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26-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2752350C2

Группа изобретений относится к устройству и способу для нанесения покрытия на одну или более деталей методом физического осаждения из газовой фазы (PVD). Устройство содержит по меньшей мере одну камеру подачи, по меньшей мере одну камеру для нанесения покрытия и по меньшей мере один манипулятор с держателем, к которому обеспечена возможность прикрепления одной или более деталей. Держатель выполнен по меньшей мере частично подвижным с возможностью перемещения в направлении продольной оси манипулятора от камеры подачи в камеру для нанесения покрытия. Манипулятор выполнен с возможностью смещения в направлении своей продольной оси и имеет вал, выполненный с возможностью введения в камеру подачи и подходящий для приведения в движение держателя или держателя и одной или более деталей, расположенных на держателе. Камера подачи содержит трубопровод, расположенный на стороне камеры подачи и направленный от камеры для нанесения покрытия. Трубопровод имеет по меньшей мере две телескопические секции ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2486280C2

Вакуумная установка нанесения покрытий содержит впуск (12) реакционноспособного газа, по меньшей мере один PVD-источник (8, 21) покрытия с плоским катодом (11) и подложкодержатель (6), содержащий несколько подложек (7), при этом подложкодержатель (6) обладает двухмерной горизонтальной протяженностью и расположен между по меньшей мере двумя PVD-источниками покрытия, при этом несколько подложек (7) представляют собой режущие инструменты с по меньшей мере одной режущей кромкой (Е) в периферийной краевой области плоской подложки (7), которые разложены распределенными в одной плоскости двухмерной протяженности подложкодержателя (6), при этом подложкодержатель (6) расположен в горизонтальной плоскости (3) в вакуумной рабочей камере (1) позиционированным на расстоянии между плоскими катодами (11) упомянутых по меньшей мере двух PVD-источников (8, 21) покрытия таким образом, что по меньшей мере часть каждой из упомянутой по меньшей мере одной режущей кромки (Е) содержит активную режущую кромку ...

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2607110C1

Изобретение относится к СВЧ технике и может быть использовано для изготовления держателей для подложек, на которых формируют методом плазменного парофазного химического осаждения пленки или покрытия различных материалов, в частности углеродные (алмазные) пленки или покрытия. Держатель подложки выполнен в виде диска из тугоплавкого высокотемпературного переходного металла, при этом верхняя поверхность держателя, выполнена шлифованной, а нижняя поверхность держателя содержит кольцевые пазы, образованные концентрическими окружностями. Между кольцевыми пазами образованы внешний и средний теплоотводящие элементы в виде кольцевых выступов и центральный теплоотводящий элемент, представляющий собой выступ в виде круга. Обеспечивается повышение однородности распределения температурного поля по поверхности держателя, обеспечивающего однородность роста пленки по толщине. 10 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 2 пр.

28-02-2023 дата публикации

Держатель поясковый

Номер: RU216762U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для позиционирования изделий при нанесении покрытий в установках, работающих по методу конденсации с ионной бомбардировкой. Поясковый держатель выполнен из тугоплавкого теплопроводного материала и предназначен для неэлектропроводного изделия с конической полостью, открытой с одной стороны, обращенной вниз, позиционируемого в камере установки для нанесения покрытия методом конденсации с ионной бомбардировкой. Поясковый держатель выполнен с возможностью расположения внутри конической полости изделия, снабжен поясками для образования зазоров со стенками изделия и имеет в верхней части опоры для образования зазора с дном изделия. Обеспечивается усовершенствование конструкции держателя изделий для получения возможности нанесения покрытий на изделия, выполненные из материалов, не обладающих электропроводностью, и имеющих открытую полость. 2 ил.

22-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015154983A3

11-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016143724A3

20-09-2022 дата публикации

Электропроводный держатель для неэлектропроводного изделия со сквозной цилиндрической полостью

Номер: RU213628U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для позиционирования изделий при нанесении покрытий в установках, работающих по методу конденсации с ионной бомбардировкой (КИБ). Электропроводный держатель для неэлектропроводного изделия со сквозной цилиндрической полостью, позиционируемого в камере установки для нанесения покрытия методом конденсации с ионной бомбардировкой, выполнен с возможностью расположения внутри цилиндрической полости изделия с зазорами, снабжен упорами для контактирования с внутренней поверхностью изделия и ограничителями, обеспечивающими позиционирование изделия по его длине. В частном случае осуществления полезной модели электропроводный держатель имеет упоры, выполненные в виде поясков. Обеспечивается усовершенствование конструкции держателя изделий для нанесения покрытий на изделия, выполненные из материалов, не обладающих электропроводностью и имеющих сквозную открытую полость цилиндрической формы. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

09-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU192228U1

Полезная модель относится к области технологического оборудования для нанесения покрытий, а именно к вакуумному технологическому оборудованию, предназначенному для нанесения тонкопленочных покрытий с заданными оптическими, электрическими и другими характеристиками.Разработана вакуумная установка для нанесения тонкопленочных покрытий, включающая по меньшей мере одну технологическую камеру, установленную на каркасе и снабженную технологическими устройствами, и по меньшей мере одну шлюзовую камеру, установленную на транспортной системе, выполненной с возможностью обеспечения перемещения шлюзовой камеры из позиции загрузки/выгрузки в рабочую позицию под технологической камерой, подложкодержатель для размещения на нем подложки для нанесения тонкопленочного покрытия, выполненный с возможностью вращения вокруг своей оси, устройство подачи для перемещения подложкодержателя из шлюзовой камеры в технологическую камеру, вакуумный затвор, расположенный между камерами и выполненный с возможностью разделения внутреннего объема шлюзовой и технологической камер, устройство стыковки технологической и шлюзовой камер, при этом в верхней части технологической камеры установлен захват, выполненный с возможностью обеспечения фиксации подложкодержателя во внутреннем объеме технологической камеры и его вращения вокруг своей оси во время обработки поверхности подложки.Таким образом, разработана вакуумная установка для нанесения тонкопленочных покрытий, конструкция которой позволяет обеспечить достижение технического результата, заключающегося в сокращении времени осуществления технологического процесса, а также в повышении качества получаемого тонкопленочного покрытия. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 192 228 U1 (51) МПК C23C 14/24 (2006.01) C23C 14/50 (2006.01) C23C 14/56 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C23C 14/24 (2019.02); C23C 14/50 (2019.02); C23C 14/56 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018142966, 04.12. ...

29-07-2019 дата публикации

Блок фиксации нагреваемой подложки в вакуумной камере с плоско-пружинными зажимами фиксирующих керамических пластин

Номер: RU191199U1

Полезная модель относится к технологическому оборудованию для вакуумной молекулярно-лучевой эпитаксии полупроводниковых структур. Сущность: блок фиксации нагреваемой подложки, содержащий установленные в вакуумной камере держатель подложки, выполненный с возможностью фиксации подложки, сориентированной поверхностью роста к молекулярному источнику, и резистивный нагреватель, расположенный со стороны нерабочей поверхности подложки, отличающийся тем, что для выполнения резистивным нагревателем функции держателя подложки указанный резистивный нагреватель выполнен в виде несущей электропроводящей полосы, изготовленной из тугоплавкого металла или сплава и снабженной жаростойкими плоско-пружинными зажимами, обеспечивающими неподвижную фиксацию керамических пластин вдоль указанной полосы с возможностью эксплуатационной фиксации подложки с ее расположением вдоль указанной полосы с помощью этих фиксирующих керамических пластин, расположенных с двух противоположных сторон подложки, за счет прижима ...

13-03-2023 дата публикации

Способ получения высокотемпературного сверхпроводящего слоя на подложке

Номер: RU2791732C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения высокотемпературного сверхпроводящего монокристаллического слоя YBа2Cu3O7 на подложке из монокристаллического сапфира с ориентацией . Упомянутую подложку располагают в металлическом держателе с возможностью расположения поверхности осаждения упомянутой подложки параллельно направлению распространения эрозионного факела и с возможностью скольжения факела по указанной поверхности осаждения. Металлический держатель выполняют охватывающим с фиксацией упомянутую подложку по периметру и с лепестками для улавливания заряда легких компонентов – электронов с возможностью последующего их транспорта с поверхности лепестков на указанную поверхность осаждения упомянутой подложки и рекомбинации с положительно заряженными тяжелыми компонентами – ионами. Осуществляют импульсное лазерное распыление мишени YBа2Cu3O7 и осаждение слоя сверхпроводящего материала YBа2Cu3O7 из эрозионного факела на нагретую до температуры от 750 до 850°С упомянутую подложку в камере осаждения ...

25-05-2021 дата публикации

Способ крепления гибкой металлической подложки на водоохлаждаемую поверхность подложкодержателя при вакуумном напылении материалов

Номер: RU2748440C1

Изобретение относится к способам крепления гибких металлических подложек к водоохлаждаемому подложкодержателю и может быть использовано для напыления тонких пленок, чувствительных к нагреву. Подложку выполняют гибкой с большим радиусом изгиба, выпуклой в сторону поверхности плоского водоохлаждаемого подложкодержателя и со стрелой прогиба в сторону потока напыляемого материала. Гибкую подложку укладывают на поверхность плоского водоохлаждаемого подложкодержателя и по краям прижимают при помощи съемных боковых планок и плоских пружин в виде дуги. Для еще лучшего отвода тепла от подложки ее поверхность покрывают со стороны водоохлаждаемой поверхности подложкодержателя тонким слоем легкоплавкого сплава с низкой температурой плавления. Тонкий слой легкоплавкого сплава после окончания процесса напыления затвердевает и не загрязняет объем вакуумной камеры и пленку, и подложка может быть использована для напыления пленок материала в случае их отделения от подложки после окончания процесса напыления ...

12-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2705818C1

Изобретение относится к вакуумной камере. Вакуумная камера содержит цилиндрический корпус с двумя крышками с обеих сторон цилиндра и стационарно установленную конструкцию в виде консоли наверху упомянутого цилиндрического корпуса для отведения крышек от корпуса камеры и поворота ее вокруг оси диаметра на угол. Консоль выполнена раздвижной с возможностью после выдвижения крышек цилиндрического корпуса произвести разворот крышки на 90 и 180 градусов вокруг оси, смещенной относительно центра цилиндрического корпуса на расстояние, равное 0,5 диаметра его внутреннего размера. В результате улучшаются эксплуатационные свойства камеры. 5 ил.

20-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010127857A

... 1. Вакуумная установка нанесения покрытий, включающая в себя: ! - вакуумную рабочую камеру (1), которая соединена с насосной системой (2), ! - по меньшей мере один впуск (12) реакционноспособного газа, который подсоединен к по меньшей мере одному резервуару (13) реакционноспособного газа, ! - по меньшей мере один PVD-источник (8, 21) покрытия с анодом (10) и плоским катодом (11), ! - подложкодержатель (6) для приема множества подложек (7), ! - дверь (4), которая расположена на вакуумной рабочей камере (1) для загрузки камеры подложкодержателем (6), ! - транспортировочное устройство (5) для проведения подложкодержателя (6) через дверь (4) и позиционирования в вакуумной рабочей камере (1) на расстоянии в области плоского катода (11), ! - блок (16, 18) питания, который соединен с PVD-источником (8, 16) покрытия, ! отличающаяся тем, что подложкодержатель (6) расположен между по меньшей мере двумя PVD-источниками покрытия и таким образом, что после комплектации подложкодержателя (6) в установке ...

15-11-1990 дата публикации

Workpiece table for handling semiconductor wafers

Номер: DE0003943478A1

A table lift, for transporting thin disc-like workpieces such as silicon wafers from a lower feed-in position to a higher process chamber position, consists of a central column (3) which carries the worktable (5) at its top end. Further below, a large ring flangee (7) bears against the device housing. The same carries servo motors (12) which transmit their torque to axles (10) when the arms (14) with its fingers are to grip the work piece (6) or respectively to release it. After the workpiece is lifted into the vacuum chamber and sealed, the arms (14) are turned outwards by the servo motors (12), and thereby come to be placed below a protective ledge (34) so that the effect of the acid and other substance deposition applied to the workpiece will not be applied to the holding arms. While the transporting and holding gear is withdrawn, a loose ring surrounds the work piece thus keeping it in place.

12-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004026367A1

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE112016006797T5

Es ist ein Ziel der vorliegenden Erfindung, eine Schichtaufbringungsvorrichtung vorzusehen, die ein Phänomen unterdrückt, bei dem sich ein Schichtaufbringungssubstrat verformt oder bricht, während die Kosten der Vorrichtung minimiert werden. In der vorliegenden Erfindung haben ein Ansauggreifer (4A), der einen Substrateinführvorgang (M5) für eine Substratladestufe (3) durchführt, und ein Ansauggreifer (4B), der einen Substratrückholvorgang (M6) von der Substratladestufe (3) durchführt, Wärmebehandlungsmechanismen (42A und 42B). Folglich können die Wärmebehandlungsmechanismen (42A und 42B) erste und zweite Vorheizbehandlungen zur Wärmebehandlung eines Substrates (10) selbst in einem Zustand durchführen, in dem die Ansauggreifer (4A und 4B) das Substrat (10) greifen.

23-09-2010 дата публикации

Werkstückträger mit Fluidzonen zur Temperatursteuerung

Номер: DE112008003029T5

Werkstückträger zum Halten eines Werkstückes in einer Prozesskammer mit: einem Werkstückträger, der eine Werkstückaufnahmefläche zum Aufnehmen und Halten eines Werkstückes definiert; und einer Vielzahl von unterteilten Fluidzonen auf der Werkstückaufnahmefläche, wobei jede Fluidzone mit einer Fluidversorgung verbunden ist, um einen Fluiddruck zwischen der Werkstückaufnahmefläche und einem Werkstück zu erzeugen, das auf der Werkstückaufnahmefläche angeordnet ist, wobei, wenn die Fluide an jede der Fluidzonen geliefert werden, jede Fluidzone unter Druck gesetzt wird, wobei die Fluidzonen getrennt sind, und wobei mindestens bestimmte Zonen der Zonen eine unterschiedliche Azimutposition auf der Werkstückaufnahmefläche aufweisen.

27-01-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001913318B2

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Substrathaltevorrichtung, Verfahren zum Bestücken einer Substrathaltevorrichtung und Verfahren zum Herstellen einer Substrathaltevorrichtung

Номер: DE102014119365A1

Gemäß verschiedenen Ausführungsformen kann eine Substrathaltevorrichtung (100) Folgendes aufweisen: einen Träger (102) mit einer Auflagefläche (102a) zum Auflegen eines Substrats (120) auf den Träger; und mindestens zwei Haltestrukturen (104) zum Halten eines auf der Auflagefläche (102a) aufliegenden Substrats (120), wobei die mindestens zwei Haltestrukturen (104) derart federnd (104f) an dem Träger (102) befestigt sind, dass das auf der Auflagefläche (102a) aufliegende Substrat (120) seitlich klemmend gehalten werden kann.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Arrangement for vacuum coating of substrate, has transport support element and substrate support element arranged on substrate holder, and bars which are arranged between substrate support element and transport support element

Номер: DE102010031422A1

The arrangement has a transport support element (4) and a substrate support element (3) arranged on a substrate holder. The bars (6) made of infrared radiation transparent material, are arranged between the substrate support element and transport support element, so as to form a honeycomb structure. The receiving side portion (8) of the substrate support element is parallel to transport side portion (9) of the transport support element.

10-03-2005 дата публикации

Trägervorrichtung für magnetisierbare Substrate

Номер: DE0010336745A1

Mit der vorliegenden Erfindung wird eine Trägervorrichtung für magnetisierbare Substrate, wie z. B. Edelstahlsubstrate, vorgeschlagen, die sich insbesondere zur Prozessierung von Dünnschichtsubstraten eignet. DOLLAR A Dazu umfasst die erfindungsgemäße Trägervorrichtung mindestens ein magnetisch wirkendes Grundelement (1) mit mindestens einer Aufnahme (7) für ein Substrat (2).

08-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE102010043804B4

Substratbehandlungsverfahren, bei dem Substrate mittels einer Transporteinrichtung in einer Transportrichtung durch eine Substratbehandlungsanlage hinlungseinrichtung vorbei bewegt werden, wobei die Substrate erwärmt werden, mindestens drei hintereinander angeordnete Abschnitte der Transporteinrichtung, von denen mindestens ein Abschnitt im Bereich der Substratbehandlungseinrichtung angeordnet ist, unabhängig voneinander angetrieben werden, Substrate in Gruppen hintereinander so auf der Transporteinrichtung angeordnet werden, dass eine Gruppe von Substraten in der Transportrichtung gesehen eine geringere Ausdehnung hat als die Länge des im Bereich der Substratbehandlungseinrichtung angeordneten Abschnitts der Transporteinrichtung, und der im Bereich der Substratbehandlungseinrichtung angeordnete Abschnitt der Transporteinrichtung so angetrieben wird, dass die darauf angeordneten Substrate hin und her bewegt werden, wenn an einem stromabwärts angeordneten Abschnitt der Transporteinrichtung ...

01-02-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE8914219U1

21-04-2004 дата публикации

Wafer pedestal cover

Номер: GB0000405290D0

13-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002232167B

09-12-1998 дата публикации

Thermally conductive chuck for vacuum processor

Номер: GB0002325939A

A chuck body (38) mounts a substrate (64) within a vacuum chamber (46). An intermediate sealing structure (44) seals the chuck body (38) to the substrate (64) and forms a pressurizable region within the vacuum chamber (46).

07-06-2000 дата публикации

Two-stage sealing system for thermally conductive chuck

Номер: GB0002344356A

A chuck (36) having two distinct portions mounts a substrate (64) within a vacuum processing chamber. A first sealing stage (92) confines a gas within a heat-transfer interface (72) between one portion of the chuck (36) and the substrate (64). A second sealing stage (98) collects gas escaping from the heat-transfer interface (72) within an intermediate space bounded by the two portions of the chuck (36) and the substrate (64). Pressure in the intermediate space is reduced with respect to pressure at the heat-transfer interface (72) to inhibit leakage of gas from the heat-transfer interface (72) into the vacuum processing chamber.

19-06-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008512469D0

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000482300T

15-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000620876A

12-08-1963 дата публикации

Mechanism for adjusting and changing the space situation of articles

Номер: AT0000288854A

15-07-2018 дата публикации

Wafer treatment device and sealing ring for a wafer treatment apparatus

Номер: AT0000517055A3

Dichtring (24) zur Anbringung an einem Abdeckring (16) einer Wafer- Behandlungsvorrichtung (10), mit einem ringförmigen Träger (40) und einer Dichtlippe (42), die lösbar am Träger (40) angebracht ist, und Wafer-Behandlungsvorrichtung (10) mit einer Aufnahme (12) für einen Wafer (14), einem Abdeckring (16), der auf die Aufnahme (12) aufgesetzt ist, und einem Dichtring (24) der genannten Art, mit dem ein Wafer (14) auf der Aufnahme (12) abgedichtet werden kann, sowie Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Dichtrings (24) mittels der folgenden Schritte: Zunächst wird ein ringförmiger Träger (40) bereitgestellt, der auf seiner Oberseite mit einer Nut (50) und einer von der Oberseite radial nach innen abfallenden Anlagefläche versehen ist. Außerdem wird eine Dichtlippe (42) bereitgestellt, die mit einem Wulst (52) versehen ist, wobei der Durchmesser des Wulstes (52) im Ausgangszustand der Dichtlippe (42) kleiner ist als der Durchmesser der Nut (50). Dann wird die Dichtlippe (42) in die Nut (50) eingehängt ...

15-04-2018 дата публикации

Method for coating a component

Номер: AT0000519112A4

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Beschichten eines Bauteils (2), wobei das Bauteil (2) auf einem Substrathalter (1) angeordnet wird und auf dem Substrathalter (1) sich befindend in einem vorgegebenen Temperaturbereich beschichtet wird. Für die Beibehaltung der Temperatur in dem Temperaturbereich wird ein Substrathalter (1) verwendet, der mit einem Phasenwechselmaterial (8) und/oder einem thermochemischen Speichermaterial versehen ist. Weiter betrifft die Erfindung einen entsprechenden Substrathalter.

15-04-2018 дата публикации

Method for coating a component

Номер: AT0000519112B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Beschichten eines Bauteils (2), wobei das Bauteil (2) auf einem Substrathalter (1) angeordnet wird und auf dem Substrathalter (1) sich befindend in einem vorgegebenen Temperaturbereich beschichtet wird. Für die Beibehaltung der Temperatur in dem Temperaturbereich wird ein Substrathalter (1) verwendet, der mit einem Phasenwechselmaterial (8) und/oder einem thermochemischen Speichermaterial versehen ist. Weiter betrifft die Erfindung einen entsprechenden Substrathalter.

15-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000062370T

10-09-1969 дата публикации

Mechanism for adjustment the space situation from in a vacuum chamber to treating articles

Номер: AT0000274062B

02-01-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007919891A

07-06-1999 дата публикации

Low pressure vapor phase deposition of organic thin films

Номер: AU0001412499A

26-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002368962A1

Methods and apparatuses for coating medical devices and the devices thereby produced are disclosed. In one embodiment, the invention includes a method comprising the steps of suspending the medical device in an air stream and introducing a coating material into the air stream such that the coating material is dispersed therein and coats at least a portion of the medical device. In another embodiment, the medical devices are suspended in an air stream and a coating apparatus coats at least a portion of the medical device with a coating material. The coating apparatus may include a device that utilizes any number of alternative coating techniques for coating the medical devices. This process is used to apply one or more coating materials, simultaneously or in sequence. In certain embodiments of the invention, the coating materials include therapeutic agents, polymers, sugars, waxes, or fats. By using air suspensions to coat medical devices, the methods of the present invention result in coatings ...

27-12-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001264025A1

26-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002551722C
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

An infinitely variable physical vapor deposition matrix system that allows the synthesis of multiple combinatorial catalyst samples at essentially the same time, by the co-deposition of multiple materials, or the sequential layer by layer deposition of multiple catalyst constituents, or both, such that the optimum mix of materials for a pre-determined application can be experimentally determined in subsequent testing. The discovery of optimal catalyst combinations for utilization in specified reactions and devices is facilitated. The high throughput system reduces the time and complexity of processing typically required to formulate and test combinatorial catalyst materials.

06-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002921064A1

The invention relates to a holder for securing at least one rod-shaped substrate body (10) having a variable cross-section along the substrate body and having a substrate body region BQ1 comprising a surface to be treated. The holder comprises at least one perforated wall as the front wall (3), said wall having at least one opening (5), and also comprises a support element (9) and a retaining element (11). The support element (9) is constructed and/or secured in the opening (5) in such a way that at least part of the substrate body can be arranged longitudinally and obliquely in the support element (9) and the retaining element (11) is constructed and/or secured in the opening (5) in such a way that said retaining element (11) can retain the substrate body at a point between the region BQ1 and the remainder of the substrate body such that the region BQ1 protrudes from the holder through the opening (5).

05-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002824452A1

The present invention relates to a holder for a number of borers, which can advantageously be used for coating borer tips. The holders according to the invention make it possible to arrange the borers in the coating unit in such a way that their tips rest on a cylindrical wall and these can be rotated past a coating source at the same minimum distance. The holder comprises a first curved wall with holes, a second curved wall with holes or slits and a third wall which serves as stop for borers inserted in the holes of the first and second wall.

15-03-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000585675A5
Принадлежит: SATIS VACUUM AG

31-08-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000631638A5

30-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000659485A5

31-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000681015A5

15-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000675845A5

31-10-1994 дата публикации

Mounting frame for fixing a wafer-like substrate

Номер: CH0000684602A5

For fixing a wafer-like substrate (1) in a processing position, a mounting frame or a mounting ring (3) is provided which has mounting elements (7) holding or overlapping the substrate at the periphery, the frame (3) being designed flexurally non-rigid and/or being subdivided into at least two segments (a, b), which segments (3a, 3b) are connected together so that they can move elastically or in articulated fashion. ...

13-05-1994 дата публикации

Device for the transport of substrates.

Номер: CH0000683779A5

29-06-2001 дата публикации

Substrate carrier for vacuum coating plants.

Номер: CH0000691308A5

29-08-1997 дата публикации

Device for locking a flat substrate at the substrate plate of a vacuum coating plant.

Номер: CH0000688380A5

14-02-1997 дата публикации

Device for coating and/or Aetzen of substrates in a vacuum chamber.

Номер: CH0000687766A5

31-03-2010 дата публикации

Transport device for a vacuum processing unit, driving device for an equipment component of a vacuum processing unit, and vacuum processing unit.

Номер: CH0000699583A2

Die Erfindung betrifft Ausgestaltungen einer Transportvorrichtung für eine Vakuumprozessanlage, einer Antriebseinrichtung für Hochtemperaturprozesse in Vakuumprozessanlagen, und eine Vakuumprozessanlage mit einer derartigen Antriebseinrichtung. Die Lösung der Aufgabe, eine Antriebseinrichtung, insbesondere für eine Anlagenkomponente einer Vakuumprozessanlage, zu entwickeln, welche polygoneffektfrei arbeitet, sich endlos verbinden lässt, für hohe Temperaturen geeignet ist, unempfindlich gegen Strahlungswärme ist, keine Ausgasung erzeugt und keinen Schmierstoff benötigt, wird durch eine Antriebseinrichtung für eine Anlagenkomponente einer Vakuumprozessanlage erreicht, welche ein um mindestens zwei Umlenkrollen (2) geführtes Zugmittel (4) umfasst, wobei das Zugmittel (4) ein endloses Metallband ist.

28-11-2008 дата публикации

Magnet retaining strip for forming guide path for guiding flat objects through high vacuum coating system, has permanent magnet held in cavity by fixing unit, which is fixed to magnet in longitudinal direction

Номер: CH0000697518B1
Принадлежит: ALBERT MAURER

The strip (1) has a carrier unit (2) on which a rod-shaped permanent magnet (3) is supported. The carrier unit is a profile in which a cavity (21), through which the carrier unit is penetrated in longitudinal direction, is formed. The permanent magnet is held in the cavity by a fixing unit (4) e.g. flat spring, bolt or screw, which is fixed to the magnet in longitudinal direction. An extension (28) is provided transverse to the cavity, for expanding the fixing unit such that the permanent magnet is supported in a clamped manner.

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Transport device for a a vacuum process installation and a vacuum process installation.

Номер: CH0000699583B1

Die Erfindung betrifft Ausgestaltungen einer Transportvorrichtung für eine Vakuumprozessanlage und eine Vakuumprozessanlage mit einer derartigen Transportvorrichtung. Die Lösung der Aufgabe, eine Transportvorrichtung für eine Vakuumprozessanlage zu entwickeln, die insbesondere bei Durchlaufprozessen, bei denen die Substrate nacheinander durch die Vakuumprozessanlage bewegt werden, die gleichzeitige Behandlung mehrerer Substrate ermöglicht, ohne dass in den Durchlaufprozess eingegriffen werden muss, wird durch eine Transportvorrichtung, umfassend mindestens zwei hintereinander gelagerte, sequentiell arbeitende Transporteinrichtungen zum Transport einzelner Substrate (7) durch die Vakuumprozessanlage sowie eine Speichereinrichtung zur Aufnahme mehrerer Substrate (7), welche von der vorgelagerten Transporteinrichtung aus mit Substraten (7) beladbar ist und welche auf die nachgelagerte Transporteinrichtung entladbar ist, erreicht. Die Speichereinrichtung weist mindestens eine Behandlungseinrichtung ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Support for removably fixing an element during manufacture or surface treatment.

Номер: CH0000714921A2

L’invention concerne un support de fixation (1) pour la fixation amovible d’un élément pendant son usinage ou son traitement de surface, comportant: – un disque (3); N espacements (5) s’étendant radialement à travers le disque, et destinés à loger lesdits éléments; un anneau (7) entourant le disque et séparé du disque par une fente (9) sensiblement annulaire; au moins un rayon (11) dans un desdits espacements (5), l’extrémité interne (110) du rayon étant reliée audit disque (3) et l’extrémité externe (111) du rayon étant reliée audit anneau (7), de manière à ce que la rotation dudit anneau (7) provoque un déplacement et/ou une déformation dudit rayon (11) dans son espacement (5), permettant de fixer un élément en coinçant une portion de l’élément entre le rayon et un bord de l’espacement. L’élément peut être destiné à être rapporté sur un cadran de montre pendant sa fabrication.

15-10-2021 дата публикации

Support pour la fixation amovible d'au moins un élément pendant sa fabrication ou son traitement de surface.

Номер: CH714921B1
Принадлежит: METALEM SA, Métalem SA

L'invention concerne un support de fixation (1) pour la fixation amovible d'un élément pendant son usinage ou son traitement de surface, comportant: -un disque (3); N espacements (5) s'étendant radialement à travers le disque, et destinés à loger lesdits éléments; un anneau (7) entourant le disque et séparé du disque par une fente (9) sensiblement annulaire; au moins un rayon (11) dans un desdits espacements (5), l'extrémité interne (110) du rayon étant reliée audit disque (3) et l'extrémité externe (111) du rayon étant reliée audit anneau (7), de manière à ce que la rotation dudit anneau (7) provoque un déplacement et/ou une déformation dudit rayon (11) dans son espacement (5), permettant de fixer un élément en coinçant une portion de l'élément entre le rayon et un bord de l'espacement. L'élément peut être destiné à être rapporté sur un cadran de montre pendant sa fabrication ou son traitement de surface.

28-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA201290845A1

Настоящее изобретение относится к устройству для технологической обработки субстратов в установке технологической обработки по меньшей мере с одним инструментом технологической обработки, расположенным по меньшей мере в одной области технологической обработки, которые в области технологической обработки имеют две противолежащие плоскости субстрата, которые по меньшей мере ориентированы практически вертикально, причем устройство адаптировано для одновременной обработки по меньшей мере двух субстратов в области технологической обработки с помощью инструмента технологической обработки, причем субстраты расположены в плоскостях субстратов таким образом, что покрытия субстратов обращены друг к другу и, по меньшей мере, во время технологической обработки между субстратами образовывается квазизакрытая камера технологической обработки. Кроме того, изобретение относится к способу технологической обработки покрытых субстратов в установке технологической обработки, при котором субстраты имеют покрытия ...

25-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000083236C2

Даний винахід стосується несучої кабельної конструкції для фіксації множини підвідних кабелів у розподільному пристрої, зокрема у розподільному пристрої (S), який містить камеру розподільного пристрою з силовим вимикачем. Несуча кабельна конструкція містить опорну плату (G) з кабельною затискною поверхнею (FG). Також передбачена перша затискна плата (М1), яка має, в основному, ідентичну опорній платі (G) затискну поверхню (FM1). Перша затискна плата (М1) є такою, що сполучається з опорною платою (G) принаймні двома болтами (В1, В2) так, що підвідні кабелі (L1, L2, L3, L4) проходять між затискними поверхнями (FG, FM1) опорної і затискної плат, розміщуються і фіксуються один поряд з одним і тим самим досягається розвантаження від зусиль натягу.

27-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000003148B1

... 1. Вакуумный модуль для нанесения покрытий на подложку, включающий вакуумную камеру, снабженную отверстием, предназначенным для установки подложки, уплотнительным элементом и технологическим устройством, предназначенным для нанесения покрытий, вакуумный затвор, установленный в плоскости, параллельной плоскости отверстия вакуумной камеры и предназначенный для отделения части объема камеры с технологическим устройством от отверстия, и механизм перемещения технологического устройства, отличающийся тем, что механизм перемещения технологического устройства установлен с возможностью возвратно-поступательного движения параллельно поверхности подложки. 2. Вакуумный модуль для нанесения покрытий на подложку, включающий вакуумную камеру, снабженную отверстием, предназначенным для установки подложки, уплотнительным элементом и технологическим устройством, предназначенным для нанесения покрытий, вакуумный затвор, установленный в плоскости, параллельной плоскости отверстия вакуумной камеры и предназначенный ...

08-12-2010 дата публикации

Workpiece support with fluid zones for temperature control

Номер: CN0101911278A

A workpiece support is disclosed defining a workpiece-receiving surface. The workpiece support includes a plurality of fluid zones. A fluid, such as a gas, is fed to the fluid zones for contact with a workpiece on the workpiece support. The fluid can have selected thermoconductivity characteristics for controlling the temperature of the workpiece at particular locations. In accordance with the present disclosure, at least certain of the fluid zones are at different azimuthal positions. In this manner, the temperature of the workpiece can be adjusted not only in a radial direction but also in an angular direction.

25-11-2015 дата публикации

Bearing device, reaction chamber and semiconductor machining equipment

Номер: CN0105088167A

28-09-2016 дата публикации

Used for physical vapor deposition chamber of the deposition ring and electrostatic chuck

Номер: CN0103140913B

08-05-2020 дата публикации

Processing technology method and system applied to gradient atomization effect of glass surface

Номер: CN0108468023B

05-09-2012 дата публикации

Combinatorial process system

Номер: CN101919027B

15-10-2003 дата публикации

Base sheet rack of vacuum coating equipment

Номер: CN0001124363C

22-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002746115B1

27-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002566433A


18-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002384151B1

12-07-2019 дата публикации

Оснастка подложкодержателя для нанесения контактов на гетероструктурные солнечные элементы

Номер: RU0000190811U1

Обеспечивается одиночная загрузка гетероструктурных солнечных элементов в магнетронные системы орбитального типа с небольшой производительностью. Техническим результатом является недопущение осаждения материала мишени на край или торец гетероструктурного солнечного элемента, недопыления материала мишени в местах, близких к изоляционной кромке гетереструктурного солнечного элемента, обеспечение низкого веса оснастки. Оснастка подложкодержателя содержит в целом прямоугольные сплошной держатель и маску. На фронтальной стороне маски и на тыльной стороне держателя выполнены заглубления под клипсы, скрепляющие маску и держатель. Держатель и маска выполнены со скруглениями по их контурам и имеют скошенные углы. Маска содержит внутреннюю наклонную стенку. На тыльной стороне маски выполнена выемка, ограниченная внутренней вертикальной стенкой и внутренней горизонтальной стенками, образующая посадочное место для гетероструктурного солнечного элемента. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 190 811 U1 (51) МПК C23C 14/04 (2006.01) C23C 14/35 (2006.01) C23C 14/50 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C23C 14/04 (2019.05); C23C 14/35 (2019.05); C23C 14/50 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018127547, 26.07.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.07.2019 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 26.07.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 12.07.2019 Бюл. № 20 2539487 C2, 20.01.2015. RU 2437964 C2, 27.12.2011. RU 2308538 C1, 20.10.2007. JP 2009161817 A, 23.07.2009. (54) Оснастка подложкодержателя для нанесения контактов на гетероструктурные солнечные элементы (57) Реферат: Обеспечивается одиночная загрузка маску. На фронтальной стороне маски и на гетероструктурных солнечных элементов в тыльной стороне держателя выполнены магнетронные системы орбитального типа с заглубления под клипсы, скрепляющие маску и небольшой производительностью. Техническим держатель. Держатель и маска выполнены со результатом является ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Radiation image conversion panel and method for producing same

Номер: US20120025102A1
Принадлежит: Hamamatsu Photonics KK

In a radiation image conversion panel ( 10 ), a radiation conversion layer ( 2 ) for converting an incident radiation into light is formed on a substrate ( 1 ). The radiation conversion layer ( 2 ) has a reflective layer ( 3 ), on a side opposite from a light exit surface ( 2 a ) for emitting the light, for reflecting the light to the exit surface ( 2 a ) side, while the reflective layer ( 3 ) has a helical structure comprising helically stacked phosphor crystals. Thus constructed radiation image conversion panel ( 10 ) can enhance the reflectance without forming a reflective layer made of a thin metal film or the like and exhibit a reflectance higher than that in the case where the reflective layer is formed by spherical crystal particles.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Reactive sputtering with multiple sputter sources

Номер: US20120031749A1

The apparatus ( 1 ) for coating a substrate ( 14 ) by reactive sputtering comprises an axis ( 8 ), at least two targets ( 11,12 ) in an arrangement symmetrically to said axis ( 8 ) and a power supply connected to the targets ( 11,12 ), wherein the targets are alternatively operable as cathode and anode. The method is a method for manufacturing a coated substrate ( 14 ) by coating a substrate ( 14 ) by reactive sputtering in an apparatus ( 1 ) comprising an axis ( 8 ). The method comprises a) providing a substrate ( 14 ) to be coated; b) providing at least two targets ( 11,12 ) in an arrangement symmetrically to said axis ( 8 ); c) alternatively operating said targets ( 11,12 ) as cathode and anode during coating. Preferably, the targets ( 11,12 ) are rotated during sputtering and/or the targets are arranged concentrically, with an innermost circular target surrounded by at least one ring-shaped outer target.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Coating, article coated with coating, and method for manufacturing article

Номер: US20120040163A1

A coating includes a zirconium yttrium carbon-nitride layer including a first surface and an opposite second surface, the atomic carbon content and the atomic nitrogen content in the zirconium yttrium carbon-nitride layer gradually increasing from the first surface to the second surface.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Coating device

Номер: US20120042824A1
Автор: Chung-Pei Wang
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A coating device includes a main body, a transport device, at least one loader, a driving device. The main body has a top plate, a bottom plate, and a pair of sidewalls connecting the top plate and bottom plate. The sidewalls respectively define an input gate and an output gate. The transport device includes a transport track passing through the input gate and the output gate, and at least one lifting arm mounted on the transport track. Each loader is configured for loading workpieces and includes a rotary shaft, at least one loading frame rotatably connected with the rotary shaft. The driving device is mounted on the top plate. Each lifting arm is configured for clamping a corresponding loader and transporting the corresponding loader to engage with the driving device. The driving device rotates the corresponding loader rotary shaftthrough the rotary shaft of the corresponding loader.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Cooled pvd shield

Номер: US20120111273A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention generally comprises a top shield for shielding a shadow frame within a PVD chamber. The top shield may remain in a stationary position and at least partially shield the shadow frame to reduce the amount of material that may deposit on the shadow frame during processing. The top shield may be cooled to reduce the amount of fluxuation in temperature of the top shield and shadow frame during processing and/or during down time.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Wear resistant coating for brake disks with unique surface appearance and methods for coating

Номер: US20120118686A1
Автор: Nathan K. Meckel
Принадлежит: Tech M3 Inc

A brake disk including carbon steel, stainless steel or a ceramic composite material and coated with a coating material that is wear and corrosion resistant and when applied properly allows for the coated surface to have a variety of “textured” appearances. For example, the coated surface can be made to look like woven carbon fiber. The aesthetically pleasing, wear and corrosion resistant coating overlays wear surfaces and portions of the brake disk that will be, in many cases, visible when the brake disk is installed on the vehicle. The coating includes a first layer of a metal, such as a pure titanium metal, and a second layer that can include a Nitride, Boride, Carbide or Oxide of the metal used in the first layer. The coating can be applied using a physical vapor deposition source such as a cathodic arc source with a controlled gas atmosphere.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Target Cooling Device

Номер: US20120160670A1
Принадлежит: Solmates Bv

The invention relates to a laser deposition device, comprising at least one target, a substrate arranged opposite of the at least one target and a laser for generating a laser beam, which beam is directed on the target, such that a plasma plume of target material is generated and is deposited onto the substrate, further comprising a base frame, a rotatable target frame with at least two target holders arranged in the base frame and at least one cooling device arranged to the base frame, which cooling device can be moved relative to the target frame to bring the cooling device in heat exchanging contact with the target frame.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Arrangement for Holding a Substrate in a Material Deposition Apparatus

Номер: US20120178190A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An arrangement ( 1 ) for holding a substrate ( 10 ) in a material deposition apparatus, which substrate ( 10 ) has a deposition side ( 10 a ) upon which material (M) is to be deposited, and which arrangement ( 1 ) comprises: a shadow mask ( 20 ) comprising a number of deposition openings (Di); a support structure ( 30 ) comprising a number of surround openings (Si); and a support structure holding means ( 6 ) for holding the support mask ( 30 ) and/or a substrate holding means ( 5 ) for holding the substrate ( 10 ), such that the support structure ( 30 ) is on the same side as the deposition side ( 10 a ) of the substrate ( 10 ), and the shadow mask ( 20 ) is positioned between the substrate ( 10 ) and the support structure ( 30 ) such that at least one deposition opening (Di) of the shadow mask ( 10 ) lies within a corresponding surround opening (Si) of the support structure ( 30 ).

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Thin film deposition apparatus and method of manufacturing organic light-emitting display device by using thin film deposition apparatus

Номер: US20120186517A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A thin film deposition apparatus to remove static electricity generated between a substrate and a mask, and a method of manufacturing an organic light-emitting display device using the thin film deposition apparatus.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Substrate cooling device, sputtering apparatus and method for manufacturing electronic device

Номер: US20120193216A1
Принадлежит: Canon Anelva Corp

A substrate cooling device includes: a substrate holding stage including a recess defining a space between a substrate mounting unit and a substrate mounted on the substrate mounting unit; a holding member that exerts a pressing force against the substrate holding stage so as to fix the substrate to the substrate holding stage; a refrigerator connected to the substrate holding stage; a coolant gas inlet path including a coolant gas inlet opening that is provided at the substrate holding stage and opens to a recessed face of the recess, the coolant gas inlet path connecting a space in the recess via the coolant gas inlet opening to a coolant gas supply; and a coolant gas outlet path including a coolant gas outlet opening that is provided at the substrate holding stage independently of the coolant gas inlet opening and opens to the recessed face of the recess.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Coater platter homing tool

Номер: US20120233870A1
Автор: James S. Rosenblatt
Принадлежит: Individual

An alignment tool is used to ensure proper alignment of a component on a rotating gear relative to a non-rotating platter. The alignment tool includes a first arm member coupled to a locating feature on the gear, and a second arm member that is coupled to the first arm member such that the second arm member is movable relative to the first arm member. When the first arm member is coupled to the locating feature, the second arm member locates off the platter to verify proper alignment. The second arm member is cannot be fitted to the platter when there is improper alignment.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Drug delivery system and method of manufacturing thereof

Номер: US20120321707A1
Принадлежит: Exogenesis Corp

In one embodiment, a drug delivery system and method provide a member including a combination of a drug substance and a polymer or other material, and an encapsulating layer formed in an outer surface of the member by gas cluster ion beam irradiation of the outer surface of the member, which encapsulating layer is adapted to determine one or more characteristics of the drug delivery system.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Method of deposition

Номер: US20130062194A1
Автор: Shoso Nishida
Принадлежит: Japan Steel Works Ltd

A method of deposition is provided in which a deposition operation can be immediately performed when a workpiece for deposition is carried into a deposition chamber irrespective of a shape or a structure of the workpiece for deposition. The workpiece for deposition is integrally molded with an assisting member, which is configured to maintain the workpiece for deposition in a predetermined orientation such that a deposition surface or a deposition portion thereof faces a target material when the workpiece for deposition is carried into a deposition chamber and is placed on a deposition stand, when the workpiece for deposition is injection-molded; and the workpiece for deposition is carried into the deposition chamber and is deposited.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

In-line deposition system and process for deposition of a thin film layer

Номер: US20130084669A1
Принадлежит: Primestar Solar Inc

An apparatus for vapor deposition of a sublimated source material as a thin film on a substrate is provided. The apparatus includes a receptacle configured to hold a source material and a distribution plate positioned above the receptacle. The distribution plate defines a pattern of passages therethrough. The apparatus also includes a conveyor configured to travel in a continuous loop such that its transfer surface passes above the distribution plate in a first direction to receive thereon sublimated source material passing through the passages of the distribution plate. The conveyor is also configured to travel in a second direction while carrying a substrate on its raised edges. A heating system heats the conveyor while it travels in the second direction to transfer the source material from the transfer surface to the substrate. A process is provided for vapor deposition of a sublimated source material to form thin film.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130092528A1
Принадлежит: ULVAC, INC.

A film-forming device is provided, including: a chamber in which a substrate is disposed; a target, disposed within the chamber, which contains a material from which a film is formed; a substrate-supporting table disposed inside the chamber; driving unit that rotates the substrate-supporting table; a sputtering cathode that causes sputtered particles to be incident on the substrate from an oblique direction; and a control unit that controls the driving unit by setting a rotation period so that a sputtering film formation time required to form a film having a desired thickness is an integer multiple of a rotation period of the substrate-supporting table. 1. A film-forming device comprising:a chamber in which a substrate is disposed, the substrate having a film to be formed thereon through sputtering film formation;a target, disposed within the chamber, which contains a material from which the film is formed;a substrate-supporting table disposed inside the chamber;a driving unit that rotates the substrate-supporting table;a sputtering cathode on which the target is mounted and which causes sputtered particles to be incident on the substrate on the substrate-supporting table from an oblique direction; anda control unit that controls the driving unit by setting a rotation period so that a sputtering film formation time for which the substrate-supporting table is rotated at a predetermined rotation period is an integer multiple of a rotation period of the substrate-supporting table, the sputtering film formation time being required to form a film having a desired thickness.2. The film-forming device according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit controls the driving unit so that an acceleration time and a deceleration time during acceleration until a rotation period of the substrate-supporting table reaches a predetermined rotation period and during deceleration after termination of the film formation are equal to each other claim 1 , the acceleration time and the ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Deposition ring and electrostatic chuck for physical vapor deposition chamber

Номер: US20130112554A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

Embodiments of the invention generally relate to a process kit for a semiconductor processing chamber, and a semiconductor processing chamber having a kit. More specifically, embodiments described herein relate to a process kit including a deposition ring and a pedestal assembly. The components of the process kit work alone, and in combination, to significantly reduce their effects on the electric fields around a substrate during processing.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Surface Processing of a Substrate Using an Energetic Particle Beam

Номер: US20130206583A1

Method and apparatus for processing a substrate with an energetic particle beam. Features on the substrate are oriented relative to the energetic particle beam and the substrate is scanned through the energetic particle beam. The substrate is periodically indexed about its azimuthal axis of symmetry, while shielded from exposure to the energetic particle beam, to reorient the features relative to the major dimension of the beam. 1. A method of processing a substrate having a plurality of features , the method comprising:(a) enabling an energetic particle beam having a substantially uniform flux distribution over at least a portion of a major dimension thereof;(b) orienting the features on the substrate with a first fixed angular orientation relative to the major dimension of the beam;(c) translating the substrate relative to the beam;(d) exposing the substrate to the energetic particle beam in a treatment zone during at least a first portion of the translation; and(e) shielding the substrate to the energetic particle beam during at least a second portion of the translation;wherein while the substrate is shielded in step (e) the energetic particle particle beam is disabled.2. The method of further comprising:indexing the substrate about an azimuthal axis by an angular increment to reorient the feature with a second fixed angular orientation relative to the major dimension of the beam; andrepeating steps (c) and (d) for a finite number of times.3. The method of wherein the substrate is indexed about the azimuthal axis to reorient the feature with the second fixed angular orientation while the substrate is shielded in step (e).4. The method of wherein the angular increment is 30° claim 2 , 60 claim 2 , or 90°.5. The method of wherein the angular increment is an integer fraction of 360° less than one-half.6. The method of wherein translating the substrate relative to the beam further comprises:moving the substrate linearly through the treatment zone; andreversing the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220551A1
Автор: Saito Reiji

A substrate processing apparatus includes a substrate stage, a strut which supports the substrate stage, a first rotation drive portion which rotates the support, and at least three lift pins which are provided in the substrate stage. The substrate processing apparatus includes an elevation mechanism for vertically moving the lift pins. The elevation mechanism includes a first rotating member which is disposed around the support and rotates about the support, a second rotation drive portion which rotates about a rotation axis at a position offset from the rotation axis and rotates the first rotating member, at least three second rotating members which rotate while engaging with rotation of the first rotating member and are disposed below the lift pins, mobile bodies which linearly move upon rotation of the second rotating members, and pins which vertically move the lift pins. 1. (canceled)2. A substrate processing apparatus including a substrate stage , a strut which supports the substrate stage , and at least three lift pins which are provided in the substrate stage and configured to vertically move in a vertical direction relative to a surface of the substrate stage on which a substrate is mounted , comprising:an elevation unit configured to vertically moving the lift pins,said elevation unit comprisinga first rotating member which is disposed around the support and rotates about the support coaxially with a rotation axis of the support,a rotation drive portion which rotates about a rotation axis at a position offset from the rotation axis and rotates said first rotating member by transmitting the rotation to said first rotating member through a transmission member,at least three second rotating members which rotate while engaging with rotation of said first rotating member and are disposed below the lift pins, andmobile bodies which linearly move upon rotation of said second rotating members,wherein the lift pins vertically move upon linear movements of said ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Deposition apparatus

Номер: US20130247822A1
Принадлежит: ASM IP Holding BV

In a deposition apparatus, a protecting member made of an elastic body is inserted into a pin hole where a fixed substrate supporting pin is inserted and the substrate supporting pin is fixed through the protecting member to prevent damages to the substrate and a decrease in yield due to damages to the substrate supporting pin by preventing the substrate supporting pin from being damaged by loading or unloading of the substrate or static electricity. Further, the deposition apparatus includes a substrate supporting pin guide member capable of preventing misalignment of an unfixed substrate supporting pin to prevent damages to the substrate and a decrease in the yield due to damages to the substrate supporting pin by preventing the substrate supporting pin from being damaged by loading or unloading of the substrate or static electricity.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Method For Manufacturing A Thin Film On A Substrate

Номер: US20130260026A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method for maufacturing a thin film on a substrate may include: coupling the substrate to a pretensioning facility such that the substrate with the pretensioning facility is isotropically extended in the surface, wherein the substrate is held elastically under pressure with a predetermined pretension; depositing a thin film material on the substrate with a deposition method, in which by applying heat to the thin film material, this is deposited on the substrate so that a thin film with the thin film material is embodied on the substrate; decoupling the substrate from the pretensioning facility; cooling the thin film accompanied by a shrinkage, wherein the predetermined pretension is at least high enough that the appearance of a tensile stress in the thin film is prevented in the case of shrinkage.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Holder For Boring Head Coating

Номер: US20130264169A1

The present invention relates to a holder for a number of borers, which can advantageously be used for coating borer tips. The holders according to the invention make it possible to arrange the borers in the coating unit in such a way that their tips rest on a cylindrical wall and these can be rotated past a coating source at the same minimum distance. The holder comprises a first curved wall with holes, a second curved wall with holes or slits and a third wall which serves as stop for borers inserted in the holes of the first and second wall. 1. Holder for carrying borers in a coating facility , having a first wall perforated with first holes and a second wall at a distance from the first wall and perforated with second holes or slits that are aligned with the first holes in such a way that borers can be inserted each into the first holes and the same borers simultaneously into the second holes or slits , wherein the holder comprises at least a third wall at a distance from the second wall and which is suitable for serving as a stop for the borers inserted in the first and second holes or slits and wherein at least the first wall and the third wall are curved along segments of circle and thus have curves designed in such a way that after inserting the borers up to the respective stop , they protrude as a whole with the borer tip from the holder following the segment of circle of the third wall.2. Holder according to claim 1 , characterized in that the second wall is also curved along a segment of circle.3. Holder according to claim 1 , characterized in that the second wall is placed at a distance from the first wall on its concave side and the third wall is placed at a distance from the second wall on the concave side of the first wall claim 1 , wherein the second wall is placed between the first and third walls.4. Holder according to claim 1 , characterized in that the first claim 1 , second and third wall are placed relative to one another and curved to segments ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276699A1

An sputtering device includes a carrier that includes a main body and support members. The main body defines a receiving space and includes a lateral surface defining at least one groove extending along a longitudinal direction. The receiving space and the at least one groove communicate with each other. The at least one groove is defined by a first surface and a second surface. The first surface defines recessed portions along the longitudinal direction and communicates with the receiving space. The support members are used for hanging workpieces. Each of the support members includes at least one support arm protruding from the lateral surface and is selectively and movably retained by one of the recessed portions. 1. A sputtering device comprising: a main body defining a receiving space and comprising a lateral surface defining at least one groove extending along a longitudinal direction of the main body, the receiving space and the at least one groove communicating with each other, the at least one groove being defined by a first surface and a second surface, the first surface defining a plurality of recessed portions along the longitudinal direction and communicating with the receiving space; and', 'a plurality of support members for hanging workpieces, each of the plurality of support members comprising at least one support arm protruding from the lateral surface and being selectively and movably retained within one of the recessed portions., 'a carrier comprising2. The sputtering device according to further comprising a plurality of resilient members claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of resilient members is arranged between two neighboring support members to apply a pushing force to the two neighboring support members.3. The sputtering device according to claim 2 , wherein the plurality of resilient members are coil springs.4. The sputtering device according to claim 1 , wherein the number of the at least one support arm is four claim 1 , the four ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Manufacturing apparatus

Номер: US20130277207A1
Автор: Koji Tsunekawa
Принадлежит: Canon Anelva Corp

The present invention provides a manufacturing apparatus which can realize so-called sequential substrate transfer and can improve throughput, even when one multi-layered thin film includes plural layers of the same film type. A manufacturing apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invention includes a transfer chamber, three sputtering deposition chambers each including one sputtering cathode, two sputtering deposition chambers each including two or more sputtering cathodes, and a process chamber for performing a process other than sputtering, and the three sputtering deposition chambers, the two sputtering deposition chambers, and the process chamber are arranged around the transfer chamber so that each is able to perform delivery and receipt of the substrate with the transfer chamber.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for depositing a layer onto a substrate

Номер: US20130288477A1

Apparatus ( 1, 26 ) for depositing a layer ( 37, 38, 39 ) on a substrate ( 2 ) in a process gas comprises a chuck ( 3 ) comprising a first surface ( 4 ) for supporting the substrate ( 2 ), a clamp ( 4 ) for securing the substrate ( 2 ) to the first surface ( 14 ) of the chuck ( 3 ), an evacuatable enclosure ( 5 ) enclosing the chuck ( 3 ) and the clamp ( 4 ) and comprising an inlet, through which the processing gas is insertable into the enclosure ( 5 ), and control apparatus ( 19 ). The control apparatus ( 19 ) is adapted to move at least one of the chuck ( 3 ) and the clamp ( 4 ) relative to, and independently of, one another to adjust a spacing between the chuck ( 3 ) and the clamp ( 4 ) during a single deposition process whilst maintaining a flow of the processing gas and a pressure within the enclosure ( 5 ) that is less than atmospheric pressure.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298836A1

Provided is a vapor phase growth apparatus having a rotation/revolution mechanism by which a rolling member is prevented from riding onto an adjacent rolling member. In a vapor phase growth apparatus having a rotation/revolution structure in which a plurality of substrate retaining members are rotatably provided in the circumferential direction of the susceptor via a rolling member(ball ) on a susceptor heated by a heating unit as well as is rotated by a driving unit, the substrate retaining member is rotated accompanied by the rotation of the susceptor and a substrate retained by the substrate retaining member is rotated while being revolved with respect to the rotation axis of the susceptor. As for the rolling members, rolling members different diameters (a large diameter ball and a small diameter ball ) are alternately arranged. 1. A vapor phase growth apparatus having a rotation/revolution structure in which a plurality of substrate retaining members are rotatably provided in the circumferential direction of the susceptor via a rolling member on a susceptor which is heated by a heating unit as well as is rotated by a driving unit, the substrate retaining member is rotated accompanied by the rotation of the susceptor and a substrate retained by the substrate retaining member is rotated while being revolved with respect to the rotation axis of the susceptor, characterized in that, for the rolling members, rolling members having different diameters are alternately arranged. The present invention relates to a vapor phase growth apparatus, and particularly, to a vapor phase growth apparatus having a mechanism in which a substrate on a susceptor is rotating/revolving.As a vapor phase growth apparatus in which, in a state in which a substrate retained on a susceptor in a flow channel is heated to a predetermined temperature, a gas phase material is supplied in the flow channel to deposit a thin film on the surface of the substrate, known is a vapor phase growth ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130299348A1

A sputtering apparatus includes a support assembly and posts. The support assembly includes an upper base, a lower base, seat members, and connection posts interconnected between the upper base and the lower base. The upper base defines cutouts. The seat members are rotatably mounted on the lower base and aligned with the cutouts. Each seat member includes a hollow receiving post, a support post moveably received in the receiving post, a lever bar pivotably connected to the receiving post, and a drive post, the drive post and the support post are coupled to opposite ends of the lever bar. Each seat member is rotatable about a longitudinal axis of the receiving post. The posts fix workpieces in place. Each post includes a rod body portion having a first end and an opposite second end, an engagement portion at the first end, and a protrusion extending from the second end. 1. A sputtering apparatus , comprising:a preheating chamber;a deposition chamber;a connection assembly connecting the preheating chamber to the deposition chamber, the connection assembly comprising a connection member defining a passage in communication with the preheating chamber and the deposition chamber and a partition plate moveably coupled to the connection member, the partition plate configured for selectively closing or opening the passage;a first support assembly received in the preheating chamber;a second support assembly received in the deposition chamber; each first and second support assembly comprising an upper base, a lower base, a plurality of seat members, and at least two connection posts interconnected between the upper base and the lower base, the upper base defining a plurality of cutouts, the seat members rotatably mounted on the lower base and aligned with the cutouts, each seat member comprising a hollow receiving post, a support post moveably received in the receiving post, a lever bar pivoted to the receiving post, and a drive post, the drive post and the support post ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319854A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials, Inc.

Embodiments of substrate supports having a radio frequency (RF) return path are provided herein. In some embodiments, a substrate support may include a dielectric support body having a support surface to support a substrate thereon and an opposing second surface; a chucking electrode disposed within the support body proximate the support surface; and an RF return path electrode disposed on the second surface of the dielectric support body. In some embodiments, a substrate processing system may include a process chamber having an inner volume; a shield to separate the inner volume into a processing volume and a non-processing volume and extending toward a ceiling of the process chamber; and a substrate support disposed below the shield, wherein the substrate support is as described above. 1. A substrate support , comprising:a dielectric support body having a support surface to support a substrate thereon and an opposing second surface;a chucking electrode disposed within the support body proximate the support surface; andan RF return path electrode disposed on the second surface of the dielectric support body, wherein the RF return path electrode is patterned into a plurality of sections.2. The substrate support of claim 1 , wherein the RF return path electrode further comprises:a layer of titanium disposed on the second surface, a layer of copper disposed on the layer of titanium, and a layer of nickel disposed on the layer of copper.3. The substrate support of claim 1 , wherein the RF return path electrode is about 50 micrometers to about 150 micrometers thick.4. The substrate support of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of sections are separated by thin strips of open regions disposed between adjacent sections.5. The substrate support of claim 4 , wherein the adjacent sections may be coupled together by a thin strip of conductive material forming the RF return path electrode.6. The substrate support of claim 4 , further comprising a plurality of terminals disposed ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Substrate conveyance roller, thin film manufacturing device and thin film manufacturing method

Номер: US20130330472A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A substrate-conveying roller 6 A is configured to convey a substrate under vacuum, and includes a first shell 11 , an internal block 12 , and a shaft 10 . The first shell 11 has a cylindrical outer circumferential surface for supporting the substrate, and can rotate in synchronization with the substrate. The internal block 12 is disposed inside the first shell 11 , and is blocked from rotating in synchronization with the substrate. The shaft 10 extends through, and supports the internal block 12 . A clearance 15 is formed between the inner circumferential surface of the first shell 11 and the internal block 12 . A gas is introduced into the clearance 15 from the internal block 12 toward the inner circumferential surface of the first shell 11.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Dual sided workpiece handling

Номер: US20140014854A1

A processing apparatus includes a process chamber defining an enclosed volume, and a dual sided workpiece assembly disposed in the enclosed volume. The dual sided workpiece assembly includes a base portion and a flip portion coupled to the base portion. The flip portion has a support surface configured to support at least one dual sided workpiece and is configured to rotate about a flipping axis. The processing apparatus also includes a controller configured to control the dual sided workpiece assembly to expose a first side of the at least one dual sided workpiece to accelerating ions in the process chamber during a first time interval and to expose a second side of the at least one dual sided workpiece to accelerating ions during a second time interval different than the first time interval by rotating the flip portion about the flipping axis.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Heating plate with planar heater zones for semiconductor processing

Номер: US20140047705A1
Принадлежит: Lam Research Corp

An exemplary method for manufacturing a heating plate for a substrate support assembly includes forming holes in at least one sheet, printing a slurry of conductor powder, or pressing a precut metal foil, or spraying a slurry of conductor powder, on the at least one sheet to form the planar heater zones, the power supply lines, and power return lines. The holes in the at least one sheet are filled with a slurry of conductor powder to form power supply and power return vias. The sheets are then aligned, pressed, and bonded to form the heating plate.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Rotatable locating apparatus with dome carrier and operating method thereof

Номер: US20140059836A1

A rotatable locating apparatus including a fixing base, a rotatable rack, a first driving module, a carrier, and a second driving module is provided. The rotatable rack is pivoted on the fixing base through a first rotation axis. The first driving module is coupled to the rotatable rack to drive the rotatable rack rotating with respect to the fixing base along the first rotation axis. The carrier is provided with accommodating slots on an arc surface of the carrier, and the carrier is pivoted on the rotatable rack through a second rotation axis. The second rotation axis passes through a curvature center of the arc surface and is perpendicular to the first rotation axis. The curvature center is located on the first rotation axis. The second driving module is coupled to the carrier to drive the carrier rotating with respect to the rotatable rack along the second rotation axis.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Vacuum treatment apparatus

Номер: US20140086711A1

To reduce pumping time of a vacuum treatment chamber served by a transport arrangement in a transport chamber the vacuum treatment chamber is split into a workpiece treatment compartment and a pumping compartment in mutual free flow communication and arranged opposite each other with respect to a movement path of the transport arrangement serving the vacuum treatment chamber. The pumping compartment allows a pumping port to have a flow cross-section area that is freely selectable independently from the geometry of the treatment compartment.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Heating plate with planar heater zones for semiconductor processing

Номер: US20140096909A1
Принадлежит: Lam Research Corp

A heating plate of a semiconductor substrate support for supporting a semiconductor substrate in a plasma processing chamber includes a first layer with an array of heater zones operable to tune a spatial temperature profile on the semiconductor substrate, and a second layer with one or more primary heaters to provide mean temperature control of the semiconductor substrate. The heating plate can be incorporated in a substrate support wherein a switching device independently supplies power to each one of the heater zones to provide time-averaged power to each of the heater zones by time divisional multiplexing of the switches.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220003286A1
Автор: Meckel Nathan K.

A brake disk or drum has at least one working surface which opposes a braking member such as a brake pad or shoe. A plurality of spaced, raised island formations are provided across the working surface, with channels extending between the island formations. Each raised island formation has an outer surface which contacts a brake pad or brake shoe during braking. 135.-. (canceled)36. A braking surface formed on a substrate material , the braking surface comprising:a plurality of spaced surface modifications comprising a friction surface configured to engage a brake pad; and a first coating layer of a first coating material, the first coating material comprising a crystalline material; and', 'a second coating layer of a second coating material;', 'wherein the wear and corrosion resistant coating is configured to reduce, during use of the braking surface in braking of a vehicle, wear of the plurality of spaced surface modifications relative to the substrate material in an uncoated state., 'a wear and corrosion resistant coating applied to the friction surface, the wear and corrosion resistant coating comprising37. The braking surface of claim 36 , wherein the plurality of spaced surface modifications comprises a plurality of raised formations.38. The braking surface of claim 36 , further comprising grooves extending between the plurality of spaced surface modifications claim 36 , the grooves comprising a roughened base surface.39. The braking surface of claim 38 , wherein the roughened base surface creates turbulence in air flowing along the grooves in a direction parallel to the friction surface.40. The braking surface of claim 36 , wherein the first coating material comprises a metal.41. The braking surface of claim 36 , wherein the plurality of spaced surface modifications are formed of the substrate material.42. The braking surface of claim 36 , wherein the first coating material is applied to at least the friction surface of each surface modification through vapor ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Cutting tool

Номер: US20160001374A1
Автор: YaoCan Zhu
Принадлежит: Kyocera Corp

Problem: To provide a cutting tool that exhibits superior chipping resistance and wear resistance. Resolution means: A cutting tool 1 is provided with a base 2, and a coating layer 6 comprising columnar crystals 7 that cover the surface of the base 2. A Cutting edge 5 is formed at the crossing ridge line of a rake face 3 and a flank face 4. The average inclination angle (θ2) of the flank face 4, in the longitudinal direction of the columnar crystals 7 with respect to the direction orthogonal to the surface of the base 2, is greater than the average inclination angle (θ1) of the rake face 3, in the longitudinal direction of the columnar crystals 7 with respect to the direction orthogonal to the surface of the base 2.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002769A1
Автор: Fujii Hirofumi

A PVD processing apparatus and method capable of forming a composite coating having a coating thickness with excellent circumferential uniformity on an outer peripheral surface of a substrate. The PVD processing apparatus includes: a vacuum chamber; a revolving table revolving a plurality of substrates around an revolution axis in the vacuum chamber; a plurality of rotating tables rotating the substrates about their rotation axis parallel to the revolution axis on the revolution table; a plurality of types of targets provided radially outside the revolving table at circumferentially spaced positions; and a table rotating mechanism rotating the rotating table by an angle of 180° or more while the substrates passes through a region between two tangent lines drawn from a center of the target to an arc enveloping the rotating tables. 1. A PVD processing apparatus for performing coating formation on respective surfaces of a plurality of substrates , the PVD processing apparatus comprising:a vacuum chamber containing therein the plurality of substrates;a revolving table provided in the vacuum chamber and configured to support the plurality of substrates and to revolve the supported substrates around a revolution axis;a plurality of rotating tables configured to support respective substrates of the plurality of substrates and rotating the supported substrates, on the revolving table, about their respective rotation axes parallel to the revolution axis;a plurality of targets formed of respective different types of coating-formation materials, the targets disposed at respective positions circumferentially spaced on radial outside of the revolving table; anda table rotating mechanism for rotating each of the rotating tables about its rotation axis, the table rotating mechanism configured to rotate the rotating table, on which the substrate is placed, about its rotation axis by an angle of 180° or more relatively to the revolving table while the substrate passes through a ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002770A1

An apparatus for deposition of a layer stack on a non-flexible substrate or on a substrate provided in a carrier is described. The apparatus includes a vacuum chamber, a transport system, wherein the transport system and the vacuum chamber are configured for inline deposition, a first support for a first rotatable sputter cathode rotatable around a first rotation axis within the vacuum chamber, wherein a first deposition zone for depositing a first material is provided, a second support for a second rotatable sputter cathode rotatable around a second rotation axis within the vacuum chamber, wherein a second deposition zone for depositing a second material is provided, wherein the first rotation axis and the second rotation axis have a distance from each other of 700 mm or below; and a separator structure between the first rotation axis and the second rotation axis, adapted to receive the first material sputtered towards the second deposition zone and the second material sputtered towards the first deposition zone, wherein apparatus is configured for deposition of the layer stack comprising a layer of the first material and a subsequent layer of the second material. 1. An apparatus for deposition of a layer stack on a non-flexible substrate or on a substrate provided in a carrier , comprising:a vacuum chamber;a transport system, wherein the transport system and the vacuum chamber are configured for inline deposition;a first support for a first rotatable sputter cathode rotatable around a first rotation axis within the vacuum chamber, wherein a first deposition zone for depositing a first material is provided;a second support for a second rotatable sputter cathode rotatable around a second rotation axis within the vacuum chamber, wherein a second deposition zone for depositing a second material is provided, wherein the first rotation axis and the second rotation axis have a distance from each other of 700 mm or below;a separator structure between the first rotation ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002780A1

A carrier for supporting a substrate in a substrate processing chamber for vacuum processing is described. The carrier includes a substrate fixation assembly, wherein the substrate fixation assembly includes one or more fixation units; a first fixation dement having a first surface configured for contacting a first substrate surface of the substrate; a second fixation element having a second surface configured for contacting a second substrate surface of the substrate; and a force dement for providing a fixation force for the substrate with at least one of the first and the second fixation element. 1. A carrier for supporting a substrate in a substrate processing chamber , comprising: an edge contacting surface configured for contacting the edge of the substrate and defining a contact position;', 'a first fixation element having a first surface configured for contacting a first substrate surface of the substrate, wherein the first fixation element extends from the contact position by a first length substantially parallel to the first substrate surface;', 'a second fixation element having a second surface configured for contacting a second substrate surface of the substrate, wherein the second substrate surface opposes the first substrate surface of the substrate, and wherein the second fixation element extends from the contact position by a second length substantially parallel to the second substrate surface; and', 'a force element for providing a fixation force for the substrate with at least one of the first and the second fixation element;', 'wherein the shorter length of the first length and the second length provides in combination with the fixation force a momentum; and', 'wherein the one or more fixation units provide the momentum to be 10 Nmm per substrate edge length unit or above., 'a substrate fixation assembly, wherein the substrate fixation assembly comprises one or more fixation units, wherein each fixation unit comprises2. The carrier according to ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002806A1

A film forming apparatus includes a base material support mechanism configured to rotate a base material supported by the base material support mechanism about a first axis, and a first cathode portion on which a target in a cylindrical shape containing a film forming material is mounted and configured to rotate the target about a second axis, in a chamber. The second axis is disposed at a position skewed with respect to the first axis. 1. A film forming apparatus comprising:a base material support mechanism configured to rotate a base material supported by the base material support mechanism about a first rotation axis;a first cathode portion configured to rotate a target in a first cylindrical shape about a second rotation axis; anda second cathode portion configured to rotate a target in a second cylindrical shape about a third rotation axis,whereinthe second rotation axis and the third rotation axis are disposed at positions skewed with respect to the first rotation axis,a relation of MaLb is satisfied, where La is a distance between the first rotation axis and the second rotation axis when viewed in the direction in which the first rotation axis extends and Lb is a distance between the first rotation axis and the third rotation axis when viewed in the direction in which the first rotation axis extends.2. The film forming apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinwhere, when viewed in the direction in which the first rotation axis extends, R is a radius of a circle drawn by points farthest from the first rotation axis within a film-formed surface of the base ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002807A1
Принадлежит: ULVAC, INC.

A vacuum processing apparatus, including: a vacuum chamber in which a single vacuum environment is formed; first and a second processing regions provided in the vacuum chamber for performing predetermined vacuum processing on a substrate held by a substrate holder of a plurality of substrate holders; a conveying path for conveying the substrate holder, the conveying path being formed such that a projection shape with respect to a vertical plane forms a continuous ring shape; and a substrate holder conveying mechanism configured to convey the plurality of substrate holders each having a first and a second driven part along the conveying path. 1. A vacuum processing apparatus , comprising:a vacuum chamber in which a single vacuum environment is formed;first and a second processing regions provided in the vacuum chamber for performing predetermined vacuum processing on a substrate held by a substrate holder of a plurality of substrate holders;a conveying path for conveying the substrate holder, the conveying path being formed such that a projection shape with respect to a vertical plane forms a continuous ring shape; anda substrate holder conveying mechanism configured to convey the plurality of substrate holders each having a first and a second driven part along the conveying path, a first conveying part that conveys the substrate holder in a horizontal state along the conveying path in a first conveying direction;', 'a second conveying part that conveys the substrate holder in a horizontal state along the conveying path in a second conveying direction opposite to the first conveying direction and discharges the substrate holder;', 'a conveying and reversing part that reverses and conveys the substrate holder from the first conveying part toward the second conveying part, and', 'the conveying path is configured such that the first conveying part passes through one of the first and second processing regions, and the second conveying part passes through the other of the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Vacuum Lock and Method for Transferring a Substrate Carrier

Номер: US20210002757A1
Принадлежит: Singulus Technologies AG

A vacuum lock for a vacuum coating plant comprises a chamber for receiving a substrate carrier, wherein the chamber comprises a first and a second inner surface. A conveyor is configured for conveying the substrate carrier. The vacuum lock comprises a flow channel assembly for evacuating and venting the chamber, the flow channel assembly being configured to cause a gas flow between both the first inner surface and a first substrate carrier surface facing the first inner surface and between the second inner surface and a second substrate carrier surface facing the second inner surface. The substrate carrier can be positioned between the first and the second inner surfaces such that a ratio of a first distance between the first inner surface and the first substrate carrier surface to a length (L) of the substrate carrier is smaller than 0.1, and a ratio of a second distance between the second inner surface and the second substrate carrier surface to a length (L) of the substrate carrier is smaller than 0.1. 1. A vacuum lock for a vacuum coating plant , comprisinga chamber for receiving a substrate carrier and having an upper chamber part and a lower chamber part, wherein the chamber comprises a first and a second inner surface,a conveyor with drive components for conveying the substrate carrier, anda flow channel assembly for evacuating and venting the chamber, said flow channel assembly being configured to cause a gas flow in both a first region between the first inner surface and a first substrate carrier surface facing the first inner surface and in a second region between the second inner surface and a second substrate carrier surface facing the second inner surface,wherein a ratio of a first distance between the first inner surface and the first substrate carrier surface to a length of the substrate carrier is smaller than 0.1, andwherein a ratio of a second distance between the second inner surface and the second substrate carrier surface to the length of the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Evaporation carrier plate and evaporation device

Номер: US20170005267A1
Автор: Qinghui Zeng, Shupeng GUO
Принадлежит: BOE Technology Group Co Ltd

The present disclosure provides an evaporation carrier plate and an evaporation device. The evaporation carrier plate includes a carrier plate body. The carrier plate body includes a glass-carrying surface and a plurality of pin holes for pins to extend through. The evaporation carrier plate further includes a cover plate arranged on a surface of the carrier plate body away from the glass-carrying surface and configured to move relative to the carrier plate body to cover or open the pin holes.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005297A1

An evaporation source for organic material is described. The evaporation source includes an evaporation crucible, wherein the evaporation crucible is configured to evaporate the organic material; a distribution pipe with one or more outlets, wherein the distribution pipe is in fluid communication with the evaporation crucible and wherein the distribution pipe is rotatable around an axis during evaporation; and a support for the distribution pipe, wherein the support is connectable to a first drive or includes the first drive, wherein the first drive is configured for a translational movement of the support and the distribution pipe. 1. An evaporation source for organic material , comprising:an evaporation crucible, wherein the evaporation crucible is configured to evaporate the organic material;a distribution pipe with one or more outlets, wherein the distribution pipe is in fluid communication with the evaporation crucible and wherein the distribution pipe is rotatable around an axis during evaporation; anda support for the distribution pipe, wherein the support is connectable to a first drive or includes the first drive, wherein the first drive is configured for a translational movement of the support and the distribution pipe.2. The evaporation source according to claim 1 , wherein the distribution pipe is a vapor distribution showerhead comprising the one or more outlets.3. The evaporation source according to claim 1 , wherein the distribution pipe provides a line source extending essentially vertically and/or wherein the axis of rotating the distribution pipe extends essentially vertically.4. The evaporation source according to claim 1 , wherein the distribution pipe is rotatable by at least 160°.5. The evaporation source according to claim 1 , wherein the distribution pipe is rotatable around the axis by a second drive rotating the distribution pipe relative to the support.6. The evaporation source according to claim 5 , wherein the support includes a support ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Film forming apparatus

Номер: US20180005800A1
Автор: Masato Kon
Принадлежит: Toppan Printing Co Ltd

A film forming apparatus for forming a thin film on a flexible substrate. The film forming apparatus forms a thin film on a flexible substrate under vacuum. The film forming apparatus includes a first zone into which a first gas is introduced and a second zone into which a second gas is introduced in a vacuum chamber. Zone separators have openings through which the flexible substrate passes. The film forming apparatus includes a mechanism that reciprocates the flexible substrate between the zones. Further, the film forming apparatus includes a mechanism that supplies a raw material gas containing metal or silicon to the first zone, and a mechanism that performs sputtering of a material containing metal or silicon as a target material in the second zone.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006216A1

An apparatus for transportation of a substrate carrier in a vacuum chamber is provided. The apparatus includes a first track providing a first transportation path for the substrate carrier, and a transfer device configured for contactlessly moving the substrate carrier from a first position on the first track to one or more second positions away from the first track. The one or more second positions include at least one of a position on a second track and a process position for processing of a substrate. The transfer device includes at least one first magnet device configured to provide a magnetic force acting on the substrate carrier to contactlessly move the substrate carrier from the first position to the one or more second positions. 1. Apparatus for transportation of a substrate carrier in a vacuum chamber , comprising:a first track providing a first transportation path for the substrate carrier; anda transfer device configured for contactlessly moving the substrate carrier from a first position on the first track to one or more second positions away from the first track, 'at least one first magnet device configured to provide a magnetic force acting on the substrate carrier to contactlessly move the substrate carrier from the first position to the one or more second positions.', 'wherein the one or more second positions include at least one of a position on a second track and a process position for processing of a substrate, and wherein the transfer device comprises2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the transfer device is configured for contactlessly moving the substrate carrier in a direction different from a direction of the first transportation path.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one first magnet device is configured to provide a repulsive magnetic force acting on the substrate carrier to push the substrate carrier from the first position to the one or more second positions.4. The apparatus of of claim 1 , wherein the second track ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220017408A1

According to one embodiment, a method for producing a coated glass article may include applying an anti-reflective coating onto a glass substrate. The glass substrate may include a first major surface, and a second major surface opposite the first major surface. The anti-reflective coating may be applied to the first major surface of the glass substrate. A substrate thickness may be measured between the first major surface and the second major surface. The glass substrate may have an aspect ratio of at least about 100:1. The coated glass article may have a reflectance of less than 2% for all wavelengths from 450 nanometers to 700 nanometers. The anti-reflective coating may include one or more layers. The cumulative layer stress of the anti-reflective coating may have an absolute value less than or equal to about 167,000 MPa nm. 1. A coated glass article comprising:a glass substrate comprising a first major surface, a second major surface opposite the first major surface, and a substrate thickness measured between the first major surface and the second major surface, the glass substrate having an aspect ratio of at least about 100:1;{'sub': i=1', 'i', 'i, 'sup': 'n', 'an anti-reflective coating comprising one or more layers, each layer comprising a layer thickness (t) and a film stress (α), wherein a cumulative layer stress of the anti-reflective coating has an absolute value less than or equal to about 167,000 MPa nm, wherein the cumulative layer stress is defined as Σ(α×t) for an anti-reflective coating comprising n layers; and'} the coated glass article having a reflectance of less than or equal to about 2% for all wavelengths from 450 nm to 700 nm when viewed on the first major surface at an angle of incidence of less than or equal to about 10°; and', 'the coated glass article has a bow of from about −100 microns to 100 microns., 'wherein2. The coated glass article of claim 1 , wherein the cumulative layer stress of the anti-reflective coating has an absolute ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006659A1
Автор: Ahn Junghyun

A deposition apparatus including a driving unit configured to be movable in first and second directions crossing each other and to be rotatable about a rotation axis parallel to a third direction normal to a plane defined by the first and second directions, a first supporting member connected to a bottom end of the driving unit in the third direction, a magnet plate disposed below and connected to the first supporting member, a second supporting member disposed below the magnet plate, and a plurality of first connection units disposed on the first supporting member. The first connection units may extend in the third direction, may penetrate the first supporting member and the magnet plate, and may be connected to the second supporting member. 1. A deposition apparatus , comprising:a driving unit configured to be movable in first and second directions crossing each other and to be rotatable about a rotation axis parallel to a third direction perpendicular to a plane defined by the first and second directions;a first supporting member connected to a bottom end of the driving unit, in the third direction;a magnet plate disposed below and connected to the first supporting member;a second supporting member disposed below the magnet plate; anda plurality of first connection units disposed on the first supporting member, the first connection units extending in the third direction, penetrating the first supporting member and the magnet plate, and being connected to the second supporting member.2. The deposition apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first connection units are connected to the second supporting member through a plurality of first holes claim 1 , which are defined in the first supporting member claim 1 , and through a plurality of second holes claim 1 , which are defined in the magnet plate and are overlapped with the first holes.3. The deposition apparatus of claim 2 , wherein each of the first connection units comprises:a first support unit disposed on the ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018412A1
Автор: Meckel Nathan K.

A brake disk formed of a light weight ceramic and ceramic composite materials, the brake disk having a coating overlying at least a portion of the brake disk. The brake disk includes parallel surfaces wherein at least a portion of the parallel surfaces are coated with a coating material to increase wear and decrease corrosion. The coating over the brake disk includes multiple layers of the coating material, wherein the coating material includes coating material particles configured to construct a pattern of repetition that is consistent with a lattice structure when applied over the parallel surfaces of the brake disk. 1. A method for manufacturing a composite coated brake disk having parallel surfaces comprising:providing a composite brake disk having parallel surfaces, the brake disk comprising a ceramic material;applying a first material to at least a portion of the parallel surfaces of the brake disk through vapor deposition, wherein the first material is deposited onto the brake disk by energizing a first material source to cause charged particles of the first material source to be dissociated from the first material source and deposited on the parallel surfaces of the brake disk; andapplying at least a compound to the at least a portion of the parallel surfaces of the brake disk through vapor deposition, wherein the second compound is deposited by energizing a second material source to cause charged particles of the second material source to be dissociated from the second material source, introducing a reactive gas which reacts with the charged particles of the second material forming the compound that is deposited on the parallel surfaces of the brake disk.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first material is a metal with an amorphous structure.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first material is a metal with a crystalline structure.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein second material is a binary metal.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the binary metal ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009331A1

Disclosed is a method and apparatus for forming a coating layer using a physical vapor deposition apparatus equipped with a sputtering apparatus and an arc ion plating apparatus, comprising: a first coating step of forming a Mo coating layer on a base material using a the sputtering apparatus and a Mo target and Ar gas; a nitrating step of forming a nitride film forming condition using an arc ion plating apparatus and Ar gas and Ngas; a second coating step of forming a nano composite coating layer of Cr—Mo—N using the Mo target and Ar gas of the sputtering apparatus and the Ar gas, Ngas and a Cr source of the arc ion plating apparatus at the same time; and a multi-coating step of forming a multi-layer having alternating Cr—Mo—N nano composite coating layers and Mo coating layers by revolving the base material around a central pivot. 17-. (canceled)8. A coating layer with a nano multilayer comprising:a multi-layer having alternating layers of a Cr—Mo—N nano composite coating layer and a Mo coating layer,wherein a main growth face of the Cr—Mo—N meets a predetermined corrosion resistance and electrical conductivity, and the main growth face of the Cr—Mo—N corresponds to a growing surface having the highest distribution as a same type crystal among all crystals constituting the Cr—Mo—N. This application claims under 35 U.S.C. §119(a) the benefit of Korean Patent Application No. 10-2011-0126658 filed on Nov. 30, 2011, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.(a) Technical FieldThe present invention relates to a method and an apparatus for forming a coating layer with a nano multi-layer, particularly a method and apparatus which controls the direction of crystal growth so as to improve the corrosion resistance and electrical conductivity of a coating layer.(b) Background ArtIn general, a plasma coating technique is used to coat a 3material onto an untreated material using plasma phenomenon under a vacuum condition so as to add mechanical and ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010201A1

A vapor deposition unit includes: a vapor deposition source; a plurality of limiting plate units provided so as to constitute respective of a plurality of stages, the plurality of limiting plate units including at least a first limiting plate unit and a second limiting plate unit; and a vapor deposition mask which are provided in this order, the first limiting plate unit including a plurality of first limiting plates, the second limiting plate unit including a plurality of second limiting plates, and when viewed in a Z axis direction, the second limiting plates extending in a direction intersecting with a Y axis direction. 1. A vapor deposition unit comprising:a vapor deposition mask;a vapor deposition source for injecting vapor deposition particles toward the vapor deposition mask; anda plurality of limiting plate units provided so as to constitute respective of a plurality of stages, the plurality of limiting plate units including at least a first limiting plate unit and a second limiting plate unit, and the plurality of limiting plate units being provided between the vapor deposition mask and the vapor deposition source and limiting angles at which the vapor deposition particles pass through the plurality of limiting plate units,the first limiting plate unit including a first limiting plate row of a plurality of first limiting plates which, when viewed in a direction perpendicular to a principal surface of the vapor deposition mask, are provided so as to be spaced from each other in a first direction and be parallel to each other,the second limiting plate unit being provided between the first limiting plate unit and the vapor deposition mask and including a plurality of second limiting plates, andwhen viewed in the direction perpendicular to the principal surface of the vapor deposition mask, the plurality of second limiting plates extending in a direction intersecting with a second direction perpendicular to the first direction.2. The vapor deposition unit as ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010237A1

Provided is a chamber system for solid free form fabrication, the chamber system having a deposition chamber, a service chamber and one or more loading/unloading chambers. The chamber system allows for a more efficient and cost effective process to service the deposition apparatus, load holding substrates, and unload workpieces without requiring having to adjust the atmosphere in the deposition chamber. 1. A chamber system for solid free form fabrication comprising:one or more independently controlled loading/unloading chambers;at least one independently controlled deposition chamber, the deposition chamber including a deposition apparatus and an actuator for controlling the position and movement of a base material; andone or more doors connecting the deposition chamber with each of one or more loading/unloading chambers.2. The chamber system of claim 1 , wherein each of the one or more loading/unloading chambers further comprises:one or more doors providing access to the loading/unloading chamber;a conveyor located inside the loading/unloading chamber; andone or more vents.3. The chamber system of claim 2 , each loading/unloading chamber comprising at least one or more vents located at an upper portion of the loading/unloading chamber and at least one or more vents located at a bottom portion of the loading/unloading chamber;the one or more vents located at the upper portion being operatively connected to a vacuum pump and to an air supply; andthe one or more vents located at the bottom portion being operatively connected to a vacuum pump and to a source of inert gas or inert gas mixture.4. The chamber system of claim 1 , further comprising two loading/unloading chambers with a wall in common between them claim 1 , and wherein each loading/unloading chamber also has a wall in common with the deposition chamber.5. The chamber system of claim 1 , the deposition chamber further comprising one or more vents located at an upper portion of the deposition chamber and one ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010242A1

Embodiments of the invention generally relate to a process kit for a semiconductor processing chamber, and a semiconductor processing chamber having a kit. More specifically, embodiments described herein relate to a process kit including a deposition ring and a pedestal assembly. The components of the process kit work alone, and in combination, to significantly reduce their effects on the electric fields around a substrate during processing. 1. A pedestal assembly for use in a substrate processing chamber , comprising:a base plate; anda flangeless electrostatic chuck coupled to the base plate; the flangeless electrostatic chuck having a height greater than about 0.25 inches, wherein the flangeless electrostatic chuck has a dielectric body having electrodes embedded therein.2. The pedestal assembly of claim 1 , wherein the base plate has a cooling conduit disposed therein.3. The pedestal assembly of claim 1 , wherein the height of the flangeless electrostatic chuck is between about 0.30 to about 0.75 inches. mon This is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/216,389, filed Jul. 21, 2016, which is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/662,380, filed Oct. 26, 2012, which is a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/280,771, filed Oct. 25, 2011, which claims benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/407,984, filed Oct. 29, 2010, all of which are incorporated by reference in their entireties.Embodiments of the invention generally relate to an electrostatic chuck and process kit for a semiconductor processing chamber, and a semiconductor processing chamber having a process kit. More specifically, embodiments of the invention relate to a process kit including at least a deposition ring used in a physical vapor deposition chamber. Other embodiments relate to a deposition ring for use with a flangeless electrostatic chuck and processing chamber having the same.Physical vapor ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010128A1

A fixture () for use in a coating operation, preferably in the shape of a carousel rotatable around a central axis (L), comprising a support structure () to which a shield is fixed, the shield has a number of retainer openings (), each designed that way that through each of the retainer openings () an object to be treated can be stuck so that a first portion of each object extends from the shield into the coating deposition area, whereas a second portion of each object extends from the shield into a shielded area where no coating deposition can take place, whereas the said shielded area is a common hollow space () which jointly accommodates a plurality of second portions. 1. A fixture for use in a coating operation , in the shape of a carousel rotatable around a central axis , comprising:a support structure to which a shield is fixed, wherein the shield has a plurality of retainer openings, each designed such that through each of the retainer openings an object to be treated can be stuck so that a first portion of each object extends from the shield into a coating deposition area, and a second portion of each object extends from the shield into a shielded area where no coating deposition can take place, wherein said shielded area is a common hollow space which jointly accommodates a plurality of second portions.2. The fixture according to claim 1 , wherein the support structure possesses a central tube that is surrounded by the shield claim 1 , and the central tube and the shield together confine the shielded area in the shape of the common hollow space.3. The fixture according to claim 2 , wherein the support structure comprises a first flange and a second flange extending from the central tube claim 2 , said first and second flanges forming a base for the attachment of the shield or shielding plates.4. The fixture according to claim 3 , wherein the first and second flanges are interconnected by support bars that directly contact the shield.5. The fixture according ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010602A1

A chucking apparatus and method for vacuum processing mobile device cover substrates in a vacuum chamber in which the chucking apparatus is configured for temporarily securing the cover substrate within the vacuum chamber, and includes a carrier substrate with a CTE within 20% of CTE of the cover substrate to prevent the carrier substrate and the cover substrate from becoming detached from one another due to differing rates of thermal expansion during processing in the vacuum chamber. The carrier substrate has a surface contact area in contact with the cover substrate selected to provide for continuous bonding during the processing in the vacuum chamber and to provide for de-bonding after the process in the vacuum chamber is complete. Further, the carrier substrate is prepared for use with a cleaning process that facilitates Van der Waals bonding between the carrier substrate and the cover substrate. 1. A chucking apparatus for vacuum processing a cover substrate temporarily secured within a vacuum chamber , the chucking apparatus comprising:a carrier substrate with a CTE value within 20% of a CTE value of the cover substrate;wherein the carrier substrate has a surface contact area in contact with the cover substrate selected to provide for continuous bonding during the processing in the vacuum chamber and to provide for de-bonding after the process in the vacuum chamber is complete; andwherein the carrier substrate comprises a cleaned surface that facilitates Van der Waals bonding between the carrier substrate and the cover substrate.2. A chucking apparatus as claimed in further comprising a carrier frame and wherein the carrier substrate is secured to the carrier frame.3. A chucking apparatus as claimed in wherein the carrier substrate has a coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) substantially equal to that of the cover substrate.4. A chucking apparatus as claimed in wherein the carrier substrate and the cover substrate have substantially the same material ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010603A1

A electrostatic chucking apparatus and method for coating mobile device 2D or 3D cover glass in a vacuum coating chamber having a rotating drum and which is driven in rotation. The apparatus includes a carrier including a liquid-cooled cold plate which is removably mountable to the rotating drum. In the case of 3D cover glass, the carrier includes a portion with a 3D profile to match a 3D profile of the 3D cover glass. The carrier further includes an electrostatic chuck (ESC) adapted to secure the cover glass in place against the carrier in the face of centrifugal forces caused by rotation of the rotating drum, with the ESC developing a sufficient clamping force for reliably securing the cover glass in place. 1. A chucking apparatus for coating mobile device 3D cover glass in a vacuum coating chamber having a rotating drum and which is driven in rotation , the apparatus comprising:a carrier including a liquid-cooled cold plate and being removably mountable to the rotating drum;the carrier including a portion with a 3D profile to match a 3D profile of the 3D cover glass; andthe carrier further including an electrostatic chuck (ESC) adapted to secure the 3D cover glass in place against the 3D profile of the carrier in the face of centrifugal forces caused by rotation of the rotating drum in excess of 100 rpm, the ESC developing a sufficient clamping force for reliably securing the cover glass in place.2. (canceled)3. A chucking apparatus as claimed in wherein the ESC develops a clamping force which is a multiple of the centrifugal forces caused by rotation of the rotating drum.4. A chucking apparatus as claimed in wherein the ESC develops a clamping force which is at least three times the centrifugal forces caused by rotation of the rotating drum.5. A chucking apparatus as claimed in wherein the cover glass is curved cover glass for hand-held devices and wherein the chucking apparatus further includes a curved adapter mounted between the ESC and the cold plate to ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Device for separating a structured layer on a substrate, and method for setting up the device

Номер: US20200010950A1
Принадлежит: AIXTRON SE

A device for depositing a layer on a substrate, while a mask is placed on the substrate, includes an adjustment device for adjusting the position of a mask carrier with respect to a support frame. The adjustment device has, on the support frame, an adjustment lever that is mounted to rotate about an axis of rotation of a pivot bearing and that has a first and second arm. The second arm acts on the mask carrier, and a control rod that can be vertically displaced by an actuator acts on the first arm. For a vertical adjustment device, the second arm and the first arm extend in a horizontal direction, in which the second arm acts on a push rod that is connected to the mask carrier. For a horizontal adjustment device, the second arm extends in a vertical direction and the first arm extends in a horizontal direction.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Semiconductor Device And Method For Producing A Glass-Like Layer

Номер: US20150014866A1
Автор: Hansen Ulli, Maus Simon

A method for producing a glass-like layer () on a substrate, e.g. a power semiconductor substrate (), is disclosed. The method comprises the deposition of a glass-like layer vapor-deposited material with plasma-assisted electron beam evaporation. An electronic component can be produced using this method.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013592A1

Apparatus and method for physical vapor deposition (PVD) are provided. The apparatus can include a linear PVD source to provide a stream of material flux comprising material to be deposited on a substrate; a substrate support having a support surface to support the substrate at a non-perpendicular angle to the stream of material flux, wherein the substrate support and linear PVD source are movable with respect to each other along an axis that is parallel to a plane of the support surface of the substrate support sufficiently to cause the stream of material flux to move completely over a surface of the substrate disposed on the substrate support during operation; and a selectively sealable aperture disposed between the linear PVD source and the substrate support, the selectively sealable aperture including two movable shields that are independently movable and configured to control a size and location of the selectively sealable aperture. 1. An apparatus for physical vapor deposition (PVD) , comprising:a linear PVD source to provide a stream of material flux comprising material to be deposited on a substrate;a substrate support having a support surface to support the substrate at a non-perpendicular angle to the stream of material flux, wherein the substrate support and linear PVD source are movable with respect to each other along an axis that is parallel to a plane of the support surface of the substrate support sufficiently to cause the stream of material flux to move completely over a surface of the substrate disposed on the substrate support during operation; anda selectively sealable aperture disposed between the linear PVD source and the substrate support, the selectively sealable aperture including two movable shields that are independently movable and configured to control a size and location of the selectively sealable aperture.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the substrate support is configured to rotate the substrate within the plane of the substrate ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013658A1

An electrostatic chuck unit includes a first wiring portion configured to generate a relatively weak electrostatic force and a second wiring portion configured to generate a relatively strong electrostatic force. 1. An electrostatic chuck unit comprising:an electrostatic chuck body comprising first and second wiring portions each including a plurality of wiring line configured to generate an electrostatic force to generate attraction between a substrate and a mask via the electrostatic force,wherein the first wiring portion is configured to generate a weaker electrostatic force than the second wiring portion.2. The electrostatic chuck unit of claim 1 , wherein an interval between wiring lines in the second wiring portion is less than an interval between wiring lines in the first wiring portion.3. The electrostatic chuck unit of claim 1 , wherein a width of each of wiring lines in the second wiring portion is greater than a width of each of wiring lines in the first wiring portion.4. The electrostatic chuck unit of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of each of wiring lines in the second wiring portion is greater than that of each of wiring lines in the first wiring portion.5. The electrostatic chuck unit of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of pressing protrusions on a surface of the electrostatic chuck body that face the substrate and the mask.6. The electrostatic chuck unit of claim 5 , wherein the plurality of pressing protrusions are at a position corresponding to the second wiring portion.7. The electrostatic chuck unit of claim 5 , wherein the plurality of pressing protrusions are at a position corresponding to the first wiring portion and at a position corresponding to the second wiring portion claim 5 , andwherein ones of the pressing protrusions at the position corresponding to the second wiring portion are more densely distributed than ones of the pressing protrusions at the position corresponding to the first wiring portion.8. The electrostatic chuck ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033956A1

An apparatus leverages a physical vapor deposition (PVD) process chamber with a wafer-to-target distance of approximately 400 millimeters to deposit tantalum film on through silicon via (TSV) structures. The PVD process chamber includes a source that is configured with dual magnet source compensation. The PVD chamber also includes an upper electromagnet assembly exterior to the chamber body in close proximity to the source, a magnetron assembly in the source including dual magnets with dual radius trajectories, a shield within the chamber body, and a plurality of grounding loops that are symmetrically spaced about a periphery of a substrate support assembly and are configured to provide an RF ground return path between the substrate support assembly and the shield. 1. An apparatus for deposition of tantalum film on through silicon vias (TSV) , comprising:a physical vapor deposition (PVD) process chamber with a source and a chamber body including a processing volume, the PVD process chamber has a wafer-to-target distance of approximately 400 millimeters and the source is configured to provide dual magnet source compensation;a first electromagnet assembly exterior to the chamber body in closer proximity to the source of the process chamber than a substrate support assembly of the process chamber;a magnetron assembly in the source including dual magnets, a first magnet of the dual magnets rotates about a central axis at a first radius and a second magnet of the dual magnets rotates about the central axis at a second radius, wherein the first radius is greater than the second radius;a shield within the chamber body; anda plurality of grounding loops that are symmetrically spaced about a periphery of a substrate support assembly, the plurality of grounding loops configured to provide an RF ground return path between the substrate support assembly and the shield.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a DC power source configured to supply approximately 38 kW to ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Evaporation source, vapor deposition apparatus, and method for coating a substrate in a vacuum chamber

Номер: US20220033958A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

An evaporation source for depositing an evaporated material on a substrate is described. The evaporation source includes an evaporation crucible for evaporating a material; a vapor distributor with a plurality of nozzles for directing the evaporated material toward the substrate; a vapor conduit extending in a conduit length direction (A) from the evaporation crucible to the vapor distributor and providing a fluid connection between the evaporation crucible and the vapor distributor, wherein at least one nozzle of the plurality of nozzles has a nozzle axis extending in, or essentially parallel to, the conduit length direction (A); and a baffle arrangement in the vapor conduit. Further described are a vapor deposition apparatus including such an evaporation source and methods of coating a substrate in a vacuum chamber.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016110A1
Принадлежит: Linco Technology Co., LTD

A double-valve device includes a base unit, two valve units and a transport unit. The base unit has a surrounding wall, an entrance wall connected to the surrounding wall and formed with an entrance opening, an exit wall connected to the surrounding wall oppositely of the entrance wall and formed with an exit opening, and a spacing wall disposed between the entrance and exit walls and formed with a pass-through opening. The surrounding wall, the entrance wall and the spacing wall cooperatively define a buffer chamber. The surrounding wall, the spacing wall and the exit wall cooperatively define a joint chamber. The valve units are respectively disposed in the buffer and joint chambers for respectively sealing and unsealing the entrance and pass-through openings. 1. A double-valve device adapted to be mounted between a process chamber and an unload chamber of a film deposition apparatus , said double-valve device comprising:a base unit that has a surrounding wall, an entrance wall connected to one side of said surrounding wall and formed with an entrance opening, an exit wall connected to another side of said surrounding wall oppositely of said entrance wall and formed with an exit opening, and a spacing wall disposed between said entrance and exit walls and formed with a pass-through opening, a maximum distance between said entrance and exit walls being not greater than 500 millimeters, said surrounding wall, said entrance wall and said spacing wall cooperatively defining a buffer chamber, said surrounding wall, said spacing wall and said exit wall cooperatively defining a joint chamber, said entrance wall being adapted to be hermetically connected to the process chamber, said exit wall being adapted to be hermetically connected to the unload chamber, said base unit further having a pumping hole that is in spatial communication with said buffer chamber;two valve units that are respectively disposed in said buffer and joint chambers for respectively sealing and ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016674A1

This deposition apparatus includes a deposition chamber which includes a deposition region for forming a coating film on an object to be coated, a conveying device which conveys a conveyed carrier supporting the object, and a bias power source which applies a bias voltage to the object via the conveyed carrier, in which a plurality of rods which support the object and rotate around axes are disposed in the conveyed carrier along a carrier conveying direction in an upright posture, a protrusion member protruding to the outside in a radial direction is provided on an outer peripheral surface of the rod, an interference member which catches the protrusion member of the conveyed carrier moving in the deposition chamber and rotates the rod around the axis is provided on a wall surface of the deposition chamber, and the interference member and the bias power source are electrically connected to each other. 1. A deposition apparatus , comprising:a deposition chamber which includes a deposition region for forming a coating film on an object to be coated;a conveying device which conveys a conveyed carrier supporting the object to be coated; anda bias power source which applies a bias voltage to the object to be coated via the conveyed carrier,wherein the coating film is formed by allowing the conveyed carrier to pass through the deposition region while applying a bias voltage to the object to be coated,wherein a plurality of rods which support the object to be coated and rotate around axes are disposed in the conveyed carrier along a carrier conveying direction in an upright posture,wherein a protrusion member protruding to the outside in a radial direction is provided on an outer peripheral surface of the rod,wherein an interference member which catches the protrusion member of the conveyed carrier moving in the deposition chamber and rotates the rod around the axis is provided on a wall surface of the deposition chamber via an insulation member, andwherein the interference ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017944A1
Автор: Meckel Nathan K.
Принадлежит: Tech M3, Inc.

A brake disk formed of a light weight ceramic and ceramic composite materials, the brake disk having a coating overlying at least a portion of the brake disk. The brake disk includes parallel surfaces wherein at least a portion of the parallel surfaces are coated with a coating material to increase wear and decrease corrosion. The coating over the brake disk includes multiple layers of the coating material, wherein the coating material includes coating material particles configured to construct a pattern of repetition that is consistent with a lattice structure when applied over the parallel surfaces of the brake disk.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102369A1
Автор: WEST Brian T.

A substrate processing chamber component including a deposition ring for protecting exposed portions of a substrate support pedestal, wherein the deposition ring includes a metal portion and a ceramic isolator portion. The ceramic isolator portion may be a plasma coated ceramic isolator coating, and the metal portion may be made of stainless steel. The ceramic isolator portion may be made of a ceramic such as alumina, yttria, aluminum nitride, titania, zirconia, and combinations thereof. 1. A substrate processing chamber component , comprising: a metal portion having an overhanging portion on one edge; and', {'sub': 2', '3, 'a ceramic isolator portion comprising a plasma coated ceramic isolator coating coated on horizontal and vertical surfaces of the one edge of the metal portion of the deposition ring, wherein the overhanging portion partially overhangs the ceramic isolator coating and the ceramic isolator coating consists of yttria (YO).'}], 'a deposition ring for protecting exposed portions of a substrate support pedestal, wherein the deposition ring comprises2. The substrate processing chamber component of claim 1 , wherein the metal portion comprises stainless steel.3. The substrate processing chamber component of claim 1 , wherein a cross section of the ceramic isolator portion coating has an L-shape.4. The substrate processing chamber component of claim 1 , wherein the horizontal and vertical surfaces on which the ceramic isolator coating is coated are positioned closest to the substrate support pedestal.5. The substrate processing chamber component of claim 1 , wherein the ceramic isolator portion has a porosity of between about 5% and about 10%.6. The substrate processing chamber component of claim 1 , wherein the ceramic isolator portion controls or prevents potential arcing between the deposition ring and the substrate support pedestal.7. A pedestal apparatus claim 1 , comprising:a substrate support pedestal having a substrate support surface for ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017549A1

ZnO sputtering is performed while a rolling body is housed in a basket made of a metal wire and is rotated. By setting a ratio of a mesh size of the basket to a diameter of the rolling body in a range of 40 to 95%, fine and uniform ZnO coating can be formed on a surface of the rolling body. By using the rolling body with ZnO coating prepared in this manner in a bearing which is rotated at high speed in a high-load state, a friction coefficient can significantly be lowered in comparison with a case of no coating. 1. A rolling body comprising a specular ZnO coating film on an entire surface thereof.2. The rolling body according to claim 1 , wherein the ZnO coating film has a columnar structure on a ZnO (002) face.3. The rolling body according to claim 1 , wherein the rolling body is formed in a shape selected from the group consisting of a sphere claim 1 , a cylinder claim 1 , and a truncated cone.4. The rolling body according to claim 1 , which is a rolling element for a bearing.5. A bearing incorporating the rolling body according to .6. A ZnO coating method for rolling body comprising performing ZnO sputtering while rotating a basket housing a rolling body to form ZnO coating on a surface of the rolling body claim 4 , wherein a ratio of a mesh size of the basket to a radius of the rolling body is in a range of 40% to 95%.7. The ZnO coating method for rolling body according to claim 6 , wherein the sputtering is performed by means of radio frequency magnetron sputtering.8. The ZnO coating method for rolling body according to claim claim 6 , wherein sputter gas made of oxygen and argon is used claim 6 , and Zn is used as a target.9. The ZnO coating method for rolling body according to claim 8 , wherein an oxygen partial pressure ratio in the sputter gas is in a range of 60% to 80%.10. The ZnO coating method for rolling body according to claim 9 , wherein a vertical distance from a planar surface including a surface of the target to an outside of the basket is in a ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160020134A1

Methods and apparatus for processing a substrate are disclosed herein. In some embodiments, an apparatus for processing a substrate includes: a substrate support having a substrate supporting surface including an electrically insulating coating; a substrate lift mechanism including a plurality of lift pins configured to move between a first position disposed beneath the substrate supporting surface and a second position disposed above the substrate supporting surface; and a connector configured to selectively provide an electrical connection between the substrate support and the substrate lift mechanism before the plurality of lift pins reach a plane of the substrate supporting surface.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Coating arrangement and method

Номер: US20200017953A1
Автор: Deus Carsten

In accordance with various embodiments, a coating arrangement may comprise: an electron beam gun for providing an electron beam; a beam trap for trapping the electron beam; a control device for driving the electron beam gun and/or the beam trap, wherein the control device is configured to switch over the driving between a plurality of configurations, of which: in a first configuration, the electron beam is directed onto the beam trap; and in a second configuration, the electron beam is directed past the beam trap. 1. A coating arrangement , comprising:an electron beam gun for providing an electron beam;a beam trap for trapping the electron beam;a control device for driving the electron beam gun and/or the beam trap,wherein the control device is configured to switch over the driving between a plurality of configurations, of which:in a first configuration, the electron beam is directed onto the beam trap; andin a second configuration, the electron beam is directed past the beam trap.2. The coating arrangement as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the beam trap comprises a heat exchanger and/or remains in a solid state of matter up to a temperature, wherein the temperature is greater than 1000° C.3. The coating arrangement as claimed in claims 1 ,wherein the beam trap provides a reflection coefficient and an absorption coefficient for electrons, wherein the reflection coefficient is greater than the absorption coefficient.4. The coating arrangement as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein an averaged spatial power density provided by the electron beam is greater in the second configuration than in the first configuration.5. The coating arrangement as claimed claim 1 ,wherein, in the first configuration, the electron beam irradiates a surface of the beam trap, wherein an angle of incidence of the electron beam with respect to the surface is greater than 45°.6. The coating arrangement as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the beam trap is mounted displaceably between two positions relative to ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017956A1
Автор: Fujii Hirofumi

A coating device that can control a coating thickness distribution along the circumferential direction of a work is provided. The coating device includes a work turning device that holds a plurality of works to rotate and revolve the works, a target having an emission face from which particles come out as a material of a coating formed on an outer circumferential face of each of the works, a power source that supplies an arc current to the target to cause the particles to come out of the target, and a controller that controls the power source to set the arc current in a particular period to be higher than a reference output, the particular period being at least a portion of a period in which a particular portion of the rotating work faces the emission face. 1. A coating device comprising:a chamber;a work turning device that is housed in an inside of the chamber and includes at least one holder that holds at least one work and rotates the work about a predetermined rotation-axis, the work having an outer circumferential face on which a coating is to be formed;an evaporation source attached to the inside of the chamber and having an emission face from which particles come out as a material of a coating formed on the outer circumferential face of the work;a power source that supplies an electric driving output to the evaporation source to cause the particles to come out of the evaporation source; anda controller that controls the power source, while the work turning device rotates the work, to set the driving output supplied by the power source to the evaporation source in a particular period to an output higher than a reference output and an output in a period other than the particular period, the particular period being at least a portion of a period in which a particular portion of the outer circumferential face of the work faces the emission face of the evaporation source, the particular portion being where a coating thicker than the other portion of the outer ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Substrate-carrier structure

Номер: US20200017965A1
Принадлежит: SGL CARBON SE

A substrate carrier structure wherein the substrate may be a wafer and its use in nanoscale processes, such as deposition and/or growth processes. The carrier structure comprises grooves on its frontside and or backside.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037130A1

Pallets for transporting one or more glass substrates in a substantially vertical orientation through a sputtering system. In some cases, a pallet comprising a frame with an aperture and an adjustable grid array within the aperture. The adjustable grid array is configurable to hold a plurality of glass substrates of different shapes and/or sizes. In one case, the adjustable grid array comprises a system of vertical and horizontal support bars, wherein the vertical support bars configured to both support the plurality of glass substrates at their vertical edges, wherein the horizontal support bars are configured to support the plurality of glass substrates at their horizontal edges, wherein the ends of the horizontal support bars are slideably engaged with the vertical support bars. 163-. (canceled)64. A pallet for transporting at least one rectangular glass substrate through a sputtering apparatus , the pallet comprising:a frame; andan aperture in the frame; andwherein the pallet is configured to hold the at least one glass substrate by at least two edges, and in a substantially vertical orientation during transport through the sputtering apparatus,wherein the at least one rectangular glass substrate has dimensions of between 60 inches and 130 inches along one side and between 72 inches and 205 inches along an other side, and wherein the at least one rectangular glass substrate has a thickness of between 2 mm and 20 mm.65. The pallet of claim 64 , further comprising an electrically conductive component configured to establish electrical communication with an electrically conductive coating on a work surface of the at least one rectangular glass substrate.66. The pallet of claim 65 , wherein the electrically conductive component comprises one or more springs.67. The pallet of claim 64 , wherein the pallet is configured to maintain its temperature to within +5° C. of the temperature of the at least one rectangular glass substrate during sputtering.68. The pallet of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Deposition System With Multi-Cathode And Method Of Manufacture Thereof

Номер: US20220037136A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

A deposition system, and a method of operation thereof, includes: a cathode; a shroud below the cathode; a rotating shield below the cathode for exposing the cathode through the shroud and through a shield hole of the rotating shield; and a rotating pedestal for producing a material to form a carrier over the rotating pedestal, wherein the material having a non-uniformity constraint of less than 1% of a thickness of the material and the cathode having an angle between the cathode and the carrier.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037169A1

A gas flow accelerator may include a body portion, and a tapered body portion including a first end integrally formed with the body portion. The gas flow accelerator may include an inlet port connected to the body portion and to receive a process gas to be removed from a semiconductor processing tool by a main pumping line. The semiconductor processing tool may include a chuck and a chuck vacuum line to apply a vacuum to the chuck to retain a semiconductor device. The tapered body portion may be configured to generate a rotational flow of the process gas to prevent buildup of processing byproduct on interior walls of the main pumping line. The gas flow accelerator may include an outlet port integrally formed with a second end of the tapered body portion. An end portion of the chuck vacuum line may be provided through the outlet port. 1. A semiconductor processing tool , comprising:a process chamber body;a gas inlet line connected to the process chamber body and to provide a process gas to the process chamber body;a chuck provided within the process chamber body and to support a semiconductor device to be processed by the semiconductor processing tool;a chuck vacuum line connected to the chuck and to apply a vacuum to the chuck to retain the semiconductor device against the chuck; wherein an end portion of the chuck vacuum line is provided within the main pumping line,', 'wherein an orientation of the end portion of the chuck vacuum line is approximately parallel to an orientation of the main pumping line to prevent buildup of processing byproduct on interior walls of the main pumping line;, 'a main pumping line connected to the process chamber body and to remove the process gas from the process chamber body after the semiconductor device is processed,'}a gas flow accelerator provided within the main pumping line and around the end portion of the chuck vacuum line; anda pump connected to the main pumping line, to cause the process gas to be removed from the process ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Sputtering apparatus and method

Номер: US20150021166A1
Автор: Evelyn Scheer, Oliver Graw
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

A deposition apparatus for depositing a layer of deposition material on a substrate is provided. The apparatus includes a substrate support adapted for holding the substrate; a target support ( 520 ) adapted for holding a target assembly. The target assembly includes a backing element and at least two target elements ( 510, 511 ) arranged on the backing element next to each other so that a gap ( 530 ) is formed between the at least two target elements. The gap between the target elements is to have a width (w). Further, the substrate support and the target support are arranged with respect to each other so that the ratio of distance between substrate and target ( 570 ) element to the gap width (w) is about 150 and greater.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Ion Beam Sample Preparation and Coating Apparatus and Methods

Номер: US20160024645A1
Принадлежит: Gatan Inc

Disclosed are embodiments of an ion beam sample preparation and coating apparatus and methods. A sample may be prepared in one or more ion beams and then a coating may be sputtered onto the prepared sample within the same apparatus. A vacuum transfer device may be used with the apparatus in order to transfer a sample into and out of the apparatus while in a controlled environment. Various methods to improve preparation and coating uniformity are disclosed including: rotating the sample retention stage; modulating the sample retention stage; variable tilt ion beam irradiating means, more than one ion beam irradiating means, coating thickness monitoring, selective shielding of the sample, and modulating the coating donor holder.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

A processing apparatus for processing devices, particularly devices including organic materials therein, and method for transferring an evaporation source from a processing vacuum chamber to a maintenance vacuum chamber or from the maintenance vacuum chamber to the processing vacuum chamber

Номер: US20170022601A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A processing apparatus for processing devices, particularly devices including organic materials therein, is described. The processing apparatus includes a processing vacuum chamber; at least one evaporation source for organic material, wherein the at least one evaporation source includes at least one evaporation crucible, wherein the at least one evaporation crucible is configured to evaporate the organic material, and at least one distribution pipe with one or more outlets, wherein the at least one distribution pipe is in fluid communication with the at least one evaporation crucible; and a maintenance vacuum chamber connected with the processing vacuum chamber, wherein the at least one evaporation source can be transferred from the processing vacuum chamber to the maintenance vacuum chamber and from the maintenance vacuum chamber to the processing vacuum chamber.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Vacuum processing device

Номер: US20170022606A1
Принадлежит: IHI Corp, Kaji Seisakusho Co Ltd

A device of executing vacuum processing has a chamber capable of keeping the chamber as a whole in a depressurized state; a feeding roller so disposed as to hang a reinforcement fiber down in the chamber; a processor so disposed in the chamber as to pass the reinforcement fiber hung down in the chamber through the processor; a capture device so disposed as to capture and keep a leading end of the reinforcement fiber passing the processor and vertically falling down in place; a winding bobbin configured to wind the reinforcement fiber processed by the processor; and a resilient cord withdrawn in synchronism with the winding bobbin from a first position where the resilient cord surrounds the leading end kept in place by the capture device to a second position where the resilient cord gets in contact with and leads the reinforcement fiber to the winding bobbin.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022263A1
Принадлежит: TETOS Co., Ltd.

Disclosed is a method of forming wiring of a substrate includes masking a substrate side portion, on which the wiring will be formed, by attaching a deposition mask to the substrate; and forming the wiring on the substrate side portion based on sputtering after introducing the masked substrate into a chamber. 1. A method of forming wiring of a substrate , comprising:masking a substrate side portion, on which the wiring will be formed, by attaching a deposition mask to the substrate; andforming the wiring on the substrate side portion based on sputtering after introducing the masked substrate into a chamber.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate side portion comprises a lateral side of the substrate claim 1 , and a top and bottom of the substrate adjacent to the lateral side claim 1 , and the wiring on the substrate side portion is configured to electrically connect a top circuit pattern formed on a top of the substrate and a bottom circuit pattern formed on a bottom of the substrate.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the wiring to be formed on the substrate side portion is deposited inside the chamber based on sputtering using a central source target disposed to face a lateral side of the substrate claim 1 , and side source targets disposed at opposite sides of the central source target and inclined toward the substrate.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the substrate is disposed as mounted to a jig inside the chamber claim 3 , rotatable with respect to a lengthwise direction of the substrate claim 3 , and adjustable in angle to face toward the central source target. This application claims priority from Korean Patent Application No. 10-2018-0080297, filed on Jul. 11, 2018 in the Korean Intellectual Property Office, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference.The disclosure relates to a method of forming wiring on a substrate, and more particularly to a method of forming wiring on a side portion of a substrate, ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Fine Leveling Of Large Carousel Based Susceptor

Номер: US20180023191A1
Автор: Gangakhedkar Kaushal

Pedestal assemblies with a thermal barrier plate, a torque plate and at least one kinematic mount to change a plane formed by the thermal barrier plate are described. Susceptor assemblies and processing chambers incorporating the pedestal assemblies are also described. Methods of leveling a susceptor to form parallel planes between the susceptor surface and a gas distribution assembly surface are also described. 1. A pedestal assembly comprising:a thermal barrier plate with a top surface and a bottom surface defining a thickness, a center opening extends through the thickness of the thermal barrier plate at a center of the thermal barrier plate, at least one torque opening extending through at least the bottom surface of the thermal barrier plate, and at least one leveling hole extending through the thickness of the thermal barrier plate, the at least one leveling hole located a distance from the center opening;a torque plate below the thermal barrier plate, the torque plate having a top surface and a bottom surface defining a thickness, a center opening extending through the thickness of the torque plate, at least one torque rod extending from the top surface of the torque plate, the at least one torque rod aligned with the at least one torque opening in the thermal barrier plate; andat least one kinematic mount assembly positioned within at least one leveling hole in the thermal barrier plate, the kinematic mount assembly comprising a mounting stud having an inner surface, an outer surface and a length defined by a top surface and a bottom surface, the mounting stud sized to fit within the leveling hole, the kinematic mount assembly including a lockdown screw positioned to contact the inner surface of the mounting stud and move along the length of the mounting stud.2. The pedestal assembly of claim 1 , wherein the top surface of the mounting stud is below the top surface of the thermal barrier.3. The pedestal assembly of claim 1 , wherein the inner surface of the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Sputtering apparatus

Номер: US20160027623A1
Автор: Shigenori Ishihara
Принадлежит: Canon Anelva Corp

A sputtering apparatus includes a shutter arranged having a first surface on a side of a substrate holder and a second surface on the opposite side, a first shield having a third surface including a portion facing the second surface and a fourth surface on the opposite side, a second shield having a fifth surface including a portion facing end portions of the shutter and the first shield, and a gas supply unit supplying a gas into a space arranged outside the first shield to communicate with a first gap between the second surface of the shutter and the third surface of the first shield. The second shield includes a protruding portion on the fifth surface to form a second gap between the protruding portion and the end portion of the shutter.

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140110253A1

Provided is a vacuum coating apparatus that deposits a coating on a substrate, the vacuum coating apparatus including: a vacuum chamber; a vacuum exhaust unit that performs a vacuum exhaust operation inside the vacuum chamber; a plurality of rotation holding units that hold the substrate as a coating subject in a rotating state; and a revolution mechanism that revolves the plurality of rotation holding units about a revolution axis parallel to the rotation axes of the respective rotation holding units; in which the plurality of rotation holding units are divided into a plurality of groups so that power is supplied to the respective rotation holding units in a manner that the rotation holding units of the respective groups have different potentials. For example, the respective groups alternately repeat a state where the rotation holding units become cathodes and serve as working electrodes that play primary role to generate glow discharge plasma and a state where the rotation holding units serve as counter electrodes. 1. A vacuum coating apparatus that deposits a coating on a substrate , the vacuum coating apparatus comprising:a vacuum chamber;a vacuum exhaust unit that performs a vacuum exhaust operation inside the vacuum chamber;a plurality of rotation holding units that have a plurality of rotation axes set so as to be parallel to one another and hold the substrate as a coating subject while rotating about the respective rotation axes; anda revolution mechanism that revolves the plurality of rotation holding units about a revolution axis parallel to the rotation axes of the respective rotation holding units,wherein the plurality of rotation holding units are divided into a plurality of groups so that power is supplied to the respective rotation holding units in a manner that the rotation holding units of the respective groups have different potentials.2. The vacuum coating apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the vacuum coating apparatus is used to generate a ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025045A1
Автор: SU Chihwei

The present disclosure provides a film thickness test apparatus and method, and a vapor deposition device. The film thickness test apparatus is arranged for one process cavity, and the film thickness test apparatus comprises: a test assembly; a transport assembly configured to, when moving towards the process cavity, drive the test assembly into the process cavity so that the test assembly is vapor deposited in the process cavity to form a test film, and, when moving away from the process cavity, drive the test assembly out of the process cavity; and a drive assembly configured to drive the transport assembly to move along a direction towards/away from the process cavity. 1. A film thickness test apparatus arranged for one process cavity , the film thickness test apparatus comprising:a test assembly;a transport assembly configured to, when moving towards the process cavity, drive the test assembly into the process cavity so that the test assembly is vapor deposited in the process cavity to form a test film, and, when moving away from the process cavity, drive the test assembly out of the process cavity; anda drive assembly configured to drive the transport assembly to move along a direction towards/away from the process cavity.2. The film thickness test apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the transport assembly comprises a retractable member which has a hollow interior, and has one end connected to one end of the test assembly within the retractable member while the other end connected to the process cavity;wherein the drive assembly is configured to drive the retractable member to stretch/retract so that the one end of the retractable member is moved along a direction towards/away from the process cavity; andwherein the retractable member is configured to, when the one end of the retractable member is moved towards the process cavity, drive the test assembly into the process cavity so that the test assembly is vapor deposited in the process cavity to form a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024725A1

Embodiments of the disclosure generally relate to a process kit including a shield serving as an anode in a physical deposition chamber. The shield has a cylindrical band, the cylindrical band having a top and a bottom, the cylindrical band sized to encircle a sputtering surface of a sputtering target disposed adjacent the top and a substrate support disposed at the bottom, the cylindrical band having an interior surface. A texture is disposed on the interior surface. The texture has a plurality of features. A film is provided on a portion of the features. The film includes a porosity of about 2% to about 3.5%. 1. A process kit for a plasma processing chamber , comprising: an array of features formed in a surface of the body that is exposed to a plasma when in use in the processing chamber, the features having an opening in the surface;', 'the features having a profile, the profile having a geometric centerline extending away from the top of the body through the opening, the geometric centerline forming an obtuse angle with the vertical centerline of the body; and', 'a film formed on portions of the features, wherein the film includes a porosity of about 2% to about 3.5%., 'a conductive body having an orientation when the body is in use in the processing chamber that defines a top of the body and a vertical centerline, the body having2. The process kit of claim 1 , wherein the features further comprise:an overhanging portion defined on a side of the opening closest the top of the body, wherein a greater portion of the profile resides above an imaginary line extending perpendicularly through the vertical centerline and intersecting a tip of the overhanging portion.3. The process kit of claim 1 , wherein the conductive body is one of a deposition ring claim 1 , a cover ring claim 1 , or a cylindrical shield.4. The process kit of claim 1 , wherein the film is comprised of a dielectric material.5. The process kit of claim 1 , wherein the conductive body is configured as ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Evaporator chamber for forming films on substrates

Номер: US20210025048A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

One or more embodiments described herein generally relate to methods and systems for forming films on substrates in semiconductor processes. In embodiments described herein, process chamber is provided that includes a lid plate having a plurality of cooling channels formed therein, a pedestal, the pedestal having a plurality of cooling channels formed therein, and a showerhead, wherein the showerhead comprises a plurality of segments and each segment is at least partially surrounded by a shield.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200026180A1
Автор: INAZUKI Yukio

A halftone phase shift mask blank comprising a transparent substrate and a halftone phase shift film thereon is prepared through the step of depositing the halftone phase shift film on the substrate by using a sputtering gas containing rare gas and nitrogen gas, and plural targets including at least two silicon targets, applying powers of different values to the silicon targets, effecting reactive sputtering, and rotating the substrate on its axis in a horizontal direction. The halftone phase shift film has satisfactory in-plane uniformity of optical properties. 1. An apparatus for forming a thin film to constitute a photomask blank , comprisinga substrate to constitute the photomask blank,plural targets,a gas supply for supplying a sputtering gas containing a rare gas and a nitrogen-containing gas, andmeans for causing electric discharge to the plural targets at the same time,wherein the thin film to constitute a photomask blank is formed by rotating the substrate on its axis, sputtering the plural targets, and depositing a thin film on the substrate,the plural targets are disposed such that provided that the rotational axis of the substrate and a vertical line passing the center of a sputter surface of each of the plural targets are parallel and spaced apart a distance, one target has the closest distance between the rotational axis and the vertical line, the distance between the rotational axis and the vertical line of another target is 1 to 3 times the distance between the rotational axis and the vertical line of the one target, and the angle included between normal lines extending from the rotational axis to vertical lines has a maximum value of 70° to 180°.2. The apparatus of wherein at least two normal lines extend from the rotational axis to vertical lines claim 1 , and any of the angles included between adjacent normal lines is in a range of 70° to 180°.3. The apparatus of wherein the plural targets are silicon targets.4. The apparatus of wherein a halftone ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027392A1

A substrate support apparatus includes a housing and a plurality of spherical supports. The housing has a top surface, the top surface including a plurality of openings. The housing is configured to position the plurality of spherical supports within the plurality of openings so that topmost surfaces of the plurality of spherical supports are arranged in a plane above the top surface. A spherical support of the plurality of spherical supports is rotatable within the housing. 1. A substrate support apparatus comprising:a housing having a top surface, the top surface comprising a plurality of openings; anda plurality of spherical supports,whereinthe housing is configured to position the plurality of spherical supports within the plurality of openings so that topmost surfaces of the plurality of spherical supports are arranged in a plane above the top surface, anda spherical support of the plurality of spherical supports is rotatable within the housing.2. The substrate support apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe housing comprises a plurality of chambers, wherein each opening of the plurality of openings corresponds to a chamber of the plurality of chambers, andthe spherical support of the plurality of spherical supports is rotatable within a chamber of the plurality of chambers.3. The substrate support apparatus of claim 2 , wherein each chamber of the plurality of chambers is configured to contain a single spherical support of the plurality of spherical supports.4. The substrate support apparatus of claim 2 , wherein each chamber of the plurality of chambers is configured to contain more than one spherical support of the plurality of spherical supports.5. The substrate support apparatus of claim 1 , whereineach spherical support of the plurality of spherical supports has a diameter, andeach opening of the plurality of openings has a width, the width being smaller than the diameter.6. The substrate support apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each spherical support of the ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Surface coating cutting tool

Номер: US20150030401A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Materials Corp

A surface-coated cutting tool with a body and hard coating layer is provided. (a) The hard coating layer is made of a complex nitride layer of Al and Cr. (b) The hard coating layer deposited on a region from a cutting edge to a location 100 μm from the cutting edge toward an opposite side thereof has a granular crystal structure. The average grain size of granular crystals on a surface of the hard coating layer on the region is 0.2-0.5 μm. The average grain size of granular crystals at an interface between the cutting tool body and the hard coating layer on the region is smaller than the average grain size on the surface the hard coating layer in an extent of 0.02-0.1 μm. The crystal grain size length ratio of crystal grains whose size is 0.15-20% or less.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150031151A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

A thin film deposition apparatus, a deposition method using the same, and a method of manufacturing an organic light-emitting display apparatus by using the apparatus are provided. A thin film deposition apparatus is provided that includes a chamber containing a substrate holder on which a substrate is mounted, a plurality of rotary shaft units that change rotation and an inclination angle of the substrate holder, and a target unit that supplies a thin film material for formation on the substrate. 1. A thin film deposition apparatus comprising a chamber containing:a substrate holder on which a substrate is mounted;a plurality of rotary shaft units that change rotation and an inclination angle of the substrate holder; anda target unit that supplies a thin film material for formation on the substrate.2. The thin film deposition apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rotary shaft unit includes:a main rotary shaft unit, which rotates the substrate in a direction, the main rotary shaft unit including a main rotary shaft, a fixed shaft coupled to the main rotary shaft, and a plurality of guide shafts coupled to the fixed shaft to be vertically movable, and supported by a surface of the substrate holder; anda tilt rotary shaft unit, which changes the inclination angle of the substrate, the tilt rotary shaft including a tilt rotary shaft coupled to the main rotary shaft, and a plurality of rotary guide shafts coupled to the tilt rotary shaft and supported by a surface of the substrate holder.3. The thin film deposition apparatus as claimed in claim 2 , wherein:the main rotary shaft is connected to a main rotary motor and thus is rotatable, andthe fixed shaft includes a first connection shaft provided from an end of the main rotary shaft in a horizontal direction of the chamber, and a plurality of vertical shafts that extend from the first connection shaft, to which the plurality of guide shafts are coupled to be vertically movable.4. The thin film deposition ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Sputtering device

Номер: US20200027708A1
Принадлежит: Nissin Electric Co Ltd

The purpose of the present invention is to improve uniformity of film deposition by a plasma-based sputtering device. Provided is a sputtering device 100 for depositing a film on a substrate W through sputtering of targets T by using plasma P, said sputtering device being provided with a vacuum chamber 2 which can be evacuated to a vacuum and into which a gas is to be introduced; a substrate holding part 3 for holding the substrate W inside the vacuum chamber 2 ; target holding parts 4 for holding the targets T inside the vacuum chamber 2 ; multiple antennas 5 which are arranged along a surface of the substrate W held by the substrate holding part 3 and generate plasma P; and a reciprocal scanning mechanism 14 for scanning back and forth the substrate holding part 3 along the arrangement direction X of the multiple antennas 5.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027767A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials, Inc.

A carrier for use in a vacuum system is described. The carrier includes: a magnet arrangement including one or more first permanent magnets; one or more second permanent magnets; and a magnet device configured to change a magnetization of the one or more first permanent magnets. The carrier may be used for carrying a mask device or a substrate in the vacuum system. Further, a vacuum system and a method of operating a vacuum system are described. 1. A carrier for use in a vacuum system , comprising: one or more first permanent magnets; and', 'one or more second permanent magnets; and, 'a magnet arrangement, includinga magnet device configured to change a magnetization of the one or more first permanent magnets.2. The carrier of claim 1 , wherein the one or more first permanent magnets comprise a soft or semi-hard magnetic material claim 1 , and wherein the one or more second permanent magnets comprise a hard magnetic material claim 1 , particularly including neodymium.3. The carrier of claim 1 , wherein the magnet arrangement is an electropermanent magnet arrangement.4. The carrier of claim 3 , wherein the magnet device comprises a winding provided at least partially around the one or more first permanent magnets.5. The carrier of claim 3 , wherein a direction of magnetization of the one or more first permanent magnets is switchable by an electric pulse provided to the magnet device.6. The carrier of claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': '30', 'a carrier body, wherein the magnet arrangement is attached to or integrated with the carrier body, and wherein the magnet arrangement () is configured to hold a mask device or a substrate at a holding surface of the carrier body.'}7. The carrier of claim 6 , wherein the magnet arrangement is switchable between a chucking state and a releasing state claim 6 , wherein claim 6 , in the chucking state claim 6 , the magnet arrangement generates a first external magnetic field at the holding surface claim 6 , and wherein claim 6 , in ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029935A1
Принадлежит: Zhongao Huicheng Technology Co., Ltd.

The present invention aims at improving and upgrading the conventional devices based on the low temperature magnetron sputtering coating devices. Starting from the material systems, the invention provides a new material system and a manufacturing method thereof based on a high molecular weight polyethylene joint cup to solve the poor binding force problem between the film and the matrix, and the problems of easy oxidization and carbonization of high molecular weight polyethylene with low temperature magnetron sputtering technologies at the same time. On the above basis, the ultra-lubrication performance of graphite-like structure films and ultra-hardness of diamond-like structure films are utilized to construct a nano-scale multilayer structure DLC film alternatively coated with a graphite-like film and a diamond-like film. The present invention improves the wear resistance of high molecular weight polyethylene joint cups, and restricts low accuracy of joints due to creeping by constructing a new artificial hip joint cup of ultra-wear-resisting nano-scale multilayer structure DLC film with high hardness and self-lubricating capability. 1. An artificial joint cup , comprising:a matrix and a nano-scale multilayer film coated on the matrix, the nano-scale multilayer film comprising:a pure Ti bottom layer crosslinked with the matrix,a Ti-TiC transition layer on the pure Ti bottom layer, anda composite layer on the Ti-TiC transition layer and a pure carbon film layer on the composite layer;wherein the composite layer is a nano-scale multilayer structure including a monolayer graphite-like film and a monolayer diamond-like film deposited alternately, andwherein, in the direction from the bottom layer to the composite layer, the mass percentage of Ti in the Ti-TiC transition layer gradually decreases, and the mass percentage of C therein gradually increases.2. The artificial joint cup according to claim 1 , wherein the matrix is a high molecular weight polyethylene joint ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030596A1

A holding arrangement for supporting a substrate carrier and a mask carrier during layer deposition in a processing chamber is provided. The holding arrangement includes two or more alignment actuators connectable to at least one of the substrate carrier and the mask carrier, wherein the holding arrangement is configured to support the substrate carrier in, or parallel to, a first plane, wherein a first alignment actuator of the two or more alignment actuators is configured to move the substrate carrier and the mask carrier relative to each other at least in a first direction, wherein a second alignment actuator of the two or more alignment actuators is configured to move the substrate carrier and the mask carrier relative to each other at least in the first direction and a second direction different from the first direction, and wherein the first direction and the second direction are in the first plane. 1. A holding arrangement for supporting a substrate carrier and a mask carrier , comprising:two or more alignment actuators connectable to at least one of the substrate carrier and the mask carrier;wherein the holding arrangement is configured to support the substrate carrier in, or parallel to, a first plane, wherein a first alignment actuator of the two or more alignment actuators is configured to move the substrate carrier and the mask carrier relative to each other at least in a first direction, and a second alignment actuator of the two or more alignment actuators is configured to move the substrate carrier and the mask carrier relative to each other at least in the first direction and a second direction different from the first direction, and wherein the first direction and the second direction are in the first plane.2. The holding arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the two or more alignment actuators are configured to move the substrate carrier relative to the mask carrier or to move the mask carrier relative to the substrate carrier.3. (canceled)4. The ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Coating Methods and Apparatus

Номер: US20180030597A1
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

An apparatus for depositing a coating on a part comprises: a chamber; a source of the coating material, positioned to communicate the coating material to the part in the chamber; a plurality of thermal hoods; and means for moving a hood of the plurality of thermal hoods from an operative position and replacing the hood with another hood of the plurality of hoods.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Optically transparent pedestal for fluidly supporting a substrate

Номер: US20200032386A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

A pedestal for a thermal treatment chamber is disclosed that includes a body consisting of an optically transparent material. The body includes a first plate with a perforated surface having a plurality of nozzles formed therein, a first portion of the plurality nozzles formed in the body at an angle that is orthogonal to a plane of the first plate, a second portion of the plurality of nozzles formed in the body in an azimuthal orientation and at an acute angle relative to the plane of the first plate, and a third portion of the plurality nozzles formed in the body in a radial orientation and at an acute angle relative to the plane of the first plate.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034005A1
Автор: KUANG Youyuan

An evaporation method and an evaporation device for an organic light-emitting diode substrate are proposed. The evaporation method includes: step 1, regulating a distance between a supporting module for supporting a substrate and a crucible platform of an evaporation device; step 2, adjusting a direction of opening of a crucible disposed on the crucible platform; and step 3, placing a substrate to be evaporated on the supporting module and volatizing an evaporation source in the crucible and attaching the volatized evaporation source onto a surface of the substrate. 1. An evaporation method for an organic light-emitting diode substrate , comprising:step 1, regulating a distance between a supporting module for supporting a substrate and a crucible platform of an evaporation device,step 2, adjusting a direction of opening of a crucible disposed on the crucible platform, andstep 3, placing a substrate to be evaporated on the supporting module, and volatizing an evaporation source in the crucible and attaching the volatized evaporation source onto a surface of the substrate.2. The evaporation method according to claim 1 , wherein in step 1 claim 1 , the evaporation source is selected and volatilized claim 1 , so as to form a single film layer on a corresponding first test substrate; different first test points are selected on the first test substrate claim 1 , so as to obtain a thickness value of the single film layer at each of the first test points; a ratio of a difference between a maximum value and a minimum value of the thickness values of the single film layer at the first test points on the first test substrate to a sum therebetween is calculated to obtain a test single film layer thickness homogeneity parameter; and a comparison of the test single film layer thickness homogeneity parameter with a standard single film layer thickness homogeneity parameter is made claim 1 , so as to adjust the distance between the supporting module and the crucible platform.3. The ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051883A1

A sputtering equipment is adapted for sputtering substrates, where each of the substrates includes two opposite main surfaces and side surfaces connecting the two main surfaces. The sputtering equipment includes a cavity, at least one target set and a carrier box. The at least one target set is disposed in the cavity, the target set includes targets, and the targets are staggered at both side surfaces of an axis. The carrier box is movably disposed so as to enter and exit the cavity, and includes substrate accommodating grooves. The substrates are adapted for being placed in the substrate accommodating grooves of the carrier box, and at least one side surface of each of the substrates is located outside the carrier box and protrudes toward the at least one target set. 1. A sputtering equipment , adapted for sputtering a plurality of substrates , wherein each of the substrates comprises two opposite main surfaces and a plurality of side surfaces connecting the two main surfaces , the sputtering equipment comprising:a cavity;at least one target set, disposed in the cavity, wherein each of the target sets comprises a plurality of targets, and the targets of each of the target sets are staggered at both sides of an axis; anda carrier box, movably disposed so as to enter and exit the cavity and comprising a plurality of substrate accommodating grooves, wherein the substrates are adapted for being disposed in the substrate accommodating grooves of the carrier box, each of the substrates is adapted for protruding from the carrier box such that at least one of the side surfaces is located outside the carrier box, and the at least one of the side surfaces protruding from the carrier box faces the at least one target set.2. The sputtering equipment as described in claim 1 , wherein the carrier box comprises two opposite first sidewalls and two opposite second sidewalls; the two second sidewalls are connected to the two first sidewalls; the substrate accommodating grooves are ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051918A1

A transfer chamber includes a monolithic chamber body, a transfer robot configured to pass substrates between a factory interface and a processing module in a substrate processing system, a load lock chamber station, a shutter station, a pre-clean chamber station, and a process chamber station integrated within the monolithic chamber body, and a plurality of slit valves integrated within the monolithic chamber body. The plurality of slit valves are configured to open and close the load lock chamber station, the pre-clean chamber station, and the process chamber station each from the shutter station such that the load lock chamber station, the pre-clean chamber station, and the process chamber station maintain respective vacuum pressures. 1. A transfer chamber in a substrate processing system , comprising:a monolithic chamber body;a transfer robot configured to pass substrates between a factory interface and a processing module in a substrate processing system;a load lock chamber station, a shutter station, a pre-clean chamber station, and a process chamber station integrated within the monolithic chamber body; anda plurality of slit valves integrated within the monolithic chamber body, wherein the plurality of slit valves are configured to open and close the load lock chamber station, the pre-clean chamber station, and the process chamber station each from the shutter station such that the load lock chamber station, the pre-clean chamber station, and the process chamber station maintain respective vacuum pressures.2. The transfer chamber of claim 1 , further comprising one or more pumps to evacuate an interior volume of the transfer chamber.3. The transfer chamber of claim 2 , wherein pressure within the transfer chamber is maintained between about 10torr and about 10torr.4. The transfer chamber of claim 3 , wherein pressure within the process chamber station is maintained between about 10torr and about 10torr.5. The transfer chamber of claim 1 , wherein the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200035537A1

There is provided a stage mechanism, including: an electrostatic chuck having a conductive film formed on a front surface thereof, the conductive film configured to make electrically contact with a rear surface of a substrate; a conductive member electrically connected to the conductive film and formed to extend to a rear surface of the electrostatic chuck; and a moving member electrically connected to the conductive member via a connecting member and configured to move between a first position connected to a ground potential and a second position not connected to the ground potential. 1. A stage mechanism , comprising:an electrostatic chuck having a conductive film formed on a front surface thereof, the conductive film configured to make electrically contact with a rear surface of a substrate;a conductive member electrically connected to the conductive film and formed to extend to a rear surface of the electrostatic chuck; anda moving member electrically connected to the conductive member via a connecting member and configured to move between a first position connected to a ground potential and a second position not connected to the ground potential.2. The stage mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the stage mechanism is installed inside a process vessel claim 1 ,the first position connected to the ground potential is a position at which the stage mechanism is electrically connected to the process vessel, andthe second position not connected to the ground potential is a position at which the stage mechanism is electrically insulated from the process vessel.3. The stage mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the conductive film is formed on an adsorption surface of the electrostatic chuck so as to linearly extend from a center of the electrostatic chuck to an outer edge of the electrostatic chuck along a radial direction.4. The stage mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the electrostatic chuck is of a hyperbolic type having a pair of chuck electrodes claim 1 , andthe conductive film is ...
