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05-01-2012 дата публикации

Dynamic displacement energy management device

Номер: US20120001460A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A dynamic energy management restraint anchor device interfaces with a child seat in a vehicle, engaging common child seat attachment clip features. A device restraint anchor is operable to dynamically extract and permit distortion of load bearing deformable member(s) in order to manage the displacement of, and load transferred through, an anchor connected to a child seat. The device may be further operable to limit or prevent restraint anchor displacement and the distortion of said deformable member(s) under quasi-static load conditions in order to meet motor vehicle static load/displacement anchorage performance requirements applicable to certain anchors. Anchor retraction capability and various interlocking configurations for securing the position of an anchor, before or after having extracted, may be incorporated relative to the energy management device interfacing with both a vehicle and a child seat. An indicator may further be provided to identify the functional state of the restraint device.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Seat belt arrangement for a seat of a vehicle

Номер: US20120001466A1
Автор: Johannes A. Varcus

A seatbelt guide is attached to a seat of a motor vehicle in the shoulder area of the seat to guide a shoulder belt. The guide includes an inner element fixed relative to the seat, and an outer element spaced from the inner element by a distance to receive and guide the seatbelt. The outer element is movable relative to the inner element in a longitudinal direction to allow the seatbelt to be removed from the guide. This may be desirable if, for example, the seat has a fold-down back rest. The outer element pivots about a pivot axis extending approximately in a transverse direction of the vehicle.

27-11-2014 дата публикации

Конструкция рамы транспортного средства

Номер: RU0000148301U1

1. Конструкция рамы транспортного средства, имеющей основную балку и продольную балку, которая включает в себя кронштейн, функционально соединенный с основной балкой, отражающий элемент клинообразной формы, имеющий первый конец, функционально соединенный с кронштейном, и второй конец, выполненный с возможностью перемещаться между стандартным рабочим положением, в котором второй конец находится на заранее заданном расстоянии от основной балки, и положением после столкновения, в котором второй конец упирается в основную балку, причем второй конец выполнен с возможностью во время столкновения перемещаться из стандартного рабочего положения в положение после столкновения таким образом, чтобы отражающий элемент поглощал и перенаправлял энергию, переданную на раму.2. Конструкция рамы по п.1, которая дополнительно включает в себя передний буфер и продольную балку, где отражающий элемент расположен между передним буфером, продольной балкой и основной балкой.3. Конструкция рамы по п.1, в которой отражающий элемент на первом конце имеет соединительный фланец, функционально соединенный с основной балкой.4. Конструкция рамы по п.1, в которой отражающий элемент выполнен с возможностью перемещаться из первого положения во второе положение независимо от основной балки.5. Конструкция рамы по п.1, в которой отражающий элемент содержит множество ребер.6. Конструкция рамы по п.1, в которой на основной балке расположено множество упругих выпуклых элементов.7. Конструкция рамы по п.1, в которой отражающий элемент выполнен с возможностью обеспечивать равномерное распределение нагрузки на основную балку во время лобового столкн� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H02G 15/00 (13) 148 301 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014129412/11, 17.07.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.07.2014 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): БАККУШ Ридха (US ...

27-12-2014 дата публикации

Ремень безопасности для транспортного средства

Номер: RU0000149371U1

1. Ремень безопасности для транспортного средства, который содержит защелку с деформируемым элементом, плечевой ремень, прикрепленный к защелке таким образом, чтобы контактировать с деформируемым элементом, поясной ремень, прикрепленный к защелке, а также фиксатор язычка защелки, в котором защелка может быть закреплена с возможностью высвобождения.2. Ремень безопасности по п.1, в котором фиксатор прикреплен к полу транспортного средства или к сиденью транспортного средства.3. Ремень безопасности по п.1, в котором защелка включает в себя язычок защелки.4. Ремень безопасности по п.3, в котором плечевой ремень прикреплен к язычку защелки в точке крепления.5. Ремень безопасности по п.4, в котором деформируемый элемент расположен в точке крепления.6. Ремень безопасности по п.5, в котором деформируемый элемент представляет собой деформируемую шпильку, установленную на язычке защелки.7. Ремень безопасности по п.5, в котором деформируемый элемент выполнен из материала, имеющего меньшую прочность по сравнению с прилегающим материалом.8. Ремень безопасности по п.5, в котором деформируемый элемент представляет собой вставку, установленную на язычке защелки.9. Ремень безопасности по п.1, в котором защелка включает в себя подвижный элемент и неподвижный элемент, где подвижный элемент установлен с возможностью перемещения относительно неподвижного элемента, а деформируемый элемент прикреплен к каждому из этих элементов.10. Ремень безопасности по п.9, в котором плечевой ремень функционально соединен с подвижным элементом, а плечевой ремень и поясной ремень являются единым цельным ремнем, который охватывает петлей подвижный элеме РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B60R 22/26 (13) 149 371 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014132103/11, 04.08.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.08.2014 (72) Автор(ы): РУХАНА Стивен Уилльям (US) (73) Патентообладатель(и ...

20-02-2015 дата публикации

Рама транспортного средства (варианты)

Номер: RU0000150671U1

1. Рама транспортного средства, которая включает в себя левый и правый лонжероны, проходящие вдоль направления движения транспортного средства, и первую поперечину, проходящую в поперечном направлении и соединяющую левый и правый лонжероны, а также содержит переднюю блокирующую конструкцию, соединенную с левым или правым лонжероном рядом передним колесом транспортного средства впереди него и проходящую в сторону от указанного лонжерона, и заднюю блокирующую конструкцию, соединенную с одним лонжероном рядом с передним колесом транспортного средства позади него, и проходящую в сторону от указанного лонжерона, причем передняя и задняя блокирующие конструкции выполнены с возможностью ограничивать перемещение переднего колеса в сторону кабины транспортного средства при фронтальном смещенном столкновении со смещением, составляющим менее 25% от ширины транспортного средства.2. Рама по п.1, в которой блокирующие конструкции расположены с водительской стороны транспортного средства.3. Рама по п.1, в которой продольная ось передней блокирующей конструкции ориентирована перпендикулярно к направлению движения транспортного средства, а указанный лонжерон имеет первое отверстие и второе отверстие, в которых расположена передняя блокирующая конструкция и приварена к ним.4. Рама по п.1, в которой продольная ось задней блокирующей конструкции ориентирована под острым углом к направлению, перпендикулярному направлению движения транспортного средства, а указанный лонжерон имеет третье отверстие и четвертое отверстие, в которых расположена задняя блокирующая конструкция и приварена к ним.5. Рама по п.3, которая также РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 150 671 U1 (51) МПК B62D 25/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014133453/11, 14.08.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.08.2014 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Форд Глобал ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Раздвигаемый стол с функцией втягивания при столкновении

Номер: RU0000180273U1

Полезная модель относится к раздвигаемому столу с основной столешницей (2) и с, по меньшей мере, одной располагаемой у основной столешницы (2) дополнительной столешницей (1), которая образована в виде вводимой с помощью главной направляющей под углом вниз под основную столешницу (2) вдвижной столешницы, причем она может передвигаться между полностью выдвинутым и полностью вдвинутым положением, и при полностью выдвинутом положении предусмотрена фиксация дополнительной столешницы (1) относительно основной столешницы (2) таким образом, что предотвращено ее горизонтальное перемещение в направлении основной столешницы (2), отличающийся тем, что дополнительная столешница (1) дополнительно перемещается с помощью вспомогательной направляющей, которая имеет рычаг (6), который своим направленным наружу концом (7) закреплен на дополнительной столешнице (1), и через свой свободный конец для фиксации дополнительной столешницы (1) в ее полностью выдвинутом положении может быть приведен в зацепление с расположенной вертикально под основной столешницей (2) первичной направляющей планкой (10), и первичная направляющая планка (10) установлена пружиняще и закреплена для занятия основного положения в горизонтальном направлении, а также перемещается с помощью расположенной параллельно к первичной направляющей пластине (10) и точно также взаимодействующей с рычагом (6) вторичной направляющей пластины (15) таким образом, что при превышении силы, действующей от дополнительной столешницы (1) через рычаг (6) на первичную направляющую пластину (10), может быть снята фиксация дополнительной столешницы (1) относительно основной столешницы (2). РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 180 273 U1 (51) МПК A47B 1/05 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A47B 1/05 (2006.01); A47B 5/00 (2006.01); B60N 3/001 (2006.01); B60R 21/02 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017134810, 16.02.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: ( ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Protection device including an inflatable member

Номер: US20120007344A1
Автор: Lino Dainese, Luigi Ronco
Принадлежит: Dainese SpA

A protection device comprising an inflatable member and one or more structures is described. The inflatable member comprises a first wall and a second wall that form an internal chamber. The one or more structures are housed in the internal chamber, and each structure in the one or more structures comprises a first mesh and a second mesh connected by a plurality of tie members. Methods for manufacturing such a protection device are also described.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Gas flow structure and webbing take-up device

Номер: US20120024404A1
Принадлежит: Tokai Rika Co Ltd

Plural door portions are formed by sectioning the gas blowing section of the gas generator with slits. In a state in which gas has been generated by the gas generator, the plural door portions part at the slits and open towards the outside of the casing body. A gas flow path section is connected to a peripheral wall section configuring an deployment space permitting opening of the door portions. The gas flow path section is provided with an upstream portion which is in communication with the deployment space and formed along a direction orthogonal to the direction of gas blowing from the gas blowing section, and an opening portion provided at the gas inflow side, which is set so as to communicate with a space which is between adjacent door portions when the door portions 56 are in a opened state.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Airbag with tethered slit

Номер: US20120025505A1

An airbag having a base end, a front panel and at least one panel opposing the front panel, the airbag having a cutout in the front panel, an inner perimeter of the cutout having first and second sides, a first panel having first and second edges, the first edge of the first panel is attached to the first side of the cutout, a second panel having third and fourth edges, the third edge is attached to the second edge of the first panel and the fourth edge is attached to the second side of the cutout, wherein the first and second panels define a slit in cutout of the front panel, and a tether attached along a backside of the slit and attached to an inner surface of the at least one panel opposing the front panel of the airbag.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Convertible vehicle

Номер: US20120025506A1
Автор: Dominik Beierl
Принадлежит: Dr Ing HCF Porsche AG

A convertible has at least one rollover protective structure, in particular a roll bar, which is extendable through an opening which is closable by a covering. In order to further optimize the opening movement of the covering during the extension of the rollover protective structure of the convertible, the covering is attached to a bodywork part with the aid of a multi-bar linkage which controls the opening movement of the covering.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Seat Belt Usage Indication

Номер: US20120026331A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention provides notification externally of a vehicle that the vehicle's seatbelts are not being used or are being used improperly. In a first embodiment, an external lamp is connected to a seat belt interlock. If a seat belt is being used properly during vehicle operations, the external lamp will not be illuminated, but if the seat belt is not being used or is being used improperly during vehicle operations, the external lamp will be illuminated. In a second embodiment, a transmitter generates a signal if a seat belt is not being used or is being used improperly during vehicle operations. The signal is transmitted to a receiver that is in electrical communication with a camera in the immediate vicinity. Upon receipt of such a signal, the camera and a video recorder will be activated and a visual image or a sequence of visual images of the vehicle will be taken and recorded. In a third embodiment, a transmitter generates a signal if a seat belt is not being used or is being used improperly during vehicle operations. A law enforcement vehicle such as a police car includes a receiver adapted to receive the signal and an annunciator. When the receiver receives a signal, the annunicator will be activated and a law enforcement officer in the police car will be notified that a vehicle is being operated nearby in violation of the seatbelt-usage laws. Consequently, the law enforcement officer will be able to locate the vehicle and take appropriate enforcement action.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Hinge arrangement for airbag flap hinged on a dashboard

Номер: US20120032467A1
Автор: Daniel Ory
Принадлежит: Faurecia Interieur Industrie SAS

The invention relates to a hinge arrangement for an airbag flap hinged to a dashboard. The motor vehicle dashboard body ( 1 ) is provided with an opening closed by a flap ( 4 ), both the opening and the flap being defined by an outline ( 3 ) that is generally rectangular, the flap being suitable for opening so as to allow an airbag to be deployed. It is further provided with one or more linear ties ( 11 - 14 ) fastened to one face of the dashboard body and to one face of the flap, in such manner that segments ( 43, 44 ) of linear ties straddle a portion ( 6 ) of the outline that extends transversely relative to the vehicle on which the dashboard is to be mounted, in order to constitute or reinforce a hinge (AX) via which the flap is hinged to the dashboard body. The invention relates to motor vehicle safety.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Liquid cooled inflator

Номер: US20120043744A1
Принадлежит: Autoliv ASP Inc

An inflator including a housing with a first chamber that contains a quantity of gas generant. An initiator is operatively associated with the first chamber and in reaction initiating communication with at least a portion of the quantity of gas generant. The initiator, upon actuation, acts to ignite at least a portion of the quantity of gas generant to form gas. The housing further has a second chamber adjacently disposed to the first chamber. The second chamber contains a sealed storage reservoir and a piston assembly. The sealed storage reservoir includes a liner and a lid and contains a quantity of liquid. The piston assembly includes a piston. During deployment, the piston moves to unseal the storage reservoir to release at least a portion of the quantity of liquid such that the released liquid contacts and cools gas formed by the ignition of the gas generant. A discharge opening permits gas to exit the housing.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Automobile comprising a front bumper with a central portion extending as far as the bonnet of said vehicle

Номер: US20120043786A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

An automobile including a front cross-member, an attachment element arranged at the rear of the cross-member, a bonnet that closes off an engine compartment and including one free edge, and a front bumper mounted in front of the front cross-member and including a central portion that extends as far as the bonnet and includes a tab for attaching to the attachment element. The attachment tab includes a frangible area, located to the front of the attachment area and capable of breaking, and the frangible area is arranged next to an empty space formed in the compartment, with a view to having the central portion of the bumper bend into the empty space when the frangible area breaks.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Airbag Apparatus for Vehicle

Номер: US20120049492A1

An airbag apparatus for a vehicle may include an inflator, and an airbag cushion having a depressed head support portion formed in a rear portion of the airbag cushion so that when the airbag cushion may be deployed by gas supplied from the inflator, the head support portion receives a head of a passenger, and shoulder support portions protruding from lateral sides of the head support portion in a rearward direction and forming a space between the shoulder support portions to have the head support portion therebetween when the airbag cushion may be deployed, and a support tether provided in the airbag cushion and extending in a transverse direction across the shoulder support portions such that a gas path may be defined in a front portion of the airbag cushion below the support tether, the gas path guiding the gas downwards.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Fastening element and method for fastening an airbag of a vehicle occupant restraint system to a vehicle structure

Номер: US20120056054A1
Автор: Oliver Glöckler
Принадлежит: Takata Petri AG

A fastening element for fastening an airbag of a vehicle occupant restraint system to a vehicle structure is provided. The fastening element comprising fixing means, by way of which the fastening element can be fixed in a fastening opening of the vehicle structure; and at least one feed-through opening for feeding through a connecting element by way of which the airbag is to be connected to the vehicle structure. The fastening element has at least one projection against which a connecting element of the airbag fed through the feed-through opening rests and which counteracts the connecting element from being pulled out of the feed-through opening. The invention also relates to a method for fastening an airbag of a vehicle occupant restraint system to a vehicle structure.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Discharge device for vehicle

Номер: US20120063044A1
Принадлежит: Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd, Toyota Motor Corp

A discharge device for a vehicle includes a discharging circuit that connects a second capacitor and a discharging resistor in parallel through activation of a forced connection device. When a collision of the vehicle is detected, the discharge device forcibly stops electricity supply from the storage battery to the electric circuit including the second capacitor, and activates the forced connection device to forcibly discharge the second capacitor. A pair of connecting terminals of the forced connection device are arranged to be pressed against each other with an insulating member disposed therebetween. The forced connection device includes a gas generator for generating combustion gas directed to the insulating member. When an abnormality is detected, the forced connection device short-circuits the connecting terminals with each other through activation of the gas generator. The second capacitor and the discharge device are provided integrally.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Impact sensing and identification system for pedestrian protection device

Номер: US20120078499A1
Автор: Seo-Wook Park

A system for identifying an object impacting a vehicle bumper during a collision. The system receives acceleration values from each of a plurality of sensors and calculates a center strength value based on the acceleration values. The center strength value is indicative of the amount of force that is applied to the center of the vehicle bumper. The system then determines a preliminary impact location on the vehicle bumper based at least in part on the acceleration values. A normalized intrusion value is calculated based on the center strength value, the impact location, and a bumper stiffness factor. The bumper stiffness factor is indicative of the stiffness of the bumper at the impact location. The system then identifies the object impacting the vehicle bumper based at least in part on the normalized intrusion value.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Method and control unit for classifying a collision of a vehicle

Номер: US20120078569A1

A method for detecting a collision of a vehicle is described, including a step of receiving a linear signal and a rotation signal via an interface, the linear signal containing information about a linear motion, and the rotation signal containing information about a rotational motion of the vehicle. The method also includes a step of supplying an evaluation signal based on the linear signal and the rotation signal, the evaluation signal containing information about the collision.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for multi-stage inflation of a curtain airbag for ejection mitigation

Номер: US20120086190A1
Автор: Paul M. Slaats

The present invention can include an automobile having a multi-stage inflation system. The multi-stage inflation system can include an engine control unit, a multi-stage inflation unit, a curtain airbag, a curtain airbag pressure indicator, and/or a rollover side impact detection unit. The rollover side impact detection unit can detect when a side impact or a rollover occurs to the automobile. When the rollover or the side impact is detected, the engine control unit can instruct the multi-stage inflation unit to deploy and inflate the curtain airbag in multiple stages. The multi-stage inflation unit can include a pyrotechnic inflation unit with multiple compartments. At each of the stages, a different one of the multiple compartments can be activated to substantially inflate the curtain airbag. The multi-stage inflation unit can also optionally include a cold gas inflation unit to supplement the pyrotechnic inflation unit.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Method of folding an airbag, and device for folding the airbag

Номер: US20120096735A1
Принадлежит: Autoliv Development AB

Disclosed is a method for folding an airbag ( 1 ) for placement in an airbag module for a motor vehicle. The method involves folding the airbag ( 1 ), exposing the airbag ( 1 ) to moisture, compressing the airbag ( 1 ), and simultaneously extracting the moisture. Moisture in liquid or vapor form can be introduced before or after folding the airbag. Further disclosed is a device for folding the airbag.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Door hinge structure for passenger airbags

Номер: US20120104732A1
Автор: Jae Hyun An
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A door hinge structure for passenger airbags, may include an airbag module installed inside a crash pad at a location spaced apart from the crash pad, and an airbag door having a hinge unit provided on an inner surface of the crash pad at a location facing the airbag module, wherein the airbag door may be provided with a reinforcing bracket, the reinforcing bracket being embedded in the airbag door at an area around the hinge unit, on which a stress may be concentrated when an airbag cushion deploys from the airbag module, thus increasing a strength of the airbag door.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Side airbag cushion and method of manufacture

Номер: US20120104735A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An inflatable having: an inflatable portion, the inflatable portion partially surrounding an area when the inflatable portion is inflated; a non-inflatable member secured to the inflatable portion and positioned in the area; and a retentive pocket formed by the non-inflatable member, the retentive pocket having a periphery bounded on at least one side by the non-inflatable member and a peripheral portion of the non-inflatable member being configured to vary a length of the peripheral portion of the non-inflatable member such that a recessed area is formed in the retentive pocket.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Webbing take-up device

Номер: US20120119009A1
Автор: Takuhiro Saito
Принадлежит: Tokai Rika Co Ltd

There is provided a webbing take-up device including: a spool to which an end of webbing is anchored and that takes up the webbing by rotating in a take-up direction; a lock portion that restricts rotation of the spool in a pullout direction, in a coupled state capable of transmitting rotation force to the spool; a sensor portion that actuates in a rapid vehicle deceleration state in which a vehicle is being decelerated with a deceleration of a specific value or greater, a state in which the spool is rapidly rotated with an acceleration of a specific value or greater in the pullout direction, or a combination thereof; a drive portion that rotates the spool in the take-up direction by forward driving force output and that actuates the sensor portion; and a clutch portion that couples the spool and the lock portion by actuation of the sensor portion.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Passenger-shift airbag apparatus, side airbag system having the same, and method of controlling side airbag system

Номер: US20120123645A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A passenger-shift airbag apparatus may include an inflator installed at a predetermined position in a seat back of a vehicle; and a passenger-shift airbag cushion fluid-connected to the inflator directly or by a gas supply tube, the passenger-shift airbag cushion being located in the seat back adjacent to a lateral side of the seatback, so that when the passenger-shift airbag cushion is inflated by gas supplied from the inflator, the passenger-shift airbag cushion shifts the passenger towards an inside of the vehicle.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Side gas bag arrangements for a vehicle occupant restraint system

Номер: US20120139215A1
Принадлежит: Takata Petri AG

A side gas bag arrangement for a vehicle occupant restraint system of a motor vehicle is provided. The side gas bag arrangement comprising at least one side gas bag inflatable for the protection of a vehicle occupant, which with a side gas bag arrangement mounted in the vehicle and in the inflated condition of the side gas bag extends along a long side of the vehicle, wherein the side gas bag includes at least one inflatable chamber which is formed such that in the inflated condition of the side gas bag it extends over a side window of the vehicle and in direction of the vehicle floor beyond a door sill adjoining the side window; and sealing means which at least seal a partial region of the side gas bag, so that gas is prevented from flowing out of this partial region to the outside.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Curtain airbag assembly for a motor vehicle

Номер: US20120139216A1

An airbag assembly for a motor vehicle includes an inflator and a curtain airbag securable to a body structure of the motor vehicle. The airbag includes two or more deployment tubes and two or more inflatable chambers. Vents connect the deployment chambers with the inflatable chambers. Gasses from the inflator pass first into the deployment tubes to rapidly inflate them to vertically extending positions and draw the airbag over a window opening. The gasses then pass through the vents into the inflatable chambers to complete the deployment of the curtain airbag. The rapid inflation and deployment of the deployment chambers provides cushioning for an occupant's head early in a crash event, followed by the inflation of the inflatable chambers to provide additional head protection and increasing the resistance of the curtain airbag to ejection through the underlying window apertures.

28-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120160947A1
Принадлежит: Tokai Rika Co Ltd

A pretensioner comprising a gas generating unit; a pretensioner body to whose inside the gas is supplied; a spool driving member disposed inside the pretensioner body and causing a spool to rotate to retract webbing onto the spool; a gas flow rate adjusting portion disposed in the spool driving member and whose inner peripheral shape is set in accordance with a flow rate of the gas to be passed through the gas flow rate adjusting portion; and a filter unit having a vent portion that is communicated with a space between the gas generating unit and the spool driving member and is also communicated with the gas flow rate adjusting portion. The open shape of the gas flow rate adjusting portion has a portion that does not coincide in a plan view with the open shape of the vent portion, and the overall open area of the vent portion is set larger than the open area of the gas flow rate adjusting portion.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Combined abs/airbag control unit

Номер: US20120166045A1

A control unit has an ABS control algorithm. For use on motorcycles, it is advantageous if the control unit also includes an airbag algorithm for actuating an airbag, a maximum of two but preferably only a single acceleration sensor for detecting a collision, and a maximum of two but preferably only a single ignition stage which generates a signal for igniting an airbag when a collision is detected.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Reduced volume air bag

Номер: US20120193896A1
Принадлежит: TRW Vehicle Safety Systems Inc

An apparatus ( 10 ) for helping to protect an occupant ( 20 ) of a vehicle ( 12 ) includes an inflatable vehicle occupant protection device ( 14 ) having a deflated condition and an inflated condition. The protection device ( 14 ) includes a front portion ( 70 ) that has a panel ( 72 ) presented toward the occupant ( 20 ) when the protection device ( 14 ) is in the inflated condition and a rear portion ( 80 ) spaced from the front portion ( 70 ) when the protection device ( 14 ) is in the inflated condition. A lower connecting portion ( 90 ) connects the front portion ( 70 ) to the rear portion ( 80 ) and defines the lower extent of the protection device ( 14 ). A space ( 100 ) is positioned outside the inflatable volume ( 60 ) of the protection device ( 14 ) and is defined between the front portion ( 70 ), the connecting portion ( 90 ), and the rear portion ( 80 ). The space ( 100 ) extends from an upper extent of the protection device ( 14 ) down to below a midline of the protection device ( 14 ).

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Protective device for protecting an occupant of a vehicle, a seat, and an associated vehicle

Номер: US20120193899A1
Автор: Tomas Santana-Gallego
Принадлежит: Eurocopter SA

A protective device ( 10 ) for protecting an occupant ( 7 ) of a vehicle ( 1 ), said protective device comprising an airbag ( 11 ) and inflation means ( 12 ) for inflating said airbag ( 11 ), the inflation means ( 12 ) being connected to the airbag ( 11 ) via a feed pipe ( 13 ) for feeding inflation fluid for the purpose of inflating the airbag ( 11 ) under predetermined conditions. This protective device further comprises expulsion means ( 20 ) for expelling said fluid, which expulsion means cooperate with at least one water detection means ( 15 ) so as to act when water is detected to remove said fluid resulting from inflation of the airbag ( 11 ), said airbag ( 11 ) being provided with a peripheral elastic strap ( 50 ) for optimizing the deflation of said airbag ( 11 ) when said expulsion means ( 20 ) allow said fluid to be removed from the airbag ( 11 ).

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Webbing winding device

Номер: US20120199686A1
Автор: Koji Muto
Принадлежит: Tokai Rika Co Ltd

In a webbing-winding device, a tension acting on a webbing is smaller when a pretensioner-mechanism is actuated than when a force-limiter mechanism is actuated, thus, projection dimensions of a first claw and a second claw can be made smaller than projection dimensions of second contact portions. A total of contact areas of first contact portions and the second contact portions with a body portion is larger than a total of contact areas of the first claw and the second claw with the body portion. Accordingly, the first claw and the second claw are caused to insert through an insertion hole from the lower side of a stay to attach. Since the projection dimensions can be made smaller, an amount of deflection of the protector can be made smaller. Therefore, the protector can be held on the stay reliably to allow the protector to be attached to the stay easily.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle side airbag apparatus

Номер: US20120200072A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle side airbag apparatus has an inflator that discharges gas when a lateral collision occurs, a side airbag that is formed by sewing a passenger-side base fabric to a vehicle body-side base fabric, that is folded when it is stored and is inflated when gas is supplied from the inflator to be deployed into a space between a passenger seated in a vehicular seat and a vehicle body side portion, and a tether that couples a middle region of the passenger-side base fabric in a longitudinal direction of a vehicle with either a rear region of the passenger-side base fabric or the vehicle body-side base fabric in the longitudinal direction of the vehicle, and partitions the side airbag into a main chamber, which comes into contact with a lateral portion of the passenger, and a rear chamber, which comes into contact with a rear portion of the passenger, during deployment.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Driver Assistance System for a Vehicle, in Particular Commercial Vehicle, and Method for Controlling a Brake System

Номер: US20120203438A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a driver assistance system for a vehicle, in particular commercial vehicle, wherein the driver assistance system ( 14 ) has: a detection system which has at least one sensor ( 15 - 1, 15 - 2, 15 - 3 ) for issuing measuring signals (S 5 - 1 , S 5 - 2 , S 5 - 3 ), a control unit ( 16 ) for receiving the measuring signals (S 5 - 1 , S 5 - 2 , S 5 - 3 ) and for determining the probability of a critical situation or critical state of the vehicle ( 1 ), wherein, when a critical state or sufficient probability of a critical state is identified, the control unit ( 16 ) of the driver assistance system ( 14 ) outputs a signal (S 6 ) for priming a brake system ( 4 ) to a brake control device ( 6 ) of the brake system ( 4 ) of the vehicle ( 1 ), and wherein the control unit ( 16 ) outputs an external brake request signal (S 6 ) for initiating braking operations to the brake control device ( 6 ) of the brake system ( 4 ). According to the invention, in order to prime the brake system ( 4 ), the control unit ( 16 ) outputs an external brake request signal (S 6 ) which has a desired acceleration value signal (S 6 - 3 ) with a higher desired acceleration value (a-des) than a current actual acceleration value (a-act).

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Airbag fabrics woven from slit-film polymeric tapes

Номер: US20120205901A1
Автор: Scott Westoby
Принадлежит: Invista North America LLC

Disclosed herein is the preparation of woven fabrics suitable for use in manufacturing vehicle airbags. Such fabrics are woven from a plurality of polymeric, e.g., polyamide, warp and weft tapes which have preferably been slitted, preferably in the machine direction, from a thermoplastic polymer film, and preferably from such a film which has been drawn at least in the machine direction. The resulting fabrics exhibit both the relatively low basis weight, stiffness and small packing volume typical of nylon films, and the relatively high tear strength and high damage tolerance of yarn-based woven airbag fabrics.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Tensioning Device for a Safety Belt

Номер: US20120211578A1
Принадлежит: Autoliv Development AB

A tensioning device ( 10 ) for a seat belt, in particular in a motor vehicle, having a gas generator ( 17 ) and a piston ( 21 ) guided in a tube ( 16 ) that closes a pressure space ( 20 ) in the tube ( 16 ), whereas the pressure space ( 20 ) can be pressurized by the gas generator ( 17 ), as a result of which the piston ( 21 ) can be driven to perform a tensioning operation which can be transmitted to the seat belt by means of the force transmission means. The piston ( 21 ) having a closed or constricted opening ( 1, 1 a ), and the opening ( 1, 1 a ) can be enlarged and/or opened by the material erosion caused by the pressure and/or pressure conditions in the pressure space ( 20 ).

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Front Body Structure for Vehicle

Номер: US20120217761A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A front body structure for a vehicle includes a striker bracket provided in a hood frame, and a frame reinforcing unit provided in front of the striker bracket to reinforce the hood frame. In addition to, or alternatively, a reinforcement is arranged between the frame and a at least a portion of the hood skin.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle Seat Side Air Bag System

Номер: US20120223553A1
Автор: Michael L. Tracht
Принадлежит: Lear Corp

A side air bag restraint sub-assembly is disposed in a cavity in a vehicle seat. A reinforcement panel is secured to either the inflator bolts or the seat fame on one edge. The opposite edge of the reinforcement panel is sewn to a hem on one side of a tear seam.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Reliable Data Transmission with Reduced Bit Error Rate

Номер: US20120226965A1

A data transmission system includes at least one transmission line. A sender is configured to send data frames to the at least one transmission line and a recipient is configured to receive the data frames from the at least one transmission line. The sender and the recipient are both configured to determine a check sum based on a plurality of corresponding data frames that are sent to and, respectively, received from the at least one transmission line. A check sum comparing unit is configured to receive and to compare the check sum determined by the sender and the corresponding check sum determined by the recipient. The check sum comparing unit is also configured to signal a transmission error or initiate a safety function when the check sums compared are not equal.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Horn switch device and airbag device

Номер: US20120228855A1
Автор: Naoki Yamaji
Принадлежит: Ashimori Industry Co Ltd

A horn switch device installed in a steering wheel includes: an ornament including a biasing projection provided to project on a back surface side thereof; a covering in which a recessed portion and a through hole are formed, the recessed portion being configured such that the ornament is mounted so as to move to be pushed thereinto and return therefrom, the through hole being configured in a bottom of the recessed portion; and a switch mechanism turned on and off in response to press and return movements of the ornament. The biasing projection penetrates the bottom of the recessed portion and projects from a back surface side thereof. The back-surface-side projecting part of the biasing projection is engaged with a biasing member on the back surface side of the covering. The biasing member receives a pressing force of the ornament and biases the ornament in the return direction.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Side air bag device, occupant protection device and occupant protection method

Номер: US20120235389A1
Автор: Mototsugu Suzuki
Принадлежит: Fuji Jukogyo KK

There are provided a side air bag device, an occupant protection device and an occupant protection method. The side air bag member is expanded between a side door and a passenger M in a widthwise direction of a vehicle so as to protect the passenger from a shock caused by an impact on the side door. The side air bag member includes a communication chamber and a non-expanded portion that are contracted when the side air bag member is pressed by a curtain air bag member that is expanded above the side air bag member in the vertical direction of the vehicle.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Seat belts

Номер: US20120240358A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A tongue or tongue cover to envelop a plastic part of a seat belt tongue of a seat belt. The tongue or tongue cover includes a webbing engagement projection useful to resist unwanted slackening of the lap belt portion of the seat belt while in use.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Data mining in a digital map database to identify intersections located at hill bottoms and enabling precautionary actions in a vehicle

Номер: US20120253605A1
Автор: Robert Denaro
Принадлежит: Navteq BV

Disclosed is a feature for a vehicle that enables taking precautionary actions in response to conditions on the road network around or ahead of the vehicle, in particular, an intersection located at the bottom of a hill. A database that represents the road network is used to determine locations where an intersection of roads is located at the bottom of a hill and then, precautionary action data is added to the database to indicate such locations. A precautionary action system installed in a vehicle uses this database, or a database derived therefrom, in combination with a positioning system to take a precautionary action as the vehicle approaches such a location.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Curtain airbag system

Номер: US20120256402A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A curtain airbag of a curtain airbag system includes a main chamber stored in a folded condition in a roof side portion that extends rearward from a front pillar, and a front auxiliary chamber formed integrally with the main chamber and stored in a folded condition in a roof header portion. The main chamber is inflated with gas supplied thereto in the event of a side impact of a vehicle and rollover of the vehicle, to be deployed like a curtain downwardly of the vehicle. The front auxiliary chamber is inflated with gas supplied thereto at least in the event of rollover of the vehicle, to be deployed in front of the main chamber such that a lower portion of the front auxiliary chamber as seen in a side view of the vehicle overlaps a front side door.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Pretensioner, seatbelt retractor including the pretensioner, and seatbelt apparatus including the seatbelt retractor

Номер: US20120256407A1
Принадлежит: Takata Corp

[Object] To allow force transmission members to smoothly move in a pipe, to facilitate setting of a stopper for stopping rotation of a ring gear, and to reduce the cost with a simple structure. [Solution] A ring gear 15 of a pretensioner 8 includes a plurality of levers 17 and one arc-shaped stopper 16. During operation of the pretensioner 8, the levers 17 are sequentially pressed by balls 12 a to rotate a pinion 19 and a spool in a seatbelt retracting direction. When the ring gear 15 rotates by a predetermined rotation amount, an outer peripheral edge 16 c of the stopper 16 contacts and presses the opposing ball 12 a. Since the ball 12 a is thereby clamped between the stopper 16 and an inner peripheral surface 10 d 1 of a pipe 10, the ring gear 15 is stopped.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Air bag with uninflated pocket

Номер: US20120261910A1
Принадлежит: TRW Vehicle Safety Systems Inc

An inflatable vehicle occupant protection device ( 14 ) for being inflated between an instrument panel ( 36 ) and a seat ( 22 ) of the vehicle ( 12 ) is provided. The protection device ( 14 ) includes a front portion ( 70 ) that has a panel ( 72 ) presented towards the vehicle seat ( 22 ), a rear portion ( 76 ) adjacent the instrument panel ( 36 ), and top and bottom portions ( 90, 92 ) interconnecting the front portion ( 70 ) and the rear portion ( 76 ) to define an inflatable volume ( 54 ). A pocket ( 100 ) defines an uninflated volume ( 102 ) outside of the inflatable volume ( 54 ). The pocket ( 100 ) is defined by a single panel ( 160 ) of the protection device ( 14 ). The panel ( 100 ) extends along a centerline ( 162 ) and includes an extension ( 180 ) of material on each side of the centerline ( 162 ). The extensions ( 180 ) overly one another and are interconnected along a seam ( 106 ) to form the pocket ( 100 ).

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Method and Device for Lessening the Consequences of an Accident on a Vehicle Occupant

Номер: US20120265407A1
Принадлежит: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

A method and device are provided for lessening the consequences of an accident affecting a vehicle occupant in the event of a collision of the vehicle with an obstruction. Before the collision, the absolute speed of the vehicle occupant relative to the obstruction is reduced independently of the traveling speed of the vehicle by way of a reduction of the vehicle occupant's speed relative to the vehicle, without the vehicle occupant experiencing a first displacement movement against the vehicle movement direction beyond his initial destination-related traveling position.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Suction disc support set with auxiliary tool for emergency escape

Номер: US20120267406A1
Автор: Eagle Fan
Принадлежит: Individual

A suction disc support set with auxiliary tool for emergency escape is provided, including a suction disc set and a connecting support unit. The suction disc is for attaching to a flat surface. One end of the connecting support unit is connected to the suction disc set, and the other end can be connected to any suitable holding base for holding a portable device. The main body of the present invention is to form at least a sharp conic object in a frame of the connecting support unit. A knife can be further included in the frame. In this manner, the suction disc support set is attached to the windshield when in use, while in emergency, the present invention can be used as a tool to break the glass or cut off the stuck seat belt for escape from inside a car.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Airbag for motor vehicles and method for manufacturing an airbag

Номер: US20120267880A1
Принадлежит: Autoliv Development AB

An airbag for a motor vehicle includes an airbag skin having two side walls which enclose a gas chamber. The airbag skin is at least partially rolled to a shaped package in the resting state of the curtain airbag, with the shaped package having a non-circular cross-section. In order to provide a cost-effective way to produce such an airbag and to ensure that the airbag shows a deployment behaviour of a rolled package, the non-circular cross-section is permanent as long as the pressure inside the gas chamber does not exceed the pressure of the environment and is obtainable by plastic conversion of a rolled package with a circular cross-section.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Coated Fabric Products

Номер: US20120280479A1
Принадлежит: Dow Corning Corp

This relates to the coating of air bags, which are used for safety purposes to protect occupants of vehicles such as automobiles, and of air bag fabrics intended to be made into air bags. In particular the invention relates to the top coating of air bags and air bag fabrics which have been pre-coated with a cured organic resin coating composition. The top-coat is an anti-blocking coating composition comprising at least one solid lubricant dispersed in an organic polymer binder. A process for applying the top-coat is also described.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

System and method for airbag deployment detection

Номер: US20120282885A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive Systems US Inc

A system and method for airbag deployment sensing with a mobile device is provided. The system senses an effluent indicative of airbag deployment with a chemical sensor and determines if an airbag deployment condition exists based on the sensing of the chemical sensor. The system may then initiate an emergency communication if it is determined that the airbag deployment condition exists.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Occupant restraint system

Номер: US20120286501A1
Принадлежит: TK HOLDINGS INC

A tongue assembly for use in an occupant restraint system also having a buckle mechanism and a webbing. The tongue assembly includes a tongue member configured to selectively engage the buckle mechanism, a body formed over a portion of the tongue member, a cam, and a biasing member configured to rotationally bias the cam. The body includes a contact surface. The cam includes a cam surface and is configured to rotate about an axis of rotation between a first locking position and a second free position. When the cam is positioned in the second free position the tongue assembly is free to slide along the length of the webbing, and when the cam is positioned in the first locking position a portion of the webbing is clamped between the cam surface and the contact surface thereby preventing the tongue assembly from sliding along the length of the webbing.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Air bag device for rear-end collision

Номер: US20120292894A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Both ends of a sack-like body are fixed to fastening sections provided in a pillar-like frame in the rearmost part of a vehicle, and the sack-like body is housed along an air bag housing space in a portion of a roof. The sack-like body is composed of a fabric-made article that shrinks longitudinally when extended widthwise. At the time of a rear-end collision, the air bag is inflated by gas supplied from an inflator, and turns into an inflated body, starting from a housed state in the air bag housing space, in such a way that both ends of the air bag are supported by the fastening sections, the inflated shape of the inflated body being restricted by the sack-like body. This inflated body constrains the head sections of vehicle cabin occupants who move rearward due to the rear-end collision.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Airbag for front passenger's seat

Номер: US20120299278A1
Автор: Osamu Fukawatase
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An object of the present invention is to make it possible to manufacture many types of airbags corresponding to vehicles by merely changing a sewing line, while using panels in common. An airbag for a front passenger's seat is structured by using an inner panel that is sewn together opposingly in a vehicle transverse direction, wherein an outer panel that is provided so as to nip the inner panel from both sides in the vehicle transverse direction, and is provided with a left side bag portion that is positioned at a vehicle transverse direction left side, and a right side bag portion that is positioned at a vehicle transverse direction right side. A shape of a concave portion at a passenger side between the left side bag portion and the right side bag portion is set by a sewing line of sewing together the inner panel.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Airbag module

Номер: US20120306187A1
Принадлежит: TK HOLDINGS INC

An airbag system for a vehicle includes an airbag having a vent and a vent cover configured to close the vent, an actuator, and a tether. The tether is connected between the actuator and the airbag. The vent cover is positioned outside the airbag and between the tether and the airbag. During inflation of the airbag but prior to activation of the actuator, the tether is in tension so as to apply a normal force against the vent cover to maintain the vent in a closed state. The actuator is configured to be activated to reduce or release tension in the tether to reduce the normal force applied by the tether to the vent cover and allow inflation gas to move the vent cover to place the vent in an open state.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Webbing winding device

Номер: US20120318903A1
Принадлежит: Tokai Rika Co Ltd

In a webbing winding device, a sub-torsion shaft is inserted from one side in the axial direction of a spool into the spool when assembling the sub-torsion shaft to the spool. Subsequently, by the sub-torsion shaft rotating in the winding direction, movement of the sub-torsion shaft with respect to the spool in the winding direction and in one side in the axial direction is inhibited. Subsequently, by a stopper being fitted from one side in the axial direction into insertion groove portions, movement of the sub-torsion shaft with respect to the spool in the pull out direction is inhibited. Accordingly, since the direction in which the sub-torsion shaft is assembled to the spool becomes only a direction parallel to the axial direction of the spool, the assembility of the sub-torsion shaft with respect to the spool may be improved.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Bumper arrangement for an automobile and method for operating a bumper arrangement in a crash

Номер: US20120323447A1
Принадлежит: Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH

A bumper arrangement for an automobile includes a crossbeam with crash boxes and a pedestrian protection element arranged on the crossbeam. The material of the pedestrian protection element has a lower firmness compared to the material of the crossbeam. A deformation element is arranged in the pedestrian protection element. The deformation element can be retracted into the crossbeam in an impact with a pedestrian, so that only the pedestrian protection element produces a damping effect. In a high-intensity crash, the deformation element can be rigidly connected with the crossbeam and thus lengthen the available deformation path of the crash box along the deformation element.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Knee airbag device and connecting method thereof

Номер: US20120326419A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A knee airbag device includes a column cover that covers a rear end portion of a steering column from below; and an airbag module. The airbag module is disposed in a column lower cover and includes a gas generation portion that generates gas and a knee airbag that is housed in the airbag module in a folded state, and is inflated and deployed by the gas supplied by the gas generation portion. The airbag module is connected to the steering column by a snap-fit action.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Side impact absorbing apparatus for vehicle

Номер: US20130015644A1
Автор: Yoichi Tamura
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A side impact absorbing apparatus for a vehicle includes an impact bar, an impact absorbing member that has a portion which overlaps the impact bar, and a side airbag. The impact absorbing member has a first portion to which a load is applied from the deployed side airbag, and a second portion which is a portion of the impact absorbing member other than the first portion. The first portion is smaller in thickness at least at a connection portion that is connected to the second portion than a portion of the second portion, which is connected to the first portion from below the first portion.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Knee Airbag with Passive Venting for Out of Position Occupant Protection

Номер: US20130020788A1

A knee airbag installed in a lower portion of an instrument panel has a deployed condition wherein it extends rearward and upward. The airbag has a left lobe, a right lobe, and a central portion between and joined to the left and right lobes. A vent is formed in the reaction surface of each of the lobes to allow inflation gasses to escape from the airbag when, during a crash event, an occupant force applied forwardly against the lobes is below a threshold level. When the occupant force reaches or exceeds the threshold level, the vents are urged against the instrument panel to substantially block the escape of inflation gasses. The threshold level is selected such that a child-sized occupant standing forward of a desired passenger seating position exerts less than the threshold level.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Center floor panel assembly for vehicle

Номер: US20130038090A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A center floor panel assembly for a vehicle may include a first center floor panel and a second center floor panel mutually engaged to form a tunnel portion of a closed section in which a center muffler unit that may be provided in a vertical direction of a vehicle body may be accommodated, and provided in a continuous shape along a longitudinal direction of the vehicle body, and a support member provided in the tunnel portion between the first center floor panel and the second center floor panel and enclosing the center muffler unit to support the center muffler unit against the tunnel portion.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Polyester fiber and preparation method for the same

Номер: US20130040522A1

The present invention relates to a polyester fiber applicable to an airbag fabric, and more particularly to a polyester fiber, a preparation method for the polyester fiber, and an airbag fabric prepared from the polyester fiber, where the polyester fiber has an elongation of 0.8 to 2.0% under a tensile strength of 1.0 g/d at the room temperature, and an additional elongation of 1.5 to 5% under a tensile strength of 8.8 g/d to the maximum. The polyester fiber of the present invention which secures low initial Young's modulus and good mechanical properties can be used in an airbag fabric not only to provide excellences in air sealing effect as well as packing property and dimensional stability but also to minimize collision impacts on occupants, thereby protecting the occupants with safety.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Power supply control device for electric actuators for door-related accessories in vehicle

Номер: US20130041555A1
Автор: Hiroyuki Kouzuma
Принадлежит: Honda Lock Manufacturing Co Ltd

In a vehicle in which a power distributor is provided between a plurality of electric actuators for door-related accessories and an auxiliary power source connected to a main power source, the electric actuators including an electric actuator for a door lock device provided on a door lock device, control ( 29 ) unit for controlling the power distributor operates so that, when a voltage applied from the main power source to the auxiliary power source is reduced to a predetermined voltage or below, and an impact detection sensor detects an impact that is a predetermined value or greater, a door lock device is put into an unlocked state while maintaining the supply of power from the auxiliary power source to the electric actuator for a door lock device, but the supply of power from the auxiliary power source to the remaining electric actuators for door-related accessories is forcibly stopped.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle body front structure

Номер: US20130048404A1
Автор: Masami Hasegawa
Принадлежит: Fuji Jukogyo KK

A vehicle body front structure is provided. In the vehicle body front structure, a front grille and a bumper extend in the up-and-down direction in a front end portion of the vehicle body, the bumper bends and extends rearwardly from the front grille, a front end edge of a front hood is positioned adjacent to a top end portion of the extending bumper, a frame upper portion that supports a radiator extends in the body width direction and is supported on the back side of a front end portion of the front hood, and a box-like hollow impact absorber, which is made of sheet metal and extends in the body width direction, is provided in a space surrounded by the front grille, the bumper, the front end portion of the front hood, and the frame upper portion, and is supported by the frame upper portion via a plurality of legs.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Restraining device

Номер: US20130049340A1
Автор: Hideyuki TOMBE
Принадлежит: Takata Corp

The motor drive current has a value increased for a time necessary for the clutch operation to mechanically connect the motor and spool and, after the clutch operation, the drive current has a value necessary only for preventing the rotation of the spool due to the belt tension. In this way, the power necessary only for restraining the occupant is consumed after the operation of the clutch is ensured. Then, it is possible to reduce the motor power consumption and suppress heat generation of the motor.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Limiting energy leakage during laser scoring of vehicle airbag coverings

Номер: US20130065041A1
Принадлежит: Faurecia Interior Systems Inc

A covering for use over a vehicle airbag includes a skin layer and an attached foam layer. The foam layer is constructed from a polymer-based material that includes a polymer portion and an additive, and the additive may be selected to affect the energy transmission characteristics of the foam layer material when the covering is subjected to a laser scoring process that uses a laser light beam having a characteristic wavelength. The additive may decrease the amount of light energy transmitted through the material at the characteristic wavelength to limit the amount of energy leakage from one cut location to another during laser scoring. The decrease in light transmission through the material may be accompanied by an increase in the light absorption of the material, an increase in the amount of light reflected by the material, and/or an increase in a laser cutting rate of the material per unit energy.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Air intake structure

Номер: US20130065499A1
Автор: Neil Patterson
Принадлежит: McLaren Automotive Ltd

An air intake system for a vehicle, the system comprising a body panel having a pair of opposed walls defining a plenum therebetween, the walls being attached together in such a way as to structurally stiffen the body panel, and the plenum having an air intake for admitting air into the plenum and an air outlet for supplying air to an air handling system of the vehicle.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for downsizing a safety device for a motor vehicle

Номер: US20130092778A1
Автор: Thomas Dramlitsch
Принадлежит: Thomas Dramlitsch

A method of downscaling the travel-time-function of a reference body of mass m t in a spring-mass system with a spring providing a spring force when the spring-mass system is exposed to an acceleration field with an acceleration which moves the reference body against the spring force according to the travel-time-function is provided. In this method, the downscaling is done by coupling the reference body of mass m t to additional masses m r which are kinematically linked together in such a way that they do not react to acceleration field.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Variable lateral thickness airbag, system comprising same, and method of deploying same

Номер: US20130099467A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An airbag assembly has an airbag, a gas emitting inflator, and an airbag thickness limiting structure. The airbag thickness limiting structure limits a first body region engaging portion to having a lateral thickness within a first lateral thickness range when the gas emitting inflator delivers a first amount of inflation gas into the interior space of the airbag and allows the first body region engaging portion of the airbag to have a lateral thickness within a second lateral thickness range when the gas emitting inflator delivers a second amount of inflation gas greater than the first amount into the interior space of the airbag. A second body region engaging portion has a substantially fixed maximum attainable lateral thickness. Maximum attainable lateral thickness of the first body region engaging portion of the airbag can be dependent upon whether or not inflation of the airbag is implemented using pre-crash sensing technology.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Seatbelt to pretensioner connector assembly

Номер: US20130099471A1
Принадлежит: TK HOLDINGS INC

A seat belt system comprising a webbing configured to restrain an occupant, a pretensioner coupled to the webbing and configured to apply a tensile force to the webbing when a dynamic vehicle event is detected, and a connector assembly for connecting the webbing to the pretensioner. The connector assembly includes a first coupling member having a first end and a second end connected to the webbing, and a second coupling member having a first end and a second end connected to the pretensioner. The first end of the second coupling member is configured to be detachably coupled to the first end of the first coupling member. The first end of the first coupling member includes a cavity configured to receive the first end of the second coupling member, and the relative positions of the first and second coupling members are fixed when the first end of the second coupling member is inserted into the cavity and rotated relative to the first coupling member into a locked position.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle vision system for controlling a vehicle safety feature

Номер: US20130099908A1
Автор: Ove J. Salomonsson

A safety system for a vehicle includes an imaging sensor and an image processor. The image sensor has an exterior rearward field of view. The imaging sensor captures image data and the image processor is operable to process captured image data to detect an object approaching the subject vehicle from rearward of the subject vehicle. The safety system is operable to determine if the detected object is likely to collide (or that a collision is probable or imminent or unavoidable or substantially unavoidable) with the subject vehicle and is operable to adjust a safety feature of the vehicle before the collision occurs. The safety system may be operable to adjust or vibrate or reposition a headrest of a seat in the subject vehicle responsive to determination that the detected object is likely to collide with the subject vehicle.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Valve for Inflation and Deflation of Air Bags and Method of Use Thereof

Номер: US20130105040A1
Принадлежит: International Dunnage LLC

A valve for inflation and deflation of an air bag that is operable to allow air pressure to open the valve to allow air to enter the air bag with subsequent sealing of the valve upon removal of the air pressure source. For deflation, a common coin is insertable into the valve insert which is subsequently turned into a locked-open position, allowing egress of the air within the air bag.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Girt panel assembly

Номер: US20130105245A1
Автор: Frank John Brown
Принадлежит: Air Cruisers Co LLC

Described are girt panel assemblies including a panel, at least two hinges coupled to the panel, and at least one fabric girt coupled to the panel. The fabric girt may also be configured to couple to an evacuation slide. The evacuation slide may, but not necessarily, include a sill tube, where an upper fabric girt is coupled to an upper surface of the sill tube and a lower fabric girt is coupled to a lower surface of the sill tube. In these examples, the sill tube applies pressure to the upper fabric girt and the lower fabric girt when inflated. As a result, the sill tube is positioned between a lower surface of the panel and the passenger vehicle when inflated.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Side airbag for installation into a motor vehicle, vehicle seat with such a side airbag and motor vehicle

Номер: US20130113193A1
Принадлежит: Autoliv Development AB

A side airbag for installation into a motor vehicle, a vehicle seat with such a side airbag and a motor vehicle with such a vehicle seat are described. The side airbag comprises at least one mounting device for mounting the side airbag on the backrest of the vehicle seat, an outer skin with a first side wall extending forwards, when viewed in the vehicle direction, and a second side wall connected to the first side wall. In order to be able, at as low a cost as possible, to protect the passengers to be protected better against a movement towards the middle of the vehicle, the second side wall extends essentially cross-ways to the vehicle direction when the outer skin is fully deployed and free from external forces, so that at least a third side wall connecting the first two side walls is present.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Arrangement of an inflatable airbag in an instrument panel comprising a flap connected to the instrument panel by a linear tether

Номер: US20130127139A1
Автор: Daniel Ory
Принадлежит: Faurecia Interieur Industrie SAS

The invention relates to an inflatable airbag arrangement ( 1 ) comprising an instrument panel body ( 2 ) having an aperture ( 3 ), a flap ( 10 ) closing this aperture ( 10 ) while being articulated to a transverse articulation edge of this aperture, a firing canal ( 4 ) fixed on the underside face of the instrument panel body ( 2 ). At least one tether ( 18 ) is fixed to the flap ( 10 ) and to the firing canal ( 4 ) so as to form a hinge and/or so as to limit the opening of the flap ( 10 ), and the firing canal ( 4 ) comprises at least one opening ( 28, 29, 42 ) establishing communication between an internal face and an external face of an edge ( 8, 9, 6 ) of the firing canal ( 4 ). The tether ( 18 ) passes through this opening ( 28, 29, 42 ) to be fixed while being held firmly at an external face of the firing canal ( 4 ) when the flap ( 10 ) opens.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Seat belt Arrangement

Номер: US20130127147A1
Автор: Ian Gordon Murray
Принадлежит: Gordon Murray Design Ltd

A seat belt arrangement for a vehicle seat having a seat part and a back part and which is positioned substantially centrally between the nearside and offside of a vehicle. First and second anchorage points are provided on the vehicle structure on opposite sides of the seat part, the first anchorage point providing an anchorage for one end of the seat belt and the second anchorage point comprising a latching mechanism for receiving a latch carried by the seat belt. A third anchorage point comprising a retractor system is located on the vehicle structure behind the seat. The first, second and third anchorage points are each located at a relatively low position; and an upper mounting provided on the back part (towards an upper end thereof) is at a higher level than the first, second and third anchorage points. In a secured position, a seat belt extends behind the back part of the seat from the retractor system to the upper mounting, through the upper mounting, in front of the front of the back part diagonally from the upper mounting to the latching mechanism of the second anchorage point and over the seat part from the latching mechanism to the first anchorage point.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Tensioning apparatuses for occupant restraint systems and associated systems and methods

Номер: US20130127229A1
Автор: Todd J. HUMBERT
Принадлежит: AmSafe Inc

Tensioning apparatuses for occupant restraint systems and associated systems and methods. In one embodiment, an occupant restraint system for a vehicle can include a flexible web configured to extend across at least a portion of an occupant seated in the vehicle and an electrically actuated web retractor operably coupled to a proximal end portion of the web. The web retractor is configured to automatically wind and unwind the web. The system also includes an acceleration sensor operably coupled to the electrically actuated web retractor. The acceleration sensor is configured to send an electrical signal to the web retractor in response to a vehicle acceleration above a preset magnitude. In response to the signal, the web retractor is configured to (a) retract the web, and/or (b) at least temporarily prevent the web from moving inwardly or outwardly.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Seatbelt retractor and seatbelt apparatus having the same

Номер: US20130140869A1
Автор: Hayato Uchibori
Принадлежит: Takata Corp

When an axis of rotation 9 a 2 of a spool rotates in the seatbelt retracting direction, a lock gear 13 rotates clockwise which is the same direction as the spool, and an eccentric gear 16 rotates counterclockwise. A cam 20 of the eccentric gear 16 comes into contact with a lever 36 of the control lever 35 to cause the control lever 35 to rotate counterclockwise to take an operating position. A pressed pin 42 b of a lever 42 comes into contact with a lever 37 , so that levers 42, 43 rotate counterclockwise. A holding portion 42 c of the lever 42 opposes a flywheel 14 . Accordingly, since the holding portion 42 c presses a held portion 14 d when the entire amount of a seatbelt 4 is retracted, a rocking movement of the flywheel 14 is prevented and hence end locking is prevented.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for displacing anchor pre-tensioner for seat belt

Номер: US20130147175A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

An apparatus for displacing an anchor pre-tensioner for a seat belt may include the anchor pre-tensioner which is installed on a lower portion of a center pillar of a vehicle body, and to which a wire is coupled at an angle with the wire exposed above the vehicle body; and a trim guide which is installed on the vehicle body, and which has a guide hole in the middle thereof so as to allow the wire to be fitted into and guided in the guide hole, and a stopper formed at one end of the guide hole so as to allow the wire to be caught in the stopper when the wire is tilted in a backward direction of the vehicle body.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Motor vehicle, and method of operating a motor vehicle

Номер: US20130151085A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

In a method of operating a motor vehicle, a trigger signal transmitted to at least one protection device for protecting a pedestrian in the event of an impending collision with the motor vehicle causes activation of the protection device to assume a functional position ready for protection. As the trigger signal is transmitted to the protection device, a control device activates a brake device of the motor vehicle to decelerate the motor vehicle.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Inflatable curtain airbag with an integrated pillar guide

Номер: US20130161930A1
Принадлежит: Autoliv ASP Inc

Inflatable curtain airbags deploy smoothly with an integrated pillar guide that minimizes interference with a vehicle pillar. The integrated pillar is a thin piece of semi-flexible, semi-rigid material housed in a pocket that is coupled to a curtain airbag.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Wrap-around airbag device

Номер: US20130168949A1
Принадлежит: Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd

An airbag device for a vehicle including at least one airbag housing interface chamber that attaches to an airbag housing; at least one airbag cushion chamber downstream of the at least one interface chamber; an elbow that fluidly connects the housing interface chamber with the cushion chamber and configured so that it controllably regulates gas flow into the at least one airbag cushion chamber; the elbow having an internal configuration, which includes at least one opening that permits back and forth gas flow between the elbow and the least one airbag cushion chamber, and which controls the directional deployment of the airbag cushion chamber so that upon deployment the downstream end of the cushion chamber exits an airbag housing outwardly in a first direction and then in at least one second direction, so that the direction of deployment of the cushion chamber changes in direction to thereby wrap at least partially around a structure of a vehicle of the vehicle and at least temporarily interpose the cushion chamber between any occupant and the vehicle structure.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Slide Switch

Номер: US20130175152A1
Принадлежит: Hosiden Corp

The slide switch includes a body, a slider, a terminal, and an armature. The slider is slidably held in the body and is pushed by insertion of the object to slidingly move. The terminal is provided with a fixed contact point disposed on a surface, facing the slider, of the body along a sliding movement direction. The armature is attached to the slider and is provided with a moving contact point that slides on a fixed contact point disposition surface of the body in association with sliding movement of the slider. The slider is provided with an engagement part to receive an action of a moving part that moves in the sliding movement direction in association with extraction and insertion of the object, and the engagement part is in shape of generating a free running distance in which the slider does not act even when the moving part acts.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle rear side airbag device fixing structure

Номер: US20130175792A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A fixing structure of a rear side airbag device for a vehicle may assure a margin of time for the side airbag to be deployed. In a vehicle rear side airbag device fixing structure, an airbag module is fixed by fastening to a child seat fixing member conforming to ISOFix standards, via a metal plate. The child seat fixing member is fixed to the rear floor of a vehicle body at the downward side of a rear seatback. Therefore, in comparison with a structure in which an airbag module is fixed to a rear wheel housing via a bracket, the airbag module may be disposed to the vehicle width direction inner side. Moreover, the child seat fixing member exhibits a high rigidness with respect to a side collision of the vehicle. Therefore, fixing portions of the airbag module are resistant to being deformed during a side collision of the vehicle.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Rearward pedal movement restraint assembly for vehicle

Номер: US20130186230A1
Автор: Yusuke Fujiwara
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In a rearward pedal movement restraint assembly for a vehicle, an intermediate portion of a clutch pedal, which moves rearward by the impact of a frontal collision of the vehicle when the frontal collision occurs, contacts a forward portion of a knee panel so that the clutch pedal pivots toward the front of the vehicle so that the amount of rearward movement of the clutch pedal is reduced.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193252A1
Принадлежит: Autoliv Development AB

A reversible seat belt tensioner includes an electric motor (), a belt shaft () drivable in the belt winding direction by the electric motor () via a drive wheel (), and a drive shaft () transmitting the rotational movement of the electric motor () to the drive wheel (). The drive shaft () is connected to at least one of the drive wheel () and the electric motor () via a helical gear unit. The teeth of the helical gear unit make point-shaped contacts with each other, and the drive shaft () is axially movable relative to the electric motor () or the drive wheel () without disengaging the gear teeth. 1. A reversible seat belt tensioner comprising:an electric motor generating a rotational movement,a belt shaft drivable in a belt winding direction by the electric motor via a drive wheel, anda drive shaft transmitting the rotational movement of the electric motor to the drive wheel,wherein the drive shaft is connected via a helical gear unit to at least one of the drive wheel and the electric motor, the helical gear unit having helical gears with gear teeth and allowing an axial movement of the drive shaft relative to the at least one of the drive wheel and the electric motor without disengaging the helical gears, the teeth of the helical gears making point-shaped contacts with each other.2. The reversible seat belt tensioner according to claim 1 , wherein the axes of rotation of the drive shaft and of the electric motor are arranged at a first angle with respect to each other and the axes of rotation of the drive shaft and the drive wheel are arranged at a second angle with respect to each other and wherein the first and second angles are identical claim 1 , and wherein the axes of the electric motor and of the drive wheel are arranged parallel to each other.3. The reversible seat belt tensioner according to claim 1 , wherein the drive shaft is connected to the electric motor and the drive wheel via a respective helical gear unit claim 1 , and wherein the gear units on ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Inflatable airbag flap articulated to an instrument panel by a tether designed to release an additional length of tether when this flap opens

Номер: US20130193674A1
Принадлежит: Faurecia Interieur Industrie SAS

The invention relates to a vehicle instrument panel inflatable airbag arrangement ( 11 ), comprising a flap covering an airbag module, a tether ( 18 ) secured to the flap and to fixed means ( 16 ) rigidly secured to the instrument panel to constitute an articulation of the flap with respect to the instrument panel. According to the invention, a portion ( 21 ) of the flexible tether ( 18 ) passes around a limit stop ( 19 ) that forms part of the fixed means ( 16 ) while being fixed to these fixed means ( 16 ) a certain distance away from this limit stop ( 19 ) so that when the flap opens, the linear tether ( 18 ) is torn out of the fixed means ( 16 ) in order to come to press against the limit stop ( 19 ) in order to release an additional length of tether making it possible to increase the mobility of the flap.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Energy absorbing assembly and methods of making and using the same

Номер: US20130193698A1

In an embodiment, an energy absorbing assembly comprises a foam stage having a first surface and a second surface, wherein the second surface comprises a recess; and a thermoplastic stage comprising a frame and crush lobes; wherein the crush lobes extend from the frame of the thermoplastic stage into the recess. In another embodiment, a method of making an energy absorbing assembly comprises forming a foam stage having a first surface and a second surface, wherein the second surface comprises recesses; forming a thermoplastic stage having a frame and crush lobes protruding from the frame; and engaging the recesses and the crush lobes to form the energy absorbing assembly.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Hatch Protection System

Номер: US20130193714A1
Принадлежит: Black Mountain Industries Inc

A hatch protection system provides protection to personnel against contact with a hatch. In one embodiment, the system includes a hatch protection system for a hatch on a vehicle. The hatch protection system includes a hatch pad. The hatch pad is attached to the hatch. The hatch pad includes a protective padding. The hatch protection system also includes a plurality of brackets. The plurality of brackets is secured to the vehicle and to the hatch pad.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Rear seat side airbag device

Номер: US20130200599A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

Until deployment of a side airbag is complete, the side airbag pitches in the seatback height direction and the deployment action is unstable. In such a case, even if the tip edge of the upper wall portion of a module case is spaced apart from the surface of the deployed shape of the side airbag, the side airbag may swing round to the outer side of the tip edge of the upper wall portion.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Airbag, in Particular for a Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20130214517A1
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

An airbag for a motor vehicle includes a support structure moveable from a storage position into a restraint position and a covering by means of which a restraint volume of the airbag formed by the support structure in its restraint position is surrounded. The covering is formed as an element separate from the support structure and having passage regions in which the covering is at least substantially permeable to air in at least one direction of flow, and connecting regions that are reinforced relative thereto, in which the covering is connected to the support structure.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Seat occupancy determination apparatus

Номер: US20130218486A1
Автор: Hiroyuki Fujii
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

A seat occupancy determination apparatus includes a seat belt attachment detection portion, a first and a second load detection sensors, a front-rear load sum computing portion, a front-rear load difference computing portion, a memory portion, an adult possibility determination portion, and a child safety seat determination portion determining a vehicle seat determined as possibly occupied by an adult is occupied by a child safety seat in a case where a first predetermined amount increase condition satisfies by a front-rear load difference value within a time range between a time of engagement and a first time point increases by a first predetermined amount or more from the value at the first time point or earlier and a second predetermined amount decrease condition satisfies by the front-rear load difference value decreases by a second predetermined amount or more within a time range between the time of engagement and a second time point.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Airbag with multi-state vent

Номер: US20130221644A1
Принадлежит: Joyson Safety Systems Inc

An air bag having a tri-state vent, in an initial state the vent is configured to be closed, the vent in a medial state configured to be at least partially open or fully open as the air bag is starting to inflate permitting some inflator gas to exit through the vent and the vent in a final state configured to be at least partially closed or fully closed as the air bag continues to inflate.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Side airbag apparatus

Номер: US20130234421A1
Принадлежит: Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd

A side airbag apparatus includes an inflator, which generates inflation gas in response to an impact applied from a side of a seat of a vehicle, an airbag, which is deployed and inflated forward with inflation gas on a side of an occupant seated in the seat, and an accommodating portion, which accommodates the airbag folded into an accommodation state. The airbag in the accommodation state is formed through first and second folding operations in a state where the airbag is deployed but not inflated. In the first folding operation, an upper portion of the airbag is folded downward. In the second folding operation, which is after the first folding operation, the airbag is folded rearward from front.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Structure mounted airbag assemblies and associated systems and methods

Номер: US20130241180A1
Принадлежит: AmSafe Inc

Structure mounted airbag assemblies and associated systems and methods are described herein. An airbag system configured in accordance with an embodiment of the present disclosure can include, for example, a housing having a cavity and an opening in communication with the cavity, an airbag assembly within the cavity, and an inflator operably coupled to the airbag assembly. The airbag assembly can include an airbag configured to deploy through the opening of the housing during a crash event. The airbag system can further include a door removably positioned across the opening and configured to move away from the opening during airbag deployment. The housing can be affixed to an interior portion of an aircraft, forward of and offset from an aircraft seat.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle seat

Номер: US20130241257A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

One lower end portion of a belt anchor bracket is supported on a lock unit rotatably in a front-rear direction, the other lower end portion of the belt anchor bracket is fixed to a leg, and a seatbelt anchor is supported on an upper end portion of the belt anchor bracket rotatably in the front-rear direction.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Side curtain airbag

Номер: US20130270806A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An inflatable cushion for a side of a vehicle is provided, the inflatable cushion, having at least one inflatable cell, the least one inflatable cell being defined by a first layer of cushion fabric secured to a second layer of cushion fabric; a support member secured to either the first layer or second layer of cushion fabric defining the at least one inflatable cell, the support member defining a non-inflatable portion of the inflatable cushion and wherein a portion of the support member traverses the at least one inflatable cell and is tangent to a face of the at least one inflatable cell when it is inflated such that upon inflation of the at least one inflatable cell tension is created in the support member.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Large animal vehicle collision safety apparatus and method

Номер: US20130275020A1
Автор: Paer Nilsson, Peter Hardaa
Принадлежит: Volvo Car Corp

Embodiments herein relate to a large animal collision vehicle safety apparatus and method. At least one sensor detects a first acceleration in a longitudinal direction of a host vehicle. A first determination signal is generated from the detected acceleration. At least one further sensor detects a second acceleration in a vertical direction, and/or at least one still further sensor detects an angular velocity about an axis extending in a lateral direction of the host vehicle. A second determination signal is generated from the detected acceleration in a vertical direction. A third determination signal is generated from the detected angular velocity. Judging means judge whether the vehicle has suffered a large animal collision through at least comparing the first, second and/or third determination signals with preset reference signals. Braking intervention of the host vehicle is triggered when the vehicle is judged to have suffered a large animal collision.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Airbag cover for vehicle

Номер: US20130277952A1

An airbag cover for a vehicle that includes an airbag cover body that has a tear line to allow the airbag cover body to be torn off when an airbag cushion is deployed, and a bezel ring coupled to the airbag cover body. The airbag cover includes a plurality of separating protrusions having first and second separating protrusions that are formed on the bezel ring to be spaced apart from each other in a circumferential direction of the bezel ring and to be adjacent to each other. In addition, the separating protrusions have third and fourth separating protrusions adjacent to each other at a position facing the first and second separating protrusions. The separating protrusions include first to fourth separating protrusion insertion apertures that are formed within the airbag cover body to allow the first to fourth separating protrusions to be inserted therein.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Airbag cover and module

Номер: US20130307253A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

An airbag cover includes a housing section which forms an upper part of which is opened and into which a folded airbag cushion is housed; and a guide section which is formed by extending an upper rear end and both ends of the opened housing section to form an additional space for extending a space of the housing section and a front surface of which at a passenger side is opened to guide an initial deployment direction of the airbag cushion toward a passenger side.
