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10-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000012411U1

1. Устройство для модификации моторного топлива, включающее генератор озона, емкость для топлива, в верхней и нижней частях которой имеются подводящий и отводящий патрубки и соответствующие узлы фильтрации пены и нерастворимых включений, а в верхней части, кроме того, размещен обратный воздушный клапан, причем отводящий патрубок сообщен с помпой, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено установленными в последовательную технологическую линию емкостью для исходного продукта, насосом, эжектором, камерой смешивания, в середине которой размещен электрогидродинамический преобразователь течений, диффузором, проточным химическим реактором, выход которого сообщен с входным патрубком емкости для топлива, выход помпы сообщен с емкостью для исходного продукта, при этом выход генератора озона сообщен с патрубком всасывания эжектора. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что в верхней части емкости для исходного продукта имеется обратный воздушный клапан. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что на внешней поверхности камеры смешивания и диффузора расположены электромагнитные флотаторы. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что проточный химический реактор имеет фильтр на основе ионнообменных смол. 5. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что емкость для топлива и/или емкость для исходного продукта имеют соответствующую арматуру для слива топлива. (19) RU (11) 12 411 (13) U1 (51) МПК C10G 27/04 (2000.01) F02M 25/10 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 99121736/20, 20.10.1999 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.10.1999 (46) Опубликовано: 10.01.2000 (72) Автор(ы): Гандельман Л.Я., Ляпин А.Г. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Гандельман Леонид Яковлевич R U Адрес для переписки: 127616, Москва, ул.Красностуденческая, д.7, кв.109, Гандельману Л.Я. (71) Заявитель(и): Гандельман Леонид Яковлевич 1 2 4 1 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для модификации ...

27-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000055631U1

1. Установка очистки нефти от сероводорода и легких меркаптанов, включающая подводящий трубопровод сернистой нефти, блок нейтрализации сероводорода и легких меркаптанов, содержащий узел приема и хранения реагента-нейтрализатора, насос-дозатор, напорный трубопровод которого соединен с трубопроводом сернистой нефти, смесительное устройство, установленное на трубопроводе нефти после точки ввода реагента-нейтрализатора, буферную емкость, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена подводящим трубопроводом малосернистого или сероочищенного углеводородного газа и дополнительно содержит колонну отдувки газом, установленную на входе установки, и трубчатый реактор, выполненный в виде трубопровода расчетной длины от смесительного устройства до буферной емкости, при этом верхний боковой штуцер колонны соединен с подводящим трубопроводом сернистой нефти, нижний боковой штуцер ее соединен с подводящим трубопроводом углеводородного газа, куб ее соединен трубопроводом со смесительным устройством, а верх ее сообщен с системой сбора и утилизации нефтяных газов и/или с факельной системой. 2. Установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что трубчатый реактор снабжен статическим(и) смесителем(ями) реакционной смеси. 3. Установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве смесительного устройства для смешения реагента с нефтью использован центробежный насос или проточный роторный смеситель типа ПРГ, или диафрагменный смеситель. 4. Установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве реагента-нейтрализатора сероводорода и легких меркаптанов используют продукт(ы) взаимодействия формальдегида (формалина или параформальдегида) с первичным и/или вторичным органическим амином или аммиаком, предпочтительно с алканоламином или алкиламином, или водно-щелочные растворы нитрита натрия или пероксида водорода. 5. Установка очистки нефти от сероводорода и легких меркаптанов, включающая подводящий трубопровод сернистой нефти, блок нейтрализации сероводорода и легких меркаптанов, содержащий узел приема и хранения реагента- ...

27-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000061282U1

Установка очистки углеводородного сырья от сероорганических соединений, содержащая блок демеркаптанизации углеводородного сырья раствором щелочи с линиями подачи углеводородного сырья и выхода очищенных углеводородов и насыщенного меркаптидами щелочного раствора, блок адсорбционной осушки очищенных углеводородов с линией выхода осушенных углеводородов, блок регенерации насыщенного меркаптидами щелочного раствора с линиями выхода дисульфидов и регенерированной щелочи на блок демеркаптанизации углеводородного сырья, отличающаяся тем, что она дополнительно содержит блок фракционирования дисульфидов, установленный после блока регенерации насыщенного меркаптидами щелочного раствора, с линиями выхода диметилдисульфидов и кубового остатка, включающий адсорберы, соединенные через трубное пространство рекуперативного теплообменника с ректификационной колонной, верх которой через межтрубное пространство рекуперативного теплообменника, холодильник и рефлюксную емкость соединен с линией выхода диметилдисульфидов, причем последняя соединена линией орошения с верхом ректификационной колонны, низ которой соединен через второй холодильник и вторую рефлюксную емкость с линией выхода кубового остатка. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 61 282 (13) U1 (51) МПК C10G 27/06 (2006.01) C07C 319/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006132630/22 , 11.09.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.09.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 27.02.2007 U 1 6 1 2 8 2 R U Формула полезной модели Установка очистки углеводородного сырья от сероорганических соединений, содержащая блок демеркаптанизации углеводородного сырья раствором щелочи с линиями подачи углеводородного сырья и выхода очищенных углеводородов и насыщенного меркаптидами щелочного раствора, блок адсорбционной осушки очищенных углеводородов с линией выхода осушенных углеводородов, блок регенерации насыщенного меркаптидами ...

27-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000065047U1
Принадлежит: ООО "Сервис-Уфа"

1. Электрохимическое устройство для удаления соединений серы из углеводородов и/или их смесей с водой, включающее источник постоянного тока и установленные в корпусе электроды, отличающееся тем, что в качестве корпуса используют действующее оборудование для добычи, транспорта и/или подготовки нефти. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что электроды в виде полуцилиндических втулок установлены непосредственно в скважине или в трубопроводе. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что пластинчатые электроды установлены на нижней образующей сепаратора-отстойника. 4. Устройство по одному из пп.1-3, отличающееся тем, что анод изготовлен или покрыт токопроводящим материалом, обеспечивающим инертность анода в условиях окисления хлорид-иона, например, изготовлен или покрыт окисью рутения, стеклоуглеродом, графитом. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 65 047 (13) U1 (51) МПК C10G 27/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007113824/22 , 12.04.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.04.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 27.07.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ООО "Сервис-Уфа" (RU) U 1 6 5 0 4 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Электрохимическое устройство для удаления соединений серы из углеводородов и/или их смесей с водой, включающее источник постоянного тока и установленные в корпусе электроды, отличающееся тем, что в качестве корпуса используют действующее оборудование для добычи, транспорта и/или подготовки нефти. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что электроды в виде полуцилиндических втулок установлены непосредственно в скважине или в трубопроводе. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что пластинчатые электроды установлены на нижней образующей сепаратора-отстойника. 4. Устройство по одному из пп.1-3, отличающееся тем, что анод изготовлен или покрыт токопроводящим материалом, обеспечивающим инертность анода в условиях окисления ...

10-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000073799U1

1. Установка очистки нефти, включающая подводящий трубопровод сернистой нефти, блок нейтрализации сероводорода и легких меркаптанов, содержащий узел приема и хранения реагента-нейтрализатора, насос(ы)-дозатор(ы), напорный трубопровод которого(ых) соединен с трубопроводом сернистой нефти, смесительное устройство, установленное на трубопроводе сернистой нефти, и буферную емкость, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена трубчатым реактором, выполненным в виде трубопровода расчетной длины от смесительного устройства до буферной емкости, и, по меньшей мере, одной дополнительной буферной емкостью, вход которой через запорную арматуру соединен с трубчатым реактором. 2. Установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что напорный трубопровод насоса(ов)-дозатора(ов) снабжен гасителем пульсаций давления, жидкостным фильтром(ами), обратным клапаном и форсункой(ами) или перфорированной трубкой с заглушенным концом, установленной(ыми) в трубопроводе сернистой нефти перед смесительным устройством. 3. Установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве химического реагента, обеспечивающего одновременную нейтрализацию сероводорода и легких меркаптанов, преимущественно используют нейтрализатор на основе продукта(ов) взаимодействия формальдегида (формалина или параформальдегида) с первичным и/или вторичным амином(ами), и/или аммиаком, или нитрита натрия, или пероксида водорода. 4. Установка очистки нефти, включающая подводящий трубопровод сернистой нефти, блок нейтрализации сероводорода и легких меркаптанов, содержащий узел приема и хранения реагента-нейтрализатора, насос(ы)-дозатор(ы), напорный трубопровод которого(ых) соединен с трубопроводом сернистой нефти, смесительное устройство, установленное на трубопроводе сернистой нефти, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена электродегидратором и дополнительно содержит трубчатый реактор, выполненный в виде трубопровода расчетной длины от смесительного устройства до электродегидратора, трубопровод подачи пресной промывочной воды, соединенный с трубчатым ...

10-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000082698U1

1. Установка очистки нефти от сероводорода, включающая подводящий трубопровод сернистой нефти, сырьевую емкость, узел приготовления и хранения раствора катализатора окисления, и блок окислительной очистки нефти, содержащий насос(ы)-дозатор(ы) раствора катализатора, центробежный насос нефти, всасывающий трубопровод которого соединен с напорным трубопроводом насоса(ов)-дозатора(ов) и сырьевой емкостью, подводящий трубопровод сжатого воздуха, устройство для смешения воздуха с очищаемой нефтью, реактор окисления, емкость для сбора реакционной смеси, нижняя (кубовая) часть которой соединена трубопроводом с сырьевой емкостью для возврата части реакционной смеси на смешение с сернистой нефтью, и нефтегазовый сепаратор реакционной смеси, вход которого соединен трубопроводом с емкостью сбора реакционной смеси, а верх - с трубопроводом для отвода отработанного воздуха на факел, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена, по меньшей мере, двумя буферными емкостями, параллельно соединенными через запорную арматуру с нижней частью нефтегазового сепаратора реакционной смеси с возможностью последовательного приема разгазированной нефти из куба сепаратора, трубопроводом(ами) подачи пресной промывочной воды и/или деэмульгатора, соединенным(ыми) со входным трубопроводом нефтегазового сепаратора; при этом сырьевая емкость и емкость для сбора реакционной смеси выполнены в виде нефтегазового сепаратора с возможностью сепарации снижением давления соответственно смеси сернистой нефти с рециркулируемой реакционной смесью от содержащегося газа и реакционной смеси от отработанного воздуха. 2. Установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что сырьевая емкость-сепаратор оснащена барботером газа, установленным в ее нижней (кубовой) части и соединенным трубопроводом через регулятор давления с верхней частью емкости-сепаратора реакционной смеси. 3. Установка по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена подводящим трубопроводом малосернистого или сероочищенного углеводородного газа, соединенным через регулятор ...

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Process for the oxidation of waste alkali under superatmospheric pressure

Номер: US20120085711A1
Принадлежит: Linde GmbH

The invention relates to a process for the treatment of a used waste alkali, in which the used waste alkali is oxidized at a superatmospheric pressure in the range from 60 bar to 200 bar. The pressure of the used waste alkali L is increased and then heated by indirect heat exchange. The heated used waste alkali is conveyed into a separator, wherein vaporized aqueous phase is separated from the used waste alkali. The resultant liquid phase is brought to the desired reaction pressure and introduced into an oxidation reactor. In the oxidation reactor, the used waste alkali is oxidized. In a first reaction, thiosulphates are formed from the sulphides. In a second reaction, the thiosulphates are converted into more stable sulphates.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Process, method, and system for removing heavy metals from fluids

Номер: US20120125816A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

Trace element levels of heavy metals in crude oil are reduced by contacting the crude oil with an oxidizing agent, extracting heavy metals into a water phase for subsequent separation from the crude oil. The oxidizing agent is selected from the group of hydroperoxides, organic peroxides, inorganic peracids and salts thereof, organic peracids and salts thereof, and ozone. In one embodiment, the oxidizing agent converts heavy metals into the heavy metal cations in a water-oil emulsion, which can be subsequently separated from the crude oil, for a treated crude oil having reduced levels of heavy metals. In one embodiment, at least a complexing agent can be added to facilitate the removal by forming soluble heavy metal complexes in the water phase.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Process, method, and system for removing heavy metals from fluids

Номер: US20120125818A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

Trace element levels of heavy metals in crude oil are reduced by contacting the crude oil with an oxidizing agent, converting heavy metals into heavy metal cations for subsequent separation from the crude oil. At least a complexing agent is added to convert the heavy metal cations into soluble heavy metal complexes in a water phase, which can be separated from the crude oil, for a treated crude oil having reduced levels of heavy metals. In one embodiment, the complexing agent is selected from the group of metal halides, and the oxidizing agent is selected from the group of organic peracids, inorganic peracids and salts thereof.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Process, method, and system for removing heavy metals from fluids

Номер: US20120125820A1
Автор: Sujin Yean
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

Trace amount levels of heavy metals such as arsenic in crude oil are reduced by contacting the crude oil with an oxidizing agent, extracting heavy metals into a water phase for subsequent separation from the crude oil. In one embodiment, the oxidizing agent is selected from the group of hydroperoxides, organic peroxides, inorganic peracids and salts thereof, organic peracids and salts thereof, halogens such as iodine (I 2 ), bromine (Br 2 ), and ozone. In one embodiment, at least a complexing agent selected from the group of metal m halides and/or sulfur compounds can be added to facilitate the removal of arsenic from crude oil by forming soluble heavy metal complexes in the water phase.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Treatment of hydrocarbon fluids with ozone

Номер: US20120247941A1
Автор: Catalin Ivan, Neale Browne
Принадлежит: MI LLC

A method of treating a hydrocarbon fluid that includes contacting the hydrocarbon fluid with an effective amount of ozone. A method for separating contaminants from a contaminated material includes supplying the contaminated material to a processing chamber, moving the contaminated material through the processing chamber, heating the contaminated material by externally heating the processing chamber so as to volatilize the contaminants in the contaminated material, removing vapor resulting from the heating, wherein the vapor comprises the volatilized contaminants, collecting, condensing, and recovering the volatilized contaminants, and contacting the volatilized contaminants with an effective amount of ozone.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Catalyst for Akili-Free Purification of Oil Raw Materials from Mercaptans

Номер: US20130137888A1
Принадлежит: Greendane Ltd

A catalyst for alkali-free purification of oil raw materials includes a solid metalocomplex or a liquid metalocomplex with a general formula (Cu M Cl)20(Li)2̂(L 2 )î, where Li is amino alcohol, L2 is acetonitryl or single atom alcohol.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168293A1

Trace amount levels of heavy metals such as mercury in crude oil are reduced by contacting the crude oil with an oxidizing agent and then with a reducing agent. In one embodiment, the oxidizing agent is selected from the group of hydroperoxides, organic peroxides, inorganic peracids and salts thereof, organic peracids and salts thereof, halogens such as iodine (I), bromine (Br), and ozone. The treatment converts non-volatile mercury in the crude oil into a volatile form for subsequent mercury removal by any of stripping, scrubbing, adsorption, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, at least 50% of the mercury is removed. In another embodiment, the removal rate is at least 99%. 1. A method for reducing a trace amount of mercury in a crude oil , comprising:providing a crude oil having a first concentration of non-volatile mercury,mixing into the crude oil an effective amount of an oxidizing agent;mixing into the crude oil an effective amount of a reducing agent to convert at least a portion of the non-volatile mercury into a volatile mercury;removing the volatile mercury by at least one of stripping, scrubbing, adsorption, and combinations thereof to obtain a crude oil have a reduced concentration of non-volatile mercury which is less than 50% of the first concentration of non-volatile mercury.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the crude oil has a first concentration of non-volatile mercury of at least 50 ppbw.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the crude oil has a first concentration of non-volatile mercury of at least 100 ppbw.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the crude oil has a first concentration of non-volatile mercury of at least 50 ppbw claim 1 , and wherein the non-volatile mercury comprises at least 25% of total mercury present in the crude oil.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the non-volatile mercury comprises at least 50% of total mercury present in the crude oil.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the non-volatile mercury comprises at least 66% of ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Using supercritical fluids to refine hydrocarbons

Номер: US20130206645A1
Автор: Stephen Lee Yarbro
Принадлежит: Stephen Lee Yarbro

A system and method for reactively refining hydrocarbons, such as heavy oils with API gravities of less than 20 degrees and bitumen-like hydrocarbons with viscosities greater than 1000 cp at standard temperature and pressure, using a selected fluid at supercritical conditions. A reaction portion of the system and method delivers lightweight, volatile hydrocarbons to an associated contacting unit which operates in mixed subcritical/supercritical or supercritical modes. Using thermal diffusion, multiphase contact, or a momentum generating pressure gradient, the contacting unit separates the reaction products into portions that are viable for use or sale without further conventional refining and hydro-processing techniques.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Methods for converting petroleum based oil into fuel

Номер: US20130281746A1
Автор: Philip Allen Boe
Принадлежит: OTG Research LLC

Methods for converting petroleum based oil into fuel generally include forming a conversion mixture of an alcohol and a base, and adding the conversion mixture to petroleum based oil, such as used motor oil, to form a reaction mixture. The methods can also include adding a high nitrate compound and an amino acid to the reaction mixture and ozonizing the reaction mixture. The result of the methods can include a three phase system in which the bottom phase is asphalt oil, the middle phase is diesel fuel or jet fuel, and the top phase is sulfuric acid. The three phases can be separated to obtain the final diesel fuel or jet fuel product.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334103A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

An apparatus and process for desulfurization of hydrocarbon feeds is disclosed in which pure nitrous oxide, or a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen or air, is used as a gaseous oxidant. Organosulfur compounds are converted to their corresponding oxides sulfones and/or sulfoxides in an oxidation reactor, and oxides are subsequently removed from the oxidation reactor effluent to recover a reduced sulfur-content hydrocarbon product. 1. A process for reducing the content of organosulfur compounds in a liquid hydrocarbon feedstream comprising:contacting the feedstream with an oxidation catalyst and an oxidant consisting essentially of nitrous oxide at a temperature of at least 150° C. and in an oxidant-to-feedstream molar ratio of 10:1 to 1:1 to produce oxidized organosulfur compounds; andremoving at least a majority of the oxidized organosulfur compounds from the treated feedstream.2. A process for reducing the content of organosulfur compounds in a liquid hydrocarbon feedstream comprising:contacting the feedstream with an oxidation catalyst and an oxidant consisting essentially of nitrous oxide and a source of gaseous oxygen at a temperature of at least 150° C. and in an oxidant-to-feedstream volumetric ratio of 10:1 to 1:1 to produce oxidized organosulfur compounds; andremoving at least a majority of the oxidized organosulfur compounds from the treated feedstream.3. A process for reducing the content of organosulfur compounds in a liquid hydrocarbon feedstream comprising:forming a nitrous oxide oxidant by reaction of ammonia and oxygen;contacting the feedstream with an oxidation catalyst and the nitrous oxide oxidant at a temperature of at least 150° C. and in an oxidant-to-feedstream volumetric ratio of 10:1 to 1:1 to produce oxidized organosulfur compounds; andremoving at least a majority of the oxidized organosulfur compounds from the treated feedstream.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein forming the nitrous oxide oxidant occurs in situ within a vessel in which ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021100A1

This invention relates to a visible-light-responsive photocatalyst for photocatalyticly oxidation desulphurization and method for preparation and application thereof. The catalyst is comprised of one type of metal M, one type of metal oxide MOand BiVOas the supporter, wherein the mass ratio of the sum of the two types of metal (M+M) to BiVOis from 1:5000 to 1:50; the mass ratio of the type of metal Mto the type of metal Mis from 1:50 to 50:1. The catalyst is used in the photocatalytic oxidation desulphurization. Under mild condition (room temperature, 1 atm), using Oas the oxidant and xenon lamp (wavelength 420 nm<λ<700 nm) as the light source, avoid the oil's absorption of light (mainly in the violet area which is below 420 nm), the desulphurization ratio of thiophene can be above 90%, meanwhile the oil won't be excited. The sulfur in thiophene can be oxidized to SOand absorbed by the absorbent after escaped from the reaction system. Thus extraction of the conventional oxidative desulphurization can be saved to lower the operation cost. The visible-light-responsive photocatalyst can be widely used in oil compared with the UV-light-responsive photocatalyst. We can recover the photocatalyst after the reaction by subsiding or centrifugation. 1. A visible-light-responsive photocatalyst for photocatalytic oxidation desulphurization , which is comprised of one type of metal M , one type of metal oxide MOand BiVOas the supporter , wherein the mass ratio of the sum of the two types of metal (M+M) to BiVOis from 1:5000 to 1:50; the mass ratio of the type of metal Mto the type of metal Mis from 1:50 to 50:1; wherein the metal Mis selected from one of Pt , Pd or Au , and the metal Mis selected from one of Ru or Ir.2. A method for preparing the photocatalyst of claim 1 , comprising the steps of:{'sub': '4', 'a) firstly prepare BiVOas the supporter{'sub': '3', 'sup': '−1', 'adding bismuth salt and vanadic salt with the mol ratio of 1:0.5 to 1:2 into 2 M HNO(aq) to form a ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for extracting sulfur compounds in a hydrocarbon stream

Номер: US20140066682A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

One exemplary embodiment can be a process for extracting sulfur compounds in a hydrocarbon stream. The process can include feeding a hydrocarbon stream containing sulfur compounds to a prewash zone containing an alkali, withdrawing a prewashed hydrocarbon stream from the prewash zone, and feeding the prewashed hydrocarbon stream to a mass transfer zone for extracting one or more thiol compounds from the prewashed hydrocarbon stream. Often, the mass transfer zone includes a hollow fiber membrane contactor.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001134A1
Автор: Al-Shafei Emad Naji

Hydrocarbon feedstocks are desulfurized by conversion of organosulfur compounds in a mixture of hydrocarbons into sulfoxides and/or sulfones. The oxidant used to promote oxidation of organosulfur-compounds is electrosynthesized in-situ. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. A process for converting organosulfur compounds in a liquid hydrocarbon feedstock containing , including in-situ production of oxidant , the process comprising:a. providing an electrochemical reactor in which both in-situ production of oxidant and oxidative conversion of organosulfur compounds occur, the reactor including a gas diffusion electrode as a cathode in communication with a catholyte compartment, and an anode within an anolyte compartment, the cathode and the anode electrically coupled to an electrical power source and spaced apart from one another, and the catholyte compartment and anolyte compartment in fluid isolation and ionic communication via an ion-conducting membrane;b. conveying acidic catholyte and the liquid hydrocarbon feedstock into the catholyte compartment, and conveying acidic anolyte into the anolyte compartment, wherein hydrogen peroxide and hydrogen peroxide ions are electrosynthesized,c. oxidizing organosulfur compounds in the hydrocarbon feedstock with oxidant formed in step (b) to produce oxidation products sulfoxides and/or sulfones of the organosulfur compounds; andd. removing a mixture of catholyte and hydrocarbons including oxidation products from the catholyte compartment.8. The process as in claim 7 , wherein the catholyte comprises 0.01 to 1.0 M of NaSOadjusted with HSOto a pH 1 to 3 and the anolyte comprises 0.05 to 0.8 M HSO.9. The process as in claim 7 , wherein the catholyte comprises 0.01 to 1.0 M of HCl mixed with 0.1 to 1.0 M NaCl and the anolyte comprises 0.1 to 1.0 M HCl.10. The process as in claim 7 , wherein the catholyte comprises 0.05 to 1.0 M of HSOmixed with 0.05 to 1.0 M KSOand the anolyte comprises ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Supercritical Water Separation Process

Номер: US20200002629A1

A supercritical water separation process and system is disclosed for the removal of metals, minerals, particulate, asphaltenes, and resins from a contaminated organic material. The present invention takes advantage of the physical and chemical properties of supercritical water to effect the desired separation of contaminants from organic materials and permit scale-up. At a temperature and pressure above the critical point of water (374° C., 22.1 MPa), nonpolar organic compounds become miscible in supercritical water (SCW) and polar compounds and asphaltenes become immiscible. The process and system disclosed continuously separates immiscible contaminants and solids from the supercritical water and clean oil product solution. The present invention creates a density gradient that enables over 95% recovery of clean oil and over 99% reduction of contaminants such as asphaltenes and particulate matter depending on the properties of the contaminated organic material. 1. A process for treating a feedstock comprising:delivering a feedstock and supercritical water into a hydrothermal separation vessel, said hydrothermal separation vessel including an upper separation zone, a mid-level mixing zone, and a bottom concentration zone, wherein the feedstock and supercritical water are fed separately into the mixing zone to form a mixture, said mixing zone providing sufficient shear and mixing to cause dissolution of any soluble components of the feedstock into the supercritical water;maintaining a temperature and pressure within the hydrothermal separation vessel to achieve a vertical density gradient therein such that the separation zone exhibits a lower density than the concentration zone to form a product stream and a stream containing insoluble components; andremoving the product stream from the separation zone and the stream containing insoluble components from the concentration zone.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein any components present in the feedstock that are ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002560A1

A method of treating a contaminated oil comprising preparing a brine solution, adding ozone to the brine solution to produce ozonated brine solution, adding a volume of ozonated brine solution to a volume of the contaminated oil, mixing the volumes of contaminated oil and ozonated brine solution with coagulant and surfactant at a shear rate sufficiently high so as to cause formation of an emulsion of the contaminated oil and the brine solution, stopping the mixing, thereby causing the emulsion to separate into an aqueous brine liquid phase and an oil liquid phase, separating the brine liquid phase from the oil liquid phase, and separating at least one contaminant from the oil liquid phase to produce a volume of purified oil. 1. A method of treating a contaminated oil , the method comprising:a) preparing a brine solution;b) adding ozone to the brine solution to produce ozonated brine solution;c) adding a volume of ozonated brine solution to a volume of the contaminated oil;d) adding a coagulant to the volume of contaminated oil;e) adding a surfactant to the volume of contaminated oil;f) mixing the volumes of contaminated oil and ozonated brine solution, the coagulant, and the surfactant at a shear rate sufficiently high so as to cause formation of an emulsion of the contaminated oil and the brine solution;g) stopping the mixing, thereby causing the emulsion to separate into an aqueous brine liquid phase and an oil liquid phase;h) separating the brine liquid phase from the oil liquid phase; andi) separating at least one contaminant from the oil liquid phase to produce a volume of purified oil.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ozone concentration in the ozonated brine solution is at least one part per million of ozone.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ozone concentration in the ozonated brine solution is up to 15 parts per million of ozone.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adding ozone to the brine solution is performed by discharging bubbles of ozone ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002562A1

The invention relates to systems and methods for ultrasonic oxidative desulfurization of heavy fuel oils. In various embodiments, the methods include combinations of ultrasonic sulfone decomposition processes and/or catalytic decomposition processes. 1. A method for desulfurization of a heavy fuel oil containing sulfur comprising the steps of:a) subjecting a heavy fuel oil to an ultrasonic oxidation process in the presence ofan aqueous oxidizing agent to form a sulfone rich effluent;b) subjecting the sulfone rich effluent to one or more of:i) a hydro catalytic sulfones decomposition process (HDP), orii) a steam catalytic sulfone decomposition process (SDP)to form a desulfurized heavy fuel oil.2. The method as in where step b) i) includes processing the sulfone rich effluent through a hydro catalytic reactor having a reducing/desulfonating hydrogenating catalyst selected from: MoC claim 1 , MoOC claim 1 , MoOCNo.3. The method as in where step b) i) includes processing the sulfone rich effluent through a hydro catalytic reactor having an oxidizing/desulfonating hydroprocessing catalyst selected from metallic carbides claim 1 , oxy-carbides and nitrides and mixtures of thereof.4. The method as in where step b) i) includes processing the sulfone rich effluent through a hydro catalytic reactor having an oxidizing/desulfonating hydroprocessing catalyst selected from molybdenum and tungsten and mixtures thereof.5. The method as in where step b) i) includes processing the sulfone rich effluent through a hydro catalytic reactor having an oxidizing/desulfonating hydroprocessing catalyst selected from bi- claim 1 , tri- claim 1 , tetra or penta-metallic oxides combinations having elements from groups 1 and 2 including Na claim 1 , K claim 1 , Cs claim 1 , Ca claim 1 , Mg or Ba;elements from groups 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 10, 11 including Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Mo, Zr or Ce and elements from groups 13, 14, 15 including Al, Si, P which maybe impregnated with noble metals ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Methods for converting motor oil into fuel

Номер: US20160010009A1
Автор: Philip Allen Boe
Принадлежит: OTG Research LLC

Methods for converting motor oil into fuel generally include forming a conversion mixture of an alcohol and a base, and adding the conversion mixture to motor oil, to form a reaction mixture. The methods can also include adding a high nitrate compound and an amino acid to the reaction mixture and ozonizing the reaction mixture. The result of the methods can include a three phase system in which the bottom phase is asphalt oil, the middle phase is diesel fuel or jet fuel, and the top phase is sulfuric acid. The three phases can be separated to obtain the final diesel fuel or jet fuel product.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Supercritical Water Separation Process

Номер: US20180010057A1

A supercritical water separation process and system is disclosed for the removal of metals, minerals, particulate, asphaltenes, and resins from a contaminated organic material. The present invention takes advantage of the physical and chemical properties of supercritical water to effect the desired separation of contaminants from organic materials and permit scale-up. At a temperature and pressure above the critical point of water (374° C., 22.1 MPa), nonpolar organic compounds become miscible in supercritical water (SCW) and polar compounds and asphaltenes become immiscible. The process and system disclosed continuously separates immiscible contaminants and solids from the supercritical water and clean oil product solution. The present invention creates a density gradient that enables over 95% recovery of clean oil and over 99% reduction of contaminants such as asphaltenes and particulate matter depending on the properties of the contaminated organic material. 1. A process for separating contaminants from a contaminated feedstock comprised of:combining a contaminated feedstock and supercritical water to form a supercritical water and feedstock solution in a hydrothermal separation vessel, said hydrothermal separation vessel including an upper separation zone and a bottom concentration zone;maintaining a temperature and pressure within the hydrothermal separation vessel to achieve a vertical density gradient therein such that the separation zone of the hydrothermal separation vessel exhibits a lower density than the concentration zone of the hydrothermal separation vessel, to cause the contaminants to separate from the solution in the separation zone and to form a product stream;removing the product stream from the separation zone of the hydrothermal separation vessel; andremoving the contaminants from the concentration zone of the hydrothermal separation vessel.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the separation zone is maintained at a pressure greater than 22.1 MPa ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Process for Producing Carbon Nanofibers and/or Carbon Nanotubes

Номер: US20150018201A1

The invention is directed to a process for producing carbon nanofibers and/or carbon nanotubes, which process comprises pyrolysing a particulate cellulosic and/or carbohydrate substrate that has been impregnated with a compound of an element or elements, the metal or alloy, respectively, of which is capable of forming carbides, in a substantially oxygen free, volatile silicon compound containing atmosphere, optionally in the presence of a carbon compound. 115-. (canceled)16. Process for producing carbon nano fibers and/or tubes , which process comprises pyrolyzing a particulate cellulosic and/or carbohydrate substrate that has been impregnated with a metal compound or combination of metal compounds , which are capable of forming carbides , in a substantially oxygen free , volatile silicon compound containing atmosphere , optionally in the presence of a carbon compound.17. Process according to claim 16 , wherein the said substrate is selected from microcrystalline cellulose claim 16 , sugar claim 16 , or a mixture of sugar and microcrystalline cellulose claim 16 , and soy meal.18. Process according to claim 16 , wherein the substrate comprises carbonaceous bodies produced by a hydrothermal treatment of agricultural materials such as sugars claim 16 , starch claim 16 , soy meal claim 16 , (hemi)cellulose; dehydrated products of the above compounds.19. Process according to claim 16 , wherein the substrate is impregnated with a compound of nickel claim 16 , cobalt claim 16 , iron and/or molybdenum claim 16 , followed by drying and pyrolyzing.20. Process according to claim 16 , wherein the said substrate is pyrolysed in the presence of a silicon rubber compound.21. Process according to claim 16 , wherein the said silicon compound is an alkyl siloxane.22. Process according to claim 21 , wherein the said siloxane compound is a trimer of dimethyl siloxane.23. Process according to claim 16 , wherein the pyrolyzing is at a temperature between 500 and 1000° C. for a period ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024399A1

The present disclosure relates to a process for reducing the sulphur content of hydrocarbon feedstocks such as Natural Gas Condensate, Kerosene, Jet Fuel, Diesel, Vacuum Gas Oil and Fuel Oil. The process uses a tailored oxidation process comprising one or two oxidation steps to produce sulphoxides and/or sulphones. These sulphoxides and sulphones, whilst being still present in the liquid hydrocarbon streams, are subsequently extracted thereby producing a low sulphur hydrocarbon stream and optionally following further treatment of the sulphoxides and/or sulphones, produce a low sulphur aromatic hydrocarbon stream and an aqueous stream of sodium sulphite or sulphuric acid. The low sulphur hydrocarbon stream and low sulphur aromatic hydrocarbon stream may be individually recycled or combined for recycling. 2. The process according to wherein the primary oxidant is catalysed and co-catalysed hydrogen peroxide.3. The process according to or wherein the primary oxidant is hydrogen peroxide catalysed by homogenous or heterogeneous catalysts claim 1 , including catalysts selected from the group including transition metals claim 1 , noble metals and breakdown rate control catalysts; and co-catalysed by a Phase Transfer Catalyst (PTC).43. The process according to ant one of - wherein the catalyst is phosphotungstic acid or a heterogeneous catalyst such as “Oxy-catalyst”.5. The process according to wherein the PTC is a quaternary ammonium salt.6. The process of wherein the quaternary ammonium salt is selected from the group consisting of quaternary ammonium hydrogen sulphates claim 5 , such as tri-C8-10-alkylmethyl claim 5 , hydrogen sulfates (e.g. Ultra C); methyltrialkyl(C-C)ammonium chloride (e.g. Adogen® 464); and N-Methyl-N claim 5 ,N-dioctyloctane-1-ammonium salts such as the chloride (e.g. Aliquat® 336).7. The process according to wherein the primary oxidant is hydrogen peroxide catalysed by phosphotungstic acid comprising sodium tungstate dihydrate and phosphoric acid ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027927A1
Принадлежит: INTRAMICRON, INC.

Catalysts for oxidative sulfur removal and methods of making and using thereof are described herein. The catalysts contain one or more reactive metal salts dispersed on one or more substrates. Suitable reactive metal salts include those salts containing multivariable metals having variable valence or oxidation states and having catalytic activity with sulfur compounds present in gaseous fuel streams. In some embodiments, the catalyst contains one or more compounds that function as an oxygen sponge under the reaction conditions for oxidative sulfur removal. The catalysts can be used to oxidatively remove sulfur-containing compounds from fuel streams, particularly gaseous fuel streams having high sulfur content. Due to the reduced catalyst cost, anticipated long catalyst life and reduced adsorbent consumption, the catalysts described herein are expected to provide a 20-60% reduction in annual desulfurization cost for biogas with sulfur contents ranges from 1000-5000 ppmv compared with the best adsorbent approach. 128-. (canceled)29. A method for removing sulfur-containing compounds from fluid fuel streams , the method comprising contacting the gaseous fuel stream with one or more catalysts comprising one or more substrates and one or more reactive metal salts to convert the sulfur-containing compounds to elemental sulfur , wherein the one or more reactive metal salts are selected from chlorides of transition metals having multiple oxidation states , sulfates of transition metals have multiple oxidation states , and combinations thereof , wherein the metal is in the lowest possible oxidation state.30. The method of claim 29 , wherein the method further comprises contacting the gaseous fuel stream with the one or more catalysts in the presence of an oxygen containing gas.31. The method of claim 30 , wherein the oxygen-containing gas is selected from the group consisting of oxygen claim 30 , sulfur dioxide claim 30 , air claim 30 , ozone claim 30 , hydrogen peroxide ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031736A1

Disclosed herein are processes for producing and separating ethane and ethylene. In some embodiments, an oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) product gas comprising ethane and ethylene is introduced to a separation unit comprising two separators. Within the separation unit, the OCM product gas is separated to provide a C-rich effluent, a methane-rich effluent, and a nitrogen-rich effluent. Advantageously, in some embodiments the separation is achieved with little or no external refrigeration requirement. 155.-. (canceled)56. A system for providing Ccompounds via oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) , comprising:at least one catalytic OCM reactor system including at least one OCM catalyst to provide an OCM product gas including at least ethane, ethylene, oxygen and nitrogen, wherein each OCM reactor system includes at least a means to provide a gas mixture including at least methane and oxygen prior to introduction to at least one OCM reactor; and{'sub': 2', '2, 'a first separations system to cryogenically separate the OCM product gas into at least a C-rich effluent that includes at least one Ccompound and a gas mixture effluent that includes methane and nitrogen.'}57. The system of wherein at least a portion of the methane in the gas mixture is provided by a feedstock gas and the feedstock gas is heated to about 600° C. or less and is at a pressure of 150 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) or less.58. The system of claim 56 , further comprising:at least one OCM product gas compressor to increase the pressure of the OCM product gas to about 200 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) or more prior to the first separations system.59. The system of claim 58 , further comprising:{'sub': '2', 'at least one turboexpander to expand a first portion of the high pressure OCM product gas and to provide a mechanical shaft work output prior to separating the first portion of the OCM product gas into the C-rich effluent and the gas mixture effluent.'}60. The system of further ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032547A1
Автор: KOSEOGLU Omer Refa

A light naphtha feedstock containing olefins is introduced with hydrogen sulfide into a mercaptanization zone for conversion of the olefins into a mercaptan stream that is substantially free of olefins, after which the mercaptans are sent with an alkali caustic solution into a mercaptan oxidation treatment unit (MEROX) to produce a spent caustic stream and sweet light naphtha product stream that is substantially free of olefins and of mercaptans. Disulfide oils are produced from the wet air oxidation of the spent caustic, and the disulfide oils can be further processed to provide high purity olefin building blocks. 1. A process for treating an olefin-containing light naphtha feedstock , the process comprising:{'sub': '2', 'a. introducing the light naphtha feedstock containing olefins and hydrogen sulfide into a mercaptanization zone containing a catalyst for reaction of the HS with the olefins to produce a treated effluent stream containing mercaptans that is substantially free of olefins;'}b. passing the treated effluent stream containing mercaptans and an alkali caustic solution to a mercaptan oxidation treatment zone to produce a spent caustic and alkali metal alkane thiolate mixture stream and a sweet light naphtha product stream that is substantially free of olefins and of mercaptans;c. recovering the sweet light naphtha product stream;d. passing the spent caustic and alkali metal alkane thiolate mixture stream, catalyst, and air into a wet air oxidation zone to product a regenerated spent caustic stream and a disulfide oils product stream; ande. recovering the disulfide oils product stream.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising passing the treated effluent stream to a fractionation zone to produce a light naphtha product stream that is recovered claim 1 , and a mercaptan stream that is the feed to the mercaptan oxidation unit treatment.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the sweet light naphtha product stream comprises paraffins claim 2 , naphthenes ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048006A1

In a catalytic treatment process, mercaptans in sour hydrocarbon are oxidized to disulfide oils using an aqueous treatment solution containing a chelated polyvalent metal catalyst, alkali metal hydroxide, and the alkali metal salt of at least one alcohol in a non-dispersive mixing apparatus wherein an upgraded hydrocarbon containing the disulfide oils is produced. 1. A method for treating a crude oil feed containing mercaptans , comprising a continuous mercaptan treatment process having the following steps ,(a) continuously mixing a feed consisting essentially of crude oil, where the crude oil contains mercaptans, with an oxygen containing gas to form a liquid-gas mix and continuously feeding the mix to a top portion of a vertical shroud containing vertically hanging non-porous fibers while simultaneously and continuously feeding an aqueous liquid treatment solution to the shroud where the liquid treatment solution combines with the liquid-gas mix to form a 100% liquid-gas admixture prior to the admixture co-currently flowing down the vertical hanging fibers, where the liquid treatment solution consisting essentially of a 100% liquid solution of water, alkali metal hydroxide, a liquid chelated polyvalent metal catalyst solution, and at least one alkali metal salt of an alcohol;(b) catalytically oxidizing the mercaptans to disulfide oil in the presence of the crude oil using only the liquid treatment solution as the 100% liquid-gas admixture flows down the vertical hanging fibers; and(c) continuously separating and recovering the crude oil and disulfide oil as an upgraded crude oil product from the aqueous treatment solution and oxygen containing gas.2. The method of wherein the carboxylic acid is ethylhexanoic acid.3. The method of where the aqueous liquid treatment solution separated from the crude oil product and disulfide oil in step (c) is fed to the top portion of the vertical shroud shroud in step (a).4. The method of where the aqueous liquid treatment ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140131255A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

An oxidative desulfurization process is provided in which gaseous oxidant required for oxidative desulfurization reactions is dissolved in the feedstock upstream of the oxidative desulfurization reactor. Gaseous oxidant is mixed with a generally liquid phase feedstock (and in certain embodiment peroxide precursors are also mixed) in a mixing zone under conditions effective to dissolve the gaseous oxidant in the liquid feedstock. The gaseous oxidant dissolved in the hydrocarbon feedstock provides a gaseous oxidant-enhanced feedstock which is charged to the oxidative desulfurization reaction zone thereby permitting substantially liquid phase operation. 1. An oxidative desulfurization process comprising:a. mixing a hydrocarbon feedstock containing organosulfur compounds and an excess of gaseous oxidant in a mixing zone under predetermined conditions of temperature and pressure to dissolve a portion of the gaseous oxidant in the hydrocarbon feedstock to produce a gaseous oxidant-enriched hydrocarbon feedstock;b. flashing light hydrocarbon compounds and undissolved gaseous oxidant from the gaseous oxidant-enriched hydrocarbon feedstock; andc. maintaining the gaseous oxidant-enriched hydrocarbon feedstock under conditions effective to oxidize organosulfur compounds.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein a mixture of hydrocarbons and oxidized organosulfur compounds is produced claim 1 , further comprisingd. separating oxidized organosulfur compounds from the mixture of hydrocarbons and oxidized organosulfur compounds; ande. recovering a hydrocarbon product having reduced concentration of organosulfur compounds.3. The process of claim 2 , further comprisingf. recycling a portion of hydrocarbon product from step (e) to step (a) as diluent.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein undissolved gaseous oxidant is recycled to the mixing zone.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein steps (a) claim 1 , (b) and (c) occur at a pressure of between 1 bar and 100 bar.6. The process of claim 1 , ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073827A1
Автор: Hickman Clark
Принадлежит: Advanced Processing Technologies Inc.

An oil desulfurization method may be used to desulfurize various oils, such as used motor oil, crude oil, diesel, high sulfur fuel oil, mid sulfur fuel oil, off-spec fuel oil, and off-spec diesel, to produce a finished product of lower sulfur oil and a high sulfur fuel oil or sulfur containing oil product. Preferably, the method may include the steps of: mixing an oxidizing material with sulfur containing oil to produce a first mixture; subjecting the first mixture to at least one of heat and pressure to oxidize the sulfur in the first mixture; mixing at least one solvent with the first mixture to produce a second mixture; and separating the second mixture to produce a low sulfur oil product and a third mixture, the third mixture having a high sulfur oxidized oil and the at least one solvent. 1. An oil desulfurization method , the method comprising the steps of:mixing an oxidizing material with sulfur containing oil to produce a first mixture;subjecting the first mixture to at least one of heat and pressure to oxidize the sulfur in the first mixture;mixing at least one solvent with the first mixture to produce a second mixture; andseparating the second mixture to produce a low sulfur oil product and a third mixture, the third mixture having a high sulfur oxidized oil and the at least one solvent.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oxidizing material mixed with sulfur containing oil to produce a first mixture includes at least one of: ambient air claim 1 , ozone claim 1 , compressed air claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , nitrogen oxygen mixtures claim 1 , hydrogen peroxide claim 1 , peracetic acid claim 1 , and acetic acid.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first mixture is subjected to oxidation of sulfur in the presence of a catalyst.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein catalyst includes at least one of: Zn-ZSM claim 3 , Mo-ZSM claim 3 , Fe-ZSM claim 3 , and Co-ZSM.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of passing the low sulfur oil product through a ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056103A1

A process for removing sulfur compounds from a liquid composition immiscible with water, comprising at least partially oxidizing the sulfur compounds by contacting a liquid composition comprising at least one sulfur compound with an aqueous oxidizing solution comprising at least one oxidant in the presence of at least one polyoxometalate and amphiphilic solid particles. 1. A process for removing at least one sulfur compound from a liquid composition that is immiscible with water and that comprises the at least one sulfur compound , comprising at least partially oxidizing the at least one sulfur compound by contacting the liquid composition with an aqueous oxidizing solution comprising at least one oxidant in the presence of at least one polyoxometalate and amphiphilic solid particles.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the amphiphilic solid particles comprise solid particles of an oxide claim 1 , hydroxide claim 1 , or oxy-hydroxide of at least one element chosen from cerium claim 1 , aluminium claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , and silicon.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the amphiphilic solid particles comprise hydrophilic functional groups and hydrophobic functional groups.4. The process according to claim 3 , wherein hydrophilic functional groups are selected from the group consisting of —OH claim 3 , —COOH claim 3 , —POH claim 3 , and —SOH.5. The process according to claim 3 , wherein hydrophobic functional groups are selected from the group consisting of alkyl chains comprising 1 to 30 carbon atoms and alkoxylated groups.6. The process according to claim 3 , wherein the particles comprising the hydrophilic functional groups and hydrophobic functional groups are inorganic particles comprising an oxide claim 3 , hydroxide claim 3 , or oxy-hydroxide of at least one element chosen from cerium claim 3 , aluminium claim 3 , titanium and silicon.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein amphiphilic solid particles have an average diameter of from ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065114A1

This invention is directed to novel mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalysts for the extraction of oxygen from COand the selective reaction with organic compounds. 1. A mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst for catalyzing COoxidation of carbon or an organic compound.2. The mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst comprises an iron (II/III) and a second metal selected from the group consisting of Ag claim 1 , Bi claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , La claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Sn claim 1 , Ru claim 1 , and Zn.3. The mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst of claim 1 , further comprising a support.4. The mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst of claim 1 , further comprising an alkali or alkaline-earth element promoter.5. The mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst of claim 3 , wherein the support is AlO claim 3 , SiO claim 3 , TiO claim 3 , ZrOor a mixture thereof.6. The mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst of claim 5 , having the formula FeO(SnO)(AlO).7. The mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst of claim 6 , having the formula FeO(SnO)(AlO).8. The mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst of claim 2 , having the formula (RuO)FeO.9. The mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst of claim 2 , having the formula (RuO)FeO.10. A method for converting COand carbon to carbon monoxide which comprises contacting the mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst of with an appropriate COfeed stream under appropriate temperature and pressure conditions.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the carbon claim 10 , the mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst claim 10 , and the appropriate COfeed stream are reacted together at the same time.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the carbon claim 11 , the mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst claim 11 , and the appropriate COfeed stream are reacted together in a fluidized bed.1324.-. (canceled) ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Purification of hydrocarbons

Номер: US20210071093A1
Автор: Taylor John

We disclose a process for purification of hydrocarbons, suitable for a wide range of contexts such as refining bunker fuels to yield low-sulphur fuels, cleaning of waste engine oil (etc) to yield a usable hydrocarbon product, recovery of hydrocarbons from used tyres, recovery of hydrocarbons from thermoplastics etc, as well as the treatment of crude oils, shale oils, and the tailings remaining after fractionation and like processes. The method comprises the steps of heating the hydrocarbon thereby to release a gas phase, contacting the gas with an aqueous persulphate electrolyte within a reaction chamber, and condensing the gas to a liquid or a liquid/gas mixture and removing its aqueous component. It also comprises subjecting the reaction product to an electrical field generated by at least two opposing electrode plates between which the reaction product flows; this electrolytic step regenerates the persulphate electrolyte which can be recirculated within the process. The process is ideally applied in an environment at lower than atmospheric pressure, such as less than 1500 Pa. A wide range of hydrocarbons can be treated in this way. Used hydrocarbons such as engine oils and sulphur-contaminated fuels are prime examples, but there are a wide range of others such as hydrocarbons derived from the pyrolysis of a material having a hydrocarbon content. One such example is a mix of used rubber (such as end-of-life tyres) and used oils (such as engine oils, waste marine oils), which can be pyrolysed together to yield a hydrocarbon liquid which can be treated as above, and a residue that provides a useful solid fuel. 1. A method of treating hydrocarbons comprising:heating the hydrocarbon thereby to release a gas phase;contacting the gas with an aqueous persulphate electrolyte; andcondensing the gas to a liquid or a liquid/gas mixture, and removing its aqueous component.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein sulphur-containing impurities in the hydrocarbon are ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105753A1
Автор: PORTER Terry, SIH Bryan

This disclosure relates to a method of managing a sulphur-containing species from a sour liquid, the method comprising: providing a sour liquid comprising sulphur-containing species; introducing a halogen-based catalyst to the sour liquid, the halogen-based catalyst being complexed with a second species; introducing an oxidant to the sour liquid; and reacting the sulphur-containing species, the halogen-based catalyst and the oxidant. The second species may be an ethoxylate or propoxylate species. The disclosure also relates to a composition comprising a sour liquid, a hydrogen-based catalyst complexed with a second species, and an oxidant, a use of a halogen-based catalyst that is complexed with a second species for the treatment of a sulphur-containing species in a sour liquid, and a composition containing a halogen-based catalyst that is complexed with a second species in a suitable carrier for use in the treatment of a sulphur-containing species in a sour liquid. 1. A method of removing a sulphur-containing species from a sour liquid , said method comprising:(a) providing a sour liquid comprising sulphur-containing species;(b) introducing a halogen-based catalyst to the sour liquid, the halogen-based catalyst being complexed with a second species;(c) introducing an oxidant to the sour liquid; and(d) reacting the sulphur-containing species, the halogen-based catalyst and the oxidant.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising introducing a surfactant to the sour liquid to control the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance of the sour liquid.3. (canceled)4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sulphur-containing species is a thiol species.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the thiol species is hydrogen sulphide claim 4 , an alkyl-thiol claim 4 , an aryl-thiol claim 4 , a substituted-alkyl-thiol claim 4 , or a substituted-aryl-thiol.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second species is an ethoxylate species claim 1 , propoxylate species claim 1 , or a combination ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160115393A1

Processes and apparatus are provided for treating gasoline range hydrocarbons containing mercaptans to convert the mercaptans to organic disufides. The process involves contacting treated gasoline range hydrocarbons comprising organic disulfides with a coalescing material and separating refined gasoline range hydrocarbons and organic disulfides from spent alkali using a separation device. The apparatus comprises a treatment vessel suitable for housing a catalyst therein for producing treated gasoline range hydrocarbons comprising organic disulfides, as well as a separation device and coalescing material therein for separating gasoline range hydrocarbons and organic disulfides from spent alkali. 1. A process for treating gasoline range hydrocarbons , the process comprising the steps of:providing a gasoline feed stream comprising gasoline range hydrocarbons and mercaptans;adding alkali to the gasoline feed stream to form a feed mixture;adding an oxygen-containing gas to the feed mixture;contacting the feed mixture with a catalyst capable of converting mercaptans to organic disulfides to produce a treated gasoline stream comprising the organic disulfides and spent alkali;separating the gasoline range hydrocarbons from the spent alkali using a separation device to produce a refined gasoline stream comprising the gasoline range hydrocarbons and the organic disulfides; andcontacting the treated gasoline stream with a coalescing material for encouraging the spent alkali to coalesce in an aqueous phase and separate from the gasoline range hydrocarbons in an organic phase which combines with the treated gasoline stream.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein contacting the treated gasoline stream with a coalescing material is performed immediately before or immediately after separating the gasoline range hydrocarbons from the spent alkali using the separation device.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein adding alkali comprises adding an aqueous mixture comprising from about 0.5 to ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Targeted desulfurization process and apparatus integrating gas phase oxidative desulfurization and hydrodesulfurization to produce diesel fuel having an ultra-low level of organosulfur compounds

Номер: US20140197074A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

Desulfurization of hydrocarbon feeds is achieved by flashing the feed at a target cut point temperature to obtain two fractions. A first fraction contains refractory organosulfur compounds, which boils at or above the target cut point temperature. A second fraction boiling below the target cut point temperature is substantially free of refractory sulfur-containing compounds. The second fraction is contacted with a hydrodesulfurization catalyst in a hydrodesulfurization reaction zone operating under mild conditions to reduce the quantity of organosulfur compounds to an ultra-low level. The first fraction is contacted with gaseous oxidizing agent over an oxidation catalyst having a formula Cu x Zn 1-x Al 2 O 4 in a gas phase catalytic oxidation reaction zone to convert the refractory organosulfur compounds to SO x and low sulfur hydrocarbons. The by-product SO x is subsequently removed, producing a stream containing a reduced level of organo sulfur compounds.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210139391A1

The present disclosure provides petrochemical processing methods and systems, including ethylene conversion processes and systems, for the production of higher hydrocarbon compositions, for example liquid hydrocarbon compounds, with reduced amount of unsaturated hydrocarbons. 1. A method for generating hydrocarbon compounds with eight or more carbon atoms (C compounds) , comprising:{'sub': 2+', '2+', '3+, '(a) directing a feed stream comprising unsaturated C hydrocarbon compounds into an oligomerization unit that permits at least a portion of said unsaturated C hydrocarbon compounds to react in an oligomerization process to yield an effluent comprising unsaturated C hydrocarbon compounds; and'}{'sub': 3+', '8+, '(b) directing at least a portion of said effluent from said oligomerization unit and a stream comprising isoparaffins into an alkylation unit downstream of and separate from said oligomerization unit, which alkylation unit permits at least a portion of said unsaturated C hydrocarbon compounds and said isoparaffins to react in an alkylation process to yield a product stream comprising said C compounds.'}2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: directing methane and an oxidizing agent into an oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) unit that facilitates an OCM reaction to generate an OCM product stream comprising ethylene (CH) claim 1 , and wherein at least a portion of said feed stream is provided by the OCM product stream.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oligomerization unit comprises a dimerization unit and the oligomerization process comprises a dimerization process claim 1 , and wherein the dimerization process operates at a temperature of 20° C. to 200° C. and a pressure of 100 psia to 400 psia.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the product stream is an alkylate stream comprising an alkylate product comprising saturated C hydrocarbon compounds claim 1 , isomers thereof claim 1 , or both saturated C hydrocarbon compounds and isomers thereof.5. The ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Process for Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide in Downhole Oilfield Application

Номер: US20200109328A1

A method and system remove hydrogen sulfide from a sour liquid. In an embodiment, the method for removing hydrogen sulfide from a hydrocarbon containing fluid includes contacting a methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution with the sour liquid. The method also includes allowing the methylmorpholine-N-oxide to react with the hydrogen sulfide to remove the hydrogen sulfide. 1. A method for removing hydrogen sulfide from a gas containing hydrogen sulfide comprises:(A) contacting a methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution with the gas containing hydrogen sulfide; and(B) allowing the methylmorpholine-N-oxide to react with the hydrogen sulfide to remove the hydrogen sulfide.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution comprises methylmorpholine-N-oxide and water.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution comprises between about 1.0 wt. % methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution and about 60.0 wt. % methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide reacts with the hydrogen sulfide in the presence of iron.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the iron comprises a hydrated rust claim 4 , a hydrated ferrous salt claim 4 , or any combinations thereof.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adding heat to the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the heat is provided by subterranean heat.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein adding heat comprises increasing the temperature of the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution to a temperature between about 40° C. and about 75° C.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution is exposed to the gas containing hydrogen sulfide from about 24 hours to about 48 hours.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution comprises additives claim 1 , wherein the additives comprise surfactants claim 1 , pH adjustment chemicals claim 1 , dyes claim 1 , or any combinations thereof.11. The ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200109337A1

Processes and apparatuses are disclosed for treating a naphtha boiling range stream containing mercaptan compounds. The process includes oxidizing mercaptan compounds in the naphtha boiling range stream to provide a mercaptan-depleted naphtha stream rich in disulfide compounds; passing the mercaptan-depleted naphtha stream rich in disulfide compounds to a naphtha splitter column; and fractionating at least a portion of the mercaptan-depleted naphtha stream rich in disulfide compounds into at least two streams, a light naphtha stream lean in disulfide compounds and a heavy naphtha stream rich in disulfide compounds. The heavy naphtha stream rich in disulfide compounds may be passed to a hydroprocessing unit to convert organic disulfides in the stream to hydrocarbons and hydrogen sulfide. A heavy naphtha stream lean in disulfide compounds can be recovered and routed as desired by the refiner. 1. A process for treating a naphtha boiling range stream containing mercaptan compounds , the process comprising:(a) oxidizing mercaptan compounds in the naphtha boiling range stream to provide a mercaptan-depleted naphtha stream rich in disulfide compounds;(b) passing the mercaptan-depleted naphtha stream rich in disulfide compounds to a naphtha splitter column; and(c) fractionating at least a portion of the mercaptan-depleted naphtha stream rich in disulfide compounds into at least two streams, a light naphtha stream lean in disulfide compounds and a heavy naphtha stream rich in disulfide compounds.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the naphtha boiling range stream comprises straight-run naphtha.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein oxidizing mercaptan compounds comprises contacting the mercaptan compounds in the naphtha boiling range stream with an oxidizing catalyst and oxygen.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the oxidizing catalyst comprises a metal component retained on an inorganic oxide support claim 3 , wherein the metal component is selected from one or more of ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130141A1

A method and apparatus for upgrading a hydrocarbon feedstock is provided. The method includes: supplying the hydrocarbon feedstock to an oxidation reactor, where the hydrocarbon feedstock is oxidized in the presence of a catalyst under conditions sufficient to selectively oxidize sulfur compounds present in the hydrocarbon feedstock; separating the hydrocarbons and the oxidized sulfur compounds by solvent extraction; collecting a residue stream that includes oxidized sulfur compounds; supplying a residue stream that includes oxidized sulfur compounds; supplying the residue stream to a gasifier to produce a syngas stream and a hydrogen sulfide stream; supplying the extracted hydrocarbon stream to a stripper to produce a stripped oil stream, which is then supplied to an adsorption column, such that the adsorption column can produce a high purity hydrocarbon product stream, a second residue stream, and a spent adsorbent stream, the spent adsorbent stream containing another portion of the oxidized compounds; and supplying the spent adsorbent stream to the gasifier to produce additional syngas for the syngas stream, thereby disposing of the adsorbent. 1. A method of upgrading a hydrocarbon feedstock , the method comprising the steps of:supplying the hydrocarbon feedstock to an oxidation reactor, the hydrocarbon feedstock comprising sulfur compounds;contacting the hydrocarbon feedstock with an oxidant in the presence of a catalyst in the oxidation reactor under conditions sufficient to selectively oxidize sulfur compounds present in the hydrocarbon feedstock to produce an oxidized hydrocarbon stream that comprises hydrocarbons and oxidized sulfur compounds;separating the hydrocarbons and the oxidized sulfur compounds in the oxidized hydrocarbon stream by solvent extraction with a polar solvent to produce an extracted hydrocarbon stream and a mixed stream, the mixed stream comprising the polar solvent and the oxidized sulfur compounds, wherein the extracted hydrocarbon ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123452A1
Автор: KOSEOGLU Omer Refa

The invention is an integrated process for treating residual oil of a hydrocarbon feedstock. The oil is first subjected to delayed coking and then oxidative desulfurization. Additional, optional steps including hydrodesulfurization, and hydrocracking, may also be incorporated in to the integrated process. 1. An integrated process for removing metals and sulfur from a residual oil feedstock , comprising:(i) contacting said residual oil feedstock to a paraffinic solvent in a first vessel, under delayed coking conditions, to produce a gas fraction, a demetalized oil fraction, and coke;(ii) moving said demetalized oil fraction to a second vessel, said second vessel containing an oxidative desulphurization (ODS) catalyst;{'sub': '2', '(iii) contacting said demetalized oil fraction and ODS catalyst with a gaseous oxidizing agent, to form SO, gaseous, and liquid products in a gaseous ODS process;'}(iv) separating said gaseous and liquid products produced in (iii) from each other;(v) removing a portion of said gaseous products from total gaseous products, leaving a remainder;(vi) recycling said remainder to said second vessel, and;(vii) removing any liquid products.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising gasifying said coke to produce hydrogen.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising subjecting the liquid products of (iii) to hydrodesulfurization (HDS) with hydrogen and an HDS catalyst.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising subjecting the demetalized oil fraction of (ii) to hydrocracking in the presence of hydrogen and hydrocracking catalysts before (iii).5. An integrated process for removing metals and sulfur from a residual oil feedstock claim 1 , comprising:(i) contacting said residual oil feedstock to a paraffinic solvent in a first vessel, under delayed coking conditions, to produce a first gas fraction, a demetalized oil fraction, and coke;(ii) subjecting said demetalized oil fraction to hydrodesulfurization (HDS) in a second vessel, in the presence ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220280885A1

A liquid hydrocarbon desulfurization system having at least one processing unit, and preferably an initial and an end processing unit. Each processing unit having a reactor assembly and a sorption system. An aqueous system directs aqueous into the reactor assembly together with liquid hydrocarbon, wherein the two are mixed using shear mixers. An adsorbent system provides adsorbent to the sorption column to adsorb the oxidized sulfur resulting through the mixing of the liquid hydrocarbon with the aqueous. A system having multiple processing units is disclosed, as well as systems for transferring adsorbent and providing aqueous. A plurality of methods is likewise disclosed. 1. A method of desulfurizing a liquid hydrocarbon , comprising the steps of:providing an initial processing unit and an end processing unit, the initial processing unit having an initial reactor assembly and an initial sorption system, the end processing unit having an end reactor assembly, a separator and an end sorption system;feeding a liquid hydrocarbon having a sulfur content into the initial reactor assembly;feeding an aqueous feed into the initial reactor assembly;shear mixing the liquid hydrocarbon and the aqueous feed within the initial reactor assembly, to, in turn, react the aqueous feed with the sulfur content of the liquid hydrocarbon;directing the liquid hydrocarbon and aqueous feed to the initial sorption system;feeding a sorbent into the initial sorption system;adsorbing at least some of the sulfur content that has reacted with the aqueous feed from the liquid hydrocarbon;directing liquid hydrocarbon from the initial sorption system to the end reactor assembly;directing the aqueous feed from the initial sorption system to the end reactor assembly;shear mixing the liquid hydrocarbon and the aqueous feed within the end reactor assembly, to, in turn, react the aqueous feed with the sulfur content of the liquid hydrocarbon;directing the liquid hydrocarbon and the aqueous feed to the ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160145502A1
Автор: KOSEOGLU Omer Refa

A process to produce a sulfur-free hydrocarbon product stream from a liquid hydrocarbon disulfide product, e.g., of the Merox Process, includes subjecting the hydrocarbon disulfide to a catalytic oxidation step to produce SOwhich is separated from the remaining desulfurized hydrocarbons that form the clean sulfur-free hydrocarbon product stream; the SOis introduced into a Claus processing unit with the required stoichiometric amount of hydrogen sulfide (HS) gas to produce elemental sulfur. 2. The process of in which the caustic is selected from the group consisting of aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide claim 1 , ammonia claim 1 , potassium hydroxide claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The process of which includes subjecting the HS to an oxidation reaction to convert a predetermined portion of the HS to sulfur dioxide in order to achieve a stoichiometric ratio of 2HS:SOto complete the sulfur-producing reaction:{'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2', '2, '2HS+SO→3S+2HO.'}4. The process of in which the hydrocarbon disulfide is oxidized in the presence of a catalyst.5. The process of in which the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of catalytic compositions comprising copper oxide in an amount ranging from 10 weight percent (wt %) to 50 wt % claim 4 , zinc oxide in an amount ranging from 5 wt % to less than 20 wt % claim 4 , and aluminum oxide in an amount ranging from 20 wt % to 70 wt % claim 4 , wherein said catalytic composition has an X-ray amorphous oxide phase claim 4 , and a formula CuxZnAlO claim 4 , wherein x ranges from 0 to 1 claim 4 , highly dispersed crystalline ZnO and CuO alone and said composition further comprises CeOin the form of particles ranging in diameter from 5 nm to 10 nm claim 4 , in an amount ranging from 0.1 wt % to 10 wt % of said catalytic composition claim 4 , and combinations thereof.6. The process of in which the catalyst composition comprises from 20 wt % to 45 wt % CuO claim 5 , from 10 wt % to less than 20 wt % ZnO claim 5 , and ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации

System and method for liquid hydrocarbon desulfurization

Номер: US20210171838A1
Принадлежит: Alternative Petroleum Technologies Inc

A liquid hydrocarbon desulfurization system having at least one processing unit, and preferably an initial and an end processing unit. Each processing unit having a reactor assembly and a sorption system. An aqueous system directs aqueous into the reactor assembly together with liquid hydrocarbon, wherein the two are mixed using shear mixers. An adsorbent system provides adsorbent to the sorption column to adsorb the oxidized sulfur resulting through the mixing of the liquid hydrocarbon with the aqueous. A system having multiple processing units is disclosed, as well as systems for transferring adsorbent and providing aqueous. A plurality of methods is likewise disclosed.

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Systems and methods for recovering hydrocarbons

Номер: US20150152335A1
Принадлежит: Zeta Global Ltd

A method for recovering hydrocarbons from an aqueous hydrocarbonaceous slurry comprises pumping a mixture of the slurry and an oxidizing agent through a conduit, wherein the conduit comprises a plurality of stationary interior projections defining a non-linear path through the conduit, and thereby agitating the mixture to release the hydrocarbons from the slurry; and separating the hydrocarbons from the slurry.

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Method for Preparing Carbonized Silk Photocatalyst and Use Thereof

Номер: US20220288575A1

Disclosed is a method for preparing a carbonized silk photocatalyst, comprising; soaking a natural silk and an activator in water, taking out the soaked silk, and drying the same; and roasting the dried silk under the protection of an inert atmosphere to prepare a carbonized silk photocatalyst. Also disclosed is a method for photocatalytic desulfurization of a fuel oil, comprising: mixing a fuel oil to be desulfurated, an extraction agent and a carbonized silk photocatalyst, with air being used as an oxidizing agent, to conduct a photocatalytic reaction under light irradiation, and separating an upper oil phase to obtain a desulfurated fuel oil. The catalyst has a simple preparation process, and can effectively reduce dibenzothiophene sulfides, which are difficult to remove, in the fuel oil under UV light radiation. Desulfurization can be achieved at room temperature, and reaction conditions are mild.

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Process for metal reduction of hydrocarbon oil

Номер: US20140231271A1
Принадлежит: Indian Oil Corp Ltd

A novel process for metal content reduction of hydrocarbon oil is disclosed, which is primarily aimed at reduction of vanadium and nickel. The process uses electricity to accelerate the demetallation process, but only the flow of electrons of the electric current is used to expedite the reaction, instead of the electrolysis effect of the electric current. The process is carried out by adding inter-phase surface active reagent and phase transfer catalyst at a relatively low temperature range of 80 to 200° C. and achieves metal content reduction for vanadium and nickel. Aqueous phase alcoholic derivatives of amine solution is treated with hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, etc. by additive reaction to render it more suitable for carrying more electric current and make them more active for metal reduction.

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220290058A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

In accordance with one or more embodiments of the present disclosure, a method for producing epoxide gasoline blending components includes cracking, in a steam cracker, a hydrocarbon feed to form a first ethylene stream, a first propylene stream, and a Cstream comprising isobutene and butadiene; reacting, in a methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) unit, the Cstream with a methanol stream to form MTBE and a butadiene-rich Cstream; selectively hydrogenating, in a butadiene unit, the butadiene-rich Cstream to form a butene-rich Cstream including butene-1, cis-butene-2, and trans-butene-2; producing, in an isononanol unit, isononanol and an olefin-rich stream from the butene-rich Cstream; and oxidizing the olefin-rich stream in an oxidation unit by combining the olefin-rich stream with an oxidant stream and a catalyst composition to produce the epoxide gasoline blending components. 1. A method for producing epoxide gasoline blending components , the method comprising:{'sub': '4', 'cracking, in a steam cracker, a hydrocarbon feed to form a first ethylene stream, a first propylene stream, and a Cstream comprising isobutene and butadiene;'}{'sub': 4', '4, 'reacting, in a methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) unit, the Cstream with a methanol stream to form MTBE and a butadiene-rich Cstream;'}{'sub': 4', '4, 'selectively hydrogenating, in a butadiene unit, the butadiene-rich Cstream to form a butene-rich Cstream including butene-1, cis-butene-2, and trans-butene-2;'}{'sub': '4', 'producing, in an isononanol unit, isononanol and an olefin-rich stream from the butene-rich Cstream; and'}oxidizing the olefin-rich stream in an oxidation unit by combining the olefin-rich stream with an oxidant stream and a catalyst composition to produce the epoxide gasoline blending components.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the epoxide gasoline blending components comprise C-epoxides claim 1 , C-epoxides claim 1 , and C-epoxides.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oxidant stream comprises one ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180155635A1

An oxidative treatment process, e.g., oxidative desulfurization or denitrification, is provided in which the oxidant is produced in-situ using an aromatic-rich portion of the original liquid hydrocarbon feedstock. The process reduces or replaces the need for the separate introduction of liquid oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide, organic peroxide and organic hydroperoxide in an oxidative treatment process. 1. A process for conversion of heteroatom-containing compounds in a hydrocarbon feedstock to their oxidation products comprising:separating the hydrocarbon feedstock into an aromatic-lean fraction and an aromatic-rich fraction;contacting the aromatic-rich fraction with an effective amount of gaseous oxidant under conditions effective for organic peroxide generation in an organic peroxide generation apparatus and to produce a mixture containing organic peroxide and heteroatom-containing hydrocarbons;hydrotreating all or a portion of the aromatic-lean fraction; andpassing the mixture containing produced organic peroxide and heteroatom-containing hydrocarbons to an oxidative reaction apparatus operating under conditions effective for oxidative conversion of heteroatom-containing hydrocarbons into oxidation products of the heteroatom-containing hydrocarbons.2. The process as in claim 1 , further comprisingseparating the hydrocarbon feedstock into a first and second portion; andsubjecting only the first portion to contacting with an effective amount of gaseous oxidant under conditions effective for reaction into organic peroxide compounds;wherein contacting under conditions effective for conversion of heteroatom-containing hydrocarbons further comprises contacting the second portion for conversion of heteroatom-containing hydrocarbons in the second portion into oxidation products of those heteroatom-containing hydrocarbons.3. The process as in claim 2 , wherein separating the hydrocarbon feedstock into a first and second portion is with a diverter.4. The process as in ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Oxidative desulfurization of oil fractions and sulfone management using an fcc

Номер: US20170158973A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Embodiments provide a method and apparatus for recovering components from a hydrocarbon feedstock. According to at least one embodiment, the method includes supplying a hydrocarbon feedstock to an oxidation reactor, wherein the hydrocarbon feedstock is oxidized in the presence of a catalyst under conditions sufficient to selectively oxidize sulfur compounds and nitrogen compounds present in the hydrocarbon feedstock, separating the hydrocarbons, the oxidized sulfur compounds, and the oxidized nitrogen compounds by solvent extraction, collecting a residue stream that includes the oxidized sulfur compounds and the oxidized nitrogen compound, and supplying the first residue stream to a fluid catalytic cracking unit. The first residue stream is further supplied through a hydrotreater prior to supplying the first residue stream to the fluid catalytic cracking unit.

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for recovering metals and sulfur from feed streams containing metal sulfides and polysulfides

Номер: US20200149171A1
Автор: John Howard Gordon
Принадлежит: Enlighten Innovations Inc

A system to remove sodium and Sulfur from a feed stream containing alkali metal sulfides and polysulfides in addition to heavy metals. The system includes an electrolytic cell having an anolyte compartment housing an anode in contact with an anolyte. The anolyte includes alkali metal sulfides and polysulfides dissolved in a polar organic solvent. The anolyte includes heavy metal ions. A separator includes an ion conducting membrane and separates the anolyte compartment from a catholyte compartment that includes a cathode in contact with a catholyte. The catholyte includes an alkali ion-conductive liquid. A power source applies a voltage to the electrolytic cell high enough to reduce the alkali metal and oxidize Sulfur ions to allow recovery of the alkali metal and elemental sulfur. The ratio of sodium to Sulfur is such that the open circuit potential of the electrolytic cell is greater than about 2.3V.

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210189133A1
Автор: Grzybowski Kenneth F.

A asphalt binder modifier or a stand-alone asphalt binder and the method of making the asphalt binder or binder modifier are disclosed. The asphalt modifier or binder consisting of treated re-refined engine oil bottoms/VTB's treated by injecting air into re-refining engine oil bottoms/VTB's at temperatures between 150° F. and 550° F. The re-refined engine oil can be processed with ground tire rubber. The binder modifier was blended with various paving and roofing asphalts to form performance-enhanced modified asphalt binders used in paving, roofing, and industrial products. 1. A modifier for asphalt comprising re-refined engine oil , ground tire rubber and at least one of a plastomer or an elastomer , wherein the re-refined engine oil and ground tire rubber are oxidized by heating the re-refined engine oil and ground tire rubber to a temperature of about 150° F. to about 550° F. or to 50° F. below the flash point of the re-refined engine oil and injecting air into the re-refined engine oil and ground tire rubber while mixing , wherein after oxidation the modifier has a softening point of at least 150° F. and penetration values that vary by 75 decimillimeters or less when measured at about 39° F. and about 115° F.2. The modifier of claim 1 , wherein the modifier is oxidized prior to the addition of the at least one of a plastomer or an elastomer.3. The modifier of claim 1 , wherein the at least one of a plastomer or elastomer is added prior to oxidation of the re-refined engine oil and ground tire rubber.4. The modifier of claim 2 , wherein the elastomer is selected from the group consisting of styrene-butadiene-styrene claim 2 , styrene-isoprene-styrene claim 2 , styrene-butadiene rubber claim 2 , styrene-butadiene polymer claim 2 , styrene-ethylene-butadiene-styrene claim 2 , reactive polymers claim 2 , ter-polymers claim 2 , natural rubbers or combinations thereof.5. The modifier of claim 3 , wherein the elastomer is selected from the group consisting of styrene- ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190161689A1

This application is in the field of technologies for desulfurization and demercaptanization of raw gaseous hydrocarbons (including natural gas, tail gas, technological gas, etc, including gaseous media). It can be used for simultaneous dehydration and desulfurization/demercaptanization of any kind of raw gaseous hydrocarbons. 1. A process of desulfurization and/or demercaptanization and/or dehydration of gaseous hydrocarbons , comprising:mixing one or more gaseous hydrocarbons to be purified with an oxygen-containing gas,pressurizing and passing through a reactor loaded with a solution of a catalyst for oxidating hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans in an absorbent that provides dehydration of said gaseous hydrocarbons,and maintaining a gas pressure, as determined by a desired content of water in purified gas,wherein the catalyst comprises mixed-ligand complexes of transition metals, andwherein a conversion rate of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans into sulfur and disulfides is at least 99.99%.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein an amount of oxygen is at least 50% of the total amount of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan sulfur.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the gaseous hydrocarbons that are supplied into the reactor are distributed evenly within the reactor.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is supplied into the reactor by a metered supply unit.5. The process of claim 1 , further comprising:separating sulfur from a suspension, andrecycling the catalyst into the reactor.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent comprises glycols or mixtures of glycols with organic compounds.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein a pressure and a temperature of the reactor is maintained in a desired range to provide a required rate of dehydration of the gaseous hydrocarbons.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst comprises mixed-ligand complexes based on ferric and/or cupric halogenides with an addition of one or more solvating agents. The present application is ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Integrated desulfurization and denitrification process including mild hydrotreating and oxidation of aromatic-rich hydrotreated products

Номер: US20140251873A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

Reduction of sulfur-containing and nitrogen-containing compounds from hydrocarbon feeds is achieved by first contacting the entire feed with a hydrotreating catalyst in a hydrotreating reaction zone operating under mild conditions to convert the labile organosulfur and organonitrogen compounds. An extraction zone downstream of the hydrotreating reaction zone separates an aromatic-rich fraction that contains a substantial amount of the remaining refractory organosulfur and organonitrogen compounds. The aromatic-lean fraction is substantially free of organosulfur and organonitrogen compounds, since the non-aromatic organosulfur and organonitrogen compounds were the labile organosulfur and organonitrogen compounds which were initially removed by mild hydrotreating. The aromatic-rich fraction is oxidized to convert the refractory organosulfur and organonitrogen compounds to oxidized sulfur-containing and nitrogen-containing hydrocarbon compounds. These oxidized organosulfur and organonitrogen compounds are subsequently removed.

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Prevention of the emission of hydrogen sulphide in the production of hot bitumen or asphalt

Номер: US20200157438A1
Принадлежит: Yara International ASA

The present application relates to a method to prevent the emission of hydrogen sulphide in the production of hot bitumen or asphalt having a temperature of between 150 and 200° C., wherein the method comprises the steps of providing a bituminous or asphalt mixture, heating the mixture until a temperature of between 150-200° C. and adding an aqueous calcium nitrate solution or a calcium nitrate powder while mixing the bituminous or asphalt mixture. The present application furthermore relates to the use of an aqueous calcium nitrate solution or a calcium nitrate powder during mixing of a bituminous or asphalt mixture in the production of a hot bitumen or asphalt having a temperature of between 150 and 200° C. to prevent the emission of hydrogen sulphide.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180169637A1

A composition useful in oxidative desulphurization of gaseous hydrocarbons is described. It comprises a CuZnAl—O mixed oxide, and an H form of a zeolite. The mixed oxide can contain one or more metal oxide promoters. The H form of the zeolite can be desilicated, and can also contain one or more transition metals. 1. A composition useful in oxidative desulfurization of gaseous , sulfur containing hydrocarbons , (i) a CuZnAl—O mixed oxide component comprising nominal copper oxide in an amount ranging from 10 weight percent (wt %) to 50 wt % , zinc oxide in an amount ranging from 5 wt % to less than 20 wt % , and aluminum oxide in an amount ranging from 20 wt % to 70 wt % , wherein said catalytic composition has a highly dispersed spinel oxide phase with a formula CuZnAlOwherein x ranges from 0 to 1 , dispersed crystalline ZnO and CaO , and (ii) at least one zeolite in , desilicated H form.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said CuZnAl—O mixed oxide component is in granular form.3. The composition of claim 2 , formed as a cylinder claim 2 , a sphere claim 2 , a trilobe claim 2 , or a quatrolobe.4. The composition of claim 2 , wherein granules of said CuZnAl—O mixed oxide component have a diameter of from 1 mm to 4 mm.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said CuZnAl—O mixed oxide component has a surface area of from 10 m/g to 100 m/g.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the total pore volume of said CuZnAl—O mixed oxide component is from about 0.1 cm/g to about 0.5 cm/g.7. The composition of claim 1 , said CuZnAl—O mixed oxide component comprises from 20 wt % to 45 wt % CuO claim 1 , from 10 wt % to less than 20 wt % ZnO claim 1 , and from 20 wt % to 70 wt % of AlO.8. The composition of claim 7 , said CuZnAl—O mixed oxide component comprising from 30 wt % to 45 wt % CuO claim 7 , from 12 wt % to less than 20 wt % ZnO claim 7 , and from 20 wt % to 40 wt % AlO.9. The composition of claim 5 , said CuZnAl—O mixed oxide component having a surface area of from 50 m ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Process for Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide in Downhole Oilfield Applications

Номер: US20180171210A1

A method and system remove hydrogen sulfide from a sour liquid. In an embodiment, the method for removing hydrogen sulfide from a hydrocarbon containing fluid includes contacting a methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution with the sour liquid. The method also includes allowing the methylmorpholine-N-oxide to react with the hydrogen sulfide to remove the hydrogen sulfide. 1. A method for removing hydrogen sulfide from a sour liquid comprises:(A) contacting a methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution with the sour liquid;(B) adding heat to the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution; and(C) allowing the methylmorpholine-N-oxide to react with the hydrogen sulfide to remove the hydrogen sulfide.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution comprises methylmorpholine-N-oxide and water.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution comprises between about 1.0 wt. % methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution and about 60.0 wt. % methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide reacts with the hydrogen sulfide in the presence of iron.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the iron comprises a hydrated rust claim 4 , a hydrated ferrous salt claim 4 , or any combinations thereof.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat is provided by subterranean heat.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution comprises a temperature claim 6 , and wherein the temperature of the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution increases by about 1.6° F. for about every 100 feet downhole.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein adding heat comprises increasing the temperature of the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution to a temperature between about 40° C. and about 75° C.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution is exposed to the sour liquid from about 24 hours to about 48 hours.10. The method of claim 1 , further comprising contacting the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution with a sour ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Process, Method, and System for Removing Heavy Metals from Fluids

Номер: US20140262955A1

Trace element levels of mercury in crude oil are reduced by first passing the crude oil through a filtration device to generate filtered crude having a reduced concentration of mercury and a reject stream having a concentrated mercury level. In one embodiment, the filtration device is back-flushed to generate the reject stream. In another embodiment, the reject stream comprises a portion of the retentate from a cross-flow filter device. The reject stream is treated with an extractive agent selected from tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium sulfate; tetrakis(hydroxymethyl) phosphonium chloride; an oxidizing agent; an organic or inorganic sulfidic compound to extract a portion of the mercury into a water phase for subsequent removal. In one embodiment, the extractive agent is a reductant to convert non-volatile mercury into volatile mercury. 1. A method for reducing a trace element of mercury in a crude oil feedstock , comprising:passing the crude oil feedstock having a mercury concentration as feed to a filtration device having at least a filter element to generate a filtered crude having a reduced concentration of mercury and a reject stream containing crude oil having a concentrated mercury level of at least 10 times the concentration of mercury in the crude oil feed;mixing into the reject stream an effective amount of an extractive agent to remove at least a portion of the mercury for a treated crude oil having a reduced concentration of mercury.2. The method of claim 1 , where the treated crude oil is combined with the filtered crude oil to form a combined product stream having a mercury concentration of less than 100 ppbw.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the combined product stream is at least 98 vol. % of the crude oil feedstock.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the extractive agent is selected from the group of oxidizing agents; reducing agents claim 1 , organic or inorganic sulfidic compounds with at least one sulfur atom reactive with mercury; tetrakis( ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150184500A1
Принадлежит: GENIE IP B.V.

An oil production well is drilled into a kerogenous chalk source rock comprising (i) type IIs kerogen and (ii) shallow naturally-occurring unconventional oil derived from the type IIs kerogen that is resident within pore space of the source rock. In some embodiments, the production well is drilled at a location where the geothermal gradient is at least 3 degrees C. per 100 m is present at or near the production well. It is believed that the presence of this geothermal gradient accelerated maturation of the type IIs kerogen of the source rock to convert a portion of the type IIs kerogen into the unconventional oil. In some embodiments, the shallow production well is non-vertical. In some embodiments, at depths that are shallow and within the source rock, the production well is cased and perforated. Oil from the source rock may be produced via the production well and the shallow-depth perforated locations thereof. 1. A method of unconventional oil production comprising:a. drilling a production well into a kerogenous chalk source rock comprising (i) type IIs kerogen and (ii) shallow naturally-occurring unconventional oil derived from the type IIs kerogen that is resident within pore space of the source rock;b. at shallow depths of at most 2 kilometers and within the source rock, casing and perforating the production well; andc. producing the shallow naturally-occurring unconventional oil from the source rock via the production well.2. The method of wherein a location at which the production well is drilled is selected in accordance with a geothermal gradient.3. The method of any preceding claim wherein the production well is drilled at a location where the geothermal gradient is at least 3.0 degrees Celsius per 100 meters claim 1 , or at least 3.5 degrees Celsius per 100 meters claim 1 , or at least 4.0 degrees Celsius per 100 meters.4. The method of any preceding claim wherein the unconventional oil and at least some of the perforations of the production well are ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200172817A1

Methods for the use of peroxyacid for enhancing downstream processes through the enhanced removal of fine particulates from petroleum oils and refinery feedstocks and/or streams are disclosed. The methods beneficially minimize fouling and improve waste water quality. Methods for mitigating heavy metal concentrations in petroleum oil and for preventing solid loading in various streams resulting from use of a metal based HS scavenger, aluminum and/or zinc salts, or other commonly applied metal-based additives are also disclosed. In addition, methods for enhancing coke quality by the contaminant removal, reducing bacteria in slop oil and crude tanks, as well as reducing downstream catalyst poisoning and prolonging catalyst lifetimes are also disclosed. The compositions for use in the methods are provided. 1. A method for removing particulates in petroleum oil and/or hydrocarbon feedstocks which comprises the steps of:mixing petroleum oil and/or hydrocarbon feedstock with water to form an emulsion comprising a hydrocarbon phase and a water phase;adding a peroxyacid composition to the emulsion, wherein the peroxyacid causes the particulates to move from the hydrocarbon phase into the water phase; andseparating the hydrocarbon phase from the water phase to remove the particulates and the peroxyacid composition from the emulsion.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the peroxyacid oxidizes and chelates the particulates in the emulsion.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particulates are soluble and particulate metal complexes.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the metal complexes are organometallic complexes and metal-based particulates.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the particulates comprise one or more of iron claim 3 , zinc claim 3 , nickel claim 3 , vanadium claim 3 , aluminum claim 3 , barium claim 3 , chromium claim 3 , cobalt claim 3 , copper claim 3 , magnesium claim 3 , manganese claim 3 , molybdenum claim 3 , strontium claim 3 , titanium claim 3 , sodium ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200179915A1

The present invention describes an extractive oxidation process for removing contaminants from hydrocarbon streams using an ionic liquid combined with an organometallic ionic complex of iron(II), which comprises a complex of iron(II) cation with an ionophilic binder, catalyst of iron(II) with ionophilic binder in its molecular structure, oxidation of which is performed with an oxidizing agent and is catalysed by the organometallic iron(II) complex present in the phase of the ionic liquid. 1. Catalytic system for removing heteroatomic compounds from hydrocarbon streams , comprising an ionic liquid with 1 ,3-dialkylimidazolium cation , an anion and an organometallic complex of iron(II) , in which the organometallic complex of iron(II) is an ionic system that consists of an organometallic cation of iron(11) with an ionophilic binder system and an anion.2. Catalytic system according to claim 1 , wherein the 1 claim 1 ,3-dialkylimidazolium is based on the compound 1-n-butyl-3-methylimidazolium.3. Catalytic system according to claim 1 , wherein the anion is selected from the group consisting of tetrafluoroborate claim 1 , hexafluorophosphate and bis-trifluoromethanesulphonimidate.4. Catalytic system according to claim 1 , wherein the organometallic complex of iron(11) is prepared from an iron(II) salt and an ionophilic binder precursor.5. Catalytic system according to claim 1 , wherein the organometallic complex of iron(II) is prepared from an iron(11) bromide salt and 4((2 claim 1 ,3-dimethyl-imidazol-1-yl)methyl)-4′-methyl-2 claim 1 ,2′-bipyridine.6. Extractive oxidation process for removing heteroatoms from hydrocarbon streams claim 1 , comprising:a) providing a hydrocarbon stream of mineral or synthetic origin containing heteroatomic compounds to form phase I;b) providing a catalytic system and adding an oxidizing agent to form phase II, wherein the catalytic system comprises an ionic liquid with 1,3-dialkylimidazolium cation, an anion and an organometallic complex of ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200181073A1

An integrated controlled catalytic oxidation process converts low value disulfide oil (DSO) compounds produced as a by-product of a generalized mercaptan oxidation (MEROX) process into oxidized DSO (ODSO) compounds including sulfoxides, sulfones, sulfonates and sulfinates that are completely or partially water soluble and which have utility, e.g., as lubricity additives in diesel fuel and as a solvent in aromatic solvent separation processes. 1. A process for treating a mercaptan-free hydrocarbon stream comprising disulfide oil compounds derived from a refinery process employed in removing mercaptans from a hydrocarbon stream containing mercaptans , the process comprising:subjecting the disulfide oil (DSO) compounds to controlled catalytic oxidation by contacting the disulfide oil compounds in the presence of at least one catalyst with a predetermined molar concentration of at least one oxidant and an organic acid transfer agent to produce an oxidation effluent stream comprising oxidized disulfide oils (ODSO) and waste water;separating the oxidation effluent stream into a water insoluble oxidized disulfide oil stream and a waste water stream; andrecovering the water insoluble oxidized disulfide oil.2. The process of in which the waste water stream comprises a major proportion of water soluble ODSO compounds and a minor proportion of water insoluble ODSO compounds.3. The process of in which the water soluble ODSO compounds in the waste water stream are separated and recovered.4. The process of in which the ODSO compounds contain up to six oxygen atoms.5. The process of in which the molar ratio of the oxidant to sulfur atoms is predetermined to control the proportion of water soluble and water insoluble ODSO compounds produced in the reaction.6. The process of in which the at least one oxidant is a gas phase oxidant selected from the group consisting of air claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , oxides of nitrogen claim 1 , ozone claim 1 , and their combinations.7. The process of ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200181074A1

Oxidized disulfide oil (ODSO) solvent compositions are derived from by-product disulfide oil (DSO) compounds produced as by-products from the generalized mercaptan oxidation (MEROX) processing of a refinery feedstock. The oxidized disulfide oil (ODSO) solvent compositions comprise at least a primary oxidized disulfide oil (ODSO) compound selected from either water soluble or water insoluble oxidized disulfide oil (ODSO) compounds and in some embodiments at least 0.1 ppmw of a secondary oxidized disulfide oil (ODSO) compound that is a water soluble oxidized disulfide oil (ODSO) compound. 1. An oxidized disulfide oil (ODSO) solvent composition that comprises at least one of a primary oxidized disulfide oil (ODSO) compound , selected from the group consisting of(R—SO—S—R′), (R—SOO—S—R′), (R—SOO—SO—R′),(R—SOO—SOO—R′), (R—SO—SO—R′), (R—SO—SOO—OH), 'where R and R′ are alkyl groups comprising 1-10 carbon atoms.', '(R—SOO—SOO—OH), (R—SO—SO—OH), and (R—SOO—SO—OH), and mixtures thereof,'}2. The ODSO solvent composition of claim 1 , wherein the number of carbon atoms in the at least one primary ODSO compound is in the range of from 1 to 20.3. The ODSO solvent composition of claim 1 , wherein the number of sulfur atoms in the at least one primary ODSO compound is in the range of from 1-3.4. The ODSO solvent composition of claim 1 , which further comprises at least one of a secondary oxidized disulfide oil (ODSO) compound claim 1 , selected from the group consisting of(R—SOO—SO—R′),(R—SOO—SOO—R′), (R—SO—SOO—OH), where R and R′ are alkyl groups comprising 1-10 carbon atoms,', 'and wherein the at least one secondary ODSO compound is present at a concentration of at least 0.1 ppmw., '(R—SOO—SOO—OH), (R—SO—SO—OH), and (R—SOO—SO—OH), and mixtures thereof,'}5. The ODSO solvent composition of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is polar claim 1 , non-polar claim 1 , or an immiscible mixture of polar and non-polar compounds.6. The ODSO solvent composition of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации

Fuel Desulfurization Method

Номер: US20140284251A1

A fuel desulfurization method is provided in the present invention. In the step (a), a fuel is oxidized by adding an ionic liquid, an oxidant, and an acid catalyst. In the step (b), the oxidized fuel is mixed with a desulfurization agent to form a desulfurized fuel. In the step (c), the ionic liquid is recycled. In the recycling step, a first solution is added into the ionic liquid. Then, a second solution is added into the ionic liquid to form a second solution phase and an ionic liquid phase. The second solution phase is separated from the ionic liquid phase. The first solution, the oxidant and the acid catalyst are removed from the remained ionic liquid phase to form a recycled ionic liquid. 1. A fuel desulfurization method , comprising:(a) oxidizing a fuel with an ionic liquid, an oxidant, and an acid catalyst;(b) mixing the oxidized fuel with a desulfurization agent to form a desulfurized fuel; and adding a first solution into the ionic liquid after the step (a); and', 'after adding the first solution, adding a second solution into the ionic liquid to form a second solution phase and an ionic liquid phase;', 'removing the second solution phase away; and', 'removing the first solution, the oxidant and the acid catalyst from the remained ionic liquid phase to form a recycled ionic liquid., '(c) recycling the ionic liquid, comprising2. The fuel desulfurization method as in claim 1 , wherein in the step (c) the first solution is deionized water.3. The fuel desulfurization method as in claim 1 , wherein in the step (c) after mixing the first solution claim 1 , a precipitate is removed before adding the second solution.4. The fuel desulfurization method as in claim 1 , wherein in the step (c) the second solution comprises 1-butanol claim 1 , chloroform claim 1 , chlorobenzene claim 1 , diethyl ether claim 1 , ethyl acetate claim 1 , heptane claim 1 , hexane claim 1 , triethyl amine or toluene.5. The fuel desulfurization method as in claim 1 , wherein in the step (c) ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140291199A1
Принадлежит: AUTERRA, INC.

A method of upgrading a heteroatom-containing hydrocarbon feed by removing heteroatom contaminants is disclosed. The method includes contacting the heteroatom-containing hydrocarbon feed with an oxidant to oxidize the heteroatoms, contacting the oxidized-heteroatom-containing hydrocarbon feed with caustic and a selectivity promoter, and removing the heteroatom contaminants from the heteroatom-containing hydrocarbon feed. The oxidant may be used in the presence of a catalyst. 1. A method of upgrading a heteroatom-containing hydrocarbon feed by removing heteroatom contaminants , comprising:reacting at least one of sulfones, sulfoxides, and mixtures thereof in the heteroatom-containing feed with at least one caustic and at least one selectivity promoter to produce an upgraded hydrocarbon.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the upgraded hydrocarbon is substantially heteroatom-free.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the upgraded hydrocarbon is substantially free of oxygen claim 1 , sulfur claim 1 , and nitrogen.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein a sulfate by-product is also produced.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of reacting results in a conversion of 50% or greater the at least one of sulfones claim 1 , sulfoxides claim 1 , and mixtures thereof to biphenyl and phenol.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of reacting results in a conversion of 93% or greater the at least one of sulfones claim 1 , sulfoxides claim 1 , and mixtures thereof to biphenyl and phenol.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of reacting results in a conversion of 100% the at least one of sulfones claim 1 , sulfoxides claim 1 , and mixtures thereof to biphenyl and phenol.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of reacting the at least one of sulfones claim 1 , sulfoxides claim 1 , and mixtures thereof results in a mole percent yield which is mostly biphenyl and ortho-phenylphenol.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of reacting reduces a total acid number of the ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации

Integrated system for in-situ organic peroxide production and oxidative heteroatom conversion

Номер: US20150210935A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

An oxidative treatment system, e.g., oxidative desulfurization or denitrification, is provided in which the oxidant is produced in-situ using an aromatic-rich portion of the original liquid hydrocarbon feedstock. The process reduces or replaces the need for the separate introduction of liquid oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide, organic peroxide and organic hydroperoxide in an oxidative treatment process.

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Supercritical water and ammonia oxidation system and process

Номер: US20210229054A1
Автор: AQIL Jamal, Mourad Younes
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

The present application provides systems and methods for upgrading an oil stream. The system includes a reactor, a phase separator, an expansion device, a cooling unit, and two separation units. The reactor receives the oil stream, ammonia, and supercritical water. The supercritical water upgrades the oil stream, and the ammonia reacts with sulfur initially present in the oil stream to produce ammonia-sulfur compounds. The phase separator receives a mixture stream comprising the upgraded oil stream, supercritical water, and the ammonia-sulfur compounds, and separates out non-dissolved components. The expansion device reduces the pressure of the mixture stream below a water critical pressure. The cooling unit reduces the temperature of the mixture stream. A first separation unit separates the mixture stream it into a hydrocarbon-rich gaseous phase, a water stream containing ammonia-sulfur compounds, and a treated oil stream. A second separation unit separates the ammonia-sulfur compounds from the water stream.

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210230084A1

A catalytic composition is disclosed, which exhibits an X-ray amorphous oxide with a spinel formula, and crystals of ZnO, CuO, and at least one Group VIB metal oxide, and preferably, at least one acidic oxide of B, P. or Si, as well. The composition is useful in oxidative processes for removing sulfur from gaseous hydrocarbons. 1. A method for oxidizing sulfur in a sulfur containing hydrocarbon , comprising contacting a gaseous hydrocarbon to a catalytic composition , comprising copper oxide in an amount ranging from 10 weight percent (wt. %) to 50 wt. % , zinc oxide in an amount ranging from 5 wt. % to less than 20 wt. % , aluminum oxide in an amount ranging from 20 wt. % to 70 wt. % , and at least one promoter selected from the group consisting of a Group VIB metal oxide , wherein said catalytic composition has an X-ray amorphous oxide phase with a formula CuZnAlOwherein x ranges from 0 to 1 , crystalline ZnO and CuO in the presence of an oxygen containing gas.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said promoter is Mo or W.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said promoter further comprises an acidic oxide of Si claim 1 , B claim 1 , or P.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said promoter is present in an amount up to 20 wt. % of said catalyst.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said hydrocarbon is a gaseous hydrocarbon.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said oxygen containing gas is pure oxygen.7. The method of claim 1 , comprising oxidizing said hydrocarbon in the absence of hydrogen gas.8. The method of claim 1 , comprising oxidizing said hydrocarbon at a temperature greater than 300° C.9. The method of claim 3 , wherein said acidic oxide is BO.10. A process for making the catalytic composition of claim 1 , comprising:{'sub': 4', '2', '3', '2', '3', '4', '3, '(i) combining an aqueous solution containing each of copper nitrate, zinc nitrate, and aluminum nitrate with an alkaline solution containing NaOH and/or at least one of (NH)CO, NaCOand NHHCO, at a temperature of ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации

Process for removing sulphur compounds from hydrocarbons

Номер: US20140299512A1
Принадлежит: Ultraclean Fuel Pty Ltd

Processes are disclosed for reducing the sulphur content of a hydrocarbon material containing sulphur compounds.

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190201877A1

This invention is directed to novel mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalysts for the extraction of oxygen from COand the selective reaction with organic compounds. 19-. (canceled)10. A method for converting COand carbon to carbon monoxide which comprises contacting the mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst wherein the mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst is an iron (II/III) oxide and a second metal oxide selected from the group consisting of Ag , Bi , Co , Cu , La , Mn , and Zn oxides with an appropriate COfeed stream under appropriate temperature and pressure conditions.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the carbon claim 10 , the mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst claim 10 , and the appropriate COfeed stream are reacted together at the same time.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the carbon claim 11 , the mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst claim 11 , and the appropriate COfeed stream are reacted together in a fluidized bed.1324-. (canceled)25. The method of claim 10 , wherein the mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst comprises FeO/FeO.26. The method of claim 10 , wherein the second metal oxide in the mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst is Co claim 10 , Cu claim 10 , La claim 10 , Mn claim 10 , or Zn oxide.27. The method of claim 10 , wherein the mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst further comprises an alkali or alkaline-earth element promoter.28. The method of claim 10 , wherein the mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst further comprises an alkali element promoter.29. The method of claim 10 , wherein the mixed transition metal iron (II/III) catalyst further comprises an alkaline-earth element promoter.30. The method of claim 10 , wherein the promoter is Na claim 10 , K claim 10 , Cs claim 10 , Mg claim 10 , Ca or Sr.31. The method of claim 30 , wherein the promoter has a formula AO claim 30 , ACO claim 30 , or A(OH) (wherein A is Na claim 30 , K claim 30 , or Cs); a formula BO ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140305844A1

The ionic liquid for desulfurization of light fuels is 1-methyl-3-pentyl 1H-imidazolium periodate, having the structural formula: 2. A method of desulfurizing light fuels , comprising the steps of:bringing the ionic liquid into contact with crude light petroleum oil at a temperature of about 50° C. with stirring for a period of time sufficient to oxidize any sulfur-containing impurities in the crude light petroleum oil to water soluble sulfones;washing the mixture with water to remove the ionic liquids and water soluble sulfones; anddrying the desulfurized light petroleum oil product.3. The method of desulfurizing light fuels according to claim 2 , wherein said period of time sufficient to oxidize any sulfur-containing impurities comprises about six hours.4. A method of making 1-methyl-3-pentyl 1H-imidazolium periodate claim 2 , comprising the steps of:mixing 1-methyl-3-pentyl 1H-imidazolium tetrafluoroborate with sodium periodate in dichloromethane and water;stirring the mixture for 24 hours; andextracting the 1-methyl-3-pentyl 1H-imidazolium periodate from the mixture with dichloromethane. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to the desulfurization of light fuels and petroleum products, and particularly to ionic liquids for the desulfurization of light fuels.2. Description of the Related ArtThe desulfurization of fuel constitutes a major target of oil refineries due to growing public concern of environment pollution from emissions from the combustion of fuels. The sulfur compounds present in light fuel are converted to sulfur dioxides, which are considered to be a major source of acid rain and air pollution. To control the SOemissions, severe regulations are being imposed on oil refineries to reduce the sulfur content to an acceptably low limit.The catalytic hydrodesulfurization method, which is typically employed in the refineries, requires both high temperature and high pressures of hydrogen gas. Thus, this method entails high risk for ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150224489A1

Use of heavy dark components of oil, whose residue after distillation of fractions boiling out under 350 deg.C. contains copper and vanadium total not less than 0.005 mass % counted on pure metal, as a catalyst during oxidative purification of hydrocarbon compositions from hydrogen sulphide and light mercaptans. The catalyst is selected from heavy dark components of oil. A method of purification of hydrocarbon compositions from hydrogen sulphide and light mercaptans by its oxidation with air oxygen or oxygen-containing gas at temperatures from 55 deg.C. to 135 deg.C. in presence, as a catalyst, of heavy dark components of oil, whose residue after distillation of fractions boiling out up to 350 deg.C. contains copper and vanadium total not less than 0.005 mass % counted on pure metal. 1. A method of purification of hydrocarbon compositions from hydrogen sulphide and light mercaptans , comprising the step of using heavy dark components of oil with a boiling temperature above 350 deg. C. as a catalyst.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the heavy dark components of oil contain compositions of copper not less than 0.005 mass % counted on pure metal.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the heavy dark components of oil contain compositions of vanadium not less than 0.005 mass % counted on pure metal.4. A method according to claim 4 , wherein the heavy dark components of oil contain composition of copper and vanadium with total quantity not less than 0.005 mass % counted on pure metal.5. A catalyst for purification of hydrocarbon composition from hydrogen sulphide and light mercaptans claim 4 , containing complexes of transitional metals with nitrogen-containing heterocycles claim 4 , characterized in that the catalyst is selected from residual dark products of processing of oil claim 4 , in particular a residue after distillation of a fraction which boils out below 350 deg. C.6. A catalyst according to claim 5 , characterized in that it contains compositions ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150232765A1

A method and process to remove sulfur compounds from a real fuel product of straight-run diesel (SRD) by the action of ozone bubbling and ter-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BUOOH) under normal laboratory conditions is disclosed. Slight desulfurization is taken place after ozone bubbling process which may be assigned to a removal of sulfur compounds in a gaseous form (SO). Most of the organically bound sulfur and/or elemental sulfur and hydrogen sulfide still exist in the ozonized samples. Sulfur removal from SRD samples was achieved by combining ozone bubbling with extraction by using different solvents to remove the oxidized sulfur compound (polar) from ozonized samples. This method provides a considerable level of total sulfur reduction where the reduction of sulfur reaches 93%. 1. A process , comprising:desulfurization of straight-run diesel by ozone;ozone bubbling into straight-run diesel (SRD) with sulfur content of ≅1.41 mass % at various time; andmeasuring levels of total sulfur and kinematic viscosity for ozone bubbled samples.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein ozone is produced at a condition of Oflow rate of 1000 ml/minute with ozone output of 36 μg of ozone in 1 ml of O.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein ozone is bubbled into SRD samples at room temperature and atmospheric pressure.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein a time of the bubbling is one of 0 claim 1 , 15 claim 1 , 30 claim 1 , 60 claim 1 , and 90 minutes.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein total sulfur content % is measured by fuel spectrometer and kinematic viscosity is measured at 40° C. by a viscosity analyzer.6. The process of claim 1 , further comprising forming SOgases in the SRD after exposure to the ozone.7. The process of claim 4 , further comprising decreasing a total sulfur content in the SRD by the ozone bubbling at 30 minutes.8. The process of claim 4 , further comprising decreasing a total sulfur content in the SRD by the ozone bubbling at 60 minutes.9. The process of claim 4 , further ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации

Process for oxidative desulfurization with integrated sulfone decomposition

Номер: US20180221853A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

The process provided herein is concerned with disposal of oxidized sulfur compounds formed by oxidative desulfurization. The process uses solid base catalyst in the presence of a caustic solution or solid base catalyst pretreated with a base and eliminates the need to separate the sulfones from the hydrocarbon streams and recover the hydrocarbons.

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200216762A1

The present invention refers to process for oxidation of organosulfur compounds comprising metal AQCs having between 5 and 13 metal atoms as catalyst. Additionally, the present invention refers to the use of the metal AQCs having between 5 and 13 metal atoms as catalyst in the oxidation of organosulfur compounds and to a chemical composition comprising organosulfur compounds and metal AQCs having between 5 and 13 metal atoms. 1. A process for oxidation of an organosulfur compound comprising the following steps:i) providing a catalyst comprising metal Atomic Quantum Clusters (AQCs) consisting of between 5 and 13 metal atoms; wherein the metal of the metal Atomic Quantum Clusters (AQCs) is selected from Ag, Co, Cu, Pt, Fe, Pd, Ni or their bi-metal and multi-metal combinations; and wherein the contacting of step (ii) is performed in a liquid having oxygen dissolved; and', 'wherein the organosulfur compound is selected from sulfur-containing heterocyclic chemical compounds, asphaltenes and mixtures thereof., 'ii) contacting the catalyst of step (i) with an organosulfur compound to oxidize said organosulfur compound;'}2. A process for oxidation of an organosulfur compound as defined in claim 1 , wherein the metal of the metal AQCs is selected from Ag claim 1 , Cu and combinations thereof.3. A process for oxidation of an organosulfur compound as defined in claim 1 , wherein the metal AQCs have 5 metal atoms.4. A process for oxidation of an organosulfur compound as defined in claim 1 , wherein the metal AQCs is supported in a support material.5. (canceled)6. A process for oxidation of an organosulfur compound as defined in claim 1 , wherein the contacting step (ii) is performed by mixing the catalyst and the organosulfur compound in a solvent or in a mixture of solvents.7. A process for oxidation of an organosulfur compound as defined in claim 1 , wherein the contacting step (ii) is performed by passing the organosulfur compound dispersed in a solvent through the catalyst ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200222851A1

An integrated mercaptan extraction and/or sweetening and thermal oxidation and flue gas treatment process for a wide variety of sulfur, naphthenic, phenolic/cresylic contaminated waste streams is described. It provides comprehensive treatment for the safe disposal of sulfidic, naphthenic, phenolic/cresylic spent caustic streams, disulfide streams, spent air streams, spent mixed amine and caustic streams (also known as COS solvent streams) from sulfur treating processes. It allows the use of regenerated spent caustic in the sulfur oxide removal section of the thermal oxidation system reducing the need for fresh NaOH. It may also contain an integrated make-up water system. The integration allows the use of the liquefied petroleum gas or other hydrocarbon feeds to the respective extraction or sweetening process to offset external fuel gas requirements for the thermal oxidation system and for the push/pull system of the spent caustic surge drum and optional hydrocarbon surge drum. 1. An integrated mercaptan extraction and/or sweetening and thermal oxidation and flue gas treatment process for sulfur reduction in a hydrocarbon feed comprising:introducing a spent liquid stream into a spent caustic surge drum, the spent liquid comprising at least one of:a mixed amine and caustic stream from a mercaptan removal unit;a spent caustic stream from a mercaptan removal unit;a spent naphthenic caustic stream from a kerosene sweetening unit; a spent sulfidic, phenolic/cresylic caustic stream from a gasoline sweetening unit, or kerosene sweetening unit, or both; ora caustic waste stream from another process unit;passing a mixed spent caustic stream from the spent caustic surge drum to a thermal oxidation and quench section of a thermal oxidation system, the mixed spent caustic stream comprising at least one sulfur compound, the thermal oxidation system comprising the thermal oxidation and quench section, a particulate removal section, and a sulfur oxide removal section;oxidizing the ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150252272A1

Methods and compositions useful for reducing the amount of sulfur in a composition comprising sulfur, including methods and compositions comprising the use of an oxidation agent and a oxidation catalyst, wherein the oxidation catalyst can have the formula MMMO. 1. A method of reducing the amount of sulfur in a composition comprising sulphur , the method comprising the steps of:a. providing a composition comprising sulfur; and{'sup': 1', '3', '2', '1', '2', '3, 'sub': 1-x', 'x', '3, 'b. contacting the composition comprising sulfur with an oxidation agent and an oxidation catalyst, wherein the oxidation catalyst has the formula MMMO, wherein Mis a rare-earth element, wherein Mis a transition metal, wherein Mis Ca or Sr, and wherein x is from 0.01 to 0.80, thereby reducing the amount of sulfur in the composition comprising sulfur.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprising sulfur comprises petroleum.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprising sulfur is petroleum.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oxidation agent comprises HO claim 1 , NO claim 1 , NO claim 1 , NO claim 1 , acetic acid claim 1 , tert-butyl hydrogen phosphate (TBHP) claim 1 , formic acid claim 1 , sulfuric acid claim 1 , nitric acid claim 1 , O claim 1 , air claim 1 , or ozone claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oxidation agent comprises HO.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the rare-earth element comprises La claim 1 , Pr claim 1 , Gd claim 1 , Sm claim 1 , Nd claim 1 , or Ce.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the rare-earth element is La.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transition metal comprises Fe claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , or Cu.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transition metal is Fe.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein Mis Sr.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein x is from 0.10 to 0.50.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein x is from 0.10 to 0.30.13. The method of claim 1 , ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

System And Method For Liquid Hydrocarbon Desulfurization

Номер: US20190233740A1

A liquid hydrocarbon desulfurization system having at least one processing unit, and preferably an initial and an end processing unit. Each processing unit having a reactor assembly and a sorption system. An aqueous system directs aqueous into the reactor assembly together with liquid hydrocarbon, wherein the two are mixed using shear mixers. An adsorbent system provides adsorbent to the sorption column to adsorb the oxidized sulfur resulting through the mixing of the liquid hydrocarbon with the aqueous. A system having multiple processing units is disclosed, as well as systems for transferring adsorbent and providing aqueous. A plurality of methods is likewise disclosed. 1. A method of desulfurizing a liquid hydrocarbon , comprising the steps of:providing an initial processing unit and an end processing unit, the initial processing unit having an initial reactor assembly and an initial sorption system, the end processing unit having an end reactor assembly, a separator and an end sorption system;feeding a liquid hydrocarbon having a sulfur content into the initial reactor assembly;feeding an aqueous feed into the initial reactor assembly;shear mixing the liquid hydrocarbon and the aqueous feed within the initial reactor assembly, to, in turn, react the aqueous feed with the sulfur content of the liquid hydrocarbon;directing the liquid hydrocarbon and aqueous feed to the initial sorption system;feeding a sorbent into the initial sorption system;adsorbing at least some of the sulfur content that has reacted with the aqueous feed from the liquid hydrocarbon;directing liquid hydrocarbon from the initial sorption system to the end reactor assembly;directing the aqueous feed from the initial sorption system to the end reactor assembly;shear mixing the liquid hydrocarbon and the aqueous feed within the end reactor assembly, to, in turn, react the aqueous feed with the sulfur content of the liquid hydrocarbon;directing the liquid hydrocarbon and the aqueous feed to the ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200231519A1

The present disclosure provides petrochemical processing methods and systems, including ethylene conversion processes and systems, for the production of higher hydrocarbon compositions, for example liquid hydrocarbon compounds, with reduced amount of unsaturated hydrocarbons. 1. (canceled)2. The method of claim 8 , wherein the at least one mesoporous catalyst comprises mesoporous zeolites.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the mesoporous zeolites comprise mesoporous ZSM-5.4. The method of claim 8 , wherein the C compounds are generated at a selectivity greater than about 50%.57.-. (canceled)8. A method for generating hydrocarbon compounds with three or more carbon atoms (C compounds) claim 8 , comprising:{'sub': 2', '4', '2', '2', '2', '4', '2', '2', '4', '2', '2', '4', '3+, 'directing a feed stream comprising ethylene (CH), hydrogen (H), and carbon dioxide (CO) at a CH/Hmolar ratio from about 0.01 to 5, and a CH/COmolar ratio from about 1 to 10, into an ethylene conversion reactor that converts said CHin an ethylene conversion process to yield a product stream comprising said C compounds,'}wherein said ethylene conversion reactor comprises at least one mesoporous catalyst disposed therein and configured to facilitate said ethylene conversion process, and wherein said at least one mesoporous catalyst comprises a plurality of mesopores having an average pore size from about 1 nanometer (nm) to 500 nm.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the C compounds comprise hydrocarbon compounds with five or more carbon atoms (C compounds).10. The method of claim 8 , wherein the ethylene conversion reactor is an ethylene-to-liquids (ETL) reactor claim 8 , and wherein the ethylene conversion process is an ETL process.11. The method of claim 8 , wherein the average pore size is from 1 nm to 50 nm.12. The method of claim 8 , wherein the average pore size is from 1 nm to 10 nm.13. The method of claim 8 , wherein the CH/Hmolar ratio is between about 0.1 and about 2.14. The method of ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации

Sulfonated Lignin-Derived Compounds and uses Thereof

Номер: US20210276945A1

The present invention relates to novel lignin-derived compounds and compositions comprising the same and their use as redox flow battery electrolytes. The invention further provides a method for preparing said compounds and compositions as well as a redox flow battery comprising said compounds and compositions. Additionally, an assembly for carrying out the inventive method is provided. 2. The redox flow battery according to claim 1 , wherein said redox flow battery comprises a first (optionally aqueous) electrolyte solution comprising a first (redox active) electrolyte; a first electrode in contact with said first (optionally aqueous) electrolyte solution; a second (optionally aqueous) electrolyte solution comprising a second (redox active) electrolyte; a second electrode in contact with said second (optionally aqueous) electrolyte solution; wherein one or both of the first and second (redox active) electrolytes comprise the at least one sulfonated (and optionally further derivatized) low molecular weight aromatic compound.3. The redox flow battery of claim 1 , wherein the sulfonated low molecular weight aromatic compound corresponds in structure to Formula (X) or (XI) claim 1 , and wherein Rand Rare independently selected from H and SOH; Ris selected from H claim 1 , OH claim 1 , C-Calcohol claim 1 , and SOH; and Ris selected from H claim 1 , OH and C-Calcohol.4. The redox flow battery of claim 1 , wherein the sulfonated low molecular weight aromatic compound is characterized by one of the following:{'sup': '4', 'sub': '3', 'a) Ris SOH;'}{'sup': 4', '3, 'sub': '3', 'b) Ris SOH, Ris methoxy;'}{'sup': 4', '2', '3, 'sub': '3', 'c) Ris SOH, Rand Rare methoxy;'}{'sup': 1', '4, 'sub': '3', 'd) Rand Rare SOH;'}{'sup': 1', '4', '3, 'sub': '3', 'e) Rand Rare SOH, Ris methoxy; or'}{'sup': 2', '4', '3, 'sub': '3', 'f) Rand Rare SOH, and Ris methoxy.'}5. The redox flow battery of claim 1 , wherein the sulfonated low molecular weight aromatic compound corresponds in structure ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации

Methods for upgrading of contaminated hydrocarbon streams

Номер: US20140339136A1
Принадлежит: Auterra Inc, Cenovus Energy Inc

A method of upgrading a heteroatom-containing hydrocarbon feed by removing oxidized-heteroatom contaminants is disclosed. The method includes contacting the oxidized-heteroatom-containing hydrocarbon feed with a caustic and a selectivity promoter, and removing the heteroatom contaminants from the heteroatom-containing hydrocarbon feed.

17-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150259613A1

The present invention discloses a process for enhancing quality of a hydrocarbon stream. More particularly, the present invention discloses a process for improvement of the combustion quality of a diesel range stream by dissolving an oxygen source in the feed stream before carrying out the oxidation, thereby enhancing the Cetane number, lubricity and reducing emission of the stream. The present invention also discloses a process for enhancing combustion quality of a hydrocarbon stream by carrying out the process in presence of an organometallic catalyst. 1. A process for increasing cetane number of a diesel range stream , the process comprising:(a) providing a feed diesel range stream, with a sulfur content of less than 350 ppmw and a cetane number,(b) saturating said diesel range stream with an oxygen source, and(c) subjecting said oxygen source saturated diesel range stream to oxidation at a pressure of about 1 to 50 barg, to obtain oxidized diesel range stream with increased cetane number relative to the feed diesel range stream,wherein the saturated diesel range stream contains at least a portion of oxygen source in dissolved form during oxidation.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising a step of hydrotreating the feed diesel range stream before step (a).3. The process of or claim 1 , wherein the feed diesel range stream is selected from mineral petroleum oil claim 1 , straight run kerosenes claim 1 , straight run diesels claim 1 , light cycle oil (LCO) claim 1 , coker gas oil (CGO) claim 1 , Diesel hydrodesulpurization (DHDS) claim 1 , Diesel hydrotreatment (DHDT) product or mixtures thereof.4. The process of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the oxygen source is selected from organic claim 1 , inorganic claim 1 , molecular oxygen or oxygen containing gases claim 1 , ozone or ozone containing gases and mixtures thereof.5. The process of claim 4 , wherein when molecular oxygen containing gas is used as oxygen source claim 4 , then oxygen ...

07-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210309925A1
Автор: Vam Albert S.

A desulfurization system has an oxidation process unit, and a multi-stage, liquid-liquid extraction unit in series with the oxidation process unit. The multi-stage, liquid-liquid extraction unit spits a fuel input from the oxidation process unit into a desulfurized fuel that is output for use, and a by-product. A solvent/sulfur/hydrocarbon separation process unit receives the by-product from the multi-stage, liquid-liquid extraction unit. 1. A desulfurization system comprising:an oxidation process unit that outputs a fuel, the fuel comprising an oxidized fuel having sulfur therein; and a mixer; and', 'a separation vessel coupled to the mixer;', the mixer mixes the oxidized fuel with an extraction fluid, and the output of the mixer is fed to the separation vessel;', 'the separation vessel performs phase separation to separate the mixed oxidized fuel and extraction fluid into a reduced sulfur fuel and a residual, where the residual is comprised of the extraction fluid and sulfur transferred from the fuel; and', 'the reduced sulfur fuel exits the separation vessel at a first output and the residual exits the separation vessel at a second output., 'wherein], 'a liquid-liquid extraction unit coupled to the oxidation process unit, the liquid-liquid extraction unit comprising at least one liquid-liquid extraction stage, each liquid-liquid extraction stage having2. The desulfurization system of claim 1 , wherein:an input of the oxidation process unit mixes the a high sulfur fuel with an oxidant; andthe oxidation process unit comprises a reactor that contains a solid catalyst that does not require activation, does not deactivate with use, or a combination thereof.3. The desulfurization system of claim 1 , wherein:the oxidation process unit comprises a reactor, a cobalt oxide catalyst, or both.4. The desulfurization system of further comprising for at least one stage:a pump upstream of the mixer, wherein the oxidized fuel is merged with the extraction fluid to form a combined ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160264878A1

Heavy oils containing metalloporphyrins principally of nickel and vanadium are demetallized using an oxidizing agent such as aqueous hydrogen peroxide and catalytic amounts of phosphoric acid, preferably with tungstic acid in combination with a phase transfer agent. Up to 99% of the Ni and V are deposited in the aqueous phase and are removed from the oil. The homogenous, water soluble reactants and catalyst have the advantage of being separated more easily from the Ni and V dissolved in the aqueous phase than the same metals deposited on solid phase heterogeneous catalysts. 1. A process for demetallating a petroleum stream which comprises:contacting a petroleum stream comprising metal-containing components with an aqueous oxidant solution comprising hydrogen peroxide, tungstic acid and phosphoric acid.2. A process according to in which the petroleum stream comprises a stream boiling above 540° C.3. A process according to in which the petroleum stream comprises a vacuum resid.4. A process according to in which the petroleum stream comprises asphaltenes containing metalloporphyrins of nickel and/or vanadium.5. A process according to in which the petroleum stream is contacted with an aqueous oxidant solution comprising hydrogen peroxide and phosphoric acid.6. (canceled)7. A process according to wherein the aqueous oxidant solution further comprises a phase transfer agent.8. A process according to in which the phase transfer agent comprises a quaternary ammonium salt.9. A process according to in which the quaternary ammonium salt as alkyl substituents on the nitrogen comprising a mixture of Cand Cchains wherein a predominant amount of the mixture are Cchains.10. A process according to in which the petroleum stream is dissolved in a solvent.11. A process according to in which the petroleum stream comprises aromatics with at least 4 rings.12. A process according to in which the amount of the aqueous oxidant solution is at least sufficient to substantially affect ring ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140353212A1

A process that includes: 1. A process comprising:mixing a hydrocarbon composition that includes at least one organic sulfur-containing compound with an extraction solvent in a film-shear reactor under conditions wherein the extraction solvent extracts the at least one organic sulfur-containing compound from the hydrocarbon composition;separating a first phase comprising the at least one organic sulfur-containing compound and the extraction solvent from a second phase comprising the hydrocarbon composition;oxidizing with ozone the at least one organic sulfur-containing compound in the first phase to produce at least one oxidized organic sulfur-containing compound; andseparating the at least one oxidized organic sulfur-containing compound from the extraction solvent.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising recycling the separated lactone back to the mixing step.3. The process of claim 1 , further comprising recycling the separated hydrocarbon composition back to the mixing step.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein separating the first phase from the second phase comprises decanting or centrifuging.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein oxidizing the least one organic sulfur-containing compound in the first phase comprises mixing ozone with the first phase.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the organic sulfur-containing compound is thiophene claim 1 , and the thiophene is oxidized to sulfone.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein separating the at least one oxidized organic sulfur-containing compound from the extraction solvent comprises distilling the extraction solvent.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the extraction solvent comprises a lactone.9. The process claim 8 , wherein the lactone comprises γ-butyrolactone.10. The process of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon composition comprises a hydrocarbon fuel that is contaminated with the least one organic sulfur-containing compound.11. The process of claim 1 , further comprising generating ozone from air.12. The ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации

System And Method For Liquid Hydrocarbon Desulfurization

Номер: US20180265788A1
Автор: Jack Lawrence WALDRON
Принадлежит: Alternative Petroleum Technologies Inc

A method of desulfurizing a liquid hydrocarbon having the steps of: adding a liquid hydrocarbon to a vessel, the hydrocarbon having a sulfur content; adding a catalyst and an oxidizer to create a mixture; oxidizing at least some of the sulfur content of the liquid hydrocarbon to form oxidized sulfur in the liquid hydrocarbon; separating the liquid hydrocarbon from the mixture; and removing at least some of the oxidized sulfur from the liquid hydrocarbon. Such methods can be carried out by batch or continuously. Systems for undertaking such methods are likewise disclosed.

13-08-2020 дата публикации

Process for producing diesel fuel from olefinic refinery feedstreams

Номер: US20200255751A1
Автор: Omer Refa Koseoglu
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

An integrated refinery process for producing diesel fuel blending stock from olefinic heavy naphtha streams that contain gasoline and compounds with carbon numbers in the range of from 9-14 are oxidized and converted into their corresponding oxides in the presence of a homogeneous or heterogeneous catalyst, or both, and optionally an acid phase transfer agent for the liquid reactants, the product oxides having boiling points about 34° C. higher than the corresponding olefins, and as a result, in the diesel blending component boiling point range. The oxygenates produced have lubricating properties that enhance the typically poor lubricity characteristics of ultra-low sulfur diesels and reduce the need for additives to improve the lubricity of the blended diesel fuels.

28-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170275217A1

Disclosed herein are processes for producing and separating ethane and ethylene. In some embodiments, an oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) product gas comprising ethane and ethylene is introduced to a separation unit comprising two separators. Within the separation unit, the OCM product gas is separated to provide a C-rich effluent, a methane-rich effluent, and a nitrogen-rich effluent. Advantageously, in some embodiments the separation is achieved with little or no external refrigeration requirement. 155.-. (canceled)56. A process for producing hydrocarbon compounds via oxidative coupling methane (OCM) , comprising:{'sub': '2+', '(a) directing a feed stream comprising methane and oxygen into an OCM reactor to generate an OCM product gas comprising hydrocarbon compounds with two or more carbon atoms (C compounds);'}(b) separating at least a portion of said OCM product gas into a first stream and a second stream;(c) expanding at least a portion of said first stream substantially isentropically to produce an expanded first stream; and{'sub': 2', '2+, '(d) directing said at least a portion of said first stream expanded in (c) and said second stream into a separations unit to generate a C-rich effluent comprising at least a portion of said C compounds and an effluent comprising methane.'}57. The process of claim 56 , further comprising claim 56 , between (a) and (b) claim 56 , condensing at least a portion of said C compounds in said OCM product gas by reducing a temperature of said OCM product gas using one or more heat exchangers.58. The process of claim 57 , wherein (b) further comprises claim 57 , directing said at least a portion of said OCM product gas into one or more liquid-gas separators to separate said at least a portion of said OCM product gas into said first stream and said second stream.59. The process of claim 58 , wherein said first stream comprises at least a portion of said methane claim 58 , and wherein said second stream comprises at least a ...

25-12-2014 дата публикации

Method for Removing Sulfides from a Liquid Fossil Fuel

Номер: US20140374320A1

The desulfurization of fossil fuels is provided by the combination of fossil fuels with an aqueous mixture of ozone or hydrogen peroxide and a Tetraoctylphosphonium salt phase transfer catalyst, and the mixture is then subjected to reactive mixing to form oxidize sulfur compounds in the fuel. The polar oxidized sulfones species are removed via another mixing step. The desulfurization device can be in the form of a portable device which provides for continuous mixing-assisted desulfurization for the removal of sulfur containing compounds from fossil fuels such as diesel fuel. 1. A method for removing sulfides from a liquid fossil fuel , comprising:(a) combining a liquid fossil fuel with an oxidizer solution, a metal catalyst, and a phase transfer catalyst to form a multiphase reaction medium;(b) reactive mixing and agitating the multiphase reaction medium via a mixer of a first mixing tank for a time sufficient to cause oxidation of sulfides in the fossil fuel to sulfones and to produce a plurality of bubble formations;(c) separating an oil phase from an aqueous phase using a first cyclone, wherein the oil phase contains the fossil fuel and the sulfones;(d) delivering the oil phase into a second mixing tank having a mixer;(e) adding a plurality of adsorbents in the second mixing tank so as to absorb the sulfones by the adsorbents;(f) separating the adsorbents from the oil phase to yield an organic phase that is substantially sulfone-free.2. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the adsorbents are activated clay.3. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the adsorbents are ion-impregnated activated carbon.4. The method in accordance with claim 3 , wherein the ion-impregnated activated carbon is copper ion-impregnated activated carbons□ferric ion-impregnated activated carbons□nickel ion-impregnated activated carbons□5. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the adsorbents are Aluminum oxide.6. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190284487A1

The present invention provides selective extraction of sulfoxides, or sulfoxides in combination with sulfones, from hydrocarbon mixtures containing these compounds. A significant advantage of the invention is that oxidation products resulting from oxidative desulfurization of hydrocarbon feedstocks are selectively extracted with minimum co-extraction of non-oxidized products such as valuable hydrocarbon fuel components. 1. (canceled)2. The process as in claim 24 , wherein the concentration of the aqueous solution is about 2.5 weight % to about 20 weight % of acetone claim 24 , and wherein the target compounds for extraction are non-bulky sulfoxide products.3. The process as in claim 24 , wherein the concentration of the aqueous solution is about 20 weight % to about 50 weight % of acetone claim 24 , and wherein the target compounds for extraction are bulky sulfoxide products.4. The process as in claim 24 , wherein the concentration of the aqueous solution is about 10 weight % to about 30 weight % of methanol claim 24 , and wherein the target compounds for extraction are non-bulky sulfoxide products.5. The process as in claim 24 , wherein the concentration of the aqueous solution is about 5 weight % to about 30 weight % of acetonitrile claim 24 , and wherein the target compounds for extraction are non-bulky sulfoxide products.6. The process as in claim 24 , wherein the concentration of the aqueous solution is about 20 weight % to about 40 weight % of acetonitrile claim 24 , and wherein the target compounds for extraction are bulky sulfoxide products.7. The process as in claim 24 , wherein the concentration of the aqueous solution is about 2.5 weight % to about 20 weight % of acetic acid claim 24 , and wherein the target compounds for extraction are non-bulky sulfoxide products.8. The process as in claim 24 , wherein the concentration of the aqueous solution is about 20 weight % to about 40 weight % of acetic acid claim 24 , and wherein the target compounds for ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации

Process, method, and system for removing heavy metals from fluids

Номер: US20160304791A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

A process for removing non-volatile, particulate mercury from crudes and condensates is disclosed. Particulate mercury in crudes can be removed by a process of first adding a halogen, such as I 2 . The halogen converts at least 10% of the particulate mercury into an oil-soluble mercury compound that cannot be removed by filtration or centrifugation. This oil-soluble mercury compound can then be removed by adsorption onto a solid adsorbent. The process can operate at near ambient conditions. The adsorption step can be carried out by mixing a particulate adsorbent in the halogen-treated crude and then removing it by centrifugation, desalting, filtration, hydrocyclone or by settling.

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180312762A1
Автор: Gomach Jeffrey Bruce

A process for the removal of residual sulfur compounds from rich liquid caustic is disclosed where a single column containing two reaction zones catalytically oxidizes mercaptans to disulfide oils. The second reaction zone utilizes a bundle of vertical hanging fibers and is maintained as a gas continuous phase comprising from about 20% to about 100% by volume vapor. This process is especially useful as part of a hydrocarbon desulfurization process flow scheme. 1. A method for regenerating a caustic solution comprising:providing a rich caustic liquid containing mercaptans;mixing the rich caustic liquid with a liquid catalyst to form a liquid caustic catalyst admixture;directing the liquid caustic catalyst admixture into a bottom section of a vertical column configured to cause the liquid caustic catalyst admixture to flow upward inside the column;injecting an oxygen containing gas into the liquid caustic catalyst admixture to form a gas liquid mix that flows upward inside the column entering a first reaction zone;oxidizing the mercaptans to disulfide oil in the first reaction zone forming an oxidized gas liquid mix;directing the oxidized gas liquid mix into a conduit positioned between a top tray and a bottom tray such that a liquid mix of disulfide oil and caustic exits the conduit onto an upper surface of the top tray that is fixedly attached to an upper section of the column;directing the liquid mix of disulfide oil and caustic into a shroud connected to a lower surface of the top tray where the liquid mix of disulfide oil and caustic contacts a bundle of vertical hanging fibers such that the liquid mix of disulfide oil and caustic flows down individual fibers in the bundle and into a second reaction zone;maintaining the second reaction zone as a gas continuous phase comprising from about 20% to about 100% by volume vapor;oxidizing mercaptans in the liquid mix of disulfide oil and caustic while the liquid mix of disulfide oil and caustic flows down the fibers in ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150337220A1

A hydrocarbon product having at least 0.1 grams per gram of hydrocarbon product having a boiling range distribution from an initial boiling point to approximately 739° C. wherein the hydrocarbon products are further characterized by an infrared spectroscopy reference peak, centered between approximately 1445 cmand 1465 cm, a first infrared spectroscopy peak between approximately 1310 cmand 1285 cm, wherein the height of the first infrared spectroscopy peak is at least approximately 28% of the height of the infrared spectroscopy reference peak and a second infrared spectroscopy peak between approximately 1135 cmand 1110 cm, wherein the height of the second infrared spectroscopy peak is at least approximately 22% of the height of the infrared spectroscopy reference peak. 1. A hydrocarbon product comprising:at least 0.1 grams per gram of hydrocarbon product having a boiling point that is less than 739° C.;at least 75 to 85 mass % carbon;at least 9 to 16 mass % hydrogen; and{'sup': −1', '−1', '−1', '−1', '−1', '−1, 'the hydrocarbon product exhibits an infrared spectroscopy reference peak, centered between approximately 1445 cmand 1465 cm, a first infrared spectroscopy peak between approximately 1310 cmand 1285 cm, and a second infrared spectroscopy peak between approximately 1135 cmand 1110 cm, wherein a height or area of the first infrared spectroscopy peak is at least approximately 28% of a height or area of the infrared spectroscopy reference peak and a height or area of the second infrared spectroscopy peak is at least approximately 22% of the height or area of the infrared spectroscopy reference peak.'}2. The hydrocarbon product of claim 1 , having a sulfur content measure between 17 mg/kg of the hydrocarbon product and 4.6 mass % of the hydrocarbon product.3. The hydrocarbon product of claim 1 , having a nitrogen concentration between approximately <0.1 to 2 mass % of the hydrocarbon product.4. The hydrocarbon product of claim 1 , having a nitrogen concentration ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180327674A1
Автор: Munjal Amit, Pahwa Piyush

Processes and apparatuses are disclosed for treating a naphtha stream from a FCC unit comprising passing the naphtha stream to a naphtha splitter column to provide a light naphtha stream and a heavy naphtha stream. The light naphtha stream is reacted in a mercaptan oxidation reactor to provide a demercaptanized naphtha stream. The demercaptanized naphtha stream is stripped in a light stripper column to provide a treated light naphtha stream and a bottoms stream. 1. A process for treating a naphtha stream from a FCC unit , wherein the process comprises:reacting a light naphtha stream in a mercaptan oxidation reactor to provide a demercaptanized naphtha stream; andstripping the demercaptanized naphtha stream in a light stripper column to provide a treated light naphtha stream and a bottoms stream.2. The process of further comprising providing an alkaline stream to the light naphtha stream to the mercaptan oxidation reactor claim 1 , wherein the alkaline stream comprises one of caustic or ammonia.3. The process of further comprising passing a full range naphtha stream to a naphtha splitter column to provide the light naphtha stream and a heavy naphtha stream.4. The process of further comprising passing the heavy naphtha stream and the bottoms stream from the light stripper column to a hydrodesulfurization reactor to hydrodesulfurize the heavy naphtha stream and the bottoms stream.5. The process of further comprising passing the heavy naphtha stream through a di-olefin saturation reactor prior to passing the heavy naphtha stream through the hydrodesulfurization reactor.6. The process of further comprising passing a hydrodesulfurized naphtha stream from the hydrodesulfurization reactor to a heavy stripper column to provide a heavy stripper overhead stream and a treated heavy naphtha stream.7. The process of further comprising passing the heavy stripper overhead stream to the light stripper column.8. The process of further comprising passing a hydrodesulfurized naphtha ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150353835A1

A method for recovering hydrocarbons from an aqueous hydrocarbonaceous slurry comprises pumping a mixture of the slurry and an oxidizing agent through a conduit, wherein the conduit comprises a plurality of stationary interior projections defining a non-linear path through the conduit, and thereby agitating the mixture to release the hydrocarbons from the slurry; and separating the hydrocarbons from the slurry. 1. A method for recovering hydrocarbons from an aqueous hydrocarbonaceous slurry , the method comprising:pumping a mixture of the slurry and an oxidizing agent through a conduit, wherein the conduit comprises a plurality of stationary interior projections defining a non-linear path through the conduit, and thereby agitating the mixture to release the hydrocarbons from the slurry; andseparating the hydrocarbons from the slurry.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising mixing the slurry and the oxidizing agent together in a reactor to form the mixture claim 1 , prior to pumping the mixture through the conduit.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising heating the mixture to a temperature of from about 50° C. to about 100° C. in the reactor.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the temperature is about 85° C.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising treating the mixture with a pH-correcting agent selected from the group consisting of calcium oxide claim 1 , calcium hydroxide claim 1 , calcium carbonate claim 1 , hydrochloric acid claim 1 , carbon dioxide claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising agitating and heating the hydrocarbonaceous slurry in a slurry hopper to a temperature of from about 50° C. to about 90° C.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein particles in the hydrocarbonaceous slurry have a diameter of less than about 2 mm.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising mixing water with a hydrocarbonaceous feedstock to produce the hydrocarbonaceous slurry claim 1 , wherein the water and feedstock are mixed in ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150353842A1

Embodiments of apparatuses and methods for conversion of mercaptans are provided. In one example, an apparatus comprises a vessel that is capable to receive a feed stream that comprises liquid hydrocarbons and the mercaptans. The vessel comprises a catalyst bed section that is capable of contacting the feed stream with a catalyst in the presence of oxygen (O) and caustic at reaction conditions effective to oxidize the mercaptans and form a caustic-containing, sweetened liquid hydrocarbon-containing stream. A coalescing bed section is capable to coalesce and separate at least a portion of the caustic from the caustic-containing, sweetened liquid hydrocarbon-containing stream for forming a caustic-depleted, sweetened liquid hydrocarbon-containing product stream. 1. An apparatus for conversion of mercaptans comprising: [{'sub': '2', 'a catalyst bed section capable of contacting the feed stream with a catalyst in the presence of oxygen (O) and caustic at reaction conditions effective to oxidize the mercaptans and form a caustic-containing, sweetened liquid hydrocarbon-containing stream; and'}, 'a coalescing bed section capable to coalesce and separate at least a portion of the caustic from the caustic-containing, sweetened liquid hydrocarbon-containing stream for forming a caustic-depleted, sweetened liquid hydrocarbon-containing product stream., 'a vessel capable to receive a feed stream that comprises liquid hydrocarbons and the mercaptans, wherein the vessel comprises2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst bed section is capable to operate at the reaction conditions that include a temperature of from about 20 to about 65° C.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst bed section is capable to operate at the reaction conditions that include a residence time of from about 15 minutes to about 1 hour.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst bed section is capable to operate at the reaction conditions that include a pressure of from about 345 ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации

Methods and apparatuses for removing sulfur compounds from a hydrocarbon stream

Номер: US20150353843A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Methods and apparatuses are provided for removing sulfur compounds from a hydrocarbon stream. A method includes contacting a hydrocarbon feed stream with a basic aqueous solution in an extractor to produce a sweetened hydrocarbon stream and a rich stream, where the rich stream includes a mercaptan salt. The rich stream is contacted with oxygen in an oxidizer to convert the mercaptan salt into a disulfide and to produce an oxidizer effluent stream. The oxidizer effluent stream is separated into a gas recycle stream and a mixed disulfide stream, and the gas recycle stream is combined with the rich stream.

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190338210A1

A method for producing a clean gasoline from a light hydrocarbon fraction is disclosed. The method includes two main steps including desulfurization of a light hydrocarbon fraction along with enhancing octane number of the desulfurized light hydrocarbon fraction. The octane number of the desulfurized hydrocarbon fraction is enhanced by applying a hormone-modified additive. 1. A method for producing a clean gasoline from a light hydrocarbon fraction , the method comprising:forming a mixed phase by putting in contact a light hydrocarbon fraction with an oxidant in presence of a metal spinel-type oxide catalyst, the mixed phase comprising a desulfurized hydrocarbon phase and a non-desulfurized hydrocarbon phase, the non-desulfurized hydrocarbon phase comprising sulfur-containing compounds and the metal spinel-type oxide catalyst;separating the desulfurized hydrocarbon phase from the mixed phase, where the determined separated phase comprises a sulfur content of less than 1 percent;obtaining a hormone-modified additive; andproducing the clean gasoline through enhancing octane number of the desulfurized hydrocarbon phase by putting in contact the desulfurized hydrocarbon phase with the hormone-modified additive.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein obtaining the hormone-modified additive comprising:{'sub': 3', '2', '4, 'producing a COOH functionalized additive by dispersing an additive in an acidic mixture, the acidic mixture including one or more of HNOand HSO, the additive including carbon nanotubes; and'}obtaining the hormone-modified additive by adding a hormone to the COOH functionalized additive under stirring for 1 to 10 hours.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein producing the clean gasoline through enhancing the octane number of the desulfurized hydrocarbon phase by putting in contact the desulfurized hydrocarbon phase with the hormone-modified additive comprises enhancing the octane number of the desulfurized hydrocarbon phase using one or more of triiodothyronine ( ...
