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22-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2639778C2

Изобретение относится к области полимерных материалов и способу их получения, а именно полимерной композиции с улучшенными характеристиками мутности и светопропускания. Полимерная композиция содержит полимерную матрицу и микросферы сшитого сополимера. Микросферы сшитого сополимера представляют собой чередующийся сополимер, образованный из мономеров, имеющих ангидрид, амид и/или имидную группы, и олефиновых мономеров и/или фурана и его производных, и сшитых сшивающим агентом. Предпочтительно, композиция имеет мутность не менее 92%, а светопропускание не менее 55%, а более предпочтительно мутность не менее 95%, а светопропускание не менее 59%. Материал, полученный из полимерной композиции по настоящему изобретению, имеет превосходные светорассеивающие свойства, что способствует экономии энергии, низкую себестоимость, и прост в изготовлении.4 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл, 25 пр.

27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2539982C2
Принадлежит: СЭН-ГОБЭН ИЗОВЕР (FR)

Изобретение относится к связующим композициям для изоляционных изделий на основе минеральной ваты. Предложена связующая композиция на основе минерального войлока или стекловолокна, которая включает по меньшей мере один сахарид, по меньшей мере одну органическую поликарбоновую кислоту, включающую от 2 до 4 функциональных карбоксильных групп и имеющую молекулярную массу менее или равную 1000, и по меньшей мере один полиорганосилоксан, содержащий по меньшей мере одну функциональную группу, способную реагировать с по меньшей мере одним из составляющих связующей композиции. Предложены также звуко- и/или теплоизоляционное изделие и покрытие из минеральных волокон, проклеенные с использованием предложенной композиции и способ получения указанного звуко- и/или теплоизоляционного изделия. Технический результат - заявленная связующая композиция не содержит формальдегида и придает изоляционным изделиям пониженную способность абсорбировать воду. 4 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 8 пр.

15-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2721117C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к композиции для легкоотслаивающихся и химически стойких покрытий для металлических и пластмассовых основ, а также к способу получения легкоотслаивающегося лакового слоя, способу химического фрезерования металлических основ и основе. Указанная композиция содержит по меньшей мере один связующий компонент А и по меньшей мере один отверждающий компонент В. Связующий компонент А содержит по меньшей мере один простой полиэфирполиольный компонент на основе полиоксиалкиленгликоля (А1), по меньшей мере один ароматический диамин (А2), частицы силиконового эластомера (А3) и по меньшей мере одну полиуретанмочевину (А4). Отверждающий компонент В содержит по меньшей мере один содержащий уретановые группы компонент, содержащий неблокированные изоцианатные группы (В1), и по меньшей мере один ароматический диизоцианат на основе метилендифенилизоцианата (В2). Компонент В1 получают путем реакции содержащего гидроксильные группы компонента В1.1 с изоцианатным компонентом В1.2 ...

14-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2635604C2

Изобретение относится к новым полиорганосилоксановым композициям, вулканизуемым в горячем состоянии с образованием кремнийорганических эластомеров, то есть вулканизуемым при температуре материала, которая в общем случае находится в интервале от 100 до 200°C и в случае необходимости может доходить до 250°C. Композиция C для использования в изоляционных материалах содержит (A) 100 массовых частей по меньшей мере одного полиорганосилоксанового полимера A, содержащего в молекуле по меньшей мере две алкенильные группы C-C, связанные с атомом кремния; (B) от 0,1 до 250 массовых частей по меньшей мере одного минерала B, выбранного из группы, состоящей из смеси гидромагнезита с брутто-формулой Mg(CO)(OH)·4HO и хантита с брутто-формулой MgCa(CO); (C) от 0,00001 до 0,02 массовых частей или от 0,1 до 200 млнв расчете на массу металлической платины по отношению к общей массе композиции C по меньшей мере одного термостабилизатора D, позволяющего улучшить стойкость кремнийорганических эластомеров к разложению ...

27-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2488606C2
Принадлежит: АКЦО НОБЕЛЬ Н.В. (NL)

Изобретение относится к композиционному материалу, включающему свободное от формальдегида связующее и субстрат, представляющий собой минеральную вату. Связующее содержит, по меньшей мере, один полисахарид и, по меньшей мере, одно сшивающее вещество. Сшивающее вещество выбирают из адипинового/уксусного смешанного ангидрида, эпихлоргидрина, триметафосфата натрия, триметафосфата натрия/триполифосфата натрия и хлорокиси фосфора, полиамид-эпихлоргидриновых сшивающих агентов, ангидридсодержащих полимеров, циклических амидных конденсатов, комплексов циркония и титана, дигидразида адипиновой кислоты, N,N'-метиленбисакриламида, этиленгликольдиметакрилата, этиленгликольдиакрилата, диангидридов, ацеталей, полифункциональных силанов, блокированных альдегидов, поликарбоксилатов, соединений бора и их комбинаций. Полисахарид представляет собой неамилозный крахмал, низкоамилозый крахмал или некрахмальный полисахарид, выбранный из группы, состоящей из гуаровой камеди, альгинатов, гидроксипропилцеллюлозу ...

11-07-2017 дата публикации

Композиция для термостойкого пеноматериала

Номер: RU2625115C1

Изобретение относится к композициям для термостойких и высокопрочных пеноматериалов, которые могут быть использованы в качестве высокотемпературной теплоизоляции, работающей в окислительной среде. Описана композиция для термостойкого пеноматериала, включающая кремнийсодержащее связующее, полые керамические микросферы (ценосферы) и волокнистый наполнитель, в которой с целью повышения механической прочности и термостойкости пеноматериала, в качестве кремнийсодержащего связующего композиция содержит, мас. %: 10% раствор поликарбосилана в ксилоле, в качестве полых керамических микросфер - ценосферы, полученные флотационной обработкой дымовых выбросов теплоэлектростанции, работающих на твердом топливе, состав которых содержит SiO, AlO, CaO, MgO, NaO, FeO, в качестве волокнистого наполнителя - кварцевые волокна при следующем соотношении компонентов композиции, мас. %: указанное кремнийсодержащее связующее 13,0-76,9, полые керамические микросферы (ценосферы) 21,0-66,2, кварцевые волокна 2,1-20,8 ...

28-02-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016149579A3

14-12-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015118034A3

27-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014124158A

... 1. Композиция для нанесения смазочного силиконового покрытия, содержащая:поперечносшиваемый силиконовый полимер, имеющий реакционноспособные функциональные группы;несшиваемый силиконовый полимер, причем указанный полимер имеет средневесовую молекулярную массу более приблизительно 200000;силиконовый поперечносшивающий агент; икатализатор.2. Композиция для нанесения покрытия по п. 1, в которой поперечносшиваемый силиконовый полимер выбран из группы, состоящей из полидиалкилсилоксана с винильными концевыми группами, полидиметилсилоксана, сополимера полидифенилсилана и диметилсилоксана, полифенилметилсилоксана, сополимера полифторпропилметила и диметилсилоксана и полидиэтилсилоксана.3. Композиция для нанесения покрытия по п. 1, в которой поперечносшиваемый силиконовый полимер содержит полидиметилсилоксан с винильными концевыми группами.4. Композиция для нанесения покрытия по п. 1, в которой несшиваемый силиконовый полимер выбран из группы, состоящей из полидиметилсилоксана, полиалкилметилсилоксана ...

27-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014101716A

... 1. Эластичный изоляционный материал на основе каучуковой смеси со стойкостью к действию высоких температур, отличающийся тем, что каучуковая смесь по меньшей мере отчасти не сшита и пластически деформируема и обладает вязкостью по Муни ML (1+4) от 5 до 20 ед. Муни при 23°C, определенной в соответствии с частью 3 стандарта DIN 53523.2. Изоляционный материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что при нанесении изоляционного материала на компоненты, для которых необходима изоляция, адгезия каучуковой смеси достаточно высока для предотвращения какого-либо отделения материала от поверхности компонентов благодаря способности к упругой деформации изоляционного материала.3. Изоляционный материал по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что каучуковая смесь обладает пористой структурой.4. Изоляционный материал по п.3, отличающийся тем, что для образования пористой структуры каучуковая смесь содержит от 2 до 100 частиц на 100 частиц каучука микросфер.5. Изоляционный материал по п.4, отличающийся тем, что для образования ...

27-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010151565A

... 1. Отверждаемая органополисилоксановая композиция, включающая: ! (A) органополисилоксан следующей усредненной структурной формулы: ! R1 aSiO(4-a)/2, ! (в которой R1 обозначает незамещенные или замещенные галогеном одновалентные углеводородные группы; однако в одной молекуле по меньшей мере две группы, обозначенные R1, представляют собой алкенильные группы, и по меньшей мере 30 мол.% от всех групп, обозначенных R1, представляют собой арильные группы; и «а» представляет собой число в диапазоне от 0,6 до 2,1); ! (B) органополисилоксан, который содержит в одной молекуле по меньшей мере два связанных с кремнием атома водорода и по меньшей мере 15 мол.% от всех связанных с кремнием органических групп в форме арильных групп; ! (C) органополисилоксан с разветвленной цепью, имеющий следующую усредненную формулу блока: ! (R2SiO3/2)b(R2 2SiO2/2)c(R2 3SiO1/2)d(SiO4/2)e(XO1/2)f, ! (в которой каждый R2 независимо обозначает алкильную группу, алкенильную группу, арильную группу или эпоксисодержащую органическую ...

10-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013106950A

... 1. Композиция, содержащая:полимерный материал иматериал наполнителя из прокаленного титаната кальция и меди;при этом композиция имеет обратимую нелинейную вольт-амперную характеристику.2. Композиция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что материал наполнителя из прокаленного титаната кальция и меди является необожженным.3. Композиция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что материал наполнителя из прокаленного титаната кальция и меди является нелегированным.4. Композиция по п.1, характеризующаяся диэлектрической постоянной от примерно 10 до примерно 40.5. Композиция по п.1, содержащая от примерно 25 до примерно 45 об.% материала наполнителя.6. Композиция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что наполнитель из титаната кальция и меди прокален при температуре примерно 1100°С.7. Композиция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что ее диэлектрическая постоянная изменяется менее чем на 15% в температурном диапазоне от примерно 20 до примерно 200°С на частоте 1 кГц.8. Композиция по п.1, характеризующаяся тангенсом угла диэлектрических ...

20-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011154198A

... 1. Связующая композиция для изоляционных изделий на основе минеральной ваты, в частности минерального войлока или стекловолокна, отличающаяся тем, что она включает:- по меньшей мере, один сахарид,- по меньшей мере, одну органическую поликарбоновую кислоту, молекулярная масса которой составляет менее чем или равна 1000, и- по меньшей мере, одно реакционноспособное кремнийорганическое соединение.2. Композиция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что сахарид представляет собой моносахарид, полисахарид или смесь данных соединений.3. Композиция по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что моносахарид выбран из моносахаридов, включающих от 3 до 8 атомов углерода, предпочтительно от 5 до 7 атомов углерода.4. Композиция по п.3, отличающаяся тем, что моносахарид представляет собой альдозу.5. Композиция по п.4, отличающаяся тем, что альдозой является гексоза, в том числе глюкоза, манноза и галактоза.6. Композиция по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что полисахарид имеет среднемассовую молекулярную массу менее чем 1000000, предпочтительно ...

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011126894A

... 1. Ткань с покрытием, включающая:армирование;первое покрытие на армировании, включающее перфторполимер; ивторое покрытие на первом покрытии, включающее перфторполимер исиликоновый полимер в количестве от 2 вес.% до 30 вес.%.2. Ткань с покрытием по п.1, дополнительно включающая третье покрытие на втором покрытии.3. Ткань с покрытием по п.2, в которой третье покрытие включает фторполимер.4. Ткань с покрытием по п.2, в которой третье покрытие включает силикон.5. Ткань с покрытием по любому одному из пп.1-4, которая имеет сцепление покрытия, по меньшей мере, 0,32 кг/см.6. Ткань с покрытием по любому одному из пп.1-4, которая показывает сохранение прочности, по меньшей мере, 25%.7. Ткань с покрытием по любому одному из пп.1-4, которая имеет коэффициент трения не больше чем 0,2.8. Ткань с покрытием по любому одному из пп.1-4, в которой перфторполимер включает политетрафторэтилен (PTFE), гексафторпропилен (HFP), фторированный этиленпропилен (FEP), перфторалкилвиниловый эфир (PFA), их комбинацию ...

17-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069528121D1

09-10-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002614837B2

09-09-1999 дата публикации

UV-härtbare Epoxysilicone

Номер: DE0069323399T2

05-03-1998 дата публикации

Single component adhesive used for dental work

Номер: DE0019635696A1

An adhesive comprises a reaction product of one or more polymers with an organosilicone oil dissolved in a solvent. Adhesive systems containing the above adhesives with various adhesion promoting properties are also claimed.

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Härtbare Organopolysiloxanzusammensetzungen

Номер: DE102013217220A1

Die Erfindung betrifft Organopolysiloxanzusammensetzungen enthaltend (A1) Harzkomponente bestehend aus mindestens einem Organopolysiloxanharz bestehend aus Einheiten der Formel Ra(OH)b(R1O)cSiO(4-a-b-c)/2 (I),(A2) Organosiliciumkomponente bestehend aus mindestens einer Organosiliciumverbindung bestehend aus Einheiten der Formel R2 d(OH)e(R3O)fSiO(4-d-e-f)/2 (II),wobei die Reste und Indizes die in Anspruch 1 angegebene Bedeutung haben, mit der Maßgabe, dass in Formel (I) die Summe a + b + c < 3 ist, in der Harzkomponente (A1) in mindestens 2% aller Einheiten der Formel (I) b 1 ist, in der Harzkomponente (A1) in höchstens 10% aller Einheiten der Formel (I) c 1 ist, in der Harzkomponente (A1) in maximal 50% der Einheiten der Formel (I) a = 2 beträgt und die Harzkomponente (A1) ein mittleres Molekulargewicht Mw (Gewichtsmittel) von 500 g/mol bis 11000 g/mol und ein mittleres Molekulargewicht Mn (Zahlenmittel) von 500 g/mol bis 5000 g/mol aufweist sowie die Polydispersität (Mw/Mn) der Harzkomponente ...

25-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069727611D1

18-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE602007004594D1

01-02-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002217564A1

07-05-2014 дата публикации

Silicone adhesive compositions and their use in securing medical appliances to mammalian body

Номер: GB0201405483D0

21-05-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008609372D0

18-11-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001212410A

... 1,212,410. Inhibited-cure organosilicon compositions. DOW CORNING CORP. 20 Dec., 1968 [10 Jan., 1968; 13 Sept., 1968], No. 60695/68. Heading C3T. A curable organosilicon composition comprises (1) an organosilicon compound having an average of 1-3 monovalent hydrocarbon, aliphatic-unsaturation-free halohydrocarbon, or cyanoalkyl radicals per Si atom, including on average at least 2 monovalent aliphatically unsaturated radicals per molecule, the remaining Si valences being satisfied by siloxane oxygen atoms, or divalent hydrocarbon, hydrocarbon ether or haloarylene radicals linking Si atoms, (2) an organosilicon compound containing at least 2, on average, Si-bonded hydrogen atoms per molecule, and an average of up to two aliphatic-unsaturation-free monovalent hydrocarbon or halohydrocarbon radicals or cyanoalkyl radicals per Si atom, the remaining Si valences being satisfied as in (1) above, (3) at least 0À1 p.p.m. by weight of (1) plus (2) of Pt in a platinum catalyst, and (4) a salt of ...

18-12-1996 дата публикации

Silicone solventless pressure sensitive adhesive compositions

Номер: GB0002301829A

Silicone pressure sensitive adhesive compositions are provided which are free of volatile organic solvents. Silicone fluids in the form of cyclic or linear organosiloxanes and having a boiling point at atmospheric pressure of 250{ C or less, are used as a solvent for an organopolysiloxane gum and an organosiloxane hydrolyzate of SiO 2 units and triorganosiloxy units (MQ resin).

30-07-2014 дата публикации

Composition containing oxide nanoparticles

Номер: GB0002510211A

A composition comprises oxide nanoparticles and a binder, which when formed as a coating, has a pencil hardness of at least 4H according to ASTM D3363 - 05(2001)e2. Preferably, the nanoparticles comprise tin-doped indium oxide, aluminium-doped zinc oxide, fluorine-doped zinc oxide, antimony-doped tine oxide, or silica. The binder may be (i) a thermally-curable binder, such as tetraethylorthosilicate, methyltrimethoxysilane, or a polyurethane or (ii) a UV-curable binder, such as pentaerythritol triacrylate, 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate, or trimethylolpropane triacrylate. The nanoparticles may be porous or non-porous and may have a random close-packed structure. Coatings, optical elements, ophthalmic elements, solar cells, windows, glass panels, low-K dielectrics, and battery electrodes comprising the composition are also disclosed. A method of preparing a coating is also claimed, which comprises (a) applying a dispersion or solution of oxide nanoparticles in one or more solvents to a substrate ...

09-12-2020 дата публикации

Flexible translucent to transparent fireproof composite material

Номер: GB0002575746B
Принадлежит: FIRE CURTAINS INC, Fire Curtains, Inc.

25-03-2015 дата публикации

Silicone adhesive compositions and their use in securing medical appliances to mammalian body

Номер: GB0002518468A

An adhesive composition comprises: 50-90 wt% of uncured silicone gel adhesive comprising a blend of a polyorganosiloxane with at least one aliphatically unsaturated group, an organosiloxane with at least one silicone-hydride group and an addition curing catalyst; 1-50 wt% of a non-silicone hydrophilic liquid additive; 0.1-10 wt% of a cohesive strengthening agent; and trace-20 wt% of at least one siloxane resin. Claimed is the adhesive as an ostomy adhesive and as an adhesive wound dressing. The adhesive may be coated on a skin surface or peri-skin of a mammalian body and then cured. The invention is a skin friendly silicone adhesive which may be used to secure medical appliances to mammalian body and to protect and treat peri-skin surface.

13-07-1960 дата публикации

Low pressure polypropylene-silicone gum blends

Номер: GB0000841070A

A composition comprises a blend of polypropylene and from 5 to 20% by weight of the polypropylene of a silicone polymer of specific gravity within the range of 0.9 to 1.25. The composition has a maximum Bell brittleness of -23 DEG C. The polypropylene has a molecular weight of 50,000 to 500,000, a crystallinity of 25 to 85%, a density of 0.89 to 0.91, a softening point of 115-145 DEG C., a melting-point of 125 DEG to 170 DEG C., a tensile strength of 1,000 to 5,500 pounds per square inch, high rigidity, poor low temperature brittleness, good stress cracking resistance, and a steep melt viscositytemperature relationship. The polypropylene may be made by the process described in Specification 810,023. The blend may include stabilizers such as N-lauroylaminophenol, alkylated bisphenol sulphide, or 4,41-thio-bis-(6-tert. butyl-2-methyl phenol) and also fillers such as carbon black or clay.

04-07-1969 дата публикации

Improvements with the binders for paintings, varnished and similar.

Номер: OA0000001395A

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000404635T

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000491000T

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000476488T

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000484540T

15-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000456625T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000454435T

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000470461T

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000474019T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000536392T

15-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000121774A

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0009052002A

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000417083T

15-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000098932T

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000344831T

15-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000340219T

25-01-1972 дата публикации

By heat activated, hardenable molding material on basis of insatiated remainders containing Organosiliciumverbindungen

Номер: AT0000295848B

15-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000235221T

10-03-1971 дата публикации

By heat activated, hardenable molding material on basis of Organosiliciumverbindungen

Номер: AT0000288698B

21-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006585474A

01-11-2018 дата публикации

Organosiloxane compounds as active ingredients in fluorine free fire suppression foams

Номер: AU2017232927A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

Novel organosiloxane compounds are disclosed that are useful in firefighting foams. Methods of making and using the organosiloxane compounds and foams are also described.

21-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000608086B2

01-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007556281A

27-01-2011 дата публикации

Binder additives for composite materials

Номер: AU2010202898A1

03-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005771790A

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Rapid cure silicone lubricious coatings

Номер: AU2012340465A1

Novel, lubricious coatings for medical devices are disclosed. The coatings provide improved lubricity and durability, and are readily applied in coating processes. The present invention is also directed to a novel platinum catalyst for use in such coatings. The catalyst provides for rapid curing, while inhibiting cross-linking at ambient temperatures, thereby improving the production pot life of the coatings.

31-12-2008 дата публикации

Multifunctional silicone blends

Номер: AU2008269452A1

10-09-2015 дата публикации

Hybrid latex emulsions and coating compositions formed from hybrid latex emulsions

Номер: AU2014230938A1

Hybrid latex emulsions are disclosed which can be used in the formation of coating compositions having good blush resistance, abrasion resistance, blister resistance, hardness and scratch resistance. In some embodiments, the coating compositions are used to coat substrates such as cans and packaging materials for the storage of food and beverages. Hybrid latex emulsions of the invention may be prepared by mixing an ethylenically unsaturated monomer component and a stabilizer in a carrier to form a monomer emulsion, and reacting the monomer emulsion with an initiator to form the hybrid latex emulsion. The ethylenically unsaturated monomer component may include an organosilane compound, which may include a reactive organic group and a hydrolysable inorganic alkoxysilane.

10-01-2000 дата публикации

Adhesive compositions

Номер: AU0001517899A

18-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003258984A

12-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001144685A1

09-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002708274A1

Foam-forming compositions containing azeotropic or azeotrope-like mixtures containing cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene are disclosed. The foam-forming composition contains (a) an azeotropic or azeotrope-like mixture of cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene with methyl formate, 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane, trans-1,2-dichloroethylene, pentane, isopentane, cyclopentane, HFC-245fa, or dimethoxymethane; and (b) an active hydrogen-containing compound having two or more active hydrogens. Also disclosed is a closed-cell polyurethane or polyisocyanurate polymer foam prepared from reaction of an effective amount of the foam-forming composition with a suitable polyisocyanate. Also disclosed is a process for producing a closed-cell polyurethane or polyisocyanurate polymer foam by reacting an effective amount of the foam-forming composition with a suitable polyisocyanate.

23-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002699525A1

The invention relates to polyacetal compositions comprising (i) a polyacetal resin, (ii) p-aramid particles and (III) a vinyl-terminated dimethyl siloxane polymer and molded products thereof showing improved tribological properties.

23-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002784694A1

The present invention relates to scratch-resistant, impact-resistant polycarbonate (PC) compositions and moulding compositions which have good mechanical properties and a high resistance to chemicals coupled with good flameproofing properties, and show improved flow properties during processing, comprising A) 10 - 90 parts by wt. of aromatic polycarbonate and/or aromatic polyester carbonate, B) 0.5 - 30 parts by wt. of rubber-modified graft polymer, C) 0 - 40 parts by wt. of vinyl (co)polymer (C.1) and/or polyalkylene terephthalate (C.2), D) 0.1 - 50 parts by wt. of hollow ceramic spheres, E) 0.2 - 5.0 parts by wt. of at least one polyorganosiloxane, F) 0 - 20 parts by wt. of at least one phosphorus-containing flameproofing agent, G) 0 - 10 parts by wt. of at least one further additive, wherein all the parts by weight stated are standardized such that the sum of the parts by weight of all the components A+B+C+D+E+F+G in the composition is 100. The present invention furthermore relates to ...

11-03-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1073585A

Curable polyorganosiloxane compositions are obtained from mixtures of a vinyl endblocked polydiorganosiloxane having a viscosity of from 20,000 to 100,000 centipoises, a benzene soluble resin copolymer of R?SiO?/? units and SiO?/? units, an organopolysiloxane having silicon bonded hydrogen atoms and a platinum catalyst. The cured compositions are useful as pressure sensitive adhesives having high tack, good adhesive strength, and an exceptional resistance to creep, even at elevated temperatures.

19-12-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1263986A

A resin composition which comprises a coupling agent in an amount of about 0.5 part by weight to about 50 parts by weight against 100 parts by weight of a copolymer composed of an aminoalkyl acrylate and/or aminoalkyl methacrylate and an ethylenically unsaturated monomer. The resin composition excels, as compared with the conventional ones, in terms of any properties to be developed toward a wide range of various substrates inclusive of inorganic materials and plastic materials, such as adherence, water resistance, weathering resistance and yellowing resistance, and consequently are advantageously used in such fields as coatings, adhesives and printing ink.

05-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA1181940A

The disclosure of this application is directed to a composition which serves to improve the water-treeing resistance of polymeric compositions comprising a hydrocarbon-substituted diphenyl amine and d high molecular weight polyethylene glycol. Polymeric compositions containing the water-tree retardant additives are useful as extrudates about electrical conductors.

06-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1050189A

Adhesive compositions have been provided comprising vinyl containing organopolysiloxanes, organopolysiloxanes having Si-bonded hydrogen atoms and catalysts which promote the addition of the Si-bonded hydrogen atoms to the vinyl groups. These adhesives may be combined with other electrically conductive materials and used in connecting flexible heating resistors to electrodes.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Adhesive sheet and method of backgrinding semiconductor wafer

Номер: US20120052772A1
Принадлежит: Denki Kagaku Kogyo KK

After an adhesive sheet is pasted on a semiconductor wafer, an adhesive of the sheet increases tight attachment to the semiconductor wafer because wetting spreads over time. Due to this, at the time of peeling the adhesive sheet from the ground semiconductor wafer, the semiconductor wafer used to be damaged. This phenomenon is likely to occur for a thinner semiconductor wafer. The present invention resides in an adhesive sheet including a substrate and an adhesive layer disposed on the substrate. The substrate is formed of an ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer having a vinyl acetate content of 10% by mass or less. The adhesive layer contains 100 parts by mass of a (meth)acrylate ester copolymer, 1 to 10 parts by mass of a cross-linker, 0.05 to 5 parts by mass of a silicone compound. The (meth)acrylate ester copolymer is formed of a copolymer produced by polymerizing a (meth)acrylate ester monomer and a functional-group-containing monomer.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Moisture-thickening heat-conductive silicone grease composition

Номер: US20120085964A1
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

A heat-conductive silicone grease composition is obtained by combining (A) a hydroxyl-endcapped organopolysiloxane, (B) a specific organopolysiloxane, (C) a silane compound having at least three hydrolyzable radicals and/or a hydrolyzate thereof, (D) a thickening catalyst, and (E) a heat-conductive filler. The composition is storable at RT, has a low initial viscosity enough to coat, and after coating, thickens with moisture at RT so that it becomes anti-sagging, remains re-workable, and has durable heat resistance.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Polyimide polyphenylsulfone blends with improved flame resistance

Номер: US20120100324A1

The present disclosure relates to a composition with improved flame resistance, to articles made from the composition, and to methods that include processing the composition. The composition can include from 15 to 85 percent by weight of a polyetherimide (PEI), from 15 to 85 percent by weight of a polyphenylsulfone (PPSU), a polyetherimide-siloxane copolymer in an amount up to 12 percent by weight, and from 0 to 0.30 percent by weight of a stabilizer.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for surface adhesive rule technology

Номер: US20120121802A1

A surface-adhesive-rule technology (SART) method and system for creating a surface-adhesive-rule die and counter die for pre-treating cardboard. Wherein the pre-treating comprises: creasing and/or cutting and/or embossing the cardboard. The SART system may comprise: a rule-drawer having one or more cartridges, one or more nozzles, and one or more pressure actuator; a leading mechanism that carries the rule-drawer; and a controller that controls the rule-drawer and the leading mechanism according to a layout of a surface-adhesive-rule die. Each cartridge may comprise flexible materiel and may be associated with one of the nozzles having an orifice with a profile. Further the leading mechanism moves the rule-drawer and the rule-drawer draws a plurality of surface-adhesive rules from the flexible material having an attribute to reserve the shape of the orifice profile through which it is deposited on the surface of a die's body according to commands obtained from the controller.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Gunnable Adhesive Composition For Use In Construction Membrane Applications

Номер: US20120124931A1
Принадлежит: Dow Corning Corp

A gunnable adhesive composition includes a silicone resin and an organopolysiloxane, or a reaction product thereof; as well as a filler and a solvent. The silicone resin and the organopolysiloxane are present in amounts to provide a resin/polymer ratio ranging from 58% to 64%. The gunnable adhesive composition may be applied to low surface energy substrates at ambient temperatures without primer or other surface treatment. The gunnable adhesive composition and adhesive product thereof are useful in weather barrier applications, such as building wraps.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Flame retardant bio-based polymer blends

Номер: US20120296020A1

Polycarbonate compositions having flame retardant properties and improved impact resistance are disclosed, together with methods for preparing the same.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Curable-on-demand polysiloxane coating composition

Номер: US20130101841A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A curable composition comprises (a) at least one polydiorganosiloxane, fluorinated polydiorganosiloxane, or combination thereof comprising reactive silane functionality comprising at least two hydroxysilyl moieties; (b) at least one polydiorganosiloxane, fluorinated polydiorganosiloxane, or combination thereof comprising reactive silane functionality comprising at least two hydrosilyl moieties; and (c) at least one photoactivatable composition that, upon exposure to radiation, generates at least one base selected from amidines, guanidines, phosphazenes, proazaphosphatranes, and combinations thereof; wherein at least one of the components (a) and (b) has an average reactive silane functionality of at least three.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130130034A1

The present invention relates to compositions and methods for synthesis of organic-silica hybrid microparticles and nanoparticles. In particular, the present invention provides compositions and methods for particle size control during synthesis of organic-silica hybrid microparticles and nanoparticles. 1. A composition comprising microscale or smaller hybrid inorganic-organic particles.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said particles are mondisperse.3. The compositon of claim 2 , wherein said particles comprise microparticles.4. The composition of claim 2 , wherein said particles comprise nanoparticles.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said particles are spherical or substantially spherical.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said particles comprise bridged polysilsesquioxane.7. The composition of claim 6 , wherein said polysilsesquioxane is bridged by an aliphatic group claim 6 , aromatic group claim 6 , or tertiary-amine group.8. The composition of claim 7 , wherein said polysilsesquioxane is bridged by hexane.9. The composition of claim 8 , wherein said polysilsesquioxane comprises compound 2P.10. The composition of claim 7 , wherein said polysilsesquioxane is bridged by dipropylmethylamine.11. The composition of claim 10 , wherein said polysilsesquioxane comprises compound 3P.12. The composition of claim 7 , wherein said polysilsesquioxane is bridged by 1 claim 7 ,4-diethylbenzene.13. The composition of claim 12 , wherein said polysilsesquioxane comprises compound 1P.14. A method of preparing mondisperse particles comprising: i) a solution of ammonia, water, and alcohol, and', 'ii) bridged silane monomers; and, 'a) providingb) mixing said solution and said bridged silane monomers until a single-phase suspension is produced.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein said mixing is performed above room temperature.16. The method of claim 15 , wherein said mixing is performed at approximately 60° C.17. The method of claim 15 , further comprising the step ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131203A1

The invention concerns a preparation process of a hybrid organic-inorganic material including the following successive steps: 1- Preparation process of a hybrid organic-inorganic material including the following successive steps:a) preparation of a neutral organosilicon sol in at least one organic solvent,b) incorporation of a doping agent into the neutral organosilicon sol, and production of a doped sol,c) incorporation into the doped sol, of an accelerating agent in order to activate the subsequent gelation of the sol,d) condensation of the sol in order to obtain a crosslinked gel,e) drying of the gel and production of a stable doped gel.2- Preparation process according to characterized in that the gelation of the sol during step d) does not exceed more than one hour.3- Preparation process according to characterized in that the condensation rate of the sol obtained in step a) is equal to or greater than 0.65 and advantageously between 0.75 and 0.85 or between 0.85 and 0.95.4- Preparation process according to characterized in that the organo-silicon sol obtained in step a) to which the doping agent is added has a solid content (wt %) higher than 20%.5- Preparation process according to characterized in that the doped sol is stable and homogeneous claim 1 , without precipitation of the doping agent.6- Preparation process according to characterized in that the organic solvent is selected so that the doped sol would be stable and homogeneous claim 1 , without precipitation of the doping agent in the conditions of temperature and pressure selected for the implementation of the process.7- Preparation process according to characterized in that the organic solvent is selected among ketones such as acetone or 2-butanone claim 1 , tetrahydrofuran claim 1 , chloroform claim 1 , dichloromethane claim 1 , amides such as DMF and their mixtures.8- Preparation process according to characterized in that the doping agent is soluble in the organic solvent.9- Preparation process ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158148A1

Provided is a resin composition which gives a cured product of a photocurable resin having excellent crack resistance even when formed into a thick film, and capable of maintaining a low coefficient of linear thermal expansion, low thermal weight loss, and a low cure shrinkage. This photosensitive silicone resin composition comprises (A) a silica particle-containing condensation reaction product and (B) a photopolymerization initiator, and is characterized in that the silica particle-containing condensation reaction product (A) is a condensation reaction product of a polysiloxane compound (a) comprising a hydrolytic condensation product of one or more silane compounds represented by the following general formula (1): RSiX(wherein R, n1 and Xare defined in the claims) and/or the silane compound, and silica particles (b), and has a terminal structure Si—O—Y (wherein Y is defined in the claims) which satisfies the following formula (2): 0<[Si—O—SiR]/([Si—O—R]+[Si—O—SiR])≦1 (wherein, Rand Rare defined in the claims), and has a photopolymerizable functional group. 2. The photosensitive silicone resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the photopolymerizable functional group equivalent of the photosensitive silicone resin composition is 0.5 mmol/g to 4.5 mmol/g.3. The photosensitive silicone resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the [Si—O—SiR] in formula (2) is derived from one or more types of a silicon compound (c) represented by the following general formula (3):{'br': None, 'sup': 3', '2, 'sub': '3', 'RSiX\u2003\u2003(3)'}{'sup': 3', '2', '3, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'sup': 3', '3, 'sub': 3', '3, 'RSiNHSiR\u2003\u2003(4)'}, '(wherein, Ris the same as defined in formula (2), Xrepresents a group selected from the group consisting of a hydroxyl group, halogen atom, alkoxy group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms and acetoxy group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms, and the plurality of Rpresent may be the same or different), or the following general formula (4){'sup ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Branched polydiorganosiloxane polyamide copolymers

Номер: US20130225768A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Branched polydiorganosiloxane polyamide, block copolymers and methods of making the copolymers are provided. The method of making the copolymers involves reacting one or more amine compounds including at least one polyamine with a precursor having at least one polydiorganosiloxane segment and at least two ester groups.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Controlling Morphology of Block Copolymers

Номер: US20130231438A1
Автор: Ginam Kim, Steven Swier
Принадлежит: Dow Corning Corp

A method for controlling morphology of a silicone organic block copolymer includes adding an MQ resin to the silicone organic block copolymer and annealing. The method is useful for forming thin films, which are useful in electronic device fabrication. The method is also useful for forming adhesives, release coatings, and reversible elastomers.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Thermosetting silicone resin composition for reflector of led, reflector for led using the same and optical semiconductor apparatus

Номер: US20130271999A1
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

A thermosetting silicone resin composition for an LED reflector has: a thermosetting resin; at least one kind of white pigment selected from titanium oxide, zinc oxide, zirconium oxide, magnesium oxide, barium carbonate, magnesium silicate, zinc sulfate, and barium sulfate; and an inorganic filler other than the pigment, which contains at least one kind of inorganic filler that has an average particle diameter of 30 μm to 100 μm and a refraction index that is different from a refraction index of a cured material of the thermosetting resin by 0.05 or more, and at least one kind of inorganic filler that has an average particle diameter of less than 30 μm. The thermosetting resin composition provides a cured material that has excellent heat and light resisting properties and hardly leaks light, a reflector for an LED obtained by molding using the composition, and an optical semiconductor apparatus using the reflector.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Flame retardant polycarbonate compositions, methods of manufacture thereof and articles comprising the same

Номер: US20130317146A1

Disclosed herein is a flame retardant composition comprising 10 to 90 weight percent of a linear polycarbonate; a branched polycarbonate; 10 to 70 weight percent of a polysiloxane-polycarbonate copolymer; and 1 to 20 weight percent of a phosphazene compound; were all weight percents are based on the total weight of the composition. Disclosed herein too is a method comprising blending 10 to 90 weight percent of a linear polycarbonate; a branched polycarbonate; 10 to 70 weight percent of a polysiloxane-polycarbonate copolymer; and 1 to 20 weight percent of a phosphazene compound; to form a flame retardant composition; were all weight percents are based on the total weight of the composition.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Non-Flowing Silicone Adhesive

Номер: US20140017491A1
Принадлежит: Avery Dennison Corp

Adhesive formulations are described that upon sufficient curing and drying, are not sticky or tacky at room temperature, yet can be heat bonded. The adhesives are particularly useful for use in bonding brake components together and find wide application in vehicle brake systems. When used in such systems, the adhesives do not flow in parking applications yet sufficiently dampen vibration in slowing or stopping applications to counter brake squeal. The adhesives can be provided in a tape form and used for bonding brake shims to brake pads in electronic parking brake systems.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Rubber Composition Based on a Silicone Elastomer and on a PCM, Process for the Preparation Thereof, Flexible Element and Thermal Control/Regulating System Incorporating Same

Номер: US20140030458A1
Принадлежит: HUTCHINSON SA

A crosslinked rubber composition, process for preparing same, and a flexible component based on at least one room-temperature vulcanizing “RTV” silicone elastomer and including at least one phase change material (PCM) is provided. The flexible element includes at least one elastomer layer capable of storing thermal energy and of releasing it which includes the crosslinked rubber composition. Also provided is a thermal control or regulating system incorporating the flexible element. The composition is such that the silicone elastomer has a viscosity measured at 23° C. according to the ISO 3219 standard which is less than or equal to 5000 mPa.s. The silicone elastomer inlcudes two components A and B and is crosslinked by polyaddition or polycondensation, and the composition includes the PCM, which is not encapsulated and is in the micronized state, in an amount of greater than 50 phr (phr: parts by weight per hundred parts per elastomer(s)).

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140073734A1

A compound for protection of an object from a blast or shock wave. The compound include a matrix material and at least a first and second sets of inclusions in the matrix material that differ in size, quantity, shape and/or composition in a direction through the impact-absorbing material, the combination of which contributes to the ability of the material to exhibit at least one property that changes as the inclusions are deformed in response to a blast or shock wave. 1. A compound for protection of an object from a blast or shock wave , comprising: a plurality of first features having a first average characteristic dimension of between about ten microns and about two hundred microns;', 'a plurality of second features having a second average characteristic dimension that is at least about one order of magnitude larger than said first average characteristic dimension; and', 'a plurality of third features having a third average characteristic dimension that is at least about one order of magnitude larger than said second average characteristic dimension;', 'wherein the material proximate to said first, second, and third features progressively buckles upon application of the load, such that material proximate said third features tends to deform before the deformation of material proximate to said second and first features, and material proximate said first features tends to deform after the deformation of material proximate to said second and third features, and', 'wherein a plurality of features belonging to any one of first, second, or third features are filled with a fluid other than air., 'a matrix material including at least three sizes of stress-concentrating features, including2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the filling fluid is water.3. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the filling fluid is oil.4. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the filling fluid is uncured silicone.5. A method of making a blast or shock wave mitigating material claim 1 , comprising: ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002207A1
Принадлежит: Pallidus, Inc.

Organosilicon chemistry, polymer derived ceramic materials, and methods. Such materials and methods for making polysilocarb (SiOC) and Silicon Carbide (SiC) materials having 3-nines, 4-nines, 6-nines and greater purity. Processes and articles utilizing such high purity SiOC and SiC. 127-. (canceled)28. A filled silicon carbide composition comprising:a. polymer derived SiC particles;b. wherein the particles consist essentially of a ceramic having a filler bound into the ceramic;c. wherein the filler is selected to provide a predetermined property to a silicon carbide wafer; and,d. wherein the particles have less than 0.001% impurities.29. The silicon carbide composition of claim 28 , wherein the filler comprises a dopant.30. The silicon carbide composition of claim 28 , wherein the filler is a dopant.31. The silicon carbide composition of claim 29 , wherein the predetermined property is a band gap.32. The silicon carbide composition of claim 29 , wherein the predetermined property is a band gap.33. The silicon carbide composition of claim 29 , wherein the predetermined property is a p-n junction.34. The silicon carbide composition of claim 29 , wherein the predetermined property is a semiconductor feature.35. The silicon carbide composition of claim 29 , wherein the predetermined property is a p-type feature.36. The silicon carbide composition of claim 29 , wherein the predetermined property is a n-type feature.37. A filled polysilocarb composition comprising:a. polymer derived SiOC particles;b. wherein the particles consist essentially of a ceramic having a filler bound into the ceramic;c. wherein the filler is selected to provide a predetermined property to a silicon carbide wafer; and,d. wherein the particles have less than 0.001% impurities.38. The polysilocarb composition of claim 37 , wherein the filler comprises a dopant.39. The polysilocarb composition of ; wherein the filler is a dopant.40. The polysilocarb composition of ; wherein the predetermined property ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002492A1

Composition of comprising nano metal oxide/hydroxide particles and a polyorganosiloxane having increased refractive index, processes to cure these compositions for making transparent coats, shaped articles by an extrusion or molding process having a refractive index above the refractive index of the polyorganosiloxane. Use of the cured polyorganosiloxane compositions as optical devices, coats, lenses or light guides. 129-. (canceled)32. The composition of claim 31 , wherein L1 is a bond claim 31 , L2 is a C1-C12 alkylene claim 31 , Ris a C1-C22 alkyl claim 31 , and R* is (RO)RSi—.33. The composition of claim 32 , wherein x in R* is 3 claim 32 , and Ris methyl.34. The composition of claim 32 , wherein Ris a C1-C4 alkyl.35. The composition of claim 32 , wherein Ris n-butyl.36. The composition of claim 32 , wherein p is 4 to 9.37. The composition of claim 30 , wherein p is 4 to 9.38. The composition of claim 30 , wherein p is 4 or 9.39. The composition of claim 32 , wherein Ris a C1-C4 alkyl claim 32 , m is 1 claim 32 , and p is 4 to 9.40. The composition of claim 30 , wherein the composition further comprises a crosslinker (C) selected from the group which consists of silanes and siloxanes having reactive groups towards the reactive groups of component (B) claim 30 , whereby the reactive substituents of the crosslinker component (C) are selected from the group which consists of SiH claim 30 , alkenyl claim 30 , alkoxy claim 30 , amino claim 30 , carboxy claim 30 , epoxy claim 30 , and thiol groups.41. The composition of claim 30 , wherein the composition further comprises a crosslinker (C) selected from the group of hydrocarbons without silicon atoms.42. The composition of claim 30 , wherein the metal in the metal oxide or metal hydroxide component (A) is selected from the group of Ti claim 30 , Zr claim 30 , Hf claim 30 , Sn claim 30 , Ce claim 30 , Al claim 30 , As claim 30 , In claim 30 , Zn claim 30 , Ge claim 30 , Sb claim 30 , Cr claim 30 , Cd claim 30 , W claim ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005934A1

A white light emitting diode comprising a substrate layer, two conductive frames, a light emitting unit, two conductive wires, and a packaging element is provided. The substrate layer is made from a curing reaction of first mixture, and the first mixture includes a curable resin, a curing agent, a phosphor material, and a modified thermal conductive nano-material, wherein the modified thermal conductive nano-material is made from a thermal conductive nano-material and a silane compound. The packaging element is made from a curing reaction of second mixture, and the second mixture includes a curable resin, a curing agent, a phosphor material, and a modified thermal conductive nano-material, wherein the modified thermal conductive nano-material is made from a thermal conductive nano-material and a silane compound. The chip-type white light emitting diode has a good heat-dissipating effect and a good luminous efficiency without additional heat dissipation fins. In addition, the manufacturing method of the chip-type white light emitting diode is a relatively simple process for mass production. 1. A white light emitting diode , comprising:a substrate layer, being made from a curing reaction of a first mixture, and the first mixture includes a curable resin, a curing agent, a phosphor material, and a modified thermal conductive nano-material, wherein the modified thermal conductive nano-material being made from a thermal conductive nano-material and a silane compound;two conductive frames, each conductive frame having an end portion connected with the substrate layer;a light emitting unit, disposed on a surface of the substrate layer;two conductive wires, connecting to the light emitting unit respectively, and each conductive wire connecting to the corresponding conductive frame; anda packaging element, covering the conductive wires and the light emitting unit, and the packaging element being made from a curing reaction of a second mixture, and the second mixture includes ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

High Purity SiOC and SiC, Methods Compositions and Applications

Номер: US20210009430A1
Принадлежит: Pallidus, Inc.

Organosilicon chemistry, polymer derived ceramic materials, and methods. Such materials and methods for making polysilocarb (SiOC) and Silicon Carbide (SiC) materials having 3-nines, 4-nines, 6-nines and greater purity. Processes and articles utilizing such high purity SiOC and SiC. 136-. (canceled)37. A method of making an article comprising ultra pure silicon carbide , the method comprising:a. combining a first liquid comprising silicon, carbon and oxygen with a second liquid comprising carbon;b. curing the combination of the first and second liquids to provide a cured SiOC solid material, consisting essentially of silicon, carbon and oxygen;c. heating the SiOC solid material in an inert atmosphere and at a temperature sufficient to convert SiOC to SiC, thereby converting the SiOC solid material to an ultra pure polymer derived SiC having a purity of at least 99.999%; and,d. forming a single crystal SiC structure, comprising a polytype selected from the group consisting of 4H SiC, 6H SiC and 3C SiC, by vapor deposition of the ultra pure polymer derived SiC; wherein the vapor deposed structure is defect free and has a purity of at least 99.9999%.38. The method of claim 37 , wherein the single crystal SiC structure consists essentially of 4H SiC.39. The method of claim 37 , wherein the single crystal SiC structure consists essentially of 6H SiC.40. The method of claim 37 , wherein the single crystal SiC structure consists of 4H SiC.41. The method of claim 37 , wherein the single crystal SiC structure consists of 6H SiC.42. The method of claim 37 , wherein the combination of the first and the second liquids is a polysilocarb precursor formulation having a molar ratio of about 30% to 85% carbon claim 37 , about 5% to 40% oxygen claim 37 , and about 5% to 35% silicon.43. The method of claim 37 , wherein the single crystal SiC structure is a boule.44. The method of claim 37 , wherein the single crystal SiC is a layer.45. The method of claim 37 , wherein the single ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Curable organosilicon resin composition

Номер: US20180009984A1
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

A curable organosilicon resin composition includes; (A) an organopolysiloxane having a resin structure containing 10 to 60 mol % of an R 1 SiO 3/2 unit, 30 to 80 mol % of an (R 2 ) 2 SiO 2/2 unit, and 1 to 30 mol % of an (R 3 ) 3 SiO 1/2 unit. At least a part of the (R 2 ) 2 SiO 2/2 unit is in continuous repeating units with the average number of the repeating units being 3 to 80. The organopolysiloxane has a weight average molecular weight of 5,000 to 50,000; the amount of the hydroxy groups bonded to silicon atoms is 0.001 to 1.0 mol/100 g; and the amount of the alkoxy groups, each having 1 to 10 carbon atoms, bonded to silicon atoms is 1.0 mol/100 g or less. A curable organosilicon resin composition has excellent workability, can give a cured product rapidly, and can make the cured product excellent in mechanical properties, heat resistance, crack resistance, and adhesive property, the surface tackiness being suppressed.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Pressed and Self Sintered Polymer Derived SiC Materials, Applications and Devices

Номер: US20200010373A1
Принадлежит: Pallidus, Inc.

Organosilicon chemistry, polymer derived ceramic materials, and methods. Such materials and methods for making polysilocarb (SiOC) and Silicon Carbide (SiC) materials having 3-nines, 4-nines, 6-nines and greater purity. Processes and articles utilizing such high purity SiOC and SiC. 118-. (canceled)19. A sinterable silicon carbide composition comprising:a. a plurality of silicon carbide particles, the plurality of particles having a total weight of greater than at least about 10 grams;b. the particles having a mean particle size of about 0.5 μm or smaller;{'sub': '4', 'c. the composition consisting essentially of silicon and carbon in an SiCconfiguration, wherein the particles have less than 0.5% excess carbon, and are at least 99.99999% pure;'}d. wherein the particles are capable of being sintered into a solid SiC article without the need for a sintering aid, the sintered SiC article having at least one strength properties at least 90% as strong as elemental SiC.20. A silicon carbide composition comprising:a. polymer derived silicon carbide particles;b. the particles having a mean particle size of about 0.5 μm or smaller, each particle having a surface, wherein the surfaces are free from an oxide layer;c. the particles consisting essentially of silicon and carbon, wherein the particles have less than 0.5% excess carbon, and are at least 99.99999% pure.2127-. (canceled) This application: (i) claims under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e)(1) the benefit of the filing date of Sep. 25, 2014 of U.S. provisional application Ser. No. 62/055,397; (ii) claims under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e)(1) the benefit of the filing date of Sep. 25, 2014 of U.S. provisional application Ser. No. 62/055,461; (iii) claims under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e)(1) the benefit of the filing date of Sep. 25, 2014 of U.S. provisional application Ser. No. 62/055,497; (iv) claims under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e)(1) the benefit of the filing date of Feb. 4, 2015 of U.S. provisional application Ser. No. 62/112,025; (v) is a continuation in ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016938A1
Автор: SHIONO Yoshiyuki

Provided is an insulating heat dissipation sheet hardly producing cracks, and exhibiting a favorable insulation property. The insulating heat dissipation sheet consists of a cured product of an organopolysiloxane composition comprising: 1. A method of producing an insulating heat dissipation sheet , said method comprising: (a) 100 parts by mass of an organopolysiloxane exhibiting an average degree of polymerization of 3,000 to 10,000,', '(b) 10 to 100 parts by mass of an organopolysiloxane exhibiting an average degree of polymerization of 2 to 2,000, and having alkenyl groups only at both ends of a molecular chain thereof, but at no other position on the molecular chain,', '(c) 2 to 20 parts by mass of an organohydrogenpolysiloxane having hydrogen atoms directly bonded to silicon atoms (Si—H groups),', '(d) 100 to 300 parts by mass of a boron nitride aggregate,', '(e) 0.1 to 10 parts by mass of a peroxide cross-linking agent, and', '(f) 0.1 to 10 parts by mass of a platinum group curing catalyst; and', 'hot forming said cured product by performing hot-press curing thereon at a temperature of not lower than 150° C., 'curing an organopolysiloxane composition at 50 to 100° C. to obtain a cured product, the organopolysiloxane composition comprising2. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein an average particle diameter of the boron nitride aggregate (d) is 16 to 100 μm.3. The method as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the average particle diameter of the boron nitride aggregate (d) is 53 μm. This application is a Divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/292,957 filed on Oct. 13, 2016, which claims priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a) to Patent Application No. 2015-202624 filed in Japan on Oct. 14, 2015, all of which are hereby expressly incorporated by reference into the present application.The present invention relates to an insulating heat dissipation sheet that is thermally conductive, and is used to transfer heat from a heat generating member(s) to a heat ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Silicone gel composition

Номер: US20170022326A1
Автор: Hiroji Enami
Принадлежит: Dow Corning Toray Co Ltd

A silicone gel composition for use in sealing or filling of electrical or electronic parts comprising at least one adhesion promoter (Z), and by curing to form a silicone gel having, at 25° C. and a shear frequency of 0.1 Hz, a loss elastic modulus of from 5.0×10 3 to 1.0×10 5 dyne/cm 2 , a complex elastic modulus of from 5.0×10 4 to 1.0×10 6 dyne/cm 2 , and a loss tangent of 0.3 or less. The silicone gel composition is provided, which can suppress the occurrence of air bubbles or cracks in silicone gel that seals or fills an electrical or electronic part and has excellent bonding to the electrical or electronic part even when used under high-temperature conditions as in a power device; and a silicone gel is provided, which can suppress the occurrence of air bubbles or cracks when it seals or fills an electrical or electronic part.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Intermediate transfer members for use with indirect printing systems

Номер: US20150024648A1
Принадлежит: Landa Corp Ltd

Disclosed are curable polymer compositions, elastomers thereof and release layers useful in the art of printing made of the disclosed elastomers. Disclosed are also intermediate transfer members having a release layer useful in the art of printing. Disclosed are anisotropic intermediate transfer members. Disclosed are curable adhesive compositions, that in some embodiments are useful in preparing intermediate transfer members useful in printing.

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Ultraviolet reflective silicone compositions, reflectors, and light sources incorporating the same

Номер: US20140110733A1
Автор: Maxim N. Tchoul
Принадлежит: Osram Sylvania Inc

Disclosed herein are polysiloxane compositions that include a first polysiloxane and a second polysiloxane. The first and second polysiloxanes may be immiscible, and may exhibit differing refractive indices. The polysiloxane compositions may further include a curing agent and a catalyst. In some embodiments, the polysiloxane compositions significantly reflect light in at least the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Reflectors and light emitting diode sources including the polysiloxane compositions are also disclosed.

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Curable composition

Номер: US20140114042A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Provided is a curable composition and its use. The curable composition may exhibit excellent processibility and workability. The curable composition has excellent light extraction efficiency, crack resistance, hardness, thermal and shock resistance and an adhesive property after curing. The curable composition may provide a cured product exhibiting stable durability and reliability under severe conditions in a long time and having no whitening and surface stickiness.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Hydrosilyl-containing organopolysiloxane, making method, addition curable silicone composition, and semiconductor package

Номер: US20170029571A1
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

An organopolysiloxane having at least 4 terminal hydrosilyl groups per molecule is novel. Also provided is an addition curable silicone composition comprising (A) a linear organopolysiloxane having at least two alkenyl groups per molecule, (B) an organopolysiloxane having at least 4 terminal hydrosilyl groups per molecule, and (C) a hydrosilylation catalyst.

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Room-temperature-curable silicone rubber composition, the use thereof, and method for repairing electronic device

Номер: US20170037287A1
Принадлежит: Dow Corning Toray Co Ltd

A room-temperature-curable silicone rubber composition which exhibits good adhesion to a substrate contacted during curing and which forms a silicone rubber cured product that can be efficiently peeled is disclosed. The room-temperature-curable silicone rubber composition comprises: (A) an organopolysiloxane having in each molecule at least two specified alkoxysilyl-containing groups on silicon atoms in the molecular chain, (B) a diorganodialkoxysilane or partially hydrolyzed condensate thereof, and (C) a condensation-reaction catalyst.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038940A1

Golf ball comprising first layer of first polymeric composition, and second layer adjacent to first layer and comprising second polymeric composition different than first polymeric composition and comprising throughout: (i) passivated TiOparticulates amount of from about 1 wt. %-10 wt. % based on total weight of second polymeric composition; and (ii) silane-containing adhesion promoter(s), for example, organosilanes and/or organosiloxanes, such that a given amount thereof within the range of from about 0.1 wt. % to about 5.0 wt. % has a first required amount of free functional groups to bond the second layer and the first layer at an interface in addition to a second required amount of functional groups bonding and/or crosslinking ingredients within the second polymeric composition of the second layer. Neither layer is surface treated with at least one silane-containing adhesion promoter, nor is a tie layer disposed there between. Excellent dual interlayer/intralayer bonding is thereby created within the second layer and with adjacent layer(s). 1. A golf ball comprising:a first layer comprising a first polymeric composition; and{'sub': '2', 'a second layer adjacent to the first layer and comprising a second polymeric composition different than the first polymeric composition and comprising throughout: (i) a plurality of passivated TiOparticulates; and (ii) at least one silane-containing adhesion promoter such that a given amount thereof within the range of from about 0.1 wt. % to about 5.0 wt. % has a first required amount of free functional groups to bond the second layer and the first layer at an interface in addition to a second required amount of functional groups bonding and/or crosslinking ingredients within the second polymeric composition of the second layer;'}wherein the first polymeric composition of the first layer does not contain any silane-containing adhesion promoter; andwherein the first and second layer are not surface treated with any adhesion ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047349A1

Nanocomposite silicon and carbon compositions. These compositions can be made from polymer derived ceramics, and in particular, polysilocarb precursors. The nanocomposite can have non-voids or be nano-void free and can form larger macro-structures and macro-composite structures. The nanocomposite can contain free carbon domains in an amorphous SiOC matrix. 142-. (canceled)43. A nanocomposite material comprising: a first composition comprising a free carbon domain and a second composition comprising a plurality of silicon based moieties; and wherein the first and second compositions are different compositions.44. The nanocomposite material of claim 43 , wherein the free carbon domain is selected from the group consisting of spcarbon claim 43 , aromatic structures having 6 or more carbons claim 43 , bent ring aromatic structures claim 43 , conjugated aliphatic carbons claim 43 , conjugated aliphatic carbons having from 3 to 10 carbons claim 43 , conjugated aliphatic carbons having from 10 to 20 carbons claim 43 , and alkanes.45. The nanocomposite material of claim 43 , wherein the free carbon domain is selected from the group consisting of turbostratic claim 43 , amorphous claim 43 , graphenic claim 43 , and graphitic.46. The nanocomposite material of claim 43 , wherein at least one of the moieties is selected from the group consisting of Si(CH)O claim 43 , SiCO claim 43 , SiC claim 43 , Si(CH)O claim 43 , SiCO claim 43 , Si(CH)(OH)O claim 43 , SiCOSiO claim 43 , esters claim 43 , ketones claim 43 , C—O—C claim 43 , C—O—Si claim 43 , Si(CH)O claim 43 , Si—C—C—Si claim 43 , Si(CH)O claim 43 , and Si(CH)O.47. The nanocomposite material of claim 44 , wherein at least one of the moieties is selected from the group consisting of Si(CH)O claim 44 , SiCO claim 44 , SiC claim 44 , Si(CH)O claim 44 , SiCO claim 44 , Si(CH) (OH)O claim 44 , SiCOSiO claim 44 , esters claim 44 , ketones claim 44 , C—O—C claim 44 , C—O—Si claim 44 , Si(CH)O claim 44 , Si—C—C—Si claim 44 , Si(CH)O ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Filled Silicone Composition, In Situ Preparation And Use Thereof

Номер: US20150051345A1

Filled silicone composition, in situ preparation and use thereof are provided. The composition comprises a mixture of (A) an in situ-prepared treated silica, (B) an in situ-prepared (siloxane-alkylene)-endblocked polydiorganosiloxane, (c) a cure catalyst and (D) a crosslinker. Moreover, the composition can be used as adhesive, coating and sealant.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Modification of siloxane polyoxamide copolymers with ultraviolet light

Номер: US20190048152A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Methods of modifying polymeric compositions include exposing a polydiorganosiloxane polyoxamide copolymer composition to UV radiation at or below the B spectral range to effect de-polymerization of at least a portion of the polydiorganosiloxane polyoxamide copolymer. The polydiorganosiloxane polyoxamide copolymer composition may include additional components and the modified polydiorganosiloxane polyoxamide copolymer compositions can be included into articles.

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Heat-conductive silicone composition

Номер: US20160060462A1
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

A silicone composition that contains (A) an organopolysiloxane having at least two aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbon groups per molecule, (B) a filler containing an aluminum powder and a zinc oxide powder, (C) an organohydrogenpolysiloxane having two or more silicon-bonded hydrogen atoms per molecule, and (D) a platinum group metal catalyst, in which a cured product of the silicone composition exhibits a ratio of a storage elastic modulus after 3,600 seconds from the start of measurement to a storage elastic modulus after 7,200 seconds from the start of measurement of 0.7 or less, the storage elastic modulus G′ being measured by constructing a program for holding a sample at 150° C. for 7,200 seconds after the sample is heated from 25° C. to 125° C. at a temperature increase rate of 10° C./min, from 125° C. to 145° C. at a temperature increase rate of 2° C./min, and from 145° C. to 150° C. at a temperature increase rate of 0.5° C./min.

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Method Of Forming Polysilanes And Polycarbosilanes In The Presence Of A Metal Silicide

Номер: US20140138577A1
Принадлежит: Dow Corning Corporation

A mixture of at least one polysilane and at least one polycarbosilane is formed in the presence of a metal silicide. The mixture is formed utilizing a method that includes the step of combining the metal silicide and an alkyl halide in a reactor at a temperature of from 200° C. to 600° C. The alkyl halide has the formula RX, wherein R is C-Calkyl and X is halo. This method forms high yield mixtures of the at least one polysilane and the at least one polycarbosilane. Additionally, the mixture is time and cost effective and allows the mixture to be formed in a predictable and controlled manner. Moreover, the components used in this method can be easily recycled and/or re-used in other processes. 1. A method of forming a mixture comprising at least one polysilane and at least one polycarbosilane in the presence of a metal silicide , said method comprising the step of combining the metal silicide and an alkyl halide in a reactor at a temperature of from 200° C. to 600° C. to form the mixture wherein the alkyl halide has the formula RX , wherein R is C-Calkyl and wherein X is halo.2. A method as set forth in wherein the metal silicide comprises a Group I or Group II metal.3. A method as set forth in wherein the metal silicide is further defined as MgSi.4. A method as set forth in wherein X is chloro.5. A method as set forth in wherein R is further defined as methyl.6. A method as set forth in wherein at least one polysilane has the formula RSi(RSi)SiRwherein each R is independently C-Calkyl claim 1 , halo claim 1 , or H claim 1 , and m has an average value of from 1 to 5.7. A method as set forth in wherein the at least one polysilane is linear.8. A method as set forth in wherein the mixture comprises at least two polysilanes and at least one of the polysilanes is branched.9. A method as set forth in wherein the mixture comprises at least two polysilanes and at least one of the polysilanes is cyclic.10. A method as set forth in wherein at least one polycarbosilane has the ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Curing agent compositions for condensation-crosslinking rtv-2 systems

Номер: US20150065662A1
Автор: Wolfgang Ziche
Принадлежит: Wacker Chemie AG

Hardener compositions for condensation-crosslinking RTV-2 systems free of organotin compounds contain a catalyst selected from among compounds of titanium, cerium, zirconium, molybdenum, manganese, copper, zinc, bismuth, lithium, strontium, or boron, and at least one aminoalkyl alcohol reinforcing the effectiveness of the catalyst.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200061967A1

A laminate includes a substrate, a self-healing layer on the substrate and having a thickness of greater than or equal to about 50 micrometers, a protective layer between the substrate and the self-healing layer, and a surface layer on the self-healing layer and having a thickness of about 20 nanometers to about 300 nanometers, wherein the self-healing layer has a first elastic modulus and the protective layer has a second elastic modulus, wherein the second elastic modulus is about 1.2 times to about 50 times greater than the first elastic modulus, and wherein the surface layer has a friction coefficient of less than or equal to about 1. 1. A laminate comprising:a substrate,a self-healing layer on the substrate, and having a thickness of greater than or equal to about 50 micrometers,a protective layer between the substrate and the self-healing layer, anda surface layer on the self-healing layer, and having a thickness of about 20 nanometers to about 300 nanometers,wherein the self-healing layer has a first elastic modulus and the protective layer has a second elastic modulus,wherein the second elastic modulus is about 1.2 times to about 50 times greater than the first elastic modulus, andwherein the surface layer has a friction coefficient of less than or equal to about 1.2. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises a polymer substrate having a third elastic modulus claim 1 , andthe second elastic modulus is less than the third elastic modulus.3. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the first elastic modulus is about 0.1 megapascals to about 100 millipascals.4. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the protective layer and the self-healing layer each comprise a polymer having a cross-linked structure claim 1 , anda cross-link density of the protective layer is greater than cross-link density of the self-healing layer.5. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the protective layer and the self-healing layer each independently comprise a cured product of a multi- ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Polymer composite, use of the polymer composite and optoelectronic component containing the polymer composite

Номер: US20140145226A1
Автор: Klaus Hohn
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

A polymer composite includes a polymer matrix and ZnO particles distributed in the polymer matrix, wherein the polymer composite is a barrier for compounds containing sulfur.

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Microcup compositions

Номер: US20140147478A1
Автор: HongMei Zang, Yu Li
Принадлежит: Sipix Imaging Inc

The present invention is directed to a composition for preparing the microcups and the toughness of the display panel formed from such a composition may be significantly improved. In some cases, the panel may have an elongation at break of more than 10% and it can be completely peeled off from the substrate layer on which it is formed, without causing any damage to the panel.

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Phase change optical device

Номер: US20210071083A1

An optical device including an aerogel located in an encapsulating structure, an optically non isotropic material presenting a refractive index which can be changed upon submitting said material to an electrical field, preferentially a liquid crystal mixture, embedded in the aerogel, and first and second electrodes arranged to generate an electric field in the encapsulating structure.

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Transparent unit

Номер: US20200071988A1
Принадлежит: Dow Silicones Corp

Improvements in or relating to transparent units (such as glazing units, which may also be referred to as insulating glass units) and their methods of manufacture are disclosed. Each transparent unit comprises first and second panes of transparent material each having an outwardly facing side and an inwardly facing side. Each inwardly facing side is at least partially coated with a reactive interlayer made by the application of a reactive interlayer coating composition. The inwardly facing side of the first and second panes of transparent material are spaced apart partially or totally by a transparent spacer made of a pre-cured condensation curable material or a substantially pre-cured condensation curable material adhered to the inwardly facing side of the first and second panes of transparent material by way of the reactive interlayers. In various embodiments, the pre-cured condensation curable material is a silicone based material.

22-03-2018 дата публикации

High-RI siloxane monomers, their polymerization and use

Номер: US20180079761A1
Принадлежит: Inkron Oy

Phenoxyphenylsilane monomers were synthesized and polymerized. The polymers have high refractive indices and excellent UV and thermal stability. Their water and oxygen permeability is lower than commercial phenyl silicone elastomers. They show good compatibility with metal oxide nanoparticles. The polymers of the invention are suitable as LED encapsulant, as light guide material in CMOS image sensors, in OLED devices, lasers and in other optical applications.

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Moisture curable compositions

Номер: US20210087398A1
Автор: Xu Chen, Yanxia Huang, Yi Guo
Принадлежит: Dow Silicones Corporation

Disclosed is a two-component silicone composition, which can cure via two part moisture cure organosiloxanc composition. The composition generally has which could improved cure speed while whilst maintaining good storage stability.

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Silicone defoamer compositions

Номер: US20170087483A1
Принадлежит: Wacker Chemical Corp

Defoamer compositions contain a) a two-stage hydrosilylation product of one or more M 4 H Q or M 3 H T phenyl starting materials with a hydrosilylatable composition containing α-methylstyrene, and then with a linear or branched organopolysiloxane bearing at least two hydrosilylatable groups; b) a silicone resin; and c) silica. The defoamers are particularly useful in machine laundering and dishwashing compositions.

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Adhesive compositions comprising a silsesquioxane polymer crosslinker, articles and methods

Номер: US20170088756A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A pressure sensitive adhesive composition is described comprising at least one low Tg (meth)acrylic polymer, and at least one silsesquioxane polymer crosslinker comprising a plurality of ethylenically unsaturated groups. The low Tg (meth)acrylic polymer typically has a Tg no greater than 10° C. In some embodiments, the low Tg (meth)acrylic polymer comprises at least 50, 55, 60, 65, or 70 wt-% of polymerized units derived from low Tg ethylenically unsaturated monomer(s). The low Tg ethylenically unsaturated monomer(s) is typically an alkyl (meth)acrylate comprising 4 to 20 carbon atoms. Also described are pressure sensitive adhesive articles and methods of preparing such articles.

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140171518A1

The present invention pertains to products and processes relating to compatible polymer blends comprising at least one sulfonated polymer and at least one non-sulfonated polymer. The sulfonated polymers may be produced using a number of sulfonating agents including a coordination complex of sulfur trioxide. The polymeric blended materials described herein are useful in a variety of applications, including as coatings for medical devices, protective clothing and fabric, laboratory equipment, vascular stents and shunts, absorbent materials and separation membranes, three-dimensional constructs, devices, and other uses. 141-. (canceled)42. A polymeric material that is water insoluble and comprises (i) at least one uniformly sulfonated aryl-containing block copolymer comprising at least one arene moiety-containing unit and at least one non-arene moiety-containing unit , wherein said sulfonated aryl-containing block copolymer is 30-80 mol % sulfonated; wherein said sulfonated aryl-containing block copolymer comprises a random block copolymer , a triblock copolymer , or a pseudorandom block copolymer wherein the end blocks comprise arylene-vinyl polymer and the central blocks comprise at least one hydrogenated segment prepared from a diene selected from the group consisting of isoprene , butadiene , 1-methyl-1-ethyl ethane , or higher alkylene derivatives thereof , and (ii) at least one thermoplastic or thermosetting non-sulfonated homopolymer or copolymer selected from the group consisting of a polyurethane , a segmented polyurethane , a poly(ether urethane) , a poly(carbonate urethane) , a poly(siloxy urethane) , a polyurethane urea , an arylene-vinyl containing block copolymer , a polysiloxane , a polyamide , a polyketone , a polyester , a poly(ether-ester) , a polyanhydride , a polyamine , a poly(ortho ester) , a polyacrylate , a polyalkylene , a polycarbonate , a fluoropolymer , a polysulfone , carbohydrate polymers , a polypeptide , a polyphosphazine , a polyether , ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150099078A1
Автор: Fish Christopher
Принадлежит: Burning Bush Technologies, LLC

Provided herein are compositions, comprising polysilazane, polysiloxane, and a boron constituent. The compositions may further comprise carbon nanofibers. Also provided is a method for forming the compositions, composites formed from a composition, and a method for forming composites from a composition by mixing the compositions with fibers and curing the composition-fiber mixture. 1. A composition , comprising:polysilazane;polysiloxane; and{'sub': '50', 'a boron constituent comprising one or more selected from the group consisting of boric acid, borate, borax, boron oxide, and particulate boron nitride, which has a dvalue of less than 1 micron.'}2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the polysilazane comprises the formula [HSi—NH]; wherein the polysilazane is branched claim 1 , linear or cyclic claim 1 , and wherein n greater than 1.3. The composition of claim 1 , comprising from 1% to 15% (w/w claim 1 , of the total composition) polysilazane.4. The composition of claim 3 , comprising from 2% to 8% (w/w claim 3 , of the total composition) polysilazane.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the polysiloxane comprises the formula [SiORR]; wherein Rand Rare independently selected from the group consisting of hydrocarbyl claim 1 , aryl claim 1 , hydrocarbylamine claim 1 , fluorohydrocarbyl claim 1 , alkoxy claim 1 , mercapto claim 1 , chlorohydrocarbyl claim 1 , and cyano.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the polysiloxane comprises the formula (CHSiO)(CHSiO) claim 1 , wherein x and y are each greater than 1.7. The composition of claim 1 , comprising from 10% to 60% (w/w claim 1 , of the total composition) polysiloxane.8. The composition of claim 7 , comprising from 40% to 50% (w/w claim 7 , of the total composition) polysiloxane.9. The composition of claim 1 , comprising from 2% to 20% (w/w claim 1 , of the total composition) boron constituent.10. The composition of claim 9 , comprising from 5% to 10% (w/w claim 9 , of the total composition) boron constituent. ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Tread rubber composition and pneumatic tire

Номер: US20150099823A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd

Provided are a tread rubber composition that can achieve a balanced improvement in fuel economy, wet-grip performance, and abrasion resistance, and a pneumatic tire including the composition. The tread rubber composition includes: a rubber component; silica; and a silane-coupling agent containing a mercapto group, the rubber component including per 100% by mass thereof 5% by mass or more of a conjugated diene polymer (A), the polymer (A) including a monomer unit derived from a conjugated diene, a monomer unit derived from a compound of formula (1), and a monomer unit derived from a compound of formula (2), at least one end of the copolymer (A) being modified by the following compound (G) or an alkoxysilane compound, the composition including 5-150 parts by mass of the silica per 100 parts by mass of the rubber component, Compound (G): at least one compound selected from the group consisting of compounds containing an optionally-substituted amino group and a carbonyl group and compounds containing an optionally-substituted amino group and a thiocarbonyl group, V 1 -S 1   (1) V 2 -A 2   (2) wherein V 1 and V 2 each represent a hydrocarbyl group containing a polymerizable carbon-carbon double bond; S 1 represents a substituted silyl group, and A 2 represents a substituted amino group or a nitrogen-containing heterocyclic group.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190092905A1

Addition-curable silicone composition providing cured product having good performance at low temperature and excellent resistance to a temperature change. Also, semiconductor device having high reliability, whose semiconductor element is encapsulated with a cured addition-curable silicone resin composition comprising (A) a branched organopolysiloxane of formula (1): 2. The addition-curable silicone resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein 0.09≤a/(a+b) 0.9.3. The addition-curable silicone resin composition according to or claim 1 , wherein at least one of Ris an aromatic hydrocarbon group having 6 to 12 carbon atoms.4. The addition-curable silicone resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein component (A) has a monovalent aromatic hydrocarbon group bonded to a silicon atom claim 1 , in an amount of from 3% or more to 90% or less in number claim 1 , based on a total number of the groups each bonded to a silicon atom.6. The addition-curable silicone resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the branched organopolysiloxane has alkenyl groups only at the both terminals of the main siloxane chain. This application is a Divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/387,019 filed on Dec. 21, 2016, which claims priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a) to Japanese Patent Application Nos. 2015-249457 filed on Dec. 22, 2015, and 2016-128007 filed on Jun. 28, 2016, the contents of which are herein incorporated by reference.The present invention relates to an addition-curable silicone composition and a semiconductor device provided with a cured product thereof. Specifically, the present invention relates to an addition-curable silicone composition comprising an alkenyl group-containing branched organopolysiloxane with a long siloxane branch.Addition-curable silicone resins have good heat resistance and light resistance and a high curing rate, so that they have been used as materials for encapsulating semiconductor elements such as LEDs. For instance, Japanese ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Thermal conductive silicone composition and semiconductor device

Номер: US20170096591A1
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

Provided is a thermal conductive silicone composition having a superior thermal conductivity. The thermal conductive silicone composition contains: (A) an organopolysiloxane that exhibits a kinetic viscosity of 10 to 100,000 mm 2 /s at 25° C., and is represented by the following average composition formula (1) R 1 a SiO (4-a)/2   (1) wherein R 1 represents a hydrogen atom or at least one group selected from a hydroxy group and a saturated or unsaturated monovalent hydrocarbon group having 1 to 18 carbon atoms, and a satisfies 1.8≦a≦2.2; and (B) a silver powder having a tap density of not lower than 3.0 g/cm 3 and a specific surface area of not larger than 2.0 m 2 /g, such silver powder being in an amount of 300 to 11,000 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the component (A).

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Heat curable silicone rubber composition

Номер: US20140179870A1
Автор: Hideo Kondo

There is provided a silicone rubber composition whose compression set in a higher temperature range, particularly at 200° C. or higher, in a silicone rubber to be obtained is sufficiently suppressed. A heat curable silicone rubber composition contains: (A) 100 parts by mass of a polyorganosiloxane having an average degree of polymerization of 500 to 20,000 and having two or more alkenyl groups in a molecule; (B) 5 to 100 parts by mass of a filler; (C) an effective amount of an organic peroxide; and (D) 0.06 to 15 parts by mass of a hydrous cerium oxide and/or a hydrous zirconium oxide each having one absorption band in 3300 to 3500 cm −1 and two or more absorption bands in 1300 to 1700 cm −1 in infrared absorption spectrum measurement.

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190100625A1
Принадлежит: EVONIK DEGUSSA GmbH

Mixtures of cyclic branched siloxanes having exclusively D and T units and having no functional groups, with the proviso that the cumulative proportion of the D and T units having Si-alkoxy and/or SiOH groups that are present in the siloxane matrix, determinable by Si NMR spectroscopy, is ≤2 mole per cent, are described, as are branched organo-modified siloxanes obtainable therefrom. 1. A mixture of cyclic branched siloxanes having exclusively D and T units and having no functional groups , wherein the cumulative proportion of the D and T units having Si-alkoxy and/or SiOH groups that are present in the siloxane matrix; determinable by Si NMR spectroscopy , is ≤2 mole per cent.2. The mixture of cyclic branched siloxanes having exclusively D and T units according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of D to T units is between 10:1 and 3:1.3. The mixture of cyclic branched siloxanes having exclusively D and T units according to claim 1 , wherein the molar mass ratio of the mixture M/Mis in the range of 2 Подробнее

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180104889A1

A process for modifying a silicone elastomeric-based surface of an article where the coefficient of friction (COF) of the silicone elastomeric-based surface is generally reduced by at least 5% is disclosed. The process comprises subjecting the silicone elastomeric-based surface of the article to vacuum ultraviolet (UV) radiation. 1. A process for modifying a silicone elastomeric-based surface of an article , said process comprising:subjecting the silicone elastomeric-based surface of the article to vacuum ultraviolet radiation;wherein the coefficient of friction of the silicone elastomeric-based surface is reduced by at least 5%.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the silicone elastomeric-based surface of the article consists of silicone elastomer.3. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the silicone elastomer is the reaction product of a hydrosilylation or peroxide cure of an alkenyl-functional organopolysiloxane and a Si—H functional organopolysiloxane.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the article is a molded article made of silicone elastomer.5. The process according to claim 4 , wherein the molded article is a case for an electronic device claim 4 , an optical device claim 4 , a medical device claim 4 , a sport and leisure device claim 4 , or a toy.6. The process according to claim 4 , wherein the molded article is formed by extrusion.7. The process according to claim 4 , wherein the molded article comprises tubing.8. The process according to claim 4 , wherein the molded article is a car part or a case for an electronic device and wherein the silicone elastomer is overmolded over at least part of the article.9. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the article is a silicone elastomer coated article.10. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the article is coated claim 1 , overmolded claim 1 , molded or extruded claim 1 , and is subsequently subjected to vacuum ultraviolet radiation.11. The process according to claim 1 , ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Composition for encapsulant, encapsulant, and electronic device

Номер: US20140187734A1
Принадлежит: Cheil Industries Inc

A composition for an encapsulant, an encapsulant, and an electronic device, the composition including an adhesion-promoting agent, the adhesion-promoting agent including an epoxy group in an amount of about 2.0 to about 5.0 mmol/g, at least one first polysiloxane that includes a hydrogen bound to a silicon at a terminal end thereof, and at least one second polysiloxane that includes an alkenyl group bound to a silicon at a terminal end thereof.

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Insulating heat dissipation sheet

Номер: US20170107415A1
Автор: Yoshiyuki Shiono
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

Provided is an insulating heat dissipation sheet hardly producing cracks, and exhibiting a favorable insulation property. The insulating heat dissipation sheet consists of a cured product of an organopolysiloxane composition comprising: (a) 100 parts by mass of an organopolysiloxane exhibiting an average degree of polymerization of 3,000 to 10,000; (b) 10 to 100 parts by mass of an organopolysiloxane exhibiting an average degree of polymerization of 2 to 2,000, and having alkenyl groups only at both ends of a molecular chain thereof, but at no other position on the molecular chain; (c) 2 to 20 parts by mass of an organohydrogenpolysiloxane having hydrogen atoms directly bonded to silicon atoms (Si—H groups); (d) 100 to 300 parts by mass of a boron nitride aggregate; (e) 0.1 to 10 parts by mass of a peroxide cross-linking agent; and (f) 0.1 to 10 parts by mass of a platinum group curing catalyst.

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106610A1

A silicone adhesive composition includes 100 parts by weight of a peroxide-curable silicone, 1.2 to 3.2 parts by weight of an organic peroxide curing agent, and 2 to 9 parts by weight of an addition reaction-curable silicone rubber. An adhesive tape according to the present invention is a tape including includes a base and an adhesive layer placed on the base, the adhesive layer being formed from the above silicone adhesive composition. The adhesive composition according to the present invention exhibits high load bearing capacity even in higher-temperature environments than ever before. The adhesive tape according to the present invention exhibits high load bearing capacity and good shelf life even in such high-temperature environments. 1. (canceled)2. An adhesive tape comprising:a base; andan adhesive layer placed on the base, the adhesive layer being formed from a silicone adhesive composition comprising:100 parts by weight of a peroxide-curable silicone;1.2 to 3.2 parts by weight of an organic peroxide curing agent and2 to 9 parts by weight of an addition reaction-curable silicone rubber.3. The adhesive tape according to claim 2 , wherein the base is a glass cloth base impregnated with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).4. A method for producing an adhesive tape claim 2 , the method comprisingheating an original tape including a base and a silicone adhesive composition placed on the base and thereby forming the composition into an adhesive layer, so as to obtain the adhesive tape including the base and the adhesive layer placed on the base, wherein the silicone adhesive composition comprises:100 parts by weight of a peroxide-curable silicone;1.2 to 3.2 parts by weight of an organic peroxide curing agent and2 to 9 parts by weight of an addition reaction-curable silicone rubber.5. A method for producing an adhesive tape claim 2 , the method comprising:heating a transfer base on which a silicone adhesive composition is placed and thereby forming the composition into an ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации

Thermoplastic compositions for laser direct structuring and methods for the manufacture and use thereof

Номер: US20140194561A1

The present disclosure relates to thermoplastic compositions. The disclosed compositions comprise a polycarbonate polymer, a polysiloxane-polycarbonate copolymer, a laser direct structuring additive, and a siloxane additive. Also disclosed are methods for making the disclosed thermoplastic compositions and articles of manufacture comprising the disclosed thermoplastic compositions.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180112071A1

A manufacturing method of a gasket adhering to a resin member, the method includes mixing a plurality of liquid materials stored separately and molding the gasket that is made of a mixture of the plurality of liquid materials. The mixture constitutes a liquid silicone-rubber composition that contains a base resin, a crosslinking agent, a curing catalytic agent, a hydrophilic silica filler, and a silane-coupling agent. The hydrophilic silica filler and the silane-coupling agent are contained in different liquid materials before the plurality of liquid materials are mixed. 1. A manufacturing method of a gasket adhering to a resin member , the manufacturing method comprising:mixing a plurality of liquid materials stored separately; andmolding the gasket that is made of a mixture of the plurality of liquid materials, whereinthe mixture constitutes a liquid silicone-rubber composition that contains a base resin, a crosslinking agent, a curing catalytic agent, a hydrophilic silica filler, and a silane-coupling agent, andthe hydrophilic silica filler and the silane-coupling agent are contained in different liquid materials before the plurality of liquid materials are mixed.2. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 , wherein injection molding using the mixture of the plurality of liquid materials;', 'curing the liquid silicone-rubber composition by heat; and', 'coupling the gasket with the resin member, the coupling promoted by the silane-coupling agent., 'the molding includes3. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 , whereinthe resin member includes a resin tank for a heat exchanger.4. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of liquid materials includes a first liquid material, a second liquid material, and a third liquid material,the first liquid material contains the base resin and the curing catalytic agent,the second liquid material contains the crosslinking agent,the third liquid material contains the silane-coupling agent, ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Siloxane composition and method for producing same

Номер: US20190112431A1
Автор: Toshiaki Ihara
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

The siloxane composition, which is obtained by subjecting specific starting organopolysiloxane materials to an addition reaction in a large excess (i.e., 8 times by mass or greater as much as the starting materials) of a solvent, comprises a crosslinked organopolysiloxane, said crosslinked organopolysiloxane having a weight-average molecular weight of 5,000-300,000,000 and containing 0.1-50 mol of silethylene bond per 1,000 mol of siloxane unit, dissolved in the solvent.

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Phosphor-containing sheet, led light emitting device using the same, and method for manufacturing led

Номер: US20140210338A1

A phosphor-containing sheet having a storage modulus of 0.1 MPa or more at 25° C. and a storage modulus of less than 0.1 MPa at 100° C., wherein a resin main component of the phosphor-containing sheet is a crosslinked product formed by subjecting a crosslinkable silicone composition containing a specific composition to a hydrosilylation reaction. This phosphor-containing sheet provides a phosphor sheet having good shapability and high adhesive power as a phosphor sheet bonded to an LED chip as a wavelength conversion layer.

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Light engines for photo-curing of liquid polymers to form three-dimensional objects

Номер: US20180126646A1
Принадлежит: Nexa3d Inc

Three-dimensional objects are formed by photo-curing a liquid polymer by exposure to a radiation, which radiation (e.g., at 410 nm) is provided by a collimated light source composed of an array of light emitting diode (LED) sources, an array of baffles, and an array of lenses. The baffles limit beam widths of each individual LED source in the array of LED, and the array of lenses is located one focal length from said array of LED sources.

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Resilient sealing element for aerosol-generating device

Номер: US20220273032A1

The invention relates to an aerosol-generating device comprising a cavity ( 10 ) for receiving an aerosol-generating article ( 12 ) containing aerosol-forming substrate ( 18 ). The device further comprises a resilient sealing element ( 38 ) having a ring shape. The resilient sealing element is arranged surrounding a downstream end of the cavity. The resilient sealing element is configured to interact with the aerosol-generating article received in the cavity by abutting the aerosol-generating article.

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Aqueous compositions and use thereof

Номер: US20150144028A1
Автор: Marko Prasse
Принадлежит: Wacker Chemie AG

Aqueous compositions which contain amino functional organosilicon compounds can be used to modify inorganic, organic, or organosilicon substrates to improve their adhesion and stabilization.

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Encapsulation structure and display device having the encapsulation structure

Номер: US20220285651A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

An encapsulation structure includes an organic encapsulation layer. The organic encapsulation layer includes a base resin and hygroscopic composite particles including a hygroscopic composite particle. The hygroscopic composite particle includes a core and a silica layer around the core. The core includes a polymer. The silica layer includes silica.

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Curable composition and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20140231862A1
Принадлежит: Eternal Chemical Co Ltd

A curable composition comprises the following: (A) a polymer having at least two silicon-bonded alkenyl groups and having an average unit formula (I′): (R 1 2 SiO 2/2 ) a1 (R 2 3 SiO 1/2 ) b1 (CH 2 CH 2 ) e1 ; (B) a branched organopolysiloxane having at least one silicon-bonded alkenyl group and having a siloxane unit of formula R 4 SiO 3/2 ; (C) an organopolysiloxane having an average unit formula (II) being capped with H: (R 5 2 SiO 2/2 ) f (R 6 3 SiO 1/2 ) g (R 7 SiO 3/2 ) h (SiO 4/2 ) i (CH 2 CH 2 ) j ; and (D) a catalyst, wherein R 1 , R 2 and R 4 to R 7 and a1, b1, e1 and f to j are as defined in the specification.

11-06-2015 дата публикации

Curable composition and an optical semiconductor device

Номер: US20150158981A1
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

A curable composition includes (A) an isocyanurate represented by the formula (1), (B) a combination of (B-1) a non-cyclic organopolysiloxane which may have a branched structure, has hydrogen atoms each bonded to a silicon atom at at least two terminals, and monovalent aromatic hydrocarbon groups each bonded to a silicon atom in an amount of 10% or more and (B-2) a non-cyclic organopolysiloxane which may have a branched structure, has at least two hydrogen atoms each bonded to a silicon atom in a main and/or branched chains, but no SiH group at any terminal, and has a monovalent aromatic hydrocarbon group bonded to a silicon atom in an amount of 10% or more, and (C) a hydrosilylation catalyst in a catalytic amount.

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140235739A1
Автор: Morita Seiji

In one embodiment, a method for producing a template includes applying a resin to a first template having a first concavo-convex pattern, hardening the resin, releasing the hardened resin from the first template to produce a second template having a second concavo-convex pattern corresponding to the first concavo-convex pattern, and enlarging the second template. 1. A method for producing a template comprising:applying a resin to a first template having a first concavo-convex pattern;hardening the resin;releasing the hardened resin from the first template to produce a second template having a second concavo-convex pattern corresponding to the first concavo-convex pattern; andenlarging the second template.2. The method for producing a template according to claim 1 , wherein the resin includes a liquid silicon resin claim 1 , a first thermoplastic resin claim 1 , and a second thermoplastic resin having no cyclic structure.3. The method for producing a template according to claim 2 , wherein the second template is stretched and enlarged while being heated.4. The method for producing a template according to claim 2 , wherein the second template is stretched and enlarged while an organic solvent is absorbed.5. The method for producing a template according to :placing the second template in a chamber;supplying a gas to the chamber;condensing the gas in the chamber; andstretching the second template while the condensed gas is absorbed in the second template.6. The method for producing a template according to claim 2 , wherein the resin further includes a foaming component claim 2 , the second template is heated claim 2 , pressurized claim 2 , or irradiated with light claim 2 , and foaming occurs in the second template to enlarge the second template.7. The method for producing a template according to claim 6 , wherein the second template is stretched while foaming occurs in the second template.8. The method for producing a template according to comprising injecting a gas ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160159660A1
Принадлежит: Cytec Industries Inc.

Disclosed herein are silicon containing polymers and compositions containing the same able to flocculate suspended solids in the Bayer or Sinter process stream. 5. The polymer according to claim 4 , wherein in formula (I) claim 4 , Ris H and Ris H.6. The polymer according to claim 5 , wherein T is chosen from optionally substituted Calkylene or optionally substituted Calkyloxyalkylene groups.7. The polymer according to claim 6 , wherein T is —CH2-CH(OH)—CH2-O—CH2-CH2-CH2-.8. The polymer according to claim 7 , wherein R is Na.9. The polymer according to claim 8 , wherein Rand Rare both H.10. The polymer according to claim 9 , wherein Rand Ris selected from Na and N(R) or mixtures thereof claim 9 , where each Ris independently H or Calkyl;13. The polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer has a Standard Viscosity (SV) of about 9 mPa·s or greater.14. The polymer of having a SV of about 10 mPa·s or greater.15. A composition comprising a first polymer according to and a second polymer different from the first polymer wherein the second polymer is chosen from polyacrylic acid claim 1 , and salts thereof; including sodium and ammonium salts; hydroxamic acid polymers and salts thereof claim 1 , including sodium and ammonium salts; acrylic acid:acrylamide copolymers and salts thereof claim 1 , including sodium and ammonium salts claim 1 , starch claim 1 , and dextran.20. The polymer according to claim 19 , wherein the hydroxamate reactive compound is a halogen functional silane claim 19 , an epoxy functional silane claim 19 , or an isocyanate functional silane.21. The polymer according to claim 20 , wherein the hydroxamate reactive compound is glycidoxypropyl trimethoxysilane.22. The polymer according to claim 16 , wherein the hydroxamate polymer is poly(acrylamide-co-acrylate-co-hydroxamate).23. The polymer according to claim 16 , wherein the silicon-containing reaction product has a Standard Viscosity (SV) of about 9 mPa·s or greater.24. The polymer of claim 23 , ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Process for producing a hydrophobic composite bioelastomer comprising starch

Номер: US20160160011A1

Process for producing a hydrophobic composite bioelastomer, comprising a cross-linked bioelastomer matrix in which an organic phase is dispersed, comprising the reaction of cross-linking of a hydroxyl-terminated polysiloxane with a silane coupling agent, comprising an acetoxysilane, to obtain a cross-linked polysiloxane with release of acetic acid. The reaction of cross-linking is carried out in the presence of starch to cause at least partial in situ acetylation by the acetic acid released from said starch that is incorporated in the cross-linked bioelastomer matrix.

08-06-2017 дата публикации

One-Component Moisture-Curable Urethane Composition and Method for Producing Same

Номер: US20170158927A1
Автор: Araki Kiminori

The present technology is to provide a one-part moisture-curable polyurethane composition having excellent adhesion to an adherend (coated plate), and a method for producing such a composition. The present technology is a one-part moisture-curable urethane composition including a preliminary composition obtained by mixing a urethane prepolymer, an aliphatic isocyanate A, and an aminosilane compound B, and a catalyst; and a method for producing such a composition. 1. A one-part moisture-curable urethane composition including:a preliminary composition obtained by mixing a urethane prepolymer, an aliphatic isocyanate A, and an aminosilane compound B, anda catalyst.2. The one-part moisture-curable urethane composition according to claim 1 , wherein the urethane prepolymer is obtained by reacting polypropylene glycol with diphenylmethane diisocyanate.3. The one-part moisture-curable urethane composition according to claim 1 , wherein the aliphatic isocyanate A is at least one type of aliphatic isocyanate-modified product a selected from the group consisting of reaction products of a polyol having tri- or higher functionality and an aliphatic polyisocyanate claim 1 , allophanates of aliphatic polyisocyanate claim 1 , nurates of aliphatic polyisocyanate claim 1 , and biurets of aliphatic polyisocyanate.4. The one-part moisture-curable urethane composition according to claim 1 , wherein the aminosilane compound B contains claim 1 , in each molecule claim 1 , an alkoxysilyl group and a nitrogen atom to which an aromatic ring and a hydrogen atom are bonded.5. The one-part moisture-curable urethane composition according to claim 4 , wherein the alkoxysilyl group is a methoxysilyl group or an ethoxysilyl group.6. The one-part moisture-curable urethane composition according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , per 100 parts by weight of the urethane prepolymer claim 1 ,an amount of the aliphatic isocyanate A is from 0.8 to 10 parts by mass, andan amount of the aminosilane compound B ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180171177A1
Автор: Fish Chris, KILBY Jerry

Provided herein is a silicon based coating formed from a mixture of constituents. The mixture comprises from about 5% (w/w of the mixture) to about 80% (w/w of the mixture) polysilazane, from about 0% (w/w of the mixture) to about 60% (w/w of the mixture) polysiloxane, and from about 8% (w/w of the mixture) to about 80% (w/w of the mixture) polysilane of a formula (RRSi), wherein n is greater than 1, and wherein Rand Rare the same or different and are chosen from alkyl, alkenyl, cycloalkyl, alkylamino, aryl, aralkyl, or alkylsilyl. The coating has a thickness ranging between about 0.1 mil and about 1.5 mil, a hardness ranging between about 2H and about 9H in accordance with ASTM 3363 for film hardness by pencil test, and a kinetic coefficient of friction between about 0.03 and about 0.04. 1. A silicon based coating formed from a mixture of constituents comprising:from about 5% (w/w of the mixture) to about 80% (w/w of the mixture) polysilazane,from about 0% (w/w of the mixture) to about 60% (w/w of the mixture) polysiloxane, and{'sub': 1', '2', 'n', '1', '2, 'from about 8% (w/w of the mixture) to about 80% (w/w of the mixture) polysilane of a formula (RRSi), wherein n is greater than 1, and wherein Rand Rare the same or different and are chosen from alkyl, alkenyl, cycloalkyl, alkylamino, aryl, aralkyl, or alkylsilyl;'}which coating has a thickness ranging between about 0.1 mil and about 1.5 mil, a hardness ranging between about 2H and about 9H in accordance with ASTM 3363 for film hardness by pencil test, and a kinetic coefficient of friction between about 0.03 and about 0.04.2. The silicon based coating of claim 1 , wherein the polysilazane is of a formula [HSi—NH] claim 1 , and wherein the polysilazane is branched claim 1 , linear or cyclic polymers claim 1 , with n greater than 1.3. The silicon based coating of claim 1 , comprising about 5% (w/w of the mixture) to about 60% (w/w of the mixture) polysiloxane.4. The silicon based coating of claim 3 , wherein the ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Silicone elastomer composition

Номер: US20170174885A1
Принадлежит: Dow Corning Corp

A silicone elastomer composition (“composition”) has customizable sensory characteristics. The composition includes a pituitous silicone fluid that includes a hydrosilylation reaction product and a carrier fluid. The hydrosilylation reaction product generally includes alkenyl or Si—H functionality. The hydrosilylation reaction product is the reaction product of a first linear organopolysiloxane including (R 1 R 2 R 3 SiO— 1/2 ) and (R 4 R 5 Si) 2/2 ) units, and a second linear organopolysiloxane including (R 6 R 7 R 8 SiO— 1/2 ) and (R 9 R 10 SiO 2/2 ) units. Each of R 1 -R 10 is independently a hydrocarbon group so long as at least one of R 1 -R 5 is an alkenyl group and at least one of R 6 -R 10 is a hydrogen atom. The first linear organopolysiloxane has a DP of from 100 to 15,000. The second linear organopolysiloxane has a DP of from 4 to 1,000. The composition also includes a silicone elastomer different from the hydrosilylation reaction product. Personal care compositions can include the composition.

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150191595A1
Автор: Andrea Tim, Sasse Philip

Electrical power cable having a reduced surface coefficient of friction and required installation pulling force, and the method of manufacture thereof, in which the central conductor core, with or without a separate insulating layer, is surrounded by a sheath of crosslinked polyethylene. A high viscosity, high molecular weight silicone based pulling lubricant or fatty acid amide pulling lubricant is incorporated by alternate methods with the polyethylene to form a composition from which the outer sheath is extruded, and is effective to reduce the required pulling force on the cable during installation. 163-. (canceled)64. A method of providing protection for an electrical power cable with a crosslinked polyethylene sheath having pulling lubricant at a surface thereof after formation of an electrical cable and available at the time of installation to reduce pulling force necessary to install the electrical cable , comprising:blending a crosslinkable silane-ethylene copolymer resin and a pulling lubricant selected from the group consisting of silicone and fatty acid amides to form a first polymeric blend, the crosslinkable silane-ethylene copolymer resin containing silane prior to blending with the pulling lubricant;mixing by an extruder the first polymeric blend, and a second polymeric blend together with a third polymeric blend comprising polyethylene, a flame retardant and a catalyst that is kept separate from the first polymeric blend and the second polymeric blend until the time of extrusion, thereby forming into a sheath, the second polymeric blend selected from a silane pre-grafted polyethylene and silane-ethylene copolymer resin, neither of which contains the pulling lubricant; andcrosslinking the sheath by moisture exposure to crosslink at least some of the first polymeric blend and some of the second polymeric blend to form the crosslinked polyethylene electrical power cable sheath for the electrical power cable,wherein the pulling lubricant does not ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214585A1
Автор: Ahearn Matthew, Liu Yuxia

Curable silicone pressure sensitive adhesive compositions and films suitable for sealing and adhering substrates for optically clear electronic devices are described. The curable silicone pressure sensitive adhesive compositions are suitable as films or encapsulants for adhering electronic devices, e.g., LCD display, LED display, flexible display, touch screen, and flexible thin film photovoltaic module. 2. The curable silicone pressure sensitive adhesive composition of claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the reactive polydimethylsiloxane polymer (i) to the reactive silicone resin (ii) to a (meth)acrylate and methoxyl functionalized polydimethylsiloxane polymer or oligomer (iii) ranges from 1-8:1-8:1-8.3. A cured silicone pressure sensitive adhesive composition of is in an organic solvent with a percent solids content of about 30 about 80 wt.4. An article comprising the curable silicone pressure sensitive adhesive composition of .5. A method of forming a curable silicone pressure sensitive adhesive film comprising the steps of:(1) preparing a reaction product of (i) a reactive polydimethylsiloxane polymer, (ii) a reactive silicone resin; and (iii) an acid or a base catalyst in an organic solvent to form a non-curable silicon network; and(2) combining the non-curable silicon network with (iv) about 5 to about 45% of a (meth)acrylate terminated polydimethylsiloxane polymer or oligomer, (v) about 5 to about 45% of a silicone resin; (vi) about 0.001 about 5% of a radical initiator, and (vii) optionally, a polydimethylsiloxane polymer or oligomer having a weight average molecular weight of less than about 350,000 to form a solution in an organic solvent;(3) preparing a first release-liner;(4) coating the solution onto the first release-liner;(5) evaporating the organic solvent from the coated film to form a substantially solvent-free film; and(6) laminating a second release-liner onto the substantially solvent-free film.6. The method of forming a curable silicone pressure ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Curable Resin Composition

Номер: US20160194457A1
Принадлежит: Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd

Provided is a curable resin composition that contains a silicon-containing compound (A) having a silanol group and an aryl group, a silicon-containing compound (B) having at least two silicon atom-bonded hydrogen atoms and at least one aryl group in one molecule, a branched-chain organopolysiloxane (C) having an alkenyl group and an aryl group, and a hydrosilylation reaction catalyst (D).

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Curable Silicone Composition, And Optical Semiconductor Device

Номер: US20170190911A1

A curable silicone composition comprising: (A) an organopolysiloxane having at least two alkenyl groups in a molecule; (B) an organohydrogenpolysiloxane having at least two silicon-bonded hydrogen atoms in a molecule; (C) an adhesion promoter represented by the average unit formula; and (D) a hydrosilylation reaction catalyst. Provided is a curable silicone composition for forming a transparent cured product having high adhesion to a substrate, and an optical semiconductor device having excellent reliability made using the composition. 1. A curable silicone composition comprising:(A) 100 parts by mass of an organopolysiloxane having at least two alkenyl groups in a molecule;(B) an organohydrogenpolysiloxane having at least two silicon-bonded hydrogen atoms in a molecule, in an amount providing from 0.1 to 10.0 moles of silicon-bonded hydrogen atoms relative to 1 mole of total alkenyl groups contained in components (A) and (C); {'br': None, 'sup': 1', '2', '2', '3', '4, 'sub': 2/2', 'a', '2/2', 'b', '3/2', 'c, '(RRSiO)(RRSiO)(RSiO)'}, '(C) from 0.1 to 50 parts by mass of an adhesion promoter represented by the average unit formula{'sup': 1', '2', '3', '4, 'wherein, Ris an alkenyl group having from 2 to 12 carbons; Rare the same or different alkyl groups each having from 1 to 12 carbons, aryl groups each having from 6 to 20 carbons, or aralkyl groups each having from 7 to 20 carbons; Ris an epoxy group-containing organic group; Ris an aryl group having from 6 to 20 carbons or an aralkyl group having from 7 to 20 carbons; and a, b, and c are numbers satisfying: 0.1≦a≦0.6, 0.1≦b≦0.5, 0.3≦c<0.8, 0.15≦a/c≦1.5, 0.15≦b/c≦1.8, and a+b+c=1; and'}(D) a hydrosilylation reaction catalyst in an amount effective in accelerating curing of the composition.2. The curable silicone composition according to claim 1 , wherein component (A) contains an organopolysiloxane resin having at least two alkenyl groups in a molecule and represented by the average unit formula:{'br': None, 'sup': ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Oil-in-water microemulsions and the preparation thereof

Номер: US20200179246A1
Автор: Lin Liu, Xinyu LIANG
Принадлежит: Wacker Chemie AG

The invention relates to transparent, stable, film-forming oil-in-water microemulsions, and the use of the microemulsions in leave-on products or wash-off products of hair care application. The microemulsions contain an aminoalkyl-functional organopolysiloxane, a silicone resin, optionally a low viscosity oil, and a surfactant composition, are storage stable, and form coherent crosslinked films upon drying.

14-07-2016 дата публикации

Cross-linked composition and method of forming the same

Номер: US20160200876A1
Принадлежит: Dow Corning Corp

A cross-linked composition comprises the reaction product of siloxanes having pendant anhydride groups and a reactant having hydroxyl and/or amine functional groups. The cross-linked composition can be of the following general formula (I): (I). Refer to formula ( 1 ) Each X can be of the following general formula (i): (i). Refer to formula (i) Each of W and W* is independently an oxygen atom or N—R, with R independently being a hydrogen atom or R 1 . Each of Y, R 3 , and R 13 is an independently selected divalent group. Each of R 1 , R 11 , R 4 , R 14 , R 5 , and R 15 is an independently selected substituted or unsubstituted hydrocarbyl group. Each of w and ww, and each of y and yy, is an independently selected integer from 0 to 1,000. Each of x and xx is an independently selected integer from 1 to 100. Typically, w and y are not simultaneously 0, and ww and yy are not simultaneously 0.

23-07-2015 дата публикации

Addition-crosslinking silicone composition with low compression set

Номер: US20150203664A1
Автор: Enno Funk, Martin LEX
Принадлежит: Wacker Chemie AG

Polyorganosiloxane compositions which are crosslinkable by means of hydrosilylation have improved compression set due to the incorporation of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole-5-thiol bonded to silica.

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Siloxane crosslinking processes employing sulfur compounds and platinum catalysts

Номер: US20180194931A1
Принадлежит: Momentive Performance Materials Inc

Provided is a composition and process for producing a crosslinked product. The composition comprises a mixture constituting (a) an alkenyl silicone, (b) a hydrogen siloxane, (c) a cure inhibitor and (d) a hydrosilylation catalyst, optionally in the presence of a solvent, and (e) sulfur compounds in order to produce the crosslinked product, and the process comprises reacting such a composition to form a crosslinked product.

25-09-2014 дата публикации

Composition for silicone rubber foam, manufacturing method of silicone rubber foam, and silicone rubber foam

Номер: US20140288197A1
Автор: Masanari Shimakawa

There are provided a composition for silicone rubber foam, a manufacturing method of a silicone rubber foam, and a silicone rubber foam in which it is possible to control the foaming states. The composition for silicone rubber foam contains: (A) 100 parts by mass of polyorganosiloxane having a degree of polymerization of 4,000 to 10,000 and having two or more alkenyl groups at a content of 0.001 mmol/g or more and less than 0.3 mmol/g; an amount of polyorganohydrogensiloxane having an average of two or more Si-atom-bonded hydrogen atoms so that a molar ratio of the hydrogen atoms to the alkenyl groups in the (A) component is 0.001 to 5; 0.1 to 10 parts by mass of an organic foaming agent with a decomposition temperature of 50 to 250° C.; 5 to 200 parts by mass of silica powder; and a catalyst amount of a platinum-based metal catalyst activated with ultraviolet rays.

14-07-2016 дата публикации

Layered Polymer Structures and Methods

Номер: US20160204319A1
Принадлежит: Dow Corning Corp, Dow Corning Toray Co Ltd

An optical assembly includes an optical device having an optical surface. The optical assembly further includes an encapsulant that substantially covers the optical surface. The encapsulant has a first layer ( 106 ) and a second layer ( 108 ). The first layer ( 106 ) has a first silicone-containing hot melt composition and a major surface ( 112 ). The second layer ( 108 ) has a second silicone-containing hot melt composition, the second layer ( 108 ) having a second major surface ( 110 ) in contact with the first major surface ( 112 ).

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200189154A1

A compound for protection of an object from a blast or shock wave. The compound include a matrix material and at least a first and second sets of inclusions in the matrix material that differ in size, quantity, shape and/or composition in a direction through the impact-absorbing material, the combination of which contributes to the ability of the material to exhibit at least one property that changes as the inclusions are deformed in response to a blast or shock wave. 1. A method of making a blast or shock wave mitigating material , comprising: providing a compound that is curable to form a polymer , providing a mold cavity having an internal height adapted and configured to produce cured polymer suitable to be used in a helmet or as a sheet of material to be used in blast protection panel , the mold cavity configured to provide geometric features within the cured polymer; placing the compound in the mold cavity; curing the compound for at least about five minutes; exposing the mixture in the mold cavity to pressure less than ambient pressure after said permitting; removing the substantially polymerized material from the mold; filling the geometric features with a fluid; and forming the material as an interior portion of a helmet or as the blast protection panel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluid is water.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the filling fluid is oil.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the filling fluid is uncured silicone. This application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/787,754, filed on Mar. 6, 2013, now U.S. Pat. No. ______, which issued on ______, and is a continuation-in-part application of International Patent Application No. PCT/US2012/54335, filed on Sep. 8, 2012, entitled DYNAMIC LOAD-ABSORBING MATERIALS AND ARTICLES which claims the benefit of Provisional Patent Application No. 61/532,676, filed Sep. 9, 2011, entitled IMPACT ABSORBING MATERIALS AND ARTICLES FORMED THEREWITH, each application is hereby ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

3d printing heat resistant support material

Номер: US20200189180A1
Принадлежит: SABIC Global Technologies BV

A filament for use in forming a support structure in fused filament fabrication, the filament comprising an amorphous, thermoplastic resin further comprising Bisphenol Isophorone carbonate units and Bisphenol A carbonate units, wherein the Bisphenol Isophorone carbonate units are 30 to 50 mole percent of the total of Bisphenol A carbonate units and Bisphenol Isophorone carbonate units in the resin, and wherein the resin has a glass transition temperature from 165° C. to 200° C. The composition used to form the support filament exhibits a desirable combination of filament formability, printability, lack of significant oozing from the printer nozzle, and good ease of mechanical separation from the build material at room temperature after printing.

18-06-2020 дата публикации

3d printing heat resistant support material

Номер: US20200189181A1
Принадлежит: SABIC Global Technologies BV

A filament for use in forming a support structure in fused filament fabrication includes an amorphous, thermoplastic resin having a glass transition temperature from 165° C. to 350° C., and 0.5 to 4.5 weight percent of a high viscosity silicone having a kinematic viscosity from 60,000 to 100 million centistokes. The composition used to form the support filament exhibits a desirable combination of filament formability, printability in additive manufacturing, lack of significant oozing from the printer nozzle, and ease of mechanical separation from the build material at room temperature after printing.

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210229398A1

A laminate includes a substrate, a self-healing layer on the substrate and having a thickness of greater than or equal to about 50 micrometers, a protective layer between the substrate and the self-healing layer, and a surface layer on the self-healing layer and having a thickness of about 20 nanometers to about 300 nanometers, wherein the self-healing layer has a first elastic modulus and the protective layer has a second elastic modulus, wherein the second elastic modulus is about 1.2 times to about 50 times greater than the first elastic modulus, and wherein the surface layer has a friction coefficient of less than or equal to about 1. 1. A display device comprising:a display panel, and a substrate,', 'a protective layer on the substrate,', 'a self-healing layer on the protective layer, a thickness of the self-healing layer being greater than or equal to about 50 micrometers, and, 'a window film, the window film including'}a surface layer on the self-healing layer,wherein an elastic modulus of the protective layer is greater than an elastic modulus of the self-healing layer, anda friction coefficient of the surface layer is less than or equal to about 1.2. The display device of claim 1 , wherein the elastic modulus of the protective layer is about 1.2 times to about 50 times greater than the elastic modulus of the self-healing layer.3. The display device of claim 1 , wherein the elastic modulus of the self-healing layer is about 0.1 megapascals to about 100 millipascals.4. The display device of claim 1 , wherein the elastic modulus of the protective layer is less than an elastic modulus of the substrate.5. The display device of claim 1 , wherein the surface layer is thinner than the protective layer and the self-healing layer.6. The display device of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the surface layer is about 20 nanometers to about 300 nanometers.7. The display device of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the protective layer is about 20 micrometers to about 100 ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации

Pressed and Self Sintered Polymer Derived SiC Materials, Applications and Devices

Номер: US20180201546A1
Принадлежит: Pallidus, Inc.

Organosilicon chemistry, polymer derived ceramic materials, and methods. Such materials and methods for making polysilocarb (SiOC) and Silicon Carbide (SiC) materials having 3-nines, 4-nines, 6-nines and greater purity. Processes and articles utilizing such high purity SiOC and SiC. 111-. (canceled)12. A silicon carbide composition comprising:a. polymer derived silicon carbide particles;b. the particles having a mean particle size of about 0.5 μm or smaller;{'sub': '4', 'c. the particles consisting essentially of silicon and carbon in an SiCconfiguration, wherein the particles have less than 0.5% excess carbon, and are at least 99.99999% pure.'}13. The composition of claim 12 , wherein the mean particle size is about 0.2 μm or smaller.14. The composition of claim 12 , wherein the mean particle size is about 0.1 μm or smaller.15. A self sinterable silicon carbide composition comprising:a. polymer derived silicon carbide particles;b. the particles having a mean particle size of about 0.5 μm or smaller;{'sub': '4', 'c. the particles consisting essentially of silicon and carbon in an SiCconfiguration, wherein the particles have less than 0.1% excess carbon, and are at least 99.99999% pure;'}d. wherein the particles are capable of being formed into a solid SiC volumetric shape without the need for a sintering aid.16. The composition of claim 15 , wherein the volumetric shape is a layer.17. The composition of claim 15 , wherein the volumetric shape claim 15 , is selected from the group of shapes consisting of a window claim 15 , a lens claim 15 , and a fiber.18. The composition of claim 15 , wherein the volumetric shape is an article selected from the group consisting of armor claim 15 , ballistic materials claim 15 , blast shields claim 15 , penetration resistant materials claim 15 , windows claim 15 , lenses claim 15 , fibers claim 15 , internal reflection optics claim 15 , and optics.19. (canceled)20. (canceled)21. A silicon carbide composition comprising:a. polymer ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180208719A1
Автор: ENAMI Hiroji

A silicone gel composition comprising: (A) branched organopolysiloxane having, on average, at least two alkenyl groups bonded to silicon atoms in a molecule, and a viscosity ranging from 10 to 10,000 mPa·s at 25° C.; (B) organohydrogenpolysiloxane; (C) platinum-based addition reaction catalyst; and (D) a reaction product of (d1) alkali metal silanolate with (d2) at least one ceric salt selected from cerium chloride and a carboxylic acid salt of cerium. 1. A silicone gel composition comprising:(A) branched organopolysiloxane in an amount of 100 parts by mass, having, on average, at least two alkenyl groups bonded to silicon atoms in a molecule, and a viscosity ranging from 10 to 10,000 mPa·s at 25° C.;(B) organohydrogenpolysiloxane in an amount so that an amount of hydrogen atoms bonded to silicon atoms is 0.7 to 1.2 per one alkenyl group bonded to silicon atom in a total amount of the composition, having at least two hydrogen atoms bonded to silicon atoms in a molecule, and a viscosity ranging from 2 to 1,000 mPa·s at 25° C.;(C) a platinum-based addition reaction catalyst in an amount so that an amount of platinum-based metal is from 0.01 to 1,000 ppm in the total amount of the composition; and,(D) a reaction product, in an amount of 0.2 to 10.0 parts by mass, of (d1) alkali metal silanolate with (d2) at least one ceric salt selected from cerium chloride and a carboxylic acid salt of cerium.2. The silicone gel composition according to claim 1 , further comprising (A2) linear organopolysiloxane claim 1 , in an amount of 2 to 150 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the component (A) claim 1 , having at least two alkenyl groups bonded to silicon atoms in a molecule claim 1 , and a viscosity ranging from 1.0 to 10 claim 1 ,000 mPa·s at 25° C.3. The silicone gel composition according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , among total siloxane units constituting the branched organopolysiloxane (A) molecule claim 1 , from 80.0 to 99.8 mol % of the units are RSiOunits claim 1 , ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Hot Melt Silicone and Curable Hot Melt Composition

Номер: US20180208816A1
Принадлежит: Dow Corning Toray Co Ltd

A hot melt silicone that is non-flowable at 25° C. and that has a melt viscosity at 100° C. of 5,000 Pa·s or less, the hot melt silicone being formed by subjecting (A) an alkenyl group-containing organopolysiloxane in which 10 mol % or greater of all of silicon atom-bonded organic groups is a phenyl group, and (B) an organopolysiloxane having at least two silicon atom-bonded hydrogen atoms in a molecule to hydrosilylation reaction in the presence of (C) a hydrosilylation reaction catalyst; and a curable hot melt composition comprising: (I) the hot melt silicone; (II) an organopolysiloxane which has at least two silicon atom-bonded hydrogen atoms in a molecule and in which the amount of silicon atom-bonded hydrogen atom is 0.5 mass % or greater; and (III) a hydrosilylation reaction catalyst. The hot melt silicone is non-flowable at 25° C., has a low surface stickiness, and easily melts by heating. Furthermore, this curable hot melt composition has both hot melt properties and curability.

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Polymer Composite Material and Method of Preparation Thereof

Номер: US20140309330A1

The present disclosure relates to a polymer composite material and preparation method thereof. The polymer composite material includes a polyol and a phase changed cross-linking polymer. The phase changed cross-linking polymer has at least one ionic group, a hydrogen bond is formed between the ionic group and the hydroxyl group of the polyol, the polyol is encapsulated and dispersed within the phase changed cross-linking polymer, and a weight percentage of the polyol is 20-60%, a weight percentage of the phase changed cross-linking polymer is 40-80%. 1. A polymer composite material , comprising:a polyol; anda phase changed cross-linking polymer,wherein the phase changed cross-linking polymer has at least one ionic group, the least one ionic group and a hydroxyl group of the polyol are combined by a hydrogen bond, the polyol is encapsulated and dispersed within the phase changed cross-linking polymer, a weight percentage of the polyol is 20-60%, and a weight percentage of the phase changed cross-linking polymer is 40-80%.2. The polymer composite material of claim 1 , wherein the polyol further comprises a plurality of inorganic oxide particles dispersed therein.3. The polymer composite material of claim 2 , wherein the inorganic oxide particles are nanoscale silica particles.4. The polymer composite material of claim 3 , wherein a particle size of the nanoscale silica particles is less than 50 nm.5. The polymer composite material of claim 2 , wherein the polyol is composition selected from the group of polyethylene glycol (PEG) claim 2 , polytetrahydrofuran (PTMG) and glycerol.6. The polymer composite material of claim 1 , wherein the phase changed cross-linking polymer is polymerized of an oligomer precursor having at least two carbon-carbon double bonds (C═C) claim 1 , at least one ionic group claim 1 , and at least one polyester segment.7. The polymer composite material of claim 6 , wherein the oligomer precursor is a co-polymer composed of the polyol claim 6 , an ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Laundry debris removal device and method of using same

Номер: US20210246604A1
Автор: Tobey Erhart
Принадлежит: Individual

A laundry debris removal device for use in a laundry air dryer that is made of a fabric base material and a tacky ink-based overlay substrate. The laundry debris removal device will be added to a load of laundry prior to drying and will tumble with the load. The device will gently abrade the exterior surface of the laundry, dislodging lint, hair, and other particulate laundry debris from the surface of the clothing. The laundry debris will then be released into the dryer's designed air flow and deposited into the dryer lint filter.

20-08-2015 дата публикации

High performance silicon-based compositions

Номер: US20150232699A1
Автор: Chris FISH

Provided herein are silicon-based compositions, which after curing is a coating composition having strong substrate adhesion and scratch resistance. The compositions are formed from a mixture of constituents comprising: from about 20% to about 90% (w/w) of a first siloxane selected from the group consisting of silsesquioxane, methylmethoxysiloxane, and combinations thereof; and from about 10% to about 80% (w/w) of one or more silicon compounds selected from the group consisting of a second siloxane, silane, and silazane. Optionally, the compositions may comprise from about 0.1% to about 5% (w/w) alkyltitanate.

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Optical film with excellent solvent resistance and polarizing plate comprising same

Номер: US20160231466A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

The present invention relates to an optical film including a transparent film, and a coating layer on at least one surface of the transparent film, wherein the coating layer is formed using a water-dispersible coating composition comprising a polymer resin including a hydroxyl group; at least one cross-linking agent selected from the group consisting of a titanate-based cross-linking agent and a zirconate-based cross-linking agent; and water-dispersible fine particles, and a polarizing plate including the same.

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Surgical Needle Coatings and Methods

Номер: US20180235606A1

The present invention provides novel medical devices for use in surgical procedures and methods for manufacturing novel medical devices. In some embodiments, the novel medical devices can include surgical needles that are capable of being repeatedly passed through tissue using minimal force. More particularly, the surgical needles can be manufactured with one or more coatings that provide the surgical needles with both durability and lubricity for ease of repeated and successive passes through tissue. Novel methods for manufacturing the surgical needles and for providing and applying coatings to the surgical needles are also provided. 1. A method for coating a medical device , comprising:spray coating a primer onto a refractory alloy surface of a surgical needle, the surgical needle having a tissue penetrating tip at a distal end thereof and a suture attachment portion at a proximal end thereof; andapplying, as a liquid spray, a base coating to at least a portion of the primed surface of the surgical needle, the base coating comprising a vinyl functionalized organopolysiloxane, wherein the base coating is applied as a single layer.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising curing the base coating.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising applying claim 1 , as a liquid spray claim 1 , a top coating over the base coating claim 1 , wherein the top coating comprises a polydimethylsiloxane.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising curing the applied top coating for about 15 minutes to about 4 hours.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the spray coating of the primer or the application of the base coating comprises swirl coating.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the surgical needle is formed from a tungsten-rhenium alloy.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the base coating further comprises a solvent having a boiling point less than about 43 degrees Celsius.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the solvent is a hydrofluoroether solvent.9. The method ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170247541A1

A thiol-ene polymeric material is disclosed. The material is produced by the photopolymerization of reactants having thiol and olefin moieties. The material can incorporate encapsulated components, including cells. Additionally, the material can be derivatized by reacting the polymeric material with components such as proteins. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for producing a hydrogel comprising a biocompatible cross-linked degradable thiol-ene polymer , the method comprising:subjecting a polymerization reaction mixture comprising at least one thiol compound and at least one olefin compound to a radical polymerization reaction under conditions sufficient to produce the biocompatible cross-linked degradable thiol-ene polymer, wherein(a) the at least one thiol compound comprises m number of reactive thiol groups;(b) the at least one olefin compound comprises n number of reactive ene groups, wherein at least one of the ene groups is a norbornene moiety; and(c) each of n and m is an integer of at least 2, provided that the sum of n+m is at least 5.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein the at least one olefin compound comprises a polymeric moiety selected from the group consisting of poly(lactic acid) (PLA); polyglycolide (PGA); a copolymer of PLA and PGA (PLGA); poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA); poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG); poly(ethylene oxide); a poly(ethylene oxide)-co-poly(propylene oxide) block copolymer; a poloxamine; a polyanhydride; a polyorthoester; a poly(hydroxy acids); a polydioxanone; a polycarbonate; a polyaminocarbonate; a poly(vinyl pyrrolidone); a poly(ethyl oxazoline); a carboxymethyl cellulose; a hydroxyalkylated cellulose; a polypeptide; a polysaccharide; a carbohydrate; heparan sulfate; chondroitin sulfate; heparin claim 16 , alginate; and a combination thereof.18. The method of claim 16 , wherein the at least one thiol compound comprises a polymeric moiety selected from the group consisting of poly(lactic acid) (PLA); polyglycolide (PGA); a copolymer of PLA and ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for photo-curing with self-lubricating substratum for the formation of three-dimensional objects

Номер: US20180250874A1
Принадлежит: Nexa3d Inc

Described is a method for forming three-dimensional objects by photo-curing a photo-curing liquid polymer exposed to a radiation, wherein said three-dimensional objects form by growth, due to the progressive curing of said photo-curing liquid polymer, in the space between a sheet transparent to the radiation and a supporting plate, that is, a portion already formed of said objects, said supporting plate progressively moving away from said transparent sheet, characterised in that on the side of said transparent sheet facing towards the photo-curing liquid polymer a membrane is arranged, said membrane being transparent to said radiation, said membrane being covered by a layer of liquid lubricant, which is released gradually by said membrane, as well as an apparatus for implementing the method.

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Curable silicone resin composition containing inorganic oxide and optical member using same

Номер: US20170253718A1
Автор: Ryosuke KAMITANI

Provided is a curable silicone resin composition containing an inorganic oxide that may form an optical member having a relatively high refractive index and excellent optical transparency. The curable silicone resin composition may include a first curable silicone resin having a first functional group for surface bonding and a first crosslinkable functional group, a second curable silicone resin having a second functional group for surface bonding and a second crosslinkable functional group, and first and second inorganic oxide particles bonded to the first and second curable silicone resins by the first and second functional groups for surface bonding, respectively. The first and second crosslinkable functional groups may be bonded by applying energy.

27-11-2014 дата публикации

Adhesive article and method of making the same

Номер: US20140349108A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Adhesive articles that include a substrate and a silicone adhesive are disclosed. The articles also include a polymer containing poly(propylene oxide) units and optionally poly(ethylene oxide) units and having a number average molecular weight of at least 1000 grams per mole. The polymer may either be incorporated into the substrate or may be used as a primer on the substrate. If the polymer includes poly(ethylene oxide) units, the copolymer typically has a weight ratio of poly(ethylene oxide) to poly(propylene oxide) of up to 3:1, or if the copolymer has a number average molecular weight of at least 10,000 grams per mole, the weight ratio of poly(ethylene oxide) to poly(propylene oxide) is up to 2:1. Methods of making the adhesive articles are also disclosed.

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190249070A1

In some aspects, the present invention relates generally to self-release compositions and methods useful for the removal or prevention of mineral scaling and, more particularly, to surface coatings and surface treatments that resist, prevent, or aid in removal of mineral scaling. In some aspects, the self-release coating includes a polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane and a thermoplastic or an additive. 1. A method of preparing a self-release substrate , the method comprising:{'sub': '3', 'combining a polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane with an amorphous thermoplastic to make a mixture, wherein the polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane is a —CFterminal fluorous polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane; and'}applying a first layer of the mixture to a surface of a substrate.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:applying a second layer of the mixture to the surface of the substrate.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:drying the first layer before applying the second layer.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein after drying the first layer claim 3 , a ratio of the —CFterminal fluorous polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane to the amorphous thermoplastic permit segregation and self-assembly of the —CFterminal fluorous groups and resist crystallization and cross-linking.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:{'sup': '2', 'applying an additive layer to the surface of the substrate, wherein the additive layer is configured to impart a surface energy of less than about 15 mJ/m.'}6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the additive layer comprises a —CFterminal fluorous compound.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:cleaning the surface of the substrate before applying the first layer.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein cleaning the surface of the substrate comprises a step selected form the group consisting of applying a surfactant claim 7 , applying an alcohol claim 7 , applying an aromatic solvent claim 7 , applying a functional organic solvent claim 7 , ...
