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02-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2765756C1

Группа изобретений относится к системе и способу зарядки тяговой аккумуляторной батареи транспортного средства с электрическим приводом посредством колонки для зарядки. Тяговая аккумуляторная батарея выполнена с возможностью зарядки зарядными напряжениями по меньшей мере двух разных величин. После подключения транспортного средства с электрическим приводом к колонке для зарядки между системой управления аккумуляторной батареей транспортного средства с электрическим приводом и колонкой для зарядки происходит обмен данными для согласования зарядного напряжения. Через систему управления аккумуляторной батареей посредством по меньшей мере одного приветственного сообщения (Battery Handshake Message, BHM) на зарядную станцию передают максимально допустимое общее зарядное напряжение. Переданное максимально допустимое общее зарядное напряжение на определенное значение меньше, чем наибольшая величина зарядного напряжения тяговой аккумуляторной батареи. Достигается улучшение взаимодействия между ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2735242C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, в частности к зарядной станции для автомобиля. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении ресурсосберегающей и надежной возможности предоставления пакетов данных из CAN-шины. Достигается тем, что предусмотрены этапы: - регистрация пакетов данных из по меньшей мере одного компонента CAN-шины с помощью блока регистрации, который является частью CAN-шины; - создание по меньшей мере одного Web-ресурса, который содержит пакеты данных по предопределенному предписанию, с помощью вычислительного блока, причем в указанный по меньшей мере один Web-ресурс объединяются только пакеты данных, которые являются родственными по этому предопределенному предписанию; - передача содержимого указанного по меньшей мере одного Web-ресурса из вычислительного блока в приемное устройство по каналу передачи данных, имеющему отличающийся от CAN-шины протокол передачи, с помощью блока связи. 3 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

12-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729776C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, в частности к системам бесконтактной подачи электроэнергии. Технический результат заключается в устранении возможного нарушения беспроводной связи системы отпирания дверей без ключа главного транспортного средства. Достигается тем, что система бесконтактной подачи электроэнергии обеспечена: сонаром, который обнаруживает, имеется или нет другое транспортное средство, припаркованное около главного транспортного средства; доплеровским датчиком, который обнаруживает, имеется или нет движущийся объект, такой как пешеход, около главного транспортного средства; и наземным контроллером, который прекращает или уменьшает бесконтактную подачу электроэнергии, когда доплеровский датчик обнаруживает движущийся объект. Область обнаружения доплеровского датчика расширяется больше, когда парковка другого транспортного средства обнаруживается, чем когда парковка другого транспортного средства не обнаруживается. Таким образом, можно предотвращать влияние электромагнитной ...

28-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2652678C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам помощи при парковке и совмещении принимающего электрическую мощность устройства на стороне транспортного средства с передающим электрическую мощность устройством на стороне земли. Устройство помощи при парковке для совмещения катушки транспортного средства, установленной на поверхности днища транспортного средства, с наземной катушкой, установленной на земле, измеряет напряжение катушки транспортного средства и обнаруживает изменение в измеренном напряжении. Устройство, когда изменение в измеренном напряжении сдвигается с направления увеличения на направление уменьшения, уведомляет водителя о первом торможении, а когда изменение в напряжении сдвигается с направления уменьшения на направление увеличения, уведомляет водителя о втором торможении. Техническим результатом является улучшение точности позиционирования транспортного средства. 2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

25-06-2013 дата публикации

Echtzeit-System zur Verfolgung, Ortung und zum Aufladen von Elektrofahrzeugen im Transit

Номер: DE202012105091U1

Computergesteuertes Elektrobatterieladesystem zum Aufladen einer Batterie eines sich in Bewegung befindenden Elektrofahrzeugs, wobei das System umfasst: a) ein Elektrofahrzeug, umfassend mindestens eine Batterie mit 1,5 bis 200 kWh und eine Ladegerätverbindungsvorrichtung, elektrisch gekuppelt an die mindestens eine Batterie zum Ermöglichen einer Aufladung der mindestens einen Batterie; b) ein Hauptladegerätfahrzeug, welches zu unabhängiger Bewegung in der Lage ist, zum Fortbewegen zu dem Elektrofahrzeug und zum Aufladen der mindestens einen Batterie des Elektrofahrzeugs, wobei das Hauptladegerätfahrzeug umfasst: i. ein Hauptbatteriemodul; ii. ein Stromwandlermodul, welches zum Umwandeln von Ausgangsenergie von dem Hauptbatteriemodul in Eingangsenergie, die zur Versorgung der mindestens einen Batterie geeignet ist, angepasst ist; iii. ein Verbindungs- und Übertragungsmodul, welches zum Verbinden mit der Ladegerätverbindungsvorrichtung und zum Übertragen der Eingangsenergie von dem Stromwandlermodul ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum automatischen Laden eines elektrisch angetriebenen Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102020200292A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (12) zum automatischen Laden einer Traktionsbatterie (6) eines elektrisch angetriebenen Kraftfahrzeugs (4). Diese weist einen Ladestecker (14) für eine Ladedose (10) des elektrisch angetriebenen Kraftfahrzeugs (4) auf, wobei der Ladestecker (14) an einem Tragarm (16) befestigt ist, mittels welchem der Ladestecker (14) automatisch verstellbar ist. Weiterhin weist die Vorrichtung (12) eine erste Führungseinrichtung (18) auf, entlang welcher der Tragarm (16) verfahrbar ist, wobei die erste Führungseinrichtung (18) zur Anordnung über einer Stellfläche (2) für das elektrisch angetriebene Kraftfahrzeug (4) vorgesehen ist, und wobei die erste Führungseinrichtung (18) derart ausgebildet ist, dass der Ladestecker (14) zum Verbinden mit der Ladedose (10) anhand eines Verfahrens des Tragarms entlang der erste Führungseinrichtung (18) und/oder anhand eines Verstellens des Ladesteckers mittels des Tragarms (16) entlang des gesamten Umfangs einer der Stellfläche ...

01-12-2011 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Transportieren eines Objektes, Fahrzeug, Anlage

Номер: DE102010021705A1

Verfahren zum Transportieren eines Objektes, das von Fahrzeugen jeweils aufnehmbar oder abladbar ist, wobei die Fahrzeuge jeweils einen Antrieb aufweist zum Verfahren, wobei die Fahrzeuge entlang einer Linie, insbesondere gedachten Linie, insbesondere gerade oder gekrümmt verlaufende Fahrbahn, angeordnet sind, wobei in einem ersten Schritt ein erstes Fahrzeug bis zu einem jeweiligen, entlang der Linie benachbarten Fahrzeug verfahren wird und in einem zweiten Schritt das von dem ersten Fahrzeug aufgenommene Objekt an das entlang der Linie benachbarte Fahrzeug übergeben wird, insbesondere wobei in einem dritten Schritt das erste Fahrzeug bis zu dem jeweils anderen, entlang der Linie benachbarten Fahrzeug verfahren wird, insbesondere wobei die Schritte wiederholt werden.

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017103352A1

Ein beispielhaftes Meldeverfahren umfasst die Schritte des Empfangens von Diagnosedaten von der Elektrofahrzeugversorgungsanlage und des darauffolgenden Meldens der Diagnosedaten durch eine Schnittstelle eines elektrifizierten Fahrzeugs. Eine beispielhafte elektrifizierte Fahrzeuganordnung umfasst ein Steuergerät eines elektrifizierten Fahrzeugs. Das Steuergerät ist dazu ausgelegt, Diagnosedaten von der Elektrofahrzeugversorgungsanlage zu empfangen. Die beispielhafte Anordnung umfasst eine Schnittstelle des elektrifizierten Fahrzeugs, die dazu ausgelegt ist, die Diagnosedaten zu melden.

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018102311A1

Ein entfernter intelligenter Ladeserver empfängt Reservierungsdaten, die Parameter für eine geplante Fahrzeugnutzung anzeigen, wie etwa die Abholzeit, den Abholort und die Abgabezeit. Die Systeme der vorliegenden Technologie werden in verschiedenen Ausführungsformen in Verbindung mit Elektrofahrzeugen verwendet. Der Server interagiert mit einem intelligenten Ladestationssystem, um verfügbare Fahrzeuge am Standort zu ermitteln, einschließlich Fahrzeuge, die ausreichend geladen sind oder bis zur Abholzeit ausreichend aufgeladen werden können. Der Server stellt einer Benutzervorrichtung verfügbare Fahrzeuge zur Verfügung und empfängt die Auswahl eines bevorzugten Fahrzeugs. Der Server sendet die Auswahl an die intelligente Ladestation, die eine Ladefolge anwendet, um sicherzustellen, dass das bevorzugte Fahrzeug nach Bedarf für die geplante Fahrzeugnutzung geladen wird. Das Aufladen wird in verschiedenen Anwendungen automatisch durchgeführt, wie etwa durch Computersteuerungen und Robotermaschinen ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Netzwerkanordnung und Adressierung von Netzwerkkomponenten für einen Ladepark

Номер: DE102019121085B4

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Netzwerkanordnung für einen Ladepark zur Bereitstellung von IP-Diensten an den Ladepark, wobei der Ladepark eine Mehrzahl von Komponenten umfasst, wobei die Netzwerkanordnung ein Kern-Netzwerk, einen Backend-Server und ein zentrales Gateway, das mit dem Kern-Netzwerk und dem Backend-Server gekoppelt ist und jeweils eine Schnittstelle für einen oder mehrere Kommunikations-Knoten des Kern-Netzwerks bereitstellt, umfasst, wobei die Komponenten des Ladeparks über das Kern-Netzwerk miteinander und mit dem zentralen Gateway in kommunikativer Verbindung stehen, wobei jeder Komponente des Ladeparks ein Kommunikations-Knoten des Kern-Netzwerkes zugeordnet ist, wobei die jeweiligen Komponenten des Ladeparks über die jeweils ihnen zugeordneten Kommunikations-Knoten und den jeweils den Kommunikations-Knoten zugeordneten Schnittstellen über das zentrale Gateway mit dem Backend-Server Daten austauschen können. Ferner betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zu einer Adressierung ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018109410A1

Ein Speicher bewahrt Energieschätzungen auf, die Funktionsanforderungen für Fahrzeuge entsprechen. Ein Prozessor eines Servers ist programmiert, um eine Funktionsanforderung für ein Fahrzeug zu empfangen und das Fahrzeug anzuleiten, um die Funktionsanforderung als Reaktion auf das Bestimmen durchzuführen, dass das Fahrzeug gemäß Batterieinformationen, die von dem Fahrzeug empfangen wurden und einer Energieschätzung, die der Funktionsanforderung entspricht, über ausreichend Energie verfügt, um die Funktionsanforderung auszuführen.

23-11-2011 дата публикации

Battery charger for electric vehicles

Номер: GB0201117496D0

22-01-2014 дата публикации

Inductive power transfer for transferring electric energy to a vehicle

Номер: GB0201321575D0

26-08-2020 дата публикации

Controlling transfer of data

Номер: GB0002558898B
Автор: PAUL WILES, Paul Wiles

25-07-2018 дата публикации

Controlling transfer of data

Номер: GB0002558898A
Автор: PAUL WILES, Paul Wiles

A state of charge of an energy storage means (for instance a battery) 203 of a vehicle 201 that is required at the end of a period in which charging of the energy storage means is performable is determined. A state of charge of the energy storage means at the end of the period if a transfer of data were to be performed is predicted. The transfer of data is enable during the period in dependence on the predicted state of charge of the energy storage means at the end of the period being greater than or equal to the state of charge required at the end of the period. Further aspects of the invention provide a controller 102 for determining if the transfer of data can be enabled using the steps above. The transfer of data may be performed by causing one or more of the sets to be transferred in dependence on the estimated charge required to transfer the data of the one or more sets. A wireless transceiver may be used to transmit and/or receive a signal that contains the data. This communication ...

29-06-2016 дата публикации

Method and system for charging an electric vehicle

Номер: GB0002533694A

An electric vehicle 103 is positioned relative to a charging point 105 by receiving at the vehicle a global positioning system (GPS) signal and a global positioning system correction signal. A stationary reference transmitter 109 may be configured to transmit the global positioning system correction signal. The global positioning system correction signal may be received from the charging point. The global positioning system correction signal may be received via a cellular network, via a wireless internet connection and/or via a DAB (digital audio broadcasting) signal. The accuracy of the correction signal may be corroborated. The electric vehicle may be a plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) or a plug-in hybrid vehicle (PHEV).

18-10-2017 дата публикации

System and method for illuminating charging surface

Номер: GB0201714021D0

11-03-2020 дата публикации

A method for ultra-fast supercapacitor-to-supercapacitor charging for electric vehicles and charging station

Номер: GB0202001153D0

26-08-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for charging a load handling device on a grid

Номер: GB0202010704D0

09-06-2021 дата публикации

Energy storage system for a handling device

Номер: GB202105746D0

09-06-2021 дата публикации

Energy storage system for a load handling device

Номер: GB202105739D0

23-11-2022 дата публикации

Power feeding device, power feeding system, and power feeding method for electric vehicle

Номер: GB0002606882A

This power feeding device has: a power transmission coil provided in each of a plurality of power-feeding spaces 11 enabling parallel-parking in a direction from the top side to the back side; and a power supply circuit 22 which, when the power transmission coil faces a power receiving coil installed in an electric vehicle 31, wirelessly supplies power to the electric vehicle 31 via the power transmission coil. The power feeding device is further provided with a controller 21 performing a control for parallel-parking the electric vehicle 31 from the top side of the power-feeding spaces 11 and for, after stopping the power feeding to one electric vehicle 31 parked at the top of the power-feeding spaces 11, moving the one electric vehicle 31 to a boarding area 15 and moving another electric vehicle 31 positioned behind the one electric vehicle 31 to the power-feeding spaces 11 on the top side.

04-10-2023 дата публикации

Vehicle charging control system and method

Номер: GB0002617071A

A charging control system 1, and a method thereof, for controlling vehicle-to-vehicle charging between a charge provider vehicle V2 and a charge receiver vehicle V1; both vehicles having an on-board battery; the system having a controller(s) (15 fig 3, 35, fig 4), the system configured to: identify a connection between the provider vehicle and an external power supply operable to perform grid-to-vehicle charging of the provider vehicle battery (11, fig 3, 31, fig 4); identify a connection between the provider vehicle and the receiver vehicle for performing vehicle-to-vehicle charging; and in dependence on the identification of these connections, output a signal to configure the provider vehicle and/or the receiver vehicle in preparation for vehicle-to-vehicle charging. The controller(s) may receive at least one charge request signal and output a charge preparation signal. The controller(s) may determine a first state of charge and/or a second state of charge of the provider and/or receiver ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Remotely supplied power for unmanned aerial vehicle

Номер: AU2015419226A1
Принадлежит: Cotters Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

In one embodiment, a system includes a laser configured to generate a laser beam and a laser-aiming module configured to aim the laser beam to be at least in part incident on a remotely located, continuously moving solar cell. The system also includes a controller configured to receive a feedback signal indicating a position of the laser beam relative to the remotely located, continuously moving solar cell and instruct the laser-aiming module to adjust the aiming of the laser beam based on the feedback signal.

14-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002773791A1

A charging device (104) for use with an electric vehicle (102) including a power storage device (106) includes a power delivery system (214) configured to deliver power to the power storage device. The charging device also includes a controller (200) coupled to the power delivery system. The controller is configured to determine that an initialization process has completed after the charging device has experienced a loss of power and enable the power delivery system to deliver power to the power storage device at a defined start time and after the initialization process has completed.

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003067176A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

This noncontact electric power supply system is provided with: a sonar (281) that detects whether there is another vehicle (52) parked around a host vehicle (51); a Doppler sensor (262) that detects whether there is a moving object such as a pedestrian around the host vehicle; and a ground controller (11) that stops or reduces noncontact electric power supply when the Doppler sensor detects a moving object. The detection region of the Doppler sensor is widened more when parking of another vehicle is detected than when parking of another vehicle is not detected. Thus, an electromagnetic wave generated during the noncontact electric power supply can be prevented from affecting wireless communication of a keyless entry system.

02-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003032362A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

A system for managing power supply devices includes an electronic device and plural power supply devices including a first power supply device and a second power supply device. The electronic device is configured to enable the first power supply device to delete a part of battery information stored therein, and enable the second power supply device to store therein a portion of the battery information that was originally stored in the power supply device.

08-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003033600A1

A notification method is implemented by a notification system for battery pick-up, and includes: A) detecting a concerned battery identifier of a battery to be charged; B) determining one of plural sets of reference battery data corresponding to one of reference battery identifiers that matches the concerned battery identifier, and charging the battery; and C) transmitting, when it is determined that the battery has been fully charged, a pick-up notification to a target of notification transmission that is indicated by a user end target receiver code of said one of the plural sets of reference battery data determined in step B) .

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003040316A1

A charging station (20) adapted for charging electrical vehicles (100) and comprising at least one battery pack (30). The battery pack (30) comprises a plurality of batteries (1) being coupled in series and a control unit (40) adapted for controlling each of the batteries (1) of the plurality of batteries individually. Each battery (1) comprises at least one battery cell (2) with a battery inlet line (8) and a battery outlet line (9), an electrical circuit element (5) arranged to lead from the battery inlet line (8) to the battery outlet line (9) such as to form an electrical path leading around the battery cell (2), and one switch(6 or 7).The one switch (6 or 7) is arranged in one of the battery outlet line (8)and the battery inlet line (9)and is switchable between a first position and a second position. The control unit (40) is connected to the one switch (6 or 7) of each battery (1) and is adapted for controlling the one switch (6 or 7) to switch between the first position, in which ...

06-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002974064C

Provided is a parking assistance device that performs alignment of a ground coil (31) provided on the ground and a vehicle coil (11) provided on the bottom surface of a vehicle (10), said device detecting the voltage of the vehicle coil (11), detecting the rate of change of the detected voltage, notifying first braking to a driver when the detected rate of change changes from plus to minus, and then notifying second braking to the driver when the rate of change changes from minus to plus.

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002974064A1

Provided is a parking assistance device that performs alignment of a ground coil (31) provided on the ground and a vehicle coil (11) provided on the bottom surface of a vehicle (10), said device detecting the voltage of the vehicle coil (11), detecting the rate of change of the detected voltage, notifying first braking to a driver when the detected rate of change changes from plus to minus, and then notifying second braking to the driver when the rate of change changes from minus to plus.

15-05-2013 дата публикации

Contactless charging and communication device for contactless charging of battery of electric car in charging station, has couplers for simultaneous and contactless transmission of energy and data from charging station to electronic unit

Номер: CH0000705741A2

The device has couplers (3, 4) for simultaneous and contactless transmission of energy and data from a charging station (1) to an electronic unit (2) of an electric car, where the electronic unit is supplied with power by a stationary part and does not discharge a battery. The electronic unit receives current measurement values for identification, regulation and checking of a battery charging process. The electronic unit transfers recognition data over data couplers (9, 10) to the charging station so that the station recognizes a participant to be charged.

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Electronic control card for controlling recharging terminals used to recharge batteries in vehicle, has communication interface used to read values of digital inputs and analog inputs, and used to control digital outputs

Номер: CH0000702450A2

The card has digital inputs used for controlling positioning of a simple locking system on a vehicle. Digital outputs are used to control locking of the card on a vehicle and for detecting switching of energy of batteries in the vehicle. Analog inputs are used to convert a measurement value of corresponding current or voltage of the batteries. RS232communication interface is used to read values of the digital inputs and analog inputs, and is used to control the digital outputs.

21-08-2020 дата публикации

Electric power management system

Номер: FR0003092795A1

09-07-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190082144A

18-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: BR112015025036A2

26-06-2018 дата публикации

Non-contact power supply system

Номер: US0010005369B2
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., NISSAN MOTOR

A non-contact power supply system supplies electricity in a non-contact manner between a power transmission coil of a power supply device 1 and a power reception coil of a vehicle. The vehicle 2 has a wireless communication unit that transmits to the power supply device a startup signal that starts up the power supply device. The power supply device has a reception unit that receives the startup signal. A controller controls the power supply device based on the startup signal. The communication unit transmits a first startup signal when the vehicle is traveling, and transmits a second startup signal when the vehicle is stopped. The controller controls the electricity supply device according to a first control flow when the first startup signal has been received, and controls the power supply device according to a second control flow when the second startup signal has been received.

28-02-2017 дата публикации

Work vehicle

Номер: US0009579988B2
Принадлежит: Komatsu Ltd., KOMATSU MFG CO LTD

A work vehicle which is provided with a battery and at least one motor, the motor being driven by electric power supplied from the battery, the work vehicle including: a charging terminal to which a feed terminal provided in a charging device disposed at an outside of the work vehicle is connected at a time of charging the battery; a communication terminal to which a communication terminal for the charging device to communicate with the work vehicle is connected at the time of charging the battery; and an in-vehicle controller which controls the work vehicle, and controls the charging device through the communication terminal at the time of charging the battery.

29-05-2018 дата публикации

Systems, methods, and apparatus for living object protection in wireless power transfer applications

Номер: US0009983300B2
Принадлежит: QUALCOMM Incorporated, QUALCOMM INC

Systems, methods, and apparatus for living object protection in wireless power transfer applications are provided. In one aspect, an apparatus for detecting objects in a detection area of a wireless power transfer system is provided. The apparatus comprises a plurality of radar transceivers. The apparatus comprises at least one processor configured to receive radar data from the plurality of radar transceivers, detect an object in the detection area based on the received radar data, and adjust the detection area. The apparatus is configured to adjust the detection area based on at least one of a type of chargeable vehicle present, an amount of power being wirelessly transferred by the wireless power transfer system, an alignment of a vehicle with the wireless power transfer system, or a speed of the object approaching the detection area.

08-06-2021 дата публикации

Method and system for monitoring charging stations

Номер: US0011027620B2

A method is provided for determining a property of a charging station, wherein the charging station is designed to provide electrical energy for charging a vehicle. The method determines vehicle data, wherein the vehicle data were created by a first vehicle with respect to a charging operation of the first vehicle at the charging station. In addition, the method determines a property of the charging station on the basis of the vehicle data. Furthermore, the method provides data that indicate the determined property of the charging station.

06-07-2021 дата публикации

Fuel cell powered autonomous vehicle

Номер: US0011054830B2
Принадлежит: Anderson Industries, LLC, ANDERSON IND LLC

An autonomous vehicle powered by a fuel cell is described. The vehicle includes one or more sensors and a control system operatively coupled to the fuel cell and the one or more sensors, the control system including a processing device to receive a command corresponding to one or more actions to be performed by the autonomous vehicle. In response to receiving the command, the processing device is to initiate performance of the one or more actions. The processing device is further to receive, from the sensors, signals associated with surroundings of the autonomous vehicle during performance of the one or more actions and adjust one or more operational parameters of the autonomous vehicle to enable completion of the performance of the one or more actions based on the signals associated with the surroundings of the autonomous vehicle.

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160243952A1

The battery charger (C) for electric vehicles comprises a voltage converter (DC/DC CONY), a power factor correction circuit (PFC) connected upstream of the voltage converter (DC/DC CONY), a controller circuit (PFC CNTR) operatively connected to the correction circuit (PFC) and suitable for piloting the correction circuit (PFC) for the correction of the power factor in the battery charger (C), a retroaction line (L) connected to the output of the voltage converter (DC/DC CONY) and to an input of the controller circuit (PFC CNTR), wherein the controller circuit (PFC CNTR) is suitable for varying the output voltage (VPFC) of the correction circuit (PFC) within a predefined voltage interval and according to the output voltage (VDCOUT) of the voltage converter (DC/DC CONY), in order to let the voltage converter (DC/DC CONY) operate as much as possible around the point of maximum efficiency.

17-10-2019 дата публикации

Method for charging a motor vehicle and motor vehicle

Номер: US20190315242A1
Принадлежит: Ford Global Technologies, LLC

A charging method (10) for an electrically operated motor vehicle (30) designed for autonomous driving is provided, in which, in a first exercise, the motor vehicle (30) is charged in a charging procedure (22) within a time window at a charging station (4). According to the invention, the motor vehicle (30) is commanded in an approach command delivery (19) to approach (6) the charging station (4) or in a departure command delivery (24) to depart (7) from the charging station (4). Moreover, a motor vehicle (30) is claimed.

12-09-2017 дата публикации

Communication device, on-vehicle communication system, and inspection method

Номер: US0009762431B2

A communication device includes a first resistance connected between a first reference potential and a midway point of one of a pair communication lines connected to a coil, a second resistance and a third resistance arranged in series so as to be connected between a second reference potential different from the first reference potential and a midway point of the other one of the pair communication lines, and a switch configured to open or close a path between the first resistance and the first reference potential.

26-10-2021 дата публикации

Compensating for stray capacitances for a robotic lawnmower

Номер: US0011154006B2
Принадлежит: HUSQVARNA AB, Husqvarna AB

A robotic lawnmower system comprising a signal generator (240), a boundary cable, at least one guide cable (260) and a robotic lawnmower (100), said signal generator being configured to transmit a control signal through said boundary cable and a guide signal through said at least one guide cable, and wherein said robotic lawnmower comprises a controller (110) and at least one sensor (170), wherein the controller is configured for receiving said control signal through said at least one sensor (170′) and determining a signal level for the control signal; and if the signal level for the control signal is below a threshold value, the controller (110) is configured to receive said guide signal and to synchronize on said guide signal.

20-10-2020 дата публикации

Charger for electric vehicles with distributed power converter arbitration

Номер: US0010807485B2
Принадлежит: ABB Schweiz AG, ABB SCHWEIZ AG

The present application relates to a charger for electric vehicles, comprising at least two power exchange ports for vehicles, each port comprising a data communication connection for at least receiving a power request from a vehicle, and a power exchange connection for delivering power to a vehicle; at least one grid connection for receiving electric power; a data communication bus, for communicating the power request from the vehicles to a plurality of autonomously controllable power converters, each for converting power from the grid connection to a suitable level for charging a vehicle; and each of the power converters comprises a data communication device, connected to the data bus, and configured for receiving power requests from vehicles; and configured for indicating its available power via the data bus.

11-12-2018 дата публикации

Compact charging device for electric vehicle

Номер: US0010150373B2

The invention also relates to a charging method which can be implemented with this charging device.

17-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: US2009234599A1

A system for recording a charging history of a battery is mounted on a hybrid vehicle or an electric vehicle. The battery is charged from an outside power source through a plug. The recording system includes a receiver for receiving signals from satellites of a global positioning system, a memory medium and a display device. Every time the battery is charged, a position where the battery is charged is recorded in the memory medium. The position is detected based on the signals from the satellites. A date and time when the battery is charged may be included in the charging-history. The recorded charging history is read-out from the memory medium upon request and displayed on the display device. Thus, the past charging-history is traced. The charging-history may be transmitted to an outside server located at a police station or a charging-service provider to prevent power stealing or to improve services.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094698A1

A server informs a vehicle of chargers, the vehicle being mounted with a battery. The vehicle includes a fatigue detection device configured to detect a fatigue level of the driver. A server includes a communication device configured to receive information indicative of the fatigue level of the driver from the vehicle, and a processor configured to extract at least one charger from among multiple chargers installed within an access range of the vehicle if the driver's fatigue level is above a given reference value, and inform the vehicle of the extracted charger, the access range being determined by power stored in the battery and the current location of the vehicle.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200144838A1

A robot for charging a vehicle is provided. The robot has wheels or configured for a track for the robot to automatically move to the vehicle to provide charge to a battery of the vehicle. A charge storage is associated with the robot. An articulating arm of the robot. The articulating arm is configured for movement that enables the articulating arm to automatically connect to a connector of the vehicle after the robot moves in position beside the vehicle for providing charge to the battery of the vehicle.

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200276909A1

Systems and methods for fueling (or charging) communication, for example between a hydrogen fueling station and a hydrogen powered vehicle (or an electric vehicle and charging station) may utilize near field communication as well as vehicle to infrastructure communication. Safety information, fueling or charging information, payment information, and other information may be transmitted, and the redundant nature of the communication permits fault recovery and improved process monitoring. In this manner, fueling and/or recharging is made safer, faster, and more efficient.

10-03-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for providing wireless power to a power-receiving device, and related power-receiving devices

Номер: US0010587156B2
Принадлежит: ELWHA LLC

In an embodiment, a wireless power distribution system is disclosed. The wireless power distribution system includes a routing module having at least one processor configured to determine a route for a power-receiving device to travel responsive to receiving input about one or more characteristics associated with the power-receiving device or one or more wireless power transmitters for delivering power to the power-receiving device. The wireless power distribution system further includes the one or more wireless power transmitters operably coupled to the routing module. The one or more wireless power transmitters are configured to wirelessly transmit the power to the device at one or more locations along the route.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120764A1

The embodiment of the present disclosure provides a charging post and an intelligent transportation system. The charging post comprises a charging plug connected to a charging power source; a network module configured to establish network connection; a communication control module wirelessly connected to vehicle devices disposed in a vehicle, establishing a network connection with a dispatching center through the network module for receiving the real-time information collected from the vehicle devices and transmitting to the dispatching center, receiving a control command generated by the dispatching center according to the real-time information or a traffic information, and transmitting the control command to the vehicle devices such that the control command is executed by the vehicle devices for achieving control of the vehicle. The embodiment of the present disclosure improves the utilization of charging posts.

30-04-2019 дата публикации

Charging control apparatus for vehicle and charging control method for the same

Номер: US0010272794B2

A charging control apparatus for a vehicle is provided. The vehicle includes a motor generator and an electric power storage device. The charging control apparatus includes: a communication device configured to receive data from a server; and a controller that executes external charging. The controller is configured to execute the external charging in accordance with a target value of State of Charge of the electric power storage device. The controller is configured to lower the target value from a first target value to a second target value in the case where the controller predicts that the State Of Charge exceeds the target value by a specified amount or larger in a section in accordance with record data that is aggregated in the server when the vehicle starts traveling after completion of the external charging.

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190275910A1

A charging management device includes: an environment information acquiring unit that acquires charging environment information indicating a charging environment of each of a plurality of vehicles parked in a parking lot; an order deciding unit that decides an order in which the plurality of vehicles are charged, taking into consideration the charging environment indicated by the charging environment information; and a charging management unit that causes the plurality of vehicles to be charged according to the order decided by the order deciding unit. A parking lot including the above-mentioned charging management device may be provided. A program for causing a computer to function as the above-mentioned charging management device may be provided.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Charge Transfer Devices for Plug-In Electric Vehicles

Номер: US20120194128A1

A charge transfer device for a plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) includes a charging cable system that supplies electric power to the PEV. The charging cable system having a first end connected to a first electrical connector that connects to the PEV for a charging operation and a second, opposite end connected to a second electrical connector for connecting to a power outlet. A meter unit is located between the first and second ends of the charging cable system. The meter unit determines electrical power information for use during the charging operation. A communications unit is located between the first and second ends of the charging cable system. The communications unit communicates the electrical power information to a remote server.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033414A1

Systems and methods for identifying available charging stations (e.g., charging stations available to be used by an electric vehicle) and/or determining travel routes for electric vehicles are described. In some embodiments, the systems and methods receive a request to find an available charging station, determine a state of charge for an electric vehicle associated with the request, identifies one or more available charging stations located within a suitable distance to the electric vehicle, the suitable distance based on the determined state of the charge for the electric vehicle, and present information to the electric vehicle, or an associated mobile device, that indicates the identified charging stations.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Vehicle Display Data Integration with Mobile Device Data

Номер: US20210048945A1

Methods and systems are provided. One example method includes providing a connection to the Internet for a vehicle via wireless connection circuitry associated with an on-board computer of the vehicle. The connection is used to communicate with a service, and a user account is assigned to a user and the user account is associated with settings of the user. The method includes providing communication, by the on-board computer, with a mobile device. The communication provides for pairing the mobile device with the on-board computer using credentials associated with the user account of the user. The method includes accessing, using the on-board computer, data from a mobile device application of the mobile device for rendering content to a display screen of the vehicle. At least some data accessed from the mobile device application is used to render said content to the display screen of the vehicle. The content of the mobile device application rendered on the display screen of the vehicle is ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001834A1

A vehicle and a method for controlling the vehicle are provided. The vehicle may include a battery; and a motor configured to generate a driving force by using the electric power charged in the battery, perform a regenerative braking, and charge the battery through the regenerative braking. The vehicle identifies destination information entered in the input during the preparation of charging at the charging station, searches for a route from the charging station to the destination based on the position information of the charging station and the position information of the destination, acquires the charging amount by regenerative braking based on the road information in the searched route and the table, and stops controlling the charging of the battery when the charging amount charged in the battery is charged by the regenerative braking during charging of the battery at the charging station.

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200328622A1

Wirelessly distributed and multi-directional power transfer systems and related methods are described herein. An example system for distributing power across a wireless medium can include a plurality of wireless modular power packs connected across a wireless medium to a wireless power receiver circuit that is connected to a load. Each wireless modular power pack can include a respective wireless power transmission circuit directing a respective wireless power signal to the wireless power receiver circuit. The system can also include a power source positioned within each of the wireless modular power packs. Each power source transmits a respective power signal across an internal power interface to a respective wireless power transmission circuit within a respective wireless modular power pack.

05-01-2016 дата публикации

Method and device for navigating electric vehicle in charging

Номер: US0009228847B2

A method and a device for navigating an electric vehicle in charging are provided. The method comprises: S1, obtaining a navigation area, wherein the navigation area comprises a plurality of charging stations; S2, receiving a charging request from an electric vehicle in the navigation area; S3, obtaining a plurality of first time periods according to the electric vehicle and the plurality of charging stations; S4, selecting a minimum first time period from the plurality of first time periods; and S5, navigating the electric vehicle to a charging station corresponding to the minimum first time period.

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Electrical Circuit Sharing for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Номер: US20210162881A1

Electric vehicle charging stations are coupled with a circuit sharing controller. Multiple electric vehicle charging stations are wired on the same electrical circuit. The circuit sharing controller implements a circuit sharing process that dynamically allocates electric current to charging stations on the same electrical circuit such that the capacity of the electrical circuit is not exceeded while permitting each of those charging stations to draw electric current through that electrical circuit for at least some amount of time.

29-08-2023 дата публикации

Vehicle including vehicle-side charging/discharging device

Номер: US0011738652B2
Автор: Satoshi Tsuda

A vehicle includes: a storage battery; a vehicle-side charging/discharging device connected to a facility-side charging/discharging device composing a power system provided in a facility, the vehicle-side charging/discharging device being configured to transfer power to/from the facility-side charging/discharging device; and a vehicle-side controller configured to control the vehicle-side charging/discharging device, wherein the facility-side charging/discharging device and the vehicle-side charging/discharging device are coupled to execute charge/discharge control between the power system and the storage battery, the vehicle-side controller is configured to determine, based on information about power transferred between the facility-side charging/discharging device and the vehicle-side charging/discharging device, presence or absence of an intervention of a facility-side control device, which controls power in the power system, in the charge/discharge control, and the charge/discharge ...

06-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220314830A1
Автор: Noriyuki Abe

A secondary battery management device includes a target setting portion that sets a target charging rate that is a target for a charging rate of a secondary battery mounted in a vehicle, and a target charging rate reaching time that is a time when main charging in which the secondary battery is charged to the target charging rate at a main charging speed is completed; a main charging setting portion that sets a main charging start time when the main charging is started and the main charging speed on the basis of an output of a charger, the target charging rate, and the target charging rate reaching time; at least one of a discharging setting portion that sets a discharging start time when discharging of the secondary battery is started and a discharging speed that is a speed of the discharging, and a sub-charging setting portion that sets a sub-charging start time when sub-charging in which the secondary battery is charged at a sub-charging speed is started and the sub-charging speed; and ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Automated System of Charging an Electric Vehicle

Номер: US20220289050A1

An automated system of charging an electric vehicle (EV) provides a means of adapting any given EV or hybrid-electric vehicle for use with an automated recharging network. An adapter body with a contact plate and a port connector is positioned between the EV and any external power source to electrically connect between said external power source and the existing charging receptacle of the host EV. At least one guidance beacon is mounted to the adapter body and is used to guide the engagement of any external charging equipment onto the contact plate to establish a means of recharging the internal batteries of the EV.

24-08-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230264593A1
Автор: Krishna Karthik Jasti

A smart electric vehicle charging system and method for situational monitoring and alerting are disclosed. The system includes a registration subsystem configured to register one or more users on a platform, a slot availability checking subsystem configured to check an availability of at least one charging slot for the one or more users using one or more sensors upon registration of the one or more users on the platform, a slot booking subsystem configured to enable the one or more users to reserve a charging slot for an electric vehicle based on the availability of the at least one charging slot, an analysis subsystem configured to analyse data associated with one of an image capturing device or a measuring device using an analysis technique, a controlling subsystem configured to control one or more parameters associated with the electric vehicle charging station by a management unit on a server.

24-08-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230264590A1

The motor vehicle includes a power storage device, a charger that charges the power storage device with electric power from an external power source, and a control device that controls the charger. The control device acquires a charging start impossible factor that cannot start charging when the charging of the power storage device by the charger cannot be started.

25-07-2023 дата публикации

Information provision device and information provision system

Номер: US0011708006B2
Автор: Shuichi Kazuno
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

An information provision device and an information provision system that can reduce user anxiety when the charge amount of a battery has decreased are provided. A vehicle 100 is provided with a charge amount determination unit 611 that determines whether a charge amount of a battery 40 is less than a predetermined threshold; a minimum remaining travel distance calculation unit 613 that calculates a minimum remaining travel distance on the basis of error information for the vehicle 100 when the charge amount of the battery 40 is less than the predetermined threshold; and a display control unit 616 that displays, on a display unit 64 of a display device 60, charging equipment information related to charging equipment 300 present within a distance that can be traveled to in accordance with the minimum remaining travel distance.

06-09-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle including CO2 recovery device for recovering CO2

Номер: US0011433776B2

A vehicle provided with a rechargeable battery, a charging port connected to a charging cable for supplying the battery with electric power of an outside power source, a CO2recovery device for recovering CO2, a CO2collection port connected to a collection hose for collecting CO2from the CO2recovery device, and a single openable lid covering both the charging port and the CO2collection port.

29-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220410739A1
Принадлежит: SparkCharge, Inc.

An electric vehicle charging system includes an interleaved DC-DC control system configured to facilitate providing electric charge to an electric vehicle battery and includes a controller communicatively coupled to the interleaved DC-DC control system. The interleaved DC-DC control system includes an inrush current limiting circuit, three parallel boost converters that are each configured to operate in a discrete phase, and unidirectional current circuitry. The controller includes electronic control circuitry configured to control the interleaved DC-DC control system and vehicle communication circuitry configured to establish charging protocols between the interleaved DC-DC control system and the electric vehicle battery.

04-10-2022 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for energy management for an electric vehicle charging system

Номер: US0011458858B2

A method and an apparatus for energy management including an input for a first sensor, which is designed to detect a first measurement variable as information about a current to a home energy management system. A device is designed to determine a second measurement variable depending on the first measurement variable. An output designed to output the second measurement variable, instead of the first measurement variable, as information about a current to the home energy management system for the home energy management system.

16-02-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230051148A1

A remote computer server communicates with a fleet of electric vehicles, and gathers telemetry data from the fleet of electric vehicles. An intelligent EVSE unit and/or a DC fast charging unit communicates with the remote server, and charges an electric vehicle based at least in part on the telemetry data from the fleet of electric vehicles. The remote computer server can generate charging instructions based at least in part on the telemetry data gathered from the fleet of electric vehicles. The intelligent EVSE unit and/or the DC fast charging unit receive the charging instructions, and charge the electric vehicle based at least in part on the charging instructions, the telemetry data, and/or an existent electrical load associated with an electrical panel of a house or a building.

02-11-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230347775A1
Принадлежит: BETA AIR, LLC

A assembly for authenticated communication of data during recharge of an electric aircraft is presented. The assembly includes a charging connector, wherein the charging connector is configured to mate with an electric aircraft port of the electric aircraft, and a computing device communicatively connected to the charging connector. The computing device is configured to establish a communication link with an electric aircraft, receive an authentication datum from the electric aircraft, verify the authentication datum as a function of an authentication module, and transmit an aircraft update datum to the electric aircraft as a function of the verification of the authentication datum.

07-11-2023 дата публикации

Brand identification while recharging an electric vehicle

Номер: US0011807128B2

A method for brand identification of an electric vehicle to a charging station includes connecting a plug of the charging station to a socket of the electric vehicle, receiving a control pilot signal at the socket from the charging station, terminating the control pilot signal in a variable resistance in the electric vehicle, and toggling the variable resistance in a vehicle pattern that transitions between two charging state resistances. The charging station detects the vehicle pattern and maps the vehicle pattern to a vehicle brand of the electric vehicle. The method includes receiving electrical current to recharge the electric vehicle at the socket.

11-01-2024 дата публикации

Techniques for Intelligent Charging of Shipping Container Power Supplies

Номер: US20240010096A1
Автор: Joseph Robert Brannan

Techniques are described herein for intelligent charging of shipping container power supplies. An exemplary computer-implemented method may include (1) retrieving container data that includes a power supply indication for a set of shipping containers; (2) identifying one or more shipping containers, wherein the power supply indication for each of the shipping containers indicates that the one or more shipping containers include a power supply; (3) applying a charging model to the container data to determine (i) a charging prioritization, (ii) a respective charge value, and (iii) a respective charging rate; and (4) causing each of the one or more shipping containers to receive the respective charge value at the respective charging rate in a sequential order based upon the charging prioritization for each of the shipping containers.

21-12-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230406141A1

A vehicle detection system for monitoring stationary and moving vehicles is disclosed. The vehicle detection system includes a housing and a first sensor and a second sensor each configured to detect the moving vehicles. A control unit, and a first energy store as well as a second energy store configured to supply the vehicle detection system with electrical energy independently of one another are also provided. The control unit is designed in such a way that the first sensor is permanently switched on during operation of the vehicle detection system and the second sensor is only switched on for a predetermined time when the first sensor has detected a vehicle. The control unit is designed in such a way that, when the voltage of the first energy store falls below a first predetermined voltage, the vehicle detection system is supplied with electrical energy by the second energy store.

02-01-2024 дата публикации

Method for processing a predetermined computing task by a distributed, vehicle-based computing system and a corresponding computing system

Номер: US0011858372B2
Принадлежит: Merck Patent GmbH

A method is provided for processing a predetermined computing task by a distributed, vehicle-based computing system. By a server device, the computing task is divided into several data packets with respective computing data for a respective part of the computing task. The method includes that at least one motor vehicle is determined, which currently is in a predetermined ready state, and, in case it is in the predetermined ready state, the server device transmits to the motor vehicle at least one of the data packets and the motor vehicle processes the respective computing data of the at least one transmitted data packet. The vehicle generates a respective computing result related to the data packet and transmits this computing result to the server device.

26-04-2023 дата публикации


Номер: EP4168268A1
Автор: LEE, Dongyoung, KIM, Bugi

30-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP4095975A1

An electric movable body (30) transmits a signal including identification information identical to identification information retained in a first power storage pack (10a) via near-field communication when the first power storage pack (10a) is detached from the electric movable body (30). A charging device (20) wiredly transmits the identification information received from the electric movable body (30) to a second power storage pack (10b). The second power storage pack (10b) transmits via near-field communication a signal including the identification information received from the charging device (20). The electric movable body (30) collates whether or not the identification information included in the received signal matches the identification information retained in the first power storage pack (10a).

14-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP4102769A1
Автор: SHIN, Min Ho

The present disclosure provides a method for supporting installation of a contract certificate by a charging service providing device. As an example, the present disclosure may comprise the steps of: generating a first contract certificate for a first electric vehicle (EV); and transmitting the first contract certificate to a first external charging service providing device (CSP) with which a roaming contract has been made, so as to enable the first contract certificate to be installed in the first EV via the first external CSP in a roaming situation.

17-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2719085C1

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству помощи при парковке. Способ помощи при парковке для помощи в совмещении между катушками при парковке транспортного средства в месте для парковки, содержащем катушку для передачи мощности. Способ содержит этапы, на которых измеряют первое принимаемое напряжение и помогают в совмещении между катушками посредством представления пассажиру транспортного средства результата определения того, может или нет подаваться мощность, на основе разности потенциалов и первого принимаемого напряжения. При этом заранее полученная разность потенциалов представляет собой разность потенциалов между вторым принимаемым напряжением приемной катушки и третьим принимаемым напряжением приемной катушки. Устройство помощи при парковке содержит датчик напряжения, выполненный с возможностью измерять первое принимаемое напряжение, сформированное в приемной катушке, и модуль управления, выполненный с возможностью помогать в совмещении между катушками посредством представления ...

31-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2643317C1

Изобретение относится к устройству помощи при парковке и к способу помощи при парковке. Устройство помощи при парковке используется в беспроводной системе подачи электрической мощности, которая выполняет беспроводную подачу электрической мощности между передающей электрическую мощность катушкой на стороне земли и принимающей электрическую мощность катушкой на стороне транспортного средства. Устройство содержит три и более катушки и блок обнаружения несовмещения. Катушки выровнены в одном направлении в виде сверху транспортного средства и выполнены с возможностью обнаруживать магнитный поток в вертикальном направлении транспортного средства, который формируется передающей электрическую мощность катушкой. Блок обнаружения несовмещения выполнен с возможностью обнаруживать несовмещение между передающей электрическую мощность катушкой и принимающей электрическую мощность катушкой в одном направлении на основе уменьшения в магнитном потоке в вертикальном направлении транспортного средства, которое ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2614150C1

Использование: в области электротехники. Технический результат – обеспечение передачи информации между стороной передачи электрической энергии и приемной стороной без необходимости использования отдельной катушки связи. Система содержит: катушку передачи электрической энергии; средство преобразования, которое преобразует электрическую энергию подачи на стороне передачи электрической энергии и выводит электрическую энергию в катушку передачи электрической энергии; контроллер на стороне передачи электрической энергии, который управляет средством преобразования; катушку приема электрической энергии, которая принимает электрическую энергию из катушки передачи электрической энергии бесконтактным способом посредством по меньшей мере магнитной связи и которая подает электрическую энергию в нагрузку, электрически подключенную к катушке приема электрической энергии; средство сглаживания, которое сглаживает электрическую энергию, принимаемую посредством катушки приема электрической энергии; датчик ...

16-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU214837U1

Полезная модель относится к способу зарядки тяговой батареи транспортного средства с электрическим приводом посредством внешней зарядной станции, в частности к электрическому оборудованию, выполняющему функции контроля и управления процессом заряда напряжением постоянного тока. Бортовой контроллер быстрого заряда предназначен для применения как в составе транспортного средства с электрическим приводом, так и в составе зарядной станции. Конструктивно бортовой контроллер заряда может быть выполнен на печатной плате, оснащенной монтажными отверстиями для установки разъема на 48 контактов для подключения к бортовой сети электротранспорта, при этом печатная плата может быть смонтирована в корпус для защиты от внешних механических и атмосферных воздействий с клапаном сброса давления. В ином случае печатная плата может быть смонтирована без монтажа разъема на 48 контактов с отдельными соединителями для цепей питания, цепей обмена данными по протоколу CAN, линии Control Pilot, цепей управления ...

18-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2714660C1

Группа изобретений относится к устройству управления зарядом устройства аккумулирования мощности для транспортного средства и автомобилю, содержащему данное устройство управления, а также мотор для движения и устройство аккумулирования мощности для обмена электрической мощностью с мотором. Устройство управления содержит: электронный блок управления и навигационное устройство. Электронный блок управления выполнен с возможностью выполнения внешней зарядки для зарядки устройства аккумулирования мощности с помощью электрической мощности от внешнего источника питания. Навигационное устройство выполнено с возможностью выполнения навигации по маршруту для запланированного маршрута движения к пункту назначения. При этом, когда не может быть получена оперативная информация о месте зарядки пункта назначения и прогнозируется, что место зарядки пункта назначения является непригодным для использования, навигационное устройство рекомендует выполнять внешнюю зарядку в месте зарядки около запланированного ...

20-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014130235A

... 1. Бортовое зарядное устройство для средств связи, содержащеебортовую аккумуляторную батарею, которая заряжается путем подачи питания от внешнего зарядного модуля посредством зарядного кабеля; ибортовой электронный блок управления, который выполняет функцию соединения по линии электропередачи для установления соединения по линии электропередачи с внешним зарядным модулем посредством зарядного кабеля с использованием PLC-модема,при этом бортовой электронный блок управления дополнительно содержит средство управления активацией PLC-модема для активации PLC-модема, если функция соединения по линии электропередачи подтверждена, и, с другой стороны, для остановки работы PLC-модема, если функция соединения по линии питания не подтверждена.2. Бортовое зарядное устройство для средств связи по п. 1, отличающееся тем, чтобортовой электронный блок управления дополнительно содержит средство определения времени начала передачи для определения, следует ли начинать передачу по линии электропередачи в рамках ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018202397A1

Ladedose für ein Elektrofahrzeug,- mit einem ersten Gehäuse (4),- wobei eine Mehrzahl von Ladekontakten (6), wie Leistungskontakten, Signalkontakten oder dergleichen, in dem ersten Gehäuse (4) aufgenommen sind, und- mit einem zweiten Gehäuse (8), in dem eine Ladesteuerung (10) aufgenommen ist, die zur Steuerung eines Ladevorgangs eingerichtet ist,- wobei die Ladekontakte (6) mit einer an dem ersten Gehäuse (4) gebildete Schnittstelle (12) kontaktiert sind, und- wobei zwischen der Ladesteuerung (10) und der Schnittstelle (12) eine Steckverbindung (14) gebildet ist.

10-06-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Bereitstellung eines Fahrzeug-zu-Fahrzeug-Ladeservice

Номер: DE102019107533A1

Verfahren zur Bereitstellung eines Fahrzeug-zu-Fahrzeug-Ladeservice, aufweisend Empfangen von Anbieterinformationen, welche ladungsbezogene Informationen sind, die bereitgestellt werden können, über einen Server von einem Anbieteranschluss jedes von einer Mehrzahl von Anbietern, die ein anderes Elektrofahrzeug laden möchten (S10); Empfangen von Kundeninformationen über den Server von einem Kundenanschluss eines Kunden, der ein Elektrofahrzeug laden möchte (S20); Filtern von Anbietern entsprechend den Kundeninformationen basierend auf Anbieterinformationen des Servers (S30); Senden von Anbieterinformationen der gefilterten Anbieter an den Kundenanschluss des Kunden in einer auswählbaren Weise (S40); Empfangen von Anbieterinformationen über einen der gefilterten Anbieter, der von dem Kunden ausgewählt wird, von dem Kundenanschluss (S50); und Übertragen von Abschlussinformationen, die den Abschluss einer Ladungsreservierungsabstimmung anzeigen, über den Server an den Anbieteranschluss der ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019134379A1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf ein Verfahren zum Laden eines Elektrofahrzeugs (36) mit einem Ladegerät (1), wobei das Ladegerät (1) an ein dreiphasiges Verteilnetz (28) einer Energieversorgungsanlage (26) dreiphasig angeschlossen ist, und das Elektrofahrzeug (36) in einem ersten Lademodus (23) des Ladegeräts (1) mit von einer lokalen Anlage (30) erzeugter elektrischer Energie geladen wird, wobei die lokale Anlage (30) die elektrische Energie in das Verteilnetz (28) einspeist.Mit dem erfindungsgemäßen Verfahren kann das Laden eines Elektrofahrzeugs mit lokal erzeugter Energie besonders effektiv durchgeführt werden.Hierzu wird das Elektrofahrzeug (36) bei einem Ladevorgang in dem ersten Lademodus (23) des Ladegeräts (1) dreiphasig geladen, wenn von der lokalen Anlage (30) mindestens eine zur Einhaltung eines Mindeststromwertes beim dreiphasigen Laden ausreichende erste elektrische Leistung für den Ladevorgang aktuell erzeugt wird und für den Ladevorgang zur Verfügung steht und ansonsten wird ...

07-10-2011 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum sicheren Betrieb einer Ladestation mit Rückspeisung

Номер: DE202011004515U1

Vorrichtung zum sicheren Betrieb einer Ladestation mit Rückspeisung für Elektrofahrzeuge, mit elektrischen Schutz- und Überwachungseinrichtungen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Schutzeinrichtungen als fahrzeugbezogene (36, 38) und ladestationbezogeungen ausgebildet sind und für unterschiedliche Betriebsarten einschließlich der Rückspeisung ausgelegt sind.

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Gerät und Verfahren für das Vorkonditionieren eines Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE102014225750A1

Ein Gerät für das Vorkonditionieren eines Fahrzeugs weist auf: eine Batterie in dem Fahrzeug, welche konfiguriert ist, elektrische Leistung zu speichern und zu liefern; ein Funk-Leistungsempfangsglied, welches konfiguriert ist, elektrische Leistung drahtlos von einer externen Leistungsliefereinrichtung zu empfangen; ein Leistungssteuerglied, welches konfiguriert ist, die an dem Funk-Leistungsempfänger empfangene elektrische Leistung an die Batterie zu übertragen und das Laden und das Entladen der Batterie zu steuern; und ein Vorkonditionierglied, welches an die Batterie angeschlossen ist und konfiguriert ist, eine Einrichtung vorzukonditionieren, welche betrieben werden muss, bevor das Fahrzeug betrieben wird, durch das Benutzen einer Außenbord-Energie der Batterie.

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020201021A1

Eine Steuerungsvorrichtung eines Fahrzeugs (1) enthält einen Eingangs- und Ausgangsport, der ausgelegt ist, Signale, die zwischen dem Fahrzeug (1) und einer Ladeeinrichtung (2, 8) übertragen und empfangen werden, zu empfangen und auszugeben, und eine elektronische Steuerungseinheit (10), die ausgelegt ist, das Übertragen und Empfangen der Signale durch den Eingangs- und Ausgangsport entsprechend einer Kommunikationsfolge zu steuern, die definiert ist, um eine elektrische Energiespeichervorrichtung (14) zu laden. Die Kommunikationsfolge definiert, dass das Fahrzeug (1) mit der Kommunikationsfolge fortschreitet, auf der Grundlage eines Inhaltes, der durch das Signal repräsentiert wird, das durch das Fahrzeug (1) von der Ladeeinrichtung (2, 8) empfangen wird. Die elektronische Steuerungseinheit (10) ist ausgelegt, mit der Kommunikationsfolge unabhängig von dem Inhalt fortzuschreiten, der durch ein vorbestimmtes spezielles Signal repräsentiert wird, wenn das Signal, das von der Ladeeinrichtung ...

05-06-2019 дата публикации

Ladestation zum Laden eines elektrisch angetriebenen oder antreibbaren Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE202018101667U1
Принадлежит: BOB PATENT GMBH, BOB Patent GmbH

Ladestation (2) zum Laden eines elektrisch angetriebenen oder antreibbaren Kraftfahrzeugs (4), aufweisend- einen aus einem ein- oder mehrphasigen Versorgungsnetz (8) gespeisten Ladepunkt (10) zum Anschluss des Kraftfahrzeugs (4), und- einen Controller (24), welcher während eines Ladevorgangs, bei welchem das Kraftfahrzeug (4) mit einem aus dem Ladepunkt (10) entnommenen Ladestrom (IL) geladen wird, ein Netzparameter, insbesondere die Netzspannung (UN) und/oder die Netzfrequenz (fN), des Versorgungsnetzes (8) überwacht, und den Ladestrom (IL) anhand des Netzparameters (UN, fN) einstellt.

14-10-2021 дата публикации

Zentraler Server, diesen einschliessendes Registrierungssystem für Ladeeinrichtungen und Verfahren zur Registrierung von Ladeeinrichtungen

Номер: DE112012001681B4

Zentraler Server, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass er aufweist:einen Empfänger (12), welcher derart konfiguriert ist, dass dieser eine von einem zur externen Ladung geeigneten Elektrofahrzeug übertragene Positionsinformation sowie weitere Informationselemente empfängt, wobei die Positionsinformation sich auf eine Ladeeinrichtung bezieht, an der das Elektrofahrzeug geladen wurde;eine Verarbeitungseinheit (14), undeine Speichervorrichtung (16),wobei die Verarbeitungseinheit (14) derart konfiguriert ist, dass diese aus den Informationselementen einen Standard oder eine Spezifikation der Ladeeinrichtung feststellt, die der vom Empfänger (12) empfangenen Positionsinformation zugeordnet sind, und eine den Standard oder die Spezifikation der Ladeeinrichtung anzeigende Standard-/Spezifikationsinformation der Positionsinformation über die Ladeeinrichtung zuordnet und die zugeordnete Information in der Speichervorrichtung (16) speichert.

24-05-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren und System zum Laden eines Elektrofahrzeugs

Номер: DE102016121883A1

Verfahren (100) zum Positionieren eines Elektrofahrzeugs (103) bezüglich eines Ladepunktes (105), wobei das Verfahren (100) umfasst: Empfangen eines Signals des globalen Positionsbestimmungssystems am Fahrzeug (103); Empfangen eines Korrektursignals des globalen Positionsbestimmungssystems am Fahrzeug (103); Korrigieren des Signals des globalen Positionsbestimmungssystems mithilfe des Korrektursignals des globalen Positionsbestimmungssystems; Positionieren des Fahrzeugs (103) bezüglich des Ladepunktes (105) mithilfe des korrigierten Signals des globalen Positionsbestimmungssystems, so dass das Fahrzeug (103) vom Ladepunkt (105) geladen werden kann.

18-03-2020 дата публикации

Charging electric vehicles

Номер: GB0002577048A

The charging of electric vehicles (EVs) is managed by identifying a maximum level of power available at a charging station. Requests are received for charging power from vehicles connected to respective supply equipment at a notional charging power that represents the highest power level that the vehicle can receive. Power is selectively supplied to supply equipment (e.g. electric vehicle supply equipment, EVSE) and data of actual charging power supplied by a supply device is received by an energy management system. A record of the notional charging power is then modified to a value closer to the actual charging power. Each supply device may include: a recording device for recording a notional charging power; a power measuring device for measuring actual charging power; and an output device for supplying the data of actual charging power to the energy management system. The actual charging power values may be summed to determine a total power output. By comparing the sum of the actual charging ...

02-09-2020 дата публикации

Management device, apparatus electric power equipment management method, program, and storage medium

Номер: GB0202011053D0

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Method And A Device For Charging Electric Vehicles

Номер: US20120013301A1
Принадлежит: RWE AG

A method for charging electric vehicles through connecting an electric vehicle to a charging station for receiving electric energy. Different power supply offers can be selected particularly simple in that at least a state of charge of a battery and a desired duration of charge is determined in the vehicle, the energy required for fully charging the battery is determined in the vehicle, at least information concerning the required energy and the duration of charge is transmitted to the charging station by the vehicle and at least one power supply offer adapted to the information is received by the vehicle from the charging station which power supply offer has been determined from among a plurality of different power supply offers by means of the charging station using the information received.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Transaction system which combines vehicle battery charging with other services

Номер: US20120047036A1
Автор: Douglas ALLAN
Принадлежит: NCR Corp

A transaction system which combines vehicle battery charging with other services. The transaction system includes a vehicle battery charging system, a display, an input device, a payment peripheral, and a self-service computer for displaying choices for a battery charging service and at least one other service via the display, for recording a user selection of the battery charging service and the at least one other service via the input device, for obtaining payment for the battery charging service via the payment peripheral, for operating the vehicle battery charging system to apply charging current to a vehicle battery, and for facilitating completion of the at least one other service.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Charge display unit

Номер: US20120075090A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A charged-amount display part displays a battery charge rate of an entire battery pack according to kinds of charge sources. An example of displaying the battery charge rate in the form of a bar chart is shown. A speed display part displays a vehicle speed of a running electric vehicle. The running cost display part displays a running cost calculated based on consumed electric power of the battery.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for managing renewable energy services for fixed and mobile assets

Номер: US20120109798A1
Принадлежит: AES Corp

Methods and apparatus for managing energy services are disclosed. One method includes determining a quantity of the energy service realized during the connection event; identifying an account associated with the grid connection point; and adjusting the identified account based on the quantity determined. Another method includes receiving an indicator indicating an asset identifier or a grid connection point identifier; determining a location of the asset on the grid based on the indicator; determining operating conditions for realizing the energy service based on the determined location; sending the conditions; identifying an account associated with the point based on the indicator; and adjusting the account based on a quantity of energy services realized by the asset in accordance with the conditions. A computer readable medium includes instructions for determining a quantity of energy services realized during a connection event; identifying an account associated with a connection point; and adjusting the account.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Power control system, power control method, power control device and power control program

Номер: US20120112696A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

Disclosed are a power control system, a power control method, a power control device and a power control program, which can efficiently supply power to an electric device and charge an electric vehicle. A power control device ( 16 ) has: a second communication unit ( 14 ) that receives charge information pertaining to charging of an on-board battery ( 23 ) from an electric car ( 2 ) prior to the arrival of the electric car ( 2 ) at a location where power is supplied to the electric car ( 2 ); and a control determination unit ( 11 ) that determines a power supply start time of supplying power to an electric water heater ( 1 ) and a charging start time of charging the on-board battery ( 23 ), on the basis of the charge information, such that the supply of power to the electric water heater ( 1 ) and the charging of the on-board battery ( 23 ) are completed by a predetermined time.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Power supply control method, a power mangement method, and a power system

Номер: US20120166012A1

A power supply control method, a power management method, and a power system are provided. The power supply control method according to an aspect of the present invention includes: receiving information on a position and a battery of a vehicle; and supplying power to a charging station in the predetermined range of the position of the vehicle to be able to charge the battery of the vehicle based on the information on the position and the battery.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and Device for Identifying an Electric Vehicle to a Billing Centre

Номер: US20120169282A1
Принадлежит: RWE AG

Method, device and system for charging electric vehicles. Carrying out 28 on the vehicle side a charging process at a charging station, emitting 30 on the vehicle side an item of information about the charging process and receiving 24 on the vehicle side a current contract key after the emission on the vehicle side of the information about the charging process are proposed for identifying an electric vehicle to a billing centre.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Automatic charging station for electric vehicles and charging method thereof

Номер: US20120185379A1
Автор: Yu-Ta Tu
Принадлежит: Individual

The charging station of the invention employs an RFID system to read out charging conditions of the electric vehicle to be charged. The charging conditions are sent to a console. The console controls an automatic charging mechanism to charge the electric vehicle to be charged according to the charging conditions. The automatic charging mechanism automatically detects the location of the charging port of the electric vehicle to be charged and controls a robot hand to connect the charging port. An automatic payment mechanism may be activated after charge has been completed.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Prepaid virtual card

Номер: US20120191517A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for issuing a virtual financial instrument is disclosed, the method comprising receiving user identification information, receiving balance information, generating a financial instrument having a balance indicated by the balance information for a user indicated by the identification information, and providing a notification to the user that the financial instrument has been generated.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for payment of charges associated with charging an electric vehicle

Номер: US20120191600A1
Автор: John Christopher Boot
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Embodiments of the invention described herein use micropayments to make the payment for electrical consumption used to charge an EV. In one aspect, a mobile device such as a cellular telephone (“cell phone”) is used to make the payments. In one aspect, a method of payment for charges associated with charging an electric vehicle is described. This embodiment of a method comprises receiving electrical consumption information related to charging an electric vehicle at a charging station. The electrical consumption information is associated with a mobile device number. The electrical consumption information is authenticated. The cost for the authenticated electrical consumption information is included on an invoice for mobile device usage associated with the mobile device number.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Solar cell, module, array, network, and power grid

Номер: US20120204925A1
Автор: Robert Lyden
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention teaches a solar cell, a solar module, a solar array, a network of solar arrays, and also a solar power grid suitable for providing power for industrial, residential and transportation use. A solar cell or solar module including a plurality of solar cells can be made in a structure configured to have the appearance of natural foliage. Accordingly, a solar array including a plurality of solar modules each including at least one solar cell can be made to resemble a palm tree, a deciduous tree, an evergreen tree, or other type of natural foliage. A network of solar arrays can be made to resemble a row or grove of palm trees, and thus meet the functional and aesthetic demands of landscape architecture. The network of solar arrays can extend for many miles alongside roads, highways, railways, pipelines, or canals, and can further include means for storing and transmitting electric power. In particular, a network of solar arrays can be in communication with recharging stations for use by electric and hybrid transportation vehicles. Accordingly, a network of solar arrays can form at least a portion of a solar power grid.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Electric vehicle charging interface

Номер: US20120217928A1
Принадлежит: Juice Technologies LLC

An electric vehicle charging connection (EVCC) includes metering logic within a socket that supplies electricity to a plug-in cord, and metering logic within a handle of the plug-in cord. The handle and socket compare metering information from the metering logic, and electrical flow from the socket is disabled based on results of the comparison.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Methods and systems for charging an electric vehicle

Номер: US20120229082A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An electric vehicle charging system is described. The electric vehicle charging system includes a plurality of electric vehicle charging apparatus coupled to, and configured to receive electric power from, a distribution transformer. The electric vehicle charging system also includes a central processing device configured to control operation of the plurality of electric vehicle charging apparatus.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

System and method for use in charging an electrically powered vehicle

Номер: US20120239571A1
Автор: John Christopher Boot
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method for use in operating a vehicle charging device based on an identifier provided to the charging device by a wireless transmission device. A registration device receives a first signal indicating a transmitter identifier from a wireless transmission device and an account identifier. The transmitter identifier is associated with the account identifier by the registration device. A second signal indicating the transmitter identifier is received from the wireless transmission device at a charging device. The charging device determines whether the account identifier associated with the received transmitter identifier is associated with an authorized account and provides electrical energy to a vehicle when the account identifier is associated with an authorized account. A financial transaction may be initiated against a payment account associated with the transmitter identifier based on the quantity of electrical energy provided.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for providing demand response information

Номер: US20120239594A1
Автор: John Christopher Boot
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method for providing demand response information to a user of an electric vehicle is provided. The method includes receiving demand response data. A plurality of energy prices based on the demand response data is then generated by a processor, wherein each energy price is associated with a time range. The plurality of energy prices are then presented to a user of the electric vehicle.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Charging device for use with electric vehicles and methods of assembling same

Номер: US20120265362A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A charging device for use with an electric vehicle including a power storage device includes a power delivery system configured to deliver power to the power storage device. The charging device also includes a controller coupled to the power delivery system. The controller is configured to determine that an initialization process has completed after the charging device has experienced a loss of power and enable the power delivery system to deliver power to the power storage device at a defined start time and after the initialization process has completed.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Real time system and method for optimizing and managing a load in an electrical grid

Номер: US20120268061A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A system and a method are provided for optimizing and managing a load in an electrical grid. The method includes receiving an event notification associated with a mobile device requiring a charge and determining charging station information of at least one charging station in an electrical grid based on the event notification, the at least one charging station operable to charge the mobile device. The charging station information of the at least one charging station is sent to a user of the mobile device.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for authorizing the charging of an electric vehicle's batteries from a central location based on biometric identity information

Номер: US20120268245A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Embodiments of the invention described herein use biometric information for authorizing charging an electric vehicle's (EV's) batteries using one of a plurality of electric vehicle charging stations (EVCSs) that are operably connected with a master station. In one aspect, a method of authorizing charging an EV's batteries using an EVCS is described. This embodiment of a method comprises storing, in a database, biometric identity information for one or more individuals; receiving, from a biometric information input device located in a master station, input biometric identity information for a user; wherein the biometric information input device is associated with a plurality of electric vehicle charging stations (EVCSs); searching the database, using a processor, for biometric identity information for the one or more individuals that substantially match the input biometric identity information for the user; and authorizing the user to charge an electric vehicle's (EV's) batteries using the EVCS using one of the plurality of EVCS if the input biometric identity information for the user substantially matches biometric identity information for at least one of the one or more individuals in the database.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for authorizing the charging of an electric vehicle's batteries based on biometric identity information

Номер: US20120268247A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Embodiments of the invention described herein use biometric information for authorizing charging an electric vehicle's (EV's) batteries using an electric vehicle charging station (EVCS). In one aspect, a method of authorizing charging an EV's batteries using an EVCS is described. This embodiment of a method comprises storing, in a database, biometric identity information for one or more individuals; receiving, from a biometric information input device associated with an electric vehicle charging station (EVCS), input biometric identity information for a user; searching the database, using a processor, for biometric identity information for the one or more individuals that substantially match the input biometric identity information for the user; and authorizing the user to charge an electric vehicle's (EV's) batteries using the EVCS if the input biometric identity information for the user substantially matches biometric identity information for at least one of the one or more individuals in the database.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Electrical distribution network improvement for plug-in electric vehicles

Номер: US20120271437A1
Принадлежит: Accenture Global Services Ltd

Electrical distribution network (EDN) improvement method for plug-in electric vehicles receives and stores in a database EDN configuration information, demography information and load information for simulating load of the EDN assets. The method dynamically updates the EDN configuration, demography information and/or load information to provide an efficient and customizable method of simulating a PEV load impact on an EDN configuration and apply improvements to the EDN in real time.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for generating energy prices

Номер: US20120303553A1
Автор: Ryan Marc Lafrance
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A computing device for use with a charging station is provided. The computing device includes an interface that is configured to receive demand response data for the charging station. Moreover, the computing device includes a processor that is coupled to the interface and that is programmed to generate a plurality of energy prices based on the demand response data, wherein each energy price is associated with a time range. The computing device also includes a presentation interface that is coupled to the processor for use in presenting the plurality of energy prices to a user of the charging station.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Charging device and methods of authorizing a charging request

Номер: US20120310433A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A charging device includes a power delivery system configured to supply power to at least one load coupled to the charging device. The charging device also includes a processor coupled to the power delivery system, and the processor is programmed to transmit a charging request to a remote device. The charging request includes an amount of power requested to be supplied to the at least one load. The processor is programmed to receive data related to a loading of a power distribution device, wherein the power distribution device is configured to supply power to the charging device. The processor is further programmed to selectively activate the power delivery system to supply power to the at least one load based on the data received.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Electrical charging system having energy coupling arrangement for wireless energy transmission therebetween

Номер: US20130015812A1
Принадлежит: Delphi Technologies Inc

An electrical charging system (ECS) to electrically charge a battery includes a power transmitter, an energy coupling arrangement, at least one electrical signal shaping device (ESSD) including a controller, and an alignment means. The arrangement includes a first transducer disposed external to the vehicle and a second transducer attached with the vehicle. The alignment means communicates with the vehicle to ensure repeatable vehicle positioning so that the second transducer is positioned relative to the first transducer so that the second transducer receives the energy produced by the power transmitter wirelessly transmitted from the first transducer. The energy received by the second transducer is electrically shaped by the ESSD and further electrically transmitted through the ESSD as controlled by the controller to electrically charge the ESD. Methods to operate and electrically transmit energy through the ECS to electrically charge the EDS are also presented.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Frequency based electric vehicle charge controller system and method for implementing demand response and regulation services to power grid using frequency detection

Номер: US20130033234A1
Автор: Vladimir Koritarov
Принадлежит: UChicago Argonne LLC

Frequency responsive charging for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) and battery electric vehicles (BEV), a frequency sensing charging system and a method are provided for implementing demand response and regulation services to power grid using frequency detection for a frequency-based charge controller for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) and battery electric vehicles (BEV). A frequency of the power grid is continuously monitored and compared to a predefined tolerance band by a frequency sensor. Responsive to the frequency being outside the predefined tolerance band, the frequency is applied to a programmable logic controller. The programmable logic controller uses the applied frequency to identify a control action. A charge controller and a switch coupled to a battery charger receive respective identified control actions for controlling the battery charger.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle charging stations and methods for use in charging an electrically powered vehicle

Номер: US20130038284A1
Автор: Ryan Marc Lafrance
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Vehicle charging stations and methods for use in charging an electrically powered vehicle are disclosed. One example vehicle charging station includes a power source and a charging device coupled to the power source. The charging device is configured to control a charging process between the power source and an electrically powered vehicle, transmit, via at least one network, a first electronic message to a user, and receive, via the at least one network, a second electronic message from the user. The first electronic message includes at least one condition related to at least one of the charging process and the electrically power vehicle. The second electronic message includes a user command related to the at least one condition.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle controllers and methods for use in charging an electrically powered vehicle

Номер: US20130041531A1
Автор: Ryan Marc Lafrance
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Methods and vehicle controllers for use in charging an electrically powered vehicle are disclosed. One example vehicle controller includes a memory device configured to store a user-profile and a processor electrically coupled to the memory device. The processor is programmed to detect a vehicle charging station, retrieve the user profile from the memory device, and communicate the user profile to the vehicle charging station. The user profile includes billing information.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Method of Operating a Multiport Vehicle Charging System

Номер: US20130057210A1
Принадлежит: Tesla Motor Inc

A method of distributing charging power among a plurality of charge ports of a battery charging station is provided, where the battery charging station includes a plurality of power stages where each power stage includes an AC to DC converter and provides a portion of the charging station's maximum available charging power, the method comprising the steps of (i) monitoring battery charging station conditions and operating conditions for each charging port; (ii) determining current battery charging station conditions, including current operating conditions for each charging port; (iii) determining power distribution for the battery charging station and the charging ports in response to the current battery charging conditions and in accordance with a predefined set of power distribution rules; and (iv) coupling the power stages to the charging ports in accordance with the power distribution.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Plug-In Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment with Indicators

Номер: US20130063075A1
Принадлежит: Service Solution US LLC

A system for connecting an electric vehicle to a high voltage power source. The system including electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) having an electrical plug compatible with a high voltage power outlet, the plug connected to a power cord. The power cord is connected to a housing containing a number of electrical components configured to control the power flow to an electric vehicle to recharge the vehicle's batteries. The housing includes a plurality of light emitting diodes configured to indicate a status of the EVSE. The LEDs can flash, illuminate a solid color, not illuminate a solid color or a combination thereof.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Electric power information management apparatus, electric power information management system, and electric power information management method

Номер: US20130067253A1
Автор: Yoshiaki Tsuda
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

An electric power information management apparatus includes a power meter that measures electric power data on electric power to be supplied from a storage battery of a vehicle to an electric power facility; a security module that associates and encrypts identification information corresponding to the vehicle and the measured electric power data; a communication device that transmits to an electric power management database the identification information corresponding to the vehicle and the electric power data encrypted by the security module to store the electric power data associated with the identification information in the electric power management database; and an electric power control device that extracts necessary electric power from the electric power facility and supplies the electric power to the storage battery of the vehicle corresponding to the identification information, based on the electric power data stored in the electric power management database, being associated with the identification information.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

System for advertising and communicating at a vehicle charging station and method of using the same

Номер: US20130124320A1
Автор: Donald B. Karner

In some embodiments, a system for advertising and communicating at a vehicle charging station and method of using the same as disclosed herein. Other embodiments of related systems and methods are also disclosed.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for co-operative charging of electric vehicles

Номер: US20130141043A1
Автор: John Rossi
Принадлежит: John Rossi

A method and system provide for the cooperative charging of electric vehicles. By using power line communications, chargers of the electric vehicles who are serviced by the same distribution transformer can form self-contained local area networks due to the nature of power line communications (PLCs). Alternatively, or in addition to the PLCs, other communication networks, such as the Internet and local area networks, may be used as part of the communications infrastructure for the chargers. After the chargers of the electric vehicles are coupled to one another through power line communications or traditional communications networks, they can form a logical token ring network. According to this token ring network, a predetermined number of tokens can be assigned within the token ring network for permitting chargers with tokens to charge respective electric vehicles while chargers without tokens must wait until they receive a token to initiate charging.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Power supply and demand leveling system

Номер: US20130184882A1

The invention judges a total power supply/demand condition of the electricity consumers 2 as a whole according to an individual power supply/demand condition of electricity consumers 2 , judges a total usable capacity of all batteries 17 according to a usable capacity of the batteries 17 of electric vehicles 10 parked at electricity consumers 2 , obtains required charge/discharge amounts of all the batteries 17 according to a result of comparison of the total power supply/demand condition of the electricity consumers 2 as a whole with the total usable capacity of all the batteries 17 , subjects the batteries 17 to charge/discharge controls according to the required charge/discharge amounts, the power supply/demand conditions of the electricity consumers 2 , and the usable capacities of the batteries.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Wireless energy transfer resonator kit

Номер: US20130200716A1
Принадлежит: WiTricity Corp

Described herein are improved capabilities for a source resonator having a Q-factor Q 1 >100 and a characteristic size x 1 coupled to an energy source, and a second resonator having a Q-factor Q 2 >100 and a characteristic size x 2 coupled to an energy drain located a distance D from the source resonator, where the source resonator and the second resonator are coupled to exchange energy wirelessly among the source resonator and the second resonator.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Electric vehicle power management systems

Номер: US20130217409A1
Принадлежит: Gridpoint Inc

A system that enables power flow management for electrical devices, such as electric vehicles. Power flow managers can coordinate charging activities. Power flow decisions may be based on site-level information. Power flow management strategies may be optimized. Power spikes may be avoided by using safe failure modes. Generation stacks may be used for reducing cost. AGC commands are used to control power resources. Power regulation are apportioned to power resources, and power regulation ranges may be determined. Power flow strategies are implemented in response to changes in intermittent power flow. Locations of devices may be determined using network fingerprints. Power flow measurements are determined, and AC power flows are inferred from DC power flows. Network traffic consumption are minimized. Communication protocols are translated. Enhanced vehicle communications are provided that communicate to vehicle subsystems, that arbitrate smart charge points, and that use existing hardware, non-specific hardware, or control extensibility systems.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Power monitoring system and electric vehicle

Номер: US20130311017A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A power monitoring system includes an in-vehicle system that monitors a power state of a storage battery of an electric vehicle, and an out-of-vehicle system that is mounted on an out-of-vehicle apparatus and monitors power supply to the electric vehicle. The electric vehicle includes a first power feed port for supplying and receiving AC power to and from the out-of-vehicle apparatus, and a second power feed port for supplying and receiving DC power to and from the out-of-vehicle apparatus. The in-vehicle system includes first power feed port power measurement means for measuring a first amount of fed power supplied from the out-of-vehicle apparatus via the first power feed port, second power feed port power measurement means for measuring a second amount of fed power supplied from the out-of-vehicle apparatus via the second power feed port, vehicle side communication means, storage battery power measurement means, and a monitoring section.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Power line communication system and method

Номер: US20130336414A1
Автор: Michael T. Burk

Exemplary embodiments of the present invention relate to a power line communication (PLC) system. For example, the PLC system may include a PLC server configured to provide electrical power and electronic communications through a PLC bus to a number of electronic devices, such as an instrument cluster, infotainment interface, rear-seat entertainment console, aftermarket accessories, and the like. The PLC system may also include a power system that may be coupled to an electrical grid for charging a battery associated with one or more of the electronic devices. The power system may be communicatively coupled to the PLC bus, enabling the devices coupled to the PLC bus to communicate with a service provider through the electrical grid. The communications between the devices coupled to the PLC bus and remote devices coupled through the electrical grid may be conducted using a common communication protocol.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus, method and article for providing vehicle diagnostic data

Номер: US20140012462A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A network of collection, charging and distribution machines collects, charges and distributes portable electrical energy storage devices (e.g., batteries, supercapacitors or ultracapacitors). Vehicle diagnostic data of a vehicle using the portable electrical energy storage device is stored on a diagnostic data storage system of the portable electrical energy storage device during use of a respective portable electrical energy storage device by a respective vehicle. Once the user places the portable electrical energy storage device in the collection, charging and distribution machine, or comes within wireless communications range of a collection, charging and distribution machine, a connection is established between the collection, charging and distribution machine and the portable electrical energy storage device. The collection, charging and distribution machine then reads vehicle diagnostic data stored on the diagnostic data storage system of the portable electrical energy storage device and provides information regarding the diagnostic data.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle battery charging system and method

Номер: US20140021913A1

In at least one embodiment, a vehicle includes a battery and an inductive charge plate electrically connected with the battery. The vehicle further includes at least one controller configured to, in response to detecting an authenticated charge system, cause an initiation signal to be transmitted such that the charge system initiates charging of the battery via the charge plate and cause an association signal to be intermittently or continuously transmitted such that charging of the battery via the charge plate is maintained.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Selective communication based on distance from a plurality of electric vehicle wireless charging stations in a facility

Номер: US20140035526A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Systems, methods, and apparatus are disclosed for charging a vehicle in a wireless power transfer system. In one aspect, a method of charging a vehicle is provided, including determining distances between the vehicle and each of a plurality of charging stations. The method further includes selectively communicating, based on the distances, with a first charging station of the plurality of charging stations.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Charging device and charging method

Номер: US20140042968A1
Автор: Yoshihiko Hiroe
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A charging device for charging a battery ( 10 ) by an external power supply ( 2 ) includes a temperature sensor ( 46 ) for detecting the temperature of the battery, a charger ( 4 ) receiving electric power from the external power supply to charge the battery, and a control device ( 50 ) controlling the charger such that the battery is charged at a charging rate determined based on the temperature difference between a charging/discharging limitation start temperature and the battery temperature. Preferably, the control device ( 50 ) determines the charging rate based on the difference between the amount of charge corresponding to full charge of the battery ( 10 ) and the current remaining amount of charge, and the temperature difference. Preferably, the vehicle ( 100 ) on which the battery ( 10 ) is mounted repeatedly carries out charging and vehicle-running. The control device ( 50 ) determines the charging rate according to the temperature increase expected amount when the vehicle runs next time.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001733A1

The invention relates to a device for generating a magnetic field, in particular for a primary apparatus of an inductive charging system, as well as to a primary apparatus of an inductive charging system for the contactless, inductive power transfer to transport means. With the objective of continually generating a magnetic field along a specific traveling direction, the device is provided with at least one electrical conductor for generating the magnetic field, a supply unit for generating an alternating current for the at least one electrical conductor, and a detection unit for detecting a secondary charging system. This device is characterized by a communication unit for transmitting and receiving data to/from an identical device, wherein the device is designed to control the signal control unit by means of the detection unit and/or by means of the received data, and hence the generation of the magnetic field for inductive power transfer. With respect to the primary apparatus, the latter has a plurality of interconnected devices for generating a magnetic field, wherein the devices have a plurality of electrical conductors for generating a magnetic field. In addition, the arrangement and actuation of electrical conductors of the devices are designed in such a way that a predetermined magnetic field can be generated by a portion of the electrical conductors, and this magnetic field can be displaced by correspondingly actuating the electrical conductors with a static motion. 2. The device according to claim 1 ,whereinthe communication unit is designed to transmit and receive the data in a wireless and/or corded manner, and wherein detection unit is designed to identify the secondary charging system, in particular its kind and type, and generate the mentioned data based on an identified secondary charging system.3. The device according to claim 1 ,whereinthe device is designed to be supplied with a direct current, and wherein the supply unit, in particular with a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Electric vehicle charging method

Номер: US20210001735A1
Принадлежит: Cyberswitchingpatents LLC

A method of charging one or more electric vehicles (EVs) includes receiving a voltage over a dedicated circuit from an electric power supply. A charging current is generated using the voltage and directed to a first output connection if a first EV is connected to a head that is connected to the first output connection. The charging current to the first one of the output connections is stopped, then directed to a second output connection if a second EV is connected to a head coupled to the second output connection.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Power receiving and feeding apparatus

Номер: US20210001740A1
Автор: Kei Machida
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A power receiving and feeding apparatus is provided which includes a connector coupled to a power receiving and feeding outlet of an electric motor vehicle, a connector moving unit that moves the connector in a lateral direction and a vertical direction, and a position determination unit that determines a position of the power receiving and feeding outlet of the electric motor vehicle based on a position information of the electric motor vehicle and a vehicle information of the electric motor vehicle. The connector moving unit is caused to move the connector at a position higher than a predetermined height in the lateral direction and then in the vertical direction to align the connector to the position of the power receiving and feeding outlet so as to couple the connector to the power receiving and feeding outlet.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001742A1

A charging device and a control method are provided. The charging device may include: a battery; a solar panel; a socket electrically connected to a power system; a first connector electrically connected to the vehicle; a transceiver configured to communicate with the power system and the vehicle; a power supply circuit electrically connected to the battery, the solar panel, the socket and the first connector; and a controller configured to control the power supply circuit to supply power that is supplied from at least one of the battery or the solar panel to at least one of the power system or the vehicle when a request for power is received from the power system and the vehicle. 1. A charging device , comprising:a battery;a solar panel;a socket electrically connected to a power system;a first connector electrically connected to a vehicle;a transceiver configured to communicate with the power system and the vehicle;a power supply circuit electrically connected to the battery, the solar panel, the socket and the first connector; anda controller configured to control the power supply circuit to supply power that is supplied from at least one of the battery or the solar panel to at least one of the power system or the vehicle when a request for power is received from the power system and the vehicle.2. The charging device of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to:control the power supply circuit to supply power that is supplied from at least one of the battery or the solar panel to both the power system and the vehicle when the request for power is received from the power system and the vehicle.3. The charging device of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to:control the power supply circuit to maintain a sum of a current of power supplied to the power system and a current of power supplied to the vehicle at a predetermined value.4. The charging device of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to:control the power supply circuit to supply ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001743A1
Автор: Rauner Thomas

A method and apparatus () are provided for charging a vehicle battery (). The apparatus () includes a controller () designed to influence a charging process of the vehicle battery (). The apparatus () further has a switching device () to transmit a signal to the controller () in response to operation of the switching device () by a user. The controller () is designed to influence the vehicle battery () before the charging process in response to receiving the signal depending on at least one desired state for the charging process. 1. An apparatus for charging a vehicle battery by a controller that is designed to influence a charging process of the vehicle battery , the apparatus comprises a switching device that is designed to transmit a signal to the controller in response to operation of the switching device by a user , the controller is designed to influence the vehicle battery before the charging process in response to receiving the signal depending on at least one desired state for the charging process.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the switching device is a tactile user interface arranged in a vehicle as a pushbutton.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller is designed to determine and/or prespecify a boundary condition for the charging process as a desired state.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller is designed to influence a temperature of the vehicle battery before the charging process by battery pulsing depending on the desired state.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller is designed to determine and/or to output an anticipated charging time for a human/machine interface.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the controller is designed to determine and/or to output a quantity of energy that can be recharged in the charging time and/or a range that can be achieved with the quantity of energy.7. A method for charging a vehicle battery claim 5 , comprising: receiving a signal at a controller from a switching ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Battery management system

Номер: US20210001744A1
Автор: Daisuke Suzuki
Принадлежит: RESC Ltd

Provided is a battery management system of an electric vehicle suitable for a sharing service. A battery management system 100 includes: an electric vehicle 2 capable of travelling by driving a motor with an exchangeable battery 1; a battery station 3 capable of charging the battery 1 by adjusting a charging speed; and a management server 4 connected to the electric vehicle 2 and the battery station 3 through a communication network. The management server 4 quantitatively evaluates exchangeability of the battery 1 stored in the battery station 3, on the basis of at least a position of the electric vehicle 2 and a battery remaining amount of the battery 1 mounted on the electric vehicle 2, determines the charging speed of the battery 1 of the battery station 3, on the basis of an evaluation value of the exchangeability of the battery 1, and transmits control information relevant to the determined charging speed, to the battery station 3.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001746A1

A battery management system for a vehicle, a battery management method thereof and a vehicle including the same, which can vary a state of charge (SOC) of a battery in accordance with a location of a recharging station are disclosed. The battery management system includes: a position information acquisition unit for acquiring position information of a recharging station and the vehicle; a storage for storing a hilly area recharging station list comprising position information of hilly area recharging stations and learned full SOC values; and a controller for controlling the position information acquisition unit and the storage. The controller checks whether a recharging station where recharging of the vehicle is executed is a hilly area recharging station, and restricts a full SOC in order to avoid restriction of regenerative braking according to downhill road travel, thereby enhancing fuel economy and safety. 1. A battery management system for a vehicle , comprising:a position information acquisition unit configured to acquire position information of a recharging station and the vehicle;a storage configured to store a hilly area recharging station list comprising position information of hilly area recharging stations and learned full state of charge (SOC) values; anda controller configured to control the position information acquisition unit and the storage,wherein the controller is configured to:control the position information acquisition unit upon receiving a battery recharging request to acquire position information of a current recharging station,check whether or not the current recharging station is on the hilly area recharging station list, based on the acquired position information of the current recharging station,check whether or not there is a learned full SOC value corresponding to the current recharging station when the current recharging station is on the hilly area recharging station list,execute battery recharging in the current recharging station ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Matrix-type flexible charging pile and a charging method capable of dynamically allocating power

Номер: US20180001780A1

A matrix-type flexible charging pile and a charging method capable of dynamically allocating power are disclosed in the present invention, and the method comprises the steps of: S1, connecting each charging terminal to a corresponding electric vehicle; S2, receiving a charging power demand of the electric vehicle and comparing the charging power demand; S3, calculating the number of charging modules required to be additionally allocated to the present DC-bus and delivering it to a matrix controller; and S4, allocating the required number of charging modules in a dynamic power region to the corresponding DC bus and switching the module communication line to a corresponding communication bus synchronously. The implementation of the charging method capable of dynamically allocating power can satisfy the electric vehicle charging demands for different energy storage capacities and different charging rates, as well as improve the conversion efficiency and the utilization rate of the charging device further.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001736A1

A vehicle non-use state recognition unit recognizes that an electric vehicle is in non-use state. A battery remaining amount recognition unit recognizes a remaining amount of a battery loaded into the electric vehicle. A battery maintenance request unit transmits, when the vehicle non-use state recognition unit recognizes that the electric vehicle is in non-use state, remaining amount recovery request information for requesting to recover the remaining amount of the battery to a maintenance server which receives a maintenance of the battery when the battery remaining amount recognition unit recognizes that the remaining amount of the battery is a first predetermined value or less. 1. An electric vehicle support system comprising:a vehicle non-use state recognition unit which recognizes that an electric vehicle is in non-use state;a battery remaining amount recognition unit which recognizes a remaining amount of a battery loaded into the electric vehicle; anda battery maintenance request unit which transmits, when the vehicle non-use state recognition unit recognizes that the electric vehicle is in non-use state, remaining amount recovery request information for requesting to recover the remaining amount of the battery to a maintenance reception communication terminal which receives a maintenance of the battery when the battery remaining amount recognition unit recognizes that the remaining amount of the battery is a first predetermined value or less.2. The electric vehicle support system according to claim 1 , wherein the battery maintenance request unit transmits an electronic key which enables an operation of the electric vehicle to the maintenance reception communication terminal when transmitting the remaining amount recovery request information to the maintenance reception communication terminal.3. The electric vehicle support system according to claim 2 , further comprisingan electronic key use recognition unit which recognizes that the electric vehicle is in ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220005090A1

A car sharing fee system for calculating a car sharing fee for an electric vehicle is provided. In the car sharing fee system, the car sharing fee is discounted when the electric vehicle is recharged by a user. A discount is designed to motivate the user to recharge an on-board battery. 1. A car sharing fee system for calculating a car sharing fee of an electric vehicle , whereinthe car sharing fee system is configured to discount the car sharing fee when the electric vehicle is recharged by a user.2. The car sharing fee system according to claim 1 , comprising:a recharging operation storage configured to store at least one of an amount of recharged electricity and a length of recharging time, whereinthe car sharing fee system is configured to discount the car sharing fee based on the at least one of the amount of recharged electricity and the length of recharging time.3. The car sharing fee system according to claim 2 , further comprising:a travel distance storage configured to store a travel distance; anda recharged amount calculator configured to estimate from the travel distance a present state of charge that is expected to be found when no recharging operation is performed, and calculate the amount of recharged electricity from a difference between the expected present state of charge and an actual state of charge, whereinthe car sharing fee system is configured to discount the car sharing fee based on the calculated amount of recharged electricity.4. The car sharing fee system according to claim 1 , whereinthe car sharing fee system is configured to discount the car sharing fee when a state of charge found at return of the electric vehicle is in a predetermined range.5. The car sharing fee system according to claim 1 , whereinthe car sharing fee system is configured to discount the car sharing fee when the electric vehicle is recharged to a predetermined state of charge.6. The car sharing fee system according to claim 1 , whereinthe car sharing fee system is ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220005289A1
Автор: EIMSTAD Olav, FURU Harald

A vehicle fee charging system and method is disclosed for a vehicle driving from a first point A to a second point B. It () comprises a central management system () adapted to calculate the fee based on a dataset. It comprises a first unit () adapted to record a first information data set () based on the vehicle type in question. The first information data set () comprises information such as fuel type, category of the vehicle and the authorization of the vehicle. The system () further comprises at least one base station/monitoring system () collecting second information dataset () of the selected route from A to B. The dataset comprises at least the first () and the second () data information set and said datasets are recorded by the central management system () configured to calculate a fee for 111.-. (canceled)12. A vehicle fee charging system for calculating a fee for a vehicle when driving from a first point A to a second point B the system comprises a central management system adapted to calculate the fee based on a dataset comprising:a first unit is adapted to record a first information data set based on the vehicle type in question, said first information data set comprises information such as fuel type, category of the vehicle and the authorization of the vehicle,the system further comprises at least one base station/monitoring system collecting second information dataset of the selected route from A to B,said dataset comprises at least the first and the second data information set and said dataset is recorded by the central management system configured to calculate a fee for said vehicle based on said information,wherein the base station is a traffic control and monitoring system and that it comprises at least one multiple intersections points on the route from A to B.13. The system of claim 12 , wherein the system further comprises a time registration unit for recording time data being time of day the vehicle is driving from A to B claim 12 , said time ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220009367A1
Автор: Kim Bugi, Lee Dongyoung

The disclosed technology generally relates to charging a secondary battery of an electric vehicle and more particularly to thermal management of the secondary battery associated with charging. In one aspect, a method of charging a battery of an electric vehicle includes determining that a battery temperature of a secondary battery is below a predetermined lower temperature limit suitable for charging the secondary battery at a high charging power greater than 18 kW. The method additionally includes externally applying, by contactless energy transfer means, electromagnetic energy to an energy conversion module of the electric vehicle. The method additionally includes converting the electromagnetic energy to heat and heating the secondary battery to a temperature above the lower temperature limit. The method further includes charging the secondary battery at the high charging power while maintaining the battery temperature between the lower temperature limit and an upper temperature limit at least in part by controlling a magnitude of the electromagnetic energy transferred by the contactless energy transfer means. Aspects further relate to an electric vehicle charging station, a powering system for an electric vehicle and an electric vehicle charging system. 1. A method of charging a battery of an electric vehicle , the method comprising:determining that a battery temperature of a secondary battery is below a predetermined lower temperature limit suitable for charging the secondary battery at a high charging power greater than about 18 kW;externally applying, by contactless energy transfer means, electromagnetic energy to the electric vehicle;converting the electromagnetic energy to heat and heating the secondary battery to a temperature above the lower temperature limit; andcharging the secondary battery at the high charging power while maintaining the battery temperature between the lower temperature limit and an upper temperature limit at least in part by ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Interactive Battery Charger for Electric Vehicle

Номер: US20220009370A1

The present invention relates to device for electrical Vehicle may be a Negative impact from the dominant use of petroleum-based transportation have propelled the world towards electrified transportation. With this thrust, several technological challenges are being encountered and addressed, one among that is that the development and convenience of fast-changing technologies. To vie with petroleum-based transportation, electrical vehicle (EV) battery charging times have to be compelled to decrease to the 5-10 min vary. The invention projected the look of a system to make and handle electrical Vehicles (EV) charging procedures, supported intelligent method. because of the power distribution network limitation and absence of sensible meter devices, electrical Vehicles charging ought to be performed in an exceedingly balanced manner, taking under consideration past expertise, weather info supported data processing, and simulation approaches. so as to permit info exchange and to assist user quality, it had been conjointly created a mobile application to help the heat unit driver on these processes. This fictional sensible electrical Vehicle Charging System uses Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology, so as to attach electrical Vehicles and conjointly renewable energy sources to sensible Grids (SG). this technique conjointly explores the new paradigm of Electrical Markets (EM), with release of electricity production and use, so as to get the simplest conditions for commercializing voltage. 1) An Interactive Battery Charger for Electric Vehicle , the vehicle comprising:a sensible grid Interface module, the module is going to be chargeable for the interaction with the electrical network;a User Manager module chargeable for registering the users and their EVs, permitting the recording and redaction of users knowledge, likewise because the removal of usersa profile manager module for storing a load profiles for every of the vehicles registered, wherein the user manager module ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003408A1
Автор: Nakamura Toru

A controller in a vehicle includes an obtaining unit that obtains facility information on a charging facility that can charge a power storage mounted on the vehicle, the facility information including position information and utility information in association with each other, the position information indicating a position of the charging facility, the utility information indicating an electric utility that manages the charging facility. The controller further includes at least one of a first notification unit and a second notification unit. The first notification unit causes a notification apparatus to give first information that indicates an electric utility, by using the facility information obtained by the obtaining unit. The second notification unit causes the notification apparatus to give second information that indicates a position of a charging facility, by using the facility information obtained by the obtaining unit. 1. A vehicle comprising:a power storage that stores electric power for traveling; anda controller that controls a notification apparatus that gives a notification to a user,the controller including an obtaining unit that obtains facility information on a charging facility that charges the power storage,the facility information including position information and utility information in association with each other, the position information indicating a position of the charging facility, the utility information indicating an electric utility that manages the charging facility, the first notification unit causing the notification apparatus to give first information by using the facility information obtained by the obtaining unit, the first information indicating an electric utility that manages the charging facility located at a prescribed position,', 'the second notification unit causing the notification apparatus to give second information by using the facility information obtained by the obtaining unit, the second information indicating a ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Information processor, information processing method, and non-temporary storage medium

Номер: US20220012648A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The present disclosure provides a technique of efficiently managing the reservation of company vehicles. An information processor according to the, present disclosure includes a controller configured to acquire information on the usage state and the due date and time of the company vehicle having been lent, calculate a preparation time from the due date and time to a state in which the company vehicle is available, based on the information on the usage state of the company vehicle, and set an available date and time when the company vehicle after being returned is available, based on the due date and time and the preparation time.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006969A1

A method is provided, which includes receiving, at a server, a request from a device to find one or more charge units for charging an electric vehicle at a geographic location. The method includes accessing, by the server, a first database to identify charge units that are associated with the geographic location. The method includes accessing, by the server, a second database to identify discounts available at the charge units identified to be associated with the geographic location. One of the identified discounts on one of the charge units is provided by a first merchant having a business location proximate to the one of the charge units. The method includes sending, by the server, data to the device that identifies one or more of the charge units that are associated with the geographic location, the data further including information regarding one or more discounts identified to be available at one or more of the identified charge units. 1. A method , comprising ,receiving, at a server, a request from a device to find one or more charge units for charging an electric vehicle at a geographic location;accessing, by the server, a first database to identify charge units that are associated with the geographic location;accessing, by the server, a second database to identify discounts available at the charge units identified to be associated with the geographic location, wherein one of the identified discounts on one of the charge units is provided by a first merchant having a business location proximate to the one of the charge units; andsending, by the server, data to the device that identifies one or more of the charge units that are associated with the geographic location, the data further including information regarding one or more discounts identified to be available at one or more of the identified charge units, wherein the method is executed by a processor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the discounts include discounts for goods or services offered by the ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024330A1
Автор: Books Martin T.
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc.

Systems and apparatuses include a vehicle controller and a mobile battery charging device. The vehicle controller is engaged with a vehicle that includes a battery charging port coupled to a vehicle battery system. The controller is configured to communicate information indicative of a state of charge of a battery of the vehicle over a network. The mobile a battery charging device includes a drive system configured to propel the battery charging device, a charging interface configured to engage the battery charging port of the vehicle, and a controller. The controller is configured to receive the information of the state of charge of the battery system of the vehicle, determine a position of the vehicle, and command the drive system to move the battery charging device to align the charging interface with the battery charging port of the vehicle to charge the battery system of the vehicle. 1. An apparatus comprising:a vehicle controller engaged with a vehicle having a battery charging port coupled to a battery system of the vehicle, the controller structured to communicate information indicative of a status of the battery system of the vehicle over a network; a drive system structured to propel the mobile battery charging device;', 'a charging interface structured to engage the battery charging port of the vehicle;', receive the information of the state of charge of the battery system of the vehicle;', 'determine a position of the vehicle; and', 'command the drive system to move the mobile battery charging device to engage the charging interface with the battery charging port of the vehicle to charge the battery system of the vehicle., 'a mobile battery charging device controller structured to], 'a mobile battery charging device comprising2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the status of the battery system includes one or more of a state of charge of the battery system claim 1 , an amount of charge required for the battery system to complete an upcoming mission ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Electric vehicle charging scheduling method and system based on cloud-edge collaboration

Номер: US20220024338A1
Принадлежит: Hefei University of Technology

The invention provided an electric vehicle charging scheduling method, apparatus and system based on cloud-edge collaboration, a storage medium and an electronic device. In the present invention, a charging request of an electric vehicle user is accepted and processed by an edge computing unit, and a target charging station for a to-be-charged electric vehicle is determined with a minimum traveling cost as a target, so that a data transmission distance is reduced, and the electric vehicle user is timely assisted in selecting the target charging station and completing a charging appointment. After the charging appointment is made, charging data is uploaded to a charging optimization scheduling model pre-trained by a cloud platform for obtaining an electric vehicle charging scheduling strategy, so that powerful cloud platform computing abilities and rapid response advantages of the edge computing unit are fully utilized, the problem of network congestion is avoided, and timeliness is improved.

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Drone system, drone, movable body, drone system control method, and drone system control program

Номер: US20220024588A1
Принадлежит: Nileworks Inc

There is provided a drone system in which a drone and a movable body operate in coordination with each other, the movable body being capable of moving with the drone aboard and allowing the drone to make a takeoff and a landing, the movable body including: a takeoff-landing area on which the drone can be placed and that serves as a takeoff-landing point from and on which the drone takes off and lands; a movement control section capable of moving the movable body together with the drone aboard; and a movable body transmission section that sends information on the movable body, the drone including: a flight control section that causes the drone to fly; and a drone reception section that receives information on the movable body, wherein the drone sends, to the movable body, a position of a takeoff-landing point at a time when the drone takes off.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008997A1
Автор: Marsolek John L.
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Paving Products Inc.

A method includes causing, with a controller, operation of a first compaction machine at a worksite based at least in part on a worksite plan. The method also includes determining, with the controller, a return path extending from a current location of the first machine to a charging zone located at the worksite, and determining, with the controller, a return power required for the first machine to traverse the return path. The method further includes causing, with the controller, the first machine to traverse the return path, from the current location to the charging zone, based on at least one of the return power and an amount of available power stored in an energy storage device of the first machine. 1. A method , comprising:receiving, with a controller, first information indicative of a paving plan associated with a worksite;receiving, with the controller, second information indicative of a perimeter of the worksite;generating, with the controller, a worksite plan based at least in part on the first information and the second information;causing, with the controller, operation of a first autonomous machine at the worksite based at least in part on the worksite plan;determining, with the controller, a return path extending from a current location of the first machine to a charging zone located at the worksite;determining, with the controller, a return power required for the first machine to traverse the return path; andcausing, with the controller, the first machine to traverse the return path, from the current location to the charging zone, based on at least one of the return power and an amount of available power stored in an energy storage device of the first machine.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first information comprises at least one of a desired stiffness of paving material being acted on by the first machine at the worksite claim 1 , and a desired number of passes of the first machine along a travel path at the worksite.3. The method of claim 1 , ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008998A1

The invention relates to a method for setting at least one communication parameter of a communication module () of a charging station (), used for communication, in particular wired communication, via an interface () of the charging station (). The invention addresses the problem of enabling the at least one communication parameter to be set in the simplest manner possible, with significant reliability and great security. It is proposed according to the invention that: —a calibration device () is coupled to the interface (), —authentication data is transmitted from the calibration device () to the communication module (), —a value for the at least one communication parameter is transmitted from the calibration device () to the communication module (), and —the at least one communication parameter is set by the communication module () depending on an evaluation of the authentication data by the communication module () according to the value transmitted. 1. A method for setting at least one communication parameter of a communication module of a charging station , wherein the communication module is used for communication via an interface of the charging station the method comprising:transmitting authentication data from a calibration device to the communication module, the calibration device coupled to the interface;transmitting a value for the at least one communication parameter from the calibration device to the communication module; andsetting the at least one communication parameter by the communication module on a basis of an evaluation of the authentication data by the communication module according to the transmitted value.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving by the calibration device a communication signal from the communication module; anddetermining by the calibration device the value for the at least one communication parameter on the basis of the received communication signal.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the communication signal ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009000A1

An electric vehicle includes a power receiver, a controller, an error detector, and a record processor. The power receiver wirelessly receives electric power from power transmission equipment disposed outside the vehicle. The controller controls the reception of the electric power via the power receiver. The error detector detects an error in power transmission from the power transmission equipment to the power receiver during the control of the reception of the electric power by the controller. The record processor records error history information regarding the error detected by the error detector and causes a data volume of the error history information retrievable from the record processor to be smaller when the error is due to a foreign object present between the power transmission equipment and the vehicle than when the error is not due to the foreign object. 1. An electric vehicle comprising:a power receiver configured to wirelessly receive electric power from power transmission equipment disposed outside the vehicle;a controller configured to control the reception of the electric power via the power receiver;an error detector configured to detect an error in power transmission from the power transmission equipment to the power receiver during the control of the reception of the electric power by the controller; and record error history information regarding the error detected by the error detector, and', 'cause a data volume of the error history information retrievable from the record processor when the error is due to a foreign object present between the power transmission equipment and the vehicle to be different from a data volume of the error history information retrievable from the record processor when the error is not due to the foreign object, the data volume of the error history information retrievable from the record processor when the error is due to the foreign object being smaller than the data volume of the error history information retrievable ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009001A1

A battery exchange method is implemented in a control device communicatively coupled to a work machine and a battery exchange device. The method includes receiving a battery exchange request from the work machine, calculating a synchronization location and a synchronization time of the work machine and the battery exchange device, generating pre-judgment information, sending the pre judgment information and a synchronization command to the battery exchange device to control the battery exchange device to move toward the work machine according to the pre-judgment information and the synchronization command, continually receiving the first status information from the work machine and second status information from the battery exchange device, determining whether synchronization of the work machine and the battery exchange device is complete, and sending a battery exchange command to the battery exchange device to control the battery exchange device to exchange the battery of the work machine. 1. A control device comprising:a communication unit communicatively coupled to at least one work machine and at least one battery exchange device;a processor; and receive a battery exchange request and first status information from the work machine and second status information from the at least one battery exchange device, the first status information comprising at least battery power information, location information, and a motion status of the work machine, the second status information comprising at least location information of the at least one battery exchange device;', 'calculate a synchronization location and a synchronization time of the work machine and the battery exchange device according to the first status information of the at least one work machine and generate pre judgment information, the pre-judgment information comprising at least the synchronization location and the synchronization time;', 'determine, according to the first status information and the second ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Charging Wait Time Calculation System and Method

Номер: US20190009683A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

Each time the charging of an electric vehicle is executed at a charging station, charging information is acquired which is information on a charged capacity by one charging or a time required for one charging, and identification information of the electric vehicle is acquired. Each charging time, the acquired charging information and the acquired identification information are stored in an information storage unit so that they are associated with each other. The identification information of an electric vehicle is acquired which is waiting for charging at a charging station as a calculation object for which a charging wait time is calculated. The charging information corresponding to the acquired identification information of the electric vehicle waiting for charging is extracted from the stored charging information. The charging wait time at the charging station as the calculation object is calculated on the basis of the extracted charging information.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009978A1
Автор: SHIN Chang Eui

Disclosed is a device for controlling one or more charging robots in a charging station including a plurality of charging sectors. The device includes a communication unit for communicating with the charging robot, an inputter for inputting an image signal, and a controller, wherein the controller may recognize the electric vehicle entering the charging sector based on information inputted through the inputter, select a charging robot that is located at a close distance from the charging sector and is directly movable to the charging sector, and cause the selected charging robot to move to the charging sector. Accordingly, a charging robot and a control device having artificial intelligence and performing 5G communication can be provided. 1. A charging robot for charging an electric vehicle battery in a charging sector divided into a first space , in which a charging gun is located and in which the electric vehicle battery is charged , and a second space , adjacent to the first space , in which a charging manipulator is located , the charging robot comprising:a mover;a robot arm configured to handle the charging gun;one or more sensors;an inputter configured to input an image signal; anda controller configured to recognize a charging port of an electric vehicle based on information detected by the sensor or information inputted through the inputter, and cause the robot arm to couple the charging gun to the charging port,wherein the controller is configured to cause the mover to enter the first space when an electric vehicle occupant has moved from the first space to the second space.2. The charging robot according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to:cause the mover to move at a first speed toward the first space while the electric vehicle is being parked in the first space; andcause the mover to approach the first space at a second speed faster than the first speed when the electric vehicle occupant has moved from the first space to the second space ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009981A1
Автор: KIM Hyoung Dong

A charging control device for charging an electric vehicle according to one embodiment of the present invention comprises: a first switch unit for receiving a first control signal from the outside; a first control unit for receiving the first control signal through the first switch unit; a second switch unit for receiving a second control signal from the outside; a second control unit which is woken up by the first control unit and receives the second control signal through the second switch unit; and a motor control unit which is controlled by the second control unit and controls driving of a motor for a charging flap, wherein the second control unit disables the first switch and enables the second switch when the second control unit is woken up by the first control unit. 1. A charging control device of an electric vehicle , comprising:a charging flap switch;a charging stop switch;a main controller that operates in a sleep mode or a wake-up mode and controls charging of a battery of the electric vehicle;load switches that detect an on-state or off-state of the charging flap switch and an on-state or off-state of the charging stop switch;a power supply unit that supplies power to the main controller; andan auxiliary controller that enables or disables the power supply unit,wherein, in a case in which the main controller operates in the sleep mode, when the auxiliary controller detects the on-state of the charging flap switch and the on-state of the charging stop switch or detects the on-state of the charging flap switch and the off-state of the charging stop switch, the auxiliary controller enables the power supply unit to operate the main controller in a wake-up mode.2. The charging control device of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the main controller detects the on-state of the charging flap switch and the off-state of the charging stop switch claim 1 , the main controller transmits a signal for turning on a main power supply of the electric vehicle to the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009982A1
Автор: KIM Cheolseung

Provided is a method for charging a battery performed by a charging vehicle in an autonomous driving system. The charging vehicle receives a request message requesting charging of a battery of a driving vehicle from a control center, and the request message includes first location information related to a location of the driving vehicle and battery information related to a remaining battery capacity of the driving vehicle. Thereafter, the charging vehicle receives a control message including charging information for charging the battery of the driving vehicle from the control center, and the charging information includes road location information related to a road location for the battery charging, lane information related to an occupancy lane occupied for charging, and time information. Thereafter, the charging vehicle moves to a location adjacent to the driving vehicle, and the battery of the driving vehicle is charged in the occupancy lane. 1. A method for charging a battery performed by a charging vehicle in an autonomous driving system , the method comprising:receiving a request message requesting charging of a battery of a driving vehicle from a control center, the request message including first location information related to a location of the driving vehicle and battery information related to a remaining battery capacity of the driving vehicle;receiving a control message including charging information for charging the battery of the driving vehicle from the control center, the charging information including road location information related to a road location for the battery charging, lane information related to an occupancy lane occupied for charging, and time information related to an occupancy time of the occupancy lane;moving to a location adjacent to the driving vehicle based on the first location information; andcharging the battery of the driving vehicle in the occupancy lane based on the charging information.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009983A1

Provided are an arrangement information acquisition unit that acquires arrangement information indicating a position where a charging device for charging one or more storage batteries is arranged, a user position acquisition unit that acquires user position information indicating a position of the user, a charge state acquisition unit that acquires information indicating a charge state of at least one of the one or more storage batteries at specific time, and a state information generation unit that generates information to which (i) a charge state at the specific time and (ii) a charge state at an estimated time of arrival of the user at the charging device are associated for at least one of the one or more storage batteries, in accordance with (i) the arrangement information acquired by the arrangement information acquisition unit and (ii) the user position information acquired by the user position acquisition unit. 1. An information processing apparatus , comprising:an arrangement information acquisition unit that acquires arrangement information indicating a position where a charging device for charging one or more storage batteries is arranged;a user request acquisition unit that acquires a reservation request regarding reservation of a storage battery from a user;a user position acquisition unit that acquires user position information indicating a position of the user at reservation time when the reservation request is received;a charge state acquisition unit that acquires information indicating a charge state of at least one of the one or more storage batteries at specific time;a state information generation unit that generates information in which (i) a charge state at the specific time and (ii) a charge state at an estimated time of arrival of the user at the charging device are associated for at least one of the one or more storage batteries, in accordance with (i) the arrangement information acquired by the arrangement information acquisition unit and (ii ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220029430A1

A method for managing a battery of a mobile platform includes transmitting first initial battery data from a storage device of the battery to an onboard battery management system (BMS) of the mobile platform that is configured to monitor a first status of the battery and generate first updated battery data, receiving the first updated battery data in a sequential manner or in a parallel manner from the onboard BMS at the storage device, transmitting second initial battery data from the storage device to a charger BMS of a battery charger that is configured to monitor a second status of the battery and generate second updated battery data, and receiving the second updated battery data in a sequential manner or in a parallel manner from the charger BMS at the storage device. 1. A method for managing a battery of a mobile platform , comprising:transmitting first initial battery data from a storage device of the battery to an onboard battery management system (BMS) of the mobile platform, the onboard BMS being configured to monitor a first status of the battery and generate first updated battery data;receiving, in a sequential manner or in a parallel manner, the first updated battery data from the onboard BMS at the storage device;transmitting second initial battery data from the storage device to a charger BMS of a battery charger, the charger BMS being configured to monitor a second status of the battery and generate second updated battery data; andreceiving, in a sequential manner or in a parallel manner, the second updated battery data from the charger BMS at the storage device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein transmitting the first initial battery data comprises transmitting the first initial battery data comprising at least one of a unique identifier claim 1 , serial number claim 1 , model number claim 1 , manufacturer claim 1 , manufacture date claim 1 , current capacity claim 1 , maximum capacity claim 1 , voltage claim 1 , current claim 1 , internal ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011486A1

A charging management system capable of reducing congestion of charging electric vehicles in an airport and improving the working efficiency in the airport is provided. A charging management system includes: a collection unit configured to collect departure and arrival information and information regarding amounts of loads of departing and arriving flights; a planning unit configured to create a working plan of electric vehicles working in the airport based on the information collected by the collection unit; and a determination unit configured to determine charging timings of the respective electric vehicles based on the working plan created by the planning unit. 1. A charging management system comprising:a collection unit configured to collect departure and arrival information and information regarding amounts of loads of departing and arriving flights;a planning unit configured to create a working plan of electric vehicles working in an airport based on the information collected by the collection unit; anda determination unit configured to determine charging timings of the respective electric vehicles based on the working plan created by the planning unit.2. The charging management system according to claim 1 , whereinthe working plan includes information on working areas and working periods planned in the respective electric vehicles, andthe determination unit takes into account, when determining the charging timings of the respective electric vehicles, the working periods and distances between a charging station and the respective working areas where the respective electric vehicles work in the working periods in the respective electric vehicles.3. The charging management system according to claim 1 , wherein the determination unit takes into account battery capacities of the respective electric vehicles when it determines the charging timings of the respective electric vehicles. This application is based upon and claims the benefit of priority from Japanese ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Driverless Vehicle Movement Processing and Cloud Systems

Номер: US20180012497A1
Принадлежит: Emerging Automotive LLC

A system for navigating a vehicle automatically from a current location to a destination location without a human operator is provided. The system of the vehicle includes a global positioning system (GPS) for identifying a vehicle location and a communications system for communicating with a server of a cloud system. The server is configured to identify that the vehicle location is near or at a parking location. The communications system is configured to receive mapping data for the parking location from the server, and the mapping data is at least in part used to find a path at the parking location to avoid a collision of the vehicle with at least one physical object when the vehicle is automatically moved at the parking location. The mapping data is processed by electronics of the vehicle so that when the vehicle is automatically moved collision with the at least one physical object is avoided and the electronics of the vehicle is configured to process a combination of sensor data obtained by sensors of the vehicle. The processing of the sensor data uses image data obtained from one or more cameras and light data obtained from one or more optical sensors.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle of automatic driving system and the control method of the system

Номер: US20200012281A1
Автор: Chan Jaegal

A method of controlling a vehicle operating in an Automated Vehicle and Highway System (AVHS) includes: transmitting a driving assistance request to a server in response to satisfaction of a preset condition or in response to a user input; in response to the driving assistance request, receiving a connection request from a drone selected by the server; initiating data transmission and reception for autonomous driving by authenticating the connection request; and performing the autonomous driving using driving assistance data received from the drone. Implementations of the present disclosure may enable improved autonomous driving support for a vehicle having a problem in performing autonomous driving or a manually driven vehicle incapable of driving autonomously. One or more of an autonomous vehicle or a server may be linked to an Artificial Intelligence (AI) module, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) robot, Augmented Reality (AR) device, Virtual Reality (VR) device, a 5G service-related device, etc.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032789A1

A high-voltage charging arrangement () is provided for charging a traction battery () of an electric vehicle at a DC charging station (). The DC charging station () has a first voltage (V) and the traction battery () has a second voltage (V). At least one DC-DC converter () has a first conduction path () with a converter () for transforming the first voltage (V) into the second voltage (V) and a second conduction path () has a bypass () for bypassing the converter (). A control device () communicates with the DC charging station () is possible. An input element () is provided for selecting a conduction path () and is connected to the control device () for control purposes. A method also is provided for performing a charging process for a traction battery () of an electric vehicle at a DC charging station (). 1. A high-voltage charging arrangement for an electric vehicle for charging a traction battery at a DC charging station , wherein the DC charging station has a first voltage (V) and the traction battery has a second voltage (V) , the charging arrangement comprising:{'sub': in', 'out, 'at least one DC-DC converter having at least first and second conduction paths, the first conduction path having a converter for transforming the first voltage (V) into the second voltage (V), and the second conduction path having a bypass for bypassing the converter;'}a control device communicating with the DC charging station; andan input element for selecting a conduction path, the input element being connected to the control device for control purposes.2. The high-voltage charging arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the input element is a physical pushbutton switch.3. The high-voltage charging arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the input element is an interface device.4. The high-voltage charging arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the input element is in the form of an app application.5. The high-voltage charging arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the conduction path is presettable ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032793A1

In some embodiments, the system and method may access a request to charge an electric vehicle at a specific charging station, identify a charging network (e.g., one of multiple, disparate charging networks) associated with the specific charging station, and automatically provide payment information to the charging network via a payment protocol associated with the charging network. The charging interface system, therefore, may facilitate access to any charging network and/or charging station by providing an interface between a driver of an electric vehicle and one of many charging networks. 1receiving a request to charge an electric vehicle at of multiple charging stations provided at the certain location;identifying an available charging station at the certain location; andpresenting information associated with the available charging station.. A method performed by a device in comma cation with multiple charging stations at a certain location, the method comprising: This application is a continuation of the U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/616,258, filed Feb. 6, 2015, now U.S. Pat. No. 11,091,040, issued Aug. 17, 2021, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/937,402, filed on Feb. 7, 2014, entitled PROVIDING AN INTERFACE TO ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.Although the adoption of electric vehicles is increasing, there are still many people that find them confusing or inaccessible, or are otherwise not interested in using electric vehicles for their transportation needs. Therefore, technology is being developed to remove such barriers associated with the adoption of electric vehicles.Systems and methods for facilitating access to an electric vehicle charging network are described. In some embodiments, the system (e.g., a “charging interface system”) provides an interface via which an electric vehicle (EV) may access and/or be authorized to one of multiple, disparate charging ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032794A1

Disclosed illustrative embodiments include docking stations, portable electrical vehicle supply equipment cables, and modular electrical vehicle supply equipment systems. An illustrative docking station includes a receiver configured to be physically couplable with a structure and a source electrical connector configured to be electrically couplable to a power source and the receiver. The docking station also includes an electrical connector configured to be electrically couplable with a portable electrical vehicle supply equipment cable and the receiver. The docking station further includes a communications device couplable in data communication with the receiver and configured to send and receive information relating to use of the electrical connector. 1. A docking station comprising:a receiver configured to be physically couplable with a structure;a source electrical connector configured to be electrically couplable to a power source and the receiver;an electrical connector configured to be electrically couplable with a portable electrical vehicle supply equipment cable and the receiver; anda communications device couplable in data communication with the receiver and configured to send and receive information relating to use of the electrical connector.2. The docking system of claim 1 , wherein the receiver is configured to be physically couplable to a wall structure.3. The docking system of claim 1 , wherein the receiver is configured to mechanically support the portable electrical vehicle supply equipment during use.4. The docking system of claim 1 , wherein the source electrical connector includes a hardwired connection to the power source.5. The docking system of claim 1 , wherein the source electrical connector includes a National Electrical Manufacturers NEMA connection to the power source.6. The docking system of claim 1 , wherein the electrical connector is configured to support at least Level One charging.7. The docking system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032804A1

In one embodiment, an electric vehicle system includes a power system for charging a battery installed in an electric vehicle and comprising a bi-directional power and data connector for receiving power and data from or transmitting the power and data to an electric vehicle charging device, a communications system comprising a server and configured for receiving power from the power system and receiving data from or transmitting the data to the power system for download or upload at the electric vehicle charging device, and an authentication module for authenticating the electric vehicle charging device. A method is also disclosed herein. 1. An electric vehicle system comprising:a power system for charging a battery installed in an electric vehicle and comprising a bi-directional power and data connector for receiving power and data from or transmitting the power and data to an electric vehicle charging device;a communications system comprising a server and configured for receiving power from the power system and receiving data from or transmitting the data to the power system for download or upload at the electric vehicle charging device; andan authentication module for authenticating the electric vehicle charging device.2. The electric vehicle system of wherein the bi-directional power and data connector is operable to receive and transmit the power and data together on at least one wire pair.3. The electric vehicle system of wherein the power and data is transmitted using pulse power comprising a plurality of high voltage pulses with safety testing between said high voltage pulses.4. The electric vehicle system of further comprising an electric vehicle motor configured to receive and transmit the power and data.5. The electric vehicle system of further comprising a power converter for converting the power and data to Power over Ethernet for use by electrical components at the electric vehicle.6. The electric vehicle system of further comprising a second ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032806A1

An electric vehicle (EV) chassis is disclosed that may be a modular platform flexible as a basis for numerous other EV platforms. It is contemplated that the entire electric drivetrain (i.e., powertrain, wheels, steering) may be supplied to an automotive original equipment manufacturer (OEM). The OEM may use the EV chassis for integration within a representative passenger compartment. The chassis may also be reconfigurable with the modularity at various levels that include the energy storage system, the entire chassis system, or any level in-between. The chassis may further be designed to allow connection of multiple modules to enable a larger scale energy storage that may be provided to homes, buildings, or the electric power grid. 1. An electric vehicle (EV) chassis , comprising:a high-voltage battery having;at least one power port located on the EV chassis, the at least one power port being connected to the high-voltage battery, the at least one power port being operable to be connected to an external power port located on a second EV chassis, wherein the external power port is connected to an external high-voltage battery within the second EV chassis; andat least one communication port located on the EV chassis, the at least one communication port being operable to transmit data that includes operating characteristics of the high-voltage battery and the external high-voltage battery with an external communication port located on the second EV chassis; and responsive to the at least one power port being connected to the external power port, control an electrical energy transferred between the at least one power port and the external power port to generate a combined electrical energy output that is operably provided to an external source; and', 'responsive to the at least one communication port being connected to the external communication port, transmit the data between the at least one communication port and the external communication port to control generation ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032807A1
Автор: Asami Takayuki

When software of a first electronic control unit that controls charging of an auxiliary machinery battery from a power supply by controlling a charging device is rewritten, an onboard system is configured so that charging of the auxiliary machine battery from the power supply is controlled by one or more electronic control units different from the first electronic control unit. Accordingly, even when the software of the first electronic control unit that controls the charging of the auxiliary machinery battery is rewritten, the auxiliary machinery battery can be charged by one or more electronic control units different from the first electronic control unit when the software is rewritten, and the power for rewriting the software of the first electronic control unit can be secured. This can ensure power to rewrite the software of the first electronic control unit. 1. An onboard system that is mounted in a vehicle , the onboard system comprising:a power supply;an auxiliary-machinery battery;a charging device that charges the auxiliary-machinery battery with electric power from the power supply; anda plurality of electronic control units that operates with electric power which is supplied from the auxiliary-machinery battery,wherein a first electronic control unit configured to be able to rewrite software and to control the charging device such that charging of the auxiliary-machinery battery with the power supply is controlled is included as one of the plurality of electronic control units, andwherein one or more electronic control units which are different from the first electronic control unit are configured to control charging of the auxiliary-machinery battery with the power supply when the software of the first electronic control unit is rewritten.2. The onboard system according to claim 1 , wherein the charging device includes a first charging device and a second charging device that are provided in parallel between the power supply and the auxiliary-machinery ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032808A1

A vehicle diagnosis system, an apparatus therefor, and a method therefore are provided. The vehicle diagnosis system includes a wireless charging station that transmits a message including information related to a supportable service type and information related to a vendor of a supportable vehicle and a vehicle that identifies the message and connect a diagnosis session for diagnosing and reprogramming the vehicle. The diagnosis session is performed when a connection for a wireless charging session of the vehicle is established. 1. A vehicle diagnosis system , comprising:a wireless charging station configured to transmit a message including information related to a supportable service type and information related to a vendor of a supportable vehicle; anda vehicle configured to identify the message and connect a diagnosis session for diagnosing and reprogramming the vehicle,wherein the diagnosis session is performed when a connection for a wireless charging session of the vehicle is established.2. The vehicle diagnosis system of claim 1 , wherein the wireless charging station includes information related to diagnosis or information related to reprogramming claim 1 , the information being the information related to the supportable service type claim 1 , in a station function type field and includes the information related to the vendor of the supportable vehicle in a vehicle vendor type field claim 1 , andwherein the information is transmitted to the vehicle by a vendor specific elements (VSE) beacon message.3. The vehicle diagnosis system of claim 2 , wherein the vehicle is configured to identify the VSE beacon message to determine whether the wireless charging station supports a service for diagnosing and reprogramming the vehicle.4. The vehicle diagnosis system of claim 2 , wherein the vehicle is configured to identify the VSE beacon message and to update the wireless charging station to an access point (AP) configured for supporting a service for diagnosing and ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032809A1

An example operation includes one or more of identifying a transport in need of energy and in proximity to a charging station, prioritizing the transport to receive the energy before at least one other transport when the transport will provide a first portion of the energy to an entity, and providing the transport with the first portion of the energy, a second portion of the energy to travel to the entity, and a third portion of the energy to travel to a destination identified by the transport. 1. A method , comprising:identifying a transport in need of energy and in proximity to a charging station;prioritizing the transport to receive the energy before at least one other transport transport will provide a first portion of the energy to an entity; andproviding the transport with the first portion of the energy, a second portion of the energy to travel to the entity, and a third portion of the energy to travel to a destination identified by the transport,2. The method of claim 1 , comprisingdetermining whether the proximity is less than a distance threshold between the transport and the charging station;when he proximity is less than the distance threshold, assigning the charging station to the transport; andwhen the proximity is more than the distance threshold, assigning the transport to another charging station.3. The method of claim 1 , comprisingdetermining the transport comprises an energy charge level that is below a recommended energy charge level required to travel to the destination; anddetermining the transport is a candidate to provide energy to the entity currently requiring energy based on a location of the transport and a location of the entity.4. The method of claim 1 , comprisingidentifying a plurality of transports requiring energy within a distance of the entity; andselecting the transport, among the plurality of transports, as a candidate to provide energy to the entity based on one or more of a location of the transport, an amount of energy ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Method of Operating a Charging Station System

Номер: US20220032810A1

The invention relates to a method of operating a charging station system used to charge a battery storage of a motor vehicle, wherein the charging station system comprises at least two charging stations, a back end, and a communication device which is managed by a user to charge the energy storage. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for operating a charging station system with which an energy storage of a motor vehicle is charged , wherein the charging station system comprises at least two charging stations , a back end , and a communication device which is managed by a user for charging the energy storage , comprising the following steps:a) the user starts an application of the communication device, which displays the charging stations to the user,b) the user uses the communication device to select a charging station at which the user plans to charge the energy storage of the motor vehicle,c) the communication device sends at least user-specific data or charging station-specific data to the back end, which the back end receives,d) the back end checks at least the user-specific or charging station-specific data sent by the communication device to the back end,e) the back end sends tariff data at least to the communication device or to the charging station selected by the user, which at least the communication device or the charging station receives,whereinwith or after the sending of the tariff data the back end starts a timer which comprises a predetermined running time, wherein after the expiry of the predetermined running time the tariff data lose their validity and the selected charging station for charging the energy storage of the motor vehicle is blocked for the user.12. The method according to claim 11 , wherein the back end checks at least the user-specific data sent by the user to the back end with regard to a release of the selected charging station and claim 11 , in case of a positive check claim 11 , release data for the use of the selected charging station ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032811A1

Charging scheduling systems and methods for charging devices applied to at least one charging device and a cloud management module are provided for charging an electric vehicle. First, a power status of a battery module of the electric vehicle is detected through a battery detection unit of the charging device, and electricity rate data corresponding to the charging device including the electricity price of corresponding power company at different times is then obtained by cloud management module. Next, through cloud management module, at least one charging period with a lower electricity price is determined based on electricity rate data corresponding to charging device and power status to control the charging of the electric vehicle by the charging device to be performed during the determined charging period. 1. A charging scheduling system for charging devices for charging an electric vehicle , comprising: a battery detection unit detecting a power status of a battery module of the electric vehicle;', 'a network connection unit; and', 'a processing unit coupled to the battery detection unit and the network connection unit, transmitting the power status of the electric vehicle through a network by the network connection unit; and, 'a charging device, comprising a storage unit recording electricity rate data of the charging device, wherein the electricity rate data comprises electricity prices with a TOU (Time Of Use) rate for a power company;', 'a network connection unit receiving the power status of the electric vehicle via the network; and', 'a processor coupled to the storage unit and the network connection unit, determining at least one charging period with a lower electricity price according to the electricity rate data of the charging device and the power status, and scheduling and controlling the charging of the electric vehicle by the charging device to be performed during the determined at least one charging period., 'a cloud management module, ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Electric vehicle charging

Номер: US20220032812A1
Автор: Jussi Ahtikari
Принадлежит: Liikennevirta Oy

According to an aspect, there is provided a computing device. The computing device is configured to store user-specific data comprising information configured to set an automatic charging mode to at least one electric vehicle charging station determined by the user in a memory, the information comprising geographical coordinates of the at least one electric vehicle charging station; track geographical coordinates of the user based on geographical information received from a device of the user; detect when the user is within a predetermined distance from the at least one electric vehicle charging station by comparing the geographical coordinates of the user and the geographical coordinates of the at least one electric vehicle charging station; notify the user that a charging mode will be set to the at least one electric vehicle charging station; and send an authorized start-command to the at least one electric vehicle charging station to set the charging mode for the user.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013557A1
Автор: Thramann Jeffrey

An energy storage canopy associated with a local building is provided. The energy storage canopy includes support members that can support compartments, which may be integral with or removable from the energy storage canopy. Each compartment includes a plurality of high capacity batteries to store electrical energy, at least one power conditioner to allow coupling high capacity batteries to the power grid and/or the AC distribution panel of the local building, and a refrigerant energy storage tank containing a working fluid. The refrigerant energy storage tank contains piping or ductwork to be in fluid communication with the HVAC system, refrigerant system, or atmosphere of the local building to provide stored refrigerant energy to the local building. 1. (canceled)2. The energy storage canopy of wherein the at least one compartment is removably coupled to the roof of the energy storage canopy.3. The energy storage canopy of further comprising a renewable energy source electrically coupled to the at least one high capacity battery claim 10 , the at least one power conditioner claim 10 , or a combination thereof such that the renewable energy source is configured to provide electrical energy to the at least one high capacity battery claim 10 , the at least one power grid claim 10 , the local building alternating current distribution panel claim 10 , or a combination thereof.4. The energy storage canopy of wherein the renewable energy source is a solar array.5. The energy storage canopy of wherein the renewable energy source is a wind turbine system.6. The energy storage canopy of wherein the working fluid is water.7. The energy storage canopy of wherein the water is salt-water.8. The energy storage canopy of wherein the at least one refrigerant energy storage tank is configured to be in fluid communication with an atmosphere of the local building refrigerant system such that the atmosphere is used to at least one of add heat to the working fluid or remove heat from ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016993A1
Автор: IMAI Tsutomu

A server calculates, for each of a plurality of vehicles, a total number of chargers within an accessible range of a vehicle to calculate a reduced number so that the greater the total number of chargers is, the less the reduced number is, the reduced number representing a likelihood that the vehicle would arrive at each of the chargers. The server calculates, for each of the at least one charger, an effective number of vehicles which may use a charger to conduct external charging, by summing reduced numbers. The server calculates an index indicating a potential demand for external charging at the at least one charger based on the effective number. 1. A server for providing a plurality of vehicles , each mounted with a power storage device , with charging information for external charging , the server comprising:a communication device configured to communicate with the plurality of vehicles; anda circuitry configured to generate the charging information, wherein obtain an accessible range for a target vehicle among the plurality of vehicles to extract at least one charger within the obtained accessible range, the accessible range being determined by power stored in the power storage device of the target vehicle and a current location of the target vehicle;', 'calculate, for each of the plurality of vehicles, a total number of chargers within the accessible range of a vehicle to calculate a reduced number so that the greater the total number of chargers is, the less the reduced number is, the reduced number representing a likelihood that the vehicle would arrive at each of the chargers;', 'calculate, for each of the at least one charger, an effective number of vehicles which may use a charger to conduct external charging, by summing reduced numbers; and', 'calculate an index indicating a potential demand for external charging at each of the at least one charger based on the effective number, and provide the index to the target vehicle., 'the circuitry being ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Electric vehicle and charge control apparatus for electric vehicle

Номер: US20210016669A1
Принадлежит: Subaru Corp

An electric vehicle includes a power receiver and a controller. The power receiver is configured to wirelessly receive electric power from power transmission equipment disposed outside the vehicle. The controller is configured to control power transmission from the power transmission equipment to the power receiver. The controller includes a determination processor and a frequency control unit. The determination processor is configured to make a determination, in a case where the power transmission is stopped due to a foreign object present between the power transmission equipment and the vehicle, as to whether the power transmission is restartable with a predetermined frequency after the power transmission is stopped. The frequency control unit is configured to change the frequency with which the determination processor makes the determination.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Vehicle charging apparatus

Номер: US20150022152A1

A vehicle charging apparatus mounted on a vehicle for charging an on-vehicle battery from an external power supply, with a charging plug connected to the vehicle, includes a communication device that is configured to perform communication with a charging facility providing the external power supply with the charging plug connected and locked to the vehicle. The communication device prohibits disconnection of the communication when an unlocking operation to unlock the charging plug is executed during charging from the external power supply to the on-vehicle battery.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Extended-Range Positioning System Based on Foreign-Object Detection

Номер: US20220041072A1

Systems and methods are described for an extended-range positioning system based on foreign-object detection (FOD). In particular, a power-transfer apparatus is disclosed that includes a coil and a foreign-object-detection (FOD) system. The coil is configured to generate a magnetic field based on an electric current running through the coil for transferring power to a receiver device. the FOD system includes a plurality of FOD sense loops, FOD circuitry, and active-beacon receive circuitry. The FOD sense loops detect metal objects within the magnetic field based on changes to an electrical characteristic(s) of one or more of the FOD sense loops. The FOD circuitry processes a modulation pattern of the electrical characteristic(s) of the one or more FOD sense loops and provides first positioning information. The active-beacon receive circuitry processes induced voltage in at least two sense loops to provide second positioning information. 120-. (canceled)21. A power-transfer apparatus comprising:a coil configured to generate a magnetic field based on an electric current running through the coil for transferring power to a receiver device; and the detection system further including', 'foreign object detection circuitry configured to detect metal objects within the magnetic field generated by the coil based on changes to one or more electrical characteristics of one or more sense loops of the plurality of sense loops;', 'passive-beacon position detection circuitry configured to process a modulation pattern of the one or more electrical characteristics of the one or more sense loops and provide first positioning information; and', 'active-beacon position detection circuitry configured to process induced voltage in at least two sense loops to provide second positioning information., 'a detection system including a plurality of sense loops;'}22. The power-transfer apparatus as described in claim 21 , wherein the detection system is configured to provide the first ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041076A1

Systems and methods are provided for dynamically selecting a control policy from among several available control policies for controlling an electric vehicle fleet charging system. A control policy may take into account fluctuating local renewable generation and/or time of use electricity pricing. The performance of the selected control policy is monitored and a different control policy may be deployed in its place if the different control policy has a higher chance of providing better performance given the current control environment. Thus, as the control environment changes, the control policy that controls the power system may also be changed in an adaptive manner. In this way, the control policies may be changed as the control environment changes to provide an improved real-time performance compared to the use of a single control policy. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:at one or more electronic devices each having one or more processors and memory:storing a database comprising historical control environment data associated with an electric vehicle charging system having a plurality of electric vehicles; calculating a historical system-wide performance score for each of a plurality of system-wide control agents based on the historical control environment data and on historical performance information of the control agents, wherein each of the plurality of control agents comprises a system-wide control policy for controlling the electric vehicle charging system, and wherein each of the historical system-wide performance scores relates to the performance of a respective control agent with its respective system-wide control policy in controlling the charging system; and', 'training the agent selection policy based on the historical control environment data and the calculated historical system-wide performance scores, wherein the training involves supervised learning, and wherein the training comprises learning a function that maps the historical control ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Charging a Battery From an Isolatable Electric Power Grid

Номер: US20200023747A1
Автор: Lenz Gadi, Logvinov Oleg
Принадлежит: IoTecha Corp.

Method and apparatus for charging a battery of an electric vehicle (EV) may determine a power charging schedule for charging the EV from a microgrid, based on charging preference information for the EV, and also power consumption information for devices on the microgrid and alternative power resource information indicating availability of electric power for supply to the microgrid from an alternative power resource on the microgrid received via a communication network. A charging instruction signal for charging the EV from the microgrid, according to the power charging schedule, may be transmitted over the communication network. 1. A method for charging at least one battery , the method comprising: 'receiving, over a communication network, power consumption information of consumption devices on an electric power grid and alternative power resource information indicating availability of electric power for supply to the electric power grid from an alternative power resource on the electric power grid,', 'controlling, by a processing device, at a power system control device,'}in which a power resource system including the alternative power resource is on the electric power grid, and determining, for a mobile energy storage and power consumption device, as a given combined power consumption and alternative power resource device on the electric power grid, a power charging schedule for charging a battery of the mobile energy storage and power consumption device, in accordance with charging preference information for the mobile energy storage and power consumption device, the power consumption information and the alternative power resource information; and', 'transmitting, over the communication network, a charging instruction signal for charging the battery of the mobile energy storage and power consumption device from the electric power grid, according to the power charging schedule., 'in which, when the electric power grid is in an isolated state, the electric power ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Method for testing a charging process

Номер: US20200023748A1
Автор: Daniel Ruppert
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A method for testing a charging process of an electrically powered motor vehicle having an on-board power system, wherein said on-board power system includes at least one charge connection for connecting the on-board power system to a charging station and is connected to at least one electric power storage device, wherein an adapter having at least one discharge connection is additionally connected to the on-board power system for testing the charging process, wherein electric power for testing the charging process is conducted via the at least one charge connection into the on-board power system, wherein a primary portion of said electric power is discharged again from the on-board power system via the at least one discharge connection of the adapter.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023750A1

During running of an electric vehicle, a battery temperature control section performs preliminary temperature adjustment processing so that a temperature of the battery at a point of time of arrival at a reachable charging station is within a suitable charging temperature range. When the preliminary temperature adjustment processing is performed, a running control section performs processing for maintaining a remaining capacity securing condition that an estimated remaining capacity is equal to or exceeds a remaining capacity criterion value, the estimated remaining capacity resulting from subtraction of an estimated running electricity amount and an estimated temperature control electricity amount from a remaining capacity of the battery at a current point of time. 1. An electric vehicle control device including a battery , a battery temperature adjustment section that is actuated by power supplied from the battery to heat or cool the battery and a running driving section that is actuated by power supplied from the battery , the electric vehicle control device comprising:a current position recognition section that detects a current position of the electric vehicle;a reachable charging station recognition section that recognizes a reachable charging station that is a charging station located in a direction of travel of the electric vehicle, the charging station being expected to be reachable based on a remaining capacity of the battery;a charging necessity determination section that determines whether or not charging of the battery at the reachable charging station is necessary;a battery temperature control section that during running of the electric vehicle, if the charging necessity determination section determines that charging of the battery at the reachable charging station is necessary, performs preliminary temperature adjustment processing for actuating the battery temperature adjustment section so that a temperature of the battery at a point of time of ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023956A1
Автор: Tiwari Prashant

The disclosure includes embodiments for uploading vehicle data at a charging station. In some embodiments, a method includes determining that a threshold proximity is satisfied. The threshold proximity describes a range between a connected vehicle and the charging station for charging the connected vehicle. The method further includes wirelessly transmitting vehicle data to the charging station. The wireless transmission of the vehicle data occurs responsive to the determination that the threshold proximity is satisfied. 1. A computer program product comprising a non-transitory memory of an onboard vehicle computer system of a connected vehicle storing computer-executable code that , when executed by a processor , causes the processor to:collect vehicle data associated with the connected vehicle;determine that a threshold proximity is satisfied, wherein the threshold proximity describes a range between the connected vehicle and a charging station for charging the connected vehicle; andwirelessly transmit the vehicle data to the charging station, wherein the wireless transmission of the vehicle data occurs responsive to the determination that the threshold proximity is satisfied.2. The computer program product of claim 1 , wherein the charging station is operable to relay the vehicle data to a centralized location.3. The computer program product of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle data is analyzable to determine whether a black-market part is installed in the connected vehicle.4. The computer program product of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle data describes one or more of the following: diagnostic information about the connected vehicle; performance information about the connected vehicle; and efficiency information about the connected vehicle.5. A method comprising:determining that a threshold proximity is satisfied, wherein the threshold proximity describes a range between a connected vehicle and a charging station for charging the connected vehicle; andwirelessly ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Charging Station and Method for Transmitting Electrical Energy Between a Motor Vehicle which is Electrically Coupled to a Charging Station

Номер: US20210023957A1
Автор: Linzmaier Klaus-Peter

A method for transmitting electrical energy between a charging station and a motor vehicle which is electrically coupled to the charging station, in which the motor vehicle is coupled to the charging station via an electrical charging connection cable that includes at least two electrical lines, where a communication connection is produced between the charging station and the motor vehicle, the transmission of the electrical energy through the charging station is adjusted based on energy storage data transmitted from the motor vehicle to the charging station (), and where the communication connection is produced at least partially over the at least two electrical lines of the electrical charging connection cable via at least one charging-station-side and at least one motor-vehicle-side communication adapter. 115.-. (canceled)16. A control unit for controlling a charging unit utilized to transmit electrical energy to a motor vehicle which is coupleable to the charging unit via a charging connection cable comprising at least two electrical lines , the control unit comprising:a communication interface for connecting in a communications-compatible manner to the charging unit, the communication interface being configured to establish a communication connection to the motor vehicle and adjust the transmission of electrical energy through the charging unit as a function of energy-store data received from the motor vehicle; anda communication adapter which is connectable to the at least two electrical lines to establish the communication connection to the motor vehicle via the at least two electrical lines;wherein a protocol standard implemented by the communication adapter utilizes a monitoring time to monitor the communication connection.17. The control unit as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the communication adapter is configured to utilize a modulation which is suitable for line properties of the charging connection cable.18. The control unit as claimed in claim 16 , ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023958A1

A power transfer system for supplying electric power to a battery of an electric vehicle including a control architecture including control arrangements capable of controlling the transmission of electric power to a battery of the electric vehicle as a function of detected temperatures at the transmitter and receiver coils. In a further aspect, the application relates to a method for controlling a power transfer system. 1. A power transfer system for exchanging electric power between an electric power system and a battery of an electric vehicle comprising:a transmitter-side power sub-system comprising a first rectifying stage electrically coupleable with said electric power system, a DC-bus stage electrically coupled with said first rectifying stage and adapted to provide a first DC power and an inverter stage electrically coupled with said DC-bus stage and adapted to receive said first DC power and provide a first AC power;a transmitter-side coil sub-system electrically coupled with said inverter stage and adapted to receive said first AC power said transmitter-side coil sub-system comprising a transmitter coil adapted to receive a first AC current and a first temperature sensing arrangement configured to provide first temperature detection signals indicative of operating temperatures of said transmitter-side coil-subsystem;one or more transmitter-side controllers adapted to control operation of said transmitter-side power sub-system and transmitter-side coil sub-system;a receiver-side coil sub-system comprising a receiver coil inductively coupleable with said transmitter coil and a second temperature sensing arrangement configured to provide second temperature detection signals indicative of operating temperatures of said receiver-side coil-subsystem, said receiver-side coil sub-system being adapted to exchange an AC power with said transmitter-side coil sub-system;a receiver-side power sub-system comprising a second rectifying stage electrically coupled with said ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023959A1

A charging and discharging management system according to the present disclosure is a system for, in regard to a vehicle on which a battery capable of being charged and discharged is mounted, charging and discharging the battery, the charging and discharging management system including: an information collection unit configured to collect boarding information indicating an aircraft which a driver of the vehicle plans to board, the vehicle being parked in a parking lot in an airport; a parking period acquisition unit configured to acquire a parking period of the vehicle based on the boarding information pieces collected by the information collection unit; and a determination unit configured to determine a timing at which the battery mounted on the vehicle is charged and discharged based on the parking period acquired by the parking period acquisition unit. 1. A charging and discharging management system for , in regard to a vehicle on which a battery capable of being charged and discharged is mounted , charging and discharging the battery , the charging and discharging management system comprising:an information collection unit configured to collect boarding information indicating an aircraft which a driver of the vehicle plans to board, the vehicle being parked in a parking lot in an airport;a parking period acquisition unit configured to acquire a parking period of the vehicle based on the boarding information pieces collected by the information collection unit; anda determination unit configured to determine a timing at which the battery mounted on the vehicle is charged and discharged based on the parking period acquired by the parking period acquisition unit.2. The charging and discharging management system according to claim 1 , wherein when electric power is supplied from the vehicle parked in the parking lot in the airport to equipment in the airport while a plurality of vehicles are parked in the parking lot in the airport claim 1 , the determination unit ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220045530A1

A fueling system can include an electric vehicle (EV) charging station and a non-charging fueling station for fueling vehicles other than EVs. The EV charging station includes a first control unit, a switching unit, and output connections that can be connected to EVs. The non-charging fueling station includes a second control unit and, for example, a liquid fuel pump. An integrated fuel management system is in communication with the EV charging station and the non-charging fueling station. The switching unit can direct a charging current from an input power supply to an output connection in response to commands from the first control unit that are issued according to a charging procedure. The first control unit can send state information for the EV charging station to the integrated fuel management system. The second control unit can send state information for the non-charging fueling station to the integrated fuel management system. 120-. (canceled)21. An integrated fuel management system , comprising:a switching unit coupled to an electric vehicle (EV) charging station;a computer system;a first control unit coupled to the switching unit and operable for providing state information for the EV charging station to the computer system; anda second control unit coupled to a non-electric fueling station for types of vehicles other than EVs, wherein the second control unit is operable for providing state information for the non-electric fueling station to the computer system, and wherein the computer system is operable for displaying the state information for the EV charging station and for displaying the state information for the non-electric fueling station.22. The integrated fuel management system of claim 21 , wherein the switching unit and the first control unit are connected by wires within a single unit.23. The integrated fuel management system of claim 21 , wherein the switching unit comprises a plurality of channels claim 21 , the switching unit further ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Methods for electric vehicle (EV) charge location visual indicators, notifications of charge state and cloud applications

Номер: US20160031338A1
Принадлежит: Albert S. Penilla, Angel A. Penilla

Methods for managing charge status of an electric vehicle (EV) at a charge unit (CU) and systems that use cloud processing, are provided. One method includes detecting connection of a charging connector of the charge unit to a vehicle charge port of the EV. The method also includes receiving charge status of the EV while the charging connector is connected to the CU and activating a visual indicator at the CU. The visual indicator is set indicative of the charge status of the EV. The method includes changing the visual indicator as the charge status of the EV changes. The method enables a user device to receive notifications of charge status and communicate with cloud processing to request changing of the visual indicator of the CU to a non-full state even when the EV is at a full state of charging.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048398A1
Автор: VISMARA Mario Andrea

A method for management and planning of energy flows intended for charging electric vehicles in an electrical grid, which consists of defining a system for control and management of the charging of electric vehicles that is suitable for the booking of each individual electric power delivery point of at least one charging facility for electric vehicles, by a respective user account; associating with a main server of the system at least one first supervision and control unit which is functionally associated with at least one supplier of electric power; acquiring from the system strings of data relating to the bookings of future charging operations and transmitting them to the at least one first supervision and control unit; configuring the electrical grid as a function of the expected energy consumption in relation to the booked charging operations. 19-. (canceled)10. A method for management and planning of energy flows intended for charging electric vehicles in an electrical grid , which consists of:defining a system for control and management of a charging of electric vehicles that is suitable for a booking of each individual electric power delivery point of at least one charging facility for electric vehicles, by a respective user account;associating with a main server of said system at least one first supervision and control unit which is functionally associated with at least one supplier of electric power;acquiring from said system strings of data relating to the bookings of future charging operations and transmitting them to the at least one first supervision and control unit;configuring the electrical grid as a function of the expected energy consumption in relation to said booked charging operations.11. The method according to claim 10 , wherein:the configuration of said electrical grid as a function of the energy consumption consists of increasing electric power at the regions where many charging sessions have been reserved and of reducing it in the other ...
