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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2561842C2

В заявке описана пачка для курительных изделий, имеющая крышку (9) и корпус (2), сформированный из материала, обладающего толщиной. Крышка имеет переднюю стенку (13) с нижней кромкой передней стенки и клапан (17), прикрепленный к части этой нижней кромки передней стенки по линии (17а) сгиба, сформированной частичным прорезом через толщу материала так, что, когда клапан сложен вокруг упомянутой линии сгиба и ложится на внутреннюю поверхность передней стенки крышки, эта часть нижней кромки передней стенки, к которой прикреплен клапан, служит продолжением остальной нижней кромки передней стенки. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

02-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2627000C2
Принадлежит: ПЭКСАЙЗ ЭлЭлСи (US)

Сгибаемая заготовка для образования коробки содержит первый сегмент, расположенный на первом конце указанной заготовки, и имеет длину, ширину и один или более клапанов, второй сегмент, имеющий длину, ширину и один или более клапанов, третий сегмент, имеющий длину, ширину и один или более клапанов, четвертый сегмент, имеющий длину, ширину и один или более клапанов, и пятый сегмент, расположенный на втором конце указанной заготовки противоположно указанному первому сегменту. Пятый сегмент имеет длину, ширину и один или более клапанов. При этом сумма длин первого сегмента и пятого сегмента в общем равна длине третьего сегмента. Первый сегмент и пятый сегмент выполнены с возможностью скрепления вместе для образования боковой стенки коробки из указанной сгибаемой заготовки. Первый сегмент и пятый сегмент выполнены для образования шва в этой боковой стенке. Группа изобретений обеспечивает сокращение времени для закрывания коробки. 2 н. и 32 з.п. ф-лы, 17 ил.

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2584113C2

Герметичная упаковка (1′) для текучего пищевого продукта образована путем сгибания и запечатывания листового упаковочного материал, имеющего постоянную ширину, измеренную ортогонально продольной оси листового упаковочного материала. Упаковка содержит нижнюю панель, имеющую переднюю грань (10) и заднюю грань, верхнюю панель (5), имеющую переднюю грань (15) и заднюю грань (16), и переднюю панель (8), продолжающуюся между передней гранью (10) нижней панели и передней гранью (15) верхней панели (5) и имеющую боковые грани (19, 20). Задняя панель упаковки продолжается между задней гранью нижней панели (6) и задней гранью (16) верхней панели (5) и имеет боковые грани. Упаковка имеет две противоположные вогнутые боковые панели. Верхняя панель (5) предназначена для установки на нее имеющего крышку (52′) устройства (3′) открывания в области верхней панели (5), ограниченной передней гранью (15). Верхняя панель (5) является наклонной относительно нижней панели (6) и опускается от задней грани (16) ...

05-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2713480C2

Тара для потребительских изделий по меньшей мере частично образована из слоистой заготовки, имеющей внутреннюю поверхность, и внешнюю поверхность, и толщину (T) от приблизительно 100 микрометров до приблизительно 350 микрометров. Слоистая заготовка определяет часть тары, которая содержит по меньшей мере первую плоскую стенку и вторую плоскую стенку, соединенные друг с другом посредством первой части в виде кромки. Внутренняя поверхность первой части в виде кромки содержит одну или несколько линий абляции, проходящих по существу в продольном направлении первой части в виде кромки, каждая из которой обеспечена в виде канавки внутри заготовки, имеющей минимальную остаточную толщину (RT) от приблизительно 15 процентов до приблизительно 40 процентов от толщины (T) слоистой заготовки, и ширину (X) абляции, измеренную поперечно продольному направлению первой части в виде кромки. Слоистую заготовку складывают вокруг одной или нескольких линий абляции, так что для каждой линии абляции угол (α) между ...

11-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2674506C2

Предложен листовой упаковочный материал (M) для изготовления герметичной упаковки (1) наливного пищевого продукта. Упаковочный материал (M) содержит один базовый слой (11) для обеспечения жесткости, ряд ламинированных слоев (12), закрывающих обе стороны основного слоя (11), и удаляемый участок (10, 10', 10'', 10''', 10'''', 10'''''), который при использовании может частично отделяться от остальной части упаковочного материала (M) вдоль по меньшей мере одной дугообразной линии (20, 20''''') разреза и сгибаться на зону (21, 81) сгиба, проходящую между противоположными концами линии (20, 20''''') разреза, чтобы освободить сливное отверстие (9), из которого наливают пищевой продукт из упаковки (1). Удаляемый участок (10, 10', 10'', 10''', 10'''', 10''''') содержит центральную площадь (25), выполненную из целого упаковочного материала, и которая при использовании в любом случае остается прикрепленной к остальной части упаковочного материала (M) за счет постоянной перегородки (26), образованной ...

23-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2670528C2
Принадлежит: МАЙЕР Готфрид (AT)

Описывается ящик в форме склеенного посредством планок короба из картона с днищем (1) и выступающей от днища (1) боковой поверхностью (2), которая посредством согнутых вовнутрь между углами боковой поверхности кромочных планок (8) образует усиленные верхние продольные кромочные участки. Для создания предпочтительных конструктивных соотношений предлагается, чтобы боковая поверхность (2) по меньшей мере на одной стороне углов боковой поверхности имела согнутые вовнутрь под 90° по смещенным, соответственно, вовне относительно кромки (14) усиленных продольных кромочных участков линиям (12, 13, 27) перегиба и склеенные с противоположной стороной угла боковой поверхности крепежные выступы (10, 11, 26) и что днище (1) в зоне углов боковой поверхности снабжено согласованными с формой контура образованного посредством крепежных выступов (10, 11, 26) фиксирующего буртика (15) углублениями (17). 9 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

16-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2669866C2

Изобретение относится к области упаковочных материалов для жидких продуктов и касается заготовки упаковочного материала и способа ее получения. Материал содержит корпусную панель, имеющую основную панель, две вторые панели, размещенные рядом с основной панелью, и по меньшей мере одну третью панель. Торцевые закрывающие панели размещены рядом с корпусной панелью, при этом торцевые закрывающие панели содержат верхнюю и нижнюю закрывающие панели, размещенные рядом с основной и по меньшей мере одной третьей панелью соответственно, и клапанные закрывающие панели, размещенные рядом с двумя вторыми панелями. Линии ослабления разделяют каждую из корпусной и торцевых закрывающих панелей. Линия ослабления предусмотрена на основной панели и имеет первый участок и второй участок, при этом первый участок проходит от первой точки ко второй точке и второй участок проходит от третьей точки ко второй точке. Изобретение обеспечивает получение упаковки с высокой скоростью розлива. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил ...

10-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2544130C2

Предложен листовой упаковочный материал (M) для изготовления герметичной упаковки (1) наливного пищевого продукта. Упаковочный материал (M) содержит один базовый слой (11) для обеспечения жесткости, ряд ламинированных слоев (12), закрывающих обе стороны основного слоя (11), и удаляемый участок (10, 10', 10'', 10''', 10'''', 10'''''), который при использовании может частично отделяться от остальной части упаковочного материала (M) вдоль по меньшей мере одной дугообразной линии (20, 20''''') разреза и сгибаться на зону (21, 81) сгиба, проходящую между противоположными концами линии (20, 20''''') разреза, чтобы освободить сливное отверстие (9), из которого наливают пищевой продукт из упаковки (1). Удаляемый участок (10, 10', 10'', 10''', 10'''', 10''''') содержит центральную площадь (25), выполненную из целого упаковочного материала и которая при использовании в любом случае остается прикрепленной к остальной части упаковочного материала (M) за счет постоянной перегородки (26), образованной ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2704885C2

Данное изобретение относится к раскройной заготовке (10) для изготовления трехмерной структуры, в частности из бумаги, картона или пластика. Кроме того, изобретение относится к изготовленной из раскройной заготовки трехмерной структуре, складной коробке для хранения товаров, в частности складной коробке из картона, бумаги или тому подобного, а также к способу изготовления раскройной заготовки (10). 4 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2706812C2

Изобретение относится к емкости для потребительских товаров и пластинчатой заготовке (300) для образования такой емкости. Пластинчатая заготовки образует участок емкости, который содержит: первую плоскую стенку (322); вторую плоскую стенку (314), соединенную с первой плоской стенкой (322) посредством первого модифицированного кромочного участка (3140) с образованием скошенного кромочного участка емкости; и третью плоскую стенку (316), соединенную с первой плоской стенкой (322) посредством второго модифицированного кромочного участка (3130), образующего криволинейный кромочный участок емкости. Продольное направление первого модифицированного кромочного участка (3140) поперечно продольному направлению второго модифицированного кромочного участка (3130); первый модифицированный кромочный участок (3140) и второй модифицированный кромочный участок (3130) при сборке емкости из пластинчатой заготовки образуют смежные кромочные участки емкости, сходящиеся на стыке. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

16-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2685028C2

Предусмотрена упаковка, содержащая упаковочный материал (2), имеющий объемный слой и сформированный в трехмерный контейнер посредством складывания упомянутого упаковочного материала вдоль заданных линий (9) сгиба, таким образом, образующих излом (54) вдоль упомянутых линий (9) сгиба. Упаковка содержит множество углов (202), при этом по меньшей мере один из упомянутых углов (202) расположен в области (9d) упаковочного материала (2), в которой две или несколько линий (9) сгиба пересекаются. 3 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 18 ил.

21-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2774520C2

Данное изобретение относится к внутреннему воротнику (10) для упаковки для хранения товаров, в частности стержнеобразных товаров, таких как сигареты, табачные палочки и тому подобное, включающему в себя переднюю стенку (12), боковые стенки (14, 16), которые линиями (18, 20) изгиба соединены с передней стенкой (12), и по меньшей мере одну захватную и смотровую выемку (22) в области передней стенки (12), причем передняя стенка (12) имеет по меньшей мере один соединенный, по меньшей мере, частично разъемно с передней стенкой (12) элемент (24) стенки, и элемент (24) стенки выполнен таким образом, что он, по меньшей мере, частично закрывает захватную и смотровую выемку (22). При этом с элементом (24) стенки на противоположной передней стенке (12) стороне шарнирно соединен по меньшей мере один дополнительный элемент (46) стенки, выполненный таким образом, что при размещении внутреннего воротника (10) в упаковке (56) дополнительный элемент (46) стенки зафиксирован со стопорным элементом и/или ...

08-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2635079C1

Описана трансформируемая коробка, предназначенная для транспортировки и демонстрации упаковок с пищевым продуктом, которая состоит из корпуса, сложенного из первой заготовки, выполненной из картона; и крышки, сложенной из второй заготовки, также выполненной из картона. Первая заготовка выполнена в виде шестигранного прямоугольного параллелепипеда, предназначенного для формирования корпуса, который складывается и заполняется пищевыми продуктами вручную или в ходе автоматического технологического процесса и преобразуется в блок в транспортировочной конфигурации, характеризующийся наличием следующих элементов: лицевой стороны с частично открытым участком и съемной частью с клеящей областью; задней стороны с частично открытым участком и съемной частью с клеящей областью; левой стороны; правой стороны; верхней стороны с левой панелью и правой панелью, каждая из которых имеет такую форму, чтобы оставалась область для фирменной символики, и задает частично открытый участок между областями для ...

18-09-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017102482A3

19-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016152170A3

02-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016133225A3

14-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017118334A3

14-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016149388A3

20-10-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2020111017A3

30-07-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017134629A3

13-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU203590U1

Полезная модель относится к оборудованию для транспортирования и хранения грузов. Техническим результатом является повышение прочности и надежности конструкции контейнера при его эксплуатации как в сложенном, так и в рабочем виде. Складной контейнер содержит в качестве основания поддон с плоской опорной поверхностью, в пазы которого вставлен стеночный элемент, выполненный в виде обечайки, и снабженный съемной крышкой. При этом стеночный элемент выполнен с возможностью складывания за счет образования на нем угловых и «книжных» сгибов, выполненных посредством термоформования. Причем поддон и крышка выполнены цельнолитыми из полимерных материалов, а стеночный элемент выполнен из многослойного полимерного листа, имеющего сэндвич-структуру. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 12 фиг.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2680941C1

Изобретение относится к контейнеру (1), содержащему основную часть и крышку (8), способную поворачиваться вокруг линии (21) отгиба, имеющейся на задней панели (5) контейнера (1). На центральном участке линии (21) отгиба или рядом с ним выполнены параллельные и пространственно разделенные поперечные надрезы (31), расположенные, по существу, симметрично линии отгиба и перпендикулярно ей. На расстоянии от каждого конца линии (21) отгиба, но вблизи него на всю толщину задней панели (5) выполнен концевой надрез (32), а линия (21) отгиба перфорирована между концевыми надрезами (32) и своими концами, примыкающими к боковым панелям (4). Концевые надрезы (32) могут быть выполнены в виде двух прямолинейных стыкующихся отрезков, расположенных неперпендикулярно линии (21) отгиба. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 20 ил.

27-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014136189A

... 1. Пачка для курительных изделий, сформированная из сфальцованной картонной заготовки, имеющая несколько панелей, соединяющихся на сгибах заготовки, и несколько ребер пачки, при этом по меньшей мере одно из ребер пачки имеет группу дискретных прорезей, расположенных вдоль, по меньшей мере части, длины ребра пачки, проходящих насквозь через материал пачки, ориентированных не параллельно направлению по меньшей мере одного ребра пачки, и выполненных так, что сфальцованная заготовка по меньшей мере на одном ребре пачки образует группу выступов вдоль по меньшей мере одного ребра пачки, приводящих к неровной текстуре этого ребра вдоль, по меньшей мере части, его длины, причем материал пачки ослаблен на сгибе по меньшей мере одного ребра пачки между соответствующими прилегающими панелями, а ослабление вдоль этого сгиба определяется только группой прорезей.2. Пачка по п. 1, в которой по меньшей мере одно ребро пачки имеет по меньшей мере два сгиба в материале пачки между соответствующими прилегающими ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014122025A

... 1. Упаковка для штучной или зернистой упаковываемой продукции, прежде всего (прямоугольная) упаковка для сигарет из (тонкого) картона или подобного упаковочного материала с нанесенными в отдельных областях высечками и/или тиснениями упаковочного материала, отличающаяся тем, что в области значимых для манипулирования стенок упаковки, прежде всего в области передней стенки (15) коробки и/или передней стенки (22) крышки, расположены структурные поля (50) из выполненных посредством высечки отверстий (35, 36) и/или микроотверстий (37), и/или из выполненных посредством тиснения выступов или углублений, и/или из нанесенных на стенки упаковки возвышений или же утолщений (41) из другого материала, прежде всего термоплавкого клея, и/или из расположенных в углублениях (42) наполнений (43) из другого материала, прежде всего термоплавкого клея.2. Упаковка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что выступы, прежде всего утолщения (41) или расположенные в углублениях (42), находящиеся, преимущественным образом, снаружи ...

09-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2731941C1

Упаковка из картона, бумаги или тому подобного включает донную стенку (12) и крышечную стенку (14), соединяющую донную и крышечную стенки (12, 14) переднюю и заднюю стенку (22, 22’, 22“, 24, 24’, 24“) для образования торцевых сторон (16, 18) упаковки (10). Упаковка (10) выполнена в форме призматического тела вдоль проходящей параллельно донной и крышечной стенкам (12, 14) продольной оси (L) и имеет по меньшей мере соответственно один шарнирно присоединенный к донной и/или крышечной стенке (12, 14) боковой клапан (26, 28) для бокового замыкания упаковки (10). По меньшей мере один боковой клапан (26, 28) выполнен таким образом, что он в закрытом положении по меньшей мере в отдельных областях налегает по меньшей мере на одну из соединяющих донную и крышечную стенки (12, 14) переднюю или заднюю стенку (22, 22’, 22“, 24, 24’, 24“) и по меньшей мере в отдельных областях выступает за нее. Кроме того, изобретение касается заготовки для изготовления подобного рода упаковки. Группа изобретений обеспечивает ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017134784A

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011129398A

... 1. Картонная заготовка для формирования коробки, включающая ряд из первой, второй, третьей и четвертой, в основном четырехкромочных, панелей (a-d), каждая из которых содержит часть боковой стенки (4, 6, 8, 10), верхнюю смыкающую уплотняющую часть (24, 26, 28, 30) и верхнюю часть ребра герметизации (33), причем одна из упомянутых панелей (c) в основном свободна от любой линии ослабленности, проходящей внутрь от боковых кромочных зон этой из упомянутых панелей от самой дальней границы части боковой стенки (8) до самой дальней границы верхней смыкающей уплотняющей части (28), причем уплотняющая часть этой из упомянутых панелей включает петлю ослабленности (44).2. Картонная заготовка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что- первая и третья уплотняющие части (24, 28), являются прямоугольными,- первая уплотняющая часть (24) имеет меньшую площадь поверхности, чем третья уплотняющая часть (28),- вторая и четвертая уплотняющая часть (26, 30), каждая из которых состоит из в основном треугольных деталей (26a-c ...

28-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017145215A

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Packungsmantel, Packung und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Packung

Номер: DE102016003829A1

Dargestellt und beschrieben ist ein Packungsmantel (10', 10'') aus einem Verbundmaterial zur Herstellung einer Packung (15', 15''), umfassend: eine Mantelfläche (17), eine Längsnaht (11), die zwei Kanten des Verbundmaterials zu einem umlaufenden Packungsmantel (10', 10'') verbindet, und zwei Scheinfaltlinien (18), die durch die Mantelfläche (17) verlaufen, wobei der Packungsmantel (10', 10'') entlang von beiden Scheinfaltlinien (18) gefaltet ist. Um die Herstellung von Packungen mit komplexer Geometrie zu ermöglichen, ist vorgesehen, dass der Packungsmantel (10', 10'') im Bereich der Mantelfläche (17) außer den beiden Scheinfaltlinien (18) keine weiteren bzw. keine durchgehenden Faltlinien aufweist. Dargestellt und beschrieben sind zudem eine Packung (15', 15'') aus einem derartigen Packungsmantel (10', 10'') sowie ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Packung (15', 15'') aus einem derartigen Packungsmantel (10', 10'').

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE0014792521T1
Принадлежит: SCA FOREST PROD AB, SCA Forest Products AB

Verpackungsbox umfassend: einen Bodenabschnitt, der eine erste Ebene definiert; und mindestens einen ersten Seitenwandabschnitt, der in einem Winkel zu dem Bodenabschnitt angeordnet ist, wobei der erste Seitenwandabschnitt mit dem Bodenabschnitt über eine Falzlinie an einer ersten Kante des Bodenabschnitts verbunden ist, der erste Seitenwandabschnitt ein Paar von Verlängerungsabschnitten aufweist, die sich von gegenüberliegenden Kanten des Seitenwandabschnitts erstrecken, so dass mindestens Teil eines Paars zweiter Seitenwandabschnitte, die in einem Winkel zu dem Bodenabschnitt und in einem Winkel zu dem ersten Seitenwandabschnitt angeordnet sind, bereitgestellt ist, jeder Seitenwandabschnitt des zweiten Paars von Seitenwandabschnitten mindestens Teil eines der sich von dem ersten Seitenwandabschnitt erstreckenden Paare von Verlängerungsabschnitten umfasst, ein Verbindungsabschnitt jedes Verlängerungsabschnitts, der den ersten Seitenwandabschnitt mit einem der beiden Seitenwandabschnitte ...

19-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE602006009676D1

07-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000608266D0

10-04-2013 дата публикации

A pack

Номер: GB0201303441D0

01-06-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to wall structures for boxes and the like containers

Номер: GB0000730808A

... 730,808. Boxes. THOMPSON & NORRIS MANUFACTURING CO., Ltd., and EBURITE CORRUGATED CONTAINERS, Ltd. (Gaylord Container Corporation). Dec. 4, 1952, No. 30844/52. Class 18. An end panel for a box has extensions 14, 15 which fold upon each other and down onto the panel 3 to reinforce the upper edge. The elements 3, 14, 15 are separated by creases 19 comprising offset ribs and grooves, the grooves being deeper on their sides nearest the element 15. The crease 19 between the elements 14, 15 forms a broad rib 16 providing a smooth grip to a handhole 4. The elements 3, 14, 15 are secured by stapling &c. Lid portions 7 have turned over edges 8 fitting in grooves 12 in the end panel reinforcement.

18-08-2021 дата публикации

Animal transport box

Номер: GB2592021A

An animal transport box or cage, e.g. for carrying dogs in cars, comprises a rectangular base 1 with upstanding rear and side walls, each wall divided into upper and lower parts 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11 by a respective horizontal hinge (9, 10, 12, Fig. 2) that allows the upper parts 7, 8, 11 to fold inward over the base. A roof panel 15 is hinged along the rear wall’s top edge 16a, and the rear wall and roof panels are releasably fastened to the upper side panels 7, 8. A detachable front door assembly is provided, e.g. comprising a mesh or grille 18, 19 and metal frame 17. The base, roof, rear and side walls are preferably formed from polypropylene sheet material with flexible hinges and formed by locally thinning the sheet, and the rear wall may also comprise a mesh or grille window.

22-02-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008401373D0

09-04-2014 дата публикации

Wrap around container

Номер: GB0201403011D0

30-11-2016 дата публикации

Child-resistant blister package

Номер: GB0201617558D0

09-07-2003 дата публикации

Packaging cartons and blanks therefor

Номер: GB0002383792A

A blank for forming a packaging carton from board material has at least one line of perforations intended for tearing, wherein the perforations forming at least one portion 14 only of the line comprise slits cut an angle to the line. The perforations forming the remainder 15, 16 of the line comprise aligned slits. A carton formed from the blank is also disclosed.

05-12-2007 дата публикации

Transit and display bottle carrying box with carry handle

Номер: GB0002438614A

A rectangular box 3 for packaging and transporting bottles is constructed from a one piece blank (1 Fig 1) having sections 57,59,61,63 that can be removed to display the bottles at the point of sale without removing the bottles from the box 3 and which allows the box 3 to be converted to a bottle carrier 64 (Figure 4).

11-04-1985 дата публикации

Containers formed from blanks of laminated construction

Номер: GB0002146001A

This invention relates to containers and methods of, and apparatus for, manufacturing containers. A container in accordance with the invention includes four walls (202-205, FIG. 1, or 301-303 and 305, FIG. 4), and a base (201, FIG. 1, or 306, FIG. 4). The base is constituted by two flaps (206 and 207 or 307 and 308) arranged so that they can be moved between a first position in which the container can be folded flat, and a second position in which they hold the four walls in a generally rectangular formation. The container may be manufactured by sealing six boards (4, 5 and 6) between two webs of PVC material drawn from supply rolls (50 and 51). The sealing is carried out by means of a welding process which also forms the boards (4 and 5) into hinged pairs. In further welding processes, boards (6) are hingedly connected to the boards (4 and 5). Finally, two pairs of boards (4 and 5) are hingedly connected together to form the four walls of the container. In the welding process, a raised ...

14-11-2007 дата публикации

A Carton

Номер: GB0000719323D0

01-05-2019 дата публикации

Container for a bottle

Номер: GB0002564526B

11-12-2019 дата публикации

Tamper evident packing case

Номер: GB0002574381A

A self-erecting packing case formed from a single board blank, the packing case comprises first and second side walls 101a, 101b and first and second end walls 102a, 102b integrally connected together along respective parallel fold lines, a first-type base panel 104a integrally connected to a bottom end of each of the first and second side walls 101a, 101b along a respective fold line105a, 105b and, a second-type base panel 106a, 106b integrally connected to a bottom end of each of the first and second end walls 102a, 102b along a respective fold line107a, 107b wherein each first-type base panel 104a, 104b is glued to an adjacent second-type base panel 106a, 106b and comprises a fold line 108a, 108b along an edge of where the first-type base panel 104a, 104b is glued to the adjacent second-type base panel 106a, 106b and wherein each first‑type base panel 104a, 104b further comprises a lobed section 109a, 109b integrally connected along a fold line 110a, 110b, wherein the lobed sections ...

26-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009928215D0

22-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002575639A

An erectable container 100 that moves from a flat to an erect configuration comprising two faces (110, 120 also see figure 3b) joined along two sides 102 & 104. Each face comprises two lines of weakness (114a-b, 124a-b) forming tear strips along the side edges. The lines of weakness tend inwardly (preferably they are curved, bowtie, v-shaped). Internally there are two flaps (130a-b, figure 5) that articulate between the flat and erect position which may form a pocket 131 for locating items which is accessible via a slit 122 in one of the faces. Ideally, the container moves from flat to erect by applying pressure to the edges. The application also discloses claims for a blank (200, figure 7a) for forming a container wherein the lines of weakness are symmetrical about a fold line 110a-b and a blank wherein there is a small gap between the line of weakness and one of the edges of the front or back faces.

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000370898T

10-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000327667B

15-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA526172A

15-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000526172A

15-05-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000654378A

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000516214T

15-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000301079T

14-11-2019 дата публикации

Carton with expansion features

Номер: AU2017226170C1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A carton for holding one or more containers includes a plurality of panels that extend at least partially around an interior of the carton, a plurality of end flaps foldably connected to the respective plurality of panels to form at least one closed end of the carton, and at least one gusset foldably connected between the at least one side panel and the at least one closed end of the carton. The plurality of panels includes a bottom panel, a top panel, and at least one side panel. The at least one gusset is positionable between a first position and a second position wherein the interior of the carton is expanded.

22-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000566629B2

15-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000577246B2

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019202231B1
Принадлежит: AJ PARK

A quick lift assembling storage box includes a folding box 1 in a flat half-folded state, and a traction support board 2 disposed at the top of the folding box 1. After a user lifts the traction support board 2 to drive and change the folding box 1 in the flat half-folded state into a three-dimensional state with an accommodation space, and then the user can press and superimpose the traction support board 2 onto the bottom and the inner sides of the folding box 1 to reinforce the strength of the folding box 1.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Sealed package for pourable food products and packaging material for producing sealed packages for pourable food products

Номер: AU2011264003A1

There is described a sealed package (1, 1') for pourable food products, comprising a quadrangular bottom panel (6) which comprises a first front edge (10) and a second rear edge (11) opposite to each other; a quadrangular top panel (5) which is opposite to bottom panel (6) and comprises a third front edge (15) and a fourth rear edge (16); a front panel (8) which extends between first and third edges (10, 15); and a rear panel (7, 7') which extends between second and fourth edges (15, 16); the distance between first and third edges (10, 15) is smaller than the distance between second and fourth edges (11, 16); top panel (5) is angled with respect to a first plane defined by first and second edges (10, 11); first and third edge (10, 15) define a second theoretical reference plane (P); front panel (8) comprises a fifth and sixth edge (19, 20) which are opposite to one another and extend both between first and second edges (10, 15); at least one of fifth and sixth front edge (19, 20) extends ...

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Container for consumer goods

Номер: AU2011281694A1

The current invention relates to a container (1) comprising a wrapped bundle of consumer goods housed within a box wherein the box further comprises a box bottom wall (11), a first box side wall (101), a second box side wall (100), a box back wall (10) and a box front wall (10) and wherein the container further comprises a lid (13), wherein the lid is hingedly connected to the box across a hinge line, and wherein the lid further comprises a lid top wall, a first lid side wall, a second lid side wall, a lid back wall and a lid front wall (132), and wherein the container comprises at least one wavy surface (104a) bounded by two undulating outlines (102a, 103a) wherein the at least one wavy surface is arranged between two adjacent walls of the lid or two adjacent walls of the box, such that the at least one wavy surface at least partially bridges the two adjacent walls.

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Convertible case with deployable ventilation panels for shipping and displaying food products

Номер: AU2015219245A1

A convertible case for shipping and displaying packages of a food product includes a body formed from a first blank of a cardboard material and a hood formed from a second blank of a cardboard material. The first blank is foldable into a six-sided rectangular body and filled, using automatic or manual production processes, into a shipping configuration assembly having a front with a partially open region and a removable portion with a glue area, a back having a partially open region and a removable portion having a glue region, a left side, a right side, a top having a left panel and a right panel that are each shaped to provide a logo area and defining a partially open region between the logo areas, and a bottom having one or more selectively removable vent panels.

10-05-2018 дата публикации

A transport box

Номер: AU2014270638B2
Принадлежит: Adams Pluck

A transport box (1,1',1'') is configured for being transformable into a lap tray, by comprising a compartment (2,2',2'') with an opening (17,17') opposite a bottom (7,7'), and a lid (3,3',3'') for the opening (17,17') extending from its circumferential edge. The bottom (7,7') has a rear wall edge (47,47') that is shorter than the front wall edge (49,49'), and a first lid part (8,8') is configured for being folded or pivoted away from the opening (17,17') in a transformed state of the transport box (1,1') to serve as a lap tray. The transport box (1,1') is made of blanks (34,34',102) consisting of interconnectable panels. The transport box (1,1',1'') can be stacked in the three-dimensional configuration or in a flat configuration. The transport box (1,1',1'') is particular suited for being accommodated between the legs of a seated user.

13-10-2016 дата публикации

A base of a Produce box

Номер: AU2016101669A4
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

H: \zi\Interwoven\NRPortbl\DCC\MZI 1259163_1docx-19/09/2016 A base of a produce box for storing produce, including: a series of side wall sections coupled together to form a parallelogram; a bottom end section coupled to the wall 5 sections; pairs of face vents located in spaced apart lateral section of different ones of said side wall sections; and pairs of score vents located centrally on respective top and bottom scores of each side wall section of a first opposed pair of said side wall sections. 54b 36a 18 36a 46a 54c 34a 22 10 54d 54a 35a 36a 32a 34a 20d 35b 20c 32b 35b 36b I 32b 324b 34 |35b '4b36b 30a 26a2a 14d 4a' 3a28a 14c 30a 24a 24b 42a 12 30a 26a28 24a 2a26b 30 24b 24a 30b Finnra- Ah ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Snack food container

Номер: AU2015296567A1
Принадлежит: Allens Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

A snack food container having a square base, side walls substantially consisting of four right triangular panels and two isosceles triangular panels, and a flat, two dimensional end seal. The container is opened by use of a tear feature just below the end seal. The container is of paperboard construction with a barrier lining.

04-02-2010 дата публикации

Improvements in manufacturing containers

Номер: AU2009277248A1

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AU2014343462A1

A container, in particular a urine bottle (10) formed from maceratable sheet material comprises an enclosing wall and an aperture (58). The container is expandable from a first, collapsed configuration into a second, expanded configuration. The sheet material has a plurality of fold lines which define one or more recesses (60, 62) in the enclosing wall of the container in the expanded configuration. In the collapsed condition, the container comprises a lower sheet and an upper sheet lying below a sheet, the upper and lower sheets being sealed together along their lateral edges (34, 36) and along a first, end edge (38) between a first, lower end of the lateral edges (34, 36). The lateral edges (34, 36) taper towards each other and the aperture (58) extends between the second, opposite ends of the lateral edges.

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Paper cup, a blank for a paper cup, and use of a paper cup

Номер: AU2017204056A1
Автор: LI ALAN, LI, Alan
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

According to an example aspect of the present invention, there is provided a paper cup comprising: a base; a sidewall; said base and said sidewall together defining a space for receiving liquid or food; an upper end portion of the cup comprising a first and second pair of opposing closure panels, whereby each panel is attached to an upper edge of the sidewall via a respective first folding line and to adjacent panels via respective second folding lines. Said panels are foldable into a closed position to form a lid of the cup. Each panel of said first pair contains two additional folding lines to enable folding inwards. Upon folding to the closed position, a first panel of said second pair is partly inserted below a second panel of said second pair, and the panels of said second pair close the upper end portion. (fig. 2) '-4 (9L I~u '-o '-4L -o L( -1 f-u r-1 LO) r-I r-1 LO) r-1 ...

03-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002956089A

09-10-2000 дата публикации

Packaging assembly

Номер: AU0003918500A

05-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005189190A

22-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002437938A1

The invention relates to cut sheets (100) and cigarette packets produced therefrom with rounded or chamfered edges, whereby the rounded or chamfered edges are produced by means of scored lines (180) in the cut sheet material.

07-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002785456C

A carrier for holding a plurality of containers. The carrier comprises a plurality of panels that extend at least partially around an interior of the carrier. The plurality of panels comprises at least one bottom panel, a front panel, a back panel, and at least two side panels. The interior of the carrier is divided into a front portion and a back portion. The carrier comprises a reinforced handle comprising a handle panel, a handle reinforcement panel at least partially overlapping the handle panel, and a handle reinforcement flap at least partially in face-to-face contact with the handle reinforcement panel.

18-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002785456A1

A carrier for holding a plurality of containers. The carrier comprises a plurality of panels that extend at least partially around an interior of the carrier. The plurality of panels comprises at least one bottom panel, a front panel, a back panel, and at least two side panels. The interior of the carrier is divided into a front portion and a back portion. The carrier comprises a reinforced handle comprising a handle panel, a handle reinforcement panel at least partially overlapping the handle panel, and a handle reinforcement flap at least partially in face-to-face contact with the handle reinforcement panel.

14-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002776963A1

The disclosure relates to a method and apparatus for manufacturing a package with a rigid or semi-rigid container and a polymeric or plastic header with a reclosure, such as a zipper. The rigid or semi-rigid container is typically provided in a stack of flat containers. The header is sealed, glued or otherwise secured to the containers. The container, typically inverted, is filled, and the bottom is formed by folding and sealing the bottom portion of the container.

03-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001309697C

FLIP TOP SEALED CARTON A rectangular box carton according to the present invention has generally rectangular front, bottom, back, cover and closure panels. The front, bottom, back, cover and closure panels are consecutively joined at parallel fold lines and the closure panel is overlapped on and connected to said front panel to form a tube of generally rectangular cross section. Left and right endwalls close the ends of the tube. Each endwall has a first endwall flap attached to the bottom panel and covering substantially the entire tube cross section to form the innermost layer of each endwall; a second endwall flap attached to the cover panel and overlying the first endwall flap, said second endwall flap overlapping only an upper portion of the first endwall flap; a third endwall flap attached to the rear panel and overlying a portion of the first and second endwall flaps, the third endwall flap covering only the rear portion of said first and second endwall flaps and having a glue shield ...

17-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1146513A

... 12,669 WIDE-FOLDING HINGE of the Invention A wide-folding, linearly-hinged assembly of sheet members secured to each other in areas other than in the vicinity of the hinge is disclosed comprising: an inner sheet member having at least one ply and a female linear score on the inner side thereof; and an outer sheet member having at least one ply and at least four linear female scores arranged in pairs on opposed sides of said member, each of said outer scores bridging its paired inner score and said opposed pairs bridging said score of said inner sheet member. SPECIFICATION ...

09-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1151614A

A packing laminate which is intended to be converted into packing containers is often provided with crease lines in order to facilitate folding and shaping. At the places where crease lines cross each other a multiple folding of the laminate takes place on conversion into packing containers which, among other things, means that small cracks are formed in the different material layers, so that the tightness of the packing container is put into jeopardy. In accordance with the invention, a packing laminate is proposed in which these difficulties are overcome in that the laminate is provided with specially designed auxiliary crease lines which in the region of the laminate, where the folding lines cross each other or meet, replace the (main) crease line guiding the folding line. The auxiliary crease lines are situated at such a distance from the main crease line that the folding line is not affected, that is to say, the folding line will after folding not coincide in any part with the auxiliary ...

29-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1055317A

PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR FORMING FLEXIBLE FOLD LINES IN THERMOPLASTIC SHEETS An edge forming tool is pressed into a thermoplastic sheet which is supported on an anvil or counter tool. The edge forming tool is maintained at a temperature below the melting temperature of the thermoplastic sheet and a high frequency electric field is established between the edge forming tool and the counter tool. The high frequency electric field softens the thermoplastic sheet which is deformed by the edge forming tool. Thereafter, the softened and deformed portions of the thermoplastic sheet are allowed to cool and re-harden before the sheet is folded to form a bend therein.

08-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002620214A1

An octagonal bulk bin (10) has sidewalls, end walls and diagonal corner panels interposed between adjacent sidewalls and end walls. Bottom flaps (21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30) are foldably joined to a bottom edge of the sidewalls, end walls, and diagonal corner panels, and gusset panels (40, 41) connect adjacent side edges of the bottom flaps, facilitating set up of the bulk bin and spacing flap cuts (42) from the corners of the bin to minimize or eliminate initiation of tears in the vertical corners of the bin. A plastic pallet tray (100) has an upstanding lip around its periphery, shaped and sized to closely receive the bottom end of the octagonal bin to reinforce the bottom end and facilitate handling of the bin.

29-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001234545A1

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003098276A1

The present invention is a paper container with a stopper that allows a liquid substance to be smoothly extracted from a container body while reducing the amount of the liquid substance left in the container body. The paper container comprises: a container body 9 configured with a square columnar body section 6, a bottom section 7, and a flat top section 8; and a stopper 10 disposed on the top section 8. The stopper 10 is disposed at a position close to a first top corner part 11(A) of the top section 8. The body section 6 has, at a first body corner part 12(A), a first recessed part 16 formed by being enclosed by two recess-forming crease parts 14, 15 which extend toward the bottom section 7 while diverging from a start point S and converging at an end point E located at some position before reaching a first bottom corner part 13(A), said start point S being the first top corner part 11(A) or a position slightly separated from the first top corner part 11(A).

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3106243A1

A container for holding a food product. The container can comprise a base layer and a liner at least partially attached to an inner surface of the base layer, a flange comprising a central panel of the base layer, an opening extending in the central panel, and a sidewall comprising at least a panel foldably connected to the central panel along the opening.

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003093778A1
Принадлежит: MACRAE & CO.

A carton for holding at least one article includes a plurality of panels that extends at least partially around an interior of the carton. The plurality of panels includes a bottom panel, a front panel, a back panel, at least one side panel, and a top panel. The carton further includes a tray formed from the bottom panel, the front panel, the back panel, and the at least one side panel, and the tray is for at least partially receiving the at least one article. The carton further includes a lid formed from the at least one top panel, the lid includes at least one article engaging feature for engaging the at least one article.

01-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003010089A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

22-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3081863A1

A cut-case with enhanced display of product information includes a product container having a front wall forming a surface area facing a viewing direction when on a store shelf. A lid at least partially receives the product container to close an open top to make the cut-case suitable and the products contained for shipment therein. A display panel is hingedly connected to the front wall for pivoting movements between a retracted position during shipment and storage substantially co-extensive with one of the product container walls and an extended position substantially co-planar with the front wall and extending below the bottom wall when placed on a store shelf to at least partially cover the shelf on which the product container is placed. The front wall retains products within the container and product information is provided on the display panel over a surface area greater than the surface area of the front wall.

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003059896A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

The technology disclosed herein includes a storage apparatus comprising an inner sleeve, including a first tab including memory-inducing laminated material, a second tab including memory-inducing laminated material, and an inner sleeve storage compartment; and an outer sleeve encompassing the inner sleeve when the storage apparatus is locked, and including a first aperture for receiving the first tab in a first locking mechanism, and a second aperture for receiving the second tab in a second locking mechanism.

09-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003013722A1

A cooler includes panels defining a storage area; corner panels; top panels forming a lid; a first handle panel connected to a first top panel and having a slot formed therein; a second handle panel connected to a second top panel and having a slot formed therein; and a first tab panel connected to a corner panel and having a tab defining a recess, the tab being configured to extend through the slot of the first handle panel and through the slot of the second handle panel for locking the handle panels and top panels in a fully closed, carry configuration of the cooler. A portion of the first and second handle panels are received within the recess defined by the tab. The second handle panel can be unlocked and storage area accessed while holding cooler with the first handle panel.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002997686A1

A carton for holding at least one article. The carton has a front panel and a back panel that at least partially form an interior of the carton. A first end flap is foldably connected to one of the front panel and the back panel and a second end flap is foldably connected to one of the front panel and the back panel. Locking features are for releasably securing the end flaps in a closed configuration with the first end flap and the second end flap in face-to-face contact. The locking features comprise a male locking feature foldably connected to at least one of the first end flap and the second end flap, and a female locking feature adjacent at least one of the first end flap and the second end flap.

23-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003021851A1

A first and second blank of corrugated paperboard scored to define wall panels that receive a reinforced wall panel assembly having a central pad with opposing vertical members and opposing horizontal members and a pair of U-shaped channels each attached in overlying relation with the pad, the vertical members, and a respective horizontal member to secure the wall panel assembly together. A method of making a bulk materials container is disclosed.

11-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3038400C

A quick lift assembling storage box includes a folding box 1 in a flat half- folded state, and a traction support board 2 disposed at the top of the folding box 1. After a user lifts the traction support board 2 to drive and change the folding box 1 in the flat half-folded state into a three-dimensional state with an accommodation space, and then the user can press and superimpose the traction support board 2 onto the bottom and the inner sides of the folding box 1 to reinforce the strength of the folding box 1.

12-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003064388A1

A container includes a tray portion configured for holding and displaying product. A cover portion is seated in the tray portion for forming an enclosure around product in the tray portion. The tray portion and the cover portion have the same length and breadth. An opening of the cover portion and/or an opening of the tray portion is slotted with open ended slots to allow at least a portion of the opening of the cover portion and/or a portion of the opening of the tray portion to be biased inward.

17-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002662085C

The disclosure relates to a method of preparing a web of flexible material for production of receptacles for packaging. The method comprises the steps of feeding a web of flexible material (30) past a succession of stations in which operations are carried out on the web including defining blanks for receptacles having walls and tabs by creating fold lines (34,35) in the web, and then laminating (41,42) a film of heat-sealable plastics materials (40) to a face of the web of the flexible material. The film of heat-sealable plastics provides a heat-sealable surface on the web for bonding tabs of each blank together to form seams between adjacent walls whereby the blanks, when severed from the web, can be erected to form receptacles having openings to receive items to be packaged.

14-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002629426A1

Various blanks are provided for forming sleeves, containers, and other constructs for heating, browning, and/or crisping of a food item in a microwave oven, and for holding and/or transporting the food item after heating. The various blanks, sleeves, containers, and other constructs include a removable portion defined by one or more lines of disruption that enable the removable portion to be separated from the remainder of the blank, sleeve, container, or other construct.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Collapsible corrugated beverage sleeve

Номер: US20120234846A1
Автор: Donn J. COSTANZO, JR.
Принадлежит: Thatbox Design LLC

A collapsible beverage sleeve includes a single sheet of material having a bottom section defining a bottom of the beverage sleeve when the blank is folded into a use configuration; and a plurality of side sections defining sides of the beverage sleeve when the blank is a use configuration. The plurality of side sections are defined by one or more first fold lines extending therebetween and comprise: a first end side section; a second end side section; a plurality of standard length side sections, an extended length side section subdivided by second fold lines into a side portion, a hinge portion, and a bottom attachment portion; and a shortened length side section integrally connected by way of a third fold line with the bottom section. The second fold lines extend generally parallel to each other and extending orthogonally to the first fold lines.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Self-sealing box for trash compactors

Номер: US20130026215A1
Принадлежит: MAG Aerospace Industries LLC

Embodiments of the present invention provide boxes that are particularly useful in connection with trash collection and trash compaction. The boxes are designed as having a single-piece board construction with a strength that can contain mixed types of trash, including solids and liquids, and to effectively contain the trash during the pressure of a compaction process without tearing, splitting and/or leaking They are also designed to use a waterproof coating for adhering seams, reducing the extra step and expense of using a glue or an adhesive to secure the box seams. The trash compaction boxes provided herein are particularly useful on aircraft and other passenger transport vehicles, where weight and performance are of primary concern.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Reinforced packing container

Номер: US20130126594A1
Автор: Wayne P. Gasior
Принадлежит: Georgia Pacific Consumer Products LP

A container has a plurality of panels integrally arranged with respect to a set of orthogonal x, y and z axes, the z-axis defining a direction line in which the container is configured to support a stacking load. The panels are folded to define a form having a plurality of folded edges oriented perpendicular to the z-axis. At least one of the plurality of folded edges has a cutout region having a planar edge oriented perpendicular to the z-axis. The plurality of panels includes a plurality of cut edges oriented and disposed inline with respective ones of the plurality of folded edges. At least one of the plurality of cut edges has a projection disposed contiguous and planar with a respective panel. The projection includes a planar edge oriented perpendicular to the z-axis, the planar edge being disposed within an adjacently disposed cutout region.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002023A1

Visibility packaging for energy storage elements includes a front wall spaced apart from a rear wall and provided with at least one viewing cutout and at least one web having a central apex region fixed to a contact region of the rear wall, wherein the web and the rear wall together form a K-shaped cross section in a closure position and the web closes a removal opening of a receiving space, and the rear wall has at least one perforation that delimits a contact region from a remainder of the rear wall and makes it possible to separate the contact region from the rear wall such that the web can be transferred by a folding operation into a removal position in which the apex region of the web is spaced apart from the rear wall and the web frees the removal opening of the receiving space. 1. Visibility packaging for energy storage elements comprising:a. at least one blank composed of a sheet material, with formation of a rear wall and a front wall of the visibility packaging,b. the front wall is spaced apart from the rear wall to form a receiving space for the energy storage elements,c. the front wall is provided with at least one viewing cutout,d. the front wall comprises at least one web,e. the web has a central apex region fixed to a contact region of the rear wall, wherein the web and the rear wall together form a K-shaped cross section in a closure position and the web closes a removal opening of the receiving space, andf. the rear wall has at least one perforation that delimits the contact region from a remainder of the rear wall and makes it possible to separate the contact region from the rear wall such that the web can be transferred by a folding operation into a removal position in which the apex region of the web is spaced apart from the rear wall and the web frees the removal opening of the receiving space.2. The visibility packaging according to claim 1 , wherein:a. the sheet material is cardboard.3. The visibility packaging according to claim 1 , whereina. ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001917A1

Disclosed is a paperboard tray that includes a bottom panel; a plurality of side panels, each side panel attached to an edge of the bottom panel; a plurality of outer panels, each outer panel attached to an outer edge of one of the side panels; and a plurality of corner gussets that connect a pair of adjacent side panels of the plurality of side panels. A first subset of the plurality of corner gussets is adhered to a first of the plurality of side panels and a first of the plurality of outer panels is adhered to the first subset of the plurality of corner gussets. A second subset of the plurality of corner gussets is adhered to a second of the plurality of side panels and a second of the plurality of outer panels is adhered to the second subset of the plurality of corner gussets. 1. A paperboard tray comprising:a bottom panel;a plurality of side panels, each side panel attached to an edge of the bottom panel;a plurality of outer panels, each outer panel attached to an outer edge of one of the side panels; anda plurality of corner gussets, each of the plurality of corner gussets connecting a pair of adjacent side panels of the plurality of side panels, wherein:a first subset of the plurality of corner gussets is adhered to a first of the plurality of side panels and a first of the plurality of outer panels is adhered to the first subset of the plurality of corner gussets;a second subset of the plurality of corner gussets is adhered to a second of the plurality of side panels and a second of the plurality of outer panels is adhered to the second subset of the plurality of corner gussets; andthe paperboard tray has a flat configuration and an erected configuration.2. The paperboard tray of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the erected configuration claim 1 , each of the plurality of corner gussets is folded about three fold lines.3. The paperboard tray of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the erected configuration claim 1 , each of the plurality of corner gussets is folded ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002021A1
Автор: McLeod Michael B.

A container includes a plurality of panels connected together to enclose an interior space. At least one tear away portion is defined in the plurality of panels. An insert is adhered to the at least one tear away portion for removal from the plurality of panels together with the at least one tear away portion to provide access to the interior space. The insert can extend from a first end of the interior space to an opposite end of the interior space as a load bearing member between two opposed panels of the plurality of panels. 1. A container comprising:a plurality of panels connected together to enclose an interior space, wherein at least one tear away portion is defined in the plurality of panels; andan insert adhered to the at least one tear away portion for removal from the plurality of panels together with the at least one tear away portion to provide access to the interior space;wherein the insert extends from a first end of the interior space to an opposite end of the interior space as a load bearing member between two opposed panels of the plurality of panels.2. (canceled)3. The container as recited in claim 1 , wherein the insert defines a load bearing path from the first end of the interior space to the second end of the interior space claim 1 , wherein the load bearing path is free of lines of weakness.4. The container as recited in claim 3 , wherein the insert includes corrugated paper material with corrugations aligned along a corrugation direction claim 3 , wherein the load bearing path extends in the corrugation direction.5. The container as recited in claim 1 , wherein the insert is positioned inside the interior space.6. The container as recited in claim 1 , wherein the insert forms at least part of an exterior cooperating with the plurality of panels to enclose the interior space.7. The container as recited in claim 1 , wherein the at least one tear away portion is defined in the plurality of panels by at least one respective line of weakness in ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001953A1
Автор: Chesworth Ian Neil

A wrap around container () for holding an electronic device () has a substantially rectangular panel () comprising a device receiving portion () at one end of the panel (), a fixing portion () at the opposite end of the panel (), and a wrap around portion () in between. A pair of flaps () extend from opposite sides of the device receiving portion () of the panel (), each side being on a respective longitudinal edge of the rectangular panel (). Each flap () is arranged to be folded into a closed position where the flap () is over at least a part of the device receiving portion () and an upper surface of a device () when placed on the device receiving portion (). The wrap around portion () is arranged to wrap at least over the flaps () in the closed position and the fixing portion () is arranged to be fixed to an outside of the container () after wrapping of the wrap around portion () to close the container (). Foam means () extend over at least part of the device receiving portion () and onto the surface of each flap () facing the device receiving portion () when in the closed position so as to form a foam barrier between a device () placed on the device receiving portion () and the device receiving portion () and the closed flaps (). The foam means () are attached to the device receiving portion () and the two flaps () and the foam means () is configured to be peelable away from the container () when the container () is open. 1. A wrap around container for holding an electronic device , the container comprising:a substantially rectangular panel including a device receiving portion at one end of the panel, a fixing portion at the opposite end of the panel, and a wrap around portion in between;a pair of flaps extending from opposite sides of the device receiving portion of the panel, each side being on a respective longitudinal edge of the rectangular panel, and each flap being arranged to be folded into a closed position where the flap is over at least a part of the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Triangular shipping container

Номер: US20170001749A1
Принадлежит: Art com Inc

Disclosure is directed to a preconfigured planar container template (“container template”) that can be assembled into a triangular shipping container (“container”). The container template is a substantially planar panel/flat sheet having a specified number of fold lines at specified positions in the planar panel, and which can be assembled into the container by folding at the fold lines. While not only assembling the container template into the container is very easy, making or manufacturing the container template is also very easy. The making or the manufacturing of the container template can include cutting a planar panel, e.g., made of some preferable material, into a container template of a specified shape and size and making a specified number of fold lines on the container template. The container template can be manufactured without using any securing products, such as glue and staple.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001750A1

A blank of sheet material for forming a container is provided. The blank of sheet material includes at least one major bottom panel, two opposing side panels, and two opposing end panels. Each end panel includes a plurality of fold lines that define two opposing side edges, a first minor end panel, a second minor end panel, and at least two reinforcement panels positioned between the two side edges. The at least two reinforcement panels are configured to move inwardly towards an interior cavity of the container forming a reinforcement structure when the container is formed. 1. A blank of sheet material for forming a container , said blank of sheet material comprising:at least one major bottom panel;two opposing side panels; andtwo opposing end panels, wherein each end panel comprises a plurality of fold lines that define two opposing side edges, a first minor end panel, a second minor end panel, and at least two reinforcement panels positioned between the two side edges, wherein the at least two reinforcement panels are configured to move inwardly towards an interior cavity of the container forming a reinforcement structure when the container is formed.2. The blank of sheet material in accordance with further comprising a first minor bottom flap and a second minor bottom flap extending from a bottom edge of a first of the two opposing end panels.3. The blank of sheet material in accordance with further comprising a third minor bottom flap and a fourth minor bottom flap extending from a bottom edge of a second of the two opposing end panels.4. The blank of sheet material in accordance with claim 2 , wherein an angled edge portion is defined in each of the first and second minor bottom flaps claim 2 , the angled edge portions extending from the bottom edge of the first opposing end panel and configured to form a notch sized to receive at least a portion of the reinforcement structure when the container is formed.5. The blank of sheet material in accordance with claim ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001752A1
Принадлежит: Rengo Co., Ltd.

A packing box has a bottom panel, end panels raised from first edges of the bottom panel, side panels arranged adjacently to the end panels, edge panels connected to side edges of the end panels via outer panel fold lines, fold-back panels arranged on inner side surfaces of the edge panels, inner panels arranged on inner side surfaces of the end panels, and reinforcing panels continuously formed with the fold-back panels via first fold lines and the inner panels via second fold lines. The reinforcing panel is formed in an inwardly projecting manner between the fold-back panel and the inner panel. Any of the first and second fold lines positioned on a side closer to the outer panel fold line than a projecting top portion is arranged away from the outer panel fold line by a distance. 1. A packing box comprising:a bottom panel;end panels raised from first edges of the bottom panel;side panels raised from second edges of the bottom panel extending in a direction which intersects with the first edges, the side panels arranged adjacently to the end panels;edge panels connected to side edges of the end panels via outer panel fold lines, and fixed to inner side surfaces of the side panels arranged adjacently to the edge panels;fold-back panels arranged on inner side surfaces of the edge panels;inner panels arranged on inner side surfaces of the end panels; andreinforcing panels continuously formed with the fold-back panels via first fold lines, and continuously formed with the inner panels via second fold lines, each reinforcing panel being formed in an inwardly projecting manner between the fold-back panel and the inner panel, wherein any of the first fold line and the second fold line positioned on a side closer to the outer panel fold line than a projecting top portion is arranged away from the outer panel fold line by a distance.2. The packing box according to claim 1 , wherein the inner panel is fixed to the end panel claim 1 ,wherein the first fold line positioned on ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002048A1
Автор: Shaffer Douglas

A package for a gravity feed rack display system that is shipped with product includes a plurality of panels connected together at fold lines configured for extending at least partially around an interior space. The plurality of panels includes a front panel, a back panel, a first side panel, a top panel, a second side panel and a bottom panel. The interior space is configured to receive at least one product. The package includes a first extension flap foldably connected to a first side of the front panel and a second extension flap foldably connected to a second side of the front panel. The plurality of panels and the first and second extension flaps define a first depth in a first position for shipping, and a second depth in a second position for display. 1. A package comprising:a plurality of panels connected together at fold lines configured for extending at least partially around an interior space, including a front panel, a back panel, a first side panel, a top panel, a second side panel and a bottom panel, wherein the interior space is configured to receive at least one product; anda first extension flap foldably connected to a first side of the front panel and a second extension flap foldably connected to a second side of the front panel, wherein the plurality of panels and the first and second extension flaps define a first depth in a first position for shipping, and a second depth in a second position for display.2. The package as recited in claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second extension flaps is configured to be collapsed toward the front panel in the first position for shipping and folded back toward the back panel in the second position.3. The package as recited in claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second extension flaps includes a respective first panel and a respective second panel claim 1 , wherein the second panel is foldably connected with respect to the first panel claim 1 , wherein a width of the first panel of the extension flap ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002059A1

The present invention relates to a collapsible virtual reality viewer. Aspects of the viewer include a body portion and a viewing portion, each having a plurality of panels abutting fold lines. The viewer may be folded along the fold lines to move from an expanded configuration to a collapsed configuration when it is not being used. In one aspect, the viewer includes a detachable panel that is removeably coupled to the viewer along a plurality of perforations. Promotional material may be printed on or attached to the detachable panel. In another embodiment, the body portion and the viewing portion are each formed of a unitary construction in which the panels of each portion are die cut from a single piece of material and folded along fold lines to form the body and viewing portions, which are then secured together at one or more locations. 1. A collapsible virtual reality viewer comprising: a first body wall;', 'a second body wall opposite the first body wall;', 'a first side wall joining the first body wall and the second body wall; and', 'a second side wall opposite the first side wall and joining the first body wall and the second body wall; and, 'a body portion, the body portion comprising an outer viewing panel having one or more viewing apertures for permitting viewing a virtual reality display device when received in the viewer,', 'an inner viewing panel having a display aperture for permitting viewing a virtual reality display device when received in the viewer,', 'a back panel, the back panel and the inner viewing panel forming a slot, and', 'an intermediate viewing panel that spaces apart the outer viewing panel and the slot,, 'a viewing portion coupled to the body portion, the viewing portion comprisingwherein the collapsible virtual reality viewer includes a plurality of fold lines and is configured to fold between a collapsed configuration and an expanded configuration,wherein, when in the expanded configuration, the slot is configured to hold a virtual ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002060A1
Принадлежит: Packaging Corporation of America

Wall panels for a corrugated paper board container have bulge control lines formed therein to control the bending of the wall panels as the container is loaded with contents, such as liquid containing contents. The bulge control lines are configured to control the bending of the wall panels to mitigate the possibility of undesirable spouting that makes the containers more difficult to store. 1. A container comprising corrugated paper board , the container comprising:first and second side wall panels opposed to one another, the container comprising a plurality of other wall panels other than the first and second side wall panels which other wall panels together with the first and second side wall panels are coupled together and form the walls of the container;a bottom or base portion coupled to the first and second side wall panels and to the other wall panels;the first and second side wall panels each comprise a panel body including a bottom edge, a top edge, a center between the bottom edge and the top edge, and first and second side edges; andwherein each panel body comprises a plurality of bulge control lines that extend from a first location at or adjacent to the bottom edge of the panel body to a second location at or adjacent to the top edge of the panel body, the bulge control lines subdividing the panel body into at least three subpanels, the bulge control lines extending from the first location to a second location adjacent to the to the top edge of the panel body, and wherein the bulge control lines are further apart at the first location than at a third location that is above the first location.2. A container according to wherein the bulge control lines of each panel body comprise first and second bulge control lines claim 1 , the first bulge control line comprising a first bulge control line section below the center of the panel body and the second bulge control line comprising a second bulge control line section below the center of the panel body claim ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002089A1

A container () for transporting and displaying strip pack products () generally includes a container housing () defining a housing interior for containing strip pack products (). The container housing has at least one flap () pivotable between a closed position at least partially enclosing the housing interior and an open position, wherein the strip pack product () is suspended from the at least one flap () in the open position. 1. A container for transporting and displaying strip pack products , the container comprising:a container housing defining a housing interior for containing strip pack products, said container housing including at least one flap pivotable between a closed position at least partially enclosing said housing interior and an open position; anda strip pack product suspended from said at least one flap in said open position.2. The container as defined in claim 1 , wherein said at least one flap is formed with an opening for suspending said strip pack product therefrom.3. The container as defined in claim 1 , wherein said container housing is formed with a mounting opening for mounting the container to a support.4. The container as defined in claim 1 , wherein said container housing is formed by folding a single blank of stock material.5. A method for displaying strip pack products comprising:storing a strip pack product within an interior of a container;transporting said container to a display location;opening a flap of said container to access said container interior;removing said strip pack product from said container interior;suspending said strip pack product from said open flap of said container; andmounting said container to a support at said display location.6. The method as defined in claim 5 , wherein said strip pack is suspended from an opening formed in said flap.7. The method as defined in claim 5 , wherein said strip pack product is releasably attached to said flap while stored within said container interior such that said strip pack ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Cardboard support element

Номер: US20220009671A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A support element for a cardboard container. A lid incorporating the support element. A consumer product incorporating the support element, the lid, and the container. A cardboard blank for forming the support element. Related methods.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180004001A1
Автор: Kent Barbara Ann

Embodiments of the present invention may provide a card style carrier that incorporates a prism that perforates out of a structure, such as a carrier card or a box. This may provide the capability by which electronically displayed content may be linked to physical products, while at the same time providing enhancement of the display. In an embodiment, a card may comprise a thin flat sheet of optically transparent material having a perforated portion, the perforated portion having an approximately pentagonal shape, but including four sides of the pentagon, the four sides divided by foldable creases, wherein the perforated portion is adapted to be removed from the thin flat sheet, folded along the foldable creases, and assembled to form a pyramidal prism. 1. A card , comprising:a thin flat sheet of optically transparent material having a perforated portion, the perforated portion having an approximately pentagonal shape, but including four sides of the pentagon, the four sides divided by foldable creases;wherein the perforated portion is adapted to be removed from the thin flat sheet, folded along the foldable creases, and assembled to form a pyramidal prism.2. The card of claim 1 , wherein a first end of the perforated portion comprises at least one tab claim 1 , a second end of the perforated portion comprises at least one slot corresponding to the at least one tab claim 1 , and the perforated portion is adapted to be assembled to form a pyramidal prism by inserting the at least one tab into the corresponding at least one slot.3. The card of claim 1 , wherein the thin flat sheet has a shape selected from a group of shapes comprising square claim 1 , rectangular claim 1 , circular claim 1 , oval claim 1 , and irregular.4. The card of claim 3 , further comprising a device adapted to attach the card to a neck of a bottle.5. The card of claim 4 , wherein the device adapted to attach the card to the neck of the bottle comprises a flat sheet having a hole.6. The card of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007867A1

A pet toy, in combination, including a containment structure having a longitudinal axis and cross section defining an interior volume. The containment structure, which is preferably collapsible, includes a plurality of containment openings along its longitudinal axis exposing the interior volume to a pet during use of the pet toy, and an electronic component in the form of a hollow shell having a shell opening configured therein. A motor having a rotatable shaft extends toward the opening. A power supply for powering the motor and optional microprocessor, the motor, microprocessor and power supply being supported within the interior of the hollow shell. An attractant is affixed to the rotatable shaft and extends through the shell opening, the microprocessor being programmed to control operation of the motor to cause the attractant to rotate intermittently, the electronic component and attractant being visible to a pet during use of the pet toy. 1. A pet toy , in combination , comprising:a containment structure having a longitudinal axis and cross section defining an interior volume, said containment structure comprising a plurality of containment openings along said longitudinal axis exposing said interior volume to a pet during use of said pet toy; andan electronic component comprising a hollow shell having a shell opening configured therein, a motor having a rotatable shaft extending toward said shell opening and a power supply for powering said motor, said motor and power supply being supported within the interior of said hollow shell, an attractant being affixed to said rotatable shaft and extending through said shell opening, said electronic component and said attractant being visible to a pet during use of the pet toy.2. The pet toy of wherein claim 1 , in use claim 1 , said attractant intermittently extends through said plurality of containment openings.3. The pet toy of further comprising a microprocessor claim 1 , said motor being powered by said power ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008659A1
Автор: Brewster Daniel Allen

The present invention is a collapsible holder for beverage containers (e.g., cans and bottles) that may present the containers in an appealing “bouquet” fashion while separately securing the containers within the beverage holder. The beverage containers may be placed substantially vertically in holes arranged in a hexagonal arrangement, similar to a vase for flowers with a base for support against tilting. The beverage holder may be made of cardboard with a plurality of fold lines, cut lines, and scored lines. 1. A beverage display and carrying apparatus , comprising:a base;a column inserted into the base; andan array of apertures supported within the column;wherein the array of apertures may support a plurality of beverage containers.2. The beverage display and carrying apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the column carries at least one beverage container within the column and below the array of apertures3. The beverage display and carrying apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the column comprises a hollow portion.4. The beverage display and carrying apparatus of claim 3 , wherein a divider is situated within the hollow portion of the column.5. A beverage display and carrying apparatus claim 3 , comprising:a base;a column inserted into the base; anda platform supported Within the column, the platform comprising an array of apertures;wherein the base is comprised of a precut sheet with nonparellel fold lines for folding the sheet such that the base constitutes a flat bottom for the apparatus and sides of the base of a polygonal section with the sides of the polygon widening downwards.6. The beverage display and carrying apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the base comprises a plurality of bottom tabs that are folded downward and inserted into bottom tab slots within the precut sheet to secure the bottom tabs under the beverage display and carrying apparatus.7. The beverage display and carrying apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the platform is comprised of a precut sheet with ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Foldable cup

Номер: US20170008660A1
Автор: Park Su-bok

The present invention relates to a foldable cup, includes a front side having at least one supporting axis, broken in a circumference direction of a cup, for vertically sustaining load; a back side having at least one supporting axis, connected with both side ends thereof to be faced with the front side and broken in the circumference direction of the cup, for vertically sustaining the load; and a foldable bottom surface having 6 variable structures connecting each of ends to lower ends of the front side and back side, wherein the bottom surface includes a foldable line for two dividing it to be folded between the front side and back side; a main axis, crossing the foldable line diagonally, bent toward the inside and outside, and for sustaining the load of the bottom; and a plurality of sustaining lines, disposed at both ends of the bottom surface, respectively, connected between two apexes meeting with the foldable line and another apexes adjacent to them wherein the main axis is connected to at least one of the sustaining lines of each apex meeting with the foldable line to disperse the load, thereby to maintain the original form of the cup more longer by easily dispersing load of the contents. 1. A foldable cup including a front side having at least one supporting axis , broken in a circumference direction of a cup , for vertically sustaining load; a back side having at least one supporting axis , connected with both side ends thereof to be faced with the front side and broken in the circumference direction of the cup , for vertically sustaining the load; and a foldable bottom surface having 6 variable structures connecting each of ends to lower ends of the front side and back side ,wherein the bottom surface includes a foldable line for two dividing it to be folded between the front side and back side;a main axis, crossing the foldable line diagonally, bent toward the inside and outside, and for sustaining the load of the bottom; anda plurality of sustaining ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Carrying handle

Номер: US20170008661A1
Автор: Matthew Flatley
Принадлежит: Individual

A carry handle ( 33 ) for carrying a pizza box or cake box or other boxed food product is made of inexpensive disposable paper or cardboard and comprises a pair of strap portions which generally are parallel to each other and in a side-by-side relationship and are joined to each other by a fold line ( 17 ). The strap portions can be twisted about the fold line ( 17 ) into a cross like configuration. A pizza box can then be placed on the cross like configuration. The strap portions are longer than the width of the pizza box and can therefore be lifted up and over the pizza box and connected together to form a reliable carry handle.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009439A1

A blank of sheet material for forming a container includes a bottom panel and two opposing side panels. Each side panel extends from a side edge of the bottom panel. The blank also includes two opposing end panel assemblies. Each end panel assembly extends from an end edge of the bottom panel and includes an outer end panel extending from the end edge, and an inner end panel extending from a top edge of the outer end panel. The blank further includes a plurality of reinforcing side panel assemblies. Each reinforcing side panel assembly extends from a side edge of one of the end panel assemblies. Each reinforcing side panel assembly includes a first reinforcing side panel extending from the inner end panel, and a second reinforcing side panel extending from the first reinforcing side panel and the outer end panel. 1. A blank of sheet material for forming a container , the blank comprising:a bottom panel;two opposing side panels, each side panel extending from a side edge of the bottom panel; an outer end panel extending from the end edge; and', 'an inner end panel extending from a top edge of the outer end panel; and, 'two opposing end panel assemblies, each end panel assembly extending from an end edge of the bottom panel, wherein each end panel assembly comprises a first reinforcing side panel extending from the inner end panel of the respective end panel assembly; and', 'a second reinforcing side panel extending from the first reinforcing side panel and the outer end panel of the respective end panel assembly., 'a plurality of reinforcing side panel assemblies, each reinforcing side panel assembly extending from a side edge of one of the end panel assemblies, wherein each reinforcing side panel assembly comprises2. The blank in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the end panel assemblies and the reinforcing side panel assemblies are configured to define at least a double wall thickness around a perimeter of the container when formed.3. The blank in accordance with ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Box with Two Product Compartments

Номер: US20160009440A1

A glued blank for producing a two compartment box. The blank comprises a bottom, a shelf, and a lid. The shelf has front and rear supports for supporting the shelf on the bottom of the blank. The shelf has side supports for supporting the shelf on the bottom of the blank. The lid has side walls, a front wall and a rear wall and the lid rear wall connects the lid to the bottom of the blank. The rear shelf support connects the shelf to the bottom of the blank. The blank is glued.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Convertible Package Assembly and Display System

Номер: US20160009441A1

A package assembly suitable for use in storing and shipping a plurality of product containers includes a shipping configuration and a display configuration. In the shipping configuration the package assembly is constructed from a single blank of packaging material and formed into a case into which a plurality of product containers are inserted. In the display configuration a top portion of the case is removed from a bottom portion of the case along one or more tear lines on the blank. 120.-. (canceled)21. A package assembly comprising: a case formed from a single piece of packaging material with a single tear line , the case having a shipping configuration and a display configuration;the case in the shipping configuration having a top portion and a bottom portion enclosing a space for product containers, the single piece of packaging material comprising at least twelve polygonal sections folded to form the case, three of the at least twelve polygonal sections divided by the tear line into six partial sections, the top portion of the case comprising six full sections and three of the six partial sections, and the bottom portion of the case comprising three full sections and the other three of the six partial sections;the case in the display configuration having a bottom portion for displaying product containers and a front panel portion, one of the six full sections forms the front panel portion of the case in the display configuration, wherein the case is convertible from the shipping configuration to the display configuration by separating the top portion from the bottom portion along the single tear line.22. The package assembly of claim 21 , the at least twelve polygonal sections being fifteen polygonal sections folded to form the case claim 21 , three of the fifteen polygonal sections divided by the single tear line into the six partial sections claim 21 , the top portion of the case comprising six full sections and three of the six partial sections claim 21 , ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024633A1
Автор: Tsao Chung-Piao

A dual-hanger beverage packaging box includes a box body, which has front and rear sides each including a closure lid that is provided with a fold line and a curved cut line formed in a middle of each fold line, such that each closure lid is formed, in an end portion thereof, with a handle portion that is erectable up and the closure lids are movable to close a top side of the box body and the handle portions are foldable along the fold lines to show an erected-up state, with the cut lines forming openings, the handle portions being positionable against and abutting each other to form a hand-carrying handle; and a plurality of receptacle elements, which are respectively arranged at a left side and a right side of the box body, such that each of the receptacle elements receives and holds a beverage container therein. 1. A dual-hanger beverage packaging box , comprising:a box body, the box body having a front side and a rear side each of which is provided with a closure lid, each of the closure lids being provided with a fold line, each of the fold lines being formed in a middle thereof with a cut line that is in a curved form, such that each of the closure lids is formed, in an end portion thereof, with a handle portion that is erectable up, wherein each of the closure lids is movable to close a top side of the box body and each of the handle portions is foldable along a respective one of the fold lines to show an erected-up state, and each of the cut lines forms an opening in such an erected-up state, and the handle portions of the closure lids are positionable against and abutting each other to form a hand-carrying handle; anda plurality of receptacle elements, which are respectively arranged at a left side and a right side of the box body, each of the receptacle elements being formed with a through hole, such that each of the receptacle elements receives and holds a beverage container inserted in the through hole.2. The dual-hanger beverage packaging box according ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024635A1
Автор: Chen Shifeng, Sollie Greg

A method for collapsing a collapsible box can include pressing inward on a first side panel and a second side panel of the collapsible box along a lateral hinge, the collapsible box defining the lateral hinge extending at least partially across a front panel, the first side panel, the second side panel, and a rear panel of the collapsible box; and pressing a top panel and a bottom panel of the collapsible box together until the collapsible box is substantially flattened, the top panel and the bottom panel being hingedly coupled to the rear panel. 1. A method for collapsing a collapsible box , the method comprising:pressing inward on a first side panel and a second side panel of the collapsible box along a lateral hinge, the collapsible box defining the lateral hinge extending at least partially across a front panel, the first side panel, the second side panel, and a rear panel of the collapsible box; andpressing a top panel and a bottom panel of the collapsible box together until the collapsible box is substantially flattened, the top panel and the bottom panel being hingedly coupled to the rear panel.2. The method of wherein pressing the top panel and the bottom panel of the collapsible box together until the collapsible box is substantially flattened comprises folding the first side panel substantially in half.3. The method of wherein pressing the top panel and the bottom panel of the collapsible box together until the collapsible box is substantially flattened comprises reconfiguring the rear panel from a substantially planar shape to a truncated pyramidal shape.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising opening the collapsible box.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein opening the collapsible box comprises:tearing a perforation between a lower flap portion of the front panel and a frame portion of the front panel; andfolding the lower flap portion away from the frame portion.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the lower flap portion is hingedly attached to a first ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009566A1
Автор: Muhammad Amanee
Принадлежит: Fully Focused, Inc.

A beverage container to enable the manufacture and packaging of two flavors of juice or other liquid drinks. At present, the preference and favorite flavor of an individual consumer is not accommodated unless two or more products are purchased. This invention provides a cardboard or plastic divider panel that is incorporated into any existing cartons that overcomes these limitations by enabling a carton to be divided into two flavors. Each side of the beverage container has a spout for separate pouring the contents of that particular side. 1. A carton for separately containing and independently dispensing two liquids , comprising:a substantially rectangular tubular carton having at least one sidewall and a bottom wall defining a cavity therein;an opening at a top end of the carton;a plurality of folds formed in the at least one sidewall configured, when folded, to produce a gabled closure at the opening; the gabled closure having a pair of inwardly inclined surface walls joined along a sealed ridge;a divider panel having a plurality of flanges, wherein the flanges are sealingly attached to an interior surface of the at least one sidewall, the bottom wall, and the gabled closure, the divider panel separating the cavity into a first cavity and a second cavity; anda first spout formed in a first inwardly inclined surface wall and a second spout formed in an opposite inwardly inclined surface wall, wherein the first spout is in fluid communication with the first cavity and the second spout is in fluid communication with the second cavity.2. The carton of claim 1 , wherein the divider panel extends between a first interior corner of the cavity and an opposite interior corner of the cavity.3. The carton of claim 1 , wherein the divider panel extends between a first interior sidewall surface and a second interior sidewall surface.4. The carton of claim 2 , wherein the first interior sidewall surface is opposite the second interior sidewall surface.5. The carton of claim 3 ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009946A1

A display ready container having an outer front wall panel and an inner front wall panel. The outer front wall panel has a display opening formed therein and a display edge defining at least a portion of the display opening. The inner front wall panel has a removable inner cover section disposed against the front wall panel to cover at least a portion of the display opening, and overlapping at least a portion of the display edge. An area of weakness is formed in the removable inner cover section that is configured to deform when pulled outwardly to decrease in at least one of the width and height dimensions in a desired manner to effect removal of the removable inner cover section. 1: A display ready container , comprising:multiple container side walls, said container side walls including an outer front wall panel, inner front wall panel, and first and second side wall panels adjacent to and on opposite sides of said outer front wall panel, said container side walls having an inner face facing an internal space of said container;a display opening formed in said outer front wall panel, said outer front wall panel having a display edge defining at least a portion of a boundary of said display opening;at least one bottom panel forming the container bottom;at least one top panel forming the container top;said inner front wall panel being disposed against the inner face of said outer front wall panel so as to cover said display opening and overlap at least a portion of said display edge, said inner front wall panel having an inner removable cover section and an inner remainder front wall section separable from one another along a separation line therebetween, andan area of weakness formed in said inner removable cover section configured to deform said inner removable cover section when pulled outwardly so as to decrease in at least one of said width and height dimensions in a desired manner to effect removal of said inner removable cover section from said container.2: A ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010233A1

The present disclosure relates to a storage container and, more particularly, to a foldable packaging system and methods of assembly. The foldable packaging system includes: a main body; a front flap section; and an intermediate body portion connecting to both the main body and the front flap section at a first fold line and a second fold line along upper and lower edges of the intermediate body portion, respectively, wherein the first fold line has a length “x”, the second fold line has a length “x′”, and x>x′. 1. A foldable packaging system , comprising:a main body which forms a back side and partially a front side of the foldable packaging system;a front flap section; andan intermediate body portion foldable over with the front flap section onto the front side of the foldable packaging system, the intermediate body portion connecting to both the main body and the front flap section at a first fold line and a second fold line along upper and lower edges of the intermediate body portion, respectively, wherein the first fold line has a length “x”, the second fold line has a length “x′”, and x>x′.2. The foldable packaging system of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate body portion includes a fold line between the first fold line and the second fold line claim 1 , the fold line and the first fold line having a same length and a space between the first fold line and the fold line of the intermediate body portion forms a bottom portion of the foldable packaging system.3. The foldable packaging system of claim 2 , wherein the intermediate body portion includes inwardly foldable flaps on opposing sides which claim 2 , in a folded state claim 2 , adhere to an inside surface of the intermediate body portion.4. The foldable packaging system of claim 2 , wherein the inwardly foldable flaps are foldable along a third fold line which claim 2 , in the folded state claim 2 , provide an exterior edge that will have a graphic scheme matching an exterior of the foldable packaging ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Convertible Package Assembly and Display System

Номер: US20200010234A1
Принадлежит: Delkor Systems, Inc.

A package assembly suitable for use in storing and shipping a plurality of product containers includes a shipping configuration and a display configuration. In the shipping configuration the package assembly is constructed from a single blank of packaging material and formed into a case into which a plurality of product containers are inserted. In the display configuration a top portion of the case is removed from a bottom portion of the case along one or more tear lines on the blank. 120.-. (canceled)21. A package assembly , comprising:a case formed of a single sheet of packaging material, the single sheet including three rows of panels, the three rows comprising first and second edge rows and a middle row disposed between the first and second edge rows, the panels being foldable at fold lines to form the case, wherein a front of the case includes a first end panel of the middle row extending fully between a top and a bottom and a first side and a second side of the case, wherein the second side of the case opposite the first side and a rear of the case include a tear line configured to separate the case into a top portion and a bottom portion, wherein the first end panel is included with the top portion.22. The package assembly of claim 21 , wherein the first end panel of the middle row defines an opening claim 21 , the opening being circular or rectangular in shape.23. The package assembly of claim 21 , wherein the first end panel of the middle row extends within the bottom portion of the case.24. The package assembly of claim 21 , wherein at least one of panels is pentagonal in shape.25. The package assembly of claim 21 , wherein the tear line extends fully across each of the three rows to divide the case into the cover portion and the display portion.26. A package assembly claim 21 , comprising:a case formed of a single sheet of packaging material, the single sheet including three rows of panels, the three rows comprising first and second edge rows and a middle ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010236A1

Example aspects of a storage box and a method for assembling a storage box are disclosed. The storage box can comprise a sidewall enclosure, the enclosure defining a top edge and an opposing bottom edge, a fastener extending from the bottom edge, and a tray, the fastener coupling the tray to the sidewall enclosure. 1. A storage box comprising:a sidewall enclosure, the enclosure defining a top edge and an opposing bottom edge, a fastener extending from the bottom edge; anda tray, the fastener coupling the tray to the sidewall enclosure.2. The storage box of claim 1 , wherein the tray abuts the bottom edge of the sidewall enclosure.3. The storage box of claim 1 , further comprising a second tray claim 1 , the second tray abutting the top edge of the sidewall enclosure.4. The storage box of claim 1 , the sidewall enclosure comprising four sidewalls claim 1 , the sidewall enclosure defining a rectangular cross-section.5. The storage box of claim 1 , wherein the fastener comprises a fastener tab and a crosspiece extending between the fastener tab and the sidewall enclosure.6. The storage box of claim 5 , the crosspiece defining a rectangular shape claim 5 , the fastener tab defining one of a triangular or trapezoidal shape.7. The storage box of claim 1 , the tray defining a first side and an opposing second side claim 1 , a first tray slot formed in the first side claim 1 , a second tray slot formed in the second side claim 1 , a first portion of the fastener received in the first tray slot claim 1 , a second portion of the fastener received in the second tray slot.8. The storage box of claim 7 , the second tray slot defining a slot edge claim 7 , the fastener defining a notch claim 7 , the slot edge engaging the notch.9. The storage box of claim 7 , the sidewall enclosure comprising a sidewall slot aligned with the second tray slot.10. The storage box of claim 1 , the fastener extending across the tray in a first direction.11. The storage box of claim 10 , the sidewall ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Microwave Heating Construct

Номер: US20200010258A1
Автор: Fitzwater Kelly R.

Various blanks are provided for forming sleeves, containers, and other constructs for heating, browning, and/or crisping of a food item in a microwave oven, and for holding and/or transporting the food item after heating. The various blanks, sleeves, containers, and other constructs may include a removable portion defined by one or more lines of disruption that enable the removable portion to be separated from the remainder of the blank, sleeve, container, or other construct. 1. A construct for heating a food product , the construct comprising:a plurality of panels forming an interior space of the construct, the plurality of panels comprise a first main panel, a first minor panel foldably connected to the first main panel at a first longitudinal fold line, a second minor panel foldably connected to the main panel at a second longitudinal fold line, a first major panel foldably connected to the first minor panel at a third longitudinal fold line, and a second major panel foldably connected to the second minor panel at a fourth longitudinal fold line, the first major panel and second major panel being overlapped to form a second main panel, at least one panel of the plurality of panels comprising a microwave energy interactive material;a plurality of end panels foldably connected to a respective panel of the plurality of panels for closing a first end of the construct, the plurality of end panels comprise a first end panel foldably connected to the first main panel, a first partial end panel foldably connected to the first major panel, and a second partial end panel foldably connected to the second major panel, the first partial end panel and the second partial end panel being overlapped to form a second end panel foldably connected to the second main panel,the first end panel comprises a female locking feature and the second end panel comprising a locking edge for being received in the female locking feature to close the first end of the construct.2. The construct of ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014306A1
Автор: Rousselet Guilhem
Принадлежит: SANOFI

The packaging comprises a cover () and a diptych (), to be arranged in the same way as a book. The packaging comprises a case () comprising a cover part () and a diptych part (), said cover part () forming said cover (), a first blister plate () and a second blister plate () and the diptych part () forming said diptych (); an intermediate panel () of said cover part () forming a back () of said cover () and an intermediate panel () of said diptych part () forming a back () of said diptych (), with a side () of said intermediate panel () of said cover part () that is linked by a bridge () to a side () of said intermediate panel () of said diptych part (). The blank is arranged to form the case (). 17101110111531641715163495676910121314121317111410. Packaging enclosing lozenge products () , comprising a cover () and a diptych () arranged in said cover () , said diptych () comprising a first flap () comprising a first blister plate () , a second flap () comprising a second blister plate () and a back () arranged between said first flap () and said second flap (); each said first blister plate () and second blister plate () comprising a film () and a base () having protuberances () , each said lozenge product () being arranged in a cavity of one said protuberance () closed by said film (); said cover () comprising a first flap () , a second flap () and a back () arranged between said first flap () and said second flap (); said back () of said diptych () being fixed to said back () of said cover () , by virtue of which said packaging is organized in the manner of a book;{'b': 2', '26', '27', '26', '3', '4', '27', '11', '30', '26', '14', '10', '51', '27', '17', '11', '43', '30', '26', '18', '65', '51', '27, 'said packaging being characterized in that it comprises a case () comprising a cover part () and a diptych part (), said cover part () forming said cover, said first blister plate () and second blister plate () and the diptych part () forming said diptych (); an ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

A Pack

Номер: US20160016723A1
Автор: Hodges Paul

A pack () is disclosed. The pack () comprises a front and a rear wall (), and side walls () extending therebetween. At least one side wall ()comprises at least three layers. 1. A pack comprising a front and a rear wall , and side walls extending therebetween , wherein at least one side wall comprises at least three layers.2. The pack according to claim 1 , wherein the layers of the side wall are formed from a single sheet of material.3. The pack according to claim 2 , wherein the sheet of material includes fold lines to enable the sheet to be folded about said fold lines to form said layers.4. The pack according to claim 1 , comprising a body that includes a side body panel that overlaps with a secondary side body panel claim 1 , wherein the pack further comprises a reinforcement body panel being positionable so that it overlaps its corresponding side body panel and secondary body panel to form a multi-layered side wall.5. The pack according to claim 4 , wherein the side body panel extends from the front wall and the secondary side body panel extends from the rear wall claim 4 , and the reinforcement body panel extends from the side body panel and/or the secondary side body panel.6. The pack according to claim 1 , comprising a lid that includes a side lid panel that overlaps with a secondary side lid panel claim 1 , wherein the pack further comprises a reinforcement lid panel being positionable so that it overlaps its corresponding side lid panel and secondary lid panel to form a multi-layered side wall.7. The pack according to claim 6 , wherein the side lid panel extends from the front wall and the secondary side lid panel extends from the rear wall claim 6 , and the reinforcement lid panel extends from the side lid panel and/or the secondary side lid panel.8. The pack according to claim 4 , wherein the reinforcement body panel is folded about a fold line in a direction such that it is located between the side body panel and the secondary body panel.9. The pack ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016724A1

A packing box () for electric home appliances is disclosed. The packing box () includes a box body () configured to surround a perimeter of one side surface of an electric home appliance () and a portion of other surfaces adjoining the one side surface, wherein a region of the box body () surrounding at least one of upper and lower portions of the electric home appliance () is provided with an openable folding structure (). Accordingly, in the packing process using a packing box (), packing may be completed through only two operations of fitting the packing box () onto both side surfaces of an electric home appliance. Therefore, the packing process may be simplified, and production time and labor may be reduced. 1. A packing box for electric home appliances comprising:a box body configured to surround a perimeter of one side surface of an electric home appliance and a portion of other surfaces adjoining the one side surface,wherein a portion of the box body surrounding at least one of upper and lower portions of the electric home appliance is provided with an openable folding structure,wherein the box body is provided with a first folding line and a first cutting line, the first folding line being arranged at a position on the box body facing an upper portion of one side surface of the electric home appliance and the first cutting line extending from the first folding line and being provided to another surface of the box body adjoining the first folding line.2. The packing box according to claim 1 , wherein the box body is provided with a second folding line and a second cutting line claim 1 , the second folding line being arranged at a position on the box body facing a lower portion of the one side surface of the electric home appliance and the second cutting line extending from the second folding line and being provided to another surface of the box body adjoining the second folding line.3. The packing box according to claim 1 , further comprising an opening ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016053A1

Packaging container having a chamber wherein the chamber comprises a plurality of corresponding products () sized such that a number of such products essentially completely fills the chamber, the packaging comprising at least one removable portion () dimensioned such that the at least one removable portion () can be removed from the packaging, rearranged to adopt an expanded form and placed within the chamber, having the effect of reducing the volume of the chamber available for the products () by n times the volume of a contained product (), where n is an integer, whilst retaining the feature that a number of such products () essentially completely fills the chamber. 1. Packaging container having a chamber wherein the chamber comprises a plurality of corresponding products sized such that a number of such products essentially completely fills the chamber , the packaging comprising at least one removable portion dimensioned such that the at least one removable portion can be removed from the packaging , rearranged to adopt an expanded form and placed within the chamber , having the effect of reducing the volume of the chamber available for the products by n times the volume of a contained product , where n is an integer , whilst retaining the feature that a number of such products essentially completely fills the chamber.2. Packaging according to claim 1 , wherein each removable portion reduces the available volume by from 1 to 30 products claim 1 , more preferably from 1 to 14 products claim 1 , most preferably from 2 to 6 products3. Packaging according to claim 1 , wherein the chamber is cuboid.4. Packaging according to claim 1 , wherein the products are cuboid.5. Packaging according to wherein the removal of the removable portion does not alter the available volume of the chamber.6. Packaging according to claim 1 , wherein the removable portions form at least part of one side of the packaging claim 1 , preferably a top face of the packaging.7. Packaging according ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Reclosable Carton

Номер: US20180016054A1
Автор: Waddington Paul

A carton for holding at least one article includes a plurality of panels and a plurality of end flaps. The plurality of panels at least partially defines an interior space of the carton, and includes a first side panel and a second side panel foldably connected to the first side panel. At least a portion of the first side panel and at least a portion of the second side panel are reconfigurable between an open position allowing access to the interior space and a closed position wherein the access to the interior space is restricted. The plurality of end flaps is respectively foldably connected to respective panels of the plurality of panels and form a closed end portion of the carton. The closed end portion is removable from the carton to allow access to the interior space. 1. A carton for holding at least one article , comprising:a plurality of panels at least partially defining an interior space of the carton, the plurality of panels comprising a first side panel and a second side panel foldably connected to the first side panel, at least a portion of the first side panel and at least a portion of the second side panel are reconfigurable between an open position allowing access to the interior space and a closed position wherein the access to the interior space is restricted; anda plurality of end flaps respectively foldably connected to respective panels of the plurality of panels and forming a closed end portion of the carton, the closed end portion is removable from the carton to allow access to the interior space.2. The carton of claim 1 , wherein in the open position the at least a portion of the first side panel and the at least a portion of the second side panel protrude outwardly from a centerline of the interior space and are generally concave relative to the centerline of the interior space.3. The carton of claim 2 , wherein in the closed position the at least a portion of the first side panel and the at least a portion of the second side panel are curved ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016499A1

A cardboard container includes a removable top tear panel that when removed enables picking of items from the container and a removable front tear panel that when removed enables picking of items from the container. Either or both the top tear panel and the front tear panel may be removed. The front panel includes an un-removable, U-shaped lip for inhibiting items from accidental removal from the container. 1. A container for shipping and then stowing and picking items , the container having a cuboid structure and comprising:a removable top tear panel that when removed enables picking of items from the container;a removable front tear panel that when removed enables picking of items from the container, the front panel including an un-removable, U-shaped lip for inhibiting items from accidental removal from the container;wherein in a shipping configuration the container is an enclosed carton and in a picking configuration (i) containers may be stacked such that a top container in the stack has the top tear panel and front tear panel removed and such that lower containers in the stack have only the front tear panel removed, or (ii) containers may be placed on a shelf where either or both of the front tear panel and rear tear panel is removed.2. A container for shipping and then stowing and picking items , the container having a cuboid structure and comprising:a base wall, a top wall opposite the base wall, a front wall, and a rear wall opposite the front wall, an upstanding left sidewall, and an opposing upstanding right sidewall, the sidewalls (i) spanning vertically between edges of the base wall and the top wall and (ii) spanning horizontally between edges of the front wall and the rear wall;the front wall including a front tear panel and a lip below the tear panel; the front tear panel bounded by side perforations, lower perforations that join the front tear panel to the lip, and upper perforations;the top wall including a top tear panel bounded by side ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017255A1
Автор: BUSCEMA Craig W.

A container formed from a blank and a method for constructing the container are described. The container includes a bottom wall, two end walls, each end wall including at least an end panel extending from an end edge of the bottom wall, and two side walls. The container further includes an upper reinforcing assembly at least partially extending from each end panel, and a side reinforcing assembly extending from opposing side edges of each end panel. 1. A method for forming a container from a blank , the blank including a bottom panel , two opposing end panels each extending from an end edge of the bottom panel , two opposing side panels each extending from a side edge of the bottom panel , an upper reinforcing assembly at least partially extending from each end panel , and a side reinforcing assembly extending from opposing side edge of each end panel , the method comprising:rotating each end panel inwardly into a substantially perpendicular relationship with the bottom panel;rotating each side panel into a substantially perpendicular relationship with the bottom panel;rotating the side reinforcing assembly into a substantially perpendicular relationship with one of the two end panels;rotating the upper reinforcing assembly into a substantially perpendicular relationship with one of the two end panels;securing the side reinforcing assembly and the upper reinforcing assembly to at least one of the two side panels to form the container.2. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the side reinforcing assembly further includes an outer reinforcing panel and an inner reinforcing panel claim 1 , said method further comprising rotating the inner reinforcing panel toward an interior surface of the outer reinforcing panel claim 1 , said rotating aligning the inner reinforcing panel and the outer reinforcing panel in a substantially face-to-face relationship.3. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the side reinforcing assembly further includes a reinforcing ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023798A1

A blank for forming a tray for shipping and displaying at least one product is provided. The blank includes a bottom panel, a pair of opposed side panels connected to the bottom panel, and at least one divider panel assembly connected to the bottom panel and one of the side panels. The at least one divider panel assembly includes a plurality of support slots configured to receive a portion of at least one of the containers to secure the container to the tray, to display the containers within the tray, and to enable individual access to each of the containers within the tray. 130-. (canceled)31. A blank for forming a tray , the blank comprising:a front end panel connected to, and at least partially removable from, a front bottom end panel along a bottom edge of the front end panel;a pair of opposing side panels connected to the front end panel along opposing side edges of the front end panel; anda first bottom side panel connected to a first side panel of the pair of side panels along a bottom edge of the first side panel, wherein the first bottom side panel includes a first plurality of slots for supporting products within the formed tray.32. The blank of claim 31 , further comprising a front top end panel connected to the front end panel along a top edge of the front end panel claim 31 , wherein the front top end panel is removable with at least a portion of the front end panel.33. The blank of claim 31 , further comprising an access gap extending from the bottom edge of the front end panel into the front bottom end panel claim 31 , the access gap enabling access to facilitate removal of at least a portion of the front end panel.34. The blank of claim 31 , further comprising a first top side panel connected to the first side panel along a top edge of the first side panel claim 31 , wherein the first top side panel is removable with at least a portion of the front end panel.35. The blank of claim 34 , further comprising a second top side panel connected to a second ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021959A1

A sheet packaging material includes fold lines along which the sheet packaging material is foldable to form a sealed package containing a pourable food product. The packaging material comprises at least one base layer that imparts stiffness, at least one lamination layer applied to and covering the base layer; and a removable portion which, in use, is partly detachable from a remainder of the sheet packaging material and foldable at a folding zone to free a pour opening by which to pour the food product from the package. The removable portion comprises at least one aperture formed at least in the base layer and covered by a cover material, and the removable portion is crossed by one of the fold lines defining in use an edge between two walls of the package. 1. A sheet packaging material having a number of fold lines along which the sheet packaging material is foldable to form a sealed package containing a pourable food product , the sheet packaging material comprising:at least one base layer that imparts stiffness;at least one lamination layer applied to and covering the base layer;a removable portion which, in use, is partly detachable from a remainder of the sheet packaging material and foldable at a folding zone to free a pour opening by which to pour the food product from the package;the removable portion comprising at least one aperture formed at least in the base layer and covered by a cover material; andthe removable portion being crossed by one of the fold lines defining in use an edge between two walls of the package.2. A packaging material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the one fold line crossing the removable portion separates two portions of the packaging material eventually defining angled walls claim 1 , of the package.3. A packaging material as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the fold lines are configured to create claim 2 , when being folded into a package claim 2 , an angle between the angled walls at the area of the removable portion of between 100 ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021961A1
Принадлежит: Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC

A convertible case for shipping and displaying packages of a food product includes a body formed from a first blank of a cardboard material and a hood formed from a second blank of a cardboard material. The first blank is foldable into a six-sided rectangular body and filled, using automatic or manual production processes, into a shipping configuration assembly having a front with a partially open region and a removable portion with a glue area, a back having a partially open region and a removable portion having a glue region, a left side, a right side, a top having a left panel and a right panel that are each shaped to provide a logo area and defining a partially open region between the logo areas, and a bottom having one or more selectively removable vent panels. 1. A convertible case for shipping and displaying a food product , the convertible case comprising: a front portion and a back portion each having a partially open region and a removable portion, wherein each removable portion includes a fastening area;', 'a left side;', 'a right side;', 'a top portion having a left panel that includes a first logo area and a right panel that includes a second logo area, the first and second logo areas defining a partially open region; and', 'a bottom portion having a removable bridge panel defined by two substantially parallel perforated lines, wherein a first removable vent panel is composed adjacent to a left side of the bridge panel and a second removable vent panel is composed adjacent to a right side of the bridge panel, and wherein each removable vent panel includes a push-in tab or a vent configured to increase airflow within the case for cooling the food product; and, 'a body comprisingan inverted U-shaped cover comprising a top panel defined by two parallel hinge lines, a front panel, and a back panel, the front panel and the back panel each having a push-in tab;wherein the cover is configured to fit over and attach to the body to provide a first configuration ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022499A1

The present invention provides a carton () made of paperboard having flaps (), the carton () comprising, at least one score () along a crease line () of at least one flap (), wherein the score () is 25% to 85% of thickness of the paperboard and 5% to 70% of length of the crease line (). The invention also provides a method of securing flaps () of the carton (). 1100101105100. A carton () made of paperboard , having flaps ( , ) , the carton () comprising ,{'b': 102', '103', '101', '105, 'at least one score () along a crease line () of at least one flap (, ),'}{'b': 102', '104', '103, 'wherein the score () is 25% to 85% of thickness () of the paperboard and 5% to 70% of length of the crease line ().'}2102104. A carton as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the score () is 30% to 70% of the thickness () of the paperboard.3102104. A carton as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the score () is 50% to 60% of the thickness () of the paperboard.4102103. A carton as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the score () is 20% to 65% of the length of the crease line ().5102103. A carton as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the score () is 40% to 60% of the length of the crease line ().6102103101105. A carton as claimed claim 1 , wherein the score () is at the crease line () of each flap ( claim 1 , ).7100. A blank for making the carton () as claimed in .8101105100. A method of securing flaps ( claim 1 , ) of a carton () made of paperboard claim 1 , the method comprising claim 1 ,{'b': 102', '103', '101', '105, 'making at least one score () along a crease line () of at least one flap (, ),'}{'b': 102', '104', '103, 'wherein the score () is 25% to 85% of thickness () of the paperboard, and is 5% to 70% of length of the crease line ().'}9. A method as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the score is 30% to 70% of the thickness of the paperboard.10104. A method as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the score is 50% to 60% of the thickness () of the paperboard.11103. A method as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the score is 20 ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022501A1

A carton () for packaging one or more articles (A) includes a plurality of panels () for forming a tubular structure. The plurality of panels include a top panel () and a pair of first and second opposed side panels () hingedly connected to first and second opposite sides of the top panel respectively. The first and second side panels include first and second corner edges (C C) respectively which are free of hinged connection to any other part of the carton. The first and second corner edges extend from the first and second sides of the top panel respectively. The carton includes a first severance line () extending from the first corner and a second severance line () extending from the second corner edge. 1. A carton for packaging one or more articles , the carton comprising a plurality of panels for forming a tubular structure , the plurality of panels comprising a top panel and a pair of first and second opposed side panels hingedly connected to first and second opposite sides of the top panel respectively , the first and second side panels having first and second corner edges respectively which are free of hinged connection to any other part of the carton , the first and second corner edges extending from the first and second sides of the top panel respectively , wherein the carton comprises a first severance line extending from the first corner and a second severance line extending from the second corner edge and the top panel comprises a third severance line extending between the first and second severance lines.2. A carton according to claim 1 , wherein the first severance line extends into the first side panel from the first corner edge to the first side of the top panel claim 1 , the second side panel comprises a second severance line extending into the second side panel from the second corner edge to the second side of the top panel.3. A carton according to claim 1 , wherein the first severance line extends from the first corner edge along a hinged ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022503A1
Автор: Waddington Paul

A carton for holding at least one article includes a dispenser that includes a dispenser feature and at least two first panels extending at least partially around an interior of the dispenser. The carton also includes a sleeve including at least two second panels extending at least partially around an interior of the sleeve. The interior of the sleeve at least partially receives the dispenser, and the dispenser is in slidable engagement with the sleeve and is moveable between a first position in which the dispenser feature is inaccessible and a second position in which the dispenser feature is accessible. 1. A carton for holding at least one article , comprising:a dispenser comprising at least two first panels extending at least partially around an interior of the dispenser, the dispenser comprising a dispenser feature; anda sleeve comprising at least two second panels extending at least partially around an interior of the sleeve, the interior of the sleeve at least partially receiving the dispenser, the dispenser is in slidable engagement with the sleeve and is moveable between a first position in which the dispenser feature is inaccessible and a second position in which the dispenser feature is accessible.2. The carton of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the first position of the dispenser claim 1 , the dispenser feature is covered by the sleeve.3. The carton of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the second position of the dispenser claim 2 , the dispenser feature is positioned outside of the sleeve.4. The carton of claim 1 , wherein the dispenser feature comprises a dispenser opening.5. The carton of claim 4 , wherein the dispenser feature comprises a dispenser tab adjacent the dispenser opening and removably connected to a respective panel of the at least two first panels.6. The carton of claim 5 , wherein the dispenser opening is expandable upon removal of the dispenser tab.7. The carton of claim 4 , wherein at least one panel of the at least two second panels ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023452A1

The present invention relates to a composite container which has a bottom film layer and a top film layer at least partially adhered on its lower surface to the upper surface of the bottom film layer. The top film layer is scored to form at least one resealable flap and at least one pull tab continuous with the resealable flap, wherein the resealable flap is resealably adhered to the bottom film layer and the pull tab is not adhered to the bottom film layer. The bottom film layer comprises at least one cavity opening. A cardboard layer is adhered on its lower surface to the upper surface of the top film layer, wherein the cardboard layer has at least one cavity opening which is substantially aligned with the scoring of the top film layer resealable flap and the cardboard layer is perforated to form at least one pull tab which is substantially aligned with and adhered, on its underside, to the upper surface of the top film layer pull tab. 1. A resealable container comprising a container body having at least four sidewalls , a top wall , and a bottom wall , wherein at least one of the walls has a composite structure which comprises:a bottom film layer; the top film layer is scored to form at least one resealable flap and at least one pull tab continuous with the resealable flap, wherein the resealable flap is resealably adhered to the bottom film layer and the pull tab is not adhered to the bottom film layer; and', 'the bottom film layer comprises at least one cavity opening;, 'a top film layer at least partially adhered on its lower surface to the upper surface of the bottom film layer, wherein the cardboard layer has at least one cavity opening which is substantially aligned with the scoring of the top film layer resealable flap; and', 'the cardboard layer is perforated to form at least one pull tab which is substantially aligned with and adhered, on its underside, to the upper surface of the top film layer pull tab., 'a cardboard layer adhered on its lower surface ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023472A1
Автор: SCHOLVIN William

A packaging structure for at least one article includes a pair of generally rectangular support structures with front, side, rear, and interior walls. The walls divide the rectangular support structure into a plurality of triangular sections. The front and interior walls contain a least one opening configured to correspond with the configuration of the article to hold and secure the article in place. The packaging structure is created from a rectangular blank made of foldable material that has a plurality of spaced vertical fold lines, panels, and aligned openings each configured to correspond with the configuration of the article. The packaging structure is formed by folding the blank along the fold lines and securing the blank in the folded condition. The blanks are formed first within computer aided design software by determining the dimensions and profile of a packaging structure, forming openings for an article in a packaging structure, unfolding the packaging structure within the design software into a flat pattern to form a master blank, and using the master blank to create cutting dies for forming additional blanks. 17-. (canceled)8. A method for forming a blank for forming packaging structure from foldable material for at least one article , comprising the steps of:a. determining the dimensions and profile of a packaging structure in accordance with the dimensions and profile of the article and the desired distance between the article and an inner surface of an outer shipping container or box;b. forming openings in said foldable material that correspond in configuration with the shape of the article;c. unfolding said packaging structure to form at least one master blank of foldable material as an industry standard flat pattern; andd. creating cutting dies for manufacturing additional blanks corresponding to said master blank.10. A method for developing cutting dies as defined in claim 8 , wherein the article has rotational symmetry and said opening forming ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024028A1

A self-contained continuous PDQ package system is provided for shipment and display of products. The PDQ package includes four adjacent sections of preferably corrugated material each with an inner facing and an outer facing surface, with a cut out within the bottom flap panel. Within the cut out, there is a section where an adhesive is placed adhering the inner facing portion of body panel and the inner facing of a section of bottom of the outer panel flap and adjacent mid-section panel. The self-contained continuous PDQ package system also provides an erectable reinforced shoulder to facilitate display of products in a stack of cartons. 1. A carton having a plurality of sidewall sections , a bottom defining an interior compartment , and a top opening , the carton comprising:a shouldered section having an outer sidewall and a shoulder tab extending from the outer sidewall along a top fold line; anda shoulder fold line defined in the shoulder tab in a spaced apart relation from the top fold line; wherein when the shoulder tab is folded inwardly along the top fold line and the shoulder fold line to extend into the interior compartment, a top shoulder surface is interposed between the outer sidewall and the shoulder tab.2. The carton of claim 1 , further comprising:a bottom tab extending from the outer sidewall along a bottom fold line, the bottom tab configured to form at least a portion of the bottom of the carton when folded along the bottom fold line; anda folding recessed truss interconnecting a lower end of the outer sidewall and the bottom tab, wherein the folding recessed truss forms a truss structure between the outer sidewall and the shoulder tab when the bottom tab is folded.3. The carton of claim 2 , further comprising:a vertical truss kick in attached to the bottom tab along a lower truss fold line that is offset from the bottom fold line by a distance corresponding to a width of the top shoulder surface.4. The carton of claim 3 , further comprising:a ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Container with attached shelf

Номер: US20210024242A1
Автор: Pinocchio Z. Cline
Принадлежит: WestRock Shared Services LLC

The opposed shelf flaps provide load bearing support to the main shelf panel and the main shelf panel is sufficiently rigid to support the weight of an upper product placed in the upper interior space in a manner such that an air gap is maintained between the top of a lower product placed into the lower interior space and the shelf itself so as to avoid unwanted contact between the two products.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024247A1

A box comprising: a first pair of opposing side panels; a second pair of opposing side panels connecting the first pair of side panels; a pair of top panels, each top panel joined to one of the side panels of the first pair of opposing side panels; and a handle assembly, the handle assembly comprising: a handle portion, the handle portion attached to one of the pair of top panels, the handle portion comprising a tab at a side end of the handle portion, and a locking panel, the locking panel attached to one of the side panels of the second pair of side panels, the locking panel defining a cut pattern, the cut pattern defining a space therewithin; wherein the space within the cut pattern is configured to receive the tab; and wherein the handle portion is configured to fold from an upright configuration to a folded-down configuration. 1. A box comprising:a first pair of opposing side panels;a second pair of opposing side panels connecting the first pair of side panels;a pair of top panels, each top panel joined to one of the side panels of the first pair of opposing side panels; and a handle portion, the handle portion attached to one of the pair of top panels, the handle portion comprising a tab at a side end of the handle portion, and', 'a locking panel, the locking panel attached to one of the side panels of the second pair of side panels, the locking panel defining a cut pattern, the cut pattern defining a space therewithin;', 'wherein the space within the cut pattern is configured to receive the tab of the handle portion; and', 'wherein the handle portion is configured to fold from an upright configuration to a folded-down configuration., 'a handle assembly, the handle assembly comprising2. The box of claim 1 , wherein the handle portion further comprises a middle portion claim 1 , and a notch between the tab and the middle portion.3. The box of claim 2 , wherein the cut pattern defines a top edge and a corner cut connected to the top edge of the cut pattern claim ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Carton With Dispenser

Номер: US20170029162A1
Автор: Kearns Matthew R.

A carton for holding at least one article. The carton comprises a plurality of panels comprising a bottom panel, a front panel, a back panel, and a top panel and a plurality of end flaps for closing an end of the carton. A dispenser comprises a dispenser panel pivotably connected to at least one panel of the plurality of panels. The dispenser panel comprises a front portion comprising at least a portion of the front panel and as swing arm foldably connected to the front portion and comprising at least a portion of at least one end flap of the plurality of end flaps. The dispenser panel is moveable between a closed position and an open position allowing access to the interior of the carton. The dispenser comprises locking features for engaging the front panel and locking the dispenser panel in the open position 1. A carton for holding at least one article , the carton comprising:a plurality of panels that extends at least partially around an interior of the carton, the plurality of panels comprising a bottom panel, a front panel foldably connected to the bottom panel, a back panel foldably connected to the bottom panel, and a top panel foldably connected to at least one of the front panel and the back panel;a plurality of end flaps each respectively foldably connected to a respective panel of the plurality of panels, the plurality of end flaps being for closing an end of the carton;a dispenser comprising a dispenser panel that is pivotably connected to at least one panel of the plurality of panels, the dispenser panel being at least partially defined by a dispenser tear line and comprising a front portion comprising at least a portion of the front panel and a swing arm foldably connected to the front portion and comprising at least a portion of at least one end flap of the plurality of end flaps, the dispenser panel being moveable between a closed position and an open position allowing access to the interior of the carton;the dispenser comprises locking features for ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Snack Food Container

Номер: US20160031588A1
Принадлежит: Frito Lay North America Inc

A snack food container having a square base, side walls substantially consisting of four right triangular panels and two isosceles triangular panels, and a flat, two dimensional end seal. The container is opened by use of a tear feature just below the end seal. The container is of paperboard construction with a barrier lining.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031590A1

A display carton is disclosed, which includes a tray portion, the tray portion including a back panel, a bottom panel, a front panel, an inside front panel, a right back gusset panel, a left back gusset panel, a right side wall panel, a left side wall panel, a right front gusset panel, and a left front gusset panel; a display portion, the display portion including an extension panel, a display panel, and a top panel, the top panel foldably connected along a fold line to the back panel of the tray portion; and a removable front panel portion foldably connected along a fold line to the inside front panel. 1. A display carton comprising:a tray portion, the tray portion including a back panel, a bottom panel, a front panel, an inside front panel, a right back gusset panel, a left back gusset panel, a right side wall panel, a left side wall panel, a right front gusset panel, and a left front gusset panel;a display portion, the display portion including an extension panel, a display panel, and a top panel, the top panel foldably connected along a fold line to the back panel of the tray portion; anda removable front panel portion foldably connected along a fold line to the inside front panel.2. The carton of claim 1 , comprising:a front closure panel foldably connected along a fold line to the removable front panel.3. The carton of claim 1 , comprising:a tray configured to be received in the tray portion of the display carton, and wherein the tray is configured to hold one or more rows of a retail product.4. The carton of claim 1 , comprising:a retail product, which is received in the tray portion of the display carton.5. The carton of claim 4 , wherein the retail product is a plurality of cylindrical cans or canisters claim 4 , each of the plurality of cylindrical cans containing a moist smokeless tobacco product.6. The carton of claim 1 , wherein a height of the back panel is greater than a height of the front panel.7. The carton of claim 1 , wherein each of the right ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029747A1
Автор: Karp Jeff, Purkey Todd

A shipping container convertible into a display container. The shipping container includes a case generally defining a plurality of sides, the case being divisible along tear lines into a display portion and a tear portion. The display portion defines at least one of the plurality of sides, and the tear portion at least partially defines at least two of the plurality of sides. A tear support piece is couplable to the tear portion and adapted to be couplable to the at least two of the plurality of sides. The tear support piece is adapted to add rigidity to the tear portion to facilitate divisibility of the tear portion and the display portion. The display portion is convertible into the display container by removal of the tear portion and the tear support piece. 1. A shipping container convertible to a display container , the shipping container comprising:a case generally defining a plurality of sides, the case being divisible along tear lines into a display portion and a tear portion, wherein the display portion defines at least one of the plurality of sides, wherein the tear portion at least partially defines at least two of the plurality of sides, and wherein the at least two of the plurality of sides of the tear portion are adjacent; anda tear support piece couplable to the tear portion and adapted to be couplable to the at least two of the plurality of sides that are adjacent, wherein the tear support piece includes a fold line defining no more than two sections, each section couplable to one of the at least two of the plurality of sides;wherein the tear portion is configured to provide a first layer of material and the tear support piece is configured to provide a second layer of material increasing a thickness of the shipping container to add rigidity to the tear portion for facilitating divisibility of the tear portion and the display portion, the thickness defined between an interior of the shipping container and an exterior of the shipping container;wherein ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029768A1
Автор: Blin Patrick

A carton for packaging one or more articles, the carton including a first side panel () and a first base panel () hingedly connected by a fold line (). The carton includes at least one article retention structure (L) for engaging a lower portion of an article (A). The at least one article retention structure including at least a first tab () struck from, and hingedly connected to, the first side panel and/or the first base panel. The at least a first tab includes an upper portion (), a lower portion () and a central portion (). The central portion hingedly interconnects the upper and lower portions and is defined by a pair of fold lines (). The fold lines of the pair are divergently arranged with respect to each other. 1. A carton for packaging one or more articles , the carton comprising a first side panel and first base panel hingedly connected by a fold line , the carton comprising at least one article retention structure for engaging a lower portion of an article , the article retention structure comprising at least a first tab struck from , and hingedly connected to , the first side panel and/or the first base panel , wherein the at least a first tab comprises an upper portion , a lower portion and a central portion , the central portion hingedly interconnecting the upper and lower portions and being defined by a pair of fold lines , the fold lines of the pair being divergently arranged with respect to each other and wherein one of said fold lines of the pair is arranged such that the lower portion of the at least a first tab is foldable to form an acute angle with respect to the upper portion when the first base panel is folded to form an acute angle with respect to first side panel.2. A carton according to wherein said one of said fold lines of the pair is less foldable than the other of said fold lines of the pair.3. A carton according to either of wherein the at least one article retention structure comprises a first article retention structure and a second ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029775A1

A packaging structure for at least one article includes a pair of generally rectangular support structures with front, side, rear, and interior walls. The walls divide the rectangular support structure into a plurality of triangular sections. The front and interior walls contain a least one opening configured to correspond with the configuration of the article to hold and secure the article in place. The packaging structure is created from a rectangular blank made of foldable material that has a plurality of spaced vertical fold lines, panels, and aligned openings each configured to correspond with the configuration of the article. The packaging structure is formed by folding the blank along the fold lines and securing the blank in the folded condition. The blanks are formed first within computer aided design software by determining the dimensions and profile of a packaging structure, forming openings for an article in a packaging structure, unfolding the packaging structure within the design software into a flat pattern to form a master blank, and using the master blank to create cutting dies for forming additional blanks. 1. A packaging structure for at least one article , comprising a pair of generally rectangular support structures each including a front wall , a pair of side walls connected with said front wall , a rear wall connected with said side walls and interior walls connected with opposite edges of said side and rear walls to divide said rectangular support structure into a plurality of triangular sections , said front and interior walls containing a least one opening to define at least one three-dimensional compartment configured to correspond with the configuration of the article , whereby when the article is placed within said compartments of said support structures and said support structures are aligned with said front walls in contiguous relation , the article is retained within said support structures.2. A packaging structure as defined in claim ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048668A1
Автор: McLeod Michael B.

A container includes a plurality of panels connected together to enclose an interior space. At least one tear away portion is defined in the plurality of panels. An insert is adhered to the at least one tear away portion for removal from the plurality of panels together with the at least one tear away portion to provide access to the interior space. The insert can extend from a first end of the interior space to an opposite end of the interior space as a load bearing member between two opposed panels of the plurality of panels. 1. A method of converting a container for retail comprising:removing an insert from a container to display product within the container, wherein removing the insert includes removing at least a tear away portion of a plurality of panels from the plurality of panels of the container, wherein the insert and tear away portion are adhered together for removal as one piece.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein prior to removing claim 1 , the insert extends from a first end of the interior space to an opposite end of the interior space as a load bearing member between two opposed panels of the plurality of panels.3. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the at least one tear away portion includes:a first tear away portion defined in a first side panel of the plurality of panels; anda second tear away portion defined in a second side panel of the plurality of panels opposite the first side panel, wherein the insert is adhered to the first and second tear away portions.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the insert includes:a main insert panel;a first side flap connected to the main insert panel along a first fold line; anda second side flap connected to the main insert panel along a second fold line opposite the first fold line.5. The method as recited in claim 4 , wherein the insert includes a top flap connected to the main insert panel along a top fold line extending in a direction from the first fold line to the second fold ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Sheet packaging material for producing sealed packages of pourable food products

Номер: US20200031518A1
Принадлежит: Tetra Laval Holdings and Finance SA

A sheet packaging material ( 200 ) for producing a sealed package ( 100 ) of a pourable food product is disclosed. The packaging material ( 200 ) comprises at least one base layer ( 230 ) for imparting stiffness to the sheet packaging material ( 200 ), at least one lamination layer ( 234, 238, 242, 246 ) applied to and covering said base layer ( 230 ), and a partially laminated opening zone ( 204, 234 ). The opening zone ( 204, 234 ) comprises a laminated cutting area ( 220, 224 ) having at least three longitudinal portions ( 220 ) extending between the centre and the periphery of the opening zone ( 204, 234 ), and at least three removable portions ( 212 ) adjacent to the laminated cutting area ( 220, 224 ), each removable portion ( 212 ) being located between two longitudinal portions ( 220 ) and having a folding zone ( 216 ) adjacent to the periphery of the opening zone ( 204, 234 ). In use the removable portions ( 212 ) are partly detached from the packaging material ( 200 ) by penetration of the laminated cutting area ( 220, 224 ) prior to being folded at the folding zone ( 216 ) to form an opening in the packaging material ( 200 ) for pouring a food product from the package ( 100 ). A sealed package ( 100 ) formed by folding and sealing the sheet packaging material is also disclosed.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Carrier for Containers

Номер: US20200031548A1
Автор: Smalley Brian

A carrier for holding a plurality of containers includes a plurality of panels at least partially extending around an interior space of the carrier, at least one curved corner, and at least one curved divider flap. The plurality of panels includes a front panel, a back panel, at least one side panel, and at least one bottom panel. The at least one curved divider flap extends from the at least one central panel to one of the front panel and the back panel in the interior space of the carrier. 1. A carrier for holding a plurality of containers , comprising:a plurality of panels at least partially extending around an interior space of the carrier, the plurality of panels includes a front panel, a back panel, at least one side panel, and at least one bottom panel;at least one curved corner; andat least one curved divider flap extending from the at least one central panel to one of the front panel and the back panel in the interior space of the carrier.2. The carrier of claim 1 , wherein the at least one curved divider flap defines a radius of curvature.3. The carrier of claim 2 , wherein the radius of curvature is approximately half of a radial length of the at least one curved divider flap.4. The carrier of claim 1 , wherein the at least one curved divider flap at least partially defines a plurality of container-receiving spaces for receiving respective containers of the plurality of containers.5. The carrier of claim 4 , wherein the at least one curved divider flap is for contouring a portion of one or more containers of the plurality of containers.6. The carrier of claim 4 , wherein the at least one curved divider flap is a first curved divider flap claim 4 , and the at least one curved divider flap further comprises a second curved divider flap extending from the at least one central panel to the one of the front panel and the back panel.7. The carrier of claim 4 , wherein the at least one central panel is a front central panel claim 4 , the at least one curved ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Material storage and transport system

Номер: US20200031551A1
Принадлежит: Material Technologies Corp

A material storage and transport system is disclosed. The material storage and transport system can include a material storage tray forming a storage volume defined by a bottom and walls extending up from the bottom along a perimeter of the bottom. The material storage and transport system can also include a releasable strap adapted to extend across the bottom when in a securing configuration and a sample carrier, including at least one sample secured to a sample support substrate by a molded sheet. The material storage and transport system can include a hinged lid that is integrally connected to a wall of the material storage tray, and configured to convert between a folded-in position, an opened position, and a closed position.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031970A1

The invention is directed to straight, consistent body scores on plastic corrugated boxes and a process for making the body scores. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for forming a fold line between side wall panels of a plastic corrugated blank for forming a box comprising:providing a sheet of plastic corrugated material having a first outer layer, a second outer layer and a plurality of flutes extending between the first outer layer and the second outer layer;forming a first welded portion proximate a first end of a side wall portion of the blank; and,forming a first segment of a first fold line in the first welded portion.22. The method of further comprising:forming a second segment of the first fold line in a middle portion of the side wall portion of the blank aligned with the first segment.23. The method of further comprising:forming a second welded portion proximate a second end of the side wall portion of the blank.24. The method of further comprising:forming a third segment of the first fold line in the second welded portion aligned with the first segment and the second segment.25. The method of wherein the step of forming a first welded portion proximate a first end of a side wall portion of the blank comprises forming the first segment to have a first width.26. The method of wherein the step of forming a second segment of the first fold line in a middle portion of the side wall portion of the blank aligned with the first segment comprises forming the second segment to have a width greater than the width of the first segment.27. The method of wherein the steps of forming a first welded portion proximate a first end of a side wall portion of the blank claim 26 , and forming a second segment of the first fold line in a middle portion of the side wall portion of the blank aligned with the first segment comprise:using a scoring rule having a first segment having a first width and a second segment having a second width greater than the first width.28. The method of ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031972A1
Автор: Houghton Adam R.

The invention is a food box container and a method for operating same, the food box container comprises an open top box body pivotally connected to double-hinged top, the open top box body further defining a hollow interior configured to receive and hold food; the double-hinged top has a first hinge and second hinge that have a spaced-apart and parallel orientation to one another, the first hinge pivotally sections the double-hinged lid into a support panel and a top lid, the second hinge pivotally connects the support panel to the open top box body; the support panel further defines one or more removable caps which when opened from the support panel reveal support apertures to receive other containers of drinks, condiments and the like; and the top lid controls a second access to the hollow interior that is smaller than an access as provided by the double-hinged top. 1. A food box container comprising:(A) an open top box body pivotally connected to a double-hinged top, the open top box body further defining a hollow interior configured to receive and hold food;(B) the open top box body further comprises a set of sides linked together and connected to a bottom sheet;(C) the double-hinged top has a first hinge and second hinge that have a spaced-apart and parallel orientation to one another, the first hinge pivotally sections the double-hinged lid into a support panel and a top lid, the second hinge pivotally connects the support panel to the open top box body;(D) the support panel is further configured to support one or more other containers;wherein top lid pivots open from the open top box body to define a first access to the hollow interior while alternatively, the double-hinged top pivots open from the open top box body to define a second and larger access to the hollow interior.2. The food box container of wherein the food box container is further formed from a single precut and pre-folded sheet of cardboard claim 1 , a plurality of folds of the single precut ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039560A1
Автор: Sharp Tyler

A foldable box template includes first, second, third, fourth, and fifth segments. Each of the segments has a length, a width, and one or more flaps. The first segment is positioned at a first end of the template and the fifth segment is positioned at a second, opposing end of the template. The first and third segments are each divided into two subsections by an intermediate crease. The intermediate creases facilitate folding of the foldable box template during the creation of a manufacturer's joint. 1. A foldable template for forming a box , comprising:a first primary segment disposed at a first end of the template, the first primary segment having a length, a width, one or more flaps, and a first intermediate crease that divides the first primary segment into first and second subsections along the length of the first primary segment;a second primary segment having a length, a width, and one or more flaps;a third primary segment having a length, a width, one or more flaps, and a second intermediate crease that divides the third primary segment into third and fourth subsections along the length of the third primary segment;a fourth primary segment having a length, a width, and one or more flaps; anda fifth primary segment disposed at a second end of the template opposite to the first segment, the fifth segment having a length and a width.2. The foldable template of claim 1 , wherein all of the primary segments are aligned along their respective lengths and have substantially the equal widths.3. The foldable template of claim 1 , wherein each primary segment has a center section claim 1 , a top flap claim 1 , and a bottom flap claim 1 , wherein the top and bottom flaps extend from opposing sides of the center sections.4. The foldable template of claim 1 , wherein at least one of:the second primary segment is disposed between the first primary segment and the third primary segment;the third primary segment is disposed between the second primary segment and the fourth ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036849A1

A blank for forming an inner packaging container of a pack for consumer goods including an outer packaging container and the inner packaging container. The inner packaging container includes a dispensing opening with a resealable closure, a front panel, a back panel, a top panel, a bottom panel, and opposing side panels; each side panel having an inner panel and an outer panel, the inner panel having a first width defining a width of the inner packaging container, and the outer panel including at least a portion having a second width defining flanges having a width greater than the first width. The inner packaging container is insertable within the outer packaging container such that the flanges extending from the back panel of the inner packaging container exert a biasing force on the hinged lid of the outer packaging container to assure lid closure is maintained. 18-. (canceled)9. A pack for consumer goods comprising: a generally rectangular lower box portion of paperboard with an upper hinged lid portion of paperboard hingedly connected thereto for movement between opened and closed positions;', 'wherein said upper hinged lid portion includes a lid back panel, a lid front panel, and a lid top panel; and', 'an inner box comprising:', 'a generally rectangular inner box of paperboard having a dispensing opening with a resealable closure, the dispensing opening defined by free edges of the paperboard;', 'wherein the rectangular inner box includes a front panel, a back panel, a top panel, a bottom panel, and opposing side panels;', 'wherein each said side panel includes an inner panel and an outer panel,', 'wherein said inner box is insertable within said outer box such that the dispensing opening is accessible when the upper hinged lid portion is in the opened position., 'an outer box comprising10. The pack according to claim 9 , wherein each said outer panel includes a flange extending rearwardly of said rectangular inner box.11. The pack according to claim 10 , ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055791A1

A pallet container having eight side walls, a bottom piece, two leg flaps that are used to automatically deploy the container from a flat, collapsed position, and a series of inside folds and outside folds. The pallet container is constructed from one or more blanks made of cardboard. The blanks used to make the pallet container may have different configurations. The pallet container has an open and a closed position and can be converted from one position to the other by a single person without the need of special tools or equipment. A cardboard blank for making the pallet container is also disclosed. 1. A pallet container comprising:(a) eight side walls, wherein said side walls are joined to one another;(b) a first leg flap;(c) a first inside fold and a second inside fold, wherein said first inside fold is joined between said first leg flap and a first outside fold and said second inside fold is joined between said first leg flap and a second outside fold;(d) a second leg flap;(e) a third inside fold and a fourth inside fold, wherein said third inside fold is joined between said second leg flap and a third outside fold and said fourth inside fold is joined between said second leg flap and a fourth outside fold; and(f) a first bottom flap joined to a second bottom flap to form a bottom piece, wherein said first bottom flap has a first notch in its free end creating a first locking tab and said second bottom flap has a second notch in its free end creating a second locking tab, wherein said first notch and said first locking tab are interlocked with said second notch and said second locking tab.2. The pallet container of claim 1 , wherein there is a first opening in the first bottom flap and a second opening in the second bottom flap claim 1 , wherein said first opening is capable of receiving a free end of said first leg flap and said second opening is capable of receiving a free end of said second leg flap.3. The pallet container of further comprising a locking ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Container With At Least One Compartment

Номер: US20200039680A1
Автор: Jackson Kate, Nowak Lee

A container for holding one or more articles includes a plurality of panels for extending at least partially around an interior of the container. The plurality of panels includes a front panel, a back panel, at least one side panel, a bottom panel, and a divider panel separably connected to a panel of the plurality of panels. The divider panel is pivotable relative to the panel of the plurality of panels to define a compartment in the interior of the container. 1. A container for holding one or more articles , comprising:a plurality of panels extending at least partially around an interior of the container, the plurality of panels comprising a front panel, a back panel, at least one side panel, a bottom panel, and a divider panel separably connected to a panel of the plurality of panels,the divider panel is pivotable relative to the panel of the plurality of panels to define a compartment in the interior of the container.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the divider panel is repositionable between a first position claim 1 , in which the divider panel is in at least partial face-to-face contact with the panel of the plurality of panels claim 1 , and a second position claim 1 , in which the divider panel is spaced apart from the panel of the plurality of panels.3. The container of claim 2 , wherein the panel of the plurality of panels is the front panel.4. The container of claim 1 , wherein the divider panel has a planar configuration in the second position.5. The container of claim 2 , wherein the divider panel is a first divider panel claim 2 , the panel of the plurality of panels is the front panel claim 2 , and the compartment is a first compartment at a first end of the container claim 2 , and the container further comprises a second divider panel separably connected to the back panel and pivotable relative to the back panel to define a second compartment in the interior of the container at a second end of the container.6. The container of claim 1 , wherein ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039682A1
Автор: Zeiler George

A foldable clamshell container is provided. The container may include a tray portion and a cover portion. The tray portion may include a front panel, rear panel, and side panels. The side panels may include triangular fold flaps on each end that are secured end flaps connected to the front and rear panels. The rear panel may have a height greater than the front and side panels and the cover portion may be foldably connected to an upper edge of the rear panel. The cover panel may include a cover panel, a front panel, and cover side panels with a triangular fold flap. The rear end flaps of the tray portion and the cover side panels may each include a curved edge portion. The container may be configured to transition between a folded-flattened configuration and an unfolded configuration by folding the triangular fold flaps of the tray and cover portions. 1. A container comprising: a bottom panel;', 'a front panel extending from a front edge of said bottom panel;', 'a rear panel extending from a rear edge of said bottom panel opposite said front edge, said rear panel having a rear panel height;', 'a tray side panel extending from a tray side edge of said bottom panel and positioned between said front and rear panels, said tray side panel have a tray side panel height;', 'a rear end flap extending from an end edge of said rear panel, said rear end flap folded relative to said rear panel and secured to said side panel; and, 'a tray portion comprising a cover panel extending from an upper edge of said rear panel; and', 'a cover side panel extending from a cover side edge of said cover panel said cover side panel having a cover side panel height;, 'a cover portion comprisingwherein said cover portion is rotatable relative to said tray portion by means of a hinge line to formed along said upper edge of said rear panel to enable said foldable container to transition between open and closed positions; andwherein said rear panel height is greater than each of said tray side ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039717A1
Принадлежит: All Packaging Company

The technology disclosed herein includes a packaging apparatus including an outer sleeve, an inner sleeve, and at least one locking mechanism configured to lock the inner sleeve inside the outer sleeve. In some implementations, the locking mechanism is an interior sliding mechanism, which locks the inner sleeve in its entirety in the outer sleeve. In some implementations, the locking mechanism is an interior sliding mechanism, which permits the inner sleeve to move partially out of the outer sleeve. In some implementations, the locking mechanism includes a spring, a tab, a flap, a key, a magnet lock, or other locking component. In some implementations, the inner sleeve includes a pull tab for removal of the inner sleeve from inside the outer sleeve. 1. A packaging apparatus comprising:an inner sleeve;an outer sleeve, including an open compartment and a closed compartment;a first locking mechanism to lock the inner sleeve inside the outer sleeve responsive to sliding the inner sleeve in the open compartment of the outer sleeve, wherein the first locking mechanism locks the packaging apparatus when a first tab of the first locking mechanism located on the inner sleeve moves from a position substantially parallel to a side panel of the inner sleeve and protrudes through a first aperture in an interior wall of the outer sleeve in a position extending perpendicular to the side of the inner sleeve into the closed compartment of the outer sleeve, the interior wall of the outer sleeve located-between the open compartment and the closed compartment; anda second aperture located in an exterior panel of the outer sleeve to provide access for a user to press the first tab of the first locking mechanism from the position extending perpendicular to the side of the inner sleeve to a position substantially parallel to the side panel of the inner sleeve to unlock the packaging apparatus and allow the inner sleeve to slide out of the open compartment of the outer sleeve of the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Carrier For Containers

Номер: US20210047071A1

A carrier includes a front portion with a first plurality of panels and a back portion with a second plurality of panels. The first plurality of panels at least partially surrounds a front interior space for receiving at least one container and includes a front panel, a front central panel, and at least one front side panel. The second plurality of panels at least partially surrounds a back interior space for receiving at least one container and includes a back panel, a back central panel, and at least one back side panel. The front central panel and the back central panel are separably connected at a line of weakening and are at least partially in face-to-face contact in a first configuration of the carrier, the carrier is positionable to a second configuration wherein the front portion and the back portion are at least partially separated at the line of weakening. 1. A blank for forming a carrier for holding a plurality of containers , the blank comprising:a front portion of the blank that comprises a first plurality of panels for at least partially surrounding a front interior space of a front portion of the carrier when the carrier is formed from the blank, the front interior space for receiving at least one container of the plurality of containers, the first plurality of panels comprising a front panel, a front central panel, and at least one front side panel; anda back portion of the blank that comprises a second plurality of panels for at least partially surrounding a back interior space of a back portion of the carrier when the carrier is formed from the blank, the back interior space for receiving at least one container of the plurality of containers, the second plurality of panels comprising a back panel, a back central panel, and at least one back side panel,the front central panel and the back central panel are separably connected at a line of weakening and are for being in at least partial face-to face contact in a first configuration of the carrier ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Packaging System

Номер: US20160046404A1

A packaging system for a corrugated cardboard shipping container. The system uses two vertical compartmented inserts divided by a horizontal insert. The compartmented insert can be configured by a packer to consist of four to two rectangular compartments. The horizontal insert can be folded in half or have a quarter section folded away in order to accommodate a loading plan that requires items to protrude above the height of the bottom vertical compartmented insert. An optional diagonal divider and dunnage may be used prior to sealing the container. 1. A shipping container comprising:a corrugated cardboard box;a first vertical support compartmented insert nested within said box, wherein said first vertical compartmented insert consists of a plurality of rectangular compartments and at least one detachable interior divider;a horizontal insert placed on top of said first vertical compartmented insert, wherein said horizontal insert comprises a perforation pattern that aligns with the at least one interior divider of the first vertical compartmented insert;a second vertical compartmented insert nested within said box and on top of said horizontal insert, wherein said second vertical compartmented insert consists of a plurality of rectangular compartments and at least one detachable interior side walls.2. The shipping container of claim 1 , wherein all components consist of a corrugated cardboard material.3. The shipping container of claim 1 , wherein said first vertical compartmented insert comprise a primary interior divider consisting of a folded corrugated cardboard sheet and two secondary interior dividers claim 1 , wherein further said second interior dividers are attached in a perpendicular arrangement to said primary interior divider.4. The shipping container of claim 3 , wherein both of said secondary interior dividers are detachable from said primary interior divider.5. The shipping container of claim 1 , wherein said horizontal insert further comprises a ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043900A1
Автор: Weissman Neal

A carton for storing a product can include a plurality of panels, including a plurality of major panels and at least one display panel that at least partially define a product storage space. The carton can further include a cutout or window in one or more of the major panels, and a presentation area on a surface of the display panel. After the carton is sealed, the presentation area is visible through the cutout. The display panel may be positioned between the product storage space and the cutout. 1. A carton for storing a product , comprising:a plurality of panels comprising a plurality of major panels and at least one display panel that at least partially define a product storage space;at least one cutout in at least one of the major panels; anda presentation area on a surface of the display panel, wherein:the carton is configured such that the presentation area is visible through the at least one cutout after the carton is formed; andthe display panel is positioned between the product storage space and the cutout.2. The carton of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of major fold lines claim 1 , wherein:each major fold line at least partially defines at least one panel of the plurality of panels; andeach major fold line separates each panel of the plurality of panels from an adjacent panel.3. The carton of claim 1 , wherein the display panel comprises an angled edge configured to prevent a product from catching on the display panel during insertion of the product into the carton.4. The carton of claim 1 , wherein the carton is a single claim 1 , continuous piece of material.5. The carton of claim 1 , wherein the display panel is an arcuate display panel within an interior of the carton.6. The carton of claim 1 , further comprising:the major panel that includes the at least one cutout is a first major panel;a second major panel that is adjacent to the first major panel and is separated from the first major panel by a first fold line;a third major panel that is ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043901A1
Принадлежит: Kose Corporation

Problem to be Solved 1. A packing box comprising:an openable lid that constitutes at least one face of a box body, which is a polyhedron to house a product, and openably and closably swings around a base end to seal a product taking-in/out opening formed at a position of the one face;a side flap that is laterally located with respect to the openable lid and is connected via a folding line to an openable lid side edge portion of a lid side member constituting a part of the polyhedron for preventing protrusion of the product; andan insertion piece that is connected to a front end edge of the openable lid via a folding line and is inserted into the box body for holding the openable lid, the packing box constituting a slit lock engaging structure that maintains a state in which the openable lid is closed by engaging a part of the side flap into a slit created by cutting a part of a connection base end of the insertion piece along the folding line,wherein the openable lid includes a part that can be torn along a tear inducing line extending from a flap opposing edge of the openable lid opposing the side flap to a front end edge of the openable lid, and the part is held and torn along the tear inducing line by a human hand and is raised up with respect to the openable lid to form a slit lock release gripping piece that can be used for releasing engagement created by the slit lock engaging structure.27-. (canceled)8. The packing box according to claim 1 , wherein the slit includes a L-shaped cut formed by cutting from a start point on a folding line claim 1 , which is a border between the insertion piece and the openable lid claim 1 , toward a side of the insertion piece for a length that is at least equal to a thickness of the side flap and then cutting toward a side end of the insertion piece claim 1 , and the insertion piece is folded with respect to the openable lid for forming the slit claim 1 , and a part of the openable lid projecting forward from the folding line ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Container with reinforced sides

Номер: US20180044053A1
Автор: Rolland LOW
Принадлежит: Mooreco Inc

A container comprises a first piece of composite material having a plurality of sides, thereby forming a rectangular center; a plurality of side walls integrally connected with the plurality of sides, each side wall having an interior side wall and an exterior side wall; a plurality of side wall scores configured between each interior side wall and each corresponding exterior side wall, wherein each exterior side wall folds along the corresponding side wall scores; a support material configured between each interior side wall and each exterior side wall, wherein the support material prevents contents inside of the container from becoming damaged; and a plurality of scores formed between the plurality of side walls and the plurality of sides near an outer perimeter of the rectangular center, wherein the plurality of side walls fold along the plurality of scores.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Storage box

Номер: US20140124515A1
Принадлежит: Fuji Xerox Co Ltd

A storage box includes a box body that includes a bottom wall and plural side walls including a pair of side walls that oppose each other, the box body having an opening at the top and containing an object, and a pair of lid walls that extend upward from top edges of the pair of side walls and are bent along the top edges so as to cover the opening of the box body. A pair of first lines are formed on the pair of lid walls and the pair of side walls, each first line extending at least partway from a top edge of the corresponding lid wall to a bottom edge of the corresponding side wall and facilitating outward bending of the corresponding side wall when an arm is inserted between the object contained in the box body and the corresponding side wall.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047743A1
Автор: COSTANZO, JR. Donn J.

A cooler includes panels defining a storage area; corner panels; top panels forming a lid; a first handle panel connected to a first top panel and having a slot formed therein; a second handle panel connected to a second top panel and having a slot formed therein; and a first tab panel connected to a corner panel and having a tab defining a recess, the tab being configured to extend through the slot of the first handle panel and through the slot of the second handle panel for locking the handle panels and top panels in a fully closed, carry configuration of the cooler. Portions of the first and second handle panels are received within the recess defined by the tab. The second handle panel can be unlocked and the storage area accessed while holding the cooler with the first handle panel. 117-. (canceled)18. A one-piece , foldable cooler , comprising: [{'b': 210', '211, '(i) a bottom panel comprising first and second bottom subpanels (,),'}, {'b': 212', '214, '(ii) two side panels (,),'}, {'b': 216', '217, '(iii) a first end panel comprising first and second end subpanels (,), and'}, {'b': 218', '219, '(iv) a second end panel comprising first and second end subpanels (,);'}], '(a) a storage portion, including [{'b': 220', '221, '(i) a first corner panel comprising first and second corner panels (,),'}, {'b': 222', '223, '(ii) a second corner panel comprising first and second corner panels (,),'}, {'b': 224', '225, '(iii) a third corner panel comprising first and second corner panels (,), and'}, {'b': 226', '227, '(iv) a fourth corner panel comprising first and second corner panels (,);'}], '(b) four corner panels comprising,'} [{'b': '228', '(i) a first top panel (), and'}, {'b': '230', '(ii) a second top panel ();'}], '(c) two top panels for forming a cooler lid comprising,'}{'b': 232', '231', '233, '(d) a first handle panel () having first and second slots (,) formed therein;'}{'b': 236', '239', '241, '(e) a second handle panel () having first and second slots (,) ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047746A1

Containment systems, containers, and methods can be comprised of first through fourth sidewalls; a bottom wall connected to the first through fourth sidewalls; and first through fourth lid flaps connected to respective first through fourth sidewalls via respective first through fourth hinges. A single sheet of paperboard can make up the sidewalls, the bottom wall, and the lid flaps. In a fully open configuration, the third lid flap can be folded at the third hinge such that a flap body thereof is adjacent to the third sidewall, the fourth lid flap can be folded at the fourth hinge such that a flap body thereof is adjacent to the fourth sidewall, and a flap wing of each of the third lid flap and the fourth lid flap can be under the bottom wall such that each of the flap wings is against the bottom wall and maintained under the bottom wall. 1. A container comprising:a first sidewall;a second sidewall opposite the first sidewall;a third sidewall;a fourth sidewall opposite the third sidewall;a bottom wall connected to the first, second, third, and fourth sidewalls;a first lid flap connected to the first sidewall via a first hinge;a second lid flap connected to the second sidewall via a second hinge;a third lid flap connected to the third sidewall via a third hinge; anda fourth lid flap connected to the fourth sidewall via a fourth hinge,wherein at least two of the first lid flap, the second lid flap, the third lid flap, and the fourth lid flap each include a flap body and a flap wing connected to the flap body via a fifth hinge, andwherein, in a fully open configuration, at least two of the following are provided: the first lid flap is folded at the first hinge such that the flap body thereof is adjacent to the first sidewall, the second lid flap is folded at the second hinge such that the flap body thereof is adjacent to the second sidewall, the third lid flap is folded at the third hinge such that the flap body thereof is adjacent to the third sidewall, the fourth lid ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053715A1
Автор: Tsai Frank, Tsai Mike
Принадлежит: Denali Innovations, LLC

A child-resistant package comprising a tray and a sleeve. The tray is configured to be inserted into said sleeve. The tray comprises external protrusions and the sleeve comprises one or more internal protrusions and access holes. The internal protrusions are configured to engage with the external protrusions when the tray and the sleeve are in a closed position, such that the tray is substantially prevented from being taken out of the closed position without disengaging the external protrusions from the internal protrusions. Each of the access holes overlaps with an end of each of the external protrusions, such that a user may access and disengage the external protrusions from the one or more internal protrusions, such that the tray is no longer prevented from being taken out of the closed position. 1. A child-resistant package , comprising:a tray;a sleeve;wherein said tray is configured to be inserted into said sleeve;wherein said sleeve comprises one or more internal protrusions and one or more access holes;wherein said tray comprises an insert and a rigid base;wherein said insert comprises one or more external protrusions;wherein said insert is configured to matingly engage with said rigid base, such that said one or more external protrusions are external to one or more sides of said rigid base;wherein said one or more internal protrusions are configured to engage with said one or more external protrusions when said tray and said sleeve are in a closed position, such that said tray is substantially prevented from being taken out of said closed position without disengaging said one or more external protrusions from said one or more internal protrusions; andwherein each of said one or more access holes overlap with an end of each of said one or more external protrusions, such that a user may access and disengage said one or more external protrusions from said one or more internal protrusions, such that said tray is no longer prevented from being taken out of said ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Container With Liner

Номер: US20200047940A1
Автор: Elliot HITHERSAY, Paul Tye
Принадлежит: Graphic Packaging International LLC

A container for holding a food product. The container can comprise a flange comprising a central panel. An opening can extend in the central panel. The container further can comprise a sidewall comprising at least a panel foldably connected to the central panel and a denesting feature extending outwardly from the sidewall. The denesting feature can be for engaging a nested container positioned below the container in a stacked arrangement and for forming a denesting gap between the flange and the nested container.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047942A1
Автор: Rozek Kurt Louis

A container may comprise a body having a top end, an opposite bottom end, a pair of opposing first and second duplex panel structures and a pair of opposing first and second sidewalls, with each of the first and second sidewalls including a pair of first and second lateral end flaps. Each of the first and second duplex panel structures may comprise an inner end wall and an outer end wall. The inner and outer end walls of the first and second duplex panel structures may be bonded together along a medial longitudinal spine. The lateral end flaps of the first and second sidewalls may be respectively sandwiched between the inner and outer end walls of the first and second duplex panel structures to lock the inner and outer end walls in position adjacent the first and second sidewalls. 1. A container comprising:a body having a top end, an opposite bottom end, a pair of opposing first and second duplex panel structures, and a pair of opposing first and second sidewalls extending between the first and second duplex panel structures, with each of the first and second sidewalls including a pair of first and second lateral end flaps extending from opposite sides thereof,wherein each of the first and second duplex panel structures comprises an inner end wall having an outer surface and an outer end wall having an inner surface,wherein the outer and inner surfaces of the inner and outer end walls of each of the first and second duplex panel structures confront one another and are bonded together along a medial longitudinal spine that extends between the top and bottom ends of the body, andwherein each of the first and second lateral end flaps of the first and second sidewalls is sandwiched between the outer and inner surfaces of the inner and outer end walls of one of the first or second duplex panel structures.2. The container set forth in wherein free ends of the first and second lateral end flaps of the first sidewall are located opposite and extend toward free ends of the ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Container With Liner

Номер: US20200047975A1
Автор: Hithersay Elliot, Tye Paul

A container for holding a food product. The container can comprise a base layer and a liner at least partially attached to an inner surface of the base layer, a flange comprising a central panel of the base layer, an opening extending in the central panel, and a sidewall comprising at least a panel foldably connected to the central panel along the opening. 1. A container for holding a food product , the container comprising:a base layer and a liner at least partially attached to an inner surface of the base layer;a flange comprising a central panel of the base layer;an opening extending in the central panel; anda sidewall comprising at least a panel foldably connected to the central panel along the opening.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the panel of the sidewall is foldably connected to the central panel along a fold line claim 1 , and the central panel comprises an edge extending from an end of the fold line and along the opening claim 1 , the edge being perpendicular to the fold line.3. The container of claim 1 , wherein the panel of the sidewall is a first panel claim 1 , the first panel is foldably connected to the central panel along a first fold line extending along the opening claim 1 , the sidewall comprises a second panel foldably connected to the central panel along a second fold line that is spaced apart from the opening.4. The container of claim 3 , wherein the second panel comprises an attachment portion claim 3 , and the central panel and the attachment portion are in an overlapping relationship.5. The container of claim 4 , wherein the central panel comprises an edge extending along the opening claim 4 , the attachment portion of the second panel extends from the second fold line to the edge of the central panel claim 4 , and a portion of the second panel extends at least downwardly from the attachment portion and the edge of the central panel.6. The container of claim 4 , wherein the attachment portion of the second panel is at least partially ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050756A1
Автор: Hill Webb LeRon

A container assembly for use in containing fluids includes an outer shell having a plurality of sidewalls, a top portion, a handle formed in the top portion, and an aperture formed in one of the sidewalls. The outer shell is formed from a blank. A securement strip is formed on the top portion. A securement slit is formed on the top portion and configured to receive the securement strip. 1. A container assembly for containing fluids comprising:an outer shell having a plurality of sidewalls and a top portion, an aperture formed in one of the sidewalls, the outer shell formed from a blank;a handle formed in the top portion;a securement strip formed on the top portion; anda securement slit formed on the top portion configured to receive the securement strip.2. The container assembly of claim 1 , further comprising an angle insert received in the outer shell.3. The container assembly of claim 2 , where the angle insert tapers towards the aperture.4. The container assembly of claim 1 , wherein the handle is recessed with respect to a top edge of the outer shell.5. The container assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a bottom portion formed by hinged bottom flaps.6. The container assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a reinforcement collar disposed adjacent the aperture.7. A blank for forming an outer shell for a container assembly for use in containing fluids claim 1 , the blank comprising:a plurality of panels hingedly coupled to each other, one of the plurality of panels having an aperture formed therein;a pair of top retaining flaps, a first one of the pair of top retaining flaps hingedly coupled to a first one of the plurality of panels, a second one of the pair of top retaining flaps hingedly coupled to a second one of the plurality of panels; anda pair of top forming flaps, a first one of the top forming flap hindgedly coupled to a third one of the plurality of panels, a second one of the pair of top forming flaps hingedly coupled to a fourth one of the ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Tornado Display

Номер: US20180050836A1
Принадлежит: General Packaging Products, Inc.

A blank of material to be folded into a product display container is disclosed. The blank is substantially rectangular in shape and has a first edge, a second edge opposite of the first edge, a third edge disposed adjacent to the first edge and the second edge and a fourth edge disposed opposite the third edge. The blank comprises a tab disposed adjacent to the fourth edge; a plurality of perpendicular folds, wherein each perpendicular fold extends across the width of the blank and is disposed substantially perpendicular to the first edge and the second edge; and a plurality of angular folds, wherein each angular fold extends across the width of the blank and is disposed at a non-perpendicular angle with respect to the first edge and the second edge. The blank is utilized to make a tornado shaped product display. 1) A blank of material to be folded into a product display container i) wherein said first edge and said second edge extend along a length of said blank;', 'ii) wherein said third edge and said fourth edge extend along a width of said blank;, 'a) wherein said blank is substantially rectangular in shape having a first edge, a second edge opposite of said first edge, a third edge disposed adjacent to said first edge and said second edge and a fourth edge disposed opposite said third edge'} i) a tab disposed adjacent to said fourth edge', 'ii) a plurality of perpendicular folds, wherein each perpendicular fold extends across said width of said blank and is disposed substantially perpendicular to said first edge and said second edge;', 'iii) a plurality of angular folds, wherein each angular fold extends across said width of said blank and is disposed at a non-perpendicular angle with respect to said first edge and said second edge;', 'iv) wherein a first end of each angular fold is disposed at a first end of a first respective perpendicular fold along said first edge;', 'v) wherein a second end of each of said angular folds is disposed at a second end of a ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Corrugated Box with Hand Openings in the Front

Номер: US20190055049A1
Автор: Niedzwiecki Jason
Принадлежит: Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc.

A box includes a major flap and a minor flap. The major flap is configured to pivot between an open position and a closed position around a first hinge. The major flap includes a major flap opening. The minor flap is configured to pivot between an open position and a closed position around a second hinge. The minor flap includes a minor flap opening. The major flap opening and the minor flap opening are at least partially aligned with one another when the major flap and the minor flap are in the closed positions. 1. A box , comprising:a major flap configured to pivot between an open position and a closed position around a first hinge, wherein the major flap comprises a major flap opening; anda minor flap configured to pivot between an open position and a closed position around a second hinge, wherein the minor flap comprises a minor flap opening, wherein the major flap opening and the minor flap opening are at least partially aligned with one another when the major flap and the minor flap are in the closed positions.2. The box of claim 1 , wherein the second hinge is substantially perpendicular to the first hinge claim 1 , and wherein the major flap and the minor flap together form at least a portion of a front wall of the box when the box is in an upright position.3. The box of claim 1 , wherein the major flap comprises first corrugations that are oriented in a first direction claim 1 , and wherein the minor flap comprises second corrugations that are oriented in a second direction that is substantially perpendicular to the first direction when the major flap and the minor flap are in the closed positions.4. The box of claim 1 , wherein the major flap comprises a partial cutout that pivots around a third hinge to create the major flap opening.5. The box of claim 4 , wherein the partial cutout is configured to be folded at least partially through the minor flap opening when the major flap and the minor flap are in the closed positions.6. The box of claim 5 , wherein ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Packaging System

Номер: US20190055050A1
Принадлежит: Pepsico Inc

A packaging system including a corrugated cardboard box having a vertical compartmented insert nested within the box, wherein the first vertical compartmented insert comprises a rectangular vertical array of interior dividing walls to form rectangular compartments. The insert comprises a back-to-back long support insert extending along a length of the corrugated cardboard box to form a longitudinal vertical wall, the long support insert having interlocking cutouts. A plurality of pairs of short support inserts, assembled back-to-back and each having interlocking cutouts that register with the cutouts of the long support insert are arrayed perpendicularly to the pair of long support inserts to form a plurality of lateral walls. The long support inserts and the short support inserts create vertical walls with compartments there between.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055051A1

Various implementations include packaging for products. In some particular implementations, a product package includes: a base section having: a base inner core section having: a central section including a recess sized to receive an accessory of the product; and a plurality of foldable end sections adjacent the central section and configured to fold at an angle relative to the central section; and a base cover sized to directly contact and cover the base inner core section; and an upper section sized to complement the base section, the upper section having: an upper inner core section having: a central section; and a plurality side sections adjacent the central section; and an upper cover sized to directly contact and cover the upper inner core section. 1. A package for a product , the package comprising: [ a central section including a recess sized to receive an accessory of the product; and', 'a plurality of foldable end sections adjacent the central section and configured to fold at an angle relative to the central section; and, 'a base inner core section having, 'a base cover sized to directly contact and cover the base inner core section; and, 'a base section having [ a central section; and', 'a plurality side sections adjacent the central section; and, 'an upper inner core section having, 'an upper cover sized to directly contact and cover the upper inner core section., 'an upper section sized to complement the base section, the upper section having2. The package of claim 1 , wherein the base inner core section and the upper inner core section include honeycomb structured corrugated cardboard.3. The package of claim 1 , wherein the central section of the base inner core section includes a plurality of distinct core layers stacked over one another.4. The package of claim 3 , wherein the recess is positioned within an upper core layer in the plurality of distinct core layers claim 3 , and wherein the plurality of distinct core layers includes at least one ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061512A1

Example aspects of a main body blank for a storage box, a tray blank for a storage box, and a storage box blank are disclosed. The main body blank can comprise a planar sidewall assembly comprising a plurality of sidewalls, each of the sidewalls defining a top edge and a bottom edge opposite the top edge; and a first fastener panel formed monolithically with the sidewall assembly and hingedly connected to the bottom edge of a first one of the sidewalls by a first fastener bend line, the first fastener panel coplanar with the sidewall assembly. 1. A main body blank for a storage box comprising:a planar sidewall assembly comprising a plurality of sidewalls, each of the sidewalls defining a top edge and a bottom edge opposite the top edge; anda first fastener panel formed monolithically with the sidewall assembly and hingedly connected to the bottom edge of a first one of the sidewalls by a first fastener bend line, the first fastener panel coplanar with the sidewall assembly.2. The main body blank of claim 1 , further comprising a first bottom flap hingedly connected to the bottom edge of a second one of the sidewalls by a first bottom flap bend line claim 1 , the first bottom flap coplanar with the sidewall assembly and the first fastener panel.3. The main body blank of claim 2 , wherein a first fastener slot is formed through the main body blank at the first bottom flap bend line claim 2 , the first fastener slot sized to receive a portion of the first fastener panel therethrough.4. The main body blank of claim 1 , wherein the first fastener panel comprises a first crosspiece extending from the first fastener bend line and a first fastener tab distal to the first fastener bend line claim 1 , the first fastener tab hingedly connected to the first crosspiece by a first tab bend line.5. The main body blank of claim 4 , wherein the first fastener tab defines a first end connected to the first crosspiece and a second end opposite the first end claim 4 , the first ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061520A1

A flexible, stackable, recloseable container for storing a quantity of products comprising a plurality of walls defined by a first sheet and a second sheet attached to at least a portion of the first sheet. The second sheet extends over at least three of the walls. The opposing container walls each have a sealed portion and one or more tucks, the tucks comprising a portion of the first sheet tucked toward the interior volume. A portion of the second sheet defines a recloseable feature located over an opening for reclosing the container. The second sheet includes a line of reduced strength at or adjacent at least a boundary adjacent the tucks and disposed between the opposing container walls each having the sealed portion and an adjacent container wall. The second sheet can include a hinge about which the recloseable feature pivots from closed position to open position. 164.-. (canceled)65. A flexible material for a flexible package , comprising:a first sheet comprising:a plurality of panel regions comprising a first panel region disposed between second and third panel regions, wherein the first sheet comprises an opening region disposed in at least one of the first, second, or third panel regions, anda second sheet attached to the first sheet in (i) at least a portion of the at least one of the first, second, and third panel regions in which the opening region is defined and (ii) at least a portion of a panel region adjacent to the at least one of the first, second or third panel region,wherein a portion of the second sheet overlies the opening region and defines a reclosable flap that is configured to partially detach from a remaining portion of the second sheet to expose the opening region, and the second sheet is attached to less than an entirety of the first sheet, wherein the first sheet has one or more tuck regions, each tuck region adapted to be folded towards the interior volume into tucks when the flexible material is configured into a package, the tucks ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081151A1
Автор: Brandt Barry

A perforation pattern for multivarible adjustable height box is provided with improved folding, bending, and separation of adjacent panels. The multivariable perforated adjustable height box may include a box, columns, rows, glue tabs, column scores, row scores, perforations, cuts, skips, and bundle breakers. Perforation patterns may be irregular, angled, shifted, or otherwise configured to increase usability, strength, and/or other aspects of the packaging. A method to produce a packaging device with improved folding, bending, and separation of adjacent panels using the multivariable perforated adjustable height box is also provided. 1. A perforation pattern located at least partially between adjacent columns provided by packaging , the perforation pattern comprising:cuts comprising a first cut characteristic and a second cut characteristic;skips;wherein the cuts and the skips are arranged in at least a first perforation pattern and a second perforation pattern included by the perforation pattern;{'claim-text': ['a row of nonvariable panels at least partially bordered via nonvariable row scoring between the adjacent columns, and', 'a row of multivariable panels at least partially bordered via the perforation pattern between the adjacent columns; and'], '#text': 'wherein the perforation pattern is applied to the packaging comprising panels arranged in the adjacent columns, the packaging comprising:'}wherein a dimension of the packaging is manipulable via at least partially separating the adjacent columns in the row of multivariable panels.2. The perforation pattern of claim 1 , wherein the first perforation pattern differs from the second perforation pattern.3. The perforation pattern of claim 1 , wherein the row of multivariable panels comprises:a first row of multivariable panels associated with the first perforation pattern; anda second row of multivariable panels associated with the second perforation pattern.4. The perforation pattern of claim 1 , wherein the ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081155A1

A cardboard lid for a container, where the cardboard lid includes side panels forming lid flanks and lid flaps connected to the side panels by lid flaps fold lines, where two of the lid flaps form a lid top panel. The cardboard lid also includes a support element structure extending away from the top panel and positioned between the side panels, whereby the lid flaps, side panels, and support element structure pertain to a single blank. Cardboard blanks for making a cardboard lid, and stacks of such blanks. Related consumer products and methods of manufacturing such consumer products. 1. A cardboard lid for a container , the cardboard lid comprising:side panels forming lid flanks;lid flaps connected to the side panels by lid flaps fold lines, two of the lid flaps forming a lid top panel; anda support element structure extending away from the top panel and positioned between the side panels;whereby the lid flaps, side panels, and support element structure pertain to a single blank.2. The cardboard lid according to claim 1 , whereby the support element structure comprises a support element first panel and a first wing claim 1 , the first wing being adjacent to the support element first panel and separated from the support element first panel by a first wing fold line claim 1 , the first wing comprising a first wing end distal from the first wing fold line claim 1 , the first wing end being in contact with the top panel to maintain the support element first panel extended away from the top panel.3. The cardboard lid according to claim 2 , whereby the support element further comprises a second wing claim 2 , the second wing being adjacent to the support element first panel and separated from the support element first panel by a second wing fold line claim 2 , the second wing comprising a second wing end distal from the second wing fold line claim 2 , the second wing end being in contact with the top panel to maintain the support element first panel extended away from ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068297A1

A collapsible box-like container or carton may be formed from a unitary foldable blank divided by fold lines into a bottom panel, a pair of side panels, a pair of end panels and corner sections. Each corner section may include triangular corner or pleat panels divided by a diagonal or oblique fold line. The triangular corner or pleat panels may be folded in intimate face-to-face contact on the outer surface of the adjacent end panels. Some of the triangular corner or pleat panels may be adhesively secured to the outer surface the adjacent end panel. 1. A carton , comprising:a bottom panel;a first side panel foldably connected to the bottom panel;a second side panel foldably connected to the bottom panel, the bottom panel being positioned between the first and second side panels;a third side panel foldably connected to the bottom panel, the third side panel having opposite inner and outer sides;a first plurality of pleat panels foldably connected between the first side panel and the third side panel, wherein a first pleat panel of the first plurality of pleat panels is mounted to the outer side of the third side panel; anda second plurality of pleat panels foldably connected between the second side panel and the third side panel, wherein a first pleat panel of the second plurality of pleat panels is mounted to the outer side of the third side panel.2. The carton of claim 1 , wherein at least some pleat panels of at least some of the first and second pluralities of pleat panels are substantially triangular.3. The carton of claim 1 , wherein:the first pleat panel of the first plurality of pleat panels has opposite inner and outer sides;the outer side of the third side panel and the inner side of the first pleat panel of the first plurality of pleat panels face toward one another; andthe carton comprises adhesive material fixedly connecting the outer side of the third side panel and an inner side of the first pleat panel of the first plurality of pleat panels to one ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068298A1

The present application provides a reinforced carton. The reinforced carton may include a number of first panels, a number of adjoining second panels, and with the first panels including one or more strength enhancing features. The one or more strength enhancing features may include a vertical fold line extending across the first panels. 1. A reinforced carton , comprising:a plurality of first panels;a plurality of adjoining second panels; andthe plurality of first panels comprising one or more strength enhancing features;wherein the one or more strength enhancing features comprise a vertical fold line extending across the plurality of first panels.2. The reinforced carton of claim 1 , wherein the vertical fold line comprises a score line.3. The reinforced carton of claim 1 , wherein the vertical fold line comprises a line of perforations.4. The reinforced carton of claim 1 , wherein the vertical fold line comprises a combination of scores and perforations.5. The reinforced carton of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of vertical fold lines extending across the plurality of first panels.6. The reinforced carton of claim 1 , wherein the one or more strength enhancing features comprise a second vertical fold line extending across the plurality of adjoining second panels.7. The reinforced carton of claim 1 , wherein the one or more strength enhancing features comprise a plurality of slots positioned about the plurality of first panels and/or the plurality of adjoining second panels.8. The reinforced carton of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of first panels comprises a first sidewall panel and a second sidewall panel.9. The reinforced carton of claim 8 , further comprising a top wall and wherein the top wall comprises a gap.10. The reinforced carton of claim 9 , wherein the top wall comprises a first sidewall panel top flap and a second sidewall panel top flap.11. The reinforced carton of claim 9 , wherein the top wall comprises a first end wall panel top flap and ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Box with a lid

Номер: US20160068300A1
Принадлежит: Agro Sevilla Aceitunas Sca

The present invention relates to a box with lid which allows easy access to and removal of the product contained at the bottom or bottoms of the box, said box comprising at least one body ( 1 ) provided with cutting and folding lines demarcating a first central sector ( 10 ) forming the bottom of the body ( 1 ), and a pair of end sectors ( 11 ) corresponding to the larger sides of the body ( 1 ); further comprising a lid ( 2 ) also provided with cutting and folding lines demarcating a second central sector ( 3 ) forming the upper surface of the lid ( 2 ), and a pair of side sectors ( 4 ) corresponding to the larger sides of the lid ( 2 ), said second central sector ( 3 ) having a transverse perforated line ( 7 ) and two side perforated lines ( 8 ) to allow opening the entire lid ( 2 ) or part thereof.

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Stocking Topper

Номер: US20180065773A1

A stocking topper having components which are combined to form an insert to be placed into or atop an open topped container, such as a Christmas stocking. The stocking topper provides a receptacle into which various items can be inserted such that they will be positioned in an upper area of a stocking while also providing entertaining visual features. 1. An open topped container insert comprising:a main body containing an upper portion attached to box;a circular or ovoidal portion which is inserted over the main body between the upper portion and the box;wherein the box portion of the main body is operative to sit within an open topped container with the circular or ovoidal portion sitting atop and framing the opening of the opened topped container.2. The open topped container insert of claim 1 , wherein the open topped container is a Christmas stocking.3. The open topped container insert of claim 1 , wherein the upper portion of the main body resembles the head of a character and the circular or ovoidal portion resembles the hands and arms of the character.4. The open topped container insert of claim 1 , wherein the box is open topped.5. The open topped container insert of claim 1 , wherein the sides of the box are tapered downward from back to front.6. The open topped container insert of claim 1 , wherein the upper portion of the main body and the box are contiguous.7. A stocking topper comprising:a receptacle attached to a substantially flat panel;a lip having a slot contained therein into which the flat panel is inserted;wherein the receptacle is operative to fit within the open end of a stocking; andwherein the lip is operative to prevent the receptacle from falling to the bottom of the stocking.8. The stocking topper of claim 7 , wherein the receptacle is a box.9. The stocking topper of claim 8 , wherein the box is open topped.10. The stocking topper of claim 7 , wherein the lip is located between the receptacle and the substantially flat panel.11. The ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Convertible Package Assembly and Display System

Номер: US20180065774A1
Принадлежит: Delkor Systems, Inc.

A package assembly suitable for use in storing and shipping a plurality of product containers includes a shipping configuration and a display configuration. In the shipping configuration the package assembly is constructed from a single blank of packaging material and formed into a case into which a plurality of product containers are inserted. In the display configuration a top portion of the case is removed from a bottom portion of the case along one or more tear lines on the blank. 1. A package assembly comprising:a case formed from a single piece of packaging material with a single tear line, the case having a shipping configuration and a display configuration;the case in the shipping configuration having a top portion and a bottom portion enclosing a space for product containers;the case in the display configuration having a bottom portion for displaying product containers,wherein the case is convertible from the shipping configuration to the display configuration by separating the top portion from the bottom portion along the single tear line.2. The package assembly of claim 1 , the case in the display configuration having a front panel portion3. The package assembly of claim 2 , the single piece of packaging material comprising fifteen polygonal sections folded to form the case claim 2 , three of the fifteen polygonal sections divided by the single tear line into six partial sections claim 2 , the top portion of the case comprising six full sections and three of the six partial sections claim 2 , and the bottom portion of the case comprising six full sections and the other three of the six partial sections claim 2 , wherein one of the six full sections forms the front panel portion of the case in the display configuration.4. The package assembly of claim 3 , further comprising a through-score line for a handle opening claim 3 , the handle opening defined by one of the six full sections of the top portion of the case.5. The package assembly of claim 3 , the ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066552A1

A blank of foldable sheet material for forming a container is provided. The blank includes a bottom panel, a top panel, and a set of vent panels configured to form at least one venting assembly positioned on the top panel of the container. 1. A blank of foldable sheet material for forming a container , said blank comprising:a top portion comprising a top panel, wherein the top panel includes a front edge, a rear edge, a first side edge, and a second side edge; andat least one venting assembly comprising a first vent panel and a second vent panel extending from the first vent panel, the first and second vent panels having at least partially free side edges, the partially free side edges at least partially defining an opening at each end of the at least one venting assembly,wherein the at least one venting assembly is positioned along one or more of the front edge, the rear edge, the first side edge, and the second side edge.2. A blank in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the first vent panel is of equal or greater width than the second vent panel.3. A blank in accordance with claim 1 , wherein each at least partially free side edge is angled outwardly to an apex.4. A blank in accordance with claim 3 , wherein the at least one venting assembly further comprises a fold line extending between the first vent panel and the second vent panel claim 3 , and the apex is offset from the fold line.5. A blank in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the opening at each end of the at least one venting assembly is configured to enable airflow communication between a cavity of the container and an ambient environment.6. A blank in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the at least one venting assembly comprises a length that is equal to or less than a length of the top panel.7. A blank in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising a front tuck flap extending from a front edge of the top panel.8. A blank in accordance with claim 7 , wherein an exterior surface of the front tuck flap is ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Dual handle cooler box design, blank and methods

Номер: US20170066553A1
Автор: Donn J. COSTANZO, JR.
Принадлежит: Thatbox Design LLC

Dual handle box designs, blanks for forming boxes by folding, collapsible and non-collapsible boxes formed thereby, and manufacturing methods therefor are disclosed. Preferably each handle is located on an opposite end of the box; is two-ply; defines an elongate hand opening for receiving fingers of a hand; defines an elongate tab opening for receiving a tab of a center handle, and that intersects the hand opening; and defines a recess for receiving and retaining a lid panel of the box. Furthermore, the boxes preferably have a waterproof or water-resistant coating applied and are used as ice coolers for beverages and food items.

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066586A1
Принадлежит: Indiana Carton Company, Inc.

A folding baked goods box that has a lower box portion having upstanding walls including a back wall that has a lower window edge. A lid portion of the box is hingedly attached to the lower box at the back wall. The top includes oppositely located lateral window edges that define lateral sides of a window. The lid portion includes a lid front that extends downwardly from the top and has a lower window edge is located within the front. The window in the baked goods box extends continuously from the lower window edge of the back wall across the top of the lid portion, between lateral window edges to the lower window edge of the front of the lid portion. The lid portion is adapted for being fitted over the lower box portion. 1. A folding baked goods box comprising:A lower box portion having a bottom defined by a first transverse crease, a second transverse crease, a first lateral crease, and a second lateral crease, a first lower side wall extending from said first lateral crease and terminating in an upper edge, said first lower side wall foldable to an upstanding position with respect to said bottom, a second lower side wall extending from said second lateral crease and terminating in an upper edge, said second lower side wall foldable to an upstanding position with respect to said bottom, a lower front wall extending from said first transverse crease terminating in a upper edge and having a lower front edge intermediate to said first transverse crease and said upper edge of said lower front wall, a back wall extending from said second transverse crease terminating in a upper edge defined by third and fourth transverse creases, said back wall having a lower window edge intermediate to said third and fourth transverse creases and said second transverse crease, said lower front wall and said back wall foldable to an upstanding position with respect to said bottom;a lid portion hingedly attached to said lower box portion by said third and fourth transverse creases, said ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Paper cup, a blank for a paper cup, and use of a paper cup

Номер: US20180070750A1
Автор: Li Alan

According to an example aspect of the present invention, there is provided a paper cup comprising: a base; a sidewall; said base and said sidewall together defining a space for receiving liquid or food; an upper end portion of the cup comprising a first and second pair of opposing closure panels, whereby each panel is attached to an upper edge of the sidewall via a respective first folding line and to adjacent panels via respective second folding lines. Said panels are foldable into a closed position to form a lid of the cup. Each panel of said first pair contains two additional folding lines to enable folding inwards. Upon folding to the closed position, a first panel of said second pair is partly inserted below a second panel of said second pair, and the panels of said second pair close the upper end portion. 1. A paper cup , comprising:a base;a sidewall;said base and said sidewall together defining a space for receiving liquid or food;an upper end portion of the cup comprising a first and second pair of opposing closure panels, whereby each of the closure panels is attached to an upper edge of the sidewall via a respective first folding line and to adjacent closure panels via respective second folding lines;said closure panels being foldable into a closed position to form a lid of the cup;each panel of said first pair containing two additional folding lines, each of which extends from a distal edge of the respective panel to end points of the respective first folding line, to enable folding inwards;wherein, upon folding to the closed position, a first panel of said second pair is partly inserted below a second panel of said second pair, and the panels of said second pair close the upper end portion.2. The paper cup according to claim 1 , wherein one of the panels of said second pair contains an opening in its first folding line to form a spout.3. The paper cup according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second panels of the second pair contain a first opening ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Carton, Carton Blank And Associated Methodology

Номер: US20140151443A1

A carton blank may be formed having at least one score line therein. A second layer of material may overlay at least a portion of the first layer, including the score line, thus defining an overlaid score area. The overlaid score area may include at least a portion in which the second layer is not adhered to the first layer. 1. A carton comprising:an outer layer comprising at least one first score line therein and at least two second score lines therein, the at least one first score line dividing the outer layer into a plurality of central panels and the at least two second score lines respectively separating bottom flap panels and top flap panels from the plurality of central panels;an inner layer of material within said carton;the inner layer of material overlying the at least one first score line along at least a portion of the at least one first score line and being adhered to a portion of the at least one first score line and unadhered to a different portion of the at least one score line.2. The carton of wherein the inner layer of material is adhered to a first portion and a second portion of the at least one first score line and not adhered to a third portion of the at least one first score line.3. The carton of wherein the third portion is located between the first portion and the second portion.4. The carton of wherein the third portion is located along a length of the at least one first score line.5. The carton of wherein the first portion and the second portion are respectively adjacent one of the at least one second score lines.6. The carton of wherein the inner layer of material defines an overlaid score area in which the inner layer of material overlies the at least one first score line.7. The carton of wherein the inner layer of material is adhered to a first adhered portion and a second adhered portion of the overlaid score area claim 6 , but not to a non-adhered portion of the overlaid score area.8. The carton of wherein the first adhered portion is ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075466A1

A pallet container having eight side walls, a bottom piece, two leg flaps that are used to automatically deploy the container from a flat, collapsed position, and a series of inside folds and outside folds. The pallet container is constructed from one or more blanks made of cardboard. The blanks used to make the pallet container may have different configurations. The pallet container has an open and a closed position and can be converted from one position to the other by a single person without the need of special tools or equipment. A cardboard blank for making the pallet container is also disclosed. 1. A pallet container comprising:(a) eight side walls, wherein said side walls are joined to one another;(b) a first leg flap;(c) a first inside fold and a second inside fold, wherein said first inside fold is joined between said first leg flap and a first outside fold and said second inside fold is joined between said first leg flap and a second outside fold;(d) a second leg flap;(e) a third inside fold and a fourth inside fold, wherein said third inside fold is joined between said second leg flap and a third outside fold and said fourth inside fold is joined between said second leg flap and a fourth outside fold; and(f) a bottom piece.2. The pallet container of claim 1 , wherein said bottom piece is comprised of a first bottom flap joined to a second bottom flap.3. The pallet container of claim 1 , wherein said pallet container has an open position and a closed position.4. The pallet container of claim 2 , wherein said first bottom flap and said second bottom flap are in the shape of a pentagon.5. The pallet container of claim 2 , wherein two inside flaps are joined to said first bottom flap on opposite sides of said first bottom flap and two inside flaps are joined to said second bottom flap on opposite sides of said second bottom flap.6. The pallet container of claim 3 , wherein said first leg flap and said second leg flap are folded parallel to said bottom piece ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Foldable crate system

Номер: US20180072451A1
Автор: Kenneth K. Niemuth
Принадлежит: DURA-FIBRE LLC

A foldable crate system, associated methods, and an associated apparatus are provided. The foldable crate system includes a continuous piece of paperboard having machined fold lines therein. The machined fold lines allow for highly precise folds of the paperboard to form the same into a packaging unit.
