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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 13058. Отображено 200.
20-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2421406C2

Группа изобретений относится к устройствам для обработки воды и может быть использована для дозирования в воду пригодной к употреблению добавки для воды. Картридж (120) для селективного дозирования в воду пригодной к употреблению добавки для воды содержит корпус (130), баллон (140), размещенный внутри корпуса и содержащий пригодную к употреблению добавку для воды, насос (150), соединенный с корпусом и находящийся в жидкостной связи с баллоном (140), и выпускной обратный клапан (158), находящийся в жидкостной связи с насосом (150) и содержащий пару уплотнительных поверхностей. Насос картриджа выполнен с возможностью дозирования определенного количества пригодной к употреблению добавки для воды из баллона при его активации. Картридж может быть выполнен одноразовым и свободным от мест накопления дозируемой добавки в своем жидкостном тракте ниже по потоку от упомянутой пары уплотнительных поверхностей выпускного обратного клапана. Корпус картриджа выполнен с изогнутым поперечным сечением, которое ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2565175C2

Изобретение относится к способу и системе для непрерывной очистки отработанной воды и/или технической воды. В отработанную воду дозируют перуксусную кислоту, измеряют поток отработанной воды и окислительно-восстановительный потенциал, измеряют концентрацию перуксусной кислоты ниже по потоку от дозирования. Дозирование перуксусной кислоты регулируют непосредственно относительно колебания потока и так, чтобы концентрация перуксусной кислоты составляла менее чем 0,8 частей на миллион, а окислительно-восстановительный потенциал составлял от 50 до 250 мВ. Система очистки содержит дозирующее устройство для перуксусной кислоты, расходомер для измерения потока воды, датчик для измерения окислительно-восстановительного потенциала, анализатор для измерения концентрации перуксусной кислоты и средства для регулирования дозирующего устройства. Изобретение позволяет достигнуть оптимального дезинфекционного результата при малом количестве перуксусной кислоты. 3 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 3 табл., 2 пр.

12-02-2020 дата публикации

Способ очистки воды для бытового использования

Номер: RU2714186C2

Изобретение относится к водоподготовке и может быть использовано для обеспечения населения питьевой водой. Сначала проводят предварительную механосорбционую очистку воды до остаточных включений размером не более 1 мкм в блоке, содержащем картриджи 4 и 5 с фильтрами, заполненными кварцевым песком и активированным углем, и картриджи 6 и 7 микронной и ультрамикронной очистки. Затем поток воды пропускают через зону генератора 8 магнитного поля до входа в насос 9 высокого давления, выход которого сообщён с камерой кавитационного реактора 10. Далее воду очищают, последовательно пропуская её под давлением через мембрану обратноосмотической установки 11 и через фильтры 12 и 13 с активированным углем и с шунгитосеребряной загрузкой. Очищенную воду перед отпуском потребителю направляют в минерализатор 14 и в накопитель 15, в котором проводят стерилизацию ультрафиолетовыми лампами для поддержания в воде отсутствия бактериальной составляющей. Подаваемую потребителю воду, охлаждённую в соответствующем ...

30-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2725257C2
Принадлежит: БРИТА ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к устройству для кондиционирования водосодержащей жидкости. Устройство для кондиционирования водосодержащей жидкости включает в себя по меньшей мере один впуск; по меньшей мере одно устройство обработки жидкости для обработки жидкости с помощью ионного обмена, включающее себя катионообменный материал, по меньшей мере часть которого находится в водородной форме, и являющееся эффективным для выделения водорода при обмене на катионы карбонатных минералов в обрабатываемой жидкости, таким образом, повышая количество свободного диоксида углерода; мембранное фильтрационное устройство и секцию, предназначенную для обработки фильтрата, производимого с помощью мембранного фильтрационного устройства, причем секция включает в себя устройство обработки жидкости для растворения по меньшей мере одного минерала, способствующего карбонатной жесткости в воде, в по меньшей мере части жидкости, проходящей через секцию, по меньшей мере один из по меньшей мере одного впуска соединен с впуском ...

20-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2459013C2
Принадлежит: Налко Компани (US)

Изобретение относится к области защиты металлов от коррозии. Соединение на основе амина, ингибирующее коррозию с образованием белой ржавчины, охарактеризовано общей формулой [R]2N-R1x-N[R]2, где каждый R представляет собой Н или -[CH2-CH(OH)-CH2(OH)], при этом не более одного R представляет собой Н и либо три, либо четыре R представляют собой -[СН2-СН(ОН)-СН2(ОН)], R1 представляет собой оксипропилен, а Х равен от 1 до примерно 20. Способ ингибирования коррозии оцинкованных металлических поверхностей включает нанесение эффективного количества соединения, указанного выше, на упомянутую поверхность с образованием защитного слоя и с возможностью повторного его нанесения. При использовании способа ингибирования в промышленной системе водоснабжения, которая имеет оцинкованные поверхности, корректируют рН воды в системе от 6,5 до 8,2, вводят состав, который содержит одно или более соединений, указанных выше, и осуществляют циркулирование воды в системе водоснабжения для контакта с оцинкованной ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2745061C2
Принадлежит: ЭКОЛАБ ЮЭсЭй ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к соединениям или полимерам для обработки источника воды, меченной графеновой квантовой точкой, а также способы их изготовления и использования. Также изобретение относится к меченым композициям, включающим в себя соединения или полимеры для обработки промышленного источника воды, объединенные с соединением или полимером для обработки источника воды, помеченными графеновой квантовой точкой. Меченые материалы специально созданы для флуоресцирования на длинах волн с минимальным соответствием естественной или «фоновой» флуоресценции облученных материалов в промышленных источниках воды, что позволяет количественно оценивать концентрацию соединения для обработки источника воды или полимераin situ(непосредственно в реакционной системе) посредством облучения и измерения флуоресценции источника воды, содержащего меченое соединение или меченый полимер для обработки источника воды. Способы измерения флуоресценции аналогичным образом применимы для количественной оценки смесей ...

03-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2699032C2

Изобретение относится к кремнийорганическому полимеру, ингибирующему образование отложений, к полимерному продукту, а также к вариантам способа уменьшения образования кремнийсодержащих отложений в промышленном процессе. Ингибирующий образование отложений полимер содержит А-мер и В-мер нижеуказанных формул (I), (II). Полимерный продукт содержит C-мер нижеуказанной формулы (III) и представляет собой продукт реакции полиамина с силановым соединением и соединением, содержащим гидрофобную часть. Силановое соединение представляет собой функциональный эпоксисилан. Способ уменьшения образования кремнийсодержащих отложений в промышленном процессе, для которого характерно образование кремнийсодержащего осадка заключается в том, что вышеуказанный полимер или полимерный продукт вводят в промышленный технологический поток. Изобретение позволяет уменьшить образование кремнийсодержащих отложений в промышленных технологических потоках, таких как технологические потоки при извлечении глинозема, радиоактивные ...

29-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2769268C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу увеличения концентрации ионов магния в исходной воде, при котором: (a) обеспечивают входящий поток исходной воды QIN, при этом исходная вода имеет общую щелочность (CaCO3) от 5 до 200 мг/л; (b) увеличивают концентрацию двуокиси углерода в указанном входящем потоке QIN для получения потока исходной воды QCO2, содержащей двуокись углерода в концентрации от 20 до 100 мг/л. (c) пропускают поток QCO2через твердый слой для получения выходящего потока обработанной воды QOUT. Твердый слой на стадии (c) содержит источник ионов магния в виде твердых частиц, имеющих предел растворимости в воде 10 г/л или менее при измерении при 20°C и 100 кПа. Источник ионов магния выбирают из одного или более из брусита, гидромагнезита или частично кальцинированного доломита, частицы имеют средневесовой размер в диапазоне от 0,5 до 1,5 мм, и время контакта на стадии (c) между потоком QCO2 и твердым слоем составляет по меньшей мере 0,1 мин и менее чем 5 мин. Технический результат ...

29-01-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019114129A3

12-02-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017125003A3

10-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2492146C2

Изобретение относится к воде или напитку, обогащенным кислородом посредством электролитического процесса, и способу их получения. Способ обогащения воды кислородом посредством электролиза включает в себя следующие последовательные этапы: a) электролиз минерализованной, но освобожденной от ионов Clи Brводы, в электролизере (3), в котором анод и катод разделены газонепроницаемой мембраной, проницаемой для электрических зарядов; b) получение воды, обогащенной кислородом, из анодного отделения электролизера (3b); c) обратное введение воды, вышедшей из катодного отделения электролизера (3a) и освобожденной от водорода, в воду, обогащенную кислородом, полученную на этапе (b); d) упаковывание (5) воды, полученной на этапе (c). Технический результат - получение воды или напитка, в котором кислород является биологически доступным. 4 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил., 7 табл., 4 пр.

09-01-2024 дата публикации

Система химической водоподготовки

Номер: RU2811005C1

Изобретение относится к области теплоэнергетики, может быть использовано в системах водоподготовки теплоносителя, а также к области химического машиностроения в системах дозирования жидких сред и направлено на повышение надежности системы химводоподготовки. Система химической водоподготовки содержит питательный трубопровод с ударным узлом, импульсный нагнетатель с обратными клапанами входа и выхода, внутри которого размещена эластичная диафрагма, разделяющая его внутреннюю полость на две изолированные друг от друга полости, всасывающий и нагнетательный трубопроводы, регулятор расхода с контролирующим элементом, емкость для жидкого реагента и три гидравлических аккумулятора, где первая гидравлически изолированная полость импульсного нагнетателя связана с питательным трубопроводом на входе ударного узла, а вторая полость - с обратными клапанами входа и выхода, всасывающий трубопровод соединен одним концом с обратным клапаном входа, а вторым - с емкостью для жидкого реагента, контролирующий ...

30-12-2021 дата публикации

Устройство анодно-водородного стимулятора роста растений

Номер: RU2763600C1

Изобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству. Устройство анодно-водородного стимулятора роста растений содержит корпус и размещенную с его торца крышку с винтовой посадкой, регулируемые краны – впускной, расположенный в нижней части корпуса, и выпускной в верхней его части. Внутри корпуса в диэлектрических кассетах с отверстиями размещены магниево-стержневые электроды, при этом краны связаны трубопроводами с системами водопровода и полива растений. Использование устройства позволит повысить скорость роста растений за счет обогащения почвы экологически чистыми питательными элементами без дополнительного внесения химических удобрений. 1 табл., 2 ил.

05-12-2019 дата публикации

Устройство для минерализации воды

Номер: RU2708363C1

Изобретение относится к области водоснабжения, в частности к системе обработки воды. Изобретение может быть использовано для насыщения воды питьевого или иного назначения минералами в зависимости от состава исходной воды и потребности. Устройство для минерализации воды содержит последовательно соединенные узел ввода воды; узел минерализации, выполненный в виде полого цилиндра, на основаниях которого установлены водопроницаемые пористые перегородки, и содержащего между указанными перегородками по ходу течения жидкости к ступеней минерализации, разделенных n водопроницаемыми пористыми перегородками, где n=к+1, содержащих различные загрузки; узел вывода воды, устройство дополнительно снабжено: последовательно соединенными подводящим трубопроводом, расходным резервуаром, с установленным в нем датчиком температуры воды, насосом с электрическим двигателем, входным и выходным патрубками насоса, расходомером, статическим преобразователем частоты, выполненным с возможностью подачи электрического ...

22-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2678062C1

Изобретение может быть использовано для очистки воды. Система очистки воды (100) содержит блок композиционного фильтрующего картриджа (1), бустерный насос (4), электромагнитный клапан (7) для сточной воды и устройство для хранения воды (91). Блок композиционного фильтрующего картриджа (1) содержит фильтрующий корпус (11) и композиционный фильтрующий картридж (12). Фильтрующий корпус (11) имеет впуск (111) неочищенной воды, отверстие (114) для чистой воды, выпуск (112) чистой воды и выпуск (113) концентрированной воды. Композиционный фильтрующий картридж (12) содержит фильтрующий блок и улучшающий вкус фильтрующий картридж (123), расположенный ниже по потоку относительно фильтрующего блока. Отверстие (114) для чистой воды соединяется с выпускающим воду концом фильтрующего блока и впускающим воду концом улучшающего вкус фильтрующего картриджа (123). Бустерный насос (4) соединен с впуском (111) неочищенной воды. Электромагнитный клапан (7) для сточной воды соединен с выпуском (113) концентрированной ...

28-12-2021 дата публикации

Функциональная питьевая вода "СМАРТ Аква" для снижения веса человека

Номер: RU2763194C1

Изобретение относится к безалкогольной промышленности. Функциональный безалкогольный напиток содержит воду, которую подготавливают путем ее умягчения, очистки от примесей, осветления и обеззараживания с доведением ее жесткости до значений в диапазоне 0,5-3,0 мг-экв. солей кальция и магния/литр, а также витамины D3, С, Р, селен, цинк, водорастворимый экстракт зеленого чая, кремний и сульфат магния. Указанные компоненты в отмеренных количествах в виде порошков вводят при комнатной температуре при непрерывном перемешивании до получения гомогенного раствора. При этом концентрации вышеуказанных добавленных компонентов в полученном напитке составляют, мг/литр: витамин D3 - 0,01-0,05; витамин С - 150–800; витамин P – 15-150; селен - 0,1-0,5; цинк - 5-50; водорастворимый экстракт зеленого чая - 150–1500; кремний - 25–250; сульфат магния - 50-500 мг/литр. Предложенный напиток снижает вес человека. 1 табл., 12 пр.

28-12-2021 дата публикации

Функциональная питьевая вода "СМАРТ Аква" для повышения иммунитета

Номер: RU2763189C1

Изобретение относится к безалкогольной промышленности. Функциональный безалкогольный напиток содержит воду, которую подготавливают путем ее умягчения, очистки от примесей, осветления и обеззараживания с доведением ее жесткости до значений в диапазоне 0,5-3,0 мг-экв. солей кальция и магния/литр, а также витамины С, D3, В6, В9, В12, янтарную кислоту, селен, цинк, цитрат магния и бор. Указанные компоненты в отмеренных количествах в виде порошков вводят при комнатной температуре при непрерывном перемешивании до получения гомогенного раствора. При этом концентрации вышеуказанных добавленных компонентов в полученном напитке составляют, мг/литр: витамин С - 30-300; витамин D3 - 0,0025-0,025; витамин В6- 1-10; витамин В9 - 0,1-1,0; витамин В12 - 0,002-0,02; янтарная кислота - 10-100; селен - 0,03-0,3; цинк - 5-50; цитрат магния - 50 – 500; бор - 1-10. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение иммунитета. 1 табл., 12 пр.

27-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008152302A

... 1. Интегральная система для обработки воды для охлаждающих башен и других процессов, таких как ослабление обратного осмоса, регенерация анионных элементов систем деминерализации, авиационной голубой воды и сточных вод, где загрязнения, такие как кремниевая, кальциевая и магниевая общая жесткость, взвешенные твердые частицы, органические вещества, микроорганизмы, тяжелые металлы, красители, детергенты и ртуть уменьшены и/или удалены, с получением качества воды, позволяющего ее повторно использовать для некоторых отраслей промышленности, полупромышленных и бытовых процессов, экономя воду и химические продукты, технологической инновацией в предложенной системе является то, что она обеспечивает удаление кремния на 100% и уменьшение концентрации кальциевых и магниевых солей жесткости, которые вызывают образование накипи, она также обеспечивает удаление взвешенных твердых частиц в обрабатываемой воде, образуя шлам, который удаляется с помощью системы разделения твердых частиц или системой фильтрации ...

27-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007138352A

... 1. Способ получения содержащей растворенный активный водород воды, отличающийся тем, что в воду добавляют металлический магний и гипс или сульфат магния, тем самым, получая воду, содержащую активный водород. ! 2. Способ получения содержащей растворенный активный водород воды, отличающийся тем, что в воду добавляют смесь металлического магния и гипса, тем самым, получая воду, содержащую активный водород. ! 3. Способ получения содержащей растворенный активный водород воды по п.1, отличающийся тем, что гипс представляет собой полуводный гипс, двуводный гипс или безводный гипс. ! 4. Генератор воды, содержащей растворенный активный водород, включающий емкость для воды и размещаемые в этой емкости элемент, заполненный металлическим магнием, и элемент, заполненный гипсом. ! 5. Генератор воды, содержащей растворенный активный водород, включающий емкость для воды и размещаемый в этой емкости элемент, заполненный металлическим магнием и гипсом. ! 6. Генератор воды, содержащей растворенный активный ...

20-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013110842A

... 1. Способ реминерализации воды, включающий этапы:a) подача сырьевой воды иb) введение газообразного диоксида углерода и суспензии в сырьевую воду, причем суспензия содержит тонкоизмельченный карбонат кальция.2. Способ по п. 1, причем концентрация карбоната кальция в суспензии составляет от 0,05 до 40 вес.%, от 1 до 25 вес.%, от 2 до 20 вес.%, предпочтительно от 3 до 15 вес.% и наиболее предпочтительно от 5 до 10 вес.%, в расчете на полный вес суспензии, или концентрация карбоната кальция в суспензии составляет от 10 до 40 вес.%, от 15 до 30 вес.%, или от 20 до 25 вес.% в расчете на полный вес суспензии.3. Способ по любому из п. 1 или 2, причем карбонат кальция имеет размер частиц от 0,1 до 100 мкм, от 0,5 до 50 мкм, от 1 до 15 мкм, предпочтительно от 2 до 10 мкм, наиболее предпочтительно от 3 до 5 мкм.4. Способ по любому из п. 1 или 2, причем карбонат кальция имеет содержание веществ, не растворимых в HCl, от 0,02 до 2,5 вес.%, от 0,05 до 1,5 вес.% или от 0,1 до 0,6 вес.% в расчете на полный ...

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011129063A

... 1. Способ получения обогащенной кислородом текучей среды, включающий следующие стадии:обеспечение сжатого потока текучей среды;введение потока кислорода в указанную текучую среду с получением смеси текучая среда/кислород;пропускание указанной смеси текучая среда/кислород через сопло Вентури в сборе, в то же время подвергая указанную смесь воздействию магнитного поля от расположенного в непосредственной близости магнитного блока, ипропускание указанной смеси из указанного сопла Вентури в сборе в емкость для разделения газа и жидкости, в которой жидкий компонент пропускают далее по ходу технологического потока с заданным содержанием растворенного кислорода, а газовый компонент направляют обратно для введения в указанный поток сжатой текучей среды.2. Способ по п.1, в котором указанная стадия введения дополнительно включает стадию пропускания указанной смеси текучая среда/кислород через пассивный смеситель для обеспечения регулируемого перемешивания и уменьшения размера пузырьков указанной ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014106702A

... 1. Способ реминерализации воды, включающий следующие стадии:а) обеспечение подаваемой воды с концентрацией диоксида углерода, по меньшей мере, 20 мг/л, предпочтительно, в диапазоне от 25 до 100 мг/л, более предпочтительно, в диапазоне от 30 до 60 мг/л,b) обеспечение водной суспензии, содержащей микроизмельченный карбонат кальция, при этом карбонат кальция характеризуется размером частиц от 0,5 до 50 мкм, ис) объединение подаваемой воды стадии а) и водной суспензии стадии b) с целью получения реминерализованной воды.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором концентрация карбоната кальция в суспензии составляет от 0,05 до 40% вес., от 1 до 25 % вес., от 2 до 20% вес., предпочтительно, от 3 до 15% вес., наиболее предпочтительно, от 5 до 10% вес. относительно общего веса суспензии; или концентрация карбоната кальция в суспензии составляет от 10 до 40% вес., от 15 до 30% вес. или от 20 до 25% вес. относительно общего веса суспензии.3. Способ по п. 1 или 2, в котором карбонат кальция характеризуется размером ...

27-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005126857A

... 1. Состав для дезинфекции питьевой воды, включающий в себя (а) галогенсодержащий дезинфицирующий агент; (б) совместимый маскирующий агент; и (в) субстрат, причем маскирующий агент введен в субстрат. 2. Состав по п.1, в котором галогенсодержащий дезинфицирующий агент включает в себя хлор или его производное. 3. Состав по п.2, в котором галогенсодержащий дезинфицирующий агент включает в себя гипохлорит кальция. 4. Состав по п.1, в котором маскирующий агент включает в себя цитрусовый ароматизатор. 5. Состав по п.4, в котором маскирующий агент выбирается из группы, состоящей из лайма, лимона, апельсина, танджерина, грейпфрута, бергамота, а также их смесей. 6. Состав по п.1, в котором маскирующий агент включает в себя бестерпеновый цитрусовый ароматизатор. 7. Состав по п.1, в котором субстрат выбирается из группы, состоящей из глин, цеолитов, прочих нерастворимых в воде носителей, водорастворимых носителей, а также их смесей. 8. Состав по п.1, в котором субстрат является гидрофильным неорганическим ...

27-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009122438A

... 1. Способ ингибирования коррозии на оцинкованной металлической поверхности, включающий ! (a) нанесение эффективного количества ингибирующего коррозию состава на оцинкованную металлическую поверхность с целью образования на указанной поверхности защитного слоя, при этом указанный состав включает соединение на основе сульфида, ингибирующее коррозию с образование белой ржавчины; и ! (b) возможно, повторное нанесение защитного слоя через один или более интервалов времени путем повторного нанесения эффективного количества состава на оцинкованную металлическую поверхность. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором соединение на основе сульфида, ингибирующее коррозию с образованием белой ржавчины, выбирают из группы, состоящей из тиолов, висмутиолов, димеризованных висмутиолов, полимерных дитиокарбаматов, ксантатов и их сочетаний. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором оцинкованная металлическая поверхность является частью промышленной системы водоснабжения. ! 4. Способ по п.1, включающий приготовление раствора ингибирующего ...

10-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009140155A

... 1. Композиция для обработки воды, содержащая действующий компонент и подложку, в которой действующий компонент представляет собой жидкое органическое соединение, а подложка представляет собой твердое органическое соединение. ! 2. Композиция для обработки воды по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что действующий компонент по существу нерастворим в воде. ! 3. Композиция для обработки воды по любому из пп.1 и 2, отличающаяся тем, что подложка по существу нерастворима в воде. !4. Композиция для обработки воды по любому из пп.1 и 2, отличающаяся тем, что подложка по существу предотвращает рассеивание действующего компонента в объеме воды. ! 5. Композиция для обработки воды по любому из пп.1 и 2, отличающаяся тем, что подложка включает воски, жиры, пластики, керамику и смазочные вещества. ! 6. Композиция для обработки воды по п.5, отличающаяся тем, что воск содержится в форме длинноцепочечных углеводородов и/или сложных эфиров длинноцепочечных спиртов и длинноцепочечных жирных кислот. ! 7. Композиция для ...

10-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009125052A

... 1. Способ обогащения питьевой воды ионами магния, при осуществлении которого воду проводят через ионообменник (9), содержащий слабокислотный ионообменный материал, насыщенный по меньшей мере в части его ионообменной емкости ионами магния, отличающийся тем, что ионообменный материал насыщен ионами водорода в диапазоне от 70 до 30% его ионообменной емкости. ! 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве ионообменного материала используют слабокислотную катионообменную смолу. ! 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что из воды удаляются ионы кальция в обмен на ионы магния. ! 4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что ионообменный материал насыщен ионами магния в диапазоне от 30 до 70% его ионообменной емкости. ! 5. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что перед и/или после прохождения через ионообменник воду фильтруют. ! 6. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что pH воды в результате насыщения ионами магния устанавливается на значение 6,0 или выше, предпочтительно 6,5 или выше. ! 7. Способ по п.1 ...

12-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003868260D1
Принадлежит: LEGRAND LUC

04-08-2005 дата публикации

Apparatus for vitalizing aqueous materials in containers comprises holder in which crystals are mounted

Номер: DE102004001813A1

Apparatus for vitalizing aqueous materials in containers comprises a holder (2) in which crystals (3) are mounted. An independent claim is included for containers for distribution of aqueous materials which contain the apparatus.

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020216038A1

Eine Abwasserfluidbehandlungsvorrichtung weist auf: einen Sedimentationstank, der das Bearbeitungsabwasserfluid mit den darin enthaltenen Bearbeitungsschmutzpartikeln speichert, eine am Sedimentationstank vorgesehene Einstromöffnung zur Einbringung des Bearbeitungsabwasserfluids in den Sedimentationstank, eine Säuerungseinheit, die ausgestaltet ist, um das von der Einstromöffnung in den Sedimentationstank einzubringende Bearbeitungsabwasserfluid zu säuern, wodurch es ermöglicht wird, dass sich die Bearbeitungsschmutzpartikel im Vergleich zu einer Rate, mit der sich die Bearbeitungsschmutzpartikel absetzen würden, wenn das Bearbeitungsabwasser neutral ist, mit einer höheren Rate absetzen, und Ausstromöffnung, die im Sedimentationstank vorgesehen ist, zur Abgabe des sauren Überstands, der erhalten wird, indem es den Bearbeitungsschmutzpartikeln im Bearbeitungsabwasserfluid ermöglicht wird, sich im Sedimentationstank abzusetzen, aus dem Sedimentationstank.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Wasserbehandlungsmittel zur Verlängerung der Wasserwechselintervalle in Hälterungssystemen

Номер: DE0019944800B4
Принадлежит: TETRA GMBH

Wasserbehandlungsmittel zur Langzeit-Verbesserung der Wasserqualität biologischer Hälterungssysteme, gekennzeichnet durch einen Gehalt an a) mindestens einem leicht- oder schwerlöslichen Al3+-, Fe3+-, TiO2+- ZrO2+- oder Ca2+-Salz Salz einer organischen Carbonsäure; b) mindestens einer wasserlöslichen N-freien, biologisch abbaubaren organischen Verbindung; c) mindestens einem löslichen Alkali- oder Erdalkalimetallsalz einer organischen Carbonsäure, und d) eine Mischung aus mindestens einem Ca2+- und Mg2+-Salz einer organischen Carbonsäure sowie e) mindestens eine biologisch abbaubare Verbindung.

26-04-2007 дата публикации

Apparatur zur Herstellung von physiologischen, therapeutischen und chemotherapeutischen wässrigen Spüllösungen

Номер: DE102005049951A1

Die Apparatur zur Herstellung von physiologischen, therapeutischen oder chemotherapeutischen Spüllösungen ist gekennzeichnet durch ein Wasserteil zur Herstellung von Reinstwasser als Trägerflüssigkeit, ein Mischsystem zum Mischen des Reinstwassers mit einem Spülkonzentrat, so daß eine Spüllösung entsteht, und ein Anwendungsteil zur Abgabe der Spüllösung. Die Apparatur kann sowohl im operativen, stationären und ambulanten Bereich als auch im Homecare-Bereich zum Einsatz kommen.

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Verhinderung von Ablagerungen aus karbonatreichen Wässern bei der Flugstromvergasung

Номер: DE102010026172B4
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG, Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Verfahren zur Vermeidung von Ausfällungen von Erdalkalikarbonaten in Rohrleitungen und Apparaten der Flugstromvergasung bei der Kreislaufführung von Prozesswässern, demzufolge- die Prozesswässer, insbesondere Restquenchwasser aus dem Quencher (4), einer Entspannung und Staubabscheidung in einer Prozesswasseraufbereitung (15) unterzogen werden,- das wasserdampfgesättigte Rohgas aus dem Flugstromvergasungsreaktor (3) in einer Rohgaswäsche (7) entstaubt wird,- danach für das Rohgas in einer exothermen Rohgaskonvertierung (8) das erforderliche CO/H-Verhältnis eingestellt wird,- danach aus der Abkühlung des Rohgases in einer Abhitzegewinnung und Kühlung (9) ein CO-reiches Kondensat (16), das frei von Erdalkalien ist, gewonnen wird und- das CO-reiche Kondensat (16) in einem Sammeltank (19) dem aufbereiteten Prozesswasser (18) nach der Entspannung und Staubabscheidung und vor einer Temperaturerhöhung des Kreislaufwassers (12) in einer Kreislaufwasseraufheizung (14) zugesetzt wird.

28-10-2010 дата публикации

Reducing thallium concentration from mineral salt solutions, comprises inducing a supersaturation of potassium chloride in the salt solution by usual methods to crystallize potassium chloride and extracting thallium from the solution

Номер: DE102009018959A1

Reducing thallium concentration from mineral salt solutions, comprises inducing a supersaturation of potassium chloride in the mineral salt solutions according to usual methods to crystallize potassium chloride and extracting the thallium from the mineral salt solution.

13-05-1971 дата публикации

Hardening of distilled water

Номер: DE0001955571A1

Hardening of distilled water, partic. the distillate from desalination of sea water or brackish water, is effected by gasifying the distillate with CO2 produced by acidifying raw water and subsequently neutralising the CO2-contng. water with calcium and/or magnesium compounds, pref. to the stage where all aggressive CO2 is removed.

07-06-2006 дата публикации

Method for treating effluent

Номер: GB0000608357D0

21-04-2004 дата публикации

Potable mineral water and methods for the production thereof

Номер: GB0000406050D0

11-05-1994 дата публикации

Method of production of a beverage for human consumption

Номер: GB0002272214A

A process for the manufacture of a beverage for human consumption having beneficial effects relating to countering the effects of oxygen depletion in the human body, and the beverage produced by the process, which includes the steps of conditioning potable water to remove hardness, filtering the water to remove inorganic and organic matter, ozonating the water to purify it and to increase the level of dissolved oxygen in the water to at least 6 mg/l, adding potassium gluconate and immediately sealing within a container.

13-10-2004 дата публикации

Potable Mineral Water and Methods for the Production therof

Номер: GB0002400317A

There is disclosed a process for producing magnesium containing potable mineral water comprising the steps of: ```adding a magnesium containing salt to a water sample; ```dissolving carbon dioxide in said water sample; ```and optionally adding one or more carbonate containing compounds; ```so as to provide potable water containing greater than 130 mg 1<-1> dissolved magnesium cations, greater than 650 mg 1<-1> of bicarbonate, and having a pH between 6.0 and 8.0.

30-01-2013 дата публикации

Cooling process

Номер: GB0201222999D0

27-01-1988 дата публикации

Control of liquid treatment processes

Номер: GB0002192875A

The invention relates to methods and apparatus for treating liquids and lends itself to the continuous processing of many liquid treatments currently effected by batch processes. The raw liquid is continuously passed through a monitoring station where a condition of the liquid is monitored and an additive is supplied to the liquid downstream of the monitoring station in dependence upon the monitored condition, before the liquid and additive are passed to a mixer. Thus, the additive is supplied to the liquid in the exact amount necessary to effect the desired condition of the liquid. The invention has a wide range of uses including removal of solids in suspension in the liquid and the processing of hydroponic feed liquids. In particular the invention is useful for softening water having excessive bicarbonate content.

26-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002063914B

09-04-2014 дата публикации

Controlling the concentration of a treatment agent in water

Номер: GB0002506787A

A method of controlling the addition of a water treatment agent to water supplied into a main supply conduit 12 from a mains water supply station 6 is claimed, wherein the main supply conduit feeds the water to a plurality of district metering areas (DMA) 14, 16, 18. Each DMA has a treatment agent critical point 28, 32, 34 at which the concentration of the water treatment agent is deemed to be the least acceptable compared with the concentrations at other points in the same DMA. The method comprises monitoring water supply characteristics in respect of each DMA to establish control data. The concentration of water treatment agent in water supplied into the main supply conduit is regulated by controlling the addition of the treatment agent in accordance with the control data and with water flow rate data. A system for processing water comprising a controller 36 is also claimed, wherein the controller has a flow rate input and a control output for adjusting the addition of the water treatment ...

07-05-2014 дата публикации

Mains water supply processing

Номер: GB0002503362B

15-07-2009 дата публикации

Composition for the treatment of skin conditions

Номер: GB0000909297D0

27-02-2019 дата публикации

Method of enhanced treatment of spilled oil on water, land, and biological organisms

Номер: GB0002565891A

A method for the treatment of oil spills on an area of water, land or biological organism comprises providing an oil spill area shrinking agent which comprises a sulfosuccinate and a stabiliser, treating the spilled oil in the area with the agent and using a polyolefin material to remove the spilled oil treated with agent. The agent does not comprise an oil dissolving organic solvent or an oil emulsifier, specifically wherein the oil emulsifier is a fluorine- or silicone-containing compound. The sulfosuccinate or sulphosuccinate may be selected from the group consisting of monoalkyl sulfosuccinate, dialkyl sulfosuccinate, multialkyl sulfosuccinate, or a combination thereof. The stabiliser is selected from the group consisting of alkyl polyol, alkyl diol, polyether alkyl-diol derivatives, or a combination thereof. Given examples disclose an oil spill area shrinking agent comprising dioctyl sulfosuccinate and propylene glycol. The polyolefin material may be bubble wrap, a foam sheet, a corrugated ...

28-05-2014 дата публикации

Bioremediation of soil or ground water

Номер: GB0002508232A

A bioremediation method for a contaminated substrate comprises providing a storage stable oil-water emulsion, diluting the oil-water-emulsion with an excess of water, adjusting the pH of the diluted emulsion to between 6 and 8 by addition of an alkaline material to the diluted emulsion and applying the resultant pH-adjusted diluted emulsion, without further storage, to the contaminated substrate such that the pH-adjusted diluted emulsion stimulates anaerobic digestion of respective contaminants. The undiluted/concentrated oil-water emulsion comprises up to 60% comestible vegetable oil, up to 10% glucose, up to 2% comestible acid, up to 3% comestible protein, up to 5% sodium chloride and/or potassium chloride and a comestible emulsion stabilizer with the balance of the emulsion comprising water. The emulsion optionally comprises trace elements. The concentrated oil-water emulsion may have an acidic pH in the range 3.0 to 4.0. The comestible acid maybe ethanoic acid, the comestible protein ...

07-01-1998 дата публикации

Synthetic resin and process for preparation thereof

Номер: GB0009722964D0

25-10-2017 дата публикации

Method of controlling salinity of a low salinity injection water

Номер: GB0201714649D0

26-11-2008 дата публикации

Filtration system

Номер: GB0000819290D0

29-11-2023 дата публикации

Method of producing drinks and drinks products

Номер: GB0002619194A

A resource efficient manufacturing process of a drink (in particular a cold drink) for the retail market comprising: mixing essential drink component with purified rainwater, and filling a finalise retail product into a container in a bottling step; wherein the purification of the rainwater is characterised by: Subjecting water collected directly from precipitation to a first filtration process, Subjecting the water obtained from step a) to a reverse osmosis filtration step, and Remineralising the water obtained from step b); and drinks products obtained and obtainable from said method. The method is advantages in that it minimises the amount of water employed for bulk manufacturing whilst providing reproducibly high quality water with a pleasing taste suitable. It also allows drinks of high alkalinity to be prepared, which is very desirable and may have health benefits.

31-10-2014 дата публикации

Treatment of acid mine drainage

Номер: AP0201408006A0

30-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508864D0

31-12-2011 дата публикации

Water purifier.

Номер: AP0201105972A0

31-12-2011 дата публикации

Water purifier.

Номер: AP2011005972A0

31-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP2017009818A0

31-10-2014 дата публикации

Microporous filter with an antimicrobial source

Номер: AP0000003005A

31-10-2009 дата публикации

Filtration process using microporous filter with alow elution antimicrobial source

Номер: AP2009004981A0

31-08-2006 дата публикации

Mobile desalination plants and systems, and methods for producing desalinated water

Номер: AP2006003692A0

31-10-2009 дата публикации

Microporous filter with an antimicrobial source

Номер: AP2009004999A0

31-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003745A

30-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003471A

30-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AP2013007114A0

30-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP2015008864A0

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Distilled water production system.

Номер: AP2012006247A0

30-04-2011 дата публикации

Versatile water purification systems and methods.

Номер: AP2011005620A0

31-10-2014 дата публикации

Treatment of acid mine drainage

Номер: AP2014008006A0

29-02-2012 дата публикации

A rainwater treatment unit.

Номер: AP2012006086A0

04-05-2006 дата публикации

Water improvement agent containing coral sand.

Номер: OA0000012092A

31-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201709818A0

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Distilled water production system.

Номер: AP0201206247A0

31-12-2011 дата публикации

Water purifier.

Номер: AP0201105972D0

31-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201709818D0

31-10-2014 дата публикации

Treatment of acid mine drainage

Номер: AP0201408006D0

29-02-2012 дата публикации

A rainwater treatment unit.

Номер: AP0201206086A0

30-04-2011 дата публикации

Versatile water purification systems and methods.

Номер: AP0201105620A0

30-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508864A0

31-08-2006 дата публикации

Mobile desalination plants and systems, and methods for producing desalinated water

Номер: AP0200603692A0

26-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000405008B

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000475473T

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000481552T

15-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000503422A4

15-02-2020 дата публикации

Under-fermentation, fully bright beer and method for brewing a under-fermentation, fully bright beer

Номер: AT0000521491B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein untergäriges, helles Vollbier, insbesondere vom Typ Märzen oder Pils, sowie ein Verfahren zum Brauen eines solchen untergärigen, hellen Vollbiers. Das untergärige, helle Vollbier weist eine Ca2+-Ionenkonzentration von mindestens 2,2 mmol/l und eine Mg2+-Ionenkonzentration von mindestens 5,5 mmol/l auf und ist mit einem natürlichen Mineralwasser mit einer Gesamtwasserhärte von mindestens 7 mmol/l und einer Mg2+-Ionenkonzentration von mindestens 2 mmol/l gebraut. Bei dem Verfahren zum Brauen eines untergärigen, hellen Vollbieres wird als Brauwasser ein natürliches Mineralwasser mit einer Gesamtwasserhärte von mindestens 7 mmol/l und einer Mg2+-Ionenkonzentration von mindestens 2 mmol/l eingesetzt.

15-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: ATA130797A

15-03-2019 дата публикации

Method and liquid container for producing soda water

Номер: AT0000520405A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von Sodawasser mit folgenden Schritten: a) Einbringen von Partikeln aus Dolomit und/oder Einbringen einer Partikelmischung ausschließlich aus Kalziumkarbonaten und Magnesiumkarbonaten in einen Flüssigkeitsbehälter, b) Einfüllen von Trinkwasser in den Flüssigkeitsbehälter, c) Einpressen von Kohlenstoffdioxid in das Trinkwasser, wobei sich das Kohlenstoffdioxid über eine Gleichgewichtsreaktion im Trinkwasser löst und derart Kohlensäure entsteht, d) gasdichtes Verschließen des Flüssigkeitsbehälters, e) Lagern des verschlossenen Flüssigkeitsbehälters, wobei durch eine Gleichgewichtseinstellung aus den Partikeln aus reinem Dolomit und/oder den Partikeln der Partikelmischung und dem Kohlenstoffdioxid im Wasser gelöste Kalziumionen, Magnesiumionen und Hydrogenkarbonationen gebildet werden, wobei Schritt e) der letzte Schritt ist.

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000551444T

01-08-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для производства очищенной щелочной воды

Номер: RU0000182048U1
Автор: Су Бог Ким

Полезная модель относится к фильтрам-обогатителям, предназначенным для обогащения, очищения и выработки щелочной воды. Устройство содержит колбу, выполненную из тритана, содержащую в средней части покрытие из противоскользящего материала и снабженную отверстиями в верхней и нижней частях, верхнюю и нижнюю крышки, выполненные с возможностью резьбового соединения с соответствующими верхней и нижней частями колбы, ремешок, крепление для ремешка на боковой части колбы, горловину для питья, установленную на верхней крышке, и цилиндрический фильтр, выполненный с возможностью размещения внутри колбы и фиксации нижней крышкой. Верхняя крышка имеет откидной колпачок, снабженный пружинным механизмом, кнопку открытия колпачка на боковой поверхности крышки и кнопку блокировки открытия колпачка, установленную над кнопкой открытия. Цилиндрический фильтр имеет закрытый сверху перфорированной пластиной верхний отсек, содержащий 16 различных видов шариков, предназначенных для генерации очищенной и обогащенной минералами щелочной воды, при этом часть шариков помещена в пакетик, пропускающий влагу, и нижний открытый снизу отсек, при этом между отсеками установлена разделительная перфорированная пластина. Использование полезной модели позволяет повысить практичность за счет удобства пользования устройством. 1 з.п. ф-лы; 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 182 048 U1 (51) МПК B01D 29/11 (2006.01) C02F 1/28 (2006.01) C02F 1/68 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B01D 29/11 (2006.01); C02F 1/28 (2006.01); C02F 1/68 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017133643, 27.09.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ТД "МЕРА" (RU) Дата регистрации: 01.08.2018 2131759 C1, 20.06.1999. SU 1318250 A1, 23.06.1987. KR 101432646 B1, 13.11.2013. GB 1448845 A, 08.09.1976. (45) Опубликовано: 01.08.2018 Бюл. № 22 1 8 2 0 4 8 R U (54) Устройство для ...

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Methods and Materials for Selective Boron Adsorption from Aqueous Solution

Номер: US20120037565A1
Принадлежит: Hydranautics Corp

A method for reducing a boron concentration in a boron-containing aqueous liquid involves administering micelle(s) for selective boron adsorption to the boron-containing aqueous liquid to produce boron-bonded micelle(s), wherein the micelle(s) comprise a reaction product of an N-substituted-glucamine and a glycidyl ether; passing the micelle-containing aqueous liquid through a membrane to separate the boron-bonded micelle(s) from the aqueous liquid; and recovering a permeate having a reduced boron concentration from the membrane. A material capable of selectively adsorbing boron from a boron-containing aqueous liquid contains at least one micelle having a hydrophobic tail and a head comprising a hydrophilic functional group having formula (I): R 1 —O-A  (I) R 1 represents a hydrocarbon group selected from the group consisting of substituted and unsubstituted aromatic, linear aliphatic, and branched aliphatic hydrocarbon groups and mixtures thereof, and A contains hydroxyl and amine groups.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Renewable oil absorbent and method thereof

Номер: US20120111797A1
Автор: M. Carl LAVOIE
Принадлежит: Individual

The present document describes an oil absorbent fiber comprising fragments of typha plant inflorescence, absorption apparatus comprising the oil absorbent fibers, as well as method of using the absorbent and/or the apparatus for absorbing oil.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Water purification and enhancement systems

Номер: US20120125203A1
Принадлежит: Water Initiative LLC

Water purification system comprising filtration media sized with respect to each other to allow a first contaminant in the water to saturate the first medium with a delay prior to saturation of the second medium with a second contaminant.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Process, method, and system for removing heavy metals from fluids

Номер: US20120125818A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

Trace element levels of heavy metals in crude oil are reduced by contacting the crude oil with an oxidizing agent, converting heavy metals into heavy metal cations for subsequent separation from the crude oil. At least a complexing agent is added to convert the heavy metal cations into soluble heavy metal complexes in a water phase, which can be separated from the crude oil, for a treated crude oil having reduced levels of heavy metals. In one embodiment, the complexing agent is selected from the group of metal halides, and the oxidizing agent is selected from the group of organic peracids, inorganic peracids and salts thereof.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Method of sterilizing water

Номер: US20120175272A1
Автор: Chil-Young Kim
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of sterilizing water that includes: immersing at least one electrode unit having a negative electrode within a container and a positive electrode within the container, the positive electrode separated from and facing the negative electrode, wherein the negative electrode has a plurality of negative electrode projections thereon, and the positive electrode has a plurality of positive electrode projections thereon, each positive electrode projection arranged to face and be aligned with each negative electrode projection one by one; and, supplying direct current by at least one power supply to the electrode unit immersed under the water.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Water treatment system

Номер: US20120186658A1

A water treatment system is provided including a disinfection system, a filter and a turbine generator. A manual pump is positioned downstream of the filter to create negative pressure to draw water through the filter. The manual pump also creates positive pressure to dispense treated water from the outlet of the system. The movement of the water through the system powers the turbine generator. The power generated can be used to monitor a characteristic of the water treatment system.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for Reduction of Oil, Alkalinity and Undesirable Gases Using a Mechanical Flotation Device

Номер: US20120192716A1
Принадлежит: Cameron International Corp

A mechanical vessel may effectively and simultaneously displace a first undesired gas from within water with a second desired gas, and remove at least one alkaline species and oily matter from the water. The vessel raises the pH of the water and reduces the lime requirement for subsequent lime softening. The vessel receives the water containing the first gas and passes the water through a series of gasification chambers. Each gasification chamber may have a mechanism that ingests and mixes a second gas into the water thereby physically displacing at least a portion of the first gas into a vapor space at the top of each gasification chamber from which it is subsequently removed. There is an absence of communication between the vapor spaces of adjacent chambers. An acid is added to remove the alkaline species, where the first gas is an optional by-product that is also removed.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Oxygenation of Water for a Population of Fish

Номер: US20120234254A1

Method and apparatus for producing an oxygenated fluid. In accordance with various embodiments, a vessel of water is provided for housing a population of fish. A stream of oxygenated water is generated to have a dissolved oxygen content of at least about 70 milligrams/liter (mg/l). The stream of oxygenated water is diluted with a second stream of water to provide an output stream with a dissolved oxygen content of from about 5 mg/l to about 14 mg/l. The output stream is injected into the vessel to maintain the population of fish.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Water-dissolvable device for treatment of waste material

Номер: US20120255901A1
Принадлежит: United Laboratories Inc

A device for the treatment of waste material in a waste water collection system includes an inner core and an outer portion partially surrounding the inner core such that at least one surface of the inner core is exposed. The inner core has a greater water solubility than the outer portion.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Shaped compositions for uniform delivery of a functional agent

Номер: US20120258156A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Shaped compositions are provided for use in delivering a substantially uniform concentration of a functional agent (e.g., an antimicrobial sanitizing agent) to a flowing stream of water. The composition may be shaped and sized to be inserted into a device configured to be attached over the end of a faucet. The shaped composition may include at least two different regions (e.g., layers). A dissolvable region includes a functional agent (e.g., an anti-microbial sanitizing agent). A substantially non-dissolvable region is disposed adjacent to the dissolvable region (e.g., adjacent the bottom surface) so as to cover a bottom surface of the dissolvable region. The geometry of the shaped composition, as well as the presence of the substantially non-dissolvable region aids in providing a substantially uniform concentration of functional agent throughout the life of the dissolvable region.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Washing appliance with dedicated water-softener

Номер: US20120298153A1

The softener is based on a capacitive-deionization (CDI) cell, in which the hardness ions are extracted, and disposed of still intact, in concentrated form. The softener is combined with a chelate to inhibit precipitation, in the appliance, from the concentrated effluent. The chelate being citric acid, the acidity is effective to keep the hardness ions in solution. The purify and regenerate modes of operation of the softener can be timed to coincide with the washing and rinsing cycles of the appliance, whereby the presence of the softener does not affect the speed and performance of the appliance.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Sol-gel derived compositions

Номер: US20130029843A1
Принадлежит: ABS Materials Inc

Disclosed are sol gel derived materials obtained from at least one first precursor and at least one second precursor, as well as sol gel derived compositions containing a plurality of alkylsiloxy substituents obtained from such sol-gel derived materials.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Redox water treatment method

Номер: US20130048566A1
Принадлежит: Earth Renaissance Technologies LLC

A redox water treatment method utilizing sulfurous acid to act as either an oxidizing or a reducing solution via pH adjustment for water conditioning

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Gas burial disposal capsules

Номер: US20130053612A1
Автор: Bader Shafaqa Al-Anzi
Принадлежит: Individual

The water aeration capsules provide a quick and highly portable system for aerating polluted water. The capsules contain bubbles of air, oxygen, and/or other gas(es) surrounded by a water soluble membrane. The capsules are ballasted to sink. Magnetically attractive ballast elements may be provided, and a magnetic sheet may be placed on the bottom of a smaller body of water to enhance the settling of the capsules. The gas burial disposal capsules may be formed of non-degradable material for substantially permanent gas storage, or of degradable material to allow the gases to slowly permeate the surrounding earth for slow and relatively harmless release. The gas may be pressurized within the capsules to approximately the pressure of the surrounding earth.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and System for Ship Ballast Water Treatment

Номер: US20130062290A1

The present invention relates to the technical field of environmental protection, especially relating to an efficiently-inactivating and energy-saving method for processing ship ballast water, which comprising the following processes: A) a filtering process, in which ship ballast water is filtered to remove the large grained organisms and solids; and B) a sterilizing process, in which the filtered water flows through a sterilization processing unit to have the organisms and bacteria in the water killed. Correspondingly, the present invention also discloses a system for processing ship ballast water, which has advantages as follows: low energy consumption, high efficiency, convenient installation simple and no pollution after processing. 1. An efficiently-inactivating and energy-saving method for processing ship ballast water , comprising the following processes:A) a filtering process, in which ship ballast water is filtered to remove the large grained organisms and solids; andB) a sterilizing process, in which the filtered water flows through a sterilization processing unit to have the organisms and bacteria in the water killed.2. The efficiently-inactivating and energy-saving method for processing ship ballast water according to claim 1 , wherein the filtering for the ballast water in the process A) uses a filter claim 1 , which is a fully-automatic backwash filter claim 1 , and realizes the on-line self-clean function without any effect on the processing of the system.3. The efficiently-inactivating and energy-saving method for processing ship ballast water according to claim 1 , wherein the sterilization processing unit generates high-efficiency organism and bacteria biocide on line in the process B) claim 1 , and the biocide at least includes one or more of hydroxyl radical claim 1 , hypochlorous acid claim 1 , sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide.412345678. An new efficiently-inactivating and energy-saving system for processing ship ballast water claim 1 , ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Methods of providing uniform delivery of a functional agent from a shaped composition

Номер: US20130075346A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods for introducing a substantially uniform concentration of a functional agent into a flowing stream of water using a shaped composition. The composition may be shaped and sized to be inserted into a device configured to be attached over the end of a faucet. The shaped composition comprises a dissolvable region including a functional agent (e.g., an anti-microbial sanitizing agent). A non-dissolvable region disposed adjacent to the dissolvable region may optionally be provided. The substantially non-dissolvable region remains substantially intact as the dissolving region is progressively dissolved, introducing the functional agent into a flowing stream of water.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Floating dispensers

Номер: US20130092634A1
Принадлежит: King Technology Inc

A floating dispenser for floatingly delivering a dispersant or dispersants to a body of water with the floating dispenser floating in an upright condition when a dispersant is present in a dispenser cartridge of the floating dispenser with the dispenser self inverting 180 degrees in response to consumption of the dispersant in the dispenser cartridge to thereby provide a visual alert that one should replace the dispenser cartridge in the dispenser with a fresh dispenser cartridge.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105376A1
Принадлежит: Xogen Technologies Inc.

Methods and systems for reducing a redox active contaminant in a waste stream in a waste treatment system involve performing a unit process of the waste treatment system by contacting redox active contaminant in the waste stream with oxyhydrogen-rich gas generated on-site by an oxyhydrogen gas generator that implements water dissociation technology. The oxyhydrogen gas generator involves applying a pulsed electrical signal to a series of closely spaced electrodes that are submerged in the waste stream to produce oxyhydrogen-rich gas from a water component of the waste stream. Operation of the oxyhydrogen gas generator in the waste stream may accomplish one or more unit processes for waste treatment, such as oxidation, stripping, floatation, disinfection, conditioning, stabilization, thickening, and dewatering, among others. 1. A system for removing a redox active contaminant from a waste stream , the waste stream including a water component , the system comprising:two closely spaced coated electrodes to be submersed in the waste stream, the coated electrodes defining an interaction zone extending therebetween;a power supply for applying a pulsed electrical signal to at least one of the coated electrodes to generate from the water component oxyhydrogen-rich gas which will form bubbles in the interaction zone that rise to a surface of the waste stream;a reaction vessel to contain the bubbles as they rise;a gas containment lid to trap above the waste stream a mixture of the oxyhydrogen-rich gas and the redox active contaminant of the waste stream, the mixture formed by those of the bubbles that contact a portion of the redox active contaminant that transport the portion to the surface of the waste stream; andmeans for transporting the mixture to means for further treatment.2. The system of wherein at least one of the coated electrodes comprise a coating claim 1 , the coating being selected from the group consisting of: Ruthenium Oxide claim 1 , Iridium Oxide claim 1 , ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112600A1
Принадлежит: MIZ CO. LTD.

A selective hydrogen adding equipment for living organism applicable fluid, comprising a hydrogen generating system and a hydrogen bubble forming implement, the hydrogen bubble forming implement having a gas/liquid separating section including an open-close type valve, wherein the hydrogen bubble forming implement is disposed in a closed container storing living organism applicable fluid and the hydrogen gas is supplied into the closed container storing living organism applicable fluid via the gas/liquid separating section thereby to provide living organism applicable hydrogen-contained fluid, and wherein the open-close type valve is opened by a gas pressure of hydrogen gas generated in an internal of the hydrogen bubble forming implement owing to a reaction between the hydrogen generating system and the generating-purpose water thereby to exhaust hydrogen gas into the closed container as an external of the hydrogen bubble forming implement while the open-close type valve is closed after the exhaust. 1a hydrogen generating system that contains a hydrogen generating agent as an essential constituent, the hydrogen generating agent being hydrogenated metal or metal having higher ionization tendency than hydrogen; anda hydrogen bubble forming implement that stores the hydrogen generating system for generating hydrogen gas by a reaction between the hydrogen generating system and a generating-purpose water, the hydrogen bubble forming implement having a gas/liquid separating section including an open-close type valve,wherein the hydrogen bubble forming implement is disposed in a closed container storing living organism applicable fluid and the hydrogen gas is supplied into the closed container storing living organism applicable fluid via the gas/liquid separating section thereby to provide living organism applicable hydrogen-contained fluid, andwherein the open-close type valve is opened by a gas pressure of hydrogen gas generated in an internal of the hydrogen bubble ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Preparation method of weakly basic, ionized, mineralization and healthy drinking water

Номер: US20130115335A1

Disclosed is a preparation method of weakly basic, ionized, mineralized and healthy drinking water including purifying the tap water by precipitation, filtration and other conventional methods to obtain clean water; and getting the said clean water through reverse osmosis (RO) membrane to obtain RO pure water; heating the said RO pure water to 35-100 degrees celsius by magnetic oscillation or by heating, and then making the RO pure water through weak alkaline, ionized, and mineralization composition, and then filtering the RO pure water by coconut carbon cartridge and PP cotton filter element in turn. The water prepared by the method of the present invention is beneficial to the health of human body and suitable for long-term consumption. 1. A preparation method of weakly basic , ionized , mineralized and healthy drinking water , comprising the steps of: purifying the tap water by precipitation , filtration and other conventional methods to obtain clean water; making the said clean water through reverse osmosis (RO) membrane to obtain RO pure water; heating the said RO pure water to 35-100 degrees celsius by magnetic oscillation or by heating; and making the RO pure water through weak alkaline , ionized , and mineralization composition , and then filtering the RO pure water using coconut carbon cartridge and PP cotton filter element in turn.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the said weak alkaline claim 1 , ionized claim 1 , and mineralization composition is a mixture of polymer microspheres or mineral powder and inorganic microporous compound.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the weight ratio of the said polymer microspheres and inorganic microporous compound is 90-20 wt % and 10-80 wt % claim 2 , respectively.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the weight ratio of the said polymer microspheres and inorganic microporous compound is 80-30 wt %and 20-70 wt % claim 3 , respectively.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the said tourmaline comprises at least one of the ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128687A1
Автор: Adams Zachary Harris

A rapid rate chemical solution generator system and a method of generating a chemical solution from the system to rapidly treat a body of water. The system and method are especially useful in emergency situations. The system includes a tank for mixing chemical material with water, a hopper for storage of the chemical material, a gate valve disposed between the tank and hopper, a mixer to agitate and blend the chemical material with the water and form the chemical solution and a pump to aid in drawing the chemical solution out of the tank and toward a desired application. The system is configured to provide long-term storage of the chemical material in the hopper, while keeping the chemical material available for rapid delivery to the tank when needed. 1. A method for preparing a chemical solution via a rapid rate chemical solution generator system , which includes a hopper , a tank located below the hopper , a supply valve disposed between the hopper and the tank , a mixer extending into the tank , and a pump connected to the tank , the method comprising the steps of:placing a dry chemical in the hopper;activating a first signal indicating that a chemical solution is required for water treatment;filling the tank with fluid in response to the first signal to a predetermined upper level;subsequently turning the mixer on and concurrently opening the chemical supply valve to allow at least a portion of the dry chemical to drop into the tank;shearing and mixing the dry chemical with the fluid to produce a chemical solution;subsequently activating the pump to remove the chemical solution from the tank so that the chemical solution can be dispersed into a body of water that requires treatment, thereby lowering the level of the fluid in the tank to a predetermined lower level.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a second signal is generated once the level of the fluid in the tank is at or below the predetermined lower level and claim 1 , in response to the second signal claim ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Methods and compounds for improving sulfide scavenging activity

Номер: US20130131387A1
Автор: Gregory Kaplan, Ping Lue
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Methods for reducing sulfides from fluid streams are provided. The methods comprise adding secondary amine-formaldehyde adduct (SAFA) scavengers to fluid streams. The SAFA scavengers added comprise less than about 40 wt % N-methyl secondary amines of the total weight of SAFA scavengers. Methods for distilling N-methyl secondary amines from secondary amine-formaldehyde adduct (SAFA) scavengers are also provided. Purified SAFA scavengers are also disclosed.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Method And Arrangement For A Water Treatment

Номер: US20130134104A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

In a method for water treatment by chlorine disinfection, a chlorine stabilizer is dosed into water to be treated as far as a predetermined chlorine stabilizer concentration in said water is achieved. As soon as the predetermined chlorine stabilizer concentration is achieved said achieved chlorine stabilizer concentration is maintained in said water constant. A chlorine disinfectant concentration is adjusted in said water to be treated to a predetermined chlorine disinfectant concentration in said water by dosing a non-stabilized chlorine disinfectant (free chlorine) into said water to be treated. Therefore advantages of free chlorine and stabilized chlorine disinfection and facilitating to reduce DBPs at low chlorine stabilizer concentrations in water can be combined, without compromising disinfection safety.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Hands free hydration system

Номер: US20130139893A1
Принадлежит: Nutra-Life Inc

A hydration system configured to receive liquid from a wearable fluid storage and delivery device and selectively add supplements thereto. The system includes a removable cap, an interior housing, and an outside housing. The interior housing has a supplement chamber for housing a dissolvable supplement body with an open end portion closable by the cap. The interior housing also has a bypass channel separated from the supplement chamber. The outside housing has an interior channel configured to slidably receive the interior housing and allow it to slide between a supplement adding position and a bypass position relative to the outside housing. In the supplement adding position, liquid received from the wearable device flows into the supplement chamber whereat at least a portion of the dissolvable supplement body dissolves into the liquid. In the bypass position, liquid received from the wearable device flows into the bypass channel bypassing the supplement chamber.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157920A1
Принадлежит: MWJ, LLC

A process for purifying extracted oil, byproducts, and wastewater, including the steps of: providing a composition having at least one solvent, an alkaline agent, a deflocculant, at least one surfactant selected from the group comprising an alkoxylated alcohol surfactant, an alkylamino-polyethoxy-sulfate surfactant, a polyether-phosphate ester surfactant, a surfactant that is a phosphate ester of an ethoxylated alcohol, and a surfactant that is a polyethyleneglycol monoaklyl ether, and a bonding agent; and associating the composition with at least one of extracted oil, byproducts, and wastewater—including, but not limited to, froth, middlings, tailings, mature fine tailings, solids, and combinations thereof. 1. A process for extracting crude oil , comprising the steps of:providing an input source to an area of the earth having crude oil;providing an output producer source to a recoverable area proximate the earth's surface;introducing a composition through the input source to the area of the earth having the crude oil, wherein the composition comprises: at least one solvent, an alkaline agent, a deflocculant, at least one surfactant selected from the group comprising an alkoxylated alcohol surfactant, an alkylamino-polyethoxy-sulfate surfactant, a polyether-phosphate ester surfactant, a surfactant that is a phosphate ester of an ethoxylated alcohol, and a surfactant that is a polyethyleneglycol monoaklyl ether, and a bonding agent; andextracting crude oil from the earth through the output producer source.2. The process for extracting crude oil according to claim 1 , wherein the step of introducing a composition through the input source to the area of the earth having the crude oil includes the step of introducing the composition which comprises water claim 1 , caustic soda claim 1 , a deflocculant claim 1 , an alkoxylated alcohol surfactant claim 1 , an alkylamino-polyethoxy-sulfate surfactant claim 1 , a polyether-phosphate ester surfactant claim 1 , a surfactant ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for water treatment

Номер: US20130161267A1

A method for treating a swimming pool, including introducing Mg 2+ to a level from 60 ppm to 300 ppm to the swimming pool by addition of a soluble magnesium compound to the swimming pool, or Mg 2+ to a level from 60 ppm to 1000 ppm by addition of a magnesium halide in addition to a further soluble magnesium compound.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130164411A1

The present invention concerns a process for treating water and the use of calcium carbonate in such a process. In particular, the present invention is directed to a process for remineralization of water comprising the steps of providing feed water, and injecting gaseous carbon dioxide and a slurry into the feed water, wherein the slurry comprises micronized calcium carbonate. 1. Process for remineralization of water comprising the steps of:a) providing feed water, andb) injecting gaseous carbon dioxide and a slurry into the feed water, wherein the slurry comprises micronized calcium carbonate.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of calcium carbonate in the slurry is from 0.05 to 40 wt.-% claim 1 , from 1 to 25 wt.-% claim 1 , from 2 to 20 wt.-% claim 1 , preferably from 3 to 15 wt.-% claim 1 , and most preferably from 5 to 10 wt.-% based on the total weight of the slurry claim 1 , or the concentration of calcium carbonate in the slurry is from 10 to 40 wt.-% claim 1 , from 15 to 30 wt.-% claim 1 , or from 20 to 25 wt.-% based on the total weight of the slurry.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the calcium carbonate has a particle size from 0.1 to 100 μm claim 1 , from 0.5 to 50 μm claim 1 , from 1 to 15 μm claim 1 , preferably from 2 to 10 μm claim 1 , most preferably 3 to 5 μm.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the calcium carbonate has a HCl insoluble content from 0.02 to 2.5 wt.-% claim 1 , 0.05 to 1.5 wt.-% claim 1 , or 0.1 to 0.6 wt.-% based on the total weight of the micronized calcium carbonate.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the calcium carbonate is a ground calcium carbonate claim 1 , modified calcium carbonate claim 1 , or precipitated calcium carbonate claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the slurry comprises further minerals containing magnesium claim 1 , potassium or sodium claim 1 , preferably magnesium carbonate claim 1 , calcium magnesium carbonate claim 1 , e.g. dolomitic limestone claim 1 , ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Composition for triggering microbiological processes in water and method of producing the same

Номер: US20130180915A1
Автор: Thomas Willuweit
Принадлежит: Lavaris Tech GmbH

The present invention is directed to a composition for triggering microbiological processes in water, to a kit of parts comprising the components of said composition in distinct form, a method of producing such a composition and the use thereof for microbiologically decomposing water-immiscible substances, in particular crude oil and crude oil-derived substances.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for treating animal waste

Номер: US20130186155A1
Автор: William BLAINE
Принадлежит: ENVIROKURE Inc

Methods and apparatus for the treatment of animal waste are disclosed, together with a treated animal waste and fertilizer and growth media products derived therefrom.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of surface-treated calcium carbonate material and use of same in the control of organic material in an aqueous medium

Номер: US20130192784A1
Принадлежит: Omya International AG

The present invention relates to a process for the production of a surface-treated calcium carbonate, the use of this surface-treated calcium carbonate in a process for the control of organic material in an aqueous medium, as well as to a composite of surface-treated calcium carbonate and organic material, such as a composite of surface-treated calcium carbonate and to the use of such a composite.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193070A1
Автор: Okun Richard
Принадлежит: Natural Chemistry L.P.

A zinc compound and methods for use in removing phosphate from water. Preferably the compound is used in removing phosphate from water in swimming pools, spas, and similar structures. Several water treatment techniques are disclosed, as well as a variety of different methods for delivery of the active ingredients. These delivery methods include use of a slurry of the active reagent in solution as well as a tablet, powder, or granulated structure. Additionally, the water treatment techniques may incorporate the use of a combination including both enzymatic compositions and compounds for phosphate removal. 1. A method for purifying a solution comprising the steps of:(a) introducing a reagent comprising a zinc compound to an impure solution comprising a phosphate;(b) allowing the reagent to react with those impurities in the solution to form an insoluble reaction product; and(c) removing the reaction product from the solution.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the zinc compound is a zinc salt.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the zinc compound is zinc chloride.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the zinc compound is zinc sulfate.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution is contained in a pool.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution is contained in a hot tub.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reagent further comprises at least one enzyme composition.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the enzyme composition has at least one of lipase claim 7 , .alpha.-amylase or protease activities.9. A method for treating a water body comprising the steps of:(a) introducing a phosphate-scavenging composition comprising a zinc compound to the water body;(b) introducing a second composition comprising an enzymatic compound to the water body;(c) allowing the first composition to react with impurities in water body to form an insoluble reaction product;(d) removing the reaction product from the solution; and(e) allowing the second composition to clarify the water body.10. ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Methods of improving chitosan for water purification

Номер: US20130200008A1
Принадлежит: Water Security Corp

Methods for preparing a chitosan-based material for use in a halogen water treatment system are described. Treating chitosan or chitin with a compound selected from the group consisting of an acid, a base, a mild halogenating solution and combinations thereof provides a chitosan-based material that displays reduced leakage of halide ion. Water treatment systems and methods for treating water comprising at least one contaminant are also described.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220936A1
Автор: Franke Wolfram
Принадлежит: Yara International ASA

The present invention concerns a method for the conditioning of septic waste water to prevent the formation of hydrogen sulphide and prevent subsequent precipitation of FeS, also provided is an agent for use in said method. The agent comprises an aqueous solution of iron salts and an anionic polymer. 1. An agent for conditioning of septic waste water , comprising an aqueous solution of iron salts and an anionic polymer.2. The agent according to claim 1 ,{'sub': 2', '3', '4', '4, 'wherein the iron salts are selected from the group consisting of FeCl, FeCl, FeClSO, FeSOand mixtures thereof.'}3. The agent according to claim 1 ,wherein the anionic polymer is selected from the group consisting of iron lignosulphonate, calcium lignosulphonate and sodium lignosulphonate.4. The agent according to claim 1 ,comprising an aqueous mixture of both an iron salt and an anionic polymer in mass proportion of iron salt to anionic polymer in the range of 1:0.5 to 1:1.5 calculated as substances free from water is provided.5. The agent according to claim 1 ,wherein the mixture is prepared from aqueous solutions of iron salts with a concentration of 20% to 40% and from aqueous solutions of an anionic polymer, with a concentration of 10% to 30%.6. A method for the conditioning of septic waste water to prevent the formation of hydrogen sulphide and prevent subsequent precipitation of FeS claim 1 ,wherein the method comprises the step of adding simultaneously an aqueous solution of iron salts together with an anionic polymer to the septic waste water.7. The method according to claim 6 ,wherein an aqueous mixture of both iron salts and lignosulphonate in the mass proportion of iron salt to anionic polymer in the range of 1:0.5 to 1:1.5 calculated as substances free from water is added to the septic waste water.8. The method according to claim 7 ,wherein the mixture is prepared from aqueous solutions of iron salts with a concentration of 20% to 40% and from aqueous solutions of anionic ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for purifying water

Номер: US20130220941A1
Принадлежит: Pac-Solution Oy

A method and a system for continuous purification of wastewater and/or utility water, wherein peracetic acid is metered into the wastewater, the flow of the wastewater, redox potential and the concentration of peracetic acid are measured, and the metering of peracetic acid is adjusted relative to the variation in the flow and on the basis of the concentration of peracetic acid and redox potential.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228522A1

A system is provided for removing arsenic from water to safe levels at or below the EPA standards. The system is a hybrid spouted vessel/fixed bed filter system that significantly enhances/improves arsenic removal for drinking water using zero-valent iron (ZVI) particles. Movement of the circulating, iron-containing particles in a dense moving bed that forms on the spouted vessel bottom creates an abrasive “self-polishing” action among them that continuously generates colloidal iron corrosion products. This material then circulates with the water in the vessel and is removed and concentrated in a fixed bed filter. The colloidal material captured and immobilized in the filter has been shown to remove arsenic from contaminated water at very rapid rates. 1. A system for the removal of arsenic from water , comprising:a vessel containing zero valent iron particles;an arsenic containing solution disposed within said vessel; anda fluid circulation system that circulates said fluid and said zero valent iron particles,wherein corrosion products generated by circulation of said zero valent iron particles binds with arsenic within said solution.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a packed fluid bed containing iron particles in fluid communication with said vessel, wherein said fluid is circulated through said packed fluid bed and said vessel.3. The system of claim 1 , said vessel further comprising:a lower section configured and arranged to channel said zero valent iron particles centrally towards an inlet spout; anda draft tube disposed above said inlet spout,wherein fluid entering said inlet spout agitates said zero valent iron particles and carries them upwardly along said draft tube to redeposit them into the vessel.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said zero valent iron particles are carbon steel spheres.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a filter installed within said vessel, said filter removing colloidal arsenic from said fluid as it is circulated ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236944A1
Принадлежит: Da Volterra

The invention relates to methods for inactivating antibiotics in the environment. The invention further relates to the use of a laccase, a lipase or a cellulase for inactivation of antibiotics. It also relates to compositions to decontaminate the polluted environment and to prevent the pollution of the environment by inactivating antibiotics from waste and wastewater effluents before they reach the environment. 117-. (canceled)18. A method for inactivating one or several antibiotics , comprising a treatment with at least one enzyme selected in the group consisting of a laccase , a lipase and a cellulase.19. The method of claim 18 , wherein:the enzyme is a laccase and the antibiotic is a cycline or a beta-lactam; and/orthe enzyme is a lipase and the antibiotic is a macrolide or a beta-lactam, and/orthe enzyme is a cellulase and the antibiotic is a cycline.20. The method of claim 19 , wherein the cycline antibiotic is selected from the group consisting of tetracycline claim 19 , oxytetracycline and chlortetracycline.21. The method of claim 19 , wherein the enzyme is laccase and the beta-lactam antibiotic is amoxicillin or imipenem.22. The method of claim 19 , wherein the macrolide is erythromycin.23. The method of claim 19 , wherein the enzyme is lipase and the beta-lactam antibiotic is amoxicillin.24. A method for antibiotic remediation in the environment or in waste claim 19 , comprising treating said environment or waste with at least one enzyme selected from the group consisting of a laccase claim 19 , a lipase and a cellulase.25Trametes versicolor.. The method according to claim 18 , wherein the laccase is a laccase claim 18 , or mixture of laccases claim 18 , from26Trametes versicolor.. The method according to claim 24 , wherein the laccase is a laccase claim 24 , or mixture of laccases claim 24 , from27. The method according to claim 24 , wherein said at least one enzyme is used in combination with one or more other antibiotic-inactivating enzyme(s).28. The ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240424A1
Принадлежит: Aromatic Drain Device, Inc.

A device configured for being received within a floor drain is provided. The device includes a basket assembly containing a liquid-soluble treatment material therein. A drain cover defines an opening that receives the basket assembly. A basket assembly lid defines at least one aperture for allowing flow of liquid into the basket assembly, the basket assembly includes a flange for cooperatively engaging a recess defined in the drain cover to thereby engage the lid with the drain cover. 110-. (canceled)10. A device for providing treatment to a drain , comprising:a skirt configured for being engaged about a drain opening;a first basket assembly extending into the drain opening when the device is installed about the drain and containing a treatment material therein; anda second basket assembly extending into the drain opening when the device is installed about the drain.11. The device according to claim 10 , wherein the first basket assembly defines a cross section that generally corresponds to a cross section of the second basket assembly.12. The device according to claim 10 , wherein a gap is defined between the first basket assembly and the second basket assembly when the device is installed about the drain.13. The device according to claim 10 , wherein the skirt defines an opening to which a lid is selectively engaged with.14. The device according to claim 13 , wherein the lid has a thickness that extends from a top of the basket on a bottom facing surface of the lid to a top of the skirt on a top facing surface of the lid when the lid is engaged with the skirt.15. The device according to claim 10 , wherein the first and second basket assemblies are engaged together when the device is installed about the drain.16. The device according to claim 10 , wherein at least one of the first basket assembly and the second basket assembly extend from the skirt.17. The device according to claim 10 , wherein the lid and skirt define a generally flat upper surface when the lid is ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256237A1
Автор: Wang Linna, Zhang Guixi

A packaging system for an acidic product and a method for adding the acid product to a water system, wherein the packaging system has a multi-layer packaging film with a water-soluble outer layer and an inner layer comprising a pH-sensitive polymer. The inner layer is stable at the pH of the acidic product and dissolves when exposed to a pH greater than dissolution pH of the inner layer, the dissolution pH being greater than the pH of the acidic product. In one example, the dissolution pH of the inner layer is between 5 to 8. When the pH of the water system reaches the dissolution pH, the product is released to the water system. 1. A packaging system for an acidic product , said acidic product having an acidic pH , the packaging system comprising a multi-layer packaging film having a water-soluble outer layer and an inner layer comprising a pH-sensitive polymer that is stable at the pH of the acidic product and dissolves when exposed to a dissolution pH , said dissolution pH being greater than the pH of the acidic product.2. The packaging system of wherein the pH-sensitive polymer has a dissolution pH of between 5 to 8.3. The packaging system of wherein the pH-sensitive polymer is selected from the group consisting of alkyl acrylate-methacrylic acid copolymers claim 1 , alkyl methacrylate-methacrylic acid copolymers claim 1 , alkyl acrylate-acrylic acid copolymers claim 1 , alkyl methacrylate-acrylic acid copolymers claim 1 , cellulose acetate phthalate (CAP) claim 1 , cellulose acetate succinate claim 1 , hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose phthalate claim 1 , hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose acetate succinate (hypromellose acetate succinate) claim 1 , polyvinyl acetate phthalate (PVAP) claim 1 , sodium alginate and stearic acid claim 1 , modified chitosan claim 1 , poly(L-lysine) claim 1 , and poly(L-histidine).4. The packaging system of wherein the pH sensitive polymer is selected from the group consisting of cellulose acetate phthalate (CAP) claim 3 , alkyl acrylate- ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Dissolving Sodium Carbonate in Water

Номер: US20130256238A1

Process and apparatus is provided for making a solution of sodium carbonate (soda ash) and water by which the soda ash is delivered in dry, particulate form to a silo, while air is being exhausted from the silo, dehumidifying air from the silo and discontinuing the dehumidifying of air while soda ash is being delivered to the silo, delumping soda ash in the silo, and then delivering water to a mixing vessel and transferring particulate soda ash to the treating vessel, in which it is mixed and the resulting solution is then discharged. The solution can be delivered to a storage tank or vessel and then to either a single or multiple outlet dosing station and/or some of the solution can be returned to a storage silo. 1. A process for dissolving sodium carbonate in water , comprising the steps of:(a) delivering dry, particulate sodium carbonate into a sodium carbonate storage silo while evacuating sufficient air from the sodium carbonate storage silo to accommodate the amount of sodium carbonate being delivered into the storage silo;(b) dehumidifying air in the sodium carbonate storage silo that contains sodium carbonate, to keep the particles of sodium carbonate from bonding together, by withdrawing air from the sodium carbonate storage silo, dehumidifying that air and returning dehumidified air to the sodium carbonate storage silo;(c) while the sodium carbonate storage silo is having sodium carbonate delivered thereto in accordance with clause (a), discontinuing the dehumidifying of air in accordance with clause (b) above;(d) delumping solidified lumps of sodium carbonate in the sodium carbonate silo;(e) delivering water to be treated to a mixing vessel;(f) transferring dry, particulate sodium carbonate to the mixing vessel from the sodium carbonate silo;(g) mixing sodium carbonate and water in the mixing vessel until a solution is obtained of sodium carbonate and water; and(h) discharging the solution from the mixing vessel.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Universal filter system and method for fluid containers

Номер: US20130264262A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A universal filter system is provided for filtering a fluid in a fluid container, such as water in a water bottle. The system can be selectively attached to and removed from a plurality of fluid containers. For instance, the filter system can be applied to a first fluid container. After use, the filter system can be removed from the first fluid container. The filter system can then be used in connection with the first fluid container again or with a different fluid container. The filter system can include a filter and one or more container-engaging elements that are configured to sealingly engage a portion of a plurality of fluid containers, including interior and/or exterior portions of such fluid containers. In this way, the leakage of a fluid from the container can be prevented and the fluid must pass through the filter before exiting the outlet of the fluid container.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Improving wastewater pumping and conveying efficiency

Номер: US20130264290A1
Автор: Matthew P. Madolora
Принадлежит: Premier Magnesia LLC

Methods and systems for improving pumping or conveyance efficiencies of wastewater within a wastewater treatment system of described. In an embodiment, an effective amount of a magnesium compound may be added to wastewater within a wastewater treatment system to increase at least one of a pumping and a conveyance efficiency of the wastewater within at least a portion of the wastewater treatment system. In an embodiment, the method may also include measuring at least one or the pumping efficiency and the conveyance efficiency of the wastewater within the portion of the wastewater treatment system. A concentration of the added magnesium compound may be adjusted to increase at least one of the pumping and the conveyance efficiency within the portion of the wastewater treatment system. Other methods and systems are described.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Water cleaning and sanitising apparatus

Номер: US20130277230A1
Автор: Mark Knipe, Scott Sawyer

Apparatus for sanitizing a water stream comprises a first electrolysis cell which produces ions with algaecidal and bactericidal properties and a second electrolysis cell which oxidizes water to produce hydrogen peroxide. The first cell has copper electrodes and the second cell has titanium electrodes and the polarity of the electrodes is periodically reversed at a frequency of from three to nine minutes. Air is introduced into the stream prior to entering the cells.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Methods and devices for measuring the concentration of an additive

Номер: US20130284678A1
Принадлежит: Ferrate Treatment Technologies LLC

An apparatus and methods for measuring the concentration of an additive are disclosed. The apparatus comprises a treatment stream ( 1 ) and a dosing stream ( 2 ). An additive is added to the dosing stream using a metering device ( 3 ). In some embodiments, the dosing stream is mixed after adding the additive using a first mixing device ( 4 ). Downstream from the metering device and the mixing device, the concentration of the additive in the dosing stream is measured using a monitor flow cell ( 5 ). In some embodiments, the dosing stream and treatment stream are combined ( 6 ) and mixed using a second mixing device ( 7 ). The concentration of the additive in the treatment stream can be calculated as a function of the volumetric flow rate ratio of the dosing stream to the treatment stream and the measured concentration of the additive in the dosing stream.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298946A1
Автор: Hubrig Jeffrey G.

A medical waste pretreatment and/or conditioner composition comprising a lipid agglomeration inhibitor and a surfactant having an HLB value ranging from about 1 to less than about 5, wherein a weight ratio of agglomeration inhibitor to surfactant on 100 wt. % active ingredient basis ranges from about 0.015:1 to about 3:1. 1. A medical waste pretreatment and/or conditioning composition comprising a lipid agglomeration inhibitor and a surfactant having an HLB value ranging from about 1 to less than about 5 , wherein a weight ratio of agglomeration inhibitor to surfactant on 100 wt. % active ingredient basis ranges from about 0.015:1 to about 3:1.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the agglomeration inhibitor comprises a compound selected from the group consisting of sodium lauryl sulfate claim 1 , sodium lauryl ether sulfate claim 1 , ammonium lauryl sulfate claim 1 , ammonium lauryl ether sulfate claim 1 , sophorose biosurfactant claim 1 , sodium lauroyl sarcosinate claim 1 , triethanolamine lauroyl-L-glutamate claim 1 , sodium myristyl sarcosinate claim 1 , sodium dodecyl sulfate claim 1 , potassium laurate claim 1 , sodium dodecane sulfonates claim 1 , and sodium lauryl ethoxysulfate.4. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising a dye.5. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising water.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of agglomeration inhibitor to surfactant in the composition on 100 wt. % active ingredient basis ranges from about 0.1:1 to about 0.5:1.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the surfactant comprises a polyether polyol non-ionic surfactant having an HLB value ranging from about 1 to about 3.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the agglomeration inhibitor comprises sodium lauryl sulfate.9. A method for pretreating a medical waste stream on a batch or continuous basis comprising:injecting into the waste stream a composition comprising a lipid agglomeration inhibitor and a surfactant having an HLB value ranging ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Antimicrobial surfaces

Номер: US20130302440A1
Автор: John Hill, Joseph King
Принадлежит: Individual

An antimicrobial structure surface therein wherein the structure surface includes an antimicrobial agent having a biocidal metal ion source and compound containing a hydantoin ring wherein the compound containing the hydantoin ring may or may not have antibacterial properties but the combination of the compound containing the hydantoin ring and the biocidal metal ion source when in the presence of a liquid coact to increase the level of available metal ions for killing microorganisms on the structure surface.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for delivery system for water enhancements

Номер: US20130306152A1
Автор: Jon-Andrew V. Sigona
Принадлежит: Perfect Water Tech Inc

A delivery system for water enhancements according to various aspects of the present invention is configured to provide a controlled amount of a water enhancement to a water supply. In one embodiment, the delivery system comprises an enhancing device that operates under pressure to provide a controlled rate of diffusion of an enhancing element into the water supply to form an enhanced water supply for use or consumption. The delivery system may also be configured to buffer the enhanced water supply prior to use or consumption.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Techniques for water treatment for high-efficiency cleaning

Номер: US20130306569A1
Автор: Allen Johnston
Принадлежит: Maxia Investments LLC

A water treatment device may comprise a photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) element, an oxide generation module, a flow switch, and a plurality of water-conveying elements. The oxide generation module may comprise a housing, an oxide generator, and a fan arranged such that, when the fan is powered on, a ducted flow of air passes along the oxide generator. The plurality of water-conveying elements may comprise a vacuum generation element. While the flow switch indicates that water is not flowing through the plurality of water-conveying elements, the PCO module and the oxide generator may be configured in an OFF state. While the flow switch indicates that water is flowing through the plurality of water-conveying elements, the following may be true: the fan may be configured in an ON state, the PCO module may generate ionized air, the oxide generator may add ozone to the ionized air, and a vacuum generated by the water flowing through the vacuum generation element may pull the ionized air containing ozone into the water.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

System and method for controlling water quality in a recreational water installation

Номер: US20130313204A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for monitoring water chemistry of a recreational water installation includes a sensor configured to detect bather load in the recreational water installation and a controller configured to determine a required adjustment to the water chemistry of the recreational water installation based upon the detected bather load.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Devices, Systems, and Methods for Carbonation of Deionized Water

Номер: US20130313728A1
Принадлежит: MKS Instruments Inc

Devices, systems, and methods employed in wet cleaning semiconductor devices are provided. In particular, systems that can deliver deionized water with the desired concentration of CO2 and methods of generating deionized water with a desired concentration of CO2 for use in wet cleaning of semiconductor devices are provided.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon sorbent materials

Номер: US20130327716A1

Sorbent polymers which are selective to taking up hydrocarbons are provided for separating hydrocarbons from fluids and taking up hydrocarbons from off of and intermixed with solid materials. The hydrocarbons may at least partially be expressed out of and recovered from the polymer by squeezing. The polymers may be re-used for picking up additional hydrocarbons. Methods for producing and using the polymers are also provided.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Mixing device, mixture fluid production device, mixture fluid production method, and mixture fluid, oxygen-containing water and ice produced by the same

Номер: US20130337081A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A mixing device includes a mixing section that mixes a liquid-phase fluid with one kind or two or more kinds among a solid, a gas, and a liquid-phase fluid different from the above-mentioned liquid-phase fluid, in which the mixing section includes a supply hole for a fluid, a discharge hole for the fluid, a flow path that makes the supply hole and the discharge hole communicate with each other, and a plurality of pins that protrudes from the flow path, and a fluid that includes materials to be mixed is supplied from the supply hole to the flow path, mixed by passing through the flow path with the contact with the pins, and discharged from the discharge hole.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Solvent-free oil dispersant

Номер: US20130338054A1
Автор: Terrence J. Mcguire
Принадлежит: Green On Industries Inc.

The present invention is directed toward an oil dispersant composition useful in treating oil spills, and for cleanup of the shoreline, animals, plants, and equipment. The oil dispersant product is a non-toxic, solvent-free composition which efficiently breaks down grease, grime and crude oil at the molecular level, by breaking down the hydrocarbon chains and preventing the oil molecules from ever reforming again.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014582A1

The present invention relates to a procedure for remineralization of fluids with control over the final turbidity. The said procedure comprises the stages of dosage of the reagents, remineralization and filtration. More specifically, the invention relates to the treatment of water for human consumption, for industrial processes, agricultural use and other applications which require adjustment of parameters such as hardness, alkalinity, pH, Langelier saturation index (LSI), etc. 141-. (canceled)42. A procedure for remineralisation of water , which comprises the following steps:{'sub': t', '1', '2', '1', 't', '2', 't, 'a. Divide an initial flow Qof the fluid into 2 flows Qand Q; wherein the flow Qis between 0.5% to 99.5% with respect to Qand the flow Qis between 99.5% to 0.5% with respect to Q;'}{'sub': 1', '1, 'b. Dose reagents to the flow Qfrom step a); wherein the flow Qis introduced into a reactor during a hydraulic residence time less than or equal to 120 minutes;'}{'sub': '1', 'c. Filter the flow Qfrom step b);'}{'sub': 1', '2, 'd. Mix the flow Qfrom step c) with the flow Qfrom step a); and'}e. Adjust of the pH of the flow mix of step d) by adding acid or base.43. The procedure according to claim 42 , wherein the flow Qis between 0.5% and 25% with respect to Q.44. The procedure according to claim 42 , wherein the flow Qis between 99.5% and 75% with respect to Q.45. The procedure according to claim 42 , wherein the reagent of step b) is selected from the group formed by CaCO claim 42 , MgCa(CO) claim 42 , Ca(OH) claim 42 , CaO claim 42 , and MgO claim 42 , in combination with COand in combination or not with an acid.46. The procedure according to claim 45 , wherein the reagent of step b) is Ca(OH).47. The procedure according to claim 46 , wherein the Ca(OH)is dosed as lime milk with or without a preliminary passage through a saturator.48. The procedure according to claim 47 , wherein the lime milk is prepared by means of preparing a suspension of Ca(OH)in water ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Mobile Water Purification System

Номер: US20140021115A1
Автор: Jesper Ellegaard
Принадлежит: Pure H2O AS

The present invention relates to a mobile water purification system employing crossflow filtration, such as reverse osmosis filtration. One embodiment of the invention discloses a mobile water purification system comprising a housing, a pump unit and a piping system for providing fluid communication between a water inlet, a pre-filtration unit, a crossflow filtration unit, a disinfection unit and an outlet for supply of purified water, wherein the pre-filtration unit comprises sediment/cartridge filtrations means and dechlorination means, the cross-flow filtration unit comprises a plurality of parallel and/or sequentially arranged membrane filters, and the piping system is reconfigurable such that the crossflow filtration unit can be bypassed. The present water purification system is adapted to be deployed in remote areas substantially anywhere in the world.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Water Treatment Agent for Removing Contaminant Through Oxidation with High-Activity Intermediate-State Pentavalent Manganese

Номер: US20140021401A1
Автор: Jin Jiang, Jun Ma, Suyan Pang
Принадлежит: Harbin Institute of Technology

A water treatment agent for removing contaminants through oxidation with high-activity intermediate-state pentavalent manganese consists of a manganese-containing compound, a complexing agent, and a persulfate, wherein the manganese-containing compound is bivalent manganese ions, permanganate or manganese dioxide. The molar ratio of the bivalent manganese ions, the ligand, and the persulfate is 1:1-50:1-1000. The agent removes contaminants through oxidation with high-activity intermediate-state pentavalent manganese, and has the advantages of high oxidizing ability, being capable of fast removing organic contaminants in water, and having no toxic and harmful substance produced.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Water Treatment System

Номер: US20140027358A1

A system for dispensing water treatment compositions into a pool, spa, or other body of water is disclosed, which system provides a visible cue that the water treatment is properly dispersing and also provides a visible cue when the desired amount of water treatment has been dispensed. The system comprises a dispenser and the water treatment composition contained within the body of the dispenser, which dispenser and which system provides a readily visual cue that when the water treatment dose has been fully, or in some cases mostly or partially dispersed. For example, the dispenser sinks when fully dosed and resurfaces when empty, and in particular embodiments the water treatment comprises a means for generating visible gas bubbles and/or producing a color stream as the treatment dissolves. 1. A system for dispensing a water treatment composition into recreational water , said system comprising a dissolvable water treatment composition and a dispenser that sinks in a body of water when containing a selected full dose of the water treatment composition , and floats in water either when empty or when the dispenser contains a selected minor dose of the water treatment composition ,wherein the dispenser comprises a body defining a fully enclosed hollow internal region designed to accept a dissolvable water treatment composition, wherein said body is equipped with a plurality of openings, in a number, size and placement, and total void surface area to a) allow for entrance of water into the hollow internal region thereby contacting and dissolving the water treatment composition to create an aqueous solution and/or suspension of components of the water treatment composition, b) allow for said aqueous solution or suspension of components to exit the body and enter the water, and c) allow for the release of any gasses generated by dissolution of the water treatment composition so that gas created during dissolution of the water treatment composition escapes the body and ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and Methods for Controlled Release of Additive Compositions

Номер: US20140027384A1
Принадлежит: Dober Chemical Corporation

Containers for controlled release of an additive composition into a liquid composition include a liquid impermeable casing having a hollow interior, at least one first opening, at least one second opening and at least one third opening, a liquid valve operable to allow a liquid composition to pass into the hollow interior across the liquid valve, an air valve operable to allow air to pass out of the hollow interior across the air valve and a membrane component secured to the casing. Methods of releasing additive compositions into liquid compositions are also provided. 1. A container for releasing an additive composition into a liquid composition , the container comprising:a casing impermeable to a liquid composition, and defining a substantially hollow interior, at least one first opening into the hollow interior, at least one second opening into the hollow interior and at least one third opening into the hollow interior;an additive composition comprising a chemical additive component located in the hollow interior of the casing;at least one liquid permeable element provided at or near the at least one first opening of the casing and effective to provide for release of a portion of the additive composition into a liquid composition in contact with the casing;a liquid valve operatively coupled to the at least one second opening and operable to allow a liquid composition to pass into the hollow interior across the liquid valve; andan air valve operatively coupled to the at least one third opening and operable to allow air to pass out of the hollow interior across the air valve.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the air valve and the liquid valve are structured differently from each other.3. The container of claim 1 , wherein the air valve and the liquid valve are structured similarly to each other.4. The container of claim 1 , wherein the liquid valve is operable to substantially prevent a liquid composition from passing out of the hollow interior across the liquid ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Use of Branched Polyesters based on Citric Acid as Additive in Washing Compositions, Detergents or a Formulation for Water Treatment

Номер: US20140027669A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to the use of branched polyesters obtainable by polycondensation of citric acid with at least one polyalcohol, and optionally with polycarboxylic acid component as additive in washing compositions, cleaners, detergents or a formulation for water treatment and to mixtures comprising such branched polyesters. The invention further relates to the use of hydrophobically modified branched polyesters, and to the method for cleaning, washing or water treatment using such branched polyesters. 114-. (canceled)15. An additive comprising a branched polyester obtained by polycondensation ofa. citric acid as component A withb. at least one polyalcohol as component B andc. optionally a polycarboxylic acid component as component C and optionally reaction withd. at least one component D selected from the group consisting of C6-C30 alkyl- or alkenylcarboxylic acids, C6-C30 alkyl or alkenyl alcohols, C6-C30 alkyl- or alkenylamines, and C6-C30 aliphatic isocyanates,during the polycondensation or subsequently,wherein the additive is used in a washing composition, a cleaner, a detergent or a formulation for water treatment.16. The additive according to claim 15 , wherein the additive is a scale inhibitor in a water-conveying system.17. The additive according to claim 15 , wherein the molar ratio of citric acid to polyalcohol is 5.0:1.0 to 1.0:1.5.18. The additive according to claim 15 , wherein the molar ratio of (component A+component B) to component D is 10:0.1 to 0.5:0.1.19. The additive according to claim 15 , wherein component B is ethylene glycol claim 15 , 1 claim 15 ,2-propanediol claim 15 , 1 claim 15 ,3-propanediol claim 15 , 1 claim 15 ,4-butanediol claim 15 , 1 claim 15 ,5-pentanediol claim 15 , 1 claim 15 ,6-hexanediol claim 15 , diethylene glycol claim 15 , triethylene glycol claim 15 , dipropylene glycol claim 15 , tripropylene glycol claim 15 , polyethylene glycol with an average molecular weight between 200 and 1000 g/mol claim 15 , ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140042086A1

The present invention relates to a method for improving a wastewater purification process for a wastewater stream containing organic materials, raw sludge, a plurality of mercaptans, grit and grease wherein the raw sludge is thickened in the wastewater stream by injecting polymers. The method includes a step of injecting an additive agent prior to thickening the raw sludge to reduce odor produced by the organic materials and the mercaptans. 1. A method for improving a wastewater purification process comprising purifying a wastewater stream containing organic materials , raw sludge , a plurality of mercaptans , grit and grease and ,thickening the raw sludge in the wastewater stream by injecting polymers,injecting an additive agent prior to injecting polymers the raw sludge to reduce odor produced by the organic materials and the mercaptans.2. A method as set forth in wherein the step of injecting the additive agent further including injecting the additive agent at a distance of 1 to 3 claim 1 ,000 feet prior to purifying the wastewater stream.3. A method as set forth in wherein the step of injecting the additive agent further including injecting the additive agent at a rate of at least 1 gallon to 50 claim 2 ,000 mg of the organic materials and the raw sludge in the wastewater stream.4. A method as set forth in wherein the step of injecting the additive agent further including injecting a REDOX reagent.5. A method as set forth in further wherein the step of injecting the REDOX agent further including injecting Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate for treating the organic materials and the plurality of mercaptans in the wastewater treatment stream.6. A method for improving a wastewater purification process having a screen building including a plurality of bar screens claim 4 , an equalization basin claim 4 , a primary clarifier claim 4 , a plurality of rough filters claim 4 , a plurality of aeration tanks each defining an anoxic zone and including a plurality of microogranisms ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Oil Spill Treatment Compositions, Methods of Manufacture, and Methods of Use

Номер: US20140042099A1

An oil spill treatment composition including one or more surfactants formulated to reduce the thickness of oil floating the surface of a body of water, a method for use, and method of manufacturing thereof are disclosed herein. Also disclosed herein are oil spill treatment compositions comprising one or more chemical dispersants and one or more crude or refined oils having the same or similar composition as the oil spill to be treated. Methods for use thereof and methods of manufacture thereof are also disclosed. 1. An oil spill treatment composition comprising:one or more surfactants formulated to reduce the thickness of oil floating on the surface of a body of water; andwherein the surfactant is a silicone having a low hydrophile-lipophile balance.2. The oil spill treatment composition of claim 1 , wherein the surfactant has a hydrophile-lipophile balance of less than about 10.3. (canceled)4. The oil spill treatment composition of claim 1 , wherein the surfactant is a crosslinked alkylated silicone.5. The oil spill treatment composition of claim 1 , wherein the surfactant is cetyl dimethicone.6. The oil spill treatment composition of claim 1 , further comprising a solvent.7. The oil spill treatment composition of claim 6 , wherein the solvent is one or more of an organic solvent claim 6 , a silicon-comprising solvent claim 6 , or a crude or refined oil having the same or similar composition as the oil spill to be treated.8. The oil spill treatment composition of claim 7 , wherein the solvent is a crude or refined oil having the same or similar composition as the oil spill to be treated.9. The oil spill treatment composition of claim 8 , wherein the volume ratio of the crude or refined oil to the surfactant is in the range of from about 10:90 to about 90:10.10. The oil spill treatment composition of claim 8 , wherein the volume ratio of the crude or refined oil to the surfactant is about 50:50.11. The oil spill treatment composition of claim 10 , comprising about ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Recreational Water with Improved Interaction with Skin, Hair and Eyes

Номер: US20140056838A1
Автор: Cantrell Robin, Sayre Curt

The feel of skin and hair and the manageability of hair exposed to recreational water is improved by the addition of select organic polymers, e.g., charged organic polymers such as cationic organic polymers containing multiple charges. In one embodiment, excellent results are achieved when the added organic polymer(s) include polymeric quaternary ammonium compounds such as poly-DADMAC. The cationic organic polymers of the invention do not interfere with the activity of other recreational water treatments such as halogen releasing compounds and do not decompose due to the presence of halogen releasing water sanitizers, generate a detectable odor or impart noticeable color to the recreational water. 1. A method for improving the feel of skin and/or hair while in contact with , and upon exiting , recreational water , the method comprising adding to the recreational water a select organic quaternary ammonium polymer in an amount effective to improve the feel or comfort of skin , and/or hair while in contact with the water , and also after the skin and/or hair are no longer in contact the water.3. The method according to wherein the select organic quaternary ammonium polymer comprises one or more diallyldimethyl ammonium chloride homo-polymer having a weight average MW of from about 1 claim 2 ,000 to about 100 claim 2 ,000.4. The method according to wherein one or more diallyldimethyl ammonium chloride homo-polymer is added to the recreational water at a concentration of from about 15 to about 400 ppm.5. The method according to wherein the recreational water is also treated with a source of chlorine or bromine.6. The method according to wherein the select organic quaternary ammonium polymer claim 1 , does not interfere with the activity of other recreational water treatments claim 1 , and does not decompose due to the presence of halogen releasing water sanitizers claim 1 , generate a detectable odor or impart noticeable color to the recreational water.7. The method ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Additive dispensing system for a refrigerator

Номер: US20140061238A1
Принадлежит: Pur Water Purification Products Inc

An additive dispensing system for a refrigerator that includes a reservoir configured to contain an additive and an additive outlet in fluid communication with the reservoir. The additive dispensing system is configured to be connected to a refrigerator and is operable to selectively dispense an amount of additive to water dispensed from the refrigerator. The additive dispensing system may be connected to a water filtration system of the refrigerator such that the additive dispensing system may dispense the amount of additive into filtered water dispensed from the refrigerator.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069515A1

A mobile boration system () has a number of components that are mobile and include a water source (), HBOpowder supply (), a mixer to mix the solution () capable of providing a boric acid solution () with minimal air entrainment and optional heat exchanger(s) (), and wherein the system () is capable of transport to a nuclear power plant facility by land, sea or air, rather than being in place in a large vulnerable footprint. 1. A mobile boration apparatus as capable of providing nuclear reactor systems with borated coolant that can mix components on site , to provide borated water , the mobile apparatus comprising:a) a mobile transportation means containing;b) a water source;{'sub': 2', '3, 'c) a HBOpowder or other water soluble boron source;'}d) a heater to heat the water;e) a pump to provide a motive source to move water to a desired location;{'sub': 2', '3, 'f) a mixer to allow metered mixing of the water and HBOpowder or other water soluble boron source to provide a metered appropriate concentration of initial water/boric acid slurry that is desired, which slurry during continued mixing provides a borated/boric acid water solution;'}g) an optional heater;h) a fluid exit for boric acid solution; andi) transporting the solution to a nuclear reactor system, eliminating major storage on site of the solution.2. The mobile boration apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a method to heat the water/boric acid of fluid (f) is used.3. The mobile boration apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pump of (e) is selected from the group consisting of a positive displacement pump and a centrifugal pump with a flow meter.4. The mobile boration apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the HBOpowder source is a screw feed hopper.5. The mobile boration apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the mixer is a mechanical mixer which can provide sufficient agitation to ensure the slurry goes into solution and air entrainment of less than 1 vol. %.6. The mobile boration apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the screw feed of ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Use of Water with Switchable Ionic Strength

Номер: US20140076810A1

Methods and systems for use of switchable water, which is capable of reversibly switching between an initial ionic strength and an increased ionic strength, is described. The disclosed methods and systems can be used, for example, in distillation-free removal of water from solvents, solutes, or solutions, desalination, clay settling, viscosity switching, etc. Switching from lower to higher ionic strength is readily achieved using low energy methods such as bubbling with C0, CSor COS or treatment with Bronsted acids. Switching from higher to lower ionic strength is readily achieved using low energy methods such as bubbling with air, inert gas, heating, agitating, introducing a vacuum or partial vacuum, or any combination or thereof. 1126-. (canceled)127. A system for modulating ionic strength of an aqueous solution comprising:a switchable water comprising water and an additive switchable between a first form and a second form, wherein said second form of the additive includes at least one ionized functional group that is neutral in said first form of the additive, such that switching the additive from the first form to the second form increases the ionic strength of the switchable water; andmeans for contacting the switchable water with an ionizing trigger to ionize at least one functional group in the additive and thereby increase the ionic strength of the switchable water;wherein the additive is a polymer.128. The system of for modulating an osmotic gradient across a membrane claim 127 , said system additionally comprising:a semi-permeable membrane; andmeans for contacting the semi-permeable membrane with a feed stream on the other side of said semi-permeable membrane129. The system of for use in removal of undesirable solutes or particles from water.130. The system of wherein the system is a desalination system claim 129 , such as for treatment of seawater or brackish water claim 129 , or a wastewater remediation system.131. The system of for use in concentrating ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Arrangement for generation and treatment of water, method for generation and treatment of water and aircraft with such an arrangement

Номер: US20140076824A1

An arrangement for generating and treating water is provided. The arrangement includes a fuel cell with a water-generating system, a salination unit for the salination of water, a state measuring device for acquiring an operating state of the salination unit, a water-receiving reservoir for receiving water, a water-quality measuring device for measuring the water quality of the water whose salt content has been increased, and a control unit. The salination unit is designed to add a basic salt to water so that apart from the salt content, an excessively acidic pH-value of the dispensed water is increased and stabilized. To this effect the control unit is connected to the water-quality measuring device and to the state measuring device and is designed, for setting a predetermined water quality, to control the salination unit depending on the operating state of the salination unit and on the measured water quality.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Increasing the Mass Transfer of Reactants Entrained Within a Separate Gas Phase Into a Separate Flowing Liquid Phase

Номер: US20140083952A1

The invention has to do with the re-entrainment of gases separated from a water/gas mixture that rise to the top of a conductor pipe. A water jet created by a nozzle of the present invention plunges though the surface of the water carrying with it the gas that has accumulated on the surface on the water between the water and the top of the conduit. Depending on the gas to liquid ratio and the velocity of the mainline water flow, the nozzles penetrate the conductor pipe adjacent to a point where the gas has accumulated and no longer is entrained and mixed with the water. The ratio of plunging water to main water flow is determined based on the upstream injected gas to liquid ratio for the treatment process such as oxygen for aerobic conditions or ozone for oxidation. 1. An apparatus for increasing the dissolution of reactants contained within a gas phase into a liquid phase comprising:a generally circular conduit comprising a wall, the conduit having a length through which the liquid phase and the gas phase are simultaneously flowing under pressure in separated two phase flow wherein the gas phase has separated from the liquid phase, the conduit having an interior defined by the wall, the interior comprising an upper section and a lower section, wherein a majority of the gas phase is contained within the upper section and a majority of the liquid phase is contained within the lower section;a plunging nozzle disposed only on a top side of the conduit adjacent to the upper section with the lower section having no plunging nozzles, a portion of the plunging nozzle penetrating the wall; anda pressurized liquid supply means hydraulically connected to the plunging nozzle, wherein pressurized liquid is pumped through the plunging nozzle when the gas phase is flowing adjacently to the plunging nozzle, wherein the pressurized liquid supply means and the plunging nozzle are configured to discharge the pressurized liquid only into the upper section through the gas phase and ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140097144A1
Принадлежит: ECOLAB USA INC.

The present invention relates generally to stable percarboxylic acid compositions comprising, inter alia, at least two stabilizing agents, and various uses for water treatments, including water treatments in connection with oil- and gas-field operations. The present invention also relates to slick water compositions and gel based compositions that comprise stable percarboxylic acid compositions and the use thereof in oil- and gas-field operations. 2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the C-Cpercarboxylic acid has a concentration of at least about 6 times of the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the C-Ccarboxylic acid comprises acetic acid claim 1 , octanoic acid and/or sulfonated oleic acid.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the C-Ccarboxylic acid has a concentration of about 70 wt-% claim 1 , the C-Cpercarboxylic acid has a concentration of about 15 wt-% claim 1 , and the hydrogen peroxide has a concentration of at least about 1 wt-%.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the first stabilizing agent is a 2 claim 1 ,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid claim 1 , or a salt thereof claim 1 , and the second stabilizing agent is HEDP claim 1 , or a salt thereof.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the first and second stabilizing agents delay or prevent the composition from exceeding its self-accelerating decomposition temperature (SADT).7. The composition of claim 1 , which retains at least about 80% of the C-Cpercarboxylic acid activity after storage of about 30 days at about 50° C.8. A method for treating water claim 1 , which method comprises providing a composition of to a water source in need of treatment to form a treated water source claim 1 , wherein said treated water source comprises from about 1 ppm to about 1 claim 1 ,000 ppm of said C-Cpercarboxylic acid.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the water source in need of treatment is selected from the group consisting of fresh water claim 8 , pond water claim 8 , ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000142A1

The invention concerns a zinc enriched drinking water composition to be packed in a lightweight container having wall width being locally below 150 μm, said zinc enriched drinking water being based on a water matrix comprising drinking water to which are added minerals: 17-. (canceled)8. A packaged zinc enriched drinking water composition comprising:a zinc enriched drinking water composition based on a water matrix comprising drinking water and the following set of minerals:calcium in a range from 0 to 400 mg/l;magnesium in a range from 0 to 300 mg/l;zinc in a range from 2 to 25 mg/l; andsodium in a range from 0 to 300 mg/land wherein the amount of bicarbonates in the water matrix does not exceed 10 mg/l; anda protecting package in the form of a bottle, a pouch and/or a container having wall width being locally below 150 μm.9. The packaged zinc enriched drinking water composition according to claim 8 , in which the minerals of the zinc enriched drinking water composition are present within the following ranges:calcium in a range from 60 to 90 mg/l;magnesium in a range from 23 to 34 mg/l;zinc in a range from 2 to 12 mg/l; andsodium in a range from 60 to 90 mg/land wherein the amount of bicarbonates in the water matrix does not exceed 10 mg/l.10. The packaged zinc enriched drinking water composition according to claim 8 , wherein the predetermined set of minerals of the zinc enriched drinking water composition are selected from the group of mineral compounds consisting of calcium chloride claim 8 , magnesium sulfate claim 8 , zinc sulfate and sodium chloride.11. The packaged zinc enriched drinking water composition according to claim 8 , in which is the drinking water of the water matrix of the zinc enriched drinking water composition comprises partially or totally demineralized drinking water.12. The packaged zinc enriched drinking water composition according to claim 8 , wherein the pH of the water matrix of the zinc enriched drinking water composition claim 8 , at ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001153A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The invention provides methods that use particles comprising a polymer to absorb and recover oil. The methods can be used for oil spill cleanup, oil recovery, extraction of oil from an oil-water emulsion, etc. In some embodiments, the particles are distributed to an oil spill site or another environment where oil needs to be separated. The particles may be retrieved after they have absorbed oil from the oil spill site. The oil may then be retrieved from the particles by compressing the particles or via other suitable oil removal methods. 1. A method of oil spill cleanup , the method comprising:(a) providing particles comprising a polymer;(b) distributing the particles at an oil spill site; and(c) retrieving the particles after they have absorbed oil from the oil spill site.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particles are distributed from the air above the oil spill site.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oil spill site is offshore.4. The method of further comprising recovering absorbed oil from the retrieved particles.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the step of recovering comprises extracting absorbed oil from the retrieved particles (e.g. claim 4 , by compressing the retrieved particles).6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particles are substantially spherical or ellipsoidal.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particles are oblate spheroids.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particles float at the surface of the oil spill site.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the step of retrieving comprises collecting particles from the surface of the oil spill site.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particles have an average pore size from about 100 nm to about 4 μm.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particles have an average size of from about 0.5 mm to about 50 mm.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the particles are substantially spherical and the average size is based on an average diameter.13. The method of claim 11 , wherein the particles ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Filter-and-medication type shower arm

Номер: US20170000993A1
Принадлежит: Xiamen Runner Industrial Corp

A filter-and-medication type shower arm includes a filter portion and a medication portion. The filter portion includes: a shower arm water input port, disposed at end of the filter portion; and a filter core, disposed in the filter portion, with its one end connected to the shower arm water input port. The medication portion is connected to the filter portion, so that they are in communication with each other, including: a shower arm water output port, disposed at end of the medication portion, and is provided with a shower head connector; a chamber, connected to other end of the filter core; and a medicine storage box, disposed slidably in the chamber of the medication portion, and containing a medicine bag inside, and it includes: a plurality of micro through holes, and a water outlet port.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001287A1
Автор: Kim Dong Sik

Provided is a gas-dissolved water generating apparatus in which a pressure pump and a multi-stage mixer are sequentially arranged on at least one conduit; a circulation pipe connecting an inlet side of the pressure pump and a outlet side of the pressure pump is positioned on the conduit; a gas supply unit for supplying a predetermined external gas to one side of the circulation pipe, which is connected to the inlet side of the pressure pump, via a gas supply pipe; the gas supply unit and the circulation pipe are connected through a three-way valve, and the three-way valve is configured to have a structure of a venturi pipe having wide inlet and outlet channels and a narrow interior channel along the circulation pipe, so that a gas supplied from the gas supply unit is independently sucked. 1. A gas-dissolved water generating apparatus in whicha pressure pump and a multi-stage mixer are sequentially arranged on at least one conduit; a circulation pipe connecting an inlet side of the pressure pump and a outlet side of the pressure pump is positioned on the conduit; a gas supply unit for supplying a predetermined external gas to one side of the circulation pipe, which is connected to the inlet side of the pressure pump, via a gas supply pipe; the gas supply unit and the circulation pipe are connected through a three-way valve, and the three-way valve is configured to have a structure of a venturi pipe having wide inlet and outlet channels and a narrow interior channel along the circulation pipe, so that a gas supplied from the gas supply unit is independently sucked; the multi-stage mixer includes a mixing unit having a meshing structure of a rotor and a stator around a motor shaft, and the mixing unit has a space portion having a predetermined size on an inlet side, and the space portion is formed by installing at least one layer of teethed blades of a predetermined radius on the motor shaft at a position spaced a predetermined distance from a coupling portion of the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Treatment of Industrial Water Systems

Номер: US20180001262A1
Принадлежит: ECOLAB USA INC.

A method for controlling treatment of an industrial water system is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of providing an apparatus for controlling delivery of at least one treatment chemical, the apparatus comprising at least one sensor and an electronic input/output device carrying out a protocol; measuring a parameter of the industrial water system using the at least one sensor; relaying the measured parameter to the electronic device; adjusting the protocol based on the measured parameter; delivering a concentrated treatment chemical into a stream of the industrial water system according to the adjusted protocol, the concentrated treatment chemical comprising an active ingredient, the active ingredient traced as necessary, the active ingredient having a concentration; repeating the measuring, the adjusting, and the delivering; and optionally repeating the steps for n-number of parameters, n-number of active ingredients, and/or n-number of concentrated treatment chemicals. 114-. (canceled)15. A method of preparing an additive package having multiple active components , the method comprising:dosing a volume of a first concentrated active ingredient comprising a first concentrated fluorophore into a solvent to form a first blend;monitoring a fluorescence response of the first concentrated fluorophore in the first blend to a first fluorometric set point sensitive to concentration changes;upon reaching the first fluorometric set point, dosing a volume of a second concentrated active ingredient into the first blend to form a second blend; andmonitoring the fluorescence response of the first concentrated fluorophore in the second blend to a second fluorometric set point sensitive to concentration changes.16. The method of claim 15 , further comprising claim 15 , upon reaching the second fluorometric set point claim 15 , dosing a second volume of the first concentrated active ingredient comprising the first concentrated fluorophore into the second blend to form a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001143A1
Автор: TOUYAMA Hiroyuki
Принадлежит: FUJI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

In order to reduce energy consumed for waste water treatment, in a scrubber, an exhaust gas is purified into a purified gas by bringing SOcontained in the exhaust gas into contact with cleaning seawater and SO-absorbed cleaning seawater is discharged as waste water. Then, a flow rate and a concentration of SOof the exhaust gas and a concentration of SOof the purified gas are measured. These measurement values are used as a basis to calculate an amount of HSO obtained by being absorbed into the cleaning seawater, and an amount of dilution seawater in accordance with this calculation result is supplied to the waste water. 1. An exhaust gas treatment device comprising:{'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'a scrubber configured to purify an exhaust gas into a purified gas by bringing SOcontained in the exhaust gas into contact with cleaning seawater to form SO-absorbed cleaning seawater, the scrubber further configured for discharging the SO-absorbed cleaning seawater as waste water;'}a first measurer configured to measure a flow rate of the exhaust gas before the exhaust gas is charged into the scrubber to determine a first measurement value;{'sub': '2', 'a second measurer configured to measure a concentration of the SOof the exhaust gas before the exhaust gas is charged into the scrubber to determine a second measurement value;'}{'sub': '2', 'a third measurer configured to measure a concentration of SOof the purified gas to determine a third measurement value; and'}{'sub': '3', 'sup': '−', 'a controller configured to calculate an amount of HSO of the waste water based on the first, second and third measurement values of the first through third measurers to thereby obtain a calculation result, and configured to supply an amount of an alkaline substance, in accordance with the calculation result, to the waste water.'}2. The exhaust gas treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the controller supplies the alkaline substance to the waste water so that a total sum of alkaline ions ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002155A1

This disclosure relates to a method, system and apparatus for inactivating microorganisms in an aqueous solution. The method comprises passing bubbles of a gas through the aqueous solution, wherein the gas comprises at least 10% CO2 by volume and has a temperature of at least 18° C. The system comprises a gas supply to supply gas comprising at least 10% CO2 and having a temperature above 18° C., a gas-delivery apparatus to receive the gas and deliver it into the aqueous solution in the form of bubbles. The apparatus comprises a gas-permeable material having a flow surface configured to enable the flow of the aqueous solution across the flow surface, a chamber arranged at an opposite side of the gas-permeable material to supply a gas that inactivates microorganisms such that the gas is able to pass through the gas-permeable material and into the aqueous solution as gas bubbles. 1. A method for inactivating a microorganism in an aqueous solution , the method comprising:{'sub': '2', 'passing bubbles of a gas through the aqueous solution, wherein the gas comprises at least 10% COby volume and has a temperature of at least 18° C. when the gas first contacts the aqueous solution.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the microorganism is algae claim 1 , protozoa claim 1 , fungi claim 1 , spore claim 1 , virus or bacteria.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the microorganism is a virus or bacteria.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bubbles are passed through the aqueous solution while the aqueous solution is exposed to atmospheric pressure.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bubbles have a diameter of 0.1 mm to 7 mm.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas comprises from 50% to 100% CO2 by volume.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas comprises from 10% to 50% CO2 by volume.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas has a temperature in excess of 100° C.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas has a temperature from 18° C. to 100° C.10. The method of claim 1 , ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002159A1
Автор: Dove Alistair, Hall Eric

A sulphur denitrification system includes a liquid input fluidly coupled to a source of saltwater that includes nitrate; a liquid output fluidly coupled to the source of saltwater; a plurality of vertically-oriented tanks, at least one of the tanks including a liquid inlet that is fluidly coupled to the liquid input to receive a flow of the saltwater, a volume configured to enclose a plurality of sulphur particles that support denitrification bacteria that biologically transform the nitrate into at least one of nitrous oxide or nitrogen gas, and a liquid outlet fluidly coupled to the liquid output and the liquid inlets of the tanks; and a circulation system configured to circulate a portion of the saltwater though the liquid input to the liquid inlets of the plurality of tanks, through the plurality of tanks, and from the liquid outlets of the tanks to the liquid output and the liquid inlets of the tanks. 133-. (canceled)34. A computer implemented method performed with a computing system that comprises one or more hardware processors , the method comprising:receiving, from at least one sensor of a marine habitat system, a measurement associated with a nitrate concentration in a flow of water, the marine habitat system comprising a water holding tank that comprises a volume of water that includes nitrate; and a denitrification system fluidly coupled to the water holding tank to receive a flow of water from the water holding tank, circulate the flow of water through a plurality of denitrification tanks, and transform at least a portion of the nitrate into nitrogen gas in the tanks;comparing the measurement with a nitrate concentration setpoint; andadjusting a component of the denitrification system based on the measurement exceeding the nitrate concentration setpoint.35. The computer implemented method of claim 34 , wherein adjusting a component of the denitrification system comprises:modulating at least one valve of the denitrification system to change a rate of the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Perchlorate removal from aqueous industrial liquids

Номер: US20160002077A1
Автор: Yotam Gonen
Принадлежит: Toxsorb Ltd

The invention provides processes for purification of aqueous industrial liquids from perchlorate ions by reducing perchlorate ion concentration or by precipitating a water-insoluble perchlorate salts.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001881A1

A liquid processing system has: processing units of n stages in which each processing unit includes one or a plurality of processing lines, each processing line includes an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit, and the number of processing lines of an m-th stage processing unit is larger than the number of processing lines of an m+1-th stage processing unit; and adjusting section which adjusts an output of an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit provided to a processing unit of a predetermined stage. An output of an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit provided to a processing unit of a stage other than the predetermined stage is each fixed, and the adjusting section adjusts the output of the let ray irradiating unit provided to the processing unit of the predetermined stage such that a liquid processed in an n-th stage processing unit of a final stage is in a desired processing state. 1. A liquid processing system comprising:processing units of n stages in total (n is a natural number of two or more), each processing unit including one or a plurality of processing lines, each processing line including an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit, and the number of processing lines of an m-th (m is a natural number smaller than n) stage processing unit being larger than the number of processing lines of an m+1-th stage processing unit; andadjusting section which adjusts an output of an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit provided to a processing unit of a predetermined stage, whereinan output of an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit provided to a processing unit of a stage other than the predetermined stage is each fixed, andthe adjusting section adjusts the output of the ultraviolet ray irradiating unit provided to the processing unit of the predetermined stage such that a liquid processed in an n-th stage processing unit of a final stage is in a desired processing state.2. The liquid processing system according to claim 1 , wherein the adjusting section fixes to a maximum output the output ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001891A1
Автор: LI Fuzhi, Zhang Meng, ZHAO Xuan

An activating agent for the treatment of radioactive wastewater. The activating agent is prepared by dissolving a mixture of inorganic salts including Ca, Na, Sr, Zn, Mg, Fe and K in pure water having an electrical resistivity greater than 0.5 MΩ·cm to yield a solution. A method of radioactive wastewater treatment using the activating agent includes: 1) preparing the activating agent; 2) adding the activating agent to radioactive wastewater having an electrical resistivity greater than 0.5 MΩ·cm; uniformly mixing the activating agent and the radioactive wastewater; 3) further treating the radioactive wastewater including the activating agent using an electro-deionization device; and 4) collecting two liquid flows obtained in 3), one being purified water, the other being concentrated water returning to 2) for further purification. 1. An activating agent for treating radioactive wastewater , the activating agent being prepared by dissolving a mixture of inorganic salts comprising Ca , Na , Sr , Zn , Mg , Fe and K in pure water having an electrical resistivity greater than 0.5 MΩ·cm to yield a solution , wherein the concentrations of the inorganic salts in the solution are as follows:{'sup': '2+', 'Ca: 0.01-1 g/L;'}{'sup': '+', 'Na: 0.02-1.5 g/L;'}{'sup': '2+', 'Sr: 0.8-45 mg/L;'}{'sup': '2+', 'Zn: 1.8-100 mg/L,'}{'sup': '2+', 'Mg: 0.02-1.25 g/L;'}{'sup': '2+', 'Fe: 4-250 mg/L; and'}{'sup': '+', 'K: 10-750 mg/L.'}2. A method of radioactive wastewater treatment using the activating agent of claim 1 , the method comprising:{'sup': 2+', '+', '2+', '2+', '2+', '+, '1) preparing the activating agent by dissolving a mixture of inorganic salts comprising Ca, Na, Sr, Zn, Fe and K in pure water having an electrical resistivity greater than 0.5 MΩ·cm to yield a solution, wherein the concentrations of the inorganic salts in the solution are as follows{'sup': '2+', 'Ca: 0.01-1 g/L;'}{'sup': '+', 'Na: 0.02-1.5 g/L;'}{'sup': '2+', 'Sr: 0.8-45 mg/L;'}{'sup': '2+', 'Zn: 1.8-100 mg/L ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Tank Overflow Pipe Adjustable Dechlorinating Device

Номер: US20170001892A1

A dechlorinating device includes a mixing chamber having an inlet and an outlet, and the dechlorinating device is configured to receive a fluid. The dechlorinating device also includes a dechlorinating conduit disposed within the mixing chamber and a recirculation zone disposed within the mixing chamber and positioned between the dechlorinating conduit and the outlet. A dechlorinating system includes a storage tank, an overflow pipe in fluid communication with the storage tank, and the dechlorinating device in fluid communication with the overflow pipe. A method of dechlorinating includes providing the dechlorinating device and feeding the fluid to the inlet of the dechlorinating device. 1. A dechlorinating device comprising:a mixing chamber comprising an inlet and an outlet and configured to receive a fluid;a dechlorinating conduit disposed within the mixing chamber; anda recirculation zone disposed within the mixing chamber and positioned between the dechlorinating conduit and the outlet.2. The dechlorinating device according to claim 1 , further comprising an inlet duckbill valve positioned at the inlet.3. The dechlorinating device according to claim 1 , further comprising an outlet duckbill valve positioned at the outlet.4. The dechlorinating device according to claim 1 , wherein the dechlorinating conduit comprises a conduit fixed to the mixing chamber.5. The dechlorinating device according to claim 1 , wherein the dechlorinating conduit comprises:an outer conduit fixed to the mixing chamber; andan inner conduit disposed within the outer conduit and in fluid communication with the outer conduit.6. The dechlorinating device according to claim 5 , wherein the dechlorinating conduit further comprises:a conduit screen disposed within the inner conduit and in fluid communication with the inner conduit.7. The dechlorinating device according to claim 5 , wherein the outer conduit comprises a plurality of openings.8. The dechlorinating device according to claim 5 , ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002197A9
Принадлежит: BWT Aktiengesellschaft

The invention relates to a process and a device for enriching water, in particular drinking water, with magnesium ions. In order to enable enrichment of water with magnesium ions in exchange for calcium ions and/or heavy metal ions during treatment of water, and in particular of drinking water, it is proposed according to the invention to pass the water through an ion exchanger which contains a weakly acidic ion exchange material, wherein at least a part of its ion exchange capacity is loaded with magnesium ions. 110-. (canceled)11. A device for enriching drinking water with magnesium ions , comprising an ion exchanger which contains a weakly acidic ion exchanger material , the ion exchanger material being loaded at least to a part of its ion exchanger capacity with magnesium ions and loaded in the range of 70 to 30% of its ion exchanger capacity with hydrogen ions.12. The device of claim 11 , wherein the ion exchanger material comprises a weakly acidic cationic exchanger resin.13. The device of claim 11 , wherein the ion exchanger material is loaded with magnesium ions in the range of 30 to 70% of its ion exchanger capacity.14. The device of claim 11 , wherein the ion exchanger comprises a bed made of weakly acidic ion exchanger material.15. The device of claim 11 , further comprising a filter arranged before or after the ion exchanger material in the direction of the flow of water through the ion exchanger.16. The device of claim 11 , wherein the ion exchanger comprises a part of a cartridge for use in a drinking water container.17. A cartridge for use in a water treatment system claim 11 , comprising:a cartridge housing which is insertable into a water treatment system;an ion exchanger material disposed in the cartridge housing, the ion exchanger material being loaded at least to a part of its ion exchanger capacity with magnesium ions and loaded in the range of 70 to 30% of its ion exchanger capacity with hydrogen ions.18. The cartridge of claim 17 , wherein the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Device for Improving the Chemical and Physical Properties of Water and Methods of Using Same

Номер: US20180002204A1
Автор: John Beck, William Lizalde
Принадлежит: Wellspring Water Technologies LLC

A water treatment device for altering the chemical and physical properties of water for use in existing plumbing and/or piping systems wherein the treatment device may be customized for intended use and for treatment of the water profile in the geographical area of installation.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002205A1

The present invention relates to a process for the preparation of an aqueous solution comprising at least one earth alkali hydrogen carbonate, a process for the mineralization of water as well as the use of an aqueous solution comprising at least one earth alkali hydrogen carbonate obtained by the process for the mineralization of water. 1. A process for the preparation of an aqueous solution comprising at least one earth alkali hydrogen carbonate , comprising the steps of:{'b': 1', '2, 'a) providing water in a main process flow () and in at least one side process flow ();'}{'b': 4', '2, 'b) adding at least one earth alkali carbonate-comprising material to the water provided in a first portion () of the side process flow () to obtain a suspension comprising the at least one earth alkali carbonate-comprising material;'}{'sub': 'a', 'b': 5', '2, 'c) adding carbon dioxide or an acid having a pK-value <5 to the water provided in a second portion () of the side process flow () and adjusting the pH-value to a range from 2.5 to 7.5 to obtain acidified water;'}d) combining the suspension obtained in step b) with the acidified water obtained in step c) to obtain a solution or suspension of at least one earth alkali hydrogen carbonate;{'b': '1', 'e) dosing the solution of at least one earth alkali hydrogen carbonate obtained in step d) into the water provided in the main process flow () to obtain an aqueous solution of at least one earth alkali hydrogen carbonate; and'}{'b': '1', 'f) adding an earth alkali hydroxide provided in water to the aqueous solution of at least one earth alkali hydrogen carbonate obtained in the main process flow () of step e) to adjust the pH-value of the aqueous solution of at least one earth alkali hydrogen carbonate to a range from 7.0 to 9.0 and to form an aqueous solution of at least one earth alkali hydrogen carbonate having an earth alkali concentration as earth alkali hydrogen carbonate in the range from 10 to 300 mg/l;'}wherein the molar ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002206A1

An anaerobic digestion system may include a material grinding/pulping portion, a hydrolysis portion arranged downstream of the grinding portion, a multiple chamber anaerobic reactor arranged downstream from the hydrolysis portion and including a gas collection and reintroduction system, a collection system for collecting digestate and gas from the anaerobic reactor. 1. An anaerobic digestion system , comprising:a material grinding/pulping portion;a hydrolysis portion arranged downstream of the grinding portion;an anaerobic reactor arranged downstream from the hydrolysis portion and comprising a gas collection and reintroduction system; anda collection system for collecting digestate and gas from the anaerobic reactor.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an input system comprising a feedstock input device.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the input system comprises a liquid feeding system.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the liquid feeding system comprises a waste water stream.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the waste water stream is one of animal and human waste water.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the material grinding/pulping portion comprises a hydropulper.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the material grinding/pulping portion comprises a hammer mill.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the material grinding/pulping portion comprises a skimmer.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the material grinding/pulping portion comprises a catalyst input system.10. A method of converting waste to energy claim 1 , comprising:receiving and grinding feedstock material to form a liquid/solid slurry;performing hydrolysis on the liquid/solid slurry;performing anaerobic digestion on the liquid/solid slurry in an anaerobic reactor, the anaerobic reactor comprising a plurality of stages arranged in series; andcollecting gas from a first stage of the plurality of stages and reintroducing the gas into the feedstock material in a later stage of the plurality of stages. ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Ecological Remediation Method for Controlling Sulphur Pollution inBlack and Odorous Sludge of Rivers

Номер: US20180002209A1
Автор: CHEN Kaining, GU Xiaozhi

The Invention discloses an ecological remediation method for controlling sulphur pollution in black and odorous sludge of rivers. Firstly, the sludge from pollution layer of the rivers will be dredged and stacked on the banksides with slope protection built along the outer edge of the sludge storage site; then innocent pretreatment will be conducted for the sludge. Specific steps comprise solarization and ploughing, and mixed ameliorant of certain proportion will be added for modification between first solarization and intermittent ploughing. Then, large emergent aquatic plants will be planted on the stacked sludge after pretreatment. The technical method provided by the Invention may control the release of acid-volatile sulfide in the contaminated sludge on one hand and reduce concentration of volatile organic sulfide in the waters on the other hand. With simple technical process and strong operable technology, the Invention meets the current requirements for controlling sulphur pollution in black and odorous sludge of rivers in China and facilitates realizing the goal of long-term control of sulphur pollution in the deposit of the waters. 1. An ecological remediation method for controlling sulphur pollution in black and odorous sludge of rivers , wherein , said method comprises the following steps:Step 1: Determining the optimal dredging depth of the black and odorous sludge in the middle of the riverbed; dredging the contaminated sludge and stacking it on both banksides of the river; building a gentle slope with slope protection and slope toe reinforcement along the riparian zone;Step 2: Pre-treatment of contaminated sludge on gentle slope of the banksides: stacking the sludge on the banksides for solarization and ploughing the surface layer of the sludge during this period; spraying a compound ameliorant into the sludge during ploughing; said compound ameliorant is a mixer of slaked lime and iron-ore slag;Step 3: Planting large aquatic vascular plant communities ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002313A1

A system for treating alkaline wastewater includes a first conduit and a second conduit. The first conduit has a first conduit inlet end for receiving alkaline wastewater, a first conduit outlet end for discharging primary treated wastewater, a first conduit upstream portion adjacent the first conduit inlet end, and a first conduit downstream portion adjacent the first conduit outlet end. A first static mixer is in the first conduit. The second conduit has a second conduit inlet end in communication with the first conduit outlet end for receiving the primary treated wastewater, a second conduit outlet end for discharging secondary treated wastewater, a second conduit upstream portion adjacent the second conduit inlet end, and a second conduit downstream portion adjacent the second conduit outlet end. A second static mixer is in the second conduit. A citric acid source is in communication with the first conduit and the second conduit. 1. A system for treating alkaline wastewater , comprising:a) a first conduit having a first conduit inlet end for receiving alkaline wastewater, a first conduit outlet end for discharging primary treated wastewater, a first conduit upstream portion adjacent the first conduit inlet end, and a first conduit downstream portion adjacent the first conduit outlet end;b) a first static mixer in the first conduit;c) a second conduit having a second conduit inlet end in communication with the first conduit outlet end for receiving the primary treated wastewater, a second conduit outlet end for discharging secondary treated wastewater, a second conduit upstream portion adjacent the second conduit inlet end, and a second conduit downstream portion adjacent the second conduit outlet end;d) a second static mixer in the second conduit; ande) a citric acid source in communication with the first conduit and the second conduit.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first conduit extends in a first direction between the first conduit inlet end and the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002315A1

A base product fluid is produced by adding anhydrous liquid ammonia and a first portion of sulfuric acid to water in a process line to form a mixed fluid. The mixed fluid may be cooled and a second portion of sulfuric acid may be added to the mixed fluid to form the base product fluid. The base product fluid may include a molecular compound that is a chelating compound. The molecular compound may have the formula: ((NH)SO).(HSO).(HO).(NHHSO). In the formula, a may be between 1 and 5, b may be between 1 and 5, c may be between 0 and 5, and x may be between 1 and 20. 118.-. (canceled)19. A chelating compound formed by the process comprising:{'sub': 4', '2', '4', 'a', '2', '4', 'b', '2', 'c', '4', '4', 'x, 'combining a molecular compound with sulfuric acid and water, the molecular compound having the formula: ((NH)SO).(HSO).(HO).(NHHSO);'}wherein a is between 1 and 5, b is between 1 and 5, c is between 0 and 5, and x is between 1 and 20.20. The chelating compound of claim 19 , wherein the molecular compound is crystalline.21. The chelating compound of claim 19 , wherein the chelating compound comprises a cluster of the molecular compound claim 19 , sulfuric acid claim 19 , and water.22. The chelating compound of claim 19 , wherein the molecular compound is hydroscopic.23. The chelating compound of claim 19 , wherein the chelating compound is capable of chelating a metal salt.24. The chelating compound of claim 19 , wherein the chelating compound has a pH below about 2 when mixed with water.25. The chelating compound of claim 19 , wherein combining the molecular compound with sulfuric acid and water comprises adding an amount of sulfuric acid to the molecular compound that is greater claim 19 , by weight claim 19 , than an amount of sulfuric acid used to form the molecular compound.26. The chelating compound of claim 19 , wherein the molecular compound is formed by a process comprising:flowing water through a process line;adding and mixing anhydrous liquid ammonia and a ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for dosing nutrients to a bioreactor

Номер: US20190002318A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

The present invention relates to a control system for a bioreactor. More particularly, this invention relates to a process and apparatus for reading the characteristics of an industrial waste water stream and dosing amount of nutrients that play a key role to help the microorganisms in the bioreactor work efficiently to remove impurities from the industrial wastewater stream.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Corrosion control methods

Номер: US20150004054A1
Принадлежит: ChemTreat Inc

There are provided methods of suppressing corrosion of a corrodible metal surface that contacts a water stream in a water system, the method comprising: (a) introducing into the water stream a shot dose of a treatment composition comprising a corrosion inhibitor, the shot dose being introduced into the water stream over a first time period and the water stream having a first concentration of corrosion inhibitor during the first time period; (b) then reducing the amount of treatment composition that is introduced into the water stream; and (c) after the first time period, maintaining a second concentration of corrosion inhibitor in the water stream over a second time period, the second concentration being less than 25% of the concentration of corrosion inhibitor during the first time period. There is also provided, after the second time period, introducing into the water stream a second shot dose of the corrosion inhibitor, the second shot dose being introduced into the water stream over a third time period, the third concentration being greater than the second concentration.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008784A1

A device for controlling injection of chemical into a boiler and a chemical injection method can control an injection amount such that a chemical concentration is obtained as per a target even in a boiler feed-water facility where a flow rate of feed-water varies to a large extent in a short period. The device controls an amount discharged by a chemical injection pump in proportion to a flow rate measured by a flowmeter. An average chemical concentration in a feed-water is calculated from an amount of feed-water per predetermined period obtained by the flowmeter and a reduction in the amount of chemical in a tank per predetermined period obtained by a sensor. The chemical injection pump is controlled on the basis of the calculated average chemical concentration and a preset target chemical concentration of the feed-water so that the average chemical concentration is within the target chemical concentration range. 1. A device for controlling chemical injection into a boiler , the device comprising:a feed-water line for supplying feed-water from a feed-water tank to a boiler through a feed-water pipe provided with a feed-water pump;a feed-water flow rate measuring device for measuring a flow rate of the feed-water flowing through the feed-water pipe;a chemical injection pump for injecting a solution containing one or more chemicals for boiler water treatment (the solution being called a “chemical liquid” hereinafter) into the feed-water line, the chemical liquid being stored in a chemical tank;a chemical liquid amount measuring device for measuring an amount of the chemical liquid stored in the chemical tank; anda controller for controlling a discharge rate of the chemical injection pump in proportion to the flow rate measured by the feed-water flow rate measuring device,wherein an average chemical concentration in the feed-water is calculated from a feed-water volume per a predetermined period and a reduction amount of the chemical liquid in the tank per the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Liquid Purification System

Номер: US20180008934A1

A liquid purification system includes a system raw liquid feed unit and a filtration unit, which includes a liquid concentration device having an internal partition dividing a variable volume collection cavity for raw liquid coming from an initial stage of liquid filtration and for mixing therein concentrate and a raw liquid displacement cavity. The cavity is connected to a secondary line that supplies raw liquid to the cavity to displace concentrate from the collection cavity and to recycle raw liquid from the displacement cavity through the secondary line under pressure exerted by concentrate and raw liquid in the collection cavity. A filtration unit provides long-term contact between raw liquid and concentrate in the variable-volume collection cavity to provide smooth increase in the concentration of liquid supplied to a liquid purification device. 1. A liquid purification system comprising: a container,', 'a primary raw liquid supply line, and', 'a secondary raw liquid supply line having an inlet connected via a connection element to the primary raw liquid supply line before a pressurizing means mounted in the primary raw liquid supply line,', 'wherein an outlet of the secondary raw liquid supply line is connected to the container;, 'a system raw liquid feed unit comprising a mixing line configured to mix concentrate formed by a liquid filtration cycle with raw liquid, the mixing line connected via a connection element to the primary raw liquid supply line after the pressurizing means,', 'at least one liquid purification means connected with liquid velocity increasing means,', 'a recycling line configured to recycle at least a portion of the concentrate to the container, the recycling line connected to a concentrate exit of the at least one liquid purification means,', 'a drain discharge line with a drain discharge valve mounted thereon,', 'a purified liquid supply line connected to a purified liquid exit of the at least one liquid purification means,, 'a ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Synthetic Acid and Associated Methods

Номер: US20220024790A1

Glycine is an organic compound that can be used in the making of a synthetic acid that obviates all the drawbacks of strong acids such as hydrochloric acid. The new compound is made by dissolving glycine in water, in a weight ratio of approximately 1:1 to 1:1.5. The solution is mixed until the glycine is essentially fully dissolved in the water. Once dissolution is complete, hydrogen chloride gas is dissolved in the solution to produce the new compound, which can be referred to as hydrogen glycine. Also disclosed is a method for adjusting the pH of a fluid, the method comprising adding an effective amount of a solution to the fluid for adjusting the pH thereof to a desired level, wherein the solution is prepared by mixing glycine in water to form a glycine solution; and adding hydrogen chloride to the glycine solution. 1. A synthetic acid made by a process comprising:dissolving glycine into water to generate a solution; andintroducing hydrogen chloride gas into the solution.2. The synthetic acid of claim 1 , wherein the dissolving comprises mixing the glycine into the water with the use of an eductor pump.3. The synthetic acid of claim 1 , wherein the introducing is performed with the use of an inline eductor.4. The synthetic acid of claim 1 , wherein the dissolving is performed with the use of an inline static mixer.5. The synthetic acid of claim 1 , wherein a corrosion level of the synthetic acid is about 0.04 mmpy.6. A synthetic acid formed from a combination of glycine claim 1 , water claim 1 , and hydrogen chloride.7. The synthetic acid of claim 6 , wherein a corrosion level of the synthetic acid is about 0.04 mmpy. This application is a Continuation of, and claims priority to, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/915,204, filed Jun. 29, 2020, which itself is a Continuation of, and claims priority to, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/433,760, filed Jun. 6, 2019, now U.S. Pat. No. 10,723,640, which itself is a Continuation of, and claims priority to U.S. ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024865A1
Принадлежит: Earth Science Laboratories, Inc.

Disclosed herein are clusters compounds that include at least one substituted amine sulfate and at least one substituted amine bisulfate molecule. The substituted amine sulfate molecule and the substituted amine bisulfate molecule may each include an ammonium moiety with at least one alkyl substituent. Optionally, the alkyl substituent can include 1 to 20 carbon atoms, 1 to 10 carbon atoms, or 1 to 6 carbon atoms. For example, the alkyl substituent can be a methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, or pentyl group. In some examples, the substituted amine sulfate molecule and the substituted amine bisulfate molecule each include an ammonium moiety with at least two alkyl substituents. Optionally, the two alkyl substituents are the same. Alternatively, however, the two alkyl substituents can be different. 1. A cluster compound comprising a cluster of molecules comprising at least one substituted amine sulfate molecule and at least one substituted amine bisulfate molecule.2. The cluster compound of claim 1 , wherein the substituted amine sulfate molecule and the substituted amine bisulfate molecule each comprise an ammonium moiety substituted by at least one alkyl substituent.3. The cluster compound of claim 2 , wherein the at least one alkyl substituent comprises 1 to 20 carbon atoms.4. The cluster compound of claim 3 , wherein the at least one alkyl substituent comprises 1 to 10 carbon atoms.5. The cluster compound of claim 4 , wherein the at least one alkyl substituent comprises 1 to 6 carbon atoms.6. The cluster compound of claim 5 , wherein the at least one alkyl substituent comprises a methyl claim 5 , ethyl claim 5 , propyl claim 5 , butyl claim 5 , or pentyl group.7. The cluster compound of claim 1 , wherein the substituted amine sulfate molecule and the substituted amine bisulfate molecule each comprise an ammonium moiety substituted by at least two alkyl substituents.8. The cluster compound of claim 7 , wherein the at least two alkyl substituents are the same.9. The ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009453A1
Принадлежит: Curozone Ireland Limited

A water purification system provides clean water for the consumption by livestock by using a continuously recirculating water loop. A circulating pump moves the water within the water loop in a flow direction. A particle filter system is fluidically connected in series and removes dissolved solids or particulates within the water. An ozone purification system and/or with the addition of other antimicrobial or purification agents is fluidically connected in parallel to a portion of the continuously recirculating feedback monitored and control water loop. The ozone purification system is disposed downstream of the particle filter system in relation to the flow direction. A feeding station is connected in series with the continuously recirculating water loop disposed downstream of the ozone purification system in relation to the flow direction. An alkaline water apparatus is disposed upstream of the ozone purification unit, connected either before or in parallel to the ozone purification system. 1. A water purification system configured to provide clean water for consumption by livestock or other animals , the water purification system comprising:a continuously recirculating water loop;a circulating pump fluidically connected in series with the continuously recirculating water loop configured to pump water within the continuously recirculating water loop in a flow direction;a water supply inlet fluidically connected to the continuously recirculating water loop at a first check valve, the water supply inlet configured to provide additional water due to the water consumption in the water purification system;at least one particle filter system fluidically connected as part of and in series with the continuously recirculating water loop, the at least one particle filter system configured to remove dissolved solids or particulates within the water, the particle filter system disposed downstream of the first check valve in relation to the flow direction;an ozone purification ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009624A1
Автор: NASTATI Enzo

A method is described for preparing a product adapted for stimulation and enhancement of processes of reduction, transformation and metabolization of polluting substances that are present in soils and/or waters, the method comprising the following steps: 1. Method for preparing a product adapted for stimulation and enhancement of processes of reduction , transformation and metabolization of polluting substances that are present in soils and/or waters , the method comprising the following steps: preparing a totally natural mineral substance based on Magnesium Potassium Sulphate,', '“activating” said mineral substance by mixing it for a time of 3′ 23″, with a tolerance of plus-minus 10 seconds;, 'a first step comprising making an organic-base product obtained by burying bovine manure inserted in cow horns into weakly calcareous soil (pH 7.5-8.0) for a period lasting from the autumn to the following spring;', 'thereafter, dynamizing said organic-base product by mixing a part thereof into 99 parts of distilled water, thereby obtaining a liquid substance;', 'said dynamization comprising a first active phase of succussions for 60 seconds, followed by a pause of 80 seconds, in turn followed by a second active phase of succussions for additional 60 seconds,', 'said liquid substance is then diluted again with distilled water in a proportion of 1 to 99 and then further dynamized with said succussions followed by pauses, repeated 5 more times;, 'a second step comprising combining the product obtained in the first step with the product obtained in the second step, in a proportion of 1 ml of product of the second step for 1 kg of product of the first step;', '“activating” said combination by mixing it for a period of 5′ 25″ (with a tolerance of plus-minus 10 seconds), thereby obtaining said product adapted for stimulation and enhancement., 'a third step comprising3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein said bovine manure inserted in cow horns is buried to a depth of 100-120 cm ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010062A1
Принадлежит: Pool Agency, LLC

The present disclosure includes systems and methods for monitoring swimming pool maintenance activities. A sensor assembly is mounted on one or more pool cleaning tools, such as a net or broom. The system can determine the type and duration of maintenance performed on the swimming pool. 1. A system for monitoring pool maintenance activities comprising:a tracking apparatus mounted to a pool maintenance tool and comprising an accelerometer, a gyrometer, a temperature sensor, a central processing unit, a battery, and a pair of water sensing electrodes;a base that wirelessly communicates with the tracking apparatus;a software application that processes a motion data, a time data, a temperature data, and a water data received by the tracking apparatus to determine a task type and a duration of the task type, wherein the task type comprises at least one of brushing, skimming, and vacuuming.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the base is a smartphone claim 1 , and the software application is implemented on the smartphone.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a secondary sensor positioned remotely from the tracking apparatus and in wireless communication with the tracking apparatus.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the secondary sensor comprises a basket sensor mounted on a filter basket claim 3 , and the software application processes a filter basket data from the basket sensor and determines an emptied state for the filter basket.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the secondary sensor comprises a moisture sensor positioned at or near a backflow valve.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the tracking apparatus further comprises a camera module.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the software application processes an image data transmitted by the camera module and synchronizes the image data with at least one of the motion data claim 6 , the time data claim 6 , and the water data.8. The system of claim 3 , further comprising a third sensor in wireless communication ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010066A1

An on-site decentralized wastewater treatment system for treating phosphorous-containing wastewater including a sedimentation chamber and an anaerobic treatment system and/or an aerobic treatment system, along with a recirculation system which recirculates treated wastewater within the treatment system. The system further includes a system for introduction of a chemical agent into the recirculation system for complexing the phosphorous-containing compounds present in the wastewater. 1. An on-site , decentralized wastewater treatment system for treating phosphorous-containing wastewater comprisingan inlet for receiving the wastewater,a sedimentation chamber for receiving wastewater from the inlet,an anaerobic treatment system and/or an aerobic treatment system for receiving and treating wastewater,a recirculation system which recirculates treated wastewater back to the sedimentation chamber,a system for introduction of chemical agents into the recirculation system for treating phosphorous-containing compounds present in the wastewater, andan outlet to discharge treated wastewater from the wastewater treatment system.2. The wastewater treatment system of wherein the system for introduction of chemical agents into the recirculation system is selected from the group consisting of a venturi apparatus claim 1 , a liquid pump claim 1 , syphon or gravity dripped structure claim 1 , and a structure for holding solid tablets or other solids containing metals or metal salts.3. The recirculation system of wherein the chemical agents used for complexing of the phosphorous-containing compound is selected from the group consisting of ammonium compounds claim 1 , ferric compounds claim 1 , aluminum compounds and calcium compounds.4. The wastewater treatment system of wherein the chemical agents are contained in dissolvable tablets containing a compound comprising a metal or metal salt with the metal selected from the group consisting of aluminum claim 1 , iron and calcium.5. The ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010337A1
Принадлежит: Youngstown State University

A metal organic framework includes metal-containing secondary building units and perfluorinated linkers (e.g., pefluorinated arene linkers, perfluorinated heteroarene linkers, etc.). The metal may be copper, zinc, hafnium, zirconium, aluminum, gallium, or indium. A method for removing contaminants from wastewater may utilize the metal organic framework. The contaminants may include arenes. 1. A metal organic framework comprising:a secondary building unit comprising a metal; anda perfluorinated linker.2. The framework of claim 1 , wherein the metal is selected from the group consisting of copper claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , hafnium claim 1 , zirconium claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , gallium claim 1 , and indium.3. The framework of claim 1 , wherein the metal is a group 13 metal.4. The framework of claim 3 , wherein the group 13 metal is selected from the group consisting of aluminum claim 3 , gallium claim 3 , and indium.5. The framework of claim 1 , wherein the perfluorinated linker is a perfluorinated arene linker.6. The framework of claim 1 , wherein the perfluorinated linker is a perfluorinated heteroarene linker.8. The framework of claim 1 , wherein the secondary building unit consists of a group 13 metal ion.9. The framework of claim 1 , wherein the secondary building units are clusters.10. The framework of claim 1 , wherein the metal is copper.11. The framework of claim 1 , wherein the metal is zinc.12. The framework of claim 1 , wherein the metal is hafnium.13. The framework of claim 1 , wherein the metal is zirconium.14. The framework of claim 1 , wherein the metal is aluminum.15. The framework of claim 1 , wherein the metal is gallium.16. The framework of claim 1 , wherein the metal is indium.18. The framework of claim 17 , wherein the metal is selected from the group consisting of copper claim 17 , zinc claim 17 , hafnium claim 17 , zirconium claim 17 , aluminum claim 17 , gallium claim 17 , and indium.19. The framework of claim 17 , wherein the secondary ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Ionic liquids formulation as an environmentally friendly oil dispersant

Номер: US20220032249A1

Disclosed herein is an oil dispersant composition that contains an acyl amino acid ionic liquid, a dicationic ionic liquid, a fruit acid ionic liquid, a polyacid ionic liquid, and an ethoxylate oleyl ether ionic liquid. The composition may also be diluted with water. The composition is useful for dispersing an oil spill in a body of water, while being less toxic to the aquatic environment and also acting to stimulate bacterial growth in said aquatic environment.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033048A1
Принадлежит: KURARAY CO., LTD.

A ballast water treatment system includes: a chemical agent container for containing a chemical agent for a ballast water treatment; a chemical liquid preparation tank having a tank main body for containing the chemical agent supplied from the chemical agent container and water for dissolving the chemical agent, and a mixture part for mixing the chemical agent with the water in the tank main body; a chemical liquid storage tank for storing the chemical liquid obtained by dissolving the chemical agent in the water in the chemical liquid preparation tank; and a chemical liquid supply part for supplying the chemical liquid stored in the chemical liquid storage tank into ballast water. 1. A ballast water treatment system , comprising:a chemical agent container for containing a chemical agent for a ballast water treatment;a chemical liquid preparation tank including a tank main body for containing the chemical agent supplied from the chemical agent container and water for dissolving the chemical agent, and a mixture part for mixing the chemical agent with the water in the tank main body;a chemical liquid storage tank for storing the chemical liquid obtained by dissolving the chemical agent in the water in the chemical liquid preparation tank; anda chemical liquid supply part for supplying the chemical liquid stored in the chemical liquid storage tank into ballast water.2. The ballast water treatment system according to claim 1 , further comprising:a detection part for detecting whether an amount of the chemical liquid in the chemical liquid storage tank is equal to or lower than a predetermined lower limit amount; anda control part allowing a chemical liquid replenishment operation of placing in an open state a valve for switchably permitting and suspending supply of the chemical liquid from the chemical liquid preparation tank into the chemical liquid storage tank when the amount of the chemical liquid in the chemical liquid storage tank is detected by the detection ...
