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14-12-2018 дата публикации

Платформенная стремянка с телескопической лестницей для технического обслуживания летательных аппаратов

Номер: RU2675096C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам для обеспечения доступа к высокорасположенным элементам самолета, а также может быть использовано в судостроении и других областях техники. Техническим результатом заявленного изобретения является упрощение конструкции и повышение ее функциональности. Согласно изобретению стремянка с телескопической лестницей содержит пространственную раму, состоящую из продольного и поперечного силового набора. К нижней части рамы крепится узел поворотно-убирающихся передних колес, фиксированные задние колеса, передние поворотно-убирающиеся упоры, задние винтовые упоры. Стремянка содержит корзину для перевозки оборудования и фаркоп. Верхняя рама состоит из, по меньшей мере, двух соединенных вертикально расположенных треугольников, к которым крепится телескопическая лестница. Платформа выполнена с опускающимися-поднимающимися поручнями и передними поворотно-убирающимися поручнями. Имеются два подкоса, которые состоят из, по меньшей мере, двух звеньев, шарнирно закрепленных ...

27-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2390475C2

Изобретение относится к области обеспечения безопасности, более конкретно к системе безопасности посадки пассажиров в транспортное средство. В системе (1) обеспечения безопасности пассажиров при посадке в транспортное средство (4) посадка производится внутри единого защищенного пространства (2). Данное защищенное пространство (2) имеет по меньшей мере один вход (5), оснащенный средствами контроля (6), предназначенными для достоверной идентификации пользователей транспортных средств. Также защищенное пространство (2) имеет по меньшей мере один защищенный проем (10), дающий возможность одной из частей (41) транспортного средства (4), которая включает в себя входы (8, 9), быть введенной в защищенное пространство (2). Технический результат заключается в повышении безопасности. 13. з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

12-07-2019 дата публикации

Устройство для обеспечения навигации и посадки корабельных летательных аппаратов

Номер: RU190804U1

Полезная модель относится к радиотехнике и предназначена для обеспечения управления полетом корабельных летательных аппаратов (ЛА), оснащенных соответствующим оборудованием на всех этапах полета ЛА, полетом по маршруту, вывода летательного аппарата в зону действия посадочных средств корабля, обеспечения посадки корабельного летательного аппарата по сигналам управления, передаваемыми по радиоканалу, формируемыми посадочными средствами корабля. Технический результат состоит в повышении целостности управления полетом ЛА. Для достижения технического результата устройство для обеспечения навигации и посадки корабельных летательных аппаратов состоит из блоков: азимутально-дальномерного радиомаяка с антенной, аппаратуры передачи данных, посадочного следящего радиолокатора, процессора вторичной обработки посадочного следящего радиолокатора, при этом выход канала опознавания азимутально-дальномерного радиомаяка соединен со входом процессора вторичной обработки посадочного следящего радиолокатора. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 190 804 U1 (51) МПК B64F 1/00 (2006.01) G08G 5/00 (2006.01) B64D 45/00 (2006.01) G01S 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B64F 1/00 (2019.02); G08G 5/00 (2019.02); G01S 5/00 (2019.02); G05D 1/00 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018142629, 04.12.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 12.07.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 12.07.2019 Бюл. № 20 2018855 C1, 30.08.1994. RU 21962 U1, 27.02.2002. EP 2237067 B1, 24.12.2014. US 9423489 B2, 23.08.2016. (54) Устройство для обеспечения навигации и посадки корабельных летательных аппаратов (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к радиотехнике и технического результата устройство для предназначена для обеспечения управления обеспечения навигации и посадки корабельных полетом корабельных летательных аппаратов летательных аппаратов состоит из блоков: (ЛА), оснащенных соответствующим азимутально-дальномерного ...

01-07-2019 дата публикации

Способ определения обводов авианесущего корабля с самолетным трамплином в носовой оконечности

Номер: RU2693112C1

Изобретение относится к области судостроения и касается определения обводов авианесущих кораблей, имеющих носовую оконечность, конструктивно объединенную с трамплином для самолетов с укороченным горизонтальным взлетом. Предложен способ определения обводов авианесущего корабля с самолетным трамплином в носовой оконечности, включающий построение образующей линии продольного профиля самолетного трамплина, сопряжение образующей линии продольного профиля самолетного трамплина с трехмерной теоретической поверхностью корпуса авианесущего корабля, построение совмещенной с продольным профилем самолетного трамплина трехмерной теоретической поверхности корпуса авианесущего корабля, расчет несущей конструкции самолетного трамплина, аэродинамическую продувку предварительно изготовленной масштабной физической модели корпуса авианесущего корабля с трамплином, а также корректировку трехмерной поверхности авианесущего корабля с самолетным трамплином по результатам аэродинамической продувки. Технический ...

06-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2761124C1

Изобретение относится к способу определения остаточного ресурса тормозных устройств летательных аппаратов (ЛА). Для определения остаточного ресурса во время посадки ЛА фиксируют моменты времени и скорости прохождения его центра масс в зоне получения данных, которая расположена по всей площади посадочной полосы, производят расчет дистанции торможения, затем формируют массив данных о дистанциях торможения и неоднородностях замедления по дистанции торможения, моментах времени и количестве произведенных посадок летательного аппарата, производят расчет суммарной дистанции торможения за текущий срок эксплуатации ЛА с учетом неоднородностей замедления по дистанциям торможения и рассчитывают количество оставшихся посадок безаварийной работы тормозных устройств, сравнивают полученное значение с заявленным количеством посадок безаварийной работы и принимают решение о дальнейшей эксплуатации тормозных устройств летательного аппарата. Обеспечивается повышение точности определения остаточного ресурса ...

02-10-2018 дата публикации

Аэродромная установка рекуперации энергии самолета при посадке для разгона самолета на взлете

Номер: RU2668768C1

Аэродромная установка рекуперации энергии самолета при посадке для разгона самолета на взлете содержит не менее двух взлетно-посадочных полос (ВПП), каждая из которых содержит аэродромный модуль, опирающийся стальными катками на опорные рельсы, две линейные электрические машины, размещаемые по краям полос, концевые площадки для подготовки модулей, пандусы, рулежные полосы, подземную (заглубленную) аккумуляторно-конденсаторную подстанцию, подземные кабельные силовые линии, линии связи, реостатное поле, диспетчерский пункт, участок электрической сети, управляемый автоматической системой управления. Обеспечивается снижение расхода топлива при взлете и посадке самолета, сокращение разбега, снижение шума, уменьшение износа поверхности ВПП, снижение износа колес шасси самолета, повышение безопасности на взлете и посадке. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Система посадки беспилотного летательного аппарата вертикального взлета и посадки

Номер: RU2666975C1

Изобретение относится к системам посадки беспилотных летательных аппаратов вертикального взлета и посадки. Система состоит из воздушного модуля, закрепляемого на летательном аппарате, и модуля посадки. Воздушный модуль содержит корпус, с размещенным в корпусе блоком электронного управления, шарообразный якорь, размещенный на жесткой стойке. На нижней части якоря выполнены электрические контакты. Модуль посадки выполнен в виде устройства захвата. Устройство захвата состоит из купола с установленными в нижней части купола створками, выполненными с возможностью открытия внутрь купола. В каждой створке выполнен паз, таким образом, что в закрытом положении створок данные пазы образуют отверстие, в которое плотно помещается стойка якоря воздушного модуля системы посадки. Створки выполнены с подпружиненными контактами. Осуществляется фиксация аппаратного модуля в модуле посадки системы посадки и зависании в воздухе, с целью дальнейшей зарядки аппарата через якорь. Достигается большая точность ...

07-03-2018 дата публикации

Многофункциональный центр управления движением и моделирования динамики летательных аппаратов

Номер: RU2646784C1

Многофункциональный центр управления движением и моделирования динамики летательных аппаратов содержит быстровозводимые здания в виде сборно-разборных модулей каркасной конструкции, каналы связи, командный блок, учебный блок, серверный блок, навигационный блок, пользовательский блок, мобильный блок, блок наземных робототехнических средств. Командный блок содержит источник бесперебойного питания командного блока, пульт связи с подключенными к нему радиостанцией, громкоговорителем и диспетчерским пультом, дополнительный пульт связи с подключенной к нему дополнительной радиостанцией, блок электронно-вычислительных машин, блок мониторов, наземные приемные станции, хранилище данных, средства визуального контроля и комплекс документирования воздушной информации, систему устройств видеоконференцсвязи, связи, содержащую управляемую камеру, динамик, микрофон, автоматизированное рабочее место. Учебный блок содержит учебный класс, содержащий устройства визуализации, пользовательские электронно-вычислительные ...

14-01-2020 дата публикации

Посадочная платформа для беспилотного летательного аппарата

Номер: RU2710887C1

Посадочная платформа БПЛА содержит многоярусные воронки с возможностью телескопического складывания определенным образом, направляющие и основания. Обеспечивается расширения возможностей посадочной платформы для возможности приема БПЛА с низким клиренсом или низкой посадкой подвешенного груза. 22 з.п. ф-лы, 31 ил.

29-01-1970 дата публикации

Boden-Fuehrungseinrichtung fuer Fahrzeuge

Номер: DE0001763521A1

15-06-2016 дата публикации

Subterranean airport runway

Номер: GB0002533131A

A system of airport runways with at least one runway 1 situated above ground, and at least one runway 2 situated largely below ground with entry and exit openings at either end 3. The subterranean runway tunnel has exit positions to minimise interference with other aircraft movements, and has a take-off zone 4 at either end to allow aircraft to use the runway in either direction. The underground runway is designed to reduce noise pollution during take-off, and reduce air pollution due to exhaust gases emitted during take-off. There may be an electronic guidance system within the tunnel to facilitate safe aircraft movement during take-off. The ground-level runway and subterranean runway may be positioned above each other, either parallel, parallel but offset, or at divergent angles.

27-05-2015 дата публикации

Runway arrangement

Номер: GB0201506262D0

16-07-2014 дата публикации

Charging and re-provisioning station for electric and hybrid UAVx

Номер: GB0201409654D0

02-06-2004 дата публикации

Method of boarding passengers on a regional aircraft and transferring passengers between a regional aircraft and larger aircraft

Номер: GB0002395697A

An air travel system preferably uses an airport terminal or concourse (30) that includes at least one regional aircraft boarding pier (10) and at least one boarding bridge for larger aircraft. The regional aircraft boarding pier includes a primary passenger bridge (12) extending from the airport terminal or concourse; a pier hub (14) connected to the primary passenger bridge; and a plurality of secondary passenger bridges (16) connected to, and extending from, the hub. Each secondary passenger bridge has a docking end (26) for docking with a regional aircraft (36). A method of operating this air travel system includes boarding a passenger on a regional aircraft by sending the passenger through the regional aircraft boarding pier This may be before or after the passenger also uses a boarding bridge to board a larger aircraft (118) which is a connecting flight in the passenger's travel itinerary. This method allows the passenger to transfer between regional and larger aircraft within a single ...

28-10-2009 дата публикации

Apparatus for protecting aircraft during a crash landing

Номер: GB2459469A

The apparatus comprises an arrangement of pillows 1-7 containing compressed air for supporting an aircraft during a crash landing. The top pillow 1 may embrace the aircraft fuselage. A device involving flexible rubber tubes may be provided for evacuating air.

20-06-2018 дата публикации

Unmanned aerial delivery to secure location

Номер: GB0002557556A

A delivery management system comprises a communication device that receives a notification of a communication established between an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that delivers a payload and a delivery box constructed and arranged to receive the payload from the UAV when the UAV is a predetermined distance from the delivery box and moving in a direction toward the delivery box, the communication including an identity of the UAV; a verification device that processes the notification and validates the identity of the UAV; and an instruction generator that generates an instruction to the delivery box to open the delivery box in response to the verification device validating the identity of the UAV and a determination by the communication device that the communication is established between the UAV and the delivery box. The communication device includes an autolocker communication device that outputs the instruction to the delivery box.

28-05-2008 дата публикации

The protection of aircraft on the ground monitored crash

Номер: GB0000807384D0

09-01-1941 дата публикации

Improvements facilitating the take-off of aeroplanes

Номер: GB0000531683A

... 531,683. Launching aeroplanes. ARMSTRONG WHITWORTH AIRCRAFT, Ltd., Sir W. G., and MURRAY, C. V. June 10, 1939, No. 17055. [Class 4] An aeroplane is provided with steerable landing wheels by which the pilot can steer the aircraft during take off in a spiral path of ever increasing radius into the wind, the pilot being guided by an indicator responsive to centrifugal force which may have markings to indicate the maximum permissible side pressure on the wheels. Several markings may be provided corresponding to the resistance of the wheels to side slip upon different ground surfaces. The steerable landing gear described in Specification 531,684 is referred to.

15-02-2020 дата публикации

An unmanned aircraft and system for generating a fire mechanism in the airspace

Номер: AT0000519937B1

Unbemanntes Luftfahrzeug (1), aufweisend eine Antriebseinheit (2) zum Ermöglichen des Fluges des Luftfahrzeugs (1) im Luftraum und eine Datenverarbeitungseinheit (3), die zum Ansteuern einer Position oder einer zeitlichen Abfolge von Positionen des Luftfahrzeugs (1) im Luftraum im Wesentlichen in Echtzeit anhand von Positionsinformationen ausgebildet ist. Das Luftfahrzeug (1) weist zumindest ein Haltemittel (6) zum Halten zumindest eines Feuerwerkskörpers und ein Aktiviermittel (11) zum Aktivieren des zumindest einen Feuerwerkskörpers auf, wobei die Datenverarbeitungseinheit (3) zum Auswerten und gegebenenfalls Ermitteln zumindest eines Sicherheitsparameters und zum Steuern des Aktiviermittels (11) in Abhängigkeit des zumindest einen Sicherheitsparameters ausgebildet ist.

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000413672T

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2018267309B2

The present invention provides a communication system having excellent robustness and capable of stably building, over a wide region, a three-dimensionally formed network where, in the fifth-generation mobile communication and the like, propagation delay in wireless communication with terminal devices including a device for IoT is low, simultaneous connection with a wide range of multiple terminal devices and high-speed communication are possible, and the system capacity per unit area is large. This communication system is provided with a plurality of wireless relay stations for relaying wireless communication between a ground base station and terminal devices. The plurality of wireless relay stations include a plurality of first wireless relay stations that are provided in a floating body controlled so as to be located in a floating airspace at an altitude of 100 [km] or less by autonomous control or control from outside, and are communicable with each other, and a second wireless relay ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации

System, method and station for landing of a drone

Номер: AU2018346997A1
Принадлежит: IP& Pty Ltd

In an aspect there are disclosed examples systems (10, 110) for the landing and handling of a drone (1), the system (10, 100) may include a moveable platform (16, 116) on which the drone (1) is supportable in a landed state; a space (14, 114) dimensioned to receive the platform (16, 116) and drone (1) in the landed state, a first closable barrier (17, 117) arranged between the drone (1) in the landed state and an external environment; a second closable barrier (18, 118) arranged between the drone (1) in the landed state and a passenger zone adjacent the space (22, 122); and a control arrangement (205) configured to selectively operate the platform (16, 116), the first closable barrier (17, 117) and the second closable barrier (18, 118) between: a first condition, in which the first closable barrier (17, 117) is in an open condition, the second closable barrier (18, 118) is in a closed condition and the drone (1) is landable on the platform (16, 116), and a second condition, in which the ...

24-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003016499C

The present invention relates to an aircraft docking system comprising: a light based verification and positioning system adapted to scan a volume (120) in connection to a stand, a receiving unit adapted to receive surveillance data from an airport surveillance system, wherein the light based verification and positioning system is further adapted to control the extension of the scanned volume based on the received surveillance data.

16-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3024613C

The technology described in this document is embodied in a sensor platform that includes an enclosure for housing one or more sensors, the enclosure configured to be deployed between a streetlight and a streetlight controller that manages operations of the streetlight. The sensor platform also includes an electrical receptacle for receiving the streetlight controller in a substantially secure configuration. The sensor platform also includes an electrical connector for connecting the enclosure to the streetlight. The sensor platform also includes at least one pass-through connector disposed within the enclosure to provide an electrical connection between the electrical connector and the electrical receptacle.

18-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2904010C

Embodiments of a heliport incorporate commercial and residential spaces with a plurality of helipads at multiple levels or floors, within a multi-story building. In various embodiments, the helipads cantilever out from the sides of the building or may simply span between oppositely faced sides of adjacent building structures. In some embodiments, the helipads extend outwardly from aircraft hangers and from commercial and residential spaces that extend into the building from the rear of the helipad. Rooftops associated with embodiments of the heliport include control tower facilities and additional helipads.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002886792A1

An airport runway arrangement for commercial aircraft is provided. The arrangement comprises a first runway section (202-1), a second runway section (202-2) extending substantially in prolongation of the first runway section (202-1) and an intermediate section (210-3) between the first and second runway sections (202-1, 202-1).

16-04-1925 дата публикации

Vorrichtung für Start und Landung von Flugzeugen auf Kriegsschiffen.

Номер: CH0000109820A

31-08-1939 дата публикации

Installation d'atterrissage pour avions.

Номер: CH0000206892A

15-07-1946 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000243508A

30-09-1968 дата публикации

Personen- und Güterbeförderungsanlage

Номер: CH0000462873A

30-11-1969 дата публикации

Hebeeinrichtung für Flugzeuge

Номер: CH0000481789A

30-11-1969 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000481654A

15-06-1983 дата публикации

Transfer and service installation for an airport

Номер: CH0000636566A5

The installation includes various service apparatuses arranged at fixed stations on parallel corridors (I, II, III, IV) intended to accommodate aircraft. Along each corridor there are provided three parking areas (a, b, c) serving respectively for disembarking of passengers and/or goods, for replenishing the aircraft and for embarkation of passengers and/or of freight. ...

28-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000715281A2
Автор: MIKEL FAURI, Mikel Fauri

Die Erfindung stellt ein Luftfahrzeug (10) mit den folgenden Merkmalen bereit: Das Luftfahrzeug (10) weist ein Nahbereichsfunkmessgerät (11) auf; und das Nahbereichsfunkmessgerät (11) ist dazu eingerichtet, eine Flugbahn (12) zu erkennen, welche anhand einer Positionserfassung (13) des Luftfahrzeuges (10) durch eine Bodenstation (14) vorgegeben wird.

30-09-2019 дата публикации

Method for automatically supporting the landing of an aircraft, computer program and system therefor.

Номер: CH0000714860A2

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur automatischen Unterstützung des Landens eines Luftfahrzeuges (1) auf einer Landeplattform (2) mittels eines Halteseils (3), das das Luftfahrzeug (1) mit der Landeplattform (2) verbindet, und einer Seilwinde (4), mit der das Halteseil (3) automatisch eingerollt und abgerollt werden kann. Die Erfindung betrifft ausserdem ein Computerprogramm mit Programmcodemitteln, eingerichtet zur Durchführung eines Verfahrens der zuvor genannten Art, wenn das Computerprogramm auf einem Rechner ausgeführt wird. Die Erfindung betrifft ausserdem ein System zur automatischen Unterstützung des Landens eines Luftfahrzeuges (1) auf einer Landeplattform (2) mittels eines Halteseils (3), wobei das System wenigstens eine Steuereinrichtung (5), eine Sensorik (6) und eine von der Steuereinrichtung (5) steuerbare Seilwinde (4) aufweist, auf der das Halteseil (3) motorisch einrollbar und abrollbar ist.

30-09-2019 дата публикации

Method for automatically supporting the landing of an aircraft, computer program and system therefor.

Номер: CH0000714861A2

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur automatischen Unterstützung des Landens eines Luftfahrzeuges (1) auf einer Landeplattform (2) mittels eines Halteseils (3), das das Luftfahrzeug (1) mit der Landeplattform (2) verbindet, und einer Seilwinde (4), mit der das Halteseil (3) automatisch eingerollt und abgerollt werden kann. Die Erfindung betrifft ausserdem ein Computerprogramm mit Programmcodemitteln, eingerichtet zur Durchführung eines Verfahrens der zuvor genannten Art, wenn das Computerprogramm auf einem Rechner ausgeführt wird. Die Erfindung betrifft ausserdem ein System zur automatischen Unterstützung des Landens eines Luftfahrzeuges (1) auf einer Landeplattform (2) mittels eines Halteseils (3), wobei das System wenigstens eine Steuereinrichtung (5), eine Sensorik (6) und eine von der Steuereinrichtung (5) steuerbare Seilwinde (4) aufweist, auf der das Halteseil (3) motorisch einrollbar und abrollbar ist.

30-11-2018 дата публикации

Parking apron with simple window wiping machine

Номер: CN0108910068A

29-03-2019 дата публикации

UAV release platform applied to top of escort vehicle

Номер: CN0109533372A

26-03-2019 дата публикации

Unmanned aerial vehicle vehicle-mounted automatic airport landing equipment and control method thereof

Номер: CN0109515731A

24-07-2018 дата публикации

Rotating type unmanned aerial vehicle parking apron

Номер: CN0108316167A

17-10-1969 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002002330A1

11-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002377325A

Piste de décollage pour avion, La rampe présente des profils variés en coupe longitudinale en différentes régions du travers, et le trajet parcouru par les roues situées sur la ligne centrale de l'avion lorsqu'elles montent la rampe est différent de celui parcouru par les roues qui ne sont pas situées sur la ligne centrale, soit par exemple les roues fixées sur les longerons-supports, un couple de tangage désiré étant ainsi appliqué à l'avion au moment du lancement. Application : Rampes pour pont d'envol de navire.

06-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003027929A1

Obstacle artificiel (élément (3) de la figure 1), construit par accumulation de matériaux, tous types de matériaux ou combinaison de matériaux étant envisageable (terre, sable, remblais, limons, cailloux, graviers, pierres, etc.), extrait sur place ou acheminés sur place, de forme maximisant le rendement aérodynamique, caractérisé en ce qu'il dévie le flux d'air naturel ou artificiel (1), créant ainsi une zone d'air ascendant exploitable par un aéronef pour pratiquer le vol dynamique.

31-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR101700396B1

The present invention relates to a drone for cracking down on a violation of a regulation, a drone charging station, and a system for cracking down on a violation of a regulation. The system for cracking down on a violation of a regulation cracks down on an illegal act that disturbs public order or a vehicle that violates a traffic regulation, or figures out the occurrence of an emergency situation through an unmanned aviation drone flying in the air. The present invention provides a way of cracking down on violation of all kinds of regulations and figuring out the occurrence of an emergency situation through the drone without place and time limits by installing the drone charging station which provides drone charging to all kinds of street facilities, a vehicle for a crackdown, or the like and performing charging frequently when a drone with a short flying time needs to be charged. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

31-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170059763A

The objective of the present invention is to provide a deck-landing apparatus for a vertical taking-off and landing unmanned aircraft, capable of safely landing a vertical taking-off and landing unmanned aircraft on a vessel irrespective of movement of the vessel. To this end, an apparatus installed in a vessel to allow a vertical taking-off and landing unmanned aircraft to be landed on a deck comprises: a taking-off and landing deck installed in the vessel; an operation unit to roll, pitch, and heave the taking-off and landing deck with respect to the vessel; a measurement unit installed in the taking-off and landing deck to measure roll and pitch angles, and a vertical moving distance of the taking-off and landing deck in accordance with movement of the vessel; and a control unit moving the taking-off and landing deck in a direction offsetting the movement of the vessel through the driving unit based on the roll and pitch angles and the vertically moving distance of the taking-off and ...

18-04-2017 дата публикации

dispositivo para uma plataforma de helicóptero

Номер: BR112014008547A2

01-08-2020 дата публикации

Charging station, charging system and charging method for a drone

Номер: TW0202028060A

A charging station, a charging system and a charging method for a drone is provided. The charging station adapted to provide a drone to park and charge includes a parking ramp, a pair of charging plates, a pair of protecting covers, and at least an actuating device. The parking ramp has a parking surface and a bottom surface, wherein the drone is parked on the parking surface having at least two openings; the charging pads is fixed to the bottom surface; the protecting cover is disposed between the bottom surface of the parking ramp and the charging plates, the protecting cover covers the charging plates at the opening. The actuating device is fixed to the bottom surface and connected to the protecting cover. After the drone is static on the parking surface, the actuating device drives the protective cover to move relative to the charging plates to expose the charging plates, so that at least two charging feet of the drone contact the charging plates for charging.

28-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005067529A3

A regional aircraft-boarding module can be provided at an airport concourse in place of or in addition to a conventional large aircraft boarding bridge. The regional aircraft-boarding module includes regional aircraft rotunda between a number of secondary passenger bridges that are coupled to the regional aircraft rotunda. A method of using the regional aircraft-boarding module includes an activity selected from docking a regional aircraft thereto, interfacing a large aircraft boarding bridge thereto, and combinations thereof.

09-09-2010 дата публикации

Helicopter landing platform having motion stabilizer for compensating ship roll and/or pitch

Номер: US20100224118A1

A motion compensation system for a helipad on a vessel includes a sensor for measuring a parameter related to at least one or pitch and roll of the vessel. The system includes a first actuator functionally coupled to the helipad to move the helipad translationally with respect to the vessel in response to the measured at least one of pitch and roll of the vessel.

18-04-2017 дата публикации

Sensor-based controllable LED lighting system with repositionable components and method

Номер: US0009629220B2

A lighting system is provided having a movement system, a light source repositionable via the movement system, a sensor, a controller, and a communication system. The controller may control characteristics of the light emitted by the light source, rotation of the panel by the movement system, and receiving signal information from the sensor. The communication system exchange data between the controller and an external device, the light source and the movement system being remotely controllable by logic received using the controller via the communication system. The light source, the movement system, the controller, the sensor, and the communication system are installable in a drone. Wearable apparatus may be used with the system. Objects may be tracked and illuminated.

16-08-2005 дата публикации

Interstitial regional aircraft boarding piers, and methods of using same

Номер: US0006929217B2

An interstitial regional aircraft boarding pier can be provided at an airport concourse in place of a conventional large aircraft boarding bridge. The interstitial regional aircraft boarding pier includes a primary passenger bridge between the airport concourse and a hub. A number of secondary passenger bridges extend from the hub to at least one individual regional aircraft.

13-12-1977 дата публикации

Aircraft take-off and landing system and method for using same

Номер: US0004063218A

An aircraft take-off and landing system, wherein a symbol of a specified configuration is employed as an instrument means for take-off and landing.

16-02-2021 дата публикации

Vertical takeoff and landing pad and interlocking pavers to construct same

Номер: US0010920377B2

An interlocking paver system including polygon and spacer pavers. The polygon paver has a longitudinal axis extending from a first to a second side and a transverse axis orthogonal to the longitudinal axis and extending from a third to a fourth side. The spacer paver has a longitudinal axis extending from a first to a second side and a transverse axis orthogonal to the longitudinal axis and extending from a third to a fourth side. Both the polygon and spacer pavers are symmetrical about the longitudinal and transverse axes. The spacer paver is configured to selectively interlock with the polygon paver with either of the third or fourth side of the polygon paver adjacent either of the first or second side of the spacer paver and either of the first or second side of the polygon paver adjacent either of the third or fourth side of the spacer paver.

11-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EP2266314B1
Автор: VOGEL, H, BAADER, Paul
Принадлежит: Carl Zeiss Optronics GmbH

16-07-2021 дата публикации

Устройство для автоматической фиксации беспилотного летательного аппарата вертолетного типа

Номер: RU2751735C1

Устройство для автоматической фиксации беспилотного летательного аппарата вертолетного типа (БПЛА) содержит размещенные на площадке безэкипажного судна посадочные опоры с магнитным реагентом, посадочную площадку, в которую установлен электромагнит, датчик приближения БПЛА к посадочной площадке, блок управления, имеющий выход, предназначенный для управления электромагнитом, пульт ручного управления, размещенные в посадочной платформеnаналогичных малых электромагнитов, образующих при включении равномерное полеN = n + 1локальных концентраций магнитного потока,Nключей иNизмерительных преобразователей тока. Обеспечивается повышение эффективности и надежности фиксации БПЛА на судне в условиях качки, ветра и при наличии больших статических кренов и дифферентов. 2 ил.

23-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2750197C1

Изобретение раскрывает способ заправки жидкостной топливной системы подготовленным топливом, при котором заливают топливо в емкость, подготавливают топливо, для чего барботируют топливо, залитое в емкость, с помощью барботажной трубки, и вакуумируют надтопливное пространство с помощью вакуумного насоса, характеризующийся тем, что для подготовки топлива используют емкость, снабженную штуцером вакуумирования и штуцером подачи топлива, каждый из которых выполнен с возможностью соединения с одним из концов топливного рукава, вторым концом соединенного с системой трубопроводов вакуумирования и подачи топлива, и вакуумный насос, соединенный с системой трубопроводов вакуумирования и подачи топлива с возможностью перекрытия, при этом при барботировании с помощью барботажной трубки используют газ, инертный к компонентам топлива, при вакуумировании надтопливного пространства состыковывают топливный рукав к штуцеру вакуумирования, после завершения подготовки топлива перестыковывают топливный рукав ...

16-06-2021 дата публикации

Модульная станция управления воздушным судном

Номер: RU2749676C1

Изобретение относится к области авиационной электроники, а именно к наземным станциям управления, и может быть использовано для управления полетом воздушного судна, беспилотного аппарата, целевой нагрузки пилотируемого средства при функционировании такой станции в полевых условиях. Модульная станция управления воздушным судном включает компьютерное устройство, снабженное программными инструкциями для управления воздушным судном, средства ввода/вывода информации, источник питания, радиостанции. Компоненты модульной станции объединены в функциональные группы, каждая из которых размещена в транспортируемом модуле. При этом каждый транспортируемый модуль выполнен с возможностью соединения с другим транспортируемым модулем путем объединения их в локальную вычислительную сеть и подключения к общей для них шине питания. Улучшается мобильность станции. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

06-08-2024 дата публикации

Временная плавучая взлетно-посадочная полоса

Номер: RU2824218C1

Изобретение относится к аэродромам. Временная плавучая взлетно-посадочная полоса (1) состоит из конструктивно соединенных между собой модулей, которые способны соединятся вместе на водной поверхности в единую конструкцию с образованием взлетно-посадочной полосы для обслуживания самолетов. При этом используются железобетонные водоизмещающие понтоны (2) с соединительными элементами (9). Понтон (2) конструктивно состоит из наружного корпуса, основных поперечных переборок, которые образуют водонепроницаемый объем. Модули представляют собой понтоны (2), выполненные из списанных, бывших в употреблении железнодорожных вагонов - кузовов полувагонов, рам (7) и емкостей железнодорожных цистерн. Достигается упрощение возведения взлетно-посадочной полосы. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

06-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2733674C1

Изобретение относится к авиации. Самолет содержит фюзеляж (1), шасси (4), турбореактивный двигатель и крылья (3). К верху фюзеляжа прикреплено дополнительное шасси (5). Взлетно-посадочная полоса имеет железобетонное покрытие (6) и имеет длину 500-2000 километров. Железобетонное покрытие имеет с двух сторон выступы, в которых закреплены стальные стойки (9, 10), к которым прикреплены соответственно стальные полосы (11) и боковые швеллеры (12) с возможностью расположения крыла между полками швеллера, причем сверху стойки противоположно расположенных выступов скреплены стальными планками (13), к которым прикреплены полками вниз верхние швеллеры (14) с возможностью прижима колеса верхнего шасси (5) к стенкам верхних швеллеров (14). Достигается повышение безопасности полета. 2 н.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

29-08-2022 дата публикации

Способ устройства аэродрома

Номер: RU2778948C1

Изобретение относится к авиации, а конкретней к способам устройства аэродрома в условиях высокой орнитологической опасности. Способ устройства аэродрома включает выделение участков приаэродромной территории под траекторией взлета и посадки самолетов с местами гнездования колоний птиц. Далее устраивают взлетно-посадочную полосу аэродрома таким образом, что обеспечивается превышение высоты полета самолетов над участками гнездования, определяемой по формуле Hs=S⋅h/s, где Hs - высота полета самолета, когда размер самолета в глазах птенца при кормлении совпадает с размером птицы-родителя, м; S - длина фюзеляжа самолета, м; s - длина туловища птицы, м; h - высота узнавания птицы-родителя при кормлении птенца. Изобретение повышает безопасность полетов самолетов за счет снижения орнитологической опасности аэродрома.

18-09-2018 дата публикации

Тележка для транспортирования опоры шасси летательного аппарата

Номер: RU183350U1

Полезная модель относится к области обслуживания летательных аппаратов на территории аэропортов и авиапредприятий гражданской авиации. Тележка для транспортирования опоры шасси летательного аппарата содержит грузовую платформу в виде сварной рамы трубчатой конструкции, установленную на четырех колесах, на которой закреплены две задние опорные стойки, передняя опорная стойка для размещения груза и водило, соединенное с узлом управления передними колесами, при этом на раме дополнительно установлена средняя опорная стойка, в верхней части каждой опорной стойки установлены съемные ложементы, причем ложементы передней опоры и задних опор выполнены в виде быстроразъемных хомутов с откидывающейся верхней частью, а ложемент средней опоры имеет дугообразную рабочую поверхность, ложементы передней и средней опор ориентированы перпендикулярно, а ложементы задних опор ориентированы параллельно продольной оси тележки, рабочие поверхности ложементов снабжены защитными для груза накладками, а узел управления ...

07-06-2024 дата публикации

Сеть беспроводной связи для аэродромной многопозиционной системы наблюдения

Номер: RU2820676C1

Изобретение относится к области беспроводной связи. Техническим результатом является создание сети беспроводной связи (СБС), обеспечивающей снижение вероятности столкновений на аэродроме и в воздухе воздушных судов (ВС), и расширение арсенала СБС для аэродромной многопозиционной системы наблюдения (АМПСН). Технический результат достигается тем, что СБС выполнена по схеме «точка-многоточка» с рациональным соотношением архитектуры сети, используемых частот и количества базовых (БС) и абонентских (АС) станций, БС ориентированы по секторам, в каждом секторе БС установлено не менее 4 АС, выполняющих радиопередачу данных от приёмных станций (ПРС) АМПСН и разнесенных между собой для измерения координат воздушных судов (ВС) разностно-дальномерным способом; БС соединены с соответствующими АС радиолиниями связи с цифровой модуляцией связных радиосигналов по технологии ортогонального частотного их разделения с мультиплексированием (ОЧРМ); синхронизация пакетов радиообмена данными между АС и БС выполнена ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012135367A

... 1. Способ создания ледовых баз и аэродромов в полярных условиях, включающий доставку на место дислокации оборудования и его установку с последующим обустройством ледовой базы, отличающийся тем, что последовательно осуществляют следующие действия:- проводят поиск вертолетом, вылетающим с Большой земли, промежуточной площадки в арктической зоне, называемой точкой жалюзи, на которую сбрасывают топливо для обеспечения возможности дозаправки вертолета и последующего вылета его в направлении полюса с целью выбора подходящей льдины, пригодной для строительства ледового аэродрома и базы;- проводят поиск вертолетом, вылетающим с промежуточной точки жалюзи, подходящей площадки для ледового аэродрома и базы, при этом льдина выбирается достаточной для посадки самолета длины и ширины, достаточной ровности и с достаточной толщиной льда;- после выбора подходящей площадки для ледового аэродрома и базы проводят транспортирование самолетом и десантирование парашютным способом людей и техники для строительства ...

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015122657A

01-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2722521C1

Изобретение относится к способу точной посадки беспилотного летательного аппарата (БЛА) на посадочную платформу. Для реализации способа получают видеокадр с чётко различимым изображением БЛА при нахождении его в зоне посадки с помощью видеокамеры, закрепленной на посадочной платформе базовой станции или стартового контейнера, определяют положение БЛА на видеоизображении методами компьютерного зрения. Получают данные о координатах БЛА от датчиков, расположенных на его борту. Производят сравнение данных, полученных на посадочной платформе, и данных с борта БЛА. Передают управляющие сигналы для корректировки траектории посадки с учетом поправочных коэффициентов, полученных на основании сравнения вышеуказанных данных. Обеспечивается повышение точности посадки БЛА. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

27-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007109521A

... 1. Система (1) обеспечения безопасности пассажиров при посадке в транспортное средство (4) типа воздушного судна или любого другого наземного или морского транспортного средства, в которой упомянутая посадка производится внутри единого защищенного пространства (2), имеющего по меньшей мере один вход (5), оснащенный средствами контроля (6), предназначенными для достоверной идентификации пользователей транспортных средств, а именно пассажиров, административного, технического и летно-подъемного персонала, в которой упомянутое защищенное пространство (2) оборудовано одним или более из упомянутых средств контроля (6), размещенных в важнейших местах и предназначенных для контроля за упомянутыми пользователями, начиная с их входа в упомянутое защищенное пространство (2) и до посадки в упомянутое транспортное средство (4), на протяжении всего времени нахождения упомянутого транспортного средства (4) в неподвижном состоянии, отличающаяся тем, что упомянутое защищенное пространство (2) имеет по меньшей ...

19-06-1969 дата публикации

Start- und Landeflaeche fuer VTOL-Flugzeuge

Номер: DE0001534241A1

09-12-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002026974A1

21-02-2007 дата публикации

Seismic vessel having motion-stabilized helicopter landing platform

Номер: GB0000700883D0

13-09-2006 дата публикации

Motion compensated aircraft platform

Номер: GB0000615474D0

26-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008604025D0

14-01-1987 дата публикации

Landing deck for aicrafts

Номер: GB0002177052A

PCT No. PCT/NO85/00041 Sec. 371 Date Feb. 18, 1986 Sec. 102(e) Date Feb. 18, 1986 PCT Filed Jun. 27, 1985 PCT Pub. No. WO86/00274 PCT Pub. Date Jan. 16, 1986.Landing deck for aircraft, in particular for helicopters, on seagoing vessels and offshore installations, such as platforms. When fuel is leaking from a helicopter after an accident, as for instance an unsuccessful landing, a fire often starts. In order to reduce the combustion intensity and the duration of such a fire continuous grooves or channels (8) are formed in beams of steel or metal, of which the deck is made, in the surface facing upwardly. Thereby fuel which has leaked out will be collected in the grooves or channels. The air supply to the grooves or channels is poorer than the air supply to fuel situated on decks without grooves or channels, and the combustion intensity, therefore, is reduced. Moreover, the combustion takes place on the surface of the liquid, and it is possible to drain a substantial part of the fuel without ...

27-05-2015 дата публикации

Runway arrangement

Номер: GB0201506060D0

26-04-2006 дата публикации

Helicopter landing pads

Номер: GB0002414973B

08-08-2007 дата публикации

Seismic vessel having motion-stabilised helicopter landing platform

Номер: GB0002434779A

A helicopter motion compensation system for a vessel includes at least one controllable length actuator 20, 24 operatively coupled between the helipad 10 and the vessel (14 figure 1). The system also includes an attitude sensor 36 disposed on at least one of the helipad and the vessel. The sensor produces signals corresponding to change in attitude of the helipad. A controller 34 is in operative communication with the sensor and is arranged to operate the at least one actuator. The actuator is operable to substantially maintain an attitude of the helipad to compensate for motion, such as pitch, roll and heave, of the vessel. The actuator may comprise hydraulic rams or rack and pinion (figure 2A) systems.

02-05-2018 дата публикации

Portable unmanned delivery aircraft launch systems and methods of delivering products utilizing aircraft launch systems

Номер: GB0201804344D0

08-12-2004 дата публикации

Helicopter landing pads

Номер: GB0000424452D0

28-11-2007 дата публикации

Emergency buoy and line system

Номер: GB0000720496D0

30-03-2016 дата публикации

Improved aircraft gate parking and servicing method

Номер: GB0201602493D0

09-06-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001235332A

... 1,235,332. Airports. R. E. DUDLEY. 31 May, 1968 [12 June, 1967], No. 26124/68. Heading B7G. [Also in Division E1] An airport comprises two runways, a taxiway joining ends of said runways, and air terminal facilities accessible by an aircraft from said taxiway but offset laterally from said taxiway to one side thereof and out of alignment with said runways. The runways, 1 Fig. 1, may be in tandem with the taxiway 2 joining adjacent ends of the runways, or, if the terrain requires it, the runways may not be colinear, for example Fig. 6 where a serpentine configuration is used. An additional runway or runways may be used, Fig. 3 (not shown), parallel to and connected to the taxiway end of one of the said runways. The taxiway and runways may be supported over water, by columns or otherwise, or floated on water, Figs. 8, 9 (not shown). Provision may be made for passage of vehicles beneath the airport in a direction generally parallel to the runways and taxiway. The airport terminal consists ...

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Aircraft transparency protection

Номер: AU2009326191B2

The invention relates to an aircraft transparency protector (10). The protector (10) comprises a lobed blank cut from a sheet of resilient material, which is bendable, such that adjacent lobes abut, thereby to conform to the shape of the transparency. A method of protecting an aircraft transparency is also provided.

09-01-2001 дата публикации

Regional aircraft boarding pier and method of using

Номер: AU0005631400A

18-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002321031A1

An aircraft carrier (10) is provided with an airflow deflection means such as flap (14), an inflatable flap (26) or an airjet curtain (28) such that air passing along the flight deck is provided with an upward component of velocity, thereby to provide an upwash in the airwake behind the aircraft carrier. The upwash persists for a reasonable length downstream of the aircraft carrier and means that, for a given spatial attitude, the angle of angle of attack of the aircraft relative to the airstream is increased. This means that the aircraft may be flown at a reasonably high angle of attack to the airstream on a landing approach without sacrificing the pilot's view of the deck. In addition, the increased angle of attack may be used to facilitate a flare manoeuvre.

28-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002368642A1

A regional aircraft boarding pier (10) can be provided at an airport concourse (30) in place of one or two conventional large aircraft boarding bridges (32). The regional aircraft boarding pier (10) includes a primary passenger bridge (12) between the airport concourse (30) and a hub (14). A number of secondary passenger bridges (16) extend from the hub (14) to individual regional aircraft (36). In this way an equivalent number of passenger seats can be serviced as between large and regional aircraft, and both large aircraft (34) and regional aircraft (36) can be docked at a common airport terminal (30). Consequently, passengers can more efficiently and conveniently transfer between connecting flights that are on both large and regional aircraft. The hub (14) of the boarding pier (10) can take a number of configurations (314, 414, 514) to optimally use the space available. The hub (14) can also support large aircraft boarding bridges (32) as well as the secondary passenger bridges (16) ...

27-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002436914A1

The present invention includes a safety system for airports and airfields (30). The present invention includes a method for installing an aesthetically pleasing artificial turf (32) that repels birds and other animals and a sub- surface that supports the weight of an aircraft, enhances water drainage and enables the accessibility of airport vehicles to all parts of a runway or taxiway (34). The sub-surface is also adaptable to be an arresting bed that slows the motion of a runway airplane. The present invention further, includes a repelling artificial turf, which includes synthetic fibers (172) as well as stiff fibers or fibers otherwise uncomfortable for an animal or bird. Still further, the present invention includes a multi-pigmented artificial turf adaptable to define a plurality of different shapes and patterns. The multi- colored turf can define numbers, letters and airport symbols .

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003022760A1

In some embodiments, methods and systems of facilitating movement of product-containing pallets include at least one forklift unit configured to lift and move the product-containing pallets, at least one motorized transport unit configured to mechanically engage and disengage a respective forklift unit, and a central computer system in communication with the at least one motorized transport unit. The central computer system is configured to transmit at least one signal to the at least one motorized transport unit. The signal is configured to cause the at least one motorized transport unit to control the at least one forklift unit to move at least one of the product-containing pallets.

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002982970A1

A system for homing and recharging an unmanned vehicle comprises a plurality of homing layers operative along the radius of an imaginary circle that has the homing target at its center, each homing layer consisting of a sub -system provided with location means of increasing accuracy relative to that of a sub -system that operates along said radius farther away, from the center of said circle.

15-02-2019 дата публикации

Unmanned aerial vehicle lifting platform convenient to adjust height

Номер: CN0109335011A

16-11-2018 дата публикации

Method and device for automatic position finding and wireless charging of unmanned aerial vehicle

Номер: CN0108819743A

08-04-1966 дата публикации

A method for ensuring the safety of the aerodromes against the birds

Номер: FR0001434393A

02-11-1973 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002177369A5

20-12-2017 дата публикации

드론 착륙 장치

Номер: KR0101811037B1
Автор: 정경호
Принадлежит: 정경호

... 본 발명은, 드론 착륙 장치에 관한 것으로, 드론을 이용한 화물 이송 시스템에서 드론의 식별자에 기초하여 예약된 드론만을 식별하고 예약 드론의 착륙 경로 가이드하여 예약 드론이 착륙할 수 있고, 드론을 통해 배달된 화물을 별도의 보관함으로 가이드 이송하여 화물을 안전하게 관리할 수 있으며, 드론의 잔존 배터리 충전량을 모니터링하여 드론의 배터리를 충전시킬 수 있는 드론 착륙 장치를 제공한다.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130081890A1

A vehicle for towing an airplane by receiving thereupon a nose landing gear of the airplane having an airplane longitudinal axis. The vehicle having a vehicle longitudinal axis and is configured to tow the airplane along a straight or curved path and comprises a controller for directing its operation, including maintaining the vehicle's in-phase position in which the vehicle longitudinal axis is parallel to the airplane longitudinal axis. 135.-. (canceled)36. A vehicle for towing an airplane by receiving thereupon a nose landing gear of the airplane having an airplane longitudinal axis , said nose landing gear of the airplane having at least one front airplane wheel and a first axis of rotation , said airplane having main landing gear wheels with a common second axis of rotation such that , the first and the second axes of rotation intersect in a common airplane pivot point about which the airplane is to turn , said vehicle having a vehicle longitudinal axis and being configured to tow said airplane along a substantially straight or curved path , said vehicle comprising:a controller for directing operation of the vehicle, including maintaining the vehicle's in-phase position in which said vehicle longitudinal axis is substantially parallel to said airplane longitudinal axis;a plurality of vehicle wheels, each having a vehicle wheel axis of rotation; andwherein the controller is configured to calculate the location of the pivot point of the airplane according to a steering angle between the first and the second axes of rotation, and to control each vehicle wheel to be turned at its Ackerman angle, is calculated by the controller according to the steering angle, with respect to the second axis of rotation such that all vehicle wheel axes intersect at the pivot point, whereby said in-phase position is maintained.37. The vehicle according to claim 36 , wherein said airplane is configured for turning about an airplane pivot point which lies on an axis of its main landing ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130099054A1
Автор: Besenzoni Giovanni
Принадлежит: B. FINANCIAL S.R.L

An active platform () for the landing of an aircraft on an access facility (B) including a support basement (), suitable to be fixed on a reference surface (P) belonging to the aforesaid access facility (B), and a landing footboard (), superiorly connected with the support basement () and suitable to receive the aircraft. In this case, the landing platform () comprises compensation and levelling means (), operatively connected with moving means () so as to constantly keep the landing footboard () on a substantially horizontal plane when atmospheric agents, fluid masses and/or adjacent structures interfere with the access facility (B). 214523. Platform () as ) characterized in that said compensation and levelling means () and said moving means () are coupled with said support basement () in order to be below said landing footboard ().3122. Platform () as ) or ) characterized in that said support basement () includes:{'b': '7', 'a base plate () suitable to be fixed to said reference surface (P) of said access facility (B);'}{'b': 8', '7', '4', '7, 'a central frame (), placed above said base plate () with which is coupled through said compensation and levelling means () and defining a lower plane parallel and spaced apart from said base plate ().'}414. Platform () as ) characterized in that said compensation and levelling means () include a pair of main mechanical couplings of the fifth wheel/shaft type claim 3 , each of which consisting of:{'b': 32', '7', '33, 'a first rotation fifth wheel () fixed to said base plate () through anchoring means ();'}{'b': 34', '32', '8', '32', '35', '3', '8, 'a first counter-fifth wheel (), directly facing said first rotation fifth wheel (), revolvingly coupled at one side with said central frame () and at the other side with said first rotation fifth wheel () through a first articulation pin () suitable to allow the oscillation of said landing footboard () around a longitudinal axis (X) passing through the centre of said central frame ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for identifying an airplane in connection with parking of the airplane at a stand

Номер: US20130289866A1

Method for identifying an airplane in connection to parking of the airplane at a gate or a stand, for possible connection of a passenger bridge ( 1 ) or a loading bridge to a door of an airplane, where the airplane is positioned and stopped at a predetermined position using a touchless measurement of the distance between the airplane and a fixed point, where the distance is indicated on a display ( 6 ) mounted in front of the pilot of the airplane on for instance an airport building ( 7 ), which display ( 6 ) shows the position of the airplane ( 5 ) in relation to a stop point for the airplane and shows the current airplane type, where the distance measurement and display are caused to be activated by a computer system ( 20 ) belonging to the airport or manually, and wherein an antenna ( 16 ) is caused to receive information ( 17 ) transmitted by an airplane.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313361A1
Автор: Ying Jeffrey

A mobile helicopter landing pad comprises a platform with one or more elongate, concave guiding channels for aligning a helicopter on the landing pad by forcing the helicopter's skates into a specific alignment upon landing. The guiding channels may have laterally disposed rollers or else be made of slick material to allow the helicopter to slide towards the base of the guiding channel under the helicopter's own weight. Additional crosswise rollers at the bottom of the guiding channel(s) may be provided to allow the helicopter to be moved forward or backward after landing. A blade locking arm swings upward and secures the top rotor. The pad may include a foldable enclosure that protects the helicopter after landing, and an electronic guidance system that assists the pilot during landing by providing instructions to the pilot or visual indications of the prevailing wind direction and velocity, through illuminated signals on the platform. 1. A mobile helicopter landing pad adapted to provide a suitable landing area for a helicopter having a pair of landing gear struts , the landing pad comprising:a rotatable platform;a plurality of wheels disposed beneath the rotatable platform for allowing the mobile helicopter landing pad to be towed or ported; anda pair of parallel guiding channels atop the platform for aligning the helicopter landing gear struts along the length of the guiding channels as the helicopter touches down;wherein each of said guiding channels has a concave or tapered cross-sectional shape and an interior surface adapted to slidably engage the helicopter landing gear struts whereby the helicopter's weight causes the landing gear struts to self-align at a base of the guiding channels.2. The portable helicopter landing pad of claim 1 , wherein each of said parallel guiding channels further comprises rollers along the base of the guiding channel claim 1 , allowing the helicopter to be moved forward or backward to adjust its position after landing.3. The ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Surface Structure on a Ground Surface for Accelerating Decay of Wake Turbulence in the Short Final of an Approach to a Runway

Номер: US20130313363A1
Автор: Holzapfel Frank

The invention relates to a surface structure on a ground surface (), located in the short final of an approach to a runway (), with an associated start () of the runway () and a runway longitudinal axis (). In order to attain accelerated decay of wake turbulence produced by an approaching aircraft, the surface structure has according to the invention a multiplicity of separate elevations () with an elevation height (h) ranging from 0.25-10 m, in particular from 1-5 m, wherein the individual elevations () have a spacing (a) between them, ranging from 1-600 m, 1-400 m, 1-200 m, 1-100 m, 1-50 m, 1-25 m, 1-15 m, 1-10 m, or in particular 2-8 m. 1. A surface structure of a ground surface , which is located in a short final of an approach to a runway , with an associated runway start and a runway longitudinal axis , the surface structure comprising a multiplicity of separate elevations with an elevation height (h) in a range of 0.25 m-10 m , wherein separate elevations have a spacing (a) between them in a range of 1 m-600 m.2. The surface structure according to claim 1 , wherein the ground surface comprising the surface structure has a length dimension in a range of 0.5 km-2.5 km and a width dimension in a range of 25 m-1000 m.3. The surface structure according to claim 1 , wherein a longitudinal axis of the ground surface is identical to the runway longitudinal axis claim 1 , and the ground surface in an approach direction is arranged substantially before the associated runway start of the runway.4. The surface structure according to claim 1 , wherein the elevations vary statistically with regard to their arrangement claim 1 , elevation height (h) or spacing (a).5. The surface structure according to claim 1 , wherein the elevations are formed as mounds of earth claim 1 , bushes claim 1 , trees or as artificial objects.6. The surface structure according to claim 1 , wherein the elevations are arranged with their respective longitudinal axis parallel to the runway ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Aerospace ground maneuver light

Номер: US20130314256A1

Aerospace ground maneuver light, comprises a reflector ( 14 ), the reflector ( 14 ) defining a light exit plane ( 18 ), an LED light source ( 26 ) arranged outside of the area defined by the reflector ( 14 ) and its light exit plane ( 18 ), and a mounting bar ( 22 ) which has a longitudinal extension and at which the LED light source ( 26 ) is mounted. The mounting bar ( 22 ) extends across the reflector ( 14 ) and is spaced apart from the light exit plane ( 18 ) of the reflector ( 14 ) and comprises a mounting side ( 24 ) facing towards the reflector ( 14 ) and its light exit plane ( 18 ), with the LED light source ( 26 ) arranged on the mounting side ( 24 ) for emitting light towards the reflector ( 14 ).

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140070964A1

A lighting device, capable of identifying and marking traffic areas of airports, comprises at least one semiconductor lamp and an electronic control circuit, which is connectable to an electrical AC supply network with constant current feed. For controlling the operation of the semiconductor lamp, the control circuit has a rectifier, which is connectable without a transformer to the electrical AC supply network. It further has an internal power supply, which is connected to the rectifier, for supplying the semiconductor lamp with an electric direct current. Furthermore, the voltage supply device () having electronic power factor correction means, by means of which voltage and current can be kept in phase in all operating states of the lighting device (). It furthermore re-adjusts the input voltage from the electrical AC supply network to allow the current predefined on the AC supply network to flow in the event of a small power demand of the electronic control circuit. 2. The lighting device according to claim 1 , wherein the rectifier means includes a synchronous rectifier means.3. The lighting device according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic control circuit comprises a central control unit and a driver means adapted to set the brightness of the at least one semiconductor lamp in a controlled manner.4. The lighting device according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic control circuit has current detection means for detecting the current flowing during the operation of the lighting device.5. The lighting device according to claim 4 , wherein the current detection means comprises a low-pass filter.6. The lighting device according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic control circuit has a temperature detection means adapted to detect a temperature of the semiconductor lamp.7. The lighting device according to claim 1 , further comprising a transceiver means configured to establish data communication between the lighting device and an external control center.8. The ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140077974A1
Автор: Niino Shingo

According to one embodiment, a control section controls a lighting circuit on the basis of a luminous intensity ratio table of a set rated current type to have a luminous intensity ratio corresponding to a current value detected by a current detecting circuit. The control section switches, according to a switch signal input from a power supply line, the luminous intensity ratio table to a luminous intensity ratio table of a rated current type corresponding to the switching signal. 1. An aircraft warning light comprising:a light-emitting element;a lighting circuit configured to convert a constant current input from a power supply line into a lighting current corresponding to a predetermined luminous intensity ratio and supply the lighting current to the light-emitting element;a current detecting circuit configured to detect a current value of the constant current input from the power supply line; anda control section including a plurality of kinds of luminous intensity ratio tables in which a relation between a current value of the constant current and a luminous intensity ratio is set for each of different rated current types of the constant current and configured to control the lighting circuit on the basis of a luminous intensity ratio table of a set rated current type to have a luminous intensity ratio corresponding to the current value detected by the current detecting circuit and switch, according to a predetermined switch signal input from the power supply line, the luminous intensity ratio table to a luminous intensity ratio table of a rated current type corresponding to the switching signal.2. The light according to claim 1 , wherein the switching signal is a pattern in which ON and OFF of the constant current is repeated in a predetermined period.3. The light according to claim 1 , wherein the switching signal is a pattern in which a current value of the constant current is switched in a predetermined period.4. The light according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Lightweight Portable Vehicle Cover

Номер: US20190002126A1
Автор: Power David J.

A portable, lightweight, sturdy and compact aircraft cover that is suspended above the aircraft to provide protection from the damaging effects of the sun and other elements is described. The compact and lightweight aircraft cover is capable, when not deployed, to be carried within the cargo area of the airplane while the aircraft is in operation, and then deployed once the aircraft arrives at its destination. The aircraft cover is very lightweight while at the same time very strong, to allow for the cover to be carried inside the airplane while not adversely impacting the airplane's ability to carry additional fuel or additional passengers and baggage. Furthermore, the cover is designed to be quickly and easily deployed over an aircraft with minimal amount of user effort. 1. A light weight , portable cover designed to be erected around a vehicle , that can be carried within the vehicle , comprising:a light weight base plate adapted to be secured by the vehicle;a plurality of collapsible poles designed to be securely coupled to the light weight base plate, the base plate and the plurality of collapsible poles forming a frame support structure;a light weight sheet material adapted to cover the vehicle, the sheet material fitted to a peripheral edge of the vehicle and adapted to be engaged with the vehicle when erected, the sheet material further coupled to the frame support structure using a plurality of connectors.2. The cover of claim 1 , wherein the base plate and the poles are made of an aluminum alloy.3. The cover of claim 2 , wherein the aluminum alloy is one or more of: aluminum 7075 and aluminum 7075 tempered to 7075-T9.4. The cover of claim 1 , wherein the sheet material is one of SilNylon and Dyneema fabric.5. The cover of claim 1 , wherein the sheet material claim 1 , the base plate and the plurality of poles are made of a carbon fiber material.6. The cover of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle's weight is used to secure the base plate.7. The cover of claim 1 , ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002127A1
Автор: STRAUS Itai, TAL Yitzhak

A solution to the problem of short battery life of drones and operation in isolated or distant areas of service, by means of docking station/stations that allow for the autonomous landing/takeoff, storage, recharging and/or battery swapping for the drone/drones. The station is multi-cell station for drones with one or more landing/takeoff cells; at least two docking/storage cells; a transitioning closed-loop system configured for transporting the drones within the landing/takeoff cells and docking/storage cells; and control means configured for autonomous control, operation and management of the multi-cell station, where each one of the one or more landing/takeoff cells and at least two docking/storage cells shares at least two sides with neighbouring cells. Recharging mechanism for recharging the stored drones and transitioning mechanism for circulating the drones within the cells of the station are also provided. 1. A modular and scalable docking station for drones comprising:one or more landing/takeoff cells;one or more docking/storage cells;andcontrol means configured for autonomous control, operation and management of said modular and scalable docking station,wherein said landing/takeoff cells are configured as said docking/storage cells, said landing/takeoff cells comprising means for docking/storage of said drones, said means comprising a cone, said cone is accommodated in said landing/takeoff and docking/storage cells and configured in upside down position to harbour said drones,wherein said cone comprises wheels attached to its lower end, said wheels are in frictional communication with lower flat surface within said cells, andwherein said modular and scalable docking station comprising at least one landing/takeoff cell which is a docking/storage cell.2. The docking station according to claim 1 , further comprising recharging means for recharging batteries of said drones.3. The docking station according to claim 2 , wherein said recharging means comprises: ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004715A1

A taxiing path optimization system is provided for computing a taxi path of an aircraft using available taxi routes of a corresponding airport. An interaction means management unit manages interactions between a user and the taxiing path optimization system using an interactive device for inputting a taxi clearance. An aircraft positioning management unit manages positional information of the corresponding airport and aircraft received from a plurality of sources for augmenting an aircraft position by consolidating the aircraft position with the positional information in a complementary fashion. A taxi path display unit displays the taxi path based on the inputted taxi clearance and the augmented aircraft position, wherein the taxi path is automatically computed based on aircraft characteristics or airport capabilities. 1. A method of computing a taxi route for an aircraft , the taxi route representing an on-ground trajectory of an airport during taxiing operations utilizing a taxiing path optimization system , the method comprising:receiving an initial taxi clearance having a list of taxi clearance elements including at least two airport elements;searching for links between successive pairs of nodes defined by the list of taxi clearance elements using a predetermined algorithm;generating a set of links connecting the nodes based on the searched links;automatically generating at least one airport element for filling in gaps between unconnected airport elements;consolidating the initial taxi clearance with the generated airport elements; anddiscretizing the set of links into X/Y points as a final taxi route representation for the aircraft.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the set of links is generated based on aircraft characteristics and airport capabilities.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the link between the successive pairs of nodes is searched based on at least one of a taxi route length claim 1 , a travel time in the taxi route claim 1 , and a number of ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009413A1

An apparatus and method of charging and housing of an unmanned vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft is disclosed. The apparatus includes an accommodator to accommodate an aircraft, a landing platform on which the aircraft lands, a housing portion to monitor state data by housing or charging the aircraft, and a sensor to assist in landing of the aircraft by allowing the aircraft to communicate with the apparatus. The apparatus enhances operational efficiency by reducing a travel time of the aircraft. 1. An apparatus for charging and housing of an unmanned vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft , the apparatus comprising:an accommodator to accommodate an aircraft;a landing platform to be provided at a side of the apparatus, and on which an aircraft lands;a housing portion to monitor state data by housing or charging the aircraft; anda sensor to assist in landing of the aircraft by allowing the aircraft to communicate with the apparatus.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sensor comprises at least one of:a phase array antenna, an infrared (IR) ray lamp, a Lidar, a vision sensor, a sonar sensor, a beacon signal, a global positioning system (GPS) device or a differential global positioning system (DGPS) device, and light emitting diode (LED)/IR array lamps.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the communication between the aircraft and the apparatus comprises at least one of:an omni-antenna or a reflector antenna for satellite communication, a phase array antenna to trace a flight path of the aircraft, and a DGPS device.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the Lidar is provided inside the phase array antenna claim 2 , is vertically movable claim 2 , moves to an upper portion of the phase array antenna when in use to be used for information associated with landing by implementing a three-dimensional (3D) map of a surrounding neighborhood claim 2 , and moves down to be inserted to a lower portion of the phase array antenna when not in use.5. The ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009925A1

A mobile self-leveling landing platform vehicle is disclosed that includes a landing surface and one or more wheel assemblies. Each wheel assembly includes a wheel, a control arm coupled with the wheel and the body of the landing platform vehicle, and an actuator coupled with the control arm and the body of the platform vehicle. Methods for self-leveling the landing platform vehicle are also disclosed. 1. A mobile landing platform vehicle comprising:a landing platform body;a landing platform surface;an inclinometer;a first actuating wheel assembly including a first wheel, a first control arm coupled with the first wheel, and a first linear actuator coupled with the landing platform body and the first control arm;a second actuating wheel assembly including a second wheel, a second control arm coupled with the second wheel, and a second linear actuator coupled with the landing platform body and the second control arm;a third actuating wheel assembly including a third wheel, a third control arm coupled with the third wheel, and a third linear actuator coupled with the landing platform body and the third control arm;a fourth actuating wheel assembly including a fourth wheel, a fourth control arm coupled with the fourth wheel, and a fourth linear actuator coupled with the landing platform body and the fourth control arm; anda controller communicatively coupled with the inclinometer, the first actuator, the second actuator, the third actuator, and the fourth actuator, the controller configured to determine and send at least one adjustment value to the first actuator, the second actuator, the third actuator, and the fourth actuator to maintain a level landing platform surface.2. The mobile landing platform vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one adjustment value is determined from data received from the inclinometer.3. The mobile landing platform vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the inclinometer comprises a dual axis inclinometer.4. The mobile ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010213A1

An engine exhaust-stack plug for sealing an exhaust stack of an aircraft engine is provided. The exhaust-stack plug includes a desiccant and a flexible plug adapted to slide into an outlet of an engine exhaust-stack. The flexible plug includes a front panel that is substantially impermeable to water vapor and is accessible from the outlet of the engine exhaust-stack. An outer wall, which is also substantially impermeable to water vapor, is sealed with the front panel and shaped to fit snuggly within the outlet of the engine exhaust stack. A backside is coupled with the outer wall, opposite the front panel, for facing internal to the engine exhaust stack. The front panel, the outer wall, and the backside form an enclosure adapted to contain the desiccant. The backside is substantially air permeable such that the desiccant reduces humidity and prevents condensation inside the aircraft engine. 1. An engine exhaust-stack plug , comprising:a desiccant; and a front panel being substantially impermeable to water vapor, the front panel being accessible from the outlet of the engine exhaust-stack;', 'an outer wall sealed with the front panel and being substantially impermeable to water vapor, the outer wall shaped to fit snuggly within the outlet of the engine exhaust stack; and', 'a backside opposite the front panel for facing internal to the engine exhaust stack, the backside being substantially air permeable and coupled with the outer wall,', 'wherein the front panel, the outer wall, and the backside form an enclosure adapted to contain the desiccant for reducing humidity and preventing condensation inside an aircraft engine., 'a flexible plug adapted to slide into an outlet of an engine exhaust-stack, the flexible plug comprising2. The engine exhaust-stack plug of claim 1 , further comprising a humidity monitor located inside the enclosure for indicating an internal humidity of the aircraft engine.3. The engine exhaust-stack plug of claim 2 , further comprising a viewing ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010214A1
Автор: Newcomb Royce

The present invention is directed to a drone based delivering system comprising a drone and a portable landing pad for landing and take-off of the drone. The portable landing pad comprising GPS guided lasers for guiding the drone to safely land on the landing pad, and wherein the drone is having GPS guided laser electronic receivers for receiving the laser beams from the GPS guided lasers. The drone further comprises a battery replacement system, wherein the drone swaps its discharges battery with a charges battery already docked in the portable landing pad. 1. A portable landing pad for landing of a drone , the portable landing pad comprising:a platform having a flat surface for receiving a drone; anda plurality of GPS guided lasers disposed at near edges of the platform and configured for guiding the drone to land and/or take off from the platform;2. The portable landing pad of claim 1 , wherein the portable landing pad further comprises a plurality of solar panels coupled to the platform.3. The portable landing pad of claim 1 , wherein the portable landing pad further comprises a charging dock for charging and storing a drone's battery.4. The portable landing pad of claim 3 , wherein the portable landing pad further comprises an in-dock and out-dock claim 3 , the in-dock is configured to mount the charged drone's battery claim 3 , the out-dock is configured to receive a discharged battery from the drone.5. The portable landing pad of claim 1 , wherein the portable landing pad further comprises a plurality of warning lights coupled to the platform.6. The portable landing pad of claim 1 , wherein the platform is comprised of a pair of sections foldably coupled.7. The portable landing pad of claim 6 , wherein each of the pair of sections comprise a handle.8. The portable landing pad of claim 1 , wherein the portable landing pad comprises four GPS guided lasers disposed at four corners of the platform.9. The portable landing pad of claim 1 , wherein the portable ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Positioning mechanism, uav dock using same, and uav replenishment method

Номер: US20200010215A1
Принадлежит: SZ DJI Technology Co Ltd

A positioning mechanism includes a base including a landing area and a guide member movably arranged at the landing area and configured to guide a moving object. The landing area includes a positioning portion. The guide member is configured to be in a non-operating state or an operating state relative to the base. A form of the guide member in the non-operating state is different from the form of the guide member in the operating state.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200012296A1

An unmanned aerial vehicle comprises an image sensor, configured to detect electromagnetic radiation and to generate image sensor data representing the detected electromagnetic radiation; a filter, configured to pass image sensor data representing one or more first wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation and to block image sensor data representing one or more second wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation; and one or more processors configured to determine from the passed image sensor data an origin of the detected electromagnetic radiation; and control the unmanned aerial vehicle to travel toward the determined origin. 1. An unmanned aerial vehicle comprising:an image sensor, configured to detect electromagnetic radiation and to generate image sensor data representing the detected electromagnetic radiation;a filter, configured to pass image sensor data representing one or more first wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation and to block image sensor data representing one or more second wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation; and determine from the passed image sensor data an origin of the detected electromagnetic radiation; and', 'control the unmanned aerial vehicle to travel toward the determined origin., 'one or more processors configured to2. The unmanned aerial vehicle of claim 1 , wherein determining the origin comprises determining an elevation angle and an azimuth of the origin relative to the unmanned aerial vehicle and adjusting a flight direction of the unmanned aerial vehicle toward the azimuth and/or the elevation angle.3. The unmanned aerial vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the one or more processors are further configured to repeatedly determine the origin of the detected electromagnetic radiation claim 1 , and to iteratively control the unmanned aerial vehicle to travel toward the determined origin based on the repeated determinations of the origin.4. The unmanned aerial vehicle landing of claim 1 , wherein detecting a direction of the detected ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Unmanned air aerial vehicle based delivery system

Номер: US20200013008A1
Автор: Royce Newcomb
Принадлежит: Individual

The present disclosure describes an unmanned aerial vehicle (“UAV”) or a drone configured to autonomously deliver an item of inventory to a landing station or destination location. The drone receives inventory information and a destination location and autonomously retrieve the inventory from a source station. The drone is having a GPS module and communication module to communicate with the external devices and the GPS module helps the drone to determine the shortest route to the destination. At the destination location, the landing station has GPS guided lasers which help the drone to deliver the item safely. Further, the landing station also comprises an automatic lithium-ion battery switching system to replace the existing battery of the drone with a freshly charged battery.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015438A1

This disclosure relates generally to landing zone hardware used in UAV racing, recreational, and commercial applications; in particular, this disclosure relates to portable, foldable, and rollable landing zone hardware that includes embedded electronics and a cavity for insertion of smart devices for communicating status and/or condition information. 1. A portable landing pad device comprising:at least one interconnected pieces of material that may be folded into a geometric shape and configured to deploy as a landing zone by means of unfolding to full size.2. A portable landing pad device comprising:a single piece of material that may be rolled and configured to deploy as a landing zone by means of unrolling to full size.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the landing pad may be anchored to the earth by means of at least one mechanical eyelet.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein the landing pad may be anchored to the earth by means of at least one mechanical eyelet.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the landing pad is in a folded state claim 1 , the pad is capable of being inserted into a customized bag claim 1 , carrier or straps to be carried.6. The device of claim 2 , wherein the landing pad is in a rolled state claim 2 , the pad is capable of being inserted into a customized bag claim 2 , carrier or straps to be carried.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the landing pad includes a designated cavity in which a mobile device may be placed.8. The device of claim 2 , wherein the landing pad includes a designated cavity in which a mobile device may be placed.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the landing pad includes input/output circuits inside the device to; [{'b': '700', 'multicolor light emitting diodes ()'}, {'b': '701', 'sounder(s) ()'}, {'b': '702', 'digitized voice announcement speakers ()'}, {'b': '703', 'safety laser light curtain (); and'}], 'provide safe operational and safety status including, but not limited to;'} [{'b': '704', 'temperature sensor(s) ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017237A1
Автор: James Kendall Walker
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Delivery landing pads for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are disclosed. A disclosed landing pad to support a UAV includes a landing surface, and a pressure sensor operatively coupled to the landing surface. The landing pad also includes a processor to determine a presence of the UAV on the landing pad and calculate a weight of a payload transported by the UAV based on a measurement of the pressure sensor to determine whether the payload has been delivered to the landing pad.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016897A1

Disclosed is a system for horizontal marking of air and ground transportation. The system comprises at least one sheet of a pliant mesh material that is preferably at least 30% open when in use and preferably has a ground footprint weight of at least 0.4 kg/m. The marking system is adapted to be disposed on an horizontal surface in a generally horizontal fashion, so as to provide a sign for conveying information to air and/or ground traffic. Also disclosed is a method of directing air or ground traffic using such a horizontal marking system. 1. A system for horizontal marking of air and ground transportation , the system comprisingat least one sheet of a pliant material, the sheet comprising a mesh material that, when in use, is at least 30% open,wherein the at least one sheet is adapted to be disposed on an horizontal surface in a generally horizontal fashion, so as to provide a sign for conveying information to air and/or ground traffic.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sheet has a ground footprint weight of at least 0.4 kg/m.3. A system for horizontal marking of air and ground transportation claim 1 , the system comprising{'sup': '2', 'at least one sheet of a pliant material that has a ground footprint weight of at least 0.4 kg/m, wherein the at least one sheet is adapted to be disposed on an horizontal surface in a generally horizontal fashion, so as to provide a sign for conveying information to air and/or ground traffic.'}4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the sheet comprises a mesh material that claim 3 , when in use claim 3 , is at least 30% open.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the mesh material is at least 40% open claim 1 , preferably at least 50% open claim 1 , more preferably at least 60% open claim 1 , and most preferably at least 70% open.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the mesh material has a ground footprint weight of at least 0.6 kg/m claim 1 , more preferably at least 0.8 kg/m claim 1 , even more preferably at least 1.0 kg/m ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021442A1
Автор: HUNTER John William

A solar relay aircraft system includes a solar relay aircraft having an upper surface, and a lower surface, and equipped with a solar radiation receiver on said lower surface and capable of converting solar energy to electrical energy. An electric motor in electrical connection with said solar radiation receiver to receive the electrical energy and drives a propeller to propel the solar relay aircraft. A number of ground-based reflector arrays include a plurality of reflecting mirrors for receiving solar radiation from the sun and direct the solar radiation from the sun towards the solar relay aircraft. 1a solar relay aircraft having an upper surface, and a lower surface;a solar radiation receiver on said lower surface and capable of converting solar energy to electrical energy;an electric motor in electrical connection with said solar radiation receiver to receive said electrical energy;a ground-based reflector array having a plurality of reflecting mirrors for receiving solar radiation from the sun; anda means for directing said solar radiation from the sun towards said solar relay aircraft.. A solar relay aircraft system, comprising: This application claims the benefit of priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/743,227, filed Aug. 29, 2012 entitled “Solar Relay Aircraft Powered By Ground Based Solar Concentrator Mirrors In Dual Use with Power Towers”, and U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/859,728, filed Jul. 29, 2013 entitled Solar Relay Aircraft Powered By Ground Based Mirros in Dual Use with Power Towers”; both applications currently co-pending.This invention relates generally to the direction and use of solar energy power. This invention is more particularly, though not exclusively, useful as a solar collector system for providing energy to solar powered aircraft and forWith over 87000 flights per day, airplanes have become a major mode of transportation for goods and people. Despite the utility of the modern day airplanes, ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Portable system for emergency landing helicopters

Номер: US20150022379A1
Автор: Lewis Nathanial Henry

This is an electrical system not an electronic one. The light units should be placed as close to an actual circle as possible. For a helicopter visual landing in rough seas, low visibility and darkness, the approach for landing becomes a hazardous task. Good visibility of the landing area will be possible due to this system effectiveness. The helicopter can now become a truly all-weather vehicle. No new technology is needed. The parts for the system can be purchased off a store shelf, a minor modification of an existing item, or made by relatively minor fabrication. 1. A light system for landing helicopters comprising a plurality of light units:a) each said light unit comprises its light and its connectors;b) said light means and connectors are in parallel;c) said light units are joined together and connected in parallel;d) said light system has an input cable, ande) said light units have an input cable.2. A light system for landing helicopters as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a floodlight is used.3. A light system for landing helicopters as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said connectors are of the non-male type.4. A light system for landing helicopters as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said light units in parallel with an input cable. 1. Field of the InventionSometimes visibility can change within minutes, helicopters operations from small surface ships can be cut short by rough seas, low visibility and darkness, landing being by far the greatest problem. This invention is designed to greatly help solve this problem in an economical way; a system that is effective and reduces the need for at least some of the costly electronic systems. This is an electrical system not an electronic one.2. Description of the Related ArtRadars can be too powerful to be used at short ranges. Some can have blind spots close to the ship because of sea return. Others are not designed for tracking helicopters all the way to the deck.To guide a helicopter all the way to the deck, a high- ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210020058A1

A system including at least one image acquisition module to acquire images of the environment of the aircraft and of the runway, a module to recognize in the images at least one element representative of at least one contaminant likely to influence the state of the runway, a module to determine at least one property of the contaminant or contaminants and a module to transmit to a user device the property or properties of the contaminant or contaminants. The system allows contaminants to be identified and to be located on the runway or in the environment of the aircraft. 1. A method for monitoring a state of a runway on which an aircraft is able to taxi , the aircraft having an airframe comprising at least one fuselage and at least one landing gear , comprising:acquiring images, implemented by at least one image acquisition module, comprising acquiring images of an environment of the aircraft and of the runway;recognizing, implemented by a recognition module, comprising recognizing in the images at least one element representative of at least one contaminant likely to influence the state of the runway;a second determining, implemented by a second determination module, comprising determining at least one characteristic associated with the at least one element recognized, if at least one element is recognized;a first determining, implemented by a first determination module, comprising determining at least one property of the at least one contaminant;transmitting, implemented by a transmission module, comprising transmitting to a user device the at least one property of the at least one contaminant, the recognizing step comprising recognizing in the images the following element or elements: at least one atomization plume of a contaminant caused by a passage of at least one landing gear wheel of the aircraft in a contaminant; and', at least one envelope of the at least one atomization plume recognized, and', 'at least one intersection of the at least one atomization ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021923A1

A vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system including: a rearward facing tang extending from a rear fuselage portion of a VTOL UAV; one or more metallic contacts disposed on an exterior surface of the tang; a UAV pod including a landing surface; and an opening disposed in the landing surface to receive the tang. 1. A vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system comprising:a rearward facing tang extending from a rear fuselage portion of a VTOL UAV;one or more metallic contacts disposed on an exterior surface of the tang;a UAV pod comprising a landing surface; andan opening disposed in the landing surface to receive the tang.2. The system of wherein the opening in the landing surface comprises slanted sides to aid in guiding the tang as the VTOL UAV lands on the landing surface.3. The system of wherein the opening disposed in the landing surface is at least one of: an orifice claim 1 , a slot claim 1 , and a channel.4. The system of further comprising:a locking armature disposed in the opening disposed in the landing surface, wherein the locking armature detachably couples the tang to the UAV pod.5. The system of wherein the locking armature slidably engages the tang.6. The system of wherein the locking armature rotates the VTOL UAV claim 4 , via the detachably coupled tang claim 4 , relative to the UAV pod.7. The system of wherein the tang comprises a notch to receive a portion of the locking armature.8. The system of wherein the opening disposed in the landing surface comprises one or more metallic contacts claim 4 , wherein the one or more metallic contacts of the opening are aligned with the one or more metallic contacts disposed on the exterior surface of the tang.9. The system of wherein the one or more metallic contacts disposed in the landing surface and the one or more metallic contacts disposed on the exterior surface are at least one of:power contacts and data contacts.10. The system of wherein ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021941A1

A vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) storage and launch system includes a UAV pod having a UAV pod processor and a UAV selectively enclosed in the UAV pod, the UAV having only two rotors. 1. A vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) storage and launch system , comprising:a UAV pod having a UAV pod processor; anda UAV selectively enclosed in the UAV pod, the UAV having only two rotors.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a display on the UAV pod.3. The system of claim 1 , further including:a rearward facing tang extending from a rear fuselage portion of the UAV.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the rearward facing tang comprises:electrical contacts in communication with a UAV processor.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the rearward facing tang comprises:electrical contacts in communication with a UAV battery.6. An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) storage and launch system claim 1 , comprising:a UAV pod having a UAV pod processor and short-range UAV pod transceiver;a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) two-rotor UAV enclosed in the UAV pod, the two-rotor UAV having a UAV processor and a UAV transceiver, the UAV processor in communication with the UAV pod processor through the short-range UAV pod transceiver and the UAV transceiver; and provide mission instructions to the UAV processor; and', 'monitor UAV trajectory information., 'wherein the UAV pod processor is configured to7. The system of claim 6 , further comprising:a proximity sensor coupled to the UAV pod, wherein the proximity sensor is configured to detect the presence of an object positioned over the UAV pod, when an object is present.8. The system of claim 6 , further comprising:a weather sensor in communication with the UAV pod processor; anda UAV pod memory in communication with the UAV pod processor.9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the UAV pod memory is portable memory.10. The system of claim 8 , further comprising:a long-range UAV pod ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021942A1

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) storage and launch system includes a UAV pod having an open position and a closed position, the closed position establishing an interior that is weather resistant to an environment external to the UAV pod and a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) UAV enclosed in the UAV pod so that the UAV pod in the closed position provides a weather resistant interior for the VTOL UAV. 1. An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) storage and launch system , comprising:a UAV pod having an open position and a closed position, the closed position establishing an interior that is weather resistant to an environment external to the UAV pod; anda vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) UAV enclosed in the UAV pod;wherein the UAV pod in the closed position provides a weather resistant interior for the VTOL UAV.2. The system of wherein the UAV pod further comprises a two-part hinged cover that rotates away from the VTOL UAV when transitioning from the closed position to the open position.3. The system of wherein the UAV pod further comprises solar panels on at least one exterior surface.4. The system of wherein the solar panels charge at least one of: a UAV pod battery and a VTOL UAV battery.5. The system of wherein the two-part hinged cover is positioned to maximize the collection of solar energy by the solar panels.6. The system of wherein the two-part hinged cover is positioned closed after the VTOL UAV is launched and is returned to the open position before the VTOL UAV lands.7. The system of wherein the UAV pod further comprises four lateral faces that rotate away from the VTOL UAV when moving from the closed position to the open position.8. The system of wherein the four lateral faces are angled for low wind resistance in the closed position.9. The system of wherein at least one of the four lateral faces comprises a solar panel.10. The system of claim 7 , wherein the UAV pod further comprises a pair of UAV support pads claim 7 , each of the UAV support pads ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Systems for Charging Aerial Vehicles

Номер: US20190023133A1

An example embodiment includes a landing pad having a housing and a power terminal configured to draw electric power from a power source. The landing pad further includes an electrically conductive landing terminal dorsal to the housing and configured such that, during a landing state of an aerial vehicle, the landing terminal makes contact with a plurality of electric contacts disposed ventrally to a fuselage of the aerial vehicle. The landing terminal is configured to transfer electric power drawn by the power terminal to the aerial vehicle via the electric contacts during the landing state of the aerial vehicle. 1. A landing pad for aerial vehicles comprising:a housing;a power terminal configured to draw electric power from a power source; andan electrically conductive landing terminal dorsal to the housing and configured such that, during a landing state of an aerial vehicle, the landing terminal makes contact with a plurality of electric contacts disposed ventrally to a fuselage of the aerial vehicle, and wherein the landing terminal is configured to transfer electric power drawn by the power terminal to the aerial vehicle via the electric contacts during the landing state of the aerial vehicle.2. The landing pad for aerial vehicles of claim 1 , further comprising a controller claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to control an electric power output by the landing terminal for consumption by the power sink of the aerial vehicle.3. The landing pad for aerial vehicles of claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive landing terminal of the landing pad comprises a plurality of nodes and a non-conductive space disposed between the plurality of nodes claim 1 , wherein the plurality of nodes comprise a first set of nodes and a second set of nodes claim 1 , wherein an average voltage difference between the first set of nodes and the second set of nodes is greater than zero claim 1 , and wherein the first set of nodes claim 1 , the second set of nodes claim 1 ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023949A1

A method of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operation, including: receiving from a customer a first data request, the first data request having: a first geographic coverage area; and a refresh rate for the first geographic coverage area; planning a first plurality of flight missions to accomplish the first data request; uploading flight missions data representing the first plurality of flight missions into a UAV pod; and deploying the UAV pod 1. A method of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operation , comprising:receiving from a customer a first data request, the first data request comprising:a first geographic coverage area; anda refresh rate for the first geographic coverage area;planning a first plurality of flight missions to accomplish the first data request;uploading flight missions data representing the first plurality of flight missions into a UAV pod; anddeploying the UAV pod.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first data request further comprises one of a ground resolution or ground surface distance (GSD).3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing a two-rotor UAV with flight mission data for one of the first plurality of flight missions from the UAV pod;launching the two-rotor UAV from the UAV pod to perform the one of the first plurality of flight missions;receiving the two-rotor UAV on the UAV pod; andreceiving in the UAV pod a first flight survey data obtained from the one of the first plurality of flight missions from the two-rotor UAV.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:transmitting the first flight survey data from the UAV pod.5. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:providing the UAV with second flight mission data representing a second one of the plurality of flight missions from the UAV pod;autonomously launching the two-rotor UAV from the UAV pod to perform the second one of the first plurality of flight missions;receiving the two-rotor UAV on the UAV pod after completing the second one of the first plurality of flight ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Electric JetPack Device

Номер: US20200023970A1
Автор: Peter Bitar
Принадлежит: Individual

The Electric Jetpack Device has multiple electric ducted or clustered electric jets to create enough/sufficient controlled thrust with battery power alone. It is a lightweight vertical take-off with the electrical power of rechargeable batteries for a safe, vertical lift off vehicle. It is capable of carrying an average human or equivalent payload and flying for several minutes per charge. Motors and propellers are powered by the batteries and managed through an Electronic Speed Controller and a flight controller. The Flight Controller balances thrust and limits roll from side to side. By moving the control handles connected and mounted to an aluminum frame, the device and craft is directed. The pivots tilt the cluster of jetpacks slightly forward or back. The frame is connected to a harness, in which the pilot is strapped. The craft is modular and can be connected to another craft creating a “quadcopter” set-up.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Runway arrangement

Номер: US20200023997A1

A runway arrangement comprising: a first runway section ( 202 - 1 ) designated as a landing runway section; a second runway section ( 202 - 2 ) designated as a take-off runway section; and a sterile safety area ( 210 ); wherein the first and second runway sections are linked by the sterile safety area ( 210 ); the runway arrangement comprising a missed approach point for aircraft due to land on the first runway section, displaced from the start of the second runway section ( 202 - 2 ) by a distance greater than H/tan θ 1 ; where H is a safe turning height and θ 1 is an angle of ascent following a missed approach; wherein H is greater than 150 m and θ 1 is greater than 2°.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and system for rendering and displaying a perspective view of aircraft taxi operation

Номер: US20190027051A1
Принадлежит: Rosemount Aerospace Inc

Apparatus and associated methods relate to displaying an image of a taxiing aircraft in relation to objects in a surrounding environment. A first data set indicative of locations, relative to the taxiing aircraft, of objects external to the taxiing aircraft is collected. Then, image data of a map of an area external to and including the taxiing aircraft is formed. Symbols of the objects external to the aircraft at the locations, relative to the taxiing aircraft, indicated by the first data set are mapping into the image data. The image data is then sent to a display device for displaying the image data to a pilot of the taxiing aircraft. Displaying a map indicating the relative location of external objects with which the taxiing aircraft could potentially collide advantageously assists the pilot in taxi operation.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029723A1
Автор: Kliner Meir, Krauss Ran

A system for homing and recharging an unmanned vehicle comprises a plurality of homing layers operative along the radius of an imaginary circle that has the homing target at its center, each homing layer consisting of a sub-system provided with location means of increasing accuracy relative to that of a sub-system that operates along said radius farther away, from the center of said circle. 1. A system for homing and recharging an unmanned vehicle , comprising a plurality of homing layers operative along the radius of an imaginary circle that has the homing target at its center , each homing layer consisting of a sub-system provided with location means of increasing accuracy relative to that of a sub-system that operates along said radius farther away , from the center of said circle.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the unmanned vehicle is a flying object.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the flying object is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the location means are selected from among GPS claim 1 , DGPS claim 1 , computerized visual analysis systems claim 1 , optical sensors claim 1 , proximity sensors claim 1 , electromagnetic sensors claim 1 , RF systems.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the inner homing layer comprises physical positioning means.6. The system according to claim 5 , wherein the physical positioning means comprise centralizing means and grabbing means.7. The system according to claim 6 , wherein the centralizing and grabbing means claim 6 , or part thereof claim 6 , are located on the landing platform.8. The system according to claim 6 , wherein the centralizing and grabbing means claim 6 , or part thereof claim 6 , are located on the UAV.9. The system according to claim 5 , wherein the physical positioning means are selected from grippers claim 5 , including gripping wires and electromagnetic assemblies.10. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising battery ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031496A1
Принадлежит: Runway Innovations Limited

An airport runway arrangement for commercial aircraft comprises a first runway section, a second runway section extending substantially in prolongation of the first runway section and an intermediate section between the first and second runway sections. 14.-. (canceled)5. An airport runway arrangement for commercial aircraft , comprising:a first runway section;a second runway section extending substantially in prolongation of the first runway section;a first marked threshold provided on the first runway section, the first marked threshold being for use during a first mode of operation; anda second marked threshold provided on the second runway section, the second marked threshold being spaced from the first marked threshold and being for use during a second mode of operation,wherein the first marked threshold and the second marked threshold have the same direction of operation.6. The airport runway arrangement according to further comprising an intermediate section between the first runway section and the second runway section claim 5 , the intermediate section being designated as at least one of: not to be used for landing; not to be used for taking-off; and not to be used by aircraft under normal operation.7. The airport runway arrangement according to wherein the first runway section and the second runway section are each suitable for landings and/or take-offs and/or wherein the first runway section and the second runway section are each between 1000 m and 8000 m long.8. The airport runway arrangement according to wherein the second threshold is spaced at least one of: between 1 km and 5 km from the first threshold claim 5 , between 1.5 km and 3 km from the first threshold claim 5 , and 2 km from the first threshold.9. The airport runway arrangement according to wherein the first threshold and the second threshold are landing thresholds.10. The airport runway arrangement according to wherein the first threshold and the second threshold are take-off thresholds.11. ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031498A1

A portable device for holding and carrying an unmanned aerial vehicle (“UAV”) includes a body. The body includes a first holding member configured to hold the UAV and having a shape matching a shape of the UAV. The portable device also includes a charging board disposed in the body. The portable device also includes a first charging station disposed in the first holding member and configured to electrically connect with the charging board for charging the UAV. The portable device further includes at least one second charging station disposed on the body and configured to electrically connect with the charging board for charging at least one battery. 1. A portable device for holding and carrying an unmanned aerial vehicle (“UAV”) , comprising:a body comprising a first holding member configured to hold the UAV and having a shape matching a shape of the UAV;a charging board disposed in the body;a first charging station disposed in the first holding member and configured to electrically connect with the charging board for charging the UAV; andat least one second charging station disposed on the body and configured to electrically connect with the charging board for charging at least one battery.2. The portable device of claim 1 , wherein the body further comprises:at least one second holding member configured to hold the at least one battery, the least one second charging station being disposed in the at least one second holding member.3. The portable device of claim 2 , wherein the least one second charging station comprises charging contacts disposed at a bottom portion of the at least one second holding member and adjacent to a side wall of the at least one second holding member.4. The portable device of claim 2 , wherein the first holding member comprises a first chamber configured to hold a body of the UAV claim 2 , and at least one second chamber configured to hold a wing of the UAV.5. The portable device of claim 4 , wherein the at least one second holding member ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031944A1
Автор: JR. James J., Kuffner

A method of deploying a landing pad, for a vertical takeoff and landing vehicle, relative to a surface of an environment in which the landing pad is disposed, includes stowing an adjustable body of the landing pad in a stowed state. The adjustable body includes a platform surface that in the stowed state defines a first planar surface area relative to the surface, the first planar surface area being inoperable to receive the vertical takeoff and landing vehicle thereon. The method includes deploying the adjustable body from the stowed state to a deployed state. In the deployed state the platform surface defines a second planar surface area greater than the first planar surface area, the second surface planar area of the platform surface is sized and shaped to receive the vertical takeoff and landing vehicle thereon in the deployed state. 1. A method of deploying a landing pad , for a vertical takeoff and landing vehicle , relative to a surface of an environment in which the landing pad is disposed , the method comprising:stowing an adjustable body of the landing pad in a stowed state, the adjustable body includes a platform surface, in the stowed state the platform surface defines a first planar surface area relative to the surface, the first planar surface area being inoperable to receive the vertical takeoff and landing vehicle thereon; anddeploying the adjustable body from the stowed state to a deployed state, in the deployed state the platform surface defines a second planar surface area greater than the first planar surface area, the second planar surface area of the platform surface is sized and shaped to receive the vertical takeoff and landing vehicle thereon in the deployed state.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein in the stowed state the platform surface extends generally parallel to a central axis of the adjustable body and in the deployed state the platform surface extends generally perpendicular to the central axis claim 1 , andwherein adjusting the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031947A1

An unmanned vehicle module can include, in some aspects, a landing platform including a landing area for receiving an unmanned vehicle, wherein the landing area includes a predetermined charging region; a first charging plate; a second charging plate, wherein the first charging plate and the second charging plate are positioned in the predetermined charging region; an electrical energy storage device for connecting electrically with the first charging plate and with the second charging plate; and an unmanned vehicle alignment mechanism configured to move the unmanned vehicle into the predetermined charging region; wherein the unmanned vehicle alignment mechanism includes a first beam, a second beam, a third beam, a fourth beam, and an actuation device for actuating at least two of the first beam, the second beam, the third beam, and the fourth beam to push the unmanned vehicle into the charging region. 1. The unmanned vehicle module of claim 2 , further comprising:an unmanned vehicle comprising a first unmanned vehicle electrode and a second unmanned vehicle electrode,wherein the first unmanned vehicle electrode is configured to electrically connect with the first charging plate of the landing platform and the second unmanned vehicle electrode is configured to electrically connect with the second charging plate of the landing platform.2. An unmanned vehicle module comprising: a landing area comprising a predetermined charging region,', 'a first charging plate,', 'a second charging plate, wherein the first charging plate and the second charging plate are positioned in the predetermined charging region,', 'an electrical energy storage device electrically connected to the first charging plate and with the second charging plate, and', 'an unmanned vehicle alignment mechanism configured to move an unmanned vehicle into the predetermined charging region,, 'a landing platform comprising a first beam,', 'a second beam,', 'a third beam,', 'a fourth beam, and', 'an actuation ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039535A1
Автор: Endres Steven P.

Systems and methods for ground-based aircraft thrust systems are provided. A sled can be adapted to support at least wings and a fuselage of an aircraft. A guideway can be configured to receive the sled and move the sled along the guideway for assisted takeoff of the aircraft. A magnetic propulsion system can be configured to levitate the sled and propel the sled along the guideway independent of thrust provided by the aircraft. 1. A takeoff control system comprising:a sled adapted to support at least wings and a fuselage of an aircraft;a guideway configured to receive the sled and move the sled along the guideway for assisted takeoff of the aircraft; anda magnetic propulsion system configured to levitate the sled and propel the sled along the guideway independent of thrust provided by the aircraft.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic propulsion system decreases magnetic levitation forces based on a position of the aircraft along the guideway.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the guideway includes a launch path on which the airplane is accelerated by the magnetic propulsion system for takeoff.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the guideway include a return path that returns the sled to a staging area after the airplane has lifted off.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the guideway includes a bi-directional topology claim 1 , wherein the guideway includes a launch path and a return path in opposite directions.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the guideway includes a perpendicular topology claim 1 , wherein the guideway includes a launch path perpendicular to a return path.7. A method comprising:transferring an aircraft to a sled coupled to a guideway configured to accelerate the sled using ground-based energy, wherein transferring the aircraft includes positioning the sled underneath a center of gravity of the aircraft to support wings and a fuselage of the aircraft;expanding the sled to grip the aircraft and prevent the aircraft from sliding and ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Midair Tethering of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with a Docking Station

Номер: US20180039286A1

Unmanned aerial vehicle docking systems and methods are presented herein. A UAV may hover in a hovering position above a docking pad of the UAV docking system based on positioning measurements. An on-board camera may image a machine-readable code present on the docking pad. The hovering position of the UAV above the docking pad may be adjusted based on imaging of the machine-readable code and ranging measurements to the docking pad. A tether can be extended from the UAV towards the docking pad. The hovering position of the UAV and extension of the tether can be adjusted such that a mating device present on a distal end of the tether engages with a coupling device of the UAV docking pad. The tether may be reeled in to the UAV to assist in lowering the UAV from the hovering position to a landing position on the docking pad. 2. The UAV docking system of claim 1 , wherein the tether line claim 1 , while the magnetic coupler of the UAV docking station is coupled with the UAV mating device claim 1 , the tether line transfers power to a battery on-board the UAV.3. The UAV docking system of claim 1 , the on-board UAV docking system further comprising a ranging sensor that determines an altitude of the UAV above the UAV landing pad.4. The UAV docking system of claim 1 , wherein the recharging system of the UAV docking station comprises a wireless charger that wirelessly transfers power to the UAV when the UAV is docked with the UAV docking station.5. The UAV docking system of claim 1 , wherein the UAV landing pad comprises multiple visual machine-readable codes that identify different zones of the UAV landing pad claim 1 , wherein the UAV landing pad accommodates multiple UAVs in the different zones.6. The UAV docking system of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic coupler of the UAV docking station comprises an electromagnet claim 1 , wherein the electromagnet is powered down during a takeoff procedure of the UAV after the UAV has begun hovering above the UAV landing pad.7. The ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039731A1

A delivery system includes a processor programmed to construct a route so as to include predefined segments traveled by carriers configured to taxi the vehicle and charge a battery thereof such that a state of charge of the battery remains above a target for a duration of the route, and forward the route to the vehicle. 1. A delivery system comprising:a processor programmed to, in response to a request from an unmanned aerial vehicle for a route to a destination, construct the route so as to include predefined segments traveled by carriers configured to taxi the vehicle and charge a battery thereof such that a state of charge of the battery remains above a target for a duration of the route, and to forward the route to the vehicle.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further programmed to construct the route such that an inflight portion of a travel time therefor is minimized.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the processor is further programmed to construct the route such that the travel time therefor is less than a specified travel time.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the unmanned aerial vehicle is a drone.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the route defines pickup and delivery locations.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the pickup location or delivery location is at one of the carriers.7. The system of the claim 1 , wherein the carriers are military vehicles.8. A system comprising:a processor programmed to, in response to receiving a route including predefined segments traveled by carriers configured to taxi unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and charge batteries thereof, execute commands to direct the UAV along the route such that portions thereof are traversed while docked and charging at one of the carriers to maintain a state of charge associated with the UAV above a target for a duration of the route.9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the processor is further programmed to construct the route such that an inflight portion of a travel time ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039750A1
Автор: PENG Anzhai, Wang Yong

A method for charging an aerial vehicle is implementable by an aerial vehicle and may comprise: obtaining a relative location of the aerial vehicle to a landing deck, and landing to the landing deck according to the relative location; sending an instruction signal to a charging apparatus located on the landing deck, to cause the charging apparatus to detect a movement route from the charging apparatus to the aerial vehicle; and docking to the charging apparatus via a charging end of the aerial vehicle. 1. A method for charging an aerial vehicle , implementable by an aerial vehicle , the method comprising:obtaining a relative location of the aerial vehicle to a landing deck, and landing to the landing deck according to the relative location;sending an instruction signal to a charging apparatus located on the landing deck, to cause the charging apparatus to detect a movement route from the charging apparatus to the aerial vehicle; anddocking to the charging apparatus via a charging end of the aerial vehicle.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:the aerial vehicle further comprises at least one optical signal transmitter; andthe sending an instruction signal to a charging apparatus located on the landing deck comprises: transmitting an optical signal by using the optical signal transmitter.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one optical signal transmitter comprises two optical signal transmitters claim 2 , and the transmitting an optical signal by using the optical signal transmitter comprises:transmitting two beams of optical signals of different wavelengths respectively by using the two optical signal transmitters to cause the charging apparatus to detect an overlapping region of the two beams of optical signals according to received locations of the two beams of optical signals, and determine the movement route based on the overlapping region.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein:the optical signal causes the charging apparatus to ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

UAS Display System and Method

Номер: US20200039643A1

A system for configuring unmanned aircraft system (UAS) to a structure is disclosed. The structure may be a standing structure such as a tower. A movement system may be configured with the tower. The UASs may be tethered to the movement structure and the movement structure may move with respect to the tower. 1. An unmanned aircraft system (UAS) system comprising:a movement system configured to a structure;at least one tether configured with the movement system; andat least one UAS configured with the at least one tether;wherein the UAS flies along a path to move the movement system with respect to the structure.2. The system of wherein the structure is a standing structure selected from the group: tower claim 1 , building claim 1 , pole and antenna.3. The system of further comprising at least one water delivery device configured with the at least one UAS.4. The system of further comprising at least one light configured with the at least one UAS.5. The system of wherein the movement system is a chain.6. The system of wherein the movement system extends around at least a portion of the structure's circumference. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/715,257, filed Aug. 6, 2018, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.This patent document contains material subject to copyright protection. The copyright owner has no objection to the reproduction of this patent document or any related materials in the files of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, but otherwise reserves all copyrights whatsoever.This invention relates to unmanned aircraft systems (UASs), including systems and methods of configuring UASs with other structures.Large standing structures such as observation towers, antenna towers, skyscrapers and other types of structures are prevalent in major cities of the world. However, the structures, while functional, may be visually unpleasant or unattractive.In order to make the structures more ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180041733A1
Автор: Saptharishi Mahesh

A video surveillance system having a plurality of aerial camera devices such as cameras on drones operable from a plurality of docking stations. Each station having a dock for receiving, charging, and controlling the aerial camera devices. 1. A video surveillance system comprising: a primary camera module defining a first field of view and being operable for generating primary image data corresponding to the first field of view;', 'at least one battery for powering the camera module; and', 'a charge receiving module for receiving power for charging the at least one battery; and, 'an aerial camera device being operable to be displaced aerially, the device comprising a dock, the aerial camera device being received in the dock when in a docked position and being disengaged from the dock when in an airborne position;', 'a charge transmitting module for transmitting power for charging the aerial camera device when in the docked position;', 'at least one transceiver being operable for data communication with the aerial camera device when the aerial camera device is in the docked position and when the aerial camera device is in the airborne position; and', 'a secondary camera module defining a second field of view and operable for generating secondary image data corresponding to the second field of view, the secondary image data providing visual feedback about the aerial camera device when the aerial camera device is within the second field of view while in the airborne position., 'a docking station comprising2. The video surveillance system of claim 1 , wherein the aerial camera device further comprises a wireless transceiver operable for transmitting primary image data to the docking station when the aerial camera device is in its airborne position.3. The video surveillance system of claim 2 , wherein the wireless transceiver is further operable for receiving aerial displacement commands from the docking station.4. The video surveillance system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Protective Cover For An Aircraft Comprising Electromagnets

Номер: US20200039662A1
Автор: Descheemaeker Denis
Принадлежит: AIRBUS SAS

A protective cover for the protection of an aircraft having a fuselage and two wings, includes an anchoring system fixing the protective cover to the aircraft, a tarpaulin having a retracted position wherein it is gathered up and a deployed position wherein it is spread over the wing, a deployment device making the tarpaulin move from the retracted to the deployed position, an electromagnet fixed to the tarpaulin face against the wing, and having a deactivated state and an active state, a remote control, and a control system including a control unit in communication with the remote control. When the control unit receives activation information from the remote control, the control unit controls the deployment device, to make the tarpaulin move from the retracted position to the deployed position, and activates each electromagnet. When the control unit receives deactivation information from the remote control, the control unit deactivates each electromagnet. 1. A protective cover for the protection of an aircraft comprising a fuselage and two wings , the protective cover comprising:an anchoring system configured for fixing the protective cover to the aircraft,for each wing, a tarpaulin integral with the anchoring system and having a retracted position in which the tarpaulin is gathered up and a deployed position in which the tarpaulin is spread over the wing,for each tarpaulin, a deployment device provided for making the tarpaulin move from the retracted position to the deployed position,for each tarpaulin, at least one electromagnet fixed to the face of the tarpaulin which comes against the wing, where each electromagnet has a deactivated state in which the electromagnet does not produce any magnetic force and an activated state in which the electromagnet produces a magnetic field,a remote control, anda control system comprising a control unit in communication with the remote control,wherein, when the control unit receives activation information from the remote ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047052A1

A hybrid aircraft system uses a combination of direct propeller driven gas engine and electric motor power to provide vertical thrust and control for hover of the aircraft. Furthermore, a portable launch/recovery system is configured for use with an aircraft such as a Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV). The system is configured to enable ships with limited available deck space to become UAV-compatible. 1. An aircraft launch/recovery system , comprising:an upper platform defining an upper surface sized and shaped to support an aircraft;a bottom platform configured to be positioned atop a surface of a seacraft;an expandable structure that mechanically links the upper platform to the bottom platform, wherein the expandable structure can transition between a folded state wherein the expandable structure is lowered relative to the bottom platform and an unfolded state wherein the expandable structure has an increased height that vertically raises the upper platform;a winch system mechanically coupled to the expandable structure, wherein the winch system actuates to transition the expandable structure between the folded state and the unfolded state;wherein an opening is positioned in the upper surface of the upper platform, and wherein the winch system is accessible via the opening such that winch system is actuated via the opening.2. The aircraft launch/recovery system of claim 1 , wherein the winch system is actuated by inserting a tethered actuation structure into the opening such that the actuation structure mechanically engages the winch system.3. The aircraft launch/recovery system of claim 2 , wherein the actuation structure mechanically engages the winch system by winding around at least a portion of the winch system.4. The aircraft launch/recovery system of claim 2 , wherein the actuation structure is a ball.5. The aircraft launch/recovery system of claim 2 , further comprising the aircraft.6. The aircraft launch/recovery system of ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047055A1

Provided is a station for an unmanned aerial robot includes a control box having a landing surface formed with a guide mark which guides a landing point of the unmanned aerial robot, an elevator disposed in the control box and movable vertically, and a landing stand coupled to the elevator and have a height of a highest point located at least above the landing surface during vertical movement. The present disclosure can be linked with an artificial intelligence module, a robot, an augmented reality (AR) device, a virtual reality (VR) device, devices related to 5G services and the like. 1. A station for an unmanned aerial robot , the station comprising:a control box having a landing surface formed with a guide mark, the guide mark configured to guide a landing point of the unmanned aerial robot;an elevator disposed in the control box and configured to move along a vertical axis; anda landing stand coupled to the elevator and having a highest height located above a height of the landing surface of the control box.2. The station of claim 1 , wherein the landing stand is configured to move claim 1 , via the elevator claim 1 , to a lowest height that is equal to or lower than the height of the landing surface of the control box.3. The station of claim 1 , wherein the elevator includes:a frame coupled to the landing stand; a first end hingedly coupled to the control box; and', 'a second end having a roller engaging a first surface of the frame; and, 'a first support including a first end; and', 'a second end hingedly fastened to a second surface of the frame, the second surface of the frame being different than the first surface of the frame, and, 'a second support includingwherein the first support and the second support are connected by a rotatable hinge to form an X-shape and the heights of the first support and the second support varies according to a horizontal position of the first support.4. The station of claim 3 , wherein the elevator further includes:a pinion ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044959A1
Автор: CHEN Xiangyu, WANG Mingxi

A sliding door assembly includes a landing platform located in a first plane, a sliding door mating with the landing platform and located in a second plane approximately parallel to the first plane, and a driving assembly configured to drive the sliding door to move translationally in the second plane to open or close the sliding door. 1. A sliding door assembly comprising:a landing platform located in a first plane;a sliding door mating with the landing platform and located in a second plane approximately parallel to the first plane; anda driving assembly configured to drive the sliding door to move translationally in the second plane to open or close the sliding door.2. The sliding door assembly according to claim 1 , wherein:the driving assembly comprises a power source, a gear, and a rack, the power source is connected with the gear, and the gear meshes with the rack, andthe power source and the gear are provided on one of the landing platform and the sliding door, and the rack is provided on another one of the landing platform and the sliding door.3. The sliding door assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the power source is installed on the landing platform claim 2 , and the rack is installed on one side of the sliding door.4. The sliding door assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising:a sliding assembly configured to assist the sliding door to undergo a translational motion.5. The sliding door assembly according to claim 4 , wherein the sliding assembly comprises a plurality of bearings installed at a side portion of the sliding door.6. The sliding door assembly according to claim 5 , wherein the landing platform of includes a sliding slot to receive the bearings and to limit and guide sliding of the bearings in the sliding slot.7. A sliding door assembly comprising:a landing platform;a sliding door mating with the landing platform; anda driving assembly configured to drive the sliding door to move, the driving assembly comprises a power source, a ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220066025A1
Принадлежит: ADB Safegate Sweden AB

The disclosure relates to airport stand arrangement () comprising: a display (); a radar-based system (R); and one or more additional systems selected from laser-based systems (L) and imaging systems (C), wherein said radar-based system (R) and said one or more additional systems together form a combined system (), wherein the airport stand arrangement () is configured, based on output data from said combined system (), to detect and track (SS) an aircraft () within a stand area () when said aircraft () is approaching a stand within the stand area () for parking at a parking position () therein, and configured, based on said detection and tracking of the approaching aircraft (), to provide (SS) pilot maneuvering guidance information on said display () for aiding a pilot of the approaching aircraft () in maneuvering the aircraft () towards said parking position (). 130.-. (canceled)31. Airport stand arrangement comprising:a display;a radar-based system; andone or more additional systems selected from laser-based systems only;wherein said radar-based system and said one or more additional systems together form a combined system,wherein the airport stand arrangement is configured, based on output data from said combined system, to detect and track an aircraft within a stand area when said aircraft is approaching a stand within the stand area for parking at a parking position therein, and configured, based on said detection and tracking of the approaching aircraft, to provide pilot maneuvering guidance information on said display for aiding a pilot of the approaching aircraft in maneuvering the aircraft towards said parking position.32. The airport stand arrangement according to claim 31 , wherein the airport stand arrangement is configured to detect and track the approaching aircraft based on combined output data from said radar-based system claim 31 , on the one hand claim 31 , and from said one or more additional systems claim 31 , on the other hand.33. The airport ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053677A1

A charging and recharging drone assembly system and apparatus are provided. The system has a unique charging pad having a plurality of cones which direct the legs of a charging drone into a specific location on the charging pad for charging/re-charging. A QR code may be located in the middle of a cover of a charging pad so that the charging drone may detect the charging pad from the air and may direct the charging drone to land on a specific spot on the landing pad for charging. The movable cover may cover the charging pad when the charging pad is not in use to protect the charging pad. 1) A drone charging system comprising:a first drone wherein the first drone supplies power to a second drone when the first drone is attached to the second drone;a landing pad wherein the landing pad both receives and charges the first drone; andwherein the first drone flies to the second drone to charge the second drone.2) The drone charging system of further comprising:a movable cover having a top surface wherein the movable cover covers the landing pad wherein the movable cover moves from a first position to a second position.3) The drone charging system of further comprising:a QR Code located on the top surface of the movable cover wherein the QR Code splits in two in the second position and wherein the QR Code is in the readable form only in the first position.4) The drone charging system of further comprising:a top surface of the landing pad wherein the top surface of the landing pad has a plurality of cone-shaped protrusions and wherein the plurality of cone-shaped protrusions direct a leg of the first drone into the proper position on the top surface of the landing pad.5) The drone charging system of further comprising:a plurality of legs of the first drone wherein each of the plurality of legs of the first drone have a cone-shaped tip wherein the cone-shaped tip of each of the plurality of legs is directed into a proper location on the landing pad by a plurality of opposing ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Autonomous system for unmanned aerial vehicle landing, charging and takeoff

Номер: US20170050749A1
Автор: Pilskalns Orest Jacob

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can automatically guide itself to the vicinity of a charging station of an automated landing, charging and takeoff system, which then assists with the close-range laser guidance of the UAV in order for it to dock, without the need for landing gear. The dock has locating valleys that help the booms of the UAV to self-align under the force of gravity. Electrical connections are automatically made for data download and charging. A cover may be closed over the UAV during charging. 1. A base station for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) comprising:a receiving structure configured to receive the UAV;a plurality of sensors configured to detect the UAV;a transmitter configured to transmit a signal to the UAV in response to said sensors detecting the UAV, said signal enabling the UAV to align with the base station and land on the receiving structure; anda battery charger that charges a battery of the UAV when the UAV is in the receiving structure.2. The base station of wherein the sensors are laser detectors.3. The base station of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of walls defining an upper surface claim 1 , wherein the sensors are located on the upper surface of the plurality of walls.4. The base station of claim 3 , wherein when one of said sensors detects the UAV claim 3 , the signal includes location information of the wall on which said one sensor is located.5. The base station of claim 1 , wherein the transmitter is configured to transmit claim 1 , before transmitting said signal claim 1 , a prior signal that instructs the UAV to:switch on downward-pointing lasers that are located on the UAV; andfly in a pattern over the base station.6. The base station of claim 1 , wherein the receiving structure comprises a plurality of troughs each configured to receive a different boom of the UAV. The base station of claim 1 , wherein:the receiving structure is a cradle that comprises a top surface having a plurality of valleys, each valley ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057165A1
Автор: Raniere Keith A.

A system including an aerial vehicle having an airframe and a power source onboard the aerial vehicle, wherein the aerial vehicle includes a landing gear structure having a first electrical contact and a second electrical contact, and a charging station having a first electrical contact and a second electrical contact, wherein the aerial vehicle is programmed to dock with the charging station when the power source is in need of recharging, the docking being a mechanical engagement between the first electrical contact and the second electrical contact of the aerial vehicle with the first electrical contact and the second electrical contact of the charging station is provided. A method for continuous surveillance utilizing the aerial vehicles and charging stations is also provided. 1. A charging station for recharging a power source of a remotely controlled aerial vehicle , the charging station comprising:a first electrical contact configured to engage a first skid of the remotely controlled aerial vehicle, the second electrical contact being electrically coupled to an external power source;a second electrical contact configured to engage a second skid of the remotely controlled aerial vehicle, the second electrical contact being electrically coupled to the external power source;a first biasing element operably connected to the first electrical contact at a first end of the first biasing element and operably connected to a first surface of the charging station at a second end of the first biasing element, the first surface being located in a first recessed area of the charging station; anda second biasing element operably connected to the second electrical contact at a first end of the second biasing element and operably connected to a second surface of the charging station at a second end of the second biasing element, the second surface being located in a second recessed area of the charging station that is separate from the first recessed area;wherein the first ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

System and Method for Departure Metering from Airports

Номер: US20160063868A1
Принадлежит: PASSUR Aerospace Inc

Described herein are systems and methods for allocating departure slots at an airport. One embodiment of the disclosure of this application is related to a method including calculating an estimated takeoff time (“ETT”) based on airport data and flight plan data, allocating a departure slot time for the at least one flight based on the ETT, and populating the allocated departure slot time in an allocation grid. Another embodiment of the disclosure of this application is related to a system comprising a user interface displaying information related to flight plan data and airport data received from an airport network, and a departure allocation module calculating an estimated takeoff time (“ETT”) for the first flight based on the airport data and the flight plan data, allocating a departure slot time for the flight, and populating the departure slot time in an allocation grid via the user interface.

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Unmanned Aircraft Systems Ground Support Platform

Номер: US20160068277A1
Автор: Salvatore Manitta
Принадлежит: Individual

The Unmanned Aircraft Systems ground support platform is a portable, multifunctional apparatus to accommodate UAS (Drone, UAV) landings, takeoffs, idle time, maintenance, retail merchandise product display and package delivery support within the UAS recreational and business industry. The Unmanned Aircraft Systems ground support platform will provide stability and cleanliness of a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Ownership identification is intergraded into the base platform.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062419A1

A drone pod includes a pod shell, a door, a motor and a computer. The pod shell includes a base, a top, and a wall. The top has an opening sized to receive a drone. The wall connects the base and the top. The door is disposed in the opening. The motor is drivingly connected to the door. The computer is programmed actuate the motor to open and close the door responsive to an operation of the drone. 1. A drone pod , comprising: a base,', 'a top including an opening sized to receive a drone, and', 'a wall connecting the base and the top;, 'a pod shell includinga door disposed in the opening;a battery;a motor electrically connected to the battery and drivingly connected to the door; anda computer programmed to actuate the motor to open and close the door responsive to an operation of the drone.2. The drone pod of claim 1 , further comprising the computer further programmed to actuate the motor to open the door responsive to a determination that the drone is within a predetermined distance of the pod.3. The drone pod of claim 1 , further comprising a battery charger electrically connected to the battery.4. The drone pod of claim 1 , further comprising a docking station sensor and the computer further programmed to detect a presence of the drone within the pod based on data from the docking station sensor and to actuate the motor to close the door.5. The drone pod of claim 1 , further comprising a wireless transceiver.6. The drone pod of claim 1 , further comprising a selectively actuatable door lock communicatively coupled to the computer.7. The drone pod of claim 1 , further comprising a door-open sensor located at a start of travel position of the door and communicatively coupled to the computer.8. The drone pod of claim 7 , further comprising a door-closed sensor located at an end of travel position of the door and communicatively coupled to the computer.9. The drone pod of claim 1 , further comprising a GPS sensor communicatively coupled to the computer and the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210070466A1
Принадлежит: Masten Space Systems, Inc.

An apparatus for launching, recovering, transporting, and storing vehicles is disclosed. The apparatus stabilizes the vehicle while it is in operation or inactive and has a frame connected to at least one stabilizer. In certain configurations, the apparatus stabilizes the vehicle without using the vehicle's onboard landing gear. The apparatus may also include at least one pad connected to the apparatus. 1. An apparatus for stabilizing vehicles comprising:a frame positioned on the surface anda stabilizer connected to the frame and stabilizer being configured to stabilize a vehicle while in at least partial contact with the vehicle.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the connection between the stabilizer and the frame is positioned to allow the stabilizer to move to an open position to receive the vehicle when the vehicle is not in at least partial contact with the stabilizer.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the stabilizer is connected to a shock absorber.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the shock absorber is a pad.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the stabilizer is a cradle structure.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the cradle structure is shaped in an inverted frustum.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle is a rocket with a body having a circular cross section.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the frame is constructed of steel struts that form a box shaped structure.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the stabilizer has a shape that is complementary to a bottom portion of a vehicle.10. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one static arm connected on a first end portion to the frame, the static arm extending away from the frame in a manner chosen to stabilize a vehicle when the vehicle is in at least partial contact with the interior portion of the static arm.11. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a shock absorber attached to an interior portion of the apparatus.12. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210070467A1
Автор: BERKMO Anders
Принадлежит: ADB Safegate Sweden AB

The disclosure relates to a method for guiding a pilot of an approaching aircraft to a stop position at a stand, said method being characterized by: monitoring a position of the approaching aircraft within a volume at the stand, comparing said monitored position with a first area, said first area enclosing the stop position, comparing said monitored position with a subsection of the first area enclosing the stop position, if said monitored position is inside said subsection: transmitting information to a display to show an indication to the pilot to proceed approaching the stand, and if said monitored position is inside the first area but not inside said subsection: transmitting information to the display to show an indication to the pilot to stop the aircraft. The disclosure further relates to an aircraft docking system. 1. A method implemented in an aircraft docking system for guiding a pilot of an approaching aircraft to a stop position at a stand , wherein the aircraft docking system comprises a position monitoring system , a control unit , and a display , said method comprising:the position monitoring system monitoring a position of the approaching aircraft within a volume at the stand, wherein said volume has a longitudinal extension along an approach direction towards an expected entrance position of the aircraft,the control unit comparing said monitored position with a first area, said first area enclosing the stop position and extending along the approach direction to define a front boundary facing the approaching aircraft,the control unit comparing said monitored position with a subsection of the first area, said subsection enclosing the stop position and extending along the approach direction to meet a portion of the front boundary of the first area, wherein the subsection shares a portion of its boundaries with the first area, said shared portion being a portion of the front boundary of the first area,if said monitored position is found to be inside said ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210070468A1

A ground station for aerial vehicles including a protective casing; at least one charging mechanism; and an extendable landing pad. The extended landing pad is operable to transition between a closed configuration having dimensions suitable to be contained within said protective casing, and an open configuration having dimensions suitable to land the aerial vehicle. 1. A ground station for an aerial vehicle , the ground station comprising:a protective casing; a closed configuration having dimensions suitable to be contained within said protective casing, and', 'an open configuration having dimensions suitable to land the aerial vehicle;, 'an extendable landing pad operable to transition between'}at least one charging mechanism;a base platform for supporting the aerial vehicle within said protective casing;an elevator mechanism operable to raise or lower said base platform; anda centering mechanism configured to direct an aerial vehicle onto said base platform from anywhere upon said landing pad.2. The ground station of wherein said charging mechanism comprises a power supply operable to maintain a potential difference between a first conducting terminal and a second conducting terminal.3. The ground station of wherein said power supply is selected from a group consisting of solar panels claim 2 , wind turbines claim 2 , fuel cells claim 2 , electrochemical cells claim 2 , piezoelectric units and combinations thereof.4. The ground station of wherein said protective casing comprises a top-closing including a first outwardly folding flap rotatably coupled along a common edge with a first side-panel claim 1 , and a second outwardly folding flap rotatably coupled along a common edge with a second side-panel opposite to said first side-panel.5. The ground station of wherein said extendable landing pad comprises:a rectangular base platform configured to be elevated from within said protective casing to a raised position such that an aerial vehicle placed thereupon is no ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Fly-in landing pad for lift-fan aircraft

Номер: US20140151502A1
Автор: Kosheleff Patrick A.

A lift-fan airplane lands vertically on dirt, kicking up debris but bringing a landing pad for use by others. The landing pad comprises many long slats hinged to each other at the sides. The slats are of generally increasing widths for rolling up into a tight spiral. This compact state allows low-drag air transport. After landing, the spiral is unrolled. A central slat has two stub axles sticking out the ends. Two men place a large wheel onto each stub axle, then push on the wheels to unroll the landing pad on the ground. An upturned wall at the end of the pad deflects upward the downwash from landing lift-fan VTOL airplanes, creating a shadow zone free of flying debris. This creates safe parking for massed operations. Inflated balloons, wedge-shaped to streamline necessary protuberances, detach and fill any large potholes under the landing pad. 2. The device of in which said close clearances allow said hinges some flexing; said flexing causing distortion of said cross section of said first roll-pack from said substantially a rectangle to substantially a rhomboid; said rhomboid representing slumping of said cross section; said slumping being enough to maintain said heights of said stub shafts above the ground about the same during at least the initial stages of said first roll-pack's said unwinding.3. The device of and further a portable wall installed at one end of deployed said landing pad; said portable wall oriented substantially across the long dimension of deployed said landing pad; said portable wall installed at a slant and able to deflect upward some of the windblast flowing along the surface of deployed said landing pad; said windblast originating from the lift fans of said subsequent vertically-landing aircraft; said slant braced by support legs;said support legs attached at substantially a right angle to said portable wall, together making an inclined wall assembly; when transported by said airplane, said inclined wall assembly stored draped over said ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071001A1

An unmanned aerial vehicle docking system can include a docking arm and a docking station. The docking arm can be mounted on the UAV and include a rod with an interface element positioned on top of the rod. The interface element can have charging contacts that are attached to wires that extend down to a charging circuit on the UAV. The docking station can be located separate from the docking arm and have a guidance cone to direct the docking arm to a capture mechanism. Once the interface element is in the capture mechanism, a charging dome is then lowered down onto the top of the interface element to form a circuit between a power source at the docking station and the UAV's battery. Upon completion of the charging process, the charging dome is raised and the capture mechanism releases the interface element of the UAV. 123-. (canceled)24. A docking station for an unmanned aerial vehicle , the docking station comprising:a guidance device configured to guide an interface element connected to an unmanned aerial vehicle to an area of the docking station; a first holding device and a second holding device each positioned in a base position,', 'the first holding device and the second holding device configured to pivot from the base position into the area when a first force is applied to the first holding device and the second holding device by the interface element such that the interface element passes between the first holding device and the second holding device and enters the area,', 'the first holding device and the second holding device configured to automatically return to the base position after at least a portion of the interface element passes corresponding ends of the first holding device and the second holding device,', 'the first holding device and the second holding device configured to prevent the interface element from exiting the area when the first holding device and the second holding device return to the base position, the first holding device and the ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074472A1
Автор: Schönert Oliver

The invention relates to an omni-directional airport taxiway light comprising a housing with a lower casing, with an upper casing mounted to the lower casing, and with an outer lens mounted to an opening of the upper casing, wherein the upper casing provides a substantially flat upper surface and wherein a first sealing is mounted between the lower casing and the upper casing and a second sealing is mounted between the upper casing and the outer lens, comprising a light emitting diode positioned in the housing below the outer lens so that light of the light emitting diode is emitted in the direction of the outer lens, comprising a carrier for the light emitting diode positioned in the housing, and comprising an inner lens located in the housing between the light emitting diode and the outer lens, wherein the carrier is a flat carrier which is mounted to the upper casing and wherein the light emitting diode is mounted to the carrier. 1. An omni-directional airport taxiway light comprising:a housing with a lower casing, with an upper casing configured to be mounted to the lower casing, and with an outer lens being mounted to an opening of the upper casing, wherein the upper casing provides a substantially flat upper surface and wherein a first sealing element is disposed between the lower casing and the upper casing and a second sealing element is disposed between the upper casing and the outer lens to form an inner space of the light that is sealed from a medium surrounding the light;a light emitting diode positioned in the housing below the outer lens and configured to emit light in a direction towards the outer lens;a carrier supporting the light emitting diode, the carrier being positioned in the housing;an inner lens located in the housing between the light emitting diode and the outer lens;wherein the carrier is a flat carrier and is mounted to the upper casing andwherein the light emitting diode is mounted to the flat carrier.2. The omni-directional airport ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Methods and system for autonomous landing

Номер: US20220091618A1
Принадлежит: SZ DJI Technology Co Ltd

A computer-implemented method for controlling an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) includes identifying a set of target markers based on a plurality of images captured by an imaging device carried by the UAV. The set of target markers includes at least two or more types of target markers that are in close proximity to be detected within a same field of view of the imaging device. The method further includes determining a spatial relationship between the UAV and the set of target markers based at least in part on the plurality of images, and controlling the UAV to approach the set of target markers based at least in part on the spatial relationship while controlling the imaging device to track the set of target markers such that the set of target markers remains within the same field of view of the imaging device.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078727A1
Автор: Wang Mingyu

An apparatus for housing an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in or on a vehicle includes a landing connection component configured to form a connection between the UAV and the vehicle when the UAV is landed in or on the vehicle, and a cover movable between a plurality of positions to permit the UAV to take off and land in or on the vehicle. The cover includes an antenna or a satellite dish integrated thereto. An orientation of the antenna or the satellite dish is adjustable for tracking a motion of the UAV when the UAV is in flight. 1. (canceled)2. An apparatus for housing an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in or on a vehicle , the apparatus comprising:a landing connection component configured to form a connection between the UAV and the vehicle when the UAV is landed in or on the vehicle; anda cover movable between a plurality of positions to permit the UAV to take off and land in or on the vehicle, the cover comprising an antenna or a satellite dish integrated thereto, wherein an orientation of the antenna or the satellite dish is adjustable for tracking a motion of the UAV when the UAV is in flight.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the orientation of the antenna or the satellite dish is configured to be adjusted by rotating about one or more axes of rotation claim 2 , such that a primary direction of communication of the antenna or satellite dish is in line with the motion of the UAV.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the antenna or the satellite dish is coupled to an actuator configured to effect orientation of the antenna or the satellite dish.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the orientation of the antenna or the satellite dish is configured to be adjusted based on one or more commands received in real-time or periodically from the vehicle.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the one or more commands indicate at least a horizontal angle or a vertical angle to orient the antenna or the satellite dish.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the horizontal ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

System, method and station for landing of a drone

Номер: US20210078729A1
Автор: Kate ZAMBELLI
Принадлежит: Zambelli Imagineering Pty Ltd

In an aspect there are disclosed examples systems (10, 110) for the landing and handling of a drone (1), the system (10, 100) may include a moveable platform (16, 116) on which the drone (1) is supportable in a landed state; a space (14, 114) dimensioned to receive the platform (16, 116) and drone (1) in the landed state, a first closable barrier (17, 117) arranged between the drone (1) in the landed state and an external environment; a second closable barrier (18, 118) arranged between the drone (1) in the landed state and a passenger zone adjacent the space (22, 122); and a control arrangement (205) configured to selectively operate the platform (16, 116), the first closable barrier (17, 117) and the second closable barrier (18, 118) between: a first condition, in which the first closable barrier (17, 117) is in an open condition, the second closable barrier (18, 118) is in a closed condition and the drone (1) is landable on the platform (16, 116), and a second condition, in which the platform (16, 116) and drone (1) in the landed state are receivable by the space (22, 122), the first closable barrier (17, 117) is movable to a closed condition, and the second closable barrier (18, 118) is moveable to an open condition.

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220092994A1

A method of controlling a vehicle includes detecting, by an optical sensor, a movement of at least one object in a field of view of the optical sensor. The method further includes identifying, by a processor circuit, a pattern based on the movement of the at least one object. The method further includes determining, by the processor circuit based on the pattern, a vehicle command to be performed by the vehicle. 1. A method of enhancing operational efficiency of a vehicle , the method comprising:detecting, by an optical sensor, a movement of at least one object in a field of view of the optical sensor;identifying, by a processor circuit, a pattern based on the movement of the at least one object; anddetermining, by the processor circuit based on the pattern, a vehicle command to be performed by the vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the optical sensor comprises a forward-facing optical sensor claim 1 , andwherein the field of view is directed towards a direction of the vehicle's motion.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the movement of the at least one object comprises a gesture performed by a body part of a human.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle comprises an aircraft claim 1 , andwherein the vehicle command comprises a taxiing command that causes the aircraft to perform a taxiing operation.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one object comprises an equipment being held by a human.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the equipment comprises an illuminated lighting element being held by the human.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the vehicle command further comprises correlating the pattern with a relevant command of a stored command inventory.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining claim 1 , by the processor circuit claim 1 , whether the movement of the at least one object is associated with an authorization to provide the vehicle command.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the determining whether the ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210080977A1
Автор: SUZUKI Youichi

A drone loaded with a package takes off from a takeoff device and uses a GPS system to fly to a user house that is a delivery destination of the package as the destination. Further, when the drone approaches the user house that is the destination, the flight of the drones is switched from autonomous navigation using the GPS system to remote control performed by a landing device and an in-house control device installed in the user house. The drone lands on the landing device by remote control from the landing device and the in-house control device, separates the package, and then returns to the warehouse using the GPS system and lands on the takeoff device. 1. A rotorcraft landing device comprising:a landing portion on which a rotorcraft lands, the landing portion provided at a position higher than a human living space;a position recognition portion that recognizes a position of the rotorcraft with respect to the landing portion; anda remote control portion that remotely controls, on a basis of a result of recognition performed by the position recognition portion, the rotorcraft such that the rotorcraft not provided with an image capturing function lands on the landing portion.2. The rotorcraft landing device according to claim 1 , comprising an opening/closing mechanism including the landing portion claim 1 ,wherein the landing portion is formed in a portion that is inside the opening/closing mechanism when the opening/closing mechanism is closed, andwherein the landing portion takes a horizontal posture at a position a space above which is open when the opening/closing mechanism is open.3. The rotorcraft landing device according to claim 1 , comprising an opening/closing mechanism claim 1 ,wherein the landing portion is accommodated in an inner space when the opening/closing mechanism is closed, and wherein a space above the landing portion is open when the opening/closing mechanism is open.4. The rotorcraft landing device according to claim 2 , comprising a ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079531A1

This document describes a system and method through which unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and other vehicles (e.g., unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs), also known as autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), unmanned water-surface vehicles (USVs), unmanned ground-surface vehicles (UGVs) and vehicles with the attributes and/or characteristics of more than one such category of vehicles (such as amphibious vehicles)), can be docked, with a device that can secure such vehicles, and information can be transmitted to and from such vehicles. The vehicles are secured through the use of magnetic fields produced by toggling magnets. The system also includes a means for transmitting information between the docking system itself, the vehicles and/or between the docking system and a command center, which may be a notable distance from the docking system, or among the docking system, the vehicle(s) and the command center. 1. A docking system capable of securing at least one unmanned vehicle comprising:at least one surface configured to accommodate an area of at least one such vehicle in at least in close proximity with such at least one surface;means of securing the position of at least one such vehicle in such close proximity to such at least one surface through the use of magnetic fields;means of toggling, through the positioning of magnets in at least one magnet unit, the strength of such magnetic fields;means for interacting between the docking system and at least one such vehicle; andmeans for transmitting information between the docking system and a distal location [main control].2. A docking system of further comprising means for transferring claim 1 , from such docking system claim 1 , a source of energy needed to power at least one such vehicle.3. The docking system of further comprising means for protecting at least one such vehicle from unfavorable environment conditions.4. The docking system of further comprising means extracting [samples] from at least one such vehicle ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Anti-Skid High Retroreflectivity Preformed Thermoplastic Composites for Runway Applications

Номер: US20180080185A1
Принадлежит: Flint Trading, Inc.

Disclosed is an alkyd or hydrocarbon resin-based pre-manufactured thermoplastic airport runway signage that is applied in relatively large sections onto an airport runway where the alkyd or hydrocarbon resin-based composite includes a functionalized wax incorporated in the resin-based composite within the range of 0.2 to 3 percent by weight, thereby allowing the resin-based composite to exist in a molten state within a viscosity range of between 35,000 and 85,000 centipoise and wherein the top surface provides an area for surface indicia materials existing on the top surface together with retroreflective glass beads with an index of refraction of 1.9 such that when the beads are suspended in and applied on the surface of the resin-based composite in a molten state the beads do not sink into the resin-based composite provide for allowing and maintaining an overall retroreflectivity of about 1000 millicandellas/m/lux (mcd). 1. A method for adhering large surfaces of thermoplastic signage to a suitable aviation substrate comprising; an alkyd or hydrocarbon resin-based composite wherein said large substrates include a bottom surface and a top surface and edges that surround the perimeter of and are attached to said bottom surface and said top surface, wherein said bottom surface is covered with a two-part sealer treatment; said sealer treatment provided within a viscosity range of between 50 and 500 centipoise for optimal bonding of said alkyd or hydrocarbon-resin based composite to said large substrate, wherein said composite includes a functionalized wax incorporated in said resin-based composite within the range of 0.2 to 3 percent by weight, thereby allowing said resin-based composite to exist in a molten state within a viscosity range of between 35,000 and 85,000 centipoise and wherein said top surface provides an area for surface indicia materials existing on said top surface together with retroreflective glass beads, wherein said glass beads are within a particle ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081043A1

In some embodiments, systems, apparatuses and methods are provided to enhance delivery of packages and/or cargo through the use of unmanned delivery aircraft. In some embodiments, a portable unmanned delivery aircraft launch system is provided that comprises: a first portable launch pad system comprising: a package deck; an unmanned delivery aircraft deck secured with the package deck and positioned above and separated by a distance from the package deck; and multiple modular coupling structures fixed with a frame enabling temporary rigid coupling and decoupling between the first launch pad system and multiple additional portable launch pad systems. 1. A portable unmanned delivery aircraft launch system , comprising: a package deck;', 'an unmanned delivery aircraft deck secured with the package deck and positioned above and separated by a distance from the package deck; and', 'multiple modular coupling structures fixed with a frame enabling temporary rigid coupling and decoupling between the first launch pad system and multiple additional portable launch pad systems., 'a first portable launch pad system comprising2. The portable unmanned delivery aircraft launch system of claim 1 , wherein the multiple modular coupling structures comprise at least three modular coupling structures coupled with and arranged relative to the frame enabling temporary coupling and decoupling of the first launch pad system with at least three additional portable launch pad systems.3. The portable unmanned delivery aircraft launch system of claim 1 , wherein the first portable launch pad system further comprises:a recharging system comprising:an electrical connector cooperated with one of the multiple modular coupling structures configured to enable electrical coupling with another of the multiple additional portable launch pad systems; anda recharging pad incorporated into the aircraft deck and electrically coupled with the electrical connector to receive electrical power from the ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081045A1

In one embodiment, a controller instructs an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) docked to a landing perch to perform a pre-flight test operation of a pre-flight test routine. The controller receives sensor data associated with the pre-flight test operation from one or more force sensors of the landing perch, in response to the UAV performing the pre-flight test operation. The controller determines whether the sensor data associated with the pre-flight test operation is within an acceptable range. The controller causes the UAV to launch from the landing perch based in part on a determination that UAV has passed the pre-flight test routine. 1. A landing perch for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) , comprising:a base having a plurality of posts that extend from the base and are configured to couple with apertures of the UAV to retain the UAV in a docked position on the base after landing;one or more electromagnets located on one or more of the plurality of posts; and one or more network interfaces to communicate with a computer network;', 'a processor coupled to the one or more network interfaces and configured to execute a process; and', detect the UAV within proximity of the landing perch;', 'cause the UAV to align the apertures of the UAV with one or more of the plurality of posts of the base; and', 'activate the one or more electromagnets on the posts to retain the UAV on the landing perch., 'a memory configured to store the process executable by the processor, the process when executed operable to], 'a controller that includes2. The landing perch of claim 1 , wherein the process when executed is further operable to:determine that the UAV is within a predefined distance, attitude, or orientation relative to the landing perch during approach to the base.3. The landing perch of claim 1 , wherein the process when executed is further operable to:determine that the UAV is within an arrival time at the landing perch during approach to the base.4. The landing perch of claim 1 , ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079526A1

Airfield guidance signs are described herein. One airfield guidance sign includes a first surface, a second surface angled with respect to the first surface, and a top edge adjacent the first surface and the second surface, wherein the top edge is rounded to reduce a pressure differential between the first surface and the second surface when a force is applied to the first surface or the second surface. 1. An airfield guidance sign , comprising:a first surface;a second surface angled with respect to the first surface; anda top edge adjacent the first surface and the second surface, wherein the top edge is rounded to reduce a pressure differential between the first surface and the second surface when a force is applied to the first surface or the second surface.2. The airfield guidance sign of claim 1 , wherein the airfield guidance sign includes:a first bottom edge adjacent the first surface; anda second bottom edge adjacent the second surface;wherein the first bottom edge and the second bottom edge are rounded to reduce the pressure differential between the first surface and the second surface when the force is applied to the first surface or the second surface.3. The airfield guidance sign of claim 1 , wherein the airfield guidance sign includes:a first side edge adjacent the first surface on a first side of the airfield guidance sign;a second side edge adjacent the second surface on the first side of the airfield guidance sign;a third side edge adjacent the first surface on a second side of the airfield guidance sign opposite the first side; anda fourth side edge adjacent the second surface on the second side of the airfield guidance sign;wherein the first side edge, the second side edge, the third side edge, and the fourth side edge are rounded to reduce the pressure differential between the first surface and the second surface when the force is applied to the first surface or the second surface.4. The airfield guidance sign of claim 1 , wherein the second ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

System of driving channels for a carriage for transporting airplanes on an airport apron

Номер: US20200079527A1
Автор: Sławomir Malicki
Принадлежит: Individual

The exemplary embodiments provide a system of selectively moving airplanes on an airport apron. Airplanes are selectively moved from selective parking locations to areas adjacent to take-off locations such as runways. Airplanes may also be selectively moved from an area of the apron adjacent to a landing location and/or to a parking location. This may include for example an unloading location, an airport terminal, a servicing location, a fueling location, storage location and/or other suitable location. The exemplary system includes driving channels through which a carriage is selectively moved. The carriage includes a basket for operatively engaging at least one front wheel of selected airplanes for purposes of transporting such airplanes to and between the desired locations.

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Methods and systems of anchoring an unmanned aerial vehicle on a ground station

Номер: US20200079529A1
Принадлежит: Percepto Robotics Ltd

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) ground station, comprising: a landing surface having a perimeter and a center; a plurality of pushers held above the landing surface by a plurality of linear actuators; at least one electro-mechanical connector attached to one of the plurality of pushers, mechanically adapted to be electrically connected to a compatible electro-mechanical connector of a UAV; and a landing detection controller adapted to instruct the plurality of linear actuators to move the plurality of pushers simultaneously from the perimeter toward the center when a landing event related to the UAV is detected.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079530A1

A landing pad receives and stores packages delivered from an aerial vehicle and awaiting pickup from an aerial vehicle. The landing pad can be placed outside of a window and can contain a transmitter for sending out an identification signal via radio frequency to aid aerial vehicles in finding the landing pad. The landing pad contains a landing platform with a trapdoor that leads to a storage compartment. The trapdoor can be configured to only open when it receives a signal from an authorized aerial vehicle. The storage compartment can be accessed via a storage compartment door which can contain a locking mechanism. The storage compartment can be climate controlled. The landing pad can also have a transmitter that emits sounds to discourage animals from nesting on or near the landing pad. The landing pad can also include a solar power generator as a source of electrical energy. 1. A method comprising:a) obtaining a piece of parcel information related to a parcel;b) obtaining a piece of drone information related to a drone;c) obtaining a piece of receptacle information related to a receptacle; andd) utilizing said parcel information, said drone information, and said receptacle information in scheduling a drone delivery.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said piece of parcel information is the volume and weight of said parcel.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said piece of drone information is the current location of said drone and said current energy status of said drone.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said piece of receptacle information is the location of said receptacle and whether said receptacle has a charging station.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein said piece of receptacle information is whether said receptacle currently contains a package.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein said piece of receptacle information is whether said receptacle is scheduled to receive a package.7. A drone delivery system comprising:a) a parcel;b) a drone;c) a receptacle;d) a ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160086396A1

An aircraft electric taxi system diagnostics and prognostics evaluation method, including receiving, with a computer, an electronically recorded first performance parameter of a first electric taxi system of a first aircraft during a taxi operational event at an airport; and comparing the first performance parameter with a first performance factor statistical model generated in response to the first performance parameter and first comparative performance parameters; and calculating a first performance parameter difference based on the comparison. 1. An aircraft electric taxi system diagnostic and prognostic evaluation method , comprising:receiving, with a computer, an electronically recorded first performance parameter of a first electric taxi system of a first aircraft during a taxi operational event at an airport;receiving, with the computer, electronically recorded first comparative performance parameters corresponding to the first performance parameter from electric taxi systems of multiple aircraft during a corresponding taxi operational event at the airport;generating, with a computer, a first performance factor statistical model in response to the first performance parameter and the first comparative performance parameters;comparing the first performance parameter with the first performance factor statistical model; and calculating a first performance parameter difference based on the comparison; andgenerating a first aircraft electric taxi system maintenance problem report when the first performance parameter difference exceeds a predetermined acceptable first performance parameter difference value.2. The diagnostics and prognostics evaluation method of claim 1 , wherein the first aircraft has a model and each of the multiple aircraft have the same model as the first aircraft.3. The diagnostics and prognostics evaluation method of claim 1 , wherein the taxi operational event and the corresponding taxi operational event include an ETS steady state operational ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Engine Cowl and Inlet Cover

Номер: US20150089879A1

A method for covering an end of a housing for an engine. A cover is positioned relative to the end of the housing for the engine. The cover comprises a structure, a flange comprised of a deformable material extending from the structure around a circumference of the structure, and a retaining feature configured to extend from a middle portion of the structure such that the retaining feature and the flange form a channel configured to receive the end of the housing. The cover is moved in a direction towards the end of the housing for the engine such that the retaining feature extends into an inlet of the engine through an opening of the housing to form an interference fit between the retaining feature and a portion of an interior surface of the housing. 1. A manufacture comprising:a secondary retention system for a cover configured to cover, such that in operation the cover covers, an opening of a housing for an engine, the secondary retention system comprising a Darkscrew comprising a manual operation feature connected to a sealing feature connected to a capture feature connected to a contingent retraction feature connected to an engagement feature configured to connect, such that in operation the engagement feature connects, to the engine housing.2. The manufacture of claim 1 , further comprising the engagement feature of the Darkscrew configured to conform to claim 1 , such that in operation the engagement feature engages with claim 1 , an engagement feature of a hoist receptacle in the engine housing.3. The manufacture of claim 1 , further comprising the capture feature engaged by a panel connected to the cover.4. The manufacture of claim 3 , further comprising the panel being connected to the cover via being connected to a flange of the cover.5. The manufacture of claim 4 , further comprising:the flange comprising a deformable material configured to extend, such that in operation the flange extends, from around a circumference of a structure, the cover comprising ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Laser-based tail dock anti-collision system and method to preclude damage to aircraft upon their insertion into maintenance facilities

Номер: US20170088287A1
Принадлежит: Laser Technology Inc

A tail dock anti-collision system for augmenting positioning of an aircraft in a maintenance facility which comprises lateral alignment sensors disposed on opposing sides of the aircraft and a backup tracking sensor directed toward the tail section. A processor, for example a programmable logic controller, is coupled to, and operatively controls, the sensors to provide an indication to a principal guide of the aircraft docking procedure of the relative position of the aircraft with respect to a centerline and platform of the maintenance facility.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150100182A1
Автор: Zhu Shouqin

A method for a fix-wing fighter to take off and land on an ultra-short distance is disclosed. In one embodiment, a method for a fighter to take off with an ultra-short distance may include providing a runway on a predetermined height, wherein the runway is shorter than a normal runway; disposing the fighter at said runway; and providing the fighter with an initial speed and the fighter is able to accelerate on said runway; wherein the fighter reaches its takeoff speed (which is smaller than a normal takeoff speed of the fighter) at the end of the runway, and is then accelerated by a combination of the flighter's acceleration and gravitational acceleration until the fighter reaches its normal takeoff speed. 1. A method for a fighter to take off with an ultra-short distance comprising:providing a runway on a predetermined height, wherein the runway is shorter than a normal runway;disposing the fighter at said runway; andproviding the fighter with an initial speed and the fighter is able to accelerate on said runway;establishing ground guidance, command and control systems, as well as computer and software systems thereof, and onboard equipment corresponding to ground systems, including an onboard autopilot system;wherein the fighter reaches its takeoff speed (which is smaller than a normal takeoff speed of the fighter) at the end of the runway, and the fighter drops toward the ground without the runway for a predetermined distance with an acceleration that is a combination of the fighter's acceleration and gravitational acceleration until the fighter reaches its normal takeoff speed.2. A method for a fighter to land with an ultra-short distance comprising:providing a runway on a predetermined height, wherein the runway is shorter than a normal runway; andproviding a fighter with an initial speed;establishing ground guidance, command and control systems, as well as computer and software systems thereof, and onboard equipment corresponding to ground systems, including ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Runway arrangement

Номер: US20220144450A1

A runway arrangement comprising: a first runway section (202-1) designated as a landing runway section; a second runway section (202-2) designated as a take-off runway section; and a sterile safety area (210); wherein the first and second runway sections are linked by the sterile safety area (210); the runway arrangement comprising a missed approach point for aircraft due to land on the first runway section, displaced from the start of the second runway section (202-2) by a distance greater than H/tan θ1; where H is a safe turning height and θ1 is an angle of ascent following a missed approach; wherein H is greater than 150 m and θ1 is greater than 2°.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220144453A1
Автор: Wada Masafumi

The passenger boarding includes a rotunda, a tunnel portion, a cab and a first detection device configured to detect an angle of the rotunda from the first axis around an origin point, and a second detector configured to measure a distance of the tunnel from the origin point in the extensible/contractable direction, provided at the tunnel. 15.-. (canceled)6. A passenger boarding bridge which moves from a stand-by position away from an aircraft to a target position in a virtual coordinate having an origin point that is an intersecting point of a first axis parallel to a surface of an aircraft parking apron and a second axis perpendicular to the first axis , the aircraft being at a stop at a predetermined position on the aircraft parking apron with regard to a building of an airport , comprising:a rotunda rotatably attached to the building around an axis extending from the origin point, the axis perpendicular to the first and second axes;a tunnel portion whose one end is connected to the rotunda, the tunnel portion having a drive wheel and a steering supporting the drive wheel to rotate the drive wheel around a vertical axis and extensible and contractable in an extensible/contractable direction extending from the origin point by a drive of the drive wheel;a cab connected to another end of the tunnel portion and having a connection portion contactable and opposed to a side surface of the aircraft, the connection portion rotatable between a nose side and a tail side of the aircraft with regard to the tunnel portion;a control device configured to control a rotation angle of the steering and a drive of the drive wheel in a forward/backward direction;a memory device storing a target position coordinate data including a distance from the origin point to the target position in a direction along the first axis and a distance from the origin point to the target position in a direction along the second axis; anda first detection device configured to detect an angle of the ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150102154A1

A motor vehicle system includes a motor vehicle including an aircraft landing portion, and an actively propelled unmanned aircraft configured to be supported on the aircraft landing portion. The vehicle and aircraft are configured such that the vehicle can provide at least one of fuel and electrical energy to the aircraft while the aircraft is supported on the aircraft landing portion. 1. A motor vehicle system , comprising:a motor vehicle including an aircraft landing portion; andan actively propelled unmanned aircraft configured to be supported on the aircraft landing portion;wherein the vehicle and aircraft are configured such that the vehicle can provide at least one of fuel and electrical energy to the aircraft while the aircraft is supported on the aircraft landing portion.25-. (canceled)6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the motor vehicle includes a vehicle coupling port and the aircraft includes an aircraft coupling port configured to be removably coupled to the vehicle coupling port to enable the transfer of fuel and electrical energy from the motor vehicle to the aircraft.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the aircraft coupling port is configured to be removably coupled to the vehicle coupling port while the aircraft is supported on the aircraft landing portion of the motor vehicle.8. The system of claim 6 , wherein the aircraft coupling port is configured to be removably coupled to the vehicle coupling port while the aircraft is airborne.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the aircraft is configured to take off and land from the aircraft landing portion on the motor vehicle.10. The system of claim 9 , wherein the aircraft is configured to take off from the aircraft landing portion while the motor vehicle is in motion.1116-. (canceled)17. The system of claim 1 , wherein the aircraft is configured to capture environment data regarding a driving environment and communicate aircraft data generated based on the environment data to the motor vehicle.18. The ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Aerial Agricultural Management System

Номер: US20170096222A1

An apparatus comprises a base vehicle, a takeoff and landing system, a rack system, a refueling system associated with the base vehicle, and a controller. The rack system comprises a group of racks with slots in which the slots receive unmanned aerial vehicles, provide refueling connections that facilitate refueling of the unmanned aerial vehicles located in the slots, and provide data connections that facilitate data transmission with the unmanned aerial vehicles located in the slots. The refueling system refuels an unmanned aerial vehicle located in a slot using a refueling connection in the refueling connections. The controller communicates with the unmanned aerial vehicle using a data connection and control the refueling of the unmanned aerial vehicles by the refueling system while the unmanned aerial vehicle is in the slot, enabling exchanging data with the unmanned aerial vehicle and the refueling of the unmanned aerial vehicle simultaneously. 1. An apparatus comprising:a base vehicle;a takeoff and landing system associated with the base vehicle;a rack system associated with the base vehicle, wherein the rack system comprises a group of racks with slots in which the slots are configured to receive unmanned aerial vehicles, provide refueling connections that facilitate refueling of the unmanned aerial vehicles located in the slots, and provide data connections that facilitate data transmission with the unmanned aerial vehicles located in the slots;a refueling system associated with the base vehicle, wherein the refueling system is configured to refuel an unmanned aerial vehicle in the unmanned aerial vehicles located in a slot using a refueling connection in the refueling connections; anda controller associated with the base vehicle, wherein the controller is configured to communicate with the unmanned aerial vehicle using a data connection in the data connections and control the refueling of the unmanned aerial vehicles by the refueling system while the ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160101874A1

A drone receiving system having a tray configured to function as a landing pad for the drone delivering a package as well as a nest for the package, wherein the tray is associated with at least a mounting arm for mounting the drone receiving system to an outside of a structure, wherein the at least a mounting arm is expandable to move the tray away from the structure, so that the drone can deliver the package without being obstructed by the structure, and wherein the at least a mounting arm is retractable to move the tray after package delivery toward the structure, so that the package can be unloaded from the tray from inside the structure. 1. A drone receiving system comprising a tray having a bottom comprising a plurality of perforations such that water cannot accumulate into the tray , a landing area for receiving one or more landing gears of a drone delivering a package , and a package area for receiving the package delivered by the drone , wherein the tray is associated with at least a mounting arm for mounting the drone receiving system to an outside of a structure , wherein the at least a mounting arm is expandable to move the tray away from the structure , so that the drone can deliver the package without being obstructed by the structure , and wherein the at least a mounting arm is retractable to move the tray after package delivery toward the structure , so that the package can be unloaded from the tray from inside the structure.2. The drone receiving system of claim 1 , wherein the tray has a rectangular shape and four lateral walls sloped outwardly to facilitate a release of the package by the drone into the tray.3. The drone receiving system of claim 2 , wherein the at least a mounting arm is associated with a V-shaped mounting bracket attached to the structure for counterbalancing a portion of a weight of the tray and of the package received in the tray.4. The drone receiving system of claim 3 , wherein the at least a mounting arm is telescopic.5. The ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094957A1

A portable case for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and a system including a portable case for UAV and an adapter for coupling the portable case to a vehicle are disclosed. An example system may include an exterior attachment disposed on an exterior of a vehicle, an adapter configured to couple a portable case for an UAV to the exterior attachment, and a moveable cover connected to the vehicle and configured to cover the portable case when the portable case is coupled to the vehicle. An example portable case may comprise a landing pad for the UAV, a bottom portion having the landing pad and configured to connect to the exterior attachment via the adapter, and a removable upper portion configured to be connected to the bottom portion when the bottom portion is disconnected from the at least one exterior attachment. 1. A portable case for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) , the portable case comprising a first portion and a second portion , wherein:the first portion is configured to be mechanically coupled to the second portion,the first portion comprises a landing pad for the UAV and at least one exterior attachment device configured to couple the first portion to a vehicle,the second portion may be decoupled from the first portion, andthe second portion comprises at least one device configured to couple to the at least one exterior attachment device.2. The portable case of claim 1 , wherein the portable case is covered by a movable cover when the bottom portion is coupled to the vehicle claim 1 , the movable cover being integrated into a roof of the vehicle.3. The portable case of claim 1 , wherein the at least one exterior attachment device is configured to couple the first portion to a vehicle through an adapter.4. The portable case of claim 1 , wherein the at least one exterior attachment device is configured to couple the first portion to a vehicle using one or more of the following: an exterior railing claim 1 , a slider bar claim 1 , a groove claim 1 , and a ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180101173A1

A drone is described. The drone includes a depth sensor configured to provide information for determining a distance between the drone and a moving base. The drone also includes a processor configured to control a computer vision tracking algorithm based on the distance, and to control drone movement based on the computer vision tracking algorithm. A vehicle is also described. The vehicle includes a depth sensor configured to provide information for determining a distance between a drone and the vehicle. The vehicle also includes a processor configured to control a computer vision tracking algorithm based on the distance and to send information for controlling drone movement based on the computer vision tracking algorithm. 1. A drone , comprising:a depth sensor configured to provide information for determining a distance between the drone and a moving base; anda processor configured to control a computer vision tracking algorithm based on the distance and to control drone movement based on the computer vision tracking algorithm.2. The drone of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to control the computer vision tracking algorithm by increasing tracking when the distance is within a distance threshold.3. The drone of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to control jitter of the computer vision tracking algorithm.4. The drone of claim 3 , wherein the processor is configured to control the jitter by converting an increased number of red-green-blue (RGB) frames to hue-saturation-value (HSV) frames.5. The drone of claim 3 , wherein the processor is configured to control the jitter by:computing a saliency score based on a model and at least a portion of a frame;determining whether the frame is a valid frame for tracking based on the saliency score; andproviding the frame to the computer vision tracking algorithm in a case that the frame is a valid frame.6. The drone of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to perform frame smoothing on a set of ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180101182A1

A method of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operation, including: receiving from a customer a first data request, the first data request having: a first geographic coverage area; and a refresh rate for the first geographic coverage area; planning a first plurality of flight missions to accomplish the first data request; uploading flight missions data representing the first plurality of flight missions into a UAV pod; and deploying the UAV pod. 1. An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operational system , comprising:a UAV pod having a pod memory and a pod processor, the pod memory storing a first plurality of UAV flight mission information that is adequate to survey a geographic coverage area at a predetermined refresh rate; anda UAV seated in the UAV pod, the UAV having a UAV memory storage and a UAV processor, the UAV memory storing one of the first plurality of UAV flight missions;wherein each one of the plurality of UAV flight missions represents a launch, survey and landing of the UAV.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:survey data from at least one of the first plurality of UAV flight missions stored in the pod memory.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:survey data from at least one of the first plurality of UAV flight missions stored in a second pod memory.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the second pod memory comprises portable memory detachably connected to the UAV pod.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the UAV pod further comprises a transceiver in communication with the pod processor claim 3 , the pod processor configured to transmit the survey data to an operational support center positioned remotely from the UAV pod.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising: a first geographic coverage area; and', 'a refresh rate for the first geographic coverage area., 'a customer support center configured to receive a first data request from a customer via electronic communications and wherein the first data request further comprises7. The system of ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190100330A1

A platform, adapted to accommodate a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), includes a base and a cover. The base includes a first connection port and a power source, and the power source is coupled to the first connection port including a first connection electrode and a second connection electrode. The cover includes at least one fan and a second connection port corresponding to the first connection port of the base, the at least one fan is coupled to the second connection port, and the second connection port includes a first contact electrode and a second contact electrode. The cover is connected to the base and moves between an open position and a closed position relative to the base. The first connection port is connected to the second connection port when the cover is at the closed position, and the power source provides power to the at least one fan. 1. A platform , adapted to accommodate a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) , comprising:a base, comprising a first connection port and a power source, the power source being coupled to the first connection port, and the first connection port comprising a first connection electrode and a second connection electrode; anda cover, comprising at least one fan and a second connection port corresponding to the first connection port of the base, the at least one fan being coupled to the second connection port, and the second connection port comprising a first contact electrode and a second contact electrode,wherein the cover is connected to the base and moves between an open position and a closed position relative to the base, and wherein the first connection port is connected to the second connection port when the cover is at the closed position, the first connection electrode is electrically connected to the first contact electrode, the second connection electrode is electrically connected to the second contact electrode, and the power source provides power to the at least one fan, and wherein the first connection port is not ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220169399A1
Принадлежит: Textron Innovations Inc.

A heliport docking system provides automated transport, fueling, maintenance, and logistical management of VTOLs. The heliport docking system can include a plurality of helipads that can be autonomously transported from area-to-area to assist in the logistics of heliport management and control. The helipad system can include a surface on which a VTOL can land and a controller that can perform functions related to routing, maintenance, object detection, and transport, among others. The helipad system can releasably secure the VTOL to the helipad and transport the VTOL to different areas of the heliport system. The helipad system can also fuel the VTOL by providing, electricity, combustible fuel, or other suitable energy source, and perform a maintenance check of the VTOL and create maintenance crew of any VTOL irregularities. 1. A helipad configured to transport an aircraft , comprising:an aircraft landing surface configured to receive an aircraft;a plurality of connectors configured to selectively secure the aircraft to the helipad;an aircraft fueling mechanism configured to provide the aircraft with an energy source;an aircraft maintenance device configured to receive maintenance data from the aircraft; anda transport mechanism configured to transport the aircraft from a landing area to a destination area.2. The helipad of claim 1 , wherein the transport mechanism includes a plurality of rail wheels configured to move along a railway track along the surface.3. The helipad of claim 1 , wherein the transport mechanism includes a plurality of wheels.4. The helipad of claim 1 , wherein the aircraft fueling mechanism is configured to supply the aircraft with fuel to power a combustion engine of the aircraft.5. The helipad of claim 1 , wherein the aircraft fueling mechanism is configured to supply the aircraft with electricity to power an electric engine of the aircraft.6. The helipad of claim 5 , wherein the electricity is supplied by a static electrical connection.7. ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Receiving Appliance for Automated Deliveries

Номер: US20180105289A1

A landing pad receives and stores packages delivered from an aerial vehicle and awaiting pickup from an aerial vehicle. The landing pad can be placed outside of a window and can contain a transmitter for sending out an identification signal via radio frequency to aid aerial vehicles in finding the landing pad. The landing pad contains a landing platform with a trapdoor that leads to a storage compartment. The trapdoor can be configured to only open when it receives a signal from an authorized aerial vehicle. The storage compartment can be accessed via a storage compartment door which can contain a locking mechanism. The storage compartment can be climate controlled. The landing pad can also have a transmitter that emits sounds to discourage animals from nesting on or near the landing pad. The landing pad can also include a solar power generator as a source of electrical energy. 1. A method comprising:a) obtaining a piece of parcel information related to a parcel;b) obtaining a piece of drone information related to a drone;c) obtaining a piece of receptacle information related to a receptacle; andd) utilizing said parcel information, said drone information, and said receptacle information in scheduling a drone delivery.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said piece of parcel information is selected from the group consisting of the volume of said parcel claim 1 , the weight of said parcel claim 1 , the volume of said contents of said parcel claim 1 , and the dimensions of said parcel.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said piece of drone information is selected from the group consisting of the current location of said drone and the current energy status of said drone.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said piece of receptacle information is selected from the group consisting of the location of said receptacle claim 1 , whether said receptacle has a charging station claim 1 , whether said receptacle currently contains a package claim 1 , and whether said receptacle is ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Integration of Aircraft Exterior Lighting with Proximity Sensing and Warning

Номер: US20170106999A1
Автор: Lapujade Philippe

A system and method for estimating a distance between an aircraft and an object is disclosed. An exterior light of the aircraft transmit a test light signal and a parameter the transmitted test light signal is measured. A sensor receives a reflection of the test light signal from the object and the parameter is measured for the reflection test signal. The distance between the aircraft and the object is estimated using the parameter of the reflection and the parameter of the test light signal. The exterior light is generally a light that is built into the aircraft during aircraft construction while the sensor is retrofitted onto the aircraft. 1. A method of estimating a distance between an aircraft and an object , comprising:using an exterior light of the aircraft to transmit a test light signal;measuring a parameter of the transmitted test light signal;receiving at a sensor a reflection of the test light signal from the object;measuring the parameter of the reflection; andestimating the distance between the aircraft and the object using the parameter of the reflection and the parameter of the test light signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the exterior light is a light previously provided on the aircraft for a purpose other than distance determination and the sensor is retrofitted onto the aircraft.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein using the exterior light includes using at least one of: (i) a landing/take off light; (ii) a runway illumination light; (iii) a wing illumination light; (iv) a wingtip position light; and (v) an aft position light.4. The method of further comprising transmitting a message identifying the test light signal along with the test light signal.5. The method of claim 3 , further comprising transmitting the associated message at one of: immediately prior to the test light signal claim 3 , after the test light signal and as an integral part of the test light signal.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the parameter is at least one of: (i) an ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107000A1
Автор: Endres Steven P.

Systems and methods for ground-based aircraft thrust systems are provided. A sled can be adapted to support at least wings and a fuselage of an aircraft. A guideway can be configured to receive the sled and move the sled along the guideway for assisted takeoff of the aircraft. A magnetic propulsion system can be configured to levitate the sled and propel the sled along the guideway independent of thrust provided by the aircraft. 1. An aircraft launch system comprising:a means for supporting an aircraft;a guideway configured to accelerate the means for supporting the aircraft to a liftoff speed along a straight takeoff path of the guideway, the guideway further configured to return the means for supporting the aircraft along a return path, parallel to and separate from the takeoff path, of the guideway; anda means for transferring the aircraft onto the means for supporting the aircraft.2. The aircraft launch system of claim 1 , wherein the guideway includes permanent magnets and electromagnets to create a magnetic field moving the means for supporting the aircraft along the guideway.3. The aircraft launch system of claim 1 , wherein the guideway includes one or more linear motors.4. The aircraft launch system of claim 1 , wherein the means for supporting the aircraft includes one or more adjustable airbags.5. The aircraft launch system of claim 1 , further comprising a means for measuring an amount of pressure that the aircraft is placing on the means for supporting the aircraft.6. The aircraft launch system of claim 1 , further comprising a means for determining a center of gravity of the aircraft.7. The aircraft launch system of claim 1 , wherein the guideway includes a flywheel for accelerating the means for supporting the aircraft.8. The aircraft launch system of claim 1 , wherein the guideway includes a means of storing energy.9. An aircraft launch system comprising:an aircraft support member configured to keep an aircraft in a stable position relative to the ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122495A1

Methods, systems, and apparatus for drone landing ground station. A method includes determining that a drone is landing on a ground station, based on determining that the drone is landing on the ground station, determining a magnetic field to generate at a first magnetic component at a first position in the ground station and an opposing magnetic polar at a second magnetic component at a second position in the ground station, and generating the magnetic field at the first magnetic component and the opposing magnetic field at the second magnetic component. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:determining that a drone is landing on a ground station;based on determining that the drone is landing on the ground station, determining a magnetic field to generate at a first magnetic component at a first position in the ground station and an opposing magnetic polar at a second magnetic component at a second position in the ground station; andgenerating the magnetic field at the first magnetic component and the opposing magnetic field at the second magnetic component.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein based on determining that the drone is landing on the ground station claim 1 , determining a magnetic field to generate at a first magnetic component at a first position in the ground station and an opposing magnetic polar at a second magnetic component at a second position in the ground station comprises:determining a final orientation for the drone to land; anddetermining the magnetic field based on the final orientation determined for the drone.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein determining a final orientation for the drone to land comprises:determining that a property is occupied; andbased on determining that the property is occupied, landing the drone facing a wall.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein determining a final orientation for the drone to land comprises:determining that a property is unoccupied; andbased on determining that the property is unoccupied, ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122496A1
Автор: Stamatovski Ivan

A charging station for an unmanned aerial vehicle includes a landing surface having a first charging terminal formed of a first electrically conductive material, a second charging terminal formed of a second electrically conductive material and spaced apart from the first charging terminal, and an electrically insulating material disposed between the first charging terminal and the second charging terminal. A centering wheel is rotatably associated with the landing surface and has a center hub and spokes extending from the center hub. A rotator coupled to the centering wheel can rotate the centering wheel to align the unmanned aerial vehicle with the first charging terminal and the second charging terminal. 123-. (canceled)24. A charging station for an unmanned aerial vehicle having at least one conductive landing leg , the charging station comprising:a landing surface having an electrically conductive portion and an electrically insulated portion;a centering wheel coupled to the landing surface and having at least one spoke extending therefrom, the at least one spoke positioned to rotate relative to the landing surface in response to rotation of the centering wheel relative to the landing surface, the at least one spoke configured to engage the unmanned aerial vehicle and rotate the at least one conductive landing leg into alignment with the electrically conductive portion of the landing surface to electrically couple the unmanned aerial vehicle to the landing surface.25. The charging station of claim 24 , wherein the electrically conductive portion includes a first charging terminal and a second charging terminal that are spaced apart by the electrically insulated portion.26. The charging station of claim 24 , wherein the centering wheel includes a center hub from which the at least one spoke extends.27. The charging station of claim 26 , wherein the at least one spoke includes a plurality of spokes positioned in spaced relation about the center hub.28. The ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle moonroof systems for docking and cooling unmanned aerial vehicles

Номер: US20210122497A1

This disclosure details exemplary moonroof systems for vehicles. An exemplary moonroof system may include a pod assembly that may be received within an opening of a headliner. The pod assembly may be utilized to dock, deploy, and land an unmanned aerial vehicle relative to the moonroof system. The pod assembly may include a charging and cooling system for charging and cooling the unmanned aerial vehicle when it is docked within the pod assembly.

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106223A1

The present invention relates to an aircraft docking system comprising: a light based verification and positioning system adapted to scan a volume () in connection to a stand, a receiving unit adapted to receive surveillance data from an airport surveillance system, wherein the light based verification and positioning system is further adapted to control the extension of the scanned volume based on the received surveillance data. 1100200300400. An aircraft docking system ( , , ,) comprising:{'b': 110', '210', '310', '410', '190', '290', '390', '490', '120', '220', '221', '320', '420', '190', '290', '390', '490, 'a light based verification and positioning system (,,,) adapted to monitor an aircraft (,,,) expected to arrive at a stand, in a volume (,;,,) in connection to the stand, wherein the monitoring includes detecting and tracking of the aircraft (,,,),'}{'b': 140', '190', '290', '390', '490', '150', '250', '350', '450, 'a receiving unit () adapted to receive surveillance data including position data related to the aircraft (,,,) from an airport surveillance system (,,,),'}{'b': 110', '210', '310', '410', '120', '220', '221', '320', '420, 'wherein the light based verification and positioning system (,,,) is further adapted to control the extension of the monitored volume (,;,,) based on the received position data.'}2100200300400110210310410111211311411120220320420120220320420. Aircraft docking system ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 ,) according to claim 1 , wherein the light based verification and positioning system ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 ,) comprises at least one laser transmitter ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 ,) adapted to emit light in different directions in the volume ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 ,) claim 1 , and a detector adapted to detect light reflected from objects in the volume ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 ,).3100300110310120320. Aircraft docking system ( claim 1 ,) according to or claim 1 , wherein the light based verification and positioning ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Configurable Streetlight Sensor Platform

Номер: US20190107273A1

The technology described in this document is embodied in a sensor platform that includes an enclosure for housing one or more sensors, the enclosure configured to be deployed between a streetlight and a streetlight controller that manages operations of the streetlight. The sensor platform also includes an electrical receptacle for receiving the streetlight controller in a substantially secure configuration. The sensor platform also includes an electrical connector for connecting the enclosure to the streetlight. The sensor platform also includes at least one pass-through connector disposed within the enclosure to provide an electrical connection between the electrical connector and the electrical receptacle. 130.-. (canceled)31. A configurable sensor platform comprising:an enclosure configured to be deployed on a streetlight;a sensor module comprising a plurality of sensor receptacles configured to receive at least a portion of various combinations of sensors the sensors being selectable in accordance with a target functionality of the configurable sensor platform;at least one outlet configured to provide power to one or more external sensors or devices located outside the enclosure;an electrical connector for connecting the enclosure to a power source on the streetlight; andat least one pass-through connector disposed within the enclosure to provide an electrical connection between the electrical connector and the outlet.32. The configurable sensor platform of claim 31 , further comprising:a radio module for facilitating wireless communication between the sensor platform and another wireless device; andone or more processing devices disposed in the enclosure, the one or more processing devices configured to receive data from at least one of the plurality of sensors and send information to the radio module.33. The configurable sensor platform of claim 31 , wherein the outlet comprises a charging port for an unmanned aerial vehicle.34. The configurable sensor ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220177130A1

Various embodiments of systems, apparatus, and/or methods are described for enhanced responsiveness in responding to an emergency situation using unmanned aerial vehicles (drones). Drones are fully autonomous in that they are operated without human intervention from a pilot, an operator, or other personnel. The disclosed drone utilizes movable access doors to provide the capability of vertically takeoff and landing. The drone also includes an emergency recovery system including a mechanism to deploy a parachute in an event of a failure of the on-board autopilot. Also disclosed herein is a drone port that provides an IR-based docking mechanism for precision landing of the drone, with a very low margin of error. Additionally, the drone port includes pads that provide automatic charge to the drone's batteries by contact-based charging via the drone's landing gear legs. 1. A system for communication with a plurality of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and a plurality of computer aided dispatch (CAD) computers that receive , process and respond to a plurality of incident calls by capturing incident details of each call including a type , time , a location and a priority of each call and by sending out one or more response units to the location of the call , the system comprising: at least a first module to evaluate, monitor, and track the plurality of incident calls;', 'at least a second module to evaluate performance of the plurality of CAD computers or the response units sent out in response to the incident calls;', ["(i) tracking real-time information pertaining to each UAV, the real-time information including: first information corresponding to a location of the UAV, second information corresponding to whether the UAV is docked or in-flight, and third information corresponding to the UAV's battery-life;", '(ii) determining launch, landing and in-flight operations of the plurality of UAVs; and', '(iii) selecting one or more UAVs in the plurality of UAVs to deploy in ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Method of Retrofitting a Runway Sign with a Single LED Lamp

Номер: US20140196281A1

A method of retrofitting an existing airfield runway sign with a single LED lamp. Light is produced by a linear array of white-light LEDs. A cylindrical lens is mounted longitudinally adjacent to the LEDs, and collects a central portion of the light emitted from the LEDs. A pair of inclined surfaces extend from the lateral edges of the LEDs to respective lateral edges of the cylindrical lens. The inclined surfaces have a rough surface texture and reflect light diffusely. The inclined surfaces collect a peripheral portion of the light emitted from the LEDs, and direct the reflected light toward the cylindrical lens. The LEDs, cylindrical lens and inclined surfaces are all mechanically supported by a heat sink. The replacement lamp is placed into a runway sign near its top or bottom edge, and illuminates both viewing surfaces of the runway sign simultaneously without a diffuser. 1101011111716101716171610130. A method of retrofitting a two-sided airport runway sign () adjacent a runway , the runway sign () being rectangular in profile and emitting light through rectangular , translucent front and rear faces () , the front and rear faces () being longitudinally separated by first and second opposing longitudinal edges ( , ) and being perpendicular to the runway , the runway sign () including a plurality of original equipment lamps in its interior along the first and second longitudinal edges ( , ) that are disposed in respective electrical sockets proximate the longitudinal edges ( , ) , the runway sign () also including a diffuser () in its interior adjacent one of the original equipment lamps , the method comprising:{'b': 10', '10, 'opening the runway sign () to gain access to an interior of the runway sign ();'}{'b': 17', '10, 'electrically disengaging all the original equipment lamps on the first longitudinal edge () of the runway sign ();'}{'b': 130', '10, 'removing the diffuser () from the interior of the runway sign ();'}{'b': 1', '1', '2, 'securing a single LED ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112049A1

An unmanned aerial vehicle includes a platform configured to transport a second unmanned aerial vehicle and release the second unmanned aerial vehicle in response to satisfying a condition. The unmanned aerial vehicle includes a hybrid generator system including an engine configured to generate mechanical power; and a generator motor coupled to the engine and configured to generate electrical power from the mechanical power generated by the engine; and at least one rotor motor configured to drive at least one propeller to rotate, wherein the at least one rotor motor is powered by the electrical power generated by the generator motor. 1. An unmanned aerial vehicle comprising:a platform configured to transport a second unmanned aerial vehicle and release the second unmanned aerial vehicle in response to satisfying a condition; an engine configured to generate mechanical power; and', 'a generator motor coupled to the engine and configured to generate electrical power from the mechanical power generated by the engine; and', 'at least one rotor motor configured to drive at least one propeller to rotate, wherein the at least one rotor motor is powered by the electrical power generated by the generator motor., 'a hybrid generator system comprising2. The unmanned aerial vehicle of claim 1 , wherein satisfying the condition comprises the platform being within a predetermined distance of a specified geographic location.3. The unmanned aerial vehicle of claim 1 , wherein satisfying the condition comprises the platform reaching a specified altitude.4. The unmanned aerial vehicle of claim 1 , wherein satisfying the condition comprises the platform receiving an instruction from a remote location.5. The unmanned aerial vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the electrical power is provided to the at least one rotor motor from the generator motor.6. The unmanned aerial vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a rechargeable battery configured to store the electrical power generated by the ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210139165A1

A system is provided that guides aircraft driven with landing gear wheel-mounted electric taxi drive systems without reliance on airport ground personnel to park the aircraft parallel to an airport terminal with connections to multiple passenger loading bridges, automatically docks the aircraft, and connects the multiple loading bridges to multiple forward and rear doors. Cooperative on-aircraft monitoring systems, airport docking systems, loading bridge and terminal monitoring systems, and processors are integrated to use real time information and guide the aircraft to safely maneuver into and automatically dock in a parallel orientation at a parking location with multiple aircraft forward and rear doors connected to multiple loading bridges. The system may automatically undock the aircraft and retract the loading bridges and guide the electric taxi drive system-driven aircraft out of the parking location without reliance on airport ground personnel. 1. An integrated airport parking system that guides electric taxi drive system-driven aircraft into and out of terminal parking locations where aircraft are parked parallel to the terminal without reliance on assistance from ground personnel , comprising:a. an airport terminal with a plurality of aircraft parking locations and multiple extendible passenger loading bridges positioned at each of said plurality of parking locations spaced to connect to multiple forward and rear doors of aircraft parked at each said parking location when said aircraft are parked with a longest axis parallel to said airport terminal;b. each said aircraft being equipped with nose landing gear-mounted electric taxi drive systems, electric taxi drive system controls in a cockpit of said aircraft, an on-aircraft monitoring system comprising a plurality of exteriorly mounted monitoring and sensing devices operative to obtain real time information about the aircraft exterior environment during electric taxi drive system-powered ground travel, and ...
