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27-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2410341C2

Изобретение относится к способу обработки поверхности подложки. Техническим результатом изобретения является обеспечение эффективности очистки поверхности. Способ обработки включает осаждение, по меньшей мере, одной тонкой пленки А на часть поверхности упомянутой подложки, причем стадию осаждения осуществляют способом вакуумного напыления. Затем генерируют с помощью, по меньшей мере, одного линейного ионного источника плазму из ионизированных частиц из газа или смеси газов и, по меньшей мере, одну часть поверхности пленки А подвергают воздействию плазмы для модификации, по меньшей мере, частично, поверхности пленки А ионизированными частицами. После чего осуществляют осаждение, по меньшей мере, одной пленки В на одну часть поверхности пленки А, причем данную стадию осуществляют способом вакуумного напыления. 6 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл.

22-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2639765C2

Изобретение относится к стеклу с антиконденсатным и/или низкоэмиссионым покрытиям. Стеклопакет содержит первую и вторую параллельные расположенные на расстоянии друг от друга стеклянные подложки. Первая и вторая подложки обеспечивают четыре последовательные по существу параллельные основные поверхности стеклопакета. На четвертую поверхность стеклопакета нанесено первое низкоэмиссионное покрытие. Покрытие включает множество тонкопленочных слоев, расположенных в следующем порядке при удалении от второй подложки: первый слой, содержащий оксинитрид кремния, показатель преломления которого составляет 1,5-2,1, а толщина составляет 50-90 нм; слой, содержащий оксид индия-олова, показатель преломления которого составляет 1,7-2,1, а толщина составляет 85-125 нм; и второй слой, содержащий оксинитрид кремния, показатель преломления которого составляет 1,5-2,1, а толщина составляет 50-90 нм. Технический результат – снижение удельного поверхностного сопротивления, полусферической излучающей способности ...

20-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2602849C2

Изобретение относится к огнестойкому остеклению. Технический результат - уменьшение помутнения огнестойкого остекления. Огнестойкий элемент содержит по меньшей мере один прозрачный несущий элемент и одно огнестойкое средство, нанесенное на одну поверхность несущего элемента. Поверхность несущего элемента, обращенная к огнестойкому средству, имеет защитное покрытие. Защитное покрытие содержит оксид гафния, и/или оксид ванадия, и/или оксид ниобия, и/или нитрид цинка, и/или нитрид олова, и/или нитрид гафния, и/или нитрид ванадия, и/или нитрид ниобия. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

13-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2755115C2

Изобретение относится к изделию с покрытием, которое можно применять в контексте монолитных окон, окон-витрин магазинов, музейных витрин, стекол в раме картин, витрин для розничной продажи, столешниц, оконных блоков-стеклопакетов, ламинированных окон и/или других подходящих областей применения. Техническим результатом является обеспечение малого цветового смещения при отражении после термообработки изделия, такой как термическая закалка. В частности, предложено изделие с покрытием, включающее в себя первое покрытие и второе покрытие, нанесенное на стеклянную подложку. Причем изделие с покрытием содержит: первое покрытие, обеспеченное на первой стороне стеклянной подложки, и второе покрытие, обеспеченное на второй стороне стеклянной подложки так, что стеклянная подложка находится по меньшей мере между первым и вторым покрытиями. Причем с точки зрения наблюдающего за изделием с покрытием первое покрытие на стеклянной подложке имеет положительное цветовое значение a* при отражении, а второе ...

10-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2302393C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения на стекле покрытия из оксида металла, легированного сурьмой, предпочтительно из оксида олова. Способ осуществляют посредством приготовления однородной смеси подвергнутых испарению реагентов, содержащей оловоорганическое соединение и сурьмаорганическое соединение, воду и кислород. Полученную смесь реагентов подают к поверхности горячей ленты стекла, где соединения взаимодействуют с образованием при этом покрытия из оксида металла, легированного сурьмой, предпочтительно из оксида олова. Покрытия из оксида металла, легированного сурьмой, предпочтительно из оксида олова, нанесенные в соответствии с настоящим изобретением, обладают высокой однородностью по толщине и высоким поверхностным сопротивлением слоя покрытия на стекле, причем способ нанесения покрытия характеризуется высокой производительностью. 6 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы.

20-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2390074C2

Предусмотрено покрытое изделие (например, солнечный элемент), которое включает в себя усовершенствованное просветляющее покрытие. Просветляющее покрытие включает в себя градиентный основной слой с переменным значением показателя преломления, предусмотренный непосредственно на стеклянной подложке и контактирующий с ней, при этом градиентный слой содержит смесь оксида кремния и оксида титана, причем больше оксида титана предусмотрено в дальней части градиентного слоя, удаленной от стеклянной подложки, чем в ближней части градиентного слоя, более близкой к стеклянной подложке; просветляющее покрытие также содержит слой, содержащий оксид кремния, расположенный поверх градиентного слоя. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение выходной мощности солнечного элемента. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 2 табл.

27-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2446118C2

Изобретение относится к стеклу с покрытием. Технический результат изобретения заключается в повышении абразивной устойчивости, коррозионной стойкости и химической стабильности стекла с покрытием. На стекло наносят покрытие, содержащее слой на основе циркония и цинка. Затем стекло с покрытием подвергают термической закалке. Термообработка приводит к преобразованию слоя на основе легированного цинком циркония в слой из легированного цинком оксида циркония, который характеризуется формулой Zn:ZrxOy. Соотношение y/x составляет от около 1,2 до 2,5. 3 н. и 24 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-05-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017107176A3

27-07-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019138308A3

15-04-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019127306A3

27-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005136391A

... 1. Композиция для изготовления просветляющего покрытия с высоким коэффициентом преломления на оптических линзах, состоящая из смеси оксидов церия и титана, отличающаяся тем, что доля оксида церия меньше чем приблизительно 25% общей массы композиции. 2. Композиция для изготовления просветляющего покрытия с низким коэффициентом преломления на оптических линзах, состоящая из смеси оксидов кремния и алюминия, отличающаяся тем, что доля оксида алюминия меньше чем приблизительно 10% общей массы композиции. 3. Способ изготовления оптических линз с просветляющим покрытием, состоящий из следующих стадий: подготовка одной или более оптических линз и одной контрольной оптической линзы; размещение этих оптических линз и одной контрольной оптической линзы на одной и той же поверхности напыления в камере напыления в вакууме, снабженной взаимодействующим с указанной контрольной оптической линзой устройством непрерывного оптического контроля; оборудование указанной камеры по меньшей мере одним источником ...

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2735598C1

Изобретение относится к стеклянному листу с электропроводящим покрытием и может быть использовано для остекления зданий и автомобилей. Техническим результатом является снижение видимости отпечатков пальцев на поверхности стекла. В частности, предложен стеклянный лист с электропроводящим покрытием, содержащий основу (1) и электропроводящее покрытие (2) на открытой поверхности основы (1), которое содержит, начиная от основы (1), по меньшей мере блокирующий слой (7) против диффузии щелочей с показателем преломления по меньшей мере 1,9, диэлектрический нижний просветляющий слой (3) с показателем преломления от 1,3 до 1,8, электропроводящий слой (4), диэлектрический барьерный слой (5) для регулирования диффузии кислорода с показателем преломления по меньшей мере 1,9 и диэлектрический верхний просветляющий слой (6) с показателем преломления от 1,3 до 1,8. Причем стеклянный лист имеет локальный минимум степени отражения (RL) в интервале от 310 нм до 360 нм и локальный максимум степени отражения ...

10-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008146729A

... 1. Способ изготовления термически обработанного имеющего покрытие изделия, включающий: ! получение покрытия на стеклянной подложке, причем покрытие включает слой на основе нитрида циркония; ! термическую закалку стеклянной подложки со слоем на основе нитрида циркония на ней, так что закалка вызывает трансформацию слоя на основе нитрида циркония в слой, включающий оксид циркония (ZrxOy), где y/x равно от примерно 1,2 до 2,5; и ! формирование после указанной закалки фотокаталитического слоя, включающего анатаз TiO2, на стеклянной подложке над слоем, включающим оксид циркония (ZrxOy), и непосредственно контактирующего с ним. ! 2. Способ по п.1, где x/y равно от примерно 1,4 до 2,1. ! 3. Способ по п.1, где фотокаталитический слой изначально осажден во влажной форме, включающей коллоиды диоксида титана в растворе. ! 4. Способ по п.3, где коллоиды диоксида титана образуют от примерно 0,1 до 2% влажного покрытия, изначально сформированного при изготовлении фотокаталитического слоя. ! 5. Способ ...

27-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009105876A

... 1. Способ изготовления термообработанного изделия с покрытием, причем способ включает ! нанесение покрытия, поддерживаемого стеклянной подложкой, причем покрытие содержит слой, содержащий цирконий и цинк; и ! термическую закалку стеклянной подложки со слоем на ней, содержащим цирконий и цинк, так, чтобы после закалки на стеклянной подложке был получен слой, содержащий легированный цинком оксид циркония. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором слой, содержащий легированный цинком оксид циркония, характеризуется формулой (Zn:ZrxOy), где соотношение y/x составляет от около 1,2 до 2,5. ! 3. Способ по п.2, в котором соотношение y/x составляет от около 1,4 до 2,1. ! 4. Способ по п.1, в котором слой, содержащий легированный цинком оксид циркония, дополнительно содержит фтор и/или углерод. ! 5. Способ по п.1, в котором слой, содержащий цирконий и цинк, до закалки содержит вещество, выбранное из группы, состоящей из Zn:ZrOx, Zn:ZrNx, Zn:ZrOxNy, Zn:ZrBx, Zn:ZrCx и их смесей. ! 6. Способ по п.1, в котором покрытие ...

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015101144A

... 1. Способ нанесения теплоизолирующего энергосберегающего покрытия (15, 15′, 17) на стеклянный контейнер (10), имеющий внешнюю поверхность, который включает следующие этапы:(a) приготовления энергосберегающего покрытия, включающего по меньшей мере один металлический или прозрачный проводящий оксидный слой (ТСО), где данный металл выбирается из группы, состоящей из серебра, золота и алюминия, и где ТСО выбирается из группы, состоящей из SnO:Sb, SnO:F, InO:Sn, ZnO:F, ZnO:Al и ZnO:Ga; и(b) нанесения этого образующего покрытие материала на внешнюю поверхность стеклянного контейнера.2. Способ по п. 1, при котором этап (b) нанесения покрытия выполняется на горячем конце процесса производства стеклянных контейнеров.3. Способ по п. 2, при котором этап (b) нанесения покрытия выполняется перед выполнением отжига стеклянного контейнера в процессе производства стеклянных контейнеров.4. Способ по п. 1, при котором этап (а) приготовления включает ТСО, а этап (b) нанесения покрытия включает химическое ...

10-12-1981 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003103226A1

06-07-2000 дата публикации

Substrat mit einer superhydrophilen photokatalytischen Oberfläche

Номер: DE0029623901U1

07-05-2009 дата публикации

Beschichtete Unterlage und Verfahren zu ihrer Bildung

Номер: DE0019530331B4

Beschichtete Unterlage, umfassend eine Unterlage, die Glas umfasst, und wenigstens eine primäre Beschichtungslage, die darauf gebildet ist, gekennzeichnet durch eine freiliegende schützende zusätzliche Schicht, die darauf durch Kathodenvakuumzerstäubung gebildet ist, einen Brechungsindex von weniger als 1,7 aufweist und ausgewählt ist aus den Oxiden von Silicium und Gemischen von einem oder mehreren der Oxide, Nitride und Oxynitride von Silicium, wobei diese Schutzschicht nicht aus einem oder mehreren Oxynitriden von Silicium besteht, und wobei diese Schutzschicht eine Dicke von 1 bis 10 nm aufweist.

18-06-2009 дата публикации

Innenbeschichtung von Entladungsgefäßen, Entladungsgefäße aus Quarzglas und deren Verwendung

Номер: DE102004061632B4

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Entladungsgefäßes aus Quarzglas für Entladungslampen mit einer Diffusionsbarriereinnenschicht, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass eine Diffusionsbarriereinnenschicht (24) mittels thermischer Behandlung der Entladungsgefäßinnenoberfläche erzeugt wird und im Anschluss daran eine weitere Diffusionsbarriereinnenschicht (22) durch ein CVD-Verfahren auf der Innenwandung des Entladungsgefäßes aufgebracht wird.

13-03-2003 дата публикации

Glastiegel aus Siliziumdioxid und Verfahren zur Herstellung eines derartigen Glastiegels

Номер: DE0010231865A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Tiegel aus Siliziumdioxid mit einer aluminiumdotierten Innenwand-Schicht. Eine aluminiumdotierte Schicht kann auf einem Teil der Außenwand gebildet werden. Die Innenschicht ist zur Förderung der Siliziumdioxidkristallisation nichthomogen mit Aluminium dotiert. Die Mischung aus nichthomogener Siliziumdioxidkörnung enthält Aluminium und kann aus aluminiumdotierter und aluminiumfreier Siliziumdioxidkörnung oder als Alternative aus aluminiumbeschichteter grober Quarzkörnung bestehen. DOLLAR A Der Tiegel wird hergestellt, indem Volumen-Siliziumdioxidkörnung in einen rotierenden Tiegel eingebracht wird, um eine voluminöse Wand auszubilden, zu der eine Bodenwand und eine Seitenwand gehören. Nach Erhitzen des Inneren der Form zum Schmelzen der Volumen-Siliziumdioxidkörnung wird dem Inneren aluminiumdotierte Siliziumdioxidkörnung zugeführt. Die Hitze führt zum Schmelzen mindestens eines Teils der inneren Siliziumdioxidkörnung, wodurch sie mit der Wand verschmilzt und ...

13-05-2015 дата публикации

Glass treatment

Номер: GB0201505313D0

07-09-1994 дата публикации

Glass bearing a coating containing tin oxide and titanium oxide

Номер: GB0002275691A

A method of manufacturing a metal oxide coated glass which is a glass substrate bearing a pyrolytically formed coating composed of at least two metal oxides and which has a corrosion resistance at least equal to 5 as determined by Applicants' defined transmission test, the method including contacting a hot glass substrate with a coating precursor material composed of a tin-containing material and a titanium-containing material in the presence of oxygen to form a metal oxide coating composed of at least two metal oxides including tin oxide and titanium oxide on the hot glass substrate by pyrolyzing the coating precursor material as it contacts the hot glass substrate, wherein the titanium-containing material comprises a titanium chelate which is a reaction product of octyleneglycol titanate and acetylacetone.

07-11-2001 дата публикации

Soil-resistant coating for glass surfaces

Номер: GB0002361938A

A glass article which has a water-sheeting coating and a method of applying coatings to opposed sides of a substrate are described. In one embodiment, a water-sheeting coating (20) comprising silica is sputtered directly onto an exterior surface of the glass. The exterior face of this water-sheeting coating is substantially non-porous but has an irregular surface. This water-sheeting coating causes water applied to the coated surface to sheet, making the glass article easier to clean and helping the glass stay clean longer. In one method of the invention, interior and exterior surfaces of a glass sheet are cleaned. Thereafter, the interior surface of the sheet of glass is coated with a reflective coating by sputtering, in sequence, at least one dielectric layer, at least one metal layer, and at least one dielectric layer. The exterior surface of the glass is coated with a water-sheeting coating by sputtering silica directly onto the exterior surface of the sheet of glass. If so desired, ...

25-09-1996 дата публикации

Method for depositing tin oxide and titanium oxide coatings on flat glass and the resulting coated glass

Номер: GB0009616983D0

07-09-1983 дата публикации

Non-iridescent glass structures

Номер: GB0002115315A

This disclosure describes transparent glass window structures of the type bearing a coating of infra-red reflective material which is advantageously less than about 0.85 microns in thickness and wherein the observance of iridescence resulting from such a reflective coating is markedly reduced by provision of a very thin coating system beneath said infra-red reflective coating. The thin coating system forms means to reflect and refract light to interfere with the observation of iridescence. A particular advantage of the invention is the ability of the thin coating system to be coated in a fraction of time presently required to coat anti-iridescent interlayers of the prior art.

05-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002174412A

A transparent glazing panel comprising at least one sheet of coated glazing material bears on a first sheet face 3 a first light transmitting coating 13 at least 400 nm in thickness which comprises doped tin oxide and/or doped indium oxide and reduces the emissivity of that sheet face in respect of infra-red radiation having wavelengths in excess of 3 mu m. On a second sheet face 1, the panel bears a second light transmitting metal oxide coating 21 which comprises at least 30% tin and at least 30% titanium calculated as weight percent of the respective dioxide in that second coating. The second coating 21 increases the reflectivity of that sheet face in respect of normally incident visible light to at least 20%, while the light absorbing properties of that second coating are such that it has a computed internal transmission factor in respect of visible light of at least 60%.

07-04-1983 дата публикации

Durable ceramic enamel spandrels

Номер: GB0002106263A

A durable spandrel panel comprising a colored ceramic enamel coating protected by a transparent metal oxide film is disclosed, wherein the dominant wavelength of light reflected by the colored ceramic enamel coating is not equivalent to the dominant wavelength of light transmitted by said transparent metal oxide film.

25-01-1984 дата публикации

Heat shielding lamination

Номер: GB0002122919A

A heat wave shielding lamination consisting of at least two In2O3 shield layers containing different amounts of Sn is provided on the surface of a glass substrate to provide shielding against heat waves without causing heat wave pollution in the surrounding environment. The amount of tin contained in the respective layers increases with increasing proximity to the substrate. The heat wave shielding has good transmittance to visible light and good shielding effect against rays in the infrared spectrum by virtue of the fact that the shield layers containing different amounts of Sn exhibit maximum infrared absorption at different wavelengths to give high infrared ray absorption over a wide wavelength range. It also suppresses the reflection of heat waves into the surrounding environment since each shield layer of the lamination absorbs the infrared rays reflected by Drude reflection from any shield layer containing more Sn than itself.

29-05-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002136316B

10-06-2015 дата публикации

Splash screen

Номер: GB0201507330D0

27-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008729171D0

20-05-1998 дата публикации

Solar control coated substrate with high reflectance

Номер: GB0009806030D0

29-04-1998 дата публикации

Coated glass

Номер: GB0009804907D0

29-11-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001534122A

... 1534122 Coated glass panes BFG GLASSGROUP 12 Oct 1977 [15 Oct 1976] 42548/77 Headings C7F and C7U A glass pane is coated with silicon oxide and then with TiO 2 (predominantly in nitile form) by vacuum depositing a Ti layer and heating to at least 550‹C to oxidize it. The silicon oxide is preferably also deposited from vapour, e.g. by electron beam evaporation of SiO 2 , or by evaporation of SiO, which latter deposits as SiO or Si 2 O 3 depending upon the degree of vacuum.

03-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002033374B

27-04-2022 дата публикации

Use of coated substrates

Номер: GB0002600168A

Use of a coated substrate as an antimicrobial substrate is disclosed, where the substrate comprises a photocatalytically-active titanium oxide coating on at least one surface thereof, wherein the coated surface of the substrate has a photocatalytic activity of greater than 5 x 10-3cm-1min-1, and wherein the coated substrate has a visible light reflection measured from the coated surface of 35% or lower. The use may be in an architectural glazing unit, automotive glazing unit, electronic device, furniture, splashbacks, bulkhead, door, blind, medical container, wall covering, touchscreen, mirror or glass bottle. The coated substrate may comprise a transparent glass substrate, and a coating located on the glass substrate, where the coating comprises the following layers in sequence starting from the glass substrate: a layer based on tin dioxide having a thickness of 5-35 nm; a layer based on silicon dioxide having a thickness of 15-50 nm; a layer based on antimony-doped tin dioxide having ...

25-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000404934B

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000392493T

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000358108T

15-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA950773A

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000449044T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000486825T

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000399820T

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000402126T

15-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000630773A

15-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000950773A

15-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000113881A

25-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000405280B

15-11-1998 дата публикации


Номер: ATA45694A

15-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: ATA97796A

15-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000594077A

15-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000181310T

15-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000186039T

15-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000058114T

15-05-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000062897T

15-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000331052T

25-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000340167B

15-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000232840T

15-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000247078T

15-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000190595T

15-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000286858T

15-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000272582T

15-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000265693T

15-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000194867T

26-01-1970 дата публикации

Transparent disk for the absorption of the ultraviolet radiation

Номер: AT0000278401B

10-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039041873T

17-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039577722T

05-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039227045B

25-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030631604B

04-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030026423B

16-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035074979B

04-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032256160B

23-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033615856B

02-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030989473B

13-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037284452T

10-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033852619T

14-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033766361B

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Photo electrodes

Номер: US20120010068A1

Methods of fabricating nano particulate Titanium dioxide photocatalysts onto a conducting substrate are disclosed. The methods include hydrothermal fabrications with heat treatment steps to increase the crystallinity and photoactivity of the titanium dioxide layers.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Heat treatable four layer anti-reflection coating

Номер: US20120196133A1
Принадлежит: Guardian Industries Corp

A coated article includes a heat treatable (e.g., temperable) antireflection (AR) coating having four layers. The AR coating includes a layer adjacent the glass substrate having an index of refraction substantially matching that of the glass substrate, and having a compressive residual stress. In certain example embodiments, the coating may include the following layers from the glass substrate outwardly: stress-reducing layer/medium index layer/high index layer/low index layer. In certain example embodiments, depending on the chemical and optical properties of the high index layer and the substrate, the stress-reducing layer of the AR coating is selected to cause a net compressive residual stress and thus improve the overall performance of the antireflection coating when the coated article is heat treated.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Optical member and method for making the same

Номер: US20120212827A1
Автор: Norishige Kakegawa
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An optical member includes a glass substrate and an antireflection film disposed on a surface of the glass substrate. The antireflection film includes an oxide layer mainly composed of aluminum oxide and having a textured shape in a surface and an intermediate layer disposed between the glass substrate and the oxide layer. The intermediate layer includes sheet-like crystals that are stacked so that their surfaces are parallel to the surface of the substrate.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Methods of changing the visible light transmittance of coated articles and coated articles made thereby

Номер: US20120251819A1
Принадлежит: PPG Industries Ohio Inc

A method is provided for changing the visible light transmittance of a coated article having a functional coating having at least one anti-reflective material and at least one infrared reflective material. The anti-reflective material includes an alloying material capable of combining or alloying with the infrared reflective material. A protective coating is deposited over the functional coating to prevent or retard the diffusion of atmospheric gas and/or vapor into the functional coating. The coated article is heated to a temperature sufficient to cause at least some of the alloying material to combine with at least some of the infrared reflective material to form a substance having a different visible light transmittance than the infrared reflective material.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Glazing panel

Номер: US20130129945A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

The subject of the invention is a glazing unit comprising a glass substrate ( 1 ) equipped on one of its faces, intended to form face 1 of said glazing unit in the use position, with a thin-film multilayer comprising, from the substrate ( 1 ), a film ( 2 ) of a transparent electrically conductive oxide, an intermediate film ( 3 ) having a refractive index lying in the range from 1.40 to 1.55 and having an optical thickness Y, and a photocatalytic film ( 4 ) the optical thickness X of which is at most 50 nm, said optical thicknesses X and Y, expressed in nanometers, being such that: 110· e −0.025X ≦Y ≦135· e −0.018X

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Method of making coated article including anti-reflection coating with double coating layers including mesoporous materials, and products containing the same

Номер: US20130194668A1
Принадлежит: Guardian Industries Corp

Certain examples relate to a method of making an antireflective (AR) coating supported by a glass substrate. The anti-reflection coating may include porous metal oxide(s) and/or silica, and may be produced using a sol-gel process. The pores may be formed and/or tuned in each layer respectively in such a manner that the coating ultimately may comprise a porous matrix, graded with respect to porosity. The gradient in porosity may be achieved by forming first and second layers using one or more of (a) nanoparticles of different shapes and/or sizes, (b) porous nanoparticles having varying pore sizes, and/or (c) compounds/materials of various types, sizes, and shapes that may ultimately be removed from the coating post-deposition (e.g., carbon structures, micelles, etc., removed through combustion, calcination, ozonolysis, solvent-extraction, etc.), leaving spaces where the removed materials were previously located.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Article having low reflection film

Номер: US20130279007A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

Provided is an article having a low reflection film which has a low reflectance over a wide wavelength range, has a relatively low reflectance with light having a large incident angle and has good weather resistance and durability. An article having a low reflection film 14 on a transparent substrate 12 , wherein the low reflection film 14 comprises two layers which are a lower layer 16 on the transparent substrate 12 side and an upper layer 18 formed on the lower layer 16 , and wherein the lower layer 16 has a refractive index of from 1.3 to 1.44, and the upper layer 18 has a refractive index of from 1.10 to 1.29.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130323477A1
Принадлежит: AGC Glass Europe

The invention relates to a method for manufacturing a decorated glass sheet covered with a functional coating, including the sequential steps of applying at least one decorative pattern onto at least a portion of a surface of the glass sheet by printing, drying the printed decorative pattern, and depositing the functional coating such that it at least partially covers said decorative pattern, by magnetron cathode sputtering. The invention further relates to the use of the resulting covered decorated glass sheet as a facing element. 2. The method according to claim 1 , a further comprising:cutting the decorated glass sheet, directly or indirectly, after the depositing.3. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the decorated glass sheet has a PLF or DLF format.4. The method according to claim 1 , of further comprising: thermally treating the decorated glass sheet claim 1 , directly or indirectly claim 1 , after the depositing claim 1 ,wherein the thermally treating is firing an enamel-based print composition of the decorative pattern.5. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the printing is at least one printing method selected from the group consisting of a screen printing, a laser printing, and an ink jet printing.6. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the functional coating is a low-emissivity functional coating, solar shield functional coating, protective functional coating, electrically conductive functional coating, or a combination thereof based on at least one doped oxide.7. The method according to claim 6 ,wherein the functional coating is a protective functional coating comprising:i) at least one oxide or at least one mixed oxide of an element selected from the group consisting of titanium, zirconium, vanadium, niobium, tantalum, aluminium, zinc, silicon, tin, bismuth, and indium,ii) at least one nitride or at least one mixed oxide of an element selected from the group consisting of titanium, zirconium, aluminium, and silicon, orboth i) and ii).8. ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Translucent substrate and substrate of organic led

Номер: US20140021460A1
Принадлежит: AGC Glass Europe SA, Asahi Glass Co Ltd

An organic LED element includes a transparent substrate; a light scattering layer formed on the transparent substrate; a transparent first electrode formed on the light scattering layer; an organic light emitting layer formed on the first electrode; and a second electrode formed on the organic light emitting layer, wherein the light scattering layer includes a base material made of glass, and a plurality of scattering substances dispersed in the base material, and wherein a coating layer, which is not a molten glass, is provided between the light scattering layer and the first electrode.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037925A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Limited

The invention relates to a multi-layer pyrolytic coating stack deposited on a tinted glass substrate to form a coated glass article exhibiting a desired combination of emissivity, visible light transmittance and solar heat gain coefficient. A method for depositing the multi-layer coating stack on the tinted glass substrate is also part of the invention. 1. A coated glass article comprising:a tinted glass substrate;a doped tin oxide coating deposited over the color suppressing coating;a silica overcoat deposited over the doped tin oxide coating; andthe coated glass article exhibiting, a visible light transmittance >70% as measured by Illuminant A (10 degree observer), a solar heat gain coefficient ≦0.55 and a hemispherical emissivity <0.4.2. The coated glass article defined in claim 1 , wherein the tinted glass is green claim 1 , blue claim 1 , or blue-green in color claim 1 , falling within the CIELAB color coordinate range of a*=−10.5 to −4 and b*=−6.5 to +4 claim 1 , as measured by Illuminant C.3. The coated glass article defined in claim 2 , wherein the tinted glass falls within the CIELAB color coordinate range a*=−8.8 to −5.5 and b*=−3 to +2 claim 2 , as measured by Illuminant C.4. The coated glass article defined in claim 1 , wherein a color suppression coating is deposited between the tinted glass substrate and the doped tin oxide coating.5. The coated glass article defined in claim 1 , wherein the color suppression coating comprises: an undoped tin oxide coating having a thickness of 20 nm-30 nm deposited over the tinted glass substrate and a silica coating having a thickness of 20 nm-30 nm deposited over the undoped tin oxide coating.6. The coated glass article defined in claim 4 , wherein the doped tin oxide coating has a thickness less than 350 nm.7. The coated glass article defined in claim 5 , wherein the silica overcoat has a thickness between 30 nm and 90 nm.8. The coated glass article defined in claim 7 , wherein the silica overcoat has a thickness ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140044977A1

A method for coating a substrate with a coating having a controlled morphology is disclosed, the method comprising providing a substrate, depositing a nucleating layer on a surface of the substrate using an aerosol assisted deposition method and depositing at least one further layer by chemical vapour deposition. The nucleating layer and further layer preferably comprise tin oxide. The substrate is preferably glass. The method results in high transmittance and a low diffuse transmission across the visible and infrared region. 112-. (canceled)14. The method as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the aerosol assisted deposition method comprises contacting the surface of the substrate with an aerosol of a precursor solution.15. The method as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the aerosol assisted deposition method uses an aerosol having a droplet size of 50 μm diameter or smaller.16. The method as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the at least one further layer comprises a layer of a transparent conductive oxide.17. The method as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the transparent conductive oxide comprises tin oxide claim 16 , preferably fluorine doped tin oxide.18. The method as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the transparent conductive oxide comprises fluorine doped tin oxide.19. The method as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the precursor solution comprises a metal oxide precursor claim 14 , a dopant precursor and optionally a solvent.20. The method as claimed in claim 19 , wherein the metal oxide precursor comprises a precursor of tin oxide.21. The method as claimed in claim 20 , wherein the precursor of tin oxide comprises tin chloride claim 20 , dimethyl tin dichloride or monobutyl tin trichloride.22. The method as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the aerosol assisted deposition method uses an aerosol generated by a method using a Collison-type collision atomiser claim 13 , an electro-spray aerosol generation or a piezo electric aerosol generator.23. A coated substrate comprising claim 13 , ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140087101A1
Принадлежит: AGC Glass Europe

The invention relates to a transparent glass substrate having a coating including, in order: a first reflected color neutralization layer; a low-emissivity second layer essentially made up of SnO2:F and having a thickness between 455 and 800 nm; and a third layer that is essentially made up of SiOx, x being less than or equal to 2, and has a thickness between 40 and 65 nm or between 140 and 180 nm. The invention also relates to a double glass sheet and a triple glass sheet, manufactured from such a glass substrate, and to a window comprising said glass sheets. 1. A transparent glass substrate having a coating comprising , in the following order:a first layer for neutralising colours in reflection,{'sub': '2', 'a second layer with low emissivity consisting essentially of SnO:F with a thickness in the range of between 455 and 800 nm, and'}{'sub': 'x', 'a third layer consisting essentially of SiO, wherein x is less than or equal to 2, with a thickness in the range of between 40 and 65 nm or between 140 and 180 nm.'}2. The glass substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the first neutralisation layer is a mono-layer consisting essentially of silicon oxynitrides of formula SiON claim 1 , or silicon oxycarbides of formula SiOC claim 1 ,whereinx is less than 2,a refractive index thereof is from 1.65-1.75, anda thickness of the mono-layer is between 55 and 95 nm.3. The glass substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the first neutralisation layer is a dual layer consisting of a layer of TiOarranged on the glass substrate claim 1 , which is coated with a layer of silicon oxide claim 1 , silicon oxycarbide SiOC claim 1 , or silicon oxynitride SiON claim 1 ,whereinx is less than or equal to 2,{'sub': '2', 'a thickness of TiOis between 5 and 15 nm, and'}a thickness of silicon oxide, oxycarbide or oxynitride is between 15 and 40 nm.4. The glass substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the first neutralisation layer is a dual layer consisting of a layer of SnOor ZnO arranged on the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002098A1

A material including a substrate coated on at least some of at least one of its faces with a thin-film multilayer including at least two films based on a transparent electrically conductive oxide, the films being separated by at least one dielectric intermediate film the physical thickness of which is at most 50 nm, no metal films being deposited between the films based on a transparent electrically conductive oxide, the multilayer furthermore including at least one oxygen barrier film above that film based on a transparent electrically conductive oxide which is furthest from the substrate, each film based on a transparent electrically conductive oxide possessing a physical thickness comprised in a range extending from 20 to 80 nm. 1. A material comprising a substrate coated on at least some of at least one of its faces with a thin-film multilayer comprising at least two films based on a transparent electrically conductive oxide , said at least two films being separated by at least one dielectric intermediate film , a physical thickness of which is at most 50 nm , no metal films being deposited between said at least two films based on a transparent electrically conductive oxide , said thin-film multilayer furthermore comprising at least one oxygen barrier film above a film of the at least two films based on a transparent electrically conductive oxide which is furthest from the substrate , each film of the at least two films based on a transparent electrically conductive oxide possessing a physical thickness comprised in a range extending from 20 to 80 nm.2. The material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the substrate is made of glass.3. The material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each transparent electrically conductive oxide is chosen from mixed indium tin oxide claim 1 , mixed indium zinc oxide claim 1 , gallium- or aluminum-doped zinc oxide claim 1 , niobium-doped titanium oxide claim 1 , zinc or cadmium stannate and antimony- and/or fluorine-doped tin oxide.4. ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180004058A1

A process for manufacturing an electrochromic glazing unit includes forming, on one face of a glass sheet, a complete all-solid-state electrochromic stack including in succession a first layer of a transparent conductive oxide; a layer of a cathodically colored mineral electrochromic material to form an electrochromic electrode; a layer of an ionically conductive mineral solid electrolyte; a layer of a cation intercalation material to form a counter electrode; and a second layer of a transparent conductive oxide; then heat treatment of the complete electrochromic stack by irradiation with radiation having a wavelength comprised between 500 and 2000 nm, the radiation originating from a radiating device placed facing the electrochromic stack, a relative movement being created between the radiating device and the substrate so as to raise the electrochromic stack to a temperature at least equal to 300° C. for a brief duration, for example shorter than 100 milliseconds. 1. A process for manufacturing an electrochromic glazing unit comprising: a first layer of a transparent conductive oxide;', 'a layer of a cathodically colored mineral electrochromic material to form an electrochromic electrode;', 'a layer of an ionically conductive mineral solid electrolyte;', 'a layer of a cation intercalation material to form a counter electrode; and', 'a second layer of a transparent conductive oxide; and, '(a) forming, on one face of a glass sheet, a complete all-solid-state electrochromic stack comprising in succession(b) performing a heat treatment of the complete electrochromic stack by irradiation with radiation having a wavelength comprised between 500 and 2000 nm, said radiation originating from a radiating device placed facing the electrochromic stack, a relative movement being created between said radiating device and said glass sheet so as to raise the electrochromic stack to a temperature at least equal to 300° C. for a brief duration.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004389A1

Provided is a light reflective material that enables stable switching between light transmission and light reflection when used in a light control device. A light reflective material includes a base, a conducting film that is stacked on the surface of the base, and an insulating film that is stacked on the surface of the conducting film. A first region where the conducting film is not formed is present in a layer where the conducting film lies. A second region where the insulating film is not formed is present in a layer where the insulating film lies. The first region and the second region at least partially overlap each other. 18-. (canceled)9. A light reflective material comprising;a base,a conductive film disposed at a portion of a first surface of the base,an insulating film disposed at a portion of a surface of the conduction film, whereineither the base or conductive film has a light transmissive characteristic.10. The light reflective material according to claim 9 , whereinthe base is a transmissive base andthe conductive film reflects a near infrared light.11. The light reflective material according to claim 9 , whereinthe base reflects a near infrared light andthe conductive film comprises a transparent conducting film.12. The light reflective material according to claim 9 , whereinthe base is covered with the conducting film and has a second surface of the base not covered with the conductive film and the insulating film, and being continuous with first surface of the base.13. The light reflective material according to claim 9 , whereinthe base is covered with the conducting film,the insulating film is covered with the conductive film,a first region where the base is exposed overlaps with the second region where the conductive layer is exposed.14. The light reflective material according to claim 9 , wherein a material of the conducting film is indium tin oxide claim 9 , gallium-doped zinc oxide claim 9 , aluminum-doped zinc oxide claim 9 , an InGaZnO ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220017408A1

According to one embodiment, a method for producing a coated glass article may include applying an anti-reflective coating onto a glass substrate. The glass substrate may include a first major surface, and a second major surface opposite the first major surface. The anti-reflective coating may be applied to the first major surface of the glass substrate. A substrate thickness may be measured between the first major surface and the second major surface. The glass substrate may have an aspect ratio of at least about 100:1. The coated glass article may have a reflectance of less than 2% for all wavelengths from 450 nanometers to 700 nanometers. The anti-reflective coating may include one or more layers. The cumulative layer stress of the anti-reflective coating may have an absolute value less than or equal to about 167,000 MPa nm. 1. A coated glass article comprising:a glass substrate comprising a first major surface, a second major surface opposite the first major surface, and a substrate thickness measured between the first major surface and the second major surface, the glass substrate having an aspect ratio of at least about 100:1;{'sub': i=1', 'i', 'i, 'sup': 'n', 'an anti-reflective coating comprising one or more layers, each layer comprising a layer thickness (t) and a film stress (α), wherein a cumulative layer stress of the anti-reflective coating has an absolute value less than or equal to about 167,000 MPa nm, wherein the cumulative layer stress is defined as Σ(α×t) for an anti-reflective coating comprising n layers; and'} the coated glass article having a reflectance of less than or equal to about 2% for all wavelengths from 450 nm to 700 nm when viewed on the first major surface at an angle of incidence of less than or equal to about 10°; and', 'the coated glass article has a bow of from about −100 microns to 100 microns., 'wherein2. The coated glass article of claim 1 , wherein the cumulative layer stress of the anti-reflective coating has an absolute ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Hard aluminum oxide coating for various applications

Номер: US20170009334A1
Принадлежит: Rubicon Technology Inc

A structure for a hardened optically transmissive material including a hard coating is provided. The structure for the hardened optically transmissive material including the hard coating includes a substrate, and an aluminum oxide film disposed over the substrate, wherein the aluminum oxide film is grown to between 100 nanometers (nm) and 5 microns (um). The aluminum oxide film demonstrates a hardness greater than 10 gigapascals (GPa) as measured by nanoindentation, and the aluminum oxide film exhibits a transparency value such that at least 84 percent of light waves transmit through the aluminum oxide film for light waves within a range of wavelengths.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009470A1

One or more aspects of the disclosure pertain to an article including a film disposed on a glass substrate, which may be strengthened, where the interface between the film and the glass substrate is modified, such that the article has an improved average flexural strength, and the film retains key functional properties for its application. Some key functional properties of the film include optical, electrical and/or mechanical properties. The bridging of a crack from one of the film or the glass substrate into the other of the film or the glass substrate can be suppressed by inserting a nanoporous crack mitigating layer between the glass substrate and the film. 1. An article comprising:a glass substrate having opposing major surfaces, wherein the glass substrate has a first average strain-to-failure that is greater than about 0.5%;a crack mitigating layer disposed on a first major surface of the glass substrate; anda film disposed on the crack mitigating layer,wherein the crack mitigating layer causes a crack originating in one of the film and the glass substrate and entering into the crack mitigating layer to remain within the crack mitigating layer.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the article including the glass substrate claim 1 , the crack mitigating layer claim 1 , and the film has a total reflectance less than about 6% in a wavelength range from 450-650 nm.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the crack mitigating layer exhibits a fracture toughness of about 1 MPa·mor less.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the glass substrate and the crack mitigating layer form a first interface and the film and crack mitigating layer form a second interface claim 1 , and wherein the crack mitigating layer causes the crack originating in one of the film and the glass substrate to propagate within the crack mitigating layer in a direction substantially parallel to one or both the first interface and the second interface.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the glass substrate ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010393A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Limited

A coated glass article includes a coating formed over a glass substrate. The coating comprises an optional base layer of an oxide of silicon, a first coating layer of an oxide of titanium, niobium or chromium, a second coating layer of an oxide of silicon, and a third coating layer of an oxide of tin. The coated glass article exhibits a Tvis of 40%-55% and an Rf of 40%-60%. A video display can be mounted behind the coated glass article, such that when the video display is in operation it is visible through the coated glass article and when the video display is not in operation is it concealed by the coated glass article. 1. A coated glass article comprising a glass substrate and a coating formed over the glass substrate , wherein the coating comprises:optionally, a base layer of an oxide of silicon deposited over a major surface of the glass substrate;a first coating layer of an oxide of titanium, niobium or chromium deposited over the optional base layer;a second coating layer of an oxide of silicon deposited over the first coating layer; anda third coating layer of an oxide of tin deposited over the second coating layer;wherein the coated glass article exhibits a Tvis of 40%-55% and an Rf of 40%-60%.2. The coated glass article defined in claim 1 , comprising the base layer of an oxide of silicon is deposited at a thickness of from 10 nm to 30 nm.3. The coated glass article defined in claim 2 , wherein the base layer is deposited at a thickness of from 10 nm to 30 nm.4. The coated glass article defined in claim 1 , wherein the first coating layer is deposited at a thickness of from 30 nm to 40 nm.5. The coated glass article defined in claim 1 , wherein the second coating layer is deposited at a thickness of from 70 nm to 100 nm.6. The coated glass article defined in claim 1 , wherein the third coating layer is deposited at a thickness of from 60 nm to 90 nm.7. The coated glass article defined in claim 1 , wherein the coated glass article exhibits an Rg of 44%-56%.8 ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010752A1

Certain example embodiments of this invention relate to articles including anticondensation and/or low-E coatings that are exposed to an external environment, and/or methods of making the same. In certain example embodiments, the anti condensation and/or low-E coatings may be survivable in an outside environment. The coatings also may have a sufficiently low sheet resistance and hemispherical emissivity such that the glass surface is more likely to retain heat from the interior area, thereby reducing (and sometimes completely eliminating) the presence condensation thereon. The articles of certain example embodiments may be, for example, skylights, vehicle windows or windshields, IG units, VIG units, refrigerator/freezer doors, and/or the like. 121-. (canceled)22. A window comprising:first and second glass substrates, wherein the window is configured so that the first glass substrate is to be located closer to an interior of a structure to which the window is to be mounted than is the second glass substrate; a first layer comprising silicon nitride located on the glass substrate;', 'a layer comprising metal oxide located on the glass substrate over at least the first layer comprising silicon nitride, wherein the first layer comprising silicon nitride is substantially thicker than is the layer comprising metal oxide;', 'a second layer comprising silicon nitride located over the layer comprising metal oxide;', 'a transparent conductive layer located over and directly contacting the second layer comprising silicon nitride,', 'a third layer comprising silicon nitride located over and directly contacting the transparent conductive layer, and', 'a protective layer comprising metal oxide located over and directly contacting the third layer comprising silicon nitride,', 'wherein the coating does not contain any silver-based layer; and, 'a coating supported by the first glass substrate, wherein the coating comprises the following layers moving away from the first glass ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017431A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Limited

A CVD process for depositing a zinc oxide coating is provided. The CVD process includes providing a moving glass substrate. The CVD process also includes forming a gaseous mixture of an alkyl zinc compound and an inert gas as a first stream, providing a first gaseous inorganic oxygen-containing compound in a second stream and providing a second gaseous inorganic oxygen-containing compound in the second stream, a third stream or in both the second and third streams. Additionally, the CVD process includes mixing the streams at or near a surface of the moving glass substrate and a zinc oxide coating is formed thereon. A method for forming a coated glass article is also provided. Additionally, a coated glass article is provided. 1. A chemical vapor deposition process for depositing a zinc oxide coating , comprising:providing a moving glass substrate;forming a gaseous mixture comprised of an alkyl zinc compound and an inert gas as a first stream;providing a first gaseous inorganic oxygen-containing compound in a second stream;providing a second gaseous inorganic oxygen-containing compound in the second stream, in a third stream, or in both the second and third streams; andmixing the gaseous streams at or near a surface of the moving glass substrate to form a zinc oxide coating thereon.2. The process defined in claim 1 , wherein the streams are directed through a coating apparatus prior to forming the zinc oxide coating.3. The process defined in claim 1 , further comprising providing a gaseous additive compound in a stream.4. The process defined in claim 1 , wherein the first inorganic oxygen-containing compound is water and the second inorganic oxygen-containing compound is oxygen.5. The process defined in claim 1 , wherein the zinc oxide coating is a pyrolytic coating.6. The process defined in claim 1 , wherein the zinc oxide coating is formed on a glass ribbon in a float glass manufacturing process at essentially atmospheric pressure.7. The process defined in claim 1 , ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016845A1

An embodiment of the present invention provides a cover glass which is slim and gives a better aesthetic feeling, and a method for manufacturing the same. The cover glass according to an embodiment of the present invention comprises: a glass substrate; a pattern portion formed on the glass substrate by etching; and a multi-layered thin film coated on the surface of the pattern portion.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016848A1

Transparent conductive oxide thin films having a plurality of layers with voids located at each interface. Smooth TCO surfaces with no post growth processing and a largely tunable haze value. Methods of making include applying multiple layers of a conductive oxide onto a surface of a substrate, and interrupting the application between the multiple layers to form a plurality of voids at the interfaces.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018882A1

To provide a manufacturing method of a phase difference element which is superior in moisture resistance. After forming an optically anisotropic layer by way of oblique vapor deposition on a substrate, the optically anisotropic layer is covered by a protective layer made by depositing an inorganic compound by way of an atomic layer deposition method. More specifically, established is a manufacturing method of a phase difference element containing a transparent substrate, optically anisotropic layer containing a birefringent film and a protective layer, the method including: an optically anisotropic layer formation step of forming an optically anisotropic layer by forming a birefringent film by way of oblique vapor deposition; and a protective layer formation step of forming a protective layer by depositing an inorganic compound by way of an atomic layer deposition method. 1. A manufacturing method of a phase difference element , the phase difference element including a transparent substrate , an optically anisotropic layer containing a birefringent film , and a protective layer , the method comprising:an optically anisotropic layer formation step of forming an optically anisotropic layer by forming a birefringent film; anda protective layer formation step of forming a protective layer by depositing an inorganic compound by way of an atomic layer deposition method so as to contact the optically anisotropic layer.2. The manufacturing method of a phase difference element according to claim 1 , wherein the optically anisotropic layer is formed by oblique vapor deposition in the optically anisotropic layer formation step.3. The manufacturing method of a phase difference element according to claim 1 , wherein the optically anisotropic layer at least contains TaOor HfO.4. The manufacturing method of a phase difference element according to claim 1 ,{'sub': 2', '5', '2, 'wherein the optically anisotropic layer consists of a mixture of TaOand TiO, and'}wherein a proportion of ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Index matching layer in optical applications

Номер: US20180022642A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A layered construct including: a substrate, a transparent electrically conductive layer positioned along an upper surface of the substrate, and an index-matching layer positioned adjacent the transparent electrically conductive layer that reduces the refractive index differential between the transparent electrically conductive layer and the substrate.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Alloy oxide overcoat indium tin oxide coatings, coated glazings, and production methods

Номер: US20220041495A1
Принадлежит: Cardinal CG Co

The invention provides transparent conductive coatings based on indium tin oxide. The coating has an oxide overcoat, such as an alloy oxide overcoat. In some embodiments, the coating further includes one or more overcoat films comprising silicon nitride, silicon oxynitride, silicon dioxide, or titanium dioxide.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Process for producing glass substrate provided with inorganic fine particle-containing silicon oxide film

Номер: US20150030778A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

To provide a process for producing a glass substrate provided with an inorganic fine particle-containing silicon oxide film, wherein inorganic fine particles having a desired particle size may be used depending on intended optical properties, and the range of selection of the inorganic fine particles is wide. A process for producing a glass substrate provided with an inorganic fine particle-containing silicon oxide film, which comprises applying a coating liquid containing inorganic fine particles 14, a hydrolysate of an alkoxysilane, and one of or both water and a (poly)ethylene glycol, to a glass substrate 10 to form an inorganic fine particle-containing silicon oxide film 12; or which comprises forming molten glass into a glass ribbon, annealing the glass ribbon, and at the time of cutting the glass ribbon to obtain a glass substrate, applying a coating liquid containing inorganic fine particles, a hydrolysate of an alkoxysilane, and one of or both water and a (poly)ethylene glycol, to the glass ribbon to form an inorganic fine particle-containing silicon oxide film.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Insulating glazing

Номер: US20160032639A1
Принадлежит: AGC Glass Europe SA

The invention relates to an insulating double glazing comprising a sheet of glass which has on the face ( 2 ) assembly of layers known as low-emissivity layers, produced by sputtering and comprising at least one infrared-reflecting metallic layer, the other glass sheet comprising on the face ( 4 ) one or more metal oxide layers deposited by gas pyrolysis, the space located between the sheets being sealed and filled with insulating gas composed of krypton for at least 86% by volume and at most 5% of air, this glazing having a light transmission which is no less than 60% (for thickness of the clear glass sheets of 4 mm).

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031709A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Limited

A coated glazing comprising at least the following layers in sequence: a transparent glass substrate, a layer based on an oxide of a metal and/or a layer based on an oxide of a metalloid, and a further layer, wherein either said layer based on an oxide of a metal or said layer based on an oxide of a metalloid is adjacent said transparent glass substrate, wherein said layer that is adjacent said transparent glass substrate comprises a surface that, prior to a coating of said surface, has an arithmetical mean height of the surface value, Sa, of at least 4.0 nm when tested in accordance with ISO 25178-2:2012, and wherein the coated glazing exhibits an average haze value of at least 0.47% when tested in accordance with ASTM D1003-13. 117.-. (canceled)18. A coated glazing comprising at least the following layers in sequence:a transparent glass substrate,a layer based on an oxide of a metal and/or a layer based on an oxide of a metalloid, anda further layer,wherein either said layer based on an oxide of a metal or said layer based on an oxide of a metalloid is adjacent said transparent glass substrate,wherein said layer that is adjacent said transparent glass substrate comprises a surface that, prior to a coating of said surface, has an arithmetical mean height of the surface value, Sa, of at least 4.0 nm when tested in accordance with ISO 25178-2:2012, andwherein the coated glazing exhibits an average haze value of at least 0.47% when tested in accordance with ASTM D1003-13.19. The coated glazing according to claim 18 , wherein said layer based on an oxide of a metal is a layer based on SnO claim 18 , TiOor aluminium oxide claim 18 , preferably SnO claim 18 , and wherein said layer based on an oxide of a metalloid is a layer based on SiOor silicon oxynitride claim 18 , preferably SiO.20. The coated glazing according to claim 18 , wherein both said layer based on an oxide of a metal and said layer based on an oxide of a metalloid are present claim 18 , and wherein the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033678A1

Transparent conductive coatings are polished using particle slurries in combination with mechanical shearing force, such as a polishing pad. Substrates having transparent conductive coatings that are too rough and/or have too much haze, such that the substrate would not produce a suitable optical device, are polished using methods described herein. The substrate may be tempered prior to, or after, polishing. The polished substrates have low haze and sufficient smoothness to make high-quality optical devices. 1. A method of fabricating an electrochromic window , the method comprising:a) mechanically polishing a surface of a first transparent conducting layer disposed on a glass substrate;b) fabricating an electrochromic device on the first transparent conducting layer, wherein the electrochromic device comprises an electrochromic layer, a counter electrode layer and a second transparent conducting oxide layer; andc) tempering the glass substrate prior to a) or prior to b).2. The method of claim 1 , wherein mechanically polishing reduces haze to less than 1%.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the glass substrate is tempered prior to b).4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the glass substrate is tempered prior to a).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transparent conducting layer is a tin oxide based material.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the tin oxide based material comprises fluorinated tin oxide.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein a) includes an abrasive preparation comprising particles having a Mohs hardness scale factor of at least 9.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the abrasive preparation comprises one or both of alumina carborundum.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein the abrasive preparation is an alumina slurry having an average particle diameter of 250 nm or greater.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the average particle diameter is about 1 μM.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein a) is performed for between about 10 minutes and about 90 minutes.12. The ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Articles including anticondensation and/or low-e coatings and/or methods of making the same

Номер: US20160039713A1

Certain example embodiments of this invention relate to articles including anticondensation and/or low-E coatings that are exposed to an external environment, and/or methods of making the same. In certain example embodiments, the anticondensation and/or low-E coatings may be survivable in an outside environment. The coatings also may have a sufficiently low sheet resistance and hemispherical emissivity such that the glass surface is more likely to retain heat from the interior area, thereby reducing (and sometimes completely eliminating) the presence condensation thereon. The articles of certain example embodiments may be, for example, skylights, vehicle windows or windshields, IG units, VIG units, refrigerator/freezer doors, and/or the like.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055943A1

Prior electrochromic devices frequently suffer from high levels of defectivity. The defects may be manifest as pin holes or spots where the electrochromic transition is impaired. This is unacceptable for many applications such as electrochromic architectural glass. Improved electrochromic devices with low defectivity can be fabricated by depositing certain layered components of the electrochromic device in a single integrated deposition system. While these layers are being deposited and/or treated on a substrate, for example a glass window, the substrate never leaves a controlled ambient environment, for example a low pressure controlled atmosphere having very low levels of particles. These layers may be deposited using physical vapor deposition. 1. (canceled)2. A method of fabricating an electrochromic stack , the method comprising:depositing an electrochromic (EC) layer of the electrochromic stack;depositing metallic lithium onto the EC layer; anddepositing a counter electrode (CE) layer of the electrochromic stack using a CE target.3. (canceled)4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the CE target is a ceramic target.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the CE target comprises lithium.6. (canceled)7. A method of fabricating an electrochromic stack claim 1 , the method comprising:depositing a first portion of an electrochromic (EC) layer of the electrochromic stack;depositing metallic lithium onto the first portion of the EC layer;depositing a second portion of the EC layer; anddepositing a counter electrode (CE) layer of the electrochromic stack.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the method includes only one operation of depositing metallic lithium.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein the EC layer is deposited in a EC station claim 7 , the metallic lithium is deposited in a lithiation station claim 7 , and the CE layer is deposited in a CE station.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the EC station claim 9 , the lithiation station claim 9 , and the CE station are included ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039946A1

A glass-film laminate or article having a narrow failure distribution or a Weibull modulus of greater than 10. In embodiments, the glass-film laminate or article includes at least one first film disposed on a strengthened glass substrate. A first film or any additional films can exhibit an average strain-to-failure that is less than the strain-to-failure of the strengthened glass substrate. In embodiments, the first first film is adhered to the glass substrate such that the first film does not exhibit visible delamination from the glass substrate. Methods of forming glass-film laminates or articles with a desired strength level and narrow failure strength distrubution are also disclosed. 119-. (canceled)20. A method of forming a glass-film laminate comprising Weibull modulus greater than 10 , as measured by at least one of ring-on-ring testing , 4-point bend testing , or 3-point bend testing , the method comprising:selecting a desired failure strength for the glass-film laminate;disposing a first film on a first major surface of a chemically strengthened glass substrate to form an interface with the chemically strengthened glass substrate; andcontrolling at least one property of the first film selected from Young's modulus, film thickness, and residual tensile stress to achieve the desired failure strength the chemically strengthened glass substrate comprises an average substrate strain-to-failure and a substrate fracture toughness;', 'the first film comprises an average film strain-to-failure that is less than the average substrate strain-to-failure; and', 'the interface comprises an interfacial fracture toughness greater than about 25% of the substrate fracture toughness., 'wherein21. The method of claim 20 , wherein the glass-film laminate comprises a Weibull modulus ranging from about 15 to about 65.22. The method of claim 20 , wherein the interfacial fracture toughtness is greater than about 50% of the substrate fracture toughness.23. The method of claim 20 , ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039873A1

One or more aspects of the disclosure pertain to an article including a film disposed on a glass substrate, which may be strengthened, where the interface between the film and the glass substrate is modified, such that the article retains its average flexural strength, and the film retains key functional properties for its application. Some key functional properties of the film include optical, electrical and/or mechanical properties. The bridging of a crack from one of the film or the glass substrate into the other of the film or the glass substrate can be prevented by inserting a crack mitigating layer between the glass substrate and the film. 1. An article , comprising:a glass substrate having opposing major surfaces and a thickness from about 600 μm to about 5 mm, the substrate being chemically strengthened and having a surface compressive stress of at least 500 MPa and a compressive depth of layer 15 μm or greater;{'sub': IC', 'IC, 'sup': '2', 'a crack mitigating layer disposed on and directly in contact with the first major surface of the substrate, wherein the crack mitigating layer consists of a polyimide film having a thickness from about 0.04 μm to about 0.5 μm and a first critical strain energy release rate (G=K/E); and'}{'sub': IC', 'IC, 'sup': '2', 'a second film disposed on and directly in contact with the crack mitigating layer having a thickness from about 0.01 μm to about 0.5 μm and having a second critical strain energy release rate (G=K/E) that is less than the first critical strain energy release rate,'}wherein the crack mitigating layer increases the average flexural strength of the article, when compared to an article comprising the glass substrate and the second film but not the crack mitigating layer, andwherein the crack mitigating layer prevents cracks originating in one of the second film or the glass substrate from bridging to the other of the second film or the glass substrate, andfurther wherein the second film is exposed.2. The article ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044656A1

The present invention relates to a process for manufacturing a one-way vision glass pane comprising one or more separate enamel patterns composed of a number of exactly aligned layers, characterized in that: 1. A process for manufacturing a one-way vision glass pane comprising one or more separate enamel patterns which comprise a number of exactly aligned layers , the process comprising:(a) depositing at least one protective layer based on an oxide and having a thickness greater than or equal to 10 nm on a glass substrate,(b) depositing at least two layers of different compositions on the at least one protective layer, the at least two layers comprising a layer that comprises at least one mineral pigment which layer is free of glass frit, the at least two layers further comprising a layer that comprises an enamel that comprises at least one glass frit and at least one mineral pigment having a color different from that of the layer free of glass frit, wherein the layer free of glass frit is deposited over all or some of a surface of the pane and the layer of enamel is deposited by screen printing in a shape of a desired pattern, thereby obtaining a pane coated with at least three layers,(c) heating the pane coated with said at least three layers at a temperature sufficient to fire the enamel, and(d) removing a portion of pigments not fixed by the enamel located outside of the pattern, thereby obtaining the one-way vision glass pane comprising one or more separate enamel patterns which comprise a number of exactly aligned layers,wherein particles of the pigments and particles of the at least one glass frit have a similar size.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the layer free of glass frit is deposited on the protective layer over a thickness of between 4 and 15 μm claim 1 , then the layer of enamel is deposited by screen printing over a thickness of between 10 and 100 μ.m.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the layer of enamel is deposited on the protective layer ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Protective Layer Over a Functional Coating

Номер: US20190043640A1

The invention is directed to protective layers that protect functional layers applied over a substrate. The protective layer has a first protective film over at least a portion of the functional layer. The first protective film is titania, alumina, zinc oxide, tin oxide, zirconia, silica or mixtures thereof. A second protective film over at least a portion of the first protective film. The second protective film contains titania and alumina and is an outermost film.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Head up display apparatus and display surface therefor

Номер: US20180045956A1
Принадлежит: Jaguar Land Rover Ltd

One embodiment of the invention provides a head up display (HUD) apparatus for a vehicle, comprising a display surface, and a light source including one or more narrow band emitters for directing light towards the display surface and forming an image. At least part of the display surface is selectively more reflective at wavelengths corresponding to wavelengths of light emitted by the one or more narrow band emitters for a given angle of incidence relative to other wavelengths in the visible part of the spectrum at the same angle of incidence.

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140123706A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

A method for manufacturing a laminated film-coated glass substrate in which a laminated film is formed on a glass ribbon by a CVD method by means of a plurality of injectors disposed in an annealing furnace and the glass ribbon is cut, wherein the laminated film is formed at Tg+50° C. or lower and at least two layers of the laminated film are formed in a temperature range of Tg+50° C. to Tg. In addition, a temperature drop K1 per unit length of the glass ribbon in a temperature range where all layers of the laminated film are formed is 0° C./m Подробнее

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220066078A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

Various embodiments of smart devices are determined herein. A smart device can include a housing and an electronic display. The smart device can further include a cover, housed by the housing, through which the electronic display is visible. The cover can include a glass layer, wherein the glass layer is the outermost layer of the cover that is adjacent an ambient environment of the smart home device. The cover can further include an optical coating layer, deposited directly onto a surface of the glass layer, that comprises a plurality of sublayers. The optical coating layer can include alternating non-metallic oxide layers having different refractive indexes. The sublayers can vary in thickness such that the optical coating layer reflects light from the ambient environment through the glass layer. 1. A smart home device , comprising:a housing;a wireless network interface housed by the housing;an electronic display, housed by the housing, that outputs a plurality of colors;a processing system comprising one or more processors housed by the housing, wherein the processing system is in communication with the wireless network interface and the electronic display; a glass layer, wherein the glass layer is the outermost layer of the cover that is adjacent an ambient environment of the smart home device; and', the optical coating layer comprises alternating non-metallic oxide layers having different refractive indexes;', 'the plurality of sublayers vary in thickness such that the optical coating layer reflects light incident on the optical coating layer from the ambient environment through the glass layer at a first plurality of wavelengths; and', 'the optical coating layer permits a second plurality of wavelengths of light to be transmitted., 'an optical coating layer, deposited directly onto a surface of the glass layer, that comprises a plurality of sublayers, wherein], 'a cover, housed by the housing, through which the electronic display is visible, wherein the cover ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Opaque Color Stack for Electronic Device

Номер: US20180050960A1

An opaque cover for a capacitive sensor is provided. The cover includes a transparent substrate and a black color stack disposed adjacent the transparent substrate. The black color stack includes a pigment stack having a first dielectric layer, a second dielectric layer, and a first light absorbing layer positioned between the first and second dielectric layers. The first dielectric layer has a first refractive index. The second dielectric layer has a second refractive index different from the first refractive index. The black color stack also includes a plurality of second light absorption layers interleaved with a plurality of third dielectric layer. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a capacitive sensor;a transparent cover layer that covers the capacitive sensor;a black coating layer interposed between the capacitive sensor and the transparent cover layer; anda light-absorbing stack interposed between the black coating layer and the capacitive sensor.2. The electronic device defined in wherein the transparent cover layer comprises a material selected from the group consisting of: glass and sapphire.3. The electronic device defined in wherein the black coating layer comprises a plurality of black pigment sublayers.4. The electronic device defined in wherein the black pigment sublayers all have the same thickness.5. The electronic device defined in wherein the black pigment sublayers have different thicknesses.6. The electronic device defined in wherein the light-absorbing stack comprises a first layer having a first thickness and a second layer having a second thickness that is larger than the first thickness.7. The electronic device defined in wherein the first layer comprises tin.8. The electronic device defined in wherein the second layer comprises a dielectric material.9. The electronic device defined in wherein the dielectric material comprises a material selected from the group consisting of: silicon dioxide claim 8 , silicon nitride claim 8 , and niobium ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210055618A1

Various embodiments herein relate to electrochromic devices, methods of fabricating electrochromic devices, and apparatus for fabricating electrochromic devices. In a number of cases, the electrochromic device may be fabricated to include a particular counter electrode material. The counter electrode material may include a base anodically coloring material. The counter electrode material may further include one or more halogens. The counter electrode material may also include one or more additives. 128-. (canceled)29. An integrated deposition system for fabricating an electrochromic device stack , the integrated deposition system comprising:a plurality of deposition stations aligned in series and interconnected and operable to pass a substrate from one station to the next without exposing the substrate to an external environment, wherein the plurality of deposition stations comprises(i) a first deposition station containing a first one or more material sources for depositing a cathodically coloring layer; wherein the second one or more material sources for depositing the anodically coloring layer comprise at least a first metal and a halogen, the second one or more material sources for depositing the anodically coloring layer optionally comprising one or more-additives,', 'wherein the first metal is selected from the group consisting of—chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), rhodium (Rh), and iridium (Ir), ruthenium (Ru), vanadium (V), and combinations thereof, and', 'wherein the optional one or more additives are selected from the group consisting of silver (Ag), arsenic (As), gold (Au), boron (B), cadmium (Cd), cesium (Cs), copper (Cu), europium (Eu), gallium (Ga), gadolinium (Gd), germanium (Ge), mercury (Hg), osmium (Os), lead (Pb), palladium (Pd), promethium (Pm), polonium (Po), platinum (Pt), radium (Ra), rubidium (Rb), terbium (Tb), technetium (Tc), thorium (Th), thallium (Tl), tungsten (W), and combinations thereof; and, '(ii) a ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200050072A1

Prior electrochromic devices frequently suffer from high levels of defectivity. The defects may be manifest as pin holes or spots where the electrochromic transition is impaired. This is unacceptable for many applications such as electrochromic architectural glass. Improved electrochromic devices with low defectivity can be fabricated by depositing certain layered components of the electrochromic device in a single integrated deposition system. While these layers are being deposited and/or treated on a substrate, for example a glass window, the substrate never leaves a controlled ambient environment, for example a low pressure controlled atmosphere having very low levels of particles. These layers may be deposited using physical vapor deposition. 143-. (canceled)44. An electrochromic device comprising:a substrate;an electrochromic layer disposed on or over the substrate, said electrochromic layer comprising a cathodically tinting electrochromic material; and (a) a first sublayer comprising a first anodically tinting material, and', '(b) a second sublayer comprising a second anodically tinting material,, 'a counter electrode layer also disposed on or over the substrate, said counter electrode layer comprising'}wherein compositions of the first and second anodically tinting materials are different.45. The electrochromic device of claim 44 , wherein the compositions of the first and second anodically tinting materials are graded.46. The electrochromic device of claim 44 , wherein the electrochromic layer comprises tungsten-containing material.47. The electrochromic device of claim 46 , wherein the electrochromic layer comprises tungsten oxide.48. The electrochromic device of claim 47 , wherein the electrochromic layer is doped with one or more dopants selected from the group consisting of lithium claim 47 , sodium claim 47 , potassium claim 47 , molybdenum claim 47 , vanadium claim 47 , titanium claim 47 , and combinations thereof.49. The electrochromic device of claim ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Method for depositing a coating

Номер: US20220073419A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Ltd

The present invention relates to a method of depositing a coating comprising zinc oxide on a substrate; to a chemical vapour deposition precursor mixture for use in same and to a coated glass article and a photovoltaic cell prepared with a zinc oxide coating prepared using the method which comprises: providing a substrate, providing a precursor mixture comprising an alkyl zinc compound and a phosphorus source, the phosphorus source comprising a compound of formula OnP(OR)3, wherein n is 0 or 1 and each R is hydrocarbyl, and delivering the precursor mixture to a surface of the substrate.

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Translucent substrate, organic led element and method of manufacturing translucent substrate

Номер: US20160060162A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

A translucent substrate includes a glass substrate containing at least one element selected from a group consisting of Bi, Ti and Sn; a coating layer formed on the glass substrate; and a transparent conductive film formed on the coating layer, wherein the coating layer is deposited by a dry depositing method.

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Glass article

Номер: US20190055160A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

There is provided a glass article using an ultraviolet absorbing glass substrate, the glass article suppressing solarization and exhibiting a high visible light transmittance. A glass article, comprising a glass substrate absorbing light at a wavelength of 250 to 400 nm from the surface and an antireflection film provided on at least one surface of the glass substrate, wherein the glass article has an ultraviolet irradiation degradation degree (X) of 1.5% or less, wherein the ultraviolet irradiation degradation degree (X) is T 0 −T 1 , where T 0 is an average transmittance of light at the wavelength of 250 to 400 nm from a surface of the antireflection film in an initial state, and T 1 is an average transmittance of light at the wavelength of 250 to 400 nm from the surface of the antireflection film after irradiating the surface of the antireflection film with ultraviolet rays for one hour.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057400A1

Provided is a method of manufacturing a tempered glass sheet that has been tempered by an ion exchange process, the method including: a film forming step of covering a surface of an original glass sheet with an ion permeation suppressing film configured to suppress permeation of an alkali metal ion, to thereby provide a glass sheet with a film; a processing step of subjecting, after the film forming step, the glass sheet with a film to at least any one of cutting processing, end-surface processing, and hole-opening processing, to thereby provide a glass sheet to be tempered including an exposed portion free from being covered with the ion permeation suppressing film; and a tempering step of chemically tempering, after the processing step, the glass sheet to be tempered by the ion exchange process to provide a tempered glass sheet. 1. A method of manufacturing a tempered glass sheet that has been tempered by an ion exchange process ,the method comprising:a film forming step of covering a surface of an original glass sheet with an ion permeation suppressing film configured to suppress permeation of an alkali metal ion, to thereby provide a glass sheet with a film;a processing step of subjecting, after the film forming step, the glass sheet with a film to at least any one of cutting processing, hole-opening processing, and end-surface processing, to thereby provide a glass sheet to be tempered including an exposed portion free from being covered with the ion permeation suppressing film; anda tempering step of chemically tempering, after the processing step, the glass sheet to be tempered by the ion exchange process to provide a tempered glass sheet.2. The method of manufacturing a tempered glass sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the film forming step comprises forming claim 1 , as the ion permeation suppressing film claim 1 , at least any one of a metal oxide film claim 1 , a metal nitride film claim 1 , a metal carbide film claim 1 , a metal oxynitride film claim 1 ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060948A1

The invention provides flash-treated transparent conductive coatings based on indium tin oxide. Some embodiments provide a multiple-pane insulating glazing unit that includes two glass panes and a between-pane space. The two glass panes respectively define two opposed external pane surfaces. At least one of the two external pane surfaces has a flash-treated transparent conductive oxide coating. 1. A multiple-pane insulating glazing unit comprising two glass panes and a between-pane space , the two glass panes respectively defining two opposed external pane surfaces , a desired one of the two external pane surfaces having a flash-treated transparent conductive oxide coating such that a desired one of the two glass panes is a coated glass pane , said coated glass pane being annealed glass having a surface stress of less than 3 ,500 psi , the coating comprising a flash-treated indium tin oxide film and an overcoat film on the flash-treated indium tin oxide film , the flash-treated indium tin oxide film having a thickness of less than 1 ,800 Å , the flash-treated indium tin oxide film being a sputtered film having a surface roughness of less than 3 nm , the flash-treated indium tin oxide film having a sheet resistance of less than 15 Ω/square in combination with said coated pane having a monolithic visible transmittance of greater than 0.82 , the flash-treated indium tin oxide film having an optical bandgap of 370 nm or shorter and being characterized by a pre-flash optical bandgap of 400 nm or longer , the multiple-pane insulating glazing unit including an internal pane surface bearing a low-emissivity coating that has only one film comprising silver , the film comprising silver containing at least 50% silver by weight , the low-emissivity coating being exposed to the between-pane space , the multiple-pane insulating glazing unit having a U value of less than 0.25 together with an IGU visible transmission of greater than 75%.2. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Antireflective Stack for Low Luminance Conditions

Номер: US20190056530A1
Автор: DING Xingzhao, Liu Yu

Ophthalmic lens comprising an anti-reflective stack designed for scotopic or mesopic conditions, wherein the anti-reflective stack design method uses the scotopic luminosity function CIE 1951 (defined by the Commission Internationale de I'Eclairage). 1. An ophthalmic lens comprising an anti-reflective stack designed for scotopic or mesopic conditions , wherein the anti-reflective stack design method uses the spectral luminous efficiency function V′(λ) as defined in CIE 1951.2. The ophthalmic lens according to claim 1 , wherein the anti-reflective stack design method uses an average spectral luminous efficiency function V(λ)=αV(λ)+βV′(λ) claim 1 , with β>0 claim 1 , V(λ) is in CIE 1931 and V′(λ) is in CIE 1951.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein R′is less than or equal to 1% claim 4 , preferably less than or equal to 0.5%.6. The method of claim 4 , further defined as manufacturing an ophthalmic lens having an anti-reflective stack claim 4 , further comprising:(d) providing an optical article having two main faces; and(e) forming the anti-reflective stack on at least one main face of the ophthalmic lens.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein R is less than or equal to 1% claim 7 , preferably less than or equal to 0.5%.10. The method of claim 7 , further defined as manufacturing an ophthalmic lens having an anti-reflective stack claim 7 , further comprising:(d) providing an optical article having two main faces; and(e) forming the anti-reflective stack on at least one main face of the ophthalmic lens.11. The ophthalmic lens according to comprising a transparent substrate with a front main face and with a rear main face claim 1 , at least one of the main faces being coated with a multilayered anti-reflective stack comprising at least one layer having a refractive index higher than or equal to 1.55 and at least one layer having a refractive index lower than 1.55 claim 1 , such that:{'sub': V', '65, 'the mean light reflection factor in the visible region for photopic vision ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056539A1
Автор: VIKOR Gyorgy

A dielectric mirror includes a coating having alternating high and low index layers. The mirror coating has no metallic reflective layer of Al or Ag in certain example embodiments, and may have film side and/or glass side visible reflection of from about 50-90% (more preferably from about 60-80% and most preferably from about 65-75%) and visible transmission of from about 10-50% (more preferably from about 10-40% or 20-40%) in certain example embodiments. 1. A dielectric mirror including a glass substrate supporting a coating , the coating comprising moving away from the glass substrate:a first transparent dielectric high refractive index layer comprising niobium oxide and/or titanium oxide, the first transparent dielectric high refractive index layer having a thickness of from about 70-140 nm;a second transparent dielectric low refractive index layer comprising silicon oxide, the second transparent dielectric low refractive index layer having a thickness of from about 30-140 nm;a third transparent dielectric high refractive index layer comprising niobium oxide and/or titanium oxide;a fourth transparent dielectric low refractive index layer comprising silicon oxide;a fifth transparent dielectric high refractive index layer comprising niobium oxide and/or titanium oxide;wherein the first transparent dielectric high index layer comprising niobium oxide and/or titanium oxide is at least 10 nm thicker than one or both of (a) the third transparent dielectric high refractive index layer comprising niobium oxide and/or titanium oxide, and/or (b) the fifth transparent dielectric high index layer comprising niobium oxide and/or titanium oxide;wherein the coating does not contain any metallic reflective layer based on Al or Ag; andwherein the dielectric mirror has (i) a film side visible reflectance or a glass side visible reflectance of from about 50-90%, and (ii) a visible transmission of from about 10-40%, andwherein the glass side visible reflectance of the mirror is at ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150064480A1

A coated article includes a coating, such as a low emissivity (low-E) coating, supported by a substrate (e.g., glass substrate). The coating includes at least one dielectric layer including tin oxide that is doped with another metal(s). The coating may also include one or more infrared (IR) reflecting layer(s) of or including material such as silver or the like, for reflecting at least some IR radiation. In certain example embodiments, the coated article may be heat treated (e.g., thermally tempered, heat bent and/or heat strengthened). Coated articles according to certain example embodiments of this invention may be used in the context of windows, including monolithic windows for buildings, IG windows for buildings, etc. 154-. (canceled)55. A coated article including a low-E coating on a glass substrate , the coating comprising:a first dielectric layer;first and second IR reflecting layers on the glass substrate and located over at least the first dielectric layer; anda second dielectric layer located between at least the first and second IR reflecting layers, wherein the second dielectric layer comprises an oxide of SnAg and optionally one or more of: SnPd, SnMg, SnSb, SnZnBi, SnInZn, SnZnSb, SnZnAl, SnZnMg, SnCuSb, SnCuBi, SnBi, SnW, SnSbBi, SnZnCu, SnZnBiIn, and SnInGa.56. The coated article of claim 55 , wherein the first and second IR reflecting layers comprise silver.57. The coated article of claim 55 , wherein the first dielectric layer comprises zinc oxide and is located between the glass substrate and the first IR reflecting layer claim 55 , and wherein the first dielectric layer comprising zinc oxide directly contacts the first IR reflecting layer.58. The coated article of claim 55 , wherein the coating further comprises a layer comprising silicon nitride between the glass substrate and the first IR reflecting layer.59. The coated article of claim 55 , wherein the coating further comprises a third dielectric layer located between at least the first and ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Coated article with low-e coating including tin oxide inclusive layer(s) with additional metal(s)

Номер: US20140141259A1
Принадлежит: Guardian Industries Corp

A coated article includes a coating, such as a low emissivity (low-E) coating, supported by a substrate (e.g., glass substrate). The coating includes at least one dielectric layer including tin oxide that is doped with another metal(s). The coating may also include one or more infrared (IR) reflecting layer(s) of or including material such as silver or the like, for reflecting at least some IR radiation. In certain example embodiments, the coated article may be heat treated (e.g., thermally tempered, heat bent and/or heat strengthened). Coated articles according to certain example embodiments of this invention may be used in the context of windows, including monolithic windows for buildings, IG windows for buildings, etc.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190064623A1

The embodiments herein relate to electrochromic stacks, electrochromic devices, and methods and apparatus for making such stacks and devices. In various embodiments, an anodically coloring layer in an electrochromic stack or device is fabricated to include nickel tungsten tantalum oxide (NiWTaO). This material is particularly beneficial in that it is very transparent in its clear state. 1. An integrated deposition system for fabricating an electrochromic stack , the system comprising: (i) a first deposition station containing one or more material sources for depositing a cathodically coloring layer;', '(ii) a second deposition station containing one or more material sources for depositing an anodically coloring layer comprising nickel tungsten tantalum oxide; and, 'a plurality of deposition stations aligned in series and interconnected and operable to pass a substrate from one station to the next without exposing the substrate to an external environment, wherein the plurality of deposition stations comprise'}a controller containing program instructions for passing the substrate through the plurality of stations in a manner that deposits on the substrate (i) the cathodically coloring layer, and (ii) the anodically coloring layer to form a stack comprising at least the cathodically coloring layer and the anodically coloring layer.2. The integrated deposition system of claim 1 , wherein the nickel tungsten tantalum oxide has an atomic ratio of Ni:(W+Ta) that is between about 1.5:1 and 3:1.3. The integrated deposition system of claim 2 , wherein the nickel tungsten tantalum oxide has an atomic ratio of Ni:(W+Ta) that is between about 1.5:1 and 2.5:1.4. The integrated deposition system of claim 3 , wherein the nickel tungsten tantalum oxide has an atomic ratio of Ni:(W+Ta) that is between about 1.8:1 and 2.5:1.5. The integrated deposition system of claim 4 , wherein the nickel tungsten tantalum oxide has an atomic ratio of Ni:(W+Ta) that is between about 2:1 and 2.5:1.6. ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Optical coatings including buffer layers

Номер: US20170066684A1
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

An optics system component has a stainable glass substrate, an optical coating comprising alternating layers of dielectric materials, and a buffer layer positioned on the stainable glass substrate between the substrate and the optical coating. The buffer layer comprises a dielectric material and has a thickness of less than about 20 nm.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210070653A1

An invention disclosure discloses a composite structure. The composite structure includes a substrate layer (), a conductive layer () and an overlayer (). The substrate has a first face () and a second face (). The conductive layer has a first face () and a second face (). The first face of the conductive layer is disposed on the at least a part of the second face of the substrate layer. A portion () of the conductive layer has a resistivity at least about ten times higher than an adjacent region () on the conductive layer. The overlayer may have a first face () and a second face (). The first face of the overlayer is disposed on at least a part of the second face of the conductive layer such that the conductive layer is disposed between the overlayer and the substrate layer. The substrate layer comprises a material that is optically transparent over at least a part of the electromagnetic spectrum from about 180 nm to about 20 μm. The conductive layer comprises a layer having a thickness of about 10 nm or greater and having a resistivity of about 10 Ohm-cm or less. The conductive layer comprises a material that may be optically translucent or opaque over at least a part of the electromagnetic spectrum from about 180 nm to about 20 μm. 2. The composite structure of claim 1 , wherein the overlayer disposed above the modified region is substantially the same physically or chemically as the overlayer disposed above the unmodified region.3. The composite structure of claim 1 , wherein the modified region is physically or chemically different than the unmodified region.4. The composite structure of claim 3 , wherein the modified region is physically different claim 3 , wherein physically different means it has a different resistivity claim 3 , crystalline structure claim 3 , different amorphous structure or is made amorphous claim 3 , or adhesion or contact between the overlayer and the modified region is changed.5. The composite structure of claim 3 , wherein the ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Heat treatable four layer anti-reflection coating

Номер: US20140147582A1
Принадлежит: Guardian Industries Corp

A coated article includes a heat treatable (e.g., temperable) antireflection (AR) coating having four layers. The AR coating includes a layer adjacent the glass substrate having an index of refraction substantially matching that of the glass substrate, and having a compressive residual stress. In certain example embodiments, the coating may include the following layers from the glass substrate outwardly: stress-reducing layer/medium index layer/high index layer/low index layer. In certain example embodiments, depending on the chemical and optical properties of the high index layer and the substrate, the stress-reducing layer of the AR coating is selected to cause a net compressive residual stress and thus improve the overall performance of the antireflection coating when the coated article is heat treated.

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140147654A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

A substrate element for coating with an easy-to-clean coating, the effect of the easy-to-clean coating being improved by the substrate element in terms of its hydrophobic and oleophobic properties and also, more particularly, its long-term stability. The substrate element comprises in particular a support material of glass or glass-ceramic and an antireflection coating, consisting of one layer or of at least two layers, the one layer or the topmost layer of the at least two layers being an adhesion promoter layer which is able to interact with an easy-to-clean coating and comprises a mixed oxide, more particularly a silicon mixed oxide. 133-. (canceled)34. A substrate element for coating with an easy-to-clean coating , comprising:a support material; andan antireflection coating comprising at least one layer, wherein an uppermost layer of the at least one layer is an adhesion promoter layer comprising a mixed oxide configured to enter into a covalent bond with the easy-to-clean coating.35. The substrate element as in claim 34 , wherein the adhesion promoter layer is selected from the group consisting of a liquid-phase coating claim 34 , a thermally consolidated sol-gel layer claim 34 , a CVD coating claim 34 , a flame pyrolysis layer claim 34 , a PVD coating claim 34 , and a sputtered layer.36. The substrate element as in claim 34 , wherein the antireflection coating is produced by a process selected from the group consisting of a CVD process claim 34 , a PVD process claim 34 , a sputtering process claim 34 , a printing process claim 34 , a spraying process claim 34 , a vapor deposition process claim 34 , a liquid-phase coating process claim 34 , and a sol-gel coating process.37. The substrate element as in claim 34 , wherein the antireflection coating is an incomplete antireflection layer package such that the adhesion promoter layer optically completes the antireflection layer.38. The substrate element as in claim 34 , wherein the antireflection coating comprises ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Transparent diffusive oled substrate and method for producing such a substrate

Номер: US20160072083A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

A transparent diffusive OLED substrate includes (a) a transparent flat substrate made of mineral glass having a refractive index of between 1.45 and 1.65, (b) a rough low index layer including mineral particles, the mineral particles being attached to one side of the substrate by means of a sol-gel mineral binder, the mineral particles near, at or protruding from the mineral binder's surface creating a surface roughness characterized by an arithmetical mean deviation Ra comprised between 0.15 and 3 μm, the mineral particles and mineral binder both having a refractive index of between 1.45 and 1.65; (c) a high index layer made of an enamel having a refractive index comprised between 1.8 and 2.1 covering the rough low index layer.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190077676A1

A near-infrared shielding material fine particle dispersion body, a near-infrared shielding body, and a near-infrared shielding laminated structure containing composite tungsten oxide that exhibits more excellent near-infrared shielding function than that of a conventional near-infrared shielding material fine particle dispersion body, near-infrared shielding body, and near-infrared shielding laminated structure, and a method for producing the same. Also, a near-infrared shielding material fine particle dispersion body in which near-infrared shielding material fine particles are dispersed in a solid medium. The near-infrared shielding material fine particles are composite tungsten oxide fine particles containing a hexagonal crystal structure, in which a lattice constant of the composite tungsten oxide fine particles is 7.3850 Å or more and 7.4186 Å or less on the a-axis, and 7.5600 Å or more and 7.6240 Å or less on the c-axis, and a particle size of the near-infrared shielding material fine particles is 100 nm or less. 1. A near-infrared shielding material fine particle dispersion body in which near-infrared shielding material fine particles are dispersed in a solid medium ,wherein the near-infrared shielding material fine particles are composite tungsten oxide fine particles containing a hexagonal crystal structure,a lattice constant of the composite tungsten oxide fine particles is 7.3850 Å or more and 7.4186 Å or less on the a-axis, and 7.5600 Å or more and 7.6240 Å or less on the c-axis, anda particle size of the near-infrared shielding material fine particles is 100 nm or less.2. The near-infrared shielding material fine particle dispersion body according to claim 1 , wherein the lattice constant of the composite tungsten oxide fine particles is 7.4031 Å or more and 7.4111 Å or less on the a-axis claim 1 , and 7.5891 Å or more and 7.6240 Å or less on the c-axis.3. The near-infrared shielding material fine particle dispersion body according to claim 1 , wherein ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079681A1

The invention provides transparent conductive coatings based on indium tin oxide. The coating has a tin oxide overcoat. In some embodiments, the coating further includes one or more overcoat films comprising silicon nitride, silicon oxynitride, or silica. The coating and its films have compositions, thicknesses, and properties that simultaneously produce low sheet resistance and high visible transmission, preferably together with neutral color properties and good durability. 1. A multiple-pane insulating glazing unit having a between-pane space and two opposed external pane surfaces , a desired one of the two external pane surfaces bearing a coating comprising both an indium tin oxide film and a tin oxide film , the tin oxide film being located over the indium tin oxide film.2. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the tin oxide film is in contact with the indium tin oxide film.3. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the tin oxide film has a thickness of between 90 angstroms and 1 claim 1 ,200 angstroms.4. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the indium tin oxide film has a thickness of between 100 angstroms and 2 claim 1 ,000 angstroms together with a sheet resistance of less than 50 ohms/square.5. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein said desired one of the two external pane surfaces is defined by a glass pane coated with said coating claim 4 , said coated glass pane having a monolithic visible transmission of greater than 75%.6. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the sheet resistance of the indium tin oxide film is less than 15 ohms/square.7. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the coating further includes an oxynitride film claim 1 , the oxynitride film being located over the tin oxide film.8. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the coating further includes a film comprising titanium oxide claim 7 , the film comprising titanium oxide being located ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081241A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Limited

A coated glazing comprising: a transparent glass substrate, wherein a surface of the substrate is directly or indirectly coated with at least one layer based on a transparent conductive coating (TCC) and/or at least one layer based on a material with a refractive index of at least 1.75, and wherein said surface has an arithmetical mean height of the surface value, Sa, of at least 0.4 nm prior to said coating of said surface. 125-. (canceled)26. A coated glazing comprising:a transparent glass substrate,wherein a surface of the substrate is directly or indirectly coated with at least one layer based on a transparent conductive coating (TCC) and/or at least one layer based on a material with a refractive index of at least 1.75, andwherein said surface has an arithmetical mean height of the surface value, Sa, of at least 0.4 nm prior to said coating of said surface.27. The glazing according to claim 26 , wherein said surface has an arithmetical mean height of the surface value claim 26 , Sa claim 26 , of at least 0.6 nm prior to said coating of said surface.28. The glazing according to claim 26 , wherein said glazing exhibits a haze of at least 0.4%.29. The glazing according to claim 26 , wherein the TCC is a transparent conductive oxide (TCO) and wherein the TCO is one or more of fluorine doped tin oxide (SnO2:F) claim 26 , zinc oxide doped with aluminium claim 26 , gallium or boron (ZnO:Al claim 26 , ZnO:Ga claim 26 , ZnO:B) claim 26 , indium oxide doped with tin (ITO) claim 26 , cadmium stannate claim 26 , ITO:ZnO claim 26 , ITO:Ti claim 26 , In2O3 claim 26 , In2O3-ZnO (IZO) claim 26 , In2O3:Ti claim 26 , In2O3:Mo claim 26 , In2O3:Ga claim 26 , In2O3:W claim 26 , In2O3:Zr claim 26 , In2O3:Nb claim 26 , In2-2xMxSnxO3 with M being Zn or Cu claim 26 , ZnO:F claim 26 , Zn0.9Mg0.1O:Ga claim 26 , and (Zn claim 26 ,Mg)O:P claim 26 , ITO:Fe claim 26 , SnO2:Co claim 26 , In2O3:Ni claim 26 , In2O3:(Sn claim 26 ,Ni) claim 26 , ZnO:Mn claim 26 , and ZnO:Co.30. The glazing ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Fabrication of low defectivity electrochromic devices

Номер: US20180081250A1
Принадлежит: View Inc

Prior electrochromic devices frequently suffer from high levels of defectivity. The defects may be manifest as pin holes or spots where the electrochromic transition is impaired. This is unacceptable for many applications such as electrochromic architectural glass. Improved electrochromic devices with low defectivity can be fabricated by depositing certain layered components of the electrochromic device in a single integrated deposition system. While these layers are being deposited and/or treated on a substrate, for example a glass window, the substrate never leaves a controlled ambient environment, for example a low pressure controlled atmosphere having very low levels of particles. These layers may be deposited using physical vapor deposition.

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160087228A1

A transparent diffusive OLED substrate includes the following successive elements or layers: a transparent flat substrate made of mineral glass having a refractive index of between 1.45 and 1.65, a rough low index layer including mineral particles, the mineral particles being bonded to one side of the substrate by means of a low index enamel, the mineral particles near, at or protruding from the enamel's surface creating a surface roughness characterized by an arithmetical mean deviation Ra comprised between 0.15 and 3 μm, the mineral particles and enamel both having a refractive index of between 1.45 and 1.65; a high index planarization layer made of an enamel having a refractive index comprised between 1.8 and 2.1 covering the rough low index layer (b). 1. A transparent diffusive OLED substrate comprising the following successive elements or layers:(a) a transparent flat substrate made of mineral glass having a refractive index of between 1.45 and 1.65;{'sub': 'a', "(b) a rough low index layer comprising mineral particles, said mineral particles being bonded to a side of the substrate by means of a low index enamel, the mineral particles near, at or protruding from the enamel's surface creating a surface roughness characterized by an arithmetical mean deviation Rcomprised between 0.15 and 3 μm, the mineral particles and enamel both having a refractive index of between 1.45 and 1.65;"}(c) a high index planarization layer made of an enamel having a refractive index comprised between 1.8 and 2.1 covering the rough low index layer (b).2. The substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the mineral particles have an average equivalent spherical diameter of between 0.3 μm and 10 μm.3. The substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the mineral particles are solid beads.4. The substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the mineral particles are essentially free of particles having an equivalent spherical diameter higher than 15 μm.5. The substrate according to claim 1 , wherein ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190085181A1

Near-infrared shielding material fine particles that exhibit an effect of maintaining a high transmittance in a visible light region while shielding a light in a near-infrared region more efficiently than tungsten oxide and composite tungsten oxide of a conventional technique, and the method for producing the same, and a dispersion liquid containing the near-infrared shielding material fine particles. The near-infrared shielding material fine particles are composite tungsten oxide containing a hexagonal crystal structure, and a lattice constant of the composite tungsten oxide fine particles is 7.3850 Å or more and 7.4186 Å or less on the a-axis, and 7.5600 Å or more and 7.6240 Å or less on the c-axis, and a particle size of the near-infrared shielding material fine particles is 100 nm or less. 1. Near-infrared shielding material fine particles ,wherein the near-infrared shielding material fine particles are composite tungsten oxide fine particles containing a hexagonal crystal structure,a lattice constant of the composite tungsten oxide fine particles is 7.3850 Å or more and 7.4186 Å or less on the a-axis, and 7.5600 Å or more and 7.6240 Å or less on the c-axis, anda particle size of the near-infrared shielding material fine particles is 100 nm or less.2. The near-infrared shielding material fine particles according to claim 1 , wherein the lattice constant of the composite tungsten oxide fine particles is 7.4031 Å or more and 7.4111 Å or less on the a-axis claim 1 , and 7.5891 Å or more and 7.6240 Å or less on the c-axis.3. The near-infrared shielding material fine particles according to claim 1 , wherein the lattice constant of the composite tungsten oxide fine particles is 7.4031 Å or more and 7.4186 Å or less on the a-axis claim 1 , and 7.5830 Å or more and 7.5950 Å or less on the c-axis.4. The near-infrared shielding material fine particles according to claim 1 , wherein the particle size of the near-infrared shielding material fine particles is 10 nm or more ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170088460A1
Автор: MAILLET Alexandre

A solar protection glazing includes a substrate covered with a coating of dielectric materials on each of its faces. The substrate is preferably a glass substrate. Each of the coatings consists of a layer based on titanium oxide or of a stack of layers of dielectric materials incorporating such a layer. The thickness of the layers based on titanium oxide in each of the coatings is between 10 and 70 nm. 1. A solar protection glazing comprising:a substrate, said substrate being covered with a coating of dielectric materials on each of us faces wherein each of the coatings consists of a layer based on titanium oxide or of a slack of layers of dielectric materials incorporating such a layer, the thickness of the layers based on titanium oxide being between 10 and 70 nm.2. The solar protection glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said dielectric materials are chosen from the nitrides claim 1 , oxides or oxynitrides claim 1 ,3. The solar protection glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the dielectric materials claim 1 , besides the layers based on titanium oxide claim 1 , are chosen from zinc oxides claim 1 , silicon oxides claim 1 , tin oxides claim 1 , zinc tin oxides claim 1 , silicon and/or aluminum nitrides claim 1 , and silicon and/or aluminum oxynitrides.4. The solar protection glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one of said stacks consists of the succession of the following layers claim 1 , starting from the surface of the substrate:an underlayer or a set of underlayers, said underlayer(s) consisting of dielectric materials, anda layer based on titanium oxide, the thickness of which is between 10 and 70 nm.5. The solar protection glazing as claimed in claim 4 , wherein at least one of said coatings consists of a single layer based on titanium oxide.6. The solar protection glazing claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , on a first face of the substrate claim 1 , a first coating deposited by pyrolysis or by CVD and claim 1 , ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140170420A1
Автор: Jun Youn Ki
Принадлежит: LG HAUSYS, LTD.

The present invention relates to a production method for thermochromatic glass in which use is made of a low-temperature metal vapor deposition process, and to thermochromatic glass obtained thereby. More specifically, the invention relates to: a production method for thermochromatic glass in which a low-temperature metal-vapor-deposition process is used in order to effect the vapor deposition of a metal for forming a thermochromatic metal oxide and then subsequently a heat treatment is carried out, such that the processing efficiency is high and the reliability of the thermochromatic characteristics of the glass produced by the method is outstanding; and to thermochromatic glass obtained by means of the method. 1. A method of producing a thermochromatic glass , comprising:depositing a metal for forming a thermochromatic metal oxide on a glass substrate; andperforming post-heat treatment of the glass substrate to form a crystal phase of the thermochromatic metal oxide through oxidation of the deposited metal.2. A method of producing a thermochromatic glass , comprising:forming an ion diffusion preventing film on a glass substrate;depositing a metal for forming a thermochromatic metal oxide on the ion diffusion preventing film; andperforming post-heat treatment of the glass substrate to form a crystal phase of the thermochromatic metal oxide through oxidation of the deposited metal.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the metal for forming a thermochromatic metal oxide comprises vanadium (V).4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the metal for forming a thermochromatic metal oxide is deposited by sputtering or atomic layer deposition.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the metal for forming a thermochromatic metal oxide is deposited at a temperature of 10° C. to 100° C.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the post-heat treatment is performed at a temperature of 460° C. to 480° C.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the post-heat ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Near infrared reflective coatings

Номер: US20170090078A1
Автор: James C. DECOUX
Принадлежит: Tru Vue Inc

A coating composition comprising 6 to 20 alternating layers of SiO 2 and one of ZrO 2 or Nb 2 O 5 wherein the thickness of each individual layer is about 70 nm to 200 nm is described. Also described is a substrate comprising a coating on at least a first major side thereof, the coating comprising 6 to 20 alternating layers of SiO 2 and one of ZrO 2 or Nb 2 O 5 wherein the thickness of each individual layer is about 70 nm to 200 nm The substrate can be glass, plastic, or metal. Also disclosed herein are methods of making the coated substrate. The coatings have good optical transparency and NIR reflectivity.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094868A1

A chemical vapor deposition process for depositing a coating comprising silicon oxide and titanium oxide is provided. A coating formed by the chemical vapor deposition process is also provided. 134.-. (canceled)35. A chemical vapor deposition process for depositing a coating , comprising:providing a glass substrate;forming a gaseous mixture comprising a silicon-containing compound, an oxygen-containing compound, a radical scavenger, and a titanium-containing compound; anddirecting the gaseous mixture toward and along the glass substrate, and reacting the mixture over the glass substrate to form the coating thereover, the coating having a refractive index of 1.48 or more.36. The chemical vapor deposition process of claim 35 , wherein the coating comprises silicon oxide and titanium oxide claim 35 , with a ratio of titanium to silicon of less than 1.37. The chemical vapor deposition process of claim 35 , wherein the gaseous mixture comprises 0.1 to 5% of the titanium-containing compound by volume.38. The chemical vapor deposition process of claim 35 , wherein the coating is formed directly on the glass substrate.39. The chemical vapor deposition process of claim 36 , wherein the silicon oxide is silicon dioxide.40. The chemical vapor deposition process of claim 36 , wherein the titanium oxide is titanium dioxide.41. The chemical vapor deposition process of claim 35 , wherein the coating has a refractive index of 1.50 to 1.85.42. The chemical vapor deposition process of claim 35 , wherein the glass substrate is moving at the time of forming the coating claim 35 , or wherein the glass substrate is a float glass ribbon.43. The chemical vapor deposition process of claim 35 , wherein the coating is formed at a dynamic deposition rate of 280 nm×m/min or more.44. The chemical vapor deposition process of claim 35 , wherein the gaseous mixture is formed prior to being fed through a coating apparatus or within the coating apparatus claim 35 , the gaseous mixture exiting the ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Temperable electrochromic devices

Номер: US20140182125A1
Принадлежит: View Inc

This disclosure provides systems, methods, and apparatus for tempering or chemically strengthening glass substrates having electrochromic devices fabricated thereon. In one aspect, an electrochromic device is fabricated on a glass substrate. The glass substrate is then tempered or chemically strengthened. The disclosed methods may reduce or prevent potential issues that the electrochromic device may experience during the tempering or the chemical strengthening processes, including the loss of charge carrying ions from the device, redistribution of charge carrying ions in the device, modification of the morphology of materials included in the device, modification of the oxidation state of materials included in the device, and the formation of an interfacial region between the electrochromic layer and the counter electrode layer of the device that impacts the performance of the device.

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100348A1

Certain example embodiments of this invention relate to articles including anticondensation and/or low-E coatings that are exposed to an external environment, and/or methods of making the same. In certain example embodiments, the anticondensation and/or low-E coatings may be survivable in an outside environment. The coatings also may have a sufficiently low sheet resistance and hemispherical emissivity such that the glass surface is more likely to retain heat from the interior area, thereby reducing (and sometimes completely eliminating) the presence condensation thereon. The articles of certain example embodiments may be, for example, skylights, vehicle windows or windshields, IG units, VIG units, refrigerator/freezer doors, and/or the like. 121-. (canceled)22. A window comprising:first and second glass substrates, wherein the window is configured so that the first glass substrate is to be located closer to an interior of a structure to which the window is to be mounted than is the second glass substrate; a first layer comprising silicon nitride located on the glass substrate;', 'a layer comprising metal oxide located on the glass substrate over at least the first layer comprising silicon nitride, wherein the first layer comprising silicon nitride is substantially thicker than is the layer comprising metal oxide;', 'a second layer comprising silicon nitride located over the layer comprising metal oxide;', 'a transparent conductive layer comprising indium tin oxide (ITO) located over and directly contacting the second layer comprising silicon nitride,', 'a third layer comprising silicon nitride located over and directly contacting the transparent conductive layer comprising indium tin oxide (ITO), and', 'a protective layer comprising metal oxide located over and directly contacting the third layer comprising silicon nitride,', 'wherein the coating does not contain any silver-based layer., 'a coating supported by the first glass substrate, wherein the coating ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Photocatalytic material for splitting oxides of carbon

Номер: US20150107986A1

An embodiment relates to a photocatalytic composite material comprising (a) a first component that generates a photoexcited electron and has at least a certain minimum bandgap to absorb visible light and a structure that substantially prevents the recombination of the photoexcited electron and a hole; (b) a second component that adsorbs/absorbs an oxide of carbon; and (c) a third component that splits the oxide of carbon into carbon and oxygen using the photoexcited electron.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220169550A1

A method of forming an optical component includes depositing slurry that includes glass powder material onto a facesheet and fusing the glass powder material to a facesheet to form a first core material layer on the facesheet. The method also includes successively fusing glass powder material in a plurality of additional core material layers to build a core material structure on the facesheet. The method can include selectively depositing slurry including glass powder material over only a portion of at least one of the facesheet, the first core material layer, and/or the one of the additional core material layers. Depositing the slurry can include extruding the slurry from an extruder. 1depositing slurry including glass powder material onto a facesheet;fusing the glass powder material to the facesheet to form a first core material layer on the facesheet; andsuccessively depositing and fusing glass powder material in at least one additional core material layer to build a core material structure on the facesheet.. A method of forming an optical component comprising: This application is a continuation of, and claims the benefit of, U.S. application Ser. No. 15/348,136, filed on Nov. 10, 2016, the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference.The present disclosure relates to optics and additive manufacturing, and more particularly to additively manufacturing optics, e.g., from low expansion glass.Conventional lightweight glass mirror substrates are generated with subtractive manufacturing, milling, grinding, polishing, or etching away material from a large glass boule. These processes can create a stiff, lightweight glass structure with a precisely shaped optical surface, which remains stable under thermal and mechanical loads. But because glass is fragile, it is challenging to manufacture many small, intricate features with these conventional processes, and such intricate features can be important to manufacturing lightweight optics.The conventional ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Base-layer consisting of two materials layer with extreme high/low index in low-e coating to improve the neutral color and transmittance performance

Номер: US20140186598A1
Принадлежит: Intermolecular Inc.

Low emissivity coated panels can be fabricated using a base layer having a low refractive index layer on a high refractive index layer. The low refractive index layer can have refractive index less than 1.5, and can include Mg F, CaF, SiO, or BO. The high refractive index layer can have refractive index greater than 2.3, and can include TiO, NbO, or BiO. The multilayer base structure can allow color tuning with enhanced transmission, for example, as compared to similar structures having single layer base layer. 1. A low emissivity panel , comprisinga transparent substrate; wherein the first layer has an index of refraction greater than 2.3,', {'sub': x', 'x', 'x, 'wherein the first layer comprises TiO, NbO, or BiO,'}, 'wherein the first layer has a thickness between 10 and 15 nm;, 'a first layer formed on the transparent substrate,'} [ 'wherein the second layer comprises BO,', 'wherein the second layer has an index of refraction less than 1.5,'}, 'wherein the second layer has a thickness between 12 and 20 nm;, 'a second layer formed on the first layer,'} 'wherein the third layer is operable as an infrared reflective layer.', 'a third layer formed above the second layer,'}2. A panel as in wherein the first layer has a thickness between 11 and 13 nm.3. A panel as in wherein the second layer has a thickness between 16 and 18 nm.4. A panel as in further comprising 'wherein the fourth layer comprises a metal oxide.', 'a fourth layer disposed between the second layer and the third layer,'}5. A panel as in wherein the fourth layer is operable as a seed layer to promote a (111) crystal orientation of the third layer.6. A panel as in wherein the metal oxide layer comprises zinc oxide claim 4 , doped zinc oxide claim 4 , tin oxide claim 4 , or doped tin oxide.7. A panel as in further comprisinga barrier layer disposed on the third layer.8. A method to form a low emissivity coating claim 1 , comprisingproviding a transparent substrate; wherein the first layer has an index of ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Method of Depositing Niobium Doped Titania Film on a Substrate and the Coated Substrate Made Thereby

Номер: US20180108457A1

A coated article includes an applied transparent electrically conductive oxide film of niobium doped titanium oxide. The article can be made by using a coating mixture having a niobium precursor and a titanium precursor. The coating mixture is directed toward a heated substrate to decompose the coating mixture and to deposit a transparent electrically conductive niobium doped titanium oxide film on the surface of the heated substrate. In another coating process, the mixed precursors are moved toward the substrate positioned in a plasma area between spaced electrodes to coat the surface of the substrate. Optionally, the substrate can be heated or maintained at room temperature. The deposited niobium doped titanium oxide film has a sheet resistance greater than 1.2 ohms/square and an index of refraction of 1.00 or greater. The chemical formula for the niobium doped titanium oxide is Nb:TiOwhere X is in the range of 1.8-2.1. 122-. (canceled)23. A vaporized coating mixture for a coating process , the coating mixture comprising:a vaporized precursor containing niobium;a vaporized precursor containing titanium,wherein the coating process is a plasma negative atmosphere chemical vapor deposition coating process comprising a carrier gas, and wherein the niobium precursor is selected from the group of niobium ethoxide, niobium V n-butoxide, tetrakis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3, 5-heptanedionato)niobium(IV), niobium 2-ethylhexanoate and combinations thereof.24. The vaporized coating mixture according to claim 23 , wherein the titanium precursor is selected from the group of titanium tetraisopropoxide (TPT) claim 23 , titanium tetrachloride claim 23 , titanium(IV) ethoxide claim 23 , titanium(IV) n-butoxide claim 23 , titanium(IV) methoxide claim 23 , tetrakis(diethylamino) titanium claim 23 , titanium(IV) t-butoxide claim 23 , titanium(IV) bis(ethyl acetoacetato)diisopropoxide and combinations thereof.25. The vaporized coating mixture according to claim 23 , wherein the carrier gas ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190113819A1

Various embodiments herein relate to electrochromic devices, methods of fabricating electrochromic 116 devices, and apparatus for fabricating electrochromic 100 devices. In a number of cases, the electrochromic device may be fabricated to include a particular counter electrode material. The counter electrode material may include a base anodically coloring material. The counter electrode material may further include one or more halogens. The counter electrode material may also include one or more additives. 1. A method of fabricating an electrochromic stack , the method comprising:forming a cathodically coloring layer comprising a cathodically coloring electrochromic material; andforming an anodically coloring layer comprising an anodically coloring electrochromic material and one or more halogens, the anodically coloring layer optionally comprising one or more additives, wherein the anodically coloring material comprises at least one metal selected from the group consisting of chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), rhodium (Rh), ruthenium (Ru), vanadium (V), and iridium (Ir), and wherein the optional additive comprises a material selected from the group consisting of silver (Ag), arsenic (As), gold (Au), boron (B), cadmium (Cd), cesium (Cs), copper (Cu), europium (Eu), gallium (Ga), gadolinium (Gd), germanium (Ge), mercury (Hg), osmium (Os), lead (Pb), palladium (Pd), promethium (Pm), polonium (Po), platinum (Pt), radium (Ra), rubidium (Rb), terbium (Tb), technetium (Tc), thorium (Th), thallium (Tl), tungsten (W), and combinations thereof.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal in the anodically coloring electrochromic material is selected from the group consisting of Cr claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Rh claim 1 , Ir claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the metal in the anodically coloring electrochromic material is Ni.6. The method claim 1 , ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140199552A1
Автор: Clabau Frederic

A glazing incorporating a glass substrate includes, on at least one portion of its surface, a stack of layers including a barrier layer to the migration of ions contained in the substrate, especially of Naor Kalkali metal type, the barrier layer being interposed in the stack between the surface of the substrate and at least one upper layer giving the glazing a functionality of the solar-control, low-emissivity, antireflection, photocatalytic, hydrophobic or other type, the barrier layer essentially consisting of a silicon oxide or a silicon oxynitride, wherein the silicon oxide or oxynitride includes one or more elements selected from the group consisting of Al, Ga and B and wherein the Si/X atomic ratio is strictly less than 92/8 in the barrier layer, X being the sum of the atomic contributions of the Al, Ga and B elements. 1. A glazing incorporating a glass substrate comprising , on at least one portion of its surface , a stack of layers including a barrier layer to the migration of ions contained in said substrate , said barrier layer being interposed in said stack between the surface of said substrate and at least one upper layer giving said glazing a functionality of a solar-control , low-emissivity , antireflection , photo-catalytic , hydrophobic or other type , said barrier layer essentially consisting of a silicon oxide or a silicon oxynitride , wherein said silicon oxide or oxynitride comprises one or more elements selected from the group consisting of Al , Ga and B and wherein a Si/X atomic ratio is strictly less than 92/8 in said barrier layer , X being the sum of the atomic contributions of said Al , Ga and B elements.2. The glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the Si/X atomic ratio is less than 92/8 and greater than 80/20.3. The glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the Si/X atomic ratio is less than 90/10.4. The glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the element X is aluminum.5. The glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the element X is gallium ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160122234A1
Автор: Xia Keyu

A method for treating surface of releasing chamber in contact with test object comprising the following steps: (1) with regard to components made by processing stainless steel or glass, if the component is stainless steel, the stainless steel component is oxidized with an acid and then washed with an organic solvent and water, or electrolyzed after oxidation and then washed with an organic solvent and water; if the component is glass, the glass component is corroded by HCL or HF, or the surface thereof is roughened by a physical method; and (2) then follows production of a deactivated layer by processing the surface of the component washed in step (1), or first production of an intermediate layer by processing the surface of the component washed in step (1), and then production of a deactivated layer by processing the surface of the intermediate layer. 112456171. A method for treating a surface of a releasing chamber in contact with a test object , the releasing chamber comprising the following components: a chamber (); a chamber door () , a suction tube () , an exhaust tube () and a sampling tube () connected with the chamber (); a stirring fan () mounted in the chamber (); and{'b': 8', '1', '2', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8, 'an air duct board (); the method is used for treating the surface of at least one component of the chamber (), the chamber door (), the suction tube (), the exhaust tube (), the sampling tube (), the stirring fan () and the air duct board () in contact with the test object, characterized in that the following steps are comprised(1) with regard to the components made by processing stainless steel or glass, first washing each of the components to remove contaminants; and{'b': 10', '9', '10', '9, '(2) then follows production of a deactivated layer () by processing the surface of the component washed in step (1), or first production of an intermediate layer () by processing the surface of the component washed in step (1), and then production of the ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180118613A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Limited

A splash screen, and a process for making a splash screen, comprising a glass sheet, the glass sheet comprising, a substrate of soda lime silica glass having a coating deposited on at least at least a first surface, the coating comprising a corrosion-protection layer deposited directly on the first surface of the substrate, the corrosion-protection layer having a thickness in the range 24 nm to 125 nm and comprising pyrolytically deposited silica with intentional doping of 7 atom % or lower. The splash screen provides reduced moisture induced corrosion of the glass surface. 141.-. (canceled)42. A splash screen comprising a glass sheet , the glass sheet comprising:a substrate of soda lime silica glass having a coating deposited on at least a first surface,the coating comprising a corrosion-protection layer deposited directly on the first surface of the substrate, the corrosion-protection layer having a thickness in the range 24 nm to 125 nm and comprising pyrolytically deposited silica with intentional doping of 7 atom % or lower.43. The splash screen as claimed in claim 42 , wherein the pyrolytically deposited silica has intentional doping of 5 atom % or lower.44. The splash screen as claimed in claim 42 , wherein the pyrolytically deposited silica has intentional doping of 3 atom % or lower.45. The splash screen as claimed in claim 42 , wherein the corrosion-protection layer comprises 93 mol % to 100 mol % silicon dioxide claim 42 , preferably 95 mol % to 100 mol % silicon dioxide claim 42 , and more preferably 97 mol % to 100 mol % silicon dioxide.46. The splash screen as claimed in claim 42 , wherein the corrosion-protection layer has a thickness in the range 30 nm to 120 nm claim 42 , preferably 34 nm to 120 nm claim 42 , more preferably 37 nm to 120 nm claim 42 , most preferably 45 nm to 120 nm.47. The splash screen as claimed in claim 42 , wherein the corrosion-protection layer has a thickness in the range 50 nm to 110 nm claim 42 , preferably 55 nm to 101 nm ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Anti-reflective coated glass article

Номер: US20160124120A1
Автор: Srikanth Varanasi
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Ltd

A coated glass article includes a glass substrate and a coating formed over the glass substrate. The coating includes a first inorganic metal oxide layer deposited over a major surface of the glass substrate. The first inorganic metal oxide layer has a refractive index of 1.8 or more. The coating also includes a second inorganic metal oxide layer deposited over the first inorganic metal oxide layer. The second inorganic metal oxide layer has a refractive index of 1.6 or less. The coated glass article exhibits a total visible light reflectance of 6.5% or less.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170121219A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Limited

Methods are disclosed for planarisation of a coated glass substrate by deposition of a silazane based layer thereon. Coated substrates according to the invention exhibit improved properties in terms of reduced roughness, lower haze and higher visible light transmission and the coated surface may be exposed to the external environment, for example as surface 1 or surface 4 of a double glazing unit. The resulting smooth surface is less susceptible to marking and scratch damage, and offers enhanced surface energy (improved hydrophobicity). 127.-. (canceled)28. A method of planarising a surface of a coating on a glass pane comprising:providing a glass pane that is directly or indirectly coated on a major surface thereof with an underlayer, anddepositing at least one layer based on one or more silazane on said underlayer.29. The method according to claim 28 , wherein said silazane is a polysilazane.30. The method according to claim 28 , wherein said silazane is comprised of a perhydropolysilazane claim 28 , a polymethylsilazane and/or a polydimethylsilazane.31. The method according to claim 29 , wherein the polysilazane has a number average molecular weight of 1000 to 200 claim 29 ,000 g/mol.32. The method according to claim 28 , wherein said at least one layer based on one or more silazane is deposited by spin coating claim 28 , slot die coating claim 28 , spraying claim 28 , roller coating claim 28 , dipping claim 28 , and/or printing.33. The method according to claim 28 , wherein the method further comprises partially or completely converting the at least one layer based on one or more silazane to at least one layer based on silica and/or an organo silica.34. The method according to claim 33 , wherein said conversion comprises treating the pane with heat claim 33 , UV radiation and/or IR radiation after depositing the layer based on one or more silazane.35. The method according to claim 34 , wherein said heat treatment comprises heating the pane at at least 100° C. ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Transparent diffusive oled substrate and method for producing such a substrate

Номер: US20160126481A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

A transparent diffusive OLED substrate includes the following successive elements or layers: (a) a transparent flat substrate made of mineral glass having a refractive index n 1 of between 1.48 and 1.58, (b) a monolayer of mineral particles attached to one side of the substrate by means of a low index mineral binder having a refractive index n 2 of between 1.45 and 1.61, and (c) a high index layer made of an enamel having a refractive index n 4 between 1.82 and 2.10 covering the monolayer of mineral particles, the mineral particles having a refractive index n 3 between n 2 +0.08 and n 4 −0.08 and protruding from the low index mineral binder so as to be directly in contact with the high index layer, thereby forming a first diffusive interface between the mineral particles and the low index binder, and a second diffusive interface between the mineral particles and the high index layer.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170123109A1

A coated glass article includes a glass substrate and a pyrolytic coating deposited over the glass substrate. The coating includes a first inorganic metal oxide layer deposited over a major surface of the glass substrate. The first inorganic metal oxide layer includes titanium dioxide or tin oxide, has a refractive index of 1.8 or more, and is deposited at a thickness of 40 nm or less. A second inorganic metal oxide layer is deposited directly on the first inorganic metal oxide layer. The second inorganic metal oxide layer includes silicon dioxide and has a refractive index of 1.6 or less. A third inorganic metal oxide layer is deposited directly on the major surface of the glass substrate. The third inorganic metal oxide layer comprises silicon dioxide. The first inorganic metal oxide layer is deposited directly on the third inorganic metal oxide layer. The coated glass article exhibits a total visible light reflectance of 6.5% or less. 1. A coated glass article comprising:a glass substrate; anda pyrolytic coating deposited over the glass substrate, wherein the coating comprises:i. a first inorganic metal oxide layer deposited over a major surface of the glass substrate, wherein the first inorganic metal oxide layer comprises titanium dioxide or tin oxide, has a refractive index of 1.8 or more, and is deposited at a thickness of 40 nm or less,ii. a second inorganic metal oxide layer deposited directly on the first inorganic metal oxide layer, wherein the second inorganic metal oxide layer comprises silicon dioxide and has a refractive index of 1.6 or less,iii. a third inorganic metal oxide layer deposited directly on the major surface of the glass substrate, wherein the first inorganic metal oxide layer is deposited directly on the third inorganic metal oxide layer and the third inorganic metal oxide layer comprises silicon dioxide,wherein the coated glass article exhibits a total visible light reflectance of 6.5% or less.2. The coated glass article of claim 1 , ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210155535A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Limited

A coated glass article includes a glass substrate. A coating is formed on the glass substrate. The coating includes a first coating layer. The first coating layer includes fluorine doped tin oxide. A second coating layer is provided between the glass substrate and the first coating layer. The second coating layer includes silicon dioxide and at least one of phosphorus and boron. The coated glass article exhibits a haze of 2.0% or less. 130.-. (canceled)31. A coated glass article comprising:a glass substrate; and i. a first coating layer comprising fluorine doped tin oxide,', 'ii. a second coating layer provided between the glass substrate and the first coating layer, the second coating layer comprising silicon dioxide and at least one of phosphorus and boron,', 'wherein the coated glass article exhibits a haze of 2.0% or less., 'a coating formed on the glass substrate, wherein the coating comprises32. The coated glass article of claim 31 , wherein the glass substrate is a soda-lime-silica glass and/or wherein the glass substrate comprises 0.15 weight % FeO(total iron) or less.33. The coated glass article of claim 31 , wherein the coating is pyrolytic.34. The coated glass article of claim 31 , wherein the first coating layer is deposited at a thickness of 150-1 claim 31 ,000 nm.3522. The coated glass article of claim 31 , wherein the second coating layer () has a refractive index that is less than 1.8 and/or wherein the refractive index of the second coating layer is between 1.2 and 1.6.36. The coated glass article of claim 31 , wherein the second coating layer comprises phosphorus and/or wherein the second coating layer comprises boron and/or wherein the second coating layer comprises phosphorus and boron.37. The coated glass article of claim 31 , further comprising a third coating layer deposited directly on a major surface of the glass substrate claim 31 , wherein the second coating layer is deposited directly on the third coating layer such that there are no ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160130176A1

Disclosed is a radio wave penetration-type multilayer optical coating. The coating includes: a transparent first resin layer; an optical coating with a multilayer structure formed by alternately forming TiOand SiOon the first resin layer; and an opaque second resin layer formed on the optical coating. 1. A radio wave penetration-type multilayer optical coating , comprising:a transparent first resin layer;{'sub': 2', '2, 'an optical coating with a multilayer structure formed by alternately forming TiOand SiOon the first resin layer; and'}an opaque second resin layer formed on the optical coating.2. The multilayer optical coating of claim 1 , wherein the optical coating includes a first TiOlayer that is formed on the first resin layer and each of TiOand SiOthat is alternately provided in a plurality of layers.3. The multilayer optical coating of claim 1 , wherein the optical coating has a total thickness of about 500 nm or greater claim 1 , and each of TiOand SiOlayers has a thickness of about 10 to 200 nm.4. The multilayer optical coating of claim 1 , further comprising a primer layer formed between the first resin layer and the optical coating.5. The multilayer optical coating of claim 1 , further comprising a heat insulation layer formed between the optical coating and the second resin layer.6. The multilayer optical coating of claim 5 , wherein the heat insulating layer is formed of an opaque heat-resistant coating material.7. A vehicle part that comprises a multilayer optical coating of . The present application claims priority to Korean Patent Application No. 10-2014-0153896, filed Nov. 6, 2014, the entire contents of which is incorporated herein for all purposes by this reference.The present invention relates to a method of manufacturing a radio wave penetration-type multilayer optical coating. Particularly, the radio wave penetration-type multilayer optical coating manufactured by the method of the present invention may maintain radio wave penetrability even ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127309A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Limited

The disclosure involves a coated glazing, a method of manufacturing the glazing and the use of a layer based on silica and/or an organo silica deposited on a glazing to achieve a coefficient of kinetic friction between an exterior surface of the layer based on silica and/or an organo silica and a contact surface wiping device that does not substantially change between a dry state and a wet state of the surfaces. Also disclosed is a glazing suitable for combination with a wiping device, the combination of said glazing with a wiping device and the use of the glazing to facilitate a reciprocating motion of a part of a wiping device and/or to facilitate a tilting and/or flipping of a part of a wiping device. 1. A coated glazing comprising:a transparent substrate directly or indirectly coated on a major surface thereof with at least one layer based on silica and/or an organo silica,wherein the at least one layer based on silica and/or an organo silica has a thickness of at least 5 nm but at most 45 nm, andwherein the at least one layer based on silica and/or an organo silica is obtained by partially or completely converting at least one layer based on one or more silazane.2. The coated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one layer based on silica and/or an organo silica has a thickness of at least 10 nm claim 1 , but at most 40 nm.3. The coated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the coefficient of kinetic friction between an exterior surface of the layer based on silica and/or an organo silica and a contact surface of a wiping means claim 1 , in a wet and/or dry state claim 1 , at a force of 10-110 mN and at a speed of 600 mm/s claim 1 , is at least 0.1 claim 1 , but at most 5.4. The coated glazing according to claim 3 , wherein the coefficient of kinetic friction between an exterior surface of the layer based on silica and/or an organo silica and a contact surface of a wiping means claim 3 , in a wet and/or dry state claim 3 , at a force of 10-110 ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127310A1

According to one embodiment, a method for producing a coated glass article may include applying an anti-reflective coating onto a glass substrate. The glass substrate may include a first major surface, and a second major surface opposite the first major surface. The anti-reflective coating may be applied to the first major surface of the glass substrate. A substrate thickness may be measured between the first major surface and the second major surface. The glass substrate may have an aspect ratio of at least about 100:1. The coated glass article may have a reflectance of less than 2% for all wavelengths from 450 nanometers to 700 nanometers. The anti-reflective coating may include one or more layers. The cumulative layer stress of the anti-reflective coating may have an absolute value less than or equal to about 167,000 MPa nm. 1. A method for producing a coated glass article , the method comprising:applying an anti-reflective coating onto a first major surface of a glass substrate to form the coated glass article, wherein:the glass substrate comprising the first major surface, a second major surface opposite the first major surface, and a substrate thickness measured between the first major surface and the second major surface, the glass substrate having an aspect ratio of at least about 100:1;the coated glass article having a reflectance of less than or equal to about 2% for all wavelengths from 450 nm to 700 nm when viewed on the first major surface at an angle of incidence of less than or equal to about 10°;{'sub': i=1', 'i', 'i, 'sup': 'n', 'the anti-reflective coating comprising one or more layers, wherein each layer comprising a layer thickness (t) and a film stress (α), and a cumulative layer stress of the anti-reflective coating has an absolute value less than or equal to about 167,000 MPa nm, the cumulative layer stress being defined as Σ(α×t) for an anti-reflective coating comprising n layers.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cumulative layer ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129806A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

A cover glass includes: a glass substrate having a convex and concave shape formed on at least one of surfaces thereof by an antiglare treatment; and an antireflection film disposed on the surface of the glass substrate, the surface having the convex and concave shape. In the cover glass, a difference Δa* in a* value between any two points within a surface of the cover glass on the side where the antireflection film is present and a difference Δb* in b* value between any two points within the surface of the cover glass on the side where the antireflection film is present satisfy the following expression: √{(Δa*)+(Δb*)}≦4. 1. A cover glass comprising: a glass substrate having a convex and concave shape formed on at least one of surfaces thereof by an antiglare treatment; and an antireflection film disposed on the surface of the glass substrate , the surface having the convex and concave shape , wherein {'br': None, 'i': a', 'b, 'sup': 2', '2, '√{(Δ*)+(Δ*)}≦4\u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'a difference Δa* in a* value between any two points within a surface of the cover glass on the side where the antireflection film is present and a difference Δb* in b* value between any two points within the surface of the cover glass on the side where the antireflection film is present satisfy the following expression (1).'}2. The cover glass according to claim 1 , wherein the Δa* and the Δb* are determined by selecting any square portion of 10 cmas a measuring range from the glass substrate claim 1 , dividing the measuring range into 11×11 equal portions claim 1 , examining all 100 intersections of equally dividing lines for a* values and b* values claim 1 , determining a maximum value a*of the a* values claim 1 , a minimum value a*of the a* values claim 1 , a maximum value b*of the b* values claim 1 , and a minimum value b*of the b* values claim 1 , from the a* values and b* values claim 1 , and taking a difference (a*−a*) between the a*and the a*as the Δa* and a difference (b*−b*) between ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123047A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Limited

A coated glass article includes a glass substrate and an anti-reflective coating formed over a first major surface of the glass substrate. The anti-reflective coating includes a color suppression interlayer and a first coating layer deposited over the color suppression interlayer. The first coating layer includes tin oxide and a dopant. The dopant includes antimony, molybdenum, or iron. A second coating layer is deposited over the first coating layer. The second coating layer includes an oxide of silicon. The coated glass article exhibits a total visible light transmittance of 70% or more and a film side visible light reflectance of less than 6.0%. 122.-. (canceled)23. A coated glass article comprising:a glass substrate; and a color suppression interlayer,', 'a first coating layer deposited over the color suppression interlayer, wherein the first coating layer comprises tin oxide and a dopant, the dopant comprising antimony, molybdenum, or iron, and', 'a second coating layer deposited over the first coating layer, wherein the second coating layer comprises an oxide of silicon,, 'an anti-reflective coating formed over a first major surface of the glass substrate, wherein the anti-reflective coating compriseswherein the coated glass article exhibits a total visible light transmittance (Illuminant A, 2 degree observer) of 70% or more and a film side visible light reflectance (Illuminant A, 2 degree observer) of less than 6.0%.24. The coated glass article of claim 23 , wherein the anti-reflective coating is pyrolytic.25. The coated glass article of claim 23 , wherein the first coating layer is deposited at a thickness of 150 nm or less claim 23 , the second coating layer is deposited at a thickness of 60 nm or more claim 23 , and the color suppression interlayer comprises a first component layer deposited at a thickness of 10-50 nm and a second component layer deposited at a thickness of 10-50 nm.26. The coated glass article of claim 23 , wherein the color suppression ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123048A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Limited

A method of manufacture of a coated glazing includes the following steps in sequence a) providing a transparent glass substrate, b) etching a surface of the substrate with an acidic gas, and c) directly or indirectly coating said surface with at least one layer based on a transparent conductive coating (TCC) and/or at least one layer based on a material with a refractive index of at least 1.75. 1. A method of manufacture of a coated glazing comprising the following steps in sequence:a) providing a transparent glass substrate,b) etching a surface of the substrate with an acidic gas, andc) directly or indirectly coating said surface with at least one layer based on a transparent conductive coating (TCC) and/or at least one layer based on a material with a refractive index of at least 1.75.2. The method of manufacture of a coated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein step b) is carried out using Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD).3. The method of manufacture of a coated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein both steps b) and c) are carried out using Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD).4. The method of manufacture of a coated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein step c) further comprises directly or indirectly coating said surface of the glass substrate with at least one layer based on an oxide of a metal or of a metalloid.5. The method of manufacture of a coated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the surface area of the outer surface of the layer furthest from the glass substrate is greater than the surface area of the outer surface of the layer furthest from the glass substrate of a correspondingly coated glazing manufactured by the same method except that step b) was omitted.6. The method of manufacture of a coated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the acidic gas comprises one or more of a fluorine- or chlorine-containing acid such as HF and/or HCl claim 1 , and/or phosphoric acid.7. The method of manufacture of a coated glazing according to claim 1 , wherein ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Transparent substrate with antireflective film

Номер: US20200123049A1
Автор: Kensuke Fujii
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

Provided is an antireflective-film attached transparent substrate having a luminous transmittance of 20% to 84% and a b* value of a transmission color being 5 or smaller under a D65 light source, in which the antireflective film has a luminous reflectance being 1% or lower and a sheet resistance being 104Ω/□ or higher, and in which the antireflective film has a multilayer structure built up of at least two layers, at least one layer is constituted mainly of silicon oxide, and at least another layer is constituted mainly of a mixed oxide of at least one oxide of Mo and W and at least one oxide of Si, Nb, Ti, Zr, Ta, Al, Sn, and In, and has an extinction coefficient at 550 nm being in a range of 0.005 to 3.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200124771A1

A pane having an electrically conductive coating, includes a substrate and an electrically conductive coating on an exposed surface of the substrate, which coating includes at least one electrically conductive layer, wherein the pane has a local minimum of reflectance (RL) in the range from 310 nm to 360 nm and a local maximum of reflectance (RL) in the range from 400 nm to 460 nm. 1. Pane having an electrically conductive coating , comprising a substrate and an electrically conductive coating on an exposed surface of the substrate , which electrically conductive coating , starting from the substrate , at least comprisesa blocking layer against alkali diffusion having a refractive index of at least 1.9,a dielectric lower antireflection layer having a refractive index of 1.3 to 1.8,an electrically conductive layer,a dielectric barrier layer for regulating oxygen diffusion having a refractive index of at least 1.9, and{'sub': L', 'L, 'a dielectric upper antireflection layer having a refractive index of 1.3 to 1.8, wherein the pane has a local minimum of reflectance (R) in the range from 310 nm to 360 nm and a local maximum of reflectance (R) in the range from 400 nm to 460 nm.'}2. The pane according to claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive layer contains a transparent conductive oxide.3. The pane according to claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive layer has a thickness of 50 nm to 150 nm.4. The pane according to claim 1 , wherein the lower antireflection layer and/or the upper antireflection layer contains at least one oxide.5. The pane according to claim 1 , wherein the lower antireflection layer has a thickness of 5 nm to 50 nm claim 1 , and wherein the upper antireflection layer has a thickness of 10 nm to 100 nm .6. The pane according to claim 1 , wherein the upper antireflection layer is the uppermost layer of the coating.7. The pane according to claim 1 , wherein the barrier layer has a refractive index of 1.9 to 2.5.8. The pane according to claim ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200124933A1

Prior electrochromic devices frequently suffer from high levels of defectivity. The defects may be manifest as pin holes or spots where the electrochromic transition is impaired. This is unacceptable for many applications such as electrochromic architectural glass. Improved electrochromic devices with low defectivity can be fabricated by depositing certain layered components of the electrochromic device in a single integrated deposition system. While these layers are being deposited and/or treated on a substrate, for example a glass window, the substrate never leaves a controlled ambient environment, for example a low pressure controlled atmosphere having very low levels of particles. These layers may be deposited using physical vapor deposition. 11. . An anodically coloring electrochromic material comprising:a nickel oxide-based material doped with tungsten and tantalum.2. The anodically coloring electrochromic material of claim 1 , wherein the nickel oxide-based material comprises up to about 90% by weight of nickel.3. The anodically coloring electrochromic material of claim 1 , wherein the mass ratio of nickel to tungsten is between about 4:6 and 6:4.4. The anodically coloring electrochromic material of claim 1 , wherein the nickel oxide-based material doped with tungsten and tantalum comprises between about 15% atomic nickel and about 60% atomic nickel.5. The anodically coloring electrochromic material of claim 1 , wherein nickel oxide-based material doped with tungsten and tantalum comprises about 10% atomic tungsten to about 40% atomic tungsten.6. The anodically coloring electrochromic material of claim 1 , wherein the nickel oxide-based material doped with tungsten and tantalum comprises between about 30% atomic oxygen and about 75% atomic oxygen.7. The anodically coloring electrochromic material of claim 1 , wherein the nickel oxide-based material comprises about 15% atomic nickel and about 60% atomic nickel claim 1 , and an atomic concentration of between ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190131483A1

A method for manufacturing a solar control film includes: a step of applying an arc-plasma coating process to deposit a first dielectric layer on a soft substrate, the first dielectric layer containing Ti; a step of depositing a first metal layer on the first dielectric layer; a step of applying the arc-plasma coating process to deposit a second dielectric layer on the first metal layer, the second dielectric layer containing the Ti; a step of depositing a second metal layer on the second dielectric layer; and, a step of applying the arc-plasma coating process to deposit a third dielectric layer on the second metal layer, the third dielectric layer containing the Ti. In addition, a solar control film is also provided. 1. A method for manufacturing a solar control film , comprising the steps of:applying an arc-plasma coating process to deposit a first dielectric layer on a soft substrate, the first dielectric layer containing Ti;depositing a first metal layer on the first dielectric layer;applying the arc-plasma coating process to deposit a second dielectric layer on the first metal layer, the second dielectric layer containing the Ti;depositing a second metal layer on the second dielectric layer; andapplying the arc-plasma coating process to deposit a third dielectric layer on the second metal layer, the third dielectric layer containing the Ti.2. The method for manufacturing a solar control film of claim 1 , further including a step of using a transparent soft material for packaging.3. The method for manufacturing a solar control film of claim 1 , before the arc-plasma coating process to deposit the first dielectric layer claim 1 , further including the steps of:providing the soft substrate;displacing the soft substrate into a chamber of an arc-plasma coating apparatus;vacuuming the chamber; andintroducing an oxygen into the chamber.4. The method for manufacturing a solar control film of claim 1 , wherein the first metal layer contains Ag claim 1 , and the second ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Antireflective Surface Structures on Optical Elements

Номер: US20180136368A1

The invention relates to methods for fabricating antireflective surface structures (ARSS) on optical elements. Optical elements having ARSS on at least one surface are also provided. 1. A method for fabricating antireflective surface structures (ARSS) on an optic , comprising:providing an optical element comprising a II-VI material having an absorption edge; andexposing at least one surface of the optical element to pulses from a laser beam having a wavelength from below the absorption edge of the II-VI material to a maximum wavelength within the absorption edge of the II-VI material,wherein ARSS are formed on the at least one surface of the optical element.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the optical element is selected from the group consisting of windows claim 1 , lenses claim 1 , mirrors claim 1 , end faces of optical fibers claim 1 , filters claim 1 , beamsplitters claim 1 , prisms claim 1 , gratings claim 1 , and diffusers.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the optical element is formed from a material selected from the group consisting of ZnS claim 1 , ZnSe claim 1 , ZnTe claim 1 , CdS claim 1 , CdSe claim 1 , and CdTe.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ARSS are formed as a pattern.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ARSS are formed as a random array.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one surface of the optical element is exposed to between one and ten pulses of the laser beam.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein each pulse of the laser beam has an energy between 200 and 600 mJ/cm.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein each pulse has a width of between 6 and 8 nanoseconds.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one surface of the optical element is exposed to the laser beam in an environment comprising inert gases selected from the group consisting of nitrogen claim 1 , and argon.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one surface of the optical element is exposed to the laser beam in an environment comprising reactive gases ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170139089A1
Автор: VIKOR Gyorgy

A dielectric mirror includes a coating having alternating high and low index layers. The mirror coating has no metallic reflective layer of Al or Ag in certain example embodiments, and may have film side and/or glass side visible reflection of from about 50-90% (more preferably from about 60-80% and most preferably from about 65-75%) and visible transmission of from about 10-50% (more preferably from about 10-40% or 20-40%) in certain example embodiments. 127-. (canceled)28. A dielectric mirror including a substrate supporting a coating , the coating comprising moving away from the substrate:a first dielectric layer having a thickness of from about 70-140 nm and a refractive index (n) of from about 2.15 to 2.5;a second dielectric layer comprising silicon oxide;a third dielectric layer having a refractive index of from about 2.15 to 2.5;a fourth dielectric layer comprising silicon oxide;a fifth dielectric layer having a refractive index of from about 2.15 to 2.5;wherein the first dielectric layer is at least 10 nm thicker than one or both of the third dielectric layer and/or the fifth dielectric layer;wherein the coating does not contain any metallic reflective layer; andwherein the mirror has a visible film side reflectance and/or a visible glass side reflectance of from about 50-90%, and visible transmission of from about 10-50%.29. The mirror of claim 28 , wherein at least one of the first claim 28 , third and fifth dielectric layers comprises niobium oxide.30. The mirror of claim 28 , wherein at least one of the first claim 28 , third and fifth dielectric layers comprises titanium oxide.31. The mirror of claim 28 , wherein the first dielectric layer is at least 10 nm thicker than both of the third and fifth dielectric layers.32. The mirror of claim 28 , wherein the coating consists essentially of the first claim 28 , second claim 28 , third claim 28 , fourth and fifth layers.33. The mirror of claim 28 , wherein the second and fourth dielectric layers comprising ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Method for producing thin film, thin film forming material, optical thin film, and optical member

Номер: US20220283339A1
Принадлежит: Nichia Corp

Disclosed are a method for producing an optical thin film having a low refractive index, a thin film forming material, an optical thin film, and an optical member. The method for producing an optical thin film includes forming a vapor deposition film by depositing a thin film forming material on an object in a non-oxidizing atmosphere by a physical vapor deposition method; and bringing the vapor deposition film into contact with a first acidic solution comprising an acidic substance in a range of pH 2.5 or more and pH 3.5 or less to obtain a first thin film having voids, wherein the thin film forming material is a mixture comprising indium oxide and silicon oxide, in which the indium oxide is in a range of 0.230 mol or more and 0.270 mol or less with respect to 1 mol of the silicon oxide.

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200133088A1

The embodiments herein relate to electrochromic stacks, electrochromic devices, and methods and apparatus for making such stacks and devices. In various embodiments, an anodically coloring layer in an electrochromic stack or device is fabricated to include a heterogeneous structure, for example a heterogeneous composition and/or morphology. Such heterogeneous anodically coloring layers can be used to better tune the properties of a device. 1. An electrochromic device comprising:a substrate;an electrochromic layer disposed on or over the substrate, said electrochromic layer comprising a cathodically tinting electrochromic material; anda counter electrode layer also disposed on or over the substrate, said counter electrode layer comprising (a) a first sublayer comprising a first anodically tinting material, and (b) a second sublayer comprising a second anodically tinting material,wherein the first and second anodically tinting materials have different compositions but each comprise an oxide of at least one transition metal, andwherein the first sublayer is disposed between the electrochromic layer and the second sublayer.2. The electrochromic device of claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second anodically tinting materials comprises the at least one transition metal and another non-alkali metal.3. The electrochromic device of claim 2 , wherein the first and second anodically tinting materials each comprise nickel and tungsten.4. The electrochromic device of claim 3 , wherein the second anodically tinting material further comprises a material selected from the group consisting of tantalum claim 3 , niobium claim 3 , and tin.56-. (canceled)7. The electrochromic device of claim 2 , wherein the second anodically tinting material comprises the at least one transition metal claim 2 , the other non-alkali metal claim 2 , and a second non-alkali metal claim 2 , and wherein the first anodically tinting material contains the at least one transition metal and the other non- ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170144926A1

Certain example embodiments of this invention relate to articles including anticondensation and/or low-E coatings that are exposed to an external environment, and/or methods of making the same. In certain example embodiments, the anticondensation and/or low-E coatings may be survivable in an outside environment. The coatings also may have a sufficiently low sheet resistance and hemispherical emissivity such that the glass surface is more likely to retain heat from the interior area, thereby reducing (and sometimes completely eliminating) the presence condensation thereon. The articles of certain example embodiments may be, for example, skylights, vehicle windows or windshields, IG units, VIG units, refrigerator/freezer doors, and/or the like. 126-. (canceled)27. A vehicle window comprising:first and second glass substrates;wherein the first and second glass substrate are laminated together; (a) a first dielectric layer comprising silicon oxynitride;', '(b) a layer comprising indium-tin-oxide (ITO) 75-175 nm thick,', '(c) a second dielectric layer comprising silicon oxynitride, wherein the second dielectric layer comprising silicon oxynitride is located over and directly contacting the layer comprising indium-tin-oxide so that the layer comprising indium-tin-oxide is located between at least the first glass substrate and the second dielectric layer comprising silicon oxynitride;, 'a coating comprising a plurality of thin film layers provided on the first glass substrate, the plurality of thin film layers including, in order moving away from the first glass substratewherein the coating is not located between the first and second glass substrates; andwherein the coating of the window has a hemispherical emissivity of less than 0.23 and a sheet resistance of less than 30 ohms/square.28. The vehicle window of claim 27 , wherein the vehicle window is a vehicle windshield.29. The vehicle window of claim 27 , wherein the layer comprising ITO is located between and directly ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210179479A1
Принадлежит: AGC Inc.

An optical glass has: a refractive index (n) of 1.81 to 2.15; a density (d) of 6.0 g/cmor less; a temperature T, at which a viscosity of the glass is 10dPa·s, of 900° C. to 1,200° C.; a devitrification temperature of 1,300° C. or lower; and a content of SiOof 5% to 44% in mol % based on oxides. 1. An optical glass , having:{'sub': 'd', 'a refractive index (n) of 1.81 to 2.15;'}{'sup': '3', 'a density (d) of 6.0 g/cmor less;'}{'sub': '1', 'sup': '1', 'a temperature T, at which a viscosity of the glass is 10dPa·s, of 900° C. to 1,200° C.;'}a devitrification temperature of 1,300° C. or lower; and{'sub': '2', 'a content of SiOof 5% to 44% in mol % based on oxides.'}2. The optical glass according to claim 1 , having a glass transition point (Tg) of 600° C. or higher.3. The optical glass according to claim 1 , comprising claim 1 , in mol % based on oxides claim 1 , at least one oxide selected from the group consisting of TiO claim 1 , TaO claim 1 , WO claim 1 , NbO claim 1 , ZrO claim 1 , and LnO(Ln is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Y claim 1 , La claim 1 , Gd claim 1 , Yb claim 1 , and Lu) in an amount of 30% to 80% claim 1 ,{'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'wherein a total content of SiOand BOis 20% to 70% in mol % based on oxides, and'}wherein in a case where the glass comprises one or more alkaline-earth metal components (MgO, CaO, SrO, and BaO), a proportion of BaO in the alkaline-earth metal components is 0.5 or less.4. The optical glass according to claim 1 , having a viscosity at the devitrification temperature (devitrification viscosity) satisfying log η=0.4 or higher when the viscosity of the glass claim 1 , η claim 1 , is expressed in unit of dPa·s.5. The optical glass according to claim 1 , having a Young's modulus (E) of 60 GPa or higher.6. The optical glass according to claim 1 , having an Abbe number (v) of 60 or less and a coefficient of thermal expansion α within a range of 50° C. to 350° C. of 50×10/K to 150×10/K.7. The optical glass ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200141589A1

A cooking apparatus capable of satisfying a heat reflection function while securing a transmittance by applying a variable layer to a glass sheet forming a door includes a cooking chamber, and a door configured to open and close the cooking chamber and provided with a plurality of glass sheets, the door including a variable layer provided on at least one of the plurality of glass sheets and a visible light transmittance variable depending on a temperature. 1. A cooking apparatus comprising:a cooking chamber; anda door configured to open and close the cooking chamber and provided with a plurality of glass sheets, the door comprising a variable layer provided on at least one of the plurality of glass sheets and including a visible light transmittance variable depending on a temperature.2. The cooking apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the variable layer comprises a thermochromic material.3. The cooking apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the variable layer comprises at least one of VO claim 1 , TiO claim 1 , NbO claim 1 , NiS claim 1 , or FeSi.4. The cooking apparatus of claim 3 , wherein:{'sub': 2', '3', '2, 'the variable layer of a first glass sheet of the at least one of the plurality of glass sheets that is nearest to an inside of the cooking chamber includes at least one of TiOor NbO; and'}{'sub': '2', 'the variable layer of a second glass sheet of the at least one of the plurality of glass sheets that is nearest to an outside of the cooking chamber includes VO.'}5. The cooking apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the door comprises a heat reflective coating layer and the variable layer provided on at least one of the plurality of glass sheets.6. The cooking apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the variable layer is provided on a glass sheet farthest from the cooking chamber among the plurality of glass sheets.7. The cooking apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the door comprises a heat reflective coating layer provided on at least one of the plurality of glass sheets.8. The cooking ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Window for attenuating rf and ir electromagnetic signals

Номер: US20140237917A1
Принадлежит: Guardian Industries Corp

Windows for attenuating radio frequency (RF) and infrared (IR) electromagnetic signals, so as to prevent or reduce such signals from emanating from secure facilities (e.g., government and/or military facilities). Example embodiments relate to a window including at least first and second glass substrates, at least first and second low-emissivity (low-E) coatings for blocking at least some IR and RF signals, and at least one transparent conductive oxide (TCO) inclusive coating for blocking at least some RF signals. The TCO inclusive coating may include a layer of or including indium-tin-oxide (ITO) located between at least first and second dielectric layers.
