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21-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2611278C2

Группа изобретений относится к области транспортного машиностроения. По первому варианту устройство для выполнения манипуляций с ветровыми стеклами содержит анкерный и установочный узлы. Анкерный узел содержит анкерное устройство и поддерживающий рычаг. По второму варианту упомянутое устройство, в котором поддерживающий рычаг выполнен с возможностью поступательного перемещения. По третьему варианту упомянутое устройство содержит поддерживающий рычаг, разбирающийся на несколько деталей для укладки. По четвертому варианту упомянутое устройство содержит поддерживающий рычаг, содержащий стопорный элемент. По первому варианту установочный узел содержит анкерное устройство и установочную конструкцию, поддерживаемую на поднимающей опоре, выполненной с возможностью вращения. По второму варианту установочный узел содержит открытую верхнюю часть и вилкообразную конструкцию. Способ установки ветрового стекла в транспортном средстве включает этапы, на которых устанавливают анкерный и установочный узлы ...

15-06-2022 дата публикации

Опорно-поворотное устройство двухосного прицепа с переменным наклоном шкворня

Номер: RU2774087C1

Изобретение относится к опорно-поворотным устройствам двухосных прицепов. Опорно-поворотное устройство двухосного прицепа содержит тяговый рычаг, поворотную платформу, закрепленную под наклоном в продольной вертикальной плоскости на раме передней колесной тележки и связанную с рамой кузова прицепа с возможностью поворота этой платформы относительно рамы вокруг шкворня. Тягач снабжен гидросистемой с источником давления гидравлической жидкости и содержит элемент системы рулевого управления, кинематически связанный с золотником трехпозиционного распределителя. Тяговый рычаг выполнен заодно с рамой передней колесной тележки, а поворотная платформа выполнена из двух частей - верхней и нижней, соединенных между собой посредством поворотного шкворня. Достигается уменьшение силового момента, действующего на тяговый рычаг относительно оси шкворня, что способствует снижению сопротивления повороту, облегчению условий выполнения поворота и улучшает управляемость транспортного поезда с двухосным прицепом ...

11-04-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU217653U1

Полезная модель относится к транспортным средствам повышенной грузоподъемности. Полуприцеп-самосвал содержит раму, состоящую из двух лонжеронов двутаврового сечения и связывающих их поперечин и двух боковых лонжерона швеллерного сечения, соединенных между собой поперечинами, размещенные на ней металлический кузов, гидрооборудование, боковое и заднее защитные устройства, трехосную ходовую часть с колесами, съемный сцепной шкворень, опорное устройство, тормозное оборудование, электрооборудование и самосвальный механизм. На дне кузова размещен цепной транспортер самосвального механизма, состоящий из проходящих по всей длине кузова параллельно друг другу трех тяговых цепей с закрепленными в них расположенными на равном расстоянии друг от друга перпендикулярно цепям поперечными перекладинами, и снабженный гидравлическим приводом для обеспечения его горизонтального перемещения. Гидравлическое оборудование включает гидрораспределитель, две напорные магистрали для подачи и слива масла, обратный ...

26-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU178164U1

Полезная модель относится к транспорту, в частности к двухосным прицепам, обеспечивающим передачу части веса на тягач с целью улучшения тягово-сцепных свойств последнего. Сущностью полезной модели является улучшение эксплуатационных свойств тракторно-транспортного агрегата в составе с полунавесным двухосным прицепом за счет уменьшения сопротивления повороту при колебаниях тягового рычага в продольной вертикальной плоскости.Технический результат заключается в уменьшении сопротивления повороту полунавесного двухосного прицепа за счет того, что геометрическая ось поворота поворотной платформы относительно рамы прицепа совпадает с геометрической осью поворота колес передней тележки относительно поверхности движения при колебаниях тягового рычага в вертикальной продольной плоскости прицепа. Это достигается за счет использования в кинематической схеме опорно-поворотного устройства полунавесного двухосного прицепа пространственного механизма Саррюса.Технический результат достигается за счет того ...

21-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU196271U1

Полезная модель относится к автомобиле- и тракторостроению, а именно к стабилизирующим тягово-сцепным устройствам тракторных и автомобильных двухосных прицепов, снабженных передней поворотной тележкой.Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что кинематическая схема стабилизирующего устройства поворотной колесной тележки позволяет повысить безопасность движения транспортного поезда путем стабилизации движения поворотной колесной тележки относительно платформы двухосного прицепа за счет возникновения относительно соединительного шкворня поворотной платформы силового стабилизирующего момента, препятствующего боковым отклонениям передней колесной тележки. Это достигается за счет того, что поворотная платформа и рама передней поворотной колесной тележки связаны между собой четыремя шарнирно соединенными парами одинаковых прямоугольных пластин по принципу пространственного механизма Саррюса. При этом между нижней частью поворотной платформы и рамой поворотной тележки размещено плоское звено ...

11-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU195938U1

Полезная модель относится к области транспортного строительства жилых прицепов, а также к области строительства кемпинговых лагерей, и предназначена для проживания людей. Технический результат при реализации полезной модели заключается в упрощении конструкции жилого автоприцепа при снижении массы и себестоимости. Для решения технической проблемы предложена конструкция жилого автоприцепа, включающая ходовую часть с двухосной опорой и закрепленный на ходовой части кузов, содержащий ограждающие конструкции с дверью и окнами. Новым является то, что кузов выполнен съемным и закреплен на ходовой части с помощью болтовых соединений, при этом кузов содержит основание в виде пола послойной сборки, каркас, образованный из деревянных стоек и балок, закрепленный в основании с помощью крепежных элементов, а в качестве ограждающих конструкций применены сэндвич-панели ПВХ, закрепленные на каркасе снаружи. В частном случае кузов выполнен с внутренней облицовкой вагонкой ПВХ, а болтовые соединения для крепления ...

01-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU174781U1

Полезная модель относится к транспорту, а именно к тягово-сцепным устройствам для буксировки колесных транспортных средств методом частичной погрузки.Сущностью полезной модели заключается в создании компактной подкатной тележки для буксировки автомобиля методом частичной погрузки, отличающейся улучшением маневренности и управляемости при буксировке автомобиля за счет того, что опорно-ходовой аппарат выполнен одноколесным, при этом ходовое колесо расположено во внутреннем пространстве поворотного круга и погрузочной поворотной платформы, причем ось ходового колеса, горизонтально закрепленная на кронштейнах, установленных на раме, расположена в вертикальной поперечной плоскости, проходящей через ось вращения поворотного круга, а верхняя часть ходового колеса выступает над поверхностью погрузочной поворотной платформы на величину меньшую дорожного просвета буксируемого автомобиля.Технический результат заключается в том, что использование опорно-ходового аппарата подкатной тележки, содержащего ...

15-12-2020 дата публикации

Тягово-сцепное стабилизирующее устройство одноосного прицепа

Номер: RU201434U1

Полезная модель относится к прицепным транспортным средствам, преимущественно к тягово-сцепным устройствам одноосных прицепов, буксируемых легковыми автомобилями.Сущностью полезной модели является повышение устойчивости прямолинейного движения транспортного поезда за счет возникновения весового момента от веса одноосного прицепа, стабилизирующего движение его колес относительно тягача при прямолинейном движении. Это достигается за счет того, что тяговый рычаг выполнен из двух частей – передней и задней, соединенных между собой посредством шарнира с поперечной горизонтальной осью, при этом передняя часть тягового рычага соединена шарнирно посредством шкворня, расположенного в вертикальной продольной плоскости, проходящей через продольную ось одноосного прицепа с вилкой-фланцем, закрепленной на задней части автомобиля-тягача, с возможностью поворота в вертикальной поперечной плоскости, причем ось шкворня расположена под углом к поверхности дорожного полотна, при этом ее нижний конец смещен ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2600418C1

Изобретение относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Многофункциональный прицеп содержит опорную раму и прикрепленную к ней надувную конструкцию с системой подачи газа. Опорная рама выполнена с возможностью установки на днище автомобиля с помощью элементов крепления и снабжена по меньшей мере одной колесной осью. Надувная конструкция образована одной или несколькими герметичными секциями. Под указанными секциями расположен защитный элемент, оборудованный системой его фиксации на выбранном расстоянии от опорной рамы. Достигается повышение проходимости вездеходного комплекса, оборудованного многофункциональным прицепом. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2604363C1

Изобретение относится к области безрельсовых транспортных средств. Прицеп содержит шасси с подкатной тележкой и дышлом со сцепной петлей. К дышлу жестко присоединена направляющая, а сцепная петля подвижно расположена в направляющей дышла. В вертикальной плоскости сцепной петли выполнено конусное отверстие прямоугольного сечения, в котором подвижно расположен рычаг, другим своим концом закрепленный, с помощью шлицев, на горизонтально установленном в направляющих дышла упругом шлицевом стержне, а его концы жестко присоединены к упомянутым направляющим. Достигается повышение плавности хода прицепных звеньев автотракторных поездов за счет демпфирования динамических нагрузок при их подергивании. 3 ил.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Многоосное длиннобазное шасси

Номер: RU2743769C1

Изобретение относится к шасси для транспортирования техники специального назначения. Многоосное длиннобазное шасси имеет устройство для погрузки техники сбоку на опущенную на дорожное полотно грузовую платформу и подъем их силовыми гидроцилиндрами. Между двумя тележками ведущих мостов на вертикальных направляющих установлена грузовая платформа, которая консольными кронштейнами опирается на штоки силовых гидроцилиндров, расположенных на полках несущей рамы тележек ведущих мостов. Шасси имеет также полноприводную трансмиссию. Достигается улучшение компоновочных и эксплуатационных возможностей многоосного длиннобазного шасси. 6 ил.

12-01-2021 дата публикации

Модульный прицеп к легковому автомобилю

Номер: RU2740227C1

Изобретение относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Прицеп к легковому автомобилю содержит раму, дышло, замковое устройство, подвеску, включающую одну или более подвижные оси, колеса, светотехнические приборы. Рама выполнена с возможностью установки ложементов, выполненных с возможностью регулировки по высоте, углу наклона и расстоянию между ними, или фанеры со стремянками для крепления груза или фанеры и бортов. Достигается повышение эксплуатационной надёжности, увеличение функциональных возможностей и грузоподъемности. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

08-02-2021 дата публикации

Грузовое устройство для перевозки жидких, твердых и/или сыпучих грузов

Номер: RU2742587C1

Изобретение относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Грузовое устройство для перевозки жидких, твердых и/или сыпучих грузов включает раму с механизмом сцепки с автомобилем, контейнеровозную площадку, колесную подвеску, наружный корпус, имеющий форму прямоугольного грузового контейнера. Внутреннее пространство корпуса разделено листом по горизонтали с размещением в нижнем грузовом отсеке многоразовой цистерны. Контейнеровозная площадка изготовлена многоуровневой. Низ цистерны в продольном направлении повторяет контур контейнеровозной площадки. Верх в продольном направлении выполнен ровным с технологическим люком для осмотра и обслуживания цистерны. Лист над нижним грузовым отсеком оснащен технологическим закрывающимся окном для доступа технологическому люку. Ширина цистерны изготовлена в 1,5 раза больше высоты цистерны. Центр тяжести цистерны после фиксации на раме смещен относительно ее вертикальной плоскости, проходящей через продольную ось, не более чем на 20 см. Достигается ...

28-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2652716C1

Изобретение относится к области безрельсовых транспортных средств. Прицеп состоит из рамы, кузова, подкатной тележки с дышлом и стояночного тормоза, выполненного в виде рычага управления, связанного при помощи стального каната с рычагами поворота тормозных колодок задних колес прицепа. На подкатной тележке в ее средней части и в горизонтальной ее плоскости жестко установлен сектор, снабженный по своей криволинейной образующей канавкой полукруглой формы, в которой жестко закреплен стальной канат. Другой конец каната жестко присоединен к стальному канату управления рычагами поворота тормозных колодок задних колес прицепа. Достигается снижение колебаний виляния прицепов, входящих в состав автотракторных поездов. 2 ил.

07-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2674398C1

Изобретение относится к механизации сельскохозяйственного производства. Трехосный прицеп содержит раму, три оси с колесами, кузов с системой выгрузных шнеков и сцепное устройство. Каждая ось посредством балок соответствующих мостов связана с рамой через гибкие рессорные подвесные системы. Концы гибких рессорных подвесных систем центральной оси связаны с рамой трехосного прицепа жестко. Концы гибких рессорных подвесных систем передней и задней оси, обращенные к центральной оси, связаны с рамой посредством шарнирных подвесок, а их же концы, наиболее удаленные от центральной оси, - посредством исполнительных механизмов. Каждый исполнительный механизм содержит шарнирно закрепленный на раме двуплечий рычаг, один конец которого шарнирно связан с концом соответствующей гибкой рессорной подвесной системы, а другой - со штоком исполнительного гидроцилиндра. Достигается оптимизация компоновочной схемы трехосного прицепа, позволяющая обеспечить снижение давления колес на поверхность почвы, в сочетании ...

29-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU209964U9

Полезная модель относится к машиностроению колесных машин и может быть использована при транспортировке грузов. Прицеп может использоваться со всеми моделями легковых автомобилей как отечественного, так и импортного производства для перевозки грузов. Техническим результатом заявленной полезной модели является повышение безопасности при движении и перевозке грузов. Таким образом, прицеп, содержащий балансиры, представляющие собой шарнирно соединенные с осью упругие V-образные опоры, загнутые концы которых закреплены на стержнях винтовых пружин сжатия, заключенных в корпус, позволяет повысить безопасность при движении и перевозке грузов.

17-04-2020 дата публикации

Fahrbare Plattform, insbesondere zum Transport eines Rollstuhls gemeinsam mit einer den Rollstuhl nutzenden Person

Номер: DE202020101735U1

Fahrbare Plattform (1), insbesondere zum Transport eines Rollstuhls (2) gemeinsam mit einer den Rollstuhl (2) nutzenden Person (3), bestehend aus einem tragenden Basisrahmen (4), einem auf dem Basisrahmen (4) befestigten Ladeboden (5) sowie mindestens zwei an dem Basisrahmen (4) gelagerten, jeweils neben den beiden Längsseiten (6, 7) des Ladebodens (5) angeordneten Rädern (8), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Basisrahmen (4) sich vom hinteren Ende (11) des Ladebodens (5) über die gesamte Länge desselben bis über das vordere Ende (12) des Ladebodens (5) hinaus erstreckt, und dass die fahrbare Plattform (1) eine Einrichtung zur Bildung eines Schiebewagens (24) sowie eine Einrichtung zur Bildung eines Fahrradanhängers (25) umfasst, wobei entweder die Einrichtung zur Bildung eines Schiebewagens (24) oder die Einrichtung zur Bildung eines Fahrradanhängers (25) an dem über das vordere Ende (12) des Ladebodens (5) überstehenden Teil (23) des Basisrahmens (4) lösbar befestigbar ist.

17-09-1935 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to trailers for motor vehicles

Номер: GB0000435243A

... 435,243. Semi - trailer couplings. DOORNE, H. J. VAN, Eindhoven, Holland. March 19, 1935, No. 8591. Convention date, May 12, 1934. [Class 79 (iii)] To enable a tractor to be backed into coupling position from various angles of approach, the fore part of a semi-trailer is provided with a coupling member 9 arranged in the centre of a metal plate 7 the edge 8 of which, around at least half of the periphery is rounded off or inclined. The plate 7 preferably forms the bottom or part of the bottom of a box-like extension 5, 6 of a central main beam 1 of the semi-trailer frame, the box-like structure serving to accommodate various elements such as brake and electric wiring connections and a pump cylinder 10 and storage tank 11 of hydraulic apparatus for extending a supporting column 4 associated with front wheels.

23-12-1953 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to caravan or other trailer chassis

Номер: GB0000701316A

... 701,316. Spring suspensions; arrangement of wheels and axles. ALLEN, J. B. Sept. 21, 1951 [July 4, 1950], No. 16655/50. Class 108(2) A trailer chassis comprises a pair of supporting wheels located on opposite sides of the chassis and to the rear of. -the centre of gravity thereof, a road wheel or wheels at the forward end of the chassis, lever means resiliently connecting the road wheel or wheels to the chassis, which wheel or wheels is or are capable of turning about a substantially vertical axis, and a draw-bar for attachment to a towing vehicle, hinged to the chassis. In the arrangement shown in which a chassis 4 of a caravan 1 is mounted on a pair of road wheels, a triangular chassis structure 7 which is braced to the chassis 4 by transverse and vertical members 8 and 9 respectively, carries at or near its apex, a bearing for one end of a lever 9a the other end of which is hinged to one end of a lever 10 supporting an axle for a single wheel or a pair of wheels 12, 13. The levers 9a ...

17-04-2002 дата публикации

First in/first out tractor and semi-trailer cargo transfer system

Номер: GB0002338933B

24-09-1952 дата публикации

Railway transport container

Номер: GB0000679656A

... 679,656. Loading road vehicles on rail vehicles. BRAUEREI FELDSCHLOSSCHEN. Dec. 7, 1949. [July 29. 1949] No. 31357/49. Class 78 (iv). [Also in Group XXXII] A trailer vehicle 1 is provided with a tow-bar 8 and wheels 3 to enable it to be towed behind a power-driven road vehicle or to be loaded on to a rail truck 4 from a ramp 5, one side 7 of the truck pivoting downwardly to bridge the gap between the truck and the ramp. The length of the vehicle 1 is such that it can be loaded transversely of the truck 4.

09-09-1981 дата публикации

Two-wheel trailers

Номер: GB2070535A
Автор: Vanner, Graeme Edwin

In a two-wheel trailer such as a caravan having a towing hitch 4 on a longitudinal trailer axis 8 for connecting to a towing vehicle and two wheels 6, one on each side of the longitudinal axis, the wheels are mounted on separate but parallel axes 12 spaced in the longitudinal trailer direction. Only two wheels are provided which are arranged assymetrically in this way to provide a trailer having a reduced tendency to yaw. ...

11-07-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002132568A

A demountable skip 50 is supported on a trailer chassis 10 having a winch arrangement 26, to tip the skip when mounted on the trailer. Alternatively a hydraulic ram may be employed as the tipping mechanism ...

12-03-2014 дата публикации

Luggage system

Номер: GB0002496927B

04-03-2009 дата публикации

Load carrying vehicles

Номер: GB0000900952D0

21-08-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001364322A

... 1364322 Container traffic SUEHIRO SHARYO SEISAKUSHO KK 1 Feb 1972 [4 Feb 1971 8 Sept 1971] 4726/72 Heading B8Q [Also in Division B7] A trailer includes a chassis 1 and a frame 51 which carries two sets of rollers 65. The frame 51 also carries rollers 65a at each end, and the chassis 1 carries rollers 65b at each end, the rollers 65a, 65b being at a higher level than the rollers 65 to facilitate movement of a load 67 from one trailer to the next as shown in Fig. 8. The frame 51 can also be rotated about a central vertical pivot 52 to facilitate loading and unloading. The frame 51 carries wheels 54 which run around a circular track 53 on the chassis 1. The chassis 1 carries a locking mechanism (not shown) operated by pedals 56 which will lock the frame 51 when it is in line with the chassis 1 or at right angles thereto.

20-12-2017 дата публикации

Utility trailer, utility trailer system and methods of configuring utility trailers

Номер: GB0201718450D0

21-01-2009 дата публикации

Caravan trailer

Номер: GB0000822765D0

15-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AT523524B1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Materialtransportzug, umfassend ein personengesteuertes Zugfahrzeug (1) mit zumindest einem Rahmenanhänger (3), welcher als Rahmen zur Aufnahme eines Transportwagens (4) ausgebildet ist, wobei der Transportwagen (4) selbst fahrbar ist und seitlich in den Rahmen eingeschoben wird und wobei der Rahmenanhänger (3) ein Betätigungselement (9) aufweist, wobei der Transportwagen (4) beim Einschieben in den Rahmen gegen das Betätigungselement (9) geschoben wird und wobei das Betätigungselement (9) auf ein Sicherungselement (10) wirkt, welches den Transportwagen (4) in der eingeschobenen Position sichert, wobei zumindest ein erstes Detektionselement vorhanden ist, welches die ausreichende Betätigung des Betätigungselements (9) detektiert und wobei das Zugfahrzeug (1) nur in Bewegung gesetzt werden kann, wenn alle Transportwagen (4) vollständig in den jeweiligen Rahmenanhänger (3) eingeschoben und damit vom jeweiligen Sicherungselement (10) gesichert sind.

15-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AT523524A4

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Materialtransportzug, umfassend ein personengesteuertes Zugfahrzeug (1) mit zumindest einem Rahmenanhänger (3), welcher als Rahmen zur Aufnahme eines Transportwagens (4) ausgebildet ist, wobei der Transportwagen (4) selbst fahrbar ist und seitlich in den Rahmen eingeschoben wird und wobei der Rahmenanhänger (3) ein Betätigungselement (9) aufweist, wobei der Transportwagen (4) beim Einschieben in den Rahmen gegen das Betätigungselement (9) geschoben wird und wobei das Betätigungselement (9) auf ein Sicherungselement (10) wirkt, welches den Transportwagen (4) in der eingeschobenen Position sichert, wobei zumindest ein erstes Detektionselement vorhanden ist, welches die ausreichende Betätigung des Betätigungselements (9) detektiert und wobei das Zugfahrzeug (1) nur in Bewegung gesetzt werden kann, wenn alle Transportwagen (4) vollständig in den jeweiligen Rahmenanhänger (3) eingeschoben und damit vom jeweiligen Sicherungselement (10) gesichert sind.

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Closure device for a tailgate

Номер: AT0000519074A2

Eine Verschlussvorrichtung für eine Bordwand eines kippbaren Ladeaufsatzes eines Fahrzeugs oder Fahrzeuganhängers, mit der zwischen einer pendelnden Halterung der Bordwand beim Kippen des Ladeaufsatzes und einem Abklappen der Bordwand um eine Drehachse im Bereich der Unterkante der Bordwand umschaltbar ist, wobei die Vorrichtung eine mittels eines Schiebers (14) verschließbare Lageröffnung (12) zur Aufnahme eines im oberen Eckbereich der Bordwand seitlich montierbaren Drehbolzens (13) aufweist, wobei der Schieber (14) mittels eines Schwenkhebels (18) zwischen einer die Lageröffnung (12) verschließenden und einer die Öffnung (12) freigebenden Stellung hin und her bewegbar ist und der Schwenkhebel (18) über ein Druckgestänge (17) auf den Schieber (14) einwirkt.

15-02-2015 дата публикации

Kombinierter Radanhänger und Einkaufswagen

Номер: AT512719B1

Anhänger für Zweiräder, vorzugsweise Fahrrad oder Pedelec, mit einem Fahrwerksrahmen (1), an dem zwei Laufräder (10) an einer Querachse parallel montiert sind und der über eine Anhängevorrichtung als Tiefdeichsel (9) mit Achskupplung zum lösbaren Anhängen mit dem Zweirad verbindbar ist, und mit einem Behältnisträgerrahmen (2), wobei der Fahrwerksrahmen (1) mit dem Behältnisträgerrahmen (2) über vier Parallelstreben (3) verbunden ist, die jeweils am Fahrwerksrahmen (1) und am Behältnisträgerrahmen (2) angelenkt sind, wobei die Parallelstreben (3) mit vorzugsweise zwei Gasdruckfedern (4) zum Anheben des Behältnisträgerrahmens (2) nach Lösen einer Arretierung durch Aufrichten der Parallelstreben (3) verbunden sind, wobei im abgesenkten Zustand des Behältnisträgerrahmens (2) die Laufräder (10) mittig angeordnet sind und im angehobenen Zustand des Behältnisträgerrahmens (2) der Anhänger als Einkaufswagen ausgebildet ist, bei welchem der Behältnisträgerrahmen (2) zwischen den lenkbaren Stützrädern ...

15-12-2013 дата публикации

Kombinierter Radanhänger und Einkaufswagen

Номер: AT0000512719A3

Der Erfindung liegt die Aufgabe zugrunde, dass das Transportgerät klappbar und die Behältnisse für Güter abnehmbar sind. Das Transportgerät ist so konstruiert, dass es als vollwertiger Radanhänger mit guten, ausgewogenen Laufeigenschaften durch einen tiefen Schwerpunkt und als vollwertiger Einkaufswagen mit Beladung in angenehmer Greifhöhe multifunktional genutzt und die Funktionen mit zwei Handgriffen, ohne Kraftaufwand und ohne besondere Geschicklichkeit geändert werden kann, eine ausreichende Belastbarkeit für einen Familieneinkauf gegeben ist und das Transportgerät leicht und klein zusammenlegbar gut verstaut werden kann. Die Funktionsänderung erfolgt durch einen einfachen mechanischen Vorgang.

25-07-1967 дата публикации

Supporter od. ähnl. Vehicle with a draw hook

Номер: AT0000255914B

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Separator for a grape collection unit

Номер: AU2019296521A1

The present invention relates to a separator for separating harvested berries from other plant matter. The invention particularly relates to a separator that can be fitted to, positioned above, or integrated with, a collection bin and as such allows for material harvested by an automatic berry harvester to be process prior to deposition of the berries in the collection bin. In particular the berry harvester can be a grape harvester.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

A Multi-Configurable Height Adjustable Trailer

Номер: AU2012216347A1

Abstract A height adjustable multi-configurable trailer including: 5 - a chassis, - at least two wheels, - connector means, - height adjustment means, and - locking means, 10 wherein the chassis is substantially U shaped, with the closed end of the U at the front of the trailer, and the open end of the U at the rear. At least two wheels are each attached to one of the sides of the chassis respectively. The connector means is able to be raised or lowered via the control of the height adjustment means by an operator. --- When the comrector-means are towered down so that-they are substantially-flush with 15 the ground level, a wide variety of different attachments can be attached to, or removed from, the connector means, and once attached to the connector means, the attachment is releasably lockable in place via the locking means. At any time when the connector means are lowered down so that they are substantially flush with the ground, the base of the attachment sits substantially flush with ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Mobile support structure for bulk material containers

Номер: AU2015402766A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice

In accordance with presently disclosed embodiments, systems and methods for efficiently managing bulk material are provided. The disclosure is directed to a portable support structure used to receive one or more portable containers of bulk material and output bulk material from the containers directly into the blender hopper. The portable support structure may include a frame for receiving and holding the one or more portable bulk material containers in an elevated position proximate the blender hopper, as well as one or more gravity feed outlets for routing the bulk material from the containers directly into the blender hopper. In some embodiments, the portable support structure may be transported to the well site on a trailer, unloaded from the trailer, and positioned proximate the blender unit. In other embodiments, the portable support structure may be a mobile support structure that is integrated into a trailer unit.

12-10-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002396077A

08-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002526015A1

A trailer has a tail end which is convertible from a sloping ramp for ease of loading to a level load carrying surface. The trailer has a forward, level deck with a fixed, sloping tail end ramp frame. A platform structure mounted on the ramp frame has a forward end hingedly connected at a rear of the level deck. A raising mechanism extends between the tail end of the ramp frame and the platform for swinging the platform upwardly to level with the deck to form an extension of the deck. Two embodiments of the trailer are disclosed. The second embodiment has a center section raisable platform with fold out ramps on either side of the platform which swings out to ground surface. The center section can be raised and the fold out ramp swung inwardly to create a level load surface level with the trailer deck. The first embodiment has a raisable platform structure which extends across the entirety of the tail end ramp frame. Loading ramps extend from pull out storage pockets to enable loading on ...

10-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002573031A1

02-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3110545A1

A recreational fifth wheel travel trailer includes a frame, a wheel for supporting the frame on a ground surface, and a body supported by the frame. The body has a length defined between a front end and a rear end of the body. A roof is coupled to the body, and an interior space is defined in the body between a floor and the roof. The travel trailer includes a door for providing entry to the interior space, a step for gaining access to the floor of the interior space, and a storage compailnient at least partially formed by the body. The storage compailnient is located below the floor of the interior space. The floor is defined along a plane from the rear end of the body to a location near the front end thereof such that the interior space is accessible without traversing more than a single step.

24-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003012331C

The present invention provides a method and system for providing on-site electrical power to a fracturing operation, and an electrically powered fracturing system. Natural gas can be used to drive a turbine generator in the production of electrical power. A scalable, electrically powered fracturing fleet is provided to pump fluids for the fracturing operation, obviating the need for a constant supply of diesel fuel to the site and reducing the site footprint and infrastructure required for the fracturing operation, when compared with conventional systems.

26-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002398862C

A multi-functional vehicle for being used selectively on land or in a body of water, the vehicle includes a vehicle frame mounted on two grouped pairs of frame wheels. A passenger cabin is releasably attached to the vehicle frame. A pair of floatation pontoons is releasably attached to the passenger cabin. The vehicle frame is convertible between a cabin receiving configuration and a load receiving configuration. The vehicle can be used to carry additional passengers or load while being attached to conventional vehicles such as conventional ATV vehicles. The trailer can be specifically designed so as to be able to follow the often rugged off-road terrain on which some vehicles such as ATV vehicles are commonly used. The passenger cabin can be readily converted into a water craft through a set a quick and ergonomical steps. The vehicle may also be used on a gliding surface such as snow and converted into a gliding vehicle.

21-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002708709C

A collapsible foldable utility trailer for the transportation and/or storage of objects, the trailer comprising a supporting chassis frame; suspension means for supporting the chassis frame; bed means retained upon the chassis frame for receiving the objects and comprising a plurality of bed sections comprising (a) a first bed section having i) a first planar bed member for receiving an object thereupon; ii) a pair of opposing first bed side walls mounted on the first bed member; (b) a second bed section having i) a second planar bed member for receiving an object thereupon; ii) a pair of opposing second bed side walls mounted on the second bed member; iii) a second bed end wall mounted to the second bed member between the pair of opposing second bed side walls; wherein the second planar bed member is hingedly connected between the pair of opposing second bed side walls to the first planar bed member between the pair of opposing first bed side walls to allow 90° rotation of the second bed ...

29-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002811259A1

A steering mechanism for a drawn vehicle to steer one or more turnable steered axles that at least has: A slewing bearing. A rocker that is fitted around a vertical shaft and is turnable. A cable whose ends are connected to the rocker on either side of the vertical shaft and which is fitted around the slewing bearing to transmit a turn of the slewing bearing to the rocker; and, A tackle at each end of the cable with a fixed pulley that can be coupled to the drawn vehicle, and a movable pulley on the rocker.

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002814227A1

Apparatus for use in handling windscreens for example for installation in a vehicle, includes a windscreen anchor assembly (2) comprising a windscreen anchor device and a support arm (16) extending away from the windscreen anchor device. A mount assembly (3) is provided for supporting the windscreen anchor assembly (2). The mount assembly (3) includes a mount structure (11) for engaging with the support arm (16) such that the support arm can slide bodily in its longitudinal direction with respect to the mount structure (11). Additionally, the support arm is dismantable into more than one piece for stowage, the anchor device and a dismantled arm part being provided with means for attaching to one another for stowage.

21-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002892805C

A lifting device (1) for a container (2) is described, the lifting device (1) being arranged to be attached at one end (21) of the container (2), and the lifting device (1) comprising: - a tow bar (5) being adjustable between an erect position and an unfolded position; - an undercarriage (7) connected to the tow bar and provided with one or more wheels (71), the undercarriage (7) being adjustable between at least a raised position and a lowered position, and the undercarriage (7) being arranged, in the lowered position, to carry at least part of the weight of the container (2), characterized by the undercarriage (7) being arranged to be adjusted from the raised position into the lowered position by means of manual force and/or gravity, the undercarriage (7) being arranged to be adjusted from the raised position to the lowered position when the end (21) of the container (2) has been lifted above the supporting surface. A method of using a lifting device (1) for a container (2) is described ...

15-03-1946 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000241555A

31-05-1952 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000283325A

31-12-1951 дата публикации

Remorque, notamment pour véhicule automobile.

Номер: CH0000280047A

15-12-1951 дата публикации

Lastfahrzeug mit lösbar befestigten Wagenaufbauteilen.

Номер: CH0000279811A

31-07-1957 дата публикации

Schwertransportanhänger mit Tiefladebrücke

Номер: CH0000323491A

15-02-1950 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000266806A

31-03-1964 дата публикации

Wagenbrücke, insbesondere für landwirtschaftliche Transportwagen

Номер: CH0000376370A

31-07-1964 дата публикации

Char agricole

Номер: CH0000380542A

31-08-1938 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000199620A
Принадлежит: URECH OSWALD

15-03-1967 дата публикации

Transportgerät, insbesondere Anhängerfahrzeug

Номер: CH0000432258A

15-12-1960 дата публикации

Landwirtschaftlicher Mehrzweckwagen

Номер: CH0000350879A

31-05-1966 дата публикации

Landwirtschaftliches Anhängefahrzeug mit einer Doppelachse

Номер: CH0000414365A

12-05-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000598987A5

31-07-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000656850A5

31-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000708903B1

Bei einem Anhänger (1) mit zumindest einer ersten und einer zweiten Radachse (2, 3) und einem Rahmen (6) und/oder einer Ladefläche (7), der und/oder die um eine Achse, die parallel zu den Radachsen (2, 3) liegt, abkippbar ist, ist zum Abkippen des Rahmens (6) und/oder der Ladefläche (7) die erste Radachse (2) durch ein erstes eine Abstandsänderung zwischen der ersten Radachse (2) und dem Rahmen (6) und/oder der Ladefläche (7) bewirkendes Stellglied (15) von dem Rahmen (6) und/oder der Ladefläche (7) weg bewegbar und ist die zweite Radachse (3) in Richtung des Rahmens (6) und/oder der Ladefläche (7) bewegbar.

29-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000708903A2

Bei einem Anhänger (1) mit zumindest einer ersten und einer zweiten Radachse (2, 3) und einem Rahmen (6) und/oder einer Ladefläche (7), der und/oder die um eine Achse, die parallel zu den Radachsen (2, 3) liegt, abkippbar ist, ist zum Abkippen des Rahmens (6) und/oder der Ladefläche (7) die erste Radachse (2) durch ein erstes eine Abstandsänderung zwischen der ersten Radachse (2) und dem Rahmen (6) und/oder der Ladefläche (7) bewirkendes Stellglied (15) von dem Rahmen (6) und/oder der Ladefläche (7) weg bewegbar und ist die zweite Radachse (3) in Richtung des Rahmens (6) und/oder der Ladefläche (7) bewegbar.

31-01-2006 дата публикации

A stable trailer for fixing and transporting an advertising canvas

Номер: CH0000695214A5

A trailer has a frame (1) edged with a shaft (1a) mounted on wheels (2). The upper section of the frame has a support floor (3) comprising a heavy material (3a). A rectangular structure (4) extends vertically from the center of the floor and the surface panels or advertising frames are affixed to it. A lamp (5) lights the panels and regulatable stablilizers (6) modify the height and level of the trailer.

31-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000711526B1

Erfindungsgemäß wird ein Anhänger (101) mit einer ersten Radachse (104) und einer in Längsrichtung (L) des Anhängers (101) gesehen hinter der ersten Radachse (104) angeordneten zweiten Radachse (105), wobei die Radachsen (104, 105) über eine Koppelanordnung (106) mit einem Rahmen (102) des Anhängers (101) verbunden sind, wobei die Koppelanordnung (106) ein Schwenkelement (107) aufweist, das um eine Drehachse (110) drehbar mit dem Rahmen (102) verbunden ist, vorgeschlagen, bei dem das Schwenkelement als Federelement ausgebildet ist, das mit der ersten und zweiten Radachse (104, 105) verbunden ist, wobei der horizontale Abstand der ersten Radachse (104) zur Drehachse (110) größer ist als der horizontale Abstand der zweiten Radachse (105) zur Drehachse (110), oder bei dem das Schwenkelement (107) als Schwinge (111) ausgebildet ist, wobei ein Federelement (108) an der Schwinge (111) gleitend angeordnet ist und an dem Rahmen (102) drehbar befestigt ist und wobei die zweite Radachse (105) mit ...

31-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000711531B1

Ein Anhänger (1) mit einer Ladefläche (6), die zum Abkippen von Schüttgut um zwei in Längsrichtung des Anhängers (1) ausgerichtete Achsen und eine in Querrichtung des Anhängers (1) ausgerichtete erste Querachse (10) kippbar ist und um eine zweite, von der ersten Querachse (10) beabstandete Querachse in eine Be- und Entladestellung schwenkbar ist, weist zumindest eine Auffahrrampe (16) auf, die im Fahrbetrieb in einer Rampenaufnahme am Anhänger (1) angeordnet ist und zum Be- und Entladen des Anhängers (1) mit einem Ende des Anhängers (1) verbindbar ist.

15-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000711526A2

Erfindungsgemäss wird ein Anhänger (101) mit einer ersten Radachse (104) und einer in Längsrichtung (L) des Anhängers (101) gesehen hinter der ersten Radachse (104) angeordneten zweiten Radachse (105), wobei die Radachsen (104, 105) über eine Koppelanordnung (106) mit einem Rahmen (102) des Anhängers (101) verbunden sind, wobei die Koppelanordnung (106) ein Schwenkelement (107) aufweist, das um eine Drehachse (110) drehbar mit dem Rahmen (102) verbunden ist, vorgeschlagen, bei dem das Schwenkelement als Federelement ausgebildet ist, das mit der ersten und zweiten Radachse (104, 105) verbunden ist, wobei der horizontale Abstand der ersten Radachse (104) zur Drehachse (110) grösser ist als der horizontale Abstand der zweiten Radachse (105) zur Drehachse (110), oder bei dem das Schwenkelement (107) als Schwinge (111) ausgebildet ist, wobei ein Federelement (108) an der Schwinge (111) gleitend angeordnet ist und an dem Rahmen (102) drehbar befestigt ist und wobei die zweite Radachse (105) mit ...

15-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000711531A2

Ein Anhänger (1) mit einer Ladefläche (6), die zum Abkippen von Schüttgut um zwei in Längsrichtung des Anhängers (1) ausgerichtete Achsen und eine in Querrichtung des Anhängers (1) ausgerichtete erste Querachse (10) kippbar ist und um eine zweite, von der ersten Querachse (10) beabstandete Querachse in eine Be- und Entladestellung schwenkbar ist, weist zumindest eine Auffahrrampe (16) auf, die im Fahrbetrieb in einer Rampenaufnahme am Anhänger (1) angeordnet ist und zum Be- und Entladen des Anhängers (1) mit einem Ende des Anhängers (1) verbindbar ist.

15-04-2021 дата публикации

Verschlussvorrichtung für eine Bordwand eines kippbaren Ladeaufsatzes eines Fahrzeugs.

Номер: CH712913B1

Eine Verschlussvorrichtung für eine Bordwand eines kippbaren Ladeaufsatzes eines Fahrzeugs oder Fahrzeuganhängers, mit der zwischen einer pendelnden Halterung der Bordwand beim Kippen des Ladeaufsatzes und einem Abklappen der Bordwand um eine Drehachse im Bereich der Unterkante der Bordwand umgeschaltet werden kann, wobei die Vorrichtung eine mittels eines Schiebers (14) verschließbare Lageröffnung (12) zur Aufnahme eines im oberen Eckbereich der Bordwand seitlich montierten Drehbolzens (13) aufweist, wobei der Schieber (14) mittels eines Schwenkhebels (18) zwischen einer die Lageröffnung (12) verschließenden und einer die Öffnung (12) freigebenden Stellung hin und her bewegbar ist und der Schwenkhebel (18) über ein Druckgestänge (17) auf den Schieber (14) einwirkt.

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Closure device for a tailgate of a tiltable loading attachment of a vehicle.

Номер: CH0000712913A2

Eine Verschlussvorrichtung für eine Bordwand eines kippbaren Ladeaufsatzes eines Fahrzeugs oder Fahrzeuganhängers, mit der zwischen einer pendelnden Halterung der Bordwand beim Kippen des Ladeaufsatzes und einem Abklappen der Bordwand um eine Drehachse im Bereich der Unterkante der Bordwand umschaltbar ist, wobei die Vorrichtung eine mittels eines Schiebers (14) verschliessbare Lageröffnung (12) zur Aufnahme eines im oberen Eckbereich der Bordwand seitlich montierbaren Drehbolzens (13) aufweist, wobei der Schieber (14) mittels eines Schwenkhebels (18) zwischen einer die Lageröffnung (12) verschliessenden und einer die Öffnung (12) freigebenden Stellung hin und her bewegbar ist und der Schwenkhebel (18) über ein Druckgestänge (17) auf den Schieber (14) einwirkt.

31-03-2021 дата публикации

Anhänger mit einer Ladefläche und einer Aufbauvorrichtung zum Tragen eines Monitors.

Номер: CH0000716626A2

Der Anhänger mit einer Ladefläche (5) und einer Aufbauvorrichtung (10) zum Tragen eines Monitors (40) weist Dämpfungsmittel (14a, 14b, 15a, 15b) auf, welche zwischen der Ladefläche (5) und der Aufbauvorrichtung (10) angeordnet sind und eine Bewegungsübertragung von der Ladefläch (5) auf die Aüfbauvorrichtung (10) dämpfen.

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Fahrgestell für Fahrzeuganhänger und Fahrzeuganhänger.

Номер: CH0000717021A2

Das Fahrwerk (1), das für einen Fahrzeuganhänger (10) vorgesehen ist, umfasst eine Bremsanlage sowie zwei in Laufrichtung des Fahrwerks (1) ausgerichtete und miteinander verbundene Fahrwerkteile (1A, 1B), die je einen Achsrahmen (14) aufweisen, die parallel zueinander ausgerichtet und frontseitig und rückseitig mit Radaufhängungen (15) und Rädern (11) versehen sind. Erfindungsgemäss ist vorgesehen, dass jeder der Achsrahmen (14) zwei Rahmenteile (14A, 14B) aufweist, a) die an den voneinander abgewandten Enden je eine der Radaufhängungen (15) halten, b) die an den einander zugewandten Enden durch eine Gelenkachse (12), welche die beiden Fahrwerkteile (1A, 1B) miteinander verbindet, drehbar miteinander verbunden sind, und c) die durch wenigstens ein Kraftübertragungsteil (16) miteinander verbunden sind, welches mit einem ersten Endstück beabstandet von der Gelenkachse (12) mit dem einen Rahmenteil (14A) und mit einem zweiten Endstück beabstandet von der Gelenkachse (12) mit dem anderen Rahmenteil ...

31-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000718064A2

Anhänger, umfassend einen Rahmen (2), an welchem zumindest ein Rad (3) über einer Achse drehbar angeordnet ist, wobei dem Rahmen (2) ein Generator (5) zur Umwandlung von mechanischer Energie in elektrische Energie zugeordnet ist, wobei der Generator (5) mit dem Rad (3) wirkverbunden ist, wobei der Generator (5) als Scheibenläufergenerator ausgebildet ist.

29-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201291263A1

23-03-1931 дата публикации

Decomposable trailer with four wheels, mainly for transport on irregular grounds

Номер: FR0000701756A

07-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002868743B1

26-03-2019 дата публикации

cocho móvel para alimentação animal

Номер: BR202017015422U2

06-12-1982 дата публикации


Номер: SE0000426046B

07-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: SE0008901193L

28-04-1931 дата публикации

Номер: US0001803264A1

11-11-1986 дата публикации

Motor-vehicle trailer for transporting removable superstructures

Номер: US0004621857A1
Автор: Jagers; Leopold

The invention relates to a motor-vehicle trailer, particularly a passenger-car trailer, for transporting easily removable and exchangeable superstructures. Toward the rear of the trailer, two approximately horizontal rail sections, which are joined to each other at the front, diverge and in the area of the axle units extend rearwardly in a horizontal parallel manner. In front of and behind the axle units, the rail sections are joined by transverse sections, and between the transverse sections wheelguards are located. The upper areas of the wheelguards form supports which directly transfer the load of the superstructures via a suspension to the wheels mounted on the axle units.

25-11-1997 дата публикации

Monocoque transport vehicle

Номер: US0005690378A

A monocoque transport trailer of the invention has a monocoque body shell of unitary construction including sides, top and floor. The trailer has wheel wells and provisions for doors and windows in the shell. The trailer is constructed using standard monocoque unitary molding principles and processes. Of particular importance is the attachment of independent axle and suspension equipment to the underside of the trailer by plate braces and specialty epoxies, so that support wheel assemblies are mounted in molded wheel wells. The monocoque construction provides sufficient strength and rigidity as that of an independent chassis or undercarriage platform.

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180363438A1

The present invention provides a method and system for providing on-site electrical power to a fracturing operation, and an electrically powered fracturing system. Natural gas can be used to drive a turbine generator in the production of electrical power. A scalable, electrically powered fracturing fleet is provided to pump fluids for the fracturing operation, obviating the need for a constant supply of diesel fuel to the site and reducing the site footprint and infrastructure required for the fracturing operation, when compared with conventional systems.

31-01-1905 дата публикации


Номер: US781482A

01-11-2022 дата публикации

Mobile orthodontic treatment system and method

Номер: US0011484388B2
Автор: Sam William Levine
Принадлежит: AlignGo, LLC

A mobile orthodontic treatment system includes comprising a mobile trailer and a panoramic machine provided within the trailer. The panoramic machine is configured to obtain a 2-D image of a patient's mouth and includes a base secured to the floor of the housing and a stanchion secured to the trailer by a bracket. The mobile orthodontic treatment system further includes a digital scanner and a monitor provided within the housing. The digital scanner is configured to obtain a 3-D image of the patient's mouth and display the image on the monitor. The digital scanner and the monitor are mounted on a wall of the housing by a wall mount articulating bracket. The mobile orthodontic treatment system further includes a lift assembly provided on one of a side and an end of the housing to enable disabled people to enter and exit the housing.

27-11-1985 дата публикации

Vehicle trailer for the transport of removable superstructures

Номер: EP0000162292A1
Автор: Jägers, Leopold

The invention relates to a motor-vehicle trailer, particularly a passenger-car trailer, for transporting easily removable and exchangeable superstructures. Toward the rear of the trailer, two approximately horizontal rail sections, which are joined to each other at the front, diverge and in the area of the axle units extend rearwardly in a horizontal parallel manner. In front of and behind the axle units, the rail sections are joined by transverse sections, and between the transverse sections wheelguards are located. The upper areas of the wheelguards form supports which directly transfer the load of the superstructures via a suspension to the wheels mounted on the axle units.

21-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2613655C1

Изобретение относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Рамная несущая конструкция прицепа легкового автомобиля содержит опорную раму прямоугольной формы и грузовую раму прямоугольной формы. Опорная рама выполнена из металла и соединяется с колесным узлом прицепа. Опорная рама содержит лонжероны и поперечины, прикрепленные к этим лонжеронам посредством неразъемного соединения. Грузовая рама выполнена из металла и на ней устанавливается кузов прицепа. Грузовая рама содержит лонжероны и переднюю, заднюю и промежуточную поперечины, прикрепленные к лонжеронам грузовой рамы посредством неподвижного разъемного соединения. Лонжероны опорной рамы расположены под лонжеронами грузовой рамы, параллельно лонжеронам грузовой рамы и прикреплены к лонжеронам грузовой рамы посредством неподвижного разъемного соединения. Длина лонжеронов опорной рамы меньше длины лонжеронов грузовой рамы. Достигается уменьшение времени сборки рамной конструкции прицепа. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

13-02-2019 дата публикации

Прицепное самосвальное транспортное средство

Номер: RU2679818C1

Изобретение относится к области безрельсовых средств и может быть использовано в конструкции автотракторных самосвальных прицепов с двухсторонней выгрузкой кузова. Прицепное самосвальное транспортное средство состоит из шасси и самосвального кузова, связанных между собой телескопическим гидроцилиндром при помощи бандажа с пальцами шарнирно размещенных в цапфах рамы и шаровой опоры. Пальцы опорного бандажа телескопического гидроцилиндра выполнены из упругого материала и снабжены шлицами, взаимосвязанными с ответными цапф, изготовленных в виде двух шлицевых втулок, закрепленных на поперечинах рамы шасси прицепного самосвального транспортного средства. Достигается повышение эксплуатационной надежности безрельсовых самосвальных транспортных средств. 2 ил.

13-09-2021 дата публикации

Подкатная тележка для эвакуации неисправной автомобильной техники

Номер: RU206414U1

Заявленная полезная модель относится к области способа эвакуации машины и устройства для его осуществления.Подкатная тележка с пневмодомкратом для эвакуации поврежденных или неисправных автомобилей методом частичной погрузки, отличающаяся наличием пневмодомкрата с приводом от буксирующего автомобиля для вывешивания буксируемого автомобиля над поверхностью земли, имеющая опорные колеса внутри колеи буксируемого автомобиля, что позволяет производить маневрирование в пределах радиусов поворота автомобилей.

03-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU207612U1

Полезная модель относится к конструкции технологического оборудования мотонасосных установок для перекачки горючего, в частности к насосам, применяемым в технических средствах, предназначенных для перекачки моторных топлив внутри склада горючего войсковых частей.Технической задачей полезной модели является придание возможности гашения вибрации, импульсов и снижение непосредственного воздействия на торцевое уплотнение насоса, вал насоса и шарикоподшипники.Техническая задача решена за счет того, что между кронштейном одноосного прицепного базового шасси и основанием станины насоса устанавливается демпфер, выполненный с возможностью поглощения низкочастотной амплитуды вибраций и уменьшения максимальных импульсов вибрации и напряжения, а на стяжной болт устанавливается концевой амортизатор, выполненный с возможностью работы на сжатие и гашения максимальных импульсов вибрации и напряжения в остаточной части.

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Стабилизирующий механизм движения двухосного прицепа

Номер: RU203505U1

Полезная модель относится к автомобильным и тракторным поездам и может быть применена в конструкциях тягово-сцепных устройств двухосных автомобильных и тракторных прицепов.Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что кинематическая схема предлагаемого стабилизирующего механизма движения двухосного прицепа может способствовать снижению величины его боковых отклонений в горизонтальной плоскости при прямолинейном движении транспортного поезда, вызываемых внешними силовыми воздействиями, связанными с неровностями поверхности движения, боковыми порывами ветра и др., а также обеспечить более устойчивый ход прицепа на повышенных скоростях и повысить безопасность транспортного поезда в условиях эксплуатации.Это достигается за счет установки между тягачом и поворотной платформой стабилизирующей цилиндрической пружины растяжения, одним концом прикрепленной к тягачу, а другим концом соединенной посредством гибкого звена с поворотной платформой, при этом точка крепления гибкого звена к поворотной ...

23-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU211807U1

Полезная модель относится к транспортным средствам, в частности к прицепам, например, для автомобилей, и может быть использована при транспортировке грузов. Прицеп может использоваться со всеми моделями легковых автомобилей как отечественного, так и импортного производства. Техническим результатом заявленного многосекционного прицепа является компактность сборки, использование всей площади кузова прицепа. Технический результат достигается при использовании прицепа, содержащего раму, кузов, основную и вспомогательные секции, притом что вспомогательные секции расположены ярусно друг над другом, причем на обоих торцах каждых трех последовательно соединенных вспомогательных секций расположены планки, закрепленные на каждой вспомогательной секции посредством шарниров, а основная секция и первая вспомогательная секция, а также последние две вспомогательные секции дополнительно оснащены газлифтами, причем количество вспомогательных секций и их размеры выбираются из условия соответствия габаритов ...

01-12-2017 дата публикации

Автомобильный прицеп для буксировки методом частичной погрузки

Номер: RU175339U1

Полезная модель относится к автомобильному прицепу для буксировки легковых автомобилей методом частичной погрузки. Прицеп содержит дышло, шарнирно сопряженное с двумя телескопическими поперечными тягами, расположенными в горизонтальной плоскости параллельно одна за другой, по краям тяг шарнирно крепятся два поворотных рычага, к которым крепятся ступицы колеса и крылья прицепа. Две поперечные тяги, имеющие два рычага по краям, образуют «раму» и погрузочную платформу прицепа. При повороте дышло, ведомое автомобилем тягачом, смещает поперечные тяги в противоположные относительно друг друга стороны, поворачивая рычаги с колесами на равный угол вслед за тягачом. Прицеп разборный состоит из 12 профильных труб длиной до 1м. Это позволит перевозить его в багажнике автомобиля тягача до места загрузки, уменьшив пробег и износ прицепа. Компактность при хранении. Увеличилась маневренность. Нет необходимости в регистрации прицепа в ГИБДД.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Cage Frame

Номер: US20120001452A1
Автор: Paul Melville, Scott Hope
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a post assembly ( 10 ) for use in constructing a cage or enclosure ( 20 ). The posts assembly ( 10 ) of the present invention provide a structural member for forming a cage ( 20 ) which can be used in a variety of situations. The posts ( 10 ) can be installed onto any trailer irrespective of their size or alternatively the enclosure can be free standing. The posts ( 10 ) can also accommodate walls of various heights and thicknesses. In a preferred embodiment the post assembly ( 10 ) includes a first and second longitudinally extending body portions ( 66 ) and ( 68 ) having respective passageways ( 76 ), an arm ( 40 ) adapted to engage coaxially aligned passageways ( 76 ) of respective first and second longitudinally extending body portions, wherein the post assembly ( 10 ) is adapted to releasably engage adjacent wall portions ( 22 ) such that the walls portions ( 22 ) are held in a substantially upright position.

12-05-2017 дата публикации

Опорно-поворотное устройство прицепа

Номер: RU0000170879U1

Полезная модель относится к транспортным средствам, а именно к опорно-поворотным устройствам двухосных прицепов.Сущностью полезной модели является повышение устойчивости прямолинейного движения прицепа и движения на поворотах вследствие возникновения весового стабилизирующего момента, а также облегчение управления прицепом.Это достигается за счет того, что поворотная платформа закреплена на раме передней тележки под наклоном к раме прицепа в продольной вертикальной плоскости прицепа, а ось шкворня, установленного вертикально к поворотной платформе, расположена под углом к вертикали, проходящей через середину оси колес передней тележки, при этом точка пересечения оси шкворня с горизонтальной плоскостью, проходящей через ось колес передней тележки, смещена вперед относительно оси ее колес, причем центр вращения поворотной платформы, расположенный в плоскости контактирования ее с рамой кузова, совпадает с точкой пересечения вертикали, проходящей через середину оси колес передней тележки с осью шкворня.Технический результат заключается в том, что такое выполнение предлагаемого опорно-поворотного устройства прицепа позволит повысить устойчивость прямолинейного движения прицепа. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 170 879 U1 (51) МПК B62D 63/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016137433, 19.09.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.09.2016 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 19.09.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 12.05.2017 Бюл. № 14 Адрес для переписки: 620002, г. Екатеринбург, ул. Мира, 19, УрФУ, Центр интеллектуальной собственности, Маркс Т.В. (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 1324921 A1, 23.07.1987. RU 114658 U1, 10.04.2012. SU 839826 А1, 23.06.1981. 1 7 0 8 7 9 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Уральский федеральный университет имени первого ...

05-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000173665U1

Полезная модель относится к области транспортного машиностроения, транспортным средствам, оборудованным под жилые или рабочие помещения, а именно к прицепам.Технический результат заключается в конструктивной возможности укладки рамы на опорную поверхность за счет заявленной дугообразной конструкции рамы и перемещения оси с колесами относительно рамы.Прицеп, включающий раму, выполненную в виде двух направляющих элементов рамы, жестко соединенных между собой, причем каждый направляющий элемент рамы выполнен из прямого элемента и элемента дуги, каждый из которых содержит направляющие рельсы, на которых установлены троллейные тележки по одной на каждую направляющую элемента рамы, кроме того, троллейные тележки выполнены с возможностью перемещения по направляющим рельсам элементов рамы, две троллейные тележки жестко соединены между собой осью, на каждом из двух концов которой закреплено посредством амортизатора и ступицы колесо, причем на раме закреплено дышло и закреплена лебедка, которая посредством троса подсоединена к оси и выполнена с возможностью перемещения оси с колесами по направляющим рельсам элементов рамы, а дышло выполнено с возможностью опускания, до полной укладки прямых элементов рамы на опорную поверхность, без разрыва соединения прицепа с транспортным средством. Ц 1 173665 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ $ < 3 3 хх 13 3 3559 04 п РЦ ‘’ (50) МПК Вб2р 6306 (2006.01) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017104880, 15.02.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.02.2017 Дата регистрации: 05.09.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 15.02.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 05.09.2017 Бюл. № 25 Адрес для переписки: 119333, Москва, Университетский пр-кт, 6, к. 1, кв. 126, Моисееву Д.И. (72) Автор(ы): Моисеев Дмитрий Игоревич (КО) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Моисеев Дмитрий Игоревич (КО) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: 05 2015123378 АТ, 07.05.2015. ЕР 2524860 ...

26-12-2017 дата публикации

Автомобильный прицеп для эвакуации автомобиля

Номер: RU0000176033U1

Полезная модель относится автомобильному транспорту, в частности к средствам для буксировки неисправных автомобилей методом частичной погрузки. Технической задачей полезной модели является возможность эвакуации автомобиля методом частичной погрузки с неисправной передней ходовой части либо обрывом передних колес. Техническая задача решена за счет того, что автомобильный прицеп для эвакуации автомобиля содержит сцепное устройство, дышло прицепа, раму прицепа, колеса, лебедку, трос лебедки с крюком, отличается тем, что дополнительно содержит скользящую колесную балку, свободно перемещающуюся вдоль прицепа по направляющим пазам, фиксаторы балки, ролик, складывающиеся захваты с поворотными кулаками, фиксаторы захватов и ремни крепления. Ц 1 176033 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) (2 заза ца 03 КО зо оа 91 (51) МПК ВбОР 3/07 (2006.01) ВбОР 3/12 (2006.01) Вб2р 6306 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК ВбОР 3/07 (2006.0!); ВбОР 3/125 (2006.01); В62р 63/06 (2006.0!) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017116488, 11.05.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.05.2017 Дата регистрации: 26.12.2017 Приоритет(ь): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 11.05.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 26.12.2017 Бюл. № 36 Адрес для переписки: 199034, Санкт-Петербург, наб. Адмирала Макарова, 8, "Военная академия материально- технического обеспечения имени генерала армии А.В. Хрулева", ООНР (72) Автор(ы): Касимов Алексей Александрович (КО), Третьяков Александр Анатольевич (КО), Белов Алексей Викторович (КО), Шангала Сергей Витальевич (КО), Сапронов Александр Викторович (КО), Вишняков Михаил Станиславович (КО), Демьянов Вячеслав Александрович (КО), Воронов Павел Александрович (КО), Анненко Олег Владимирович (КО), Гришин Алексей Игоревич (КО) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное казенное военное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Военная академия материально-технического обеспечения имени генерала армии А.В. Хрулёва" ...

11-07-2018 дата публикации

Стабилизирующее устройство поворотной тележки прицепа

Номер: RU0000181371U1

Полезная модель относится к автомобильным и тракторным поездам, а именно к опорно-поворотным устройствам двухосных автомобильных и тракторных прицепов.Сущностью полезной модели является повышение устойчивости прямолинейного движения прицепа и движения на поворотах вследствие возникновения весового момента, стабилизирующего движение поворотной тележки и ее ходовых колес за счет использования в кинематической схеме конструкции закрытой силовой системы (например гидросистемы), содержащей подающий и рабочий силовые цилиндры.Стабилизирующий весовой момент возникает за счет того, что верхнее и нижнее кольца поворотного круга связаны между собой подвижным телескопическим соединением, при этом во внутреннем пространстве поворотного круга установлен рабочий силовой цилиндр, корпус которого закреплен посредством кронштейна на раме поворотной тележки, а шток соединен шарнирно с нижней частью рамы прицепа, причем продольная ось рабочего силового цилиндра совпадает с осью поворота рамы прицепа относительно поворотной тележки и пересекает середину оси ее ходовых колес, при этом поршневая полость рабочего силового цилиндра соединена трубопроводом с штоковой полостью подающего силового цилиндра, установленного в вертикальной продольной плоскости прицепа, связывающего посредством шарнирных соединений заднюю часть рамы передней тележки и верхнее кольцо поворотного круга.Технический результат заключается в том, что стабилизирующее устройство поворотной тележки прицепа позволит повысить устойчивость прямолинейного движения прицепа, уменьшить величину боковых отклонений платформы прицепа (виляния прицепа), увеличить величину критической скорости, за пределами которой возникает область неустойчивого движения прицепа за счет стабилизации поворотной тележки и ее колес. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 181 371 U1 (51) МПК B62D 63/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B62D 63/06 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: ...

23-09-2019 дата публикации

Прицеп для мобильного рентгеновского кабинета

Номер: RU0000192584U1

Полезная модель относится к подвижной медицинской технике, в частности к области медицинской техники специального назначения, и может быть использована в качестве полевого лечебно-диагностического кабинета, например для ветеринарии.Техническим результатом заявленной полезной модели является усовершенствование прицепа для мобильного рентгеновского кабинета для использования с максимальной разрешенной массой до 3500 кг (категории 02) за счет снижения общего веса нагрузки прицепа.Прицеп для мобильного рентгеновского кабинета содержит кузов-контейнер, размещенный на шасси прицепа, и выполненный из сэндвич-панелей, изготовленных по бескаркасной технологии методом вакуумной склейки, состоящий из двух отсеков, один из которых рабочий отсек, где расположен рентгеновский аппарат с приемником рентгеновского излучения, а другой операторский отсек с рабочим местом оператора, разделенные стенкой-перегородкой с дверью, при этом стены рабочего отсека и стенка-перегородка с дверью снабжены средствами рентгеновской защиты, при этом рентгеновский аппарат выполнен портативным с вертикальным излучением, а средства рентгеновской защиты выполнены из расчета условий применения рентгеновского излучения с коэффициентом направленности N=0,05.Кроме того, дверь между отсеками выполнена сдвижной или распашной.Кроме того, кабинет оборудован пластиковым окном с москитной сеткой и защитной рольставней, отрывающимся в 2 плоскостях.Кроме того, кабинет оснащен входной дверью с тепловой завесой, а также кондиционером, принудительной вытяжной вентиляцией с комплектом заслонок и обратного клапана, освещением, бактерицидным аппаратом.Кроме того, для ограничения доступа снаружи к полу отсека и дополнительной радиационной защиты, он выполнен с возможностью монтажа съемных защитных экранов на месте постоянной его работы. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 192 584 U1 (51) МПК B62D 63/06 (2006.01) B60P 3/32 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ...

26-12-2019 дата публикации

Стабилизирующее тягово-сцепное устройство двухосного прицепа

Номер: RU0000194885U1

Полезная модель относится к автомобильным и тракторным прицепам, а именно к тягово-сцепным устройствам двухосных прицепов.Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что кинематическая схема тягово-сцепного устройства прицепа позволяет повысить устойчивость прямолинейного движения транспортного поезда за счет возникновения относительно соединительного шкворня поворотной платформы силового стабилизирующего момента, препятствующего боковым отклонениям рамы прицепа относительно передней колесной тележки при движении по прямолинейной траектории и способствующего возврату передней поворотной колесной тележки в положение, соответствующее прямолинейной траектории. Это достигается за счет использования в кинематической схеме шарнирного соединения между собой поворотной платформы и рамы передней колесной тележки принципа пространственного механизма Саррюса, кинематическими элементами которого являются применительно к конструкции стабилизирующего тягово-сцепного устройства двухосного прицепа - поворотная платформа и рама передней колесной тележки, шарнирно соединенные парами одинаковых прямоугольных пластин.Технический результат заключается в том, что стабилизирующее тягово-сцепное устройство двухосного прицепа позволяет обеспечить устойчивый ход при прямолинейном движении транспортного поезда, уменьшить амплитуду виляний прицепа по дорожному полотну, увеличить значение критической скорости, за пределами которой возникает область неустойчивого движения прицепа, за счет улучшения стабилизации движения передней поворотной тележки и ее колес. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 194 885 U1 (51) МПК B62D 63/06 (2006.01) B62D 53/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B62D 53/04 (2019.08); B62D 63/06 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019120848, 04.07.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Адрес для переписки: 620002, Свердловская обл., г. Екатеринбург, ул. Мира, 19, ФГАОУ ВО " ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Рельсовый прицеп

Номер: RU0000209560U1

Полезная модель относится к машиностроению колесных машин и может быть использована при транспортировке грузов как по железной дороге, так и по дороге. Прицеп может использоваться со всеми моделями легковых автомобилей как отечественного, так и импортного производства для перевозки грузов. Техническим результатом заявленной полезной модели является расширение возможностей, а именно возможность транспортировки одноосного прицепа по рельсам и по дороге. Таким образом, рельсовый прицеп, содержащий на складывающейся оси рельсовые колеса конической формы, дышло, снабженное демпфером со сменным замком для присоединения к вагону поезда, а для закрепления тяги установлен замок, состоящий из двух частей, одна из которых закреплена на раме, а другая на тяге, позволяет расширить возможности, а именно возможность транспортировки одноосного прицепа по рельсам и по дороге. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 209 560 U1 (51) МПК B62D 63/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B62D 63/06 (2022.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021132493, 09.11.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 17.03.2022 (45) Опубликовано: 17.03.2022 Бюл. № 8 2 0 9 5 6 0 R U (54) Рельсовый прицеп (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к машиностроению колесных машин и может быть использована при транспортировке грузов как по железной дороге, так и по дороге. Прицеп может использоваться со всеми моделями легковых автомобилей как отечественного, так и импортного производства для перевозки грузов. Техническим результатом заявленной полезной модели является расширение возможностей, а именно возможность транспортировки одноосного прицепа по рельсам и по дороге. Стр.: 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 1777587 A3, 23.11.1992. RU 2120390 C1, 20.10.1998. RU 2264944 C1, 27.11.2005. UA 32557 C2, 15.02.2001. CN 207433353 U, 01.06.2018. US 5058916 A, 22.10.1991. Таким образом, рельсовый прицеп, ...

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Wheelable loadbearing and leveraging frame apparatus

Номер: US20120319381A1
Автор: E. Gerry Hawkes
Принадлежит: Individual

A wheelable loadbearing and leveraging frame apparatus amenable to receipt of attachments and consisting of first and second elongated members conjoined by way of anterior and medial cross members each with a plurality of horizontally inclined through holes therein and a posterior cross member with a plurality of vertically inclined through holes therein, and with each elongated member having a pair of horizontally inclined transverse through holes located therein and a plurality of vertically inclined through holes located therein.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Collapsible hitched trailer

Номер: US20130038038A1
Автор: Rene Bernard
Принадлежит: Individual

A collapsible hitched trailer comprised of a bed member having a center bed section, and two pivotable bed sections pivotally attached to opposite sides of the center bed section. A protracting wheel axle member attached to an underside of the center bed section. Two wheels, one attached to each opposite end of the wheel axle member, and a draw bar member attached to one of the two pivotable bed sections, wherein the hitched trailer can be folded into a smaller shape and stored in a smaller area.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130064632A1
Автор: Pawluk William

A convertible trailer system includes a convertible trailer having a segmented lower deck, and a segmented upper deck mounted thereover. The segmented lower deck includes floating forward and rear belly ramps which are independently actuable relative to each other so as to be selectively raised and lowered relative to a pair of side rails which define the belly forward of the trailer wheels. When in a fully lowered position the belly ramps are lowered to a lower extremity between the pair of side rails so as to be substantially entirely below uppermost edges of the pair of side rails. When in an elevated position the belly ramps are elevated so as to be co-planar with or above the uppermost edges of the side rails whereby freight may be loaded laterally onto the belly ramps over the pair of side rails. 1. A convertible trailer system comprising:a convertible trailer having a segmented lower deck, a segmented upper deck mounted onto said lower deck by selectively actuable telescopic stanchions, said stanchions actuable by actuators so as to raise and lower said upper deck over said lower deck between a lowered position, an intermediately elevated position, and a fully elevated position, wherein in said fully elevated position said upper deck is elevated above said lower deck so as to allow loading of vehicles or freight onto said lower deck, wherein in said intermediately elevated position said upper deck is below said fully elevated position so as to be snugly adjacent uppermost extremities of said vehicles or freight on said lower deck, wherein in said lowered position said upper deck rests on a mid-section of said lower deck and on elevated wheel-wells of said lower deck,wherein said trailer includes a spaced apart longitudinally extending parallel pair of side rails and wherein said segmented lower deck includes a floating forward segment forward of said mid-section and independently actuable so as to be selectively raised and lowered relative to said pair of ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130099465A1
Принадлежит: American Heavy Moving & Rigging, Inc.

A dual lane, multi-axle transport vehicle for moving heavy loads includes a forward module mounted on a plurality of axles and a rearward module mounted on a plurality of axles. The forward module is mechanically connected to the rearward module for providing a dual lane transport body. The forward module and the rearward module of the transport body each have a single central spine wherein the axles of both the forward module and the rearward module are each attached to the corresponding single central spine. The axles of both the forward module and the rearward module have an axle spacing of at least six feet. A hydraulic suspension is provided for dynamically stabilizing the axles for reducing axle yaw. An axle steering system having a plurality of steering rods controls the position of the axles of both the forward module and the rearward module. 1. A dual lane , multi-axle transport vehicle comprising:a forward module mounted on a plurality of axles wherein longitudinally adjacent ones of said axles that are located on the left side of the module are spaced apart from each other in a longitudinal direction by at least six feet, as are longitudinally adjacent ones of said axles that are located on the right side of the module, and wherein laterally adjacent ones of said axles being one on the left side of the module and one on the right side are positioned side by side and are spaced apart from each other in a lateral direction so as to provide a dual lane transport body that is wide enough to occupy two lanes of a highway;a rearward module mounted on a plurality of axles wherein longitudinally adjacent ones of said axles that are located on the left side of the module are spaced apart from each other in a longitudinal direction by at least six feet, as are longitudinally adjacent ones of said axles that are located on the right side of the module, and wherein laterally adjacent ones of said axles being one on the left side of the module and one on the right ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Mobile power supply trailer apparatus

Номер: US20130175819A1
Автор: William A HINDLE
Принадлежит: HindlePower Inc

A mobile power supply housed within a wheeled trailer which can be towed to various locations, particularly remote locations, for providing electrical power as needed for operating equipment or for charging of batteries or other electrical supply devices at such remote locations. The apparatus includes a unique trailer design including venting means for preventing the accumulation of hydrogen normally associated with high power battery operation, particularly charging thereof and therewith, by monitoring hydrogen at all times within the trailer interior and selectively passively and actively venting the interior environment when hydrogen levels are high or whenever necessary. A unique roof design is included for gathering hydrogen near the upper portion of the interior roof construction adjacent to a venting outlet to facilitate expelling thereof.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Multi-Configurable Height Adjustable Trailer

Номер: US20130214510A1
Принадлежит: The Small Implement Trailer Pty Ltd

A multi-configurable trailer where the load carrying surface can preferably be raised or lowered to enable the easy loading or unloading of the trailer, and/or a variety of different kinds of attachments which can preferably be removably connected to the chassis of the trailer. 2. A trailer as defined in wherein the connector means include a pair of forks which are attached to a crossbar that runs in a transverse direction to the longitudinal direction of the trailer claim 1 , and the crossbar is configured to be raisable or lowerable by the height adjustment means.3. A trailer as defined in wherein the attachment is slidably engageable with the pair of forks claim 2 , and when slid into place claim 2 , the attachment is then releasably lockable to the trailer.4. A trailer as defined in wherein load equalisation means are included which releasably connect to relevant portions of the attachment so that the weight of the attachment claim 3 , of any load carried by it claim 3 , is distributed throughout the chassis as the connector means are raised claim 3 , thereby preventing the forks from bearing the full load.5. A trailer as defined in wherein the height adjustment means includes a mast located towards the front of the trailer.6. A trailer as defined in wherein the mast includes at least one pulley near its top claim 5 , and a suitable cable is attachable to the crossbar claim 5 , and overlays the pulley claim 5 , and the free end of the cable is attachable to suitable winching means that are carried either on a towing vehicle claim 5 , or on the trailer itself.7. A trailer as defined in wherein the winching means may be manual or electrically operated.8. A trailer as defined in wherein the mast includes at least one pulley near its top claim 5 , and a suitable cable is attachable to the crossbar claim 5 , and overlays the pulley claim 5 , and the opposite end is attachable to a bi-directional hydraulic cylinder.9. A trailer as defined in wherein the mast includes ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Convertible Trailer and Storage Basket

Номер: US20130221629A1
Автор: Hart Brian

Provided is an all-terrain trailer for hauling large objects over uneven landscapes. The trailer is capable of carrying items within its volume in both its deployed and stowed state. Deployed, the trailer is a basket shaped body with a pair of wheels removably secured via a removable axle. The trailer is attached to the lead vehicle using a removable trailer hitch linkage that is secured to the basket body via fasteners. In a stowed state, the tires and axle are stored within a storage area in a lower portion of the basket body. In one embodiment, a false bottom is placed over the storage area, creating a flat trailer bed that objects can be laid upon. The basket body is removably secured to the hood of a lead vehicle, thereby providing a carrying basket while the vehicle is in transit. 1) An all-terrain trailer , comprising:a basket body having four sidewalls and a bottom defining an open upper volume, and a lower lip extending down below the perimeter of said bottom, defining an open lower volume;a central support beam bisecting said lower volume into a front and rear portion;an axle support beam extending across said rear portion of said lower volume;a front support beam extending across said front portion;a pair of terrain traversing means;a terrain traversing means support;a trailer hitch linkage;a plurality of securing pins;a plurality of securing posts having holes extending laterally through their upper ends.2) The device of further comprising:a cross bar secured to said central support beam by a removable fastener;a first tire support shelf extending across said front portion of said lower volume;a second tire support shelf extending across said rear portion of said lower volume.3) The device of claim 1 , further comprising;a lower bottom extending between said axle support beam and said front support beam.4) The device of claim 1 , wherein said bottom is removable and =fills a cross-section of said upper volume.5) The device of claim 1 , wherein said ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257029A1
Автор: Garceau Bernard F.

A trailer frame including an axle section having two spaced longitudinal frame members connected by at least one cross member, the longitudinal frame members each having a first end and a second end; a rear section attachable to the axle section; and a dimple assemble joining the axle section to the rear section, the dimple assembly including a dimple pattern formed on each frame member of the axle assembly, the dimple pattern on the axle assembly defining a first dimple axis, and a dimple pattern formed on one end of the rear section and nestable within the dimple pattern formed on the axle section, the dimple pattern on the rear section defining a second dimple axis offset relative to the first dimple axis to create a camber between the axle section and the rear section when the first dimple is nested within the second dimple pattern. 1. A trailer frame comprising:an axle section having two longitudinal frame members on each side of the axle section that are connected by at least one cross member, the two longitudinal frame members each include a first end and a second end that each have a plurality of axle dimples, and the axle section having a means for securing at least one axle;a front section having a front cross member and two longitudinal frame members on each side of the front section, the two longitudinal frame members each include a first end fixedly secured to the front cross member and a second end having a plurality of front dimples in nested engagement with the plurality of axle dimples on the first end of the axle section; anda rear section having a rear cross member and two longitudinal frame members on each side of the rear section, the two longitudinal frame members each include a first end fixedly secured to the rear cross member and a second end having a plurality of rear dimples in nested engagement with the plurality of axle dimples on the second end of the axle section,wherein a camber of the trailer frame is preset in at least one of the ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130341898A1
Принадлежит: Heartland Recreational Vehicles, LLC

A travel trailer configured to be coupled to and towed by a vehicle is provided. The travel trailer has a compartment that is attached to a chassis which includes a front end and a rear end. A plurality of wheels are attached to the chassis adjacent the rear end, and a hitch assembly is attached to the chassis adjacent the front end. The compartment at the front end of the chassis forms first and second corners. A recess, directed inwardly toward the interior of the compartment, is located at each corner of the compartment. Cavities formed by each recess may receive a portion of the vehicle while the vehicle is engaged in a turn. 1a compartment having a front end, a rear end, a floor and a single-level, planar uppermost deck located at the front end at a position higher than the floor and defining the highest horizontal floor structure of the compartment, the uppermost deck having a forward edge and a beam located at the forward edge;an outer front wall and an outer first side wall surrounding at least a portion of the uppermost deck and defining a corner;a hitch connected to the beam at the forward edge of the uppermost deck at a location higher than the floor, the hitch being configured to couple to a mating hitch on a towing vehicle; anda first panel located between the first side wall and the front wall,wherein the first panel forms a recess directed inwardly toward the interior of the compartment and is disposed rearward of the forward edge of the uppermost deck, the recess providing clearance for a portion of the towing vehicle so as to permit the towing vehicle to make a tighter turn without striking the travel trailer.. A fifth wheel travel trailer, including: The present application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/427,322, filed on Mar. 22, 2012, entitled TRAVEL TRAILER HAVING IMPROVED TURNING RADIUS, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/967,836, filed on Dec. 14, 2010, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,162,352, entitled ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Foldable floor assembly for an expandable shelter

Номер: US20140001786A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A foldable floor assembly, including an outboard floor panel apparatus including a bottom surface and a top usable surface generally extending in a floor plane and configured to be used when the foldable floor assembly is in an unfolded state and a pivot rail having an inboard surface, the pivot rail movable in a horizontal direction substantially parallel to the floor plane, wherein movement of the inboard surface of the pivot rail in the horizontal direction toward the outboard floor panel apparatus imparts a moment onto the outboard floor panel apparatus when the bottom surface of the outboard floor panel apparatus and the inboard surface of the pivot rail are in contact with one another.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

All in One Towing Solution

Номер: US20140054098A1
Автор: Henry George Ferri
Принадлежит: Henry George Ferri

An all in one towing solution provides its own drive train. The drive train of the trailer is matched to an ECU and engine of a lead vehicle which communicate to ensure that the drive axle of both the lead vehicle and the trailer rotate at the same speed. The trailer is connected to a lead vehicle by an attachment system, which utilizes trailer tongues and a latching mechanism such as ball hitches. The main body of the trailer is built from a hollow base and a plurality of bulkheads, which form storage compartments for the present invention. The main body additional provides tow points for towing a larger or heavier cargo that may require specialized connections, such as a fifth wheel coupling. The present invention allows common family sedans and other commuter vehicles to tow loads that would otherwise require vehicles with sufficient power and suspension.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000168A1
Автор: Maus Geoffrey B.

A trailer-mounted crash impact attenuator is disclosed for attachment to a host vehicle, which comprises an anti-rotational attachment system having an internal support tube and a plurality of external support tubes. The internal support tube has a connector on its front end for attachment to a suitable receptacle on the host vehicle, and the plurality of external support tubes each have an anti-rotation support pad on their front ends. At least one of the internal support tube and the plurality of external support tubes is comprised of a telescoping construction. A backup frame is disposed on a rear end of the attachment system, and a crash attenuator unit is disposed on an axle and pair of wheels for mobility. When the crash attenuator is impacted by an errant vehicle, the anti-rotational attachment system is actuated to prevent the trailer mounted crash impact attenuator from rotating relative to the host vehicle. 1. A crash impact attenuator for attachment to a host vehicle , comprising:an attachment system having an internal support tube and a plurality of external support tubes, the internal support tube having a connector on a front end thereof for attachment to a suitable receptacle on the host vehicle and the plurality of external support tubes each having an anti-rotation support pad on a front end thereof, wherein at least one of the internal support tube and the plurality of external support tubes is comprised of a telescoping construction;a backup frame disposed on a rear end of said attachment system; anda crash attenuator unit, said crash attenuator unit being disposed on an axle and pair of wheels for mobility.2. The crash impact attenuator as recited in claim 1 , wherein said internal support tube is comprised of a telescoping construction claim 1 , comprising an internal fixed tube and an external telescoping tube.3. The crash impact attenuator as recited in claim 2 , and further comprising a stop plate disposed on a rearward end of the internal ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Self-propelled tandem axle trailer

Номер: US20210001938A1
Принадлежит: New Heights LLC

A trailer for towing by a power vehicle is provided and generally includes a frame and a tandem wheel assembly. The frame forms an undercarriage chassis which the tandem wheel assembly is positioned there under. The undercarriage chassis includes a steerable rear wheel assembly, a steerable front wheel assembly, and an extension assembly moving the front wheel assembly between trailing position and a self-propelled position where the rear wheel assembly and the front wheel assembly are positioned to equally support the undercarriage chassis.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009824A1
Автор: Fenton Gary L.

A composite molded cargo body panel including a core, an interior skin secured to a first side of the core having a thickness, and exterior skin secured to a second side of the core, and a plurality of recesses. The plurality of recesses are dispersed along a first direction at intervals in the interior skin, with the core thickness at each of the plurality of recesses being reduced compared to a maximum core thickness, and each of the plurality of recesses defines a support surface. A pocket is formed in each of the plurality of recesses, with the core thickness at the pocket being less than the core thickness at each of the plurality of recesses. A plurality of logistics inserts are attached to the respective support surfaces of the plurality of recesses so that, at each of the plurality of recesses, the logistics insert extends across the pocket. 1. A composite molded cargo body panel , the composite molded cargo body panel having an overall flat rectangular shape that spans a first direction and a second direction perpendicular to the first direction , the composite molded cargo body panel comprising:a core having a thickness measured perpendicular to the first and second directions;an interior skin secured to a first side of the core, the interior skin defining an interior surface of the composite molded cargo body panel for facing a cargo receiving volume of a cargo body constructed with the composite molded cargo body panel;an exterior skin secured to a second side of the core opposite the first side such that a spacing distance between the interior and exterior skins defines the core thickness;a plurality of recesses dispersed along the first direction at intervals in the interior skin, wherein the core thickness at each of the plurality of recesses is reduced compared to a maximum core thickness, and wherein each of the plurality of recesses defines a support surface;a pocket formed in each of the plurality of recesses, wherein the core thickness at the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010007A1

The present invention provides a race track trailer system for transporting and using a race track for use with one or more radio-controlled vehicles. The race track trailer system includes a trailer and a race track for use with one or more radio-controlled vehicles. 1. A race track trailer system for transporting and using a race track for use with one or more radio-controlled vehicles comprising: 'wherein the door is operatively connected to the trailer;', 'a trailer having a first surface, a second surface, and a door having a first surface and a second surface,'} [ 'wherein the first race track section is operatively connected to the first surface of the trailer;', 'a first race track section having a first surface and a second surface having one or more first lanes,'}, 'wherein the second race track section is operatively connected to the first race track section;', 'a second race track section having a first surface with one or more second lanes and a second surface,'}, 'wherein the third race track section is operatively connected to the first surface of the door;', 'a third race track section having a first surface and a second surface with one or more third lanes,'}], 'a race track for use with one or more radio-controlled vehicles, wherein the race track comprisesone or more support members each independently having a proximal end operatively connected to the trailer and a distal end each independently operatively connected to the door, andwhen the race track is being used, the door of the trailer rotates from a closed position when the race track is being transported to an open position, and the one or more support members are each independently extended.2. The race track trailer system of claim 1 , wherein the door is operatively connected to the trailer with one or more first hinges claim 1 , one or more first support members claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The race track trailer system of claim 1 , wherein the second race track section rotates ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011806A1

A mobile photography studio for photographing objects. The studio has a main trailer body having an internal volume defined by a roof, a floor, a front wall, a rear wall, and two side walls. A control computer controls an expansion of the sidewalls of the trailer, and optionally the roof, to expand the internal volume of the trailer. A turntable, which is disposed on the trailer floor supports and rotates the object based on commands from the control computer. At least one camera takes photographs of the object on the turntable based on commands from a camera control computer. A plurality of lights illuminate the object on the turntable based on commands from the control computer. The camera control computer controls the camera(s), and stores and processes the photographs. 1. A mobile photography studio for photographing an object comprising:a main trailer body having an internal volume defined by a roof, a floor, a front wall, a rear wall, and two side walls;a control computer;said two side walls being expandable walls configured to expand from said main trailer body a predetermined distance and increase the internal volume of said main trailer body, said at least two expandable walls being expanded and contracted based on commands from said control computer;a turntable, disposed on said trailer floor, configured to support and rotate the object based on commands from said control computer;at least one camera configured to take photographs of the object on said turntable based on commands from a camera control computer;a plurality of lights configured to illuminate the object on said turntable based on commands from said control computer; andsaid camera control computer being configured to control said at least one camera, and store and process the photographs.2. The mobile photography studio according to claim 1 , wherein said roof is an expandable roof configured to expand from said main trailer body a predetermined distance and to increase the internal volume of ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014950A1
Автор: Huskey Theodore A.

A two-wheeled cart is especially adapted for use as a game cart and may be easily towed by a conventional mountain bike. The cart has two interchangeable wheel positions. In the first wheel position the wheels are attached to the frame at opposite lateral sides of the cart and in this position the center of mass of a load carried on the bed of the cart is relatively low. In the second wheel position the wheels are aligned one in front of the other along the direction of travel as the cart is moved; in this position, the bed of the cart is raised to a relatively higher position than the position of the bed when the wheels are in the first wheel position so the center of mass of a load carried on the bed is relatively higher than when the wheels are in the first wheel position.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032882A1

A method and system for supporting trailers carrying mechanical equipment, such as hydraulic fracturing oil and gas equipment are provided. One, two or at least three supports extend from the trailer toward ground and are configured to partially support the trailer when in contact with ground, in addition to any axle groups that exist on the trailer. At least one device configured to absorb, damp, or both absorb and damp vibrations from the mechanical equipment during operation is provided. Each device is operatively coupled to, for example integrated with, a corresponding one of the support structures. 1. A system for supporting the weight of a trailer holding mechanical equipment when unsupported by a towing tractor , the system comprising:at least one support structure extending from the trailer toward ground and configured to partially support the trailer when in contact with ground, in addition to any axle groups that exist on the trailer; andat least one device configured to absorb, damp, or both absorb and damp vibrations from the mechanical equipment during operation thereof, wherein each of the at least one devices is operatively coupled to a corresponding one of the at least one support structures.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one device is included within or is coupled in series with said corresponding one of the at least one support structures.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one device comprises a spring and a damper located internally within said corresponding one of the at least one support structures.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the spring is a rubber claim 3 , polymer composite claim 3 , or elastomer spring.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one device comprises a rubber claim 1 , polymer composite claim 1 , or elastomer isolator which is operatively coupled to a moveable foot of said corresponding one of the at least one support structures.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least three support ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150016930A1
Автор: Barnett Eric Lloyd

A trailer assembly is disclosed that is operable to transport vehicles. The trailer assembly includes at least two tires and a first frame section, a second frame section, and a third frame section. The tires are coupled to the first frame section. The second frame section includes a platform configured to support at least a front wheel of a vehicle. The second frame section and the third frame section are each rotatably coupled to the first frame section. The third frame section includes a portion adapted to be directly selectively couplable to a trailer hitch of an automobile. A winch assembly couples the second frame section to at least one of the first frame section and third frame section. The winch assembly is operably configured to both lower the second frame section and raise a portion of the first frame section independent and without rotation of the third frame section. 1. A trailer assembly operable to transport vehicles , the trailer assembly comprising:at least two tires;a first frame section coupled to the at least two tires and having a proximal end and a distal end;a second frame section having a platform configured to support at least a front wheel of a vehicle, a proximal end, and a distal end, the proximal end of the second frame section rotatably coupled to the proximal end of the first frame section;a third frame section having a proximal end rotatably coupled to the first frame section and having a distal end with a portion adapted to be directly selectively couplable to a trailer hitch of an automobile; anda winch assembly having a securing member coupling the second frame section to at least one of the first frame section and third frame section, the winch assembly operably configured to both lower the second frame section and raise a portion of the first frame section independent and without rotation of the third frame section.2. The trailer assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising:at least two suspension assemblies coupled to the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016193A1

A safety trailer is shown including first and second platforms, at least one of said first and second platforms having an axle and wheels attached thereto; a plurality of interconnected wall sections positioned between and connected to the first and second platforms, the plurality of wall sections defining a protected work area on a side of the trailer; and wherein each wall section has first and second end members, each of the first and second end members comprising an outwardly projecting alignment member and an alignment-receiving member, the first and second end members having the alignment and alignment-receiving members positioned in opposing configurations. 1. A safety trailer , comprising:(a) first and second platforms, at least one of said first and second platforms having an axle and wheels attached thereto;(b) a plurality of interconnected wall sections positioned between and connected to the first and second platforms, the plurality of wall sections defining a protected work area on a side of the trailer; and(c) wherein each wall section has first and second end members, each of the first and second end members comprising an outwardly projecting alignment member and an alignment-receiving member, the first and second end members having the alignment and alignment-receiving members positioned in opposing configurations.2. The safety trailer of claim 1 , wherein the outwardly projecting alignment member is a dowel.3. The safety trailer of claim 1 , wherein the alignment-receiving member is a dowel receiver hole.4. The safety trailer of claim 1 , wherein the wall sections are interconnected through a screw-and-bolt connection using bolt holes associated with the wall ends.5. The safety trailer of claim 1 , wherein each wall section has a plurality of interconnected levels claim 1 , each level comprising first and second longitudinal members claim 1 , a plurality of truss members interconnecting the first and second longitudinal members and wherein the first ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022992A1
Автор: Jutras Daniel

A pump shelter including a housing, the housing having insulating structures for insulating an interior of the housing from external elements. A pump system is positioned within the housing and operable for pumping a fluid. A heating system is also positioned within the housing for heating the interior of the housing. A lighting system provides lighting for the interior of the housing. A power supply system provides power to at least one of the pump system, the heating system and the lighting system. Hose elements are removably connectable to the pump system. The pump shelter is readily and quickly available for rapid deployment in a fire or flooding scenario under various climate conditions. 111-. (canceled)12. A pump shelter comprising:a housing, the housing comprising insulating structures for insulating an interior of the housing from external elements;a pump system positioned within the housing and operable for pumping a fluid;a heating system positioned within the housing for heating the interior of the housing;a lighting system positioned within the housing for lighting the interior of the housing;a power supply system providing power to at least one of the pump system, the heating system and the lighting system; anda plurality of hose elements removably connectable to the pump system.13. The pump shelter according to claim 12 , further comprising an air pump removably connectable to a hose element of the plurality of hose elements extending outside the housing and configured to circulate air through the external hose element to prevent freezing of any fluids located therein.14. The pump shelter according to claim 12 , further comprising a heating wire system connected to a hose element of the plurality of hose elements extending outside the housing and configured to heat the external hose element to prevent freezing of any fluids located therein.15. The pump shelter according to claim 12 , wherein the power supply system comprises a removable fuel reservoir ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Vehicle Trailer

Номер: US20150030423A1
Автор: REID Glen Antony

A vehicle trailer including a trailer chassis with two opposed sides secured together at/adjacent one end by a crossmember, to form a U-shaped structure with an interior space between the arms of said U; a load-bearing tailgate between the sides of said chassis to removably close off said interior space; a loading device mounted in said interior space adjacent said crossmember and including a loading fork which can be moved up and down and which provides at least one load-engaging member; the or each said load-engaging member having a length such that the end of said load-engaging member furthest from said crossmember can be positioned to engage said load-bearing tailgate so as to stabilise said load-engaging member and to transfer load from said load-engaging member to said tailgate. 1. A vehicle trailer which includes:a trailer chassis mounted upon ground engaging means;said chassis having two opposed sides to which said ground engaging means are connected;said sides being secured together at or adjacent one end thereof by a crossmember, to form a structure which is substantially U-shaped in plan, with an interior space between the arms of said U;the end of said chassis adjacent said crossmember being provided with means for securing the trailer to a towing vehicle;the opposite end of said chassis being provided with a load-bearing tailgate arranged to extend between the sides of said chassis so as to removably close off said interior space;a loading device mounted in said interior space adjacent said crossmember;said loading device including a loading fork which is adapted to be moved up and down and which provides at least one load-engaging member for engagement with a load;the or each said load-engaging member having a length such that the end of said load-engaging member furthest from said crossmember can be positioned to engage said load-bearing tailgate so as to stabilise said load-engaging member and to transfer load from said load-engaging member to said ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Mobile Work Stress Relief

Номер: US20170028164A1
Автор: Jacob Leider
Принадлежит: Meditation Works LLC

A mobile meditation unit has a scheduling control for receiving a request for a mobile meditation session. The control is programmed to receive a request, and schedule a mobile meditation unit to be dispatched to a particular location. A mobile meditation unit includes an enclosed space having climate control and seating locations. A method of providing a mobile meditation system is also disclosed.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Low speed transport docking station

Номер: US20170028897A1
Автор: Pribyl Ralph

A low speed transport and docking system for a watercraft comprising a wheeled frame for supporting the watercraft and configured for transport over a land surface by way of at least one pair of ground engaging wheels and for docking the watercraft in and out of a body of water. The axle rotatably securing the ground engaging wheels to the frame comprises angled terminal end lengths such that the wheels are offset from the center length of the axle so that a winch system and locking mechanism together are operably connected to the axle for rotating the axle to adjust the height between the wheels and the frame such that the wheels are engaged with the ground while the frame height can be raised or lowered for transport and/or docking of the watercraft such that the watercraft can be docked in the water or on land and transported to and from water with a single system. 1. A transport and docking station for a watercraft comprising:a frame for supporting the watercraft, wherein the frame is a wheeled frame configured for transport over a land surface by way of at least one pair of ground engaging wheels and for docking the watercraft in or out of a body of water;wherein the at least one pair of ground engaging wheels comprises two wheels positioned on terminal ends of an axle rotatably secured to the frame and where each wheel is connected to the axle at a position offset from a center length of the axle such that the rotation of the axle raises and lowers the wheels with respect to the frame.2. The transport and docking station of and further comprising a winch system operably connected to the at least one pair of wheels such that winding of the winch rotates the axle and the changes the height of the wheels with respect to the frame and to the ground.3. The transport and docking station of claim 2 , and further comprising a lever mechanism for locking the axle in a selected position of rotation.4. The transport and docking station of wherein the frame further ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029647A1
Автор: Garceau Bernard F.

A trailer frame including an axle section having two spaced longitudinal frame members connected by at least one cross member, the longitudinal frame members each having a first end and a second end; a rear section attachable to the axle section; and a dimple assemble joining the axle section to the rear section, the dimple assembly including a dimple pattern formed on each frame member of the axle assembly, the dimple pattern on the axle assembly defining a first dimple axis, and a dimple pattern formed on one end of the rear section and nestable within the dimple pattern formed on the axle section, the dimple pattern on the rear section defining a second dimple axis offset relative to the first dimple axis to create a camber between the axle section and the rear section when the first dimple is nested within the second dimple pattern. 1. An axle frame for a trailer , the axle frame comprising:a first rail section having a sidewall, a top wall extending laterally from the sidewall at an upper junction, and a bottom wall extending laterally from the sidewall at a lower junction, wherein the top wall terminates at an end of the first rail section to define an exposed edge that has no top wall; anda second rail section having a sidewall, a top wall extending laterally from the sidewall, and a bottom wall extending laterally from the sidewall, wherein the end of the first rail section is attachable to the second rail section with a portion of the second rail section overlapping a portion of the first rail section at a joint;wherein upon attachment of the respective first and second rail sections to form the joint, the top wall of the second rail section extends over the exposed edge of the sidewall of the first rail section.2. The axle frame of claim 1 , wherein the top wall of the second rail section is attached to the top wall of the first rail section via a reinforcement member that is attached to the first rail section top wall along the first junction and is ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029656A1
Автор: Barnes Aaron Neil
Принадлежит: PJ Trailers, Inc.

A modular trailer system is disclosed. The system may include variously configured modular rails, tie down systems, fender mounting systems, cable fences, modular ramps, and/or mountable accessories whereby the versatile trailer system may be readily reconfigured. 1. A modular trailer rail assembly comprising:a top rail; anda plurality of uprights joined perpendicularly to the top rail,wherein each upright comprises a first pair of side upright apertures comprising a first side upright aperture and a second side upright aperture positioned a first lateral inset distance from a larger upright face and configured to receive at least one of a tie down pin of a tie down system and a cable fence.2. The modular trailer rail assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising:the tie down pin of the tie down system inserted into the first side upright aperture and the second side upright aperture; anda tie down ring joined in rotatable mechanical communication to the tie down pin and positioned medially between the first side upright aperture and the second side upright aperture.3. The modular trailer rail assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the tie down ring comprises:a curved member disposed in a curved member plane; anda first attachment member and a second attachment member each comprising pin apertures,wherein the first attachment member and the second attachment member are separated by an aperture width and are both disposed in an attachment member plane, andwherein the curved member plane and the attachment member plane intersect at a bend angle whereby the first attachment member and the second attachment member are spaced an offset distance from the curved member plane.4. The modular trailer rail assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the curved member of the tie down ring hangs parallel to at least one of the plurality of uprights.5. The modular trailer rail assembly according to claim 3 , further comprising a lock connected to the tie down pin and configured ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031666A1

A system includes a trailer frame, a lifting mechanism coupled to the trailer frame, wherein the lifting mechanism is configured to raise or lower a coil of pipe or a reel of pipe, a braking mechanism configured to apply pressure to the pipe while the pipe is being deployed by the system, and a hydraulic power unit configured to hydraulically power the system. 1. A system , comprising:a trailer frame;a lifting mechanism coupled to the trailer frame, wherein the lifting mechanism is configured to raise or lower a coil of pipe or a reel of pipe;a braking mechanism configured to apply pressure to the pipe while the pipe is being deployed by the system; anda hydraulic power unit configured to hydraulically power the system.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the lifting mechanism comprise a hydraulic cylinder.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the braking mechanism comprises at least one of a beam pushed against the pipe claim 1 , a caliper brake claim 1 , a drum brake claim 1 , or a hydraulic motor.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the hydraulic power unit is disposed on a skid separate from the trailer frame.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the trailer frame is configured to be collapsible such that at least one of a collapsed system width is less than an expanded system width claim 1 , or a collapsed system length is less than an expanded system length claim 1 , or a collapsed system height is less than an expanded system height.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein a portion of the collapsible trailer frame is configured to fold in or two portions of the collapsible trailer frame are configured to move toward one another.7. The system of claim 1 , comprising a coil containment device configured to block undesired movement of the coil of pipe.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the coil containment device comprises at least one of a coil containment cage claim 7 , a containment flange claim 7 , or a truncated containment flange.9. The system of claim 1 , comprising ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036718A1
Принадлежит: LITTLE WAY TEAM, S.L.

A modular trailer with a fold-down configuration designed to be coupled to motor vehicles. It incorporates a main frame module, including a tow-bar assembly, two support brackets with retractable wheels and a self-supporting chassis to which supplementary modules can be attached. 22324241242. A modular trailer claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the tow-bar assembly () has balls () claim 1 , balls with support (.) and sets of balls (.) claim 1 , fitted as permanent or removable fixtures.38252627. A modular trailer claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein a light and registration number plate module () comprising a rectangular structure with two side pockets in which the lights () are housed claim 1 , allowing a space between the two pockets that houses the registration number plate () claim 1 , and which includes fastening devices () on the back is envisaged as a supplementary module to be attached by fastening means.4229302832333417. A modular trailer claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein a motorcycle carrier module () comprising a wheel stop assembly () claim 1 , a wheel guide assembly () and a folding platform () configured by a rear module () claim 1 , a middle module () and a front module () is envisaged as a supplementary module to be attached by means of quick lock fittings ().532353637383539331733354037383539134173435414038353923017. A modular trailer claim 4 , according to claim 4 , wherein the rear module () comprises a support structure () with reinforcements () at both ends claim 4 , configured with raised sides in relation to its base claim 4 , covered by rear support plates () configured with an inclined extension and fitted with a slot () claim 4 , coupling claim 4 , on the base of the support structure () claim 4 , a profile section () connecting the central module () by means of quick lock fittings (); the central module () comprises a support structure () claim 4 , configured with raised sides in relation to its base claim 4 , covered by ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

System and Method for Slideably Positioning Swing Arm Sets of a Trailer

Номер: US20150042066A1
Автор: Piet NOOREN
Принадлежит: MAMMOET USA SOUTH Inc

This disclosure relates to a system and method for slideably positioning swing arm sets of a trailer. Specifically, the swing arms can comprise a center support having a beam, a plurality of frames, one or more swing arm sets, and a frame system. The frames can be mounted in pairs at the top surface and the bottom surface of the center support, and can comprise a pair of hinge interfaces. The swing arm sets can be slidably positionable along the beam, and can each comprise a left swing arm and a right swing arm. The frame system can connect the right swing arm to the left swing arm.

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Transport Trailer with Adjustable-Width Swing Arms

Номер: US20150042068A1
Автор: Piet NOOREN
Принадлежит: MAMMOET USA SOUTH Inc

A system and method for adjusting the arms of an over-sized trailer is described herein. In one embodiment, the system can comprise a center support, a plurality of swing arms, and a plurality of stabilizer rods. The swing arms can be mounted to the left side and the right side of the center support. The swing arms can each comprise an arm and an arm hinge. The swing arms can be capable of rotating about the arm hinge. Furthermore, a dolly can be capable of being mounted to each swing arms. Each of the stabilizer rods can comprise a first rod portion and a second rod portion. The first rod portion can be connected to the center support and the second rod portion connected to one of the swing arms.

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Luggage Device for Vehicle

Номер: US20220055700A1
Автор: Lee Jae Seung

A luggage device for a vehicle includes a container including a door that is openable and closable, a first mounting portion facing the door, and a second mounting portion configured to connect the door to the first mounting portion, the container having a fillable space formed therein, and a drive mechanism configured to connect the container to a mount subject such that the first mounting portion or the second mounting portion is attached to the mount subject and to switch mount directions of the container. 1. A luggage device for a vehicle comprising:a container comprising a door that is openable and closable, a first mounting portion facing the door and a second mounting portion configured to connect the door to the first mounting portion, the container having a fillable space formed therein; anda drive mechanism configured to connect the container to a mount subject such that the first mounting portion or the second mounting portion is attached to the mount subject and to switch mount directions of the container.2. The luggage device of claim 1 , wherein the first mounting portion is configured to be opened or closed.3. The luggage device of claim 1 , wherein the second mounting portion is configured to be opened or closed.4. The luggage device of claim 3 , further comprising an operation motor provided on the container and configured to slide the second mounting portion.5. The luggage device of claim 4 , wherein the operation motor is mounted on an inner side of the container at a portion where the second mounting portion and the door meet and is configured to slide the second mounting portion in a direction away from the first mounting portion or the second mounting portion in a direction toward the first mounting portion.6. The luggage device of claim 1 , wherein the drive mechanism comprises:a rail mounted on the mount subject; anda link assembly configured to be slidable along the rail and coupled to the container.7. The luggage device of claim 6 , wherein ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040597A1

A safety trailer including first and second platforms, at least one of said first and second platforms having an axle and wheels attached thereto; a plurality of interconnected wall sections positioned between and connected to the first and second platforms, the plurality of wall sections defining a protected work area on a side of the trailer; and wherein each wall section has a lower bracing section comprising a single horizontal beam, two diagonal braces and a plurality of cross-braces, to allow workers in the protected work area to access a portion of the area under the wall section. 1. A safety trailer , comprising:(a) first and second platforms, at least one of said first and second platforms having an axle and wheels attached thereto;(b) a plurality of interconnected wall sections positioned between and connected to the first and second platforms, the plurality of wall sections defining a protected work area on a side of the trailer; and(c) wherein each wall section has a lower bracing section comprising a single horizontal beam, two diagonal braces and a plurality of cross-braces, to allow workers in the protected work area to access a portion of the area under the wall section.2. The safety trailer of claim 1 , wherein each wall section has first and second end members claim 1 , each of the first and second end members comprising an outwardly projecting alignment member and an alignment-receiving member claim 1 , the first and second end members having the alignment and alignment-receiving members positioned in opposing configurations3. The safety trailer of claim 2 , wherein the outwardly projecting alignment member is a dowel.4. The safety trailer of claim 2 , wherein the alignment-receiving member is a dowel receiver hole.5. The safety trailer of claim 1 , wherein the wall sections are interconnected through a screw-and-bolt connection using bolt holes associated with ends of the wall.6. The safety trailer of claim 1 , wherein each wall section has a ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Foldable beach wagon

Номер: US20210046963A1
Автор: Garrett Debry
Принадлежит: Radio Flyer Inc

A foldable beach wagon with steerable front wheels is disclosed. The wagon has a frame having a first end assembly, an opposing second end assembly and a floor assembly connected between the first end assembly and the second end assembly. A steering link is pivotally connected to the wagon frame adjacent the first end assembly, and a handle is pivotally connected to the steering link. When the steering link is pivoted by the handle a tie rod moves laterally to pivot the front wheels for turning the wagon. A hanger assembly is connected to the wagon frame adjacent the second end assembly. The hangar assembly is adapted to receive one or more chairs. Fenders are provided over the rear wheels to block engagement of the chairs with the rear wheels of the wagon.

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043822A1
Принадлежит: Salford Group Inc

A trailer has a frame having frame-members configured to support a container, at least a pair of traction devices rotatably mounted on the frame, and a tongue configured to be mounted on a transportation device or an implement being towed by a transportation device. The frame-members may have a three-point mount configured to support a container. The container may be configured to be interchangeable with another container. The container may be an element of a seeding apparatus, the seeding apparatus mountable on the frame-members of the frame. The trailer may have a steering mechanism for the traction devices, and may be convertible between steerable and non-steerable modes. The steering mechanism may be guidance controlled. A transverse distance between the traction devices may be adjustable and/or height of the frame in relation to the ground may be adjustable. The trailer provides greater flexibility of operation under a greater variety of conditions.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043954A1
Принадлежит: Salford Group Inc.

A trailer has a frame having frame-members configured to support a container, at least a pair of traction devices rotatably mounted on the frame, and a tongue configured to be mounted on a transportation device or an implement being towed by a transportation device. The frame-members may have a three-point mount configured to support a container. The container may be configured to be interchangeable with another container. The container may be an element of a seeding apparatus, the seeding apparatus mountable on the frame-members of the frame. The trailer may have a steering mechanism for the traction devices, and may be convertible between steerable and non-steerable modes. The steering mechanism may be guidance controlled. A transverse distance between the traction devices may be adjustable and/or height of the frame in relation to the ground may be adjustable. The trailer provides greater flexibility of operation under a greater variety of conditions. 1. A steerable trailer comprising:a frame having frame-members for supporting a container;at least a pair of opposed traction devices having an adjustable transverse distance therebetween rotatably mounted on stub axles mounted on a transverse axle bar mounted on the frame, the transverse axle bar having an adjustable height in relation to the ground;a tongue pivotally mountable on a hitch tube of a transportation device or an implement being towed by a transportation device; and,a steering mechanism for the traction devices, the steering mechanism comprising a 5-bar linkage assembly in which five linkage arms are connected at pivot points so that the linkages may move relative to each other, one of the linkage arms comprising the transverse axle bar and three of the five linkage arms including the axle bar being length adjustable.2. The trailer of claim 1 , further comprising:stub axle assemblies, each stub axle assembly comprising the stub axle and a stub axle mounting plate, the stub axle mounting plate ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063741A1
Принадлежит: Hall Labs LLC

A trailer is disclosed which includes a first door with a first hinge configured to allow the first door to operate between an open position and a closed position, and a second door on the opposing side of the trailer with a second hinge configured to allow the second door to operate between an open position and a closed position. The trailer also includes a roof and a trailer tongue with a coupling configured to attach to a hitch of a vehicle. Two or more wheels are provided that are extendable from an up position to a down position. In this way, when the wheels are in the down position, the trailer is lifted off the ground. The trailer can thus change between at least three modes, including a first mode for storage, wherein the first door and second door are in the closed position and the wheels are in the up position; a second mode for ingress and egress, wherein at least one of the first door and second door are in the open position; and a third mode for travel, wherein the first door and second door are in the closed position and the wheels are in the down position. 1. A trailer comprising:a first door comprising a first hinge configured to allow the first door to operate between an open position and a closed position;a second door on the opposing side of the trailer comprising a second hinge configured to allow the second door to operate between an open position and a closed position;a roof;a trailer tongue with a coupling configured to attach to a hitch of a vehicle;two or more wheels that are extendable from an up position to a down position, wherein when the wheels are in the down position, the trailer is lifted off the ground; a first mode for storage, wherein the first door and second door are in the closed position and the wheels are in the up position;', 'a second mode for ingress and egress, wherein at least one of the first door and second door are in the open position; and', 'a third mode for travel, wherein the first door and second door are in the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Vertically Stowable Trailer

Номер: US20220063742A1
Автор: Shockley Troy

A trailer includes a set of removable castor wheels attached to a rear portion thereof, wherein the castor wheels are oriented to face rearwardly when the trailer is oriented in the traditional horizontal position. This arrangement allows the trailer to be tilted upwardly into a vertical orientation so that it rests on the castor wheels, thus providing an apparatus and method for easily moving and storing trailers more efficiently due to the reduced footprint required for such trailer storage. The castor wheels, in one embodiment, include mounting brackets that may be attached to the trailer using a securing rod, similarly to the mounting mechanisms commonly used for removably attaching trailer hitches into trailer hitch sleeves, thus rendering the castor wheels removable from the trailer when they are not in use for storage purposes. 1. A vertically stowable trailer comprising:a frame having a tongue on a front end thereof for attachment to a vehicle trailer hitch, a pair of wheels attached to said frame member on opposed lateral sides thereof, and a rectangular frame section having laterally oriented front and rear cross members and a pair of longitudinally oriented side members connected to said front and rear cross members;said frame further including a vertically oriented wheel housing on each side thereof, wherein each said wheel housing is disposed between one of said wheels and one of said side members of said rectangular frame section;a first pair of castor wheels attached to said rear cross member so that said castor wheels are oriented to face rearwardly when said trailer is oriented in a horizontal position; anda second pair of castor wheels, wherein each of said second pair of castor wheels is attached to a rear portion of said wheel housing so that said castor wheels are oriented to face rearwardly when said trailer is oriented in a horizontal position.2. The vertically stowable trailer set forth in claim 1 , wherein said castor wheels are removable ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210051947A1
Автор: Greer Larry D.

An illustrated view of an exemplary hunting blind is presented. The hunting blind is useful for those that may need help in putting the hunting blind in an ideal location of a tree. The hunting blind is also useful to allow a hunter, in the hunting blind, to remain in the hunting blind when accessories are needed. The hunter would not leave the hunting blind which may scare away to game the hunter is hoping to hunt. The hunting blind is preferably seven (7) feet in height. The hunting blind has a winch and cable to hoist or raise the hunting blind into a tree. The winch is powered by a 12-volt battery and has a switch to automate the raising of the hunting blind. Other amenities are also provided such as a toilet, a seat, a cooler, a heater/cooker, charger for computing devices and a light. 1. A hunting blind for providing comfort to a hunter , the blind comprising:a frame, the frame being for defining the outline of the blind;a winch, the winch coupled to a cable and a hook;the cable being coupled to a tree and the hook;a power source, the power source for powering the winch; anda switch, the switch communicative coupled to the battery, wherein the battery being communicative coupled to the winch, and wherein when the switch is actuated the winch retracts the cable thereby raising the blind into the tree.2. The blind of claim 1 , wherein the power source being a battery.3. The blind of claim 1 , wherein the cable being capable of holding one-thousand (1000) pounds.4. The blind of claim 1 , the hook being a double-eye slanted hook.5. The blind of claim 1 , the blind further comprising:a charger, the charger for charging computing devices; andwherein the charger being coupled to the power source.6. The blind of claim 5 , wherein the charger being a universal serial bus type C (USB-C) port.7. The blind of claim 1 , the blind further comprisinga lamp, the lamp for lighting the blind; andthe lamp communicative coupled to the power source by an electrical wire.8. The ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047829A1
Автор: Tran Khoa Van

A portable towing system for a motorcycle or similar vehicle, such as a trike, the frame of which can be lowered to ground level to facilitate loading of the motorcycle or similar vehicle by pushing or riding the vehicle onto the frame without risk of the vehicle falling off the sides of a steeply inclined ramp. The towing system may be assembled, raised, lowered, and disassembled by a single person, if desired. The raising and lowering of the frame is effected by a lifting and lowering mechanism connected with the wheel assemblies. 1. A towing system comprising:a) a frame to support a vehicle;b) said frame comprising two wheel assemblies removably connected with said frame;c) each wheel assembly configured to raise and lower a portion of said frame connected with said wheel assembly; i) a frame insertion member insertable into said frame;', 'ii) a wheel attachment member;', 'iii) a wheel attached to said wheel attachment member;', 'iv) a first plate member connected to said wheel attachment member and comprising a mounting aperture;', 'v) a lever insertion opening, said lever insertion opening structured and arrange to receive a lever to assist raising or lowering the portion of said frame connected with said wheel assembly;', 'vi) a second plate member comprising a gear plate portion and a spindle connecting portion;', 'vii) said gear plate portion comprising an outer set of gear teeth, a centrally positioned aperture, and at least three locking apertures spaced about said centrally positioned aperture;', 'viii) a spindle connecting said first plate member with said spindle connecting portion of said second plate member, said spindle positioning said first plate member and said second plate member so that said mounting aperture of said first plate member and said centrally positioned aperture of said gear plate portion of said second plate member are aligned;', 'ix) said frame insertion member connected to said first plate member and said gear plate portion of ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Portable Hoist Assembly

Номер: US20180050622A1
Автор: Brown Larry, Roberts Tommy

A portable hoist assembly for lifting, relocating and lowering loads includes a trailer that is both wheeled and configured to couple to a vehicle. A power module, a lift arm and an actuator are coupled to the trailer. The actuator is operationally coupled to the power module and the lift arm. A fastener is operationally coupled proximate to a second end of the lift arm. The fastener is configured to couple the lift arm to a load. The actuator is positioned to motivate the lift arm and the fastener upwardly and downwardly. The load that is coupled to the lift arm is elevated from a first resting position to a raised position, repositioned by movement of the trailer, and lowered from the raised position to a second resting position. 1. A portable hoist assembly comprising:a trailer, said trailer being wheeled, said trailer being configured to couple to a vehicle, such that said trailer is movable;a power module coupled to said trailer;a lift arm coupled to said trailer;an actuator coupled to said trailer, said actuator being operationally coupled to said power module and said lift arm;a fastener operationally coupled to said lift arm proximate to a second end of said lift arm; andwherein said fastener is positioned on said lift arm such that said fastener is configured to couple said lift arm to a load, wherein said actuator is positioned to motivate said lift arm and said fastener upwardly, such that the load coupled to said lift arm is elevated from a first resting position to a raised position, wherein said trailer is wheeled and couplable to a vehicle, such that said trailer and the load are movable, and wherein said actuator is positioned to motivate said lift arm and said fastener downwardly, such that the load coupled to said lift arm is lower from the raised position to a second resting position.2. The assembly of claim 1 , further including said trailer comprising:a bed, said bed being rigid, said bed being substantially squarely shaped;an axle rotationally ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050627A1

A convertible trailer includes a frame including a tongue portion arranged to facilitate towing by a vehicle, a main portion supported by the frame and defining a portion of a space, and an end portion coupled to the main portion and cooperating with the main portion to define the space. A porch cover is pivotably coupled to the main portion for movement between a stowed position and a deployed position and a porch floor is pivotably coupled to the main portion for movement between a stowed position and a deployed position, the porch cover and the porch floor cooperating to define a porch when in the deployed position. A front door is formed as part of the main portion and provides a passage between the space and the porch. An end door is formed as part of the end portion and is arranged to provide access to the space. A plurality of removable support members is positioned beneath the porch floor and arranged to support the porch floor in the deployed position. 1. A convertible trailer comprising:a towable frame;a plurality of wheels coupled to the frame;a room defined by a plurality of walls and supported by the frame;a movable porch coupled to the room and pivotable between a stowed position and a display position;a movable roof coupled to the room and pivotable between a stowed position and a display position in which the roof covers at least a portion of the porch;a first entryway positioned adjacent the porch to facilitate movement into and out of the room from the porch;an end portion extending from a first end of the room;a second entryway formed as part of the end portion to facilitate movement into and out of the room from a point spaced apart from the porch; anda plurality of support members each coupled to one of the room and the porch, each support member separately movable between a stowed position and a support position.2. The convertible trailer of claim 1 , wherein the frame comprises a tongue portion including a socket of a ball and socket trailer ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Width-adjustable modular heavy goods vehicle, and transverse frame module for a heavy goods vehicle of said type

Номер: US20170050692A1
Автор: Horst HAEFELE
Принадлежит: GOLDHOFER AG

A modular heavy goods vehicle ( 10 ) comprises a left vehicle module ( 12 ) and a differently designed right vehicle module ( 14 ), each of which includes a longitudinal frame part ( 20, 24 ) and at least two wheel subassemblies ( 22, 26 ), and two transverse frame modules ( 16, 18 ) which extend in the direction of the width (B) of the vehicle and the free ends of which are releasably connected to the longitudinal frame parts ( 20, 24 ), the length of the transverse frame modules being adjustable.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050875A1
Автор: ARAKI Manabu, Araki Toru

The availability of a container crane or a dock is improved. A cargo handling method includes steps of: moving a lighter to a different dock, the lighter carrying a freight container wheeled platform loaded on the lighter the freight container wheeled platform carrying a container placed on the freight container wheeled platform in a container yard; and unloading the freight container wheeled platform from the lighter to the different dock. 1. A cargo handling method comprising steps of:moving a lighter to a different dock, the lighter carrying a freight container wheeled platform loaded on the lighter, the freight container wheeled platform carrying a container placed on the freight container wheeled platform in a container yard; andunloading the freight container wheeled platform from the lighter to the different dock.2. The cargo handling method of claim 1 , whereinthe container is placed on the freight container wheeled platform, and then the freight container wheeled platform is loaded on the lighter, orthe container is placed on the freight container wheeled platform loaded on the lighter.3. The cargo handling method of claim 2 , whereinthe container landed from a container ship by a container crane is placed on the freight container wheeled platform.4. The cargo handling method of claim 2 , whereinthe container in which bulk cargo is housed by a bulk cargo handling system is placed on the freight container wheeled platform, orthe bulk cargo is housed, by the bulk cargo handling system, in the container placed on the freight container wheeled platform.5. The cargo handling method of claim 4 , whereinthe bulk cargo handling system is configured to suck, transport, and handle bulk cargo, and a frame having an engaging portion engageable with a spreader of a container crane;', 'a blower attached to the frame, and configured to suck air; and', 'a separator attached to the frame, and configured to separate bulk cargo sucked along with the air from the air sucked by ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Double canopy covered wagon

Номер: US20210054648A1
Принадлежит: Conestoga Wagon Co LLC

The present invention extends to a double canopy covered wagon. Interior canopy frame supports support an interior canopy over a portion of a wagon flooring surface and under larger exterior canopy frame supports. The exterior canopy frame supports support an exterior canopy over the interior canopy. Including interior and exteriors canopies increases insulation relative to a single canopy. Further, since the exterior canopy frame supports are larger than the interior canopy frame supports, air can flow between the interior and exterior canopies. Air flow between the canopies in combination with increased insulation facilitates more effective climate control inside a wagon.

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059914A1
Автор: Holland Michael J.

A modular trailer assembly for attachment to a frame of a vehicle includes an elongate support member, a first connector rigidly mountable to the frame of the vehicle, a rear loop, and a second connector. The proximal end of the support member is pivotally connected to the first connector and selectively detachable therefrom. At least one wheel is rotatably connected to the distal end of the rear loop. The second connector includes a first frame member and a second frame member rotatably coupled to one another. The distal end of the first frame is configured to engage the proximal end of the rear loop. The proximal end of the second frame member is configured to engage the distal end of the support member. The first frame member is rotatably moveable to allow cargo to track with the vehicle independently of a change in orientation of the at least one wheel. 1. A modular trailer assembly configured for attachment to a frame of a vehicle , the modular trailer assembly comprising:an elongate support member including a proximal end, a distal end, a length defined between the distal end and the proximal end, and a plurality of rack member attachment regions spaced apart along the length;a first connector rigidly mountable to the frame of the vehicle, wherein the proximal end of the support member is pivotally connected to the first connector and selectively detachable therefrom;a rear loop including a proximal end and a distal end, wherein at least one wheel is rotatably connected to the distal end; anda second connector including a proximal end, a distal end, and a longitudinal axis defined the distal end and the proximal end, wherein the second connector includes a first frame member and a second frame member rotatably coupled to one another, a distal end of the first frame configured to engage the proximal end of the rear loop, a proximal end of the second frame member configured to engage the distal end of the support member,wherein, when cargo is disposed above the ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059915A1

A portable platform includes a trailer having a frame, an undercarriage, a plurality of wheels attached to the undercarriage, and a hitch. A platform is attached to the frame and includes a base segment attached to a top surface of the frame and a plurality of platform segments coupled with the base segment. The plurality of platform segments are configured to transition to be in substantially the same plane as the base segment when in use, and transition until substantially on top of, and substantially flush with, the base segment when in storage thereby decreasing the total exposed surface area. 1. A portable platform comprising:a trailer having a frame, an undercarriage, a plurality of wheels attached to the undercarriage, and a hitch; a base segment attached to a top surface of the frame;', 'a plurality of platform segments pivotably coupled with the base segment,', 'wherein the plurality of platform segments are configured to pivotably rotate to be in substantially the same plane as the base segment when in use, and pivotably rotate substantially on top of the base segment when in storage thereby decreasing the total exposed surface area., 'a platform attached to the frame comprising2. The portable platform of further comprising a plurality of telescoping supports configured to expand and retract along the width of the platform.3. The portable platform of further comprising a plurality of leveling supports detachably coupled with a bottom side of the platform.4. The portable platform of wherein the hitch is configured to detachably couple the trailer with a vehicle.5. The portable platform of wherein the platform further comprises a stairwell pivotally attached along a rear edge of the base segment.6. The portable platform of further comprising at least one mounting point on the platform claim 1 , each configured to support a post.7. The portable platform of wherein the post is configured to support a covering.8. The portable platform of wherein the covering is ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150061259A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A trailer is presented. First and second axles are provided, each of the first and second axles being configured to couple to at least two wheels. A chassis is connected to the first and second axles, and a hitch is connected to the chassis. A lift system engaging structure is connected to the chassis of the trailer. The lift system engaging structure is configured to releasably engage a lifting component of a lift system. The lift system is configured to raise the lifting component to position the trailer in a stowed position. 1. A trailer , comprising:first and second axles, each of the first and second axles being configured to couple to at least two wheels;a chassis connected to the first and second axles;a hitch connected to the chassis; anda lift system engaging structure connected to the chassis of the trailer;wherein the lift system engaging structure is configured to releasably couple to a lifting component of a lift system, the lift system being configured to raise the lifting component to position the trailer in a stowed position.2. The trailer of claim 1 , wherein the lift system engaging structure comprises a swivel lock mechanism.3. The trailer of claim 2 , wherein the swivel lock mechanism comprises:a first plate and a second plate, the first plate being parallel to the second plate;a cylinder connected to the first plate and the second plate; anda restrictor plate connected to the first plate and the second plate, the restrictor plate being separated from the cylinder by a distance.4. The trailer of claim 3 , wherein the lifting component of the lift system is configured to releasably couple to the cylinder.5. The trailer of claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , when the lift system engaging structure is coupled to the lifting component of the lift system and the trailer is in the stowed position claim 4 , the restrictor plate inhibits removal of the lift system engaging structure from the lifting component of the lift system.6. The trailer of claim 1 , ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057081A1
Принадлежит: AET Leasing, LLC

A trailer for carrying unit load devices (ULDs), including unloaded and/or loaded containers and pallets, or other cargo; the trailer designed to be towed on surface streets and highways by conventional motorized truck-tractor units. The trailers are equipped with adjustable decks for supporting ULDs in stacked configuration on the trailer. Using a lowered well portion permits selected ULD stacks to not exceed legal trailer height limits so that additional permitting is not required. 1. A trailer for hauling unit load devices , comprising:a trailer front, a trailer back, a trailed top, a trailer bottom, a trailer left side, and a trailer right side;said trailer having a frame including a base and a plurality of support members;said base having a raised front portion toward said trailer front, a raised back over wheel portion toward said trailer back, and a lowered well portion between said raised front portion and said raised back over wheel portion;said plurality of support members including uprights and hydraulic uprights each extending upward from said base;a fixed front deck portion on said raised front portion, a fixed back deck portion on said raised back over wheel portion, and a movable bottom deck portion on said lowered well portion;at least one movable top deck portion positioned above said moveable bottom deck portion; andopposed pairs of hydraulic jack assemblies, each jack connected to a hydraulic upright, and each opposed pair of hydraulic jack assemblies operably connected to one of said at least one moveable top deck portion.2. The trailer of claim 1 , wherein at least one of said deck portions having a plurality of rollers thereon.3. The trailer of claim 1 , further comprising additional jack assemblies operably connected to aid movable bottom deck portion to permit movement of said movable bottom deck portion from horizontal alignment with said fixed back deck portion downward toward said base lowered well portion.4. The trailer of claim 1 , ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057561A1
Автор: Fenton Gary L.

A cargo body includes sidewalls constructed of pairs of panels secured together at respective joints. Each panel is an assembled panel having a core, an interior skin, and an exterior skin. Each of the joints is formed as a lap joint in which edge portions of first and second panels overlap each other. The first panel has a reduced-thickness core portion throughout the edge portion in which a core thickness measured between the interior and exterior skins is less than half of a maximum core thickness of the first panel. The second panel has a reduced-thickness core portion throughout the edge portion in which a core thickness measured between the interior and exterior skins is less than a maximum core thickness of the second panel. 1. A cargo body comprising:a floor;a roof; anda plurality of sidewalls extending between the floor and the roof to define a cargo receiving volume in cooperation with the floor and the roof, each one of the plurality of sidewalls constructed of a plurality of panels including adjacent pairs of panels secured together at respective joints,wherein each of the plurality of panels is an assembled panel having a core, an interior skin secured to a first side of the core facing the cargo receiving volume, and an exterior skin secured to a second side of the core opposite the first side,wherein each of the joints is formed as a lap joint in which an edge portion of a first one of the adjacent pair of panels overlaps a portion of a second one of the adjacent pair of panels, and an edge portion of the second one of the adjacent pair of panels overlaps a portion of the first one of the adjacent pair of panels,wherein the first one of the adjacent pair of panels has a reduced-thickness core portion throughout the edge portion in which a core thickness measured between the interior and exterior skins is less than half of a maximum core thickness of the first one of the adjacent pair of panels, andwherein the second one of the adjacent pair of panels ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057562A1
Автор: Fenton Gary L.

A cargo body includes sidewalls constructed of pairs of panels secured together at respective joints. Each of the plurality of panels is a composite panel having a core, an interior skin secured to a first side of the core facing the cargo receiving volume, and an exterior skin secured to a second opposite side. Each joint includes an interior splice plate and an exterior splice plate, and co-facing edge portions of the adjacent pair of panels are sandwiched between the interior and exterior splice places. Each edge portion defines a region of reduced core thickness in which a core thickness measured between the respective interior and exterior skins is less than a maximum core thickness. A recess is formed by the pair of interior or exterior skins to receive the corresponding splice plate, such that the corresponding one of the interior and exterior splice plate is nested into the recess. 1. A cargo body comprising:a floor;a roof; anda plurality of sidewalls extending between the floor and the roof to define a cargo receiving volume in cooperation with the floor and the roof, each one of the plurality of sidewalls constructed of a plurality of panels including adjacent pairs of panels secured together at respective joints,wherein each of the plurality of panels is a composite panel having a core, an interior skin secured to a first side of the core facing the cargo receiving volume, and an exterior skin secured to a second side of the core opposite the first side,wherein each of the joints includes an interior splice plate and an exterior splice plate, and co-facing edge portions of the adjacent pair of panels are sandwiched between the interior and exterior splice places,wherein each edge portion defines a region of reduced core thickness in which a core thickness measured between the respective interior and exterior skins is less than a maximum core thickness measured between the respective interior and exterior skins, andwherein a recess is formed by the pair of ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Lowerable Vehicle Frame with A Folding trailer hitch for Trailers and Other Vehicles

Номер: US20170057577A1

A lowerable vehicle frame with a folding trailer hitch for trailers and other vehicles has a vehicle frame, which can be transitioned between a lowered transit position and a raised deployed position through a swing suspension assembly and a plurality of lifting devices. A folding trailer hitch connected to the forward end of the vehicle frame allows the vehicle frame to be towed, and folds upwards for storage and aesthetics. 1. A lowerable vehicle frame with a folding trailer hitch for trailers and other vehicles comprises:a vehicle frame;a plurality of lifting devices;at least one swing suspension assembly;a folding trailer hitch;the vehicle frame comprises a forward end, a rear end, at least one suspension attachment location and a hitch attachment location, wherein the forward end and the rear end are longitudinal extremities of the vehicle frame;each swing suspension assembly comprises a first suspension half and a second suspension half;the hitch attachment location of the vehicle frame being positioned at the forward end of the vehicle frame;each suspension attachment location of the vehicle frame being positioned longitudinally between the forward end and the rear end of the vehicle frame;the plurality of lifting devices being distributed around the vehicle frame;the plurality of lifting devices being operatively engaged with the vehicle frame, wherein the vehicle frame is vertically lifted or lowered by the plurality of lifting devices;each swing suspension assembly being connected to the vehicle frame at one of the suspension attachment locations;the first suspension half and the second suspension half being positioned laterally opposite each other on the vehicle frame for each swing suspension assembly;the first suspension half and the second suspension half being releasably engaged between a lowered transit position and a raised deployed position relative to the vehicle frame, wherein a wheel of the first suspension half and the second suspension half is ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055438A1
Автор: Couch Jason

A trailer system and method of using the same are described herein where the trailer system allows for storage in a compact space and reduction of weight of the trailer system. The trailer system in some embodiments may have a center rail with a hinge so that the trailer can fold in half and be positioned against a vertical wall for storage. The trailer system can also have a sliding basket system for receiving the wheels of a vehicle to allow for the storage of the trailer system in a compact space, to allow the trailer system to receive vehicles with different wheelbases, and to reduce the weight of the trailer system. 1. A trailer system for receiving a vehicle , comprising:a center rail having a first section rotatably connected to a second section;a first basket connected to the first section of the center rail, the first basket defining a first receiving volume;a second basket slidably connected to the center rail, the second basket defining a second receiving volume;wherein, in a first position, the second basket is positioned on the first section of the center rail between the first basket and the second section; andwherein, in a second position, the second basket is positioned on the second section of the center rail.2. The trailer system of claim 1 , further comprising:a lock plate connected to the second section of the center rail; anda pin that extends through the lock plate and into the first section of the center rail to secure the first and second sections along a common longitudinal axis.3. The trailer system of claim 1 , further comprising:an insert that is positioned in the second basket and that at least partially defines the second receiving volume, wherein the insert is configured receive a wheel and is positionable in a plurality of locations in the second basket.4. The trailer system of claim 3 , further comprising:a roller located at a front end of the insert, wherein the roller is configured to rotate against a spinning wheel.5. The trailer ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055548A1
Автор: Fisher Chad Adam

Systems and methods for transporting small, dense cargo over roadways via a specialized transportation trailer are provided. The disclosed transportation trailer includes a space frame including a lower central portion designed to directly receive and support the cargo that is being carried by the trailer, as well as an upper portion that extends above the height of the cargo. The space frame also includes lower side portions that extend longitudinally in opposite directions from the lower central portion to connect the space frame to the wheels and trailer hookup of the transportation trailer. The space frame may further include a truss structure formed between the lower central portion and the upper portion to increase the rigidity of the trailer. The transportation trailer is designed to minimize the height of the cargo's center of gravity, increase trailer rigidity, increase cargo capacity, and maximize ground clearance compared to existing trailer designs. 1. A transportation trailer , comprising:a space frame;a trailer hookup disposed at a first longitudinal end of the space frame; anda plurality of wheels disposed at a second end of the space frame opposite the first end; a lower central portion for directly supporting cargo thereon;', 'lower side portions coupled to and extending longitudinally outward from the lower central portion on both sides of the space frame; and', 'an upper portion extending upward from the lower side portions to a location above a maximum height of the cargo., 'wherein the space frame comprises2. The transportation trailer of claim 1 , wherein a ground clearance of the lower central portion of the space frame is less than a ground clearance of the lower side portions of the space frame.3. The transportation trailer of claim 1 , wherein the space frame comprises a truss structure connecting the lower central portion to the upper portion of the space frame.4. The transportation trailer of claim 3 , wherein an opening is formed on at ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055551A1
Автор: Gillin Kyle R.

A flooring apparatus and method of making the same are provided. The apparatus and method, in one embodiment, may include providing an elongated member having a top surface. A first adhesive is deposited about a perimeter of the top surface of the elongated member. A second adhesive is deposited within the perimeter of the top surface of the elongated member, with the second adhesive having a lower viscosity than the first adhesive and being retained within the perimeter by the first adhesive. A friction-increasing member is then heated to a pre-heat temperature. The friction-increasing member is disposed on the first and second adhesive to form the flooring apparatus. The flooring apparatus is then cured at a curing temperature, in one embodiment, that is greater than the pre-heat temperature. 1. A method comprising:providing an elongated member having a top surface;depositing a first adhesive generally about a perimeter of the top surface of the elongated member;depositing a second adhesive at least partially within the perimeter of the top surface of the elongated member;disposing a friction-increasing member on the first and second adhesive to form a flooring apparatus; andcuring the flooring apparatus.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising forming at least one cutout portion in the top surface of the elongated member and positioned within the perimeter thereof claim 1 , prior to depositing the first adhesive.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the friction-increasing member has a width greater than a width of the at least one cutout portion and is disposed on the first and second adhesive so as to cover the at least one cutout portion.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first adhesive is deposited outside of the at least one cutout portion.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the second adhesive is deposited at least partially within the at least one cutout portion and at least partially outside the at least one cutout portion.6. The method of claim 2 , ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055557A1
Автор: Kamm Joel

A self-contained mobile retail store structure which is transportable from one location to another. The structure is mounted to a frame which is coupled to a plurality of wheels by a hydraulic system capable of raising, lowering, inclining and declining the structure relative to a ground surface. In a stationary position, the walls of the structure contact the ground surface, and in the transportable position, the walls of the structure are spaced from the ground surface. The mobile retail store structure of this disclosure fits in a standard-sized parking space, and may be configured with other similar structures to expand the retail area. 1. A mobile retail store structure transportable to a plurality of locations , the structure comprising:a base including a top, a bottom, a proximal end and a distal end;a body section having a floor portion coupled to the top of the base;at least one set of wheels configured to transport the body section; anda hydraulic system coupling the bottom of the base and the at least one set of wheels;wherein the hydraulic system is configured to move the base from a transportable position, in which the floor portion is angled with respect to a ground surface and the distal end of the base is spaced from the ground surface, to a stationary position, in which the floor portion is substantially level with respect to the ground surface and the distal end of the base engages the ground surface.2. The structure of claim 1 , wherein the floor portion extends distally in an angular direction such that a distance between the distal end of the base and the floor portion is greater than a distance between the proximal end of the base and the floor portion.3. The structure of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the transportable position claim 1 , at least a portion of the floor portion is level with or above a top surface of the at least one set of wheels.4. The structure of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the stationary position claim 1 , the floor ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068724A1
Автор: Coli Todd, Schelske Eldon

The present invention provides a method and system for providing on-site electrical power to a fracturing operation, and an electrically powered fracturing system. Natural gas can be used to drive a turbine generator in the production of electrical power. A scalable, electrically powered fracturing fleet is provided to pump fluids for the fracturing operation, obviating the need for a constant supply of diesel fuel to the site and reducing the site footprint and infrastructure required for the fracturing operation, when compared with conventional systems. 1. A system for hydraulically fracturing an underground hydrocarbon bearing formation at a wellbore that pumps fluid from the wellbore into the formation , the system comprising:a plurality of pumps powered by one or more electric motors and fluidly connected to the wellbore, the pumps configured to pump fluid into the wellbore at a pressure sufficient so that the fluid passes from the wellbore into the formation, and fractures the formation;at least one variable frequency drive connected to the electric motors to control the speed of the motors, the at least one variable frequency drive capable of performing monitoring and controlling of the electric motors; andone or more generators electrically connected to the plurality of pumps to provide electrical power to the pumps.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one variable frequency drive is capable of performing monitoring and controlling of the electric motors by regulating a maximum current available to the electric motors.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the plurality of generators are powered by a fuel selected from a group consisting of natural gas and liquid fuel.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the plurality of generators are turbine generators.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a control system.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of pumps are mounted on the trailer and transportable on ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068754A1
Автор: Coli Todd, Schelske Eldon

The present invention provides a method and system for providing on-site electrical power to a fracturing operation, and an electrically powered fracturing system. Natural gas can be used to drive a turbine generator in the production of electrical power. A scalable, electrically powered fracturing fleet is provided to pump fluids for the fracturing operation, obviating the need for a constant supply of diesel fuel to the site and reducing the site footprint and infrastructure required for the fracturing operation, when compared with conventional systems. 1. A system for use in delivering pressurized fluid to a wellbore , the system comprising:a plurality of fracturing pumps configured to pump a pressurized fluid into the wellbore for a fracturing operation, wherein the fracturing pumps are powered by one or more electric motors;a plurality of gas-turbine generators electrically connected to the electric motors; anda variable frequency drive configured to electrically control the electric motors,wherein the gas-turbine generators are located on a well site containing the wellbore, andwherein the gas-turbine generators are configured to generate electricity through the conversion of liquid fuels, natural gas, or both and provide the electricity to the electric motors to power the fracturing pumps.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the electric motors is operatively coupled to one or more fracturing pumps to form a fracturing module that is mounted on a trailer claim 1 , and wherein the trailer is configured to isolate the fracturing module from the trailer such that the fracturing module is adapted to be removed from the trailer without disconnecting the trailer from a manifold system.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the trailer is further configured to connect a replacement unit to the trailer in place of the fracturing module.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the variable frequency drive is further configured to control a rate change of the one ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Mobile Accommodation Arrangement

Номер: US20150069781A1
Автор: Rene Wegkamp
Принадлежит: Individual

A mobile accommodation arrangement in the form of a bunkhouse trailer. The arrangement includes at least one lower living unit having a hollow interior, and an upper shell which fits over an outer periphery of the lower living unit and is telescopically displaceable relative to the lower living unit between a stowage position, in which the lower living unit nests inside the upper shell, and a deployed position, in which the upper shell is at least partially vertically spaced apart from the lower living unit and defines an upper living unit having a hollow interior, the floor of which is defined by a ceiling of the lower living unit. At least one partitioning member divides the hollow interior of the upper living unit into at least two separate volumes.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220082007A1

The present invention may disclose a turbine fracturing equipment, including a transporter, a turbine engine, a reduction gearbox, a transmission mechanism and a plunger pump, wherein an output end of the turbine engine may be connected to one end of the reduction gearbox, the other end of the reduction gearbox may be connected to the plunger pump through a transmission mechanism; the transporter may be used to support the turbine engine, the reduction gearbox, the transmission mechanism and the plunger pump; the transporter may include a chassis provided with a transport section, a bearing section and a lapping section which may be connected in sequence; while the turbine fracturing equipment may be in a working state, the bearing section can contact with the ground, while the turbine fracturing equipment may be in a transport state, the bearing section may not contact with the ground. 1. A turbine fracturing equipment , comprising a transporter , a turbine engine , a reduction gearbox , a transmitter and a plunger pump , wherein an output end of the turbine engine is connected to one end of the reduction gearbox , an other end of the reduction gearbox is connected to the plunger pump through the transmitter; the transporter is configured to support the turbine engine , the reduction gearbox , the transmitter and the plunger pump; the turbine engine , the reduction gearbox , the transmitter , and the plunger pump are arranged in a single-file line; and one end of the transmitter is directly connected to the reduction gearbox and another end of the transmitter is directly connected to the plunger pump ,wherein the transmitter consists essentially of a transmission shaft or a coupling.2. The turbine fracturing equipment according to claim 1 , wherein the transporter comprises a chassis provided with a transport section claim 1 , a bearing section and a lapping section which are connected in sequence claim 1 , and a plurality of axles having wheels installed at each ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Material containment and transport device

Номер: US20190063022A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A material containment and transport device may be provided. The material containment and transport device includes a body portion having opposed body side edges and opposed body end edges connecting respective ends of the body side and end edges. The containment and transport device includes a border portion constructed of a porous mesh material, the border portion having at least a pair of border side edges and a plurality of opposed border end edges connecting respective ends of respective border side edges. The border portion outwardly surrounds the body portion. At least one pull cord is selectively attached to and extends away from a corner of the border portion so that the body portion may be pulled thereby.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063309A1
Автор: Davis Larry D.
Принадлежит: On-Power, Inc.

Mobile power generation systems and methods for temperature regulation include providing a trailer including a rear end, a front end, a bottom end, and a top end, a gas turbine housed inside the trailer, an electrical generator coupled to the gas turbine to generate electricity and housed inside the trailer, and an integrated heat, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system disposed at the rear end of the trailer and configured to maintain at least a regulated portion of the interior space at a desired room temperature. 1. A mobile power generation system comprising:a trailer including a rear end, a front end, a bottom end, and a top end defining therebetween an interior space;a gas turbine housed inside the trailer in the interior space;an electrical generator coupled to the gas turbine to generate electricity and housed inside the trailer in the interior space; andan integrated heat, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system disposed at the rear end of the trailer and configured to maintain at least a regulated portion of the interior space at a desired room temperature.2. The mobile power generation system of claim 1 , wherein the HVAC system is positioned adjacent to a switchgear center of a power control room at the rear end of the trailer claim 1 , and the power control room is the regulated portion.3. The mobile power generation system of claim 1 , wherein a pair of blowout panels are disposed above the HVAC system at the rear end of the trailer.4. The mobile power generation system of claim 3 , wherein the pair of blowout panels and the HVAC system are positioned adjacent to a switchgear center of a power control room at the rear end of the trailer claim 3 , and the pair of blowout panels are configured to open and release pressure upon a level of pressure in the power control room exceeding a pressure threshold.5. The mobile power generation system of claim 4 , wherein the pair of blowout panels comprise a pair of magnetic hinged doors disposed ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063730A1
Автор: Kirk John Sander

A pump trailer including a frame, a pump and at least one locomotion member. The pump is suspended within the frame using an elevator. The at least one locomotion member is coupled to a base of the frame to facilitate motion of the frame over terrain. The elevator raises the pump to a fully raised position or lowers the pump to a pumping position. 1. A pump trailer comprising:a frame;a pump suspended within the frame using an elevator;at least one locomotion member coupled to a base of the frame to facilitate motion of the frame over terrain; andthe elevator raising the pump to a fully raised position or lowering the pump to a pumping position.2. The pump trailer according to claim 1 , wherein the elevator comprises at least one cable coupled between the pump and the frame.3. The pump trailer according to claim 2 , wherein the elevator further comprises a tray coupled to a pump end of the at least one cable claim 2 , the tray supporting the pump.4. The pump trailer according to claim 2 , wherein the elevator further comprises a winch operatively coupled to the at least one cable for raising and lowering the pump.5. The pump trailer according to claim 4 , wherein the elevator further comprises a release pin for maintaining a position of the pump.6. The pump trailer according to claim 5 , wherein when the release pin is removed claim 5 , the winch freely rotates lowering the pump.7. The pump trailer according to claim 4 , wherein the winch comprises a motor.8. The pump trailer according to claim 1 , wherein the frame comprises a support for receiving a lift member.9. The pump trailer according to claim 8 , wherein the lift member is configured to lift the at least one locomotion member from the terrain.10. The pump trailer according to claim 1 , further comprising a fuel storage reservoir having a fuel port.11. The pump trailer according to claim 11 , further comprising a retractable skid located at the hitch.12. A hose transport comprising:a rectangular base member ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210070339A1

A vehicle system includes a chassis, a plurality of wheels coupled to the chassis and supporting the chassis for rolling on a surface, and a riding platform coupled to the chassis. The riding platform is for supporting a user behind the chassis when the riding platform is in a downward pivoted state. A linkage connects the riding platform to the chassis for selective pivotal motion relative to the chassis between an upward pivoted state in which the riding platform is pivoted into a position to allow a user to walk behind the chassis and a downward pivoted state in which the user may ride or step on the platform. 1. A vehicle system comprising:a chassis;a plurality of wheels coupled to the chassis and supporting the chassis for rolling on a surface;a riding platform coupled to the chassis, the riding platform for supporting a user behind the chassis when the riding platform is in a downward pivoted state;a linkage connecting the riding platform to the chassis, for selective pivotal motion relative to the chassis between an upward pivoted state in which the riding platform is pivoted into a position to allow a user to walk behind the chassis.2. The vehicle system of claim 1 , further comprising a container supported on the chassis claim 1 , the container having an interior volume for holding one or more objects.3. The vehicle system of claim 2 , wherein the container includes at least one lock that may be selectively locked in a closed state to inhibit access to the interior volume claim 2 , or unlocked to allow access to the interior volume.4. The vehicle system of claim 3 , wherein the at least one lock is configured to be selectively locked or unlocked in response to a wireless signal.5. The vehicle system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of wheels comprises a pair of rear wheels and one or more front wheels claim 1 , wherein the rear wheels have a larger diameter than the front wheels.6. The vehicle system of claim 5 , further comprising a handle connected to ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Spatial integration module

Номер: US20220084391A1

A spatial integration module includes a chassis, a wall body, a top cover and supporting devices. Each supporting device comprises a lower fixed portion and an upper movable portion. The wall body is detachably connected to the chassis and/or the supporting devices. The fixed portions are mounted on the chassis. A fixed rotation structure is arranged at a position where each movable portion is connected to the corresponding fixed portion. Each movable portion is turned between a horizontal direction state and a vertical direction state by the rotation structure.

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150076800A1
Автор: Davis Randy

A trailer includes a first side railing with a first stand and a second stand along with a second side railing with a third stand and a fourth stand. A front railing is removably attached to the first side railing and the second side railing. The method includes joining the front railing to the first side railing and the second side railing, then raising the front railing, the first side railing, and the second side railing with the stands and then removably attaching a wheel assembly to the first side railing and the second side railing. 1. A trailer , comprising: 'a first stand and a second stand;', 'a first side railing, having 'a third stand and a fourth stand;', 'a second side railing, havinga front railing removably attached to the first side railing and the second side railing, the front railing be configured to retain the first side railing and the second side railing relatively parallel to each other;a wheel assembly removably attached to the first side railing and the second side railing;wherein, during assembly, the first stand, the second stand, the third stand, and the fourth stand are configured to raise the first side railing, the front railing, and the second side railing relative to a ground surface; andwherein the wheel assembly is configured to removably attach to the first side railing and the second side railing as the first side railing, the front railing, and the second side railing are raised.2. The trailer of claim 1 , further comprising:a crossbeam removably attached to the first side railing and the second side railing;wherein the crossbeam is configured to retain the first side railing and the second side railing in a position relatively parallel to each other.3. The trailer of claim 2 , further comprising:a platform removably attached to the crossbeam.4. The trailer of claim 3 , wherein the platform bifurcates into two sections pivotally joined together via a pivot joint.5. The trailer of claim 2 , further comprising:a horizontal beam ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140151980A1
Автор: Vertz Dawn, Ziebert Joshua
Принадлежит: KOHLER CO.

Some embodiments relate to an example towable power generation system. The towable power generation system includes a guide that facilitates mounting the enclosure onto a base. In some embodiments, the guide is attached to the enclosure. When enclosure is mounted on the towable power generation system, the guide on the enclosure engages another portion of the towable power generation system as the enclosure is assembled onto (or removed from) the rest of towable power generation system. The guide facilitates alignment and mounting of the enclosure relative to the towable power generation system. 1. A towable power generation system comprising:an internal combustion engine;an alternator driven by the internal combustion engine to generate electrical power;a trailer configured to be a attached to a vehicle that is adapted to tow the trailer;a base attached to the trailer such that the internal combustion engine and the alternator are mounted on the base;an enclosure that houses the internal combustion engine and the alternator; anda guide that facilitates mounting the enclosure onto the base.2. The towable power generation system of claim 1 , wherein the guide is attached to the enclosure.3. The towable power generation system of claim 2 , wherein the guide engages another portion of the towable power generation system.4. The towable power generation system of claim 3 , wherein the guide engages a radiator.5. The towable power generation system of claim 3 , wherein the guide engages a control panel that operates the towable power generation system.6. The towable power generation system of claim 3 , wherein the guide engages the base.7. The towable power generation system of claim 1 , wherein the guide is attached to the base.8. The towable power generation system of claim 7 , wherein the guide engages another portion of the towable power generation system.9. The towable power generation system of claim 8 , wherein the guide engages a radiator.10. The towable power ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072360A1
Автор: Jarvis Charles Dwight

The apparatuses and methods disclosed herein may be towed forwards and backwards by a motor vehicle. Thus, implementations of the transport device disclosed herein may have functions akin to a goose-neck trailer, yet may provide easier, more efficient and/or more cost effective transportation and loading functions over prior art trailer transportation systems. Furthermore, in some implementations, the transport device disclosed herein includes at least three, non-aligned wheels and therefore can function like a cart. Still further, in some implementations, the transport device disclosed herein can have the functions of a wagon, yet still back and maneuver like a trailer. In some implementations, the transport device includes a frame for positioning hay for feeding live stock. 1. A transport system comprising:a bed;a single longitudinal frame support to support the bed from an underside surface of the bed;a single hitching ring extensible outwardly from the single longitudinal frame support; anda plurality of swivel and rigid casters to support the longitudinal frame from an underside surface of the frame; andan orifice sized to receive the hitching pin to couple with a hitching assembly pin when engaged;wherein the single longitudinal frame support, single hitching ring, and the plurality of swivel and rigid casters collectively form a single frame transport system; and a pin;', 'a lifting mechanism;', 'a boom coupled to the lifting mechanism and configured to lift the pin; and', 'a manual interface with which to operate the lifting mechanism;', 'wherein the pin is lowered or lifted by operation of the lifting mechanism and the coupled boom to shift between a lowered, un-hitched position and a raised hitched position to tow., 'a lifting, hitching pin assembly, coupled to the single hitching ring and with which to couple the transport device to a towing vehicle, the hitching assembly comprising2. The transport system of claim 1 , further comprising: a pin;', 'a ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Mobile Home

Номер: US20220089010A1
Принадлежит: Hymer Business Development GmbH

In the case of a travel trailer having a battery and an axle (13) or a tandem axle, the battery (9) is designed for supplying electricity to a travel drive of a towing vehicle and/or to an optional travel drive of the travel trailer during trailer travel in road traffic, and is arranged as a flat battery (9) below a floor of the travel trailer, in a vehicle frame (1), wherein the height of the battery (9) essentially corresponds to the height of the vehicle frame (1).

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Trailer with swivel casters

Номер: US20190070916A1
Принадлежит: Carrier Systems LLC

A trailer for a motor vehicle includes a bed, a trailer tongue, a tongue frame, and a plurality of swivel frames. The bed has a front end and a rear end, and is configured to receive a load to be transported by the trailer. The trailer tongue is configured to be rigidly coupled to a hitch, wherein the hitch is rigidly affixed to a motor vehicle. The tongue frame operable couples the trailer tongue to the bed proximate the front end in a laterally rigid manner, such that the bed is substantially inhibited from lateral movement with respect to the hitch. Each of the plurality of swivel frames is operably rotatably coupled to the bed, and includes at least one wheel rotatably attached thereto.

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Caravan Having an Adjustable Tongue Load

Номер: US20220089235A1

In a caravan that includes a battery and an axle, the battery is designed to supply power to a traction drive of a tractor vehicle and/or to an optional drive unit of the caravan when same is towed on the road, and the battery is mounted so as to be movable in the longitudinal direction of the caravan and can be moved by an adjustment mechanism.

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Bike trailer

Номер: US20220089247A1
Принадлежит: THULE SWEDEN AB

Disclosed is a bike trailer having a main frame and a seat structure. The main frame defines an accommodating space for a passenger or load to be transported. The seat structure is transferable between an operational state in which the seat structure forms a seating area for the passenger, and a stowed state in which the seat structure is folded away thereby allowing the transport of loads other than passengers. The seat structure comprises a backrest portion with a seating side for at least partially contacting the back of a passenger. The backrest portion is accommodatable in the bike trailer such that at least the seating side of the backrest portion is protected against contact with loads to be carried when the seat structure is in the stowed state.

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071111A1

A trailer having a framework configured for selectively switching between a wheel-based towing mechanism and a ski-based towing mechanism and wherein the trailer framework is lightweight and configured for supporting an enclosed trailer that may be constructed of lightweight composite paneling. The trailer framework can also be used with a pivotable and removable tow-bar where the tow-bar is configured with a plurality of pivotable attachment points for pivotably securing to the framework. The tow-bar is also connectable to any tow-vehicle and can be removed from the tow-vehicle and the trailer framework when not in use, or can be pivoted upwardly about the trailer framework for storage. 1. A towable trailer comprising: 'wherein framework comprises at least one pair of ground engaging wheels operably mounted thereon;', 'a trailer framework configured for supporting a trailer enclosure thereon,'}at least one substantially smooth bottom surface of the framework extending along at least a portion of the length of framework in a direction of travel and the bottom surface positioned within the space between wheels of the at least one pair of wheels;a wheel lift mechanism configured to adjust the position of the ground engaging wheels vertically with respect to the framework so as to raise and lower the wheels with respect to the ground; andwherein the towing mechanism is selectively interchangeable between a wheeled tow and a ski tow, such that the wheels are used for towing in a first position and when the wheels are raised above the first position, the trailer is configured to rest on the at least one substantially smooth bottom surface of the framework such that the bottom surface of the framework engages with a ground surface for towing the trailer in a ski mode.2. The towable trailer of claim 1 , wherein the frame work is constructed of aluminum tubing.3. The towable trailer of claim 1 , wherein the trailer enclosure is comprised of at least one of a plurality of ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071135A1
Автор: Fenton Gary L.

A cargo body includes a floor, a roof, a first sidewall extending between the floor and the roof, and a second sidewall extending between the floor and the roof, the second sidewall cooperating with the first sidewall, the floor, and the roof to define a cargo receiving volume. The floor is defined by at least one composite panel including a core and a pair of skins sandwiching the core. 1. A cargo body comprising:a floor;a roof;a first sidewall extending between the floor and the roof; anda second sidewall extending between the floor and the roof, the second sidewall cooperating with the first sidewall, the floor, and the roof to define a cargo receiving volume,wherein the floor is defined by at least one composite panel including a core and a pair of skins sandwiching the core.2. The cargo body of claim 1 , wherein each of the pair of skins has a sheet thickness not less than 0.008 inch and not more than 0.080 inch.3. The cargo body of claim 2 , wherein the at least one composite panel includes a plurality of composite panels defining a joint therebetween.4. The cargo body of claim 3 , wherein each of the plurality of panels forming the joint defines an edge portion for making the joint claim 3 , and wherein claim 3 , in each of the edge portions claim 3 , a core thickness is less than a maximum core thickness defined at an area away from the edge portion.5. The cargo body of claim 4 , wherein the edge portions making the joint are overlapping edge portions.6. The cargo body of claim 5 , wherein the joint between the plurality of panels is a shiplap joint.7. The cargo body of claim 4 , wherein in at least one of the plurality of panels claim 4 , the core thickness is reduced to zero in the edge portion.8. The cargo body of claim 3 , wherein the joint is made with at least one splice plate secured by one or both of fastening and bonding to the plurality of panels.9. The cargo body of claim 1 , wherein the core is a profiled sheet.10. The cargo body of claim 9 , ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073022A1
Автор: Gillin Kyle R.

A flooring apparatus and method of making the same are provided. The apparatus and method, in one embodiment, may include providing an elongated member having a top surface. A first adhesive is deposited about a perimeter of the top surface of the elongated member. A second adhesive is deposited within the perimeter of the top surface of the elongated member, with the second adhesive having a lower viscosity than the first adhesive and being retained within the perimeter by the first adhesive. A friction-increasing member is then heated to a pre-heat temperature. The friction-increasing member is disposed on the first and second adhesive to form the flooring apparatus. The flooring apparatus is then cured at a curing temperature, in one embodiment, that is greater than the pre-heat temperature. 1. A method comprising:providing an elongated member having a top surface;depositing a first adhesive generally about a perimeter of the top surface of the elongated member;depositing a second adhesive at least partially within the perimeter of the top surface of the elongated member, the second adhesive having a lower viscosity than the first adhesive and being retained within the perimeter by the first adhesive;heating a friction-increasing member to a pre-heat temperature;disposing the friction-increasing member on the first and second adhesive to form a flooring apparatus; andcuring the flooring apparatus.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising forming at least one cutout portion in the top surface of the elongated member and positioned within the perimeter thereof claim 1 , prior to depositing the first adhesive.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the friction-increasing member has a width greater than a width of the at least one cutout portion and is disposed on the first and second adhesive so as to cover the at least one cutout portion.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first adhesive is deposited outside of the at least one cutout portion.5. The method of ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078504A1

A trailer for use with a truck has a wheeled chassis having at least one wheeled axle at a rearward end of the wheeled chassis. A body has a cargo deck supported by the wheeled chassis. A camera is mounted to at least one of the wheeled chassis and the body so that a field of view of the camera includes a tractor when the tractor is operatively coupled to the wheeled chassis. 1. A trailer for use with a truck including a tractor , comprising:a wheeled chassis having at least one wheeled axle at a rearward end of the wheeled chassis and a support at a forward end of the wheeled chassis;a body comprising a cargo deck supported by the wheeled chassis; anda camera mounted to at least one of the wheeled chassis and the body so that a field of view of the camera includes a tractor when the tractor is operatively coupled to the wheeled chassis.2. The trailer as in claim 1 , wherein the wheeled chassis has at least two wheeled axles at the rearward end of the wheeled chassis and retractable legs and a kingpin at the forward end of the wheeled chassis claim 1 , and wherein the camera is mounted to at least one of the wheeled chassis and the body so that the field of view of the camera includes a tractor when the tractor is operatively coupled to the wheeled chassis by the kingpin.3. The trailer as in claim 2 , wherein the wheeled chassis and the body comprise a van trailer.4. The trailer as in claim 2 , wherein the wheeled chassis and the body comprise a platform trailer.5. The trailer as in claim 2 , comprisinga computer-readable medium containing program instructions;a processor in operable communication with the computer-readable medium and including hardware-based logic or software-based logic to execute the program instructions;a wireless receiver in operative communication with the processor; anda wireless transmitter in operative communication with the processor,wherein the processor is configured by the program instructions to receive an instruction from a remote ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150084314A1

Embodiments include a support member for an extendable trailer with one or more flange members and one or more web members. In an embodiment, the web members include tabs and the flange members define slots. Other embodiments are also included herein. 1. An elongated quadrilateral support member for an extendable trailer , comprising:a first arced flange member coupled to a first arced web member and a second arced web member;a second arced flange member coupled to the first arced web member and the second arced web member;the first arced web member and the second arced web member each comprise a plurality of tabs; andthe first arced flange member and the second arced flange member each define a plurality of slots;wherein the one or more tabs are at least partially disposed within the one or more slots.2. The elongated quadrilateral support member according to claim 1 , wherein the first arced flange member is parallel with the second arced flange member.3. The elongated quadrilateral support member according to claim 1 , wherein the first arced web member is parallel with the second arced web member.4. The elongated quadrilateral support member according to claim 1 , wherein one or more of the tabs terminate within one or more slots.5. The elongated quadrilateral support member according to claim 1 , wherein the elongated quadrilateral support member is at least 20 feet long.6. The elongated quadrilateral support member according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more tabs having at least one sloped edge.7. The elongated quadrilateral support member according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more slots are at least 1/16 inches deeper than a height of the one or more tabs.8. The elongated quadrilateral support member according to claim 1 , wherein the first arced flange member and the second arced flange member are perpendicular to the first arced web member and the second arced web member.9. The elongated quadrilateral support member according to claim 1 , configured ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Unitary trunnion bracket

Номер: US20190077209A1
Принадлежит: ArvinMeritor Technology LLC

An axle assembly having a unitary trunnion bracket, an axle, and a support bracket. The unitary trunnion bracket may include an axle interface portion and a bracket interface portion. The bracket interface portion may extend from the axle interface portion. The axle may engage the axle interface portion. The support bracket may engage the bracket interface portion.

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Compact trailer, particularly for bicycles and motorcycles

Номер: US20160083030A1
Автор: Marcello Marchetti
Принадлежит: Individual

A compact trailer ( 1 ) comprising a connecting element ( 13 ) that can be associated with a frame of a bicycle or motorcycle, and a cart ( 2 ) that has a loading bed ( 3 ) and an edge provided with at least two mutually opposite side walls ( 6 ) with which respective wheels ( 7 ) for moving the trailer resting on the ground (S) are associated so that they can rotate about respective axes that are transverse to the direction of advancement (A) of the trailer ( 1 ). A recessed cavity ( 8 ) is provided on each one of the two side walls ( 6 ) and at least partially accommodates the respective wheel ( 7 ). Each cavity ( 8 ) has a depth that is at least equal to the axial space occupation of the respective wheel ( 7 ) accommodated inside it, so that in plan view the wheels ( 7 ) do not protrude from the outline of the cart ( 2 ).

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160083031A1

A trailer includes at least a plurality of fabric support connections that retain a plurality of fabrics spaced apart from one another so as, if desired, to insulate the roof and side walls of the trailer. In one embodiment, the plurality of fabric support connections are connected by way of extrusions to some of the sides of the trailer and further provide insulation by forming a double wall on those sides. In another embodiment, the plurality of fabric support connections form a double wall only on certain portions of the top side of the trailer. 1. A trailer , comprising:a trailer frame having a hitch;a floor secured to the frame; andtwo wall assemblies wherein the wall assemblies are disposed opposite each other and pivotally joined to the floor with a hinge, each wall assembly being movable from a first position wherein the wall assembly is lying parallel to the floor to a second position where the wall assembly is substantially perpendicular to the floor; anda canopy joined to extending between the wall assemblies to form an enclosure, the canopy comprising an outer fabric material and an inner fabric material spaced apart from the outer fabric material, each of the outer fabric materials connected to and extending between the wall assemblies.2. The trailer of wherein each of the outer fabric material and the inner fabric material is fixedly connected to the wall assemblies from when each of the wall assemblies is in the first position to when each of the wall assemblies is in the second position.3. The trailer of wherein each of the wall assemblies includes a slotted channel for each of the outer fabric material and the inner fabric material claim 2 , wherein material of each of the outer fabric material and the inner fabric material extend out of a slot of each corresponding slotted channel.4. The trailer of wherein the slotted channels for the outer fabric material and the inner fabric material are integral being formed from a single unitary body.5. The ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Trailer Dolly Apparatus

Номер: US20220097782A1
Автор: Walton Randal D.

A load-bearing trailer dolly which connects a tongue-type boat, utility or other trailer to a towing tandem trailer and bears weight from the trailer during towing. In a preferred embodiment, the trailer dolly is characterized by an axle mounted on a pair of wheels. A dolly frame height-adjustable trailer hitch centered coaxial above the axle axis and midway point framed dolly plate mount by operation of an adjustable sleeve reducer fastened by pinning and lock. Includes dual connecting adjustable height tongues for attachment to rear end trailer hitches on the tandem towing trailer at which a pair of hitch fasteners for engaging the trailer dolly tongues are attached to the rear of the tandem trailer. The adjustable tongue hitches on trailer dolly will give ability to horizontal level tandem dolly. A shock-absorbing spring is fitted between the axle mount and the dolly frame for cushioning the dolly frame on the axle mount as the trailer is towed behind the towing tandem trailer. In the industry of dollies, the car dolly has no shock-absorbing function, just square axle with hubs for wheels, axle is attached to car dolly frame. There is an option with shock-absorbing mechanism or s non shock-absorbing option. 1. This invention relates to trailer dollies and more particularly to a tandem trailer dolly in-combination with triple towing of vehicle a primary trailer and a secondary tandem trailer. The tandem trailer dolly has dual tongue hitches for connecting to the rear end of the primary trailer and will not pivot in turning. The tandem trailer dolly is the means of attaching the secondary trailer tongue hitch that pivots in turning from towing vehicle , said dolly supports the weight not the rear end hitches of the primary trailer. No additional forces from the secondary trailer affects the towing vehicle or primary trailer due to the downward force. The force is supported by the dolly frame , axle , and wheels. Tandem trailer dolly apparatus comprises:two wheels ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Powered Trailer Unit

Номер: US20220097787A1
Автор: Ramirez Manuel

A powered trailer unit that includes a support frame, and a bed disposed on the support frame. The frame has a first side, a second side opposite the first side, a proximate end and a distal end. The first side has a first guide rail, with the movable wall movingly engaged therewith. There is a mover operatively engaged with the movable wall, the movable wall configured to be moved back and forth along the unit by operation of the mover. 13-. (canceled)4. The powered trailer unit of claim 17 , the movable wall comprising a front vertical portion claim 17 , and a backup portion coupled therewith.5. The powered trailer unit of claim 4 , wherein a first tension member is engaged with the front vertical portion claim 4 , and a second tension member is engaged with the backup portion.69-. (canceled)10. A powered trailer unit for use in transport of bulk materials claim 4 , the unit comprising:a support frame;a bed disposed on the support frame;a first side;a second side opposite the first side;a gate side near a distal end of the support frame;a movable wall near a proximate end of the support frame when the movable wall is in a first position;a first guide rail positioned on the first side, the movable wall movingly engaged therewith;a second guide rail positioned on the second side, the movable wall movingly engaged therewith; a powered winch;', 'a first pulley;', 'a second pulley;', 'and a cable movingly engaged with the powered winch, the first pulley, the second pulley, and the movable wall,, 'a winch assembly operatively engaged with the movable wall, the winch assembly comprisingwherein the movable wall is configured to be moved back and forth between the first position and a second position by operation of the winch assembly,wherein the first pulley is movably disposed around a first pulley shaft that is coupled with a first pulley housing, andwherein shaft springs are disposed around the shaft on each side of the first pulley.11. The powered trailer unit of ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Ez mini transport trailer

Номер: US20200079267A1
Автор: Susan Burton
Принадлежит: Individual

An improved transport trailer is presented. The improved transport trailer has a storage compartment. The storage compartment has a bottom, a front side, a left side, a back side and a right side. The left side, back side and the right side have a barrier. The barrier keeps items in the storage compartment when the transport trailer is in transit. The open side having a ramp and the ramp is for moving items in and out of the storage compartment. The bottom also has a ramp storage area for storing the ramp.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079584A1

Systems and methods for efficiently managing bulk material are provided. The disclosure is directed to a portable support structure used to receive one or more portable containers of bulk material and output bulk material from the containers directly into the blender hopper. The portable support structure may include a frame for receiving and holding the one or more portable bulk material containers in an elevated position proximate the blender hopper, as well as one or more gravity feed outlets for routing the bulk material from the containers directly into the blender hopper. In some embodiments, the portable support structure may be transported to the well site on a trailer, unloaded from the trailer, and positioned proximate the blender unit. In other embodiments, the portable support structure may be a mobile support structure that is integrated into a trailer unit. 1. A method , comprising:receiving one or more portable containers of bulk material onto a frame of a portable support structure disposed proximate a blender inlet; andfeeding the bulk material from the one or more portable containers directly into the blender inlet via one or more gravity feed outlets of the portable support structure.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising positioning a blender unit having the blender inlet underneath the portable support structure after positioning the portable support structure.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising positioning the portable support structure over a blender unit having the blender inlet such that the one or more gravity feed outlets are disposed in the blender inlet after positioning the blender unit.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising removing the portable support structure from a trailer via a hoisting mechanism and positioning the portable support structure at a site.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising transporting the portable support structure to a site via a trailer unit claim 1 , wherein the portable ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180083567A1
Автор: Spisak John S.
Принадлежит: SolaRover, Inc.

A mobile solar power system provides electricity to various electronic devices needing a source of electricity in remote locations. The mobile solar power system may be transported in a compact form to a remote location by a trailer configured for securely transporting the mobile solar power system. Arrays for containing solar panels may be attached to the mobile solar power system. When a user is ready to deploy the solar panels of the various arrays, the arrays may be slid out from the mobile solar power system and/or unfolded from the mobile solar power system. After the arrays are deployed, the arrays including solar panels may be angled such that the solar panels may be exposed to solar energy which may be subsequently passed through to the various electronic devices needing a source of electricity. 1. A mobile solar power system for providing electricity to a separate electrically-powered device , said mobile solar power system comprising:a trailer for transporting the mobile solar power system to and leveling said mobile solar power system at a remote site;a front sliding array extendable from a stowed position in said mobile solar power system to an extended position, the front sliding array including a wing arm member for attaching the front sliding array to the mobile solar power system when the front sliding array is in its extended position, the front sliding array having a supporting frame structure secured thereto, the frame structure including at least one track secured to a respective one of first and second frame members of the frame structure, the track including a channel or guide member having first and second closed ends, and at least one aperture formed in each of the first and second frame members, the track and at least one aperture being structured and arranged to slideably receive at least one rotational slide pin therein in response to positioning the front sliding array with respect to a ground surface at the remote site;a rear sliding ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087916A1

The present invention discloses a turbine fracturing equipment, including a transporter, a turbine engine, a reduction gearbox, a transmission mechanism and a plunger pump, wherein an output end of the turbine engine is connected to one end of the reduction gearbox, the other end of the reduction gearbox is connected to the plunger pump through a transmission mechanism; the transporter is used to support the turbine engine, the reduction gearbox, the transmission mechanism and the plunger pump; the transporter includes a chassis provided with a transport section, a bearing section and a lapping section which are connected in sequence; while the turbine fracturing equipment is in a working state, the bearing section can contact with the ground, while the turbine fracturing equipment is in a transport state, the bearing section does not contact with the ground. Beneficial effects: the equipment adopts a linear connection and a special chassis design, so that the center of gravity is double lowered to guarantee its stability and safety, the structure is simpler, the investment and operation costs are decreased, the risk of total breakdown of the fracturing site is reduced, and the equipment has a good transmission performance and is suitable for continuous operation conditions with long time and heavy load. 1. A turbine fracturing equipment , comprising a transporter , a turbine engine , a reduction gearbox , a transmission mechanism and a plunger pump , wherein an output end of the turbine engine is connected to one end of the reduction gearbox , an other end of the reduction gearbox is connected to the plunger pump through a transmission mechanism; the transporter is used to support the turbine engine , the reduction gearbox , the transmission mechanism and the plunger pump; the transporter comprises a chassis provided with a transport section , a bearing section and a lapping section which are connected in sequence; while the turbine fracturing equipment is in a ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180086396A1

In one example, a mother cart is provided that is suitable for transporting a daughter cart. The mother cart includes a lower frame, an upper frame connected to the lower frame, and the lower frame includes wheels configured to allow the mother cart to be moved. The lower frame also includes support guides configured to support the daughter cart in a raised position to provide a predetermined ground clearance, and the lower frame has two open sides so as to provide for two-way loading and unloading of the daughter cart on the mother cart. 1. A mother cart suitable for transporting a daughter cart , said mother cart comprising:a lower frame;an upper frame, said upper frame being connected to said lower frame;said lower frame including a plurality of wheels configured to allow the mother cart to be moved;said lower frame including a plurality of support guides, said support guides being configured to support the daughter cart in a raised position to provide a predetermined ground clearance; andsaid lower frame having two open sides so as to provide for two-way loading and unloading of the daughter cart on the mother cart.2. The mother cart as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said plurality of support guides are configured as two rows of support guides claim 1 , one row being configured on a first interior surface of said lower frame claim 1 , and said other row being configured on a second interior surface of said lower frame claim 1 , wherein said second interior surface is opposite said first interior surface.3. The mother cart as claimed in claim 2 , wherein at some of said plurality of support guides comprise a sloped configuration so as to facilitate the loading and unloading of the daughter cart from the mother cart.4. The mother cart as claimed in claim 3 , wherein said plurality of support guides comprise a rolling surface to further facilitate the loading and unloading of the daughter cart from the mother cart.5. The mother cart as claimed in claim 4 , wherein ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180086402A1
Автор: Hindle William A.

A mobile power supply housed within a wheeled trailer which can be towed to various locations, particularly remote locations, for providing electrical power as needed for operating equipment or for charging of batteries or other electrical supply devices at such remote locations. The apparatus includes a unique trailer design including venting means for preventing the accumulation of hydrogen normally associated with high power battery operation, particularly charging thereof and therewith, by monitoring hydrogen at all times within the trailer interior and selectively passively and actively venting the interior environment when hydrogen levels are high or whenever necessary. A unique roof design is included for gathering hydrogen near the upper portion of the interior roof construction adjacent to a venting outlet to facilitate expelling thereof. 1. A mobile power supply trailer apparatus attachable to a powered Vehicle to facilitate transport thereof comprising: (1) a trailer frame;', '(2) a trailer hitch assembly mounted to said trailer frame and adapted to be attached to a powered vehicle for facilitating transporting thereof;', '(3) a plurality of wheels movably mounted to said trailer frame and extending therebelow to facilitate transporting thereof;, 'A. a trailer chassis assembly including (1) a trailer floor mounted on said trailer frame;', '(2) a plurality of trailer extending generally upwardly from said trailer floor, said trailer walls defining a trailer door opening therein;', '(3) a trailer roof extending between said trailer walls at a position above said trailer floor to define an interior chamber means therebetween and between said trailer walls and defining an uppermost chamber area within said interior chamber means for facilitating gathering of hydrogen therein;', '(4) a door assembly attached to said trailer walls and selectively positionable in a closed position extending over and closing said trailer door opening and being movable to an ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

A Vehicle Trailer with Engagement Arm Assemblies

Номер: US20190084464A1

A vehicle trailer with a pair of engagement arm assemblies, one engagement arm assembly on either lateral side of the vehicle trailer, the vehicle trailer having a draw assembly for engagement with a vehicle, a chassis associated with the draw assembly and mounted on at least a pair of wheels and having at least a pair of spaced apart side rails, each side rail mounting an engagement arm assembly, each engagement arm assembly including an elongate rigid arm mounting an elongate engagement key, a first length adjustable arm associated with the elongate engagement key and a second length adjustable arm associated with the elongate rigid arm such that the elongate rigid arm can be raised and lowered to load and unload an object relative to the trailer and the elongate engagement key can be pivoted to tip an object mounted relative to the trailer. 1. A vehicle trailer with a pair of engagement arm assemblies , one engagement arm assembly on either lateral side of the vehicle trailer , the vehicle trailer havinga) a draw assembly for engagement with a vehicle, i. an elongate rigid arm mounting an elongate engagement key or engagement keyway,', 'ii. a first length adjustable arm associated with the elongate engagement key or engagement keyway and', 'iii. a second length adjustable arm associated with the elongate rigid arm, 'b) a chassis associated with the draw assembly and mounted on at least a pair of wheels and having at least a pair of spaced apart side rails, each side rail mounting an engagement arm assembly, each engagement arm assembly including'}such that the elongate rigid arm can be raised and lowered to load and unload an object relative to the trailer and the elongate engagement key or engagement keyway can be pivoted to tip an object mounted relative to the trailer.2. A vehicle trailer as claimed in provided with an elongate engagement key used to load and unload an object fitted with a corresponding engagement keyway in order to engage with the engagement ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Sand trailer

Номер: US20190084468A1

A trailer for transporting granular material, such as sand or proppant, has a purpose-built shape, and loading and unloading hatches at top and bottom. The trailer includes a hollow vessel for holding granular material. The vessel is enclosed with top and bottom hatches. The vessel has a tapered lower section and a domed upper section, allowing bulk material to be piled and concentrated horizontally below and above the hatches. A chassis extends fore and aft of the vessel, and potentially through an interior of the vessel. The chassis may extend upward from a wheeled section so as to pass through a vertically central part of the vessel. The chassis may also act as a trailer suspension system. The vessel may be made of aluminium and mounted to the steel chassis.

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Vertically Collapsible Semi-Truck Trailer

Номер: US20160090234A1
Автор: Ronstadt Elias Jordan

A collapsible container including frame assembly, a lifting mechanism, a retractable side wall, a retractable end wall, a top member, and a bottom member is disclosed. The frame assembly includes rectangular frame members and articulated vertical frame members disposed between the rectangular frame members. At least one rectangular frame member includes a receptacle member. The articulated vertical frame members are positioned and arranged to retract within the frame assembly. The lifting mechanism is positioned and arranged to elevate the rectangular frame members from each other. The retractable side wall is positioned and arranged to retract into a receptacle member. The retractable end wall is positioned and arranged to retract into a receptacle member. The top member is disposed on an uppermost rectangular frame member. The bottom member is disposed on a lowermost rectangular frame member. A method of transporting a plurality of containers is disclosed. 1. A collapsible container comprising: a plurality of rectangular frame members having a longitudinal length and a width;', 'a plurality of articulated vertical frame members disposed between the rectangular frame members;', 'wherein at least one rectangular frame member comprises a receptacle member in the length direction;', 'wherein at least one rectangular frame member comprises a receptacle member in the width direction; and', 'wherein the articulated vertical frame members are positioned and arranged to retract to within the frame assembly;, 'a frame assembly comprisinga lifting mechanism positioned and arranged to elevate the rectangular frame members from each other;a retractable side wall positioned and arranged to retract into the receptacle member in the length direction;a retractable end wall positioned and arranged to retract into the receptacle member in the width direction;a top member disposed on an uppermost rectangular frame member of the frame assembly; anda bottom member disposed on a ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Industrial cart comprising a mother or primary cart and a secondary or daughter cart

Номер: US20190084631A1

In one example, a mother cart is provided that is suitable for transporting a daughter cart. The mother cart includes a lower frame, an upper frame connected to the lower frame, and the lower frame includes wheels configured to allow the mother cart to be moved. The lower frame also includes support guides configured to support the daughter cart in a raised position to provide a predetermined ground clearance, and the lower frame has two open sides so as to provide for two-way loading and unloading of the daughter cart on the mother cart.

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170088032A1

Disclosed is a mobile service module () for servicing a large mechanical and/or electrical device (). The service module () comprises a first area () arranged to hold the large mechanical and/or electrical device (), wherein the first area () is at least partly enclosed by a first roof part (), a first left side part () and a first right side part (). The service module () also comprises a second area () including servicing means () for servicing the large mechanical and/or electrical device () while located in the first area () and wherein the second area () is at least partly enclosed by a second roof part (), a second left side part () and a second right side part (). The service module () further comprises displacement means () for displacing the first roof part () and the first left side part () and/or the first right side part () into a position where the first roof part () and the first left side part () and/or the first right side part () substantially cover the second roof part (), the second left side part () and/or the second right side part (). A method for servicing a large mechanical and/or electrical device () having a normal place of operation above ground level and use of a mobile service module () is also disclosed. 1. A mobile service module for servicing a large mechanical and/or electrical device , said service module comprisesa first area arranged to hold said large mechanical and/or electrical device, wherein said first area is at least partly enclosed by a first roof part, a first left side part and a first right side part,said service module comprising a second area including servicing means for servicing said large mechanical and/or electrical device while located in said first area and wherein said second area is at least partly enclosed by a second roof part, a second left side part and a second right side part, andwherein said service module further comprises displacement means for displacing said first roof part and said first left side ...
