehicle by reducing the power consumed by the operation of a compressor and a heater. When a required quantity of heating Q_req is acquired, the minimum power sharing ratio between quantity of heat release Q_hpof a water-refrigerant heat exchanger and quantity of heat release Q_htrof a water heater is calculated, which allows the power consumption W_total to be minimized, and a compressor and the water heater are operated based on the result of the calculation. 1. A vehicle air conditioning apparatus comprising:a compressor configured to compress and discharge refrigerant;a heat medium heating radiator configured to release heat from the refrigerant and heat the heat medium;an air cooling heat exchanger configured to absorb the heat into the refrigerant and to cool air blowing to a vehicle interior;an outdoor heat exchanger provided outside the vehicle interior and configured to release the heat from or absorb the heat into the refrigerant by performing a heat exchange between the refrigerant and outdoor air;a heat medium circuit configured to allow the heat medium heated by the heat medium heating radiator to flow through;an air heating radiator configured to release heat from the heat medium flowing through the heat medium circuit and to heat the air blowing to the vehicle interior; anda heat medium heater configured to be able to heat the heat medium flowing through the heat medium circuit by electric power, wherein:a heating operation is performed by releasing the heat from the refrigerant discharged from the compressor in the heat medium heating radiator and absorbing the heat into the refrigerant after the heat release in the outdoor heat exchanger;a heating and dehumidifying operation is performed by releasing the heat from the refrigerant discharged from the compressor in the heat medium heating radiator and absorbing the heat into the refrigerant after the heat release in the ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации

Cooling Apparatus

Номер: US20140311704A1

A cooling apparatus for a vehicle includes a water cooling system that cools a cooled body by circulating cooling water; and a refrigeration cycle system that cools the cooling water to an outside air temperature or lower utilizing a gas liquid phase change of a refrigerant. The water cooling system includes a first flow passage that causes the cooling water cooled through a radiator radiating heat of the cooling water to outside air to flow through the cooled body; a second flow passage that causes the cooling water cooled to the outside air temperature or lower through an evaporator of the refrigeration cycle system 36 to flow through the cooled body provided at the first flow passage; and flow rate control units that control flow rates of the cooling water flowing in the first flow passage and the second flow passage.

27-08-2015 дата публикации

System and method for regenerative braking in electric drive system

Номер: US20150244290A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

The present disclosure is related to a method for regenerative braking of a machine. The machine includes an electric drive assembly. The electric drive assembly includes a generator, a motor and a direct current bus and a regenerative brake assembly disposed between them. The regenerative braking assembly includes an inverter. The method includes connecting a phase leg between the direct current bus and the inverter. The phase leg includes an inductor and an electric switch. The phase leg boosts the regenerative voltage. The boosted regenerative voltage is then fed back to control a braking torque from the motor and directed back to the generator.

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle equipped with high pressure gas container

Номер: US20200223317A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A vehicle is provided with an interior chamber apart from a passenger compartment, and a container chamber in which a high pressure gas container is accommodated. A heat generating body is accommodated in the interior chamber. Further, in the vehicle, there are formed introduction ports through which atmospheric air is introduced into the interior chamber, a communication passage that enables communication between the interior chamber and the container chamber, and a lead-out port through which the atmospheric air is led out from the container chamber. The atmospheric air that is introduced into the interior chamber through the introduction ports flows into the container chamber via the communication passage, and furthermore, is led out to the exterior of the container chamber from the lead-out port.

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Electrified vehicle with power dissipation feature

Номер: US20170259806A1

An electrified vehicle according to an exemplary aspect of the present disclosure includes, among other things, an energy recovery mechanism, and a controller configured to selectively activate at least a battery cooling mode to dissipate excess power from the energy recovery mechanism.

06-08-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for automatically adjusting a cabin climate condition

Номер: US20200250898A1

A system includes a sensor for sensing an outdoor environment weather condition of an outdoor environment, a processor, and a memory module communicatively coupled to the processor, the memory module including one or more processor-readable instructions that when executed, cause the processor to determine an expected departure time, determine the outdoor environment weather condition from data received from the sensor, and send a request for user input to a remote device, the request including a user input selector to initiate at least one climate control system based on one or more of the expected departure time and the outdoor environment weather condition.

13-08-2020 дата публикации

Temperature adjustment method and temperature adjustment system for vehicle

Номер: US20200259229A1
Принадлежит: BYD Co Ltd

The present disclosure discloses a temperature adjustment method and a temperature adjustment system for a vehicle. The temperature adjustment method includes the following steps: obtaining a required power used for performing temperature adjustment on a battery; obtaining an actual power used for performing temperature adjustment on the battery; and adjusting an opening degree of an intra-vehicle cooling branch and an opening degree of a battery cooling branch according to the required power, the actual power, an intra-vehicle temperature, and an air conditioner set temperature.

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180273018A1
Принадлежит: Cummins, Inc.

Systems, apparatuses, and methods disclosed herein provide for receiving internal vehicle information, external static information, and external dynamic information; controlling the operation of one or more electronic accessories of the vehicle based on the received information; and managing a power supply for the one or more electronic accessories based on the energy usage and the operation of the electronic accessories. 1. An apparatus , comprising:an accessory management module structured to control operation of one or more accessories based on at least one of internal information, external static information, and external dynamic information regarding operation of a vehicle.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:an internal information module structured to receive the internal information regarding operation of the vehicle, wherein the internal information includes information about one or more electronic accessories of the vehicle;an external static information module structured to obtain the external static information for a route of the vehicle, wherein the external static information is based on a position of the vehicle on the route;an external dynamic information module structured to receive the external dynamic information for the route of the vehicle, wherein the external dynamic information is based on the position and a time of travel of the vehicle at the position; anda battery module structured to manage a power supply for the one or more accessories based on the energy usage of the one or more accessories.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the one or more accessories include at least one of an air compressor claim 2 , a heating claim 2 , venting claim 2 , and air conditioning (HVAC) unit including a compressor claim 2 , a condenser claim 2 , an expansion valve claim 2 , and a blower fan claim 2 , a transmission fan claim 2 , a waste heat recovery system fan claim 2 , a battery pack fan claim 2 , power steering claim 2 , a water pump ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Battery temperature control device

Номер: US20150291019A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A battery temperature control device has a battery pack case that houses a temperature control unit and a battery stack as a group of battery modules. The temperature control unit has an evaporator exchanges heat using the air conditioning unit from the upstream side of the direction of airflow, a blower fan that recirculates the interior air inside the pack case, a PTC heater as a fin member, and a unit duct that supplies air to the battery stack.

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170282674A1
Автор: Smith Mark G.

A vehicle includes an engine, a climate control system, a cabin, and a controller. The controller is programmed to, in response to the climate control system supplying heat to a vehicle cabin and receiving a request for an economy mode, decrease an engine coolant temperature engine start threshold. The controller is further programmed to, in response to the engine coolant temperature becoming less than the threshold, start the engine. 1. A vehicle comprising:an engine;a climate control system having a blower; and in response to the climate control system supplying heat to a cabin via the blower and receiving a request for an economy mode, decrease an engine coolant temperature engine start, threshold, cut blower power, and channel heated ram air into the cabin, and', 'in response to the engine coolant temperature becoming less than the threshold, start the engine., 'a controller programmed to,'}2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further programmed to claim 1 , in response to the climate control system supplying heat to a cabin and receiving a request to terminate the economy mode claim 1 , increase the engine coolant temperature engine start threshold.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the climate control system includes a blower that is configured to pump heated air into the cabin claim 1 , and wherein the controller is further programmed to reduce a rate at which the blower delivers heated air into the cabin in response to the climate control system supplying heat to the cabin and receiving the request for an economy mode.4. The vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the controller is further programmed to claim 3 , in response to the climate control system operating in a defrost mode claim 3 , override decreasing the engine coolant temperature engine start threshold.5. The vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the controller is further programmed to claim 3 , in response to the climate control system operating in a defrost mode claim 3 , override reducing the ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170282738A1

Example systems and methods to determine electric vehicle range based on environmental factors are disclosed. An example disclosed vehicle includes a battery pack, a HVAC control module, and an electronic control unit that includes a range calculator. The example range calculator determine a base power load, determines an auxiliary power load based on a sun load, an ambient temperature, a cabin temperature, and a temperature setting, and calculates a range of the vehicle based on the base power load, the auxiliary power load and a charge of the battery pack. 1. A vehicle comprising:a battery pack;a HVAC control module; and determine a base power load;', 'determine an auxiliary power load based on a sun load, an ambient temperature, a cabin temperature, and a temperature setting; and', 'calculate a range of the vehicle based on the base power load, the auxiliary power load and a charge of the battery pack., 'an electronic control unit that includes a range calculator configured to2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the range calculator is configured to predict a route on which the vehicle will travel claim 1 , the base power load is based on an average speed and an average road load force on the predicted route.3. The vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the range calculator is configured to determine a speed and a road load force for a plurality of segments of the predicted route.4. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the auxiliary power load includes a first power load during a first period in which the HVAC control module adjusts the cabin temperature from an initial temperature to the temperature setting and a second power load during a second period in which the HVAC control module maintains the cabin temperature at the temperature setting.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the range calculator determines an effect of the sun load on the auxiliary power load using a heat transfer lookup table stored in memory.6. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the range calculator ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Range extender control

Номер: US20150298555A1
Принадлежит: Tevva Motors Ltd

This invention relates to an apparatus for controlling a range extender ( 104 ) in an electric vehicle ( 100 ). The apparatus comprises means for receiving trip information, means for retrieving power usage information relating to a previous trip, the previous trip having trip information which is at least in part in common with the trip information; and means for activating the range extender ( 104 ) in dependence on said power usage information. The invention also extends to an associated method, computer product and system.

22-10-2015 дата публикации

System for maintaining acceptable battery cycle life for electric-powered vehicles

Номер: US20150298573A1
Автор: Michael Lynn Froelich
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a system for maintaining battery cycle life for battery-powered electric vehicles. Current battery-powered electric vehicles such as automobiles and trucks suffer from short cycle lifes of their batteries, meaning that these vehicles' batteries will become unusable well before the normal useful life of combustion engine powered vehicles. Owners of vehicles using my system will enjoy vehicles with acceptable ranges, acquisition and operating costs, yet will enjoy battery lifes as long or as longer than the useful life of combustion engine vehicles.

11-10-2018 дата публикации

Operation Schemes for a Hybrid or Electric Vehicle

Номер: US20180290646A1
Автор: Graf Friedrich
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

The present disclosure is related to hybrid vehicles. The teachings thereof may be embodied in vehicles as well as operation schemes meant to increase energy efficiency, such as a method comprising: detecting multiple consumption parameters of the hybrid vehicle; determining a future state of charge of a traction battery of the vehicle by mapping the consumption parameters onto a state-of-charge value, wherein the mapping includes classifying the multiple consumption parameters according to trainable class boundaries; training the class boundaries based at least in part on the detected consumption parameters and an associated measured state of charge; and adjusting an operating parameter of a traction power component of the hybrid vehicle according to the determined future state of charge. 1. A method for operating a hybrid or electric vehicle , the method comprising:detecting multiple consumption parameters of the hybrid vehicle;determining a future state of charge of a traction battery of the vehicle by mapping the consumption parameters onto a state-of-charge value, wherein the mapping includes classifying the multiple consumption parameters according to trainable class boundaries;training the class boundaries based at least in part on the detected consumption parameters and an associated measured state of charge; andadjusting an operating parameter of a traction power component of the hybrid vehicle according to the determined future state of charge.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the multiple consumption parameters include one or more of the following:vehicle speed of the vehicle;acceleration of the vehicle;an engaged gear of a traction transmission;a battery terminal voltage of the traction battery or its rate of change;an output of an electric traction machine;an output of an air conditioning system;an output of a windshield heating system;an output of a lighting system;an output of a catalytic converter heating system;an output for traveling on ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации

Method and device for controlling voltage of catenary supplying electric power to rolling stocks

Номер: US20160303999A1
Автор: Nicolas Voyer
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

The present invention concerns a method and a device for controlling the voltage of a catenary supplying electric power to rolling stocks. The first rolling stock: —detects a traction command or a regeneration command of a second rolling stock in the neighborhood of first rolling stock, —increases the electric power supplied by the first rolling stock to means for heating, ventilation and air conditioning when a regeneration command of the second rolling stock is detected, —decreases the electric power supplied by the first rolling stock to the means for heating, ventilation and air conditioning when a traction command of the second rolling stock is detected.

17-09-2020 дата публикации

Auxiliary Heating System

Номер: US20200291913A1
Автор: King Ray

An auxiliary heating system comprising interconnected piping which forms a closed fluid flow circuit for permitting a passage of coolant therein, and having formed chamber openings along a length thereof to receive at least one heating element which projects into the closed fluid flow circuit to be in direct contact with, and heat, the coolant. A pump is provided for circulating the coolant, along with a flow switch for monitoring flow of the coolant through the closed fluid flow circuit, wherein if the flow has ceased through the closed fluid flow circuit, the flow switch instructs the system to deactivate the heating elements.

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200298819A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc.

Systems, apparatuses, and methods disclosed herein include a system including a heating, venting, and air conditioning (HVAC) system and a controller coupled to the HVAC system. The controller is configured to receive internal vehicle information, external static information, and external dynamic information, and to control operation of the HVAC system based on the internal vehicle information, external static information, and external dynamic information. 1. A system of a vehicle , comprising:a heating, venting, and air conditioning (HVAC) system; and receive internal vehicle information, the internal vehicle information including information about the HVAC unit;', 'receive external static information, the external static information based on a position of the vehicle;', 'receive external dynamic information, the external dynamic information based on the position and a time of travel of the vehicle at the position; and', 'control operation of the HVAC system based on the internal vehicle information, external static information, and external dynamic information., 'a controller coupled to the HVAC system, the controller configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the external static information includes a road grade; andwherein the controller is configured to selectively activate the HVAC system based the road grade.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein based on the road grade indicating that the vehicle will be traveling downhill claim 2 , the controller is configured to control the HVAC system to selectively pre-heat or pre-cool a cabin of the vehicle.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein based on the road grade indicating that the vehicle will be traveling uphill claim 2 , the controller is configured to control the HVAC system to selectively pre-heat or pre-cool a cabin of the vehicle.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the external static information includes a speed limit along the route of the vehicle; andwherein, based on the speed limit indicating a reduced ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170317332A1

A battery module includes a lower housing and a plurality of battery cells. The plurality of battery cells are electrically coupled together to produce a voltage. A lid assembly is disposed over the battery cells and is coupled to the lower housing. The lid assembly includes a lid and a plurality of bus bar interconnects mounted on the lid. A printed circuit board (PCB) assembly is disposed on and coupled to the lid assembly, and the PCB assembly includes a PCB. A cover is disposed over and coupled to the lower housing to hermetically seal the battery module. 1. A battery module comprising:a lower housing;a plurality of battery cells, wherein the plurality of battery cells are electrically coupled together to produce a voltage;a lid assembly disposed over the battery cells and coupled to the lower housing, wherein the lid assembly comprises a lid and a plurality of bus bar interconnects mounted on the lid;a printed circuit board (PCB) assembly disposed on and coupled to the lid assembly, wherein the PCB assembly comprises a PCB; anda cover disposed over and coupled to the lower housing to hermetically seal the battery module.2. The battery module of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of bus bar interconnects are each electrically coupled between terminals of adjacent battery cells of the plurality of battery cells to produce the voltage across the plurality of battery cells.3. The battery module of claim 2 , wherein each of the plurality of battery cells comprises a first terminal made of a first material and a second terminal made of a second material claim 2 , and wherein each of the plurality of bus bar interconnects is configured to electrically couple adjacent battery cells of the plurality of battery cells and to facilitate a transition from the first material to the second material.4. The battery module of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of battery cells comprises a first terminal made of a first material and a second terminal made of a second material ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170324075A1

A battery module includes a housing, a plurality of battery cells disposed in the housing, and a printed circuit board (PCB) assembly disposed in the housing. The PCB assembly includes a PCB and a shunt disposed across a first surface of the PCB. A second surface of the shunt directly contacts the first surface of the PCB, and the shunt is electrically coupled between the battery cells and a terminal of the battery module. 1. A battery module , comprising:a housing;a plurality of battery cells disposed in the housing; and a PCB; and', 'a shunt disposed across a first surface of the PCB, wherein a second surface of the shunt directly contacts the first surface of the PCB, and wherein the shunt is electrically coupled between the plurality of battery cells and a terminal of the battery module., 'a printed circuit board (PCB) assembly disposed in the housing, the PCB assembly comprising2. The battery module of claim 1 , comprising a bus bar that is in electrical communication with one of the plurality of battery cells and a connector that is in electrical communication with the terminal of the battery module claim 1 , wherein the shunt provides a low resistance path between the bus bar of the battery module and the connector of the battery module.3. The battery module of claim 2 , wherein the connector comprises an integral bladed portion that extends over and in contact with the shunt claim 2 , such that the shunt is held between the first surface of the PCB and a bottom surface of the bladed portion of the connector.4. The battery module of claim 2 , wherein the bus bar comprises an extension that extends over and in contact with the shunt claim 2 , such that the shunt is disposed between the first surface of the PCB and a bottom surface of the extension of the bus bar.5. The battery module of claim 1 , comprising a lid disposed between the PCB assembly and the plurality of battery cells claim 1 , wherein the lid is configured to support the PCB assembly claim 1 , ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190312445A1

A method for rapidly recharging a military or a non-military device having an electric battery is provided. The method includes recharging the military or non-military device and the recharging includes delivering coolant to the military or non-military device to cool the electric battery. A military device, a non-military non-vehicular device, a mobile charging station and a stationary charging station are also provided. 1. A method for recharging a military device having an electric battery , the method comprising:recharging the military device, the recharging including delivering coolant to the military device to cool the electric battery.2. The method as recited in further comprising moving a mobile charging station to a location of the military device before the recharging claim 1 , the recharging being by the mobile charging station.3. The method as recited in further comprising bringing a military device to rapid recharging station before the recharging claim 1 , the recharging being by the rapid charging station4. The method as recited in wherein the battery includes a plurality of cells spaced apart by interconnectors claim 1 , the delivering coolant to the military device to cool the electric battery including delivering coolant to the interconnectors.5. The method as recited in wherein the military device is a land combat or transportation vehicle.6. The method as recited in wherein the military device is a stationary artillery device.7. The method as recited in wherein the military device is a device carried by military personnel.8. The method as recited in wherein the military device is a component of a command station.9. The method as recited in wherein the recharging uses an electrical power that is more than 100 Watts.10. The method as recited in wherein the recharging takes less than an hour.11. The method as recited in wherein the battery is recharged to at least 50% capacity.12. The method as recited in wherein the coolant is gas supplied at 0.1 ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации

Vehicular air conditioning device

Номер: US20160332503A1
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp

In a vehicular air conditioning device, a heater core is disposed on a circulation passage for cooling water for cooling a motor, and an inverter configured to control an output of the motor by changing a carrier frequency, and heats conditioning air. An air conditioning controller sets a required calorific value of the motor and the inverter according to a vehicle compartment temperature requested by a passenger. A carrier frequency changing unit sets a carrier frequency at which a calorific value of the motor and the inverter is made equal to the required calorific value, out of carrier frequencies capable of implementing a target output of the motor to be set depending on a traveling state of a vehicle. An electric power conversion device converts direct-current power of a battery into alternating-current power at the set carrier frequency, and supplies the alternating-current power to the motor.

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170334264A1

An air conditioning system for an electric transport vehicle supplied by an electrical supply network includes at least one actuator for the production of heat or cold, and a regulator configured in order to generate at least one operating command applied to the at least one actuator as a function of values for parameters representing the climatic conditions, the actuator delivering an average power over a predetermined time period. The regulator are configured in order to generate at least one operating command applied to at least one actuator as a function moreover of the value for a parameter relating to at least one electric transport vehicle supplied by the electrical supply network, the value for the parameter indicating that electrical energy is consumed by the at least one electric transport vehicle or that electrical energy is produced by the at least one electric vehicle. 12. Air conditioning system for an electric transport vehicle supplied by an electrical supply network () , the air conditioning system comprising:{'b': 3', '8, 'at least one actuator for the production of heat or cold (, ), and'}{'b': 6', '6', '6', '6', '3', '8', '6', '6, 'i': c,', 'c', 'a,', 'a, 'regulating means (, ′) configured in order to generate at least one operating command (′) applied to said at least one actuator (, ) as a function of values for parameters representing the climatic conditions (′), said at least one actuator delivering an average power over a predetermined time period (I),'}{'b': 6', '6', '3', '8', '6', '6', '2', '6', '6', '6', '6', '3', '8', '6', '6', '6', '6, 'i': c,', 'c', 'b,', 'b,', 'b,', 'b', 'c,', 'c', 'a,', 'a, 'wherein the regulating means are configured in order to generate said at least one operating command (′) applied to said at least one actuator (, ) as a function moreover of the value for a parameter () relating to at least one electric transport vehicle supplied by said electrical supply network (), said value for said parameter (′) indicating ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190329664A1

Systems and methods for collecting data from electric vehicles, and performing various different actions based on the collected data, are described. In some embodiments, a device, such as a remote device that communicates with a server, connects with a controller area network (CAN) of an electric vehicle, and collects data from the CAN and/or other types of data associated with the electric vehicle (e.g., geographical information that identifies a location of an electric vehicle, movement information that identifies whether the electric vehicle is in motion or not, and so on). The systems and methods may perform various actions using some or all of the collected data.

06-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180345971A1

Vehicles may be composed of a relatively few number of “modules” that are assembled together during a final assembly process. An example vehicle may include a body module, a first drive module coupled to a first end of the body module, and a second drive module coupled to a second end of the body module. One or both of the drive modules may include a pair of wheels, a battery, an electric drive motor, and/or a heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. One or both of the drive modules may also include a crash structure to absorb impacts. If a component of a drive module fails or is damaged, the drive module can be quickly and easily replaced with a new drive module, minimizing vehicle down time. 1. A method of operating a vehicle that includes a body module having a passenger compartment of the vehicle , a first drive module that is removably coupled to a first end of the body module , and a second drive module that is removably coupled to a second end of the body module , the method comprising:operating the vehicle at least partially using the first drive module;detecting a fault of a component of the first drive module;responsive to detecting the fault of the component of the first drive module, deactivating the first drive module; andoperating the vehicle using the second drive module while the first drive module is deactivated.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fault of the component of the first drive module comprises a fault in:a drive motor of the first drive module;a battery of the first drive module;an inverter of the first drive module;a steering system of the first drive module;a suspension system of the first drive module;a braking system of the first drive module;one or more lights of the first drive module;a heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system of the first drive module;a DC/DC converter;a high voltage junction;a high voltage cable;a sensor;an exterior light; ora charging component.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170352929A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A vehicle power supply system includes: a battery module; a cooling fan configured to taken in air from a passenger compartment of a vehicle; an upstream-side inlet duct that is disposed on an upstream side of the cooling fan; and a downstream-side inlet duct that is disposed on a downstream side of the cooling fan to connect the cooling fan and the battery module together. The cooling fan is disposed obliquely forwards or obliquely rearwards of the battery module, the downstream-side inlet duct is disposed on a lateral side of the battery module, the downstream-side inlet duct has a branching portion configured to divide air discharged from a discharge port of the cooling fan and to supply the air to the battery module, the branching portion is disposed between the cooling fan and the battery module, and the discharge port is directed towards the battery module. 112-. (canceled)13. A vehicle power supply system comprising:a battery module;a cooling fan configured to taken in air from a passenger compartment of a vehicle;an upstream-side inlet duct that is disposed on an upstream side of the cooling fan; anda downstream-side inlet duct that is disposed on a downstream side of the cooling fan to connect the cooling fan and the battery module together,wherein the cooling fan is disposed obliquely forwards or obliquely rearwards of the battery module,wherein the downstream-side inlet duct is disposed on a lateral side of the battery module,wherein the downstream-side inlet duct has a branching portion configured to divide air discharged from a discharge port of the cooling fan and to supply the air to the battery module,wherein the branching portion is disposed between the cooling fan and the battery module,wherein the discharge port is directed towards the battery module,wherein the branching portion comprises:a cooling fan connecting flow path that is connected to the discharge port;a first branching flow path that separates air to be introduced to one side of the ...
