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28-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2648905C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в производстве шин, напольных покрытий, изоляционных материалов. Предложен осажденный диоксид кремния, у которого удельная поверхность по методу BET составляет от 45 до 550 м/г, при этом суммарное содержание поликарбоновой кислоты и соответствующего карбоксилата, выраженное как суммарное содержание углерода, составляет по меньшей мере 0,15 мас.%. Поликарбоновая кислота представляет собой янтарную кислоту. Содержание алюминия составляет по меньшей мере 0,20 мас.%, а дисперсионный компонент поверхностной энергии- менее чем 43 мДж/м. Изобретение позволяет получить наполнитель для полимерных композиций, который обеспечивает уменьшение их вязкости и улучшение динамических свойств. 7 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 10 табл., 4 пр.

24-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2711910C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к термоотверждаемому материалу с твердой поверхностью, а также к способу его получения. Указанный термоотверждаемый материал получен из жидкой композиции, содержащей по меньшей мере один полиол, по меньшей мере один металлосодержащий катализатор, по меньшей мере один изоцианат и расширяемые полимерные микросферы. Диаметр полимерных микросфер увеличивается в 2-5 раз по отношению к нерасширенному состоянию. Полиол представляет собой простой полиэфир, сложный полиэфир, полиол на основе поликарбоната или полиол на основе макрогликоля. Количество полиола составляет от 4 до 20% по массе относительно композиции. Термоотверждаемый материал с твердой поверхностью является жестким, непрозрачным или полупрозрачным и частично расширенным, сохраняя при этом твердые участки. 2 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 5 табл., 5 пр.

27-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2374274C2

Изобретение относится к технологии получения полимеров, в матрицу которых внедрены наноструктуры, и может быть использовано в авиакосмической, автомобильной промышленности, в производстве оптических линз, модификатов поверхности стекловолокон. Способ согласно изобретению включает в себя следующие стадии: смешивание предшествующего раствора полимера с предшественником наноструктур, с образованием смеси; формирование наноструктур в смеси из предшественника наноструктур; и формирование полимера из предшествующего раствора полимера таким образом, что наноструктуры внедряются в полимерную матрицу. В качестве полимера предшествующего раствора может быть использован поливиниловый спирт, поливинилбутираль, поли[бис(диэтиленгликоль)диаллилкарбонат], триметилолпропан, метилен-бис(4-циклогексилизоцианат), тиодиэтанол. Предшественником наноструктур являются трихлорид монобутилолова, ацетат индия, оксид индия-олова, изопропоксид титана, диоксид титана. Наноструктуры имеют сферическую, кубическую типа ...

14-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2644859C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в производстве изделий на основе полимерных композиций, таких как шины. Осажденный диоксид кремния имеет удельную поверхность БЭТ от 45 до 550 м/г. Содержание поликарбоновой кислоты в осажденном диоксиде кремния наряду с соответствующим карбоксилатом, выраженное в пересчете на общий углерод, составляет, по меньшей мере, 0,15% по массе, а содержание алюминия составляет, по меньшей мере, 0,20% по массе. Осажденный диоксид кремния имеет на своей поверхности молекулы смеси поликарбоновых кислот, выбираемых из адипиновой кислоты, янтарной кислоты, этилянтарной кислоты, глутаровой кислоты, метилглутаровой кислоты, щавелевой кислоты или лимонной кислоты. Изобретение позволяет снизить вязкость полимерных композиций, содержащих армирующий наполнитель, при одновременном сохранении их механических свойств. 7 н. и 27 з.п. ф-лы, 15 табл., 6 пр.

21-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017127141A3

29-01-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018119673A3

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016144516A3

09-06-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019131857A3

21-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2697911C2

Изобретение относится к трубопроводному транспорту и может быть использовано для герметизации течей в трубопроводе. Предлагаемая система герметизации течи в трубопроводе содержит по меньшей мере одну гелевую пробку и по меньшей мере один герметизирующий состав, которые образуют пробочную сборку, выполненную с возможностью перемещения вдоль трубопровода к области течи и возможностью герметизации течи. 38 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил., 3 табл.

26-10-2023 дата публикации

Наномодифицированное полиуретановое связующее

Номер: RU2806117C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к наномодифицированному полиуретановому связующему, предназначенному для использования в машиностроительной, строительной, авиационной и космической областях в качестве склеивающего материала. Наномодифицированное полиуретановое связующее включает 100 мас.ч. полиуретанового каучука марки ПЭФ-3А, 1-10 мас.ч. отвердителя – метафенилендиамина (МФДА), 2-10 мас.ч. разбавителя, 10-30 мас.ч. модификатора и 5 мас.ч. эпоксидной смолы марки ЭА. Модификатор представляет собой слабоагрегированные нанопорошки оксида алюминия (Al2O3) со средним размером частиц 30-50 нм. Полученное полиуретановое связующее обладает повышенной адгезионной прочностью и термостойкостью. 1 ил.

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2687917C1
Принадлежит: ДЕЛЬТА СРЛ (IT)

Изобретение относится к самоочищающемуся композитному материалу, предназначенному для производства формованных деталей интерьера кухни и ванной комнаты. Самоочищающийся композитный материал по изобретению содержит от 50 до 85% масс. минеральных наполнителей на основе тригидрата оксида алюминия (ATH); от 10 до 30% сшиваемого полимера, содержащего полиэфирную смолу; фотокаталитический диоксид титана (TiO), диспергированный в сшиваемом полимере с массовым процентным содержанием 0,05 - 5% относительно массы сшиваемого полимера; средство для улучшения совместимости для связывания между фотокаталитическим TiOи сшиваемым полимером, причём указанное средство для улучшения совместимости TiOпредставляет собой силан; и сшивающиеся мономеры, чтобы обеспечить поперечную сшивку сшиваемого полимера посредством термической или химической полимеризации, а также к способу его изготовления. Вышеуказанный состав самоочищающегося композитного материала обеспечивает получение материала, который легок в термоформовании ...

20-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005110339A

... 1. Полимерный материал, включающий а) акриловый полимер, выбранный из гомополимера или сополимера алкил(алк)акрилата, где указанный сополимер получен полимеризацией смеси мономеров, включающей от 50 до 99 мас.% алкилметакрилата и от 1 до 50 мас.% алкилакрилата, причем молекулярная масса (MW) алкил(алк)акрилата меньше или равна 200000, но составляет по меньшей мере 20000, б) хлорсодержащий полимер, который содержит от 5 до 70 мас.% галогена, в) от 0,1 до 25 мас.% неорганического гидроксида, выбранного из гидроксида магния, гидроксида цинка или их смесей, но не включающего гидроксид магния в сочетании с оксидом цинка или гидроксид магния в сочетании со станнатом цинка. 2. Полимерный материал по п.1, в котором неорганический гидроксид включает гидроксид магния. 3. Полимерный материал, включающий а) акриловый полимер, выбранный из гомополимера или сополимера алкил(алк)акрилата, где указанный сополимер получен полимеризацией смеси мономеров, включающей от 50 до 99 мас.% алкилметакрилата и от ...

19-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2670221C1

Изобретение относится к теплозащитному покрытию и высокотемпературному холодностенному реактору гидрогенизации, содержащему такое покрытие. Теплозащитное покрытие содержит последовательно расположенные адгезивный слой, второй керамический слой и первый керамический слой. Второй керамический слой состоит из диоксида циркония, стабилизированного оксидом алюминия, с содержанием оксида алюминия до 30 мас.%. Первый керамический слой состоит из диоксида циркония, стабилизированного оксидом иттрия, с содержанием оксида иттрия 6-9 мас.%. Оксид циркония в обоих керамических слоях имеет тетрагональную кристаллическую структуру. Реактор содержит корпус, включающий внешнюю оболочку, слой наплавки из нержавеющей стали и теплозащитное покрытие, в котором адгезивный слой теплозащитного покрытия плотно прилегает к слою наплавки из нержавеющей стали. Изобретение обеспечивает улучшение теплостойкости и способности покрытия к деформации, эффективное поглощение и уменьшение теплового напряжения, возникающего ...

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011129751A

... 1. Композиция, содержащаяа) по меньшей мере, один полимер P с силановыми функциональными группами; иb) 20-60 вес.% гидроксида алюминия или гидроксида магния или их смеси;отличающаяся тем, что композиция характеризуется вязкостью 500-20000 мПа·с, измеренной согласно DIN 53018 при температуре 20°С.2. Композиция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что композиция дополнительно содержит по меньшей мере одно фосфорное соединение формулы (I)где илиостаток Rобозначает остаток формулы -OR;остаток Rобозначает линейный или разветвленный, одновалентный углеводородный остаток с 1-18 С-атомами, который, возможно, характеризуется одним или несколькими гетероатомами, и, возможно, одной или несколькими кратными С-С-связями и/или, возможно, циклоалифатической и/или ароматической частью;остаток Rобозначает атом водорода или остаток R;остаток Rобозначает остаток формулы -OR;остаток Rобозначает атом водорода или линейный или разветвленный, одновалентный углеводородный остаток с 1-18 С-атомами, который, возможно, характеризуется ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Pressmassen (BMC) aus nicht ausgehärteten Prepreg-Abfällen

Номер: DE102015122308A1

Verfahren zum Verwerten von Abfällen von Bahnen oder Strängen aus reaktionsfähiges Harz A enthaltenden Prepreg-Abfällen gekennzeichnet durch die Schritte Homogenisieren von Prepreg- Abfällen, Dispergieren von Füllstoffen und/oder Additiven in reaktionsfähigem Harz B, Vermischen von Harz B, homogenisierten Prepreg-Abfällen, Weiterverarbeiten der Mischung aus Harz, Füllstoffen und/oder Additiven und Prepreg-Abfällen zu geformten Werkstücken.

01-12-2016 дата публикации

Innenbeschichtungen von Trinkwasserrohren auf Epoxydharzbasis und ein Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung

Номер: DE102016006694A1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf Innenbeschichtungen von Trinkwasserrohren auf Epoxydharzbasis, herstellbar durch Umsetzung eines Zwei-Komponenten-Systemes mit den Komponenten A und B und ein Verfahren zur Herstellung der Innenbeschichtungen. Aufgabe der Erfindung ist es für die Innenbeschichtung von aus Metallen oder Kunststoffen bestehenden Trinkwasserrohren Epoxidharze anzubieten, die kalthärtend sind, eine hohe Sperrfähigkeit gegen Gase und einen sehr guten Korrosionsschutz bewirken. Darüber hinaus sollen sie die hygienischen Voraussetzungen, wie keine Eisphenol-A-basierten Epoxydharze und keine aromatischen bzw. araliphatischen Amine oder Polyetheramine als Härter enthalten, erfüllen, keine Antioxidantien oder Korrosionsschutzmittel als Additive enthalten, und eine schnelle Aushärtung (max. 12 Stunden, Topfzeit von 30 bis 90 min) ermöglichen. Die Lösung der Aufgabe erfolgt mit Innenbeschichtungen von Trinkwasserrohren auf Epoxydharzbasis, herstellbar, durch Umsetzung eines Zwei-Komponenten-Systemes ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020202315A1

Es wird ein Harzzusammensetzungsformkörper bereitgestellt, der eine Isolierschicht eines Gleichstromnetzkabels bildet, umfassend: ein vernetztes Basisharz, das Polyethylen enthält, und einen anorganischen Füllstoff mit einem mittleren Volumendurchmesser von 80 nm oder weniger, wobei mindestens ein Teil einer Oberfläche des anorganischen Füllstoffs eine Aminosilylgruppe mit einer Aminogruppe umfasst, und die Lichtdurchlässigkeit einer Platte bei einer Wellenlänge von 500 nm 70 % oder mehr beträgt, gemessen in einer Atmosphäre bei 90 °C, wenn die Platte durch Schneiden des Harzzusammensetzungsformkörpers in eine Dicke von 0,5 mm hergestellt wird.

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Aushärtbares, thermisch leitfähiges Schmiermittel, Wärmedissipationsstruktur und Verfahren zur Herstellung der Wärmedissipationsstruktur

Номер: DE112013007713B4

Aushärtbares, thermisch leitfähiges Schmiermittel, das zwischen einem Wärme erzeugenden Körper, zum Beispiel einem Halbleiterelementoder einem Maschinenteil, und einem Wärme dissipierenden Körper angeordnet ist, der dafür vorgesehen ist, von dem Wärme erzeugenden Körper erzeugte Wärme zu dissipieren, um eine Wärmeübertragung von dem Wärme erzeugenden Körper zu dem Wärme dissipierenden Körper zu ermöglichen, welches Folgendes aufweist:ein vernetzbares bzw. aushärtbares, flüssiges Polymer, ein thermisch leitfähiges Füllmaterial (A), das einen durchschnittlichen Partikeldurchmesser von 0,3 µm bis 8 µm aufweist, und ein thermisch leitfähiges Füllmaterial (B), das einen durchschnittlichen Partikeldurchmesser von 70 µm bis 100 µm aufweist, wobei das Verhältnis des Volumens des thermisch leitfähigen Füllmaterials (A) zu dem thermisch leitfähigen Füllmaterial (B), d. h. (A) / (B), 0,6 bis 3,02 beträgt, und wobei das aushärtbare, thermisch leitfähige Schmiermittel eine Viskosität von 700 Pa · s ...

05-01-2000 дата публикации

Beschichtungsmittel und deren Verwendung

Номер: DE0019829163A1

The invention aims at providing coating agents suitable for producing water-dispersing transparent coatings on shaped bodies exhibiting excellent adhesive strength having no adhesive promoting layer and high mechanical resistance. According to the invention, this is achieved by preparing a coating agent, that is the subject matter of the invention, containing A) 0.005 to 2 parts by weight of a sulfonic acid salt, especially sodium salt of a sulfosuccininc ester; B) 1 to 20 parts by weight of a water-insoluble oxide or several water-insoluble oxides of a metal or a metalloid; C) 80 to 100 parts by weight of an acid and water mixture consisting of more than 90 % water.

30-10-2013 дата публикации

Composite pigments

Номер: GB0201316316D0

11-08-2021 дата публикации

Alumina sol-silane composite material, preparation method and application thereof

Номер: GB2591900A

Disclosed is an alumina sol-silane composite material prepared from raw materials including the following components, in parts by weight: 5 to 45 parts of alumina sol, 30 to 90 parts of silane, 3 to 10 parts of silane coupling agent, and 1 to 5 parts of dispersant. The preparation method of the composite material comprises mixing the alumina sol and the silane coupling agent to obtain a first mixture solution, mixing silane, the silane coupling agent, and the dispersant to obtain a second mixture solution, and mixing the first mixture solution with the second mixture solution to obtain the alumina sol-silane composite material. The composite material is coated on building surfaces to form a hydrophobic anti-corrosive coating.

30-07-2014 дата публикации

Composition containing oxide nanoparticles

Номер: GB0002510211A

A composition comprises oxide nanoparticles and a binder, which when formed as a coating, has a pencil hardness of at least 4H according to ASTM D3363 - 05(2001)e2. Preferably, the nanoparticles comprise tin-doped indium oxide, aluminium-doped zinc oxide, fluorine-doped zinc oxide, antimony-doped tine oxide, or silica. The binder may be (i) a thermally-curable binder, such as tetraethylorthosilicate, methyltrimethoxysilane, or a polyurethane or (ii) a UV-curable binder, such as pentaerythritol triacrylate, 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate, or trimethylolpropane triacrylate. The nanoparticles may be porous or non-porous and may have a random close-packed structure. Coatings, optical elements, ophthalmic elements, solar cells, windows, glass panels, low-K dielectrics, and battery electrodes comprising the composition are also disclosed. A method of preparing a coating is also claimed, which comprises (a) applying a dispersion or solution of oxide nanoparticles in one or more solvents to a substrate ...

29-10-2008 дата публикации

Coated polymeric substrates

Номер: GB0000817224D0

16-12-2020 дата публикации

Resin composition, inorganic filler, direct-current power cable, and method for manufacturing direct-current power cable

Номер: GB0002584752A

A resin composition forming an insulation layer, e.g. on direct-current power cables, including a base resin containing polyolefin, and an inorganic filler; wherein a surface of the inorganic filler includes a hydrophobic silyl group represented by formula (1) and an aminosilyl group having an amino group. The surface treatment may be done via silane coupling agents. Formula (1) is (R1a)(R1b)(R1c) - Si - , in which R1a, R1b and R1c each represent any one of C1-20 alkyl or C2-20 alkenyl, or C6-12 aryl group optionally substituted with a C1-3 alkyl group, provided that R1a, R1b or R1c may be the same, or two or more of them may be different.

03-04-2019 дата публикации

Security Device And Method Of Manufacture Thereof

Номер: GB0002566975A

A method of forming a security device 20 comprises selectively providing a high refractive index (HRI) layer 30 to a first outwardly facing surface of a security device substrate. The HRI layer comprising a substantially transparent host material and particles having a dimension along at least one axis less than 200nm, such that they are substantially non-scattering to visible light. The HRI layer is substantially transparent to visible light. The particles have a refractive index of at least 1.8 and are present within the host material in a proportion such that the resultant refractive index of the HRI layer is at least 1.6. There is disclosed a HRI coating composition having a first subset of particles having a dimension along at least one axis less than 200nm, having a refractive index of at least 1.8 and are present within the host material in a proportion such that the resultant refractive index of the HRI layer is at least 1.6. The HRI coating composition has a second subset of particles ...

07-11-2018 дата публикации

Fire retardant natural rubber based compositions

Номер: GB0002562167A

A flame retardant rubber composition comprises a rubber compound containing epoxidised natural rubber (ENR), inorganic filler, and a flame retarding additive. Typically, the inorganic filler is present in an amount of 40-65 wt.% and may be aluminium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, zinc borate, zinc hydroxyl stannate, or silica. The flame retarding additive may be an intumescent additive and may be an organic phosphorus-nitrogen-containing compound, such as ethylene diamine phosphate. The rubber compound may contain 25 mol.% or 50 mol.% epoxidised natural rubber. A flame retarding composition comprising epoxidised natural rubber, inorganic filler, and an additive is also disclosed. A further halogen-free flame retarding composition comprising epoxidised natural rubber, inorganic filler, and an organic phosphorus-nitrogen-containing additive is claimed.

11-07-2018 дата публикации

Adhesives and methods of forming adhesives

Номер: GB0201808850D0

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009103A0

30-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009138A0

30-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609138D0

30-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609138A0

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000357476T

15-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000456617T

15-02-2021 дата публикации

Harzzusammensetzung, Harzfilm, Metallfolie mit Harz, Prepreg, Metallkaschiertes Laminat und gedruckte Leiterplatte

Номер: AT522851A2

Eine Harzzusammensetzung, enthaltend: ein Harz als Komponente (A); und einen anorganischen Füllstoff als Komponente (B). Die Komponente (B) enthält wasserfreies Magnesiumcarbonat als Komponente (b1) und Aluminiumoxid als Komponente (b2). Der Gehalt von Komponente (b1) liegt in einem Bereich von 35 Vol.-% bis 65 Vol.-%, bezogen auf 100 Vol.-% der Komponenten (b1) und (b2) zusammen. Der Gehalt von Komponente (B) liegt in einem Bereich von 60 Vol.-% bis 75 Vol.-%, bezogen auf 100 Vol.-% der Harzzusammensetzung.

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000555157T

15-03-2017 дата публикации

Flame retardant polymeric composition

Номер: AT0000517060B1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine flammgeschützte, vulkanisierte polymere Zusammensetzung enthaltend als polymere Komponente zumindest ein halogenfreies olefinisches Elastomer der M-Gruppe mit gesättigter Hauptkette mit einem Anteil von mehr als 50 phr bezogen auf die polymeren Bestandteile. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass zumindest ein oder eine Kombination von verschiedenen halogenfreien wasserabspaltenden Flammschutzmitteln mit einem Anteil von insgesamt 30 bis 130 phr enthalten ist, und dass der Anteil an Mineralöl-Weichmachern in der Zusammensetzung kleiner gleich 50 phr ist, und dass die polymeren Komponenten miteinander eine im Wesentlichen einphasige Mischung ohne makroskopisch und lichtmikroskopisch sichtbare Phasentrennung ergeben, wobei die Polymermischung frei von dispergierten vulkanisierten Elastomer- Partikeln, insbesondere frei von Elastomer-Partikeln oder Kautschuk-Domänen mit einem mittleren Durchmesser von mehr als 0,5 μm, insbesondere von mehr als 0,1 μm, vorzugsweise ...

15-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000315611T

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000264375T

15-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000292659T

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Composite pigments

Номер: AU2018201207B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Abstract There is provided a paint formulation comprising a composite pigment, said composite pigment being selected from the group consisting of metal oxide/silica, metal oxide/silicate, metal oxide/alumina, metal oxide/metal oxide and metal oxide/zirconia, wherein the size and amount of said composite pigment are selected to increase the opacity of said paint formulation.

14-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003293893A1

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Reflective asphalt composition

Номер: AU2011235540B2

An asphalt, composition comprises aggregate, binder coating the aggregate and reflective particles embedded in the binder. In various embodiments, the binder may comprise one or more of clear bitumen, bio-bitumen or a polymer modified bitumen for cold application. The binder may comprise a glare control additive. The reflective particles may be metal or metal oxide.

23-07-2015 дата публикации

Fluid film based on silane-terminated polymers

Номер: AU2009329548B2

The present invention relates to a composition comprising at least silane-functional polymer P and 20 to 60 wt % aluminum hydroxide or magnesium hydroxide or mixtures thereof, wherein the composition has a viscosity of 500 to 20'000 mPa-s, measured according to DIN 53018 at a temperature of 20°C. Such a composition is particularly suitable as a fluid film and has very good flammability properties, which is to say that it has a very low flammability and is self-extinguishing.

08-10-2015 дата публикации

Benzothiazol-2-ylazo-phenyl compound as dye, compositions including the dye, and method of determining degree of cure of such compositions

Номер: AU2014236921A1

A compound represented by formula: is disclosed. R is hydrogen or alkyl; X is alkylene; Y is a bond, ether, thioether, amine, amide, ester, thioester, carbonate, thiocarbonate, carbamate, thiocarbamate, urea, thiourea, alkylene, arylalkylene, alkylarylene, or arylene, wherein alkylene, arylalkylene, alkylarylene, and arylene are optionally at least one of interrupted or terminated by at least one of an ether, thioether, amine, amide, ester, thioester, carbonate, thiocarbonate, carbamate, thiocarbamate, urea, or thiourea; and Z is an acrylate, a methacrylate, an acrylamide, a methacrylamide, a styrenyl, or a terminal alkenylene having at least three carbon atoms. A composition including the compound, and a method of determining the degree of cure of a curable polymeric resin are also disclosed.

17-11-2016 дата публикации

Benzothiazol-2-ylazo-phenyl compound as dye, compositions including the dye, and method of determining degree of cure of such compositions

Номер: AU2014236921B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

A compound represented by formula: is disclosed. R is hydrogen or alkyl; X is alkylene; Y is a bond, ether, thioether, amine, amide, ester, thioester, carbonate, thiocarbonate, carbamate, thiocarbamate, urea, thiourea, alkylene, arylalkylene, alkylarylene, or arylene, wherein alkylene, arylalkylene, alkylarylene, and arylene are optionally at least one of interrupted or terminated by at least one of an ether, thioether, amine, amide, ester, thioester, carbonate, thiocarbonate, carbamate, thiocarbamate, urea, or thiourea; and Z is an acrylate, a methacrylate, an acrylamide, a methacrylamide, a styrenyl, or a terminal alkenylene having at least three carbon atoms. A composition including the compound, and a method of determining the degree of cure of a curable polymeric resin are also disclosed.

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AU2013200685A1

The invention provides, in one aspect, a two-part adhesive, comprising a first part and a second part, the first part comprising: (a) a polymeric resin base composition comprising a polymer and, optionally, an elastomer; (b) a flame-retardant composition, and (c) alumina hydrate; the second part comprising: (d) a curing agent wherein the two-part adhesive further comprises multi-walled carbon nanotubes added to either the first part or the second part, wherein the first part and the second part are mixed prior to use. The invention further provides a method for formulating and use of the two-part adhesive according to the invention. PART I PART || Curing agent (ethyl Polymeric resin base methacrylate) 2 parts composition (85% w/w polymethyl methacrylate and 15% dialkyl pthalate) multi-walled carbon nanotubes (2 g/ 500 litres curing agent) Flame-retardant composition (20% w/w potassium salt; 15% 1 part w/w diphenylacetylene; 40% w/w polyphosphonate; 25% w/w bis hydroxy Ultra-sonic deoxybenzoin ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Scratch resistant coating

Номер: AU2016243556B2
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

An abrasion resistant flooring covering formed from a UV curable coating composition having binder and diamond particles - the abrasion resistant flooring covering used to overcoat the surface of flooring products or various abrasion heavy surfaces to protect such a products or surfaces from damage by abrasion or scratch.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Thermoplastic resin film, label-attached hollow molded container, adhesive film, label, and film for printing use

Номер: AU2014347925B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Provided is a thermoplastic resin film which has excellent antistatic performance and also has excellent printability and water resistance. A surface-coating layer derived from microparticles each containing a metal oxide and a dispersion of an organic polymer in a solvent is provided on at least one surface of a thermoplastic resin film. The static charge half-life period (S) on the surface of the thermoplastic resin film on which the surface-coating layer is provided may be 300 seconds or shorter as measured by a half-life period measurement method defined in accordance with JIS L 1094:1997.

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Fire resistant cable with ceramifiable layer

Номер: AU2016407102A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

A fire resistant cable comprising: a conducting element (2; 21); a layer, surrounding the conducting element, made of a ceramifiable composition comprising: - a thermoplastic polymer mixture comprising: (a) a copolymer of ethylene with a C ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Abrasion resistant coating

Номер: AU2017340388A1
Принадлежит: Houlihan² Pty Ltd

Abrasion resistant water/solvent based coatings, which may be applied in the field. Flooring products including such abrasion resistant water/solvent based coatings and methods of applying such abrasion resistant water/solvent based coatings to flooring products.

16-08-2018 дата публикации

Elastomeric articles, compositions, and methods for their production

Номер: AU2016390430A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

This application relates to synthetic elastomeric articles, and gloves in particular, comprising the cured product of a synthetic latex composition, the synthetic latex composition comprising a synthetic carboxylated polymer and a cross-linking composition, the cross- linking composition comprising an aqueous solution of a negatively charged multivalent metal complex ion having a pH of at least 9.0. Also described are compositions for forming the articles, and methods for making the articles, based on the use of the described cross- linking composition. The articles so produced have an average thickness of 0.2mm or less and a modulus at 500% of less than 6.5 MPa.

11-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002325187A1

A resin composite having excellent tensile strength and a process for producing the composite are provided. The resin composite comprises a resin and aluminum hydroxide having an average primary-particle diameter of about 100 nm or smaller and has an index Y/X of 0.1 or less provided that the value X is an average intensity of intensities of aluminum characteristic X-ray measured by scanning a beam on a straight line on the composite with an electron-probe X-ray microanalyzer and the value Y is a standard deviation of the intensities.

14-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002375585A1

A polymeric material containing a halogen-containing polymer such as PVC, an inorganic hydroxide (especially magnesium hydroxide) and, optionally, an acrylic material, is described. The presence of the inorganic hydroxide provides a material of superior weathering resistance as compared to materials comprising halogen-containing polymers which do not contain the hydroxide.

27-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002563287A1

The invention relates to a flame-retardant filler based on aluminium hydroxide, its use in polymers and a method for its production, in which aluminium hydroxide in the form of a bayerite/gibbsite mixture is modified under pressure of temperatures of at least 170~C in the presence of water and crystal growth regulator, the aluminium hydroxide used as starting material having an average particle size d50 from 0.1 to 4~m.

06-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002783874C

A halogen-free, flame retardant composition comprises thermoplastic polyurethane, olefin block copolymer, carbonyl-containing olefin polymer compatibilizer, and flame retardant package comprising bisphenol-A bis(diphenyl phosphate) and/or resorcinol bis(diphenyl phosphate), a nitrogen/phosphorus based, halogen-free flame retardant, and epoxidized novolac. The composition that will not only be processed easily to make a wire or cable sheath but also pass both the VW-1 flame retardancy test and the UL1581 heat deformation test at 150? exhibits good tensile and flexibility properties.

28-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002356110A1

A thermoconductive liquid silicone rubber composition is provided for fixing rolls. The composition is capable of producing silicone rubber of superior thermal conductivity and small compression set after curing. The thermoconductive liquid silicone rubber composition contains (A) a diorganopolysiloxane with at least two silicon bonded alkenyl groups per molecule, (B) an alumina powder with an average particle size not more than 10 .mu.m and an ignition loss of not more than 0.15 weight percent, (C) an organohydrogenpolysiloxane having at least two silicon bonded hydrogen atoms per molecule, and (D) a platinum catalyst. Fluororesin coated fixing rolls can be fabricated by providing a fluororesin layer on the peripheral surface of a roll shaft, with the silicone rubber layer interposed between it and the surface.

08-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002364441A1

A coating composition for forming abrasion-resistant coatings is described. It has been found that sol gel process aluminum oxide grain can be added to a film-forming resin composition for producing coatings exhibiting exceptional abrasion resistance.

04-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002377148A1

Gibbsite type aluminium hydroxides are obtained by seeding a Bayer liquor with bayerite crystals. The gibbsite type aluminium hydroxides show excellent properties as fire retardant fillers in synthetic resins.

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003093981A1

Photocurable compositions and methods of preparation and use of such compositions. More particularly, photocurable compositions useful for forming topographical features on surfaces such as membrane surfaces. Methods of forming topographical features on a membrane surface using photocurable compositions.

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3090838A1

Heat-curable bio-based casting composition, comprising: (a) one or more monofunctional and one or more polyfunctional acrylic and/or methacrylic biomonomers of vegetable or animal origin, (b) one or more polymers or copolymers selected from among polyacrylates, polymethacrylates, polyols, polyesters derived from recycled material or of vegetable or animal origin, (c) inorganic filler particles of natural origin, where the proportion of the monofunctional and polyfunctional acrylic and methacrylic biomonomer(s) is 10-40% by weight, the proportion of the polymer(s) or copolymer(s) is 1-16% by weight and the proportion of the inorganic filler particles is 44-89% by weight.

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003013475A1

A corrosion-resistant coating composition is provided. The composition includes a binder system comprising at least one polymeric resin and an inorganic bismuth-containing compound. Methods of coating and using the coating composition are also provided.

31-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003081917A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

Disclosed is a moisture-cured polyurethane adhesive containing 0.5% to 40% by weight of layered double hydroxide particles dispersed in the polyurethane. Also disclosed is a curable resin composition including a polyurethane prepolymer with an isocyanate component and a polyol component. The polyurethane prepolymer is curable with moisture and contains layered double oxide particles dispersed in the prepolymer in an amount from 0.5% to 40% by weight of the composition. A method of making a polyurethane adhesive is also disclosed.

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003095444A1
Принадлежит: MOFFAT & CO.

A method for treating a substrate is provided herein. The method includes providing a substrate and applying a composition to the substrate to form the treated substrate. The composition includes a binder, a binder additive, and an aluminum salt. A method for improving adhesion of an image to the treated substrate is also provided herein. The method includes providing the substrate, applying the composition to the substrate to form the treated substrate, and applying a liquid toner to the treated substrate to form the image on the treated substrate. A printed material exhibiting improved adhesion of the image to the treated substrate is also provided herein. The printed material includes a treated substrate. The treated substrate includes the substrate and a coating disposed on the substrate and formed from the composition. The printed material further includes the image disposed on the treated substrate and formed from the liquid toner.

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003076446A1
Принадлежит: MACRAE & CO.

The present invention relates to a method of producing an elastic coating which is suitable for waterproofing, by using film forming onto a solid surface, textile or mesh. In this method, a dispersion which comprises i) one or more adhesives and/or coagulating aggregates, mainly in solid form, ii) one or more polymers, and iii) one or more surface- active agents, is brought into contact with a coagulator of the surface-active agent of the dispersion. The present invention also relates to a coating which is prepared by using the present method.

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003028339A1

The present disclosure relates to a halogen-free flame retardant additive for polymers, such as polyolefins, comprising (i) a phosphorous-nitrogen-containing component containing amine and/or ammonium groups; and (ii) a (meth)acrylic acid homo- or co-polymer selected from the group consisting of a partially or fully neutralized salt of poly((meth)acrylic acid), a partially or fully neutralized salt of a partially crosslinked poly((meth)acrylic acid), a partially or fully neutralized salt of a copolymer of an olefin and (meth)acrylic acid comprising at least 50% by weight of (meth)acrylic acid repeating units, and any combinations of the foregoing polymers. The present disclosure also relates to a flame retardant polymer composition comprising the flame retardant additive and a method of reducing the flammability of a polymer, in particular a polyolefin, using the flame retardant additive.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003046672A1
Принадлежит: ELAN IP INC.

A copolymer including ethylene units and units of one or more C3-10 alpha-olefins. The copolymer has a number average molecular weight of less than 5,000 g/mol, as measured by GPC. The ethylene content of the copolymer is less than 80 mol%. 70 mol% or greater of the copolymer has a carbon-carbon double bond in a terminal monomer unit, and at least 70 mol% of the terminal monomer units that have a carbon-carbon double bond have a terminal group selected from a vinylidene group and a tri-substituted isomer of a vinylidene group. The copolymer has a crossover temperature of -20 °C or lower and/or a certain ethylene run length. Also disclosed are a method for making the copolymer and polyolefins plasticized with 1-40 wt.% of the copolymer. The copolymers may low metal (ash) and/or fluorine contents.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003041297A1

A durable coating composition includes a silicate binder, a filler, and a crosslinking agent. The coating composition can reduce ice adherence and minimize ice accumulation through inclusion of a film forming lubricant. Articles and overhead conductors coated with such coating compositions are also disclosed.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003036369A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

Described herein is a graphene material and polymer-based anti-microbial element that provides anti-microbial capabilities. Described is an element that can also comprise a support. Also described is an element where the support can be the article to be protected from microbial buildup. Also described are methods for preventing microbial fouling by applying the aforementioned anti-microbial elements and related devices.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3106740A1

Provided are adhesive compositions and more particularly to (meth) acrylic adhesive compositions for electrical device such as with improved bonding strength, thermal conductivity as well as flame retardancy.

23-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002936403A1

The present invention relates to a composition comprising a) a stable aqueous dispersion of inorganic pigment particles hydrophobically modified with covalently bonded polysiloxane or silyl groups; and b) a polymeric anionic dispersant; wherein the hydrophobically modified inorganic pigment particles have an average particle size in the range of from 200 nm to 10 µm, and the solids content of the hydrophobically modified inorganic pigment particles is from 10 to 80 weight percent, based on the weight of inorganic pigment particles and water. The composition of the present invention provides a way to improve water resistance in coatings formulations.

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002934601A1

The invention relates to polymer compositions comprising inorganic or organic particles which either have been surface-treated before the production of the compositions or, by the production of the compositions, dispersed by means of special polyether-modified siloxanes.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002881632A1

L'invention concerne un nouveau procédé de préparation d'une silice précipitée, dans lequel : - on fait réagir un silicate avec un agent acidifiant, de manière à obtenir une suspension de silice précipitée, - on filtre ladite suspension de silice précipitée, de manière à obtenir un gâteau de filtration, - on soumet ledit gâteau de filtration à une opération de délitage comprenant l'addition d'un composé de l'aluminium, - après l'opération de délitage, on procède à une étape de séchage, caractérisé en ce qu'on ajoute au gâteau de filtration, un acide polycarboxylique choisi parmi les acides dicarboxyliques et les acides tricarboxyliques après l'addition du composé d'aluminium. Elle est également relative à de nouvelles silices précipitées et à leurs utilisations.

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002905866A1

The invention concerns a liquid (meth)acrylic syrup for impregnating a fibrous substrate. The invention concerns in particular a viscous liquid syrup primarily containing methacrylic or acrylic components. The invention also concerns a method of producing this syrup. The invention further concerns a method of impregnating a fibrous substrate or long fibres with the viscous liquid syrup. The invention also concerns a fibrous substrate pre-impregnated with the syrup which can be used for manufacturing mechanical or structured products or parts. The invention further concerns a method of manufacturing mechanical or structured parts or articles and three-dimensional mechanical or structured parts obtained by this method. The invention is used for producing mechanical parts or structural elements made of fireproof thermoplastic composite material.

17-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002950767A1

A compositional kit for forming a composition includes a first composition and a second composition which are separate. The first composition includes a filler, a cross-linking agent and an emissivity agent; and the second composition includes a silicate binder. Methods for making a compositional kit and for making a coated overhead conductor are also provided.

09-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2962582C

Disclosed is an effective thermal grease comprising a hyperbranched olefinic fluid and a thermally conductive filler. Property- modifying additives and fillers may also be included. The hyperbranched olefinic fluid is selected to have an average of at least 1.5 methine carbons per oligomer molecule and at least 40 methine carbons per one thousand total carbons. The thermal grease exhibits a flash point of 180 °C or higher, a pour point of 0 °C or lower, and a kinematic viscosity at 40 °C of no more than 200 cSt (0.0002 m 2/s). The composition may offer improved thermal conductivity, reduced tendency to migrate, and lower cost when compared with many other thermal greases, including silicone-based thermal greases.

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002971306A1

The invention relates to semitransparent pearlescent pigments, to methods for producing same, and to the use of such pearlescent pigments, wherein the pearlescent pigments are monolithically constructed substrate platelets composed of a metal oxide having an average thickness of 1 to 40 nm and a form factor, expressed by the ratio of the average size to the average thickness, of at least 80, which are encased by at least one substantially transparent coating A composed of at least one low-refractive-index metal oxide and/or metal oxide hydrate, which has a refractive index of less than 1.8, and comprise at least one interference layer in the form of a coating B composed of at least one high-refractive-index metal oxide, which has a refractive index of at least 1.8.

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002985063A1

A curable composition is provided comprising a curable rubber comprising: a) 80.0-99.9 wt% of a chloroprene resin; b) 0.06-13 wt% of trimethyl thiourea; and c) 0.06-13 wt% of a benzothiazolesulfenamide, such as N-cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazolesulfenamide. The present disclosure additionally provides cured compositions comprising a rubber comprising a crosslinked chloroprene resin and a fire retardant particle system comprising: d) 5-95 wt% particulate magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2); and e) 5-95 wt% particulate aluminum trihydrate (Al(OH)3). In some embodiments the particulate aluminum trihydrate (Al(OH)3) has a mean particle size of greater than 30 microns and less than 400 microns, and more typically a mean particle size of greater than 82 microns. The present disclosure additionally provides sound barrier films comprising the cured compositions according to the present disclosure, in particular fire resistant sound barrier films.

24-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002918322C

A dispersion spun fluoropolymer fiber prepared from non-melt-processible polytetrafluoroethylene particles and aluminum oxide particles. The concentration of Al2O3 in the aqueous dispersion may range from between about 0.1% to about 5%, with specific concentration of 0.1%, 1Ø The aqueous dispersion is mixed with an aqueous matrix polymer solution containing a matrix polymer and then extruded into a coagulation bath containing a concentration of ions which coagulate the matrix polymer to form an intermediate fiber structure which carries ionic species. The intermediate fiber structure is sintered to decompose the matrix polymer and coalesce the polytetrafluoroethylene particles and the Al2O3 particles into a blended fiber. The resulting, blended fluoropolymer fiber exhibits improved properties relative to 100% dispersion spun polytetrafluoroethylene fibers.

08-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002981119A1

A new light protective package including a monolayer which includes treated ?iO2 particles at high concentration levels of 6 wt% or higher of the monolayer, more preferably greater than 7 wt% of the monolayer, even more preferably greater than 8 wt. % of the monolayer, wherein the monolayer protects the food within the package from both light and physical damage. The monolayer has superior light protection properties while maintaining mechanical properties. The monolayer has a light protection factor ("LPF") value of greater than 25, preferably greater than 30, more preferably greater than 40 or even more preferably greater than 50. The treated TiO2 material can be dispersed and processed in package production processes by use of incorporation with a masterbatch, and preferably processed into a package using blow molding methods.

25-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002845411C

Halogen-free, thermoplastic polyurethane-based compositions having good mechanical and flame-retardant properties are provided. The compositions include flame-retardant aromatic organic phosphate compounds that do not exhibit migration in molded products, such as cable and wire jacketing and insulation. The compositions include a continuous resin phase comprising a thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer, at least one aromatic organic phosphate flame retardant having a melting point of at least 50 ...

22-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002406102A1

A powder and/or composition serving as an antistatic material which is capable of evenly emitting far infrared rays at a high efficiency and has high durability and excellent transparency; and a composition which comprises at least one of alumina, silica, and titanium oxide, at least one of platinum, palladium, iridium, rhodium, and compounds of these, and at least one of silver and silver compounds, and which is for use in providing fibers containing the powder and/or composition. Also provided are: a mixture comprising the composition and a synthetic polymeric material; fibers comprising the mixture; and a textile product comprising the fibers.

27-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002881281C

L'invention concerne une silice précipitée, possédant une surface spécifique BET comprise entre 45 et 550 m2/g, une teneur (C) en acide polycarboxylique + carboxylate correspondant, exprimée en carbone total, d'au moins 0,15 % en poids, une teneur en aluminium (Al) d'au moins 0,20 % en poids, et présentant à sa surface des molécules d'acide méthylglutarique. Le procédé de préparation de cette silice est aussi divulgué. Celui-ci est caractérisé en ce que l'on fait réagir au moins un silicate avec au moins un agent acidifiant, de manière à obtenir une suspension de silice précipitée, on filtre ladite suspension de silice précipitée, de manière à obtenir un gâteau de filtration, on soumet ledit gâteau de filtration à une opération de délitage comprenant l'addition d'un composé de l'aluminium, et on ajoute au gâteau de filtration, au cours de ou après l'opération de délitage, de l'acide méthylglutarique.

07-10-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002092945A1

... . - 59 Disclosed herein is a biaxially oriented polyester film containing 0.005 to 2.0% by weight of vaterite-type calcium carbonate satisfying all of the following formulae (1)-(4): d25/d75 ? 2.00 ........... (1) 0.07 ? d50 ? 1.50 ......... (2) 1.6 ? S ? 30.0 ........... (3) 2.4 ? d50 x S ? 7.0 ...... (4) wherein d25, d75 and d50 represent the diameters (.mu.m) of the particles when the cumulative volumes are 25%, 75% and 50% of the total volume of the particles, respectively, and S represents specific surface area (m2/g) measured by the BET method.

30-09-2020 дата публикации

Flame retardant coating for textiles.

Номер: CH0000716000A1

Offenbart ist eine Flammschutzbeschichtung für ein textiles Flächenprodukt, welche mindestens einen Binder oder ein Bindergemisch, Blähgraphitpartikel und zusätzlich mindestens ein chemisches Flammschutzmittel enthält. Die Korngrösse von mindestens 80%, bevorzugt von 100%, der Blähgraphitpartikel beträgt maximal 100 µm.

29-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201791202A1

31-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201690586A1

25-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000120850C2

25-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000112983C2

31-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201791678A1

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Firestop Composition Comprising Thermoplastic, Intumescent, and Flame Retardants

Номер: US20120022201A1
Принадлежит: Pyrophobic Systems Ltd

A composition for a firestop is provided. The composition comprises a thermoplastic; expandable graphite; alumina trihydrate; and a flame retardant compound or mixture comprising antimony and a halogen. There is also provided a flame retardant composite, which comprises expandable graphite; alumina trihydrate; antimony; and a halogen. The halogen may include bromine. The flame retardant compound may be brominated antimony. The flame retardant mixture may include an antimony oxide and a compound containing bromine. The flame retardant composite may comprise brominated antimony, or comprise antimony trioxide and a bromine-containing compound.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Process for making polymers having nanostructures incorporated into the matrix of the polymer

Номер: US20120231279A1
Принадлежит: PPG Industries Ohio Inc

The present invention is directed toward a method for making a polymer that has nanostructures incorporated into the matrix of the polymer. The method of the present invention involves mixing a precursor solution for the polymer with a precursor for the nanostructures to form a mixture. Nanostructures are formed in the mixture from the precursor of the nanostructures, such that the nanostructures are surrounded by the precursor solution for the polymer. The polymer is formed from the precursor solution of the polymer, which results in the nanostructures being incorporated into the matrix of the polymer.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Thermosetting silicone resin composition for reflector of led, reflector for led using the same and optical semiconductor apparatus

Номер: US20130271999A1
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

A thermosetting silicone resin composition for an LED reflector has: a thermosetting resin; at least one kind of white pigment selected from titanium oxide, zinc oxide, zirconium oxide, magnesium oxide, barium carbonate, magnesium silicate, zinc sulfate, and barium sulfate; and an inorganic filler other than the pigment, which contains at least one kind of inorganic filler that has an average particle diameter of 30 μm to 100 μm and a refraction index that is different from a refraction index of a cured material of the thermosetting resin by 0.05 or more, and at least one kind of inorganic filler that has an average particle diameter of less than 30 μm. The thermosetting resin composition provides a cured material that has excellent heat and light resisting properties and hardly leaks light, a reflector for an LED obtained by molding using the composition, and an optical semiconductor apparatus using the reflector.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Aluminum metallic nanoparticle-polymer nanocomposites for energy storage

Номер: US20130317170A1

A nanoparticle composition comprising a substrate comprising aluminum nanoparticles, an Al 2 O 3 component coating said aluminum nanoparticles, and a metallocene catalyst component coupled to the Al 2 O 3 component; and a polyolefin component coupled to said substrate.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Adhesive film and method of encapsulating organic electronic device

Номер: US20140091296A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Provided are an adhesive film, an encapsulated product of an organic electronic device using the same, and a method of encapsulating an organic electronic device. Particularly, the adhesive film encapsulating the organic electronic device to cover an entire surface of the organic electronic device includes an adhesive layer including a curable resin and a moisture adsorbent. The adhesive layer has a viscosity in a temperature range of 30 to 130° C. of 10 1 to 10 6 Pa·s and a viscosity at room temperature of 10 6 Pa·s or more in an uncured state, and when the adhesive layer has a multilayered structure, a difference in melting viscosity between layers is less than 30 Pa·s. In addition, the method of encapsulating an organic electronic device using the adhesive film is provided.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000566A1
Автор: Ahrens Hendrik

The subject matter of the invention relates to aqueous pigment preparations containing (A) 30 to 75% by weight of at least one inorganic white or colored pigment or a mixture of different inorganic white or colored pigments, (B) 0.01 to 15% by weight of at least one fatty acid ethanol amide ethoxylate of the formula (I), 2. The aqueous pigment preparation as claimed in claim 1 , in which the fatty acid ethanolamide ethoxylate of the formula (I) has been prepared by addition of ethylene oxide onto a fatty acid ethanolamide claim 1 , and n is an integer from 3 to 40.3. The aqueous pigment preparation as claimed in claim 1 , in which A is —NH—CH—CH—CHand a is 1.4. The aqueous pigment preparation as claimed in claim 1 , in which A is —O—CH—CH— or —O—CH—CH(CH)—CH— and a is an integer from 1 to 5.5. The aqueous pigment preparation as claimed in claim 1 , containing 1 to 10% by weight of a fatty acid ethanolamide ethoxylate of the formula (I).6. The aqueous pigment preparation as claimed in claim 1 , containing 0.1 to 2% by weight of an amine of the formula (II).7. The aqueous pigment preparation as claimed in claim 6 , in which claim 6 , in formula (II) claim 6 , a=0.8. The aqueous pigment preparation as claimed in claim 1 , containing 10 to 65% by weight of water.9. The aqueous pigment preparation as claimed in claim 1 , in which Rcomprises 11 to 19 carbon atoms.10. The aqueous pigment preparation as claimed in claim 1 , in which Rcomprises 12 to 20 carbon atoms.11. The aqueous pigment preparation as claimed in claim 1 , having a viscosity of 10 to 10 claim 1 ,000 mPas claim 1 , wherein the viscosity is determined with a cone/plate viscometer at a shear rate of 1/60 see.12. The aqueous pigment preparation as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising (D) up to 30% by weight of at least one auxiliary customary for the production of aqueous pigment preparations claim 1 , selected from the group consisting of wetting agents claim 1 , anionic dispersants claim 1 , humectants ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000571A1
Автор: WATANABE Masaki

Provided is a powder material for forming a three-dimensional object, the powder material containing granulated particles containing: a resin; and inorganic particles of which primary particles have a volume average particle diameter of 1 micrometer or less, wherein the granulated particles have a volume average particle diameter of 10 micrometers or greater but 70 micrometers or less and a BET specific surface area of 6 m/g or greater but 8 m/g or less. 1. A powder material for forming a three-dimensional object , the powder material comprisinggranulated particles that comprise a resin and inorganic particles of which primary particles have a volume average particle diameter of 1 micrometer or less,{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein the granulated particles have a volume average particle diameter of 10 micrometers or greater but 70 micrometers or less and a BET specific surface area of 6 m/g or greater but 8 m/g or less.'}2. The powder material for forming a three-dimensional object according to claim 1 ,wherein the granulated particles have an average circularity of 0.960 or greater.3. The powder material for forming a three-dimensional object according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 3', '3, 'wherein the granulated particles have an untamped density of 1.00 g/cmor greater but 1.40 g/cmor less.'}4. The powder material for forming a three-dimensional object according to claim 1 ,wherein a rate of mass reduction from before to after the granulated particles are heated at 1,000 degrees C. for 1 hour is 5% by mass or less.5. The powder material for forming a three-dimensional object according to claim 1 ,wherein the resin comprises a water-soluble resin.6. The powder material for forming a three-dimensional object according to claim 1 ,wherein the resin comprises an acidic functional group.7. The powder material for forming a three-dimensional object according to claim 1 ,wherein the resin comprises either a polyacrylic acid or a polyvinyl alcohol.8. The powder material for forming a three ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001521A1
Автор: KITAGAWA Masaru

A method for producing a dip-molded article, including a dip-molding step of dip-molding a latex composition containing a latex of a carboxyl group-containing conjugated diene-based rubber (A) and a water-soluble metal compound (B) using a dip mold to form a dip-molded layer on the surface of the dip mold; a moisture content adjustment step of adjusting the moisture content of the dip-molded layer formed on the surface of the dip mold to 1 to 30 wt %; and a beading step of performing beading after the adjusting of the moisture content, the beading including peeling a portion of the dip-molded layer formed on the surface of the dip mold from the dip mold. 1. A method for producing a dip-molded article , comprising:a dip-molding step of dip-molding a latex composition containing a latex of a carboxyl group-containing conjugated diene-based rubber (A) and a water-soluble metal compound (B) using a dip mold to form a dip-molded layer on the surface of the dip mold;a moisture content adjustment step of adjusting the moisture content of the dip-molded layer formed on the surface of the dip mold to 1 to 30 wt %; anda beading step of performing beading after the adjusting of the moisture content, the beading including peeling a portion of the dip-molded layer formed on the surface of the dip mold from the dip mold.2. The method for producing a dip-molded article according to claim 1 , further comprising:a cross-linking step of cross-linking the dip-molded layer after the beading; anda demolding step of removing the cross-linked dip-molded layer from the dip mold.3. The method for producing a dip-molded article according to claim 1 ,wherein the moisture content adjustment step includes a step of heating the dip-molded layer formed on the surface of the dip mold at 20 to 100° C. for 1 to 20 minutes.4. The method for producing a dip-molded article according to claim 1 ,wherein the moisture content adjustment step includes a step of heating the dip-molded layer formed on the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001810A1

Disclosed herein is a method for manufacturing a sound insulation material, a sound insulation material manufactured using this manufacturing method, and a carpet for a vehicle using the sound insulation material, and the sound insulation material is manufactured using a composite resin composition including 30 parts by weight to 70 parts by weight of aluminum oxide, 10 parts by weight to 20 parts by weight of nanoclay, 0.2 parts by weight to 0.8 parts by weight of an antioxidant, and 0.1 parts by weight to 0.5 parts by weight of a lubricant, with respect to 100 parts by weight of a base resin including PE, and the carpet for a vehicle is manufactured by coating the sound insulation material on a carpet fabric material and drying the result. 1. A method for manufacturing a sound insulation material comprising:preparing a resin composition, which prepares a composite resin composition further including 30 parts by weight to 70 parts by weight of aluminum oxide, 10 parts by weight to 20 parts by weight of nanoclay, 0.2 parts by weight to 0.8 parts by weight of an antioxidant, and 0.1 parts by weight to 0.5 parts by weight of a lubricant, with respect to 100 parts by weight of a base resin including PE; andextrusion molding, which extrusion molds the composite resin composition prepared in the preparing of a resin composition.2. The method for manufacturing a sound insulation material of claim 1 , wherein 100 parts by weight of the base resin is a mixture of 60 parts by weight to 80 parts by weight of LDPE and 20 parts by weight to 40 parts by weight of rubber.3. The method for manufacturing a sound insulation material of claim 1 , wherein the preparing of a resin composition further includes 4 parts by weight to 6 parts by weight of a high flowing modifier with respect to 100 parts by weight of the base resin including PE to prepare the composite resin composition.4. The method for manufacturing a sound insulation material of claim 1 , wherein the preparing of a resin ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002062A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited

A process for producing a heat-resistant aluminum hydroxide, comprising the step of applying a heating treatment to a gibbsite-type aluminum hydroxide at a pressure equal to or higher than an atmospheric pressure and equal to or lower than 0.3 MPa, in an atmosphere whose water vapor molar fraction is equal to or higher than 0.03 and equal to or lower than 1, and at a temperature equal to or higher than 180° C. and equal to or lower than 300° C. 1. A process for producing a heat-resistant aluminum hydroxide , comprising the step ofapplying a heating treatment to a gibbsite-type aluminum hydroxide at a pressure equal to or higher than an atmospheric pressure and equal to or lower than 0.3 MPa, in an atmosphere whose water vapor molar fraction is equal to or higher than 0.03 and equal to or lower than 1, and at a temperature equal to or higher than 180° C. and equal to or lower than 300° C.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the gibbsite-type aluminum hydroxide is produced using a Bayer process.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein a time period to conduct the heating treatment is equal to or longer than 1 min and equal to or shorter than 360 min.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the heating treatment is applied to 100 parts by weight of the gibbsite-type aluminum hydroxide together with 0.1 part by weight or more and 5 parts by weight or less of silicon compound in terms of SiO.5. The process according to claim 4 , wherein the silicon compound is a monomer of a silicate represented by a general formula Si(OR) claim 4 ,wherein R is an alkyl group having 1 or 2 carbon atoms, a polymer thereof, or a hydrolysis product and/or a condensation product thereof.6. A heat-resistant aluminum hydroxide claim 4 , wherein BET specific surface area is equal to or larger than 1.5 m/g and equal to or smaller than 8 m/g claim 4 , and area intensity ratio of oxygen and aluminum (O1s/Al2p) measured using an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is equal to or ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002436A1

The present invention relates to a polypropylene-based resin composition including: (A) a polypropylene resin in an amount of about 40 to 90 wt %, (B) a metal hydroxide in an amount of about 1 to about 25 wt %, (C) an inorganic filler in an amount of about 5 to about 15 wt %, and (D) a polyolefin-based elastomer in an amount of about 0 to about 20 wt %, and a method for manufacturing the polypropylene-based resin composition. 1. A polypropylene-based resin composition , comprising:(A) a polypropylene resin in an amount of about 40 to about 90 wt % based on the total weight of the polypropylene-based resin composition;(B) a metal hydroxide in an amount of about 1 to about 25 wt % based on the total weight of the polypropylene-based resin composition;(C) an inorganic filler in an amount of about 5 to about 15 wt % based on the total weight of the polypropylene-based resin composition; and(D) a polyolefin-based elastomer in an amount of about 0 to about 20 wt % based on the total weight of the polypropylene-based resin composition.2. The polypropylene-based resin composition of claim 1 , wherein the polypropylene resin includes a random copolymer claim 1 , a block copolymer or mixtures thereof claim 1 , wherein the random copolymer is obtained by polymerizing a co-monomer selected from the group consisting of homo-polypropylene (homo-PP) claim 1 , propylene claim 1 , ethylene claim 1 , butylene claim 1 , and octene claim 1 , and the block copolymer is obtained by blending an ethylene-propylene rubber with polypropylene.3. The polypropylene-based resin composition of claim 1 , wherein the metal hydroxide is aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)) claim 1 , magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)) claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.4. The polypropylene-based resin composition of claim 1 , wherein the metal hydroxide has an average particle diameter of about 0.2 to about 200 μm in a form of a plate.5. The polypropylene-based resin composition of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic filler is one or more ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus, composition for adhesive, and adhesive sheet

Номер: US20160002439A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Bakelite Co Ltd

An apparatus ( 1 ) includes a supporting base material ( 12 ) that supports an element ( 11 ), a heat-dissipating member ( 13 ) on which the supporting base material ( 12 ) is installed, and an adhesive layer ( 14 ) disposed between the heat-dissipating member ( 13 ) and the supporting base material ( 12 ). The glass transition temperature of the adhesive layer ( 14 ) is equal to or lower than −30° C.

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Curable compositions, articles therefrom, and methods of making and using same

Номер: US20220006137A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A curable composition includes a polyol component comprising one or more polyols; a functional butadiene component; and a thermally conductive filler. The thermally conductive filler is present in an amount of at least 20 wt. %, based on the total weight of the curable composition. The curable composition has, upon curing, a thermal conductivity of at least 0.5 W/(mK).

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002179A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to compositions comprising at least one thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-1 based on an aliphatic diisocyanate, at least one metal hydroxide and at least one phosphorus-containing flame retardant, especially those compositions which further comprise at least one thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-2 based on an aromatic diisocyanate. The present invention further relates to the use of such compositions for production of cable sheaths. 1. A composition comprising at least one thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-1 based on an aliphatic diisocyanate , at least one metal hydroxide and at least one phosphorus-containing flame retardant ,wherein the composition further comprises at least one thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-2 based on an aromatic diisocyanate.2. (canceled)3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the proportion of the thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-2 in the composition is in the range from 0.1% to 65% based on the overall composition.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-1 has a Shore hardness in the range from 85 A to 65 D claim 1 , determined in accordance with DIN ISO 7619-1.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-1 is based on at least one aliphatic diisocyanate selected from the group consisting of hexamethylene diisocyanate and di(isocyanatocyclohexyl) methane.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-1 has a molecular weight in the range from 100 claim 1 ,000 Da to 400 claim 1 ,000 Da.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-2 is based on diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI).8. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-2 has a Shore hardness in the range from 80 A to 95 A claim 1 , determined in accordance with DIN ISO 7619-1.9. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-2 ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002248A1

Disclosed are exemplary embodiments of thermal interface materials with low secant modulus of elasticity and high thermal conductivity. 1. A thermal interface material comprising a matrix or base resin loaded with thermally-conductive filler , wherein the thermal interface material has a thermal conductivity of at least 6 Watts per meter per Kelvin and a secant modulus of elasticity of no more than 620 kilopascals (kPa) at 50% strain for 1.5 millimeter (mm) initial thickness material.2. The thermal interface material of claim 1 , wherein the thermally-conductive filler comprises one or more of alumina claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , zinc oxide claim 1 , boron nitride claim 1 , silicon nitride claim 1 , aluminum nitride claim 1 , iron claim 1 , metallic oxides claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , silver claim 1 , copper claim 1 , and ceramic.3. The thermal interface material of claim 1 , wherein:the thermally-conductive filler comprises alumina and/or aluminum; andthe matrix or base resin comprises silicone.4. The thermal interface material of claim 1 , wherein the thermally-conductive filler comprises at least two different grades of alumina and at least two different grades of aluminum.5. The thermal interface material of claim 1 , wherein:the thermally-conductive filler comprises alumina and aluminum, and the matrix or base resin is loaded with the alumina and aluminum such that the thermal interface material includes at least 90 weight % of the alumina and aluminum; and/or a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS); or', 'silicone polymer with platinum catalyst and silicone polymer with SiH crosslinking oligomer; or', 'a process oil., 'the matrix or base resin comprises6. The thermal interface material of claim 1 , wherein:the thermally-conductive filler is alumina, aluminum, or a combination of alumina and aluminum; and/orthe matrix or base resin is loaded with the thermally-conductive filler such that the thermal interface material includes at least about 90 weight percent of the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Intumescent Composition Comprising a Silicate Modified Epoxy Resin

Номер: US20180002536A1

The present invention relates to an intumescent coating composition comprising (a) the reaction product of a tetra-alkoxylorthosilicate or partially condensed oligomer thereof and an epoxy resin containing hydroxyl groups, wherein the alkoxy groups are independently selected from C-Calkoxy groups (b) one or more spumifics, and (c) one or more metal oxides and/or hydroxides. The intumescent coating composition provides excellent fire performance and char strength. The invention also relates to substrates coated with the intumescent coating composition, and a method of protecting structures from heat/fire. 1. An intumescent coating composition comprising:{'sub': 1', '20, '(a) a reaction product of a tetra-alkoxylorthosilicate or partially condensed oligomer thereof and an epoxy resin containing hydroxyl groups, wherein the alkoxy groups are independently selected from C-Calkoxy groups,'}(b) one or more spumifics, and(c) one or more metal oxides and/or hydroxides.2. The intumescent coating composition of wherein the total weight % of the one or more metal oxides and hydroxides (c) in the coating composition does not exceed 10.0 weight % claim 1 , wherein weight % is calculated on the total weight of the non-volatile components in the coating composition.3. The intumescent coating composition of wherein the epoxy resin containing hydroxyl group comprises (i) one or more aromatic epoxy resins and/or (ii) one or more aliphatic epoxy resins.4. The intumescent coating composition of wherein the metal of the one or more metal oxides and hydroxides (c) is independently selected from Al claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Mg claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Na claim 1 , K and Si.5. The intumescent coating composition of wherein the one or more metal oxides and/or hydroxides is independently selected from: AlO claim 1 , Al(OH) claim 1 , TiO claim 1 , ZnO claim 1 , SiO claim 1 , aluminum silicate claim 1 , kaolin and china clay.6. The intumescent coating composition of wherein the alkoxy ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002549A1

An electron beam curable paint comprises: a dispersion solution of inorganic nanomaterial, a dispersion solution of inorganic nanoultraviolet absorbent, a polyfunctional monomer and an acrylate prepolymer, wherein the dispersion solution of the inorganic nanomaterial is selected from one or two of a dispersion solution of silicon dioxide and a dispersion solution of aluminum oxide, and the dispersion solution of the inorganic ultraviolet absorbent is a dispersion solution of titanium dioxide or a dispersion solution of zinc oxide. The silicon dioxide, the aluminum oxide, the titanium dioxide and the zinc oxide are respectively surface modified and are dissolved in acrylate monomer to form the dispersion solution of the inorganic material without agglomeration. 1. An electron beam curable paint , comprising:a dispersion solution of an inorganic nanomaterial 5˜50 parts by weight;a dispersion solution of an inorganic ultraviolet nano-absorbent 1˜10 parts by weight;a polyfunctional monomer 2˜30 parts by weight;an acrylate prepolymer 10˜80 parts by weight;wherein the dispersion solution of the inorganic nanomaterial is prepared by the following steps:A) mixing a solution of the inorganic nanomaterial with an organic solvent to obtain a mixed solution, adjusting the pH of the mixed solution;B) reacting the solution obtained in step A), an acrylate monomer with a silane coupling agent to obtain the dispersion solution of the inorganic nanomaterial; andthe dispersion solution of an inorganic ultraviolet absorbent is prepared by the following steps:A) mixing a solution of the inorganic ultraviolet nano-absorbent with an organic solvent to obtain a mixed solution, adjusting the pH of the mixed solution;B) reacting the solution obtained in step A), an acrylate monomer with a silane coupling agent to obtain the dispersion solution of an inorganic ultraviolet nano-absorbent;the inorganic nanomaterial is one or two of silicon dioxide and aluminum oxide; andthe inorganic ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Polymer Composition for Use in Cables

Номер: US20190002677A1
Принадлежит: Celanese EVA Performance Polymers LLC

A polymer composition that comprises an olefinic polymer, a flame retardant that includes a halogen-free mineral filler, and a compatibilizing agent is provided. The halogen-free mineral filler constitutes from about 20 wt. % to about 80 wt. % of the composition. The composition may exhibit a degree of water uptake of about 5 wt. % or less after being immersed in water for seven days at a temperature of 23° C.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003371A1

A method of fabricating ultrasound bone phantom material compatible with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is provided. The bone phantom material has ultrasound and physical parameters that are characteristic of human cortical and trabecular bones, and is well suited for the fabrication of bone phantoms intended for the development and testing of ultrasound medical diagnostic imaging techniques as well as high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) therapy methods and other MRI imaging applications. 1. An ultrasound bone phantom material comprising:a) a blended mixture resin binder including a resin and a resin hardener; andb) a solid filler component.2. The ultrasound bone phantom material as in claim 1 , wherein the resin binder is between about 10 percent to about 40 percent of a total weight of the ultrasound bone phantom material.3. The ultrasound bone phantom material as in claim 2 , wherein the resin hardener is between about 5 percent to about 30 percent of a total weight of the ultrasound bone phantom material.4. The ultrasound bone phantom material as in claim 1 , wherein said resin is a liquid epoxy resin.5. The ultrasound bone phantom material as in claim 4 , wherein said resin is an epichlorohydrin-derived liquid epoxy resin.6. The ultrasound bone phantom material as in claim 1 , wherein said resin hardener is selected from the group consisting of diethylenetriamine aliphatic polyamine claim 1 , phenol novolacs claim 1 , cresol novolacs claim 1 , anhydrides claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.7. The ultrasound bone phantom material as in claim 1 , wherein said resin is capable of being hardened by a UV light.8. The ultrasound bone phantom material as in claim 1 , wherein the amount of said solid filler component in said ultrasound bone phantom material ranges from about 50 weight percent to about 90 weight percent based on the total weight of the ultrasound bone phantom compatible with MRI material.9. The ultrasound bone phantom material as in claim 1 , wherein ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004343A1

There is provided herein a flame-retarded polyolefin composition comprising a thermoplastic polyolefin, an inorganic flame retardant filler and a metal phosphonate or metal phosphinate synergist of the general formula (A): where Me is a metal, Rand Rare the same or different linear or branched or cyclic alkyls having up to 6 carbon atoms, or benzyl, n is a metal valency and can be, 1, 2, 3 or 4, x is 1 for metal phosphonates and x is 0 for metal phosphinates. There is also provided a method for making a flame-retarded polyolefin composition comprising contacting at least one thermoplastic polyolefin polymer with at least one inorganic flame retardant filler and at least one metal phosphonate or metal phosphinate synergist and heating the mixture to above the melting temperature of the thermoplastic polyolefin. 2. The flame-retarded polyolefin composition of wherein the thermoplastic polyolefin (a) is at least one of a polyethylene homopolymer claim 1 , polyethylene copolymer claim 1 , polypropylene homopolymer and polypropylene copolymer.3. The flame-retarded polyolefin composition of wherein the polyolefin polymer is at least one of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA); ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR); ethylene-propylene-diene-monomer rubber (EPDM); and claim 2 , copolymers of ethylene and propylene with butene-1 claim 2 , pentene-1 claim 2 , 3-methylbutene-1 claim 2 , 4-methylpentene-1 claim 2 , octane-1 claim 2 , and mixtures thereof.4. The flame-retarded polyolefin composition of wherein the inorganic flame retardant filler is at least one metal hydroxide selected from the group consisting of aluminum hydroxide claim 1 , magnesium hydroxide claim 1 , magnesium basic carbonate claim 1 , hydrotalcite claim 1 , calcium aluminate hydrate.5. The flame-retarded polyolefin composition of wherein Me is selected from the group consisting of Ca claim 1 , Mg claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Al claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , and Ti.6. The flame-retarded polyolefin ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Epoxy adhesive compositions comprising an adhesion promoter

Номер: US20150004396A1
Автор: Sohaib Elgimiabi
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Curable adhesive compositions comprising i. a curable epoxy resin ii. an amine curing agent, iii. a polymeric toughening agent, iv. a filler and v. a phosphoric acid ester according to the formula as an adhesion promoter, wherein R represents an aliphatic or aromatic residue that contains one or more carboxylic acid ester units and/or one or more urethane units and that further contains at least one ether group and n represents an integer of 1 or 2, methods of making them, bonded articles and methods for bonding.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003330A1

The present invention provides systems and methods for curing a leakage in a pipeline, the system including at least one gel pig and at least one sealant composition; wherein the at least one gel pig and the at least one sealant composition form a pig train, adapted to move along the pipeline to a region of the leakage and to seal the leakage. 1. A system for curing at one leakage site in a pipeline , the system comprising: i. a cellulosic polysaccharide;', 'ii. a surfactant; and', 'iii. water; and, 'a) at least one gel pig comprising'} iv. at least one filler;', 'v. at least one gelling agent; and', 'vi. at least one aqueous agent;, 'b) at least one sealant composition comprisingwherein said at least one gel pig and said at least one sealant composition form a pig train, adapted to move along said pipeline to a region of said at least one leakage and to seal said at least one leakage.2. A system according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one gel pig comprises one gel pig and said at least one sealant composition comprises one sealant composition.3. A system according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one gel pig comprises two gel pigs and said at least one sealant composition comprises one sealant composition.4. A system according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one gel pig comprises three gel pigs and said at least one sealant composition comprises two sealant compositions.5. A system according to claim 1 , wherein said pig train is adapted to move along said pipeline at a speed of 0.01 to 10 m/s.6. A system according to claim 2 , wherein said at least one gel pig comprises one rear pig.7. A system according to claim 3 , wherein at least one of said two pigs has an average diameter of at least 5% less than an internal diameter of said pipeline.8. A system according to claim 3 , wherein at least one of said two pigs has an average diameter of at least 10% less than an internal diameter of said pipeline.9. (canceled)10. A system according to claim 1 , wherein ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018042A1
Автор: Yoshizato Akihiko

A method for producing a polyurethane elastic fiber according to the present invention contains the steps of: [1] producing a polyurethane urea polymer (A) having a number average molecular weight ranging from 12,000 to 50,000, and represented by general formula (1); [2] preparing a spinning dope by adding the polyurethane urea polymer (A) to a polyurethane urea polymer (B); and [3] spinning a polyurethane elastic fiber using the spinning dope. 15.-. (canceled)7. The method for producing a polyurethane elastic fiber claim 6 , according to claim 6 , wherein said spinning dope comprises a polymer of a compound having an anionic functional group.8. The method for producing a polyurethane elastic fiber claim 7 , according to claim 7 , wherein said anionic functional group is selected from the group consisting of a carboxyl group claim 7 , a sulfonic acid group claim 7 , a nitro group claim 7 , and a phosphoric acid group.9. The method for producing a polyurethane elastic fiber claim 7 , according to claim 7 , wherein said anionic functional group is contained in an amount of 10 mmol/kg or more and 200 mmol/kg or less in said polyurethane elastic fiber.10. The method for producing a polyurethane elastic fiber claim 6 , according to claim 6 , wherein said polyurethane elastic fiber comprises an inorganic functional agent selected from the group consisting of a fatty acid metal salt having 5 to 40 carbon atoms in which the metal is selected from the group consisting of magnesium claim 6 , calcium claim 6 , aluminum claim 6 , and zinc; titanium oxide; zinc oxide; a metal complex salt of silica and zinc oxide; a hydrotalcite compound; a huntite compound; a solid solution of MgO and ZnO; a composite of silicon dioxide and zinc oxide; a composite salt of silicon dioxide and zinc oxide; a composite salt of silicon dioxide claim 6 , zinc oxide claim 6 , and alumina; porous synthetic silica; carbon black; a coloring agent; and a pigment claim 6 , in a ratio ranging from 0.1 to 10 ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Resin composition, backing material for ultrasonic vibrator, ultrasonic vibrator, and ultrasonic endoscope

Номер: US20170009072A1
Принадлежит: Olympus Corp

A resin composition of the present invention contains: an epoxy resin (A); a hardener (B); and an ion exchanger (C). At least one of the epoxy resin (A) and the hardener (B) contains a modified silicone (S), and the epoxy resin (A) is at least one type selected from the group consisting of a bisphenol A type epoxy resin, a bisphenol F type epoxy resin, a phenol novolac type epoxy resin, and an epoxy-modified silicone.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220025160A1

A rubber blend comprises hydrogenated nitrile rubber, zinc acrylate, and alumina trihydrate. In some embodiments, the rubber blend is a mixture of a nanocomposite of hydrogenated nitrile rubber and the zinc acrylate, alumina trihydrate, and hydrogenated nitrile rubber. It has improved flame retardancy while maintaining processing and mechanical properties. 1. A rubber blend comprising hydrogenated nitrile rubber , zinc acrylate , and alumina trihydrate.2. The rubber blend of claim 1 , wherein the zinc acrylate is selected from zinc methacrylate claim 1 , zinc di-methacrylate claim 1 , or both.3. The rubber blend of claim 1 , further comprising a plasticizer.4. The rubber blend of claim 1 , wherein part of the hydrogenated nitrile rubber and the zinc acrylate are a nanocomposite.5. The rubber blend of claim 4 , wherein the blend comprisesabout 60 phr to about 100 phr hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber,about 10 phr to about 40 phr hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber and zinc acrylate nanocomposite, andabout 100 phr to about 200 phr alumina trihydrate.6. The rubber blend of claim 1 , wherein the alumina trihydrate has a D90 particle size ranging from 0.6 μm to 3.2 μm.7. The rubber blend of claim 1 , wherein the curing system comprises a peroxide.8. The rubber blend of claim 1 , further comprising zinc oxide. Due to the increasing concerns regarding fire safety and the continuously expanding use of polymers in various fields, the market demand for flame retardant polymers in transportation, wire and cable, construction and electrical/electronic products has been steadily increasing. As polymers are mainly composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, they tend to burn at relatively low limited oxygen index (LOI) values. A broad range of flame retardants (FR) exists on the market to improve the flame retardancy of polymers.The metal hydroxide alumina trihydrate (ATH) is the most commonly used inorganic halogen-free flame retardant (HFFR). However, HFFR require high ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009901A1

A polymer composition comprising:—a thermoplastic copolyetherester elastomer comprising 65-90 wt. % of soft segments derived from poly(tetrahydrofuran)diol (pTHF), having a number average molecular weight (Mn) of between 2000 and 4000 kg/kmol.-at least 30 wt % of a metal hydrate. 1. A polymer composition comprising:a thermoplastic copolyetherester elastomer comprising 65-90 wt. % of soft segments derived from poly(tetrahydrofuran)diol (pTHF), having a number average molecular weight (Mn) of between 2000 and 4000 kg/kmol.at least 30wt % of a metal hydrate.2. A polymer composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic copolyetherester elastomer comprises 65-85 wt % of the soft segments derived from pTHF.3. A polymer composition according to claim 1 , wherein the soft segments are derived from pTHF having a number average molecular weight of between 2500 and 4000 kg/kmol.4. A polymer composition according to claim 1 , wherein the metal hydrate is aluminium hydroxide.5. A polymer composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises 30-70 wt. % of the metal hydrate.6. A polymer composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises a synergist.7. A polymer composition according to claim 6 , wherein the synergist is an oligomeric phosphate ester.8. A polymer composition according to claim 6 , wherein the synergist is resorcinol diphenyl phosphate.9. A polymer composition according to claim 6 , wherein the synergist is a metal phosphinate.10. A polymer composition according to claim 9 , wherein the metal phosphinate is Aluminium-diethylphosphinate.11. A polymer composition according to claim 6 , wherein the composition comprises 1-15 wt. % of the synergist.12. Insulation of a wire or a cable of the polymer composition according to .13. Strain relief of the polymer composition according to . The invention relates to a flame retardant composition comprising a thermoplastic copolyetherester elastomer. Such a composition is for example ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009905A1

A molding composition formulation is provided of a thermoset cross-linkable polyol having unsaturated backbone comprising the structure defined by formula 1: (1) a reinforcing filler; and optionally, a flame retardant, a UV stabilizer or a composition comprising one of the foregoing. 2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the thermoset cross-linkable polyol comprises polyether diol or poly triol with number average molecular weight of 200 to 2000.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the thermoset cross-linkable polyol comprises a polyester polyol.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein Ris polypropylene oxide.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein A comprises polytetramethylene glycol.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein A comprises a polyether.7. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising: a thickener system comprising a polyether amine and an isocyanate.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein Ris hydrogen and wherein the ratio of hydroxyl groups to carboxyl groups is between about 0.33 and 6.0.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing fiber is a discontinuous fiber having a fiber length of about 3 mm to 50 mm.10. The composition of claim 9 , wherein the discontinuous fiber is carbon claim 9 , glass claim 9 , aramid claim 9 , polypropylene claim 9 , polyethyelene claim 9 , basalt claim 9 , poly {diimidazo pyridinylene (dihydroxy) phenylene} fiber or a fiber composition comprising at least one of the foregoing.11. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising a cross- linking agent.12. The composition of claim 11 , wherein the cross-linking agent is poly(isocyanate) claim 11 , a monomeric dihydroxy-terminated compound claim 11 , a low-molecular weight poly(amine) claim 11 , or a telechelic composition comprising at least one of the foregoing.13. The composition of claim 12 , wherein the monomeric dihydroxy-terminated compound is propylene glycol claim 12 , ethylene glycol claim 12 , 1 claim 12 ,2-butane diol claim 12 , 1 claim 12 ,4- ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009927A1

The present invention relates to a composition for producing a coating having antifouling properties on a component of a turbomachine. The composition comprises a binder comprising at least one silicon-organic constituent, ceramic particles and a solvent, the ceramic particles comprising at least silicon dioxide and the silicon-organic constituent comprising at least alkoxysilane. In addition, the present invention relates to a process for producing a coating using such a composition and also a correspondingly produced coating and a component provided therewith. 1. A composition for producing a coating having antifouling properties for a component of a turbomachine , wherein the composition comprises a binder comprising at least one silicon-organic constituent that comprises at least one alkoxysilane , ceramic particles which comprise at least silicon dioxide , and a solvent.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the ceramic particles have an average or maximum particle size of less than 4 μm.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the silicon-organic constituent further comprises one or more polysiloxanes.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the ceramic particles further comprise one or more of aluminum oxide claim 1 , titanium oxide claim 1 , zirconium oxide claim 1 , aluminum titanate claim 1 , an aluminosilicate claim 1 , feldspar claim 1 , a zeolite claim 1 , kaolin.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises at least one fluorosilane and/or graphite.6. A process for providing a coating having antifouling properties on a component of a turbomachine claim 1 , wherein the process comprises applying to the component the composition of and subsequently curing the composition.7. The process of claim 6 , wherein the composition is cured by a heat treatment at a temperature of from 200° C. to 350° C. for from 10 minutes to 120 minutes.8. The process of claim 7 , wherein the heat treatment is carried out at a temperature of from 250° C ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Composition for interlayer filler of layered semiconductor device, layered semiconductor device, and process for producing layered semiconductor device

Номер: US20160009947A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Chemical Corp

To provide a composition which satisfies a high K1c value, a high glass transition temperature and a low viscosity simultaneously, and which is capable of forming an interlayer filler layer for a layered semiconductor device of which stable bonding is maintained even regardless of changes of environment. A composition comprising an epoxy compound (A) having a viscosity at 25° C. of at most 50 Pa·s, an amine compound (B) having a melting point or softening point of at least 80° C., and an amine compound (C) having a melting point or softening point of less than 80° C., wherein the proportion of the amine compound (C) is at least 1 part by weight and less than 40 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of the total amount of the amine compound (B) and the amine compound (C).

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009963A1
Автор: SUGITA Junichiro

A thermally conductive sheet in which an adhesive thermally conductive layer and a non-adhesive resin layer are stacked. The adhesive thermally conductive layer includes an acrylic resin formed by curing an acrylic compound and a thermally conductive filler, a glass transition temperature of the acrylic resin is from −80 to 15° C., a tack property of the adhesive thermally conductive layer is higher than a tack property of the non-adhesive resin layer, the tack property of the non-adhesive resin layer is from 6 to 30 kN/m2. The non-adhesive resin layer has a glass transition temperature from 60 to 110° C. The tack property is measured by pressing probe on a layer and peeling the probe under conditions of pressing speed of 30 mm/min, peeling speed of 120 mm/min, load of 196 g, pressing time of 5.0 sec, pulling distance of 5 mm, probe heating of 40° C. and sheet stage heating of 40° C. 1. A thermally conductive sheet in which an adhesive thermally conductive layer and a non-adhesive resin layer are stacked ,wherein the adhesive thermally conductive layer comprises an acrylic resin formed by curing an acrylic compound and a thermally conductive filler, a glass transition temperature of the acrylic resin is from -80 to 15° C., a tack property of the adhesive thermally conductive layer is higher than a tack property of the non-adhesive resin layer, the tack property of the non-adhesive resin layer is from 6 to 30 kN/m2,the non-adhesive resin layer has a glass transition temperature from 60 to 110° C., andthe tack property is measured as a probe tack by pressing an aluminum cylindrical probe on the adhesive thermally conductive layer or the non-adhesive resin layer and peeling the aluminum cylindrical probe from the adhesive thermally conductive layer or the non-adhesive resin layer under conditions of pressing speed of 30 mm/min, peeling speed of 120 mm/min, load of 196 g, pressing time of 5.0 sec, pulling distance of 5 mm, probe heating of 40° C. and sheet stage heating ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Thermal Interface Material with Mixed Aspect Ratio Particle Dispersions

Номер: US20160009975A1
Принадлежит: Henkel IP and Holding GmbH

An electron package includes an interface member between an electronic component and a thermal dissipation member. The interface member is highly efficient in transmitting thermal energy and/or suppressing electromagnetic radiation, with a particle filler dispersion including a combination of substantially spherical particles and substantially platelet-shaped particles within dispersion attribute ranges.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Mixture of synthetic resin and weight body material and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20190009432A1
Автор: Yong Je SONG
Принадлежит: Bu-Kwang Tech Co Ltd, Ingen Co Ltd

A method of manufacturing a mixture of synthetic resin and weight body material added to increase the weight of the mixture is disclosed. The method includes a first step of introducing synthetic resin and weight body material into the mixer, a second step of mixing the synthetic resin and the weight body material in the mixer, a third step of discharging a fixed amount of the mixture of synthetic resin and weight body material, mixed in the mixer, a fourth step of melting the synthetic resin discharged from the mixer, a fifth step of molding the molten synthetic resin and the weight body material into a finished product using the injector, in which the mold is mounted, and a sixth step of cooling the finished product. The method is configured to perform injection molding using environmentally friendly materials and regenerated energy resources, whereby production time is reduced compared to a conventional mortar injection and extrusion type injection method while improving productivity. In addition, the manufacturing process is simplified, thereby reducing labor costs. Furthermore, the defect rate is reduced, thereby improving quality. Moreover, poorly processed materials are pulverized for reuse, thereby reducing waste treatment costs and the consumption of raw materials and thus improving price competitiveness.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009964A1

The invention relates to a hollow glass microsphere and polymer composite having enhanced viscoelastic and rheological properties. 161-. (canceled)63. The method according to claim 63 , wherein about 5 to 60 volume % of the hollow glass microsphere composite comprises the polymer phase.64. The method according to claim 63 , wherein the composite comprises about 0.005 to 8 wt.-% of the interfacial modifier.65. The method of wherein the polymer phase comprises a polyamide claim 63 , a nylon claim 63 , a poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) claim 63 , a synthetic rubber claim 63 , a polyvinyl chloride claim 63 , a fluoropolymer or fluoroelastomer claim 63 , a polyolefin claim 63 , a thermoset polymer claim 63 , or a high-density polyolefin.66. The method of claim 63 , wherein the composite has a density of about 0.20 to 15 gm-cm.67. The method of wherein the composite additionally comprises a solid particulate or a fiber claim 63 , the particulate having a particle size (P) of about 5 to 1000 microns and the fiber having an aspect ratio of greater than 10.68. A method of manufacturing a hollow glass microsphere composite claim 63 , said method comprising:(a) pre-treating a hollow glass microsphere with an effective composite forming amount of an interfacial modifier coating wherein the hollow glass microsphere has a particle size of at least about 5 microns;(b) compounding a polymer phase with about 30 to 95 volume % of a pre-treated interfacial modifier coated hollow glass microsphere, in an amount sufficient to substantially occupy excluded volume of a hollow glass microsphere particle distribution in a blend; and(c) extruding the blend to form the hollow glass microsphere composite comprising the pretreated hollow glass microspheres within the polymer phase; and wherein the interfacial modifier coating allows for a greater freedom of movement between the pre-treated hollow glass microspheres within the polymer phase compared to the same composite without the exterior ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009979A1

A resin composition constituted by containing an epoxy resin monomer having a mesogenic structure, a novolac resin containing a compound having a structural unit represented by the following general formula (I), and an inorganic filler is superior in preservation stability before curing, and can attain high thermal conductivity after curing. 112-. (canceled)14. The power semiconductor device according to claim 13 , wherein a monomer content of the novolac resin is from 5% by mass to 80% by mass.17. The power semiconductor device according to claim 13 , wherein the novolac resin further comprises a phenolic structural unit derived from a phenolic compound claim 13 , other than the resorcinol structural unit.18. The power semiconductor device according to claim 13 , wherein the resin composition further comprises a coupling agent.20. The power semiconductor device according to claim 19 , wherein a monomer content of the novolac resin is from 5% by mass to 80% by mass.23. The power semiconductor device according to claim 19 , wherein the novolac resin further comprises a phenolic structural unit derived from a phenolic compound claim 19 , other than the resorcinol structural unit.24. The power semiconductor device according to claim 19 , wherein the resin composition further comprises a coupling agent.26. The power semiconductor device according to claim 25 , wherein a monomer content of the novolac resin is from 5% by mass to 80% by mass.29. The power semiconductor device according to claim 25 , wherein the novolac resin further comprises a phenolic structural unit derived from a phenolic compound claim 25 , other than the resorcinol structural unit.30. The power semiconductor device according to claim 25 , wherein the resin composition further comprises a coupling agent. The present invention relates to a resin composition, a resin sheet, and a cured resin material and a method for producing the same.In step with progress of the movement toward smaller size, larger ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Compounded copolyamide powders

Номер: US20180009982A1
Принадлежит: A Schulman GmbH

Compounded copolyamide powders, processes for preparation of compounded copolyamide powders, articles made therefrom and uses.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009806A1

Photocurable compositions and methods of preparation and use of such compositions. More particularly, photocurable compositions useful for forming topographical features on surfaces such as membrane surfaces. Methods of forming topographical features on a membrane surface using photocurable compositions. 1. A method of forming topographical features on a membrane surface comprising:providing a membrane surface;providing a stencil or screen over the membrane surface, the stencil or screen having openings exposing the membrane surface for receiving a curable composition;depositing one or more layers of curable composition into the stencil openings or screen openings and onto the membrane surface to form the topographical features, the openings defining an approximate shape and size of the topographical features;removing the stencil or screen to leave in place the topographical features on the membrane; andcuring the curable composition,wherein a single layer of the curable composition deposited in the depositing step produces topographical features have an aspect ratio (height/width) from about 0.2 to about 2.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the removing the stencil or screen step occurs before the curing step.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the curing step occurs before the removing the stencil or screen step.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the curing step comprises:a) a pre-cure step occurring before the removing the stencil or screen step during which the curable composition is partially cured andb) a full cure step occurring after the removing the stencil or screen step during which the curable composition is fully cured.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein pre-cure step comprises exposing the side of the membrane without the topographical features to a light source.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the aspect ratio (height/width) is greater than about 0.50.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the topographical aspect ratio (height/width) is greater than ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009867A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present invention relates to a resin composition for bonding semiconductors including two types of curing catalyst mixtures together with a heat dissipation filler in which a specific functional group is introduced onto the surface, an adhesive film for semiconductor produced therefrom, a dicing die bonding film and a method for dicing a semiconductor wafer. 2. The resin composition for bonding semiconductors according to claim 1 ,wherein a weight ratio of the imidazole-based compound and the organic acid compound is 0.5:1 to 10:1.3. The resin composition for bonding semiconductors according to claim 1 ,wherein the organic acid compound includes an aromatic polyacid compound.4. The resin composition for bonding semiconductors according to claim 1 ,wherein the imidazole-based compound includes an imidazole derivative compound containing an electron withdrawing functional group.6. The resin composition for bonding semiconductors according to claim 1 ,comprising the curing catalyst in an amount of 0.5% by weight to 2.0% by weight based on the total weight of the resin composition for bonding semiconductors.7. The resin composition for bonding semiconductors according to claim 1 ,wherein the (meth)acrylate-based resin has a hydroxyl equivalent weight of 0.15 eq/kg or less.8. The resin composition for bonding semiconductors according to claim 1 ,wherein a weight ratio of the (meth)acrylate-based resin relative to the total weight of the binder resin and the curing agent is 0.55 to 0.95.9. The resin composition for bonding semiconductors according to claim 1 ,wherein the (meth)acrylate-based resin includes a (meth)acrylate-based repeating unit containing an epoxy-based functional group and a (meth)acrylate-based repeating unit (BzMA) containing an aromatic functional group, andthe (meth)acrylate-based functional group containing an aromatic functional group is in an amount of 2% by weight to 40% by weight based on the total weight of the (meth)acrylate-based resin.10. ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010271A1

A latex composition is formed by adding an aqueous solution of an aluminum compound to a latex of a carboxyl group-containing synthetic polyisoprene and/or a carboxyl group-containing styrene-isoprene-styrene block copolymer. In the latex composition, the aqueous solution of an aluminum compound preferably has a pH of 5 to 13. In the latex composition, the aqueous solution of an aluminum compound is preferably an aqueous solution of a metal salt of aluminate. 1. A latex composition formed by adding an aqueous solution of an aluminum compound to a latex of a carboxyl group-containing synthetic polyisoprene and/or a carboxyl group-containing styrene-isoprene-styrene block copolymer.2. The latex composition according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous solution of an aluminum compound has a pH of 5 to 13.3. The latex composition according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous solution of an aluminum compound is an aqueous solution of a metal salt of aluminate.4. The latex composition according to claim 1 , wherein the carboxyl group-containing synthetic polyisoprene is obtained by graft polymerization of a monomer having a carboxyl group onto a synthetic polyisoprene.5. The latex composition according to claim 1 , wherein the carboxyl group-containing styrene-isoprene-styrene block copolymer is obtained by graft polymerization of a monomer having a carboxyl group onto a styrene-isoprene-styrene block copolymer.6. The latex composition according to claim 1 , further comprising 0.05 to 1.0 part by weight of a sulfur vulcanizing agent with respect to 100 parts by weight of the total of the carboxyl group-containing synthetic polyisoprene and the carboxyl group-containing styrene-isoprene-styrene block copolymer.7. The latex composition according to claim 1 , further comprising 0.05 to 1.0 part by weight of a sulfur vulcanization accelerator with respect to 100 parts by weight of the total of the carboxyl group-containing synthetic polyisoprene and the carboxyl group-containing ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010294A1
Автор: KITAZAWA Keita

Provided is a thermally conductive silicone composition which need not be stored with cooling or freezing and needs neither a heating nor a cooling step during mounting to bring about a high production efficiency and which gives cured objects that, during heating or cold/heat cycling, can be inhibited from suffering a change in hardness or a deterioration caused by cracking or dislocation. The composition includes a conventional condensation-curable silicone composition, and is cured by a combination of the condensation and curing with an organic peroxide. 3. The silicone composition of claim 1 , further comprising (G) at least one compound selected from a silane compound having a group bonded to a silicon atom via a carbon atom and selected from the group consisting of an amino claim 1 , epoxy claim 1 , mercapto claim 1 , acryloyl claim 1 , and methacryloyl group claim 1 , and a silicon-bonded hydrolyzable group and a partial hydrolytic condensate thereof claim 1 , in an amount of 0.01 to 30 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of component (A). This invention relates to a silicone composition relying on both condensation curing reaction and organic peroxide curing reaction. More particularly, it relates to a condensation-curable silicone composition which forms a highly heat conductive silicone grease. The invention further relates to a heat-conductive silicone composition relying on both condensation curing reaction and organic peroxide curing reaction, in which the concurrent use of organic peroxide is successful in improving deep section cure and preventing deterioration of a cured product owing to hardness changes and cracking/slipping upon heat exposure and thermal cycling.In the electric/electronic, transportation, and other fields, more than ever electronic components or parts are now incorporated for precise control of energy consumption. In the transportation field, for example, the transition from gasoline-powered vehicles to hybrid vehicles, plug-in ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010567A1

The present invention relates to a non-oriented electrical steel sheet adhesive coating composition including the constituent elements below, a non-oriented electrical steel sheet product, and a manufacturing method thereof. The non-oriented electrical steel sheet adhesive coating composition includes: a first component including an organic/inorganic composite; and a second component including a composite metal phosphate, wherein the organic/inorganic composite is formed by having inorganic nanoparticles chemically substituted with some functional groups in an organic resin, the organic resin is one, or two or more, selected from an epoxy-based resin, an ester-based resin, an acrylic resin, a styrene-based resin, a urethane-based resin, and an ethylene-based resin, and the inorganic nanoparticles are one, or two or more, selected from SiO, AlO, TiO, MgO, ZnO, and ZrO. 1. A non-oriented electrical steel sheet adhesive coating composition , being a composition comprising:a first component including an organic/inorganic composite; anda second component including a composite metal phosphate,wherein the composition includes 70 to 99 wt % of the first component and 1 to 30 wt % of the second component based on a total amount, 100 wt %, of the composition,the organic/inorganic composite is formed by having inorganic nanoparticles chemically substituted with some functional groups in an organic resin,the organic resin is one, or two or more, selected from an epoxy-based resin, an ester-based resin, an acrylic resin, a styrene-based resin, a urethane-based resin, and an ethylene-based resin, and{'sub': 2', '2', '3', '2', '2, 'the inorganic nanoparticles are one, or two or more, selected from SiO, AlO, TiO, MgO, ZnO, and ZrO,'}2. The non-oriented electrical steel sheet adhesive coating composition of claim 1 , wherein the second component is one composite metal phosphate or a mixture of two or more selected from aluminum phosphate monobasic (Al(HPO)) claim 1 , cobalt ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Two-step curable thermally conductive silicone composition and method for producing same

Номер: US20200010621A1
Автор: Katsuyuki Suzumura
Принадлежит: Fuji Polymer Industries Co Ltd

A two-step curable thermally conductive silicone composition includes a silicone component, thermally conductive particles, and a curing component. The silicone composition includes (A) 100 parts by weight of polyorganosiloxane, (B) 100 to 2500 parts by weight of thermally conducive particles with respect to the component A, (C) a platinum group metal catalyst as a curing catalyst for the polyorganosiloxane, and (D) 0.01 to 5 parts by weight of organic peroxide with respect to the component A. The silicone composition has been subjected to primary curing at a primary curing temperature and is capable of undergoing secondary curing at a temperature higher than the primary curing temperature. The silicone composition after the primary curing has a thermal conductivity of 0.2 to 17 W/m·K and an Asker C hardness of 5 to 80.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014588A1
Автор: LIAO Ta-Chou

The present invention provides a composition used for manufacturing gloves comprising polyacrylate, which has glass transition temperature (T) under −20° C. The composition comprises characteristics of anti-sticking feature, alcohol resistance, anti-bacteria, anti-mildew, anti-UV, and without allergen. The gloves made by the composition can replace those made by traditional materials such as NBR, PVC, and so on. The composition used for gloves is able to apply to medical and electronics industries. 1. A composition for used manufacturing gloves , comprising polyacrylate having glass transition temperature (T) −20° C.˜−70° C.; and an additive , wherein the weight of polyacrylate is ranged 90 wt %˜96 wt % based on the total weight of composition , and the additive as a remainder to make up 100 wt %.2. The composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the additive further comprises 1 wt %˜2.5 wt % cohesion enhancer based on the total weight of composition.3. The composition as defined in claim 2 , wherein the cohesion enhancer is aluminium oxide claim 2 , silicon dioxide claim 2 , zinc oxide claim 2 , or combination thereof.4. A method of manufacturing gloves claim 2 , comprising:(a) providing an emulsion of aforementioned composition;(b) immersing a mold of gloves into the solution of aforementioned composition; and(c) drying the mold of gloves to obtain the gloves. This application claims the benefit of Taiwan Patent Application No. 105121856, filed on Jul. 12, 2016, in the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office of the R.O.C, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein in its entirety by reference.The present invention relates to a composition. In particular, it relates to a glove made by the composition mainly applied in the field of electronics and medical industries.With the development of electronics and medical industries, the needs for gloves are more and more. Thus, the characteristics of desired gloves, such as alcohol resistance, film-forming feature, the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033694A1

Disclosed are a soft solvent-free flame-retardant polyurethane synthetic leather and a preparation method therefor. The soft solvent-free flame-retardant polyurethane synthetic leather comprises an antifouling layer, a surface layer, an intermediate layer, a bonding layer and a base cloth in sequence from top to bottom, wherein the bonding layer is prepared from component A and an isocyanate; the molar ratio of —NCO in the isocyanate to —OH in the component A is 0.85-0.93; and the component A is composed of a polyhydric alcohol, an inhibition-type catalyst, a flame retardant, a filler and a viscosity modifier in parts by weight. 1. A soft solvent-free flame-retardant polyurethane synthetic leather comprising an antifouling layer , a surface layer , an intermediate layer , a bonding layer , and a base cloth in sequence from top to bottom , wherein the bonding layer is prepared from a component A and an isocyanate , and a molar ratio of —NCO in the isocyanate to —OH in the component A is 0.85-0.93 ,wherein the component A is composed of following raw materials in parts by weight: 105-115 parts of a polyhydric alcohol, 0.03-0.08 parts of an inhibition-type catalyst, 2-10 parts of a flame retardant, 5-25 parts of a filler, and 3-6 parts of a viscosity modifier.2. The soft solvent-free flame-retardant polyurethane synthetic leather according to claim 1 , wherein the inhibition-type catalyst is an environmentally friendly organic zirconium catalyst claim 1 , the flame retardant is at least two of GRPHOS 8815-10 and GRPHOS 8815-57 of Gulec and EXOLIT AP 462 and EXOLIT RP-652 of Clariant claim 1 ,the filler refers to a modified filler obtained by dry modification of a mixture of aluminum hydroxide, boron nitride, and zinc oxide, wherein a mass ratio of the aluminum hydroxide, boron nitride, and zinc oxide is (40-60): (10-20): (20-40), andthe viscosity modifier is glycerol triacetate.3. The soft solvent-free flame-retardant polyurethane synthetic leather according to claim 2 ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016811A1
Автор: Rahmani Nezhad Cobra

Provided is a method for manufacturing nanostructured layered double hydroxides (LDHs) having a uniform size distribution with homogenous nano-disc morphology. Disclosed method has three main steps of: pretreatment of metal wires; wire-explosion in a liquid phase; and finally, centrifugation and drying the as-prepared colloidal products to obtain the LDHs nanostructured dried powder. 1. A method for preparation of a nanostructured layered double hydroxide (LDH) by electrical wire explosion , method comprising steps of: thinning the metal wires,', 'staining the metal wires with a staining material, and', 'twisting the metal wires;, 'preparing metal wires byexploding the prepared metal wires in a liquid phase; andcentrifugation and drying a colloidal product obtained in the exploding step.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:the metal wires include two metal wires, andthe thinning the two metal wires include thinning the two metal wires using a Durston-rolling-mill and draw-plates device.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the thinning the metal wires include thinning the metal wires to a diameter of about 0.1 mm.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the staining the metal wires includes staining the metal wires via a spraying device.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the staining the metal wires includes staining the metal wires by submerging the wires in a staining material.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the staining the metal wires includes staining the metal wires by drawing the metal wires through a staining material.7. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the staining material is selected from a group consisting of a drawing oil claim 4 , a lubricant material claim 4 , a paraffin claim 4 , a natural oil claim 4 , or mixtures thereof.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the staining and twisting steps are carried out consecutively or simultaneously.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:the metal ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Scratch Repair Coating

Номер: US20160017167A1
Принадлежит: Trustor Coatings LLP

A repair coating for hardwood flooring is provided that effectively repairs scratches in the flooring, but while removing the distinctive white appearance of repairs in flooring having aluminum oxide in the flooring. The coating is formed with an acrylate and a solvent, and can be applied directly to the scratch and cured using UV light, such as sunlight, to fill and repair the scratch in the flooring.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Transparent anti-icing coatings

Номер: US20180016383A1

Transparent, impact-resistant, anti-icing coatings are disclosed. In some variations, a transparent anti-icing coating comprises: a continuous matrix of a hardened material; asymmetric templates that inhibit wetting of water, wherein the asymmetric templates have a length scale from about 10-300 nanometers; porous voids surrounding the asymmetric templates, wherein the porous voids have a length scale from about 15-500 nanometers; and nanoparticles that inhibit heterogeneous nucleation of water, wherein the nanoparticles have an average size from about 5-50 nanometers. Disclosed coatings have transparencies of 90% or higher light transmission. These coatings utilize lightweight and environmentally benign materials that can be rapidly formed into coatings. A uniform distribution of particles and asymmetric templates throughout the coating allows it to be abraded, yet retain its anti-icing function as well as transparency. Therefore if the surface is damaged during use, freshly exposed surface is identical to that which was removed, for extended lifetime.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016408A1

A molding material having from about 10 weight percent to about 25 weight percent of an amorphous thermoplastic resin, from about 3 weight percent to about 25 weight percent of aluminum oxide, boron nitride or aluminum silicate and from about 65 weight percent to about 87 weight percent of iron oxide. 1. A molding material comprisingfrom about 10 weight percent to about 25 weight percent of an amorphous thermoplastic resin, from about 3 weight percent to about 25 weight percent of aluminum oxide, boron nitride or aluminum silicate and from about 65 weight percent to about 87 weight percent of iron oxide.2. The molding material of claim 1 , wherein the amorphous thermoplastic resin is selected from the group consisting of: acrylonitrile butadiene styrene claim 1 , polystyrene claim 1 , and styrene acrylonitrile.3. The molding material of claim 1 , wherein the amorphous thermoplastic resin is a styrene resin.4. The molding material of claim 3 , wherein the styrene resin is styrene acrylonitrile.5. A method of making an article comprising the steps of:a. providing an amorphous thermoplastic resin,b. providing aluminum oxide, boron nitride or aluminum silicate,c. providing iron oxide,d. mixing the amorphous thermoplastic resin, aluminum oxide, boron nitride or aluminum silicate and iron oxide into a molding material,e. heating the molding material mixture into a flowable molding material, andf. molding the flowable molding mixture into an article.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the article is selected from the group consisting of: a handle claim 5 , a razor handle claim 5 , a toothbrush handle claim 5 , a phone casing claim 5 , a computer casing claim 5 , a stapler claim 5 , and shaver handle.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the amorphous thermoplastic resin is styrene acrylonitrile.8. The method of claim 5 , wherein the amorphous thermoplastic resin is provided in a range from about 10 weight percent to about 25 weight percent claim 5 , the aluminum oxide claim 5 ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016409A1

A formulation of nitrile glove made from carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene elastomer comprising an aluminum and zinc oxide compound as a crosslinker and a metal ion stabilizer without sulfur and accelerator for decreasing type IV allergy risk and providing a cost down method of increasing filler loading ability of carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene latex. 1. A nitrile glove made from a compounded carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene latex mixture is not using sulfur and accelerators with a formulation comprising100.0 phr of carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene elastomer,0.5-5.0 phr of an aluminate compound or a zinc oxide or their mixture acts as a metal ion crosslinker,0.2-2.5 phr of a chelating agent or a polyol compound or their mixture acts as a metal ion stabilizer,0.2-2.0 phr of an alkali salt compound acts as pH adjustor to adjust compounded carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene latex mixture pH range to 9-11.2. A nitrile glove made from a compounded carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene latex mixture is not using sulfur and accelerators with a formulation comprising100.0 phr of carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene elastomer,0.5-5.0 phr of an aluminate compound or a zinc oxide or their mixture acts as a metal ion crosslinker,0.2-2.5 phr of a chelating agent or a polyol compound or their mixture acts as a metal ion stabilizer,0.2-2.0 phr of an alkali salt compound acts as pH adjustor to adjust compounded carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene latex mixture pH range to 9-11.5.0-40.0 phr of a calcium carbonate or a silica or their mixture acts as a filler, 0.1-1.0 phr of a sodium arylsulfonic acid or a sodium polyacrylate or their mixture acts as a filler dispersing agent.3. According to claim 1 , wherein the carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene elastomer comprising 20-40% acrylonitrile claim 1 , 52-76% butadiene claim 1 , 4-8% carboxylic acid by solid weight.4. According to claim 1 , where in the aluminum compound is aluminum oxide or aluminum hydroxide or ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Organic silicon resin composition, white prepreg and white laminate using same

Номер: US20180016436A1
Принадлежит: Shengyi Technology Co Ltd

Provided are an organic silicon resin composition, prepreg and laminate using the same. The organic silicon resin composition glue solution contains a condensation silicon resin, a catalyst, an auxiliary agent, a white filler and a solvent as necessary components, and is impregnated in a reinforced material such as a sheet-like fiberglass fiber base material and then dried to prepare the prepreg. The prepreg has a net structure via crosslinking of the silicon resin using a condensation reaction. Since the organic silicon resin has ultrahigh heat resistance and yellowing resistance, the present invention applies the silicon resin to a white LED copper-clad laminate instead of a traditional organic resin, satisfying the demand for high heat resistance, and replacing the ceramic substrate to be a new heat-dissipating substrate base material.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Coating composition, coating film, and laminated body

Номер: US20180016461A1
Принадлежит: Daikin Industries Ltd

A coating composition that provides a coating film having better abrasion resistance. The composition includes: a fluororesin; and inorganic particles, the inorganic particles having a new Mohs hardness of 10 or higher and a substantially spherical shape. Also disclosed is a coating film produced from the coating composition and a laminate such as a cooking utensil including a substrate and the coating film.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

High Thermal Stability Melamine Octamolybdate and Use Thereof as a Smoke Suppressant in Polymer Compositions

Номер: US20200017659A1

Processes for producing melamine octamolybdates having high thermal stability include a step of reacting molybdenum trioxide and melamine in an acidic aqueous system at a pH of less than or equal to about 4 to form a slurry of the melamine octamolybdate. The resulting melamine octamolybdate can be characterized by a decomposition onset temperature (or a temperature at a weight loss of 1%, or a temperature at a weight loss of 2%) on a thermogravimetric analysis curve of greater than 300° C., and is useful in polymer compositions as a smoke suppressant. 111-. (canceled)12. Melamine octamolybdate characterized by:a temperature at a weight loss of 1% on a thermogravimetric analysis curve in a range from about 300° C. to about 500° C.; anda temperature at a weight loss of 2% on a thermogravimetric analysis curve in a range from about 300° C. to about 500° C.13. The melamine octamolybdate of claim 12 , wherein the melamine octamolybdate is further characterized by:a temperature at a weight loss of 1% on a thermogravimetric analysis curve in a range from about 330° C. to about 400° C.; and/ora temperature at a weight loss of 2% on a thermogravimetric analysis curve in a range from about 325° C. to about 475° C.14. A polymer composition comprising:(a) a polymer; and(b) a melamine octamolybdate characterized by:a temperature at a weight loss of 1% on a thermogravimetric analysis curve in a range from about 300° C. to about 500° C.; and/ora temperature at a weight loss of 2% on a thermogravimetric analysis curve in a range from about 300° C. to about 500° C.15. The polymer composition of claim 14 , wherein the polymer comprises a thermoplastic polymer.16. The polymer composition of claim 14 , wherein the polymer comprises a rigid PVC or a flexible PVC.17. The polymer composition of claim 14 , wherein a weight ratio of polymer:melamine octamolybdate is in a range from about 100:1 to about 100:40.18. The polymer composition of claim 14 , wherein the polymer composition further ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Composite material for the detection of chemical species

Номер: US20190017978A1
Принадлежит: Institut National dOptique

A composite material for sensing a chemical species in a medium is provided. The composite material includes a polymer having a glass transition temperature, a porosity promoter dispersed in the polymer in an amount such that the chemical species is transportable from the medium into the composite material at a temperature below the glass transition temperature, and a chemical indicator dispersed in the composite material, the chemical indicator providing an optical response varying with a concentration of the chemical species in the composite material.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Method to increase barrier film removal rate in bulk tungsten slurry

Номер: US20210017421A1
Принадлежит: CMC Materials LLC

The invention relates to a chemical-mechanical polishing composition comprising (a) a first abrasive comprising cationically modified colloidal silica particles, (b) a second abrasive having a Mohs hardness of about 5.5 or more, (c) a cationic polymer, (d) an iron containing activator, (e) an oxidizing agent, and (f) water. The invention also relates to a method of chemically mechanically polishing a substrate, especially a substrate comprising tungsten and barrier layers (e.g., nitrides), with the polishing composition.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017437A1
Автор: SUZUMURA Katsuyuki

A thermally conductive composition includes a matrix resin, a curing catalyst, and thermally conductive particles. The thermally conductive particles include, with respect to 100 parts by mass of the matrix resin component, (a) 900 parts by mass or more of aluminum nitride with an average particle size of 50 μm or more, (b) 400 parts by mass or more of aluminum nitride with an average particle size of 5 μm or less, and (c) more than 0 parts by mass and 400 parts by mass or less of alumina with an average particle size of 6 μm or less. A cured product of the thermally conductive composition has a thermal conductivity of 12 W/m·K or more and an Asker C hardness of 20 to 75. Thus, a thermally conductive composition having a hardness suitable for mounting to an electrical or electronic component and high thermal conductive properties, and a thermally conductive sheet using the thermally conductive composition are provided. 1. A thermally conductive composition comprising a thermosetting resin being a matrix resin , a curing catalyst , and thermally conductive particles ,wherein the thermally conductive particles include, with respect to 100 parts by mass of the matrix resin component,(a) 900 parts by mass or more of aluminum nitride with an average particle size of 50 μm or more,(b) 400 parts by mass or more of aluminum nitride with an average particle size of 5 μm or less, and(c) more than 0 parts by mass and 400 parts by mass or less of alumina with an average particle size of 6 μm or less, anda cured product of the thermally conductive composition has a thermal conductivity of 12 W/m·K or more and an Asker C hardness of 20 to 75.2. The thermally conductive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermosetting resin is at least one thermosetting resin selected from a silicone polymer claim 1 , acrylic rubber claim 1 , fluorocarbon rubber claim 1 , epoxy resin claim 1 , phenol resin claim 1 , unsaturated polyester resin claim 1 , melamine resin claim 1 , acrylic ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017996A1
Автор: Yoshizato Akihiko

A method for producing a polyurethane elastic fiber according to the present invention contains the steps of: [1] producing a polyurethane urea polymer (A) having a number average molecular weight ranging from 12,000 to 50,000, and represented by general formula (1); [2] preparing a spinning dope by adding the polyurethane urea polymer (A) to a polyurethane urea polymer (B); and [3] spinning a polyurethane elastic fiber using the spinning dope. 2. The method for producing polyurethane elastic fiber claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the polyurethane urea polymer (A) represented by general formula (1) has a number average molecular weight calculated in terms of polystyrene ranging from 12 claim 1 ,000 to 50 claim 1 ,000 .3. The polyurethane elastic fiber claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein said anionic functional group is selected from the group consisting of a carboxyl group claim 1 , a sulfonic acid group claim 1 , a nitro group claim 1 , and a phosphoric acid group.4. The polyurethane elastic fiber claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein said anionic functional group is contained in an amount of 10 mmol/kg or more and 200 mmol/kg or less in said polyurethane elastic fiber.5. The polyurethane elastic fiber claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein said polyurethane elastic fiber comprises an inorganic functional agent selected from the group consisting of a fatty acid metal salt having 5 to 40 carbon atoms in which the metal is selected from the group consisting of magnesium claim 1 , calcium claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , and zinc; titanium oxide; zinc oxide; a metal complex salt of silicon dioxide and zinc oxide; a hydrotalcite compound; a huntite compound; a solid solution of MgO and ZnO; a composite of silicon dioxide and zinc oxide; a composite salt of silicone dioxide and zinc oxide; a composite salt of silicon dioxide claim 1 , zinc oxide claim 1 , and alumina; porous synthetic silica; carbon black; a coloring agent; and a pigment claim 1 , in a ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020710A1
Автор: Hunt Christopher

An asphalt composition comprises aggregate, binder coating the aggregate and reflective particles embedded in the binder. In various embodiments, the binder may comprise one or more of clear bitumen, bio-bitumen or a polymer modified bitumen for cold application. The binder may comprise a glare control additive. The reflective particles may be metal or metal oxide. 113-. (canceled)14. An asphalt composition , comprising:aggregate, and binder coating the aggregate, the binder being at least partially transparent to visible and infrared radiation, the binder being one or more of clear bitumen, bio-bitumen, and polymer modified bitumen for cold application; andreflective particles embedded within and coated by the binder, the reflective particles being particles having fracture faces.15. The asphalt composition of in which the binder comprises clear bitumen.16. The asphalt composition of in which the binder comprises bio-bitumen.17. The asphalt composition of in which the binder comprises a polymer modified bitumen for cold application.18. The asphalt composition of claim 14 , further comprising titanium dioxide in the binder.19. The asphalt composition of in which the reflective particles comprise aluminum or aluminum oxide. Construction of paved surfaces.A conventional manner of making a road or other paved surface is to combine a hot bitumen as a binder with aggregate to create asphalt, transport the asphalt to a paving site and lay the asphalt at the paving site while the asphalt is still hot. Recent advancements in the paving of surfaces with asphalt have included use of polymer modified asphalts that contain an adhesive agent to allow the asphalt to be applied at a much lower temperature. These polymer modified cold asphalts permit a greater distance between the asphalt mixing plant and the paving site, which is desirable in many remote locations. Other advances include the mixing of pigments such as titanium dioxide into bitumen to change the colour of the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Thermal interface material having defined thermal, mechanical and electric properties

Номер: US20210020541A1

An electronic component comprising an electrically conductive carrier, an electronic chip on the carrier, an encapsulant encapsulating part of the carrier and the electronic chip, and an electrically insulating and thermally conductive interface structure, in particular covering an exposed surface portion of the carrier and a connected surface portion of the encapsulant, wherein the interface structure has a compressibility in a range between 1% and 20%, in particular in a range between 5% and 15%.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024279A1
Автор: MATSUSHIMA Masayuki

A photocurable acrylic-based thermal conductive composition suitable for an acrylic-based thermal conductive sheet contains 100 parts by mass of a (meth)acrylate monomer, 300 to 2,000 parts by mass of a thermal conductive filler, 0.5 to 7.0 parts by mass of a photo-radical polymerization initiator, 0.5 to 4.0 parts by mass of a primary antioxidant, 0.5 to 8.0 parts by mass of a secondary antioxidant, and 0.1 to 4.0 parts by mass of a thermal degradation inhibitor. 1. A photocurable acrylic-based thermal conductive composition suitable for an acrylic-based thermal conductive sheet , the photocurable acrylic-based thermal conductive composition comprising 100 parts by mass of a (meth)acrylate monomer , 300 to 2 ,000 parts by mass of a thermal conductive filler , 0.5 to 7.0 parts by mass of a photo-radical polymerization initiator , 0.5 to 4.0 parts by mass of a primary antioxidant , 0.5 to 8.0 parts by mass of a secondary antioxidant , and 0.1 to 4.0 parts by mass of a thermal degradation inhibitor.2. The photocurable acrylic-based thermal conductive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal degradation inhibitor is 1 claim 1 ,1-bis(2-hydroxy-3-tert-alkyl-5-alkylphenyl)alkane monoacrylate.3. The photocurable acrylic-based thermal conductive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal degradation inhibitor is 1 claim 1 ,1-bis(2-hydroxy-3 claim 1 ,5-di-tert-alkylphenyl)alkane monoacrylate.4. The photocurable acrylic-based thermal conductive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal degradation inhibitor is 1 claim 1 ,1-bis(2-hydroxy-3 claim 1 ,5-di-tert-pentylphenyl)ethane monoacrylate.5. The photocurable acrylic-based thermal conductive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the primary antioxidant is a phenol-based antioxidant claim 1 , and the secondary antioxidant is a phosphorus-based antioxidant.6. The photocurable acrylic-based thermal conductive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the primary antioxidant is n- ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Label web suitable for activation and cutting

Номер: US20150024154A1
Автор: Ted Hoerig
Принадлежит: UPM RAFLATAC OY

A film including a first surface and an opposite second surface. A first layer includes the first surface. A second layer arranged onto the first layer includes the second surface. The second layer includes thermally activatable material. In a thermal activation process, wherein the temperature of the thermally activatable material rises above an activation temperature, adhesion properties of the material change such that before thermal activation, material of the second layer is solid and non-sticky, and after thermal activation, material of the second layer is viscous and forms an active adhesive. The first layer includes material that is resistant to temperatures higher than the activation temperature. Material of the first layer, material of the second layer, or the film including the first and second layers is capable of absorbing electromagnetic energy. An item including a body labelled with the film. A method for labelling a body using the film.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024328A1

A thermal spray slurry of the present invention contains ceramic particles in a content of 10% by mass or more and 85% by mass or less, and has a viscosity of 3,000 mPa·s or less. The ceramic particles have an average particle size of, for example, 1 nm or more and 5 μm or less. The thermal spray slurry may further contain a dispersant. The thermal spray slurry may further contain a viscosity modifier. The thermal spray slurry may further contain a flocculant. 1. A thermal spray slurry comprising ceramic particles in a content of 10% by mass or more and 85% by mass or less , and having a viscosity of 3 ,000 mPa·s or less.2. The thermal spray slurry according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic particles have an average particle size of 1 nm or more and less than 200 nm.3. The thermal spray slurry according to claim 2 , further comprising a dispersant.4. The thermal spray slurry according to claim 2 , further comprising a viscosity modifier.5. The thermal spray slurry according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic particles have an average particle size of 200 nm or more and 5 μm or less.6. The thermal spray slurry according to claim 5 , further comprising a flocculant.7. A thermal spray coating obtained by thermally spraying the thermal spray slurry according to .8. A method for forming a thermal spray coating claim 1 , comprising high velocity flame spraying the thermal spray slurry according to claim 1 , containing water as a dispersion medium claim 1 , to form a thermal spray coating.9. A method for forming a thermal spray coating claim 1 , comprising plasma spraying the thermal spray slurry according to claim 1 , containing an organic solvent as a dispersion medium claim 1 , to form a thermal spray coating.10. The method for forming a thermal spray coating according to claim 8 , further comprising feeding the thermal spray slurry to a thermal spraying apparatus by an axial feeding method.11. The method for forming a thermal spray coating according to claim 8 , further ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Thermosetting resin composition and prepreg and laminate both made with the same

Номер: US20170022353A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd

The present invention provides a thermosetting resin composition comprising (A) a metal salt of disubstituted phosphinic acid, (B) a maleimide compound having a N-substituted maleimide group in a molecule, (C) a 6-substituted guanamine compound or dicyandiamide and (D) an epoxy resin having at least two epoxy groups in a molecule and a prepreg and a laminated plate which are prepared by using the same. The prepregs obtained by impregnating or coating a base material with the thermosetting resin compositions of the present invention and the laminated plates produced by laminating and molding the above prepregs are balanced in all of a copper foil adhesive property, a glass transition temperature, a solder heat resistance, a moisture absorption, a flame resistance, a relative dielectric constant and a dielectric loss tangent, and they are useful as a printed wiring board for electronic instruments.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Thermoplastic composition

Номер: US20170022358A1

A thermoplastic composition including: a) 30-97 wt % of an aromatic polycarbonate; b) 0.5-25 wt % of a laser direct structuring additive; and c) 2-15 wt % of a methylmethacrylate butadiene styrene based rubber; d) 0.1-15 wt % of one or more conductive track adhesion agents selected from the group consisting of an organic phosphate, a phosphazene compound and a hypophosphorous acid metal salt, wherein a molded part of the composition provided with a conductive track made by a laser radiation and a subsequent metallization has a classification 0 as determined according to ISO2409:2013 after being subjected to conditions of 65° C. and 85% Relative Humidity for 24 hours.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Process for the production of press compounds (BMC) from unhardened prepreg wastes

Номер: US20180022887A9
Автор: Witte Tassilo

A process for the recycling of wastes from webs or strands made of prepreg wastes comprising a first reactive resin, having the following steps: homogenization of prepreg wastes, dispersion of fillers and/or additives in a second reactive resin, mixing of the second resin, homogenized prepreg wastes and further processing of the mixture of resin, fillers and/or additives and prepreg wastes to produce molded workpieces. 1. A process for the recycling of wastes from webs or strands made of at least one of carbon fibers or glass fibers (prepreg wastes) respectively comprising reactive resin A , comprising:a) homogenizing webs or strands made of at least one of carbon fibers or glass fibers (prepreg wastes) respectively comprising a first reactive resin, where the prepreg wastes are comminuted,b) dispersing at least one of fillers or additives in a second reactive resin,c) mixing the second resin B, homogenized carbon fibers or glass fibers respectively comprising the first reactive resin, and optionally the at least one of fillers or additives, where the first and second reactive resins are mutually compatible or identical, andd) further processing the mixture of resin, fillers or additives, and prepreg wastes to produce molded workpieces.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio by weight of the second resin to prepreg wastes is from 2:1 to 1:5.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio by weight of the entirety of the fillers or additives to prepreg wastes is from 2:1 to 1:5.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the homogenization of the prepreg wastes is achieved with one of a guillotine claim 1 , screw-type extruder claim 1 , twin-screw extruder claim 1 , injection-molding machine claim 1 , dicer claim 1 , portal-controlled ultrasound cutter claim 1 , rotary cutter or rolling crusher.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the prepreg wastes are comminuted in a manner such that the fiber length is at most 50 mm.6. The ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041500A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

The present disclosure relates to a resin composition for coating an optical fiber, the resin composition including: a base resin that contains an oligomer, a monomer, and a photopolymerization initiator; and inorganic oxide particles, in which the inorganic oxide particles include a plurality of particle groups having different volume average particle sizes, and the volume average particle size is measured by small-angle X-ray scattering. 1. A resin composition for coating an optical fiber , the resin composition comprising:a base resin that contains an oligomer, a monomer, and a photopolymerization initiator; andinorganic oxide particles,wherein the inorganic oxide particles include a plurality of particle groups having different volume average particle sizes, andthe volume average particle size is measured by small-angle X-ray scattering.2. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic oxide particles are particles containing at least one selected from the group consisting of silicon dioxide claim 1 , zirconium dioxide claim 1 , aluminum oxide claim 1 , magnesium oxide claim 1 , titanium oxide claim 1 , tin oxide claim 1 , and zinc oxide.3. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic oxide particles are hydrophobic.4. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic oxide particles include at least two selected from the group consisting of a particle group A in which a volume average particle size is equal to or more than 5 nm and equal to or less than 35 nm claim 1 , a particle group B in which a volume average particle size is more than 35 nm and equal to or less than 70 nm claim 1 , and a particle group C in which a volume average particle size is more than 70 nm and equal to or less than 150 nm.5. A secondary coating material for an optical fiber claim 1 , the secondary coating material comprising the resin composition according to .6. An optical fiber comprising:a glass fiber that includes a core ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041501A1
Автор: Hamakubo Katsushi
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

A resin composition for coating an optical fiber is a resin composition comprising: a base resin containing an oligomer comprising urethane (meth)acrylate, a monomer, and a photopolymerization initiator; and hydrophobic aluminum oxide, wherein the content of the aluminum oxide is 1% by mass or more and 60% by mass or less based on the total amount of the resin composition. 1: A resin composition for coating an optical fiber , comprising:a base resin containing an oligomer comprising urethane (meth)acrylate, a monomer, and a photopolymerization initiator; andhydrophobic aluminum oxide,wherein a content of the aluminum oxide is 1% by mass or more and 60% by mass or less based on a total amount of the resin composition.2: The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein an average primary particle size of the aluminum oxide is 5 nm or more and 800 nm or less.3: The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the oligomer further comprises epoxy (meth)acrylate.4: A secondary coating material for an optical fiber claim 1 , comprising the resin composition according to .5: An optical fiber comprising:a glass fiber comprising a core and a cladding;a primary resin layer being in contact with the glass fiber and coating the glass fiber; anda secondary resin layer coating the primary resin layer,{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'wherein the secondary resin layer comprises a cured product of the resin composition according to .'}6: An optical fiber comprising:a glass fiber comprising a core and a cladding;a primary resin layer being in contact with the glass fiber and coating the glass fiber; anda secondary resin layer coating the primary resin layer,wherein the secondary resin layer comprises alumina particles and a content of the alumina particles is 1% by mass or more and 60% by mass or less based on a total amount of the secondary resin layer.7: A method for manufacturing an optical fiber claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025176A1

A heat-curable structural adhesive includes at least one non-rubber-modified epoxy resin; an optional rubber or toughener, one or more epoxy curing agents, one or more epoxy curing catalysts; and a flame retardant mixture that includes (i) alumina trihydrate, (ii) zinc borate and (iii) melamine or a melamine derivative. The structural adhesive is useful for bonding metals to other materials or metals to other metals. The structural adhesive strongly resists ignition when welding is performed in the presence of the uncured material, and does not interfere significantly with weld performance. 1. A heat-curable structural adhesive , comprisingA) at least one non-rubber-modified epoxy resin;B) one or more epoxy curing agents;C) one or more epoxy curing catalysts; andD) a flame retardant mixture that includes (i) alumina trihydrate, (ii) zinc borate and (iii) melamine or a melamine derivative.2. The heat-curable structural adhesive of which contains 10 weight percent to 25 weight percent of combined alumina trihydrate claim 1 , zinc borate and melamine or melamine derivative.3. The heat-curable structural adhesive of which contains 14 to 25% by weight of combined alumina trihydrate claim 2 , zinc borate and the melamine or melamine derivative.4. The heat-curable structural adhesive of which contains 4 to 12 weight percent of alumina trihydrate and from 1 to 8 weight percent of each of zinc borate and melamine or melamine derivative.5. The heat-curable structural adhesive of which contains 4 to 10 weight percent alumina trihydrate and 2 to 6 weight percent each of zinc borate and melamine or melamine derivative claim 1 , and contains 14.5 to 22 weight percent combined of alumina trihydrate claim 1 , zinc borate and the melamine or melamine derivative.6. The heat-curable structural adhesive of which contains 5 to 8 weight percent alumina trihydrate and 4 to 6 weight percent each of zinc borate and melamine or melamine derivative claim 1 , and contains 14.5 to 18 weight ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023847A1

This invention is a composition capable of forming a heat-dissipating member that has high heat resistance and high thermal conductivity. This composition for a heat-dissipating member comprises a thermally conductive first inorganic filler bonded to one end of a first coupling agent, and a thermally conductive second inorganic filler bonded to one end of a second coupling agent, the composition being characterized in that: the other end of the first coupling agent and the other end of the second coupling agent are each bonded to a bifunctional or higher silsesquioxane by a curing treatment, as illustrated in FIG. ; or at least one of the first coupling agent and the second coupling agent includes, in the structure thereof, a silsesquioxane, and the other end of the first coupling agent and the other end of the second coupling agent are bonded together as illustrated in FIG. 1. A composition for a heat-dissipating member comprising:a thermally conductive first inorganic filler that is bonded to one end of a first coupling agent; anda thermally conductive second inorganic filler that is bonded to one end of a second coupling agent,wherein, through curing treatment,the other end of the first coupling agent and the other end of the second coupling agent are bonded to a bifunctional or higher silsesquioxane, orat least one of the first coupling agent and the second coupling agent contains a silsesquioxane in its structure, and the other end of the first coupling agent and the other end of the second coupling agent are bonded to each other.2. The composition for a heat-dissipating member according to claim 1 ,wherein the first inorganic filler and the second inorganic filler are a nitride, a metal oxide, a silicate compound, or a carbon material.3. The composition for a heat-dissipating member according to claim 1 ,wherein the first inorganic filler and the second inorganic filler are at least one selected from the group consisting of boron nitride, aluminum nitride, ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023900A1

The inventions are: a composition capable of forming a heat-dissipating member that has high thermal conductivity and in which the thermal expansion coefficient can be controlled; and a heat-dissipating member. This composition for a heat-dissipating member comprises a thermally conductive first inorganic filler bonded to one end of a first coupling agent, and a thermally conductive second inorganic filler bonded to one end of a second coupling agent, the composition being characterized in that: at least one of the first coupling agent and the second coupling agent is a liquid crystal silane coupling agent; the other end of the first coupling agent and the other end of the second coupling agent each have a functional group bondable with one another; and the other end of the first coupling agent bonds with the other end of the second coupling agent by a curing treatment. 1. A composition for a heat-dissipating member comprising:a thermally conductive first inorganic filler that is bonded to one end of a first coupling agent; anda thermally conductive second inorganic filler that is bonded to one end of a second coupling agent,wherein at least one of the first coupling agent and the second coupling agent is a liquid crystal silane coupling agent,the other end of the first coupling agent and the other end of the second coupling agent have functional groups capable of bonding to each other, andthe other end of the first coupling agent is bonded to the other end of the second coupling agent through curing treatment.2. The composition for a heat-dissipating member according to claim 1 ,wherein the first inorganic filler and the second inorganic filler are at least one selected from the group consisting of boron nitride, boron carbide, boron carbonitride, graphite, carbon fibers, carbon nanotubes, graphene, alumina, silica, aluminum nitride, silicon carbide, zinc oxide, magnesium hydroxide, and iron oxide-based material.3. The composition for a heat-dissipating member ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Thermally conductive silicone composition

Номер: US20190023961A1
Автор: Kenichi INAFUKU
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

One object of the invention is to improve the affinity between the silicone resin and the thermally conductive filler to facilitate mixing thereof. Another object of the invention is to suppress a viscosity increase of a silicone resin composition containing a high level of loading of thermally conductive filler, and to provide a cured product having a higher thermal conductivity. According to the invention, a thermally conductive silicone composition is provided, which comprises (A) an organopolysiloxane having two or more alkenyl groups each bonded to a silicon atom per molecule; (B) an organohydrogenpolysiloxane having two or more hydrogen atoms each bonded to a silicon atom per molecule in such an amount that the molar ratio of the hydrogen atoms each bonded to a silicon atom in component (B) to the alkenyl groups in component (A) is within the range of from 0.1 to 4; (C) 50 to 98% by mass, based on total weight of the composition, of a thermally conductive filler; and (D) a catalytic amount of a catalyst based on a platinum group metal, wherein the thermally conductive filler has a contact angle with water of at most 75° on the filler surface.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024439A1

The present invention relates to a cured product having excellent stain resistance and low gloss, a method of manufacturing the same, and an interior material including the cured product. The cured product according to the present invention is formed by sequentially applying light in different specific wavelength ranges to a composition to cure the composition, thereby being capable of realizing a low gloss of 9 or less, based on a 60 degree gloss meter, without use of a matting agent and excellent stain resistance and exhibiting excellent abrasion resistance. Accordingly, the cured product may be usefully used as an interior material such as a flooring material. 1. A cured product formed of an acrylic resin composition ,wherein the cured product has a surface gloss of 9 or less under a 60° gloss condition, andan average color coordinate deviation (ΔE) before and after iodine contamination of a surface of the cured product that has been contaminated with 1 vol % of an iodine solution at 22±1° C. and 50±5% RH and, after 60 minutes, washed for stain resistance evaluation is 1 or less.2. The cured product according to claim 1 , wherein a weight change in the cured product subjected to a Taber abrasion resistance test 500 times using an H-18 abradant is 400 mg or less.3. The cured product according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises 1 to 60 parts by weight of an acrylic oligomer; and 30 to 100 parts by weight of a monomer claim 1 ,wherein the composition comprises 2 parts by weight or less of an initiator based on 100 parts by weight of a sum of the acrylic oligomer and the monomer.4. The cured product according to claim 1 , wherein the acrylic oligomer has a weight average molecular weight (Mw) of 100 to 50 claim 1 ,000.5. The cured product according to claim 1 , wherein the monomer comprises one or more monomers selected from the group consisting of 2-hydroxypropyl(meth)acrylate claim 1 , 4-hydroxybutyl (meth)acrylate claim 1 , 6-hydroxyhexyl (meth) ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Adhesive film

Номер: US20140110699A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

An adhesive film used to encapsulate an organic electronic diode (OED) is provided. The adhesive film may be useful in effectively preventing penetration of moisture into an encapsulated structure of the organic electronic diode when the organic electronic diode is encapsulated, and effectively performing the encapsulation process under moderate conditions without causing damage to the organic electronic diode during the encapsulation process.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030933A1

The present invention relates to a separator for an electrochemical cell, preferably a lithium ion battery, comprising a porous layer which comprises at least one block copolymer having three or more polymer blocks and at least one aluminum oxide or hydroxide, a lithium ion battery comprising such a separator, and a method for producing such a separator. 1201. A separator for an electrochemical cell , comprising a porous layer which comprises at least one block copolymer having three or more polymer blocks and at least one aluminum oxide or aluminum hydroxide , the weight ratio of aluminum oxide or hydroxide to block copolymer being in the range from 1.5:1 to :.2. The separator as claimed in claim 1 , the thickness of the porous layer being 1 to 100 μm claim 1 , preferably 3 to 50 μm.3. The separator as claimed in claim 1 , the porosity of the layer being 30% to 70% claim 1 , and/or the pore diameter being 10 nm to 300 nm claim 1 , in each case measured by means of mercury porosimetry in accordance with DIN 66133.4. The separator as claimed in claim 1 , the aluminum oxide or hydroxide representing an oxide or hydroxide of the general formula AlO*x HO with x from 0 to 1.5.5. The separator as claimed in claim 1 , the surface of the aluminum oxide or hydroxide having been modified to increase the dispersibility of aluminum oxide or hydroxide particles in solvents claim 1 , by treatment with at least one substance selected from the group containing organic compounds containing carboxylic and/or sulfonic acid claim 1 , inorganic acids claim 1 , silanes claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.6. The separator as claimed in wherein said block copolymer contains end polymer blocks and middle polymer block or blocks and the end polymer blocks have a higher glass transition temperature (Tg) than the middle polymer block or blocks (Tg).7. The separator as claimed in claim 1 , the block copolymer having an ISO 1133 melt flow index of less than 3 g/10 min at 230° C. (5 kg).8. The ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029192A1

A chemical mechanical polishing (abbreviated as CMP) conditioner comprises a bottom substrate, an intermediate substrate and a diamond film The intermediate substrate is provided on the bottom substrate. The intermediate substrate comprises a hollow portion, an annular portion surrounding the hollow portion, and at least one projecting ring projecting out of the annular portion away from the bottom substrate. The projecting ring comprises a plurality of bumps arranged to be spaced apart from each other along an annulus region. The bumps are extended in a radial direction of the intermediate substrate. The diamond film is provided on the intermediate substrate. The diamond film is allowed for conforming to the bumps, so as to form a plurality of the abrasive projections. 1. A CMP conditioner , comprising:a bottom substrate;an intermediate substrate, provided on said bottom substrate, said intermediate substrate comprising a hollow portion, an annular portion surrounding said hollow portion, and at least one projecting ring projecting out of said annular portion away from said bottom substrate, said projecting ring comprising a plurality of bumps arranged to be spaced apart from each other along an annulus region, said bumps extending in a radial direction of said intermediate substrate; anda diamond film, provided on said intermediate substrate, said diamond film conforming to said bumps, so as to form a plurality of said abrasive projections.2. The CMP conditioner according to claim 1 , wherein said adjacent abrasive projections are spaced apart from each other at an interval claim 1 , said interval being 1 to 5 times with respect to a width of said bump.3. The CMP conditioner according to claim 1 , wherein said projecting ring is presented as an arc with respect to said radial direction of said intermediate substrate.4. The CMP conditioner according to claim 1 , wherein said abrasive projection is provided with a rough top surface.5. The CMP conditioner according ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Wear Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Fiber and Method of Making Same

Номер: US20150031801A1
Принадлежит: Toray Fluorofibers (America), Inc.

A dispersion spun fluoropolymer fiber prepared from non-melt-processible polytetrafluoroethylene particles and aluminum oxide particles. The concentration of AlOin the aqueous dispersion may range from between about 0.1% to about 5%, with specific concentration of 0.1%, 1.0. The aqueous dispersion is mixed with an aqueous matrix polymer solution containing a matrix polymer and then extruded into a coagulation bath containing a concentration of ions which coagulate the matrix polymer to form an intermediate fiber structure which carries ionic species. The intermediate fiber structure is sintered to decompose the matrix polymer and coalesce the polytetrafluoroethylene particles and the AlOparticles into a blended fiber. The resulting, blended fluoropolymer fiber exhibits improved properties relative to 100% dispersion spun polytetrafluoroethylene fibers. 1. A process of making a fluoropolymer fiber containing aluminum oxide comprising ,forming a mixture of an aqueous dispersion of non-melt-processible polytetrafluoroethylene particles and aluminum oxide particles with an aqueous solution of a matrix polymer,extruding the mixture into a coagulation bath and forming an intermediate fiber structure by coagulating the matrix polymer in the coagulation bath, andsintering the intermediate fiber structure to decompose the matrix polymer and coalesce the polytetrafluoroethylene particles and the aluminum oxide particles into a blended fiber.2. The process according to wherein the concentration of aluminum oxide particles in the mixture is about 0.1% to 5%.3. A fluoropolymer fiber comprising a blend of non-melt-processible polytetrafluoroethylene particles and aluminum oxide particles.4. The fluoropolymer fiber according to including up to about 95% perfluoroalkoxy particles and up to about 5% aluminum oxide particles.5. TThe fluoropolymer fiber according to having a maximum continuous use temperature of about 260° C.6. The fluoropolymer fiber according to having a tenacity of ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032080A1

The present invention relates to a liquid (meth)acrylic syrup for impregnating a fibrous substrate. The present invention relates in particular to a viscous liquid syrup mainly containing methacrylic or acrylic components. The invention also relates to a process for manufacturing such a syrup. The invention also relates to a process for impregnating a fibrous substrate or long fibers with said viscous liquid syrup. The invention also relates to a fibrous substrate preimpregnated with said syrup, which is useful for manufacturing mechanical or structured parts or products. 1. A liquid (meth)acrylic syrup for impregnating a fibrous substrate , said fibrous substrate consisting of long fibers , wherein said syrup comprises:a) a (meth)acrylic polymer,b) a (meth)acrylic monomer, phosphorus-based additives such as phosphinates, diphosphinates, phosphonates, phosphates, red phosphorus, ammonium polyphosphates with a number of units n of at least 1000, and', 'hydrated mineral fillers such as metal hydroxides,, 'c) at least one flame-retardant substance chosen fromthe overall content of flame-retardant substance in said liquid (meth)acrylic syrup being less than 50% by weight, said liquid (meth)acrylic syrup having a dynamic viscosity of between 10 mPa·s and 10 000 mPa·s.3. The liquid (meth)acrylic syrup as claimed in claim 2 , wherein Rand Rare methyl claim 2 , ethyl claim 2 , n-propyl claim 2 , isopropyl claim 2 , n-butyl claim 2 , tert-butyl claim 2 , n-pentyl and/or phenyl groups.4. The liquid (meth)acrylic syrup as claimed in claim 2 , wherein Ris a methylene claim 2 , ethylene claim 2 , n-propylene claim 2 , isopropylene claim 2 , n-butylene claim 2 , tert-butylene claim 2 , n-pentylene claim 2 , n-octylene or n-dodecylene group; or a phenylene claim 2 , methylphenylene claim 2 , ethylphenylene claim 2 , tert-butylphenylene claim 2 , methylnaphthylene claim 2 , phenylmethylene claim 2 , phenylethylene claim 2 , phenylpropylene or naphthalene group.5. The liquid (meth) ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Curable two-part coatings for conductors

Номер: US20160032107A1

A compositional kit for forming a composition includes a first composition and a second composition which are separate. The first composition includes a filler, a cross-linking agent and an emissivity agent; and the second composition includes a silicate binder. Methods for making a compositional kit and for making a coated overhead conductor are also provided.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Plastic film

Номер: US20160032136A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Disclosed is a plastic film which exhibits high hardness and processability without the problems of curling, warping and cracking.

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Resin Composition and Battery Module Comprising the Same

Номер: US20210028414A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present application relates to a resin composition, a battery module comprising a cured product of the resin composition, a manufacturing method thereof and a battery pack. According to one example of the present application, injection processability of the resin composition can be improved, overloading of injection equipment can be prevented, and the battery module having excellent insulation properties can be provided. 1. A resin composition comprising a main resin and a curing agent , and satisfying the following equations 1 and 2:{'br': None, 'i': 'Li', '10≤initial load value()≤40\u2003\u2003[Equation 1]'}{'br': None, 'i': 'Lf/Li', '1≤load change rate()≤3\u2003\u2003[Equation 2]'}wherein, Li is the initial load value (kgf) measured immediately after the main resin and the curing agent are mixed and Lf is an aging load value (kgf) measured at 3 minutes after the main resin and the curing agent are mixed.2. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein Lf is 50 kgf or less.3. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein when a viscosity is measured in a shear rate range of 0.01 to 10.0/s at room temperature within 60 seconds after mixing the main resin and the curing agent claim 1 , the viscosity measured at a point of 2.5/s is 150 claim 1 ,000 to 500 claim 1 ,000 cP.4. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein a thixotropic index measured at room temperature within 60 seconds after mixing the main resin and the curing agent is 1.5 or more.5. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the main resin comprises a silicone resin claim 1 , a polyol resin claim 1 , an epoxy resin or an acrylic resin.6. The resin composition according to claim 5 , wherein the silicone resin claim 5 , the polyol resin claim 5 , the epoxy resin or the acrylic resin has a viscosity measured at a point of 2.5/s claim 5 , of less than 10 claim 5 ,000 cP claim 5 , as measured at room temperature in a shear rate range of 0.01 to 10.0/s.7. The resin ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210028458A1

Provided is a composition for an electrochemical device functional layer capable of providing an electrochemical device having low volume expansion. The composition for an electrochemical device functional layer contains a solvent and a polymer including an oxide structure-containing monomer unit. The oxide structure-containing monomer unit has a structure indicated by the following formula (I) (in formula (I), Rrepresents an optionally substituted alkylene group and n is a positive integer), and the polymer has a number-average molecular weight of not less than 5,000 and not more than 15,000. 2. The composition for an electrochemical device functional layer according to claim 1 , wherein Ris one selected from the group consisting of an ethylene group claim 1 , a propylene group claim 1 , and a phenylethylene group.3. The composition for an electrochemical device functional layer according to claim 1 , wherein n is an integer of not less than 2 and not more than 30.4. The composition for an electrochemical device functional layer according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer includes the oxide structure-containing monomer unit in a proportion of not less than 20 mol % and not more than 80 mol %.5. The composition for an electrochemical device functional layer according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer is a copolymer.6. The composition for an electrochemical device functional layer according to claim 1 , further comprising non-conductive particles.7. The composition for an electrochemical device functional layer according to claim 1 , wherein the non-conductive particles include either or both of inorganic particles and organic particles.8. A functional layer for an electrochemical device formed from the composition for an electrochemical device functional layer according to .9. An electrochemical device comprising the functional layer for an electrochemical device according to . The present disclosure relates to a composition for an electrochemical device functional ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030327A1

A thermal interface material that is useful in transferring heat from heat generating electronic devices, such as computer chips, to heat dissipating structures, such as heat spreaders and heat sinks. The thermal interface material includes at least one silicone oil, and at least one thermally conductive filler. 1. A thermal interface material comprising:{'sub': 'w', 'at least one low molecular weight silicone oil having a weight (M) average molecular weight less than 50,000 Daltons;'}at least one thermally conductive filler; and{'sub': 'w', 'at least one high molecular weight silicone oil, wherein the high molecular weight silicone oil comprises a vinyl functional silicone oil having a weight (M) average molecular weight of at least 60,000 Daltons.'}2. The thermal interface material of claim 1 , wherein the at least one low molecular weight silicone oil comprises a first silicone oil and a second silicone oil claim 1 , wherein the first silicone oil is a vinyl functional silicone oil and the second silicone oil is a hydride functional silicone oil.3. The thermal interface material of claim 1 , wherein the thermally conductive filler includes a first thermally conductive filler and a second thermally conductive filler claim 1 , wherein the first thermally conductive filer is a metal oxide having a particle size greater than 1 micron and the second thermally conductive filler is a metal oxide having a particle size less than 1 micron.4. The thermal interface material of claim 1 , wherein the thermally conductive filler includes a first thermally conductive filler claim 1 , a second thermally conductive filler claim 1 , and a third thermally conductive filler claim 1 , wherein the first thermally conductive filler is a metal oxide having an average particle size greater than 10 microns claim 1 , the second thermally conductive filler is a metal oxide having an average particle size between 1 micron and 10 microns claim 1 , and the third thermally conductive filler is ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Gel-type thermal interface material

Номер: US20180030328A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A thermal interface material includes at least one polysiloxane; at least one thermally conductive filler; and at least one adhesion promoter including both amine and alkyl functional groups.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049100A1
Автор: Yamazaki Ryosuke

Provided is a curable silicone composition and applications thereof. The curable silicone composition has low modulus and flexibility even at high temperature of a cured product formed therefrom, and superior stress relaxation properties, so that the cured product does not readily warp or become defective when integrally molded with a base material, and has superior demolding property (e.g. mold release) of the cured product after transfer molding. A curable silicone composition for transfer molding, where (1) the maximum torque measured from a molding temperature of room temperature through 200° C. using a moving die rheometer (MDR) is less than 50 dN-m, and (2) the loss tangent (tans) expressed by the ratio of stored torque value/lost torque value is less than 0.2. 1. A curable silicone composition for transfer molding , wherein:(1) the maximum torque measured from a molding temperature of room temperature through 200° C. using a moving die rheometer (MDR) is less than 50 dN-m; and(2) the loss tangent (tanδ) expressed by the ratio of stored torque value/lost torque value is less than 0.2.2. The curable silicone composition for transfer molding according to claim comprising:(A) a curable reactive organopolysiloxane;(B) a functional filler; and(C) a curing agent;{'sub': 3/2', '4/2, 'wherein 50 mass % or more of component (A) is (A1) an organopolysiloxane having at least one curable reactive functional group containing a carbon-carbon double bond in the molecule and where 20 mol % or more of the total siloxane units of the organopolysiloxane is siloxane units represented by RSiOor SiOwhere R is a monovalent organic group; and or more of the total siloxane units, and'}wherein the content of component (B) is 40 volume % or less of the entire composition.3. The curable silicone composition for transfer molding according to claim 1 , wherein the entire composition has hot melt properties.4. The curable silicone composition for transfer molding according to claim 2 , ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Adhesive sheet

Номер: US20220049133A1
Принадлежит: DIC Corp

The adhesive sheet can be easily peeled off by stretching even if the direction of the stretching is the perpendicular direction with respect to an attached surface of an attached object, and is less likely to break even when a substrate of the adhesive sheet is thin, and is excellent in impact resistance, shear adhesive strength, and cleavage adhesive strength. The present invention relates to an adhesive sheet including an adhesive layer and a substrate layer. The adhesive layer contains filler particles and an adhesive resin. The content of the filler particles in the adhesive layer is 10 parts by weight to 90 parts by weight relative to 100 parts by weight of the adhesive resin. The volume ratio of the filler particles to the adhesive layer is 4% to 40%. The adhesive sheet has a stress at 25% elongation of 0.15 Mpa to 82 Mpa.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031810A1

A composition formed by dispersing at least a plurality of first particles within a matrix material and dispersing at least a plurality of second particles within the matrix material, the second particles being different from the first particles, wherein interaction between the at least a plurality of second particles and the at least a plurality of first particles determines a spatial distribution of the plurality of second particles within the matrix material. 1. A composition formed by dispersing at least a plurality of first particles within a matrix material and dispersing at least a plurality of second particles within the matrix material , the second particles being different from the first particles , wherein interaction between the at least a plurality of second particles and the at least a plurality of first particles determines a spatial distribution of the plurality of second particles within the matrix material.2. The composition of wherein the matrix material is a polymeric material or a precursor for the polymeric material.3. (canceled)4. The composition of wherein each of the plurality of second particles comprises a metal oxide claim 2 , a metal or silica.5. The composition of wherein each of the plurality of the second particles comprise a core comprising the metal oxide or the metal and a plurality of groups tethered to the core claim 4 , the plurality of groups tethered to the core to increase dispersability of the second particle within the matrix material as compared to the unmodified core or comprises functionality to react with at least one component of the matrix material.6. The composition of wherein the plurality of first particles interact with the plurality of second particles via at least one of volume exclusion or repulsion.7. The composition of wherein repulsion arises from interaction between the groups tethered on the second particle and one or more groups tethered on a core of each of the plurality of first particles or as a result ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031231A1
Автор: SAMAD Mohammed Abdul

A method for forming a polyethylene and alumina nanocomposite coating on a substrate is described. The method may use microparticles of UHMWPE with nanoparticles of alumina to form a powder mixture, which is then applied to a heated steel substrate to form the nanocomposite coating. The nanocomposite coating may have a Vickers hardness of 10.5-12.5 HV. 1. A method for forming a nanocomposite coating on a substrate , comprising:mixing polyethylene microparticles with alumina nanoparticles in an organic solvent to form a precursor mixture;heating the precursor mixture at a temperature in a range of 75-95° C. for 18-30 h to produce a nanocomposite powder;applying the nanocomposite powder to the substrate heated at a temperature in a range of 160-200° C. to form the nanocomposite coating,wherein the nanocomposite coating comprises alumina nanoparticles dispersed within a polymeric matrix.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising sonicating the alumina nanoparticles in the organic solvent prior to the heating.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene microparticles have a mean diameter in a range of 20-120 μm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene microparticles consist essentially of UHMWPE.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dispersed alumina present in the coating comprises alumina nanoparticles having an average diameter in a range of 5-100 nm.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the dispersed alumina present in the coating comprises alumina nanoparticles having an average diameter in a range of 8-20 nm.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the applying includes electrostatically spraying the nanocomposite powder onto the substrate.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising heating the substrate at the temperature in a range of 160-200° C. for a period of 15-60 min immediately following the applying.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nanocomposite coating consists essentially of UHMWPE and alumina.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032030A1
Автор: Mestan Gerhard

The invention relates to a flame-proofed vulcanised polymer composition that contains, as a polymer component, at least one halogen-free, olefinic M-group elastomer with a saturated main chain, at an amount of more than 50 phr in relation to the polymer components. The invention is characterised in that at least one or a combination of different halogen-free water-releasing flame retardants is contained at a total amount of between 30 and 130 phr, and in that the amount of mineral oil plasticisers in the composition is less than or equal to 50 phr. 1. A flame retardant , vulcanised polymer composition , comprising:a halogen-free olefinic M-group elastomer as a polymer component with a saturated main chain at an amount of greater than 50 Parts per Hundred Rubber (phr) with respect to polymer components;a halogen-free water-releasing flame retardant or a combination of different halogen-free water-releasing flame retardants at an amount of in total 30 to 130 phr; anda mineral oil plasticiser having an amount of less than or equal to 50 phr.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the mineral oil plasticiser is in a maximum amount of less than or equal to 20 phr claim 1 , preferably less than or equal to 10 phr claim 1 , and/or the composition is free of mineral oil plasticisers.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein halogen-free olefinic elastomers are included at an amount greater than or equal to 70 phr or with an amount of 100 phr as the only polymer components.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein an amount of the water-releasing flame retardants are in a range from 50 to 110 phr claim 1 , preferably from 60 to 100 phr.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the water-releasing flame retardant includes metal hydrates claim 1 , preferably magnesium hydroxide (MDH) claim 1 , aluminium hydroxide (ATH) and/or zinc borate claim 1 , preferably a mixture thereof claim 1 , and/or the water-releasing flame retardant is solid and in a powder or in a crystalline form.6. ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032122A1
Автор: NISHIUMI Kengo

Organic-inorganic composite particles include: a vinyl polymer that is a polymer of a polymerizable vinyl monomer; and inorganic particles including inorganic oxide and/or inorganic nitride. The thermal conductivity of the inorganic particles is 10 W/(m·K) or more. The inorganic particles are subjected to a surface treatment by acidic phosphoric acid ester having no polymerizable functional group, and by at least one polymerizable compound selected from the group consisting of: carboxylic acid having a polymerizable functional group; acidic phosphoric acid ester having a polymerizable functional group; and lactone having a polymerizable functional group. The polymerizable compound is bonded to the vinyl polymer, and the inorganic particles are unevenly located on surface layers of the organic-inorganic composite particles so that the inorganic particles form one or more layers. 1. Organic-inorganic composite particles comprising: a vinyl polymer that is a polymer of a polymerizable vinyl monomer; and inorganic particles including at least one of inorganic oxide and inorganic nitride , whereina thermal conductivity of the inorganic particles is 10 W/(m·K) or more,the inorganic particles are subjected to a surface treatment by acidic phosphoric acid ester having no polymerizable functional group, and by at least one polymerizable compound selected from the group consisting of: carboxylic acid having a polymerizable functional group; acidic phosphoric acid ester having a polymerizable functional group; and lactone having a polymerizable functional group,the at least one polymerizable compound is bonded to the vinyl polymer, andthe inorganic particles are unevenly located on surface layers of the organic-inorganic composite particles so that the inorganic particles form one or more layers.3. The organic-inorganic composite particles according to claim 1 , whereinthe inorganic particles are aluminum oxide particles, boron nitride particles or aluminum nitride particles ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032456A1
Автор: Yang Guohong

A resin spacer for chip stacking and packaging includes a fiber glass fabric used as a base material, a weight percent of the fiber glass fabric is 10-60 wt %; and the following components are attached to the fiber glass fabric as a percentage by the total weight of the resin spacer: 8-40 wt % of epoxy resin, 10-30 wt % of quartz powder, 2-10 wt % of aluminum oxide, 1-8 wt % of calcium oxide, and 1-8 wt % of curing agent. The resin spacer further includes a pigment. The pigment has a weight percent of 1-3 wt %, and the pigment is preferably at least one selected from white carbon black and pearl powder. The resin spacer is formed by mixing, impregnating, partially curing, stacking and pressing the resin material. The thickness of the resin spacer is 0.07-0.13 mm. 1. A resin spacer for chip stacking and packaging , comprising a fiber glass fabric used as a base material , wherein a weight percent of the fiber glass fabric is 10-60 wt % , and the resin spacer further comprises: 8-40 wt % of epoxy resin , 10-30 wt % of quartz powder , 2-10 wt % of aluminum oxide , 1-8 wt % of calcium oxide , and 1-8 wt % of curing agent.2. The resin spacer of claim 1 , wherein the weight percent of the fiber glass fabric is 40-60 wt % claim 1 , and the resin spacer the resin spacer further comprises: 30-40 wt % of the epoxy resin claim 1 , 10-20 wt % of the quartz powder claim 1 , 5-10 wt % of the aluminum oxide claim 1 , 2-8 wt % of the calcium oxide claim 1 , and 4-8 wt % of the curing agent.3. The resin spacer of claim 1 , wherein the epoxy resin is at least one selected from the group of a phosphating epoxy resin claim 1 , a biphenyl epoxy resin claim 1 , a bisphenol epoxy resin claim 1 , a novolac epoxy resin claim 1 , a glycerin epoxy resin claim 1 , an O-methyl novolac epoxy resin claim 1 , a naphthol epoxy resin claim 1 , and a dicyclopentadiene epoxy resin.4. The resin spacer of claim 1 , wherein the glass fiber fabric has a mesh size of 100-200 mesh claim 1 , the quartz ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032490A1
Автор: Inoue Hiroyasu

Provided is a resin film including: a resin containing a polymer; a hygroscopic particle dispersed in the resin and having a primary particle diameter of 40 nm or more and 80 nm or less and a refractive index of 1.2 or more and 3.0 or less; and an organic solvent-soluble dispersant. Preferably the resin is a silicon-containing resin. Preferably the silicon-containing resin is a silicon-containing thermoplastic resin. Preferably the silicon-containing thermoplastic elastomer contains a graft polymer having a silicon-containing group as the polymer. An organic electroluminescent device including the resin film is also provided. 1. A resin film comprising: a resin containing a polymer; a hygroscopic particle dispersed in the resin and having a primary particle diameter of 40 nm or more and 80 nm or less and a refractive index of 1.2 or more and 3.0 or less; and an organic solvent-soluble dispersant.2. The resin film according to claim 1 , wherein the resin is a silicon-containing resin.3. The resin film according to claim 2 , wherein the silicon-containing resin is a silicon-containing thermoplastic resin.4. The resin film according to claim 3 , wherein the silicon-containing thermoplastic resin is a silicon-containing thermoplastic elastomer.5. The resin film according to claim 4 , wherein the silicon-containing thermoplastic elastomer contains a graft polymer having a silicon-containing group as the polymer.6. The resin film according to claim 5 , wherein the polymer has a structure obtained by graft polymerization of a monomer having a silicon-containing group and a copolymer selected from the group consisting of a styrene-butadiene block copolymer claim 5 , a styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer claim 5 , a styrene-isoprene block copolymer claim 5 , a styrene-isoprene-styrene block copolymer claim 5 , a hydrogenated product thereof claim 5 , and a mixture thereof.7. The resin film according to claim 1 , further comprising a plasticizer.8. The resin film ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Adhesive for euv mask, cleaning method of the same, and reusing method of euv mask using the same

Номер: US20210032514A1
Принадлежит: Fine Semitech Corp

An adhesive for an EUV mask includes an epoxy resin composition in an amount of 50 wt % to 80 wt % based on a total weight of the adhesive, the epoxy resin composition including an epoxy resin, a hardener, a toughening agent, a filler, and a curing accelerator, and an inorganic filler in an amount of 20 wt % to 50 wt % based on the total weight of the adhesive, the inorganic filler including one or more of aluminum hydroxide or calcium carbonate.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Digital glaze ink

Номер: US20150037501A1

The present invention relates to a digital GLAZE ink, to the method for the preparation thereof and to the use of the digital GLAZE ink for functional and/or decorative coating of a ceramic and/or metallic material.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Compositions and methods for improving fluid-barrier properties of polymers and polymer products

Номер: US20150038623A1
Принадлежит: KAMIN LLC

In some variations, this disclosure provides compositions for reducing fluid permeability through a polymer membrane, the composition comprising a polymer (e.g., bromobutyl rubber) and mineral particles (e.g., kaolin particles) including fine particles with particle sizes between about 0.05 μm and about 1 μm and coarse particles with particle sizes between about 3 μm and about 20 μm. Applications for these improved-barrier polymers include tire innerliners, paint and paper coatings, films, adhesives, liners, paints, and hoses, for example. Methods of making and use these polymers are also disclosed.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

High Filler Loaded Polymer Composition

Номер: US20150038637A1

This disclosure relates to a polymer composition comprising (A) a first polymer; (B) one or more fillers; and optionally (C) a cross-linking pack including cross-linking agents and coagents. The first polymer comprises at least one of (i) a propylene-based copolymer and (ii) an ethylene/C-Calpha-olefin copolymer. The one or more fillers comprise at least one of carbon black, ferrite magnet powder, calcium carbonate, alumina trihydrate, magnesium hydroxide, talc, titanium dioxide, fibers, marble dust, cement dust, clay, feldspar, silica or glass, fumed silica, alumina, magnesium oxide, antimony oxide, zinc oxide, barium sulfate, calcium sulfate, aluminum silicate, calcium silicate, titanium dioxide, titanates, clay, nanoclay, organo-modified clay or nanoclay, glass microspheres, chalk, or any combination thereof. The cross-linking agents comprise organic peroxide, and the coagents comprise at least one of di- and tri-allyl cyanurates and isocyanurates, liquid and metallic multifunctional acrylates and methacrylates, zinc-based dimethacrylates and diacrylates, and functionalized polybutadiene resins. 115-. (canceled)16. A polymer composition comprising:A) a first polymer;B) one or more fillers; and optionallyC) a cross-linking pack; [{'sub': 4', '10, '(i) a propylene-based copolymer comprising, based on the total weight of said propylene-based copolymer, (a) at least about 60 wt % of propylene-derived units, (b) about 5 wt % to about 35 wt % of units derived from at least one of ethylene or a C-Calpha-olefin, and optionally (c) about 0 to 5 wt % of diene-derived units, wherein the polypropylene-based copolymer has a heat of fusion, as determined by DSC, of about 75 J/g or less, a melting point, as determined by DSC, of about 100° C. or less, and a crystallinity, as determined by DSC, of about 2% to about 65% of isotactic polypropylene, and a melt flow rate from 0.5 to 1,000 g/10 min measured at 230° C. and 2.16 kg weight, and'}, {'sub': 3', '10, '(ii) an ethylene/C- ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Ceramic and polymer composite, methods of making, and uses thereof

Номер: US20180035538A1
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

A ceramic and polymer composite including: a first continuous phase comprising a sintered porous ceramic having a solid volume of from 50 to 85 vol % and a porosity or a porous void space of from 50 to 15 vol %, based on the total volume of the composite; and a second continuous polymer phase situated in the porous void space of the sintered porous ceramic. Also disclosed is a composite article, a method of making the composite, and a method of using the composite.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190035556A1

Dielectric capacitors including dielectric compositions with high dielectric constant, low dielectric loss, and high thermal stability are disclosed. The dielectric compositions can include a dipolar polymer having a high glass transition temperature (e.g., T>150° C.) in combination with either (i) another dipolar polymer having a high glass transition temperature (e.g., T≥150° C.) in the form of a blend, or (ii) the dipolar polymer with an inorganic interfacial agent volume content less than 2 vol % in the dielectric composition. 1. A dielectric capacitor comprising a dielectric composition comprising either (i) a blend of at least two dipolar polymers , each having a glass transition temperature (T) of at least 150° C. , and/or (ii) a dipolar polymer having a Tof at least 150° C. with an interfacial agent at less than 2 vol % , wherein dielectric composition has a dielectric constant higher than 25% of the constituent dipolar polymer and a dielectric loss less than 0.01 from −50° C. to temperatures below the Tof the dipolar polymer.2. The dielectric capacitor of claim 1 , comprising the blend and wherein the blend has a dielectric constant higher than 40% of any constituent dipolar polymer.3. The dielectric capacitor of claim 1 , wherein the dipolar polymer is one or more of: meta-phenylene polyurea (meta-PU) claim 1 , poly(arylene ether urea) (PEEU) claim 1 , aromatic polyurea (ArPU) claim 1 , aromatic polythiourea (ArPTU) claim 1 , Polycarbonate (PC) claim 1 , Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) claim 1 , Polyetherimide (PEI) claim 1 , Polyimide (PI) claim 1 , Polyether sulfone (PES) claim 1 , Polyphenylsulfone (PPSU) claim 1 , Polysulfone (PSU) claim 1 , Polybenzimidazole (PBI) claim 1 , Poly(phthalazinone ether ketone) (PPEK) claim 1 , or combinations thereof.4. The dielectric capacitor of claim 1 , wherein the blend of dipolar polymers include polymer A with polymer B and wherein polymer A is selected from meta-phenylene polyurea (meta-PU) claim 1 , poly(arylene ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200035375A1

An insulation material for a DC electrical component. The insulation material includes a thermoset or thermoplastic matrix and a functional filler component. The functional filler component has a non-linear DC conductivity depending on an applied electrical field strength. At least in a temperature range of 0° C. to 120° C., the functional filler component has a bandgap in the range of 2 to 5 eV, and optionally in the range of 2 to 4 eV. Furthermore, a method for producing an insulation material, a use of an insulation material for a high voltage DC electrical component, a DC electrical component comprising the insulation material and the use of a DC electrical component comprising the insulation material in a high voltage DC gas insulated device are suggested.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160041143A1

A compound represented by formula: is disclosed. R is hydrogen or alkyl; X is alkylene; Y is a bond, ether, thioether, amine, amide, ester, thioester, carbonate, thiocarbonate, carbamate, thiocarbamate, urea, thiourea, alkylene, arylalkylene, alkylarylene, or arylene, wherein alkylene, arylalkylene, alkylarylene, and arylene are optionally at least one of interrupted or terminated by at least one of an ether, thioether, amine, amide, ester, thioester, carbonate, thiocarbonate, carbamate, thiocarbamate, urea, or thiourea; and Z is an acrylate, a methacrylate, an acrylamide, a methacrylamide, a styrenyl, or a terminal alkenylene having at least three carbon atoms. A composition including the compound, and a method of determining the degree of cure of a curable polymeric resin are also disclosed. 2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Z is acrylate claim 1 , methacrylate claim 1 , or styrenyl.3. The compound of claim 2 , wherein Y is a bond claim 2 , —O— claim 2 , —O—C(O)— claim 2 , —O—C(O)—NR— claim 2 , or alkylene optionally at least one of interrupted or terminated by at least one ether claim 2 , ester claim 2 , carbonate claim 2 , or carbamate claim 2 , and wherein Ris hydrogen claim 2 , alkyl claim 2 , aryl claim 2 , arylalkylenyl claim 2 , or alkylarylenyl.4. The compound of claim 3 , wherein —X—Y—Z is —CHCH—O—C(O)—CH═CH claim 3 , —CHCH—O—C(O)—C(CH)═CH claim 3 , or —CHCH—O—C(O)—CH—CH═CH.5. A composition comprising the compound of claim 1 , a free radical initiator claim 1 , and a diluent.6. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the free-radical initiator is an organic peroxide.7. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the free-radical initiator is a photoinitiator.8. A composition comprising the compound of and a curable polymeric resin.9. The composition of claim 8 , wherein the curable polymeric resin is an unsaturated polyester resin.10. The composition of claim 8 , further comprising at least one of styrene monomer claim 8 , a substituted styrene monomer claim 8 , ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054364A1

A biocompatible composite material for controlled release is disclosed, comprising a biocompatible metal oxide structure with a loaded network of pores. The pore network of the biocompatible composite material is filled with a uniformly distributed biologically active micellizing amphiphilic molecule, the size of these pores ranging from about 0.5 to about 100 nanometers. The material is characterized in that when exposed to phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), the controlled release of the active amphiphilic molecule is predominantly diffusion-driven over time. 1. A biocompatible composite material for controlled release , comprising:a biocompatible metal oxide structure containing a network of pores, said pores containing a biologically active agent, wherein the biologically active agent has a biocompatibility index of greater than 1, and wherein the active agent has amphiphilic characteristics resulting in micellization when placed in aqueous conditions.2. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the biologically active agent is a pharmaceutical drug claim 1 , a pharmaceutical conjugated drug claim 1 , a pharmaceutical prodrug claim 1 , an antimicrobial claim 1 , an antiseptic agent claim 1 , an antifungal agent claim 1 , a peptide claim 1 , DNA or combinations thereof.3. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the biologically active agent is an antimicrobial agent.4. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the biologically active agent is any one of octenidine dihydrochloride claim 1 , polyhexamethylene biguanide claim 1 , cetylpyridinium chloride or lauric arginate.5. The composite material of wherein the biologically active agent comprises octenidine or a salt thereof.6. The composite material of having a controlled release of the biologically active agent from the composite material in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) claim 1 , wherein the rate of release is predominantly driven by the diffusion of the biologically active agent out of the metal oxide ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055344A1
Автор: Kitahara Daisuke

A resin composition of the present invention is a resin composition used for forming a stress relaxation layer () of a metal base copper-clad laminate () configured by laminating a metal plate (), the stress relaxation layer (), and a piece of copper foil () in this order, the resin composition including: an epoxy resin having a polyether structure; a phenoxy resin; and a heat dissipation filler, in which the resin composition satisfies a characteristic of a storage elastic modulus at 25° C. being equal to or more than 0.01 GPa and equal to or less than 1.6 GPa. 1. A resin composition which is used for forming a stress relaxation layer of a metal base copper-clad laminate configured by laminating a metal plate , the stress relaxation layer , and a piece of copper foil in this order , the resin composition comprising:an epoxy resin having a polyether structure;a phenoxy resin; anda heat dissipation filler,wherein a storage elastic modulus of a sample at 25° C. is equal to or more than 0.01 GPa and equal to or less than 1.6 GPa, where the sample is obtained by heat-treating the resin composition at 80° C. for 30 minutes and 180° C. for 60 minutes, and the storage elastic modulus is measured under conditions of a measurement temperature: −50° C. to 200° C., a temperature rising rate: 5° C./min, a frequency: 1 Hz, and tensile mode using a dynamic viscoelasticity measuring machine.3. The resin composition according to claim 1 , comprising:a hardener.4. The resin composition according to claim 3 ,wherein the hardener includes an imidazole-based hardener.5. The resin composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the heat dissipation filler includes alumina.6. The resin composition according to claim 5 ,wherein the alumina includes two or more kinds having different average particle sizes.7. The resin composition according to claim 1 ,wherein a content of the heat dissipation filler is equal to or more than 40 vol % and equal to or less than 85 vol % with respect to 100 vol % ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160042831A1

An insulating thermally conductive resin composition () includes a phase-separated structure including: a first resin phase () in which a first resin continues three-dimensionally; and a second resin phase () different from the first resin phase and formed of a second resin. Moreover, the insulating thermally conductive resin composition includes: small-diameter inorganic filler () unevenly distributed in the first resin phase; and large-diameter inorganic filler () that spans the first resin phase and the second resin phase and thermally connects pieces of the small-diameter inorganic filler, which is unevenly distributed in the first resin phase, to one another. Then, an average particle diameter of the small-diameter inorganic filler is 0.1 to 15 μm. Moreover, an average particle diameter of the large-diameter inorganic filler is larger than the average particle diameter of the small-diameter inorganic filler, and is 1 to 100 μm. 1. An insulating thermally conductive resin composition , comprising:a phase-separated structure including: a first resin phase in which a first resin continues three-dimensionally; and a second resin phase different from the first resin phase and formed of a second resin;small-diameter inorganic filler unevenly distributed in the first resin phase; andlarge-diameter inorganic filler that spans the first resin phase and the second resin phase and thermally connects pieces of the small-diameter inorganic filler to one another, the small-diameter inorganic filler being unevenly distributed in the first resin phase,wherein an average particle diameter of the small-diameter inorganic filler is 0.1 to 15 μm, and an average particle diameter of the large-diameter inorganic filler is larger than the average particle diameter of the small-diameter inorganic filler, and is 1 to 100 μm.2. The insulating thermally conductive resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the small-diameter inorganic filler is present on an interface between the ...
