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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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10-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2318738C2
Принадлежит: РОДИА ЮКей ЛИМИТЕД (GB)

Изобретение относится к способу переработки шлама сточных вод. Способ снижения содержания патогенных организмов в шламе сточных вод включает добавление к шламу фосфорсодержащего соединения и выдерживание фосфорсодержащего соединения в контакте со шламом в течение времени, достаточного для логарифмического снижения количества присутствующих в шламе патогенных организмов от двух до шести. Технический эффект - уничтожение присутствующих в шламе патогенных микроорганизмов. 2 н. и 25 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 1 табл.

20-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2329084C2

Изобретение относится к фильтрам для обработки воды, преимущественно для удаления бактерий и вирусов. Устройство водного фильтра для обработки питьевой воды содержит соединитель для обеспечения жидкостной связи между водным фильтром и источником необработанной питьевой воды. Устройство содержит водный фильтр низкого давления, содержащий фильтрующий воду материал, который содержит мезопористые активированные фильтрующие частицы углерода. Водный фильтр имеет логарифмическое удаление бактерий фильтром (F-BLR) выше, чем примерно 2 log и логарифмическое удаление вирусов фильтром (F-VLR) выше, чем примерно 1 log. Устройство содержит корпус хранения в жидкостной связи с водным фильтром низкого давления. Устройство содержит автоматический отсечной клапан для остановки потока обработанной питьевой воды в корпус хранения. Устройство содержит дозатор для разлива обработанной питьевой воды из корпуса хранения. Обработанная питьевая вода может поступать в корпус хранения со скоростью по меньшей мере ...

10-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2411057C2
Принадлежит: ЮНИЛЕВЕР Н.В. (NL)

Изобретение относится к фильтрующему элементу для фильтрации воды. Фильтрующий элемент включает в себя угольный блок, который помещен в корпус, причем указанный угольный блок разъемным образом закреплен в указанном корпусе с помощью крепежного устройства и уплотнительного устройства и при этом фильтрующий элемент включает в себя сборную камеру, расположенную под угольным блоком в корпусе, для сбора воды, которая выходит из угольного блока, причем указанная сборная камера включает в себя куполообразную опорную плиту, имеющую, по меньшей мере, одно разгрузочное отверстие для воды и расположенную в непосредственной близости от угольного блока, и выпускной патрубок для воды, имеющий входной и выходной концы, причем указанный входной конец расположен в непосредственной близости от нижней стороны плиты. Технический результат: обеспечение желаемого удаления взвешенных частиц, включая микроорганизмы типа цист, одновременно обеспечивая желаемую высокую скорость потока с большей постоянностью для ...

10-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2316355C2

Изобретение относится к области медицины. Изобретение характеризуется применением пероксида диалкилкетона или его изомера, или смеси его изомеров с процентным содержанием по объему, меньшим или равным 5%, в качестве биоцидного, антисептического, дезинфицирующего или антипаразитарного агента. Изобретение обеспечивает стерилизацию, дезинфекцию, асептику или депаразитизацию без вредных эффектов как с токсической, так и с экологической точки зрения. 2 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 5 табл.

20-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2266253C2

Изобретение относится к области очистки жидкостей путем фильтрации. Предложен фильтр для многоступенчатой фильтрации жидкости, содержащий камеру, имеющую вход для потока жидкости и выход для потока жидкости; первую ступень фильтра, расположенную в указанной камере, находящуюся в гидродинамическом сообщении с указанным входом, причем указанная первая ступень фильтра содержит материал, который удаляет микроорганизмы; вторую ступень фильтра, расположенную в указанной камере, находящуюся в гидродинамическом сообщении с указанным выходом, причем указанная вторая ступень фильтра содержит активированный уголь; при этом указанная вторая ступень фильтра расположена в указанной камере в положении, которое позволяет жидкости проходить через указанную первую ступень фильтра перед прохождением через указанную вторую ступень; и третью ступень фильтра, расположенную в указанной камере, причем указанная третья ступень фильтра находится в указанной камере в таком положении, которое позволяет жидкости проходить ...

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2556662C2
Принадлежит: ТРЕВИ СИСТЕМЗ ИНК. (US)

Изобретения могут быть использованы для обессоливания морской, жесткой и/или загрязненной воды прямым осмотическим обессоливанием. Для осуществления способа очистки загрязненной воды поток загрязненного питающего раствора, содержащего воду и имеющего первое осмотическое давление, пропускают через полупроницаемую мембрану на сторону выведения, имеющую поток выводящего раствора со вторым осмотическим давлением на стороне выведения полупроницаемой мембраны. Поток разбавленного выводящего раствора нагревают, агломерируют выводимое растворенное вещество в двухфазный выходящий поток, содержащий жидкую фазу агломерированного выводимого растворенного вещества и жидкую водную фазу. Затем отделяют агломерированное растворенное вещество и получают водообогащенный поток, который охлаждают с получением охлажденного однофазного водообогащенного потока, который очищают от остаточного растворенного вещества с получением очищенной воды. Изобретения обеспечивают повышение качества прямоосмотической водоочистки ...

10-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2283285C2

Изобретение относится к обработке сточной воды, осадка или органических субстратов, используемых в биогазовых установках, содержащих нитевидные и флокулирующие микроорганизмы. Способ снижения или исключения образования объемного осадка, плавающего осадка и/или пены, в котором обрабатывают сточную воду, осадок или органические субстраты путем направления в трубу (2, 4) и через, по меньшей мере, одно сужение (3), расположенное в этой трубе (2, 4), подвергают воздействию сдвиговой нагрузки, которая является достаточной для снижения относительного количества нитевидных микроорганизмов по сравнению с флокулирующими микроорганизмами. Причем сдвиговую нагрузку создают турбулентным потоком в трубе. При этом скорость течения сточной воды, осадка или органических субстратов увеличивается при прохождении через сужение (3) трубы (2, 4) при снижении давления, вследствие чего в сточной воде, в осадке или органических субстратах возникает кавитация. Устройство для снижения или исключения образования объемного ...

27-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2272787C2

Изобретение относится к обработке воды и может использоваться в медицине, пищевой промышленности, а также для полива растений. В устройстве вода подвергается воздействию колебаний, создаваемых генератором радиоволн. Это позволяет непрерывно производить «активированную» воду, характеризующуюся кластерами с размерами менее 4 молекул на кластер, рН ниже 4 или выше 10 или окислительно-восстановительным потенциалом менее -350 мВ или более +800 мВ. Основная частота плазмы предпочтительно составляет от 0,44 МГц до 40, 68 МГц. Плазма модулируется с частотой от 10 кГц до 34 кГц. Расход потока воды в типичном случае составляет от 20 л/час до приблизительно 2000 л/час. Активированная вода может использоваться для многих целей, включая бактерицидную очистку рабочих столов, пола, стен, ножей, транспортных средств и других поверхностей, например, в цехах по переработке мяса и в больницах. Технический результат состоит в повышении степени активности воды и стабильности ее активированного состояния. 2 ...

20-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2276657C2
Принадлежит: ЭЙ БИ ИНИШИО Л СИ (US)

Изобретение предназначено для охраны окружающей среды и может быть использовано при очистке питьевой воды, водных отходов и стоков в месте, близком к месту выработки феррата. В смешивающей камере 103 смешивают водный раствор, содержащий соль железа, и окисляющий агент, подаваемые из первого и второго резервуаров 101. Получают первую смесь и подают ее в реакционную камеру 105, приспособленную для приема и удерживания первой смеси до тех пор, пока концентрация феррата не достигнет заданного уровня. Феррат вырабатывают в реакционной камере 105 непрерывно. По меньшей мере часть полученного феррата доставляют к месту использования, находящемуся рядом с реакционной камерой 105. Смешивающая камера 103 содержит устройство управления температурой и клапан 111 управления потоком. Реакционная камера 105 содержит управляемое выходное отверстие 115. При контакте феррата с водной смесью в месте использования, по меньшей мере, часть загрязнений окисляется или коагулируется. Способ и устройство просты, ...

20-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2602870C2
Принадлежит: РОТЕНБЕРГЕР АГ (DE)

Изобретение относится к устройству (1; 1'; 1”) для введения реагента в транспортируемую по трубам (200; 200'; 200”) текучую среду, содержащему контейнер (2) для приема вводимого реагента (3), причем контейнер (2) содержит выпускное отверстие (4) для вводимого реагента (3), через которое вводимый реагент (3) подается по меньшей мере в одну из труб (200). Для подачи вводимого реагента (3) предусмотрен струйный насос (18), всасывающий вход (19) которого взаимодействует с выпускным отверстием (4) контейнера (2) и выход (21) которого может быть соединен по потоку по меньшей мере с одной из труб (200; 200'; 200”). Альтернативно контейнер (2) имеет выпускное отверстие (6), которое служит для подачи сжатого воздуха в наполняемую вводимым реагентом (3) внутреннюю полость (7) контейнера (2). Далее, предусмотрен по меньшей мере один капилляр (8), через который при введении транспортируется вводимый реагент (3). Изобретение относится также к контейнеру (2) для приема вводимого реагента (3) и к капилляру ...

10-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2583813C2
Принадлежит: АРКАКВА (ПТИ) ЛТД (ZA)

Изобретение относится к дезинфицирующему устройству общего характера с использованием озона, более конкретно изобретение относится к дезинфицирующему устройству с использованием озона, которое подходит для обработки пищи, хотя может быть применено и в других областях. Дезинфицирующее устройство с использованием озона включает смеситель, имеющий в общем полый корпус с входом для воды под давлением, распылительную форсунку для создания в общем конического факела распыла воды, подводимой через вход для воды, камеру контакта, сообщающуюся с входом для газов, обогащенных озоном, и выходное отверстие из камеры контакта, которое соосно распылительной форсунке и отделено от нее на некоторое расстояние. Электронное устройство отслеживания расхода отслеживает величину расхода воды через распылительную форсунку по вибрации, вызываемой водой, протекающей через смеситель. Электронное устройство отслеживания расхода предпочтительно расположено в кармане, выполненном в смесителе, и предпочтительно включает ...

20-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2291836C2

Изобретение относится к стабилизированным растворам бромноватистой кислоты, предназначенным для обработки воды. Способ получения стабилизированного маточного раствора бромноватистой кислоты включает стадии получения раствора хлорноватистой кислоты с рН менее 7,5, раствора бромида с рН менее 7,0, смешивание растворов хлорноватистой кислоты и бромида с получением раствора бромноватистой кислоты, введение в качестве стабилизатора циануровой кислоты не более 1 част./млн, с получением стабилизированного маточного раствора бромноватистой кислоты с рН 8-9. Стабилизированный маточный раствор имеет концентрацию бромноватистой кислоты менее 30 мас.% и содержит в качестве стабилизатора циануровую кислоту в количестве, не превышающем 1 част./млн. Раствор можно применять для обработки воды любого типа, но предпочтительно его применяют для обработки питьевой воды и оросительной воды. Технический результат заключается в том, что стабилизированный раствор можно применять в широком диапазоне значений рН ...

20-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2304463C2

Изобретение относится к нановолокнистому фильтрующему материалу. Предложен материал, состоящий из несферических частиц гидроксида алюминия, имеющий диаметр волокон менее 50 нм, полученный при взаимодействии исходного алюминиевого компонента с водным раствором при температуре до 100°С и нанесенный непосредственно на волокнистую поверхность. Изобретение обеспечивает высокую степень очистки текучих сред от патогенных микроорганизмов. 3 н. и 57 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил., 8 табл.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2745061C2
Принадлежит: ЭКОЛАБ ЮЭсЭй ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к соединениям или полимерам для обработки источника воды, меченной графеновой квантовой точкой, а также способы их изготовления и использования. Также изобретение относится к меченым композициям, включающим в себя соединения или полимеры для обработки промышленного источника воды, объединенные с соединением или полимером для обработки источника воды, помеченными графеновой квантовой точкой. Меченые материалы специально созданы для флуоресцирования на длинах волн с минимальным соответствием естественной или «фоновой» флуоресценции облученных материалов в промышленных источниках воды, что позволяет количественно оценивать концентрацию соединения для обработки источника воды или полимераin situ(непосредственно в реакционной системе) посредством облучения и измерения флуоресценции источника воды, содержащего меченое соединение или меченый полимер для обработки источника воды. Способы измерения флуоресценции аналогичным образом применимы для количественной оценки смесей ...

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2591248C2

Изобретение относится к использованию магнитных наночастиц для избирательного удаления биопрепаратов, молекул или ионов из жидкостей. Химический состав включает магнитные наночастицы, поверхности которых функционализированы амином и дополнительно веществом, выбранным из веществ, реверсивно вступающих в реакцию и реверсивно соединяющихся с предопределенной мишенью в жидкости на водной основе. Диаметр наночастиц находится в диапазоне от 1 нм до 500 нм. Способ получения химического состава включает взаимодействие магнитной наночастицы с (3-аминоалкил)-триэтоксисиланом. Способ удаления мишени из жидкости на водной основе включает вступление в реакцию химического состава с мишенями и формирование комплекса химический состав-мишень. Магнитным полем воздействуют на жидкость на водной основе, содержащую комплексы химический состав-мишень, так, чтобы комплексы изолировались в отдельной части жидкости на водной основе. Жидкость на водной основе разделяют на первую часть, не содержащую комплексов ...

20-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2204530C2

Изобретение предназначено для электрохимической очистки или обработки воды и/или водных растворов с целью направленного изменения свойств обрабатываемой жидкости в различных условиях эксплуатации - как стационарных, так и полевых. Переносное устройство для электрохимической обработки жидкости содержит корпус из диэлектрического материала с размещенными в нем электродами - цилиндрическим внутренним анодом и внешним цилиндрическим катодом, установленными коаксиально. Между электродами расположена диафрагма, разделяющая межэлектродное пространство на анодную и катодную камеры. Диафрагма выполнена цилиндрической из керамики на основе оксидов алюминия и циркония и установлена коаксиально электродам. Анод, катод и диафрагма жестко соединены в электродно-диафрагменный блок, анодная и катодная камеры электродно-диафрагменного блока снабжены средствами для ввода и вывода обрабатываемой жидкости, сам блок жестко закреплен в корпусе. Корпус выполнен с отверстиями, в которых герметично установлены ...

27-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2371375C2

Изобретение представляет собой разливной автомат для питьевой воды. Автомат обеспечивает подачу напитка из контейнера для напитка через систему труб, при этом предусмотрено устройство, предназначенное для тепловой стерилизации системы труб и соединительной части контейнера для напитка, соединенного с системой труб и крана. Разливной автомат обеспечивает подачу напитка из контейнера для напитка через систему труб и кран, при этом предусмотрено устройство, предназначенное для тепловой стерилизации системы труб и крана. Между контейнером для напитка и резервуаром для горячего напитка расположено поглощающее средство для восприятия повышения уровня воды, вызванное объемным расширением горячего напитка в резервуаре для горячего напитка. Таким образом, обеспечивается стерилизация системы в разливном автомате, при которой не требуется дополнительного ввода горячей воды. 9 н. и 33 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил., 2 табл.

05-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2624643C2

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству для обработки промышленных сточных вод и/или питьевой воды с помощью электрохимических способов и процессов дополнительного окисления. После подготовительной фазы гравитационного осаждения следует основная обработка, состоящая из электрокоагуляции, электроокисления и электрофлотации за счет действия металлических наборов электродов, изготовленных из нержавеющей стали, стали и алюминия соответственно с одновременной дезинфекцией/окислением озоном, УФ-излучением и ультразвуковой обработкой, а также рециркуляцией в электромагнитном поле. По окончании основной обработки смесь флокул и воды подвергают коагуляции/флокуляции под действием электрохимически образованных из стали и алюминия флокул при медленном введении озона. Следующая фаза представляет собой отделение осадка от чистой воды, которую выгружают в сборный резервуар через песочный фильтр и фильтр из активированного угля для удаления легких плавучих флокул. При необходимости воду подвергают ...

27-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2178774C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам очистки и обеззараживания питьевой и технической воды. Устройство содержит корпус с узлом создания водовоздушной смеси, расположенные под ним высоковольтный и заземленный электроды, емкость для сбора обработанной воды. Каждый из электродов выполнен в виде параллельных проводников, закрепленных между двумя шинами. Высоковольтный и заземленный электроды расположены параллельно друг над другом. Проводники одного электрода перпендикулярны проводникам другого. На электроды подают высоковольтные импульсы, между электродами зажигается разряд, близкий к объемному типу разряда. Вода поступает в узел создания водовоздушной смеси под давлением в несколько атмосфер, вылетает из узла в виде мелкодисперсных капель, увлекает за собой воздух, смешивается с ним и попадает в зону импульсного электрического разряда. Изобретение позволяет повысить эффективность процесов обработки и обеззараживания воды за счет использования разряда в объемной форме и высокой степени диспергирования ...

19-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2740644C2
Принадлежит: ИН-БИТВИН СА (BE)

Изобретения относятся к сельскому хозяйству. Способ уборки и переработки водных гиацинтов, в котором выполняют следующие стадии: a) водные гиацинты, растущие в водной среде, срезают; b) водные гиацинты собирают на борту баржи (1) у причала; c) собранные водные гиацинты перемещают на средство (2) сушки, такое как стеллажи (2) для сушки, около пристани; d) высушенные гиацинты промывают чистой водой; e) промытые гиацинты сушат на вибрационных лентах (7) для того, чтобы частично устранить лишнюю воду; f) водные гиацинты сушат на сушилке (8) при температуре между 50 и 100°C в течение периода между 5 ч и 17 ч; g) стерилизацию паром при 80-100°C проводят для того, чтобы простерилизовать водные гиацинты и их семена; h) простерилизованные водные гиацинты и их семена измельчают для того, чтобы сделать их полезными в использовании. Установка для уборки и переработки водного гиацинта. Изобретения позволяют получить измельченные материалы, которые имеют низкую степень гидратации, что устраняет риск ...

10-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2293068C2

Изобретение относится к биологическим методам очистки воды с помощью перифитонной фильтрации, позволяющий удалять нутриенты из входящего потока воды. Предложенная система улучшает этот метод, благодаря введению сильного окислителя - озона во входящий, а в некоторых случаях и в выходящий поток воды, чем обеспечивается удаление органических нутриентов, способных повреждать культуры перифитона и водорослей, сокращение популяции нежелательных микроинвертебрат, образование органических нутриентов, пригодных к потреблению перифитоном, а также снижение уровня токсичных компонентов. Для контролирования популяции насекомых применяют пестицид. Предложенные изобретения за счет комбинирования озонной обработки с перифитонной обработкой протекающего потока обеспечивают повышение эффективности очистки воды от токсинов, микроорганизмов и других загрязнителей при сокращении популяции нежелательных микроинвертебрат в водорослевой массе. 2 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

22-03-2022 дата публикации

Способ очистки сточных вод

Номер: RU2767943C1

Изобретение относится к способам очистки производственных сточных вод, содержащих белки, липиды, другие органические вещества, и может быть использовано при очистке стоков предприятий пищевой и рыбной промышленности с возможностью утилизации выделенных продуктов. Способ очистки включает механическое отделение взвешенных веществ, смешивание с коагулянтом, коагуляцию и электрообработку раствора в электрофлотаторе в течение 60-90 мин. В качестве коагулянта используют подземную минерализованную воду в концентрации по отношению к сточным водам, равной 20 об. %. Технический результат: повышение степени очистки, обеззараживания сточных вод, без дополнительного внесения специальных реагентов и препаратов, а также увеличение выхода высококачественного белкового продукта. 1 табл., 1 пр.

28-04-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016103215A3

25-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016134840A3

02-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015142783A3

29-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015108369A3

10-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016121108A3

23-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018103199A3

18-03-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU224112U1

Полезная модель относится к технике обработки воды окислением с помощью озонирования и может быть использована, в частности в медицине в клинической практике для лечения больных по широкому спектру методик, а также для озонотерапии в косметологии. Озонатор воды выполнен в виде единого блока и содержит емкость с обрабатываемой водой, циркуляционный жидкостной насос с всасывающим и нагнетательным патрубком, эжектор, снабженный соплом высоконапорного потока, приемной камерой, сообщенной с источником озона, камерой смешивания воды и озона и диффузором. Всасывающий патрубок жидкостного насоса сообщен с емкостью, а напорный патрубок - с высоконапорным соплом эжектора. Выход эжектора связан с группой последовательно установленных статических смесителей. Между эжектором и статическими смесителями установлен импульсный источник ультразвуковых колебаний частотой более 20 кГц и менее 40 кГц с интенсивностью ультразвуковых колебаний в интервале 0,6-1,2 Вт/ см. Выход из группы статических смесителей ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2494971C2
Принадлежит: ФЁЛЬКЕР Манфред (DE)

Изобретение относится к устройствам для очистки воды по принципу обратного осмоса и может быть использовано для приготовления диализирующей жидкости. Устройство для выработки высокочистой воды по принципу обратного осмоса содержит фильтр обратного осмоса, который посредством мембраны обратного осмоса разделен на первичную камеру и вторичную камеру, и насос, который прокачивает жидкость через первичную камеру, а также расположенное выше по потоку от мембраны обратного осмоса, необходимое для создания давления в первичной камере гидравлическое сопротивление. В первичном контуре находятся по меньшей мере одна камера очистки с устройствами для умягчения воды и сливной клапан, причем поток жидкости в первичном контуре регулируется с помощью клапана и первичный контур выполнен с возможностью промывки его объема по типу подтопления путем открывания клапанов. Технический результат - увеличение эффективности очистки и снижение энергозатрат. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

21-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2774684C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано для очистки и обеззараживания воды. Устройство содержит корпус, снабженный крышкой с уступами на ее нижней поверхности. Ультрафиолетовые светодиоды установлены на внутренней поверхности крышки. Снаружи корпуса установлен герметичный кожух, повторяющий форму корпуса. На внутренней поверхности кожуха установлены излучатели ультразвука. Отстойник выполнен в форме полой полусферы, обращенной центром вниз, и снабжен в нижней части сливным болтом, расположенным по его центру. Входной штуцер озона тангенциально установлен в горизонтальной плоскости в верхней части кожуха. Напротив входного штуцера озона тангенциально установлен входной патрубок воды. В крышке установлен выходной патрубок. В корпусе вертикально установлена перфорированная трубка с установленным на ней дефлектором в форме логарифмической спирали. На дефлекторе дном вниз установлена тарелка с перфорированными краями. Наружный диаметр тарелки равен внутреннему диаметру ...

21-11-2023 дата публикации

Способ очистки и обеззараживания воды

Номер: RU2807783C1

Изобретение относится к способам очистки воды, и может быть использовано для очистки и обеззараживания воды, используемой в бассейнах и водоемах, а также подаваемой потребителям в жилые дома и различные учреждения. Способ заключается в подаче очищаемой воды вместе с воздушно-озоновой смесью при содержании в ней озона от 0.0028% до 0.003% в смеситель, представляющий собой вихревой кавитатор. Смесь очищаемой воды и воздушно-озоновой смеси подают в вихревой кавитатор с давлением не менее 3.0⋅105 Па в виде по меньшей мере двух пространственно разделенных потоков в соотношении их массового расхода от 3.44 до 3.45. В кавитаторе обеспечивают завихрение всех упомянутых потоков в одном направлении и объединяют все завихренные потоки в общий поток с одновременным их перемешиванием в общем потоке. Перекрывным краном, установленным на выходе из кавитатора, обеспечивают перепад давления на вихревом кавитаторе от 1.5⋅105 Па до 1.7⋅105 Па. Перепад давления на самом перекрывном кране обеспечивают не менее ...

07-11-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2806790C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано для очистки и обеззараживания воды. Устройство содержит корпус с крышкой с уступами в нижней части, цилиндрический фильтрующий элемент, диаметр которого равен внутреннему диаметру корпуса, входной патрубок, отстойник, выполненный в форме полой полусферы, обращенной центром вниз, и вертикальную трубку, установленную в корпусе и соединенную с входным патрубком. В крышке установлен выходной патрубок. На внутренней поверхности крышки установлены ультрафиолетовые светодиоды. По центру фильтрующего элемента установлена перфорированная втулка. С нижней стороны фильтрующего элемента установлена сетка. В нижней части перфорированной втулки установлен кожух, нижняя часть которого выполнена в виде полого цилиндра, а верхняя имеет конусообразную форму. В верхней части кожуха выполнено отверстие, диаметр которого равен диаметру перфорированной втулки. На внутренней боковой поверхности нижней части кожуха установлена съемная втулка цилиндрической ...

08-11-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2806853C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано для очистки и обеззараживания воды. Устройство содержит корпус с крышкой с уступами в нижней части, цилиндрический фильтрующий элемент, диаметр которого равен внутреннему диаметру корпуса, входной патрубок, отстойник, выполненный в форме полой полусферы, обращенной центром вниз, и вертикальную трубку, установленную в корпусе и соединенную с входным патрубком. В крышке установлен выходной патрубок. На внутренней поверхности крышки установлены ультрафиолетовые светодиоды. По центру фильтрующего элемента установлена перфорированная втулка. В нижней части перфорированной втулки установлен кожух, нижняя часть которого выполнена в виде полого цилиндра, а верхняя имеет конусообразную форму. В верхней части кожуха выполнено отверстие, диаметр которого равен диаметру перфорированной втулки. Внутренняя боковая поверхность нижней части кожуха снабжена установленными по образующей цилиндра ребрами. Основание кожуха выполнено съемным.

08-11-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2806850C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано для очистки и обеззараживания воды. Устройство содержит корпус с крышкой с уступами в нижней части, цилиндрический фильтрующий элемент, диаметр которого равен внутреннему диаметру корпуса, входной патрубок, отстойник, выполненный в форме полой полусферы, обращенной центром вниз, и вертикальную трубку, установленную в корпусе и соединенную с входным патрубком. В крышке установлен выходной патрубок. На внутренней поверхности крышки установлены ультрафиолетовые светодиоды. По центру фильтрующего элемента установлена перфорированная втулка. В нижней части перфорированной втулки установлен кожух, нижняя часть которого выполнена в виде полого цилиндра, а верхняя имеет конусообразную форму. В верхней части кожуха выполнено отверстие, диаметр которого равен диаметру перфорированной втулки. На внутренней боковой поверхности нижней части кожуха установлена съемная втулка цилиндрической формы. Основание кожуха выполнено съемным. На периферии ...

10-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2119802C1

Использование: для электрохимической обработки жидкой среды, позволяющей получать стерилизующий, дезинфицирующий, обеззараживающий, моющедезинфицирующий, отбеливающий или лекарственный растворы антибактериального и противовирусного действия, а также проводить обеззараживание и очистку жидкой среды от токсичных органических веществ, тяжелых, щелочноземельных металлов, железа и других примесей. Область применения - здравоохранение, пищевая, химическая и другие отрасли промышленности. Сущность изобретения: установка содержит источник постоянного электрического тока, проточную диафрагменную электролизную ячейку, подводящую линию обрабатываемой жидкой среды, катодную отводящую линию для отвода жидкой среды из катодной камеры к месту отбора или слива, анодную отводящую линию для отвода жидкой среды из анодной камеры в каталитический реактор разложения активного хлора, выходную линию для отвода жидкой среды к месту отбора, а также обводную линию, дополнительную выходную линию и переключатель потока ...

11-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2681629C1
Автор: ЯН Люй (CN)

Изобретение относится к водоочистке. Система (100) фильтрации воды содержит впуск (100а) для исходной воды, выпуск (100b) для чистой воды, выпуск (100c) для очищенной воды, выпуск (100d) для сточной воды, объединенный фильтрующий картридж (1) и путь (101) возвратного потока. Объединенный фильтрующий картридж (1) имеет первое отверстие (10а), второе отверстие (10c), третье отверстие (10b) и четвертое отверстие (10d). Выпуск (100с) для очищенной воды и выпуск (100d) для сточной воды соединены с третьим отверстием (10c). Устройство (2) для хранения воды предусмотрено по меньшей мере на одном из четвертого отверстия (10d) и пути потока, соединенного с выпуском (100b) для чистой воды. Путь (101) возвратного потока имеет первый конец, присоединенный между первым отверстием (10а) и впуском (100а) для исходной воды, и второй конец, присоединенный между выпуском (100d) для сточной воды и третьим отверстием (10с). Изобретение позволяет улучшить коэффициент извлечения системы фильтрации воды и обеспечить ...

10-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006101555A

... 1. Способ обработки шлама сточных вод для снижения содержания патогенных микроорганизмов в указанном шламе, включающий (а) добавление к шламу эффективного количества фосфорсодержащего соединения, где фосфорсодержащим соединением является соединение фосфония, где соединением фосфония является или (i) тетракис(гидроксиоргано)фосфониевая соль или (ii) соединение формулы (I) где n является валентностью X; R' и R", которые могут быть одинаковыми или различными, выбраны из алкильного, гидроксиалкильного, алкенильного или арильного радикала, а X представляет анион; или где фосфорсодержащим соединением может быть алкилзамещенный фосфин формулы (II): где каждый из R, которые могут быть одинаковыми или различными, выбран из алкильного, гидроксиалкильного, алкенильного или арильного радикала; и (b) выдерживание фосфорсодержащего соединения в контакте со шламом в течение достаточного времени для того, чтобы снизить количество присутствующих в шламе патогенных микроорганизмов до количества, эквивалентного ...

20-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010123681A

... 1. Установка очистки воды, содержащая: ! камеру источника света; ! источник света внутри камеры, причем источник света имеет сопротивление; ! датчик обнаружения влаги внутри камеры, при этом датчик электрически соединен параллельно с источником света и имеет первое сопротивление, большее сопротивления источника света, при отсутствии заданного уровня влажности, причем датчик имеет второе сопротивление, меньшее сопротивления источника света, при наличии заданного уровня влажности; и !цепь управления, оперативно связанную с источником света и датчиком обнаружения влаги, в которой датчик влажности обеспечивает токопроводящий путь сравнительно низкого сопротивления, препятствующий источнику света в приеме энергии при наличии заданного уровня влажности. ! 2. Установка очистки воды по п.1, в которой источником света является источник ультрафиолетового (UV) света. ! 3. Установка очистки воды по п.1, в которой камера источника света включает в себя прозрачный участок. ! 4. Установка очистки воды ...

27-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006104644A

... 1. Устройство водного фильтра для обработки необработанной питьевой воды, содержащее: (a) соединитель для обеспечения жидкостной связи между упомянутым устройством водного фильтра и источником необработанной питьевой воды; (b) водный фильтр низкого давления в жидкостной связи с помощью упомянутого соединителя с упомянутым водным фильтром низкого давления для обработки необработанной питьевой воды, причем упомянутый водный фильтр содержит материал водного фильтра, упомянутый водный фильтр содержит F-BLR более чем 2 log; (c) корпус хранения в жидкостной связи с упомянутым водным фильтром низкого давления, причем упомянутый корпус хранения предназначен для хранения обработанной питьевой воды, обработанной упомянутым водным фильтром; (d) автоматический отсечной клапан в жидкостной связи с упомянутым корпусом хранения, причем упомянутый отсечной клапан предназначен для остановки потока обработанной питьевой воды в упомянутый корпус хранения; и (e) дозатор в жидкостной связи с упомянутым корпусом ...

27-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008152302A

... 1. Интегральная система для обработки воды для охлаждающих башен и других процессов, таких как ослабление обратного осмоса, регенерация анионных элементов систем деминерализации, авиационной голубой воды и сточных вод, где загрязнения, такие как кремниевая, кальциевая и магниевая общая жесткость, взвешенные твердые частицы, органические вещества, микроорганизмы, тяжелые металлы, красители, детергенты и ртуть уменьшены и/или удалены, с получением качества воды, позволяющего ее повторно использовать для некоторых отраслей промышленности, полупромышленных и бытовых процессов, экономя воду и химические продукты, технологической инновацией в предложенной системе является то, что она обеспечивает удаление кремния на 100% и уменьшение концентрации кальциевых и магниевых солей жесткости, которые вызывают образование накипи, она также обеспечивает удаление взвешенных твердых частиц в обрабатываемой воде, образуя шлам, который удаляется с помощью системы разделения твердых частиц или системой фильтрации ...

27-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007135357A

... 1. Устройство (1) для очистки жидкости, в частности воды (W1), загрязненной микробиологически и/или ионами металлов, которые могут быть окислены до более высокого состояния окисленности, содержащее по меньшей мере одну установку (8) озонирования для обработки указанной жидкости (W1) озоном (О) и физически отделенный резервуар (48) для хранения очищенной жидкости, соединенный гидравлически с установкой (8) озонирования, причем устройство (1) снабжено средствами рециркуляции (68, 54, 60) для рециркуляции обработанной озоном жидкости (W4) из резервуара-хранилища (48) по линии рециркуляции (66, 69, 61), при этом линия рециркуляции (66, 69, 61) снабжена по меньшей мере одним устройством фильтрации (58, 56). 2. Устройство (1) по п.1, содержащее по меньшей мере одну установку (8) озонирования для обработки жидкости (W1) озоном (О) и резервуар-хранилище (48) для хранения обработанной жидкости (W4), причем указанное устройство (1) снабжено средствами (64, 63) для озонирования жидкости (W4) в резервуаре-хранилище ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018130105A
Автор: ИНЬ Бэй (US)

27-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013147473A

... 1. Способ получения дезинфектанта из анодной камеры диафрагменного цилиндрического проточного электролизера в количестве, измеренном в литрах, равном количеству получаемого при этом анолита, включающий повышение рН дезинфектанта до рН 5,8-6,5 введением в анодную камеру части электролита после прохождения им катодной камеры, т.е. католита, и сливом оставшейся части католита на утилизацию, отличающийся тем, что электролиты в электродных камерах заявляемого электролизера подвергают электрохимической обработке с разной интенсивностью - с меньшей интенсивностью в катодной камере и с большей интенсивностью в анодной камере.2. Электролизер, содержащий цилиндрические анод, катод и диафрагму, нижнюю и верхнюю крышки, каждая из которых имеет резьбу для соединения с анодом и выступ для размещения диафрагмы и герметизации ее соединения с крышкой, нижняя крышка имеет отверстия для входа электролитов в электродные камеры, верхняя крышка имеет отверстие для выхода продуктов электролиза из электродных ...

27-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011135436A

... 1. Устройство для выработки высокочистой воды по принципу обратного осмоса с фильтром обратного осмоса, который посредством мембраны обратного осмоса разделен на первичную камеру и вторичную камеру, и насосом, который прокачивает жидкость через первичную камеру, а также расположенным выше по потоку от мембраны обратного осмоса, необходимым для создания давления в первичной камере гидравлическим сопротивлением, отличающееся тем, что в первичном контуре (1, 4, 5, 9, 17, 18) находятся по меньшей мере одна камера (21) очистки с устройствами для умягчения воды и сливной клапан (26), и что поток жидкости в первичном контуре является регулируемым с помощью клапана (20).2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что камера (21) очистки имеет емкостные и/или электромагнитные устройства.3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что объем в первичном контуре выполнен с возможностью промывки по типу подтопления путем открывания клапанов (20, 26).4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что часть потока первичного ...

20-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011133593A

... 1. Система обработки воды, содержащая:камеру, имеющую впуск для приема неочищенной воды, содержащей загрязняющие вещества, и выпуск для вывода очищенной воды; иблок обработки, выполненный с возможностью изоляции внутри указанной камеры, причем указанный блок обработки включает фильтрующий материал, выполненный с возможностью приема указанной неочищенной воды из указанного впуска камеры, очистки воды фильтрующим материалом с удалением загрязняющих веществ и направления очищенной воды в указанный выпуск камеры, в котором указанный блок обработки имеет первый конец, причем на указанном первом конце закреплен первый концевой колпачок, при этом указанный первый концевой колпачок включает периметрический край и периметрическое уплотнение на указанном периметрическом крае, причем периметрическое уплотнение обеспечивает изоляцию указанной камеры.2. Система обработки воды по п.1, в которой указанный первый концевой колпачок включает центральный участок, выполненный из первого материала, и периметрический ...

27-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008145784A

... 1. Многобарьерный фильтр, содержащий: ! галогенированную смолу, способную удалять загрязнители из текучей среды; и ! по меньшей мере одно вещество сорбента загрязнителя, способного адсорбировать или абсорбировать загрязнители. ! 2. Многобарьерный фильтр по п.1, в котором загрязнители включают микроорганизмы и микробы. ! 3. Многобарьерный фильтр по п.1, в котором галогенированная смола включает, по меньшей мере, одну смолу, выбранную из группы, состоящей из малоостаточных галогенированных смол, йодированных смол, малоостаточных йодированных смол, хлорированной смолы и бромированной смолы. ! 4. Многобарьерный фильтр по п.3, в котором галогенированная смола включает две или более смолы, выбранные из группы, состоящей из малоостаточных галогенированных смол, йодированных смол, малоостаточных йодированных смол, хлорированных смол и бромированных смол. ! 5. Многобарьерный фильтр по п.1, в котором галогенированная смола включает йодированную основу ионообменной смолы полийодидных анионов, связанных ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012133465A

... 1. Способ, включающий следующее:получают текучую среду для обработки, характеризующуюся первой численностью микроорганизмов в результате присутствия, по меньшей мере, множества микроорганизмов в текучей среде;к текучей среде для обработки добавляют средство, снижающее вирулентность микроорганизмов;текучую среду для обработки помещают в систему обработки УФ излучением, имеющую в своем составе источник УФ излучения, с тем, чтобы образовывалось множество свободных радикалов при помощи средства, снижающего вирулентность микроорганизмов;обеспечивают возможность взаимодействия свободных радикалов с микроорганизмами в текучей среде с целью уменьшения численности микроорганизмов в текучей среде для обработки до второй численности микроорганизмов;размещают текучую среду для обработки, характеризующуюся второй численностью микроорганизмов, в подземном пласте.2. Способ по п.1, в котором текучая среда для обработки представляет собой буровой раствор, текучую среду для гидроразрыва пласта, тампонажный ...

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011129441A

... 1. Способ обработки воды и водных систем в трубопроводах диоксидом хлора (ClO), отличающийся тем, что:а. реакционный объем, в котором получают диоксид хлора, полностью окружен подлежащей обработке системой,b. окружающая реакционный объем система одновременно является подлежащей обработке системой,с. реакционный объем является элементом мобильного устройства, которое можно вводить в трубопровод, в котором находится подлежащая обработке система, и удалять из указанного трубопровода с подлежащей обработке системой независимо от давления в нем,d. после использования мобильного устройства реакционный объем находится в трубопроводе с подлежащей обработке системой,е. полученный в реакционном объеме диоксид хлора поступает в находящуюся в трубопроводе подлежащую обработке систему.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что реакционный объем является реактором.3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что реактор является трубчатым реактором.4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что время взаимодействия реагентов ...

20-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012104833A

... 1. Продукт (10) для очистки флюидов, содержащий, с одной стороны, пористое тело (12), имеющее наружную и внутреннюю удельную поверхность (14), и, с другой стороны, металлизированный слой (16) максимум нанометровой толщины, покрывающий по меньшей мере часть наружной и внутренней удельной поверхности (14) пористого тела (12), причем металлизированный слой (16) содержит по меньшей мере один металл (Ag), связанный с пористым телом (12) химическими связями (18), возникшими под действием внутримолекулярных сил, отличающийся тем, чтометаллизированный слой (16) также содержит кремний (Si), также связанный с пористым телом (12) химическими связями (18), возникшими в результате действия внутримолекулярных сил.2. Продукт для очистки флюидов по п.1, в котором по меньшей мере часть кремния (Si) также связана с по меньшей мере частью металла (Ag) металлизированного слоя (16) химическими связями (18), возникшими в результате действия внутримолекулярных сил.3. Продукт для очистки флюидов по п.1, в котором ...

27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013134256A

... 1. Способ получения водного раствора диоксида хлора, включающий стадии:(a) получение хлорита,(b) получение пероксодисульфата,(c) соединение хлорита и пероксодисульфата в водной системе при мольном отношении пероксодисульфата к хлориту [SO ]/[ClO ] больше 1 с образованием водного раствора диоксида хлора,где для получения водного раствора диоксида хлора не добавляют дополнительного буфера.2. Способ по п.1, где мольное отношение пероксодисульфата к хлориту [SO ]/[ClO ] больше 2.3. Способ по п.1, где мольное отношение пероксодисульфата к хлориту [SO ]/[ClO ] составляет от 1 до 2.4. Способ по одному из пп.1-3, где хлорит и пероксодисульфат на стадиях (a) и (b) готовят в твердой форме или в форме водных растворов, где на стадии (c)(c1) оба компонента перед соединением растворяют в воде, если оба компонента приготовлены в твердой форме, или(c2) оба компонента в твердой форме одновременно или по очереди вводят в водный растворитель, или(c3) оба раствора соединяют, если оба компонента приготовлены ...

27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013132828A

... 1. Способ контроля микроорганизмов в водной или содержащей воду системе, которая имеет температуру по меньшей мере 40°C, заключающийся в том, что приводят в контакт водную или содержащую воду систему с защищенным антимикробным соединением формулы I:,в которой Rобозначает C-Cалкил; иRобозначает H или группу формулы:,в которой L обозначает связь или н-пропилен.2. Способ по п.1, в котором Rобозначает:.3. Способ по п.2, в котором L обозначает н-пропилен (-CHCHCH-).4. Способ по п.1, в котором Rв каждом случае обозначает C-Cалкил.5. Способ по п.1, в котором соединение формулы I представляет собой: N-метиленметанаминоксид; N-метиленэтанаминоксид; N-метиленпропиламиноксид; N-метиленизопропиламиноксид; N-метилен-трет-бутиламиноксид; N,N′-(пентан-1,5-диилиден)бис(метанаминоксид); N,N′-(пентан-1,5-диилиден)бис(этанаминоксид); N,N′-(пентан-1,5-диилиден)бис(пропиламиноксид); N,N′-(пентан-1,5-диилиден)бис(пропан-2-аминоксид); N,N′-(пентан-1,5-диилиден)бис(2-метилпропан-2-аминоксид); N,N′-(этан-1,2-диилиден ...

27-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005126857A

... 1. Состав для дезинфекции питьевой воды, включающий в себя (а) галогенсодержащий дезинфицирующий агент; (б) совместимый маскирующий агент; и (в) субстрат, причем маскирующий агент введен в субстрат. 2. Состав по п.1, в котором галогенсодержащий дезинфицирующий агент включает в себя хлор или его производное. 3. Состав по п.2, в котором галогенсодержащий дезинфицирующий агент включает в себя гипохлорит кальция. 4. Состав по п.1, в котором маскирующий агент включает в себя цитрусовый ароматизатор. 5. Состав по п.4, в котором маскирующий агент выбирается из группы, состоящей из лайма, лимона, апельсина, танджерина, грейпфрута, бергамота, а также их смесей. 6. Состав по п.1, в котором маскирующий агент включает в себя бестерпеновый цитрусовый ароматизатор. 7. Состав по п.1, в котором субстрат выбирается из группы, состоящей из глин, цеолитов, прочих нерастворимых в воде носителей, водорастворимых носителей, а также их смесей. 8. Состав по п.1, в котором субстрат является гидрофильным неорганическим ...

15-05-1983 дата публикации

Способ очистки питьевых и сточных вод

Номер: SU196632A1

23-02-1990 дата публикации

Способ обеззараживания воды озоном и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: SU1544714A1

Изобретение относится к очистке воды. Может быть использовано при обработке природных и сточных вод и позволяет интенсифицировать процесс обеззараживания. Способ осуществляется путем создания кавитации в обрабатываемой жидкости. Устройство для осуществления способа содержит расположенные на патрубке диски, в полость между которыми подается жидкость. Кавитируемая жидкость подвергается совместному воздействию ударных волн и импульсного электрического поля, причем ударные волны получают при объемном содержании образующегося в жидкости газа 1-8%. Диски свободно расположены на патрубке симметрично относительно штуцера. Полость между дисками выполнена в виде кругового кавитационного канала с контактирующими между собой кольцевыми стенками-электродами. 2 с.п.ф-лы, 2 ил.

12-09-1974 дата публикации

Water sterilization by anodic oxidation - using direct current and square alternating current pulses

Номер: DE0002311504A1

Sterilisation system for water and solns. in water supply, pharmaceutical, chemical and food ind. disinfects the fluid by anodic oxidn. in a direct electrode process through d.c. to which a pulsating a.c. voltage is superimposed to prevent the adsorption of surface-active accessories on the electrodes. One of the electrodes (anode) can be replaced by the conductive container; if one electrode consists of high-resistance material, potentials >500 V for d.c. and a.c. can be applied. Use of caustic or toxic chemicals, and heating, is obviated.

19-07-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002749969B2

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Zirkulationseinrichtung für Trink- oder Betriebswasser und Verfahren zur Behandlung von Trink- oder Betriebswasser

Номер: DE102013114889A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Zirkulationseinrichtung für Trink- oder Betriebswasser mit einem Speicherbehälter (1), einer mit dem Speicherbehälter (1) in Verbindung stehenden Zirkulationsleitung (2), einer mit dem Speicherbehälter (1) in Verbindung stehenden Wasserbehandlungseinrichtung (8) zur Behandlung des Trink- oder Betriebswasser, und einer Zirkulationspumpe (3) zur Umwälzung des Wassers in der Zirkulationsleitung (2). Um eine unkontrollierte und gesundheitsschädliche Vermehrung von pathogenen Mikroorganismen, insbesondere von Legionellen, in der Zirkulationseinrichtung auf energiesparende Weise und möglichst zuverlässig zu verhindern und um das Erzeugen von Warmwasser in der Zirkulationseinrichtung mittels regenerativer Energiequellen effizienter auszugestalten ist nach der Erfindung vorgesehen, dass die Zirkulationsleitung (2) mit einer in Bezug auf die Zirkulationsleitung (2) örtlich begrenzten Senke (4) gekoppelt ist, durch die wenigstens ein Teil des in der Zirkulationsleitung ...

28-03-2002 дата публикации

Schaltungsanordnung zur Trinkwarmwasserbereitung in zentralen Wärmeversorgungssystemen

Номер: DE0020200163U1

03-03-1988 дата публикации

Dental equipment having a low organism count

Номер: DE0003629010A1

A special germicidal fitting on dental equipment is to reduce the risk of infections for physician and patient. This is achieved by oxidative disinfection of the supply water, as well as by a microbicidal active substance in the water-draining parts and a microbicidal active substance in the housing materials. ...

22-11-1973 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002003426B2

27-12-2007 дата публикации

Backwashing water filter used for preparing drinking water in the home comprises one surface having a germ-killing coating and moving relative to a sieving filter insert and suction units arranged in an inlet chamber

Номер: DE102006029544A1

Backwashing water filter (1) comprises one surface having a germ-killing coating and moving relative to a sieving filter insert (3) and suction units (9) arranged in an inlet chamber (4). The surface with the germ-killing coating is part of the suction openings. An independent claim is also included for a method for germ protection for the backwashing filter.

12-05-2011 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Wasseraufbereitungssystems sowie zur Durchführung des Verfahrens geeignetes Wasseraufbereitungssystem

Номер: DE102009051489A1

Beim Betrieb eines Wasseraufbereitungssystems (1), insbesondere eines Rein- oder Reinstwasseraufbereitungssystems, bei dem in einem Wasseraufbereitungsbetrieb Wasser einem Kreislauf (2) zugeführt wird, durch eine Zirkulation in dem Kreislauf (2) aufbereitet und dann aus dem Kreislauf (2) abgeführt wird, kann eine wirkungsvolle Desinfektion in kurzer Zeit dadurch erzielt werden, dass in einem Desinfektionsbetrieb dem in dem Kreislauf (2) zirkulierenden Wasser Ozon zugeführt wird oder in dem zirkulierenden Wasser des Kreislaufs (2) Ozon erzeugt wird, dieses Ozon mit dem zirkulierenden Wasser durch zumindest einen Teil des Kreislaufes (2) strömt und danach aus dem Kreislauf (2) entfernt wird.

14-11-2017 дата публикации

Solarstrombetriebene Trinkwasseraufbereitungsanlage

Номер: DE202017003049U1

Die Anlage als Wasseraufbereitungssystem ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass durch die physikalische Wasseraufbereitung sämtliche bakteriellen Verschmutzungen im Wasser beseitigt werden.

25-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102014017188A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Strahleranordnung (1) mit einer UV-Strahlungsquelle (2), einem die UV-Strahlungsquelle (2) umgebenden Hüllrohr (3), das an einem offenen Ende (12) eine Stirnfläche (13) aufweist, und mit einem UV-C-Sensor (6) mit einer sensitiven Fläche, wobei der UV-C-Sensor (6) in optischer Verbindung mit der Stirnfläche (13) des Hüllrohrs (3) steht, so dass die sensitive Fläche des UV-C-Sensors (6) in einem Betrieb der UV-Strahlungsquelle (2) die aus der Stirnfläche (13) des Hüllrohrs (3) austretende UV-Strahlung detektieren kann.

28-08-2003 дата публикации

Distribution unit for the permeate from a reverse osmosis membrane, for the supply of purest water to a dialysis apparatus, has a secondary ring channel at the primary channel, to prevent contamination

Номер: DE0020217081U1

The supply system for the delivery of the purest water to a dialysis apparatus, together with a reverse osmosis unit, has at least one secondary ring channel with its upstream section (5) concentric within the primary channel (1) to distribute the permeate from the reverse osmosis membrane. The secondary ring channel has a connection section outside the primary channel, and its downstream end (8) opens into the primary channel. The upstream section of the secondary ring channel is a straight section, from the curve (4) of the primary channel between its two straight and parallel sections (3), which can contain a throttle (10).

21-08-1997 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Aufbereitung von Trinkwasser für den Verbrauch

Номер: DE0019605422A1

The invention concerns a method of treating driking water in the following stages: suspended solids are removed by means of a microsieve with a mesh of less than 40 microns, the water is subsequently ozonized and/or chlorinated and the water is filtered through sand to remove finely particulate suspended matter. In order to be able to leave out or reduce the ozonization or chlorination stage, which requires expensive equipment, the sterilization is carried out as a last stage using a microfilter or microsieve with a mesh size of less than or equal to 3 microns. A microsieve of this kind is capable of retaining any coliform bacteria and faecal streptococci remaining in the treated drinking water.

17-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003465243D1

14-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060211339D1

16-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002905467A1

31-12-2015 дата публикации

Modifizierbarer UV-Rohrreaktor

Номер: DE102014009527A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen modifizierbaren UV-Rohrreaktor (M-UV-Rohrreaktor) in dreiteiliger Bauausführung. Hauptanwendung: Oxidation, Sekundäranwendungen: UV-Bestrahlung, Desinfektion Der Reaktorfuß und der Reaktorkopf sind für die Aufnahme von UV-C/UV-B/UV-A Strahlern unterschiedlicher Längen und Leistungen von < 0,5 kW bis > 10 kW konzipiert. Das austauschbare Reaktorrohr ist aus innenverzahnten Ringelementen aufgebaut und in der Baulänge variabel. In der Reaktorkammer werden durch die Zahngeometrie der Ringelemente radiale Wendelströmungen, Dean-Wirbelströmungen, turbulente Strömungen und/oder über die Reaktorlängsachse oszillierende Strömungen erzeugt. Durch diese optimierte Fluiddurchmischung in der gesamten Reaktorkammer werden sowohl der UV-Quelle wie auch der Reaktorinnenwandung sich ständig neu gestaltende Fluid-Oberflächen dargeboten. Die Ausbildung von Strömungskanälen ist durch die Geometrie der Reaktorkammer ausgeschlossen. In der Hauptanwendung Oxidation sowie der Bestrahlung ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Behälterbehandlungsmaschine und Verfahren zum Reinigen einer Behälterbehandlungsmaschine

Номер: DE102018210369A1

Beschrieben werden ein Verfahren zum Reinigen einer tunnelförmigen Behälterbehandlungsmaschine, insbesondere eines Tunnelpasteurs, sowie eine entsprechend dazu ausgebildete Behälterbehandlungsmaschine, insbesondere Tunnelpasteur, für Getränkeflaschen oder dergleichen Behälter. Dadurch, dass Hydroxylradikale maschinell in Prozesswasser für die Behälterbehandlungsmaschine / den Tunnelpasteur erzeugt und/oder in dieses eingebracht werden und ferner in der Behälterbehandlungsmaschine / im Tunnelpasteur vorhandene organische Verschmutzungen von den Hydroxylradikalen im Prozesswasser mineralisiert werden, können darauf basierende Mikroorganismen leichter entfernt werden und diesen zudem die Nahrungsgrundlage entzogen werden.

04-12-2017 дата публикации

Bioaktiver Filter

Номер: DE202017107123U1
Принадлежит: BENZING CHRISTIAN, Benzing, Christian

Bioaktiver Filter zur Desinfektion von Flüssigkeiten, insbesondere Wasser oder wässrigen Lösungen in Behältnissen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein kugelförmiger oder ovaler Filterkörper (1) gebildet ist, der mit Edelmetallen beschichtet ist.

26-04-2007 дата публикации

Apparatur zur Herstellung von physiologischen, therapeutischen und chemotherapeutischen wässrigen Spüllösungen

Номер: DE102005049951A1

Die Apparatur zur Herstellung von physiologischen, therapeutischen oder chemotherapeutischen Spüllösungen ist gekennzeichnet durch ein Wasserteil zur Herstellung von Reinstwasser als Trägerflüssigkeit, ein Mischsystem zum Mischen des Reinstwassers mit einem Spülkonzentrat, so daß eine Spüllösung entsteht, und ein Anwendungsteil zur Abgabe der Spüllösung. Die Apparatur kann sowohl im operativen, stationären und ambulanten Bereich als auch im Homecare-Bereich zum Einsatz kommen.

15-05-2003 дата публикации

Method for degradation of biological or organic substances, especially in the sterilization of liquids, e.g. waste water, involves oxidative sterilization using carbon-containing catalyst with graphite structure

Номер: DE0010154665A1

Degradation of biological or organic substances, especially in the sterilization of liquids, is such that the oxidation agent used for the sterilization is in active combination with a carbon-containing material having a graphite structure.

30-09-2015 дата публикации

Container for water

Номер: GB0002501822B

19-01-2005 дата публикации

Treatment of sewage sludge

Номер: GB0000427740D0

06-10-1999 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for the electrochemical processing of aqueous salt solutions

Номер: GB0009918458D0

07-12-2011 дата публикации

Water treatment methods and systems

Номер: GB0201118307D0

24-07-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for providing purified water

Номер: GB0201310135D0

15-04-2015 дата публикации

A method, system and apparatus for treatment of fluids

Номер: GB0201503676D0

24-04-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus for supplying liquid to a fluid circuit of a heating or a cooling system

Номер: GB0201903266D0

20-10-2021 дата публикации

Solid composition for producing antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and disinfectant solutions

Номер: GB0002594063A

A solid composition comprising: (a) an immobilized or non-immobilized peroxidase enzymatic catalysing agent; (b) an oxidizable substrate selected from: (i) negatively charged halogens and their derivatives, or (ii) pseudohalogens and their derivatives; (c) at least one oxidising agent, and (d) optionally, at least one inert filler. Also disclosed are kits for preparing such solutions, an aqueous system comprising the composition defined above, a method of sterilising water using said composition and method of preparing an antibacterial solution, disinfectant, antifungal solution or antiviral solution using the composition defined above.

01-02-1989 дата публикации

Compositions containing chlorine and/or hypochlorite together with an aliphatic peracid for use in disinfection

Номер: GB0002207354A

Chlorine and hydrogen peroxide react with each other destructively, with the result that a combination of them is less effective as a disinfectant than the chlorine by itself. It would be desirable to locate a peroxygen/chlorine combination that ameliorated or overcame that disadvantage. Advantageously, cooperative disinfection occurs between chlorine and/or hypochlorite with a low molecular weight aliphatic peracid as such as peracetic acid, and the weight ratio of the disinfectants often falls in the range of 1:5 to 1:30. The beneficial effect is apparent even in the presence of substantial residual amounts of hydrogen peroxide remaining by virtue of the method of production of the peracid. Solid surfaces or liquid media, particularly recirculating industrial water can be treated with the combination of disinfectants.

01-05-1996 дата публикации

Fluid chlorination for example employed in a water injection system

Номер: GB2294457A

A water treatment apparatus for use in for example a water injection system for an off-shore oil bearing formation to process sea water so that the chlorination of the sea water can be controlled. The apparatus comprises a membrane made up from first and second electrically conductive fluid permeable layers which are separated and electrically insulated from each other by a fluid permeable electrically insulating layer. An electrical potential is applied between the first and second layers, and sea water is pumped across the membrane. The chemical characteristics of the sea water passing through the membrane are monitored to provide a control signal for controlling the potential applied between the first and second layers, thereby enabling the control of for example the redox potential of the sea water emerging from the membrane. Furthermore, the membrane and electrically insulating layer provide coarse filtration of the sea water passing through the membrane. ...

07-02-2001 дата публикации

Electrochemical treatment of an aqueous solution

Номер: GB0002352728A

In electrochemical treatment of an aqueous solution in an electrolytic cell output solution having a predetermined level of available free chlorine is produced by applying a substantially constant current across the cell between an anode and a cathode while passing a substantially constant throughput of chloride ions through the cell. In a modification the method is characterised by i) supplying an aqueous salt solutions t anode and cathode chambers by way of respective input lines, the cathode chamber input line being provided with a flow regulator ; ii) causing a substantially constant current to flow between the node and the cathode ; and iii) recirculating a proportion of the solution output from the cathode chamber t the anode chamber. Also disclosed is a method of mixing miscible liquids comprising dispensing one liquid from a pulsed source into another liquid supplied as a continuous stream through a plurality of apertures along the flow path to produce a flow of uniformly mixed ...

19-10-2005 дата публикации

Glass filtration media

Номер: GB0002413124A

A glass filtration media used as an alternative to sand for the enhanced treatment of water and wastewater. The filtration media is specifically manufactured from green and brown glass bottles. The glass granules are further enhanced by exposure to an acid to increase the surface area available on the glass granules for adsorption and catalysis. In wastewater treatment glass granules are used in a filter immediately after the biological process but before humus tank sedimentation, or in place of the humus tank sedimentation stage. The glass granules will mechanically filter the water and remove prescribed substances. The glass granules may be further processed by fluidized bed washing at a high oxidation potential to remove any contamination and to the sanitize the glass granules. The presence of dissolved oxygen or oxidising chemicals will enhance the surface catalytic properties by increasing still further, the free radical concentration on oxidation potential on the surface of the glass ...

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Reservoir Tank Water Mixing System

Номер: US20120000840A1
Автор: Mark Malmquist
Принадлежит: Individual

A mixing unit may be disposed under water of a circular reservoir tank. The mixing unit squirts out water at an upward, outward and skewed angle so as to facilitate rotation of the water within the tank and vertical mixing of the water so as to destratify the temperature gradients within the water.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for disinfecting water

Номер: US20120051977A1
Принадлежит: MAG Aerospace Industries LLC

Embodiments of the present invention provide systems and methods for point of use location treatment of potable water supplies on demand on board passenger vehicles, such as aircraft. The systems described generally provide increased safety features, alternate ultraviolet light sources, and reduced power consumption.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Distillation Urine Recycling Systems and Methods

Номер: US20120055777A1
Принадлежит: Liquidbreaker Llc

Systems and methods for processing wastewater into a flushing fluid are described, in which wastewater flows into a holding tank from one or more restroom fixtures. A vacuum distillator can be coupled to the holding tank, and a heater can be configured to heat at least a portion of the wastewater in the vacuum distillator to produce a vapor. The vapor can be condensed by a condenser fluidly coupled to the vacuum distillator to produce a distilled stream. The stream can either be fed into a tank or passed to one or more restroom fixtures.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Method of Recovering Potassium from Waste Waters for Use in Purification of Waste Water, including the Waste Water from which the potassium is Recycled, while retaining the Potassium in forms suitable for use as a Nutrient in Growing Microbes, Plants and Algae

Номер: US20120061315A1
Автор: Gerald J Grott
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for recovering and/or utilizing potassium from waste waters for a plurality of applications. As algae and plants are able to survive and flourish in environments with high salt concentrations, waste waters containing potassium can be applied as fertilizers to the growth of microbes, algae and plants. The microbes, plants, and algae are able to absorb the necessary nutrients, such as nitrogen and potassium, from the waste waters. After depletion of the potassium content from the waste water, that waste water can then be treated to separate other contaminants. In another aspect of the present invention, the potassium content may be first separated from the waste water to be applied for growth of microbes, plants, and algae and again used for regeneration of cation resins in specific potassium forms. The remaining contaminants that are separated through treatment of the waste water can be utilized for different productions.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Water purification and enhancement systems

Номер: US20120125203A1
Принадлежит: Water Initiative LLC

Water purification system comprising filtration media sized with respect to each other to allow a first contaminant in the water to saturate the first medium with a delay prior to saturation of the second medium with a second contaminant.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for detection of livign phytoplankton cells in water

Номер: US20120208264A1
Принадлежит: RWO GmbH

The invention relates to a method and an apparatus for detecting living phytoplankton cells and/or microorganisms in or out of water, particularly ballast water, bodies of water, sewage, or water in swimming and bathing devices. Said method is characterized by the following steps: the variable fluorescence (Fv) is calculated by forming the difference between the maximum fluorescence (Fm) and the minimum fluorescence (Fo) in a measuring space or detecting part or all of the dynamic shape of a fluorescence induction curve in a measuring space, particularly measuring; and calculating the number of living phytoplankton cells and/or microorganisms of a reference species in the measuring space in accordance with the variable fluorescence (Fv).

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Recovery of retrograde soluble solute for forward osmosis water treatment

Номер: US20120267308A1
Принадлежит: Trevi Systems Inc

Improved systems and processes for forward osmosis water purification or desalination are herein disclosed. According to one embodiment a process for purifying contaminated water is provided wherein a contaminated feed solution stream comprising water and with a first osmotic pressure is passed through a semipermeable membrane to a draw side having a draw solution stream with a second osmotic pressure on a draw side of the semipermeable membrane. The diluted draw solution stream is heated, agglomerated and cooled to produce a cooled single phase water rich stream that is purified to produce a water product stream.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Personal Advanced Oxidation Water Treatment System

Номер: US20120292261A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A portable, personal advanced-oxidation water treatment system based on ozone and a catalyst such as titanium dioxide that can cycle and purify water to make it portable by removing organic contaminants. The unit can be used for long periods of time without having to replenish the active portions. The unit can be carried in a backpack or in a vehicle. Fresh water is typically loaded into the unit, and the unit is cycled until the water is pure enough to drink. A battery is used to produce ozone and to cycle the water through a reaction vessel and can optionally be charged with a small solar panel The unit can also be powered directly from a vehicle.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for performing the bacterial disinfection of a fluid using point radiation sources

Номер: US20120318749A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for disinfecting a fluid, including: a flow cell including one or more inlet ports and one or more outlet ports, wherein the flow cell is configured to communicate a fluid containing a biological contaminant from the one or more inlet ports to the one or more outlet portions through an interior portion thereof; and one or more point radiation sources disposed about the flow cell, wherein the one or more point radiation sources are operable for delivering radiation to the biological contaminant; wherein an interior surface of the flow cell is operable for reflecting the radiation delivered to the biological contaminant by the one or more point radiation sources; and wherein the interior surface of the flow cell is operable for reflecting the radiation delivered to the biological contaminant by the one or more point radiation sources such that a radiation intensity is uniform throughout the interior portion of the flow cell. In one exemplary embodiment, the flow cell is an integrating sphere. Optionally, the system also includes a photocatalyzing material disposed on at least a portion of the interior surface of the flow cell.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Combined acoustic micro filtration and phononic crystal membrane particle separation

Номер: US20120325747A1
Принадлежит: Flodesign Sonics Inc

A system is provided that includes one or more acoustic microfilters through which is flowed a mixture of a fluid and a particulate to selectively filter particles from the fluid. Also included are one or more phononic crystal units coupled to the acoustic microfilter(s) to further selectively filter particles from the fluid. Related apparatus, systems, techniques and articles are also described.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Uv fluid sterilizer suitable to sterilize fluid having poor uv transmission

Номер: US20130026389A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a UV fluid sterilizer, which is suitably formed to sterilize fluid having poor UV transmission. According to the present invention, the UV fluid sterilizer includes a plurality of UV sterilization units. The UV sterilization units include: small quartz tubes; inside UV lamps mounted in the small quartz tubes for radiating UV rays at the inside of fluid; large quartz tubes concentrically mounted outside the small quartz tubes for forming the flow spaces of the fluid; spring type coils spirally fixed to the outer diameter surfaces of the small quartz tubes for applying rotation force to the fluid; and UV transmission shrinks films for fixing the spring type coils to the outer diameter surfaces of the small quartz tubes in close contact and preventing foreign substances from being trapped in the flow spaces of the fluid, and are characterized in that a plurality of outside UV lamps are provided outside the large quartz tubes for radiating UV rays to the fluid, which flows through the UV sterilization units, from the outside.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Integrated membrane system for distributed water treatment

Номер: US20130032533A1
Принадлежит: ENVEERA Inc

Integrated membrane treatment systems for treatment of an aqueous solution. In embodiments, components, such as an MBR, are integrated with means to recover energy from the system, for example from an RO concentrate, to operate the other components. In embodiments including biological treatment, RO is integrated with other components, such as an MBR with the ROs ability to remove inorganic nitrogen enabling biological treatment to be performed with only partial nitrification and the MBR operated without active pH control. In embodiments, RO is integrated with a chlorine generator to convert chlorides present in the RO concentrate for an in-situ source of oxidizing biocides for disinfection purposes. Chloramines may be generated in-situ from residual ammonia and chlorides in the RO reject. In embodiments, carrier media is employed in a membrane tank to enhance removal of residual organics by the MBR and to also improve effectiveness of membrane scouring.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Redox water treatment method

Номер: US20130048566A1
Принадлежит: Earth Renaissance Technologies LLC

A redox water treatment method utilizing sulfurous acid to act as either an oxidizing or a reducing solution via pH adjustment for water conditioning

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Methods for the treatment of ballast water

Номер: US20130056648A1
Принадлежит: Fahs Stagemyer LLC

A process has been developed to selectively dissociate target molecules into component products compositionally distinct from the target molecule, wherein the bonds of the target molecule do not reform because the components are no longer reactive with each other. Dissociation is affected by treating the target molecule with light at a frequency and intensity, alone or in combination with a catalyst in an amount effective to selectively break bonds within the target molecule. Dissociation does not result in re-association into the target molecule by the reverse process, and does not produce component products which have a change in oxidation number or state incorporated oxygen or other additives because the process does not proceed via a typical reduction-oxidation mechanism. This process can be used for the remediation of water, particularly ballast water.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Oxidation process

Номер: US20130068701A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Treatment of an aqueous solution to yield a product is more desirable for disposal by an advanced oxidation process. Ozone is mixed with the solution, and maintaining at an elevated pressure for a time. The process may include recirculation past injector that injects ozone into the solution. Influent may be sewage, septage, leachate, ballast, and so on. The process disinfects and/or denutrifies the effluent. It may include (a) back-to-back processing of batches (b) overlapping processing with a previously treated batch (c) off-gassing (d) repetitive high pressure and low pressure cycles (e) post processing steps, such as retention without addition of ozone for a period of time to permit flocculates longer to form (f) post process filtering to remove flocculates (g) simultaneous post-processing of one batch while another batch is being processed. The process may include the treatment of solutions containing pharmaceuticals.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Ultraviolet irradiation device

Номер: US20130068964A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

An ultraviolet irradiation device includes a treatment vessel, an ultraviolet irradiation member, and a support member. The treatment vessel has a water inlet and a water outlet and through which water to be treated as a treatment target flows in a first direction from the water inlet toward the water outlet, the treatment vessel receiving the water to be treated through the water inlet and discharging the water to be treated through the water outlet. The ultraviolet irradiation member is provided inside the treatment vessel along a second direction crossing the first direction and which irradiates the water to be treated flowing through the treatment vessel with an ultraviolet ray. The support member is provided inside the treatment vessel along the second direction with both end portions of the support member being firmly fixed to wall surfaces of the treatment vessel.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Floating dispensers

Номер: US20130092634A1
Принадлежит: King Technology Inc

A floating dispenser for floatingly delivering a dispersant or dispersants to a body of water with the floating dispenser floating in an upright condition when a dispersant is present in a dispenser cartridge of the floating dispenser with the dispenser self inverting 180 degrees in response to consumption of the dispersant in the dispenser cartridge to thereby provide a visual alert that one should replace the dispenser cartridge in the dispenser with a fresh dispenser cartridge.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Ultraviolet laser

Номер: US20130100977A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A laser device is disclosed that provides at least an ultraviolet laser beam and preferably both an ultraviolet laser beam and a visible laser beam. The laser device includes a semiconductor laser device (e.g. a laser diode) to generate visible laser light which is coupled into a frequency doubling crystal taking the form of a single crystal thin film frequency-doubling waveguide structure. The single crystal thin film frequency-doubling waveguide converts a portion of the visible light emitted by the laser diode into ultraviolet light. Both visible and ultraviolet laser light is emitted from the waveguide. As an example, the single crystal thin film frequency-doubling frequency doubling waveguide includes a frequency doubling crystal region composed of β-BaB 2 O 4 (β-BBO), a cladding region composed of materials that are transparent or nearly transparent at the wavelength of the ultraviolet laser light beam and a supporting substrate composed of any material.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Water Treatment Apparatus, System and Process

Номер: US20130126433A1
Автор: Kyle Anthony Wolff

Water treatment apparatus, including: a ceramic filter; and a flow apparatus operable to pass water through the ceramic filter in a forward direction so as to filter the water, the flow apparatus also operable to pass water through the ceramic filter in a reverse direction so as to remove material from the ceramic filter, whereby material having been deposited by filtration of the water is removed.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Method And Arrangement For A Water Treatment

Номер: US20130134104A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

In a method for water treatment by chlorine disinfection, a chlorine stabilizer is dosed into water to be treated as far as a predetermined chlorine stabilizer concentration in said water is achieved. As soon as the predetermined chlorine stabilizer concentration is achieved said achieved chlorine stabilizer concentration is maintained in said water constant. A chlorine disinfectant concentration is adjusted in said water to be treated to a predetermined chlorine disinfectant concentration in said water by dosing a non-stabilized chlorine disinfectant (free chlorine) into said water to be treated. Therefore advantages of free chlorine and stabilized chlorine disinfection and facilitating to reduce DBPs at low chlorine stabilizer concentrations in water can be combined, without compromising disinfection safety.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Inline uv led water disinfection and heating

Номер: US20130146783A1
Принадлежит: MAG Aerospace Industries LLC

Embodiments of the present invention relate generally to on-aircraft potable water disinfection with UV LED light sources that are positioned in-line with the water delivery system. Further embodiments relate to using the scavenged heat generated by the LEDs to deliver heat back to the water supply tube for temperature stabilization and to prevent water freezing.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Organic templated nanometal oxyhydroxide

Номер: US20130168320A1

Disclosed are granular composites comprising a biopolymer and one or more nanometal-oxyhydroxide/hydroxide/oxide particles, along with methods for the preparation and use thereof.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Methods of synthesizing an oxidant and applications thereof

Номер: US20130175224A1
Принадлежит: Ferrate Treatment Technologies LLC

Novel devices for synthesizing ferrate and uses thereof are described. One aspect of the invention relates to devices and systems for synthesizing ferrate at a site proximal to the site of use.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Methods and systems for disinfecting potable water supplies

Номер: US20130175452A1
Принадлежит: MAG Aerospace Industries LLC

The invention described herein contains two aspects, usable together or separately, that address the needs in the art described above, namely a first aspect that relates to the provision of a transportable water purification system that can be contained on a passenger transport vehicle, and that can use, but does not require, continuous, real-time monitoring, and a second aspect that relates to the use of UV purification of the water as it is uploaded to the passenger transport vehicle after a single pass through the UV chamber.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Modular ductwork decontamination assembly

Номер: US20130183214A1
Автор: Karen Metteer
Принадлежит: Individual

A modular ductwork assembly decontaminates an air stream circulating within a heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. The assembly includes one or more of (a) an ionizing module for removing particulates from the air stream, (b) a sterilization module for neutralizing airborne pathogens present in the air stream, (c) an ozone treatment module for neutralizing pathogens or odoriferous or gaseous constituents or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in the air stream, optionally (d) baffles for slowing and disrupting the flow rate and promoting turbulence in the air stream traveling through the modules, optionally (e) a fan module for directing a treated air stream, optionally (f) an ozone sensor, optionally (g) a monitoring or ozone control means, and optionally (h) a means of delivering and repurposing generated ozone. Each of the modules is arranged substantially adjacent to at least one of the other modules.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for treating animal waste

Номер: US20130186155A1
Автор: William BLAINE
Принадлежит: ENVIROKURE Inc

Methods and apparatus for the treatment of animal waste are disclosed, together with a treated animal waste and fertilizer and growth media products derived therefrom.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Methods of improving chitosan for water purification

Номер: US20130200008A1
Принадлежит: Water Security Corp

Methods for preparing a chitosan-based material for use in a halogen water treatment system are described. Treating chitosan or chitin with a compound selected from the group consisting of an acid, a base, a mild halogenating solution and combinations thereof provides a chitosan-based material that displays reduced leakage of halide ion. Water treatment systems and methods for treating water comprising at least one contaminant are also described.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Microwave asphalt surface treatment system

Номер: US20130223931A1
Автор: Vernon R. Hegg
Принадлежит: Microwave Utilities Inc

A microwave system for the treatment of asphalt surfaces that prevents the leakage of microwave radiation during use. The highly portable microwave treatment system prevents leakage of microwave radiation via a microwave horn and sealing shroud configuration that seals the unit to the asphalt surface being treated.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for delivery system for water enhancements

Номер: US20130306152A1
Автор: Jon-Andrew V. Sigona
Принадлежит: Perfect Water Tech Inc

A delivery system for water enhancements according to various aspects of the present invention is configured to provide a controlled amount of a water enhancement to a water supply. In one embodiment, the delivery system comprises an enhancing device that operates under pressure to provide a controlled rate of diffusion of an enhancing element into the water supply to form an enhanced water supply for use or consumption. The delivery system may also be configured to buffer the enhanced water supply prior to use or consumption.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Reducing Waterborne Bacteria and Viruses by a Controlled Electric Field

Номер: US20130313115A1
Автор: Sven Mierswa
Принадлежит: Sven Mierswa

An apparatus for disinfecting a fluid has a fluid-containing structure; an inward-facing first electrically conductive cylindrical body contained within said fluid-containing structure; an outward-facing electrically conductive second cylindrical body disposed within said first cylindrical body, in mutually facing parallel and coaxial relation thereto, and spaced apart therefrom to define a fluid-occupiable cavity; a power supply electrically coupled between said first cylindrical body and said second cylindrical body, said power supply producing therebetween an electric field, said field comprising a waveform approximating a series of alternating square wave pulses of opposite polarity, said pulses having a maximum absolute value of approximately 60 volts per centimeter, a complete cycle of said waveform, comprising a first pulse and a succeeding pulse of opposite polarity, recurring with a frequency of between about 2 kHz and and about 5 kHz and providing about 2 amps to about 4 amps.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

System and method for controlling water quality in a recreational water installation

Номер: US20130313204A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for monitoring water chemistry of a recreational water installation includes a sensor configured to detect bather load in the recreational water installation and a controller configured to determine a required adjustment to the water chemistry of the recreational water installation based upon the detected bather load.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for programably treating water in a water cooler

Номер: US20140034561A1
Автор: Kenneth A. Davis
Принадлежит: SIP Technologies LLC

An apparatus for a programmable self sanitizing water dispenser apparatus with a digital controller as well as a programmable method for generating ozone for cleaning the reservoir and the water contained within it. The apparatus includes an anti-spill receiver that houses the controller and that can contain a ozone generator.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Compositions, Systems, and/or Methods Involving Chlorine Dioxide ("ClO2")

Номер: US20140100363A1
Принадлежит: Dharma IP LLC

Certain exemplary embodiments can provide a composition of matter comprising a solid form of chlorine dioxide complexed with a cyclodextrin. The concentration of chlorine dioxide in said solid form is greater than approximately 5.8 percent by weight. Certain exemplary embodiments can provide a method comprising forming a solid complex comprising chlorine dioxide and cyclodextrin, wherein a concentration of chlorine dioxide in the solid complex is greater than 5.8 percent by weight.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus for treating a substance with wave energy from an electrical arc and a second source

Номер: US20170000145A1
Автор: Todd Foret
Принадлежит: Foret Plasma Labs LLC

A substance is treated using a device having: (a) a volute or cyclone head, (b) a throat connected to the volute or cyclone head, (c) a parabolic reflector connected to the throat, (d) a first wave energy source comprising a first electrode within the volute or cyclone head that extends through the outlet into the opening of the throat along the central axis, and a second electrode extending into the parabolic reflector and spaced apart and axially aligned with first electrode, and (e) a second wave energy source disposed inside the throat, embedded within the throat or disposed around the throat. The substance is directed to the inlet of the volute or cyclone head and irradiated with one or more wave energies produced by the first and second wave energy sources as the substance passes through the device.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000358A1

In order to render sewage sludge suitable for beneficial purposes, it must be disinfected and stabilized. EDC deactivation is rapidly becoming a desirable result of any sludge or biosolids treatment process. Disclosed herein is a process of treating sewage sludge so as to stabilize the sludge that involves the presence of an iron-containing compound during dewatering of the sludge. Process embodiments described also achieve biosolid samples that have reduced EDC activity, Other embodiments disclosed involve use of a combination of iron salts ferrate and ferric chloride that are added to wastewater sludge in the dewatering step before heat drying. The biosolids resulting from sludge treated with aniron-containing compound are able to resist putrefaction for more than two to three weeks. 1. A method for the treatment of sewage sludge containing solids , comprising:(a) dewatering the sewage sludge in the presence of an iron-containing compound to a produce biosolid cake, wherein said iron-containing compound is provided at about 1% to about 10% of the solid content of the sewage sludge;(b) and(c) heat-drying the biosolid cake to produce a stabilized biosolid sample.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the amount of iron containing compound is about 1% to about 5% of the solid content of the sewage sludge.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the amount of iron-containing compound is about 1.8% to about 2.3% of the total solids content of the sewage sludge.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the iron-containing compound is an iron salt or ferrate.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the iron salt is ferric chloride or ferric sulfate.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sewage sludge is at a pH such that the iron salt produces ferric hydroxide.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the stabilized biosolid sample comprises reduced EDC activity.8. The method of claim 8 , wherein the biosolid cake is thickened to about 75% to about 85% moisture content.9. The method of claim 1 , ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001163A1

A liquid processing system has: processing units of n stages in which each processing unit includes one or a plurality of processing lines, each processing line includes an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit, and the number of processing lines of an m-th stage processing unit is larger than the number of processing lines of an m+1-th stage processing unit; and adjusting section which adjusts an output of an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit provided to a processing unit of a predetermined stage. An output of an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit provided to a processing unit of a stage other than the predetermined stage is each fixed, and the adjusting section adjusts the output of the let ray irradiating unit provided to the processing unit of the predetermined stage such that a liquid processed in an n-th stage processing unit of a final stage is in a desired processing state. 1. A liquid processing system comprising;processing units of n stages in total (n is a natural number of two or more), each processing unit including one or a plurality of processing lines, each processing line including an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit, and the number of processing lines of an m-th (m is a natural number smaller than n) stage processing unit being larger than the number of processing lines of an m+1-th stage processing unit; andadjusting section which adjusts an output of an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit provided to a processing unit of a predetermined stage, whereinan output of an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit provided to a processing unit of a stage other than the predetermined stage is each fixed, andthe adjusting section adjusts the output of the ultraviolet ray irradiating unit provided to the processing unit of the predetermined stage such that a liquid processed in an n-th stage processing unit of a final stage is in a desired processing state.2. The liquid processing system according to claim 1 , wherein the adjusting section fixes to a maximum output the output ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001263A1

A magnetic polymer nanocomposite is provided. The magnetic polymer nanocomposite includes a polymeric matrix and plurality of magnetic nanoparticles embedded within the polymeric matrix. The polymeric matrix of the magnetic polymer nanocomposite is configured to adsorb water molecules as air is passed through the nanocomposite and is configured to release the adsorbed water molecules on exposure of the nanocomposite to an electromagnetic field. 1. A magnetic polymer nanocomposite comprising:a polymeric matrix;a plurality of magnetic nanoparticles embedded within the polymeric matrix, wherein the polymeric matrix of the magnetic polymer nanocomposite is configured to adsorb water molecules as air is passed through the nanocomposite and is configured to release the adsorbed water molecules on exposure of the nanocomposite to an electromagnetic field.2. The magnetic polymer nanocomposite of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric matrix comprises polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) claim 1 , polypyrrole (PPy) poly(methyl methacrylate (PMMA) claim 1 , polyethylene glycol (PEG) claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , chitosan claim 1 , collagen claim 1 , or combinations thereof.3. The magnetic polymer nanocomposite of claim 2 , wherein the polymeric matrix comprises a polyvinyl alchohol-chitosan film.4. The magnetic polymer nanocomposite of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of magnetic nanoparticles comprise iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles claim 1 , nickel oxide (Ni2O3) nanoparticles cobalt oxide (CoO3) claim 1 , or combinations thereof.5. The magnetic polymer nanocomposite of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic polymer nanocomposite is configured for use as a desiccant in an air conditioning system claim 1 , a dehumidifying system claim 1 , or combinations thereof.6. A method of extracting moisture from an environment claim 1 , the method comprising:passing air through a magnetic polymer nanocomposite placed in the environment to adsorb water molecules by the nanocomposite, wherein the magnetic ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002152A1

Disclosed are advantageous systems and methods for treating building water systems, especially the interior surfaces of premise plumbing, to remove biofilm and inactivate biofilm-associated pathogens, including protozoa, using disinfectant formulations at concentrations at in excess of those used for drinking water treatment, and further, in co-applying complexing agents to mitigate corrosion of the materials treated; and using these in conjunction with off-gas containment devices that allow flushing of taps without the liberation of toxic fumes. 123-. (canceled)24. A method for containing gases during acute chemical treatment of plumbing systems , the method comprising:(a) attaching a conduit to a water source comprising water which comprises chlorine dioxide such that the opposing end of the conduit is proximal to or extends into a drain, and(b) passing said water which comprises chlorine dioxide down the drain.25. The method of claim 24 , wherein the conduit is partially impermeable to chlorine and chlorine dioxide gas.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the conduit is impermeable to chlorine and chlorine dioxide gas.27. The method of claim 24 , wherein at least a portion of the conduit is flexible.28. The method of claim 24 , wherein the conduit contains an apparatus designed to prevent backflow.29. The method of claim 24 , wherein the apparatus is a check valve.30. The method of claim 24 , wherein the conduit is fitted into a drain claim 24 , at the end of the conduit that is not attached to the water source.31. The method of claim 24 , wherein the conduit is attached to the tapered end of a funnel claim 24 , at the end of the conduit that is not attached to the water source.32. The method of claim 31 , wherein contact between the conduit and the funnel is sealed.33. The method of claim 31 , wherein the conduit attached to the tapered end of a funnel has a length that creates a gap between the conduit and the wide end of the funnel.34. The method of wherein ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002155A1

This disclosure relates to a method, system and apparatus for inactivating microorganisms in an aqueous solution. The method comprises passing bubbles of a gas through the aqueous solution, wherein the gas comprises at least 10% CO2 by volume and has a temperature of at least 18° C. The system comprises a gas supply to supply gas comprising at least 10% CO2 and having a temperature above 18° C., a gas-delivery apparatus to receive the gas and deliver it into the aqueous solution in the form of bubbles. The apparatus comprises a gas-permeable material having a flow surface configured to enable the flow of the aqueous solution across the flow surface, a chamber arranged at an opposite side of the gas-permeable material to supply a gas that inactivates microorganisms such that the gas is able to pass through the gas-permeable material and into the aqueous solution as gas bubbles. 1. A method for inactivating a microorganism in an aqueous solution , the method comprising:{'sub': '2', 'passing bubbles of a gas through the aqueous solution, wherein the gas comprises at least 10% COby volume and has a temperature of at least 18° C. when the gas first contacts the aqueous solution.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the microorganism is algae claim 1 , protozoa claim 1 , fungi claim 1 , spore claim 1 , virus or bacteria.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the microorganism is a virus or bacteria.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bubbles are passed through the aqueous solution while the aqueous solution is exposed to atmospheric pressure.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bubbles have a diameter of 0.1 mm to 7 mm.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas comprises from 50% to 100% CO2 by volume.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas comprises from 10% to 50% CO2 by volume.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas has a temperature in excess of 100° C.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas has a temperature from 18° C. to 100° C.10. The method of claim 1 , ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001881A1

A liquid processing system has: processing units of n stages in which each processing unit includes one or a plurality of processing lines, each processing line includes an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit, and the number of processing lines of an m-th stage processing unit is larger than the number of processing lines of an m+1-th stage processing unit; and adjusting section which adjusts an output of an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit provided to a processing unit of a predetermined stage. An output of an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit provided to a processing unit of a stage other than the predetermined stage is each fixed, and the adjusting section adjusts the output of the let ray irradiating unit provided to the processing unit of the predetermined stage such that a liquid processed in an n-th stage processing unit of a final stage is in a desired processing state. 1. A liquid processing system comprising:processing units of n stages in total (n is a natural number of two or more), each processing unit including one or a plurality of processing lines, each processing line including an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit, and the number of processing lines of an m-th (m is a natural number smaller than n) stage processing unit being larger than the number of processing lines of an m+1-th stage processing unit; andadjusting section which adjusts an output of an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit provided to a processing unit of a predetermined stage, whereinan output of an ultraviolet ray irradiating unit provided to a processing unit of a stage other than the predetermined stage is each fixed, andthe adjusting section adjusts the output of the ultraviolet ray irradiating unit provided to the processing unit of the predetermined stage such that a liquid processed in an n-th stage processing unit of a final stage is in a desired processing state.2. The liquid processing system according to claim 1 , wherein the adjusting section fixes to a maximum output the output ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Fluid transportation and filtering container

Номер: US20200002187A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A fluid transport assembly includes a substantially cylindrical shell having a first closed end and a second closed end and a tube extending from the first closed end to the second closed end. The tube is substantially aligned with an axis of the shell and provides a passage through the shell. The fluid transport assembly also includes a series of concentric cylindrical filters positioned in the cylindrical shell and extending from the first closed end to the second closed end. The series of concentric cylindrical filters defines an input compartment between the filters and the tube and an output compartment between the filters and the cylindrical shell. The series of concentric filters is structured to remove contaminants from a fluid as the fluid flows through the series of concentric filters from the input compartment to the output compartment.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002191A1
Автор: MOCHIZUKI Hiroaki

A fluid sterilization apparatus includes: a flow passage tube in which a processing passage where a passing fluid is sterilized is formed; a first light source that irradiates the processing passage with ultraviolet light; an inflow passage formed in a direction that intersects an outer circumferential surface of the flow passage tube; and a communication passage that causes the inflow passage to communicate with the processing passage. The communication passage has a narrow passage in the middle of a path from the inflow passage toward an opening of a first end, the narrow passage being narrower than a passage toward the inflow passage. 1. A fluid sterilization apparatus comprising:a flow passage tube in which a processing passage where a passing fluid is sterilized is formed;a light source that irradiates the processing passage with ultraviolet light;an inflow passage or an outflow passage formed in a direction that intersects an outer circumferential surface of the flow passage tube; anda communication passage that causes the inflow passage or the outflow passage to communicate with the processing passage, whereinthe communication passage has a narrow passage in the middle of a path from the inflow passage or the outflow passage toward an opening of one end of the flow passage tube, the narrow passage being narrower than a passage toward the inflow passage or the outflow passage.2. The fluid sterilization apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe communication passage is formed between the flow passage tube and a housing that covers an opening of the one end of the flow passage tube and the outer circumferential surface near the opening.3. The fluid sterilization apparatus according to claim 2 , whereina convex part is formed more toward the opening than a portion of the outer circumferential surface of the flow passage tube facing the inflow passage or the outflow passage, and the narrow passage is formed between the convex part and an inner circumferential ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Sanitising Seawater at Subsea Locations

Номер: US20200002192A1

A method of sanitising seawater at a subsea location comprises: exposing flow of seawater in a treatment reactor to UV radiation that sanitises the seawater without the addition of sanitising chemicals; and outputting the sanitised seawater from the reactor into a subsea structure such as a pipeline or a wellhead. The flow of seawater may be exposed to successive emitters of UV radiation such as pressure-compensated LEDs. The efficacy of sanitisation may be determined by: injecting a tracer fluid into the flow of seawater upstream of the reactor; and, downstream of the reactor, sensing transformation of the tracer fluid due to exposure of the tracer fluid to the UV radiation in the reactor. 1. A method of sanitising seawater at a subsea location , comprising:exposing a flow of seawater in a treatment reactor to UV radiation that sanitises the seawater; andoutputting the sanitised seawater from the reactor into a subsea structure.2. The method of claim 1 , where the subsea location is a seabed location.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the subsea structure selected from: a pipeline; a wellhead; a riser; a manifold; a jumper pipe; water injection equipment; a reservoir management system; reservoir testing equipment; and a coolant system.4. The method of claim 1 , comprising directing the flow of seawater through a series of interconnected chambers of the reactor.5. The method of claim 1 , comprising directing the flow of seawater claim 1 , along a serpentine path through the reactor.6. The method of claim 5 , comprising imparting turbulence to the flow of seawaters as it follows the serpentine path.7. The method of claim 1 , comprising determining the efficacy of sanitisation of the seawater in the reactor.8. The method of claim 7 , comprising determining the efficacy of sanitisation by measuring UV radiation within the reactor.9. The method of claim 7 , comprising determining the efficacy of sanitisation by direct monitoring of the operational status of the emitters ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Antibacterial Product And Method Of Manufacturing The Same

Номер: US20200002196A1
Автор: HIRAI Akiko, HIRAI Akira

Disclosed is an antibacterial product including at least one antibacterial part, wherein the antibacterial part includes a surface layer containing silver sintered under a nitrogen atmosphere or silver oxide sintered under an oxygen atmosphere. The antibacterial product prevents the proliferation of bacteria arising due to use thereof, kills bacteria, sterilizes and purifies contaminated water, and exhibits an antibacterial effect against harmful bacteria within at most 6 hr, and preferably an early antibacterial effect within 3 hr, especially 2 hr. 1. An antibacterial product , comprising at least one antibacterial part ,wherein the antibacterial part includes a sintered silver-containing surface layer which comprises a silver salt compound sintered under a nitrogen atmosphere,wherein the silver salt compound is selected from the group consisting of silver carbonate, silver chlorate, silver chloride, silver chromate, silver vanadate, silver manganate, silver nitrate, silver nitrite, silver perchlorate, silver phosphate, and silver acetate,wherein the nitrogen atmosphere is 99 to 100% nitrogen by volume at 440-1000° C.2. The antibacterial product of claim 1 , wherein the nitrogen atmosphere is 99 to 100% nitrogen by volume at 440-500° C.3. The antibacterial product of claim 1 , wherein the silver salt compound is silver nitrate.4. The antibacterial product of claim 1 , wherein the sintered silver-containing surface layer is a surface layer containing sintered silver in layer form claim 1 , which includes sintered silver in layer form as a substrate and is positioned on a surface of the antibacterial product.5. The antibacterial product of claim 4 , wherein the surface layer containing sintered silver in layer form has a thickness of 0.1 to 20 μm.6. The antibacterial product of claim 1 , wherein the antibacterial product is consisted of the antibacterial part.7. The antibacterial product of claim 1 , wherein the antibacterial product is made of stainless metal.8. The ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for the Treatment of Waste from Sewage Digestor

Номер: US20190002324A1
Автор: Hough Richard Murray

Disclosed are methods and machines for removing volatile compounds from sludge. Additionally, disclosed are methods and machines for removing pathogens from sludge. 1. An apparatus for removing volatile compounds from sludge comprising:a first shaft rotating clockwise;a second shaft rotating counterclockwise, 'wherein the multitude of paddles are attached to the first and second shaft with a clamp, the multitude of paddles have an adjustable pitch, and the clamps and the multitude of paddles are rotationally offset along the first and second shafts in a helical pattern around the first and second shafts, such that the rotational offset of each clamp and paddle is less than 60 degrees from the preceding clamp and paddle, and the clamps and multitude of paddles spiral around the first and second shafts at least twice;', 'a multitude of paddles attached to the first and second shafts,'}a first heating element;a U-shaped heated trough; anda hot air blower.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first and second shafts are independently rotated with a ratchet drive.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the ratchet drive is rotated with a hydraulic cylinder.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the shafts are hollow.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the shafts further comprises a second heating element.6. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the duct further comprises an exhaust fan to remove volatile compounds as they are removed from the sludge.7. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first heating element is an electric heating element.8. A method for removing volatile compounds comprising:loading sludge into an apparatus;mixing the sludge with at least two rotating shafts,wherein each rotating shafts has a multitude of paddles;heating the sludge using at least one heating element;removing any volatile compounds using a duct attached to the apparatus.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein each shaft is independently rotated with a ratchet drive.10. The method of claim ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002698A1

A hierarchical catalyst composition comprising a continuous or particulate macroporous scaffold in which is incorporated mesoporous aggregates of magnetic nanoparticles, wherein an enzyme is embedded in mesopores of the mesoporous aggregates of magnetic nanoparticles. Methods for synthesizing the hierarchical catalyst composition are also described. Also described are processes that use the recoverable hierarchical catalyst composition for depolymerizing lignin remediation of water contaminated with aromatic substances, polymerizing monomers by a free-radical mechanism, epoxidation of alkenes, halogenation of phenols, inhibiting growth and function of microorganisms in a solution, and carbon dioxide conversion to methanol. Further described are methods for increasing the space time yield and/or total turnover number of a liquid-phase chemical reaction that includes magnetic particles to facilitate the chemical reaction, the method comprising subjecting the chemical reaction to a plurality of magnetic fields of selected magnetic strength, relative position in the chemical reaction, and relative motion. 122.-. (canceled)23. A method for epoxidation reactions of alkenes , the method comprising reacting alkenes in the presence of oxygen with a hierarchical catalyst composition comprising a continuous macroporous scaffold in which is incorporated self-assembled mesoporous aggregates of magnetic nanoparticles containing an oxygen-transfer enzyme embedded in mesopores of said mesoporous aggregates of magnetic nanoparticles , to produce an alkene oxide.24. The method of claim 23 , wherein said oxygen-transfer enzyme is a chloroperoxidase or a lipase.2539.-. (canceled)40. The method of claim 23 , further comprising magnetic particles claim 23 , not belonging to said mesoporous aggregates of magnetic nanoparticles claim 23 , embedded in said continuous macroporous scaffold.41. The method of claim 23 , wherein said continuous macroporous scaffold has a polymeric composition.42 ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002912A1

A sanitary washing device including: a nozzle discharging water toward a human body private part; a water guide part including a pipe line reaching from a water supply source to the nozzle, and guiding water supplied from the water supply source to the nozzle; a vacuum breaker provided on a path of the water guide part, and taking air into the pipe line when water does not flow in the water guide part; and an ultraviolet irradiation part provided between the vacuum breaker and the nozzle on the path of the water guide part, and including a flow channel flowing water and a light emitting part irradiating ultraviolet rays to the water flowing in the flow channel is provided. 1. A sanitary washing device comprising:a nozzle discharging water toward a human body private part;a water guide part including a pipe line reaching from a water supply source to the nozzle, and guiding water supplied from the water supply source to the nozzle;a vacuum breaker provided on a path of the water guide part, and taking air into the pipe line when water does not flow in the water guide part; andan ultraviolet irradiation part provided between the vacuum breaker and the nozzle on the path of the water guide part, and including a flow channel flowing water and a light emitting part irradiating ultraviolet rays to the water flowing in the flow channel.2. The sanitary washing device according to claim 1 , further comprising: a flow channel switching part provided on the path of the water guide part claim 1 ,the nozzle including a plurality of water discharge ports,the flow channel switching part switching a state of communicating with the pipe line and a state of not communicating with the pipe line with respect to each of the plurality of water discharge ports, andthe ultraviolet irradiation part being provided between the vacuum breaker and the flow channel switching part.3. The sanitary washing device according to claim 1 , whereinthe flow channel includes a main part, and a reflection ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004256A1
Автор: Pyy Reima

A method and an apparatus for disinfecting sewage sludge are disclosed, in which sewage sludge is loaded from a silo into an open container, the open container is transferred away from the loading site, a granular calcium oxide (CaO) is dispensed into the sludge, a diluted peracetic acid solution is dispensed into the sludge and the sludge is mixed in the open container by at least four horizontal mixing screws for about two hours. 1. A method for disinfecting sewage sludge , which comprises:loading sewage sludge from a silo into an open container;transferring the open container from the loading site;dispensing a granular calcium oxide (CaO) into the sludge;dispensing a diluted solution of peracetic acid into the sludge and mixing the sludge in the open container by means of at least four horizontal mixing screws for about two hours.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining the degree of disinfection the sludge by measuring for a temperature and pH during the dispensing.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising loading the treated sludge onto a vehicle intended for sludge transport.4. An apparatus to disinfect sewage sludge claim 1 , which comprises:an open container, in the interior of which container at least four mixing screws are arranged;a ready-to-use solution container; andan acid spray system connected to the ready-to-use solution container for feeding a peracetic acid solution from the ready-to-use solution container into the sludge in the open container.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the mixing screws comprise two lower mixing screws and two upper mixing screws.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the mixing screws are horizontal and mutually parallel screws.7. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the open container is a trailer with open top.8. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the capacity of the open container is about 20 mand the capacity of the ready-to-use solution container is about 200 litres.9. The apparatus of claim 7 , ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220009806A1

Disclosed herein is a water system component including a substrate and a hydrophilic coating disposed on the substrate. The hydrophilic coating includes an adhesive agent; an insolubilizer for insolubilizing the adhesive agent; titanium dioxide; and a metal oxide selected from the group consisting of silver oxide, copper oxide, iron oxide, magnesium oxide, and combinations thereof. 1. A water system component comprising a substrate and a hydrophilic coating disposed on the substrate , wherein the hydrophilic coating comprises an adhesive agent; an insolubilizer; titanium dioxide; and a metal oxide selected from the group consisting of silver oxide , copper oxide , iron oxide , magnesium oxide , and combinations thereof.2. The water system component of claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide is selected from the group consisting of silver oxide claim 1 , copper oxide and combinations thereof.3. The water system component of claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide is silver oxide.4. The water system component of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive agent comprises potassium silicate and the insolubilizer comprises zinc oxide.5. The water system component of claim 1 , wherein the titanium oxide is present in an amount of 10 to 25 percent by weight claim 1 , based on the total weight of the hydrophilic coating.6. The water system component of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises a metal alloy sheet material claim 1 , microporous metal silicate claim 1 , metal alloy foam claim 1 , zeolite claim 1 , or a combination thereof.7. The water system component of claim 6 , wherein the metal alloy comprises one or more of iron claim 6 , chromium claim 6 , nickel claim 6 , copper and zinc.8. The water system component of claim 1 , wherein the coating has a surface coverage of 5 to 30 milligrams per square inch.9. A method for treating water comprising contacting water with the water system component wherein the water system component comprises a substrate and a hydrophilic coating claim 1 , ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005379A1
Автор: Block Philip, Tran Minh

The present invention relates to a method for treating wastewater comprising adding a peracid to such wastewater after such wastewater has undergone a filtration step, characterized in that said peracid is added to said wastewater at a first peracid addition point; as well as at one or more subsequent peracid addition point(s) placed at sequential location(s) in a contact chamber. It has been unexpectedly found that such sequential addition is more effective than adding such peracid at a single location. 1. A method for treating wastewater comprising adding a peracid to such wastewater after such wastewater has undergone a filtration step , characterized in that said peracid is added to said wastewater at (a) a first peracid addition point; and (b) at one or more additional peracid addition point or points located at a sequential location or locations in a contact chamber.2. The method of wherein such wastewater treatment is for surface discharge claim 1 , reuse or combined sewer overflow use.3. The method of wherein the peracid is peracetic acid.4. The method of wherein the peracetic acid is added at a total rate of between 0.5 ppm and 50 ppm by weight of wastewater.5. The method of wherein the peracetic acid is added at a total rate of between 1 ppm and 30 ppm by weight of wastewater.6. The method of wherein the peracid is added at a first peracid addition point and a second peracid addition point.7. The method of wherein the peracid is peracetic acid.8. The method of wherein the peracetic acid is added at a total rate of between 0.5 ppm and 50 ppm by weight of wastewater.9. The method of wherein the peracetic acid is added at a total rate of between 1 ppm and 30 ppm by weight of wastewater.10. The method of wherein the weight ratio of peracetic acid added at the first peracid addition point to peracetic acid added at the additional peracid addition point is between 2:1 and 1:4.11. The method of wherein the weight ratio of peracetic acid added at the first peracid ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006876A1

A disinfectant textile composition having antimicrobial, wash durable, optionally enhanced with multifunctional properties, comprising, 115-. (canceled)16. A method of treating a textile substrate by applying a disinfecting treating composition comprising one , several or all of a quaternary ammonium organosilane compound , and/or silver chloride and/or other types of silver salts , and/or poly-glucosamine , and/or propiconazole , and/or thiabendazole , and/or biocoated silver particles , and/or polyhexamethylene biguanide , using exhaust , padding , coating or spraying process , and subjecting the textile substrate to a heat treatment at a temperature of between 110° C.-180° C. and once again to a heat treatment at a temperature of 110° C.-180° C.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein the substrate claim 16 , is selected from the group consisting of natural or synthetic woven claim 16 , knitted claim 16 , crocheted claim 16 , bonded or non woven textile.18. The method of claim 16 , wherein the textile substrate is a yarn which is spun claim 16 , electrospun claim 16 , drawn or extruded claim 16 , or a natural fabric which is at least one selected from the group consisting of wool claim 16 , cotton claim 16 , silk linen claim 16 , hemp claim 16 , ramie and jute claim 16 , or a synthetic fabric which is at least one selected from the group of rayon claim 16 , nylon claim 16 , non-acrylic olefin claim 16 , acrylic polyester claim 16 , PTFE claim 16 , PP claim 16 , PPE claim 16 , carbon fiber claim 16 , vinyon claim 16 , saran claim 16 , spandex claim 16 , vinalon claim 16 , aramids claim 16 , modal claim 16 , sulfar claim 16 , polybenzimidazole fibre claim 16 , PLA claim 16 , lyocell claim 16 , orlon claim 16 , vectran and zylon acrylonitrile.19. The method of claim 18 , wherein the fabric or yarn is blended.20. The method of claim 16 , wherein the disinfecting treating composition is used in a concentration range of between 0.1 to 10% claim 16 , in particular 0.1 to 4 ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Ultraviolet Water Disinfection System

Номер: US20150008167A1

A solution for treating a fluid, such as water, is provided. An ultraviolet transparency of a fluid can be determined before or as the fluid enters a disinfection chamber. In the disinfection chamber, the fluid can be irradiated by ultraviolet radiation to harm microorganisms that may be present in the fluid. One or more attributes of the disinfection chamber, fluid flow, and/or ultraviolet radiation can be adjusted based on the transparency to provide more efficient irradiation and/or higher disinfection rates. In addition, various attributes of the disinfection chamber, such as the position of the inlet(s) and outlet(s), the shape of the disinfection chamber, and other attributes of the disinfection chamber can be utilized to create a turbulent flow of the fluid within the disinfection chamber to promote mixing and improve uniform ultraviolet exposure. 1. A system comprising: an inner cylindrical chamber;', 'at least one inlet located at a first end of the disinfection chamber and at least one outlet located at a second end of the disinfection chamber, wherein the at least one inlet and the at least one outlet are positioned to provide a rotational force to the fluid within the inner cylindrical chamber; and', 'a set of ultraviolet radiation sources configured to emit ultraviolet radiation directed within the inner cylindrical chamber;, 'a disinfection chamber for disinfecting a fluid, the disinfection chamber comprisinga filtering system located at the at least one inlet of the disinfection chamber configured to filter the fluid;a sensing component located between the filtering system and the at least one inlet configured to evaluate a transparency of the fluid; anda control component configured to control at least one of: the set of ultraviolet radiation sources or a flow rate of the fluid at the at least one inlet, based on the transparency of the fluid.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the control component further comprises an alarm system configured to ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008192A1
Автор: Bruni Gregory J.

A method for decontaminating a biologically contaminated fluid, comprising the steps of: providing a substrate comprising an open-cell foam at least substantially coated with a solution consisting essentially of an organo-functional silane-based quarternary ammonium salt at a concentration of between approximately 0.10 percent to approximately 3.7 percent in water; at least substantially drying said solution on said substrate; placing said coated substrate in a container; introducing into said container a fluid to be decontaminated; and agitating the container for a period of time sufficient to substantially biologically decontaminate said fluid. 1. A method for decontaminating a biologically contaminated fluid , comprising the steps of:providing a substrate comprising an open-cell foam at least substantially coated with a solution consisting essentially of an organo-functional silane-based quarternary ammonium salt at a concentration of between approximately 0.10 percent to approximately 3.7 percent in water;at least substantially drying said solution on said substrate;placing said coated substrate in a container;introducing into said container a fluid to be decontaminated; andagitating the container for a period of time sufficient to substantially biologically decontaminate said fluid.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said fluid is selected from the group consisting of biologically-contaminated drinking water claim 1 , fuels claim 1 , industrial fluids claim 1 , blood claim 1 , and blood plasma.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is an open-cell foam characterized by 25 pores per inch.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the open-cell foam is a reticulated polyethylene foam.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the open-cell foam is a reticulated polyurethane foam.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the organo-functional silane-based quarternary ammonium salt is selected from the group consisting of 3-(trihydroxysilyl) propyldimeythylloctadecyl ammonium ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220017645A1

The present disclosure relates to charge-bearing polymeric materials and methods of their use for purifying fluid samples from micropollutants, such as anionic micropollutants. 3. The porous polymeric material of claim 1 , wherein each cyclodextrin is selected from the group consisting of α-cyclodextrin claim 1 , β-cyclodextrin claim 1 , γ-cyclodextrin claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The porous polymeric material of claim 1 , wherein x and yare each 0.7. The porous polymeric material of claim 6 , wherein each cyclodextrin is a β-cyclodextrin.9. The porous polymeric material of claim 8 , wherein each cyclodextrin is a β-cyclodextrin.10. The porous polymeric material of claim 1 , wherein the polymer has a surface area from about 10 m/g to about 2 claim 1 ,000 m/g.13. The porous polymeric material of claim 11 , wherein each Z is a cationic moiety and the cationic moiety is —N(R) claim 11 , —P(R) claim 11 , —S(R) claim 11 , or -Heteroaryl.14. The porous polymeric material of claim 13 , wherein each cationic moiety is —N(R).15. The porous polymeric material of claim 13 , wherein each cationic moiety is —N(Me).16. The porous polymeric material of claim 11 , wherein each cyclodextrin is selected from the group consisting of α-cyclodextrin claim 11 , β-cyclodextrin claim 11 , γ-cyclodextrin claim 11 , and combinations thereof.17. The porous polymeric material of claim 11 , wherein x and yare each 0.20. The porous polymeric material of claim 19 , wherein each cyclodextrin is a β-cyclodextrin.22. The porous polymeric material of claim 21 , wherein each cyclodextrin is a β-cyclodextrin.24. The porous polymeric material of claim 23 , wherein each cyclodextrin is a β-cyclodextrin.25. The porous polymeric material of claim 11 , wherein the polymer has a surface area from about 10 m/g to about 2 claim 11 ,000 m/g.26. A method of purifying a fluid sample comprising one or more pollutants claim 1 , the method comprising contacting the fluid sample with the porous polymeric ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007936A1
Автор: Garrett Kurt A.
Принадлежит: Hyper Light Technologies, LLC

The present invention is a device for sterilizing microorganisms on a liquid or solid substrate. The device includes a light source for producing a light and an optical device positioned proximate the light source. The optical device is configured to focus the light generated by the light source to provide a high intensity light output. The optical device also includes a dichroic reflector. The dichroic reflector is configured to pass thermal energy generated by the light source and reflect the light produced by the light source. The device also includes a power supply, where the power supply is coupled to the light source and the optical device. The device thereby killing microbial organisms presented within the range of the high intensity light output. 1. A system for sterilizing microorganisms on a heat sensitive liquid or solid substrate , the system comprising:a) a high intensity light source for producing a UV light;b) a dichroic reflector positioned proximate the light source, wherein the dichroic reflector is configured to focus the reflected light produced by the light source to a first end of light guide wherein the light guide delivers the light at a second end to provide a high intensity light output to the liquid or solid substrate; and wherein the dichroic reflector is configured to pass thermal energy produced by the light source through the dichroic reflector; and reflect the light produced by the light source to the light guide;c) a power supply, wherein the power supply is coupled to the light source;d) the light guide for receiving the high intensity light output focused from the dichroic reflector and deliver it from the light guide second end to the heat sensitive liquid or solid; andwherein the microorganisms within the range of the high intensity light output from the light guide are killed.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the light source is polychromatic.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the dichroic reflector is ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Photocatalytic element for purification and disinfection of air and water and method for the production thereof

Номер: US20160008804A1

The invention relates to the purification and disinfection of air and water. A photocatalytic element consists of sintered glass beads with a pore volume fraction from 20% to 40% and a pore size from 0.1 to 0.5 mm, the surface of which is coated with a titanium dioxide powder, having a specific surface area of 150-400 m 2 /g, at the rate of 0.5-2% relative to the total mass of the photocatalytic element. The surface of the glass beads has a relief shape with a relief depression of 0.5-10 pm. The method for producing the photocatalytic element comprises sintering the glass beads at a temperature that is 5-20° C. higher than the glass softening temperature, modifying the bead surface with chemical etching agents, and coating the bead surface with the titanium dioxide powder from a water suspension at a pH of 2.9±0.1.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Antimicrobial Batch Dilution System

Номер: US20170008783A1

An antimicrobial supply system employs a process water supply and incorporates a metallic ion supply connected to the process water supply to provide a high ion concentrate to an output. A dilution reservoir is connected to the metallic ion supply output and has an input from the process water supply. A pump is connected to an output of the reservoir. A manifold connected to the pump provides a dilute concentrate to at least one washing system and a recirculation loop to the dilution reservoir for enhanced mixing of the dilute concentrate. An electronics control module is connected to a first flow controller between the process water supply and the metallic ion supply and a second flow controller between the metallic ion supply and the reservoir for dilution control establishing a desired metallic ion concentration. 112-. (canceled)13. An antimicrobial supply system comprising:a process water supply;a metallic ion supply comprising an output for providing a high metal ion concentrate;a dilution reservoir connected to the metallic ion supply output and having an input from the process water supply;a manifold connected to an output of the reservoir and at least one washing system, and,an electronics control module connected to a first flow controller between the process water supply and the reservoir and a second flow controller between the metallic ion supply and the reservoir, wherein the controller controls a concentration of a dilute concentrate comprising the metal ion concentrate and process water in the dilution reservoir.14. The antimicrobial supply system of claim 13 , wherein the electronics control module is connected to a third flow controller that controls the flow of the dilute concentrate to the at least one wash system.15. The antimicrobial supply system of claim 13 , wherein the process water supply comprises a deionizer.15. The antimicrobial supply system of claim 13 , wherein the process water supply comprises a reverse osmosis filter.16. The ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for Treating Water with a Biological Based Biocide

Номер: US20170008785A1

A system and method of treating water systems with amoebas produced on-site to reduce biological contaminants, such as algae, bacteria and biofilms, without requiring the use of, or reducing the amount of, chemical treatments that produce harmful by-products. The system and method comprise generating an amoeba treatment solution using an on-site biogenerator and discharging the treatment solution in the water system at predetermined discharge intervals. The operating parameters of the biogenerator are monitored and controlled to maintain one or more operating conditions, such as dissolved gas levels, temperature, or pH inside a growth tank within desired ranges. An amount of amoeba starter material sufficient to supply the biogenerator for a prolonged treatment cycle, such as 30 days, is provided and stored in a temperature controlled environment near the biogenerator to maintain the viability of the amoebas prior to generating each dose of treatment solution. 1. A treatment system for treating water in a water system to reduce or remove biological contaminants , the treatment system comprising a biogenerator for generating a plurality of doses of an amoeba treatment solution from an amoeba starter material , the biogenerator comprising a growth tank and an outlet for discharging each dose of amoeba treatment solution to the water system at predetermined dosing cycle intervals.2. The treatment system according to wherein the amoeba treatment solution comprises one or more of bacteria-consuming amoeba.3. The treatment system according to wherein the dosing cycle interval is between once every 12 hours and once every 36 hours during normal operations.4. The treatment system according to wherein each dose of amoeba treatment solution comprises at least 5×10amoebas per liter of solution.5. The treatment system according to wherein substantially most of the amoebas in each dose of treatment solution are in the trophozoite form prior to discharging the treatment solution ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008741A9

A system for disinfecting a fluid, including: a flow cell including one or more inlet ports and one or more outlet ports, wherein the flow cell is configured to communicate a fluid containing a biological contaminant from the one or more inlet ports to the one or more outlet portions through an interior portion thereof; and one or more point radiation sources disposed about the flow cell, wherein the one or more point radiation sources are operable for delivering radiation to the biological contaminant; wherein an interior surface of the flow cell is operable for reflecting the radiation delivered to the biological contaminant by the one or more point radiation sources; and wherein the interior surface of the flow cell is operable for reflecting the radiation delivered to the biological contaminant by the one or more point radiation sources such that a radiation intensity is uniform throughout the interior portion of the flow cell. In one exemplary embodiment, the flow cell is an integrating sphere. Optionally, the system also includes a photocatalyzing material disposed on at least a portion of the interior surface of the flow cell. 1. A system for disinfecting a fluid , comprising:a flow cell comprising one or more inlet ports and one or more outlet ports, wherein the flow cell is configured to communicate a fluid from the one or more inlet ports to the one or more outlet portions through an interior portion thereof; andone or more point radiation sources disposed about the flow cell, wherein the one or more point radiation sources are operable for delivering radiation to the fluid;wherein an interior surface of the flow cell is operable for reflecting the radiation delivered to the fluid by the one or more point radiation sources.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the flow cell comprises one or more of an integrating cavity claim 1 , an integrating ellipsoid claim 1 , and an integrating sphere.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more point radiation ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Photodynamic method to decontaminate surfaces

Номер: US20220023454A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method to decontaminant surfaces including the surface of food and aqueous solutions is provided.

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Aqueous ozone sanitizing system with ozone generator cartridge docking station

Номер: US20220023474A1
Принадлежит: 3Oe Scient LLC

An illustrative aqueous ozone delivery device for use with an aqueous ozone generator cartridge can be used for body part, tissue, and instrument sanitizing, including hand rinsing, hand sanitizing, and clinical treatment. One embodiment includes a hooded sanitizing chamber and spray devices directed to each hand of a user, a docketing station for pluggably receiving a replaceable ozone generator and sensor cartridge, and a controller for sensing hand position and orientation, delivering a desired ozone concentration and duration.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008905A1
Автор: Dorfman Ronald M.
Принадлежит: Skywell, LLC

Atmospheric water generators, systems and methods are presented involve user authentication, recording and tracking of water volumes dispensed by respective users over periods of various lengths, controlling component noise level and timing, and cleaning, heating and cooling the collected water more efficiently. The generators may be placed in network communication with other such generators to exchange water availability information therewith, or may communicate with a central server element by way of LAN, Internet, cell tower, peer-to-peer mesh or satellite. Information is conveyed to the user regarding the amount of water they consume from the water generators, and their resulting positive impact on the environment. Water dispensing data may be shared on the users' social media accounts, or used as inputs for competitions or games in order to further engage the user. User authentication may be accomplished by way of biometrics or an RFID/NFC tag embedded in the user's water vessel. 1. A water dispenser system comprising: (i) actuation periods are respectively defined by each length of time the at least one tap element is continuously in its open state, and', '(ii) actuated volumes of water are respectively defined by the volume of water dispensed during each actuation period; and, '(a) at least one tap element configured to being in water receiving communication with a source of liquid water and being user-actuatable between an open state and a closed state, the at least one tap element being configured to allow water to be dispensed therefrom when in its open state and to prevent water from being dispensed therefrom when in its closed state, wherein (i) register multiple registered users of the water dispenser system;', '(ii) record respective said actuated volumes dispensed by the registered users;', '(iii) sum the recorded actuated volumes dispensed throughout respective user dispensing periods, thereby defining respective user aggregate volumes; and', '(iv) ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Ballast Water Treatment Systems

Номер: US20180008920A1
Принадлежит: Nano Global Corp.

A ballast water treatment system. Implementations may include an intake screen, a ballast water intake pump coupled to the intake screen, a screen filter coupled to an outlet of the ballast water intake pump, and a multi-cartridge filter system coupled to the screen filter and with one or more ballast tanks A ballast water dump pump may be coupled with the one or more ballast tanks. The multi-cartridge filter system may include two or more cartridge filters including a quaternary organosilane coating produced from a quaternary ammonium organosilane reagent. 1. A ballast water treatment system comprising: an intake screen adapted to receive ballast water from a body of water surrounding a ship comprising microorganisms; a ballast water intake pump coupled to the intake screen and adapted to draw ballast water in through the intake screen; a screen filter coupled to the ballast water intake pump , the screen filter adapted to perform a screening of the ballast water output by the ballast water intake pump; a multi-cartridge filter system coupled to the screen filter and with one or more ballast tanks configured to be coupled to the ship; a ballast water dump pump coupled with the one or more ballast tanks and adapted to draw out ballast water stored in the one or more ballast tanks and discharge it back to the body of water surrounding the ship; wherein the multi-cartridge filter system comprises two or more cartridge filters comprising a quaternary organosilane coating produced from a quaternary ammonium organosilane reagent having the formula: ##STR00006## wherein A is a member independently selected from the group consisting of —OR.sup.4 , substituted or unsubstituted alkyl , substituted or unsubstituted heteroalkyl , substituted or unsubstituted cycloalkyl , substituted or unsubstituted heterocycloalkyl , substituted or unsubstituted aryl , and substituted or unsubstituted heteroaryl; and wherein R.sup.4 is a member selected from the group consisting of hydrogen , ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009013A1

The present invention is a method of suppressing bio-film formation on a structure in water, including irradiating light comprising the spectrum of 409 to 412 nm to the structure where bio-film formation is to be suppressed. 1. A method of suppressing bio-film formation on a structure in water , comprising irradiating light comprising the spectrum of 409 to 412 nm to the structure.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light comprises the spectrum of a part of 400 to 440 nm.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light has a peak wavelength in the range between 409 nm and 412 nm.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light has a spectral irradiance of 1.4 μWcmnmor higher in the range between 409 nm and 412 nm at the structure.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light comprises the spectrum of 400 to 420 nm.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein an irradiance of the light is 3 Wmor higher.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light is not a laser beam.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light is an LED light.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the water is seawater.10. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the light is not a laser beam.11. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the light is not a laser beam.12. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the light is not a laser beam.13. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the light is not a laser beam.14. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the light is not a laser beam.15. The method according to claim 8 , wherein the light is not a laser beam.16. The method according to claim 9 , wherein the light is not a laser beam.17. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the light has a peak wavelength in the range between 409 nm and 412 nm.18. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the light has a peak wavelength in the range between 409 nm and 412 nm.19. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the light has a peak ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Rainwater Capture System and Method

Номер: US20160009568A1
Автор: Howell Jon Marc

Systems and methods for collecting rainwater may include detecting a flow of rainwater via a flow meter and automatically switching a valve to direct the flow of rainwater through a first tank that may include a measurement system. The measurement system may measure parameters associated with the flow of rainwater. The parameters may include pH level and rainwater clarity, among others. A controller may determine that each of the parameters may have met a respective criterion and automatically switch at least one second valve to re-direct the flow of rainwater to a second tank for holding collected rainwater. Once the rainwater has been collected, it may be considered raw water and the raw water may be circulated periodically through a treatment system prior to filtration and disinfection. 1. A method for collecting rainwater , comprisingdetecting a flow of rainwater via a flow meter;automatically switching, in response to the detecting, a first valve to direct the flow of rainwater through a first tank, wherein the first tank comprises a measurement system;measuring a plurality of parameters of the flow of rainwater via the measurement system, wherein the plurality of parameters comprises pH level and rainwater clarity;determining that each of the plurality of parameters has met a respective criterion based on the measuring; andautomatically switching, in response to the determining, at least one second valve to re-direct the flow of rainwater to a second tank for holding collected rainwater.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second tank comprises a raw water holding tank claim 1 , and wherein the collected rainwater is raw water.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second tank comprises a raw water holding tank claim 1 , and wherein the collected rainwater is raw water claim 1 , and wherein the method further comprises:pumping the raw water through a treatment system;disinfecting the raw water via the treatment system; andreturning the raw water to the raw ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009570A1
Автор: Hu Ruguo, WU Fenghua, YU Litao
Принадлежит: NESTEC S.A.

A liquid purification apparatus (), comprises a reservoir () for liquid () and a primary irradiation device (); characterized in that it has a directional valve () which is mobile between a recirculating position and a discharging position where the liquid () flows through circulation tubes () having at least one portion substantially transparent to ultraviolet light disposed within said primary irradiation device (); wherein when said directional valve () is in the recirculating position, said reservoir (), said circulation tubes (), said directional valve () form a closed loop. This invention eliminates any dead-space or dead-corners from the apparatus and also prevents the re-contamination of the whole system. 1. A liquid purification apparatus , comprising:a reservoir configured to accommodate a volume of liquid;a pump disposed in fluid communication with said reservoir; anda primary irradiation device, said primary irradiation device being provided with ultraviolet light emitting means;a directional valve, said directional valve comprising an input port, a recirculation port, and a sealing means, said directional valve being mobile between a recirculating position wherein said sealing means blocks a discharge port and a discharging position wherein said directional valve permits a flow from said input port through said discharge port and out of the liquid purification apparatus;a first circulation tube, said first circulation tube establishing fluid communication between said pump and said input port of said directional valve; anda second circulation tube, said second circulation tube establishing fluid communication between said recirculation port of said directional valve and said reservoir;wherein when said directional valve is in the recirculating position, said reservoir, pump, first circulation tube, directional valve, and second circulation tube form a closed loop and,wherein said first circulation tube and/or second circulation tube comprises a portion ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Water Treatment Device

Номер: US20220024784A1

A water treatment device including a first hydrocyclone and a biocidal fluid injector is described. The first hydrocyclone has an internal space, a water inlet for supplying water into the internal space, a base outlet for discharging at least a part of the water, and an apex outlet. The biocidal fluid injector is configured to inject a biocidal fluid into the internal space for eliminating organisms present in the water. The biocidal fluid injector is positioned such that a pressure within the injected biocidal fluid is lower than a head pressure of the first hydrocyclone. 1. A water treatment device comprising a first hydrocyclone and a biocidal fluid injector;the first hydrocyclone having an internal space, a water inlet for supplying water into the internal space, a base outlet for discharging at least a part of the water, and an apex outlet; andthe biocidal fluid injector being configured to inject a biocidal fluid into the internal space for eliminating organisms present in the water, wherein the biocidal fluid injector is positioned such that a pressure within the injected biocidal fluid is lower than a head pressure of the first hydrocyclone.2. The water treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the biocidal fluid injector is configured to inject the biocidal fluid in a region of a central axis of the first hydrocyclone.3. The water treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the biocidal fluid injector is configured to inject the biocidal fluid in a direction parallel to a central axis of the first hydrocyclone.4. The water treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the biocidal fluid injector is configured to inject the biocidal fluid via the apex outlet.5. The water treatment device according to claim 1 , the biocidal fluid injector comprising a production unit configured to produce the biocidal fluid.6. The water treatment device according to claim 5 , the biocidal fluid injector further comprising a pump connected to the production unit ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009279A1

Methods and apparatus are provided for ultraviolet (UV) fluid purification, wherein the fluid is in a gaseous, liquid or solid form or combination thereof, comprising UV-C LED modules having improved light extraction efficiency. UV-C LED(s) are in optical communication with one or more UV-C transmissive window elements. 1. A UV-C purification device , comprising: [{'b': '18', 'a PCB (), having a bottom surface and a top surface,'}, 'one or more UV-C LED located on the PCB, and', 'one or more UV-C-transmissive window elements,, 'one or more UV-C LED modules for administering UV-C light to a fluid in a gaseous, liquid, or solid form or a combination thereof, each module comprisingwherein the one or more UV-C LED is in optical communication with the one or more UV-C-transmissive window elements, andwherein the one or more UV-C transmissive window elements further comprises a top surface, a side surface and a hollow central portion to encapsulate the PCB and wherein the one or more UV-C transmissive window elements is removable and replaceable.2. A UV-C purification device according to wherein the one or more UV-C transmissive window elements further comprises a partial bottom region opposite the top surface of the one or more UV-C transmissive window elements.3. A UV-C purification device according to wherein the partial bottom region of the one or more UV-C transmissive window elements may extend in a direction from the side surface of the UV-C transmissive window element claim 1 , towards a centerline of the top surface of the UV-C transmissive window element.4. A UV-C purification device according to wherein the device further comprises a PCB housing surrounding the PCB.5. A UV-C purification device according to wherein the PCB housing surrounds the outer edge of the PCB.6. A UV-C purification device according to wherein the PCB housing further comprises a region upon which the one or more UV-C transmissive window element seals.7. A UV-C purification device ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Humidifying apparatus

Номер: US20170010010A1
Принадлежит: Dyson Technology Ltd

A humidifying apparatus comprising a base comprising a chamber, a water tank removably mounted on the base for supplying water to the chamber, an impeller and a motor for driving the impeller to generate an air flow, an inlet duct for conveying the air flow to the chamber, humidifying means for humidifying the air flow with water from the chamber, and an outlet duct for conveying the humidified air flow from the chamber, wherein a lower surface of the water tank, which in use supports the water tank on the base, comprises a recessed portion for receiving water overflow from the chamber.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009439A1
Автор: LOVEGROVE Joseph

A portable water filtration device is provided. The portable water filtration device comprises a housing defining an interior volume, said housing comprising; an input port for receiving water under pressure from an external source, and; an output port having an open position and a closed position. The device further comprises; a filter comprising an an array of hydrophilic capillary fibre membranes, said filter being positioned within the housing so as to form a fluid path between the interior volume of the housing and the output port such that, in use, when the output port is in the open position, water received at the input port flows under a pressure differential induced by the external source through walls of the capillary fibre membranes to respective open ends of the capillary fibre membranes to the output port, and further wherein; the filter fills at least 65% of the interior volume of the housing. 133-. (canceled)34. A portable water filtration device , comprising:a housing defining an interior volume, said housing comprising; an input port for receiving water under pressure from an external source;a filter comprising an array of hydrophilic capillary fibre membranes;a reservoir surrounding the filter, and;an output port having an open position and a closed position; wherein the device further comprises;the filter being positioned within the housing so as to form a fluid path between the reservoir and the output port such that, in use, when the output port is in the open position, water received at the input port flows under a pressure differential induced by the external source through walls of the capillary fibre membranes to respective open ends of the capillary fibre membranes to the output port, and further wherein;the filter fills at least 65% of the interior volume of the housing.35. The device of claim 34 , wherein the filter fills at least 75% claim 34 , preferably at least 80% claim 34 , of the interior volume of the housing.36. The device of ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009443A1
Автор: Geelhoed Michael

A method and system for water purification includes a particle accelerator configured to generate a particle beam and a conduit configured to be substantially in line with the particle beam wherein said electron beam is incident on a fluid flowing through the conduit. The electron beam can be oriented to be substantially head on to the direction of flow of the fluid in the conduit. A shielding assembly can be configured around the conduit. A cartridge filtering system and contaminant filtering system can be provided to remove additional contaminants. 1. A purification system comprising:a particle accelerator configured to generate a particle beam; anda conduit configured to be substantially in line with said particle beam wherein said electron beam is incident on a fluid flowing through said conduit.2. The purification system of wherein said particle beam accelerator comprises an SRF electron beam accelerator.3. The purification system of further comprising:a cartridge filtering system.4. The purification system of wherein said cartridge filtering system further comprises:at least two filters organized in parallel.5. The purification system of further comprising at least one of:a reverse osmosis filtering system;a granular activated carbon filtering system; anda deionized filtering system.6. The purification system of further comprising:a shielding assembly configured around said conduit.7. The purification system of wherein a diameter of said particle beam is substantially equivalent to an inner diameter of said conduit.8. The purification system of wherein said particle beam is oriented to be substantially head on to a direction of flow of said fluid in said conduit.9. The purification system of further comprising:a control system configured to adjust a power of said particle beam according to a flow rate of said fluid flowing in said conduit.10. The purification system of further comprising:a pump configured to pump said fluid through said conduit; anda flow ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009453A1
Принадлежит: Curozone Ireland Limited

A water purification system provides clean water for the consumption by livestock by using a continuously recirculating water loop. A circulating pump moves the water within the water loop in a flow direction. A particle filter system is fluidically connected in series and removes dissolved solids or particulates within the water. An ozone purification system and/or with the addition of other antimicrobial or purification agents is fluidically connected in parallel to a portion of the continuously recirculating feedback monitored and control water loop. The ozone purification system is disposed downstream of the particle filter system in relation to the flow direction. A feeding station is connected in series with the continuously recirculating water loop disposed downstream of the ozone purification system in relation to the flow direction. An alkaline water apparatus is disposed upstream of the ozone purification unit, connected either before or in parallel to the ozone purification system. 1. A water purification system configured to provide clean water for consumption by livestock or other animals , the water purification system comprising:a continuously recirculating water loop;a circulating pump fluidically connected in series with the continuously recirculating water loop configured to pump water within the continuously recirculating water loop in a flow direction;a water supply inlet fluidically connected to the continuously recirculating water loop at a first check valve, the water supply inlet configured to provide additional water due to the water consumption in the water purification system;at least one particle filter system fluidically connected as part of and in series with the continuously recirculating water loop, the at least one particle filter system configured to remove dissolved solids or particulates within the water, the particle filter system disposed downstream of the first check valve in relation to the flow direction;an ozone purification ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Task specific ionic liquid-impregnated polymeric surface coatings for antibacterial, antifouling, and metal scavenging activity

Номер: US20200009611A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Disclosed are polymer-coated surfaces encapsulating task specific ionic liquids (ILs), IL complexes, or oils. Also disclosed are polymer-coated surfaces, wherein the polymer comprises ILs or neutral ethylene diamine compounds. Also disclosed are methods of antimicrobial treatment, metal remediation, and gas absorption using polymer coatings encapsulating ILs, IL complexes, and oils or polymer coatings comprising ILs and neutral ethylene diamine compounds.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010051A1
Принадлежит: Xylem IP Management S.à r.l.

An ozone generator includes a high-voltage electrode and at least one counter electrode, which define an interstice in which at least one dielectric is arranged and through which a gas flows in the flow direction. The high-voltage electrode and the at least one counter electrode are provided with a connection for an electrical voltage supply to generate corona discharges which are discharged from surface discharge locations. The mean sparking distance and the mean spacing between the high-voltage electrode and the at least one counter-electrode are constant. The number of surface discharge locations decreases in the flow direction. 18.-. (canceled)9. An ozone generator comprising:a high-voltage electrode;at least one counter electrode;an interstice configured to support a flow of gas in a flow direction between the high-voltage electrode and the at least one counter electrode, the interstice having at least one dielectric therein, the interstice defining a constant mean sparking distance and a constant mean spacing between the high-voltage electrode and the at least one counter-electrode;an electrical voltage supply connected to the high-voltage electrode and the at least one counter electrode; andone or more surface discharge locations configured to produce corona discharges, the number of surface discharge locations decreasing in the flow direction.10. The ozone generator according to claim 9 , wherein the number of surface discharge locations continuously decreases in the flow direction.11. The ozone generator according to claim 9 , wherein the surface discharge locations are arranged on the high-voltage electrode.12. The ozone generator according to claim 11 , wherein the high-voltage electrode comprise a mesh claim 11 , braid claim 11 , knit claim 11 , weave claim 11 , or winding of wire that defines said surface discharge locations.13. The ozone generator according to claim 12 , wherein the wire defines a mesh having a mesh width claim 12 , wherein the mesh ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180011019A1

Method for determining the UV transmittance of water in a UV disinfection plant, through which water flows, wherein the UV disinfection plant has a plurality of radiator arrangements, each with a UV radiation source, a sleeve tube which surrounds the UV radiation source and which has an end face at an open end, and with a UV-C sensor which detects the UV radiation emerging from the sleeve tube without the influence of the water, and with at least one further UV sensor which is arranged at a distance from the sleeve tubes of the radiator arrangements, wherein the method includes the following steps: measuring the UV radiant power emerging from the sleeve tube; measuring an amount of the transmitted radiant power by the further UV sensor; and determining the transmittance of the water by an amount of the emerged radiant power and of the transmitted radiant power. 18.-. (canceled)9. A method for determining an ultraviolet (UV) transmittance of water in a UV disinfection plant , through which water flows , wherein the UV disinfection plant includes:a plurality of radiator arrangements, each arrangement comprising a UV radiation source, a sleeve tube surrounding the UV radiation source and having an end face at an open end, and a UV-C sensor configured to detect UV radiation emerging from the sleeve tube without the influence of the water, andat least one further UV sensor arranged at a distance from (i) the sleeve tubes of the radiator arrangements and (ii) the UV radiation sources,wherein the method comprises:a) for at least one radiator arrangement, measuring with the UV-C sensor an amount of UV radiant power emerging from the sleeve tube;b) measuring with the at least one further UV sensor an amount of transmitted radiant power;c) determining the transmittance of the water based upon the amount of transmitted radiant power relative to the amount of emerged radiant power.10. The method according to claim 9 , wherein the UV-C sensor is in optical connection with the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Optical density monitor and comparator systems and methods

Номер: US20180011020A9

The present disclosure relates generally to systems and methods for determining the absorption coefficient and the optical density of a fluid as they relate to the wavelength of incident radiation. Specifically, ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UV LEDs) or the like that emit ultraviolet (UV) radiation or the like are used as sources for irradiating the interior of an integrating chamber that is designed to increase the path length of the radiation through the fluid, thus enhancing the detection limits of the absorption coefficient and the optical density according to Beer's Law.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010681A1

A method for providing a warning of the risk of in a fluid conductor, the method including determining the percentage of a duration a fluid is disposed in the fluid conductor at a temperature in which can thrive during a period, wherein if the percentage of the duration is greater than about 50% of the period, a first indication of a risk of is raised. 1LegionellaLegionellaLegionella. A method for providing a warning of the risk of in a fluid conductor , said method comprising determining the percentage of a duration a fluid is disposed in the fluid conductor at a temperature in which can thrive during a period , wherein if the percentage of said duration is greater than about 50% of said period , a first indication of a risk of is raised.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:(a) identifying a flow volume of the fluid through the fluid conductor during said period to yield a flow volume per unit period; and{'i': 'Legionella', '(b) comparing said flow volume per unit period to a threshold, wherein if said flow volume per unit period is less than said threshold, a second indication of a risk of is raised.'}3. The method of claim 2 , wherein said threshold is the total fluid volume of the fluid conductor within said period.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said period is about 6 hours.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing a warning indicating that the fluid in the fluid conductor should be replaced if said first indication is raised.6Legionella. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing a warning indicating that the fluid in the fluid conductor should not be consumed by humans without further treatment if said first indication of a risk of is raised.7Legionella. A method for mitigating the risk of in a fluid conductor claim 1 , said method comprising:replacing the volume of the fluid in the fluid conductor at least once during a period.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein said period is about 3 hours.9. The method of claim 7 , ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Multifunctional Mopping Machine

Номер: US20220031138A1
Автор: Lou Shizhong

A multifunctional mopping machine includes a handle, a body and a main machine. The body includes a mounting base, and a housing provided with a cleaning assembly; the body is detachably connected to the mounting base; the main machine includes a negative pressure assembly and a power supply assembly; the power supply assembly, the negative pressure assembly and the cleaning assembly form a cleaning mechanism; and a water tank for supplying water to the cleaning assembly, and a sodium hypochlorite electrolysis generator are arranged on the mounting base. An ultraviolet sterilizing lamp facing the ground to be cleaned is arranged on the housing. A tail end of a dust collecting hose communicates with a negative pressure end of the main machine, and collects both dirty water and dust on the floor, so as to ensure no stain left on the floor, satisfying present floor washing requirements. 114234212452. A multifunctional mopping machine , comprising a handle () , a body and a main machine () , wherein the body comprises a mounting base () , and a housing () provided with a cleaning assembly; the body () is detachably connected to the mounting base (); a lower end of the handle () is connected to the mounting base (); the main machine () comprises a negative pressure assembly and a power supply assembly; the power supply assembly , the negative pressure assembly and the cleaning assembly form a cleaning mechanism; and a water tank () for supplying water to the cleaning assembly , and a sodium hypochlorite electrolysis generator are arranged on the mounting base ().23. The multifunctional mopping machine according to claim 1 , wherein an ultraviolet lamp is arranged in the housing () claim 1 , and the ultraviolet lamp faces a ground to be cleaned; and the multifunctional mopping machine further comprises a charging base having a self-cleaning starting program claim 1 , with the body being arranged on the charging base.31678766292686868. The multifunctional mopping machine ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Spade Connector And Associated Systems And Methods

Номер: US20170012367A1

Exemplary embodiments are directed to spade connectors for mating with an electrolytic blade. The electrolytic blade can include a body defining side walls. The electrolytic blade can include a protrusion defining a top edge and a bottom edge. The spade connector can include a body defining a distal end and a proximal end. The spade connector can include a connector extending from the body. The connector can include first and second inwardly biased flanges configured and dimensioned to engage the top and bottom edges of the protrusion of the electrolytic blade. Exemplary embodiments are also directed to systems and methods associated with the spade connectors. 1. A spade connector for mating with an electrolytic blade , the electrolytic blade including a body defining side walls and a protrusion defining a top edge and a bottom edge , the spade connector comprising:a body defining a distal end and a proximal end, anda connector extending from the body, the connector including first and second inwardly biased flanges configured and dimensioned to engage the top and bottom edges of the protrusion of the electrolytic blade.2. The spade connector according to claim 1 , wherein the body defines a planar bottom surface of the spade connector.3. The spade connector according to claim 1 , wherein the connector is disposed at or near the proximal end of the body.4. The spade connector according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second inwardly biased flanges defines a V-shaped form.5. The spade connector according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second inwardly biased flanges defines a rounded form.6. The spade connector according to claim 1 , wherein inner surfaces of the first and second inwardly biased flanges define first and second contact surfaces.7. The spade connector according to claim 1 , wherein the connector defines an enclosure into which at least a portion of the protrusion is inserted.8. The spade connector according to claim 1 , wherein ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

System and method of desalinating seawater

Номер: US20150014147A1
Автор: Herbert J. Roth, Jr.
Принадлежит: Individual

Saline water from a body of water is desalinated using a water purification system. Chambers of a plurality of tanks are filled with a volume of saline water. The saline water is heated to increase a pressure and produce water vapor within the chamber of each tank. A condensation valve disposed within a condensing tube is moved to an open position such that the water vapor is released into a respective condensing tube. The water vapor is condensed to provide potable water.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014229A1
Автор: Völker Manfred

The water treatment system, particularly pre-filtration unit of the water treatment system, comprising at least one chlorine sensor device, includes a salt-water treatment device which is connected to the chlorine sensor device, an electrolysis cell being disposed in the associated line, and thereafter a pump and a release valve. 1. A water treatment system , particularly pre-filtration unit of the water treatment system , comprising: a chlorine sensor device , wherein the water treatment system contains a salt-water tank which is connected via a chlorine test line to the chlorine sensor device , an electrolysis cell , a pump and a release valve being disposed in the chlorine test line.2. A water treatment system , particularly pre-filtration unit of the water treatment system , comprising: a chlorine sensor device , wherein the water treatment system contains a container with a chlorine-containing solution , preferably chlorine bleaching agent or chlorine dioxide , the container being connected via a chlorine test line to the chlorine sensor device , a pump and a release valve being disposed in the chlorine test line.3. The water treatment system according to claim 1 , wherein the pump claim 1 , the electrolysis cell and the chlorine sensor device are arranged in a recirculation circuit which is connected to the chlorine test line and in which the supplied salt water is circulated through the electrolysis cell and the chlorine sensor device.4. The water treatment system according to claim 2 , wherein the pump and the chlorine sensor device are arranged in a recirculation circuit which is connected to the chlorine test line and in which the supplied chlorine-containing liquid is circulated through the chlorine sensor device.5. The water treatment system according to further comprising:a softener device which has connected thereto the salt water tank via a salt water line,the electrolysis cell being disposed in the salt water line, anda chlorine test line branching ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Field Water Purification System Filter

Номер: US20150014247A1
Принадлежит: Cal Poly Corp

A field water purification system filter is described. The filter includes a water tight enclosure formed between two layers of a polymeric material, an inlet and an outlet are coupled to the water tight enclosure. A filter envelope including a quantity of filter media is inside the water tight enclosure. The water filter having a minimal thickness when not filled with water. The filter envelope is formed by a first set of bonded segments of the two layers of polymeric material. The filter can also include an outer channel having a first side formed by the water tight enclosure and a second side opposite from the first side. The second side can include a second set of bonded segments of the two layers of polymeric material interspersed with a set of nonbonded segments, the nonbonded segments defining openings in an intermittent barrier between the outer channel and the filter media.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Sterilizing electrodes set, method of sterilizing and sterilization apparatus using same

Номер: US20220033287A1
Автор: Yeanju LEE
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a set of sterilizing electrodes, to a set of sterilizing electrodes, method of sterilizing and sterilization apparatus using same, comprising: a conductive body formed of electrically conductive material and having a facing surface and connected to power supply; an electrode catalyst layer stacked on the facing surface of the conductive body; and, an insulation cover formed of an insulating material, and is fixed to the conductive body with the electrode catalyst layer interposed between the conductive body, wherein through portions are provided to form a first region that is a exposed part of the electrode catalyst layer through the through portions at a plurality of positions, and wherein the remaining areas of the electrode catalyst layer other than the first region are covered by the insulation cover; thereby obtaining advantageous effects that it is easy to manufacture to replace and to recycle the electrode catalyst layer, and also sterilizing components can be uniformly and effectively generated.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014742A1

A water filter may include a diatomite-based ceramic filter having a median pore size greater than about 5 microns, and at least one of a halogen source, a UV source, an active carbon source, or a filtration membrane. A method of filtering water includes passing water from a source chamber through a diatomite-based ceramic filter having a median pore size greater than about 5 microns, and passing the water through at least one of a halogen source, an active carbon source, a UV source, or a filtration membrane to a collection chamber. The diatomite-based ceramic filter may further include bentonite. The water filter may include a biocide. The water filter may have a flow rate greater than about 5 L/hr when normalized to a surface area of 0.015 m. The water filter may reduce bacteria by greater than about 6-log. The halogen source may include a halogen elution system or a surface modification of the diatomite-based ceramic filter. 1. A water filter comprising:a diatomite-based ceramic filter having a median pore size greater than about 5 microns; andat least one of a halogen source, a UV source, an active carbon source, or a filtration membrane.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The water filter of claim 1 , wherein the diatomite-based ceramic filter is disc-shaped.5. The water filter of claim 1 , wherein the diatomite-based ceramic filter is candle-shaped.6. The water filter of claim 1 , wherein the diatimote-based ceramic filter further comprises bentonite claim 1 ,7. The water filter of claim 1 , further comprising a biocide.8. The water filter of claim 7 , wherein the biocide comprises at least one of germicides claim 7 , bactericides claim 7 , fungicides claim 7 , algaeicides claim 7 , and drinking water disinfectants.9. The water filter of claim 7 , wherein the biocide comprises at least one silver acetate claim 7 , silver carbonate claim 7 , silver chloride claim 7 , silver copper zeolite claim 7 , silver fluoride claim 7 , silver iodide claim 7 , silver nitrate ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014618A1
Автор: RUPNIK Carlo

The invention relates to an electric machine (fixed, mobile or portable) suitable to the physical, dynamic, continuous conditioning of materials having the ability to absorb electromagnetic radiation, which have the need to be treated through the irradiation of UV or IR, even without entering into contact with the machine and this also through the vacuum. The invention mainly uses the Lambert and Stefan-Boltzmann postulates, or rather the physical assumptions of the transmission of energy by radiation and in particular the concentration and the emission proximity of energy between transmitter and receiver (which varies with the square of the distance) and the emission intensity (which varies with the fourth power of the temperature). The extremely small distances between transmitter and receiver of electromagnetic energy and the cylindrical shape and concentric electromagnetic emission source (reflected from the outside towards the centre) are the main essence and novelty of the invention. The electric machine, the section of which is represented in the attached drawing of which are hereby provided in the description the letters as a reference, is composed of a suitable current generator that feeds an emitter of electromagnetic waves (EMW) represented by a coiled heating wire (heater function) or by a strip of LEDs (germicidal function) (E), which envelops a fused quartz tube (or a substitute material) of suitable thickness (D), which in turn can contain an internal (or more) further tube (C) of the same or similar transparent material of the first, adapted to the passage of materials to be treated (A); the tube (D) wrapped with the spiral emitter (E) is in turn encased by a tube (F) in suitably appropriate material to shield electromagnetic emissions towards the outside. Such screening tube will (eventually) in turn be inserted in a relatively thick insulating cup (G), coated in turn with reflecting material (H), to further isolate and insulate the system as much ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015566A1

A dielectric barrier discharge lamp assembly for a fluid treatment system. The lamp assembly can include an inductive secondary, first and second electrodes coupled to the inductive secondary, and a lamp including a dielectric barrier interposed between the first and second electrodes. The dielectric barrier can define a discharge chamber including a discharge gas, and one of the first and second electrodes can extend within the discharge chamber. The inductive secondary can be adapted to receive power from a nearby inductive primary to promote a dielectric barrier discharge in the discharge chamber. The resulting dielectric barrier discharge can generate ultraviolet light for the treatment of air or water, or for other applications. 1. A point-of-use water treatment system comprising:an inductive primary adapted to generate a time-varying electromagnetic field in a power supply mode and in a communications mode; anda lamp assembly adapted to be removably supported within the water treatment system and adapted to radiate ultraviolet light for treating a fluid moving through the water treatment system, the lamp assembly including: an ultraviolet lamp, an inductive secondary adapted to receive power from the inductive primary, and a memory associated with the ultraviolet lamp,wherein the inductive secondary is adapted to receive power from the inductive primary when operating in the power supply mode and adapted to supply the power to the ultraviolet lamp, andwherein the inductive primary is operable in the communications mode to read data from the memory before energizing the ultraviolet lamp and operable in the communications mode to write data to the memory after energizing the ultraviolet lamp.2. The point-of-use water treatment system of wherein the ultraviolet lamp is a compact fluorescent lamp claim 1 , a tube fluorescent lamp claim 1 , or an LED lamp.3. The point-of-use water treatment system of wherein the data read from the lamp assembly memory tag includes ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Water filter

Номер: US20180015394A1
Принадлежит: Sagan Life LLC

A filtration system effective to filter bacteria, cysts, and viruses. The small scale filter includes a rigid or semi-rigid core having perforations formed therein, and surrounded by one or more layers of filter media formed into a pleat pack filter arrangement.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015422A1
Автор: Sao Toshio, Taura Shintaro

A water treatment apparatus includes a flow channel in which waters to be treated to circulate, bactericide injection means for injecting a chlorine-based bactericide in an injection position A of the flow channel, and reverse osmosis membrane modules and which are disposed in the flow channel on a downstream side from the injection position A and have reverse osmosis membranes and . In the flow channel, at least one kind of metal or metal compound selected from metals or metal compounds described in (1), (2), and (3) is disposed as a catalyst between the injection position and the reverse osmosis membrane modules. 111-. (canceled)12. A water treatment apparatus comprising:a flow channel in which water to be treated circulates;bactericide injection means for injecting sodium hypochlorite as a chlorine-based bactericide in an injection position of the flow channel; andreverse osmosis membrane modules which are disposed in the flow channel on a downstream side from the injection position in a circulation direction of the water to be treated and have reverse osmosis membranes,wherein in the flow channel, at least one kind of metal or metal compound selected from metals or metal compounds described in the following (1) to (7) is disposed as a catalyst, which decomposes the sodium hypochlorite into salt and a reactive oxygen radical, between the injection position and the reverse osmosis membrane.(1) iron, a hydroxide of iron, a carbonate of iron, and a sulfate of iron,(2) a hydroxide of cobalt, a carbonate of cobalt, and a sulfate of cobalt,(3) a hydroxide of nickel, a carbonate of nickel, and a sulfate of nickel,(4) magnesium, a hydroxide of magnesium, an oxide of magnesium, a carbonate of magnesium, and a sulfate of magnesium,(5) calcium, a hydroxide of calcium, an oxide of calcium, a carbonate of calcium, and a sulfate of calcium,(6) strontium, a hydroxide of strontium, a carbonate of strontium, and a sulfate of strontium,(7) barium, a hydroxide of barium, an oxide ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015428A1
Автор: NARDELLA Marc

A fountain has: a water source; a housing; a vortex chamber defined within the housing, the vortex chamber connected to receive water from the water source; a bubble chamber defined within the housing and connected to receive water from the vortex chamber and cause air bubbles to percolate within the bubble chamber; and a water outlet defined in the bubble chamber. A fountain has: a water source; a housing; a vortex chamber defined within the housing, the vortex chamber connected to receive water from the water source; a second chamber defined within the housing and connected to receive water from the vortex chamber; and a plurality of water outlets defined in the second chamber. 1. A fountain comprising:a water source;a housing;a vortex chamber defined within the housing, the vortex chamber connected to receive water from the water source;a bubble chamber defined within the housing and connected to receive water from the vortex chamber and cause air bubbles to percolate within the bubble chamber; anda water outlet defined in the bubble chamber.2. The fountain of in which the vortex chamber is located above the bubble chamber and separated by a partition plate with an opening that fluidly connects the vortex chamber and the bubble chamber.3. The fountain of in which an upper surface of the partition plate is tapered with decreasing width toward the bubble chamber to form a funnel that terminates in the opening.4. The fountain of in which the partition plate is a planar ring.5. The fountain of in which during use an upper portion of the bubble chamber is filled with air.6. The fountain of in which the water outlet comprises a plurality of water outlets.7. The fountain of in which the plurality of water outlets are arranged at different angular positions about an encircling side wall of the housing.8. The fountain of in which the housing is cylindrical.9. The fountain of further comprising a basin positioned underneath the bubble chamber claim 1 , in which a base end ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Removal of Microorganisms from Fluid Samples Using Nanofiber Filtration Media

Номер: US20190015533A1

A method for removing microorganisms from liquid samples and a nanofiber containing liquid filtration medium that simultaneously exhibits high liquid permeability and high microorganism retention. Microorganisms such as bacteria, particularly , are removed from a liquid by passing the liquid through a porous nanofiber containing filtration medium having a LRV greater than about 9, and the nanofiber(s) has a diameter from about 10 nm to about 1,000 nm. Another method for removing microorganisms such as bacteria and , includes passing the liquid through a porous nanofiber containing filtration medium having a microorganism LRV greater than about 8, and the nanofiber(s) has a diameter from about 10 nm to about 1,000 nm. The filtration medium can be in the form of a fibrous electro spun polymeric nanofiber liquid filtration medium mat. 120.-. (canceled)21Brevundimonas diminuta. A filtration device comprising a porous nanofiber containing filtration medium made by electrospinning a polymer , wherein the filtration medium exhibits full retention of by size-based separation as measured in accordance with ASTM F838-83 and a liquid permeability greater than about 1000 LMH/psi , wherein the nanofiber has a fiber diameter from about 10 nm to about 1 ,000 nm.22. The filtration device of claim 21 , wherein the filtration medium has a thickness ranging from about 1 μm to about 500 μm.23. The filtration device of claim 21 , wherein the polymer is selected from the group consisting of polyimide claim 21 , aliphatic polyamide claim 21 , aromatic polyamide claim 21 , polysulfone claim 21 , cellulose acetate claim 21 , polyether sulfone claim 21 , polyurethane claim 21 , poly(urea urethane) claim 21 , polybenzimidazole claim 21 , polyetherimide claim 21 , polyacrylonitrile claim 21 , poly(ethylene terephthalate) claim 21 , polypropylene claim 21 , polyaniline claim 21 , poly(ethylene oxide) claim 21 , poly(ethylene naphthalate) claim 21 , poly(butylene terephthalate) claim 21 , ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Preparation Method of Antibacterial Deodorizing Modified Fiber for Water Purification

Номер: US20210015099A1
Автор: Tao Chen, Zhongda Duan

A preparation method of an antibacterial deodorizing modified fiber for water purification is provided. Maleic anhydride is used to perform an addition reaction with sodium polysulfide to generate a disulfide antibacterial agent I, the disulfide antibacterial agent I continues to react with 2-amino-5-nitropyridine in an acetic acid solution under the catalysis of sodium acetate to obtain a compound II, then, the nitro in the compound II is reduced into amino by ferrous sulfate, meanwhile, anhydride is hydrolyzed into carboxylic acid in a faintly acid aqueous solution to obtain a compound III, and finally, under alkaline conditions, the amino in the compound III reacts with the cyan in a polyacrylonitrile fiber to obtain a modified polyacrylonitrile fiber. The prepared modified polyacrylonitrile fiber can remove various heavy metals in sewage and has good antibacterial and anti-mildew effects, thereby achieving the effects of water purification and deodorization.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Chemical Feeder

Номер: US20160016832A1

A chemical feeder includes a housing having a housing chamber, a sieve plate within the housing chamber, and a cartridge on an upper surface of the sieve plate. The cartridge includes a tubular member with a sidewall outer surface and a plurality of partitions extending from the sidewall outer surface to define a plurality of pockets, at least one of which contains a solid chemical material. The sieve plate includes a plurality of sieve plate inlet apertures, at least a portion of which are in fluid communication with at least one of the plurality of pockets. During operation, a feed liquid passes up through at least a portion of the sieve inlet plate apertures and into at least one pocket where it contacts a solid chemical material, so as to form a treated liquid that includes dissolved chemical material, at least a portion of which is removed through an outlet. 1. A chemical feeder comprising:(a) a housing comprising a housing base and a housing sidewall that together define a housing chamber having an inner surface;(b) a sieve plate comprising an upper surface, a lower surface, and at least one sieve plate inlet aperture extending from said lower surface to said upper surface of said sieve plate, wherein said sieve plate is positioned within said housing chamber and above an inner surface of said housing base;(c) at least one inlet in said housing through which a feed liquid is introduced into said housing chamber;(d) at least one outlet in said housing through which a treated liquid comprising dissolved chemical material is removed from said housing chamber; and (1) a tubular member comprising a bottom end, a top end, and a sidewall extending between said bottom end and said top end to define a sidewall outer surface; and', '(2) a plurality of partitions extending from said sidewall outer surface of said tubular member to define a plurality of pockets, wherein each of said plurality of pockets is defined between adjacent partitions and said sidewall outer ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

High-Efficiency Sludge Dehydrator Using An Adaptive Mechanical Vapor Re-compression Process

Номер: US20190015760A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A unique adaptive method of Mechanical Vapor Re-compression (MVR) to dehydrate abrasive sludge to a dry, sterile state that is nearly moisture free while maintaining extremely high process efficiencies by adaptively tuning the system parameters related to the varying specific plus latent heats of the input feedstream. This Adaptive MVR (AMVR) process is supported by the effective use of a unique method and apparatus for the optimization of the conductive heating process as applied to a range of sludge consistencies.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

System and Method for Treating Water Systems with High Voltage Discharge and Ozone

Номер: US20180016163A1

A system and method for treating flowing water systems with a plasma discharge to remove or control growth of microbiological species. The system and method protect other components of the water system from being damaged by excess energy from the electrohydraulic treatment. The system and method also recycle ozone gas generated by a high voltage generator that powers the plasma discharge to further treat the water. A gas infusion system upstream of or inside a plasma reaction chamber may be used to create fine bubbles of ozone, air, or other gases in the water being treated to aid in plasma generation. 17-. (canceled)8. The method of further comprising isolating a power supply to the high voltage generator from other electronic components of the flowing water system.9. The method of further comprising providing one or more ground devices connected to components of the water system.10. The method of wherein the protecting step comprises one or more of the following: connecting one or more electromagnetic interference suppressors to one or more electronic components of the flowing water system claim 14 , segregating a first power supply for the one or more electronic components of the water system from a second power supply for the high voltage generator and connecting one or more grounding devices to one or more pipe segments or to a sump in the flowing water system.11. A method for treating water in a flowing water system with a plasma discharge claim 14 , the method comprising:diverting at least a portion of water from the flowing water system to flow through a reaction chamber comprising an inlet in fluid communication with the water system, an outlet in fluid communication with the water system, a body, a high voltage electrode at least partially disposed within the body, and a ground electrode at least partially disposed within the body;generating the plasma discharge in the diverted portion of water flowing through the reaction chamber body to treat that ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Chemical free and energy efficient desalination system

Номер: US20180016173A1
Принадлежит: IDE Technologies Ltd

A desalination system ( 100 ) having an intake unit ( 110 ) providing seawater to a pre-treatment unit ( 120 ) connected to a reverse osmosis (RO) desalination unit ( 130 ) and a post treatment unit ( 150 ). The desalination system ( 100 ) is configured to operate without any external addition of chemicals to simplify logistics and regulation concerns. The units of the system are configured to prevent biofouling, scaling and corrosion by mechanical and biological means including high flow speeds, biological flocculation of colloids, and making the water entering the RO units inhospitable to bacteria and other organisms that cause biofouling, hence preventing their settlement and removing them with the brine. Recovery rate is lowered and energy is recovered to increase the energetic efficiency and minerals that are added to the product water are taken from the brine.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017375A1

A point-of-use (POU) water filtration device has a container. A plurality of channels is formed within the container, water entering the container flowing through the plurality of channels. A plurality of Ultraviolet (UV) Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) is provided. Each of the plurality of UV LEDs illuminating UV light down an associated channel of the plurality of channels. 1. A Point of Use (POU) water filtration device comprising:a container;a plurality of channels formed within the container, water entering the container flowing through the plurality of channels; anda plurality of Ultraviolet (UV) Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), each of the plurality of UV LEDs illuminating UV light down an associated channel of the plurality of channels.2. The POU water filtration device of claim 1 , comprising:a top rover coupled to a top surface of the container enclosing the container; andan opening formed in the top cover allowing the water to enter the container.3. The POU water filtration device of claim 1 , comprising at least one drainage opening formed in claim 1 , a floor of the container claim 1 , the drainage opening allowing the water entering the container to exit the container.4. The POU water filtration device of claim 3 , comprising:a collection plate coupled to the container and positioned below the, floor of the container; andand a plurality of collection plate openings form through the collection plate allowing the water to exit the POU water filtration device.5. The POU water filtration device of claim 1 , comprising at least one of a photo reactant or UV reflective materials coating a floor of the container.6. The particle of claim 2 , comprising at least one of photo reactant or UV reflective claim 2 , materials coating a floor of the container and the top cover.7. The POU water filtration device of claim 1 , comprising at least one of photo reactant or UV reflective materials coating separations walls forming the plurality of channels.8. The POU water ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017051A1

There is provided a method for controlling bio-slimes in a clean circulating water system through a physical-chemical-superconducting high gradient magnetic separation coupling process. An inorganic composite flocculant is added to circulating water to gather in the circulating water with micro-nano particles in hydrosol through demulsification to form alum floc. The resulting water passes through a superconducting high gradient magnetic separation system. A magnetic field strength of the superconducting high gradient magnetic separation system and flow rate of the circulating water are controlled to generate strong magnetic flocculation to allow floc to grow, such that the in the circulating water wraps the micro-nano particles to separate the from water. 1. A method for controlling bio-slimes in a clean circulating water system through a physical-chemical-superconducting high gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) coupling process , comprising:{'i': 'Zoogloea', '1) adding an inorganic composite flocculant to circulating water to gather in the circulating water with micro-nano particles in hydrosol through demulsification to form alum floc; and'}{'i': Zoogloea', 'Zoogloea, '2) passing the resulting water obtained in step (1) through a superconducting high gradient magnetic separation system; controlling a magnetic field strength of the superconducting high gradient magnetic separation system and flow rate of the circulating water, such that the in the circulating water wraps the micro-nano particles to separate the from water.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic composite flocculant in step (1) has a micro-nano branched structure with a boric acid and a silicate group.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the amount of the inorganic composite flocculant in step (1) is 10-80 mg/L.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein in step (2) claim 1 , the magnetic field strength of the superconducting high gradient magnetic separation system is 1.5-4.0 T claim 1 , and the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017062A1
Автор: Gonzalez Calvo Rafael
Принадлежит: TE Consulting House 4 Plus, SL

Procedure for the thermal hydrolysis of organic matter in steady state, with a double steam explosion and total energy recovery, which consists, as a minimum, of the 1) feeding stage, stepped pressurization and sequential injection of low, medium and high pressure level steam; 2) first stage of hydrolysis by consecutive steam explosion operations with the production of medium pressure level steam and thermal reaction; 3) second stage of hydrolysis consisting of steam explosion and production of low pressure steam. An installation for the implementation of the process, which consists of comprising pumps for stepped pressurization, fluid-steam mixers, valves, mixers, decompression elements, tanks, piping and instrumentation and control systems. 1123. Procedure for continuous thermal hydrolysis of any type of organic matter that , to fully recover the energy and optimize the hydrolysis kinetics , comprises at least of stages: ) feeding , stepped pressurization and sequential injection of low , medium and high pressure levels steam; ) first stage of hydrolysis by consecutive steam explosion operations with the production of medium pressure level steam and thermal reaction; ) second stage of hydrolysis consisting of steam explosion and low pressure steam production.2. Process according to and different from currently existing processes claim 1 , is characterized by a step of feeding claim 1 , pressurization and sequential injection of heating steam claim 1 , characterized by:{'b': 3', '4, 'use a stepped pressure increase system, which allows to receive and take advantage of different pressure levels steam. In any circumstance the steam coming from the tanks () and () are injected into the system. According to the laws of thermodynamics, this procedure allows a total recovery of energy, without the need to operate with high concentrations of organic matter.'}use systems with at least two pumps, which when stepped pressurized, allow the proper injection of steam in the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018050A1
Автор: GUO Xiaojuan, XU Yongjun

A device for obtaining water from air on an island includes: a concentrated solution air water obtaining system, a solar collector, a dilute solution dehydration system, a heat pump system, a solution heating system, and a water purification system. Humid air is introduced into the concentrated solution air water obtaining system, which performs a heat and mass transfer into a dilute solution and relatively low-temperature dry air. This air is used as interior fresh air. The diluted solution is heated by the solar collector, delivered to the dilute solution dehydration system, and sent to the solution heating system for heating and evaporating into water vapor. The water purification system cools, purifies, filters and stores the water vapor. At the same time, the heat pump system introduces heated humid air into the dilute solution dehydration system to recover heat contained in the heated humid air, and to extract water. 1. A device for obtaining water from air on an island , comprising:a concentrated solution air water obtaining system,a solar collector,a dilute solution dehydration system,a heat pump system,a solution heating system, and 'humid air on the island is introduced into the concentrated solution air water obtaining system, and the concentrated solution air water obtaining system performs a heat and mass transfer to turn the humid air into a dilute solution and relatively low-temperature dry air; the relatively low-temperature dry air is sent into the interior of an island building as interior fresh air, and the diluted solution is sent to the solar collector to be heated and delivered to the dilute solution dehydration system; the dilute solution dehydration system sends the dilute solution to the solution heating system for heating; then the dilute solution is sent back to the dilute solution dehydration system for dehydration to evaporate water in the dilute solution, and a water vapor accompanied with air is sent to the water purification system; ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Personal Water Purifier

Номер: US20150021243A1

An electrolytic device and method for generating a disinfecting solution that utilizes a brine generator, an electrical circuit with an on-board solar panel and rechargeable storage battery. The electrical circuit preferably conditions the power received from a variety of power sources to charge the storage battery and conditions the power stored in the storage battery to provide the appropriate power to maximize the disinfection efficacy of the disinfecting solution. The on-board solar panel and/or rechargeable battery can be utilized as the power source to recharge or operate other devices such as cell phones, PDAs, flashlights, GPS systems, or other such devices. The device can incorporate a touch screen display and electronics that is an electronic “water finder” application for locating sources of water that can be made potable. The device can incorporate a biocidal agent and foul resistant water filter that can be folded up to provide a compact configuration for storage. 1. An apparatus to facilitate production of potable water , comprising:(a) an electrolytic cell configured to generate oxidation/reduction products, at least a first product of which is suitable for disinfecting water;(b) an electrical system configured to supply electrical power to the electrolytic cell for at least one of (i) a predetermined time, or (ii) until activity in the electrolytic cell indicates that a desired quantity of the first product has been produced;(c) a housing in which the electrolytic cell and electrical system are mounted.2. An apparatus as in claim 1 , further comprising a filter suitable for filtering water claim 1 , wherein the filter is mounted with the housing.3. An apparatus as in claim 2 , wherein the filter is mounted with the housing with a removable mounting relationship between the filter and the housing.4. An apparatus as in claim 2 , wherein the filter comprises a sheet prefolded such that it can be configured to a substantially flat configuration and to a ...
