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20-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2326859C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения 2-хлор-1,1,1,2,3,3,3-гептафторпропана, который включает (а) контактирование смеси, содержащей фтороводород, хлор и, по меньшей мере, одно исходное вещество, выбранное из группы, состоящей из галогенпропенов формулы СХ3CCl=СХ2 и галогенпропанов формулы CX3CClYCX3, где каждый X независимо представляет F или Cl и Y представляет Н, Cl и F (при условии, что число X и Y, которые являются F, в целом не более шести) с катализатором хлорфторирования в зоне реакции с получением продукта в виде смеси, содержащей CF3CClFCF3, HCl, HF и недостаточно фторированные галогенированные углеводородные промежуточные соединения и (b) разделение полученного продукта с выделение CF3CClFCF3. Указанный катализатор хлорфторирования, содержащий, по меньшей мере, один содержащий хром компонент, выбранный из (i) кристаллического альфа-оксида хрома, где, по меньшей мере, 0,05 атом.% атомов хрома в кристаллической решетке альфа-оксида хрома заменено на никель, трехвалентный кобальт ...

20-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2384562C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения циклических 1,3-дикетонов, карбонилированных в положении 2, формулы I ! ! в которой Y обозначает ! ! где А4 обозначает CRa1 или N-(O)p, A1 обозначает CR1R2, A2 обозначает (CR3R4)n, А3 обозначает CR5R6, Ra1, Ra2, Ra3, Ra4, Ra5, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, p, n имеют значения, приведенные в формуле изобретения, включающему а) реакцию соответствующего соединения формулы II ! ! с источником брома или хлора, с получением соединения формулы III ! ! в которой Х обозначает хлор или бром; ! b) реакцию соединения формулы III с водой, с получением соединения формулы IV ! ! с) превращение соединения формулы IV с использованием соединения формулы V ! ! в которой М обозначает катион водорода или ион щелочного металла, ион щелочноземельного металла или ион аммония, в соединение формулы VI ! , ! и ! d) обработку соединения формулы VI источником цианида в присутствии основания. Способ позволяет получать циклические дикетоны с высоким выходом и хорошим качеством по простой ...

20-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2264376C1

Изобретение относится к способам получения фторсодержащих мономеров и к способам получения галогенсодержащих циклических соединений, а именно: к получению гексафторбутадиена и 1,2-дихлоргексафторциклобутана (С4Cl2F6-цикло). Способ получения гексафторбутадиена осуществляют пиролизом хлортрифторэтилена с последующим дехлорированием 1,2-дихлоргексафторбутена-3 в присутствии цинка в растворителе. Причем исходный хлортрифтоэтилен пиролизуют при температуре от 505 до 600°С в течение 0,5-15 с. Полученный пиролизат конденсируют при температуре от 0 до минус 10°С, после чего конденсат ректифицируют с выделением фракции, кипящей при 59,0-59,5°С и содержащей 1,2-дихлоргексафторциклобутан С4F6Cl2. Фракцию, кипящую при 63, 5-64°С и содержащую 1,2-дихлоргексафторбутен-3, подвергают дехлорированию в полярном растворителе при температуре 37-50°С. Продукты, не сконденсированные на стадии конденсации, возвращают на пиролиз. Способ позволяет проводить стадию пиролиза хлортрифторэтилена с конверсией 50-70% ...

10-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94037594A

Изобретение относится к способу и установке для получения фторуглеводородных соединений. Способ включает стадии создания высокотемпературной зоны и подачи по крайней мере одного исходного материала в высокотемпературную зону для получения нагретого газа, включающего фторсодержащие и углеродсодержащие частицы. Молярное отношение C:F в массе нагретого газа контролируется при заданной величине 0,4 - 2,0; удельная энтальпия массы нагреваемого газа контролируется при заданной величине ≈1 - 10 кВт/ч•кг в течение промежутка времени, достаточного для образования реакционноспособной термической газовой смеси, содержащей реакционноспособные фторсодержащие и углеродсодержащие промежуточные вещества. Затем реакционноспособная термическая смесь охлаждается с такой скоростью и до такой температуры, которые приводят к получению конечного продукта, включающего желаемое фторуглеводородное соединение. Исходный материал обычно представляет собой C-C- перфторированное соединение углерода общей формулы CF, ...

27-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU94045982A

Предлагается улучшенный способ получения метилового спирта (метанола) из метана, в котором используются две реакционные стадии, осуществляемые в тандемном (последовательно соединенном) режиме. На первой реакционной стадии одновременно протекают две химические реакции: а) перхлорэтилен (ССIССI) оксихлорируют хлористым водородом и кислородом, в результате чего получают гексахлорэтан (ССIССI) и воду; б) хлористый метил (СНСI) гидролизуют водой и получают метиловый спирт и хлористый водород. На второй реакционной стадии метан хлорируют гексахлорэтаном и получают хлористый метил, хлористый водород и перхлорэтилен. Путем рециркулирования на первую стадию хлористого метила, хлористого водорода и регенерированного перхлорэтилена, образовавшихся на второй стадии, можно проводить процесс в сбалансированном режиме, при котором внутренний расход хлористого водорода равен его образованию.

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011130543A

... 1. Способ получения фторсодержащих олефинов, включающий контакт хлорфторалкена формулы RCCl=CClR, где каждый Rявляется перфторалкильной группой, независимо выбранной из группы, содержащей CF, CF, n-CF, i-CF, n-CF, i-CFи t-CF, с водородом в присутствии катализатора при температуре, достаточной, чтобы вызвать замещение заместителей хлора хлорфторалкена водородом, для получения фторсодержащего олефина формулы E- или Z-RCH=CHR, где каждый Rи Rявляются перфторалкильными группами, независимо выбранными из группы, содержащей CF, CF, n-CF, i-CF, n-CF, i-CFи t-CF, где указанный катализатор является композицией, включающей хром и никель.2. Способ по п.1, где указанный катализатор является композицией, включающей от приблизительно 10% до приблизительно 90% хрома и от приблизительно 90% до приблизительно 10% никеля.3. Способ по п.1, где каталитическая композиция дополнительно включает щелочной металл, выбранный из калия, цезия и рубидия.4. Способ по п.3, где указанный щелочной металл составляет от ...

23-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1836314C

28-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002835480A1

23-11-1995 дата публикации

Cleavage of halogen(s) from fluoro:halo cpds.

Номер: DE0004417743A1

The cleavage of 1C fluoro-halo cpds. of formula CFaHalbHc (I) comprises reacting in a condensed phase with hydrogen in the presence of a supported precious metal catalyst (II); Hal = Cl and/or Br; a = 1, 2 or 3; b = 1, 2, or 3; c = 0, 1 or 2; and a + b + c = 4.

04-10-1935 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of asymmetric dichlorethylene or 1 - 1 dichlorethene

Номер: GB0000436133A

As-dichloroethylene is obtained by the action of iron, zinc or cadmium in finely-divided form and water on asymmetric tetrachlorethane, at raised temperature. According to the examples, the reaction is performed with zinc powder in the aqueous phase, and with iron turnings in the vapour phase, at temperatures between 50--100 DEG C.

11-08-2010 дата публикации

Process for manufacturing perfluoroolefins by pyrolysis of perfluorocarbons in the presence of hydrogen

Номер: GB0201010958D0

22-03-1967 дата публикации

Treatment of chlorinated organic residues

Номер: GB0001062815A

A process for the thermal treatment of highly chlorinated heavy hydrocarbon residues that comprise hexachlorethane and/or hexachlorobutadiene, together with chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons and, optionally, tar-like products, comprises bringing a mixture of the said compounds and one or more C2- 4 hydrocarbons and/or C2- 4 chlorinated hydrocarbons capable of reacting with free chlorine in the gaseous state into a single solids-free reaction zone having a ratio, as hereinbefore defined, of the total surface of said reaction zone to the cross-section of said reaction zone higher than 500 under conditions including a temperature ranging from 400 DEG to 550 DEG C., and a turbulent flow rate, i.e. having a Reynolds mean-value number higher than 2000, whereby the production of non-cyclic light chlorinated hydrocarbons containing not more than four carbon atoms in the molecule is maximized.

12-07-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008912325D0

03-01-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001342427A

... 1342427 Fluorinated cyclobutanes W R GRACE & CO 22 Nov 1971 [20 Nov 1970 27 Nov 1970 10 May 1971 9 Aug 1971 (4) 7 Sept 1971] 54187/71 Heading C2C [Also in Division A5] Novel fluorinated cyclobutanes of the formula wherein X is F, Cl, Br or CH 3 , and Y is H, Cl, Br or CF 3 , X being Cl or CH 3 when Y is Br, X being F or Cl when Y is Cl and Y being other than H when X is Cl are prepared by (a) reacting compounds of the formula XHC=CFY with 1,1- difluoroethylene, or (b) reacting compounds of the formula XHC = CH 2 with compounds of the formula YFC = CF 2 . 2 - Chloro - 2,3,3 - trifluoro - 1 - methylcyclobutane, 2,2,3,3 - tetrafluoro - 1 - methylcyclobutane and 1 - bromo 1,4,4 - trifluoro - 2- methylcyclo-butane are obtained by reacting propylene with ClFC = CF 2 , F 2 C = CF 2 and BrFC = CF 2 respectively. 1 - Chloro - 2,2,3,3 - tetrafluorocyclobutane, and 1 - chloro - 2,3,3 - trifluorocyclobutane are made by reacting vinyl chloride with CF 2 =CF 2 and CHF = CF 2 . 1,2,2,3,3 - Pentafluorocyclopentane ...

28-09-1994 дата публикации

Catalytic method of replacing halogen in halocarbons

Номер: GB0002276332A

As replacements for chlorofluorocarbons, hydro(chloro)fluorocarbons are synthesised by hydrogenating chlorofluorocarbons over a Pd/ZnO/ gamma -Al2O3 catalyst. The ZnO is partially reduced before use and assists the Pd to function catalytically for days instead of hours despite the evolution of halogen.

24-08-1994 дата публикации

Preparation of 2-Methyl-3-aminobenzotrifluoride

Номер: GB0002275266A

... 2-methyl-3-aminobenzo-trifluoride is prepared with high yields and high productivity by first halogenating o-trifluoromethylhenzalhalide, then secondly hydrogenating 2-trifluoromethyl-4-halogeno-benzalhalide formed by the first reaction, then thirdly nitrating 2-methyl-monohalogenobenzotrifluoride formed by the second reaction, and then fourthly hydrogenating 2-methyl-3-nitro-5-halogenobenzotrifluoride formed by the third reaction. 2-Trifluoromethyl-4-chlorobenzalchloride and 2-methyl-3-nitro-5-chlorobenzo-trifluoride are also claimed per se.

26-08-1996 дата публикации

Preparation of 2-methyl-3-aminobenzotrifluoride

Номер: GB0002275266A8

11-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008406000D0

11-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008828544D0

19-11-1958 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to dechlorination of organic compounds

Номер: GB0000804508A

Halogenated hydrocarbons containing at least three halogen (chlorine with or without fluorine) atoms per molecule, or saturated halocarbons containing chlorine with or without fluorine, are dechlorinated to halo-olefines with metal dechlorinating agents in the presence of part of the bottoms from a previous dechlorination reaction with a dechlorinating agent. In an example trifluorotrichloroethane is dechlorinated with metallic zinc and alcohol to give trifluorochloroethylene; other halo-olefins which may be produced by the process are vinyl chloride from trichloroethane, vinyl fluoride from dichlorofluoroethane, difluoroethylene from dichlorodifluoroethane, and tetrafluoroethylene from dichlorotetrafluoroethane.

13-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001573072A

10-09-1958 дата публикации

Dehalohydrogenation of halohydrocarbons

Номер: GB0000801128A

In a modification of the preferred process of the parent Specification, wherein contaminated catalyst is withdrawn from the reaction zone, stripped of absorbed hydrocarbons and halohydrocarbons, contacted with air or steam at a temperature at which carbon is oxidized and returned to the reaction zone, there is introduced into the reaction zone a volatile hydrocarbon or halohydrocarbon at a rate to utilize as heat of vaporization the excess heat generated in the exothermic dehalohydrogenation reaction, thereby to maintain the temperature substantially constant in the reaction zone. Preferably, the contaminated catalyst is contacted with a stream of air in the regeneration zone at a temperature of from 350 DEG to 550 DEG C. maintained by the controlled introduction of liquid water into that zone. Lost cuprous halide catalyst is preferably replaced at least periodically by introducing into one of the zones through which the catalyst passes metallic copper, a copper salt or copper oxide. Advantageously ...

28-02-2011 дата публикации

Hydrogenation of multi-brominated alkanes.

Номер: AP0201105527A0

29-05-1998 дата публикации

Heterocyclic and phenyl compounds.

Номер: AP0000000649A

A compound of formula (i)r-s(o)nch2ch2ch=cf2, or a salt thereof, wherein n is 0, 1 or 2; and r is a group of formulae (ii)to (xxi), wherein: the s ch2ch2ch=cf2 group is at least one of r1 (when attached to a carbon atom). R2, r3, r4, r5 or r6; r1 (when attached to a ca atom)r2, r3 r4, r5 and r6 are each independently hydrogen, optionally substituted alkyl, optionally substituted alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, alkylcycloalkyl, alkoxy, alkenyloxy, alkynyloxy, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, optionally substituted aryl, optionally substituted arylalkyl, optionally substituted heteroaryl, optionally substituted heteroarylalkyl, optionally substituted aryloxy, optionally substituted arylalkoxy, optionally substituted aryloxyalkyl, optionally substituted heteroaryloxy, optionally substituted heteroarylalkoxy, optionally substituted heteroaryloxyalky, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, haloalkynyl, haloalkoxy, haloalkenyloxy, haloalkynyloxy, halogen, hydroxy, cyano, notro, -nr7r8, -nr7cor8, -nr7csr8, -nr7so2r8 ...

31-10-1996 дата публикации

Heterocyclic and phenyl compounds

Номер: AP0009600862A0

28-02-2011 дата публикации

Hydrogenation of multi-brominated alkanes.

Номер: AP2011005527A0

28-02-2011 дата публикации

Processes for converting gaseous alkanes to liquidhydrocarbons.

Номер: AP2011005529A0

31-08-1981 дата публикации

Subtituée phénylurée news, its preparation and its applications like weedkillers.

Номер: OA0000006494A

31-10-1996 дата публикации

Heterocyclic and phenyl compounds

Номер: AP0009600862D0

28-02-2011 дата публикации

Processes for converting gaseous alkanes to liquidhydrocarbons.

Номер: AP0201105529D0

28-02-2011 дата публикации

Processes for converting gaseous alkanes to liquidhydrocarbons.

Номер: AP0201105529A0

25-01-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000369728B

15-06-1982 дата публикации


Номер: ATA322779A

15-03-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000734775A

15-11-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000113022T

15-12-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000115533T

15-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000179204T

15-10-1993 дата публикации


Номер: ATA43489A

15-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000219042T

15-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000214589T

15-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000178576T

15-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000291003T

25-07-1966 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of Tetrafluoräthylen

Номер: AT0000248405B

04-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005570180A

17-11-1994 дата публикации

Collection assembly

Номер: AU0006184694A

17-12-2009 дата публикации

Hydrogenation of multi-brominated alkanes

Номер: AU2009257328A1

31-03-1994 дата публикации

Preparation of pentafluoroethane by hydrogenolysis of chloropentafluoroethane

Номер: AU0000647901B2

19-03-1998 дата публикации

Process for the manufacture of 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane

Номер: AU0000688925B2

26-03-2002 дата публикации

1,4-diaryl-2,3-difluoro-2-butene insecticidal and acaricidal agents

Номер: AU0002353402A

17-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001693092A

01-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001383792A

26-04-1994 дата публикации

Process for converting perchloroethylene to trichloroethylene

Номер: AU0005011693A

08-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002686603A1

Disclosed herein is a process for the preparation of fluorine-containing olefins comprising contacting a chlorofluoroalkene with hydrogen in the pres ence of a catalyst at a temperature sufficient to cause replacement of the c hlorine substituents with hydrogen. Also disclosed is a catalyst composition for the hydrodechlorination of chlorofluoroalkenes comprising copper metal deposited on a support.

21-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002730934A1

A method comprising: providing a first halogen stream; providing a first alkane stream; reacting at least a portion of the first halogen stream with at least a portion of the first alkane stream in a first reaction vessel to form a first halogenated stream; providing a second alkane stream comprising C2 and higher hydrocarbons; providing a second halogen stream; and reacting at least a portion of the second halogen stream with at least a portion of the second alkane stream in a second reaction vessel to form a second halogenated stream.

19-07-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001150309A

A reagent, comprising the product of the reaction of an alkali metal with a polyglycol or a polyglycol monoalkyl ether and oxygen, effects complete decomposition of halogenated organic compounds, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), when mixed therewith in the presence of oxygen.

26-01-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1117144A

A new route to tetrafluoroethane consists of the reaction of 1,1-dichloro 1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethane and/ or 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane with hydrogen in the vapour phase in the presence of an hydrogenation catalyst, preferably a palladium catalyst.

28-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002332165A1

The present invention relates to transition metal organometallic compounds with an indenyl ligand attached in position 2 and fused in position 5,6, to a process for the production thereof and to the use thereof as catalysts for the (co)polymerization of olefinic and/or diolefinic monomers.

10-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002473394A1

28-05-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000948156A1

28-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002539933A1

A process is disclosed for the manufacture of 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane (HFC-236fa) and at least one 1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane (HFC-236ea) and 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane (HFC-227ea). The process involves (a) reacting HF, Cl2, and at least one halopropene of the formula CX3CCl=CX2 (where each X is independently F or Cl) to produce a product including both CF3CCl2CF3 and CF3CClFCClF2; (b) reacting CF3CCl2CF3 and CF3CClFCClF2 produced in (a) with hydrogen to produce a product comprising CF3CH2CF3 and at least one compound selected from the group consisting of CHF2CHFCF3, and CF3CHFCF3; and (c) recovering from the product produced in (b), CF3CH2CF3 and at least one compound selected from the group consisting of CHF2CHFCF3 and CF3CHFCF3. In (a), the CF3CCl2CF3 and CF3CClFCClF2 are produced in the presence of a chlorofluorination catalyst including a ZnCr2O4/crystalline .alpha.-chromium oxide composition, a ZnCr2O4/crystalline .alpha.-chromium oxide composition which has been treated ...

12-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003008519A1

... ²Disclosed are compositions comprising HCFC-243db, HCFO-1233xf, ²HCFC-244db and/or HFO-1234yf and at least one additional compound. For the ²composition ²comprising 1234yr, the additional compound is selected from the group ²consisting of ²HFO-1234ze, HFO-1243zf, HCFC-243db, HCFC-244db, HFC-245cb, HFC-245fa, ²HCFO-1233xf, HCFO-1233zd, HCFC-253fb, HCFC-234ab, HCFC-243fa, ethylene, ²HFC-23, CFC-13, HFC-143a, HFC-152a, HFC-236fa, HCO-1130, HCO-1130a, ²HFO-1336, HCFC-133a, HCFC-254fb, HCFC-1131, HFO-1141, HCFO-1242zf, ²HCFO-1223xd, HCFC-233ab, HCFC-226ba, and HFC-227ca. Compositions comprising ²HCFC-243db, HCFO-1233xf, and/or HCFC-244db are useful in processes to make ²HFO-1234yt. Compositions comprising HFO-1234yf are useful, among other uses, ²as heat ²transfer compositions for use in refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump ²systems.² ...

18-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002539938C

... ²²²A process for the manufacture of CF3CH2CHF2 and CF3CH2CF3 is disclosed. The ²process involves (a) reacting HF and at least one halopropene of the formula ²CX3CCl=CClX (where each X is independently F or Cl) to produce a product ²including both CF3CCl=CF2 and CF3CHClCF3; (b) reacting CF3CCl=CF2 and ²CF3CHClCF3 produced in (a) with hydrogen to produce a product including both ²CF3CH2CHF2 and CF3CH2CF3; and (c) recovering CF3CH2CHF2 and CF3CH2CF3 from the ²product produced in (b). In (a), the CF3CCl=CF2 and CF3CHClCF3 are produced in ²the presence of a fluorination catalyst including a ZnCr2O4/crystalline ².alpha.-chromium oxide composition, a ZnCr2O4/crystalline .alpha.-chromium ²oxide composition which has been treated with a fluorinating agent, a zinc ²halide/.alpha.-chromium oxide composition and/or a zinc halide/.alpha.-²chromium oxide composition which has been treated with a fluorinating agent.² ...

09-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002473394C
Принадлежит: MEINERT, HASSO

The invention concerns semi-fluorinated alkanes of the general formulae R F R H and R F R H R F, R F being a linear or branched perfluoroalkyl group and R H being a linear or branched saturated (hydrocarbon)-alkyl group, used a ophtalmological remedy.

02-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002539936C

... ²²²A process is disclosed for the manufacture of CF3CH2CHF2 and CF3CHFCH2F. The ²process involves (a) reacting hydrogen fluoride, chlorine, and at least one ²halopropene of the formula CX3CCl=CClX (where each X is independently F or Cl) ²to produce a product including both CF3CCl2CClF2 and CF3CClFCCl2F; (b) ²reacting CF3CCl2CClF2 and CF3CClFCCl2F produced in (a) with hydrogen to ²produce a product including both CF3CH2CHF2, and CF3CHFCH2F; and (c) ²recovering CF3CH2CHF2 and CF3CHFCH2F from the product produced in (b). In (a), ²the CF3CCl2CClF2 and CF3CClFCCl2F are produced in the presence of a ²chlorofluorination catalyst including a ZnCr2O4/crystalline .alpha.-chromium ²oxide composition, a ZnCr2O4/crystalline .alpha.-chromium oxide composition ²which has been treated with a fluorinating agent, a zinc halide/.alpha.-²chromium oxide composition and/or a zinc halide/.alpha.-chromium oxide ²composition which has been treated with a fluorinating agent.² ...

09-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002580930C

... ²²²The invention relates to Group 1 metal/porous metal oxide compositions ²comprising porous metal oxide selected from porous titanium oxide and porous ²alumina and an alkali metal or an alkali metal alloy. The compositions of the ²inventions are described as Stage 0 and I materials. These materials differ in ²their preparation and chemical reactivity. Each successive stage may be ²prepared directly using the methods described below or from an earlier stage ²material. Stage 0 materials may, for example, be prepared using liquid alloys ²of Na and K which are rapidly absorbed by porous metal oxide under isothermal ²conditions, preferably at or just above room temperature, to form loose black ²powders that retain much of the reducing ability of the parent metals. When ²the low melting Group 1 metals are absorbed into the porous metal oxide at ²about 150~C, an exothermic reaction produces Stage I material, loose black ²powders that are stable in dry air. Further heating forms higher stage ²materials ...

27-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002473393C
Принадлежит: MEINERT, HASSO

The invention concerns semi-fluorinated alkanes of the general formulae R F R H and R F R F R F,,, R F being a linear or branched perfluoroalkyl group and R H being a linear or branched saturated (hydrocarbon)-alkyl group.

09-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002653194C

Disclosed is a method for producing 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene by subjecting 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane to a hydrogen fluoride elimination reaction in a gas phase in the presence of a catalyst. This method for producing 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene is characterized by using a zirconium compound supporting catalyst wherein a zirconium compound is supported by a metal oxide or an activated carbon.

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002888819A1
Принадлежит: CHUMAK, YURI

The present invention is a process to make l-aryl-2-bromo substituted indenes and l-phenyl-2-bromo substituted indenes that can have different functional groups present around the indene ring and/or the aromatic and/or phenyl ring. The indenes are made using the corresponding 1,2- biaryl-gem-dibromocyclopropane and/or 1,2-biphenyl-gem-dibromocyclopropanes and/or 1-aryl- 2-phenyl-gem-dibromocyclopropanes using a metal salts, a solvent, low temperatures.

30-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002713392A1

A method of providing a blend of tetra-and/or pentafluoroalkanes comprising hydrogenating a pentafluoropropene.

22-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002713392C

A method of providing a blend of tetra-and/or pentafluoroalkanes comprising hydrogenating a pentafluoropropene.

22-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002835948A1

The present invention is directed to processes for the production of 1233zd from 240fa and HF, with or without a catalyst, at a commercial scale. The 240fa and HF are fed to a reactor operating at high pressure. The resulting product stream comprising 1233zd, HCl, HF, and other byproducts is treated to one or more purification techniques including phase separation and one or more distillations to provide purified 1233zd, which meets commercial product specifications, i.e., having a GC purity of 99.5% or greater.

15-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002874241C
Принадлежит: REACTION 35 LLC, REACTION 35, LLC

A process is disclosed that includes brominating a C2, C3, C4, C5 or C6 alkane with elemental bromine to form a bromo-alkane. The bromo-alkane is reacted to form a C2, C3, C4, C5 or C6 alkene and HBr. The HBr is oxidized to form elemental bromine.

07-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002054828A1

11-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002086743A1

... 2086743 9204308 PCTABS00011 Disclosed is a process comprising preparing a product stream rich in naphthalene and 2-monoiodonaphthalene comprising contacting hydrogen and a feed stream containing iodonaphthalenes selected from the group consisting of monoiodonaphthalene, diiodonaphthalene and triiodonaphthalene and mixtures thereof with an X or Y type zeolite containing an ion selected from the group consisting of sodium, potassium and rubidium and a metal selected from the group consisting of palladium, platinum, rhodium and ruthenium.

13-11-1994 дата публикации

Collection Assembly

Номер: CA0002122683A1

10-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002107802A1

... 2107802 9218446 PCTABS00016 Mixtures of halocarbons which contain fluorine and chlorine and/or bromine (e.g. a mixture of CCl2FCF3 with CClF2CF3, CCl2F2, CClF2CClF2 or CHClF2) are contacted with hydrogen in the presence of silicon carbide and/or a metal selected from aluminum, molybdenum, titanium, nickel, iron or cobalt (or their alloys) at temperatures of 350 ·C to 700 ·C and pressures of 0 to 1000 psig to obtain a product mixture which substantially corresponds in terms of the distribution of fluorine substituents on carbon atoms with the mixture of halocarbon starting materials.

19-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002103303A1

... of the disclosure Process for preparing 1,3-difluorobenzene Process for preparing 1,3-difluorobenzene by means of the catalytic elimination of halogen from a 1,3-difluorohalo-benzene, by reacting a 1,3-difluorohalobenzene of the formula (1) (1) in which R1 to R4 are H, Cl or Br, and at least one of the radicals R1 to R4 is Cl or Br, in the presence of a palladium catalyst and of an amine, where appropriate in the presence of water or of an organic solvent which is inert towards the reactants and the reaction conditions, with hydrogen under pressure and at temperatures from about 70.degree. to about 140.degree.C.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Process for producing trans-1233zd

Номер: US20120271069A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Trans-1233zd, the trans-isomer of 1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene (HCFO-1233zd) can be used as blowing agents, solvents, cleaning agents, as well as monomers of macromolecule compounds, and can be prepared through the dehydrochlorination of 1,1,1-trifluoro-3,3-dichloropropane (HCFC-243fa) with the help of a catalyst. The present invention is directed to an integrated process is proposed to produce trans-1233zd from 243fa, which is consisted of the following four major unit operations: (1) Catalytic dehydrochlorination of 243fa into trans/cis-1233zd, (2) HCl recovery, (3) Catalytic isomerization of cis-1233zd into trans-1233zzd, and (4) Isolation of trans-1233zd.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Method for Producing 3,3,3-Trifluoro Propene

Номер: US20120302804A1
Принадлежит: Central Glass Co Ltd

A production method of 3,3,3-trifluoropropene includes the step of hydrogenating 1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene with hydrogen (H 2 ) in a gas phase in the presence of either of: (A) a catalyst having carried on a carrier at least one kind of transition metal selected from the group consisting of ruthenium, nickel, rhodium, iridium, iron, osmium and cobalt, or an oxide of said transition metal; (B) an oxide catalyst of copper and manganese; and (C) a catalyst having carried on a carrier palladium and at least one kind of element selected from the group consisting of bismuth, zinc, copper, silver, lanthanum, lead, zirconium, niobium, hafnium, magnesium, tin and arsenic.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Method for producing fluorine-containing alkane

Номер: US20130006022A1
Принадлежит: Daikin Industries Ltd

The present invention provides a method for producing a fluorine-containing alkane, which comprises reacting at least one fluorine-containing compound selected from the group consisting of chlorine-containing fluoroalkanes and fluorine-containing alkenes with hydrogen gas in the presence of catalysts, wherein two or more catalysts having different catalytic activities are used, and the fluorine-containing compound and hydrogen gas, which are starting materials, are sequentially brought into contact with the catalysts in the order of the catalyst having a lower catalytic activity followed by the catalyst having a higher catalytic activity. According to the present invention, in the method for producing a fluorine-containing alkane by using chlorine-containing fluoroalkane or fluorine-containing alkene as a starting material, and subjection it to a reduction reaction or a hydrogen addition reaction, the objective fluorine-containing alkane can be produced with high productivity.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102814A1

A process is disclosed for making CFCHCHF, CFCH═CHF and/or CFCH═CHCl. The process involves reacting at least one starting material selected from the group consisting of halopropanes of the formula CXCHClCHX, halopropenes of the formula CXCCl═CHand halopropenes of the formula CX═CClCHX, wherein each X is independently F or Cl, with HF in a reaction zone to produce a product mixture comprising HF, HCl, CFCHCHF, CFCH═CHF and CFCH═CHCl; and recovering the CFCHCHF, CFCH═CHF and/or CFCH═CHCl from the product mixture. Also disclosed is a process for making CFCFCHand/or CFCF═CH. The process involves reacting at least one starting material selected from the group consisting of halopropanes of the formula CXCHClCHX, halopropenes of the formula CXCCl═CHand halopropenes of the formula CX═CClCHX, wherein each X is independently F or Cl, with HF in a reaction zone to produce a product mixture comprising HF, HCl, CFCFCHand CFCF═CH; and recovering the CFCFCHand/or CFCF═CHfrom the product mixture. In each of the processes the molar ratio of HF to total amount of starting material fed to the reaction zone is at least stoichiometric. Also disclosed is an azeotropic composition comprising CFCCl═CH, and HF. Also disclosed is an azeotropic composition comprising CFCFCH, and HF. 1. A process for making at least one product compound selected from the group consisting of CFCHCHF , CFCH═CHF and CFCH═CHCl , comprising:{'sub': 3', '2', '3', '2', '2', '2', '3', '2', '2', '3', '3, 'reacting at least one starting material selected from the group consisting of halopropanes of the formula CXCHClCHX, halopropenes of the formula CXCCl═CH, and halopropenes of the formula CX═CClCHX, wherein each X is independently selected from the group consisting of F and Cl, with HF in a reaction zone, optionally in the presence of a fluorination catalyst, to produce a product mixture comprising HF, HCl, CFCHCHF, CFCH═CHF and CFCH═CHCl, wherein the molar ratio of HF to total amount of starting material fed to the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Process for cis-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene

Номер: US20130150632A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Disclosed is a process for the preparation of cis-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene (cis-1233zd) comprising the steps of (a) providing CF 3 CHClCHCl 2 (233da), and (b) treating the 233da with a dechlorinating agent to produce a mixture of compounds including cis-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene, preferably wherein the amount of the cis-isomer generated in the reaction is not less than 30%.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190541A1

A catalyst system for use in oxychlorination, the catalyst system comprising catalyst pellets comprising a catalyst carried on a substrate the pellets having length x, breadth y and depth z, intrinsic density P and bulk density p and diluent beads having length x±25%, breadth y±25% and depth z±25%, intrinsic density≧P+25% and a bulk density p ±25%. 132-. (canceled)33. A catalyst system for use in oxychlorination , said catalyst system comprising catalyst pellets comprising a catalyst carried on a first substrate , said catalyst pellets having a length x , breadth y and depth z and bulk density ρ and diluent beads comprising a second substrate different from that of the first substrate said beads having a length x±25% , breadth y±25% depth z±25% and bulk density p±25% and said diluent beads having a thermal conductivity at least 5 times greater than the thermal conductivity of said catalyst pellets.34. A catalyst system as claimed in wherein x is in the range 3 to 7 mm.35. A catalyst system as claimed in wherein y is in the range 4 to 7 mm.36. A catalyst system as claimed in wherein z is in the range 4 to 7 mm.37. A catalyst system as claimed in wherein said catalyst pellets comprise alumina.38. A catalyst system as claimed in wherein said diluent beads comprise graphite.39. A catalyst system as claimed in wherein the thermal conductivity of said diluent beads is less than 50 times greater than the thermal conductivity of said pellets.40. A catalyst system as claimed in wherein said pellets are trigonal prisms or right circular cylinders.41. A catalyst system as claimed in wherein said beads are right circular cylinders having a right circular bore having a diameter in the range 2.0 to 4.0 mm.42. A catalyst system as claimed in wherein the lateral compressive strength of the beads is 2 to 4 times that of the pellets.43. A method of preparing 1 claim 33 ,2-dichloroethane comprising passing ethylene claim 33 , hydrogen chloride and a molecular oxygen containing gas ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211154A1

A process for the manufacture of 1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene (HCFC-1233zd) at commercial scale from the reaction of HCC-240 and HF is disclosed. In one embodiment, HCC-240fa and HF are fed to a reactor operating at high pressure. Several different reactor designs useful in this process include; a stirred-tank reactor (batch and/or continuous flow); a plug flow reactor; a static mixer used as a reactor; at least one of the above reactors operating at high pressure; optionally combined with a distillation column running at a lower pressure; and combinations of the above; and/or with a distillation column. The resulting product stream consisting of 1233zd, HCl, HF, and other byproducts is partially condensed to recover HF by phase separation. The recovered HF phase is recycled to the reactor. The HCl is scrubbed from the vapor stream and recovered as an aqueous solution. The remaining organic components including the desired HCFC-1233zd are scrubbed, dried and distilled to meet commercial product specifications. 1. A process for the production of 1-chloro-3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropene (HCFC-1233zd) comprising the steps of:(a) reacting HCC-240 and HF in a high pressure liquid phase reactor to generate an effluent reaction stream comprising HCFC-1233zd, intermediates and byproducts of HCFC-1233zd, HCl and unreacted HCC-240 and HF; and(b) at least partially condensing the effluent stream from reaction step (a) to form a condensate comprising HCFC-1233zd.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising the following steps:(c) separating the condensate from step (b) using phase separation, to form an HF-rich layer and an organic rich layer; and(d) recycling the HF-rich layer from step (c) to the reactor in step (a).3. The process of claim 2 , further comprising the following steps:(e) feeding the organic rich layer from step (c) to an aqueous HCl recovery system to remove and recover the HCl as a solution in water;(f) distilling the HCl-free organic components from step (e) ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Process for making tetrafluoropropene

Номер: US20130211155A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

The present invention describes a process for making CF 3 CH═CHF (HFO-1234ze). The process involves the addition of carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4 ) to 1,2-dichloroethylene to form CCl 3 CHClCHCl 2 . The compound CCl 3 CHClCHCl 2 thus can then either be treated with HF to produce CF 3 CHClCHClF as the main product, or it can be converted to CCl 2 ═CHCHCl 2 (1230za) by dechlorination. CCl 2 ═CHCHCl 2 can be treated with HF such that the main product obtained is CF 3 CHClCHClF. CF 3 CH═CHCl may be produced as a by-product, but upon treatment with HF, it affords the compound CF 3 CHClCHClF. The desired compound, CF 3 CH═CHF (HFO-1234ze), is obtained as a trans/cis mixture by dehydrochlorination of CF 3 CH 2 CHClF or by dechlorination of CF 3 CHClCHClF.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130225881A1

A process for the manufacture of halogenated olefins in semi-batch mode by dehydrohalogenation of halogenated alkanes in the presence of an aqueous base such as KOH which simultaneously neutralizes the resulting hydrogen halide. During the process, aqueous base is continuously added to the haloalkane which results in better yields, lower by-product formation and safer/more controllable operation. 118-. (canceled)19. A process for preparing a hydrofluoroolefin comprising:a. introducing an alkali-metal hydroxide feed stream into a reactor charged with at least one halogenated propane comprising at least one of 1-chloro-1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HFCF-235fa) or 1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane (HFCF-236ea)b. reacting, in a liquid phase, said halogenated propane with said an aqueous base in said reactor to produce a halogenated propene comprising 1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoropropene (HFO-1225zc); andc. removing at least a portion of said halogenated propene from said reactor as a vapor product stream,wherein steps (a), (b), and (c) are at least partially performed simultaneously.20. The process of wherein said halogenated propane is HFCF-235fa.21. The process of wherein said halogenated propane is HFCF-236fa.22. The process of further comprising refluxing at least a portion of any unreacted halogenated propane in said vapor product stream back to said reactor.23. The process of further comprises refluxing water in said vapor product stream back to said reactor.24. The process of wherein said reacting occurs at a temperature of about 40 to about 75° C.25. The process of claim 24 , wherein said reacting occurs at a temperature of about 50 to about 60° C.26. The process of claim 19 , wherein said aqueous base is an alkali metal hydroxide.27. The process of claim 26 , wherein said alkali metal hydroxide is potassium hydroxide.28. The process of claim 27 , wherein potassium hydroxide is present in a concentration of about 10 to about 50 wt. %.29. A method for preparing 1 claim 27 ,1 ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253235A1

Disclosed are processes for the production of fluorinated olefins, preferably adapted to commercialization of CFCF═CH(1234yf). In certain preferred embodiments the processes comprise first exposing a compound of Formula (IA) 120.-. (canceled)21. A process for making a tetrafluoropropene , comprising: dehydrohalogenating 2-chloro-1 ,1 ,1 ,2-tetrafluoropropane (HCFC-244bb) in the presence of a caustic agent.22. The process of wherein the tetrafluoropropene is 2 claim 21 ,3 claim 21 ,3 claim 21 ,3-tetrafluoropropene.23. The process of wherein the caustic agent is at least one agent selected from the group consisting of KOH claim 21 , NaOH claim 21 , Ca(OH) claim 21 , and CaO.24. The process of wherein the caustic agent is KOH.25. The process of wherein the caustic agent is provided in a solution having a caustic agent strength of between about 2 wt % and about 100 wt. %.26. The process of wherein the caustic agent is provided in a solution having a caustic agent strength of between about 5 wt % and about 90 wt. %.26. The process of wherein the caustic agent is provided in a solution having a caustic agent strength of between about 10 wt % and about 80 wt. %.27. The process of wherein a mole ratio of the caustic agent:HCFC-244bb is from about 1:1 to about 2:1.28. The process of wherein a mole ratio of caustic agent:HCFC-244bb is from about 1.1:1 to about 1.5:1.27. The process of wherein a mole ratio of caustic agent:HCFC-244bb is from about 1.2:1 to about 1.4:1.28. The process of wherein the dehydrohalogenating step is conducted at a temperature from about 20° C. to about 100° C.29. The process of wherein the dehydrohalogenating step is conducted at a temperature from about 30° C. to about 90° C.30. The process of wherein the dehydrohalogenating step is conducted at a temperature from about 40° C. to about 80° C.31. The process of wherein a reaction pressure of the process ranges from atmospheric pressure claim 21 , super-atmospheric pressure and sub-atmospheric ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for Production of 1-Chloro-3,3,3-Trifluoropropene

Номер: US20140005447A1

A production method of 1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene according to the present invention includes bringing a raw material composition containing 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and an acid composition containing hydrogen chloride into contact with each other in gas phase in the presence of a catalyst. This production method allows not only use of hydrogen chloride containing hydrogen fluoride, which has been generated during a preceding step (production of 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane as a raw material or analogues thereof), but also use of any of trans and cis isomers of the 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane for production of the 1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene. It is thus possible to efficiently produce the 1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene, which is known as an environment-adaptive chlorofluorocarbon. As the catalyst, preferred is an alumina catalyst treated by contact with hydrogen fluoride. 1. A production method of 1-chloro-3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropene , comprising bringing a raw material composition containing 1 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene and an acid composition containing hydrogen chloride into contact with each other in gas phase in the presence of a catalyst.2. The production method according to claim 1 , wherein the raw material composition further contains 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-pentafluoropropane.3. The production method according to claim 1 , wherein the 1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene is obtained by fluorination of 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-pentachloropropane.4. The production method according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is a catalyst having a bond of the formula: M-X where M is at least one kind of metal atom selected from the group consisting of aluminium (Al) claim 1 , titanium (Ti) claim 1 , iron (Fe) claim 1 , cobalt (Co) claim 1 , antimony (Sb) claim 1 , tin (Sn) claim 1 , tungsten (W) claim 1 , niobium (Nb) claim 1 , chromium (Cr) claim 1 , and zirconium (Zr); and X is at least one kind ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Process for Preparing C3-6(Hydro)Fluoroalkenes by Dehydrohalogenating C3-6 Halo(Hydro)Fluoroalkanes in the Presence of a Zinc/Chromia Catalyst

Номер: US20140031596A1

The invention relates to a process for preparing a C3-6 (hydro)fluoroalkene comprising dehydrohalogenating a C3-6 hydro(halo)fluoroalkane in the presence of a zinc/chromia catalyst, wherein the C3-6 (hydro)fluoroalkene produced is isomerised in the presence of the zinc/chromia catalyst. 1. A process for preparing a C(hydro)fluoroalkene comprising dehydrohalogenating a Chydro(halo)fluoroalkane in the presence of a zinc/chromia catalyst , wherein the C(hydro)fluoroalkene produced is isomerised in the presence of the zinc/chromia catalyst.2. A process according to wherein the C(hydro)fluoroalkene exists in E and Z isomers claim 1 , and the ratio of E and Z isomers is changed in the presence of the zinc/chromia catalyst.3. A process according to wherein the presence of the zinc/chromia catalyst changes the ratio of E and Z isomers from that which is the kinematic determined mixture of isomers from the preparation of the C(hydro)fluoroalkene.4. A process according to wherein a desired isomer of the C(hydro)fluoroalkene is recovered in a subsequent step.5. A process according to carried out at a temperature of from −70 to 400° C. and a pressure of from 0 to 30 bara.6. A process according to for preparing a (hydro)fluoropropene comprising dehydrohalogenating a hydro(halo)fluoropropane.7. A process according to wherein the (hydro)fluoropropene produced is selected from tetrafluoropropenes and pentafluoropropenes.8. A process according for preparing 1 claim 7 ,2 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,3-pentafluoropropene (CFCF═CHF).9. A process according to for preparing 1 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,3-tetrafluoropropene (CFCH═CHF).10. A process according to for preparing 2 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,3-tetrafluoropropene (CFCF═CH) and 1 claim 7 ,2 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,3-pentafluoropropene (CFCF═CHF).11. A process according to for preparing 2 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,3-tetrafluoropropene (CFCF═CH) and 1 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,3-tetrafluoropropene (CFCH═ ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002190A1
Автор: Sun Xuehui

A process is provided comprising contacting and reacting the compound CFCFCHXCl, wherein X is H or Cl, or the compound CFCF═CXCl, wherein X is H or Cl, with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst consisting essentially of Cu, Ru, Cu—Pd, Ni—Cu, and Ni—Pd, to obtain as a result thereof reaction product comprising hydrofluoropropenes or intermediates convertible to said hydrofluoropropenes, notably CFCF═CHand CFCH═CHF. 1. A composition comprising at least one member selected from the group consisting of HFO-1234yf (CFCF═CH) , HFO-1234ze (CFCH═CHF) , and HFO-1225zc (CFCH═CF); and , at least one member selected from the group consisting of HCFC-235cb , HCFC-225ca , HCFO-1224yd , and CFO-1214ya.2. The composition of further comprising CFCCl═CHF (HCFO-1224xe).3. The composition of comprising 1234yf claim 1 , 1224yd claim 1 , 225ca and 1224xe.4. The composition of comprising 1234yf claim 1 , 1224yd and 1214ya.5. The composition of comprising 1234yf claim 1 , 1234ze claim 1 , 1224yd and 225ca.6. The composition of further comprising HCFC-245fa (CFCHCFH).7. The composition of comprising 1234ze claim 1 , 235cb claim 1 , 245fa and 1224xe.8. A composition consisting essentially of 1234yf claim 1 , 1224yd claim 1 , 225ca and 1224xe.9. A composition consisting essentially of 1234yf claim 1 , 1234ze claim 1 , 1224yd and 225ca. The present invention relates to chemical processes for converting chlorofluoropropanes (HCFC) and chlorofluoropropenes (CFO) to more desirable fluoropropanes and fluoropropenes, especially propenes that are hydrofluoroolefins (HFO), i.e. free of Cl, and to intermediates from which these HFOs can be obtained.U.S. Pat. No. 8,399,722 discloses the hydrogenation of at least one of 1,1-dichloro-2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (CFCF═Cl, 1214ya) and 1-chloro-2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (CFCF═CHCl, 1224yd) in the presence of catalyst composed of Pd supported on a carbon carrier to obtain 2,3,3,3,-tetrafluoropropene (CFCF═CH, 1234yf), which is free of chlorine and which ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005536A1

A method for forming 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234yf) comprising providing a dehydrochlorination starting material having relatively low concentrations of 2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene (HCFO-1233xf), especially and preferable less than about 8.0% when the dehydrochlorination reaction utilizes no substantial amount of catalyst or catalyst comprising austenitic nickel-based materials. 131.-. (canceled)32. A process for reducing the concentration of 2-chloro-3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropene in a starting composition comprised of 2-chloro-1 ,1 ,1 ,2-tetrafluoropropane and 2-chloro-3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropene which comprises conducting a process selected from(a) photochlorinating the starting composition to form 1,1,2-trichloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropane in the presence of at least one chlorination agent and separating the 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropane from the 1,1,2-trichloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropane;(b) passing the starting composition over a fixed bed of solid adsorbents selected from activated carbons and zeolites or molecular sieves, and collecting the 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropane from the fixed bed of solid adsorbents; and(c) mixing said starting composition with liquid hydrofluoric acid to form a mixture comprised of 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropane and 2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene and HF, said HF present in the mixture is less than about 10% by weight and feeding and distilling the resulting product in a reboiler and collecting the product substantially free of 2-chloro-3,3,3-trichloropropene and purer in 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropane than in said starting mixture.33. The process according to where the starting composition is photochlorinated.34. The process according to where photochlorinating comprises exposing the starting composition to radiation in the presence of said at least one chlorination agent.35. The process according to wherein the chlorination reaction is carried out in the vapor phase at a temperature ranging from about −20 C to about 200 ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Compositions comprising 2,3-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoropropane, 2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoropropene, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropane or 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene

Номер: US20170009117A1
Принадлежит: Chemours Co FC LLC

Disclosed are compositions comprising HCFC-243db, HCFO-1233xf, HCFC-244db and/or HFO-1234yf and at least one additional compound. For the composition comprising 1234yf, the additional compound is selected from the group consisting of HFO-1234ze, HFO-1243zf, HCFC-243db, HCFC-244db, HFC-245cb, HFC-245fa, HCFO-1233xf, HCFO-1233zd, HCFC-253fb, HCFC-234ab, HCFC-243fa, ethylene, HFC-23, CFC-13, HFC-143a, HFC-152a, HFC-236fa, HCO-1130, HCO-1130a, HFO-1336, HCFC-133a, HCFC-254fb, HCFC-1131, HFO-1141, HCFO-1242zf, HCFO-1223xd, HCFC-233ab, HCFC-226ba, and HFC-227ca. Compositions comprising HCFC-243db, HCFO-1233xf, and/or HCFC-244db are useful in processes to make HFO-1234yf. Compositions comprising HFO-1234yf are useful, among other uses, as heat transfer compositions for use in refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump systems.

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Method for Producing (E)-1-Chloro-3,3,3-Trifluoropropene

Номер: US20150011805A1

The present invention provides a process for purifying a (E)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene composition (OF-1233E composition) in which at hydrogen fluoride and 2-chloro-1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane are contained by bringing the 1. A production process of (E)-1-chloro-3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropene , comprising:providing a (E)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene composition, the (E)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene composition containing at least hydrogen fluoride and 2-chloro-1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane; andbringing the (E)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene composition into contact with a weak base.2. The production process of (E)-1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene according to claim 1 , wherein the weak base has a pKa of 7 to 11.3. The production process of (E)-1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene according to claim 1 , wherein the weak base is selected from the group consisting of carbonates claim 1 , hydrocarbonates claim 1 , phosphates claim 1 , hydrogenphosphates claim 1 , dihydrogenphosphates and C-Ccarboxylates of alkali metals and C-Ctertiary amines.4. The production process of (E)-1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene according to claim 1 , wherein the weak base is selected from the group consisting of hydrocarbonate of sodium or potassium claim 1 , carbonate of sodium or potassium claim 1 , acetate of sodium or potassium and triethylamine.5. The production method of (E)-1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tifluoropropene according to claim 1 , further comprising: after the bringing claim 1 , distilling [[a]] the (E)-1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene composition.6. The production method of (E)-1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tifluoropropene according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the hydrogen fluoride contained in the (E)-1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene composition before the bringing is 0.0001 to 10 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the (E)-1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3- ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017064A1
Автор: ANTENUCCI Emanuela

A trifluoroethylene composition which is safe to handle and which can be safely stored and transported at pressures of up to 5.00 MPa. The composition comprises trifluoroethylene and HCl in a molar ratio trifluoroethylene:HCl from 10:90 to 63:37. When the composition is a compressed gas it has a pressure of from 0.50 to 5.00 MPa. 1. A liquid or compressed gas composition comprising trifluoroethylene and hydrogen chloride (HCl) in a molar ratio of trifluoroethylene:HCl from 10:90 to 63:37 , wherein when the composition is a compressed gas the pressure is from 0.50 to 5.00 MPa.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition is a liquid composition.3. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein the molar ratio of trifluoroethylene:HCl is no more than 50:50.4. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein the composition comprises at least 20% by weight of the combined weight of trifluoroethylene and HCl.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition is a compressed composition.6. The composition according to claim 5 , wherein the molar ratio of trifluoroethylene:HCl is from 40:60 to 60:40.7. The composition according to claim 5 , wherein the composition comprises at least 50% by weight of the combined weight of trifluoroethylene and HCl.8. The composition according to claim 5 , wherein the composition has a pressure of from 0.50 to 2.00 MPa claim 5 , wherein the composition comprises at least 95% by weight of the combined weight of trifluoroethylene and HCl claim 5 , and wherein the molar ratio of trifluoroethylene:HCl is from 50:50 to 60:40.9. The composition according to claim 5 , wherein the composition has a pressure of from 0.50 to 5.00 MPa claim 5 , wherein the composition comprises at least 95% by weight of the combined weight of trifluoroethylene and HCl claim 5 , and wherein the molar ratio of trifluoroethylene:HCl is from 40:60 to 50:50.10. A process for the preparation of the composition of claim 1 , the process ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016211A1

The present invention relates to a novel a process for the preparation of 9-dichloromethylene-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1,4-methano-naphthalen-5-ylamine which process comprises a) reacting cyclopentadiene in the presence of a radical initiator and CXCl3, wherein X is chloro or bromo, to a compound of formula II, or aa) reacting cyclopentadiene with CXCl3, wherein X is chloro, in the presence of a metal catalyst to a compound of formula II, wherein X is chloro, b) reacting the compound of formula II with a base in the presence of an appropriate solvent to the compound of formula III, c) and converting the compound of formula III in the presence of 1,2-dehydro-6-nitrobenzene to the compound of formula IV, and d) hydrogenating the compound of formula IV in the presence of a metal catalyst. 1. A compound of formula IV This application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/603857, filed Jan. 23, 2015 which is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/126380 filed Apr. 27, 2011, now patented as U.S. Pat. No. 9,115,043 issued Aug. 25, 2015, which was a 371 application of International Application No. PCT/EP2009/062525, filed Sep. 28, 2009, which claims priority to EP Patent Application 08018721.4, filed Oct. 27, 2008, and EP Patent Application No. 09161388.5 filed May 28, 2009, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference herein.The present invention relates to the preparation of 9-dichloromethylene-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1, 4-methano-naphthalen-5-ylamine.The compound 9-dichloromethylene-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1,4-methano-naphthalen-5-ylamine is a valuable intermediate for the preparation of benzonorbornene fungicides, as described for example in WO 2007/048556.It is known from WO 2007/048556 to prepare 9-dichloromethylene-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1, 4-methano-naphthalen-5-ylamine bya) reacting the compound of formula Ain the presence of an alkyl nitrite with a compound of formula Bwherein R′ and R″ are e.g. C-Calkyl, to a compound of formula Cb) ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Process for preparing (z)-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene

Номер: US20210017106A1
Автор: SHENG Peng
Принадлежит: Chemours Co FC LLC

The present application is directed to processes and intermediates for preparing (Z)-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene. The present application further provides compositions prepared according to one or more of the processes described herein and methods of using the compositions.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Process for the Preparation of 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoropropene

Номер: US20160023969A1

The invention provides a process for the preparation of 1234yf comprising (a) contacting 1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoropropene (1216) with hydrogen in the presence of a hydrogenation catalyst to produce 1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane (236ea); (b) dehydrofluorinating 236ea to produce 1,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropene (1225ye); (c) contacting 1225ye with hydrogen in the presence of a hydrogenation catalyst to produce 1,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane (245eb); and (d) dehydrofluorinating 245eb to produce 1234yf.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Process for Preparing (Z)-1,1,1,4,4,4-Hexafluoro-2-Butene

Номер: US20190031582A1
Автор: Peng Sheng

The present application is directed to processes and intermediates for preparing (Z)-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene. The present application further provides compositions prepared according to one or more of the processes described herein and methods of using the compositions. 1. A process of preparing 2-chloro-1 ,1 ,1 ,4 ,4 ,4-hexafluoro-2-butene , comprising reacting hexachlorobutadiene with hydrofluoric acid in the presence of a transition metal catalyst , wherein greater than about 99 mole percent of the 2-chloro-1 ,1 ,1 ,4 ,4 ,4-hexafluoro-2-butene produced is (Z)-2-chloro-1 ,1 ,1 ,4 ,4 ,4-hexafluoro-2-butene.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the transition metal catalyst is selected from a tantalum catalyst claim 1 , a niobium catalyst claim 1 , or a tantalum-niobium catalyst.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the transition metal catalyst is tantalum (V) chloride.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the transition metal catalyst is niobium (V) chloride or niobium (IV) chloride.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the transition metal catalyst is a mixture of a tantalum catalyst and a niobium catalyst.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein a molar excess of hydrofluoric acid is used based on 1 molar equivalent of hexachlorobutadiene.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the process is performed a temperature of from about 110° C. to about 135° C.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the process comprises:i) adding the transition metal catalyst to the hydrofluoric acid to form a first mixture; andii) adding the hexachlorobutadiene to the first mixture to form a second mixture.9. The process of claim 8 , wherein the first mixture is heated to a temperature of from about 110° C. to about 140° C.10. The process of claim 9 , further comprising cooling the first mixture to a temperature of from about −10° C. to about 10° C. prior to performing step ii).11. The process of claim 10 , further comprising heating the second mixture to a temperature of from about 110° C. to ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Process for Producing 2-Chloro-1,3,3,3-Tetrafluoropropene

Номер: US20150038749A1

Disclosed is a process for producing 2-chloro-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (1224), including a first step of separating 2,3-dichloro-1,1,1,3-tetrafluoropropane 234da) into erythro form and threo form, and a second step of bringing the separated erythro form or threo form in contact with a base to obtain 2-chloro-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (1224). The first step is a step of separating 234da by distillation to achieve a separation into a fraction containing mainly erythro form and a fraction containing mainly threo form. In the second step, 1224 cis form is obtained from the erythro form, and 1224 trans form is obtained from the threo form. By this process, it is possible to selectively and efficiently produce cis form or trans form of 2-chloro-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (1224). 1. A process for producing 2-chloro-1 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene (1224) , comprising:a first step (separation step) that is a separation step for separating 2,3-dichloro-1,1,1,3-tetrafluoropropane (234da) and is a step (1a) for taking out a component (A) having a molar ratio of threo form to erythro form of 100:0 to 80:20 or a step (1b) for taking out a component (B) having a molar ratio of threo form to erythro form of 0:100 to 20:80; anda second step of bringing the component (A) or the component (B) into contact with a base.2. The production process of claim 1 , wherein the first step is a step (1a) of taking out a fraction (A) having a molar ratio of threo form to erythro form of 100:0 to 80:20 or a step (1b) of taking out a fraction (B) having a molar ratio of threo form to erythro form of 0:100 to 20:80.3. The production process of claim 1 , wherein the second step is a second step A of bringing component (A) having a molar ratio of threo form to erythro form of 100:0 to 80:20 into contact with the base claim 1 , thereby obtaining 2-chloro-1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene (1224) having a molar ratio of trans form to cis form of 100:0 to 80:20.4. The production ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039729A1

Disclosed is a process for producing fluorinated organic compounds, including hydrofluoropropenes, which preferably comprises converting at least one compound of Formula (I): 2. The method of wherein said converting step is a direct converting step.3. The method of wherein said converting step is an indirect converting step.4. The method of wherein said at least one compound of Formula (I) comprises a compound wherein each X on one terminal carbon is H and wherein each X on the other terminal carbon is independently selected from F claim 1 , Cl claim 1 , I or Br.6. The method of wherein Z in said compound of Formula (II) is H.7. The method of wherein each X is F.8. The method of wherein said at least one compound of Formula (I) comprises at least pentahalogenated compound.9. The method of wherein said at least one compound of Formula (IA) comprises at least one trichlorinated claim 5 , difluorinated propane.10. The method of wherein said at least one compound of Formula (I) comprises 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1-trichloro-2 claim 1 ,2-difluoropropane (HCFC-242bb).11. The method of wherein said at least one compound of Formula (I) comprises 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,2-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245cb).12. The method of wherein said at least one compound of Formula (I) is selected from the group consisting of HCFC-242bb claim 1 , HFC-245cb and combinations of these.14. The method of wherein said first compound of Formula (IA) comprises at least 1 claim 13 ,1 claim 13 ,1-trichloro-2 claim 13 ,2-difluoropropane (HCFC-242bb) and said second compound of Formula (IA) comprises at least 1 claim 13 ,1 claim 13 ,1 claim 13 ,2 claim 13 ,2-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245cb).15. The method of wherein said at least one compound in accordance with Formula (II) comprises HFO-1234yf.16. The method of wherein said exposing step comprises at least one gas phase catalytic reaction.17. The method of wherein said converting step comprises at least one gas phase catalytic reaction. ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037525A1
Автор: Sun Xuehui

A process is provided comprising contacting and reacting the compound CFCFCHXCl, wherein X is H or Cl, or the compound CFCF═CXCl, wherein X is H or Cl, with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst consisting essentially of Cu, Ru, Cu—Pd, Ni—Cu, and Ni—Pd, to obtain as a result thereof reaction product comprising hydrofluoropropenes or intermediates convertible to said hydrofluoropropenes, notably CFCF═CHand CFCH═CHF. 1. A product made by a process comprising contacting and reacting the compound CFCFCHXCl , wherein X is H or Cl , or the compound CFCF═CXCl , wherein X is H or Cl , with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst consisting essentially of Cu , Ru , Cu—Pd , Ni—Cu , and Ni—Pd , to obtain as a result thereof reaction product comprising hydrofluoropropenes or intermediates convertible to said hydrofluoropropenes.2. A product made by a process comprising contacting and reacting the compound CFCFCHClwith hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst comprising at least one member selected from the group consisting of Cu , Ru , Cu—Pd , Ni—Cu , and Ni—Pd , to obtain as a result thereof a reaction product comprising CFCF═CHand at least one compound selected from the group consisting of CFCF═CHCl and CFCFCHCl , wherein said compound CFCF═CHCl is converted to the reaction product comprising the compound CFCF═CHby hydrogenation in the presence of a catalyst.3. A composition comprising CFCF═CHand at least one compound selected from the group consisting of CFCF═CHCl and CFCFCHCl.4. The composition of wherein the compound comprises CFCF═CHCl.5. The composition of wherein the compound comprises CFCFCHCl.6. The composition of further comprising CFO-1214ya.7. The composition of comprising CFCF═CH claim 3 , CFCF═CHCl and CFCFCHCl.8. The composition of further comprising HCFC-225ca.9. A composition consisting essentially of CFCF═CH claim 3 , CFCF═CHCl and CFCFCHCl. The present invention relates to chemical processes for converting chlorofluoropropanes (HCFC) and chlorofluoropropenes ( ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039902A1
Принадлежит: Zhejiang Quhua Fluor-Chemistry Co Ltd

The invention discloses a method for co-operating low-carbon foaming agents, comprising: preheating 1,1,1,3,3-pentachloropropane and hydrogen fluoride and then introducing into a reactor to have a reaction in the presence of a catalyst to obtain a reaction product, and separating and purifying to obtain the following low-carbon foaming agent products: trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, cis-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane, trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene, cis-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene. The invention has the advantages of simple process, environmental friendliness, high production efficiency and low cost. 1. A method for co-producing low-carbon foaming agents , comprising following steps of:{'sup': '−1', '(1) preheating 1,1,1,3,3-pentachloropropane and hydrogen fluoride, introducing the 1,1,1,3,3-pentachloropropane and the hydrogen fluoride into a reactor, and reacting the 1,1,1,3,3-pentachloropropane and the hydrogen fluoride in the presence of a catalyst to obtain a reaction product, wherein a ratio of the 1,1,1,3,3-pentachloropropane and the hydrogen fluoride is 1:10-40, a temperature of the reaction is 150-400° C., a pressure of the reaction is 0.1-2.0 MPa, and a material space velocity of the reaction is 10-1000 h;'}(2) introducing the reaction product obtained in the Step (1) into a recycle column to obtain a recycle column overhead fraction and a recycle column bottom component;(3) introducing the recycle column overhead fraction obtained in the Step (2) into a hydrogen chloride separation column to obtain a hydrogen chloride separation column overhead fraction and a hydrogen chloride separation column bottom component;(4) introducing the hydrogen chloride separation column bottom component obtained in the Step (3) and an extractant into an extraction column for extraction to obtain an extraction column overhead component and an extraction column bottom component; and(5) alkaline washing the extract column bottom component ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150045589A1

Provided is a palladium on carbon (Pd/C) catalyst obtained by using an ionic liquid, a method for preparing the same, and a method for hydrogenation of hydrofluorocarbon using the same. More particularly, palladium particles are supported on carbon particles by using an ionic liquid, and the resultant Pd/C catalyst is used for hydrogenation of hydrofluorocarbon. The catalyst includes palladium particles having a smaller particle size and a more uniform shape as compared to the existing Pd/C catalysts, and thus shows high catalytic activity. 1. A carbon-based palladium (Pd/C) catalyst for hydrogenation of hydrofluorocarbon , comprising palladium with a uniform shape and size obtained by using an imidazole-based ionic liquid.2. A carbon-based palladium (Pd/C) catalyst for hydrogenation of hydrofluorocarbon according to claim 1 , wherein the imidazole-based ionic liquid is at least one selected from the group consisting of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate claim 1 , 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate claim 1 , 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate claim 1 , 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate claim 1 , 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate claim 1 , 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate claim 1 , 1-octyl-1-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate claim 1 , 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate and 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate.3. A carbon-based palladium (Pd/C) catalyst for hydrogenation of hydrofluorocarbon according to claim 1 , wherein palladium nanoparticles have an average particle diameter of 1-100 nm.4. A carbon-based palladium (Pd/C) catalyst for hydrogenation of hydrofluorocarbon according to claim 1 , wherein the content of palladium is 0.9-5 wt % of carbon.5. A carbon-based palladium (Pd/C) catalyst for hydrogenation of hydrofluorocarbon according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrogenation is carried out at a temperature of 80-200° C. under a pressure of 0.1-2 atm ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Processes for Producing Chlorinated Hydrocarbons and Methods for Recovering Polyvalent Antimony Catalysts Therefrom

Номер: US20150045591A1
Принадлежит: Axiall Ohio Inc

The preparation of chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as pentachloropropanes, such as 1,1,1,2,3-pentachloropropane, from tetrachloropropanes, such as 1,1,1,3-tetrachloropropane, in the presence of a polyvalent antimony compound that includes a pentavalent antimony compound, such as antimony pentachloride, is described. Also described are methods for preparing optionally chlorinated alkenes, such as, tetrachloropropenes, from chlorinated alkanes, such as pentachloropropanes, in the presence of polyvalent antimony compound that includes a pentavalent antimony compound, as well as methods for recovering polyvalent antimony compounds from such processes.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047251A1

Disclosed is a process for the synthesis of fluorinated olefins, and in particularly preferred embodiments tetrafluorinated olefins having F on an unsaturated, non-terminal carbon, such as 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene. The preferred processes of the present invention in accordance with one embodiment generally comprise: 2. The process of claim 1 , wherein compound of formula (IIIB) is CFCHFCHCl.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein compound of formula (IIIB) is CFCHFCHF.4. The process of wherein said reacting step (a) is a catalyzed liquid phase reaction.5. The process of wherein said reaction step (a) comprises reacting said HF with said compound of formula (IIA) at a temperature of from about 0° C. to about 250° C. and at a pressure of about 500 to about 1000 psig in the presence of a catalyst.6. The process of wherein said catalyst comprises SbCl.7. The process of wherein said exposing step (b) is a liquid phase reaction that involves contacting the compound of formula (III) with a potassium hydroxide solution and claim 1 , optionally claim 1 , a Crown ether.8. The process of wherein said exposing step is at least partially conducted at a temperature of from about 25° C. to about 90° C. and at a pressure of about 100 to about 200 psig.9. The process of wherein said exposing step (b) is a vapor phase reaction that involves contacting the compound of formula (III) with a metal-based catalyst.10. The process of wherein said metal-based catalyst is at least one of Pd or Ni on a carbon substrate.11. The process of wherein said exposing step is at least partially conducted at a temperature of from about 200° C. to about 500° C. This application is a division of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/987,463 filed May 23, 2018 (pending) which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/797,699, filed Jul. 13, 2015 (now abandoned), which application is a division of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/249,958, filed Oct. 12, 2008, (now U.S. Pat. No. 9,079,818, issued Jul. 14, 2015), ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Method for Producing CIS-1,3,3,3-Tetrafluoropropene

Номер: US20150080618A1

A production method of cis-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene according to the present invention includes the steps of: subjecting 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane to dehydrofluorination to form a reaction mixture (A) containing cis-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and unreacted 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane; distilling the reaction mixture (A) to separate the trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene from the reaction mixture (A) and collect a reaction mixture (B) containing the cis-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and the 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane; and reacting the reaction mixture (B) with a base and thereby obtaining the cis-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene from the reaction mixture (B). This production method enables efficient production of high-purity cis-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and thus has industrial advantages. 1. A method for production of cis-1 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene , comprising:a first step of subjecting 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane to dehydrofluorination to form a reaction mixture containing cis-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and unreacted 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane;a second step of distilling the reaction mixture formed by the first step to separate the trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene from the reaction mixture and collect a reaction mixture containing the cis-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane; anda third step of reacting the reaction mixture collected by the second step and containing the cis-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane with a base and thereby obtaining the cis-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene from the reaction mixture.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the first step claim 1 , the dehydrofluorination is performed in a gas phase in the presence of a catalyst.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the catalyst is a zirconium compound-carrying catalyst that carries a zirconium compound on a metal oxide or activated carbon.4. The method ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140163265A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Processes for the production of chlorinated propenes are provided. The present processes make use of a feedstock comprising 1,2,3-trichloropropane and chlorinates the 1,1,2,3-tetrachloropropane generated by the process prior to a dehydrochlorination step. Production of the less desirable pentachloropropane isomer, 1,1,2,3,3-pentachloropropane, is thus minimized. The present processes provide better reaction yield as compared to conventional processes that require dehydrochlorination of 1,1,2,3-tetrachloropropane prior to chlorinating the same. The present process can also generate anhydrous HCl as a byproduct that can be removed from the process and used as a feedstock for other processes, while limiting the production of waste water, thus providing further time and cost savings. 1. A process for the production of chlorinated propenes from a feedstream comprising 1 ,2 ,3-trichloropropane , wherein at least a portion of the 1 ,1 ,2 ,3-tetrachloropropane produced by a first chlorination step is subjected to a second chlorination step prior to a first dehydrochlorination step and wherein the second chlorination step is conducted in the presence of a free radical initiator comprising an azo-group and results in the production of a product stream comprising less than 8 molar % hexachloropropane isomers.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first chlorination step produces a mixture comprising tetrachloropropanes and pentachloropropanes.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the mixture is separated to provide a stream comprising the 1 claim 2 ,1 claim 2 ,2 claim 2 ,3-tetrachloropropane.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the 1 claim 3 ,1 claim 3 ,2 claim 3 ,3-tetrachloropropane is chlorinated in the second chlorination step to provide a mixture comprising 1 claim 3 ,1 claim 3 ,1 claim 3 ,2 claim 3 ,3-pentachloropropane and 1 claim 3 ,1 claim 3 ,2 claim 3 ,2 claim 3 ,3-pentachloropropane.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the free radical initiator comprising an azo-group ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Organosilicon on solid oxides, and related complexes, compositions, methods and systems

Номер: US20200079802A1

Organosilicon Lewis acids supported on activated oxides and metal oxo complexes grafted on the organosilicon Lewis acids as heterogeneous catalysts and the related compositions, methods and systems are described. These organosilicon Lewis acids and the grafted metal oxo complexes catalyze industrially important chemical reactions including, respectively, C—F bond activation and olefin metathesis reactions such as homocoupling and polymerizations.

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170088493A1

A method for preparing 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, including: a) introducing hexafluoropropylene and hydrogen to a first reactor for reaction in the presence of a catalyst to obtain a first mixture; b) washing and drying the first mixture, and introducing the treated first mixture to a first distillation column to obtain 1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane, 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropene, and hexafluoropropylene; recycling the 1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane to the first reactor, and introducing the 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropene and the hexafluoropropylene to a second distillation column to yield hexafluoropropylene and 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropene; and recycling the hexafluoropropylene to the first reactor; c) introducing the 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropene and hydrogen to a second reactor in the presence of a catalyst to obtain a second mixture; and d) washing and drying the second mixture, and introducing the second mixture to a third distillation column to yield 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropane; and recycling the 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropane to the second reactor to yield 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene. 1. A method for preparing 2 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene , comprising:{'sup': '−1', 'a) introducing hexafluoropropylene and hydrogen to a first reactor to allow hexafluoropropylene to react with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst to obtain a first mixture comprising 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropene, 1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane, hydrogen fluoride, and hexafluoropropylene, in which a molar ratio of hexafluoropropylene to hydrogen is between 1:0.95 and 1:0.99, a space velocity is between 200 and 1000 h, and a reaction temperature is between 50 and 400° C.;'}b) washing and drying the first mixture obtained from a), and introducing the treated first mixture to a first distillation column to obtain 1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane in a bottom of the first distillation column and 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropene and hexafluoropropylene at a top of the first distillation column; recycling the 1,1,1 ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Method for synthesising trifluoroethylene from chlorotrifluoroethylene

Номер: US20150094432A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France SA

The present invention relates to the preparation of trifluoroethylene (VF 3 or TrFE) by hydrogenolysis of chlorotrifluoroethylene (CTFE) in the gaseous phase over a group VIII metal catalyst deposited on a support. This method can be used to obtain VF 3 in an economical manner in conditions which minimize the risk of explosion of this molecule. Using a catalyst containing a group VIII metal and, more specifically, containing Pd deposited on a support and a specific series of steps of separation and purification makes it possible to obtain excellent CTFE conversion rates and high selectivity in VF 3 at atmospheric pressure and at low temperatures.

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140179961A1

In accordance with the present invention, processes of synthesizing 3,3,3-trifluoropropyne from 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, 1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene, and/or 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane are provided. 1. A process of synthesizing 3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropyne , the process comprising the steps of:providing a solution of 1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene in tetrahydrofuran; and,adding potassium tert-butoxide to the solution to yield the 3,3,3-trifluoropropyne.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the solution of 1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene is at about 50-60° C. during the addition of potassium tert-butoxide to the solution.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the 1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene is cis-1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene.4. The process of claim 2 , wherein the 1-chloro-3 claim 2 ,3 claim 2 ,3-trifluoropropene is cis-1-chloro-3 claim 2 ,3 claim 2 ,3-trifluoropropene.5. A process of synthesizing 3 claim 2 ,3 claim 2 ,3-trifluoropropyne claim 2 , the process comprising the steps of:providing a compound selected from the group consisting of 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, 1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene, and 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane;mixing the compound with a solvent to make a first mixture;adding sodium amide to the first mixture to make a second mixture;adding hydrochloric acid to the second mixture to yield the 3,3,3-trifluoropropyne.6. The process of claim 5 , wherein the compound is selected from the group consisting of 1 claim 5 ,3 claim 5 ,3 claim 5 ,3-tetrafluoropropene and 1-chloro-3 claim 5 ,3 claim 5 ,3-trifluoropropene.7. The process of claim 6 , wherein the major portion of the compound is in a cis form.8. The process of claim 6 , wherein the major portion of the compound is in a trans form.9. The process of claim 6 , wherein the molar ratio of sodium amide to the compound in the first mixture is 2 or greater.10. The process of claim 9 , wherein the molar ratio of sodium amide to the compound ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Process for Purifying (Hydro)Fluoroalkenes

Номер: US20160115105A1

The invention relates to a process for removing one or more undesired (hydro)halocarbon compounds from a (hydro)fluoroalkene, the process comprising contacting a composition comprising the (hydro)fluoroalkene and one or more undesired (hydro)halocarbon compounds with an aluminium-containing absorbent, activated carbon, or a mixture thereof.

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112244A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

The present invention relates to a method for preparing hexafluorobutadiene comprising the following steps: (a) hydrodechlorinating hexachlorobutadiene to form a first stream comprising 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorobutadiene and optionally unreacted hexachlorobutadiene; (b) fluorinating the first stream comprising 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorobutadiene obtained in step (a) to form a second stream comprising 1,1,2,3,4,4-hexafluorobutane, (c) dehydrogenating the second stream comprising 1,1,2,3,4,4-hexafluorobutane to form a third stream comprising hexafluorobutadiene. 1. A process for the preparation of hexafluorobutadiene comprising the stages of:a) hydrodechlorination of hexachlorobutadiene in order to form a first stream comprising 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorobutadiene and optionally unreacted hexachlorobutadiene,b) fluorination of said first stream comprising 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorobutadiene obtained in stage a) in order to form a second stream comprising 1,1,2,3,4,4-hexafluorobutane,c) dehydrogenation of said second stream comprising 1,1,2,3,4,4-hexafluorobutane in order to form a third stream comprising hexafluorobutadiene.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fluorination stage b) is carried out in the presence of a fluorinating agent of formula Ax+Fx in which A is a cation and F denotes a fluoride ion F−.3. The process as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the fluorination stage b) is carried out in the presence of a fluorinating agent of formula Ax+Fx in which A is H claim 2 , Li claim 2 , Na claim 2 , K claim 2 , Rb claim 2 , Cs claim 2 , Mg claim 2 , Ca claim 2 , Sr or Ba and x is 1 or 2.4. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fluorination stage b) is carried out claim 1 , in the liquid phase claim 1 , in the presence of a polar aprotic solvent and of a fluorinating agent of formula Ax+Fx in which A is Li claim 1 , Na claim 1 , K claim 1 , Mg or Ca and x is 1 or 2.5. The process as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the polar aprotic organic solvent has a boiling point of ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Process for the Preparation of 1,1,1-Trifluoropropane

Номер: US20150126785A1

The invention provides a process comprising contacting (1243zf) or (253fb) with hydrogen in the presence of a hydrogenation catalyst to produce a composition comprising 1,1,1-trifluoropropane (263fb).

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Method of producing hydrofluoroolefin

Номер: US20220267236A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

A method of producing a hydrofluoroolefin includes reacting a chlorofluoroolefin that is represented by Formula (I) or Formula (II) and that has 8 or less carbon atoms with a hydrogen molecule, in the presence of an intermetallic compound containing at least one first metal that is selected from the group consisting of palladium, platinum, rhodium, copper and iridium, and containing a second metal that is different from the first metal, to obtain a hydrofluoroolefin in which a hydrogen atom is substituted for at least a chlorine atom represented by Cl among chlorine atoms contained in Formula (I) or Formula (II).

24-07-2014 дата публикации

Process For Producing Chlorinated Hydrocarbons

Номер: US20140206911A1
Принадлежит: Axiall Ohio, Inc.

The preparation of chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as pentachloropropanes, such as 1,1,1,2,3-pentachloropropane, from tetrachloropropanes, such as 1,1,1,3-tetrachloropropane, in the presence of a polyvalent antimony compound that includes a pentavalent antimony compound, such as antimony pentachloride, is described. Also described are methods for preparing optionally chlorinated alkenes, such as, tetrachloropropenes, from chlorinated alkanes, such as pentachloropropanes, in the presence of ferric chloride and a polyvalent antimony compound that includes a pentavalent antimony compound. 1. A method of preparing 1 ,1 ,1 ,2 ,3-pentachloropropane comprising ,reacting 1,1,1,3-tetrachloropropane with a source of chlorine in the presence of a polyvalent antimony compound comprising a pentavalent antimony compound, thereby forming a product comprising 1,1,1,2,3-pentachloropropane.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said source of chlorine is selected from chlorine (Cl) claim 1 , sulfuryl chloride claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The method of further comprising claim 3 , forming at least a portion of said pentavalent antimony compound from a precursor of said pentavalent antimony compound.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein said precursor of said pentavalent antimony compound comprises said trivalent antimony compound represented by Formula (II).6. The method of claim 5 , wherein said precursor of said pentavalent antimony compound is selected from the group consisting of antimony trichloride claim 5 , trialkyl antimony claim 5 , triaryl antimony claim 5 , and combinations of two or more thereof.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein said precursor of said pentavalent antimony compound is selected from the group consisting of antimony trichloride claim 6 , triphenyl antimony claim 6 , and combinations thereof.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein said polyvalent antimony compound is supported on a solid support.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein said solid support is selected ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210163382A1
Принадлежит: SHOWA DENKO K.K.

Provided is a method that is for producing hexafluoro-1,3-butadiene, discharges small amounts of industrial wastes, and is industrially applicable. The method for producing hexafluoro-1,3-butadiene includes a reaction step of reacting a halogenated butane represented by chemical formula, CFX-CFX-CFX-CFX(X, X, X, and Xare each independently a halogen atom other than a fluorine atom) in an organic solvent in the presence of zinc to eliminate the halogen atoms, X, X, X, and X, other than the fluorine atoms to generate hexafluoro-1,3-butadiene, giving a reaction product containing the hexafluoro-1,3-butadiene, and an aftertreatment step of separating the hexafluoro-1,3-butadiene from the reaction product produced in the reaction step, then adding water to a reaction product residue after the separating, and removing the organic solvent, giving an aqueous solution of zinc halide. 1. A method for producing hexafluoro-1 ,3-butadiene , the method comprising:{'sub': 2', '2, 'sup': 1', '2', '3', '4', '1', '2', '3', '4', '1', '2', '3', '4, 'b': 1', '3, 'a reaction step of reacting a halogenated butane represented by chemical formula, CFX-CFX-CFX-CFX(X, X, X, and Xare each independently a halogen atom other than a fluorine atom) in an organic solvent in the presence of zinc to eliminate the halogen atoms, X, X, X, and X, other than the fluorine atoms to generate hexafluoro-,-butadiene, giving a reaction product containing the hexafluoro-1,3-butadiene; and'}an aftertreatment step of separating the hexafluoro-1,3-butadiene from the reaction product produced in the reaction step, then adding water to a reaction product residue after the separating, and removing the organic solvent, giving an aqueous solution of zinc halide.2. The method for producing hexafluoro-1 claim 1 ,3-butadiene according to claim 1 , wherein the organic solvent is an alcohol.3. The method for producing hexafluoro-1 claim 2 ,3-butadiene according to claim 2 , wherein the alcohol is at least one of methanol ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Method of producing hydrochlorofluoroolefin and method of producing 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene

Номер: US20180134639A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

There is provided an industrially advantageous and efficient method of producing a Z-isomer of HCFO-1224yd or HCFO-1223xd by isomerizing an E-isomer thereof. The method produces HCFO (Z-isomer) by causing specific HCFO (E-isomer) contained in a raw material composition to undergo an isomerization reaction under a condition where the HCFO (E-isomer) is isomerized.

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Process for producing 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene

Номер: US20170137352A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

The present invention discloses a manufacturing process to produce high purity 1234yf from 245eb, which preferably includes the removal of impurities present in 245eb raw material, the dehydrofluorination of 245eb, and the removal of impurities present in final crude product. The disclosed manufacturing process allows the production of a 1234yf product with lower the levels of 1225ye and/or trifluoropropene, preferably in amounts of less than about 500, and 50 ppm, respectively.

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220280920A1

Provided are a nitrogen-phosphorus-modified granular carbon-supported bimetallic catalyst, a preparation method thereof and the use thereof. The catalyst comprises a nitrogen-phosphorus-modified carbon carrier and metal particles supported on the carbon carrier. The metal particles include first metal elementary substance particles, second metal elementary substance particles and bimetallic alloy phase particles. The percentage of the bimetallic alloy phase particles in the metal particles is ≥80%, and at least 90% of the alloy phase particles have a size of 1 nm to 20 nm. The catalyst has advantages such as a high proportion of alloy phase particles, a uniform particle size distribution, a high metal utilization rate, low costs, high stability and a high catalytic activity. 1. A nitrogen-phosphorus-modified granular carbon-supported bimetallic catalyst , wherein the catalyst comprises a nitrogen-phosphorus-modified carbon carrier and metal particles supported on the carbon carrier , and the metal particles include first metal elementary substance particles , second metal elementary substance particles and bimetallic alloy phase particles , the percentage of the bimetallic alloy phase particles in the metal particles is ≥80% , and at least 90% of the alloy phase particles have a size of 1 nm to 20 nm.2. The granular carbon-supported bimetallic catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the percentage of the bimetallic alloy phase particles in the metal particles is 85-95% claim 1 , and at least 95% of the alloy phase particles have a size of 2 nm to 10 nm.3. The granular carbon-supported bimetallic catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the nitrogen content in the carbon carrier is 0.5-10 wt % claim 1 , and the phosphorus content in the carbon carrier is 0.1-5.0 wt %.4. The granular carbon-supported bimetallic catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon carrier is selected from coconut shell or wooden activated carbon claim 1 , the specific surface area of the ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Process for preparing a chlorinated alkene

Номер: US20190135717A1

Disclosed is a process for preparing a chlorinated alkene, comprising contacting a chlorinated alkane with a catalyst in a dehydrochlorination zone to produce a liquid reaction mixture comprising the chlorinated alkane and the chlorinated alkene, and extracting chlorinated alkene from the reaction mixture, wherein the concentration of the chlorinated alkene in the reaction mixture present in the dehydrochlorination zone is controlled such that the molar ratio of chlorinated alkene:chlorinated alkane is from 1:99 to 50:50.

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Process for synthesis of fluorinated olefins

Номер: US20160145176A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Disclosed is a process for the synthesis of fluorinated olefins, and in particularly preferred embodiments tetrafluorinated olefins having F on an unsaturated, non-terminal carbon, such as 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene. The preferred processes of the present invention in accordance with one embodiment generally comprise: (a) reacting a compound of formula (I) X 1 X 2   (I) with a compound of formula (II) CX 1 X 2 X 3 CX 1 ═CX 1 X 2   (II) to produce a reaction product comprising a compound of formula (III) CF 3 CHX 1 CH 2 X 2   (III), and (b) exposing said compound of formula (III) to reaction conditions effective to convert said compound of formula (III) to a compound of formula (IV) CF 3 CZ═CH 2   (IV) wherein X 1 , X 2 , and X 3 are each independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, chlorine, bromine, fluorine and iodine, provided that X 1 and X 2 in formula (I) are not both hydrogen and Z is Cl, I, Br, or F.

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170144949A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

A method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin, which comprises reacting a chlorofluoroolefin represented by the following formula (1) with hydrogen in the presence of a platinum group metal catalyst supported on a carbon carrier, to obtain a hydrofluoroolefin represented by the following formula (2), 2. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 1 , wherein the platinum group metal catalyst is composed of palladium claim 1 , a palladium alloy claim 1 , rhodium or platinum.3. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 1 , wherein the platinum group metal catalyst is composed of an alloy of a platinum group element and gold.4. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 3 , wherein the platinum group metal catalyst is composed of an alloy of palladium and gold.5. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 1 , wherein the total acidic functional group amount in the carbon carrier is at most 30 μmol/g.6. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 1 , wherein the total acidic functional group amount in the carbon carrier is at most 20 μmol/g.7. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon carrier has a specific surface area of from 10 to 2 claim 1 ,000 m/g.8. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the platinum group metal catalyst supported is from 0.1 to 10 mass % based on the carbon carrier.9. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 1 , wherein the chlorofluoroolefin and hydrogen are introduced to a catalyst layer of a tubular reactor packed with the carbon carrier supporting the catalyst claim 1 , and reacted in a gaseous phase.10. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 9 , wherein the tubular reactor has a gas introduction part and a gas discharge part claim 9 , and the chlorofluoroolefin and hydrogen are introduced to the gas ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144364A1

A method for producing 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropene and/or 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropene using a single set of four unit operations, the unit operations being (1) hydrogenation of a starting material comprising hexafluoropropene and optionally recycled 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropene; (2) separation of the desired intermediate hydrofluoroalkane, such as 1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane and/or 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropane; (3) dehydrofluorination of the intermediate hydrofluoroalkane to produce the desired 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropene and/or 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropene, followed by another separation to isolate the desired product and, optionally, recycle of the 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropene. 1. A method for producing at least one fluorinated olefin comprising: {'br': None, 'sub': n', '3−n', 'a', 'b', 'z', 'm', '2−m, 'sup': 1', '2, '(CXY)(CRR)CX═CHX\u2003\u2003(I)'}, 'a. hydrogenating a starting material stream comprising at least one alkene according to Formula (I) {'br': None, 'sub': n', '3−n', 'a', 'b', 'z', 'm+1', '2−m, 'sup': 1', '2, '(CXY)(CRR)CHXCHX\u2003\u2003(II)'}, 'by contacting said starting material with a reducing agent to produce an intermediate product stream comprising at least one alkane according to Formula (II)where:each X is independently Cl, F, I or Br, provided that at least two Xs are F;each Y is independently H, Cl, F, I or Br;{'sup': '1', 'each Ris independently H, Cl, F, I, Br or unsubstituted or halogen substituted methyl or ethyl radical;'}{'sub': '2', 'each Ris independently H, Cl, F, I, Br or unsubstituted or halogen substituted methyl or ethyl radical;'}n is 1, 2 or 3;a and b are each 0, 1 or 2, provided that a+b=2;m is 0, 1 or 2; andz is 0, 1, 2 or 3;b. optionally, separating said intermediate product stream into a plurality of stream, said plurality of intermediate product streams comprising two or more stream selected from the group consisting of a first stream rich in at least a first alkane according to Formula II, a seconds stream rich in ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200140357A1

The present invention relates to a process for modifying the fluorine distribution in a hydrocarbon compound, comprising a step of placing in contact between a hydrocarbon compound and a catalytic composition comprising a chromium-based catalyst, said process being performed in a reactor made of a material comprising a base layer made of a material M1 and an inner layer made of a material M2, said base layer and said inner layer being laid against each other, characterized in that the material M2 comprises at least 80% by weight of nickel on the basis of the total weight of the material M2, advantageously at least 90% by weight, preferably at least 95% by weight, in particular at least 99% by weight of nickel on the basis of the total weight of the material M2. 113-. (canceled)14. A process for modifying the fluorine distribution in a hydrocarbon compound , comprising a step of contacting a hydrocarbon compound and a catalytic composition comprising a chromium-based catalyst in a reactor , said reactor made of a material comprising a base layer made of a material M1 and an inner layer made of a material M2 , said base layer and said inner layer being laid against each other , wherein the material M2 comprises at least 80% by weight of nickel on the basis of the total weight of the material M2.15. The process as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the material M1 comprises iron and less than 0.2% of carbon on the basis of the total weight of the material M1.16. The process as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the material M2 comprises less than 1% of iron on the basis of the total weight of the material M2.17. The process as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the material M2 comprises less than 1% of manganese on the basis of the total weight of the material M2.18. The process as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the material M2 comprises less than 1% by weight of titanium and/or less than 1% by weight of niobium on the basis of the total weight of the material M2.19. The process as ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158587A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company,Limited

To provide a method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin, wherein formation of an over-reduced product having hydrogen added to a material chlorofluoroolefin and an over-reduced product having not only chlorine atoms but also fluorine atoms in the chlorofluoroolefin replaced with hydrogen atoms, as by-products, is suppressed. 2. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 1 , wherein the second element is at least one member selected from the group consisting of copper claim 1 , gold claim 1 , tin claim 1 , antimony and bismuth.3. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 1 , wherein the content ratio of the platinum group element to the second element (platinum group element:second element) in the alloy is from 60:40 to 99:1 by mass ratio.4. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is a catalyst composed of an alloy of palladium and at least one second element selected from the group consisting of copper claim 1 , gold claim 1 , tin claim 1 , antimony and bismuth.5. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier is at least one member selected from the group consisting of activated carbon claim 1 , carbon black and carbon fibers.6. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier is at least one member selected from the group consisting of alumina claim 1 , silica claim 1 , titanic and zirconia.7. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the catalyst supported is from 0.1 to 10 mass % based on the carrier.8. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 1 , wherein the chlorofluoroolefin and hydrogen are introduced to a catalyst layer packed with the carrier supporting the catalyst claim 1 , and reacted in a gaseous phase.9. The method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin according to claim 8 , wherein the chlorofluoroolefin and hydrogen ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220306557A1
Автор: Sun Xuehui

A method of synthesizing 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (1234yf) from 2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene (1233xf). The 2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene (1233xf) is reacted in the vapor phase, in the presence of a catalyst, at a temperature and pressure sufficient to selectively convert the 2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene (1233xf) to 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (1234yf) without the use of antimony-based catalysts. 1. A method of synthesizing 2 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene comprising:contacting 2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene in the vapor phase or liquid phase with chlorine gas in the presence of a first catalyst to form 1,2,2-trichloro-3,3,3-trifluoro-propane;recovering the 1,2,2-trichloro-3,3,3-trifluoro-propane;contacting the 1,2,2-trichloro-3,3,3-trifluoro-propane in the vapor phase or liquid phase with hydrogen fluoride to form 2,3-dichloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-propane;contacting the 2,3-dichloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-propane in the vapor phase with hydrogen gas in the presence of a second catalyst to form 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first catalyst is a Lewis Acid.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first catalyst includes Ferric Chloride (FeCl).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second catalyst includes copper on carbon (Cu/C) or gold on aluminum oxide (Au/AlO).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the 2 claim 1 ,3-dichloro-1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2-tetrafluoro-propane is contacted with the hydrogen fluoride with or without the presence of a third catalyst.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the third catalyst is a fluorination catalyst selected from the group consisting of activated carbon claim 5 , alumina claim 5 , chromium oxide claim 5 , oxides of transition metals claim 5 , metal halides and combinations thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reaction is essentially free of antimony pentahalides.8. A method of synthesizing 2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene comprising:contacting 2-chloro-3,3,3 ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210198168A1
Автор: Jackson Andrew

A method of synthesizing 3,3,3-trifluoropropene including contacting 1,3,3,3-tetrachloropropane, in the vapor phase, at a temperature sufficient to effect dehydrochlorination to form 1,1,3-trichloro-1-propene. The 1,1,3-trichloro-1-propene is isolated and subsequently contacted, in the vapor phase, with hydrogen fluoride in the presence of a fluorination catalyst at a temperature sufficient to effect formation of 3,3,3-trifluoropropene. 1. A method of synthesizing 3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropene comprising:contacting 1,3,3,3-tetrachloropropane, with a base at a temperature sufficient to effect dehydrochlorination to form 1,1,3-trichloro-1-propene; andcontacting the 1,1,3-trichloro-1-propene, in the vapor phase, with hydrogen fluoride in the presence of a fluorination catalyst at a temperature sufficient to effect formation of 3,3,3-trifluoropropene.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the base includes sodium hydroxide claim 1 , potassium hydroxide claim 1 , or potassium tert-butoxide.3. The method of further comprising claim 1 , recovering the 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,3-trichloro-1-propene from the reaction mixture prior to contacting the 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,3-trichloro-1-propene with hydrogen fluoride.4. The method of further comprising claim 1 , recovering the 3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene from the reaction mixture.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the temperature sufficient to effect formation of 3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene is between 250° C. and 350° C.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluorination catalyst includes activated carbon claim 1 , alumina claim 1 , chromium oxide claim 1 , oxides of transition metals claim 1 , or metal halides.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least a 95 percent selectivity of 3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene is maintained in a continuous reaction for at least 30 hours.8. A method of synthesizing 2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene comprising:contacting 1,3,3,3-tetrachloropropane ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200165178A1
Автор: Sun Xuehui

A process is provided comprising contacting and reacting the compound CFCFCHXCl, wherein X is H or Cl, or the compound CFCF═CXCl, wherein X is H or Cl, with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst consisting essentially of Cu, Ru, Cu—Pd, Ni—Cu, and Ni—Pd, to obtain as a result thereof reaction product comprising hydrofluoropropenes or intermediates convertible to said hydrofluoropropenes, notably CFCF═CHand CFCH═CHF. 1. A composition comprising HCFO-1224yd (CFCF═CHCl) , HFO-1234yf (CFCF═CH).and HCFC-1214ya (CFCF═Cl).2. The composition of further comprising HFO-1234ze (CFCH═CHF).3. The composition of further comprising at least one of HCFC-235da (CFCHClCHF) claim 1 , and HCFC-234db (CFCHClCHF).4. The composition of wherein the composition comprises two isomers of HCFO-1224yd.5. The composition of further comprising CFCFCHCl (HCFC-235cb).6. A composition comprising HCFO-1224yd (CFCF═CHCl) and at least one member selected from the group consisting of HFO-1234yf (CFCF═CH) claim 1 , HCFC-1214ya (CFCF═Cl) claim 1 , HCFC-225cb (C3HCl2F) and CFCCl═CHF (HCFO-1224xe).7. The composition of wherein said member comprises HFO-1234yf and HCFC-225cb.8. The composition of further comprising HCFO-1224xe.9. The composition of further comprising HFO-1234ze. The present invention relates to chemical processes for converting chlorofluoropropanes (HCFC) and chlorofluoropropenes (CFO) to more desirable fluoropropanes and fluoropropenes, especially propenes that are hydrofluoroolefins (HFO), i.e. free of Cl, and to intermediates from which these HFOs can be obtained.U.S. Pat. No. 8,399,722 discloses the hydrogenation of at least one of 1,1-dichloro-2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (CFCF═Cl, 1214ya) and 1-chloro-2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (CFCF═CHCl, 1224yd) in the presence of catalyst composed of Pd supported on a carbon carrier to obtain 2,3,3,3,-tetrafluoropropene (CFCF═CH, 1234yf), which is free of chlorine and which has promise at least as a refrigerant exhibiting both low ozone depletion ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Process for Purifying (Hydro)Fluoroalkenes

Номер: US20150191407A1

The invention relates to a process for removing one or more undesired (hydro)halocarbon compounds from a (hydro)fluoroalkene, the process comprising contacting a composition comprising the (hydro)fluoroalkene and one or more undesired (hydro)halocarbon compounds with an aluminium-containing absorbent, activated carbon, or a mixture thereof.

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140275645A1

In certain aspects, the present invention relates to methods for increasing the cost efficiency and safety of the hydrogenation of a fluorinated olefin by controlling the reaction conditions and parameters. In further aspects, the hydrogenation reaction is provided in a two stage reaction wherein the reactant amounts, temperature and other parameters are controlled such that the conversion percentage, selectivity, and reaction parameters are all within commercially acceptable levels. 1. A method for producing at least one fluorinated alkane comprising: {'br': None, 'sub': n', '3-n', 'a', 'b', 'z', 'm', '2-m, 'sup': 1', '2, '(CXY)(CRR)CX═CHX\u2003\u2003(I)'}, 'a. providing a starting material stream comprising at least one alkene according to Formula (I)'} {'br': None, 'sub': n', '3-n', 'a', 'b', 'z', 'm+1', '2-m, 'sup': 1', '2, '(CXY)(CRR)CHXCHX\u2003\u2003(II)'}, 'and at least one alkane according to Formula (II)'}where:each X is independently Cl, F, I or Br, provided that at least two Xs are F;each Y is independently H, Cl, F, I or Br;{'sup': '1', 'each Ris independently H, Cl, F, I, Br or unsubstituted or halogen substituted methyl or ethyl radical;'}{'sub': '2', 'each Ris independently H, Cl, F, I, Br or unsubstituted or halogen substituted methyl or ethyl radical;'}n is 1, 2 or 3;a and b are each 0, 1 or 2, provided that a+b=2;m is 0, 1 or 2; andz is 0, 1, 2 or 3,b. hydrogenating the starting material stream to produce an intermediate material stream by contacting said starting material stream with a reducing agent such that at least a portion of the alkene of Formula I is converted to the alkane of Formula II;c. separating a portion the intermediate product stream into at least a first intermediate product stream comprising the alkene of formula I and the alkane of formula II and a second intermediate product stream comprising the alkene of formula I and the alkane of formula II;d. recycling the first intermediate product stream to step b; ande. hydrogenating ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140275646A1

The present process relates to a method for minimizing the formation of 1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoropropane in a liquid phase reaction of 2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene and HF in the presence of a hydrofluorination catalyst comprising: 1. A method for minimizing the formation of 1 ,1 ,1 ,2 ,2-pentafluoropropane in a liquid phase reaction of 2-chloro-3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropene and HF in the presence of a hydrofluorination catalyst in a reactor comprising:(a) reacting HF with sufficient amount of 2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene in the presence of a hydrofluorination catalyst under conditions effective to form 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropane, the hydrofluorination catalyst being present in sufficient amounts to catalyze said reaction and 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropane being formed with both a conversion of about 80% or more and 1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoropropane selectivity of about 20% or less; and(b) maintaining the 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropane being formed with both a conversion of about 80% or more and a 1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoropropane selectivity of about 20% or less by adding said hydrofluorination catalyst continuously or periodically to the reactor in small increments.2. The method according to wherein the hydrofluorination catalyst is added periodically in an amount ranging from about 0.5 wt % to about 10 wt % based on the total weight of the hydrofluorination catalyst and HF present in the reactor.3. The method according to wherein the initial catalyst concentration in step (a) ranges from about 2 wt % to about 50 wt % claim 1 , based on the total weight of catalyst and HF in the reactor.4. The method according to wherein the initial catalyst concentration in step (a) ranges from about 10 wt % to about 40 wt % claim 1 , based on the total weight of catalyst and HF in the reactor.5. The method according to wherein the initial catalyst concentration in step (a) ranges from about 15 wt % to about 25 wt % claim 1 , based on the total weight of catalyst and HF in ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170190642A1
Автор: Sun Xuehui

A process is provided comprising contacting and reacting the compound CFCFCHXCl, wherein X is H or Cl, or the compound CFCF═CXCl, wherein X is H or Cl, with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst consisting essentially of Cu, Ru, Cu—Pd, Ni—Cu, and Ni—Pd, to obtain as a result thereof reaction product comprising hydrofluoropropenes or intermediates convertible to said hydrofluoropropenes, notably CFCF═CHand CFCH═CHF. 1. Process comprising contacting and reacting the compound CFCFCHXCl , wherein X is H or Cl , or the compound CFCF═CXCl , wherein X is H or Cl , with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst consisting essentially of Cu , Ru , Cu—Pd , Ni—Cu , and Ni—Pd , to obtain as a result thereof reaction product comprising hydrofluoropropenes or intermediates convertible to said hydrofluoropropenes.2. Process of wherein in said compound CFCFCHXCl claim 1 , X is Cl claim 1 , and said reaction product comprises the compound CFCF═CH.3. Process of wherein said reaction product also comprises at least one of the compounds CFCF═CHCl and CFCFCHCl.4. Process of wherein said compound CFCF═CHCl is converted to the reaction product comprising the compound CFCF═CHby hydrogenation in the presence of a catalyst.5. Process of wherein said compound CFCFCHCl is converted to reaction product comprising the compound CFCF═CH claim 3 , first by dehydrofluorination of said compound CFCFCHCl to form the compound CFCF═CHCl and then hydrogenation of said compound CFCF═CHCl in the presence of catalyst.6. Process of wherein said compound CFCFCHCl is converted to reaction product comprising CFCF═CHby hydrogenation in the presence of catalyst.7. Process of wherein said compound CFCFCHXCl claim 2 , wherein X is Cl claim 2 , is accompanied by the compound CFCClCHFin said contacting and reacting with hydrogen in the presence of said catalyst claim 2 , whereby said reaction product comprise at least one of the compounds CFCCl═CHF claim 2 , CFCHClCHF claim 2 , CFCHCFH claim 2 , and CFCH═CHF8. Process ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации

Method for Separating 1-Chloro-3,3,3-Trifluoropropene and Hydrogen Fluoride, and Method for Producing 1-Chloro-3,3,3-Trifluoropropene by Using Same

Номер: US20150203424A1

A separation method of 1-chloro-3,3,3-tetraluofopropene and hydrogen fluoride according to the present invention includes reducing the hydrogen chloride content of a mixture containing hydrogen chloride, 1-chloro-3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and hydrogen chloride, thereby causing phase separation of the mixture so as to obtain an upper phase predominantly containing the hydrogen fluoride and a lower phase predominantly containing the 1-chloro-3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene. This separation method is industrially economically advantageous since the 1-chloro-3,3,3-tetraluofopropene and the hydrogen fluoride can be separated rapidly by simple operation. 1. A separation method of 1-chloro-3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene and hydrogen fluoride , comprising: reducing the hydrogen chloride content of a mixture containing hydrogen chloride , 1-chloro-3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene and hydrogen chloride , thereby causing phase separation of the mixture so as to obtain an upper phase predominantly containing the hydrogen fluoride and a lower phase predominantly containing the 1-chloro-3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene.2. The separation method according to claim 1 , wherein the phase separation is conducted at a temperature of −50° C. to 100° C.3. The separation method according to claim 1 , wherein the phase separation is conducted at a pressure of 0.01 MPa to 2.1 MPa.4. A method for production of 1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene claim 1 , comprising: bringing the lower phase obtained by the separation method according to into contact with water or an aqueous alkaline solution.5. The method for production of the 1-chloro-3 claim 4 ,3 claim 4 ,3-trifluoropropene according to claim 4 , further comprising providing the mixture by fluorinating 1 claim 4 ,1 claim 4 ,1 claim 4 ,3 claim 4 ,3-pentachloropropane or 1 claim 4 ,1 claim 4 ,3 claim 4 ,3-tetrachloro-2-propene with hydrogen fluoride such that the mixture contains the hydrogen fluoride as an unreacted reactant claim 4 , the 1-chloro-3 ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190194096A1

The present application provides a hydrodefluorination process for the preparation of hydrofluoroalkenes by catalyzed substitution of one or more F atoms of a C2-C30 fluoroalkene, or a C2-C10 fluoroalkene, with one or more H atoms using a hydride source, such as a silane, and copper catalyst. During this process at least one C—F bond in the fluoroakene is converted to a C—H bond. The process is useful in the manufacture of hydrofluoroalkenes, such as hydrofluoroalkenes employed as, for example, refrigerants and blowers. Also provided are precatalyst compositions for performing the process, and formulations manufactured from hydrofluoroalkenes produced using the process. 1. A process for hydrodehalogenation of a fluoroalkene comprising treating a fluoroalkene with a hydride source and a catalyst of Formula VIII{'br': None, 'sub': x', 'y', 'z, 'LMH\u2003\u2003 VIII'}{'sub': 3', '3', '2', '2', '2, 'where each L is, independently, a monodentate, bidentate, tridentate, or tetradentate phosphorous, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur or carbon-based ligand or combination thereof, of the general formula PR, NR, SR, OR, :CRwhere each R is independently; H, alkyl, aryl, silyl, alkoxy, amino, or halogen;'}M is a metal; andx is an integer from 1 to 4;y is 1;z is an integer from 1 to 4; andthe sum of z+x is less than or equal to 4.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the each L is independently P(OEt) claim 1 , PPh claim 1 , PCp claim 1 , Bipy claim 1 , Phen claim 1 , tmeda claim 1 , Triphos claim 1 , Diphos claim 1 , bis(diphenylphosphino)benzene claim 1 , IPr (1 claim 1 ,3-Bis(2 claim 1 ,6-diisopropylphenyl)-imidazol-2-ylidene) claim 1 , or SIMes (1 claim 1 ,3-Bis(2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,6-trimethylphenyl)-2-imidazolidinylidene).6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein M is a Group 11 metal claim 1 , for example claim 1 , CuI or CuII.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is (PPh)CuH or (PPh)CuH.8. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the hydride ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Process for the co-production of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene

Номер: US20180208528A1
Принадлежит: Mexichem Fluor SA de CV, Mexichem Uk Ltd

The present invention provides a method of producing 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234yf), wherein the method comprises two or more reaction steps, at least one of said reaction steps comprising the production of 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234ze) and/or one or more HFO-1234ze precursors from one or more HFO-1234yf precursors, wherein at least a portion of the HFO-1234ze is recovered.

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200199428A1

Disclosed are compositions comprising HCFC-243db, HCFO-1233xf, HCFC-244db and/or HFO-1234yf and at least one additional compound. For the composition comprising 1234yf, the additional compound is selected from the group consisting of HFO-1234ze, HFO-1243zf, HCFC-243db, HCFC-244db, HFC-245cb, HFC-245fa, HCFO-1233xf, HCFO-1233zd, HCFC-253fb, HCFC-234ab, HCFC-243fa, ethylene, HFC-23, CFC-13, HFC-143a, HFC-152a, HFC-236fa, HCO-1130, HCO-1130a, HFO-1336, HCFC-133a, HCFC-254fb, CHF═CHCl, HFO-1141, HCFO-1242zf, HCFO-1223xd, HCFC-233ab, HCFC-226ba, and HFC-227ca. Compositions comprising HCFC-243db, HCFO-1233xf, and/or HCFC-244db are useful in processes to make HFO-1234yf. Compositions comprising HFO-1234yf are useful, among other uses, as heat transfer compositions for use in refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump systems. 1. A composition comprising HFO-1234yf , HFO-1234ze , HFO-1243zf and at least one additional compound selected from the group consisting of HCFO-1233xf , HCFC-244bb and HCFC-1131.2. The composition of containing less than about 1 weight percent of the at least one additional compound.3. The composition of wherein said additional compound comprises HCFO-1233xf.4. The composition of wherein said additional compound comprises HCFC-1131.5. The composition of wherein said additional compound further comprises HFC-143a.6. The composition of wherein said additional compound comprises HCFC-244bb.7. The composition of wherein said additional compound comprises HCFO-1233xf and HCFC-1131.8. The composition of wherein the amount of the at least one additional compound is greater than 0 and less than about 1 weight percent.9. A composition comprising HFO-1234yf claim 7 , HFO-1234ze claim 7 , HFO-1243zf claim 7 , HCFC-1131 and HFC-143a.10. A composition comprising HFO-1234yf claim 7 , HFO-1234ze claim 7 , HFO-1243zf claim 7 , HCFC-1131 claim 7 , HFC-143a and at least one additional compound selected from the group consisting of HCFC-244db claim 7 , HFC-245cb and ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140303411A1

A catalytic process for the synthesis of trifluoroethylene from chlorotrifluoroethylene which comprises contacting chlorotrifluoroethylene with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst consisting of palladium or platinum supported on extruded activated carbon. 1. A process for preparing trifluoroethylene , the process comprising contacting chlorotrifluoroethylene with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst consisting of palladium or platinum supported on activated carbon , wherein the activated carbon is extruded activated carbon.2. The process according to wherein the catalyst consists of the palladium supported on the extruded activated carbon.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the process is carried out in a gas-phase by contacting a gaseous stream of the chlorotrifluoroethylene and the hydrogen with the catalyst.4. The process according to wherein the concentration of chlorotrifluoroethylene in the gaseous stream is comprised between 5 and 55% by volume.56-. (canceled)7. The process according to wherein the gaseous stream of chlorotrifluoroethylene and hydrogen further comprises an inert gas.8. The process according to wherein the concentration of chlorotrifluoroethylene in the gaseous stream is comprised between 10 and 50% by volume. This application claims priority to European application No. 10168130.2 filed on Jul. 1, 2010, the whole content of this application being incorporated herein by reference for all purposes.The present invention relates to a catalytic process for the synthesis of trifluoroethylene. In particular the invention relates to a process for the synthesis of trifluoroethylene by reaction of chlorotrifluoroethylene with hydrogen in the presence of a heterogeneous catalyst.The hydrodechlorination of chlorotrifluoroethylene to yield trifluoroethylene has been previously described.Mention can be made of U.S. Pat. No. 2,802,887 (ALLIED CHEMICAL) Aug. 13, 1957 which discloses the gas-phase reaction of chlorotrifluoroethylene with ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210246090A1

The present invention aims to provide an efficient method for obtaining a desired isomer of HFO-1132 from a composition comprising trans-1,2-difluoroethylene (HFO-1132(E)) and cis-1,2-difluoroethylene (HFO-1132(Z)). 1. A method for producing trans-1 ,2-difluoroethylene (HFO-1132(E)) and/or cis-1 ,2-difluoroethylene (HFO-1132(Z)) , comprising the step of:(1) supplying a composition comprising HFO-1132(E) and/or HFO-1132(Z) to a reactor filled with a catalyst to perform an isomerization reaction between the HFO-1132(E) and the HFO-1132(Z).2. A method for producing cis-1 ,2-difluoroethylene (HFO-1132(Z)) , comprising the step of:(1A) supplying trans-1,2-difluoroethylene (HFO-1132(E)) or a composition comprising HFO-1132(E) and HFO-1132(Z) to a reactor filled with a catalyst to perform an isomerization reaction between the HFO-1132(E) and the HFO-1132(Z).3. A method for producing HFO-1132(E) , comprising the step of:(1B) supplying HFO-1132(Z) or a composition comprising HFO-1132(E) and HFO-1132(Z) to a reactor filled with a catalyst to perform an isomerization reaction between the HFO-1132(E) and the HFO-1132(Z).4. The production method according to any one of to , the reaction product obtained in step (1), (1A), or (1B) comprises HFO-1132(E) and HFO-1132(Z), and', 'the method further comprises steps (2) and (3):, 'wherein'}(2) separating the reaction product obtained in step (1), (1A), or (1B) into a first stream comprising the HFO-1132(E) as a main component, and a second stream comprising the HFO-1132(Z) as a main component; and(3) recycling the first stream or the second stream obtained in step (2) to the reactor, to subject the first stream or the second stream to the isomerization reaction.5. The production method according to any one of to , further comprising the step of:(i) subjecting a halogenated ethane to a dehydrohalogenation reaction or a dehalogenation reaction to obtain a composition comprising HFO-1132(E) and HFO-1132(Z), 'the composition comprising HFO ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180222828A1
Автор: WATAKABE Atsushi
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

The purpose of the present invention is to obtain a fluorine-containing compound which is easily stabilized without irradiation of ultraviolet light, by efficiently converting a C—I bond in an iodine-containing compound having a group represented by —CFRf—I (wherein Rf is a fluorine atom or a perfluoroalkyl group) to a C—H bond. A method for producing a fluorine-containing compound having an iodine atom content reduced than the following iodine-containing compound, which comprises subjecting an iodine-containing compound having a group represented by —CFRf—I (wherein Rf is a fluorine atom or a perfluoroalkyl group) to deiodinating treatment in the presence of an organic peroxide and a hydrogen-containing compound having a group represented by —CHR—CHR—CHR— (wherein R, Rand Rare each independently a hydrogen atom or an alkyl group). 3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the iodine-containing compound is a compound represented by the following formula (4) claim 1 , or a compound represented by the following formula (5):{'br': None, 'sup': '1', 'Q-CFRf—I\u2003\u2003Formula (4)'}{'br': None, 'sup': '2', 'sub': '2', 'Q-(CFRf—I)\u2003\u2003Formula (5)'}{'sup': 1', '2, 'in the formula (4), Rf is a fluorine atom or a perfluoroalkyl group, and Qis a fluorine atom or a polyfluoroalkyl group which may have an etheric oxygen atom, and in the formula (5), Rf are each independently a fluorine atom or a perfluoroalkyl group, and Qis a polyfluoroalkylene group which may have an etheric oxygen atom.'}4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the iodine-containing compound is a polymer compound which has at least one C—I bond claim 1 , wherein all of hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon atoms are substituted by fluorine atoms.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the organic peroxide has a 10 hour half-life temperature of from 10° C. to 150° C.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the hydrogen-containing compound is an alkane.7. The method according to claim 1 , ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Method for preparing a supported carbon catalyst, supported carbon catalyst and use thereof

Номер: US20210252489A1

A method for preparing a supported carbon catalyst, the method includes at least the following steps: contacting a gas containing an organic silicon source with a silicon oxide-based material to obtain a precursor; contacting the precursor with a gas containing an organic carbon source to obtain the supported carbon catalyst. The temperature and energy consumption of the chemical vapor deposition of heteroatom-containing carbon material on silica-based materials can be greatly reduced in this method, and the cost of the catalyst can be effectively reduced.

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Novel method for fluorinating chloroalkanes

Номер: US20200223772A1
Автор: Xuehui Sun
Принадлежит: Chemours Co FC LLC

The disclosure relates to a method for fluorinating an alkane substrate comprising contacting said alkane substrate with a fluoroalkane in the presence of a fluorination catalyst selected from chrome oxide, fluorinated chrome oxide, aluminum oxide and fluorinated aluminum oxide at elevated temperatures.

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Method for producing haloolefin compound and method for removing stabilizer

Номер: US20180237365A1
Принадлежит: Daikin Industries Ltd

The present invention provides a method for producing a fluorine-containing haloolefin compound, the method easily inhibiting catalyst deactivation, and the method being capable of inhibiting a decrease in conversion and selectivity in the reaction, even when the reaction is continued for a long period of time. The present invention is a method for producing a fluorine-containing haloolefin compound via a step of fluorinating a C3 halogenated hydrocarbon. The method comprises a step of removing a stabilizer contained in the C3 halogenated hydrocarbon before the fluorination step.

01-09-2016 дата публикации

Processes for Producing Chlorinated Hydrocarbons and Methods for Recovering Polyvalent Antimony Catalysts Therefrom

Номер: US20160251283A1
Принадлежит: Axiall Ohio Inc

The preparation of chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as pentachloropropanes, such as 1,1,1,2,3-pentachloropropane, from tetrachloropropanes, such as 1,1,1,3-tetrachloropropane, in the presence of a polyvalent antimony compound that includes a pentavalent antimony compound, such as antimony pentachloride, is described. Also described are methods for preparing optionally chlorinated alkenes, such as, tetrachloropropenes, from chlorinated alkanes, such as pentachloropropanes, in the presence of polyvalent antimony compound that includes a pentavalent antimony compound, as well as methods for recovering polyvalent antimony compounds from such processes.

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190241489A1

The present invention relates to a process for the preparation of haloethylenes, and preferably perhaloethylenes, by the gas-phase dechlorination of haloethanes in the presence of a catalyst and optionally in the presence of an alkene or an alkane. In particular aspects, the invention relates to a gas-phase process for preparing chlorotrifluoroethylene (CTFE). More particularly, the present invention relates to a gas-phase process for preparing CTFE from 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (CFC-113) by dechlorination in the presence of an alkene or an alkane and a catalyst. 1. A process for the production of a haloethylene , comprising the gas-phase dechlorination of a haloethane in the presence of a catalyst and , optionally , an alkane or alkene , wherein the haloethane or perhaloethane comprises at least two chlorine atoms on adjacent carbon atoms , and wherein the catalyst is selected from (a) transition metal oxides such as iron (III) oxide , nickel (II) oxide , copper (II) oxide , and mixtures thereof , and (b) transition metal fluorides and chlorides such as copper (II) chloride or fluoride , and iron chloride or fluoride.2. A process for the production of a haloethylene having the formula:{'br': None, 'sub': m', 'n', 'x', 'y, 'CFCl═CFCl'} m is 0 to 2, n is 0 to 2, and m+n=2; and', 'x is 0 to 2, y is 0 to 2, and x+y=2;, 'wherein'} {'br': None, 'sub': m', 'n', 'x', 'y, 'CFCl═CFCl'}, 'comprising the gas-phase dechlorination of a haloethane having the formula m is 0 to 2, n is 0 to 2, and m+n=2; and', 'x is 0 to 2, y is 0 to 2, and x+y=2;, 'wherein'}in the presence of an alkane or alkene, and a catalyst selected from (a) transition metal oxides such as iron (III) oxide, nickel (II) oxide, copper (II) oxide, and mixtures thereof, and (b) transition metal fluorides and chlorides such as copper (II) chloride and copper (II) fluoride.3. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the catalyst comprises FeO claim 2 , NiO claim 2 , CuO claim 2 , CuF claim 2 , CuCl ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140343330A1

The present invention is related to making hydrofluorocarbons (HCFCs), more specifically, 3,3,3-trifluoropropyne (TFP), from trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene (trans-1233zd) by contacting the trans-1233zd with a base. Preferably, the base is potassium hydroxide or potassium tert-butoxide, which may or may not be dissolved in as solvent. 1. A method of making 3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropyne from trans-1-chloro-3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropene , the method comprising the steps of:providing a first composition comprising potassium hydroxide;contacting said first composition with a second composition comprising trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene to make a third composition comprising 3,3,3-trifluoropropyne.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first composition further comprises calcium oxide.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first composition further comprises tert-butanol.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first composition is heated to reflux temperature prior to contacting the first composition with the second composition.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising the step of obtaining a fourth composition comprising 3 claim 4 ,3 claim 4 ,3-trifluoropropyne from the third composition by maintaining the third composition at reflux temperature and collecting a fourth composition which has a higher concentration of 3 claim 4 ,3 claim 4 ,3-trifluoropropyne than said third composition.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the molar ratio of potassium hydroxide contacted with trans-1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene is at least 2.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the molar ratio of potassium hydroxide contacted with trans-1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene is between 3 and 5.8. A method of making 3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropyne from trans-1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:providing a first composition comprising potassium hydroxide;contacting said first composition with ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140343331A1

The invention relates to a process to produce HCFC-244bb from HCFO-1233xf wherein, in one embodiment, co-feed species HFC-245cb is added to the reaction at a pressure of at least about 100 psig; and in another embodiment it is added to maintain a mole ratio of HFC-245cb to HCFO-1233xf of between about 0.005:1 to about 1:1. The HFC-245cb may be added as recycled by-product of the reaction and/or added as fresh feed. The HFC-245cb provides elevated pressures to the reaction thereby facilitating reactor operation, mixing and HCFC-244bb product removal. Other co-feed species are also disclosed. 1. A process to prepare 2-chloro-1 ,1 ,1 ,2-tetrafluoropropane (244bb) comprising:(a) contacting 2-chloro-3,3,3,-trifluoropropene (1233xf) with HF in a reaction zone under conditions effective to form 244bb; and{'sub': '6', '(b) adding a co-feed species selected from the group consisting of CFC-12 (dichlorodifluoromethane), CFC-13 (chlorotrifluoromethane), CFC-14 (tetrafluoromethane), HCFC-22 (chlorodifluoromethane), HCFC-23 (trifluoromethane), HFC-32 (difluoromethane), HCC-40 (chloromethane) HFC-41 (fluoromethane), CFC-115 (chloropentafluoroethane), FC-116 (hexafluoroethane), HCFC-124 (2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane), HFC-125 (pentafluoroethane), HFC-134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane), HFC-143a (1,1,1-trifluoroethane), HFC-152a (1,1-difluoroethane), HFC-161 (fluoroethane), FC-218 (octafluoropropane), HFC-227ea (1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoroethane), SF(sulfur hexafluoride), and 1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoropropane (245cb) to the reaction zone to maintain a mole ratio of co-feed species to 1233xf of between about 0.005:1 to about 1:1.'}2. The process of wherein the co-feed species is 245cb.3. The process of wherein the 245cb:(i) is a product of step (a) and is added back, in whole or in part, to the reaction zone in step (b) as recycle, or(ii) is added to the reaction zone in step (b) as fresh 245cb, or(iii) is added to the reaction zone as a combination (i) and (ii).4. The process of ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Process for producing hydrofluoroolefin

Номер: US20180251414A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

A method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin is provided. The formation of by-products of an over-reduced product having hydrogen added to a material chlorofluoroolefin and an over-reduced product having not only chlorine atoms but also fluorine atoms in the chlorofluoroolefin replaced with hydrogen atoms is suppressed in the method. The method includes reacting a specific chlorofluoroolefin with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst supported on a carrier to obtain the hydrofluoroolefin. The catalyst is a catalyst composed of an alloy containing at least one platinum group element of palladium and platinum, and at least one second element of copper, gold, lithium, potassium, silver, zinc, tin, lead, and bismuth.

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160264529A1

The present invention relates to novel benzocyclobutane(thio) carboxamides, to processes for preparing these compounds, to compositions comprising these compounds, and to the use thereof as biologically active compounds, especially for control of harmful microorganisms in crop protection and in the protection of materials. 2. Benzocyclobutane(thio) carboxamide of formula (I) according toin whichAr represents a radical selected from the group Ar1, Ar2, Ar4, Ar7, Ar8, Ar10 and Ar13;{'sup': '1', 'sub': 1', '16', '1', '6', '3', '7', '3', '7, 'Xrepresents halogen; C-C-alkyl, C-C-haloalkyl having 1 to 9 identical or different halogen atoms; C-C-cycloalkyl, C-C-halocycloalkyl having 1 to 9 identical or different halogen atoms;'}{'sup': 2', '3', '4', '5, 'sub': 1', '16', '1', '6', '3', '7', '3', '7, 'X, X, Xand Xindependently from each other represent hydrogen, halogen, C-C-alkyl, C-C-haloalkyl having 1 to 9 identical or different halogen atoms; C-C-cycloalkyl, C-C-halocycloalkyl having 1 to 9 identical or different halogen atoms;'}T represents an oxygen atom;{'sub': 1', '4', '1', '3', '1', '3', '1', '4', '1', '3', '1', '3, 'Q represents hydrogen, C-C-alkylsulfonyl, C-C-alkoxy-C-C-alkyl, C-C-haloalkylsulfonyl, halo-C-C-alkoxy-C-C-alkyl having in each case 1 to 9 fluorine, chlorine and/or bromine atoms;'}X represents fluorine, chlorine, methyl or trifluoromethyl;m represents 0, 1 or 2;{'sup': 1', '2', '3', '4', 'b', 'b', 'b, 'sub': 1', '16', '2', '16', '3', '8', '3', '7', '1', '6', '3', '8', '1', '8', '3', '8', '3', '8', '1', '16', '3', '8', '3', '8', '1', '8', '1', '8', '1', '8, 'R, R, Rand Rindependently of one another represent hydrogen; halogen; C-C-alkyl; C-C-haloalkyl having 1 to 9 identical or different halogen atoms; C-C-cycloalkyl; C-C-halocycloalkyl having 1 to 9 identical or different halogen atoms; C-C-haloalkyl having 1 to 9 identical or different halogen atoms; (C-C-cycloalkyl)-C-C-alkyl; (C-C-cycloalkyl)-C-C-cycloalkyl; C-C-alkoxy; C-C-cycloalkyloxy; (C-C- ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190248719A1

Disclosed is a process for the preparation of cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene comprising contacting 1,1,1-trifluorotrichloroethane with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst comprising ruthenium to produce a product mixture comprising 1316mxx, recovering said 1316mxx as a mixture of Z- and E-isomers, contacting said 1316mxx with hydrogen, in the presence of a catalyst selected from the group consisting of copper on carbon, nickel on carbon, copper and nickel on carbon and copper and palladium on carbon, to produce a second product mixture, comprising E- or Z—CFC-1326mxz, and subjecting said second product mixture to a separation step to provide E- or Z-1326mxz. The E- or Z-1326mxz can be dehydrochlorinated in an aqueous basic solution with an alkali metal hydroxide in the presence of a phase transfer catalyst to produce hexafluoro-2-butyne, which can then be selectively hydrogenated to produce Z-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene using either Lindlar's catalyst, or a palladium catalyst further comprising a lanthanide element or silver. 16-. (canceled)7. A process for the preparation of fluorine-containing olefins comprising contacting a chlorofluoroalkene having the formula E- and Z—CFCCl═CClCFwith hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst comprising copper and palladium on a support , at a temperature of from about 150° C. to 250° C. , to produce a product mixture comprising a fluorine-containing olefin having the formula E- or Z—CFCH═CClCF , or a mixture thereof.8. The process of claim 7 , wherein said support is carbon.9. The process of claim 7 , wherein the process is conducted at a temperature of from 175° C. to 250° C.10. The process of claim 7 , wherein the ratio of hydrogen to E- or Z—CFCCl═CClCF1:1 to 8:111. The process of claim 7 , wherein the ratio of hydrogen to E- or Z—CFCCl═CClCF1:1 to 2:1.1228-. (canceled)29. The process of wherein the catalyst comprises 0.1 to 1.0 weight percent palladium.30. The process of wherein the catalyst comprises 0.1 to 20 ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140350310A1

This disclosure relates to processes of making 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene. The processes involve dehydrofluorinating 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane in vapor phase in the presence of a catalyst comprising a metal compound supported on alumina to produce a product mixture comprising 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, wherein said metal compound is selected from the group consisting of salts of sodium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, cobalt, copper, and chromium, and mixtures thereof. 1. A process for making 1 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene , comprising dehydrofluorinating 1 ,1 ,1 ,3 ,3-pentafluoropropane in vapor phase in the presence of a catalyst comprising a metal compound supported on alumina to produce a product mixture comprising 1 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene , wherein said metal compound is selected from the group consisting of salts of sodium , potassium , zinc , magnesium , calcium , cobalt , copper , and chromium , and mixtures thereof.2. The process of wherein said metal compound is selected from the group consisting of halides claim 1 , bicarbonates claim 1 , carbonates claim 1 , nitrates claim 1 , oxides claim 1 , and oxyfluorides of sodium claim 1 , potassium claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , calcium claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , copper claim 1 , and chromium claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. The process of wherein said catalyst is pre-treated with a fluorinating agent.4. The process of wherein said fluorinating agent is HF.5. The process of claim 3 , or claim 3 , wherein said metal compound is selected from the group consisting of inorganic salts of potassium claim 3 , zinc claim 3 , and magnesium claim 3 , and mixtures thereof.6. The process of claim 5 , wherein said metal compound is ZnCl.7. The process of claim 6 , wherein the process is conducted at a temperature of from about 250° C. to about 350° C.8. The process of claim 5 , wherein said metal compound is KHCO.9. The process of claim 8 , wherein the process is conducted at a temperature of from ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации

Method for producing fluorinated organic compounds

Номер: US20140350311A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Disclosed are processes for the production of fluorinated olefins, preferably adapted to commercialization of CF 3 CF═CH 2 (1234yf). In certain preferred embodiments the processes comprise first exposing a compound of Formula (IA) C(X) 2 ═CClC(X) 3   (IA) where each X is independently F, Cl or H, preferably CCl 2 ═CClCH 2 Cl, to one or more sets of reaction conditions, but preferably a substantially single set of reaction conditions, effective to produce at least one chlorofluoropropane, preferably in accordance with Formula (IB): CF 3 CClX′C(X′) 3   Formula (IB) where each X′ is independently F, Cl or H, and then exposing the compound of Formula (IB) to one or more sets of reaction conditions, but preferably a substantially single set of reaction conditions, effective to produce a compound of Formula (II) CF 3 CF═CHZ   (II) where Z is H, F, Cl, I or Br.

14-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210317054A1

The production method according to the present disclosure comprises obtaining a product containing the fluoroethane from a fluoroethylene by a reaction in the presence of catalysts. Each catalyst is formed by supporting a noble metal on a carrier. A reactor for performing the reaction is filled with a catalyst having a noble metal concentration of C1 mass % based on the entire catalyst and a catalyst having a noble metal concentration of C2 mass % based on the entire catalyst to form an upstream portion and a downstream portion, respectively; and C1 Подробнее

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170267613A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

To provide a method for producing a hydrofluoroolefin, wherein formation of an over-reduced product having hydrogen added to an aimed hydrofluorolefin and an over-reduced product having some of fluorine atoms in the aimed product replaced with hydrogen atoms, as by-products, is suppressed.

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180265434A1

Disclosed is a process for the synthesis of fluorinated olefins, and in particularly preferred embodiments tetrafluorinated olefins having F on an unsaturated, non-terminal carbon, such as 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene. The preferred processes of the present invention in accordance with one embodiment generally comprise: 2. The process of claim 1 , wherein compound of formula (IIIB) is CFCHFCHCl.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein compound of formula (IIIB) is CFCHFCHF.4. The process of wherein said reacting step (a) is a catalyzed liquid phase reaction.5. The process of wherein said reaction step (a) comprises reacting said HF with said compound of formula (IIA) at a temperature of from about 0° C. to about 250° C. and at a pressure of about 500 to about 1000 psig in the presence of a catalyst.6. The process of wherein said catalyst comprises SbCl.7. The process of wherein said exposing step (b) is a liquid phase reaction that involves contacting the compound of formula (III) with a potassium hydroxide solution and claim 1 , optionally claim 1 , a Crown ether.8. The process of wherein said exposing step is at least partially conducted at a temperature of from about 25° C. to about 90° C. and at a pressure of about 100 to about 200 psig.9. The process of wherein said exposing step (b) is a vapor phase reaction that involves contacting the compound of formula (III) with a metal-based catalyst.10. The process of wherein said metal-based catalyst is at least one of Pd or Ni on a carbon substrate.11. The process of wherein said exposing step is at least partially conducted at a temperature of from about 200° C. to about 500° C. This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/797,699, filed Jul. 13, 2015 (now pending), which application is a division of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/249,958, filed Oct. 12, 2008, (now U.S. Pat. No. 9,079,818, issued Jul. 14, 2015), which application claims the priority benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/068,509, ...

18-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140371494A1

Processes for the production of chlorinated propanes and propenes are provided. The present processes comprise catalyzing at least one chlorination step with one or more regios elective catalysts that provide a regioselectivity to one chloropropane of at least 5:1 relative to other chloropropanes. 1. A process for the production of chlorinated propanes and/or propenes from a feedstream comprising 1 ,2-dichloropropane comprising catalyzing at least one chlorination step with one or more regioselective catalysts that provide a regioselectivity to one chloropropane of at least 5:1 relative to other chloropropanes.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the regioselective catalyst comprises aluminum chloride.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the regioselective catalyst comprises a nonmetallic iodide claim 1 , an inorganic iodine salt claim 1 , or less than 10 claim 1 ,000 ppm elemental iodine.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the regioselective catalyst comprises a nonmetallic iodide comprising one or more iodobenzenes or halogenated iodobenzenes claim 3 , phenylchloroiodonium chloride claim 3 , diaryliodonium salts claim 3 , iodinated polymers claim 3 , iodoxy compounds claim 3 , iodoso compounds claim 3 , iodine mono- and trihalides claim 3 , iodine oxides claim 3 , and derivatives or combinations of any number of these.5. The process of claim 3 , wherein the regioselective catalyst comprises an inorganic iodine salt comprising sodium iodate claim 3 , sodium periodate claim 3 , or combinations of these.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein at least two chlorination steps are catalyzed with the regioselective catalyst.7. The process of claim 6 , wherein one chlorination step is catalyzed with aluminum chloride claim 6 , and another step is catalyzed with a nonmetallic iodide claim 6 , an inorganic iodine salt or less than 10 claim 6 ,000 ppm elemental iodine.8. The process of claim 7 , wherein both steps are conducted in the same reactor.9. The process of claim 1 , ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации

Production of Isobutylene, Isoamylene, or Alkylates from Mixed Alkanes

Номер: US20170291864A1
Принадлежит: Reaction 35 LLC

A method includes brominating a butanes feed stream including i-butane in a bromination reactor to form a bromination effluent stream including t-butyl bromide. The method includes dehydrobrominating the t-butyl bromide to form isobutylene. Another method includes brominating a mixed pentanes feed stream including i-pentane and n-pentane in a bromination reactor to form a bromination effluent stream including t-pentyl bromide. The method includes dehydrobrominating the t-pentyl bromide to form isoamylene and HBr.

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180297917A1

The invention provides a reactor comprising a reaction chamber having a catalytic surface in contact with reactants in said chamber, and a source for passing electrical current through said catalytic surface. The reactor can be used for dehydrohalogentation reactions, such as dehydrochlorination of HCFC-244bb to HFO-1234yf and for reactions where zero valent metals are employed for catalysis. The invention further provides a process to prepare HFO-1234yf from HCFC-244bb using an electrically heated reaction chamber. 1. A reactor comprising:a.) a reaction chamber having a catalytic surface in contact with reactants in said chamber; andb.) a source for passing electrical current through said catalytic surface.2. The reactor of further comprises an inlet and an outlet claim 1 , both in fluid communication with said reaction chamber.3. The reactor of wherein the reaction chamber comprises one or more tubes claim 1 , wherein the one or more tubes are in a shell and tube configuration and wherein the catalytic surface in contact with the reactants is comprised of an inner wall or an outer wall of said one or more tubes claim 1 , and the one or more tubes is finned.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. The reactor of wherein the catalytic surface in contact with the reactants is comprised of packing claim 1 , wherein the packing is in the form of metal pellets or metal mesh.8. (canceled)9. The reactor of wherein the catalytic surface in contact with the reactants is selected from electroless nickel claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , a stainless steel claim 1 , a Monel alloy claim 1 , an Inconel alloy claim 1 , an Incoloy alloy claim 1 , a Hastelloy alloy claim 1 , and combinations thereof.10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. The reactor of wherein the catalytic surface is comprised of zero valent metal.13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. The reactor of further comprising a superheater zone in fluid communication with the reaction chamber and a vaporizer in fluid communication with the ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190292119A1
Автор: Sun Xuehui

A process is provided comprising contacting and reacting the compound CFCFCHXCl, wherein X is H or Cl, or the compound CFCF═CXCl, wherein X is H or Cl, with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst consisting essentially of Cu, Ru, Cu—Pd, Ni—Cu, and Ni—Pd, to obtain as a result thereof reaction product comprising hydrofluoropropenes or intermediates convertible to said hydrofluoropropenes, notably CFCF═CHand CFCH═CHF. 1. A reaction product comprising HCFC-235da , HCFC-234db and at least one hydrofluoropropene.2. The reaction product of wherein the hydrofluoropropene comprises at least one of HFO-1234yf and HFO-1234ze.3. The reaction product of wherein the hydrofluoropropene comprises HFO-1234yf.4. The reaction product of wherein the hydrofluoropropene comprises HFO-1234ze.5. A composition comprising a reaction product and at least one intermediate convertible to the reaction product wherein the reaction product comprises at least one of HFO-1234yf and HFO-1234ze claim 2 , and the intermediate comprises at least one of HCFC-234db and HCFC-235da.6. The composition of wherein the reaction product comprises HFO-1234yf.7. The composition of wherein the reaction product comprises HFO-1234ze.8. A composition comprising HCFC-235da claim 5 , HCFC-234db claim 5 , HFO-1234yf and HFO-1234ze.9. A composition consisting essentially of HCFC-235da claim 5 , HCFC-234db claim 5 , and HFO-1234yf.10. A composition consisting essentially of HCFC-235da claim 5 , HCFC-234db and HFO-1234ze. The present invention relates to chemical processes for converting chlorofluoropropanes (HCFC) and chlorofluoropropenes (CFO) to more desirable fluoropropanes and fluoropropenes, especially propenes that are hydrofluoroolefins (HFO), i.e. free of Cl, and to intermediates from which these HFOs can be obtained.U.S. Pat. No. 8,399,722 discloses the hydrogenation of at least one of 1,1-dichloro-2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (CFCF═Cl, 1214ya) and 1-chloro-2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (CFCF═CHCl, 1224yd) in the ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации

Production of Isobutylene, Isoamylene, or Alkylates from Mixed Alkanes

Номер: US20180305279A1

A method includes brominating a butanes feed stream including i-butane in a bromination reactor to form a bromination effluent stream including t-butyl bromide. The method includes dehydrobrominating the t-butyl bromide to form isobutylene. Another method includes brominating a mixed pentanes feed stream including i-pentane and n-pentane in a bromination reactor to form a bromination effluent stream including t-pentyl bromide. The method includes dehydrobrominating the t-pentyl bromide to form isoamylene and HBr. 1. A method comprising:brominating a butanes feed stream comprising i-butane in a bromination reactor to form a bromination effluent stream comprising t-butyl bromide, polybromides, and unreacted i-butane;separating the polybromides from the brominated compound stream;hydrogenating the polybromides with hydrogen to form a hydrogenation recycle stream;recycling the hydrogenation recycle stream to the bromination effluent stream; anddehydrobrominating the t-butyl bromide to form isobutylene and HBr.29-. (canceled)10. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , following the step of dehydrobrominating the t-butyl bromide to form isobutylene and HBr claim 1 , separating the isobutylene from the HBr.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein dehydrobrominating the t-butyl bromide to form isobutylene and HBr is performed in the presence of a catalyst.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein dehydrobrominating the t-butyl bromide to form isobutylene and HBr is performed in the absence of a catalyst.1326-. (canceled)27. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of hydrogenating the polybromides with hydrogen to form a hydrogenation recycle stream comprises partially hydrogenating the polybromides to form t-butyl bromide.28. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of hydrogenating the polybromides with hydrogen to form a hydrogenation recycle stream comprises completely hydrogenating the polybromides to form i-butane.29. The method of claim 1 , wherein a stoichiometric excess of ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190300460A1

The present invention provides processes for the preparation of a chlorinated alkene from a chlorinated alkane using a phase transfer catalyst and an aqueous base. 1. A process for producing at least one chlorinated alkene , the process comprising:a) preparing and reacting a mixture comprising at least one chlorinated alkane, an aqueous base, and a phase transfer catalyst, wherein the mixture comprises an aqueous phase and an organic phase comprising the catalyst;b) separating at least some of the organic phase from the aqueous phase, and optionally drying the organic phase;c) distilling at least part of the organic phase in at least one distillation column to produce two product effluent streams wherein product effluent stream(i) comprises the at least one chlorinated alkene and optionally unreacted chlorinated alkane and the product effluent stream (ii) comprises the heavy by-products, the phase transfer catalyst, optionally, unreacted chlorinated alkane; andd) recycling at least a portion of the product effluent stream (ii) to step a).2. The process of claim 1 , wherein product effluent stream (i) from step (c) is further distilled to produce two additional product effluent stream claim 1 , an overhead stream comprising the chlorinated alkene and a bottom stream comprising unreacted chlorinated alkane; and recycling a portion of the bottom stream to step a).3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the product effluent stream (ii) from step c) is further distilled to produce two additional product effluent streams claim 1 , an overhead stream comprising the unreacted chlorinated alkane and a bottom stream comprising the heavy by-products and the phase transfer catalyst; and recycling at least a portion of the overhead stream and a portion of the bottom stream to step a).4. The process of claim 1 , wherein less than 98% of the chlorinated alkane is converted into the chlorinated alkene.5. The process of wherein the chlorinated alkane is a chlorinated propane claim 1 , ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170320797A1

A process for the joint preparation of 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, comprising: (a) starting materials comprising at least one compound having the structure of formula I, II or III is reacted with hydrogen fluoride, producing 1,2,3-trichloro-3,3-difluoropropene, 1,2,3-trichloro-1,1,2-trifluoropropane, and 1,2,3-trichloro-1,1,3-trifluoropropane; in the compounds of said formulae CFCl=CCl-CHFCl(Formula I), CFClCHCl=CHCl (Formula II), and CFClCFClCHFCl(Formula III), m=0, 1, 2; n=1, 2; p=2, 3; x=1, 2, 3; y=1, 2; z=1, 2 and 4≦x+y+z≦6; (b) the 1,2,3-trichloro-3,3-difluoropropene, 1,2,3-trichloro-1,1,2-trifluoropropane and 1,2,3-trichloro-1,1,3-trifluoropropane undergo dechlorination, producing 3-chloro-3,3-difluoropropyne, 3-chloro-2,3,3-trifluoropropene and 3-chloro-1,3,3-trifluoropropene; and (c) the 3-chloro-3,3-difluoropropyne, 3-chloro-2,3,3-trifluoropropene and 3-chloro-1,3,3-trifluoropropene are reacted with hydrogen fluoride, simultaneously yielding 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropen. 1. A process for the joint preparation of 1 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene and 2 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene , characterized in that , comprising the following steps: [{'br': None, 'sub': 2−m', 'm', '2−n', 'n, 'CFCl=CCl-CHFCl\u2003\u2003(Formula I)'}, {'br': None, 'sub': 3−p', 'p', '2, 'CFClCHCl=CHCl\u2003\u2003(Formula II)'}, {'br': None, 'sub': 3−x', 'x', '2−y', 'y', '2−z', 'z, 'CFClCFClCHFCl\u2003\u2003(Formula III),'}], '(a) starting materials comprising at least one compound having the structures of formula I, II or III, undergoe fluorination reaction with hydrogen fluoride in the presence of a fluorination catalyst, producing a product stream containing 1,2,3-trichloro-3,3-difluoropropene, 1,2,3-trichloro-1,1,2-trifluoropropane, 1,2,3-trichloro-1,1,3-trifluoropropane, hydrogen chloride and unreacted hydrogen fluoride;'}wherein in the general formulas of the compounds, m=0, 1, 2; n=1, 2; p=2, 3; x=1, 2, 3; y=1, 2; z=1, 2 and 4≦x+y ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of 2, 3, 3, 3-tetrafluoropropene

Номер: US20170327441A1

Disclosed is a process for the preparation of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, comprising the following two reaction steps: a. a compound having the formula CF 3-x Cl x CF 2-y Cl y CH 2 Cl undergoes gas-phase fluorination with hydrogen fluoride through n serially-connected reaction vessels in the presence of a compound catalyst producing 2,3-dichloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropane, 1,2,3-trichloro-1,1,2-trifluoropropane, and 1,3-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoropropane; in said formula, x=1, 2, 3, y=1, 2, and 3≦x+y≦5; b. the 2,3-dichloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropane, 1,2,3-trichloro-1,1,2-trifluoropropane, and 1,3-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoropropane undergo gas-phase dehalogenation with hydrogen in the presence of a dehalogenation catalyst, producing 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and 3-chloro-2,3,3-trifluoropropene, then separation and refining are performed, producing 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene. The present invention is primarily used to produce 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene.

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Process for dehydrohalogenation of halogenated alkanes

Номер: US20180327340A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A process for the manufacture of halogenated olefins in semi-batch mode by dehydrohalogenation of halogenated alkanes in the presence of an aqueous base such as KOH which simultaneously neutralizes the resulting hydrogen halide. During the process, aqueous base is continuously added to the haloalkane which results in better yields, lower by-product formation and safer/more controllable operation.

24-10-2019 дата публикации

1,2,3,3,3-pentafluropropene production processes

Номер: US20190322917A1
Принадлежит: Chemours Co FC LLC

A process is disclosed for making CF 3 CF═CHF. The process involves reacting CF 3 CClFCCl 2 F with H 2 in a reaction zone in the presence of a catalyst to produce a product mixture comprising CF 3 CF═CHF. The catalyst has a catalytically effective amount of palladium supported on a support selected from the group consisting of alumina, fluorided alumina, aluminum fluoride and mixtures thereof and the mole ratio of H 2 to CF 3 CClFCCl 2 F fed to the reaction zone is between about 1:1 and about 5:1. Also disclosed are azeotropic compositions of CF 3 CClFCCl 2 F and HF and azeotropic composition of CF 3 CHFCH 2 F and

01-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160347693A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

To provide a method for purifying trifluoroethylene, by which from a fluid containing trifluoroethylene, a Calkane or alkene (excluding trifluoroethylene) in which at least one hydrogen atom may be substituted with a chlorine atom or a fluorine atom can be efficiently removed, and a method for producing trifluoroethylene by which trifluoroethylene can be efficiently produced. 1. A method for purifying a fluid containing trifluoroethylene , which comprises bringing a fluid containing trifluoroethylene and a Calkane or alkene (excluding trifluoroethylene) in which at least one hydrogen atom may be substituted with a chlorine atom or a fluorine atom , into contact with at least one type of synthetic zeolite selected from synthetic zeolites 3A , 4A and 5A to remove the Calkane or alkene.2. The method for purifying a fluid containing trifluoroethylene according to claim 1 , wherein the Calkane or alkene is at least one compound selected from the group consisting of chloromethane claim 1 , fluoromethane claim 1 , difluoromethane claim 1 , chlorofluoromethane claim 1 , trifluoromethane claim 1 , chlorodifluoromethane claim 1 , dichlorodifluoromethane claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2-trichloro-1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,2-trifluoroethane claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2-dichloro-1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2-trifluoroethane claim 1 , 1-chloro-1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,2-tetrafluoroethane claim 1 , 1-chloro-1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,2-tetrafluoroethane claim 1 , pentafluoroethane claim 1 , 1-chloro-1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,2-trifluoroethane claim 1 , 1-chloro-1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2-trifluoroethane claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,2-tetrafluoroethane claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2-tetrafluoroethane claim 1 , 2-chloro-1 claim 1 ,1-difluoroethane claim 1 , 1-chloro-1 claim 1 ,1-difluoroethane claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2-trifluoroethane claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1-trifluoroethane claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,1-difluoroethane claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2- ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180354874A1
Принадлежит: AGC Inc.

There is provided an efficient method for producing 1-chloro-2,3,3,3-tetorafluoropropene, with fewer by-products such as 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropane which are over-reduced products, in a method of obtaining 1-chloro-2,3,3,3-tetorafluoropropene by reducing 1-1-dichloro-2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene. A method for producing 1-chloro-2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, comprising: reacting 1,1-dichloro-2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene with hydrogen in a gas phase in the presence of a palladium catalyst-carrying carrier in which a palladium catalyst having a specific surface area of 40 m/g or less is carried on a carrier. 1. A method for producing 1-chloro-2 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene , comprising:{'sup': '2', 'reacting 1,1-dichloro-2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene with hydrogen in a gas phase in the presence of a palladium catalyst-carrying carrier in which a palladium catalyst having a specific surface area of 40 m/g or less is carried on a carrier.'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the specific surface area is 6 to 33 m/g.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the specific surface area is 6 to 20 m/g.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the palladium catalyst contains palladium claim 1 , and optionally a metal except palladium whose ratio to 100 parts by mass of palladium is 50 parts by mass or less.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a mass ratio of the palladium catalyst to the carrier is 0.1 to 10% by mass.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the palladium catalyst consists of palladium.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier is an activated carbon.8. The method according to claim 7 , wherein the activated carbon is a palm shell activated carbon.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the number of moles of a molecule of the hydrogen to the number of moles of the 1 claim 1 ,1-dichloro-2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene is 1.4 or less. This application is a ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180362421A1

Disclosed is a process for the preparation of cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene comprising contacting 1,1,1-trifluorotrichloroethane with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst comprising ruthenium to produce a product mixture comprising 1316mxx, recovering said 1316mxx as a mixture of Z- and E-isomers, contacting said 1316mxx with hydrogen, in the presence of a catalyst selected from the group consisting of copper on carbon, nickel on carbon, copper and nickel on carbon and copper and palladium on carbon, to produce a second product mixture, comprising E- or Z-CFC-1326mxz, and subjecting said second product mixture to a separation step to provide E- or Z-1326mxz. The E- or Z-1326mxz can be dehydrochlorinated in an aqueous basic solution with an alkali metal hydroxide in the presence of a phase transfer catalyst to produce hexafluoro-2-butyne, which can then be selectively hydrogenated to produce Z-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene using either Lindlar's catalyst, or a palladium catalyst further comprising a lantanide element or silver. 1. A process for the preparation of E- or Z-HF0-1336mzz comprising contacting hexafluoro-2-butyne with hydrogen at a ratio of 1:0.025 to 1:1.1 (molar ratio of hexafluoro-2-butyne in a reactor in the presence of a metallic catalyst at a temperature sufficient to cause hydrogenation of the triple bond of the hexafluoro-2-butyne producing a product stream comprising HFO-1336mzz and unreacted hexafluoro-2-butyne; wherein the catalyst is a metallic catalyst at a concentration of 100-5000 ppm dispersed over aluminum oxide , silicon carbide , or titanium silicates with a Ag or lanthanide poison , wherein the recycle ratio of reactant to product is between 1 and 9.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the lanthanide poison is cerium claim 1 , lanthanum claim 1 , or neodymium.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the lanthanide poison is at a concentration of 50-1000 ppm.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the metallic catalyst is Pd or Pt.5. The ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200354295A1

The present application provides a hydrodefluorodimerization process, which is useful in the synthesis of, for example, fluoroölefins that can be used as refrigerants, blowers and the like. The process is an “early-stage fluorination” process, wherein precursors containing fluorine are assembled into the desired product using a zerovalent nickel catalyst. Also provided is a liquid composition comprising one or more fluoroölefin produced by this catalytic process. 112-. (canceled)15. The composition of claim 14 , wherein the fluoroölefin is present at an amount of from about 5% by weight to about 99% by weight claim 14 , or from about 5% to about 95%.16. The composition of claim 14 , wherein the composition is azeotropic or azeotrope-like.17. The composition of claim 14 , wherein the composition is non-azeotropic.18. The composition of claim 14 , wherein the composition additionally comprises water and/or CO.19. The composition of claim 14 , wherein the composition additionally comprises one or more additional fluoroölefin claim 14 , hydrochlorofluoroölefin claim 14 , hydrofluorocarbon claim 14 , or a combination thereof.20. The compound of claim 13 , wherein L is a phosphine or an N-heterocyclic carbine.22. The composition of claim 14 , wherein L is a phosphine or an N-heterocyclic carbine. The present application pertains to the field of fluoroölefins. More particularly, the present application relates to a catalytic process for manufacture of fluoroölefins, and products thereof.Fluorocarbon based fluids have found widespread use in many commercial and industrial applications. For example, fluorocarbon based fluids are frequently used as working fluids in systems such as air conditioning, heat pump and refrigeration applications.Certain fluorocarbons have been a preferred component in many heat exchange fluids, such as refrigerants, for many years in many applications. For, example, fluoroalkanes, such as chlorofluoromethane and chlorofluoroethane derivatives, have ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170369403A1

Disclosed is a process for the preparation of cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene comprising contacting 1,1,1-trifluorotrichloroethane with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst comprising ruthenium to produce a product mixture comprising 1316mxx, recovering said 1316mxx as a mixture of Z- and E-isomers, contacting said 1316mxx with hydrogen, in the presence of a catalyst selected from the group consisting of copper on carbon, nickel on carbon, copper and nickel on carbon and copper and palladium on carbon, to produce a second product mixture, comprising E- or Z-CFC-1326mxz, and subjecting said second product mixture to a separation step to provide E- or Z-1326mxz. The E- or Z-1326mxz can be dehydrochlorinated in an aqueous basic solution with an alkali metal hydroxide in the presence of a phase transfer catalyst to produce hexafluoro-2-butyne, which can then be selectively hydrogenated to produce Z-1, 1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene using using either Lindlar's catalyst, or a palladium catalyst further comprising a lantanide element or silver. 1. A process for the preparation of cis-11 ,1 ,1 ,4 ,4 ,4-hexafluoro-2-butene comprising:a) contacting 1,1,1-trifluorotrichloroethane with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst comprising ruthenium to produce a product mixture comprising 1316mxx;b) recovering said 1316mxx as a mixture of Z- and E-isomers;c) contacting said 1316mxx with hydrogen, in the presence of a catalyst selected from the group consisting of copper on carbon, nickel on carbon, copper and nickel on carbon and copper and palladium on carbon, to produce a second product mixture, comprising E- or Z-CFC-1326mxz;d) subjecting said second product mixture to a separation step to provide E- or Z-1326mxz.2. The process of claim 1 , further contacting said E- or Z-1326mxz with an aqueous solution of an alkali metal hydroxide in the presence of a quaternary alkylammonium salt having alkyl groups of from four to twelve carbon atoms and mixtures thereof claim 1 , ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации

Hydrogen Bond Directed Photocatalytic Hydrodefluorination and Methods of Use Thereof

Номер: US20200399196A1
Автор: Jimmie Dean Weaver
Принадлежит: Oklahoma State University

Methods of synthesizing compounds comprising fluorinated aryl groups are disclosed, wherein said methods utilize hydrogen bond directed photocatalytic hydrodefluorination.

08-01-2009 дата публикации

Method of Hydrodechlorination to Produce Dihydrofluorinated Olefins

Номер: US20090012335A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

Disclosed herein is a process for the preparation of fluorine-containing olefins comprising contacting a chlorofluoroalkene with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst at a temperature sufficient to cause replacement of the chlorine substituents with hydrogen. Also disclosed is a catalyst composition for the hydrodechlorination of chlorofluoroalkenes comprising copper metal deposited on a support.

02-09-2003 дата публикации

Organometallic compounds with fused indenyl ligands

Номер: US6613713B2
Принадлежит: Bayer AG

The present invention relates to transition metal organometallic compounds with an indenyl ligand attached in position 2 and fused in position 5,6, to a process for the production thereof and to the use thereof as catalysts for the (co)polymerization of olefinic and/or diolefinic monomers.

02-08-2001 дата публикации

Organometallic compounds with fused indenyl ligands

Номер: DE10003581A1
Принадлежит: Bayer AG

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft metallorganische Verbindungen von Übergangsmetallen mit einem in 2-Position gebundenen und in 5,6-Position anellierten Indenyl-Liganden, ein Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung und ihre Verwendung als Katalysatoren zur (Co)Polymerisation von olefinischen und/oder diolefinischen Monomeren. The present invention relates to organometallic compounds of transition metals with an indenyl ligand bound in the 2-position and fused in the 5,6-position, a process for their preparation and their use as catalysts for (co) polymerizing olefinic and / or diolefinic monomers.

14-10-1992 дата публикации

Production of hydrofluorocarbons

Номер: EP0508631A1
Автор: Peter Paul Clayton
Принадлежит: Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd

A process for the production of a hydrofluorocarbon which process comprises contacting a fluorocarbon containing at least one atom of chlorine, bromine or iodine with a complex metal hydride and optionally a metal hydride. The fluorocarbon containing at least one atom of chlorine, bromine or iodine may be an impurity in a mixture thereof with a hydrofluoroalkane.

22-01-2004 дата публикации

Production and use of hexafluoroethane

Номер: US20040015022A1
Автор: Hiromoto Ohno, Toshio Ohi
Принадлежит: Showa Denko KK

A process for production of high-purity hexafluoroethane, wherein a mixed gas containing hexafluoroethane and chlorotrifluoromethane is reacted with hydrogen fluoride in a gas phase in the presence of a fluorination catalyst at 200-450° C., for fluorination of the chlorotrifluoromethane, or wherein pentafluoroethane containing chlorine compounds with 1-3 carbon atoms is reacted with hydrogen in a gas phase in the presence of a hydrogenation catalyst at 150-400° C., and the product is then reacted with fluorine in a gas phase in the presence of a diluent gas.

08-05-2012 дата публикации

Processes for converting gaseous alkanes to liquid hydrocarbons

Номер: US8173851B2
Принадлежит: Marathon GTF Technology Ltd

A process for converting gaseous alkanes to olefins, higher molecular weight hydrocarbons or mixtures thereof wherein a gaseous feed containing alkanes is thermally reacted with a dry bromine vapor to form alkyl bromides and hydrogen bromide. Poly-brominated alkanes present in the alkyl bromides are further reacted with methane over a suitable catalyst to form mono-brominated species. The mixture of alkyl bromides and hydrogen bromide is then reacted over a suitable catalyst at a temperature sufficient to form olefins, higher molecular weight hydrocarbons or mixtures thereof and hydrogen bromide. Various methods are disclosed to remove the hydrogen bromide from the higher molecular weight hydrocarbons, to generate bromine from the hydrogen bromide for use in the process, and to selectively form mono-brominated alkanes in the bromination step.
