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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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10-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2415620C2

Способ выполнения шва без морщин при сшивании деталей одежды включает следующие этапы: расположение с помощью приспособления для подгиба клеящего элемента, содержащего связующее, между деталями одежды; выполнение группы строчек для образования шва; приложение тепла и давления для приклеивания связующего к, меньшей мере, одной детали одежды. Связующее обладает температурой плавления при горячем прессовании свыше чем 160°С и прочностью на отслаивание, равной или превышающей приблизительно 0,089 кгс/см. Изобретение касается также шва, применяемого при изготовлении одежды, содержащего связующее между первой и второй деталями одежды. Изобретение исключает образование сборок и морщин в области шва одежды даже после многократных стирок. 2 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 68 ил.

27-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2598561C2

Устройство заправки нити подачей нити газом для швейной машины содержит по меньшей мере один петлитель, имеющий полую структуру от отверстия петлителя для входа нити до отверстия петлителя для выхода нити в месте захвата петли, механизм ввода нити в петлитель для вставки нити петлителя, полый нитенаправитель петлителя, проходящий от указанного механизма ввода нити в петлитель к указанному отверстию петлителя для входа нити и имеющий выходное отверстие нитенаправителя петлителя, насос подачи газа для заправки в петлитель указанной нити петлителя от указанного механизма ввода нити в петлитель к указанному выходному отверстию нитенаправителя петлителя через указанный полый нитенаправитель петлителя посредством подачи нити газом, муфту для передачи энергии от двигателя швейной машины приводному валу для приведения в действие устройства формирования стежка, включающего в себя указанный петлитель, во время формирования стежка и указанному насосу подачи газа во время заправки нитью петлителя, ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для проклеивания ниточных строчек и швов

Номер: RU182430U1

Полезная модель относится к швейной отрасли легкой промышленности и может быть использована при изготовлении утепленных и других защитных изделий для герметичного соединения деталей изделий из различных материалов, в т.ч. из разнородных по свойствам материалов, например, воздухонепроницаемой термостойкой пленки и эластичного пленочного или текстильного материала. Устройство для проклеивания ниточных строчек и швов содержит корпус устройства, узел рулонного питания, механизм прижима ролика, механизм удаления защитного слоя, при этом в устройство дополнительно введен механизм для предотвращения инерционного раскручивания пленки, выполненный в виде фиксирующего ролика, подпружиненно контактирующего с роликом съема и с возможностью регулирования, при этом ролик съема выполнен с крыльями и установлен на удалении с прижимным роликом, а диаметры роликов съема и прижимного соотносятся как 1:(1,2÷1,5); на переднем торце устройства размещено средство указателя ориентации направления приклеивания пленки, установленное с возможностью регулирования; а механизм начального отделения клеевого слоя пленки от подложки расположен по выходе из корпуса на оси, параллельной оси прижимного ролика, и включает две подпружиненно соединенные пластины и рычажно соединенный ролик с шероховатой цилиндрической поверхностью; а под прижимным роликом размещено отрезное средство, фиксируемое в двух положениях, а подающий барабан установлен подпружинено. Использование этого устройства позволяет обеспечить повышение эффективности механизированного приклеивания пленки вдоль выбранного и удерживаемого направления. 4 ил. И 1 182430 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 182 430” 94 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 09.07.2018 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 18.11.2019 Дата публикации и ...

30-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015226C1

Использование: в швейных машинах потайного стежка. Сущность изобретения: швейная машина содержит пластинчатый сгибатель для выгибания стачиваемого материала в сторону круговой траектории движения изогнутой иглы, который проходит вдоль перпендикулярной траектории движения изогнутой иглы плоскости с помощью проходящего перпендикулярно ей приводного вала. Сгибатель материала установлен с возможностью качания в шлице отстоящего от приводного вала несущего элемента вокруг параллельной приводному валу оси и нагружен с помощью пружины в сторону от приводного вала. Для достижения особенно узкой конструкции сгибателя материала предусмотрена торсионная пружина, которая расположена в отверстии приводного вала, где имеется достаточное монтажное пространство для установки пружины. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2120782C1

Швейная нить имеет, по меньшей мере, на наружной поверхности пропитку, выполненную по меньшей мере одним первичным материалом, имеющим возможность активации без пенообразования после изготовления шва, для получения продукта для повышенной сцепляемости нити со стачиваемым материалом в шве. Швейная нить позволяет обеспечить водонепроницаемость швов. Предложен также способ изготовления водонепроницаемого шва. 3 с. и 18 з.п.ф-лы, 2 ил.

23-04-2019 дата публикации

Способ соединения ткани из сверхвысокомолекулярного полиэтилена и изделие, включающее такое соединение

Номер: RU2685816C1

Изобретение относится к текстильной промышленности, а именно к способам соединения тканей из сверхвысокомолекулярного полиэтилена (СВМПЭ), а также к изделиям, включающим такое соединение, и может быть использовано для получения тканых изделий для применения в различных областях техники. Способ включает наложение краевой части первого фрагмента ткани из СВМПЭ на не краевую часть первого фрагмента, или на краевую или не краевую часть второго фрагмента ткани из СВМПЭ, и сшивание частей ткани с формированием соединительного шва, ориентированного вдоль кромки краевой части первого фрагмента ткани и содержащего, по меньшей мере, две строчки. Сшивание частей ткани осуществляют с натяжением нити соединительного шва, обеспечивающим прижатие друг к другу продольных нитей ткани, ориентированных поперечно соединительному шву, на длине указанных продольных нитей не менее 3 см. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

30-11-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2023778C1
Принадлежит: Макпи С.п.А. (IT)

Сущность изобретения: швейная машина включает в себя два или больше ведомых приводных вала, которые приводятся во вращение с синхронизированными скоростями вращения. На одном валу смонтированы кулачковые элементы, которые посредством элементов, передающих механическое движение, побуждают к поворачиванию из стороны в сторону иглодержатели, транспортирующие зажимные приспособления и крючки, причем эти элементы выполнены и расположены так, чтобы выполнять одновременно сшивные строчки прямолинейной, дугообразной или ломаной конфигурации. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

20-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006111363A

... 1. Устройство для предотвращения обрывания шва, предназначенное для предотвращения обрыва нитки на конечном участке шва при сшивании, которое предусмотрено в швейной машине для формирования шва посредством прохождения петлителя (1), который продвигается вперед от правой стороны относительно местоположения (А) падения иглы к левой стороне в петли игольных ниток (6а и 6b), образованные на задней стороне относительно местоположения (А) падения иглы, переплетая нитку (7) петлителя, удерживаемую петлителем (1), с игольными нитками (6а и 6b), отличающееся тем, что оно содержит крючок (4) для подвешивания нитки петлителя, расположенный на задней стороне справа от местоположения (А) падения иглы таким образом, что он может продвигаться вперед и возвращаться для захватывания нитки (7) петлителя вблизи продвинутого вперед конечного участка петлителя (7), когда петлитель продвигается влево в переднем направлении, и может удерживать нитку (7) петлителя в положении сзади от местоположения (А) падения ...

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2555807C1

Крючок для нитки и держатель нитки петлеобразователя установлены с обратной стороны положения опускания иголки швейной машины. По завершении обычного шва крючок для нитки и держатель нитки петлеобразователя поворачиваются и перемещаются близко к петлеобразователю. Деталь крючка, предусмотренная на кончике крючка для нитки, удерживает петлю игольной нитки, захваченную петлеобразователем, и располагает ее на выдвинутой концевой части петлеобразователя на расстоянии от положения опускания иголки, а нитеприемник, предусмотренный на кончике держателя нитки петлеобразователя, удерживает нитку петлеобразователя, протянутую от петлеобразователя до ткани, и располагает ее в передней части на расстоянии от положения опускания иголки. Во время шитья, по меньшей мере, одним стежком швейная машина поддерживает положения петли игольной нитки и нитки петлеобразователя. 4 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 22 ил.

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013154725A

... 1. Способ предотвращения распускания швов многониточного цепного стежка, образуемых улавливанием петли игольной нити, образованной ниже игольной пластины иглой, движущейся вверх и вниз, удерживающей игольную нить, в результате расположения петлителя, который имеет возможность двигаться вперед и назад в направлении, по существу, ортогональном к вертикальной траектории движения иглы, в крайнем переднем положении, и путем зацепления петли игольной нити с нитью петлителя, идущей от петлителя, характеризующийся тем, чтопосле завершения нормального шитья петлитель устанавливают и удерживают в продвинутом вперед положении движения состоянии, в котором петлю игольной нити улавливают петлителем в положении более близком к переднему концу движения петлителя, чем к положению падения иглы, и удерживают до тех пор, пока не опустят иглу через петлю игольной нити, пойманной петлителем, ипосле этого осуществляют самозацепление петли игольной нити с игольной нитью, удерживаемой иглой, в результате выхода ...

27-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005132224A

... 1. Способ выполнения шва без морщин при сшивании деталей одежды, каждая из которых имеет верхнюю поверхность и нижнюю поверхность, при котором помещают клеящий элемент, содержащий связующее и имеющий верхнюю поверхность и нижнюю поверхность, между первой деталью одежды и второй деталью одежды, причем связующее обладает температурой плавления при горячем прессовании выше, чем около 160°С, выполняют группу строчек, прошиваемых сквозь клеящий элемент и по меньшей мере одну из деталей одежды так, чтобы образовать по меньшей мере один шов, прикладывают достаточное количество тепла и достаточное давление для осуществления приклеивания связующего по меньшей мере к одной из деталей одежды для образования шва. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором связующее обладает прочностью на отслаивание, равной или превышающей приблизительно 0,089 кгс/см (0,5 фунта/дюйм). 3. Способ по п.1, в котором связующее обладает прочностью на отслаивание, равной или превышающей приблизительно 0,178 кгс/см (1,0 фунт/дюйм). 4. Способ ...

23-06-1992 дата публикации

Тип стежка через кромку для сшивания двумя игольными и одной закрепительной нитями обрабатываемой детали вдоль кромки и способ его выполнения

Номер: SU1743366A3

Сущность изобретения: при получении трехниточного стежка с помощью двух игл и петлителя петли нитей игл смещены относительно одна другой в направлении подачи обрабатываемой детали. При этом линии, соединяющие точки входа петель в деталь, образуют с направлением подачи детали острый угол или параллельны ему. Нити игл проводят через обрабатываемую деталь одновременно с помощью двух игл со сдвигом относительно направления подачи детали. 2 с. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

30-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004135556A1

10-05-2007 дата публикации

Stickmaschine und Steppstichmaschine

Номер: DE0019939014B4

Mehr nadelsticknähmaschine mit mindestens einem Stickrähmaschinenkopf (101), der mit einer Mehrzahl von Nadelstangen (105) und einer Mehrzahl von Fadenaufnahmehebeln (107) entsprechend den Nadelstangen (105) versehen ist, Nadelfadenablenkabschnitten (118), die entsprechend stromaufwärts von den zugehörigen Fadenaufnahmehebeln (107) angeordnet sind, die in den Nadelfadenpfaden vorhanden sind, und Fadenaufnahmeteilen (125), die entsprechend zu den zugehörigen Nadelfadenablenkabschnitten (118) vorgesehen sind.

30-09-2004 дата публикации

Aufreiß-Verschluss, Verfahren zur Ausbildung eines Aufreiß-Verschlusses, Nähmaschine und Nähnadel

Номер: DE0010015667B4

Durch Vernähen, insbesondere Kettenstichnähen, hergestellter Aufreiß-Verschluss (1) von zwei oder mehreren Folienlagen (2, 3), wobei ein Nähfaden die Folienlagen (2, 3) in entsprechenden Einstich-Durchbrechungen (4, 5) durchsetzt, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass zwischen den Einstich-Durchbrechungen (4, 5) eine oder mehrere weitere Durchbrechungen (6, 7) einer oder beider Folienlagen (2, 3) ausgebildet sind.

28-05-2003 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Bilden eines Stiches

Номер: DE0010247343A1

Problem DOLLAR A Gemäß einem Ziel der Erfindung werden in einer dicken Haut eines Fahrzeugsitzes oder Möbels, wenn Oberseiten zweier Lagen von Nähmaterialien ausgerichtet werden, deren Enden zusammengenäht und hierauf werden die Nähmaterialien zum Zwecke einer Öffnung aufgefaltet, indem einer ihrer Nähabschnitte auf eine Innenseite gelegt wird, wobei die Nähmaterialien derart zusammengenäht sind, daß ein Stichfaden nicht an den Oberseiten der Nähmaterialien in Erscheinung tritt. DOLLAR A Mittel zur Lösung DOLLAR A Eine Naht wird kontinuierlich im Stoff durch Wiederholung des Vorgangs einer Bildung mehrerer Stiche gebildet durch Vorschieben des Stoffes in einer Richtung um (n + 1) Stiche zu einer Nähmaschine zur Bildung eines Steppstiches durch eine Stoffvorschubeinrichtung und hierauf Vorschieben des Stoffes um n Stiche in Richtung mit dem gleichen Vorschubausmaß in einer Richtung, die gegenüber der oben genannten Richtung entgegengesetzt verläuft.

26-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002731004A1

03-11-1931 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000537440C

07-02-1952 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000830880C

24-02-2000 дата публикации

Multi-needle embroidery machine has structured deflectors in the thread paths to the thread holding levers and needles to overcome friction forces on the threads

Номер: DE0019939014A1

The multi-needle embroidery sewing machine has at least one sewing machine head (101), with a number of needle shafts (105) and a matching number of thread holding levers (107). A corresponding number of thread deflection sections are upstream of the thread holding levers (107) in the thread movement paths. The assembly has thread holders matching the thread deflection sections. The position of the thread holders can be changed all together. The thread deflection sections have two bodies with thread manipulating surfaces, each with a thread opening, and a gap between them which bridges a slit at the center thread guide surface (115) over the thread holder assembly. The thread holders have a carrier shaft, mounted between carrier plates to give rotation and an axial sliding movement. The thread holders are on the shaft, matching the number of thread holding levers (107). The thread holders have a coil spring, a stop, and a spring tension adjuster. An Independent claim is included for a lockstitch ...

24-08-1933 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000582888C
Принадлежит: GUSTAV HUBER

18-09-2008 дата публикации

Antriebsvorrichtung für eine Nähmaschine

Номер: DE102008013153A1

In einer Nähmaschine für Doppelkettenstiche, die mit einem Greiferfadenaufhängehaken (5) und einem Fadenschneidhaken (6) versehen ist, sendet eine Ablaufsteuereinheit (7), die mit einem als Antriebsquelle einer Nähmaschinenhauptachse (10) dienenden Nähmaschinenmotor (2) versehen ist, an den Greiferfadenaufhängehaken (5) und den Fadenschneidhaken (6) einen Befehl, der bewirkt, dass diese zusammen mit jeweiligen Operationen eines Greifers (30) und einer Nadel (40) entsprechend der Drehung der Nähmaschinenhauptachse (10) arbeiten, welche durch das Steuern eines Antriebs des Nähmaschinenmotors (2) bewirkt wird, um so das Verhindern des Auftrennens einer Naht zu realisieren.

04-10-1973 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001660879C3

31-07-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE8516202U1

09-12-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DE0009314173U1

23-06-1937 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to sewing machines

Номер: GB0000468032A

... 468,032. Sewing - machines. WILLCOX & GIBBS SEWING MACHINE CO. Oct. 23, 1935, No. 5221/37. Convention date, March 16, 1935. Divided out of 464,773. [Class 112] In an overedge sewing-machine of the kind described in Specification 464,773, a take-up member is associated with the means for guiding the needle and looper threads to act directly on the needle and looper threads. The invention also includes means for facilitating threading the loopers. The thread-control mechanism is indicated generally in Fig. 1 by the reference 78 ; all the threads pass in one direction and only one take-up finger 324 operates on all three threads, one needle thread and two looper threads. Adjacent to the workplate 60 is a battery of thread-tensioning devices 316, 325 and 330 for the lower looper thread 313, overedge looper thread 314 and needle thread 310, Figs. 2 and 11. Each of these devices includes a pin carrying, a pair of tension discs maintained in yielding engagement by springs 345. Adjusting nuts enable ...

12-04-1995 дата публикации

Apparatus for needling a nonwoven web

Номер: GB0009503248D0

12-06-1939 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to blind stitch sewing machines

Номер: GB0000507139A

... 507,139. Sewing-machines. BELLOW, A. Sept. 10, 1937, No. 24671. [Class 112] In a blind-stitch sewing-machine the worksupporting plunger is made in two parts separable laterally so that the work can be passed down between them to a considerable depth in order to allow the seam to be formed at a considerable distance from the edge of the work or from an existing seam. In the form shown, each plunger half 19 is carried on an arm 13 pivotally mounted by means of a pin 12 in a plunger lever 1 which is mounted on a shaft 2 and is biassed by a spring 8 to its uppermost position, this position being determined by an arm 5 on the shaft 2 engaging an adjustable stop 6. The arms 13, which also carry pivoted spring-pressed work-engaging fingers 20, are urged towards one another by a tension spring (not shown), the distance between the plunger members 19 being determined by adjustable stop screws 17 carried by brackets 16 on the arms 13 and engaging the sides of the lever 1. A fixed cam member 18 engages ...

02-03-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in sewing machines

Номер: GB0000724992A

... 724,992. Sewing-machines. UNION SPECIAL MACHINE CO. Jan. 16, 1953 [Jan. 18, 1952], No. 1324/53. Class 112. Feed; lock-stitching by rotary hook; multiple-needle machines. In needle-feed lock-stitch machine with a vertical-axis rotary hook and the usual feed-dog co-operating with the needle, the underside of the feed-dog is provided with guard means to keep the needle-thread loop, as it is being drawn out by the hook, from catching over the upper surface of the feed-dog. The invention is particularly applicable to a twoneedle machine in which both hooks 28, 30 (Fig. 2) rotate in the same direction (clockwise as shown), so that one of the hooks (30) draws its needle-loop out rearwardly, and this loop is liable to balloon out and catch over the corner of the feed-dog 24, the thread then being broken by the action of the take-up. In the form shown in Figs. 5 and 7 the feed dog has a divided upper portion with the main feeding surfaces formed on outward flanges 88, 90, and the guard in question ...

02-03-1931 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to blind-stitch sewing machines

Номер: GB0000344021A

... 344,021. Sewing-machines. MASTALIA, E., (known as MASTLE, H.), 52, Avenue Hill, Chapeltown, Leeds. Nov. 28, 1929, Nos. 36438/29, 2640/30, and 23167/30. Grant of Patent opposed. [Class 112. Blind-stitching, attachments for.-An attachment for blind-stitching is mounted on the feed frame stud for bending the work in its passage to the presser foot, which may also have an attachment on its underside. The invention is described as applied to a curved needle Dearborn chain-stitching machine. The attachment has a vertical boss 22 with a central hole 23 with an upper portion of larger diameter.. A horizontal projection 24 is formed on the upper part of the boss, with a hole 25 to accommodate the feed frame stud 15 upon which it is mounted between brackets 14 on the feed frame 8. A pin 27 slides in the boss 22 and is normally pressed upwards by a spring 29, Fig. 8. The pin has a flat surface sliding on the stud 15 to prevent rotation. The upward movement is limited by a nut 31 and the pin is retained ...

19-05-1932 дата публикации

A cross-stitch and lock-stitch padding and felling device

Номер: GB0000372833A

... 372,833. Sewing-machines. BREGMAN, M., 37A, Camp Road, and MOLLAN, F. H., 5, Camp Road, Leeds. Sept. 2, 1931, No. 2988. [Class 112.] Blind-stitching machines; loop stitching.- A curved needle 3 forms a blind stitch, Figs. XII and XIII, with the aid of a looper 1 carrying a looper thread, and a loop spreader 2. The needle-carrier 4 is actuated by an eccentric causing the needle to enter the work without penetrating to the rear face thereof. The loop left by the needle is entered by the looper 1 which lays a loop inside the needle loop. This looper loop is then held by a loop spreader 2 while the needle penetrates it on its return work penetrating stroke, Fig. VII. This produces the stitch as shown in which the needle and looper thread loops mutually lock each other against unravelling. Folding devices.-The work is held on a plate 13 with an up-curved end, the edge of the work being folded over a plate 14. The depth of the hem is regulated either by various distance pieces 23, Fig. III, or ...

31-01-1949 дата публикации

An improved process and apparatus for uniting a plurality of fabric layers

Номер: GB0000617039A

... 617,039. Sewing ; sewing-machines. LEADER. S. A. Sept. 26, 1946, No. 28840. Drawings to Specification. [Class 112] Seams.-A plurality of fabric layers, particularly when an interlayer of kapok fibre is included, are connected by a continuous line of stitching and secured against unravelling by the application of adhesive, such as a solution of plasticised synthetic resin in a solvent which is readily absorbed by the fabric, by the needle at each stitch. Padded fabric can thus be formed before being cut to shape for garments without the possibility of the layers separating when cut. Liquids, applying to work.-Adhesive is applied along a line of stitching by applying it to the needle point after the latter has penetrated the work. In the arrangement described, the needle dips into a well of adhesive at the end of its downstroke; flow of adhesive may be produced or aided mechanically.

15-10-1931 дата публикации

Номер: GB0000358743A

... 358,743. Sewing-machines. STROBEL, A., 44, Heimeranstrasse, Munich, Germany. Oct. 23, 1930, No. 31894. Convention date, Feb. 25, 1930. Addition to 358,705. [Class 112.] Blind-stitching machines. - In the attachment described in the parent Specification, spring- pressed cloth guides 2, 3 are arranged below the stitch plate to render the attachment suitable for use with layers of cloth of varying thicknesses. The guides 2, 3 are in the form of rollers mounted on angular members 4 resiliently held up to the work by springs 10.

03-05-2017 дата публикации

Overlock sewing machine

Номер: GB0002533008B

21-10-1926 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to machines for forming tubular fabrics

Номер: GB0000258543A

... 258,543. Gardner, P. Sept. 19, 1925, [Convention date]. Winding webs; collapsable rollers.-A tubular fabric is produced in a machine comprising means for sewing a seam to connect the edges of a strip of material, coating the edges with adhesive, flattening them against the material, and winding the material on a roller so that the seam is retained in the flattened out position while drying. The seamed fabric passes from the sewing and pasting device over an inclined roller 100 and a guide roller 107 to the winding roller 108 which is removably secured on a shaft by an eccentric friction lock 110. The shaft has projecting trunnions 111, 112, the trunnion 112 projecting beyond its bearing and having a friction clutch engagement with a worm-wheel 115 driven from a shaft 120 so as to allow slip as the diameter of the roll of wound fabric increases.

29-01-2014 дата публикации

Mop material

Номер: GB0002504342A

Mop material comprises a first material 11a and a reinforcement material 14, wherein substantially all of an operative part 13 of the first material 11a is covered by the reinforcement material 14 and the reinforcement material 14 includes a plurality of strands, such that the reinforcement material 14 at least partially protects the first material 11a from wear through contact with a surface to be cleaned and/or dried. The plurality of strands 14 are preferably tethered to the first material at a plurality of locations 15 which are spaced apart from each other with the stands 14 being moveable between the tethered locations 15. The plurality of strands 14 are arranged to extend in a direction which is perpendicular to the usual direction of travel of the mop with the strands 14 comprising one or more bundles of strands. The strands 14 preferably comprise strands of polyester-viscose mixture. A method of manufacture is also disclosed.

07-07-1932 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to sewing machines

Номер: GB0000376103A

... 376,103. Sewing-machines. UNION SPECIAL MASCHINENFABRIK GES., 33, Schwabstrasse, Stuttgart, Germany. Sept. 30. 1931, No. 27194. Convention date, March 24. Addition to 366,433. [Class 112.] Chain-stitching.-The looper 28, as shown in the Figure, of the parent Specification is provided with needle guides 51 to ensure correct positioning of the needle 6 so that the looper will enter the needle thread loop. These guides 51 are secured to the looper below the blade so that when it moves forward the guides will place the needle, if deflected from its path, into position so that the looper will pass it on the right side and close to the needle. The mechanisms of the parent Specification for reciprocating the needle, for holding the work, and for oscillating and rotating the looper in the desired manner are also modified. The needle bar 5 is reciprocated once for each rotation of the main shaft 3 by a link 13 which is connected at one end to a collar clamped on the needle bar 5 and at the other ...

12-03-1925 дата публикации

Improvements in hemming machines

Номер: GB0000230352A

... 230,352. Marks, E. C. R., (Benjamin Co., Inc., E. V.). Aug. 13, 1924. Sewing-machines; chain-stitching; governing needle thread; needles, driving; driving; starting and stopping gear; folding devices. - A machine for hemming fabrics in long, lengths comprises a rotary looper mounted above the cloth-table and co-operating with a needle operating from below the cloth-table, the needle bar being mounted direct on an eccentric strap and guided by an oscillating guide. The looper 120 and needle 103 are mounted adjacent to a table 81 with hemming-guides 125. The needle-bar 97 slides in a guide 109 having trunnions 110 and is mounted on an eccentric-strap 96 driven by a shaft 94. A take-up arm 105 is mounted on the needle-bar. The shaft 94 and the shaft 118 of the looper are geared to a shaft 33 which may be clutch-connected to a gear-wheel 38 geared by chains and intermediate gears to a motor 60. The clutch is operated by a treadle 52. The needle-operating eccentric is enclosed in a casing 85 ...

25-07-1912 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Single Thread Chain Stitch Sewing Machines.

Номер: GB0191121508A

... 21,508. Sokal, S., [Administrator of Beutler, J. Diem-]. Sept. 29, 1910, [Convention date]. Sewing-machines; chain-stitching. - A stitch having the appearance of chain-stitch loops on both sides of the fabric is formed by the cooperation of a hook-needle 3 penetrating the fabric, a needle 5, reciprocating under the throat-plate and an oscillating looper 7 which lays the thread in the barbs of both needles. The needle movements are so timed that the hook needle 3 draws its loop through the work completely before the bearded needle commences its loop-drawing movement.

09-11-1994 дата публикации

Looper for a single-thread chainstitch sewing machine

Номер: GB0009418945D0

22-06-1922 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to machines for shirring tubular fabrics

Номер: GB0000181524A

... 181,524. Cohn, S. April 1, 1921. Incandescent-lamp-mantle sewing-machines. - A slotted beam 44, 45 with thread-clamping devices at each end, is rotated from a shaft 11, to lay a thread between radial cutting-edges of discs 65, 66, and in the open eyes of latch-needles 21. Side folders 3 are mounted on pivoted levers 5, which are oscillated by pins 7 working in slotted discs 10, Fig. 3, mounted on the shaft 11. A slotted crank 16 is fixed to a shaft 15 and is rotated through mutilated bevel gearing 13, 14 from the shaft 11. The crank 16 reciprocates a block 19 carrying the needles 21. Levers pivoted in the arms 44, 45 carry vertical plates 50, notched at 51, and concentric with shoes 46 on the arms. A pivoted lever 55 is oscillated from a cam disc 52 by a rod 54 to rotate the lever on the upper arm, Fig. 2, and thereby clamp the thread in the notch 51, between the plate 50 and the shoe 46. Of the cutting discs 65, 66 which are rotatably mounted on a shaft, one is integral with an arm 68, ...

14-10-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001208895A

... 1,208,895. Reactive dyes. SUMITOMO CHEMICAL CO. Ltd. 11 Dec., 1967 [10 Dec., 1966; 16 Oct., 1967; 24 Oct., 1967; 1 Nov., 1967; 4 Nov., 1967], No. 56181/67. Heading C4P. The invention comprises reactive dyes of formula wherein D is a dye residue, X1 and X2 are H, C 1 or C 2 alkyl or alkoxy, halogen, SO 3 H or COOH, Y is -CH 2 -CH 2 OSO 3 M m , -CH 2 - CH 2 Cl or -CH=CH 2 , wherein M is H, NH 4 or an alkali or alkaline earth metal, m is 1 or ¢ and n is 1, 2, 3 or 4. The dyes are prepared by reacting a dye having one or more active H atoms with (i) a compound of formula wherein Z is -CH 2 CH 2 OH or as defined under Y, in H 2 SO 4 or with (ii) a compound of formula and paraformaldehyde, formalin or dichlorodimethyl ether in H 2 SO 4 ; and, if necessary, treating the resultant dye with alkali. The above reactions may be used to prepare diazo or coupling components which are subsequently coupled to form azo dyes. In examples, the preparation of monoazo, metallized azo, phthalocyanine ...

15-03-1966 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for the seam of element dishes, such as in particular of fabrics or the sheets.

Номер: OA0000000238A

25-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000403155B

15-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000121470T

15-10-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000037570T

15-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000110802T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000338479T

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Novel intermediate material intended to limit the microcracking of composite parts

Номер: AU2009326902B2

The invention relates to an intermediate product intended for the production of a composite part in combination with a resin matrix, formed by at least two unidirectional sets of reinforcing yarns, the yarns of each set extending in a different direction, whereby the sets are interlinked by means of stitching or knitting using at least one stitching or knitting yarn. The invention is characterised in that the stitching or knitting yarn has a yarn count of less than or equal to 30 dTex, preferably less than or equal to 25 dTex, in accordance with standard EN ISO 2060.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for assembling a conveyor belt, use thereof, and conveyor belt

Номер: AU2017200203B2
Принадлежит: PIPERS

A method for assembling two ends (2, 3) of a conveyor belt (1) which consists of at least a carcass (4) and a covering (5), by means of sewing. The method comprises the 5 following steps: preparing the ends (2, 3) of the belts so as to impart a suitable shape to a join between the belts, namely a toothed shape; removing the covering (5) over a predetermined length at each end; sewing over a predetermined sewing area at the join, to assemble the carcasses (4) of the two belt ends (2, 3) to form a seam; and positioning a covering (5) so as to cover the seam.

17-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA930249A

24-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002593445A1

A method of manufacturing wrinkle-free garment seams and garments made therefrom comprises (a) placing a bonding element comprising a thermal adhesive between garment components, (b) stitching along a seam line; and (c) applying heat and/or pressure to cause the adhesive to melt and flow along the scam to bond at least one garment component. The thermal adhesive has a melting point of higher than about 150.degree.C., preferably in the range about 160.degree.C. to about 190.degree.C. Alternatively, a bonding element comprising any adhesive material and having a substantially U shape is used to make various seams, such as a yoke seam, a shoulder seam, a side seam, a pocket seam, a hem button stay seam, a sleeve seam, a collar seam, etc. Wrinkle free garments, such as shirts, pants, blouses, skirts, etc. incorporating the seams are produced.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002856504A1

A sewing machine of an "overlook" "cut-and-sew" type for sewing together at least two flaps (3 a, 3 b) of textile that are overlapping and belonging to one or more textile articles, comprising at least a needle plate (2) suitable for supporting at least two overlapping flaps (3 a, 3 b) of textile of one or more textile articles which are sliding for forming sewing stitches (10a, 10b, 10c), the needle plate (2) being provided with through-openings defining respective seatings (4) for passage of sewing needles (5) and at least a lateral appendage (6) defining a sliding line (7) for the sewing stitches (10a, 10b, 10c); a lower crochet hook (14); an upper crochet hook (15); and at least a sewing needle bearing device (11) with at least three sewing needles (5) mounted on the device (11), reciprocally flanked, aligned to one another and supplied with respective sewing threads (10), and being suitable for passing through the seatings (4) of the needle plate (2) for sewing the overlapping flaps ...

28-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002295164A1

The invention concerns a sewing method whereby a tension thread (8), guided and set in a passage (P) of a stitch (3) is moved laterally relative to stitching means (5, 6) between a normal position and a releasing position wherein the tension thread (8) is laterally spaced out of the passage (P), in particular for independently cutting the stitch (3) auxiliary threads (4) and/or the tension thread (8). L'invention concerne un procédé de couture grâce auquel un fil de tension (8), guidé et mis en place coulissant dans un passage (P) d'un point de couture (3) est déplacé latéralement par rapport aux moyens (5, 6) de piquage entre une position normale et une position de dégagement où le fil de tension (8) est éloigné latéralement hors du passage (P), pour permettre notamment le sectionnement indépendamment des fils auxiliaires (4) du point de couture (3) et/ou du fil de tension (8).

15-06-1929 дата публикации

Nahtlos in Form rundgestrickte Ware.

Номер: CH0000133446A

15-05-1939 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000204505A

15-07-1942 дата публикации

Heftmaschine mit Vorrichtung zum Ausreiben der Stoffkanten von Bekleidungsstücken.

Номер: CH0000222225A

15-01-1947 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000246456A

31-08-1950 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000270446A

31-08-1951 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000277254A

28-02-1949 дата публикации

Abschneideinrichtung an Überwendling-Nähmaschinen.

Номер: CH0000260063A

15-09-1947 дата публикации

Machine à coudre à point de surjet.

Номер: CH0000250631A

31-10-1948 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000257696A

30-06-1959 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000339475A

30-06-1959 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000339476A

30-04-1959 дата публикации

Dispositif de machine à coudre

Номер: CH0000338084A

30-11-1956 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Pikieren von Stoffbahnen

Номер: CH0000317410A

30-11-1956 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000317411A

15-10-1956 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000316372A

30-06-1953 дата публикации

Pikiervorrichtung an einer Nähmaschine.

Номер: CH0000291478A

31-03-1959 дата публикации

Näheinrichtung mit Blindstich-Nähmaschine

Номер: CH0000337396A

30-06-1959 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000339474A

15-03-1942 дата публикации

Rollpikiervorrichtung für Nähmaschinen.

Номер: CH0000219907A
Принадлежит: PFAFF AG G M, G. M. PFAFF A.-G.

31-01-1950 дата публикации

Nadelfaden-Anzugeinrichtung an einer Überwendling-Nähmaschine.

Номер: CH0000266336A

15-02-1950 дата публикации

Verfahren und Nähmaschine zur Herstellung einer einfädigen Maschinennaht.

Номер: CH0000266606A

15-11-1949 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Herstellen einer Saumnaht.

Номер: CH0000264876A

16-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000009847U1

Устройство для блокирования отверстий, образованных иглой при стачивании, содержащее емкость с герметизирующим составом, компрессор, регулятор давления и систему трубопровода, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит систему отсоса воздуха, сопло трубки которой размещено напротив и соосно соплу трубки для подачи герметизирующего состава, закрепленному вертикально на торцевой поверхности зубчатой рейки, сопло отсоса воздуха закреплено на прижимной лапке между рожками, при этом диаметр его выходного отверстия относится к диаметру сопла для подачи герметизирующего состава как 1,5 - 2,0 : 1, а выходное отверстие последнего выполнено соразмерным отверстию прокола, в подошве прижимной лапки вдоль нее выполнены канавки, глубина которых соразмерна высоте подъема зубчатой рейки, вся система выполнена из антиадгезионного, синтетического, гибкого материала. (19) RU (11) 9 847 (13) U1 (51) МПК D05B 1/26 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (71) Заявитель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия (21), (22) Заявка: 98115266/20, 11.08.1998 (46) Опубликовано: 16.05.1999 (72) Автор(ы): Немихина М.В., Метелева О.В., Веселов В.В., Цапалов Б.М. 9 8 4 7 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для блокирования отверстий, образованных иглой при стачивании, содержащее емкость с герметизирующим составом, компрессор, регулятор давления и систему трубопровода, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит систему отсоса воздуха, сопло трубки которой размещено напротив и соосно соплу трубки для подачи герметизирующего состава, закрепленному вертикально на торцевой поверхности зубчатой рейки, сопло отсоса воздуха закреплено на прижимной лапке между рожками, при этом диаметр его выходного отверстия относится к диаметру сопла для подачи герметизирующего состава как 1,5 - 2,0 : 1, а выходное отверстие последнего выполнено соразмерным отверстию прокола, в подошве прижимной лапки вдоль нее выполнены ...

20-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000016284U1

Машина сварочная ультразвуковая, содержащая станину, акустический пьезокерамический преобразователь с концентратором, снабженным рабочим органом, ультразвуковой генератор, питающий акустический пьезокерамический преобразователь, головку, расположенную сверху станины и взаимодействующую с пуансоном, имеющим рабочий орган, привод для перемещения пуансона в размер свариваемых деталей и усиления их прижима рабочими органами концентратора и пуансона, механизм регулирования зазора между рабочими органами концентратора и пуансона, а также микропроцессорный блок управления, отличающаяся тем, что она дополнительно снабжена бесконтактным задатчиком режима работы, связанным кинематически с педалью управления и электрически через микропроцессорный блок управления с приводом для перемещения пуансона, причем привод конструктивно выполнен в виде электромагнита, подвижно закрепленного в головке как минимум на трех осях при помощи пружин, работающих на сжатие, при этом акустический пьезокерамический преобразователь с концентратором размещены под станиной, а механизм регулирования зазора между рабочими органами концентратора и пуансона выполнен в виде микрометрического винта с нониусом непосредственной установки величины зазора и размещен в головке на одной оси с концентратором и пуансоном. (19) RU (11) 16 284 (13) U1 (51) МПК D05B 17/00 (2000.01) D05B 1/26 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000104617/20, 28.02.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.02.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 20.12.2000 (72) Автор(ы): Мартыненко Александр Владимирович (BY), Лысенок Иосиф Иосифович (BY), Мартыненко Владимир Владимирович (BY) 1 6 2 8 4 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Машина сварочная ультразвуковая, содержащая станину, акустический пьезокерамический преобразователь с концентратором, снабженным рабочим органом, ультразвуковой генератор, питающий акустический пьезокерамический преобразователь, ...

10-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000025513U1

Устройство для определения усилия прокола материала иглой швейной машины, содержащее взаимосвязанные конструктивные элементы, а именно средство для создания усилия, средство передачи усилия игле, самой иглы, средство крепления и фиксации проб материала и средство придания усилия, отличающееся тем, что использовано ручное усилие и в качестве средства измерения применен пружинный динамометр, соединенный с рычагом, который передает усилие игле, вследствие чего игла прокалывает материал. (19) RU (11) 25 513 (13) U1 (51) МПК D05B 1/00 (2000.01) G01L 5/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002106659/20 , 26.03.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.03.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 10.10.2002 (72) Автор(ы): Куликова Н.А. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Куликова Наталия Александровна U 1 2 5 5 1 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для определения усилия прокола материала иглой швейной машины, содержащее взаимосвязанные конструктивные элементы, а именно средство для создания усилия, средство передачи усилия игле, самой иглы, средство крепления и фиксации проб материала и средство придания усилия, отличающееся тем, что использовано ручное усилие и в качестве средства измерения применен пружинный динамометр, соединенный с рычагом, который передает усилие игле, вследствие чего игла прокалывает материал. 2 5 5 1 3 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ УСИЛИЯ ПРОКОЛА МАТЕРИАЛОВ ИГЛОЙ ШВЕЙНОЙ МАШИНЫ R U Адрес для переписки: 153005, г.Иваново, ул. Шошина, 17, кв.28, Н.А. Куликовой (71) Заявитель(и): Куликова Наталия Александровна RU 25 513 U1 RU 25 513 U1 RU 25 513 U1 RU 25 513 U1 RU 25 513 U1 RU 25 513 U1

27-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000049535U1
Автор: Борисов И.А.

1. Малогабаритная швейная машина для временного соединения тканей, содержащая механизмы игловодителя, петлителя и зубчатой рейки, механизм игловодителя содержит основание, иглодержатель с закрепленной в нем изогнутой иглой и рейку, а также привод поворота иглодержателя, иглодержатель шарнирно соединен с рейкой, которая шарнирно соединена с основанием, механизм игловодителя оснащен закрепленной на его основании направляющей, соединенной с рейкой с возможностью ее перемещения, а механизм петлителя содержит основание петлителя, крючок формирования петли, соединенный с основанием петлителя посредством шарнира и с возвратной пружиной, и привод поворота крючка формирования петли. 2. Машина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что привод поворота иглодержателя содержит тягу переменной длины, шарнирно соединенную с рейкой и с рычагом, закрепленным на оси шарнирного соединения рейки и иглодержателем. 3. Машина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена приводом поворота рейки, содержащим тягу переменной длины, шарнирно соединенную с основанием и рейкой. 4. Машина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что механизм петлителя соединен с основанием с возможностью взаимного перемещения. 5. Машина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что шарнирное соединение крючка формирования петли с основанием выполнено в виде вертикальной штанги с шарниром, соединенным с крючком формирования петли и охватывающим штангу. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 49 535 (13) U1 (51) МПК D05B 1/06 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005106462/22 , 10.03.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.03.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 27.11.2005 (72) Автор(ы): Борисов И.А. (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Борисов Игорь Александрович (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 121165, Москва, Г-165, а/я 15, ООО "ППФ-ЮСТИС", пат. пов. Л.С. Пилишкиной, рег.№ 895 Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 4 9 5 3 5 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Малогабаритная ...

10-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000082708U1

Устройство для герметизации шва, содержащее корпус устройства, в качестве которого может быть использован и корпус швейной машины, на котором расположены узел рулонного питания, направители, роликовый механизм прижима и перемещения материала, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит механизм удаления защитного слоя, состоящий из разделительного валика, ролика с приводом от главного вала, прижимного ролика с регулируемым усилием и лотка для транспортировки защитного слоя из рабочей зоны. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 82 708 U1 (51) МПК D05B 1/26 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007129232/22, 30.07.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.07.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия" (RU) U 1 8 2 7 0 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для герметизации шва, содержащее корпус устройства, в качестве которого может быть использован и корпус швейной машины, на котором расположены узел рулонного питания, направители, роликовый механизм прижима и перемещения материала, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит механизм удаления защитного слоя, состоящий из разделительного валика, ролика с приводом от главного вала, прижимного ролика с регулируемым усилием и лотка для транспортировки защитного слоя из рабочей зоны. 8 2 7 0 8 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ГЕРМЕТИЗАЦИИ ШВА R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, комн. Г-359, ИГТА, проректору по НПД (72) Автор(ы): Максимова Екатерина Владимировна (RU), Козырев Валерий Владимирович (RU), Метелева Ольга Викторовна (RU), Дунаева Ольга Владимировна (RU) U 1 U 1 8 2 7 0 8 8 2 7 0 8 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 82 708 U1 Изобретение относится к швейной промышленности ...

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000127754U1

1. Распошивальная машина, характеризующаяся тем, что содержит выполненную из прозрачного материала игольную пластину, в которой выполнено отверстие под иглу и канавки под зубчатую рейку, гибкий кронштейн, одним концом который прикреплен к конструкции во внутреннем пространстве под игольной пластиной распошивальной машины при помощи крепежной пластины, а другим к светодиодной подсветке, направленной в сторону нижней стороны игольной пластины. 2. Распошивальная машина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что светодиодная подсветка состоит из одного светодиода. 3. Распошивальная машина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что светодиодная подсветка состоит из нескольких светодиодов. 4. Распошивальная машина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что крепежная пластина прикреплена к конструкции во внутреннем пространстве распошивальной машины при помощи винтов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК D05B 1/00 (13) 127 754 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012146480/12, 31.10.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 31.10.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Хафизова Альбина Ильдусовна (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Хафизова Альбина Ильдусовна (RU), Фарахутдинов Радик Талгатович (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 31.10.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2013 Бюл. № 13 1 2 7 7 5 4 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Распошивальная машина, характеризующаяся тем, что содержит выполненную из прозрачного материала игольную пластину, в которой выполнено отверстие под иглу и канавки под зубчатую рейку, гибкий кронштейн, одним концом который прикреплен к конструкции во внутреннем пространстве под игольной пластиной распошивальной машины при помощи крепежной пластины, а другим к светодиодной подсветке, направленной в сторону нижней стороны игольной пластины. 2. Распошивальная машина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что светодиодная подсветка состоит из одного светодиода. 3. Распошивальная машина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что ...

17-04-2017 дата публикации

Механизм игловодителя швейной машины

Номер: RU0000170163U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения и может быть использована в механизмах с поступательно-возвратным движением. Механизм игловодителя швейной машины содержит игловодитель, связанный через хомутик с шатуном, расположенным на двухколенчатом пальце с кривошипом, при этом на валу игловодителя размещен постоянный магнит, установленный с возможностью взаимодействия с соосно расположенными с обеих его сторон электромагнитами, нижний из которых закреплен на верхней направляющей игловодителя, а верхний - в корпусе рукава швейной машины. 1 илл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 170 163 U1 (51) МПК D05B 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016148142, 07.12.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.12.2016 17.04.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 07.12.2016 Адрес для переписки: 153000, г. Иваново, пр. Шереметевский, 21, ком. Г-359, ИВГПУ, патентная служба 1 7 0 1 6 3 R U Стр.: 1 игловодителя размещен постоянный магнит, установленный с возможностью взаимодействия с соосно расположенными с обеих его сторон электромагнитами, нижний из которых закреплен на верхней направляющей игловодителя, а верхний - в корпусе рукава швейной машины. 1 илл. U 1 (54) Механизм игловодителя швейной машины (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения и может быть использована в механизмах с поступательно-возвратным движением. Механизм игловодителя швейной машины содержит игловодитель, связанный через хомутик с шатуном, расположенным на двухколенчатом пальце с кривошипом, при этом на валу 202030913 U, 09.11.2011. US 5551361 A1, 03.09.1996. RU 47374 U1, 27.08.2005. 1 7 0 1 6 3 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 3831537 A1, 27.08.1974. CN (45) Опубликовано: 17.04.2017 Бюл. № 11 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Ивановский государственный ...

26-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000200469U1

Швейная машина соединяет материалы в результате введения в них под давлением текучей быстротвердеющей массы (далее - «сшивающая масса») через фильеры. На основании машины 1 располагается полый корпус 2, в котором имеется общая емкость 3 со сшивающей массой, соединенная шлангом 4 с цилиндром 5 с фильерами 8 и с заслонками 10. Высокое давление в цилиндре создается поршнем 7 или шнеком 37, соединенным с двигателем 13 кривошипно-шатунным механизмом, или зубчатой передачей, или создается ударно-волновым механизмом. Цилиндр с фильерами может располагаться горизонтально в основании корпуса 1 или вертикально в верхней части корпуса 2. При вертикальном положении цилиндра с поршнем в корпусе 2 для регулировки его положения используется изменение длины раздвижного штока 19-20, соединяющего поршень 7 с маховиком 16. В варианте цилиндра со шнеком используется винт 44 с рукояткой 45, поднимающий и опускающий второй вращающийся вал 22, соединенный с основным валом 15 многогранным раздвижным штоком 39-40. В варианте с ударно-волновым механизмом цилиндр 47 с фильерами перемещается рукояткой 54 и прижимается к прошиваемым материалам пружиной 58. Прерывистое поступление сшивающей массы в сшиваемые материалы обеспечивается заслонками, которые при вращении периодически открывают и закрывают вход в фильеры синхронно с изменением давления. Передвижение сшиваемых материалов обеспечивается транспортерами, расположенными с двух сторон прошиваемых материалов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 200 469 U1 (51) МПК D05B 1/26 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК D05B 1/26 (2020.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020109405, 03.03.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Дубровский Аркадий Вениаминович (RU) Дата регистрации: 26.10.2020 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 03.03.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 26.10.2020 Бюл. № 30 2 0 0 4 6 9 R U (54) ШВЕЙНАЯ МАШИНА (57) Реферат: Швейная машина ...

29-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000205161U1

Полезная модель относится к швейной промышленности, в частности к двухниточным двухлинейным цепным строчкам, и может быть использована при пошиве трикотажных изделий, направлена на расширение арсенала средств, простых в эксплуатации, направленных на получение двухниточной двухлинейной цепной строчки высокого качества и высокой надежности получаемого шва. Устройство для образования двухниточной двухлинейной цепной строчки состоит из корпуса, на котором установлены механизм иглы, содержащий левую 1 и правую 3 иглы, установленные на линии, перпендикулярной линии движения материала 5, а механизма петлителя – левый 6 и правый 7 петлители, расположенные параллельно друг другу и горизонтально поперек строчки с возможностью поворота вокруг своей оси на 90°, при этом левый петлитель расположен сзади от левой иглы, а правый петлитель расположен впереди правой иглы, на конце каждого из петлителей находится ширитель 8 и 9 в виде вилочки 10 и 11 для прохода иглы, а на рожках вилочки выполнены носики 12 и 13 для снятия петли-напуска с иглы и желобок 14 и 15 для направления нити при образовании петель 16 и 17. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 205 161 U1 (51) МПК D05B 1/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК D05B 1/10 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021107951, 25.03.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Адрес для переписки: 308012, Белгородская обл., г. Белгород, ул. Костюкова, 46, отдел создания и оценки объектов интеллектуальной собственности (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 1264610 A1, 15.11.1989. RU 2061131 C1, 27.05.1996. SU 1406256 A1, 30.06.1988. CN 1112619 A, 29.11.1995. 2 0 5 1 6 1 R U (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ДВУХНИТОЧНОЙ ДВУХЛИНЕЙНОЙ ЦЕПНОЙ СТРОЧКИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к швейной линии движения материала 5, а механизма промышленности, в частности к двухниточным петлителя – левый 6 и правый 7 петлители, ...

14-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000208322U1

Полезная модель относится к швейной промышленности и может быть использована для сшивания полотнищ из материала, таких как текстиль, бумага, картон и полимерных материалов, особенно, если материал для сшивания не помещается между рукавом и платформой обычной швейной машины. Полезная модель направлена на создание эффективной работы машины для сшивания полотнищ за счет повышения качества шва. Это достигается тем, что машина для сшивания полотнищ содержит закрепленный с возможностью перемещения вдоль формируемого шва корпус 3. На корпусе установлены игольный привод 12 с изогнутой иглой 13 и с возможностью поступательного движения лапка 4 с реечным приводом 6. В предложенном решении на корпусе 3 и лапке 4 закреплены электромагниты 8 и 9, между которыми установлены нитепритягиватель 10 и челночный привод 15, при этом корпус выполнен с возможностью установки на сшивном столе 1 с продольной канавкой 2. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 208 322 U1 (51) МПК D05B 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК D05B 1/00 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021120117, 08.07.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Адрес для переписки: 308012, Белгородская обл., г. Белгород, ул. Костюкова, 46, ФГБОУ ВО Белгородский ГТУ, отдел создания и оценки объектов интеллектуальной собственности (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 97376 U1, 10.09.2010. RU 123013 U1, 20.12.2012. EP 444971 B1, 04.01.1995. JP 5023454 A, 02.02.1993. CN 101270533 A, 24.09.2008. US 4848252 A1, 18.07.1989. 2 0 8 3 2 2 R U (54) МАШИНА ДЛЯ СШИВАНИЯ ПОЛОТНИЩ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к швейной промышленности и может быть использована для сшивания полотнищ из материала, таких как текстиль, бумага, картон и полимерных материалов, особенно, если материал для сшивания не помещается между рукавом и платформой обычной швейной машины. Полезная модель направлена на создание эффективной работы ...

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Sewing machine and computer program product

Номер: US20120150337A1
Автор: Harumi Kato, Midori MAGARA
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A sewing machine includes a storage portion that stores pattern information and implement information for each of a plurality of patterns, a selecting portion that selects a desired pattern as a selected pattern, a first specifying portion that specifies, as one or more required implements, one or more sewing implements that are required in order to sew the selected pattern, a reading portion that reads, as tag information, information that is stored in one or more wireless tags and that identifies one or more prepared implements, a second specifying portion that specifies the one or more prepared implements based on the tag information that has been read by the reading portion, and an informing control portion that, in a case where there are one or more unprepared required implements, causes an informing portion to inform at least unprepared required implement information.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Quilting machine and improved driving system for such quilting machine

Номер: US20120318181A1
Автор: Zoltan Kasa
Принадлежит: Individual

An improved quilting machine, with a housing made by a C-shaped frame that has upper and lower arms, wherein the needle structure at the front end of the upper arm have conventional design (as used in commercial sewing machines) and the bobbin is placed to an elevated height by providing an upwardly extended end portion of the lower arm, wherein an offset shaft transmission means is be provided in the upwardly extended portion that acts as a power transmission towards the bobbin driving axle from the lower driving axle extending in the lower arm, wherein the upper and lower driving axles comprise of hollow drive shafts connected via flexible coupling means to half-shafts mounted on plates that are integral parts of the C-frame by dual ball bearing mounts. By such a simple design the reciprocating mass of the needle structure and the mass of the torque transmission means are reduced, conventional needle moving structures can be used and owing to the lighter load, the dimensions of the drive train can be less massive and heavy.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Adhesive Thread System

Номер: US20130048219A1
Автор: Roxanne Ferreiro
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for forming a waterproof seam between to sewn materials. The seam is formed using an adhesive coated thread. A thin strip of adhesive is placed between the two materials at the seam line. As the coated thread is sewn into the seam heat and pressure are simultaneously applied, melting the adhesive coating thereby filling the needle punctures. The melted adhesive coating will also flow into the areas between the needles punctures and between the materials. The heat and pressure applied to the coated thread will also melt the adhesive strip, causing additional adhesive to flow into the needle punctures and the areas between needle punctures.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Sewing machine and non-transitory computer-readable medium

Номер: US20130074749A1
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A sewing machine may comprise a mounting portion configured to be mounted with an embroidery frame comprising a frame and an outer frame. The sewing machine may also comprise an image capturing device configured to capture an image including the embroidery frame mounted on the mounting portion. The sewing machine may further comprise a processor configured to execute instructions, and a memory. The memory may be configured to store computer-readable instructions that instruct the sewing machine to execute steps comprising identifying a mark from the captured image, wherein the mark is provided on the embroidery frame or on a work cloth held by the embroidery frame, determining a rotation angle of the frame with respect to the outer frame based on the identified mark, and notifying rotation information based on the determined rotation angle. The rotation information may be information for adjusting the rotation angle to a specified rotation angle.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Embroidery data generating device, computer-readable storage medium storing embroidery data processing program and sewing machine

Номер: US20130079915A1
Автор: Ryutaro MAKI, Yuki Ihira
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

An embroidery data generating device generates embroidery data usable to sew by a sewing machine an embroidery pattern composed of a plurality of color-based pattern portions. The device includes a color data storage unit storing data of a plurality of defined colors, an assignment unit randomly extracting a color from the color data stored on the color data storage unit, the extracted color being used as thread color data for specifying colors of the color-based pattern portions respectively, the assignment unit assigning the extracted colors to the respective color-based pattern portions and a sewing sequence data storage unit storing data of set sewing sequence of the color-based pattern portions. The device generates embroidery data in which an order of contrasting density of the colors assigned to the respective color-based pattern portions by the assignment unit as the thread color data corresponds to a sewing sequence of the color-based pattern portions.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Embroidery data generating device, computer-readable storage medium storing embroidery data processing program and sewing machine

Номер: US20130079916A1
Автор: Tsuneo Okuyama
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

An embroidery data generating device includes an embroidery data storage unit storing data of a plurality of embroidery data, an embroidery data selection unit selecting a desired one of the embroidery data stored on the embroidery data storage unit, a color data storage unit storing data of a plurality of defined colors, and an assignment unit randomly extracting colors from the color data storage unit, the extracted colors being used as thread color data for specifying colors of the color-based pattern portions respectively, the assignment unit assigning the extracted colors to the respective color-based pattern portions composing the selected embroidery pattern. When the embroidery data selected by the embroidery data selection unit includes thread color data of two or more color-based pattern portions having a same color, a randomly extracted color is assigned to the color-based pattern portions so that the color-based pattern portions have the same color.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Two-needle sewing machine and two-needle sewing machine stitch forming method

Номер: US20130081563A1
Автор: Hideo Asao, Nobuhiro Nishi

Disclosed is a two-needle sewing machine that improves strength in a convex curve part by bringing a pair of stitches close together when sewing an item. A two-needle sewing machine includes a bed part; a column part; an arm part; a needle shaft that is disposed on the leading part of the arm part; two sewing needles that are attached to the needle shaft; two horizontal hooks that catch the respective needle thread loops of the two sewing needles; and a conveyor member that conveys a material to be sewn in a direction approximately orthogonal to the bed part. On the two-needle sewing machine, the sewing needle, which is positioned in a location distant from the column part, is disposed closer to the conveyance side of the material to be sewn than the sewing needle that is positioned in a location closer to the column part.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130092066A1
Автор: Klapp Harmut

A method for operating a chain stitch sewing machine and a chain stitch sewing machine, the chain stitch sewing machine having a pair of sewing members comprising a needle which pierces a sewing material and a gripper disposed below a sewing material rest, which can be moved along a movement path, where an upper thread is guided with the needle through the sewing material resting on the sewing material rest, which is linked to a lower thread. The lower thread is fed to a retaining element and is held in said element that is moved with regard to its direction of movement and/or speed of movement to the sewing material rest according to a movement path of a pivoting movement of the gripper in particular along a circular-arc-segment-shaped movement path. 1727111. A method for operating a chain stitch sewing machine , in particular a double chain stitch sewing machine , preferably a multi-needle double chain stitch sewing machine , which comprises a pair of sewing members comprising a needle which pierces a sewing material and a gripper disposed below a sewing material rest , which can be moved along a movement path , wherein an upper thread is guided with the needle through the sewing material resting on the sewing material rest , which is linked to a lower thread , characterised in that the lower thread () is fed as required to a retaining element () and is held in said element , that is moved with regard to its direction of movement and/or speed of movement to the sewing material rest () according to a movement path of a pivoting movement of the gripper () , in particular along a circular-arc-segment-shaped movement path.271127. The method according to claim 1 , characterised in that the lower thread () is arranged tensioned between gripper () and retaining element ().371127. The method according to claim 1 , characterised in that the lower thread () is disposed substantially anti-parallel to the longitudinal axis of the gripper () running between its tip and the ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus, non-transitory computer-readable medium and sewing machine

Номер: US20130112129A1
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

An apparatus includes a processor and a memory. The memory is configured to store computer-readable instructions that instruct the apparatus to execute steps including acquiring pattern data, identifying a plurality of needle drop points, identifying a corresponding identified needle, storing needle drop point data and identified needle data in association with each other in the memory, identifying a continuous number of times, replacing, among the identified needle data stored in the memory, the identified needle data of the identified needle for which the identified continuous number of times is smaller than a threshold value, with other identified needle data corresponding to the needle drop point data of one of a previous needle drop point and a subsequent needle drop point in the order, and generating cut data based on the needle drop point data and the identified needle data stored in the memory.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139739A1

A sewing machine includes a display, a projection portion, a processor, and a memory. The display is configured to display display information related to sewing. The projection portion is configured to project a mark having a predetermined shape toward a sewing machine bed. The memory is configured to store computer-readable instructions therein that, when executed by the processor, cause the sewing machine to project, by the projection portion, the mark toward the sewing machine bed, and display by the display, mark display information that represents the mark and stitch type display information of a planned stitch type to be sewn, in a first positional relationship that corresponds to a second positional relationship between the position of the planned stitch type to be sewn and the position of the mark configured to be projected on the sewing machine bed. 1. A sewing machine comprising:a display configured to display display information related to sewing;a projection portion configured to project a mark having a predetermined shape toward a sewing machine bed, wherein the sewing machine bed includes a needle plate;a processor; anda memory configured to store computer-readable instructions therein that, when executed by the processor, cause the sewing machine to:project, by the projection portion, the mark toward the sewing machine bed,; anddisplay by the display, mark display information that represents the mark and stitch type display information of a planned stitch type to be sewn, in a first positional relationship that corresponds to a second positional relationship between the position of the planned stitch type to be sewn and the position of the mark configured to be projected on the sewing machine bed, wherein the stitch type display information represents a shape of a stitch type.2. The sewing machine according to claim 1 , whereinthe computer-readable instructions further cause the sewing machine to:change, the position of the mark projected by the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130150189A1
Автор: Tai Chih-Cheng

A pitching training device comprises a typical baseball with raised pitching training structure on top of the stitches on the seam. The pitching training structure is able to be an additional layer of stitches on top of the typical stitches of a baseball. The pitching training structure provides a finger rest area allowing a user to spin the baseball more easily at a breaking ball pitching release. 1. A pitching training device comprising:a) a baseball comprising a skin portion and a seam portion, wherein the seam portion is substantially on a same surface with the skin portion; andb) a raised stitch covering a least a portion of the seam portion.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the raised stitch provides a raised structure allowing a user's finger to spin the baseball more easily.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the seam portion comprises a thread stitch.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the raised stitch covers at least a portion of the thread stitch.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the raised stitch covers less than the entire seam portion.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the raised stitch covers a half of the seam portion.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the raised stitch comprise a first raise stitch portion and a second raise stitch portion having a gap between the first stitch portion and the second stitch portion.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the raised stitch has a height less than 0.5 cm.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the raised stitch has a width less than 1.3 cm.10. The device of claim 1 , wherein the raised stitch has a higher thread density than a thread density of a thread at the seam portion.11. A pitching training device comprising:a) a first dumbbell shape skin coupled with a second dumbbell shape skin forming an outer skin of a ball; andb) an embossed finger placement on top of a joining place of the first dumbbell shape skin and the second dumbbell shape skin.12. The device of claim 11 , wherein the first dumbbell shape skin ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160686A1
Автор: KAWAI Yasunori

Provided is a buttonhole switch mechanism of a buttonhole sewing machine including a buttonhole presser mounted on a lower end of a presser bar of the sewing machine and having a presser frame, a buttonhole switch mechanism disposed on an arm section of the sewing machine, a feed dog disposed below the buttonhole presser to move cloth, a sewing needle forming stitches in the cloth with vertical movement, a controller performing control on the movement of the feed dog and the sewing needle, a fixing member fixed to a non-movable part of a sewing machine main body, a mount supported so as to be movable in the front-and-rear direction with respect to the fixing member, an adjustment mechanism adjusting and fixing the relative positions of the fixing member and the mount in the front-and-rear direction, a lever member supported by a rotary shaft provided at the mount, and the detection switch fixed to the mount. 1. A buttonhole switch mechanism of a buttonhole sewing machine comprising:a buttonhole presser mounted on a lower end of a presser bar of the sewing machine and having a presser frame that is movable in a front-and-rear direction with respect to the presser bar, and two projection portions that are provided side by side in the front-and-rear direction at an interval according to the diameter of a button and move integrally with the presser frame;a buttonhole switch mechanism disposed on an arm section of the sewing machine and having a detection switch of which contacts are electrically connected when the presser frame is located on the foremost side and when the presser frame is located on the rearmost side;a feed dog disposed below the buttonhole presser to move cloth, which is an object to be sewn, in the front-and-rear direction at a predetermined feed pitch in cooperation with the presser frame;a sewing needle forming stitches in the cloth with vertical movement and adapted to be movable in a right-and-left direction;a controller performing control on the ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186315A1

An apparatus includes a processor and a memory configured to store computer-readable instructions that instruct the apparatus to perform the steps of acquiring first pattern data representing stitches that form a first pattern and second pattern data representing stitches that form a second pattern, the first pattern and the second pattern being two patterns to be sewn by embroidery in mutually adjacent positions, generating, in a case where the two patterns are to be sewn on a sewing object that is formed of a soluble material, connecting data representing a connecting stitch based on the first pattern data and the second pattern data, the and generating, from the acquired first pattern data, the acquired second pattern data and the generated connecting data, embroidery data to sew the two patterns and the connecting stitch. 1. An apparatus comprising:a processor; and acquiring first pattern data and second pattern data, the first pattern data being data representing stitches that form a first pattern, the first pattern being one of two patterns that are to be sewn by embroidery in mutually adjacent positions, and the second pattern data being data representing stitches that form a second pattern that is another of the two patterns;', 'generating, in a case where the two patterns are to be sewn on a sewing object that is formed of a soluble material, connecting data based on the first pattern data and the second pattern data, the connecting data being data representing a connecting stitch, the connecting stitch being a stitch that is configured to connect the two patterns and that intersects with an outer contour of the first pattern and an outer contour of the second pattern; and', 'generating, from the acquired first pattern data, the acquired second pattern data and the generated connecting data, embroidery data to sew the two patterns and the connecting stitch., 'a memory configured to store computer-readable instructions that instruct the apparatus to perform ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186316A1

An apparatus includes a processor and a memory configured to store computer-readable instructions that instruct the apparatus to perform the steps of acquiring pattern data of an embroidery pattern, determining, in a case where the embroidery pattern is to be sewn on a sewing object formed of a specific material, whether the embroidery pattern includes at least one of a first area and a second area, generating, in a case where it is determined that the embroidery pattern includes at least one of the first area and the second area, supplemental data representing at least one supplemental stitch each of which is a stitch connecting at least some of a plurality of stitches formed in one of the first area and the second area, and generating, from the pattern data and the generated supplemental data, embroidery data to sew the embroidery pattern and the at least one supplemental stitch. 1. An apparatus comprising:a processor; and acquiring pattern data, the pattern data being data representing a plurality of stitches that form an embroidery pattern;', 'determining, in a case where the embroidery pattern is to be sewn on a sewing object that is formed of a specific material, whether the embroidery pattern includes at least one of a first area and a second area, based on the acquired pattern data, the first area being an area that includes at least one long stitch each of which is a stitch that is longer than a predetermined length, and the second area being a closed area that is enclosed by a stitch line formed in a line shape by a plurality of stitches and that has a degree of roundness that is lower than a threshold value;', 'generating, in a case where it is determined that the embroidery pattern includes at least one of the first area and the second area, supplemental data that is data representing at least one supplemental stitch each of which is a stitch that connects at least some of a plurality of stitches formed in one of the first area and the second area; and', ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and non-transitory computer-readable medium

Номер: US20130199430A1
Автор: Harumi Kato
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

An apparatus includes a processor and a memory configured to store a plurality of cut length data items and a computer-readable instructions that instruct the apparatus to execute steps comprising acquiring pattern data, setting, as a plurality of first needle drop points, a plurality of points on the pattern line at predetermined intervals, setting a cut angle corresponding to each of the plurality of first needle drop points, determining a plurality of second needle drop points among the plurality of first needle drop points, consolidating, based on the plurality of cut length data items, at least some of the plurality of second needle drop points into at least one third needle drop point, identifying a cutting blade corresponding to each of a plurality of fourth needle drop points among the plurality of cutting blades based on the plurality of cut length data items, and generating cut data.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213285A1

A sewing data generating device includes a processor and a memory. The memory stores computer-readable instructions that instruct the sewing data generating device to execute steps including obtaining original image data of a pattern to be sewn on a work cloth, identifying a central line of the image, identifying a sewing start point and a sewing end point, and generating sewing data based on the sewing start point and the sewing end point. The sewing start point is one of a first point at which the central line and a contour line of the image intersect and a point separated from the first point. The sewing end point is one of a second point at which the central line and the contour line of the image intersect and a point separated from the second point. The second point is different from the first point. 1. A sewing data generating device comprising:a processor; and obtaining original image data of a pattern to be sewn on a work cloth;', 'identifying a central line of the image by thinning the obtained image of the data;', [ a first point at which the central line and a contour line of the image intersect and', 'a point separated from the first point by a first predetermined distance, and, 'the sewing start point being one of'}, a second point at which the central line and the contour line of the image intersect, the second point being different from the first point and', 'a point separated from the second point by a second predetermined distance; and, 'the sewing end point being one of'}], 'identifying a sewing start point and a sewing end point which are needle drop points when sewing the pattern by satin stitch,'}, 'generating, based on the sewing start point and the sewing end point, sewing data for sewing the pattern on the work cloth by satin stitch from the sewing start point to the sewing end point., 'a memory storing computer-readable instructions therein, wherein the computer-readable instructions instruct the sewing data generating device to execute ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228422A1

The invention relates to a method for assembling, by means of sewing, two ends () of a conveyor belt () consisting of a carcass () and a covering (), said method including the following steps: preparing the ends so as to impart a suitable shape thereto; depositing the covering over a predetermined length of each of the ends; sewing, along a predetermined sewing field, in order to assemble the two carcasses; and positioning a covering so as to cover the seam. The ends of said belt to be assembled have a toothed or staggered shape. 1. Method for assembling two ends of a conveyor belt comprising at least one carcass and a covering by sewing , comprising:preparing the ends of the conveyor belt so as to impart a toothed shape to the join:removing the covering over a predetermined length near each of the ends;sewing over a predetermined sewing field to assemble the carcasses of the two ends to create a seam;positioning a covering so as to cover the seam.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the conveyor belt comprises at least the carcass claim 1 , an interply and the covering.3. Method according to claim 1 , further comprising inserting woven or non-woven reinforcements by sewing between the steps of removing the covering and sewing to assemble the carcasses.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein teeth of the toothed shape range from 10 mm to 5000 mm in length depending on the thickness and width of the conveyor belt to be spliced.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the steps define a length defined according to the number of plies claim 1 , the width and thickness of the belt claim 1 , and range from 1 mm to 5000 mm.6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the sewing presents a sewing density of 1 to 100 threads per cm claim 1 , depending on the thickness claim 1 , width and type of the conveyor belt to be spliced.7. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the thread is a polymer.8. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the thread is a liquid crystal polymer.9. ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233217A1

A sewing machine includes at least one detecting portion, a processor, and a memory. The at least one detecting portion is configured to detect an ultrasonic wave that has been transmitted from a transmission source. The memory is configured to store computer-readable instructions that instruct the sewing machine to execute steps including identifying a position of the transmission source of the ultrasonic wave based on information pertaining to the ultrasonic wave that has been detected by the at least one detecting portion, and controlling sewing based on the position of the transmission source that has been identified. 1. A sewing machine comprising:at least one detecting portion configured to detect an ultrasonic wave that has been transmitted from a transmission source;a processor; and identifying a position of the transmission source of the ultrasonic wave based on information pertaining to the ultrasonic wave that has been detected by the at least one detecting portion; and', 'controlling sewing based on the position of the transmission source that has been identified., 'a memory configured to store computer-readable instructions that instruct the sewing machine to execute steps comprising2. The sewing machine according to claim 1 , whereinthe at least one detecting portion includes a plurality of detecting portions provided in different positions on the sewing machine.3. The sewing machine according to claim 2 , further comprising:a bed, whereinthe plurality of detecting portions are provided above a top surface of the bed.4. The sewing machine according to claim 3 , further comprising:a pillar that extends upward from the bed;an arm that faces the bed and that extends from the pillar; anda head that is provided at a leading end of the arm, whereinthe plurality of detecting portions are provided on at least one of a first section of the head, a second section of the head, a presser bar, and a presser foot, the first section being a section, on an extending ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233218A1

A sewing machine includes a sewing portion, a detector, a processor, and a memory. The sewing portion includes a needle bar and a transport portion. The needle bar is configured to have a sewing needle on a lower end. The transport portion is configured to move a work cloth. The detector is configured to detect ultrasonic waves. The memory stores computer-readable instructions that instruct the processor to perform specifying a position of a transmission source of the ultrasonic waves based on the ultrasonic waves that are detected by the detector, specifying sewing information based on the specified position of the transmission source, the sewing information being information that pertains to sewing, and controlling the sewing portion based on the specified sewing information. 1. A sewing machine , comprising:a sewing portion comprising a needle bar and a transport portion, the needle bar being configured to have a sewing needle on a lower end, and the transport portion being configured to move a work cloth;a detector configured to detect ultrasonic waves;a processor; and specifying a position of a transmission source of the ultrasonic waves, based on the ultrasonic waves that are detected by the detector;', 'specifying sewing information based on the specified position of the transmission source, the sewing information being information that pertains to sewing; and', 'controlling the sewing portion based on the specified sewing information., 'a memory storing computer-readable instructions that instruct the processor to perform2. The sewing machine according to claim 1 , whereinthe sewing portion further comprises a swinging portion, the swinging portion being configured to swing the needle bar in a swinging direction, 'specifying a swing width based on the position of the transmission source, the swing width being included in the sewing information and being a distance that the swinging portion swings the needle bar in the swinging direction, and', 'the ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233219A1

A sewing machine includes a detector configured to detect ultrasonic waves transmitted from a specification-enabled area, a processor, and a memory storing non-transitory computer-readable instructions that instruct the sewing machine to perform specifying a prescribed position based on a positional relationship between a transmission area and the specification-enabled area, the transmission area being an area that is at least a portion of a sewing-enabled area and being an area that includes a position of a transmission source that transmits the ultrasonic waves, the prescribed position being a position of an embroidery frame when the entire transmission area is included in the specification-enabled area, moving the embroidery frame to the specified prescribed position, specifying a transmission position based on the ultrasonic waves that are detected by the detector, and performing a sewing operation based on the specified transmission position. 1. A sewing machine , comprising:a detector configured to detect ultrasonic waves transmitted from a specification-enabled area;a processor; anda memory storing non-transitory computer-readable instructions that instruct the sewing machine to performspecifying a prescribed position based on a positional relationship between a transmission area and the specification-enabled area, the transmission area being an area that is at least a portion of a sewing-enabled area and being an area that includes a position of a transmission source that transmits the ultrasonic waves, the prescribed position being a position of an embroidery frame when the entire transmission area is included in the specification-enabled area, the embroidery frame being configured to be mountable in the sewing machine and configured to hold a work cloth, and the sewing-enabled area being an area in which the sewing machine is able to perform sewing on the work cloth that is held by the embroidery frame;moving the embroidery frame to the specified ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Sewing machine and non-transitory computer readable storage medium storing program

Номер: US20130233220A1
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A sewing machine that includes a sewing device that includes a needle bar configured to attach a sewing needle, and a transport device configured to move a work cloth, a processor, a plurality of detection devices that are configured to detect ultrasonic waves, and a memory that is configured to store computer-readable instructions that instruct the sewing machine to execute steps comprising specifying, when an ultrasonic wave transmitted from a transmission source of the ultrasonic wave is detected by the detection devices, a position of the transmission source of the ultrasonic waves, based on the detected ultrasonic waves, specifying a sewing position on the work cloth based on the specified position of the transmission source, and moving the work cloth by the transport device in accordance with the specified sewing position.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233221A1

A sewing machine includes at least one ultrasonic wave detecting portion, a thickness detecting portion, a processor, and a memory. The at least one ultrasonic wave detecting portion is configured to detect an ultrasonic wave. The thickness detecting portion is configured to detect a thickness of a work cloth. The memory configured to store computer-readable instructions that instruct the sewing machine to execute steps that includes identifying a position, on the work cloth, of a transmission source of the ultrasonic wave, based on information pertaining to the ultrasonic wave that has been detected by the at least one ultrasonic wave detecting portion and on the thickness that has been detected by the thickness detecting portion, and controlling sewing on the work cloth based on the position of the transmission source that has been identified. 1. A sewing machine comprising:at least one ultrasonic wave detecting portion configured to detect an ultrasonic wave;a thickness detecting portion configured to detect a thickness of a work cloth;a processor; and identifying a position, on the work cloth, of a transmission source of the ultrasonic wave, based on information pertaining to the ultrasonic wave that has been detected by the at least one ultrasonic wave detecting portion and on the thickness that has been detected by the thickness detecting portion; and', 'controlling sewing on the work cloth based on the position of the transmission source that has been identified., 'a memory configured to store computer-readable instructions that instruct the sewing machine to execute steps comprising2. The sewing machine according to claim 1 , further comprising:a presser bar whose lower end a presser foot is attachable to, the presser foot being configured to press the work cloth, whereinthe thickness detecting portion is configured to detect the thickness by detecting a height position of the presser bar when the presser foot presses the work cloth.3. The sewing machine ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Sewing machine and non-transitory computer readable storage medium storing program

Номер: US20130233222A1
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A sewing machine that includes a processor, a plurality of detection devices that is configured to be capable of changing mounting positions and configured to detect an ultrasonic wave, and a memory that is configured to store computer-readable instructions that instruct the sewing machine to execute steps comprising, identifying, when a first ultrasonic wave transmitted from a transmission source of the ultrasonic wave is detected by the detection devices, a position of the transmission source of the first ultrasonic wave, based on information relating to the detected first ultrasonic wave, and controlling sewing based on the identified position of the transmission source of the first ultrasonic wave.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Information processing device, sewing machine and non-transitory recording medium storing program

Номер: US20130239858A1
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

An information processing device includes a processor and a memory. The memory is configured to store computer-readable instructions. The instructions instruct the information processing device to execute steps including randomly arranging a plurality of embroidery patterns within a coordinate area set in an embroidery frame that is moved in two directions.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and non-transitory computer-readable medium

Номер: US20130243262A1
Автор: Kenji Yamada
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

An apparatus includes a processor and a memory configured to store computer-readable instructions that, when executed, cause the apparatus to perform steps comprising calculating a first angle characteristic and an intensity of the first angle characteristic with respect to each of pixels, arranging a first line segment in a position corresponding to a first pixel based on the first angle characteristic, calculating a second angle characteristic of a second pixel based on the first angle characteristic of at least one pixel adjacent to the second pixel, acquiring information indicating a third angle characteristic, calculating a fourth angle characteristic based on the second angle characteristic and on the third angle characteristic, arranging a second line segment in a position corresponding to the second pixel based on the calculated fourth angle characteristic, and creating data indicating at least stitches that respectively correspond to the first line segment and the second line segment.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247805A1
Автор: KATO Harumi, MAGARA Midori

An upper feed device includes a mounting portion, a feed mechanism, a drive portion, and a connecting portion. The mounting portion is configured to mount the upper feed device to a presser bar of a sewing machine. The feed mechanism is configured to feed a work cloth. The drive portion is configured to drive the feed mechanism. The connecting portion is configured to electrically connect the drive portion to a control portion of the sewing machine. 1. An upper feed device comprising:a mounting portion configured to mount the upper feed device to a presser bar of a sewing machine;a feed mechanism configured to feed a work cloth;a drive portion configured to drive the feed mechanism; anda connecting portion configured to electrically connect the drive portion to a control portion of the sewing machine.2. The upper feed device according to claim 1 , whereinthe drive portion is configured to be controlled by the control portion of the sewing machine via the connecting portion, when the connecting portion electrically connects the drive portion to the control portion of the sewing machine.3. The upper feed device according to claim 1 , whereinthe control portion is a processor, andthe drive portion is configured to be controlled by the processor via the connecting portion, when the connecting portion electrically connects the drive portion to the processor.4. The upper feed device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a pressing portion that is provided in the feed mechanism and that is configured to press the work cloth; andan adjusting portion configured to adjust pressing force to be applied to the work cloth by the pressing portion.5. The upper feed device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a pressing portion that is provided in the feed mechanism and that is configured to press the work cloth; anda switching mechanism that is configured to switch a position of the feed mechanism between a first position and a second position, wherein the pressing portion ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273276A1

Disclosed are an airbag which can endure great external impact as well as high temperature and high pressure and is thus useful as an external airbag and a method for manufacturing the same. The airbag includes: a fabric containing an aramid fiber having an young's modulus of 600 to 1000 g/d and a tenacity of 20 to 30 g/d, and having a cover factor of 1500 to 2100, and a coating layer formed on the surface of the fabric, wherein a seam strength of an adhered member measured in accordance with ASTM D 1683 is 200 to 600 kgf/20 mm. 1. An airbag comprising:a fabric comprising an aramid fiber having an young's modulus of 600 to 1000 g/d and a tenacity of 20 to 30 g/d, and having a cover factor of 1500 to 2100; anda coating layer formed on a surface of the fabric,wherein a seam strength of a joined portion measured in accordance with ASTM D 1683 is 200 to 600 kgf/20 mm.2. The airbag according to claim 1 , wherein the joined portion is formed by joining the fabric using a sewing yarn and the sewing yarn comprises an aramid fiber.3. The airbag according to claim 1 , wherein the tenacity of the airbag measured in accordance with ASTM D 5034 is 130 to 200 kgf/10 mm.4. The airbag according to claim 1 , wherein the fabric has a self-extinguishing property when flammability is measured in accordance with FMVSS-302.5. The airbag according to claim 1 , wherein the fabric comprises 0.2% by weight or lower of an oil.6. The airbag according to claim 1 , wherein the fabric further comprises a nylon 66 filament.7. The airbag according to claim 1 , wherein the coating layer comprises a polyurethane resin or silicone resin.8. The airbag according to claim 1 , wherein the fabric comprises first monofilaments coated with the coating layer and second monofilaments not coated with the coating layer claim 1 , and the number of the first monofilaments is 5 to 30% of the total number of monofilaments constituting the fabric.9. The airbag according to claim 1 , wherein a depth at which the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276686A1
Автор: Bentley Arthur

Techniques for controlling sewing machine stitch length based on thread usage are provided. The techniques include a sewing machine computer storing a stitch length setting and using a thread movement sensor to sense the movement of thread as the thread is drawn from a spool due to the user moving an object relative to a sewing machine needle and thereby drawing thread from the needle and the spool. The techniques also include a sewing machine computer receiving information from the thread movement sensor and determining a length of thread drawn from the spool after formation of a previous stitch, comparing the length of thread with the stitch length setting, and operating a sewing machine motor to create a stitch when the length of thread drawn from the spool after formation of the previous stitch corresponds to the stitch length setting. 1. A computer implemented method for controlling stitch length in a sewing machine comprising:a sewing machine computer storing a stitch length setting;the computer receiving an indication to begin sewing from a user;a thread movement sensor sensing the movement of thread as the thread is drawn from a spool due to the user moving an object relative to a sewing machine needle and thereby drawing thread from the needle;the computer receiving information from the thread movement sensor and determining a length of thread drawn from the spool after formation of a previous stitch;the computer comparing the length of thread drawn from the spool after formation of the previous stitch with the stitch length setting; andthe computer operating a sewing machine motor to create a stitch when the length of thread drawn from the spool after formation of the previous stitch corresponds to the stitch length setting.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises the sewing machine computer receiving a stitch length setting from a user.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises the computer initially operating ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333603A1
Автор: SUGAWARA Kunihiko

An overlock sewing machine includes an upper knife which is movable to a withdrawn position or a driving position, an upper knife driving unit which moves the upper knife, an interlocking switching unit which switches between an interlocking state in which the upper knife driving unit and the upper knife are interlock and a release state in which the upper knife driving unit and the upper knife are released, an upper knife position switching unit which switches the upper knife to the driving position or the withdrawn position, and an operating unit which drives the interlocking switching unit and the upper knife position switching unit such that the interlocking switching unit is brought into the interlocking state when the upper knife is switched to the driving position, and the interlocking switching unit is brought into the release state when the upper knife is switched to the withdrawn position. 1. An overlock sewing machine comprising:an upper knife that is movable to a withdrawn position lower than a throat plate or a driving position higher than the withdrawn position, and that moves up and down from above a workpiece on the throat plate to cut the workpiece at the driving position;an upper knife driving unit that moves the upper knife up and down at the driving position;an interlocking switching unit that switches between an interlocking state in which the upper knife driving unit and the upper knife interlock with one another and a release state in which interlocking between the upper knife driving unit and the upper knife is released;an upper knife position switching unit that switches an installation position of the upper knife to the driving position or the withdrawn position; andan operating unit that simultaneously drives the interlocking switching unit and the upper knife position switching unit such that the interlocking switching unit is brought into the interlocking state in a case where the installation position of the upper knife is switched to ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333604A1

An electronic sewing machine (M) which makes a needle bar move up and down through a sewing machine spindle which is driven by a sewing machine motor of the sewing machine body provided with an illustration data storage unit () which stores a plurality of illustration data, a display unit () which displays the illustration data which is stored in the illustration data storage unit, an audio data storage unit () which stores audio data which corresponds to the illustration data, and an audio output unit () which outputs audio data which is stored in the audio data storage unit and displaying the illustration data on the display unit while outputting audio data corresponding to the illustration data from the audio output unit. Due to this, preferably illustration data which can reduce the frequency of screen switching to reduce the load of the operator without increasing the size of the display unit is data for explaining a method of use of the sewing machine and the audio data is data of explanations corresponding to the illustration data. 1. An electronic sewing machine which makes a needle bar move up and down through a sewing machine spindle which is driven by a sewing machine motor of the sewing machine body , comprising:an illustration data storage unit which stores illustration data for explaining an operation of said electronic sewing machine,said illustration data storage unit storing a plurality of groups of illustration data, each of said plurality of groups containing a plurality of illustration data, andfurther comprising:a display unit which displays said illustration data which is stored in said illustration data storage unit,an audio data storage unit which stores audio data which corresponds to said illustration data, andan audio output unit which outputs audio data which is stored in said audio data storage unit,wherein the plurality of illustration data of one group among the plurality of groups which are stored in said illustration data storage ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000498A1

A sewing machine includes a position acquisition device, a projection device, a processor, and a memory. The position acquisition device is configured to acquire information describing at least one designated position, each of the at least one designated position being a position on a sewing workpiece. The projection device is configured to project an image onto the sewing workpiece. The memory is configured to store non-transitory computer-readable instructions that instruct the processor to execute a step that includes specifying the at least one designated position on the sewing workpiece described by the information acquired by the position acquisition device. The memory is also configured to store non-transitory computer-readable instructions that instruct the processor to execute a step that includes causing the projection device to project a visually recognizable marker onto the sewing workpiece, based on the specified at least one designated position. 1. A sewing machine , comprising:a position acquisition device configured to acquire information describing at least one designated position, each of the at least one designated position being a position on a sewing workpiece;a projection device configured to project an image onto the sewing workpiece;a processor; anda memory configured to store non-transitory computer-readable instructions that instruct the processor to execute the steps of:specifying the at least one designated position on the sewing workpiece described by the information acquired by the position acquisition device; andcausing the projection device to project a visually recognizable marker onto the sewing workpiece, based on the specified at least one designated position.2. The sewing machine according to claim 1 , further comprising:a sewing device configured to form a stitch in the sewing workpiece,whereinthe computer-readable instructions further include instructions that instruct the processor to execute the steps of:specifying an ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000499A1
Автор: KATO Harumi, MAGARA Midori

A sewing machine includes a first drive portion, a switching portion, a second drive portion, a control portion, and a memory. The first drive portion is configured to drive to feed, in a first direction, a work cloth. The switching portion is configured to switch a position of the first drive portion. The second drive portion is configured to drive to feed the work cloth. The memory is configured to store computer-readable instructions that instruct the sewing machine to execute steps of driving the first drive portion in the first position in a case where the second drive portion drives to feed the work cloth in the first direction and switching the position of the first drive portion to the second position in a case where the second drive portion drives to feed the work cloth in a second direction, based on the sewing data. 1. A sewing machine comprising:a first drive portion that is disposed above a bed of the sewing machine and that is configured to drive to feed, in a first direction, a work cloth placed on the bed;a switching portion that is configured to switch a position of the first drive portion between a first position and a second position, wherein the first drive portion is configured to feed the work cloth at the first position, the first drive portion is configured to be separated from the work cloth at the second position, and the second position is a position that is higher and farther away from the bed than the first position;a second drive portion that is provided inside the bed and that is configured to drive to feed the work cloth in the first direction and in a second direction that is different from the first direction;a control portion; anda memory that is configured to store computer-readable instructions that instruct the sewing machine to execute steps of:driving the first drive portion in the first position, in a case where the second drive portion drives to feed the work cloth in the first direction, based on sewing data, andswitching ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140026794A1

A sewing machine to which a circular stitching device configured to anchor a sewing workpiece in a rotatable manner includes a feeding device, a sewing device, a processor, and a memory. The memory is configured to store computer-readable instructions that, when executed by the processor, cause the sewing machine to execute the steps of specifying a distance between an anchor position and a needle drop point, changing first feed amount data into second feed amount data based on the specified distance and a length of a stitch pattern, specifying an actual amount of movement of the sewing workpiece, and revising the second feed amount data for at least one stitch, among stitches of a plurality of iterations of the stitch pattern, that is not yet formed, based on a difference between the specified actual amount of movement and a planned feed amount indicated by the second feed amount data. 1. A sewing machine to which a circular stitching device is mountable , the circular stitching device being configured to anchor a sewing workpiece in a rotatable manner at an anchor position that is set apart from a needle drop point , which is a position where a sewing needle pierces the sewing workpiece , the sewing machine comprising:a feeding device that is configured to feed the sewing workpiece in a specified feed direction;a sewing device that is configured to form a stitch in the sewing workpiece that is fed by the feeding device;a processor; anda memory that is configured to store computer-readable instructions that, when executed by the processor, cause the sewing machine to execute the steps of:specifying a distance between the anchor position and the needle drop point,changing first feed amount data into second feed amount data based on the specified distance and a length in the feed direction of a stitch pattern that includes stitches, the first feed amount data indicating a planned feed amount set in advance, the planned feed amount being a planned amount for the ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033959A1

A stitching system is configured to stitch through decorative skins with a molded seam recess representing a seam and includes a sewing machine, an image acquisition mechanism, a controller, and a rotation mechanism. The sewing machine is rotatable with respect to a support table, and includes a sewing head to receive a sewing needle and a sewing foot to selectively engage the skin. The image acquisition mechanism produces an image of the seam recess with respect to the sewing head/needle(s). The controller determines the difference between the actual recess location and a predetermined desired recess location. Based on this difference, the controller determines a sewing machine rotation angle and orientation to reduce the difference to zero, and then produces a corresponding adjustment signal that drives the rotation mechanism. A robot can move either the sewing machine or the workpiece, and still use the herein-described real time steering control. 1. A stitching system configured to stitch through an automotive interior skin with a molded seam recess between generally exposed top and bottom surfaces thereof , comprising:a sewing machine disposed proximate a stationary support table and including a sewing head with a sewing foot and a sewing needle receiver for receiving a needle, said sewing machine being rotatably coupled to a pivoting base wherein rotation of said sewing machine rotates at least said sewing head and said sewing foot about a swivel axis that is generally parallel to a needle axis through said sewing needle, said swivel axis being offset from said needle axis;a sensor in proximity to said sewing head and configured to produce an output indicative of an actual location of the recess in the skin;an electronic controller, including an electronic processor, configured to determine a difference between said actual location of the recess and a predetermined, desired location of the recess based on said sensor output, said controller being further ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033960A1

A stitching system is configured to stitch through decorative skins with a molded seam recess representing a seam and includes a sewing machine, an image acquisition mechanism, a controller, and a rotation mechanism. The sewing machine is rotatable with respect to a support table, and includes a sewing head to receive a sewing needle and a sewing foot to selectively engage the skin. The image acquisition mechanism produces an image of the seam recess with respect to the sewing head/needle(s). The controller determines the difference between the actual recess location and a predetermined desired recess location. Based on this difference, the controller determines a sewing machine rotation angle and orientation to reduce the difference to zero, and then produces a corresponding adjustment signal that drives the rotation mechanism. A robot can move either the sewing machine or the workpiece, and still use the herein-described real time steering control. 1. A stitching system configured to stitch through an automotive interior skin with a molded seam recess defining a recess path thereon , comprising:a sewing machine disposed proximate a support table and including a sewing head with a sewing foot and a sewing needle receiver for receiving a needle, said sewing machine being rotatably coupled to a pivoting base wherein rotation of said sewing machine rotates at least said sewing head and said sewing foot about a swivel axis;a sensor in sensing proximity to said sewing head and configured to produce an output indicative of an actual location of the recess in the skin;an electronic controller, including an electronic processor, configured to determine a difference between said actual location of the recess and a predetermined, desired location of the recess based on said sensor output, said controller being further configured to determine a rotation angle and orientation for said sewing machine that is configured to reduce a magnitude of said difference, said controller ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Textile covering system and method of use

Номер: US20140041266A1
Автор: Joe Dudak
Принадлежит: Individual

A textile cover includes a first face made of fabric and a second face made of fabric. The first and second faces are coupled together to form a cover, which is structured and arranged to cover an advertising board.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060407A1

A sewing machine includes a sewing device, a processor, and a memory. The sewing device is configured to form stitches on a sewing workpiece. The memory is to store computer-readable instructions that, when executed by the processor, instruct the processor to perform processes including acquiring embroidery data, generating stitched marker data, causing the sewing device to sew the at least one stitched marker, causing the sewing device to start sewing an embroidery pattern, identifying a pattern to be sewn when the sewing of the embroidery pattern is stopped, detecting at least one of a second sewing position and a second sewing angle when the sewing of the embroidery pattern is stopped, setting at least one of a third sewing position and a third sewing angle, correcting data to be used to sew the pattern to be sewn, and causing the sewing device to restart sewing the embroidery pattern. 1. A sewing machine comprising:a sewing device configured to form stitches on a sewing workpiece held by an embroidery frame;a processor; anda memory configured to store computer-readable instructions that, when executed by the processor, instruct the processor to perform processes comprising:acquiring embroidery data, the embroidery data being data to sew an embroidery pattern on the sewing workpiece, the embroidery pattern being formed by a plurality of stitches;generating stitched marker data based on the acquired embroidery data, the stitched marker data being data to form at least one stitched marker in a position where the at least one stitched marker is covered by the embroidery pattern, and each of the at least one stitched marker being formed by at least one stitch used as a reference for at least one of a first sewing position and a first sewing angle of the embroidery pattern;causing the sewing device to sew the at least one stitched marker in accordance with the generated stitched marker data;causing the sewing device to start sewing the embroidery pattern in accordance ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060408A1
Автор: OKUYAMA Tsuneo

An apparatus includes a processor and a memory. The memory is configured to store computer-readable instructions that, when executed, cause the processor to perform processes including acquiring a plurality of first needle drop points, acquiring a plurality of blade directions of a plurality of cutting needles, specifying a plurality of second needle drop points, calculating a first angular difference between a cutting line segment and a specific blade direction among the plurality of blade directions, specifying a specific rotation angle of the pattern, wherein the specific rotation angle is either a rotation angle of the pattern corresponding to the first angular difference which is smallest of the calculated first angular difference or a rotation angle of the pattern corresponding to the first angular difference which is equal to or smaller than a predetermined first threshold value, and generating cutting data. 1. An apparatus comprising:a processor; and acquiring a plurality of first needle drop points indicating a plurality of needle drop points arranged along a pattern in a default state;', 'acquiring a plurality of blade directions of a plurality of cutting needles;', 'specifying a plurality of second needle drop points which are rotated by a predetermined angle with respect to the plurality of first needle drop points;', 'calculating a first angular difference between a cutting line segment along the pattern at one of the plurality of second needle drop points, and a specific blade direction among the plurality of blade directions, wherein the specific blade direction is closest to an inclination of the cutting line segment among the plurality of blade directions;', 'specifying a specific rotation angle of the pattern, wherein the specific rotation angle is either a rotation angle of the pattern corresponding to the first angular difference which is smallest of the calculated first angular difference or a rotation angle of the pattern corresponding to the ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062162A1
Автор: TABATA Tsuyoshi

A trim cover assembly of extremely soft property comprises a surface cover element, a wadding cover, and a thick foam wadding sandwiched therebetween, wherein the thick foam wadding has a compressed thin end surface region sewn with the surface cover element and wadding cover. Sewing method for forming such trim cover assembly involves: pressing and collapsing an end surface of the thick foam wadding in downwardly slantwise direction to provide a compressed thin area, thereby allowing direct access thereto of a conventional sewing machine; operating the sewing machine to sew the compressed thin area with the surface cover element, thereby producing a sewn trim cover having a compressed thin end region therein; and thereafter sewing the wadding cover with such sewn trim cover in correspondence with the compressed thin end region. As such, a trim cover assembly having the thick foam wadding is easily formed by the conventional sewing machine. 1. A trim cover assembly comprising:a surface cover element composed of a surface cover material and a first foam wadding;a wadding cover;a second thick foam wadding which is greater in pliability and thickness than said first foam wadding, said second thick foam wadding having a compressed thin end region;said compressed thin end region being formed by pressing and collapsing an end surface of said second thick foam wadding;said second thick foam wadding being interposed between said first foam wadding and said wadding cover, andwherein said surface cover element, said compressed thin end region of said second thick foam wadding and said wadding cover are sewn together.2. The trim cover assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said trim cover assembly is adapted for use on a vehicle-seat-related product including a vehicle seat and a headrest to be mounted on said vehicle seat.3. A sewing method for forming a trim cover assembly claim 1 , comprising the steps of:providing a surface cover element composed of a surface cover ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069308A1
Автор: Tokura Masashi

An embroidery data processor processes embroidery data on which an embroidery pattern is sewn by a sewing machine. The processor includes a color information acquiring unit which is configured to acquire color information of a workpiece cloth on which the embroidery pattern composed of a plurality of color-based pattern portions is sewn, a color storage unit which is configured to store data of a plurality of defined colors, an assignment unit which is configured to randomly extract colors from the colors stored by the color storage unit for every one of the color-based pattern portions, based on the color information acquired by the color information acquiring unit, said extracted colors being used as thread color data specifying colors of the color-based pattern portions respectively, the assignment unit assigning the extracted colors to the respective color-based pattern portions. 1. An embroidery data processor processing embroidery data on which an embroidery pattern is sewn by a sewing machine , the processor comprising:a color information acquiring unit which is configured to acquire color information of a workpiece cloth on which the embroidery pattern composed of a plurality of color-based pattern portions is sewn;a color storage unit which is configured to store data of a plurality of defined colors;an assignment unit which is configured to randomly extract colors from the colors stored by the color storage unit for every one of the color-based pattern portions, based on the color information acquired by the color information acquiring unit, said extracted colors being used as thread color data specifying colors of the color-based pattern portions respectively, the assignment unit assigning the extracted colors to the respective color-based pattern portions.2. The processor according to claim 1 , further comprising a setting unit which is configured to set a predetermined extraction range containing a similar color or a contrast color based on the color ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076222A1

A thread hook and a looper thread holder are arranged on a rear side of a needle drop position of a sewing machine. When usual sewing is completed, the thread hook and the looper thread holder swing and move close to a looper. A hook part provided at a tip end of the thread hook holds a needle thread loop caught by the looper and positions it on an advance end side of the looper away from the needle drop position, and a thread receiving part provided at a tip end of the looper thread holder holds a looper thread extending from the looper to cloths and positions it on the front side away from the needle drop position. The sewing machine performs sewing for at least one stitch while maintaining positions of the needle thread loop and the looper thread. 115-. (canceled)16. A seam ravel preventing method for preventing ravel of a seam of multi-thread chain stitching formed when a needle thread loop formed under a needle plate by a needle that moves up and down while holding a needle thread is caught by a looper advancing in a direction substantially orthogonal to an up-down movement pathway of the needle and then the needle thread loop is subjected to inter-looping with a looper thread held by the looper , said seam ravel preventing method comprising:a first step of, when sewing of a cloth is completed, advancing the looper, positioning a needle thread loop caught by the looper on an advance end side of the looper away from a fall position of the needle, and positioning a looper thread extending from the looper to the cloth on a front side away from the fall position of the needle; anda second step of, after the first step, performing sewing for at least one stitch while maintaining positions of the needle thread loop and the looper thread until the needle falls and passes through the needle thread loop, and subjecting the needle thread loop held by the looper to self-looping with the needle thread held by the needle.17. The seam ravel preventing method according to ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140082846A1
Автор: Blazar Joseph E.

Embodiments relate generally to washable pillows, particularly washable foam pillows, and methods for assembling such pillows. The washable pillow may comprise one or more cushion element and a fabric cover attached to and possibly enclosing the one or more cushion element. The pillow may also comprise a shell formed by the one or more cushion element, wherein the shell may comprise a cavity therein, and the cavity may contain a filler material. 1. A washable pillow comprising:one or more cushion element comprising open cell foam;a shell formed by the one or more cushion element, wherein the shell defines a cavity;a filler material contained within the cavity; anda fabric cover attached to at least one surface of the one or more cushion element.2. The pillow of wherein the fabric cover is attached to the one or more cushion element by at least one of: stitching claim 1 , gluing claim 1 , and laminating.3. The pillow of wherein the one or more cushion element comprises two cushion elements attached in proximity to their edges to form the shell and to define the cavity.4. The pillow of wherein the fabric cover is attached to an outer surface of the shell formed by the two cushion elements claim 3 , and the fabric cover comprises an upper surface and a lower surface.5. The pillow of wherein the two cushion elements are attached in proximity to their edges by stitching claim 4 , wherein the stitching comprises threading through the upper surface of the fabric cover claim 4 , the two cushion elements claim 4 , and the lower surface of the fabric cover.6. The pillow of wherein the one or more cushion element comprises one cushion element folded to form two halves claim 1 , wherein the two halves are attached in proximity to their edges to form the shell and to define the cavity.7. The pillow of wherein the fabric cover is attached to an outer surface of the shell formed by the one cushion element claim 6 , and the fabric cover comprises an upper surface and a lower ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083345A1
Автор: Tokura Masashi

A sewing machine includes an imaging device, a processor, and a memory configured to store sewing data and computer-readable instructions. The sewing data includes at least first stitch data to form first stitches that indicate a contour of a pattern on a first work cloth, and second stitch data to form second stitches that attach the pattern cut out along the first stitches onto a second work cloth. The computer-readable instructions cause the processor to perform processes comprising causing the imaging device to capture a first image, identifying a position and an angle of a marker in relation to the contour, causing the imaging device to capture a second image, identifying a position and an angle of the contour in relation to the second work cloth, and correcting the second stitch data in accordance with the identified position and angle of the contour in relation to the second work cloth. 1. A sewing machine comprising:an imaging device configured to capture an image;a processor; and sewing data that includes at least first stitch data and second stitch data, the first stitch data being data to be used to form first stitches on a first work cloth, the first stitches being stitches that indicate a contour of a pattern, the second stitch data being data to be used to form second stitches, the second stitches being stitches that attach the pattern cut out from the first work cloth along the first stitches onto a second work cloth; and', causing the imaging device to capture a first image, the first image being an image including a marker affixed inside the first stitches formed on the first work cloth based on the first stitch data;', 'identifying, based on the first stitch data and on first image data, a position and an angle of the marker in relation to the contour, the first image data being image data of the first image;', 'causing the imaging device to capture a second image, the second image being an image including the marker affixed to the pattern, the ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140085456A1
Принадлежит: A QUILTER'S EYE, INC.

A monitoring system for use with a sewing machine. The monitoring system includes a camera assembly mounted to a base of the sewing machine with a camera that collects images from a bottom side of the fabric. The camera assembly delivers images of the back side of the fabric to a monitor assembly that includes a display device. The display device displays the images collected by the camera. The monitor can be mounted to an upper or arm portion of the sewing machine for convenient viewing by the operator during use of the sewing machine. 1. A sewing monitoring system adapted for use with a sewing machine , the sewing machine configured to sew a stitch pattern in a sheet of fabric , the system comprising:a camera positioned on a side of the sewing machine and operable to capture images of the stitch pattern along a bottom side of the sheet of fabric as the sewing machines moves relative to the sheet of fabric; anda monitor arranged above the sheet of fabric and positioned on the sewing machine facing in a forward direction, the monitor configured to display the images of the stitch pattern for viewing by a person operating the long arm sewing machine to manually identify an error.2. The sewing monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the sewing machine is a long arm quilting machine and the sheet of fabric is arranged in a generally horizontal plane claim 1 , the sheet of fabric having a top surface and a bottom surface claim 1 , and the camera assembly creates images of stitching along the bottom surface of the sheet of fabric.3. The sewing monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the camera is mounted to a base portion of the sewing machine and the monitor is mounted to an arm portion of the sewing machine.4. The sewing monitoring system of claim 1 , further comprising a mounting bracket configured to adjustably position the camera in at least first and second positions claim 1 , the first position including an orientation for the camera to collect images of the stitch ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090587A1

A sewing machine includes a bed, a sewing device, a projection portion, an item detection portion, and a control portion. The sewing device includes a needle bar and a feed portion that moves a work cloth. The projection portion projects, onto at least one of the bed and the work cloth, a projected image that includes at least one operation item that indicates an operation of the sewing device. The item detection portion detects whether a user's finger has touched a location, on the at least one of the bed and the work cloth onto which the at least one operation item is being projected by the projection portion, where one of the at least one operation item is being projected. The control portion operates the sewing device in accordance with the operation item that has been detected by the item detection portion. 1. A sewing machine , comprising:a bed on which a work cloth is placed;a sewing device that includes a needle bar, on a lower end of which a sewing needle is mounted, and a feed portion that moves the work cloth;a projection portion that projects, onto at least one of the bed and the work cloth, a projected image that includes at least one operation item that indicates an operation of the sewing device;an item detection portion that detects whether a user's finger has touched a location, on the at least one of the bed and the work cloth onto which the at least one operation item is being projected by the projection portion, where one of the at least one operation item is being projected; anda control portion that operates the sewing device in accordance with the operation item that has been detected by the item detection portion.2. The sewing machine according to claim 1 , further comprising:an image capture portion that is configured to capture an image of the bed,whereinthe item detection portion detects the operation item that is being projected at the location that the user's finger has touched, based on the position of the user's finger in relation to ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Security luggage bag

Номер: US20140090942A1
Принадлежит: MRM HK LTD

A security luggage bag having multi layered walls defining a storage volume and at least one of the walls has a reinforcing layer comprised of a fabric with a reinforcing wire strand on a surface of the fabric, the reinforcing strand being fixed to the fabric as with stitching, tape or welds extending lengthwise along the reinforcing strand. 1. A multi layer luggage bag having walls defining a storage volume at least one of the walls is a multi layers reinforced layer and said at least one reinforced layer comprising , in combination:a sheet of fabric having an outer surface and an inner surface, said inn r surface defining said storage volume;a reinforcing wire mesh having a wire strand arrayed in a preselected pattern and secured to said outer surface of said sheet of fabric;said securing of said wire mesh to said outer surface of said sheet of fabric comprising one of stitching, bonding and welding.2. The multi layer luggage bag of wherein:said securing of said wire mesh to said outer surface of said sheet of fabric comprising one of stitching, and said stitching is a zigzag lockstich formed of an upper thread crossing back and forth over said wire strand, and a lower thread extending longitudinally along the direction of the wire strand.3. The multi layer luggage bag of wherein:said wire st\and comprises a slicing cut resistant wire strand.4. The multi layer luggage bag of wherein:said preselected pattern of said wire mesh comprises a boustrophedonic pattern.5. The multi layer luggage bag of wherein:said boustrophedonic pattern of said wire strand comprises a plurality of alternating lengths of said wire strand and said alternating lengths of said wire strand are sinusoidal having crests and troughs, and said crests and troughs of adjacent wire strands overlap each other and are free of entanglement with each other.6. The multi layer luggage bag of wherein:said wire strand is comprised of one continuous wire strand having a first end and a second end and said ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000576A1

The present invention relates to an airbag cushion and an airbag system including the same, and particularly to an airbag cushion, including: at least one fabric; and seam parts connecting the fabric, wherein deviation of upper seam thread length per a unit length of the fabric between the first seam part sewed in forward direction and the second seam part sewed in reverse direction in the seam parts is 15% or less, a method of preparing the same, and an airbag system including the same. The airbag cushion of the present invention is superior in working stability and unfolding performance because of the optimized properties of the seam parts, provides superior shape stability and air-tight effect at the same time, and can protect a passenger by minimizing the shock given to the passenger. 1. A method of preparing an airbag cushion , including the steps of:cutting at least one fabric; andsewing the fabrics so as to connect each other,wherein the sewing step is controlled so that tension of upper seam thread when sewing in reverse direction is 105% to 140%, compared to tension of upper seam thread when sewing in forward direction.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sewing process is carried out by at least on sewing method selected from the group consisting of a single-lock claim 1 , a double-lock claim 1 , a single-chain claim 1 , and a double-chain.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sewing process is controlled so that number of stitches of the seam parts is 20 to 80 ea/100 mm.4. A sewing machine for an airbag cushion claim 1 , equipped witha needle for sewing fabrics, anda main thread controller providing tension to an upper seam thread and a sub thread controller providing a preliminary tension to the upper seam thread provided to the main thread controller in the path of the upper seam thread from a thread supplying source to the needle; andfurther including a control means for minutely controlling the preliminary tension according to ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000597A1

Stitching patterns overlap to produce a corner-locked stitch pattern. The corner-locked stitch pattern includes one or more thread interlace points, and one or more overlays of threads from overlapping patterns. A network of corner-lock stitch patterns produces a mesh, which may be embroidered into a substrate, such as a medical textile or biotextile. Corner-lock stitch patterns resist puncture-induced and tension-induced deformation of mesh pores between corner-locked stitch patterns, and may be used to modulate compliance and enhance strength properties of a substrate into which they are sewn. 1. A corner-lock stitch pattern , comprising a first pattern of a first upper thread or yarn and a first lower thread or yarn comprising one or more curves , one or more angles , or a combination of one or more curves and one or more angles , and a second pattern of a second upper thread or yarn and a second lower thread or yarn comprising one or more curves , one or more angles , or a combination of one or more curves and one or more angles; wherein at least one of the one or more curves or the one or more angles of the second pattern overlaps at least one of the one or more curves or the one or more angles of the first pattern , and one or more of the overlaps comprises a corner-lock stitch pattern comprising one or more thread interlace points and two or more thread overlays in which the second upper thread and second lower thread envelope the first upper thread and first lower thread.2. The corner-lock stitch pattern according to claim 1 , wherein the first pattern and the second pattern each comprise one or more angles claim 1 , and one or more of the overlaps comprises a corner-lock stitch pattern comprising one or more thread interlace points proximal to the vertex of each angle.3. The corner-lock stitch pattern according to claim 2 , wherein the two or more thread overlays are proximal to the vertex.4. The corner lock stitch pattern according to claim 2 , wherein the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002489A1
Принадлежит: Columbia Insurance Company

The invention relates to a control system for a tufting machine configured for forming tufted carpet. The tufting machine can have a system controller in communication with the tufting machine and with a plurality of yarn feed controllers for controlling operation of yarn feed motors that are configured to supply yarn from a source of yarn to the tufting machine. The system controller is programmable to enable input of a plurality of predetermined yarn feed profiles for selected stitches of a programmed pattern to be tufted such that, although at least two of the predetermined yarn feed profiles can be different, substantially the same feed length of yarn is used from each of the plurality of yarns. 1. A method for controlling a tufting machine for forming patterned tufted articles of the type having a plurality of needles carrying a plurality of yarns into a backing material that passes through the tufting machine at a desired rate , the tufting matching having a plurality of yarn feed motors , each yarn feed motor in communication with one yarn from the source of yarns and one needle of the plurality of needles , the method comprising:controlling the operation of a plurality of yarn feed controllers of the tufting machine, each yarn feed controller being coupled to a respective yarn feed motor for controlling the amount of yarn being supplied by the respective yarn feed motor;enabling input of a plurality of predetermined yarn feed profiles for selected stitches of a programmed pattern to be tufted; andcontrolling the operation of the respective yarn feed controllers to feed yarns to the plurality of needles for each selected stitch to be tufted according to the predetermined yarn feed profile,wherein at least two predetermined yarn feed profiles of the plurality of predetermined yarn feed profiles are different, and wherein, for each repeat of the programmed pattern, each yarn of the plurality of yarns has a respective feed length of yarn that is used, and ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002531A1
Автор: Byham Wesley Anne

A non-plastic, fabric container attachable to a leash with a closure flap and having an opening for dispensing bags and method of making. This design offers consumers a more durable and functional dispenser constructed from a single strip of fabric. A single closure device (button, snap, rivet, turn lock, hook and loop or other simple device) simultaneously encloses the roll of waste bags and attaches the device securely to a leash, harness or belt, etc. With only a single piece of hardware and two side seams, this durable and sanitary design marks a significant departure from previous pet waste bag dispensers. Furthermore, this unique structure creates a virtually universal product that loops around almost anything and accepts almost any brand of waste rolls. 1. A device for dispensing pliable bags , comprising:a container having a continuous wall defining an interior cavity;a flap having a first end and a second end, the first end depending from the container, the flap and the container cooperating to form a closed loop;a first connector element on one of the container wall and the flap and a second connector element on the other of the container wall and the flap, the second connector element configured to cooperate with the first connector element to releasably connect the second end of the flap to the container wall; anda dispensing opening formed in the container wall that is sized and shaped to dispense the pliable bags without interference from the flap when the flap is connected to the container wall.2. The device of wherein the container and flap are formed from a continuous piece of material that is constructed from bamboo rayon that is woven into fabric material.3. The device of wherein the first connector element comprises a button attached to the continuous wall claim 1 , and further wherein the second connector element comprises a button hole formed on the flap and sized and shaped to receive the button to releasably fasten the flap to the container ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002863A1
Автор: YOKOYAMA Ushio

With an overlock sewing machine set to an interlock state and the upper blade in an interlock position, upon turning the operating shaft toward one side around its axis, an interlock switching mechanism displaces the other end portion of a rod and sets an interlock release state. A pressing portion presses a first switching portion to swing a swing member toward the forward swing side, which displaces the upper blade to retraction position. With the state set to interlock release with the upper blade in retraction position, upon turning the operating shaft toward one side around its axis, the pressing portion presses a second switching portion to swing the swing member toward the reverse swing side, which displaces the upper blade to interlock position. The interlock mechanism displaces the other end portion of the rod to set the state to interlock. 1. An overlock sewing machine comprising:an upper blade configured such that it can be moved between an interlock position at which it is driven in the upper-lower direction together with a rotation of a main shaft and a retraction position to which it is to be retracted downward from the interlock position;a rod configured such that it extends in a direction that is orthogonal to an axial direction of the main shaft, and arranged such that one end portion is coupled to the main shaft by an eccentric cam, which allows the rod to be swung by a driving force applied by the main shaft;a swing member supported by a support shaft arranged in parallel with the axial direction of the main shaft such that it can be swung, coupled to the upper blade via another member, comprising a fitting portion configured such that it can be fitted into a fitting target portion provided to the other end portion of the rod, and configured such that, when the fitting portion is fitted into the fitting target portion, the swing member is reciprocally swung accompanying a swinging of the rod according to a rotation of the main shaft, so as to ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Overlock sewing machine

Номер: US20200002864A1
Автор: Ushio Yokoyama
Принадлежит: Janome Sewing Machine Co Ltd

An overlock sewing machine includes an operating shaft that is slidable between first and second positions, and configured such that interlock switching and position switching mechanisms are operated when it is turned. The interlock switching mechanism includes a rotor that is rotatable together with the operating shaft as a single unit, an interlock switching member, and a first engagement target portion formed in the rotor. In the interlock state, setting the operating shaft to the first position engages an engagement portion of the interlock switching member with the first engagement target portion, which restricts operating shaft rotation. Sliding the operating shaft to the second position releases the engagement state between the engagement and first engagement target portions, enabling rotation of the operating shaft.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003093A1

A non-transitory computer-readable medium storing computer-readable instructions. The instructions, when executed, cause a processor of a sewing data generation device configured to generate sewing data to perform steps. The steps include acquiring a sewing area in which a pattern is to be sewn and acquiring a target area in which a pattern is to be arranged. The steps further include generating a plurality of sewing data. Each of the plurality of sewing data is data to form stitches of a plurality of stippling patterns inside the acquired target area. The steps further include associating the sewing data with arrangement information, for each of the plurality of sewing data, and outputting the sewing data and arrangement information that have been associated with each other. The arrangement information indicates an arrangement of each of the stippling patterns to be sewn on the basis of the sewing data. 1. A non-transitory computer-readable medium storing computer-readable instructions that , when executed , cause a processor of a sewing data generation device configured to generate sewing data to perform steps comprising:acquiring a sewing area in which a pattern is to be sewn;acquiring a target area in which a pattern is to be arranged;generating a plurality of sewing data, each of the plurality of sewing data being data to form stitches of a plurality of stippling patterns inside the acquired target area, each of the plurality of sewing data being data to form stitches of the stippling pattern on a stitch path having a size that is contained within the acquired sewing area, a first path and a second path being separated from each other, each of the first path and the second path being one of a plurality of the stitch paths represented by the plurality of sewing data, the second path being adjacent to the first path, each of the first path and the second path having a convex portion, positions of the convex portions in an adjacent direction being the same as each ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003094A1
Автор: FUJIMOTO Mio, HARA Satomi

A production management system includes a sewing machine and a production management device. The sewing machine records chronological operation data. The production management device communicates with the sewing machine, and acquires and stores the operation data. The sewing machine includes a time acquisition unit that acquires a time at the time of the communication from a clock of the production management device at the time of the communication with the production management device and grants time information based on the time at the time of the communication to the operation data recorded at the time of the communication. 1: A production management system comprising:a sewing machine that records chronological operation data; anda production management device that communicates with the sewing machine, and acquires and stores the operation data,wherein the sewing machine is a sewing machine that does not include a clock for acquiring a current time, andwherein the sewing machine includes a time acquisition unit that acquires a time at the time of the communication from a clock of the production management device at the time of the communication with the production management device and grants time information based on the time at the time of the communication to the operation data recorded at the time of the communication.2: The production management system according to claim 1 , whereinthe production management device includes an accumulation processing unit that adds time information indicating a continuation time of a time indicated by time information of operation data stored in advance to newly acquired operation data when the operation data newly acquired from the sewing machine does not include the time information.3: The production management system according to claim 1 , whereinthe sewing machine includesa first record processing unit that accumulates record data for each first period and generates the operation data, anda second record processing unit ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003095A1
Автор: KOBAYASHI Nobuhiko

A sewing-machine operating program is installed in a terminal device of a user. A specifying information acquiring step causes a short-distance information acquiring unit to acquire specifying information recorded on a sewing-machine main unit. In the distance measuring step, an apart distance is calculated from a detection result of a movement detecting sensor with a position where the specifying information is acquired being as an initial position. In the distance comparing step, for a remote operation to the sewing-machine main unit, the apart distance and a prescribed distance are compared. In the function restricting step, when the apart distance is within the prescribed distance, an operation command is transmitted to the sewing-machine main unit via a wireless communication device, and when the apart distance exceeds the prescribed distance, the operation command is not transmitted to the sewing-machine main unit. 1. A sewing-machine operating program causing a terminal device that comprises an operating unit to execute:a distance measuring step of calculating an apart distance of the terminal device from a sewing machine;a distance comparing step of comparing the apart distance with a prescribed distance set beforehand from the sewing machine; anda function restricting step of restricting a function of a remote operation via the operating unit to the sewing machine in accordance with a comparison result in the distance comparing step.2. The sewing-machine operating program according to claim 1 , wherein:the terminal device further comprises:an information acquiring unit that acquires specifying information recorded on the sewing machine; anda movement detecting sensor that detects a movement of the terminal device, andin the distance measuring step, the apart distance is calculated from a detection result of the movement detecting sensor with a position where the information acquiring unit acquires the specifying information being as a position of the sewing ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005921A1
Автор: Abe Daisuke

The memory stores computer-readable instructions causing the sewing machine to perform operations including: extracting feature points of a design based on a captured image; extracting feature points of a unit design; generating feature points of a symmetrical design; cross-checking the extracted feature points of the design and the generated feature points of the symmetrical design; determining an arrangement of an embroidery pattern with respect to the symmetrical design; and causing a sewing portion to sew the embroidery pattern. 1. A sewing machine comprising:an image capturing portion configured to capture an image of a design that is formed in advance on a work cloth;a sewing portion configured to sew an embroidery pattern;a processor; and extracting feature points of the design based on the image captured by the image capturing portion;', 'extracting, from among the extracted feature points of the design, feature points of a unit design, the unit design being a part of the design;', 'generating, based on the extracted feature points of the unit design, feature points of a symmetrical design, the symmetrical design being a design symmetrical to the unit design;', 'cross-checking the extracted feature points of the design and the generated feature points of the symmetrical design;', 'determining an arrangement of the embroidery pattern with respect to the symmetrical design, based on a result obtained by the cross-checking the feature points of the design and the feature points of the symmetrical design; and', 'causing the sewing portion to sew the embroidery pattern based on the determined arrangement of the embroidery pattern with respect to the symmetrical design., 'a memory configured to store computer-readable instructions, the computer-readable instructions, when executed by the processor, causing the sewing machine to perform operations comprising2. The sewing machine according to claim 1 , receiving specification of a position of the embroidery pattern ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005922A1
Автор: OKUYAMA Tsuneo

An embroidery data processor includes a processor and a memory configured to store embroidery data moving an embroidery frame and computer-readable instructions that, when executed by the processor, cause the processor to perform processes including calculating a sewing time in which a first moving mechanism and a second moving mechanism are driven to move the embroidery frame in a first direction and a second direction perpendicular to the first direction thereby to sew the embroidery pattern or a value contributing to the sewing time, based on the embroidery data, determining an angle relative to the first or second direction, at which angle the embroidery pattern is sewn, based on the calculated sewing time or the value contributing to the sewing time, and storing, in a memory, the determined relative angle having a correspondence relation with the embroidery data of the embroidery pattern. 1. An embroidery data processor comprising:a processor; anda memory configured to store embroidery data moving an embroidery frame and computer-readable instructions that, when executed by the processor, cause the processor to perform processes comprising:calculating a sewing time in which a first moving mechanism and a second moving mechanism are driven to move the embroidery frame in a first direction and a second direction perpendicular to the first direction thereby to sew the embroidery pattern or a value contributing to the sewing time, based on the embroidery data;determining an angle relative to the first or second direction, at which angle the embroidery pattern is sewn, based on the calculated sewing time or the value contributing to the sewing time; andstoring, in a memory, the determined relative angle having a correspondence relation with the embroidery data of the embroidery pattern.2. The processor according to claim 1 , wherein the processes further comprise:calculating sewing times required to sew the embroidery pattern at a plurality of different angles; ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Pillowcase construction and method of using same

Номер: US20160007775A1
Автор: Jud Lusk
Принадлежит: WestPoint Home LLC

The invention is a pillowcase for use in covering a conventional bed sleeping pillow. The pillowcase has a length and width, and an open edge running the length of the pillowcase and an interior pouch positioned at the open edge. The interior pouch is integral with the interior of the pillowcase, running along the entire length of the pillowcase and having a depth of less than about half of the pillowcase width. The pillowcase is configured to receive a pillow through the open edge and secure the pillow within the interior of the pillowcase by engaging a portion of the pillow with the interior pouch. A pillowcase of the invention speeds and facilitates pillowcase changes (for example, in the hospitality industry) while ensuring a completely covered pillow for the user.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009388A1

A system and methods for stitching are disclosed. The system includes a first thread feeding mechanism configured to feed a continuous supply of a first thread, a second thread feeding mechanism configured to feed a continuous supply of a second thread, a plate separating the first thread feeding mechanism and the second thread feeding mechanism, and a knot tying mechanism configured to pass a bight of the first thread for at least one turn around a portion of the second thread and securing the bight around the second thread. 1. A sewing machine comprising:a first thread feeding mechanism configured to feed a continuous supply of a first thread;a second thread feeding mechanism configured to feed a continuous supply of a second thread;a plate separating the first thread feeding mechanism and the second thread feeding mechanism, the plate configured to hold at least one layer of fabric; anda knot tying mechanism configured to pass a bight of the first thread for at least one turn around a portion of the second thread and securing the bight around the second thread.2. The sewing machine of claim 1 , further comprising:a bight cutting mechanism configured to cut the bight open after the bight is secured around the second thread.3. The sewing machine of claim 1 , wherein the first thread feeding mechanism is further configured to pass the bight through the plate.4. The sewing machine of claim 1 , wherein the knot tying mechanism is configured to knot the bight around the second thread in an overhand knot.5. The sewing machine of claim 1 , wherein the knot tying mechanism is configured to knot the bight around the second thread in a figure-eight knot.6. The sewing machine of claim 4 , wherein the first thread feeding mechanism comprises a needle having an eye.7. The sewing machine of claim 1 , further comprising a third thread feeding mechanism and a looping mechanism configured to loop the first thread over the third thread feeding mechanism claim 1 , wherein the sewing ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009153A1

A lacrosse head pocket and a related method of manufacture are provided to facilitate consistent, repeatable and/or custom manufacture of lacrosse equipment. The pocket can be knitted, weaved or otherwise assembled on an automated assembly machine from strands, and/or can be formed as a unitary textile material having regions/sections with different physical and/or mechanical properties. The pocket can be integrally molded within portions of a lacrosse head to eliminate manually constructed connections between the pocket and lacrosse head. The pocket can include a perimeter flange constructed from special materials and/or a perimeter flange including intermittent voids along an outer edge so that the perimeter flange stretches when the pocket is in a loaded state with the lacrosse ball therein, thereby providing dampening to the pocket when a lacrosse ball exerts force upon the pocket in the loaded state. 1. A method of making a lacrosse pocket comprising:mechanically manipulating a plurality of first strands and a plurality of second strands with an automated pocket assembly machine during an automated process to form a lacrosse pocket body during the automated process, the lacrosse pocket body including a predefined, three dimensional, concave shape, the lacrosse pocket body having a lower pocket portion, an upper pocket portion and a middle pocket portion therebetween;forming a perimeter flange in the lacrosse pocket body during the automated process, the perimeter flange including the plurality of first strands interlooped with one another; andforming at least one of the lower pocket portion, the upper pocket portion, and the middle pocket portion of the lacrosse pocket body with the plurality of second strands interlooped with one another, and with ones of the plurality of first strands, so that the perimeter flange and at least one of the lower pocket portion, the upper pocket portion, and the middle pocket portion form a unitary textile material,wherein the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010252A1

An embroidery data generator is configured to generate embroidery data and is provided with a pattern storing unit and a control device. The pattern storing unit is configured to store plural types of pattern data configured for sewing one or more sub-patterns according to a predetermined stitch pattern. The one or more sub-patterns constitutes an embroidery pattern. The control device is configured to randomly extract pattern data configured for sewing the one or more sub-patterns from the plural types of pattern data stored in the pattern storing unit and to assign extracted pattern data to the one or more sub-patterns. 1. An embroidery data generator configured to generate embroidery data comprising:a pattern storing unit configured to store plural types of pattern data configured for sewing one or more sub-patterns according to a predetermined stitch pattern, the one or more sub-patterns constituting an embroidery pattern; and randomly extract pattern data configured for sewing the one or more sub-patterns from the plural types of pattern data stored in the pattern storing unit, and', 'assign extracted pattern data to the one or more sub-patterns., 'a control device configured to2. The embroidery data generator according to claim 1 , wherein the plural types of pattern data include plural types of surface region pattern data configured for sewing a surface region defined as an embroidery region according to a predetermined stitch pattern claim 1 , and wherein the control device is configured to randomly extract pattern data claim 1 , configured for sewing an inner side of an outline of the one or more sub-patterns as the surface region claim 1 , from the plural types of surface region pattern data.3. The embroidery data generator according to claim 2 , wherein when the embroidery pattern is formed of two or more sub-patterns claim 2 , the control device is further configured to assign different surface region pattern data to adjacent sub-patterns.4. The ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010273A1

A sewing machine includes a sewing portion sewing an embroidery pattern on a cloth, a first storage portion storing the stitch data and pattern data, a display portion, a processor, and a memory storing computer-readable instructions. The computer-readable instructions, executed by the processor, includes first acquiring the stitch data and the pattern data, and first displaying, based on the pattern data, the pattern image on the display portion. The computer-readable instructions also includes, first generating a plurality of partial images representing a number of stitches corresponding to a first predetermined number, based on the stitch data, after the first displaying of the pattern image on the display portion, and second displaying, each time each of the plurality of partial images is generated by the first generating, the generated partial image on a portion of the pattern image displayed by the first displaying that corresponds to the generated partial image. 1. A sewing machine comprising:a sewing portion configured to sew an embroidery pattern on a cloth, on the basis of stitch data, the stitch data including a position of each of a plurality of stitches representing the embroidery pattern;a first storage portion configured to store the stitch data and pattern data, the pattern data being data of a pattern image representing the embroidery pattern corresponding to the stitch data;a display portion configured to display the pattern image;a processor; and first acquiring the stitch data and the pattern data from the first storage portion;', 'first displaying the pattern image on the display portion on the basis of the pattern data acquired by the first acquiring;', 'first generating a plurality of partial images representing a number of stitches corresponding to a first predetermined number, on the basis of the stitch data acquired by the first acquiring, after the first displaying of the pattern image on the display portion; and', 'second displaying, each ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010274A1
Автор: HONG Jung Wan

A decoration lace comprises at least three or more decoration strings which are arranged side by side, and are connected to each other by sewing, where the decoration strings are connected to each other by a seam line which is formed in the shape of a zigzag in a longitudinal direction, and a top thread fed from an upper portion of the decoration string by a needle is locked by a bottom thread located under a lower portion of the decoration string to make a knot, and two threads are locked to the decoration string, thereby forming the zigzag-shaped seam line. 1. A decoration lace comprising:at least three or more decoration strings which are arranged side by side, and are connected to each other by sewing,wherein the decoration strings are connected to each other by a seam line which is formed in the shape of a zigzag in a longitudinal direction, anda top thread fed from an upper portion of the decoration string by a needle is locked by a bottom thread located under a lower portion of the decoration string to make a knot, and two threads are locked to the decoration string, thereby forming the zigzag-shaped seam line.2. The decoration lace as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least five or more decoration strings are provided claim 1 ,the zigzag-shaped seam lines are symmetrically arranged on both sides of the decoration string which is located at a center among the decoration strings, and includes a first zigzag-shaped seam line to sew the decoration strings located on one side of the center decoration string, and a second zigzag-shaped seam line to sew the decoration strings located on the other side of the center decoration string, andinner sides of the first and second zigzag-shaped seam lines are connected to the center decoration string by weaving.3. The decoration lace as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the decoration string is s bead string that consists of a plurality of beads and a beading cord for beading the beads claim 1 , andthe bead strings are connected ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010276A1
Автор: KONGO Takeshi

A sewing machine includes a first image acquisition unit, a second image acquisition unit, and a display unit. In the sewing machine, the first image acquisition performs image acquisition from the front face side of a cloth for a stitching pattern formed in the cloth. The second image acquisition unit performs image acquisition from the back face side of the cloth such that the center position of the acquired image matches the center position of the image of the stitching pattern acquired by the first image acquisition unit. The display unit displays, on the same screen, a first stitching pattern video image thus acquired by the first image acquisition unit and a second stitching pattern video image thus acquired by the second image acquisition unit. 1. A sewing machine comprising:a first image acquisition unit that performs image acquisition from a front face side of a cloth for a stitching pattern formed in the cloth;a second image acquisition unit that performs image acquisition from a back face side of the cloth such that a center position of an acquired image matches a center position of an image of the stitching pattern acquired by the first image acquisition unit; anda display unit that displays, on a single screen, a first stitching pattern video image thus acquired by the first image acquisition unit and a second stitching pattern video image thus acquired by the second image acquisition unit.2. The sewing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the display unit displays the first stitching pattern video image and the second stitching pattern video image in the form of a superimposed image.3. The sewing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the display unit displays the first stitching pattern video image and the second stitching pattern video image such that they are side-by-side.4. The sewing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the display unit displays a first mark at a position a predetermined distance away from a center position on the first ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010176A1
Автор: Son Byeong Jun

Disclosed is a method for producing a sewing data file using an embedded computer. A method for producing a sewing data file of a sewing machine allows the embedded computer to perform the following processes: receiving a color of a thread mounted on the sewing machine through the touch input device and the data input device; receiving an image data through the network device; extracting a color component from the image data by referring to a color of a thread mounted on the sewing machine using the sewing data conversion program; and calculating a ratio occupied by a color of a minimum unit pixel for each separated color as an area occupied by a thread using the sewing data conversion program and converting the calculated ratio into a sewing data in a linear shape and a zigzag shape. 1. A method for producing a sewing data file of a sewing machine including an embedded computer including a sewing data conversion program , a touch input device , a data input device , and a network device , wherein the method produces a sewing data used in the sewing machine by allowing the embedded computer to perform the following processes:receiving a size of a sewing frame and a color of a thread mounted on the sewing machine through the touch input device and the data input device;selecting a color to be used, a stitch shape, a thickness and the like through the touch input device and then receiving handwriting;determining a stitch trajectory, the stitch shape, a width, and a color of a thread by allowing the sewing data conversion program to analyze handwriting: andproducing a sewing data file by using the stitch trajectory, the stitch shape, the width, and the color of the thread determined for every stitch trajectory.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the embedded computer further performs the following process:receiving a size of a sewing frame through the touch input device and the data input device; andadjusting the size of the handwriting to the size of the sewing frame ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010643A1
Автор: Schwarzberger Neal A.

Presented is a method, apparatus, and computer-readable medium for moving. A method includes sensing a change in a torque on a motor operably connected to a sewing head for at least partially assisting movement of the sewing head relative to a workpiece. The method further includes adjusting an output of the motor to change at least one of a direction and a speed of movement of the sewing head in response to the sensed change in the torque. 1. A method for stitching , the method comprising:(a) sensing a change in a torque on a motor operably connected to a sewing head for at least partially assisting movement of the sewing head relative to a workpiece; and(b) adjusting an output of the motor to change at least one of a direction and a speed of movement of the sewing head in response to the sensed change in the torque.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one of the speed and direction of movement of the sewing head is controlled by a controller operably coupled to the torque sensor and the motor.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sewing head includes a reciprocating needle for stitching claim 1 , and wherein a speed of the reciprocating needle is adjusted corresponding to movement of the sewing head over the workpiece.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the torque sensor is a strain gauge.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein sensing the change in the torque includes employing a torque sensor.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the motor selectively moves the sewing head over the workpiece and the change in torque is sensed by a torque sensor operably coupled to the motor7. An apparatus for stitching claim 1 , the apparatus comprising:(a) a sewing head including a reciprocating needle;(b) a motor operably connected to the sewing head, the motor able to move the sewing head relative to a workpiece;(c) a torque sensor, the torque sensor able to sense a torque on the motor from the sewing head; and(d) a ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Coordinate data generator, sewing machine, and non-transitory recording medium

Номер: US20200010990A1
Автор: Takeshi Kongo
Принадлежит: Janome Sewing Machine Co Ltd

A coordinate data generator includes a coordinate data storage to store coordinate data, and a post-addition coordinate data generation section to respectively add independent values to the X coordinate value or the Y coordinate value of the coordinate data for each item of the coordinate data stored in the coordinate data storage, so as to generate new coordinate data in which a pattern has been distorted.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010991A1

A sewing machine determines a pattern from multiple patterns, as a first pattern. The sewing machine generates a projection image including a first image representing a sewing image of the first pattern in a sewing expected size thereof. The sewing machine projects the generated projection image onto a projection area. The sewing machine sews the first pattern on a workpiece in the sewing expected size based on pattern data for the first pattern. 1. A sewing machine , comprising:a bed;a feed unit including a feed dog disposed at the bed, the feed unit configured to drive the feed dog to feed a workpiece in a feeding direction;a sewing unit including a needle bar, the sewing unit configured to form stiches by moving a needle held by the needle bar up and down relative to the workpiece fed by the feed unit, the stitches representing a pattern including pieces of a design that are repeatedly arranged in the feeding direction, the design including a plurality of line segments, at least one of which extends in a direction crossing the feeding direction;a projector configured to project a projection image onto a projection area on the bed; and determining a pattern from multiple patterns, as a first pattern;', 'generating the projection image including a first image representing a sewing image of the first pattern in a sewing expected size thereof, the first image being located toward an upstream side in the feeding direction from a position corresponding to a needle drop position in the feeding direction;', 'causing the projector to project the generated projection image onto the projection area; and', 'controlling the feed unit and the sewing unit to sew the first pattern on the workpiece in the sewing expected size based on pattern data for the first pattern., 'a controller configured to control the feed unit, the sewing unit, and the projector; the controller configured to perform steps comprising2. The sewing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010992A1

A controller of a sewing machine obtains a rectangular frame embroidery pattern and obtains a first unit pattern to be laid out in each of four corner portions of the embroidery pattern and a second unit pattern to be repeatedly laid out in each of side portions of the embroidery pattern. The controller determines, based on the size of the embroidery pattern, the number of repeats of the second unit pattern in a target side portion. The controller generates pattern data for the embroidery pattern including the first unit pattern being laid out in each corner portion and the second unit pattern being laid out in the target side portion as many as the determined number of repeats of the second unit pattern. The controller causes the sewing machine to form the embroidery pattern on a workpiece held by an embroidery hoop based on the generated pattern data. 1. A sewing machine comprising:a sewing unit including a needle bar, the sewing unit configured to move the needle bar up and down to form stitches on a workpiece;a moving unit including an attachment unit to which an embroidery hoop holding the workpiece is detachably attached, the moving unit configured to move the attachment unit relative to the needle bar; and size obtainment including obtaining a size of an embroidery pattern having a rectangular frame shape, the embroidery pattern including four corner portions and four side portions, each of the side portions being positioned between two of the corner portions;', 'pattern obtainment including obtaining a first unit pattern and a second unit pattern, the first unit pattern being to be laid out in each of the corner portions, the second unit pattern being to be laid out in each of the side portions;', 'repeat number determination including determining, based on the size of the embroidery pattern obtained in the size obtainment, the number of repeats of the second unit pattern in a target side portion, the target side portion being one of the side portions;', ' ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010994A1

The sewing machine includes a projector and a controller. The controller determines a sewing area inside an embroidery hoop such that the sewing area is greater than a projection area where the projector projects a projection image. The controller determines an embroidery pattern and a position of the embroidery pattern located relative to the sewing area. The controller determines, in the sewing area, a target area corresponding to the projection area. The controller generates projection image data representing a part or a whole, which falls in the target area, of the embroidery patter relative to the sewing area, and controls the projector to project a projection image based on the projection image data after moving the embroidery hoop. 1. A sewing machine , comprising:a bed;a moving mechanism supporting a removable embroidery hoop and configured to move the embroidery hoop;a sewing unit including a needle bar, the needle bar supporting a needle, the sewing unit being configured to move the needle bar up and down relative to a workpiece held by the embroidery hoop attached to the moving mechanism such that the needle supported in the needle bar forms stitches on the workpiece;a projector configured to project a projection image toward the bed; and determine a sewing area inside the embroidery hoop, the sewing area being greater than a projection area where the projector projects the projection image;', 'determine an embroidery pattern to be sewn and a position of the embroidery pattern located relative to the sewing area;', 'determine a target area in the sewing area, the target area corresponding to the projection area;', 'control the moving mechanism to move the embroidery hoop to a position where the target area coincides with the projection area;', 'generate projection image data representing a part or a whole, which falls in the target area, of the embroidery pattern relative to the sewing area; and', 'after moving the embroidery hoop, control the projector ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Embroidery sewing machine having function of fixing interliner and material by basting

Номер: US20170016159A1
Автор: Takeshi Kongo
Принадлежит: Janome Sewing Machine Co Ltd

An embroidery sewing machine having a function of fixing an interliner and a material by basting, and capable of performing embroidery sewing based on embroidery sewing data includes a basting area accepting unit configured to perform an assisting operation for a user so as to allow the user to specify an area for basting according to a size of a material, and to accept the specification of the area for basting; a basting data generating unit configured to generate basting data according to the area accepted by the basting area accepting unit; and a basting executing unit configured to perform basting based on the basting data generated by the basting data generating unit.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016720A1

A sewing machine includes needle bars, a notification portion, a processor, and a memory. The memory is configured to store computer-readable instructions that, when executed by the processor, instruct the processor to perform processes. The processes include acquiring sewing data for sewing an embroidery pattern made up of a plurality of partial pattern, setting correspondences between a needle bar among the needle bars and an upper thread data set included in the sewing data, for each of the needle bars, and the sewing embroidery pattern, detecting an error that occurs during the sewing, stopping the sewing when the error is detected, specifying a change-eligible needle bar, for which the sewing is completed, when a target data set exists, the correspondence with one of the needle bars not being set for the target data set, and causing the notification portion to notify information indicating the specified change-eligible needle bar. 1. A sewing machine comprising:a plurality of needle bars;a notification portion;a processor; and acquiring sewing data for sewing an embroidery pattern that is made up of a plurality of partial patterns, the sewing data including a plurality of upper thread data sets specifying types of upper threads associated with individual ones of the plurality of the partial patterns,', 'setting correspondences between a needle bar from among the plurality of the needle bars and an upper thread data set included in the acquired sewing data, for each of the plurality of the needle bar,', 'sewing each of the plurality of the partial patterns on a workpiece by operating, from among the plurality of the needle bars, a needle bar for which the correspondence with the upper thread data set is set,', 'detecting an error that occurs during the sewing of each of the plurality of the partial patterns,', 'stopping the sewing of a partial pattern being sewn in a case where the error is detected,', 'specifying a change-eligible needle bar, which is one of ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016721A1

A sewing machine includes at least one needle bar, a threading motor, a threading mechanism, a processor, and a memory. The threading mechanism is configured to pass an upper thread through an eye of a sewing needle. The memory is configured to store computer-readable instructions that, when executed by the processor, instruct the processor to perform processes. The processes include making one of a setting that prohibits operation of the threading mechanism and a setting that does not prohibit the operation of the threading mechanism. The processes include switching the operation of the threading mechanism by prohibiting the operation of the threading mechanism in a case where the setting that prohibits the operation of the threading mechanism is made, and permitting the operation of the threading mechanism in a case where the setting that does not prohibit the operation of the threading mechanism is made. 1. A sewing machine comprising:at least one needle bar configured to be mounted with a sewing needle;a threading motor;a threading mechanism coupled to the threading motor and, under the power of the threading motor, being configured to pass an upper thread through an eye of the sewing needle that is mounted on the at least one needle bar,a processor, and making one of a setting that prohibits operation of the threading mechanism and a setting that does not prohibit the operation of the threading mechanism; and', 'switching the operation of the threading mechanism by prohibiting the operation of the threading mechanism in a case where the setting that prohibits the operation of the threading mechanism is made, and permitting the operation of the threading mechanism in a case where the setting that does not prohibit the operation of the threading mechanism is made., 'a memory configured to store computer-readable instructions that, when executed by the processor, instruct the processor to perform processes comprising2. The sewing machine according to claim 1 , ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016723A1

Disclosed is a sewing machine which evaluates sewing quality using a stitch tightness index. During sewing operation, a used length of an upper thread per stitch is detected, and a stitch tightness index per sewn stitch is calculated on the basis of a stitch length per stitch defined by sewing pattern data, a fabric thickness of a sewing workpiece, and detected data of the used length of the upper thread. Then, notification is made which corresponds to the calculated stitch tightness index per sewn stitch (such as a visual display of the stitch tightness index). After that, acceptability/non-acceptability of the thread tightness per sewn stitch can be determined by comparing the calculated stitch tightness index per sewn stitch against a reference value, and a result of the determination can be notified. 1. A sewing machine for performing sewing on a sewing workpiece based on sewing pattern data , the sewing machine comprising:a detector that detects a used length of an upper thread per stitch or per plurality of stitches during sewing operation of the sewing machine;a processor configured to calculate, during the sewing operation of the sewing machine, a stitch tightness index per sewn stitch or per plurality of sewn stitches based on: a stitch length per stitch or per plurality of stitches defined by the sewing pattern data; a fabric thickness of the sewing workpiece; and detected data of the used length of the upper thread per stitch or per plurality of stitches; andan output device that makes notification corresponding to the calculated stitch tightness index per sewn stitch or per plurality of sewn stitches.2. The sewing machine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to:set a reference value of the stitch tightness index in accordance with a desired sewing quality; anddetermine acceptability/non-acceptability of stitch tightness based on a comparison between the calculated stitch tightness index per sewn stitch or per plurality of ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016532A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

A method of manufacturing a fluid-filled chamber with a tensile element includes manufacturing a tensile element and incorporating the tensile element into a chamber. A first material layer, a second material layer, and a spacing structure having a plurality of support portions and a plurality of gaps may be stacked. The material layers may be located on either side of the spacing structure or on one side of the spacing structure. A strand may be stitched through the gaps to join the material layers and to form the tensile element. The spacing structure may be removed, and the first material layer may be spaced from the second material layer such that segments of the strand extend between the material layers. The tensile element may then be secured to opposite interior surfaces of an outer barrier, and the outer barrier may be pressurized to place the strand in tension. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of manufacturing a tensile element , the method comprising:locating a spacing structure between a first material layer and a second material layer, at least one of the first material layer and the second material layer including a first portion separated from a second portion by a void that extends across a width of the at least one of the first material layer and the second material layer;stitching through the spacing structure with at least one strand to join the first material layer to the second material layer to form the tensile element from the first material layer, the second material layer, and the strand; andmaintaining a portion of the spacing structure between the first material layer and the second material layer after formation of the tensile element.22. The method of claim 21 , further comprising forming at least one of the first material layer and the second material layer from a textile.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein locating a spacing structure between the first material layer and the second material layer includes locating a spacing structure ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180018181A1

A loading order according to which function modules are to be loaded from a storage unit is determined based on a predicted use situation of a user. The function modules are loaded according to the loading order thus determined. Subsequently, the function modules thus loaded are started up according to a start-up instruction. With such an arrangement, by determining the loading order based on a prediction of the user's desired function, such an arrangement enables a reduction in the length of a loading time that bothers the user. 1. A sewing machine comprising:a storage unit that stores a plurality of function modules;a loading order determination unit that determines, based on a use situation of a user, an order according to which the function modules are to be loaded from the storage unit;a loading unit that loads the function modules according to the loading order thus determined by the loading order determination unit; anda start-up unit that starts up the function modules loaded by the loading unit.2. The sewing machine according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , before the loading order determination unit determines the order according to which the function modules are to be loaded claim 1 , a start-up operation table is generated claim 1 , and the function modules to be loaded are registered in the start-up operation table thus generated.3. The sewing machine according to claim 1 , further comprising an embroidery frame detection sensor unit claim 1 ,wherein, when the embroidery frame detection sensor unit detects that an embroidery frame has been mounted, the loading order determination unit determines a loading order with the function module with respect to embroidery sewing as the highest-ranking from among the plurality of function modules.4. The sewing machine according to claim 1 , further comprising an embroidery unit sensor unit claim 1 ,wherein, when the embroidery unit sensor unit detects that an embroidery unit has been mounted, the loading order ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Event bunting flag and related method

Номер: US20160019822A1
Автор: Long Martha

An event bunting flag provides decoration for holidays, birthdays, and other occasions. The bunting flag lays flat against a surface and does not requires a flag pole and can be used to decorate tables, windows, and other locations. The bunting flag is provided in a variety of sizes and materials. The invention is further directed to a method in which to manufacture the bunting flag in a cost-effective manner.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Sewing machine

Номер: US20210017684A1
Автор: Jeong Hyeon Park
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosure relates to sewing machine capable of preventing thread cutting or deterioration caused by interference between leading end of needle and upper thread, that includes: head frame; needle bar supported on head frame to be movable up and down; needle having needle hole that penetrates in transverse direction with respect to axial line and has upper thread inserted thereinto and be coupled to lower end of needle bar to move up and down between lowered stitching position and lifted needle position; and presser foot unit having pressing part that is provided with needle guide hole through which needle passes and moves up and down between downward pressing height position where pressing part presses sewing material and lifting release height position where pressing part is lifted and spaced apart from sewing material and pressing foot arm that supports pressing part.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020722A1
Автор: RESTA Paolo, RESTA Roberto

A frame for sewing upper pillows on covering shells for mattresses, which comprises four perimetric walls. Each wall is perpendicular to the two contiguous walls and comprises at least one laminar portion that constitutes a resting surface: at least one of the walls comprises at least one locking element for at least one component, selected from between an upper pillow and a covering shell, arranged on a respective laminar portion; at least one of the walls comprises at least two bands that are mutually aligned and can slide with respect to each other in order to vary the overall length of the wall; a linear actuator is interposed between the at least two bands of the wall, for the controlled mutual sliding of the bands; the actuator being adapted to be controlled by a respective control and management unit of a sewing machine that is functionally associatable with the frame. 1. A frame for sewing upper pillows on covering shells for mattresses , which comprises four perimetric walls , each wall being perpendicular to the two contiguous walls and comprising at least one laminar portion that constitutes a resting surface , said laminar portion being co-planar with a lower edge of said wall , at least one of said walls comprising at least one locking element for at least one component , selected from between an upper pillow and a covering shell , arranged on a respective laminar portion , wherein at least one of said walls comprises at least two bands that are mutually aligned and can slide with respect to each other in order to vary the overall length of the wall , between said at least two bands of said wall there being interposed a linear actuator for the controlled mutual sliding thereof , said actuator being adapted to be controlled by a respective control and management unit of a sewing machine that is functionally associatable with said frame.2. The frame according to claim 1 , wherein said at least two bands are coaxial claim 1 , one at least partially inside ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Travel Eye Mask With Head Support Cushions

Номер: US20160022045A1
Автор: LEE Dong Young

A travel eye mask assembly includes an eye mask connected by elastic straps to a headrest cushion. The headrest cushion includes a first cushion portion, a second cushion portion, and a less cushioned middle portion. The second cushion portion is connected to the first cushion portion through the middle portion. The eye mask includes a left eye patch and a right eye patch. A first strap connects the first cushion portion to the left eye patch, and a second strap connects the second cushion portion to the right eye patch. The first cushion portion is foldable over the second cushion portion when the left eye patch is folded into the right eye patch and the eye mask is disposed between the first and second cushion portions. An inner compartment that contains the eye mask is formed between the first and second cushion portions when the headrest cushion is zipped closed. 1. An eye mask and headrest cushion assembly comprising:a first cushion portion;a second cushion portion;a middle portion that is less cushioned, wherein the second cushion portion is connected to the first cushion portion through the middle portion, wherein the first cushion portion is foldable over the second cushion portion;an eye mask with a left eye patch portion and a right eye patch portion;a first strap that connects the first cushion portion to the left eye patch portion; anda second strap that connects the second cushion portion to the right eye patch portion.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first cushion portion is foldable onto the second cushion portion when the left eye patch portion is folded into the right eye patch portion and the eye mask is disposed between the first cushion portion and the second cushion portion.3. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a zipper that includes a first zipper track and a second zipper track, wherein the first zipper track is sewn to the first cushion portion and the second zipper track is sewn to the second cushion portion.4. The assembly ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Fabric System

Номер: US20160022061A1
Принадлежит: Sheex Inc, Sheex Llc

Bedding material including a first fabric section manufactured from performance fabric and having a first and second side; and, a second fabric section attached to the first side of the first fabric section. Additionally, a third fabric section can be attached to the second side of the first fabric section. The first fabric section can be attached to the second fabric section through a flatlock stitch. The first fabric section can include a first zone and a second zone wherein the first zone contains different performance properties from the second zone and the first zone can have thermal or moisture wicking properties.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024700A1
Автор: KONNO Hiroki

The invention provides a seam structure for fabric and a sewing method which are aesthetically superior and by which pieces of fabric can be sewn together smoothly, without a sewn-on portion protruding at the reverse surface of a garment that comes in contact with the skin, and without fabric edges being exposed at the front surface of the garment. 1. A seam structure for fabric , which is a structure for joining two pieces of fabric , whereinon the upper face of one piece of fabric, there extends, along an edge of the fabric, a stitch that is formed as a result of part of a needle thread passing through the fabric to reach a lower face thereof through stitch holes that are provided at regular intervals;on the upper face of the other piece of fabric, there are arrayed, along an edge of the fabric, a plurality of rings that are formed as a result of protrusion of an annular leading end of the needle thread that has passed through the stitch holes of the one piece of fabric and through the lower faces of the two pieces of fabric; anda first looper thread, which runs in a zigzagging manner on the fabric upper faces towards the other piece of fabric so as to entwine two needle threads that pass through the stitch holes of the one piece of fabric, and the rings that protrude beyond the other piece of fabric, are linked as a result of a second looper thread repeatedly entering each loop hole that is formed by the first looper thread, and exiting the loop hole while entwining two opposing threads of two adjacent rings that protrude beyond the other piece of fabric, and then entering a neighboring loop hole, thereby joining the two pieces of fabric in a state where respective edges thereof are connected to each other.2. A seam structure for fabric , which is a structure for joining two pieces of fabric , whereinon the upper face of one piece of fabric, there extends, along an edge of the fabric, a stitch that is formed as a result of part of a needle thread passing through ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042226A1

An exemplary sewing machine includes a sewing head, a needle bar holding a needle, a motor for moving the needle during a sewing operation, a user interface, a data gathering device, a data storage device, and a processor. The data gathering device gathers data related to at least one of the sewing machine, an environment surrounding the sewing machine, a sewing material, the sewing operation performed by the sewing machine, and one or more interactions of a user with the sewing machine. The data storage device stores gathered data and data related to a neural network. The processor processes the gathered data through the neural network to generate processed data. Based on the processed data, the processor controls at least one of the user interface, the data storage device, and the motor. 195-. (canceled)96. A sewing machine comprising:a sewing bed, the sewing bed comprising a feed mechanism and a needle plate, wherein a workpiece can be placed on and moved across the sewing bed; a needle bar extending toward the sewing bed to a distal end;', 'a needle attached to the distal end of the needle bar;', 'an accessory bar extending toward the sewing bed to a distal end; and, 'a sewing head arranged above the sewing bed, the sewing head comprisingan accessory attached to the distal end of the accessory bar;a camera having a field of view encompassing at least a portion of any of the sewing bed, the needle plate, the workpiece, the needle, and the accessory, wherein the camera generates a camera data signal related to the portions of the sewing bed, the needle plate, the workpiece, the needle, and the accessory in the field of view of the camera;a user interface configured to present information to the user of the sewing and to receive input from the user of the sewing machine;a component recognition neural network that is trained to identify at least one of the needle plate, the needle, and the accessory from the camera data signal, wherein the component recognition ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Sewing machine

Номер: US20180024732A1
Принадлежит: Janome Sewing Machine Co Ltd

The present invention provides a sewing machine that enables to switch frequently used functions during the sewing work with good usability, validate only the indicator related to the work among a plurality of indicators, and enables GUI operations by a screen display unit. Thus, high operability can be achieved. The sewing machine includes: a setting unit for setting operation buttons related to desired sewing work; an operation display unit for displaying the operation buttons set by the setting unit, the operation display being arranged at an arm part; and a screen display unit arranged at a position different from the operation display unit.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024276A1

A computer-readable medium stores instructions for a processor in a sewing data generation device. When the instructions are executed, the processor acquires pattern data of embroidery pattern including partial patterns using different thread. If first common data indicating the same thread is included in first data of a first embroidery pattern and second data of a second embroidery pattern, the processor sets a sewing order in the first data, while causing the partial pattern using the thread of the first common data to be the partial pattern that is last in the sewing order in the first embroidery pattern, and sets a sewing order in the second data, while causing the partial pattern using the thread of the first common data to be the partial pattern that is first in the sewing order in the second embroidery pattern that is the embroidery pattern subsequently to the first embroidery pattern. 1. A non-transitory computer-readable medium storing computer-readable instructions for sewing data generation that are executed by a processor provided in a sewing data generation device , the computer-readable instructions performing processes comprising:acquiring, for each of a plurality of embroidery patterns, pattern data to sew the embroidery pattern including a plurality of partial patterns which are sewn using mutually different types of thread, the pattern data including thread data and coordinate data, the thread data indicating the type of the thread for each of the plurality of partial patterns, and the coordinate data indicating positions of stitches to be sewn using the thread of the thread data;determining whether first common data, which is the thread data indicating the same type of thread, is included in first data and second data of the plurality of embroidery patterns, the first data being the pattern data of a first embroidery pattern, the second data being the pattern data of a second embroidery pattern, and the second embroidery pattern being the ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140109814A1

To provide a sewing machine that can control tension on a needle thread and tension on a bobbin thread on a per-stitch basis; that enables even heads of a multi-head embroidery sewing machine to form an identical embroidery; and that enables even a plurality of sewing machines to form identical embroidery. A memory device stores for each stitch of embroidery data a needle thread control torque value and a bobbin thread control torque value. In a needle thread torque control zone, an upstream grip section main body is closed, and a downstream grip section main body is opened. A needle thread motor is subjected to torque control in accordance with the needle thread control torque value. In the meantime, in a position control zone, the upstream grip section body is opened, and the downstream grip section body is closed, thereby subjecting the needle thread motor to position control. 1. A sewing machine comprising: thread take-up lever formed in a swayable manner;', [ an upstream grip section main body which grips a needle thread in a pinching manner and', 'an upstream actuation section that performs, with respect to the upstream grip section main body, switching between a closed state in which the needle thread is gripped and an open state in which the needle thread is released from a gripped state,, 'an upstream grip section including'}, a downstream grip section main body which grips a needle thread in a pinching manner and', 'a downstream actuation section that performs, with respect to the downstream grip section main body, switching between a closed state in which the needle thread is gripped and an open state in which the needle thread is released from a gripped state, and, 'a downstream grip section that is disposed at a downstream position in the needle thread path of the upstream grip section and that has'}, a turning arm which contacts the needle thread and', 'a needle thread motor which turns the turning arm;, 'a turning section that turns the needle thread ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140109815A1
Автор: MUTO Yukiyoshi

A sewing machine includes a sewing portion, a processor, and a memory. The sewing portion is configured to perform sewing on a work cloth. The memory is configured to store computer-readable instructions. The computer-readable instructions cause the processor to perform processes that include specifying an inside position that is a position inside a hole in at least one sequin that has been disposed on the work cloth in advance, creating sewing data based on the inside position that has been specified, and causing the sewing portion to sew the at least one sequin onto the work cloth, based on the sewing data that has been created. The sewing data includes at least needle drop point data and is data for sewing the at least one sequin onto the work cloth. The needle drop point data indicates a point where a sewing needle is to pierce the work cloth. 1. A sewing machine comprising:a sewing portion configured to perform sewing on a work cloth;a processor; and specifying an inside position that is a position inside a hole in at least one sequin that has been disposed on the work cloth in advance;', 'creating sewing data based on the inside position that has been specified, the sewing data including at least needle drop point data and being data for sewing the at least one sequin onto the work cloth, and the needle drop point data indicating a point where a sewing needle is to pierce the work cloth; and', 'causing the sewing portion to sew the at least one sequin onto the work cloth, based on the sewing data that has been created., 'a memory configured to store computer-readable instructions, wherein the computer-readable instructions cause the processor to perform processes comprising2. The sewing machine according to claim 1 , wherein specifying an outer size that is a size of an outer shape of the at least one sequin; and', 'specifying an outside position based on the outer size that has been specified, the outside position being a position that is outside the outer ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024782A1
Автор: TAKAKI Hirofumi

An embroidery sewing machine including: a perforation head having a plurality of vertically reciprocating bars and punches where each punch includes a perforation head; a receiving base having a receiving member configured to receive the punch; a holder frame for supporting a workpiece in an expanded state between the punch and the receiving base, the holder frame being configured to be controlled to move in two-dimensional planar directions; and a tape feed mechanism feeding a tape-like cushioning material having a wider width than at least a processing area of the punch, wherein the material is fed from the front/rear direction and between the workpiece supported in the holder frame and an upper surface of the receiving member, and wherein an upstream portion of the material is shifted downstream to where the receiving member is located according to the vertically reciprocating motion of the punch. 1. A perforating apparatus comprising:a perforation head including a vertically reciprocating bar and a perforation tool provided at a lower leading end of the bar;a receiving base arranged below the perforation head, wherein the receiving base includes a receiving member configured to receive the perforation tool which is lowered in accordance with lowering movement of the bar;a holder frame configured to support a workpiece in an expanded state between the perforation tool and the receiving base in a planar direction orthogonal to the vertical direction of the bar, the holder frame being configured to be controlled to move in two-dimensions along said planar direction such as a front/rear direction of the plane direction and a right/left direction of the plane orthogonal to the front/rear direction; anda cushioning material feed mechanism configured to feed a tape-like cushioning material having a wider width than at least a processing area of the perforation tool, where the mechanism feeds said material from the front/rear direction, between the workpiece supported ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025092A1

Devices and related methods for, among other things, maintaining the warp/weft threads of a backing layer of material (e.g., fabric) in a fixed orientation while being sewed are described and provided. 1. A device for reducing the distortion of a quilted product comprising:a first lengthwise component having a length dependent on a usable throat distance;a second lengthwise component having a length dependent on the usable throat distance;one or more hinges for: (i) hingably connecting the lengthwise components, (ii) allowing the lengthwise components to hingably move and (iii) controlling or fixing a spatial relationship between the lengthwise components; and.a lever securely connected to the first lengthwise component by a first transverse pin and comprising a lower section securely connected to the second lengthwise component by a second transverse pin, the lever operable to move the first component towards the second component to fix in position an edge portion of a backing layer within the first and second lengthwise components and move the first component away from the second component to release the edge portion of the backing layer from within the first and second lengthwise components.2. The device as in wherein the one or more hinges comprise a single long continuous hinge.3. The device as in wherein the first and second components each comprise one or more shaped claim 1 , relief corner edge surfaces configured substantially proximate to one of the hinges for reducing binding of the backing layer.4. The device as in wherein each of the edge surfaces may comprise a diagonal surface.5. The device as in wherein the first and second lengthwise components are compose of an aluminum.6. The device as in further comprising a gripping layer positioned on claim 1 , or made integral to claim 1 , inside claim 1 , outer edges of each the first and second lengthwise components for contacting the edge portion of the backing layer fixed in position between the first and ...
