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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Ведите корректный номера.
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Применить Всего найдено 4920. Отображено 200.
07-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2666365C2
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к способу удаления следов хлоридных загрязнителей в отходящем продукте, выходящем из реактора каталитического дегидрирования углеводородного сырьевого потока, который включает: компримирование выходящего из реактора продукта, содержащего полиядерные ароматические соединения, в компрессоре для получения компримированного отходящего продукта; введение компримированного отходящего продукта в установку удаления хлорида; адсорбирование хлоридов, присутствующих в компримированном отходящем продукте, в установке удаления хлорида с получением отходящего продукта, подвергнутого обработке. Причем адсорбирование хлоридов осуществляется при температуре в диапазоне от 93 до 300°С и включает введение компримированного отходящего продукта в контакт с материалом адсорбента, который содержит активированный оксид алюминия, промотированный продукт на основе оксида алюминия, оксиды металлов, молекулярные сита или их комбинацию. Технический результат – предотвращение образования нежелательных ...

11-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729626C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения карбопроста формулы I и его трометаминовой соли формулы Ia посредством селективного алкилирования енона общей формулы II, где R обозначает защитную группу, посредством восстановления полученного в результате енола общей формулы III, где значение R определено выше, посредством удаления R-защитной группы полученного в результате лактола общей формулы IV, посредством осуществления реакции эпимеров формулы V лактола в ходе реакции Виттига, с получением эпимеров формулы VI карбопроста, посредством преобразования эпимеров карбопроста в их сложный метиловый эфир, посредством хроматографического разделения эпимеров формулы VII сложного метилового эфира, посредством гидролиза эпимера формулы VIII, и, если необходимо, посредством получения трометаминовой соли карбопроста, предусматривающий, что селективное алкилирование осуществляют в присутствии хирального вспомогательного средства в апротонном органическом растворителе с реактивом Гриньяра, хроматографию ...

10-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2223141C2

Изобретение относится к области хроматографии, применяемой для текучих сред. Устройство содержит по меньшей мере средства для сбора основной текучей среды, по меньшей мере два распределителя впуска и/или отвода, которые обеспечивают прохождение дополнительных текучих сред, по меньшей мере две смесительные камеры, которые сообщены с распределителями впуска и/или отвода при помощи отверстий или проходов распределителя или распределителей, средства для перераспределения текучей среды, которая поступает из смесительных камер, средства для разделения средств сбора и средств перераспределения, при этом распределители размещены один над другим, а смесительные камеры расположены по обеим сторонам распределителей и симметрично относительно отверстий, которые предназначены для впуска. Изобретение позволяет обеспечить наиболее симметричное распределение и сбор текучих сред, улучшить смешивание текучих сред и получить наиболее однородный по составу поток. 3 с. и 24 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

21-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2730289C2

Предложена установка низкотемпературной дефлегмации с ректификацией НТДР для комплексной подготовки газа и выработки СПГ, включающая входной сепаратор, блок низкотемпературной конденсации с редуцирующими устройствами, содержащий первый и второй рекуперационные теплообменники, дефлегматор с теплообменной секцией, соединенный линией подачи газа дефлегмации, оснащенной редуцирующим устройством, с низкотемпературным сепаратором, оснащенным линией вывода подготовленного природного газа, а также блок стабилизации конденсата, где в качестве низкотемпературного сепаратора установлен деметанизатор с линией подачи деметанизированного конденсата и линией вывода подготовленного природного газа, оснащенной первым рекуперационным теплообменником, по меньшей мере одно из редуцирующих устройств выполнено в виде детандера, на линии подачи газа дефлегмации после редуцирующего устройства расположен сепаратор, соединенный с деметанизатором линией подачи остатка сепарации, на которой расположена теплообменная ...

09-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2749418C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения углеводородов из источника жирных кислот, включающему (a)нагревание источника жирных кислот с получением первой композиции, содержащей углеводороды и по меньшей мере одну свободную короткоцепочечную жирную кислоту; и (b)отделение по меньшей мере одной свободной короткоцепочечной жирной кислоты из первой композиции посредством процесса адсорбции или процесса ионного обмена. Описанные здесь способы обеспечивают эффективный способ удаления и выделения короткоцепочечных жирных кислот из углеводородов, которые образуются при нагревании источника жирных кислот. Короткоцепочечные жирные кислоты могут непрерывно выделяться и подаваться в реактор пиролиза, что, в свою очередь, повышает общую эффективность получения углеводородов. В качестве альтернативы, короткоцепочечные жирные кислоты могут быть выделены и использованы в других применениях. 27 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 5 ил.

21-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2750076C2

Изобретение в целом относится к производству полиэтилена. Способ разделения компонентов в системе производства полимеров включает: (а) разделение потока продукта полимеризации на поток газа и поток полимеров, при этом поток полимеров содержит полиэтилен, изобутан, этилен и этан; (b) контактирование по меньшей мере части потока полимера с продувочным газом в продувочном сосуде для производства потока продуваемого полимера и потока отработанного продувочного газа, при этом поток продуваемого полимера содержит полиэтилен и при этом поток отработанного продувочного газа содержит продувочный газ, изобутан, этилен и этан; (с) введение по меньшей мере части потока отработанного продувочного газа в компрессордля производства потока сжатого газа; (d) введение по меньшей мере части потока сжатого газа в первый блок разделения для производства первого потока углеводородов и сырьевого потока мембранного блока, при этом первый поток углеводородов содержит не менее чем 50% изобутана в потоке сжатого ...

10-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2525113C2
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Заявленное изобретение относится к способам (варианты) и установкам (варианты) для превращения олефинов, смешанных с парафинами, в соединения с большим молекулярным весом. Более тяжелые соединения могут быть направлены на рециркуляцию в реактор для проведения FCC-процесса или отведены в отдельную установку для проведения FCC-процесса. Способ включает транспортирование C4 олефинов и парафинов и C5-C7 олефинов и парафинов в зону конверсии для превращения C4 олефинов в соединения, производные от C4, имеющие больший молекулярный вес, посредством олигомеризации или алкилирования C4 олефинов с ароматическими соединениями, и превращения C5-C7 олефинов в соединения, производные от C5-C7, имеющие больший молекулярный вес, посредством алкилирования C5-C7 олефинов с ароматическими соединениями; отделение соединений, производных от C4, от C4 олефинов и парафинов; отделение соединений, производных от C5-C7, от C5-C7 олефинов и парафинов; и подачу соединений, производных от C4, и соединений, производных ...

20-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2672877C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения бутадиена из этанольного сырья, содержащего по меньшей мере 80 вес.% этанола, включающему по меньшей мере стадию A) превращения этанола в ацетальдегид, стадию B) превращения смеси этанол/ацетальдегид в бутадиен, стадию C1) обработки водорода, стадию D1) экстракции бутадиена, стадию D2) первой очистки бутадиена, стадию D3) дальнейшей очистки бутадиена, стадию E1) обработки выходящих потоков, стадию E2) удаления примесей и коричневых масел и стадию F) промывки водой. Предложенный способ позволяет увеличить производительность и уменьшить количество выбросов. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 2 пр., 7 ил.

06-04-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018134298A3

19-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017136789A3

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017104647A3

01-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2756570C2

Изобретение относится к двум вариантам способа алкилирования ароматических соединений. Один из вариантов включает: (a) пропускание ароматического углеводородного сырья, содержащего поток рециркулируемого ароматического углеводорода и необязательно свежий ароматический углеводород, через блок обработки, содержащий адсорбент из глины, при таких условиях, чтобы адсорбент из глины удалял примеси, содержащиеся в ароматическом углеводородном сырье, с получением потока обработанного ароматического углеводорода, при этом обработку проводят при температуре от 40°C до менее чем 130°C; (b) подачу по меньшей мере части указанного потока обработанного ароматического углеводорода в зону алкилирования; (c) контактирование указанного потока обработанного ароматического углеводорода в указанной зоне алкилирования с алкилирующим агентом в присутствии кислотного катализатора алкилирования и при таких условиях, чтобы по меньшей мере часть алкилирующего агента вступала в реакцию с указанным потоком обработанного ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2507188C1
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к способу производства отдельного изомера ксилола из исходных сырьевых потоков, содержащих ароматические соединения С8, ароматические соединения С9 и более тяжелые ароматические соединения. Способ включает: (а) процесс дистилляции, включающий использование двух ксилольных колонн, отделяющих ароматические соединения С8 от ароматических соединений С9 и более тяжелых ароматических соединений, содержащихся по меньшей мере в одном потоке сырья с более низкой температурой кипения и по меньшей мере в одном потоке сырья с более высокой температурой кипения, при этом указанный по меньшей мере один поток сырья с более высокой температурой кипения имеет более высокое содержание ароматических соединений С9 и более тяжелых ароматических соединений, по сравнению по меньшей мере с одним потоком сырья, имеющим более низкую температуру кипения; процесс дистилляции включает дистилляцию по меньшей мере одного потока исходного сырья, имеющего более высокую температуру кипения, в первой ...

24-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2695612C1
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к усовершенствованному способу удаления ионной жидкости из технологического потока, включающему в себя стадии, на которых: вводят технологический поток в коалесцентное устройство для образования потока ионной жидкости и первого обработанного технологического потока, имеющего концентрацию ионной жидкости, меньшую её концентрации в технологическом потоке; и вводят первый обработанный технологический поток в разделительное устройство для образования второго обработанного технологического потока, при этом второй обработанный технологический поток имеет концентрацию ионной жидкости, меньшую её концентрации в первом обработанном технологическом потоке, причем указанное разделительное устройство выбрано из песочного фильтра, зоны электростатического разделения или их сочетания, причем концентрация ионной жидкости во втором обработанном технологическом потоке составляет меньше 40 мас. ч/млн. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 2 пр., 1 ил.

06-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2679241C1

Изобретение относится к установкам для получения водорода паровым риформингом углеводородов. Установка включает блок адсорбционной сероочистки с регенерируемым адсорбентом, оснащенный линией подачи газа регенерации, риформер, конвертор окиси углерода, соединенный с риформером линией подачи синтез-газа, с блоком выделения водорода - линией подачи водородсодержащего газа, а с блоком адсорбционной сероочистки и с риформером - линией подачи очищенного сырья, на которой установлен нагреватель. При этом блок выделения водорода оснащен линиями подачи отходящего газа и вывода водорода и соединен линией подачи водного конденсата с блоком водоподготовки, оснащенным линиями подачи воды и деионизированной воды. Кроме того, установка оборудована газотурбинным агрегатом, включающим компрессор с линией подачи воздуха, соединенный линией подачи первой части сжатого воздуха с камерой сгорания, которая соединена линией подачи продуктов сгорания с турбиной, оснащенной линией вывода отработанного газа с нагревателем ...

10-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003125362A

... 1. Способ извлечения состава, обогащенного компонентами, представляющими собой тетрамантан, и компонентами, представляющими собой другие высокомолекулярные алмазоиды, включающий следующие операции: а) выбор исходного реагента, содержащего компоненты, представляющие собой тетрамантан, и компоненты, представляющие собой другие высокомолекулярные алмазоиды, в количестве, поддающемся извлечению; б) удаление из исходного реагента достаточного количества компонентов, имеющих температуру кипения меньше, чем наиболее низкая температура кипения компонента, представляющего собой тетрамантан, в условиях, при которых компоненты, представляющие собой тетрамантан, и компоненты, представляющие собой другие высокомолекулярные алмазоиды, остаются в обработанном исходном реагенте в количестве, поддающемся извлечению; и в) термическую обработку исходного реагента, извлеченного на операции (б), для пиролиза, по меньшей мере, достаточного количества содержащихся в нем компонентов, не являющихся алмазоидами, ...

10-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006126093A

... 1. Способ отделения органических соединений азота из углеводородного потока, который включает сбор загрязненного углеводородного потока (68, 8), включающего воду и органические соединения азота, включающие нитрилы; контактирование углеводородного потока с кислым молекулярным ситом при температуре, по крайней мере, 120°С в зоне адсорбции азота (72, 162) и вывод очищенного углеводородного потока (10, 23), имеющего меньшую концентрацию нитрилов, чем в указанном загрязненном углеводородном потоке. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанный загрязненный углеводородный поток включает ароматические соединения. 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанное контактирование происходит при температуре выше 125°С. 4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в загрязненном углеводородном потоке присутствует не более 1 мас.% олефина. 5. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанный загрязненный углеводородный поток включает, по меньшей мере, 20 ч/млн мас. воды. 6. Способ по пп.1-4 или 5, отличающийся ...

10-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003117430A

... 1. Способ адсорбционного разделения с использованием моделированного подвижного слоя для выделения пара-ксилола из смеси исходного сырья, содержащей другие С8 ароматические углеводороды, в котором смесь исходного сырья вводят в контакт с цеолитным молекулярным ситом, в которое в результате ионного обмена введен, по меньшей мере, барий, в условиях, способствующих протеканию адсорбции, включающих температуру в диапазоне 99-149°С, при этом пара-ксилол селективно адсорбируют на молекулярном сите, а затем удаляют, используя поток десорбента, содержащего толуол, причем эффективность (IP) поддерживают на уровне, превышающем 90, при соотношении A/F в диапазоне от 0,5 до 0,7, при степени чистоты потока десорбента, превышающей 98 об.%, позволяющий проведение способа при соотношении L3/A в диапазоне от 1,6 до 2,3, где А = скорость моделированной циркуляции через объем селективных пор в ходе реализации способа, F = объемная скорость подачи смеси исходного сырья, L3 = расход жидкости через зону 3 и ...

18-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2675242C1
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к способу увеличения выхода из зоны изомеризации, который включает отделение части Сциклических углеводородов от потока нафты, содержащего Суглеводороды, для получения потока, обедненного по Сциклическим углеводородам; отделение изоCуглеводородов, изоCуглеводородов и изоCуглеводородов от потока, обедненного по Сциклическим углеводородам; и направление по меньшей мере одного потока, обогащенного по изоСуглеводородам, изоCуглеводородам, изоCуглеводородам или их комбинации, в зону изомеризации. Способ позволяет эффективно и действенно превращать изоуглеводороды в нормальные парафины в одной и той же зоне изомеризации. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 1 табл.

10-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013148091A

... 1. Воздушный классификатор частиц, включающий:герметично закрытый сверху основной блок классификатора, выпускное отверстие, выпускной трубопровод и, по меньшей мере, одно направляющее входное отверстие;внутреннее пространство основного блока классификатора, включающее, сверху вниз, зону в виде прямой трубы и коническую зону, при этом коническое основание конической зоны соединено с зоной в виде прямой трубы;выпускное отверстие, расположенное в нижней части конической зоны;направляющее входное отверстие, расположенное в верхней части зоны в виде прямой трубы в тангенциальном направлении зоны в виде прямой трубы и соединенное с внутренним пространством основного блока классификатора;выпускной трубопровод, герметично встроенный в верхнюю часть основного блока классификатора и продолжающийся вниз до нижней части зоны в виде прямой трубы, при этом указанный выпускной трубопровод имеет герметично закрытый нижний конец;где нижняя часть выпускного трубопровода выполнена, по меньшей мере, с одним ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2662538C1
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Предложен способ получения потока регенерирующего газа для регенерируемого адсорбента, используемого для удаления воды и сероводорода из выходящего потока реактора, в процессе каталитического дегидрирования. Выходящий поток реактора сжимают в компрессоре для получения сжатого выходящего потока. Сжатый выходящий поток можно подвергать обработке для удаления хлоридов, а затем пропускать в зону осушителя, содержащую регенерируемый адсорбент. Поток регенерирующего газа используют для десорбирования воды и сероводорода, а поток отработанного регенерирующего агента можно пропускать в зону очищения, содержащую сорбент, полученный с возможностью удаления сероводорода из потока отработанного регенерирующего агента. Поток очищенного регенерирующего газа можно возвращать в зону осушителя для десорбционной обработки и/или регенерирования регенерируемого адсорбента. Изобретение позволяет улучшить эксплуатационные характеристики для осушки, увеличить эффективность процесса обработки отработанного регенерированного ...

20-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008103606A

... 1. Способ очистки сырьевого потока сырого природного газа, который включает следующие стадии: ! (1) пропускание указанного сырьевого потока сырого природного газа через секцию абсорбции, содержащую адсорбент, селективный для удаления тяжелых углеводородов и воды из указанного сырьевого потока природного газа, и таким образом образование первого выходящего потока; ! (2) введение указанного первого выходящего потока в контакт с водным аминовым абсорбентом, где указанный водный аминовый абсорбент удаляет кислые газы из указанного первого выходящего потока, таким образом, образование продуктового потока природного газа, имеющего меньшее, чем в указанном первом выходящем потоке, содержание кислых газов; ! (3) рециркулирование указанного продуктового потока природного газа через указанную секцию абсорбции, содержащую адсорбент, селективный для удаления воды; и ! (4) сбор продуктового потока природного газа, содержащего меньшее, чем в указанном потоке сырого природного газа, количество воды и ...

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012152249A

... 1. Способ получения потока алкилированного ароматического соединения из по меньшей мере одного необработанного потока способного к алкилированию ароматического соединения, находящегося в жидкой фазе и содержащего каталитические яды, и потока алкилирующего агента, причем указанный необработанный поток способного к алкилированию ароматического соединения обрабатывают с целью снижения содержания каталитических ядов, способ включает следующие стадии:(а) контактирование указанного жидкофазного необработанного потока способного к алкилированию ароматического соединения, содержащего указанные каталитические яды, и потока алкилирующего агента с обрабатывающей композицией в зоне обработки, отдельной от реакционной зоны алкилирования, в условиях обработки с целью удаления по меньшей мере части указанных каталитических ядов и алкилирования по меньшей мере части указанного способного к алкилированию ароматического соединения с получением обработанного отходящего потока, который включает обработанное ...

20-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012147024A

... 1. Способ обогащения или выделения целевого соединения из сточных вод целлюлозно-бумажного комбината, при этом способ предусматривает следующие стадии:- получение конденсата из выпарного аппарата или ретентата процесса обратного осмоса (RO) конденсатов на целлюлозно-бумажном комбинате, или обоих, при этом конденсат, ретентат или оба из них по существу не содержат высокомолекулярную целлюлозу и/или лигнин, и/или происходящие из лигнина материалы,- экстрагирование конденсата органическим растворителем методом твердофазной экстракции (SPE), экстракции в системе жидкость-жидкость или твердое тело-жидкость с получением экстракта, содержащего указанные целевые соединения, и- необязательно очистка целевого соединения из экстракта путем термического фракционирования, хроматографического разделения (такого как нормально-фазовое, обращенно-фазовое, афинное или их комбинации), рекристаллизации, ионного обмена, хелатирования, адсорбции/десорбции, лиофилизации и сублимации или их комбинаций.2. Способ ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013119805A

... 1. Способ получения возобновляемого полиизобутенового полимера, содержащий:a) обеспечение олефиновой смеси, содержащей изобутен и один или более линейных бутенов, где указанную олефиновую смесь получают из возобновляемого углеводородного источника;b) контакт указанной олефиновой смеси с адсорбирующим микропористым материалом, имеющим эффективную раскрытость пор от 5' до 5,4', где линейные бутены селективно адсорбируются в микропористый материал;c) изолирование изобутена от контакта с микропористым материалом иd) полимеризацию указанного возобновляемого изобутена с получением указанного возобновляемого полимера.2. Способ по п.1, где стадия d) содержит полимеризацию изобутена в присутствии дополнительного мономера с получением сополимера изобутена.3. Способ по п.2, где сополимером является бутилкаучук.4. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий:i) обеспечение спиртовой смеси, содержащей один или более бутанолов, полученных из возобновляемого углеводородного источника;ii) контакт указанной ...

17-12-1981 дата публикации

Adsorptive sepn. of combustible materials from gas mixt. - by multiple active carbon stages with interstage cooling of gas

Номер: DE0003020656A1

The adsorptive sepn. by active carbon of combustible hydrocarbons and/or solvents from gas mixts. with low (up to 12 vol.%) oxygen content in a multi-stage process involves cooling the mixt. after each succeeding stage to approx. its temp. on entering that stage. The material absorbed at each stage is recovered by known desorption methods, e.g. with steam. Also claimed is the appts., a vertical or horizontal column divided into separate chambers each contg. a body of activated carbon with a free space before and after. From the space following each body of carbon the gas passes to an external cooler and is then returned to the space before the next body of active carbon. Used e.g. for recovering hydrocarbons from the gas emerging on filling fuel tanks, after addn. of inert gas (nitrogen, methane) to reduce explosion risk. Since large volumes of air are not added (as with known systems) the appts. is compact, and the final emission is low in pollution.

29-10-1998 дата публикации

Removal of impure compounds from hydrocarbon streams

Номер: DE0019817758A1

Removal of impure compounds containing one or more heteroatoms of sulphur, oxygen or nitrogen from hydrocarbon streams comprises: (a) adsorbing the impure materials using an adsorber made of silica gel optionally modified with group IVb, Vb, VIb, VIII, Ib, IIb metals or tin, lead or bismuth at 0-150 deg C and 1-20 atm.; (b) scrubbing, only in the case when the silica gel is modified, with polar solvents or hydrocarbons; and (c) regenerating to remove the adsorbed materials by heat treating in an inert gas stream at 100-200 deg C.

29-08-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001364668A

22-06-2016 дата публикации

Method for preparing a sorbent

Номер: GB0201607835D0

18-02-1970 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for processing Hydrocarbon Gas Streams

Номер: GB0001181989A

... 1,181,989. Separating gaseous hydrocarbons. CONTINENTAL OIL. CO. 20 Sept., 1967 [9 Dec., 1966], No. 32870/67. Heading B1L. [Also in Division C5] Ethane and ethylene are removed from hydrocarbon feed streams 1, e.g. natural gas, by passing the feed to and through hot desorbed adsorption bed 4, whereby the bed is cooled and the effluent gas, from which ethane and ethylene has been removed until the bed is saturated, is heated. Displaced gas passes by lines 10, 14, 16 and 31, blower 22, line 23, heat exchanger 27, line 23, heater 24 (which may be bypassed), and lines 25, 7 and 9 to bed 5, displacing the gas therein through lines 11, 13 and 26 to residue. While bed 4 is in the adsorption phase, hot gas is passed from heater 24, through lines 25, 7 and 9 to bed 5 to desorb sorbate, while effluent from bed 4 passes to residue through lines 12 and 26. Desorbate from bed 5 circulates in a closed path through lines 11, 15, 31, blower 22, line 23, heater 24 and thence back as described above to bed ...

08-10-2008 дата публикации

Process for removing contaminants from Fischer-Tropsch feed streams

Номер: GB0002427871B

18-01-2006 дата публикации

Recovery of light Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbons

Номер: GB0002416171A

A process for recovering light Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbons from a rich tail gas produced from a Fischer-Tropsch synthesis operation which comprises: (a) recovering separately from a Fischer-Tropsch synthesis operation a Fischer-Tropsch condensate and a hydrocarbon rich Fischer-Tropsch tail gas; (b) cooling the Fischer-Tropsch condensate and Fischer-Tropsch tail gas; (c) using the cooled Fischer-Tropsch condensate as a lean oil to adsorb at least a portion of the light Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbons present in the Fischer-Tropsch tail gas, whereby a rich oil mixture comprising Fischer-Tropsch condensate and light Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbons is formed; and (d) collecting the rich oil mixture.

07-06-2006 дата публикации

Catalytic filtering of a fischer-tropsch derived hydrocarbon stream

Номер: GB0002420789A

Novel methods of treating a Fischer-Tropsch derived hydrocarbon stream with an active filtering catalyst are disclosed. Such methods are capable of removing soluble (and ultra-fine particulate) contamination, fouling agents, and/or plugging precursors from the Fischer-Tropsch derived hydrocarbon stream such that plugging of the catalyst beds of a subsequent hydroprocessing process is substantially avoided.

20-05-1970 дата публикации

Process for the Removal of Sulphur from Natural Gas and the like Gases

Номер: GB0001192739A

... 1,192,739. Removing sulphur-containing impurities from gas streams. GAS COUNCIL. 6 Nov., 1967 [10 Nov., 1966], No. 50514/66. Heading C1A. Sulphur compounds are removed from natural and like gases by continuously flowing the gas, preferably after admixture of hydrogen and/or steam, in contact with active iron cobalt or nickel suitably prepared by reducing a coprecipitated nickel-alumina catalyst. The active metal bed is generally maintained at 250-400‹ C., and, although the active metal is a catalyst for the decomposition of the methane present in the gas, the process is operated under such conditions that the methane is substantially unaffected. The gas to be treated generally contains no more than 6%, preferably no more than 3%, ethane or equivalent hydrocarbons higher than methane and is brought into contact with the active metal at not higher than 350‹ C. in admixture with up to 0À1 vol. steam/vol. gas. As exemplified, the sulphur compound is tetrahydrothiophene.

07-06-1967 дата публикации

Purification of gaseous mixtures by selective adsorption of alkynes

Номер: GB0001071373A

C1-6 paraffins and olefines, e.g. ethylene, are freed from acetylene and other alkynes by treatment with the silver salt of a molecular sieve or of a cross-linked carboxylate cation exchanger. Suitable molecular sieves are faujasite and synthetic types A, X and Y.ALSO:Acetylene, and its mono-methyl and -ethyl derivatives, are removed from gaseous mixtures by treatment with the silver salt of a molecular sieve or of a crosslinked carboxylate cation exchanger. The preferred temperature is 0-120 DEG C. The former sorbent may be regenerated by heat at 150-400 DEG C in an oxygen-containing atmosphere, while the latter may be regenerated by treatment with an aqueous acid followed by an aqueous silver salt. Preferred molecular sieves are the mineral faujasite and the synthetic Types A, X, and Y of Specifications 777232, 777233 and 909266 respectively. The silver forms may be obtained starting from the sodium form by treatment with an aqueous silver salt, followed by washing and drying at 100-120 ...

21-03-1984 дата публикации

Liquid chromatographic separation of hydrocarbons

Номер: GB0002126121A

There is disclosed a method for the separation and identification of components contained in hydrocarbon mixtures, such as paraffins, olefins, napthenes and/or aromatics, by liquid chromatography by use of a chromatographic column packed with a microparticulate material having a pore size of less than about 500 ANGSTROM and possessing aromaticity, preferably polystyrene/divinyl benzene having a pore size of less than about 100 ANGSTROM , the microparticulate material being slurry packed in a solvent medium. The hydrocarbon mixture is passed through the packed column using a mobile phase comprising a solvent having a solvent strength parameter, epsilon DEG , of less than about 0.1 such as a C5 to C8 alkane; and the paraffins, olefins, napthenes, and/or aromatics are separately eluted and identified. Also disclosed is an apparatus for the characterization and separation of paraffins, olefins, napthenes, and aromatics contained in hydrocarbon mixtures, the apparatus comprising: a chromatographic ...

08-12-1965 дата публикации

Improved adsorption systems in heatless fractionation processes

Номер: GB0001012349A

... 1,012,349. Separation of hydrogen from a hydrogen-hydrocarbon mixture. ESSO RESEARCH & ENGINEERING CO. Jan. 1, 1963 [Feb. 26, 1962], No. 151/63. Heading B1L. In an adiabatic fractionation process for separating a component of a mixture in the gaseous or vapour phase by selective adsorption at one pressure and desorption at a lower pressure, substantially pure hydrogen is separated from a gas stream containing it together with hydrocarbons by passing the gas stream through at least two adsorption zones, a first zone containing a silica gel having an average pore diameter of 100 to 200 A and a second zone containing activated carbon. Each adsorbent exhibits a substantially linear adsorption isotherm for the components adsorbed thereon, the adsorbents being arranged in such order and amount that any component toward which a later adsorbent exhibits a substantially non-linear isotherm is fully adsorbed in an earlier adsorbent. At the end of the adsorption cycle the adsorbents are depressurized ...

03-09-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001405186A

... 1405186 Purifying liquid propane and liquid butane BLACK SIVALLS & BRYSON Inc 28 Dec 1972 [12 April 1972 30 Oct 1972] 59844/72 Heading C5E A process for simultaneously removing adsorbable components from a plurality of liquid streams, having like adsorbable components wherein each of said streams is contacting separate beds of solid adsorbent material, said process comprising the steps of: (a) flowing a first of said liquid streams into contact with one or more first beds of solid adsorbent material so that adsorbable components contained in said first liquid stream are adsorbed on said first bed or beds; (b) when said first bed or beds contacting the first liquid stream are partially loaded with adsorbed components, flowing a second of said liquid streams into contact with one or more second beds of solid adsorbent material so that adsorbable components contained in said second liquid stream are adsorbed on said second bed or beds; (c) regenerating one or more third beds of solid adsorbent ...

14-04-1954 дата публикации

A process for the separation of the constituents of gaseous mixtures

Номер: GB0000707264A

In a process for separating a gaseous mixture containing less readily and more readily adsorbed components in which the gaseous mixture is contacted counter-currently with a solid adsorbent which passes thorugh adsorption, rectification, and desorption zones, heat is supplied to the rectification zone as well as to the adsorption zone. In the apparatus shown, adsorbent charcoal passes down a tower 1 either as a compact bed or in the fluidized state. The feed gas introduced at 4 contains methane, C2, C3 and higher hydrocarbons, and nitrogen and hydrogen. Methane, nitrogen and hydrogen pass out of the top of the tower through pipe 18, C2 hydrocarbons are removed at 8, and C3 and higher hydrocarbons at 9. In the desorption zone, the charcoal is treated with steam and heated by a coil 27, and then passes through gas lift pipe 14 and cooler 20 back to the top of the tower. A heating coil 26 is provided at the bottom of the rectification zone and is fed with steam, a mix ...

09-07-1969 дата публикации

Impregnation of Activated Carbon with Monoethanolamine and Reactivation of Monoethanolamine Impregnated Activated Carbon

Номер: GB0001157377A

... 1,157,377. Monoethanolamine impregnated carbon. PITTSBURGH ACTIVATED CARBON CO. 17 Nov., 1967 [18 Nov., 1966], No. 52338/67. Heading C1A. Activated carbon is impregnated with monoethanolamine (M.E.A.) by passing M.E.A. vapour through the carbon. The impregnated carbon so produced is especially suitable for the removal of acid gases from inert gases as described in Specification 1,157,376, since it has a longer effective life in removing the acid gas than samples produced by impregnation with liquids. The carbon, which may vary in size from 4 to 325 mesh (U.S. Sieve) is impregnated with 1 to 50% of M.E.A. based on the weight of the M.E.A. and carbon. After use the spent carbon may be regenerated by exposure to further M.E.A. vapour, followed by blowing with inert gas to remove excess M.E.A. The apparatus shown has means for exposing- the carbon bed 4 to M.E.A. vapour from a boiler through line 10 or to the gas mixture to be treated through line 6. A condenser 26 and outlet lines 14, 28 for ...

28-11-2001 дата публикации

Low latency telecommunications network

Номер: GB0000123862D0

21-07-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001240134A

... 1,240,134. Desulphurizing olefins. BRITISH PETROLEUM CO. Ltd. 17 Nov., 1969 [27 Nov., 1968], No. 56305/68. Heading C5E. An olefin feedstock is desulphurized by contact with supported elemental Ni under conditions such that the sulphur is absorbed by the Ni. Preferably hydrogen is present in an amount insufficient to hydrogenate the olefin but sufficient to hydrogenate unsaturated organic radicals produced by the removal of sulphur, e.g. in a molar ratio to the hydrocarbon of 0À001: 1 to 0À1: 1. Ni may be supported on a refractory oxide of a Group II-V element or on kieselguhr, pumice or sepiolite. The desulphurization may be carried out at 0-350‹ C. and 0-2000 psig. Examples describe the desulphurization of a feedstock comprising mainly butenes.

24-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009210081D0

16-05-1979 дата публикации

Adsorbent for ethylene and process for its preparation

Номер: GB0002007203A

A novel adsorbent for ethylene prepared by contacting an active carbon with at least one metal substance selected from the group consisting of copper, iron, cobalt, nickel, and their salts in the presence of nitric acid; heating the same at a temperature of 150 DEG to 900 DEG C. in an atmosphere of inert gas and thereby to obtain the adsorbent containing 0.01 to 20% by weight of said metal(s) therein.

30-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for joint production of low octane number gasoline and high octane number gasoline

Номер: AP0201306929A0

15-07-1967 дата публикации

Process of deodorization of liquified hydrocarbons, in particular of commercial butane.

Номер: OA0000000663A

30-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for joint production of low octane number gasoline and high octane number gasoline

Номер: AP2013006929A0

31-03-1981 дата публикации

Process of normal paraffin separation.

Номер: OA0000005486A

15-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000059629T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000337286T

15-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000196433T

12-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006046480A

07-12-2017 дата публикации

Method for preparing a sorbent

Номер: AU2016272432A1
Принадлежит: Fisher Adams Kelly Callinans

A method is described for preparing a sorbent comprising the steps of: (i) forming agglomerates comprising a particulate support material, (ii) coating the agglomerates with a coating mixture powder comprising a particulate copper sulphide and a particulate calcined, rehydratable alumina to form a coated agglomerate, and (iii) drying the coated agglomerate to form a dried sorbent.

25-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002434921A1

Higher diamondoid derivatives capable of taking part in polymerization reactions are disclosed as are intermediates to these derivatives, polymers formed from these derivatives and methods for preparing the polymers.

19-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000942203A1

02-08-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001014930A1

18-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002585963A1

09-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001275119A1

16-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001120065A1

18-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002614275C

... ²²²The present invention is directed to an improved integrated process for the ²removal of heavy hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and water ²from a raw natural gas feed stream. More specifically, the integrated process ²of the present invention comprises a three step process involving the ²adsorption of heavy hydrocarbons and water on an adsorbent bed selective for ²the same, a subsequent aqueous lean amine treatment for the absorptive removal ²of acid gases, such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, and an adsorptive ²removal of water. The process of the present invention results in a highly ²purified natural gas product stream.² ...

09-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002688652C

The present invention relates to engineered structured adsorbent contactors for use in pressure swing adsorption and thermal swing adsorption processes. Preferably, the contactors contain engineered and substantially parallel flow channels wherein 20 volume percent or less of the open pore volume of the contactor, excluding the flow channels, is in the mesopore and macropore range.

19-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001301200C

A method for removing a tertiary halide from an olefin hydrocarbon stream which comprises contacting the hydrocarbon stream with activated alumina at a temperature of about -40.degree. to about 120.degree.C.

24-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001297781C

High purity methane is recovered from a fuel gas stream containing the same in admixture with mainly nitrogen and carbon dioxide by first removing the carbon dioxide by selective adsorption in a PSA system and separating the remaining nitrogen from the methane by cryogenic distillation the rejected nitrogen being employed for purging the CO2-laden adsorbent beds of the PSA system. Cyclic regeneration of the sorbent-laden bed may entail nitrogen purge with or without including a carbon dioxide rinse or the nitrogen purge of the sorbent-laden bed may be used in conbination with pressure let-down by gas withdrawal into one or more companion beds.

18-01-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1139681A

RECOVERY OF HYDROCARBON COMPONENTS FROM HYDROCARBON-CARRIER GAS MIXTURE An improved process for recovering hydrocarbon components from a hydrocarbon-carrier gas mixture wherein the mixture is passed through a solid adsorbent bed capable of selectively adsorbing the hydrocarbon and passing substantially hydrocarbon-free carrier gas. The hydrocarbon components are recovered by passing a hydrocarbon-rich flushing gas mixture through the adsorbent bed followed by subjecting the adsorbent bed to a change in pressure to desorb the hydrocarbon components and produce a hydrocarbon-rich product stream. Further hydrocarbon enrichment may be obtained by passing the product stream to another solid adsorbent bed to adsorb the hydrocarbon and pass further substantially hydrocarbon-free carrier gas. The hydrocarbon components are then recovered by subjecting the other adsorbent bed to a vacuum to desorb the hydrocarbon and produce a richer hydrocarbon product stream.

10-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1146095A

PROCESS FOR THE SEPARATION OF CONTAMINANTS FROM FEED STREAMS USING MAGNETIC BEDS The invention relates to the removal of contaminants from fluid streams in a continuous process by adsorption on solid adsorbents, particularly small particle size adsorbents, which also include a magnetizable component, wherein the adsorption and desorption are carried out at substantially the same pressure. The adsorbent particles and magnetizable component which flow or move through the vessel are stabilized against fluid by-passing and solids back-mixing and recirculation generally associated with fluidized beds (except for the flow or movement of the solids through the contacting vessels) during adsorption and desorption by the use of an applied magnetic field.

22-07-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA971486A

26-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA973504A

08-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA1020592A

11-02-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001200548A1

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003103291A1
Принадлежит: QUINN, THOMAS F., JR.

The present invention generally relates to a pressure swing adsorption process for separating an adsorbate impurity from a feed stream comprising product gas, said process comprising feeding the feed stream to an adsorbent bed at a pressure of from about 60 psig to 2000 psig, wherein said adsorbent bed comprises adsorbent having: An isosteric heat of adsorption of from about 5kJ/mol to about 30kJ /mol, as determined by the LRC method, for the adsorbate, and an equivalent 65kJ/mol or less isosteric heat of adsorption for the product, wherein the adsorbent has a rate of adsorption for the adsorbate impurity that is at least 10 times greater than the rate of adsorption for the product gas as determined by the TGA method and recovering said product gas with a reduced a level of said adsorbate impurity. The invention also related to an adsorbent useful in PSA separations, particularly separating N2 from methane, CO2 from methane O2 from N2 and the like.

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003095132A1
Принадлежит: QUINN, THOMAS F., JR.

The present invention generally relates to a process that utilizes tunable zeolite adsorbents in order to reduce the bed size for nitrogen removal from a methane (or a larger molecule) containing stream. The adsorbents are characterized by the rate of adsorption of nitrogen and methane and the result is a bed size that is up to an order of magnitude smaller with these characteristics (in which the rate selectivity is generally 30) than the corresponding bed size for the original tunable zeolite adsorbent that has a rate selectivity of >100x.

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003020539A1

Treatment of hydrocarbon streams, and in one non-limiting embodiment refinery distillates, with high pH aqueous reducing agents, such as borohydride, results in reduction of the sulfur compounds such as disulfides, mercaptans and thioethers that are present to give easily removed sulfides. The treatment converts the original sulfur compounds into hydrogen sulfide or low molecular weight mercaptans that can be extracted from the distillate with caustic solutions, hydrogen sulfide or mercaptan scavengers, solid absorbents such as clay or activated carbon or liquid absorbents such as amine-aldehyde condensates and/or aqueous aldehydes.

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002964965A1

Methods for coating a substrate with a coating including an adsorbent material and a binder comprising an organosilica material which is a polymer comprising independent units of Formula [Z3Z4SiCH2] 3 (I), wherein each Z3 represents a hydroxyl group, a C1-C4 alkoxy group or an oxygen atom bonded to a silicon atom of another unit or an active site on the substrate and each Z4 represents a hydroxyl group, a C1-C4 alkoxy group, a C1-C4 alkyl group, an oxygen atom bonded to a silicon atom of another unit or an active site on the substrate are provided. Methods of gas separation are also provided.

27-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002986935C
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A composition capable of removing chlorides from a gaseous stream and a process of using same. The compositions have sufficient chloride capacity, offer comparable creation of green oil, and have sufficient structural integrity to be utilized as sorbents in a chloride removal process. Generally, the compositions include a first zinc carbonate, a second zinc carbonate different than the first zinc carbonate and an alumina material. The composition has been cured at a temperature between 149 to 399°C. The first zinc carbonate may comprise hydrozincite and the second zinc carbonate may comprise smithsonite.

28-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002701039C

Stage 1 Group I metal/porous metal oxide compositions or Stage II Group 1 metal/porous metal oxide compositions are shown to be useful to remove impurities and act as drying agents for various types of solvents and for olefinic monomers used in anionic polymerizations. One important advantage of these compositions is their ability to dry simultaneously solvent and monomers, without inducing a significant polymerization of the latter. Another important characteristic is the capacity of the compositions to be totally inactive toward conventional anionic polymerization which allows them to be left in situ during the polymerization itself.

16-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002753391A1

A light olefin feed for an olefin utilization process is subjected to a water wash to remove water-soluble contaminants after which the water is separated from the olefin by coalescence separation at a low temperature, typically below 40°C. The coalescence separation technique is effective for separating the olefins from the water with its dissolved contaminants. If desired, a supplemental washing may be carried out by adding additional water to the feed/water mix after the initial wash step but before the coalescer in order to remove provide additional contaminant removal.

04-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002795642C

A process for isolating at least one target compound, such as manool, geranyl linalool, ethyl guaiacol, eugenol, veratraldehyde, squalene, terpin, cholesterol, beta-sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, stigmastenol and dehydroabietic acid, from biomass, the process including steps of: obtaining a condensate from a recovery evaporator, a reverse osmosis retentate of a condensate of a pulp and paper mill, or both, the condensate, retentate or both being substantially free of higher molecular weight (approximately >1000 Da) cellulose and/or lignin and/or lignin-derived material; optionally pH adjusting and filtering the condensate to collect insoluble material; extracting the condensate, the collected insoluble material, or both, with solid phase extraction (SPE), liquid-liquid extraction or solid-liquid extraction to produce an extract containing the at least one target compound; and optionally purifying the extract containing the at least one target compound by thermal fractionation, chromatographic ...

28-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002728314A1

The present invention relates to a method for technical extraction of propene from a gas stream containing at least propene and propane, the step comprising bringing the gas stream into contact with an adsorbent material comprising a porous metal-organic structural material containing at least one at least bidentate organic compound that is coordinatively bonded to at least one metal ion, wherein the adsorbent material becomes loaded up with propane and the gas stream thereby exhibits an elevated propene content, wherein the at least bidentate organic component is an imidazolate that is unsubstituted or that contains one or more substituents independently selected from the group consisting of halogen, C1-6 alkyl, phenyl, NH2, NH(C1-6 alkyl), N(C1-6 alkyl)2, OH, O-phenyl and O-C1-6 alkyl. The present invention also relates to the use of such a porous metal-organic structural material for technical extraction of propene from a gas stream containing at least propene and propane by way of propane ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002850989A1

The invention relates to a method for upgrading a gas by separation of carbon dioxide therefrom, which method comprises the steps of introducing a stream of gas to a wet bed of ion exchange resin, and desorbing the adsorbed carbon dioxide from the resin by increasing the temperature and/or lowering the pressure in said wet bed.

29-05-1992 дата публикации

Sorption of Trialkyl Arsines

Номер: CA0002052269A1

24-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002211306A1

Disclosed is a process for preparing butene oligomers from field butane, in which (a) n-butane and isobutane present in the field butane 1 are dehydrogenated in a dehydrogenation stage 2 and (b) the dehydrogenation mixture 3 is oligomerized in an oligomerization stage 8. The oligomerization products dibutene and tributene may be used as starting materials for preparing plasticizer alcohols and detergent bases. By incorporating an isomerization stage 24, the process may be controlled in such a manner that the only dibutene formed is di-n-butene or di-isobutene.

11-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002200946A1

A process for the removal of large molecules from waste or process streams using an M41S material as an adsorbent. The process is useful for the removal of trace amounts of polynuclear aromatics from complex hydrocarbon mixtures in the vapor phase, such as reformate.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Adsorbent for feed and products purification in benzene saturation process

Номер: US20120004480A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

The service life and deactivation rate of a benzene saturation catalyst is improved through use of a new sulfur guard bed containing a chloride additive. This sulfur guard bed, which contains supported CuO material having an increased resistance to reduction, shows such improvement. Thus, the danger of run-away reduction followed by a massive release of water and deactivation of an isomerization catalyst is practically eliminated. The fact that the guard bed material preserves the active metal phase-copper in an active (oxide) form is an important advantage leading to very low sulfur content in the product stream. The sulfur capacity per unit weight of sorbent is also significantly increased, making this sorbent a superior cost effective sulfur guard product. The guard bed is effective in treating mixed phase feed streams.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Process for the regeneration of a copper, zinc and zirconium oxide-comprising adsorption composition

Номер: US20120065451A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The invention relates to a process for the regeneration of a copper-, zinc- and zirconium oxide-comprising adsorption composition after use thereof for the adsorptive removal of carbon monoxide from substance streams comprising carbon monoxide and at least one olefin, in which the adsorption composition is heated to a temperature in the range from 160 to 400° C. and a regeneration gas is passed through the adsorption composition, wherein the regeneration gas comprises 1000 to 3000 ppm of oxygen in an inert carrier gas.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Process for the Production of Purified Xylene Isomers

Номер: US20120108867A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

The invention is directed to a process to produce paraxylene and orthoxylene, including reducing the amount of isomerate recycle from vapor phase xylenes isomerization by providing a parallel configuration of vapor phase and liquid phase isomerization units.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Metal organic framework compounds

Номер: US20120115961A1
Принадлежит: Universitetet I Oslo

The invention provides novel Zr MOFs, in particular compounds having a surface area of at least 1020 m 2 /g or if functionalized, having a surface area of at least 500 m 2 /g.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Removal of light fluoroalkanes from hydrocarbon streams

Номер: US20120142792A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

The removal of fluoroalkanes from fluoroalkane-containing hydrocarbon streams, preferably C 3 to C 5 hydrocarbon streams. The fluoroalkane-containing hydrocarbon stream is contacted with an adsorbent containing a strong acid function, preferably a silica gel or a strong cation ion-exchange resin having sulfonic acid functionality.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Rotary fluid processing systems and associated methods

Номер: US20120152116A1
Принадлежит: Prometheus Technologies LLC

Rotary fluid processing systems and associated methods are disclosed. A purification system in accordance with the particular embodiment includes a rotatable adsorbent-containing heat/mass transfer element that is generally symmetric about a rotation axis, and includes multiple radial flow paths oriented transverse to the rotation axis and multiple axial flow paths oriented transverse to the radial flow paths. The axial flow paths and radial flow paths are in thermal communication with each other, and are generally isolated from fluid communication with each other at the heat transfer element. Particular embodiments can further include a housing arrangement having multiple manifolds with individual manifolds having an entry port and an exit port, and with individual manifolds having different circumferential locations relative to the rotation axis. Still further embodiments can include a seal arrangement positioned between the heat transfer element and the housing arrangement to expose the radial flow paths, but not the axial flow paths, to the entry and exit ports of one of the manifolds, and expose the axial flow paths, but not the radial flow paths, to the entry and exit ports of another of the manifolds.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Elimination of Residual Transfer Line Raffinate from Feed to Increase Normal Paraffin Separation Unit Capacity

Номер: US20120152802A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A process to increase the capacity of the adsorbent in a normal paraffin adsorption separation system is presented. A tertiary flush stream is used to improve the capacity of the simulated moving bed system by flushing residual raffinate from the feed transfer line. The flushing removes residual raffinate containing desorbent that competes with the adsorption of normal paraffins from the feedstream. The flush stream is a material that will displace fluid in the column, but will not enter the pores of the adsorbent.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Product recovery from adsorption-separation purge fluids

Номер: US20120302812A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Purge fluid from a vessel head in an adsorption process is distributed to recovery processes according to the purity of product contained in the fluid. Extract-rich fluid thus is routed directly to recovery of the extract product. Distribution preferably is determined by internal positioning of feed, desorbent and product streams in the adsorption vessel.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Metal complex, and adsorbent, occlusion material and separator material made from same

Номер: US20120312164A1
Принадлежит: Kuraray Co Ltd

This invention provides a metal complex having a gas adsorption capability, a gas storing capability, and a gas separation capability. The present invention attained the above object by a metal complex comprising: a dicarboxylic acid compound (I) represented by the following General Formula (I), wherein R 1 , R 2 , R 3 , and R 4 are as defined in the specification; at least one metal ion selected from ions of a metal belonging to Group 2 and Groups 7 to 12 of the periodic table; and an organic ligand capable of bidentate binding to the metal ion, the organic ligand belonging to the D ∞h point group, having a longitudinal length of not less than 8.0 Å and less than 16.0 Å, and having 2 to 7 heteroatoms.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Gas separations with redox-active metal-organic frameworks

Номер: US20130053585A1

Fe 2 (dobdc) has a metal-organic framework with a high density of coordinatively-unsaturated Fe II centers lining the pore surface. It can be effectively used to separate O 2 from N 2 and in a number of additional separation applications based on selective, reversible electron transfer reactions. In addition to being an effective O 2 separation material, it can be used for many other processes, including paraffin/olefin separation, nitric oxide/nitrous oxide separation, acetylene storage, and as an oxidation catalyst.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072724A1

A process for isolating at least one target compound, such as manool, geranyl linalool, ethyl guaiacol, eugenol, veratraldehyde, squalene, terpin, cholesterol, beta-sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, stigmastenol and dehydroabietic acid, from biomass, the process including steps of: obtaining a condensate from a recovery evaporator, a reverse osmosis retentate of a condensate of a pulp and paper mill, or both, the condensate, retentate or both being substantially free of higher molecular weight (approximately > Da) cellulose and/or lignin and/or lignin-derived material; optionally pH adjusting and filtering the condensate to collect insoluble material; extracting the condensate, the collected insoluble material, or both, with solid phase extraction (SPE), liquid-liquid extraction or solid-liquid extraction to produce an extract containing the at least one target compound; and optionally purifying the extract containing the at least one target compound by thermal fractionation, chromatographic separation, recrystallization ion exchange, chelation, adsorption/desorption, lyophilization and sublimation or combinations thereof. The method is particularly useful for isolating the target compounds from wastewaters produced in a kraft pulp and paper mill, especially from recovery evaporator condensates produced during the treatment of black liquor. 1. A process for enriching or isolating a target compound from pulp and paper waste water , said process comprising the steps of:obtaining a condensate from a recovery evaporator or a reverse osmosis (RO) retentate of condensates of a pulp and paper mill, or both, the condensate, retentate or both being substantially free of higher molecular weight cellulose and/or lignin and/or lignin-derived material,extracting the condensate with an organic solvent by solid phase extraction (SPE), liquid-liquid extraction or solid-liquid extraction to produce an extract containing said target compounds, andoptionally, purifying the target ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130078540A1
Принадлежит: SUD-CHEMIE INC.

A method for producing a substantially desulfurized a hydrocarbon fuel stream at temperatures less than 100° C. The method includes providing a nondesulfurized fuel cell hydrocarbon fuel stream that may include water and passing the fuel stream sequentially through a zeolite Y adsorbent and a selective sulfur adsorbent. The zeolite Y adsorbent may be exchanged with copper ions. The method produces a substantially desulfurized hydrocarbon fuel stream containing less than 50 ppb sulfur. 1. A process for desulfurization of a hydrocarbon feed stream comprisingproviding a hydrocarbon feed stream, contaminated with sulfur compounds,passing the sulfur contaminated feed stream through a zeolite Y adsorbent, andsubsequently passing the feed stream through a selective sulfur adsorbent, wherein the feed stream is substantially desulfurized,wherein the temperature of the feed stream while passing through both the zeolite Y adsorbent and the selective adsorbent is below about 100° C. andwherein the desulfurization is performed substantially not by chemical desulfurization processes.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite Y adsorbent comprises a zeolite Y ion exchanged with a cation selected from the group consisting of Cu claim 1 , Ag claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Mg claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Ca claim 1 , Ce claim 1 , La claim 1 , Sr claim 1 , Pr claim 1 , Nd and mixtures thereof.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the zeolite Y adsorbent comprises a copper exchanged zeolite Y.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the copper exchanged zeolite Y is further exchanged with metal ions selected from the group consisting of zinc claim 3 , cadmium claim 3 , cobalt claim 3 , nickel claim 3 , copper claim 3 , iron claim 3 , manganese claim 3 , silver claim 3 , gold claim 3 , scandium claim 3 , lithium claim 3 , cerium claim 3 , lanthanum claim 3 , magnesium claim 3 , and combinations thereof.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the selective sulfur adsorbent comprises copper oxide and one or ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130109895A1

The present invention relates to methods for removing sulfur from a hydrocarbon fuel or fuel precursor feedstream, such as methods comprising contacting a hydrocarbon fuel or fuel precursor feedstream having a relatively low sulfur content with a sulfur sorbent material comprising an active copper component disposed on a zeolitic and/or mesoporous support under conditions sufficient to reduce the sulfur content by at least 20 wt % and/or to about 15 wppm or below, thus forming a hydrocarbon fuel product. In some advantageous embodiments, the contacting conditions can include a temperature of about 392° F. (about 200° C.) or less. 1. A method for removing sulfur from a hydrocarbon fuel or fuel precursor feedstream comprising:contacting a hydrocarbon fuel or fuel precursor feedstream having a sulfur content from about 2 wppm to about 100 wppm with a sulfur sorbent material comprising an active copper component disposed on a porous support under conditions sufficient to reduce the sulfur content by at least about 20 wt %, thus forming a hydrocarbon fuel product,wherein the conditions include at least a temperature of about 392° F. (about 200° C.) or less, optionally a pressure at which the hydrocarbon fuel or fuel precursor feedstream remains substantially liquid, and optionally an average contact/residence time of less than about 4 hours; and wherein the porous support is comprised of a zeolite, a mesoporous material, or a combination thereof.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon fuel or fuel precursor feedstream comprises a naphtha stream claim 1 , a gasoline precursor stream claim 1 , a gasoline fuel stream claim 1 , a diesel precursor stream claim 1 , a hydrotreated diesel stream claim 1 , a diesel fuel stream claim 1 , a jet fuel precursor stream claim 1 , a jet fuel stream claim 1 , a kero precursor stream claim 1 , a kero fuel stream claim 1 , or a combination thereof; and wherein the hydrocarbon fuel product comprises a gasoline fuel claim 1 , a ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Process for separation by selective adsorption on a solid containing a zeolite with a crystalline structure analogous to im-12

Номер: US20130116485A1
Принадлежит: IFP Energies Nouvelles IFPEN

A process for adsorption separation uses a solid IM-12 type adsorbent to separate a molecular species from any feed.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Simulated Moving Bed Systems for Separation of Para-xylene and Processes for Determining Pump-Around Profiles of the Simulated Moving Bed Systems

Номер: US20130158332A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Embodiments of simulated moving bed systems for separating a preferentially adsorbed component from a feed stream and processes for determining a pump-around profile of the simulated moving bed systems are provided. The process comprises the steps of rotating a rotary valve to a first valve position to direct the feed stream to a first adsorbent sub-bed. An intermediate stream between two adsorbent sub-beds in direct fluid communication with each other is irradiated with laser light that is directed from a probe of a Raman system positioned for inline sampling of the intermediate stream. Scattered light from the irradiated intermediate stream is collected with the probe. A spectrum of the scattered light is generated with the Raman system to determine concentrations of the preferentially adsorbed component and one or more other components in the intermediate stream. 1. A process for determining a pump-around profile of a simulated moving bed system having a plurality of adsorbent sub-beds in fluid communication with each other and with a rotary valve for separating one or more preferentially adsorbed components from a feed stream comprising the preferentially adsorbed component and one or more other non-preferentially adsorbed components , the process comprising the steps of:rotating the rotary valve to a first valve position to direct the feed stream to a first adsorbent sub-bed of the plurality of adsorbent sub-beds;irradiating an intermediate stream between two of the adsorbent sub-beds in direct fluid communication with each other with laser light that is directed from a probe of a Raman system positioned for inline sampling of the intermediate stream;collecting scattered light from the irradiated intermediate stream with the probe; andgenerating a spectrum of the scattered light with the Raman system to assess concentrations of the preferentially adsorbed component and one or more other components in the intermediate stream.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190545A1

The present invention relates to a method and to a plant for dehydration of a liquid or gaseous effluent, wherein the following stages are carried out: 1. A method for dehydration of a liquid or gaseous effluent wherein the following stages are carried out:neutralizing said effluent with at least one of the following brines: soda brine, potash brine, or mixtures thereof,dehydrating said neutralized effluent on soda or potash briquettes,collecting the brine resulting from dehydration and using it in said neutralization stage.2. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the dimensions of said briquettes range between 1 and 3 cm.3. A method as claimed in any one of claim 1 , wherein said effluent is a hydrocarbon claim 1 , such as LPG claim 1 , a gasoline claim 1 , a diesel oil claim 1 , a kerosene.4. A plant for dehydration of a liquid or gaseous effluent claim 1 , comprising:means for neutralizing said effluent using at least one of the following brines: soda brine, potash brine, or mixtures thereof,means for dehydrating said neutralized effluent comprising soda or potash briquettes,means for collecting the brine resulting from dehydration and means for recycling said brine to the neutralization means. The present invention relates to a method and to a plant for dehydration or drying of liquids by deliquescent dehydrating agents in form of briquettes, notably soda or potash briquettes, also referred to as alkaline solids. In particular, the object of the invention is to use in a process the brine resulting from drying or dehydration, said brine being referred to as alkaline solution.The document “Liquid Drying by Solid Desiccant Materials: Experimental Study and Design Method”, F. Augier, C. Boyer and M. Vassieu, Oil & Gas Science and Technology—Rev. IFP, Vol.63 (2008), No.6, pp. 713-722, describes drying with deliquescent substances.Using salts or brine for dehydration is well known, but the method and the device according to the present invention have not been ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193378A1

A process for the reduction of carbon dioxide and carbonyl sulfide from various types of gas emitting sources containing carbon dioxide and/or gas or liquid emitting sources containing carbonyl sulfide, using ion exchange resin. 1. A process for removing carbonyl sulfide from a carbonyl sulfide containing stream , comprising:providing an ion exchange resin,contacting said ion exchange resin with said carbonyl sulfide containing stream,sorbing a portion of said carbonyl sulfide from carbonyl sulfide containing stream by the ion exchange resin, thereby forming a carbonyl-sulfide-form ion exchange resin, anddesorbing the attached carbonyl sulfide from the carbonyl-sulfide-form ion exchange resin, thereby increasing the capacity of the resin to re-adsorb carbonyl sulfide.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the carbonyl sulfide stream is a gaseous stream.3. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the gaseous stream is from a synthesis gas streams or a light hydrocarbon gas stream.4. The process according to claim 3 , wherein the light hydrocarbon gas stream is a propane claim 3 , propylene claim 3 , ethane claim 3 , and/or ethylene gas stream.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the carbonyl sulfide stream is a liquid stream.6. The process according to claim 5 , wherein the liquid stream is a liquefied petroleum gas streams.7. The process according to claim 6 , wherein the liquefied petroleum gas stream is a propane claim 6 , propylene claim 6 , ethane claim 6 , and/or ethylene liquefied stream.8. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said ion exchange resin is a weakly basic type ion exchange resin.9. The process accordingly to claim 8 , wherein said weakly basic type ion exchange resin is a benzyl amine-co-polystrene based resin.10. The process accordingly to claim 9 , wherein said weakly basic type ion exchange resin is a benzyl amine-co-polystrene based resin produced by a phthalimide addition process.11. The process according to claim 1 , ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130197287A1

The present invention provides an improved process for producing an alkylated aromatic compound from an at least partially untreated alkylatable aromatic compound having catalyst poisons, wherein said alkylatable aromatic compound stream is treated to reduce catalyst poisons with a treatment composition having a surface area/surface volume ratio of greater than or equal to 30 in(12 cm) in a treatment zone separate from an alkylation reaction zone under treatment conditions including a temperature of from about 30° C. to about 300° C. to form an effluent comprising said treated alkylatable aromatic compound. 1. A process for producing an alkylated aromatic compound stream from an at least partially untreated alkylatable aromatic compound stream having catalyst poisons and an alkylating agent stream , wherein said alkylatable aromatic compound stream is treated to reduce catalyst poisons , the process comprising the steps of:{'sup': −1', '−1, '(a) contacting said alkylatable aromatic compound stream having said catalyst poisons with a treatment composition in a treatment zone separate from an alkylation reaction zone under treatment conditions to remove at least a portion of said catalyst poisons and form a treated effluent stream which comprises treated alkylatable aromatic compound and a reduced amount of catalyst poisons, wherein said treatment composition has a surface area/surface volume ratio of greater than 30 in(76 cm), said treatment conditions include a temperature of from about 30° C. to about 300° C.; and'}{'sup': '−1', '(b) contacting said treated alkylatable aromatic compound in said effluent stream and an alkylating agent stream with a catalyst composition in said alkylation reaction zone separate from said treatment zone under at least partial liquid phase catalytic conversion conditions to form an alkylated effluent stream which comprises additional alkylated aromatic compound, wherein said catalyst composition comprises a porous crystalline material ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Production of high purity butene-1 from c4 olefins/paraffins mixed gas

Номер: US20130206575A1

A hybrid process comprising an adsorption process and a distillation process for the separation of butene-1 from a C4 hydrocarbon mixture gas including butene-1, trans-2-butene, cis-2-butene, normal butane, isobutane, etc. is provided. The hybrid process comprises introducing a gaseous C4 mixture into the adsorption tower loaded with adsorbents which adsorb olefins selectively to discharge C4 paraffins to the outlet of the tower, desorbing C4 olefins selectively adsorbed in the adsortion tower to produce high purity C4 olefins mixture gas in which isobutane and normal butane was removed, and separating the high C4 olefins mixture gas (a mixture of butene-1, trans-2-butene, cis-2-butene, and a trace amount of C4 paraffins) via distinction to obtain high purity butene-1 including a trace amount of isobutane in the top of the distillation tower and obtain a mixture gas including trans-2-butene, cis-2-butene and a trace amount of normal butane in the bottom of the tower.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213793A1

A method and apparatus for the separation of C4 olefins (butene-1, trans-2-butene, cis-2-butene, etc.) and C4 paraffins (normal butane, isobutane, etc) from a C4 hydrocarbon mixed gas including butene-1, trans-2-butene, cis-2-butene, normal butane, isobutane, etc. is provided. The apparatus includes several adsorption towers loaded with an adsorbent which selectively adsorb olefins and two distillation towers for the separation of the mixture gases of olefins/desorbents and paraffins/desorbents respectively. The basic operating process of the adsorption tower comprises an adsorption step of selectively adsorbing C4 olefin from the feeding mixture, a C4 olefin rinse step of removing a small amount of C4 paraffins adsorbed together with C4 olefins, and a desorption step of desorbing C4 olefins by using a desorbent, and further comprises pressure equalization step, concurrent depressurization step, and accumulation pressure step to increase the yield and concentration of olefins depending on the operation pressure of the adsorption tower. 1. An apparatus for separating C4 olefins from a mixture gas of C4 olefins/paraffins by carrying out repeated sequential adsorbing , rinsing and desorbing in such a way of performing displacement desorption using desorbents , in adsorption towers loaded with adsorbents which selectively adsorb olefins and a distillation tower for the separation olefins/desorbents and a distillation tower for the separation of paraffins/desorbents that separate the mixture gas recovered from the adsorption towers by using desorbents ,wherein the adsorption tower is connected with a feeding conduit for the mixture gas of C4 olefins/paraffins, with a C4 olefin/desorbent discharging conduit which is connected to the distillation tower for the separation of olefins/desorbents, and with a conduit that feeds a predetermined amount of C4 olefins from the distillation tower for the separation of olefins/desorbents,the adsorption tower is connected with a ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Kinetic Fractionators, and Cycling Processes for Fractionation of Gas Mixtures

Номер: US20130225898A1

A process for separating methane from a natural gas mixture employs pressure swing adsorption in one or more vessels. Each vessel has an adsorbent material having a kinetic selectivity for contaminants over methane greater than 5. Contaminants within the natural gas mixture become gases kinetically adsorbed within the adsorbent material. The vessel is placed under pressure to cause contaminants to be adsorbed in the surfaces and micro-pores of the adsorbent material. The process includes releasing a product stream comprised at least 95% by volume methane from a first gas outlet in the vessel, and desorbing the contaminant gases from the adsorbent material by reducing the pressure within the vessel. The desorbing step is done without applying heat to the vessel, thereby delivering a waste gas stream comprised at least 95% by volume of the contaminant gases. An improved fractionation vessel having both major and minor flow channels is also provided. 1. A process for separating methane from a natural gas mixture , the process comprising: a gas inlet for receiving the natural gas mixture,', 'a first gas outlet,', 'an adsorbent material that has a kinetic selectivity for contaminants over methane greater than 5, such that the contaminants become gases kinetically adsorbed within the adsorbent material,', 'at least two major flow channels through the adsorbent material placing the gas inlet and the first gas outlet in fluid communication, and', 'at least one minor flow channel through the adsorbent material, the minor flow channels being in fluid communication with the major flow channels;, 'directing a natural gas mixture into a gas separation unit, the gas separation unit having at least one vessel comprised ofplacing the at least one vessel under pressure to cause contaminants to be adsorbed to the adsorbent material;releasing a product stream comprised at least 95% by volume of methane from the first gas outlet; anddesorbing the contaminant gases from the adsorbent ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130259770A1

The removal of fluoroalkanes from fluoroalkane-containing hydrocarbon streams, preferably Cto Chydrocarbon streams. The fluoroalkane-containing hydrocarbon stream is contacted with an adsorbent containing a strong acid function, preferably a silica gel or a strong cation ion-exchange resin having sulfonic acid functionality 1. A process for conditioning an adsorbent comprising:(a) providing an adsorbent having strong acid functionality for conditioning;(b) optionally, applying water to the adsorbent;(c) applying an alcohol to the adsorbent; and(d) drying the adsorbent at an elevated temperature.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the acid functionality of the adsorbent is sulfonic acid.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent is selected from the group consisting of mineral based adsorbents and organic based adsorbents.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent is a mineral based adsorbent selected from the group consisting of zeolites claim 1 , clays claim 1 , and silica gels.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent is comprised of a silica gel with a sulfonic acid functionality.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent is comprised of a polymeric strong cation exchange resin.7. The process of claim 6 , wherein the polymeric strong cation exchange resin is a styrene/divinyl benzene copolymer resin having a sulfonic acid functionality.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein water is applied to the adsorbent prior to the application of the alcohol.9. The process of claim 8 , wherein the alcohol is isopropyl alcohol claim 8 , methanol claim 8 , ethanol claim 8 , n-propanol claim 8 , n-butanol claim 8 , isobutanol claim 8 , sec-butanol claim 8 , or tert-butanol.10. The process of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent is dried at a temperature of from about 20° C. to about 80° C.11. The process of claim 10 , wherein the adsorbent is dried at a temperature of about 60° C.12. A system for removing fluoroalkanes from a fluoroalkane-containing ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130267742A1

The invention deals with a method for preparing a nitrogen-depleted hydrocarbon feedstock () having (i) an initial boiling point comprised between 0° C. and +180° C. and a final boiling point comprised between 30° C. and 250° C., and (ii) an olefin content higher than 5 weight %, by contacting a hydrocarbon feedstock starting material () with a clay sorbent material in a reaction vessel (), wherein the nitrogen-depleted hydrocarbon feedstock () has a total nitrogen/nitrile ratio (ppm/ppm) comprised between 1 and 5. Additional purification section allows improved units working time and lower maintenance. 1. A method for preparing a nitrogen-depleted hydrocarbon feedstock having (i) an initial boiling point comprised between 0° C. and +180° C. and a final boiling point comprised between 30° C. and 250° C. , and (ii) an olefin content higher than 5 weight % , by contacting a hydrocarbon feedstock starting material with a clay sorbent material in a reaction vessel , wherein the nitrogen-depleted hydrocarbon feedstock has a total nitrogen/nitrile ratio (ppm/ppm) comprised between 1 and 5.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said clay sorbent material is selected among kaolinite claim 1 , montmorillonite-smectite claim 1 , illite and chlorite.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the clay sorbent material is a hydrated acid treated smectite clay selected among montmorillonite claim 1 , bentonite claim 1 , vermiculite claim 1 , hectorite claim 1 , saponite claim 1 , and beidillinite.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the clay sorbent material is a magnesium-substituted hydrogen montmorillonite.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein residual acidity in said clay sorbent material is greater than 3 mg KOH per gram of said clay sorbent material.6. The method according to claim 4 , wherein said clay sorbent material of magnesium-substituted hydrogen montmorillonite is selected among Filtrol F24 claim 4 , F124 claim 4 , F224 claim 4 , F25 claim 4 , ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Final biogas purification process

Номер: US20130269523A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a process for the purification by adsorption of a feed flow rich in methane and comprising at least carbon dioxide.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Process and Apparatus for Para-Xylene Production

Номер: US20130303820A1

A process of producing PX comprising providing a C+ feedstock, the C+ feedstock has Chydrocarbons and C+ hydrocarbons, to a crystallization unit under crystallization conditions to produce a PX enriched stream having a PX concentration of at least 99.5 wt % based on the weight of the PX enriched stream, wherein the C+ feedstock has a PX concentration of at least 70 wt % based on total weight of xylenes in the C+ feedstock, which the C+ feedstock having a C+ hydrocarbons concentration in a range from 1 wppm to 10 wt % based on the total weight of the C+ feedstock. 125-. (canceled)26. A process of producing paraxylene comprising providing a C+ feedstock produced from a toluene methylation process , said C+ feedstock having Chydrocarbons and C+ hydrocarbons , to a paraxylene separation step , without separation of said C+ hydrocarbons from said C+ feedstock , to produce a paraxylene enriched stream having a paraxylene concentration of at least 99.5 wt % based on the weight of said paraxylene enriched stream , and a C+ hydrocarbons concentration of up to 10 wt % based on the total weight of said C+ feedstock.27. The process of claim 26 , wherein said C+ feedstock has a paraxylene concentration of at least 70 wt % claim 26 , based on total weight of xylenes in said C+ feedstock.28. The process of claim 26 , wherein said paraxylene is then used to produce a film claim 26 , fiber claim 26 , or plastic bottle.29. The process of claim 26 , characterized as having a C+ hydrocarbon concentration of at least 100 wppm based on the total weight of said C+ feedstock.30. The process of claim 26 , characterized as having a C+ hydrocarbon concentration of at least 1000 wppm based on the total weight of said C+ feedstock.31. The process of claim 26 , wherein said paraxylene separation step comprises a crystallization process.32. The process of claim 26 , wherein said paraxylene separation step comprises an adsorption based process. This application claims the benefit of U.S. ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatus for Treating a Hydrocarbon Stream

Номер: US20130324773A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Disclosed is a method for treating two or more aromatic feed streams including combining one aromatic feed stream with another aromatic feed stream. The method further includes passing the combined feed stream to a unsaturated aliphatic compound removal zone for removing an unsaturated aliphatic compound therefrom. The method further includes passing the combined aromatic feed stream to a nitrogen removal zone for removing a nitrogen compound therefrom. 1. A process for treating one aromatic feed stream comprising an aromatic compound and a nitrogen compound and a first concentration and another aromatic feed stream comprising the aromatic compound , an unsaturated aliphatic compound , water , and a second nitrogen compound at a second higher concentration , the method comprising:combining the other aromatic feed stream with the one aromatic feed stream to form a combined aromatic feed stream;contacting the combined aromatic feed stream with an unsaturated aliphatic compound removal material to remove at least a portion of the unsaturated aliphatic compounds from the combined aromatic feed stream;contacting the combined aromatic feed stream with a nitrogen removal adsorbent to remove at least a portion of the nitrogen compounds from the combined aromatic feed stream to produce a treated aromatic feed stream.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the one feed stream and the other feed stream are combined prior to contacting with the unsaturated aliphatic compound removal material in the nitrogen removal adsorbent.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein contacting the combined aromatic feed stream with the unsaturated aliphatic compound removal material and the nitrogen removal adsorbent are done sequentially.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the one aromatic feed stream has a nitrogen compound concentration of between about 10 ppb-wt and 1 ppm-wt and the other aromatic feed stream has a nitrogen compound concentration of between about 1 ppm-wt and 10 ppm-wt.5. The process ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatus for Treating a Hydrocarbon Stream

Номер: US20130324774A1

Disclosed is a method for removing water, nitrogen compounds, and unsaturated aliphatic compounds from a hydrocarbon feed stream by passing the hydrocarbon feed stream through a water removal zone, a nitrogen removal zone, and an unsaturated aliphatic compound removal zone. By on aspect, the method includes removing water from the hydrocarbon feed stream, contacting the feed stream with a nitrogen selective adsorbent, and contacting the feed stream with an unsaturated aliphatic compound removal material. 1. A method for treating a hydrocarbon stream comprising an aromatic compound , a nitrogen compound , an unsaturated aliphatic compound , and water , the method comprising:a) removing at least a portion of the water from the hydrocarbon stream;b) contacting the hydrocarbon stream with a nitrogen selective adsorbent at contacting conditions to remove a nitrogen compound from the feed stream; andc) contacting the hydrocarbon stream with an unsaturated aliphatic compound removal material to remove an unsaturated aliphatic compound from the hydrocarbon stream to produce a treated hydrocarbon stream.2. The method of , wherein steps a-c of are performed sequentially.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein removing water from the hydrocarbon stream includes contacting the hydrocarbon stream with a water selective adsorbent at contacting conditions to remove water from the stream.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the unsaturated aliphatic compound removal material comprises an unsaturated aliphatic compound catalyst.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the unsaturated aliphatic compound removal material comprises an unsaturated aliphatic compound adsorbent.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the aromatic compound comprises benzene claim 1 , andcontacting the treated hydrocarbon stream with an alkylation catalyst and ethylene under alkylation conditions to convert at least a portion of the benzene to ethylbenzene to form an ethylbenzene hydrocarbon stream.7. The method of claim 1 , ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130330555A1

Novel adsorbents and their use in a process for the removal of sulfur compounds from distillate fuels are described herein. The novel adsorbents are comprised of nanocrystals of Ni having adsorbed on their surface phosphorus and/or phosphine species, which nanocrystals can be distributed in a micro-/meso-porous support material. 1. An adsorbent composition for removing sulfur moieties from a hydrocarbon feed , the composition comprising: a nanocrystal complex comprised of approximately 2-10 nm sized crystals of elemental Ni having associated therewith a plurality of chemical moieties selected from the group consisting of elemental phosphorus , phosphine moieties (PH) , and combinations thereof , wherein said nanocrystal complex exhibits a molar ratio of P to Ni from about 0.2 to about 0.6 , and wherein said nanocrystal complex is supported on a refractory support material.2. The adsorbent composition of claim 1 , wherein said Ni particles comprise from 30 wt % to 50 wt % of active phases of the adsorbent.3. The adsorbent composition of claim 2 , wherein said Ni particles comprise greater than 25 wt % of the sorbent.4. The adsorbent composition of claim 3 , wherein the Ni particles comprise from about 35 wt % to about 45 wt % of the adsorbent.5. The adsorbent composition of claim 1 , wherein said refractory support is selected from the group consisting of micro-mesoporous silica claim 1 , mesoporous silica claim 1 , meso-structured silica claim 1 , silica-alumina claim 1 , carbon claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.6. The adsorbent composition of claim 5 , wherein said refractory support is further characterized as having a surface area ranging from about 150 m/g to about 1000 m/g.7. The adsorbent composition of claim 6 , wherein the said refractory support is further characterized as having an average pore diameter from about 3 nm to about 30 nm.8. A sulfur-adsorbed composition comprising the adsorbent composition of claim 1 , to which at least about 1.8 grams of sulfur ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130338416A1

Disclosed is a method for removing weakly basic nitrogen compounds from a hydrocarbon feed stream by contacting the hydrocarbon feed stream with acidic clay to produce a hydrocarbon effluent stream having a lower weakly basic nitrogen compound content relative to the hydrocarbon feed stream. The hydrocarbon feed stream comprises an aromatic compound and a weakly basic nitrogen compound. 1. A method for treating a hydrocarbon feed stream comprising an aromatic compound and a weakly basic nitrogen compound , the method comprising: contacting the hydrocarbon feed stream with a acidic clay at contacting conditions including a temperature of at least about 100° C. and the presence of water in an amount of at least 50 ppm relative to the hydrocarbon feed stream on a weight basis to sequentially convert the weakly basic nitrogen compound to a basic nitrogen compound and to adsorb the basic nitrogen compound from the hydrocarbon feed stream to produce a treated hydrocarbon stream lower in concentration of the weakly basic nitrogen compound relative to the hydrocarbon feed stream.2. The method of wherein water is present in an amount equal to or exceeding the saturation point of the hydrocarbon feed stream at the contacting conditions.3. The method of wherein water is present in an amount of at least 250 ppm relative to the hydrocarbon feed stream on a weight basis.4. The method of wherein contacting the hydrocarbon feed stream comprises contacting the hydrocarbon feed stream with the acidic clay at a temperature ranging from 150° C. to 250° C.5. The method of wherein the hydrocarbon feed stream has a nitrogen content ranging from 0.1 ppm-wt to 10 ppm-wt.6. The method of wherein the weakly basic nitrogen compound is an organic nitrogen compound selected from the group consisting of basic organic nitrogen compounds claim 1 , nitriles claim 1 , and mixtures thereof7. The method of wherein the weakly basic nitrogen compound includes nitriles and the basic nitrogen compound ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Capture mass composed of elemental sulphur deposited on a porous support for capturing heavy metals

Номер: US20130341564A1
Принадлежит: IFP Energies Nouvelles IFPEN

The present invention concerns the elimination of heavy metals, in particular mercury and possibly arsenic and lead, present in a dry or moist gaseous effluent ( 1 ) by means of a capture mass ( 2 ) comprising a porous support at least part of which is of low mesoporosity and an active phase based on sulphur. The invention is advantageously applicable to the treatment of gas of industrial origin, synthesis gas or natural gas.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Process for Producing Para-Xylene

Номер: US20130345481A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

A process for producing a PX-rich product, the process comprising: (a) providing a PX-depleted stream; (b) isomerizing at least a portion of the PX-depleted stream to produce an isomerized stream having a PX concentration greater than the PX-depleted stream and a benzene concentration of less than 1,000 ppm and a C 9 + hydrocarbons concentration of less than 5,000 ppm; and (c) separating the isomerized stream by selective adsorption.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140005459A1

We provide a hydrodechlorination and hydrogen chloride recovery process, comprising: 1. A hydrodechlorination and hydrogen chloride recovery process , comprising: i) an off-gas comprising an HCl, and', 'ii) a dechlorinated product;, 'a) contacting at least one hydrocarbon product with a hydrodechlorination catalyst in a presence of hydrogen under hydrodechlorination conditions to provideb) separating the dechlorinated product from the off-gas;c) contacting the off-gas with an adsorbent under HCl adsorbing conditions such that the HCl is adsorbed by the adsorbent; andd) after step c), recovering the HCl from the adsorbent.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrodechlorination conditions comprise a reaction temperature in the range from about 300° F. (about 148.9 degree Celsius) to 750° F. (398.9 degree Celsius) claim 1 , a reaction pressure in the range from about 100 to 5000 psig claim 1 , a liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV) feed rate in the range from about 0.1 to 50 claim 1 , and a hydrogen supply in the range from about 50 to 8000 standard cubic feet per barrel (SCFB) of the at least one hydrocarbon product.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrodechlorination catalyst comprises an element selected from the group consisting of elements of Groups 6 claim 1 , 8 claim 1 , 9 claim 1 , 10 claim 1 , and 11 claim 1 , and their mixtures claim 1 , present as metals claim 1 , oxides or sulfides.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein:step b) comprises separating the dechlorinated product, as a liquid, at a temperature in the range from about 50° F. (about 10 degree Celsius) to 600° F. (315.6 degree Celsius), andstep d) comprises contacting the adsorbent with a recovery carrier gas, wherein the HCl is desorbed from the adsorbent.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent is selected from the group consisting of a molecular sieve claim 1 , a refractory oxide claim 1 , an activated carbon claim 1 , and combinations ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037513A1

A process for separating para-xylene from aromatic compounds is presented. The process introduces throughout a first step-time interval a first mixed xylene stream into a first feed input on a first adsorptive separation unit comprising multiple bed lines. The process further introduces throughout the first step-time interval a second mixed xylene stream into a second feed input on the first adsorptive separation unit. During a first portion of the first step-time interval, the process introduces material from a feed stream used during the first step-time interval into a bed line not used to deliver a stream into, or withdraw a stream from, the first adsorptive separation unit during the first step time interval. During a second portion of the first step-time interval, the process introduces material from a purification zone into the feed stream used during the first step-time interval. 1. An apparatus for separating para-xylene from a plurality of aromatic compounds , comprising:a first adsorptive separation unit comprising a rotary valve comprising more than 8 tracks, said first adsorptive unit being in fluid communication with said rotary valve and comprising a first feed input and a second feed input;a second adsorptive separation unit; anda raffinate column in fluid communication with both said first adsorptive separation unit and said second adsorptive separation unit.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:an isomerization unit in fluid communication with both said raffinate column and said second adsorptive separation unit.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:said raffinate column comprises a first input, a second input, and an output;said first adsorptive separation unit is in fluid communication with said first input; andsaid second adsorptive separation unit is in fluid communication with said second input.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising an isomerization unit in fluid communication with said output.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Hydrophilic activated sorbent extraction disk

Номер: US20140046112A1
Принадлежит: Environmental Express Inc

A one-piece solid phase extraction article to be used in solid phase extraction analysis, a filtration funnel comprising the one piece solid phase extraction article, and a method of use of the article. The article, device and method provide for improved analysis of hexane extractable material by eliminating the standard use of polar solvents to pre-condition the sorbent materials. The one-piece solid phase extraction article comprises water wettable monomeric phase type sorptive material embedded within a porous matrix. The water wettable monolithic polymeric sorptive material may be a hydrophilic polymeric gel, such as functionalized C-18 sorbent material, and the porous matrix may be fibrous matric, such as a glass fiber. The one-piece solid phase extraction article may further comprise one or more pre-filtration layers which do not contain the sorptive particles.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140051819A1

The present invention is directed to a method for preparing isobutene from a renewable source and their use in the preparation of renewable polymers. The invention also discloses purification of isobutene, selective removal of 1-butene, cis-2-butene and trans-2-butene using microporous adsorbent material, and the oligomerization of the purified liquid isobutene yielding diisobutenes and triisobutenes. 1. A method of preparing a renewable polyisobutene polymer , comprising:a) providing an olefin mixture comprising isobutene and one or more linear butenes, wherein said olefin mixture is obtained from a renewable hydrocarbon source;b) contacting said olefin mixture with an adsorbent microporous material having an effective pore opening of 5 Å to 5.4 Å, wherein the linear butenes are selectively adsorbed to the microporous material;c) isolating the isobutene from contact with the microporous material; andd) polymerizing said renewable isobutene to obtain said renewable polymer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step d) comprises polymerisation of isobutene in the presence of an additional monomer to form a co-polymer of isobutene.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the co-polymer is butyl rubber.4. The method of any one of to claim 2 , further comprising:i) providing an alcohol mixture comprising one or more butanols obtained from athe renewable hydrocarbon source;ii) contacting said alcohol mixture with a dehydration catalyst, thereby forming the olefin mixture comprising one or more linear butenes and isobutene.5. The method of any one of to claim 2 , wherein said polymerization is carried out under cationic polymerization conditions.6. The method of any one of to claim 2 , wherein the olefin mixture is contacted with the microporous material for about 1 hour to about 24 hours.7. The method of any one of to claim 2 , wherein the microporous material comprises aluminium oxide-silicate.8. The method of any one of to claim 2 , wherein the olefin mixture is in a liquid ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058083A1

Methods and systems are provided for converting methane in a feed stream to acetylene. The method includes removing at least a portion of organic oxygenates from a hydrocarbon stream. The hydrocarbon stream is introduced into a supersonic reactor and pyrolyzed to convert at least a portion of the methane to acetylene. The reactor effluent stream may be treated to convert acetylene to another hydrocarbon process. The method according to certain aspects includes controlling the level of organic oxygenates in the hydrocarbon stream. 1. A method for producing acetylene comprising:introducing a feed stream portion of a hydrocarbon stream comprising methane into a supersonic reactor;pyrolyzing the methane in the supersonic reactor to form a reactor effluent stream portion of the hydrocarbon stream comprising acetylene; andtreating at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream in a contaminant removal zone to remove organic oxygenates from the hydrocarbon stream that is contacted with an adsorbent material comprising one or more adsorbents to remove said organic oxygenates.2. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes accelerating the hydrocarbon stream to a velocity of between about Mach 1.0 and about Mach 4.0 and slowing down the hydrocarbon stream to increase the temperature of the hydrocarbon process stream.3. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes heating the methane to a temperature of between about 1200° and about 3500° C. for a residence time of between about 0.5 and about 100 ms.4. The method of further comprising treating said at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream to remove other contaminants.5. The method of wherein said adsorbent is a zeolite is selected from the group consisting of faujasites (13X claim 1 , CaX claim 1 , NaY claim 1 , CaY claim 1 , and ZnX) claim 1 , chabazites claim 1 , clinoptilolites and LTA (4A claim 1 , 5A) zeolites.6. The method of wherein said adsorbent is a silica gel or an activated carbon.7. The method ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058084A1

Methods and systems are provided for converting methane in a feed stream to acetylene. The method includes removing at least a portion of mercury from a hydrocarbon stream. The hydrocarbon stream is introduced into a supersonic reactor and pyrolyzed to convert at least a portion of the methane to acetylene. The reactor effluent stream may be treated to convert acetylene to another hydrocarbon process. The method according to certain aspects includes controlling the level of mercury and mercury containing compounds in the hydrocarbon stream. 1. A method for producing acetylene comprising:introducing a feed stream portion of a hydrocarbon stream comprising methane into a supersonic reactor;pyrolyzing the methane in the supersonic reactor to form a reactor effluent stream portion of the hydrocarbon stream comprising acetylene; andtreating at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream in a contaminant removal zone to remove mercury from the hydrocarbon stream that is contacted with a catalyst or an adsorbent material comprising one or more adsorbents to remove mercury.2. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes accelerating the hydrocarbon stream to a velocity of between about Mach 1.0 and about Mach 4.0 and slowing down the hydrocarbon stream to increase the temperature of the hydrocarbon process stream.3. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes heating the methane to a temperature of between about 1200° and about 3500° C. for a residence time of between about 0.5 and about 100 ms.4. The method of further comprising treating said at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream to remove other contaminants.5. The method of wherein said catalyst or adsorbent material comprises a noble metal on a support.6. The method of wherein said adsorbent is a silver impregnated zeolite is selected from the group consisting of faujasites (13X claim 1 , CaX claim 1 , NaY claim 1 , CaY claim 1 , and ZnX) claim 1 , chabazites claim 1 , clinoptilolites and LTA (3A ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058085A1

Methods and systems are provided for converting methane in a feed stream to acetylene. The method includes removing at least a portion of water from a hydrocarbon stream. The hydrocarbon stream is introduced into a supersonic reactor and pyrolyzed to convert at least a portion of the methane to acetylene. The reactor effluent stream may be treated to convert acetylene to another hydrocarbon process. The method according to certain aspects includes controlling the level of water in the hydrocarbon stream. 1. A method for producing acetylene comprising:introducing a feed stream portion of a hydrocarbon stream comprising methane into a supersonic reactor;pyrolyzing the methane in the supersonic reactor to form a reactor effluent stream portion of the hydrocarbon stream comprising acetylene; andtreating at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream in a contaminant removal zone to remove water from the hydrocarbon stream.2. The method of wherein said contaminant removal zone comprises process equipment to remove bulk amounts of water by phase separation.3. The method of wherein said process equipment is a quench tower.4. The method of wherein said contaminant removal zone comprises at least one adsorbent bed containing one or more adsorbents.5. The method of wherein said contaminant removal zone comprises at least one absorbent bed comprising a glycol absorbent.6. The method of further comprising treating at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream to remove other contaminants.7. The method of wherein said adsorbent is a zeolite is selected from the group consisting of faujasites (13X claim 2 , CaX claim 2 , NaY claim 2 , CaY claim 2 , and ZnX) claim 2 , chabazites claim 2 , clinoptilolites and LTA (4A claim 2 , 3A claim 2 , 5A) zeolites.8. The method of wherein said adsorbent is a LTA 4A zeolite.9. The method of wherein said adsorbent is a silica gel and activated carbons.10. The method of wherein the contaminant removal zone is positioned upstream of the supersonic ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058087A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Methods and systems are provided for converting methane in a feed stream to acetylene. The method includes removing at least a portion of carbon dioxide from a hydrocarbon stream. The hydrocarbon stream is introduced into a supersonic reactor and pyrolyzed to convert at least a portion of the methane to acetylene. The reactor effluent stream may be treated to convert acetylene to another hydrocarbon process. The method according to certain aspects includes controlling the level of oxygen in the hydrocarbon stream. 1. A method for producing acetylene comprising:introducing a feed stream portion of a hydrocarbon stream comprising methane into a supersonic reactor;pyrolyzing the methane in the supersonic reactor to form a reactor effluent stream portion of the hydrocarbon stream comprising acetylene; andtreating at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream in a contaminant removal zone to remove carbon dioxide from the hydrocarbon stream that is contacted with an adsorbent material in an adsorbent bed comprising one or more adsorbents to remove said carbon dioxide.2. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes accelerating the hydrocarbon stream to a velocity of between about Mach 1.0 and about Mach 4.0 and slowing down the hydrocarbon stream to increase the temperature of the hydrocarbon process stream.3. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes heating the methane to a temperature of between about 1200° and about 3500° C. for a residence time of between about 0.5 and about 100 ms.4. The method of further comprising treating said at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream to remove other contaminants.5. The method of wherein said adsorbent is a zeolite is selected from the group consisting of faujasites (13X claim 1 , CaX claim 1 , NaY claim 1 , CaY claim 1 , and ZnX) claim 1 , chabazites claim 1 , clinoptilolites and LTA (4A claim 1 , 5A) zeolites.6. The method of wherein said adsorbent is a silica gel and activated carbons.7. The method of ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058088A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Methods and systems are provided for converting methane in a feed stream to acetylene. The method includes removing at least a portion of hydrides of arsenic, phosphorus, antimony, silicon, and boron from a hydrocarbon stream. The hydrocarbon stream is introduced into a supersonic reactor and pyrolyzed to convert at least a portion of the methane to acetylene. The reactor effluent stream may be treated to convert acetylene to another hydrocarbon process. The method according to certain aspects includes controlling the level of hydrides of arsenic, phosphorus, antimony, silicon, and boron in the hydrocarbon stream. 1. A method for producing acetylene comprising:introducing a feed stream portion of a hydrocarbon stream comprising methane into a supersonic reactor;pyrolyzing the methane in the supersonic reactor to form a reactor effluent stream portion of the hydrocarbon stream comprising acetylene; andtreating at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream in a contaminant removal zone to remove hydrides of arsenic, phosphorus, antimony, silicon, and boron from the hydrocarbon stream is contacted with an adsorbent material comprising one or more active metal oxides to remove said hydrides of arsenic, phosphorus, antimony, silicon, and boron.2. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes accelerating the hydrocarbon stream to a velocity of between about Mach 1.0 and about Mach 4.0 and slowing down the hydrocarbon stream to increase the temperature of the hydrocarbon process stream.3. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes heating the methane to a temperature of between about 1200° and about 3500° C. for a residence time of between about 0.5 and about 100 ms.4. The method of further comprising treating said at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream to remove other contaminants.5. The method of wherein said zeolite is selected from the group consisting of faujasites (13X claim 1 , CaX claim 1 , NaY claim 1 , CaY claim 1 , and ZnX) claim 1 , ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058089A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Methods and systems are provided for converting methane in a feed stream to acetylene. The method includes removing at least a portion of sulfur containing compounds from a hydrocarbon stream. The hydrocarbon stream is introduced into a supersonic reactor and pyrolyzed to convert at least a portion of the methane to acetylene. The reactor effluent stream may be treated to convert acetylene to another hydrocarbon process. The method according to certain aspects includes controlling the level of sulfur containing compounds in the hydrocarbon stream. 1. A method for producing acetylene comprising:introducing a feed stream portion of a hydrocarbon stream comprising methane into a supersonic reactor;pyrolyzing the methane in the supersonic reactor to form a reactor effluent stream portion of the hydrocarbon stream comprising acetylene; andtreating at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream in a contaminant removal zone to remove sulfur and/or sulfur containing compounds from the hydrocarbon stream that is contacted with an adsorbent material comprising one or more adsorbents to remove said compounds.2. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes accelerating the hydrocarbon stream to a velocity of between about Mach 1.0 and about Mach 4.0 and slowing down the hydrocarbon stream to increase the temperature of the hydrocarbon process stream.3. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes heating the methane to a temperature of between about 1200° and about 3500° C. for a residence time of between about 0.5 and about 100 ms.4. The method of further comprising treating said at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream to remove other contaminants.5. The method of wherein said adsorbent is a zeolite is selected from the group consisting of faujasites (13X claim 1 , CaX claim 1 , NaY claim 1 , CaY claim 1 , and ZnX) claim 1 , chabazites claim 1 , clinoptilolites and LTA (4A claim 1 , 5A) zeolites.6. The method of wherein said adsorbent is a silica gel or ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058090A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Methods and systems are provided for converting methane in a feed stream to acetylene. The method includes removing at least a portion of glycols from a hydrocarbon stream. The hydrocarbon stream is introduced into a supersonic reactor and pyrolyzed to convert at least a portion of the methane to acetylene. The reactor effluent stream may be treated to convert acetylene to another hydrocarbon process. The method according to certain aspects includes controlling the level of glycols and in particular, dimethyl ethers of polyethylene glycol in the hydrocarbon stream. 1. A method for producing acetylene comprising:introducing a feed stream portion of a hydrocarbon stream comprising methane into a supersonic reactor;pyrolyzing the methane in the supersonic reactor to form a reactor effluent stream portion of the hydrocarbon stream comprising acetylene; andtreating at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream in a contaminant removal zone to remove glycols from the hydrocarbon stream that is contacted with an adsorbent material comprising one or more adsorbents to remove said glycols.2. The method of wherein the contaminant removal zone is positioned upstream of the supersonic reactor to remove the portion of the glycols from the hydrocarbon stream prior to introducing the process stream into the supersonic reactor.3. The method of wherein the contaminant removal zone is positioned upstream of a heating zone for heating the hydrocarbon stream wherein said heating zone is upstream of said supersonic reactor.4. The method of further comprising passing the reactor effluent stream to a downstream hydrocarbon conversion zone and converting at least a portion of the acetylene in the reactor effluent stream to another hydrocarbon in the hydrocarbon conversion zone.5. The method of wherein said reactor effluent stream is sent to a contaminant removal zone prior to passing to said hydrocarbon conversion zone.6. The method of wherein said reactor effluent stream is sent to a ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058091A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Methods and systems are provided for converting methane in a feed stream to acetylene. The method includes removing at least a portion of mercury containing compounds from a hydrocarbon stream. The hydrocarbon stream is introduced into a supersonic reactor and pyrolyzed to convert at least a portion of the methane to acetylene. The reactor effluent stream may be treated to convert acetylene to another hydrocarbon process. The method according to certain aspects includes controlling the level of organic, ionic or suspended mercury compounds by first converting these compounds to elemental mercury or to inorganic mercury compounds and then removing them by use of an adsorbent bed. 1. A method for producing acetylene comprising:introducing a feed stream portion of a hydrocarbon stream comprising methane into a supersonic reactor;pyrolyzing the methane in the supersonic reactor to form a reactor effluent stream portion of the hydrocarbon stream comprising acetylene; andtreating at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream in a contaminant removal zone to first convert organic, ionic or colloidal mercury to elemental mercury or inorganic mercury compounds and then removing said elemental mercury or inorganic mercury compounds from said hydrocarbon stream that is contacted with an adsorbent material comprising one or more adsorbents, an ion exchange resin or mixture thereof to remove said elemental mercury or inorganic mercury compounds.2. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes accelerating the hydrocarbon stream to a velocity of between about Mach 1.0 and about Mach 4.0 and slowing down the hydrocarbon stream to increase the temperature of the hydrocarbon process stream.3. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes heating the methane to a temperature of between about 1200° and about 3500° C. for a residence time of between about 0.5 and about 100 ms.4. The method of wherein said organic claim 1 , ionic or colloidal forms of mercury are ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058094A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Methods and systems are provided for converting methane in a feed stream to acetylene. The method includes removing at least a portion of heavy hydrocarbon compounds including C+ hydrocarbons from a hydrocarbon stream. The hydrocarbon stream is introduced into a supersonic reactor and pyrolyzed to convert at least a portion of the methane to acetylene. The reactor effluent stream may be treated to convert acetylene to another hydrocarbon process. The method according to certain aspects includes controlling the level heavy hydrocarbons in the hydrocarbon stream by use of adsorbents, physical separators or cryogenic separation. 1. A method for producing acetylene comprising:introducing a feed stream portion of a hydrocarbon stream comprising methane into a supersonic reactor;pyrolyzing the methane in the supersonic reactor to form a reactor effluent stream portion of the hydrocarbon stream comprising acetylene; andtreating at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream in a heavy hydrocarbon removal zone to remove heavy hydrocarbons from the hydrocarbon stream.2. The method of wherein said heavy hydrocarbon removal zone comprises at least one physical separator.3. The method of wherein said physical separator comprises a supersonic separator claim 2 , a vapor/liquid gravity separator or a mesh blanket.4. The method of wherein said heavy hydrocarbon removal zone comprises a cryogenic fractionator.5. The method of wherein said heavy hydrocarbon removal zone comprises one or more adsorbents and wherein said hydrocarbon stream contacts said one or more adsorbents to remove said heavy hydrocarbons.6. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes accelerating the hydrocarbon stream to a velocity of between about Mach 1.0 and about Mach 4.0 slowing down the hydrocarbon stream to increase the temperature of the hydrocarbon process stream.7. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes heating the methane to a temperature of between about 1200° and about 3500° C ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058096A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Methods and systems are provided for converting methane in a feed stream to acetylene. The method includes removing at least a portion of heavy metals from a hydrocarbon stream. The hydrocarbon stream is introduced into a supersonic reactor and pyrolyzed to convert at least a portion of the methane to acetylene. The reactor effluent stream may be treated to convert acetylene to another hydrocarbon process. The method according to certain aspects includes controlling the level of heavy metals in the hydrocarbon stream. 1. A method for producing acetylene comprising:introducing a feed stream portion of a hydrocarbon stream comprising methane into a supersonic reactor;pyrolyzing the methane in the supersonic reactor to form a reactor effluent stream portion of the hydrocarbon stream comprising acetylene; andtreating at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream in a contaminant removal zone to remove heavy metals or heavy metal containing compounds from the hydrocarbon stream that is contacted with an adsorbent material comprising one or more adsorbents to remove said heavy metals or compounds.2. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes accelerating the hydrocarbon stream to a velocity of between about Mach 1.0 and about Mach 4.0 slowing down the hydrocarbon stream to increase the temperature of the hydrocarbon process stream.3. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes heating the methane to a temperature of between about 1200° and about 3500° C. for a residence time of between about 0.5 and about 100 ms.4. The method of further comprising hydroprocessing said feed stream to remove a high level of metals.5. The method of wherein said adsorbent is a zeolite is selected from the group consisting of faujasites (13X claim 1 , CaX claim 1 , NaY claim 1 , CaY claim 1 , and ZnX) claim 1 , chabazites claim 1 , clinoptilolites and LTA (4A claim 1 , 5A) zeolites.6. The method of wherein hydrogen is used to reduce the heavy metal containing compound ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058118A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Methods and systems are provided for converting methane in a feed stream to acetylene. The method includes removing at least a portion of acids from a hydrocarbon stream. The hydrocarbon stream is introduced into a supersonic reactor and pyrolyzed to convert at least a portion of the methane to acetylene. The reactor effluent stream may be treated to convert acetylene to another hydrocarbon process. The method according to certain aspects includes controlling the level of acids in the hydrocarbon stream by use of adsorbents or basic solutions. 1. A method for producing acetylene comprising:introducing a feed stream portion of a hydrocarbon stream comprising methane into a supersonic reactor;pyrolyzing the methane in the supersonic reactor to form a reactor effluent stream portion of the hydrocarbon stream comprising acetylene; andtreating at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream in a contaminant removal zone to remove acids from the hydrocarbon stream2. The method of wherein said contaminant removal zone comprises an adsorbent bed wherein said hydrocarbon stream is contacted with an adsorbent material comprising one or more adsorbents to remove said acids.3. The method of wherein said contaminant removal zone comprises water or a basic solution that contacts said hydrocarbon stream to remove said acids.4. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes accelerating the hydrocarbon stream to a velocity of between about Mach 1.0 and about Mach 4.0 slowing down the hydrocarbon stream to increase the temperature of the hydrocarbon process stream.5. The method of wherein pyrolyzing the methane includes heating the methane to a temperature of between about 1200° and about 3500° C. for a residence time of between about 0.5 and about 100 ms.6. The method of further comprising treating said at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream to remove other contaminants.7. The method of wherein said adsorbent is a zeolite is selected from the group consisting of ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058151A1

Methods and systems are provided for converting methane in a feed stream to acetylene. The method includes removing at least a portion of oxygen from a hydrocarbon stream. The hydrocarbon stream is introduced into a supersonic reactor and pyrolyzed to convert at least a portion of the methane to acetylene. The reactor effluent stream may be treated to convert acetylene to another hydrocarbon process. The method according to certain aspects includes controlling the level of oxygen in the hydrocarbon stream. 1. A method for producing acetylene comprising:introducing a feed stream portion of a hydrocarbon stream comprising methane into a supersonic reactor;pyrolyzing the methane in the supersonic reactor to form a reactor effluent stream portion of the hydrocarbon stream comprising acetylene; andtreating at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream in a contaminant removal zone to remove oxygen from the hydrocarbon stream that is contacted with an adsorbent or a catalyst material to remove said oxygen.2. The method of wherein said hydrocarbon stream has been treated to remove sulfur compounds before said oxygen is removed.3. The method of wherein the oxygen is removed prior to said feed stream being introduced into said supersonic reactor.4. The method of wherein said feed stream is first treated to remove said oxygen claim 3 , then heated and then introduced into said supersonic reactor.5. The method of further comprising treating said at least a portion of the hydrocarbon stream to remove other contaminants.6. The method of wherein said adsorbent is a metal selected from the group copper claim 1 , lead claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , palladium.7. The method of wherein carbon monoxide and/or hydrogen is present in greater than or equal to stoichiometric levels of oxygen and a metal oxide catalyst converts the oxygen to carbon dioxide and/or water.8. The method of wherein said carbon dioxide and water are removed by an adsorbent bed and any remaining ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001258A1

A method for preparing a sorbent composition includes the steps of: 1. A sorbent composition comprising an eggshell layer on the exterior surface of a support material , the layer comprising at least one copper compound and having a thickness in the range 1-200 μm , and the sorbent composition comprises 0.5 to 20% by weight of copper.2. A sorbent composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one copper compound comprises copper (II) sulphide.3. A sorbent composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one copper compound is selected from the group consisting of basic copper carbonate and copper (II) oxide.4. A sorbent composition according to claim 1 , wherein the support material comprises an alumina claim 1 , hydrated alumina claim 1 , titania claim 1 , zirconia claim 1 , silica or aluminosilicate claim 1 , or a mixture of two or more of these.5. A sorbent composition according to claim 1 , wherein the support material is an alumina.6. A sorbent composition according to wherein the support material is in the form of a foam claim 1 , monolith or honeycomb claim 1 , or a coating on a structured packing.7. A sorbent composition according to wherein the support material is in the form of shaped particulate unit selected from the group consisting of spheres claim 1 , rings claim 1 , trilobes claim 1 , quadralobes claim 1 , and cylinders8. A sorbent composition according to claim 7 , wherein the support material has between 2 and 10 holes extending therethrough.9. A sorbent composition according to claim 1 , wherein the support material has a BET surface area of 10-330 m·gand a pore volume in the range 0.3-0.9 cm·g.10. A sorbent composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the layer is in the range 1 to 150 μm.11. A sorbent composition according to claim 1 , wherein the sorbent comprises 0.75-10% by weight of copper.12. A sorbent composition according to wherein the support material is in the form of a shaped particulate unit with a ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Membrane process for olefin separation

Номер: US20200001242A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A process is provided to separate a hydrocarbon stream comprising a mixture of light olefins and light paraffins, the process comprising sending the hydrocarbon stream through a pretreatment unit to remove impurities selected from the group consisting of sulfur compounds, arsine, phosphine, methyl acetylene, propadiene, and acetylene to produce a treated hydrocarbon stream; vaporizing the treated hydrocarbon stream to produce a gaseous treated hydrocarbon stream; adding liquid or vapor water to the gaseous treated hydrocarbon stream; then contacting the gaseous treated hydrocarbon stream to a membrane in a membrane system comprising one or more membrane units to produce a permeate stream comprising about 96 to 99.9 wt % light olefins and a retentate stream comprising light paraffins.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001929A1
Автор: Mir Nazir
Принадлежит: Mirtech, Inc.

Disclosed are adsorption complexes that include 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) and a metal coordination polymer network (MCPN), wherein the MCPN is a porous material, and the 1-MCP is adsorbed into the MCPN. Also disclosed are kits for containing 1-MCP that include the adsorption complex in a 1-MCP-impermeable package. Also disclosed are methods of releasing 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) from the kit that include the application of aqueous fluids, heat, and/or pressure. 1. An adsorption complex , comprising:1-methyl cyclopropane (1-MCP); anda metal coordination polymer network (MCPN), comprising a metal node selected from Mg, Mn, Ca, Cu, Al, Zn, Fe, Co, or a combination thereof, and one or more ligands coupled to the metal node.2. The adsorption complex of claim 1 , wherein the one or more ligands comprise one or more carboxylate groups.3. The adsorption complex of claim 1 , wherein the one or more ligands are selected from an amino acid or citric acid.4. The adsorption complex of claim 1 , wherein the one or more ligands are selected from 2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,6-tris(3 claim 1 ,5-dicarboxylphenylamino)-1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-triazine claim 1 , biphenyldicarboxylate claim 1 , 4 claim 1 ,4′-bipyridine claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2-bipyridylethene claim 1 , O(O)C—C—H—C(O)O claim 1 , formate claim 1 , terephthalate claim 1 , benzene-1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-tricarboxylate claim 1 , 2-methylimidazole claim 1 , fumarate claim 1 , —OH claim 1 , a reaction product of tetra-(4-bromo-phenyl)ethylene and 4-(methoxycarbonyl) phenylboronic acid claim 1 , 4 claim 1 ,4′-sulfonyldibenzoate claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The adsorption complex of claim 1 , wherein the MCPN has a mean pore diameter of 1 to 50 Å.6. The adsorption complex of claim 1 , wherein the MCPN is a magnesium coordination polymer network or a calcium coordination polymer network.7. The adsorption complex of claim 1 , wherein the MCPN is Co(biphenyldicarboxylate)4 claim 1 ,4′bipyridine].4DMF.HO or [Co( ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005550A1

The present invention provides a paraffin mixture that is suitable for use as cosmetics and cleansing oil for skin and hair and has excellent volatility. The paraffin mixture according to the present invention is a mixture that contains isoparaffin having a carbon number of 12 to 16, and the mixture has a boiling point range of 185° C. to 215° C. and has the content of 2,2,4,6,6-pentamethylheptane at less than 10 mass %. 1. A paraffin mixture comprising isoparaffin with a carbon number of 12 to 16 , wherein the paraffin mixture has a boiling point range of 185° C. to 215° C. and has the content of 2 ,2 ,4 ,6 ,6-pentamethylheptane at less than 10 mass %.2. A method of producing the paraffin mixture of claim 1 , comprising the following steps 1 to 4 of:Step 1) providing a polybutene mixture having a carbon number of 16 or less by removing an unreacted component and a polymer having a carbon number of 20 or more from a polymerization reaction system of isobutylene and normal butene;Step 2) providing a paraffin mixture having a carbon number of 16 or less by hydrogenating the polybutene mixture having a carbon number of 16 or less that is provided in step 1;Step 3) treating the paraffin mixture having a carbon number of 16 or less that is obtained in step 2 with an adsorbent so as to have an iron content of 10 ppm or less; andStep 4) distilling the paraffin mixture having a carbon number of 16 or less that is treated with an adsorbent in step 3 by 15 mass % or more with respect to a charged quantity by vacuum distillation. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a paraffin mixture that is suitable for use as cosmetics or cleansing oil for skin and hair and has excellent volatility, and a method of producing the same.2. Description of the Related ArtAs hydrocarbons that have been conventionally used as volatile oils, hydrocarbons having a carbon number of 6 to 12 are known, including n-hexane, isohexane, cyclohexane, n-octane, isooctane, n-nonane, n- ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Rotary Fluid Processing Systems and Associated Methods

Номер: US20150005563A1
Принадлежит: Prometheus Technologies, LLC

Rotary fluid processing systems and associated methods are disclosed. A purification system in accordance with the particular embodiment includes a rotatable adsorbent-containing heat/mass transfer element that is generally symmetric about a rotation axis, and includes multiple radial flow paths oriented transverse to the rotation axis and multiple axial flow paths oriented transverse to the radial flow paths. The axial flow paths and radial flow paths are in thermal communication with each other, and are generally isolated from fluid communication with each other at the heat transfer element. Particular embodiments can further include a housing arrangement having multiple manifolds with individual manifolds having an entry port and an exit port, and with individual manifolds having different circumferential locations relative to the rotation axis. Still further embodiments can include a seal arrangement positioned between the heat transfer element and the housing arrangement to expose the radial flow paths, but not the axial flow paths, to the entry and exit ports of one of the manifolds, and expose the axial flow paths, but not the radial flow paths, to the entry and exit ports of another of the manifolds. 1. A method for processing a gas , comprising:at a first region, directing a process gas through an adsorbent processing medium along one of a radial axis and an axial axis;rotating the adsorbent processing medium about a rotation axis from the first region to a third region and directing a heat transfer fluid along the other of the radial axis and the axial axis to be in thermal contact with the adsorbent processing medium at the third region;rotating the adsorbent processing medium about the rotation axis from the third region to a second region and directing a purge fluid through the adsorbent processing medium along the one of the radial axis and the axial axis at the second region;rotating the adsorbent processing medium about the rotation axis from the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008787A1

A novel microporous carbon molecular sieve may be used as the basis for carbon adsorbent pellets that have discrete areas of carbonized binder and of carbonized precursor, macropores having an average pore diameter greater than or equal to 1 micrometer and a total macroporosity of at least 30 percent, both as measured by mercury porosimetry, and micropores that are capable of selectively admitting a C2-C3 alkene and excluding a C2-C3 alkane, and a total microporosity ranging from 10 percent to 30 percent. The pellets may be prepared by pyrolyzing a pellet structure comprising a carbon forming, non-melting binder and a non-porous gel type sulfonated polystyrene precursor at a temperature ranging from 500° C. to 1000° C., under an inert atmosphere and other conditions suitable to form the described pellets. The pellets are particularly useful in pressure swing and temperature swing adsorption processes to separate C2-C3 alkane/alkene mixtures. 1. A process to prepare a carbon adsorbent pellet composition comprisingcombining a carbon forming, non-melting binder and a non-porous gel-type sulfonated polystyrene precursor to form a pelletizable paste;forming a raw pellet structure from the pelletizable paste; andpyrolyzing the raw pellet structureunder an inert atmosphere and at a temperature ranging from 750° C. to 1000° C., to form a carbon adsorbent pellet composition having discrete areas of carbonized binder and of carbonized precursor; macropores having an average pore diameter greater than or equal to 1 micrometer and a total macroporosity of at least 30 percent, both as measured by mercury porosimetry, and', 'micropores that are capable of selectively admitting a C2-C3 alkene and excluding a C2-C3 alkane and have an average pore diameter ranging from 0.38 nanometers to 0.45 nanometers, and a total microporosity ranging from 10 percent to 30 percent., 'wherein the carbon adsorbent pellet composition comprises'}2. The process of wherein the carbon forming claim 1 , ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008487A1

The present invention generally relates to a pressure swing adsorption process for separating an adsorbate impurity from a feed stream comprising product gas, said process comprising feeding the feed stream to an adsorbent bed at a pressure of from about 60 psig to 2000 psig, wherein said adsorbent bed comprises adsorbent having: 2. The process according to wherein said adsorbent has an isosteric heat of adsorption for methane that is from about 50 to about 125% of the adsorbent's heat of adsorption for N.3. The process according to where the feed stream may contain additional gas species such as ethane claim 2 , propane claim 2 , butane and hydrocarbons with more than 4 carbon atoms and may include adsorbents to remove said hydrocarbons.4. A process according to where the feed stream may contain additional gas species such as water claim 2 , carbon dioxide or sulfur species and may include adsorbents to remove said species.5. The process of wherein said adsorbent is selected from zeolite A claim 1 , chabazite claim 1 , mordenite claim 1 , clinoptilolite claim 1 , ZSM-5 claim 1 , or combinations thereof.6. The process of wherein the adsorbent is a zeolite exchanged with one or more cations selected from Li claim 5 , Na claim 5 , K claim 5 , Mg claim 5 , Ca claim 5 , Sr claim 5 , Ba claim 5 , Cu claim 5 , Ag claim 5 , Zn claim 5 , NH and combinations or mixtures thereof.7. The process of wherein said adsorbent is Zeolite A.9. The process according to where the feed stream may contain additional gas species such as ethane claim 8 , propane claim 8 , butane and hydrocarbons with more than 4 carbon atoms and may include adsorbents to remove said hydrocarbons.10. The process according to where the feed stream may contain additional gas species such as water claim 8 , carbon dioxide or sulfur species and may include adsorbents to remove said species.11. The process of wherein the feed gas temperature claim 8 , product gas temperature and bed temperatures range from about ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Purification Process

Номер: US20190009206A1

A process is described for removing halogen compounds, particularly chlorine compounds, from a process fluid, comprising the steps of (i) passing a process fluid containing hydrogen halide over a first sorbent to remove hydrogen halide and generate a hydrogen halide depleted process fluid and then, (ii) passing the hydrogen halide depleted process fluid over a second different sorbent to remove organic halide compounds therefrom. A purification system suitable for removing hydrogen halide and organic halide compounds from process fluids is also described. 1. A process for removing a halogen compound from a process fluid , comprising the steps of:(i) passing a process fluid containing hydrogen halide over a first sorbent comprising an alkalized alumina to remove hydrogen halide and generate a hydrogen halide depleted process fluid; and(ii) passing the hydrogen halide depleted process fluid over a second sorbent comprising zeolite 13X to remove an organic halide compound.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the process fluid is a hydrogen gas stream comprising 50% vol or greater of hydrogen.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the process fluid is a liquid stream comprising a hydrocarbon or a gas stream comprising a hydrocarbon.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the process fluid is a liquid stream comprising a hydrocarbon.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the halogen compound is a bromine compound or a chlorine compound.6. The process of claim 5 , wherein the halogen compound is a chlorine compound.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogen halide content of the process fluid fed to the first sorbent is in the range of from 0.1 to 20 ppm.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first sorbent comprises acidic sites that form one or more organic halide compounds.9. The process of claim 1 , wherein the process fluid from step (ii) is passed over a third sorbent to remove residual or formed hydrogen halide.10. The process of claim 9 , wherein the third sorbent is ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Membrane and Pressure Swing Adsorption Hybrid INRU Process

Номер: US20200009495A1
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

A process for component separation in a polymer production system, comprising: separating a polymerization product stream into a gas stream and a polymer stream; contacting the polymer stream with a purge gas to yield a purged polymer stream and a spent purge gas stream; introducing the spent purge gas stream to a compressor to produce a compressed gas stream; introducing the compressed gas stream to a first separation unit to produce a first hydrocarbon stream and a membrane unit feed stream; introducing the membrane unit feed stream to a membrane unit to produce a first recovered purge gas stream and a retentate stream; introducing the retentate stream to a second separation unit to produce a second hydrocarbon stream and a PSA unit feed stream; and introducing the PSA unit feed stream to a PSA unit to produce a second recovered purge gas stream and a tail gas stream.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for adsorption separation of propylene and propyne

Номер: US20190010102A1
Принадлежит: Zhejiang University ZJU

A method for the adsorption separation of propylene and propyne, comprising selectively adsorbing propyne from a mixed gas of propylene and propyne using an anion-containing metal-organic framework material as an adsorbing agent so as to obtain a purified propylene gas. The anion-containing metal-organic framework material is used as an adsorbing agent in the method, and the adsorbing agent is a kind of highly ordered microporous organic-inorganic hybrid material, with the pore size thereof being adjustable within the range of 0.4-1.2 nm, and the pore volume thereof being adjustable within the range of 0.1-1.2 cm3/g. A large number of anionic active sites and a highly ordered spatial arrangement thereof allow the adsorbing agent to exhibit excellent propyne adsorption properties. Thus, the adsorbing agent has a very high propyne selectivity and adsorption volume.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010385A1
Автор: SURIYE Kongkiat
Принадлежит: SCG Chemicals Co., Ltd.

The present invention relates to a process for purifying a hydrocarbon feedstock, said process comprising the steps: (a) providing the hydrocarbon feedstock comprising an aromatic compound and at least one compound, selected from the group consisting of alkene, alkyne, nitrogen-containing compound or mixtures thereof; and (b) contacting the hydrocarbon feedstock with an acidic montmorillonite adsorbent at a temperature in the range from 10 to 60° C. 1. A process for purifying a hydrocarbon feedstock , said process comprising the steps:(a) providing the hydrocarbon feedstock comprising an aromatic compound and at least one compound, selected from the group consisting of alkene, alkyne, nitrogen-containing compound or mixtures thereof; and(b) contacting the hydrocarbon feedstock with an acidic montmorillonite adsorbent at a temperature in the range from 10 to 60° C.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the aromatic compound is an aromatic hydrocarbon compound selected from benzene claim 1 , toluene claim 1 , xylene claim 1 , ethylbenzene claim 1 , their derivatives claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the alkene is C4 to C10 alkene.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the alkyne is C4 to C10 alkyne.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the nitrogen-containing compound is N-formyl morpholine.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein contacting of the hydrocarbon feedstock with the acidic montmorillonite adsorbent is carried out at a gauge pressure in the range from 0 to 6×10Pascal.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the acidic montmorillonite adsorbent comprises a content of H per gram of adsorbent of at least 1 μmol.8. The process according to claim 7 , wherein the acidic montmorillonite adsorbent is obtainable by treating a montmorillonite with an acid.9. The process according to claim 8 , wherein the acid is selected from the group consisting of ammonium sulfate claim 8 , sulfuric acid ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033328A1
Автор: FUJII Kensaku, YASU Yusuke

Provided is a method of purifying a monomer composition that contains a polycyclic aromatic vinyl compound including at least two monocycles selected from the group consisting of aromatic hydrocarbon monocycles and aromatic heteromonocycles. The purification method includes an impurity removal step of removing at least sulfur from the monomer composition. 1. A method of purifying a monomer composition containing a polycyclic aromatic vinyl compound including at least two monocycles selected from the group consisting of aromatic hydrocarbon monocycles and aromatic heteromonocycles , comprisingan impurity removal step including removing at least sulfur from the monomer composition.2. The method of purifying a monomer composition according to claim 1 , wherein sulfur content in the monomer composition is adjusted to 150 ppm or less based on mass of the polycyclic aromatic vinyl compound in the impurity removal step.3. The method of purifying a monomer composition according to claim 1 , wherein sulfur content in a desulfurized monomer composition obtained through the impurity removal step is 90 mass % or less of sulfur content in the monomer composition prior to purification.4. The method of purifying a monomer composition according to claim 1 , further comprising removing halogen from the monomer composition in the impurity removal step.5. The method of purifying a monomer composition according to claim 4 , wherein halogen content in the monomer composition is adjusted to 300 ppm or less based on mass of the polycyclic aromatic vinyl compound in the impurity removal step.6. The method of purifying a monomer composition according to claim 4 , wherein halogen content in a dehalogenated monomer composition obtained through the impurity removal step is 90 mass % or less of halogen content in the monomer composition prior to purification.7. The method of purifying a monomer composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polycyclic aromatic vinyl compound includes ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016865A1
Автор: Dolan William

A process is disclosed for removing contaminants from an olefin stream, comprising passing the contaminated olefin stream through a first adsorbent in a thermal swing adsorption process to produce a relatively pure olefin product stream, and a regenerating gas stream containing the contaminants, passing the contaminated regenerating gas stream through a pressure swing adsorption process to yield a relatively pure regenerating gas stream, which can be redirected to the thermal swing adsorption process for regenerating the adsorbent therein.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Methane Gas Concentration Method

Номер: US20160016866A1

Adsorption towers are filled with adsorbents that adsorb methane gas in coal mine gas and perform a PSA cycle. For each of adsorption towers, a plurality of different pressure states of the internal pressure of the adsorption tower are set as an intermediate pressure state. As a pressure equalization step, an initial pressure equalization step of transferring the gas in one of the adsorption towers that is in a high pressure state to another one of the adsorption towers that is in an intermediate pressure state, and a final pressure equalization step of transferring the gas in one of the adsorption towers that is in the high pressure-side intermediate pressure state to another one of the adsorption towers that is in the low pressure state are performed. 1. A methane gas concentration method comprising:providing four or more adsorption towers each filled with an adsorbent that adsorbs methane gas in a methane-containing gas; andperforming, for each of the adsorption towers, a PSA cycle of repeating in order:an adsorption step of receiving supply of the methane-containing gas in a high pressure state near atmospheric pressure from a lower portion of the adsorption tower, adsorbing the methane gas on the adsorbent, and releasing offgas composed mainly of air from an upper portion of the adsorption tower;a pressure equalization (depressurizing) step of transferring the gas in the adsorption tower that has finished the adsorption step and is in the high pressure state to another adsorption tower in a lower pressure state so as to bring the inside of the adsorption tower into an intermediate pressure state;a decompression step of, after the internal pressure of the tower has been lowered by the pressure equalization (depressurizing) step, further decompressing the adsorbent to a low pressure state so as to desorb the methane gas adsorbed on the adsorbent, and recovering said methane gas from the lower portion of the adsorption tower;a pressure equalization (pressurizing) ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016867A1
Принадлежит: AJINOMOTO CO., INC.

Methods include contacting a fermented gas including isoprene with a porous adsorbent and desorbing isoprene adsorbed on the porous adsorbent. The fermented gas may be obtained by culturing a microorganism having an ability to produce isoprene.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016210A1

A process is provided to remove impurities including water, mercaptans, carbonyl sulfide and hydrogen sulfide from hydrocarbon streams containing from 100 to 900 ppm light olefins. In the process, a compound bed containing multiple layers of molecular sieves is used to remove the specific impurities. In situations when the regeneration gas may contain sulfur compounds, a sulfur guard bed may be used to treat the regeneration gas prior to regenerating the compound adsorbent bed. 1. A process for treating a liquid hydrocarbon stream comprising propane or butane , between about 10 ppm to 1000 ppmv light olefins and contaminants comprising sending said liquid hydrocarbon stream through a compound adsorbent bed comprising at least two layers of adsorbents to remove at least a portion of said contaminants.2. The process of wherein said liquid hydrocarbon stream comprises about 100 to 900 ppm light olefins.3. The process of wherein said liquid hydrocarbon stream comprises a mixture of C claim 1 , Cand C+ hydrocarbons.4. The process of wherein said adsorbent bed comprises an adsorbent selected from the group consisting of zeolites claim 1 , alumina and a hybrid adsorbent comprising a mixture of zeolites and alumina.5. The process of wherein said contaminants are selected from the group consisting of mercaptans claim 1 , carbonyl sulfide claim 1 , hydrogen sulfide claim 1 , disulfides and water.6. The process of wherein said compound bed comprises a layer of zeolites to remove water claim 1 , light mercaptans or disulfides and a layer of alumina to remove carbonyl sulfide or hydrogen sulfide.7. The process of wherein said compound bed comprises a layer of a hybrid zeolite-alumina adsorbent for removal of water claim 1 , light mercaptans or disulfides claim 1 , carbonyl sulfide or hydrogen sulfide and a layer of alumina for removal of additional carbonyl sulfide and hydrogen sulfide.8. The process of wherein said compound bed comprises a layer of molecular sieves to remove ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Method For Reducing The Oxygenate Content Of A Hydrocarbon Process Stream Treated With Or Containing An Oxygenate

Номер: US20200017428A1
Принадлежит: Caltech Global Enterprises LLC

A method of this disclosure for removing oxygenates from a hydrocarbon process stream includes passing the hydrocarbon process stream through a vessel containing a mixed metal oxide having an amorphous non-crystalline structure and containing a metal in at least two oxidation states in a hydrate form, the hydrocarbon process stream having a first oxygenate content when entering the vessel and a second lower oxygenate content when exiting the vessel. The hydrocarbon stream may be a gas or a liquid stream.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Processes for producing polymer grade light olefins from mixed alcohols

Номер: US20170022125A1
Автор: Geoffrey W. Fichtl
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Processes for providing a high purity olefin product are described. The processes involve dehydrating a feedstream comprising a mixture of alcohols having 3 to 8 carbon atoms and forming a mixed olefin stream and a water stream, the mixed olefin stream comprising a mixture of olefins having 3 to 8 carbon atoms. The mixed olefin stream is separated into at least a C 3 olefin stream comprising olefins having 3 carbon atoms and a C 4-8 olefin stream comprising olefins having 4 to 8 carbon atoms. The C 4-8 olefin stream is separated into a C 4 olefin stream comprising olefins having 4 carbon atoms and a C 5-8 olefin stream comprising olefins having 5 to 8 carbon atoms. At least one of the C 3 olefin stream and the C 4 olefin stream is purified.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041529A1

A process for the treatment of sulfidic spent caustic, conditioned catalyst regeneration vent gas, C4 isomerization off gas, various and hydrocarbon containing liquid and gaseous streams in addition to toxic containing streams like cyanidic off gas and waste water in a propane/butane dehydrogenation complex is described. Various effluent streams are combined in appropriate collection vessels, including an off-gas knockout drum, a hydrocarbon buffer vessel, a spent caustic buffer vessel, an optional a waste water buffer vessel, and a fuel gas knockout drum. Streams from these vessels are sent to a thermal oxidation system. 1. An integrated propane or butane dehydrogenation and thermal oxidation and flue gas treatment process , the process comprising:dehydrogenating an alkane feed stream comprising propane, butane, or mixtures thereof in a dehydrogenation reaction zone in the presence of a dehydrogenation catalyst under dehydrogenation conditions to form a dehydrogenated product stream comprising propylene, iso-butylene, or mixtures thereof;recovering the dehydrogenated product stream; introducing a sulfidic spent caustic stream from a regenerant gas scrubbing zone into a spent caustic buffer vessel;', 'introducing at least one of a spent solvent stream from a solvent recovery section, and a purge stream from a solvent recovery section into a hydrocarbon buffer vessel; and, 'at least one ofthermally oxidizing at least one of a spent caustic stream from the spent caustic buffer vessel, a liquid hydrocarbon stream from the hydrocarbon buffer vessel, an off-gas stream from an off-gas knockout drum, and a fuel gas stream from a fuel gas knockout drum in a thermal oxidation system.2. The process of wherein thermally oxidizing the at least one of the spent caustic stream claim 1 , the liquid hydrocarbon stream claim 1 , the off-gas stream claim 1 , and the fuel gas stream comprises:{'sub': 2', '2', '3', '2', '3', '2', '4', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'b': '0', 'thermally oxidizing ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025284A1
Принадлежит: Chevron U.S.A. INC.

Processes for eliminating water and oxygenates from a light hydrocarbon processing system, wherein oxygenates are removed from a light hydrocarbon stream by adsorption of the oxygenates on a primary oxygenate adsorption unit to provide a deoxygenated hydrocarbon stream, the primary oxygenate adsorption unit is regenerated via a first regenerant stream to provide an oxygenated first regenerant stream, the oxygenated first regenerant stream is deoxygenated via a secondary oxygenate adsorption unit, and the secondary oxygenate adsorption unit is regenerated via a second regenerant stream to provide an oxygenated second regenerant stream for permanent removal from the system. 1. A process for eliminating oxygenates from a light hydrocarbon processing system , the process comprising:a) removing water and the oxygenates from an olefin stream via a primary oxygenate adsorption unit to provide a deoxygenated olefin stream, wherein the primary oxygenate adsorption unit becomes spent;b) regenerating a spent primary oxygenate adsorption unit via a first regenerant stream to provide an oxygenated first regenerant stream comprising the water and the oxygenates;c) removing a portion of the water from the oxygenated first regenerant stream;d) removing a residual water and the oxygenates from the oxygenated first regenerant stream via a secondary oxygenate adsorption unit to provide a deoxygenated first regenerant stream, wherein the secondary oxygenate adsorption unit becomes spent; ande) regenerating a spent secondary oxygenate adsorption unit via a second regenerant stream to provide an oxygenated second regenerant stream comprising the residual water and the oxygenates.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising:f) permanently removing the oxygenated second regenerant stream from the light hydrocarbon processing system.3. The process of claim 1 , further comprising:g) prior to step b), recovering residual olefins from the spent primary oxygenate adsorption unit.4. The ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024216A1

Para-xylene production processes are disclosed, with such processes being integrated with extractive distillation or other separation to effectively separate, for example to remove and recover, ethylbenzene and other components that co-boil with the isomers of xylene. This allows for xylene isomerization, downstream of the separation of para-xylene from its other isomers, to be operated under milder conditions (e.g., liquid phase, absence of added hydrogen) without the need for ethylbenzene conversion. The associated decreased yields of byproducts such as light gases and non-aromatic hydrocarbons, together with the generation of purified ethylbenzene having value for styrene monomer production, can significantly improve overall process economics. 1. A process for producing para-xylene , the process comprising:{'sub': 8', '9, 'sup': '+', 'in a xylene column, separating a Caromatic hydrocarbon stream and a C hydrocarbon stream, from an impure ethylbenzene-containing feed;'}{'sub': '8', 'in a xylene separation zone, separating a para-xylene rich product from at least a portion of the Caromatic hydrocarbon stream, to provide a para-xylene-depleted effluent;'}in an isomerization zone, isomerizing at least a portion of the para-xylene-depleted effluent, to provide a xylene-equilibrated isomerate;recycling at least a portion of the xylene-equilibrated isomerate to the xylene column, and{'sub': 8', '8, 'separating, in an ethylbenzene (EB) separation unit, an ethylbenzene-rich product from (i) all or a portion of the impure ethylbenzene-containing feed to provide an ethylbenzene-depleted feed, (ii) a portion of the Caromatic hydrocarbon stream to provide an ethylbenzene-depleted Caromatic hydrocarbon stream, (iii) a portion of the para-xylene-depleted effluent to provide an ethylbenzene-, para-xylene-depleted effluent, (iv) a portion of the xylene-equilibrated isomerate to provide an ethylbenzene-depleted, xylene-equilibrated isomerate, or (v) any combination of (i), (ii), ( ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Process for Removing Light Components from an Ethylene Stream

Номер: US20190024971A1

A process for removing light components from an ethylene stream may include providing a dried ethylene stream containing ethylene, ethane, CO, CO, H, CH, and C hydrocarbons. The process may include sending the dried ethylene stream to a stripper to produce an overhead stream containing ethylene, CO, Hand CH, and a bottom stream containing ethylene, ethane, CO, and C hydrocarbons. The gaseous phase on top of the stripper may be condensed in a heat exchanger cooled by a refrigerant stream to get a first gaseous phase and a first liquid phase. The first gaseous phase may be condensed in a heat exchanger cooled by liquid ethane or liquid ethylene to get a second gaseous phase containing ethylene CO, Hand CHand a second liquid phase. The first and second liquid phases may be the reflux of the stripper. 119-. (canceled)20. A process for removing light components from an ethylene stream comprising:{'sub': 2', '2', '4', '3+, 'a) providing a dried ethylene stream (A) comprising ethylene, ethane, CO, CO, H, CH, C hydrocarbons and optionally oxygenates;'} [{'sub': 2', '4, 'an overhead gaseous stream (B) comprising ethylene, CO, Hand CH; and'}, {'sub': 2', '3+, 'a bottom stream (C) comprising ethylene, ethane, CO, C hydrocarbons and optionally oxygenates;'}], 'b) separating from said dried ethylene stream (A) in a separation mean that is a demethanizer or a stripper to formc) cooling the overhead gaseous stream (B) to a temperature ranging from −10° C. to −45° C. to get a first gaseous stream (D) and a first liquid stream (E);{'sub': 2', '4, 'd) cooling the first gaseous stream (D) to a temperature ranging from −10° C. to −45° C. lower than the temperature of step c) to get a second gaseous stream (F) comprising ethylene CO, Hand CHand a second liquid stream (G); and'}e) sending the first and second liquid streams (E) and (G) to the separation mean as a reflux.21. The process according to claim 20 , wherein the cooling of step c) is performed with a refrigerant stream that ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Ethylene Separation with Temperature Swing Adsorption

Номер: US20160030878A1
Автор: CHANG Ai-fu, Ji Lei

A process for component separation in a polymer production system, comprising (a) separating a polymerization product stream into a gas stream and a polymer stream, (b) contacting the polymer stream with a purge gas to yield a purged polymer and a spent purge gas comprising purge gas, ethylene, and ethane, (c) contacting the spent purge gas with a temperature swing adsorber contactor (TSAC) to yield a loaded TSAC, wherein at least a portion of the ethylene is adsorbed by the TSAC at a first temperature to yield TSAC-adsorbed ethylene, wherein a portion of the ethane is adsorbed by the TSAC at the first temperature to yield TSAC-adsorbed ethane, (d) heating the loaded TSAC to a second temperature to yield a regenerated TSAC, and (e) contacting the regenerated TSAC with a sweeping gas stream to yield a recovered adsorbed gas stream comprising sweeping gas, recovered ethylene and recovered ethane. 1. A process for component separation in a polymer production system , comprising:(a) separating a polymerization product stream into a gas stream and a polymer stream, wherein the gas stream comprises unreacted ethylene monomer, optional unreacted comonomer, and ethane;(b) processing at least a portion of the gas stream in one or more distillation columns to form a light hydrocarbon stream comprising ethylene and ethane;(c) contacting at least a portion of the light hydrocarbon stream with a temperature swing adsorber contactor (TSAC) to yield a loaded TSAC and a non-adsorbed gas stream, wherein at least a portion of the ethylene is adsorbed by the TSAC at a first temperature to yield TSAC-adsorbed ethylene, wherein a portion of the ethane is adsorbed by the TSAC at the first temperature to yield TSAC-adsorbed ethane, wherein the loaded TSAC comprises TSAC-adsorbed ethylene and TSAC-adsorbed ethane, and wherein the TSAC is characterized by an adsorption selectivity of ethylene versus ethane at the first temperature of equal to or greater than about 5;(d) heating at least a ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Process for Recovering Paraxylene from at Least Two Feedstreams Containing Xylene Isomers

Номер: US20160031772A1
Принадлежит: BP Corp North America Inc

Processes for recovering paraxylene from at least two feedstreams containing xylene isomers. The process includes directing to a paraxylene recovery zone comprising at least one crystallization zone, a paraxylene-lean feedstream having a paraxylene to total xylene isomer ratio of 0.50 or less, and also directing to the paraxylene recovery zone, a paraxylene-rich feedstream having a paraxylene to total xylene isomer ratio of greater than 0.50. A paraxylene-containing product stream is recovered from the paraxylene recovery zone having a paraxylene to total xylene isomer ratio greater than that of the paraxylene-rich feedstream. The process provides improvements in paraxylene recovery efficiency and/or cost effectiveness.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031580A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present invention relates to a method of preparing butadiene and a device for preparing the same. According to the present invention, since butane is used as a diluent gas, even when a refrigerant belonging to a grade lower than a very low temperature refrigerant is used, a C4 mixture and gas products excluding butadiene may be easily separated, and loss of active ingredients may be minimized, which may increase productivity while reducing raw material costs, thereby improving economic efficiency. In addition to these advantages, when the method and device of the present invention are used, high-purity butadiene may be safely prepared. 1. A method of preparing butadiene , comprising:{'sub': '2', 'obtaining oxidative dehydrogenation reaction products containing butadiene, which are generated when reaction raw materials containing butene, oxygen (O), steam, and a diluent gas are passed through an oxidative dehydrogenation reaction part;'}separating water from the oxidative dehydrogenation reaction products containing butadiene by passing the oxidative dehydrogenation reaction products through a cooling separation part;condensing hydrocarbons by passing the oxidative dehydrogenation reaction products, from which water is separated, through a condensation separation part;{'sub': '2', 'separating COx, O, and a noncombustible diluent gas by passing oxidative dehydrogenation reaction products containing hydrocarbons not condensed in the condensation separation part through an absorption separation part under conditions that a noncombustible diluent gas is fed; and'}{'sub': '2', 'passing crude hydrocarbons comprising n-butane, butene, and butadiene, which are condensed in the condensation separation part, through a purification part to separate butadiene, or passing the crude hydrocarbons through a degasification part to additionally separate COx and O, and then passing the crude hydrocarbons through the purification part to separate butadiene,'}wherein a gas containing ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Olefin Oligomerization Process

Номер: US20150038753A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc.

The invention provides an olefin oligomerization process comprising the steps of: i) reducing the level of nitriles in an olefin feed by contacting the feed with a guard bed comprising gamma alumina having a surface area greater than 250 m/g; and ii) contacting the olefin feed obtained in step i) with an oligomerization catalyst under conditions suitable to oligomerize the olefins in the feed; wherein the gamma alumina used in step i) has been obtained from needle shaped boehmite 1. An olefin oligomerization process comprising the steps of:{'sup': '2', 'i) reducing the level of nitriles in an olefin feed by contacting the feed with a guard bed comprising gamma alumina having a surface area greater than 250 m/g; and'}ii) contacting the olefin feed obtained in step i) with an oligomerization catalyst under conditions suitable to oligomerize the olefins in the feed; wherein the gamma alumina used in step i) has been obtained from needle shaped boehmite2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the largest dimension of the needle shaped boehmite is 3 nm or less.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the guard bed comprises at least another metal oxide besides gamma alumina4. The process according to claim 3 , wherein the other metal oxide is selected from the group consisting of tin oxide claim 3 , zirconium oxide claim 3 , titanium oxide claim 3 , iron oxide claim 3 , tungsten oxide and alumina of any phase other than gamma alumina claim 3 , and mixtures thereof.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the nitriles are selected from the group consisting of acetonitrile claim 1 , propionitrile and mixtures thereof.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the oligomerization catalyst used in step (ii) is selected from the group consisting of zeolite claim 1 , nickel oxide claim 1 , phosphoric acid claim 1 , mixtures or combinations thereof.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the guard bed used in step i) and the oligomerization catalyst used in step ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Xylene Separation Process and Apparatus

Номер: US20170036973A1

A simulated moving bed process using dual, parallel rotary valves configured or plumbed to be operated independently in which the step times of the rotary valves are staggered. In embodiments, the second rotary valve is programmed to step about halfway through the step time of the first rotary valve. Staggering the step time of the parallel rotary valves, rather than utilizing simultaneous stepping, results in increased net composite paraxylene concentration of the extract stream, allowing for increased capacity of the simulated moving bed process and/or reduced energy consumption. 114.-. (canceled)15. An apparatus for the continuous simulated countercurrent adsorptive separation of para-xylene comprising plural adsorptive separation chambers fluidly connected with plural bedlines Athrough A , wherein n>2 and n+j is the total number of bedlines , which in turn are fluidly connected with a matrix of conduits to distribute plural input streams , including desorbent , a primary flush input and a secondary flush input , and at least two multicomponent feeds differing in the concentration of para-xylene , to said plural bedlines , and plural output streams , including a primary flush output and a secondary flush output , an extract comprising a para-xylene-enriched product , and raffinate , from said plural adsorptive separation chambers , wherein the plural input streams and plural output streams are distributed by a first and second rotary valve in fluid communication with the conduits , the improvement comprising staggering the step time of the first rotary valve from the step time of the second rotary valve.16. The apparatus of claim 15 , wherein the second rotary valve steps about halfway through the step time of the first rotary valve.17. The apparatus of claim 15 , wherein the second rotary valve steps prior to about halfway through the step time of the first rotary valve.1810. The apparatus of claim 15 , wherein the second rotary valve steps within about seconds ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Hydrotreating process and apparatus relating thereto

Номер: US20150041365A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

One exemplary embodiment can be a process for treating a hydroprocessing fraction. The process can include obtaining a bottom stream from a fractionation zone, and passing at least a portion of the bottom stream to a film generating evaporator zone for separating a first stream containing less heavy polynuclear aromatic compounds than a second stream.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046545A1
Автор: Maher Gregory F.

A simulated moving bed separator and methods for isolating a desired component are provided. A method includes removing a raffinate from a raffinate bed of a simulated moving bed separator. The raffinate includes an undesired component, and the simulated moving bed separator includes a plurality of adsorbent beds circularly coupled together, a distributor, and a plurality of conduits coupling the distributor to the plurality of adsorbent beds. The adsorbent beds include the raffinate bed, a desorbent bed, and a zone 4 flush bed positioned between the raffinate bed and the desorbent bed. Desorbent is added to the desorbent bed through a desorbent conduit. The zone 4 flush conduit is flushed to the desorbent conduit, where the zone 4 flush conduit is coupled to the zone 4 flush bed. 1. A method of separating a desired component from a mixed feed , the method comprising the steps of:removing a raffinate from a raffinate bed of a simulated moving bed separator, wherein the raffinate comprises an undesired component, wherein the simulated moving bed separator comprises a plurality of adsorbent beds circularly coupled together, a distributor, and a plurality of conduits fluidly coupling the distributor to the plurality of adsorbent beds, and wherein the plurality of adsorbent beds comprises the raffinate bed, a desorbent bed, and a zone 4 flush bed positioned between the raffinate bed and the desorbent bed;adding a desorbent to the desorbent bed through a desorbent conduit; andflushing a zone 4 flush conduit to the desorbent conduit, wherein the zone 4 flush conduit is fluidly coupled to the zone 4 flush bed.2. The method of wherein flushing the zone 4 flush conduit comprises flushing the zone 4 flush conduit wherein the zone 4 flush bed is directly adjacent to the raffinate bed.3. The method of wherein flushing the zone 4 flush conduit comprises increasing a net negative flow in the zone 4.4. The method of further comprising:changing the zone 4 flush bed to the raffinate ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140121436A1
Принадлежит: IFP Energies nouvelles

The present invention describes a novel configuration for simulated counter-current para-xylene production units, constituted by two adsorbers, characterized in that the volume occupied by the solid adsorbent is reduced by at least 8% compared with the volume of solid adsorbent contained in the adsorbers of a prior art unit. This novel configuration can be used to minimize the quantity of solid adsorbent necessary to produce a given quantity of para-xylene. 1. A process for separating xylenes by simulated counter-current (SCC) using two adsorbers , the process containing a total number of beds Nt of 22 or fewer , and having a line for introducing feed (F) , a line for introducing eluent (D) , a line for withdrawing extract (E) and a line for withdrawing raffinate (R) and being divided into 4 chromatographic zones defined as follows:zone 1: para-xylene desorption zone, included between the injection of desorbant D and the removal of extract E;zone 2: isomers of para-xylene desorption zone, included between the removal of the extract E and the injection of the feed to be fractionated F;zone 3: para-xylene adsorption zone, included between the injection of the feed and the withdrawal of the raffinate R;zone 4: zone located between the withdrawal of the raffinate and the injection of the desorbant;the two adsorbers functioning in series, i.e. the last bed of the first adsorber is connected to the first bed of the second adsorber via a line containing a recirculation pump, and the last bed of the second adsorber is connected to the first bed of the first adsorber via a line containing a recirculation pump which is distinct from the preceding pump, and said process operating under the following operating conditions:a temperature of 100° C. to 250° C., preferably 120° C. to 180° C.;{'sup': 5', '5, 'a pressure in the range between the bubble pressure of the xylenes at the process temperature and 30×10Pa (1 bar=10Pa);'}a ratio of desorbent to feed flow rates of 0.7 to 2.5;a ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Adsorption Desulfurization Process for Hydrocarbons and a Reaction Apparatus Therefor

Номер: US20140121438A1

The present invention relates to an airflow particle sorter, comprising: a top-sealed sorter main body, a discharge port, an outtake tube and at least one directing-intake port; the inner space of the sorter main body, from the above to the bottom, includes, a straight tube zone and a cone zone, the conical bottom of the cone zone is connected to the straight tube zone; the discharge port is located at the bottom of the cone zone; the directing-intake port is installed in the upper part of the straight tube zone in a tangential direction of the straight tube zone, and is communicated with the inner space of the sorter main body; the outtake tube is hermetically inserted into the top of the sorter main body, and extends downwardly to the lower part of the straight tube zone, and the outtake tube has a sealed bottom end; the lower part of the outtake tube is installed with at least one directing-outtake port, which communicates the outtake tube with the inner space of the sorter main body, the directing-outtake port is installed in a tangential direction of the outtake tube. The present invention further relates to a fluidized bed reactor and an adsorption desulfurization reaction apparatus as well as an adsorption desulfurization process. 1. An airflow particle sorter for adsorption desulfurization , comprising:a top-sealed sorter main body, a discharge port, an outtake tube and at least one directing-intake port;the inner space of the sorter main body, from the above to the bottom, includes, a straight tube zone and a cone zone, the conical bottom of the cone zone is connected to the straight tube zone;the discharge port is located at the bottom of the cone zone;the directing-intake port is installed in the upper part of the straight tube zone in a tangential direction of the straight tube zone, and is communicated with the inner space of the sorter main body;the outtake tube is hermetically inserted into the top of the sorter main body, and extends downwardly to ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044265A1

Embodiments of methods and apparatuses for recovery of ethylene from FCC absorber off-gas comprising a heavy cut comprising ethylene, ethane and heavier hydrocarbons and a light cut comprising hydrogen, nitrogen and methane. An exemplary method includes passing the FCC absorber off-gas to an adsorption zone containing an adsorbent selective for the adsorption of the light cut, the adsorption zone adsorbing at least a portion of the light cut and recovering an adsorption zone effluent stream comprising the heavy cut. The adsorption zone effluent is passed to a demethanizer column to provide an overhead stream comprising hydrogen, nitrogen, methane, ethylene and ethane and a net bottoms stream comprising ethylene, ethane and the heavier hydrocarbons. 1. A process for the concentration and recovery of a heavy cut comprising ethylene , ethane and heavier hydrocarbons from a hydrocarbon feed stream comprising a light cut and the heavy cut , the light cut comprising hydrogen , nitrogen and methane , the process comprising the following steps:a) passing the hydrocarbon feed stream to an adsorption zone containing an adsorbent selective for the adsorption of the light cut, the adsorption zone adsorbing at least a portion of the light cut and recovering an adsorption zone effluent stream comprising the heavy cut; andb) passing the adsorption zone effluent to a demethanizer column to provide an overhead stream comprising hydrogen, nitrogen, methane, ethylene and ethane and a net bottoms stream comprising ethylene, ethane and the heavier hydrocarbons.2. The process of further comprising recycling the overhead stream to the adsorption zone.3. The process of further comprising sending the net bottoms stream to a Csplitter for recovery of ethylene.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the adsorption zone adsorbs at least about 70% of methane present in the light cut.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the adsorption zone adsorbs at least about 80% of each of hydrogen and nitrogen ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Epoxidation process

Номер: US20180044309A1
Принадлежит: Scientific Design Co Inc

A method for the oxidation of ethylene to form ethylene oxide which comprises: providing an aqueous stream containing ethylene glycol and impurities; introducing the aqueous stream in a first ion exchange treatment bed to reduce the content of these impurities; determining whether an outlet of the first ion exchange treatment bed has a conductivity greater than about 5 μS/cm; upon determining that the outlet of the first ion exchange treatment bed has a conductivity greater than about 5 μS/cm, introducing the outlet of the first ion exchange treatment bed into a second ion exchange treatment bed; and upon determining that the outlet of the first ion exchange treatment bed has a conductivity greater than about 60 μS/cm, redirecting the introduction of the aqueous stream to the second ion exchange treatment bed and regenerating the first ion exchange bed.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064083A1

An integrated process for producing acetylene is provided. The process comprises separating a gas stream comprising methane from a fuel gas stream in a fuel gas recovery unit of a process. A fuel and an oxidizer are combusted in a combustion zone of a pyrolytic reactor to create a combustion gas stream, wherein the pyrolytic reactor is integrated with the fuel gas recovery unit via the gas stream comprising methane. A light hydrocarbon stream comprising all or a first portion of the gas stream comprising methane is injected into a supersonic combustion gas stream to create a mixed stream. The velocity of the mixed stream is transitioned from supersonic to subsonic in a reaction zone of the pyrolytic reactor to produce a reaction mixture comprising acetylene, methane, carbon oxides, and hydrogen. The reaction mixture is separated to provide an acetylene stream. 1. An integrated process for producing acetylene , comprising:recovering a fuel gas stream from a product recovery unit;separating a gas stream comprising methane from the fuel gas stream in the product recovery unit;combusting a fuel and an oxidizer in a combustion zone of a pyrolytic reactor to create a combustion gas stream, wherein the pyrolytic reactor is integrated with the product recovery unit via the gas stream comprising methane;accelerating a velocity of the combustion gas stream from subsonic to supersonic in an expansion zone of the pyrolytic reactor to provide a supersonic combustion gas stream;injecting a light hydrocarbon stream comprising all or a first portion of the gas stream comprising methane into the supersonic combustion gas stream to create a mixed stream including the light hydrocarbon stream;transitioning the velocity of the mixed stream from supersonic to subsonic in a reaction zone of the pyrolytic reactor to produce a reaction mixture comprising acetylene, methane, carbon oxides, and hydrogen; andseparating the reaction mixture to provide an acetylene stream.2. The process of ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048167A1

A process for the production of high purity toluene and para-xylene is described. More specifically, the process involves the production of high purity toluene produced via a light-desorbent selective adsorption process for para-xylene production, such as light desorbent para-xylene extraction, without the need for dedicated solvent extraction or olefin removal from the toluene stream. 1. A process for producing high purity toluene and para-xylene in a para-xylene complex comprising:separating an extract stream comprising para-xylene and toluene from an adsorbent chamber into an overhead stream comprising C6− compounds and a bottoms stream comprising para-xylene and toluene in a first para-xylene fractionation column;separating the bottoms stream from the first para-xylene fractionation column in a second para-xylene fractionation column into a sidedraw stream comprising high purity para-xylene, an overhead stream comprising toluene, and a bottoms stream comprising C9+ aromatics;recovering the sidedraw stream as a high purity para-xylene stream; andrecovering at least a portion of the overhead stream from the second para-xylene fractionation column as a high purity toluene product stream.2. The process of wherein the overhead stream from the second para-xylene fractionation column comprises high purity toluene.3. The process of further comprising;separating the overhead stream from the second para-xylene fractionation column in a toluene fractionation column into an overhead stream comprising high purity toluene and a bottom stream comprising xylenes, and wherein the high purity toluene product stream comprises the overhead stream from the toluene fractionation column.4. The process of further comprising:introducing a mixed xylenes stream and a toluene stream into the adsorption chamber comprising a para-xylene selective adsorbent; andseparating the mixed xylenes stream and the toluene stream into the extract stream and a stream comprising ortho-xylene, meta-xylene, ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150057476A1
Принадлежит: NESTE OIL OYJ

The invention relates to a process for the manufacture of diesel range hydrocarbons wherein a feed is hydrotreated in a hydrotreating step and isomerised in an isomerisation step, and a feed comprising fresh feed containing more than 5 wt % of free fatty acids and at least one diluting agent is hydrotreated at a reaction temperature of 200-400° C., in a hydrotreating reactor in the presence of catalyst, and the ratio of the diluting agent/fresh feed is 5-30:1. 1. A process for the manufacture of diesel range hydrocarbons comprising the following steps:introducing a feedstock comprising bio oil and/or fat from renewable sources to a hydrotreatment step in which hydrocarbons are formed,isomerizing the formed hydrocarbons in an isomerization step,whereingas phase impurities formed in the hydrotreatment step are removed from the stream comprising hydrocarbons prior to contacting the hydrocarbons with the isomerization catalyst.2. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of purifying the feedstock prior to the hydrotreatment step so as to remove impurities.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the gas phase impurities formed in the hydrotreatment step comprise propane claim 1 , water claim 1 , CO claim 1 , HS claim 1 , NHor mixtures thereof.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the removal of the gas phase impurities formed in the hydrotreatment step is performed in a stripping step upstream of the isomerization catalyst.5. The process according to claim 4 , wherein the stripping step is performed by stripping with water vapor or a suitable gas comprising light hydrocarbon claim 4 , nitrogen or hydrogen.6. The process according to claim 4 , wherein the stripping step is carried out in a counter-current manner.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the feedstock comprises more than 10 wt % of free fatty acids.8. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the feedstock contains less than 10 w-ppm alkaline and alkaline earth metals ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060190A1

A process of producing a sweetened liquid hydrocarbon stream. In order to prevent the forming of acid species in a sweetening zone, a oxygenate removal zone is disposed upstream of the sweetening zone. The oxygenate removal zone may comprise a water wash or an adsorbent zone, including a regenerable adsorbent. The sweetened stream is formed from a least a portion of liquid natural gas stream which may be scrubbed free of hydrogen sulfide and dehydrated before passing to the oxygenate removal zone. 1. A process for producing a sweetened hydrocarbon stream , the process comprising:passing a liquid hydrocarbon stream to an oxygenate removal zone;removing oxygenates from the liquid hydrocarbon stream in the oxygenate removal zone to form an oxygenate lean stream;passing the oxygenate lean stream to a sweetening zone to convert mercaptans in the oxygenate lean stream in disulfide and produce a sweetened hydrocarbon stream.2. The process of wherein the oxygenates comprise at least one of glycols claim 1 , poly glycols claim 1 , organic acids claim 1 , aldehydes claim 1 , ketones claim 1 , ethers claim 1 , esters and alcohols claim 1 , and the oxygenate removal zone comprises a water wash.3. The process of wherein the oxygenate removal zone comprises an adsorbent zone.4. The process of wherein the adsorbent zone comprises a regenerable adsorbent.5. The process of further comprising:desorbing oxygenates from the regenerable adsorbent to provide a desorbent stream rich in oxygenates; and,combining the desorbent stream rich in oxygenates with the sweetened hydrocarbon stream.6. The process of wherein the sweetening zone includes a catalyst.7. The process of wherein the catalyst includes cobalt.8. The process of wherein the liquid hydrocarbon stream comprises a C+ hydrocarbon stream.9. The process of wherein the liquid hydrocarbon stream comprises a bottoms stream from a separation zone.10. The process of wherein the liquid hydrocarbon stream is lean in disulfides.11. A ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057420A1

This present disclosure relates to processes and compositions for toluene methylation in an aromatics complex for producing paraxylene. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to a process for producing paraxylene which includes alkylating a toluene stream and a methanol stream in a toluene methylation zone operating under toluene methylation conditions in the presence of a catalyst comprising a MFI crystal to produce a toluene methylation product stream. 1. A process for producing paraxylene comprising alkylating a toluene stream and a methanol stream in a toluene methylation zone operating under toluene methylation conditions in the presence of a catalyst comprising an MFI crystal , alone or bound to any another material , to produce a toluene methylation product stream.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst includes MFI crystals with a framework silica to alumina ratio of about 50 to about 10 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 , more preferably about 100 to about 6 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 , or even more preferably about 500 to about 3 claim 1 ,000.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the toluene methylation conditions include a temperature of about 250° C. to about 750° C. claim 1 , more preferably between about 350° C. and about 650° C. claim 1 , even more preferably between about 400° C. and about 600° C.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the toluene methylation conditions include a pressure of about 1 Barg to about 100 Barg claim 1 , more preferably between about 1 Barg to about 50 Barg claim 1 , even more preferably between 2 Barg to about 30 Barg.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the toluene methylation product stream has a benzene to total xylene molar ratio of less than 1 claim 1 , or preferably less than 0.5 claim 1 , or more preferably less than 0.16. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the catalyst includes MFI crystals with a framework silica to alumina ratio of 2000.7. The process according to claim ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200054983A1

The present disclosure provides a method for generating higher hydrocarbon(s) from a stream comprising compounds with two or more carbon atoms (C), comprising introducing methane and an oxidant (e.g., O) into an oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) reactor. The OCM reactor reacts the methane with the oxidant to generate a first product stream comprising the C compounds. The first product stream can then be directed to a separations unit that recovers at least a portion of the C compounds from the first product stream to yield a second product stream comprising the at least the portion of the C compounds. 163.-. (canceled)64. A method for generating compounds with two or more carbon atoms (C compounds) , comprising:{'sub': 2', '4', '2', '4', '2+', '2, '(a) directing oxygen (O) and methane (CH) into an oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) reactor that reacts the Oand the CHin an OCM process to yield a product stream comprising (i) C compounds including olefins and paraffins and (ii) carbon monoxide (CO) and/or carbon dioxide (CO);'}(b) directing the product stream from the OCM reactor into a separations unit that selectively adsorbs the olefins from the paraffins, wherein the separations unit comprises (i) a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) unit, (ii) a temperature swing adsorption (TSA) unit, or (iii) a membrane unit, and wherein the PSA unit, the TSA unit or the membrane unit comprises a sorbent that selectively adsorbs the olefins; and(c) desorbing the olefins from the sorbent.65. The method of claim 64 , wherein the separations unit selectively separates ethylene from the paraffins.66. The method of claim 64 , wherein the sorbent has dispersed metal ions that are capable of complexing with the olefins.67. The method of claim 64 , wherein the sorbent is selected from a zeolite claim 64 , a molecular sieve sorbent claim 64 , a carbon molecular sieve claim 64 , an activated carbon claim 64 , a carbon nanotube claim 64 , a metal-organic framework (MOF) claim 64 , and a ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Catalytic Alkane Conversion and Olefin Separation

Номер: US20150065767A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

Disclosed is a hydrocarbon conversion process that is less energy intensive than comparable processes. The hydrocarbon conversion process is particularly desirable for converting alkanes, such as methane into C 2+ olefins, such as ethylene and propylene, particularly with increasing selectivity to ethylene production. It is also desirable for effectively removing a C 2 composition (i.e., ethane, ethylene and/or acetylene) produced from the catalytic conversion of hydrocarbon comprised of C 2+ olefins. In addition, the hydrocarbon process is desirable for providing a substantially non-cryogenic separation of the desired C 2 compositions from the hydrocarbons (e.g., methane) present in the reaction mixture.

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140141963A1
Автор: Jones Susan, Sermon Paul

According to the invention there is provided a zeolite having a porous structure produced by forming the zeolite on a porous carbon substrate which has been substantially or completely removed, wherein (i) the zeolite was formed on the substrate at a loading of at least 8% by weight and/or (ii) the zeolite has a reinforcing layer. 1. A zeolite having a porous structure produced by forming the zeolite on a porous carbon substrate which has been substantially or completely removed , wherein (i) the zeolite was formed on the substrate at a loading of at least 8% by weight and/or (ii) the zeolite has a reinforcing layer.2. A zeolite according to in which the reinforcing layer is silica claim 1 , alumina claim 1 , a clay or an alumina-silicate.3. A zeolite according to in which the reinforcing layer is carbon from the substrate.4. A zeolite according to in which the zeolite is formed on the substrate at a loading of at least 20% by weight.5. A zeolite according to which is zeolite LTA claim 1 , zeolite X claim 1 , zeolite Y claim 1 , zeolite H-Sodalite claim 1 , zeolite ZSM or Mordenite MFI zeolite.6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. A composite material including a porous carbon substrate and an ion exchanged zeolite formed on the substrate claim 1 , or a porous exchanged zeolite produced from said composite material by substantially or completely removing said substrate.12. A composite material according to in which the ion exchanged zeolite is zeolite LTA.13. A composite material according to in which the ion exchanged zeolite is zeolite X claim 11 , zeolite Y or zeolite H-Sodalite.14. A composite material according to in which the ion exchanged zeolite includes Ag or Li cations.15. A composite material according to in which the ion exchanged zeolite is AgLTA claim 14 , LiX or HLTA/X.16. A composite material according to in which the ion exchanged zeolite includes a metal cation such as Fe claim 11 , Fe claim 11 , Ti claim 11 , Ti ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for dual feed para-xylene extraction

Номер: US20190062240A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

The present invention relates to a process and apparatus for dual feed para-xylene extraction heavy desorbent and light desorbent aromatics complex flow scheme. More specifically, the present invention relates to a process and apparatus for dual feed para-xylene extraction heavy desorbent and light desorbent aromatics complex flow scheme that takes advantage of the separation efficiency already achieved by toluene methylation or toluene disproportionation processes by sending the high concentration para-xylene to xylene feed to the corresponding concentration position in the para-xylene extraction unit. This enables further para-xylene separation and recovery that can be done with greater energy and capital efficiency.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081377A1

The present invention relates to the use of 2,5-furanedicarboxylate-based MOFs, such as, MIL-160(Al) metal-organic framework, for separating C6 alkane isomers into linear, mono-branched and di-branched isomers. The present invention also relates to the use of 2,5-furanedicarboxylate-based MOFs, such as, MIL-160(Al) metal-organic framework, preferably in combination with Zeolite 5A for producing higher research octane number gasoline blends. Also within the scope of the invention is a system for separating C6 and C5 alkane isomer mixtures into linear, mono-branched and di-branched fractions. 1. A method of separating C6 alkane isomers into linear , mono-branched and di-branched isomers comprising streaming a C6 alkane isomer mixture teed through an adsorber bed of Al , Fe , Cr , V , Ga , In or Ti-based 2 ,5-furanedicarboxylate MOF.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the C6 alkane isomer mixture feed further contains C5 alkane isomers and the method is for producing high research octane number gasoline blends.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising streaming the C6 and C5 alkane isomer mixture feed through an adsorber bed comprising Zeolite 5A.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the C6 and C5 alkane isomer mixture feed is streamed sequentially through an adsorber bed of Al claim 2 , Fe claim 2 , Cr claim 2 , V claim 2 , Ga claim 2 , In or Ti-based 2 claim 2 ,5-furanedicarboxylate MOF claim 2 , then through an adsorber bed of Zeolite 5A claim 2 , or conversely.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the C6 and C5 alkane isomer mixture feed is streamed through a mixed adsorber bed comprising a combination of Al claim 2 , Fe claim 2 , Cr claim 2 , V claim 2 , Ga claim 2 , In or Ti-based 2 claim 2 ,5-furanedicarboxylate MOF.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the Al claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , V claim 1 , Ga claim 1 , in or Ti-based 2 claim 1 ,5-furanedicarboxylate MOF material is in the form of a shaped body.7. The ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081397A1

In some aspects, the present disclosure provides one or more compounds of the formula: 4. A framework comprising a repeating unit of a compound of .5. The framework of claim 4 , wherein the repeating units are joined by non-covalent interactions.6. The framework of claim 4 , wherein the non-covalent interactions are between the nitrogen atom of the cyano and the adjacent hydrogen atom on the ring system.7. The framework of claim 4 , wherein the framework contains a plurality of pores from about 3 Å to about 5 Å.8. The framework of claim 7 , wherein the pores are from about 3.5 Å to about 4.5 Å.9. The framework of claim 4 , wherein framework has a surface area from about 300 m/g to about 500 m/g as measured by the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method.10. The framework of claim 10 , wherein the surface area is from about 375 m/g to about 425 m/g.11. The framework of claim 4 , wherein the framework further comprises an alkene.12. The framework of claim 11 , wherein the alkene is ethylene.13. A method of separating a C2-C6 alkene from a mixture comprising contacting the mixture with the framework of .14. The method of claim 13 , wherein the mixture comprises a mixture of C1-C6 alkane and C2-C6 alkene.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the alkane is ethane.16. The method of claim 13 , wherein the alkene is ethylene.17. The method of claim 13 , wherein the method is carried out at a temperature below 100° C.18. The method of claim 13 , wherein the method is carried out at a temperature from about 40° C. to about 80° C.19. The method of claim 13 , wherein the framework has a selectivity for alkene over alkane of greater than 10.20. The method of claim 13 , wherein the method is carried out at a pressure from about 0.25 bar to about 5 bar. This application claims the benefit of priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 63/079,855, filed on Sep. 17, 2020, the entire content of which is hereby incorporated by reference.The present disclosure relates generally to the fields of ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Process for Making Cyclohexanone and/or Phenol

Номер: US20180065903A1

In a process for separating a mixture comprising cyclohexanone and phenol, a solid-phase basic material, such as basic ion-exchange resin, is used to remove acid and/or sulfur from the mixture prior to separation. The process results in reduced amount of contamination such as cyclic ethers in the cyclohexanone and/or phenol products. 1. A process for separating a first mixture comprising cyclohexanone , phenol , cyclohexylbenzene , and a sulfur-containing component , comprising the following steps:(I) contacting the first mixture with a pre-distillation solid-phase basic material to produce a second mixture comprising the sulfur-containing component at a concentration lower than in the first mixture;(II) supplying the second mixture into a distillation column operating at a temperature of at least 120° C.; and(III) obtaining an upper effluent and a lower effluent from the first distillation column, wherein the upper effluent has a higher concentration in cyclohexanone than the lower effluent, and the lower effluent has a higher cyclohexylbenzene concentration than the upper effluent.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the following conditions is met:(i) the first mixture comprises sulfur at a total concentration in a range from 80 ppm to 2000 ppm by weight, based on the total weight of the first mixture; and(ii) the first mixture comprises sulfuric acid at a concentration in a range from 80 ppm to 2000 ppm by weight, based on the total weight of the first mixture.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the following conditions is met:(i) the second mixture comprises sulfur at a total concentration no greater than 10 ppm by weight, based on the total weight of the second mixture; and(ii) the second mixture comprises sulfuric acid at a concentration no greater than 10 ppm by weight, based on the total weight of the second mixture.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the following conditions is met:(i) the upper effluent ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Process for Nitrile Removal from Hydrocarbon Feeds

Номер: US20150073193A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

A process is described, such process comprising i) contacting a hydrocarbon feed with a heterogeneous catalyst under conditions suitable to hydrolyze nitriles present in the feed to form a nitrile hydrolysis product comprising ammonia, carboxylic acid and carboxylate salts or a mixture thereof; and ii) removing the nitrile hydrolysis product from the feed. In an embodiment, the hydrocarbon feed comprises olefins and is intended for use in an olefin oligomerization process.

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Oxygenates-Free C8-C12 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Stream and a Process for Preparing the Same

Номер: US20150073197A1
Принадлежит: Reliance Industries Ltd

The present disclosure provides a process for separating oxygenates present in an aromatic hydrocarbon stream to obtain an oxygenates-free aromatic hydrocarbon stream. The process involves selectively removing oxygenates from the aromatic hydrocarbon stream by passing said stream through at least one zeolite based adsorbing material.

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140148633A1

A simulated moving bed separation process is characterized in that the feed and desorbant injection streams are each divided into N streams (N being a whole number strictly greater than 1) injected respectively at N distinct feed injection points and at N distinct desorbant injection points, and in that the extract and raffinate withdrawal points are also each divided into N streams each withdrawn from N distinct withdrawal points, the device being constituted by 4×N chromatographic zones. 1. A process for simulated counter-current (SCC) chromatographic separation of a feed F having at least one adsorption column divided into zones , each zone comprising a certain number of beds , said column being composed of a plurality of beds of adsorbent separated by plates P , each comprising a distribution/extraction system , in which process the feed F is supplied to at least one supply point and a desorbant D is supplied to at least one supply point , and at least one extract E and at least one raffinate R are extracted , the supply and withdrawal points being shifted over time by a value corresponding to one bed of adsorbent with a switch period ST and determining a plurality of functional zones of the SMB , each zone being included between an injection point and the immediately consecutive withdrawal point , or between a withdrawal point and the immediately consecutive injection point; a desorbant injection point is positioned between the raffinate withdrawal point and an extract withdrawal point, the 3 points: raffinate withdrawal, desorbant injection and extract withdrawal, being consecutive;', 'an extract withdrawal point is positioned between a desorbant injection point and a feed injection point, the 3 points: desorbant injection, extract withdrawal and feed injection, being consecutive;', 'a feed injection point is positioned between an extract withdrawal point and a raffinate withdrawal point, the 3 points: extract withdrawal, feed injection and raffinate ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140148634A1

A method and apparatus for concentrating and recovering ethylene from the off-gas from an apparatus which produces gasoline, propylene and the like by fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC) of heavy oils such as atmospheric residue, generated in a crude oil refining process, is provided. The method and apparatus can reduce the amount of ethylene rinse in the subsequent ethylene displacement desorption process by increasing the ethylene purity of a raw material gas and reducing the concentration of weakly adsorbing components in the raw material gas and can reduce the loss of a desorbent during a distillation process for separating the desorbent from the weakly adsorbing components. Thus, ethylene can be recovered from the off-gas from fluidized catalytic cracking of heavy oils at high concentration and low cost. 1. A method for recovering ethylene from off-gas of a process for fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC) of a heavy oil fraction , the method comprising the processes of:concentrating C2+ components of the FCC off-gas using a pressure swing adsorption process to obtain a C2+ rich mixed gas; and introducing the C2+ rich mixed gas into a displacement desorption process to recover high-concentration ethylene from the mixed gas.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the process of concentrating the C2+ components of the FCC off-gas using the pressure swing adsorption process comprises the steps of:i) introducing the FCC off-gas into an adsorption column packed with an adsorbent selectively adsorbing the C2+ components, so that the C2+ components are adsorbed onto the adsorbent and the remaining impurities are discharged out of the adsorption column;ii) discharging impurities from the adsorption column that was subjected to step i), by cocurrent depressurization;iii) countercurrently depressurizing the adsorption column that was subjected to step while obtaining a partially concentrated C2 component;iv) recycling a portion of a gas discharged from the adsorption step into ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Process for the regeneration of a copper, zinc and zirconium oxide-comprising adsorption composition

Номер: US20140155255A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The invention relates to a process for the regeneration of a copper-, zinc- and zirconium oxide-comprising adsorption composition after use thereof for the adsorptive removal of carbon monoxide from substance streams comprising carbon monoxide and at least one olefin, in which the adsorption composition is heated to a temperature in the range from 160 to 400° C. and a regeneration gas is passed through the adsorption composition, wherein the regeneration gas comprises 1000 to 3000 ppm of oxygen in an inert carrier gas.

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140155669A1

The present invention provides an adsorbent catalytic nanoparticle including a mesoporous silica nanoparticle having at least one adsorbent functional group bound thereto. The adsorbent catalytic nanoparticle also includes at least one catalytic material. In various embodiments, the present invention provides methods of using and making the adsorbent catalytic nanoparticles. In some examples, the adsorbent catalytic nanoparticles can be used to selectively remove fatty acids from feedstocks for biodiesel, and to hydrotreat the separated fatty acids. 1. An adsorbent catalytic nanoparticle comprising:{'sub': 1', '20', '1', '20', '1', '20', '1', '20', '1', '20', '1', '20, 'at least one adsorbent functional group selected from the group consisting of an amino(C-C)alkyl group or a salt thereof, a (C-C)alkyl carboxylic acid group or a salt thereof, a (C-C)alkyl sulfonic acid group or a salt thereof, and a perfluoro(C-C)alkyl group, wherein the alkyl unit of the aminoalkyl group, the alkyl carboxylic acid group, the alkyl sulfonic acid group, and of the perfluoroalkyl group is covalently bound to a mesoporous silica nanoparticle, and wherein the C-Calkyl groups of the amino(C-C)alkyl group are independently optionally interrupted by one or two —NH— groups; and'}at least one catalytic material.2. The adsorbent catalytic nanoparticle of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent functional group adsorbs fatty acids at a higher rate than it adsorbs at least one of fatty acid esters and triglycerides.3. The adsorbent catalytic nanoparticle of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent functional group comprises at least one of an amino(C)alkyl group and a salt thereof wherein the alkyl unit is covalently bound to the mesoporous silica nanoparticle.4. The adsorbent catalytic nanoparticle of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent functional group is present in a concentration of about 0.01 mmol-50 mmol per gram of the mesoporous silica nanoparticle.5. The adsorbent catalytic nanoparticle of claim 1 , ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140155672A1

The present invention describes a process for the separation of xylenes in simulated counter-current utilising at least one adsorber with a limited cumulated total height (Hcu) of adsorbent and a superficial velocity (Vsl) of less than 2 cm/s. 2. A process for the separation of xylenes according to wherein the atomic ratio Si/Al of the adsorbent is such that 1.05 Подробнее

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140155674A1

The present invention relates to a process for separating isomers by simulated moving bed (SMB) adsorption, comprising separating the raw materials comprising isomers by SMB adsorption, said SMB comprising many adsorption beds each of which is equipped with grids, each of the grids being equipped with the feedstock inlet and outlet pipeline of the bed, the feedstock charged into and discharged from SMB at least comprising feedstocks, desorbent, extract, and raffinate, the extract being enriched with the target product, characterized in that the extract is used as a flushing liquid and respectively charged to first or second bed at the upstream of the feedstock charging position and to one of second to fourth beds at the downstream of the extract withdrawing position. Such process is used for separation of Caromatic isomers by adsorption, and can improve the capacity of the device while effectively increasing the purity of the target product separated by adsorption. 1. A process for separating isomers by simulated moving bed (SMB) adsorption , comprising separating the feedstock comprising isomers by SMB adsorption , said SMB comprising many adsorption beds each of which is equipped with grids , each of the grids being equipped with the materials charging and discharging pipeline of the bed , the materials charged into and discharged from SMB at least comprising feedstock , desorbent , extract , and raffinate , the extract being enriched with the target product , characterized in that the extract is used as a flushing liquid and respectively charged to first or second bed at the upstream of the feedstock charging position and to one of second to fourth beds at the downstream of the extract withdrawing position.2. The process according to claim 1 , characterized in that a desorbent is charged to first or second bed at the upstream of the extract withdrawing position to wash pipeline of the bed.3. The process according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , in a ...
