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10-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2420542C2

Изобретение относится к способам получения огнестойкого связующего для создаваемых в пултрузионном процессе композиционных материалов и к огнестойкому связующему и изделию. Способ включает введение в жидкую предварительно разогретую эпоксидную смолу отвердителя. Далее загружают в полученную смесь наночастицы меди, перемешивают смесь до получения устойчивой суспензии. Добавляют полученную суспензию в эпоксивинилэфирную смолу горячего отверждения и перемешивают. Изобретение позволяет повысить огнестойкость композиционных материалов при сохранении механических характеристик, физико-химических свойств и технологичности при переработке методом пултрузии. 3 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

20-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2411732C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к однослойной или многослойной пищевой упаковке на основе пластиков, где слой или, по меньшей мере, один из слоев содержит, по меньшей мере, один металл, обладающий противомикробной активностью, и где раствор соли металла восстанавливают с получением суспензии коллоидного металла и указанную суспензию затем включают в, по меньшей мере, один из слоев указанной упаковки. Упаковка по изобретению имеет достаточную прочность и долговечность при получении ее удобным способом при низких затратах. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

25-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2721995C2
Принадлежит: Х.Е.Ф (FR)

Изобретение относится к производству функциональных композиционных материалов (электрических проводников, проводников тепла и т.п.), которые получают из порошков с покрытием. Техническим результатом является снижение доли проводящей фазы в органической матрице при одновременном обеспечении высоких характеристик удельной проводимости. Предложен проводящий композиционный материал, содержащий взаимосвязанную структуру из проводящих частиц, причем указанные проводящие частицы содержат ядро из органического материала, плакированное по меньшей мере одним слоем электропроводящего и/или теплопроводящего материала, где указанное ядро представляет собой термопластический материал и имеет размер от 5 мкм до 300 мкм, а указанный слой проводящего материала выполнен из металлического или керамического материала, вся совокупность частиц взаимосвязана внутри структуры указанного проводящего композиционного материала с образованием тем самым непрерывной трехмерной структуры проводящего материала. Массовая ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2712660C2
Принадлежит: Зирокс Корпорейшн (US)

Изобретение относится к водным чернилам для струйной печати на любых поверхностях с антибактериальной защитой. Водные чернила включают воду и наночастицу композиционного материала, содержащую ядро и оболочку. Причем оболочка содержит полимерную смолу, содержащую ион металла, например ион серебра, кобальта, меди, никеля, золота, палладия и их комбинации. Ядро содержит полимерную смолу ядра, необязательно содержащую металл. Смола ядра указанной наночастицы может быть выбрана из стирола, акрилата, стиролбутадиена, стиролметакрилата. Чернила могут содержать необязательные сорастворитель и красящее вещество. Способ печати указанными чернилами включает распределение капель чернил в виде изображения на промежуточный элемент для переноса изображения или непосредственно на конечную подложку для приема изображения. При этом композиционный материал выступает в качестве резервуара для доставки ионов металла, например серебра, с обеспечением противобактериального, противогрибкового и противовирусного ...

27-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2459837C2
Принадлежит: Ленксесс Инк. (CA)

Изобретение имеет отношение к иономеру на основе бутильного каучука, вулканизированному пероксидами изделию, полученному из иономера на основе бутильного каучука, а также к изделию, включающему субстрат, содержащий материал из нержавеющей стали, стеклянный материал или материал из майлара, и связанный с ним иономер на основе бутильного каучука. Иономер включает повторяющиеся структурные единицы на основе, по меньшей мере, одного изоолефинового мономера, по меньшей мере, 0,5 мол.% повторяющихся структурных единиц на основе, по меньшей мере, одного олефинового мономера с несколькими непредельными связями, по меньшей мере, 0,5 мол.% повторяющихся структурных единиц на основе аллильного галогенида и, по меньшей мере, 0,5 мол.% иономерной части на основе продукта взаимодействия аллильного галогенида и нуклеофила на основе азота или фосфора формулы ! , где А означает атом азота или фосфора и R1, R2 и R3 выбраны из группы, состоящей из линейных или разветвленных алкильных заместителей с числом ...

10-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2599287C2

Изобретение относится к раствору ускорителя и может использоваться при получении окислительно-восстановительной системы, совместно с пероксидами. Раствор ускорителя содержит соединение Cu(I), соединение переходного металла, фосфорсодержащее соединение формулы P(R)или Р(R)=O, где каждый R независимо выбирают из водорода, алкила, алкоксигрупп, имеющих от 1 до 10 атомов углерода, азотсодержащее основание, выбираемое из третичных аминов, полиаминов, вторичных аминов, этоксилированных аминов и ароматических аминов, и гидроксифункциональный растворитель формулы НО-(-СН-С(R)-(СН)-О-)-R, где каждый Rнезависимо выбран из группы, состоящей из водорода, алкильных групп, имеющих 1-10 атомов углерода, и гидроксиалкильных групп, имеющих от 1 до 10 атомов углерода, n=1-10, m=0 или 1, и Rпредставляет собой водород или алкильную группу, имеющую 1-10 атомов углерода. Изобретение позволяет улучшить реакционную способность систем на основе Cu(I) и уменьшить дрейф времени гелеобразования смол. 3 н. и 5 з.п.

31-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2731178C2

Изобретение относится к латексу содержащего карбоксильные группы нитрильного каучука, содержащего α,β-этиленненасыщенное нитрильное мономерное звено в количестве от 8 вес. % до 60 вес. % и с йодным числом 120 или менее, в котором общее содержание калия и натрия в латексе составляет от 2300 до 10000 вес. м.д. по отношению ко всему латексу, а также к латексной композиции для фрикционного материала, содержащей указанный латекс и термоотверждающуюся смолу. 3 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

14-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2635604C2

Изобретение относится к новым полиорганосилоксановым композициям, вулканизуемым в горячем состоянии с образованием кремнийорганических эластомеров, то есть вулканизуемым при температуре материала, которая в общем случае находится в интервале от 100 до 200°C и в случае необходимости может доходить до 250°C. Композиция C для использования в изоляционных материалах содержит (A) 100 массовых частей по меньшей мере одного полиорганосилоксанового полимера A, содержащего в молекуле по меньшей мере две алкенильные группы C-C, связанные с атомом кремния; (B) от 0,1 до 250 массовых частей по меньшей мере одного минерала B, выбранного из группы, состоящей из смеси гидромагнезита с брутто-формулой Mg(CO)(OH)·4HO и хантита с брутто-формулой MgCa(CO); (C) от 0,00001 до 0,02 массовых частей или от 0,1 до 200 млнв расчете на массу металлической платины по отношению к общей массе композиции C по меньшей мере одного термостабилизатора D, позволяющего улучшить стойкость кремнийорганических эластомеров к разложению ...

27-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2303744C2

Жаростойкий изоляционный композиционный материал, содержащий изоляционный основной слой, полые непористые частицы, связующую матрицу и теплоотражающий слой, содержащий защитное связующее и агент, отражающий инфракрасное излучение, причем теплопроводность теплоотражающего изоляционного композитного материала составляет примерно 50 мВт/(м·К) или меньше. Изобретение относится также к подложке, содержащей жаростойкий изоляционный композитный материал. Способ получения жаростойкого изоляционного композитного материала включает получение на подложке изоляционного основного слоя, содержащего полые непористые частицы и связующую матрицу, и нанесение на поверхность изоляционного основного слоя теплоотражающего слоя, содержащего защитное связующее и отражающий инфракрасный свет агент, в котором жаростойкий изоляционный композитный материал имеет теплопроводность примерно 50 мВт/(м·К) или меньше. Техническим результатом изобретения является обеспечение хороших изоляционных свойств в условиях сильного ...

20-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2208499C2
Принадлежит: ХЕГАНЕС АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к порошковой металлургии, к смазке для металлургической порошковой композиции. Предложенная смазка, содержащая полимер, согласно изобретению в качестве полимера содержит полимер на основе полиолефинов, который имеет средневзвешенный молекулярный вес Мw 500-10000. Предложенная смазка характеризуется тем, что ее используют при холодном или горячем уплотнении металлопорошковой композиции для изготовления спеченных изделий. Использование смазки в комбинации с металлическими порошками обеспечивает получение уплотненных изделий с высокой прочностью при поперечном изгибе, а также высокую плотность полученных изделий. 6 с. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл.

08-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2761454C2

Изобретение относится к композитам, в частности к композитам с полимерным покрытием, содержащим металлические наночастицы, диспергированные в матрице композита, для применения в селективном лазерном спекании (SLS). Из таких композитных порошков могут быть изготовлены различные изделия. Композитный порошок для применения в селективном лазерном спекании содержит матрицу из сульфонированного сложного полиэфира, содержащую щелочную соль полимера, выбранного из группы, которую составляют поли(1,2-пропилен-5-сульфоизофталат), поли(неопентилен-5-сульфоизофталат), поли(диэтилен-5-сульфоизофталат), сополи-(1,2-пропилен-5-сульфоизофталат)-сополи-(1,2-пропилен-терефталат-фталата), сополи-(1,2-пропилен-диэтилен-5-сульфоизофталат)-сополи-(1,2-пропилен-диэтилен-терефталат-фталат), сополи(этилен-неопентилен-5-сульфоизофталат)-сополи-(этилен-неопентилен-терефталат-фталат) и сополи(пропоксилированный бисфенол А)-сополи-(пропоксилированный бисфенол A-5-сульфоизофталат), и множество серебряных наночастиц, ...

21-03-2017 дата публикации

Формованное изделие бактерицидного действия, способ стерилизации составов, емкость для хранения и применение емкости для хранения

Номер: RU2613904C2
Принадлежит: Ф. Хольцер ГмбХ (DE)

Группа изобретений относится к упаковке и может быть использована для стерильного хранения различных веществ. Емкость для хранения включает по меньшей мере одно формованное изделие бактерицидного действия, расположенное во внутренней области емкости для хранения, которое включает формовочную массу и по меньшей мере один тип бактерицидного материала в виде частиц, который диспергирован по меньшей мере в одной синтетической смоле. При этом основа формованного изделия представляет собой по существу цилиндрическое, эллиптическое, сферическое или коническое основное тело. Максимальный диаметр эллиптического или сферического основного тела, а также максимальный диаметр основания цилиндрического или конического основного тела составляет не более 100 величин среднего диаметра частиц бактерицидного материала. Группа изобретений относится также к способу стерильного хранения жидкостей и применению указанной емкости для стерильного хранения жидкостей. Группа изобретений обеспечивает возможность стерильного ...

20-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2370502C2

Изобретение относится к гидроксифенилтриазиновым поглотителям УФ-излучения для защиты прозрачного пластмассового контейнера или пленки и их содержимого. Описывается сложный олигоэфир или полиэфир общей формулы -[A-O-D-O]x- в качестве добавки к термопластичному полимерному материалу, где x - число от 1 до 50; А - остаток гидрокситрифенилтриазина формулы (II) или обладает одним из значений, указанных для Т; D - C4-C12алкилен, который может быть замещен OH, и/или включать O; L - C1-C18алкилен; C5-C12циклоалкилен; С3-С18алкенилен, которые могут быть замещены фенилом, С7-С11алкилфенилом, ! С5-С12циклоалкилом, OH, галогеном, C1-C18алкоксигруппой, C5-C12циклоалкоксигруппой, C3-C18алкенилоксигруппой, COOH; R1 - H, OR7 или OH при условии, что, по меньшей мере, один из R1 или R13 обозначает OH; R7 - водород, C1-C12алкил или -L-CO-O-R9, где R9 - H, C1-C18алкил, C2-C12гидроксиалкил; R10 - водород, C1-С4алкил, Cl, фенил или -OR7; R11 - водород, метил; R13 - водород, метил, OH, OR7; и Т - двухвалентный ...

27-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2636709C2

Изобретение относится к однослойному пластиковому контейнеру, такому как, например, однослойная пластиковая бутыль. Контейнер содержит матрицу на основе термопластов и по меньшей мере два неорганических наполнителя со светозащитной функцией, диспергированных в матрице. Матрица образована по меньшей мере одним полукристаллическим полимером и одним аморфным полимером. В качестве поликристаллического полимера матрица содержит полиэтилентерефталат (РЕТ), а в качестве аморфного полимера – ударопрочный полистирол (HIPS). Отношение массы РЕТ к массе HIPS составляет от 10 до 50. Неорганические наполнители содержат диоксид титана (TiO) и алюминий (Al). Отношение массы TiOк массе Al составляет от 50 до 150. При этом конечный состав контейнера получается в результате смешивания РЕТ с концентрированной добавкой, содержащей HIPS и неорганические светозащитные наполнители. Обеспечивается высокий уровень защиты от света во всей видимой области спектра у легкого по массе контейнера. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, ...

19-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2675369C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к материалу покрытия для получения барьерного слоя на основах из термопластов или полимерных композиционных материалов. Материал покрытия содержит гидроксифункциональный связующий компонент и алифатический изоцианатсодержащий отверждающий компонент, связующий компонент содержит водные полимерные дисперсии, содержащие сополимеры фторированного этилена и виниловых эфиров, полые стеклянные тела, а также неорганические наполнители и/или неорганические пигменты. Материал покрытия можно применять в системах покрытий для грунтования основ из полимерных материалов или основ из полимерных композиционных материалов на волокнистой основе. Полученные покрытия обладают улучшенной поверхностью, в частности более гладкой поверхностью. 4 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 9 табл., 2 пр.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2642665C2
Принадлежит: ХЕМПЕЛЬ А/С (DK)

Изобретение относится к области противокоррозионных композиций для покрытия, а именно для защиты железных и стальных конструкций, при этом оно также относится к набору частей, содержащему данную композицию, а также к металлическим конструкциям, покрытым композицией. Композиция содержит a) систему связующего, выбранную из систем связующего на основе эпоксидной смолы, систем связующего на основе полисилоксана, систем связующего на основе полиуретана, систем связующего на основе циклизированного каучука и систем связующего на основе феноксисмолы, b) частицы цинка, c) непокрытые полые стеклянные микросферы и d) проводящий пигмент, выбранный из группы, включающей графит, углеродную сажу, пигменты на основе алюминия, черный железоокисный пигмент, легированный сурьмой оксид олова, слюду, покрытую легированным сурьмой оксидом олова, оксид индия и олова, углеродные нанотрубки, волокна на основе углеродной сажи, графен и любую их смесь. При этом указанная композиция дополнительно содержит растворитель ...

01-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2663063C2
Принадлежит: БАСФ СЕ (DE)

Изобретение относится к защитным элементам на основе жидкокристаллических холестерических покрытий, которые впоследствии покрываются дополнительным покрытием, содержащим наночастицы переходных металлов пластинчатой формы, к способу их изготовления на стеклянной, бумажной или пластмассовой подложке, и защитному продукту, получаемому с применением защитного элемента. Защитный элемент может содержать дополнительно тисненую микроструктуру рельефа поверхности, особенно оптически переменное изображение, такое как голограмма. Защитный элемент по изобретению проявляет изменение окраски в зависимости от угла, а также различную окраску в отражении и пропускании и при применении в печати оптически переменных изображений, обеспечивает чрезвычайно яркое изображение и чрезвычайно сильный радужный эффект, высокую чистоту и/или контрастность, что позволяет эффективное применение данных защитных элементов для предотвращения фальсификации или воспроизведения ценных документов. 4 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы.

21-09-2022 дата публикации

Антифрикционная композиция

Номер: RU2780264C1

Изобретение относится к полимерным композициям, содержащим углеродную ткань в качестве армирующего материала и термореактивное полимерное связующее, и может быть использовано для изготовления подшипников. Техническим результатом заявляемого изобретения является повышение механической прочности антифрикционной композиции. Указанный технический результат достигается за счет того, что антифрикционная композиция, включающая тканный армирующий материал на основе углеродных волокон, полимерную термореактивную матрицу, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве основного действующего антифрикционного агента используется мелкодисперсный порошок антифрикционного состава на основе алюминия, легированного оловом и медью, при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: тканный армирующий материал: 50-55; термореактивная матрица: 38-42; мелкодисперсный антифрикционный порошок антифрикционного алюминиевого сплава: 3-10. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

24-11-2022 дата публикации

Способ получения композитов пониженной горючести на основе эпоксидиановой смолы

Номер: RU2784430C1

Изобретение относится к области материалов пониженной горючести на основе эпоксидиановой смолы, которые могут быть использованы в качестве самостоятельных композитов и в качестве связующих для создания полимерных композиционных материалов общего и специального назначения. Технический результат достигается в способе получения связующего на основе эпоксидиановой смолы, предназначенного для изготовления композитов пониженной горючести, при котором эпоксидиановую смолу смешивают с фосфатным модификатором и отвердителем аминного типа и отверждают полученную композицию, при этом в качестве модификатора используют предварительно полученную смесь 28 моль ортофосфорной кислоты и 1 моль алюминия, в качестве отвердителя используют триэтилентетрамин, а введение модификатора, отвердителя и отверждение полученной композиции осуществляют при комнатной температуре, при следующем соотношении компонентов, масс.ч.: ЭД-20 - 100,00, модификатор - 1,11-3,89, триэтилентетрамин - 10,0. Заявленный способ получения ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018132883A3

02-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017113601A3

01-02-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019124014A3

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2601760C1

Изобретение относится к прикладной химии, а именно к твердым горючим (ТГ) для прямоточных воздушно-реактивных двигателей (ПВРД) активно-реактивных снарядов (АРС). Твердое горючее содержит органическое горючее-связующее, ультрадисперсный порошок высокоэнергетического металла и карборан и/или фенилкарборан. В качестве горючего-связующего ТГ содержит смесь эпоксидной смолы, дибутилфталата, отвердителя и диаминдиолеата при определенном соотношении компонентов. Состав ТГ обеспечивает сохранение целостности изготовленных из него газогенерирующих элементов в условиях больших перегрузок АРС при выстреле из орудия и его работе путем улучшения механических характеристик ТГ при одновременно высоких энергетических и других характеристиках. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2687917C1
Принадлежит: ДЕЛЬТА СРЛ (IT)

Изобретение относится к самоочищающемуся композитному материалу, предназначенному для производства формованных деталей интерьера кухни и ванной комнаты. Самоочищающийся композитный материал по изобретению содержит от 50 до 85% масс. минеральных наполнителей на основе тригидрата оксида алюминия (ATH); от 10 до 30% сшиваемого полимера, содержащего полиэфирную смолу; фотокаталитический диоксид титана (TiO), диспергированный в сшиваемом полимере с массовым процентным содержанием 0,05 - 5% относительно массы сшиваемого полимера; средство для улучшения совместимости для связывания между фотокаталитическим TiOи сшиваемым полимером, причём указанное средство для улучшения совместимости TiOпредставляет собой силан; и сшивающиеся мономеры, чтобы обеспечить поперечную сшивку сшиваемого полимера посредством термической или химической полимеризации, а также к способу его изготовления. Вышеуказанный состав самоочищающегося композитного материала обеспечивает получение материала, который легок в термоформовании ...

20-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014148149A

... 1. Композиция суперконцентрата на основе переходного металла, содержащая:(a) полимерный носитель и(b) композицию переходного металла, диспергированную в твердом полимерном носителе;где количество указанного переходного металла в композиции на основе переходного металла составляет более чем примерно 30000 ч/млн (по металлу) относительно массы композиции суперконцентрата на основе переходного металла.2. Композиция по п. 1, где полимерный носитель содержит сложнополиэфирный полимер.3. Композиция по п. 2, где сложнополиэфирный полимер представляет собой полиалкилтерефталат или его сополимер.4. Композиция по п. 2, где сложнополиэфирный полимер представляет собой полиэтилентерефталат или его сополимер.5. Композиция по п. 2, где сложнополиэфирный полимер выбран из полиэтилентерефталата, поли(диметилциклогексантерефталата), политриметилентерефталата, полинафталата или их сополимера.6. Композиция по п. 1, где количество полимерного носителя, присутствующего в композиции суперконцентрата на основе ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014150039A

... 1. Композиция, наполненная актинидным порошком, содержащая органическую матрицу и актинидный порошок или смесь актинидных порошков, отличающаяся тем, что в ней содержатся, по меньшей мере:- пластифицирующее вещество, содержащее алкан, в котором цепь наиболее длинного радикала содержит, по меньшей мере, несколько десятков атомов углерода, и присутствующее в объемном содержании, составляющем от 20% до 70% по отношению к суммарному объему только органических соединений;- связующее вещество, содержащее, по меньшей мере, один полиолефиновый полимер и присутствующее в объемном содержании, составляющем от 20% до 50% по отношению к суммарному объему только органических соединений;- диспергирующее вещество, содержащее карбоновую кислоту или ее соответствующие соли и присутствующее в объемном содержании, составляющем менее чем 10% по отношению к суммарному объему только органических соединений;- причем вышеупомянутый актинидный порошок или вышеупомянутая смесь актинидных порошков составляют от 40% ...

07-06-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2790437C9
Принадлежит: ДЖОТАН А/С (NO)

Изобретение относится к химической промышленности и может быть использовано при изготовлении дисперсных покрытий с металлическим эффектом. В состав композиции дисперсного покрытия, предпочтительно порошкового, входят: по меньшей мере один отвердитель, содержащий эпоксидную группу, например, эпоксидную смолу; по меньшей мере один сложный полиэфирный полимер; по меньшей мере один аминоспирт с молекулярной массой 50-400 г/моль, содержащий 1-3 аминогруппы и 1-5 гидроксильных групп, в количестве 0,1-10 % от общей массы композиции; и по меньшей мере один металлический пигмент, содержащий Al, в количестве 1-10 % от общей массы композиции. Аминоспирт может быть выбран из диэтаноламина, этаноламина, 2-амино-1-бутанола, 2-амино-2-метил-1-пропанола, 2-амино-2-этил-1,3-пропандиола, трис-(гидроксиметил)-аминометана, 2-амино-2-метил-1,3-пропандиола, монометиламиноэтанола, изопропиламиноэтанола, трет-бутиламиноэтанола, этиламиноэтанола, н-бутиламиноэтанола, изопропаноламина, диизопропаноламина и их смесей ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016120189A

22-06-2020 дата публикации

Нанокомпозитный магнитный материал на основе полидифениламина и наночастиц Co-Fe и способ его получения

Номер: RU2724251C1

Изобретение относится к области создания новых структурированных гибридных нанокомпозитных магнитных материалов на основе электроактивных полимеров. Гибридный нанокомпозитный магнитный материал включает полимерную матрицу - полидифениламин (ПДФА) и диспергированные в ней металлические наночастицы железа (Fe) и кобальта (Со) при общем содержании наночастиц Co-Fe в материале 2-45 масс. % от массы полимерной матрицы. Способ получения гибридного нанокомпозитного магнитного материала включает ИК-нагрев прекурсора. Прекурсор получают совместным растворением полидифениламина (ПДФА) и солей кобальта и железа в органическом растворителе с последующим удалением растворителя при температуре 60-85°С. ИК-нагрев осуществляют в атмосфере аргона при температуре 400-600°С в течение 2-10 мин. Обеспечивается повышение намагниченности насыщения, термостойкости, упрощение получения гибридного нанокомпозитного магнитного материала. 2 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 18 ил., 1 табл., 23 пр.

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2668243C1
Принадлежит: САМТАКК, С.Л. (ES)

Группа изобретений относится к клеевой промышленности и может быть использована в гибкой упаковке для защиты и сохранения биологического материала. Клеевая композиция на водной основе для связывания множества слоев в многослойной пленочной системе содержит компоненты при следующем соотношении, мас.%: водная дисперсия полимера (60-95), суспензия наночастиц селена 10-2500 ppm (0,5-20), смачивающий агент (0-5), вода (0-5), пеногаситель (0-5). Обеспечивается повышение эффективности благодаря двойной функции – клеевой и антиоксидантной. 6 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 4 пр., 4 ил.

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2663762C1

Изобретение относится к области органических высокомолекулярных соединений, их получения или химической обработки и композиций на основе этих соединений. Способ изготовления металлополимерного материала, включающий в себя этапы, на которых обеспечивают металлические частицы; обеспечивают раствор полимерной композиции, включающий в себя полиуретановый форполимер и отвердитель; покрывают металлические частицы раствором полимерной композиции; обеспечивают частичную полимеризацию полимерной композиции на металлических частицах; смешивают металлические частицы, покрытые недополимеризованной полимерной композицией, с раствором полимерной композиции; обеспечивают окончательную полимеризацию полимерной композиции. Технический результат, достигаемый изобретением, заключается в повышении устойчивости к влиянию внешней среды. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

27-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010129837A

... 1. Смесь, акцептирующая кислород, содержащая компоненты ! (I) наноразмерный окисляемый металлический компонент, в котором средний размер частиц металла составляет от 1 до 1000 нм, и где металл не имеет подложки или нанесен на подложку, ! (II) электролитический компонент и ! (III) не электролитический окисляющий компонент. ! 2. Смесь, акцептирующая кислород, по п.1, где средний размер частиц металла составляет от 1 до 100 нм, и металл нанесен на микропористый материал. ! 3. Смесь, акцептирующая кислород, по п.1, где средний размер частиц металла составляет от 100 до 900 нм. ! 4. Смесь, акцептирующая кислород, по п.1, где металл выбирается из группы, включающей Al, Mg, Zn, Cu, Fe, Sn, Co и Мn. ! 5. Смесь, акцептирующая кислород, по п.1, где металлом является железо. ! 6. Смесь, акцептирующая кислород, по п.1, где электролитический компонент содержит хлорид натрия. ! 7. Смесь, акцептирующая кислород, по п.1, где не электролитический окисляющий компонент содержит кислый пирофосфат натрия и, ...

27-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010125988A

... 1. Клейкая лента, содержащая: ! клейкую полимерную смолу; и ! хлопьевидный проводящий наполнитель, распределенный в клейкой полимерной смоле, ! при этом хлопьевидный проводящий наполнитель электрически и непрерывно размещен в клейкой полимерной смоле в горизонтальных направлениях (х и y направления) и в направлении толщины (z направление). ! 2. Клейкая лента по п.1, которая имеет толщину 10~200 мкм. ! 3. Клейкая лента по п.1, которая имеет поверхностное сопротивление 0,1 Ω/м2 или более. ! 4. Клейкая лента по п.1, которая имеет вертикальное сопротивление 0,001 Ω или более. ! 5. Клейкая лента по п.1, в которой хлопьевидный проводящий наполнитель имеет толщину в диапазоне от 100 нм до 25 мкм. ! 6. Клейкая лента по п.1, которая содержит хлопьевидный проводящий наполнитель в количестве 20-60 мас.%, исходя из общей массы клейкой ленты. ! 7. Клейкая лента по п.1, в которой хлопьевидный проводящий наполнитель выбран из группы, состоящей из: пластинчатых металлов, включая благородные металлы и неблагородные ...

10-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008111896A

... 1. Фторполимерная смесь, включающая фторсодержащий полимер с большим количеством фтортермопласта, металлический компонент, подавляющий газовыделение, основание и катализатор межфазного переноса. ! 2. Фторполимерная смесь по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что фторсодержащий полимер содержит небольшое количество политетрафторэтилена. ! 3. Фторполимерная смесь по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что фтортермопласт является сополимером, полученным из сополимеризуемых блоков, содержащих перфторированный алкиловый олефин, соответствующий формуле CF2=CFR, где R представляет собой F или линейную, разветвленную или циклическую перфторированную алкильную группу длиной от 1 до 10 атомов углерода; перфтор(алкилвиниловый) эфир; перфтор(алкоксивиниловый) эфир или комбинации этих соединений. ! 4. Фторполимерная смесь по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что фтортермопласт является гомо- или сополимером, полученным из полимеризуемых блоков перфторированного алкилового олефина, соответствующего формуле CF2=CFR, где R представляет собой ...

27-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011124512A

... 1. Композиция полиариленсульфидной смолы, содержащая: 100 мас. ч. полиариленсульфидной смолы (A); от 0,1 до 8 мас. ч. тонких металлических частиц (B), содержащих по меньшей мере один вид металла, выбранный из группы, состоящей из меди, никеля и цинка; и от 0,1 до 5 мас. ч. термопластичного эластомера (C).2. Композиция полиариленсульфидной смолы по п.1, в которой массовое соотношение [(B)/(C)] указанных тонких металлических частиц (B) и термопластичного эластомера (C) находится в интервале от 10/90 до 65/35.3. Композиция полиариленсульфидной смолы по п.1, в которой средний размер указанных тонких металлических частиц (B) составляет 20 мкм или менее.4. Композиция полиариленсульфидной смолы по п.1, в которой указанная полиариленсульфидная смола (A) имеет карбоксильные группы или группы, производные от карбоксильной группы.5. Композиция полиариленсульфидной смолы по п.1, в которой термопластичный эластомер (C) представляет собой сополимер этилена и α-олефина, который имеет карбоксильные группы ...

27-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012110121A

... 1. Поглощающая кислород композиция, включающая(I) окисляющуюся компоненту в виде металла,(II) электролитную компоненту,(III) неэлектролитную подкисляющую компоненту и(IV) сополиэфирный или сополиамидный термопластичный эластомер.2. Поглощающая кислород композиция по п.1, включающая(II) электролитную компоненту, выбираемую из группы, состоящей из хлорида натрия, хлорида калия и хлорида кальция,(III) неэлектролитную подкисляющую компоненту, представленную в предпочтительном случае кислым пирофосфатом щелочного металла или кислым пирофосфатом щелочноземельного металла, и(IV) термопластичный эластомер, основанный на полибутилентерефталате с политетрагидрофураном, на полибутилентерефталате с политриметиленгликолем, на полибутилентерефталате с политриметиленоксидом, на полибутилентерефталате с полибутилакрилатом, на полибутилентерефталате с гликолем или на полибутилентерефталате с полиолефином.3. Поглощающая кислород композиция по п.1, включающаяв качестве компоненты (I) окисляющийся металл, ...

27-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012110125A

... 1. Поглощающая кислород композиция, включающая(I) окисляющуюся компоненту в виде металла,(II) электролитную компоненту,(III) неэлектролитную подкисляющую компоненту и(IV) неионогенную поверхностноактивную компоненту, выбираемую в предпочтительном случае из группы, состоящей из алкилполиэтиленгликолевых простых эфиров, полиэтиленгликолей, полипропиленгликолей, полипропиленгликоль-полиэтиленгликолевых блоксополимеров и полиэтилен-полиэтиленгликолевых блоксополимеров.2. Поглощающая кислород композиция по п.1, включающая(II) электролитную компоненту, выбираемую из группы, состоящей из хлорида натрия, хлорида калия и хлорида кальция,(III) неэлектролитную подкисляющую компоненту, представляющую собой в предпочтительном случае кислый пирофосфат щелочного металла или кислый пирофосфат щелочноземельного металла, и(IV) неионогенную поверхностноактивную компоненту, выбираемую из группы, состоящей из полученных в предпочтительном случае из линейных насыщенных жирных спиртов алкилполиэтиленгликолевых ...

10-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011135959A

... 1. Применение тонко распределенных металлических частиц, в частности из группы, содержащей алюминий, магний, цинк, бронзу, титан и платину, в полимерном материале для маскировки изменения цвета при использовании материалов в контакте с кожей, где серебро дополнительно содержится в данном материале в качестве антибактериального средства.2. Применение по п.1 в накладках на кожу или в ортопедических прокладках, в частности, в прокладках для ампутационных культей, контактных накладках, покрытиях для протезов, прокладках для ортезов, в голенищах протезов, стельках для обуви или в ортопедических чулках.3. Применение по п.2, в котором указанный элемент по меньшей мере с одной стороны снабжен текстильным слоем или с одной или обоих сторон имеет покрытие.4. Применение по одному из пп.1-3, отличающееся тем, что металлические частицы для маскировки изменения цвета состоят из алюминия или сплава алюминия.5. Применение по п.1, отличающееся тем, что металлические частицы для маскировки изменения цвета ...

20-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014118754A

... 1. Способ получения маточной смеси диенового эластомера и диоксида кремния, включающий следующие последовательные стадии:- приготовление, по меньшей мере, одной дисперсии диоксида кремния в воде,- приведение в контакт и смешение латекса эластомера и водной дисперсии диоксида кремния в присутствии кальциевой соли для получения коагулята,- извлечение коагулята,- сушка извлеченного коагулята для получения маточной смеси;где при этом молярное содержание катионов кальция, определяемое как число моль катионов кальция кальциевой соли на единицу площади поверхности диоксида кремния, составляет от 1,19×10до 2,81×10моль/м.2. Способ по п. 1, где, по меньшей мере, соль двухвалентного кальция добавляют к водной дисперсии диоксида кремния прежде, чем последнюю приводят в контакт с латексом эластомера.3. Способ по п. 1 или 2, где стадию извлечения коагулята осуществляют с помощью операции фильтрования.4. Способ по п. 1 или 2, где стадию извлечения коагулята осуществляют с помощью операции центрифугирования ...

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011130824A

... 1. Способ получения водной дисперсии оксида циркония, в котором осуществляют взаимодействие соли циркония со щелочью в воде с получением суспензии частиц оксида циркония; фильтруют, промывают и репульпируют суспензию; добавляют органическую кислоту к полученной суспензии в количестве одна мольная часть или больше на мольную часть циркония в суспензии; выполняют гидротермическую отработку полученной смеси при температуре 170°С или выше; и промывают полученную водную дисперсию частиц оксида циркония.2. Способ получения водной дисперсии оксида циркония, в котором осуществляют взаимодействие соли циркония и соли, по меньшей мере, одного стабилизирующего элемента, выбранного из алюминия, магния, титана и редкоземельных элементов, со щелочью в воде с получением суспензии, содержащей частицы совместного осадка оксида циркония и, по меньшей мере, одного стабилизирующего элемента; фильтруют, промывают и репульпируют суспензию; добавляют органическую кислоту к полученной суспензии в количестве одна ...

04-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069433891T2

20-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069429099D1

13-05-1993 дата публикации

Anorganische Füllstoffe enthaltende thermoplastische Kunststoffolie, anorganische Füllstoffe enthaltender Metall-Kunststoff-Verbund sowie Verfahren zur Herstellung

Номер: DE0004137139A1

The invention concerns a thermoplastic sheet containing at least 0.1 % by wt., preferably 0.5 to 6 % by wt., relative to the total weight of the plastic/filler mixture, of one or more metal powders selected from the group comprising aluminium powder, magnesium powder, zinc powder and manganese powder. The invention also concerns metal/plastic composites containing these metal powders and methods of producing the thermoplastic sheet and metal/plastic composites. The sheet and composites are suitable for use in the manufacture of packing containers.

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017112910B4
Принадлежит: MOTOROLA MOBILITY LLC, Motorola Mobility LLC

Dispersion, die umfasst:mindestens 49 Gew.-% Additivpartikel, wobei die Additivpartikel Siliciumdioxid sind;ein polymerisierbares Monomer umfassend Acrylate, Acrylamide, Kombinationen von Polyisocyanaten und Polyolen oder Kombinationen davon;ein Dispergiermittel, undein Lösemittel,wobei die Dispersion bei der Polymerisation eine Hartschicht mit einer Trübung von höchstens 0,5 % und einer Transmission von mindestens 90 % bildet, wobei das Dispergiermittel ein Hyperdispergiermittel ist, das eine Zwei-Komponenten-Substanz ist, die eine Ankergruppe, die an der dispergierten Substanz anbindet oder adsorbiert, und eine Polymerkette aufweist, die sich von der Ankergruppe erstreckt, um für sterische Stabilität zu sorgen.

12-04-2007 дата публикации

Preparing metal-plated, extruded plastic, useful as e.g. decorative particle, comprises melt blending and extrusion of plastic mixture and contacting mixture with acid, neutral or basic metal salt solution by electrolessly/glavanically

Номер: DE102005048161A1

Preparation of metal-plated, extruded plastic comprises: melt blending and extrusion of a plastic mixture (comprising: thermoplastic polymer (A); metal powder (B) having an average particle diameter of 0.1-100 mu m and more negative normal potential in acid solution than silver; dispersant (C); and fibrous/particulate fillers or their mixture (D)); and contacting the extruded plastic object with an acid, neutral or basic metal salt solution through electrolessly or galvanically. Preparation of metal-plated, extruded plastic comprises: melt blending and extrusion of a plastic mixture (comprising 100 wt.% of the components related to the total weight: 5-50 wt.% of thermoplastic polymer (A); 50-95 wt.% of metal powder (B) having an average particle diameter of 0.1-100 mu m and more negative normal potential in acid solution than silver; 0-10 wt.% of dispersant (C); and 0-40 wt.% of fibrous/particulate fillers or their mixture (D)); and contacting extruded plastic object with an acid, neutral ...

21-08-2003 дата публикации

Shaped body with a self-cleaning surface and a surface structure with hills formed by structure forming particles useful for drinking vessels, storage vessels, storage barrels, spraying protection devices, and textiles

Номер: DE0010205782A1

A shaped body with a plastics surface having self-cleaning properties and surface structures with hills, where the plastics surface has a coating of the same material and the plastics coating forms a strong bond with particles bonded to the coating which form the hills. A shaped body with a plastics surface having self-cleaning properties and surface structures with hills, where the plastics surface has a coating of the same material and the plastics coating forms a strong bond with particles bonded to the coating which form the hills. Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a process for preparation of the shaped body with a plastics surface, completely or partially carrying hills where at least one plastics surface of the shaped body is coated with a plastics solution containing the same plastic material as the surface and also structure forming particles; (2) a vessel with a plastics surface and surface structures with hills; (3) a textile with a plastics surface ...

13-02-1969 дата публикации

Lagermaterial fuer Gleitlager

Номер: DE0001494079A1

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Aushärtung eines elektrisch leitfähigen Klebstoffs und Kontaktstelle zwischen zwei Fügepartnern

Номер: DE102011077757A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Aushärtung eines elektrisch leitfähigen Klebstoffs (12) mit elektrisch leitfähigen Partikeln, bei dem die Fügepartner (14, 16) mit einer Aufheizrate von mehr als mehr als 15 K/min, insbesondere mehr als 25 K/min, auf eine Temperatur von mehr als 180°C erwärmt werden. Durch den Einsatz eines langsamen Härtersystems, beispielsweise einem aminischen Härter, in Kombination mit einer sehr schnellen Erwärmung der Fügepartner auf Temperaturen 180°C oder mehr, kann die Gefügestruktur der Partikel derart optimiert werden, dass durchgängige, relativ massive metallische, elektrisch und thermisch leitfähige Pfade (20) entstehen. Die Erfindung betrifft außerdem die Verwendung eines elektrisch leitfähigen Klebstoffs mit elektrisch leitfähigen Partikeln bei der Kontaktierung eines Leistungshalbleiters mit einem Schaltungsträger.

22-04-1933 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung nichtgleitenden Gummis

Номер: DE0000558888C
Принадлежит: MAX HERZ

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019120971A1
Автор: ZHANG ZHENG, Zhang, Zheng

Die vorliegende Erfindung offenbart einen bei Raumtemperatur schnell aushärtenden Leitkleber, der im Wesentlichen n-Butylacrylat, Butylveretherungsharz, Polyether, n-Butylacrylat-Härter, Aushärtungsbeschleuniger, Kupferpulver und Nano-Siliziumdioxid umfasst. Der erfinderische Leitkleber kann innerhalb von 20 Minuten bei Raumtemperatur ausgehärten, kann bei Raumtemperatur 2 Monate oder länger stabil gelagert werden und hat eine Scherfestigkeit von mehr als 14 MPa.

06-05-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002024868A1

17-12-2009 дата публикации

Nitrilpolymerzusammensetzung zur Anwendung bei magnetischen Dichtungen

Номер: DE602004023906D1

15-07-1971 дата публикации

Metall-Polymerisatzusammensetzungen und Gegenstaende daraus

Номер: DE0001669942A1

07-10-1971 дата публикации

Moulds from coked resin and metal powder mixtures - for use at high temps

Номер: DE0001964426A1

Moulds with good heat stability, thermal and electrical conductivity, mechanical strength and pressure resistance, suitable for use at 800 - 900 degrees C when used for casting, deep-drawing and esp. vacuum deep-drawing processes are obtd. by mixing 90 - 70% of metal powder (pref. grains of widely differing sizes) with a curable and cokable synthetic resin such as epoxides or epoxidised novalacs or organo-Si cpds. HO-Si(Me)2-o- Si(Me)2-O n-Si(Me)2-OH (n is an integer, Me is methyl)or The formed mould is cured at about 150 degrees C and heated above the decomposition temp. of the resin (700 degrees C) under N2. Nitrogen reacts with the decomposing resin and increases the hardness of the mould. The metal sinters at the same time to form a conductive skeleton. Glass or asbestos fibres or powder may be added to increase the mechanical strength.

19-10-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002216597A1

06-04-2016 дата публикации

Security composition and use thereof

Номер: GB0002530711A

A security product comprising a pouch containing a composition, the composition comprising a mixture of a liquid, a polymer, a light-emitting material and a plurality of marker materials. Ideally the composition is a gel. The polymer may be an anionic acrylate copolymer and the liquid may be water, alcohols or esters. The marker material may comprise a unique composition of alkali earth metals, d-block metals, lanthanides and p-block metals. The light-emitting material may be fluorescent or phosphorescent. The composition may further comprise an adhesive such as a polyacrylate, polyacetate and polystyrene. The pouch 20 may form part of a blocking device 10 blocking an access passage that to a restricted area, such as a manhole 30, and the composition may be transferred onto an object or individual coming into contact with the composition if the pouch is ruptured or pierced.

15-02-2017 дата публикации

Improved conductive polymer

Номер: GB0002541288A

A polymer composition comprises a substantially non-conductive polymer binder and at least two electrically conductive fillers, wherein a first electrically conductive filler comprises particles with a void bearing structure and a second electrically conductive filler comprises substantially spherical particles. The conductivity of the composition, when in an unstressed state, is related to the conductivity of the polymer binder but it is related to the conductive filler when stressed. The first electrically conductive filler may be spiky nickel, more preferably nickel 123 or nickel 255, with a particle size of about three microns. Typically, the second electrically conductive filler comprises magnetite with a particle size of five microns or less. The polymer binder may be polyurethane, polyvinyl acetate, polyvinyl chloride, acrylic polymer, natural rubber, or silicone. A force sensor comprising the polymer composition and electrical connections thereto is also disclosed.

06-06-2012 дата публикации

Aqueous coating composition

Номер: GB0201207219D0

05-12-2012 дата публикации

Functional inks based on layered materials and printed layered materials

Номер: GB0201218952D0

23-01-1985 дата публикации

Surgical implant

Номер: GB0002142544A

A method of making a surgical implant includes diffusion bonding to a surface of a substrate of a biocompatible material (eg titanium, titanium alloy, or cobalt-based alloy,) a mesh-form sheet material of e.g titanium, titanium alloy, or cobalt-based alloy so that there is provided on the surface a porous coating into which bone tissue can grow or surgical cement can enter.

29-11-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002190087B

03-12-2008 дата публикации

Electrically conductive composites

Номер: GB0002449781A

A method of modifying propagation characteristics of electromagnetic radiation having a radiation frequency comprises allowing radiation to be incident upon an electrically conductive composite, which comprises an electrically non-conductive material and an electrically conductive material. The composite exhibits a plasma-like response and has a plasma frequency below that of bulk metals. The plasma frequency is located relative to the radiation frequency such that the radiation propagation at the radiation frequency is modified by the composite's plasma-like response. The conductive and non-conductive materials may be both particulate with the conductive material being less than a tenth the size of the non-conductive material. The non-conductive material may have a particle size of not more than 100 microns. Alternatively, only the conductive material may be particulate and may have a size of & 1 micron. The conductive material may comprise gold or silver particles and the non-conductive ...

09-09-2009 дата публикации

Conductive polymer foams method of manufacture and uses thereof

Номер: GB2458067A

Articles are disclosed, comprising a polymer foam layer having a first surface and an opposite second surface; a plurality of cells between the first surface and the opposite second surface of the polymer foam layer, wherein the thickness of the polymer foam layer between the first surface and the opposite second surface is 1.0 to 1.5 times the average height of the plurality of cells; and a plurality of electrically conductive particles aligned into a plurality of columns that essentially continuously span the foam between the first surface and the opposite second surface of the polymer foam layer. The foams are useful as gaskets for electromagnetic shielding, grounding pads, battery contact conductive spring elements, and the like.

08-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002173201A

A cellulose matrix which has distributed therethrough atoms of a metal which can form kinetically labile ions (e.g. copper (0)) may be prepared by reducing a complex comprising kinetically labile metal ions held within a deprotonated cellulose network. This complex may in its turn be prepared by dissolving cellulose in a solvent containing the kinetically labile metal ions (e.g. cuprammonium or copper/1,3-diaminopropane) and contacting the solution formed with alkali. The metal atoms in the cellulose matrix may themselves be replaced by atoms of metals lower in the electrochemical series e.g. silver, platinum, palladium. Moreover the cellulose matrix material may be charred to give a carbon matrix which has distributed therethrough atoms of the corresponding metal.

27-08-1997 дата публикации

Structure for the absorption of electromagnetic waves

Номер: GB0002310541A

Structure for the absorption of electromagnetic waves comprising a stack of thin layers A n obtained from a layer A in a material chosen from among the semiconducting polymers and the charged polymers, and from a layer B in a material chosen from among the insulating polymers, polyethylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, the stack A n having moreover a sequence f giving it a fractal organisation.

02-12-2015 дата публикации

Underwater pipeline repair by automated composite lamination

Номер: GB0002526631A

An apparatus for repairing pipelines or the like under water, comprising an enclosure (1) which is adapted to be placed around a pipeline section (4) to be repaired and form an enclosed chamber between the pipeline section (4) and the enclosure (1). A lamination tool (6) for applying a repair chemical, typically epoxy, and a sheet material is adapted to orbit around the circumference of the pipeline section. The enclosure on the inside surface of the enclosure is equipped with at least two pitch racks (5a, 5b) along which the lamination tool (6) is moveable. A method for applying is described whereby the repair chemical is provided with magnetic particles to attract the chemical to the surface of the pipe. The repair chemical per se is also claimed.

29-05-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002167309A

A three piece solid golf ball having improved rebound characteristics and a higher initial velocity which includes a center portion, an outer layer disposed over the center portion, and a cover disposed over the outer layer. The outer layer is formed from a rubber composition containing a base rubber, and has a base rubber volume content ratio of at least 0.65. The rubber composition of the outer layer further contains a gravity filler with a high specific gravity such that the outer layer has a higher specific gravity than the center, wherein the difference in specific gravity between the outer layer and the center varies from 0.15 to 0.8 for a small size golf ball and from 0.15 to 0.45 for a large size golf ball. The gravity filler may be selected from tungsten, tungsten carbide, molybdenum, lead, lead dioxide, nickel, or copper.

03-02-1954 дата публикации

Coating composition and process of manufacturing same

Номер: GB0000703397A

A coating composition comprises neoprene dissolved in an organic solvent, mixed with a metal powder, the metal being lead, copper, zinc, chromium, cobalt, nickel or tin and including a catalyst consisting of a compound of a metal of the eighth group of the periodic table. The neoprene has a Saybolt viscosity of less than 40 seconds in a 25 per cent. solution in toluol. Preferably the powder has a particle size less than 0.075 millimetres, the catalysts are osmium chloride or potassium osmiate and specified solvents are solvent naphtha, carbon tetrachloride, amyl acetate and butyl acetate. Plasticizers such as chlorinated diphenyls may also be present. The composition is used for coating iron and steel surfaces, the catalyst accelerating the oxidation of the metal powder and passivating the iron surface.ALSO:A coating composition comprises a low viscosity solution of chlorinated natural rubber in organic solvents, the rubber being chlorinated so that the viscosity of a 25 per cent. solution ...

30-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008607280D0

11-04-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009003319D0

04-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008526609D0

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Ultraviolet-curable adhesive agent composite, adhesive agent layer, adhesive sheet, and manufacturing method therefor

Номер: US20120064336A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

An ultraviolet-curable pressure-sensitive adhesive composition, comprising one or more monomer components comprising an acrylic monomer; an aromatic low-molecular-weight polymer having a weight-average molecular weight of 500 to 4000 inclusive, the molecular weight being according to gel permeation chromatography; and a photopolymerization initiator; wherein when the composition is turned into a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer, the haze value of the composition is 10% or less.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Clear magnetic intaglio printing ink

Номер: US20120091701A1
Принадлежит: Bank of Canada, SICPA HOLDING SA

The invention discloses an ink for the engraved steel die printing process, having a viscosity at 40° C. between 3 Pa.s to 15 Pa.s, preferably 5 to 10 Pa.s, and comprising a polymeric organic binder and magnetic pigment particle, characterized in that said magnetic pigment particles comprises a magnetic core material which is surrounded by at least one layer of another material. The surrounding layers, single or in combination, confer the pigment particle particular optical properties in the visible and/or in the near IR, chosen from high specular or diffuse reflectance, spectrally selective absorption or reflection, and angle-dependent absorption or reflection, and allow for the formulation of inks having a large gamut of color and other optical functionalities.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing sintered silver alloy body and copper oxide-containing clay-like composition

Номер: US20120098168A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Materials Corp

A method of manufacturing a sintered silver alloy body of the present invention includes steps of adding copper oxide to a silver-containing clay-like composition that contains silver-containing metal powder containing silver, a binder, and water to manufacture a clay-like composition for forming a sintered silver alloy body; making an object by making the clay-like composition for forming a sintered silver alloy body into an arbitrary shape; and baking the object in a reduction atmosphere or a non-oxidizing atmosphere after the object is dried.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Discharge gap filling composition and electrostatic discharge protector

Номер: US20120099231A1
Принадлежит: Showa Denko KK

A discharge gap filling composition which includes metal powders (A) and a binder component (B), wherein surfaces of primary particles of the metal powders (A) are coated with a film composed of a metal oxide, and the primary particles of the metal powders (A) have a flake form. An electrostatic discharge protector is obtained using the composition.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Uv photoactivatable curable paint formulations and cured coatings thereof

Номер: US20120107523A1
Автор: Nirupama Karunaratne
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A UV photoactivatable curable paint formation for providing a cured paint coating of a desired appearance on a substrate by UV irradiation, comprises a UV curable film-forming compound; a UV photoinitiator; a particulate UV reflective material in an effective rate of curing enhancing amount without affecting the resultant desired appearance of the cured paint coating.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Electronically conductive polymer binder for lithium-ion battery electrode

Номер: US20120119155A1

A family of carboxylic acid group containing fluorene/fluorenon copolymers is disclosed as binders of silicon particles in the fabrication of negative electrodes for use with lithium ion batteries. These binders enable the use of silicon as an electrode material as they significantly improve the cycle-ability of silicon by preventing electrode degradation over time. In particular, these polymers, which become conductive on first charge, bind to the silicon particles of the electrode, are flexible so as to better accommodate the expansion and contraction of the electrode during charge/discharge, and being conductive promote the flow battery current.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Waterborne effect base coats having improved optical properties

Номер: US20120135246A1
Принадлежит: BASF COATINGS GMBH, Pascal Blaise Universite

Disclosed is an aqueous effect basecoat material comprising at least one liquid-crystalline aqueous preparation (WZ) in fractions of 1% to 99% by weight, based on the aqueous basecoat material, at least one film-forming polymer (FP), and at least one effect pigment (EP).

31-05-2012 дата публикации

One-component organopolysiloxane compositions with high relative permittivity

Номер: US20120136108A1
Принадлежит: Wacker Chemie AG

Organopolysiloxane composition (O) curable to vulcanizates having relative permittivity ε r of at least 6, measured by IEC 60250, and onset temperature greater than 80° C., including: (A) 100 pbw of compounds having radicals with aliphatic carbon-carbon multiple bonds, (B) 0.1-50 pbw of organopolysiloxanes with Si-bonded hydrogen atoms or, instead of (A) and (B), (C) 100 pbw of organopolysiloxanes having SiC-bonded radicals with aliphatic carbon-carbon multiple bonds and Si-bonded hydrogen atoms, (D) 10-100 pbw of mineral reinforcing filler with BET surface area of at least 50 m 2 /g by DIN-EN-ISO 9277, (E) 4-300 pbw of carbon black with BET surface area of 5-1100 m 2 /g by ASTM D-6556 and with OAN of 10-500 ml/100 g by ASTM D-2414, and (F) thermally activatable catalyst containing compounds of the platinum metals selected from Pt, Pa, Rh and Ru, in such an amount that 0.0000001-0.01 pbw of platinum metal is present in the organopolysiloxane composition (O).

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Rust-Proof Paint Composition And Method Of Manufacturing A Member Having A Rust-Proof Coating Using The Rust-Proof Paint Composition

Номер: US20120141686A1
Автор: Toshimichi Suzuki
Принадлежит: Yuken Industry Co Ltd

A rust-proof coating, which does not contain a hazardous metal such as chromium and is able to form a thin coating in which crack generation is inhibited even after a baking treatment at a high temperature, including based on the whole composition, 5 to 40% by weight of an organic silicon compound, 0.05 to 5.0% by weight of an organic titanium compound, 20 to 60% by weight of one or more metal powders selected from the group of zinc powder, zinc alloy powder, and aluminum powder, and 10 to 60% by weight of an organic solvent. A coating having excellent anticorrosive properties can be formed by coating the above-mentioned paint composition followed by heating at a temperature of from 200 to 400 degrees C.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Ink for electrochromic device and electrochromic device and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120154890A1

Disclosed is ink for an electrochromic device including an electrochromic material, a metal salt, and a solvent. Disclosed also is an electrochromic device that includes a first electrode and a second electrode facing each other, an auxiliary electrode disposed on the first electrode or the second electrode, an electrochromic layer applied on the auxiliary electrode, and an electrolyte interposed between the first electrode and second electrode, wherein the electrochromic layer is formed using ink including an electrochromic material and a metal salt. Disclosed also is a method of manufacturing the electrochromic device.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Nano silver-zinc oxide composition

Номер: US20120177713A1

A new composite comprises (a) 10.1-99.9% by weight of elemental Ag and (b) 0.1-89.9% by weight of ZnO, wherein the sum of (a) and (b) makes 90% or more by weight of the composite and wherein the elemental Ag has a primary particle size of 10-200 nm and/or the ZnO has a primary particle size of 0.1 to below 50 μm and/or the composite has a particle size distribution of 0.1-50 μm and/or a BET surface area of 10-100 m2/g. The novel composite may be obtained by the steps (i) mixing a first mixture of at least one Ag-salt with a second mixture of at least one Zn-salt thereby forming a third mixture of Ag- and Zn-salts, (ii) adding the third mixture to a mixture of a carbonate source, (iii) co-precipitating of the Ag- and Zn-carbonates formed in step (ii), (iv) washing of the Ag- and Zn-carbonates and (v) thermal decompositing of the Ag- and Zn-carbonates. The novel composites are useful to impart antimicrobial properties to surfaces, articles or bulk compositions, especially to membrane systems for gas- or water separation.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Use of non-ionic surfactants to increase oxygen scavenger activity of functionalized polyolefin films

Номер: US20120187345A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

An oxygen-scavenging composition comprising (I) an oxidizable metal component, (II) an electrolyte component, (III) a non-electrolytic, acidifying component, and (IV) a non ionic surfactant component, preferably selected from the group consisting of alkyl polyethylene glycol ethers, polyethylene glycols, polypropylene glycols, polypropylene glycol polyethylene glycol block copolymers and polyethylene polyethylene glycol block copolymers.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Conductive adhesive, method for manufacturing the same, and electronic device including the same

Номер: US20120228560A1
Принадлежит: Duk San Tekopia Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a conductive adhesive, a method for manufacturing the same, and an electronic device including the same. The conductive adhesive includes: a conductive particle; a low-melting alloy powder including an alloy including Sn and at least one material selected from the group consisting of Ag, Cu, Bi, Zn, In, and Pb; a nano powder; a first binder including a thermosetting resin; and a second binder including a rosin compound.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Anisotropic conductive film, joined structure, and connecting method

Номер: US20120261171A1

To provide an anisotropic conductive film, which contains: an electric conductive layer containing Ni particles, metal-coated resin particles, a binder, a polymerizable monomer, and a curing agent; and an insulating layer containing a binder, a monofunctional polymerizable monomer, and a curing agent, wherein the metal-coated resin particles are resin particles each containing a resin core coated at least with Ni.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Magnetic grain boundary engineered ferrite core materials

Номер: US20120286920A1
Принадлежит: Metamagnetics Inc

A composite material can include a grain component and a nanostructured grain boundary component. The nanostructured grain boundary component can be insulating and magnetic, so as to provide greater continuity of magnetization of the composite material. The grain component can have an average grain size of about 0.5-50 micrometers. The grain boundary component can have an average grain size of about 1-100 nanometers. The nanostructured magnetic grain boundary material has a magnetic flux density of at least about 250 mT. The grain component can comprise MnZn ferrite particles. The nanostructured grain boundary component can comprise NiZn ferrite nanoparticles. Core components and systems thereof can be manufactured from the composite material.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Carbon - lead blends for use in hybrid energy storage devices

Номер: US20130004841A1
Принадлежит: EnerG2 Technologies Inc

The present application is directed to blends comprising a plurality of carbon particles and a plurality of lead particles. The blends find utility in any number of electrical devices, for example, in lead acid batteries. Methods for making and using the blends are also disclosed.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Polyacetal resin composition, method for producing the same, and molded article

Номер: US20130035416A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corp

A polyacetal resin composition and molded article having a high metallic gloss, small change in a color tone according to the viewing angle, high weld performance, and high mechanical properties can be provided in which the amount of formaldehyde to be produced in molding and recycle is suppressed, the mold deposit is improved, and the repeated impact resistance after aging is high. A polyacetal resin composition comprising: (A) 100 parts by mass of a polyacetal copolymer resin, and (B) 0.1 to 10 parts by mass of an aluminum pigment, the aluminum pigment having a coin-like or flake-like flat shape, a volume average particle size D 50 of 15 to 50 μm, an average surface roughness Ra of 20 to 50 nm, and an average height Rc of depressions and projections in a surface roughness curve of 80 to 200 nm.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Composition for Corrosion Prevention

Номер: US20130048917A1
Принадлежит: Tesla Nanocoatings Inc

The composition described herein for the prevention of corrosion comprises: sacrificial metal particles more noble than a metal substrate to which the composition contacts; carbonaceous material that can form electrical contact between the sacrificial metal particles; and means for providing an anticorrosion coating material for the metal substrate. The composition can form a coating on a metal substrate surface. A method for applying the composition for the prevention of corrosion is also described herein.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Polymer thick film silver electrode composition for use in thin-film photovoltaic cells

Номер: US20130056062A1
Автор: Jay Robert Dorfman
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

The invention is directed to a polymer thick film silver composition comprising: (a) conductive silver flake (b) organic medium comprising (1) phenoxy organic polymeric binder and (2) organic solvent. The composition may be processed at a time and energy sufficient to remove all solvent. The invention is further directed to method(s) of grid formation on top of Thin-Film photovoltaic cells.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130071619A1

A nano-composite is described, including a matrix resin , metal fine-particles immobilized in the matrix resin , a binding species immobilized on a part or all of the metal fine-particles , and metal fine-particles indirectly immobilized on the metal fine-particles via the binding species . Each of at least a part of the metal fine-particles has a portion embedded in the matrix resin , and a portion (exposed portion ) exposed outside of the matrix resin , while the binding species is immobilized on the exposed portions. 1. A metal fine-particle composite , comprising:a matrix resin, and metal fine-particles immobilized to the matrix resin, whereina) the metal fine-particles include a plurality of first metal fine-particles immobilized in the matrix resin, and second metal fine-particles indirectly immobilized on the first metal fine-particles,b) the first metal fine-particles are present independently without contacting with each other, andc) each of at least a part of the first metal fine-particles has a portion embedded in the matrix resin and another portion exposed outside of the matrix resin, while the second metal fine-particles are immobilized via a binding species immobilized on the another exposed portion.2. The metal fine-particle composite of claim 1 , wherein the first metal fine-particles have particle diameters in a range of 1 nm to 50 nm and a mean particle diameter greater than or equal to 3 nm claim 1 , and the second metal fine-particles have a mean particle diameter in a range of 40 nm to 200 nm.3. The metal fine-particle composite of claim 1 , wherein the first metal fine-particles are present with a distance that is greater than or equal to a particle diameter of a larger one of two neighboring fine-particles among the first metal fine-particles.4. The metal fine-particle composite of claim 1 , wherein another binding species having a functional group interacting with a specific substance is immobilized on surfaces of the second metal fine- ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072618A1

A method for producing polymeric balls or polymeric beads doped with at least one metal element is provided. The method may comprise the following steps: a) a step for forming polymeric balls or beads by polymerization, in an organic phase comprising a polymerization initiator, of at least one ethylenic monomer comprising at least one chelating ligand of at least one metal element; and b) a step for putting said polymeric balls or beads in contact with a solution comprising at least one metal element. 123.-. (canceled)24. A method for producing polymeric balls doped with at least one metal element , comprising:a) forming polymeric balls by polymerization, in an organic phase comprising a polymerization initiator, of at least one ethylenic monomer comprising at least one chelating ligand of at least one metal element; andb) putting said polymeric balls in contact with a solution comprising at least one metal element,wherein said a) is applied with the succession of the following operations:{'sub': '1', 'forming liquid balls by encapsulation of a first aqueous phase Win an organic phase, this organic phase comprising at least one ethylenic monomer comprising at least one chelating ligand of at least one metal element and at least one polymerization initiator;'}{'sub': '2', 'emulsifying in a second aqueous phase Wthe thereby formed balls; and'}polymerizing the constitutive monomer(s) of the organic phase, by means of which polymeric balls are obtained.25. A method according to claim 24 , wherein the ethylenic monomer comprising at least one chelating ligand of at least one metal element is a monomer including at least one group bearing a free doublet and/or at least one negatively charged group.32. The method according to claim 24 , wherein the monomer comprises a cyclic amine comprising at least two nitrogen atoms.38. The method according to claim 24 , wherein the metal element is selected from alkaline metals claim 24 , earth alkaline metals claim 24 , transition ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for making particle/polymer composites and applications

Номер: US20130084420A1
Принадлежит: UChicago Argonne LLC

The invention provides a method for producing bioinert biocompatible diamond particles/polymer composites or any other matrix (e.g. glass, metal, plastic, ceramic and more)/diamond particle composites, even if not biocompatible with outstanding mechanical, tribological, and biological properties, the method comprising selecting a polymer having a melting temperature below about 300 C; mixing diamond particles with the polymer to form a liquid mixture, poring the liquid diamond particle/polymer or any other diamond particle/matrix composite in liquid form into a mold and then causing the composite to sinter with the diamond particles densely and uniformly distributed through the bulk and surface of the composite, such that the diamond particles distributed on the surface can form a diamond layer covering the surface.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Z-axis conductive article and method of making the same

Номер: US20130118773A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A Z-axis conductive article includes an adhesive layer having a first major surface and a second major surface opposite the first major surface. The adhesive layer includes a dielectric pressure-sensitive adhesive and conductive magnetic particles aligned in mutually isolated conductive pathways extending from the first major surface to the second major surface of the adhesive layer. A method of making the same is also disclosed.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Anisotropic conductive film composition, anisotropic conductive film, and semiconductor device bonded by the same

Номер: US20130154093A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An anisotropic conductive film composition for bonding an electronic device may include a hydrogenated bisphenol A epoxy monomer represented by Formula 1 or a hydrogenated bisphenol A epoxy oligomer represented by Formula 2: where n may be an integer from 1 to about 50.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Artificial Marble Including Cellular Metal Chips and Method for Making the Same

Номер: US20130165575A1

An artificial marble includes an artificial marble matrix made of a thermosetting resin and metal chips having a cellular structure. The metal chips can be evenly dispersed throughout the artificial marble and can form foam or open-cell patterns. 1. An artificial marble comprising metal chips having a cellular structure.2. The artificial marble of claim 1 , wherein the cellular metal chips have an average particle diameter of about 2 to about 7 mm and an average air pore diameter of about 0.1 to about 5 mm.3. The artificial marble of claim 1 , wherein the cellular metal chips have a Barcol hardness (GYZJ 934-1 claim 1 , Barber Colman Company) of about 20 to about 55.4. The artificial marble of claim 1 , wherein the cellular metal chips are aluminum.5. An artificial marble comprising an artificial marble matrix prepared by curing a composition of a thermosetting resin and metal chips having a cellular structure claim 1 , wherein the cellular metal chips are evenly dispersed throughout the artificial marble and forms foamed or open-cell patterns therein.6. The artificial marble of claim 5 , wherein the thermosetting resin comprises acrylic resin claim 5 , unsaturated polyester resin claim 5 , or a combination thereof.7. The artificial marble of claim 5 , wherein the artificial marble further includes inorganic fillers and pigments.8. The artificial marble of claim 5 , wherein the artificial marble further includes a cross-linking agent claim 5 , polymerization initiator claim 5 , coupling agent claim 5 , hardening accelerator claim 5 , fire retardant claim 5 , antistatic agent claim 5 , anti-foaming agent claim 5 , dispersing agent claim 5 , ultraviolet radiation absorbent claim 5 , or a combination thereof.9. The artificial marble of comprising about 1 to about 20 parts by weight of the metal chips having a cellular structure claim 7 , about 40 to about 220 parts by weight of the inorganic fillers claim 7 , and about 0.0001 to about 5 parts by weight of the pigments ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

High strength bonding and coating mixture and method

Номер: US20130174980A1
Автор: Sang In LEE
Принадлежит: Ferrotec USA Corp

A method of using a high-strength bonding and coating mixture is disclosed. The mixture includes a silicon compound having a polycarbosilane backbone and a powder having a plurality of individual powder grains. Each of the powder grains has a diameter substantially between 0.05 micrometers and 50 micrometers. The mixture is applied to one or more work pieces and the work piece(s) is (are) heated in either an inert or reduction environment to a temperature sufficient to decompose the silicon compound into gaseous atoms and radicals of silicon and carbon.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Sinterable silver flake adhesive for use in electronics

Номер: US20130187102A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG and Co KGaA, Henkel Corp

A conductive composition comprises (i) micro- or submicro-sized silver flake having a tap density of 4.6 g/cc or higher and (ii) a solvent that dissolves any fatty acid lubricant or surfactant present on the surface of the silver. In one embodiment, (iii) a small amount of peroxide is present. No organic resin is present in the composition.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202827A1

The invention provides a glittering resin composition which includes: a polycarbonate resin that contains structural units derived from a dihydroxy compound having the portion represented by the following general formula (1) as a part of the structure thereof; and glittering particles in an amount of 0.1 parts by weight or more and 10 parts by weight or less per 100 parts by weight of the polycarbonate resin, wherein the glittering particles are inorganic particles (excluding metal particles) coated with a metal or a metal oxide or are metal particles: 3. The glittering resin composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the inorganic particles (excluding metal particles) are at least one member selected from the group consisting of glass flakes, alumina flakes, silica flakes and mica flakes, andthe metal particles are at least one member selected from the group consisting of silver flakes, nickel flakes, gold flakes, titanium flakes and aluminum flakes.4. The glittering resin composition according to claim 1 ,wherein a retention of a weight-average molecular weight of the glittering resin composition is 90% or more of a weight-average molecular weight of the polycarbonate resin.5. The glittering resin composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the polycarbonate resin has a glass transition temperature (Tg) of 80° C. or higher but lower than 145° C.6. A molded object claim 1 , which is obtained by injection-molding the glittering resin composition according to .7. A decorated sheet claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a layer that contains the glittering resin composition according to .'}8. The decorated sheet according to claim 7 , comprising at least the following layer A and the following layer B:Layer A: a resin layer that has visible-light transmission properties and has a thickness of 10 μm or larger;{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'Layer B: a resin layer that is constituted of the glittering resin composition ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Loaded gel particles for anti-fouling compositions

Номер: US20130209389A1
Принадлежит: Enpro ApS, Fibac ApS

The present invention provides polishing control components for anti-fouling paints for vessels which comprise rosin or other water-degradable polymers entrapped in gel particles, such as aerogel or aeromosil particles.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Silicon/germanium nanoparticle inks, laser pyrolysis reactors for the synthesis of nanoparticles and associated methods

Номер: US20130221286A1
Принадлежит: Nanogram Corp

Laser pyrolysis reactor designs and corresponding reactant inlet nozzles are described to provide desirable particle quenching that is particularly suitable for the synthesis of elemental silicon particles. In particular, the nozzles can have a design to encourage nucleation and quenching with inert gas based on a significant flow of inert gas surrounding the reactant precursor flow and with a large inert entrainment flow effectively surrounding the reactant precursor and quench gas flows. Improved silicon nanoparticle inks are described that has silicon nanoparticles without any surface modification with organic compounds. The silicon ink properties can be engineered for particular printing applications, such as inkjet printing, gravure printing or screen printing. Appropriate processing methods are described to provide flexibility for ink designs without surface modifying the silicon nanoparticles.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130225713A1

The present invention relates to a composite powder, preparation and use thereof. The composite powder according to the present invention is prepared by intimately mixing an irradiated or non-irradiated rubber latex with a slurry of inorganic particles in a ratio corresponding to that of rubber particles to inorganic particles in the composite powder according to the present invention, and then drying the resultant mixture. The composite powder according to the present invention comprises agglomerates composed of powdery rubber particles and inorganic particles, with inorganic particles being uniformly distributed either inside the agglomerats or both inside the agglomerates and on the surfaces thereof. The composite powder according to the present invention can be easily dispersed in plastic matrixes and thus can be compounded with plastics to produce toughened plastics and thermoplastic elastomers. 18-. (canceled)9. A process for preparing a composite powder comprising rubber particles having a cross-linked structure and inorganic particles distributed between said rubber particles , comprising:a. intimately mixing a slurry of inorganic particles with a cross-linked synthetic rubber latex to obtain a mixed latex and then drying the mixed latex; orb. vulcanizing a rubber latex by high-energy irradiation in the absence or presence of a cross-linking agent, intimately mixing a slurry of inorganic particles with the irradiated rubber latex to obtain a mixed latex and then drying the mixed latex.10. The process according to claim 9 , wherein the slurry of inorganic particles is an aqueous suspension of inorganic particles.11. The process according to claim 9 , wherein said inorganic particles have an average size of 0.2 to 500 nm in at least one dimension and are selected from the group consisting of elemental metals or alloys thereof; metal oxides; metal or non-metal nitrides; non-metal carbides; non-metal oxides; metal hydroxides; metal salts; mineral earths; and the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Conductive composition and conductive feature formed at low temperatures

Номер: US20130252372A1
Автор: Chun Christine Dong
Принадлежит: Air Products and Chemicals Inc

A method for forming a conductive feature. The method includes providing a substrate and providing a conductive composition. The conductive composition includes metal particles, a non-acid protic solvent, and a high polarity solvent. The non-acid protic solvent and high polarity solvent are present in concentrations sufficient to ionize the non-acid protic solvent and remove oxides when heated. The method further includes heating the composition to a temperature less than about 250° C. to form a conductive feature having less than about ten times the resistivity of bulk copper.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Silicon polymers, methods of polymerizing silicon compounds, and methods of forming thin films from such silicon polymers

Номер: US20130252407A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Compositions and methods for controlled polymerization and/or oligomerization of hydrosilanes compounds including those of the general formulae Si n H 2n and Si n H 2n+2 as well as alkyl- and arylsilanes, to produce soluble silicon polymers as a precursor to silicon films having low carbon content.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Thermally conductive adhesive

Номер: US20130279118A1
Принадлежит: Dexerials Corp

A thermally conductive adhesive having: a thermosetting adhesive containing a curable component and a curing agent for the curable component, and a metal filler dispersed in the thermosetting adhesive uses a silver powder and a solder powder as the metal filler. The solder powder to be used has a melting temperature lower than the thermal curing temperature of the thermally conductive adhesive and produces a high-melting-point solder alloy having a melting point higher than the melting temperature of the solder powder when the solder powder is reacted with the silver powder under thermal curing conditions of the thermally conductive adhesive. A curing agent having flux activity to the metal filler is used as the curing agent.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Tire Cover Comprising a Self-Adherent Composite Reinforcement

Номер: US20130280511A1

Pneumatic tire comprising a composite reinforcer (R-2) that is self-adhesive by curing to a diene rubber matrix, comprising: one or more reinforcing thread(s) (), for example a carbon steel cord; covering said thread, individually each thread or collectively several threads, a layer of a thermoplastic polymer composition comprising on the one hand a thermoplastic polymer, the glass transition temperature of which is positive, on the other hand an unsaturated thermoplastic stirene elastomer, the glass transition temperature of which is negative. 1. A pneumatic tire comprising a composite reinforcer comprising:one or more reinforcing thread(s);covering said thread, individually each thread or collectively several threads, a layer of a thermoplastic polymer composition comprising on the one hand a thermoplastic polymer, the glass transition temperature of which is positive, on the other hand an unsaturated thermoplastic stirene elastomer, the glass transition temperature of which is negative.2. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the glass transition temperature of the thermoplastic polymer is greater than +20° C.3. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the glass transition temperature of the unsaturated thermoplastic stirene elastomer is less than −20° C.4. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the difference in glass transition temperature between the thermoplastic polymer and the unsaturated thermoplastic stirene elastomer is greater than 60° C.5. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polymer is an aliphatic polyamide or a polyester.6. The tire according to claim 5 , wherein the thermoplastic polymer is a polyamide 6 or a polyamide 11.7. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic elastomer is a copolymer comprising stirene blocks and diene blocks.8. The tire according to claim 7 , wherein the diene blocks are isoprene or butadiene blocks.9. The tire according to claim 8 , wherein the thermoplastic elastomer is selected ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Composite material for the making of decorative items and procedure for the making of a decorative item

Номер: US20130307188A1

Composite material for the making of decorative items which contains at least a polymeric component and at least a metallic powder dispersed in the polymeric component in an amount in weight between 2% and 95%. The metallic powder includes plate-like particles with a nanometric thickness of between 5 and 300 nm and a preferential growth in a two-dimensional surface with at least a dimension of between 0.6 and 100 μm. A procedure for the making of an ornamental article includes at least a phase for preparing at least a base component of a silicone resin; at least a phase for preparing the metallic powder; at least an initial phase for mixing the metallic powder with the silicone resin base component to obtain an even mixture; and at least an initial phase for reticulating the base component in the even mixture with the metallic powder distributed in a homogeneous way.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333592A1

The invention provides a process for producing an aqueous dispersion of zirconium oxide that includes: reacting a zirconium salt with an alkali in water to obtain a slurry of particles of zirconium oxide; filtering, washing, and repulping the slurry; adding an organic acid to the resulting slurry in an amount of one mole part or more per mole part of the zirconium in the slurry; hydrothermally treating the resulting mixture at a temperature of 170° C. or higher; and washing the resulting aqueous dispersion of particles of zirconium oxide. 1. A process for producing an aqueous dispersion of zirconium oxide comprising: reacting a zirconium salt with an alkali in water to obtain a slurry of particles of zirconium oxide; filtering , washing , and repulping the slurry; adding an organic acid to the resulting slurry in an amount of one mole part or more per mole part of the zirconium in the slurry; hydrothermally treating the resulting mixture at a temperature of 170° C. or higher; and washing the resulting aqueous dispersion of particles of zirconium oxide.2. (canceled)3. The process for producing an aqueous dispersion of zirconium oxide according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous dispersion of zirconium oxide obtained by the hydrothermal treatment is washed using an ultrafilter.4. The process for producing an aqueous dispersion of zirconium oxide according to claim 1 , wherein an aqueous solution of a zirconium salt claim 1 , or a zirconium salt and a salt of at least one stabilizing element selected from aluminum claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , and rare earth elements claim 1 , and an aqueous alkaline solution are added at the same time to charged water which has been in advance placed in a precipitation reactor so that the zirconium salt claim 1 , or the zirconium salt and the salt of the at least one stabilizing element are reacted with an alkali in water.5. The process for producing an aqueous dispersion of zirconium oxide according to claim 1 , ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Hot-melt adhesion composition, hot-melt adhesive sheet and adhesion method

Номер: US20140000787A1
Принадлежит: Lintec Corp

The hot-melt adhesive composition contains a hot-melt adhesive, a ferromagnetic substance, and a foaming agent that foams when heated, and the hot-melt adhesive composition has: a surface magnetic force of 20 mT or more; a surface magnetic force after heating for adhesion of 5 mT or less; and a volume change ratio due to heating for adhesion of 110% to 400%. The hot-melt adhesive composition may be formed into a sheet-like shape to provide a hot-melt adhesive sheet, which exhibits an excellent adhesive force by heating and which also exhibits a sufficient temporarily fixing force due to magnetic force at the initial stage, but the magnetic force is sufficiently reduced after heating, so that the occurrence of irregularity on the surface due to magnetic force lines after heating can be suppressed.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Composition of silver-conjugated compound composite

Номер: US20140001422A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd

A composition of a silver-conjugated compound composite containing (1) a silver-conjugated compound composite containing a silver particle with a Feret diameter of 1,000 nm or less and a conjugated compound having a weight average molecular weight of 3.0×10 2 or more being adsorbed to the silver particles and (2) an ionic compound. The ionic compound may be a compound having a structure represented by the following Formula (hh-1): [Chem. 1] M m′ + a X′ n′− b   (hh-1) wherein M m′+ represents a metal cation, X′ n′− represents an anion, a and b each independently represent an integer of 1 or more, and when M m′+ and X′ n′− are each plurally present, they may be the same as or different from each other.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Accelerator for curing resins

Номер: US20140005343A1
Принадлежит: Akzo Nobel Chemicals International BV

Accelerator solution suitable for forming a redox system with peroxides, comprising a Cu(I) compound, a transition metal selected from cobalt and titanium, a phosphorous-containing compound, a nitrogen-containing base, and a hydroxy-functional solvent.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Film formation composition for preventing blackening of steel sheet, and steel sheet having film formed by composition

Номер: US20140011048A1
Принадлежит: Noroo Coil Coatings Co Ltd, Posco Co Ltd

Provided is a film formation composition for improving the blackening of the surface of a steel sheet, particularly, the surface of a steel sheet containing Mg on the surface thereof, such as a Mg sheet, a plated steel sheet having a plated layer comprising Mg, and the like, a steel sheet comprising a film formed by the composition, and a method for forming the film. Provided are a film formation composition for preventing the blackening of the surface of the steel sheet, comprising: 2.5-7.5 parts by weight of a water-soluble phenoxy resin; 0.1-0.5 parts by weight of a fluorometal acid; 0.1-0.5 parts by weight of a metal compound; and 1-5 parts by weight of a cross-linking agent.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140017480A1

Some implementations provide a composite material that includes a first material and a second material. In some implementations, the composite material is a metamaterial. The first material includes a chiral polymer (e.g., crystalline chiral helical polymer, poly-γ-benzyl-L-glutamate (PBLG), poly-L-lactic acid (PLA), polypeptide, and/or polyacetylene). The second material is within the chiral polymer. The first material and the second material are configured to provide an effective index of refraction value for the composite material of 1 or less. In some implementations, the effective index of refraction value for the composite material is negative. In some implementations, the effective index of refraction value for the composite material of 1 or less is at least in a wavelength of one of at least a visible spectrum, an infrared spectrum, a microwave spectrum, and/or an ultraviolet spectrum. 1. A composite material comprising:a first material comprising a chiral polymer; anda second material within the chiral polymer, wherein the first material and the second material are configured to provide an effective index of refraction value for the composite material of 1 or less.2. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the effective index of refraction value for the composite material is negative.3. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the effective index of refraction value for the composite material of 1 or less is at least in a wavelength of one of at least a visible spectrum claim 1 , an infrared spectrum claim 1 , a microwave spectrum claim 1 , and/or an ultraviolet spectrum.4. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the composite material has a negative permittivity value.5. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the composite material has zero or greater permittivity value.6. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the composite material has a negative permeability value.7. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the composite material ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018489A1
Автор: Johnson Michael H.

A metal-polymer composite includes a crosslinked polymer; and a metal which is removably disposed among the crosslinked polymer. A method of making the metal-polymer composite includes combining a crosslinked polymer and a metal; blending the crosslinked polymer and the metal to form a blend; cold pressing the blend; heating the blend to a forging temperature; and applying pressure to the blend at the forging temperature to form the metal-polymer composite. A downhole article includes a crosslinked polymer including a crosslinked product of a polymer including polyphenylene sulfide, polyphenylsulfone, self-reinforced polyphenylene, polysulfone, polyethersulfone, polyarylsulfone, derivatives thereof, or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing; and a metal disposed among the crosslinked polymer and removable by contact with a downhole fluid. 1. A metal-polymer composite comprising:a crosslinked polymer; anda metal which is removably disposed among the crosslinked polymer.2. The metal-polymer composite of claim 1 , wherein the metal includes aluminum claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , tungsten claim 1 , calcium claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , copper claim 1 , chromium claim 1 , gallium claim 1 , indium claim 1 , iron claim 1 , manganese claim 1 , molybdenum claim 1 , palladium claim 1 , tin claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , silicon claim 1 , yttrium claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing.3. The metal-polymer composite of claim 2 , wherein the metal is present in an amount of about 30 wt % to about 99 wt % claim 2 , based on the weight of the metal-polymer composite.4. The metal-polymer composite of claim 1 , wherein the crosslinked polymer is a crosslinked product of a polymer including polyphenylene sulfide claim 1 , polyphenylsulfone claim 1 , self-reinforced polyphenylene claim 1 , polysulfone claim 1 , polyethersulfone claim 1 , polyarylsulfone claim 1 , derivatives thereof claim 1 , or a combination comprising at least ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for Preparing Resin Compositions Containing Nano Silver Particles

Номер: US20140024773A1
Принадлежит: INKTEC CO., LTD.

The present invention relates to synthetic resin composition containing nano silver particles, in which a silver complex having a specific structure that allows formation of the nano silver particles is dissolved in monomer for the resin composition and the organic silver complex is decomposed with polymerization to prepare the synthetic resin composition containing the nano silver particles. 2. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the silver compound of the formula 1 is one or a mixture of two or more selected from the group consisting of silver oxide claim 1 , silver thiocyanate claim 1 , silver cyanide claim 1 , silver cyanate claim 1 , silver carbonate claim 1 , silver nitrate claim 1 , silver nitrite claim 1 , silver sulfate claim 1 , silver phosphate claim 1 , silver perchlorate claim 1 , silver tetrafluoroborate claim 1 , silver acetylacetonate claim 1 , silver acetate claim 1 , silver lactate claim 1 , silver oxalate and a derivative thereof. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/808,489, filed Sep. 27, 2010, which is the United States national phase of International Patent Application No. PCT/KR2008/007323, filed Dec. 11, 2008, which claims priority to Korean Patent Application No. 10-2007-0131899, filed Dec. 17, 2007, each of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.The present invention relates to synthetic resin composition containing nano silver particles and a method for preparing the same, and more particularly, to a method for preparing a synthetic resin composition containing nano silver particles in which a silver complex having a specific structure that allows formation of the nano silver particles is dissolved in monomer for the resin composition and the organic silver complex is decomposed with polymerization to prepare the synthetic resin composition containing the nano silver particles and nano silver particles prepared therefrom.In general, a synthetic resin composition is used ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Rubber Composition Based on a Silicone Elastomer and on a PCM, Process for the Preparation Thereof, Flexible Element and Thermal Control/Regulating System Incorporating Same

Номер: US20140030458A1
Принадлежит: HUTCHINSON SA

A crosslinked rubber composition, process for preparing same, and a flexible component based on at least one room-temperature vulcanizing “RTV” silicone elastomer and including at least one phase change material (PCM) is provided. The flexible element includes at least one elastomer layer capable of storing thermal energy and of releasing it which includes the crosslinked rubber composition. Also provided is a thermal control or regulating system incorporating the flexible element. The composition is such that the silicone elastomer has a viscosity measured at 23° C. according to the ISO 3219 standard which is less than or equal to 5000 mPa.s. The silicone elastomer inlcudes two components A and B and is crosslinked by polyaddition or polycondensation, and the composition includes the PCM, which is not encapsulated and is in the micronized state, in an amount of greater than 50 phr (phr: parts by weight per hundred parts per elastomer(s)).

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Insulator Material for Use in RRAM

Номер: US20140034894A1
Принадлежит: IMEC

The present disclosure relates generally to Hf-comprising materials for use in, for example, the insulator of a RRAM device, and to methods for making such materials. In one aspect, the disclosure provides a method for the manufacture of a layer of material over a substrate, said method including 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said HfXpulse is performed before said TMA pulse.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one oxidizer (Ox) pulse.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein said oxidizer pulse is selected from HO and Opulses.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said depositing step comprises any one of the following sequence of pulses:{'sub': '4', 'HfX/TMA/, or'}{'sub': '4', 'HfX/TMA/Ox/, or'}{'sub': '4', 'HfX/Ox/TMA/.'}6. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of providing a HfOlayer over or under said layer of material.7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein said HfOlayer is provided by a sequence of m cycles of pulses HfX/Ox/ claim 6 , wherein m is from 1 to 100.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein X is Cl.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said temperature is from 300 to 400° C.10. A material comprising the elements Hf claim 1 , Al and optionally one or more of C claim 1 , O and X claim 1 , wherein said material comprises at least the element C or O claim 1 , wherein X is an halogen selected from Cl claim 1 , Br claim 1 , I and F claim 1 , wherein said elements makes up at least 90% of the at % composition of the material as determined by XPS claim 1 , whereinHf represents from 17 to 40 at % of said elements Hf, Al, C, O and X as measured by XPS;Al represents from 5 to 23 at % of said elements Hf, Al, C, O and X as measured by XPS;C represents from 0 to 45 at % of said elements Hf, Al, C, O and X as measured by XPS;O represents from 0 to 62 at % of said elements Hf, Al, C, O and X as measured by XPS;X represents from 0 to 10 at % of said elements Hf, Al, C, O and X ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Enhanced Thermally Conductive Cushioning Foams by Addition of Metal Materials

Номер: US20140039082A1
Принадлежит: Peterson Chemical Technology LLC

Methods and combinations for making and using one or more thermally conductive cellular foam layers comprising flexible cellular foam and metallic material particulates, and said thermally-conductive cellular foam layers may be located on, under, or in cushioning foams and mattresses or placed between on, under, within, or between other layering substrates to increase the overall cooling capability of the composite. The thermally conductive foam may be used in mattresses, pillows, bedding products, medical cushioning foams, and similar materials used in bedding environments.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058028A1

Provided are a metal nanoparticle composite which exhibits excellent stability over time and retention stability and is useful as a raw material for a metal nanoparticle-dispersed film, a method for producing the composite, a metal nanoparticle dispersion liquid, a composition for forming a metal nanoparticle-dispersed film, and a metal nanoparticle-dispersed film. Disclosed is a metal nanoparticle composite comprising (A) a star-shaped polymer having a central core and arms bonded to the central core, the arms comprising a repeating unit represented by the following formula (1) and a repeating unit represented by the following formula (2); and (B) metal nanoparticles supported thereon: wherein in the formula (1), Rrepresents a hydrogen atom or an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms; and in the formula (2), Rrepresents a methyl group or an ethyl group; and k represents an integer from 1 to 10. 2: The metal nanoparticle composite according to claim 1 ,wherein the metal nanoparticles comprise at least one metal element selected from the group consisting of gold, silver, and copper.3: The metal nanoparticle composite according to claim 1 ,wherein the arms comprise a polymer chain comprising a repeating unit represented by the formula (1) and a polymer chain comprising a repeating unit represented by the formula (2).4: The metal nanoparticle composite according to claim 1 , wherein the arms comprise a polymer chain comprising a block body of a repeating unit represented by the formula (1) and a repeating unit represented by the formula (2).5: The metal nanoparticle composite according to claim 1 , wherein the star-shaped polymer has a lower limit critical solution temperature in an aqueous medium.6: A metal nanoparticle dispersion liquid claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the metal nanoparticle composite according to , and an aqueous medium.'}7: The metal nanoparticle dispersion liquid according to claim 6 , wherein the aqueous ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Finely divided particles of core-shell structure

Номер: US20140061026A1

The invention provides a process for producing finely divided particles of core-shell structure where the shell comprises at least one polymer, said process comprising the steps of: i. providing a first aerosol stream of droplets in a carrier gas stream wherein the droplets comprise at least one monomer and charging droplets of the first aerosol with electric charge; ii. providing a second aerosol stream of solid particles in a carrier gas stream and charging the solid particles of the aerosol with an electric charge opposite to the electric charge on the droplets of the first aerosol stream; iii. mixing the first aerosol stream with the second aerosol stream to form a mixed aerosol stream; iv. initiating a polymerization of the monomers by irradiating this mixed aerosol stream with electromagnetic radiation. The invention also provides the finely divided particles of core-shell structure which are obtainable by this process. 123-. (canceled)24. A process for producing finely divided particles of core-shell structure where the shell comprises at least one polymer , said process comprising the steps of:i. providing a first aerosol stream of droplets in a carrier gas stream wherein the droplets comprise at least one monomer and charging droplets of the first aerosol with electric charge;ii. providing a second aerosol stream of solid particles in a carrier gas stream and charging the solid particles of the aerosol with an electric charge opposite to the electric charge on the droplets of the first aerosol stream;iii. mixing the first aerosol stream with the second aerosol stream to form a mixed aerosol stream;iv. initiating a polymerization of the monomers by irradiating said mixed aerosol stream with electromagnetic radiation.25. The process of claim 24 , wherein the droplets of the first aerosol stream consist essentially of the at least one monomer and at least one photoinitiator.26. The process of claim 24 , wherein the droplets of the first aerosol stream further ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Hppe member and method of making a hppe member

Номер: US20140065419A1
Принадлежит: DSM IP ASSETS BV

The invention concerns a high performance polyethylene (HPPE) member comprising at least 5 wt-% of a radiopaque component, the HPPE member is biocompatible and the radiopaque component is a particulate at least partially arranged inside a HPPE filament of the HPPE member. Furthermore, the radiopaque component has a particle size of at most 1 μm, preferably the radiopaque component has a particle size if at most 0.5 μm. The invention also concerns a method of making the HPPE member and various medical devices and repair products comprising the HPPE member.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140072745A1
Принадлежит: EMS-PATENT AG

What is described is a transparent polyamide-imide based on one or more different imido-dicarboxylic acids (AB) or derivatives thereof, and cycloaliphatic diamines (C) comprising 6 to 24 carbon atoms, wherein the imido-dicarboxylic acids (AB) or derivatives thereof are selected from the group of imido-dicarboxylic acids (AB) having the following structural formulas: 116-. (canceled)18. The polyamide-imide according to claim 17 , wherein it is based exclusively on a diacid part claim 17 , exclusively based on20-100 mol-% of one or more of said imido-dicarboxylic acids (AB) or derivatives thereof 0-80 mol-% of at least one further diacid (D), different from said imido-dicarboxylic acids (AB), wherein the diacid parts supplement to 100 mol-%;and a diamine part, exclusively based on20-100 mol-% of at least one of said cycloaliphatic diamines (C) comprising 6 to 24 carbon atoms,0-80 mol-% of at least one further, non-aromatic diamine (E), different from said cycloaliphatic diamines (C)wherein the diamine parts supplement to 100 mol-%.19. The polyamide-imide according to claim 17 , wherein it is exclusively based on one or more of said imido-dicarboxylic acids (AB) or derivatives thereof claim 17 , and said cycloaliphatic diamines (C) comprising 6 to 24 carbon atoms.21. The polyamide-imide according to claim 17 , wherein a cycloaliphatic or aromatic tricarboxylic acid (A) or derivatives thereof claim 17 , forming the imido-dicarboxylic acid (AB) or derivative thereof at least in part claim 17 , is selected from the group consisting of: cyclopentane-1 claim 17 ,2 claim 17 ,4-tricarboxylic acid claim 17 , 2-methyl-cyclopentane-1 claim 17 ,2 claim 17 ,4-tricarboxylic acid claim 17 , 3-methyl-cyclopentane-1 claim 17 ,2 claim 17 ,4-tricarboxylic acid claim 17 , 3 claim 17 ,5-dimethyl-cyclopentane-1 claim 17 ,2 claim 17 ,4-tricarboxylic acid claim 17 , cyclohexane-1 claim 17 ,2 claim 17 ,4-tricarboxylic acid claim 17 , 2-methyl-cyclohexane-1 claim 17 ,2 claim 17 ,4- ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Polyphenylene sulfide compositions

Номер: US20140087117A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

Provided are polyphenylene sulfide compositions having improved thermo-oxidative stability, methods for obtaining them, and articles comprising the compositions. The compositions comprise polyphenylene sulfide and a bismuth additive. The bismuth additive comprises a bismuth halide, an inorganic bismuth salt, a bismuth carboxylate, an oxide comprising bismuth and a transition metal, bismuth metal, or a mixture thereof. Optionally, the compositions further comprise at least one zinc(II) compound.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Liquid Crystalline Composition with a Metallic Appearance

Номер: US20140099458A1
Принадлежит: Ticona LLC

A polymer composition that contains a liquid crystalline polymer and a metallic pigment formed from metal particles and a carrier resin is provided. The polymer composition also contains an organophosphorous antioxidant that can help reduce the production of odorous compounds at high temperatures. The carrier resin used to form the metallic pigment may also be selectively controlled to minimize the production of odorous compounds. For example, the carrier resin may be a nonpolar wax with a relatively low acid value (e.g., polyolefin wax). 1. A liquid crystalline polymer composition that has a metallic appearance , wherein the polymer composition comprises a liquid crystalline polymer , metallic pigment , and organophosphorous antioxidant , and further wherein the metallic pigment includes a plurality of metal particles and a carrier resin.2. The liquid crystalline polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the liquid crystalline polymer contains repeating units derived from an aromatic dicarboxylic acid claim 1 , aromatic hydroxycarboxylic acid claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The liquid crystalline polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the polymer further comprises one or more repeating units derived from an aromatic diol claim 1 , aromatic amide claim 1 , aromatic amine claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. The liquid crystalline polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the liquid crystalline polymer is wholly aromatic.5. The liquid crystalline polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the metal particles are flaked-shaped.6. The liquid crystalline polymer composition of claim 5 , wherein the flake-shaped metal particles have an aspect ratio of about 4:1 or more.7. The liquid crystalline polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the metal particles are aluminum particles.8. The liquid crystalline polymer composition of claim 8 , wherein the wax is a wax.9. The liquid crystalline polymer composition of claim 8 , wherein the wax is a Ziegler-Natta catalyzed ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Liquid Crystalline Composition for Use in a Foodstuff Article

Номер: US20140099459A1
Принадлежит: Ticona LLC

A shaped part that is formed from a polymer composition that contains a liquid crystalline polymer and a metallic pigment is provided. By selectively controlling the type and relative concentration of these components, the polymer composition and shaped parts formed therefrom can have a metallic-like appearance. In addition to possessing an aesthetically pleasing appearance similar to stainless steel articles, the metallic-like appearance can also provide a signal to a user that the foodstuff article can be safely heated in an oven or stove. 1. A shaped part comprising a liquid crystalline polymer composition , the liquid crystalline polymer composition defining a surface that has a metallic appearance , wherein the polymer composition comprises a liquid crystalline polymer and a metallic pigment , and wherein the metallic pigment includes a plurality of metal particles and a carrier resin.2. The shaped part of claim 1 , wherein the liquid crystalline polymer contains repeating units derived from an aromatic dicarboxylic acid claim 1 , aromatic hydroxycarboxylic acid claim 1 , aromatic diol claim 1 , aromatic amide claim 1 , aromatic amine claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The shaped part of claim 1 , wherein the liquid crystalline polymer is wholly aromatic.4. The shaped part of claim 1 , wherein the metal particles are flaked-shaped.5. The shaped part of claim 4 , wherein the flake-shaped metal particles have an aspect ratio of about 4:1 or more.6. The shaped part of claim 1 , wherein the metal particles are aluminum particles.7. The shaped part of claim 1 , wherein the carrier resin is a wax.8. The shaped part of claim 7 , wherein the wax is a polyolefin wax.9. The shaped part of claim 1 , wherein the polymer comprises an organophosphorous antioxidant.10. The shaped part of claim 1 , wherein liquid crystalline polymers constitute from about 50 wt. % to about 98 wt. % of the polymer composition claim 1 , the metal particles are present in an amount from about ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000371A1

A bioelectrode and a method for producing the bioelectrode are provided. The bioelectrode has a non-complicated structure, satisfactory elasticity, and is capable of preventing an increase of contact impedance due to an increase of the number of times of usage. The bioelectrode includes a support member, which is an electrically conductive member, and at least one electrode member, which is a member projecting from the support member. At least the electrode member is molded from an electrically conductive rubber containing a silicone rubber and treated metal particles containing a crosslinkable functional group on a surface thereof. 1. A bioelectrode comprising:a support member, which is an electrically conductive member; andat least one electrode member, which is a member projecting from the support member,wherein at least the electrode member is molded from an electrically conductive rubber, the electrically conductive rubber containing a silicone rubber and metal particles containing a crosslinkable functional group on a surface thereof.2. The bioelectrode according to claim 1 , wherein the crosslinkable functional group is at least one group selected from the group consisting of a hydrolyzable silyl group claim 1 , a silanol group claim 1 , a (meth)acryloyl group claim 1 , an amino group claim 1 , a ureide group claim 1 , an isocyanurate group claim 1 , an isocyanate group claim 1 , and an epoxy group.3. The bioelectrode according to claim 1 , wherein the metal particles are silver particles.4. The bioelectrode according to claim 1 , wherein the silicone rubber is a room temperature-curable liquid silicone rubber.5. The bioelectrode according to claim 1 , wherein the electrode member has a tip end part in a pointed shape.6. The bioelectrode according to claim 5 , wherein the electrode member has an inclined face claim 5 , which is a face formed by removal in the tip end part inclinedly to an extending direction.7. A method for producing a bioelectrode comprising ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000782A1

A polyvinyl chloride (PVC) composition is proposed which comprises a PVC resin having a molecular weight distribution having a number average of M=60 kDa to M=70 kDa and a weight average of M=114 kDa to M=124 kDa, wherein the total composition has a chlorine content from 56% to 62%. 1. A polyvinyl chloride (PVC) composition , comprising:{'sub': N', 'N', 'W', 'W, 'a PVC resin of the composition has having a molecular weight distribution with a number average of M=from 60 kDa to M=70 kDa and a weight average of M=from 114 kDa to M=124 kDa, and whereinthe chlorine content of the entire composition is from 56% to 62%.2. The PVC composition as claimed in claim 1 , having a Vicat softening point above 90° C.3. The PVC composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the composition is free from impact modifiers.4. The PVC composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the composition is free from chalk and/or calcium and/or magnesium.5. The PVC composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises tin and/or a component comprising tin.6. A pipe claim 1 , channel claim 1 , or container for the passage and/or storage of chemically aggressive substances claim 1 , wherein the pipe claim 1 , the channel claim 1 , or the container comprises a PVC composition as claimed in .7. The pipe as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pipe is a composite pipe which has an outer wall that comprises glassfiber-reinforced thermoset resin claim 1 , where the pipe has an inner wall which comprises a PVC composition as claimed in .8. The pipe as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the inner wall has been bonded to the outer wall via with at least one adhesive resin.9. The use of a PVC composition as claimed in as material resistant to chemicals and to temperature changes for the production of pipes claim 1 , channels claim 1 , containers claim 1 , sheets claim 1 , moldings claim 1 , and/or welding rod.10. The use of a PVC composition as claimed in as material resistant to chemicals and to ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001217A1
Автор: Fujiwara Shinichi

A method for forming a multilayer coating film, including a first base coating composition application step for applying a first basecoat containing a colored pigment and a photoluminescent pigment, a second base coating composition application step for applying a second base coating composition containing a colored pigment and a photoluminescent pigment to the object having undergone the first base coating composition application, a top clear coat application step for applying a top clear coating composition to the object having undergone the second base coating composition application step, and a step for heating and curing the uncured coating films, the pigment weight concentration of photoluminescent pigment in the second basecoat is 0.01-1.1 mass %, the first base coating film has a light reflectance of 10-30% in a certain wavelength region, and the second base coating film has a light transmittance of 60-90% in the wavelength region. 1. A method of forming a multilayer coating film comprising:forming a first base coating film by coating a first base coating composition containing a colored pigment and a photoluminescent pigment on an object to be coated;forming a second base coating film by coating a second base coating composition containing a colored pigment and a photoluminescent pigment on the object to be coated that has undergone the first base coating composition application step;applying a top clear coating composition on the object to be coated that has undergone the second base coating composition application step; andheating and curing the uncured coating films on the object to be coated, whereina pigment weight concentration (PWC) of the photoluminescent pigment in the second base coating composition is from 0.01 to 1.1% by mass,the first base coating film formed from the first base coating composition has a light reflectance of from 10 to 30% in a wavelength region corresponding to a paint color of the multilayer coating film in a wavelength of ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001242A1
Автор: Nakao Takayuki

An object of the present invention is to provide a flaky metal pigment that is reduced in particle size. According to the flaky metal pigment of the present invention, in the case where the flaky metal pigment is measured by a flow-type particle image analyzer, P50 showing a 50% cumulative frequency of a diameter equivalent to an area circle in a number distribution is less than 0.500 μm. 18-. (canceled)9. A flaky metal pigment ,said flaky metal pigment being made of aluminum, andin a case where said flaky metal pigment is measured by a flow-type particle image analyzer, P50 showing a 50% cumulative frequency of a diameter equivalent to an area circle in a number distribution being less than 0.500 μm.10. The flaky metal pigment according to claim 9 , whereinin the case where said flaky metal pigment is measured by the flow-type particle image analyzer, Pmax showing a maximum particle diameter of the diameter equivalent to an area circle in the number distribution is 5.000 μm or less.11. The flaky metal pigment according to claim 9 , wherein P50/t showing a ratio of an average thickness t of each said flaky metal pigment to said P50 is 1 or more and 100 or less.12. A method of manufacturing a flaky metal pigment claim 9 , said method comprising the steps of:preparing slurry including a flake made of metal; andfine-graining said flake by jetting said slurry at high pressure.13. The method of manufacturing a flaky metal pigment according to claim 12 , whereinsaid fine-graining step includes the steps of:jetting said slurry from a jetting unit into a reaction chamber at a pressure of 70 MPa or more; andcausing said flake included in said jetted slurry to collide with a hard body disposed within said reaction chamber.14. The method of manufacturing a flaky metal pigment according to claim 12 , whereinsaid fine-graining step includes the steps of:jetting said slurry from a jetting unit into a reaction chamber at a pressure of 70 MPa or more; andcausing said slurries ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001916A1

An aqueous slurry that is useful upon being spray dried for the formation of a powder of hard material. The aqueous slurry includes starting powder components of the hard material. The slurry further includes an oxidation inhibitor, a surfactant in an amount between about 0.05 weight percent and about 0.30 weight percent of the weight of the starting powder components of the hard material, a binder, a defoamer and water in an between about 15 weight percent and about 30 weight percent of the weight of the weight of the starting powder components of the hard material. The aqueous slurry has a percent solids value that is between about 70 percent and about 85 percent. 1. A powder of hard material produced by the process comprising the steps of:spray drying an aqueous slurry comprising:starting powder components of the hard material;an oxidation inhibitor in an amount of about 0.2 weight percent to about 0.5 weight percent based on weight of the starting powder components of the hard material;a surfactant in an amount of about 0.05 weight percent to about 0.30 weight percent of the weight of the starting powder components of the hard material;a binder in an amount of about 1.2 weight percent to about 4.0 weight percent of the weight of the starting powder components of the hard material;a defoamer in an amount of about 0.05 weight percent to about 0.35 weight percent of the weight of the starting powder components of the hard material; andwater in an amount of about 15 weight percent and about 30 weight percent of the weight of the starting powder components of the hard material; andthe aqueous slurry having a percent solids of about 70 percent to about 85 percent wherein the percent solids comprises a quotient in percent of the weight of the starting powder components of the hard material divided by the sum of the weight of the starting powder components of the hard material and the weight of the water.2. The powder of hard material of claim 1 , wherein granule size ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Polylactic acid resin composition

Номер: US20160002443A1
Принадлежит: Kao Corp, Tokai Chemical Industries Ltd

A polylactic acid resin composition containing a polylactic acid resin, glass fibers having an average aspect ratio (average fiber length/average fiber diameter) of 5 or more, and a metallic pigment, wherein the glass fibers are contained in an amount of from 2 to 35 parts by mass, and the metallic pigment is contained in an amount of from 0.1 to 8 parts by mass, based on 100 parts by mass of the polylactic acid resin. Since the polylactic acid resin composition of the present invention has excellent moldability, and is capable of providing a molded article with high designability, including a transparent surface layer and an inner layer with a lamellar texture in the nashiji patterns, the polylactic acid resin composition can be suitably used in various industrial applications, such as daily sundries, household electric appliance parts, packaging materials for household electric appliance parts, and automobile parts.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002483A1

A bioactive composite includes 10% to 40% by weight of calcium sulfate (CaSO), 10% to 20% by weight of tantalum pentoxide (TaO), and 40% to 80% of polyetheretherketone (PEEK). Calcium sulfate is anhydrous calcium made by removing crystallization water of beta calcium sulfate hemihydrate. 1. A bioactive composite comprising: 10% to 40% by weight of calcium sulfate (CaSO) , 10% to 20% by weight of tantalum pentoxide (TaO) , and 40% to 80% of polyetheretherketone (PEEK);wherein calcium sulfate is anhydrous calcium made by removing crystallization water of beta calcium sulfate hemihydrate.2. The bioactive composite of claim 1 , further comprising up to 10% by weight of barium sulfate (BaSO).3. The bioactive composite of claim 1 , further comprising up to 10% by weight of ferrous ferric oxide (FeO). The present invention relates to a bioactive composite, and more particularly to a bioactive composite with function of radiopacity for surgery.As high development of theory and technique of manufacturing and biomaterial usage in recent years, titanium and titanium alloys are replaced by high-performance biopolymers in surgical implants. For a variety of biopolymer materials today, polyetheretherketone (PEEK) has an elastic modulus relatively close to that of human bones, so that when it is implanted, it could reduce bone resorption and bone atrophy caused by stress shielding in biomechanics. Furthermore, PEEK has the functions of chemical resistance, fatigue resistance, stable physicochemical property to take sterilization operation by autoclaving, ethylene oxide, or gamma radiation, so that PEEK is a good long term implant (Biomaterials 2007, 28:4845-4869). However, PEEK has a weak link with human bones due to its low bioactivity.According to biomimetics of bone bioengineering, pore size and porosity of the implants affect cell adhesion and bone ingrowth. The interconnected pores benefit ingrowth of blood vessels and metabolism. However, porous scaffolds usually reveal the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002527A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A stabilized composition includes candle wax; an ultraviolet light absorber; and a hindered amine light stabilizer of formula (I). The compositions stabilize the candle with respect to yellowing, color fading in the case of dyed or pigmented candles, and other degradation of the waxes. The materials and compositions may be used in a wide variety of a candle waxes including, but not limited to, paraffin, beeswax, natural oils, polyamide plus fatty acids and esters thereof, fatty acids such as stearin, opacifiers, glycerides plus oxidized wax, alcohols, and ethylene oligomers. 2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein Ris selected from the group consisting of:{'sub': 1', '21, 'sup': 5', '5, 'C-Calkyl substituted with at least one substituent of formula ORor CN, wherein Ris H, methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, iso-propyl, n-butyl, sec-butyl, or tert-butyl;'}{'sub': 3', '7, 'sup': '5', 'C-Ccycloalkyl substituted with at least one substituent that is methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, iso-propyl, n-butyl, sec-butyl, or tert-butyl, O—Ror —CN; and'}{'sub': 4', '21, 'sup': 4', '4, 'C-Calkyl substituted with —CO—R, wherein Ris methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, iso-propyl, n-butyl, sec-butyl, or tert-butyl.'}3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein each Ris C-Calkyl claim 1 , C-Calkyl claim 1 , or C-Ccycloalkyl.4. The composition of claim 3 , wherein component each Ris a C-Calkyl.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein each Ris C-Calkyl substituted with at least one substituent of C-Calkoxy or —OH.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein Ris H.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein A is —CH—CH— claim 1 , —CH(CH)—CH— or —CH—CH(CH)—.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the ultraviolet light absorber is at least one compound selected from the group consisting of: benzotriazole claim 1 , benzophenone claim 1 , alpha-cyanoacrylate claim 1 , oxanilide claim 1 , s-triazine claim 1 , cinnamate claim 1 , malonate claim 1 , benzoate claim 1 , salicylate and benzoxazin-4-one.10. The composition of claim 9 , ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Coating Compositions for Security Elements and Holograms

Номер: US20180002551A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to the use of coating compositions, comprising shaped transition metal, especially silver, particles and a binder, wherein the ratio of pigment to binder is preferably such that the resulting coating shows an angle dependent colour change, for the production of security elements and holograms. When the coating compositions of the present invention are used in coating a hologram the obtained products show a an angle dependent colour change (flip/flop effect), different colours in reflection and transmission, an extremely bright OVD image and extremely strong rainbow effect, high purity and contrast.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002501A1

A self-healing composite includes a matrix including an elastomer and conductive nanostructures embedded in the matrix, wherein the elastomer includes a polymer main chain, a —HN—C(═O)—NH— containing first structural unit capable of forming a strong hydrogen bond, and a —HN—C(═O)—NH— containing second structural unit capable of forming a weak hydrogen bond. 1. A self-healing composite comprisinga matrix including an elastomer, andconductive nanostructures embedded in the matrixwherein the elastomer comprises a polymer main chain,a —HN—C(═O)—NH— containing first structural unit capable of forming a strong hydrogen bond, anda —HN—C(═O)—NH— containing second structural unit capable of forming a weak hydrogen bond.2. The self-healing composite of claim 1 , wherein the polymer main chain comprises at least one of polysiloxane claim 1 , polydialkylsiloxane wherein claim 1 , the alkyl is a C1 to C6 alkyl claim 1 , for example polydimethylsiloxane claim 1 , polyethylene oxide (PEO) claim 1 , polypropylene oxide (PPO) claim 1 , polybutylene oxide (PBO) claim 1 , perfluoropolyether (PFPE) claim 1 , polyolefin claim 1 , poly(ethylene-co-1-butylene) claim 1 , polybutadiene claim 1 , hydrogenated poly(butadiene) claim 1 , a (poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide) copolymer claim 1 , poly(hydroxyalkanoate) claim 1 , a styrene-butadiene copolymer (SB) claim 1 , a styrene-butadiene-styrene copolymer (SBS) claim 1 , a styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene copolymer (SEBS) claim 1 , an ethylene propylene diene rubber (EPDR) claim 1 , an acrylic rubber claim 1 , a polychloroprene rubber claim 1 , polyurethane claim 1 , a fluoro-rubber claim 1 , a butyl rubber claim 1 , or a silicone rubber.3. The self-healing composite of claim 2 , wherein the polyolefin is one of polyethylene (PE) claim 2 , polypropylene (PP) claim 2 , polybutylene (PB) claim 2 , a copolymer thereof claim 2 , or a mixture thereof.5. The self-healing composite of claim 4 , wherein the arylene group is a single ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002612A1

An ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition is provided, which contains an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer and an iron compound, wherein the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer has an ethylene content of 20 to 60 mol %, wherein the iron compound is present in a proportion of 0.01 to 100 ppm on a metal basis based on the weight of the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition. 1. A pellet of an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition comprising:an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer; andan iron compound;wherein the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer has an ethylene content of 20 to 60 mol %; andwherein the iron compound is present in a proportion of 0.01 to 100 ppm on a metal basis based on weight of the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition.2. A multilayer structure comprising at least one layer comprising an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition ,wherein the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition comprises an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer and an iron compound,where the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer has an ethylene content of 20 to 60 mol %; and wherein the iron compound is present in a proportion of 0.01 to 100 ppm on a metal basis based on weight of the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition. The present disclosure relates to an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition containing an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (hereinafter sometimes referred to simply as “EVOH resin”) as a main component and to a multilayer structure produced by using the same. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to an EVOH resin composition having a UV absorbing ability and to a multilayer structure having at least one layer containing the EVOH resin composition.EVOH resin is excellent in transparency, gas barrier property (e.g., oxygen barrier property), perfume retaining property, solvent resistance, oil resistance, mechanical strength, and the like, and is widely used for various packaging materials such as a food packaging material, ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Conductive Adhesive

Номер: US20200002582A1

The conductive adhesive includes a thermosetting resin (A) and a conductive filler (B), and has a loss modulus at 200° C. from 5.0×10Pa to 4.0×10Pa. 1. A conductive adhesive comprising:a thermosetting resin (A); anda conductive filler (B), wherein{'sup': 4', '5, 'the conductive adhesive has a loss modulus at 200° C. from 5.0×10Pa to 4.0×10Pa;'}{'b': 1', '2, 'the thermosetting resin (A) contains a first resin component (A) having a first functional group and a second resin component (A) having a second functional group that reacts with the first functional group; and'}{'b': '2', 'the second resin component (A) is a urethane-modified polyester resin.'}2. The conductive adhesive of claim 1 , wherein the conductive adhesive contains from 40 to 140 parts by mass of the loss modulus modifier (C) relative to 100 parts by mass of the thermosetting resin (A).32. The conductive adhesive of claim 1 , wherein the second resin component (A) has a glass transition temperature from 5° C. to 100° C. and a number average molecular weight from 10 claim 1 ,000 to 50 claim 1 ,000. The present disclosure relates to a conductive adhesive.A conductive adhesive is often used for a flexible printed wiring board. For example, a flexible printed wiring board has been known to include an electromagnetic-wave shielding film bonded thereto and including a shielding layer and a conductive adhesive layer. In this case, the conductive adhesive needs to firmly bond an insulating film (a cover lay) provided on the surface of the flexible printed wiring board and a metal reinforcing plate together, and to ensure good conduction with a ground circuit exposed from an opening of the insulating film.In recent years, as a result of reduced electrical device size, there has been a need to fill a small opening with a conductive adhesive to allow a ground circuit to be reliably conductive. For this reason, consideration has been made to improve the filling performance of the conductive adhesive (see, for ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002647A1

The invention relates to a plastic composition, comprising (a) at least one polar thermoplastic polymer; (b) at least one metallic salt of an unsaturated aliphatic fatty acid; (c) at least one polyhydric alcohol, the melting point of which is no more than 80° C. below and no more than 50° C. above the melting point of the polymer (a); and (d) at least one further alcohol that is different from the alcohol (c), and the boiling point of which is no more than 100° C. below and no more than 80° C. above the melting point of the polymer (a). 1. A filled plastic composition comprising:at least one polar thermoplastic polymer;at least one metallic salt of an unsaturated aliphatic fatty acid;at least one polyhydric alcohol, whose melting point is no more than 80° C. below and no more than 50° C. above the melting point of the at least one polar thermoplastic polymer;at least one further alcohol that is different from the at least one polyhydric alcohol, and whose boiling point is no more than 100° C. below and no more than 80° C. above the melting point of the at least one thermoplastic polymer; andat least one particulate filler material.2. The plastic composition in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the plastic composition is a highly filled plastic composition whose filling material portion amounts to more than 40 vol. % measured at the total volume of the filled composition and/or more than 80 vol. % of the theoretical maximum.3. (canceled)4. The composition in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the melting point of the at least one polyhydric alcohol is no more than 50° C. below and/or no more than 30° C. above the melting point of the at least one polar thermoplastic polymer; and/or wherein the boiling point of the further alcohol is no more than 70° C. below and/or no more than 50° C. above the melting point of the at least one polar thermoplastic polymer.5. The composition in accordance witih claim 1 , wherein the particulate filler material is a metal powder claim 1 ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002694A1
Автор: AKIBA Shota, TSUJI Kenichi

The composition is a thermally conductive silicone composition containing the following components (A) to (C) and (D). The component (A) is an organopolysiloxane that exhibits a kinetic viscosity of 10 to 100,000 mm/s at 25° C., and is represented by an average composition formula (1) 2. The thermally conductive silicone composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermally conductive filler as the component (C) is an aluminum powder having a tap density of 0.5 to 2.6 g/cmand a specific surface area of 0.15 to 3.0 m/g.3. The thermally conductive silicone composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermally conductive filler as the component (C) has an aspect ratio of 1.0 to 3.0.4. The thermally conductive silicone composition according to claim 1 , wherein α/β which is a ratio of a mass α of the silver powder as the component (B) to a mass β of the aluminum powder as the component (C) is 3 to 150.5. The thermally conductive silicone composition according to claim 1 , wherein the whole or part of the component (A) is: an organopolysiloxane as a component (E) that has at least two silicon atom-bonded alkenyl groups in one molecule; and/or an organohydrogenpolysiloxane as a component (F) that has at least two silicon atom-bonded hydrogen atoms in one molecule.7. A semiconductor device comprising a heat-generating electronic part and a heat dissipator with the thermally conductive silicone composition as set forth in being interposed between the heat-generating electronic part and the heat dissipator.8. A method for producing a semiconductor device claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'heating the thermally conductive silicone composition as set forth in to 80° C. or higher with a pressure of not lower than 0.01 MPa being applied thereto, with the thermally conductive silicone composition being sandwiched between a heat-generating electronic part and a heat dissipator.'} The present invention relates to a silicone composition ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003058A1
Автор: DURKIN Steven Peter

A ventilation duct , the duct comprising a substantially rigid, elongate tube section moulded from plastics material and having a tube wall comprising a plurality of layers. At least one of the layers comprises an intumescent material which acts as a fire retardant in the event of exposure to extreme heat. 1. A ventilation duct , the duct comprising:a substantially rigid, elongate tube section moulded from plastics material and having a tube wall comprising a plurality of layers, at least one of the layers comprising an intumescent material which acts as a fire retardant in the event of exposure to extreme heat.2. A ventilation duct as defined in claim 1 , wherein the tube section has a tube wall comprising an inner layer of a first plastics material and an outer layer of a second plastics material claim 1 , the second plastics material of the outer layer comprising an intumescent material.3. A ventilation duct as defined in claim 1 , wherein the tube section has an intermediate layer of first plastics material claim 1 , an inner layer of a second plastics material claim 1 , and an outer layer of the second plastics material claim 1 , the second plastics material of both the inner layer and the outer layer comprising an intumescent material.4. A ventilation duct as defined in claim 2 , wherein the second plastics material is a metallocene polyethylene-based compound.5. A ventilation duct as defined in claim 1 , wherein the intumescent material is an intumescent resin provided in a powder form suitable for rotational moulding.6. A ventilation duct as defined in claim 5 , wherein the intumescent resin is a product called DPO P509 developed by Total Petrochemicals & Refining SA/NV.7. A ventilation duct as defined in claim 6 , wherein DPO P509 has a density of 1.07 g/cm claim 6 , a melt flow rate of 12.0 g/10 min claim 6 , and a melting point of 119° C.8. A ventilation duct as defined in claim 1 , wherein the first plastics material is a high density polyethylene (HDPE) ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005932A1

A composition including: a monomer mixture including a first monomer having at least two thiol groups at its terminal end and a second monomer having at least two carbon-carbon unsaturated bond-containing groups at its terminal end; and at least one additive selected from a zinc compound, an indium compound, ascorbic acid or a salt thereof, citric acid or a salt thereof, a tocopherol, and a tocotrienol. 1. A composition comprising:a monomer mixture comprising a first monomer comprising at least two thiol groups at its terminal end and a second monomer comprising at least two carbon-carbon unsaturated bond-containing groups at its terminal end; andat least one additive selected from a zinc compound, an indium compound, ascorbic acid or a salt thereof, citric acid or a salt thereof, a tocopherol, and a tocotrienol.2. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising a light emitting particle selected from a Group II-VI compound semiconductor nanocrystal claim 1 , a Group III-V compound semiconductor nanocrystal claim 1 , a Group IV-VI compound semiconductor nanocrystal claim 1 , and a Group IV compound semiconductor nanocrystal.3. The composition of claim 2 , further comprising at least one light emitting particle selected from a metal nanocrystal claim 2 , a metal oxide nanocrystal claim 2 , a phosphor claim 2 , and a pigment.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the first monomer is represented by Chemical Formula 1:{'br': None, 'sup': '1', 'sub': k1', '1', '1', 'm', 'k2, '[R\ue8a0L\ue8a0Y—(SH)]\u2003\u2003Chemical Formula 1'}wherein, in Chemical Formula 1,{'sup': '1', 'sub': '2', 'Ris selected from hydrogen; a substituted or unsubstituted C1 to C30 linear or branched alkyl group; a substituted or unsubstituted C6 to C30 aryl group; a substituted or unsubstituted C7 to C30 arylalkyl group; a substituted or unsubstituted C3 to C30 heteroaryl group; a substituted or unsubstituted C4 to C30 heteroarylalkyl group; a substituted or unsubstituted C3 to C30 cycloalkyl ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005754A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Riko Company Limited

Vibration damping and sound absorbing foam formed of foam and fine particles present inside the foam so as to form bell-like structures in the foam is produced by performing the following steps [I] to [III] in the stated order. [I] Producing fine particles each having a surface coated with a coating material capable of being dissolved in at least one liquid selected from water and a solvent. [II] Mixing the coated fine particles into a material for foam, and producing foam from the mixture. [III] Immersing the foam in at least one liquid selected from water and a solvent to remove the coating of each of the fine particles in the foam by dissolution in the liquid. 1. A method of producing vibration damping and sound absorbing foam formed of foam and fine particles present inside the foam so as to form bell-like structures in the foam , the method comprising the following steps [I] to [III] in the stated order:[I] a step of producing fine particles, each having a surface coated with a coating material capable of being dissolved in at least one liquid selected from the group consisting of water and a solvent;[II] a step including mixing the coated fine particles into a material for foam, and producing foam from the mixture; and[III] a step of immersing the foam in the at least one liquid selected from the group consisting of the water and the solvent to remove the coating of each of the fine particles in the foam by dissolution in the liquid.2. The method of producing vibration damping and sound absorbing foam according to claim 1 , wherein the material for the foam comprises at least one material selected from the group consisting of ether polyurethane and ester polyurethane.3. The method of producing vibration damping and sound absorbing foam according to claim 1 , wherein the fine particles comprise at least one selected from the group consisting of metal fine particles claim 1 , resin fine particles claim 1 , and inorganic fine particles.4. The method of producing ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Biodegradable printed circuit boards and methods for making the printed circuit boards

Номер: US20170006701A1

Biodegradable printed circuit boards, or PCBs, may be produced from substrate sheets that include at least one biodegradable polymer. In addition, the electrical traces used on the PCBs, may also include a biodegradable polymer incorporated with an electrically conductive material. The PCBs may be composted to degrade the PCBs, and the

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220017793A1

Disclosed is an electrically conductive adhesive containing: 1. A method of producing an electrically conductive material , comprising hardening , at a temperature in a range of 120° C. to 300° C. , an electrically conductive adhesive comprising:(A) a polyether polymer having: {'br': None, 'sup': '1', '—R—O—'}, 'a backbone comprising a repeating unit of the formula{'sup': '1', 'wherein Ris a hydrocarbon group having 1 to 10 carbon atoms, and an end group which is a hydrolyzable silyl group, and'}(B) silver particles.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the hardening is performed at 160° C. to 250° C. in the air for 30 to 120 minutes.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrolyzable silyl group in the polyether polymer (A) is of the formula:{'br': None, 'sup': 1', '2, 'sub': n', '3-n, '-si(—X)(—X)'}{'sup': '1', 'wherein Xis a hydrolyzable group,'}{'sup': '2', 'Xa hydrocarbon group having 1 to 12 carbon atoms, and'}n is 1, 2 or 3.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the hydrolyzable group in the polyether polymer (A) is at least one group selected from a hydride group claim 3 , an alkoxy group claim 3 , a halogen group claim 3 , an acyloxy group claim 3 , a ketoxymate group claim 3 , an aminoxy group claim 3 , an amide group claim 3 , an amino group and a mercapto group.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive adhesive further comprises particles of another metal which is at least one selected from gold claim 1 , copper claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , palladium claim 1 , rhodium claim 1 , ruthenium claim 1 , iridium and osmium.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the amount of particles of the other metal is at most 30% by weight claim 5 , based the total of the silver particles (B) and the other metal particles.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the silver particles (B) are flake-shaped particles.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the average particle diameter (median diameter) of ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Binder for formation of ceramic or for use in conductive paste, and use of same

Номер: US20170008988A1
Принадлежит: Kuraray Co Ltd

There is provided a binder for ceramic formation or a conductive paste, comprising polyvinyl acetal having a degree of acetalization of from 50 to 85 mol %, a content of vinyl ester monomer unit of from 0.1 to 20 mol %, and having a viscosity-average degree of polymerization of from 200 to 5000, wherein a peak-top molecular weight (A) as measured by a differential refractive index detector and a peak-top molecular weight (B) as measured by an absorptiometer (measurement wavelength: 280 nm) in gel permeation chromatographic measurement of the polyvinyl acetal heated at 230° C. for 3 hours satisfy a formula (1) (A−B)/A<0.60 and the polyvinyl acetal has an absorbance in the peak-top molecular weight (B) of from 0.50×10 −3 to 1.00×10 −2 .

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009047A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

The organic-inorganic composite of the present invention includes an organic compound having a carbonyl group, an inorganic compound containing a metal component, and a silver component. The ratio of the number of metal atoms in the inorganic compound to the number of carbon atoms in the organic compound is from 0.04 to 1.60, and the ratio of the number of silver atoms in the silver component to the number of carbon atoms in the organic compound is from 0.07 to 0.55. The organic-inorganic composite may include, for example, an inorganic compound having a metal matrix structure containing a metal M and oxygen, an organic compound having a carbonyl group, and silver ions. The carbonyl group is bonded to a side chain Rof the organic compound and has an end group R. 1. An organic-inorganic composite comprising:an organic compound having a carbonyl group,an inorganic compound containing a metal component, anda silver component,wherein the ratio of the number of metal atoms in the inorganic compound to the number of carbon atoms in the organic compound is from 0.04 to 1.60, and the ratio of the number of silver atoms in the silver component to the number of carbon atoms in the organic compound is from 0.07 to 0.55.2. The organic-inorganic composite according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic compound is a compound containing O and at least one selected from Si claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Al claim 1 , and Zr.3. The organic-inorganic composite according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic compound is a hydrolysate of a metal alkoxide.4. The organic-inorganic composite according to claim 1 , wherein the organic compound includes a carbon structure in which carbon atoms are bonded and the carbonyl group bonded to the carbon structure.5. The organic-inorganic composite according to claim 1 , wherein the organic compound is a polymer having the carbonyl group.6. The organic-inorganic composite according to claim 1 , wherein the organic-inorganic composite has the function of ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220025157A1

Provided is a stereolithographic resin composition that suppresses sedimentation of the filler during shaping, has good handleability, and has high thermal conductance of the cured product. A stereolithographic resin composition containing a photocurable resin and a filler, wherein the filler is a metal-coated particle having a base particle including a polymer material and having a metal layer coating the surface of the base particle, and a density of the metal-coated particle is 1.5 g/cmto 4.0 g/cm. 1. A stereolithographic resin composition comprising a photocurable resin and a filler ,wherein the filler is a metal-coated particle having a base particle including a polymer material, and a metal layer coating a surface of the base particle, and{'sup': 3', '3, 'a density of the metal-coated particle is 1.5 g/cmto 4.0 g/cm.'}2. The stereolithographic resin composition according to claim 1 , further comprising boron nitride claim 1 , wherein the metal layer contains copper.3. The stereolithographic resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein a mass ratio of the metal-coated particle to the boron nitride claim 2 , the metal-coated particle:the boron nitride is 3:97 to 66:34.4. The stereolithographic resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the metal-coated particle has a volume average particle diameter of 0.5 μm to 30 μm.5. The stereolithographic resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the metal-coated particle is 4% by mass to 65% by mass.6. The stereolithographic resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the photocurable resin contains at least an epoxy-based compound and an acryl-based compound.7. The stereolithographic resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer material is selected from a group consisting of an acrylic resin claim 1 , methacrylic resin claim 1 , polyamide claim 1 , polyimide claim 1 , a melamine resin claim 1 , polystyrene claim 1 , an ABS resin claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , and ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Aqueous detergent soluble coating and adhesive and methods of temporary bonding for manufacturing

Номер: US20160009958A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Compositions and methods are described for a temporary coating and adhesive with adjustable acidity for use in coating work units as a planarization coating over high topography and also for affixing thin units onto a carrier whereby such compositions provide sufficient properties to support a manufacturing process, and upon completion, the compositions are removed by an aqueous detergent that dissolves and releases the work unit within a rapid time frame without harm to its integrity. The temporary adhesive provides a tunable acidity based upon Lewis acid represented as its acid dissociative constant, K a , where it is preferred to have K a ≧1×10 −6 (pK a ≦6), more preferred K a ≧1×10 −5 (pK a ≦5), and most preferred K a ≧1×10 −4 (pK a ≦4). The temporary coating and adhesive may be applied and cured in a variety of ways that meet the needs of the work unit and objectives of the manufacturing process. The invention provides benefits of flexibility and reduced cost when establishing practices to handle difficult work units in the manufacture of semiconductors and flat panel displays.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Flexible Metal Polymer Composites

Номер: US20180009963A1
Автор: Penari Stephane

The invention relates to a flexible polymer composite containing metal particles, to the method for producing said composite, and to the uses of said composite. 2. The composite as claimed in characterized in that the Young's modulus (E) is less than 1 GPa claim 1 , preferably less than 0.5 GPa.3. The composite as claimed in or characterized in that the binder is an organic or inorganic binder claim 1 , or a mixture of both.4. The composite as claimed in any one of to characterized in that the binder is selected from a plastic claim 1 , a latex claim 1 , a rubber claim 1 , a polyethylene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polyurethane claim 1 , an epoxy polymer claim 1 , vinyl ester claim 1 , aqueous-phase polymers claim 1 , Nylons® claim 1 , polyamides claim 1 , polycarbonates claim 1 , polystyrenes claim 1 , polymethylmethacrylate claim 1 , a silica polymer such as a silicone claim 1 , polydimethylsiloxanes claim 1 , polythiazyls claim 1 , polysilanes claim 1 , polygermanes claim 1 , more preferably a silica polymer.5. The composite as claimed in any one of to characterized in that the powder comprises at least one metal selected from magnesium claim 1 , tin claim 1 , technetium claim 1 , rhenium claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , iron claim 1 , chromium claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , gold claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , cadmium claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , silver claim 1 , beryllium claim 1 , calcium and strontium.6. The composite as claimed in any one of to characterized in that the powder comprises copper Cu claim 1 , oxidized and/or phosphorized claim 1 , preferably in a proportion of 60% up to 100% by mass of the metal powder.7. The composite as claimed in characterized in that the oxidation ratio of the copper is greater than 95% by mass of oxidized copper relative to the total mass of copper in the powder.8. The composite as claimed in any one of to characterized in that the metal powder comprises at least one non-metallic inorganic ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009817A1

The present invention relates to a water-rehydratable solid composition for the production of an aqueous composition comprising a particular metal, a silane/(titanate and/or zirconate) binder, a method for producing such a composition, and a method for producing an aqueous composition comprising a particular metal, a silane/(titanate and/or zirconate) binder by hydrating such a solid composition. 1. A solid composition intended for the preparation of an anti-corrosion coating composition for metal parts based on particulate metal in aqueous dispersion , whereinthe composition is solid,the composition is water-rehydratable,the composition is based on:a particulate metal or a mixture of particulate metals,a titanate precursor and/or a zirconate precursor anda silane bearing at least one function hydrolyzable to a hydroxyl function, the composition has a Ti/Si molar ratio ranging from 10/90 to 60/40.2. The solid composition of claim 1 , wherein the Ti/Si molar ratio varies from 20/80 to 50/50.3. The solid composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is in powdered form claim 1 , with a particle size ranging from about 2 μm to about 3 mm.4. The solid composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is in the form of a gel.5. The solid composition of claim 1 , wherein the titanate precursor is an organic titanate claim 1 , and the zirconate precursor is an organic zirconate.6. The solid composition of claim 1 , wherein the silane additionally carries an epoxy function.8. The solid composition of claim 1 , wherein the particulate metal content ranges from 20 to 70% by weight claim 1 , based on the total weight of the solid composition.9. The solid composition of claim 1 , wherein the particulate metal is selected from zinc and aluminum and their alloys and mixtures thereof or alloys thereof with manganese claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , or tin.10. The solid composition of claim 1 , further based on a silicate.11. The solid composition of claim 1 , obtained by ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010305A1

An ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition comprising: (A) an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer; (B) a phosphoric acid compound; and an iron compound; wherein the iron compound is present in a proportion of 0.01 to 100 ppm on a metal basis based on the weight of the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition; wherein the phosphoric acid compound (B) is present in a proportion of 1 to 100 ppm on a phosphorus basis based on the weight of the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition. Therefore, the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition has an excellent adhesive property with respect to a metal surface. 1. An ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition comprising:(A) an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer;(B) a phosphoric acid compound; andan iron compound;wherein the iron compound is present in a proportion of 0.01 to 100 ppm on a metal basis based on weight of the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition; andwherein the phosphoric acid compound (B) is present in a proportion of 1 to 100 ppm on a phosphorus basis based on weight of the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition.2. The ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition according to claim 1 , wherein the phosphoric acid compound (B) is at least one of phosphoric acid and a phosphate.3. A multilayer structure comprising a laminate unit including at least a layer comprising the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition according to claim 1 , and a layer comprising a metal component as a main component.4. A hot-water sterilizable package that comprises the multilayer structure according to . The present disclosure relates to an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composition (wherein an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer is hereinafter referred to simply as “EVOH resin”) and, more specifically, to an EVOH resin composition having an excellent adhesive property with respect to a metal surface. The present disclosure further relates to a multilayer structure produced by using the EVOH resin ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010317A1

A halogen-free, fire resistant rubber composition for a fire resistant hose includes: 100 parts by weight of elastomer having a blend of: 60 to 70 parts of ethylene vinylacetate elastomer (EVM), a vinylacetate content of EVM being in the range from 60 to 70% by weight; 40 to 30 parts of terpolymer of ethylene, propylene, and a diene elastomer (EPDM), an ethylene content of EPDM being in the range from 30 to 40% by weight and a propylene content of EPDM being from 60 to 70% by weight; at least one fire retardant ingredient; and at least one vulcanizing agent. The vulcanizing agent is a peroxide curative. 1: A halogen-free , fire resistant rubber composition for a fire resistant hose , the composition comprising: 60 to 70 parts of ethylene vinylacetate elastomer (EVM), wherein a vinylacetate content of EVM is in the range from 60 to 70% by weight;', '40 to 30 parts of terpolymer of ethylene, propylene, and a diene elastomer (EPDM), wherein an ethylene content of EPDM is in the range from 30 to 40% by weight and a propylene content of EPDM is from 60 to 70% by weight;', 'at least one fire retardant ingredient; and', 'at least one vulcanizing agent, wherein the vulcanizing agent comprises a peroxide curative., '100 parts by weight of elastomer comprising a blend of2: The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the vinylacetate content of EVM is around 65% by weight.3: The composition according to claim 1 , wherein 100 parts by weight of elastomer comprises a blend of more than one EVM claim 1 , each one of which having different contents of vinylacetate in the range from 60 to 70% by weight.4: The composition according to claim 1 , comprising 100 parts by weight of elastomer comprising a blend of a first EVM containing from 60 to 65% by weight of vinylacetate and a second EVM containing from 65 to 70% by weight of vinylacetate.5: The composition according to claim 1 , comprising 100 parts by weight of elastomer comprising a blend of a first EVM containing around 60% ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010625A1
Принадлежит: Silbond Corporation

Ethylsilicate polymers and a method of making, specifically ethylsilicate polymer binders with reduced levels of regulated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for use in the coatings industry and casting industry, and more specifically to stable, fast cure ethylsilicate polymer binders with low levels of regulated VOCs. 146-. (canceled)47. A method of forming a polyethylsilicate composition wherein said method includes the steps of:adding an ethanol, an acid and a silica source to a reactor;heating the reactor after said step of adding;adding an ethylsilicate source to the reactor to initiate a hydrolysis reaction; andadding propylene carbonate to the reactor after the hydrolysis reaction.48. The method of further including the steps of adding parachlorobenzotrifluoride to the reactor after the hydrolysis reaction.49. The method of further including a step of stripping ethanol from the reactor after the hydrolysis reaction.50. The method of wherein said silica source is a colloidal silica sol.51. The method of further including a step of adding propylene carbonate before said step of adding an ethylsilicate source.52. The method of further including a step of adding a propylene carbonate during said step of adding an ethylsilicate source.53. The method of further including a step of adding a polyethylsilicate source.54. A method of forming a polyethylsilicate composition and wherein said method includes the steps of:adding a silica source and a propylene carbonate to a reactor; andadding an ethylsilicate source to the reactor to initiate a hydrolysis reaction.55. The method of further including the step of adding tert-butylacetate to the reactor after said hydrolysis reaction.56. The method of further including the step of adding additional propylene carbonate after said hydrolysis reaction.57. The method of further including the steps of:adding a mineral acid to the reactor before said hydrolysis reaction;adding a solvent after said hydrolysis reaction, said solvent ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010646A1

A plastic composition containing 1. A highly filled plastic composition comprising:(a) at least one polyolefin;(b) at least one metallic salt of an unsaturated aliphatic fatty acid;(c1) at least one first mediator which is a hydrocarbon compound having at least one cyclic and preferably aromatic group and having at least one polar substituent comprising an oxygen atom and/or nitrogen atom, wherein the first mediator comprises at least two and at most ten cyclic groups per polar substituent, and wherein the melting point of the first mediator is no more than 80° C. below and no more than 50° C. above the melting point of the polyolefin (a);(c2) optionally at least one second mediator which is different from the first mediator (c1) and is a hydrocarbon compound having at least one cyclic and preferably aromatic group and having at least one polar substituent comprising an oxygen atom and/or nitrogen atom, wherein the second mediator comprises fewer than two cyclic groups per polar substituent and preferably at least two and at most ten polar substituents per cyclic group, and wherein the melting point of the second mediator is no more than 80° C. below and no more than 50° C. above the melting point of the polyolefin (a); and(d) at least one third mediator which is a hydrocarbon compound having at least one cyclic and preferably aromatic group which is unsubstituted or halogen-substituted, wherein the boiling point of the third mediator is no more than 100° C. below and no more than 80° C. above the melting point of the polyolefin (a); and(e) at least one particulate filler material;wherein the proportion of the filler material (e) amounts to more than 40 vol. % measured at the total volume of the filled composition and/or more than 80 vol. % of the theoretical maximum.2. A highly filled plastic composition in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the melting point of the first mediator (c1) and/or the melting point of the second mediator (c2) is no more ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010738A1
Автор: LEE Kyung Sub

The provided relates to a method for preparing an anisotropic conductive adhesive for fine pitch and an anisotropic conductive adhesive for fine pitch prepared by the same method. Provided is a method for preparing an anisotropic conductive adhesive for a fine pitch including: (i) removing an oxide film of solder particles having self-fusion and self-orientation functions between metal terminals of a substrate by melting the solder particles at a predetermined temperature using a first reducing agent; (ii) removing moisture generated in step (i); and (iii) preparing an anisotropic conductive adhesive by mixing the solder particles from which the oxide film and the moisture are removed with a binder resin in steps (i) and (ii), in which step (iii) is performed in a state where a contact with oxygen is blocked. 1. A method for preparing an anisotropic conductive adhesive for fine pitch , the method comprising:(i) removing an oxide film of solder particles having self-fusion and self-orientation functions between metal terminals of a substrate by melting the solder particles at a predetermined temperature using a first reducing agent;(ii) removing moisture generated in step (i); and(iii) preparing the anisotropic conductive adhesive by mixing the solder particles from which the oxide film and the moisture are removed in steps (i) and (ii) with a binder resin,a. wherein step (iii) is performed in a state where a contact with oxygen is blocked.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the anisotropic conductive adhesive in step (iii) further includes a second reducing agent for preventing further oxidation of the solder particles.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein an amount of the second reducing agent is 0.01 to 3 parts by weight with respect to 100 parts by weight of the anisotropic conductive adhesive in step (iii).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first reducing agent is at least one selected from the group consisting of 3-butenoic acid (BA) claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3-bis( ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010964A1

A method of manufacturing a composite material, comprising providing a conductive polymer having a hydrophilic end and adding a metal oxide, such that the metal oxide is connected to the hydrophilic end of the conductive polymer, wherein the metal oxide is obtained by subjecting a metal oxide precursor to a dehydration reaction, a polymerization reaction, a condensation reaction, or a combination thereof. 1. A method of manufacturing a composite material , comprising:providing a conductive polymer having a hydrophilic end; andadding a metal oxide, such that the metal oxide is connected to the hydrophilic end of the conductive polymer, wherein the metal oxide is obtained by subjecting a metal oxide precursor to a dehydration reaction, a polymerization reaction, a condensation reaction, or a combination thereof.2. The method of manufacturing the composite material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the conductive polymer is dispersed in a solvent to form a colloidal particle claim 1 , and a diameter of the colloidal particle is between 10 nanometers and 500 nanometers.3. The method of manufacturing the composite material as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a shape of the metal oxide is a granular shape.4. The method of manufacturing the composite material as claimed in claim 3 , wherein a diameter of the metal oxide is between 1 nanometer and 20 nanometers.5. The method of manufacturing the composite material as claimed in claim 4 , wherein a ratio of the diameter of the colloidal particle formed by the conductive polymer to the diameter of the metal oxide is between 5:1 and 500:1.6. The method of manufacturing the composite material as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a shape of the metal oxide is a fibrous shape.7. The method of manufacturing the composite material as claimed in claim 6 , wherein a length of the metal oxide is between 5 nanometers and 500 nanometers.8. The method of manufacturing the composite material as claimed in claim 7 , wherein a ratio of the diameter of ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Composite Formulation and Composite Product

Номер: US20160012933A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics Corp

A composite formulation and composite product are disclosed. The composite formulation includes a polymer matrix, tin-containing particles blended within the polymer matrix at a concentration, by weight, of at least 25%, copper-containing particles blended within the polymer matrix at a concentration, by weight, of at least 40%, and one or both of solder flux and density-lowering particles blended into the polymer matrix. The tin-containing particles and the copper-containing particles have one or more intermetallic phases from metal-metal diffusion of the tin-containing particles and the copper-containing particles being blended at a temperature within the intermetallic annealing temperature range for the tin-containing particles and the copper-containing particles.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Flexible positive temperature coefficient sheet and method for making the same

Номер: US20180012686A1
Принадлежит: Littelfuse Inc

A flexible sheet of positive temperature coefficient (PTC) material formed of a polymer resin and a conductive filler, the sheet of PTC material having a thickness in a range of 10 μm to 100 μm. A method for forming the flexible sheet of positive temperature coefficient material may include preparing a PTC ink from a polymer resin, a conductive filler, and a solvent, applying the PTC ink to a substrate, pulling a blade over the PTC ink to create a uniformly thick layer of the PTC ink on the substrate, and allowing the PTC ink to dry so that the solvent evaporates and leaves a solid layer of PTC material on the substrate.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013454A1

A composition for a thermoelectric conversion element that enables a thermoelectric conversion element to fully exhibit excellent thermoelectric conversion characteristics is provided. A composition for a thermoelectric conversion element comprises: metal nanoparticle-supporting carbon nanotubes, a resin component; and a solvent. 1. A composition for a thermoelectric conversion element , comprising:metal nanoparticle-supporting carbon nanotubes;a resin component; anda solvent.2. The composition for a thermoelectric conversion element according to claim 1 ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein a specific surface area of carbon nanotubes forming the metal nanoparticle-supporting carbon nanotubes is 600 m/g or more.'}3. The composition for a thermoelectric conversion element according to claim 1 ,wherein metal nanoparticles supported by carbon nanotubes in the metal nanoparticle-supporting carbon nanotubes include nanoparticles of transition metal.4. The composition for a thermoelectric conversion element according to claim 3 ,wherein the transition metal is palladium.5. A method of producing metal nanoparticle-supporting carbon nanotubes claim 3 , comprisingreducing a metal precursor in a mixture that contains at least carbon nanotubes, the metal precursor, and a reductant by the reductant, to obtain metal nanoparticle-supporting carbon nanotubes.6. A method of producing metal nanoparticle-supporting carbon nanotubes claim 3 , comprisingreducing a metal precursor in a mixture that contains at least carbon nanotubes, the metal precursor, and a reaction solvent by dispersion treatment that brings about a cavitation effect or a crushing effect, to obtain metal nanoparticle-supporting carbon nanotubes.7. A shaped product for a thermoelectric conversion element formed using the composition for a thermoelectric conversion element according to .8. The shaped product for a thermoelectric conversion element according to claim 7 , having a thickness of 0.05 μm or more and 100 μm or less.9. A ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033594A1

Polymer composition are provided comprising a thermoplastic polymer matrix, 50 to 6000 ppm of zinc pyrithione, 50 to 6000 ppm of silver, 100 to 6000 ppm of a zeolite, and optionally 0 to 5% by weight of one or more polymer additives. The invention also relates to a masterbatch and a method for preparing such polymer composition. The present invention further relates to a food packaging comprising or consisting of such polymer composition and to the use thereof for increasing shelf-life of foodstuff such as baked goods. 1. A polymer composition comprising:(A) a thermoplastic polymer matrix (component A);(B) 50 to 6000 ppm, related to the polymer composition, of zinc pyrithione (component B);(C) 50 to 6000 ppm, related to the polymer composition, of silver, optionally in uncharged form or in ionic form comprised in a silver salt (component C);(D) 100 to 6000 ppm, related to the polymer composition, of a zeolite (component D); and optionally(E) 0 to 5% by weight, related to the polymer composition, of one or more polymer additives (component E).2. The polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the polymer matrix A comprises or consists of at least one olefinic polymer.3. The polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the polymer matrix A is selected from the group consisting of polyethylene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer claim 1 , and blends of two or more thereof.4. The polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein said polymer composition comprises components B:C in a mass ratio in the range of 1.5:1 to 20:1.5. The polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite (component D) is a hydrophobic particulate zeolite having a mean average particle size in the range of 0.5 to 50 μm.6. The polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein said polymer composition comprises:(A) a thermoplastic polymer matrix (component A) consisting of an olefinic polymer or a blend of olefinic polymers;(B) 50 to 6000 ppm, related to the polymer composition, of zinc ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017405A1
Автор: Andre Xavier, Bollen Dirk
Принадлежит: AGFA-GEVAERT

A dispersion includes metallic, metal oxide, or metal precursor nanoparticles; a thermally cleavable polymeric dispersant an optional dispersion medium; and a thermally cleavable agent. Pastes, coated layers, and patterns may contain the dispersion. A method for producing the specific thermally cleavable dispersant and for producing the metallic nanoparticle dispersions. The dispersions allow the reduction or avoidance of organic residue in coated layers and patterns on substrates, the use substrates of low thermal resistance, and faster processing times. 113-. (canceled)14. A dispersion comprising:metallic nanoparticles, metal oxide nanoparticles, or metal precursor nanoparticles;a polymeric dispersant including (i) a polyacetal or a polyacetal/polyether backbone, and (ii) an anchor group with an affinity for the metallic nanoparticles, the metal oxide nanoparticles, or the metal precursor nanoparticles that is chemically bonded to the polyacetal or polyacetal/polyether backbone, the polymeric dispersant having 95 wt. % decomposition at a temperature below 300° C.;an optional dispersion medium; anda thermally cleavable agent; wherein the thermally cleavable agent is an aliphatic carboxylic acid according to the formula R—[COOH]n, wherein R is either absent or an optionally substituted alkyl or alkylene group and n is an integer equal or higher than 1; or', {'sub': '3', 'the thermally cleavable agent is a sulphonic acid according to the formula R′—SOH, wherein R′ is an optionally substituted alkyl or aryl group.'}], 'the thermally cleavable agent is a Brönsted acid having a pKa below 4.4 and a boiling point of 100° C. or higher; and'}15. The dispersion according to claim 14 , wherein the thermally cleavable agent is an aliphatic carboxylic acid according to the formula R—[COOH]n claim 14 , wherein R is either absent or an optionally substituted alkyl or alkylene group and n is 1 claim 14 , 2 claim 14 , or 3.16. The dispersion according to claim 14 , wherein the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015804A1

Compositions of nanoparticles are stabilized by capping agents which are composed of methacrylic acid and n-butylmethacrylate random copolymers having hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties and low molecular weight. The nanoparticle compositions have low viscosity, high nanoparticle loading and may be selectively applied to substrates by methods such as inkjet, aerosol and electrospinning 1. A composition comprising nanoparticles comprising metal and one or more capping agents composed of random copolymers of methacrylic acid and n-butylmethacrylate having hydrophobic and hydrophilic segments.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein a methacrylic acid moiety is from 47 mole % to 83 mole % and an n-butylmethacrylate moiety is from 17 mole % to 53 mole %.3. The composition of claim 2 , wherein the methacrylic acid moiety is from 47 mole % to 62 mole % and the n-butylmethacrylate moiety is from 38 mole % to 53 mole %.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more capping agents have weight average molecular weights of 3000 g/mole to less than 20 claim 1 ,000 g/mole.5. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the one or more capping agents have weight average molecular weights of 3500 g/mole to 10 claim 4 ,000 g/mole.6. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the one or more capping agents have weight average molecular weights of 3500 g/mole to 5500 g/mole.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises water and one or more organic solvents.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein a loading of the nanoparticles are 50 wt % or greater.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the metal of the nanoparticles is chosen from aluminum claim 1 , silver claim 1 , gold claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , palladium claim 1 , indium claim 1 , rubidium claim 1 , ruthenium claim 1 , rhodium claim 1 , osmium claim 1 , iridium claim 1 , copper claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , iron and tin.10. The composition of claim 1 , wherein nanoparticle size ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015848A1
Автор: ARUGA Hiroshi
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

To provide a fluorinated resin composition which is capable of forming a resin film excellent in moist heat resistance and solar reflectance. The fluorinated resin composition comprises composite particles, a fluorinated polymer and a liquid medium, wherein the composite particles are a composite having a part or whole of the surface of aluminum particles coated with at least one member selected from the group consisting of an acrylic resin and silica; the total coating amount of the acrylic resin and silica is from 6 to 25 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the aluminum particles; and the water surface diffusion area is from 14,000 to 27,000 cm/g. 1. A fluorinated resin composition which comprises the following composite particles , a fluorinated polymer and a liquid medium:{'sup': '2', 'Composite particles: composite particles having a part or whole of the surface of aluminum particles coated with at least one member selected from the group consisting of an acrylic resin and silica, wherein the total coating amount of the acrylic resin and silica is from 6 to 25 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the aluminum particles, and the water surface diffusion area is from 14,000 to 27,000 cm/g.'}2. The fluorinated resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the fluorinated polymer is at least one member selected from the group consisting of a tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene-vinylidene fluoride copolymer and a fluorinated polymer having hydroxyl groups.3. The fluorinated resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the composite particles is from 10 to 35 mass % in the solid content.4. The fluorinated resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the fluorinated polymer is from 90 to 65 mass % in the solid content.5. The fluorinated resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the mass ratio of the fluorinated polymer to the aluminum particles is from 1 to 4.6. A coating agent which comprises the fluorinated ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015691A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

Provided are an antibacterial layer-attached base material, which has excellent anti-glare characteristics and in which rainbow unevenness and warping are suppressed, and a film for a display using the antibacterial layer-attached base material. The antibacterial layer-attached base material includes: a base material having optical anisotropy, and an antibacterial layer which is disposed on at least a part of a surface of the base material, in which the antibacterial layer contains antibacterial agent fine particles and a binder, an average particle diameter of the antibacterial agent fine particles is 0.05 to 1 μm, the thickness of the antibacterial layer is greater than 5 μm and smaller than or equal to 15 μm, and a tensile strength of the base material is greater than or equal to 200 MPa. 1. An antibacterial layer-attached base material comprising:a base material having optical anisotropy; andan antibacterial layer which is disposed on at least a part of a surface of the base material,wherein the antibacterial layer contains antibacterial agent fine particles and a binder,wherein an average particle diameter of the antibacterial agent fine particles is 0.05 to 1 μm,wherein a thickness of the antibacterial layer is greater than 5 μm and smaller than or equal to 15 μm, andwherein a tensile strength of the base material is greater than or equal to 200 MPa.2. The antibacterial layer-attached base material according to claim 1 ,wherein the binder is a polymer having a hydrophilic group.3. The antibacterial layer-attached base material according to claim 1 ,wherein a content of the antibacterial agent fine particles in the antibacterial layer is greater than or equal to 2.0 mass % with respect to a total mass of the antibacterial layer.4. The antibacterial layer-attached base material according to claim 2 ,wherein a content of the antibacterial agent fine particles in the antibacterial layer is greater than or equal to 2.0 mass % with respect to a total mass of the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Heating Layer For Film Removal

Номер: US20180016028A1

Embodiments of the presently disclosed system include a thin thermoplastic or thermosetting polymer film loaded with non-polymeric inclusions that are susceptible to heating under a time-varying magnetic field. Insertion of this additional heating layer into a structural or semi-structural heterogeneous laminate provides an “on-demand” de-bonding site for laminate deconstruction. For example, in some embodiments when the heating layer is inserted between a cured Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) layer and a Polymeric/Metallic film stackup layer, the heating layer can be selectively heated above its softening point (e.g., by using energy absorbed from a locally-applied time-varying magnetic field) to allow for ease of applique separation from the CFRP layer. 1. A system for installation or removal of appliques , the system comprising: a lightning strike protection layer mounted to the surface of an aircraft;', 'a heating layer positioned between the surface of the aircraft and the lightning protection layer, the heating layer comprising a polymer and magnetic material; and', 'an adhesive layer adhering the lightning protection layer and the heating layer to the surface of the aircraft; and, 'an applique comprisinga magnetic field source for generating a variable frequency magnetic field.2. The system of wherein the magnetic material comprises a magnetic material with a Curie point temperature within a temperature range at which adhesive bonds in the adhesive layer will de-bond.3. The system of wherein the magnetic field source comprises a source that generates a magnetic field selected to cause the magnetic material to reach the Curie point temperature within the temperature range at which the adhesive bonds in the adhesive layer will de-bond.4. The system of wherein the magnetic field source comprises a coil that generates a magnetic field in the range of 15-300 KHz.5. The system of wherein the surface layer comprises a lightning strike protection layer further ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015699A1

The present invention provides a bio-electrode composition including a silsesquioxane bonded to an N-carbonyl sulfonamide salt, wherein the N-carbonyl sulfonamide salt is shown by the following general formula (1): 3. The bio-electrode composition according to claim 1 , further comprising an adhesive resin as a component (B) in addition to the silsesquioxane bonded to an N-carbonyl sulfonamide salt as a component (A).4. The bio-electrode composition according to claim 2 , further comprising an adhesive resin as a component (B) in addition to the silsesquioxane bonded to an N-carbonyl sulfonamide salt as a component (A).5. The bio-electrode composition according to claim 3 , wherein the component (B) is one or more resins selected from a silicone resin claim 3 , a (meth)acrylate resin claim 3 , and a urethane resin.6. The bio-electrode composition according to claim 4 , wherein the component (B) is one or more resins selected from a silicone resin claim 4 , a (meth)acrylate resin claim 4 , and a urethane resin.7. The bio-electrode composition according to claim 3 , wherein the component (B) contains diorganosiloxane having an alkenyl group claim 3 , and organohydrogenpolysiloxane having an SiH group.8. The bio-electrode composition according to claim 5 , wherein the component (B) contains diorganosiloxane having an alkenyl group claim 5 , and organohydrogenpolysiloxane having an SiH group.9. The bio-electrode composition according to claim 7 , wherein the component (B) further contains a silicone resin having an RSiOunit (wherein claim 7 , R represents a substituted or unsubstituted monovalent hydrocarbon group having 1 to 10 carbon atoms claim 7 , and “x” is a number in a range of 2.5 to 3.5) and an SiOunit.10. The bio-electrode composition according to claim 8 , wherein the component (B) further contains a silicone resin having an RSiOunit (wherein claim 8 , R represents a substituted or unsubstituted monovalent hydrocarbon group having 1 to 10 carbon atoms claim 8 ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Lightweight and Corrosion Resistant Abradable Coating

Номер: US20160017154A1

An abradable coating for application to a gas turbine engine part is formed from a titanium aluminide alloy, a filler material, and porosity. The coating may be applied to a part such as a casing made from a titanium alloy.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Method for producing a bonded bow contact for current collectors

Номер: US20160017190A1
Принадлежит: PanTrac GmbH

The invention relates to a method for producing a connection between a carbon strip and a metal mounting of a bow contact for current collectors by means of an adhesive containing electrically conductive particles. The method is characterised in that the adhesive contains 40 to 50 parts by weight of a first adhesive component on the basis of a phenolic resin, 5 to 20 parts by weight of a second adhesive component on the basis of an epoxy resin, and 40 to 50 parts by weight of conductive particles.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016410A1

The present invention discloses a plastic composition, a composite floor including the plastic composition and a preparation method thereof. The plastic composition is prepared from the following components in parts by weight: 30-55 parts of polyvinyl chloride, 35-55 parts of limestone powder, 0.5-5 parts of polyurethane foaming agent and 0.5-5 parts of stabilizer. The composite floor includes a decoration layer and a supporting layer, wherein the supporting layer is prepared from the plastic composition. The composite floor provided by the present invention has the advantages of simple structure, beautiful and elegant appearance, and good anti-water, anti-insect and anti-mildew effects. Moreover, the composite floor can effectively save wood resources, is low in cost and is more environmentally friendly. 1. A plastic composition , characterized by being prepared from the following components in parts by weight: 30-55 parts of polyvinyl chloride , 35-55 parts of limestone powder , 0.5-5 parts of polyurethane foaming agent and 0.5-5 parts of stabilizer.2. The plastic composition of claim 1 , wherein the stabilizer is a calcium-zinc stabilizer.3. The plastic composition of claim 2 , wherein preferably claim 2 , the plastic composition is prepared from the following components in parts by weight: 35-50 parts of polyvinyl chloride claim 2 , 40-50 parts of limestone powder claim 2 , 0.5-2 parts of polyurethane foaming agent and 0.5-2 parts of stabilizer.4. A composite floor claim 1 , comprising a decoration layer and a supporting layer claim 1 , wherein the supporting layer is prepared from the plastic composition of .5. The composite floor of claim 4 , wherein the decoration layer is prepared from one or more materials of wood claim 4 , bamboo claim 4 , scrimber and decorative paper.6. The composite floor of claim 5 , wherein the supporting layer comprises a front face and a back face claim 5 , the front face of the supporting layer is provided with the decoration layer ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016178A1

Rubber compositions that are particularly suitable for the undertread for a tire tread, such rubber compositions including a functionalized polybutadiene rubber and a second rubber component such as a styrene butadiene copolymer, natural rubber, another polybutadiene or other diene rubber or combinations thereof. Such rubber compositions are reinforced with a carbon black reinforcing filler that may be characterized as a low-surface area, high structure carbon black having a nitrogen surface area of between 15 m/g and 25 m/g and a COAN of between 65 ml/100 g and 85 ml/100 g. 1. A tread for a tire that comprises an undertread , the undertread formed from a rubber composition that is based upon a cross-linkable rubber composition , the cross-linkable composition comprising , per 100 parts by weight of rubber (phr):at least 20 phr of a functionalized polybutadiene rubber having a functional group that is capable of interacting with carbon black;between 0 phr and 80 phr of a second rubber component;{'sup': 2', '2, 'a low-surface area, high structure carbon black having a nitrogen surface area of between 15 m/g and 25 m/g and a COAN of between 65 ml/100 g and 85 ml/100 g; and'}a curing system.2. The tread of claim 1 , wherein the functionalized polybutadiene rubber is a tin coupled end-functionalized polybutadiene rubber.3. The tread of claim 2 , wherein the polybutadiene rubber is end-functionalized with an amine group.4. The tread of claim 1 , wherein the cross-linkable rubber composition comprises between 40 phr and 80 phr of the carbon black.5. The tread of claim 1 , wherein an OAN of the carbon black is between 100 ml/100 g and 150 ml/100 g.6. The tread of claim 5 , wherein an iodine number of the carbon black is between 10 mg/g and 25 mg/g.7. The tread of claim 6 , wherein the cross-linkable rubber composition comprises between 40 phr and 60 phr of the functionalized polybutadiene rubber.8. The tread of claim 1 , wherein the second rubber component is selected from ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016473A1

Provided is an adhesive that can provide quick bonding between thermoplastic resins and excellent bond strength, a structure having adhesion provided by the adhesive, and an adhesion method using the adhesive. The adhesive bonds a first member () containing a thermoplastic resin or a carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic resin and a second member () containing the thermoplastic resin or the carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic resin. The adhesive includes a thermoplastic resin as a main component containing a metal nano material that absorbs electromagnetic waves and generates heat. 1. An adhesive for bonding between a first member containing a thermoplastic resin or a carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic resin and a second member containing the thermoplastic resin or the carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic resin , the adhesive comprising:a thermoplastic resin as a main component containing a metal nano material that absorbs electromagnetic waves and generates heat.2. The adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the nano material is nanofibers or nanocoils.3. The adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the electromagnetic waves are 3 MHz or more and 3 GHz or less.4. The adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the metal is platinum or gold.5. The adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the nano material added to the main component is 30 μg/cmor less.6. A structure comprising the first member and the second member bonded to each other with the adhesive according to .7. The structure according to claim 6 , wherein the thermoplastic resin in the adhesive and the thermoplastic resin in at least one of the first member and the second member are the same material.8. An adhesion method comprising the steps of:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'placing the adhesive according to in a portion of the first member to be bonded;'}placing the second member on the adhesive; andirradiating the adhesive with the electromagnetic waves to bond the first ...
