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10-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000014937U1

Щипальная машина, содержащая питающую решетку, узел уплотнения, колковый барабан, сетчатые барабаны, съемные валики и узел окончательной обработки, отличающаяся тем, что один из уплотняющих валиков узла уплотнения установлен непосредственно над роликом питающей решетки, нижний питающий цилиндр выполнен пильчатым, под колковым барабаном с возможностью регулирования смонтирован сороотбойный нож, а узел окончательной обработки выполнен в виде столика с носиком, концентрично которому размещен уплотняющий валик, за последним установлен пильчатый барабан и диффузор, связанный пневмопроводом с конденсором агрегата. (19) RU (11) 14 937 (13) U1 (51) МПК D01G 11/02 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000107423/20, 27.03.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.03.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 10.09.2000 (72) Автор(ы): Спасов А.А., Догадов В.И., Петров Н.А., Разгуляев Н.С., Осипова С.А. 1 4 9 3 7 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Щипальная машина, содержащая питающую решетку, узел уплотнения, колковый барабан, сетчатые барабаны, съемные валики и узел окончательной обработки, отличающаяся тем, что один из уплотняющих валиков узла уплотнения установлен непосредственно над роликом питающей решетки, нижний питающий цилиндр выполнен пильчатым, под колковым барабаном с возможностью регулирования смонтирован сороотбойный нож, а узел окончательной обработки выполнен в виде столика с носиком, концентрично которому размещен уплотняющий валик, за последним установлен пильчатый барабан и диффузор, связанный пневмопроводом с конденсором агрегата. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 U 1 (54) ЩИПАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА 1 4 9 3 7 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество открытого типа "Томна" R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, д.21, ИГТА, ком.Г359, патентный отдел (71) Заявитель(и): Акционерное общество открытого типа "Томна" U 1 U 1 1 4 9 3 7 1 4 9 3 7 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU FD 14 937 ...

10-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000028124U1

Питающее устройство волокнообрабатывающей машины, содержащее питающее средство, включающее барабан, выполненный наборным из шайб, установленных на оси с возможностью радиального перемещения, опорный элемент в виде питающего столика, прижимной элемент, представляющий собой набор подпружиненных роликов, каждый из которых контактирует с соответствующей шайбой питающего барабана, и привод, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно оснащено направляющей гребенкой, расположенной за катушками с волокнистым материалом, за гребенкой по ходу волокнистого материала установлены давильные валы, а между ними размещена труба для подачи пара и элементы вентиляционной системы, в свою очередь между давильными валами и питающим средством последовательно установлены передающий, прижимной и направляющий валики, при этом передающий и направляющий валики обтянуты цельнометаллической пильчатой лентой, прижимной и направляющий валики установлены подпружиненно к питающему столику, а на опорах питающего валика размещены датчики контроля линейной плотности материала. (19) RU (11) 28 124 (13) U1 (51) МПК D01G 11/04 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002119368/20 , 17.07.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.07.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 10.03.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Комлев А.Ю., Коробов Н.А. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия U 1 2 8 1 2 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Питающее устройство волокнообрабатывающей машины, содержащее питающее средство, включающее барабан, выполненный наборным из шайб, установленных на оси с возможностью радиального перемещения, опорный элемент в виде питающего столика, прижимной элемент, представляющий собой набор подпружиненных роликов, каждый из которых контактирует с соответствующей шайбой питающего барабана, и привод, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно оснащено направляющей гребенкой, расположенной ...

10-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000042532U1

Поточная линия по разволокнению текстильных структур, содержащая подающий транспортер, узел питания, включающий питающий столик и три валика, две секции трепания и секцию чесания с барабанами, обтянутыми пильчатой гарнитурой, конденсоры, отличающаяся тем, что на выходе секции чесания размещено устройство для двухсторонней рассортировки регенерированных волокон, выполненное в виде вихревой камеры в форме улитки, на входе которой установлен гладкий вращающийся барабан и волокноподающий патрубок, внутри улитки имеются две волокноразделяющие поверхности, расположенные по дугам одна над другой, и представляющие собой жалюзи с поворотными элементами дугообразного профиля, установленными с возможностью фиксации, на выходе устройства расположено три волокноотводящих патрубка, два из которых имеют сборные камеры и приспособления для регулирования расхода воздуха в виде шиберов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 42 532 (13) U1 (51) МПК D01G 11/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004120153/22 , 05.07.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.07.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 10.12.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия" (RU) U 1 4 2 5 3 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Поточная линия по разволокнению текстильных структур, содержащая подающий транспортер, узел питания, включающий питающий столик и три валика, две секции трепания и секцию чесания с барабанами, обтянутыми пильчатой гарнитурой, конденсоры, отличающаяся тем, что на выходе секции чесания размещено устройство для двухсторонней рассортировки регенерированных волокон, выполненное в виде вихревой камеры в форме улитки, на входе которой установлен гладкий вращающийся барабан и волокноподающий патрубок, внутри улитки имеются две волокноразделяющие поверхности, ...

27-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000044118U1

Поточная линия по разволокнению плоских текстильных отходов, содержащая подающий транспортер, узлы питания, первый из которых включает питающий столик и три валика, один с эластичным покрытием установленный с прижимом к ролику подающего транспортера и к концентрично выполненной по отношению к нему торцевой части питающего столика, следующий валик выполнен пильчатым, а третий имеет рабочую поверхность с посекционной винтовой нарезкой, чередующейся в разных направлениях, при этом питающий столик первого узла питания установлен с возможностью возвратно-поступательного перемещения в продольном направлении, а также секции трепания и чесания с барабанами, обтянутыми пильчатой гарнитурой, конденсоры, отличающаяся тем, что под первым и вторым пильчатыми барабанами в секциях трепания установлены сороотбойные ножи и регулировочные пластины-дефлекторы, над вторым и четвертым, а также под третьим пильчатыми барабанами секции чесания установлены узлы очистки, состоящие из чешущего сегмента, сороотбойного ножа, дефлектора и цилиндрического воздухоприемника системы аспирации с продольной щелью, на выходе поточной линии смонтирован съемный перфорированный барабан с пильчатой гарнитурой и пара плющильных валов, перед первым узлом питания установлена резальная машина, над питающим транспортером которой и под ним установлены всасывающие зонты системы аспирации, в зоне резки, а также над каждым из трех валиков первого узла питания установлены цилиндрические воздухоприемники системы аспирации с продольной щелью. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 44 118 (13) U1 (51) МПК D01G 11/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004130671/22 , 20.10.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.10.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 27.02.2005 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная ...

10-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000059072U1

Устройство для разволокнения плоских отходов из длинноволокнистого сырья, содержащее узел питания с транспортером и подающими валиками, узел разрыхления и отводящий узел с двумя сетчатыми барабанами, отличающееся тем, что узел питания дополнительно имеет вытяжной прибор, состоящий из двух пар валиков, обтянутых пильчатой гарнитурой, зубья которой наклонены в сторону, противоположную вращению валиков, узел разрыхления представляет собой пустотелый барабан с гарнитурой, состоящей из отдельных, расположенных в шахматном порядке зубьев эллипсовидного сечения с тремя остриями, вокруг барабана на 3/4 его окружности расположен перфорированный поддон, отверстия которого выполнены в виде эллипсовидных конфузоров и расположены в шахматном порядке, к барабану в торцевой части подсоединен паропровод, а на поверхности барабана между зубьями расположены парораспыляющие форсунки, внутри герметичного корпуса устройства установлены датчики системы автоматического регулирования подачи пара. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 59 072 (13) U1 (51) МПК D01G 11/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006124396/22 , 06.07.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.07.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.12.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия" (RU) U 1 5 9 0 7 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для разволокнения плоских отходов из длинноволокнистого сырья, содержащее узел питания с транспортером и подающими валиками, узел разрыхления и отводящий узел с двумя сетчатыми барабанами, отличающееся тем, что узел питания дополнительно имеет вытяжной прибор, состоящий из двух пар валиков, обтянутых пильчатой гарнитурой, зубья которой наклонены в сторону, противоположную вращению валиков, узел разрыхления представляет собой пустотелый ...

20-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000075661U1

1. Поточная линия для регенерации отходов плоских текстильных материалов, содержащая резальную машину, транспортер с валиком с эластичным покрытием, установленным с прижимом к ролику транспортера, узел питания, секцию чесания с барабанами, обтянутыми пильчатой гарнитурой, устройство для формирования волокнистого слоя, отличающаяся тем, что транспортер является выводяще-подающим, после устройства для резания текстильных отходов последовательно установлены шерстомойная грабельная барка, первое устройство для формирования волокнистого слоя, выполненное в виде центрифуги непрерывного действия со шнековой выгрузкой, механизм подающего трубопровода с питающими валиками, устройство для регенерации текстильных отходов, второе устройство для формирования волокнистого слоя, выполненное в виде центрифуги непрерывного действия со шнековой выгрузкой, механизм подающего трубопровода, узел сдвоенного питателя, выполненный в виде двух последовательно расположенных бесхолстовых питателей текстильных машин, причем в первом по ходу продукта питателе установлена обеспыливающая рыхлительная машина, а во втором питателе установлено устройство для питания волокнистым материалом чесальной машины, далее установлено устройство для очистки волокнистых отходов, причем вслед за транспортирующими валиками установлены два приемных барабана, ко второму приемному барабану примыкает узел рабочего барабана с рядом рабочих пар, вслед за устройством для очистки волокнистых отходов последовательно установлены устройство для технологической транспортировки волокна и устройство для аэромеханической рассортировки волокон. 2. Поточная линия по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что шерстомойная грабельная барка содержит барабан для погружения волокнистого материала в моющий раствор, грабельный механизм, механизм выгрузки волокнистого материала из барки, плоское ложное дно, причем между грабельным механизмом и ложным дном установлен ряд свободно вращающихся полых цилиндров разного диаметра, расположенных таким образом, ...

10-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000076921U1

1. Машина для регенерации отходов волокнистого материала, содержащая секцию питания, секцию предварительного рыхления и очистки, включающую пару барабанов и колосниковые решетки, секцию промежуточного слоеформирования, содержащую конденсорную систему, и секцию окончательной очистки и волокноотделения, включающую два пильчатых барабана и группу расчесывающих валиков над одним из них, колосниковые решетки, волокноотвод и сороприемные камеры с угароудаляющими устройствами, отличающаяся тем, что рабочая поверхность барабанов секции предварительного рыхления образована из чередующихся игольчатых и профильных секторов, при этом расстояние между осями барабанов меньше, чем сумма радиусов игольчатых секторов и больше, чем сумма радиусов профильных секторов. 2. Машина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что профильные сектора выполнены в виде кольцевых секторов, на внешней стороне которых расположены чередующиеся винтовые выступы левого и правого направлений. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 76 921 (13) U1 (51) МПК D01G 11/00 D01G 15/72 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008120326/22 , 22.05.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.05.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2008 7 6 9 2 1 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Машина для регенерации отходов волокнистого материала, содержащая секцию питания, секцию предварительного рыхления и очистки, включающую пару барабанов и колосниковые решетки, секцию промежуточного слоеформирования, содержащую конденсорную систему, и секцию окончательной очистки и волокноотделения, включающую два пильчатых барабана и группу расчесывающих валиков над одним из них, колосниковые решетки, волокноотвод и сороприемные камеры с угароудаляющими устройствами, отличающаяся тем, что рабочая поверхность барабанов секции предварительного рыхления образована из чередующихся игольчатых и профильных секторов, при этом расстояние между ...

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000149010U1

Устройство для распушивания целлюлозы из спрессованных кип, выполненное в виде кожуха с последовательно смонтированными внутри роликовым транспортером с механизмом подачи материала между встречно вращающимися зубчатыми роликами, радиально вращающимися гребенками и отводящим ленточным транспортером, отличающееся тем, что зубья встречно вращающихся роликов выполнены в виде распределенных вдоль их образующих дискретных фрез, смонтированных на съемных рейках, а гребенки жестко закреплены на встречно вращающихся с разной скоростью барабанах так, что при совмещении их профиль сопрягается. 149010 И 1 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 149 040°° 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 10.06.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 13.05.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 13.05.2021 Бюл. №14 Стр.: 1 ОГОбУр па ЕП

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Device for undoing textile fiber bundles

Номер: US20130227820A1

Device for mechanically splitting finite textile fiber bundles, comprising n individual fibers (n≧2) in fiber bundles having less than n individual fibers and/or individual fibers, characterized in that in a milling chamber that is closed off from the outside and that has one or more dead spaces of at least 10% of the milling chamber volume and in which one or more rotating striking elements operate in a non-cutting manner and so as to reduce load peaks and at a rotational speed that can be adapted to the material but that is at least 200 r.p.m., the material is adjustably input in different amounts in batches, treated for an adjustable duration, and then discharged again from the milling chamber.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002829A1
Автор: Lightman Elliott D.

A process for using recycled waste cotton material to produce a textile product is provided. The process can include collecting different categories of waste cotton material from a variety of textile formation processes. The process can also include selecting specific categories of waste cotton material to be blended together depending on the textile product to be produced. In the process, sequence of cleaning, opening and blending processing steps can be selected to be used in making a yarn depending on the textile product to be produced. The selected specific categories of waste cotton material can be cleaned, opened and blended into blended cotton fibers. The blended cotton fibers can then be processed into the textile product to be produced. Thus, a textile product can be provided that includes yarn that can have at least three different categories of waste cotton material that are from textile formation processes. 1. A process for using recycled waste cotton material to produce a ring spun yarn , the process comprising:collecting different categories of waste cotton material from a variety of textile formation processes;determining parameters of each process used in making the ring spun yarn to be produced to determine characteristics for each yarn used in the ring spun yarn to be produced;assessing a fiber length and strength of the fibers from the waste cotton material categories collected;selecting specific categories of waste cotton material to be blended together depending on the ring spun yarn to be produced, the characteristics for each yarn used in the ring spun yarn to be produced, and the length and strength of the fibers from the waste cotton material categories;selecting a sequence of cleaning, opening and blending processing steps used in making a yarn depending on the ring spun yarn to be produced;cleaning the selected specific categories of waste cotton material;opening and blending the selected specific categories of waste cotton material into ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Technology for Recovery, Regeneration and Reuse of Soluble Textiles

Номер: US20180002837A1

The invention discloses a technology for recovery, regeneration and reuse of soluble textiles. The technology comprises the steps of: the dissolution-controlled soluble polyester fibres are processed into soluble apparel accessories through conventional weaving, dyeing, finishing and tailoring or injection molding; the apparels or the soluble apparel accessories are dissolved under a certain condition, on one hand, the dissolving solution is filtered and solutes are recovered to obtain a high purity of terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol, which are reused to the polymerization of the soluble polyester, and the slices of the soluble polyester are obtained to be re-spun into the soluble fibres for reuse; on the other hand, the incompact and undissolved textiles are treated into an incompact fibre aggregation with good qualities by processes including disinfection, decolourization or redyeing, which are processed into high-quality textile fibres for reuse after drying or softly carding. 1. A technology for recovery , regeneration and reuse of soluble textiles , characterized by , comprising the steps of:a. Preparation of the dissolution-controlled soluble fibres and soluble apparel accessories:during the polymerization of polyester raw materials, terephthalic acid, isophthalic acid, ethylene glycol, and 5-sodiumsulfonate-isophthalic acid polyglycol ester are added at different proportions of the total weight of polymers, which are polymerized in various combinations and at different proportions to obtain alkali-dissolved slices with intrinsic viscosity of 0.40-0.80 under different alkali dissolution conditions, the alkali-dissolved slices are treated by processes of strip casting, cooling, pelletizing, drying and screening sequentially;1. The dissolution-controlled fibres are prepared according to the conventional spinning process, which including filament fibres, staple fibres and fibre rods, as well as differential and colored fibres of these fibres, to be used for ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010984A1
Автор: Montague Jonathan A.

A method/shirt cutting jig for converting a textile into yarn comprises mounting a tubular body of a textile on the jig's base, securing a first folded edge of the tubular body using a clamping bar and securing the second folded edge of the tubular body using a clamping panel. The clamping panel includes teeth that allow a user of the jig to cut the tubular body into strips of material fully past the second folded edge. A movable cutting fence enables the user to cut the tubular body into multiple strips of material, but where each cut does not extend fully past the tubular body's first folded edge. The tubular body with the cuts is removed from the jig and then manually cut in a diagonal pattern along its first folded edge to produce a single strip of material that is then easily converted into reusable yarn. 1. A process for converting a textile into yarn , comprising the steps of:providing a jig, the jig having a base, a clamping bar, a comb-shaped clamping panel and a cutting fence;mounting a tubular body of a textile flat on a top surface of the base of the jig, the tubular body mounted on the base having first and second folded edges and first and second open ends;securing, to the base, the clamping bar over the first folded edge of the tubular body to secure the first folded edge to the base;securing, to the base, the clamping panel over the second folded edge of the tubular body to secure the second folded edge to the base, and wherein securing includes positioning the clamping panel relative to a position of the second folded edge of the tubular body so that a plurality of teeth of the clamping panel extend onto the tubular body and portions of the second folded edge are accessible within gaps disposed between the teeth;mounting the cutting fence on the jig at a first position extending from the clamping bar to the clamping panel;cutting, using the cutting fence as a cutting guide, a strip of material of the tubular body, the cut strip of material extending ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017202A1
Автор: CESKO Vladimir

Filter material, mainly in form of industrial remnants from the production of the filter fillings, is processed without the intake of the heat in such a way that it is cut in the disintegrator () at the presence of the air, where the material is during retention time repeatedly led to the contact with the rotating blades and bunches emerge in the disintegrator () through aeration. The flat carrier () is thus at least partially disintegrated to the original fibers (); the released fibers () intertwine into bunches and the active carbon () is released from the original bond with the flat carrier (). The swirl (vortex) created inside the disintegrator () carries the dust particles of the active carbon () and they adhere to the surface of the fibers (). Part of the released active carbon () is—after the separation—carried away from the emergin bunches, which in the lower part of the disintegrator () run through the sieve out of the disintegrator (). The resulting product is advantageously applicable as heat and noise isolation in all fields of technology, for example construction. The separated active carbon () in form of granules is also a resulting product of processing.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017675A1

The invention concerns a method for producing a carbon fibre, that comprises a step of preparing a continuous fibre made of cellulose from cotton fabrics, by extracting, from these fabrics, cotton in the form of short, discontinuous fibres, and implementing a solvent spinning process; this step being followed by a step of carbonising said obtained continuous fibre made from cellulose, in order to form a carbon fibre. This carbon fibre can be used, in particular, for producing articles made from composite material made from carbon fibres and polymer organic resin. 1. Method for producing a carbon fiber by recycling cotton , comprising steps of: a1/ collecting a manufactured product made from cotton,', 'a2/ mechanically treating said product in order to extract cotton therefrom in the form of short, discontinuous fibers, referred to as recycled cotton fibers,', 'a3/ dissolving said recycled cotton fibers in a phosphoric acid solution as solvent solution, to form a so-called spinning solution,', 'a4/ producing a continuous cellulose-based fiber by means of a solvent spinning process,', 'a5/ optionally, stretching the continuous cellulose-based fiber obtained,, 'a/ preparing a cellulose-based fiber, comprisingb/ and carbonizing said continuous cellulose-based fiber to form a carbon fiber.2. The method for producing a carbon fiber according to claim 1 , comprising a step of removing impurities with which the recycled cotton fibers obtained at the end of step a2/ are potentially mixed at the end of this step.3. The method for producing a carbon fiber according to claim 1 , wherein in step a3/ said recycled cotton fibers are mixed with purified cellulose.4. The method for producing a carbon fiber according to claim 1 , wherein in step a3/ the concentration of recycled cotton fibers claim 1 , if applicable of mixture of recycled cotton fibers and purified cellulose claim 1 , dissolved in the solvent solution claim 1 , is between 5 and 30% by weight.5. The method for ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049381A1

A recycled cellulose raw material and a method for recycling a cellulose raw material from blended textile waste with high reliability and yielding high raw material quality is shown, the method comprising the steps in the given order: providing the blended textile waste containing at least one cellulose component and at least one synthetic polymer component, treating the blended textile waste in a non-oxidizing aqueous treatment medium in order to degrade the at least one synthetic polymer component, whereby the treatment is carried out at a temperature between 100° C. and 200° C., and obtaining the recycled cellulose raw material from the treated blended textile waste. 1. A method for recycling a cellulose raw material from blended textile waste , the method comprising the steps in the given order:a) providing the blended textile waste containing at least one cellulose component and at least one synthetic polymer component,b) treating the blended textile waste in a non-oxidizing aqueous treatment medium in order to degrade the at least one synthetic polymer component, whereby the treatment is carried out at a temperature between 100° C. and 200° C., andc) obtaining the recycled cellulose raw material from the treated blended textile waste.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein aqueous treatment medium contains at least one hydrolyzing agent claim 1 , and whereby the amount of said at least one hydrolyzing agent is adjusted to the amount of the at least one synthetic polymer component in the blended textile waste claim 1 , such that the at least one synthetic polymer component is essentially fully degraded.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one hydrolyzing agent is a base claim 2 , more particularly NaOH.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the amount of the at least one hydrolyzing agent in the aqueous treatment medium is at least 1 mol per mol of hydrolytically cleavable bonds in the at least one synthetic polymer component.5. ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210060821A1
Автор: VANHOECH Cédric
Принадлежит: Regeneration bvba

The present invention related to a method of for the production of textile articles, I which the textile articles can be disassembled automatically or semi-automatically, in which, when sewing or stitching, a polymer melt yarn is used. 1. A method for the production and disassembly of textile articles , wherein the textile articles can be disassembled and thus recycled or reused automatically or semi-automatically ,wherein, during sewing or stitching the textile article, a polymer melt yarn is used, andwherein the melt yarn has a melting temperature, and in which the melt yarn transitions from a solid phase to a liquid or semi-liquid phase at a temperature that is equal to or higher than the melting temperature of the yarn, and wherein the disassembly is realized by heating the melt yarn and/or the article to a temperature that is equal to or higher than said melting temperature of the melt yarn.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the melting temperature of the melt yarn is between 60° C. and 200° C.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one melt yarn and at least one standard yarn are used during sewing or stitching claim 1 , or at least two different melt yarns wherein the two melt yarns have different melting temperatures.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the polymer melt yarn comprises between 40% and 100% of thermoplastic polymer claim 2 , wherein one or more polymers are selected from the group of polyolefins claim 2 , polyesters claim 2 , polyoxymethylene (POM) claim 2 , polypropylene claim 2 , polyurethane claim 2 , polyamides claim 2 , polylactic acid and co-polymers thereof.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the melt yarn is a mono- or multifilament.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the melt yarn is a twined multifilament.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the melt yarn is provided with one or more heat conduction increasing materials selected from the group of metals claim 1 , ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for separating sewing threads and carbon fibers

Номер: US20140173854A1
Автор: Hubert Hergeth
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and an apparatus for separating sewing threads from pieces of carbon fibre mats or bundles of carbon fibres by means of rollers covered with card clothing. The mat pieces or fibre agglomerates are broken up and separated using the different mechanical properties of the fibres.

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190100859A1

The present invention relates to an apparatus for quality deconstruction of textile waste materials which comprises an initial feedbox or hopper, a feedbox conveyor, one or more than one serially-connected treatment/deconstruction groups, an outlet conveyor, and a centralized computer controller. The apparatus described herein can produce fibers with one or more enhanced qualities relative to those fibers produced by tearing drums. 1. An apparatus for treating textile waste materials , comprising:a) a porous conveyor belt adapted to convey textile materials to be treated,b) a first zone for applying steam to textile materials to be treated, comprising at least one nozzle either above a location where the textile materials would be conveyed, below the porous conveyor belt at a location where the textile materials would be conveyed, or bothc) a second zone for applying one or more chemical or enzymatic treatments to textile materials to be treated, comprising:i) at least one nozzle either above a location where the textile materials would be conveyed, and a vacuum system below the porous conveyor belt at a location where the textile materials would be conveyed, orii) at least one vacuum system either above a location where the textile materials would be conveyed, and at least one nozzle below the porous conveyor belt at a location where the textile materials would be conveyed.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further including a pump for pumping a desired treatment composition through the nozzle(s).3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a central computer unit or central processing unit/CPU claim 1 , which can control one or more of the amount of steam claim 1 , the type of chemical and/or enzyme to be applied to the textile materials claim 1 , and the deposition rate of the chemical and/or enzyme to be applied to the textile materials.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a condensation collection unit.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160115627A1
Автор: Kean James H., Kean Tod M.

The process for removing metal objects such as buttons, zippers and the like from fabric material to permit recovery of the fabric. The fabric is cut or chopped into strips and subsequently cut again to provide smaller pieces of fabric that may or may not contain a metal object secured thereto. The pieces of fabric are applied to a conveyor and exposed to a metal detector that triggers a plurality of pneumatic nozzles to direct a stream of high pressured air to the fabric pieces having metal attached thereto and deject those pieces from the conveyer while the fabric pieces without metal exit the conveyor having a different trajectory than the metal pieces and attached fabric material. 1. A method for removing metal objects from scrap textile material comprising:(a) cutting said scrap textile material into strips of textile material;(b) cutting said straps of textile material into textile pieces;(c) depositing said textile pieces on a conveyor belt;(d) transporting said textile pieces on said conveyor belt past a plurality of metal detectors;(e) detecting a metal object secured to a textile piece on said belt; and(f) directing a jet of air onto said textile piece to eject it from the conveyor belt and transporting it to a discard system.2. The method for removing metal objects from scrap textile material of wherein said textile pieces are square.3. The method for removing metal objects from scrap textile material of wherein said textile pieces are squares measuring 2″×2″ (5 cm×5 cm) or less.4. A method for removing metal objects from scrap textile material comprising:(a) providing scrap textile material having metal objects secured thereto to a chopper;(b) cutting said scrap textile material in said chopper into strips of textile material;(c) providing said strip of textile material to a second chopper and cutting said strips of textile material in said second chopper into textile pieces;(d) depositing said textile pieces on a conveyor belt;(e) transporting said ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210156091A1
Автор: AOYAMA Tetsuya

A fiber assembly-forming method includes providing a water-soluble resin to a first feedstock containing fibers, forming disintegrated matter by disintegrating the first feedstock provided with the water-soluble resin, depositing the disintegrated matter, and providing water to the deposited disintegrated matter. 1. A fiber assembly-forming method comprising:providing a water-soluble resin to a first feedstock containing fibers;forming disintegrated matter by disintegrating the first feedstock provided with the water-soluble resin;depositing the disintegrated matter; andproviding water to the deposited disintegrated matter.2. The fiber assembly-forming method according to claim 1 , wherein in the provision of the water-soluble resin claim 1 , the water-soluble resin is provided to a surface of the first feedstock.3. The fiber assembly-forming method according to claim 1 , wherein the mass of the water provided in the provision of the water is one-hundredth times to 100 times the mass of the water-soluble resin provided in the provision of the water-soluble resin.4. The fiber assembly-forming method according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature of the water provided in the provision of the water is 40° C. to 200° C.5. The fiber assembly-forming method according to claim 1 , wherein in the formation of the disintegrated matter claim 1 , the first feedstock provided with the water-soluble resin and a second feedstock unprovided with the water-soluble resin are disintegrated.6. A fiber assembly-forming method comprising:preparing a wet web; andproviding a water-soluble resin to the wet web.7. The fiber assembly-forming method according to claim 6 , wherein the preparation of the wet web includes forming disintegrated matter by disintegrating a feedstock containing fibers claim 6 , depositing the disintegrated matter claim 6 , and providing water to the deposited disintegrated matter.8. A fiber assembly-forming method comprising:preparing material containing fibers and ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136455A1
Автор: CHEN Jonathan Y.

Cellulose materials and methods of making the cellulose materials are described herein. The method can include contacting a cotton fabric with an oxidizing system to obtain an oxidized cotton material and processing the oxidized cotton material to form the cellulose material. The oxidizing system can include an aqueous mixture of a N-oxyl compound and a hypochlorite compound. During oxidation, the pH of the aqueous mixture can be maintained at from 8.5 to 11. Cellulose products can be formed from the cellulose materials. For example, the cellulose products can be used to form a packaging material, a biomedical device or implant, a drug delivery material, a fiber, a textile material, a template for electronic components, or a separation membrane. Methods of making the cellulose product include dissolving or suspending an active ingredient in a medium comprising the cellulose material. 1. A cellulose material prepared by a process comprising:a. contacting a cotton fabric with an oxidizing system to obtain an oxidized cotton material; andb. processing the oxidized cotton material to form the cellulose material.2. The cellulose material of claim 1 , wherein the cotton fabric is derived from a post-consumer cotton waste.3. The cellulose material of claim 1 , wherein the oxidizing system comprises an N-oxyl compound.4. (canceled)5. The cellulose material of claim 3 , wherein the oxidizing system comprises an aqueous mixture of the N-oxyl compound and a hypochlorite compound.6. (canceled)7. A cellulose product prepared from the cellulose material according to .8. (canceled)9. The cellulose product of claim 7 , further comprising an active ingredient claim 7 , wherein the active ingredient is selected from the group consisting of an inorganic nanoparticle claim 7 , a therapeutic agent claim 7 , and a combination thereof.10. The cellulose product of claim 8 , wherein the active ingredient includes a nanoparticle having moisture barrier properties claim 8 , oxidation barrier ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150167212A1
Принадлежит: UCOMPOSITES A/S

In order to recycle glass fibre/fiber fabric production waste material, such as a material used in the manufacturing of rotor blades for wind turbines, and preferably where the material is bendable or flexible and reinforced in a plurality of layers in one or more directions in planes that are parallel with the surface of the material and stitch bonded together, the material is mechanically processed involving a size reduction of the material into shorter fibre length, in order to convert the material into one or more substantial pure glass fibre products. In this way it is possible inter alia to further process the material and create materials such as acoustic insulation wool, and chopped glass fibre strands. 1. A method of converting a glass fibre fabric material into another glass fibre product by a mechanical process , wherein said fabric material is unidirectional or multiaxial and is made up of multilayers of glass fibres in one or more directions stitch bonded together into a fabric , said glass fibres being coated with a sizing , wherein the fabric material is cut into glass fibres having a length of from 5 cm to 30 cm , and subsequently the cut fibres are further processed into said other glass fibre product.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the glass fibre fabric material is a production waste material.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the glass fibre fabric material is bendable or flexible.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said one or more directions is (are) parallel with the surface of the material.5. (canceled)6. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the glass fibre fabric material is stitch bonded by polyester thread.711.-. (canceled)12. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the mechanical process is performed by a cutting process cutting the material into chopped glass fibre strands.13. The method according to claim 12 , wherein the cutting process is performed using knives made from tungsten carbide.14. The ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140245577A1

A method for the manufacturing of textile products in the form of a yarn, web or tow starting from recycled carbon fibers in the form of tuft, cloth or the like, comprising the steps of: • (a) discontinuous cutting of the fibers to obtain dimensionally homogeneous fibers of selected length; • (b) enzyming of the fibers cut in step (a), wherein the latter are additioned with one or more substances; • (c) blending of the fibers treated in step (b) with auxiliary fibers; • (d) double carding of the blended fibers obtained in said step (c); and • (e) feeding a pair of wicks to a spinning machine. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein between said steps (a) and (b) it is provided an intermediate step of opening the fiber tuft or cloth claim 1 , preferably carried out by a rag-grinding unit.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in said step (b) fibers are additioned with an antistatic substance claim 1 , a substance with sliding power and/or with a substance suitable to give adhesive properties to the fibers.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said auxiliary fibers are one or more fibers selected from the group consisting of: thermoplastic fibers of polyester claim 1 , PEEK claim 1 , co-PES claim 1 , co-PA claim 1 , PP claim 1 , PE claim 1 , PS claim 1 , PVA type; natural fibers claim 1 , of cotton claim 1 , hemp claim 1 , linen type; metallic fibers; glass fibers and aramid fibers.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said step (d) provides a double carding operation.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said step (d) provides as output the obtainment of a semi-finished product in the form of a film.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said step (d) provides as output the obtainment of a semi-finished product in the form of a web.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in said step (c) organic claim 1 , soluble or thermolabile fibers are used as auxiliary fibers claim 1 , and wherein claim 1 , downstream of said spinning ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации

Composite and Method of Preparing the Same

Номер: US20180179347A1

A composite is prepared through extrusion by supplying a thermoplastic resin to a main feeder, followed by supplying a plurality of carbon fiber groups to a side feeder, wherein the carbon fiber groups include a plurality of carbon fiber single yarns having a length of about 6 cm to about 8 cm and unidirectionally aligned. 1. A method of preparing a composite , the method comprising performing extrusion by supplying a thermoplastic resin to a main feeder , followed by supplying a plurality of carbon fiber groups to a side feeder ,wherein the carbon fiber groups comprise a plurality of carbon fiber single yarns having a length of about 6 cm to about 8 cm and unidirectionally aligned.2. The method of preparing a composite according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic resin comprises a crystalline resin.3. The method of preparing a composite according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic resin comprises at least one of polyamides claim 1 , polyesters claim 1 , and polyolefins.4. The method of preparing a composite according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon fiber single yarns have an average diameter of about 0.5 mm to about 3.0 mm.5. The method of preparing a composite according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon fiber single yarns are formed by carding carbon staple fibers.6. The method of preparing a composite according to claim 5 , wherein the carbon fiber single yarns are formed by carding and then spinning the carbon staple fibers.7. The method of preparing a composite according to claim 5 , wherein the carbon staple fibers are obtained by carbonizing carbon fiber reinforced plastic scrap at about 900° C. to about 1 claim 5 ,400° C.8. The method of preparing a composite according to claim 5 , wherein the carbon staple fibers have a tensile modulus of about 100 GPa to about 1 claim 5 ,000 GPa claim 5 , as measured in accordance with ASTM D3379.9. The method of preparing a composite according to claim 5 , wherein the carbon staple fibers have an average diameter of ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214862A1

A carbon fiber recycling method utilizes a carbon fiber recycling device for recycling carbon fiber from a carbon fiber polymer composite by using a microwave. The carbon fiber recycling device has a cavity and at least one microwave supplying unit. The carbon fiber recycling method adjusts the microwave supplying unit to change the angle between the long axis direction of the cavity and the electric field direction, and to make the long axis direction of the carbon fiber parallel to the electric field direction. By radiating the microwave on the carbon fiber polymer composite, energy of the microwave is quickly absorbed by the carbon fiber to quickly increase a temperature of the carbon fiber, and the carbon fiber polymer composite is effectively and quickly decomposed to remove most polymer matrix of the carbon fiber polymer composite, so as to achieve the objective of recycling the carbon fiber indeed. 1. A carbon fiber recycling method , adapted to recycle a first carbon fiber from a carbon fiber polymer composite which comprises a polymer matrix and the first carbon fiber , wherein the polymer matrix is coupled to the first carbon fiber , the first carbon fiber comprises a first long axis direction , and the carbon fiber recycling method utilizes a carbon fiber recycling device , and the carbon fiber recycling device comprises: at least one first microwave supplying unit and a cavity , the interior of the cavity is opened to have an accommodating space , and the cavity has a second long axis direction; wherein the carbon fiber recycling method comprises:disposing the carbon fiber polymer composite in the accommodating space;making the first microwave supplying unit to generate a first microwave, the first microwave has a first microwave direction, the first microwave is propagated to interior of the cavity; the first microwave comprises a first electric field, and the first electric field in the interior of the cavity has a first electric field direction; ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210246581A1

The present disclosure relates to methods and systems for recovering and repolymerizing textile fibers. Textile fibers, such as those containing cellulose or elastomers, can undergo multiple rounds of recovery and regeneration. During the regeneration process, the textile fibers are isolated from non-desired material, repolymerized or reformed, and then extruded to form a second set of textile fibers. The degree of polymerization of the textile fiber decreases with each regeneration cycle. Regeneration and production can be repeated any appropriate number of times until the regenerated textile fibers do not have the necessary or appropriate degree of polymerization for textile production. 1. A method of making a textile , comprising:producing a second fiber having a second degree of polymerization by processing a first textile feedstock comprising a first fiber having a first degree of polymerization, the second degree of polymerization being less than the first degree of polymerization;producing a third fiber having a third degree of polymerization by processing a second textile feedstock comprising the second fiber, the third degree of polymerization being less than the second degree of polymerization; andrepeating the producing steps until a final fiber has a degree of polymerization less than a degree of polymerization at which a textile can be produced.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third fibers are cellulosic.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third fibers are elastomeric.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the elastomers are unmodified.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein processing the first textile feedstock comprises:dissolving the first fiber of the first textile feedstock with a first reagent; andisolating the dissolved first fiber.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the first reagent is dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or dimethyl sulfide (DMS).7. The method of claim 5 , wherein ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190226125A1

The present disclosure related to a system and method for recycling fibers from textiles waste. The system includes a first sanitization device; a pre-processing device; a fabric sorting device; a storage device; a fiber processing device; and a second sanitization device mounted in the fiber processing device. The first sanitization device, the pre-processing device, the fabric sorting device, the storage device and the fiber processing device are arranged along a transmission path of the textiles waste. 1. A system for recycling fibers from textiles waste , comprising:a first sanitization device;a pre-processing device;a fabric sorting device;a storage device;a fiber processing device; anda second sanitization device mounted in the fiber processing device;wherein the first sanitization device, the pre-processing device, the fabric sorting device, the storage device and the fiber processing device are arranged along a transmission path of the textiles waste.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first sanitization device is a sanitization gas fumigation device; the sanitization gas comprises hydrogen peroxide claim 1 , ozone claim 1 , ethylene oxide.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first sanitization device includes at least one chamber claim 2 , a container for carrying the textiles waste claim 2 , a container cover in each chamber claim 2 , a vacuum line claim 2 , a sanitization gas line claim 2 , a vacuum line valve with a first flexible hose extending through the container cover claim 2 , a sanitization gas line valve with a second flexible hose extending through the container cover claim 2 , a vacuum break valve with a third flexible hose extending through the container cover claim 2 , a pressure gauge mounted in the container cover for detecting pressure in the container when the container is sealed by the container cover claim 2 , and a driving mechanism configured to drive the container cover to seal the container or remove the container cover away ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации

Protective Fabric and Process of Manufacturing Same

Номер: US20170306534A1
Принадлежит: General Recycled

A fabric for use in arc and flame protection, and a process for producing a fire resistant fabric are provided. The fabric is comprised of at least 70 weight percent (wt%) aramid fiber; less than 40 wt% modacrylic; 8 wt% nylon; and 2 wt% anti-static. The process comprises shredding recycled fire resistant garments into fibers; creating yarn from the shredded fibers; weaving the yarn into fabric; and knitting the yarn to produce new garments. The fabric may be used to produce fire-resistant garments worn by workers in many industries such as the oil and gas.

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180305847A1
Автор: WEN Wen-Tsao, WEN Yu-Chang

A recycled fabric structure is provided, which includes a plurality of types of blended yarn arranged by weaving or interlacing. Wherein, each of the types of the blended yarn has a plurality of first fibers and a plurality of second fibers vertically arranged and interloped with each other. The plurality of first fibers accounts for 30% to 50% of the total weight of the blended yarn. The first fiber is a recycled fiber. 1. A recycled fabric structure , comprising: each of the types of blended yarn has a plurality of first fibers and a plurality of second fibers vertically arranged and interlooped with each other;', 'the plurality of first fibers accounts for 30% to 50% of a total weight of the blended yarn;', 'the plurality of first fiber is a recycled fiber generated by a machinery fiber opening process applied to a recycled knitted cloth;', 'the blended yarn is an one-ply yarn and has a random wire diameter and a color difference; and', 'a slub part of the one-ply yarn is formed by a part of the plurality of first fibers., 'a plurality of types of blended yarn arranged by weaving or knitting, wherein'}2. The recycled fabric structure of claim 1 , wherein the part of the plurality of first fibers comprises a nep.3. The recycled fabric structure of claim 2 , wherein the nep of each of the plurality of first fibers has a random size and forms the slub part of the one-ply yarn.4. The recycled fabric structure of claim 1 , wherein the recycled knitted cloth comprises a knitted vamp cloth dyed with at least two colors.5. The recycled fabric structure of claim 1 , wherein the slub of the plurality of first fibers has a random color.6. The recycled fabric structure of claim 1 , wherein the lengths of the plurality of first fibers and the plurality of second fibers are from 30 to 40 mm.7. The recycled fabric structure of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of first fibers comprises at least one type of yarn forming the recycled knitted cloth claim 1 , and the type of yarn ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170314165A1

Some embodiments are directed to a method and a device that allows fragile fibers, such as carbon fibers, for example, to be recycled so that they can be reused in a new form. 1. A method for unweaving and realigning fibers , including carbon fibers , from offcuts of fabric having warp and weft yarns , the method comprising:unweaving the fibers using combs including teeth;realigning the fibers by successive contacts with at least two walls of a first alignment module; andshaping by a second module.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second module is given a translational movement.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further including adding a thermoplastic.47. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the binder is a thermoplastic added at the same time as the fibers () that are to be unwoven.5. The method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the binder is added at the outlet from the first alignment module.6. The method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the binder consists of thermoplastic fibers.7. The method as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the binder consists of thermoplastic powder.8. The method as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the binder is added at the inlet of the first alignment module.9. The method as claimed in claim 3 , further including activating the polymer binder and of pressing.10. A device claim 3 , comprising:an unweaving tool that includes two grids, the two grids including a first grid, and a second grid;a first alignment module arranged under the two grids; anda second module positioned downstream of the first module;wherein the first alignment module has at least two deflectors made up of planes that are inclined with respect to the vertical by a respective angle α and β such that 90°≦α≦0 and 90°≧β≧0, the alignment module having an opening in the lower part.11. The device as claimed in claim 10 , wherein the second module comprises includes an inclined tray made of a flexible material having two edges driven in a vertical oscillatory ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации

Yarn manufactured from recycled clothing fibers and process for making same

Номер: US20190316276A1
Автор: Patricia M. ERMECHEO
Принадлежит: Individual

Yarn manufactured from recycled mixed clothing fibers and a process of making yarn manufactured from recycled mixed clothing fibers. Upcycled yarn has approximately 70%-95% of fiber from separated used clothes fibers, whereby separated used clothes fibers have cotton, polyester, nylon, silk, rayon, spandex, synthetic fibers, wool, hemp, carbon fibers, and/or linen. The upcycled yarn also has approximately 5%-30% other fibers that can be recycled fibers and/or virgin fibers, whereby the recycled fiber is recycled polyester from recycled plastic bottles and other sources, recycled cotton, recycled nylon from fishing nets and other sources, and the virgin fiber is nylon, spandex, virgin polyester, hemp, carbon fiber, and/or organic cotton.

05-11-2020 дата публикации

Protective Fabric And Process Of Manufacturing Same

Номер: US20200347528A1
Принадлежит: General Recycled

A fabric for use in arc and flame protection, and a process for producing a fire resistant fabric are provided. The fabric is comprised of at least 70 weight percent (wt %) aramid fiber; less than 40 wt % modacrylic; 8 wt % nylon; and 2 wt % anti-static. The process comprises shredding recycled fire resistant garments into fibers; creating yarn from the shredded fibers; weaving the yarn into fabric; and knitting the yarn to produce new garments. The fabric may be used to produce fire-resistant garments worn by workers in many industries such as the oil and gas. 1. A process for producing a fire resistant fabric , comprising:shredding recycled fire resistant garments into fibers;creating yarn from the shredded fibers;weaving the yarn into fabric; andknitting the yarn to produce new garments.2. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising dry cleaning the recycled garments using a chemical solvent claim 1 , prior to the shredding.3. The process according to claim 2 , wherein chemical solvent is tetrachloroethylene.4. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising removing non-fire resistant components from the recycled garments claim 1 , prior to the shredding.5. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the shredding is done by an industrial fabric shredder.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein creating the yarn comprises carding the shredded fabric to produce a sliver.7. The process according to claim 6 , wherein carding is done by hundreds of wires in a carding machine.8. The process according to claim 6 , wherein creating the yarn further comprises feeding the sliver through a roving machine.9. The process according to claim 7 , wherein the sliver is twisted and elongated by the roving machine.10. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the weaving is done using a loom. The application claims the benefit of the filing date of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/326,497, filed on Apr. 22, 2016, the disclosure of which is herein ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170368553A1

The present invention discloses a method and corresponding apparatus for separating lightweight materials from fabric pieces. The method comprises the steps of (a) introducing fabric pieces into a tumbling means having perforations for lightweight materials in the fabric pieces to be removed therethrough and coupled to a first source of negative pressure; (b) tumbling the fabric pieces in the tumbling means and simultaneously applying negative pressure from the first source of negative pressure to the tumbling means for removing lightweight particles detached from the tumbling fabric pieces from the tumbling means; (c) transporting the fabric pieces from the tumbling means to a top of a vertical separation chamber; and (d) applying forced air to the fabric pieces as the fabric pieces drop from the top to bottom of the vertical separation chamber by gravity for separating the lightweight materials from the fabric pieces, and simultaneously applying negative pressure from a second source of negative pressure to the vertical separation chamber to remove the lightweight materials separated from the fabric pieces from the vertical separation chamber; repeating this step until the fabric pieces are substantially cleared of any lightweight materials. The apparatus comprises a tumbling means and a vertical separation chamber. 1. A method for separating lightweight materials from fabric pieces , comprising:(a) introducing fabric pieces into a tumbling means having perforations for lightweight materials in the fabric pieces to be removed therethrough and coupled to a first source of negative pressure;(b) tumbling the fabric pieces in the tumbling means and simultaneously applying negative pressure from the first source of negative pressure to the tumbling means for removing lightweight particles detached from the tumbling fabric pieces from the tumbling means;(c) transporting the fabric pieces from the tumbling means to a top of a vertical separation chamber;(d) applying ...

26-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200370210A1
Автор: Ermecheo Patricia M.

Yarn manufactured from recycled mixed clothing fibers and a process of making yarn manufactured from recycled mixed clothing fibers. Upcycled yarn has approximately 70%-95% of fiber from separated used clothes fibers, whereby separated used clothes fibers have cotton, polyester, nylon, silk, rayon, spandex, synthetic fibers, wool, hemp, carbon fibers, and/or linen. The upcycled yarn also has approximately 5%-30% other fibers that can be recycled fibers and/or virgin fibers, whereby the recycled fiber is recycled polyester from recycled plastic bottles and other sources, recycled cotton, recycled nylon from fishing nets and other sources, and the virgin fiber is nylon, spandex, virgin polyester, hemp, carbon fiber, and/or organic cotton. 1. An upcycled yarn comprising:a mixture of used clothes fibers and additional fibers, said used clothes fibers comprise cut and torn used clothes or textile wastes free from at least one of: buttons, zippers, or accessories.2. The upcycled yarn of claim 1 , wherein said upcycled yarn comprises 70%-95% of said used clothes fibers and 5%-30% of said additional fibers.3. The upcycled yarn of claim 1 , wherein said upcycled yarn comprises 70%-75% of said used clothes fibers and 25%-30% of said additional fibers obtained from recycled plastic bottles.4. The upcycled yarn of claim 1 , wherein said upcycled yarn comprises 85%-95% of said used clothes fibers and the additional fibers are 4%-9% nylon and 1%-6% spandex.5. The upcycled yarn of claim 1 , wherein said upcycled yarn comprises 70%-80% of said used clothes fibers and 20%-30% of said additional fibers obtained from virgin polyester.6. The upcycled yarn of claim 1 , wherein said additional fibers comprise recycled fibers.7. The upcycled yarn of claim 1 , wherein said additional fibers comprise virgin fibers.8. The upcycled yarn of claim 1 , wherein said used clothes fibers are free of plastic and metal matters.9. The upcycled yarn of claim 1 , wherein said used clothes fibers ...

10-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200385893A1

Described is a recyclable quilt including an upper layer, a lower layer, a padding interposed between the two layers and a stitching which passes through the two upper and lower layers for a mutual joining together. The stitching comprises at least one heat-sensitive sewing thread which has a temperature of change of state or softening which is lower than the temperatures of degradation of the above-mentioned layers and of the padding, in such a way that a change of state or softening of the heat-sensitive sewing thread causes the break-up of the stitching. 1. A recyclable quilt , comprising: an upper layer ,a lower layer, and a stitching which passes through the upper layer and the lower layer for a mutual joining together,whereinthe stitching comprises at least one heat-sensitive sewing thread, having a temperature of change of state or softening which is lower than the temperatures of degradation of the upper layer and lower layer, in such a way that a change of state or softening of the heat-sensitive sewing thread causes the break-up of the stitching, the at least one heat-sensitive sewing thread having one or more twisted ends made of co-polyester and/or co-polyamide and/or polypropylene, provided with a sizing and/or a lubricating finishing of between 15% and 0.1%, preferably between 8% and 2%.2. The quilt according to claim 1 , also comprising a padding interposed between the upper layer and the lower layer claim 1 , wherein the heat-sensitive sewing thread has a temperature of change of state or softening which is lower than the temperatures of degradation of the padding.3. The quilt according to claim 2 , wherein the difference between the lowest temperature of degradation of the upper layer claim 2 , the lower layer and the padding and the temperature of change of state or softening of the at least one heat-sensitive sewing thread is at least 50° C. claim 2 , preferably at least 100° C.4. The quilt according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one heat- ...

17-12-2020 дата публикации

Method for Recycling Textile Material

Номер: US20200392649A1
Автор: Serbiak Paul J.

A method for recycling fiber from textile material by: forming textile material from fibers; distributing the textile material to a closed group of users wherein the users comprise a common attribute to define homogeneous textile material; collecting the homogeneous textile material wherein the homogeneous textile material comprises used fibers; recovering the used fibers from the homogeneous textile material to generate recovered fibers; and reforming the textile material using the recovered fibers. An article of clothing stitched with sacrificial sewing thread that is capable of being eliminated from the clothing is also disclosed. 1. A method for recycling fiber from textile material comprising:forming textile material from fibers;distributing said textile material in a closed-loop to a closed group of users wherein said users comprise a common attribute to generate sorted homogenous textile material;collecting said homogeneous textile material wherein said homogeneous textile material comprises used fibers;recovering said used fibers from said homogeneous textile material to generate recovered fibers comprising said used fibers; andreforming said homogeneous textile material using said recovered fibers.2. The method for recycling fiber from textile material of claim 1 , wherein said textile material is selected from the group consisting of yarns claim 1 , sewing threads claim 1 , fabrics claim 1 , nonwoven materials claim 1 , products manufactured from fibrous materials claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The method for recycling fiber from textile material of claim 2 , further comprising removing non-fabric elements from said homogeneous textile material prior to said recovering.4. The method for recycling fiber from textile material of claim 3 , wherein said removing of non-fabric elements comprises eliminating a sacrificial sewing thread configured for attaching at least one of non-fabric elements and dissimilar discrete panels to said homogenous textile ...

31-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200407887A1

The invention relates to a method for recovering fibers from non-backed, backed and/or deformed carpet scraps and/or back-up material scraps of textile multi-layer composites, in particular of passenger compartment carpeting or luggage compartment carpeting in the field of automobile manufacture. 1. A method for recovering fibers from at least one of non-backed carpet scraps , backed carpet scraps , deformed carpet scraps , and back-up material scraps of textile multi-layer composites , the method comprising:cutting the scraps to a desired size, in a cutting device, in lengthwise and crosswise directions;shredding the cut scraps in a first shredding process with one or two roller feeds;roughly separating the fibers from dust and powder fractions;subjecting the separated fibers;subjecting the fibers to at least one continuous shredding process in a second shredding process; andemploying the fibers obtained from the second shredding process to prepare one of non-woven fabrics and sound insulation components in automobile manufacture.2. A method for recovering fibers from at least one of non-backed carpet scraps , backed carpet scraps , deformed carpet scraps , and back-up material scraps of textile multi-layer composites in automobile manufacture , the method comprising:feeding the scraps to one of a two- and four-cylinder feed of a roller feed, wherein the distance between the cylinders is adapted to the material employed;continuously supplying the coarsely comminuted scraps, after dosing, to at least one first roller feed;roughly separating, during comminution, the fibers from the dust and powder fractions;continuously supplying the separated fibers, after dosing and optionally storage, to at least one further shredding process; andemploying the fibers obtained to prepare one of non-woven fabrics and sound insulation components in automobile manufacture.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one of non-backed carpet scraps claim 1 , backed carpet ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Process for pretreating reclaimed cotton fibres to be used in the production of moulded bodies from regenerated cellulose

Номер: WO2015077807A1
Принадлежит: Lenzing AG

A process for pretreating reclaimed cotton fibres to be used in the production of moulded bodies from regenerated cellulose, characterized by effective metal reduction and adjustment of the degree of polymerization and brightness, including a metal removing stage and an oxidative bleaching stage of the reclaimed cotton fibres or pulp produced thereof. Reclaimed cotton fibres treated according to the described process may be used alone or in blends with conventional dissolving pulp as raw material for the production of moulded bodies from regenerated cellulose. The process enables technically smooth, safe, and economically feasible spinning via the Viscose or Lyocell process, therefore, the current invention provides an efficient recycling pathway for cotton waste materials.

15-07-1999 дата публикации

Apparatus for breaking down woven fabric cuttings into separate yarns for recycling

Номер: DE19900770A1

To reduce cuttings of woven fabrics into their warp and weft yarn component, the fabric squares with a max dimension of 10 \* 10 cm float freely in a vessel (1), where they are broken down into separate yarns by a rotating and blunt beater (3). The processing zone (2) within the vessel (1) is cylindrical, conical or hemispherical. The inner volume of the vessel is greater than the volume covered by the rotating beater. The beater elements rotate at the same speed, or with increasing and decreasing speeds. A number of beaters are positioned over and/or next to each other. The directly neighboring beaters rotate in opposite directions. On a continuous operation, the rotating beaters move the fabric material through the processing zone, and the separated yarns are taken out by a pneumatic conveyor system. The separated yarns are subsequently broken down mechanically into separate fibers.

27-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR101812685B1
Автор: 신호철
Принадлежит: 부성정밀(주)

본 발명은 해섬기에 관한 것으로, 더 상세하게는 파쇄 및 절단된 폐직물, 폐가죽, 폐골판지 등을 해섬하여 솜과 같이 휄트를 용이하게 형성할 수 있도록 하고, 또한 이를 통해 폐직물, 폐가죽, 폐골판지 등을 용이하게 해섬하여 재활용할 수 있도록 하며, 그리고 구조를 단순화하여 경제적으로 설치비용을 절감함과 동시에 처리비용을 절감할 수 있도록 한 해섬기에 관한 것이다. 본 발명은 프레임(10)의 상부에 설치되어 내경으로 형성된 나선형 해섬홈(21)을 구비하는 해섬통(20); 상기 해섬통(20)의 일측에 연결되어 투입구(31)를 구비하는 공급통(30); 상기 해섬통(20)의 타측에 연결되어 배출구(41)를 구비하는 배출통(40); 상기 해섬통(20)의 내부로 끼워져 양단이 공급통(30)과 배출통(40)에 회전가능하게 지지되는 샤프트(50); 상기 샤프트(50)에 일정한 간격을 두고 고정되어 해섬통(20)의 내측으로 배치되는 다수의 디스크(60); 상기 디스크(60)들 사이에 각각 설치되어 폐기물을 해섬하는 다수의 해섬커터(70); 상기 해섬통(20)의 외측에 설치되어 냉각수투입구(81)와 냉각수배출구(82)를 구비하는 냉각통(80); 상기 프레임(10)의 상부에 설치되어 샤프트(50)를 구동시키는 모터(90)를 포함하여 구성된다. More particularly, the present invention relates to a method for forming a felt, such as a cotton, by fibrillating a pulverized and cut pulp fabric, a waste leather, a corrugated cardboard, etc., And waste corrugated cardboards can be easily disassembled and recycled so as to simplify the structure so as to reduce the installation cost economically and at the same time to reduce the processing cost. The present invention relates to a housing (20) provided on a top of a frame (10) and having a spiral groove (21) formed by an inner diameter; A supply cylinder 30 connected to one side of the shroud 20 and having an inlet 31; A discharge cylinder 40 connected to the other side of the shaft housing 20 and having a discharge port 41; A shaft 50 which is inserted into the inside of the shroud 20 and both ends of which are rotatably supported by the supply cylinder 30 and the discharge cylinder 40; A plurality of disks (60) fixed to the shaft (50) at a predetermined interval and disposed inside the shaft (20); A plurality of hyssome cutters 70 installed between the discs 60 to shred waste; A cooling cylinder (80) provided outside the water tank (20) and having a cooling water inlet (81) and a cooling water outlet (82); And a motor 90 mounted on the frame 10 to drive the shaft 50.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: JP2022014639A
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp


12-01-2006 дата публикации

폐모나 폐면, 폐솜을 이용한 섬유볼의 제조방법 및 그제조장치

Номер: KR20060004056A
Автор: 전광웅
Принадлежит: 주식회사 지이원

본 발명은 기모나 샤링을 할 때 발생되는 1mm~5mm미만의 미세한 잔털들이 모여서 형성되는 샤링밥이나 폐모를 사용하거나 방직과정에서 발생한 천연 폐솜을 섬유볼 성형기에 넣어 섬유볼을 성형하기 위한 폐모나 폐면, 폐솜을 이용한 섬유볼의 제조방법 및 그 제조장치에 관한 것이다. 본 발명은, 샤링밥이나 폐면 또는 천연솜에 수분을 흡수하기 위한 수분흡수단계(S1)을 거쳐 1차탈수단계(S2)와 2차탈수단계(S3)후 소정의 염색단계(S4)를 거치고, 이어서 3차탈수단계(S5)를 이룬 후 소정의 제품을 배출하는 배출단계(S6)에서 얻어진 제품을 완성하는 완성단계(S7)의 제조방법과, 이에 수반되는 제조장치로, 원통형상의 실린더(12)의 중앙을 관통하고 일측이 모우터(14)에 연결되어 설치된 중심축(10)과, 상기 중심축(10)의 외연에 소정간격으로 적어도 하나이상이 방사형으로 설치되는 중심바(20)와, 상기 중심바(20)에 다양한 형태로 이루어지고 적어도 하나이상 설치되는 지그(30)를 포함하여 이루어진다. 이에 따라, 샤링밥이나 폐면의 재활용으로 환경오염과 소각비용 부담을 해소하고, 환경호르몬 배출을 배제하고, 간단한 구조로 건강증대와 산업기술의 효율적인 가치를 증대하여 경제적인 사용을 이룬다. 폐솜, 폐섬유, 섬유볼, 중심바, 지그, 실린더, 볼성형, 섬유볼, 섬유가공

29-10-2019 дата публикации

System and method for recycling fibers from textiles waste

Номер: US10458047B2
Принадлежит: Novetex Textiles Ltd

The present disclosure related to a system and method for recycling fibers from textiles waste. The system includes a first sanitization device; a pre-processing device; a fabric sorting device; a storage device; a fiber processing device; and a second sanitization device mounted in the fiber processing device. The first sanitization device, the pre-processing device, the fabric sorting device, the storage device and the fiber processing device are arranged along a transmission path of the textiles waste.

26-03-2009 дата публикации

Method of separation and cleaning of post consumer carpet face yarn from carpet backing yarn product produced therefrom

Номер: US20090082476A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A process for producing a synthetic fiber composition with reclaimed post consumer carpet yam, wherein face yam is shaved from post consumer carpet using a shaving device to provide shaved face yam, the shaved face yam is reduced in size, contaminants are removed using mechanical screeners, the shave face yam is melt filtered, and then fiber spun.

29-01-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for recycling carpet

Номер: US8360348B2
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is directed to an apparatus and method for separating carpet fibers from a backing material to which said fibers are secured. The apparatus includes a belt for driving a carpet strip having one or more backings and one or more fibers secured on a face of said backing into the operative part of the device. There are a pair of rollers that are adapted to receive the carpet strip from said belt, and pass the carpet strip to a dish plate. The dish plate has an edge extending upwardly from the dish plate. The face of the carpet having the fibers contacts the edge after the carpet passes through the rollers. The edge of the blade holds the carpet presenting it to the main drum. The main drum rotates downwards and has a plurality of pins that shred the carpet backing and tear apart and free the face carpet fibers from the backing fibers. The face fibers pass to a receptacle for recycling. The torn backing fibers, being usually longer and lighter than the face fibers, remain within the pins of the drum and are transported towards the back end of the machine and fall in a different receptacle for recycling.

13-09-2011 дата публикации

Method of separation and cleaning of post consumer carpet face yarn from carpet backing and yarn product produced therefrom

Номер: US8017662B2
Принадлежит: Universal Fibers Inc

A process for producing a synthetic fiber composition with reclaimed post consumer carpet yarn, wherein face yarn is shaved from post consumer carpet using a shaving device to provide shaved face yarn, the shaved face yarn is reduced in size, contaminants are removed using mechanical screeners, the shave face yarn is melt filtered, and then fiber spun.

12-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN110438791A
Автор: 不公告发明人
Принадлежит: Cai Qiyi


26-09-2016 дата публикации

Filament manufacturing method using wasted-rope

Номер: KR101659843B1
Автор: 강줄기
Принадлежит: 주식회사 해나라

폐로프를 이용한 필라멘트 제조방법이 개시된다. 본 발명의 일 실시예에 따른 폐로프를 이용한 필라멘트 제조방법은, 폐로프를 1 내지 30㎝의 단위 길이로 커팅하는 폐로프 커팅 단계; 단위 길이로 커팅된 단위 폐로프를 세척 자루망에 일정량만큼씩 담아 세척 장치에 투입시켜 세척하는 단위 폐로프 세척 단계; 및 세척이 완료된 단위 폐로프를 타면 장치에 투입시켜 타면 장치의 나선형 톱날을 이용하여 타면하는 단위 폐로프 타면 단계를 포함한다. A filament manufacturing method using a closed rope is disclosed. A filament manufacturing method using a closed rope according to an embodiment of the present invention includes: a closed loop cutting step of cutting a closed loop to a unit length of 1 to 30 cm; A single unit rope washing step of loading unit rope cut in a unit length into a washing bag by a predetermined amount and charging the same into a washing apparatus; And the step of putting the unit ropes that have been cleaned into the apparatus when they are ridden and riding the unit using the spiral saw blades of the apparatus.

10-04-2015 дата публикации

Device for separation of bundles of textile fibres

Номер: RU2546452C2

Задача данного изобретения состоит в том, чтобы создать универсальное приспособление для максимально щадящего разделения пучков волокон в продольном направлении с целью получения отдельных волокон, более тонких пучков или смеси из отдельных волокон и тонких пучков. В соответствии с изобретением эта задача решается с помощью устройства для механического разделения конечных пучков текстильных волокон, которые состоят из n отдельных волокон (n>2), на пучки с количеством отдельных волокон менее n и/или отдельные волокна, в котором в замкнутой рабочей камере, в которой есть одна или несколько мертвых зон общим объемом не менее 10% от объема рабочей камеры и в которой один или несколько вращающихся ударных механизмов выполнены с возможностью работы не пересекаясь, со снижением пиковых нагрузок и частотой вращения, регулируемой в зависимости от материала, но составляющей не менее 200 об/мин, причем устройство выполнено с возможностью периодической подачи материала в различных регулируемых количествах, его обработки в течение заданного времени и его выведения из рабочей камеры, причем вращающийся механизм оснащен цельными или состоящими из нескольких частей, расположенными на приводном валу в осевом направлении один за другим ударными элементами/лопастями в виде пропеллера для разделения текстильного материала на волокнистые компоненты, и отличается тем, что для особенно щадящей обработки материала ударные лопасти расположены с возможностью откидывания назад или отклонения в стороны, что позволяет пропускать спорадически возникающие во время обработки скопления материала и компенсировать пиковые нагрузки, РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 546 452 C2 (51) МПК D01G 11/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013128668/12, 25.11.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.11.2010 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.12.2014 Бюл. № 36 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ТЮРИНГИШЕС ИНСТИТУТ ...

05-02-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for recycling non-woven fabric

Номер: KR102073899B1
Автор: 신동수
Принадлежит: 신동수

The present invention relates to a device and a method for reusing a non-woven fabric. The device for reusing a non-woven fabric comprises: a mixing tank which forms a waste non-woven mixture by dispersing and mixing waste non-woven pulverized bodies on water with a filling agent; a raw material mixing tank which forms a raw material by mixing a fixing agent for aggregating the waste non-woven pulverized bodies and the filling agent, with the waste non-woven mixture; a filtering tank which forms a reusing sheet by receiving the raw material; and a raw material discharging nozzle which sprays the raw material stored in the raw material mixing tank to the filtering tank. The filtering tank includes: a filtering tank body which provides an inner space; a raw material falling unit which falls the raw material in the inner space; and a filtering net which is positioned below the raw material falling unit and downwardly passes the water in the raw material fallen through the raw material falling unit. The inner space of the filtering tank includes: a middle space which is formed between the raw material falling unit and the filtering net; an upper space which is formed on the raw material falling unit and allows the raw material discharging nozzle to be positioned; and a lower space which is formed below the filtering net. The raw material discharging nozzle includes a raw material discharging surface which is downwardly convex and has a plurality of spraying units from which the raw material is discharged. The present invention can improve productivity.

24-10-2022 дата публикации

Method for recycling non-woven fabric

Номер: KR102458701B1
Автор: 신동수
Принадлежит: 신동수

본 발명은 부직포 재활용 방법에 관한 것으로서, 본 발명에 의하면, 폐부직포를 분쇄하여 폐부직포 분쇄체들을 얻는 폐부직포 분쇄 단계; 상기 폐부직포 분쇄체들을 충진제와 함께 물에 분산·혼합하여 부직포 혼합물을 얻는 재료 배합 단계; 상기 부직포 혼합물에 상기 폐부직포 분쇄체들과 상기 충진제를 응집시키는 정착제를 첨가하고 혼합하여 원료를 형성하는 원료 혼합 단계; 상기 원료를 원료 배출 노즐을 이용하여 상부 공간으로 분사시켜서 공급하는 원료 투입 단계; 상기 상부 공간에 채워진 상기 원료를 상기 상부 공간의 아래에 위치하고 물을 아래로 통과시키는 거름망이 바닥에 설치되는 중간 공간으로 낙하시키는 원료 낙하 단계; 상기 중간 공간의 아래에 위치하는 하부 공간으로부터 물을 배수하여 상기 거름망 상에 부직포 재활용 시트를 형성하는 배수 단계; 및 상기 부직포 재활용 시트를 복수개 적층하여 적층체를 형성하는 적층 단계를 포함하며, 상기 원료 배출 노즐은 상기 원료가 배출되는 복수개의 분사구들이 형성되고 아래로 볼록한 원료 배출면을 구비하여, 상기 원료는 상기 상부 공간으로 고르게 분사되며, 상기 복수개의 부직포 재활용 시트들은 서로 다른 종류의 폐부직포를 원료로 하여 제조된 적어도 두개의 부직포 재활용 시트들을 포함하는 부직포 재활용 방법이 제공된다. The present invention relates to a method for recycling a nonwoven fabric. According to the present invention, a waste nonwoven fabric grinding step of pulverizing a waste nonwoven fabric to obtain pulverized waste nonwoven fabrics; a material mixing step of dispersing and mixing the pulverized waste non-woven fabrics in water together with a filler to obtain a non-woven fabric mixture; a raw material mixing step of forming a raw material by adding and mixing a fixing agent for agglomerating the waste non-woven fabric pulverized bodies and the filler to the nonwoven fabric mixture; a raw material input step of injecting the raw material into the upper space using a raw material discharge nozzle and supplying the raw material; a raw material dropping step of dropping the raw material filled in the upper space to an intermediate space in which a sieve that is positioned below the upper space and passes water downward is installed on the floor; a draining step of draining water from a lower space located below the intermediate space to form a nonwoven recycling sheet on the sieve; and a lamination step of laminating a plurality of nonwoven recycled sheets to form a laminate, wherein the raw material discharge nozzle has a plurality of injection holes through which the raw material is discharged and has a convex raw material ...

13-02-2018 дата публикации

A kind of overlength cattle-hide collagen fibers and its preparation method and application

Номер: CN107059142B
Автор: 顾勇杰
Принадлежит: Individual


18-10-2019 дата публикации

A method for preparing leather fiber spun yarn using leather fiber and a leather fiber spun yarn prepared using the thereof

Номер: KR102034218B1
Автор: 김지언
Принадлежит: (주)아코플레닝

The present invention relates to a manufacturing method of a spinning leather yarn using a leather fiber and to a spinning leather yarn manufactured according to the manufacturing method. The spinning leather yarn manufactured according to the manufacturing method produces clothes, knits, laces including a nature of the leather, thereby being usefully used for various fashion purposes. In addition, leather materials used in existing bags and sneakers can be replaced and an economical effect is excellent because of being not affected by seasonal supply of materials. In addition, the spinning leather yarn has a very good quality because of including heat reservance and general flame retardancy of the natural leather.

30-04-2019 дата публикации

General life clothing waste textile fabric regenerates fiber-spinnable production line

Номер: CN107237011B
Автор: 杨华明, 林雁, 高尚友
Принадлежит: Kang Jianpeng


20-06-2022 дата публикации

Non-woven fabric recycling device and recycling method

Номер: KR102410210B1
Автор: 신동수
Принадлежит: 주식회사 에스플러스컴텍

부직포 재활용장치가 개시된다. 본 발명의 부직포 재활용장치는, 폐부직포 분쇄체가 충진제와 함께 물에 분산, 혼합되어 폐부직포 혼합물이 형성되는 배합조; 상기 배합조로부터 폐부직포 혼합물을 공급받아 상기 폐부직포 혼합물 중 상기 폐부직포 분쇄체를 설정 사이즈를 기준으로 필터링 가능한 적어도 하나의 필터링부; 상기 필터링부를 거친 폐부직포 혼합물에 상기 폐부직포 분쇄체와 상기 충진제를 응집시키는 정착제를 공급하여 원료를 형성하는 정착제 첨가부; 및 상기 원료를 공급받아 재활용 부직포를 형성하는 거름조를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 본 발명에 의하면, 폐부직포 혼합물을 거름조로 공급하기 전에 폐부직포 분쇄체를 설정 사이즈를 기준으로 필터링하여 설정된 입자 사이즈의 폐부직포 분쇄체를 이용하여 재활용 부직포를 제조함으로써 재활용 부직포의 표면조도를 조절할 수 있다. Disclosed is a nonwoven recycling device. The nonwoven fabric recycling apparatus of the present invention comprises: a mixing tank in which the waste nonwoven fabric pulverized material is dispersed and mixed in water together with a filler to form a waste nonwoven fabric mixture; at least one filtering unit capable of receiving the waste nonwoven mixture from the mixing tank and filtering the waste nonwoven pulverized body of the closed nonwoven mixture based on a set size; a fixing agent adding unit for forming a raw material by supplying a fixing agent for agglomeration of the waste nonwoven fabric pulverized body and the filler to the waste nonwoven fabric mixture that has passed through the filtering part; And it is characterized in that it comprises a strainer for forming a recycled nonwoven fabric by receiving the raw material. According to the present invention, the surface roughness of the recycled nonwoven fabric can be adjusted by filtering the waste nonwoven fabric pulverized body based on the set size before supplying the waste nonwoven fabric mixture to the sieving tank and manufacturing a recycled nonwoven fabric using the waste nonwoven fabric pulverized body having a set particle size. have.

15-01-2019 дата публикации

A method of preparing scribbled and three dimensional fabric prefabricated component

Номер: CN109208155A
Принадлежит: Xian Polytechnic University


04-05-2021 дата публикации

Waste cloth opening treatment device

Номер: CN111575840B
Автор: 李云飞
Принадлежит: Hangzhou Binglin Knitting Co Ltd


27-09-2019 дата публикации

A kind of preparation process of Regenerated Polyester Fibres cloth foam material

Номер: CN110280565A
Автор: 周如亮


18-06-2021 дата публикации

Be used for kibbling equipment of weaving type old cloth

Номер: CN112981617A
Автор: 刘光莲
Принадлежит: Individual


27-12-1997 дата публикации

Secondary textile material regeneration method

Номер: RU2100493C1

FIELD: textile industry. SUBSTANCE: method involves cutting raw material into pieces while material is continuously moved under cutters of guillotine-type cutting machine, with cutting being conducted two times; disintegrating pieces into separate parts and then into threads and filaments. Prior to cutting, raw material, which is preferably packaging sack material, is subjected to treatment and cleaning. Upon disintegrating pieces into threads and filaments, obtained mass is combed by carding machine. During first cutting stage, material is cut in transverse direction to produce strips, at the second stage it is cut in longitudinal direction to produce pieces by changing movement direction for 90 deg. Material disintegration process is conducted in cylindrical chamber. EFFECT: increased efficiency, simplified construction. 1 dwg, 1 tbl СсбУОбОГсС ПЧ Го РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) (51) МПК ВИ "” 2100 493 ' О 01 С 711/00 13) СЛ 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 95120549/12, 06.12.1995 (46) Дата публикации: 27.12.1997 (56) Ссылки: Лебедев Н.А., Кроткова В.Ф., Симоненко Т.И. Обзор: Технологические процессы и оборудование для регенерации вторичных текстильных материалов. - М.: ЦНИИТЭИМС", 1991, сер.1, вып.9, с.35 - 37. Атсап фтехШе$. - 1984, М 182, с.40 и 65. (71) Заявитель: Фоминых Татьяна Александровна (73) Патентообладатель: Фоминых Татьяна Александровна (72) Изобретатель: Фоминых Татьяна Александровна (54) СПОСОБ РЕГЕНЕРАЦИИ ВТОРИЧНЫХ ТЕКСТИЛЬНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ (57) Реферат: Изобретение используется в текстильной промышленности, а именно при регенерации вторичных текстильных материалов. Сущность изобретения: способ включает резку сырья на лоскут при непрерывном его перемещении под ножи резальной машины гильотинного типа, которую осуществляют дважды, разволокнение лоскута на отдельные клочки, а затем нити и волокна, перед резкой на лоскут сырье, в качестве которого используют утильную мешкотару, ...

06-11-2020 дата публикации

Methods of making carbon fibers from recycled cotton and methods of using fibers obtained in this way to form articles made of composite materials

Номер: KR20200126361A

면으로 만들어진 제품을 수집하는 단계 (a1); 상기 제품으로부터 재생 면 섬유라 불리는 짧고 불연속적인 섬유 형태의 면을 추출하기 위한 기계적 처리 단계 (a2); 방사 용액이라 불리는 용액을 생성하기 위해 용매 용액에 상기 재생 면 섬유를 용해시키는 단계 (a3); 용매 방사 공정을 통한 연속적인 셀룰로오스 기반 섬유를 제조하는 단계 (a4); 얻어진 연속적인 셀룰로오스 기반 섬유를 선택적으로 늘리는 연신 단계 (a5); 로 구성된 셀룰로오스 기반 섬유 준비 단계 (a); 및 상기 연속적인 셀룰로오스 기반 섬유를 탄소 섬유로 탄화시키는 단계 (b); 로 구성된 것을 특징으로 하는 면 재생을 통한 탄소 섬유 제조 방법이 개시된다.

01-02-2019 дата публикации

System for recycling fiber from waste textile

Номер: CN208450187U
Принадлежит: Longda Textile Co Ltd


02-06-2015 дата публикации

manufacturing method of filament using wasted-rope and interior sheet material of automobile thereby

Номер: KR101524241B1
Автор: 강진희, 조선옥, 홍성임
Принадлежит: 조선옥

본 발명은 폐기처리하고 있는 로프를 재활용하여 자동차의 내장 인테리어 시트로 활용하고자 하는 데 본 발명의 목적이 있다. 본 발명의 로프를 활용한 필라멘트 제조 방법상 주요 구성은, 폴리프로필렌 재질의 로프를 수집하는 단계; 수집된 로프에 부착된 이물질을 제거하는 단계; 이물질 제거된 로프를 절단하는 단계; 절단된 로프는 세척하는 단계; 수분함량 0-3% 이내가 되게 건조하는 단계; 로프를 해면장치에서 해면(타면) 가공하여 필라멘트 형태로 만드는 해면 단계;를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하며, 상기 이물질 제거된 로프를 절단하는 단계에서, 절단하는 길이는 1-20센치미터인 것을 특징으로 하며, 상기 건조하는 단계에서 수분함수 율은 0-3% 인 것을 특징으로 하며, 상기 건조하는 단계에서, 건조 방법은 과열증기실에서 과열증기를 이용하여 건조하는 것을 특징으로 하며, 상기 로프를 해면장치에서 해면(타면) 가공하여 필라멘트 형태로 만드는 해면 단계에서, 필라멘트의 굵기는 1-30 데니어인 것을 특징으로 하며, 상기 로프를 해면장치에서 해면(타면) 가공하여 필라멘트 형태로 만드는 해면 단계에서, 해면장치는, 컨베이어(2)와, 상기 컨베이어(2)를 가동시키는 모터(8)와, 상기 컨베이어(2) 단부 상에 설치되는 갈퀴(3)를 갖는 회전체(4)와, 회전체(4) 상부에 설치되는 갈퀴(3)를 갖는 상부회전체(6)와, 상기 회전체(4)를 가동시키는 모터(10)와, 상기 상부회전체(6)에서 가공되어 나오는 로프의 필라멘트를 이송시키는 이송컨베이어(11)를 포함하며, 상기 회전체(4)의 갈퀴(3)와, 상부회전체(6)의 갈퀴(3) 사이는 서로 충돌되지 않고 겹쳐지는 위치에 놓이도록 구성되어 로프가 찢어지는 작동을 하도록 구성되는 것을 특징으로 한다. The object of the present invention is to recycle waste rope to be used as a built-in interior sheet of automobiles. The main structure of the filament manufacturing method utilizing the rope of the present invention comprises: collecting a rope made of polypropylene; Removing foreign matter adhered to the collected rope; Cutting the debris-removed rope; Washing the cut rope; Drying to be within a moisture content of 0-3%; And a sponging step of spunning the rope in a sponge device to form a filament shape. In the step of cutting the rope with the foreign material removed, the length of the cut is 1 to 20 cm And the moisture content is 0 to 3% in the drying step. In the drying step, the drying method is characterized in that the drying is performed using superheated steam in the superheated steam room, In the spongy step, the filament has a thickness of 1-30 deniers at the spongy step of making the filament of the device by sponging (rubbing) the filament. When the rope is sponged (filed) The sponge device comprises a conveyor (2), a motor (8) for moving the conveyor (2), and a rotatable member (3) having a rake (3) ...

12-05-2015 дата публикации

Process Of Producing Recycled Aramid Needle Punching Non―Woven Fabric

Номер: KR101519466B1
Автор: 강윤화, 권성열, 박성우
Принадлежит: 권성열, 한국섬유개발연구원

본 발명은 아라미드 직물의 변부를 재생하여 니들펀칭 부직포를 제조하는 방법에 관한 것으로서 본 발명에 의해 고강도·고내열의 산업용 소재로 주로 사용되는 아라미드 섬유를 사용하여 직물을 제조하는 제직공정에서 발생하는 폐기물인 변부를 재활용하는데 있어서 타면기에 변부의 투입시 슬립 및 얽힘을 방지할 수 있으며, 고강도 아라미드 폐기물의 균일 분섬을 도모함으로써 보다 간소한 공정 및 저렴한 비용으로 재활용하여 기존 아라미드 제품 대비 낮은 제조원가로 제조할 수 있다. The present invention relates to a method for producing a needle punching nonwoven fabric by regenerating the edges of an aramid fabric, and more particularly, to a method for producing a needle punching nonwoven fabric by regenerating the edges of aramid fabrics by using the aramid fibers mainly used as industrial materials of high strength and high heat resistance. It is possible to prevent the slip and entanglement when the sides are inserted into the machine at the side of the machine and to recycle it by the uniform process of high strength aramid waste. have.

15-10-2021 дата публикации

Regenerated leather base cloth production device and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: CN109137149B
Автор: 罗建华
Принадлежит: Foshan Sanchuang Knitting Co ltd


17-08-2016 дата публикации

Method for producing bath towel from textile waste

Номер: CN105852714A
Автор: 潘成志


13-12-2019 дата публикации

Composite and method for preparing the same

Номер: KR102055974B1
Автор: 권기혜, 반균하, 배윤석
Принадлежит: 롯데첨단소재(주)

본 발명의 복합재는 열가소성 수지를 메인 피더로 공급하고, 복수의 탄소섬유 그룹을 사이드 피더로 공급하여 압출하는 단계를 포함하여 제조되며, 상기 탄소섬유 그룹은 6 내지 8 cm 길이의 탄소섬유 단사가 복수개로 형성되며, 단일 방향으로 배향된 것을 특징으로 한다. The composite material of the present invention is prepared by supplying a thermoplastic resin to the main feeder, and supplying and extruding a plurality of carbon fiber groups to the side feeder, the carbon fiber group is a plurality of carbon fiber single yarn of 6 to 8 cm length It is formed as, characterized in that oriented in a single direction.

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of monofilament yarn using recycled Thermoplastic Polyester elastomet

Номер: KR20220117932A
Автор: 이서호, 이인규, 한중훈
Принадлежит: 하이테크필라(주)

본 발명은 TPEE의 제조(생산)공정에서 생산 초기와 말기에 생산되는 물성이 불안정하여 목적하는 규격미달로 폐기되는 불량품 및 생산공정에서 공정조건 등에 트러블이 발생할 때에 생산되는 물성이 불안정하여 목적하는 규격미달로 폐기되는 불량품으로부터 얻어지는 재생 TPEE를 이용하여 TPEE 모노 필라멘트 원사를 제조하는 것이며, TPEE공정불량품과 PBT 공정불량품을 일정비율 조합하여 재생 TPEE 칩으로 성형한 공정, 재생 TPEE칩을 용융 압출방사하여 모노 필라멘트 원사를 제조하는 공정을 포함하는 것으로 이루어진다. 본 발명의 재생 TPEE를 이용한 모노 필라멘트 원사의 제조방법은 재생 TPEE 원료의 경도를 원단 제조용 원사의 경도로 조정하면서 방사장치로 신발, 제화용 또는 의자용으로 적합한 모노 필라멘트 원사를 제조하는 효과가 있으며 특히, 폐기되는 공정불량품으로부터 고품위의 재생 TPEE 모노 필라멘트 원사를 공급할 수 있으므로 친환경 요구에 따른 재생원료의 공급을 증대할 수 있는 장점이 있다.

31-07-2015 дата публикации

Device for undoing textile fiber bundles

Номер: KR101541043B1

본 발명은, n(n ≥ 2)개의 개별 섬유를 포함하는 유한한 직물 섬유 묶음을, n개보다 적은 개별 섬유를 가진 섬유 묶음으로 및/또는 개별 섬유로 기계식으로 분할하기 위한 장치에 있어서, 외부로부터 폐쇄되어 있으며, 밀링 챔버의 볼륨의 10% 이상의 하나 이상의 무효 공간을 가지고 있는 상기 밀링 챔버를 구비하고 있으며, 상기 밀링 챔버에서, 하나 이상의 회전 타격 부재는, 비절단 방식으로, 부하 피크를 감소시키기 위해, 재료에 대해 조절될 수 있지만 200rpm 이상인 회전 속도로 작동되고, 상기 밀링 챔버에서, 재료는 프로세스에서 배치 방식으로 여러 가지 다른 양으로 조절 가능하게 입력되며, 조절 가능한 기간 동안 처리되고, 다음에는 상기 밀링 챔버로부터 다시 배출되는, 직물 섬유 묶음을 개별 섬유로 기계식으로 분할하기 위한 장치를 제공한다. The invention relates to an apparatus for mechanically dividing a bundle of finite fabric fibers comprising n (n? 2) individual fibers into a bundle of fibers with less than n individual fibers and / or into individual fibers, And wherein the milling chamber has one or more void spaces of at least 10% of the volume of the milling chamber, wherein in the milling chamber, the at least one rotation striking member is configured to reduce the load peak , The material is operated in a rotational speed of 200 rpm or more, which can be adjusted for the material, in which the material is adjustably input in several different amounts in a batch manner in the process, treated for an adjustable period of time, There is provided an apparatus for mechanically dividing a bundle of fabric fibers into individual fibers, which is discharged from the milling chamber again.

13-02-2017 дата публикации

Scutching apparatus using wasted-rope

Номер: KR20170016053A
Автор: 강줄기
Принадлежит: 주식회사 해나라

폐로프를 이용한 필라멘트 생산용 타면장치가 개시된다. 본 발명의 일 실시예에 따른 폐로프를 이용한 필라멘트 생산용 타면장치는, 외주면에 톱니가 형성되는 롤러(roller)들의 상대회전에 기초하여 폐로프를 필라멘트로 타면하는 타면 유닛; 타면 유닛의 전(前) 공정에 배치되며, 타면 유닛으로 폐로프를 공급하는 폐로프 공급용 로딩 유닛; 및 타면 유닛의 후(後) 공정에 배치되며, 타면 유닛을 통해 타면이 완료된 필라멘트를 취출하는 필라멘트 취출용 언로딩 유닛을 포함한다.

29-04-1977 дата публикации

Tearing machine with rotary drum for unravelling textiles - preventing entrainment of unravelled material during shred sepn.

Номер: FR2326483A1
Автор: [UNK]

Tearing machine comprises a rotary drum, with peripheral tearing pins, which acts on a stationary tearing edge in the input region of the textiles. Adjoining the drum is a shred sepg. chamger with a trough which partially surrounds the drum at a distance. Textile particles free from shreds are conducted along the inner surface of the trough to a receiving chamber above a screen cylinder, creating a vacuum which is effective in the screen cylinder. In the shred sepg. chamber on the input side is a curved guide plate. An air current is directed onto the lower region of the plate and the upper region deflects the air current intersecting with the fall zone of the shreds into the gap between the rotary drum and trough.

02-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: FR2293309A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Lesti Klaus

28-07-1972 дата публикации

Opening fibre roving - by passing between two rollers carrying radially movable needle bars

Номер: FR2118190A1
Автор: [UNK]

The rollers are arranged to form a nip through which the roving passes and are provided with axially extending peripheral slots, in which needle bars are radially slidable. The ends of the needle bars engage cam elements adjacent each end of the rollers and secured on the inner face of the roller housing, and the cam elements act to move the needle bars radially as the rollers rotate to adjust the operative height of the needles. Pref. brush rollers act on the needle rollers to remove waste fibre. A better opening is achieved.

14-05-1971 дата публикации

Opening and carding compressed fibre

Номер: FR2056720A5
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Ideal Automotive GmbH

Fibre passes between 2 rotating card cylinders, acting as a calendar and closely spaced, whose rough surfaces move relatively to each other and enter the material. The material leaving the last pair of cylinders is brought to a directing cylinder on the surface of the last card cylinder and is lightly pressed back against the latter, so that it lies loosely on its surface and separates from its under its own wt. as the cylinder revolves, and goes to a collector.

15-12-2017 дата публикации

Multi-functional polypropylene fibre heats composite and preparation method thereof with regenerated fiber

Номер: CN107475896A
Автор: 冷纯廷, 邢天宝


13-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR3075227B1

L'invention concerne un procédé de fabrication d'une fibre de carbone, qui comprend une étape de préparation d'une fibre continue à base de cellulose à partir de textiles en coton, par extraction de ces textiles de coton sous forme de courtes fibres discontinues, et mise en œuvre d'un procédé de filage en voie solvant ; cette étape étant suivie d'une étape de carbonisation de ladite fibre continue à base de cellulose obtenue, pour former une fibre de carbone. Cette fibre de carbone peut notamment être utilisée pour la fabrication d'articles en matériau composite à base de fibres de carbone et de résine organique polymère. The invention relates to a process for manufacturing a carbon fiber, which comprises a step of preparing a continuous cellulose-based fiber from cotton textiles, by extracting such cotton textiles as short staple fibers. , and implementation of a solvent-based spinning process; this step being followed by a step of carbonization of said continuous cellulose-based fiber obtained, to form a carbon fiber. This carbon fiber can in particular be used for the manufacture of articles made of composite material based on carbon fibers and organic polymer resin.

12-11-1971 дата публикации

Transform textile fibres into dis continuous - filaments

Номер: FR2079509A5
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: DuPont Canada Inc

A mass of undrawn continuous filaments of synthetic polymers, such as (Nylon 6.6), polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene terephthalate etc. which can be drawn in the cold, is transformed into a mass of discontinuous filaments, the mass of continuous fibres, of waste materials such as bobbin ends, is advanced by a feed belt at low speed and under stress into a preparation machine of the Garnett type. It is then drawn and separated, the filaments being elongated at high speed and crimped at random, they are then broken or cut into variable lengths, all in one operation. The mass of discontinuous fibres thus produced is formed into a ribbon.

27-01-1967 дата публикации

Finishing machines for textile and similar products

Номер: FR1467276A
Автор: Robert Laroche

07-04-1989 дата публикации


Номер: FR2621329A1

L'invention concerne une machine effilocheuse de grande largeur. Le poste d'alimentation 1 est automatique. Un séparateur centrifuge 29 recycle les déchets récupérés par le transport pneumatique longitudinal 27. Il les recycle avec les nouveaux déchets 9, dans la cheminée à parois vibrantes 8 qui s'étend sur toute la largeur de la machine. Les trémies d'aspiration compartimentées 34 assurent l'homogénéité des nappes de fibres. Application : production en 42 d'une nappe de fibres de très haute qualité, homogène sur toute la largeur, c'est-à-dire sur plusieurs mètres. The invention relates to a fraying machine of great width. Feeding station 1 is automatic. A centrifugal separator 29 recycles the waste recovered by the longitudinal pneumatic transport 27. It recycles them with the new waste 9, in the vibrating wall chimney 8 which extends over the entire width of the machine. The compartmentalized suction hoppers 34 ensure the homogeneity of the layers of fibers. Application: production in 42 of a web of fibers of very high quality, homogeneous over the entire width, that is to say over several meters.

16-07-1959 дата публикации

Ripping machine

Номер: FR1184056A
Автор: Arne Fransson

03-11-1972 дата публикации

Recovery of waste synthetic yarn - and conversion to spun yarn on a cotton spinning system

Номер: FR2130360A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Individual

Fibres suitable for spinning to a yarn of fineness No. 12-70 metric, on the cotton spinning system are obtd. by cutting waste synthetic yarn into pieces and converting it to a sliver from which a roving is formed and cut into lengths which can be used on the cotton spinning system, then opened, finely carded and mixed.

13-02-1976 дата публикации

Untwisting twine to recover fibres - by passing it through rotating tube and then between draft rolls which rotate about tube longitudinal axis

Номер: FR2278801A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Foures Jean

Twine is untwisted to recover the fibres for re-use by passage through pref. feed rolls and a stationary duct into a tube rotating about its longitudinal axis in a direction opposite to that of the twist in the twine. At the exit of the tube the twine passes through the nip of a pair of rotating drafting rollers, which pref. also orbit about the longitudinal axis of the tube. The untwisted yarn then pref. passes through feed rolls to a take-up device. The device is used particularly for un-twisting twine made of e.g. sisal and used e.g. for bailing hay.

06-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR3027924A1

La présente invention se rapporte un procédé de détissage et de réalignement de fibres, notamment de carbone, à partir de découpes de tissu avec des fils de chaîne et de trame, il est caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend une étape de réalignement desdites fibres par chocs successifs sur au moins deux parois d'un premier module d'alignement (4) et une étape de mise en forme par un deuxième module (6). Le réalignement est fait par une série de plaques en chicanes (400) orientées de 0 à +/-90°, de préférence de +/-10° à +/-80° par rapport à la verticale. Les fibres s'alignent en tombant à travers le premier module (4) en s'entrechoquant avec les chicanes (400). Le premier module (4) est animé d'un mouvement vibrant vertical de fréquence comprise entre 10Hz et 200Hz par exemple pour éviter toute immobilisation des fibres entre les chicanes (400). Puisque le mouvement est vibrant verticalement, cela n'occasionne pas de désalignement des fibres. The present invention relates to a process for detaching and realigning fibers, in particular carbon, from fabric cuts with warp and weft threads, it is characterized in that it comprises a step of realigning said fibers by successive shocks on at least two walls of a first alignment module (4) and a shaping step by a second module (6). The realignment is done by a series of baffle plates (400) oriented from 0 to +/- 90 °, preferably from +/- 10 ° to +/- 80 ° with respect to the vertical. The fibers are aligned by falling through the first module (4) by colliding with the baffles (400). The first module (4) is animated with a vertical vibrating motion of frequency between 10Hz and 200Hz for example to prevent any immobilization of the fibers between the baffles (400). Since the movement is vibrating vertically, it does not cause any misalignment of the fibers.

14-11-1958 дата публикации

Method for purifying flax waste and tow and machine for its implementation

Номер: FR1166766A
Автор: Armand-Victor Pegeron

11-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: FR2598723B1
Автор: Konrad F Gilhaus

11-03-2015 дата публикации

Wallpaper production method through waste and used cloth

Номер: CN104404658A
Автор: 刘安富, 杨兴阔, 陈有顺


22-06-1962 дата публикации

Carding machine for making padding

Номер: FR1296582A

28-09-1906 дата публикации

Improvements to fraying machines

Номер: FR366185A
Автор: Lucien-Louis Boistay

22-01-1924 дата публикации

Fabric Thinning Machine

Номер: FR565219A
Автор: Paterne Strudel

29-04-1977 дата публикации

Drum for tearing machine for unravelling textiles - allowing rapid easy mounting or dismounting of boards

Номер: FR2326482A1
Автор: [UNK]

The drum comprises, on its outer surface boards which bear tearing pins, which extend a long the generating lines of the drum wall, and which are fixed by T-bars mounted between the boards. The T-bars include threaded pins which pass through the drum wall, and nuts which are screwed on from the inside of the drum. The long edges of the boards are chamfered in a plane extending parallel to the radial plane through the threaded pins, and each T-bar comprises a rectangular-section stem to which the threaded pin is welded. Recesses in which the threaded pins are guided and welded may be provided in the stem. Pref. two or more boards are mounted one behind the other along a generating line of the drum wall and fixed at 180 degrees.

06-03-1922 дата публикации

Machine for waste treatment

Номер: FR533598A
Автор: Oscar Johansen

17-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: FR2540895A1
Автор: Marcel Holvoet
Принадлежит: Beghin Say SA


05-01-2021 дата публикации

Preparation method of recycled cotton fibers and preparation method of yarns thereof

Номер: CN112176461A


28-09-2018 дата публикации

A kind of non-woven fabric production line with the online collection device of edge grinding

Номер: CN108589039A
Автор: 徐家茂, 黄春节


29-04-1998 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for recycling the filling material of quilts

Номер: EP0826813A3
Принадлежит: Badenia Steppdeckenfabrik GmbH

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zum Recyclen von Füllmaterial (3) wenigstens zweilagiger Bahnmaterialien, z.B. wenigstens eines Randstreifens von Bahnmaterialien, insbesondere von Steppdecken, bei denen zur getrennten Weiterverwertung des Füllmaterials und der Deckschichten des Randstreifens vorgeschlagen wird, daß in einem ersten Verfahrensschritt ein Randstreifen (7) abgetrennt und in einem zweiten Verfahrensschritt die Deckschichten (2a,2b) des Randstreifens (7) auseinandergezogen und das Füllmaterial (3) zwischen den Deckschichten abgefördert wird, wozu wenigstens eine Schneideinrichtung (32,33) zum Abtrennen eines Randstreifens und eine nachgeschaltete Separiereinrichtung (38,39) zum Auseinanderziehen der Deckschichten verwendet werden. The invention relates to a method and a device for recycling filler material (3) of at least two-layer web materials, for example at least one edge strip of web materials, in particular quilts, in which it is proposed that the filler material and the cover layers of the edge strip be recycled separately in a first process step an edge strip (7) is separated and in a second process step the cover layers (2a, 2b) of the edge strip (7) are pulled apart and the filler material (3) is conveyed between the cover layers, for which purpose at least one cutting device (32, 33) for separating an edge strip and a downstream separating device (38, 39) can be used to pull the cover layers apart.

18-06-1996 дата публикации

Apparatus for separating wood fibers from other fibers in fibremat residues

Номер: US5526990A
Принадлежит: Canadian Forest Products Ltd

Residues from fibermat materials are broken down and separated into wood fibers and other fibers so that the fibers may be recycled. If the fibermat residues are not recycled, they present a disposal problem due to the uncured resins that become toxic waste. The fibermat residues are cut and separated by rotating cutting heads within a cutting and separating chamber. The wood fibers, being the heavier fibers, settle out, pass through a screen into a collection chamber and the lighter textile fibers are sucked out of the cutting and separating chamber with a vacuum system.

13-12-2022 дата публикации

Cotton recycling

Номер: US11525214B2
Автор: Jonathan Y. Chen
Принадлежит: University of Texas System

Cellulose materials and methods of making the cellulose materials are described herein. The method can include contacting a cotton fabric with an oxidizing system to obtain an oxidized cotton material and processing the oxidized cotton material to form the cellulose material. The oxidizing system can include an aqueous mixture of a N-oxyl compound and a hypochlorite compound. During oxidation, the pH of the aqueous mixture can be maintained at from 8.5 to 11. Cellulose products can be formed from the cellulose materials. For example, the cellulose products can be used to form a packaging material, a biomedical device or implant, a drug delivery material, a fiber, a textile material, a template for electronic components, or a separation membrane. Methods of making the cellulose product include dissolving or suspending an active ingredient in a medium comprising the cellulose material.
