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20-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2183611C2

Изобретение относится к способу превращения тяжелых ароматических углеводородов в более легкие ароматические соединения, такие как бензол, контактированием фракции С9 + ароматических углеводородов и толуола над первым катализатором, содержащим цеолит, имеющий индекс проницаемости 0,5 - 3, и компонент гидрогенизации, и над второй каталитической композицией, содержащей цеолит со средним размером пор, имеющий индекс проницаемости 3 - 12, при отношении диоксида кремния к оксиду алюминия по крайней мере 5, при этом снижается количество или предотвращается образование совместно кипящих соединений. Технический результат - получение бензола высокой степени чистоты, увеличение выхода. 2 c. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 1 табл.

31-07-2017 дата публикации

Катализатор изомеризации н-алканов в процессе риформинга гидроочищенных бензиновых фракций (варианты)

Номер: RU2626747C1

Группа изобретений касается катализатора изомеризации н-алканов в процессе риформинга гидроочищенных бензиновых фракций. По первому варианту катализатор содержит, мас.%: платина 0,1-0,3, олово 0,07-0,30, силикоалюмофосфатный цеолит SАРО-31 или силикоалюмофосфатный цеолит SAPO-11 10-60 и оксид алюминия - остальное. В частном случае, катализатор дополнительно содержит цеолит структуры FAU в количестве 10,0-60,0 мас.%, а в качестве цеолита структуры FAU - алюмосиликат USY в Н+ форме с мольным отношением SiO/АlО, равным 82,6. По второму варианту катализатор содержит, мас.%: платина 0,1-0,3, смесь силикоалюмофосфатного цеолита SАРО-31 и силикоалюмофосфатного цеолита SAPO-11 10,0-60,0 и оксид алюминия - остальное. В частном случае, катализатор дополнительно содержит цеолит структуры FAU в количестве 10,0-60,0 мас.%, а в качестве цеолита структуры FAU - алюмосиликат USY в Н+ форме с мольным отношением SiO/АlОравным 82,6 и олово 0,1-0,30 мас.%. Технический результат – возможность эффективно проводить ...

27-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2365573C1
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к способу изомеризации неравновесной сырьевой смеси ароматических соединений С8, содержащей ксилолы и этилбензол, включающему последовательные стадии: (а) контактирования сырьевой смеси в жидкой фазе в отсутствие, по существу, водорода в первой зоне изомеризации с первым катализатором изомеризации, содержащим от 10 до 99 мас.%, по меньшей мере, одного цеолитового алюмосиликата и связующее на основе неорганического оксида, при отсутствии, по существу, металла платиновой группы, в условиях первой изомеризации, для того чтобы получить промежуточный поток, и (b) контактирования всего промежуточного потока во второй зоне изомеризации со вторым катализатором изомеризации, содержащим от 0,1 до 2 мас.%, по меньшей мере, одного компонента из группы платиновых металлов, от 10 до 90 мас.% молекулярного сита MgAPSO-31, имеющего содержание каркасного магния от 0,003 до 0,035 мольных долей, и связующее на основе неорганического оксида, в условиях второй изомеризации, для того чтобы ...

28-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2752508C1

Изобретение относится к области гетерогенного катализа, конкретнее к способу изомеризации на гетерогенном катализаторе - AlCl3(нанесенном на силикагель) эндо-тетрагидродициклопентадиена в экзо-тетрагидродициклопентадиен, который, в свою очередь, является важнейшим компонентом жидкого высокоэнергетического топлива типа JP-10. Предложен способ получения катализатора для получения экзо-тетрагидродициклопентадиена, включающий нагревание силикагеля с размером частиц 0,31-0,34 мм в вакууме 1×10-4Торр до температуры 280-330°С в течение 2-4 часов, охлаждение его до комнатной температуры, добавление к силикагелю безводного хлорида алюминия - AlCl3при перемешивании в токе аргона, нагревание реакционной смеси в вакууме 1-1,5×10-4Торр до температуры 78-85°С и выдерживание при этой температуре в течение времени, необходимого для взаимодействия AlCl3с гидроксильными группами силикагеля с образованием одной ковалентной связи, причем хлорид алюминия берут в количестве, обеспечивающем содержание алюминия ...

24-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2753968C1
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение касается интегрированного способа производства бензина. Способ включает разделение лигроинового сырья в колонне разделения лигроина на поток легкой фракции, содержащий C6и более легкокипящие углеводороды, поток C7, содержащий углеводороды C7, и поток тяжелой фракции, содержащий С8и более тяжелые углеводороды; изомеризацию по меньшей мере части потока легкой фракции из колонны разделения лигроина в зоне изомеризации C5-C6в условиях изомеризации с образованием продукта изомеризации C5-C6и деизогексанизацию по меньшей мере части продукта; две зоны изомеризации C7, разделенные колонной деизогептанизации, и зону риформинга С8и более тяжелых углеводородов; смешивание одного или более из: первого потока из колонны деизогексанизации, первого потока из колонны деизогептанизации, второго продукта изомеризации C7или продукта риформинга с образованием бензинового компаунда. Технический результат - гибкий способ получения бензина с увеличенной фракцией с числом RONC 95. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил ...

15-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2664107C1

Предлагается способ увеличения активности и эффективности катализатора низкотемпературной изомеризации парафинов С-С, состоящего из платины и хлора на носителе эта-оксиде алюминия, полученного методом пропитки носителя водным раствором соляной кислоты и платинохлористоводородной кислоты, повторного прокаливания, восстановления и хлорирования хлорорганическим соединением в газовой фазе. Платина наносится на носитель, прокаленный в интервале температур от 530-550°С с размером гранул от 1,2-1,6 мм. Технический результат – высокая дисперсность платины получаемого катализатора, что обеспечивает повышенную активность и стабильность в изомеризации парафинов С-С. 3 табл., 9 пр.

03-04-1975 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001545418C3

24-09-1997 дата публикации

Method for producing para-xylene by high temperature crystallisation in at least one stage and partial crystal fusion

Номер: GB0009715071D0

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000371636T

16-05-2002 дата публикации

Meta-xylene production process

Номер: AU0000747683B2

22-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002775649C

A method for producing 1,2-bis (indenyl) ethanes in good yield is described. An agent and its application for isomerizing kinetic EBI to thermodynamic EBI and for isomerizing meso TMS-EBI to rac TMS-EBI are exemplified.

17-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001329464C

The present invention is directed to solid base obtainable by heating and reacting an alkaline earth metal compound with alumina at a temperature of from 300 to 600.degree.C and then heating and reacting the reaction product with at least one material selected from the group consisting of alkali metals and hydrides of alkali metals in an inert gas atmosphere at a temperature of from 200 to 450.degree.C. The solid base of the present invention can catalyze various reactions, for example, isomerization of an olefinic double bond.

11-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002848073C

Integrated isomerization and ionic liquid catalyzed alkylation processes may comprise integrating ionic liquid alkylation and n-butane isomerization using a common distillation unit for separating an n-butane containing fraction from at least one of an alkylation hydrocarbon phase from an ionic liquid alkylation reactor and an isomerization hydrocarbon stream from an isomerization unit. The n-butane containing fraction may undergo isomerization to provide an isomerization reactor effluent comprising the isomerization hydrocarbon stream. An isobutane containing fraction, separated from at least one of the alkylation hydrocarbon phase and the isomerization hydrocarbon stream, may be recycled from the distillation unit to the ionic liquid alkylation reactor.

12-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002739724A1

Processes and systems for producing linear alpha olefins are described herein. One embodiment is a process comprising: a) separating a mixed butene stream comprising 1 -butene and 2-butene into an overhead 1 -butene stream and a bottoms 2-butene stream in a butene distillation column, a portion of the bottoms 2-butene stream being separated to form a butene reboiler stream that is heated and vaporized in a reboiler and returned to the butene distillation column, (b) subjecting at least a portion of the overhead 1 -butene stream from (a) to catalytic metathesis to produce an effluent including 3-hexene, (c) isomerizing 3-hexene from (b) to produce a mixed hexene stream comprising 1 -hexene, 2-hexene and 3-hexene, (d) separating the mixed hexene stream in a hexene fractionation tower to form a 1 -hexene vapor overhead stream that is condensed in a cooler and a bottoms stream comprising 2-hexene and 3-hexene, and (e) using heat obtained by condensing the 1 -hexene vapor overhead stream of ...

25-11-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002117525A1

In a process for skeletal isomerization of linear olefins to iso-olefins, e.g., n-butenes to over a catalyst comprising medium pore zeolite, e.g., a zeolite selected from ZSM-22, ZSM-23, an d ZSM-35, the zeolite is pretreated with a dicarboxylic acid, e.g., oxalic acid. The pretreatment significantly reduces aging rate and i ncreases cycle length of the catalyst.

30-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002224011A1

A process for treating C3 to C12 petroleum fractions, such as a light cracked naphtha to be used as an etherification feed stock in which H2S is removed by distillation of at least the C3 fraction and mercaptans and diolefins are removed simultaneously in a distillation column reactor (20) using a dual catalyst bed (22, 24). The mercaptans and H2S are reacted with the diolefins in the presence of a reduced nickel catalyst (22) to form sulfides which are higher boiling than the portion of the feed which is fractionated to an upper hydrogenation catalyst bed of palladium (24) for hydrogenating diolefins and acetylenes. The higher boiling sulfides are removed as bottoms (110) along with heavier materials. Any diolefins not converted to sulfides and acetylenes are selectively hydrogenated to mono-olefins in the presence of a palladium oxide catalyst in an upper bed (24), producing overheads (116), substantially free of sulfur compounds, diolefins and acetylenes.

08-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002266765A1

Procédé d'isomérisation des composés aromatiques à 8 atomes de carbone dans lequel le catalyseur utilisé contient au moins une zéolithe de type structural EUO et un élément du groupe VIII. Selon la figure 1, la charge à isomériser est introduite dans le réacteur R par la ligne 1. Cette charge fraîche est enrichie en un mélange contenant au moins l'un des composés choisis dans le groupe formé par les paraffines à huit atomes de carbone, le benzène, le toluène et les naphtènes à huit atomes de carbone par les lignes 6 et 11. Un appoint d'hydrogène est assuré par la ligne 15.

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EA0202091180A1

17-06-1966 дата публикации

Polycyclic compositions

Номер: FR0001460168A

06-02-2004 дата публикации

Isomerization of an olefin by displacement of the double bond, uses a composition comprising a Bronsted acid and ionic liquid containing an organic cation as catalyst/solvent

Номер: FR0002843110A1

Un procédé d'isomérisation de la double liaison des oléfines utilise comme catalyseur et comme solvant une composition comprenant au moins un acide de Bronsted, noté HB, dissous dans un milieu liquide ionique comprenant au moins un cation organique Q+ et un anion A-, cette composition étant telle que lorsque A et B sont identiques, le rapport molaire de l'acide de Bronsted sur le liquide ionique est inférieur à 1/1.

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160136605A1

This invention relates to a collector pipe ( 8 ) that is permeable to a gaseous fluid and able to retain particles having a dimension that is greater than a minimum dimension, in which the cross-section of said pipe is a convex polygon having at least three sides.

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2581036C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения 1,3-диметиладамантана приведенной ниже формулы (2) путем осуществления реакции скелетной изомеризации пергидроаценафтена приведенной ниже формулы (1) с применением в качестве катализаторов от 0,5 до 1,5 масс. частей HF и от 0,1 до 0,5 масс. частей BFна 1 масс. часть пергидроаценафтена при температуре от 60 до 110°С. Использование предлагаемого способа позволяет получать 1,3-диметиладамантан с высоким выходом. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 4 пр.

20-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2167139C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения п-ксилола из загрузки, содержащей смесь ароматических углеводородов с 8 атомами углерода, при котором осуществляют циркуляцию, по крайней мере, части загрузки в зоне для обогащения первой фракции, по крайней мере, на 30 мас.% п-ксилолом и очищают часть вышеуказанной первой фракции путем одной кристаллизации при высокой температуре T1, предпочтительно в пределах от +10 до -25°С, по крайней мере, в одной зоне кристаллизации, выделяют кристаллы в виде суспензии в маточном растворе, отделяют кристаллы от маточного раствора, по крайней мере, в первой зоне отделения, при этом повторно суспензируют полученные кристаллы до необходимого уровня в одной зоне повторного суспензирования и частичного плавления. Полученную на предыдущей стадии суспензию направляют на стадию отделения кристаллов и их промывки соответствующим растворителем, по крайней мере, в одной зоне отделения и промывки с получением, с одной стороны, кристаллов чистого п-ксилола и, с другой ...

17-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2753530C1
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Описан интегрированный способ производства бензина. Способ включает разделение лигроинового сырья в колонне разделения лигроина на поток легкой фракции, содержащий C6и более легкокипящие углеводороды, поток C7, содержащий углеводороды C7, и поток тяжелой фракции, содержащий С8и более тяжелые углеводороды; включает зону изомеризации C5–C6, две зоны изомеризации C7, разделенные колонной деизогептанизации, и зону риформинга тяжелой фракции С8и более тяжелых углеводородов; смешивание одного или более из: по меньшей мере части продукта изомеризации C5–C6, первого потока из колонны деизогептанизации, по меньшей мере части второго продукта изомеризации C7или продукта риформинга с образованием бензинового компаунда. Технический результат - гибкий способ получения бензина с увеличенной фракцией с числом RONC 95. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 3 табл., 4 пр.

14-08-2019 дата публикации

Конструкция реакционно-ректификационного аппарата периодического действия для осуществления термокаталитических процессов

Номер: RU2697465C2

Изобретение относится к конструкциям массообменных аппаратов периодического действия и может быть использовано в нефтеперерабатывающей и нефтехимической промышленности. Реакционно-ректификационный аппарат включает реакционную кубовую часть и сочлененную с ней разъемным соединением реакционно-ректификационую колонну с катализаторными насадками. Каждая насадочная секция выполнена из нержавеющей стали, и к ней посредством штуцеров присоединены трубчатые конденсаторы для отбора светлых нефтяных фракций. Напротив конденсаторов расположены термочувствительные элементы для фиксирования термодинамических параметров в каталитической секции. В реакционно-ректификационной колонне тарельчатые контактные устройства, на которые уложены насадки катализатора, через металлические проставки чередуются с пустыми тарелками для конденсации образующихся в кубовой части паров. На поверхности насадки твердофазного катализатора осуществляются процессы риформинга и изомеризации, а в кубовой части в присутствии твердофазного ...

09-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU199611U1

Реактор изомеризации дистиллята содержит корпус, три штуцера: штуцер ввода исходного продукта, штуцер вывода рисайкла, штуцер вывода обработанного продукта, наклонную распределительную тарелку, расположенную после входного штуцера, адсорбент, четыре внешних нагревательных элемента с теплозащитными кожухами, каплеотбойник, установленный на выходе готового продукта перед выпускным штуцером, и две термопары, установленные внутри адсорбента. Исходный продукт - дистиллят в смеси с источником водорода (водой) поступает в реактор через входной штуцер и распределительную тарелку, проходит через адсорбент, нагревается с помощью нагревательных элементов и доводится до парожидкого состояния. На адсорбенте происходит превращение нормальных парафинов в парафины изостроения и их обессеривание. На поверхности адсорбента происходит массообмен дистиллята, при этом конденсированная часть стекает в нижнюю зону корпуса реактора, смывая сернистые и смолистые соединения, которые через штуцер удаляются из реактора ...

11-12-1969 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung und Verwendung eines Katalysators

Номер: DE0001545418A1

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000359250T

15-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000433432T

05-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000639826B2

11-12-2003 дата публикации

Synthesis and isomerization of 1,2-bis (indenyl) ethanes

Номер: AU0000768427B2

01-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002088510A1

... 2088510 9204306 PCTABS00011 In a process for catalytically converting feedstock alkylaromatic compounds having 8 to 50 carbon atoms to product aromatic compounds which differ from said feedstock aromatic compounds, the feedstock is contacted with a catalyst composition comprising the synthetic porous crystalline zeolite MCM-22.

20-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002137489C

A target is irradiated with a laser beam having an energy of h ~/n, where n is an integer, instead of the photon energy h ~ required for a reaction to proceed using a conventional single-photon excitation method. A desired reaction is selectively induced by the absorption of multiple photons instead of single photons. It is thus possible to induce a photoreaction in which an absorption is carried out in accordance with a selection theory different from that of single-photon absorption, and which is quite different from a photoreaction induced by a single-photon excitation. Namely, a target or reactant is irradiated with a photon energy h ~2 having a wavelength integral times longer than that of the photon energy h ~1 necessary for a photoreaction to proceed. Photon energy h ~2 is either used in place of the photon energy h ~1 necessary for a photoreaction, or together with the photon energy h ~1, to thereby make the reactant absorb the energy equal to the photon energy h ~1, The method ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014093738A1

A process is described for making a product mixture including isobutene, propylene, 1-butene, 2-butene, 2-methyl-1-butene and 2-methyl-2-butene from a mixture of acetic acid and propionic acid through reaction in the presence of a source of hydrogen and of a mixed oxide catalyst, for example, a ZnxZryOz mixed oxide catalyst. A variety of commercially valuable products may be made in turn from the various C3, C4 and C5 constituents of the product mixture ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013039566A1
Автор: TIMKEN, Hye Kyung Cho

Integrated isomerization and ionic liquid catalyzed alkylation processes may comprise integrating ionic liquid alkylation and n-butane isomerization using a common distillation unit for separating an n-butane containing fraction from at least one of an alkylation hydrocarbon phase from an ionic liquid alkylation reactor and an isomerization hydrocarbon stream from an isomerization unit. The n-butane containing fraction may undergo isomerization to provide an isomerization reactor effluent comprising the isomerization hydrocarbon stream. An isobutane containing fraction, separated from at least one of the alkylation hydrocarbon phase and the isomerization hydrocarbon stream, may be recycled from the distillation unit to the ionic liquid alkylation reactor.

27-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: WO2000043331A3

A method for producing 1,2-bis (indenyl) ethanes in good yield is described. An agent and its application for isomerizing kinetic EBI to thermodynamic EBI and for isomerizing meso TMS-EBI to rac TMS-EBI are exemplified.

09-11-2022 дата публикации

Катализатор изомеризации легких алканов, способ его получения и применение

Номер: RU2783119C2

Изобретение относится к катализаторам изомеризации легких н-алканов и способу изомеризации легких н-алканов в присутствии этих катализаторов. Катализатор содержит носитель γ-Al2O3 и активные компоненты, имеющие следующее содержание по отношению к носителю: платина от 0,05 до 1,0 мас. %, хлор от 2 до 12 мас. %. Носитель γ-Al2O3 имеет бимодальное распределение пор по размеру, состоящее из крупных пор и мелких пор. Наиболее вероятный диаметр пор для мелких пор составляет от 6 до 10 нм. Наиболее вероятный диаметр пор для крупных пор составляет от 12 до 20 нм. Катализатор может дополнительно содержать от 0,01 до 2,0 мас. % TiO2. Способ изомеризации легкого алкана предусматривает реакцию легкого алкана над катализатором в условиях температуры от 100 до 300°С, давления от 2,0 до 7,0 МПа и молярного соотношения водорода и углеводорода от 0,01 до 5,0. Катализатор имеет относительно высокую изомеризационную активность, селективность и устойчивость. 3 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил., 8 табл., 33 пр.

07-03-2018 дата публикации

Способ изомеризации легких бензиновых фракций

Номер: RU2646751C1

Изобретение относится к способу изомеризации легких бензиновых фракций, включающему подготовку сырья в виде прямогонной и вторичной бензиновых фракций, изомеризацию нормальных парафинов этих фракций в реакторном блоке изомеризации в присутствии водородсодержащего газа, сепарацию водородсодержащего газа от реакционной смеси после реакторного блока изомеризации, смешение полученного изомеризата с подготовленным легким риформатом вторичных бензиновых фракций, последующее разделение этой смеси в системе ректификационных колонн с последовательным извлечением фракции С-С– из колонны стабилизации, изопентана – из колонны-деизопентанизатора, изогексана и тяжелой фракции Си выше – из колонны-деизогексанизатора и выводом из последних двух колонн в виде боковых погонов соответственно нормальных пентана и гексана, возвращаемых в реакторный блок изомеризации. Способ характеризуется тем, что в подготовленном сырье, поступающем в реакторный блок изомеризации, допускают содержание бензола до 5 мас.% за ...

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013126892A

... 1. Способ получения 1,3-диметиладамантана приведенной ниже формулы (2) путем осуществления реакции скелетной изомеризации пергидроаценафтена приведенной ниже формулы (1) с применением в качестве катализаторов от 0,5 до 1,5 мас.ч. HF и от 0,05 до 0,5 мас.ч. BFна 1 мас.ч. пергидроаценафтена, при температуре от 60 до 110°C:2. Способ получения 1,3-диметиладамантана по п.1, где HF и BF, выделенные из раствора продукта реакции, повторно применяются для проведения реакции.3. Способ получения 1,3-диметиладамантана по п.2, где слой катализатора, отделенный от раствора продукта реакции путем разделения двух жидких фаз, подают в дистилляционную колонну, в которой циркулирует как минимум один углеводород, выбранный из группы, состоящей из бензола, толуола, гексана и гептана, за счет чего осуществляется регенерация BFи HF и повторное применение BFи HF для проведения реакции.4. Способ получения 1,3-диметиладамантана по любому из пп.1-3, где температура проведения реакции находится в диапазоне от 60 до ...

20-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008149956A

... 1. Способ изомеризации ксилолов, включающий: ! (a) введение потока исходного материала, включающего бензол, толуол и C5-C8-алифатические углеводороды, в зону экстракционной перегонки, и отделение потока кубового продукта ароматических углеводородов, включающего бензол и толуол, бокового потока алифатических углеводородов, включающего С7-С8-алифатические углеводороды, и потока верхнего погона алифатических углеводородов, включающего С5-С7-алифатические углеводороды; ! (b) обработку бокового потока алифатических углеводородов, включающего С7-С8-алифатические углеводороды, для образования в значительной степени свободного от растворителя бокового потока алифатических углеводородов, включающего С7-С8-алифатические углеводороды; ! (c) введение водорода в боковой поток в значительной степени свободных от растворителя алифатических углеводородов, включающих C7-C8 алифатические углеводороды, и в неравновесный поток ксилола, включающего контакт неравновесной смеси ксилолов в зоне изомеризации с ...

10-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009107530A

... 1. Композиция легированного твердого кислотного катализатора, содержащая ! а) по меньшей мере один твердый кислотный катализатор, ! b) по меньшей мере один металлический промотор твердого кислотного катализатора (а), !c) по меньшей мере одну основную легирующую добавку твердого кислотного катализатора (а), ! d) по меньшей мере один благородный металл и, необязательно, ! e) по меньшей мере одно тугоплавкое связующее. ! 2. Композиция легированного твердого кислотного катализатора по п.1, в которой по меньшей мере один твердый кислотный катализатор выбирают из группы, состоящей из оксидов металлов IVB группы и/или VIB группы, модифицированных оксидов металла IVB группы и/или VIB группы, сульфатированных оксидов металлов, кислотных цеолитов, хлорированного оксида алюминия и их сочетаний. ! 3. Композиция легированного твердого кислотного катализатора по п.2, в которой оксид металла IVB группы и/или VIB группы представляет собой по меньшей мере один оксид элемента, выбираемого из группы, состоящей ...

20-02-2019 дата публикации

Способ разделения бензиновых фракций в процессе изомеризации

Номер: RU2680377C1

Изобретение относится к изомеризации легких бензиновых фракций с получением методом фракционирования высокооктановых компонентов бензина и может быть использовано в нефтеперерабатывающей и нефтехимической отраслях промышленности. Изобретение касается способа разделения бензиновых фракций в процессе изомеризации, включающего секцию ректификационной подготовки сырья изомеризации, секцию химического превращения и секцию ректификационного разделения продуктов изомеризации, при этом в качестве исходного сырья используют прямогонную бензиновую фракцию н.к.-(62-72)°С, секцию ректификационной подготовки сырья изомеризации реализуют в виде трех последовательно работающих ректификационных колонн: с верха первой колонны отводят фракцию н.к.-(25-28)°С, содержащую бутан и более легкие компоненты, а парафиновые углеводороды с низа – во вторую колонну, с верха которой в качестве балластного продукта отводят изопентаны, а остаток второй колонны направляют в третью колонну, где дистиллятом получают пентановую ...

10-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2742810C1
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Настоящее изобретение относится к вариантам способа совместного получения соединения трет-бутилового эфира и алкилата и к устройству для совместного получения соединения трет-бутилового эфира и алкилата. Один из вариантов способа включает следующие стадии: подачу потока углеводородного сырья, содержащего C4углеводороды, в установку дегидрирования для создания продукта дегидрирования, содержащего C4олефины; подачу продукта дегидрирования в установку трет-бутилового эфира с получением смешанного потока, содержащего C4олефины и соединение трет-бутилового эфира; разделение смешанного потока с обеспечением потока продукта трет-бутилового эфира и потока верхнего продукта колонны фракционирования, содержащего олефины; подачу потока верхнего продукта колонны фракционирования в установку алкилирования для получения потока продукта алкилирования, содержащего алкилат; подачу потока продукта алкилирования в колонну деизобутанизации для создания потока верхнего продукта колонны деизобутанизации и потока ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Способ переработки тяжелого углеводородного сырья (нефти, печного топлива) с целью получения бензиновой фракции

Номер: RU2681948C1

Изобретение касается способов переработки тяжелого углеводородного сырья и может быть использовано на установках атмосферно-вакуумной перегонки нефти. Описан способ переработки нефти или ее темных фракций, отличающийся тем, что в ректификационной колонне в двух реакционных зонах совмещают процессы низкотемпературного гетерогенного каталитического крекинга при введении в сырье на стадии разгонки суспензии катализатора в расчете 0,1 мас. % к массе сырья, содержащей оксиды вольфрама с размером частиц от 1 до 50 мкм, никеля с размером частиц от 10 до 50 нм, хрома с размером частиц от 10 до 50 нм, марганца с размером частиц от 10 до 50 нм, осуществляемого в жидкой фазе, и каталитической изомеризации и риформинга углеводородов в газовой фазе в присутствии цеолита, модифицированного Pt в наноструктурированной форме. Технический результат - совмещение процессов разделения нефти и ее темных остатков на фракции по температуре кипения с химическими реакциями разрыва углерод-углеродной и углерод-водородной ...

10-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2357946C2
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к способу изомеризации ксилолов в сырье, содержащем неравновесную смесь двух или более ксилолов и необязательно этилбензола, характеризующемуся тем, что поток сырья контактирует с каталитически эффективным количеством слоистого катализатора в условиях изомеризации, включающих температуру от 100 до 550°С, абсолютное давление от 10 кПа до 5 МПа и молярное соотношение водорода и углеводородов от 0,5:1 до 6:1, достаточных для получения потока продуктов изомеризации, содержащих ксилолы, в котором пара-ксилол составляет, по меньшей мере, 23 мас.%, орто-ксилол, по меньшей мере, 21 мас.%, и мета-ксилол, по меньшей мере, 48 мас.%, причем указанный катализатор имеет альфа-оксидалюминиевый каркас, имеющий основной размер, по меньшей мере, 300 мкм, и слой на указанном каркасе, при этом указанный слой имеет MFI структуру молекулярного сита с диаметром пор от 4 до 8 Å, и оксидалюминиевый или гамма оксидалюминиевый связующий материал, и имеющий толщину меньше чем 250 мкм, и, по меньшей ...

03-06-2024 дата публикации

Микро-мезопористый катализатор изомеризации ароматической фракции С-8

Номер: RU2820453C1

Изобретение относится к нефтеперерабатывающей и нефтехимической отрасли промышленности. В частности, изобретение относится к микро-мезопористому катализатору изомеризации ароматической фракции С-8, состоящему из носителя, содержащего, мас.%: микро-мезопористый цеолит типа MOR 50,0-70,0; оксид алюминия - остальное, до 100, и металла платиновой группы, нанесенного на носитель в количестве 0,5-5,0% от массы носителя. При этом активная фаза носителя, состоящая из цеолита типа MOR, имеет систему микро-мезопор, сформированную микропорами цеолита MOR и мезопористыми каналами, образованными в результате перекристаллизации алюмосиликатных нанотрубок галлуазита. Катализатор обладает повышенной эффективностью, более высокой активностью, приводящей к увеличению конверсии этилбензола и выхода целевого пара-ксилола. 1 табл., 8 пр.

20-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2319684C9

FIELD: petrochemical processes. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a method for continuously separating C 4 -fraction by extractive distillation using selective solvent on extractive distillation column, which method is characterized by a separation barrier disposed in extractive distillation column in longitudinal direction extending to the very top of the column to form first zone, second zone, and underlying common zone. Butanes (C 4 H 10 )-containing top stream is withdrawn from the first zone, butenes (C 4 H 8 )-containing top stream is withdrawn from the second zone, and C 4 H 6 stream containing C 4 -fraction hydrocarbons, which are more soluble in selective solvent than butanes and butenes, is withdrawn from underlying common zone of column. EFFECT: reduced power consumption and expenses. 15 cl, 2 dwg, 2 ex ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 2 319 684 (13) C9 (51) ÌÏÊ C07C 7/08 (2006.01) C07C 11/167 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÑÊÎÐÐÅÊÒÈÐÎÂÀÍÍÎÅ ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ Ïðèìå÷àíèå: áèáëèîãðàôè îòðàæàåò ñîñòî íèå ïðè ïåðåèçäàíèè (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2005105045/04, 22.07.2003 (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 22.07.2003 (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 24.07.2002 (ïï.1-15) DE 10233620.2 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): ÁÀÑÔ Àêöèåíãåçåëëüøàôò (DE) (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 20.07.2005 Îïóáëèêîâàíî íà CD-ROM: MIMOSA RBI 2008/08D 2 3 1 9 6 8 4 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 20.03.2008 RBI200808D (15) Èíôîðìàöè î êîððåêöèè: Âåðñè êîððåêöèè ¹ 1 (W1 C2) 2 3 1 9 6 8 4 R U (56) Ñïèñîê äîêóìåíòîâ, öèòèðîâàííûõ â îò÷åòå î ïîèñêå: DE 10022465 A1, 15.11.2001. DE 2724365 A1, 30.11.1978. DE 19818810 A1, 28.10.1999. US 4277313 A, 07.07.1981. US 6040489 A, 21.03.2000. US 6137023 A, 24.10.2000. US 2002/087040 A1, 04.07.2002. EP 0667329 A, 16.08.1995. RU 2132838 C1, 10.07.1999. RU 2143418 C1, 27.12.1999. C 9 C 9 (48) Êîððåêöè îïóáëèêîâàíà: 20.08.2008 Áþë. ¹ 23/2008 (85) Äàòà ïåðåâîäà çà âêè PCT íà íàöèîíàëüíóþ ôàçó: ...

20-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005105045A

... 1. Способ непрерывного разделения С4-фракции (С4) экстрактивной дистилляцией с использованием селективного растворителя (LM) в колонне экстрактивной дистилляции (EDK), причем в колонне экстрактивной дистилляции (EDK) в продольном направлении установлена разделительная перегородка (TW) с образованием первой зоны (А), второй зоны (В) и нижележащей общей зоны колонны (С), и головной поток (С4Н10), содержащий бутаны, отводят из первой зоны (А), головной поток (С4Н8), содержащий бутены, отводят из второй зоны (В), а поток (С4Н6), содержащий углеводороды из С4-фракции, которые более растворимы в селективном растворителе (LM), чем бутаны и бутены, отводят из нижележащей общей зоны колонны (С). 2. Способ по п.1, в котором поток (С4Н6), содержащий углеводороды из С4-фракции (С4), которые более растворимы в селективном растворителе (LM), чем бутаны и бутены, отводят в виде бокового потока из нижележащей общей зоны колонны (С), а селективный растворитель (LM) отводят в виде нижнего потока из колонны ...

05-11-1969 дата публикации

Catalyst Preparation and Use

Номер: GB0001169729A

... 1,169,729. Hydrocarbon conversion catalysts. UNIVERSAL OIL PRODUCTS CO. 29 Dec., 1966 [30 Dec., 1965 (2); 8 April, 1966 (3)], No. 58119/66. Heading B1E. Catalyst supports are made by dispersing in an alumina gel a finely divided solid crystalline aluminosilicate having uniform pore openings, forming the resulting mixture into particles of desired size and shape, aging, washing, drying and calcining the pesticides. The supports may be loaded with group VI and VIII metals e.g. Mo, W, Ni, Pt and Pd. R.E. metals and halogens may also be present.

10-11-1972 дата публикации

Procedure for the transformation of hydrocarbons

Номер: AT0000303239B

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3105006A1

Provided is a method for upgrading a bio-based material, the method comprising the steps of pretreating bio-renewable oil(s) and/or fat(s) to provide a bio-renewable raw material, deoxygenating the bio-renewable raw material, followed by separation, to provide a propane feed, and subjecting the propane feed to dehydrogenation and to separation to provide a propylene material.

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002920319A1

The present invention relates to a method for production of p-cymene from cyclic monoterpenes in the presence of an Fe(III)-salt as a catalyst. In particular it relates to a method for production of p-cymene from cyclic monoterpenes containing high levels of sulphur, such as crude sulphate turpentine. The method can be performed as two different, subsequent processes for the isomerization and oxidation reactions, or in a single process wherein these reactions take place at the same time.

27-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002775649A1

A method for producing 1,2-bis (indenyl) ethanes in good yield is described. An agent and its application for isomerizing kinetic EBI to thermodynamic EBI and for isomerizing meso TMS-EBI to rac TMS-EBI are exemplified.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002848073A1

Integrated isomerization and ionic liquid catalyzed alkylation processes may comprise integrating ionic liquid alkylation and n-butane isomerization using a common distillation unit for separating an n-butane containing fraction from at least one of an alkylation hydrocarbon phase from an ionic liquid alkylation reactor and an isomerization hydrocarbon stream from an isomerization unit. The n-butane containing fraction may undergo isomerization to provide an isomerization reactor effluent comprising the isomerization hydrocarbon stream. An isobutane containing fraction, separated from at least one of the alkylation hydrocarbon phase and the isomerization hydrocarbon stream, may be recycled from the distillation unit to the ionic liquid alkylation reactor.

11-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002210926C

On décrit un procédé de production de paraxylène à partir d'une charge contenant des xylènes dans lequel on enrichit une première fraction à au moins 30 % en poids en paraxylène et on purifie cette fraction par au moins une cristallisation à haute température dans au moins une zone de cristallisation. Plus précisement, on cristallise ladite première fraction enrichie à au moins 30 % en poids en paraxylène dans une zone de cristallisation (50) à haute température T1 et avantageusement entre +10 et -25.degree.C, on récupère des cristaux en suspension dans une liqueur mère, on sépare les cristaux de la liqueur mère dans au moi ns une première zone de séparation (52), on fond partiellement les cristaux obtenus dans au moins une zone (55) de fusion partielle et on récupère une suspension de cristaux, on sépare et on lave les cristaux en suspension dans au moins une zone (57) de séparation et de lavag e et on récupère des cristaux de paraxylène pur et une liqueur de lavage (58), et éventuellement ...

17-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002290694A1

A heavy aromatics feed is converted to lighter aromatics products, such as benzene, by contacting a C9+ aromatics fraction and toluene over a first catalyst comprising a zeolite having a constraint index ranging from 0.5 to 3 and a hydrogenation component, and a second catalyst composition comprising an intermediate pore size zeolite having a constraint index ranging from 3 to 12 and a silica to alumina ratio of at least 5, whereby the amount of coboilers is reduced or eliminated.

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003028427A1

La présente invention concerne un conduit de collecte (8) perméable à un fluide gazeux et apte à retenir des particules ayant une dimension supérieure à une dimension minimum, dans lequel la section dudit conduit est un polygone convexe ayant au moins trois côtés.

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014085279A1

A new family of crystalline microporous metallophosphates designated AlPO-67 has been synthesized. These metallophosphates are represented by the empirical formula R+rMm2+EPxSiyOz where R is an organoammonium cation such as the ETMA+ or DEDMA+, M is a framework metal alkaline earth or transition metal of valence 2+, and E is a trivalent framework element such as aluminum or gallium. The AlPO-67 compositions exhibit the LEV framework topology and have catalytic properties for carrying out various hydrocarbon conversion processes and separation properties for separating at least one component. The materials may be used as a catalytic composite for hydrocarbon conversions or may be used to separate at least one component from a mixture.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014020557A1

The present invention relates to a process for manufacturing a powder, comprising the following steps: • a) preparing a solution containing a solvent and zirconium oxalate, • b) adjusting the pH of the solution to a value above 5 and below 8, • c) introducing into the said solution a boehmite particle powder in an amount such that the ratio of the number of moles of zirconium element provided by the zirconium oxalate divided by the number of moles of aluminium element provided by the boehmite particles is between 0.27 and 0.41, the boehmite particle powder having: • - a specific surface area of greater than 220 m2/g and less than 390 m2/g, and • - a pore volume of greater than 0.6 cm3/g and less than 1.1 cm3/g, and • - strong acidity, measured after calcination at 800°C for 2 hours, greater than 7 pmol/g and less than 12 pmol/g, • d) after the end of step c) and at least up to the end of step e), adjusting the pH to a value above 1 and below 4; • e) mixing with stirring at a temperature ...

27-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: WO2000043331A2
Принадлежит: Boulder Scientific Company

A method for producing 1,2-bis (indenyl) ethanes in good yield is described. An agent and its application for isomerizing kinetic EBI to thermodynamic EBI and for isomerizing meso TMS-EBI to rac TMS-EBI are exemplified.

27-03-2001 дата публикации

High-purity meta-xylene production process

Номер: US0006207871B1

There is provided a process for producing high-purity meta-xylene by converting a hydrocarbon feedstream comprising at least about 5 wt % ethylbenzene and at least about 20 wt % meta-xylene, over a single molecular sieve catalyst under ethylbenzene conversion conditions sufficient to provide a primary product stream depleted of more than 50% of the ethylbenzene present in the feedstream. The process can further comprise stripping benzene and/or toluene by-products from the primary product stream to provide a secondary product stream comprising at least about 75 wt % mixed ortho-xylene and meta-xylene; and splitting the secondary product stream by removing substantially all of the ortho-xylene present therein to provide a tertiary product stream comprising at least about 95 wt % meta-xylene.

04-05-2021 дата публикации

Isomerization zone in alkylate complex

Номер: US0010995045B2
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

An alkylation process including an upfront isomerization zone is described. 100% n-butane or field butanes can be converted into a blend of approximately 60 wt % isobutane and 40 wt % n-butane in the isomerization zone. This blend can be used as the feed to all types of alkylation zones. It stabilizes the feed composition so that the dehydrogenation zone and alkylation zone always operate with the same feed.

08-07-2010 дата публикации

Hydroprocessing Microalgal Oils

Номер: US20100170144A1
Принадлежит: SOLAZYME, INC.

Fuels and other valuable compositions and compounds can be made from oil extracted from microbial biomass and from oil-bearing microbial biomass via hydroprocessing and/or other chemical treatments, including the alkaline hydrolysis of glycerolipids and fatty acid esters to fatty acid salts.

10-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2413712C2
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к способу изомеризации ксилолов, включающему: (а) обеспечение потока нафты в зону гидроочистки, в которой поток нафты контактирует с катализатором гидроочистки в условиях гидроочистки для получения обработанного с помощью гидроочистки потока нафты; (b) направление обработанного с помощью гидроочистки потока нафты в зону риформинга, в которой указанная обработанная с помощью гидроочистки нафта контактирует с катализатором риформинга в условиях риформинга для получения потока продукта риформинга, включающего ароматические соединения, и в котором газы и С4-углеводороды и более легкие углеводороды, полученные в зоне риформинга, дают в результате поток продукта риформинга, в значительной степени свободного от газов и С4-углеводородов и более легких углеводородов; и (с) введение потока продукта риформинга и выходящего потока зоны изомеризации, независимо или в виде объединенного потока, в зону фракционирования продуктов риформинга отгонной колонны для получения исходного ...

20-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2319684C2

Изобретение относится к способу непрерывного разделения C4-фракции (C4) экстрактивной дистилляцией с использованием селективного растворителя в колонне экстрактивной дистилляции и характеризуется тем, что в колонне экстрактивной дистилляции в продольном направлении расположена разделительная перегородка, достигающая наивысшей точки колонны, с образованием первой зоны, второй зоны и нижележащей общей зоны колонны, и головной поток (С4Н10), содержащий бутаны, отводят из первой зоны, головной поток (C4H8), содержащий бутены, отводят из второй зоны, а поток (С4Н6), содержащий углеводороды из С4-фракции, которые более растворимы в селективном растворителе, чем бутаны и бутены, отводят из нижележащей общей зоны колонны. Изобретение позволяет более экономично и менее энергоемко разделять С4-фракции. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

23-03-2021 дата публикации

Реактор повышения качества углеводородных дистиллятов

Номер: RU203134U1

Полезная модель может быть использована на предприятиях нефтяной, нефтеперерабатывающей и нефтехимической промышленностей. В частности она может быть применена для обработки легких и средних углеводородных дистиллятов путем деструкции, изомеризации и конденсации. При обработке в данном реакторе дистиллятов улучшаются такие качественные показатели, как температура кипения, химический и углеводородный состав, резко снижается содержание серы. Реактора состоит из трех секций в виде цилиндров, образующих три технологические зоны, основания и крышки, соединенных между собой с помощью резьбовых устройств. В основание реактора вмонтированы два нагревательных элемента (ТЭНа) для подогрева исходного продукта, входной штуцер для подачи исходного продукта в реактор, термопара для контроля температуры нагрева исходного продукта и уровнемер для контроля уровня поступающего исходного продукта. В промежуточной секции корпуса расположен катализатор - цеолит марки NX, закреплена металлическая сетка, препятствующая ...

11-08-2017 дата публикации

Катализатор изодепарафинизации углеводородного сырья С10+ для получения низкозастывающих масел и дизельных топлив и способ получения низкозастывающих масел и топлив с его использованием

Номер: RU2627770C1

Изобретение относится к области катализа и нефтепереработки, в частности к составу и способу приготовления катализатора изодепарафинизации, а также способу получения низкозастывающих масел или дизельных топлив путем преимущественной изомеризации н-парафинов углеводородного сырья с использованием данного катализатора. Катализатор изодепарафинизации углеводородного сырья Сдля получения низкозастывающих масел или дизельных топлив содержит 20-60 мас.% цеолита структуры МТТ, 1-3 мас.% цеолита структуры MOR, 0,2-0,4 мас.% платины, остальное - связующее. Катализатор может быть дополнительно модифицирован металлом, выбранным из группы: Са, Mg, Ва, In, Се. Предложен процесс получения низкозастывающих масел или дизельных топлив путем контактирования смеси углеводородного сырья и водорода с указанным катализатором изодепарафинизации при следующих условиях: температура 250-350°С, давление 2-15 МПа, объемная скорость подачи сырья 0,5-3,0 ч, соотношение водорода к сырью 350-2000 нл/л. Технический результат ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017137393A3

07-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2782936C1
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к способу изомеризации легких углеводородов, включающему нагревание потока сухого водорода и потока, содержащего хлорорганическое соединение, до температуры от 65°C до 290°C для образования нагретого потока водорода и нагретого потока, содержащего хлорорганическое соединение; введение потока нагретого водорода и нагретого потока, содержащего хлорорганическое соединение, в реактор разложения хлорорганического соединения, содержащий катализатор разложения хлоридов для разложения хлорорганического соединения с образованием потока продукта, содержащего водород, углеводород и HCl; введение потока продукта и потока легкого углеводородного сырья, содержащего углеводороды, имеющие 4-8 атомов углерода, при температуре менее 100°C в реакционную зону изомеризации и изомеризации потока легкого углеводородного сырья в присутствии HCl в потоке продукта в условиях изомеризации в присутствии катализатора изомеризации с образованием продукта изомеризации в реакционной зоне изомеризации ...

21-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2757769C1
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Предложен способ изомеризации потока углеводородного сырья, содержащего по меньшей мере один из C5–C7углеводородов, причем способ включает: a) изомеризацию потока углеводородного сырья в присутствии катализатора изомеризации и водорода в зоне изомеризации в условиях изомеризации с получением потока изомеризата; b) стабилизацию потока изомеризата в колонне стабилизации с получением потока отходящего газа колонны стабилизации и потока жидкого изомеризата; c) подачу потока отходящего газа колонны стабилизации в скруббер сухих газов с получением потока отходящего газа скруббера сухих газов, содержащего водород и C1–C4углеводороды; d) приведение в контакт потока отходящего газа скруббера сухих газов с потоком абсорбирующей жидкости, содержащим C5–C7углеводороды, в колонне абсорбции с получением потока верхнего продукта абсорбера, содержащего преимущественно водород, и потока нижнего продукта абсорбера, содержащего легкие фракции, причем легкие фракции содержат C1–C4углеводороды; и e) подачу ...

18-03-2004 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Isomerisierung der Olefine

Номер: DE0010336001A1

Ein Verfahren zur Isomerisierung der Doppelbindung der Olefine verwendet als Katalysator und als Lösungsmittel eine Zusammensetzung, die wenigstens eine DOLLAR I1Säure umfasst, bezeichnet HB, die in einem flüssigen ionischen Milieu gelöst ist, das wenigstens ein organisches Kation Q·+· und ein Anion A·-· umfasst, wobei diese Zusammensetzung derart ist, dass, wenn A und B identisch sind, das Molverhältnis DOLLAR I2Säure zur ionischen Flüssigkeit unter 1/1 ist.

16-05-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001545418B2

10-05-1971 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of new gaformten carrier catalysts

Номер: AT0000289725B

01-12-2011 дата публикации

Processes for hydromethanation of a carbonaceous feedstock

Номер: AU2010249091A1

The present invention relates to processes for preparing gaseous products, and in particular methane, via the hydromethanation of a carbonaceous feedstock in the presence of steam, syngas, a hydromethanation catalyst and an oxygen-rich gas stream.

20-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002493079C

The invention relates to a continuous method for separating a C4 cut (C4) by means of extractive distillation using a selective solvent (LM) in an extractive distillation column (EDK). A separating wall (TW), forming a first partial region (A), a second partial region (B) and a lower common column region (C), is arranged in the longitudinal direction of the extractive distillation column (EDK). According to said method, a head flow (C4H10) comprising butane is separated from the first partial region (A), a head flow (C4H8) comprising butene is separated from the second partial region (B), and a flow (C4H6) comprising the hydrocarbons from the C4 cut is separated from the lower common column region (C), said hydrocarbons dissolving more easily in the selective solvent (LM) than the butane and the butene.

27-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002323198A1

A method for producing 1,2-bis (indenyl) ethanes in good yield is described. An agent and its application for isomerizing kinetic EBI to thermodynamic EBI and for isomerizing meso TMS-EBI to rac TMS-EBI are exemplified.

24-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002739724C

Processes and systems for producing linear alpha olefins are described herein. One embodiment is a process comprising: a) separating a mixed butene stream comprising 1-butene and 2-butene into an overhead 1-butene stream and a bottoms 2-butene stream in a butene distillation column, a portion of the bottoms 2-butene stream being separated to form a butene reboil-er stream that is heated and vaporized in a reboiler and returned to the butene distillation column, (b) subjecting at least a portion of the overhead 1-butene stream from (a) to catalytic metathesis to produce an effluent including 3-hexene, (c) isomerizing 3-hexene from (b) to produce a mixed hexene stream comprising 1-hexene, 2-hexene and 3-hexene, (d) separating the mixed hexene stream in a hexene fractionation tower to form a 1-hexene vapor overhead stream that is condensed in a cooler and a bottoms stream comprising 2-hexene and 3-hexene, and (e) using heat obtained by condensing the 1-hexene vapor overhead stream of (d) to ...

30-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002203365A1

A mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons, comprising ethylbenzene and at least one xylene, is isomerized using a two component catalyst system to convert the ethylbenzene to compounds that may be removed from the aromatic hydrocarbon stream and to produce a product stream wherein the para-xylene concentration is approximately equal to the equilibrium ratio of the para-isomer. The first catalyst comprises an intermediate pore size zeolite that is effective for ethylbenzene conversion. The first catalyst is preferably silica-bound. The second catalyst comprises an intermediate pore size zeolite, which further has a small crystal size and which is effective to catalyze xylene isomerization. Each of the catalysts of this invention may contain one or more hydrogenation/dehydrogenation component.

29-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002290694C

A heavy aromatics feed is converted to lighter aromatics products, such as benzene, by contacting a C9+ aromatics fraction and toluene over a first catalyst comprising a zeolite having a constraint index ranging from 0.5 to 3 and a hydrogenation component, and a second catalyst composition comprising an intermediate pore size zeolite having a constraint index ranging from 3 to 12 and a silica to alumina ratio of at least 5, whereby the amount of coboilers is reduced or eliminated.

24-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002843110B1

05-11-1976 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002173007B1

10-06-2014 дата публикации

Integrated butane isomerization and ionic liquid catalyzed alkylation processes

Номер: KR1020140070567A

19-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160107736A

A synthesis method of 1-butene of the present invention, comprises: (a) a step in which olefin-based oil is introduced inside a first reactor, and 1-butene inside the oil is converted into 2-butene; (b) a step in which impurities, including isobutene and isobutane, inside the oil that has passed through the first reactor are isolated therefrom, and a refined oil including 2-butene is recovered; (c) a step in which the refined oil recovered from step (b) is introduced into a second reactor, and 2-butene inside the refined oil is converted to 1-butene; and (d) a step in which oils for reflux, including 2-butene, inside the refined oil that has passed through the second reactor, is isolated therefrom, and oil for recovery is recovered. The synthesis method can be employed irrespective of the materials included in the starting materials, can increase the amount of 1-butene produced, and can efficiently isolate isobutene and isobutane, which are difficult to isolate, from 1-butene. COPYRIGHT ...

27-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: SG10201805966QA

NOVEL PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM FOR THE PRODUCTION OF BENZENE FROM REFORMATE WITHOUT A TOLUENE COLUMN The present invention describes a process flow diagram termed an aromatics complex which does not include a toluene separation column, for the production of benzene from a reformate. The process flow diagram in accordance with the invention can produce an overall energy saving of approximately 20% compared with a prior art process flow diagram. [Figure 2] ...

07-02-2008 дата публикации

Doped solid acid catalyst composition, process of conversion using same and conversion products thereof

Номер: US2008032886A1

A doped solid acid catalyst composition comprising at least one solid acid catalyst, at least one metal promoter for solid acid catalyst (a), at least one basic dopant for solid acid catalyst (a), at least one noble metal; and, optionally, at least one refractory binder.

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140350314A1

The present technology generally relates to a method for producing a naphtha product from a biorenewable feedstock. The method includes hydrotreating the biorenewable feedstock to produce a hydrocarbon product stream, hydrocracking hydrocarbons from the hydrocarbon product stream to produce a distribution of cracked hydrocarbons, and separating a biorenewable naphtha fraction from the distribution of cracked hydrocarbons. 1. A method comprising:(a) hydrotreating a biorenewable feedstock to produce a hydrocarbon product stream;(b) hydrocracking hydrocarbons from the hydrocarbon product stream of step (a) to produce a distribution of cracked hydrocarbons;(c) separating a heavy fraction and a biorenewable naphtha fraction from the distribution of cracked hydrocarbons; and(d) recovering from the heavy fraction a middle distillate fraction.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising recycling the heavy fraction remaining after step (d) to the hydrocracking step (b).3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising isomerizing a C/Cfraction of the biorenewable naphtha fraction.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrotreating step comprisesa temperature falling in the range of about 300° F. to about 850° F.; anda pressure falling in the range of about 300 psig to 3,000 psig.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrotreating step comprisesa temperature falling in the range of about 550° F. to about 650° F.; anda pressure falling in the range of about 1,000 psig to about 2,000 psig.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrotreating step occurs in the presence of a catalyst comprising nickel-molybdenum claim 1 , nickel-tungsten claim 1 , or cobalt-molybdenum.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrotreating stepoccurs in the presence of a catalyst comprising nickel-molybdenum, nickel-tungsten, or cobalt-molybdenum; and a temperature falling in the range of about 300° F. to about 850° F.; and', 'a pressure falling in the range of about 300 psig to 3,000 psig., ' ...

10-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008103357A

... 1. Способ изомеризации неравновесной исходной смеси алкилароматических соединений, содержащей значительные количества одного или более этилароматических углеводородов, посредством введения в контакт находящейся в жидком состоянии исходной смеси с катализатором изомеризации, содержащим замещенный галлием цеолит семейства пентасилов, в котором по существу отсутствует металл платиновой группы, в условиях изомеризации, практически в отсутствие водорода, с получением при этом изомеризованного продукта, содержащего, по меньшей мере, один алкилароматический изомер в более высокой концентрации, при конверсии этилароматических углеводородов меньше 7%. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором цеолитом семейства пентасилов катализатора изомеризации является MFI. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором катализатор изомеризации дополнительно содержит матрицу из оксида алюминия и диоксида циркония. ! 4. Способ по п.1, в котором исходной алкилароматической смесью является смесь алкилароматических соединений C8, этилароматическим ...

08-05-2003 дата публикации

Hydroisomerisierung von Olefinen mit 4-6 Kohlenstoffatomen

Номер: DE0010152842A1

The invention relates to a method, according to which C4-C6 olefins or an olefin fraction which is essentially free of sulphur and contains C4-C6 olefins are isomerised on a contact containing an element of the eighth subgroup of the periodic table of elements, in the presence of at least one added sulphur compound, and the polyunsaturated hydrocarbons which are optionally contained therein are selectively subjected to hydrogenation and hydroisomerisation. The sulphur compounds are separated from the product and are optionally redirected into the educt in order to create products which are practically free of sulphur.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Molecular Sieve Of MFS Framework Type With Controllable Average Size, Its Method of Making And Use

Номер: US20120190896A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

A method of making a crystalline molecular sieve of MFS framework type, preferably ZSM-57, from a synthesis mixture comprising at least one source of tetravalent element (Y), at least one source of trivalent element (X), at least one source of alkali metal hydroxide (MOH), at least one structure-directing-agent (R) and water, said alkali metal (M) comprising potassium, and having the following mole composition (expressed in terms of oxide): YO 2 :( p )X 2 O 3 :( q )OH − :( r )R:( s )H 2 O, wherein (p) is in the range from 0.005 to 0.05, (q) is in the range from 0.01 to 3, (r) is in the range from 0.03 to 2 and (s) is in the range from 10 to 75 (based on total weight of said synthesis mixture); wherein the crystals of molecular sieve formed having an average diameter (D) of less than or equal to 1.5 micron and an average thickness (T) of less than or equal to 300 nanometers.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072730A1

The invention relates to a process for producing hydrocarbon components, comprising: providing a feedstock comprising tall oil and terpene-based compounds; subjecting the feedstock and a hydrogen gas feed to a hydroprocessing treatment in the presence of a hydroprocessing catalyst to produce hydrocarbon components including n-paraffins, and subjecting the hydrocarbon components including n-paraffins to isomerisation in the presence of a dewaxing catalyst to form a mixture of hydrocarbon components. The invention also relates to an apparatus for implementing the process. The invention further relates to a use of the hydrocarbon components produced by the process as a fuel or as an additive in fuel compositions. The invention also relates to a use of a NiW catalyst on a support selected from AlO, zeolite, zeolite-AlO, and AlO—SiOfor producing fuel or an additive for fuel compositions from a feedstock comprising tall oil and terpene-based compounds. 123-. (canceled)24. A process for producing hydrocarbon components , comprising:providing a feedstock comprising tall oil and terpene-based compounds;{'sub': 3', '2', '3, 'subjecting the feedstock and a hydrogen gas feed to a hydroprocessing treatment in the presence of a NiO/MoOcatalyst on an AlOsupport to produce hydrocarbon components including n-paraffins, and'}{'sub': 2', '3, 'subjecting the hydrocarbon components including n-paraffins to isomerisation in the presence of a NiW catalyst on a zeolite-AlOsupport and in the presence of hydrogen to form a mixture of hydrocarbon components.'}25. The process according to wherein the terpene-based compounds are obtained from plants claim 24 , terpene oils claim 24 , distillation bottoms from terpene distillation and flavorants and/or fragrance industry.26. The process of wherein the feedstock comprises crude tall oil and crude sulphate turpentine derived from kraft pulping of wood.27. The process of wherein the crude tall oil is purified prior to subjecting it to the ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Aromatics Production Process and Apparatus

Номер: US20130144097A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc.

In a process for producing para-xylene, a naphtha feed is reformed under conditions effective to convert at least 50 wt % of the naphthenes in the naphtha feed to aromatics, but to convert no more than 25 wt % of the paraffins in the naphtha feed, and thereby produce a reforming effluent. A first stream containing benzene and/or toluene is removed from the reforming effluent and is fed to a xylene production unit under conditions effective to convert benzene and/or toluene to xylenes. In addition, a second stream containing C8 aromatics is removed from the reforming effluent and is fed, together with at least part of the xylenes produced in the xylene production unit, to a para-xylene recovery unit to recover a para-xylene product stream and leave a para-xylene-depleted C8 stream. At least part of para-xylene-depleted C8 stream is then fed to a xylene isomerization unit effective to isomerize xylenes in para-xylene-depleted stream back towards an equilibrium mixture of xylenes and thereby produce an isomerization effluent. The isomerization effluent is then recycled to the para-xylene extraction unit. 1. A process for producing para-xylene , the process comprising:(a) reforming a naphtha feed under reforming conditions effective to convert at least 50 wt % of the naphthenes in the naphtha feed to aromatics, but to convert no more than 25 wt % of the paraffins in the naphtha feed, and thereby produce a reforming effluent;(b) removing at least a first stream containing benzene and/or toluene and a second stream containing C8 aromatics from the reforming effluent;(c) feeding at least part of the benzene and/or toluene from the first stream to a xylene production unit under conditions effective to convert benzene and/or toluene to xylenes;(d) feeding at least part of the C8 aromatics from the second stream and at least part of the xylenes produced in (c) to a para-xylene recovery unit to recover a para-xylene product stream and leave a para-xylene-depleted C8 stream;(e) ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Process for Producing Para-Xylene

Номер: US20130144101A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc.

A process for producing a PX-rich product, the process comprising: (a) providing a PX-depleted stream; (b) isomerizing at least a portion of the PX-depleted stream to produce an isomerized stream having a PX concentration greater than the PX-depleted stream and a benzene concentration of less than 1,000 ppm and a C+ hydrocarbons concentration of less than 5,000 ppm; and (c) separating the isomerized stream by selective adsorption. 115.-. (canceled)16. A process for producing a PX-rich product , the process comprising:{'sub': 8', '8, '(a) separating a feedstock containing Chydrocarbons to produce a Chydrocarbons rich stream;'}{'sub': '8', '(b) separating at least a portion of the Chydrocarbons rich stream to produce a first PX-rich stream and a first raffinate stream;'}(c) isomerizing at least a portion of the first raffinate stream to produce a first isomerized stream having a higher PX concentration than the first raffinate stream;{'sub': '8', '(d) separating the first isomerized stream to produce a second Chydrocarbons rich stream;'}{'sub': '8', '(e) separating the second Chydrocarbons rich stream to produce a second PX-rich stream and a second raffinate stream;'}(f) isomerizing, at least partially in the liquid phase, at least a portion of the second raffinate stream to produce a second isomerized stream having a higher PX concentration than the second raffinate stream; and(g) providing at least a portion of the second isomerized stream to the separating (a).17. The process of claim 16 , comprising providing at least a portion of said second raffinate stream in the separating (e) to the separating (b).18. The process of claim 16 , comprising providing at least a portion of said second isomerized stream in the isomerizing (f) to the separating (b).19. The process of claim 16 , further comprising:(h) separating at least a portion of said second isomerized stream in the isomerizing (f) to produce a benzene-depleted stream and a benzene-rich stream; and(i) providing ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Process for conversion of paraffinic feedstocks obtained from the biomass of middle distillate bases employing at least one izm-2 zeolite-based catalyst

Номер: US20130165730A1
Принадлежит: IFP Energies Nouvelles IFPEN

The invention relates to a process for conversion of a paraffinic feedstock that has a number of carbon atoms of between 9 and 25, whereby said paraffinic feedstock is produced starting from renewable resources, employing a catalyst that comprises at least one hydrogenating-dehydrogenating metal that is selected from the group that is formed by the metals of group VIB and group VIII of the periodic table, taken by themselves or in a mixture, and a substrate that comprises at least one IZM-2 zeolite and at least one binder, with said process being carried out at a temperature of between 150 and 500° C., at a pressure of between 0.1 MPa and 15 MPa, at an hourly volumetric flow rate of between 0.1 and 10 h −1 , and in the presence of a total quantity of hydrogen mixed with the feedstock such that the hydrogen/feedstock ratio is between 70 and 2,000 Nm 3 /m 3 of feedstock.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324782A1

The method for isomerization of paraffin hydrocarbons C-Cfor production of high-octane gasoline components is disclosed, it can be used in the oil refining and petrochemical industries. Paraffin hydrocarbons C-Care isomerized on a porous zirconium oxide catalyst with the average pore diameter within 8 to 24 nm in a hydrogen atmosphere at the temperature of 100-250° C. and pressure of 1.0-5.0 MPa, molar ratio H:hydrocarbons of (0.1-5):1, feed space velocity of 0.5-6.0 hand under isomerate stabilization and/or fractionation with recovery of individual hydrocarbons or high-octane fractions. Zirconium oxide catalyst has the following composition, weight %: 97.00-99.90 of a carrier, the carrier comprising: zirconium oxide (60.00-86.00), aluminum oxide (10.00-30.00), titanium oxide (0.05-2.00), manganese oxide (0.05-2.00), iron oxide (0.05-2.00), SO or WO (3.00-20.00). 1. A method comprising:{'sub': 4', '7, 'sup': −1', '−1, 'isomerizing paraffin hydrocarbons C-Cin a hydrogen atmosphere at a temperature selected from a range of about 100° C. to about 250° C., at a pressure selected from a range of about 1.0 MPa to about 5.0 MPa, at a feed space velocity selected from a range of about 0.5 hto about 6.0 h, and with a molar ratio of hydrogen to hydrocarbons ranging from about 0.1:1 to about 5:1, the isomerizing step occurring in the presence of a porous zirconium oxide catalyst having an average pore diameter ranging from about 8 nm to about 24 nm to maintain constant isomerization depth in operation and after oxidative regeneration; and'}stabilizing products of isomerization and/or fractioning the products of isomerization to recover individual hydrocarbons or high-octane fractions. This application claims priority to Russian Patent Application No. 2012122289, filed May 29, 2012, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The invention pertains to the method for isomerization of paraffin hydrocarbons C-Cfor production of high-octane gasoline components and can ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Process for Producing Para-Xylene

Номер: US20130345481A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

A process for producing a PX-rich product, the process comprising: (a) providing a PX-depleted stream; (b) isomerizing at least a portion of the PX-depleted stream to produce an isomerized stream having a PX concentration greater than the PX-depleted stream and a benzene concentration of less than 1,000 ppm and a C 9 + hydrocarbons concentration of less than 5,000 ppm; and (c) separating the isomerized stream by selective adsorption.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001872A1

This disclosure relates to a new crystalline microporous silicate solid, designated CIT-10, comprising a two dimensional layered structure, having an organic interlayer sandwiched between individual crystalline silicate layers. This CIT-10 material can be converted to a pure-silicate of RTH topology, as well as two new of pillared silicate structures, designated CIT-11 and CIT-12. This disclosure characterizes new materials and provides methods of preparing and using these new crystalline microporous solids. 1. A crystalline microporous silicate , designated CIT-10 , which exhibits a powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern exhibiting at least five of the characteristic peaks at 7.6±0.2° , 8.7±0.2° , 10.3±0.2° , 18.8±0.2° , 20.3±0.2° , 21.8±0.2° , 22.4±0.2° , 22.7±0.2° , 22.9±0.2° , and 23.6±0.2° 2-theta.2. The crystalline microporous silicate of claim 1 , wherein the crystalline microporous silicate comprises a two dimensional layered structure claim 1 , having an organic material sandwiched between individual crystalline silicate layers.3. The crystalline microporous silicate of claim 2 , having a structure which is ordered along its two dimensional crystalline silicate layers claim 2 , but which exhibits disorder between its crystalline silicate layers claim 2 , as evidenced by RED (rotating electron diffraction) structure analysis.4. The crystalline microporous silicate of claim 1 , which exhibits an Si-MAS NMR spectrum having resonances at chemical shifts of −113 ppm claim 1 , −107 ppm claim 1 , and −102 ppm claim 1 , relative to tetramethylsilane (TMS).5. The crystalline microporous silicate of claim 4 , wherein the resonances at chemical shifts of −113 ppm claim 4 , −107 ppm claim 4 , and −102 ppm have relative integrated intensities of 8 claim 4 , 5 claim 4 , and 3 claim 4 , respectively.7. A crystalline microporous silicate claim 4 , designated CIT-11 claim 4 , which exhibits a powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern exhibiting at least five of the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002248A1

A process for producing an isomerized product comprises sending a feed stream comprising butanes, hydrogen and an organic chloride to a butane isomerization reactor containing an isomerization catalyst to convert a portion of normal butanes in said feed stream to iso-butanes in an isomerized stream. The isomerized stream to a stabilizer column to produce a butane stream containing normal, iso-butanes and C5 hydrocarbons; the butane stream is sent to a column to produce an isomerized upper stream and a bottoms stream comprising a mixture of butanes, C5 hydrocarbons and organic chloride. The bottoms stream is sent to an organic chloride decomposition reactor to produce a mixture of HCl, hydrogen and hydrocarbons. 1. A process for producing i-butane comprising:sending a feed stream comprising butanes, hydrogen and an organic chloride to a butane isomerization reactor containing an isomerization catalyst to convert a portion of normal butanes in said feed stream to iso-butanes in an isomerized stream;sending said isomerized stream to a stabilizer column to produce a butane stream containing normal, iso-butanes and C5 hydrocarbons; andsending said butane stream to a deisobutanizer column to produce an isomerized upper stream, an NC4 rich side draw stream, and a bottoms stream comprising a mixture of butanes, C5 hydrocarbons and said organic chloride; andsending said bottoms stream to an organic chloride decomposition reactor to produce an organic chloride decomposition stream comprising hydrogen and HCl.2. The process of wherein said organic chloride is perchloroethylene.3. The process of further comprising sending said organic chloride decomposition stream through a chloride guard bed to remove HCl.4. The process of further comprising sending said organic chloride decomposition stream through a flash drum to recycle hydrogen and HCl.5. The process of wherein said mixture of butanes claim 1 , C5 hydrocarbons and organic chloride comprises 20-100 wppm perchloroethylene.6. ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

High Density Cyclic Fuels Derived From Linear Sesquiterpenes

Номер: US20150011810A1
Автор: Benjamin G Harvey
Принадлежит: US Department of Navy

A method to generate cyclic hydrocarbons from farnesene to increase both the density and net heat of combustion of the product fuels. The high density hydrocarbons produced by this method have applications for missile, UAV, jet, and diesel propulsion.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033325A1

Processes for the hydrogenolysis of butane are described. A process can include (a) introducing a butane feed and hydrogen to a first hydrogenolysis reactor comprising a hydrogenolysis catalyst, and (b) contacting the butane feed and hydrogen with the hydrogenolysis catalyst at conditions sufficient to produce a first hydrogenolysis product stream. The introduction of the butane feed stream and hydrogen to the first hydrogenolysis reactor can be controlled to maintain a hydrogen to butane molar ratio in the reactor inlet of 0.3:1 to 0.8:1. 1. A process for the hydrogenolysis of butane , the process comprising:(a) introducing a butane feed and hydrogen to a first hydrogenolysis reactor comprising a hydrogenolysis catalyst; and(b) contacting the butane feed and hydrogen with the hydrogenolysis catalyst at conditions sufficient to produce a first hydrogenolysis product stream,wherein the introduction of the butane feed stream and hydrogen to the first hydrogenolysis reactor is controlled to effect a hydrogen to butane molar ratio in the reactor inlet of 0.3:1 to 0.8:1.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogen to butane molar ratio in the reactor inlet is 0.5:1 to 0.8:1.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the butane feed stream comprises n-butane and iso-butane and n-butane is present in the butane feed stream in an amount of equal to or greater than about 50 mol.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the conditions comprise a temperature of 245° C. to about 330° C. claim 1 , a pressure of from about 101 kPa (0 psig) to about 2100 kPa (300 psig) claim 1 , and a butane-based weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) of 1 hto about 100 h claim 1 , or combinations thereof.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogenolysis catalyst comprises:(a) a bimetallic supported catalyst comprising a support, a first catalytic metal, a second catalytic metal, and optionally binder, wherein the first and second catalytic metals are different,(b) a monometallic supported catalyst, the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Molecular Sieve Material, Its Synthesis and Use

Номер: US20150025291A1

A molecular sieve material, EMM-17, has in its as-calcined form an X-ray diffraction pattern including the following peaks in Table 11: 3. The molecular sieve material of claim 2 , wherein X includes one or more of B claim 2 , Al claim 2 , Fe claim 2 , and Ga and Y includes one or more of Si claim 2 , Ge claim 2 , Sn claim 2 , Ti claim 2 , and Zr.4. The molecular sieve material of claim 2 , wherein X is aluminum and Y is silicon.7. The molecular sieve material of claim 6 , wherein X is aluminum and Y is silicon.8. The molecular sieve material of claim 6 , wherein X includes one or more of B claim 6 , Al claim 6 , Fe claim 6 , and Ga and Y includes one or more of Si claim 6 , Ge claim 6 , Sn claim 6 , Ti claim 6 , and Zr.9. The molecular sieve material of claim 6 , wherein Q is selected from the group consisting of 1-methyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations claim 6 , 1-ethyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations claim 6 , 1-propyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations claim 6 , 1-butyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations and mixtures thereof.10. A process for producing the molecular sieve material of claim 6 , the process comprising the steps of: [{'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'YO/XOat least 30;'}, {'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2, 'HO/YO4 to 10;'}, {'br': None, 'sup': '−', 'sub': '2', 'OH/YO0.1 to 1;'}, {'br': None, 'sub': '2', 'F/YO0 to 1; and'}, {'br': None, 'sub': '2', 'Q/YO0.1 to 1;'}], '(a) preparing a synthesis mixture capable of forming said material, said mixture comprising water, a source of hydroxyl ions, a source of an oxide of a tetravalent element Y, a source of a trivalent element X, optionally a source of fluoride ions, and a directing agent Q selected from the group consisting of 1-methyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations, 1-ethyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations, 1-propyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations, 1-butyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations and mixtures thereof, and said synthesis mixture having a composition, in terms of ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024837A1

A method of producing a fuel additive includes passing a feed stream comprising C4 hydrocarbons through a butadiene extraction unit producing a first process stream; passing the first process stream through a methyl tertiary butyl ether unit producing a second process stream and a methyl tertiary butyl ether product; passing the second process stream through a hydration unit producing the fuel additive and a recycle stream; passing the recycle stream through a hydrogenation unit; and recycling the recycle stream to a steam cracker unit and/or to the feed stream 1. A method of producing a fuel additive , comprising:passing a feed stream comprising C4 hydrocarbons through a butadiene extraction unit producing a first process stream;passing the first process stream through a methyl tertiary butyl ether unit producing a second process stream and a methyl tertiary butyl ether product;passing the second process stream through a hydration unit producing the fuel additive and a recycle stream;passing the recycle stream through a recycle hydrogenation unit; andrecycling the hydrogenated recycle stream from the recycle hydrogenation unit to a steam cracker unit and/or to the feed stream.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a source of the feed stream comprises a product of an olefin cracking process and/or an olefin production process.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed stream comprises at least one of propane claim 1 , propylene claim 1 , ethyl acetylene claim 1 , vinyl acetylene claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3-butadiene claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2-butadiene claim 1 , isobutylene claim 1 , cis-2-butene claim 1 , trans-2-butene claim 1 , 1-butene claim 1 , isobutane claim 1 , or n-butane.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the butadiene extraction unit comprises extractive distillation claim 1 , solvent degassing claim 1 , solvent regeneration and/or solvent recovery.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein less than or equal to 50% by weight of any butadiene present in the feed stream is ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029958A1
Принадлежит: Lyondell Chemical Technology, L.P.

The present disclosure relates to processes for the removal of paraffins. The processes generally include providing a Ccontaining stream including isobutylene, 1-butene, 2-butene, n-butane and isobutane, introducing the Ccontaining stream into a paraffin removal process to form an olefin rich stream, wherein the paraffin removal process is selected from extractive distillation utilizing a solvent including an organonitrile, passing the Ccontaining stream over a semi-permeable membrane and combinations thereof; and recovering the olefin rich stream from the paraffin removal process, wherein the olefin rich stream includes less than 5 wt. % paraffins. 1. A 1-butene production process comprising:{'sub': '4', 'introducing a Ccontaining stream into a paraffin removal process to form an olefin rich stream, wherein the paraffin removal process is selected from(a) extractive distillation utilizing a solvent comprising an organonitrile;{'sub': '4', '(b) passing the Ccontaining stream over a semi-permeable membrane; and'}(c) combinations thereof; andisomerizing at least a portion of the 2-butene present in the olefin rich stream to 1-butene to form an isomerization product stream comprising at least 80 wt. % 1-butene.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the C4 containing stream comprises raffinate-1.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the Ccontaining stream comprises isobutylene claim 1 , 1-butene claim 1 , 2-butene claim 1 , n-butane and isobutane.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the Ccontaining stream comprises paraffins and olefins.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the Ccontaining stream comprises from 40 wt. % to 70 wt. % olefins and from 30 wt. % to 85 wt. % paraffins.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the paraffin removal process comprises extractive distillation and wherein the solvent comprises acetonitrile.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the paraffin removal process comprises extractive distillation and the solvent is characterized by a relative volatility ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Crystalline metallophosphates, their method of preparation, and use

Номер: US20190030511A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A new family of crystalline microporous metallophosphates designated AlPO-78 has been synthesized. These metallophosphates are represented by the empirical formula R + r M m 2+ EP x Si y O z where R is an organoammonium cation, M is a framework metal alkaline earth or transition metal of valence +2, and E is a trivalent framework element such as aluminum or gallium. The AlPO-78 compositions are characterized by a new unique ABC-6 net structure, and have catalytic properties suitable for carrying out various hydrocarbon conversion processes, as well as characteristics suitable for the efficient adsorption of water vapor in a variety of applications, such as adsorption heat pumps.

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150045602A1

A process for increasing disproportionation and ring opening reactions an isomerization zone which converts iso-paraffins to normal paraffins. In order to promote these reactions, the amount of Ccyclic hydrocarbons entering the isomerization zone is reduced. Disproportionation reaction selectivity is observed which produces valuable Chydrocarbons and Chydrocarbons. Also, a higher ring opening conversion of Ccyclic hydrocarbons is observed. Conversion of iChydrocarbons, iChydrocarbons, and iChydrocarbons may occur in the same isomerization zone. 1. A process for increasing a conversion of iChydrocarbons and iChydrocarbons from a naphtha stream , the process comprising:{'sub': '5', 'isomerizing iChydrocarbons to normal pentane, under isomerization conditions in the presence of a catalyst, in an isomerization zone;'}{'sub': '6', 'simultaneously isomerizing iChydrocarbons to normal hexane, under isomerization conditions in the presence of a catalyst, in the isomerization zone; and,'}{'sub': '6', 'promoting disproportionation reactions within the isomerization zone by reducing an amount of C+ cyclic hydrocarbons entering into the isomerization zone.'}2. The process of wherein the disproportionation reactions produce at least one of: Chydrocarbons; Chydrocarbons; and claim 1 , Chydrocarbons.3. The process of wherein at least a portion of the Chydrocarbons claim 2 , Chydrocarbons claim 2 , or both are non-normal paraffins.4. The process of further comprising:{'sub': 4', '7, 'isomerizing a portion of the non-normal paraffins portion of the Chydrocarbons and Chydrocarbons to normal paraffins in the isomerization zone.'}5. The process of further comprising:{'sub': 5', '6, 'promoting a ring opening of Ccyclic hydrocarbons in the isomerization zone by reducing an amount of Ccyclic hydrocarbons entering into the isomerization zone.'}6. The process of wherein a conversion of iChydrocarbons is greater in the isomerization zone with the reduced amount of Ccyclic hydrocarbons than a ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060186A1

Provided herein are methods of processing polyester-containing feedstocks to provide hydrocarbon products. Exemplary feedstocks include those containing estolide compounds, which may be processed under thermal and/or catalytic conditions to provide at least one hydrocarbon product. 196-. (canceled)97. A method comprising:providing a feedstock comprising at least one estolide compound; andconverting the at least one estolide compound into at least one hydrocarbon product.98. The method according to claim 97 , wherein converting the at least one estolide compound comprises deoxygenating the at least one estolide compound.99. The method according to claim 98 , wherein the deoxygenating comprises decarboxylation.100. The method according to claim 98 , wherein the deoxygenating comprises thermal decarboxylation.101. The method according to claim 98 , wherein the deoxygenating comprises decarbonylation.102. The method according to claim 98 , wherein the deoxygenating comprises hydrodeoxygenation.103. The method according to claim 98 , wherein converting the at least one estolide compound is conducted in the presence of water.104. The method according to claim 98 , wherein converting the at least one estolide compound is conducted in the presence of hydrogen.105. The method according to claim 98 , wherein converting the at least one estolide compound comprises contacting said at least one estolide compound with at least one catalyst.106. The method according to claim 105 , wherein the at least one catalyst comprises a transition metal.107. The method according claim 98 , wherein converting the at least one estolide compound is conducted at a temperature of at least 100° C.108. The method according to claim 107 , wherein converting the at least one estolide compound is conducted at a temperature of about 200° C. to about 500° C.109. The method according to claim 98 , wherein converting the at least one estolide compound is conducted at a pressure that is greater than 1 atm ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060191A1

A process for the recovery of Chydrocarbons from a C/Cisomerization zone. A portion of the effluent stream from the C/Cisomerization zone comprising Chydrocarbons is combined in a stabilizer section with an effluent from a Cisomerization zone. In order to increase the Chydrocarbons in the effluent stream from the C/Cisomerization zone, a chilling zone may be used. 1. A process for the recovery of Chydrocarbons comprising:{'sub': '4', 'stabilizing and separating a first effluent stream in a first stabilization zone into an overhead stream, a C− liquid stream, and a bottoms stream, wherein the first effluent stream is from a first isomerization zone;'}stabilizing a second effluent stream from a second isomerization zone in a second stabilization zone;{'sub': '4', 'passing at least a portion of the C− liquid stream to the second stabilization zone; and,'}{'sub': 4', '4', '3, 'separating the second effluent stream and the at least a portion of the C− liquid stream into a Cstream and a C− stream.'}2. The process of further comprising:{'sub': 4', '4', '4, 'separating the Cstream into an iCstream and a nCstream.'}3. The process of further comprising:{'sub': '4', 'passing the iCstream to the second isomerization zone.'}4. The process of wherein the first stabilization zone comprises a stabilizer claim 1 , a receiving zone and a chilling zone.5. The process of further comprising:{'sub': '4', 'passing a C− stream from the stabilizer to the receiver;'}{'sub': 4', '4, 'separating the C− stream in the receiver into a vapor stream and a liquid stream, the liquid stream comprising the C− liquid stream.'}6. The process of further comprising:cooling the vapor stream from the receiver in the chilling zone.7. The process of further comprising:{'sub': '3', 'combining a portion of the vapor stream from the receiver and the C− stream of the second stabilization zone.'}8. The process of further comprising:operating the first isomerization zone under isomerization conditions, in the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057420A1

This present disclosure relates to processes and compositions for toluene methylation in an aromatics complex for producing paraxylene. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to a process for producing paraxylene which includes alkylating a toluene stream and a methanol stream in a toluene methylation zone operating under toluene methylation conditions in the presence of a catalyst comprising a MFI crystal to produce a toluene methylation product stream. 1. A process for producing paraxylene comprising alkylating a toluene stream and a methanol stream in a toluene methylation zone operating under toluene methylation conditions in the presence of a catalyst comprising an MFI crystal , alone or bound to any another material , to produce a toluene methylation product stream.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst includes MFI crystals with a framework silica to alumina ratio of about 50 to about 10 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 , more preferably about 100 to about 6 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 , or even more preferably about 500 to about 3 claim 1 ,000.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the toluene methylation conditions include a temperature of about 250° C. to about 750° C. claim 1 , more preferably between about 350° C. and about 650° C. claim 1 , even more preferably between about 400° C. and about 600° C.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the toluene methylation conditions include a pressure of about 1 Barg to about 100 Barg claim 1 , more preferably between about 1 Barg to about 50 Barg claim 1 , even more preferably between 2 Barg to about 30 Barg.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the toluene methylation product stream has a benzene to total xylene molar ratio of less than 1 claim 1 , or preferably less than 0.5 claim 1 , or more preferably less than 0.16. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the catalyst includes MFI crystals with a framework silica to alumina ratio of 2000.7. The process according to claim ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078921A1

Methanol-to-gasoline conversion may be performed using a heavy gasoline treatment, followed by a separation operation. Methanol may be converted into a first product mixture comprising dimethyl ether (DME) under DME formation conditions. In a methanol-to-gasoline (MTG) reactor, the first product mixture may be converted under MTG conversion conditions to produce a second product mixture comprising light gasoline hydrocarbons and untreated heavy gasoline hydrocarbons. The untreated heavy gasoline hydrocarbons may be separated from the light gasoline hydrocarbons and transferred to a heavy gasoline treatment (HGT) reactor. The untreated heavy gasoline hydrocarbons may be catalytically reacted in the HGT reactor to form a third product mixture. A heavy hydrocarbon fraction may be separated from the third product mixture. The heavy hydrocarbon fraction includes heavy gasoline hydrocarbons having a lower boiling endpoint than does the untreated heavy gasoline hydrocarbons. 1. A method comprising:providing a feed comprising methanol to a dimethyl ether (DME) reactor; 'transferring the first product mixture to a methanol-to-gasoline (MTG) reactor;', 'converting at least a portion of the feed in the DME reactor under dimethyl ether formation conditions to produce a first product mixture comprising dimethyl ether;'}converting at least a portion of the first product mixture in the MTG reactor under methanol-to-gasoline conversion conditions to produce a second product mixture comprising light gasoline hydrocarbons and untreated heavy gasoline hydrocarbons; 'transferring the untreated heavy gasoline hydrocarbons to a heavy gasoline treatment (HGT) reactor;', 'separating the untreated heavy gasoline hydrocarbons from the light gasoline hydrocarbons;'}catalytically reacting the untreated heavy gasoline hydrocarbons in the HGT reactor to form a third product mixture; andseparating a heavy hydrocarbon fraction from the third product mixture, the heavy hydrocarbon fraction ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Crystalline Germanosilicate Materials Of New CIT-13 Topology And Methods Of Preparing The Same

Номер: US20190083962A1

The present disclosure is directed to the use of novel crystalline germanosilicate compositions in affecting a range of organic transformations. In particular, the crystalline germanosilicate compositions are extra-large-pore compositions, designated CIT-13 possessing 10- and 14-membered rings. 2. The process of comprising:(c) cracking, hydrocracking, or dehydrogenating a hydrocarbon;(d) dewaxing a hydrocarbon feedstock;(d) converting paraffins to aromatics:(e) isomerizing or disproportionating an aromatic feedstock;(f) alkylating an aromatic hydrocarbon;(g) oligomerizing an alkene;(i) separating and sorbing a lower alkane from a hydrocarbon feedstock;(j) isomerizing an olefin;(k) producing a higher molecular weight hydrocarbon from lower molecular weight hydrocarbon; or(l) reforming a hydrocarbon.3. The process of comprising converting synthesis gas containing hydrogen and carbon monoxide to a hydrocarbon stream using a catalyst comprising the crystalline microporous germanosilicate composition and a Fischer-Tropsch catalyst.4. The process of comprising reducing the concentration of an organic halide in an initial hydrocarbon product claim 1 , the initial hydrocarbon product containing an undesirable level of the organic halide claim 1 , the process comprising contacting at least a portion of the initial hydrocarbon product with a composition comprising the crystalline microporous germanosilicate composition claim 1 , under organic halide absorption conditions to reduce the halogen concentration in the hydrocarbon.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the crystalline microporous germanosilicate composition exhibits a powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern exhibiting at least seven of the characteristic peaks at 6.45±0.2 claim 1 , 7.18±0.2 claim 1 , 12.85±0.2 claim 1 , 18.26±0.2 claim 1 , 18.36±0.2 claim 1 , 18.63±0.2 claim 1 , 20.78±0.2 claim 1 , 21.55±0.2 claim 1 , 23.36±0.2 claim 1 , 24.55±0.2 claim 1 , 26.01±0.2 claim 1 , and 26.68±0.2 degrees 2-θ.7. The process ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140171706A1
Автор: Glover Bryan K.
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Methods and apparatuses for forming low-aromatic high-octane product streams and methods for processing hydrocarbons are provided. In an embodiment, a method for forming a low-aromatic high-octane product stream includes deisohexanizing or deisoheptanizing a hydrocarbon stream and forming a cycloalkane-rich stream. Further, the method includes isomerizing the cycloalkane-rich stream at equilibrium conditions favoring formation of cyclopentanes over cyclohexanes. 1. A method for forming low-aromatic high-octane product streams comprising:isomerizing a feedstock stream with a C6 cyclic content to form an isomerization effluent;separating, from the isomerization effluent, a heavy stream comprising C4 and heavier hydrocarbons and a stream comprising hydrogen and C3 and lighter boiling hydrocarbons;deisohexanizing or deisoheptanizing the heavy stream and forming an overhead stream comprising light gases and butane, an upper sidecut stream comprising normal pentane, methylbutane, and dimethylbutanes, a lower sidecut stream comprising normal hexane and monomethylpentanes, and a cycloalkane-rich stream;admixing hydrogen with the cycloalkane-rich stream to form a second isomerization feed consisting essentially of hydrogen and the cycloalkane-rich stream; andisomerizing the second isomerization feed at equilibrium conditions favoring formation of cyclopentanes over cyclohexanes, wherein isomerizing the second isomerization feed occurs at a temperature of at least about 200° C.2. The method of wherein isomerizing the second isomerization feed comprises isomerizing second isomerization feed at conditions favoring formation of methylcyclopentanes over cyclohexanes.35-. (canceled)6. The method of wherein isomerizing the second isomerization feed comprises isomerizing the second isomerization feed over a metal-containing catalyst with acidity.7. The method of wherein isomerizing the second isomerization feed comprises isomerizing the second isomerization feed over a chloride ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Method of Recovering Paraxylene in a Pressure Swing Adsorption Unit with Varying Hydrogen Purge Pressures

Номер: US20210101852A1
Автор: Benjamin Brian

A method of recovering paraxyiene in a pressure swing adsorption unit with varying hydrogen purge pressures. The pressure swing adsorption zone is adapted to adsorb and desorb paraxyiene based on the cycling of partial pressure in the zone. A first hydrogen purge fed to the zone is within 50 psi of the adsorption pressure of paraxyiene in the zone. A second hydrogen purge fed to the zone is within 50 psi of the desorption pressure of paraxyiene in the zone. The overall amount of hydrogen necessary to operate the pressure swing adsorption zone is reduced and heat may be recovered from the effluent leaving the pressure swing adsorption zone. 1. A process for the recovery of a paraxylene product from a mixture of C8 aromatic hydrocarbons , the process comprising:feeding a C8-rich aromatic hydrocarbon mixture to a pressure swing adsorption zone to form a paraxylene-rich stream and a paraxylene-lean stream, the pressure swing adsorption zone adapted to adsorb and desorb paraxylene based on the cycling of partial pressure in the zone, the cycling of partial pressure in the zone using a first hydrogen purge being within 50 psi of the adsorption pressure of paraxylene in the zone and a second hydrogen purge being within 50 psi of the desorption pressure of paraxylene in the zone, the source of hydrogen supplying the first hydrogen purge being different from the source of hydrogen supplying the second hydrogen purge.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein a pressure of the first hydrogen purge is higher than a pressure of the second hydrogen purge.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the source of hydrogen supplying the second hydrogen purge comprises hydrogen separated from the paraxylene-rich stream.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first hydrogen purge is introduced at a pressure between 200 and 400 psia.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the second hydrogen purge is introduced at a pressure between 40 and 100 psia.6. The process of claim 1 , further comprising ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Integrated systems and methods for producing 1,3-butadiene via extractive distillation, distillation, and/or selective hydrogenation

Номер: US20220267234A1
Автор: MAMILLA Sekhar Babu
Принадлежит: SABIC Global Technologies BV

Systems and methods for producing 1,3-butadiene from a C4 hydrocarbon mixture are disclosed. The C4 hydrocarbon mixture comprising 1,3-butadiene, C4 acetylenes, and other C4 hydrocarbons is processed in an extractive distillation column to produce a crude 1,3-butadiene stream that comprises 1,3-butadiene, and C4 acetylenes including vinyl acetylene and ethyl acetylene. The crude 1,3-butadiene stream is subsequently distilled in the first distillation column, and the bottom stream of the first distillation column is further distilled in a second distillation column to produce an overhead stream comprising primarily 1,3-butadiene. A side stream comprising primarily C4 acetylenes is withdrawn from the second distillation column and processed in a selective hydrogenation unit to produce additional 1,3-butadiene.

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210162395A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Methods of producing an isomerization catalyst include preparing a catalyst precursor solution, hydrothermally treating the catalyst precursor solution to produce a magnesium oxide precipitant, and calcining the magnesium oxide precipitant to produce the isomerization catalyst. The catalyst precursor solution includes at least a magnesium precursor, a hydrolyzing agent, and cetrimonium bromide. Methods of producing 1-butene from a 2-butene-containing feedstock with the isomerization catalyst are also disclosed. 1. A method of producing an isomerization catalyst , the method comprising:preparing a catalyst precursor solution comprising at least a magnesium precursor, a hydrolyzing agent, and cetrimonium bromide;hydrothermally treating the catalyst precursor solution to produce a magnesium oxide precipitant; andcalcining the magnesium oxide precipitant to produce the isomerization catalyst.2. The method of claim 1 , where the molar ratio of the magnesium precursor to the hydrolyzing agent in the catalyst precursor solution is from 1:10 to 1:1.3. The method of claim 1 , where the molar ratio of the magnesium precursor to cetrimonium bromide in the catalyst precursor solution is from 1:0.01 to 1:0.1.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adjusting the pH of the catalyst precursor solution.5. The method of claim 4 , where the pH of the catalyst precursor solution is adjusted to a pH of from 3 to 7.6. The method of claim 4 , where the pH of the catalyst precursor solution is adjusted to a pH of from 8 to 12.7. The method of claim 1 , where hydrothermally treating the catalyst precursor solution comprises heating the catalyst precursor solution to a temperature of from 100° C. to 140° C. for a duration of from 48 hours to 96 hours.8. An isomerization catalyst produced by the method of .9. The isomerization catalyst of claim 8 , where the surface area of the isomerization catalyst is from 100 m/g to 300 m/g.10. The isomerization catalyst of claim 8 , where the ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150141700A1

A process for producing alkylated aromatic compounds includes pyrolyzing a coal feed to produce a coke stream and a coal tar stream. The coal tar stream is hydrotreated and the resulting hydrotreated coal tar stream is cracked. A portion of the cracked coal tar stream is separated to obtain a fraction having an initial boiling point in the range of about 60° C. to about 180° C., and an aromatics-rich hydrocarbon stream is extracted by contacting the fraction with one or more solvents. The aromatics-rich hydrocarbon stream is contacted with an alkylating agent to produce an alkylated aromatic stream, or the aromatics-rich hydrocarbon stream is reacted with an aliphatic compound or methanol in the presence of a catalyst to produce a methylated aromatic stream. The alkylated aromatic stream, the methylated aromatic stream, or both are separated into at least a benzene stream, a toluene stream, and a xylenes stream. 1. A process for producing alkylated aromatic compounds , comprising:pyrolyzing a coal feed to produce a coke stream and a coal tar stream;hydrotreating the coal tar stream;cracking the hydrotreated coal tar stream;separating a portion of the cracked coal tar stream to obtain a fraction having an initial boiling point in the range of about 60° C. to about 180° C.;extracting an aromatics-rich hydrocarbon stream by contacting the fraction with one or more solvents;contacting the aromatics-rich hydrocarbon stream with an alkylating agent in the presence of an alkylation catalyst in an alkylation zone to produce an alkylated aromatic stream, or contacting the aromatics-rich hydrocarbon stream with an aliphatic compound or methanol in the presence of a methylation catalyst in a methylation zone to produce a methylated aromatic stream; andseparating the alkylated aromatic stream, the methylated aromatic stream, or both into at least a benzene stream, a toluene stream, and a xylenes stream.2. The process of further comprising recycling the benzene stream to the ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170136445A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Embodiments of a method of synthesizing a metathesis and isomerization catalyst or metathesis catalyst or isomerization catalyst comprises forming a catalyst precursor solution comprising a diluent and a catalyst precursor where the catalyst precursor comprises at least one of a silica precursor and an alumina precursor for the isomerization catalyst and additionally an oxometallate precursor or metal oxide precursor for the metathesis catalyst or the metathesis and isomerization catalyst, where the catalyst precursor solution is absent a surfactant; aerosolizing the catalyst precursor solution; drying the aerosolized catalyst precursor mixture to form a dried catalyst precursor; and reacting the dried catalyst precursor to yield the metathesis and isomerization catalyst or the metathesis catalyst or the isomerization catalyst, the metathesis and isomerization catalyst comprising a silica and alumina support with an oxometallate or a metal oxide distributed within the silica and alumina support. 1. A method of synthesizing a metathesis and isomerization catalyst , the method comprising:forming a catalyst precursor mixture comprising a diluent and a catalyst precursor comprising, the catalyst precursor comprising an oxometallate precursor or a metal oxide precursor and at least one of an alumina precursor and a silica precursor, where the catalyst precursor mixture is absent a surfactant;aerosolizing the catalyst precursor mixture;drying the aerosolized catalyst precursor mixture to form a dried catalyst precursor; andreacting the dried catalyst precursor to yield the metathesis and isomerization catalyst, the metathesis and isomerization catalyst comprising a silica or silica and alumina support with an oxometallate or metal oxide distributed within the silica or silica and alumina support.2. The method of where the silica precursor comprises fumed silica.3. The method of where the catalyst precursor comprises the oxometallate precursor.4. The method of where the ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210171840A1
Автор: KOSEOGLU Omer Refa
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A process for the treatment of a light naphtha feedstock that comprises normal paraffins and iso-paraffins may include separating the feedstock into a first iso-paraffin stream and a normal paraffin stream. The separating may be performed with 5 A molecular sieves, a pressure of about 1-3 bars, and a temperature of 100-260° C. A product stream may be provided by subjecting the normal paraffin stream to at least one of steam cracking, isomerizing, and aromatizing. 1. A process for treatment of a light naphtha feedstock , the process comprising:separating the light naphtha feedstock consisting of normal paraffins and iso-paraffins having 5 and 6 carbon atoms into an iso-paraffin stream and a normal paraffin stream consisting of 5 and 6 carbon atoms;aromatizing the normal paraffin stream to produce an aromatic stream and a non-aromatic stream; andsteam cracking the non-aromatic stream to provide an olefinic stream.2. (canceled)3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the iso-paraffin stream is sent to a gasoline pool.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the separating is performed with 5 A molecular sieves.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the separating is performed at a pressure ranging from about 1-3 bar.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the separating is performed at a temperature ranging from 100-260° C.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the aromatizing is performed with a MFI zeolite catalyst.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the aromatizing is performed at a temperature of 500-600° C.9. The process of claim 1 , wherein the steam cracking is performed at a temperature of 750-850° C.10. The process of claim 1 , wherein the steam cracking is performed with a steam-to-hydrocarbon ratio ranging from 0.5:1 to 0.7:1 by weight.11. A process for treatment of a light naphtha feedstock claim 1 , the process comprising:separating the feedstock consisting of normal paraffins and iso-paraffins having 5 and 6 carbon atoms into a first iso-paraffin stream and a normal paraffin ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Process for the manufacture of diesel range hydrocarbons

Номер: US20170145318A1
Принадлежит: Neste Oyj

The invention relates to a process for the manufacture of diesel range hydrocarbons wherein a feed is hydrotreated in a hydrotreating step and isomerised in an isomerisation step, and a feed comprising fresh feed containing more than 5 wt % of free fatty acids and at least one diluting agent is hydrotreated at a reaction temperature of 200-400° C., in a hydrotreating reactor in the presence of catalyst, and the ratio of the diluting agent/fresh feed is 5-30:1.

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Method for preparing iodine-doped tio2 nano-catalyst and use thereof in heterogeneously catalyzing configuration transformation of trans-carotenoids

Номер: US20160158736A1

The present invention relates to a method for preparing an iodine-doped TiO 2 nano-catalyst and use of the catalyst in heterogeneously catalyzing configuration transformation of trans-carotenoids. The iodine-doped TiO 2 nano-catalyst is prepared by a sol-gel process using a titanate ester as a precursor and an iodine-containing compound as a dopant in the presence of a diluent, inhibitor and complexing agent. The catalyst exhibits high activity for isomerization of the trans-carotenoids into their cis-isomers within a short catalytic time. The catalyst can be easily prepared and is highly efficient, economical, recyclable and environmentally friendly.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180169636A1
Автор: Nubel Philip

A method of making a xylene isomerization catalyst comprises the steps of (i) contacting a ZSM-5 zeolite starting material having a silica to alumina molar ratio of 20 to 50 and having a mesopore surface area in the range of 50 m/gram to 200 m/gram in a reactor with a base to provide an intermediate zeolite material; (ii) recovering the intermediate ZSM-5 zeolite material of step (i); (iii) contacting the intermediate zeolite material with an acid to provide an acid treated ZSM-5 zeolite product; (iv) recovering the acid treated ZSM-5 zeolite material; and (v) calcining the acid treated ZSM-5 zeolite material to provide a desilicated ZSM-5 zeolite product having a silica to alumina molar ratio of 20 to 150 and having a mesopore surface area in the range of 100 m/gram to 400 m/gram. 1. A method of making a xylene isomerization catalyst comprising the steps of:{'sup': 2', '2, '(i) contacting a ZSM-5 zeolite starting material having a silica to alumina molar ratio of about 20 to about 50 and having a mesopore surface area in the range of about 50 m/gram to about 200 m/gram in a reactor with a base at a temperature of about 20° C. to about 100° C. for a caustic treatment period of about 1 minute to about 10 hours to provide an intermediate zeolite material, wherein the ZSM-5 zeolite is present in the base in an amount of about 1 weight % to about 20 weight %;'}(ii) recovering the intermediate ZSM-5 zeolite material of step (i);(iii) contacting the intermediate zeolite material with an acid at a temperature of about 20° C. to about 100° C. for an acid treatment period of about 1 minute to about 10 hours to provide to provide an acid treated ZSM-5 zeolite product;(iv) recovering the acid treated ZSM-5 zeolite material; and{'sup': 2', '2, '(v) calcining the acid treated ZSM-5 zeolite material at a temperature in the range of about 300° C. to about 700° C. for a period of time in the range of about 0.2 hours to about 6 hours to provide a desilicated ZSM-5 zeolite product ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190177252A1

Disclosed are processes for a high temperature isomerization reaction converting (E)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene to (Z)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene. In certain aspects of the invention, such a process includes contacting a feed stream with a heated surface, where the feed stream includes (E)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene or mixture of (E)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene with (Z)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene. The resulting product stream includes (Z)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene and (E)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene, where the ratio of (Z) isomer to (E) isomer in the product stream is higher than the ratio feed stream. The (E) and (Z) isomers in the product stream may be separated from one another. 1. A method of converting (E)1-chloro-3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropene into (Z)1-chloro-3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropene , comprising:providing a reaction mixture comprising (E)1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene and, optionally, (Z)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene;heating said reaction mixture to temperature of greater than 400° C. for a period of time and under conditions effective to form a product mixture comprising a concentration of (Z)1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene that is greater than that provided in the reaction mixture.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said reaction mixture is heated to a temperature from greater than 400° C. to about 550° C.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said reaction mixture is heated to a temperature from greater than 400° C. to about 500° C.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said reaction mixture is heated to a temperature from greater than 400° C. to about 475° C.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said reaction mixture is heated to a temperature from greater than 400° C. to about 450° C.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of providing a temperature controlled reaction vessel that includes an interior surface claim 1 , a first opening claim 1 , a second opening claim 1 , a pathway fluidly connecting the first and ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160194260A1
Принадлежит: Holmen AB

The present invention relates to a method for production of p-cymene from cyclic monoterpenes in the presence of an Fe(III)-salt as a catalyst. In particular it relates to a method for production of p-cymene from cyclic monoterpenes containing high levels of sulphur, such as crude sulphate turpentine. The method can be performed as two different, subsequent processes for the isomerization and oxidation reactions, or in a single process wherein these reactions take place at the same time. 1. Method for production of p-cymene , the method comprising:converting a starting material comprising cyclic monoterpenes and/or terpinenes into p-cymene, wherein the starting material is converted to p-cymene in a liquid phase reaction using an Fe(III)-salt as a catalyst, in the presence of water and at pH 4 or below.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the starting material comprises cyclic monoterpenes.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is FeClor FeCl*6HO.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of catalyst is between about 20 and about 40% (w/w) of the total mass of the starting material.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the reaction is performed in the presence of hydrochloric acid.6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the reaction is performed at a temperature between about 80 and about 100 ° C.7. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the sulphur content of the starting material is more than 2.5% (w/w).8. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the starting material is crude sulphate turpentine or TMP turpentine.9. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the starting material comprises terpinenes.10. Method according to claim 9 , wherein the isomerization of the cyclic monoterpenes to terpinenes is performed in a separate process.11. Method according to claim 9 , wherein the cyclic monoterpenes are isomerized to terpinenes by heating in the presence of aqueous sulphuric acid.12. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the reaction mixture ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190185393A1

Processes for co-production of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) and alkylate is disclosed. The process includes comprising passing a hydrocarbon feed stream comprising Chydrocarbons to a dehydrogenation unit to generate a dehydrogenation effluent comprising Colefins. The dehydrogenation effluent is passed to a MTBE unit to provide a mixed stream comprising Colefins and MTBE. The mixed stream is separated to provide an MTBE product stream and a fractionator overhead stream comprising olefins. The fractionator overhead stream is passed to an alkylation unit to produce an alkylation product stream comprising an alkylate. 1. A process for co-production of a tertiary-butyl ether compound and alkylate , comprising:{'sub': 4', '4, 'passing a hydrocarbon feed stream comprising Chydrocarbons to a dehydrogenation unit to generate a dehydrogenation effluent comprising Colefins;'}{'sub': '4', 'passing the dehydrogenation effluent to a tertiary-butyl ether unit to provide a mixed stream comprising Colefins and a tertiary-butyl ether compound;'}separating the mixed stream to provide a tertiary-butyl ether product stream and a fractionator overhead stream comprising olefins; andpassing the fractionator overhead stream to an alkylation unit to produce an alkylation product stream comprising an alkylate.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the tertiary-butyl ether compound is one of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) or ethyl tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE).3. The process of further comprising:passing the alkylation product stream to a de-isobutanizer column to generate a de-isobutanizer overhead stream and a de-isobutanizer bottoms stream; andpassing the de-isobutanizer bottoms stream to a debutanizer column to generate a debutanizer overhead stream and the alkylate.4. The process of further comprising:passing a first portion of the debutanizer overhead stream to an isomerization unit to generate an isomerate stream; andpassing the isomerate stream to the de-isobutanizer column.5. The ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140288339A1

A process and apparatus are disclosed for hydrocracking hydrocarbon feed in a hydrocracking unit and hydrotreating a diesel product from the hydrocracking unit in a hydrotreating unit. The hydrocracking unit and the hydrotreating unit share the same recycle gas compressor. A make-up hydrogen stream may also be compressed in the recycle gas compressor. A warm separator separates recycle gas and hydrocarbons from diesel in the hydrotreating effluent, so fraction of the diesel is relatively simple. The warm separator also keeps the diesel product separate from the more sulfurous diesel in the hydrocracking effluent, and still retains heat needed for fractionation of lighter components from the low sulfur diesel product. 1. A process for producing diesel from a hydrocarbon stream comprising:compressing a make-up hydrogen stream in a compressor to provide a compressed make-up hydrogen stream;compressing said compressed make-up hydrogen stream in a recycle gas compressor to provide a compressed hydrogen stream;taking a hydrocracking hydrogen stream from the compressed hydrogen stream;hydrocracking the hydrocarbon stream in the presence of the hydrocracking hydrogen stream and hydrocracking catalyst to provide a hydrocracking effluent stream;fractionating at least a portion of the hydrocracking effluent stream to provide a diesel stream; andhydrotreating the diesel stream in the presence of a hydrotreating hydrogen stream and hydrotreating catalyst to provide a hydrotreating effluent stream.2. The process of further comprising separating the hydrocracking effluent stream into a vaporous hydrocracking effluent stream comprising hydrogen and a liquid hydrocracking effluent stream; compressing the vaporous hydrocracking effluent stream with the compressed make-up hydrogen stream to provide the compressed hydrogen stream and taking the hydrotreating hydrogen stream from the compressed hydrogen stream.3. The process of wherein all of the hydrotreating hydrogen stream is ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140288344A1

The invention concerns a process for the conversion of a paraffinic feed produced from renewable resources, to the exclusion of paraffinic feeds obtained by a process employing a step for upgrading by the Fischer-Tropsch pathway, said process employing a catalyst comprising at least one hydrodehydrogenating metal, used alone or as a mixture, and a support comprising at least one Nu-10 zeolite and at least one silica-alumina, said process being carried out at a temperature in the range 150° C. to 500° C., at a pressure in the range 0.1 MPa to 15 MPa, at an hourly space velocity in the range 0.1 to 10 hand in the presence of a total quantity of hydrogen mixed with the feed such that the hydrogen/feed ratio is in the range 70 to 2000 Nm/mof feed. 1. A process for the conversion of a paraffinic feed constituted by hydrocarbons containing in the range 9 to 25 carbon atoms , said paraffinic feed being produced from renewable resources , to the exclusion of paraffinic feeds obtained by a process employing a step for upgrading by the Fischer-Tropsch pathway , said process employing a catalyst comprising at least one hydrodehydrogenating metal selected from the group formed by metals from group VIB and from group VIII of the periodic classification of the elements , used alone or as a mixture , and a support comprising at least one Nu-10 zeolite and at least one silica-alumina , said process operating at a temperature in the range 150° C. to 500° C. , at a pressure in the range 0.1 MPa to 15 MPa , at an hourly space velocity in the range 0.1 to 10 hand in the presence of a total quantity of hydrogen mixed with the feed such that the hydrogen/feed ratio is in the range 70 to 2000 Nm/mof feed.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which said paraffinic feed is constituted by hydrocarbons containing in the range 10 to 22 carbon atoms.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which said paraffinic feed is produced from renewable resources selected from vegetable oils claim 1 ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Hydroprocessing Microalgal Oils

Номер: US20140305031A1
Принадлежит: Solazyme, Inc.

Fuels and other valuable compositions and compounds can be made from oil extracted from microbial biomass and from oil-bearing microbial biomass via hydroprocessing and/or other chemical treatments, including the alkaline hydrolysis of glycerolipids and fatty acid esters to fatty acid salts. 1. A method of producing fuel comprising subjecting a triglyceride oil comprising a lipid profile of at least 15% C:16 fatty acids , at least 50% C18:1 fatty acids , at least 7% C18:2 fatty acids , and less than 3% C10:0-C14:0 fatty acids to one or more chemical reactions to generate alkanes , whereby fuel is produced.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the triglyceride oil further comprises a lipid profile of 1.3±0.6% C14:0 fatty acids claim 1 , 23±6.5% C16:0 fatty acids claim 1 , 1.0±1.0% C16:1 fatty acids claim 1 , 3.5±1.5% C18:0 fatty acids claim 1 , 62±8% C18:1 fatty acids claim 1 , 8.5±4.0% C18:2 fatty acids claim 1 , and 1.5±1.0% C18:3 fatty acids.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the triglyceride oil further comprises at least one of:i. less than 0.4 micrograms/ml total carotenoids;ii. less than 0.001 micrograms/ml lycopene;iii. less than 0.02 micrograms/ml beta carotene;iv. less than 0.2 milligrams of chlorophyll per kilogram of oil;v. 0.40-0.60 milligrams of gamma tocopherol per 100 grams of oil;vi. 3-9 mg campesterol per 100 grams of oil; andvii. less than 0.5 milligrams of total tocotrienols per gram of oil.4CupheaCamelina staviacalendulaeuphorbiamacadamia. The method of claim 1 , wherein the triglyceride oil is blended with one or more oil or fat compositions selected from the group consisting of soy claim 1 , rapeseed claim 1 , canola claim 1 , palm claim 1 , palm kernel claim 1 , coconut claim 1 , corn claim 1 , waste vegetable claim 1 , Chinese tallow claim 1 , olive claim 1 , sunflower claim 1 , cotton seed claim 1 , chicken fat claim 1 , beef tallow claim 1 , porcine tallow claim 1 , microalgae claim 1 , macroalgae claim 1 , claim 1 , flax claim 1 , peanut ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140314634A1

Disclosed herein is a process for producing an alpha olefin comprising obtaining a feed stream comprising an internal olefin having a first carbon number and an alpha olefin having a first carbon number, isomerizing the feed stream to increase the quantity of the alpha olefin, fractionating, subjecting the overhead material from fractionation to catalytic metathesis to produce a mixed olefin effluent comprising an internal olefin having a second carbon number and other hydrocarbons, fractionating, preparing the first isomerization reactor and fractionator to receive the olefin having a second carbon number, isomerizing the internal olefin intermediate in the prepared first isomerization reactor, and fractionating the second isomerization effluent in the prepared first fractionator to separate the alpha olefin having the second carbon number from the internal olefin having the second carbon number. A corresponding system also is disclosed, along with a heat pump that can be incorporated into the process. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. (canceled)20. (canceled)21. (canceled)22. (canceled)23. (canceled)24. A system for producing an alpha olefin , comprising:a first isomerization reactor configured to isomerize a first batch of an olefin having a first carbon number to form a first isomerization reactor effluent and subsequently process a second batch of an olefin having a second carbon number to form a second isomerization reactor effluent,a metathesis reactor positioned downstream from the first isomerization reactor, the metathesis reactor being configured to disproportionate the first isomerization reactor effluent to form a metathesis reaction product,a first fractionator positioned downstream from the isomerization reactor and being configured to ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Process for preparation of highly coordinated sulfated mixed metal oxide catalyst having high crushing strength

Номер: US20210252495A1

The present invention provides a process of preparing a high coordination sulfated mixed metal oxide catalyst. The process comprises mixing specific ratios of alumina and zirconia mixtures at specific particle size limits which do not exceed 37 μm, in presence of a combination of α-amino acids i.e., non-polar side chains and basic side chains having molecular weight less than 250, nitric acid (HNO) and sulfuric acid (HSO) at a pH range of 1.5 to 3.8 at temperatures below 30° C. The catalysts have a high conversion towards hydrocarbon isomerization reaction while concurrently having crushing strength in range of 2.0 daN and 5.0 daN, allowing for efficient commercial application. 1. A high coordination sulfated mixed metal oxide catalyst composition comprising mixtures of:a) alumina and zirconia in weight ratio of 3:1 to 5:1;b) α-amino acids, having molecular weight ≤250.wherein crushing strength is between 2.0 to 5.0 daN.2. A catalyst as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , particle size of (a) is less than 37 μm.3. A catalyst as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , mixture of α-amino acids is a combination of α-amino acids with non-polar side chain and basic side chain.4. A catalyst as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , non-polar side chain α-amino acid is selected from Glycine claim 1 , Alanine claim 1 , Valine claim 1 , Leucine claim 1 , Isoleucine claim 1 , Methionine claim 1 , Proline and Phenylalanine; with molar concentration of α-amino acids with non-polar side chain in the range of 1 to 2M.5. A catalyst as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , basic side chain α-amino acid from Lysine claim 1 , Arginine and Histidine claim 1 , with molar concentration of α-amino acids with basic side chain is in the range of 2 to 3M.6. A process for synthesis of high coordination sulfated mixed metal oxide catalyst comprises:a) dissolving Zirconium nitrate or acetate in distilled water;b) Zirconium salt is precipitate using diethylamine, washed with double distilled ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Process for Methylating Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Номер: US20190218159A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

In a process for producing paraxylene, a hydrocarbon feedstock comprising benzene and/or toluene is contacted with an alkylating reagent comprising methanol and/or dimethyl ether in an alkylation reaction zone under alkylation conditions in the presence of an alkylation catalyst to produce an alkylated product comprising xylenes. The alkylation catalyst comprises a molecular sieve having a Constraint Index ≤5, and the alkylation conditions comprise a temperature less than 500° C. At least part of the alkylated product is supplied to a paraxylene recovery unit to recover paraxylene and produce a paraxylene-depleted stream, which is then contacted with a xylene isomerization catalyst under conditions effective to isomerize xylenes in the paraxylene-depleted stream and produce an isomerized stream having a higher concentration of paraxylene than the paraxylene-depleted stream. At least part of the isomerized stream is then recycled to the paraxylene recovery unit to recover the paraxylene therein.

03-09-2015 дата публикации

Xylene Separation Process

Номер: US20150246860A1
Автор: Bender Timothy P.

A process is described for separating paraxylene from a multicomponent fluid mixture of C8 aromatics, and more particularly to a process for separating paraxylene from such a fluid mixture by means of adsorption apparatus, such as moving-bed or simulated moving-bed adsorption apparatus. A process is also described for making paraxylene by making a mixture of C8 aromatics and separating paraxylene from the mixture by means of a simulated moving-bed adsorption apparatus. 1. A process for separating paraxylene from at least one multicomponent feed by simulated countercurrent adsorptive separation , said process comprising the steps of:(a) passing said multicomponent feed through a conduit and into a bed of adsorbent to adsorb paraxylene on said adsorbent;(b) passing at least one first flushing medium through the conduit of step (a) to flush residue of the multicomponent feed into the adsorbent bed comprising adsorbed paraxylene obtained from step (a); and(c) passing at least one second flushing medium through the conduit of step (b) to flush residue of the first flushing medium into the adsorbent bed obtained from step (b),wherein the multicomponent feed of step (a) comprises a C8 aromatic mixture of paraxylene, orthoxylene, metaxylene, and ethylbenzene, said C8 aromatic mixture comprising from 15 to 30 volume percent of paraxylene,wherein the first flushing medium of step (b) comprises from 10 to 95 volume percent, based on the total volume of the first flushing medium, of a C8 aromatic mixture of paraxylene, orthoxylene, metaxylene, and ethylbenzene,wherein said C8 aromatic mixture in the first flushing medium comprises from 75 to 98 volume percent of paraxylene, andwherein the second flushing medium comprises less than 1 volume percent of ethylbenzene, less than 2 volume percent of orthoxylene, and less than 2 volume percent of metaxylene.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the sum of orthoxylene claim 1 , metaxylene claim 1 , and ethylbenzene make up 70 to 85 ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160243531A1

The present disclosure is directed to methods of producing zincoaluminosilicate structures with AEI, CHA, and GME topologies using organic structure directing agents (OSDAs), and the compositions and structures resulting from these methods. 6. The process of claim 5 , wherein R claim 5 , R claim 5 , and Rare each methyl.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the composition being hydrothermally treated comprises a source of silicon oxide claim 1 , a source of aluminum oxide claim 1 , and a source of zinc oxide.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein:(a) the source of silicon oxide is or comprises an aluminosilicate, a zincoaluminosilicate, zincosilicate a silicate, silica hydrogel, silicic acid, fumed silica, colloidal silica, tetra-alkyl orthosilicate, a silica hydroxide or combination thereof;(b) the source of aluminum oxide is or comprises an alkoxide, hydroxide, or oxide of aluminum, a sodium aluminate, an aluminum siloxide, an aluminosilicate, a zincoaluminosilicate, zincoaluminate or combination thereof;(c) the source of zinc oxide is or comprises a zinc(II) dicarboxylate, zinc(II) halide, zinc(II) hydroxide, zinc(II)oxide, zinc(II)nitrate, zincosilicate, zincoaluminate or zincoaluminosilicate.9. The process of claim 1 , wherein the source of silicon oxide comprises sodium silicate claim 1 , the source of Al comprises a FAU-zeolite claim 1 , and the source of zinc oxide comprises zinc acetate.10. The process of claim 1 , wherein the mineralizing agent comprises an aqueous alkali metal or alkaline earth metal hydroxide.11. The process of claim 1 , wherein:(a) the molar ratio of Al:Si is in a range of 0.005 to 0.2.(b) the molar ratio of OSDA:Si is in a range of 0.1 to 0.75;(c) the molar ratio of water:Si is in a range of 5 to 50.(d) the molar ratio of total hydroxide:Si is in a range of 0.1 to 1.25; and(e) the molar ratio of Zn:Si is in a range of 0.01 to 0.2.12. The process of claim 1 , wherein the conditions effective to crystallize a crystalline microporous ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160243532A1

The present disclosure is directed to producing zeolite structures with GME topologies using organic structure directing agents (OSDAs) comprising a piperidinium cation, and the compositions and structures resulting from these methods. In some embodiments, the crystalline products have a molar ratio of a molar ratio of Si:Al that is greater than 3.5. 5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the composition being hydrothermally treated comprises a source of silicon oxide and a source of aluminum oxide.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the quaternary piperidinium cation has an associated fluoride or hydroxide ion preferably substantially free of other halide counterions. In separate Aspects of this Embodiment claim 1 , the associated anion is hydroxide.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein:(a) the source of aluminum oxide comprises an aluminosilicate, an alkoxide, hydroxide, or oxide of aluminum, a sodium aluminate, an aluminum siloxide, an aluminosilicate, or combination thereof; and(b) the source of silicon oxide comprises an aluminosilicate, a silicate, silica hydrogel, silicic acid, fumed silica, colloidal silica, tetra-alkyl orthosilicate, a silica hydroxide or combination thereof.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the mineralizing agent comprises an aqueous alkali metal or alkaline earth metal hydroxide.9. The process of claim 1 , wherein:(a) the molar ratio of Al:Si is in a range of from 0.0067 to 0.5 (or the molar ratio of Si:Al is in a range of from 2 to 150);(b) the molar ratio of OSDA:Si is in a range of from 0.01 to 0.75;(c) the molar ratio of water:Si is in a range of from 5 to 50; and(d) the molar ratio of total hydroxide:Si is in a range of 0.1 to 1.25.10. The process of claim 1 , wherein the conditions effective to crystallize a crystalline microporous solid of GME topology include treatment of the hydrothermally treated composition at a temperature in a range of from 100° C. to 200° C. for a time effective for crystallizing the crystalline microporous ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210276933A1
Автор: KOSEOGLU Omer Refa
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A process for the treatment of a light naphtha feedstock that comprises normal paraffins and iso-paraffins may include separating the feedstock into a first iso-paraffin stream and a normal paraffin stream. The separating may be performed with 5A molecular sieves, a pressure of about 1-3 bars, and a temperature of 100-260° C. A product stream may be provided by subjecting the normal paraffin stream to at least one of steam cracking, isomerizing, and aromatizing. 1. A process for the treatment of a light naphtha feedstock , the process comprising:separating the light naphtha feedstock comprising normal paraffins and iso-paraffins having 5 or 6 carbon atoms into an iso-paraffin stream and a normal paraffin stream consisting of paraffins having 5 and 6 carbon atoms;at least one of steam cracking and aromatizing the normal paraffin stream to produce a product stream.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the feedstock consists essentially of the normal paraffins and iso-paraffins having 5 or 6 carbon atoms.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the iso-paraffin stream is sent to a gasoline pool.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the separating is performed with 5A molecular sieves.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the separating is performed at a pressure ranging from about 1-3 bar.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the separating is performed at a temperature ranging from 100-260° C.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the aromatizing is performed with a MFI zeolite catalyst.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the aromatizing is performed at a temperature of 500-600° C.9. The process of claim 1 , wherein the steam cracking is performed at a temperature of 750-850° C.10. The process of claim 1 , wherein the steam cracking is performed with a steam-to-hydrocarbon ratio ranging from 0.5:1 to 0.7:1 by weight.11. A process for the treatment of a light naphtha feedstock claim 1 , the process comprising:separating the feedstock comprising normal paraffins and iso-paraffins into ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170247304A1

Disclosed are processes for a high temperature isomerization reaction converting (E)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene to (Z)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene. In certain aspects of the invention, such a process includes contacting a feed stream with a heated surface, where the feed stream includes (E)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene or mixture of (E)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene with (Z)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene. The resulting product stream includes (Z)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene and (E)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene, where the ratio of (Z) isomer to (E) isomer in the product stream is higher than the ratio feed stream. The (E) and (Z) isomers in the product stream may be separated from one another. 1. A method of converting (E)1-chloro-3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropene into (Z)1-chloro-3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropene , comprising:providing a reaction mixture comprising (E)1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene and, optionally, (Z)-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene;heating said reaction mixture to temperature of greater than 400° C. for a period of time and under conditions effective to form a product mixture comprising a concentration of (Z)1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene that is greater than that provided in the reaction mixture.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said reaction mixture is heated to a temperature from greater than 400° C. to about 550° C.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said reaction mixture is heated to a temperature from greater than 400° C. to about 500° C.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said reaction mixture is heated to a temperature from greater than 400° C. to about 475° C.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said reaction mixture is heated to a temperature from greater than 400° C. to about 450° C.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of providing a temperature controlled reaction vessel that includes an interior surface claim 1 , a first opening claim 1 , a second opening claim 1 , a pathway fluidly connecting the first and ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Activation of Low Metal Content Catalyst

Номер: US20200238271A1

Methods are provided for activation of catalysts comprising low amounts of a hydrogenation metal, such as low amounts of a Group 8-10 noble metal. The amount of hydrogenation metal on the catalyst can correspond to 0.5 wt % or less (with respect to the weight of the catalyst), or 0.1 wt % or less, or 0.05 wt % or less. Prior to loading a catalyst into a reactor, the corresponding catalyst precursor can be first activated in a hydrogen-containing atmosphere containing 1.0 vppm of CO or less. The thus first-activated catalyst can be transferred to a reactor with optional exposure to oxygen during the transfer, where it can be further activated using a hydrogen-containing atmosphere containing 3.0 vppm of CO or higher, to yield a twice-activated catalyst with high performance. The catalyst can be advantageously a transalkylation catalyst or an isomerization catalyst useful for converting aromatic hydrocarbons. 1. A method for activating a catalyst , comprising:(I) providing a catalyst precursor comprising 0.5 wt % or less of a hydrogenation metal and a molecular sieve, based on the total weight of the catalyst precursor;{'sub': '2', '(II) reducing the catalyst precursor in a first vessel in the presence of a first atmosphere comprising Hand 1.0 vppm or less of CO, based on the total volume of the first atmosphere, to obtain a reduced catalyst; and'}(III) transferring the reduced catalyst to a second vessel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises:{'sub': '2', '(IV) exposing at least a portion of the reduced catalyst to a second atmosphere comprising 1.0 vol % or more O, based on the total volume of second atmosphere, for an exposure time of 0.1 hours or more, to obtain an exposed reduced catalyst.'}3. The method of claim 2 , wherein step (IV) is at least partially performed during step (III).4. The method of any of claim 1 , further comprising:{'sub': '2', '(V) treating the reduced catalyst or the exposed reduced catalyst in the second vessel in ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации

Paraxylene Separation Process

Номер: US20150266794A1

The invention relates to a p-xylene separation process wherein at least a portion of ethylbenzene present in an aromatics-containing feed is removed prior to isomerization. Aspects of the invention provide a process for producing p-xylene. The process includes providing a first mixture comprising ≧5.0 wt. % of aromatic Cisomers, the Cisomers comprising p-xylene and ethylbenzene. A p-xylene-containing portion and an ethylbenzene-containing portion are separated from the first mixture in a first separation stage to form a p-xylene-depleted raffinate. The first separation stage can include at least one simulated moving-bed adsorptive separation stage. At least a portion the p-xylene-depleted raffinate in the liquid phase is reacted to produce a reactor effluent comprising aromatic Cisomers. The first mixture can be combined with ≧50.0 wt. % of the reactor effluent's aromatic Cisomers. The combining can be carried out before and/or during the separating of the p-xylene and ethylbenzene portions. 1. A process for producing p-xylene , the process comprising:{'sub': 8', '8, '(a) providing a first mixture comprising ≧5.0 wt. % of aromatic Cisomers, the Cisomers comprising p-xylene and ethylbenzene;'}(b) separating from the first mixture in a first separation stage a p-xylene-containing portion and (i) an ethylbenzene-containing portion and/or (ii) a non-aromatic containing portion, to form a p-xylene-depleted raffinate;{'sub': '8', '(c) reacting at least a portion the p-xylene-depleted raffinate in the liquid phase to produce a reactor effluent comprising aromatic Cisomers;'}{'sub': '8', "(d) combining with the first mixture ≧50.0 wt. % of the reactor effluent's aromatic Cisomers, the combining being carried out before and/or during the separating of (b), and"}(e) conducting away at least part of the separated ethylbenzene-containing portion and/or conducting away at least part of the separated non-aromatic containing portion.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the ...

14-10-2021 дата публикации

Desilicated ZSM-5 Catalysts for Xylene Isomerization

Номер: US20210316284A1
Автор: Nubel Philip

A method of making a xylene isomerization catalyst comprises the steps of (i) contacting a ZSM-5 zeolite starting material having a silica to alumina molar ratio of 20 to 50 and having a mesopore surface area in the range of 50 m/gram to 200 m/gram in a reactor with a base to provide an intermediate zeolite material; (ii) recovering the intermediate ZSM-5 zeolite material of step (i); (iii) contacting the intermediate zeolite material with an acid to provide an acid treated ZSM-5 zeolite product; (iv) recovering the acid treated ZSM-5 zeolite material; and (v) calcining the acid treated ZSM-5 zeolite material to provide a desilicated ZSM-5 zeolite product having a silica to alumina molar ratio of 20 to 150 and having a mesopore surface area in the range of 100 m/gram to 400 m/gram. 110-. (canceled)11. A method of making a xylene isomerization catalyst comprising:{'sup': 2', '2, 'claim-text': wherein the ZSM-5 zeolite is present in the base in an amount of about 1 weight % to about 20 weight %, and', 'wherein the base is added to the reactor incrementally or continuously during the caustic treatment period;, 'contacting a ZSM-5 zeolite starting material having a silica to alumina molar ratio of about 20 to about 50, in the form of a powder having a mesopore surface area in the range of about 50 m/gram to about 200 m/gram in a reactor with a base at a temperature of about 20° C. to about 100° C. for a caustic treatment period of about 1 minute to about 10 hours to provide an intermediate zeolite material,'}(ii) recovering the intermediate ZSM-5 zeolite material of step (i);(iii) contacting the intermediate zeolite material with an acid at a temperature of about 20° C. to about 100° C. for an acid treatment period of about 1 minute to about 10 hours to provide to provide an acid treated ZSM-5 zeolite product; and(iv) recovering the acid treated ZSM-5 zeolite material.12. The method of claim 11 , further comprising mixing the acid treated ZSM-5 zeolite material with a ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200247731A1

Processes and apparatus for isomerizing hydrocarbons are provided. The process comprises isomerizing at least a portion of the hydrocarbon feed stream comprising at least one of C4 to C7 hydrocarbons in the presence of an isomerization catalyst and hydrogen under isomerization conditions to produce an isomerized stream. The isomerized stream is stabilized in a stabilizer to provide a stabilizer off-gas stream comprising chlorides and a liquid isomerate stream. At least a portion of the stabilizer off-gas stream is contacted with a dried feed stream to remove chlorides from the stabilizer off-gas stream. The dried feed stream is not cooled before absorbing the chlorides. A portion of the dried feed stream may bypass the absorbing section. A chiller is disposed on top of the vessel with the absorbing section. 1. A process for isomerizing a hydrocarbon feed stream comprising at least one of C4 to C7 hydrocarbons , the process comprising:drying the hydrocarbon feed stream in a drying zone configured to remove water from the hydrocarbon feed stream and provide a dried hydrocarbon feed stream;absorbing chlorides from a gaseous stream with the dried hydrocarbon feed stream in a vessel comprising an absorbing section configured to provide a chloride rich hydrocarbon feed stream and a chloride lean vapor, wherein a temperature of the dried hydrocarbon feed stream at an inlet of the vessel is substantially equal to a temperature of the dried hydrocarbon feed stream at the drying zone;isomerizing the chloride rich hydrocarbon feed stream with an isomerization catalyst in an isomerization reaction zone under isomerization conditions to produce an isomerized effluent stream; and,stabilizing the isomerized effluent stream in a stabilizing zone to provide a stabilizer off-gas stream comprising chlorides and a liquid isomerate stream, wherein at least a portion of the stabilizer off-gas stream comprises the gaseous stream.2. The process of wherein an entirety of the dried ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200247732A1

A mixed metal oxide solid acid catalyst composition is disclosed which provides substantially improved conversion for hydrocarbon transformation reactions namely, alkylation and isomerization. The catalyst composition includes a sulfate ion, Platinum group metal and a mixed metal oxide support material bearing molecular formula: 1. A method of converting hydrocarbons into high value products by isomerization and alkylation by contacting the reactants with a catalyst containing Group 3A , 4A , 11 and 8 elements along with Platinum group metals and sulfated ion , at optimized temperature and pressure conditions as desired for the hydrocarbon process , wherein the catalyst contains the following composition of metal oxides:{'br': None, 'i': x', '.x', '.x', '.x, 'sub': 1', '2', '2', '2', '3', '3', '2', '3', '4, 'ZrOAlOYbOCuO'}wherein the mole-coefficients for the individual oxides are as follows:{'sup': −2', '−2', '−2', '−2, 'x1=55 to 75×10; x2=12 to 25×10; x3=1 to 6×10and x4=0.1 to 5×10;'} a. a sulfated metal oxide (MOx) comprising sulfur in an amount ranging between 0.01 to 7 mole %, said metal oxide is at least one metal oxide selected from group consisting of zirconium oxide, aluminum oxide, ytterbium oxide and copper oxide.', 'b. at least one lanthanide series element, specifically ytterbium, in a molar concentration ratio ((Lanthanide element:Zr) ranging between 0.01 to 2.35 mole %;', 'c. at least one additional metal selected from the group consisting of Cu, Bi, Ti, Fe, Mn, Co and Ni in an amount ranging between 0.0 to 1.0 mole %, wherein each of said molar proportions being with respect to the total molar mass of final catalyst.', 'd. at least one additional metal selected from the Platinum group metals including Ru, Re, Rh, Ir, Pd and/or Pt in an amount ranging between 0.05 to 2 wt % based on the final catalyst composition., 'and the mass ratio of sulfated ion is between 5 to 17% and that of Platinum group metals is between 0.05 to 2%.'}2. A method of ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Transalkylation Start-Up Processes for Supported Precious Metal Catalyst

Номер: US20200306744A1

Processes for activating precious metal-containing catalysts. The processes can decrease the amount of high purity hydrogen required for starting up a catalytic conversion process such as transalkylation of heavy aromatics, without detrimental impact to the metal activity. The processes can include a low temperature treatment step with a high purity first gas, such as hydrogen generated by electrolysis and/or reformer hydrogen diluted with high purity inert gas, and a high temperature treatment step with a low purity second gas such as the reformer hydrogen. Also, the processes can include mixing a hydrogen gas of high or low purity with a high purity inert gas to form a gas mixture with a proportion of hydrogen no less than 2% and a reduced carbon monoxide concentration relative to the low purity hydrogen, and contacting the catalyst with the gas mixture. 1. A process for activating a catalyst composition comprising a precious metal , the process comprising:(I) providing the catalyst composition comprising the precious metal, wherein the concentration of the precious metal in the catalyst composition is from 0.01 wt % to 5.0 wt %, expressed as weight percentage of the precious metal based on the total weight of the catalyst composition;(II) contacting the catalyst composition with a first gas at a first temperature in a range from 150° C. to 300° C., the first gas comprising hydrogen and no more than 1 vppm carbon monoxide, based on the total volume of the first gas; and(III) after step (II), contacting the catalyst composition with a second gas comprising hydrogen at a second temperature not lower than 340° C., wherein the second gas further comprises carbon monoxide at a concentration of no less than 1 vppm, based on the total volume of the second gas.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first gas further comprises an inert gas claim 1 , preferably nitrogen.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the second gas comprises carbon monoxide at a concentration of no ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Metal organic frameworks, their synthesis and use

Номер: US20180318817A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

A novel metal organic framework, EMM-42, is described having the structure of UiO-66 and comprising bisphosphonate linking ligands. EMM-42 has acid activity and is useful as a catalyst in olefin isomerization. Also disclosed is a process of making metal organic frameworks, such as EMM-42, by heterogeneous ligand exchange, in which linking ligands having a first bonding functionality in a host metal organic framework are exchanged with linking ligands having a second different bonding functionality in the framework.

24-11-2016 дата публикации

Composite Catalyst for the Photocatalytic Isomerisation of Norbornadiene to Prepare Quadricyclane and Process for Making the Catalyst

Номер: US20160339415A1

The present invention discloses a composite catalyst for the photocatalytic isomerisation of norbornadiene to prepare quadricyclane, comprising: a solid photocatalyst, selected from the group consisting of TiO, Ti-MCM-41, Ti-SBA-15, ZnO, WO, TaOor SrTiO; and an organic photo-sensitizer loaded on the surface or in the channel of said solid photocatalyst, selected from benzophenone, acetophenone, Michler's Ketone, tetraethyl Michler's Ketone, and diethyl Michler's Ketone, where the organic photo-sensitizer is present in the solid photocatalyst in an amount of 0.5% to 20% by weight. The catalyst of the invention can catalyze a target reaction under the condition that no solvent is used, and the yield of the target product quadricyclane is higher. Furthermore, the catalyst of the invention has a stable activity, and it can be recycled. The invention further discloses a process for preparing the composite catalyst. 1. A composite catalyst for photocatalystic isomerisation of norbornadiene to prepare quadricyclane , comprising:{'sub': 2', '3', '2', '5', '3, 'a solid photocatalyst, selected from the group consisting of TiO, Ti-MCM-41, Ti-SBA-15, ZnO, WO, TaOor SrTiO; and'}an organic photo-sensitizer loaded on the surface or in the channel of said solid photocatalyst, selected from benzophenone, acetophenone, Michler's Ketone, tetraethyl Michler's Ketone, or diethyl Michler's Ketone;where the organic photo-sensitizer is present in the solid photocatalyst in an amount of 0.5% to 20% by weight.2. The composite catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein said organic photo-sensitizer is bound to hydroxyl groups on the surface of channel of the solid photocatalyst.3. A process of preparing a composite catalyst for photocatalytic isomerisation of norbornadiene to prepare quadricyclane claim 1 , comprising the steps:{'sub': 2', '3', '2', '5', '3, "(a) mixing a solution obtained by dissolving an organic photo-sensitizer in an organic solvent with a dried solid photocatalyst under ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации

Continuous Preparation Method of High-Purity Quadricyclane

Номер: US20160340273A1

The invention discloses a continuous process for producing high-pure quadricyclane, in which “a reaction-rectification integral process” or “a reaction followed by rectification process” may be employed. The two processes both use a novel composite catalyst which is obtained by loading an organic photo-sensitizer on a solid photocatalyst, and the composite catalyst has a high activity and a good stability. In the reaction-rectification integral process, the composite catalyst is used by being blended with rectification fillers or covering the rectification fillers, so as to achieve the integration of the reaction and the rectification. In the reaction followed by rectification process, the composite catalyst and the rectification fillers are placed separately from each other. The two processes achieve a relatively short residence time of reactants, produce highly-pure quadricyclane, and reduce the formation of cokes. 1. A continuous process for producing highly-pure quadricyclane , comprising the following steps:(a) a norbornadiene reactant is introduced into a reaction-rectification integral reactor; the reactor comprises a stainless steel cylinder in the outside, and a quartz tube is arranged inside of the reactor; an ultraviolet light source is arranged in the quartz tube, and rectification fillers and a composite catalyst are filled between the quartz tube and the stainless steel cylinder, wherein the rectification fillers are disorderly mixed with the composite catalyst in the particulate form, or the surface of the rectification fillers is covered with a layer of the composite catalyst; the introduced norbornadiene in a form of a liquid film or a gas-liquid mixture flows through the surface and inner channels of the composite catalyst so that a reaction is conducted to produce a reaction product comprising quadricyclane and cokes; and simultaneously,(b) under the rectification action provided by the reaction-rectification integral reactor, the norbornadiene ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160346771A1

The present disclosure is directed to novel crystalline germanosilicate compositions and methods of producing the same. In particular, the crystalline germanosilicate compositions are extra-large-pore compositions, designated CIT-13 possessing 10- and 14-membered rings. The disclosure describes methods of preparing these compositions using substituted benzyl-imidazolium organic structure-directing agents (OSDAs). Also disclosed are methods of using these crystalline compositions. 1. A crystalline microporous germanosilicate composition comprising a three dimensional framework having pores defined by 10- and 14-membered rings.3. The crystalline microporous germanosilicate composition of claim 1 , which exhibits a powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern exhibiting at least five of the characteristic peaks at 6.45±0.2 claim 1 , 7.18±0.2 claim 1 , 12.85±0.2 claim 1 , 18.26±0.2 claim 1 , 18.36±0.2 claim 1 , 18.63±0.2 claim 1 , 20.78±0.2 claim 1 , 21.55±0.2 claim 1 , 23.36±0.2 claim 1 , 24.55±0.2 claim 1 , 26.01±0.2 claim 1 , and 26.68±0.2 degrees 2-θ.4. The crystalline microporous germanosilicate composition of which exhibits a powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern substantially the same as shown in .6. The crystalline microporous germanosilicate composition of claim 2 , exhibiting at least two of (a) claim 2 , (b) claim 2 , or (c).7. The crystalline microporous germanosilicate of claim 1 , wherein the pore dimensions of the 10- and 14-membered rings are 6.2×4.5 Å and 9.1×7.2 Å claim 1 , respectively.8. The crystalline microporous germanosilicate composition of claim 2 , comprising germanium and having a ratio of Si:Ge atoms in a range of from 2:1 to 16:1.9. The crystalline microporous germanosilicate of claim 2 , that is substantially free of an organic structure-directing agent (OSDA)10. The crystalline microporous germanosilicate composition of claim 2 , further comprising at least one substituted benzyl-imidazolium organic structure-directing agent (OSDA).14. The ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Molecular Sieve Material, Its Synthesis and Use

Номер: US20160368778A1

A molecular sieve material, EMM-17, has in its as-calcined form an X-ray diffraction pattern including the following peaks in Table 11: 116-. (canceled)19. The process of claim 18 , wherein said X includes one or more of B claim 18 , Al claim 18 , Fe claim 18 , and Ga and Y includes one or more of Si claim 18 , Ge claim 18 , Sn claim 18 , Ti claim 18 , and Zr.20. The process of claim 18 , wherein said X is aluminum and Y is silicon.21. The process of claim 17 , wherein the conversion process is at least one of a cracking process claim 17 , a hydrocracking process claim 17 , a disproportionation process claim 17 , an alkylation process or an isomerization process.24. The process of claim 23 , wherein said X is aluminum and Y is silicon.25. The process of claim 23 , wherein said X includes one or more of B claim 23 , Al claim 23 , Fe claim 23 , and Ga and Y includes one or more of Si claim 23 , Ge claim 23 , Sn claim 23 , Ti claim 23 , and Zr.26. The process of claim 23 , wherein said Q is selected from the group consisting of 1-methyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations claim 23 , 1-ethyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations claim 23 , 1-propyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations claim 23 , 1-butyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations and mixtures thereof.27. The process of claim 22 , wherein the conversion process is at least one of a cracking process claim 22 , a hydrocracking process claim 22 , a disproportionation process claim 22 , an alkylation process or an isomerization process.29. The process of claim 28 , wherein said source of fluoride ions is one or more of HF claim 28 , NHU claim 28 , and NHHF.30. The process of claim 28 , wherein the conversion process is at least one of a cracking process claim 28 , a hydrocracking process claim 28 , a disproportionation process claim 28 , an alkylation process or an isomerization process. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/601,187, filed Feb. 21, 2012, and European ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Propene production method

Номер: US20160368833A1
Принадлежит: Braskem SA

The present invention relates to a process for the production of propene from a mixture of alcohols obtained from at least one renewable source of carbon, comprising the following steps: (a) fermentation of at least one renewable source of carbon for the production of a mixture of alcohols comprising ethanol, isopropanol and 1-butanol; (b) simplified removal of the alcohols from the fermentative wort to generate an aqueous solution containing chiefly ethanol, isopropanol and 1-butanol; (c) joint dehydration of the alcohols to produce a mixture of olefins comprising chiefly ethene, propene and linear butenes, the linear butenes being a mixture of 1-butene and 2-butenes (cis and trans isomers), besides water and by-products, among which oxygenated compounds; (d) removal of water, oxygenated compounds and other by-products to generate a mixture of olefins comprising chiefly ethene, propene and linear butenes; and (f) passing the mixture of olefins through an isomerized bed, so that 1-butene will be isomerized to 2-butenes and, subsequently, passing the mixture of olefins comprising chiefly ethene, propene and 2-butenes through a metathesis bed, for reaction between ethene and 2-butenes, generating additional propene, the molar ratio ethene:linear butenes being corrected to be between 1:1 and 1.3:1, by means of one of the alternatives selected from the group comprising: (i) addition of a stream containing ethanol to the process in step (c); (ii) addition of a stream containing ethene to the process in step (e); (iii) addition of a stream containing ethanol to the process in step (c) and a stream containing ethene in step (e).

31-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150376081A1

Apparatuses and methods for producing linear alkylbenzene products from renewable oils are provided. An exemplary method includes deoxygenating the renewable oil in a deoxygenation zone to form paraffins. The method fractionates the paraffins to form first and second fractions. The method processes the first fraction of paraffins in a reforming zone to form a reformate stream and recovers a first hydrogen stream from the reforming zone. The method includes forming a LAB stream in a LAB production zone from the second fraction of paraffins and a portion of the reformate stream. Further, the method includes recovering a second hydrogen stream in the LAB production zone and recycling the first hydrogen stream from the reforming zone and the second hydrogen stream from the LAB production zone, wherein substantially all hydrogen recovered from the reforming zone and the LAB production zone is recycled. 1. A method for producing a linear alkylbenzene product from a renewable oil , the method comprising:deoxygenating the renewable oil in a deoxygenation zone to form a paraffin stream;fractionating the paraffin stream to form a first fraction of paraffins and a second fraction of paraffins;processing the first fraction of paraffins in a reforming zone to form a reformate stream;recovering a first hydrogen stream from the reforming zone;forming a linear alkylbenzene stream in a linear alkylbenzene production zone from the second fraction of paraffins and a portion of the reformate stream;recovering a second hydrogen stream in the linear alkylbenzene production zone; andrecycling the first hydrogen stream from the reforming zone and the second hydrogen stream from the linear alkylbenzene production zone, wherein substantially all hydrogen recovered from the reforming zone and the linear alkylbenzene production zone is recycled.2. The method of further comprising:separating aromatics from non-aromatics in the reformate stream; andfractionating the aromatics to form a benzene ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200354289A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A method for producing para-xylene (PX) includes introducing a C8 aromatic-containing composition to a xylene rerun column to separate the C8 aromatic-containing composition into a xylene-containing effluent and a heavy effluent and passing the xylene-containing effluent to a PX processing loop that includes a PX recovery unit operable to separate a PX product from the xylene-containing effluent, a membrane isomerization unit operable to convert a portion of the MX, OX, or both from the xylene-containing effluent to PX, an EB dealkylation unit operable to dealkylate EB from the xylene-containing effluent to produce benzene, toluene, and other C compounds, and a membrane separation unit operable to produce a permeate that is PX-rich and a retentate that is PX-lean. The permeate is passed to the PX recovery unit for recovery of PX, which the retentate is bypassed around the PX recovery unit circulated through the xylene processing loop. 1. A system for producing para-xylene (PX) from a C8 aromatic-containing composition , the system comprising:a xylene rerun column operable to separate the C8 aromatic-containing composition into a xylene-containing effluent and a heavy effluent, the xylene-containing effluent comprising at least PX and one or more of ortho-xylene (OX), meta-xylene (MX), ethylbenzene (EB), or combinations of these; a PX recovery unit operable to separate the xylene-containing effluent into at least a PX product and a PX-depleted effluent;', {'sub': '7−', 'an ethylbenzene dealkylation unit directly downstream of the PX recovery unit and operable to dealkylate at least a portion of the EB from the xylene-containing effluent to produce a dealkylation effluent comprising one or more Ccompounds;'}, {'sub': '7−', 'a stripper disposed directly downstream of the ethylbenzene dealkylation unit, the stripper operable to separate the dealkylation effluent into a Ceffluent, an EB-depleted effluent, and a stripper bottoms;'}, 'a membrane isomerization unit disposed ...

26-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200369581A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A method for producing para-xylene (PX) includes introducing a C8 aromatic-containing composition to a xylene rerun column to separate the C8 aromatic-containing composition into a xylene-containing effluent and a heavy effluent and passing the xylene-containing effluent to a PX processing loop that includes a PX recovery unit operable to separate a PX product from the xylene-containing effluent, a membrane isomerization unit operable to convert a portion of the MX, OX, or both from the xylene-containing effluent to PX, an EB dealkylation unit operable to dealkylate EB from the xylene-containing effluent to produce benzene, toluene, and other C compounds, and a membrane separation unit operable to produce a permeate that is PX-rich and a retentate that is PX-lean. The permeate is passed to the PX recovery unit for recovery of PX, which the retentate is bypassed around the PX recovery unit circulated through the xylene processing loop. 1. A method for producing para-xylene (PX) , the method comprising:separating a C8 aromatic-containing composition into a xylene-containing effluent and a heavy effluent, the xylene-containing effluent comprising p-xylene (PX), ethylbenzene (EB), and one or both of m-xylene (MX) and o-xylene (OX);isomerizing at least a portion of the MX, the OX, or both from the xylene-containing effluent to PX by contacting the portion of the MX, OX, or both with a catalytic membrane in a membrane isomerization unit;{'sub': '7−', 'dealkylating at least a portion of the EB in the xylene-containing effluent to form one or more C compounds;'}subjecting at least a portion of the xylene-containing effluent to a membrane separation unit to produce a permeate that is PX-rich and a retentate that is PX-lean; andrecovering PX from the xylene-containing effluent, the permeate, or both in a PX recovery unit to produce a PX product.2. The method of claim 1 , in which the membrane separation unit comprises a carbon-based membrane.3. The method of claim 1 , in ...

31-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200407646A1
Принадлежит: Neste Oyj

The invention relates to a process for the manufacture of diesel range hydrocarbons wherein a feed is hydrotreated in a hydrotreating step and isomerised in an isomerisation step, and a feed comprising fresh feed containing more than 5 wt % of free fatty acids and at least one diluting agent is hydrotreated at a reaction temperature of 200-400° C., in a hydrotreating reactor in the presence of catalyst, and the ratio of the diluting agent/fresh feed is 5-30:1. 1. A process for the manufacture of diesel range hydrocarbons comprising the following steps:introducing a feedstock comprising bio oil and/or fat from renewable sources to a hydrotreatment step in which hydrocarbons are formed,isomerizing the formed hydrocarbons in an isomerization step,whereingas phase impurities formed in the hydrotreatment step are removed from the stream comprising hydrocarbons prior to contacting the hydrocarbons with the isomerization catalyst.2. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of purifying the feedstock prior to the hydrotreatment step so as to remove impurities.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the gas phase impurities formed in the hydrotreatment step comprise propane claim 1 , water claim 1 , CO claim 1 , HS claim 1 , NHor mixtures thereof.4. The process according to claim I claim 1 , wherein the removal of the gas phase impurities formed in the hydrotreatment step is performed in a stripping step upstream of the isomerization catalyst.5. The process according to claim 4 , wherein the stripping step is performed by stripping with water vapor or a suitable gas comprising light hydrocarbon claim 4 , nitrogen or hydrogen.6. The process according to claim 4 , wherein the stripping step is carried out in a counter-current manner.7. The process according to claim 1 , in the feedstock comprises more than 10 wt % of free fatty acids.8. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the feedstock contains less than 10w-ppm alkaline and alkaline earth ...

31-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200407655A1

Processes for increasing an octane value of a gasoline component by dehydrogenating a stream comprising Chydrocarbons and methylcyclohexane in a first dehydrogenation zone to form an intermediate dehydrogenation effluent, and then dehydrogenating the intermediate dehydrogenation effluent in a second dehydrogenation zone to form a Cdehydrogenation effluent. The Cdehydrogenation effluent has an increased olefins content compared to an olefins content of the intermediate dehydrogenation effluent. The first dehydrogenation zone is operated under conditions to convert methylcyclohexane to toluene and minimize cracking reactions. The intermediate dehydrogenation effluent may be heated before being passed to the second dehydrogenation zone. 1. A process for increasing an octane value of a gasoline component , the process comprising:separating a naphtha feed in a naphtha splitter into a stream comprising C6 and lighter boiling hydrocarbons, a C7 stream comprising C7 hydrocarbons including methylcyclohexane, and a heavy stream comprising C8 hydrocarbons;dehydrogenating at least a portion of the stream comprising C7 hydrocarbons in a first dehydrogenation zone to form an intermediate dehydrogenation effluent, the first dehydrogenation zone comprising a catalyst and operated under conditions to convert methylcyclohexane to toluene and minimize cracking reactions;dehydrogenating the intermediate dehydrogenation effluent in a second dehydrogenation zone to form a C7 dehydrogenation effluent, the C7 dehydrogenation zone comprising a catalyst and the C7 dehydrogenation effluent comprising an increased olefins content compared to an olefins content of the intermediate dehydrogenation effluent; and,blending the C7 dehydrogenation effluent as a gasoline component in a gasoline pool.2. The process of further comprising:heating the intermediate dehydrogenation effluent before dehydrogenating the intermediate dehydrogenation effluent in the second dehydrogenation zone.3. The process of ...

18-11-2010 дата публикации

Processes for Hydromethanation of a Carbonaceous Feedstock

Номер: US20100287835A1
Принадлежит: Greatpoint Energy Inc

The present invention relates to processes for preparing gaseous products, and in particular methane, via the hydromethanation of a carbonaceous feedstock in the presence of steam, syngas, a hydromethanation catalyst and an oxygen-rich gas stream.

03-12-2002 дата публикации

Method for synthesis of hydrocarbyl bridged indenes

Номер: US6489526B2
Автор: Daniel A. Gately
Принадлежит: Boulder Scientific Co

A method for treating a terminal dihalo hydrocarbyl compound with an alkali metal indenide to produce a bis(indenyl) hydrocarbyl compound is described.

27-08-2002 дата публикации

Synthesis and isomerization of 1,2-bis (indenyl) ethanes

Номер: US6441258B1
Автор: Daniel A. Gately
Принадлежит: Boulder Scientific Co

A method for producing 1,2-bis(indenyl)ethanes in good yield is described. An agent and its application for isomerizing kinetic EBI to thermodynamic EBI and for isomerizing meso TMS-EBI to rac TMS-EBI are exemplified.

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Process of synthesis gas conversion to liquid hydrocarbon mixtures using synthesis gas conversion catalyst and hydroisomerization catalyst

Номер: US20110160315A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

A process is disclosed for converting synthesis gas to a liquid hydrocarbon mixture useful as distillate fuel and/or lube base oil which is substantially free of solid wax. A synthesis gas feed is contacted with a synthesis gas conversion catalyst in an upstream bed and a hydroisomerization catalyst containing a metal promoter and an acidic component in a downstream bed within a single reactor at essentially common reaction conditions. A Fischer-Tropsch wax is formed over the synthesis gas conversion catalyst and said wax is subsequently hydroisomerized over the hydroisomerization catalyst, thereby resulting in a liquid hydrocarbon mixture having a desirable product distribution.

06-10-1987 дата публикации

Crystalline silicates, and processes for the production or use thereof

Номер: US4698449A

This invention relates to a novel crystalline silicate useful as a catalyst for various organic reactions such as polymerization of organic compounds, alkylation, isomerization, disproportionation and the like, which has a chemical composition represented by the general formula in the terms of mole ratios of oxides under dehydrated state, (0.1-2)R.sub.2/n O. [aLa.sub.2 O.sub.3.bCe.sub.2 O.sub.3 ].ySiO.sub.2 in which R is at least one mono- or divalent cation, n is the valence of R, M is at least one trivalent transition metal ion and/or aluminum ion, and a+b=1, a≧0, b≧0, and y≧12.

23-06-1999 дата публикации

Catalyst comprising a zeolithe EUO and its use in the isomerisation of aromatic C8 compounds

Номер: EP0923987A1
Принадлежит: IFP Energies Nouvelles IFPEN

An EUO-type zeolite is used as a selective catalyst for the isomerization of 8C aromatic compounds. The catalysts comprises a zeolite of structure EUO, partly in acid form, a matrix and a group VIII metal. The zeolite contains silicon and an element T, chosen from aluminum, iron, gallium or boron, such that the overall silicon/T atomic ratio is greater than 5. The dispersion of the group VIII metal is 50-100% and the macroscopic distribution is 0.7-1.3 inclusive. The catalyst has a mechanical crushing resistance, in a bed structure, of greater than 0.7 MPa. Independent claims are also included for the preparation of the catalyst and its use.

10-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220356131A1
Принадлежит: Neste Oyj

A process for combined renewable 1-decene and renewable carboxylic diacid production from a fatty acid ester containing feedstock, wherein the feedstock is first subjected to metathesis reaction conditions, recovery of 1-decene and then to microbial oxidation to yield diacids in a fermentation broth. Diacids of unusual carbon chains lengths are thereby obtainable. 1. A process for producing 1-decene and renewable carboxylic diacids from a C6-C22 fatty acid ester containing feedstock , the process comprising:a) providing the C6-C22 fatty acid ester containing feedstock, wherein the feedstock contains at least one unsaturated fatty acid ester;b) subjecting the feedstock to metathesis reaction conditions in a presence of an alkene selected from C2, C3, C4 alkenes and a metathesis catalyst, to obtain metathesis products containing renewable alkenes and fatty acid esters;c) recovering C10 alkenes, containing 1-decene from the metathesis products;d) subjecting a part of the metathesis products after optional pretreatment(s), to microbial oxidation to yield diacids in a fermentation broth; ande) recovery of the renewable diacids from the fermentation broth.2. A process according to claim 1 , comprising:the pretreatment in step d), the pretreatment including hydrolysis of any metathesis products in a form of esters before subjecting said metathesis products to microbial oxidation in step d).3. A process according to claim 1 , comprising:the pretreatment in step d), the pretreatment including hydrogenation of the metathesis products in a form of alkenes and unsaturated fatty acids before subjecting said metathesis products to microbial oxidation in step d).4. A process according to claim 1 , comprising:subjecting renewable diacids recovered from the fermentation broth to hydrogenation to saturate any C═C double bonds.5. A process according to claim 1 , wherein comprising:subjecting the fatty acid ester containing feedstock from step a) to a pretreatment selected from a ...

07-10-2008 дата публикации

Proceso de destilacion reactiva para alquilacion de hidrocarburos aromaticos.

Номер: HN2004000357A
Принадлежит: Sasol North America Inc


01-10-1996 дата публикации

Supported lewis acid catalysts for hydrocarbon conversion reactions

Номер: US5561095A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

A supported Lewis acid catalyst system for catalyzing hydrocarbon conversion reactions including cationic polymerization, alkylation, isomerization and cracking reactions is disclosed, wherein the catalyst system comprises an inorganic oxide support having immobilized thereon at least one relatively strong Lewis acid and at least one relatively weak Lewis acid.

02-03-2006 дата публикации

Butane removal in C4 upgrading processes

Номер: US20060047176A1
Принадлежит: ABB Lummus Global Inc

Disclosed herein is a process for producing a selected butene, comprising obtaining a C4 feed stream comprising C4 paraffins and C4 olefins, splitting the C4 feed stream to form a first stream comprising a first butene and a second stream comprising a second butene, isomerizing at least a part of the second stream to convert a portion of the second butene to the first butene, and recycling at least some of the isomerized part of the second steam to the splitting step, wherein a portion of at least one of the C4 feed stream and the second stream is passed through a facilitated transport membrane to remove butanes, forming at least one purge stream comprising butanes. A process for the conversion of C4 olefins, comprising obtaining a C4 feed stream comprising C4 paraffins and C4 olefins, including 1-butene and 2-butene, and reacting the C4 feed stream in a metathesis reactor to form a second stream is also disclosed. The second stream is fractionated to form one or more product streams and a recycle stream primarily containing C4 olefins and C4 paraffins. The recycle stream and/or the C4 feed stream is passed through a facilitated transport membrane to remove butanes, forming at least one purge stream.

03-12-2009 дата публикации

Continuous method for separating a C4 cut

Номер: AU2003250133B2
Принадлежит: BASF SE

13-12-2007 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon conversion using molecular sieve ssz-75

Номер: US20070284284A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

The present invention relates to new crystalline molecular sieve SSZ-75 prepared using a tetramethylene-1,4-bis-(N-methylpyrrolidinium)dication as a structure-directing agent, and its use in catalysts for hydrocarbon conversion reactions.

26-01-2010 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon conversion using molecular sieve SSZ-75

Номер: US7651603B2
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

The present invention relates to new crystalline molecular sieve SSZ-75 prepared using a tetramethylene-1,4-bis-(N-methylpyrrolidinium) dication as a structure-directing agent, and its use in catalysts for hydrocarbon conversion reactions.

15-05-2012 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon conversion using molecular sieve SSZ-75

Номер: US8177961B2
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

The present invention relates to new crystalline molecular sieve SSZ-75 prepared using a tetramethylene-1,4-bis-(N-methylpyrrolidinium) dication as a structure-directing agent, and its use in catalysts for hydrocarbon conversion reactions.

04-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR2512043A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Jacobs Pierre


04-12-1985 дата публикации

Zeolite with a two-dimensional structure, and use of this zeolite

Номер: EP0163560A2

1. A zeolite with two-dimensional structure, having a characteristic nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum, obtained by a process comprising the following stages : a) the treatment of a clay of beidelitte type, in which the silicon atoms have been replaced by aluminium atoms in the tetrahedral layers, in the form of an aqueous suspension, by an aqueous solution containing at least one hydroxide of at least one metal ; b) the removal of the excess hydroxide of the metal which has not reacted on the clay, said removal resulting, after drying the treated clay, in the obtaining of a precursor of the zeolite : c) the heat treatment of the precursor of the zeolite, said treatment resulting in the obtaining of a zeolite with two-dimensional structure ; characterised in that the heat treatment of the precursor has been carried out at a temperature of between 250 and 450 degrees C.

09-03-1983 дата публикации

Method of preparing bridged clays

Номер: EP0073718A1
Принадлежит: Alain Schutz, Georges Poncelet, Pierre Jacobs

L'invention concerne un procédé de préparation d'argiles pontées. Selon l'invention, on effectue la dialyse d'un mélange d'une solution aqueuse d'au moins un hydroxyde d'un métal et d'une suspension aqueuse d'argile. Ces argiles peuvent servir de catalyseurs ou de supports de catalyseurs pour la conversion d'au moins un hydroxyde d'un métal et d'une suspension aqueuse d'argile. Ces argiles peuvent servir de catalyseurs ou de supports de catalyseurs pour la conversion d'hydrocarbures paraffiniques ou oléofiniques. The invention relates to a process for the preparation of bridged clays. According to the invention, dialysis is carried out on a mixture of an aqueous solution of at least one hydroxide of a metal and an aqueous suspension of clay. These clays can serve as catalysts or catalyst supports for the conversion of at least one hydroxide of a metal and an aqueous suspension of clay. These clays can serve as catalysts or catalyst supports for the conversion of paraffinic or oleofinic hydrocarbons.

13-03-1984 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of bridged clays, clays prepared by said process, and uses for said clays

Номер: US4436832A
Принадлежит: Individual

In a process for the preparation of bridged clays, a mixture of an aqueous solution of at least one metal hydroxide and aqueous clay suspension is subjected to dialysis. Said clays are suited for use as catalysts or as supports for catalysts for the conversion of paraffinic or olefinic hydrocarbons.

09-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: JPS623013A
Принадлежит: Compagnie Francaise de Raffinage SA

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

15-03-1979 дата публикации

Werkwijze voor het bereiden van mordeniet.

Номер: NL159635B
Принадлежит: Shell Int Research

15-07-1997 дата публикации

Supported lewis acid catalysts for hydrocarbon conversion reactions

Номер: US5648580A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

A supported Lewis acid catalyst system for catalyzing hydrocarbon conversion reactions including cationic polymerization, alkylation, isomerization and cracking reactions is disclosed, wherein the catalyst system comprises an inorganic oxide support having immobilized thereon at least one relatively strong Lewis acid and at least one relatively weak Lewis acid.

24-04-2017 дата публикации

Material of molecular sieve, its synthesis and use

Номер: RU2617353C2

FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the synthesis of molecular sieves. The method comprises preparing a synthesis mixture which comprises water, a source of hydroxyl ions, a source of an oxide of tetravalent element, a trivalent element source, a source of fluoride ions, and a directing agent Q, selected from the group consisting of 1-methyl-4- (pyrrolidin-1- yl) pyridinium cation, 1-ethyl-4- (pyrrolidin-1-yl) pyridinium cation, 1-propyl-4- (pyrrolidin-1-yl) pyridinium cation, 1-butyl-4- (pyrrolidin-1-yl) pyridinium cations and their mixtures. The mixture is heated at crystallization conditions including a temperature of 100-200°C and time from 1 to 28 days. Material of molecular sieve EMM-17, which is characterized by a specific X-ray diffraction, is obtained. EFFECT: invention provides a new molecular sieve which is efficient as an adsorbent and a catalyst of hydrocarbon conversion. 16 cl, 3 dwg, 8 tbl, 21ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 617 353 C2 (51) МПК C01B 39/48 (2006.01) C01B 37/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2014137963, 27.12.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.12.2012 Дата регистрации: (72) Автор(ы): УЭСТОН Саймон С. (US), ШТРОМАЙЕР Карл Г. (US), ВРОМЕН Хилда Б. (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЭКСОНМОБИЛ КЕМИКЭЛ ПЕЙТЕНТС ИНК. (US) 24.04.2017 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 5108579 A 28.04.1992. RU 21.02.2012 US 61/601,187; 18.04.2012 EP 12164538.6 (45) Опубликовано: 24.04.2017 Бюл. № 12 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 22.09.2014 (86) Заявка PCT: US 2012/071819 (27.12.2012) 2 6 1 7 3 5 3 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.04.2016 Бюл. № 10 2092241 C1 10.10.1997. RU 2184610 C2 10.07.2002. US 6524551 B2 25.02.2003. Адрес для переписки: 105082, Москва, Спартаковский пер., д. 2, стр. 1, секция 1, этаж 3, " ...

02-08-1977 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon isomerization with increased temperature and lowered hydrogen/hydrocarbon ratio

Номер: US4039604A
Принадлежит: Phillips Petroleum Co

In a process for isomerizing light hydrocarbons with a catalyst system comprising a halogenated alumina or platinum alumina when hydrogen is utilized to sustain the catalyst activity, the ratio of hydrogen to hydrocarbon in the feed is decreased and the temperature increased after a substantial period of operation. This results in an improved conversion and selectivity which allows for increasing the total catalyst life.

12-10-1995 дата публикации

Supported lewis acid catalysts for hydrocarbon conversion reactions

Номер: WO1995026816A1
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc.

A supported Lewis acid catalyst system for catalyzing hydrocarbon conversion reactions including cationic polymerization, alkylation, isomerization and cracking reactions is disclosed, wherein the catalyst system comprises an inorganic oxide support having immobilized thereon at least one relatively strong Lewis acid and at least one relatively weak Lewis acid.

23-07-2010 дата публикации

Continuous method for separating a c4 cut

Номер: KR100972263B1
Принадлежит: 바스프 에스이

추출 증류 칼럼 (EDK)에서 선택적 용매 (LM)를 이용하는 추출 증류에 의해 C 4 분획 (C 4 )을 분별하기 위한 연속적 방법에 있어서, 추출 증류 칼럼 (EDK)에 수직 방향으로 분할벽 (TW)을 장착하여 제1 영역 (A), 제2 영역 (B) 및 하부 조합 칼럼 영역 (C)을 형성하고, 부탄을 포함하는 상단 스트림 (C 4 H 10 )을 제1 영역 (A)으로부터 취출하며, 부텐을 포함하는 상단 스트림 (C 4 H 8 )을 제2 영역 (B)으로부터 취출하고, 부탄 및 부텐보다 선택적 용매 (LM)에서 더욱 가용성을 갖는 C 4 분획으로부터의 탄화수소를 포함하는 스트림 (C 4 H 6 )을 하부 조합 칼럼 영역 (C)으로부터 취출하는 것이 제안된다. In a continuous process for fractionating C 4 fraction (C 4 ) by extractive distillation using an optional solvent (LM) in an extractive distillation column (EDK), the dividing wall (TW) is placed in a direction perpendicular to the extractive distillation column (EDK). Mounted to form a first region (A), a second region (B) and a lower combination column region (C), withdrawing a top stream (C 4 H 10 ) comprising butane from the first region (A), A top stream (C 4 H 8 ) comprising butenes is withdrawn from the second zone (B) and a stream (C 4) comprising hydrocarbons from the C 4 fraction which is more soluble in butane and butene than in the selective solvent (LM) It is proposed to take H 6 ) out of the lower combination column region (C). 분할벽, 추출 증류, 추출 증류 컬럼, 1,3-부타디엔, 부텐, 부탄 Partition wall, extractive distillation, extractive distillation column, 1,3-butadiene, butene, butane

23-05-1981 дата публикации

Method of producing catalyst for isomerization or hydrocracking of hydrocarbons

Номер: SU833145A3
Принадлежит: Снам Прогетти (Фирма)

1392197 Modified clays SNAM PROGETTI SpA 17 March 1972 [9 April 1971] 12703/72 Heading C1A [Also in Divisions B1 and C5] The surface of catalyst support material having a crystal matrix in the form of non- porous planar layers is provided with identical centres of controlled acidity by subjecting the material (which may be a natural or synthetic clay type mineral such as a beidellite-type smectite, for example beidellite or nontronite, or a semi-expandable vermiculite-type mineral, for example vermiculite, hydrobiotite or illite), either to heating at a temperature of from 350‹ to 450‹ C. or to cation exchange with ammonium ions and subsequent heating at a temperature of from 300‹ to 600‹ C. or to cation exchange with ions of Groups IIIb, IVb, VIb, VIIb or VIII metal, for example lanthanum, cerium, titanium or manganese. As exemplified, beidellite is subjected to cation exchange with lanthanum ions using lanthanum nitrate solution (Example 1), and vermiculite is subjected either to cation exchange with lanthanum ions using lanthanum nitrate solution (Example 2), or to cation exchange with ammonium ions, using ammonium acetate or nitrate solution, and subsequent heating at 450‹ C. (Example 3); also disclosed is vermiculite cation exchanged with titanium ions (Examples 5, 6, 7). A further material the surface of which has identical centres of controlled acidity is stated to be metakaolinite obtained by heating kaolinite at a temperature of from 350‹ to 450‹ C., for example 420‹ C. (Example 4).

29-03-2011 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon conversion processes using UZM-26 and UZM-26X crystalline microporous zeolitic compositions

Номер: US7915469B2
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

This invention relates to hydrocarbon conversion processes using crystalline zeolitic compositions designated the UZM-26 and UZM-26X. UZM-26 is a microporous three-dimensional zeolitic composition that is derived from UZM-26P (an as synthesized layered composition) by calcination. UZM-26X is a microporous three-dimensional zeolitic composition that is derived from UZM-26PX by calcination, where UZM-26PX is an ion-exchanged form of UZM-26P.

27-07-2010 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon conversion processes using the UZM-27 family of crystalline aluminosilicate compositions

Номер: US7763764B2
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

This invention relates to hydrocarbon conversion processes using a new family of crystalline aluminosilicate compositions designated the UZM-27 family. These include the UZM-27 and UZM-27HS which have unique structures. UZM-27 is a microporous composition which has a three-dimensional structure and is obtained by calcining the as synthesized form designated UZM-27P. UZM-27HS is a high silica version of UZM-27 and includes an essentially pure silica version of UZM-27.
