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10-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000028113U1

Ограничитель грузоподъемности, содержащий смонтированные на корпусе подпружиненный шток, огибаемые грузовым канатом направляющие ролики, один из которых, в частности средний, связан со штоком, и конечный выключатель, отличающийся тем, что шток выполнен с пазом, снабжен регулируемым упором и тарельчатыми пружинами, размещенными на его концах, и установлен с возможностью горизонтального перемещения, при этом средний направляющий ролик установлен в пазу штока на оси с возможностью поворота, а регулируемый упор установлен на штоке с возможностью взаимодействия с конечным выключателем корпуса. (19) RU (11) 28 113 (13) U1 (51) МПК B66C 23/88 (2000.01) B66C 15/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002117122/20 , 01.07.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.07.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 10.03.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Анчутин М.В., Бодрягин М.С., Цыганов С.В. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "ГАЗ" U 1 2 8 1 1 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Ограничитель грузоподъемности, содержащий смонтированные на корпусе подпружиненный шток, огибаемые грузовым канатом направляющие ролики, один из которых, в частности средний, связан со штоком, и конечный выключатель, отличающийся тем, что шток выполнен с пазом, снабжен регулируемым упором и тарельчатыми пружинами, размещенными на его концах, и установлен с возможностью горизонтального перемещения, при этом средний направляющий ролик установлен в пазу штока на оси с возможностью поворота, а регулируемый упор установлен на штоке с возможностью взаимодействия с конечным выключателем корпуса. 2 8 1 1 3 (54) ОГРАНИЧИТЕЛЬ ГРУЗОПОДЪЕМНОСТИ R U Адрес для переписки: 603004, г.Нижний Новгород, пр.Ленина, 88, ОАО "ГАЗ", УИС (71) Заявитель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "ГАЗ" U 1 U 1 2 8 1 1 3 2 8 1 1 3 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 28 113 U1 RU 28 113 U1 RU 28 113 U1 RU 28 113 U1

10-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000038746U1

1. Система обеспечения безопасности перемещения подвижных элементов грузоподъемного крана, содержащая установленные в каждом канале управления перемещением подвижного элемента цифровой вычислительный блок, блок задания ограничений координатной защиты, логический модуль определения подхода к границе координатной защиты, формирующий командный сигнал аварийной остановки подвижного элемента, блок сигнализации, модуль блокирования движения подвижного элемента и периферийные устройства измерения перемещения подвижного элемента и технологических параметров грузоподъемного крана, при этом блок задания ограничений координатной защиты соединен с первым информационным входом цифрового вычислительного блока и с первым информационным входом логического модуля определения подхода к границе координатной защиты, первый информационный выход цифрового вычислительного блока соединен с блоком сигнализации, а второй его информационный выход - со вторым входом логического модуля определения подхода к границе координатной защиты, к выходному каналу которого подключен входной канал модуля блокирования движения подвижного элемента, а периферийные устройства измерения параметров перемещения подвижного элемента и технологических параметров грузоподъемного крана подключены ко второму информационному входу цифрового вычислительного блока, отличающаяся тем, что она оснащена логическим модулем ограничения динамической нагрузки, определяющим величину пути торможения в режимах экстренного и плавного торможения и формирующим командные сигналы на аварийную остановку подвижного элемента и на разрешение перемещения подвижного элемента с максимальной скоростью, поступающих соответственно на первый и второй выходные каналы, модуль блокирования движения подвижного элемента оснащен вторым входным каналом, причем информационный вход логического модуля ограничения динамической нагрузки подключен к блоку задания ограничений координатной защиты и ко второму информационному выходу цифрового вычислительного ...

27-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000048183U1

1. Ограничитель нагрузки грузоподъемного крана, содержащий силоизмерительный элемент, размещенный между корпусом опоры вала грузового барабана и основанием, по меньшей мере, один датчик деформации, закрепленный на силоизмерительном элементе, и электронное устройство, причем выход датчика деформации соединен со входом электронного устройства, выход которого подключен к исполнительному механизму подъема груза, отличающийся тем, что силоизмерительный элемент содержит, по меньшей мере, две опорные площадки, по меньшей мере, одна опорная площадка прикреплена к основанию, а, по меньшей мере, одна другая опорная площадка прикреплена к корпусу опоры вала грузового барабана, причем опорные площадки, которые прикреплены к основанию и к корпусу опоры вала грузового барабана, соединены между собой упругими элементами, а датчик деформации связан, по меньшей мере, с одним упругим элементом и выполнен с возможностью измерения его деформации, при этом указанное соединение выхода датчика деформации с электронным устройством выполнено экранированным кабелем и/или электронное устройство содержит усилитель или преобразователь, который расположен вблизи датчика деформации, в частности, размещен на силоизмерительном элементе или в одном корпусе с ним. 2. Ограничитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что датчик деформации выполнен в виде датчика линейного перемещения, один конец которого присоединен к опорной площадке, которая прикреплена к основанию, а второй конец - к опорной площадке, которая прикреплена к корпусу опоры вала грузового барабана. 3. Ограничитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что датчик деформации выполнен в виде, по меньшей мере, одного тензометрического датчика, который закреплен, по меньшей мере, на одном упругом элементе. 4. Ограничитель по п.3, отличающийся тем, что тензометрические резисторы тензометрических датчиков соединены по мостовой схеме, причем при количестве тензометрических резисторов в датчиках менее четырех, недостающие тензометрические резисторы в мостовой схеме ...

10-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000049811U1

1. Прибор безопасности грузоподъемного крана, содержащий электронный блок и датчики рабочих параметров грузоподъемного крана, в том числе датчик нагрузки грузоподъемного крана, выполненный в виде датчика силы или датчика давления в гидроцилиндре подъема стрелы, электронный блок содержит цифровой вычислитель, выполненный на основе микроконтроллера, и подключенные к нему органы управления, индикаторы, запоминающее устройство и устройство ввода/вывода информации, причем датчики рабочих параметров грузоподъемного крана подключены к устройству ввода/вывода информации электронного блока, при этом устройство ввода/вывода информации электронного блока содержит, по меньшей мере, один выход, который подключен к исполнительному устройству, отличающийся тем, что цифровой вычислитель выполнен с возможностью записи значений настроечных коэффициентов в ячейки памяти цифрового вычислителя и/или запоминающего устройства в зависимости от выходных сигналов органов управления и/или выходного сигнала, по меньшей мере, одного датчика рабочего параметра грузоподъемного крана, а также с возможностью программного изменения параметров выходного сигнала, по меньшей мере, одного датчика рабочего параметра грузоподъемного крана в зависимости от значений этих настроечных коэффициентов при фиксированном пространственном положении этого датчика на грузоподъемном кране. 2. Прибор безопасности по п.1, отличающийся тем, что выполнение цифрового вычислителя с возможностью указанного программного изменения параметров выходного сигнала датчика рабочего параметра грузоподъемного крана включает его выполнение с возможностью сложения и/или умножения значения выходного сигнала этого датчика со значениями настроечных коэффициентов. 3. Прибор безопасности по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что устройство ввода/вывода информации электронного блока содержит трансивер или контроллер мультиплексного канала обмена данными, в частности последовательного интерфейса типа CAN или LIN, подключенный к входам/выходам ...

10-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000054024U1

1. Ограничитель высоты подъема грузозахватного устройства грузоподъемного крана, содержащий закрепленную на несущей конструкции крана силовую конструкцию, на которой установлен конечный выключатель с управляющим элементом в виде рычага, к которому подсоединен верхний конец троса, на нижнем конце которого закреплен контрольный груз, имеющий, по меньшей мере, одну серьгу, через которую пропущен грузовой канат крана, отличающийся тем, что силовая конструкция выполнена в виде открытого снизу корпуса, внутри которого установлены индуктивный бесконтактный конечный выключатель, управляющий элемент в виде шарнирно закрепленного углового двуплечего рычага из токопроводящего материала, первое плечо которого присоединено к верхнему концу троса, а второе плечо расположено напротив указанного выключателя, и упругий элемент, взаимодействующий со вторым плечом углового двуплечего рычага. 2. Ограничитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что корпус снабжен ограничителем перемещения первого плеча углового рычага под действием контрольного груза. 3. Ограничитель по п.2, отличающийся тем, что в стенке корпуса выполнена продольная прорезь, через которую пропущено первое плечо углового рычага, при этом нижняя кромка продольной прорези является ограничителем перемещения первого плеча углового рычага. 4. Ограничитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что упругий элемент выполнен в виде вертикально закрепленной плоской пружины из токопроводящего материала. 5. Ограничитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что корпус снабжен цилиндрической втулкой для шарнирного присоединения к несущей конструкции крана. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 54 024 (13) U1 (51) МПК B66C 15/00 B66C 23/88 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006103554/22 , 08.02.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.02.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.06.2006 U 1 5 4 0 2 4 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Ограничитель ...

27-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000059554U1

1. Система управления и защиты от столкновений работающих в группе башенных кранов, содержащая установленное на каждом кране устройство управления и защиты крана, включающее в себя первую группу датчиков контроля параметров оборудования крана и цифровой вычислитель, к первому входу которого подключены указанные датчики, к первому выходу - дисплей, а ко второму выходу - исполнительный блок, при этом цифровые вычислители связаны между собой линией последовательного интерфейса для обмена информацией о положении, движениях и нагрузке оборудования кранов, отличающаяся тем, что каждое устройство управления и защиты крана снабжено второй группой датчиков, установленных на органах управления движением механизмов и подключенных ко второму входу цифрового вычислителя, и клавиатурой для задания режима работы крана, подключенной к третьему входу цифрового вычислителя, а каждый цифровой вычислитель выполнен с возможностью определения положения каждого крана и его оборудования на плане стройплощадки, формирования на дисплее крана условного графического изображения положения самого крана и его оборудования на плане стройплощадки и условного графического изображения положения "смежного", или "смежных" кранов, и его или их оборудования на плане стройплощадки, определения при инициировании перемещения оборудования крана K предполагаемой траектории движения оборудования данного крана и формирования на его дисплее графического изображения предполагаемых траекторий движения оборудования крана К и "смежного" или "смежных" кранов с перемещающимся в данный момент оборудованием, определения минимального расстояния между этими траекториями, отображения на дисплее крана К точки пересечения траекторий и формирования при этом сигнала блокировки работы механизмов этого крана и сигналов для тревожной световой и звуковой сигнализации, формирования линии, ограничивающей движение оборудования крана К при необходимости продолжения движения его оборудования и отображения этой линии на дисплее данного ...

10-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000064612U1

Грузоподъемный кран пролетного типа, содержащий подвижный мост и перемещаемую по нему тележку с грузоподъемным оборудованием, снабженным ограничителем номинальной грузоподъемности, который соединен с системой блокировки работы грузоподъемного оборудования, отличающийся тем, что введен ограничитель увеличенной по отношению к номинальной грузоподъемности, который связан с системой блокировки работы грузоподъемного оборудования и выполнен с возможностями установления допустимого числа циклов работы грузоподъемного оборудования с увеличенной грузоподъемностью, наложения блокировки его работы по достижению максимально допустимого числа этих циклов, удержания блокировки в течение соответствующего времени и разблокирования, причем упомянутые ограничители связаны между собой переключателем режимов их работы. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 64 612 (13) U1 (51) МПК B66C 13/18 B66C 15/00 B66C 23/88 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007101348/22 , 12.01.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.01.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ПетроКРАН" (ООО "ПетроКРАН") (RU) U 1 6 4 6 1 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Грузоподъемный кран пролетного типа, содержащий подвижный мост и перемещаемую по нему тележку с грузоподъемным оборудованием, снабженным ограничителем номинальной грузоподъемности, который соединен с системой блокировки работы грузоподъемного оборудования, отличающийся тем, что введен ограничитель увеличенной по отношению к номинальной грузоподъемности, который связан с системой блокировки работы грузоподъемного оборудования и выполнен с возможностями установления допустимого числа циклов работы грузоподъемного оборудования с увеличенной грузоподъемностью, наложения блокировки его работы по достижению максимально допустимого числа этих ...

10-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000086581U1

1. Стенд для контроля, диагностики и настройки прибора безопасности грузоподъемной машины, содержащий блок формирования замещающих тестовых сигналов и/или регистрации выходных сигналов прибора безопасности, устройство ввода-вывода информации, включающее приемопередатчик или контроллер последовательного интерфейса, первые входы-выходы которого подключены к выходам-входам блока формирования замещающих тестовых сигналов и/или регистрации выходных сигналов прибора безопасности, а вторые входы-выходы выполнены с возможностью подключения к прибору безопасности, и систему электропитания стенда и прибора безопасности, имеющего в своем составе информационно-управляющий блок, датчики параметров крана, соединенные с информационно-управляющим блоком с помощью линии последовательного интерфейса, и исполнительные реле, отличающийся тем, что устройство ввода-вывода информации снабжено двухпороговым компаратором и модулем индикации работоспособности и функционирования линии последовательного интерфейса, при этом входы двухпорогового компаратора подключены ко второму входу-выходу приемопередатчика или контроллера последовательного интерфейса, а выход - к входу модуля индикации. 2. Стенд по п.1, отличающийся тем, что модуль индикации включает в себя индикаторы в виде светодиодов с различными цветами излучения. 3. Стенд по п.1, отличающийся тем, что блок формирования замещающих тестовых сигналов и/или регистрации выходных сигналов прибора безопасности выполнен в виде персонального компьютера, при этом система электропитания стенда и прибора безопасности включает в себя блок питания персонального компьютера в виде первого сетевого адаптера или первого аккумулятора, блок питания прибора безопасности, дополнительный блок питания и предохранительное устройство. 4. Стенд по п.3, отличающийся тем, что дополнительным блоком питания является собственный блок питания прибора безопасности, или дополнительный блок питания выполнен в виде второго сетевого адаптера или второго аккумулятора. 5. ...

27-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000090057U1

1. Периферийное устройство технологического оборудования, содержащее первичные преобразователи измеряемых и/или контролируемых рабочих параметров технологического оборудования, преобразователь сигналов, микроконтроллер, приспособленный для преобразования измеряемых и/или контролируемых рабочих параметров в последовательный код и приема/передачи последовательных цифровых сигналов по мультиплексной линии связи между периферийным устройством и информационно-управляющим блоком технологического оборудования, и трансивер для сопряжения микроконтроллера с мультиплексной линией связи, при этом выходы первичных преобразователей подключены к входам преобразователя сигналов, выходы которого соединены с входами микроконтроллера, связанного с трансивером двухсторонним каналом передачи данных, отличающееся тем, что микроконтроллер приспособлен для указанного преобразования измеряемых и/или контролируемых параметров в последовательный код и приема/передачи последовательных цифровых сигналов по мультиплексной линии связи с индивидуально задаваемыми периодами опроса и с использованием индивидуального идентификатора или адреса периферийного устройства для каждого измеряемого и/или контролируемого рабочего параметра технологического оборудования. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что преобразователь сигналов имеет, по крайней мере, один дополнительный вход, соединенный с дополнительным выходом микроконтроллера. 3. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что преобразователь сигналов содержит, по крайней мере, один усилитель с изменяемым коэффициентом усиления и установкой нуля, а микроконтроллер выполнен с возможностью формирования сигнала управления коэффициентом усиления этого усилителя и управления установкой нуля. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что микроконтроллер снабжен блоком памяти, в котором записана функциональная зависимость дополнительного параметра, характеризующего технологическое оборудование от значений его рабочих параметров, при этом микроконтроллер ...

27-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000092652U1

1. Система безопасности крана-трубоукладчика, содержащая вычислительный блок, связанный с блоком ввода и вывода информации, блоком визуальной индикации, блоком запоминающих устройств, датчиком продольного крена, датчиком нагрузки на грузоподъемном крюке, и выполненный с возможностью формирования сигналов аварийной ситуации, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно оснащена датчиком заднего хода, который подключен к вычислительному блоку, выполненному с возможностью определения фактического значения силы сопротивления движению и сравнения с допустимым значением тягового усилия на гусенице крана-трубоукладчика и имеющему в памяти дополнительные параметры допустимого значения тягового усилия на гусенице и коэффициенты сопротивления движению. 2. Система безопасности крана-трубоукладчика по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что вычислительный блок выполнен с возможностью определения фактического значения силы сопротивления движению по формуле: Рсопр.дв=(Gт+Gг)·(f+k·sin α), где Gт - вес крана-трубоукладчика; Gг - вес груза на грузоподъемном крюке; f - коэффициент сопротивления движению; k - коэффициент направления движения; α - угол продольного крена крана-трубоукладчика. 3. Система безопасности крана-трубоукладчика по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что вычислительный блок выполнен с возможностью ввода коэффициентов сопротивления движению в виде бальной оценки характеристик грунта. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 92 652 (13) U1 (51) МПК B66C 23/90 B66C 23/88 B66C 15/00 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009144529/22, 01.12.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.12.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 27.03.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Челябинский тракторный завод-УРАЛТРАК" (RU) U 1 9 2 6 5 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Система безопасности крана-трубоукладчика, содержащая вычислительный ...

20-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000096287U1

1. Цифровое температурное реле со счетчиком моточасов, содержащее вычислительно-управляющее устройство в виде микроконтроллера, к которому подключены устройство ввода/вывода информации, счетчик моточасов, устройство отображения информации, модуль звуковой сигнализации, исполнительный блок и, по крайней мере, один датчик температуры, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено подключенным к микроконтроллеру приемопередатчиком последовательного интерфейса для связи с внешними устройствами, а микроконтроллер приспособлен для передачи данных по запросу внешних устройств по проводному или беспроводному последовательному интерфейсному каналу. 2. Реле по п.1, отличающееся тем, что датчик температуры подключен к микроконтроллеру через предохранительное устройство. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 96 287 (13) U1 (51) МПК H01H 37/00 (2006.01) G08B 23/00 (2006.01) B66C 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009145470/22, 09.12.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 09.12.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 20.07.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Научнопроизводственное предприятие "ЭГО" (RU) U 1 9 6 2 8 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Цифровое температурное реле со счетчиком моточасов, содержащее вычислительно-управляющее устройство в виде микроконтроллера, к которому подключены устройство ввода/вывода информации, счетчик моточасов, устройство отображения информации, модуль звуковой сигнализации, исполнительный блок и, по крайней мере, один датчик температуры, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено подключенным к микроконтроллеру приемопередатчиком последовательного интерфейса для связи с внешними устройствами, а микроконтроллер приспособлен для передачи данных по запросу внешних устройств по проводному или беспроводному последовательному интерфейсному каналу. 2. Реле по п.1, отличающееся тем, что датчик ...

20-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000099473U1

1. Ограничитель нагрузки грузоподъемного крана, содержащий управляющее устройство на основе микроконтроллера, тензорезисторный датчик усилия, установленный в одном из шарнирных узлов крюковой подвески, линию связи между датчиком усилия и управляющим устройством, и систему питания управляющего устройства и датчика усилия, отличающийся тем, что датчик усилия включает в себя упругий силовоспринимающий элемент, в качестве которого использована пустотелая ось блоков крюковой подвески, включающая в себя концевые опорные части, закрытые с торцов заглушками, изолирующими полость упругого элемента от воздействия внешней среды, и расположенную между ними силовоспринимающую часть с закрепленными на ней тензопреобразователями, соединенными в электрический мост, при этом датчик усилия снабжен расположенным в полости упругого элемента блоком обработки сигналов с измерительной диагонали электрического моста, выполненным на основе микроконтроллера, снабженного встроенным или внешним аналого-цифровым преобразователем, к входу которого подключен выход электрического моста, и автономным источником питания электрического моста и блока обработки сигналов, а линия связи между датчиком усилия и управляющим устройством выполнена комбинированной с проводной и беспроводной передачей данных и включает в себя два приемопередающих модуля, подключенных через локальные проводные линии связи в виде переходных кабелей к датчику усилия и управляющему устройству и связанных между собой с помощью радиоканала передачи данных с электропитанием одного из них от автономного источника питания, а другого - от управляющего устройства. 2. Ограничитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на внешней поверхности силовоспринимающей части упругого элемента выполнены две пары идентичных встречно направленных несквозных выемок, отделенных от полости упругого элемента силоизмерительными перегородками, при этом пары выемок расположены симметрично относительно вертикальной плоскости симметрии силовоспринимающей части и на ...

20-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000111531U1

1. Захват рельсовый, содержащий основание, выполненное в виде расположенного вдоль рельса бруса, на котором шарнирно с помощью осей закреплена, по меньшей мере, одна пара челюстей с возможностью охвата ими головки рельса, при этом оси поворота каждой из челюстей расположены в зоне за перпендикуляром к взаимодействующей с этой челюстью нижней поверхности головки рельса в точке ее перехода в радиальный участок, соединяющий указанную нижнюю поверхность головки рельса и его вертикальную стенку, а брус оснащен элементами его крепления к рельсовой машине. 2. Захват по п.1, отличающийся тем, что брус выполнен с цапфой Т-образного сечения для соединения с рельсовой машиной, при этом в цапфе выполнено осевое резьбовое отверстие под болт, установленный с возможностью взаимодействия с рельсом. 3. Захват по п.1, отличающийся тем, что брус установлен либо с возможностью скольжения по рельсу, либо на расстоянии от него. 4. Захват по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на брусе установлены ролики или скользуны, взаимодействующие с рельсом. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 111 531 U1 (51) МПК B66C 15/00 (2006.01) B66C 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011136365/11, 01.09.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.09.2011 (45) Опубликовано: 20.12.2011 Бюл. № 35 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество Научнопроизводственное объединение "ВНИИПТМАШ" (RU) 1 1 1 5 3 1 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Захват рельсовый, содержащий основание, выполненное в виде расположенного вдоль рельса бруса, на котором шарнирно с помощью осей закреплена, по меньшей мере, одна пара челюстей с возможностью охвата ими головки рельса, при этом оси поворота каждой из челюстей расположены в зоне за перпендикуляром к взаимодействующей с этой челюстью нижней поверхности головки рельса в точке ее перехода в радиальный участок, соединяющий указанную нижнюю поверхность головки рельса и его ...

20-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000112677U1

Устройство для определения текущих параметров грузоподъемного крана, содержащее датчики параметров грузоподъемного крана, выходы которых связаны с первой группой устройства ввода, группа выходов устройства вывода связана с группой входов выходного устройства, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит модуль модели грузоподъемного крана, датчики положения органов управления грузоподъемным краном, выходы которых связаны со второй группой входов устройства ввода, группа выходов устройства ввода соединена с группой входов модуля модели грузоподъемного крана, группа выходов которого связана с группой входов устройства вывода. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 112 677 U1 (51) МПК B66C 13/18 (2006.01) B66C 23/88 (2006.01) B66C 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011101213/11, 13.01.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.01.2011 (72) Автор(ы): Погосян Камо Рафикович (RU), Погосян Эдуард Рафикович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.01.2012 Бюл. № 2 1 1 2 6 7 7 R U Формула полезной модели Устройство для определения текущих параметров грузоподъемного крана, содержащее датчики параметров грузоподъемного крана, выходы которых связаны с первой группой устройства ввода, группа выходов устройства вывода связана с группой входов выходного устройства, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит модуль модели грузоподъемного крана, датчики положения органов управления грузоподъемным краном, выходы которых связаны со второй группой входов устройства ввода, группа выходов устройства ввода соединена с группой входов модуля модели грузоподъемного крана, группа выходов которого связана с группой входов устройства вывода. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ТЕКУЩИХ ПАРАМЕТРОВ ГРУЗОПОДЪЕМНОГО КРАНА 1 1 2 6 7 7 Адрес для переписки: 602266, Владимирская обл., г. Муром, ул. Владимирское шоссе, 9 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Погосян Камо Рафикович (RU), Погосян ...

20-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000116139U1

1. Предохранительное устройство для подъемной платформы механизированной многоярусной автостоянки, содержащее подвижный стопорный элемент, гибкий тяговый элемент, средство выявления аварийного разрыва тягового элемента, отличающееся тем, что стопорный элемент выполнен в форме двуплечего Г-образного рычага-коромысла, ось поворота которого горизонтально установлена на платформе, одно плечо шарнирно связано с тяговым элементом в месте его крепления к платформе, а второе плечо выполнено с выступом с возможностью его взаимодействия в момент аварийного разрыва тягового элемента с ответным упором, выполненным в виде кольцевой проточки на вертикально расположенном стержне, при этом в месте крепления тягового элемента к платформе установлено пружинное средство с возможностью приведения стопорного элемента во взаимодействие с ответным упором в момент аварийного разрыва тягового элемента. 2. Предохранительное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что вертикально расположенный стержень установлен на корпусе механизированной многоярусной автостоянки, при этом кольцевая проточка выполнена на нижнем конце стержня. 3. Предохранительное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что пружинное средство выполнено в виде кольцевой пружины, смонтированной на тяговом элементе между опорной площадкой на платформе и шайбой болтового соединения тягового элемента. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B66F 17/00 B66C 15/00 E04H 6/12 E04H 6/42 (13) 116 139 U1 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012100512/11, 10.01.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.01.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Кочуров Александр Юрьевич (RU), Ашихмин Николай Владимирович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.05.2012 Бюл. № 14 1 1 6 1 3 9 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Предохранительное устройство для подъемной платформы механизированной многоярусной автостоянки, содержащее подвижный стопорный элемент, гибкий ...

27-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000117413U1

Устройство контроля над блокировкой грузозахватного механизма, отличающееся тем, что включает в себя бесконтактные датчики положения, по крайней мере, блокирующего стержня и руки оператора на рукоятке управления грузозахватным механизмом, передающие сигналы на микроконтроллер, микроконтроллер, выдающий сигналы команд блокировки и разблокировки грузозахватного механизма, устройство передачи данных по радиоканалу, батареи электропитания. И 1 117413 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 117 4437 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ МЕЭК Восстановление действия патента Дата, с которой действие патента восстановлено: 12.03.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 12.03.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 12.03.2020 Бюл. №8 Стр.: 1 па СРУДЕЬ ЕП

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000122997U1

1. Система безопасности и управления стрелового крана с гидравлическим приводом, содержащая: установленный на кране прибор безопасности, имеющий в своем составе информационно-управляющий блок, к которому подключен посредством интерфейсной шины контроллер периферийных устройств, включающий в себя блок приема дискретных сигналов и блок выходных ключей; аппаратуру пропорционального электроуправления гидравлическим приводом, включающую в себя контроллер с подключенными к нему джойстиками и пропорциональными клапанами гидрораспределителя; и блок согласования интерфейсов прибора безопасности и аппаратуры пропорционального электроуправления гидравлическим приводом, подключенный к интерфейсной шине прибора безопасности и к контроллеру гидравлического привода, отличающаяся тем, что в аппаратуру пропорционального электроуправления гидравлическим приводом введен блок коммутации, а в саму систему введено устройство блокировки прибора безопасности при внештатных ситуациях, при этом контроллер гидравлического привода соединен с пропорциональными клапанами гидрораспределителя через блок коммутации, по меньшей мере, один управляющий вход блока коммутации подключен к соответствующему выходному ключу контроллера периферийных устройств, по меньшей мере, один из выходных ключей контроллера периферийных устройств подключен к соответствующему входу контроллера гидравлического привода, а устройство блокировки прибора безопасности при внештатных ситуациях подключено к входу блока приема дискретных сигналов контроллера периферийных устройств и дополнительному входу контроллера гидравлического привода. 2. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что джойстики дополнительно подключены к дополнительным входам блока приема дискретных сигналов контроллера периферийных устройств. 3. Система по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что блок согласования интерфейсов подключен к контроллеру гидравлического привода с помощью двух независимых каналов связи. 4. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что джойстики ...

10-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000130986U1

1. Предохранительное устройство грузоподъемного крана, содержащее датчик с релейным сигналом, датчик с частотным сигналом, модуль анализатора сигнала, цифровой вычислительный модуль и модуль сигнализации, при этом указанные датчики подключены с помощью общей линии связи к модулю анализатора сигнала, подключенного, в свою очередь, к входу модуля сигнализации непосредственно и/или через цифровой вычислительный модуль, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит сумматор/делитель, к входам которого подключены указанные датчики с различной амплитудой напряжений выходных сигналов, выход сумматора/делителя подключен к входу модуля анализатора сигнала с помощью упомянутой общей линии связи, а модуль анализатора сигнала для подключения к общей линии связи имеет либо два входа с различными величинами порогового значения напряжения, при котором происходит переключение состояния входа между высоким и низким уровнем, либо один вход с переключаемым пороговым значением напряжения. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит преобразователь напряжения для обеспечения разных значений напряжений питания указанных датчиков. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит, по крайней мере, один цифровой датчик параметров крана, подключенный к цифровому вычислительному модулю, либо аналоговый датчик параметров крана, подключенный к цифровому вычислительному модулю через аналого-цифровой преобразователь. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что на входе модуля анализатора сигнала установлен триггер Шмидта. И 1 130986 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 130 986” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 27.03.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 11.01.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 11.01.2021 Бюл. №2 Стр.: 1 ...

22-05-2017 дата публикации

Ограничитель высоты подъёма грузозахватного устройства грузоподъёмной машины

Номер: RU0000171135U1

Полезная модель относится к подъемно-транспортной технике. Ограничитель высоты подъема грузозахватного устройства грузоподъемной машины содержит: силовую конструкцию, шарнирно закрепленную на несущей конструкции грузоподъемной машины; индуктивный бесконтактный концевой выключатель для управления приводом грузозахватного устройства с управляющим элементом в виде шарнирно закрепленного углового двуплечего рычага из токопроводящего материала, к первому плечу которого подвешен на гибком элементе контрольный груз, взаимодействующий с грузозахватным устройством, а второе плечо расположено напротив указанного выключателя; упругий элемент, взаимодействующий со вторым плечом углового двуплечего рычага и выполненный в виде вертикально закрепленной плоской пружины из токопроводящего материала; и ограничитель перемещения первого плеча углового рычага под действием контрольного груза. Силовая конструкция выполнена в виде вертикально расположенной панели управления, включающей в себя собственно панель в виде плоской удлиненной серьги из листового материала, на которой установлены выключатель, угловой двуплечий рычаг и упругий элемент. Панель управления снабжена съемной крышкой с уплотнительной прокладкой. На торцевой поверхности стенки крышки, примыкающей к серьге, выполнена продольная прорезь, через которую пропущено первое плечо углового рычага, а ограничителем перемещения первого плеча углового рычага является нижняя кромка серьги. Технический результат - повышение эксплуатационной надежности ограничителя. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил. Ц 171135 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 174 1357 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 02.11.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 26.08.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 26.08.2020 Бюл. №24 Стр.: 1 па АЕБ ЕП

27-04-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для определения нагрузки на люльку подъёмника

Номер: RU0000178980U1

Полезная модель относится к грузоподъемной технике и может быть использована на грузоподъемных машинах, предназначенных для перемещения людей с инструментом и материалами и проведения работ в пределах зоны обслуживания. Устройство для определения нагрузки на люльку подъемника выполнено в виде встроенного в конструкцию подвески люльки измерительного модуля, включающего в себя две параллельно расположенные вертикальные прямоугольные рамы с торцевым креплением их к силовоспринимающему элементу, установленному на оголовке стрелы подъемника, и к горизонтируемой опорной площадке с закрепленной на ней люлькой, и датчик нагрузки, расположенный в полости измерительного модуля. Верхние и нижние ригели рам попарно соединены между собой с помощью упругих пластин, а сами рамы дополнительно связаны между собой с помощью резьбовых крепежных элементов, с возможностью смещения рам относительно друг друга в вертикальном направлении, и оснащены крышками, изолирующими полость измерительного модуля от воздействия внешней среды. Рамы измерительного модуля снабжены опорными элементами в виде перемычек, соединяющих стойки рам. Датчик нагрузки содержит съемный силовоспринимающий элемент в виде упругого пустотелого стержня цилиндрической формы, концевые части которого установлены в соосных отверстиях опорных элементов рам, и расположенный в полости силовопринимающего элемента между его концевыми частями тонкий вертикальный гибкий силоизмерительный элемент кольцеобразной формы, неразъемно связанный с силовоспринимающим элементом с помощью двух оппозитно расположенных силопередающих элементов, с закрепленными на внутренней цилиндрической поверхности силоизмерительного элемента тензометрическими преобразователями, соединенными в электрический мост. Технический результат - повышение надежности устройства и точности измерения нагрузки на люльку подъемника. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 178 980 U1 (51) МПК B66C 23/88 (2006.01) B66C 15/00 (2006.01) B66F 17/00 (2006.01) ...

15-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000179436U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для обеспечения безопасности передвижных машин, а именно к устройствам для блокировки рессор ходовой части стреловых кранов. Задача - повышение удобства эксплуатации выключателя рессор при снижении трудоемкости управления им. Заявляемый выключатель рессор содержит элемент 1 передачи давления на него с ходовой рамы от крана с поднятым грузом на боковую раму тележки ходовой платформы через прикрепленную к ней скобу 2. Элемент 1 передачи давления представляет собой гидроцилиндр 3 с поршнем 4, закрепленным на одном конце штока 5, на другом конце которого закреплен упор 6. Стопорное устройство фиксации элемента передачи в рабочем/транспортном положении представляет собой гидрораспределитель 7 с ручным управлением виде рукоятки 8. Гидрораспределитель 7 служит для соединения в рабочем положении посредством перевода рукоятки 8 в нижнее положение напорной секции 9 напорной магистрали через регулируемый дроссель 10 и запорный гидрозамок 11 с поршневой полостью 12 гидроцилиндра 3, а в транспортном положении - для связи посредством перевода рукоятки 8 в верхнее положение сливной секции 13 сливной магистрали через тот же гидрозамок 11 со штоковой полостью 14 гидроцилиндра 3. Использование в качестве элемента передачи давления на выключатель рессор с ходовой рамы от крана с поднятым грузом на боковую раму тележки ходовой платформы через прикрепленную к ней скобу гидроцилиндра в совокупности с выполнением стопорного устройства фиксации элемента передачи давления в рабочем / транспортном положении и элемента, устраняющего перемещение шкворневой балки относительно боковины тележки в виде гидрораспределителя, соединяющего в рабочем положении с помощью рукоятки, установленной в одном положении, напорную секцию напорной магистрали через регулируемый дроссель и запорный гидрозамок с поршневой полостью гидроцилиндра, а в транспортном положении связывающего с помощью рукоятки, установленной в другом положении, сливную секцию сливной магистрали через ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Периферийное устройство системы безопасности грузоподъёмной машины

Номер: RU0000188283U1

Полезная модель относится к контрольно-управляющим устройствам и может быть использована в системах защиты и управления грузоподъемных машин. Периферийное устройство системы безопасности грузоподъемной машины содержит аналоговые и дискретные первичные преобразователи измеряемых и/или контролируемых рабочих параметров грузоподъемной машины, снабженные согласующими устройствами, микроконтроллер, трансивер для сопряжения микроконтроллера с двухпроводной мультиплексной линией связи системы безопасности грузоподъемной машины и управляющее устройство, включающее в себя электронный ключ, и согласующее устройство. Выходы первичных преобразователей подключены к входам их согласующих устройств, а управляющий вход электронного ключа подключен через согласующее устройство к выходу микроконтроллера, приспособленного для преобразования измеряемых и/или контролируемых рабочих параметров в последовательный код, приема/передачи последовательных цифровых сигналов по двухпроводной мультиплексной линии связи и формирования управляющих сигналов с использованием индивидуального идентификатора или адреса периферийного устройства для управляющего устройства. В периферийное устройство введены аналоговый мультиплексор и сдвиговый регистр с параллельной загрузкой. Выходы согласующих устройств аналоговых первичных преобразователей подключены к информационным входам аналогового мультиплексора, выходы согласующих устройств дискретных первичных преобразователей подключены к параллельным входам сдвигового регистра, аналоговые выходы мультиплексора подключены к аналоговым входам микроконтроллера, выход сдвигового регистра подключен к цифровому входу микроконтроллера, а цифровые выходы микроконтроллера подключены к управляющим входам аналогового мультиплексора и входам сдвигового регистра. Технический результат - расширение функциональных возможностей периферийного устройства. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 188 283 U1 (51) МПК B66C 15/00 (2006.01) B66C 23/88 (2006.01) ...

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Redundant Hoist Rope System

Номер: US20120145664A1
Принадлежит: MI Jack Products Inc

An apparatus capable of supporting a portion of the weight of a load being transferred by a lifting device in the event of a complete failure of one of the hoisting ropes is disclosed. The apparatus includes a support structure attached atop a beam of the lifting device, and a support bar pivotally attached to the support structure. The support structure includes a stop portion that is in contact with the beam and has an upper surface opposed to an undersurface of the support bar. A hoist system is also disclosed.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Crane maneuvering assistance

Номер: US20130013251A1

A system for tracking movable crane components to assist maneuvering the crane within a jobsite includes a computing device having a processor which calculates a 3D geospatial location and orientation of a 3D coordinate system for an upperworks that has an origin chosen along an axis of rotation between the upperworks and a lowerworks. The processor calculates a 3D position of the origin of the upperworks based on local coordinates and transforms the 3D position of the origin of the upperworks from the local coordinates to global 3D coordinates using absolute position sensing data from first and second positioning sensors attached to the crane (for instance on the upperworks and the hook, respectively) and using global 3D coordinates specific to the jobsite where the crane is located. The upperworks 3D coordinate system is useable to determine line segments in the upperworks 3D coordinate system for various movable components.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Sensor unit system

Номер: US20130103271A1

A mobile construction device sensor unit system is disclosed. In one embodiment, a point-to-point radio ranging system coupled with a mobile construction device. A position determining component coupled with the point-to-point radio ranging system is configured for determining a position of the sensor unit in at least two dimensions based on communications between the point-to-point radio ranging system and a plurality of tags respectively located at a plurality of knowable locations within an operating environment of the mobile construction device. A communications link controller communicatively coupled with the position determining component is configured for wirelessly providing information, including the sensor unit position, to a receiving unit located apart from the sensor unit.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140113A1
Автор: Bae Hoo-Geun

The present invention relates to an elevator wire rope braking apparatus, and more particularly, to a rope braking apparatus which prevents partial abrasion of the wire rope while increasing braking efficiency by preventing a deviation in the pressure applied to the wire rope by a pressure plate moving in a straight line to apply pressure to the wire rope. Since the pressure application is based not on a hydraulic method but on a purely mechanical structure using only a spring elastic force, environmental pollution caused by hydraulic oil may be prevented and product cost may be reduced. 1. A rope braking apparatus comprising:an installation body comprising a wire rope positioned on a back surface, the wire rope being connected to a lifted/lowered object;a driving unit comprising a driving motor installed on the installation body, a transfer block unit installed to be movable upwards/downwards while being connected to the driving motor, and elastic members installed on the transfer block unit;a pressurization unit comprising a movable unit installed on the installation body so as to be movable forwards/backwards along a straight line while contacting the transfer block unit and a pressurization plate positioned to face the installation body, with the wire rope interposed, while being connected to the movable unit; anda solenoid unit including a movement control unit having an end removably connected to the movable unit.2. The rope braking apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the driving unit further comprises:a lead screw connected to the driving motor, the leading screw having a non-threaded portion formed on an upper end and a threaded portion formed in a section below the non-threaded portion; anda driving block unit screw-coupled on the threaded portion of the lead screw so as to be movable upwards/downwards while being positioned below the transfer block unit.3. The rope braking apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the transfer block unit comprises:a connection block ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168622A1
Автор: Liljedahl Gunnar

A control system for a lifting device and a lifting device comprising the same are disclosed. The control system includes a control unit comprising a processor with a memory communicatively coupled to the processor and having computer readable and executable instructions. A battery is electrically coupled to the control unit in addition to at least one indicator. The processor executes the computer readable and executable instructions to: determine an operating characteristic of the lifting device and an operating time of the lifting device as the lifting device is actuated; determine an accumulated load-time parameter for the lifting device based on the operating characteristic and the operating time; store the accumulated load-time parameter in the memory of the lift control system; compare the accumulated load-time parameter to a service constant; and provide an indication the indicator that a lift structural component requires service based on the comparison. 120.-. (canceled)21. A lift control system for operating a lifting device comprising a lift actuator coupled to a lift arm , the lift control system comprising:a control unit comprising a processor with a memory communicatively coupled to the processor and having computer readable and executable instructions; determine at least one operating characteristic of the lifting device and an operating time of the lifting device as the lifting device is actuated;', 'determine an accumulated load-time parameter for the lifting device based on the at least one operating characteristic and the operating time;', 'store the accumulated load-time parameter in the memory of the lift control system;', 'compare the accumulated load-time parameter to a service constant;', 'upload at least one of the accumulated load-timer parameter, the operating characteristic, and the operating time of the lifting device to a data storage device, wherein at least one of the accumulated load-timer parameter, the operating characteristic, ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Lockout Switch Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20130168985A1
Автор: Mongan Dan Eugene
Принадлежит: The Caldwell Group, Inc.

An improved apparatus and/or method for safely lifting a load along a lift axis are provided, through utilization of an automatic lockout arrangement operatively connected between the point of application of a lifting force and a motorized clamping arrangement for grasping the load. 1. A lifting apparatus for lifting a load along a lift axis , the apparatus comprising:an electrically operable clamping arrangement having clamping elements movable between an open and a closed position of the clamping arrangement for selectively grasping and releasing the load; andan electrical lockout arrangement connected at a lower end thereof to the clamping arrangement and having an upper end thereof adapted for application of a lifting force along the lifting axis;the electrically operable clamping arrangement and the electrical lockout arrangement being cooperatively configured such that the electrical lockout arrangement precludes electrical power from being applied to open the clamping arrangement when the lifting force being applied to the upper end of the electrical lockout arrangement has reached a predetermined lockout value while the clamping arrangement is grasping the load;the electrically operable clamping arrangement and the electrical lockout arrangement also being cooperatively configured such that the electrical lockout arrangement allows electrical power to be applied to the clamping arrangement for opening the clamping arrangement when the lifting force being applied to the upper end of the electrical lockout arrangement is below the predetermined lockout value.2. The lifting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the predetermined lockout value of the lifting force is adjustable.3. The lifting apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the predetermined lockout value is a function of a spring constant of at least one spring of the electrical lockout arrangement.4. The lifting apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the at least one spring includes multiple springs arranged in a ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Crane collision avoidance

Номер: US20130299440A1

A crane collision avoidance system is disclosed. One example includes a load locator to determine a location of a load of a crane and provide the location information to a mapping module. In addition, a map receiver module procures a map of a site and provides the map to the mapping module. A tag scanner scans the site for one or more tags defining an obstacle and provides the obstacle information to a mapping module. The mapping module combines the location information, the map and the obstacle information into a user accessible information package that is displayed on a graphical user interface.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Self-Aligning Test Weight

Номер: US20130327153A1
Автор: Jeffrey O'Rourke
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to test weights for testing the load capacity of a crane. More specifically, the present invention provides a novel system and approach simple and efficient crane load testing using solid weights. Previous methods of testing crane load capacity often require significant time to configure and reconfigure the apparatus. The system of the present invention increases efficiency by significantly reducing this configuration time. The system comprises a plurality of stackable test weights, and a lifting fixture specifically designed for the system. A cantilever structure located on two opposing sides of the test weight enables the lifting fixture to first be quickly secured underneath of said structure, and then lift that particular unit as well as any units surmounting that unit. A novel block lock system integrated into each weight unit enables self-alignment and securing of each weight as it is placed onto the weight stack.

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345857A1

A material position information measuring section measures a position of a material lifted up by a tower crane. A structure information measuring section measures position information about surrounding structures. A route searching section searches for a route of movement of the material from a start point to a destination. The route of movement determined by the route searching section is stored in a route storage. A data processor receives data of the material position information measuring section and the structure information measuring section, and calculates 2D or 3D image data about relative positions of the tower crane, the material lifted up by the tower crane and the surrounding structures. A display unit displays information about at least one of the tower crane, the material and the surrounding structures using the image data calculated by the data processor, and displays the route of movement determined by the route searching section. 1. A tower crane navigation system comprising:a material position information measuring section for measuring a position of a material lifted up by a tower crane;a structure information measuring section for measuring position information about structures within and/or beyond a working radius of the tower crane;a route searching section for searching for a route of movement of the material lifted up, from a start point to a destination;a route storage for storing the route of movement determined by the route searching section with respect to each tower crane;a data processing section for receiving data from the material position information measuring section and data from the structure information measuring section, and for calculating two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) image data which provides information about relative positions of the tower crane, the material lifted up by the tower crane and the surrounding structures; anda display unit for displaying information about at least one selected from the group ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Cask transport assembly

Номер: US20140017051A1
Принадлежит: Konecranes Global Oy, KONECRANES PLC

A cask transport system includes a support assembly including a plurality of wheels and a support frame coupled to and supported by the wheels. The cask transport system also includes a tower disposed above the support assembly, the tower including a base portion and a tower frame coupled to the base portion, the tower frame movable relative to the base portion. The cask transport system also includes an upper beam assembly coupled to the tower frame, and a bottom block assembly coupled to the upper beam assembly, the bottom block assembly movable relative to the upper beam assembly.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027399A1

The invention relates to a construction machine having a carrier unit, a boom mounted pivotably on the carrier unit, an erection support for erecting and/or holding the boom by means of a guy cable tensioned between the boom and the erection support, and a safety cable which can be tensioned along the boom for securing a user. A cable support with a first attachment point for the safety cable is arranged at a head end of the boom. A second attachment point for the safety cable is provided on the erection support. The safety cable can be tensioned between the first attachment point on the cable support and the second attachment point on the erection support along the boom. 1. Construction machine witha carrier unit,a boom mounted pivotably on the carrier unit,an erection support for erecting and/or holding the boom by means of a guy cable tensioned between the boom and the erection support anda safety cable for securing a user which can be tensioned along the boom, whereina cable support with a first attachment point for the safety cable is arranged at a head end of the boom,a second attachment point for the safety cable is provided on the erection support, andthe safety cable can be tensioned between the first attachment point on the cable support and the second attachment point on the erection support along the boom.2. Construction machine according to claim 1 , whereina cable winch is arranged on the erection support and/or on the cable support for receiving and/or tensioning the safety cable.3. Construction machine according to claim 1 , whereinthe cable support is pivotably attached to the head end of the boom.4. Construction machine according to claim 1 , whereinthe cable support can be adjusted between a securing position and a retracted position.5. Construction machine according to claim 4 , whereinthe cable support projects in the securing position, when the boom is lying, upwards in relation to the boom and extends, in the retracted position, into a lateral ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for recognizing the discard state of a high-strength fiber rope in use in lifting gear

Номер: US20140027401A1
Автор: Horst Zerza, MUPENDE Ilaka

The present invention relates generally to lifting gear such as cranes which use high-strength fiber ropes instead of steel ropes. In this respect, the invention in particular relates to an apparatus for recognizing the discard state of a high-strength fiber rope in use at such lifting gear comprising a detection device for detecting at least one rope parameter as well as comprising an evaluation unit for evaluating the rope parameter and for providing a discard signal in dependence on the rope parameter evaluation. In accordance with the invention, the detection device of the apparatus for recognizing the discard state comprises a plurality of differently configured detection means for a magnetic, mechanical, optical and/or electronic detection of a plurality of different rope parameters which can be evaluated by the evaluation unit individually and/or in combination with one another for recognizing the discard state.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054254A1
Принадлежит: GOGOH CO., LTD.

Equipment provided with a display device, the equipment including a mechanism that includes a movable portion, an operating device that operates movement of the movable portion, a moving mechanism that moves the movable portion, the display device that makes a display about movement of the movable portion, and a drive control unit that, based on the operation by the operating device, controls operation of the moving mechanism and the display of the display device. The display device is configured to make a display about movement of the movable portion prior to start of the movement of the movable portion. 1. Equipment provided with a display device , the equipment comprising:a mechanism that includes a movable portion;an operating device that operates movement of the movable portion;a moving mechanism that moves the movable portion;the display device that makes a display about movement of the movable portion; anda drive control unit that, based on the operation by the operating device, controls operation of the moving mechanism and the display of the display device,the display device being configured to make a display about movement of the movable portion prior to start of the movement of the movable portion.2. The equipment according to claim 1 , wherein the display device is arranged to occupy a size and position to be visible from outside at least to a person other than an operator of the equipment claim 1 , and the drive control unit is configured to give the moving mechanism a command to start the movement of the movable portion after confirming that the display device has made a display about the movement of the movable portion.3. The equipment according to claim 1 , wherein an operation element such as a switch claim 1 , a lever claim 1 , a knob portion or a handle claim 1 , etc. is attached to the operating device claim 1 , a plurality of movable stages are provided in a movable range of the operation element claim 1 , in accordance with command stages to ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081534A1

A method of lifting device collision avoidance is disclosed. In one embodiment, the method comprises determining a three dimensional position of a collision avoidance sensor unit coupled with a load line of a first lifting device, the determining performed by a first global navigation satellite system (i) receiver coupled with a housing of the collision avoidance sensor unit, generating a geofence for the first lifting device based at least in part on the collision avoidance sensor unit position, monitoring for a collision related hazard indicated by encroachment between the first geofence and a second geofence associated with a second lifting device and initiating at least one collision hazard avoidance action in response to a monitored occurrence of the collision related hazard. 1. A method of lifting device collision avoidance , said method comprising:determining a three dimensional position of a collision avoidance sensor unit coupled with a load line of a first lifting device, said determining performed by a first global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver coupled with a housing of said collision avoidance sensor unit;generating a geofence for said first lifting device based at least in part on said collision avoidance sensor unit position;monitoring for a collision related hazard indicated by encroachment between said geofence and a second geofence associated with a second lifting device; andinitiating at least one collision hazard avoidance action in response to a monitored occurrence of said collision related hazard.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising:wirelessly providing said geofence and said second geofence from said collision avoidance sensor unit to a display unit located apart from said collision avoidance sensor unit.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein initiating at least one collision hazard avoidance action in response to a monitored occurrence of said collision related hazard comprises:wirelessly providing a ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081535A1

A method of lifting device load hazard avoidance is disclosed. In one embodiment, the method comprises determining a three dimensional position of a load hazard avoidance sensor unit coupled with a load line of a lifting device, the determining performed by a first global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver coupled with a housing of the load hazard avoidance sensor unit, monitoring for a load related hazard in a vicinity of a load coupled with the load line, the monitoring performed by a load monitor coupled with the housing and initiating at least one load related hazard avoidance action in response to a monitored occurrence of the load related hazard. 1. A method of lifting device load hazard avoidance , said method comprising:determining a three dimensional position of a load hazard avoidance sensor unit coupled with a load line of a lifting device, said determining performed by a first global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver coupled with a housing of said load hazard avoidance sensor unit;monitoring for a load related hazard in a vicinity of a load coupled with said load line, said monitoring performed by a load monitor coupled with said housing; andinitiating at least one load related hazard avoidance action in response to a monitored occurrence of said load related hazard.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein said monitoring for a load related hazard in a vicinity of a load coupled with said load line comprises:monitoring for an imminent collision between said load and an object in the vicinity of said load.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein said monitoring for a load related hazard in a vicinity of a load coupled with said load line comprises:monitoring for a loss of visibility of person beneath said load.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein said initiating at least one load related hazard avoidance action in response to a monitored occurrence of said load related hazard comprises:wirelessly providing a load ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081536A1

A hook block sensor assembly is disclosed. In one embodiment, the hook block sensor comprises a housing configured to removably couple about a lifting hook of a lifting device, a first global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver coupled with the housing and configured for determining a hook block sensor assembly position in three dimensions, a load monitor coupled with the housing and configured for monitoring a load coupled with the lifting hook, including monitoring a load position and a load orientation of the load and a wireless transceiver coupled with the housing and configured for wirelessly providing information including the load position, the load orientation, and the hook block sensor assembly position, to a display unit located apart from the hook block sensor assembly. 1. A hook block sensor assembly comprising:a housing configured to removably couple about a lifting hook of a lifting device;a first global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver coupled with said housing and configured for determining a hook block sensor assembly position in three dimensions;a load monitor coupled with said housing and configured for monitoring a load coupled with said lifting hook, including monitoring a load position and a load orientation of said load; anda wireless transceiver coupled with said housing and configured for wirelessly providing information including said load position, said load orientation, and said hook block sensor assembly position, to a display unit located apart from said hook block sensor assembly.2. The hook block sensor assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a second GNSS receiver coupled with said housing and configured for determining an angular orientation of said hook block sensor assembly.3. The hook block sensor assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a collision monitor coupled with said housing and configured monitoring for collision related hazards in a vicinity of said lifting hook.4. The hook block sensor assembly of ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081537A1

A lifting device sensor unit comprises a housing, a first global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver, and a wireless transceiver. The housing is configured to removably couple about a load line of a lifting device. The first GNSS receiver is coupled with the housing and configured for determining a sensor unit position in three dimensions. The wireless transceiver is coupled with the housing and configured for wirelessly providing information including the sensor unit position to a display unit located apart from the sensor unit. 1. A lifting device sensor unit , said sensor unit comprising:a housing configured to removably couple about a load line of a lifting device;a first global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver coupled with said housing and configured for determining a sensor unit position in three dimensions; anda wireless transceiver coupled with said housing and configured for wirelessly providing information including said sensor unit position to a display unit located apart from said sensor unit.2. The sensor unit of claim 1 , further comprising:an inertial sensor coupled with said housing and configured for augmenting said first GNSS receiver in determining said sensor unit position in three dimensions.3. The sensor unit of claim 1 , further comprising:a second GNSS receiver coupled with said housing and configured for determining an angular orientation of said sensor unit.4. The sensor unit of claim 1 , further comprising:a collision monitor coupled with said housing and configured monitoring for collision related hazards in a vicinity of said lifting device.5. The sensor unit of claim 4 , further comprising:an avoidance action initiator coupled with said housing configured for initiating at least one hazard avoidance action in response to a monitored occurrence of said collision related hazard.6. The sensor unit of claim 1 , further comprising:a power source coupled with said housing and configured for providing electrical power for ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081538A1

A lifting device sensor unit comprising a housing, a load monitor, and a wireless transceiver. The housing is configured to removably couple about a load line of a lifting device. The load monitor is coupled with the housing and configured for monitoring a load coupled with the load line, including monitoring a load position and a load orientation of the load. The wireless is transceiver coupled with the housing and configured for wirelessly providing information including the load position and the load orientation to a display unit located apart from the sensor unit. 1. A lifting device sensor unit , said sensor unit comprising:a housing configured to removably couple about a load line of a lifting device;a load monitor coupled with said housing and configured for monitoring a load coupled with said load line, including monitoring a load position and a load orientation of said load; anda wireless transceiver coupled with said housing and configured for wirelessly providing information including said load position and said load orientation to a display unit located apart from said sensor unit.2. The sensor unit of claim 1 , further comprising:a first global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver coupled with said housing and configured for determining a sensor unit position in three dimensions; andwherein said wireless transceiver is further configured for wirelessly providing information including said sensor unit position to said display unit.3. The sensor unit of claim 2 , further comprising:an inertial sensor coupled with said housing and configured for augmenting said first GNSS receiver in determining said sensor unit position in three dimensions.4. The sensor unit of claim 2 , further comprising:a second GNSS receiver coupled with said housing and configured for determining an angular orientation of said sensor unit.5. The sensor unit of claim 1 , further comprising:a collision monitor coupled with said housing and configured monitoring for collision ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Alarm systems and methods for preventing improper lifting of tubular members

Номер: US20140099175A1
Автор: Mark Guidry
Принадлежит: Mark Guidry

Systems and methods for preventing improper lifting of tubular members are described, in which sensing devices are used to detect when a tubular reaches a selected position within a lifting device suitable for engagement, and/or to detect when a lifting operation is initiated that would exceed the capacity of a lifting device. Operators are engaged with the tubular member and provided with a preselected force corresponding to the weight of one or more tubular members, such that when the weight of a lifting operation exceeds the preselected force, an audible device may be actuated responsive to sensor output, to immediately alert individuals, such that the improper lifting operation may be halted. Similarly, an audible device may be actuated responsive to sensor output when a tubular member reaches a selected position within the lifting device, such that additional movement may be ceased.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002133A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Provided is a wire rope flaw detector according to the present invention includes a magnetizer configured to form a magnetic path in a predetermined segment of a wire rope, a magnetic sensor configured to detect a leakage magnetic flux generated from the wire rope, and a protective cover configured to prevent the wire rope from being brought into contact with the magnetic sensor. The wire rope flaw detector further includes a magnetic sensor protecting member configured to prevent the protective cover from being brought into contact with an upper face of the magnetic sensor so as to prevent application of a pressure equal to or larger than a predetermined pressure to the magnetic sensor. 19-. (canceled)10. A wire rope flaw detector configured to detect damage of a wire rope , comprising:a magnetizer configured to form a magnetic path in a predetermined segment of the wire rope;a magnetic sensor, which is arranged so as to be magnetically insulated from the magnetizer, and is configured to detect a leakage magnetic flux generated from the magnetic path formed in the wire rope;a protective cover, which is provided between the magnetic sensor and the wire rope, has a groove for allowing the wire rope to pass therethrough, and has one face that is located on a side opposite to another face on a side on which the wire rope passes, the one face having a part maintained at such a position that the part of the one face is opposed to an upper face of the magnetic sensor; anda magnetic sensor protecting member which is provided on the lower face side of the protective cover and between the magnetizer and the magnetic sensor in the axial direction of the wire rope and which has a thickness such that a pressure applied from the protective cover to the magnetic sensor is less than a predetermined value.11. The wire rope flaw detector according to claim 10 , wherein the magnetic sensor protecting member is arranged at least at one position on each of two sides of the magnetic ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006214A1

An apparatus for a semiconductor fabrication facility (FAB) is provided. In one embodiment, the apparatus includes a maintenance tool and a transporting tool configured to transport at least one customized. The maintenance tool includes a first track at a first horizontal plane, at least one maintenance crane movably mounted on the first track, and a plurality of first sensors on the first track. The first sensors are configured to define at least a danger zone and to detect a location of the maintenance crane. The transporting tool includes a second track at a second horizontal plane, at least one overhead hoisting transporting (OHT) vehicle movably mounted on the second track, and at least one second sensor on the OHT vehicle. The second horizontal plane is different from the first horizontal planes. The first horizontal plane and the second horizontal plane at least partially overlap each other from a plane view. 1. An apparatus comprising: a first track at a first horizontal plane;', 'at least one maintenance crane movably mounted on the first track; and, 'a maintenance tool comprisinga plurality of first sensors on the first track, the first sensors being configured to define at least a danger zone and to detect a location of the maintenance crane; and a second track at a second horizontal plane, wherein the second horizontal plane is different from the first horizontal plane and wherein the first horizontal plane and the second horizontal plane at least partially overlap each other from a plane view;', 'at least one overhead hoisting transporting (OHT) vehicle movably mounted on the second track; and', 'at least one second sensor on the OHT vehicle., 'a transporting tool configured to transport at least one customized part, the transporting tool comprising2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the maintenance crane is prohibited from entering the danger zone when the OHT vehicle is in the danger zone.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the OHT vehicle is ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

System and method for lifting with spreader bar

Номер: US20170008739A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A system includes a spreader bar comprising a structural support, a first load coupling, and a second load coupling, and a lift coupling and a drive system coupled to the lift coupling. The system also includes at least one load sensor configured to sense a load coupled to the first load coupling, the second load coupling, or a combination thereof. A controller may be coupled to the drive system and the at least one load sensor, such that the controller is configured to obtain an indication of a center of gravity of the load based on the at least one load sensor, and the controller is configured to operate the drive system to move the lift coupling based on the center of gravity.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016764A1

An improved material handling system () comprising a material lifting device (), the material lifting device having a sensor () for sensing an operational parameter associated with the material lifting device, a load attachment device () configured and arranged to attach a load to the material lifting device, the load attachment device having a data tag () containing data regarding one or more parameters associated with the load attachment device, a reader () configured and arranged to read the data tag, a processing unit () communicating with the reader and the sensor, the processing unit configured and arranged to receive data from the reader and the sensor, and a material handling control device () configured and arranged to control operation of the material handling device.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017027A1

A crane control for a crane includes a visualization apparatus which is adapted to visualize a camera image having depth information of a working environment of the crane for an operator of the crane control. The visualization apparatus is configured to display in a representation overlying the camera image a graphic auxiliary representation visualizing a dimension which can be recognized per se in the camera image, and the visualization apparatus includes a display device which displays the stereoscopically visualized camera image together with the overlying graphic auxiliary representation. 15. A crane control for a crane comprising a visualization apparatus which is adapted to visualize a camera image having depth information of a working environment of the crane for an operator of the crane control , characterised in that the visualization apparatus is configured to display in a representation overlying the camera image a graphic auxiliary representation visualizing a dimension which can be recognized per se in the camera image and the visualization apparatus includes a display device which displays the stereoscopically visualized camera image together with the overlying graphic auxiliary representation ().2. The crane control according to claim 1 , wherein the display device is in the form of virtual reality goggles or a 3D display screen.3. The crane control according to claim 1 , wherein the graphic auxiliary representation visualizes a spacing of a predeterminable or predetermined working part of the crane in relation to a predeterminable or predetermined reference object in the working environment of the crane.4. The crane control according to claim 3 , wherein the graphic auxiliary representation includes a warning representation which is visualized when the spacing between the predeterminable or predetermined working part of the crane and the predeterminable or predetermined reference object is below a predeterminable value.5. The crane control according ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023539A1
Автор: Yuzawa Yoshimitsu

A work machine includes a traveling undercarriage, an upper rotating structure swingably mounted on the traveling undercarriage, a cab mounted on the upper rotating structure, an attachment including multiple work elements and attached to the upper rotating structure, an end attachment attached to the end of the attachment, a first sensor configured to obtain the angles of rotation of the work elements, a second sensor configured to obtain the angle of rotation of the end attachment, and a control device configured to restrict or stop the motion of reducing a distance between the end attachment and the cab in response to determining that the end attachment has entered a predetermined region based on the outputs of the first sensor and the second sensor. 1. A work machine comprising:a traveling undercarriage;an upper rotating structure swingably mounted on the traveling undercarriage;a cab mounted on the upper rotating structure;an attachment including a plurality of work elements, the attachment being attached to the upper rotating structure;an end attachment attached to an end of the attachment;a first sensor configured to obtain angles of rotation of the work elements;a second sensor configured to obtain an angle of rotation of the end attachment; anda control device configured to restrict or stop a motion of reducing a distance between the end attachment and the cab in response to determining that the end attachment has entered a predetermined region based on outputs of the first sensor and the second sensor.2. The work machine as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:an end attachment cylinder configured to drive the end attachment,wherein the second sensor is placed near a foot pin of the end attachment cylinder.3. The work machine as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:an end attachment operation lever for operating the end attachment,wherein the control device is configured to determine the angle of rotation of the end attachment based on the output of ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Arm with two or more hooks

Номер: US20210024332A1
Автор: Marco IOTTI
Принадлежит: Manitou Italia SRL

One or more hooks 11, 12, 13 are connected to a load sensor 31, 32, 33.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031681A1
Автор: Delplace Jean-Charles

Methods and systems are disclosed for rendering a job site in a three dimensional simulation. A stream of input data is received at a processor about a job site wherein the data pertains to movements and lifts of at least one lifting device associated with the job site and at least one partially constructed building associated with the job site. A three dimensional (3D) simulation is generated, at the processor, of the at least one lifting device and the at least one partially constructed building. The 3D simulation is updated in real time, at the processor, to simulate movements of the at least one lifting and the at least one partially constructed building. The 3D simulation is sent from the processor to a display. 1. A method for rendering a job site in a three dimensional simulation , said method comprising:receiving a stream of input data, at a processor, about a job site wherein said data pertains to movements and lifts of at least one lifting device associated with said job site and at least one partially constructed building associated with said job site;generating a three dimensional (3D) simulation, at said processor, of said at least one lifting device and said at least one partially constructed building;updating said 3D simulation in real time, at said processor, to simulate movements of said at least one lifting device and said at least one partially constructed building; andsending said 3D simulation from said processor to a display.2. The method as recited in wherein said 3D simulation comprises an alert which notifies of potential collisions between objects associated with said job site.3. The method as recited in wherein said alert is a shaded region of said 3D simulation which highlights said potential collisions.4. The method as recited in wherein said alert comprises an audible sound generated by a speaker associated with said display.5. The method as recited in wherein said 3D simulation comprises multiple points of view and wherein said ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030813A1
Принадлежит: JPW Industries Inc.

An overload indicator for a hoist includes first and second blocks that connect to the lifting medium (a chain for a chain hoist) at spaced locations. The first and second blocks are held at a spacing by indicator bands so that the lifting medium is slack between the blocks. The indicator bands have weakened portions to deform, stretch or break when subject to a load over a threshold, such as over a lifting capacity of the hoist. Covers are provided over the indicator bands that are closely spaced to define an indicator gap. If the indicator bands stretch, the indicator gap increases to indicate an overload condition. 1. An overload indicator for a hoist , the hoist having a lifting medium for lifting a load , comprising:first and second block portions connected to the lifting medium as spaced locations from one another, the spaced locations being such that the lifting medium is in a slack condition between the first and second block portions when the overload indicator is in a non-indicating position;an indicator band connected between the first and second block portions, the indicator band supporting substantially all of the load applied to the lifting medium when the overload indicator is in the non-indicating position, the indicator band being configured to at least one of stretch and deform and break upon application of a load greater than a predetermined threshold.2. An overload indicator as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the indicator band is a first indicator band and further comprising a second indicator band disposed approximately parallel with the first indicator band.3. An overload indicator as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first and second indicator bands are disposed on opposite sides of the lifting medium with the slack portion of the lifting medium between the first and second indicator bands.4. An overload indicator as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:first and second covers connected to the opposite ends of the indicator band.5. An overload ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031474A1

A hoist lifting system having planning and monitoring of components. The system monitors one or more components and may have a processing structure and memory storing instructions to configure the processing structure to: receive hoist machine data; determine a rotation speed of a bearing, a travel speed of a rope, a load on the bearing, a friction in the at least one bearing based on the hoist machine data; and store the rotation speed, the travel speed, the load, and the friction in a maintenance database in memory. The hoist lifting system may have the processing structure determine a wear of one or more components. 1. A system for monitoring at least one component of a hoisting machine comprising:a processing structure; receive hoist machine data;', 'determine a rotation speed of at least one bearing from the hoist machine data;', 'determine a travel speed of a rope from the hoist machine data;', 'determine a load on the at least one bearing from the hoist machine data;', 'determine a friction in the at least one bearing from the hoist machine data; and', 'store the rotation speed, the travel speed, the load, and the friction in a maintenance database stored within the non-transitory computer-readable memory., 'a non-transitory computer-readable memory storing instructions to configure the processing structure to2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the hoist machine data accounts for changes in the at least one component during operation of the hoisting machine.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein a wear of the at least one component is continuously calculated claim 1 , wherein the wear comprises at least one of a bearing wear and a rope wear.4. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the non-transitory computer-readable memory further comprises instructions to configure the processing structure to: calculate a prediction of a remaining life of the at least one component.5. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the non-transitory computer- ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031635A1

A system for providing safety to a hoist having a hook and a chain. The system includes a safety cable threaded through an opening of the hook or an object to be lifted. The system includes a connector connected to the safety cable and the chain such that when the hook and the chain of the hoist are disconnected, the object remains connected to the chain via the connector and safety cable. The connector includes a base portion having a chain opening configured to receive the chain, and a first cable opening configured to receive the safety cable. The connector includes a top portion configured to be coupled to the base portion and cover a portion of the chain opening such that the base portion and the top portion, when coupled together, remain at a substantially fixed position along the length of the chain. 1. A connector for securing a safety cable to a chain , the connector comprising: a chain opening configured to receive the chain such that the base portion freely moves along the length of the chain, and', 'a first cable opening configured to receive the safety cable; and, 'a base portion havinga top portion configured to be coupled to the base portion and cover a portion of the chain opening such that the base portion and the top portion, when coupled together, remain at a substantially fixed position along the length of the chain.2. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the top portion includes:a chain securing slot shaped to surround a portion of a link of the chain, anda barrier portion adjacent to the chain securing slot and configured to abut a top link and a bottom link adjacent to the link surrounded by the chain securing slot to prevent movement of the top portion along the length of the chain.3. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the top portion includes a top portion cable opening configured to receive the safety cable claim 1 , and the top portion is aligned with the base portion such that the top portion cable opening is aligned with the first cable ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032079A1
Принадлежит: ITREC B.V.

A wave-induced motion compensating crane includes a hoist assembly. At least two departure sheaves are mounted at opposite lateral sides of the jib. The object suspension device is supported both by two hoist cables extending laterally from the jib and a third hoist cable that runs via another departure sheave. The hoist assembly is adapted to hoist and/or lower the object suspension device with an object connected thereto, between a lower position and a position at a height up to the departure sheaves while the hoist cables together define a reverse pyramid, diverging upwards in between the object suspension device and the departure sheaves. 1. A crane for use on a floating vessel , said crane comprising:a revolving superstructure; a main boom, comprising a main boom member, having a lower end pivotally mounted about a first pivot axis to the superstructure; and', 'a jib comprising a jib member having an inner end pivotally mounted about a second pivot axis to an upper end of the main boom member;, 'a boom, pivotally mounted to the revolving superstructure, the boom comprisinga luffing assembly configured for luffing of the main boom;a jib angle adjustment mechanism configured to adjust a pivot angle of the jib relative to the main boom; andan object suspension device configured to be connected to an object underneath the object suspension device,wherein the crane comprises a hoisting system comprising:one or more hoist winches; a jib departure sheave mounted to the jib member;', 'a jib hoist cable configured to extend from said one or more hoist winches along the main boom and the jib via the jib departure sheave to the object suspension device; and', 'a jib hoist heave compensation mechanism; and, 'a jib hoist assembly comprising two main boom departure sheaves mounted to upper end of the main boom member at opposite lateral sides thereof;', 'two main boom hoist cables, configured to extend from one or more hoist winches along the main boom member via the main ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Crane Risk Logic Apparatus and System and Method for Use of Same

Номер: US20210032080A1
Автор: Wiethorn Jim D.

A crane risk logic apparatus and system and method for use of the same are disclosed. In one embodiment of the crane risk logic apparatus, the crane risk logic apparatus is integral with a crane, such as a crawler crane or a tower crane, and located in communication with a load moment indicator. The crane risk logic apparatus receives crane data from the load moment indicator and determines lift cycle data therefrom. The crane risk logic apparatus determines an area of interest based on locationing data received from a global positioning system (GPS) unit incorporated therewith and receives weather data for this area of interest. The crane risk logic apparatus causes an alert notification at the crane to occur in response to presence of weather issues. 1. A crane risk logic apparatus for a crane , the crane risk logic apparatus comprising:a housing securing a load moment indicator input, a processor, memory, a global positioning system unit, and a wireless transceiver thereat, the load moment indicator input being configured to interface with a load moment indicator secured to the crane and receive crane data therefrom;a busing architecture communicatively interconnecting the load moment indicator input, the processor, the memory, the global positioning system unit, and the wireless transceiver; and receive the crane data at the load moment indicator input,', 'determine lift cycle data based on the received crane data,', 'determine an area of interest based on locationing data received from the global positioning system unit, the area of interest including a position of the crane,', 'receive weather data for the area of interest via the wireless transceiver,', 'analyze the weather data for weather issues, and', 'initialize an alert notification at the crane in response to presence of weather issues., 'the memory accessible to the processor, the memory including processor-executable instructions that, when executed, cause the processor to2. The crane risk logic ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036679A1

A compact rough terrain crane in which an exhaust emission control device and an elevating step are laid out in a compact manner without impairing excellent small-radius turning performance is provided. The crane includes a lower carrier that has a front axle and a rear axle. The crane includes an exhaust emission control device that has a DOC which is connected to an exhaust pipe extending from a diesel engine and is supplied with exhaust, a DRT disposed downstream of the DOC, and an SCR disposed downstream of the DRT. The crane includes an elevating step. The DOC, the DRT, and the SCR are disposed in parallel on a virtual horizontal plane that is separated from an upper surface of the lower carrier by a predetermined distance. The step is disposed in a gap that is formed between the upper surface of the lower carrier and the exhaust emission control device. 1. A rough terrain crane comprising:a lower carrier having a front axle and a rear axle;a boom device disposed above the lower carrier; anda single operating unit that performs driving and a boom operation via a hydraulic actuator,wherein the lower carrier includes a lower frame, an outrigger provided to be freely attached and detached to an end portion of the lower frame, and an engine that is disposed on an upper side of a rear end portion of the lower carrier, drives the axles, and supplies hydraulic pressure to the hydraulic actuator, and an elevating step,the rough terrain crane further comprising:an exhaust emission control device that has a diesel oxidation catalyst which is connected to an exhaust pipe extending from the engine and is supplied with exhaust, a decompression reactor tube disposed downstream of the diesel oxidation catalyst, and a selective catalyst reduction disposed downstream of the decompression reactor tube,wherein the diesel oxidation catalyst, the decompression reactor tube, and the selective catalyst reduction are disposed in parallel on a virtual horizontal plane separated from a ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041618A1

Provided is a quay crane which includes a seismic isolation device formed from laminated rubber, and which is capable of withstanding a large-scale earthquake. Particularly, provided is a quay crane including a seismic isolation device with a slide length of 1000 mm or over. In a quay crane including a seismic isolation device, the seismic isolation device includes: laminated rubber formed by laminating a steel plate and a rubber material; and an auxiliary support mechanism. The auxiliary support mechanism includes: a supporting body fixed to one of a top plate side and a bottom plate side of the seismic isolation device; and a contacting plate fixed to the other thereof. The supporting body and the contacting plate constituting the auxiliary support mechanism come into contact with each other at least in the event of an earthquake, and the auxiliary support mechanism supports a weight of the quay crane. 1. A quay crane including a seismic isolation device , characterized in that laminated rubber formed by laminating a steel plate and a rubber material; and', 'an auxiliary support mechanism,, 'the seismic isolation device comprises a supporting body fixed to one of a top plate side and a bottom plate side of the seismic isolation device, and', 'a contacting plate fixed to the other thereof, and, 'the auxiliary support mechanism includes'}the supporting body and the contacting plate constituting the auxiliary support mechanism come into contact with each other at least in the event of an earthquake, and the auxiliary support mechanism supports a weight of the quay crane.2. The quay crane according to claim 1 , characterized in that the supporting body and the contacting plate constituting the auxiliary support mechanism are not in contact with each other at ordinary times claim 1 , and are configured to come into contact with each other only in the event of an earthquake.3. The quay crane according to any one of claim 1 , characterized in that the supporting body is ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055873A1
Принадлежит: Black Diamond Oilfield Rentals LLC

A rotating lifting bail comprising: a bail, a threaded connector comprising a threaded connection, a rotating mandrel, a housing, wherein the bail is attached to the housing via a connector, a thrust bearing, wherein the thrust bearing is disposed between the rotating mandrel and the housing, and a wherein the threaded connector is attached to the rotating mandrel via a jam bolt. Methods of using the rotating lifting bail are also disclosed. 1. A rotating lifting bail comprising:(a) a bail;(b) a threaded connector comprising a threaded connection;(c) a rotating mandrel;(d) a housing, wherein the bail is attached to the housing via a connector;(e) a thrust bearing, wherein the thrust bearing is disposed between the rotating mandrel and the housing; and(f) wherein the threaded connector is attached to the rotating mandrel via a jam bolt.2. The rotating lifting bail of further comprising a friction material claim 1 , wherein the friction material is disposed between the bail and the rotating mandrel.3. The rotating lifting bail of further comprising a spring claim 1 , wherein the spring is disposed between the thrust bearing and the rotating mandrel.4. The rotating lifting bail of further comprising:(a) a friction material, wherein the friction material is disposed between the bail and the rotating mandrel; and(b) a spring, wherein the spring is disposed between the thrust bearing and the rotating mandrel.5. The rotating lifting bail of claim 1 , wherein the threaded connector comprises a tapered shaft claim 1 , wherein the rotating mandrel comprises a tapered bore and wherein at least a portion of the tapered shaft is disposed with at least a portion of the tapered bore.6. The rotating lifting bail of further comprising a gap between the bail and the friction material when an adequate axial lifting load is applied to the rotating lifting bail.7. The rotating lifting bail of further comprising a gap between the bail and the friction material when an adequate axial ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Crawler crane

Номер: US20190039863A1
Автор: Roland Bohnacker
Принадлежит: Liebherr Werk Ehingen GmbH

The present disclosure relates to a crawler crane comprising at least one camera system, wherein the camera system is adapted to detect data relating to the relative position of the crawler crane to a suspended ballast and/or to at least one travelable ballast wagon.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047157A1
Автор: Neubauer Dirk

A method and system for controlling an actuator, in particular an actuator of a winch, a hoist or a crane, wherein the actuator is controlled using a fail-safe control unit. In order to improve a corresponding method, according to the invention, set point values are calculated in the fail-safe control unit, on the basis of which values the actuator is controlled. 110.-. (canceled)11. A method for controlling an actuator of a winch , a hoist or a crane via a fail-safe control unit , wherein said method comprises:calculating desired values in the fail-safe control unit based on which the actuator is controlled;determining actual values via a sensor system comprising a single position measuring sensor or speed sensor; andmonitoring the actuator via the fail-safe control unit by comparing the desired values to the actual values;wherein the actual values are fed back to the fail-safe control unit via a single hardware channel of the sensor system that connects the actuator to the fail-safe control unit.12. The method as claimed in claim 11 , wherein said calculating the desired values claim 11 , determining the actual values claim 11 , and comparing the desired values to the actual values are each performed cyclically.13. The method as claimed in claim 12 , wherein a tolerance range is specified relative to the desired values claim 12 , and wherein a settable time interval of a timer is started and is awaited if the actual values go outside the tolerance range claim 12 , and wherein the monitored actuator is shut off if the actual values are outside the tolerance range even after the time interval has elapsed.14. The method as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the controlled and monitored actuator is a driving actuator claim 12 , and wherein a second actuator is controlled and monitored via the fail-safe control unit with the second actuator configured as an actuating element of a holding brake claim 12 , and wherein in order to control and monitor the second actuator in ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Crane Risk Logic Apparatus and System and Method for Use of Same

Номер: US20220058890A1
Автор: Wiethorn Jim D.

A crane risk logic apparatus and system and method for use of the same are disclosed. In one embodiment of the crane risk logic apparatus, the crane risk logic apparatus is integral with a crane, such as a mobile or crawler crane or a tower crane, and located in communication with a load moment indicator. The crane risk logic apparatus receives crane data from the load moment indicator and determines various data analytics, such as, lift angle data, allowable capacity data, operator override data, anti-two-block activation data, operational time data, lift cycle count data, lift classification data, slewing speed data, wind speed data, warning message data, error message data, and winch direction and speed data for each crane lift cycle. The data analytics may be utilized to inform a crane operator evaluation or a crane maintenance schedule for the crane, for example. 1. A crane risk logic apparatus for a crane , the crane risk logic apparatus comprising:a housing securing a load moment indicator input, a processor, memory, a global positioning system unit, and a wireless transceiver thereat, the load moment indicator input being configured to interface with a load moment indicator secured to the crane and receive crane data therefrom;a busing architecture communicatively interconnecting the load moment indicator input, the processor, the memory, the global positioning system unit, and the wireless transceiver; and receive the crane data at the load moment indicator input,', 'identify, based on the received crane data, lift angle data for each crane lift cycle,', 'identify, based on the received crane data, a load amount and allowable capacity data for each of the crane lift cycles,', 'identify, based on the received crane data, operator override data for each of the crane lift cycles,', 'identify, based on the received crane data, anti-two-block activation data for each of the crane lift cycles,', 'store data analytics, the data analytics including at least one of ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044145A1
Принадлежит: MHWIRTH AS

A back-up load retention system includes a retention line which is connected to a load, a counterweight unit which is connected to the retention line, and a double-acting hydraulic cylinder which is connected to the counterweight unit. The counterweight unit maintains a tension force in the retention line. The double-acting hydraulic cylinder brakes and/or stops the load in a case of a failure in a main lifting system. 112-. (canceled)13. A back-up load retention system comprising:a retention line configured to be connected to a load;a counterweight unit connected to the retention line, the counterweight unit being configured to maintain a tension force in the retention line; anda double-acting hydraulic cylinder connected to the counterweight unit, the double-acting hydraulic cylinder being configured to at least one of brake and stop the load in a case of a failure in a main lifting system.14. The back-up load retention system as recited in claim 13 , further comprising:a plurality of sheaves,wherein,the retention line is connected to the counterweight unit via the plurality of sheaves.15. The back-up load retention system as recited in claim 14 , wherein the plurality of sheaves are arranged to provide a gearing ratio between a weight of the counterweight unit and the tension force in the retention line.16. The back-up load retention system as recited in claim 13 , further comprising:at least one guide rail which is configured to support a motion of the counterweight unit.17. The back-up load retention system as recited in claim 13 , wherein claim 13 ,the double-acting hydraulic cylinder comprises a rod side and a piston side, andfurther comprising:at least one hydraulic circuit arranged between the rod side and the piston side of the double-acting hydraulic cylinder, the at least one hydraulic circuit being configured to form at least one connection between the rod side and the piston side.18. The back-up load retention system as recited in claim 17 , wherein ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048052A1

A driver assistance system () for a vehicle () provided with a crane () for loading or unloading objects (), the system comprises: a control unit () configured to generate a presentation signal () to be applied to a display unit (), an object detecting device () configured to capture images of the vehicle and/or of the environment around the vehicle, and configured to generate an image data signal () comprising data representing captured images, and to apply said signal () to said control unit (). The control unit () is configured to:—determine a three dimensional, 3D, representation of at least one object, being a part of the vehicle and/or being at least one object () in the environment around the vehicle, based upon images captured by said object detecting device (),—determine a 3D representation of the environment around the vehicle,—determine a predetermined alert condition measure related to said determined 3D representations, wherein if said alert condition measure fulfils at least one of a set of predetermined alert criteria, the control unit is configured initiate at least one responsive activity of a set of predetermined responsive activities. 1. A driver assistance system for a vehicle provided with a crane for loading or unloading objects , the system comprises: a control unit configured to generate a presentation signal to be applied to a display unit ,an object detecting device configured to capture images of the vehicle and/or of the environment around the vehicle, and configured to generate an image data signal comprising data representing captured images, and to apply said signal to said said control unit, and that the control unit is configured to:determine a three dimensional, 3D, representation of at least one object, being a part of the vehicle and/or being at least one object in the environment around the vehicle, based upon images captured by said object detecting device,determine a 3D representation of the environment around the vehicle, ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057318A1

A method for controlling a boom of a crane includes saving, in a memory, data representing a maximum horizontal working distance for a load on a hook of a boom, saving, in the memory, boom data representing the position of the boom, calculating a minimum vector between the position of the hook and the maximum horizontal working distance, and controlling, by the computing device, movement of the boom to prevent the vector from reaching a zero magnitude. 1. A method for controlling a boom of a crane , the method executable by a computing device having a processor and memory , comprising:saving, in the memory, data representing a maximum horizontal working distance for a load on a hook of a boom;saving, in the memory, boom data representing the position of the boom;calculating a minimum vector between the position of the hook and the maximum horizontal working distance; andcontrolling, by the computing device, movement of the boom to prevent the vector from reaching a zero magnitude.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein saving data representing a maximum horizontal working distance comprises inputting data representing a load chart.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the maximum horizontal working distance varies depending on a swing angle.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein saving data representing a maximum horizontal working distance comprises detecting a load on the hook and calculating the maximum working distance based on the detected load.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein calculating a maximum working distance comprises detecting a position of at least one outrigger and using the detected position to calculate the maximum working distance.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises:saving, in memory, a forbidden zone near the crane;calculating a second, minimum vector between the forbidden zone and the boom; andlimiting, by the computing device, movement of the boom to prevent the second vector from reaching a zero magnitude.7. The method of ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057319A1

An information presentation system includes: an overload preventing device that derives a load factor which is an index of a load applied to a rope; a data logger that accumulates data on the load factor derived by the overload preventing device and data on a time length for which a load corresponding to the derived load factor has been applied to the rope, the data on the load factor and the data on the time length being associated with one another, and generates lifting rope statistical information and raising rope statistical information indicating a relationship between the load factor and the cumulative time for each rope; and a presenting unit that presents the lifting rope statistical information and the raising rope statistical information generated by the data logger. 1. A crane information presentation system that presents information on a wire rope of a crane including a winch for winding and unwinding the wire rope to lift and lower an object , the system comprising:a load index deriving unit that derives at a predetermined cycle a load index which is an index of a load applied to the wire rope;an information processing device that acquires the load index at the predetermined cycle to generate statistical information indicating a relationship between a cumulative time and the load index, the cumulative time being a time for which a load corresponding to the load index has been applied to the wire rope; anda presenting unit that presents the statistical information generated by the information processing device.2. The crane information presentation system according to claim 1 , further comprising a wound-out length index deriving unit that derives at the predetermined cycle a wound-out length index which is an index of a length of the wire rope wound out from the winch claim 1 ,wherein the information processing device acquires at the predetermined cycle the load index and the wound-out length index to generate, as the statistical information, load and ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Anti-entrapment Device for Scissor Lifts

Номер: US20180057333A1

The present invention provides an anti-entrapment device for an aerial lift having a basket or cage. The anti-entrapment device comprises an elongate housing; two or more sensors housed within said elongate housing and a switch activation device coupled to the elongate housing. At least one of said two or more sensors is positioned proximate an end of said elongate housing. Said switch activation device is arranged at an angle to the orientation of said sensor(s) positioned proximate the end of said elongate housing. The sensors are arranged to provide a detection zone and to detect obstacles within the detection zone. The sensors are configured to facilitate the alerting of an operator standing in a basket or cage to the presence of an obstacle that may potentially strike the operator before the strike occurs, and the switch activation device is configured to prevent further movement of the basket or cage once the switch activation device is activated. 1. An anti-entrapment device for an aerial lift having a basket or cage , the anti-entrapment device comprising:an elongate housing;two or more sensors housed within said elongate housing, at least one of said two or more sensors positioned proximate an end of said elongate housing;a switch activation device coupled to the elongate housing, said switch activation device arranged at an angle to the orientation of said sensor(s) positioned proximate the end of said elongate housing;wherein the sensors are arranged to provide a detection zone and to detect obstacles within the detection zone;the sensors configured to facilitate the alerting of an operator standing in a basket or cage to the presence of an obstacle that may potentially strike the operator before the strike occurs, andthe switch activation device configured to prevent further movement of the basket or cage once the switch activation device is activated.2. The anti-entrapment device of claim 1 , wherein the anti-entrapment device includes two sensors claim ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061623A1
Автор: Tabor Mathew

Aspects of the disclosure relate to a mechanical fuse. The mechanical fuse may include a top portion having a first shear pin configured to break when a predetermined side load is applied to the mechanical fuse. The mechanical fuse may also include a bottom portion having a second shear pin, wherein the second shear pin is configured to break when a predetermined vertical load is applied to the mechanical fuse. Wherein the mechanical fuse may be arranged such that when the second shear pin is broken under the predetermined vertical load, the first shear pin also breaks before the bottom portion separates from the top portion, and when the first shear pin is broken under the predetermined side load, the second shear pin remains intact when the bottom portion separates from the top portion. 1. A system comprising a mechanical fuse , the mechanical fuse including:a top portion having a first shear pin configured to break when a predetermined side load is applied to the mechanical fuse; anda bottom portion having a second shear pin, wherein the second shear pin is configured to break when a predetermined vertical load is applied to the mechanical fuse and wherein the mechanical fuse is arranged such that when the second shear pin is broken under the predetermined vertical load, the first shear pin also breaks before the bottom portion separates from the top portion, and when the first shear pin is broken under the predetermined side load, the second shear pin remains intact when the bottom portion separates from the top portion.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the bottom portion is configured for attachment with lifting equipment.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising the lifting equipment.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the top portion includes a protrusion having a groove therein configured to engage with a shear hub of the bottom portion.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the second shear pin is at least partially arranged within the shear hub.6. The ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Safety Barrier for Vehicles and Cranes

Номер: US20140138339A1

In a vehicle having a stationary frame and a rotating upper body, and wherein the frame includes a plurality of outriggers with pads, a safety barrier is provided, comprising a barrier support member attached to each of the pads, and extending away from the vehicle, wherein the support member includes an upper section adapted to retain a flexible barrier; and a flexible barrier attached across the upper sections of the support members to establish a safety perimeter around the vehicle. A storage rack is also provided for retaining the support members when not attached to the pads, wherein the rack includes a upper bracket having a U-shaped portion adapted to attach to the vehicle; and a frame adapted to carry all of the support members, wherein the frame includes a retention member to retain the support members within the frame in a secured position. 1. In a vehicle having a stationary frame and a rotating upper body , and wherein the frame includes a plurality of outriggers with pads , a safety barrier , comprising:(a) a barrier support member attached to each of the pads, and extending away from the vehicle, wherein the support member includes an upper section adapted to retain a flexible barrier; and(b) a flexible barrier attached across the upper sections of the support members to establish a safety perimeter around the vehicle.2. The barrier of claim 1 , wherein the support member includes a base adapted to secure the support member to the pad.3. The barrier of claim 1 , wherein the support member is a tubular member claim 1 , and wherein the upper section is adapted to retain a warning flag.4. The barrier of claim 2 , wherein the base includes a U-shaped bracket adapted to receive a reinforcing plate on the pad claim 2 , and further including a fastener to secure the base to the plate.5. The barrier of claim 4 , wherein the support member claim 4 , when secured to the reinforcing plate of the pad claim 4 , extends away from the vehicle at an angle of about 45 ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Device for monitoring operating data and/or determining the replacement state of wear of a cable during use on lifting apparatuses

Номер: US20190062127A1
Автор: Thorsten HESSELBEIN
Принадлежит: Liebherr Werk Biberach GmbH

The present invention relates generally to lifting gear such as cranes which use ropes such as high-strength fiber ropes. The invention here in particular relates to an apparatus for monitoring operating data and/or for determining the replacement state of such a rope in use on such lifting equipment having a detection device for detecting at least one rope use parameter that influences the replacement state of wear and having a data store for storing the detected rope use parameter and/or an operating parameter derived therefrom that characterizes the residual service life and/or the replacement state of wear of the rope. Provision is made in accordance with the invention that the data store for storing the at least one detected rope use parameter and/or an operating parameter derived therefrom is integrated in the rope, with a reading and/or writing unit connected to the detection device for detecting said rope use parameter being provided to write to the data store in the rope installed at the lifting equipment.

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Remotely Operated Crane System

Номер: US20200062555A1
Автор: Appling, JR. Michael

Provided are embodiments of a remote crane system including a remote controlled crane system and a remote crane control center (RCCC). The remote controlled crane system adapted to operate based on local control commands, send, to the RCCC via a communication network, crane operational data corresponding to operation of the remote controlled crane system, and receive, from the RCCC via the communication network, remote control commands, and operate based on the remote control commands. The RCCC including remote crane controls and a remote crane operator interface, and being adapted to receive, from the crane system via the communication network, the crane operational data, and present, via the remote crane operator interface, crane operational information corresponding to the crane operational data, receive, via the remote crane controls, remote control commands and send, to the crane controller via the communication network, crane remote control data including the remote control commands. 1. A remotely operated crane system comprising:a communication network; [ a boom;', 'a load line coupled to the boom; and', 'a load block configured to couple a load to the load line;, 'a lifting system comprising, local crane controls configured to be manipulated by a local crane operator to control operation of the remote controlled crane system; and', 'a local crane operator interface configured to present crane operational information to the local crane operator;, 'a crane operating cabin comprising, 'a crane sensing system comprising sensors configured to sense operational parameters and environmental conditions of the remote controlled crane system; and', receive, from the local crane controls, local control commands and operate the remote controlled crane system based on the local control commands;', 'receive, from the crane sensing system, crane sensor data corresponding to the operational parameters and the environmental conditions of the remote controlled crane system ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062565A1

A safety system for an elevating machine has a base part and an elevating part. The safety system includes sensor assemblies for sensing an electric or magnetic field, which are mounted on different parts of the elevating machine. A data processor is connected to receive sensor signals from the sensor assemblies. A memory stores data relating to numerous patterns of sensor signals associated with the interaction between the elevating machine and an electric or magnetic field. The data processor compares the received sensor signals with the stored data and identifies the positional relationship between the elevating machine and a source of the sensed field. 1. A safety system for an elevating machine comprising a base part and an elevating part that is mounted on the base part and can be elevated relative to the base part , wherein the safety system comprises a plurality of sensor assemblies for sensing at least one field associated with an electric current or voltage , wherein the sensor assemblies are configured to be mounted on different parts of the elevating machine , at least one data processor that is connected to receive sensor signals from the sensor assemblies , wherein the data processor is configured to obtain an analysis by analysing the sensor signals based on learned data relating to numerous patterns of sensor signals associated with the interaction between the elevating machine and at least one field associated with an electric current or voltage , wherein the data processor is configured to determine from the analysis the positional relationship between the elevating machine and a source of the sensed field.2. The safety system according to claim 1 , comprising an alarm device that is configured to provide an alarm signal when the data processor identifies a potentially hazardous situation from the positional relationship between the elevating machine and a source of the sensed field.3. The safety system according to claim 1 , comprising at least ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066631A1
Автор: MUPENDE llaka, ZERZA Horst

The present invention generally relates to lifting gears such as cranes which use ropes such as high-strength fiber ropes. The invention in particular relates to a device for determining the discard state of such rope in use on such lifting gears, comprising a detection device for detecting at least one rope utilization parameter influencing the discard state and an evaluation unit for evaluating the rope utilization parameter and for providing a discard signal in dependence on the rope utilization parameter evaluation. According to the invention the detection unit has at least one detecting means for detecting environmental influences on the rope, which can be evaluated by evaluation devices to recognize the discard state. 1. A device to determine a discard state of a rope in use on lifting gears , in particular cranes , comprising:a rope utilization detector to detect at least one rope utilization parameter influencing the discard state of the rope, andan evaluation unit to evaluate the at least one rope utilization parameter and to provide a discard signal based on the evaluation of the rope utilization parameter,wherein the rope utilization detector includes at least one detection component to detect the at least one rope utilization parameter, and wherein the rope utilization parameter includes at least one of a weather and climate-based parameter prevailing at one or more lifting gears.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the detection component comprises a UV radiation sensor to determine an amount of UV radiation acting on the rope claim 1 , wherein the UV radiation sensor comprises a radiation dosimeter.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the detection component comprises at least one of a precipitation sensor and a humidity sensor to determine at least one of a precipitation profile and the humidity in a vicinity of the rope.4. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the humidity sensor includes a salt content detector to determine the ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071807A1
Автор: Liljedahl Gunnar

A control system for a lifting device and a lifting device comprising the same are disclosed. The control system includes a control unit comprising a processor with a memory communicatively coupled to the processor and having computer readable and executable instructions. A battery is electrically coupled to the control unit in addition to at least one indicator. The processor executes the computer readable and executable instructions to: determine an operating characteristic of the lifting device and an operating time of the lifting device as the lifting device is actuated; determine an accumulated load-time parameter for the lifting device based on the operating characteristic and the operating time; store the accumulated load-time parameter in the memory of the lift control system; compare the accumulated load-time parameter to a service constant; and provide an indication the indicator that a lift structural component requires service based on the comparison. 1. A lift control system for operating a lifting device comprising a lift actuator , the lift control system comprising: determine at least one operating characteristic of the lifting device and an operating time of the lifting device as the lifting device is actuated;', 'determine an accumulated load-time parameter for the lifting device based on the at least one operating characteristic and the operating time;', 'provide an indication that a lift structural component or a lift electrical component requires service based on the comparison of the accumulated load-time parameter to a service constant; and', 'upload the at least one operating characteristic of the lifting device or at least one accumulated operating parameter to at least one of the computer, the network, and the data storage device., 'a control unit comprising a processor with a memory communicatively coupled to the processor and having computer readable and executable instructions and at least one port for communicatively coupling the ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Display apparatus for traveling cranes and synchronizing aparatus for traveling cranes

Номер: US20180072542A1
Автор: Iwao Ishikawa
Принадлежит: Tadano Ltd

Provided is a display apparatus fir traveling cranes which is capable of displaying information about another traveling crane. The display apparatus for traveling cranes is equipped with: an imaging unit 20 which is mounted to the vicinity of the tip of a boom; a display unit 30 which displays an image captured by the imaging unit 20; a crane controller 40 which controls the orientation of a traveling crane; a communication unit 53 for mutually transmitting/receiving information to/from the other traveling crane; and an image controller 50 for displaying the information about the other traveling crane, received from the other traveling crane, in such a manner as to superimpose the information upon the image of the display unit.

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089417A1

A control unit of the crane controls drives that move an upper load suspension point and, together therewith, a load suspended via a cable system. As the upper load suspension point is moved, an inner safety zone around the load is repeatedly dynamically determined according to state variables of the crane. The state variables include at least a position and a speed of movement of the upper load suspension point, and an effective pendulum length of the load. The control unit checks, based on further known information whether an object different from the load has entered the inner safety zone, in which case the movement of the upper load suspension point is stopped or a message to stop the movement is outputted to an operator of the crane. Otherwise, the movement is maintained or no message to stop the movement is outputted to the operator, 113.-. (canceled)14. A method for operating a crane , in particular a container crane , with a control facility of the crane , the method comprising:suspending a load from an upper load suspension point via a cable system so as to enable the load to swing around the upper load suspension point,controlling drives of the crane configured to move the upper load suspension point and the load,when moving the upper load suspension point, dynamically determining an inner safety zone around the load repeatedly as a function of state variables of the crane, with the state variables comprising at least a position of the upper load suspension point, a travel speed of the upper load suspension point and an effective pendulum length of the load around the upper load suspension point,checking, based on further information known to the control facility, whether an object different from the load is entering the inner safety zone, andwhen an object different from the load enters the inner safety zone, stopping moving the upper load suspension point or outputting to an operator of the crane a message to stop moving of the upper load suspension ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071289A1
Автор: MAYER Joachim

The invention relates to a method of monitoring at least one crane, preferably two or more cranes, in particular revolving tower cranes, on a construction site, wherein one or more optical detection means are provided, and wherein a collision monitoring unit analyzes the recorded optical data to recognize a possible collision between at least one crane and one further crane and/or another projecting edge. 1. A method of monitoring two or more cranes on a construction site comprising recording optical data from one or more optical detection means , wherein a collision monitoring unit analyzes the recorded optical data to recognize a possible collision between at least one crane and one further crane and/or another projecting edge.2. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the collision monitoring unit communicates with a crane control of at least one of the two or more crane via a suitable crane interface claim 1 , with control signlas being transmitted to the crane control of the least one crane claim 1 , in particular for an immediate crane stop on a recognition of a collision case.3. The method in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the collision monitoring unit invokes control information via the interface of at least one crane claim 2 , wherein the control information is at least one of a current slew angle claim 2 , a trolley position claim 2 , a lowered height of a load of the crane taken up claim 2 , and wherein the collision monitoring unit takes the control information in addition to the optical data claim 2 , into account in the recognition of possible collisions.4. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein at least one of the optical detection means is arranged at a crane structure of a crane.5. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the one or more optical detection means are image sensors.6. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the one or more optical detection means are mobile detection means.7. The method in accordance ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Self-Maintaining Crane System within a Hostile Environment

Номер: US20200071136A1
Автор: Cordell Steven R.

A self-maintaining crane system including a bridge, a trolley, a hoist, and sensors for use within a hostile environment, such as a wastewater treatment facility, is presented. The bridge is movable along a pair of runway rails within the hostile environment. The trolley is movable between the runway rails. The hoist with extendable-retractable cable is movable with the trolley. Bridge sensors separately determine whether the bridge has engaged a bridge home position and a bridge end position. The bridge is movable away from the bridge home position and back toward the bridge end position. Trolley sensors separately determine whether the trolley has engaged a trolley home position and a trolley end position. The trolley is movable away from the trolley home position and back toward the trolley end position. Hoist sensors separately determine whether the cable has engaged a hoist home position and a hoist end position. The cable is extendable away from the hoist home position and retractable toward the hoist end position. Sensors facilitate automated movement of bridge, trolley, and cable so as to minimize functional impairment of the crane system by the hostile environment.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Heavy Equipment Hazard Warning Apparatus and System and Method for Use of Same

Номер: US20210079628A1
Автор: Jim D. Wiethorn
Принадлежит: Individual

A heavy equipment hazard warning apparatus for a piece of heavy equipment at a site and a system and method for use of the same are disclosed. In one embodiment of the heavy equipment hazard warning apparatus, the location of the heavy equipment is monitored by the heavy equipment warning apparatus and analyzed with reference to a hazard safety site plan of the site that identifies a hazard such as existing utilities, for example. An alert notification is initialized in response to the heavy equipment encroaching on a hazard geofence around the hazard. A shutdown notification is initialized in response to the heavy equipment being proximate to the hazard.

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210088407A1
Принадлежит: Falk PLI Engineering & Surveying, Inc.

A method and system for conducting a non-contact survey of an overhead crane runway system using a survey apparatus that is alternately located in the crane bay or on a crane bridge girder. Disclosed more particularly are a method and system for testing an overhead crane runway beam 3D alignment or an overhead crane runway rail 3D alignment using a 3D laser scanner. 1. A non-contact rail survey system for overhead crane runway beams , each crane runway beam having an upper and a lower flange linked by a beam web and having a plurality of vertical beam web stiffeners positioned along the beam at intervals , with a runway rail positioned on top of the runway beam , a hot rail positioned along the upper flange of the crane runway beam , and further having crane columns with an upper end and a lower end wherein the upper end has a beam seat upon which the crane runway beam rests , the system comprising:a measurement unit configured to remain stationary during measurement of two runway rails which collectively form a runway, the measuring unit including a 3-D laser scanner configured to collect data, a support base, and an interface which transmits the data collected by the 3D laser scanner; anda computing unit including a receiver which receives the 3D laser scanner data transmitted by the interface, a data storage unit, and a processor configured to compute one or more of crane rail 3D alignment, crane runway beam 3D alignment, crane runway beam flange camber, crane runway beam web warp and lean, hot rail 3D alignment, crane column 3D position and lean, crane column beam seats, and direct span measurement.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the measurement unit is attached to a structure configured to move the measurement unit.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the structure comprises a wheeled carriage.4. The system according to claim 3 , wherein the wheeled carriage is powered.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the support base of the ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Method of moving a load usinsg a crane

Номер: US20190084808A1
Автор: Hartmann Andreas

The present invention relates to a method of moving a load using a crane comprising the steps: defining an origin coordinate system in the crane; defining at least one obstacle coordinate system that is fixedly linked to a deployment location of the load movement; establishing a relationship of the at least one obstacle coordinate system with the origin coordinate system; predefining a travel path of the hook block, preferably with the suspended load, with the aid of the at least one obstacle coordinate system; and converting the travel path from the obstacle coordinate system into actuator controls of the crane for a corresponding movement of the hook block, preferably with the suspended load. 1. A method of moving a load using a crane comprising the steps:defining an origin coordinate system in the crane;defining at least one obstacle coordinate system that is fixedly linked at least at times to a deployment location of a load movement;establishing a reference of the at least one obstacle coordinate system with the origin coordinate system;predefining a travel path of a hook block with aid of the at least one obstacle coordinate system; andconverting the travel path from the obstacle coordinate system into actuator controls of the crane for a corresponding movement of the hook block.2. The method in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising the step: detecting a position and an orientation of the load to be moved in the obstacle coordinate system.3. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the actuator controls for moving the load comprise an individual or common actuation of a lulling movement claim 1 , of a hoisting movement claim 1 , of a rotational movement of a superstructure of the crane and/or a telescopic movement of a crane boom.4. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , if the travel path to be converted is implementable by means of a plurality of actuator controls claim 1 , final actuator controls are reached on a basis of ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190085876A1
Принадлежит: TADANO LTD.

This hydraulic system is provided with a hydraulic pump, a control valve, and a pilot pressure supply unit. The pilot pressure supply unit has: an electromagnetic proportional valve that has a detent-type emergency manual operation function with which a pilot oil passage can be opened manually and generates pilot pressure for a control valve; a controller that controls the degree of opening of the electromagnetic proportional valve in accordance with the operation of an operation lever; and a pilot pressure switching unit that switches the oil pressure state of the pilot pressure supply unit between an on-loading state and an unloading state. The pilot pressure switching unit performs control to implement the unloading state when the electromagnetic proportional valve is being opened manually and performs control to implement the on-loading state after the electromagnetic proportional valve has been opened manually. 1. A hydraulic system comprising: a hydraulic pump; a control valve for supplying an operating pressure from the hydraulic pump to an actuator of a working machine; and a pilot pressure supply unit for supplying a pilot pressure to the control valve , whereinthe pilot pressure supply unit includes:an electromagnetic proportional valve that has a detent-type emergency manual operation function capable of manually opening a pilot oil passage and generates a pilot pressure for the control valve;a controller for controlling a degree of opening of the electromagnetic proportional valve in accordance with an operation of an operation lever; anda pilot pressure switching unit for switching the pilot pressure supply unit between an on-loading state and an unloading state, andthe pilot pressure switching unit controls a pilot pressure supply unit such that the pilot pressure supply unit is in the unloading state when the electromagnetic proportional valve is manually opened, and controls the pilot pressure supply unit such that the pilot pressure supply unit is ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087120A1
Автор: Waisanen Steven K.

A bottom block assembly includes a bottom block defining a cavity and at least one opening passing through a portion of the bottom block. The assembly further includes a plurality of sheaves disposed at least partially within the cavity, each sheave having a central opening. The assembly further includes a sheave pin passing through the at least one opening in the bottom block and the central openings in the sheaves to rotatably couple the plurality of sheaves to the bottom block. The assembly further includes a plurality of captivating frame assemblies to be coupled to the plurality of sheaves, each of the plurality of captivating frame assemblies including a housing and a plurality of rollers rotatably mounted to the housing. Each captivating frame assembly is associated with a corresponding one of the sheaves. The assembly further includes a plurality of wires for coupling the plurality of captivating frame assemblies to the plurality of sheaves. Each wire is reeved around one of the sheaves and reeved through the corresponding captivating frame assembly. 1. A bottom block assembly comprising:a bottom block defining a cavity and at least one opening passing through a portion of the bottom block;a plurality of sheaves disposed at least partially within the cavity, each sheave having a central opening;a sheave pin passing through the at least one opening in the bottom block and the central openings in the sheaves to rotatably couple the plurality of sheaves to the bottom block;a plurality of captivating frame assemblies configured to be coupled to the plurality of sheaves, each of the plurality of captivating frame assemblies including a housing and a plurality of rollers rotatably mounted to the housing, wherein each captivating frame assembly is associated with a corresponding one of the sheaves; anda plurality of wires for coupling the plurality of captivating frame assemblies to the plurality of sheaves, wherein each wire is reeved around one of the sheaves and ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190092606A1
Автор: Larmonier Nicolas

A method for securing a luffing jib crane includes: acquiring a lifting/lowering setpoint; piloting a lifting motor by a converter that applies a motor command speed as a function of the setpoint; driving, in lifting or in lowering, the jib by a lifting cable under the action of the lifting motor; calculating, by a control/command system, a lifting/lowering theoretical angular speed from the motor command speed or from the setpoint; calculating, by the control/command system, a lifting/lowering actual angular speed from a jib angle measured by an angle sensor; comparing the actual angular speed and the theoretical angular speed; and commanding the stopping of the lifting motor according to the result of the comparison. 18-. (canceled)9. A method for securing a lulling jib crane comprising the following steps:acquiring a jib lifting/lowering setpoint (CO) with a lifting speed command manipulator;piloting a lifting motor of a lifting winch by a converter that applies to said lifting motor a motor command speed (VCM) as a function of the lifting/lowering setpoint (CO);driving, in lifting or in lowering, the jib by at least one lifting cable of the lifting winch under the action of the lifting motor applying the motor command speed (VCM) from the converter;acquiring, by a control/command system, the motor command speed (VCM) or the lifting/lowering setpoint (CO);calculating, by the control/command system, a jib lifting/lowering theoretical angular speed (VTH) from the motor command speed (VCM) or from the lifting/lowering setpoint (CO);acquiring, by the control/command system, a jib angle (AN) measured by an angle sensor;calculating, by the control/command system, a jib lifting/lowering actual angular speed (VRE) from the measured jib angle (AN);comparing, by the control/command system, the jib lifting/lowering actual angular speed (VRE) and the jib lifting/lowering theoretical angular speed (VTH); andcommanding the stopping (COM) of the lifting motor by the control/ ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Safety Arrangement For A Hoist

Номер: US20190092607A1
Автор: JR. James, Zaguroli

A hoist security arrangement for avoiding dropping of the load when the chain or cable breaks includes a longer redundant auxiliary chain or cable disposed alongside the main chain or cable and which is raised and lowered synchronously with the slightly shorter main chain or cable so that the main chain or cable normally supports the entire weight of the load. If the main chain or cable breaks, the load drops slightly until the slack in the redundant auxiliary chain or cable is eliminated to hold the load solely by tensioning the auxiliary chain or cable. The extent of slack is set to insure that slight lengthening of the main chain as caused by wear does not result in loading of the auxiliary chain or cable. 1. A hoist security arrangement for a hoist having a wrappable main lift element raised or lowered by rotation of a drive member around which said main lift element is at least partially wrapped to lift a load attached to said element , said security arrangement including the addition of a security wrappable lift element also at least partially wrapped around said drive member and extending alongside said main lift element and raised or lowered therewith , and also attached to said load but of a slightly longer length than said shorter main lift element extending between said drive member and said load to remain slack and so as to normally not be tensioned by the weight of said load if said lift element breaks said security lift element thereafter immediately begins to support said load.2. The hoist security arrangement according to wherein each of said main and security lift elements are each comprised of a length of link chain claim 1 , and wherein both of said link chains are engaged by a respective one of an aligned circumferentially extending series of pockets on a sprocket member comprising said drive member claim 1 , said sprocket member being rotated in either direction by a motor to cause said link chains to be simultaneously raised or lowered by ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160107866A1

A computing system (CS) calculates a three-dimensional (3D) position of an origin of a 3D upperworks coordinate system for a crane based on local coordinates of the crane. The origin is located along an axis of rotation between an upperworks of the crane and a lowerworks of the crane that is rotatably coupled with the upperworks. The CS transforms the 3D position of the origin from the local coordinates to global 3D coordinates using absolute position sensing data from first and second positioning sensors attached to the crane and using global 3D coordinates specific to the jobsite where the crane is located. The CS computes positions of at least one movable component of the crane with respect to a tracked object on the jobsite. The CS utilizes the computed positions to provide assistance in maneuvering the crane with respect to the tracked object. 1. A method of crane maneuvering assistance , the method comprising:calculating, by a computer system, a three-dimensional (3D) position of an origin of a 3D upperworks coordinate system for a crane based on local coordinates of the crane, the origin being located along an axis of rotation between an upperworks of the crane and a lowerworks of the crane that is rotatably coupled with the upperworks;transforming, by the computer system, the 3D position of the origin from the local coordinates to global 3D coordinates using absolute position sensing data from a first positioning sensor coupled with the upperworks and a second positioning sensor located on a hook of the crane and global 3D coordinates specific to a jobsite where the crane is located;computing, by the computing system, positions of at least one movable component of the crane with respect to a tracked object on the jobsite, wherein the tracked object is not a portion of the crane; andutilizing, by the computing system, the computed positions to provide assistance in maneuvering the crane with respect to the tracked object.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Crane controller

Номер: US20180105402A1
Принадлежит: PALFINGER AG

A crane controller for a crane includes: a sliding position sensor for sensing a sliding position of a crane sliding arm, and a memory for storing entries for limit values for an operating parameter of the crane characteristic of the instantaneous crane load. Entries for maximum permissible limit values are stored in the memory for at least two sliding positions of the crane sliding arm. The crane controller also has an overload monitor, and a limit value for at least one operating parameter of the crane can be specified by the overload monitor of the crane controller. The limit value is specified by the overload monitor based on the stored entries according to the sliding position of the crane sliding arm. A limit value between the stored entries with respect to magnitude can be specified for a further sliding position between the stored sliding positions of the crane sliding arm.

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106300A1
Принадлежит: TADANO LTD.

A crane is disclosed, the crane includes detachable hydraulic cylinder including a head side oil chamber and a rod side oil chamber both to be connected to a control valve through a joint, in which a head side hydraulic detecting section and a rod side hydraulic detecting section are each provided to the hydraulic cylinder, and a connection state between the hydraulic cylinder and the control valve is determined based on a head side hydraulic pressure and a rod side hydraulic pressure in a period until a predetermined time elapses after supply of electric power to the head side hydraulic detecting section and the rod side hydraulic detecting section is started and an operation tool for hydraulic cylinder switches the control valve to a state of supplying hydraulic fluid to the hydraulic cylinder. 1. A crane , comprising a detachable hydraulic cylinder including a head side oil chamber and a rod side oil chamber both to be connected to a control valve through a joint , whereina head side hydraulic detecting section and a rod side hydraulic detecting section are each provided to the hydraulic cylinder, anda connection state between the hydraulic cylinder and the control valve is determined based on a head side hydraulic pressure and a rod side hydraulic pressure in a period until a predetermined time elapses after supply of electric power to the head side hydraulic detecting section and the rod side hydraulic detecting section is started and an operation tool for hydraulic cylinder switches the control valve to a state of supplying hydraulic fluid to the hydraulic cylinder.2. The crane according to claim 1 , whereinwhen power supply to the head side hydraulic detecting section and the rod side hydraulic detecting section is started and the operation tool for hydraulic cylinder switches the control valve to a state of supplying hydraulic fluid to the hydraulic cylinder, regardless of the amount of operation of the operation tool for hydraulic cylinder, the behavior of ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106302A1
Автор: KRUPINSKI Jacek

The invention relates to a method for monitoring a working machine, in particular a crane, which is equipped with two or more individual elements for use when in operation, wherein a working machine monitoring means unambiguously identifies one or more elements equipping the machine and determines their times of operation, and the determined time of operation of at least one of the element is transmitted together with identification information to storage means for establishing an operation log of the element. 1. A method of monitoring a work machine that is assembled from two or more individual elements for use in work , wherein a monitoring device of the work machine identifies one or more assembled elements and determines their length of use , with the determined length of use of at least one element being transmitted together with identification information to a storage device for preparing a log of use of the element.2. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the storage device is within a central management unit that is connected or is connected communicationally to one or more monitoring devices of different work machines and/or that is attached to the assembled element itself.3. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the monitoring device is a component of a work machine control.4. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein in addition to the length of use claim 1 , the installed position of the element at the work machine is determined by the monitoring device during machine deployment and is transmitted to the storage device.5. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein load collectives for at least some of the assembled elements are determined by the monitoring device during machine deployment and are transmitted to the storage device.6. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein an evaluation unit performs a load-induced state analysis of the elements using data stored in the storage device to assess their future load ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106304A1

A crane having a luffing jib and a lifting cylinder includes a cylinder body and a movable rod hinged on the jib to raise and lower the jib, and a locking device adapted to cooperate with the lifting cylinder to mechanically lock the rod in a deployed holding position and block the jib in a raised holding configuration, and further including a spacer hinged on the jib and supporting an abutment, the spacer configured for pivoting between a release position wherein the spacer is offset, authorizing the movable rod to be displaced freely, and a locking position wherein the spacer is folded so that the abutment is able to bear on the cylinder body to fixedly maintain the movable rod in the deployed holding position. 120-. (canceled)21. A crane comprising:a luffing jib;a lifting cylinder comprising a cylinder body mechanically connected to a structural element of the crane and a movable rod hinged on the luffing jib, wherein the movable rod is displaceable in the cylinder body between at least one deployed position and at least one retracted position in order to raise and lower the luffing jib between at least one raised configuration and at least one lowered configuration; a release position wherein the spacer is offset vis-à-vis the lifting cylinder such that its distal portion is spaced apart from the lifting cylinder, authorizing the movable rod to be displaced in the cylinder body and to act on the displacement of the luffing jib; and', 'a locking position wherein the spacer is folded over the lifting cylinder such that the abutment is able to bear on the cylinder body,, 'a locking device adapted to cooperate with said lifting cylinder to mechanically lock the movable rod in a deployed holding position and thus block the luffing jib in a raised holding configuration, wherein said locking device comprises a spacer provided with a proximal portion hinged on the jib and with a distal portion supporting an abutment, wherein said spacer is pivotally movable on the jib ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации

System for a semiconductor fabrication facility and method for operating the same

Номер: US20200105556A1

A system for a semiconductor fabrication facility includes a manufacturing tool including a load port, a maintenance tool including a first track and at least one maintenance crane on the first track, a rectangular zone overlapping with the load port, a plurality of first sensors on the first track and at corners of the rectangular zone configured to detect a location of the maintenance crane and generate a first location date, a transporting tool including a second track and a OHT vehicle on the second track, at least a second sensor on the OHT vehicle and configured to generate a second location data, at least a third sensor on the load port, and a control unit configured to receive the first location data and the second location data, and send signals to the second sensor and the third sensor or to cut off the signal to the second sensor.

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150122761A1

The present invention relates to a crane (). The crane () has a hoist (), movable in at least one lateral direction (X, Y), for performing a lifting operation. A controller () is provided for controlling lateral movement of the hoist (). An imaging sensor () is provided for detecting a person in a defined safety region (). The controller () is configured to inhibit operation of the crane () when the imaging sensor () detects a person in said safety region (). The invention also relates to a control system for a crane () and a related method. 1. A crane comprising:a hoist for performing a lifting operation, the hoist being movable in at least one lateral direction;a controller for controlling lateral movement of the hoist;a coupling attached to the hoist for connection to a load; anda height sensor for monitoring a height of the coupling;wherein the controller is configured to inhibit lateral movement of the hoist by permitting only incremental lateral movements when the height sensor detects that the coupling is below a pre-defined operating height or that the coupling is outside one or more pre-defined operating height ranges.24-. (canceled)5. A crane according to claim 1 , further comprising a sensor for detecting a person in a defined safety region claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to inhibit operation of the hoist when the imaging sensor detects a person in the safety region.6. A crane according to claim 5 , wherein the sensor for detecting a person in a defined safety region is a motion detection sensor.7. (canceled)8. A crane according to claim 1 , the crane further comprising a load sensor for monitoring a load applied to the hoist claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to inhibit a hoist lifting operation following detection by the load sensor of an initial load applied to the hoist.919-. (canceled)20. A crane as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a load position sensor for determining the position of the or a load ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Flow Measurement Device for a Structure

Номер: US20190113536A1
Автор: HOLTOM Theodore Cosmo
Принадлежит: Wind Farm Analytics Ltd

A crane device comprising: a crane body; and a fluid velocity measurement device comprising a plurality of beam sources arranged such that beams from the beam sources intersect at a measurement point, wherein the measurement device is adapted to measure the velocity of a fluid field approaching the crane body. 1. A crane device comprising:a crane body; anda fluid velocity measurement device comprising a plurality of beam sources arranged such that beams from the beam sources intersect at a measurement point.2. A crane device according to claim 1 , wherein the measurement device is adapted to measure one or more velocities from within a fluid field approaching the crane body; and/or to measure a parameter derived from the one or more measured velocities; and optionally to activate an alarm when the parameter is greater than a predetermined threshold.3. (canceled)4. A crane device according to claim 2 , wherein the parameter comprises a vertical wind shear defined as the difference between the velocity of the fluid at a first height and a second height; and/or a load calculated from the one or more measured velocity.5. A crane device according to claim 1 , including a control system which is responsive when the measured velocity or a parameter derived from at least one measured velocity is greater than a predetermined threshold.6. A crane device according to claim 5 , wherein the control system is adapted to provide warnings and/or alarms or initiate automatic safety measures claim 5 , operational shutdown or operational curtailment; or to vary parameters in order to increase efficiency claim 5 , reduce loads claim 5 , increase production or optimise operation.7. (canceled)8. A crane device according to claim 5 , wherein the control system comprises an autonomous manoeuvring device claim 5 , and wherein the autonomous manoeuvring device is activated when the measured velocity or a parameter derived from the measured velocity is greater than a predetermined threshold.9 ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Travel Obstructing Device

Номер: US20180118239A1
Автор: Ryuya Murakami
Принадлежит: Daifuku Co Ltd

A travel obstructing device comprises a supported portion configured to be placed on a railed track, a main body portion which is suspended from, and supported by, the supported portion, a power-receiving portion configured to receive electric power from a non-contact-type electricity supplying portion, and a warning device configured to receive electric power supplied from the power-receiving portion and to issue a warning.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170121154A1
Автор: Costa Michael Douglas
Принадлежит: Factor 55, LLC

A rigging connector having combination hook and shackle mounting is provided. The rigging connector may include an elongate body having a central bridge portion and opposing first and second end portions extending from the central bridge portion, a securement member formed in the first end portion of the body and defining a throat opening with the central bridge portion, first and second anchor legs formed in the second end portion of the body, the first and second anchor legs defining a gap therebetween for receiving a portion of a support line, a shear pin operable to retain the support line at least partially within the gap, and a shackle mounting hole defined in the first end portion and having a center axis extending transverse to the shear pin. 1. A rigging connector comprisingan elongate body having a central bridge portion and opposing first and second end portions extending from the central bridge portion;a securement member formed in the first end portion of the body and defining a throat opening with the central bridge portion;first and second anchor legs formed in the second end portion of the body, the first and second anchor legs defining a gap therebetween for receiving a portion of a support line;a shear pin operable to retain the support line at least partially within the gap; anda shackle mounting hole defined in the first end portion and having a center axis extending transverse to the shear pin.2. The rigging conector of claim 1 , wherein the shackle mounting hole is defined in a portion of the securement member.3. The rigging connector of claim 1 , wherein the shackle mounting hole is configured to support the same load amount as the securement member.4. The rigging connector of further comprising a safety latch movable between open and closed positions to selectively open and close the throat opening of the securement member.5. The rigging connector of further comprising a bias member biasing the safety latch to the closed position.6. The ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190119080A1
Принадлежит: TADANO LTD.

Provided is a crane capable of allowing an operator to recognize an error in work information or in a number of windings set in a safety device. A main tension of a main wire rope is calculated from a main output torque of a main winch, a sub output torque of a sub winch, a main drum winding radius of the main winch, and a sub drum winding radius of the sub winch. An estimated hanging load, which is calculated from the main tension, a sub tension of a sub wire rope and the number of windings of the wire rope set in a safety device, is compared with an actual hanging load calculated from fluctuating thrust force and boom information. Thus, the suitability of a work kind or a winding number set in the safety device is determined. 1. A crane , comprising:a plurality of hydraulic winches;wire ropes that are drawn in and out from the plurality of hydraulic winches and are suspended on a sheave of a boom to be derricked with a hydraulic cylinder or a sheave of a jib provided to a distal end section of the boom;a safety apparatus that sets a hydraulic winch to be used among the plurality of hydraulic winches and a number of turns of the wire rope drawn in and out from the hydraulic winch to be used; anda control apparatus that calculates tensions of the wire ropes from output torques of the plurality of hydraulic winches and winding radiuses of the wire ropes wound around the plurality of hydraulic winches, and that determines a setting in the safety apparatus is erroneous, when the tension of the wire rope wound around a hydraulic winch different from the hydraulic winch to be used set in the safety apparatus is greater than or equal to a reference value.2. The crane according to claim 1 , whereinthe control apparatus calculates an estimated suspension load from the number of turns of the wire rope drawn in and out from the hydraulic winch to be used set in the safety apparatus and the tension of the wire rope,the control apparatus calculates an actual suspension load ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150130375A1
Автор: Sutherland Charles
Принадлежит: Electronic Power Design, Inc.

A method and apparatus are disclosed for lowering a load on a direct current hoist motor during an electrical power interruption, the method including but not limited to determining in a crane processor that the electrical power interruption has occurred; and providing a brake assist current to shunt field on the direct current hoist motor to produce a counter torque in the hoist motor. 1. A method for lowering a load on a direct current hoist motor during an electrical power interruption , the method comprising:determining in a crane processor that the electrical power interruption has occurred; andproviding a brake assist current to shunt field on the direct current hoist motor to produce a counter torque in the hoist motor.2. The method of claim 1 , the method further comprising:electrically connecting a brake assist resistor in series with a dc power supply and the shunt field.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the brake assist resistor is a variable resistance resistor wherein a brake assist resistance value is controlled by the crane processor claim 2 , the method further comprising:varying the brake assist resistance value proportionately with a measure hoist hook speed to proportionately increase the counter torque with an increase in hoist hook speed.4. The method of claim 3 , the method further comprising:placing a braking resistor across the terminal of the hoist motor to create a counter torque in the hoist motor wherein the counter torque opposes the torque of a freewheeling hoist motor with an attached load.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the braking resistor is a variable resistance resistor wherein a braking resistor resistance value is controlled by the crane processor claim 4 , the method further comprising:varying the braking resistor resistance value proportionately with a measure hoist hook speed to proportionately increase the counter torque with an increase in hoist hook speed.6. A system for lowering a load on a direct current hoist motor ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Tipping Indicator for a Work Vehicle

Номер: US20170130429A1
Автор: Lafrenier Richard K.

A work vehicle includes a frame assembly and an attachment assembly. The attachment assembly has an attachment end pivotally connected to the frame assembly and a distal end configured for receiving a variable load. At least one force sensor senses at least one force associated with the attachment end. The at least one force sensor provides an output signal representing the sensed at least one force. An inclination sensor senses an inclination associated with the frame assembly and provides an output signal representing the sensed inclination. An electrical processing circuit is configured for receiving the output signal from the at least one force sensor, determining a value of a couple at the frame assembly which is associated with the sensed at least one force, comparing the couple with a threshold value which is dependent on the sensed inclination, and controlling the controllable output dependent on the comparison. 1. A work vehicle , comprising:a frame assembly;an attachment assembly having an attachment end which is pivotally connected to the frame assembly and a distal end which is configured for receiving a variable load;at least one force sensor for sensing at least one force associated with the attachment end, the at least one force sensor providing an output signal representing the sensed at least one force;an inclination sensor for sensing an inclination associated with the frame assembly relative to a horizontal reference, the inclination sensor providing an output signal representing the sensed inclination;a controllable output; andan electrical processing circuit coupled with the at least one force sensor, the inclination sensor, and the controllable output, the electrical processing circuit being configured for receiving the output signal from the at least one force sensor, determining a value of a couple at the frame assembly which is associated with the sensed at least one force, comparing the couple with a threshold value which is dependent on ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274810A1
Автор: Mathys Logan Tyrel

A load verification system includes a first sensor configured to determine an identifier associated with a target object, a second sensor configured to determine a load borne by a machine handling the target object, and a controller configured to determine a load threshold based on the identifier, compare the load with the load threshold to determine whether the load threshold is exceeded, and, on condition that the load threshold is exceeded, selectively restrict movement of the machine. 1. A load verification system comprising:a first sensor configured to determine an identifier associated with a target object;a second sensor configured to determine a load borne by a machine handling the target object; anda controller communicatively coupled to the first sensor and the second sensor, the controller configured to determine a load threshold based on the identifier, compare the load with the load threshold to determine whether the load threshold is exceeded, and, on condition that the load threshold is exceeded, selectively restrict movement of the machine.2. The load verification system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to selectively move a handling member towards the target object.3. The load verification system of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , while the load threshold is exceeded claim 1 , the controller restricts movement of a handling member coupled to the target object in one or more directions.4. The load verification system of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , upon determining that the load threshold is exceeded claim 1 , the controller automatically reverses movement of a handling member coupled to the target object.5. The load verification system of claim 1 , further comprising a user interface communicatively coupled to the controller claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , upon determining that the load threshold is exceeded claim 1 , the controller automatically generates an alert for presentation to a user at the user interface.6. The load verification ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150142277A1

A current operating mode of a lifting device is determined as the lifting device is moving a load in an operating area. An object in the operating area is positioned, in whose area the operation of the lifting device is restricted in comparison with the operating area around the object. A difference between the current operating mode of the lifting device and the restricted operating mode to be applied in the object is determined. On the basis of the difference, the distance travelled by the lifting device is determined when the current operating mode of the lifting device is changed to the operating mode to be applied in the restricted object. 123-. (canceled)24. A method , comprising the steps of:determining a current operating mode of a lifting device as the lifting device moves a load in an operating area;positioning in the operating area an object in an area, where the operation of the lifting device is restricted in comparison with the operating area around the object;determining a difference between the current operating mode of the lifting device and a restricted operating mode to be applied in the restricted area including the object;determining on the basis of the difference a movement distance travelled by the lifting device when the current operating mode of the lifting device is changed to the operating mode to be applied in the restricted area including the object.25. The method as claimed in claim 24 , further comprising the step of:beginning the changing of the current operating mode of the lifting device to the restricted operating mode to be applied in the object when the distance of the load moved by the lifting device from the restricted object is shorter than the predetermined movement distance.26. The method as claimed in claim 24 , comprising the step of:removing from the lifting device the restrictions on the operating mode to be applied in the restricted object when the lifting device is outside the restricted object.27. The method as ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150144582A1

The present invention relates to a crane (). The crane () has a hoist () for performing a lifting operation and a controller () for controlling operation of the crane. At least one sensor () is provided for detecting the presence of a person in a safety region (). The controller () is configured to inhibit operation of the crane () when the sensor () detects a person in the safety region (). The present invention also relates to a crane control system and a method of operating a crane (). 1. A crane comprising:a hoist for performing a lifting operation;a controller for controlling operation of the crane; andat least one sensor for detecting the presence of a person in a safety region;wherein, when the at least one sensor detects a person in the safety region, the controller is configured to inhibit a lifting operation of the hoist and to enable a lowering operation of the hoist.2. A crane as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said at least one sensor is a camera.3. A crane as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the camera is a thermal imaging camera.4. A crane as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said at least one sensor is a motion detection sensor.5. A crane as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to inhibit said lifting operation by reducing the operating speed of the hoist; or stopping operation of the hoist.6. A crane as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the hoist is movable in at least one lateral direction and the controller is configured to inhibit lateral movement of the hoist when the at least one sensor detects a person in said safety region.7. A crane as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the controller is configured to inhibit lateral movement of the hoist by reducing a travel speed of the hoist; or permitting only incremental lateral movements of the hoist.811-. (canceled)12. A crane as claimed in further comprising a load sensor for measuring an applied load.13. A crane as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the controller is configured to inhibit an active lifting ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180141787A1

A crane includes a carrier and a superstructure. A hoist is coupled to the superstructure and includes a hoist drum and a rope. The crane further includes an optical detection system. The optical detection system includes an image capture assembly having an image capture device configured to capture an image of the hoist, and an optical control system configured to detect an object in the captured image, the object selected from: the rope, the hoist drum, a wrap of rope on the hoist drum and a marker on the hoist. The optical control system is configured to analyze the detected objects and determine a condition of a crane component based on the analysis. A method of determining a condition of a crane component includes capturing an image, detecting the objects in the image, analyzing the detected objects and determining a condition of the crane component based on the analysis. 1. A crane comprising:a carrier;a superstructure coupled to the carrier, the superstructure including a boom;a hoist coupled to the superstructure, the hoist having a hoist drum and a rope configured to be wound and unwound around the hoist drum; and an image capture assembly comprising one or more image capture devices configured to capture an image of the hoist; and', detect one or more objects in the captured image, the one or more objects selected from: the rope, the hoist drum, a wrap of rope on the hoist drum and a marker on the hoist;', 'analyze the one or more detected objects; and', 'determine a condition of a crane component based on the analysis of the one or more detected objects., 'an optical control system configured to], 'an optical detection system comprising2. The crane of claim 1 , wherein the one or more image capture devices include a camera.3. The crane of claim 1 , wherein the determined condition of the crane component is selected from one or more of: an amount of rope payed out or unwound from the hoist drum claim 1 , hook block height claim 1 , anti-two block claim 1 , ...
