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05-01-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for transferring printed products

Номер: US20120000747A1
Принадлежит: Mueller Martini Holding AG

A device and a method for transferring printed products conveyed in a stream of individual products from a feed unit to a removal unit makes it possible to divert the printed products from a feed direction to a removal direction. The feed unit includes a first conveyor and a transfer region, and the removal unit includes a takeover region with a support surface for the printed products. The transfer region is located higher than the takeover region. The removal unit of the device includes at least a second conveyor which forms the support surface. A pressing element is arranged above the support surface which can be lowered toward the support surface or toward a printed product moving in the direction of the support surface. The pressing element can be lifted up from the support surface or a printed product positioned thereon.

27-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000045133U1
Автор: Смирнов Л.Д.

1. Устройство для натяжения ленточного движущегося материала, содержащее два вращающихся барабана, два натяжных ролика, находящихся между барабанами с параллельным расположением осей роликов и барабанов и контактирующих своими рабочими поверхностями с наружными сторонами как ведомой, так и ведущей ветви ленточного материала, причем ролики установлены в корпусах и снабжены приспособлениями-фиксаторами их рабочего положения, отличающееся тем, что натяжные ролики установлены ближе к одной из торцевых поверхностей вне рабочей зоны барабанов, а приспособление-фиксатор выполнено в виде механизма плавного регулирования взаимного расположения корпусов за счет перемещения их в направлении, перпендикулярном плоскости, проходящей через оси барабанов, а натяжные ролики снабжены конструктивными элементами, обеспечивающими центровку ленточного материала на барабанах. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что механизм плавного регулирования выполнен в виде двух стержней с резьбовыми концами, каждый из которых ввернут своими резьбовыми концами в резьбовые отверстия двух корпусов, причем один из стержней ввернут с одной торцевой стороны роликов, другой - с другой. 3. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что каждый конец стержня, а также соответствующие отверстия в корпусах имеют резьбу противоположного направления (левую и правую). 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что корпуса роликов подвижно установлены в пазу с одного конца кронштейна - ограничителя возможного смещения их вдоль оси барабанов, при этом второй конец кронштейна разъемно связан с осью одного из барабанов, обеспечивая возможность перестановки его вдоль оси барабанов. 5. Устройство по п.4, отличающееся тем, что расстояние между внутренними поверхностями натяжных роликов должно быть меньше диаметра меньшего из барабанов. 6. Устройство по п.4, отличающееся тем, что конструктивные элементы натяжных роликов выполнены в виде двух кольцевых буртиков, расположенных по краям роликов, причем внутренние поверхности ...

10-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000046484U1

Устройство для намотки ткани в рулон, содержащее электропривод вала формируемого рулона с системой управления, датчик и задатчик натяжения ткани, подключенные через первый сумматор к входу системы управления электродвигателем, отличающееся тем, что оно имеет импульсные датчики оборотов рулона, длины ткани в рулоне и плотности намотки и ключевой элемент, второй вход которого соединен с импульсным датчиком оборотов рулона, а первый - с импульсным датчиком длины ткани в рулоне, выход ключевого элемента и датчик плотности намотки, через усилительные блоки, подключены к входам второго сумматора, выход которого через задатчик натяжения и интегратор соединен с входом первого сумматора. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 46 484 (13) U1 (51) МПК B65H 23/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005107011/22 , 10.03.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.03.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2005 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановский государственный энергетический университет имени В.И. Ленина (RU) U 1 4 6 4 8 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для намотки ткани в рулон, содержащее электропривод вала формируемого рулона с системой управления, датчик и задатчик натяжения ткани, подключенные через первый сумматор к входу системы управления электродвигателем, отличающееся тем, что оно имеет импульсные датчики оборотов рулона, длины ткани в рулоне и плотности намотки и ключевой элемент, второй вход которого соединен с импульсным датчиком оборотов рулона, а первый - с импульсным датчиком длины ткани в рулоне, выход ключевого элемента и датчик плотности намотки, через усилительные блоки, подключены к входам второго сумматора, выход которого через задатчик натяжения и интегратор соединен с входом первого сумматора. 4 6 4 8 4 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ НАМОТКИ ТКАНИ В РУЛОН R U Адрес для переписки: 153003, г.Иваново, ул. Рабфаковская, 34, ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Стационарно-переносной измеритель натяжения ткани

Номер: RU0000165791U1

Стационарно-переносной измеритель натяжения ткани, оснащенный двумя ручками, содержащий гидравлический датчик, соединенный с двуплечим рычагом, установленный с помощью винта и контргайки в закрепленной на кронштейне корпуса направляющей обойме, и регулируемый ограничитель, при этом корпус измерителя, с закрепленным на нем призматическим пальцем, установленным в буксе, регулирование которого по высоте выполняется гайкой, фиксируется на швеллерной раме отделочной машины в неподвижном положении винтами в вертикальной плоскости и подвижными рычагами при затяжке гаек в горизонтальном положении. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 165 791 U1 (51) МПК G01L 5/06 (2006.01) B65H 77/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016102181/28, 25.01.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.01.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2016 Бюл. № 31 R U 1 6 5 7 9 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Стационарно-переносной измеритель натяжения ткани, оснащенный двумя ручками, содержащий гидравлический датчик, соединенный с двуплечим рычагом, установленный с помощью винта и контргайки в закрепленной на кронштейне корпуса направляющей обойме, и регулируемый ограничитель, при этом корпус измерителя, с закрепленным на нем призматическим пальцем, установленным в буксе, регулирование которого по высоте выполняется гайкой, фиксируется на швеллерной раме отделочной машины в неподвижном положении винтами в вертикальной плоскости и подвижными рычагами при затяжке гаек в горизонтальном положении. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) СТАЦИОНАРНО-ПЕРЕНОСНОЙ ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬ НАТЯЖЕНИЯ ТКАНИ 1 6 5 7 9 1 Адрес для переписки: 109028, Москва, Большой Трехсвятительский пер., 2/1, АО "МНИРТИ", начальнику сектора - Минченко Татьяне Владимировне (73) Патентообладатель(и): Парахина Марина Викторовна (RU), Акционерное общество "Московский ордена Трудового Красного Знамени научноисследовательский радиотехнический институт" (RU) R U ...

15-06-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для смотки бинта в пауэрлифтинге

Номер: RU0000180528U1

Полезная модель относится к устройству для быстрой и качественной намотки специального бинта, используемого для выполнения упражнения «Приседания» и «Тяга» в пауэрлифтинге в тугой рулон. Технической задачей, на решение которой направлено заявляемая полезная модель, является повышение производительности и уменьшение энергетических затрат при смотке бинта в тугой рулон. Устройство для смотки бинта в пауэрлифтинге, содержащее металлический корпус, ручку, цилиндрический конус с пропилом, зажим, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно к корпусу машинки путем сваривания присоединен натяжной механизм, состоящий из четырех спиц с нарезанной на концах резьбой. И 1 180528 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 180 528” 4 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 16.02.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 15.10.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 15.10.2020 Бюл. №29 Стр.: 1 па 869031 ЕП

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для одноосной ориентационной вытяжки полимерной плёнки

Номер: RU0000183615U1

Полезная модель относится к области переработки полимерных материалов. Предложено устройство для одноосной ориентационной вытяжки полимерной пленки, содержащее два захвата полимерной пленки, между которыми приложено растягивающее усилие вдоль продольной оси полимерной пленки, при этом торцы полимерной пленки закреплены в обоих захватах, при этом в каждом захвате установлено с возможностью свободного вращения, по одному съемному ролику, оси которых нормальны направлению растягивающего усилия, при этом полимерная пленка пропущена через каждый ролик. Это обеспечивает увеличение производительности растягивающих машин полимерной пленки, уменьшение их габаритов без ухудшения свойств ориентированной полимерной пленки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 183 615 U1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ QB9K Государственная регистрация предоставления права использования по договору Вид договора: лицензионный Лицо(а), которому(ым) предоставлено право использования: Акционерное общество "Концерн "Океанприбор" (RU) R U Лицо(а), предоставляющее(ие) право использования: Российская Федерация, от имени которой выступает Фонд перспективных исследований (RU) Условия договора: неисключительная лицензия сроком на 3 года на территории РФ. Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 13.01.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 13.01.2020 Бюл. №2 1 8 3 6 1 5 Дата и номер государственной регистрации предоставления права использования по договору: 13.01.2020 РД0321788 R U 1 8 3 6 1 5 U 1 U 1 Стр.: 1

08-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000197175U1

Переносное устройство для регулирования натяжения канатов, тросов, веревок, шнуров и иных гибких элементов для использования в такелажном, бытовом, туристическом, спортивном, медицинском и ином оборудовании. Для контакта с гибким элементом оно содержит подвижные упоры, два крайних и, по крайней мере, один средний, имеющие возможность взаимного перемещения с необходимым для натяжения усилием. Устройство может быть подвешено в произвольном месте провисающего или натянутого гибкого элемента, без его демонтажа и предварительной подготовки, захватыванием его участка между крайними и средними упорами. Регулируют натяжение взаимным перемещением упоров, приводящим к вытягиванию расположенной на участке между крайними упорами части гибкого элемента в сторону от его пролегания и формированию боковой петли. Один или более средних упоров могут вращаться вокруг оси, совпадающей с направлением вытягивания петли, и выполнять скрутку петли для ее дополнительного вытягивания. Полученную петлю фиксируют с двух сторон перемычкой с двумя зажимами и устройство снимают с гибкого элемента. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 197 175 U1 (51) МПК F16G 11/12 (2006.01) B65H 77/00 (2006.01) B65H 23/022 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16G 11/12 (2020.01); B65H 23/022 (2020.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019102159, 25.01.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: CN 204155659 U, 11.02.2015. US 20110089284 A1, 21.04.2011. SU 1602761 A1, 30.10.1990. SU 670756 A1, 30.06.1979. Дата регистрации: 08.04.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 08.04.2020 Бюл. № 10 1 9 7 1 7 5 R U (54) ПЕРЕНОСНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ НАТЯЖЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Переносное устройство для регулирования средними упорами. Регулируют натяжение натяжения канатов, тросов, веревок, шнуров и взаимным перемещением упоров, приводящим к иных гибких элементов для использования в ...

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Money handling machine

Номер: US20120012436A1
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd

In a control unit ( 50 ), a predetermined amount of money of fund money that is the money to be dispensed as the change or the like (i.e., predetermined denominations and the number for each denomination or predetermined total amount of the fund money) is set in advance. The control unit ( 50 ) controls an insertion unit ( 12 ), a transport unit ( 16 ), a storing unit ( 22 ) and an escrow unit ( 20 ), so as to automatically perform a dispensing process for feeding the money corresponding to the predetermined amount of the fund money from the storing unit ( 22 ) to a dispensing unit ( 14 ), after the control unit ( 50 ) serves to perform a depositing process for taking the money into a casing ( 10 ) from the exterior thereof via the insertion unit ( 12 ), and then feeding the money taken in the casing ( 10 ) to the escrow unit ( 20 ).

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Device for separating flat articles, a corresponding control method, and a corresponding postal machine

Номер: US20120013065A1
Принадлежит: Solystic SAS

The invention relates to a separator device ( 18 ) comprising a passage zone ( 40 ) through which the articles pass and which extends between drive means ( 20, 30 ), retaining means ( 24, 34 ) for retaining an article relative to another article, and suitable for separating them mutually, control means suitable for activating and deactivating, independently, each first and second drive means ( 20, 30 ), and each first and second retaining means ( 24, 34 ). The drive means ( 20, 30 ) are distant from each other so as to define the passage zone ( 40 ), and the retaining means ( 24, 34 ) are suitable for exerting substantially transverse forces in opposite directions, so as to suck at least one article against corresponding drive means. The invention also relates to a method of controlling the above-mentioned separator device ( 18 ), and to a postal sorting machine including such a separator device ( 18 ).

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Sheet roll and sheet-like coupling member

Номер: US20120015132A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Electric Glass Co Ltd

A sheet roll ( 1 ) is manufactured by placing a sheet-like coupling member ( 3 ) on end portions of a plurality of glass films (g) so as to span therebetween, coupling the end portions of the glass films (g) together, and rolling the coupled plurality of glass films (g). The sheet-like coupling member ( 3 ) used in the sheet roll ( 1 ) includes wide width portions ( 4 ) for forming wide joint portions joined to the glass films (g) at each of both end portions thereof in a rolling direction, and a necked portion ( 5 ), which is narrower than the wide width portions ( 4 ) and is formed at a middle portion thereof in the rolling direction.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Post-processing apparatus and image forming system having thereof

Номер: US20120018948A1

A post-processing apparatus including: a conveyance unit which conveys a sheet, having been carried-in, to a selected conveying destination among a plurality of conveying destinations; a stiffness imparting unit which imparts stiffness to the sheet being conveyed by the conveyance unit; and a control section which controls the stiffness imparting by the stiffness imparting unit, wherein the control section controls whether to impart or not to impart stiffness to the sheet, according to the selected conveying destination.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Sheet processing apparatus, image forming system and sheet processing method

Номер: US20120028780A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba TEC Corp

According to one embodiment, a sheet processing apparatus includes a reinforce roller to further reinforce the fold of a sheet which has been folded by a fold roller pair, a support portion to move the reinforce roller in a direction perpendicular to a sheet conveying direction, a motor to drive the support portion, and a control unit to control the motor so that the support portion moves at a faster moving speed at the time of a homeward route than a moving speed at the time of an outward route.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Sheet folding apparatus, image forming apparatus using the same, and sheet folding method

Номер: US20120028781A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba TEC Corp

A sheet folding apparatus includes: a saddle-stitching unit configured to stitch a center of a sheet bundle; a folding unit configured to fold the sheet bundle at the center to form a fold; a loading base onto which the sheet bundle conveyed from the folding unit is loaded; a nipping plate configured to be pressed to and separated from the loading base in parallel to the loading base and to nip the sheet bundle loaded onto the loading base; and first and second rollers that move along a direction of the fold while nipping and pressing the fold of the sheet bundle nipped by the nipping plate to reinforce the fold. Here, a surface, which faces the loading base, of the nipping plate is provided with an elastic member.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Gate system diverting sheets into multi-ways

Номер: US20120032389A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

According to aspects illustrated herein, there are provided systems for conveying a sheet article into an intended pathway. The multi-way gate system for diverting sheets into multiple pathways in a sheet conveying device includes at least three pathways for directing the sheet from the sheet conveying member in a particular direction. A single gate plate is between the sheet conveying member and the pathways. The single gate plate is rotatable about a single axis to direct the sheet exiting the sheet conveying member toward one of the pathways.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Device for supplying sheets

Номер: US20120035033A1
Автор: Fiorenzo Draghetti
Принадлежит: Gima SpA

A device ( 1 ) is described herein for supplying rough-shaped sheets, made especially of cardboard, for making a corresponding package for housing respective cigarettes or the like. The device comprises means ( 11 ) for supporting and conveying sheets (A) along a respective path, which comprise first and second means ( 111, 112 ) that still-retain respective ends (A 1 , A 2 ) of the sheet (A) along the advancement path.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Tearing device of a continuous ribbon of paper material to be supplied on rewinding machines, rewinding machine for the formation of logs of paper equipped with such a device and tearing method of a continuous ribbon of paper material on rewinding machines

Номер: US20120048985A1
Автор: Giovanni Gambini
Принадлежит: Gambini International SA

The present invention concerns a tearing device of a continuous ribbon of paper material to be supplied on rewinding machines and a method for tearing the same ribbon. The device comprises mechanical tearing means to cause the tearing of the ribbon in correspondence of at least one perforation and weakening line of the same. The mechanical tearing means comprise an interception portion suitable for engaging, at least temporarily, the structure of the continuous ribbon, to cause it to break. The mechanical tearing means are mobile between a non operative position, in which the interception portion does not engage the ribbon, and an operative position, in which the interception portion engages the ribbon transversally until it causes it to break along a respective perforation and weakening line.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Paper mixing preventing apparatus

Номер: US20120049440A1
Автор: Kijo JUNG
Принадлежит: Biztechone Co Ltd

Disclosed is a paper mixing preventing apparatus which prevents a paper sheet stacked on a paper buffering unit, a paper arranging unit, or a stacker tray on a paper feeing path and a succeeding feeding sheet from being out of sequence. A lower unit and an upper unit are installed between a stacked paper sheet and the succeeding paper sheet. A pressing plate of the upper unit and the support plate of the lower unit move, so the support plate of the lower unit is rotated together with the pressing plate to prevent the succeeding paper sheet from being damaged. The associated movements of the lower unit and the upper unit are released at a position where the pressing plate of the upper unit is moved, and the lower unit primarily returns to its initial state and the upper unit returns to its initial state subsequently.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Externally-powerable media transport module

Номер: US20120049444A1
Автор: Duncan Keith, Gordon Burke
Принадлежит: Individual

A media transport module is described. The media transport module comprises: an upward transport, a divert transport, and a stacking transport. The upward transport extends from a pick coupling area to a diversion area and is operable to route individual media items from the pick coupling area to the diversion area. The divert transport extends from the diversion area to a diverter port; and the stacking transport extends from the diversion area to a stacking port. A diverter is located at the diversion area and is operable to route media items to either (i) the divert transport, or (ii) the stacking transport, in response to a signal received from a media thickness sensor. A drive gear is provided for receiving rotational motion from an external drive. An electrical connector is also provided for receiving electrical power from an external supply and using the received electrical power to energize the diverter.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Sheet conveying device and recording apparatus

Номер: US20120050438A1
Автор: Itaru Wada
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A sheet conveying device having a rolled-sheet supporting unit, a conveying unit, a driving unit, a tension applying unit, and a control unit. The rolled-sheet supporting unit supports a continuous sheet rolled up into a roll. The conveying unit conveys the continuous sheet from the rolled-sheet supporting unit as driven by the driving unit. The tension applying unit applies tension to the continuous sheet downstream of the conveying unit in a conveying direction. The control unit controls a driving amount of the driving unit per unit conveyance distance as the conveying unit conveys the continuous sheet. The driving amount is larger in a case where a first tension is applied by the tension applying unit compared to a case in which a second tension, that is larger than the first tension, is applied.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Loading member and sorting device

Номер: US20120061210A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A loading member includes a receiving section that changes a posture thereof from a receiving posture where a loading material is received to a rising posture where the loading material is supported in a raised state; and a positioning section that is projected from a portion of a base end of the receiving section and then positions a lower end position of the loading material when the posture of the receiving section is changed to the rising posture; wherein the positioning section is provided with a loading assisting member assists the positioning of the loading material in a case of the receiving posture, while the front end of the loading assisting member rotates in a direction to approach a receiving surface of the loading material at the receiving section in a case of changing from the receiving posture to the rising posture.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Duplex web printer with turning mechanism

Номер: US20120062673A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A printing machine for printing on a web includes a plurality of guide rollers for guiding the web through a simplex and a duplex path in the printing machine. The duplex path is adjacent and laterally shifted with respect to the simplex path. An apparatus for turning or laterally shifting the web and transfer the web from the simplex path to the duplex path includes four rollers. 90° twists are present between rollers 1 and 2 and between rollers 3 and 4. Rollers 1 and 4 are substantially parallel, and rollers 2 and 3 are substantially parallel. Rollers 1 and 4 are substantially at right angles to rollers 2 and 3.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Image forming apparatus and image forming method

Номер: US20120069114A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba TEC Corp

According to one embodiment, an image forming apparatus includes a retaining roller, a nipping device, a retaining device, an image forming head, and a controller. The retaining roller retains a recording medium and rotates. The nipping device is capable of operating to open and close and holds the recording medium between the nipping device and the surface of the retaining roller to mechanically retain the recording medium. The retaining device retains the recording medium on the surface of the retaining roller. The controller controls, on the basis of a condition for use of the recording medium, the nipping device to nip the recording medium between the nipping device and the surface of the retaining roller.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Alternative apparatus for reducing web feed rate variations induced by parent roll geometry variations

Номер: US20120097787A1
Автор: Paul Alan Binner, Sr.
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

An apparatus is disclosed for reducing feed rate variations when unwinding a web material. The apparatus includes a rotational position and speed determining device for determining the rotational position and speed of the parent roll, a drive system for imparting rotational movement to the parent roll, a device for measuring the radius of the parent roll, and a logic device. The logic device generates an ideal speed reference signal and utilizes calculated and measured data to establish a corrected speed reference signal to make adjustments in the driving speed based upon the corrected speed reference signal to maintain a relatively constant feed rate. By dividing the parent roll into 1, 2, . . . n sectors, the data can be refined to a relatively high degree taking into account high speed data processing capabilities as well as operating system response times to make appropriate driving speed adjustments.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

System and method for inline cutting and stacking of sheets for formation of books

Номер: US20120098184A1
Принадлежит: Lasermax Roll Systems Inc

This invention provides a system and method for aligning, feeding, trimming, slitting, rotating, cross-slitting and stacking sheets, each containing one or more discrete page images thereon that allows for greater automation of the overall process so that reduced or no manual intervention is required to generate completed book stacks or “blocks” from a stream or stack of printed sheets. Sheets are fed to a first, upstream trimming station to remove margin edges and optionally separate the sheets relative to the discrete page images. The sheets are then rotated 90 degrees and fed to a second, downstream trimming station that trims the right-angle edges and optionally separates the sheets into a final group of full-bleed pages, removing margins and gutter strips. The sheets are fed to a stacking assembly to be tacked in page order and any rejected, defective sheets or stacks are removed from the order.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus with product conveyor and transverse drive

Номер: US20120103761A1
Автор: Günther Weber

The present invention relates to an apparatus having a product conveyor drivable in a conveying direction and a transverse drive by which the product conveyor is movable in a direction transverse to the conveying direction. The product conveyor is coupled to a compensation mass by means of which forces can be compensated which occur by a transverse movement of the product conveyor.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Reel dispenser

Номер: US20120111988A1
Автор: Andrew Dean
Принадлежит: Wrap Film Systems Ltd

A reel dispenser includes a housing, a coupling associated with a reel and a mounting for removably mounting the coupling to the housing so that the coupling is movable between a mounted and a dismounted condition. The coupling includes a key. The mounting includes a lock arrangement which is movable between a locked condition and a free condition. The reel dispenser is arranged so that when the coupling is moved from the dismounted condition to the mounted condition, the key moves the lock arrangement to the free condition, permitting rotation of the coupling relative to the housing.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Lateral Correcting Device and Prining Press

Номер: US20120118186A1

A lateral register correcting device includes, a first adjusting unit that comprises a plurality of the pressing members arranged in a central area in the width direction of the web, a second adjusting unit that comprises one or more of the pressing members arranged in an outer area in the width direction of the web than the first adjusting unit, and an adjusting system that can adjust a pressure amount in the central area in the width direction of the web and a pressure amount in the outer area in the width direction of the web to different values through the first and second adjusting units. The pressing members are pressure rollers in a disc shape, and the pressure rollers of the second adjusting unit have an outer diameter set larger than that of the pressure rollers of the first adjusting unit.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Sheet de-curling mechanism and printing apparatus using the same

Номер: US20120128397A1
Автор: Yu-Lun Chang
Принадлежит: Individual

A sheet de-curling mechanism includes a passageway, a first roller and a second roller. The first roller, disposed in the passageway, transports a sheet at a first speed in a transporting direction. The second roller, disposed downstream of the first roller, transports the sheet at a second speed greater than the first speed, to stretch and flatten the sheet. A printing apparatus using the sheet de-curling mechanism is also provided.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Cleaving apparatus for a band-like glass film and cleaving method for a band-like glass film

Номер: US20120131962A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Electric Glass Co Ltd

A cleaving apparatus holds at least one surface (effective surface) of a band-like glass film in a non-contact state to suppress a situation that wavy portions reach a region in which the band-like glass film is to be cleaved. The cleaving apparatus cleaves the band-like glass film, which is being conveyed in a longitudinal direction thereof, along a conveyance direction thereof using a thermal stress generated through localized heating and cooling of a heated region. The localized heating and the cooling is performed on a preset cleaving line extending along the conveyance direction of the band-like glass film. The cleaving apparatus includes an air knife for supplying air to a front surface of the band-like glass film to retain the film on a conveyor at a position on an upstream side of a cleaving region in the conveyance direction.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Sheet conveying device having function of correcting skew of sheet

Номер: US20120133093A1
Автор: Hiroshi Saito
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A sheet conveying device that makes it possible to perform printing at high speed with high accuracy by easily correcting skew of a sheet, such as an index tab sheet, without requiring troublesome operations. Sheet detection sensors for detecting a sheet and skew correction rollers for conveying the sheet are disposed in a direction crosswise to a conveying direction of the sheet. A skew correction drive controller measures a leading edge detection time between respective detections of a leading edge of the sheet by the sensors, and controls the conveying speeds of the skew correction rollers independently of each other such that a skew represented by the leading edge detection time is corrected. If the leading edge detection time is not smaller than a predetermined threshold value, the skew correction drive controller reduces a skew correction amount for correcting the skew by a predetermined amount.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Stack or collection of essentially flat primary products and method for producing such a stack or such a collection

Номер: US20120156426A1
Автор: Jürg Möckli
Принадлежит: Ferag AG

The invention relates to a stack or a collection ( 10 ) of essentially flat primary products ( 11 - 14 ), in particular printed products, which stack or collection ( 10 ) comprises three or more primary products ( 11 - 14 ) which are arranged one immediately above the other in the stack or immediately side by side in the collection and are detachably joined together, and at least one of which is a printed product which has a folded edge. Simple post-processing is achieved by adhesive areas ( 16 ) in contact respectively with both adjacent primary products being provided in order to form a detachable connection between adjacent primary products.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Sheet feeding device

Номер: US20120161387A1
Автор: Kenta Horade
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A sheet feeding device includes a first roller configured to feed a sheet in a first direction along a first feed path, a second roller arranged on a downstream side of the first roller and configured to feed the sheet in the first direction along the first feed path, a sheet detection unit arranged between the first roller and the second roller. A rotation amount of the second roller from detection of the leading end of the sheet by the sheet detection unit to arrival of the sheet at a predetermined position on the downstream side is compensated based on the rotation speed of the first roller within a first period, which is a period from start of feeding of the sheet as the first roller is started to be driven to the detection of the leading end of the sheet by the sheet detection unit.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Modular guide assembly

Номер: US20120167653A1
Автор: Frank Guenter Benner
Принадлежит: Sms Siemag AG

The invention relates to a guide assembly in a plant for working strip ( 1 ), comprising positionable guides ( 3 a, 3 b ) at both longitudinal edges ( 2 a, 2 b ) of the strip ( 1 ), at least one guide ( 3 a, 3 b ) being pressable by at least one actuator ( 4 ) against the strip ( 1 ), characterized in that at least one guide ( 3 a, 3 b ) is shiftable along a guide beam ( 9 ) formed with a cylinder ( 7 ) in which a piston ( 6 ) fixedly attached to the guide ( 3 a, 3 b ) can be moved.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Method of drumhead imaging

Номер: US20120175038A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for forming a dye sublimation image in a vibrating membrane employed in a musical instrument comprising the steps of: providing an image, digitally prepared or otherwise, consisting of a simulated animal skin or another form of graphic; printing the image on a substrate employing a heat transfer ink dye; joining the substrate with the printed image with a sheet of a gas permeable membrane comprised of bi-axially oriented non-woven polyester fibers having a plurality of surface pores and vibrating and musical note producing capability; applying a combination of heat and pressure to the joined substrate with the printed image and the membrane to cause the individual surface pores to expand to enable the dye to gasify and permeate the surface pores to transfer the image; and, cooling the membrane to enable the surface pores to seal closed and encase the image within the surface of the membrane to protect against delamination and wear when the membrane vibrates which results from the intense and constant pounding of a drumstick, a mallet, a person's hand or some other rigid-like object.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Image forming system

Номер: US20120175835A1
Автор: Yasushi Saitsu

An image forming system including an image forming section to print images on sheets; a conveyance path through which the printed sheets are conveyed; a post-processing section which executes post-processing to form a booldet from a bundle of sheets conveyed through the conveyance path; a plurality of overlapping sections each of which is disposed between the image forming section and the post-processing section, makes the sheets temporarily wait, forms a bundle of sheets by overlapping a plurality of waiting sheets, and conveys to the post-processing apparatus; a control section which, with respect to a second or later booldet set in case of continuously forming booldet sets, controls a number of the sheets to be conveyed to the overlapping section, a conveying order of the sheets, and a timing to convey the sheets to a downstream side, based on a period of executing the post-processing.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: US20120176570A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

A display device having a light-emitting element and a see-through capability, with which a variety of display modes can be exhibited depending on a use application or situation. In such a display device having a see-through capability, between a first display portion having pixels including dual-emission type light-emitting elements and a second display portion having a light-scattering liquid crystal layer, a shutter-shaped light-blocking unit is provided so that a variety of display modes can be exhibited depending on use applications or situations by selecting modes of the first display portion, the second display portion, and the shutter-shaped light-blocking unit.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Card substrate rotator

Номер: US20120177474A1
Принадлежит: HID Global Corp

A card substrate rotator comprises a substrate support, a rotator mechanism and a lift mechanism. The substrate support is configured to receive a card substrate and comprises a feed roller. The rotator mechanism is configured to rotate the substrate support about an axis. The lift mechanism is configured to move the substrate support and the axis in a vertical plane.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Thermoforming Web Accumulator and Method

Номер: US20120180931A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A thermoforming web accumulator is provided having a frame, a web guide element, an arm, and an actuator. The frame is configured to be provided within a thermoforming line. The web guide element is configured to be provided beneath a web of thermoformable material being delivered along the thermoforming line. The arm is carried by the frame and is configured to articulate the web guide element between raised and lowered positions. The actuator is operatively coupled with the arm to articulate the arm to controllably move the web guide element between raised and lowered positions to accumulate an extra length of web and discharge the extra length of web during a web splicing operation. A method is also provided.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Device and method for receiving, holding and/or handling two-dimensional objects

Номер: US20120181740A1
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

A receiving, holding and/or handling device for two-dimensional objects, with at least two controllable suction grippers. The suction grippers are arranged and connected to free ends of movable cantilever arms, which are elastically deformable at least in some sections. The cantilever arm are mounted and supported on a bridge. The cantilever arms each include at least one lower pull and one upper pull which meet at the free end of the cantilever arm and are connected there. An actuating device is assigned to the upper pull. The actuating device generates a pulling force with at least one horizontal direction component which is approximately parallel to the longitudinal extension direction of the cantilever arm. A method is also disclosed.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Paper guides for continuous feed printing

Номер: US20120187174A1
Автор: Eric Toussaint
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

A system for providing damage-free travel of media on media path in an image-forming apparatus is described. The system includes a roller configured to transport media on the media path and one or more guides positioned at either end of the roller. Each guide includes an inner end extending into the media path, and an outer end extending beyond the media path, the outer end having a height greater than the height of the inner end. Moreover, the surface between the inner end and the outer end is concave in shape.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Control apparatus, control method for control apparatus, and storage medium

Номер: US20120188571A1
Автор: Hiroyuki Amano
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A control method for a control apparatus includes obtaining an amount of a recording material applied on a first area of a sheet and an amount of a recording material applied on a second area of the sheet on the basis of image data recorded on the sheet stacked on a stacking unit; and performing control, in a case where a plurality of sheets are stacked on the stacking unit, so that a difference between a total amount of the recording material applied on the first area of the sheets and a total amount of the recording material applied on the second area of the sheets does not exceed a predetermined value on the basis of the obtained amount of the recording material. With this method, a limit of the number of stacked sheets is relieved while stability of the stacked sheets is maintained.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Sheet feeder with pickup roller and image forming apparatus

Номер: US20120193863A1
Автор: Hiroyuki Harada
Принадлежит: Kyocera Mita Corp

A sheet feeder includes a pickup roller for feeding a sheet on a tray toward a predetermined processing position, an arm member rotatably supporting the pickup roller, a rotary shaft supported on the housing to be rotatable about an axis thereof, a coupling member for coupling the arm member and the rotary shaft, a pivoting mechanism for pivoting the arm member via the rotary shaft so that the pickup roller shifts its position between a feeding position and a retracted position, and a controller for controlling the operation of the pivoting mechanism. The controller controls the arm member to pivot in such a direction that the pickup roller moves toward the retracted position when a sheet is placed on the tray.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

System and method for decurling media in a printing system

Номер: US20120201590A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

Embodiments described herein include an upstream measurement module, a curler downstream of the upstream measurement module, and a print station downstream of the curler. The upstream measurement module includes a transport on which media is tacked to flatten the media and a curl sensor to generate a curl signal corresponding to a media curl of the media on the transport. The curler curls the media in response to the curl signal to reduce a magnitude of the media curl. The print station includes a marking unit to dispose a marking material on the media and a transport to transport the media past the marking unit, wherein the first and second transports apply a substantially equivalent hold down force to the media.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Small and bulk pack napkin separator

Номер: US20120201643A1
Принадлежит: CG Bretting Manufacturing Co Inc

An apparatus and method are provided, for alternatively producing either small or bulk packs of napkins from a stack of folded napkins produced by one folding machine, through use of a pack dispatching arrangement having an inlet, a small pack transfer station and a bulk pack transfer station, and configured for operation in a small pack mode for dispatching a stream of spaced apart small packs of folded sheets separated from the stack of folded sheets, and received at an inlet of the pack dispatching arrangement, to the small pack transfer station, and alternatively operable in a bulk pack mode for dispatching a stream of spaced apart bulk packs of folded sheets separated from the stack of folded sheets, and received at an inlet of the pack dispatching arrangement, to the bulk pack transfer station.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Stacking of gloves

Номер: US20120204517A1
Принадлежит: Altevo Ltd

A glove stacking apparatus for preparing a stack of gloves prior to packing into a box, and a method of stacking gloves, particularly ambidextrous disposable hygienic gloves, preferably with the thumbs of each glove in a desired orientation with respect to each other are disclosed. A glove stacking apparatus for forming a stack of gloves comprises a packing recess for receiving the gloves to be stacked, and adjacent the recess at least one movable flap for folding towards the recess a portion of a glove overlapping said edge of the recess. The movable flap has a surface that is permeable to gaseous flow through the surface, and the glove stacking apparatus including a source of vacuum pressure and means to apply the vacuum air pressure through the permeable surface of the movable flap in order to pull the overlapping portion of the glove to the flap prior to folding of the overlapping portion. The source of vacuum pressure is separate from the flap so that as the flap folds towards the recess, the application of the vacuum air pressure through the permeable surface is automatically released.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Device and method for depositing sheet-shaped substrates so as to form a stack

Номер: US20120205862A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a device and a method for depositing sheet-shaped substrates ( 6 ), in particular printing materials, in a printing machine so as to form a stack. The device comprises a tray ( 10 ) for receiving the substrates, said tray having a tray surface ( 8 ) that is tilted about a first axis and about a second axis, relative to a horizontal. Also provided are a lifting device for lifting and lowering the tray, as well as a first abutment having a first abutment surface and a second abutment ( 26 ) having a second abutment surface, with the first and the second abutment surfaces being arranged so as to be perpendicular to each other, and with substrates deposited on the tray coming to abut against the first and the second abutment surfaces due to the tilting of the tray surface.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Lifting device and method for gloves stacking

Номер: US20120207577A1
Принадлежит: Altevo Ltd

A glove stacking apparatus for preparing a stack of gloves prior to packing into a box, and a method of stacking gloves using a glove stacking apparatus for preparing a stack of gloves prior to packing into a box, particularly ambidextrous disposable hygienic gloves are disclosed. A glove stacking apparatus for lifting and depositing gloves to be stacked comprises a lifting means for lifting each of the gloves. The lifting means includes an attractive glove lifting surface, wherein the lifting means includes within the lifting surface a movable member, the movable member being movable from a first position in which the movable member is substantially flush with the lifting surface to a second position in which the movable member stands proud of the lifting surface in order to help dislodge the lifted glove from the lifting surface. The movable member has a surface that is permeable to air flow through the surface, the glove lifting means including a source of positive air pressure and means to control the application of said positive air pressure through the permeable surface of the movable member in order to control the dislodging of the lifted glove from the glove lifting surface.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Carton decasing system

Номер: US20120210679A1
Автор: Colin Ford, Thomas A. Rice
Принадлежит: Individual

A carton decasing system for removing stacks of cartons or carton blanks from cases or containers includes a case infeed conveyor on which the cases with the cartons or carton blanks stacked therein are moved to an inverting assembly. The inverting assembly reorients the cases and places the cases with the cartons stacked therein on a decasing assembly which removes the cases from the stacks of cartons. The stacks of cartons are thereafter conveyed along a magazine conveyor with the stacks of cartons supported by a stack pusher assembly as the cartons are moved to a discharge point at the distal end of the magazine conveyor.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for splicing a paper roll

Номер: US20120211142A1

A splicing machine having an alignment mechanism is provided for aligning an end edge of a web of paperboard in preparation for splicing two webs of paperboard. An image display device such as a mirror or display screen allow an operator to view images of the end edge of the web and the alignment position to facilitate aligning the end edge at the alignment position. The alignment position is typically marked by an alignment marker produced by light, such as a laser beam.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Image-forming device and method for forming an image

Номер: US20120240803A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

An image-forming device includes a conveying part, an image-forming part, first through third sensors, and a control part. The conveying part is configured and arranged to convey a continuous recording material. The image-forming part is configured and arranged to form an image on the recording material conveyed by the conveying part. The first through third sensors are configured and arranged to detect positions of an edge surface of the recording material conveyed by the conveying part. The control part is configured to calculate first through third shifting amounts based on the positions of the edge surface of the recording material simultaneously detected by the first through third sensors, respectively. The first shifting amount is generated by movement of the recording material, the second shifting amount is generated by rotation of the recording material, and the third shifting amount is generated by fluctuations in the edge surface of the recording material.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Sheet processing apparatus

Номер: US20120286469A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A sheet processing apparatus that is capable of aligning sheets in a sheet longitudinal direction with high accuracy when bundling the sheets. A conveyance unit conveys a sheet. A stacking unit stacks a plurality of sheets that are conveyed by the conveyance unit. A grasping member performs a grasping operation that grasps the rear end of the sheet surface of the sheets stacked on the stacking unit. A driving unit moves the grasping member. A control unit controls the driving unit so as to align the sheets stacked on the stacking unit in a sheet conveyance direction by making the grasping member contact the rear end of the stacked sheets after the sheets are stacked on the stacking unit, and controls the driving unit so that the grasping member performs the grasping operation when a following sheet is stacked on the stacked sheets.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for supplying a web of packaging material to an indexing-motion packaging machine

Номер: US20120292422A1
Принадлежит: Alkar RapidPak Inc

Methods and systems for supplying a web of packaging material to an indexing-motion packaging machine include rotating a roll of a web of packaging material, sensing changes in position of a dancer caused by rotation of the roll, rotating the roll at a starting speed of rotation that is based upon sensed changes in position of the dancer, and then maintain substantially constant tension in the web of flexible packaging material during indexing motion of the packaging machine.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Image forming system, image forming method, and non-transitory computer readable medium

Номер: US20120301198A1
Принадлежит: Fuji Xerox Co Ltd

An image forming system includes an image forming unit, a feeding unit, a side edge reversal unit, a leading edge reversal unit, and a control unit, wherein, when there is a request for image formation on a bundle of sheets including a special sheet having a special part at an edge so that the edge is not straight and there is a request for image formation on both surfaces of the special sheet, the control unit controls the feeding unit, the image forming unit, the side edge reversal unit, the image forming unit to transport the special sheet having the image of the preceding page formed thereon to the downstream side after the front and back of the sheet are reversed by the leading edge reversal unit.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Control apparatus and method for controlling a printed-product processing system

Номер: US20120310402A1
Автор: Matthias Dürr
Принадлежит: Ferag AG

For controlling a printed product processing system ( 100 ), which comprises a collecting system ( 1 ) having a conveyor ( 11 ) and a plurality of feed conveyors ( 13 ) for creating product collections ( 4 ) from products ( 3 ) fed by the feed conveyors ( 13 ), system configuration parameters ( 24 ) which define a configuration of the printed product processing system ( 100 ) and production configuration parameters ( 25 ) which define the production of product collections ( 4, 4 #) created from a plurality of products fed are detected and run time data are determined during the production. On the basis of the system configuration parameters ( 24 ), the production configuration parameters ( 25 ) and the run time data, one of a plurality of defined production strategies ( 26 ), which in each case determine the control of the printed product processing system ( 100 ), is selected during the production. The automatic selection of a production strategy ( 26 ) for the control of the printed product processing system ( 100 ) during the production on the basis of the system configuration and product configuration and the run time data enables a dynamic adaptation of the creation and further processing of product collections ( 4 ) to current events, states and/or configurations of the printed product processing system ( 100 ).

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Image forming apparatus, image forming system, and post-processing apparatus which perform skew feeding correction

Номер: US20120320399A1
Автор: Naoka Omura
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image forming apparatus that performs accurate skew feeding correction of a sheet by taking into account the difference between the amounts of expansion or contraction of the sheet subjected to fixing processing between positions in the lateral direction. A transfer section transfers an image onto a sheet. An image pickup unit acquires first information on the skew of a leading end of the sheet. A correction unit corrects the attitude of the sheet based on the first information. A fixing device fixes the image transferred onto the sheet. An inversion path inverts the sheet upside down. Another image pickup unit acquires second information on the skew of an end of the sheet. Before transferring an image onto a second surface of the sheet, the correction unit corrects the attitude of the sheet based on the second information and the first information.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Bundle composed of printed products and method for producing the bundle

Номер: US20120326427A1
Автор: Konrad Boos
Принадлежит: Mueller Martini Holding AG

A bundle of identical book blocks composed of a plurality of folded print sheets or signatures standing upright on lower edges of the printed sheets or book blocks. The book blocks are formed with first and last book block sections having different dimensions. A quadrangular bundle is formed from the book blocks by aligning first limit surfaces of the book block sections flush with each other along one of the two side surfaces or along the upper or lower surfaces of the bundle so that a second limit surface of the first book block section opposite the first limit surface of the first book block section projects with an offset with respect to a limit surface of the last book block section opposite the first limit surface of the last book block section. The bundle is compressed and then secured.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Method of producting electronic circuit boards using electrophotography

Номер: US20130004892A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides a method producing printed electronic circuits using electrophotography.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Media processing device

Номер: US20130008961A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A media processing device enables reading second media that do not bend easily from the device front with the same ease of use as processing first media that bend easily. The media processing device has a media conveyance path that guides first media inserted from a media insertion opening toward the back and then again toward the front on the front-back axis to the media exit. A straight conveyance path that angles to the inside on the device width axis is formed at a part connected to the media exit, and a second media insertion path that extends straight to the front from the straight conveyance path is connected to the media exit.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Recording medium processing apparatus and image forming system

Номер: US20130009354A1
Автор: Masatoshi Kimura
Принадлежит: Fuji Xerox Co Ltd

A recording medium processing apparatus includes: a first transportation route on which a recording medium is transported; a second transportation route branching from the first transportation route at a branch position; a transporting unit provided downstream of the branch position in a transport direction of the recording medium, the transporting unit (i) feeding at least a part of a first recording medium transported on the first transportation route and having passed through the branch position, into the second transportation route, (ii) transporting the fed first recording medium and a second recording medium with an overlap in the transport direction on the first transportation route to generate a bundle of the first and the second recording media and (iii) feeding the bundle which passed through the branch position into the second transportation route; and a punching unit provided on the second transportation route punching the fed bundle with one punching process.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Paper discharging apparatus, paper discharging method, image forming apparatus and image forming method

Номер: US20130014624A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba TEC Corp

A paper discharging apparatus comprises: a first conveying unit; a second conveying unit which includes a pinch roller and a feeding roller that are arranged closer to the downstream side; a movable mechanism which moves a surface part between a first position that the surface part is not contacted with the pinch roller and a second position that the surface part is contacted with the pinch roller through the paper so as to push the pinch roller; a control unit which moves the surface part to the second position, clamps the paper by the pinch roller and the surface part, and conveys the paper, thereby bending the paper, and which moves the surface part to the first position and clamps the paper by the pinch roller and the feeding roller, and rotates the feeding roller, thereby discharging the paper from the conveyance path.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Media Conveyance Device, Printing Device, and Media Conveyance Method

Номер: US20130016168A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A conveyance device has a roll rotating unit that rotates a roll of sheet medium forward and in reverse, and a conveyance path along which is an upstream roller and a downstream roller for conveying the medium and cooperate in a reverse and rewind operation. A control unit controls driving of the upstream roller, the downstream roller, and the roll rotating unit, such that, during the reverse and rewind operation, the control unit (i) drives the upstream roller and the roll rotating unit, (ii) stops driving the upstream roller while continuing to drive the roll rotating unit, first slack being created as a result of (i) or (ii), (iii) causes the medium to be nipped at the downstream roller, and (iv) drives the upstream roller while the medium is nipped at the downstream roller to create second slack.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Method and system to feed inserts with a rotary and gripper system

Номер: US20130020752A1
Принадлежит: Bell and Howell LLC

The present application relates to techniques and equipment to manufacture mailpieces containing inserts. The equipment can be an inserter or an envelope wrapper that collects documents and inserts on a collating track before the material is inserted into an envelope by inserting equipment or wrapped with paper or film to make an envelope by wrapping equipment. More specifically, the present application relates to a rotary insert feeder that feeds inserts to a collating track on inserting or wrapping type equipment.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Sheet Processing Apparatus and Image Forming Apparatus

Номер: US20130023396A1
Автор: Akito Sekigawa
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

The controller controls the folded bundle conveying portion such that, when a length in the conveying direction of the succeeding folded bundle makes the upstream edge in the conveying direction of the succeeding folded bundle, which is temporarily stopped for the folded end portion processing, remain within a stacking region of the sheet stacking portion, before the preceding folded bundle has been finally moved to the second stacking position, the succeeding folded bundle is conveyed until the upstream edge in the conveying direction of the succeeding folded bundle, to which the folded end portion processing has been applied, passes through outside the stacking region of the sheet stacking portion.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Sheet processing apparatus and image forming apparatus

Номер: US20130026702A1
Автор: Yohei Gamo
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A sheet processing apparatus and an image forming apparatus move, when stacking a sheet on a stacking tray, a supporting tray disposed to freely appear above the stacking tray to a first position in which the supporting tray projects above the stacking tray and supports the sheet stacked on an intermediate stacking tray. When these apparatuses discharge a processed sheet bundle, these apparatuses move the supporting tray from the first position to a second position in which the supporting tray supports an edge of the discharged sheet in an upstream side in a discharging direction, and guides the moving sheet bundle to a stacking wall. Further, these apparatuses move the supporting tray from the second position to a third position at predetermined timing, so that the supporting tray stops supporting the sheet bundle and stacks the sheet bundle on the sheet bundle previously stacked on the stacking tray.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Information processor, printing system, method for printing and recording medium

Номер: US20130028646A1
Автор: Tsuyoshi Morimoto

In a sheet collection planned to be prepared, when there exists a monochrome sheet group comprised of one or more consecutive monochrome sheets all of whose front and back sides are monochrome pages, between two color sheet groups comprised of one or more consecutive color sheets having a color page on at least one of front and back sides, an information processor determines that sheets in the monochrome sheet group and each one or each two sheets before and after the monochrome sheet group sandwiching the monochrome sheet group are saddle-stitched sheets formed by papers for saddle-stitching. The information processor determines that any sheet other than those determined to be the saddle-stitched sheets are sheets of an adhesive bound group.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Sheet processing apparatus

Номер: US20130028698A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A sheet processing apparatus includes a sheet conveying path; a sheet entrance unit provided in the sheet conveying path; a sheet discharge unit provided in a location separated from the sheet entrance unit by a predetermined distance; a driving unit that drives the sheet entrance unit and the sheet discharge unit; a sheet guide unit that guides sheets and is provided between the sheet entrance unit and the sheet discharge unit to allow the sheets passing through the sheet entrance unit to be sequentially stacked; and a sheet buffer device that is configured such that the stacked sheets pass through the sheet discharge unit while the stacked sheets are loaded on a step with each leading end of the stacked sheets being separated with a predetermined interval.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Image forming system and sheet conveyance method

Номер: US20130032990A1
Автор: Hitoshi Hattori
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

An n image forming system includes an image forming apparatus, a sheet processing apparatus including a post-processing unit to perform post-processing of sheets on a processing tray and a retaining channel disposed to accommodate at least a single sheet while the post-processing unit processes the sheets, and a controller that calculates a target interval time between an interval start sheet and an interval end sheet among the sheets output from the image forming apparatus to the sheet processing apparatus based on at least one of sheet data and post-processing data transmitted from the image forming apparatus to the sheet processing apparatus, and adjusts an interval between discharge of the interval start sheet and the interval end sheet from the image forming apparatus to the sheet processing apparatus in accordance with the target interval time.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Sheet processing apparatus that detects displacement in sheet width direction and skew of sheet, image forming apparatus, and control method

Номер: US20130036886A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A sheet processing apparatus capable of high-speed and accurate detection of a lateral displacement and a skew of a sheet. A motor laterally shifts the sensors during sheet conveyance by a conveying motor, to determine first and second positions of the sheet lateral edge detected respectively by first and second sensors. A finisher controller determines a third position of the lateral edge of the sheet closer to a sheet trailing edge, based on the first and second positions and an amount of conveyance of the sheet from when the first position is detected to when the second position is detected. A lateral displacement of the sheet is corrected by laterally shifting the sheet according to the third position of the sheet lateral edge.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Roll-to-roll printing system

Номер: US20130042774A1

A roll-to-roll printing system includes driven rolls to apply a feeding force to a flexible substrate so that the flexible substrate is fed from an unwinder to a rewinder, nip rolls respectively disposed above two opposite end portions of each of the driven rolls to pressurize two opposite side portions of the flexible substrate, nip roll driving motors connected to the nip rolls to rotate the nip rolls, and a control unit to receive information regarding change of torque values of the nip roll driving motors and control tension of the flexible substrate based on the information.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Sheet processing apparatus and image forming apparatus

Номер: US20130043636A1
Автор: Yohei Gamo
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

While a sheet on an intermediate processing tray is being processed, a plurality of sheets to be processed next are kept on standby by a standby portion arranged between the intermediate processing tray and a conveyance roller and a separation roller. When conveying the plurality of sheets that have been kept on standby in an overlapped state while successively shifting the sheets from each other in the sheet conveyance direction, the shift amount is successively reduced.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Printing apparatus and method for conveying printing medium

Номер: US20130045038A1
Автор: Ken Hoshino
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

When a size of a reversing unit is smaller than that of a printing medium, errors can be detected without adding any other mechanism, and if such errors are not caused by a paper jam, the printing can be continued. A printing apparatus is provided with: an reversing unit provided with an reversing roller; a sensor ; and a control unit configured to, if when the detecting unit detects a load equal to or more than a predetermined value, a conveyance amount of the printing medium after the sensor has detected the fore end is longer than a threshold value that is a distance from a position of the fore end at the time of being detected by the sensor to a position of the fore end at the time of exiting from the conveyance path of the reversing unit, perform control to continue conveyance.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Media actuated media diverter for an imaging device

Номер: US20130049285A1
Автор: Glen Alan Reidhaar
Принадлежит: Lexmark International Inc

A media actuated, media diverter mounted on a media guide positioned between the output of a simplex path and the entrance of a duplex path in an imaging device. The media diverter comprises a plate having a media guiding surface and a media contract surface along portions of the edge of the plate. The plate is received within a slot through the guide member such that in a first position the media contact surface extends into the duplex path and when in a second position the media guiding surface extends into the simplex path with the plate biasable in the first position. A media sheet fed into the duplex path contacts the media contact surface actuating the media diverter to move the plate to the second position directing a following media sheet in the simplex path to an exit of the imaging device.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Sheet binding device and image forming apparatus incorporating same

Номер: US20130051886A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

An image forming apparatus includes an image forming unit to form an adhesive toner pattern in a predetermined bonding range of a sheet, outside a printable range in which an image according to image data is formed, a stacking unit to stack multiple sheets one on top of another, and a sheet binding device that includes a fusing device to fuse and fix the adhesive toner pattern formed on the multiple sheets to bind the multiple sheets together, and a bonding strength setting unit to determine, in accordance with a desired bonding strength, at least one of a number of color toners used for forming the adhesive toner pattern, a bonding manner, a number of pixels of the adhesive toner pattern, a toner area ratio of the adhesive toner pattern, and a layer thickness of the adhesive toner pattern.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Control device and method for controlling the speed of a conveyor

Номер: US20130060376A1
Автор: Stefan Forster
Принадлежит: Ferag AG

An object of the present invention is to propose a computerized control device and a computer-implemented method for speed regulation during delivery of printed products to stacking devices which do not have at least some of the disadvantages of the known systems. It is in particular an object of the present invention to propose a computerized control device and a computer-implemented method for regulating the speed of a conveyor for delivering printed products to stacking devices which enable flexible production of stacks of different sizes.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing wet wipes, manufacturing apparatus, and wet wipes

Номер: US20130061410A1
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corp

A method of manufacturing wet wipes includes a step of continuously conveying a plurality of sheets by a conveyor, a step of folding each of the sheets toward a conveyor non-contact surface side of the sheets, a step of impregnating each of the folded sheets with the predetermined chemical solution, from a conveyor contact surface side of the sheets a step of laminating each of the sheets impregnated with the predetermined chemical solution, and a step of cutting the laminated sheets.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Defective-workpiece discharging device

Номер: US20130062263A1
Автор: Takumi Nakano
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corp

In a defective-workpiece discharging device, a defective workpiece is discharged to a discharge path from a conveyance path that conveys a plurality of workpieces related to absorbent articles at a predetermined conveyance pitch. The conveyance path has a first path and a second path downstream of the first path. A sorting mechanism between the first and second paths sorts workpieces into either the second path or the discharge path. A defect detection sensor detects a defect and outputs a defect detection signal. A passage detection sensor detects passage of the workpieces at a predetermined position on the first path and outputs a passage detection signal. A controller controls the sorting mechanism based on the defect and passage detection signals. An end of the first path on the sorting mechanism side and the predetermined position are separated by a distance greater than or equal to the conveyance pitch.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

High Bulk Rolled Tissue Products

Номер: US20130068868A1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

Spirally wound paper products are disclosed having desirable roll bulk, firmness and softness properties. The rolled products can be made from a multiple ply tissue webs formed according to various processes. Tissue webs having basis weights greater than about 40 grams per square meter were wound into rolls having a Kershaw roll firmness of less than about 9 mm and a roll bulk of greater than about 15 cc/g. Similarly, tissue webs having basis weights less than about 40 grams per square meter were wound into rolls having a Kershaw roll firmness of less than about 9 mm and a roll bulk of greater than about 18 cc/g.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130075441A1
Автор: Dabamoto Sadao

Provided is a web guiding apparatus capable of ensuring a smooth operation and durability against a force applied from a web even if the apparatus is used in an environment with airborne paper powder, dust and the like. 1. A web guiding apparatus for preventing meandering of a web conveyed successively , comprising:a base;a rocking frame rocking around an axis perpendicular to a reference surface of the base;a roller for web provided on the rocking frame and having a rotation axis parallel to the reference surface of the base, the web being wound around the roller; anda support portion provided between the rocking frame and the base, and supporting movement of the rocking frame with respect to the base, wherein a base member provided on the base and having a rolling surface parallel to the reference surface of the base; and', 'a roller provided on the rocking frame so as to roll on the rolling surface of the base member,, 'the support portion comprisesthe rolling surface of the base member is formed so that an axial direction thereof intersects an arc with a rocking shaft of the rocking frame as a center,a width of the roller is wider than a width of the rolling surface of the base member, andthe roller is provided so as to move along the arc with the rocking shaft of the rocking frame as the center when the rocking frame rocks.2. The web guiding apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein 'a housing hole of a long hole extending along a direction parallel to the reference surface of the base, the roller being provided in the housing hole,', 'the base member comprisesa pair of the rolling surfaces is formed on a pair of inner surfaces, in the housing hole, extending along an axial direction thereof and opposed with each other, andthe roller is provided in the housing hole. The present invention relates to a web guiding apparatus. In a production line or a required processing line for a belt-shaped material (hereinafter, referred to as a web) made of paper, a nonwoven ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Method in turn-up of reeling of fiber webs and a turn-up device for a reel-up of fiber webs

Номер: US20130075520A1
Принадлежит: Metso Paper Oy

A fiber web is reeled by a reeling drum of a reel-up onto a parent roll. When the parent roll has reached the desired diameter size, reeling is changed from the parent roll onto a new parent roll. The web is cut by jet cutting means and the beginning part of the cut web is directed onto a reeling shaft of a new parent roll. The jet cutting path has a main cutting path and at least one edge area cutting path. The length of the main cutting path is at least 60% of the whole cutting path length from one edge of the web (W) to the other edge of the web (W). A turn-up device for a reel-up has one cutting module ( 15 ) and at least one nozzle ( 11 ) for jet cutting, which is attached movably and turnably to the module ( 15 ) by a cutting arm ( 12 ).

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Manufacturing device for composite bodies of continuous sheet-like members

Номер: US20130079207A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for manufacturing a composite body of a continuous sheet-like member by attaching and handing over a retained workpiece to a continuous sheet-like member, at a workpiece hand over position including a rotating body that rotates about a rotating shaft, a workpiece retaining portion supported by the rotating body in a state where a retaining surface that retains the workpiece faces outward in a direction of radius of gyration of the rotating body, a workpiece hand over mechanism that is positioned to accord with the workpiece hand over position along a direction of rotation of the rotating body, and that hands over the workpiece from the retaining surface to the continuous sheet-like member when the retaining surface passes the workpiece hand over position, wherein the workpiece hand over mechanism has a roller that comes into contact with the continuous sheet-like member to transport the continuous sheet-like member, and a pushing mechanism that is capable of pushing out an outer circumferential face of the roller inward along the direction of radius of gyration to push the continuous sheet-like member against the workpiece, and the pushing mechanism changes an amount by which the outer circumferential face is pushed out in conjunction with a location, of the retaining surface along the direction of radius of gyration, at the workpiece hand over position.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112798A1

An image recording device includes: a conveyor unit for conveying a recording medium; a drum for rotating under force of friction against the recording medium being conveyed by the conveyor unit, the recording medium being wound around the drum; and a recording unit for recording an image onto a portion, wound around the drum, of the recording medium being conveyed by the conveyor unit; the conveyor unit starting the conveyance of the recording medium in a state where a first tension has been applied to the recording medium, but executing a switching operation for switching the tension applied to the recording medium after the conveyance of the recording medium has been started, to a second tension that is lower than the first tension. 1. An image recording device , comprising:a conveyor unit for conveying a recording medium;a drum for rotating under force of friction against the recording medium being conveyed by the conveyor unit, the recording medium being wound around the drum; anda recording unit for recording an image onto a portion, wound around the drum, of the recording medium being conveyed by the conveyor unit, whereinthe conveyor unit starts the conveyance of the recording medium in a state where a first tension has been applied to the recording medium, but executes a modification operation for modifying the tension applied to the recording medium after the conveyance of the recording medium has been started, to a second tension that is lower than the first tension.2. The image recording device according to claim 1 , whereinthe conveyor unit accelerates the conveying speed of the recording medium during an acceleration period after the start of conveyance and thereafter maintains the conveying speed at a constant speed.3. The image recording device according to claim 2 , whereinthe conveyor unit executes the modification operation such that the tension applied to the recording medium becomes the second tension after a point in time where the conveying ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for inspecting printed material

Номер: US20130113859A1
Автор: Motoyasu Suzuki
Принадлежит: Komori Corp

Disclosed is an inspection apparatus which avoids a defective item from being mixed with good items, even when a marking device does not work appropriately and a mark for identifying a good item and a defective item cannot be applied. For this purpose, the apparatus is provided with a quality inspection device ( 6 ) for determining whether a print portion ( 3 ) of a work to be printed ( 1 ) whereon a plurality of print portions ( 3 ) are printed is a good item ( 3 a ) or a defective item ( 3 b ), and an inkjet printer ( 9 ) as a marking device for printing a mark ( 13 ) on the print portion ( 3 ) which is identified as a good item ( 3 a ) by the quality inspection device ( 6 ).

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Methods and apparatuses for conveying flexible glass substrates

Номер: US20130134202A1
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

A method of redirecting a glass ribbon assembly from a first glass conveyance path to a second. The method includes conveying the glass ribbon assembly that includes includes a flexible glass substrate that has first and second surfaces that extend laterally between the edges, and first and second handling tabs affixed to the respective edges. The handling tabs extend above and below the flexible glass substrate and define a handling surface envelope. The method also includes supporting the glass ribbon assembly on the first and second handling tabs such that the flexible glass substrate is free to flex out of the handling surface envelope while remaining spaced apart from a primary roll member when the flexible glass substrate is directed around the primary roll member.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Continuous roll of optical function film, method of manufacture of liquid crystal display element employing same, and optical function film laminating device

Номер: US20130135728A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

An objective of the present invention is to alleviate streaky display unevenness that occurs in liquid crystal display elements when feeding optical function film from a continuous roll having score lines in the width direction thereof and bonding the optical function film on a liquid crystal panel. A continuous roll comprises an optical film laminate ( 15 ) that is in the form of a continuous web wound into a roll and comprises at least an optical function film ( 10 ) and a carrier film ( 13 ) releasably placed on the optical function film ( 10 ). The optical function film ( 10 ) is divided into a plurality of cut pieces by score lines ( 16 ) formed along a widthwise direction of the optical film laminate ( 15 ). It is possible to resolve the problem by making the bending rigidity per unit longitudinal length of the optical function film fall within a specific range.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139993A1

A continuous casting device including at least a crystallizer suitable for casting a metal product, and a plurality of guide and containing segments with rolls, the function of which is to accompany the cast product exiting from the crystallizer. The device includes, an extension of or in an intermediate position to one or more of the guide and containing segments with rolls, one or more guide and containing segments of the mixed type with panels and rolls, each including one or more guide rolls disposed on at least one side of the product and insulated and/or reflecting and/or heated panels disposed on the opposite side of the product, so as to reduce the loss of temperature of the cast product in transit. 1. Continuous casting device , comprising at least a crystallizer suitable for casting a metal product , and a plurality of guide and containing segments with rolls , the function of which is to accompany the cast product exiting from the crystallizer , wherein it comprises , in extension of or in an intermediate position to one or more of said guide and containing segments with rolls , one or more guide and containing segments of the mixed type with panels and rolls , each comprising one or more guide rolls disposed on at least one side of the product and at least one panel selected from the group consisting of insulated , reflecting and heated panels disposed on the opposite side of the product , so as to reduce the loss of temperature of the cast product in transit.2. Continuous casting device as in claim 1 , wherein each of said mixed guide and containing segments with rolls and panels comprises claim 1 , on one side claim 1 , at least one panel selected from the group consisting of a first insulated claim 1 , reflecting and heated panel at entry claim 1 , at least an intermediate roll claim 1 , and at least a second panel at exit from the segment.3. Continuous casting device as in claim 2 , wherein the side of the panels facing toward the intermediate roll ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Image forming apparatus

Номер: US20130149018A1
Автор: Je-won Jung, Myung-hun Oh

An image forming apparatus includes a discharge path through which the recording medium that has passed through the printing path is discharged; a reverse path in which the recording medium that has passed through the printing path is reversed; a resupply path in which the recording medium which reversely travels along the reverse path is guided to the printing path; a connection portion in which the printing path, the discharge path, the reverse path, and the resupply path cross one another; and a first guide member that is disposed in the connection portion.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Winding Webbed Material with Mandrel Position Control

Номер: US20130153703A1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

A method and apparatus for winding a moving web upon a mandrel is disclosed. A moving web with a leading edge is conveyed towards a mandrel. The mandrel is adapted to allow the moving web to adhere to the mandrel at a specific circumferential location on the mandrel. To enable control of the location of the mandrel, the mandrel further includes a reference input to identify the specific circumferential location. A position sensor is used to determine the position of the reference input. The position of the specific circumferential location of the mandrel is controlled with a position drive control that controls the rotational speed of the mandrel. The position drive control sets the rotational speed of the mandrel to allow transfer of the leading edge of the moving web near the specific circumferential location.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Item removal

Номер: US20130160796A1
Принадлежит: NCR Corp

An apparatus and method are disclosed for removing at least one item of media from a rotating drum element. The apparatus includes a scraper element comprising a blade edge region locatable at an effective outer surface of a rotating drum element and a scraper element support that locates the blade edge region at a desired position at the effective outer surface responsive to a diameter of the effective outer surface. The scraper element rotates and moves laterally with respect to the support responsive to the diameter.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Paper sheet material receiving and stacking system

Номер: US20130161895A1
Автор: Tzu-Che Lin
Принадлежит: Individual

A paper sheet material receiving and stacking system includes a conveying unit including a feed table for receiving pieces of paper sheet material cut out of a continuous web, a receiving and adjustment unit including a carrier frame pivotally connected to the conveyor unit for transferring the received pieces of paper sheet material and a driving device for biasing the carrier frame between a horizontal position and an inclined position and an adjustment mechanism for controlling the gap of a sheet-transfer passage, and a stacking unit including a platform adapted for receiving pieces of paper sheet material passing through the sheet-transfer passage and a transmission mechanism controllable to move the platform horizontally forward, backward, leftward and rightward and vertically up and down and a sliding limiter for stopping pieces of paper sheet material on the platform in a stack.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Sheet inverter and method for inverting a sheet

Номер: US20130161903A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Sheet inverters and methods for inverting sheets are provided that guide longer length receivers through a 180 degree turn while the receivers are being transported along a transport path while reducing the possibility of jams, the extent of sheet stress experienced during inversion and reducing the risk of creating print artifacts.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167744A1

A method for regulating a web tension in a processing machine for processing a product web, in particular a shaftless printing press, includes separating a first product-web section from a second product-web section by a delay section. The web tensions in the first and second product-web sections are influenced by first and second actuators, respectively. To regulate the web tension in the first product-web section, the method further includes defining a regulation output value from which an actuating command for the first actuator is derived. An actuating command for the second actuator is defined from the regulation output value and a delay element to decouple the web tension in the second product-web section from the regulation of the web tension in the first product-web section. The delay element delays the effect of the regulation output value on the actuating command for the second actuator by a delay time. 1. A method for regulating a web tension in a processing machine for processing a product web , comprising:separating a first product-web section from a second product-web section by a delay section;influencing the web tension in the first product-web section by a first actuator and influencing the web tension in the second product-web section by a second actuator;defining a regulation output value to regulate the web tension in the first product-web section;deriving an actuating command for the first actuator from the regulation output value; andderiving an actuating command for the second actuator from the regulation output value and a delay element so as to decouple the web tension in the second product-web section from the regulation of the web tension in the first product-web section,wherein the delay element delays the effect of the regulation output value on the actuating command for the second actuator by a delay time required to run the product web through the delay section.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the delay element is a dead- ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168483A1

A method for equipping a material web processing machine to process material webs includes setting the material web processing machine as a function of material web processing-specific parameter data so as to process the respective material web in a job-individual manner with the material web processing machine. The material web processing-specific parameter data is received electronically in an automated manner on the material processing machine by an electronic data interface device and is subsequently provided electronically to a device configured to control and/or regulate the material web processing machine. 1. A method for equipping a material web processing machine to process material webs , comprising:electronically receiving material web processing-specific parameter data in an automated manner on the material processing machine by an electronic data interface device;electronically providing the material web processing-specific parameter data to a device configured to control and/or regulate the material web processing machine; andsetting the material web processing machine as a function of the material web processing-specific parameter data so as to process the respective material web in a job-individual manner with the material web processing machine.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein material web processing machine parameters characterizing the web run of one or more of unwinding roll devices claim 1 , winding roll devices claim 1 , and controlled or regulated material web pull-roll devices or the like are set by using the material web processing-specific parameter data received electronically.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the material web processing-specific parameter data is provided electronically online to the electronic data interface device in an automated manner via a LAN and/or WLAN connecting device.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the material web processing-specific parameter data is provided electronically ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175312A1
Автор: Nakano Takumi

An apparatus for manufacturing absorbent articles includes: a detecting section detecting an edge position of a continuous sheet in the width direction when the detecting section is stopped at a stop position, a meandering correcting section correcting meandering of the continuous sheet, a motor moving the detecting section in the width direction, and a controller controlling the motor based on a movement signal related to movement of the detecting section. The controller has a value corresponding to a distance from a reference position to each stop position, moves the detecting section to each stop position based on the corresponding value and the movement signal. The controller detects that the detecting section reaches the reference position based on a current of the motor. The reference position is a limit position for physical movement in the width direction of the detecting section, and is at or outside the outermost stop position. 1. A meandering correction apparatus of a continuous sheet associated with an absorbent article , that is arranged in a manufacturing line of the absorbent article and corrects meandering of the continuous sheet being continuously transported in a transporting direction , in which a continuous sheet having one specification is selected , to be transported , from among a plurality of continuous sheets each having a specification with a dimension in a width direction different from each other , comprising:a sensor including a detecting section that detects a position of an edge of the continuous sheet in the width direction and detecting the position of the edge in a state in which the detecting section is stopped at a stop position set in the width direction for each of the specifications,a meandering correcting section that corrects meandering of the continuous sheet based on a detection signal of the position of the edge which is output from the sensor, anda moving mechanism moving the detecting section to the stop position, the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Transported material transporting device and image processing apparatus

Номер: US20130175754A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A transported material transporting device including: a power transmission switching mechanism configured to switch the transmission of the power between the intermediate gear and the cam drive gear between a transmitted state and a blocked state; a detection lever provided in the reversing path and configured to detect the presence or absence of the material to be transported which enters the reversing path; and a blocked-state locking mechanism configured to lock the blocked state of the power transmission switching mechanism when the discharging roller is in the released state, wherein the locked state of the blocked-state locking mechanism is released and the power transmission switching mechanism is switched from the blocked state to the transmitted state upon detection of the position of the trailing end of the material to be transported entering the reversing path by the detection lever.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Sheet conveying system, computer program product, and sheet conveying method

Номер: US20130175755A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A sheet conveying system includes a sheet inserting apparatus that inserts a second recording medium between first recording media conveyed by a sheet conveying apparatus, and transmits a first time at which second recording media can be successively received hypothetically, and a second time indicating a difference between a conveying time from an accumulating unit of a second recording medium to a merging point at which a second recording medium is inserted and a conveying time from a sheet receiving surface of the sheet inserting apparatus to the merging point. The sheet conveying apparatus sets longer one of the received first time and second time as an insertion interval; and conveys first recording media such that an interval extended by an added value obtained by adding a conveying time corresponding to a length of second recording medium to the insertion interval is provided between the first recording media.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Clamp mechanism and related printer

Номер: US20130180421A1
Автор: Ku-Feng Liao
Принадлежит: Hiti Digital Inc

A clamp mechanism for fixing a printing medium is disclosed in the present invention. The clamp mechanism includes a base, a drum pivotably disposed on the base, a frame disposed on the drum, a clamping component movably disposed on the frame for clamping an end of the printing medium with the drum, and a resilient component disposed between the frame and the clamping component for pressing the clamping component on a surface of the drum so as to clamp the end of the printing medium.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Sheet aligning device and image forming apparatus including the same

Номер: US20130187331A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A sheet aligning device may include a sheet conveyance path; a detecting unit configured to detect a side edge of a sheet being conveyed in the sheet conveyance path; a stopper on an upstream side of the detecting unit and configured to open/close so as to allow/prevent passage of the sheet and to position a leading edge of the sheet; a first conveying unit on an upstream side of the stopper, the first conveying unit including a pair of first rollers configured to come in contact with/ separate from each other; a second conveying unit on an upstream side of the first conveying unit, the second conveying unit including a pair of second rollers configured to come in contact with/separate from each other; and a horizontal movement unit configured to move the pair of first rollers in an axial direction based on a detection result output by the detecting unit.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Currency dispenser

Номер: US20130193205A1
Автор: John E. Jones
Принадлежит: Cummins Allison Corp

A vertically arranged combination desktop currency denominating machine and currency dispenser comprising a currency denominating module adapted to receive a stack of currency bills to be denominated and to denominate the received currency bills, wherein a transport mechanism transports bills individually from an input receptacle adapted to receive the stack of currency bills to one or more output receptacles. The combination further comprising a dispenser retaining section adapted to store currency bills to be dispensed to the one or more output receptacles during a dispensing operation, the retaining section comprising one or more dispensing receptacles, each dispensing receptacle adapted to hold bills having a common denomination, wherein the dispenser retainer section is positioned above the currency denominating module.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206808A1

A method for register correction in a web processing machine includes leading a product web through at least one delay section and processing the product web by a first processing device. An actuating command is applied to the first processing device to position the product web at an intended position during a web tension change. The actuating command is determined from an actuating command leading to the web tension change and at least one delay term. The at least one delay term delays the action of the actuating command leading to the web tension change on the actuating command for the first processing device by a delay time needed by the product web to pass through the at least one delay section before the first processing device. 1. A method for register correction in a web processing machine , comprising:leading a product web through at least one delay section;processing the product web by a first processing device;applying an actuating command to the first processing device to position the product web from the first processing device at an intended position during a web tension change; anddetermining the actuating command from an actuating command leading to the web tension change and at least one delay term,wherein the at least one delay term delays the action of the actuating command leading to the web tension change on the actuating command for the first processing device by a delay time needed by the product web to pass through the at least one delay section before the first processing device.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one delay section contains at least one roll of which at least 5% is wrapped around by the product web.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one roll is a central cylinder.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein a processing point of the first processing device is located on the central cylinder.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the actuating command leading to the web ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Printing press for numbering and varnishing of security documents, including banknotes

Номер: US20130213246A1
Принадлежит: KBA Notasys SA

There is described a sheet-fed or web-fed printing press for numbering and varnishing of security documents, including banknotes, comprising:—a numbering group ( 02 ) comprising at least one numbering unit ( 21, 22 ) for numbering printed material in the form of individual sheets or successive portions of a continuous web carrying multiple security imprints; and—a varnishing group ( 03; 03 *) located downstream of the numbering group ( 02 ) for applying varnish onto recto and verso sides of the printed material, the varnishing group ( 03; 03 *) comprising at least a first varnishing unit ( 31 ) disposed above a path of the printed material to apply varnish on the recto side of the printed material and at least a second varnishing unit ( 32 ) disposed below the path of the printed material to apply varnish on the verso side of the printed material.
