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16-07-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000004513U1

1. Концевой сигнальный фонарь вагона, содержащий разъемно соединенные панель и корпус с размещенным внутри него источником белого света, цветной светофильтр, линзу, уплотняющие элементы, причем панель выполнена со световым окном и выступами-упорами с наружной стороны для верхней и нижней кромок линзы, отличающийся тем, что панель выполнена с отверстиями под крепежные элементы фиксации фонаря на вагоне, снабжена установочными резьбовыми элементами, на которых с внутренней стороны панели крепится прижим в виде двух планок, контактирующих через уплотнения с боковыми краями линзы и окна, корпус выполнен в виде корыта, установлен углублением к окну панели и связан с прижимом разъемно-навесным устройством, а светофильтр установлен непосредственно на корпус с возможностью фиксации его в рабочем и нерабочем положении. 2. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что разъемно-навесное устройство выполнено в виде штыря и охватывающей его скобы, причем один из указанных элементов закреплен на прижиме, другой - на корпусе фонаря. 3. Фонарь по пп. 1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что штырь выполнен в виде пластины. 4. Фонарь пп. 2 и 3, отличающийся тем, что ось соединения штырь-скоба образует с верхней частью прижима острый угол. 5. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что корпус фонаря выполнен с размерами внутреннего объема по ширине, высоте и глубине большими, чем соответствующие размеры светофильтра и снабжен ограничителями светофильтра в нерабочем его положении, а также ограничителями рабочего положения светофильтра в виде закладных ниш под три угла светофильтра и откидного фиксатора четвертого его угла. 6. Фонарь по п.5, отличающийся тем, что ограничители нерабочего положения светофильтра, а также закладные ниши рабочего положения выполнены в виде отгибок надрезанных кромок корпуса в охват ограничиваемых ими поверхностей светофильтра, а откидной фиксатор выполнен в виде крючка, шарнирно закрепленного на корпусе. 7. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что панель и корпус фонаря выполнены ...

16-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000007964U1

Сигнальный фонарь для пассажирского вагона, содержащий корпус с лицевой панелью, в окне которой смонтирована прозрачная стеклянная линза, и установленный внутри корпуса напротив линзы источник света, подключенный к общим шинам вагона, отличающийся тем, что в качестве источника света использованы двухцветовые светодиоды, каждый из которых состоит из двух элементов, один - красного, другой - желтого цвета, светодиоды включены последовательно, при этом суммарное номинальное напряжение всех светодиодов равно или несколько меньше номинального напряжения бортовой сети вагона, входные цепи источника света подключены к общим шинам вагона через переключатель. (19) RU (11) 7 964 (13) U1 (51) МПК B61L 15/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 98101711/20, 02.02.1998 (46) Опубликовано: 16.10.1998 (71) Заявитель(и): Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью Научно-производственный центр "Экспресс" (73) Патентообладатель(и): Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью Научно-производственный центр "Экспресс" U 1 7 9 6 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Сигнальный фонарь для пассажирского вагона, содержащий корпус с лицевой панелью, в окне которой смонтирована прозрачная стеклянная линза, и установленный внутри корпуса напротив линзы источник света, подключенный к общим шинам вагона, отличающийся тем, что в качестве источника света использованы двухцветовые светодиоды, каждый из которых состоит из двух элементов, один - красного, другой - желтого цвета, светодиоды включены последовательно, при этом суммарное номинальное напряжение всех светодиодов равно или несколько меньше номинального напряжения бортовой сети вагона, входные цепи источника света подключены к общим шинам вагона через переключатель. 7 9 6 4 (54) СИГНАЛЬНЫЙ ФОНАРЬ ДЛЯ ПАССАЖИРСКОГО ВАГОНА R U (72) Автор(ы): Григорьев Э.Н. U 1 U 1 7 9 6 4 7 9 6 4 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU FD 7 964 U1 RU 7 964 U1 RU 7 964 ...

10-05-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000022922U1

1. Фонарь концевой сигнальный светодиодный пассажирского вагона, содержащий корпус, окно с выпуклой линзой Френеля, светодиодный источник света, установленный внутри корпуса напротив линзы и соединенный по входным цепям с электрошинами вагона, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно снабжен перегородкой, выполненной монолитно с корпусом и разделяющей его на два отсека, причем перегородка выполнена вогнутой, форма которой зеркально отображает внутреннюю форму линзы Френеля, в перегородке выполнена горизонтальная прорезь, расположенная в фокусе линзы, светодиодный источник света выполнен в виде цепи одноцветных светодиодов, установленных в прорези перегородки, входные цепи светодиодов соединены с электрошинами вагона через стабилизированный источник питания, установленный в заднем отсеке корпуса за перегородкой. 2. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что окно образовано непосредственно в корпусе. 3. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в корпусе по периметру окна образована выемка, форма которой повторяет форму установочной части линзы. 4. Фонарь по п.2, отличающийся тем, что выемка заполнена силиконовым герметиком. 5. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что цепь одноцветных светодиодов закреплена в прорези перегородки силиконовым герметиком. 6. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в переднем отсеке корпуса создано разряжение воздуха. 7. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что стабилизированный источник питания снабжен блоком охлаждения. 8. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что задний отсек корпуса снабжен вентиляционными отверстиями и закрыт металлической крышкой. 9. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что с задней стороны корпуса по его периметру образована канавка для заполнения ее герметиком. (19) RU (11) 22 922 (13) U1 (51) МПК B61L 15/02 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (71) Заявитель(и): Доброборский Давид Иосифович (21), (22) Заявка: 2001131923/20 , 27.11.2001 (23) Дата поступления дополнительных ...

10-09-2003 дата публикации

Сигнальный фонарь для пассажирского вагона

Номер: RU0000032070U1

Сигнальный фонарь для пассажирского вагона, содержащий корпус с лицевой панелью, в окне которого смонтирована прозрачная стеклянная линза и установленный внутри корпуса напротив линзы источник света в виде светодиодов, светодиоды соединены в одну или несколько параллельных ветвей, в каждой из которых они включены последовательно, а параллельно каждому светодиоду включен резистор, отличающийся тем, что в цепи питания светодиодов дополнительно установлен параметрический стабилизатор напряжения, а в его питающей цепи включен в прямом направлении диод. (19) RU (11) 32 070 (13) U1 (51) МПК B61L 15/02 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003111330/20 , 21.04.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.04.2003 (71) Заявитель(и): ООО Научно-производственный центр "Экспресс" (72) Автор(ы): Григорьев Э.Н. Адрес для переписки: 170023, г.Тверь, ул. Маршала Буденного, 11, ООО НПЦ "Экспресс" (73) Патентообладатель(и): ООО Научно-производственный центр "Экспресс" U 1 3 2 0 7 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Сигнальный фонарь для пассажирского вагона, содержащий корпус с лицевой панелью, в окне которого смонтирована прозрачная стеклянная линза и установленный внутри корпуса напротив линзы источник света в виде светодиодов, светодиоды соединены в одну или несколько параллельных ветвей, в каждой из которых они включены последовательно, а параллельно каждому светодиоду включен резистор, отличающийся тем, что в цепи питания светодиодов дополнительно установлен параметрический стабилизатор напряжения, а в его питающей цепи включен в прямом направлении диод. 3 2 0 7 0 (54) Сигнальный фонарь для пассажирского вагона R U (46) Опубликовано: 10.09.2003 RU 32 070 U1 RU 32 070 U1 RU 32 070 U1

27-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000041444U1

Устройство сигнализации о работе электропотребителей пассажирского вагона, содержащее электропотребители, защитно-коммутационные аппараты электропотребителей, входы которых подключены к шинам источника питания вагона, и светодиоды, отличающееся тем, что между выходами защитно-коммутационных аппаратов электропотребителей и входами этих электропотребителей установлены токовые реле с замыкающими контактами, включенными в цепь питания соответствующих светодиодов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 41 444 (13) U1 (51) МПК B61L 15/02 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004118577/22 , 21.06.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.06.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 27.10.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Научно-производственный центр "ЭКСПРЕСС" (RU) U 1 4 1 4 4 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство сигнализации о работе электропотребителей пассажирского вагона, содержащее электропотребители, защитно-коммутационные аппараты электропотребителей, входы которых подключены к шинам источника питания вагона, и светодиоды, отличающееся тем, что между выходами защитно-коммутационных аппаратов электропотребителей и входами этих электропотребителей установлены токовые реле с замыкающими контактами, включенными в цепь питания соответствующих светодиодов. 4 1 4 4 4 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО СИГНАЛИЗАЦИИ О РАБОТЕ ЭЛЕКТРОПОТРЕБИТЕЛЕЙ ПАССАЖИРСКОГО ВАГОНА R U Адрес для переписки: 170023, г.Тверь, ул. Маршала Буденного, 11, ООО НПЦ "ЭКСПРЕСС" (72) Автор(ы): Григорьев Э.Н. (RU) , Назаров Е.И. (RU) U 1 U 1 4 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 41 444 U1 Область техники Устройство относится к железнодорожному транспорту и касается систем сигнализации пассажирских вагонов. Уровень техники Известно устройство сигнализации о работе электропотребителей пассажирского вагона [1], содержащее ...

27-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000041445U1

Устройство концевой световой сигнализации пассажирского вагона, содержащее по три концевых сигнальных фонаря с электрическими источниками света, соединенными параллельно на каждой торцевой стенке вагона, выключатели и источник постоянного тока, отличающееся тем, что электрические источники света концевых сигнальных фонарей каждой торцевой стенки вагона подключены к источнику постоянного тока через последовательно соединенные выключатель и токовое сигнальное устройство. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 41 445 (13) U1 (51) МПК B61L 15/02 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004118578/22 , 21.06.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.06.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 27.10.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Научно-производственный центр "ЭКСПРЕСС" (RU) U 1 4 1 4 4 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство концевой световой сигнализации пассажирского вагона, содержащее по три концевых сигнальных фонаря с электрическими источниками света, соединенными параллельно на каждой торцевой стенке вагона, выключатели и источник постоянного тока, отличающееся тем, что электрические источники света концевых сигнальных фонарей каждой торцевой стенки вагона подключены к источнику постоянного тока через последовательно соединенные выключатель и токовое сигнальное устройство. 4 1 4 4 5 (54) КОНЦЕВАЯ СВЕТОВАЯ СИГНАЛИЗАЦИЯ ПАССАЖИРСКОГО ВАГОНА R U Адрес для переписки: 170023, г.Тверь, ул. Маршала Буденного, 11, ООО НПЦ "ЭКСПРЕСС" (72) Автор(ы): Григорьев Э.Н. (RU) U 1 U 1 4 1 4 4 5 4 1 4 4 5 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 41 445 U1 Область техники Устройство относится к железнодорожному транспорту и касается концевой световой сигнализации пассажирского вагона. Уровень техники Известно устройство концевой световой сигнализации пассажирского вагона [1], содержащее три концевых сигнальных ...

27-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000052376U1

1. Концевой сигнальный фонарь вагона, содержащий металлическую панель с отбортованными краями и уплотнением по периметру, имеющую световое окно, отверстия для крепления фонаря на вагоне и резьбовые крепежные элементы на внутренней ее стороне, расположенную в световом окне линзу, своими кромками сопряженную с выступами-упорами на панели, при этом края линзы и светового окна контактируют с уплотняющими элементами, которые закреплены с помощью прижимных элементов, сопряженных с резьбовыми крепежными элементами панели, красный светофильтр, а также разъемно соединенный с панелью металлический корпус, с размещенным внутри него источником белого света, отличающийся тем, что корпус выполнен в виде лотка с отбортовкой с обеих сторон наружу или внутрь и выступами по краям в нижней своей части, а также имеет планку, установленную на нижней внутренней части панели параллельно ее плоскости, а на верхней внутренней части панели установлен козырек из пружинного материала под углом к ее плоскости, с отогнутым вниз краем, красный светофильтр установлен на панели внутри углубления линзы боковыми краями под уплотняющими элементами. 2. Концевой сигнальный фонарь вагона по п.1, отличающийся тем, что корпус имеет светоотражающую внутреннюю поверхность. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 52 376 (13) U1 (51) МПК B61L 15/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005130030/22 , 26.09.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.09.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 27.03.2006 (72) Автор(ы): Григорьев Эдуард Николаевич (RU) Адрес для переписки: 170100, г.Тверь, ул. Индустриальная, 13, ООО НПЦ "ЭКСПРЕСС" Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 5 2 3 7 6 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Концевой сигнальный фонарь вагона, содержащий металлическую панель с отбортованными краями и уплотнением по периметру, имеющую световое окно, отверстия для крепления фонаря на вагоне и резьбовые крепежные элементы на ...

27-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000055718U1

1. Концевой сигнальный фонарь для железнодорожного вагона, содержащий корпус, внутри которого размещен источник света, выполненный в виде светодиодов, соединенных в параллельные цепочки, в каждой из которых светодиоды включены последовательно, отличающийся тем, что в него введен стабилизатор тока, включенный последовательно с источником света. 2. Концевой сигнальный фонарь для железнодорожного вагона по п.1, отличающийся тем, что количество параллельных цепочек равно четырем, при этом каждая цепочка состоит из шести светодиодов. 3. Концевой сигнальный фонарь для железнодорожного вагона по п.1, отличающийся тем, что количество параллельных цепочек равно двум, при этом каждая цепочка состоит из двенадцати светодиодов. 4. Концевой сигнальный фонарь для железнодорожного вагона по п.1, или 2, или 3, отличающийся тем, что в каждой параллельной цепочке последовательно со светодиодами включен соответствующий выравнивающий резистор. 5. Концевой сигнальный фонарь для железнодорожного вагона по п.1 или 2 или 3, отличающийся тем, что в цепь питания источника света включен стабилизатор напряжения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 55 718 (13) U1 (51) МПК B61L 15/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006113066/22 , 19.04.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.04.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2006 (72) Автор(ы): Ермилов Сергей Александрович (RU) Адрес для переписки: 125167, Москва, Эльдорадовский пер., 5, ООО "ТКЗ-ЭМАЛЬ", С.А. Ермилову Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 5 5 7 1 8 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Концевой сигнальный фонарь для железнодорожного вагона, содержащий корпус, внутри которого размещен источник света, выполненный в виде светодиодов, соединенных в параллельные цепочки, в каждой из которых светодиоды включены последовательно, отличающийся тем, что в него введен стабилизатор тока, включенный последовательно с источником света. 2. Концевой ...

10-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000060910U1

Концевой сигнальный фонарь вагона, содержащий металлическую панель с отбортованными краями и уплотнением по периметру, имеющую световое окно, отверстия для крепления фонаря на вагоне и резьбовые крепежные элементы на внутренней ее стороне, расположенную в световом окне линзу, своими кромками сопряженную с выступами-упорами на панели, при этом края линзы и светового окна контактируют с уплотняющими элементами, которые закреплены с помощью прижимных элементов, сопряженных с резьбовыми крепежными элементами панели, красный светофильтр, а также разъемно соединенный с панелью металлический корпус, с размещенным внутри него источником белого света, при этом корпус выполнен в виде лотка с отбортовкой с обеих сторон наружу или внутрь на 90° или на 180° и выступами или пазами по краям в нижней своей части, а также имеет планку, установленную на нижней внутренней части панели параллельно ее плоскости, а на верхней внутренней части панели установлен козырек из пружинного материала под углом к ее плоскости, с отогнутым вниз краем, красный светофильтр установлен на панели внутри углубления линзы боковыми краями под уплотняющими элементами, отличающийся тем, что отогнутый вниз край козырька имеет в конечной своей части дополнительный изгиб относительно вертикали, а под этим изгибом на корпусе установлена поворотная отжимная ручка. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 60 910 (13) U1 (51) МПК B61L 15/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006131728/22 , 04.09.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.09.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.02.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Научно-производственный центр "Экспресс" (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 6 0 9 1 0 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели Концевой сигнальный фонарь вагона, содержащий металлическую панель с отбортованными краями и уплотнением по периметру, имеющую световое окно, отверстия ...

27-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000062572U1

1. Фонарь концевой сигнальный светодиодный пассажирского вагона, содержащий корпус, окно с выпуклой линзой Френеля, светодиодный источник света, установленный внутри корпуса напротив линзы и соединенный по входным цепям с электрошинами вагона, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно снабжен перегородкой, выполненной монолитно с корпусом и разделяющей его на два отсека, причем перегородка выполнена вогнутой, форма которой зеркально отображает внутреннюю форму линзы Френеля, в перегородке выполнена горизонтальная прорезь, расположенная в фокусе линзы Френеля, светодиодный источник света выполнен в виде цепи светодиодов, установленных в прорези перегородки, входные цепи светодиодов соединены с электрошинами вагона через стабилизированный источник питания, установленный в заднем отсеке корпуса за перегородкой. 2. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что окно образовано непосредственно в корпусе. 3. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в корпусе по периметру окна образована выемка, форма которой повторяет форму установочной части линзы. 4. Фонарь по п.3, отличающийся тем, что выемка заполнена силиконовым герметиком. 5. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что цепь светодиодов закреплена в прорези перегородки силиконовым герметиком. 6. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что стабилизированный источник питания снабжен блоком охлаждения. 7. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что задний отсек корпуса снабжен вентиляционными отверстиями и закрыт металлической крышкой. 8. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что с задней стороны корпуса по его периметру образована канавка для заполнения ее герметиком. 9. Фонарь по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в переднем отсеке корпуса создано разряжение воздуха. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 62 572 (13) U1 (51) МПК B61L 15/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006141174/22 , 22.11.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.11.2006 ...

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000072343U1

1. Система передачи информации в подвижном составе, содержащая приемно-передающее устройство, источник информационных сигналов, модуляционный блок каналов, магистральную распределительную сеть и абонентные видеоприемные устройства, при этом приемно-передающее устройство соединено с источником, выход которого соединен со входом модуляционного блока каналов, соединенного через магистральную распределительную сеть с абонентными видеоприемными устройствами, отличающаяся тем, что приемно-передающее устройство выполнено в виде спутниковой антенны с системой слежения, а источник информационных сигналов выполнен в виде персонального компьютера. 2. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что персональный компьютер соединен с сетью Интернет. 3. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в систему дополнительно введены микшерский пульт и линейный усилитель мощности, при этом вход микшерского пульта подсоединен к выходу источника информационных сигналов, а выход - ко входу модуляционного блока каналов, вход линейного усилителя мощности подключен к выходу модуляционного блока каналов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 72 343 (13) U1 (51) МПК G08B 27/00 (2006.01) B61L 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007139356/22 , 23.10.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 23.10.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 10.04.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Доброскок Александр Борисович (RU), Матвеев Анатолий Тимофеевич (RU), Журавлев Юрий Григорьевич (RU), Кукушкин Геннадий Викторович (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 7 2 3 4 3 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Система передачи информации в подвижном составе, содержащая приемно-передающее устройство, источник информационных сигналов, модуляционный блок каналов, магистральную распределительную сеть и абонентные видеоприемные устройства, при этом приемно-передающее устройство соединено с источником, выход которого соединен со входом модуляционного ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000183224U1

Полезная модель относится к световым модулям фонарей для железнодорожных транспортных средств. Техническим результатом заявленного устройства является оптимизация светотехнических характеристик, который достигается тем, что цепь последовательно соединенных светодиодов дополнительно шунтирована стабилитронами, внутри корпуса на линзе установлены уплотнительные прокладки из пластичного материала, кронштейны имеют отбортовки, упирающиеся в уплотнительные прокладки, при этом отношение хорды дугообразной светодиодной платы к ее длине составляет 0,8÷0,9, а угол наклона продольной оптической оси крайних светодиодов к нормали светодиодной платы находится в пределах 15÷25°. При этом в точку электрического соединения стабилизированного источника питания с электросетью вагона дополнительно внесен гидрофобный состав, а в пространство между стабилизированным источником питания и задней стенкой внесен герметик. 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 183 224 U1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ QB9K Государственная регистрация предоставления права использования по договору Вид договора: лицензионный Лицо(а), которому(ым) предоставлено право использования: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Феникс-Д" (RU) R U Лицо(а), предоставляющее(ие) право использования: Доброборский Давид Иосифович (RU) Условия договора: неисключительная лицензия на срок действия патента на территории РФ. Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 16.10.2019 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 16.10.2019 Бюл. №29 1 8 3 2 2 4 Дата и номер государственной регистрации предоставления права использования по договору: 16.10.2019 РД0313327 R U 1 8 3 2 2 4 U 1 U 1 Стр.: 1

11-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000186187U1

Полезная модель относится к устройству управления для транспортного средства, в частности рельсового транспортного средства (10), содержащего систему (22) управления процессами, включающую в себя, по меньшей мере, один центральный блок (26) управления, комплект децентрализованных устройств (28) управления подсистемами и управляющую сеть (24), к которой подключены блок (26) управления и устройства (28) управления подсистемами. Чтобы создать устройство управления, которое отвечало бы высоким требованиям безопасности, предложено, что устройство управления содержит отличный от блока (26) управления модуль (42) управления процессами, подключенный к управляющей сети (24), и отличный от управляющей сети (24) сетевой адаптер (44), посредством которого модуль (42) управления процессами соединен с устройствами (28) управления подсистемами с возможностью обмена данными. 186187 Ц ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ Во“ 186 187” 91 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 25.05.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 01.03.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 01.03.2021 Бюл. №7 Стр.: 1 31981 па ЕП

24-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000190202U1

Полезная модель относится к области железнодорожного транспорта, в частности, к сигналам и путевым знакам, закрепляемым на типовых скобах вагона в качестве сигнального устройства хвостового вагона, как сигнала, ответственного за безопасность движения поездов. Техническим результатом полезной модели является универсальная возможность простого и надежного крепления сигнального устройства проволокой к деталям любого вагона, в случае отсутствия на вагоне типовой скобы для штатного крепления сигнального устройства. Это позволяет в свою очередь ставить вагоны без типовой скобы в хвост поезда и не искать для них специальные сигнальные устройства, что сокращает маневровую работу при формировании поезда (в т.ч. электропоезда в нерабочем состоянии, когда вагоны поданы прямо с завода). Кроме того, обеспечивается возможность переноски большего количества сигнальных устройств в одной руке, чем в прототипе и более удобный процесс переноски. Также обеспечивается возможность хранения множества однотипных сигнальных устройств на настенном штыре или гвозде, без потребности для хранения использовать секции на полках или в шкафу (то есть при хранении устройств не требуется занимать площади помещения). Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что заявлено универсальное сигнальное устройство для хвоста грузового поезда, представляющее из себя поверхность, на лицевой части которой нанесено светоотражающее покрытие по меньшей мере двух цветов, внутренняя поверхность устройства имеет крепежную часть, которая состоит из основной пластины - скобы с упором и удлиненной части - ручки, и из прикрепленной к основной пластине с внутренней стороны нижней ее части пружинистой пластины с упором, отличающееся тем, что в ручке выполнено сквозное отверстие с диаметром не менее 1 мм. И 1 190202 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 190 202” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в ...

01-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000199444U1

Полезная модель относится к устройству (10, 110) передачи данных и способу передачи данных между первой (11) и второй (12) транспортными единицами рельсового подвижного состава (1). Устройство (10, 110) передачи данных содержит передающее устройство (20) для передачи сигнала данных между первой (11) и второй (12) транспортными единицами. Для простого дооснащения рельсового подвижного состава (1) для скорости передачи данных между транспортными единицами 1000 Мбит/с передающее устройство (20) содержит первый блок (31; 131; 231) преобразования, выполненный с возможностью преобразования первого сигнала (25) данных, который передается внутри первой транспортной единицы (11) по меньшей мере по одному кабелю (22; 122; 222, 225, 226, 227) транспортного средства по меньшей мере с четырьмя парами жил, во второй сигнал (26) данных для передачи на вторую транспортную единицу (12) со скоростью 1000 Мбит/с, причем второй сигнал данных передается между первой (11) и второй (12) транспортными единицами по меньшей мере по одному передающему кабелю (23; 223), имеющему по меньшей мере одну пару жил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 199 444 U1 (51) МПК B61L 15/00 (2006.01) B61L 23/00 (2006.01) H04B 3/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B61L 15/0036 (2020.02); B61L 23/00 (2020.02); H04B 3/02 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020101634, 20.06.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): СИМЕНС МОБИЛИТИ ГМБХ (DE) Дата регистрации: 01.09.2020 20.07.2017 DE 10 2017 212 487.3 (45) Опубликовано: 01.09.2020 Бюл. № 25 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 17.01.2020 1 9 9 4 4 4 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: DE 102011080097 A1, 31.01.2013. EP 1886893 A1, 13.02.2008. WO 2005/113313 A1, 01.12.2005. RU 32745 U1, 27.09.2003. RU 190766 U1, 11.07.2019. Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 20.06.2018 (72) Автор(ы): БРАУН, ...

10-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000208709U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам измерения временных параметров кодовых сигналов автоматической локомотивной сигнализации. Целью предполагаемой полезной модели является автоматизация процесса измерения временных параметров кодовых сигналов автоматической локомотивной сигнализации, а также реализовать возможность автоматического измерения полного цикла кодовой посылки сумм всех импульсов и пауз кодов «З», «Ж» и «КЖ» цветовых сигналов светофора. Устройство измерения временных параметров электронного кодового путевого трансмиттера состоит из программируемого микроконтроллера и коммутационного блока, микроконтроллер обеспечивает управление коммутационным блоком, который осуществляет электрическую связь всех выходов электронных кодовых путевых трансмиттеров с измерительным входом микроконтроллера, микроконтроллер осуществляет прием и математическую обработку кодовых сигналов автоматической локомотивной сигнализации в соответствии с микропрограммой микроконтроллера. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 208 709 U1 (51) МПК B61L 25/02 (2006.01) B61L 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B61L 15/00 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021124639, 19.08.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Российские железные дороги" (RU) Дата регистрации: 10.01.2022 (45) Опубликовано: 10.01.2022 Бюл. № 1 2 0 8 7 0 9 R U (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ ВРЕМЕННЫХ ПАРАМЕТРОВ ЭЛЕКТРОННОГО КОДОВОГО ПУТЕВОГО ТРАНСМИТТЕРА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к устройствам электронного кодового путевого трансмиттера измерения временных параметров кодовых состоит из программируемого микроконтроллера сигналов автоматической локомотивной и коммутационного блока, микроконтроллер сигнализации. обеспечивает управление коммутационным Целью предполагаемой полезной модели блоком, который осуществляет электрическую является автоматизация ...

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Methods and systems for data communications

Номер: US20120123617A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Systems and methods for controlling rail vehicle data communication are provided. In one embodiment, a multiple-unit rail vehicle system includes a first rail vehicle including a first wireless network device to detect a wireless network. The wireless network is provided by a wayside device. The rail vehicle further comprises a first communication management system to send, through the wireless network, a data communication to a second rail vehicle of the multiple-unit rail vehicle system.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Train Control System

Номер: US20120173055A1
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, a train control system for a train is disclosed, the control system includes a speed detection unit configured to detect the train speed, a position detecting unit configured to detect position information of the train, a signal aspect speed receiver to receive signal aspect speed information from outside the train, an automatic train operation (ATO) unit that is configured to output a first throttle notch command to drive the train between stations and to stop the train at a target position, a specification notch pattern output unit configured to selectively output a second throttle notch control command. The signal aspect speed information includes a speed limit for a location. The first output throttle notch command is based, at least in part, on the signal aspect speed information.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Railroad coupler mount

Номер: US20120267492A1
Автор: Gary William Egerton
Принадлежит: Gary William Egerton

An improved railroad coupler mount for attaching equipment, such as an end-of-train device (EOT), marker light, test gear, etc., to a railroad coupler. The mount is comprised of a pivoting lever with brace (a V- or U-shaped notch) that grips the rib between vertically spaced coupler coring holes and a lever tip that contacts the inner wall of the coupler top coring hole, a pad that bears against the exterior face of the coupler guard arm side and a mechanism that forcibly pivots the lever tip towards the pad on an axis roughly parallel to the coupler axis.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for repeating communication messages in rail vehicle system

Номер: US20120276841A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A communication apparatus includes an operation module configured for communication with a wireless message repeater, e.g., a rail vehicle distributed power message repeater. The wireless message repeater is of the type having an antenna system, a receiver for receiving an incoming message, and a transmitter for transmitting a repeat message of the incoming message. The operation module is further configured to assess operation of the message repeater by comparing a feedback signal to the incoming message. The feedback signal may comprise part of a signal energy of the transmitted repeat message as received by the receiver. Alternatively or additionally, the operation module is further configured to assess operation of the message repeater by comparing at least one signal power associated with the transmitted repeat message to at least one threshold,

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Control of throttle and braking actions at individual distributed power locomotives in a railroad train

Номер: US20120290157A1
Принадлежит: Chandrashekar Siddappa, Robert Moffitt

A method for controlling first and second locomotives of a railroad train, the first and the second locomotives separated by at least one railcar. The method comprises determining a location of the first locomotive and a location of the second locomotive, determining an operating condition of the first locomotive and an operating condition of the second locomotive, determining a first control aspect of the first locomotive responsive to the operating condition and the location of the first locomotive, determining a second control aspect of the second locomotive responsive to the operating condition and the location of the second locomotive, and controlling the first and the second locomotives according to the first control aspect and the second control aspect, respectively.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Scheduling system and method for a transportation network

Номер: US20120290185A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A system is provided that includes a control unit configured to be disposed on-board at least one of a first vehicle or a second vehicle. The control unit also is configured to receive an updated time of an event involving the first vehicle and the second vehicle traveling in a transportation network. The control unit also is configured to change a speed of said at least one of the first vehicle or the second vehicle in response to the updated time to arrive at the event. A method is provided that includes, at one of a first vehicle or a second vehicle, receiving an updated time of an event involving the first vehicle and the second vehicle in a transportation network. The method also includes changing a speed of said one of the first vehicle or the second vehicle in response to the updated tune to arrive at the event.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Method and computer software code for uncoupling power control of a distributed powered system from coupled power settings

Номер: US20120310453A1
Принадлежит: Ajith Kuttannair Kumar, Brooks James D

A method for powering a powered system having a first power generating unit where power settings for the first power generating unit are decoupled from power settings for a second power generating unit, the method including developing a power operating plan which is independent of a coupled power setting, and determining a power setting responsive to the power operating plan. A computer software code operable within a processor and configured to reside on a computer readable media for powering a powered system having at least a first power generating unit where power settings for the at least first power generating unit are decoupled from power settings for at least a second power generating unit is further disclosed.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

System and method for communications in a vehicle consist

Номер: US20120316764A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method for communications in a vehicle consist (e.g., for managing network services among a plurality of networked locomotives or other vehicles in the consist) includes monitoring a first available device of a first locomotive (or other first vehicle) in the consist to determine an operational status of the first available device, and maintaining information of the operational status of the first available device in a database.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

System and method for vehicle control

Номер: US20130006451A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A system includes a first propulsion subsystem and a second propulsion subsystem. The first propulsion subsystem is operable to provide electrical energy to a first communication device when operating in an ON mode. The second propulsion subsystem is operable to provide electrical energy to a second communication device when operating in the ON mode. The first propulsion subsystem and the second propulsion subsystem are controllable in a mode of operation where if one of the first propulsion subsystem or the second propulsion subsystem is controlled to be in an OFF mode, the other of the first propulsion subsystem and the second propulsion subsystem provides electrical energy to the respective first communication device or the second communication device.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for rail vehicle control

Номер: US20130018560A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A system comprises a control module that is configured for operable coupling with at least one of a brake system and/or a penalty detection system of a first vehicle. The control module is further configured to operate in a first mode of operation. In the first mode of operation, the control module activates the brake system, responsive to receiving a first control signal from a second vehicle; the first and second vehicles are coupled in a consist. Alternatively or additionally, the control module is configured to operate in a second mode of operation. In the second mode of operation, the control module is configured to generate the first control signal for transmission to the second vehicle and activation of a brake system of the second vehicle, responsive to receiving a second control signal from the penalty detection system.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Communication system and method for a rail vehicle

Номер: US20130022054A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method of communicating data signals includes receiving data from one or more data sources disposed on board a rail vehicle and allocating different portions of a data communication bandwidth to data signals that include the data based on categories of the data. The categories represent at least one of the one or more data sources that provided the data or contents of the data. The data communication bandwidth includes a bandwidth that is available on a communication pathway of the rail vehicle. The method also includes transmitting the data signals through the communication pathway using the portions of the bandwidth that are assigned to the data signals.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

System and method for controlling a vehicle consist

Номер: US20130035811A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A system includes first and second control modules, an energy management module, and an arbitration module. The first and second control modules are on-board first and second powered vehicles coupled by at least a third vehicle in a vehicle consist. The first control module forms control signals to coordinate tractive efforts provided by the vehicle consist. The energy management module is on-board the second powered vehicle and is communicatively coupled with the second control module. The energy management module forms control signals that are transmitted by the second control module to control the tractive efforts provided by the first powered vehicle and the second powered vehicle based on a trip profile associated with a trip of the vehicle consist. The arbitration module is communicatively coupled with the first and second control modules. The arbitration module determines which of the control modules controls the tractive efforts provided by the vehicle consist.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Railroad Train Monitoring System

Номер: US20130092800A1
Принадлежит: Amsted Rail Co Inc

Railcar monitoring utilizes instrumented, flexible pads supported within the truck pedestal jaws on the bearing adapters. The pads contain sensors for monitoring temperature pressure, shifting loads, truck hunting and the like and have circuitry for processing information received from the sensors and for processing and reporting departures of performance variables to a remote source. The system cyclically activates polling each pad on a car and communicates signals of critical departures and car identity to a remote source.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130119205A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A motorman's cab display system includes a motorman's cab display apparatus that can automatically adjust display luminance of a display device without using an illuminance sensor. The motorman's cab display apparatus determines, based on location information of a train transmitted from a train information control system, whether the train is traveling in a tunnel, sets, when determining that the train is traveling in the tunnel, as the luminance of a display screen, luminance for inside of tunnel set in advance, and sets, when determining that the train is traveling outside the tunnel, as luminance of the display screen, luminance information for outside of tunnel set in advance. A display control method for motorman's cab display apparatuses includes: calculating a traveling location of the train; and adjusting the luminance of the display screen according to the luminance information output from a luminance determining unit. 114-. (canceled)15. A motorman's cab display system comprising:information control terminal apparatuses respectively mounted on cars of a train, connected to one another by an inter-car transmission path, and configured to collect state information of apparatuses mounted on the cars and output control information to the apparatuses;information control central apparatuses respectively mounted on a first car and a last car of the train, connected to the information control terminal apparatuses by the inter-car transmission path, and configured to manage train information including the state information received from the information control terminal apparatuses and the control information transmitted to the information control terminal apparatuses;motorman's cab display apparatuses respectively mounted on the first car and the last car, connected to the information control central apparatuses by transmission paths for display apparatus, and configured to display the train information transmitted from the information control central apparatuses ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Distance estimation system and method for a railway vehicle

Номер: US20130138276A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

There is provided a ranging system for a railway vehicle. The system includes a reflector disposed along a railway relative to a stopping point and a ranging unit disposed on the railway vehicle. The ranging unit includes a transceiver configured to transmit an outbound signal and receive a corresponding reflected signal from the reflector. The ranging unit also includes a data storage unit configured to store a reference distance between the reflector and the stopping point. The ranging unit also includes a processor configured to determine a measured distance between the railway vehicle and the reflector based on an elapsed time between the transmitting the outbound signal and receiving the reflected signal. The processor determines a distance between the railway vehicle and the stopping point based on the measured distance and the reference distance.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Control system and method for remotely isolating powered units in a vehicle system

Номер: US20130200222A1
Автор: Jared Klineman Cooper
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method includes obtaining motive outputs demanded by a trip plan for a vehicle system having interconnected propulsion-generating vehicles, determining motive output capabilities of the propulsion-generating vehicles, and identifying segments of the trip where the motive output capabilities of the propulsion-generating vehicles exceed motive outputs demanded by the trip plan over the segments. The method further includes selecting one or more of the propulsion-generating vehicles for turning at least one of off or to idle in the one or more segments while one or more remaining propulsion-generating vehicles in the vehicle system remain on. The propulsion-generating vehicles are selected such that a total motive output capability of the one or more remaining propulsion-generating vehicles remains at least as great as the motive outputs demanded by the trip plan over the one or more segments.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130238175A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A ground system includes a guidance-display-data creation device that creates a dataset including information on a stop station pattern, effective-period related information, and train number information as guidance display data, and an information distribution server that wirelessly distributes all or a part of a dataset included in the guidance display data to an on-board system. The on-board system includes a central distribution server that manages the distributed dataset, and when a train number is set, distributes the dataset to each vehicle if the central distribution server holds a dataset corresponding to the train number and within an effective period, and notifies the information distribution server of the train number to acquire a corresponding dataset and distributes the corresponding dataset to each vehicle if the central distribution server does not hold the dataset corresponding to the train number and within the effective period. 1. An in-vehicle guidance display system comprising:a ground system that creates guidance display data to be used to display a guidance in a vehicle of a train; andan on-board system that is mounted on the train and displays a guidance using guidance display data created by the ground system, whereinthe ground system includesa guidance-display-data creation device that creates, for each line as the guidance display data, a dataset including information on a stop station pattern for each train type, effective-period related information indicating at least one of a start date and time and an end date and time of an effective period, and train number information, anda data distribution server that holds the guidance display data and that wirelessly distributes all or a part of the dataset included in the held guidance display data to the on-board system at a predetermined timing, andthe on-board system includesa central distribution server that manages the dataset distributed from the ground system, and when a train number of ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245865A1
Автор: CHENU Eric
Принадлежит: SIEMENS S.A.S.

A method for securing a control system and a secured control system of a multi-unit vehicle. The control system has a device for determining a composition of the multi-unit vehicle, that can autonomously determine the composition of the multi-unit vehicle and generate composition data. A calculator for at least one unit of the multi-unit vehicle. Each calculator is connectable to an inlet/outlet set of inlet/outlet modules for at least one unit and to the composition-determining device, in order to exchange operating data of the unit and/or the multi-unit vehicle with each inlet/outlet module, and to acquire data relating to the composition from the determination device. At least one module for dynamically securing the exclusive connection of each calculator to the inlet/outlet set determines, from the composition data, the validity of the inlet/outlet set, and controls, cyclically or sufficiently frequently, a coherence between each connection of each calculator to the inlet/outlet set. 115-. (canceled)16. A method of securing a piloting system to be fitted to and to pilot a multi-unit vehicle , the method which comprises:independently determining a composition of a multi-unit vehicle by a device for determining the composition of the multi-unit vehicle correlated to a generation of a composition datum of the multi-unit vehicle;transmitting the composition datum to a set of elements of the piloting system, wherein at least one element of the set of elements is a processor of the piloting system;determining, by the processor using the composition datum, a set of inputs/outputs of at least one input/output module intended to be fitted to the multi-unit vehicle; andconnecting each element of the set of elements to the set of inputs/outputs.17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the set of elements includes a processor group.18. The method according to claim 17 , which comprises implementing a securing and prioritization mechanism for the connection of at least ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for identifying a directional heading of a vehicle

Номер: US20130261837A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A system for verifying a route segment that a vehicle is traveling along includes a magnetic sensor and a control unit. The magnetic sensor generates an output signal based on an orientation of the sensor relative to an external magnetic field. The control unit receives an operator-designated route segment. The operator-designated route segment represents a selected route segment of the route segments that is identified by the operator as being the route segment on which the vehicle is traveling. The control unit identifies a directional heading of the vehicle based on the output signal from the magnetic sensor and determines an actual route segment of the routes segments in the network that the vehicle is actually traveling along based on the directional heading of the vehicle. The control unit verifies that the actual route segment on which the vehicle is actually traveling is the selected route segment.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130268148A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

The present invention provides an in-vehicle congestion-status display system that notifies railway users of a congestion status of each vehicle of a train. The in-vehicle congestion-status display system includes a main server that calculates a congestion rate immediately before boarding, which is a predicted value of a congestion rate when alighting of users is complete, of each vehicle of a train, based on a congestion rate during travel and an alighting rate acquired in a past and held as information indicating a difference between a congestion rate during travel immediately before arriving at the station and a congestion rate when alighting of users is complete after arriving at a next stop of the train, and a display device that notifies users of the congestion rate immediately before boarding calculated for each vehicle of the train. 1. An in-vehicle congestion-status display system that notifies railway users of a congestion status of each vehicle of a train , the system comprising:a main server that calculates a congestion rate immediately before boarding, which is a predicted value of a congestion rate when alighting of users is complete at a station, for each vehicle of a train, based on a congestion rate during travel and an alighting rate acquired in a past and held as information indicating a difference between a congestion rate during travel immediately before arriving at the station and a congestion rate when alighting of users is complete after arriving at a next stop of the train; anda display device that notifies users of the congestion rate immediately before boarding calculated for each vehicle of the train, whereinwhen the train arrives at a station where it is known in advance that an error from an actual congestion rate is expected to increase, when the congestion rate immediately before boarding is calculated by using the alighting rate, the main server does not calculate the congestion rate immediately before boarding.2. The in-vehicle ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for reducing detection data of a monitoring device in a vehicle, and method for monitoring a vehicle defect in near real time using same

Номер: US20130268157A1
Принадлежит: Korea Railroad Research Institute KRRI

A method for reducing data of sensor devices in a vehicle includes collecting detection data periodically from the sensor devices and calculating an average value of the data collected during a cycle. The collected data may be compared with the calculated values and a deviation with previous data may be calculated by an upper and lower value difference method. A difference between the collected data and average values may also be calculated by a deviation method. The calculated value is stored. Data from a plurality of running vehicles may be periodically transmitted to a driving control center in order to monitor devices related to operations of all of the running vehicles in near real time.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Video information distributing and displaying system and video information distributing and displaying method

Номер: US20130283655A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A screen creating unit selects component contents for displaying a station name array, in which a plurality of station names on a route are arrayed in order of arrival, from a component-content storing unit, moves, according to component arrangement definition data and component motion definition data, the component contents little by little in an array direction from a state in which only a part of station names on a starting station side among the station names are arranged in a scroll display region to a state in which only a part of station names on a terminal station side are arranged, and creates an image of only a portion in the scroll display region without creating the image of a portion outside the scroll display region among the component contents to thereby create a plurality of frames continuous in time series.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Communications system and method for a rail vehicle

Номер: US20130299645A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A rail vehicle includes of one or more locomotives and may further include one or more rail cars, and the rail vehicle further includes a locator element, a communications device and a control module located on the rail vehicle. The locator elements provide a location information of the rail vehicle to a control module. The control module is coupled to the communications device and the locator element. The control module determines control settings for controlling the operations of the communications device based on the location of the rail vehicle. The communications device sends and/or receives data, including communications data, off-board the rail vehicle.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

System and method for vehicle movement modeling in a railway network

Номер: US20130325223A1
Принадлежит: Tata Consultancy Services Ltd

The present disclosure relates to a system and a method for vehicle movement modeling in a network. The modeling may be characterized by vehicle related intelligence gathering, processing and dissemination thereof for an adaptive rescheduling of the vehicle movement in the railway network. Predefined data associated with the vehicle in the railway network is acquired and is further processed to resolve one or more conflicts associated with the vehicle movement. The processing may include allocating resources, developing plans for voyages, and continuously gathering deviation data. The vehicle movement modeling may also include generating detailed layouts of vehicle movements for particular time-periods over the railway network.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Vital speed profile to control a train moving along a track

Номер: US20130325225A1
Принадлежит: Invensys Rail Corp

A speed profile for an entire train trip includes a maximum allowable speed at each point of the entire trip, taking into account the ability of the train to comply with speed reductions encountered during the trip. The speed profile includes a braking curve that gradually reduces from a higher speed to a lower speed starting at a point at which the train must begin braking in order to be traveling at the lower speed when the train reaches the point at which the lower speed limit begins. The speed profile is generated on multiple wayside computers, cross checked, and then vitally transmitted to an onboard locomotive control system. The onboard control system includes redundant speed sensors with redundant vital circuits, and also includes redundant speed comparators to ensure that the train doesn't exceed the speed profile. A GPS receiver may be used for greater reliability.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Monitoring Railcar Performance

Номер: US20130342362A1
Автор: Martin Andrew
Принадлежит: Amsted Rail Company, Inc.

A system for monitoring operation of a railcar having one or more sensing units, mounted on the railcar, for monitoring operating parameters and or conditions of the railcar, and a communication management unit, in wireless communication with the sensing units, wherein the system can make a determination of an alarm condition based on data collected the sensing units. A temperature sensor device for use in such a system is also provided. 1. A device for monitoring temperature on a railcar , comprising:a housing mountable on a railcar;a temperature sensor;electrical circuitry in communication with said temperature sensor for obtaining information regarding the temperature being sensed, said electrical circuitry positioned within said housing;a power source electrically connected to said electrical circuitry for providing power thereto, said power source positioned within said housing; anda communication device capable broadcasting information regarding the temperature sensed, said communication device positioned within said housing.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The monitoring device of further comprising a probe external to said housing and which probe includes said temperature sensor and a magnet positioned to magnetically attract the part of the railcar against which the probe will be placed.59-. (canceled)10. A system for monitoring a railcar claim 3 , comprising:the railcar;a plurality of sensor devices located on the railcar for monitoring parameters or conditions of the railcar; a temperature sensor in thermal communication with the item being monitored;', 'a housing;', 'electrical circuitry in communication with said temperature sensor for obtaining information regarding the temperature being sensed, said electrical circuitry positioned within said housing;', 'a power source electrically connected to said electrical circuitry for providing power thereto, said power source positioned within said housing;', 'a communication device capable broadcasting information ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Train and Method for Safely Determining the Configuration of such a Train

Номер: US20140005863A1

A method for determining the configuration of a train and a train is provided. The train includes a plurality of vehicles in succession connected to each other, one safety management device per unit, each device having two designated identifiers, one coupling communication for each pair of adjacent unit and a general network for connecting all the devices to each other. An initial step of transmitting, with each device, over the general network, a non-secured broadcast message and a step of receiving, with each device, messages including the identifiers of the other modules is performed. The method includes transmitting, over the general network and over each coupling communication link, with at least one device, a secured message to one of the adjacent devices to the device, the message including one of the identifiers of the device transmitting, over the general network, with each device having received an identifier of another connected through a coupling communication link, at least one restoration message including both identifiers of the device as well as the received identifier, receiving, with each device, the transmitted restoration messages, and determining, with at least one device, the configuration of the train. 114-. (canceled)15. A method for determining a configuration of a train , the train including a plurality of vehicles grouped as successive units connected to each other , including a head unit and a tail unit , the train including one safety management device per unit , each safety management device having two designated identifiers , one coupling communication link for each pair of adjacent units , each coupling communication link only connecting two safety management devices of adjacent units and a general network connecting all the safety management devices to each other , the method comprising an initial step of transmitting with each safety management device , over the general network , a non-secured broadcast message including the two ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for Determining Run-Curves for Vehicles Based on Travel Time

Номер: US20140005876A1

A method reduces the computation time for determining optimal run-curves for a specific travel time of a vehicle along a route between two locations. The computation is partitioned between pre-processing and real-time steps. A set of weights μ are generated, and run-curves for the weights are obtained and stored during the pre-processing. State transition matrices can also be determined and stored during the pre-processing. During real-time, a specific travel time is obtained. The travel time is used to interpolate the weight μ for the specific travel time from the stored weights. The memory can be updated for each solution for a specific travel time to dramatically reduce the time to optimize the run-curves.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

In-vehicle information distribution system and in-vehicle information distribution method

Номер: US20140049408A1
Автор: Kazunari Morimoto
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

An in-vehicle information distribution device includes a current-status-information acquisition unit that acquires current-status information, a status-type determination unit that refers to a status-type list table, and determines to which of status types classified in the status-type list table the current-status information corresponds, a status determination unit that refers to a status-type/status-determination-information correspondence table, acquires status-determination information corresponding to the determined status type, and determines a status of a train based on the status-determination information, and a display-content decision unit that refers to a status-type/display-content-information correspondence table, which classifies a display content to be displayed on a display device (AC-drive) and a display device (DC-drive) into status types, acquires display-content information corresponding to the determined status type, and selects display data corresponding to the display-content information.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Railway train control system having multipurpose display

Номер: US20140088802A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Industry Inc

A railway train control system having a multi-purpose display is disclosed. The railway train control system includes a human-machine interface having a first display and a second, display. The first display provides a train control interface that enables a first operator, such as an engineer, to control one or more functions of the train. The second display is a multipurpose display that can switch between a standard mode and an application mode. The second display displays a read-only display of the train control interface in the standard mode and displays applications to enable a second operator, such as a conductor, to complete various tasks in the application mode.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Detecting Train Separation

Номер: US20150000415A1
Автор: Kelley John

This application describes method and apparatus for detecting train separation, where one or more railway cars/carriages () accidentally decouple from the rest of the train. The method involves performing distributed acoustic sensing on at least one optical fibre () to provide a plurality of longitudinal acoustic sensor portions along the railway (). The acoustic response is analysed to detect a signature indicative of a train separation. This may involve detecting acoustic events () associated with different parts of the train and detecting when the separation between the two events exceeds a threshold amount. The method may identify the front of the train and the rear of the train and detect when the distance between the front and rear changes by more than a threshold amount and/or sounds associated with wheelsets passing track features () may be used to determine the intervals (T, T) between wheelsets of adjacent cars and determine when the interval exceeds a threshold amount. The threshold may be based on the interval (T) between wheelsets of the same car passing the track feature. 1. A method detecting separation of a train comprising:performing distributed acoustic sensing on at least one optical fibre deployed along the length of a railway so as to provide a plurality of longitudinal acoustic sensor portions along the railway;analysing the acoustic response from said acoustic sensor portions to detect a signature indicative of a train having separated.2. A method as claimed in wherein said detecting said signature comprises detecting a first acoustic event associated with a first part of a train and a second acoustic event associated with a second different part of the train and detecting that the separation between the first acoustic event and second acoustic event is beyond a threshold.3. A method as claimed in comprising analysing the acoustic response from the acoustic sensor portions to locate an acoustic signal indicative of the front of the train and ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001800A1

A rail vehicle has a tachometer-speed display device and an European train control system speed display device. In order to easily avoid the speed being read incorrectly by the vehicle driver in such a rail vehicle, the glass cover of the tachometer-speed display device is an electro chrome glass pane that contains an electrical connection device. A method also operates a rail vehicle which contains such a tachometer-speed display device. 17-. (canceled)8. A rail vehicle , comprising:a tachometer-speed display device having a glass cover being an electro chrome glass pane and an electrical connection device; andan European train control system (ETCS) speed display device.9. The rail vehicle according to claim 8 , wherein said electrical connection device can be connected to a direct voltage source by way of a switching facility.10. The rail vehicle according to claim 8 , further comprising an ETCS vehicle device having an electrical output claim 8 , said electrical connection device is connected to said electrical output of said ETCS vehicle device.11. The rail vehicle according to claim 10 , wherein said ETCS vehicle device is embodied such that during operation said ETCS vehicle device automatically generates an electrical voltage at said electrical output which changes said electro chrome glass pane into an opaque state.12. A method for operating a rail vehicle with a tachometer-speed display device and with an European train control system (ETCS) speed display device claim 10 , which comprises the step of:providing an electro chrome glass pane with an electrical connection device as a glass cover of the tachometer-speed display device.13. The method according to claim 12 , which further comprises connecting the electrical connection device to a direct voltage source by way of a switching facility.14. The method according to claim 12 , wherein an electrical voltage is provided by a ETCS vehicle device during start-up at an electrical output of the ETCS vehicle ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

System, Method, and Apparatus for Generating Vital Messages on an On-Board System of a Vehicle

Номер: US20160001801A1

A system, method, and apparatus for generating vital messages on an on-board system of a vehicle is disclosed. The method includes generating a plurality of vital messages with each processor of a plurality of different processors of the on-board system based on train data available to each processor, transmitting the plurality of vital messages from the plurality of different processors to a separate processor, and generating, by the separate processor, a final vital message based on at least two vital messages of the plurality of vital messages. A system and an apparatus for implementing the aforementioned method includes appropriately communicatively connected hardware components. 1. A computer-implemented method of generating vital messages on an on-board system of a vehicle , comprising:generating a plurality of vital messages with each processor of a plurality of different processors of the on-board system based on train data available to each processor;transmitting the plurality of vital messages from the plurality of different processors to a separate processor; andgenerating, by the separate processor, a final vital message based on at least two vital messages of the plurality of vital messages.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein generating the final vital message comprises combining the plurality of vital messages such that any invalid messages are filtered out.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of vital messages comprises at least a first vital message claim 2 , a second vital message claim 2 , and a third vital message claim 2 , and wherein combining the plurality of vital messages comprises:combining the first vital message with the second vital message using a first logical operator to generate a first binary string;combining the first vital message with the third vital message using the first logical operator to generate a second binary string;combining the second vital message with the third ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001802A1

A rail vehicle includes at least one train protection device according to a national standard, an ETCS vehicle apparatus with a driver's cab display, and an interface for inputting operational data via the interface for the at least one train protection device. In order to make such a rail vehicle maintenance-friendly, the train protection device is embodied in such a way that an interrogation of an identification code is generated on the driver's cab display within the scope of the inputting of the operational data, and when the response to the interrogation is correct a data interrogation with technical maintenance data is generated on the driver's cab display. A method for operating the rail vehicle is also provided. 12-. (canceled)3. A rail vehicle , comprising:at least one train protection device according to a national standard;an ETCS vehicle apparatus having a cab display; andan interface for inputting operational data through said interface for said at least one train protection device;said at least one train protection device generating a request for an identification code during the inputting of the operational data and producing a data request with maintenance data on said cab display if the request is responded to correctly.4. A method for operating a rail vehicle , the method comprising the following steps:providing at least one train protection device according to a national standard, an ETCS vehicle apparatus with a cab display, and an interface for inputting operational data for the at least one train protection device;generating a request for an identification code at the cab display during the inputting of the operational data; andproducing a data request with maintenance data on the cab display if the request is responded to correctly. It is known for rail vehicles in the past to have been equipped almost exclusively with train protection devices conforming to a national standard in each case. In Europe, this is for example the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Monitoring and controlling of distributed machines

Номер: US20170001653A1
Принадлежит: Laird Technologies Inc

According to various aspects, exemplary embodiments are disclosed of apparatus and methods for monitoring and controlling distributed machines. In an exemplary embodiment, a network includes machines each having sensor(s) and/or actuator(s). Each machine has a node resident on the machine and/or in communication with the machine and that provides raw data from the sensor(s) and/or actuator(s). Each node has a network interface, and a processor and memory configured as a node agent to embed the raw data in message(s) without reformatting the raw data. An engine receives and reformats messages from the node agents without reformatting raw data embedded in the messages. The engine directs the reformatted messages including the raw data to user device(s) for use in managing machine activity and/or status. The engine also sends a message from a user device to a node of a given machine, for use in controlling activity and/or status of the given machine.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001916A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A train control system enabling a train to smoothly travel while performing handover. The system includes an on-vehicle wireless station mounted on a train following a preceding train and connected to an on-vehicle control device of the train, ground wireless base stations capable of wirelessly communicating with the on-vehicle wireless station, and a base station control device to control the base stations. The ground wireless base station is located between the ground wireless base station with which the on-vehicle wireless station is communicating and the ground wireless base station forming a communication area including a travelling permission point determined by a position of the train. The base station control device reserves radio resources of the ground wireless base stations while communicating with the ground wireless base station. 1. A train control system comprising:an on-vehicle wireless station mounted on a following train following a preceding train and connected to an on-vehicle control device of the following train;a plurality of ground wireless base stations capable of wirelessly communicating with the on-vehicle wireless station; anda base station control device to control the ground wireless base stations, whereinone or a plurality of third ground wireless base stations are located between a first ground wireless base station that is the ground wireless base station with which the on-vehicle wireless station is communicating and a second ground wireless base station forming a communication area including a travelling permission point determined by a position of the preceding train, andthe base station control device includes:a processor to execute a program; anda memory to store the program which, when executed by the processor, performs a process of reserving radio resources of the second ground wireless base station and the third ground wireless base station while communicating with the first ground wireless base station.2. The train control ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001906A1

A system is provided that include at least one positioning system that can detect a location or position of a vehicle or a portion of a vehicle group that includes the vehicle, at least one sensor positioned on or associated with the vehicle that can generate sensor data of a determined parameter or condition, and a controller in communication with the sensor and the positioning system. The controller can determine that a hazard event has occurred based at least partially on sensor data, and can communicate a hazard event notification based at least in part on the location data and the sensor data to a remote server. 1. A system , comprising:at least one positioning system programmed or configured to detect a location or position of a vehicle or a portion of a vehicle group that includes the vehicle;at least one sensor positioned on or associated with the vehicle and configured to generate sensor data of a determined parameter or condition; determine that a hazard event has occurred or is predicted to occur based at least partially on the sensor data; and', 'communicate a hazard event notification to a remote server based at least in part on the location or position that is detected and the sensor data., 'a controller in communication with the sensor and the at least one positioning system, and the controller being programmed or configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to communicate the hazard event notification to one or more of: a federal government authority claim 1 , a state government authority claim 1 , a local government authority claim 1 , a maintenance entity claim 1 , a medical entity claim 1 , a search and rescue entity claim 1 , a state police claim 1 , a local police claim 1 , or an agency related to homeland security.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor comprises a rotational sensor claim 1 , a gyroscope claim 1 , an accelerometer claim 1 , a pressure sensor claim 1 , a thermocouple ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002001A1
Принадлежит: TELEVIC RAIL NV

The invention pertains to a system for providing information to an information system in a vehicle, comprising: a communication interface () to communicate with a server () residing outside the vehicle (); data storage means () to temporarily store data received from the server via the communication interface; data gathering means () to obtain information about a current situation or event independently of the server; an information system () to provide information services to crew and/or passengers or to control systems of the vehicle; and a processor (). The processor is configured to: detect whether the communication interface is operational, if the communication interface is operational, provide data received from the communication interface to the information system; otherwise, provide data retrieved from the data storage means and adapted on the basis of information obtained from the data gathering means to the information system. 2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said data gathering means further comprises a Global Positioning System receiver arranged to determine the current location of said vehicle.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said data gathering means comprises at least one sensor arranged to determine current weather conditions.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said data gathering means comprises means to retrieve locally generated information about said current situation or event.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said information system comprises an output system for outputting messages in a passenger compartment of said vehicle.6. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said data gathering means further comprises a receiver for receiving railway beacon signals.7. A passenger vehicle comprising the system according to .9. The method according to claim 8 , wherein said data gathering means further comprises a receiver for receiving railway beacon signals claim 8 , said processor being further configured ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002002A9

A system and method for examining a route and/or vehicle system obtain a route parameter and/or a vehicle parameter from discrete examinations of the route and/or the vehicle system. The route parameter is indicative of a health of the route over which the vehicle system travels. The vehicle parameter is indicative of a health of the vehicle system. The discrete examinations of the route and/or the vehicle system are separated from each other by location and/or time. The route parameter and/or the vehicle parameter are examined to determine whether the route and/or the vehicle system is damaged and, responsive to determining that the route and/or the vehicle is damaged, the route and/or the vehicle system are continually monitored, such as by examination equipment onboard the vehicle system. 1. A system comprising:a controller configured to obtain one or more of a route parameter or a vehicle parameter from discrete examinations of one or more of a route or a vehicle system, the route parameter indicative of a health of the route over which the vehicle system travels, the vehicle parameter indicative of a health of the vehicle system, the discrete examinations of the one or more of the route or the vehicle system separated from each other by one or more of location or time, the controller configured to examine the one or more of the route parameter or the vehicle parameter to determine whether the one or more of the route or the vehicle system is damaged; andexamination equipment configured to continually monitor the one or more of the route or the vehicle system responsive to determining that the one or more of the route or the vehicle is damaged.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is operable to receive at least a portion of the one or more of the route parameter or the vehicle parameter from a stationary wayside unit disposed alongside the route being traveled by the vehicle system.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the controller is operable to ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle operation control system

Номер: US20180004228A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A vehicle control system includes an operation manager controller electrically coupled to an operator controller of a vehicle and to a local vehicle control system of the vehicle. The operation manager controller receives an operator command from the operator controller and can regulate the operator command to control operation of the vehicle.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005003A1
Принадлежит: TELEVIC RAIL NV

The invention pertains to a display system for displaying messages in a passenger compartment of a vehicle, the system comprising: a display surface; a memory comprising a plurality of display templates; interfacing means adapted to retrieve information from an information system; processing means to evaluate said retrieved information and to select a display template from among said plurality of display templates conditionally on said evaluating; and formatting means configured to format said retrieved information in accordance with said selected template for displaying on the display surface. The invention also pertains to a corresponding method, comprising: retrieving () information from an information system; evaluating () said retrieved information; selecting () a display template from among a plurality of display templates conditionally on said evaluating; formatting () said retrieved information in accordance with said selected template; and displaying () said formatted information on a display surface of a display system. 2. The display system according to claim 1 , wherein said evaluating of said information further comprises evaluating metadata associated with said received information claim 1 , said metadata being received along with said received information claim 1 , wherein said metadata comprises one or more of an expiry time of said received information or a source of said received information.3. A passenger vehicle comprising the display system according to claim 1 , arranged in a passenger compartment of said passenger vehicle.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein said evaluating of said information further comprises evaluating metadata associated with said received information claim 4 , said metadata being received along with said received information; wherein said metadata comprises one or more of an expiry time of said received information or a source of said received information.6. A non-transitory computer program product comprising ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

System and Method for Generating Commodity Flow Information

Номер: US20200005236A1

Disclosed is method including receiving digital vehicle data for a fleet of vehicles like trucks, trains, planes, drones, etc., the digital vehicle data being one or more of GPS/location-based data, image data or radar data and combining one or more of pieces of data. The method includes inferring, based on the first combined data, a loaded/empty status of a vehicle. The method includes combining other data to yield second combined data, receiving data regarding one or more of supply, demand, and amount of available cargo to yield third combined data, generating information relating to a supply of vehicles available to load at a specified dock and/or deliver a cargo to a specified dock, in each case within a specified period of time and generating suggestions for one or more vehicles regarding future routes based on the data.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005799A1
Автор: MORIMOTO Kazunari
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

An on-car-data recording apparatus mounted on a train to record image data, which is data of a video or an image photographed by an image pickup apparatus set in the train, including: a secret-key retaining unit that retains a secret key paired with a public key for electronic signature for which certification by a certification authority is completed, a train-specific-information managing unit that manages information specific to the own train capable of specifying a traveling position of the own train, an electronic-signature generating unit that integrates, the image data and the information managed by the train-specific-information managing unit, calculates a hash value of obtained integrated data, and generates an electronic signature on the basis of the calculated hash value and the secret key, and an image data managing unit that retains the generated electronic signature and the image data used in generating the electronic signature in association with each other. 1. An on-car-data recording apparatus mounted on a train to record image data , which is data of a video or an image photographed by an image pickup apparatus set in the train , the on-car-data recording apparatus comprising:a secret-key retaining unit that retains a secret key paired with a public key for electronic signature for which certification by a certification authority is completed;a train-specific-information managing unit that manages information specific to the own train capable of specifying a traveling position of the own train;an electronic-signature generating unit that integrates, every time the image data is generated by the image pickup apparatus, the generated image data and train specific information, which is the information managed by the train-specific-information managing unit, calculates a hash value of obtained integrated data, and generates an electronic signature on the basis of the calculated hash value and the secret key; andan image data managing unit that retains ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Train monitoring device, generation device, and event detection definition generation method

Номер: US20220017128A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A train monitoring device includes an obtaining unit to obtain device status information, a monitoring unit including an event detection definition, and an event detection program to interpret the event detection definition and check whether an event has occurred. When the event detection program monitors the status of the device, a first program included in the event detection program interprets and executes an intermediate language representation included in the event detection definition, and a second program included in the event detection program determines whether an event has occurred by using area information and storage information about a memory having stored therein a value that indicates whether an event has occurred, the area information and the storage information being included in the event detection definition. An output unit outputs an alarm indicating that the device is an anomalous status when the monitoring unit detects an anomaly in the device.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150009331A1
Автор: Venkatraman Balaji

The system for real time train disaster vulnerability assessment and rescue guidance using multi layered video computational analytics comprises digital video cameras mounted on train, video cameras mounted at fixed locations on rail route; unmanned aerial monitoring vehicle; train on-broad computer system mounted on train and centralized system centrally located in railway network. The digital video cameras capture video images of railways track and adjacent structure from running train and automatically compute degree of disaster vulnerability from collective analysis of output from all video cameras. In case degree of disaster vulnerability exceeds predetermined threshold value a disaster alert is triggered to take immediate precautionary measures while simultaneously activating On Board Rescue and Response System. In case degree of disaster vulnerability is below predetermined threshold value, the analytics output is transmitted to higher level modules for in-depth advanced analytics by combining real-time train data or real-time geographic and environmental data contributing to a potential disaster. 2. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said video cameras in said Digital Video Camera System are configured to capture real time videos and images of railway track system claim 1 , railway beds claim 1 , railway foundations claim 1 , railway track adjacent structure from a running train.3. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said video cameras in said Digital Video Camera System have embedded analytics components configured to perform preliminary analytics on the track components based on video images captured by said video cameras and are configured to automatically detect the abnormalities in the railway track whereby immediately triggering disaster alert in case of any abnormality detected in the railway track and avoiding a potential disaster instantly.4. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein in case degree of disaster vulnerability computed ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

System and method for decoupling a vehicle system

Номер: US20160009302A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A system and method for separating a vehicle system into separate vehicle segments, separately moving the vehicle segments, and re-connecting the vehicle segments without initiation of a brake penalty application are provided. The system and method communicate a suspend command signal between vehicle segments to suspend operations of vehicles in a cooperative mode. The vehicles in the vehicle system are decoupled into plural separate vehicle segments. The system and method also move one or more of the vehicle segments separately from one or more other vehicle segments. The vehicle segments are reconnected to form the vehicle system, and the system and method communicate a reconnect command signal between the vehicle segments to resume operations in the cooperative mode, without incurring a penalty brake application of the vehicle system.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

System and Method for Monitoring Mobile Vehicles

Номер: US20160009303A1

A system for monitoring railcars includes a memory operable to store data associated with monitoring a location of a train. The system also includes a processor communicatively coupled to the memory and operable to receive location signals from a plurality of location devices. Each location device is associated with a respective railcar of a plurality of railcars. The plurality of railcars form the train. The processor is further operable to monitor the location of the train based on received location signals from one or more of the plurality of location devices. 1. A method comprising:receiving location signals from a plurality of location devices, each location device associated with a respective railcar of a plurality of railcars;wherein the plurality of railcars form a train; andmonitoring, based on received location signals from one or more of the plurality of location devices, a location of the train.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein monitoring a location of the train based on the received location signals from the one or more of the plurality of location devices comprises monitoring a location of the train based on the received location signals from one of the plurality of location devices at a time.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein monitoring a location of the train based on the received location signals from one of the plurality of location devices at a time comprises:monitoring a location of the train based on the received location signals from a first location device of the plurality of location devices at a first time; andmonitoring a location of the train based on the received location signals from a second location device of the plurality of location devices at a second time.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein monitoring a location of the train based on the received location signals from one of the plurality of location devices at a time further comprises monitoring a location of the train based on the received location signals from additional ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Communication System And Method Of A Vehicle Consist

Номер: US20220024497A1
Принадлежит: Transportation IP Holdings, LLC

A communication system and method receive, at an energy management system disposed onboard a vehicle system formed from a lead vehicle and one or more remote vehicles, trip data that represents one or more characteristics of an upcoming trip of the vehicle system along a route. A selected portion of the trip data is communicated from the energy management system to a distributed power system disposed onboard the vehicle system. The selected portion includes identifying information and one or more orientations of the one or more remote vehicles. Using the distributed power system, communication links between the lead vehicle and the one or more remote vehicles are established using the identifying information and the one or more orientations. 1. A system for a vehicle group having a first and second vehicle , comprising:a first directional sensor configured to output a first directional signal indicative of a first orientation of the first vehicle;a second directional sensor configured to output a second directional signal indicative of a second orientation of the second vehicle; anda heading determination unit having a communication interface and a controller, the communication interface configured to receive the first and second directional signals, the controller is configured to establish a communication link between the first vehicle and the second vehicle for coordinating movements of the first vehicle and the second vehicle based on the first orientation and the second orientation.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the heading determination unit is onboard the first vehicle.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the heading determination unit is remotely located from the first and second vehicles.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the heading determination unit is included within a head of train unit or an end of train unit.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the heading determination unit is configured to compare the first directional signal with the second ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Terminal device and data management method

Номер: US20220024500A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A terminal device includes a plurality of processing devices, each of which includes: a database; a state managing unit that manages data stored in the database; a request managing unit that determines data to request from an external system and an order in which the data is to be requested from the external system based on a management state of the data in the state managing unit, a management state of data in a state managing unit of another processing device, and a type of predetermined event requiring data in a case where the predetermined event has occurred, the request managing unit being capable of requesting data from the external system on the basis of the order; and an obtainment managing unit that manages a state of obtainment of data from the external system, and a request managing unit of a predetermined processor requests data from the external system.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009174A1

An in-vehicle network system includes in-vehicle signal system devices, TOMS devices, other in-vehicle network sub-system devices and two independent sub-networks, wherein the in-vehicle signal system devices directly access to a first sub-network A and a second sub-network B, respectively; according to safety levels, the TOMS devices and the other in-vehicle network sub-system devices are classified into key sub-system devices with a high safety level and ordinary sub-system devices with a low safety level; each of the key sub-system devices accesses to the first sub-network A and the second sub-network B through two or more communication interfaces; and, the ordinary sub-system devices directly access to the second sub-network B and/or the first sub-network A. A communication method for the in-vehicle network system is also provided. 1. An in-vehicle network system , comprising in-vehicle signal system devices , Train Control and Management System devices , other in-vehicle network sub-system devices and two independent sub-networks; the in-vehicle signal system devices directly access to a first sub-network A and a second sub-network B , respectively; according to safety levels , the Train Control and Management System devices and the other in-vehicle network sub-system devices are classified into key sub-system devices with a high safety level and ordinary sub-system devices with a low safety level; each of the key sub-system devices accesses to the first sub-network A and the second sub-network B through two or more communication interfaces; and , the ordinary sub-system devices directly access to the first sub-network A and/or the second sub-network B.2. The in-vehicle network system according to claim 1 , wherein the ordinary sub-system devices directly access to the first sub-network A or the second sub-network B.3. The in-vehicle network system according to claim 2 , wherein each of the ordinary sub-system devices is a device which has one communication ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180011703A1
Автор: PLANCHE Lilian
Принадлежит: Alstom Transport Technologies

A method for applying a plurality of vehicles each including an onboard server and at least two apparatuses, an onboard server and each of the apparatuses storing initial data, each onboard server being connected to the apparatuses mounted in the same vehicle with a local network. The method includes the steps of transferring modified data, through an extended radiofrequency communication network, from a server on the ground towards the onboard servers, when the modified data have been stored in memory in each onboard server, emitting via the extended network, an updating command, and transmitting modified data to at least one apparatus through the corresponding local network, the modified data replacing, in said apparatus, the initial data. 1. A method for updating a plurality of vehicles , each vehicle including an onboard server , a first electronic apparatus and at least one second electronic apparatus , the onboard server comprising a first memory and a radiofrequency communication module and each of the first apparatus and of the second apparatus comprising a controller and a second memory storing a set of initial data , each onboard server being connected to each of the first apparatus and of the second apparatus mounted in the same vehicle with a local internal communication network to the vehicle , wherein the method includes the following steps:transferring update data, through an extended radiofrequency communication network, from at least one server on the ground towards the onboard servers of the vehicles of said plurality, the updating data including modified data intended to be stored in memory by at least one of the first apparatus and of the second apparatus of each relevant vehicle,storing updating data in the first memory of each vehicle,wherein when the updating data have been stored in the first memory of each vehicle, the emitting through the extended network, by a server on the ground, an updating command intended for the onboard server of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013580A1

The present invention provides a network system of a railcar, the network system being capable of efficiently performing maintenance work. One example of the network system of the railcar of the present invention includes: intra-car networks (N to N) to which first and second apparatuses are connected; an inter-car network (NA) for transmission of information between the apparatuses mounted on different cars; routers (R to R) each provided and connected between the corresponding intra-car network (N to N) and the inter-car network (NA) and each including a network address translation portion configured to mutually convert a private address of the first apparatus and an IP address of the inter-car network (NA); and a maintenance transmission path forming unit configured to form a transmission path through which the transmission and reception of the information are performed between a maintenance terminal () and a maintenance target apparatus selected from the first and second apparatuses, the transmission path not passing through the network address translation portion of the car on which the maintenance target apparatus is mounted. 1. A network system of a railcar ,the network system comprising:intra-car networks mounted on a plurality of respective cars of a car train set configured by coupling the cars, at least a corresponding one of first apparatuses and a corresponding one of second apparatuses being connected to each of the intra-car networks, private addresses being given to the respective first and second apparatuses;an inter-car network formed in the entire car train set for transmission and reception of information between the apparatuses mounted on the different cars;routers provided in the respective cars and each connected between the corresponding intra-car network and the inter-car network, the routers each including a network address translation portion configured to perform address translation of mutually converting the private address of the first ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Device and method for supplying energy to a sensor device in a rail vehicle

Номер: US20220032776A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG, Siemens Mobility GmbH

A device for supplying energy to a sensor arrangement in a rail vehicle. The device has at least one second electrical conductor which has an inductive coupling to a first electrical conductor. The first electrical conductor connects a converter to a motor of the rail vehicle. The device has a switching module which is operated by way of an operating voltage and has the purpose of processing signals of at least one sensor. The at least one sensor serves to acquire data and/or detect a state of a vehicle component. The switching module is connected to a second electrical conductor. The second electrical conductor is configured to generate the operating voltage from an alternating voltage, applied to the first conductor, by way of induction in the second electrical conductor.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Drawing component generation device, display system, and drawing component generation method

Номер: US20220032976A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A drawing component generation device generating a drawing component when a train cab display device installed in a train is to display status of a device installed in a car of a train on a display screen using the drawing component, which is a modularized part of display content to be displayed on the display screen, includes a reception unit providing an input screen displaying entries for information used for generating the drawing component based on a train display definition defining a train formation pattern, and a device layout definition defining a layout pattern, and receiving input of information for the entries from a user; and a generation unit generating the drawing component based on the train display definition, the device layout definition, input information being information input from the user on the reception unit, and a display pattern definition defining display content relating to the status of the device.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032977A1
Автор: Gupta Jitendra

A distributed power system includes a communication device and a control device. The communication device is configured to be disposed onboard a first vehicle of a vehicle system that also includes at least a second vehicle. The communication device is configured to communicate a discover message. The control device is configured to be operatively connected to the communication device, and, responsive to the communication device receiving a discover reply message from a second vehicle, to generate a configure message for the communication device to transmit to the second vehicle based on an identifier of the second vehicle included in the discover reply message. The configure message includes instructions for the second vehicle to transition to a remote mode of operation in which remote control of tractive and braking efforts of the second vehicle is enabled. 1. A system comprising:a communication device configured to be disposed onboard a first vehicle of a vehicle system that also includes at least a second vehicle, the communication device configured to communicate a discover message; anda control device configured to be operatively connected to the communication device, the control device configured to, responsive to the communication device receiving a discover reply message from a second vehicle, generate a configure message for the communication device to transmit to the second vehicle based on an identifier of the second vehicle included in the discover reply message, the configure message including instructions for the second vehicle to transition to a remote mode of operation in which remote control of tractive and braking efforts of the second vehicle is enabled.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to generate remote-control signals for the communication device to transmit to the second vehicle subsequent to communicating the configure message claim 1 , the remote-control signals including tractive settings and brake settings to ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032978A1

A vehicle monitoring device includes a camera or other optical sensor configured to be disposed at a trailing end of a first vehicle system. The camera or other optical sensor is configured to output one or more images or video of a field of view behind the first vehicle system. The monitoring device also includes a controller configured to receive output from one or more sensors and to activate the camera or other optical sensor to output the one or more images or video based on the output from the one or more sensors. The output from the one or more sensors indicates one or more of a change in movement of the first vehicle system, a temperature, an acoustic sound, or movement of a second vehicle system. 1. A system comprising:a camera or other optical sensor configured to be disposed at a trailing end of a first vehicle system, the camera or other optical sensor configured to output one or more images or video of a field of view behind the first vehicle system; anda controller configured to receive output from one or more sensors and to activate the camera or other optical sensor to output the one or more images or video based on the output from the one or more sensors, wherein the output from the one or more sensors indicates one or more of a change in movement of the first vehicle system, a temperature, an acoustic sound, or movement of a second vehicle system.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first vehicle system is a rail vehicle system claim 1 , and the camera or other optical sensor is disposed within an end-of-train (EOT) device configured to be disposed at the trailing end of the rail vehicle system.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to receive the output from the one or more sensors as indicating the change in movement of the first vehicle system to activate the camera or other optical sensor claim 1 , the output from the one or more sensors indicating a change in direction of movement of the first vehicle system.4. The ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032979A1

A method analyzes conditions of technical components in view of a rarity and/or an abnormality of a condition. To provide a reliable analysis and thus a safely operating system the method includes: a) describing conditions of the technical components in a behavioral input space that is spanned by state variables, which are characteristic for the technical components, b) analyzing a condition of one technical component in respect to other conditions of this technical component in the behavioral input space, whereby a rarity of this condition of the technical component is detectable, and c) analyzing the condition of the technical component also in respect to analyses of conditions of further technical components in the behavioral input space. Whereby an abnormality of the condition of the technical component is detectable. 114-. (canceled)15. A method for analyzing conditions of technical components in view of a rarity and/or an abnormality of a condition , the method comprises the following steps of:a) describing the conditions of the technical components in a behavioral input space being spanned by state variables, which are characteristic for the technical components; determining a distribution of the conditions of the technical component in the behavioral input space for the analyzing of the conditions of the technical component;', 'identify characteristic regions in the behavioral input space by using a distribution of the technical component in the behavioral input space; and', 'determining a number of the conditions of the technical component in at least one characteristic region of the behavioral input space;, 'b) analyzing the condition of a technical component of the technical components in respect to other conditions of the technical component in the behavioral input space, whereby the rarity of the condition of the technical component is detectable, wherein step b) comprises the sub-steps ofc) analyzing the condition of the technical component also in ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032983A1

An automated on-vehicle rail vehicle control system has an on-vehicle set point value detection unit, an automated train operating system, a driving and braking unit, and additional sensors for detecting environment-related information. The on-vehicle set point value detection unit is configured to determine, based on on-vehicle positioning and map data as well as sensor data from the additional sensors, operative set point values for the control mode and the current driving mission of the rail vehicle. The automated train operating system is configured to generate driving and braking commands based on the set point values of the on-vehicle set point value detection unit. The driving and braking unit is configured to carry out traction and braking operations based on the driving and braking commands so determined. There are also described a rail vehicle and a method for the automated control of a rail vehicle. 110-. (canceled)11. An automated on-vehicle rail vehicle control system , comprising:an on-vehicle setpoint value specification determination unit;an automated train operating system;a driving and braking unit; anda plurality of sensors for acquiring environmental information;said on-vehicle setpoint value specification determination unit being configured, based on a high-precision on-vehicle position determination and high-precision map data, and based on dynamic influences identified from environmental information acquired via sensor data from said sensors, to determine operative setpoint value specifications for a regulation mode and a current driving mission of the rail vehicle, in order to move the rail vehicle according to the driving mission and an external environmental situation;said automated train operating system being configured to generate driving and braking commands based on the setpoint value specifications determined by said on-vehicle setpoint value specification determination unit; andsaid driving and braking unit being configured to carry ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210014199A1

A system for transmitting and receiving data, in particular for a rail vehicle, includes at least one in-vehicle control unit for processing and generating data, at least one external server unit with a communication device for establishing a communication connection with at least one in-vehicle interface, and at least one in-vehicle interface for transmitting data generated by the at least one in-vehicle control unit and for receiving data transmitted by the at least one external server unit. The at least one in-vehicle control unit and the at least one in-vehicle interface are interconnected so as to transmit data through an electronic filter device. 114-. (canceled)15. A system for transmitting and receiving data for a vehicle or rail vehicle , the system comprising:at least one in-vehicle control unit for processing and generating data;at least one in-vehicle interface for transmitting data generated by said at least one in-vehicle control unit;at least one external server unit with a communication device for establishing a communication connection to said at least one in-vehicle interface and for transmitting data to said at least one in-vehicle interface;an electronic filter device interconnecting said at least one in-vehicle control unit and said at least one in-vehicle interface for transmitting data;said electronic filter device being configured as hardware decoupling a communication connection between said at least one in-vehicle interface and said at least one in-vehicle control unit as a hardware filter only forwarding permitted data to said at least one in-vehicle control unit; andsaid electronic filter device configured to be activated or deactivated by said at least one in-vehicle control unit.16. The system according to claim 15 , wherein said electronic filter device is configured to verify data transmitted between said at least one external server unit and said at least one in-vehicle control unit.17. The system according to claim 15 , wherein said ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Train Network Management System and Method

Номер: US20160016596A1
Автор: Naylor Michael A.

A train network management system for a train having a locomotive and railcars, including a node computer on the railcar and communicating with a high-speed network device for receiving and transmitting data over a high-speed network, and a locomotive computer on the locomotive and communicating with a high-speed network device for receiving and transmitting data over the high-speed network, where a communication path is generated between at least two high-speed network devices of the railcars and the high-speed network device of the locomotive, such that high-speed data communication is provided between the high-speed network devices of the railcars and the locomotive. A railcar network unit is also disclosed. 1. A train network management system for a train comprising at least one locomotive and a plurality of railcars , the system comprising:at least one node computer positioned on or integrated with a plurality of the railcars and configured to communicate with at least one high-speed network device configured to receive and transmit data over a high-speed network, wherein at least one of the following: the at least one node computer, the at least one high-speed network device, at least one associated railcar, or any combination thereof, is assigned a unique identifier; andat least one locomotive computer positioned on or integrated with the at least one locomotive and configured to communicate with at least one high-speed network device configured to receive and transmit data over the high-speed network,wherein at least one of the at least one node computer and the at least one locomotive computer is configured to generate at least one communication path between at least two high-speed network devices of at least two railcars and the high-speed network device of the locomotive, such that high-speed data communication is provided between the at least two high-speed network device of the at least two railcars and the high-speed network device of the locomotive.2. ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Device for interfacing railway driver advisory system

Номер: US20160016598A1
Автор: Dong Li
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

A train management system includes: an on-board server unit of a given train; and a railway operating centre. The railway operating centre includes: (i) a track monitoring unit which monitors locations of trains and statuses of trackside signalling equipment, and creates signalling settings to be enacted by the signalling equipment based on the current train locations and the current statuses of the trackside signalling equipment; and (ii) a timetable updating unit which updates timetables for the trains based on the current train locations. The train management system further includes a calculation module which, while the given train is running, repeatedly calculates a recommended speed profile for the given train compatible with the latest updated timetable for the given train and latest updated signals from the signalling settings. The on-board server unit displays the latest recommended speed profile as advice for the driver of the train.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015936A1

The present invention relates to an offline variable monitoring system and method for MPUs of an EMU train, comprising a serial port unit, an Ethernet interface, a TF card interface and a status indicator, which are all electrically connected to a main control unit; the main control unit is connected to a PC and TF expansion card via the Ethernet interface and the TF card interface separately, and records monitored offline variable values into the TF expansion card. The monitoring method comprised three operating modes: a configuration mode, a working mode and a download mode, which realize the monitoring of offline variables by using a multithread operating system including a TCP/IP communication thread, a main control thread and a serial port data monitoring thread. The way of recording the monitored data may be configured flexibly; and the monitoring of four central control units MPUs of the EMU train may be realized. 1. An offline variable monitoring system for MPUs of an EMU train , characterized in that , comprising a main control unit , a serial port unit , an Ethernet interface , a TF card interface and a status indicator , wherein the serial port unit , the Ethernet interface , the TF card interface and the status indicator are all electrically connected to the main control unit; the serial port unit comprises four serial ports which are separately connected to four central control units MPUs of the EMU train; the main control unit is connected to a PC via the Ethernet interface , and a configuration software corresponding to the monitoring system is provided inside the PC; and the main control unit is connected to a TF expansion card via the TF card interface , an MAP file and a configuration file are stored in the TF expansion card , and the main control unit records monitored offline variable values into the TF expansion card.2. The offline variable monitoring system for MPUs of the EMU train according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , a ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015937A1

A system includes a route examining system on a non-propulsion-generating vehicle at a trailing end of a leading vehicle system. The route examining system examines a route on which the leading vehicle system is moving to determine whether the route is damaged. The system also includes an off-board failsafe controller that communicates with the route examining system. The off-board failsafe controller sends a warning signal to the trailing vehicle system responsive to receiving a notification signal from the route examining system indicating detection of damage to the route. The off-board failsafe controller also sends the warning signal to the trailing vehicle system responsive to losing communication with the route examining system. The warning signal directs the trailing vehicle system to automatically change movement of the trailing vehicle system responsive to the detection of damage to the route and/or the off-board failsafe controller losing communication with the route examining system. 1. A system comprising:a route examining system configured to be disposed on a non-propulsion-generating vehicle at a trailing end of a leading vehicle system formed from at least the non-propulsion-generating vehicle at the trailing end and one or more propulsion-generating vehicles, the route examining system configured to examine a route on which the leading vehicle system is moving to determine whether the route is damaged; andan off-board failsafe controller configured to communicate with the route examining system, the off-board failsafe controller configured to send a warning signal to the trailing vehicle system responsive to receiving a notification signal from the route examining system indicating detection of damage to the route,wherein the off-board failsafe controller also is configured to send the warning signal to the trailing vehicle system responsive to losing communication with the route examining system, andwherein the warning signal directs the trailing ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150019052A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A train state retriever acquires the state of a train. Based on the state of the train, a transmission priority determiner determines a transmission priority in transmitting transmission data serving as a transmission object to a transmission path. A transmitter transmits the transmission data to the transmission path in accordance with the determined transmission priority. 1. A transmission control device configured to transmit data within a train by using a transmission path provided in said train , said transmission control device comprising:a train state retriever that acquires the speed of said train;a transmission priority determiner that determines a higher transmission priority as the acquired speed of said train is lower, said transmission priority being the degree of priority of transmission of transmission data serving as a transmission object to said transmission path; anda transmitter that transmits said transmission data to said transmission path in accordance with said transmission priority determined.212-. (canceled)13. The transmission control device according to claim 1 , whereinas said transmission priority determined is higher, said transmitter sets a shorter cycle as a cycle of transmission of said transmission data.14. The transmission control device according to claim 1 , whereinin accordance with said transmission priority determined, said transmitter makes a plurality of copies of said transmission data in each cycle of transmission of said transmission data, and transmits the plurality of copies of said transmission data to said transmission path.15. A transmission control device configured to transmit data within a train by using a transmission path provided in said train claim 1 , said transmission control device comprising:a train state retriever that acquires the position of said train;a transmission priority determiner that determines a higher transmission priority as the acquired position of said train is closer to a station at which ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus, information processing method, and program

Номер: US20200017132A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

There is provided an information processing apparatus capable of improving the accuracy of the degree of comfort in another area to be learned by a user, the information processing apparatus including: a comfort degree calculation unit that calculates a degree of comfort of a particular user on the basis of sensor data of another user; and an output control unit that controls such that information regarding the degree of comfort is output to a terminal of the particular user.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Network connection of vehicles

Номер: US20200017133A1
Автор: Gisbert Berger
Принадлежит: Siemens Mobility GmbH

A data transmission system for a track-bound transport system has a plurality of vehicle-mounted optical transmitting/receiving devices, or transceivers, on at least one vehicle. The devices are oriented perpendicular to the direction of travel towards both sides of the vehicle. Trackside-mounted stationary optical transceivers are arranged along a route to be travelled by the vehicle on the side of the travel route. The vehicle-mounted optical transceivers is configured to communicate at least with the trackside-mounted stationary optical transceiver positioned the closest thereto and to independently maintain separate communication links at as full a bandwidth as possible with one of the trackside-mounted stationary optical transceivers. There is also described a track-bound transport system and a method for transmitting data between a vehicle and a stationary network.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016811A1

In order to locate points or lines of interest A, B, C, D on a railway track by means of a railway locating system comprising a linear camera and an odometer progressing on the railway track in a direction of progression the odometer repeatedly acquires instantaneous positioning data of the linear camera with respect to the railway track in the direction of progression and the linear camera pointing at the railway track repeatedly acquires instantaneous linear optical data along an instantaneous measurement line Then, by processing at least the instantaneous linear optical data and the instantaneous positioning data, a bitmap image is constructed of a zone of the surface of the railway track and, in the bitmap image, at least one spatial indexing marker of predetermined signature and its positioning relative to a reference rail A of the railway track is identified. Points or lines of interest A, B, C, D are identified in the bitmap image, and the coordinates of the points or lines of interest are determined in a two-dimensional locating reference system O, x, y linked to the spatial indexing marker and to the reference line A. 122122622281222100. Method for locating a railway track () , carried out by a railway locating system () comprising at least one linear camera () pointing at the railway track () and one or more odometers () , the railway locating system () progressing on the railway track () in a direction of progression () , the locating method comprising the following actions:{'b': 28', '12', '22', '100, 'repeatedly acquiring, with the odometer(s) (), progression data of the railway locating system () on the railway track () in the direction of progression (),'}{'b': 26', '22', '50, 'repeatedly acquiring, with the linear camera () pointing at the railway track (), instantaneous linear optical data along an instantaneous measurement line (),'}{'b': '22', 'by processing at least the instantaneous linear optical data, and if appropriate the progression data, ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Monitoring and Surveillance System Arranged for Processing Video Data Associated with a Vehicle, as well as Corresponding Devices and Method

Номер: US20220038520A1

A monitoring and surveillance system arranged for processing video data associated with a vehicle, wherein said system is arranged to operate in at least two operating modi, a first modus of said two modi being associated with a first latency requirement for said video data and a second modus of said two modi being associated with a second latency requirement, said system comprising a camera unit, arranged to be installed in said vehicle, wherein said camera unit is arranged for capturing video data; a streaming unit, arranged to be installed in said vehicle, and arranged for receiving said video data and for transmitting said video data over a telecommunication network to a video processing server; said video processing server arranged for selecting a modus of said at least two operating modi, and for communicating said selected modus, over said telecommunication network, to said camera unit such that said streaming unit can be tuned to said selected modus. Complementary systems and methods are also presented herein. 114.-. (canceled)15. A monitoring and surveillance system arranged for processing video data associated with a vehicle , said system being arranged to operate in at least first and second modes associated with respective first and second latency requirements for said video data , said system comprising: a camera arranged to capture video data;', 'a streaming unit arranged to receive said captured video data and to transmit said captured video data over a telecommunication network to a video processing server; and', receive a selected mode, of at least the first and second modes, from said video processing server via said telecommunication network, and', 'tune said streaming unit to operate according to said received selected mode; and, 'a source controller arranged to], 'a camera assembly arranged for installation in said vehicle and comprising select a mode from at least the first and second modes, and', 'communicate said selected mode, over said ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Train and Rail Yard Management System

Номер: US20170021847A1
Принадлежит: Amsted Rail Company, Inc.

A rail yard management system and method that takes advantage of infrastructure installed in rail yards and on train consists to allow the management of the assembly, disassembly and validation of train consists in the rail yard. A train management system and method is also provided. 1. A rail yard management system for managing railcars having a railcar-based mesh network overlaid thereon , and train consists having a train-based mesh network overlaid thereon comprising:a rail yard-based mesh network having one or more powered wireless gateways deployed in said rail yard as nodes; and (a) logically assembling train consists;', '(b) validating assembled train consists; and', '(c) logically disassembling train consists., 'said system configured for performing the functions of2. The rail yard management system of wherein said system performs the further function of validating disassembled train consists.3. The rail yard management system ofwherein said railcar-based mesh network comprises a communication management unit mounted on a railcar; andwherein said train-based mesh network comprises a powered wireless gateway and said one or more of said communication management units in a mesh network configuration; andwherein said railcar-based mesh network further comprises one or more wireless sensor nodes on a single railcar in a mesh network configuration with said communication management unit, each of said one or more wireless sensors nodes having one or more sensors for sensing an operational parameter of said railcar.4. (canceled)5. The rail yard management system of wherein said railcar-based mesh network further comprises one or more wireless sensor nodes on a single railcar in a mesh network configuration with said communication management unit claim 3 , each of said one or more wireless sensors nodes having one or more sensors for sensing an operational parameter of said railcar.6. The rail yard management system of wherein said function of logically assembling ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022366A1

According to some embodiments, a railcar comprises a railcar door for accessing an interior of the railcar, and a storage box comprising an access opening. The storage box is disposed such that when the railcar door is in a closed position, the railcar door prevents access to the storage box access opening, and when the railcar door is in an open position, the storage box access opening is accessible. In some embodiments the railcar door comprises a double door, and the storage box comprises a first portion coupled to a first door and a second portion coupled to a second door and adjacent to the first portion of the storage box. The first portion of the storage box prevents access to the second portion when the double doors are in a closed position. In some embodiments, the storage box is recessed into the railcar floor beneath the railcar door. 1. A railcar comprising:a railcar door for accessing an interior of the railcar; anda storage box comprising an access opening, the storage box disposed such that when the railcar door is in a closed position, the railcar door prevents access to the storage box access opening, and when the railcar door is in an open position, the storage box access opening is accessible.2. The railcar of claim 1 , wherein:the railcar door comprises a double door, the double door comprising a first portion and a second portion; andthe storage box comprises a first portion coupled to the first portion of the double door and a second portion coupled to the second portion of the double door and adjacent to the first portion of the storage box, the first portion of the storage box positioned such that the first portion of the storage box prevents access to the second portion of the storage box when the double doors are in a closed position.3. The railcar of claim 2 , wherein the first portion of the storage box and the second portion of the storage box are positioned such that the second portion of the storage box is accessible when the double ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Train data transmission system and train data transmission program

Номер: US20180022368A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

In the train data transmission system for a train including a plurality of cars, a front car of the train includes: a front car control device that is a central control device configured to send and receive data to and from a control device of a train information management device installed in a following car; an on-board instrument configured to send state information to the front car control device, and receive a control command from the front car control device; and a display device configured to request data from the front car control device using a transmission data format, and receive the data from the front car control device in accordance with the transmission data format. An address is assigned only to data of the front car in the transmission data format, and the display device allocates data of the following car in sequence.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022369A1

A system includes a locator device and one or more processors operably connected to the locator device. The locator device determines a trailing distance between a trailing vehicle system that travels along a route and a leading vehicle system that travels along the route ahead of the trailing vehicle system in a same direction of travel. The one or more processors compare the trailing distance to a first proximity distance relative to the leading vehicle system. In response to the trailing distance being less than the first proximity distance, the one or more processors set a permitted power output limit for the trailing vehicle system to be less than a maximum achievable power output for the trailing vehicle system, the permitted power output limit being set based on a power-to-weight ratio of the leading vehicle system. 1. A system comprising:a locator device configured to determine a trailing distance between a trailing vehicle system that travels along a route and a leading vehicle system that travels along the route ahead of the trailing vehicle system in a same direction of travel; andone or more processors operably connected to the locator device, the one or more processors configured to compare the trailing distance to a first proximity distance relative to the leading vehicle system and, in response to the trailing distance being less than the first proximity distance, set a permitted power output limit for the trailing vehicle system to be less than a maximum achievable power output of the trailing vehicle system, the permitted power output limit being set based on a power-to-weight ratio of the leading vehicle system.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more processors set the permitted power output limit for the trailing vehicle system such that an effective power-to-weight ratio of the trailing vehicle system is no greater than the power-to-weight ratio of the leading vehicle system.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a vehicle ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041194A1

System and methods for detecting an operational status of a valve or passageway on a railway asset. The methods may comprise: resiliently biasing a magnet in a direction away from a wireless sensor node coupled to the passageway; determining that the passageway is in an open position when the wireless sensor node is neutrally polarized (the data collection device being neutrally polarized when the magnet is distant therefrom); causing the magnet to move in a direction towards the wireless sensor node responsive to a cover of the passageway being closed; and determining that the passageway is in a closed position when the wireless sensor node is magnetically polarized (the wireless sensor node being magnetically polarized when the magnet is proximate thereto). 1. A valve assembly , comprising:a valve comprising an operative component configured to facilitate a change in a position of the valve between an open position and a closed position;an actuator coupled to the operative component of the valve; anda data collection device coupled to the valve, aligned with the actuator, and configured to detect movement of the actuator as the valve is transitioned from the open position to the closed position.2. The valve assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the valve comprises a position indicator coupled to the operative component that is configured to indicate whether the valve is in the open position or the closed position.3. The valve assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the actuator is mounted on the position indicator.4. The valve assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the actuator is mounted on the valve without any modifications to a physical structure of the position indicator.5. The valve assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the actuator comprises a housing with a cavity formed therein in which a portion of the position indicator is disposed and adhesively secured.6. The valve assembly according to claim 2 , wherein at least one alignment tab projects out ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025712A1

A system and method communicate a command message from a lead vehicle in a vehicle consist having remote vehicles and the lead vehicle. The command message includes a directive for controlling operations of the remote vehicles. The command message is received at the remote vehicles and reply messages are communicated in response thereto. The reply messages include statuses of the remote vehicles. Responsive to determining that the lead vehicle does not receive the reply message from one or more of the remote vehicles, the statuses of the one or more remote vehicles from which the reply messages are not received at the lead vehicle are sent and/or combined into an individual or concatenated relayed message. The individual or concatenated relayed messages are communicated to the lead vehicle such that the lead vehicle receives the statuses of the one or more remote vehicles. 1. A method comprising:onboard a first remote vehicle in a vehicle consist having at least a lead vehicle, the first remote vehicle, and a second remote vehicle, receiving a second reply message from the second remote vehicle in response to communication of a command message from the lead vehicle to the first remote vehicle and the second remote vehicle, the command message including a directive for controlling one or more operations of the first remote vehicle and the second remote vehicle, the second reply message indicating a status of the second remote vehicle;combining the status of the second remote vehicle at the first remote vehicle with a status of one or more of the first remote vehicle or another vehicle in the vehicle consist into a concatenated relayed message; andcommunicating the concatenated relayed message from the first remote vehicle to the lead vehicle such that the lead vehicle receives the status of the second remote vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the status of the second remote vehicle differs from the status of the one or more of the first remote vehicle or ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025717A1
Автор: Smith Eugene

A communication system for a vehicle includes a transceiver assembly, a selection module, and a monitoring module. The transceiver assembly selectively communicates a data signal over a plurality of communication channels. The data signal is related to distributed power operations of the vehicle. The selection module is communicatively coupled with the transceiver assembly and switches the transceiver assembly to any of the communication channels. The monitoring module is communicatively coupled with the selection module and determines a load parameter of one or more of the communication channels. The load parameter is based on a population value of the one or more communication channels. The selection module switches the transceiver assembly to a selected channel of the communication channels based on the load parameter for communicating the data signal over the selected channel. 1. A communication system for a vehicle , the system comprising:a transceiver assembly configured to communicate a data signal over a plurality of communication channels; andone or more processors configured to switch the transceiver assembly to communicate over one or more of the communication channels, the one or more processors also configured to, while the vehicle is traveling in a first geographic zone, determine load parameters of communication channels available for communication in a different, second geographic zone that the vehicle is traveling toward but has not yet reached, the load parameters based on population values of the communication channels in the different, second geographic zone, wherein the one or more processors also are configured to select a selected channel of the communication channels available for communication in the different, second geographic zone based on the load parameter and to switch the transceiver assembly to the selected channel when the vehicle travels in the different, second geographic zone.2. The communication system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Onboard system, ground system, and information transmission system

Номер: US20190023292A1

An information transmission system includes a ground system provided to a track and an onboard system installed in a train. The ground system includes two (M=2) track antennae selected from N types of track antennae with different resonance frequencies. The two track antennae are arranged side by side in a left and right direction relative to a traveling direction of the train. When the train passes through a position where the ground system is provided, the onboard system detects the two track antennae at once and can determine the resonance frequencies of the track antennae.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023293A1

A first antenna group includes one first antenna disposed at one end of a leading car, and another first antenna disposed at one end of a following car. A second antenna group includes one second antenna disposed at the one end of the leading car, the position where the one second antenna is disposed being different from the position where the one first antenna is disposed in a direction orthogonal to a travel direction of the leading car, and another second antenna disposed at the one end of the following car. A measurement unit measures radio wave strength between a pair of first antennas during communication via the first antenna group. A controller is enabled to make a switch from the first antenna group to the second antenna group when the radio wave strength is less than a predetermined value. 1. A train communication system that uses low power radio to perform communication between cars , the train communication system comprising:a first antenna group including a pair of first antennas arranged facing each other, one first antenna of the pair of first antennas being disposed at one end of a leading car, another first antenna of the pair of first antennas being disposed at one end of a first following car connected to the one end of the leading car;a second antenna group including a pair of second antennas arranged facing each other, one second antenna of the pair of second antennas being disposed at the one end of the leading car, a position where the one second antenna is disposed being different from a position where the one first antenna of the pair of first antennas is disposed in a direction orthogonal to a travel direction of the leading car in top view, another second antenna of the pair of second antennas being disposed at the one end of the first following car;a measurement unit configured to measure first radio wave strength between the pair of first antennas during communication via the first antenna group; anda controller enabled to switch an ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023295A1
Принадлежит: RAIL VISION LTD

A method and system for identification of obstacles near railways and for providing alarm to an operator of a train if obstacles constitute threat to the train are disclosed. The system comprise IR sensor disposed at the front of the train facing the direction of travel. The IR sensor receives images of the rails in front of the train. The system comprises pre-stored vibration profile of the train's engine that is used to eliminate influence of the engine's vibrations on the accuracy of the received images. Presence of rails in the received frames is detected based on inherent differences of temperature between the rails and the substrate in the rails' background, such as the railway sleepers and the materials underneath it. The system may detect defects in an electric conductor system of a train. 1. A method for railway obstacle identification , the method comprising:receiving infrared (IR) images from at least one IR sensor installed on an engine of a train, the at least one IR sensor facing the direction of travel;obtaining a vibration profile;filtering effects of vibrations from the IR images based on the vibration profile;deciding, based on pre-prepared rules and parameters, whether the IR images contain an image of an obstacle and whether that obstacle forms a threat on the train's travel; andproviding an alarm signal if the IR images contain the image of at least one of an obstacle and irregularities detected in an overhead cable.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising:detecting rails in the IR images based on temperature differences between the rails and their background.3. The method of claim 2 , comprising:extracting the vibration profile based on a pattern and location of the rails in the IR images.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vibration profile is pre stored.5. The method of claim 1 , comprising:dynamically studying the vibration profile of the train engine.6. The method of claim 1 , comprising:defining a zone of interest around the detected rails ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023868A1
Автор: FALTA Michal

A device for monitoring operation parameters of a vehicle axle including a measuring instrument () comprising at least a position sensor, a device () for communication of measured quantities to an external device, a mechanism () for conversion of mechanical energy of the axle to electrical energy and a memory () with a stored identification code. A device has the shape of a ring () that is applied on the vehicle axle in such a way that it encircles it. The ring () consists of at least two parts () that are adapted for permanent connection around the vehicle axle. The mechanism () consists of a circumferential cavity () in the inner part of the ring where a permanent magnet () is freely positioned, at least one coil (), preferably four coils () being positioned along its perimeter. The device () for communication of measured quantities is a wireless transmitter with a GSM interface or radio-frequency interface configured for communication of measured values together with the identification code () of the axle to an external processing unit. 112534. A device for monitoring operation parameters of a vehicle axle including a measuring instrument () comprising at least a position sensor , a device () for communication of measured quantities to an external device , a mechanism () for conversion of mechanical energy of the axle to electrical energy and a memory () with a stored identification code , characterized in that it has the shape of a ring () that is applied on the vehicle axle in such a way that it encircles it.2444a,b. The device in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the ring () consists of at least two parts () that are adapted for permanent connection around the vehicle axle.355555abcc. The device in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the mechanism () consists of a circumferential cavity () in the inner part of the ring where a permanent magnet () is freely positioned claim 1 , at least one coil () claim 1 , preferably four coils () ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023870A1
Автор: Mansfield Edward J.

Railyard management system for managing, assembling, disassembling and validating train consists and monitoring railcars in the railyard. The system provides for the collection of data and the movement of data from lower processing levels to higher processing levels, where an inference engine draws inferences regarding the current state of railcars and train consists within the railyard. The inferences can be based on characteristics of a transmission signal received at their respective railcars, said railcars forming a train consist. The system can be used to track the location and orientation of railcars in the railyard and to validate order and orientation of assets in a train consist based on the characteristics of the transmission signal at said railcars. 1. A phased array powered wireless gateway (“PWG”) device comprising:a phased array comprising a plurality of antenna elements and a plurality of phase shifters, wherein the antenna elements receive a plurality of received signals transmitted by one or more railcar-based communications management units (“CMUs”), and wherein each antenna element is in communication with one of the plurality of phase shifters which separates the plurality of signals received by the phased array to determine a magnitude and a phase of each of the plurality of received signals;a phase detector in communication with the phased array, wherein the phase detector comprises a phase differential detection circuit that detects vector information from the plurality of received signals;a global navigation satellite system (“GNSS”) receiver that records reference time-stamp information; anda microprocessor in communication with the phased array, the phase detector, and the GNSS receiver that processes the magnitude and phase from the plurality of phase shifters, the vector information from the phase detector, and the time-stamp information from the GNSS receiver to compute a location of each railcar-based CMU and determine one or both of an ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023871A1

A wayside railway sensor package is provided to detect railway wheels for the purposes of assessing the speed and direction of a train in order to align any measured characteristic on said moving train with the proper vehicle. The stand-alone package is easily installed in the web of the rail using standard tools. When used in combination with recent processing techniques, the package can be used to replace one or more components or subsystems on all common wayside detectors while also providing enhanced capabilities and improved reliability. The package also contains sensors that provide data used for assessing additional rail, wheel, and vehicle conditions directly. 1. A sensor package suitable for placement in the web of a railway rail , the sensor package comprising:a barrel housing one or more sensors, the barrel having a generally ‘H’-shaped longitudinal cross-section;a membrane manufactured with the barrel as a single piece from a polymer, the membrane forming the bisectional portion of the ‘H’-shaped longitudinal cross-section;2. The sensor package of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the polymer has a modulus of elasticity less than about 20 Gpa.3. The sensor package of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the polymer has a thermal coefficient of expansion less than about 10.4. The sensor package of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the polymer has a tensile strength greater than about 50 N/mm5. The sensor package of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the polymer has a notched impact strength greater than about 5 Kj/m.6. The sensor package of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the polymer has a glass transition temperature greater than about 80 C.7. A railway rail comprising:a web portion; and a barrel housing one or more sensors;', 'a membrane, formed as a single part with the barrel; and', 'a strain sensor configured to detect the presence and magnitude of a load on the rail., 'a first sensor package, the sensor package having8. The railway rail of claim 7 , further comprising a second ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024108A1

In order to locate points or lines of interest (A, B, C, D, A′, B′, C′, D′, ) of a railway track (), by means of a railway locating system (), progressing on the railway track (), a linear camera () pointing at the railway track () repeatedly acquires instantaneous linear optical data along an instantaneous measurement line (), and an orientation device () of the railway locating system () repeatedly acquires orientation data of the railway locating system () with respect to a reference line (A) of the railway track (). By processing at least the instantaneous linear optical data, a potentially distorted bitmap image is constructed of a zone of the surface of the railway track (), then points or lines of interest (A, B, C, D, A′, B′, C′, D′, ) are identified in the potentially distorted bitmap image, before determining rectified coordinates of the points or lines of interest (A, B, C, D, A′, B′, C′, D′, ), as a function of potentially distorted coordinates of the points or lines of interest (A, B, C, D, A′, B′, C′, D′, ) in a reference system of the potentially distorted bitmap image and orientation data. 25212222252122222. Method according to claim 1 , characterised in that to acquire the orientation data claim 1 , a first feeler of the orientation device () detects an orientation of the locating system () with respect to a first rail (A) of the railway track claim 1 , constituting a first orientation rail (A) claim 1 , and claim 1 , preferably claim 1 , a second feeler of the orientation device () detects an orientation of the locating system () with respect to a second rail (B) of the railway track claim 1 , constituting a second orientation rail (B).35452225222545422522254. Method according to any of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterised in that to acquire the orientation data claim 1 , a first orientation matrix camera (A) of the orientation device () claim 1 , arranged facing a first of the rails of the railway track constituting a first orientation ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024109A1

In order to position a set of one or more tools supported by a railway intervention vehicle progressing on a railway track (), data is received characterising a curvilinear abscissa of a spatial indexation marker () of known signature, and a positioning of the spatial indexation marker () with respect to a reference line (A, B, ) of the railway track (), and coordinates of points or lines of interest (A, B, C, D, A′, B′, C′, D′, ) in a two-dimensional locating reference system linked to the spatial indexation marker () and to the reference line (A, B, ), one or more transposition matrix cameras () acquire a set of one or more transposition bitmap images in a spatial reference system of the transposition system (), fixed with respect to the transposition chassis (), and an odometer () acquires progression data of the transposition system with respect to the railway track (). Then the spatial indexation marker () in the set of one or more transposition bitmap images is identified as a function of the progression data and curvilinear abscissa data, which makes it possible to determine data characteristic of the spatial indexation marker () and the reference line (A, B, ) in the spatial reference system of the transposition chassis, and to calculate transposed coordinates of the points or lines of interest (A, B, C, D, A′, B′, C′, D′, ) in the spatial reference system of the transposition system (), as a function of data characteristic of the spatial indexation marker () and the reference line (A) in the spatial reference system of the transposition system, and coordinates of the points or lines of interest (A, B, C, D, A′, B′, C′, D′, ) in the locating reference system. 11132210016453444445. Method for commanding a set of one or more tools () mounted on a railway intervention vehicle () progressing on a railway track () in a direction of progression () , carried out by a transposition system () comprising a transposition chassis () mounted on the railway intervention ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Current Sensor for Monitoring a Wayside Signal Lamp for a Positive Train System

Номер: US20150028163A1

A sensor for monitoring the current flowing in a wire of a circuit is provided. The sensor includes a variable inductance contactless current detector to sense the current flowing in the wire, serially connected to an internal power source and a resistor to form a voltage divider circuit. The sensor also includes a voltage detector to monitor the voltage level across the resistor and generate an output signal. A system is also provided. 1. A current sensor for monitoring the current flowing in a wire of a circuit , the current sensor comprising:a variable inductance contactless current detector to sense the current flowing in the wire, serially connected to an internal power source and a resistor to form a voltage divider circuit; anda voltage detector to monitor the voltage level across the resistor and generate an output signal.2. The current sensor of claim 1 , wherein when the monitored current is above a fixed threshold claim 1 , the output signal is ON and when the monitored current is below a fixed threshold claim 1 , the output signal is OFF.3. The current sensor of claim 2 , wherein the output signal is between 0 and 3.4 V claim 2 , when the monitored current is between 0 and 0.5 A and between 9 and 16.5 V DC claim 2 , when the monitored current (I) is above 1.3 A.4. The current sensor of claim 2 , wherein the voltage detector is made of passive components claim 2 , selected to defined the fixed threshold.5. The current sensor of claim 1 , wherein the variable inductance contactless current detector is a magnetic core claim 1 , whose primary winding is serially connected to the internal power source and the resistor claim 1 , and whose secondary winding is made by the wire.6. The current sensor of claim 5 , further comprising a housing provided with a passage going through the magnetic core and connecting a first face of the housing with a second face of the housing claim 5 , opposite the first face claim 5 , the passage receiving said wire in order said ...
