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17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2628522C2

Изобретение описывает способ изготовления брикетированного твердого топлива, включающий следующие стадии: распыление низкокачественного угля, для получения пульверизованного низкокачественного угля; смешивание с нефтяным растворителем для получения обезвоженной суспензии; нагревание и посредством этого обезвоживание суспензии для получения обезвоженной суспензии; отделение нефтяного растворителя от обезвоженной суспензии посредством разделения жидкость - твердое тело для получения кека; нагревание и посредством этого сушка кека, чтобы дополнительно отделить нефтяной растворитель от кека и получить рафинированный уголь в порошковой форме; смешивание рафинированного угля с углем для регулирования свойств в порошковой форме, чтобы регулировать свойства рафинированного угля и тем самым получать исходное сырье для брикетирования, содержащее уголь для регулирования свойств в количестве от 5 до 70 мас.%, в расчете на общую массу брикетируемого исходного сырья, указанный уголь для регулирования ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2628524C2

Изобретение описывает способ регулирования объемного расхода угольно-керосиновой суспензии, в котором в процессе разделения твердой и жидкой фаз при подаче обезвоженной угольно-керосиновой суспензии в центробежный сепаратор типа декантатора и разделении угольно-керосиновой суспензии на твердую фракцию и жидкую фракцию целевое значение электрического тока, подаваемого в двигатель для его вращения и приведения в действие шнекового конвейера центробежного сепаратора типа декантатора, определяют таким образом, что уровень жидкости в резервуаре для угольно-керосиновой суспензии, подаваемой в центробежный сепаратор типа декантатора, может принимать постоянное значение; целевое значение степени открытия определяют на основании разности между целевым значением электрического тока и фактически измеренным значением электрического тока, подаваемого в двигатель; и степень открытия регулирующего расход клапана, который располагают в середине питающей линии для введения угольно-керосиновой суспензии ...

27-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2598375C2
Принадлежит: АЙСАКУ КО., ЛТД. (JP)

Изобретение раскрывает аппарат (10; 110; 210; 310) для производства твердого топлива, включающий в себя: средство (10А; 210A; 310A) для изготовления смеси, выполненное чтобы изготавливать смесь (3) путем перемешивания горючих отходов (1), содержащих влагу, и дегидрирующего агента (2), служащего для ускорения удаления влаги из горючих отходов; средство (30; 130; 230) для хранения смеси, выполненное в виде цилиндра и с возможностью его вращения, и с возможностью хранения смеси (3) во внутреннем пространстве (30S; 130S, 230S); средство (33) для забора воздуха, выполненное с возможностью подачи атмосферного воздуха в средство для хранения смеси; средство (41; 241) отвода воздуха, выполненное с возможностью выпуска отработавшего воздуха из средства для хранения смеси; приводное устройство (51; 151; 251), выполненное с возможностью вращения средства для хранения смеси; средство (60; 160; 260) управления, выполненное с возможностью управления работой приводного устройства; и средство (72; 272) ...

31-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2621111C2

Изобретение относится к переработке отходов, включающих органические компоненты и радиоактивные агенты. Способ переработки отходов включает газифицирование отходов, включающих органические компоненты и радиоактивные агенты, которые представляют собой радиоактивные агенты с низким и/или средним уровнем активности, в реакторе с псевдоожиженным слоем при температуре от 600 до 950°С с помощью воздуха, так что коэффициент избытка воздуха составляет ниже 1, с получением газообразного материала, охлаждение газообразного материала путем быстрого охлаждения водой так, что температура после охлаждения составляет от 300 до 500°С, и удаление твердой фракции, включающей радиоактивные агенты, из газообразного материала на стадии очистки газа с получением переработанного газообразного материала. Изобретение обеспечивает эффективную в отношении затрат средств и энергии переработку загрязненных отходов. 4 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

01-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2737602C1

Группа изобретений относится к системе и способу контроля и представления отчета о содержании нормируемого компонента, содержащегося в продукте компримированного природного газа (КПГ), для передачи продукта потребителю и обеспечения возможности выбора конкретного протокола, связанного с требованиями конкретной ситуации. Способ для генерирования по меньшей мере первого и второго метановых чисел для передачи потребителю компримированного природного газа включает в себя этап инициирования, посредством по меньшей мере одного процессора, программной процедуры, которая генерирует по меньшей мере первое поле и второе поля. При этом выбирают анализирующее устройство посредством первого поля. Выбирают протокол вычисления метанового числа посредством второго поля для использования по его назначению. Контролируют передачу продукта потребителю посредством анализирующего устройства, выполненного с возможностью измерения состава компримированного природного газа. Получают данные от анализирующего устройства ...

20-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012104886A

... 1. Способ изготовления синтетических видов топлива, в котором- на первой стадии способа содержащую водяной пар и оксигенаты, такие как метанол и/или диметиловый эфир, исходную смесь на катализаторе превращают в олефины,- эту олефиновую смесь в разделительном устройстве разделяют на богатый С-С-углеводородами поток и богатый С-углероводородами поток,- богатый С-углеводородами поток разделяют на богатый C- и С-углеводородами поток и богатый С-углеводородами поток,- богатый С- и С-углеводородами поток подвергают, по меньшей мере частично, этерификации метанолом, и- полученный таким образом эфир подмешивают к потоку бензинового продукта.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что частичный поток богатого С- и С-углеводородами потока направляют мимо процесса этерификации и напрямую подмешивают к потоку бензинового продукта.3. Способ по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что долю подводимого к процессу этерификации C/С-потока и долю направляемого мимо процесса этерификации С/С-потока регулируют в зависимости ...

10-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013148118A

... 1. Способ формование гранулы газового гидрата в формующей газовый гидрат установке, включающей в себя генератор, в который подают исходный газообразный материал и воду, и выполненной с возможностью обеспечения реакции исходного газообразного материала с водой при высоком давлении в генераторе, чтобы производить суспензию газового гидрата, и для удаление воды из суспензии газового гидрата, чтобы формовать суспензию газового гидрата в гранулу газового гидрата требуемого размера, причем данный способ включает следующие стадии, на которых:подают суспензию газового гидрата в цилиндрическую компрессионную камеру, оборудованную компрессионным плунжером, способным перемещаться и возвращаться в цилиндрической компрессионной камере в направлении оси компрессионной камеры, иперемещают компрессионный плунжер для прикладывания компрессионного действия для выдавливания воды из суспензии газового гидрата и формования гранулы газового гидрата,причем скорость перемещения компрессионного плунжера устанавливают ...

17-12-2020 дата публикации

Hydrogen sulfide removal process by use of a sulfur dye catalyst

Номер: AU2019308471A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A process is presented where a feed stream containing a hydrogen sulfide and another feed component is introduced into an absorber that the feed stream flows upward from the bottom of the absorber and contacts a liquid treatment solution, where the liquid treatment solution contains a sulfur dye catalyst. The hydrogen sulfide is absorbed into the liquid treatment solution and converted into sulfide ions. The other feed component is removed from the absorber vessel substantially free of the hydrogen sulfide and a spent treatment solution is also removed from the absorber vessel and fed to an oxidation vessel where it is contacted with an oxygen containing gas causing the sulfide ions to oxidize to thiosulfate and converting the spent sulfur dye catalyst to regenerated sulfur dye catalyst. The thiosulfate is recovered, and the regenerated sulfur dye catalyst can be recycled as part of the liquid treatment solution.

17-08-2017 дата публикации

Subsea fluid processing system

Номер: AU2015372685A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

It is described a subsea fluid processing system adapted to receive a wellstream flow (1A, 101A) comprising a pressure control device (2,112) adapted to regulate the pressure of the wellstream flow (1A, 101A), a gas-liquid separator unit (4,105) adapted to receive the wellstream flow (1A, 101A) downstream of the pressure control device (2,112) and provide a liquid stream (4A, 105A) and a gas stream (4B, 105B), a first membrane separator (5,106) adapted to receive the gas stream (4B, 105B) and provide a retentate stream (5B, 106A) and a permeate stream (5A, 106B), a compressor (6,110) adapted to receive the permeate stream (5A, 106B) and provide a compressed permeate stream (6A, 110A), a discharge cooler (7, 111) adapted to receive the compressed permeate stream (6A, 110A) and provide a cooled permeate stream (7A, 111A) for injection into a subsurface reservoir, whereby the cooled permeate stream (7A, 111A) has higher density than the compressed permeate stream (6A, 110A).

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods utilizing glycol for hydrate prevention with glycol regeneration by variable concentration control

Номер: AU2017239495A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

Systems and methods use a glycol solution for inhibiting formation of hydrates in a flowline. The solution forms a mixture with the produced water thereby inhibiting the formation of natural gas hydrates in the flowline. After a period of use, a rich glycol solution forms which 5 is then regenerated by heat in a heating means such as a reboiler located at a receiving facility, resulting in a lean glycol solution suitable for use inhibiting the formation of natural gas hydrates. The concentration of the lean glycol solution is varied based on input parameters selected from operating conditions of the fluid handling system to ensure that a required concentration of the lean glycol solution is met, as determined by a processor. A control means .0 controls the lean glycol concentration using lean glycol temperature, lean glycol concentration and/or a duty of the heating means as a control variable.

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods utilizing glycol for hydrate prevention with glycol regeneration by variable concentration control

Номер: AU2021202289A1

Systems and methods use a glycol solution for inhibiting formation of hydrates in a flowline. The solution forms a mixture with the produced water thereby inhibiting the formation of natural gas hydrates in the flowline. After a period of use, a rich glycol solution forms which is then regenerated by heat in a heating means such as a reboiler located at a receiving facility, resulting in a lean glycol solution suitable for use inhibiting the formation of natural gas hydrates. The concentration of the lean glycol solution is varied based on input parameters selected from operating conditions of the fluid handling system to ensure that a required concentration of the lean glycol solution is met, as determined by a processor. A control means controls the lean glycol concentration using lean glycol temperature, lean glycol concentration and/or a duty of the heating means as a control variable.

03-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003044256C

A biogas blending and energy content verification system and method for controlled enhancement of a biogas feedstock stream energy content profile by selective sampling and analysis of the biogas feedstock stream and controlled injection of a refined gas of a known, higher energy content into the biogas feedstock stream to produce a blended biogas having an augmented energy content profile meeting or exceeding a pre-established minimum to meet end user requirements.

16-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002909407A1

A process for producing compacted torrefied biomass from pre-processed biomass. The process includes drying the pre-processed biomass in a dryer with heater exhaust gas from a heater, yielding dried biomass; torrefying the dried biomass with heat generated by the heater; compacting and pre-cooling the torrefied biomass in a cooling compactor and further cooling the compacted torrefied biomass in a cooling tunnel, yielding the compacted torrefied biomass.

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002925410A1

The disclosure includes a method for separating a feed stream in a distillation tower may comprise maintaining a controlled freeze zone section in the distillation tower that forms solids from a feed stream, wherein the controlled freeze zone section includes one or more internally disposed elements and a controlled freeze zone wall having an internal wall surface inside of the distillation tower, modifying at least one of the internally disposed elements, the internal wall surface, or both with a treatment mechanism that includes at least one of (a) removing portions of the internal wall surface and (b) applying a coating surface, introducing the feed stream into the controlled freeze zone section, forming the solids from the feed stream in the controlled freeze zone section, and at least one of preventing and destabilizing adhesion of the solids to the internal wall surface with the treatment mechanism.

01-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002833285C

This invention provides processes and systems for converting biomass into high-carbon biogenic reagents that are suitable for a variety of commercial applications. Some embodiments employ pyrolysis in the presence of an inert gas to generate hot pyrolyzed solids, condensable vapors, and non-condensable gases, followed by separation of vapors and gases, and cooling of the hot pyrolyzed solids in the presence of the inert gas. Additives may be introduced during processing or combined with the reagent, or both. The biogenic reagent may include at least 70 wt%, 80 wt%, 90 wt%, 95 wt%, or more total carbon on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may have an energy content of at least 12,000 Btu/lb, 13,000 Btu/lb, 14,000 Btu/lb, or 14,500 Btu/lb on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may be formed into fine powders, or structural objects. The structural objects may have a structure and/or strength that derive from the feedstock, heat rate, and additives.

03-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002858057C

A modified Claus process and system for treating an acid gas stream may involve, in one illustrative embodiment, controlling gas stream temperatures to operate a second Claus stage reactor in above-dewpoint mode while operating a third Claus stage reactor in sub-dewpoint mode, and then, controlling gas stream temperatures to operate the second stage reactor in sub-dewpoint mode while operating the third stage reactor in above-dewpoint mode to regenerate its catalyst bed, without the need to use switching valves to divert the gas flow to effectively reorder the second and third stage reactors for such regeneration.

26-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000106459C2

31-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201391691A1

30-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201691180A1

04-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003088648B1

24-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003004733A1

L'invention a pour objet un procédé de combustion d'un combustible liquide contaminé au vanadium dans un système de combustion d'une turbine à gaz munie d'une turbine de détente des gaz, ladite combustion conduisant à la formation de pentoxyde de vanadium V2O5, le procédé étant destiné à inhiber la corrosion vanadique d'une pièce chaude de la turbine à gaz, le procédé étant caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend une étape d'introduction dans le système de combustion d'un premier oxyde qui est l'oxyde de magnésium et d'au moins un second oxyde choisi parmi Al2O3, Fe2O3, TiO2 et SiO2, le rapport m du nombre de moles de MgO au nombre de moles de V2O5 et le rapport a du nombre total de mole de second(s) oxyde(s) au nombre de moles de V2O5 satisfaisant aux deux conditions : (i) a + 3 < m < 15, et (ii) [1/(1 + K)] (m - 2) ≤ a ≤ [10/(10 + K)] (m - 2) K étant défini par la relation : K= MV * HK * e (-0,0056*T), où : - T désigne la température de flamme de la turbine à gaz, - MV et HK désignent respectivement ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101564496B1

... 높은 휘발성 가연성 물질 함량(content)을 가지는 코크스(coke)의 생산을 향상시키는 방법 및 장치를 개시한다. 상기 프로세스는, 예를 들어, 가열된 코커(coker) 공급 재료(feedstock)를 생산하기 위해 코커(coker) 공급 재료(feedstock)를 코킹(cocking) 온도로 가열하는 단계; 가열된 코커 공급 재료의 온도를 감소시키고 급랭된(quenched) 공급 재료를 생산하기 위하여 급랭 수단(quench medium)을 가열된 코커 공급 재료에 접촉시키는 단계; 급랭된 공급 재료를 코킹 드럼에 공급하는 단계; (a) 분해된 기체 제품(cracked vapor product)을 생산하기 위해 급랭된 공급 재료의 부분을 분해하고, (b)ASTM D3175로 측정되는 무게로(by weight) 13%에서 50% 범위의 휘발성 가연성 물질(Volatile Combustible Material; VCM) 농도를 가지는 코크스 제품을 생산하기 위해 급랭된 공급재료를 코킹 드럼 내에서 열 분해(thermal cracking) 하는 단계를 포함할 수 있다.

14-07-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for enhancing the carbon content of carbon-containing materials

Номер: US0010711213B2
Принадлежит: YANG TSONG JEN, Yang Tsong-Jen

A method of enhancing the carbon content of a carbon-containing material, which includes loading a chamber with a carbon-containing material, evacuating air from the chamber, introducing an inert gas into the chamber, and heating sequentially the chamber at three or more different temperature phases each for a duration of time such that the weight percentage of the carbon in the treated carbon-containing material is increased by 20% or higher, as compared to the untreated carbon-containing material. Further disclosed is a system for performing this method.

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200246744A1

A process is presented where a feed stream containing a hydrogen sulfide and another feed component is introduced into an absorber that the feed stream flows upward from the bottom of the absorber and contacts a liquid treatment solution, where the liquid treatment solution contains a sulfur dye catalyst. The hydrogen sulfide is absorbed into the liquid treatment solution and converted into sulfide ions. The other feed component is removed from the absorber vessel substantially free of the hydrogen sulfide and a spent treatment solution is also removed from the absorber vessel and fed to an oxidation vessel where it is contacted with an oxygen containing gas causing the sulfide ions to oxidize to thiosulfate and converting the spent sulfur dye catalyst to regenerated sulfur dye catalyst. The thiosulfate is recovered, and the regenerated sulfur dye catalyst can be recycled as part of the liquid treatment solution.

30-07-2019 дата публикации

Method of producing product gas from multiple carbonaceous feedstock streams mixed with a reduced-pressure mixing gas

Номер: US0010364398B2

A feedstock delivery system transfers a carbonaceous material, such as municipal solid waste, into a product gas generation system. The feedstock delivery system includes a splitter for splitting bulk carbonaceous material into a plurality of carbonaceous material streams. Each stream is processed using a weighing system for gauging the quantity of carbonaceous material, a densification system for forming plugs of carbonaceous material, a de-densification system for breaking up the plugs of carbonaceous material, and a gas and carbonaceous material mixing system for forming a carbonaceous material and gas mixture. A pressure of the mixing gas is reduced prior to mixing with the carbonaceous material, and the carbonaceous material to gas weight ratio is monitored. A transport assembly conveys the carbonaceous material and gas mixture to a first reactor where at least the carbonaceous material within the mixture is subject to thermochemical reactions to form the product gas.

13-06-2023 дата публикации

Process for producing high-carbon biogenic reagents

Номер: US0011674101B2
Принадлежит: Carbon Technology Holdings, LLC

This invention provides processes and systems for converting biomass into high carbon biogenic reagents that are suitable for a variety of commercial applications. Some embodiments employ pyrolysis in the presence of an inert gas to generate hot pyrolyzed solids, condensable vapors, and non-condensable gases, followed by separation of vapors and gases, and cooling of the hot pyrolyzed solids in the presence of the inert gas. Additives may be introduced during processing or combined with the reagent, or both. The biogenic reagent may include at least 70 wt %, 80 wt %, 90 wt %, 95 wt %, or more total carbon on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may have an energy content of at least 12,000 Btu/lb, 13,000 Btu/lb, 14,000 Btu/lb, or 14,500 Btu/lb on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may be formed into fine powders, or structural objects. The structural objects may have a structure and/or strength that derive from the feedstock, heat rate, and additives.

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2584685C2

Изобретение относится к вариантам способа формования гранулы газового гидрата в формующей газовый гидрат установке, включающей в себя генератор, в который подают исходный газообразный материал и воду, и выполненной с возможностью обеспечения реакции исходного газообразного материала с водой при высоком давлении в генераторе, чтобы производить суспензию газового гидрата, и для удаления воды из суспензии газового гидрата, который производят для того, чтобы формовать суспензию газового гидрата в гранулу газового гидрата требуемого размера, причем данный способ включает следующие стадии, на которых в одном из вариантов: подают суспензию газового гидрата в цилиндрическую компрессионную камеру, оборудованную компрессионным плунжером, способным перемещаться и возвращаться в цилиндрической компрессионной камере в направлении оси компрессионной камеры, и перемещают компрессионный плунжер для прикладывания компрессионного действия для выдавливания воды из суспензии газового гидрата и формования гранулы ...

05-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2629935C2

Изобретение раскрывает способ изготовления твердого топлива, содержащий стадию смешивания, где происходит смешивание пористого угля с нефтяной смесью, содержащей нефть селективной очистки и тяжелую нефть, с целью получения физической суспензии; стадию выпаривания, где происходит нагревание физической суспензии, чтобы поддерживать обезвоживание пористого угля, и введение нефтяной смеси в поры пористого угля, чтобы получить обезвоженную суспензию; стадию разделения «твердое–жидкость», где происходит отделение усовершенствованного пористого угля и нефтяной смеси от обезвоженной суспензии; и стадию сушки - сушка усовершенствованного пористого угля нагреванием и транспортировка его при подаче газа-носителя, при этом установку заданного значения циркуляционного количества газа-носителя и заданного значения давления газа-носителя на стадии сушки, где каждое заданное значение определяют на основе подаваемого количества усовершенствованного пористого угля, которое должно быть высушено на стадии ...

20-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015112881A

... 1. Способ переработки отходов, включающих органические компоненты и радиоактивные агенты, отличающийся тем, что способ включает стадии:отходы, включающие органические компоненты и радиоактивные агенты, которые представляют собой радиоактивные агенты с низким и/или средним уровнем активности, газифицируют в реакторе при температуре от 600 до 950°C с получением газообразного материала,газообразный материал охлаждают путем быстрого охлаждения водой так, что температура после охлаждения составляет от 300 до 500°С, итвердую фракцию, включающую радиоактивные агенты, удаляют из газообразного материала на стадии очистки газа с получением переработанного газообразного материала.2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что газообразный материал является горючим.3. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что газообразный материал охлаждают посредством теплообменника.4. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что газообразный материал на стадии очистки газа фильтруют.5. Способ по п. 4, отличающийся тем, что фильтрование ...

02-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112019006240A5

06-09-2017 дата публикации

Subsea fluid processing system

Номер: GB0201711926D0

15-03-2023 дата публикации

Process for producing solid biomass fuel

Номер: GB0002610680A

A solid biomass fuel derived from one or more sources of biomass, wherein the one or more sources of biomass: (i) consist of or consist essentially of rice husks; (ii) comprise or consist essentially of a mixture of rice husks and wood such as mixed wood; (iii) consist of or consist essentially of a mixture of rice husks and calliandra callothyrsus; (iv) comprise rice husks in an amount of at least 15% by weight, and calliandra callothyrsus; or (v) comprise rice husks in an amount of at least 15% by weight and wood such as mixed wood and wherein if the one or more sources of biomass consists or consists essentially of rice husks, material derived from biomass is present in the solid biomass fuel in an amount of at least 95% by weight of the total fuel content of the solid biomass fuel; wherein the bulk density of the solid biomass fuel as determined according to DIN EN 15103 is from 0.40 kg/1 to 0.65 kg/1; wherein the mechanical durability of the solid biomass fuel as determined according ...

15-02-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren und System zum Speichern von Energie

Номер: AT514614A1

The invention relates to an energy storage method in which H2 is produced by electrolysis of water with electrical current, CO2 is additionally produced, and CH4 is produced by methanization from the H2 and CO2, and which is characterized in that: a) the CO2 is produced alongside CH4 in a biogas plant; b) the CO2 and CH4 in the biogas are separated in a membrane separation system by means of selective gas separation membranes into a CH4-rich gas stream and a CO2-rich gas stream, the CO2-rich gas stream being converted by methanization with the H2 produced to a product gas comprising CH4, CO2 and H2; c) at least a portion of the product gas is separated in a membrane separation system, in order to separate CO2 and H2 selectively from CH4; and d) the separation of the biogas and the separation of the product gas from the methanization are conducted simultaneously or alternately in the same membrane separation system using gas separation membranes capable of selective separation of CO2 and ...

15-06-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren und System zum Speichern von Energie

Номер: AT514614B8

The invention relates to an energy storage method in which H2 is produced by electrolysis of water with electrical current, CO2 is additionally produced, and CH4 is produced by methanization from the H2 and CO2, and which is characterized in that: a) the CO2 is produced alongside CH4 in a biogas plant; b) the CO2 and CH4 in the biogas are separated in a membrane separation system by means of selective gas separation membranes into a CH4-rich gas stream and a CO2-rich gas stream, the CO2-rich gas stream being converted by methanization with the H2 produced to a product gas comprising CH4, CO2 and H2; c) at least a portion of the product gas is separated in a membrane separation system, in order to separate CO2 and H2 selectively from CH4; and d) the separation of the biogas and the separation of the product gas from the methanization are conducted simultaneously or alternately in the same membrane separation system using gas separation membranes capable of selective separation of CO2 and ...

15-04-2019 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for performing hydrothermal syntheses

Номер: AT0000519208B1

Die Erfindung betrifft die Verwendung eines Extruders, umfassend einen Extruderzylinder (1), zumindest eine darin angeordnete Extruderschnecke (2), einen Feedeinlass (3) zur Zufuhr von Biomasse als Feed, einen Wassereinlass (4) und eine Düse (6) zur Abgabe von Reaktionsprodukten, zur Durchführung von hydrothermalen Karbonisierungsreaktionen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass a) im Extruderzylinder (1) nach der Einmündung (3) des Feeds, in Strömungsrichtung gesehen, ein gekühlter Abschnitt (5) als Kondensationsbarriere zum Kondensieren von Wasserdampf vorgesehen ist; und entweder b1) vor dem Auslass (7) der Extruderdüse (6) ein zweiter, als weitere Kondensationsbarriere dienender gekühlter Abschnitt (8) vorgesehen ist, um das Prozesswasser innerhalb des Extruders zu halten; oder b2) die Extruderdüse (6) in einen Drucktank (9) mündet, in dem das im Extruder geführte, heiße Reaktionsgemisch auf einen geringeren Druck gebracht wird, wodurch das Prozesswasser verdampft und so im Drucktank (9) von ...

06-05-2021 дата публикации

Process for coal fine aggregation

Номер: AU2019373467A1

A process of aggregating coal fines in a coal flotation concentrate includes dewatering the coal flotation concentrate to reduce moisture content and provide a dewatered flotation concentrate, mixing the dewatered flotation concentrate with a binder to provide a mixture, compacting the mixture under pressure to provide a green body of aggregated coal fines, having a sufficient strength for handling utilizing typical commercial methods of conveying and shipping.

21-12-2017 дата публикации

Method and device for separating hydrocarbons and contaminants with a heating mechanism to destabilize and/or prevent adhesion of solids

Номер: AU2014357669B2
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

The present disclosure provides a method for separating a feed stream in a distillation tower which includes separating a feed stream in a stripper section into an enriched contaminant bottom liquid stream and a freezing zone vapor stream; contacting the freezing zone vapor stream in the controlled freeze zone section with a freezing zone liquid stream at a temperature and pressure at which a solid and a hydrocarbon-enriched vapor stream form; directly applying heat to a controlled freeze zone wall of the controlled freeze zone section with a heating mechanism coupled to at least one of a controlled freeze zone internal surface of the controlled freeze zone wall and a controlled freeze zone external surface of the controlled freeze zone wall; and at least one of destabilizing and preventing adhesion of the solid to the controlled freeze zone wall with the heating mechanism.

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Method for producing residue coal

Номер: AU2014217196A1

In a method for producing residue coal according to the present invention, a solvent is separated by evaporation from a solid material concentrate, which has been separated in a gravity settling vessel (7), in a solvent separator (10), thereby producing a residue coal mixture in which the solvent is remained in the residue coal. Subsequently, the remaining solvent is separated by evaporation from the residue coal mixture in a drier (11), thereby producing the residue coal. In the drier (11), the remaining solvent is separated by evaporation from the residue coal mixture utilizing a heat the residue coal mixture itself has. In this manner, an apparatus for drying the residue coal mixture can be simplified, and the cost required for the drying can be reduced.

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Method and system for separating a feed stream with a feed stream distribution mechanism

Номер: AU2014357667A1

The present disclosure provides a distillation tower for separating a feed stream. The distillation tower includes a controlled freeze zone section having a controlled freeze zone upper section and a controlled freeze zone lower section below the controlled freeze zone upper section. The controlled freeze zone section includes: (a) a spray assembly in the controlled freeze zone upper section; (b) a melt tray assembly in the controlled freeze zone lower section; (c) a feed stream distribution mechanism between the spray assembly and the melt tray assembly. The feed stream distribution mechanism is constructed and arranged to uniformly distribute the feed stream in the controlled freeze zone section.

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3130799A1

Automated methods and systems for blending high sulfur hydrocarbons, particularly those derived from transmix, into low sulfur hydrocarbon streams are provided. Also provided are methods for splitting transmix into usable hydrocarbon fractions and blending the fractions back into defined hydrocarbon streams.

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003044256A1

A biogas blending and energy content verification system and method for controlled enhancement of a biogas feedstock stream energy content profile by selective sampling and analysis of the biogas feedstock stream and controlled injection of a refined gas of a known, higher energy content into the biogas feedstock stream to produce a blended biogas having an augmented energy content profile meeting or exceeding a pre-established minimum to meet end user requirements.

08-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002987988A1

A method of dehydrating a hydrocarbon gas stream comprises stripping water from a liquid desiccant stream using a water-undersaturated portion of the gas stream, drying the gas stream to extract the stripped water, and then further drying the partially-dried gas stream using the stripped desiccant to achieve a low water content level in the gas stream for pipeline transportation. In one embodiment, the liquid desiccant is supplied by a regeneration facility at a remote location and the liquid desiccant is returned to the regeneration facility for regeneration after drying the gas. In another embodiment, the regeneration of the desiccant is performed locally whereby the liquid desiccant is, after drying the gas, stripped again of water and reused locally.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002859844A1

Procédé de commande d'une unité de torréfaction de particules de biomasse comprenant : la mesure d'un diamètre moyen dp des particules de biomasse; en fonction du diamètre dp, calcul d'une température de torréfaction maximale T g max pour laquelle le rapport d'un temps caractéristique de la torréfaction à un temps caractéristique du transfert thermique au niveau des particules est égal à une valeur minimale; réglage de la température de torréfaction à une valeur inférieure ou égale à ladite température de torréfaction maximale T g max ; réglage de la durée de torréfaction à une valeur telle que le rendement massique final de la torréfaction soit égal à une valeur cible prédéfinie.

21-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002898724C

In a method for producing residue coal according to the present invention, a solvent is separated by evaporation from a solid material concentrate, which has been separated in a gravity settling vessel (7), in a solvent separator (10), thereby producing a residue coal mixture in which the solvent is remained in the residue coal. Subsequently, the remaining solvent is separated by evaporation from the residue coal mixture in a drier (11), thereby producing the residue coal. In the drier (11), the remaining solvent is separated by evaporation from the residue coal mixture utilizing a heat the residue coal mixture itself has. In this manner, an apparatus for drying the residue coal mixture can be simplified, and the cost required for the drying can be reduced.

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002925406A1

The present disclosure provides a method for separating a feed stream in a distillation tower. The method includes operating a controlled freeze zone section in a distillation tower that separates a feed stream at a temperature and pressure at which the feed stream forms a solid in the controlled freeze zone section, wherein the feed stream includes a first contaminant; maintaining a melt tray assembly in the controlled freeze zone section; introducing the feed stream to the controlled freeze zone section; and accumulating a liquid in the melt tray assembly until the liquid is at a predetermined liquid level in the controlled freeze zone section, by: feeding a second contaminant to the controlled freeze zone section; and adding the second contaminant to the melt tray assembly, wherein the liquid comprises the second contaminant.

24-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002889385A1

The present invention is a field-deployable system for separating methane and natural gas liquids (NGLs) from a raw gas stream comprising a compressor; a dehydrator; a refrigerator having one or more stages; and a separation subsystem adapted to separate the raw gas stream into three useable product streams: (1) a methane stream that is at least 70% methane, (2) an ethane-rich stream, and (3) a NGLs stream having a vapor pressure of no more than 17 bar (250 psi) at 38°C (100°F). The methane stream is sufficiently lean to be useable in existing natural gas engines without modification. The NGLs stream has a sufficiently low vapor pressure to be transportable in standard propane containers. The ethane-rich stream may be utilized within the system itself to power its own operations. The system can be utilized to reduce flaring from liquids-rich gas production sites, produce natural gas liquids for transport, and provide dry methane gas suitable for use in existing field generators.

25-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002891492C

The invention relates to a method for controlling a gas separation system comprising membrane separation stages, a system controlled by said method and use of said system for separation of gas mixtures, in particular in the preparing of biogas or natural gas or synthesis gas.

24-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002834763C

... [Problem] To provide a method of molding a gas hydrate pellet for improving convenience of handling of a natural gas hydrate during transportation and storage, and thereby improving the practical use of the natural gas hydrate. [Solution] Gas hydrate slurry is fed in a compression chamber 21, and pressure and compression are applied to the gas hydrate slurry by advancing a compression plunger 21e. At that time, a stroking speed of the compression plunger 21e is set minimum, preferably less than a value expressed by a stroke length of the compression plunger 21e at compression x 10-2 (m/min). By advancing the compression plunger 21e at low speed, binding between particles of the gas hydrate is tightened, thereby the gas hydrate pellet with increased shearing strength can be molded.

21-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002835895C

A process and apparatus for improving the production of coke having a high volatile combustible material content are disclosed. The process may include, for example: heating a coker feedstock to a coking temperature to produce a heated coker feedstock; contacting the heated coker feedstock with a quench medium to reduce a temperature of the heated coker feedstock and produce a quenched feedstock; feeding the quenched feedstock to a coking drum; subjecting the quenched feedstock to thermal cracking in the coking drum to (a) crack a portion of the quenched feedstock to produce a cracked vapor product, and (b) produce a coke product having a volatile combustible material (VCM) concentration in the range from about 13 % to about 50 % by weight, as measured by ASTM D3175.

22-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002835895A1

A process and apparatus for improving the production of coke having a high volatile combustible material content are disclosed. The process may include, for example: heating a coker feedstock to a coking temperature to produce a heated coker feedstock; contacting the heated coker feedstock with a quench medium to reduce a temperature of the heated coker feedstock and produce a quenched feedstock; feeding the quenched feedstock to a coking drum; subjecting the quenched feedstock to thermal cracking in the coking drum to (a) crack a portion of the quenched feedstock to produce a cracked vapor product, and (b) produce a coke product having a volatile combustible material (VCM) concentration in the range from about 13 % to about 50 % by weight, as measured by ASTM D3175.

10-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000115467C2

29-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201500531A1

30-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201691182A1

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201890091A1

28-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002985043A1

Procédé de commande d'une unité (10) de torréfaction de particules (54) de biomasse comprenant : - la mesure d'un diamètre moyen dp des particules de biomasse ; - en fonction du diamètre dp, calcul d'une température de torréfaction maximale Tmaxg pour laquelle un rapport H d'un temps caractéristique de la torréfaction à un temps caractéristique du transfert thermique au niveau des particules est égal à une valeur minimale Hmin ; - réglage de la température de torréfaction Tg à une valeur inférieure ou égale à ladite température de torréfaction maximale Tmaxg ; - réglage de la durée de torréfaction tr à une valeur telle que le rendement massique final R de la torréfaction soit égal à une valeur cible prédéfinie. Dispositif de commande d'unité de torréfaction permettant une mise en œuvre dudit procédé.

12-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003006610A1

L'invention concerne un système (10) et un procédé d'injection d'odorisant liquide dans une canalisation de gaz naturel (12), comprenant un réservoir (14) contenant de l'odorisant sous forme liquide, une pompe haute-pression (16) reliée au réservoir, une rampe commune d'injection (20) alimentée en odorisant liquide par la pompe haute-pression, une pluralité d'injecteurs (100) d'odorisant alimentés en odorisant liquide sous pression par la rampe commune d'injection et destinés à injecter de l'odorisant dans la canalisation de gaz pour provoquer son atomisation dans la canalisation de gaz, et un calculateur électronique d'injection (24) pour la commande des injecteurs et de la pompe haute-pression.

03-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101455752B1

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075958A1

A system and method are provided for in-line processes of blending butane into gasoline streams, and for blending butane into a gasoline stream at any point along a petroleum pipeline. The invention additionally provides a method for measuring the vapor pressure and vapor to liquid ratio of the gasoline, both upstream and downstream of the blending operation, as well as the sulfur content of the butane entering the blending operation. The blending operation can be controlled to ensure that the blended gasoline meets EPA requirements for vapor pressure and sulfur content of gasoline. The invention further provides a method for accessing and monitoring the operation off-site. 143-. (canceled)44. A system of blending butane with a gasoline stream , comprising:an injection device for discharging the butane into the gasoline stream at a butane flow rate;a volatility measurement device in communication with the gasoline stream, the volatility measurement device configured to generate data representative of a volatility measurement; and receive a target volatility value;', 'receive the volatility measurement from the volatility measurement device;', 'determine a blend ratio and a blend rate based at least in part on the target volatility value and the volatility measurement; and', 'output a signal to the injection device to vary the butane flow rate based on the blend ratio and the blend rate., 'a processor in communication with the injection device and the volatility measurement device, the processor configured to45. The system of claim 44 , wherein the target volatility value is based on at least one of seasonable and regional data.46. The system of claim 44 , further comprising a plurality of gasoline streams each associated with a different type of gasoline claim 44 , at least one gasoline stream being selectable for blending with the butane.47. The system of claim 44 , wherein the volatility measurement is a vapor pressure.48. The system of claim 44 , wherein the ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140203471A1

A method is for molding a gas hydrate pellet for improving convenience of handling of a natural gas hydrate during transportation and storage, and thereby improving the practical use of the natural gas hydrate. Gas hydrate slurry is fed in a compression chamber, and pressure and compression are applied to the gas hydrate slurry by advancing a compression plunger. At that time, a stroking speed of the compression plunger is set minimum, preferably less than a value expressed by a stroke length of the compression plunger at compression×102 (m/min). By advancing the compression plunger at low speed, binding between particles of the gas hydrate is tightened, thereby the gas hydrate pellet with increased shearing strength can be molded.

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200129989A1

A municipal solid waste recycling facility for producing a solid recovered fuel is provided. The municipal solid waste recycling facility includes a pre-shredding unit and a shredding unit. The pre-shredding unit includes a trommel configured to sort a first stream of solid waste by size into a second stream of solid waste and a third stream of solid waste. The shredding unit includes a primary shredder configured to shred the second stream of solid waste.

29-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2659248C2

Изобретение относится к обработке жидкого топлива для использования в двигателе внутреннего сгорания, котлах, нагревательных устройствах, газовых турбинах или любых других устройствах, сжигающих углеводородное топливо. Устройство содержит обрабатывающий блок для повышения газовой составляющей топлива. Обрабатывающий блок содержит впускное отверстие для приема углеводородного топлива в обрабатывающий блок и выпускное отверстие для отведения обработанного углеводородного топлива из обрабатывающего блока и узел из двух или более трубок из немагнитного материала. Две или более трубок имеют круглое сечение, и узел расположен между впускным отверстием и выпускным отверстием. Две или более трубок имеют различные диаметры, имеют по существу одинаковые длины, выровнены по длине и расположены концентрически с трубками, образуя множество промежуточных пространств, таким образом обеспечивая каналы течения для углеводородного топлива между впускными отверстиями и выпускным отверстием. Более того, наиболее ...

10-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2509070C2
Принадлежит: ЛУРГИ ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к получению синтетических видов топлива. Изобретение касается способа, в котором на первой стадии способа содержащую водяной пар и оксигенаты, такие как метанол и/или диметиловый эфир, исходную смесь на катализаторе превращают в олефипы, эту олефиновую смесь в разделительном устройстве разделяют на богатый C-C-углеводородами поток и богатый C-углероводородами поток. Богатый C-углеводородами моток разделяют на богатый C- и C-углеводородами поток и богатый C-углеводородами поток бензинового продукта, при этом богатый C- и C-углеводородами поток частично подвергают этерификации метанолом и полученный таким образом эфир подмешивают к потоку бензинового продукта. Изобретение также касается установки для получения синтетических топлив. Технический результат - снижение содержания олефинов в синтетических топливах. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 3 табл., 2 пр.

27-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011142877A

... 1. Система, включающая:систему (100) получения заменителя природного газа (ЗПГ), включающую:газификатор (142) для производства синтез-газа,радиационный охладитель (130) синтез-газа (РОС) для охлаждения синтез-газа, где РОС 130 имеет длину от приблизительно 21,3 м (70 футов) до приблизительно 30,5 м (100 футов),устройство метанирования для производства ЗПГ из синтез-газа, ипуть потока текучей среды из РОС через устройство метанирования, где создаваемое давление и температура текучей среды в пути потока текучей среды основаны на количестве тепла, подлежащего передаче текучей среде в пути потока текучей среды при прохождении текучей среды через устройство метанирования.2. Система по п.1, в которой устройство метанирования включает реактор (125) метанирования для производства ЗПГ из синтез-газа.3. Система по п.2, в которой реактор (125) метанирования включает теплообменник (163) для перегрева текучей среды в пути потока среды до температуры от приблизительно 400°С (750°F) до приблизительно ...

26-05-2020 дата публикации

Системы и способы смешивания и проверки биогаза

Номер: RU2722020C1

Предложена система смешивания газа для создания потока смешанного биогаза, которая содержит: источник биогазового сырья, обеспечивающий поток биогазового сырья, имеющий первое энергосодержание; первый пробоотборный зонд для отбора проб из указанного потока биогазового сырья для анализа энергосодержания; анализатор для анализа энергосодержания и выдачи сигналов данных, отражающих его; блок управления для приема указанного сигнала данных анализа энергосодержания и передачи в ответ на него сигнала управления; источник очищенного газа, выборочно сообщающийся с возможностью передачи текучей среды с указанным потоком биогазового сырья и расположенный ниже по потоку от указанного первого пробоотборного зонда, причем источник очищенного газа выборочно обеспечивает очищенный газ, имеющий известное энергосодержание, превышающее указанное первое энергосодержание; клапан, сообщающийся с помощью сигналов с указанным блоком управления для реагирования на переданный сигнал, причем указанный клапан предназначен ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE112012005574T5

Bereitgestellt wird eine Kohledeaktivierungsbehandlungsvorrichtung (100) zur Deaktivierung von Kohle (1) mittels eines Behandlungsgases (5), das ein Gemisch von Luft (3) und Stickstoffgas (4) ist, mit, unter anderem: einer Behandlungskolonne (111), in deren Innerem Kohle (1) von oben nach unten strömt; Behandlungsgas-Zufuhrmitteln (121129, 131, 133, 141149, 151 und 153) und dergleichen zum Zuführen von Behandlungsgas (5) in das Innere der Behandlungskolonne (111); Befeuchtungs-Heizvorrichtungen (130 und 150) zum Erhitzen und Befeuchten des Behandlungsgases (5) derart, dass das dem Inneren der Behandlungskolonne (111) zugeführte Behandlungsgas (5) eine relative Feuchtigkeit von 35% oder mehr, selbst bei 95°C aufrechterhalten kann; einem Temperatursensor (165) und einer Steuervorrichtung (160) zum Einstellen der Temperatur im Inneren der Behandlungskolonne (111) derart, dass das Innere der Behandlungskolonne (111) bei einer relativen Feuchtigkeit von 35% oder größer und einer Temperatur von ...

30-11-2022 дата публикации

Dehydration and upgrading system for high-water-content material

Номер: GB0002607152A

The present disclosure provides a dehydration and upgrading system for a high-water-content material (e.g. coal slime), including a reaction kettle, a steam generator and a steam recovery apparatus, wherein the steam generator and the steam recovery apparatus are located at left and right sides of the reaction kettle respectively, and are connected through steam pipelines; a pressure sensing device is arranged on the reaction kettle to sense the pressure therein; a feed port is formed at an upper end of the reaction kettle; a discharge port is formed at a lower end of the reaction kettle; a discharge conveying belt is arranged below the discharge port; a high-pressure air pipe is arranged on one side of the middle part of the reaction kettle; and a high-pressure air valve is arranged on the high-pressure air pipe. A dehydration and upgrading reaction is carried out through a reaction kettle. The high-temperature and high-pressure steam produced by a steam generator is pumped into the reaction ...

15-04-2018 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for performing hydrothermal syntheses

Номер: AT0000519208A1

Die Erfindung betrifft die Verwendung eines Extruders, umfassend einen Extruderzylin­ der (1), zumindest eine darin angeordnete Extruderschnecke (2), einen Feedeinlass (3) zur Zufuhr von Biomasse als Feed, einen Wassereinlass (4) und eine Düse (6) zur Abgabe von Reaktionsprodukten, zur Durchführung von hydrothermalen Karbonisie­ rungsreaktionen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass a) im Extruderzylinder (1) nach der Einmündung (3) des Feeds, in Strömungsrichtung gesehen, ein gekühlter Abschnitt (5) als Kondensationsbarriere zum Kondensieren von Wasserdampf vorgesehen ist; und entweder b1) vor dem Auslass (7) der Extruderdüse (6) ein zweiter, als weitere Kondensations­ barriere dienender gekühlter Abschnitt (8) vorgesehen ist, um das Prozesswasser in­ nerhalb des Extruders zu halten; oder b2) die Extruderdüse (6) in einen Drucktank (9) mündet, in dem das im Extruder ge­ führte, heiße Reaktionsgemisch auf einen geringeren Druck gebracht wird, wodurch das Prozesswasser verdampft und so im Drucktank ...

15-05-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren und System zum Speichern von Energie

Номер: AT514614B1

The invention relates to an energy storage method in which H2 is produced by electrolysis of water with electrical current, CO2 is additionally produced, and CH4 is produced by methanization from the H2 and CO2, and which is characterized in that: a) the CO2 is produced alongside CH4 in a biogas plant; b) the CO2 and CH4 in the biogas are separated in a membrane separation system by means of selective gas separation membranes into a CH4-rich gas stream and a CO2-rich gas stream, the CO2-rich gas stream being converted by methanization with the H2 produced to a product gas comprising CH4, CO2 and H2; c) at least a portion of the product gas is separated in a membrane separation system, in order to separate CO2 and H2 selectively from CH4; and d) the separation of the biogas and the separation of the product gas from the methanization are conducted simultaneously or alternately in the same membrane separation system using gas separation membranes capable of selective separation of CO2 and ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Method and system of modifying a liquid level during start-up operations

Номер: AU2014357668B2
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

The present disclosure provides a method for separating a feed stream in a distillation tower. The method includes operating a controlled freeze zone section in a distillation tower that separates a feed stream at a temperature and pressure at which the feed stream forms a solid in the controlled freeze zone section, wherein the feed stream includes a first contaminant; maintaining a melt tray assembly in the controlled freeze zone section; introducing the feed stream to the controlled freeze zone section; and accumulating a liquid in the melt tray assembly until the liquid is at a predetermined liquid level in the controlled freeze zone section, by: feeding a second contaminant to the controlled freeze zone section; and adding the second contaminant to the melt tray assembly, wherein the liquid comprises the second contaminant.

29-10-2015 дата публикации

Method for concentrating methane gas

Номер: AU2014227178A1

The purpose of the present invention is to further improve the methane concentration in the concentration of a methane gas by PSA. For carrying out a PSA cycle by providing adsorption columns (A1) to (A4) respectively filled with adsorption materials (A11) to (A41) capable of adsorbing a methane gas contained in a coal mine gas, multiple different pressure states are set as intermediate pressure states for the internal pressure of each of the adsorption columns (A1) to (A4), and a first pressure-equalizing (pressure-decreasing) step and a final pressure-equalizing (pressure-decreasing) step are carried out as a pressure-equalizing (pressure-decreasing) step, wherein the first pressure-equalizing (pressure-decreasing) step comprises respectively transporting gases in the adsorption columns (A1) to (A4), each of which is in a high-pressure state, to upper parts of another adsorption columns (A1) to (A4) each of which is in an intermediate pressure state having a lower pressure than that in ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Combustion system and method

Номер: AU2015283227B2

Disclosed is a method of increasing efficiency of a combustion system, which runs with alcohol fuels, by injecting a controlled quantity of a fuel additive. The method includes using one of a single injector tip for pre-mixed alcohol fuel and fuel additive or individual injector tips for the alcohol fuel and the fuel additive. The fuel additive includes a mixture of organic compounds of which at least one organic compound includes at least one nitrate molecular group. The method further includes injecting the pre-mixed alcohol fuel and fuel additive or the alcohol fuel and the fuel additive individually into one or more combustion chambers of the engine block. The method also includes controlling a quantity of the fuel additive by a control arrangement associated with a temperature sensor, and controlling a flow-rate of the alcohol fuel by a power control adapted to controller an output power from the engine block.

21-11-2019 дата публикации

Gas separation device

Номер: AU2017414123A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

... [Problem] To provide a gas separation device that is economical and can suppress reductions in the availability factor for the separation of non-hydrocarbon gases from a gas to be treated that includes non-hydrocarbon gases using a gas separation membrane. [Solution] A first separation membrane module 1 and a second separation membrane module 2 are disposed in parallel to each other with respect to a supply path for a gas to be treated. Gas pathways 14, 15 (24, 25) for regeneration that branch from a transmitted gas pathway 13 (23) for the separation membrane module 1 (2) and come together at a gas supply pathway 21 (11) for supplying the gas to be treated to the separation membrane module 2 (1) are provided. In a state of gas to be treated being supplied to the separation membrane module 1, the gas transmitted by the separation membrane module 1 is supplied to the separation membrane module 2 as gas for regeneration via the gas pathways 14, 15 for regeneration. At this time, the gas separation ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации

Refining assemblies and refining methods for rich natural gas

Номер: AU2015346379A1
Принадлежит: Baldwins Intellectual Property

Refining assemblies and methods for refining rich natural gas containing a first methane gas and other hydrocarbons that are heavier than methane gas are disclosed. In some embodiments, the assemblies may include a methane-producing assembly configured to receive at least one liquid-containing feed stream that includes water and rich natural gas and to produce an output stream therefrom by (a) converting at least a substantial portion of the other hydrocarbons of the rich natural gas with the water to a second methane gas, a lesser portion of the water, and other gases, and (b) allowing at least a substantial portion of the first methane gas from the rich natural gas to pass through the methane-producing assembly unconverted. The assemblies may additionally include a purification assembly configured to receive the output stream and to produce a methane-rich stream therefrom having a greater methane concentration than the output stream.

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Device and method for manufacturing biomass solid fuel

Номер: AU2018345068A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

The present invention realizes a biomass solid fuel in which self-heat generation is suppressed. This device for manufacturing a biomass solid fuel is provided with a carbonizing furnace for carbonizing a biomass molded body and obtaining a biomass solid fuel, a yield calculation unit for calculating the yield of the biomass solid fuel, and/or a temperature measurement unit for measuring the temperature of the carbonizing furnace, and a control unit for controlling a heat source of the carbonizing furnace, the control unit controlling the heat source on the basis of a correlation between self-heat generation of the biomass solid fuel and the yield and/or the temperature of the carbonizing furnace.

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Method and system for separating a feed stream with a feed stream distribution mechanism

Номер: AU2014357667B2
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

The present disclosure provides a distillation tower for separating a feed stream. The distillation tower includes a controlled freeze zone section having a controlled freeze zone upper section and a controlled freeze zone lower section below the controlled freeze zone upper section. The controlled freeze zone section includes: (a) a spray assembly in the controlled freeze zone upper section; (b) a melt tray assembly in the controlled freeze zone lower section; (c) a feed stream distribution mechanism between the spray assembly and the melt tray assembly. The feed stream distribution mechanism is constructed and arranged to uniformly distribute the feed stream in the controlled freeze zone section.

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003062753A1

... [Problem] To provide a gas separation device that is economical and can suppress reductions in the availability factor for the separation of non-hydrocarbon gases from a gas to be treated that includes non-hydrocarbon gases using a gas separation membrane. [Solution] A first separation membrane module 1 and a second separation membrane module 2 are disposed in parallel to each other with respect to a supply path for a gas to be treated. Gas pathways 14, 15 (24, 25) for regeneration that branch from a transmitted gas pathway 13 (23) for the separation membrane module 1 (2) and come together at a gas supply pathway 21 (11) for supplying the gas to be treated to the separation membrane module 2 (1) are provided. In a state of gas to be treated being supplied to the separation membrane module 1, the gas transmitted by the separation membrane module 1 is supplied to the separation membrane module 2 as gas for regeneration via the gas pathways 14, 15 for regeneration. At this time, the gas separation ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002991985A1
Принадлежит: MACRAE & CO.

... [Problem] To provide pretreatment equipment for a hydrocarbon gas to be liquefied, wherein the hydrocarbon gas containing water, hydrogen sulfide, and oxygen can be pretreated before liquefaction while reducing influences of the inclusion of hydrogen sulfide and oxygen on the pretreatment for liquefaction. [Solution] Pretreatment equipment 101 for a hydrocarbon gas to be liquefied, wherein adsorption towers 41a and 41b have been connected to a raw-gas line 401 for supplying a hydrocarbon gas containing water, hydrogen sulfide, and oxygen and have been packed with a synthetic zeolite for adsorptively removing the water from the hydrocarbon gas. A heated regeneration gas is supplied to the adsorption tower 41a or 41b through a regeneration gas line 403 to heat and regenerate the synthetic zeolite having water adsorpted thereonto. A temperature control mechanism 43 controls the temperature to which the regeneration gas is heated, so that the temperature inside the adsorption tower during the ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002999003A1

... [Problem] To provide a nonhydrocarbon gas separation device which, while avoiding upsizing, can raise the discharge pressure of a nonhydrocarbon gas towards the outflow side. [Solution] In this nonhydrocarbon gas separation device, a first and second separation module 2a, 2b connected in series separate a nonhydrocarbon gas from natural gas by means of a separation membrane 20. The nonhydrocarbon gas separated from the natural gas is discharged to each of discharge lines 202, 204. At that time, the pressure in the first separation module 2a on the side of the discharge line 202 is higher than the pressure in the second separation module 2b on the side of the discharge lines 204, 202.

22-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3119860A1

Ce procédé comporte un refroidissement et une liquéfaction d'un flux de gaz d'alimentation (64), la séparation d'un flux obtenu à partir du flux de gaz d'alimentation et la récupération d'un flux de gaz traité (18) et d'un flux de liquides du gaz naturel (20). Le procédé comporte la compression du flux de gaz traité (18) pour former un flux de gaz traité comprimé, et le fractionnement du flux de liquides du gaz naturel (20) en une pluralité de coupes d'hydrocarbures (28, 30, 32, 33); Le procédé comporte le prélèvement, dans le flux de gaz traité comprimé (24), d'un courant de recyclage (36) et la réintroduction sans refroidissement du courant de recyclage (36) dans le flux de gaz d'alimentation (14), dans le flux de gaz d'alimentation refroidi, ou dans un flux obtenu à partir du flux de gaz d'alimentation refroidi, en amont d'un organe de détente (50).

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003100786A1

A method can include: mixing two or more feedstocks to produce a distillate product; optionally adding a cetane improver to the distillate product; collecting the distillate product in a tank; extracting a distillate product sample from the distillate product after mixing and before collecting in the tank; measuring a derived cetane number and/or a indicated cetane number (DCN/ICN) for the distillate product sample with an online DCN/ICN analyzer; communicating the DCN/ICN to a plant distributed control system; calculating an integrated DCN/ICN for the cumulative distillate product in the tank based on the measured DCN/ICN, previously measured DCN/ICN for portions of the distillate product in the tank, and process variables related to the mixing and cetane improver; and adjusting one or more of the process variables based on the integrated DCN/ICN.

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003004429A1

Disclosed are systems and methods of continuous hydrothermal carbonization of wet biomass, such as manure. A disclosed system uses both inlet flow rate and outlet flow rate simultaneously to regulate the reaction time for continuous production.

01-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002931409C

A method for separating a feed stream in a distillation tower comprising maintaining a controlled freeze zone (CFZ) section in the distillation tower, receiving a freezing zone liquid stream in a spray nozzle assembly in the CFZ section, wherein the spray nozzle assembly comprises a plurality of outer spray nozzles on an outer periphery of the spray nozzle assembly and at least one inner spray nozzle interior to the outer spray nozzles, wherein each outer spray nozzle is configured to spray the freezing zone liquid stream along a central spray axis, and wherein the central spray axis of at least one of the outer spray nozzles is not parallel to a CFZ wall, and spraying the freezing zone liquid stream through the spray nozzle assembly into the CFZ section to keep a temperature and pressure at which the solid and the hydrocarbon-enriched vapor stream form.

22-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002902417C

Provided is a biomass pyrolysis apparatus (2) comprising: a combustion furnace (3) which produces a heat quantity by causing a stable property fuel (F) to combust; a pyrolysis gasification furnace (4) which produces a semi-carbonised material (T), and a pyrolysis gas (P) by pyrolysing woody biomass (B) by means of the heat quantity produced by the combustion furnace (3); and a pyrolysis gas introduction passage (8) which introduces the pyrolysis gas (P) from the pyrolysis gasification furnace (4) into a boiler (16), into which the semi-carbonised material (T) is introduced.

03-07-2020 дата публикации

Fuel Production System of Coffee Husk

Номер: KR0102129779B1

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Process for operating a utility boiler and methods therefor

Номер: US20130040250A1
Автор: Thomas J. Wolferseder
Принадлежит: Environmental Energy Services Inc

A process for operating a utility boiler. The process has the following steps: (a) providing fuel to the boiler; (b) providing one or more additives selected from the group consisting of (i) one or more slag control agents, (ii) one or more oxygen-generating agents, (iii) one or more acid mitigation agents, (iv) one or more fouling prevention agents, (v) one or more oxidizer agents, (vi) one or more heavy metal capturing agents, and (vii) any combination of the foregoing to the boiler or an auxiliary device thereof; (c) providing air to the boiler; (d) burning the fuel in the boiler to generate heat and an exhaust gas; (e) intermittently or continuously monitoring one or more physical and/or chemical parameters of the fuel and/or intermittently or continuously monitoring one or more emissions variables of the exhaust gas to obtain one or more values therefor; and (f) varying or maintaining the rate at which either or both of the fuel and the one or more additives are provided to the boiler based on the one or more values obtained.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Methods for making and distributing batches of butane-enriched gasoline

Номер: US20130225883A1

Disclosed are automated methods and systems for certifying the volatility of butane-enriched gasoline downstream of a butane blending operation. Such automated methods and systems provide significant advantages to comply with volatility requirements imposed by EPA or state regulations.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Process for producing high-carbon biogenic reagents

Номер: US20140075834A1

This invention provides processes and systems for converting biomass into high-carbon biogenic reagents that are suitable for a variety of commercial applications. Some embodiments employ pyrolysis in the presence of an inert gas to generate hot pyrolyzed solids, condensable vapors, and non-condensable gases, followed by separation of vapors and gases, and cooling of the hot pyrolyzed solids in the presence of the inert gas. Additives may be introduced during processing or combined with the reagent, or both. The biogenic reagent may include at least 70 wt %, 80 wt %, 90 wt %, 95 wt %, or more total carbon on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may have an energy content of at least 12,000 Btu/lb, 13,000 Btu/lb, 14,000 Btu/lb, or 14,500 Btu/lb on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may be formed into fine powders, or structural objects. The structural objects may have a structure and/or strength that derive from the feedstock, heat rate, and additives.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

System and method for converting food waste into fuel

Номер: US20160002549A1
Автор: Eun Ju Kim, Tae Hyung Kim

A system for converting food waste into fuel includes at least one thermal decomposition reactor. The at least one thermal decomposition reactor is configured to transfer an organic waste, that is, food waste, through a region on which a sunlight is concentrated by at least one solar concentrator. A fermenter is disposed at a front end of the at least one thermal decomposition reactor, and any thermal energy remaining after being used in the at least one thermal decomposition reactor is additionally used in fermentation of the food waste. A method of converting food waste into fuel is also provided.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Process for Mercury Removal

Номер: US20160003023A1

A predictive tool is provided for estimating the mercury content of hydrocarbons to be produced from a wellbore in a newly investigated subterranean hydrocarbon producing formation based on the mercury content of an inorganic sample recovered from the wellbore. The mercaptans content of liquid hydrocarbons and/or the hydrogen sulfide content of natural gas produced from the formation may also be used to enhance the prediction. Based on the predicted value, a mercury mitigation treatment may be provided to mitigate the mercury content of hydrocarbons produced from the formation. 1. A method for producing hydrocarbons having reduced mercury content from a newly investigated production zone in a subterranean formation , comprising: a mercury content of at least one inorganic matrix sample from each of the plurality of hydrocarbon production zones;', 'a mercaptans content of at least one liquid crude oil sample from each the plurality of production zones;', 'a hydrogen sulfide content of at least one natural gas sample from each of the plurality of production zones;, 'providing a knowledge base of data from a plurality of hydrocarbon production zones, the data correlating a mercury content of a hydrocarbon produced from each of the plurality of production zones with at least one ofevaluating the knowledge base of data using at least one measured value from a newly investigated production zone, the measured value selected from the group consisting of a mercury content of an inorganic matrix sample from the newly investigated production zone, a mercaptans content of a liquid crude oil sample from the newly investigated production zone, and a hydrogen sulfide content of a natural gas sample from the newly investigated production zone as inputs to the knowledge base;predicting the mercury content of the hydrocarbon to be produced from the newly investigated production zone; andproviding a mercury mitigation treatment for removing at least a portion of the mercury from the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002623A1
Принадлежит: Aker Solutions AS

A subsea fluid processing system which receives a wellstream flow. The subsea fluid processing system includes a pressure control device which regulates a pressure of the wellstream flow, a gas-liquid separator unit which receives the wellstream flow downstream of the pressure control device and which provides a liquid stream and a gas stream, a first membrane separator which receives the gas stream and which provides a retentate stream and a permeate stream, a compressor which receives the permeate stream and which provides a compressed permeate stream, and a discharge cooler which receives the compressed permeate stream and which provides a cooled compressed permeate stream for injection into a subsurface reservoir. A density of the cooled compressed permeate stream is higher than a density of the compressed permeate stream. 17-. (canceled)8: A subsea fluid processing system configured to receive a wellstream flow , the subsea fluid processing system comprising:a pressure control device configured to regulate a pressure of the wellstream flow;a gas-liquid separator unit configured to receive the wellstream flow downstream of the pressure control device and to provide a liquid stream and a gas stream;a first membrane separator configured to receive the gas stream and to provide a retentate stream and a permeate stream;a compressor configured to receive the permeate stream and to provide a compressed permeate stream; anda discharge cooler configured to receive the compressed permeate stream and to provide a cooled compressed permeate stream for injection into a subsurface reservoir,wherein, a density of the cooled compressed permeate stream is higher than a density of the compressed permeate stream.9: The subsea fluid processing system as recited in claim 8 , further comprising:a membrane unit; anda demister,wherein,the membrane unit comprises the first membrane separator and a second membrane separator which is arranged in series with the first membrane separator, ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010225A1

The method includes cooling and liquefying a feed gas stream, separating a stream obtained from the feed gas stream, and recovering a treated gas stream and a natural gas liquid stream. The method further includes compressing the treated gas stream in order to form a compressed treated gas stream, and fractionating the natural gas liquid stream into a plurality of hydrocarbon fractions (). The method additionally includes withdrawing from the compressed treated gas stream, of a recycle stream, and reintroducing the recycle stream without cooling into the feed gas stream, into the cooled feed gas stream, or into a stream obtained from the cooled feed gas stream upstream of an expander. 1. A feed gas treating method comprising:supplying a feed gas stream and conveying the feed gas stream into a natural gas liquids extractor; cooling the feed gas stream,', 'expanding in an expander the cooled feed gas stream,', 'separating, in a separation column, at least one stream obtained from the cooled feed gas stream, and', 'recovering after separation, a treated gas stream and a natural gas liquid stream;, 'within the extractor'}compressing the treated gas stream in at least one compressor to form a compressed treated gas stream;fractionating, in a fractionator, the natural gas liquid stream into a plurality of hydrocarbon cuts;withdrawing a recycle stream in the compressed treated gas stream; the feed gas stream upstream of the extraction unit,', 'the cooled feed gas stream, or', 'a stream obtained from the cooled feed gas stream, upstream of the expander., 'reintroducing without cooling the recycle stream into at least one of2. The method according to claim 1 , comprising adjusting a flow rate of the reintroduced recycle stream as a function of the natural gas liquid content in the feed gas stream.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the molar flow rate of the reintroduced recycle stream is greater than 10% of the molar flow rate of the feed gas stream prior to the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008930A1
Принадлежит: PROSERNAT

A process for the removal of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur recovery from a HS-containing gas stream by catalytic direct oxidation and Claus reaction through two or more serially connected catalytic reactors, wherein a specific control of the oxygen supplement is operated. The control and improvement of the process is obtained by complementing, in each major step of the process, the HS-containing gas stream by a suitable flow of oxygen, namely before the HS-containing gas stream enters the Claus furnace, in the first reactor of the process and in the last reactor of the process. Especially in application in a SubDewPoint sulfur recovery process the HS/SOratio is kept constant also during switch-over of the reactors R1 and R by adding the last auxiliary oxygen containing gas directly upstream the last reactor R so that the HS/SOratio can follow the signal of the ADA within a few seconds. 1. A process for the removal of hydrogen sulfide (HS) from a HS-containing gas stream through two or more serially connected catalytic reactors , which process comprises:{'sub': 2', '2, 'a) mixing the HS-containing gas stream with a main oxygen-containing gas stream to obtain a gas stream containing both HS and oxygen,'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'b) introducing the obtained gas stream containing both HS and oxygen into a furnace whereby a gas stream depleted in HS is obtained,'}{'sub': '2', 'c) transferring the gas stream depleted in HS to a sulfur condenser to obtain a gas stream depleted in sulfur,'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', 'max', '2, 'sup': 'R1', 'd) introducing the gas stream depleted in sulfur, optionally together with a first auxiliary oxygen-containing gas stream, into a first catalytic reactor R1 containing a catalyst system which catalyzes the Claus reaction of HS with sulfur dioxide (SO), the hydrolysis of COS and CSand optionally direct oxidation of HS with oxygen to sulfur, said reactor being operated at a maximum temperature Tbetween 290 and 350° C., whereby a gas stream depleted ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Process Design For Acid Gas Removal

Номер: US20170014753A1
Автор: Richard D. Peters
Принадлежит: Cameron Solutions Inc

A membrane permeation system and process accommodates varying acid gas inlet concentrations over time while utilizing only the initially installed equipment and still maintaining the non-permeate gas specification. The system and process provide flexibility to operate efficiently over a wide range of inlet CO 2 concentrations by adjustments to primary permeate, secondary permeate, and recycle gas operations. The glassy polymer membrane devices used in the system and process are selected so removal duty efficiency increases as acid gas concentration increase. Designing the system and process to handle about a 15% increase in acid gas concentrations over initial conditions effectively treats acid gas concentrations well above that 15% increase, thereby eliminating the need for additional equipment or for additional downstream amines and physical solvents.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033726A1
Автор: Hampson Carl

A briquette for use as a mineral charge in a cupola furnace for the production of mineral wool fibres is produced by 113.-. (canceled)14. A method of producing a briquette , suitable for use as a mineral charge in a cupola furnace for the production of mineral wool fibres , said method comprising: a) recycled waste mineral wool,', 'b) cement, and', 'c) at least 10 parts by dry weight of sugar(s) with respect to 100 parts by dry weight of the cement; and, 'forming a mouldable mixture comprising'}moulding and curing the mouldable mixture to form the briquette.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the mouldable mixture comprises 10 to 40 parts by dry weight of sugar(s) per 100 parts by dry weight of cement.16. The method of claim 14 , wherein the cement is selected from the group consisting of Portland cement claim 14 , alumina cement and mixture thereof.17. The method of claim 14 , wherein the sugar(s) are selected from the group consisting of dextrose claim 14 , fructose claim 14 , sucrose and high fructose corn syrup.18. The method of claim 14 , wherein the recycled waste mineral wool comprises waste mineral wool comprising uncured sugar containing binder wherein the uncured sugar containing binder is selected from:i) an uncured sugar containing binder comprising reducing sugar(s) and nitrogen-containing compound(s);ii) an uncured sugar containing binder comprising curable reaction product(s) of reducing sugar(s) and nitrogen-containing compound(s); andiii) an uncured sugar containing binder comprising reducing sugar(s), nitrogen-containing compound(s) and curable reaction product(s) of reducing sugar(s) and nitrogen-containing compound(s).19. The method of claim 14 , wherein the recycled waste mineral wool comprises waste mineral wool comprising cured binder claim 14 , wherein the cured binder comprises nitrogenous polymer claim 14 , wherein the cured binder comprises greater than 2% by mass and less than 8% by mass nitrogen claim 14 , and wherein the cured binder ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Refining assemblies and refining methods for rich natural gas

Номер: US20180016508A1
Автор: David J Edlund
Принадлежит: ELEMENT 1 CORP

Refining assemblies and methods for refining rich natural gas containing a first methane gas and other hydrocarbons that are heavier than methane gas are disclosed. In some embodiments, the assemblies may include a methane-producing assembly configured to receive at least one liquid-containing feed stream that includes water and rich natural gas and to produce an output stream therefrom by (a) converting at least a substantial portion of the other hydrocarbons of the rich natural gas with the water to a second methane gas, a lesser portion of the water, and other gases, and (b) allowing at least a substantial portion of the first methane gas from the rich natural gas to pass through the methane-producing assembly unconverted. The assemblies may additionally include a purification assembly configured to receive the output stream and to produce a methane-rich stream therefrom having a greater methane concentration than the output stream.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024389A1

Provided is a biomass pyrolysis apparatus comprising: a combustion furnace that produces a heat quantity by causing a stable property fuel to combust; a pyrolysis gasification furnace that produces a torrefied material, and a pyrolysis gas by pyrolyzing woody biomass by a heat quantity produced by the combustion furnace; and a pyrolysis gas introduction passage that introduces the pyrolysis gas from the pyrolysis gasification furnace into a boiler, into which the torrefied material is introduced. 1. A biomass pyrolysis apparatus comprising:a combustion furnace that produces a heat quantity by causing a stable property fuel to combust;a pyrolysis gasification furnace that produces a torrefied material and a pyrolysis gas by pyrolyzing woody biomass by a heat quantity produced by the combustion furnace; anda pyrolysis gas introduction passage that introduces the pyrolysis gas from the pyrolysis gasification furnace into a boiler, into which the torrefied material is introduced.2. The biomass pyrolysis apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the pyrolysis gasification furnace is an indirect heating type pyrolysis gasification furnace that indirectly heats the woody biomass by a heating gas.3. The biomass pyrolysis apparatus according to further comprising a control device that controls a temperature of the pyrolysis gasification furnace claim 1 , whereinthe control device controls a temperature of the pyrolysis gasification furnace so that the current value of a pulverizer that pulverizes a torrefied material produced by the pyrolysis gasification furnace is generally in a constant range.4. A power generation system comprising: the biomass pyrolysis apparatus according to ;a boiler in which the torrefied material is introduced and by which the torrefied material is combusted;a steam turbine in which steam produced by the boiler is introduced; anda power generator driven by the steam turbine. The present application is a National Phase of International Application No. ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023013A1
Автор: Prudhomme Guy

A system for pre-conditioning of biomass for subsequent torrefaction of the biomass comprises a burner producing combustion gases. A feed screw unit has an inlet for receiving the biomass, an outlet for outletting the biomass, and a feed screw for displacing the biomass from the inlet to the outlet. A sleeve surrounds and is in heat exchange relation with at least part of the feed screw unit. A pneumatic circuit receives combustion gases from the burner, the pneumatic circuit connected to an inlet of the sleeve for directing combustion gases therein to heat the biomass by indirect contact via the heat exchange relation, the pneumatic circuit having a pipe section extending from the outlet of the feed screw unit to a torrefaction reactor with combustion gases flowing from the outlet of the sleeve to the torrefacton reactor to convey the biomass and the combustion gases to the torrefaction reactor. 1. A system for pre-conditioning of biomass for subsequent torrefaction of the biomass comprising:at least one burner producing combustion gases;a feed screw unit having an inlet configured for receiving the biomass, an outlet configured for outletting the biomass, and a feed screw configured for displacing the biomass from the inlet to the outlet;a sleeve surrounding and in heat exchange relation with at least part of the feed screw unit;a pneumatic circuit receiving combustion gases from the at least one burner, the pneumatic circuit connected to an inlet of the sleeve for directing combustion gases therein to heat the biomass in the feed screw unit by indirect contact via the heat exchange relation, the pneumatic circuit having a pipe section extending from the outlet of the feed screw unit to a torrefaction reactor with combustion gases flowing from the outlet of the feed screw unit to the torrefacton reactor to convey the biomass and the combustion gases to the torrefaction reactor.2. (canceled)3. The system according to claim 1 , comprising a rotary valve at the inlet ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024003A1

A volume of natural gas including a volume of methane and a volume of other alkanes may be cleaned of the other alkanes using a steam reformer system to create synthesis gas. 1. A gas conversion system to form a product gas from an associated gas stream , wherein the associated gas stream contains methane and non-methane hydrocarbons , the gas conversion system comprising:a steam generator capable of receiving system water and outputting steam;a mixing valve system capable of flow controlling at least a portion of the associated gas stream and the steam, and outputting a feed gas which is a mixture of the steam and the at least a portion of the associated gas stream;a super heater capable of receiving the feed gas and superheating the feed gas to a predetermined temperature range to form a superheated feed gas;a heavy hydrocarbon reactor containing a first catalyst having a leading edge and capable of receiving the superheated feed gas onto the leading edge and cracking a portion of non-methane hydrocarbons of the superheated feed gas into carbon oxides and hydrogen to form a heavy hydrocarbon reactor wet reformate comprising the associated gas stream methane, the carbon oxides, and the hydrogen; anda synthetic natural gas generator containing a second catalyst capable of receiving the heavy hydrocarbon reactor dry reformate to convert a portion of the carbon oxides and the hydrogen into converted methane to form a synthetic natural wet processed gas containing the associated gas stream methane and the converted methane, wherein the synthetic natural wet processed gas has an overall higher methane mole fraction than the associated gas stream.2. The gas conversion system according to claim 1 , wherein the heavy hydrocarbon reactor is an isothermal reactor.3. The gas conversion system according to claim 1 , wherein the heavy hydrocarbon reactor is an adiabatic reactor.4. The gas conversion system according to claim 1 , further comprising a carbon dioxide removal ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043406A1

Systems and methods to provide low carbon intensity (CI) transportation fuels through one or more targeted reductions of carbon emissions based upon an analysis of carbon emissions associated with a combination of various options for feedstock procurement, feedstock refining, processing, or transformation, and fuel product distribution pathways to end users. Such options are selected to maintain the total CI (carbon emissions per unit energy) of the transportation fuel below a pre-selected threshold that defines an upper limit of CI for the transportation fuel. 1. A process to provide a low carbon intensity (CI) transportation fuel obtained through one or more targeted reductions of carbon emissions associated with a combination of various feedstock procurement , feedstock transportation , feedstock refining and fuel product distribution pathways , the process comprising:selecting a carbon intensity threshold to define an upper limit for carbon intensity of a transportation fuel to be provided to an end user location that qualifies the transportation fuel as a low carbon intensity transportation fuel;selecting a refinery feedstock that is procured at a source for transport, the refinery feedstock being selected to reduce carbon emissions associated therewith and thereby maintain the carbon intensity of the transportation fuel below the carbon intensity threshold;selecting a transportation mode to transport the refinery feedstock from the source to a refinery, the transportation mode being selected to reduce carbon emissions associated therewith and thereby maintain the carbon intensity of the transportation fuel below the carbon intensity threshold;selecting refinery processes to reduce carbon emissions associated with refining the refinery feedstock to a plurality of refined products and thereby maintain the carbon intensity of the transportation fuel below the carbon intensity threshold;refining the refinery feedstock into one or more of the plurality of refined ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Torrefaction of Biomass

Номер: US20210024845A1
Автор: NOLAND Jeffrey

A biomass torrefaction system includes a reactor vessel for biomass particles, a burner for combusting one or more fuels to produce a heated gas, a fan for supplying a flow of the heated gas through the reactor vessel to heat the biomass particles, and a controller configured to calculate a torrefaction index according to one or more sensed parameters of the system. The sensed parameter(s) include at least one of a reactor vessel retention time, a reactor vessel temperature difference and a higher heating value (HHV) of a syngas output by the reactor vessel. The controller is also configured to automatically adjust one or more operation values of the system according to the calculated torrefaction index. The operation value(s) include at least one of the reactor vessel retention time, a heating rate of the system, and a mixture of the one or more fuels combusted by the burner. 1. A method for controlling a biomass torrefaction system , the method comprising:conveying biomass particles through a reactor vessel, the reactor vessel including an inlet and an outlet;producing a heated gas using one or more fuels combusted by a burner;supplying, by a fan, a flow of the heated gas through the reactor vessel to heat the biomass particles;calculating, by a controller, a torrefaction index according to one or more sensed parameters of the system, the one or more sensed parameters including at least one of a reactor vessel retention time, a reactor vessel temperature difference and a higher heating value (HHV) of a syngas output by the reactor vessel; andautomatically adjusting, by the controller, one or more operation values of the system according to the calculated torrefaction index, the one or more operation values including at least one of the reactor vessel retention time, a heating rate of the system, and a mixture of the one or more fuels combusted by the burner.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049170A1

The invention relates to an apparatus for treating waste material including organic components and radioactive agents. In the apparatus the waste material including organic components and radioactive agents are gasified at temperature between 600-950° C. in a fluidized bed reactor to form a gaseous material. The gaseous material is than cooled in a water quenching device so that temperature is between 300-500° C. after the cooling. The solid fraction including radioactive agents is removed from the gaseous material in a in at least one filtration device. A gas scrubbing device then removes sulphur by scrubbing the treated gaseous material after the filtration in order to form a treated gaseous material. 1. An apparatus for treating waste material including organic components and radioactive agents to form a treated gaseous material , the apparatus comprising:a fluidized bed reactor configured to gasify the waste material including organic components and radioactive agents from the group consisting of resins, clothes, contaminated wood, and contaminated vegetable matter, wherein the radioactive agents are low-level and/or medium-level radioactive agents, using air at an air ratio greater than zero and less than 1 at temperatures between 600-950° C. to form a gaseous material,a water quenching device configured to quench the gaseous material to temperature which is between 300-500° C. after cooling by water quenching to form a cooled gaseous material,a gas cleaning device configured to remove a solid fraction by filtration carried out at temperature between 300-500° C. in at least one filtration device, including removing the radioactive agents, from the cooled gaseous material and to form a treated gaseous material, anda gas scrubbing device configured to remove sulphur by scrubbing from the treated gaseous material after the filtration.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one heat exchanger for cooling the gaseous material.3. The ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Process for producing high-carbon biogenic reagents

Номер: US20170037333A1
Принадлежит: Biogenic Reagents Ventures LLC

This invention provides processes and systems for converting biomass into high carbon biogenic reagents that are suitable for a variety of commercial applications. Some embodiments employ pyrolysis in the presence of an inert gas to generate hot pyrolyzed solids, condensable vapors, and non-condensable gases, followed by separation of vapors and gases, and cooling of the hot pyrolyzed solids in the presence of the inert gas. Additives may be introduced during processing or combined with the reagent, or both. The biogenic reagent may include at least 70 wt %, 80 wt %, 90 wt %, 95 wt %, or more total carbon on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may have an energy content of at least 12,000 Btu/lb, 13,000 Btu/lb, 14,000 Btu/lb, or 14,500 Btu/lb on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may be formed into fine powders, or structural objects. The structural objects may have a structure and/or strength that derive from the feedstock, heat rate, and additives.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046875A1

A method for magnetic/electrostatic/electromagnetic treatment of fluids consisting of three separate phases that are spatially and temporally decoupled. In the first phase, a magnetic/electrostatic/electromagnetic field is applied to a working fluid under circulation to obtain the directly ionized fluid. In the second phase, the directly ionized fluid is used as an ionizer or an ionizing agent for ionizing indirectly the normal non-ionized fluid by mixing the directly ionized fluid and normal non-ionized fluid in accordance with a predetermined mixing ratio and mixing method between the directly ionized fluid and normal non-ionized fluid. In the third phase, the resultant mixed or indirectly-ionized fluid is used in the proper application directly or stored in a storage tank for later use. 139-. (canceled)40. A method and apparatus for magnetic/electrostatic/electromagnetic treatment of fluids comprising three spatially and temporally decoupled phases:i.) the treatment phase, wherein directly magnetized fluid is produced in this phase by applying a direct magnetic/electrostatic/electromagnetic field to a normal non-ionized fluid while the fluid is in circulation according to a treatment method;ii) the mixing phase, wherein the mixed or indirectly magnetized fluid is produced in this phase by mixing the directly magnetized fluid produced from the treatment phase, and another/same normal non-magnetized fluid according to a predetermined mixing ratio and mixing method; andiii) the usage phase, wherein the indirectly-ionized fluid produced in the mixing phase can be used immediately in the proper application or can be stored and/or transported for later use.41. A method for the production of the directly magnetized fluid in the treatment phase according to claim 40 , the method comprising:a) a first fluid tank containing a first normal non-ionized fluid;b) a second fluid tank containing a second directly ionized fluid, wherein the second directly ionized fluid is ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Membrane permeation treatment with adjustment of the temperature of the first retentate as a function of the ch4 concentration in the third and/or fourth permeate

Номер: US20200047112A1

A facility and method for membrane permeation treatment of a feed gas flow containing at least methane and carbon dioxide that includes a compressor, a pressure measurement device, at least one valve, and first, second, third, and fourth membrane separation units for separation of CO 2 from CH 4 to permeates enriched in CO 2 and retentates enriched in CH 4 , respectively. A temperature of the first retentate is adjusted at an inlet of the second membrane separation unit with at least one heat exchanger as a function of the measured CH 4 concentration in such a way so as to reduce the determined difference.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048267A1

A biomass fuel production plant includes: a drying heat source that generates a heat medium; a drying device that uses the heat medium supplied from the drying heat source to heat and dry wood biomass; a carbonized product production device that is configured to perform pyrolysis of the dried wood biomass to produce a carbonized product; a bulk density measurement device that measures a bulk density of the carbonized product discharged from the carbonized product production device; and a control device that controls a heat quantity of the heat medium supplied to the wood biomass in the drying device. The control device includes an LHV calculation unit that is configured to calculate the LHV of the carbonized product from the bulk density, and controls the heat quantity of the heat medium supplied to the wood biomass in the drying device on the basis of the calculated LHV. 1. A biomass fuel production plant comprising:a drying heat source configured to generate a heat medium;a drying device configured to use the heat medium supplied from the drying heat source to heat and dry wood biomass;a carbonized product production device configured to perform pyrolysis of the dried wood biomass to produce a carbonized product;a bulk density measurement device configured to measure a bulk density of the carbonized product discharged from the carbonized product production device; anda control device configured to control a heat quantity of the heat medium supplied to the wood biomass in the drying device,wherein the control device includes an LHV calculation unit that is configured to calculate an LHV of the carbonized product from the bulk density, andwherein the control device controls the heat quantity of the heat medium supplied to the wood biomass in the drying device on the basis of the calculated LHV.2. The biomass fuel production plant according to claim 1 , wherein: a combustion furnace that is configured to burn a pyrolytic gas discharged from the carbonized product ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048275A1

A fuel composition and fluid regulation apparatus are provided for an improved fuel composition and distribution. The fuel composition may include or relate to a fluid regulation apparatus, flow component, electronic controller, regulator covers, roller clip mechanism, filling head, feeder stem and distributor. A method to operate an improved fuel composition and/or fluid regulation apparatus is also provided. 1. A combustible composition comprising:an alkane; anda primary organic compound comprising a carbonyl group;wherein the alkane is a majority of the composition.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the alkane comprises six carbon atoms.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the alkane is hexane.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the primary organic compound has a lower boiling point than the alkane.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the primary organic compound is a ketone.6. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the ketone is symmetrical.7. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the ketone is acetone.8. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising an additive organic compound.9. The composition of claim 8 , wherein the additive organic compound comprises a hexadecenoic acid.10. The composition of claim 8 , wherein the additive organic compound comprises a dimethyl ether or an alcohol.11. The composition of claim 8 , wherein the additive organic compound comprises an alcohol comprising ethanol.12. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition has a composition specific gravity approximately half of a water specific gravity.13. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition has a composition viscosity approximately one tenth of a water viscosity.14. A combustible composition comprising:an alkane comprising six carbon atoms; anda ketone;wherein the ketone has a lower boiling point than the alkane;wherein the alkane is a majority of the composition.15. The composition of claim 14 , wherein the alkane is hexane.16. The composition of ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Method for Operating Fuel Gas Manufacturing Device

Номер: US20200048570A1
Принадлежит: Osaka Gas Co Ltd

Provided is a method for operating a fuel gas manufacturing device for stopping the operation in such a manner that the operation can be immediately resumed, while keeping facilities from becoming complex. When stopping the operation while supply of source gas to a desulfurizing unit is stopped, after supply of source gas to the desulfurizing unit and discharge of fuel gas to the outside are stopped, a standby operation process is performed in which fuel gas is circulated by a circulation driving unit in such a manner that the whole amount of fuel gas passed through a moisture removing unit is circulated through a circulation gas path to return to the desulfurizing unit and the circulated fuel gas is heated by a heating unit to a set standby temperature to heat a reforming unit to a temperature that is equivalent to an operation temperature at which reforming is performed, and supply of water vapor is continued in a state where a supply amount of water vapor is at least an amount with which carbon deposition due to thermal decomposition of fuel gas can be prevented and is smaller than an amount that is supplied when reforming is performed.

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Gaseous Fuel Wobbe Index Modification Skid

Номер: US20160060554A1

A method of regulating a Modified Wobbe index number (MWI) of a multi-composition gas fuel supplied to one or more combustors of a gas turbine is disclosed. A rapid temperature swing absorber comprising a skid or platform comprising one or more reactor vessels is also disclosed, the one or more vessels comprising a plurality of hollow fibers each of which is impregnated by one or more sorbents for the separation of one or more deleterious gases from a fuel stream. 1. A method of regulating a Modified Wobbe index number (MWI) of a multi-composition gas fuel comprising:separating particulates and moisture from an initial gas fuel stream, the separating performed with a media that is both hydrophobic and oleophobic; andabsorbing one or more deleterious gases present in the initially treated gas fuel stream using a plurality of fibers impregnated with sorbents to absorb the one or more deleterious gases to afford a secondary gas fuel stream, thereby changing the MWI of the secondary gas fuel stream relative to the initial gas fuel stream.2. A method of regulating a MWI of a multi-composition gas fuel according to claim 1 , wherein the multi-composition gas fuel is supplied to one or more combustors of a gas turbine.3. A method of regulating a MWI of a multi-composition gas fuel according to claim 2 , further comprising providing a control system for regulating fuel and air flow to one or more combustors.4. A method of regulating a MWI of a multi-composition gas fuel according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrophobic and oleophobic media is an ePTFE media.5. A method of regulating a MWI of a multi-composition gas fuel according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of fibers impregnated with sorbents are hollow fibers.6. A method of regulating a MWI of a multi-composition gas fuel according to claim 4 , wherein the plurality of hollow fibers impregnated with sorbents are present in one or more reactor vessels.7. A method of regulating a MWI of a multi-composition gas fuel ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Method of producing product gas from multiple carbonaceous feedstock streams mixed with a reduced-pressure mixing gas

Номер: US20180057760A1
Принадлежит: ThermoChem Recovery International Inc

A feedstock delivery system transfers a carbonaceous material, such as municipal solid waste, into a product gas generation system. The feedstock delivery system includes a splitter for splitting bulk carbonaceous material into a plurality of carbonaceous material streams. Each stream is processed using a weighing system for gauging the quantity of carbonaceous material, a densification system for forming plugs of carbonaceous material, a de-densification system for breaking up the plugs of carbonaceous material, and a gas and carbonaceous material mixing system for forming a carbonaceous material and gas mixture. A pressure of the mixing gas is reduced prior to mixing with the carbonaceous material, and the carbonaceous material to gas weight ratio is monitored. A transport assembly conveys the carbonaceous material and gas mixture to a first reactor where at least the carbonaceous material within the mixture is subject to thermochemical reactions to form the product gas.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068775A1

A system and method are provided for in-line processes of blending butane into gasoline streams, and for blending butane into a gasoline stream at any point along a petroleum pipeline. The invention additionally provides a method for measuring the vapor pressure and vapor to liquid ratio of the gasoline, both upstream and downstream of the blending operation, as well as the sulfur content of the butane entering the blending operation. The blending operation can be controlled to ensure that the blended gasoline meets EPA requirements for vapor pressure and sulfur content of gasoline. The invention further provides a method for accessing and monitoring the operation off-site. 143-. (canceled)44. A system for blending butane with gasoline in a pipe comprising:a. a butane reservoir in fluid connection with said gasoline;b. an injector valve for discharging butane into said gasoline;c. an analyzer connected to said pipe, said analyzer receiving a temperature signal from a temperature sensor;d. a programmable logic controller governing the flow of butane through said injector valve; ande. a processor programmed to provide a control signal to said programmable logic controller according to seasonal and/or regional data.45. The system of wherein said processor receives the vapor pressure from said analyzer.46. The system of wherein said processor receives the vapor/liquid ratio from said analyzer.47. The system of wherein said processor receives the vapor pressure and the vapor/liquid ratio of a blend of gasoline and butane.48. The system of further comprising a second analyzer connected to said pipe claim 44 , wherein said second analyzer is located upstream of the blending unit.49. The system of wherein said processor is accessible at a remote location.50. The system of wherein said processor provides a control signal that directs said flow of butane to stop for an interval of time.51. The system of wherein said injector valve is operated by a solenoid.52. A system for ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068777A1

A system, method, and computer-readable medium for blending a fuel for use in a gas turbine are disclosed. A measurement of a heating value of a process gas and a measurement of a molecular weight of the process gas is obtained. An estimate of a composition of the process gas is obtained using the obtained measurement of the heating value and the obtained measurement of the molecular weight. A blending ratio of the process gas and a natural gas is selected based on the estimate of the composition of the process gas. The process gas and the natural gas are then blended according to the selected blending ratio to obtain a fuel mixture for use in the gas turbine. 1. A method of blending a fuel for use in a gas turbine , comprising:obtaining a measurement of a heating value of a process gas and a measurement of a molecular weight of the process gas;obtaining an estimate of a composition of the process gas using the obtained measurement of the heating value and the obtained measurement of the molecular weight;selecting a blending ratio of the process gas and a natural gas based on the estimate of the composition of the process gas; andblending the process gas and the natural gas according to the selected blending ratio to obtain a fuel mixture for use in the gas turbine.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising obtaining the estimate of the composition of the process gas using a set of linear equations relating the composition of the process gas to the measurement of the heating value of the process gas and the measurement of the molecular weight of the process gas.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the set of linear equations includes a set of five linear equations relating five unknown molar fractions representing component gases of the process gas.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the set of linear equations further including at least one additional molar fraction representing an additional component gas of the process gas claim 3 , wherein the at least one ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Method and System for Converting Associated Gas

Номер: US20210071098A1
Принадлежит: Proteum Energy LLC

A volume of natural gas including a volume of methane and a volume of other alkanes may be cleaned of the other alkanes using a steam reformer system to create synthesis gas.

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170088785A1

A process for injecting biomethane into a network which has a gross calorific value of value X between X1 and X2, comprising the injection of nitrogen into the biomethane network before the injection of the biomethane into the network which has a gross calorific value of value X so as to reduce the calorific value of the biomethane network to a value between X1 and X2, with the nitrogen derived from the retentate of at least one membrane stage. 112-. (canceled)13. A process for injecting biomethane into a biomethane network that has a gross calorific value of value X between X1 and X2 , comprising the steps of:injecting biomethane having a gross calorific value greater than X2 into a biomethane network; andinjecting nitrogen into the biomethane network in an amount sufficient to achieve an overall calorific value of the injected biomethane and nitrogen of between X1 and X2, wherein the nitrogen being injected is obtained from a retentate of at least one membrane stage.14. The process for injecting biomethane of claim 13 , wherein X1=9.5 kWh/Nmand X2=10.5 kWh/Nm.15. The process of claim 13 , further comprising the steps of:feeding, to the at least one membrane stage, air from an internal network of the process or from an air compressor;separating the fed air into an impure oxygen permeate and an impure nitrogen retentate, the impure nitrogen retentate being the nitrogen that is injected into the biomethane network; andcontrolling the amount of nitrogen injected into the biomethane network via a control valve located on a feed of the at least one membrane stage or via adjustment of a production capacity of the air compressor.16. The process of claim 15 , wherein upstream of the compressor the air is dried and de-oiled and is at a pressure greater than or equal to a pressure of the biomethane network.17. The process of claim 15 , wherein a purity of the nitrogen injected into the biomethane network is controlled based upon a concentration of oxygen in the impure ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160097011A1

The present invention provides a housing for a gas processing apparatus formed by a plurality of walls joined together to form a box-like structure defining a chamber therein. The chamber is configured to retain a pair or more of gas processing pressure vessels in a vertically stacked configuration. The housing has a width less the United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration maximum width for a commercial vehicle to allow transportation of the housing without the need for an oversized load shipping permit. The floor width inside the chamber less than a width for said pair of pressure vessels if said vessels were in a side-by-side configuration. 1. A transportable housing for a gas processing apparatus comprising:a housing including a plurality of housing walls joined together defining a chamber therein retain at least two gas processing pressure vessels in a vertically stacked configuration; anda housing width distance on the housing narrower than the United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration maximum width for a commercial vehicle to allow transportation of the housing without the need for an oversized load shipping permit.2. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the housing width is from about 85 inches to about 102 inches.3. The housing of claim 1 , further comprising:a floor width defining a portion of the housing width, the floor width less than the sum of the two gas processing pressure vessel widths.4. The housing of claim 3 , wherein the at least two gas processing pressure vessels are positioned above the floor width.5. The housing of claim 1 , further comprising:a control system adjacent one of the housing walls configured to operate the at least two gas processing pressure vessels.6. The housing of claim 5 , further comprising:a mounting bracket connecting the control system to an inner surface on one of the housing walls to dispose the control system within the chamber.7. The housing of claim 1 , ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095216A1

Methods are provided for accurately blending biodiesel into distillate streams to achieve a pre-determined percentage of biodiesel in the distillate, applicable to wild-type distillate streams as well as distillate streams that already contain some percentage of biodiesel. 1) An automated method of blending biodiesel into a distillate stream to achieve a target biodiesel content comprising:a) providing a distillate stream having a distillate stream flow rate;b) providing a supply of biodiesel having a biodiesel stream flow rate in liquid communication with said distillate stream, separated from said distillate stream by a regulating valve that is under the control of a central processing unit;c) providing a target biodiesel content for said distillate stream;d) periodically measuring an actual biodiesel content in said distillate stream, either upstream or downstream of said regulating valve;e) periodically transmitting said actual biodiesel content to said central processing unit;f) periodically calculating in said central processing unit a target blending rate at which biodiesel can be blended into said distillate stream to achieve the target biodiesel content; andg) modulating said regulating valve to blend biodiesel into said distillate stream at said target blending rate.2) The method of claim 1 , wherein said actual biodiesel content is obtained by generating a spectral response of said distillate stream using absorption spectroscopy with a near infrared analyzer claim 1 , and comparing said spectral response to a chemometric dataset specific for said value in said distillate stream.3) The method of claim 2 , wherein said chemometric dataset is built by taking two or more samples of said distillate from a distillate stream; measuring said physical property of the samples offline; simultaneously with taking the two or more samples claim 2 , obtaining a spectral response of the distillate in the distillate stream using absorption spectroscopy with a near ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Natural gas pretreatment system and method for pretreating natural gas

Номер: US20220145201A1
Принадлежит: JGC Corp

A natural gas pretreatment system includes: a carbon dioxide removal unit configured to remove carbon dioxide from the natural gas by bringing an absorption liquid and the natural gas into contact with each other; and a water removal unit configured to remove water by causing the natural gas to flow through a packed bed containing a water adsorbent. The packed bed contains a carbon dioxide adsorbent for adsorbing and removing the carbon dioxide that has not been completely removed in the carbon dioxide removal unit, and a concentration of the carbon dioxide contained in the natural gas is measured by an outlet-side carbon dioxide measurement unit on an outlet side of the water removal unit.

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Natural Gas Liquids Recovery Process

Номер: US20210102133A1

Methods and systems for operating and NGL recovery process are provided. In an exemplary method, an absorber column upstream of a fractionator column is operated at a higher pressure than a pressure in the fractionator column. An NGL (Cplus) stream is taken from the bottom of a fractionator column and then ethylene/ethane stream is taken from the top of the fractionator column. A differential pressure between the absorber column and the fraction are column is controlled based, at least in part, on a flow rate of the fractionator feed stream from the absorber column to the fractionator column. 1. A control system for operating columns in a natural gas liquids (NGL) plant , comprising:a flow sensor to measure a flow rate of a fractionator column feed stream; an absorber column pressure sensor; and', 'an absorber column pressure control valve;, 'an absorber column pressure controller, comprising a fractionator column pressure sensor; and', 'a fractionator column pressure control valve; and, 'a fractionator column pressure controller, comprising [ the flow sensor;', 'the absorber column pressure sensor; and', 'the fractionator column pressure sensor;, 'a sensor interface to obtain measurements from, the absorber column pressure controller; and', 'the fractionator column pressure controller;, 'a controller interface to communicate set points to, 'a processor configured to execute stored instructions; and', [ the flow sensor;', 'the absorber column pressure sensor; and', 'the fractionator column pressure sensor;, 'read measurements from, 'calculate a set point for the absorber column pressure controller based, at least in part, on a set point for the flow rate; and', 'adjust the set point for the absorber column pressure controller to match the calculated value of the set point., 'a data store, comprising instructions configured to direct the processor to], 'a controller, comprising2. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the data store comprises instructions configured ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for enhancing the energy content of carbonaceous materials from pyrolysis

Номер: US20220169936A1
Принадлежит: Carbon Technology Holdings LLC

Processes and systems for converting biomass into high-carbon biogenic reagents that are suitable for a variety of commercial applications. Pyrolysis in the presence of an inert gas is employed to generate hot pyrolyzed solids, condensable vapors, and non-condensable gases, followed by separation of vapors and gases, and cooling of the hot pyrolyzed solids in the presence of the inert gas. Additives may be introduced during processing or combined with the reagent, or both. The biogenic reagent may include at least 70 wt %, 80 wt %, 90 wt %, 95 wt %, or more total carbon on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may have an energy content of at least 12,000 Btu/lb, 13,000 Btu/lb, 14,000 Btu/lb, or 14,500 Btu/lb on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may be formed into fine powders, or structural objects. The structural objects may have a structure and/or strength that derive from the feedstock, heat rate, and additives.

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122989A1
Автор: White Bjornulf

Systems and methods of producing a solid fuel composition are disclosed. In particular, systems and methods for producing a solid fuel composition by heating and mixing a solid waste mixture below atmospheric pressure to a maximum temperature sufficient to melt the mixed plastics within the solid waste mixture is disclosed. 130.-. (canceled)31. A method comprising:heating, in a process vessel, a solid waste composition comprising one or more plastics in a total amount of about 5 wt.% to about 60 wt.% of the solid waste composition, and water in an amount of less than 2 wt.% water of the solid waste composition;melting, in the process vessel, at least a portion of the one or more plastics of the solid waste composition; andforming a solid fuel composition from the solid waste composition.32. The method of claim 31 , further comprising vaporizing compounds from the solid waste composition claim 31 , wherein the vaporized compounds comprise water vapor claim 31 , volatile organic compounds claim 31 , chlorinated organic compounds claim 31 , chlorine gas claim 31 , or any combination thereof.33. The method of claim 32 , further comprising separating the vaporized compounds from the solid waste composition in the process vessel.34. The method of claim 33 , further comprising removing the vaporized compounds via a vacuum port of a vacuum pump from the process vessel.35. The method of claim 31 , wherein claim 31 , following the melting claim 31 , forming the solid fuel composition comprises extruding at least a portion of the solid waste composition to yield an extrudate.36. The method of claim 35 , further comprising cooling the extrudate to yield the solid fuel composition.37. The method of claim 31 , wherein the solid fuel composition has an energy content of at least about 8 claim 31 ,000 BTU/lb.38. The method of claim 31 , wherein the solid waste composition comprises municipal solid waste and agricultural waste.39. The method of claim 31 , further comprising ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Fuel Optimization System

Номер: US20160115908A1

A system includes an emulsification device, a processed fuel tank, an emulsification recirculation line, and a control module. The emulsification device is configured to selectively receive a liquid mixture of water and hydrocarbon fuel and produce batches of emulsified fuel. The processed fuel tank is configured to selectively receive and store the emulsified fuel. The control module is configured to monitor one or more operating parameters and execute one or more operating modes. The operating modes include a bypass mode configured to provide the engine with the hydrocarbon fuel, an emulsification recirculation mode configured to continually recirculate emulsified fuel through the emulsification device and the processed fuel tank via the emulsification recirculation line, a run mode configured to operate the engine with emulsified fuel, and a suck back mode configured to return semi-stable emulsified fuel back to the processed fuel tank. 1. A fuel emulsion system comprising:an emulsification device configured to selectively receive a liquid mixture of water and hydrocarbon fuel and produce batches of emulsified fuel including water-micro droplets emulsified in the hydrocarbon fuel;a processed fuel tank in fluid communication with the emulsification device and an engine, the processed fuel tank configured to selectively receive and store the emulsified fuel produced by the emulsification device;an emulsification recirculation line configured to selectively provide fluid communication between the emulsification device and the processed fuel tank; and monitor one or more operating parameters;', a bypass mode configured to provide the engine with the hydrocarbon fuel while restricting the emulsification device and the processed fuel tank from receiving the hydrocarbon fuel;', 'an emulsification production mode configured to provide the emulsification device with the hydrocarbon fuel and the water to produce the emulsified fuel;', 'an emulsification recirculation mode ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160122672A1
Автор: White Bjornulf

Systems and methods of producing a solid fuel composition are disclosed. In particular, systems and methods for producing a solid fuel composition by heating and mixing a solid waste mixture below atmospheric pressure to a maximum temperature sufficient to melt the mixed plastics within the solid waste mixture is disclosed. 1. A system for producing a solid fuel composition from a solid waste mixture without the formation of syngas , the system comprising:a process vessel, comprising one or more heated walls maintained at a wall temperature, a mixer in the interior volume of the process vessel and operatively connected to the process vessel, an extruding element passing through a first opening in the process vessel and operating below about 200° C., and a vacuum port passing through a second opening in the process vessel;a heater operatively coupled to the process vessel to heat the one or more heated walls of the process vessel to a temperature ranging from about 160° C. to about 280° C.;a condenser comprising an upper port, a lower port below the upper port, a condensate basin below the lower port, and a drain in the condensate basin, the condenser operatively coupled to the vacuum port of the process vessel via the upper port of the condenser;a vacuum pump operatively coupled to the condenser via the lower port of the condenser to reduce the pressure of the interior volume of the process vessel and the condenser to less than about 50 torr; anda control panel operatively connected to the mixer, the heater, and the vacuum pump to adjust the interior volume to a first temperature to vaporize compounds in a solid waste mixture comprising mixed plastics, to adjust the interior volume to a first pressure to remove the vaporized compounds from the solid waste mixture, and to adjust the interior volume to a second temperature between about 160° C. and about 260° C. and to a second pressure of less than about 50 torr while the mixer is in operation in order to melt the ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Process for forming a solid fuel composition from mixed solid waste

Номер: US20160122674A1
Автор: Bjornulf WHITE
Принадлежит: Ecogensus LLC

Systems and methods of producing a solid fuel composition are disclosed. In particular, systems and methods for producing a solid fuel composition by heating and mixing a solid waste mixture below atmospheric pressure to a maximum temperature sufficient to melt the mixed plastics within the solid waste mixture is disclosed.

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160122675A1

A method and device manufacturing solid fuel, the method includes: mixing porous coal with a mixture oil containing solvent oil and heavy oil, to obtain material slurry; heating the material slurry to promote dehydration of porous coal and impregnating the mixture oil into pores of porous coal, to obtain dehydrated slurry; separating upgraded porous coal and the mixture oil from the dehydrated slurry; drying the upgraded porous coal by heating and conveying it while supplying carrier gas; setting a target value of the circulation amount of carrier gas and a target value of the pressure of carrier gas at the drying; calculating control outputs, based on deviations between the target values and measured values corresponding respectively thereto; and adjusting the supply amount of carrier gas, based on a smaller value between the control outputs obtained. 1: A method of manufacturing solid fuel comprising:mixing porous coal with a mixture oil containing solvent oil and heavy oil, to obtain material slurry;heating the material slurry to promote dehydration of porous coal and impregnating the mixture oil into pores of porous coal, to obtain dehydrated slurry;separating upgraded porous coal and the mixture oil from the dehydrated slurry;drying the upgraded porous coal by heating and conveying it while supplying carrier gas;setting a target value of the circulation amount of carrier gas and a target value of the pressure of carrier gas at the drying;calculating control outputs, based on deviations between the target values and measured values corresponding respectively thereto; andadjusting the supply amount of carrier gas, based on a smaller value between the control outputs obtained.2: The method of manufacturing solid fuel according to claim 1 , whereinthe target values are each decided based on the supply amount of upgraded porous coal to be dried at the drying and on the amount of oil contained in upgraded porous coal subjected to the drying.3: The method of ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210155865A1
Автор: Hampson Carl

A briquette for use as a mineral charge in a cupola furnace for the production of mineral wool fibres is produced by—combining: a) recycled waste mineral wool selected from i) waste mineral wool comprising uncured sugar containing binder, ii) waste mineral wool comprising cured binder, iii) waste mineral wool without binder and iv) combination thereof, b) cement, and c) additional sugar(s) to form a mouldable mixture and—moulding and curing the mouldable mixture to form the briquette. 113.-. (canceled)14. A method of producing a briquette , suitable for use as a mineral charge in a cupola furnace for the production of mineral wool fibres , said method comprising:forming a mouldable mixture comprisinga) recycled waste mineral wool,b) cement, andc) at least 10 parts by dry weight of sugar(s) with respect to 100 parts by dry weight of the cement; andmoulding and curing the mouldable mixture to form the briquette.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the mouldable mixture comprises 10 to 40 parts by dry weight of sugar(s) per 100 parts by dry weight of cement.16. The method of claim 14 , wherein the cement is selected from the group consisting of Portland cement claim 14 , alumina cement and mixture thereof.17. The method of claim 14 , wherein the sugar(s) are selected from the group consisting of dextrose claim 14 , fructose claim 14 , sucrose and high fructose corn syrup.18. The method of claim 14 , wherein the recycled waste mineral wool comprises waste mineral wool comprising uncured sugar containing binder wherein the uncured sugar containing binder is selected from:i) an uncured sugar containing binder comprising reducing sugar(s) and nitrogen-containing compound(s);ii) an uncured sugar containing binder comprising curable reaction product(s) of reducing sugar(s) and nitrogen-containing compound(s); andiii) an uncured sugar containing binder comprising reducing sugar(s), nitrogen-containing compound(s) and curable reaction product(s) of reducing sugar(s) and ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160130516A1
Автор: Edlund David J.
Принадлежит: Element 1 Corp.

Refining assemblies and methods for refining rich natural gas containing a first methane gas and other hydrocarbons that are heavier than methane gas are disclosed. In some embodiments, the assemblies may include a methane-producing assembly configured to receive at least one liquid-containing feed stream that includes water and rich natural gas and to produce an output stream therefrom by (a) converting at least a substantial portion of the other hydrocarbons of the rich natural gas with the water to a second methane gas, a lesser portion of the water, and other gases, and (b) allowing at least a substantial portion of the first methane gas from the rich natural gas to pass through the methane-producing assembly unconverted. The assemblies may additionally include a purification assembly configured to receive the output stream and to produce a methane-rich stream therefrom having a greater methane concentration than the output stream. 1. A refining assembly for rich natural gas containing a first methane gas and other hydrocarbons that are heavier than methane gas , comprising:a methane-producing assembly configured to receive at least one liquid-containing feed stream that includes water and rich natural gas and to produce an output stream therefrom by (a) converting at least a substantial portion of the other hydrocarbons of the rich natural gas with the water to a second methane gas, a lesser portion of the water, and other gases, and (b) allowing at least a substantial portion of the first methane gas from the rich natural gas to pass through the methane-producing assembly unconverted; anda purification assembly configured to receive the output stream and to produce a methane-rich stream therefrom having a greater methane concentration than the output stream.2. The refining assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a feedstock delivery system configured to deliver the at least one liquid-containing feed stream to the methane-producing assembly.3. The refining ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150152346A1

Water-fuel emulsions can be used in engines, predominantly in diesel engines, to achieve considerable fuel economy and reduce emissions of noxious exhaust components, NO, CO2 and soot. However, the emulsion combustion technology for engines of power units has not been applied widely since the main two components are immiscible; water separates and causes corrosion in pumps, injectors, regulators and so on. In order to improve mixing, special emulsifiers are applied, but in this option emulsion does not sustain long. Proposed new emulsion making technology uses simultaneous dissolution of highly soluble gases CO2 and CH4 in immiscible components fuel and water. Tests demonstrate that water-fuel emulsion produced using the new technology retains stability when exposed to temperature and at long-term storage in the open air. 1. A method of on-board production of water-fuel emulsion free of emulsifier and stabilizing additives , wherein the method includes:providing an absorber;feeding a liquid fuel and other additional incombustible evaporative liquids to absorber providing high level spraying of both liquid flows;feeding a gas or a mixture of gases in absorber providing a high level of contact of liquid and gases; andproviding an electronic controller for controlling flows of liquids and gases.2. A method of production of highly sustainable water-fuel emulsion , wherein the method comprises at least one stage process , and preferably two stage process of simultaneous or consecutive dissolving of gas/gasses in dispersed liquid components under high pressure:at first stage liquid components are sprayed in absorber #1 under gas pressure of P1;at second stage water-fuel emulsion from absorber #1 is fed to absorber #2 where emulsion and additional portion of water sprayed under gas pressure P2;liquid components are dispersed, preferably, in top areas of absorbers and collected emulsion evacuate, at least, through one port at the bottom of absorber #2 to a storage tank for ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Converting an Alcohol Into a Motor Fuel Mixture

Номер: US20170145328A1
Автор: DOERING Andreas

A method and apparatus for converting an alcohol into a fuel mixture which consists of alcohol, ether and water and is suitable for operating a combustion engine, in particular an internal combustion engine in a motor vehicle, converts the alcohol into the fuel mixture in a reactor at a suitable reaction temperature. The mixing ratio of alcohol fraction, ether fraction and water fraction in the fuel mixture is adjusted by controlling at least one reaction parameter of a reaction taking place in the reactor. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a reactor that converts an alcohol into a fuel mixture by a reaction, the fuel mixture consisting of alcohol, ether, and water, and being suitable for operating a combustion engine;a heating device that heats the alcohol before the alcohol enters the reactor;a control device that adjusts a mixing ratio of an alcohol fraction, an ether fraction, and a water fraction in the fuel mixture by adjusting at least one reaction parameter of the reaction taking place in the reactor, wherein the control device adjusts the at least one reaction parameter taking into account a first measurement signal indicating an operating parameter of an exhaust-gas aftertreatment system and a second measurement signal indicating an operating parameter of the combustion engine including at least one of speed, load, acceleration, cylinder pressure, and knocking.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the heating device consists of an exhaust-gas heat exchanger for heating and a second heat exchanger with air or liquids as a transfer medium for cooling claim 1 , at least one of the exhaust-gas heat exchanger and the second heat exchanger is controllable by the control device to control the heat transfer to the alcohol flowing therethrough.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one reaction parameter is the reaction temperature or the reaction pressure in the reactor claim 1 , and wherein the second heat exchanger is disposed between ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220290190A1
Принадлежит: CHEMTREAT, INC.

A method for applying a chemical treatment to a process stream in an ethanol production/corn oil extraction system. The method includes applying the chemical treatment to the process stream before or during fermentation of an emulsified oil precursor product in the process stream to demulsify the emulsified oil precursor product, and extracting the demulsified oil from the emulsified oil precursor product. 1. A method for applying a chemical treatment to a process stream in an oil extraction system , the method comprising:applying the chemical treatment including a demulsifier to the process stream before or during fermentation of an emulsified oil precursor product in the process stream to demulsify the emulsified oil precursor product; andextracting the demulsified oil from the emulsified oil precursor product.2. The method for applying a chemical treatment to a process stream in an oil extraction system according to claim 1 , wherein the chemical treatment is applied to the process stream during fermentation of the emulsified oil precursor product in the process stream.3. The method for applying a chemical treatment to a process stream in an oil extraction system according to claim 1 , wherein the chemical treatment is applied to the process stream before fermentation of the emulsified oil precursor product in the process stream.4. The method for applying a chemical treatment to a process stream in an oil extraction system according to claim 1 , wherein the oil extraction system is part of an ethanol production system.5. The method for applying a chemical treatment to a process stream in an oil extraction system according to claim 1 , wherein the emulsified oil precursor product is a corn slurry and the demulsified oil is corn oil.6. The method for applying a chemical treatment to a process stream in an oil extraction system according to claim 1 , wherein the demulsifier is a non-ionic demulsifier.7. The method for applying a chemical treatment to a process ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150159096A1

It is intended to provide a fuel gasification system, a control method and a control program for the fuel gasification system, and a fuel gasification combined power generation system provided with the fuel gasification system, whereby even when types and properties of the fuel changes, a calorific value of combustible gas produced by gasification of the fuel is stable while increase or decrease in the amount of char generation is suppressed. A control device () of a fuel gasification system () controls, depending on an indicator corresponding to the calorific value (SG calorific value) of the combustible gas, the supply of the fuel to a gasification furnace () and the supply of the oxygen gas to the gasification furnace () so as to change a ratio of the supply of the oxygen gas to the supply of the air supplied to the gasification furnace (). 1. A fuel gasification system comprising:a gasification furnace configured to combust and gasify fuel so as to generate combustible gas;an air supply device configured to supply air to the gasification furnace;a oxygen-enriched oxidizer supply device including an air separator for separating air into nitrogen gas and oxygen gas, the oxygen-enriched oxidizer supply device being configured to supply the oxygen gas separated by the air separator to the gasification furnace;a fuel supply device configured to supply the fuel to the gasification furnace by using the nitrogen gas separated by the air separator; anda control device configured to control the air supply device, the oxygen-enriched oxidizer supply device and the fuel supply device, the control device being configured to control, depending on an indicator that corresponds to a calorific value of the combustible gas, an amount of the fuel supplied to the gasification furnace and an amount of the oxygen gas supplied to the gasification furnace so as to change a ratio of the amount of the oxygen gas supplied to the gasification furnace to the amount of the air supplied to ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180154304A1

A method of dehydrating a hydrocarbon gas stream including stripping water from a liquid desiccant stream using a water-undersaturated portion of the gas stream, drying the gas stream to extract the stripped water, and then further drying the partially-dried gas stream using the stripped desiccant to achieve a low water content level in the gas stream for pipeline transportation. In one embodiment, the liquid desiccant is supplied by a regeneration facility at a remote location and the liquid desiccant is returned to the regeneration facility for regeneration after drying the gas. In another embodiment, the regeneration of the desiccant is performed locally whereby the liquid desiccant is, after drying the gas, stripped again of water and reused locally. 1. A method of dehydrating a hydrocarbon gas stream , comprising:receiving a liquid desiccant;locally stripping at least a portion of the liquid desiccant of water using a water-undersaturated portion of the gas stream to provide a gas stream containing stripped water, and a stripped desiccant stream, the water-undersaturated portion of the gas stream having an initial water content level;a first drying step in which the gas stream containing stripped water is dried to a first water content level to provide a partially-dried gas stream; anda second drying step in which the partially-dried gas stream is dried, using the stripped desiccant stream, to a second water content level to provide a highly-dried gas stream, the second water content level being lower than both the initial water content level and the first water content level.2. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising:after the second drying step, and optionally after use in one or more other local processing steps, returning the liquid desiccant to a desiccant regeneration facility at a remote location for regeneration.3. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising:an initial drying step in which at least a portion of the gas stream is dried ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Biogas Blending and Verification Systems and Methods

Номер: US20180155649A1

A biogas blending and energy content verification system and method for controlled enhancement of a biogas feedstock stream energy content profile by selective sampling and analysis of the biogas feedstock stream and controlled injection of a refined gas of a known, higher energy content into the biogas feedstock stream to produce a blended biogas having an augmented energy content profile meeting or exceeding a pre-established minimum to meet end user requirements.

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220298438A1
Автор: Schmidt Darren

A method of recovery of rich gas where the rich gas is a hydrocarbon gas comprising less than 50 mole % methane is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of gathering the low pressure gas, compressing the gathered gas, cooling the compressed gas in a condenser so that a portion of the compressed gas condenses to form a liquefied gas and liquefied gas vapour in the condenser, and discharging the liquefied gas and liquefied gas vapour from the condenser, in which the cooling of the compressed gas is performed using at least one heat exchanger (). 124-. (canceled)25. A method of recovery of rich gas , the method comprising:gathering the rich gas, wherein the rich gas is a hydrocarbon gas comprising less than 50 mole % methane;compressing the gathered gas;cooling the compressed gas in a condenser so that a portion of the compressed gas condenses to form a liquefied gas and liquefied gas vapour in the condenser, wherein the cooling of the compressed gas is performed using at least one heat exchanger; anddischarging the liquefied gas and liquefied gas vapour from the condenser26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the rich gas has a gauge pressure of less than or equal to 1379.0 kPa (200 psi).27. The method of claim 25 , wherein the liquefied gas and liquefied gas vapour is discharged into one or more storage means.28. The method of claim 27 , wherein the at least one storage means is a storage tank.29. The method of claim 25 , wherein the at least one heat exchanger is a fan-cooled condenser.30. The method of claim 25 , wherein the rich gas is gathered from a source comprising a two-phase separator claim 25 , a treater unit claim 25 , a vapour recovery tower claim 25 , an oil storage tank claim 25 , or a combination thereof.31. The method of claim 25 , wherein the step of compressing the gas is performed using at least one compression pump.32. The method of claim 31 , wherein:each compression pump is controlled by a control unit,the control unit comprises a central ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220298443A1

Methane and carbon dioxide-containing feed gas stream is compressed and cooled to condense and remove a portion of water therein, separated with a membrane separation unit into a permeate enriched in carbon dioxide and a biomethane stream scrubbed of COthat is subsequently scrubbed of water in an adsorption purification unit. 1. A process for producing biomethane that is scrubbed of COand of water , from a feed gas stream comprising methane and carbon dioxide , comprising the steps of:compressing the feed gas stream with a compressor, thereby producing a compressed feed gas stream;cooling the compressed feed gas stream so as to condense at least one portion of water in the compressed feed gas stream;removing at least one portion of the condensed water in the feed gas stream, thereby producing a water-depleted compressed feed gas stream;separating the water-depleted compressed feed gas stream with a membrane separation unit into a permeate enriched in carbon dioxide and a biomethane stream scrubbed of carbon dioxide;recovering the biomethane stream scrubbed of carbon dioxide from the membrane separation unit;removing at least one portion of water remaining in the recovered biomethane stream scrubbed of carbon dioxide with an adsorption purification unit comprising an adsorber to produce biomethane scrubbed of carbon dioxide and water; andrecovering the biomethane scrubbed of carbon dioxide and water from the adsorption purification unit.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising regenerating the adsorber by using a portion of the water-depleted compressed feed gas stream as regeneration gas.3. The process of claim 2 , further comprising recovering the regeneration gas at an outlet of the adsorber and recycling the recovered regeneration gas in said process upstream of the compressor.4. The process of claim 3 , further comprising the steps of:cooling the recovered regeneration gas so as to condense at least one portion of water in the regeneration gas, said step ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Supercritical water processes for upgrading a petroleum-based composition while decreasing plugging

Номер: US20170166824A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

Embodiments of processes for upgrading a petroleum-based composition while decreasing plugging comprise mixing a supercritical water stream with a pressurized, heated petroleum-based composition in a mixing device to create a combined feed stream, and introducing to a supercritical upgrading reactor system are provided. The processes also comprise cooling the upgraded product in a cooling device, and decreasing the pressure of the cooled upgraded product in a pressure reducer. To reduce plugging, the processes also comprises injecting plug remover solution into one or more of the following injection locations: an injection port on a process line connecting the mixing device with the upgrading reactor system; an injection port on a process line connecting the upgrading reactor system with the cooling device; or an injection port on a process line connecting the cooling device with the pressure reducer.

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170166825A1

A system and method are provided for in-line processes of blending butane into gasoline streams, and for blending butane into a gasoline stream at any point along a petroleum pipeline. The invention additionally provides a method for measuring the vapor pressure and vapor to liquid ratio of the gasoline, both upstream and downstream of the blending operation, as well as the sulfur content of the butane entering the blending operation. The blending operation can be controlled to ensure that the blended gasoline meets EPA requirements for vapor pressure and sulfur content of gasoline. The invention further provides a method for accessing and monitoring the operation off-site. 143)-) (canceled)44. A system for blending a volatility modifying agent with a petroleum stream having a petroleum flow rate , comprising;an injection device injecting the volatility modifying agent into the petroleum stream at a volatility modifying agent flow rate;a volatility measurement device in communication with the petroleum stream, the volatility measurement device configured to output data representative of a volatility measurement; and receive the volatility measurement; receive a target volatility value;', 'determine an adjustment to the volatility modifying agent flow rate based on the volatility measurement and the target volatility value; and', 'output a signal representative of the adjustment to the injection device., 'a processor in connection with the injection device and the volatility measurement device, the processor configured to45. The system of claim 44 , wherein the target volatility value is based on at least one of seasonable and regional data.46. The system of claim 44 , further comprising a plurality of petroleum streams each associated with a different type of petroleum claim 44 , at least one petroleum stream being selectable for blending with the volatility modifying agent.47. The system of claim 44 , wherein the volatility measurement is a vapor pressure ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200157447A1
Принадлежит: TerraPower, LLC

This document describes methods for pretreating coal to create either a dried coal or a char product that is stable in the outdoor environment and is more efficient as a feedstock for gasification or other processes than the original coal. Embodiments of the methods include pulverizing and pelletizing the coal, and pretreating the coal pellets to obtain a stable pellet of either dried coal or a stable pellet of chared coal (coal char). The pellets created by the described methods have undergone deoxygenation and carbonization improving their handling and storage properties and, in some cases, energy density. Pore structures within the pellets are stabilized physically and chemically so that the uptake of moisture into dry coal, that leads to internal heat generation, is greatly reduced. Chars are also, therefore, stable against transitions from a dry state to a wet state and less prone to self-ignition. 1. A method for treatment of coal comprising:pulverizing the coal into a coal dust;pelletizing the coal dust into a coal pellet;{'sub': '2', 'pretreating the coal pellet, the pretreating including holding the coal pellet in a first supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO) environment at a first temperature and a first pressure for a first period of time, thereby generating a treated pellet product; and'}{'sub': '2', 'removing the treated pellet product from the first sCOenvironment.'}2. The method of comprising:storing the treated pellet product in an outdoor environment.3. The method of comprising:transporting the treated pellet product in a manner that exposes it to an outdoor environment.4. The method of comprising:gasifying the treated pellet product.5. The method of comprising:burning the treated pellet product.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coal is selected from bituminous coal claim 1 , sub-bituminous coal claim 1 , lignite claim 1 , and anthracite.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first temperature is from the critical temperature of carbon dioxide up ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Fire Starting Device

Номер: US20200157451A1
Принадлежит: Live Fire Gear, LLC

A fire starting device having a container with a base, wherein the base includes an open top, side walls, and a closed bottom. A lid is slidably connected to the open top of the base, and the container is closed by sliding the lid over the open top, and the container is opened by sliding the lid away from over the open top. Fire starting tinder is contained within the base that includes multiple planar layers of fabric impregnated with accelerant, and the lid is slid open to enable the fire starting tinder to burn within the base. The multiple planar layers of fabric of the fire starting tinder are achieved by folding over a single fabric multiple times. 1. A fire starting device , comprising ,a container having a base, wherein the base includes an open top, side walls, and a closed bottom;said container further comprising a lid slidably connected to the open top of the base, wherein the container is closed by sliding the lid over the open top, and the container is opened by sliding the lid away from over the open top;fire starting tinder within the base, wherein the fire starting tinder includes multiple planar layers of fabric impregnated with accelerant; andthe lid is slid open to enable the fire starting tinder to burn within the base.2. The fire starting device of claim 1 , wherein the multiple planar layers of fabric of the fire starting tinder is achieved by folding over a single fabric multiple times.3. The fire starting device of claim 1 , wherein the base is constructed of metal.4. The fire starting device of claim 1 , wherein the lid is construction of metal.5. The first starting device of claim 1 , wherein the first starting tinder includes wax and kerosene.6. The fire starting device of claim 1 , wherein multiple planar layers of fabric of the fire starting tinder is achieved by folding over a single fabric multiple times claim 1 , and the fire starting tinder includes wax and kerosene.7. The fire starting device of claim 1 , wherein the multiple planar ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150175917A1
Автор: PAROSA Ryszard

A method for hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass, wherein the biomass supplied by pumps from a tank is provided to a reactor, in which the biomass is heated to obtain reactor products in the form of volatile, liquid and solid fractions, which are separated in a separator. The biomass () supplied from the tank () is pressurized in pumps () to a pressure from 220 atm. to 250 atm., after which it is preliminarily heated in a heat exchanger () to a temperature of at least 374-400° C. by the thermal energy of the reactor () products and next the preheated biomass is reheated in the reactor () using microwave radiation emitted by generators () with a frequency from 900 MHz to 4 GHz through radiators () of polarised waves, wherein the radiation directions are perpendicular with respect to the directions of the neighbouring radiators (A,B), and the width (a) of the radiator slot is smaller than half of the radiation wavelength (λ) emitted from the generators (), and wherein the reflections of electromagnetic wave supplied to the radiators () are measured using reflectometers () placed between the radiators () and the generators (), and wherein the temperature of the biomass inside the reactor () is measured using temperature sensors () and a controller (), and wherein based on the measurements of the temperature sensors () and reflectometers (), the power of radiation generated by the generators () is adjusted to retain the biomass inside the reactor at the temperature of 374° C. to 400° C. 1. A method for hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass , wherein the biomass supplied by pumps from a tank is provided to a reactor , in which the biomass is heated to obtain reactor products in the form of volatile , liquid and solid fractions , which are separated in a separator , wherein the biomass supplied from the tank is pressurized in pumps to a pressure from 220 atm. to 250 atm. , after which it is preliminarily heated in a heat exchanger to a temperature of at least 150-250° C. ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190169518A1

This invention provides processes and systems for converting biomass into highcarbon biogenic reagents that are suitable for a variety of commercial applications. Some embodiments employ pyrolysis in the presence of an inert gas to generate hot pyrolyzed solids, condensable vapors, and non-condensable gases, followed by separation of vapors and gases, and cooling of the hot pyrolyzed solids in the presence of the inert gas. Additives may be introduced during processing or combined with the reagent, or both. The biogenic reagent may include at least 70 wt %, 80 wt %, 90 wt %, 95 wt %, or more total carbon on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may have an energy content of at least 12,000 Btu/lb, 13,000 Btu/lb, 14,000 Btu/lb, or 14,500 Btu/lb on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may be formed into fine powders, or structural objects. 160-. (canceled)60. A biomass pyrolysis continuous reactor comprising a material feed system , a plurality of spatially separated reaction zones configured for separately controlling temperature and mixing within each of said reaction zones , and a carbonaceous-solids outlet , wherein one of said reaction zones is configured with a first gas inlet for introducing a substantially inert gas into said biomass pyrolysis continuous reactor , and wherein one of said reaction zones is configured with a first gas outlet.61. The biomass pyrolysis continuous reactor of claim 60 , wherein said biomass pyrolysis continuous reactor includes at least two reaction zones.6257. The biomass pyrolysis continuous reactor of claim claim 60 , wherein said biomass pyrolysis continuous reactor includes at least three reaction zones.63. The biomass pyrolysis continuous reactor of claim 62 , wherein said reactor includes at least four reaction zones.64. The biomass pyrolysis continuous reactor of claim 60 , wherein each of said reaction zones is disposed in communication with separately adjustable indirect heating means claim 60 , each independently selected from ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации

Combustion system and method

Номер: US20180179967A1
Принадлежит: Avocet IP Ltd

A method of increasing efficiency of a combustion system, which runs with alcohol fuels, by injecting a controlled quantity of a fuel additive. The method includes using one of a single injector tip for pre-mixed alcohol fuel and fuel additive or individual injector tips for the alcohol fuel and the fuel additive. The fuel additive includes a mixture of organic compounds of which at least one organic compound includes at least one nitrate molecular group. The method further includes injecting the pre-mixed alcohol fuel and fuel additive or the alcohol fuel and the fuel additive individually into one or more combustion chambers of the engine block. The method also includes controlling a quantity of the fuel additive by a control arrangement associated with a temperature sensor, and controlling a flow-rate of the alcohol fuel by a power control adapted to controller an output power from the engine block.

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190177629A1

A system and method are provided for in-line processes of blending butane into gasoline streams, and for blending butane into a gasoline stream at any point along a petroleum pipeline. The invention additionally provides a method for measuring the vapor pressure and vapor to liquid ratio of the gasoline, both upstream and downstream of the blending operation, as well as the sulfur content of the butane entering the blending operation. The blending operation can be controlled to ensure that the blended gasoline meets EPA requirements for vapor pressure and sulfur content of gasoline. The invention further provides a method for accessing and monitoring the operation off-site. 143-) (canceled)44. A system for blending a volatility modifying agent with a refined petroleum stream having a flow rate , comprising:a valve for injecting the volatility modifying agent into the refined petroleum stream at a particular volatility modifying agent flow rate, wherein the refined petroleum stream and valve are located downstream of a refinery;a volatility measurement device in communication with the refined petroleum stream, the volatility measurement device configured to output data representative of a volatility measurement; anda processor in connection with the valve and the volatility measurement device and configured to receive data from the volatility measurement device; compare the data to a target volatility value; determine an adjustment to the volatility modifying agent flow rate based on the volatility measurement and the target volatility value; and output a signal representative of the adjustment to the injection device,wherein the valve is electronically configured to access or receive the output signal from the processor and adjust the volatility modifying agent flow rate accordingly.45. The system of claim 44 , wherein the target volatility value is based on at least one of seasonable and regional data.46. The system of claim 44 , further comprising a plurality of ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Mobile Transport Fuel Refinery System and Method, Fuel Refinery and Dispensing System and Method, and Fuel Composition

Номер: US20200172816A1
Автор: Koch Joshua F.

A fuel refinery system comprising a particulate filter adapted to remove particulates from fuel flowing through the fuel conduction system, a water filter adapted to remove water from fuel flowing through the fuel conduction system following its passage through the particulate filter, a magnetic field of sufficient strength to further refine the fuel flowing through the fuel conduction system following its passage through the water filter, a catalyst injector configured to inject the catalyst from a catalyst tank into the fuel flowing through the fuel conduction system following its passage through the magnetic field, a dispensing conduit configured to conduct the fuel from the fuel refinement apparatus following injection of the catalyst. 1. A fuel composition produced by the process of the following steps performed upon a fuel containing particulates and water:removing particulates from the fuel;removing water from the fuel;subjecting the fuel to a magnetic field of sufficient strength to further refine the fuel following the removal of particulates and water; andadmixing a catalyst into the fuel following its refinement by the magnetic field.2. The fuel composition of wherein a particulate content of the fuel composition produced by the process is below about 2 microns.3. The fuel composition of wherein a water content of the fuel composition produced by the process is below about 10 PPM.4. The fuel composition of wherein a microbial content of the fuel composition produced by the process is below about 1 CFV/mL.5. The fuel composition of wherein a cetane value of the fuel composition produced by the process is in the range of 45-52.6. The fuel composition of wherein a lubricity value of the fuel composition produced by the process is in the range of 2.65 CST or greater.7. The fuel composition of wherein the catalyst comprises hydrocarbons and ketones and is present in a ratio in the range of at least 1/1000.8. A fuel composition comprising a fuel hydrocarbon ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Increasing Gaseous Content of a Hydrocarbon Fuel

Номер: US20160193583A1
Автор: Licitar Antonijo

An apparatus and method for treating liquid hydrocarbon fuel for increasing the gaseous content of the fuel includes a treatment unit for increasing the gaseous content of the fuel, the treatment unit including an inlet for receiving hydrocarbon fuel and an outlet for discharging a treated hydrocarbon fuel, and a plurality of concentric, spaced apart circular tubes of substantially equal lengths and of a non-magnetic material, the tubes defining a plurality of intermediary spaces, defining flow paths for the hydrocarbon fuel between the inlet to the outlet, and an innermost tube and an outermost tube are electrically connected to opposite poles of an electrical current generator configured for supplying a fluctuating current to thereby increase the gaseous content of the hydrocarbon fuel flowing through the intermediate tank. 1. An apparatus for treating liquid hydrocarbon fuel for increasing a gaseous content of the hydrocarbon fuel for use with internal combustion engines , boilers , heating units , gas turbines or any other hydrocarbon fuel burning apparatus , said apparatus comprising:a source of liquid hydrocarbon fuel, an inlet for receiving said hydrocarbon fuel into the treatment unit, and', 'an outlet for discharging a treated hydrocarbon fuel from the treatment unit,, 'a treatment unit, for treating said hydrocarbon fuel, said treatment unit comprisinga pump for supplying a flow of hydrocarbon fluid to said inlet,said treatment unit further including an assembly of at least two tubes of a non-magnetic material, said at least two tubes each having a circular cross-section, and said assembly being arranged between said inlet and said outlet,said at least two tubes have different diameters, have substantially equal lengths, are arranged in length alignment, and are arranged concentrically with said tubes defining a plurality of intermediary spaces, thus providing flow paths for said hydrocarbon fuel between said inlet to said outlet,an inner one of said at ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Helium purity adjustment in a membrane system

Номер: US20190184332A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A multi-stage membrane system is provided to separate helium from a gas stream such as a natural gas stream. There are at least two permeate streams from a first membrane module. One of the permeate streams is compressed and sent to a second membrane module while one of the permeate streams bypasses the compressor. There are control means provided to determine the flow for these two permeate streams based on factors including the compressor capacity, the concentration of the target component in the combined permeate streams and the capacity of the second membrane module.

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150210945A1

The present invention is provided with: a first processing device main body () that processes carbonized coal () by means of processing gas () of which the oxygen concentration has been adjusted by blowers (); a second processing device main body () that processes primary processed carbonized coal (a), which results from being processed at the first processing device main body, by means of air () fed by a blower (); a second-processing-gas state detection means that detects the state of the air used within the second processing device main body; and a control device () that, on the basis of information from the second-processing—gas state detection means, controls the blowers () in a manner so as to adjust the oxygen concentration in the processing gas when the state of the air has diverged from a predetermined state. 1. A coal deactivation processing device characterized in that , the coal deactivation processing device comprises:a first processing device main body in which coal flows from one side to another side;first-processing-gas feeding means for feeding first processing gas containing oxygen into the first processing device main body;first-processing-gas oxygen concentration adjustment means for adjusting an oxygen concentration in the first processing gas;first-processing-gas temperature adjustment means for adjusting a temperature of the first processing gas;a second processing device main body which is located in a stage prior or subsequent to the first processing device main body and in which the coal or the coal processed in the first processing device main body flows from one side to another side;second-processing-gas feeding means for feeding second processing gas containing a predetermined concentration of oxygen into the second processing device main body;second-processing-gas state detection means for detecting a state of the second processing gas used to process the coal in the second processing device main body; andcontrol means for controlling ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Process for producing high-carbon biogenic reagents

Номер: US20190194561A1

This invention provides processes and systems for converting biomass into high carbon biogenic reagents that are suitable for a variety of commercial applications. Some embodiments employ pyrolysis in the presence of an inert gas to generate hot pyrolyzed solids, condensable vapors, and non-condensable gases, followed by separation of vapors and gases, and cooling of the hot pyrolyzed solids in the presence of the inert gas. Additives may be introduced during processing or combined with the reagent, or both. The biogenic reagent may include at least 70 wt %, 80 wt %, 90 wt %, 95 wt %, or more total carbon on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may have an energy content of at least 12,000 Btu/lb, 13,000 Btu/lb, 14,000 Btu/lb, or 14,500 Btu/lb on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may be formed into fine powders, or structural objects. The structural objects may have a structure and/or strength that derive from the feedstock, heat rate, and additives.

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Chemical Substance Production System and Chemical Substance Production Method

Номер: US20160215224A1

As one aspect of the present invention, a chemical substance production system includes a first liquid reaction system that generates a first chemical substance, a second liquid reaction system that generates a second chemical substance, and a first membrane that is provided between the first liquid reaction system and the second liquid reaction system, wherein the second liquid reaction system causes a chemical reaction of the first chemical substance transferred from the first liquid reaction system to the second liquid reaction system through the first membrane, thereby generating the second chemical substance. According to this, a fuel production system that efficiently removes contaminants occurring in an extraction step when producing fuel derived from an alga or the like is provided. 1. A chemical substance production system , comprising:a first liquid reaction system that generates a first chemical substance;a second liquid reaction system that generates a second chemical substance; anda first membrane that is provided between the first liquid reaction system and the second liquid reaction system, whereinthe second liquid reaction system causes a chemical reaction of the first chemical substance transferred from the first liquid reaction system to the second liquid reaction system through the first membrane, thereby generating the second chemical substance.2. The chemical substance production system according to claim 1 , wherein the first liquid reaction system extracts the first chemical substance from a raw material.3. The chemical substance production system according to claim 2 , wherein the first membrane allows the raw material and a residue of the raw material after extracting the first chemical substance to remain in the first liquid reaction system claim 2 , and allows the first chemical substance to pass therethrough to the second liquid reaction system.4. The chemical substance production system according to claim 2 , wherein the first liquid ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170211004A1
Автор: Vanderbur Steven M.

Disclosed are automated methods and systems for certifying the volatility of butane-enriched gasoline downstream of a butane blending operation. Such automated methods and systems provide significant advantages to comply with volatility requirements imposed by EPA or state regulations. 1) (canceled)2) (canceled)3) (canceled)4) An automated method of generating key performance indicators of a butane blending operation comprising:a) providing a central information processing unit that maintains hourly time;b) providing a petroleum conduit and a flow of petroleum through said conduit;c) providing a butane supply and a butane blending system on said petroleum conduit;d) detecting points in time when said butane blending system stops and resumes operation;e) associating said points in time with said hourly time, and generating data corresponding to segments of hourly time when said butane blending system stopped and resumed operation during a given time frame (“inoperative time segments”).5) (canceled)6) (canceled)7) (canceled)8) (canceled)9) (canceled)10) (canceled)11) (canceled)12) (canceled)13) (canceled)14) (canceled)15) (canceled)16) (canceled)17) (canceled)18) The method of claim 4 , wherein said detecting step (d) comprises:a) detecting when said butane supply is empty; orb) detecting when valves on the butane blending system are inoperable.19) The method of claim 4 , further comprising:a) providing an information processing unit that may or may not be the same as the central information processing unit (“IPU (b)”);b) tracking in said IPU (b) one or more key attributes of said flow selected from volatility, petroleum type and flow rate;c) associating said key attributes of said flow with said hourly time maintained by said central processing unit.20) The method of claim 19 , further comprising:a) providing a maximum allowable volatility of said flow;b) periodically determining the actual volatility of said flow and calculating the quantity of butane capable of ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Carbide producing method and carbide producing device

Номер: US20180208851A1

A carbide producing method for carbonizing a woody biomass to produce a carbide includes a pyrolysis process in which the woody biomass is pyrolyzed and carbonized, an LHV calculating process in which an LHV of the carbide which is a carbonized woody biomass is calculated, and a supplied heat amount control process in which an amount of heat supplied per unit time to the woody biomass in the pyrolysis process on the basis of the calculated LHV is controlled.

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190203133A1

The present disclosure provides a system and method for odorizing natural gas flowing through a distribution pipeline. The system includes a bypass line adjacent to a distribution pipeline, wherein bypass gas flows through the bypass line and an odorant tank connected to the bypass line, and into the distribution pipeline; a high-flow control valve and a low-flow control valve in the bypass line, wherein bypass gas flows through the odorant tank into the distribution pipeline when the high-flow control valve or the low-flow control valve is open; and a programmable logic controller connected to the high-flow and low flow control valve; wherein the programmable logic controller opens the high-flow or low-flow control valve for a predetermined dwell time proportional to an amount of bypass gas needed to odorize gas in the distribution pipeline each time that a preselected quantity of gas flows through the distribution pipeline. 1. A system for odorizing natural gas flowing through a distribution pipeline , comprising:a bypass line adjacent to a distribution pipeline;an odorant tank connected to the bypass line, wherein bypass gas flows through the bypass line, through the odorant tank, and into the distribution pipeline;a high-flow control valve and a low-flow control valve in the bypass line, wherein bypass gas flows through the odorant tank and into the distribution pipeline only when (i) the high-flow control valve is open, (ii) the low-flow control valve is open, or (iii) both the high-flow control valve and the low-flow control valve are open;a flow meter on the distribution pipeline that monitors gas flow through the distribution pipeline; anda programmable logic controller connected to the flow meter, the high-flow control valve and the low-flow control valve;wherein the programmable logic controller opens (a) the high-flow control valve, (b) the low-flow control valve, or (c) both the high-flow control valve and the low-flow control valve, for a predetermined ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации

Methods of operating a gas turbine to inhibit vanadium corrosion

Номер: US20140315136A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method of inhibiting vanadic corrosion of a hot part of a gas turbine system is provided. The method includes introducing, in the combustor, a first oxide comprising magnesium oxide (MgO) and at least one second oxide from among Al 2 O 3 , Fe 2 O 3 , TiO 2 and SiO 2 . A ratio “m” of a number of moles of MgO to a number of moles of V 2 O 5 and a ratio “a” of a total number of moles of the at least one second oxide to the number of moles of V 2 O 5 satisfy two conditions based on a firing temperature of the expansion turbine, an average density of one or more double oxides formed by a reaction between MgO and the at least one second oxide, and an average Knoop hardness of the one or more double oxides formed by the reaction between MgO and the at least one second oxide.

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150240170A1

A method and apparatus for treating waste material having organic components and radioactive agents. The method including the steps of gasifying the waste material at temperature between 600-950° C. in a reactor to form a gaseous material. The gaseous material is cooled to a temperature between 300-500° C., after the cooling the solid fraction including the radioactive agents are removed. 1. A method for treating waste material including organic components and radioactive agents , wherein that the method comprising steps the waste material including organic components and radioactive agents which are low-level and/or medium-level radioactive agents is gasified at temperature between 600-950° C. in a reactor to form a gaseous material ,the gaseous material is cooled by water quenching so that temperature is between 300-500° C. after the cooling, andsolid fraction including radioactive agents is removed from the gaseous material in a gas cleaning step,in order to form a treated gaseous material.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the gaseous material is combustible.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the gaseous material is cooled by heat exchanger.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the gaseous material is filtered in the gas cleaning step.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the filtration is carried out at temperatures between 300-500° C.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the treated gaseous material is burnt after the removing of the solid fraction including radioactive agents.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the treated gaseous material is post-treated by a gas scrubbing.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein other organic material is added into the waste material including organic components and radioactive agents before the gasification.9. An apparatus for treating waste material including organic components and radioactive agents claim 1 , wherein the apparatus for forming a treated gaseous ...

03-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150247101A1

A solid fuel manufacturing apparatus includes: a mixture producing device to produce a mixture by kneading wet combustible waste and a dehydrating agent to accelerate dehydrating the combustible waste; a mixture containing device; an intake device to introduce outside air into the mixture containing device; an exhaust device to discharge exhaust air out of the mixture containing device; a drive device to rotate the mixture containing device; a control device to control operations of the drive device; and a breaking device to break up the mixture contained in the mixture containing device. The dehydrating agent is made of an emulsion containing synthetic resin. The breaking device is placed along an inner peripheral wall of the mixture containing device and configured to scoop the mixture upward in the internal space and allow the mixture to freely fall from above in the internal space by rotation of the mixture containing device. 1. A solid fuel manufacturing apparatus including:mixture producing means configured to produce a mixture by kneading combustible waste containing moisture and a dehydrating agent acting to accelerate removal of the moisture from the combustible waste;mixture containing means configured to be cylindrical and rotatable and contain the mixture in an internal space;intake means configured to introduce outside air into the mixture containing means;exhaust means configured to discharge exhaust air out of the mixture containing means;drive means configured to rotate the mixture containing means;control means configured to control operations of the drive means; andbreaking means configured to break up the mixture contained in the mixture containing means,wherein the dehydrating agent is a treatment agent made of an emulsion containing synthetic resin; andthe breaking means is placed along an inner peripheral wall of the mixture containing means and configured to scoop the mixture upward in the internal space and allow the mixture to freely fall ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации

Compositions for use in internal-combustion engines and methods of forming and using such compositions

Номер: US20170240830A1
Принадлежит: Sylvatex Inc

A fuel composition for use in internal-combustion engines has a fuel component, an alcohol component, a water component, a microemulsion blend, and a cetane-enhancer component. The microemulsion blend includes at least one of lower grade fatty acid derivatives being present in an amount effective for the fuel, alcohol, and water components to form a microemulsion blend. The emulsifier is present in an amount effective for the biodiesel fuel, alcohol, water, and emulsifier to form an emulsion.

20-11-2014 дата публикации

Process and device for rapid torrefaction of biomass

Номер: US20140338256A1

A process for controlling a unit for torrefaction of biomass particles including: measurement of a mean diameter of the biomass particles; as a function of the mean diameter, calculation of a maximum torrefaction temperature for which the ratio of a characteristic time of the torrefaction to a characteristic time of the heat transfer at the level of the particles is equal to a minimum value; adjusting the torrefaction temperature to a value less than or equal to the maximum torrefaction temperature; adjusting the torrefaction time to a value such that the final yield by weight of the torrefaction is equal to a predefined target value.

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Electric power generation system

Номер: US20200239797A1
Принадлежит: Renaissance Energy Research Corp

A power generation system comprises a fuel gas supply device 13 for controlling methane concentration or carbon dioxide concentration in a mixed gas MG containing methane and carbon dioxide within a setting range for the concentration in the fuel gas of a gas engine 11, and for supplying the mixed gas MG to the gas engine 11 as the fuel gas, and a gas concentration sensor 14 for measuring the carbon dioxide concentration or the methane concentration of the mixed gas MG. The fuel gas supply device 13 comprises a carbon dioxide removal device 16 for removing carbon dioxide in the mixed gas MG, and an operating condition control device 17 for controlling an operating condition that affects an increase or decrease of a carbon dioxide removal rate of the carbon dioxide removal device 16, and the operating condition control device 17 controls the operating condition of the carbon dioxide removal device 16 based on the measurement result of the gas concentration sensor 14, thereby controlling the concentration of methane and carbon dioxide in the mixed gas.

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200239800A1

A biomass solid fuel with reduced self-heating. An apparatus for manufacturing a biomass solid fuel including a carbonization furnace for carbonizing a biomass molded block to obtain a biomass solid fuel; a yield calculator for calculating a yield of the biomass solid fuel and/or a temperature detector for measuring a temperature of the carbonization furnace; and a controller for controlling a heat source of the carbonization furnace; in which the controller controls the heat source based on a correlation between (i) a self-heating property of the biomass solid fuel and (ii) the yield and/or the temperature of the carbonization furnace. 1. An apparatus for manufacturing a biomass solid fuel , comprising:a carbonization furnace for carbonizing a biomass molded block to obtain a biomass solid fuel;a yield calculator for calculating a yield of the biomass solid fuel and/or a temperature detector for measuring a temperature of the carbonization furnace; anda controller for controlling a heat source of the carbonization furnace; wherein the controller controls the heat source based on a correlation between (i) a self-heating property of the biomass solid fuel and (ii) the yield and/or the temperature of the carbonization furnace.2. The apparatus for manufacturing a biomass solid fuel according to claim 1 , whereinthe controller stores a lower limit value of the yield in advance, andwhen the yield calculated by the yield calculator is less than the lower limit value, the controller lowers the temperature of the heat source.3. The apparatus for manufacturing a biomass solid fuel according to claim 1 , whereinthe controller stores an upper limit temperature value of the carbonization furnace in advance, andwhen the temperature measured by the temperature detector is more than the upper limit temperature value, the controller lowers the temperature of the heat source.4. The apparatus for manufacturing a biomass solid fuel according to claim 2 , whereinthe controller stores ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170260469A1

The present disclosure provides an experimental loop system for fluidization exploitation of solid-state marine gas hydrate, comprising: four modules, namely a gas hydrate sample large-amount and rapid preparation module, a gas hydrate multi-scale smashing and slurry fidelity transfer module, a gas hydrate slurry pipeline conveying characteristic experiment module, and a data collection and monitoring and safety control module. The gas hydrate experimental loop device provided by the present disclosure may be used for researching the synthesis, decomposition, gas storage rate and phase equilibrium of gas hydrate, and researching the pipeline conveying flow resistance and heat transfer characteristics, and is significant for solving the blockage problem in the gas pipeline conveying process, storage and conveying of the gas hydrate, solid-state fluidization exploitation of the marine gas hydrate and pipeline conveying experimental simulation thereof. 110-. (canceled)11. An experimental loop system for fluidization exploitation of solid-state marine gas hydrate , comprising: four modules , namely a gas hydrate sample large-amount and rapid preparation module , a gas hydrate multi-scale smashing and slurry fidelity transfer module , a gas hydrate slurry pipeline conveying characteristic experiment module and a data collection and monitoring and safety control module; whereinthe gas hydrate sample large-amount and rapid preparation module comprises a gas conveying pipeline, a liquid conveying pipeline, a spraying device, a bubbling device, and a stirring device;wherein the gas conveying pipeline is used for conveying gas in a gas cylinder into a reaction kettle, and the pipeline is connecting an outlet of the gas cylinder with a gas inlet (a) at a bottom of the reaction kettle;the liquid conveying pipeline is used for conveying water in a water tank into the reaction kettle, and the liquid conveying pipeline on which a plunger pump is disposed, is connecting an outlet ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Blending Hydrocarbons into Gasoline

Номер: US20200248088A1
Автор: Suastegui Carlos F.
Принадлежит: TAS Powered Energy, Inc.

A system for forming blended gasoline from gasoline and butane includes a gasoline inlet configured to receive the gasoline, a butane inlet configured to receive the butane, and a first mixing section in which the gasoline and the butane mix to thereby form a rough blended gasoline. A second mixing section downstream from the first mixing section further mixes the rough blended gasoline with additional amounts of the gasoline or the butane until a final blended gasoline forms in the second mixing section. The final blended gasoline dispenses from the second mixing section via an outlet. 1. A system for forming blended gasoline from gasoline and butane , the system comprising:a gasoline inlet configured to receive the gasoline;a butane inlet configured to receive the butane;a first mixing section that mixes the gasoline and the butane to thereby form a rough blended gasoline;a second mixing section downstream from the first mixing section that mixes the rough blended gasoline with additional amounts of the gasoline or the butane until a final blended gasoline forms in the second mixing section;an outlet through which the final blended gasoline dispenses from the second mixing section.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the second mixing section receives the rough blended gasoline from the first mixing section as the final blended gasoline dispenses to the outlet.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the second mixing section continuously receives the rough blended gasoline from the first mixing section as the final blended gasoline dispenses to the outlet.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the rough blended gasoline formed by the first mixing section has a Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) that is less than a maximum allowable RVP of the final blended gasoline.5. The system according to claim 4 , wherein additional amounts of the butane are added to the blended gasoline in the second mixing section to thereby increase the RVP of the blended gasoline ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150275115A1

A process for torrefaction of biomass is provided in which biomass are passed into a fluidized bed or a non-fluidized bed reactor and heated to a predetermined temperature in an oxidizing environment. The dried biomass is then fed to a cooler where the temperature of the product is reduced to approximately 100 degrees Fahrenheit. 1. A process for biomass torrefaction , comprising:adding biomass to a reactor;adding a first gas to said reactor, wherein the first gas comprises an oxygen concentration from about 10 vol % to about 21 vol %;controlling an oxygen concentration of a second gas exiting said reactor, wherein said oxygen concentration of the second gas is less than about 8 vol %;initiating heating of said biomass by increasing a temperature of said reactor;heating said biomass to a biomass temperature between about 250° C. to about 325° C. by partial combustion of said biomass with oxygen in the first gas in said reactor;maintaining the biomass temperature within said reactor for a predetermined time by spraying water into said reactor, whereby a portion of moisture is removed from said biomass, volatile organic compounds associated with said biomass are removed, and said biomass is torrefied to produce a torrefied biomass with a moisture content from about 0 wt % to about 2 wt %; andincreasing the density of said torrefied biomass at a temperature of about 90° C. to 200° C. to form a densified biomass.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein said densified biomass is hydrophobic.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein said densified biomass has a glassy surface.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein said densified biomass contains a distribution of lignins.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein said densified biomass possesses a coating.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein said densified biomass is in the form of pellets or briquettes.7. The process of claim 6 , wherein the pellets have a maximum size of about 1.5 in.×1.5 in.×0.4 in.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190256787A1
Принадлежит: Element 1 Corp.

Refining assemblies and methods for refining rich natural gas containing a first methane gas and other hydrocarbons that are heavier than methane gas are disclosed. In some embodiments, the assemblies may include a methane-producing assembly configured to receive at least one liquid-containing feed stream that includes water and rich natural gas and to produce an output stream therefrom by (a) converting at least a substantial portion of the other hydrocarbons of the rich natural gas with the water to a second methane gas, a lesser portion of the water, and other gases, and (b) allowing at least a substantial portion of the first methane gas from the rich natural gas to pass through the methane-producing assembly unconverted. The assemblies may additionally include a purification assembly configured to receive the output stream and to produce a methane-rich stream therefrom having a greater methane concentration than the output stream. 119.-. (canceled)20. A refining assembly for rich natural gas containing a first methane gas and other hydrocarbons that are heavier than methane gas , comprising:a vaporizer configured to receive and vaporize at least a portion of at least one liquid-containing feedstream that includes water and rich natural gas to form an at least substantially vaporized stream;a methane-producing reactor containing a catalyst and configured to receive the at least substantially vaporized feed stream and to produce an output stream by (a) converting at least a substantial portion of the other hydrocarbons with the water to a second methane gas, a lesser portion of the water, hydrogen gas, and carbon oxide gas, and (b) allowing at least a substantial portion of the first methane gas from the rich natural gas stream to pass through the methane-producing reactor unconverted; anda first heating assembly configured to receive at least one fuel stream and at least one air stream and to produce a heated exhaust stream for heating the vaporizer to at least ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Method for Converting Agricultural Biomass or Industrial Bio Waste into Biofuel

Номер: US20190256788A1
Принадлежит: Alp Multitech Pvt Ltd

A method for converting agricultural biomass or industrial bio waste into biofuel using concentrated radiated energy is disclosed. Biomass or bio waste is stored inside a batch reactor in either solid or semisolid state. Unwanted moisture and unwanted oxygen are removed from the stored agricultural biomass or industrial bio waste. Concentrated radiated energy is directed towards the biomass or bio waste through a radiated energy concentrator that focuses the concentrated radiated energy. Biomass or bio waste is kept within the depth of focus of the concentrated radiated energy during the conversion operation. Due to substantial matching of the absorption peak of biomass or bio waste with the emission peak of the concentrated radiated energy, the biomass or bio waste that is within the depth of focus instantaneously decomposes into biofuel. The biofuel thus generated is at ambient temperature with higher energy density.

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200255759A1

Disclosed are systems and methods of continuous hydrothermal carbonization of wet biomass, such as manure. A disclosed system uses both inlet flow rate and outlet flow rate simultaneously to regulate the reaction time for continuous production. 1. A system for continuous hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) , comprising:a feed chamber for receiving a wet biomass mixture;a high pressure pump operationally coupled to the feed chamber to regulate pressure;a heating system for heating pressurized cold wet biomass mixture to a reaction temperature;a reaction chamber coupled to the feed chamber and high pressure slurry pump, wherein the reactor includes sufficient volume for carbonizing the wet biomass mixture along the reaction chamber to produce gas, liquid and/or solid products;a cooling chamber with a first end and a second end, wherein the first end is coupled to the reaction chamber so that during operation the produced gas, liquid and solid products are cooled;a receiving tank coupled to the second end of the cooling chamber for collecting produced liquid and solid products; anda pressure reduction system that allows the produced liquid and solid products to exit the horizontal cooling chamber without reducing overall pressure of the reactor system.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the heating system comprises one or more of an immersion heater claim 1 , an energy recovery system that recovers heat from the hot reaction products and one or more heaters applied to reactor wall.3. The system of claim claim 1 , wherein the pressure reduction system comprises two sequential gate valves coupled to the second end of the horizontal cooling chamber so that during operation the two valves open/close sequentially.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a thermowell with one or more level switches positioned above the reaction chamber for coupling a pressure relief device with a rupture disc for relieving pressure and a back pressure gas release valve for releasing process ...

08-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150284640A1

A process and apparatus for improving the production of coke having a high volatile combustible material content are disclosed. The process may include, for example: heating a coker feedstock to a coking temperature to produce a heated coker feedstock; contacting the heated coker feedstock with a quench medium to reduce a temperature of the heated coker feedstock and produce a quenched feedstock; feeding the quenched feedstock to a coking drum; subjecting the quenched feedstock to thermal cracking in the coking drum to (a) crack a portion of the quenched feedstock to produce a cracked vapor product, and (b) produce a coke product having a volatile combustible material (VCM) concentration in the range from about 13% to about 50% by weight, as measured by ASTM D3175. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. An apparatus for producing a coke fuel , the apparatus comprising:a heater for heating a coker feedstock to a coking temperature to produce a heated coker feedstock;a fluid conduit for recovering the heated coker feedstock from the heater;a fluid conduit for supplying a quench medium;a device, disposed proximate an inlet of a coking drum, for contacting the heated coker feedstock with the quench medium to reduce a temperature of the heated coker feedstock and produce a quenched effluent;a fluid conduit for feeding the quenched effluent to the coking drum for thermal cracking of the quenched effluent to (a) crack a portion of the quenched effluent to produce a cracked vapor product, and (b) produce a coke product having a volatile combustible material (VCM) concentration in the range from about 13% to about 50% by weight, as measured by ASTM D3175.16. (canceled)17. The apparatus of claim 15 , further comprising a fluid conduit for recovering the cracked vapor product from the coking drum.18. The apparatus of claim 15 , ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180273867A1

A process for torrefaction of biomass is provided in which biomass are passed into a fluidized bed or a non-fluidized bed reactor and heated to a predetermined temperature in an oxidizing environment. The dried biomass is then fed to a cooler where the temperature of the product is reduced to approximately 100 degrees Fahrenheit. 1. A single-stage process for biomass torrefaction , comprising:charging biomass to a fluidized bed reactor, said biomass selected from the group consisting of wood, forestry waste, energy crops, municipal waste, plant material, straw, agricultural waste, and combinations thereof;charging a fluidizing gas to said fluidized bed reactor at a velocity of from about 4 to about 8 feet per second;combusting an amount of said biomass in said fluidized bed reactor;spraying liquid water into said fluidized bed reactor to assist with control of a temperature of said fluidized bed reactor from about 230° C. to about 350° C.;maintaining an oxygen content of less than about 15 vol. % in an exiting gas leaving said fluidized bed reactor;removing moisture from said biomass, wherein said biomass charged to said fluidized bed reactor has an average moisture content of from about 10% to about 50%, andwherein said fluidized bed reactor is comprised of a fluidized bed with a fluidized bed density of from about 20 to about 50 pounds per cubic foot, whereby a torrefied biomass is produced; andincreasing the density of said torrefied biomass at a temperature of about 90° C. to 200° C. to form a densified biomass.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein said densified biomass is hydrophobic.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein said densified biomass possesses at least one of a coating and a glassy surface.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein said densified biomass contains a distribution of lignins.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein said densified biomass is in the form of pellets or briquettes.6. The process of claim 1 , further comprising adding a binder to the ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160290289A1
Автор: HASHIMOTO Kohtaro
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

Provided is a fuel reforming system that can convert gasoline into alcohol in a vehicle. Provided is a fuel reforming system () equipped with a reformer () having a reforming catalyst () that uses air to reform gasoline to produce alcohol, a mixer () which mixes gasoline and air and supplies the mixture to the reformer (), and a condenser () which separates the gas produced in the reformer () into a gas phase and a condensed phase of which reformed fuel is the primary constituent; wherein the fuel reforming system () is characterized in that the reforming catalyst () is configured including a main catalyst for extracting hydrogen atoms from the hydrocarbons in the gasoline to produce alkyl radicals, and a catalytic promoter for reducing alkyl hydroperoxides produced from the alkyl radicals to produce alcohol. 1. A fuel reforming system comprising:a reformer that includes a reforming catalyst which reforms hydrocarbons in fuel consisting of gasoline or gasoline that contains alcohol using air to produce alcohols;a mixer that is provided upstream of the reformer, and mixes the fuel and air and supplies to the reformer; anda condenser that is provided downstream of the reformer, and separates product gas generated by the reformer into a condensed phase with reformed fuel as a main constituent and a gas phase,wherein the reforming catalyst is configured to include a primary catalyst which abstracts hydrogen atoms from hydrocarbons in the fuel to produce alkyl radicals, and an auxiliary catalyst which reduces alkyl hydroperoxides generated from the alkyl radicals and oxygen to produce alcohols, andwherein the reformed fuel has a higher octane rating than the fuel.2. The fuel reforming system according to claim 1 , wherein the primary catalyst is an N-hydroxyimide group-containing compound.3. The fuel reforming system according to claim 1 , wherein the auxiliary catalyst is a transition metal compound.4. The fuel reforming system according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180280883A1

A natural-gas purification apparatus includes: a compressor; a cooling unit that liquefies and separates a part of natural-gas liquid; a heating unit; first to third carbon-dioxide separation units that separate carbon dioxide through carbon-dioxide separation membranes; a detection carbon-dioxide separation unit that further separates carbon dioxide through a carbon-dioxide separation membrane; a carbon-dioxide-flow-rate sensor that detects the amount of carbon dioxide separated by the detection carbon-dioxide separation unit; an arithmetic control device that adjusts and controls at least one of the pressure to be applied by the compressor, the cooling temperature of the cooling unit, and the heating temperature of the heat unit based on information from the carbon-dioxide-flow-rate sensor such that the amount of carbon dioxide to be separated by the detection carbon-dioxide separation unit will be higher than or equal to a prescribed amount. 1. A natural-gas purification apparatus for purifying natural gas from ground by separating carbon dioxide from the natural gas , comprising:a pressure adjuster that adjusts a pressure of the natural gas from the ground;a natural-gas-liquid separator that liquefies and separates a part of natural-gas liquid by cooling the natural gas after the pressure adjustment by the pressure adjuster;a heater that heats the natural gas after the separation of the part of the natural-gas liquid by the natural-gas-liquid separator;a carbon-dioxide separator that separates carbon dioxide from the natural gas heated by the heater through a carbon-dioxide separation membrane;a detection carbon-dioxide separator that further separates carbon dioxide from purified gas obtained as a result of the carbon-dioxide separation by the carbon-dioxide separator through a carbon-dioxide separation membrane;a carbon-dioxide-amount detector that detects an amount of carbon dioxide separated by the detection carbon-dioxide separator; and a pressure of the ...

16-12-2021 дата публикации

High-carbon biogenic reagents and uses thereof

Номер: US20210388280A1
Принадлежит: Carbon Technology Holdings LLC

This invention provides processes and systems for converting biomass into high-carbon biogenic reagents that are suitable for a variety of commercial applications. Some embodiments employ pyrolysis in the presence of an inert gas to generate hot pyrolyzed solids, condensable vapors, and non-condensable gases, followed by separation of vapors and gases, and cooling of the hot pyrolyzed solids in the presence of the inert gas. Additives may be introduced during processing or combined with the reagent, or both. The biogenic reagent may include at least 70 wt %, 80 wt %, 90 wt %, 95 wt %, or more total carbon on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may have an energy content of at least 12,000 Btu/lb, 13,000 Btu/lb, 14,000 Btu/lb, or 14,500 Btu/lb on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may be formed into fine powders, or structural objects. The structural objects may have a structure and/or strength that derive from the feedstock, heat rate, and additives.

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190275486A1

A plant, comprising: a pyrolysis reactor configured to heat molten mixed plastic waste to produce: pyrolysis gases at a first temperature of around 350° C. to 425° C.; and pyrolysis slurry or pyrolysis char at a second temperature of 722° C. to 1400° C. 1. A plant , comprising: pyrolysis gases at a first temperature of around 350° C. to 425° C.; and', 'pyrolysis slurry or pyrolysis char at a second temperature of 722° C. to 1400° C., 'a pyrolysis reactor configured to heat molten mixed plastic waste to produce2. The plant of claim 1 , wherein the first temperature is around 390° C. to 410° C.3. The plant of claim 1 , wherein the second temperature is around 1000° C. to 1200° C.4. The plant of claim 1 , wherein the pyrolysis reactor is further configured to agitate the molten mixed plastic waste at the first temperature.5. The plant of claim 1 , wherein the pyrolysis reactor is provided on load cells configured to measure a percentage weight loss of the molten mixed plastic waste in the pyrolysis reactor.6. The plant of claim 1 , wherein the pyrolysis reactor is made from a specialty alloy that is heat resistant up to the second temperature.7. The plant of claim 1 , wherein the pyrolysis reactor is heated by induction heating claim 1 , gas burner heating claim 1 , or a combination thereof.8. The plant of claim 1 , further comprising a condenser configured to receive the pyrolysis gases from the pyrolysis reactor claim 1 , and to cool and condense the pyrolysis gases to a third temperature of around 150° C. to 250° C. to produce pyrolysis condensates.9. The plant of claim 8 , wherein the third temperature is around 180° C. to 200° C.10. The plant of claim 8 , further comprising a buffer tank configured to receive the pyrolysis condensates from the condenser claim 8 , and to mix the pyrolysis condensates to produce a homogenous mixture thereof.11. The plant of claim 10 , wherein the buffer tank is further configured to maintain the homogeneous mixture of the pyrolysis ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Natural gas refining apparatus

Номер: US20180283778A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A natural-gas purification apparatus includes: a plurality of carbon-dioxide separation units that are arranged in series and separate carbon dioxide, through carbon-dioxide separation membranes, from natural gas pressurized by a compressor, cooled by a cooling unit to liquefy and separate a high-boiling-point hydrocarbon component, and heated by a heating unit; a gas supply pipe that is provided between the plurality of carbon-dioxide separation units through on-off valves and that supplies the natural gas; a compressor that is provided to the gas supply pipe; a cooling unit that liquefies and separates a high-boiling-point hydrocarbon component by cooling the natural gas pressurized by this compressor; and a heating unit that heats the natural gas after the separation of the high-boiling-point hydrocarbon component by this cooling unit.

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170292077A1

An intelligent controls system for remotely monitoring and controlling a chemical process is disclosed. The system comprises a piece of remote field equipment for performing the chemical process, a user device, a server, and program codes to perform the steps of establishing an equipment-server and a client-server connection, receiving a set of chemical process input parameters and a set of desired chemical process output parameters, controlling a set of chemical process control parameters to achieve the desired chemical process output parameters, and providing an interface to allow an operator to manually control and/or manually override the set of chemical process control parameters. The controls system allows any piece of remote field equipment for performing complex chemical processing to be monitored, controlled, and operated remotely. A large array of distributed field equipment situated around the world can all be controlled primarily through a single interface provided in a central control center. 1. A system for remotely monitoring and controlling a chemical process , the system comprising:a plurality of remote field equipment for performing the chemical process that are adapted to be responsive to electromagnetic signals resulting in control of a plurality of process parameters;a server comprising a hardware processor and a non-transitory digital storage medium storing executable program code;a communications-link between said server and said piece of remote field equipment; and establishing an equipment-server connection between said piece of remote field equipment and said server;', 'establishing a client-server connection between a user device and said server;', 'providing an interface to allow a user to display the plurality of process parameters on said user device;', 'receiving a set of chemical process input parameters corresponding to parameters of an input chemical stream;', 'receiving a set of desired chemical process output parameters ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации

Biomass Liquefaction to Produce Refinery-Ready Bio-Oil

Номер: US20180291276A1
Принадлежит: Southern Research Institute

A bio-oil product is produced from biomass material by subjecting the biomass material to a first stage liquefaction process, where the first stage liquefaction process includes combining the biomass material with a co-solvent including methanol and water to form a first slurry mixture, providing the slurry mixture within a first liquefaction reactor and maintaining the first slurry mixture at a sufficient temperature and pressure so as to convert a portion of the biomass material into a first liquefied bio-oil product as well as form a first aqueous product and a first solid product, and separating the first liquefied bio-oil product from the aqueous and solid products. The solid product obtained from the first stage liquefaction process is subjected to a second stage liquefaction process, where the second stage liquefaction process includes combining the first solid product with methane to form a second slurry mixture, and providing the second slurry mixture within a second liquefaction reactor and maintaining the second slurry mixture at a sufficient temperature and pressure so as to convert a portion of the first solid product to a second liquefied bio-oil product as well as form a second aqueous product and a second solid product.

20-10-2016 дата публикации

Torrefaction Process

Номер: US20160304800A1
Автор: Rautialinen Erkki

A process for producing compacted torrefied biomass from pre-processed biomass. The process includes drying the pre-processed biomass in a dryer with heater exhaust gas from a heater, yielding dried biomass; torrefying the dried biomass with heat generated by the heater; compacting and pre-cooling the torrefied biomass in a cooling compactor and further cooling the compacted torrefied biomass in a cooling tunnel, yielding the compacted torrefied biomass. 1. A process for producing compacted torrefied biomass from pre-processed biomass , the process comprising:drying the pre-processed biomass in a dryer, comprising a pre-dryer and a main dryer, with heater exhaust gas from a heater, yielding dried biomass;torrefying the dried biomass in a torrefaction processor, comprising a torrefaction reactor and a cooling compactor, with heat generated by the heater, yielding pre-cooled compacted torrefied biomass; andcombusting syngas from torrefaction processor with support fuel in a heater, yielding heat for the dryer and torrefaction reactor.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the dryer consists essentially of a pre-dryer and a main dryer.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the torrefaction processor consists essentially of a torrefaction reactor and a cooling compactor.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein drying the pre-processed biomass comprises pre-drying the pre-processed biomass in a pre-dryer with the exhaust gas from the main dryer.5. The process according to claim 4 , wherein pre-drying the pre-processed biomass with the exhaust gas from the main dryer: filters dust fines from the exhaust gas from the main dryer claim 4 , condenses volatile organic compounds from the exhaust gas from the main dryer claim 4 , or both filters dust fines and condenses volatile organic compounds from the exhaust gas from the main dryer.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein drying the pre-processed biomass comprises flash drying the pre-processed ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150307796A1
Автор: Wood Jonathan R.

In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, there is provided a device for generating electrical energy using a thermal cycle of a working gas. The device comprises at least one piston movably mounted in a container to form a working chamber between the at least one piston and the container, the working chamber containing the working gas performing the thermal cycle. An electrical circuit is mounted stationary relative to the container, the electrical circuit being electromagnetically coupled to provide a motive force to the at least one piston. An electronic power converter is electrically connected to the electrical circuit and to an electrical bus, and an electrical storage device is electrically connected to the electrical bus. The at least one piston is movably mounted such that its motion electromagnetically induces current in the electrical circuit. An electronic controller is electronically connected to the electronic power converter to control motion of the at least one piston to perform, in the thermal cycle, at least one of: (i) expanding the working gas beyond the volume at which compression of the working gas is begun within the thermal cycle or (ii) exhausting the working gas to a remaining volume less than the smallest volume of compressed gas within the thermal cycle. The electronic controller further controls flow of electrical energy to and from the electrical bus to effect a net positive average power transfer from the working gas to the electrical bus over the course of the thermal cycle. 1. (canceled)2. A device for producing a combustible fuel from two or more reactants using electrical energy , the producing of the combustible fuel comprising performing a thermal cycle of a working mixture of the two or more reactants , the device comprising:a container;at least one piston movably mounted in the container to form a working chamber between the at least one piston and the container, the working chamber containing a catalyst for the ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190292475A1

A system for forming a woody biomass component and a binder component into a solid fuel element having a predetermined density. The system includes a first compression assembly for compressing an uncompressed mixture of the woody biomass component and the binder component to provide a first compressed mixture formed into a preliminary element having a preliminary density. The system also includes a second compression assembly for compressing the preliminary element to form the solid fuel element having the predetermined density, which is greater than the preliminary density. 123.-. (canceled)24. A system for forming a woody biomass component and a binder component into a solid fuel element having a predetermined density , the system comprising:a mixer assembly for mixing the woody biomass component and the binder component in predetermined proportions to provide an uncompressed mixture;a first compression assembly comprising a first cylinder comprising a first chamber therein and a first piston movable in the first cylinder, for compressing the uncompressed mixture in the first chamber to provide a first compressed mixture formed into a preliminary element occupying a first volume, the preliminary element having a preliminary density;a fine meter assembly for delivering at least one predetermined amount of the uncompressed mixture to the first chamber;a plurality of heat-generating elements for heating the uncompressed mixture and the first compressed mixture to at least one preselected temperature that is less than a melting temperature of the binder component; anda second compression assembly comprising a second cylinder comprising a second chamber therein and a second piston movable in the second cylinder, for compressing the preliminary element in the second chamber to provide a final compressed mixture formed into the solid fuel element occupying a second volume that is less than the first volume, the solid fuel element having the predetermined density, the ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180298297A1

The present disclosure provides a system and method for odorizing natural gas flowing through a distribution pipeline. The system includes a bypass line adjacent to a distribution pipeline, wherein bypass gas flows through the bypass line and an odorant tank connected to the bypass line, and into the distribution pipeline; a high-flow control valve and a low-flow control valve in the bypass line, wherein bypass gas flows through the odorant tank into the distribution pipeline when the high-flow control valve or the low-flow control valve is open; and a programmable logic controller connected to the high-flow and low flow control valve; wherein the programmable logic controller opens the high-flow or low-flow control valve for a predetermined dwell time proportional to an amount of bypass gas needed to odorize gas in the distribution pipeline each time that a preselected quantity of gas flows through the distribution pipeline. 1. A system for odorizing natural gas flowing through a distribution pipeline , comprising:a bypass line adjacent to a distribution pipeline;an odorant tank connected to the bypass line, wherein bypass gas flows through the bypass line, through the odorant tank, and into the distribution pipeline;a high-flow control valve and a low-flow control valve in the bypass line, wherein bypass gas flows through the odorant tank and into the distribution pipeline only when (i) the high-flow control valve is open, (ii) the low-flow control valve is open, or (iii) both the high-flow control valve and the low-flow control valve are open;a flow meter on the distribution pipeline that monitors gas flow through the distribution pipeline; anda programmable logic controller connected to the flow meter, the high-flow control valve and the low-flow control valve;wherein the programmable logic controller opens (a) the high-flow control valve, (b) the low-flow control valve, or (c) both the high-flow control valve and the low-flow control valve, for a predetermined ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160312140A1

A system including a fluid processing system including an absorber configured to remove a component from an untreated first fluid using a lean second fluid, output a treated first fluid, and output a rich second fluid, a stripper configured to strip the component from the rich second fluid, output the lean second fluid, and output the component, a first pump configured to pump the lean second fluid into the absorber, and a hydraulic turbocharger configured to pump the lean second fluid by transferring pressure from the rich second fluid to the lean second fluid. 1. A system , comprising: an absorber configured to remove a component from an untreated first fluid using a lean second fluid, output a treated first fluid, and output a rich second fluid;', 'a stripper configured to strip the component from the rich second fluid, output the lean second fluid, and output the component;', 'a first pump configured to pump the lean second fluid into the absorber; and', 'a hydraulic turbocharger configured to pump the lean second fluid by transferring pressure from the rich second fluid to the lean second fluid., 'a fluid processing system, comprising2. The system of claim 1 , comprising a first valve and a second valve configured reduce hydraulic instabilities in the fluid processing system claim 1 , wherein the first valve controls a first flow rate of the lean second fluid through the hydraulic turbocharger and a second valve controls a second flow rate of the lean second fluid through the first pump.3. The system of claim 1 , comprising a second pump hydraulically parallel with the first pump. The system of claim 1 , comprising a third valve configured to control a third flow rate of the lean second fluid through the second pump.54. The system of claim claim 1 , comprising a controller configured to control the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third valves.6. The system of claim 5 , comprising a first sensor claim 5 , a second sensor claim 5 , and a third sensor coupled ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200291316A1

Automated methods and systems for blending high sulfur hydrocarbons, particularly those derived from transmix, into low sulfur hydrocarbon streams are provided. Also provided are methods for splitting transmix into usable hydrocarbon fractions and blending the fractions back into defined hydrocarbon streams.

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150321155A1

A fuel delivery system is provided. The system includes a natural gas reformer configured to receive a flow of natural gas and a flow of air. The natural gas reformer combines the natural gas and the air in a reaction to produce a flow of reformate gas. The system also includes a mixing device coupled downstream from the natural gas reformer. The mixing device is configured to selectively mix amounts of the reformate gas, vaporized liquid fuel, and natural gas to produce a flow of mixed product fuel having predetermined operating parameters. 1. A fuel delivery system comprising:a natural gas reformer configured to receive a flow of natural gas and a flow of air, said natural gas reformer combining the natural gas and the air in a reaction to produce a flow of reformate gas; anda mixing device coupled downstream from said natural gas reformer, said mixing device configured to selectively mix amounts of the reformate gas, vaporized liquid fuel, and natural gas to produce a flow of mixed product fuel having predetermined operating parameters.2. The system in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said mixing device selectively mixes the reformate gas claim 1 , the vaporized liquid fuel claim 1 , and the natural gas to produce the flow of mixed product fuel having predetermined operating parameters including at least one of temperature claim 1 , composition claim 1 , or Modified Wobbe Index.3. The system in accordance with further comprising an enclosure comprising an internal cavity sized to receive said natural gas reformer claim 1 , said internal cavity sized to channel a flow of liquid fuel therethrough claim 1 , wherein said natural gas reformer reacts the natural gas and the air in an exothermic reaction that generates heat utilized to vaporize the flow of liquid fuel.4. The system in accordance with claim 3 , wherein said enclosure is configured to channel the flow of liquid fuel past a thermally conductive outer surface of said natural gas reformer to facilitate ...

19-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150329793A1

Provided is a coal deactivation processing device that can suppress an increase in carbon monoxide concentration in processing gas regardless of the fact that used processing gas is circulated and refused. The present invention is provided with: a device main body () that causes coal therewithin to flow from one side to another; a processing gas feed means (-) that feeds processing gas to the interior of the device main body (); a processing gas circulation means () that circulates used processing gas () used in the device main body () to the processing gas feed means; and a carbon monoxide processing device () that adjusts the carbon monoxide concentration in the processing gas in a manner so as to reduce the carbon monoxide concentration in the processing gas.

09-11-2017 дата публикации

High-carbon biogenic reagents and uses thereof

Номер: US20170321139A1

This invention provides processes and systems for converting biomass into high-carbon biogenic reagents that are suitable for a variety of commercial applications. Some embodiments employ pyrolysis in the presence of an inert gas to generate hot pyrolyzed solids, condensable vapors, and non-condensable gases, followed by separation of vapors and gases, and cooling of the hot pyrolyzed solids in the presence of the inert gas. Additives may be introduced during processing or combined with the reagent, or both. The biogenic reagent may include at least 70 wt %, 80 wt %, 90 wt %, 95 wt %, or more total carbon on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may have an energy content of at least 12,000 Btu/lb, 13,000 Btu/lb, 14,000 Btu/lb, or 14,500 Btu/lb on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may be formed into fine powders, or structural objects. The structural objects may have a structure and/or strength that derive from the feedstock, heat rate, and additives.

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150336046A1

The present invention relates to a method of controlling a gas separation plant, to a plant thus controlled and also to its use for separation of gas mixtures, especially in the processing of biogas or natural gas, or syngas. 1. An apparatus for separating gases , comprising as membrane separation stages at least a feed stream separation stage , a retentate separation stage and a permeate separation stage and also at least one compressor arranged on the feed side of said feed stream separation stage and/or at least one , preferably one or two , vacuum pump(s) arranged downstream of said feed stream separation stage , preferably on the permeate side of said retentate separation stage in a second permeate stream and/or on the permeate side of said permeate separation stage in a third permeate stream , said feed stream separation stage separates a feed stream, consisting of two or more components, into a first permeate stream and a first retentate stream,', 'said retentate separation stage divides said first retentate stream into a second permeate stream, wherein characterizes the part-stream upstream of a permeate control means and downstream of said retentate separation stage and characterizes the part-stream downstream of said permeate control means, and said part-stream is supplied to said feed stream, and a second retentate stream which is removed as product or further processed,', {'b': 10', '10', '10', '10, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'said permeate separation stage divides said first permeate stream into a third retentate stream (+), wherein () characterizes the part-stream upstream of a retentate control means and downstream of said permeate separation stage and ()-characterizes the part-stream downstream of said retentate control means, and said part-stream is supplied to said feed stream, and a third permeate stream, which is removed as product or further processed or discarded,'}, 'said second permeate stream comprises at least one permeate control means with ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160333831A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A mixer to mix a fuel with air includes plural fluid inlets, at least one fluid outlet, a casing, a plurality of stirring blades, and a particle material or a porous material. The casing has a substantially tubular shape extending in an axial direction of the casing between the plural fluid inlets and the at least one fluid outlet. The plurality of stirring blades are provided in the casing to align in the axial direction so that a torsional turning direction of the plurality of stirring blades is sequentially reversed in an order of alignment. The particle material or a porous material is disposed in the casing to fill an entire space containing the plurality of stirring blades from the plural fluid inlets to the at least one fluid outlet. Sizes of gaps existing in the entire space are less than a quenching distance of the fuel. 1. A fuel reforming apparatus comprising:a reformer containing a reforming catalyst that reforms a fuel mainly composed of a hydrocarbon by using air and produces an alcohol;a mixer that is provided on the upstream side of the reformer, mixes the fuel with air, and supplies the mixture to the reformer; anda condenser that is provided on the downstream side of the reformer and separates the gas produced from the reformer into a condensed phase mainly composed of the reformed fuel and a gas phase,wherein the mixer includes two or more fluid inlets and one or more fluid outlets;a casing with a substantially tubular shape as a whole extending in the axial direction between the fluid inlets and the fluid outlets;a plurality of fixed stirring blades provided to align in the axial direction in the casing so that the torsional turning direction is sequentially reversed in the order of alignment; anda particle material or a porous material disposed to fill the entire remaining space of a housing part that is set to house at least the plurality of fixed stirring blades in a space including the inside of the casing and that extends from the fluid ...
