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13-09-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2803428C2

Группа изобретений относится к способу и устройству управления движением для управления движением транспортного средства с использованием процессора. Способ содержит: автономное управление транспортным средством, выполнение первого и второго автономных управлений. Автономное управление транспортным средством происходит посредством управления скоростью и рулевым управлением. Первое автономное управление происходит с использованием информации, распознанной из изображения, захваченного камерой, установленной на транспортном средстве. Второе автономное управление происходит с использованием картографической информации, хранящейся на носителе данных в транспортном средстве. Первое автономное управление выполняется, когда внешняя ситуация транспортного средства распознается из захваченного изображения. Когда на маршруте движения транспортного средства присутствует нераспознаваемая область, осуществляется переключение с первого автономного управления на второе автономное управление. Достигается ...

05-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2637564C2

Изобретение относится к круиз-контролю. При управлении гибридным автомобилем принимают сигнал, связанный с запрошенным водителем режимом круиз-контроля, от системы круиз-контроля. Управляют тяговым электродвигателем с питанием от батареи для ускорения автомобиля с более медленным темпом для достижения целевой скорости круиз-контроля при работе в экономичном режиме круиз-контроля. Управляют тяговым электродвигателем с питанием от батареи для ускорения автомобиля с более быстрым темпом для достижения целевой скорости круиз-контроля при работе в динамичном режиме круиз-контроля. Осуществляют переключение из экономичного режима круиз-контроля в динамичный режим круиз-контроля до достижения целевой скорости круиз-контроля в ответ на запрос ускорения круиз-контроля, когда ускорение транспортного средства ниже некоторого соответствующего порогового значения. Также предложены транспортные средства. Достигается предоставление водителю возможности задавать предпочтение изменения скорости при работе ...

20-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2539669C2
Принадлежит: СКАНИА СВ АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к системам круиз контроля транспортных средств. Функция стоимости представляет собой круговое представление функции стоимости. Стоимость рассматривается как радиус круга с его центром в начале координат. Ось х обозначает стандартизованное и возведенное в квадрат время поездки, ось у стандартизованный и возведенный в квадрат вес потребленного топлива. Функция стоимости определяется какгде- T является временем поездки,- Tявляется опорным временем поездки,- M является весом потребленного топлива, и- Mявляется опорным значением для веса потребленного топлива. Достигается удержание потребления топлива на низком уровне. 3 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

29-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2722371C2

Изобретение относится к системе и способу управления одним или более компонентами транспортного средства на основе информации изображения, получаемой от камеры транспортного средства. Конкретнее, система управления транспортным средством на основе камеры выполнена с возможностью просмотра получаемой информации изображения для определения соответствующих случаев, при которых осуществляется управление различными компонентами транспортного средства. Система помощи водителю транспортного средства включает в себя камеру, выполненную с возможностью получения информации изображения, и процессор. Процессор выполнен с возможностью анализировать информацию изображения на предмет знаков закрытия дороги и ассоциированных расстояний закрытия. На основе анализируемых данных формируется и отображается навигационный маршрут. Процессор определяет, что одно из изображений предоставляет анализируемый знак закрытия дороги, но не анализируемое ассоциированное расстояние закрытия, и в ответ запрашивает сервер ...

08-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2610065C2
Принадлежит: СКАНИА СВ АБ (SE)

Заявленное изобретение относится к способу и системе для управления опорной скоростью транспортного средства. Система регулирования скорости на спуске в транспортном средстве в связи с уклоном спуска, который приводит к повышенной опорной скорости в конечной части упомянутого уклона, может изменять опорную скорость. Для этого система моделирует по меньшей мере один профиль будущей скоростидля действительной скорости на участке дороги впереди. Моделирование основывается на топографической информации. Система содержит блок установления, который устанавливает, должна ли упомянутой опорной скорости назначаться повышенная опорная скорость. Установление основывается на сравнении смоделированного профиля будущей скоростис допустимой величиной для повышенной опорной скорости и/или со сверхнормативной скоростью. Система содержит блок назначения, который назначает повышенную опорную скорость упомянутой опорной скорости, если было установлено, что это необходимо. Достигается повышение безопасности ...

11-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2708801C2

Группа изобретений относится к вариантам способа и системе корректировки скорости автомобиля. Способ корректировки скорости автомобиля, в котором: корректируют рассчитанное значение скорости автомобиля в соответствии с распознаванием символов изображения с бортовой камеры автомобиля, причем изображение содержит внешний по отношению к автомобилю источник измерения скорости, и управляют выходной мощностью двигателя, приводящего автомобиль в движение, частично на основе разности между требуемой скоростью автомобиля и скорректированным рассчитанным значением скорости автомобиля для достижения требуемой скорости автомобиля. Также, способ корректировки скорости автомобиля может содержать этапы, на которых: определяют скорость автомобиля частично на основе выходного сигнала датчиков, расположенных на борту автомобиля; определяют эталонную скорость автомобиля частично на основе бортового распознавания символов источника измерения скорости, внешнего по отношению к автомобилю; и корректируют определенную ...

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2535833C2
Принадлежит: СКАНИА СВ АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к области управления скоростью движения транспортного средства. При управлении скоростью транспортного средства осуществляют принятие желательной скорости vдля автомобиля. Посредством картографических данных и данных местоположения определяют горизонт для запланированного пути, который составлен из сегментов маршрута с характеристикой для каждого сегмента. Во время каждого из циклов (s) моделирования, каждый из которых содержит N шагов моделирования, выполняемых с предопределенной частотой f, осуществляют следующее:- делают первое прогнозирование скорости vpred_cc автомобиля по горизонту с помощью традиционной системы автоматического поддержания скорости, когда в качестве опорной скорости представлена vset, причем прогнозирование зависит от характеристик упомянутого сегмента;- сравнивают спрогнозированную скорость vpred_cc автомобиля с vmin и vmax, которые разграничивают диапазон, в пределах которого запланирована скорость автомобиля;- делают второе прогнозирование ...

01-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2693183C2

Изобретение относится к автомобилестроению, в частности к устройствам управления движением транспортного средства. Устройство управления движением, установленное на транспортном средстве, включает в себя модуль обнаружения, модуль определения, модуль хранения, модуль представления, модуль ввода для пользователя, модуль управления, выполненный с возможностью управлять движением рассматриваемого транспортного средства на основе информации ответа. Причем модуль представления представляет информацию представления пользователю в состоянии, в котором возможный вариант альтернативы выбирается и когда пользователь не выбирает одну из множества альтернатив после того, как информация представления представляется пользователю, модуль управления рассматривает возможный вариант альтернативы в качестве альтернативы, выбранной пользователем. Достигается повышение безопасности водителя транспортного средства при совершении обгона. 4 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 17 ил.

24-04-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017107986A3

19-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015101185A3

09-10-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017146191A3

28-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016111911A3

17-06-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017110102A3

23-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015117920A3

10-08-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015106806A3

14-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2747827C1

Изобретение относится к системе и устройству управления транспортным средством для автономного транспортного средства. Система управления транспортным средством для автономного транспортного средства содержит первое устройство управления, множество первых датчиков, выполненных с возможностью получения информации о движении транспортного средства и информации об окружающей обстановке транспортного средства, и второе устройство управления. Первое устройство управления выполнено с возможностью формирования первого плана вождения, включающего в себя желательные поперечные позиции на полосе движения или желательные диапазоны поперечных позиций на полосе движения, которые расположены друг за другом в направлении движения транспортного средства. Второе устройство управления выполнено с возможностью обмена данными с первым устройством управления, формирования, на основе первого плана вождения, полученного от первого устройства управления, и информации, полученной посредством первых датчиков, второго ...

23-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2760241C1

Изобретение относится к способу управления транспортным средством и устройству управления транспортным средством. Способ помощи при движении для транспортного средства, исполняемый процессором, содержит этап обнаружения точки слияния, в которую полоса движения, которая осуществляет слияние, и полоса движения, с которой осуществляется слияние, сливаются, причем полоса движения, которая осуществляет слияние, является полосой движения, в которой движется рассматриваемое транспортное средство, а полоса движения, с которой осуществляется слияние, прилегает к полосе движения, которая осуществляет слияние. Однако когда обнаруживается другое транспортное средство, движущееся по полосе движения, с которой осуществляется слияние, по направлению к точке слияния, установку, позади этого другого транспортного средства, позиции вливания рассматриваемого транспортного средства в точке слияния, чтобы исполнить управление слиянием, когда длина полосы движения, которая осуществляет слияние, меньше предопределенной ...

20-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2706754C1

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам. Оборудование управления движением транспортного средства в аварийном режиме содержит устройство управления, переключающее диапазон движения на основе рабочей позиции оборудования для выполнения операций переключения режимов трансмиссии. Рабочая позиция обнаруживается оборудованием для обнаружения рабочей позиции. Также имеется устройство определения анормальностей, определяющее возникновение анормальности в оборудовании для обнаружения рабочей позиции. Устройство управления движением в аварийном режиме управляет движением в случае, если устройство определения анормальностей определяет, что анормальность в оборудовании для обнаружения рабочей позиции возникает в ходе движения транспортного средства. Управление движением в аварийном режиме представляет собой управление, посредством которого транспортное средство движется независимо от операции оборудования для выполнения операций переключения режимов трансмиссии. Обеспечивается движение транспортного ...

22-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2741130C1

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству содействия движению. Способ содействия движению включает в себя этапы, на которых обнаруживают окружение транспортного средства, генерируют первый путь движения на основе окружения и выполняют управление содействием движению транспортного средства на основе первого пути движения, генерируют второй путь движения на основе информации карты вблизи окрестности транспортного средства, определяют, что первый путь движения и второй путь движения имеют сходство, и переключают путь движения, по которому транспортному средству предписывается следовать посредством управления содействием движению, с первого пути движения на второй путь движения, когда первый путь движения и второй путь движения определены как имеющие сходство. Первый и второй пути движения имеют сходство, когда расхождение между ними меньше предварительно определенного порогового значения в точке, имеющей расстояние от транспортного средства, большее или равное расстоянию точки наблюдения ...

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014130052A

... 1. Способ определения, по меньшей мере, одного опорного значения, которое указывает, как следует влиять на скорость транспортного средства, и которое можно использовать для управления, по меньшей мере, одной системой управления в транспортном средстве,отличающийся выполнением следующих этапов, на которых:- делают первый прогноз V_T_и второй прогноз V_T_скорости транспортного средства вдоль горизонта, упомянутый первый прогноз основан на крутящем моменте Tдвигателя, который замедляет транспортное средство по сравнению с обычным автоматическим поддержанием постоянной скорости движения, и упомянутый второй прогноз основан на крутящем моменте Tдвигателя, который ускоряет транспортное средство по сравнению с обычным автоматическим поддержанием постоянной скорости движения;- сравнивают упомянутый соответствующий первый прогноз V_T_, и второй прогноз V_T_скорости транспортного средства с нижним предельным значением v, и/или верхним предельным значением v, которые ограничивают диапазон, в пределах ...

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014130003A

... 1. Способ определения по меньшей мере одного опорного значения для системы управления транспортным средством, отличающийся тем, что содержит этапы:- получения заданной скорости vset для транспортного средства;- определения для маршрута, посредством картографических данных и данных о местоположении, горизонта, который содержит один или более сегментов маршрута с по меньшей мере одной характеристикой для каждого сегмента;- выполнения во время каждого из множества циклов sмоделирования, каждый из которых содержит множество N стадий моделирования, выполняемых с предопределенной скоростью f, следующих стадий:- создания первого прогноза скорости транспортного средства vвдоль горизонта в соответствии с обычным круиз-контролем, когда заданная скорость vиспользуется в качестве опорной скорости v, причем первый прогноз зависит от характеристик упомянутого сегмента маршрута;- выполнения первого сравнения первой прогнозируемой скорости транспортного средства vс по меньшей мере одним из первых нижнего ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2672517C1

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам. Транспортное средство содержит источник движущей силы, автоматическую коробку передач и электронный блок управления (ЭБУ) для выполнения первого и второго режима движения. В первом режиме управление движущей силой и переключение передач происходит по запросу водителя. Во втором режиме целевое состояние движения назначается независимо от запроса водителя, при этом выполняется управление движущей силой и переключение передач. Условием переключения передач является условие включения повышающей передачи и понижающей передачи. Величина гистерезиса между условием включения повышающей и понижающей передачи в первом режиме движения отлична от величины гистерезиса во втором режиме. ЭБУ переключает передачи относительно того, выполнять ли переключение передач во втором режиме движения с меньшей величиной гистерезиса, чем величина гистерезиса в первом режиме. ЭБУ предотвращает переключение передач при условии включения повышающей либо понижающей передачи ...

16-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2716732C1

Изобретение относится к системе источника электрической мощности для транспортного средства, которое содержит высоковольтный аккумулятор, а также первую, вторую и третью конструкции источников электрической мощности, выполненных с возможностью снабжаться электрической мощностью от высоковольтного аккумулятора. Первая конструкция источника электрической мощности соединена с первой нагрузкой, которая включает в себя систему автоматического вождения, первый DCDC-преобразователь и первый аккумулятор. Вторая конструкция источника электрической мощности соединена со второй нагрузкой, включающей в себя электронный блок управления рулевого управления, электронный блок управления тормоза, второй DCDC-преобразователь, второй аккумулятор и блок обмена информацией, выполненный с возможностью обмена управляющей информацией с системой автоматического вождения. Третья конструкция источника электрической мощности соединена с третьей нагрузкой, включающей в себя электронный блок управления рулевого управления ...

12-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2720659C1

Заявленное изобретение относится к автономной системе вождения, которая выполнена с возможностью автономного управления транспортным средством и содержит блок запроса сигнала запуска, выполненный с возможностью запроса ввода сигнала запуска от водителя транспортного средства с целью обеспечения прохождения транспортного средства через целевую точку, если автономно управляемое транспортное средство приближается к предварительно заданной целевой точке, расположенной на маршруте движения транспортного средства, блок обнаружения ввода сигнала запуска, выполненный с возможностью обнаружения ввода сигнала запуска водителем, и блок управления транспортным средством, выполненный с возможностью обеспечения прохождения транспортного средства через целевую точку, если будет распознан ввод сигнала запуска, или замедления и остановки транспортного средства без прохождения через целевую точку, если ввод сигнала запуска не будет распознан. Заявленная система обеспечивает прохождение транспортного средства ...

12-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2674744C1

Группа изобретений относится к взаимодействию между транспортными средствами для упорядочивания дорожного движения. Транспортное средство включает в себя модуль связи и модуль взаимодействующего адаптивного круиз-контроля. Модуль взаимодействующего адаптивного круиз-контроля определяет местоположение перекрытого участка, взаимодействует с другими взаимодействующими транспортными средствами для формирования группы стандартных транспортных средств. Перемещение сформированной группы через перекрытый участок с постоянной скоростью осуществляется при помощи модуля взаимодействующего адаптивного круиз-контроля. Осуществляется координация группы транспортных средств при движении для эффективного использования дорожного пространства, предотвращения аварий и предупреждения об опасностях на дороге. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

24-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2675760C1

Группа изобретений относится к устройству отображения транспортного средства. Устройство отображения содержит дисплей, детектор движущихся впереди транспортных средств, процессор отображения и модуль определения. Дисплей выполнен с возможностью отображать изображение в области отображения. Детектор движущихся впереди транспортных средств выполнен с возможностью обнаруживать позицию движущегося впереди транспортного средства. Процессор отображения выполнен с возможностью инструктировать дисплею отображать изображение маркера, соответствующее позиции движущегося впереди транспортного средства. Модуль определения выполнен с возможностью определять то, расположено движущееся впереди транспортное средство на внутренней стороне боковых краев области отображения по ширине транспортного средства или на внешних сторонах боковых краев в направлении ширины транспортного средства. Достигается обеспечение возможности водителю легко распознавать то, что управление следованием за движущимся впереди транспортным ...

29-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2643019C1

Изобретение относится к гибридным транспортным средствам. Устройство управления гибридным транспортным средством с двигателем и электромотором содержит блок определения движения по дороге с высокой нагрузкой и блок настройки выходной мощности мотора. Блок настройки ограничивает выходную мощность электромотора, когда скорость транспортного средства достигает предварительно определенной скорости в случае движения по поверхности дороги с высоким сопротивлением движению. Предотвращается снижение заряда аккумулятора. 4 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

28-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2733015C1

Изобретение относится к оперативному управлению автономным транспортным средством. Способ оперативного управления автономным транспортным средством при перемещении по сети движения транспортных средств содержит этап, на котором осуществляют перемещение посредством автономного транспортного средства по сети движения транспортных средств. Перемещение по сети движения транспортных средств включает в себя этапы, на которых осуществляют работу экземпляра модуля оценки оперативного управления для конкретного сценария, причем экземпляр модуля оценки оперативного управления для конкретного сценария представляет собой экземпляр модуля оценки оперативного управления для конкретного сценария, созданный для отдельного оперативного сценария транспортного средства, принимают возможное действие по управлению транспортным средством от экземпляра модуля оценки оперативного управления для конкретного сценария и осуществляют перемещение по участку сети движения транспортных средств на основе возможного действия ...

07-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2725920C1

Изобретение относится к способу перемещения по сети движения транспортных средств. Способ для использования при перемещении по сети движения транспортных средств содержит этап, на котором осуществляют перемещение посредством автономного транспортного средства по сети движения транспортных средств. Автономное транспортное средство содержит контроллер оперативного управления, принимающий от датчика автономного транспортного средства информацию, соответствующую внешнему объекту в пределах заданного расстояния от автономного транспортного средства, определяющий отдельный оперативный сценарий транспортного средства в ответ на прием информации, создающий экземпляр модуля оценки оперативного управления для конкретного сценария, принимающий возможное действие по управлению транспортным средством от экземпляра модуля оценки оперативного управления для конкретного сценария и управляющий автономным транспортным средством для перемещения по участку сети движения транспортных средств на основе возможного ...

27-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013102888A

... 1. Способ для управления скоростью транспортного средства, который содержит этапы, на которых:- принимают желательную скорость vдля транспортного средства;- посредством картографических данных и данных местоположения определяют горизонт для запланированного пути, который составлен из сегментов маршрута, по меньшей мере, с одной характеристикой для каждого сегмента;- во время каждого из некоторого количества циклов (s) моделирования, каждый из которых содержит некоторое количество N шагов моделирования, выполняемых с предопределенной частотой f, осуществляют следующее:- делают первое прогнозирование скорости vтранспортного средства по горизонту с использованием обычной системы автоматического поддержания скорости, когда в качестве опорной скорости подана v, причем прогнозирование зависит от характеристик упомянутого сегмента;- сравнивают спрогнозированную скорость vтранспортного средства с vи v, которые ограничивают диапазон, в пределах которого запланирована скорость транспортного средства ...

27-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013119394A

... 1. Способ для управления транспортным средством, имеющим тяговый электродвигатель с питанием от батареи, содержащий этапы, на которых:принимают сигнал, связанный с запрошенным водителем режимом круиз-контроля;ускоряют транспортное средство с более медленным темпом для достижения целевой скорости круиз-контроля при работе в экономичном режиме круиз-контроля; иускоряют транспортное средство с более быстрым темпом для достижения целевой скорости круиз-контроля при работе в динамичном режиме круиз-контроля.2. Способ по п.1, в котором ускорение транспортного средства с более медленным темпом содержит поддержание текущего передаточного отношения трансмиссии наряду с ускорением транспортного средства.3. Способ по п.1, в котором транспортное средство включает в себя двигатель внутреннего сгорания, снабжающий энергией транспортное средство в режиме круиз-контроля, и в котором ускорение транспортного средства с более медленным темпом содержит повышение крутящего момента на колесах посредством приведения ...

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2555371C1

Устройство содержит рычаг (6) переключения и лепестковый переключатель (10а, 10b) для управления рекуперативным торможением во время движения. Достигается Задание силы рекуперативного торможения во время движения с учетом эффективности использования энергии или характеристики управляемости. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014130027A

... 1. Модуль, выполненный с возможностью определения по меньшей мере одного опорного значения, которое указывает, как следует влиять на скорость транспортного средства, и который может использоваться для управления по меньшей мере одной системой управления в транспортном средстве,отличающийся блоком вычисления, выполненным с возможностью:- выбора по меньшей мере из двух выбираемых режимов вождения, каждый из которых содержит уникальный набор установок, которые влияют на вычисление по меньшей мере одного опорного значения;- создания первого прогноза vи второго прогноза vскорости транспортного средства вдоль горизонта, причем упомянутый первый прогноз основан на крутящем моменте Tдвигателя, который замедляет транспортное средство по сравнению с обычным круиз-контролем, а упомянутый второй прогноз основан на крутящем моменте Tдвигателя, который ускоряет транспортное средство по сравнению с обычным круиз-контролем;- сравнения упомянутых соответствующих первого прогноза vи второго прогноза vскорости ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Bestimmen einer Kehrtwendestrategie eines autonomen Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE102019216206A1
Автор: OH TAE DONG, Oh, Tae Dong

Eine Vorrichtung und ein Verfahren zum Bestimmen einer Kehrtwende-Strategie eines Fahrzeugs zum autonomen Fahren sind offenbart. Die Vorrichtung zum Bestimmen einer Kehrtwende-Strategie eines Fahrzeugs zum autonomen Fahren enthält eine Lernvorrichtung, die eine Kehrtwende-Strategie für jede Situation durch Unterteilen von Situationsinformationen, die bei einer Kehrtwende des Fahrzeugs zum autonomen Fahren zu berücksichtigen sind, in Gruppen lernt, und eine Steuerung, die die Kehrtwende-Strategie des Fahrzeugs zum autonomen Fahren basierend auf der durch die Lernvorrichtung gelernten Kehrtwende-Strategie für jede Situation bestimmt.

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Elektrische Ausrüstung eines Fahrzeugs mit einer wenigstens teilweise elektrischen Brems- und Lenkeinrichtung

Номер: DE102017102021A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine elektrische Ausrüstung eines Fahrzeugs mit einer wenigstens teilweise elektrischen Brems- und Lenkeinrichtung beinhaltend eine elektrische oder elektro-mechanische Lenkeinrichtung (26) mit oder ohne durchgehende mechanische Verbindung zwischen einem Lenkrad (28) und einem Lenkgetriebe (30) sowie mit einer elektronischen Lenksteuereinrichtung und einem elektrischen Lenksteller (72), und eine elektropneumatische Betriebsbremseinrichtung (124), welche eine elektropneumatische Betriebsbremsventileinrichtung (1), eine elektronische Bremssteuereinrichtung (EBS-ECU), elektropneumatische Modulatoren (114, 116) sowie pneumatische Radbremsaktuatoren (118, 120) beinhaltet, wobei die elektropneumatische Betriebsbremsventileinrichtung (1) ein Betriebsbremsbetätigungsorgan (10) sowie innerhalb wenigstens eines elektrischen Betriebsbremskreises wenigstens einen elektrischen Kanal (130) mit wenigstens einem vom Betriebsbremsbetätigungsorgan (10) betätigbaren elektrischen Bremswertgeber ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017107476A1

Eine Geschwindigkeitsregelanlage für ein Fahrzeug mit einem Eingabeport für die Eingabe einer Wunschgeschwindigkeit. Es wird eine Geschwindigkeitsabweichung mit einem Bereich oberhalb und unterhalb der gewünschten Fahrgeschwindigkeit eingegeben. Ein Speicher, der zumindest zeitweise einen Datensatz für die Topografie der Autobahn speichert, auf der das Fahrzeug gerade fährt. Eine Steuerung unterscheidet eine sich demnächst ändernde Autobahn-Topografie von einer aktuellen Autobahn-Topografie unter Verwendung des Datensatzes zur Autobahn-Topografie; sie berechnet eine angepasste Fahrgeschwindigkeit mit größerer Kraftstoffersparnis für die veränderten Bedingungen der Autobahn-Topografie gegenüber der Kraftstoffersparnis bei der ausgewählten Fahrgeschwindigkeit und den aktuellen Bedingungen der Autobahn-Topografie und sie ändert die Fahrgeschwindigkeit auf den neu berechneten Wert mit der größeren Kraftstoffersparnis vor Erreichen der veränderten Topografie der Autobahn.

15-04-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zur automatisierten Längsregelung

Номер: DE102020110671A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur automatisierten Längsregelung eines Fahrzeuges (1) basierend auf einer Beschleunigungsregelung nach Maßgabe einer Sollbeschleunigung (aSoll_i), die unter Berücksichtigung mindestens eines vor dem Fahrzeug (1) erfassten Führungsfahrzeuges (2, 3) bestimmt wird. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass eine Existenzwahrscheinlichkeit (ObjQual) des zumindest einen Führungsfahrzeuges (2, 3) ermittelt wird und die Sollbeschleunigung (aSoll_i) in Abhängigkeit der Existenzwahrscheinlichkeit (ObjQual) derart begrenzt wird, dass das Fahrzeug (1) beim Folgen eines Führungsfahrzeuges (2, 3) mit geringer Existenzwahrscheinlichkeit (ObjQual) weniger stark verzögert wird als beim Folgen eines Führungsfahrzeuges (2, 3) mit hoher Existenzwahrscheinlichkeit (ObjQual).

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020133709A1

Das Fahrzeugsteuerungsgerät weist einen Sensor zum Erfassen einer physikalischen Größe einer Abbiegebewegung, eine Beschleunigungs-/Verzögerungsvorrichtung, eine Steuerungseinheit sowie eine Vorrichtung auf, um eine Straßenforminformation zu erlangen, die eine Form einer Straße an einer Position darstellt, die von einem Fahrzeug um einen vorbestimmten Abstand entfernt ist. Die Einheit bestimmt, dass eine erste Steuerungsstartbedingung erfüllt wird, wenn eine Größe der physikalischen Größe einen ersten Wert übersteigt, während die gekrümmte Straße als nicht vorhanden bestimmt wurde, basierend auf der Straßenforminformation, um eine Beschleunigungs-/Verzögerungssteuerung durchzuführen, um das Fahrzeug dazu zu bringen, mit einer Zielgeschwindigkeit in Abhängigkeit einer Krümmung der Straße zu laufen. Die Einheit bestimmt, dass eine zweite Steuerungsstartbedingung erfüllt wird, wenn die Größe der physikalischen Größe einen zweiten Wert übersteigt, der kleiner ist als der erste Wert, während ...

11-11-2021 дата публикации

Führen eines Kraftfahrzeugs in der Umgebung einer Lichtsignalanlage

Номер: DE102020112615A1

Gemäß einem Verfahren zum wenigstens teilweise automatischen Führen eines Kraftfahrzeugs (1) wird eine erste Gelblichtphase einer Lichtsignalanlage (2) identifiziert und eine manuelle Aktion zur Längsregelung des Kraftfahrzeugs (1) erfasst und gespeichert. Eine zweite Gelblichtphase der Lichtsignalanlage (2) wird identifiziert, und während der zweiten Gelblichtphase wird eine automatische Aktion zur Längsregelung des Kraftfahrzeugs (1) abhängig von der gespeicherten manuellen Aktion durchgeführt.

20-05-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Verwaltung eines sich bewegenden Objekts für ein Fuhrparksystem

Номер: DE102020213868A1

Verfahren zur Verwaltung eines sich bewegenden Objekts in einem Fuhrparksystem, wobei das Verfahren umfasst: Senden, durch eine Nutzervorrichtung, einer Nachricht zur Anforderung eines sich bewegenden Objekts mit einem Abfahrtspunkt und Nutzungszeitinformationen an einen Server; Empfangen, durch die Nutzervorrichtung, einer Liste verfügbarer sich bewegenden Objekte basierend auf der Nachricht zur Anforderung eines sich bewegenden Objekts von dem Server; Auswählen, durch die Nutzervorrichtung, eines sich bewegenden Objekts aus der Liste verfügbarer sich bewegender Objekte; Senden, durch die Nutzervorrichtung, von Reservierungsinformationen basierend auf den Informationen zum Auswählen des sich bewegenden Objekts und den Nutzungszeitinformationen an den Server; und Zuweisen des sich bewegenden Objekts an die Nutzervorrichtung basierend auf den Reservierungsinformationen. Der Server kann Zuweisungs- und Buchungsinformationen einer Vielzahl sich bewegender Objekte basierend auf den Reservierungsinformationen ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zum Steuern und Verteilen von regenerativer Bremskraft in autonomen Fahrzeugen unter Berücksichtigung des Fahrwiderstandes

Номер: DE102020202760A1
Автор: KIM IN-SU, Kim, In-Su

Ein System und ein Verfahren werden bereitgestellt, um eine regenerative Bremskraft in einem autonomen Fahrzeug basierend auf einem für ein fahrendes Fahrzeug erzeugten Widerstand zu steuern. Das Verfahren umfasst: einen ersten Schritt des Vergleichens eines Fahrwiderstandes und einer Zielbremskraft in einem Abschnitt von einem Nichtbeschleunigungszeitpunkt des autonomen Fahrzeugs bis zu einem ersten Zeitpunkt in einem Bremsabschnitt; und einen zweiten Schritt des Vergleichens einer Summe aus dem Fahrwiderstand und einer maximalen regenerativen Bremskraft mit der Zielbremskraft in einem Abschnitt von dem ersten Zeitpunkt bis zu einem zweiten Zeitpunkt in dem Bremsabschnitt.

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE112017000609T5

Eine Überholunterstützungsvorrichtung (1) enthält eine Erfassungseinheit (9), eine Überholsteuerungseinheit (11), eine Geschwindigkeitseinstelleinheit (13) und eine Aufhebungseinheit (15). Wenn die Geschwindigkeit eines eigenen Fahrzeugs, die von der Geschwindigkeitseinstelleinheit eingestellt wird, niedriger als eine voreingestellte Geschwindigkeit ist, wenn das eigene Fahrzeug auf einer Überholspur fährt, hebt die Aufhebungseinheit eine Fahrspuränderung von der Überholspur in eine befahrene Fahrspur durch die Überholsteuerungseinheit auf.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017112105A1

Ein Fahrzeugfortbewegungssteuergerät der Erfindung führt eine Abstandssteuerung zum voranfahrenden Fahrzeug zur Steuerung einer Beschleunigung und Abbremsung eines eigenen Fahrzeugs aus, sodass ein Abstand zum voranfahrenden Fahrzeug (Dfx(a)) zwischen dem eigenen Fahrzeug und einem voranfahrenden Fahrzeug auf einem Zielabstand (Dtgt) gehalten wird. Das Gerät legt den Zielabstand auf einen Basisabstand (Dbase) fest und führt die Abstandssteuerung zum voranfahrenden Fahrzeug aus, wenn bestimmt wird, dass sich der Fahrer nicht in dem abnormalen Zustand befindet. Das Gerät legt den Zielabstand auf einen erhöhten Abstand (Dbase × Kacc) fest, der größer ist als der Basisabstand und führt die Abstandssteuerung zum voranfahrenden Fahrzeug aus, wenn bestimmt wird, dass sich der Fahrer in dem abnormalen Zustand befindet.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Kraftfahrzeugs und Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102010049081A1

Ein Gegenstand der Anmeldung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Kraftfahrzeugs (1), wobei das Verfahren folgende Schritte aufweist. Es erfolgt ein Ermitteln, ob zumindest ein Bedienelement (2) von einem Fahrer des Kraftfahrzeugs (1) während einer Fahrt des Kraftfahrzeugs (1) betätigt wird. Das zumindest eine Bedienelement (2) ist dabei Bestandteil eines fahrzeugeigenen Systems (3), ausgewählt aus der Gruppe, bestehend aus einem Informations- und Unterhaltungssystem, einer Klimaanlage, einer Spiegelverstellvorrichtung, einer Sitzverstellvorrichtung, einem Navigationssystem, einem ersten Fahrerassistenzsystem und/oder einem Telefonsystem. Zudem erfolgt ein Anpassen zumindest eines Parameters eines zweiten Fahrerassistenzsystems (4) des Kraftfahrzeugs (1), falls das zumindest eine Bedienelement (2) von dem Fahrer des Kraftfahrzeugs (1) während der Fahrt des Kraftfahrzeugs (1) betätigt wird.

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Fahrerassistenzsystem und Betriebsverfahren für ein Fahrerassistenzsystem zur Fahrzeug-Längslenkung

Номер: DE102013013232A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Fahrerassistenzsystem (100) zur Fahrzeug-Längsregelung eines Fahrzeugs (1) bezüglich eines Fremdfahrzeugs (2), vorzugsweise zur Geschwindigkeits- und/oder Abstandsregelung. Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin ein Betriebsverfahren für ein Fahrerassistenzsystem (100) zur Fahrzeug-Längsregelung eines Fahrzeugs (1). Das Betriebsverfahren umfasst eine Fahrzeug-Längsregelung in Abhängigkeit von zumindest einem aktuellen fahrbahnspezifischen Parameter (107, 108) und/oder zumindest einem aktuellen fahrzeugspezifischen Parameter (106).

23-07-2015 дата публикации

Automatische Motor-Start-Stopp-Steuerung

Номер: DE102015100530A1

Fahrzeugsystem mit wenigstens einem Sensor eingerichtet zum Ausgeben eines Bereichssignals und eines Bereichsänderungsgeschwindigkeitssignals. Das Bereichssignal stellt eine Entfernung von einem Host-Fahrzeug zum vorausfahrenden Fahrzeug dar und das Bereichsänderungsgeschwindigkeitssignal stellt Bereichsänderungsgeschwindigkeitsinformationen des vorausfahrenden Fahrzeugs im Verhältnis zum Host-Fahrzeug dar. Eine Verarbeitungsvorrichtung ist eingerichtet zum Ausgeben eines Steuersignals basierend auf dem Bereichssignal und dem Bereichsänderungsgeschwindigkeitssignal. Das Steuersignal gebietet einem Motor des Host-Fahrzeugs zu starten.

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Fahrzeugsteuerungssystem und Steuerverfahren

Номер: DE102019201846A1

Ausführungsformen der vorliegenden Erfindung stellen ein Steuerungssystem (3100) dar. Das Steuersystem (3100) ist für ein Trägerfahrzeug (10), das in einem autonomen Modus betrieben werden kann. Das Steuerungssystem (3100) umfasst eine oder mehrere Steuerungen (3110). Das Steuersystem (3100) ist konfiguriert, um ein erstes Standortsignal, ein erstes Flächensignal und ein Referenzsignal zu empfangen. Das erste Ortungssignal ist ein Indikator für den Standort eines Trägerfahrzeugs (10). Das erste Flächensignal ist ein Indikator für eine oder mehrere erfasste Eigenschaften von mindestens einem Abschnitt eines ersten Bereichs in einer Umgebung des Trägerfahrzeugs (10). Das Referenzsignal ist ein Indikator für die Lage eines zweiten Bereichs in Bezug auf den ersten Bereich. Der zweite Bereich befindet sich in der Nähe des ersten Bereichs. Die eine oder mehrere Steuerungen (3110) bestimmen nach Empfang des ersten Ortungssignals, des ersten Bereichssignals und des Referenzsignals den Standort ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации

Schaltsteuerung für ein kontinuierlich verstellbares Getriebe

Номер: DE102015100420A1

Es wird eine Schaltsteuerung (1) für ein kontinuierlich verstellbares Getriebe (30) geschaffen. Wenn ein stufenweiser Schaltsteuerungsmodus durch einen Betriebsmodus-Wählschalter (61) und einen Schalthebel (51) ausgewählt worden ist und ein Gaspedal-Betätigungsausmaß größer ist als ein erforderliches Gaspedal-Betätigungsausmaß, das durch inverse Berechnung aus der von einer Fahrassistenzeinrichtung (70) ermittelten erforderlichen Antriebskraft festgestellt wird, führt ein Schaltsteuerungsmodul (42) einer Getriebesteuereinheit (40) eine Schaltsteuerung durch den stufenweisen Schaltsteuerungsmodus aus. Wenn das Gaspedal-Betätigungsausmaß geringer ist als das erforderliche Gaspedal-Betätigungsausmaß, führt das Schaltsteuerungsmodul (42) eine Schaltsteuerung durch einen stufenlosen Schaltsteuerungsmodus aus.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018123630A1

Ein System beinhaltet ein Beeinträchtigungsabtastmodul, ein Modul zur Berechnung des Beeinträchtigungswerts, ein Modul zum Vergleich des Schwellenwerts, ein Warnmodul, und ein Interventionsmodul. Das Beeinträchtigungsabtastmodul kann konfiguriert sein, ein erstes Beeinträchtigungsabtastmodul für einen Fahrzeugführer zu erhalten, während das Fahrzeug sich fortbewegt. Das Modul zur Berechnung des Beeinträchtigungswerts kann konfiguriert sein, einen ersten Beeinträchtigungswert basierend auf einem ersten Abtasten der Beeinträchtigung zu berechnen. Das Modul zum Vergleich des Schwellenwerts kann konfiguriert sein, den ersten Beeinträchtigungswert mit einem ersten Schwellenwert zu vergleichen, der einem ersten Beeinträchtigungsbereich entspricht und mit einem zweiten Schwellenwert, der einem zweiten Beeinträchtigungsbereich entspricht. Das Warnmodul kann konfiguriert sein, eine Warnung als Reaktion auf das Ermitteln zu generieren, dass der erste Beeinträchtigungswert den ersten Schwellenwert ...

15-03-2007 дата публикации

Vehicle-sided traffic-adaptive assistance system controlling method for use in control device, involves evaluating two spatially and/or temporally sections of road from environment information and selecting parameters for controlling system

Номер: DE102005043471A1

The method involves evaluating two spatially and/or temporally different sections of road (A1, A2) from environment information by a model-supported observer (B). Parameters as a function of average value and gradient of speed and/or traffic value of the sections of road are selected for controlling a traffic-adaptive assistance system based on the evaluation output of the sections of road. The information is obtained using data of a vehicle-sided sensor and/or wirelessly data transmitted into the vehicle by a vehicle-vehicle communication or infrastructure-vehicle communication. Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a computer program product with program codes that are stored on a computer-readable data medium for executing a method of controlling a vehicle-sided traffic-adaptive assistance system (2) an automatic vehicle interval control in a vehicle (3) a speed control in a vehicle.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Method for guiding vehicle on track, involves operating or disabling vehicle guidance system for guiding the vehicle on track, based on coordinate dependent release information in database

Номер: DE102011077592A1

The method involves controlling the movement of vehicle on track based on route-specific information. A vehicle guidance system (4) is operated or disabled for guiding the vehicle on track, based on coordinate-dependent release information in a database (5). An independent claim is included for arrangement for guiding vehicle on track.

21-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002516257A

A vehicle is provided with friction 1 and regenerative 3,4,5 braking systems. A sensor 15 detects an obstacle in the vehicles path and a brake controller 5, when operated by a user, automatically deploys either or both braking systems to decelerate the vehicle so that its speed corresponds to that of the obstacle when the vehicle is a predetermined distance from the obstacle. The brake controller is arranged to deploy the braking systems in order to optimise recovery of kinetic energy by the regenerative braking system. The brake controller may be operated in a standard mode, in which it deploys the braking systems to provide a retarding force on the vehicle which depends on a drivers input. The brake controller may be controlled by a brake pedal 9. The pedal may have a position part way along its travel at which resistance to further travel temporarily increases and operation of the pedal beyond that position causes the brake controller to operate in the standard mode.

26-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for use in a vehicle

Номер: GB0201402387D0

23-01-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle and method of control thereof

Номер: GB0201222181D0

16-10-2013 дата публикации

Cruise control system for a vehicle

Номер: GB0201315617D0

26-09-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle control system and control method

Номер: GB0201813044D0

04-04-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle speed control system

Номер: GB0002519533B
Принадлежит: JAGUAR LAND ROVER LTD, Jaguar Land Rover

21-08-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle control system and control method

Номер: GB0002571157A

A control system for a vehicle operable in an autonomous mode includes one or more controllers which determine, and navigate autonomously along 10460, a navigation trajectory 10450 for the vehicle subsequent to receipt of a navigation goal 10410, map data 10420, and environment data 10430. The map data indicates a navigable area in which the vehicle is permitted to operate in autonomous mode. The environment data indicates a location of one or more obstacles, at least one of which is not indicated in the map data. The navigation trajectory includes a plurality of navigation waypoints each having an associated navigation speed, wherein each navigation speed is dependent on a proximity to the location of a navigation obstacle. The vehicle may be operated to remain a pre-determined distance from a dynamic obstacle during autonomous navigation and may stop if a distance from a dynamic obstacle is less than a predetermined minimum distance.

21-08-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle control system and control method

Номер: GB0002571160A

A control system (13100) for a host vehicle (10) operable in an autonomous comprising one or more controllers (13110), the system configured to receive a request signal indicative of a request for autonomous navigation of the host vehicle (10), operating in the autonomous mode, from a current location of the host vehicle (10) to a navigation goal; wherein the one or more controllers (13110), subsequent to receipt of the request signal, output a precondition signal to cause one or more components associated with an effectiveness of one or more sensors of the host vehicle to prepare the host vehicle for autonomous navigation to the navigation goal prior to movement of the host vehicle away from the current location; and navigate the host vehicle (10) to the navigation goal. The precondition signal may be to cause a heating component to warm up a sensor, or a cooling component to cool down the sensor. One of the components may comprise a heating component for de-icing, de-frosting or de-misting ...

17-09-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle speed control system and method

Номер: GB0002511841A

A system is provided for controlling the speed of a vehicle 100, by operating in accordance with a current value of vehicle set-speed. A user inputs a command to change the current value of vehicle set-speed from the current value to another value via user input means (see fig 3 & fig 6), and upon receipt of the command, the system stores the current value of set-speed in a memory. The system is configured to change the current value of set-speed in dependence on the user input and to reset the vehicle set-speed to the stored set-speed upon receipt of an other user command. The system is applicable in a vehicle having a low speed progress control system (12 see fig 3) for some types of terrain and a cruise control human machine interface (18 see fig 3).

01-05-2013 дата публикации

Improvements in vehicle steering

Номер: GB0201305267D0

29-11-2017 дата публикации

Systems, methods, and drives for fusion of predicted path attributes and drive history

Номер: GB0002550650A

Providing path attributes to controllers in a vehicle includes determining a most probable path for a vehicle, 602. Attributed predicted path attributes are obtained based on a map data 604 and drive history path attributes are obtained based on a drive history 606. Combined path attributes are then generated based on the path attributes from the attributed predicted path and the path attributes from the drive history, 608. The combined path attributes are then provided to one or more controllers, 610. The controllers may include adaptive cruise control, energy management control, curve warning, headlight control, lane departure warning, hill powertrain optimisation, driver notification, driver assistance and/or automated driving.

06-06-2018 дата публикации

Terrain inference method and apparatus

Номер: GB0201806629D0

14-08-2019 дата публикации

Comfort-based self-driving vehicle speed control method

Номер: GB0201909410D0

20-05-2020 дата публикации

Controller and control Method

Номер: GB0202005215D0

08-11-2023 дата публикации

Automatic speed control

Номер: GB0002618345A

Aspects of the present invention relate to an automatic speed controller, an automatic speed control system, to a method for automatic speed control, and to a vehicle. The automatic speed comprises an input for receiving a road classification signal from a road classification module and a vehicle speed information signal from a speed information module, wherein the road classification signal comprises information relating to a road on which the vehicle may travel, and the vehicle speed information signal comprises a speed limit value for the road; an output for outputting a speed offset signal for use in setting a speed of the vehicle; a processor arranged to determine the speed offset signal comprising an offset value, in dependence on the road classification signal and the speed information signal. The present invention provides improved automatic speed control by considering road classification information in conjunction with other factors.

15-03-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Optimierung von Fahrassistenzsystemen

Номер: AT514754A1

The invention relates to a method for optimizing a driver assistance system, which method comprises the steps of specifying at least one driver assistance system A to be optimized, determining at least one vehicle parameter function that characterizes an operating state of a vehicle and at least one environment parameter function that characterizes the environment of the vehicle, calculating at least one driving situation characteristic value function that characterizes a driving situation of the vehicle, at least on the basis of the at least one vehicle parameter function and/or the at least one environment parameter function, calculating at least one control intervention characteristic value function that characterizes the activity of driver assistance system A, and calculating a correction function that depends on the at least one driving situation characteristic value function and characterizes a subjective perception of the driving situation by at least one vehicle occupant, at least ...

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000522420T

15-09-2020 дата публикации

Method and device for controlling pedals of a vehicle

Номер: AT0000522168B1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Fahrermodells zum Kontrollieren eines Fahrzeugs. Dabei umfasst das Fahrermodell ein Fahrzeugmodul (203), das eine an dem Fahrzeug einzustellende Fahrpedalstellung ermittelt. Weiterhin wird mittels des Fahrzeugmoduls (203) eine Bedarfsleistung als Anteil an einer Totalleistung, die von einem Antrieb des Fahrzeugs erbracht werden kann, ermittelt, wobei die Bedarfsleistung einer Leistung entspricht, die benötigt wird, um das Fahrzeug mit einer geforderten Geschwindigkeit und/oder einer geforderten Beschleunigung (311) entlang eines vorgegeben Straßenverlaufs zu bewegen. Ferner sieht das vorgestellte Verfahren vor, dass der Bedarfsleistung ein Wert (313) einer zulässigen Pedalstellung zugeordnet wird, und der Wert (313) der zulässigen Pedalstellung an das Fahrermodell zum Kontrollieren des Fahrzeugs übergeben wird.

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Testing predictions for autonomous vehicles

Номер: AU2017291708A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Aspects of the disclosure relate to testing predictions of an autonomous vehicle relating to another vehicle or object in a roadway. For instance, one or more processors 120 may plan to maneuver a first vehicle 100 autonomously to complete an action and predict that a second vehicle 680, 780, 880 will take a responsive action. The first vehicle is maneuvered towards completing the action in a way that would allow the first vehicle to cancel completing the action without causing a collision between the first vehicle and the second vehicle, and in order to indicate to the second vehicle or a driver of the second vehicle that the first vehicle is attempting to complete the action. Thereafter, when the first vehicle is determined to be able to take the action, the action is completed by controlling the first vehicle autonomously using the determination of whether the second vehicle begins to take the particular responsive action.

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Identifying unassigned passengers for autonomous vehicles

Номер: AU2018323983A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Aspects of the disclosure provide systems and methods for confirming the identity of a passenger and changing destination of a vehicle 100. This may include receiving dispatching instructions to pick up a first passenger at a pickup location and to drop off the first passenger at a first destination as well as authentication information for authenticating a first client computing device of the first passenger. Once the client device is authenticated and a second passenger enters the vehicle, the vehicle is maneuvered towards the first destination. While doing so, a location of the vehicle is compared to location information received from the client computing device. A notification is sent to a dispatching server based on the comparison and a second destination location is received in response. The vehicle is then maneuvered towards the second destination instead of the first destination.

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Detecting and responding to propulsion and steering system errors for autonomous vehicles

Номер: AU2018339455A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Aspects of the disclosure relate to stopping a vehicle. For instance, a vehicle (100) is controlled in an autonomous driving mode by generating first commands for acceleration control and sending the first commands to an acceleration and/or steering actuator of an acceleration system of the vehicle in order to cause the vehicle to accelerate. Acceleration and/or orientation of the vehicle is monitored while the vehicle is being operated in an autonomous driving mode. The monitored acceleration and/or orientation is compared with the first commands. An error with the acceleration and/or steering system is determined based on the comparison. When the error is determined, the vehicle is controlled in the autonomous driving mode by generating second commands which do not require any acceleration and/or steering.

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Control system and method

Номер: AU2015311052B2
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

Some embodiments of the present invention provide a speed control system for automatically controlling the speed of a vehicle in accordance with a target speed value, the system comprising: means for causing automatically a vehicle to travel at a predetermined speed value at least in part by controlling an amount of torque applied to one or more wheels of a vehicle by a powertrain; means for determining a recommended transmission gear ratio for a transmission of the powertrain at a given moment in time; means for providing an indication of the recommended transmission gear ratio to a user; and means for receiving a clutch actuation signal indicative of an actuation state of clutch means that is configured to connect the transmission to a torque drive source of the powertrain, wherein the system is configured automatically to control a speed of the torque drive source to achieve a speed determined in dependence at least in part on at least one predetermined parameter when a predetermined ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Control system and method

Номер: AU2015311052A1
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

Some embodiments of the present invention provide a speed control system for automatically controlling the speed of a vehicle in accordance with a target speed value, the system comprising: means for causing automatically a vehicle to travel at a predetermined speed value at least in part by controlling an amount of torque applied to one or more wheels of a vehicle by a powertrain; means for determining a recommended transmission gear ratio for a transmission of the powertrain at a given moment in time; means for providing an indication of the recommended transmission gear ratio to a user; and means for receiving a clutch actuation signal indicative of an actuation state of clutch means that is configured to connect the transmission to a torque drive source of the powertrain, wherein the system is configured automatically to control a speed of the torque drive source to achieve a speed determined in dependence at least in part on at least one predetermined parameter when a predetermined ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2021202720A1

Aspects of the disclosure relate to stopping a vehicle. For instance, a vehicle 100 is controlled in an autonomous driving mode by generating first commands for acceleration control and sending the first commands to an acceleration and/or steering actuator of an acceleration system of the vehicle in order to cause the vehicle to accelerate. Acceleration and/or orientation of the vehicle is monitored while the vehicle is being operated in an autonomous driving mode. The monitored acceleration and/or orientation is compared with the first commands. An error with the acceleration and/or steering system is determined based on the comparison. When the error is determined, the vehicle is controlled in the autonomous driving mode by generating second commands which do not require any acceleration and/or steering.

24-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002691138A1

The present application adds detection capabilities to perceive the presence and/or measure the velocity of obstacles such as automobiles, trucks, pedestrian and other users, to vehicle lighting modules as headlamp, tail lamps, centre high mount stop lamp (CHMSL) and interior lighting to name a few, for driver assistance applications like adaptive cruise control, blind spot and pre-crash assist. For example, a Light Emitting Diode (LED) has the capability to be used as lighting source for illumination as a first function and also be pulsed or modulated as a source for the detection sub-system as a second function.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003068410A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

Provided is a traveling assistance method in which a brake timing of a vehicle during manual driving is learnt and traveling during automatic driving is assisted on the basis of the learnt brake timing. During automatic driving, the brake timing learnt during the manual driving is acquired, and when actuating the brake during automatic driving, a driver actuates the brake such that the timing at which the driver feels the operation of the brake comes earlier than the learnt brake timing. When the brake is actuated in the automatic driving, the driver can avoid feeling that the brake timing is late, and anxiety that the driver might feel can be suppressed.

15-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003008091A1

A collision-avoidance system for use with an autonomous-capable vehicle can continuously receive image frames captured of the roadway to determine drivable space in a forward direction of the vehicle. The system can determine, for each image frame, whether individual regions of the image frame depict drivable space. The system can do so using machine-learned image recognition algorithms such as convolutional neural networks generated using extensive training data. Using such techniques, the system can label regions of the image frames as corresponding to drivable space or non-drivable space. By analyzing the labeled image frames, the system can determine whether the vehicle is likely to impact a region of non-drivable space. And, in response to such a determination, the system can generate control signals that override other control systems or human operator input to control the brakes, the steering, or other sub-systems of the vehicle to avoid the collision.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003031728A1

Aspects of the disclosure relate to maneuvering a vehicle. As an example, sensor information identifying a set of objects as well as a set of characteristics for each object of the set of objects is received from a perception system of a vehicle 100. The set of objects is filtered to remove objects corresponding to vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians. An object within an expected future path of the vehicle is selected from the filtered set of objects. The object is classified as drivable or not drivable based on the set of characteristics. Drivable indicates that the vehicle can drive over the object without causing damage to the vehicle. The vehicle is maneuvered based on the classification such that when the object is classified as drivable, maneuvering the vehicle includes driving the vehicle over the object by not altering the expected future path of the vehicle.

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003039913A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

Aspects of the disclosure relate to generating a speed plan for an autonomous vehicle. As an example, a vehicle (100) is maneuvered in an autonomous driving mode along a route (660) using pre-stored map information. This information identifies a plurality of keep clear regions where the vehicle should not stop but can drive through in the autonomous driving mode. Each keep clear region of the plurality of keep clear regions is associated with a priority value. A subset of the plurality of keep clear regions is identified based on the route. A speed plan for stopping the vehicle is generated based on the priority values associated with the keep clear regions of the subset. The speed plan identifies a location for stopping the vehicle. The speed plan is used to stop the vehicle in the location.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003036337A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

A vehicle travel control method in which a target trajectory (OP) along which an own vehicle (V) should travel is detected and the own vehicle is made to automatically travel along the detected target trajectory, wherein a forward observation point distance from the own vehicle to a forward observation point is tentatively set in accordance with at least travel lane information, an own vehicle travel trajectory is estimated in which the own vehicle conforms to the target trajectory at the forward observation point when the own vehicle is presumed to have traveled the tentatively set forward observation point distance, the maximum value (?dmax), from the current location of the own vehicle to the forward observation point, of the lateral displacement between the estimated own vehicle travel trajectory and the target trajectory is detected, and a forward observation point distance by which the maximum value of the lateral displacement is less than or equal to a prescribed value (D) is officially ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003071091A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

Provided is a surrounding conditions display device that detects the surrounding conditions of a host vehicle (V1) having an automatic driving function and displays the detected surrounding conditions. The display device comprises an a display instrument (2) that displays, on a variable display bar, the timing at which the behavior of the host vehicle (V1) switches as a result of the automatic driving function, said variable display bar having a prescribed display frame and varying and displaying indicated positions inside said display frame. Lane-change timing and the timing of vehicle departure from intersections are displayed in the variable display bar and, as a result, an occupant can have sensory awareness of the timing at which the behavior changes and occupant discomfort can be suppressed.

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003064418A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

The technology relates to camera systems for vehicles having an autonomous driving mode. An example system includes a first camera mounted on a vehicle 100 in order to capture images of the vehicle's environment. The first camera 300 has a first exposure time and being without an ND filter. The system also includes a second camera 350 mounted on the vehicle in order to capture images of the vehicle's environment and having an ND filter. The system also includes one or more processors configured to capture images using the first camera and the first exposure time, capture images using the second camera and the second exposure time, use the images captured using the second camera to identify illuminated objects, use the images captured using the first camera to identify the locations of objects, and use the identified illuminated objects and identified locations of objects to control the vehicle in an autonomous driving mode.

01-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3050936A1

A controller causes a signal to be received by a main control module (MCM) in a controller area network of a vehicle when the vehicle is determined to be speeding or when a set speed of a cruise control would result in speeding. The signal indicates to the MCM that a driver of the vehicle is braking. The signal is caused to be received by the MCM when the vehicle is determined to be speeding regardless of whether the driver of the vehicle is actually braking, whereby cruise control that is engaged is disengaged by the MCM. Such controller is utilized in conjunction with ADA systems, especially ISA systems, for enabling such systems to properly function without specific regard to the particular manufacturer and model of the cruise control module that may be used in a given vehicle.

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003052951A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

Autonomous vehicle operational management may include traversing, by an autonomous vehicle, a vehicle transportation network. Traversing the vehicle transportation network may include generating an autonomous vehicle operational control environment for operating scenario-specific operational control evaluation module instances. A scenario-specific operational control evaluation module instance may be an instance of a respective scenario-specific operational control evaluation module. A scenario-specific operational control evaluation module may model a respective distinct vehicle operational scenario. A scenario-specific operational control evaluation module instance may generate a respective candidate vehicle control action responsive to the respective corresponding distinct vehicle operational scenario. Traversing the vehicle transportation network may include operating a scenario-specific operational control evaluation module instance, receiving a first candidate vehicle control action ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002973816A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

A travel control system is characterized by being provided with: a detection means 110 for detecting a traveling state of a host vehicle; a determination means 180 for determining a traveling scene of the host vehicle on the basis of the traveling state of the host vehicle; a storage means 180 for storing pieces of presentation information to be presented to a user in each traveling scene; a presentation means 180 for presenting the piece of presentation information corresponding to the traveling scene to the user; an input means 160 for the user to input a piece of response information to the piece of presentation information; and a control means 180 for controlling the traveling of the host vehicle on the basis of the piece of response information, wherein the control means 180 further stores, in association with the pieces of presentation information, a priority order in which the pieces of presentation information are presented, thereby when the actual traveling scene of the host vehicle ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002993497A1

This control method is for a travel control device 100 which is provided with a first detector 110 for detecting obstacles around the local vehicle traveling in a first lane and a second detector 110 for detecting a second lane adjacent to the first lane, and which, in a lane change target position in the second lane, configures a first range of a size no less than that occupied by the local vehicle on the road surface, detects, as a second area, an area in the second lane which is located to the side of the local vehicle and in which no obstacles are present, and permits the local vehicle to change lanes if the second area includes the first area; this control method involves a step in which if, after initiating a lane change, the second area has become smaller than prior to initiating the lane change, then, on the basis of the positional relation in the width direction between the local vehicle and the lane markings crossed by the local vehicle during the lane change, at least one of ...

10-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002973111C

A target vehicle speed generation device comprises a determination unit (30) and a correction unit (32). The determination unit (30) determines whether or not a sudden change point (P), at which acceleration changes in excess of a predetermined condition, is present in the target vehicle speed contained in the target route information of the vehicle, which is set in advance. The correction unit (32) corrects the target vehicle speed so as to eliminate the sudden change point (P), if it is determined that the sudden change point (P) is present by the determination unit (30).

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Driving assist device

Номер: US20120046817A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A driving assist device includes a first control portion that controls a vehicle to carry out automated driving, and a second control portion that controls the vehicle to make a shift to manual driving, in which the vehicle travels on a basis of an driving operation by a driver, when canceling the automated driving, and changes a manner of canceling the automated driving in accordance with an elapsed time from a start of the automated driving.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Imaging system for vehicle

Номер: US20120098968A1
Принадлежит: Donnelly Corp

An imaging system for a vehicle includes a camera, an image processor and a control. The field of view of the camera is in a forward direction of travel of the equipped vehicle, and the camera is operable to capture frames of image data. The image processor is operable to process the image data. The control is operable to adjust a light beam emanating from a forward facing light of the equipped vehicle responsive to image processing of frames of image data. The control, responsive to the image processing, is operable to control at least one of (a) adjustment of a beam direction of a light beam emanating from the forward facing light, (b) adjustment of a visible intensity of a light beam emanating from the forward facing light and (c) adjustment of a range of a light beam emanating from the forward facing light.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for controlling a vehicle cruise control

Номер: US20120101698A1

A method and device are provided for controlling a vehicle cruise control in a vehicle, the method including registering a starting point and an end destination for a possible traveling route of the vehicle, registering a desired traveling time for the traveling route, calculating and setting limits for parameters of the cruise control in order to arrive at the end destination on the desired traveling time with as low fuel consumption as possible.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

System and method for controlling a transmission to improve exhaust braking

Номер: US20120101700A1

A system for controlling a transmission of a vehicle powered by an engine includes a torque determination module and a shift determination module. The torque determination module determines a desired exhaust brake torque for the engine based on an actual speed of the vehicle and a desired speed of the vehicle. The shift determination module determines whether to shift between gear ratios of the transmission based on the desired exhaust brake torque and an exhaust brake torque capacity of the engine.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Power source speed control in a machine with a cvt

Номер: US20120136548A1
Автор: Brian D. Hoff
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

Methods and systems for controlling a power source of a mobile machine having a continuously variable transmission (CVT) are disclosed. In one embodiment, the method includes receiving, from an operator of the mobile machine, input selecting of one of a plurality of target travel speeds of the mobile machine and input indicative of a requested output speed of the power source. The method further includes calculating a difference between the selected target travel speed and an actual travel speed of the mobile machine. Finally, the method includes adjusting the requested output speed of the power source based on the calculated travel speed difference, and commanding the power source based on the adjusted requested output speed of the power source.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

System and method for adjusting braking pressure

Номер: US20120197507A1

A vehicle control system includes a forward vehicle sensor transmitting a forward vehicle message based on a distance to a forward vehicle. An adaptive cruise controller receives the forward vehicle message and receives at least one additional message indicating a respective status of the vehicle, the adaptive cruise controller sets a braking pressure for an adaptive cruise controller braking event above a default braking pressure if the adaptive cruise controller determines, based on the at least one of the additional messages, that the vehicle will maintain stability during the adaptive cruise controller braking event.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Driver Assistance System for a Vehicle, in Particular Commercial Vehicle, and Method for Controlling a Brake System

Номер: US20120203438A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a driver assistance system for a vehicle, in particular commercial vehicle, wherein the driver assistance system ( 14 ) has: a detection system which has at least one sensor ( 15 - 1, 15 - 2, 15 - 3 ) for issuing measuring signals (S 5 - 1 , S 5 - 2 , S 5 - 3 ), a control unit ( 16 ) for receiving the measuring signals (S 5 - 1 , S 5 - 2 , S 5 - 3 ) and for determining the probability of a critical situation or critical state of the vehicle ( 1 ), wherein, when a critical state or sufficient probability of a critical state is identified, the control unit ( 16 ) of the driver assistance system ( 14 ) outputs a signal (S 6 ) for priming a brake system ( 4 ) to a brake control device ( 6 ) of the brake system ( 4 ) of the vehicle ( 1 ), and wherein the control unit ( 16 ) outputs an external brake request signal (S 6 ) for initiating braking operations to the brake control device ( 6 ) of the brake system ( 4 ). According to the invention, in order to prime the brake system ( 4 ), the control unit ( 16 ) outputs an external brake request signal (S 6 ) which has a desired acceleration value signal (S 6 - 3 ) with a higher desired acceleration value (a-des) than a current actual acceleration value (a-act).

23-08-2012 дата публикации

System and Method for Responding to Driver Behavior

Номер: US20120212353A1
Автор: Kin Fung, Timothy J. Dick
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

Methods of assessing driver behavior include monitoring vehicle systems and driver monitoring systems to accommodate for a driver's slow reaction time, attention lapse and/or alertness. When it is determined that a driver is drowsy, for example, the response system may modify the operation of one or more vehicle systems. The systems that may be modified include: visual devices, audio devices, tactile devices, antilock brake systems, automatic brake prefill systems, brake assist systems, auto cruise control systems, electronic stability control systems, collision warning systems, lane keep assist systems, blind spot indicator systems, electronic pretensioning systems and climate control systems.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle speed signal falsification detection apparatus, vehicle speed limiting apparatus, vehicle speed signal falsification detection method, and vehicle speed limiting method

Номер: US20120215428A1
Принадлежит: UD Trucks Corp

A vehicle speed signal falsification detection apparatus has a control unit incorporating a computer. The control unit calculates a vehicle speed according to a pulse signal proportional to the rotational speed of a drive wheel and also calculates a simulated vehicle speed according to a pulse signal proportional to the rotational speed of a driven wheel. Then, the control unit determines, on the basis of the comparison between the vehicle speed and the simulated vehicle speed, whether a vehicle speed signal has been falsified. When the control unit determines that the vehicle speed signal has been falsified, then the control unit outputs a falsification detection signal to another control unit so as to suppress the output of an engine.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Driver assistance system

Номер: US20120245756A1
Принадлежит: TK HOLDINGS INC

A system and method of assisting a driver of a vehicle by providing driver and vehicle feedback control signals is disclosed herein. The system and method includes receiving location data of the vehicle from a GPS unit, retrieving navigation characteristics stored in a map database based on the location data, generating a most probable future path for the vehicle, determining the locations of upcoming zones on the most probable future path based on the retrieved navigation characteristics using a processor, generating vehicle speed data at a vehicle sensor unit, and determining if the vehicle speed data exceeds a speed threshold associated with the upcoming zone on the most probable path.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Driver assistance system

Номер: US20120296539A1
Принадлежит: TK HOLDINGS INC

A system and method of assisting a driver of a vehicle by providing driver and vehicle feedback control signals is disclosed herein. The system and method includes receiving location data of the vehicle from a GPS unit, receiving the location data of the vehicle and retrieving navigation characteristics relevant to the location data using a processing circuit, generating a most probable future path for the vehicle and determining a location of at least one navigation characteristic with respect to the most probable future path and the vehicle, generating vehicle data at least one vehicle sensor, and transmitting a control signal to a vehicle control area network to warn the driver of an upcoming navigation characteristic on the most probable path.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for speed estimation and control

Номер: US20120326856A1
Принадлежит: Volvo Car Corp

A system and method for determining a speed profile for a vehicle travelling along a road in which a curve speed estimation unit receives inputs indicating a position of the vehicle relative to a curve ahead of the vehicle, and inputs related to vehicle velocity, curve geometry, road surface conditions, vehicle-specific data; and driver preferences. The curve sped estimation unit use at least some of the above-listed inputs to determine a speed profile for the curve by generating an acceleration limit map which depends on a relationship between a maximum possible longitudinal acceleration and a maximum possible lateral acceleration.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle control device

Номер: US20130018562A1
Автор: Koji Nakai, Takashi Suzuki
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A problem is to provide a vehicle control device, which performs travel control prepared for an unforeseen event by setting a tire friction circle to be small on a site on a road on which it is highly possible that the unforeseen event is found with delay due to a curve and poor visibility. An ECU sets a target speed with a predetermined allowance for a limit speed which is an upper limit speed of the vehicle, at a point at which a risk cannot be expected easily on a path along which the vehicle travels and generates a planned speed pattern which is a speed pattern of the path, based on the limit speed and the target speed.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Drive pedal unit for motor vehicles

Номер: US20130047776A1
Принадлежит: Conti Temic Microelectronic GmbH

A drive pedal unit for motor vehicles, wherein a position change of the pedal plate brought about by a corresponding actuating force, with respect to the starting position thereof against a restoring force of a restoring spring, leads to an increase of the drive force of the engine and, when the actuating force decreases, the restoring force of the restoring spring returns the pedal plate in the direction of the starting position thereof. An externally controllable electro-mechanical actuator is arranged such that an additional restoring force may be set on the pedal plate. A hysteresis of the pedal characteristic curve is produced and is independent of the additional restoring force of the electromechanical actuator. A friction surface cooperates with a friction element, wherein the friction surface is connected to the pedal plate, whilst the friction element is decoupled from the power flow between the pedal plate and the electromechanical actuator.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Automatic speed control system for manual transmission

Номер: US20130072349A1
Автор: Jung Ho Beak

Disclosed therein is an automatic speed control system for a manual transmission. Clutch operating means using a combination of a motor and gears, transmission lever operating means using a combination of a motor and gears, and a control part, which check a driving state of a vehicle in real time and controls the motor if gear-shifting is needed, are additionally mounted to a general manual transmission, so that the general manual transmission can automatically shift the gear like an automatic transmission.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116907A1

A method for increasing active duration time of an automatic freewheeling function in a vehicle with cruise control and during a cruise control active period is provided. The function includes an arrangement for determining a vehicle set speed (Vset speed) for when the function is allowed to be activated and means for calculating a predetermined allowable vehicle speed drop to a first under speed value (Vunderspeed) below the vehicle set speed (Vset speed). The function is controlled based on said under speed value, in order to extend active duration tune of the function. 1. Method for increasing active duration time of an automatic freewheeling function in a vehicle with cruise control and during a cruise control active period , the function comprising means for determining a first vehicle set speed (Vset speed) for when the function is allowed to he activated under at least prevailing conditions , comprising:calculating a predetermined allowable vehicle speed drop (d) to a first under speed value (Vunderspeed) below the first vehicle set speed (Vset speed) for at least prevailing conditions and;controlling the function based on the under speed value, in order to extend active duration time of the function.2. Method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the controlling comprising the step of inactivating the function when vehicle speed has decreased down to the first under speed value from a vehicle speed above the under speed value (Vunderspeed) and when the function is active.3. Method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the magnitude of the vehicle under speed value (Vunderspeed) will not be lower than that a highest gear of a transmission in the vehicle claim 1 , or a gear engaged just before the freewheel function was activated claim 1 , will be possible to reengage when the vehicle speed reaches the vehicle under speed value and the freewheel function will be inactivated and a gear will have to be engaged.4. Method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the predetermined ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130124063A1
Автор: Kawakami Tomonori

In a travel control device, it is allowed to release vehicle speed control without giving a sense of incongruity to a driver when pedal operation of a brake pedal is executed by the driver during vehicle speed control. 1. A travel control device , comprising:a vehicle speed controlling means that executes vehicle speed control of a vehicle; anda vehicle speed control releasing means that releases vehicle speed control by the vehicle speed controlling means by pedal operation of a brake pedal, whereinwhen the pedal operation is executed during vehicle speed control that decelerates the vehicle speed by the vehicle speed controlling means, the vehicle speed control releasing means compares an operation brake force by the pedal operation and a control brake force by the vehicle speed controlling means to each other, vehicle speed control decelerating vehicle speed is continued by the vehicle speed controlling means while the operation brake force is less than the control brake force, and vehicle speed control by the vehicle speed controlling means is released when the operation brake force becomes equal to or greater than the control brake force.2. The travel control device according to claim 1 , whereinwhen the pedal operation is finished in the middle of continuing vehicle speed control that decelerates vehicle speed by the vehicle speed controlling means, the vehicle speed control releasing means gradually reduces the control brake force and releases vehicle speed control by the vehicle speed controlling means.3. The travel control device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a deceleration command value calculating means that calculates a deceleration command value that decelerates a vehicle;a control brake force generating means that generates the control brake force based on a deceleration command value calculated by the deceleration command value calculating means;an operation brake force generating means that generates the operation brake force according to ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130138312A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A method for operating a forward-guiding driver assist system, in particular an ACC system, in a motor vehicle having a clutch pedal as a driver-operated actuator for manually operating a clutch and an additional clutch actuator includes the steps of performing with the driver assist system at least one driving intervention for controlling the speed of the motor vehicle, determining a desired clutch slip, when controlling the speed, and controlling the additional clutch actuator for automatically disengaging and engaging the clutch commensurate with the determined clutch slip. 1. A method for operating a forward-guiding driver assist system in a motor vehicle having a clutch pedal as a driver-operated actuator for manually operating a clutch and an additional clutch actuator , comprising the steps of:performing with the driver assist system at least one driving intervention for controlling the speed of the motor vehicle,when controlling the speed, determining a desired clutch slip, andcontrolling the additional clutch actuator for automatically disengaging and engaging the clutch commensurate with the determined clutch slip.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the forward-guiding driver assist system an ACC (automatic cruise control) system.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the desired clutch slip is between 0% and 100%.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the clutch slip is determined based on at least one criterion selected from reducing energy consumption of the motor vehicle and enhancing comfort for a driver.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the criterion is selected to optimize energy consumption of the motor vehicle and enhance comfort for the driver.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the desired clutch slip is determined by generating a target deceleration which is situated between a drag torque deceleration of the engine and a coasting mode deceleration provided in coasting mode with the clutch disengaged claim 1 , in absence of control of ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for operating a longitudinally guiding driver assist system and motor vehicle

Номер: US20130138319A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

In a method for operating a longitudinally guiding driver assist system of a motor vehicle, wherein a comfort curve speed is determined as a function of curve data, wherein the curve data are commensurate with at least one curve to be driven through next by the motor vehicle, wherein a target speed is determined as a function of the curve comfort speed at a defined point of the curve, and wherein the speed of the motor vehicle is adjusted as a function of at least the target speed of the motor vehicle.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130173121A1
Автор: TENSTAM Anders

An arrangement and method are provided for optimizing a position of at least one air deflector guiding an airflow around the vehicle such as a truck or truck-trailer combination during driving. A position of the at least one air deflector is determined by an actuator which is controlled in response to a sensed control signal indicating the air resistance of the vehicle, the speed of the vehicle is controlled by a vehicle driving control system for providing a constant speed of the vehicle during the optimization, and the position of the at least one air deflector is varied until the control signal indicates a minimized air resistance of the vehicle. 1. Arrangement for optimizing a position of at least one air deflector guiding an airflow around a vehicle during driving , comprising:at least one air deflector for guiding an airflow around the vehicleat least one actuator for moving the at least one air deflector between at least two positions; andat least one controller for controlling each actuator and thereby the position of the air deflector in dependence on a control signal indicating an air resistance of the vehicle;wherein the arrangement further comprises a vehicle driving control system for controlling at least a driving speed of the vehicle, wherein the arrangement is adapted to enable an optimization of the at least one air deflector, if the vehicle driving control system controls the speed of the vehicle.2. Arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the control signal is a response signal of the vehicle driving control system sensing the driving characteristics of the vehicle claim 1 , wherein the response signal comprises information on variations in at least one of the group of: fuel rate claim 1 , vehicle speed claim 1 , engine speed claim 1 , engine power claim 1 , engine throttle position claim 1 , engine torque.3. Arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the vehicle driving control system is a driver assistance system.4. Arrangement according to ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Intersection collision avoidance with adaptable vehicle dimensions

Номер: US20130179047A1

A method for avoiding a collision between a host vehicle and a target vehicle defines the intersection of their trajectories as the potential collision zone. The method calculates the distance to be traversed and the time required for the target vehicle to reach the collision zone and to clear it. The method then incorporates the possible cases when the target vehicle may be towing a trailer, and uses an adjusted value for the length of the target vehicle for further calculations in such cases. Further, the deceleration required by the host vehicle to allow the target vehicle to pass safely under a ‘brake to pass’ condition is calculated. The method then evaluates a break threat number based on this deceleration value and provides warning signals to the occupant of the host vehicle, to apply the brakes immediately or after a certain time, based on the break threat number value.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207833A1

A vehicle-mounted radar apparatus for transmitting radar waves toward the outside of a vehicle mounting the apparatus thereon and receiving the radar waves reflected from an object to thereby acquire information about the object. In the apparatus, a target detection unit transmits and receives the radar waves to detect positions of targets. An object position determination unit determines a position of the object reflecting the radar waves on the basis of the positions of the targets. A representative target selection unit selects a representative target from the targets detected by the target detection unit. A same-object target selection unit selects targets belonging to the same object as the representative target. A large-vehicle determination unit determines whether or not an extent of the targets selected by the same-object target selection unit is equal to or greater than a predetermined threshold value for large-vehicle determination. 1. A vehicle-mounted radar apparatus for transmitting radar waves toward the outside of a vehicle mounting the apparatus thereon , the vehicle being hereinafter referred to as a radar-mounting vehicle , and receiving the radar waves reflected from an object to acquire information about the object , the apparatus comprising:a target detection unit that transmits and receives the radar waves to detect positions of targets reflecting the radar waves;an object position determination unit that determines a position of the object reflecting the radar waves on the basis of the positions of the targets detected by the target detection unit;a representative target selection unit that selects one of the targets detected by the target detection unit that fulfills a predetermined representative-target designation condition for designating a representative of the targets detected by the target detection unit;a same-object target selection unit that selects, from the targets detected by the target detection unit, targets that fulfill a ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Information processing device for vehicle and database

Номер: US20130246421A1
Автор: Yuki Yamada
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An electronic control unit (ECU) and a database (DB) of a travel assist device specify and store a deceleration end point of a vehicle on the basis of information relating to an absolute position independent from a structure on the ground. Further, the ECU and the DB of the travel assist device stores a deceleration end area which is an area within a predetermined range from the deceleration end point.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261889A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD

A cruise control apparatus includes a current speed detector detects a current speed of a vehicle; a target speed setting unit sets a target speed of the vehicle; an acceleration and deceleration operation amount acquisition unit acquires an operation amount of acceleration or deceleration of the vehicle by a driver; and a cruise controller performs cruise control of the vehicle so that the current speed follows the target speed. The target speed setting unit monitors i) the operation amount or ii) change in the current speed detected by the current speed detector to performs a first determination of if the driver intends to maintain the vehicle speed at an intended speed different from the target speed, and if the first determination is positive, updates the target speed to the intended vehicle speed. 1. A cruise control apparatus comprising:a current speed detector configured to detect a current speed of a vehicle;a target speed setting unit configured to set a target speed of the vehicle;an acceleration and deceleration operation amount acquisition unit configured to acquire an operation amount of acceleration or deceleration of the vehicle by a driver; anda cruise controller configured to perform cruise control of the vehicle so that the current speed follows the target speed,wherein the target speed setting unit monitors i) the operation amount acquired by the acceleration and deceleration operation amount acquisition unit or ii) change in the current speed detected by the current speed detector to perform a first determination of if the driver intends to maintain the vehicle speed at an intended speed different from the target speed, and if the first determination is positive, updates the target speed to the intended vehicle speed.2. The cruise control apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the target speed setting unit performs a second determination of if an absolute value of a difference between the target speed and the current speed detected by the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Vehicular traveling regulation device and method for controlling vehicle

Номер: US20130282199A1
Автор: Yoshio Koie
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A position determination unit determines whether a present position of a vehicle deviates from a predetermined range. A direction determination unit determines whether a traveling direction of the vehicle is along a return direction, which is toward the predetermined range, on determination of the position determination unit that the present position deviates from the predetermined range. A traveling regulation unit regulates traveling of the vehicle when the direction determination unit determines that the traveling direction is not along the return direction.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and System For Utilizing The Energy Storage Provided By A Vehicle's Mass In The Form Of Potential And Kinetic Energy To Optimize Fuel Consumption

Номер: US20130297174A1

A method and system that utilizes the energy storage provided by a vehicle's mass in the form of potential and kinetic energy to optimize the fuel consumption. The system of the present invention is composed of an elevation database, a localization mechanism, and a speed optimization mechanism/engine. The optimization engine receives a desired speed range from the operator such as a max speed and min speed input, and a route or elevation profile form the elevation database. Then, utilizing the elevation database, the localization mechanism and a weight estimate the system and method optimizes the current speed to minimize fuel consumption by way of setting and adjusting the cruise control speed. The route and the weight estimate may be provided or predicted by the optimization engine. 1. A method for optimizing fuel consumption of a vehicle , executed by a computer , comprising:receiving a desired speed range and vehicle characteristics;receiving an elevation profile;determining location within the elevation profile using a localization mechanism;calculating one or more speed profiles by an optimization engine to optimize the fuel economy of a vehicle based on the vehicle and terrain characteristics;selecting the speed profile that maintains the vehicle within the assigned range of speed and minimizes fuel consumption.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of receiving a route and elevation profile from an elevation database.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:receiving multiple vehicle characteristics for two or more vehicles traveling in a convoy;receiving maximum and minimum convoy separation distances for each vehicle in the convoy;determining or receiving acceleration profiles for all the vehicles in the convoy;considering the fuel consumption of the complete convoy; andcalculating a range of cruise control speeds by an optimization engine to optimize the fuel economy of a convoy of vehicles based on the fuel consumption ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Fuel conservation systems and methods

Номер: US20130345947A1
Принадлежит: Fuel Saving Technologies Inc

Methods and systems are described for conserving fuel used by an engine. In some embodiments a control module processes a user-provided input, as a first function, into a second function. The second function can be used to direct the engine with a directive output power. The directive output power may have regions equal to, greater than, and/or less than what the power output would be if the engine were controlled using the user-provided input.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for operating a vehicle during coasting

Номер: US20140012478A1
Автор: Rainer BARTSCH, Udo Schulz

A method for controlling a vehicle, including determining a speed curve on a coasting route, in order to let the vehicle on the coasting route coast from an actual speed to a setpoint speed, detecting an additional vehicle approaching the vehicle from behind on the coasting route, and raising the speed of the vehicle compared to the determined speed behavior on the coasting route, in order to produce a predetermined threshold distance from the additional vehicle.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140012479A1
Автор: Zhao Dongbin

A vehicle adaptive cruise control system and method are provided. The adaptive cruise control system, comprising an adaptive cruise mode selection unit configured to select adaptive cruise modes to control speeds and relative distances for a host vehicle in different modes; a data acquisition unit configured to acquire a vehicle state variable x(t); a control unit configured to generate a vehicle control signal u(t) based on the vehicle state variable x(t); a critic unit configured to evaluate a control performance according to the vehicle state variable x(t) and the vehicle control signal u(t), if a result of evaluation indicates that the control performance does not comply with a requirement, then the control unit and the critic unit perform an online leaning; a gas pedal unit and a brake unit configured to be controlled respectively by using the vehicle control signal u(t) output from the is control unit and data provided from a the vehicle inverse dynamics. According to the system, the safety and personality is improved. 1. An adaptive cruise control system , comprising:an adaptive cruise mode selection unit configured to select adaptive cruise modes to control speeds and relative distances for a host vehicle in different modes;a data acquisition unit configured to acquire a vehicle state variable x(t);a control unit configured to generate a vehicle control signal u(t) based on the vehicle state variable x(t);a critic unit configured to evaluate a control performance according to the vehicle state variable x(t) and the vehicle control signal u(t), if a result of evaluation indicates that the control performance does not comply with a requirement, then the control unit and the critic unit perform an online leaning;a gas pedal unit and a brake unit configured to be controlled respectively by using the vehicle control signal u(t) output from the control unit and data provided from a the vehicle inverse dynamics.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140032077A1
Автор: Sasaki Yuta

The opening control mechanism includes a frame, a support shaft, a first pulley, a second pulley, a first elastic member and a second elastic member. A position taken by the second pulley when no force acts on the grip is referred to as a second reference position. The second pulley can be rotated in a second direction of rotation, starting from the second reference position. A processing unit performs a specified operation when the second pulley has been rotated in the second direction of rotation, starting from the second reference position, by a predetermined amount. 1. A straddle type vehicle , comprising:a handlebar;a grip attached to the handlebar;an engine;an intake passage connected with the engine;a throttle body, including a throttle valve, provided on the intake passage;a drive pulley configured to be rotated as the grip is rotated;a first throttle cable and a second throttle cable located between the drive pulley and the throttle valve;a processing unit configured to perform a specified operation or issue an instruction in response to an operation of the grip; and a frame,', 'a support shaft supported by the frame and rotatable in a first direction of rotation starting from a first reference position,', 'a first pulley attached to the support shaft, the first pulley being non-rotatable relative to the support shaft, and the first throttle cable being connected with the first pulley,', 'a second pulley attached to the support shaft, the second throttle cable being connected with the second pulley, and', 'a first elastic member located between the frame and the first pulley,, 'an opening control mechanism configured to control a degree of opening of the throttle valve, wherein the opening control mechanism includes'} a force is transmitted from the first throttle cable to the first pulley such that the first pulley is rotated in the first direction of rotation to move the support shaft from the first reference position in the first direction of rotation,', ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

System and Method for Controlling Adaptive Cruise Control Based on Driver Status

Номер: US20140043152A1

A device for controlling an adaptive cruise control system based on driver status is provided. The device comprises a controller configured to receive at least one driver status signal indicative of the driver being either a primary driver or a secondary driver and to determine whether the driver of the vehicle is the one of the primary driver and the secondary driver based on the at least one driver status signal. The controller is further configured to allow control by a primary driver over operating parameters of an ACC system and to allow the primary driver to establish a restricted mode in which a secondary driver is prevented from making certain dis-allowed changes in the operating parameters.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140067211A1
Автор: Kim Sang Joon

Disclosed is a system and a method for automatically controlling a vehicle speed. The method of automatically controls a driving speed of the vehicle to be a set target vehicle speed by: detecting the driving speed of the vehicle; determining a slope of a driving road; and when the driving road is an inclined road, controlling the driving speed of the vehicle to be the target vehicle speed based on a driving resistance value which reflects an inclination angle of the inclined road. 1. A method for automatically controlling a driving speed of a vehicle to be a set target vehicle speed executed by a processor within a controller , the method comprising:detecting the driving speed of the vehicle;determining a slope of a road on which the vehicle is driving; andwhen it is determined that the road is an inclined road, determining a driving resistance value that reflects an inclination angle of the inclined road, and controlling the driving speed of the vehicle to be the target vehicle speed based on the driving resistance value.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the driving resistance value is reflected is a feedforward control value.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the inclination angle of the driving road is determined by using a longitudinal acceleration detector configured to detect a longitudinal inclination of the vehicle.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein:the driving resistance value is calculated based ona rolling resistance value based on rolling of the vehicle wheels on the inclined road,an air resistance value based on air resistance of a body of the vehicle on the inclined road, andan inclination resistance value based on the inclination of the inclined road.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein:the driving speed of the vehicle is fed back to be used for feedback controlling the driving speed of the vehicle to be the target vehicle speed.6. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:determining whether an output signal of the longitudinal acceleration detector ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Absolute acceleration sensor for use within moving vehicles

Номер: US20140067248A1
Принадлежит: Vision Works IP Corp

A communication system comprises a pointable range finder to calculate a distance between the vehicle and an object, a recorder for recording a status of the vehicle and a control device. The range finder sends a signal to the control device corresponding to the vehicle's distance from the object and the control device operates the recorder in a manner dependent upon the signal from the range finder. The recorder is able to record the event if the vehicle is an unsafe distance from the object. The unsafe distance is able to be a programmed distance. In some embodiments, the unsafe distance increases with an increase in speed of the vehicle. In some embodiments, the unsafe distance is determined by a programmable constant. In these embodiments, the unsafe distance is determined according to a speed of the vehicle, the vehicle's distance from an object and a pre-defined safe zone threshold value.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088847A1

A method for running a vehicle () that includes a combustion engine () which can selectively be connected to a driveshaft () to deliver driving force to the driveshaft () for propulsion of the vehicle (). When the vehicle () is in motion, determining whether the vehicle () is approaching a downgrade and, when it is approaching the downgrade, disconnecting the engine () from the driveshaft () before the vehicle () reaches the downgrade. Also a system and a vehicle are disclosed. 1. A method for running a vehicle , wherein the vehicle comprises a combustion engine and a driveshaft to which the engine can be selectively connected to deliver driving force to the driveshaft for propulsion of the vehicle , the method comprising:during running of the vehicle:determining whether the vehicle is approaching a downgrade;when the vehicle is determined to be approaching the downgrade, disconnecting the engine from the driveshaft before the vehicle reaches the downgrade;when the vehicle reaches the downgrade, determining whether the vehicle speed will reach a maximum permissible speed set for the vehicle when the vehicle is running with the engine disconnected from the driveshaft; andif it is determined that the vehicle will reach the maximum permissible speed set for the vehicle, running the vehicle on at least part of the downgrade with the engine connected to the driveshaft and with no fuel supply to the engine.2. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising:conducting the determining steps using at least one control unit situated in a central system of the vehicle.3. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising:{'sub': 'i', 'determining a first location (A) along travel of the vehicle at which the engine should be disconnected from the driveshaft.'}4. A method according to claim 3 , further comprising:{'sub': 1', 'i, 'determining the first location (A) based on determining the speed at which the vehicle will be travelling when the vehicle reaches the downgrade and ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Interactive attentiveness enhancement

Номер: US20140091917A1

A method for interactive attentiveness enhancement of a vehicle driver includes steps of determining that a driver assistance function for semiautomatic control of the motor vehicle is active, detecting a stimulus which may be experienced by the vehicle driver upon an observation of the surroundings of the motor vehicle, detecting an input of the vehicle driver in response to the stimulus, determining a game result based on the input and the stimulus, and outputting a notice concerning the game result.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001864A1

In a cruise control method and a cruise control apparatus for a manual transmission vehicle, upon receiving a signal from an input device to start a cruise mode, a cruise control controller calculates an optimal gear stage for satisfying a target cruise traveling speed according to a traveling state of a vehicle, and a display device displays the calculated optimal gear stage to the driver to induce the driver to shift to the optimal gear stage. In addition, whether the gear stage by the driver's operation has matched the optimal gear stage may be determined within a predetermined time to determine whether a cruise control continues according to the determination result, thereby eliminating the driver's inconvenience due to frequent cancellation of the cruise mode. 1. A cruise control method for a manual transmission vehicle , the method comprising:receiving a signal from an input device to start a cruise mode;calculating, by a cruise control controller, an optimal gear stage for satisfying a target cruise traveling speed according to a traveling stage of a vehicle;displaying, by a display device, the calculated optimal gear stage to a driver;determining, by the cruise control controller, whether a gear stage by the driver's operation has matched the optimal gear stage within a predetermined time; anddetermining, by the cruise control controller, whether a cruise control continues according to the determination result.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:maintaining a cruise control state for a predetermined time, if the calculated optimal gear stage does not match a current actual gear stage; andcancelling the cruise control if the gear stage is not changed by the driver's operation so as to match the optimal gear stage within the predetermined time.3. The method of claim 2 ,wherein the predetermined time is changed according to the traveling state of the vehicle.4. The method of claim 2 ,wherein the optimal gear stage is determined according to a drive ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001865A1
Автор: PARK Seung Jin
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.

Disclosed is a vehicle platooning control apparatus including a vehicle speed setter configured to set a target speed of a platooning group based on driving-speed-based fuel economy data of a vehicle included in the platooning group, a distance setter configured to set a separation distance between the vehicle and a preceding vehicle based on the target speed set by the vehicle speed setter, and a driving controller configured to control driving of the vehicle based on the target speed set by the vehicle speed setter or the separation distance set by the distance setter. 1. A vehicle platooning control apparatus comprising:a vehicle speed setter configured to set a target speed of a platooning group based on driving-speed-based fuel economy data of a vehicle included in the platooning group;a distance setter configured to set a separation distance between the vehicle and a preceding vehicle based on the target speed set by the vehicle speed setter; anda driving controller configured to control driving of the vehicle based on the target speed set by the vehicle speed setter or the separation distance set by the distance setter.2. The vehicle platooning control apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the vehicle speed setter is further configured to set a driving speed of the platooning group having a maximum fuel economy as the target speed of the platooning group.3. The vehicle platooning control apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a monitor configured to monitor driving data of the vehicle and to generate the driving-speed-based fuel economy data based on the monitored driving data.4. The vehicle platooning control apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the distance setter is further configured to set the separation distance based on a speed profile of each vehicle included in the platooning group driven at the target speed and a respective preceding vehicle of the each vehicle at a time of abrupt braking.5. The vehicle platooning control ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001894A1
Автор: KIM In-Su, Yeom Myung-Ki

A system for controlling an autonomous vehicle is capable of predicting and eliminating a possibility of motion sickness before and during travelling of the autonomous vehicle. The system includes: a first control unit which compares a first vehicle motion sickness index that is determined by a travelling simulation with a first threshold set including passenger information before travelling and controls a boarding location of a passenger before travelling; and a second control unit which computes a passenger motion sickness index from passenger state information and vehicle state information detected during travelling, compares a second threshold indicating the degree of sensitivity to motion sickness according to passenger information during travelling with the passenger motion sickness index, and controls the autonomous vehicle so as to reduce or eliminate a generation of a motion sickness causing frequency. 1. A system for controlling an autonomous vehicle for reducing motion sickness , the system comprising:a first control unit which estimates a first vehicle motion sickness index that is determined by a travelling simulation of the autonomous vehicle performed with an analyzed target route before travelling, compares a first threshold indicating a degree of sensitivity to motion sickness according to passenger information before travelling with the first vehicle motion sickness index, and controls a boarding location of a passenger before travelling; anda second control unit which computes a passenger motion sickness index from passenger state information and vehicle state information detected during travelling, compares a second threshold indicating the degree of sensitivity to motion sickness according to passenger information during travelling with the passenger motion sickness index, and controls a behavior of the autonomous vehicle so as to reduce or eliminate a generation of a motion sickness causing frequency.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Drive mode optimized engine order cancellation

Номер: US20210001769A1
Принадлежит: Harman International Industries Inc

Engine order cancellation (EOC) systems generate feed forward noise signals based on the engine or other rotating shaft RPM and use those signals and adaptively configured W-filters to reduce the in-cabin SPL by radiating anti-noise through speakers. An EOC system may include a drive mode detector for detecting different vehicle drive modes based on an analysis of signals indicative of current vehicle operating conditions. Upon detection, the EOC system may adaptively adjust various tuning parameters for the EOC algorithm based on the current vehicle drive mode. The EOC system may also selectively target different sets of engine orders for noise cancellation according to the current vehicle drive mode based on which engine orders are dominant during that drive mode.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001846A1
Автор: YASUI Takuya
Принадлежит: ADVICS CO., LTD.

A travel control device assists automatic traveling of a vehicle by controlling a target vehicle speed, which is a target value of an actual vehicle speed, when making the vehicle travel to a target point. The travel control device includes a setting unit for executing a setting process for setting the course of the target vehicle speed until the vehicle reaches the target point, based on the actual vehicle speed and the target point. If a request to change the vehicle speed occurs during execution of the automatic traveling and the actual vehicle speed is changed based on the request, the setting unit executes a resetting process for resetting the course of the target vehicle speed, based on the actual vehicle speed when the request is canceled and a remaining distance from a position of the vehicle when the request is canceled to the target point. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. A travel control device for assisting automatic traveling of a vehicle by controlling a target vehicle speed when making the vehicle travel to a target point , wherein the target vehicle speed is a target value of an actual vehicle speed which is a speed of the vehicle , the travel control device comprising:a setting unit for executing a setting process for setting the course of the target vehicle speed until the vehicle reaches the target point, based on the actual vehicle speed and the target point; andan operation amount calculation unit for calculating an operation amount used to control at least one of a driving device and a braking device of the vehicle so that the actual vehicle speed follows the target vehicle speed,wherein the setting unit is configured: 'to execute a resetting process for resetting the course of the target vehicle speed, based on the actual vehicle speed when the request is canceled and a remaining distance from a position of the vehicle when the request is canceled to the target point.', 'if a request ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001847A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD.

An unmanned vehicle control system includes: a specified command value calculation unit that calculates a specified command value for start of an unmanned vehicle; a corrected command value calculation unit that, when request data requesting a limitation of a travel speed of the unmanned vehicle is acquired, corrects the specified command value based on the request data to calculate a corrected command value; and a travel control unit that, when the request data is acquired, controls the start of the unmanned vehicle based on the corrected command value. 1. An unmanned vehicle control system comprising:a specified command value calculation unit that calculates a specified command value for start of an unmanned vehicle in a stopped state;a corrected command value calculation unit that, when request data requesting a limitation of a travel speed of the unmanned vehicle is acquired, corrects the specified command value based on the request data to calculate a corrected command value; anda travel control unit that, when the request data is acquired, controls the start of the unmanned vehicle based on the corrected command value.2. The unmanned vehicle control system according to claim 1 , further comprisinga data acquisition unit that acquires travel condition data specifying a travel condition of the unmanned vehicle, the travel condition data including a target travel speed and a target azimuth of the unmanned vehicle set at each of a plurality of travel points, whereinthe corrected command value calculation unit determines whether the limitation of the travel speed is requested based on the travel condition data, and calculates the corrected command value.3. The unmanned vehicle control system according to claim 2 , whereinthe corrected command value calculation unit determines whether the limitation of the travel speed is requested based on the target travel speed set at the travel point ahead by a specified distance from the unmanned vehicle in a stopped state, and ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001849A1
Автор: MIURA Hajime

An acceleration rate is controlled so that a vehicle speed during autonomous driving is caused to approach a target vehicle speed. When a host vehicle has caught up with another vehicle traveling ahead of the host vehicle, the vehicle speed of the host vehicle is limited in accordance with a headway distance to the other vehicle. An acceleration rate is changed in accordance with a frequency with which the host vehicle catches up to a preceding vehicle, which is another vehicle immediately ahead of the host vehicle, and to another vehicle ahead of the preceding vehicle. 1. A control method for an autonomously driven vehicle , the control method comprising:controlling an acceleration rate of a host vehicle so that a vehicle speed during autonomous driving is caused to approach a target vehicle speed;upon the host vehicle catching up with another vehicle traveling ahead, limit the vehicle speed of the host vehicle in accordance with a headway distance to another vehicle;calculating an acceleration continuation time from a start to an end of acceleration when the host vehicle catches up to the other vehicle traveling ahead; andchanging the acceleration rate upon the host vehicle approaching the target vehicle speed in accordance with the acceleration continuation time that was calculated such that the acceleration rate is increased by a greater amount commensurately as the acceleration continuation time becomes longer.2. (canceled)3. The control method according to claim 1 , whereinthe acceleration rate is is reduced when the acceleration continuation time is less than a predetermined time.4. The control method according to claim 1 , whereinthe acceleration rate of the host vehicle is controlled according to a first acceleration rate characteristic yielding a high acceleration rate at the same vehicle speed or a second acceleration rate characteristic yielding an acceleration rate lower than the first acceleration rate characteristic, andthe acceleration rate is ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001856A1

This vehicle control device includes: a traffic light recognition unit which recognizes a traffic light of an own lane along which an own vehicle is traveling; a nearby traffic light setting unit which, in the case where the number of recognized traffic lights recognized by the traffic light recognition unit is plural, sets, one recognized traffic light and another recognized traffic light, when the difference between the distance from the one recognized traffic light to the own vehicle and the distance from the other recognized traffic light to the own vehicle is smaller than a first prescribed distance; a traffic light of interest setting unit which sets, as a traffic light of interest to be noted by the own vehicle, at least one among the plurality of nearby traffic lights; and a travel control unit which performs an acceleration/deceleration control on the own vehicle. 1. A vehicle control device that performs travel control of a user's own vehicle at least partially automatically , the vehicle control device comprising:a traffic light recognition unit configured to recognize a traffic light that displays a signal for traffic in a user's own vehicle lane where the user's own vehicle is traveling;a close traffic light setting unit configured to, in a case where a plurality of recognition traffic lights that are recognized by the traffic light recognition unit exist and when a difference between a distance from the user's own vehicle to one of the recognition traffic lights and a distance from the user's own vehicle to another of the recognition traffic lights is less than a first predetermined distance or when a distance from the one recognition traffic light to the other recognition traffic light is less than a second predetermined distance, set the one recognition traffic light and the other recognition traffic light as close traffic lights;an attention-needing traffic light setting unit configured to set at least one of a plurality of the close traffic lights ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Method and device for assisting the automated driving of a vehicle close to a restricted area(s)

Номер: US20210001893A1
Принадлежит: PSA Automobiles SA

A method for assisting the driver of a vehicle that comprises an analysis means which analyzes the environment in an area located in front of the vehicle in order to detect boundaries and traffic signs and to provide environmental data representative of said boundaries and traffic signs, and a control means which controls the automated driving of said vehicle. Said method comprises a step in which the environmental data are analyzed to determine a variation in speed limit correlated temporally with a variation in the number of traffic lanes, and when such a determination is made, it is considered that the vehicle is located close to a restricted area and an alert is generated requesting that the driver take back control of the driving while crossing said restricted area or that a specific automated driving strategy be implemented by the control means for said crossing.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001895A1

A method and an apparatus for controlling a mobile robot, and a control system are provided. The method includes: in response to receiving a start request sent by a mobile robot, obtaining at least one of the position information or condition information of the mobile robot; determining a speed limit value of the mobile robot according to the obtained information; and sending a start instruction including the speed limit value to the mobile robot, so as to control the mobile robot to move at a speed smaller than or equal to the speed limit value. The implementation improves the motion safety of a mobile robot. 1. A method for controlling a mobile robot , comprising:in response to receiving a start request sent by the mobile robot, acquiring at least one of position information or condition information of the mobile robot;determining a speed limit value of the mobile robot according to the acquired information; andsending a start command comprising the speed limit value to the mobile robot, to control the mobile robot to move at a speed smaller than or equal to the speed limit value.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the acquiring at least one of position information or condition information of the mobile robot comprises:determining whether the mobile robot is in a movable state; andin response to determining the mobile robot being in the movable state, acquiring at least one of the position information or the condition information of the mobile robot.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the start request comprises an identification of the mobile robot claim 2 , andthe determining whether the mobile robot is in a movable state comprises:inputting the identification to a predetermined motion state model to obtain motion state information, the motion state model being configured to represent a corresponding relationship between the identification of the mobile robot and the motion state information of the mobile robot, and the motion state information ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Control system and method for host vehicle

Номер: US20160001776A1
Автор: Rak-Young KIM
Принадлежит: Mando Corp

Provided are a control method and system for a host vehicle. The control method in which the host vehicle has adaptive cruise control (ACC) includes selecting a lane or another vehicle as a target lane or a target vehicle for the ACC according to selection of a driver; when the lane is selected, controlling the ACC to cause the host vehicle to travel in the selected target lane; and when the other vehicle is selected, controlling the ACC to cause the host vehicle to follow the selected target vehicle, wherein the controlling includes changing the lane when the target lane or a lane of the target vehicle does not correspond to a lane of the host vehicle.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Method for Adjusting Speed of Vehicle

Номер: US20170001638A1
Автор: YOON Ji Hyun

Disclosed herein are methods for automatically adjusting a speed of a vehicle capable of allowing the vehicle to arrive at a destination within a time desired by a driver in consideration of a desired arrival time to the destination, a distance to the destination, a current traffic volume, or the like. A method for adjusting a speed of a vehicle in a system for adjusting a speed of a vehicle may include a driver of the vehicle setting a destination, and the system for adjusting a speed of a vehicle searching a path to the destination and calculating a distance to the destination and a current traffic volume to calculate an arrival time to the destination. The method may further include the driver setting a desired arrival time to the destination, and the system for adjusting a speed of a vehicle deciding whether or not the vehicle arrives at the destination within the desired arrival time. 1. A method for adjusting a speed of a vehicle in a system for adjusting a speed of a vehicle , comprising:receiving, by the system, a destination;searching, by the system, a path to the destination and calculating a distance to the destination and a current traffic volume to calculate an arrival time to the destination;receiving, by the system, a desired arrival time to the destination; anddetermining, by the system, whether or not the vehicle arrives at the destination within the desired arrival time.2. The method for adjusting a speed of a vehicle according to claim 1 , further comprising:calculating a current driving speed of the vehicle if it is determined that the vehicle arrives at the destination within the desired arrival time; andallowing a driver of the vehicle to reset the desired arrival time to the destination if it is determined that the vehicle does not arrive at the destination within the desired arrival time.3. The method for adjusting a speed of a vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein the current driving speed of the vehicle is calculated based on the following ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001639A1

Systems, apparatuses, and methods herein relate to vehicle speed management. The apparatus includes a projection module structured to determine a future road load for a vehicle based on horizon data regarding an attribute of a route of the vehicle at a future location of the vehicle. The apparatus also includes a vehicle drafting module structured to determine a drafting road load for the vehicle based on drafting data regarding operation of a second vehicle. The apparatus further includes a vehicle speed management module structured to determine and provide a vehicle speed adjustment to an output device of the vehicle to at least one of facilitate and maintain a drafting arrangement between the vehicle and the second vehicle responsive to at least one of the future road load and the drafting road load. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a history module structured to store a history of road loads;a projection module structured to determine a future road load for a vehicle based on horizon data at a future location of the vehicle and the history of road loads;a vehicle drafting module structured to determine a drafting road load for the vehicle based on drafting data regarding operation of a second vehicle; anda vehicle speed management module structured to determine and provide a vehicle speed adjustment to an output device of the vehicle to at least one of facilitate and maintain a drafting arrangement between the vehicle and the second vehicle responsive to at least one of the future road load and the drafting road load.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an operator interface module structured to receive an input of an operator of the vehicle claim 1 , wherein the input includes a preference of the operator claim 1 , wherein the vehicle speed adjustment is structured to comply with the preference.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the preference includes at least one member selected from a group consisting of a maximum following distance for the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001892A1

Disclosed herein is a control apparatus and method for improving fuel efficiency in a CACC system, which can improve fuel efficiency through control of a vehicle speed so that a vehicle travels using an optimized cost in consideration of a target vehicle speed, current vehicle speed, minimum driving speed set in the vehicle, and a deceleration distance if the vehicle that uses the CACC system senses a forward vehicle and enters into a CACC active mode. The control method for improving fuel efficiency in a CACC system includes setting a target speed profile based on a target speed of the subject vehicle and an expected driving path, determining whether a target vehicle to be followed by the subject vehicle exists, and controlling the driving speed of the subject vehicle according to the set target speed profile depending on whether or not the target vehicle exists. 1. A cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) system that is provided in a subject vehicle to control a driving speed of the subject vehicle , comprising:a communication unit configured to receive vehicle information including position and driving information from neighboring vehicles using V2V (Vehicle to Vehicle) communications;an information collection unit configured to collect driving information of a forward vehicle and vehicle information of the subject vehicle using sensors provided on the subject vehicle; anda control unit configured to select a target vehicle to be followed by the subject vehicle based on the vehicle information of the neighboring vehicles that is acquired by the communication unit and the driving information of the forward vehicle that is collected by the information collection unit, to control the driving speed of the subject vehicle based on a target speed of the subject vehicle if the target vehicle to be followed by the subject vehicle is not selected, and to control the driving speed of the subject vehicle based on speed information of the target vehicle, speed ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001897A1
Автор: BROCKLEY Nick

Embodiments of the present invention provide a vehicle control system comprising a speed control system, the speed control system being configured automatically to attempt to cause a vehicle to operate in accordance with a target speed value by causing a first vehicle speed value determined according to a first predetermined method to become or be maintained substantially equal to the predetermined target speed value at least in part by causing application of positive drive torque to one or more wheels by means of a powertrain, wherein the speed control system is configured to impose a constraint on the amount of driving torque that may be demanded of the powertrain in dependence on the target speed value and a second vehicle speed value determined according to a second predetermined method, said a second predetermined method being based on the mean speed of the driven wheels of the vehicle. 1. A vehicle control system comprising a speed control system ,the speed control system being configured automatically to attempt to cause a vehicle to operate in accordance with a target speed value by causing a first vehicle speed value determined according to a first predetermined method to become or be maintained substantially equal to the predetermined target speed value at least in part by causing application of positive drive torque to one or more wheels by means of a powertrain,wherein the speed control system is configured to impose a constraint on the amount of driving torque that may be demanded of the powertrain in dependence on the target speed value and a second vehicle speed value determined according to a second predetermined method, said a second predetermined method being based on the mean speed of the driven wheels of the vehicle.2. A system according to wherein the speed control system is configured to constrain the amount of driving torque that may be demanded of a powertrain when a predetermined condition is met in respect of the target speed value and ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001869A1
Принадлежит: PACCAR INC

A cruise control interlock system detects a current set of conditions for a vehicle, compares the current conditions with cruise control interlock conditions (e.g., an adjustable threshold state of a windshield wiper system), and executes a process to deactivate the cruise control system. The process to deactivate functionality of the cruise control system may include presenting a notification to the operator to alert the operator to an upcoming automatic deactivation or to encourage the operator to deactivate cruise control. The process also may include a vehicle de-rate process (e.g., reducing vehicle speed) to induce the operator to deactivate cruise control. Deactivation of cruise control may be postponed in some situations, such as when the vehicle is ascending an uphill grade or where doing so may deactivate an active downhill speed control function. 1. A method performed by a vehicle computer system of controlling a cruise control system of a vehicle , the method comprising , during operation of the vehicle:obtaining an adjustable cruise control deactivation setting for the vehicle, wherein the adjustable cruise control deactivation setting includes a threshold state of a windshield wiper system of the vehicle;receiving a first signal indicating a current state of the windshield wiper system;performing a comparison of the current state of the windshield wiper system with the threshold state; and disabling functionality of the cruise control system if the cruise control system is in an inactive state; and', 'initiating a process to deactivate functionality of the cruise control system if the cruise control system is in an active state., 'based at least in part on the comparison, activating an inclement driving condition function, wherein the inclement driving condition function includes2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the process to deactivate functionality of the cruise control system includes postponing deactivation of the cruise control system at least ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001871A1
Автор: Wang Bin

A vehicle-following speed control method is provided. The method includes: obtaining a speed of a host vehicle, a speed of a vehicle ahead of the host vehicle, and a current distance between the vehicle ahead and the host vehicle; and calculating a target vehicle-following distance according to the speed of the vehicle ahead and the speed of the host vehicle. A first acceleration is calculated according to the current distance, the target vehicle-following distance, the speed of the vehicle ahead, and the speed of the host vehicle; and a target acceleration is determined according to the first acceleration and a smooth-travel requirement. 1. A vehicle-following speed control method , comprising:obtaining a speed of a host vehicle, a speed of a vehicle ahead of the host vehicle, and a current distance between the vehicle ahead and the host vehicle;calculating a target vehicle-following distance according to the speed of the vehicle ahead and the speed of the host vehicle;calculating a first acceleration according to the current distance, the target vehicle-following distance, the speed of the vehicle ahead, and the speed of the host vehicle; anddetermining a target acceleration of the host vehicle according to the first acceleration and a smooth-travel requirement.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the smooth-travel requirement includes a smooth-travel acceleration range claim 1 , and the method further comprises:determining that the target acceleration is 0, and controlling the host vehicle to maintain current traveling motion when the first acceleration falls within the smooth-travel acceleration range.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein calculating the first acceleration according to the current distance claim 1 , the target vehicle-following distance claim 1 , the speed of the vehicle ahead claim 1 , and the speed of the host vehicle comprises:obtaining a speed adjustment time interval; andcalculating the first acceleration according to a ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001876A1

A computer includes a processor and a memory, the memory storing instructions executable by the processor to move a vehicle within a roadway lane according to an emergency lane procedure to form an emergency lane when a longitudinal speed of the vehicle is below a specified speed and end the emergency lane procedure when the longitudinal speed is at least a second specified speed. 114-. (canceled)15. A method , comprising:moving a vehicle within a roadway lane according to an emergency lane procedure to form an emergency lane when a longitudinal speed of the vehicle is below a specified speed; andending the emergency lane procedure when the longitudinal speed is at least a second specified speed.16. The method of claim 15 , wherein the specified speed and the second specified speed are the same.17. The method of claim 15 , further comprising determining an offset distance from a center line of the roadway lane and moving the vehicle away from the center line of the roadway lane by at least the offset distance.18. The method of claim 17 , wherein the offset distance is determined based on at least one of the longitudinal speed of the vehicle claim 17 , a width of the roadway lane claim 17 , a marking of the roadway lane claim 17 , a width of the vehicle claim 17 , or a minimum distance of the vehicle from the marking of the traffic lane.19. The method of claim 15 , further comprising moving across a marking of the roadway lane to form the emergency lane.20. A system comprising a computer including a processor and a memory claim 15 , the memory storing instructions executable by the processor to:move a vehicle within a roadway lane according to an emergency lane procedure to form an emergency lane when a longitudinal speed of the vehicle is below a specified speed; andend the emergency lane procedure when the longitudinal speed is at least a second specified speed.21. The system of claim 21 , wherein the specified speed and the second specified speed are the same.22. ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001961A1

A method for controlling a response to driving load of a hybrid vehicle includes: estimating an optimum speed for a current driving situation, estimating a target driving load based on the optimum speed, determining an eco-level corresponding to the target driving load from among a plurality of eco-levels, and changing at least some of an eco-gauge according to the determined eco-level. 1. A method for controlling a response to a driving load of a hybrid vehicle , comprising steps of:estimating, by a hybrid controller, an optimum speed for a current driving situation;estimating, by the hybrid controller, a target driving load based on the optimum speed;determining, by the hybrid controller, an eco-level corresponding to the target driving load from among a plurality of eco-levels; andchanging, by a cluster controller, at least part of an eco-gauge according to the determined eco-level.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of:changing, by the hybrid controller, an acceleration torque gradient depending on an accelerator pedal sensor (APS) value, in response to the determined eco-level.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein:the acceleration torque gradient decreases as the determined eco-level becomes closer to a low driving load which has a lower driving load than the target driving load.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the estimating the optimum speed is performed in consideration of at least one of a gradient claim 1 , traffic congestion claim 1 , a speed limit claim 1 , a road type claim 1 , cruising fuel-efficiency claim 1 , a front obstacle claim 1 , and a front vehicle.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the cruising fuel-efficiency is determined according to a size of air-conditioning load and characteristics of a hybrid powertrain.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of changing the at least part of the eco-gauge comprises:changing a size of an eco-region of the eco-gauge according to the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001974A1

Methods and systems are presented for regenerating a particulate filter. In one example, vehicle speed control mode parameters may be adjusted in response to an amount of soot stored in a particulate filter being greater than a first threshold. The vehicle speed control parameters may be returned to base values in response to the amount of soot stored in the particulate filter being less than a second threshold. 1. A vehicle system , comprising:a spark ignited, direct injection, engine;an exhaust system coupled to the spark ignited engine, the exhaust system including a particulate filter; anda controller, the controller including executable instructions stored in non-transitory memory to operate the spark ignited engine and adjust a vehicle speed range about a desired vehicle speed between which vehicle speed is maintained by a vehicle speed control the range adjusted in response to an amount of soot stored in the particulate filter greater than a threshold amount.2. The vehicle system of claim 1 , wherein the range is increased in response to the amount of soot stored in the particulate filter greater than the threshold amount.3. The vehicle system of claim 1 , wherein the range is increased even when the desired vehicle speed is maintained fixed.4. The vehicle system of claim 3 , further comprising additional instructions to claim 3 , after having been increased claim 3 , decrease the range in response to the amount of soot stored in the particulate filter below a lower threshold amount.5. The vehicle system of claim 4 , further comprising additional instructions to control an amount of air flowing through the spark ignited engine during a condition of deceleration fuel shutoff in response to the amount of soot stored in the particulate filter.6. The vehicle system of claim 1 , further comprising additional instructions to retard spark timing of the spark ignited engine in response to being within a threshold distance of an expected road condition where ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001977A1

A system and method for adaptive cruise control with proximate vehicle detection are disclosed. The example embodiment can be configured for: receiving input object data from a subsystem of a host vehicle, the input object data including distance data and velocity data relative to detected target vehicles; detecting the presence of any target vehicles within a sensitive zone in front of the host vehicle, to the left of the host vehicle, and to the right of the host vehicle; determining a relative speed and a separation distance between each of the detected target vehicles relative to the host vehicle; and generating a velocity command to adjust a speed of the host vehicle based on the relative speeds and separation distances between the host vehicle and the detected target vehicles to maintain a safe separation between the host vehicle and the target vehicles. 1. A system comprising:a data processor; and receive input object data from a subsystem of a host vehicle, the input object data including distance data and velocity data relative to detected target vehicles;', 'detect the presence of any target vehicles within a sensitive zone in front of the host vehicle, to the left of the host vehicle, and to the right of the host vehicle;', 'determine a relative speed and a separation distance between each of the detected target vehicles relative to the host vehicle; and', 'generate a velocity command to adjust a speed of the host vehicle based on the relative speeds and separation distances between the host vehicle and the detected target vehicles to maintain a safe separation between the host vehicle and the target vehicles., 'an adaptive cruise control module, executable by the data processor, being configured to2. The system of wherein the input object data includes distance data from one or more light imaging claim 1 , detection claim 1 , and ranging (LIDAR) sensors.3. The system of wherein the sensitive zone is a region around the host vehicle within pre-defined ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003582A1

A torque request module is configured to, while a vehicle speed is greater than a predetermined speed, decrease a torque request in response to a first signal from a start/stop switch being in a first state continuously for greater than a first predetermined period and less than a second predetermined period. A control module is configured to, as the torque request decreases, decrease torque output of at least one of an engine and an electric motor. A light control module is configured to: selectively turn exterior hazard lights on and off in response to a second signal from a hazard light switch being in a first state; and selectively turn the exterior hazard lights on and off in response to the first signal from the start/stop switch being in the first state continuously for greater than the first predetermined period. 1. A hazard light control system of a vehicle , comprising:a torque request module that is configured to, while a vehicle speed is greater than a predetermined speed, decrease a torque request in response to a first signal from a start/stop switch of the vehicle being in a first state continuously for greater than a first predetermined period and less than a second predetermined period,wherein the second predetermined period is greater than the first predetermined period;a control module configured to, as the torque request decreases, decrease torque output of at least one of an engine of the vehicle and an electric motor of the vehicle; and selectively turn exterior hazard lights of the vehicle on and off in response to a second signal from a hazard light switch of the vehicle being in a first state; and', 'selectively turn the exterior hazard lights on and off in response to the first signal from the start/stop switch being in the first state continuously for greater than the first predetermined period., 'a light control module configured to2. The hazard light control system of wherein:the torque request module is further configured to, while the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Lidar system and autonomous driving system using the same

Номер: US20200003902A1
Автор: Jejong LEE

A lidar system includes: light sources generating light of a linear light source type; a light emission unit including a diffractive optical element disposed ahead of the light sources and separating incident light from the light sources into point light sources, and a scanner moving the light separated by the diffractive optical element, and radiating light of a point light source to an object; and a reception sensor converting light received after reflection by the object into an electrical signal. Spectrum angles of point light sources that have passed through the diffractive optical element may be different according to a position of the diffractive optical element. According to the lidar system, an autonomous vehicle, AI device, and/or external device may be linked with an artificial intelligence module, drone ((Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV), robot, AR (Augmented Reality) device, VR (Virtual Reality) device, a device associated with 5G services, etc.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180004213A1

Provided is a disclosure for a vehicle platform that includes acquiring information, analyzing the information, and controlling the vehicle, as well as sharing the acquired information and infotainment in the vehicle with other vehicles and electronic devices. 1. A control system for a vehicle , comprising: receive sensor information from a plurality of sensors on the vehicle;', 'analyze the sensor information to perform an identification process for at least one object detected by the plurality of sensors; and', 'determine a response based on the at least one object identified; and, 'a control module configured toa communication module configured to communicate directly or indirectly with an electronic device, wherein the communication occurs without human intervention and includes at least some of the received sensor information, the analyzed sensor information, and/or the determined response.2. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of sensors comprise one or more of a camera claim 1 , a radar claim 1 , a LIDAR claim 1 , and a sonar.3. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the communication is with one or more of another vehicle claim 1 , a smart appliance claim 1 , an infrastructure claim 1 , a smart home claim 1 , and a personal device.4. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the identified at least one object is used to generate an environment map.5. The control system of claim 4 , wherein the environment map is a 3-dimensional map.6. The control system of claim 4 , wherein at least a portion of the environment map is shared with one or more of another vehicle and an infrastructure.7. The control system of claim 4 , wherein at least one characteristic is associated with the at least one object in the environment map.8. The control system of claim 7 , wherein the at least one characteristic comprises at least one of a position claim 7 , a distance claim 7 , a speed claim 7 , a direction of motion claim 7 , and an estimated trajectory of ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Optical detection apparatus and methods

Номер: US20160004923A1
Принадлежит: Brain Corp

An optical object detection apparatus and associated methods. The apparatus may comprise a lens (e.g., fixed-focal length wide aperture lens) and an image sensor. The fixed focal length of the lens may correspond to a depth of field area in front of the lens. When an object enters the depth of field area (e.g., sue to a relative motion between the object and the lens) the object representation on the image sensor plane may be in-focus. Objects outside the depth of field area may be out of focus. In-focus representations of objects may be characterized by a greater contrast parameter compared to out of focus representations. One or more images provided by the detection apparatus may be analyzed in order to determine useful information (e.g., an image contrast parameter) of a given image. Based on the image contrast meeting one or more criteria, a detection indication may be produced.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for providing information on vehicle driving

Номер: US20200005643A1
Автор: Ahyoung SHIN, Minkyu Park

One or more of an autonomous vehicle, a user terminal, and a server of the present disclosure is connectable to or combinable with, for example, an artificial intelligence module, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), a robot, an augmented reality (AR) device, a virtual reality (VR) device, or a 5G service device. A method of providing driving information of a vehicle from an operating apparatus according to one embodiment of the present disclosure includes acquiring vehicle driving history information of a driver, estimating driving information of a vehicle based on the acquired history information, and transmitting the vehicle driving information, estimated based on the identified information, to a target vehicle when the estimated information satisfies a specific condition.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005650A1
Автор: PARK Yongsoo

The present invention provides a method of controlling platooning in an autonomous driving system that can cope with occurrence of a communication blind spot in platooning. In an aspect, a method of controlling platooning in which following vehicles receiving and driving a control signal from a leader vehicle and a communicator of the leader vehicle drive in a group includes monitoring and digitizing a communication status of the platooning; checking, if the digitized communication status is less than a predetermined threshold value, a communication blind spot between the leader vehicle and the following vehicle; determining, when the following vehicle is positioned at the communication blind spot, whether a relative position change of the following vehicle is available within the platooning; and changing, if a relative position change of the following vehicle is available, a relative position of the following vehicle within the platooning. 1. A method of controlling platooning in which following vehicles receiving and driving a control signal from a leader vehicle and a communicator of the leader vehicle drive in a group , the method comprising:monitoring a communication status of the platooning;determining, based on the communication status being less than a predetermined threshold value, a communication blind spot between the leader vehicle and the following vehicle; andchanging, based on the following vehicle being positioned at the communication blind spot, a relative position of the following vehicle within the platooning.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining of a communication blind spot comprises:determining, when the communicator of the leader vehicle is positioned at an upper portion of the vehicle, that the following vehicle is positioned at the communication blind spot, based on the difference of the heights of the leader vehicle and the following vehicle from a driving route.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the changing of a relative ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220017082A1

A motor vehicle cruise control system includes: an arithmetic unit configured to calculate a physical momentum of a traveling device for achieving a target motion of a motor vehicle that is traveling along a traveling route generated, based on an output from a vehicle exterior information acquisition device; and a device controller configured to generate, and output, an actuation control signal for the traveling device in the motor vehicle, based on an arithmetic result obtained by the arithmetic unit. Driving operation information on an operation performed by a driver is input to both the arithmetic unit and the device controller in parallel. The arithmetic unit is configured to reflect the driving operation information in a process of determining the target motion. The device controller is configured to reflect the driving operation information in the control of the actuation of the traveling device. 1. A motor vehicle cruise control system for controlling traveling of a motor vehicle , comprising:arithmetic circuitry configured to generate a route that avoids an obstacle on a road, based on an output from a vehicle exterior information acquisition device, determine a target motion of the motor vehicle during traveling of the motor vehicle along the route, and calculate a target physical momentum of a traveling device for achieving the target motion, the vehicle exterior information acquisition device being configured to acquire information on an environment outside of the motor vehicle; anddevice control circuitry configured to generate an actuation control signal for controlling an actuation of the traveling device mounted in the motor vehicle, based on an arithmetic result obtained by the arithmetic circuitry, and output the actuation control signal to the traveling device,driving operation information on an operation performed by a driver being input to both the arithmetic circuitry and the device control circuitry in parallel,the arithmetic circuitry being ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle control method

Номер: US20220017087A1
Принадлежит: Jaguar Land Rover Ltd

The present invention relates to a method of controlling a vehicle. The method comprises stopping (12) an engine (2) of the vehicle (1) when a speed of the vehicle (1) is greater than or equal to a speed threshold, and inhibiting (17) starting of the engine (2) if the speed of the vehicle (1) falls below the speed threshold and a driver demand for braking force is less than or equal to a braking force threshold. Further aspects of the invention relate to a control system, a system and a vehicle.

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Distance estimation to objects and free-space boundaries in autonomous machine applications

Номер: US20220019893A1
Принадлежит: Nvidia Corp

In various examples, a deep neural network (DNN) is trained—using image data alone—to accurately predict distances to objects, obstacles, and/or a detected free-space boundary. The DNN may be trained with ground truth data that is generated using sensor data representative of motion of an ego-vehicle and/or sensor data from any number of depth predicting sensors—such as, without limitation, RADAR sensors, LIDAR sensors, and/or SONAR sensors. The DNN may be trained using two or more loss functions each corresponding to a particular portion of the environment that depth is predicted for, such that—in deployment—more accurate depth estimates for objects, obstacles, and/or the detected free-space boundary are computed by the DNN. In some embodiments, a sampling algorithm may be used to sample depth values corresponding to an input resolution of the DNN from a predicted depth map of the DNN at an output resolution of the DNN.

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Processor and processing method for rider-assistance system of straddle-type vehicle, rider-assistance system of straddle-type vehicle, and straddle-type vehicle

Номер: US20220020274A1
Автор: Lars Pfau

The present invention obtains a processor and a processing method, a rider-assistance system, and a straddle-type vehicle capable of improving a rider's safety.A processor (20) includes: an acquisition section that acquires surrounding environment information about a straddle-type vehicle (100); a determination section that determines necessity of assistance operation executed by a rider-assistance system (1) to assist with the rider's operation; and a control section that makes an execution device (P) execute the assistance operation in the case where the determination section determines that the assistance operation is necessary. The determination section determines the necessity of the assistance operation by using: a collision index value that is an index value of a collision possibility of a following vehicle against the traveling straddle-type vehicle (100); and a stability index value that is an index value of a stability degree of a relative distance of the following vehicle to the traveling straddle-type vehicle (100).

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008520A1
Принадлежит: PACCAR INC

An on-board vehicle computer system for a vehicle includes at least one processing unit and a memory having stored therein computer-executable instructions configured to cause the on-board vehicle computer system to implement various aspects of a predictive cruise control (PCC) system. In one aspect, the computer system provides a plurality of available speed control bands in a PCC system, and the available speed control bands are selectable by an operator of the vehicle. In another aspect, the computer system provides an upper speed margin and a lower speed margin for a PCC system, and the upper and lower speed margins are adjustable by an operator of the vehicle. Related notifications may be presented via an operator interface (e.g., a touchscreen display provided in a vehicle dashboard or other easily accessible area). 1. An on-board vehicle computer system for a vehicle , the on-board vehicle computer system comprising:at least one processing unit; anda memory having stored therein computer-executable instructions configured to cause the on-board vehicle computer system to provide a plurality of available speed control bands in a predictive cruise control system, wherein the available speed control bands are selectable by an operator of the vehicle.2. The on-board vehicle computer system of claim 1 , wherein the computer-executable instructions are further configured to cause the on-board vehicle computer system to present one or more operator notifications associated with the predictive cruise control system via an operator interface.3. The on-board vehicle computer system of claim 2 , wherein the operator interface comprises a touchscreen display.4. The on-board vehicle computer system of claim 2 , wherein presentation of the one or more operator notifications is based at least in part on a count of predictive cruise control speed change events.5. The on-board vehicle computer system of claim 4 , wherein the count of predictive cruise control speed change ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009277A1
Автор: Kava Chris Michael

An example method includes controlling a hybrid vehicle to maintain a set speed, and adjusting the set speed from a first value to a different, second value in response to a change in a road grade. 1. A method of adjusting a speed , comprising:controlling a hybrid vehicle to maintain a set speed;adjusting the set speed from a first value to a different, second value in response to a change in a road grade; andvarying an amount of the change in road grade required to cause the adjusting, the varying in response to a time elapsed since a last start-up of the engine.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adjusting comprises automatically adjusting.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adjusting is in response to a decreasing of the road grade.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second value is less than the first value.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising coasting the hybrid vehicle when the hybrid vehicle moves from the set speed corresponding to the first value to the set speed corresponding to the second value.67.-. (canceled)8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising decreasing the change in road grade required to cause the adjusting as the time elapsed increases.9. The method of claim 4 , further comprising increasing the speed to a third value in response to the road grade increasing claim 4 , the third value greater than the second value.10. The method of claim 1 , further comprising increasing the second value back to the first value in response to the road grade increasing.11. The method of claim 1 , shutting off an internal combustion engine of the hybrid vehicle in response after the adjusting and maintaining the hybrid vehicle at the speed corresponding to the second value using exclusively an electric machine.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the controlling is during a cruise control operation of the hybrid vehicle.13. A hybrid vehicle assembly claim 1 , comprising:a road grade detector to monitor a road grade; anda speed controller that ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009278A1

The present invention provides a system for the control of an actual speed for a vehicle, wherein the system is arranged to be able to carry out the control based on a manual control of the actual speed or based on an automatic control of the actual speed. According to the present invention, an automatic control device is arranged to permit that the automatic control may actively control the actual speed to a higher value than a manual control device is arranged to permit the manual control to actively control the actual speed to. 1. A computer implemented method for the control of an actual speed for a vehicle , wherein said control may be carried out based on a manual control of said actual speed or based on an automatic control of said actual speed , wherein said automatic control is allowed to actively control said actual speed to a higher value than the value to which said manual control is permitted to actively control said actual speed to , whereina driver of said vehicle during said manual control of said actual speed is prevented from actively exceeding a predetermined speed for a speed limiter for manual control; andsaid automatic control of said actual speed is prevented from actively exceeding a predetermined speed for a speed limiter for automatic control, said predetermined speed for automatic control being higher than said predetermined speed for manual control,wherein said predetermined speed for automatic control is lower than or equal to a maximum speed limit set by an authority, and in that said predetermined speed for manual control is related to a driving mode for said vehicle.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said predetermined speed for manual control and said predetermined speed for automatic control are not be impacted by a driver of said vehicle.6. A method according to claim 1 , wherein a maximum permitted speed for said actual speed is equal to said speed limit for automatic control and said ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle control apparatus

Номер: US20160009283A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp, Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle control apparatus for implementing inter-vehicle distance control of a subject vehicle carrying the apparatus behind a preceding vehicle based on reflected waves from a target that is a reflecting portion of the preceding vehicle. In the apparatus, a distance estimator is configured to calculate an estimated distance as an inter-vehicle distance between a rear end of the preceding vehicle and the subject vehicle based on an inter-vehicle distance variation calculated based on a relative speed of the target. A target determiner is configured to determine whether or not the target is displaced forward of the rear end of the preceding vehicle. A controller is configured to, when the target of the preceding vehicle is displaced forward of the rear end of the preceding vehicle, implement the inter-vehicle distance control based on the estimated distance calculated by the distance estimator.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Deformable Energy Absorber Structures For Front Hood Assemblies Of Vehicles

Номер: US20180009407A1

A front hood assembly for a vehicle including a front grille may include a sensory assembly, a bumper assembly positioned adjacent to the front grille, and an energy absorber structure. The bumper assembly may include a bumper reinforcement having a front face and a top face, which front face is disposed below and extends away from the top face. The energy absorber structure may be positioned adjacent to the top face of the bumper reinforcement. The energy absorber structure may be rearwardly compliant in an impact direction and disposed below and rearwardly of the sensory assembly such that an impact of the sensory assembly with the energy absorber structure in the impact direction collapses the energy absorber structure rearwardly. 1. A front hood assembly for a vehicle including a front grille , the front hood assembly comprising:a sensory assembly; the bumper assembly includes a bumper reinforcement having a front face and a top face, and', 'the front face is disposed below and extends away from the top face; and, 'a bumper assembly positioned adjacent to the front grille, wherein the energy absorber structure is rearwardly compliant in an impact direction, and', 'the energy absorber structure is disposed below and rearwardly of the sensory assembly such that an impact of the sensory assembly with the energy absorber structure in the impact direction collapses the energy absorber structure rearwardly., 'an energy absorber structure positioned adjacent to the top face of the bumper reinforcement, wherein2. The front hood assembly of claim 1 , wherein the impact direction is disposed at approximately a 45° angle with respect to a portion of the top face of the bumper reinforcement.3. The front hood assembly of claim 1 , wherein the sensory assembly comprises a radar sensor configured to generate an object sensing signal to prevent crashes.4. The front hood assembly of claim 1 , wherein the sensory assembly comprises a radar sensor configured to generate a control ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009440A1
Автор: KOZUKA Tomoyuki

A braking force control system includes: a brake device and at least one electronic control unit. The brake device is configured to generate a braking force commensurate with a brake operation amount of a driver. At least one electronic control unit is configured to execute vehicle speed control for controlling a speed of a vehicle to a target speed by controlling a driving force and a braking force. The electronic control unit is configured to cause the brake device to generate an actual braking force corresponding to a total value of an additional braking force and an operational braking force when brake operation is performed during execution of the vehicle speed control. The additional braking force corresponds to a controlled braking force required by the vehicle speed control. The operational braking force is required through the brake operation. 1. A braking force control system comprising:a brake device configured to generate a braking force commensurate with a brake operation amount of a driver; and execute vehicle speed control for controlling a speed of a vehicle to a target speed by controlling a driving force and a braking force, and', 'when brake operation is performed during execution of the vehicle speed control, cause the brake device to generate an actual braking force corresponding to a total value of an additional braking force and an operational braking force, the additional braking force corresponding to a controlled braking force, the controlled braking force being required by the vehicle speed control, the operational braking force being required through the brake operation., 'at least one electronic control unit configured to'}2. The braking force control system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one electronic control unit is configured towhen the brake operation is performed during execution of the vehicle speed control, cancel a command to execute the vehicle speed control,when the brake operation is performed during execution of ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Autonomous driving system and autonomous deceleration control apparatus

Номер: US20210009094A1
Принадлежит: Kar Co Ltd

An autonomous deceleration control apparatus includes a brake module that receives an input signal; and a brake control module that controls an operational state of the brake module. The brake module includes a pedal link having a preset length and provided to be rotatable within a preset range; and a pedal encoder located adjacent to the one end of the pedal link and configured to detect a rotational state of the pedal link. The brake control module includes: a driver; a movable link rotatable about a movable link shaft located at one end thereof by the driver and provided to press the pedal link downwards according to a rotational state thereof; and a driver encoder connected to the movable link and configured to provide an operational state of the driver and movable link state information on the location of the movable link according to the operational state of the driver.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Work Vehicle

Номер: US20210009116A1

A wheel loader 100 includes a front working device 101, an automatic brake device that automatically applies braking to a vehicle body, a vehicle speed sensor 15 that detects a vehicle speed of the vehicle body, an angle sensor 37 that detects a height of the front working device 101, an obstacle detection sensor 29 that detects an obstacle present in surroundings of the vehicle body, and a brake controller 27 that controls operation of the automatic brake device on the basis of a detection signal from the obstacle detection sensor 29, wherein the brake controller 27 limits a braking force of the automatic brake device when the height h of the front working device 101 is equal to or greater than a predetermined height h1, or the vehicle speed v is equal to or greater than a predetermined vehicle speed v1, and the obstacle has been detected by the obstacle detection sensor 29. 1. A work vehicle comprising:a vehicle body;a speed stage switch that changes a speed stage of the vehicle body;a front working device provided in a front portion of the vehicle body;an automatic brake device that automatically applies braking to the vehicle body;a vehicle speed sensor that detects a vehicle speed of the vehicle body;a posture detection sensor that detects a height of the front working device;an obstacle detection sensor that detects an obstacle present in surroundings of the vehicle body; anda controller that controls operation of the automatic brake device on the basis of a detection signal from the obstacle detection sensor,wherein the controller limits a braking force of the automatic brake device in a case where the height of the front working device detected from the posture detection sensor is equal to or greater than a predetermined height, or the vehicle speed detected by the vehicle speed sensor is equal to or greater than a predetermined vehicle speed, and the obstacle has been detected by the obstacle detection sensor.2. The work vehicle according to claim 1 , ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009118A1

Various systems and methods for controlling a vehicle using driving policies are described herein. A system for controlling a vehicle using driving policies includes a memory device; and a processor subsystem to access instructions on the memory device that cause the processor subsystem to: operate a host vehicle using a driving policy from a policy repository, the host vehicle operating in a lane on a first road, the driving policy governed by a safety model; detect a second vehicle, the second vehicle operating in a second lane; determine whether the second vehicle is an oncoming vehicle or an intersecting vehicle, the oncoming vehicle operating on the first road with the first and second lanes in adjacent bidirectional arrangement, and the intersecting vehicle operating on a second road that intersects the first road; and initiate a vehicle maneuver of the host vehicle to reduce or avoid a collision with the second vehicle, based on the safety model, the vehicle maneuver performed based on whether the second vehicle is an oncoming vehicle or an intersecting vehicle. 1. An automated driving system for a host vehicle , the system comprising:an interface to obtain sensing data of an environment in a vicinity of the host vehicle, the sensing data captured from at least one sensor device of the host vehicle; and determine a planned navigational action associated with operation of the host vehicle on a roadway;', 'identify, from the sensing data, a second vehicle in the environment of the host vehicle, the second vehicle identified as an oncoming vehicle on the roadway;', 'identify, from the sensing data, a position of the oncoming vehicle on the roadway, the oncoming vehicle operating in an incorrect lane of the roadway;', a forward acceleration of the host vehicle and a forward acceleration of the oncoming vehicle during a response time to initiate braking, and', 'a braking acceleration of the host vehicle and a braking acceleration of the oncoming vehicle during a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009126A1

A vehicle control device includes a recognition unit configured to recognize surrounding conditions of a vehicle, a driving control unit configured to control a speed and a steering of the vehicle on the basis of a result of recognition from the recognition unit, and a reception unit configured to receive an operation of an occupant of the vehicle of selecting on which of a first path and a second path the vehicle is to travel at a branching point through which the vehicle passes. The driving control unit is configured to control the speed and the steering of the vehicle in a plurality of modes with different automation levels, to decrease the automation level at a point before the branching point, and to delay a time at which the automation level is decreased when the operation of selecting one of the first path and the second path is received by the reception unit in comparison with when the operation is not received. 1. A vehicle control device comprising:a recognition unit configured to recognize surrounding conditions of a vehicle;a driving control unit configured to control a speed and a steering of the vehicle on the basis of a result of recognition from the recognition unit; anda reception unit configured to receive an operation of an occupant of the vehicle of selecting on which of a first path and a second path the vehicle is to travel at a branching point through which the vehicle passes,wherein the driving control unit is configured to control the speed and the steering of the vehicle in a plurality of modes with different automation levels, to decrease the automation level at a point before the branching point, and to delay a time at which the automation level is decreased when the operation of selecting one of the first path and the second path is received by the reception unit in comparison with when an operation is not received.2. The vehicle control device according to claim 1 , wherein the first path is a path which branches from a travel lane in ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009128A1
Автор: JOKELA Tommi, PLIANOS Alex

The present disclosure relates to a method of generating a target operational speed band () for a host vehicle () travelling along a route. A first time-dependent obstacle (--) is identified at a first location on the route. The first time-dependent obstacle (--) is identified as hindering progress of the host vehicle () during a first time period (). The first time-lin dependent obstacle (--) is defined in a two-dimensional speed against distance map (). A first speed trajectory () is determined from a first point to a second point within the two-dimensional speed against distance map (). The second point represents the first location on the route and the determined first speed trajectory () represents the host vehicle () arriving at the first location at a first arrival time. The target operational speed band () is determined such that the first speed trajectory () forms one of an upper limit and a lower limit of the target operational speed band (). The first arrival time is outside said first time period (). The present disclosure also relates to a controller () for generating a target operational speed band (); and to a vehicle (). 135-. (canceled)36. A method of generating a target operational speed band for a host vehicle travelling along a route , the method comprising:identifying a first time-dependent obstacle at a first location on the route, the first time-dependent obstacle being identified as hindering progress of the host vehicle during a first time period;defining the first time-dependent obstacle in a two-dimensional speed against distance map;determining a first speed trajectory from a first point to a second point within the two-dimensional speed against distance map, the second point representing the first location on the route and the determined first speed trajectory representing the host vehicle arriving at the first location at a first arrival time; anddetermining the target operational speed band such that the first speed trajectory forms ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009136A1
Автор: DiMeo David, Hecht Andreas

Users within transit in a vehicle may initiate location queries to fulfill a set of interests, such as stops for food, fuel, and lodging. A device may fulfill the queries according to various factors, such as the distance of nearby locations to the user or to another location specified by the user, and the popularity of various locations. However, the user may not have specified or even chosen a route, and may wish to have interests fulfilled at a later time (e.g., stopping for food in 30 minutes), and a presentation of search results near the user's current location may be unhelpful. Presented herein are techniques for fulfilling location queries that involve predicting a route of the user, and identifying a timing window for the query results (e.g., locations that are likely to be near the user's projected location when the wishes to stop for food in 30 minutes). 1. A method , comprising:determining a projected location along a route at which a vehicle is predicted to travel during a timing window;identifying a set of locations that are within a proximity range of the projected location based upon the set of locations satisfying a query by a user associated with the vehicle; andpresenting one or more locations of the set of locations as query results for the query.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising:predicting the route by comparing a current transit of the vehicle with historical routes previously completed by vehicles.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising:identifying within a user profile a future destination of the user that is consistent with a current transit of the vehicle; andpredicting the route based upon the future destination.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the query is associated with an operating metric of the vehicle.5. The method of claim 1 , comprising:parsing the query to identify a user-specified timing window as the timing window.6. The method of claim 1 , comprising:evaluating an operating metric of the vehicle to determine the timing ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009148A1

A vehicle control device includes a recognizer configured to recognize a surrounding situation of a vehicle and a driving controller configured to control a speed or steering of the vehicle based on a recognition result of the recognizer. The driving controller selects one of a plurality of traveling states in which rates of automation related to control of the vehicle are different from each other. The driving controller switches the selected traveling state to the traveling state different from the traveling state selected among the plurality of traveling states when a continuous traveling time or a continuous traveling distance that the vehicle continuously travels in the selected traveling state exceeds a standard value. 1. A vehicle control device comprising:a recognizer configured to recognize a surrounding situation of a vehicle; anda driving controller configured to control a speed or steering of the vehicle based on a recognition result of the recognizer,wherein the driving controller selects one of a plurality of traveling states in which rates of automation related to control of the vehicle are different from each other, andwherein the driving controller switches the selected traveling state to the traveling state different from the traveling state selected among the plurality of traveling states when a continuous traveling time or a continuous traveling distance that the vehicle continuously travels in the selected traveling state exceeds a standard value.2. The vehicle control device according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of traveling states are a first traveling state and a second traveling state in which the rate of automation is lower than in the first traveling state.3. The vehicle control device according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the first traveling state claim 2 , one or both of a task related to monitoring of surroundings of the vehicle and a task related to a steering wheel of the vehicle is not imposed on an occupant of the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009155A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD.

An unmanned vehicle control system includes: a travel condition data acquisition unit that acquires travel condition data specifying a travel condition of an unmanned vehicle, the travel condition data including a target travel speed and a target azimuth of the unmanned vehicle at each of a plurality of travel points; a travel condition change unit that outputs a change command to change the travel condition specified by the travel condition data based on a difference in the target azimuth among the plurality of travel points; and a travel control unit that outputs a control command to control traveling of the unmanned vehicle based on the change command. 1. An unmanned vehicle control system comprising:a travel condition data acquisition unit that acquires travel condition data specifying a travel condition of an unmanned vehicle, the travel condition data including a target travel speed and a target azimuth of the unmanned vehicle at each of a plurality of travel points;a travel condition change unit that outputs a change command to change the travel condition specified by the travel condition data based on a difference in the target azimuth among the plurality of travel points; anda travel control unit that outputs a control command to control traveling of the unmanned vehicle based on the change command.2. The unmanned vehicle control system according to claim 1 , whereinthe travel condition change unit outputs the change command when the difference in the target azimuth is equal to or larger than a threshold, andthe travel control unit outputs the control command such that the unmanned vehicle travels based on the travel condition data when the difference in the target azimuth is smaller than the threshold.3. The unmanned vehicle control system according to claim 2 , further comprisinga threshold change unit that changes the threshold based on the target travel speed, whereinthe travel condition change unit outputs the change command based on the threshold ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Crowd sourcing data for autonomous vehicle navigation

Номер: US20170010106A1
Принадлежит: Mobileye Vision Technologies Ltd

A method of processing vehicle navigation information for use in autonomous vehicle navigation is provided. The method includes receiving, by a server, navigation information from a plurality of vehicles. The navigation information from the plurality of vehicles is associated with a common road segment. The method also includes storing, by the server, the navigation information associated with the common road segment. The method also includes generating, by the server, at least a portion of an autonomous vehicle road navigation model for the common road segment based on the navigation information from the plurality of vehicles. The method further includes distributing, by the server, the autonomous vehicle road navigation model to one or more autonomous vehicles for use in autonomously navigating the one or more autonomous vehicles along the common road segment.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010108A1
Автор: Shashua Amnon

Systems and methods are provided for autonomous navigation based on user intervention. In one implementation, a navigation system for a vehicle may include least one processor. The at least one processor may be programmed to receive from a camera, at least one environmental image associated with the vehicle, determine a navigational maneuver for the vehicle based on analysis of the at least one environmental image, cause the vehicle to initiate the navigational maneuver, receive a user input associated with a user's navigational response different from the initiated navigational maneuver, determine navigational situation information relating to the vehicle based on the received user input, and store the navigational situation information in association with information relating to the user input. 128.-. (canceled)29. A navigation system for a vehicle , the system comprising: receive from a camera, at least one environmental image associated with the vehicle;', 'determine a navigational maneuver for the vehicle based on analysis of the at least one environmental image;', 'cause the vehicle to initiate the navigational maneuver;', "receive a user input, associated with a user's navigational response different from the initiated navigational maneuver;", 'determine navigational situation information relating to the vehicle based on the received user input; and', 'store the navigational situation information in association with information relating to the user input., 'at least one processor programmed to30. The system of claim 29 , wherein the navigational maneuver is based on a recognized landmark identified in the at least one environmental image.31. The system of claim 29 , wherein the information relating to the user input includes information specifying at least one of a degree of a turn of the vehicle claim 29 , an amount of an acceleration of the vehicle claim 29 , and an amount of braking of the vehicle.32. The system of claim 29 , wherein the control system ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for identifying landmarks

Номер: US20170010120A1
Принадлежит: Mobileye Vision Technologies Ltd

A system for identifying a landmark for use in autonomous vehicle navigation is provided. The system includes at least one processor programmed to receive at least one identifier associated with the landmark; associate the landmark with a corresponding road segment; update an autonomous vehicle road navigation model relative to the corresponding road segment to include the at least one identifier associated with the landmark; and distribute the updated autonomous vehicle road navigation model to a plurality of autonomous vehicles. The at least one identifier is determined based on acquisition, from a camera associated with a host vehicle, of at least one image representative of an environment of the host vehicle; analysis of the at least one image to identify the landmark in the environment of the host vehicle; and analysis of the at least one image to determine the at least one identifier associated with the landmark.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle tail alignment navigation

Номер: US20170010614A1
Принадлежит: Mobileye Vision Technologies Ltd

A system for navigating an autonomous vehicle along a road segment is disclosed. The system may have at least one processor. The processor may be programmed to receive from an image capture device, images representative of an environment of the autonomous vehicle. The processor may also be programmed to determine a travelled trajectory along the road segment based on analysis of the images. Further, the processor may be programmed to determine a current location of the autonomous vehicle along a predetermined road model trajectory based on analysis of one or more of the plurality of images. The processor may also be programmed to determine a heading direction based on the determined traveled trajectory. In addition, the processor may be programmed to determine a steering direction, relative to the heading direction, by comparing the traveled trajectory to the predetermined road model trajectory at the current location of the autonomous vehicle.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Sparse map for autonomous vehicle navigation

Номер: US20170010616A1
Принадлежит: Mobileye Vision Technologies Ltd

A non-transitory computer-readable medium is provided. The computer-readable medium includes a sparse map for autonomous vehicle navigation along a road segment. The sparse map includes a polynomial representation of a target trajectory for the autonomous vehicle along the road segment, and a plurality of predetermined landmarks associated with the road segment. The plurality of predetermined landmarks are spaced apart by at least 50 meters, and the sparse map has a data density of no more than 1 megabyte per kilometer.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Self-aware system for adaptive navigation

Номер: US20170010618A1
Принадлежит: Mobileye Vision Technologies Ltd

Systems and methods are provided for self-aware adaptive navigation. In one implementation, a navigation system for a vehicle may include at least one processor. The at least one processor may be programmed to determine a navigational maneuver for the vehicle based, at least in part, on a comparison of a motion of the vehicle with respect to a predetermined model representative of a road segment. The at least one processor may be further programmed to receive, from a camera, at least one image representative of an environment of the vehicle. The at least one processor may be further programmed to determine, based on analysis of the at least one image, an existence in the environment of the vehicle of an navigational adjustment condition, cause the vehicle to adjust the navigational maneuver based on the existence of the navigational adjustment condition, and store information relating to the navigational adjustment condition.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Metamaterial-Based Object-Detection System

Номер: US20160011307A1

An object-detection system for, e.g., a vehicle collision avoidance system, utilizes a metamaterial-based phase shifting element array to generate a scan beam by varying the effective capacitance of each metamaterial structure forming the array in order to control the phases of their radio frequency output signals such that the combined electromagnetic wave generated by the output signals is reinforced in the desired direction and suppressed in undesired directions to produce the scan beam. The metamaterial structures are configured to resonate at the same radio wave frequency as an incident input signal (radiation), whereby each metamaterial structure emits an associated output signal by way of controlled scattering the input signal. A variable capacitance is applied on each metamaterial structure, e.g., using varicaps that are adjusted by way of phase control voltages, to produce the desired output phase patterns. The metamaterial structures are constructed using inexpensive metal film or PCB fabrication technology. 1. An object-detection system comprising:a signal source configured to generate an input signal having a radio wave frequency;a phase shifting element array including a plurality of metamaterial structures, each said metamaterial structure configured to resonate at said radio wave frequency in response to said input signal such that said plurality of metamaterial structures respectively generate electromagnetic radiation output signals having said radio wave frequency by way of retransmitting said input signal; anda beam control circuit configured to generate a plurality of variable capacitances and to apply each said variable capacitance to an associated said metamaterial structure such that an effective capacitance of said associated metamaterial structure is altered by a corresponding change in each said applied variable capacitance, whereby said plurality of metamaterial structures respectively generate said electromagnetic radiation output signals ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle control device mounted on vehicle and method for controlling the vehicle

Номер: US20190011914A1

The present invention relates to a vehicle control device provided in a vehicle and a method of controlling the vehicle. A vehicle control device according to an embodiment of the present invention includes a sensing unit configured to sense a driver's state, and a processor configured to decide a first time required for a vehicle currently traveling in an autonomous driving mode to reach a point where the vehicle is to be switched to a manual driving mode, and decide a second time required for the driver to be ready to perform manual driving based on the driver's state, wherein the processor outputs notification information such that the second time is shortened when the second time is longer than the first time.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle of automatic driving system and the control method of the system

Номер: US20200012281A1
Автор: Chan Jaegal

A method of controlling a vehicle operating in an Automated Vehicle and Highway System (AVHS) includes: transmitting a driving assistance request to a server in response to satisfaction of a preset condition or in response to a user input; in response to the driving assistance request, receiving a connection request from a drone selected by the server; initiating data transmission and reception for autonomous driving by authenticating the connection request; and performing the autonomous driving using driving assistance data received from the drone. Implementations of the present disclosure may enable improved autonomous driving support for a vehicle having a problem in performing autonomous driving or a manually driven vehicle incapable of driving autonomously. One or more of an autonomous vehicle or a server may be linked to an Artificial Intelligence (AI) module, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) robot, Augmented Reality (AR) device, Virtual Reality (VR) device, a 5G service-related device, etc.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200012282A1

Disclosed is an operation method of a vehicular electronic device, including receiving at least one image data from at least one camera installed in a vehicle, by at least one processor, generating a common feature map based on the image data using a convolutional neural network (CNN), by the at least one processor, and providing the common feature map to each of an object detection network, a bottom network, and a three dimensional network, by the at least one processor. 1. An operation method of a vehicular electronic device , the method comprising:receiving at least one image data from at least one camera installed in a vehicle, by at least one processor;generating a common feature map based on the image data using a convolutional neural network (CNN), by the at least one processor; andproviding the common feature map to each of an object detection network, a bottom network, and a three-dimensional network, by the at least one processor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the CNN includes a plurality of convolutional layers and at least one pooling layer.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising extracting a first feature map for detecting an object based on the common feature map using the object detection network claim 1 , by the at least one processor.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:predicting a bounding box of the object based on the first feature map, by the at least one processor; andpredicting a type of the object based on the first feature map, by the at least one processor.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising extracting a second feature map for detecting a bottom based on the common feature map using the bottom network claim 1 , by the at least one processor.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising:performing upsampling on the second feature map, by the at least one processor; andpredicting a free space and a bottom point of the object based on the upsampled second feature map, by the at least one processor.7. The method of ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Driving profiles for autonomous vehicles

Номер: US20200013284A1
Принадлежит: Inrix Inc

One or more techniques and/or systems are provided for operating an autonomous vehicle based upon a driving preference. For example, a driving profile, comprising a driving preference (e.g., a speed preference, a route preference, etc.) of a user, may be provided to an automated driving component of the autonomous vehicle. An operational parameter for the autonomous vehicle may be generated based upon the driving preference of the user. The autonomous vehicle may be operated based upon the operational parameter. In an example, a condition of the user traveling in the autonomous vehicle may be determined, and the operational parameter for the autonomous vehicle may be adjusted based upon the condition of the user not corresponding to the driving preference.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032907A1
Автор: ITOH Masayuki

An automated driving vehicle management apparatus according to an embodiment is a vehicle management system that manages a vehicle traveling along a traveling route, the vehicle management system including: a map information acquisition unit that acquires map information including a road on which a vehicle travels; a sensor that detects environmental information about another vehicle or a passerby, the sensor being disposed in a traveling environment including the road and an area around the road; a generation unit that generates, based on the map information and the environmental information, traveling information about a traveling speed of the vehicle on the traveling route or about whether or not the vehicle can pass through the traveling route; and a communication unit that transmits the traveling information to the vehicle. 1. A vehicle management system configured to manage a vehicle that travels along a traveling route , the vehicle management system comprising:a map information acquisition unit configured to acquire map information including a road on which the vehicle travels;a sensor configured to detect environmental information about another vehicle or a passerby, the sensor being disposed in a traveling environment including the road and an area around the road;a generation unit configured to generate, based on the map information and the environmental information, traveling information about a traveling speed of the vehicle on the traveling route or about whether or not the vehicle can pass through the traveling route; anda communication unit configured to transmit the traveling information to the vehicle.2. The vehicle management system according to claim 1 , whereinthe vehicle is an automated driving vehicle,the communication unit transmits the traveling information about the traveling route to the vehicle, andthe vehicle travels on the traveling route in accordance with the traveling information.3. The vehicle management system according to claim 1 ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032933A1
Автор: Kim BaekGyu, Wang Haoxin

Systems and methods described herein relate to generating a task offloading strategy for a vehicular edge-computing environment. One embodiment simulates a vehicular edge-computing environment in which one or more vehicles perform computational tasks whose data is partitioned into segments and performs, for each of a plurality of segments, a Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) training procedure that includes receiving state-space information regarding the one or more vehicles and one or more intermediate network nodes; inputting the state-space information to a policy network; generating, from the policy network, an action concerning a current segment; and assigning a reward to the policy network for the action in accordance with a predetermined reward function. This embodiment produces, via the DRL training procedure, a trained policy network embodying an offloading strategy for segmentation offloading of computational tasks from vehicles to one or more of an edge server and a cloud server. 1. A system for generating a task offloading strategy for a vehicular edge-computing environment , comprising:one or more processors; anda memory communicably coupled to the one or more processors and storing:a simulation module including instructions that when executed by the one or more processors cause the one or more processors to deploy a simulation platform that simulates a vehicular edge-computing environment in which one or more vehicles perform computational tasks associated with one or more vehicular applications, wherein data associated with the computational tasks is partitioned into segments, the simulation platform includes a simulated edge server, the simulated edge server includes a policy network, and the policy network includes a neural network; and receive, at the simulated edge server, state-space information regarding the one or more vehicles and one or more intermediate network nodes, the one or more intermediate network nodes including at least one of base ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032941A1
Принадлежит: CARTICA AI LTD

A method for bump alert, the method may include receiving by a vehicle computerized system, at least one visual bump indicator that is visible before driving over at least one bump; obtaining sensed information regarding an environment of the vehicle; processing the sensed information, wherein the processing comprises searching a visual bump indicator of the at least one visual bump indicator; determining whether the vehicle approaches a bump; and generating the bump alert when determining that the vehicle approaches the bump. 1. A method for bump alert , the method comprises:receiving by a vehicle computerized system, at least one visual bump indicator that is visible before driving over at least one bump;obtaining sensed information regarding an environment of the vehicle;processing the sensed information, wherein the processing comprises searching a visual bump indicator of the at least one visual bump indicator;determining whether the vehicle approaches a bump; andgenerating the bump alert when determining that the vehicle approaches the bump.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one visual bump indicator was generated by a generation process that comprises:obtaining video information and telemetric information, wherein the video information and the telemetric information are obtained during driving sessions of one or more vehicles;determining, based at least one the telemetric information, multiple suspected driving over bump events;selecting video information segments, wherein each selected video information segment is acquired before a suspected driving over bump event and in timing proximity to the suspected driving over bump event; andapplying a machine learning process on the selected video information segments to find the at least one visual bump indicator that is visible before driving over the at least one bump.3. The method according to claim 1 , comprising generating the at least one visual bump indicator claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Autonomous Vehicle Motion Control and Motion Path Adjustments

Номер: US20220032961A1

The present disclosure is directed to altering vehicle paths. In particular, a computing system can access map data for a geographic area. The computing system can obtain target zone data describing a target zone within the geographic area. The computing system can determine an altered nominal path to traverse the target zone. The computing system can designate a portion of the altered nominal path as a designated action region associated with the target zone. The computing system can generate a longitudinal plan for an autonomous vehicle through the geographic area based on the altered nominal path. The computing system can generate a target velocity for one or more portions of the nominal path within the designated action region. The computing system can generate a trajectory for the autonomous vehicle based on the target velocity and the altered nominal path. 1. A computer-implemented method for generating autonomous vehicle paths , the method comprising:accessing, by a computing system including one or more processors, map data for a geographic area, the map data including information associated with a nominal path;obtaining, by the computing system, target zone data describing a target zone within the geographic area;determining, by the computing system, an altered nominal path to traverse the target zone;designating, by the computing system, a portion of the altered nominal path as a designated action region associated with the target zone;generating, by the computing system, a longitudinal plan for an autonomous vehicle through the geographic area based on the altered nominal path;generating, by the computing system, a target velocity for one or more portions of the altered nominal path within the designated action region; andgenerating, by the computing system, a trajectory for the autonomous vehicle based on the target velocity and the altered nominal path.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the target zone is a zone associated with ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015318A1
Принадлежит: INRIX Inc.

Vehicles feature various forms of automated driving control, such as speed control and braking distance monitoring. However, the parameters of automated control may conflict with the user driving behaviors of the user; e.g., braking distance maintained with respect to a leading vehicle may seem overcautious to users who prefer shorter braking distances, and unsafe to users who prefer longer braking distances. Presented herein are techniques for controlling vehicles according to the user driving behaviors of users. While a user operates a vehicle in a driving context, a device monitors various driving features (e.g., acceleration or braking) to determine various user driving behaviors. When requested to control a driving feature of the vehicle, a controller may identify the user driving behaviors of the user in the driving context, and control the driving features according to the user driving behaviors, thus personalizing automated driving to the preferences of the user. 1. A method of configuring a device to control a vehicle operated by a user , the method comprising: while the vehicle is in operation by a user, monitor the operation of the vehicle by the user to detect at least one user driving behavior of the user for at least one driving feature of the vehicle in a driving context; and', identify at least one user driving behavior of the user for the driving feature of the vehicle in the driving context; and', 'control the driving feature of the vehicle according to the at least one user driving behavior of the user., 'upon receiving a request to control a driving feature of the vehicle in a driving context], 'executing on the device instructions configured to2. The method of claim 1 , the driving feature selected from a driving feature set comprising:a velocity of the vehicle in a driving context;an acceleration of the vehicle in a driving context;a maintained distance of the vehicle with respect to at least one other vehicle in a driving context;a lane change ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Longitudinally Guiding Driver Assistance System in a Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20170015319A1
Автор: KNOLLER Stefan

A longitudinally guiding driver assistance system in a motor vehicle has a first detection system for detecting currently applying events or relevant events lying ahead, which require a change of the permissible maximum speed, a second detection system for detecting the course of the route, and a function unit which, when detecting a relevant event while taking into account the location of the relevant event, determines a location-dependent point in time, whose reaching causes the function unit to initiate an automatic adaptation of the currently permissible maximum speed or an output of a prompt information for permitting an automatic adaptation of the currently permissible maximum speed to anew permissible maximum speed. The function unit is designed to take into account available information concerning the course of the route when determining the location-dependent point in time. 1. A longitudinally guiding driver assistance system in a motor vehicle , comprising:a first detection system that detects currently applying events or relevant events lying ahead, which require a change of a permissible maximum speed;a second detection system that detects a course of a route; anda function unit which, when detecting a relevant event, while taking into account a location of the relevant event, determines a location-dependent point in time, a reaching of which causes the function unit to initiate an automatic adaptation of a currently permissible maximum speed or an output of prompt information for permitting an automatic adaptation of the currently permissible maximum speed to a new permissible maximum speed, whereinthe function unit is further designed to take into account available information concerning the course of the route when determining the location-dependent point in time.2. The longitudinally guiding driver assistance system according to claim 1 , whereinfor determining the location-dependent point in time, the function unit is designed to take into account ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Longitudinally Guiding Driver Assistance System in a Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20170015320A1

A longitudinally guiding driver assistance system in a motor vehicle includes a detection system for detecting currently applying events and relevant events lying ahead, which require an adaptation of the permissible maximum speed, and a function unit which, when detecting a relevant event, while taking into account the location of the relevant event lying ahead, determines a location-dependent point in time, whose reaching causes the function unit to initiate an output of prompt information for permitting an automatic adaptation of the currently permissible maximum speed to a new permissible maximum speed. The function unit is designed, in the case of an activation of the longitudinally guiding driver assistance system, while taking into account a detected currently applying event, to initiate a first output of prompt information for permitting an automatic first setting of the currently applying permissible maximum speed as the new permissible maximum speed. 1. A longitudinally guiding driver assistance system in a motor vehicle , comprising:a detection system that detects currently applying events and relevant events lying ahead, which require a change of a permissible maximum speed; anda function unit which, when detecting a relevant event, while taking into account a location of the relevant event lying ahead, determines a location-dependent point in time, a reaching of which causes the function unit to initiate an output of prompt information for permitting an automatic adaptation of a currently permissible maximum speed to a new permissible maximum speed, whereinthe function unit is further designed, in a case of an activation of the longitudinally guiding driver assistance system, while taking into account a detected currently applying event, to initiate a first output of prompt information for permitting an automatic first setting of a currently applying permissible maximum speed as the new permissible maximum speed.2. The longitudinally guiding driver ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015321A1
Автор: Nakadori Minoru

A cruise control device of a vehicle including an engine and a multistep automatic transmission, includes an acceleration operation part, a driving-force operation part, and a control part that carries out acceleration control in which a driving force is brought close to a target driving force by changing a throttle-valve opening of the engine at least to bring the driving force close to a demand driving force. The control part carries out the acceleration control in a target gear shift stage fixed mode that is a control mode in which the acceleration control is carried out in a state where change of a gear shift stage is forbidden after changing the gear shift stage from a current gear shift stage that is a gear shift stage at present to a target gear shift stage that is a gear shift stage required for obtaining the target driving force at a stretch. 1. A cruise control device applied to a vehicle equipped with an internal combustion engine and a multistep automatic transmission , and comprising:an acceleration operation part which computes target acceleration that is said vehicle's acceleration required for accelerating vehicle speed which is a running speed of said vehicle to target vehicle speed,a driving-force operation part which computes target driving force that is said vehicle's driving force corresponding to said target acceleration, and computes demand driving force that changes to said target driving force so that magnitude of a change rate of acceleration or driving force or driving torque of said vehicle does not exceed a predetermined upper limit,a control part which carries out acceleration control in which the driving force of said vehicle is brought close to said target driving force by changing throttle-valve opening of said internal combustion engine at least to bring the driving force of said vehicle close to said demand driving force, wherein:said control part is configured to carry out said acceleration control in a target gear shift stage ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015332A1
Автор: Lonski Jonathan David

A device is provided for teaching a driver of a vehicle in real-time to operate the vehicle in a fuel efficient manner based on feedback from a plurality on on-board sensors on the vehicle. 1. An instruction device for instructing a driver of a vehicle comprising:a display screen displaying visual instructions;a speaker outputting audio instructions;sensors detecting an inclination angle of the vehicle; and vehicle diagnostics from an on-board diagnostic system of the vehicle;', 'GPS information from a geo-mapping service; and', 'the inclination angle from the sensors;, 'a controller for obtainingwherein the controller determines instructions for fuel efficient driving based at least in part on the vehicle diagnostics, the GPS information and the inclination angle, and outputs the instructions via the display screen and speaker in real-time while the driver is driving the vehicle; andwherein the controller calculates a score indicating how fuel efficiently the driver is driving based at least in part on the instructions, the vehicle diagnostics, the GPS information, and the inclination angle.2. (canceled)3. The instruction device according to claim 1 ,wherein the controller obtains speed limits of roads the vehicle is traveling on and outputs a maximum vehicle speed to an adaptive speed governor system of the vehicle.4. The instruction device according to claim 1 ,wherein the controller obtains speed limits of the road the vehicle is traveling on and outputs instructions in real-time via the display screen and speaker to the driver based on the obtained speed limits.5. The instruction device according to claim 1 ,wherein the controller obtains maintenance information from the on-board diagnostic system, determines if vehicle maintenance is affecting fuel efficiency and outputs the determination thereof to the driver.6. The instruction device according to claim 2 ,wherein the controller outputs the score to a web server.7. The instruction device according to claim 2 ...
