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20-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2412287C2

Изобретение относится к пряже (варианты), материалу и предмету одежды. Пряжа содержаит силиконизированные ультратонкие микроденье волокна из сложного полиэфира, имеющие денье 1,0 или менее, и несиликонизированные волокна макроденье большей линейной плотности, имеющие денье более 1,0, в которой соотношение силиконизированных ультратонких волокон из сложного полиэфира и волокон большей линейной плотности находится в диапазоне от около 10 мас.% до около 90 мас.% и от около 90 мас.% до около 10 мас.%. Технический результат заявленного изобретения заключается в улучшении свойств пряжи, которая предназначена для получения более комфортных и приятных на ощупь материалов и предметов одежды. 6 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

10-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2514757C2

Изобретение относится к текстильной промышленности и касается найлонового штапельного волокна с высокой несущей способностью и изготовленных из него смешанных найлоновых пряж и материалов. Высокопрочные найлоновые штапельные волокна характеризуются значением денье на филамент от 1,0 до 3,0, прочностью T на разрыв, по меньшей мере, приблизительно 6,0, и несущей способностью Tболее 3,2. Производят путем получения жгутов из найлоновых филаментных нитей, относительно однородно отформованных и закаленных, вытяжки и отжига таких жгутов с помощью двухстадийной операции вытяжки с отжигом с применением относительно высоких степеней вытяжки и последующего штапелирования или иного превращения вытянутых и отожженных жгутов в требуемые высокопрочные найлоновые штапельные волокна. Полученные таким образом найлоновые штапельные волокна можно смешивать с другими волокнами, такими как хлопчатобумажные штапельные волокна, для производства найлоновых/хлопчатобумажных пряж (NYCO). Изобретение обеспечивает ...

10-01-2004 дата публикации

Полимерна композици и формованные издели из нее

Номер: RU2002125112A

... 1. Полимерная композиция, включающая биологически распадающийся полимер, выбранный из группы, состоящей из целлюлозы, модифицированной целлюлозы или их смесей, и материал из морских растений и/или панцирей морских животных. 2. Полимерная композиция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что материал из морских растений выбирают из группы, включающей водоросли, морские водоросли, бурые водоросли и их смеси. 3. Полимерная композиция по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что материал из морских растений выбирают из группы, включающей бурые водоросли, зеленые водоросли, красные водоросли, синие водоросли и их смеси. 4. Полимерная композиция по любому из предшествующих пунктов, отличающаяся тем, что материал из панцирей морских животных выбирают из группы, включающей морские отложения и измельченные панцири крабов, омаров, ракообразных, мидий, а также их смеси. 5. Полимерная композиция по любому из предшествующих пунктов, отличающаяся тем, что материал из морских растений и/или панцирей морских животных используют в ...

27-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008115441A

... 1. Герметизирующая лента, включающая в себя пленочную основу, плетеную ткань, расположенную слоем на одной стороне пленочной основы, и липкий слой, расположенный слоем на другой стороне пленочной основы, причем в этой ленте плетеная ткань имеет общий коэффициент заполнения (CFtotal) от 500 до 1400, рассчитанный из коэффициентов заполнения основы и утка, составляющих плетеную ткань, в соответствии со следующими формулами: ! формула 1 ! CFtotal=СFm+СFt, ! ! ! где CFm - коэффициент заполнения основы; ! CFt - коэффициент заполнения утка; ! Fm - тонкость (dtex) основы; ! Ft - тонкость (dtex) утка; ! Dm - плотность основы (номера пряжи/2,54 см); ! Dt - плотность утка (номера пряжи/2,54 см). ! 1. Герметизирующая лента по п.1, в которой, по меньшей мере, один из коэффициентов заполнения основы (CFm) и коэффициентов заполнения утка (CFt) находится в диапазоне от 200 до 800. ! 3. Герметизирующая лента по п.1 или 2, в которой, по меньшей мере, одна из основ и один из утков, составляющих плетеную ткань ...

20-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011135082A

... 1. Текстильное изделие для пациентов, страдающих кожным заболеванием, включающее по меньшей мере один текстильный слой, содержащий волокна политетрафторэтилена (ПТФЭ), причем указанные волокна присутствуют по меньшей мере на одной поверхности текстильного слоя, предназначенного для контакта с кожей пациента.2. Изделие по п.1, в котором указанное кожное заболевание является псориазом или атопическим дерматитом.3. Изделие по п.1, выбранное из одежды, в частности нижнего белья, и постельного белья.4. Изделие по любому из пп.1-3, в котором волокна ПТФЭ находятся в форме пряжи из непрерывной нити.5. Изделие по любому из пп.1-3, в котором волокна ПТФЭ находятся в форме пряжи из дискретных нитей, тесно смешанной с другими волокнами, такими как хлопок или шерсть, где количество волокон ПТФЭ предпочтительно составляет не ниже 20 мас.% всей пряжи.6. Изделие по п.1, в котором указанный по меньшей мере один текстильный слой является тканью, имеющей структуру основа-уток.7. Изделие по п.1, в котором ...

07-04-1988 дата публикации

Способ получения материала из химических волокон или смеси химических и натуральных волокон

Номер: SU1386681A1

Изобретение относится к области текстильной промьшшенности, может быть использовано для получения мате риала с объемным эффектом, предназначенного для верхней одежды, декоративных и технических целей, и позволяет повысить производительность и качество получаемого материала. Материал получают путем ткачества или вязания из армированных нитей или армированных и крученьк нитей, изготовленных из химических волокон или смеси химических и натуральньгх волокон. Затем полученньй материал подвергают термообработке. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл. с (Л ...

13-05-2004 дата публикации

Banknote, made from flat pressed linen weave synthetic fabric material containing silver strips

Номер: DE202004003365U1

The banknote is made by printing on a material comprising a synthetic linen weave fabric (1) which has been pressed and contains silver strips (2) woven into it. The fabric has different colours (e.g. red and blue) on opposite sides. The pressed fabric is trimmed and its edges (3) are sealed.

17-07-1997 дата публикации

Bett- oder Kissenbezug

Номер: DE0004335759C2

12-12-1968 дата публикации

Neuartige Cordgewebe und Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung

Номер: DE0001410826A1

10-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001427546A

... 1427546 Woven fabrics WALLAERT FREMAUX & CIE 16 May 1973 [22 June 1972] 23297/73 Heading D1K A woven, knitted or other non-woven fabric for bed sheets etc. includes fibres of a cellulose material and 10-50% by weight of a synthetic chemical fibre which has been texturized to produce a full yarn. The cellulose fibres may be cotton, linen, rayon or polynosic fibres.

11-04-1929 дата публикации

A towel for drying purposes

Номер: GB0000309367A

... 309,367. Levy, J. Oct. 3, 1928. Drawings to Specification. Mixed fabrics; honeycomb fabrics.-A hand, bath, or domestic towel &c. is made in a honeycomb weave with linen weft and warp threads of twisted cotton.

14-09-1994 дата публикации

Improvement in the method of manufacture of a mogador type fabric and fabric obtained by this method

Номер: GB0009415079D0

18-12-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001377481A

... 1377481 Elastic fabrics H G GRAHAM & SON Ltd 23 Nov 1971 [24 Nov 1970] 55824/70 Heading D1K An elastic fabric has warp threads of rubber, Neoprene or Nitrile and weft threads of nylon, polyester or acrylic monofilament thread. The warp threads may be of circular cross section and covered with cotton or rayon, or may be uncovered non-circular. The selvedge threads may be of heavy gauge ends or multifilament, one selvedge may be knitted and the fabric may be curved.

18-05-1994 дата публикации

Covering for rollers

Номер: GB0002243625B

02-03-2005 дата публикации

Pile fabric comprising bamboo fibre

Номер: GB0002405414A

Regenerated cellulose fibre derived from bamboo is used in pile fabric, e.g. terry-towelling, because of its good absorbency and anti-bacterial properties. The fabric is preferably woven but may be knitted. The bamboo fibre may be in the pile loops and the ground fabric may comprise cotton or bamboo fibre may also be used in the ground fabric. As well as towels, the fabric has application to clothing, medical uses, bedding and floor-coverings.

09-09-1981 дата публикации

Processes for producing knitted longitudinally elastic fabrics, and fabrics made thereby

Номер: GB2070656A

The invention relates to a process for producing a knitted, longitudinally elastic fabric layer for use as an elastic or permanent elastic compression or support dressing and a knitted fabric layer produced by this process, whereby untreated elastic rubber or polyurethane threads undergo deformation during the knitting process. Each elastic thread is looped by an inelastic thread, accompanied by the formation of a fringe and longitudinally directed thin mesh members, which are interconnected by inelastic wefts to give a firm knitted fabric with no irreversible displacements of the mesh members in the transverse and longitudinal directions. As a result, a dressing with flattened edges is formed, so that there can be no pressurepoints or constrictions when applying the dressings. ...

21-08-1963 дата публикации

Fabric and yarn and method and apparatus for producing the fabric from the yarn

Номер: GB0000934506A

... 934,506. Woven fabric. OWENS-CORNING FIBERGLAS CORPORATION. Feb. 10, 1961 [Aug. 5, 1960], No. 5113/61. Class 74 (2). [Also in Group IX] A woven fabric for reinforcing synthetic resin mouldings comprises warp and/or weft yarns of glass filaments 60 formed into entangled loops, with a core 61 of glass, cotton, rayon, cellulose acetate, nylon, polythene, or polyvinyl chloride-acetate filaments. During moulding, the core filaments rupture as the mould closes to allow the fabric to stretch as necessary to fit the shape of the mould; or the stretching may be done by hand. Alternatively, the core filaments may have the same resinous base as the material being moulded so that they dissolve in it.

12-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008624110D0

26-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008625076D0

20-08-1935 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to fabrics

Номер: GB0000433721A

... 433,721. Fabrics containing yarns of cellulose strips wound round cotton &c. BLEIBLER, E., 34, Rue Charles Quint, Ghent, Belgium. Feb. 20, 1934, No. 5599. [Classes 120 (iii) and 142 (iv)] A fabric for seats, cushions, wall coverings and for covering shoes, girdles, &c. has warp and/or weft threads of cotton, linen, or hemp yarns, &c. wound round with narrow strips or bands of regenerated cellulose film. The strips &c. are wound helically around the cotton, &c. threads with their edges overlapping and they may be softened by steam. When being wound they may be passed over a cloth moistened with a water soluble fat, or glycerine and may be provided with an adhesive such as gelatine, gum or waterproof glue to which plastifying agents such as glycerine and oils may be added. The films may be dyed or coloured and may have a matt, glossy, smooth, or corrugated surface.

25-08-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000367999B

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000401034T

15-01-1982 дата публикации


Номер: ATA448978A

15-06-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Vorbehandeln von rückgewonnenen Baumwollfasern zur Verwendung bei der Herstellung von Formkörpern aus regenerierter Cellulose

Номер: AT515152A1

A process for pretreating reclaimed cotton fibres to be used in the production of moulded bodies from regenerated cellulose, characterized by effective metal reduction and adjustment of the degree of polymerization and brightness, including a metal removing stage and an oxidative bleaching stage of the reclaimed cotton fibres or pulp produced thereof. Reclaimed cotton fibres treated according to the described process may be used alone or in blends with conventional dissolving pulp as raw material for the production of moulded bodies from regenerated cellulose. The process enables technically smooth, safe, and economically feasible spinning via the Viscose or Lyocell process, therefore, the current invention provides an efficient recycling pathway for cotton waste materials.

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506241A1

The invention relates to yarns and fabrics containing nylon staple fibre and high-tenacity man-made cellulosic staple fibre, and garments made therefrom, and has particular reference to fabrics having a high resistance to wear whilst retaining a high comfort level.

15-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000144801T

15-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000089042T

15-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000167243T

15-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000157519T

15-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000349178T

25-11-1966 дата публикации

Polishing ring or buffing wheel

Номер: AT0000250821B

15-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000254196T

17-02-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008392575A

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a dye scavenging substrate

Номер: AU2014310851B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A method for manufacturing a dye scavenging substrate which comprises the steps of: (a) providing an absorbent substrate; (b) passing the substrate through a bath containing an alkaline solution of a dye scavenging compound selected from: (i) a N-trisubstituted ammonium-2-hydroxy-3-halopropyl compound having the general formula (I), or (ii) a salt of epoxy propyl ammonium having the general formula (II), or a combination thereof; (c) subjecting the substrate to a pressure of from about 0.04 MPa to about 0.40 MPa; (d) wrapping the substrate in a water impermeable material and rotating the substrate for a period of from about 12 hours to about 60 hours; (e) removing the water impermeable material and passing the substrate through a bath containing an acid solution; (f) subjecting the substrate to a pressure of from about 0.15 MPa to about 0.40 MPa; and (g) drying the substrate.

29-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002492812A1

The invention relates to a fibrous structure comprising at least one non composite para-aramid strand (1) and at least one elastic nylon-based strand (4) which are maintained parallel to each other, the non composite para-aramid strand (2) being present in the structure in an amount ranging from about 20% to 99.9% by weight, relative to the weight of the structure. The invention also relates to a process to manufacture such structure and to high cut and abrasion resistant protective clothing made of this structure like gloves, aprons and sleeves.

31-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002357712C
Принадлежит: NIPPON FILCON CO., LTD.

A press fabric for a pulp machine is a weft-abrading type fabric manufactured by weaving a warp monofilament and a bundled yarn. The bundled yarn has fine water-sucking spaces formed between raw filaments of a small diameter by bundling up the raw filaments. Monofilaments may also be used as the wefts in combination with the bundled yarns. The bundled yarn forms the most protuberant crimp to the surface of the fabric. The press fabric for a pulp machine is excellent in water-sucking ability, washing ability, showering resistance, and abrasion resistance.

11-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002575538C

... ²²²A fabric comprising a textile layer comprising yarns, wherein said textile ²layer is permeable to water vapour and impermeable to liquid water; and ²disposed on at least part of one side of the textile layer is a wicking means.² ...

25-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002419208A1

A woven fibrous article that generates heat upon application of electrical power has a woven fibrous body consisting of a set of non-conductive warp yarns and a set of non- conductive filling or weft yarns. One of the set of non-conductive warp yarns and the set of non-conductive filling or weft yarns, in one or more first regions, consists of relatively more coarse yarns and in one or more second regions consists of relatively more fine yarns with electrical conductor elements extending generally along the second regions of the woven fibrous body to connect the plurality of spaced apart electrical conductance heating elements in a parallel electrical circuit to a source of electrical power. The other of the set of non- conductive warp yarns and the set of non-conductive filling or weft yarns, in the one or more first regions and in the one or more second regions, consists of relatively more fine yarns, with a plurality of spaced apart electrical conductance heating elements in the form ...

03-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002505388A1

A blister fabric (740) of a knit or woven construction may be needle punched to produce internal connections of filaments or fibers (741, 746) from yarns extending into, and/or between, the yarns of an adjacent layer. Interconnections of fibers among separate layers are produced by needles which enter a first layer and then carry fibers from the first layer to a second adjacent layer within the blister of the fabric. Such interconnected fibers which bridge or span multiple layers in the fabric serve to strengthen the blister fabric, making the fabric more resistant to abrasive forces.

01-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001156065A1

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA3122772A1

A yarn comprises a blend of two or more types of fibers. Fibers of viscose incorporating silica compose 50-85% by weight of the yarn. Fibers of modacrylic compose 15-50% by weight of the yarn. A composite yarn with a core being defined by the yarn is also provided. The composite yarn has a sheath surrounding the core.

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3127604A1

Embodiments of the invention provide for terry fabric including a first side configured to exhibit absorbency capabilities and a second side configured to exhibit cooling capabilities. The first side can include a spun fiber loop including a plurality of pile warp yarn, and the second side can include a plurality of weft yarn and a plurality of ground warp yarn, wherein at least one of the plurality of weft yarn and the plurality of ground warp yarn includes synthetic filament yarn.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003046535A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

The present disclosure provides methods and materials for the construction of woven articles having decorative objects embedded within and which maintain their structural integrity. Aspects of the present disclosure provide woven articles comprising at least one recess, the recess having a surface with fewer knots, a flatter weave, or combination thereof as compared to a region of the woven article proximate the recess, wherein the woven article has the same or substantially the same structural integrity as without the at least one recess. Aspects of the present disclosure also provide methods for forming a woven article comprising producing a woven article having at least one recess, the at least one recess created by a method comprising: removing at least a portion of knots after weaving, weaving spaces into the woven article, shaving pile, removing pile by chemical means, or weaving a flat-woven texture surface; and coupling an object with the at least one recess in the woven article ...

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003064366A1

The present invention relates to a V-ribbed belt in which a friction transmission surface is formed from a weft knitted multilayer knitted fabric, characterized in that the weft knitted multilayer knitted fabric contains cellulose based natural spun yarn, polyester based composite yarn, and polyamide based yarn, and in that at least the cellulose based natural spun yarn and the polyamide based yarn are disposed in a layer on the friction transmission surface side.

26-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002357712A1

A press fabric for a pulp machine is a weft-abrading type fabric manufactured by weaving a warp monofilament and a bundled yarn. The bundled yarn has fine water-sucking spaces formed between raw filaments of a small diameter by bundling up the raw filaments. Monofilaments may also be used as the wefts in combination with the bundled yarns. The bundled yarn forms the most protuberant crimp to the surface of the fabric. The press fabric for a pulp machine is excellent in water-sucking ability, washing ability, showering resistance, and abrasion resistance.

09-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002533761C

A woven fabric sheeting (30) includes a plurality of warp yarns (32) and filling yarns (34) woven together in a twill weave pattern, with the sheeting (30) including a plurality of warp yarn floats (36), and the filling including a synthetic filament yarn. Another woven fabric sheeting (40) includes a plurality of warp yarns (42) and filling yarns (44) woven together in a twill weave pattern, with the sheeting (40) including a plurality of filling yarn floats (46), and the warp including a synthetic filament yarn.

10-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002621509C
Принадлежит: JAPAN GORE-TEX INC.

The object of the present invention is to overcome a practical restriction that a knit must be used on a surface of a sealing tape when the sealing tape is used for a textile product obtained by subjecting a fabric laminated product to sewing-processing or fusion process as well as providing a sealing tape which is excellent in durability, light-weighted and thin, and highly comfortable without undermining appearance and touch feeling. The sealing tape of the present invention comprises a base film and a woven fabric laminated on one side of the base film and an adhesive layer laminated on the other side of the base film, wherein a total cover factor (CF total) of calculated with respect to each of the warp and the weft constituting the woven fabric is from 500 to 1400. CF total = CF m+CF t CF m: cover factor of the warp CF t: cover factor of the weft ...

14-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002608665C

... ²²²This disclosure generally pertains to a method for manufacturing a distributed ²optical fiber scrim comprising a functional optical fiber, the functional ²optical fiber scrim thus manufactured, and composites in which an optical ²fiber scrim is incorporated. The present disclosure describes a variety of ²textile scrims, particularly adhesively bonded nonwoven scrim materials, each ²comprising at least one optical fiber with a continuous path across at least ²the length or width of the fabric. Such optical fiber scrims may be useful as ²sensor components (for example, as a detector of breakage, strain, pressure, ²or torque), as illumination components (for example, in a variety of light-²providing applications), or as data-distribution components, either alone or ²in combination with other materials, such as fabrics, films, foams, and the ²like.² ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002930568A1

Fiber blends having hydrophobic fibers of both multiple staple lengths and multiple deniers of a single composition are disclosed. Yarns, fabrics, garments, and linens comprising the fiber blends with improved moisture management properties are also disclosed. Fabrics formed from the fiber blends have a water release rate at least about 10% greater than a comparative fabric that is compositionally identical but whose hydrophobic fibers are not both of multiple staple lengths and multiple deniers.

23-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002951931A1

Woven and knit fabrics containing expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) fibers and at least one other fiber are provided. The ePTFE fiber may be woven or knit as a single, non-twisted fiber, as part of a multifilament fiber, or may be twisted or braided with another fiber. The ePTFE fiber, whether alone or in combination with a weave fiber(s), may be utilized in either the warp and/or the weft direction. The woven and knit fabrics are concurrently breathable, lightweight, durable, drapable, and fast drying. The ePTFE fibers have a substantially rectangular configuration. In some embodiments, the woven or knit fabric is flame resistant, in addition, the woven and knit fabrics are quiet, soft, and drapable. Treatments may be provided to the surface of the ePTFE fiber and/or the fabrics to impart one or more desired functionality, such as, for example, oleophobicity, anti-microbial, contamination resistance, or UV stability.

14-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002819826A1

The purpose of the present invention is to inexpensively provide arc protection work clothing that is lighter than that of the conventional art; specifically, fabric and arc protection work clothing having an ATPV value of not less than 1.3 (cal/cm2 or oz/yd2). Provided is a fabric containing: 40 to 65 wt% of acrylic fibers based on the fabric weight, said acrylic fibers containing at least 8 wt% of antimony oxide relative to the resin weight of the acrylic fibers; 26 to 45 wt% of natural cellulose fibers; 5 to 15 wt% of nylon fibers; and 1 to 20 wt% of para-aramid fibers. Also provided is arc protection work clothing containing said fabric.

15-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002834707A1

There is provided a cut resistant yarn comprising a blend of first and second staple fibers, wherein, the first staple fibers are polymer- fibers, each first staple fiber comprising a polymer body encasing a hard component, said hard component being a plurality of hard fibers, said hard fibers having an average diameter of at most 25 microns; and the second staple fibers are different to the first staple fibers, wherein the weight ratio of the first to second staple polymer- fibers is from 1:99 to 99:1.

21-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002093265C

The set of fibers in sheet form has conducting fibers in such an amount, with respect to the non-conducting fibers, that there is electrical continuity. The set of fibers may be incorporated in a fabric by holding the non-conducting fibers together in the weft and the warp of the fabric with the non-conducting fibers.

20-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002205701A1

A multi-layer weft knit fabric for absorbing moisture and wicking it from a first fabric layer to a second layer is described, as well as a method for making the fabric. The multi-layer fabric includes a first hydrophobic layer and a second hydrophilic layer, with the layers being secured together by a series of courses forming spacer yarns which maintain the fabric layers in a spaced relationship relative to each other. The spacer yarns are adapted to wick moisture from the hydrophobic layer to the hydrophilic layer. The spacer yarns are preferably knit-in or laid-in to the respective knit fabric layers, and a plastic water-resistant layer can be secured proximate the hydrophilic fabric layer. A method of integrally knitting the multi-layer fabric on a circular knitting machine is also described.

16-06-1927 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000121305A

15-12-1929 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000136888A

15-05-1933 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000161524A

31-01-1931 дата публикации

Baumwollgewebe für Reinigungszwecke.

Номер: CH0000144825A

31-03-1931 дата публикации

Neues Textilprodukt.

Номер: CH0000146173A

31-05-1930 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000140063A
Принадлежит: PALMA & CO, PALMA & CO.

15-07-1946 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000243318A

31-08-1951 дата публикации

Seilförmiges Element aus nichtmetallischem Werkstoff.

Номер: CH0000277249A

31-01-1968 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000334364A4

31-08-1944 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines samtartigen Gewebes.

Номер: CH0000233830A
Принадлежит: RADUNER & CO AG, RADUNER & CO. AG.

15-06-1955 дата публикации

Tessuto ad alto potere coibente termico.

Номер: CH0000307594A

15-04-1965 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000390816A

30-04-1957 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von naturseidenartigen Geweben

Номер: CH0000321066A
Принадлежит: METTLER & CO AG, METTLER & CO. AG

31-03-1935 дата публикации

Doppelgewebe für Möbel, Wandbekleidung usw.

Номер: CH0000175988A

31-10-1968 дата публикации

Cellulosefasern enthaltendes Gewebe

Номер: CH0000462740A
Принадлежит: TRIATEX AG

14-12-1973 дата публикации

Production of stretch yarns and stretch fabrics from

Номер: CH0000543619A

Stretch yarns, useful for the preparation of woven stretch fabrics, may be made from non-thermoplastic yarns (e.g. cotton wool, linen, rayon, silk) by twisting, setting, and untwisting operations, without any type of resinous pretreatment or equivalent operation designed to render the fibres functionally thermoplastic. The stretch yarns of the invention thus comprise a single end of spun yarn or two or more plied-together spun yarns which have been dry-heat-set in a flase twisted condition.

15-11-1966 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000411734A

31-05-1965 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000393214A

30-04-1970 дата публикации

Mouldable upholstery etc fabric which can be coated

Номер: CH0000494854A

Mouldable upholstery etc. fabric, which can be coated with vinyl chloride or acrylic resins, polystyrenes, and which is heat-shapable as by vacuum moulding, has polypropylene warps, and wefts of texture ny lon, slack mercerized natural cellulose such as cotton, or regenerated cellulose such as rayon. The polypropylene warps flow during the moulding step, so that a moulded article retains its shape when cool, the wefts being stretchable to accept the shaping. In an example, a woven fabric of propylene yarn (233 denier and 1 ply), 52 warp ends/in. and a weft (166 denier and 2 ply), 48 weft ends/in. (weft contraction 23.2%) having a wt. of 2.84 oz./yd2 is coated under tension by calendering at roller temp. of 310-320 deg.F with a vinyl chloride resin.

30-09-1970 дата публикации

Foil strips with roughened surfaces for fabric sheets

Номер: CH0000494840A

Fabrics comprise sheets with weft and warp of partly or all linear synth. macro-polymers (I) strips toughened e.g. by means or energy - or abrading rollers. (I) is esp. polyolefin, e.g. polyethylene, polypropylene and the fabric may be coated on one side or backed. The foil strips may be split or unsplit and such strips of different linear macropolymers e.g. polyamines, polyester, polyphenyl may be incorporated as well as yarns of these, and of cotton, to improve the rough effect.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Electrical components and circuits constructed as textiles

Номер: US20130020313A1
Принадлежит: Intelligent Textiles Ltd

Electrical components are formed in a fabric during the weaving process by a series of crossing conductors in the warp and weft fibres of the fabric. Some of the crossing points provide permanent Separation of the crossing conductors, others permanent connection of the crossing conductors and others connection upon the application of pressure to the fabric. The structure provides the possibility of forming a greater range of components and more reliable component characteristics than heretofore possible.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Yarn, a process for making the yarn, and products containing the yarn

Номер: US20140075646A1
Принадлежит: DSM IP ASSETS BV

There is provided a cut resistant yarn comprising a blend of first and second staple fibers, wherein, the first staple fibers are polymer-fibers, each first staple fiber comprising a polymer body encasing a hard component, said hard component being a plurality of hard fibers, said hard fibers having an average diameter of at most 25 microns; and the second staple fibers are different to the first staple fibers, wherein the weight ratio of the first to second staple polymer-fibers is from 1:99 to 99:1.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001614A1
Автор: Liu Pei-Ju

A wool textile structure is provided, including a surface layer, a middle layer, and an inner layer. The surface layer is composed of a woven fabric. The middle layer is composed of a hydrophilic film. The inner layer is composed of a wool knitted fabric, which contacts a wearer's skin. 1. A wool textile structure , comprising:a surface layer composed of a woven fabric;a middle layer composed of a hydrophilic film; andan inner layer composed of a wool knitted fabric, which contacts a wearer's skin.2. The wool textile structure of claim 1 , wherein a material of the hydrophilic film includes polyurethane.3. The wool textile structure of claim 1 , wherein the woven fabric is composed of polyamide fibers claim 1 , elastic fibers and cotton fibers.4. The wool textile structure of claim 3 , wherein the elastic fibers include polyurethane fibers or rubber fibers.5. The wool textile structure of claim 3 , wherein the woven fabric is formed by weaving warp yams and weft yams claim 3 , the warp yams are composed of the polyamide fibers and the elastic fibers claim 3 , and the weft yams are composed of the cotton fibers and the elastic fibers.6. The wool textile structure of claim 5 , wherein the warp yam are composed of 76% to 96% of the polyamide fibers and 4% to 24% of the elastic fibers claim 5 , the weft yams are composed of 84% to 98% of the cotton fibers and 2% to 16% of the elastic fibers. This application claims the priority benefit of U.S. provisional application serial no. 62/527,020, filed on Jun. 29, 2017. The entirety of the above-mentioned patent application is hereby incorporated by reference herein and made a part of this specification.The invention is related to a wool textile structure, and more particularly, to a wool textile structure which improves wearing comfort and provides waterproof and moisture permeability function.Conventional waterproof and moisture permeability textile is usually composed of a two-layer or three-layer fabric structure. The ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002796A1
Автор: Agarwal Arun

A method includes drawing each of multiple synthetic yarns from a corresponding supply package to form an oriented yarn, twisting and detwisting filaments within the oriented yarn to provide texture thereto, to provide a low stability interlacing during weaving, and to intermingle the filaments comprising the oriented yarn, and applying a uniform air pressure to the oriented yarn to provide a counter-twist. The method also includes forming a multi-pick yarn package based on winding all formed oriented yarns, which serve as weft yarns forming adjacent substantially parallel yarns wound together, onto a spool, simultaneously inserting the weft yarns in a single pick insertion event of a loom apparatus, conveying the weft yarns across a warp shed of the loom apparatus through a set of warp yarns, and interlacing the set of warp yarns and the conveyed weft yarns to produce an incremental length of a woven textile fabric. 1. A method comprising:drawing each of multiple synthetic yarns from a corresponding supply package to form an oriented yarn;twisting and detwisting filaments within the formed oriented yarn to provide texture thereto, to provide a low stability interlacing during weaving, and to intermingle the filaments comprising the formed oriented yarn;applying a uniform air pressure to the formed oriented yarn to provide a counter-twist following the twisting and the detwisting of the filaments;forming a multi-pick yarn package based on winding all formed oriented yarns analogous to and including the formed oriented yarn onto a spool following the application of the uniform air pressure, the all formed oriented yarns serving as weft yarns forming adjacent substantially parallel yarns wound together;simultaneously inserting the weft yarns in a single pick insertion event of a pick insertion apparatus of a loom apparatus;conveying, through the pick insertion apparatus, the simultaneously inserted weft yarns across a warp shed of the loom apparatus through a set of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003085A1
Автор: GULEKEN Mustafa

A woven fabric is provided wherein pile weft yarns, auxiliary weft yarns, and warp yarns are weaved in the front face and back face of the fabric according to a pattern, and wherein at least one of the pile weft yarns and/or auxiliary pile yarns is synthetic elastomeric yarn and at least one of the same is cotton core-spun elastomeric yarn. 1. A woven fabric , wherein pile weft yarns , auxiliary weft yarns , and warp yarns are weaved in a front face and a back face of the fabric according to a pattern , and wherein at least one of the pile weft yarns and/or auxiliary pile yarns comprises synthetic elastomeric yarn and at least one of the same comprises cotton core-spun elastomeric yarn , wherein:the number of bypassed warp yarns with which the pile weft yarn is not connected is at least 11, at most sixteen;that the pile weft yarn, once it passes the warp yarn, is connected with the fabric by means of loop connection point, andcotton core-spun elastomeric based pile weft yarns that are used fabric pattern are positioned at the back face of the fabric under the warp yarns.2. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , characterized in that the degree of hairiness of the pile weft yarns formed of cotton core-spun elastomeric yarns is at least 50% Uster Statistics value.3. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , characterized in that elastomeric synthetic yarns are used as auxiliary weft yarns. The invention relates to obtaining a sueding-like effect on a woven fabric with cotton yarns.The invention particularly relates to producing a woven fabric with firm handle and soft touch that has suitable dimensional stability by using cotton yarns having a high degree of hairiness according to the determined pattern and fabric design, without using any machine for the application of sueding process.In the state of the art, the sueding finish process is applied to the fabrics used in the manufacture of textile products such as wool fabrics, furnishing fabrics, blankets, overcoats, ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Conductive Fibres

Номер: US20160010273A1

A method for making a fibre electrically conductive comprises the steps of: (a) providing a fibre having a negative electric charge at the surface of the fibre, (b) applying to the fibre a substance (such as a polyelectrolyte) which provides a layer of said substance on the fibre and changes the electric charge at the surface of the fibre from negative to positive, wherein said substance is not chitosan, and (c) making the surface of the fibre electrically conductive with a metal, wherein the metal of step (c) is provided in the form of metal ions and wherein a reducing agent (for example) is employed to reduce the metal ions to elemental metal. Fabrics formed from conductive fibres are also provided.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010170A1
Принадлежит: K. G. Denim Limited

A woven textile fabric that is soft, comfortable and durable includes warp yarns and weft yarns, wherein the warp yarns include cotton and at least one fiber other than cotton, the weft yarns comprise polyester, the fabric comprises from 44 to 300 ends per inch warp yarn and from 24 to 1800 picks per inch weft yarn. The warp count ranges from 2 s count to 170 s count and the weft count ranges from 7 denier to 150 denier. The fabric is particularly useful as a bed linen. 1. A woven textile fabric comprising warp yarns and weft yarns , wherein the warp yarns comprise cotton and at least one fiber other than cotton , the weft yarns comprise polyester , the fabric comprises from 44 to 300 ends per inch warp yarns and from 24 to 1800 picks per inch weft yarns.2. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the at least one fiber other than cotton comprises a regenerated cellulosic fiber.3. The woven textile fabric of claim 2 , wherein the regenerated cellulosic fiber is lyocell.4. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the weft yarns comprise untwisted claim 1 , multiple filament texturized yarns.5. The woven textile fabric of claim 4 , wherein the weft yarns further comprise untwisted claim 4 , single filament texturized yarn.6. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the regenerated cellulosic fiber is present in an amount ranging from about 5% to about 10% claim 1 , the cotton is present in an amount greater than 51% claim 1 , and the polyester is present in an amount ranging from about 5% to about 40%.7. The woven textile fabric of claim 6 , wherein the regenerated cellulosic fiber is present in an amount of about 7% claim 6 , the cotton is present in an amount of about 64% claim 6 , and the polyester is present in an amount of about 29%.8. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the weave is a 1/1 plain weave claim 1 , a 2/1 twill weave claim 1 , a 4/1 satin weave claim 1 , a Dobby weave claim 1 , a Jacquard weave claim 1 , any reverse or ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010645A1

Textile manufactured article made with embroidering machines, comprising a base structure and at least one thread-like and/or ribbon-like element. The base structure is composed of thread-like and/or ribbon-like elements made of at least a first material. The ornamental thread-like and/or ribbon-like element is made of at least a second material, different from the first material in terms of mechanical resistance and light reflection/refraction. The ornamental thread-like and/or ribbon-like element is connected to the base structure through a plurality of knottings, arranged at pre-defined intervals along the thread-like and/or ribbon-like element realized made of at least the first material. The first material is a nylon having a yarn number between 40,000 Nn and 80,000 Nm. 1. Improved textile manufactured article realized by embroidery machines , comprising:a base structure composed of thread-like and/or ribbon-like elements made at least of a first material,at least one thread-like and/or ribbon-like element made of at least a second material, different from said first material in terms of mechanical resistance and or light reflection/refraction; said ornamental thread-like and/or ribbon-like element being connected to said base structure through a plurality of knottings disposed at pre-defined intervals along said thread-like and/or ribbon-like elements made of at least one first material, characterized in that said first material is a nylon having a yarn number between 40,000 Nm and 80,000 Nm.2. Manufactured article according to claim 1 , wherein said nylon has a yarn number between 40 claim 1 ,000 Nm and 60 claim 1 ,000 Nm.3. Manufactured article according to claim 1 , wherein said second material comprises a cotton.418-. (canceled)19. Manufactured article according to claim 3 , wherein said cotton is made of two mutually plied threads and defines an overall diameter comprised between 20 μm and 80 μm.20. Manufactured article according to claim 19 , wherein ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Method of Industrial Producing Elastomeric Yarn and Fabric thereof

Номер: US20220034005A1
Автор: SACHATHEP Amrin

The present invention relates to make stretch yarn by using at least two roving and two elastomeric filaments with variable draft to allow the yarn made in the fabric to get good stretch, good recovery and good shrinkage. The invention is applicable for all types of fibers material and is not limited in the yarn count. The said invention yarn is woven into fabrics exhibiting the excellent stretch characteristics and functional performance for commercial application. 1. A ring spun stretch yarn comprising at least two elastomeric filaments with at least two different mean drafts , wherein the mean draft on individual filament is varied and two fibrous sheath of at least one staple fiber , and wherein the elastomeric filaments have a denier from 20 to 140 and said the fibrous sheath has an English cotton yarn count Ne from 4 to 60.2. The stretch yarn of claim 1 , wherein said fibrous sheath comprises natural or synthetic staple fibers claim 1 , cotton claim 1 , polyester claim 1 , rayon claim 1 , wool claim 1 , nylon claim 1 , acrylic or combination thereof.3. The stretch yarn of claim 1 , wherein the mean draft of the elastomeric filament is from 1.05 to 5.4. The stretch yarn of claim 1 , wherein the mean draft is calculated by individual actual draft/time along that elastomeric filament.5. The stretch yarn of claim 1 , wherein the draft/time of the elastomeric filament is controlled by electronic but not limited.6. The stretch yarn of claim 1 , wherein draft on individual filament is varied in the range from ±50% of the mean draft claim 1 , but not limited to this range.7. The stretch yarn of claim 1 , wherein the elastomeric filament is spandex/elastane/elastomer but not limited.8. The stretch yarn of claim 1 , wherein the elastomeric filament can be at least one type material.9. The stretch yarn of claim 1 , wherein the fibrous sheath can be natural fibers claim 1 , regenerated fibers claim 1 , synthetic fibers and a combination thereof.10. The stretch yarn of ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Cold aqueous alkaline treatments for cotton yarn and related systems and methods

Номер: US20180016735A1

Methods and systems for treating cotton yarn are provided. Cotton yarn is partially dissolved by applying a cold aqueous alkaline solvent, rinsing the partially dissolved cotton yarn in water and drying the cotton yarn. Temperature of the solvent and time of exposure to the solvent greatly affect the improved mechanical properties of the cotton yarn.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Helical Tooth Belt and Belt Transmission

Номер: US20210018063A1

The present invention relates to a helical toothed belt including: a back portion; a tension member buried in the back portion; and a plurality of tooth portions arranged at a predetermined interval along a belt longitudinal direction on one surface of the back portion, in which the plurality of tooth portions have a tooth pitch of 1.5 mm or more and less than 2.0 mm, the back portion has a thickness of 0.4 mm or more and 1.2 mm or less, the tension member is formed of a twisted cord containing a high-strength glass fiber or a carbon fiber, and the ratio of the total value of an interval between the tension members adjacent to each other to the belt width is 20% or more and 60% or less. 1. A helical toothed belt , comprising:a back portion;a tension member buried in the back portion and arranged in a belt width direction; anda plurality of tooth portions that are arranged at a predetermined interval along a belt longitudinal direction on one surface of the back portion and each are inclined with respect to a belt width direction,wherein a surface of the tooth portion and a portion of the one surface of the back portion are formed of a tooth fabric,the plurality of tooth portions have a tooth pitch of 1.5 mm or more and less than 2.0 mm,the back portion has a thickness of 0.4 mm or more and 1.2 mm or less,the tension member is formed of a twisted cord containing a high-strength glass fiber or a carbon fiber, anda ratio of a total value of an interval between the tension members adjacent to each other in the belt width direction to the belt width is in a range of 20% or more and 60% or less.2. The helical toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the tension member has a diameter in a range of 0.2 mm or more and 0.6 mm or less.3. The helical toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the tension members are arranged such that each tension member pitch between the adjacent tension members is in a range of 0.45 mm or more and 1.0 mm or less.4. The helical toothed ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024694A1

Some embodiments of the present disclosure include a fabric blend for insulating, wicking moisture, and preventing bacterial growth. The fabric blend may include bamboo yarn, merino wool yarn, and elastane thread, wherein the bamboo yarn, the merino wool yarn, and the elastane thread are blended together to form a fabric. The materials may be woven or knitted together. In a particular embodiment, the fabric blend may include about 67% bamboo, about 28% merino wool, and about 5% elastane. 2. The fabric blend of claim 1 , wherein the fabric blend comprises from about 60 to about 75% bamboo yarn.3. The fabric blend of claim 1 , wherein the fabric blend comprises from about 15 to about 30% merino wool yarn.4. The fabric blend of claim 1 , wherein the fabric blend comprises from about 1 to about 8% elastane thread.5. The fabric blend of claim 1 , wherein the fabric blend comprises:about 67% bamboo yarn;about 28% merino wool yarn; andabout 5% elastane thread.6. The fabric blend of claim 1 , wherein the bamboo yarn claim 1 , the merino wool yarn claim 1 , and the elastane thread are woven together to form the fabric.7. The fabric blend of claim 1 , wherein the fabric blend has a weight of from about 150 grams per square meter (gsm) to about 280 gsm. This application claims priority to provisional patent application U.S. Ser. No. 62/027,674 filed on Jul. 22, 2014, the entire contents of which is herein incorporated by reference.The embodiments herein relate generally to textiles, and more particularly, to a fabric blend comprising bamboo and merino wool.The human body is inefficient at protecting itself from the elements. The body's inability to insulate itself leads to shivering or sweating as a way of regulating its core temperature. Side effects of sweating include bacteria build-up on clothing, odors, dampness, feeling too hot or too cold, itchiness, and chafing. Shivering interrupts motor skills and causes the body to exert extra energy in an effort to generate warmth. ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042217A1
Автор: MAEHARA Akihiro

An elastic woven fabric comprising weft and warp yarns, the weft yarns including elastic composite yarns each of which comprises an elastic core yarn and a sheath yarn covering the elastic core yarn, and the warp yarns including chemical fiber yarns and/or natural fiber yarns. Each of the elastic composite yarns is in a form of a singly-covered yarn in which the elastic core yarn is covered by a single layer of the sheath yarn helicoidally wound around a periphery of the elastic core yarn, a number of turns of the sheath yarn per 1 meter of the elastic core yarn being in a range of 1,000 to 2,500 T/m. A stretching magnification ratio of each of the elastic composite yarns, in the elastic woven fabric in a weaving process, is retained equal to or less than 1.30 folds based on the elastic composite yarn before weaving. 124-. (canceled)25. An elastic woven fabric comprising weft and warp yarns , the weft yarns including a plurality of elastic composite yarns each of which comprises an elastic core yarn and a sheath yarn covering the elastic core yarn , and the warp yarns including a plurality of chemical fiber yarns and/or a plurality of natural fiber yarns ,wherein the elastic core yarn is a polyurethane elastic yarn of which fineness, before integrated into the elastic composite yarn, is in a range of 40 to 1,300 dtex,wherein the sheath yarn is any of a chemical fiber yarn of which fineness is in a range of 10 to 500 dtex and a natural fiber yarn of which fineness is in a range of 100 to 1,000 dtex,wherein a fiber for composing the chemical fiber yarn for the sheath yarn is selected from a polyamide fiber, a polyester fiber, a polyolefin fiber, or a combination thereof, andwherein a fiber for composing the natural fiber yarn for the sheath yarn is a cotton fiber,characterized in that each of the elastic composite yarns is in a form of a singly-covered yarn in which the elastic core yarn is covered by a single layer of the sheath yarn helicoidally wound around a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024776A1
Автор: SOYLU Mustafa

A method for obtaining terry or non-terry warp knit fabric with or without pile from % cotton yarns with increased elasticity and tensile strength due to modified torsion and twisting values, using warp knitting machines, intended to be used in the design of different constructions. 1. A method for obtaining warp knit fabric from cotton yarns in warp knitting fabrics , intended to be used in designs of different constructions , wherein; it comprises:a. using 80/2 Ne cotton yarn with increased elasticity and tensile strength through use of two or more multiple twisting cotton yarn as the warp yarn;b. using 16/1 Ne cotton yarn with increased strength through twisting two or more multiple twisting cotton yarn with thickness equal to 0.5 or less than 0.5 with PVA yarn as the pile yarn;c. using _20/2 Ne carded cotton obtained from two or more multiple twisting cotton yarn as the ground yarn and weaving the fabric in warp knitting machine;d. treating the obtained fabric with acid at 90° C. for 20 minutes and removing the PVA yarn from the fabric; ande. consequently, applying conventional bleaching and dying processes, process steps.2. A method for obtaining warp knit fabric according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in process step b claim 1 , the tension created between the needle rail and the inlay rail is decreased using the elasticity of the PVA thread.3. A method for obtaining warp knit fabric according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in process step c claim 1 , pile and terry warp knit fabrics are obtained by adding a pile plate to the warp knitting machine.4. A method for obtaining warp knit fabric according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in process step d claim 1 , the mentioned acid is acetic acid or formic acid.5. A warp knit fabric having a 100% cotton composition claim 1 , obtained through the method of . The invention relates to a method for obtaining warp knit fabrics (spacer fabrics) made of 100% cotton yarn with warp knitting machines.The invention in ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029397A1
Автор: Huebner Cinda Nicole

A method for removing eye makeup comprises: providing a makeup removal cloth comprising a bamboo fabric having an interlock knit; moistening the makeup removal cloth with water or a makeup removal fluid; positioning the makeup removal cloth at an inner portion of an eyelid or under eye region of the user; and moving the makeup removal cloth from the inner portion of the eyelid or under eye region to an outer portion of the eyelid or under eye region. 1. A method for removing eye makeup , the method comprising:providing a makeup removal cloth comprising a bamboo fabric having an interlock knit;moistening the makeup removal cloth with water or a makeup removal fluid;positioning the makeup removal cloth at an inner portion of an eyelid or under eye region of the user; andmoving the makeup removal cloth from the inner portion of the eyelid or under eye region to an outer portion of the eyelid or under eye region.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the makeup removal cloth further comprises cotton.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the makeup removal cloth further comprises spandex.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the makeup removal cloth comprises at least about 40%-80% bamboo; at least about 20%-40% cotton and at least about 5%-25% spandex.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the makeup removal cloth comprises at least about 60% bamboo; at least about 30% cotton and at least about 10% spandex6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the makeup removal cloth comprises 32 s yarn.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the makeup removal cloth comprises a weight range of about 350 to 370 gsm.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the makeup removal cloth comprises an interlock weave.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the makeup removal cloth is black or brown.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the user has eyelash extensions and the makeup removal cloth has a minimal amount or no snagging with the eyelash extensions such that the removal cloth generally does not remove the eyelash ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032493A1
Автор: Lin Yu-Deng

A preparation method of a polysaccharide fiber is provided. The method includes the following steps. First, a polysaccharide material is provided. Next, the polysaccharide material is mixed with an ionic liquid to form a polysaccharide solution. Then, the polysaccharide solution is mixed with a forming liquid to form a formed polysaccharide article. Next, a homogenization treatment is performed on the formed polysaccharide article to form a homogeneous polysaccharide article. Then, the homogeneous polysaccharide article is dried to form a polysaccharide fiber. 1. A preparation method of a polysaccharide fiber , comprising:providing a polysaccharide material;mixing the polysaccharide material with an ionic liquid to form a polysaccharide solution;mixing the polysaccharide solution with a forming liquid to form a formed polysaccharide article;performing a homogenization treatment on the formed polysaccharide article to form a homogeneous polysaccharide article; anddrying the homogeneous polysaccharide article to form the polysaccharide fiber.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polysaccharide material and the ionic liquid are mixed under room temperature to form the polysaccharide solution.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the homogenization treatment is performed via a high-speed stirring homogenizer to form the homogeneous polysaccharide article claim 1 , and after the homogeneous polysaccharide article is dried claim 1 , the formed polysaccharide fiber has a non-woven pattern.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the homogenization treatment is performed via an emulsification homogenizer to form the homogeneous polysaccharide article claim 1 , and after the homogeneous polysaccharide article is dried claim 1 , the formed polysaccharide fiber has a thin film pattern.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polysaccharide material comprises a cellulose-containing material claim 1 , a chitin-containing material claim 1 , or a starch-containing material.6. The method of ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032511A1
Автор: CHO Eun Hyo

Provided is a method for manufacturing a water-repellent knitted fabric and a water-repellent knitted fabric. The method includes: dyeing a yarn; obtaining a knitted fabric by knitting the dyed yarn which is dyed in the dyeing of the yarn; dipping the knitted fabric in a water-repellent liquid to allow the water-repellent liquid to penetrate into a structure of the dyed yarn and to be coated on a surface of the dyed yarn; dehydrating the knitted fabric after the dipping of the knitted fabric and then incompletely drying the knitted fabric while moisture remains in the dyed yarn; adhering the water-repellent liquid applied to the knitted fabric by applying heat to the knitted fabric after the dehydrating of the knitted fabric; washing the knitted fabric using water after the adhering of the water-repellent liquid; and drying the knitted fabric after the washing of the knitted fabric. 1. A method for manufacturing a water-repellent knitted fabric , comprising:dyeing a yarn;obtaining a knitted fabric by knitting the dyed yarn which is dyed in the dyeing of the yarn;dipping the knitted fabric in a water-repellent liquid to allow the water-repellent liquid to penetrate into a structure of the dyed yarn and to be coated on a surface of the dyed yarn;dehydrating the knitted fabric after the dipping of the knitted fabric and then incompletely drying the knitted fabric while moisture remains in the dyed yarn;adhering the water-repellent liquid applied to the knitted fabric by applying heat to the knitted fabric after the dehydrating of the knitted fabric;washing the knitted fabric using water after the adhering of the water-repellent liquid; anddrying the knitted fabric after the washing of the knitted fabric.2. A method for manufacturing a water-repellent knitted fabric , comprising:dyeing a knitted fabric knitted with a yarn;dipping the knitted fabric dyed through the dyeing of the knitted fabric in a water-repellent liquid to allow the water-repellent liquid to penetrate ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049381A1

A recycled cellulose raw material and a method for recycling a cellulose raw material from blended textile waste with high reliability and yielding high raw material quality is shown, the method comprising the steps in the given order: providing the blended textile waste containing at least one cellulose component and at least one synthetic polymer component, treating the blended textile waste in a non-oxidizing aqueous treatment medium in order to degrade the at least one synthetic polymer component, whereby the treatment is carried out at a temperature between 100° C. and 200° C., and obtaining the recycled cellulose raw material from the treated blended textile waste. 1. A method for recycling a cellulose raw material from blended textile waste , the method comprising the steps in the given order:a) providing the blended textile waste containing at least one cellulose component and at least one synthetic polymer component,b) treating the blended textile waste in a non-oxidizing aqueous treatment medium in order to degrade the at least one synthetic polymer component, whereby the treatment is carried out at a temperature between 100° C. and 200° C., andc) obtaining the recycled cellulose raw material from the treated blended textile waste.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein aqueous treatment medium contains at least one hydrolyzing agent claim 1 , and whereby the amount of said at least one hydrolyzing agent is adjusted to the amount of the at least one synthetic polymer component in the blended textile waste claim 1 , such that the at least one synthetic polymer component is essentially fully degraded.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one hydrolyzing agent is a base claim 2 , more particularly NaOH.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the amount of the at least one hydrolyzing agent in the aqueous treatment medium is at least 1 mol per mol of hydrolytically cleavable bonds in the at least one synthetic polymer component.5. ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032251A1
Автор: Cory Mark David
Принадлежит: Lummus Corporation

A vortex tube system for conditioning and blending fibrous material utilizing a helical inlet to the base of a central vortex tube, to condition and blend fibers in a fluidly conveyed stream, and to separate the fibers from debris, by abruptly changing direction of the conveying air flow. The vortex tube system for conditioning and blending combines the helical input with helical shaping of the air flow through the central vortex tube to induce greater dynamics which is continued at the top of the vortex tube through a separate drying chamber. 1. A vortex tube system for conditioning a first lot of fiber comprising a first fiber type for entering the system in a fluidly conveyed stream , and for accomplishing a blending of the first lot as it is fluidly conveyed , the vortex tube system comprising a tubular housing , the tubular housing comprising:a vertical central tube defining an interior between a top end and a bottom end;a spiraling inlet housing in fluid communication with the bottom end of the vertical central tube, the vertical central tube being partially circumscribed by the spiraling inlet housing;at least two inlet transition sections, the spiraling inlet housing being accessible via the at least two inlet transition sections, and at least one of the at least two inlet transition sections configured to introduce the fibers from the first lot into the spiraling inlet housing, without initiating a blending of the first lot until the fibers enter the vortex tube system;a plurality of fixed helical vanes situated about the interior of the vertical central tube, wherein the plurality of fixed helical vanes homogenizes the fibers from the first lot in the fluidly conveyed stream; anda head forming a diverter dish for directing the fibers in the fluidly conveyed stream to a tangential fiber discharge outlet, and for further homogenizing the fibers in the fluidly conveyed stream.2. The vortex tube system as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a lower ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032431A1

A fabric has first material yarns and second material yarns woven together to form a ground, The first material yarns are synthetic yarns, and the second material yarns are cotton pile yarns. A coloring process is performed which colors the second material yarns, but which does not take to the first material yarns. A second coloring or printing process is performed on the technical front. 1. A fabric , comprising:a plurality of first material yarns; anda plurality of second material yarns, in which the plurality of first material yarns and the plurality of second material yarns are woven or knitted together to form a ground;wherein the plurality of first material yarns comprise yarns having a linear mass density between 50 Denier (D) and 300 D and a filament count (F) of 36 F-576 F and the plurality of second material yarns comprise cotton yarns having a thickness (s) of 6 s-40 s.2. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of second material yarns are 100% cotton.3. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of first material yarns are polyester.4. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of first material yarns comprises about 52% of the ground.5. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of second material yarns comprises about 48% of the ground.5. The fabric of claim 1 , in which the plurality of first material yarns resists a first coloring process while the plurality of second material yarns accept the first coloring process.6. The fabric of claim 5 , in which the first coloring process is selected from a group comprising reactive dying claim 5 , reactive print claim 5 , and bleach white.7. The fabric of claim 5 , in which the plurality of first material yarns accepts a second coloring process performed after the first coloring process.8. The fabric of claim 7 , in which the second coloring process is selected from a group comprising a coloring process claim 7 , a dispersive dying process claim 7 , dispersive dye printing claim 7 , heat ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032432A1
Автор: Agarwal Arun

A method includes drawing each multiple partially oriented polyester yarn from a corresponding supply package to form an oriented polyester yarn as a single multi-filament polyester weft yarn, inserting the multi-filament polyester weft yarn during a single pick insertion event of a pick insertion apparatus of a loom apparatus through winding the multi-filament polyester weft yarn on a single-pick yarn package, and conveying at least two of the multi-filament polyester weft yarn across a warp shed of the loom apparatus through a set of warp yarns in the single pick insertion event to form an incremental length of a woven textile fabric having a first surface with a majority of ends of the warp yarns and a second surface with a majority of picks of the multi-filament polyester weft yarn thereon. The method also includes solely abrading the second surface to provide for comfort to a user during contact therewith. 1. A method of a woven textile fabric comprising:drawing each of multiple partially oriented polyester yarns from a corresponding supply package to form an oriented polyester yarn therefrom as a single multi-filament polyester weft yarn;inserting the multi-filament polyester weft yarn during a single pick insertion event of a pick insertion apparatus of a loom apparatus through winding the multi-filament polyester weft yarn on a single-pick yarn package, the pick insertion apparatus being at least one of an air jet pick insertion apparatus and a rapier pick insertion apparatus;conveying, through the pick insertion apparatus, at least two of the multi-filament polyester weft yarn across a warp shed of the loom apparatus through a set of warp yarns in the single pick insertion event of the pick insertion apparatus to form an incremental length of the woven textile fabric having a first surface with a majority of ends of the warp yarns thereon and a second surface with a majority of picks of the multi-filament polyester weft yarn thereon, the second surface ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032787A1

The present invention discloses a hemming-stitch-free warp-knitted elastic fabric and a method for knitting thereof. The method includes: making a non-elastic yarn pass across a guide needle of the first guide bar and form the surface of the fabric by knitting via two needles or three needles in a 1×1 or 2×1 warp plain stitch loop mode, and making an elastic yarn pass across a guide needle of the second guide bar and form the inside of the fabric by knitting with the aforementioned non-elastic yarn in the same direction via three needles in a open double warp plain stitch loop mode, and two loops are continuously formed on each course of the open double warp plain stitch loop. The hemming-stitch-free warp-knitted fabric produced according to the present invention has good snagging grade, moderate horizontal straight tensile force and good resilience. 1. A method for knitting a hemming-stitch-free warp-knitted elastic fabric , which uses a first guide bar and a second guide bar of a warp knitting machine for knitting , comprising:making a non-elastic yarn pass across a guide needle of the first guide bar and form the surface of the fabric by knitting in a 1×1 or 2×1 warp plain stitch loop mode, andmaking an elastic yarn pass across a guide needle of the second guide bar and form the inside of the fabric by knitting with the aforementioned non-elastic yarn in the same direction in a open double warp plain stitch loop mode, and two loops are continuously formed on each course of the open double warp plain stitch loop.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein modes for threading of the first guide bar and the second guide bar are full-set threading.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the non-elastic yarn is a synthetic fiber and/or a natural fiber having a fineness of 11-85 dtex claim 1 , preferably 11-44 dtex.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the synthetic fiber is any one or a mixture of at least two of a nylon filament claim 3 , a polyester ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032801A1

The present invention is directed to a method of increasing the brightness of non-wood fibers and nonwoven fabric fabrics produced by the method. In one aspect, the method includes forming a mixture of non-wood fibers and exposing the mixture to a brightening agent to produce brightened fibers. The brightening agent is oxygen gas, peracetic acid, a peroxide compound, or a combination thereof. The brightened fibers have a brightness greater than the fibers of the mixture before exposure as measured by MacBeth UV-C standard. 1. An article , comprising:brightened bast fibers with a mean length of about 5 to about 95 millimeters (mm) and a brightness greater than or equal to 80 as measured by a TAPPI standard;wherein the article is a yarn, a thread, a rope, a cord, or a sliver.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the brightened bast fibers are flax fibers claim 1 , hemp fibers claim 1 , jute fibers claim 1 , ramie fibers claim 1 , nettle fibers claim 1 , Spanish broom fibers claim 1 , kenaf plant fibers claim 1 , or any combination thereof.3. The article of claim 1 , further comprising a lubricant claim 1 , a finish claim 1 , an antistatic agent claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the article further comprises synthetic fibers claim 1 , polymeric fibers claim 1 , thermoplastic fibers claim 1 , staple fibers claim 1 , regenerated cellulose fibers claim 1 , cotton fibers claim 1 , wood pulp fibers claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. A fabric claim 1 , comprising:brightened bast fibers with a mean length of about 5 to about 95 millimeters (mm) a brightness greater than or equal to 80 as measured by a TAPPI standard;wherein the fabric is a woven fabric or a knit fabric.6. The fabric of claim 6 , wherein the fabric comprises a yarn claim 6 , a thread claim 6 , a rope claim 6 , or a combination thereof.7. The fabric of claim 6 , wherein the brightened bast fibers are flax fibers claim 6 , hemp fibers claim 6 , jute fibers claim 6 , ramie ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032812A1
Автор: Lee Jeffrey A.

The present invention is directed to a method of increasing the brightness of non-wood fibers and nonwoven fabric fabrics produced by the method. In one aspect, the method includes forming a mixture of non-wood fibers and exposing the mixture to a brightening agent to produce brightened fibers. The brightening agent is oxygen gas, peracetic acid, a peroxide compound, or a combination thereof. The brightened fibers have a brightness greater than the fibers of the mixture before exposure as measured by MacBeth UV-C standard. 1. Brightened bast fibers , comprising:a mean length of about 5 to about 95 millimeters (mm); anda brightness greater or equal to 80 as measured by a TAPPI brightness test.2. The brightened bast fibers of claim 1 , wherein the brightened bast fibers are substantially pectin-free and are flax fibers claim 1 , hemp fibers claim 1 , jute fibers claim 1 , ramie fibers claim 1 , nettle fibers claim 1 , Spanish broom fibers claim 1 , kenaf plant fibers claim 1 , or any combination thereof.3. A nonwoven fabric claim 1 , formed by a method comprising:forming bast fibers into fiber mat at consistency of about 20% to about 50%, the fibers having a mean length of about 5 to about 95 millimeters (mm); andexposing the fiber mat at the consistency of about 20% to about 50% to a brightening agent to produce brightened bast fibers, the brightening agent comprising a peroxide compound and oxygen gas, the oxygen gas being dissolved in solution and being about 0.1 to about 10.0% on fiber oxygen;wherein the brightened bast fibers have a brightness greater or equal to 80 as measured by a TAPPI standard.4. The nonwoven fabric of claim 3 , wherein the nonwoven fabric is a wet wiper claim 3 , a dry wiper claim 3 , an impregnated wiper claim 3 , a sorbent claim 3 , a medical supply product claim 3 , a personal protective fabric claim 3 , an automotive protective covering claim 3 , a personal care article claim 3 , a fluid filtration product claim 3 , a home furnishing ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035128A1

An article of apparel is disclosed that includes zones with a textile having a structure than changes or is otherwise modified by a physical stimulus, such as the presence of water or a temperature change, to modify a property of the textile. The zones may be along a center back area and/or side areas of the apparel, and the textile may increase in air permeability when exposed to water. In some embodiments, slits are formed in the textile. 1. An article of apparel comprising:a torso region having a front area, a back area, and a pair of side areas for covering a torso of a wearer when the article of apparel is in an as-worn configuration, and the torso region having at least a neck opening and an opposite waist opening,at least a portion of the torso region being formed from a first material comprising a dimensionally transformative yarn formed at least from a moisture-absorbing material that exhibits a dimensional transformation upon absorbing water and a dimensionally stable yarn comprising a non-absorptive material that is dimensionally stable upon exposure to water,wherein the first material comprises a first surface and an opposite second surface, the dimensionally transformative yarn being primarily positioned at the first surface, and the dimensionally stable yarn being primarily positioned at the second surface, andwherein a plurality of slits are formed in the first material to form a plurality of flaps, and wherein the plurality of flaps are configured to curl toward the second surface of the first material when exposed to water.2. The article of apparel of claim 1 , wherein the article of apparel is a shirt.3. The article of apparel of claim 1 , wherein the first material extends along at least one of the side areas of the torso region.4. The article of apparel of claim 1 , wherein the first material extends along the back area of the torso region.5. The article of apparel of claim 4 , wherein the first material extends in a vertical direction along a ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037547A1
Автор: OHARA Hiroshi

A method of manufacturing a speaker diaphragm fabric for a loudspeaker, includes: a preparation step, a plurality of first warps, at least one second warp and a plurality of wefts are prepared, wherein the second warp has characteristics different from the first warps; and a weaving step: the plurality of the first warps and the second warps are aligned and the wefts transversely cross and pass alternately over and under each of the first warps and the second warps in order to form the speaker diaphragm fabric having at least one formation region and a non-formation region exterior to the formation region. The second warps made from an inferior material are provided at the non-formation region, thereby reducing the waste cost and facilitating the differentiation of the formation region and the non-formation region. 1. A method of manufacturing a speaker diaphragm fabric , comprising:a preparation step: preparing a plurality of first warps, at least one second warp and a plurality of wefts, wherein said second warp has at least one characteristic different from said first warps; anda weaving step: aligning said plurality of first warps and said second warps and crossing said wefts transversely to pass alternately over and under each of said first warps and said second warps in order to form a speaker diaphragm fabric having at least one formation region and a non-formation region exterior to said formation region, said second warps are provided at said non-formation region.2. The manufacturing method of a speaker diaphragm fabric according to claim 1 , wherein said first warps are different from said second warps in materials claim 1 , colors and/or dimensions.3. The manufacturing method of a speaker diaphragm fabric according to claim 1 , wherein in said preparation step claim 1 , a plurality of said second warps are prepared;and in said weaving step, two portions of said second warps are respectively provided at said non-formation region between said formation ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Treatment Liquid Composition, Set, Ink Jet Printing Method, And Cloth

Номер: US20200040523A1

A treatment liquid composition is a treatment liquid composition which is used to be adhered to a cloth and which includes a cationic compound, a water-soluble resin, and water; a molecular weight distribution of a water-soluble component contained in the treatment liquid composition has a maximum peak in a molecular weight range of 28,000 to 2,800,000; and a content of a water-soluble resin having a molecular weight of 28,000 to 2,800,000 is 0.6 to 5.0 percent by mass with respect to a total mass of the treatment liquid composition. 1. A treatment liquid composition which is used to be adhered to a cloth , the treatment liquid composition comprising: a cationic compound; a water-soluble resin; and water , whereina molecular weight distribution of a water-soluble component contained in the treatment liquid composition has a maximum peak in a molecular weight range of 28,000 to 2,800,000, anda content of a water-soluble resin having a molecular weight of 28,000 to 2,800,000 is 0.6 to 5.0 percent by mass with respect to a total mass of the treatment liquid composition.2. The treatment liquid composition according to claim 1 , whereinthe molecular weight distribution of the water-soluble component further has a maximum peak in a molecular weight range of 1,000 to 25,000, anda ratio of a peak area of a molecular weight of 28,000 to 2,800,000 to a peak area of a molecular weight of 1,000 to 25,000 is 1:5 to 5:1.3. The treatment liquid composition according to claim 1 , whereinthe water-soluble resin is at least one selected from a poly(ethylene oxide), a carboxymethyl cellulose, a hydroxyethyl cellulose, and a poly(vinyl pyrrolidone).4. The treatment liquid composition according to claim 1 ,further comprising a water repellant, whereina content of the water repellant is 0.01 to 0.30 percent by mass with respect to the total mass of the treatment liquid composition.5. The treatment liquid composition according to claim 4 , whereinthe water repellant is at least one ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Proliferated thread count of a woven textile by simultaneous insertion within a single pick insertion event of a loom apparatus multiple adjacent parallel yarns drawn from a multi-pick yarn package

Номер: US20150047736A1
Автор: Arun Agarwal
Принадлежит: AAVN Inc

Disclosed are a method, a device and a system of proliferating a thread count of a woven textile by simultaneous insertion within a single pick insertion event of a loom apparatus multiple adjacent parallel yarns drawn from a multi-pick yarn package. In one or more embodiments, multiple texturized polyester weft yarns of denier between 15 and 50 are wound on a single bobbin in a parallel adjacent fashion such that they may be fed into an air jet pick insertion apparatus of an air jet loom to weave a textile that has between 90 to 235 ends per inch cotton warp yarns and between 100 and 765 polyester weft yarns.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Hybrid Materials & Methods

Номер: US20220064823A1

A hybrid material may be configured as a hybrid fabric. An illustrative embodiment of a hybrid fabric may be constructed of two yarns engaged with one another and exhibit a moisture absorbency of ten seconds or less and a differential in moisture spreading speed one a first face of the hybrid fabric compared to that of a second face. Another illustrative embodiment of a hybrid fabric may be constructed of two yarns engaged with one another and exhibit a moisture absorbency of ten seconds or less and a planar wicking rate of at least 2.5 mm/min. Another illustrative embodiment of a hybrid fabric may be constructed of two welded yarns produced via welding processes differently configured such that the resulting welded yarns have one or more differing properties. Illustrative embodiments of such hybrid fabrics include but are not limited to pique and jersey and pique fabrics constructed of cotton.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Composite Low-twist Yarn Towel and Production Method Thereof

Номер: US20220064827A1
Автор: Hongxing Wang
Принадлежит: Loftex USA LLC

A composite low-twist towel that is formed of three parts: terry yarn, ground warp yarn and weft yarn. The ground warp yarn and the weft yarn are normal towel yarns and the terry yarn is a composite low-twist yarn. The composite low-twist yarn is composed of two yarns of different thickness, among them, the spun yarn is synthetic fiber spun yarn or filament yarn, and the thick yarn is the pure cotton yarn or the blended yarn of pure cotton and other fibers. The composite low-twist yarn is made into a warp beam through warping and sizing. Then, it interweaves with ground warp yarns and weft yarns through a towel loom or warp loom to form terry fabrics.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Hybrid Materials & Methods

Номер: US20220064828A1

A hybrid material may be configured as a hybrid fabric. An illustrative embodiment of a hybrid fabric may be constructed of two yarns engaged with one another and exhibit a moisture absorbency of ten seconds or less and a differential in moisture spreading speed one a first face of the hybrid fabric compared to that of a second face. Another illustrative embodiment of a hybrid fabric may be constructed of two yarns engaged with one another and exhibit a moisture absorbency of ten seconds or less and a planar wicking rate of at least 2.5 mm/min. Another illustrative embodiment of a hybrid fabric may be constructed of two welded yarns produced via welding processes differently configured such that the resulting welded yarns have one or more differing properties. Illustrative embodiments of such hybrid fabrics include but are not limited to pique and jersey and pique fabrics constructed of cotton.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054544A1
Принадлежит: K. G. Denim Limited

A woven textile fabric that is lightweight, soft, smooth, supple and durable has a composition including a regenerated cellulosic fiber, cotton and an elastane fiber such as spandex. The fabric includes warp yarn and weft yarn, and the weft yarn is a core spun yarn made of an elastane fiber core surrounded by a sheath of blended regenerated cellulosic fiber and cotton. The fabric construction may range from about 44 ends/inch to about 300 ends/inch and from about 30 picks/inch to about 600 picks/inch. The warp count may range from 2 s count to 140 s count, and the weft count ranges from 2 s count to 170 s count. The fabric, which can be made using a series of innovative process steps, is particularly useful as a bed linen. 1. A woven textile fabric comprising warp yarn and weft yarn and having a composition comprising a regenerated cellulosic fiber , cotton and an elastane fiber.2. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the weft yarn is a core spun yarn comprising an elastane fiber core surrounded by a sheath of blended regenerated cellulosic fiber and cotton.3. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the elastane fiber is spandex.4. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the regenerated cellulosic fiber is lyocell.5. The woven textile fabric of claim 3 , wherein the regenerated cellulosic fiber is present in an amount ranging from about 65% to about 69% claim 3 , the cotton is present in an amount ranging from about 27% to about 33% claim 3 , and the spandex is present in an amount ranging from about 2% to about 4%.6. The woven textile fabric of claim 5 , wherein the regenerated cellulosic fiber is present at about 67% claim 5 , the cotton is present at about 30% claim 5 , and the spandex is present at about 3%.7. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the weave is a 4/1 satin weave.8. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the thread count ranges from about 80 to about 2000.9. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055674A1
Автор: Tanaka Akira, TANAKA Kengo

The problem addressed by the present invention is to provide yarn, which includes an ultrafine filament, and that has superior handling properties, elongation and contraction properties, and with which a fabric and a fiber product of high quality can be obtained, a fabric using this yarn, and a fiber product using this yarn or fabric. The solution is imparting a binder to yarn that includes a filament A-1 with a single fiber diameter of 10 to 3000 nm and a fiber A-2 with a single fiber diameter greater than the filament A-1, and obtaining a fabric or fiber product using the yarn as necessary. 1. A yarn comprising a filament A-1 having a single fiber diameter of 10 to 3000 nm and a fiber A-2 having a single fiber dimeter greater than the filament A-1 , wherein a binder is imparted to the yarn.2. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein the binder comprises a sizing agent and/or an oiling agent.3. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein the application amount of the binder is 0.1 to 15 wt % with respect to the weight of the yarn.4. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein the number of filaments of the filament A-1 included in the yarn is not less than 500.5. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein the filament A-1 is obtained from a sea-island type composite fiber composed of a sea component and an island component by dissolving and removing the sea component.6. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein after combining a sea-island type composite fiber composed of a sea component and an island component with the fiber A-2 claim 1 , the filament A-1 is obtained by dissolving and removing the sea component of the sea-island type composite fiber.7. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein the filament A-1 is made of polyester fibers.8. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber A-2 is a crimped fiber having a single-fiber diameter of not less than 5 μm and an apparent crimp rate of not less than 2%.9. The yarn according to claim 8 , wherein the crimped fiber is a ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Parachute buffer material

Номер: US20170058437A1
Принадлежит: Ctw Development LLC

In one aspect, parachute buffer materials are described herein. In some embodiments, parachute buffer materials described herein comprise a fabric formed from a plurality of fibers and a coating disposed on at least one outer surface of the fabric. The fibers have an inner component formed from a thermoplastic material and an outer component formed from a non-thermoplastic material. In some cases, the fabric is a woven fabric. Additionally, the coating can comprise or contain a silicone along with, or without, other functional components. Moreover, materials described herein can be used to form various structures for parachute buffering applications, and the coatings of materials described herein can enhance the materials' buffering performance.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056309A1
Автор: Gupta Abhishek

A woven fabric comprising a novel composition of multiple fibres with improved comfort and performance is disclosed. Further, the present invention provides for a fabric composition, construction and crimp control process which affords enhanced comfort and performance by improving parameters such as thermal conductivity and moisture regulation along with other parameters such as dimensional stability, smoothness, drying properties and tensile strength. The woven fabric comprises a plurality of warp yarns and a plurality of weft yarns interwoven with said plurality of warp yarns, where the plurality of warp yarns is a blended spun yarn including cotton fibre and regenerated cellulose fibre. Each of the plurality of weft yarns is a continuous polyester filament of fine count. The woven fabric composition comprises more than 50% cotton, 15-25% regenerated cellulose fibre and less than 35% polyester, further wherein moisture regain of the woven fabric is in the range of 5.5%-8.5%. 1. A woven fabric with improved comfort comprising a plurality of warp yarns interwoven with a plurality of weft yarns such that warp crimp is higher than weft crimp and warp cover factor is higher than weft cover factor , wherein each of the plurality of warp yarns is a blended spun yarn comprising cotton fibre and regenerated cellulose fibre and each of the plurality of weft yarns is a polyester filament , wherein the woven fabric composition comprises more than 50% cotton , 15-25% regenerated cellulose fibre and less than 35% polyester , further wherein moisture regain of the woven fabric is in the range of 5.5%-8.5%.2. The woven fabric as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the woven fabric composition comprises 52% cotton claim 1 , 17% regenerated cellulose fibre and 31% polyester.3. The woven fabric as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the regenerated cellulose fibre is Lyocell.4. The woven fabric as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the blended warp yarn comprises 70-75% by weight of cotton fibres and ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062957A1
Автор: SU HUNG-YUAN, Wei Ying-Pin

In one aspect, the disclosure relates to composite yarns having a structure comprising a core component and sheath layer, wherein each of the core component and the sheath layer independently comprise a polymer and a disclosed cooling composition. In various further aspects, the present disclosure pertains to double covered yarns comprising an elastic core comprising an elastic core; a first yarn in contact with the elastic core, and wherein the first yarn comprises a disclosed yarn comprising a core component and a sheath layer; and a second yarn in contact with the first yarn, and wherein the second yarn comprises a yarn comprising a cellulosic fiber. In still further aspects, the present disclosure pertains to a fabric, such as a denim fabric. This abstract is intended as a scanning tool for purposes of searching in the particular art and is not intended to be limiting of the present disclosure. 1. A composite yarn comprising a core component and a sheath layer , wherein:(a) the core component comprises a polyester polymer and a first cooling composition; and(b) the sheath layer comprises a polyamide polymer and a second cooling composition;wherein the first cooling composition comprises a first cooling material, a first cooling compound, a first cooling salt, or combinations thereof; andwherein the second cooling composition comprises a second cooling material, a second cooling compound, a second cooling salt, or combinations thereof.2. The composite yarn of claim 1 , wherein the first cooling composition comprises about 0.2 wt % to about 2 wt % of the first cooling material; about 0.02 wt % to about 0.07 wt % of the first cooling compound; about 0.001 wt % to about 0.02 wt % of the first cooling salt; or combinations thereof; and wherein the wt % is based on the total weight of the polyester polymer and the cooling composition.3. The composite yarn of claim 1 , wherein the first cooling material comprises silver oxide claim 1 , aluminum oxide claim 1 , copper ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Multiple Woven Gauze Fabric

Номер: US20190062961A1
Автор: HOZUMI Shuichi
Принадлежит: UCHINO CO., LTD.

Provided is a multiple woven gauze fabric capable of controlling the degree of wrinkling according to use. A double woven gauze fabric is formed by stacking a front surface gauze structure A and a back surface gauze structure B. The front surface gauze structure A and the back surface gauze structure B are formed, and the front surface gauze structure A and the back surface gauze structure B are joined, as appropriate. The front surface gauze structure A is composed of a non-twist yarn, and the back surface gauze structure B is composed of a hollow yarn. That is, a gauze structure composed only of twisted yarn (solid yarn) is not included. The degree of wrinkling is controlled by considering the hollow rate of the hollow yarn. 1. A multiple woven gauze fabric , comprising:at least a first gauze weave construction and a second gauze weave construction; anda plurality of connection parts joining the first gauze weave construction and the second gauze weave construction;wherein the first gauze weave construction comprises a non-twisted yarn; andwherein the second gauze weave construction comprises a hollow twisted yarn.2. The multiple woven gauze fabric according to claim 1 ,wherein a hollow ratio of the hollow twisted yarn is 20-50%.3. The multiple woven gauze fabric according to claim 1 ,wherein the first gauze weave construction and the second gauze weave construction cross to each other at the connection parts to be alternately replaced between the front surface and the back surface.4. The multiple woven gauze fabric according to claim 3 , wherein the first gauze weave construction and the second gauze weave construction cross to each other at the connection parts irregularly to be alternately replaced between the front surface and the back surface.5. The multiple woven gauze fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the multiple woven gauze fabric is a double woven gauze fabric.6. The multiple woven gauze fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the non-twisted yarn and ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Projecting Finishing Pattern with Correction onto Three-Dimensional Surface

Номер: US20210068487A1

A system allows a user to create new designs for apparel and preview these designs before manufacture. Software and lasers are used in finishing apparel to produce a desired finishing pattern or other design. The system provides three-dimensional previews of their designs on a mannequin, using light projection techniques. 1. A method comprising:providing a garment previewing tool that allows previewing on a computer screen of a garment base customized by a user with a finishing pattern, wherein the garment previewing tool includesproviding an option for the user to select the garment base and upon the user's selection, showing a first garment preview image on the computer screen comprising a jeans base image for the selected garment base,providing an option for the user to select a wear pattern from a menu of wear patterns, wherein each wear pattern is associated with a laser input file to be used by a laser to produce that wear pattern onto a jeans garment,after the wear pattern is selected, showing a second garment preview image on the computer screen comprising the selected wear pattern in combination with the jeans base image,in the second garment preview image, allowing the user to modify a sizing of the wear pattern relative to the jeans base image,in the second garment preview image, allowing the user to modify a position of the wear pattern relative to the jeans base image, andshowing a third garment preview image on the computer screen comprising the jeans base image and selected wear pattern, with modified sizing or modified positioning, or a combination;determining a correction to the selected wear pattern of the third garment preview image, wherein the correction approximates how selected wear pattern is to be modified to appear on a three-dimensional mannequin; andusing a light projector, projecting onto the three-dimensional mannequin the selected wear pattern with the correction.2. The method of comprising:receiving a first captured image of the ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Polyester composition with improved dyeing properties

Номер: US20170073887A1
Принадлежит: Parkdale Inc

A copolymer composition is disclosed with advantages for textile fibers, yarns, blended yarns, fabrics, and garments. The composition includes polyester copolymer, between about 4.5 and 5.5 percent adipic acid based on the amount of copolymer, between about 630 and 770 parts per million (ppm) of pentaerythritol based on the amount of copolymer, and between about 3.4 and 4.2 percent polyethylene glycol based on the amount of copolymer.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

2x2 twill bedding system

Номер: US20210079568A1
Автор: Gaurav Agarwal, Kamal Garg
Принадлежит: Individual

A twill weave sheeting fabric has warp yarn and weft yarn consisting of a cross weave of cotton rich or cotton blended with any cellulosic fibre and polyester. In a primary embodiment, the fabric has a 2/2 cross weave, 2 over and 2 under. In another embodiment, the fabric has a 1/2 cross weave, 1 over and 2 under. In another embodiment, the fabric has a 1/4 cross weave, 1 over and 4 under.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078240A1
Автор: TANDOGAN Gökhan

A medical fabric obtained by a rapier loom such, having an upper fabric layer, a lower fabric layer and a hollow part defined between the lower fabric layer and the upper fabric layer in such a way to form a three dimensional structure in order to decrease the pressure exerted on the body parts of patients. The fabric has a dimensional surface which allows the upper fabric layer to form a textured structure by defining the hollow part due to the tension exerted on the lower fabric layer at the end of the loom. 1. A medical fabric obtained by means of a rapier loom such , comprising an upper fabric layer , a lower fabric layer and a hollow part defined between the said lower fabric layer and the upper fabric layer in such a way to form a three dimensional structure in order to decrease the pressure exerted on the body parts of patients , wherein , it comprises a dimensional surface which allows the upper fabric layer to form a textured structure by defining the said hollow part due to the tension exerted on the lower fabric layer at the end of the loom.2. A medical fabric according to claim 1 , wherein; it comprises first weft yarns and first warp yarns formed according to a draft plan obtained by drafting with a weaving repeat comprising plied yarns in order to define the said dimensional surface of the said upper fabric layer.3. A medical fabric according to claim 2 , wherein; the said first weft yarns and first warp yarns are Ne 50/2 pes and 78 dtex elastane blended elastane polyester.4. A medical fabric according to claim 1 , wherein; it comprises second weft yarns and second warp yarns formed according to 1/1 weaving repeat such that the said lower fabric layer defines a flat surface.5. A medical fabric according to claim 4 , wherein; the said weft yarns and second warp yarns are Ne 50/2 cotton.6. A medical fabric according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , a probiotic application process is applied to the said medical fabric.7. A medical fabric according to claim ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078256A1
Автор: JR. Robert Alton, Usher
Принадлежит: Parkdale Incorporated

A copolymer composition is disclosed with advantages for textile fibers, yarns, blended yarns, fabrics, and garments. The composition includes polyester copolymer, between about 4.5 and 5.5 percent adipic acid based on the amount of copolymer, between about 630 and 770 parts per million (ppm) of pentaerythritol based on the amount of copolymer, and between about 3.4 and 4.2 percent polyethylene glycol based on the amount of copolymer. 1. A polyester copolymer filament comprising:a composition of between about 4.5 and 5.5 percent adipic acid based on the amount of polyester copolymer, between about 630 and 770 parts per million (ppm) of pentaerythritol based on the amount of polyester copolymer, between about 3.4 and 4.2 percent polyethylene glycol based on the amount of polyester copolymer, and less than 2 percent diethylene glycol based on the amount of polyester copolymer.2. A textured filament made from the filament of .3. A fabric formed from the yarn of and selected from the group consisting of woven fabrics and knitted fabrics.4. A textured filament according to that receives and retains reactive dye at atmospheric pressure and at temperatures below 212° F. (100° C.).5. Staple fibers cut from the textured filament of .6. A blend of cotton fibers and the staple fibers of .7. A blended yarn comprising:between about 20 percent and 80 percent by weight cotton; andtextured polyester copolymer staple fibers composed of between about 4.5 and 5.5 percent adipic acid based on the amount of polyester copolymer, between about 630 and 770 parts per million (ppm) of pentaerythritol based on the amount of polyester copolymer, between about 3.4 and 4.2 percent polyethylene glycol based on the amount of polyester copolymer, and less than 2 percent diethylene glycol based on the amount of polyester copolymer.8. A colorfast yarn according to further comprising a reactive dye.9. A fabric formed from the yarn of .10. A fabric according to selected from the group consisting of ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080151A1

An embodiment of the present disclosure is a performance fabric. The performance fabric includes a plurality of warp yarns extending along a warp direction. The warp yarn includes a first warp yarn and a second warp yarn that is directly adjacent to the first warp yarn. The plurality of warp yarns are blended staple warp yarns each of which has cotton fibers and regenerated cellulosic fibers. The performance fabric includes a plurality of weft yarns interwoven with the plurality of warp yarns to define a woven fabric structure. The plurality of weft yarns includes at least one yarn comprising thermoplastic fibers or a blend yarn comprising regenerated cellulosic fibers. 1. A performance fabric , comprising:a plurality of warp yarns extending along a warp direction, the warp yarn including a first warp yarn and a second warp yarn that is directly adjacent to the first warp yarn, wherein the plurality of warp yarns are blended staple warp yarns each of which has cotton fibers and regenerated cellulosic fibers;a plurality of weft yarns interwoven with the plurality of warp yarns to define a woven fabric structure,wherein the plurality of weft yarns including at least one yarn comprising thermoplastic fibers.2. The performance fabric of claim 1 , wherein the fabric structure has a thread count from about 200 to about 1400.3. The performance fabric of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of weft yarns are arranged in weft yarn groups claim 1 , wherein adjacent weft yarn groups each have a fill insertion path that extends over the first warp yarn and under the second warp yarn that is directly adjacent to the first warp yarn claim 1 , each weft yarn group including the at least one yarn comprising thermoplastic fibers.4. The performance fabric of claim 1 , wherein the blended staple warp yarn has between 20% to about 80% by weight of the cotton fibers.5. The performance fabric of claim 4 , wherein the blended staple warp yarn has between 20% to about 80% by weight of the ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087718A1
Автор: PERSSON Tomas

The present invention aims to provide a fabric useful in production of clothes and other textile articles, in particular for use in a healthcare environment such as hospitals, long term care facilities, etc. The invention relates to a yarn consisting essentially of cotton fibres, hemp fibres, and fibres comprising porous particles, and to threads and fabrics comprising such yarns, as well as to the use of such clothing as healthcare staff uniforms. The yarn and fabric may further include at least one metal wire usable as a temperature sensor. 1. A yarn consisting essentially of cotton or rayon fibres; hemp fibres; and fibres comprising porous particles.2. A yarn consisting essentially of cotton or rayon fibres; hemp fibres; fibres comprising porous particles; and polyester and/or at least one metal wire.3. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein the fibres comprising porous particles are made from polyester claim 1 , cotton claim 1 , rayon claim 1 , or nylon.4. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein the porous particles are capable of adsorbing water.5. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein the porous particles are selected from the group consisting of charcoal claim 1 , activated carbon claim 1 , zeolites claim 1 , silica gel claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , and aluminium oxide.6. The yarn according to claim 1 , consisting essentially of 20% cotton or rayon claim 1 , 55% hemp claim 1 , and 25% fibres comprising porous particles.7. The yarn according to claim 1 , consisting essentially of 20% cotton or rayon claim 1 , 35% hemp claim 1 , 25% fibres comprising porous particles claim 1 , and 20% polyester.8. A thread comprising at least two yarns according to claim 1 , and at least one metal wire.9. A fabric comprising at least three yarn according to claim 1 , wherein at least two of the at least three yarn comprise at least one metal wire.10. The fabric according to claim 9 , comprising a first yarn or thread as warp and a second yarn or thread as weft.11. The fabric ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087721A1

Embodiments disclosed herein provide approaches for attaching scan control and other electronic chips to textiles, e.g., on a loom as part of a real-time manufacturing process. 1. (canceled)2. An electronic textile comprising:textile material including threads;sense lines embedded in the textile material, the sense lines including conductive threads, the conductive threads including metal, at least two adjacent ones of the sense lines spaced apart from one another and extending in a warp direction or a weft direction across a section of the textile material; anda package including circuitry, the circuitry coupled to the sense lines, the circuitry coupled to at least one power supply line, the circuitry coupled to at least one signal line, the circuitry to detect signals from one or more of the sense lines, the signals indicative of human contact with a corresponding area of the textile material.3. The electronic textile of claim 2 , wherein the sense lines are woven into the textile material.4. The electronic textile of claim 2 , wherein an individual one of the sense lines includes braided steel yarn.5. The electronic textile of claim 2 , wherein an individual one of the sense lines includes braided wire.6. The electronic textile of claim 2 , wherein the circuitry is part of a system-on-chip (SOC) device.7. The electronic textile of claim 2 , wherein the package includes two package portions coupled via an epoxy material.8. The electronic textile of claim 2 , wherein the textile material includes at least one of synthetic fiber claim 2 , wool claim 2 , or cotton.9. The electronic textile of claim 2 , wherein the electronic textile is coupled to a floor covering.10. The electronic textile of claim 2 , wherein the electronic textile is coupled to upholstery.11. An electronic textile comprising:textile material;sense lines embedded in the textile material, the sense lines including conductive yarn, the conductive yarn including metal, at least two adjacent ones of the ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Shawl Textile Article And Method Of Making Same

Номер: US20170086522A1
Принадлежит: Welspun India Ltd

A textile article that includes a shawl that includes functional features.

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160090505A1

A polymer composition with (A) a first poly(meth)acrylate polymer or urethane polymer; and (B) a second poly(meth)acrylate polymer or urethane polymer which has a residue X incorporated therein, where X is the residue of a cyclic or acyclic sugar alcohol which is substituted with at least one —R; —C(O)R; —(CHCHO)(CH(CH)CHO)R; —(CHCHO)(CH(CH)CHO)C(O)R; or mixtures thereof; where the cyclic or acyclic sugar alcohol is selected from a saccharide, reduced sugar, aminosaccharide, aldonic acid, or aldonic acid lactone; wherein each n is independently 0 to 20; each m is independently 0 to 20; m+n is greater than 0; each Ris independently a linear or branched alkyl group having 5 to 29 carbons optionally comprising at least 1 unsaturated bond; and each Ris independently —H, a linear or branched alkyl group having 6 to 30 carbons optionally comprising at least 1 unsaturated bond, or mixtures thereof. 2. The polymer composition of claim 1 , where X is at least 50% bio-based derived.6. The polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the second polymer (B) is a poly(meth)acrylate polymer.7. The polymer composition of claim 6 , having a core-shell structure selected from a poly(meth)acrylate polymer (B) core and poly(meth)acrylate polymer (A) shell claim 6 , a poly(meth)acrylate polymer (B) core and urethane polymer (A) shell claim 6 , or a urethane (A) core and poly(meth)acrylate polymer (B) shell.8. The polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the second polymer (B) is a urethane polymer.9. The polymer composition of claim 8 , having a core-shell structure selected from a urethane polymer (B) core and poly(meth)acrylate polymer (A) shell or a poly(meth)acrylate polymer (A) core and urethane polymer (B) shell.10. The polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the first polymer (A) is chemically bonded to the second polymer (B).11. The polymer composition of claim 1 , where one or more of the first or second polymers contains fluoroalkyl functional groups.13. The polymer composition ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190085486A1

A spiral yarn structure includes a core yarn comprising at least one core filament which is a filament fiber of 5-25D, a cover yarn comprising a plurality of cover fibers formed by stretching roves having a count ranging from 0.5 Ne to 2.0 Ne, wherein the cover fibers encloses the core yarn, and a wrap yarn wrapping the cover yarn at a twist factor K≤3, wherein the wrap yarn comprises at least one wrap filament which is a filament fiber of 5-25D, and the at least one wrap filament wraps an outer side of the cover yarn at an inclined angle to form the spiral yarn structure having a count ranging from 40 Ne to 80 Ne. 1. A spiral yarn structure , comprising:a core yarn comprising at least one core filament which is a filament fiber having fineness ranging from 5D to 25D;a cover yarn comprising a plurality of cover fibers formed by stretching roves having a count ranging from 0.5 Ne to 2.0 Ne, wherein the cover fibers encloses the core yarn; anda wrap yarn wrapping the cover yarn at a twist factor K≤3, wherein the wrap yarn comprises at least one wrap filament which is a filament fiber having fineness ranging from 5D to 25D, and the at least one wrap filament wraps an outer side of the cover yarn at an inclined angle to form the spiral yarn structure having a count ranging from 40 Ne to 80 Ne.2. The spiral yarn structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the core filament is polyamide filament polyester filament.3. The spiral yarn structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cover fiber comprises cotton claim 1 , cellulose claim 1 , wool claim 1 , silk claim 1 , polyester or acrylic staple fibers claim 1 , or the cover fiber is a staple fiber having a main composition of cotton claim 1 , cellulose claim 1 , wool claim 1 , silk claim 1 , polyester or acrylic staple fibers.4. The spiral yarn structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the core filament or the wrap filament has a twist direction different from that of the spiral yarn structure.5. The spiral yarn structure as ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Woven fabric with bulky continuous filaments yarns and related manufacturing methods

Номер: US20170088979A1
Принадлежит: Welspun India Ltd

A woven fabric with continuous filament, high bulk yarns on the fabric first side is disclosed, and related method and apparatus of manufacturing same.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136146A1
Принадлежит: Welspun India Limited

A terry article includes a ground component including a plurality of ground warp yarns and a plurality of weft yarns, and a pile component disposed on at least one of a lower side and an upper side of the ground component. The pile component includes a first plurality of piles that extend away from the ground component along a vertical direction. The first plurality of piles are formed from a first set of pile yarns comprised of natural fibers and further define a first pile height. The pile component also includes a second plurality of piles that extend away from the ground component in the vertical direction. The second plurality of piles are formed from a blend of cotton yarns and thermoplastic staple fibers and define a second pile height that is less than the first pile height.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093261A1
Автор: Poon Dominic Kin-Ming
Принадлежит: Twin Dragon Marketing, Inc.

A method of weaving a woven fabric comprising weaving a first plurality of weft yarns through a plurality of warm yarns in a 6×1 pattern, and weaving a second plurality of weft yarns through the plurality of warp yarns in a 13×1 pattern. In one embodiment, all of the weft yarns have the same shrinkage ratio and same size of yarn count, and the repeat intersection points on the weft yarns are either 6×1 or 13×1. The weft yarns in the 6×1 pattern alternate with the weft yarns in the 13×1 pattern, with two 6×1 weft yarns followed by one 13×1 weft yarn. This results in a woven fabric that performs like a knitted fabric but with the look of woven denim when the warp yarns are indigo dyed. 1. A method of weaving a fabric comprising:weaving a first plurality of weft yarns through a plurality of warp yarns in a 6×1 pattern; andweaving a second plurality of weft yarns through the plurality of warp yarns in a 13×1 pattern.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first plurality of weft yarns and the second plurality of weft yarns are arranged in a repeating pattern.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the repeating pattern comprises two weft yarns woven in the 6×1 pattern followed by one weft yarn woven in the 13×1 pattern.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the plurality of warp yarns comprises Ne 16/1 to Ne 32/1 ring-spun, 100-percent cotton, indigo-dyed yarns; andthe first and second pluralities of weft yarns comprise 19/1 to 32/1 TR blended plus 40 Denier lycra spun yarn.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the plurality of warp yarns has a warp yarn density of approximately 90 ends per inch after weaving; andthe plurality of warp yarns has a warp yarn density from approximately 110 ends per inch to approximately 170 ends per inch after shrinking.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the first and second pluralities of weft yarns have a weft yarn density of approximately 90 picks per inch after weaving; andthe first and second pluralities of weft yarns have a weft yarn density from ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150104990A1
Автор: MANDAWEWALA Rajesh R.

A process is described wherein pile yarn is woven with cotton weft and warp yarns to produce terry fabrics, such as towels. The fabric is then washed in warm water to dissolve the PVA fibers. The amount of fibers dissolved, depends upon the count of the yarn or yarns used. By dissolving the PVA fibers, a hollow air space is produced throughout the pile yarn, corresponding to an increase in the air space in the pile yarn. By increasing the air space in the pile yarn, the resulting towels are softer and bulkier than standard cotton towels. The present invention further relates to pile yarn in terry woven fabric (warp yarn), or weft yarn, in the case of flat fabrics. 124-. (canceled)25. A method for making an absorbent fabric , comprising: (i) a water-insoluble sliver made from water-insoluble fibers, and', '(ii) a water-soluble sliver made from water-soluble fibers;, '(a) forming a plurality of slivers comprising,'}(b) forming a roving from the plurality of slivers, comprising wrapping the water-insoluble sliver around the water-soluble sliver such that the water-soluble sliver forms a core of the roving;(c) forming a twist in the roving;(d) spinning the roving into a yarn;(e) weaving a fabric using the yarn; and(f) dissolving the water-soluble fibers from the water-soluble sliver of the yarn woven in the fabric.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the spinning of the roving is performed using a ring spinning frame.27. The method of claim 25 , wherein the forming of the roving is performed using a speed frame.28. The method of claim 27 , wherein the forming of the twist in the roving is performed using the speed frame.29. The method of claim 25 , wherein the forming of the twist comprises forming a Z or S twist in the roving.30. The method of claim 25 , further comprising forming the water-insoluble sliver by carding cotton fibers and drawing the cotton fibers on a draw frame.31. The method of claim 25 , further comprising forming the water-soluble sliver by carding ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160102422A1
Автор: HOZUMI Shuichi
Принадлежит: UCHINO CO., LTD.

To provide a towel product capable of maintaining features of honeycomb weave of the conventional technique as well as providing improved water absorbency, lightness, and a good touch feeling more than those of the towels produced by the conventional technique. The towel of the present invention basically has a typical honeycomb weave structure. A first feature thereof is to use hollow yarns having a hollow ratio of a range between 30% and 60%. A shape of hollow yarns can be maintained. With the above described structure, the water absorbency, the lightness, the good touch feeling, and a drying property can be improved. A second feature is to use hollow yarns made by twisting fibers of raw cottons having an effective fiber length of a range between 25 mm and 42 mm. This contributes to maintaining of the durability. 1. A towel product comprisinga honeycomb weave structure;wherein the towel product is woven by hollow yarns made of raw cottons;wherein the hollow yarns have a hollow ratio of a range between 30% and 60%;wherein each of the hollow yarns is made by twisting fibers of raw cottons having an effective fiber length of a range between 25 mm and 42 mm.2. (canceled)3. The towel product according to claim 1 , wherein the hollow yarns have a hollow ratio of a range between 40% and 50%.4. (canceled)5. The towel product according to claim 1 , wherein each of the hollow yarns is made by twisting fibers of raw cottons having an effective fiber length of a range between 25 mm and 37 mm. The present invention relates to a towel product having a honeycomb weave structure.Honeycomb weave towel products have been widely used mainly in Europe as a birthplace thereof. Recently, the honeycomb weave towel products are used also in Japan. For example, the honeycomb weave towel products are used widely in many fields such as towels, bath towels, and gowns, e.g., towel-made robes, in addition to kitchen dishcloths. The honeycomb weave is sometimes referred to as a waffle fabric ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150110992A1
Автор: MANDAWEWALA Rajesh R.

A process is described wherein pile yarn is woven with cotton weft and warp yarns to produce ferry fabrics, such as towels. The fabric is then washed in warm water to dissolve the PVA fibers. The amount of fibers dissolved, depends upon the count of the yarn or yarns used. By dissolving the PVA fibers, a hollow air space is produced throughout the pile yarn, corresponding to an increase in the air space in the pile yarn. By increasing the air space in the pile yarn, the resulting towels are softer and bulkier than standard cotton towels. The present invention further relates to pile yarn in terry woven fabric (warp yarn), or weft yarn, in the case of flat fabrics. 124-. (canceled)25. A towel , comprising a terry fabric having pile yarns woven with cotton weft and warp yarns , wherein the pile yarns include hollow air spaces defined throughout the pile yarns by dissolving polyvinyl alcohol fibers present in the pile yarns when the pile yarns were made , with the result that the towel absorbs and retains three times its weight in water after being immersed in water.26. The towel of claim 25 , wherein the amount of polyvinyl alcohol fibers present in the pile yarns when the pile yarns were made was from about 8% to about 25% by weight of the pile yarn when made.27. The towel of claim 25 , wherein the amount of polyvinyl alcohol fibers present in the pile yarns when the pile yarns were made was about 8% by weight of the pile yarn when made.28. The towel of claim 25 , wherein the amount of polyvinyl alcohol fibers present in the pile yarns when the pile yarns were made was about 25% by weight of the pile yarn when made.29. The towel of claim 25 , wherein the pile yarns comprise hollow cores defined by the hollow air spaces.30. The towel of claim 25 , wherein the polyvinyl alcohol fibers present in the pile yarns when the pile yarns were made were provided in a spinning system in the form of a polyvinyl alcohol slivers.31. A towel claim 25 , comprising a terry fabric ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107662A1
Автор: JR. Robert Alton, Usher
Принадлежит: Parkdale Incorporated

A copolymer composition is disclosed with advantages for textile fibers, yarns, blended yarns, fabrics, and garments. The composition includes polyester copolymer, between about 4.5 and 5.5 percent adipic acid based on the amount of copolymer, between about 630 and 770 parts per million (ppm) of pentaerythritol based on the amount of copolymer, and between about 3.4 and 4.2 percent polyethylene glycol based on the amount of copolymer. 1. A composition with advantages for textile fibers , and comprising a melt of:polyester precursors selected from the group consisting of terephthalic acid, dimethyl terephthalate, and ethylene glycol;adipic acid in an amount sufficient to give filaments and fibers made from said melt a dye receptively similar to cotton at atmospheric pressure;pentaerythritol in an amount sufficient to give pill resistance to yarns blended of cotton with fibers made from said melt;polyethylene glycol in an amount sufficient to give said melt the elasticity necessary to produce extruded filament from the melt;said melt being maintained at a temperature of between about 285° F. and 295° F., and at an intrinsic viscosity of between about 0.58 and 0.82.2. A polymerized melt according to containing less than 2 percent diethylene glycol (DEG).3. A polymerized melt according to at an intrinsic viscosity of 0.75.4. A polyester copolymer filament made from the melt of .5. A dyed yarn formed of a blend of:cotton fibers; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00004', 'claim 4'}, 'staple fibers cut from a textured filament made from the filament of .'}6. A copolymer composition with advantages for textile fibers; said composition comprising:polyester copolymer;between about 4.5 and 5.5 percent adipic acid based on the amount of copolymer;between about 630 and 770 parts per million (ppm) of pentaerythritol based on the amount of copolymer; andbetween about 3.4 and 4.2 percent polyethylene glycol based on the amount of copolymer.7. A composition according to containing ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Firearm cleaning patch

Номер: US20200103198A1
Принадлежит: Otis Products Inc

A method for manufacturing a firearm cleaning patch includes: providing a sheet of a material; cutting a plurality of hex shaped patches from the sheet of a material; and perforating or marking at least one slit on at least one hex shaped patch. A firearm cleaning patch and a method for cleaning the barrel of a firearm are also described.

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220178053A1
Автор: WANG Zongwen

The present invention relates to a composite yarn, a preparation method thereof and an elastic fabric, wherein the composite yarn comprises a core yarn and an outer wrapping yarn, wherein the core yarn further comprising at least one piece of elastic filament, and wherein the outer wrapping yarn is made of short fiber, wherein the outer wrapping yarn is spirally wrapped on the core yarn, wherein drafting ratio of the core yarn is 1-1.5 times. 1. A composite yarn , comprising:a core yarn, andan outer wrapping yarn, wherein the core yarn further comprising at least one piece of elastic filament, and wherein the outer wrapping yarn is made of short fiber, wherein the outer wrapping yarn is spirally wrapped around the core yarn, and the drafting ratio of the corn yarn is 1-1.5 times.2. The composite yarn of claim 1 , wherein the twisting degree of the outer wrapping yarn is 8.48-36 twists/inch claim 1 , and wherein length of the outer wrapping yarn is more than 1.5 times that of the core yarn.3. The composite yarn of claim 1 , wherein number of winding turns of the outer wrapping yarn on the core yarn is greater than 15 per 1 cm.4. The composite yarn of claim 1 , wherein number of winding turns of the outer wrapping yarn on the core yarn is 15-40 per 1 cm.5. The composite yarn of claim 1 , wherein counts of the outer wrapping yarn are 10-80S claim 1 , and denier of the core yarn is 20D-500D.6. The composite yarn of claim 1 , wherein the short fiber is a fiber having a length ranging from 10-90 mm claim 1 , and wherein the short fiber is a natural fiber or a chemical fiber.7. The composite yarn of claim 1 , wherein the short fiber is a cotton fiber claim 1 , a tencel fiber claim 1 , a modal fiber claim 1 , a polyester fiber or a nylon fiber.8. The composite yarn of claim 1 , wherein the short fiber is a cotton fiber.9. A preparation method of the composite yarn of claim 1 , comprising the steps of:Processing short fiber into a rough yarn, and processing rough yarn into ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220178070A1

In order to manufacture a cotton-containing product of a cotton material, when the cotton material is refined and bleached in the state of a sliver, heating is performed, with steam, on the cotton material with a chemical agent applied to the cotton material, and, when the heating is performed, the steam is applied to the cotton material in the state of a sliver sheet formed by arranging the sliver in a sheet shape. 1. A manufacturing method for manufacturing a cotton-containing product of a cotton material , comprising refining and bleaching the cotton material in a state of a sliver , wherein , when the refining and the bleaching are each performed , heating is performed , with steam , on the cotton material with a chemical agent applied to the cotton material , and wherein , when the heating is performed , the steam is applied to the cotton material in a state of a sliver sheet formed by arranging the sliver in a sheet shape.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , after the sliver sheet is heated by applying the steam to the sliver sheet claim 1 , washing the sliver sheet while the sliver sheet is being conveyed by at least one perforated conveying medium.5. The manufacturing method according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one perforated conveying medium comprises two perforated conveying media comprising inner and outer mesh conveyors claim 4 ,wherein a perforated drum is immersed in a washing liquid,wherein the inner conveyor is disposed inside of the sliver sheet, and the outer conveyor is disposed outside of the sliver sheet, andwherein the washing of the sliver sheet comprises sucking a washing liquid in the perforated drum while conveying the sliver sheet along an outer periphery of the perforated drum, with the sliver sheet sandwiched between the inner mesh conveyor and the outer mesh conveyor, and passing the sucked washing liquid from outside of the outer conveyor through the outer mesh ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Performance Training Garment

Номер: US20190111307A1
Автор: White Benjamin L.
Принадлежит: BLW IP, LLC

Present invention discloses a performance training garment, particularly a whole-body performance training garment which in a single garment covers, essentially, the wearer's major portions such as torso, arms and legs. The garment body is incorporated with a series of inflatable bladders to provide external resistance to the wearers muscles. The body of the garment also includes a network of supply lines that is responsible for supplying an air inflation medium to the bladders. The inflation and deflation is controlled by a control device that has wearer operated interface. The performance training garment as disclosed herein provides the effect of exercising in a high-G environment by furnishing external resistance against which the wearer's muscles contracts. 1. A performance training garment comprising:a compression garment;a plurality of inflatable bladders embedded within said compression garment;a network of supply line coupled to each compression bladder and to the air source;an inflation and deflation control system having a wearer operable interface.2. The performance training garment of claim 1 , wherein the said compression garment can be configured to include one or both of a shirt claim 1 , a pair of tights or a full body suit.3. The performance training garment of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of inflatable bladders are disposed only at the extremities positions of a wearer.4. The performance training garment of claim 1 , wherein during use the plurality of inflatable bladders are at least partially inflated.5. The performance training garment of claim 1 , wherein the said compression garment is fabricated from a knitted fabric.6. The performance training garment of claim 5 , wherein the said knitted fabric is composed of at least one of Polyurethane claim 5 , Polyester-polyurethane copolymer and Cotton.7. The performance training garment of claim 1 , wherein at least portions of said compression garment comprise a fabric bi-layer.8. The performance ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200109494A1
Автор: Gress Scott

A denim based fabric is provided. The denim based fabric is made from a blended yarn of denim and polypropylene fibers. Strings of the blended yarn are woven in plain, 2×1 twill, 3×1 twill, satin, or basket weave patterns, among others to produce the denim based fabric. The blended yarn is made from 15% to 50% polypropylene fiber and 85% to 50% cotton fiber by weight. In a preferred embodiment, the blended yarn is made from 30% polypropylene fiber and 70% cotton fiber by weight. 1. A denim based fabric comprising:a blended yarn of about 15% to about 50% polypropylene fiber and about 85% to about 50% cotton fiber by weight.2. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the blended yarn comprises about 30% of the polypropylene fiber and about 70% of the cotton fiber.3. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the polypropylene fiber includes a hollow fiber.4. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the blended yarn is dyed with a coloring solution.5. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein a weight of the denim based fabric is between 6 oz. to about 15 oz. per square yard.6. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein a repeatable section of the denim based fabric in a plain weave pattern includes:a first horizontal string of the blended yarn placed below a first vertical string of the blended yarn and above a second vertical string of the blended yarn, anda second horizontal string of the blended yarn placed above the first vertical string and below the second vertical string.7. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein a repeatable section of the denim based fabric in a 2×1 twill weave pattern includes:a first horizontal string of the blended yarn placed below a first vertical string of the blended yarn and above second and third vertical strings of the blended yarn,a second horizontal string of the blended yarn placed below the first and second vertical strings and above the third vertical string, anda third horizontal string of the blended yarn placed above the first vertical string and below the second and third vertical ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119318A1
Автор: Morales Francisco J.

Rip-stop pants include waist and leg portions formed of ripstop fabric having synthetic mechanical-stretch filament yarns interwoven into spun, staple yarns in a ripstop pattern. 1. A ripstop fabric , comprising:spun yarns; andmechanical stretch yarns interwoven into the spun yarns in a modified twill weave, the modified twill weave including a ripstop pattern.2. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the spun yarns comprise warp yarns for the fabric claim 1 , and the mechanical stretch yarns comprise weft yarns.3. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the spun yarns are weft yarns for the fabric claim 1 , and the mechanical stretch yarns are warp yarns.4. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the mechanical stretch yarns comprise multi-component polyester filament yarns or side-by-side mechanical stretch yarns.5. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the mechanical stretch yarns comprise protein fibers.6. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the mechanical stretch yarns are interwoven in at least a double ply.7. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the ripstop pattern comprises a pattern of multiple adjacent mechanical stretch yarns woven in the same weaving direction in regular intervals.8. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the mechanical stretch yarns are interwoven into the spun yarns in one of a 2×1 claim 1 , 2×2 claim 1 , or 3×1 twill weave.9. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , further comprising a stain and oil repellant finish that is added during a finishing process.10. Police clothing comprising the ripstop fabric of .11. Military clothing comprising the ripstop fabric of .12. Pants comprising:a waist portion; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'two leg portions, wherein the waist portion and leg portions comprise the ripstop fabric of .'}13. A method of forming a ripstop fabric claim 1 , comprising:with first spun yarns and second mechanical stretch yarns;weaving the second yarns into the first yarns in a twill pattern ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180125729A1

A membrane for skin comprising a plurality of randomly oriented core-shell nanofibers is provided in the present invention, where each of said core-shell nanofibers comprises at least an active-ingredient-loaded polymeric core and a non-polymeric shell consisting of active ingredients only surrounding the core. Related fabrication method of said membrane is also provided in the present invention. 1. A membrane comprising a plurality of randomly oriented core-shell nanofibers , each of said core-shell nanofibers comprising:a non-polymeric nanofiber shell which is composed of one or more active ingredients and remains intact under a dry condition but is instantly dissolvable under a wet condition; anda polymeric nanofiber core comprising a polymer incorporated with one or more active ingredients which remains intact under either a dry or wet condition but is able to release the one or more active ingredients in a controlled release manner when said nanofiber shell is dissolved.2. The membrane of claim 1 , wherein said core-shell nanofiber has a diameter of 100-1000 nm.3. The membrane of claim 1 , wherein the nanofiber core has a diameter of 50-900 nm.4. The membrane of claim 1 , wherein the nanofiber shell has a thickness of 25-250 nm.5. The membrane of claim 1 , wherein the core-shell nanofiber has a surface potential of 10-100 V.6. The membrane of claim 1 , wherein the one or more active ingredients in any of the nanofiber shell and core are small molecules having a molecular weight of 400 Da or below.7. The membrane of claim 6 , wherein the small molecules have skincare properties comprising one or more of hydration claim 6 , moisturizing claim 6 , acne treatment claim 6 , anti-irritation claim 6 , whitening claim 6 , anti-aging claim 6 , and/or anti-oxidant.8. The membrane of claim 7 , wherein the small molecules having hydration and/or moisturizing properties comprise urea claim 7 , pyrrolidone carboxylic acid (PCA) claim 7 , panthenol claim 7 , trehalose claim 7 ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Collaboration in an Apparel Design System

Номер: US20210161235A1
Принадлежит: Levi Strauss and Co

A system allows a user to create new designs for apparel and preview these designs before manufacture. Software and lasers are used in finishing apparel to produce a desired wear pattern or other design. Users may communicate with other users on how wear patterns should be applied onto base garments and make changes to the wear patterns or other garment features, while sharing with other users their progress.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200122508A1

One embodiment of the present invention provides a rubber reinforcement material which comprises a fiber substrate, an adhesive layer disposed on the fiber substrate, a rubber compound layer disposed on the adhesive layer, and resorcinol-formaldehyde-latex (RFL), wherein the rubber compound layer has a thickness of 5 μm to 200 μm. 1. A rubber reinforcing material comprising:a fiber substrate;an adhesive layer disposed on the fiber substrate; anda rubber compound layer disposed on the adhesive layer,wherein the rubber compound layer has a thickness of 5 μm to 200 μm.2. The rubber reinforcing material according to claim 1 ,wherein the rubber compound layer has a thickness of 5 μm to 30 μm.3. The rubber reinforcing material according to claim 1 ,wherein the rubber compound layer is formed from a rubber compound solution, andthe rubber compound solution contains 10 to 40% by weight of an elastomeric composition and 60 to 90% by weight of a solvent based on the total weight of the rubber compound solution.4. The rubber reinforcing material according to claim 1 ,wherein the elastomeric composition includes at least one elastomeric polymer selected from natural rubber, styrene butadiene rubber, butadiene rubber, chloroprene rubber, isobutylene rubber, isoprene rubber, nitrile rubber, butyl rubber and neoprene rubber.5. The rubber reinforcing material according to claim 1 ,wherein the solvent includes at least one selected from toluene, naphtha, methanol, xylene and tetrahydrofuran.6. The rubber reinforcing material according to claim 1 ,wherein the adhesive layer includes resorcinol-formaldehyde-latex (RFL).7. The rubber reinforcing material according to claim 1 ,wherein the fiber substrate includes at least one of a fiber yarn and a textile substrate.8. The rubber reinforcing material according to claim 1 ,wherein the textile substrate is a fabric formed by weaving fiber yarns.9. The rubber reinforcing material according to claim 1 ,wherein it has an adhesive force of 3N/ ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190127906A1
Принадлежит: Fast Retailing Co., Ltd.

A damage process for a textile product may include, but is not limited to, irradiating a laser beam onto a surface region of a textile product which is dyed, to burn the surface region, exposing the textile product to an ozone gas; and agitating the textile product together with at least one of: pieces of one or more solid materials having uneven surfaces and one or more abrasives of artificial fibers to allow the surface region to be shaved by the at least one of: the pieces of one or more solid materials and the one or more abrasives of artificial fibers. One or more subsequent processes can be carried out, without dipping the textile product into water or a liquid of chemicals, after agitating the textile product and until softening the textile product. 1. A damage process for a textile product , the process comprising:exposing at least a surface region of a textile product, which is dyed, to a mist of water to give a moisture to the textile product; andagitating the textile product together with one or more abrasives of artificial fibers to allow the surface region to be shaved by the one or more abrasives of artificial fibers.2. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising:carrying out one or more subsequent processes, without dipping the textile product into water or a liquid of chemicals, after agitating the textile product and until softening the textile product.3. The process according to claim 1 ,wherein agitating the textile product comprises agitating the textile product together with both pieces of one or more solid materials and the one or more abrasives of artificial fibers in the presence of an ozone gas, andwherein the artificial fibers are made of a polymer containing aluminum oxide.4. The process according to claim 3 ,wherein the pieces of one or more solid materials are greater in hardness and mass-per-volume than the textile product, and the one or more abrasives of artificial fibers are greater in hardness and elasticity of fiber than ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123685A1

The present invention provides a composition of a fabric. The fabric comprises a proportion of 20% to 50% rose fiber yarn and a proportion of at least one structural yarn. Proportions of soft and/or elastic yarns may be added. 1. A fabric comprising a proportion of 20% to 50% rose fiber yarn and a proportion of at least one structural yarn.2. The fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the fabric comprises 20% to 45% rose fiber yarn claim 1 , in particular 20% to 40% claim 1 , more particularly 25% to 40%.3. The fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the fabric comprises 30 to 45% rose fiber claim 1 , in particular 35 to 40% rose fiber.4. The fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the fabric comprises 20 to 35% rose fiber claim 1 , in particular 25 to 30% rose fiber.5. The fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the fabric comprises additionally a proportion of at least one soft yarn.6. The fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the fabric comprises additionally a proportion of at least one elastic yarn.7. The fabric according to claim 1 , wherein said proportion of the at least one soft yarn is 1-20% claim 1 , in particular 1-15% claim 1 , more particularly 6-12%.8. The fabric according to claim 1 , wherein said proportion of the at least one elastic yarn is 1-10% claim 1 , in particular 1-5% claim 1 , more particularly 2-4%.9. The fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the proportion of the at least one structural yarn Pis calculated according to equation (1) claim 1 ,{'br': None, 'i': 'P=P', 'sub': 'str', '100%−\u2003\u2003(1),'}{'sub': str', 'str, 'wherein P is the sum all of yarn proportions except of the proportion Pand Pis the proportion of one or more structural yarns.'}10. The fabric according to claim 1 , comprising 25% to 40% rose fiber yarn claim 1 , in particular 35% to 40% and said proportion Pof the at least one structural yarn claim 1 , in particular comprising additionally 6-12% of the at least one soft yarn claim 1 , and/or 3% of the at least one elastic ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220279868A1
Автор: Wylde Jessica

A breast tape for supporting and lifting breasts and a method of applying the same are provided. The breast tape includes a body of lace, an adhesive applied to one surface of the lace, and a segmented protective material overlaying the adhesive. The breast tape supports and lifts the breasts by molding thereto and is attractive, easy to apply, has a smooth appearance, does not lose adhesiveness with ongoing wear, is breathable, comfortable and does not require heat activation or a lengthy gripping time. The method includes removing a first segment of protective material attached to a base of the breast tape and applying the base to a bottom of the breast, removing a second segment of the protective material, lifting the breast tape to achieve a desired support and lift, and applying the remainder of the breast tape to the skin and molding to the skin. 1. A breast tape for lifting and supporting a breast of a user comprising: the breast tape body having a front surface and a rear surface;', 'the rear surface having an upper rear portion and a lower rear portion;, 'a breast tape body comprising a lace material;'} ["the adhesive coating applied to the lower rear portion adapted to adhere to breast tissue of the user at a first location below a nipple of the user, the adhesive coating applied to the upper rear portion being adapted to adhere to the user's breast tissue at a second location above the user's nipple, and the breast tape body adapted to attach and mold to the breast tissue between the first location and second location,", "wherein adherence of the breast tape body to the user provides lift and support to the user's breast; and,"], 'an adhesive coating applied to substantially a whole of the rear surface, including both the upper rear portion and the lower rear portion;'}a peel-away removable protective layer applied substantially over the whole of the adhesive coating to maintain an adhesiveness of the adhesive coating while the protective layer remains in ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Double-Knit Textile with Texturized Inlay Yarns

Номер: US20220282409A1

Disclosed is a double-knit textile having a plurality of texturized inlay yarns movably positioned between a front layer () and a back layer () of the double-knit textile. The double-knit textile includes areas where a yarn from the back layer is transferred to the front layer and knitted in one or more knit stitches to form an interknitted location (). The number of interknitted locations per unit area varies in different portions of the double-knit textile. The double-knit textile is configured to provide zoned insulation and/or cushioning features. 1. A double-knit textile comprising:a front layer;a back layer, wherein a first yarn from the back layer is transferred to the front layer at a first interknitted location, and wherein a second yarn from the back layer is transferred to the front layer at a second interknitted location; anda plurality of texturized inlay yarns positioned between the front layer and the back layer, wherein at least a first texturized inlay yarn of the plurality of texturized inlay yarns is located between the first interknitted location and the second interknitted location, and wherein the first texturized inlay yarn is movable relative to at least the back layer in a direction of its longitudinal length.2. The double-knit textile of claim 1 , wherein the front layer is formed from a cotton yarn.3. The double-knit textile of claim 1 , wherein the first texturized inlay yarn is not integrally knitted with yarns from the front layer or the back layer.4. The double-knit textile of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of texturized inlay yarns are not integrally knitted with yarns from the front layer or the back layer.5. The double-knit textile of claim 1 , wherein each texturized inlay yarn of the plurality of texturized inlay yarns comprises a 600 denier claim 1 , 195 filament polyester yarn.6. The double-knit textile of claim 1 , wherein each texturized inlay yarn of the plurality of texturized inlay yarns comprises about 150 turns/meter.7. ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200131675A1

Twisted, non-blended hybrid yarns are provided that are suitable for the fabrication of abrasion resistant garments and other textile articles. One or more polyolefin fibers are ply twisted together with one or more non-polyolefin fibers in a manner that utilizes the properties of each fiber type. A plurality of the twisted, non-blended hybrid yarns is then woven or knitted into fabrics, such as twill woven denim, or formed into ropes, such as braided ropes. 1. A twisted , non-blended yarn comprising a twisted combination of one or more polyolefin fibers and one or more non-polyolefin fibers , wherein the twisted yarn has a yarn surface area , wherein said polyolefin fibers form greater than 20% of said yarn surface area , and wherein said polyolefin fibers and said non-polyolefin fibers are twisted together.2. The twisted claim 1 , non-blended yarn of wherein said polyolefin fibers are continuous ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibers and wherein said non-polyolefin fibers comprise one or more synthetic fibers claim 1 , one or more natural fibers or both one or more synthetic fibers and one or more natural fibers.3. The twisted claim 1 , non-blended yarn of wherein said polyolefin fibers are continuous ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibers and wherein said non-polyolefin fibers comprise one or more elastic fibers claim 1 , one or more natural fibers or both one or more elastic fibers and one or more natural fibers.4. The twisted claim 1 , non-blended yarn of wherein said polyolefin fibers are continuous ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibers and wherein said non-polyolefin fibers comprise one or more elastic fibers claim 1 , one or more natural fibers and one or more non-elastic synthetic fibers.5. The twisted claim 1 , non-blended yarn of wherein said non-polyolefin fibers comprise both one or more cotton fibers and one or more elastic and/or non-elastic synthetic fibers.6. The twisted claim 1 , non-blended yarn of wherein said non- ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172099A1

A velvet fabric knitting method is applied by performing a shearing process different from the terry-cloth construction on two different yarns in a double plated circular knitting machine and by means of the invention, light effects and episodic patterning are achieved without applying any printing process and/or using jacquard circular knitting machines. The progress is achieved by producing ring-spun, open-end, air-jet, friction yarn from different material mixtures and using them as pile yarn in the production of a velvet fabric. 1. A velvet fabric knitting method comprising the steps ofmixing a plurality of fibers comprising neps used in a pile yarn with a textile fiber comprised of natural, synthetic, regenerated fibers or a mixture of the natural, synthetic and regenerated fibers and making the plurality of fibers and the textile fiber into a plurality of slivers upon processing the plurality of fibers and the textile fibers in a carding machine;activating a draw frame for eliminating roughness of the plurality of slivers coming from the carding machine and splicing a plurality of sliver cotton pieces with a plurality of sliver neps and mixing the plurality of sliver neps into a main material;activating a roving frame for thinning a draw frame sliver cotton and a nep mixture coming from the draw frame and subjecting the draw frame sliver cotton and the nep mixture to a twisting process to obtain a plurality of cords;activating a ring machine for obtaining a yarn by thinning the plurality of cords coming from a main fiber and a nep mixture from a roving machine via drawing and winding the yarn onto a plurality of cops;knitting a greige fabric by a plurality of needles, wherein the greige fabric is turning upon upwards-downwards movement of the plurality of needles provided in a double cylinder circular knitting machine;knitting the pile yarn and a ground yarn by passing the pile yarn and the ground yarn through the plurality of needles in a plurality of ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Online Ordering and Manufacturing of Apparel Using Laser-Finished Fabric Rolls

Номер: US20220290365A1

An on-demand manufacturing of apparel system includes online customization and ordering of garments, previewing of the garments, manufacturing including laser finishing of garments, and delivery to the customer. Laser finishing of apparel products reduces finishing cost, lowers carrying costs, increases productivity, shortens time to market, be more reactive to trends, reduces product constraints, reduces lost sales and dilution, and more. Fabric templates can be used to produce a multitude of laser finishes. Operational efficiency is improved. 1. A method comprising:providing a fabric roll of woven material comprising a warp yarn comprising indigo-dyed cotton yarn, wherein the fabric roll corresponds to a base template;using a digital design tool, selecting a base template from a plurality of available base templates and selecting a finishing pattern to apply to the base template, wherein the selected base template and selected finishing pattern comprise a garment design created using the digital design tool, and the digital design tool comprises a preview tool;using the preview tool, showing a preview image of the garment selected finishing pattern on the base template, wherein the preview image represents the garment after laser finishing;at a laser finishing facility, receiving an order corresponding to the garment design created using the digital design tool, and using a laser, creating a finishing pattern on an outer surface of the fabric roll that corresponds to the selected base template using a laser input file comprising the selected finishing pattern,wherein based on the laser input file, the laser removes selected amounts of material from the surface of the fabric roll at different pixel locations;cutting panels for the garment design from the laser-finished fabric roll;assembling the laser-finished panels together into a sewn garment; andwashing the sewn garment according to a base wash recipe to obtain a finished garment having an appearance ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Woven Fabric With Bulky Continuous Filaments Yarns and Related Manufacturing Methods

Номер: US20180148866A1

A woven fabric with continuous filament, high bulk yarns on the fabric first side is disclosed, and related method and apparatus of manufacturing same. 1. A yarn comprising:a plurality of continuous filaments forming a high bulk continuous filament yarn assembly, the high bulk continuous filament yarn assembly having a thickness between about 0.5 mm to about 5.0 mm for a count of between about 20 denier to about 250 denier,wherein the high bulk continuous filament yarn has a plurality of entanglements disposed along a length that is perpendicular to the thickness.2. The yarn of claim 1 , wherein the high bulk textured continuous filament yarn assembly has a bulk ratio between 1.1 and 3.0.3. The yarn of claim 1 , wherein the high bulk textured continuous filament yarn assembly has between 100 to about 250 filaments per yarn assembly.4. The yarn of claim 1 , wherein the high bulk textured continuous filament yarn is a dope-dyed or solution dyed yarn.5. The yarn of claim 4 , wherein coloring agents are within a morphology of the filaments that form the high bulk textured continuous filament yarn assembly.6. The yarn of claim 1 , wherein the high bulk textured continuous filament yarn is a polyethylene terephthalate filament yarn.7. A method for manufacturing a yarn claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:extruding a plurality of continuous filaments into a continuous filament yarn;twisting the continuous filament yarn to form a twisted continuous filament yarn;thermally treating the twisted continuous filament yarn to at least partially heat set the twisted continuous filament yarn to form a heat-set twisted continuous filament yarn;after thermally treating, intermingling the plurality of continuous filaments to form a high bulk textured continuous filament yarn; andwinding the high bulk continuous filament yarn onto a yarn package.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the high bulk continuous filament yarn has a thickness between about 0.5 mm to about 5.0 mm for a ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Fabric that has Utility to Expand its' Surface Area

Номер: US20210180218A1
Автор: Ellenbogen Dane R.

A knitted component with the function to expand its surface area in all directions due to the utility of the thread. The thread is comprised of an axial braided sleeve around a tensile plastic core thread. 1. A knitted component utilizing manufactured thread outer cotton fibers that axially woven around a shorter core thread comprising of a relatively flexible, tensile and malleable plastic component. The present invention relates to manufacturing knitted components with utility from specially woven thread and more particularly to manufacturing a braided sleeve around a tensile core thread.Prior related art to the example invention is U.S. Pat. No. 3,127,731A, which is plastic core yarn, which relates to some of the materials used for the utility of the example invention but they differ in structure and utility; and U.S. Pat. No. 6,148,865A, which is axial woven structures, which relates to the structure of the outside sleeve of the example invention but they differ in materials used and utility.A knitted component with the utility to increase its surface area. Each individual thread is a braided sleeve around a tensile core.This invention is utilized for fabric that can expand to the users preferences. The fabric is comprised of specially manufactured thread that can extend in length, whilst decreasing in circumference. 8 cotton fiber strands are woven in an axial braid, with 4 of the strands at equal distances apart being woven clockwise at a 45 degree angle and the other 4 strands at equal distances apart being woven counter clockwise at a 45 degree angle to create a cloth axial braided sleeve. Because of the cotton make up the sleeve has no rigid structure without it's internal skeleton, ex. loose cloth Chinese finger trap. Thus the internal skeleton, is a tensile plastic core that can be stretched up to a minimum 1.5 times it's original length before breaking. The cloth is fused to the plastic core thread every three inches in order to evenly pull the cotton ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160160438A1

A method for manufacturing a dye scavenging substrate which comprises the steps of: (a) providing an absorbent substrate; (b) passing the substrate through a bath containing an alkaline solution of a dye scavenging compound selected from: (i) a N-trisubstituted ammonium-2-hydroxy-3-halopropyl compound having the general formula (I), or (ii) a salt of epoxy propyl ammonium having the general formula (II), or a combination thereof; (c) subjecting the substrate to a pressure of from about 0.04 MPa to about 0.40 MPa; (d) wrapping the substrate in a water impermeable material and rotating the substrate for a period of from about 12 hours to about 60 hours; (e) removing the water impermeable material and passing the substrate through a bath containing an acid solution; (f) subjecting the substrate to a pressure of from about 0.15 MPa to about 0.40 MPa; and (g) drying the substrate. 2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein in step (c) claim 1 , the pressure is from about 0.05 MPa to about 0.35 MPa.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein in step (c) claim 1 , the pressure is obtained by passing the substrate between a pair of rollers.4. A method according to claim 3 , wherein in step (c) claim 3 , the substrate is passed through the rollers at a speed of from about 10 m.minto about 60 m.min.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein in step (d) claim 1 , the substrate is rotated for a period of from about 24 hours to about 48 hours.6. A method according to claim 1 , wherein in step (d) claim 1 , the temperature is from about 10° C. to about 100° C.7. A method according to claim 1 , wherein in step (b) claim 1 , the alkaline solution is at a temperature of from about 10° C. to about 30° C.8. A method according to claim 1 , wherein in step (e) claim 1 , the acid solution comprises water and a hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution.9. A method according to claim 1 , wherein in step (f) claim 1 , the pressure is from about 0.20 MPa to about 0.35 MPa.10. A method according to ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Three-Dimensional Preview of Laser-Finished Apparel

Номер: US20220298724A1

A system allows a user to create new designs for apparel and preview these designs before manufacture. Software and lasers are used in finishing apparel to produce a desired wear pattern or other design. The user's preview may be based upon a two-dimensional image of a wear pattern in a laser input file and, from a set of two-dimensional images of a base garment, create a three-dimensional view of the base garment with the wear pattern. 1. A method comprising:providing a set of images of a jeans garment base, without a finishing pattern, wherein the set of images comprises a plurality of two-dimensional images of the jeans garment base;in a jeans design tool, generating three-dimensional preview imagery on a computer screen of a jeans garment as customized by a user with a finishing pattern to be created by a laser, wherein the jeans design tool comprisesproviding a first option for the user to select a jeans garment base and upon the user's selection, showing first preview imagery on the computer screen that is three-dimensional imagery generated from the plurality of two-dimensional images of the jeans garment base, wherein the first preview imagery comprises a jeans base imagery for the selected jeans garment base,providing a second option for the user to select a finishing pattern from a menu of finishing patterns, wherein each finishing pattern is associated with a laser input file to be used by a laser to produce that finishing pattern onto the jeans garment,after the finishing pattern is selected, showing second preview imagery on the computer screen that is three-dimensional imagery comprising the selected finishing pattern mapped onto a surface profile of the jeans base imagery, wherein the second preview imagery replaces the first preview imagery,wherein the second preview imagery is generated comprisinggenerating adjusted base imagery from the jeans base imagery without the finishing pattern,generating a pattern mask based on the laser input file ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190153639A1
Автор: Kazutoshi Nishigaki
Принадлежит: Nishigaki Socks Co Ltd

A conventional sock, in which a pile yarn is knitted into loops together with a polyurethane yarn has cushioning properties, but has a problem in that it cannot be used for a long period of time. According to the present invention, a first component yarn 15 a composed of two yarns, namely, a woolly nylon yarn 13 a and a cotton yarn 14 a , and a second component yarn 15 b composed of two yarns, namely, a woolly nylon yarn 13 b and a cotton yarn 14 b , are alternately knitted into float loops every 10 loops. Accordingly, the cotton yarns that are less stretchable appear on the surface, and thus cushioning properties can be improved. Also, the yarn strength can be increased by the woolly nylon yarns that are highly stretchable, and also the strength can be further increased by using the component yarns each composed of two yarns: a woolly nylon yarn; and a cotton yarn. Accordingly, the obtained sock can be used for a long period of time.

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210189607A1

A method and system for forming protective composite yarns and fabrics having selected performance characteristics including cut resistance and/or fire/heat resistance, while also providing enhanced comfort and aesthetic attributes. The yarn will include fibers of a first type introduced from a first roving to a first set of drafting rollers of a spinning frame, and one or more additional types of fibers introduced from one or more additional rovings additional sets of drafting rollers of the spinning frame in an alternating fashion with the fibers of the first type. The fibers of the first type and the fibers of the additional type are substantially overlapped and successively attached and detached to form the composite yarn having attributes of the first fibers, such as increased comfort, moisture-wicking and an ability to be dyed, colored or printed, combined with technical properties of the fibers of the one or more additional types of fibers, such as cut, abrasion and/or fire/heat resistance, static dissipation, and other performance characteristics, with bands or splashes of color from such fibers incorporated therein. Fashionable or aesthetically appearing performance fabrics can be formed from the composite yarn with the desired performance and comfort characteristics. 1. A method of forming a composite yarn , comprising:Introducing a series of fibers of a first type from a first roving to a first set of drafting rollers of a spinning frame, the first type of fibers comprising a series of staple fibers;spinning the fibers of the first type at the spinning frame;alternately stopping feeding of the fibers of the first type and introducing one or more additional types of fibers selected as having one or more technical properties including at least one of cut resistance, abrasion resistance, heat resistance, fire resistance, static dissipation, and/or increased strength, from at one or more additional rovings to the spinning frame;spinning and integrating the ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210189608A1
Автор: ITOI Toru

A synthetic fiber blend fabric is disclosed. The synthetic fiber blend fabric is a woven fabric that is made from blended yarns each obtained by mix spinning of three or more kinds of fibers including wool fibers, polyester fibers, and acrylic fibers, or is a woven fabric mainly consisting of the blended yarns. Each of the blended yarns contains the three or more kinds of fibers blended therein so as to be approximately uniformly distributed at a prescribed blending ratio along a longitudinal direction of the blended yarn. The blended yarn has a total content of the wool fibers, the polyester fibers, and the acrylic fibers of 90 mass % or more and 100 mass % or less. The acrylic fibers have a fineness of 0.5 dtex or more and 1.4 dtex or less. 1. A synthetic fiber blend fabric being a woven fabric that is made from blended yarns each obtained by mix spinning of three or more kinds of fibers including wool fibers , polyester fibers , and acrylic fibers , or being a woven fabric mainly consisting of the blended yarns ,each of the blended yarns containing the three or more kinds of fibers blended therein so as to be approximately uniformly distributed at a prescribed blending ratio along a longitudinal direction of the blended yarn, and the blended yarn having a total content of the wool fibers, the polyester fibers, and the acrylic fibers of 90 mass % or more and 100 mass % or less, andthe acrylic fibers having a fineness of 0.5 dtex or more and 1.4 dtex or less.2. The synthetic fiber blend fabric according to claim 1 , whereineach of the blended yarns has a content of the wool fibers of 30 mass % or more and 70 mass % or less, a content of the polyester fibers of 20 mass % or more and 50 mass % or less, and a content of the acrylic fibers of 10 mass % or more and 30 mass % or less.3. The synthetic fiber blend fabric according to claim 1 , whereineach of the blended yarns is a two ply yarn, andeach of the blended yarns has a metric count of 2/36 to 2/140.4. The ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180163327A1

The present disclosure relates to a new and improved textile fabric fabricated of twill weave sheeting that has excellent wrinkle resisting characteristics, improved softness and durability over the sheeting fabrics currently being manufactured, enhanced aesthetic appeal, economy in cost of manufacture and other desirable characteristics. The textile fabric of the present disclosure can be formed of warp and weft yarns of twill weave construction wherein each of the warp yarns can be made of a natural material and each of the weft yarns can be made of a synthetic material. In an embodiment, the twill weave sheeting can have warp yarn and weft yarn, wherein the warp yarn and the weft yarn being a cross weave of cotton and polyester. 1. A textile fabric comprising: a twill weave sheeting comprising a first surface and a second opposite surface , wherein both the first surface and the second surface exhibit color consistency; a cotton warp yarn with a yarn count of 20 s to 60 s, a denier of 10 D to 300 D, and 7 to 216 filament;', 'a polyester weft yarn with a denier of 15 D to 240 D and 7 to 216 filament, wherein the polyester weft yarn has low degree of intermingling of yarns;', 'wherein the cotton warp yarn and the polyester weft yarn in each surface are a cross weave, 2/1, 2 over 1 and under;', 'wherein both the first and second surfaces comprise a proportion of cotton and a proportion of polyester, the proportion of cotton being greater than the proportion of polyester; and', 'wherein the twill weave sheeting has a high thread count of 200 to 2000 threads per inch., 'wherein the twill weave sheeting comprises2. The textile fabric as claimed in for use as a bedding product.3. The textile fabric as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the bedding product is selected from the group consisting of a bed sheet claim 2 , a pillow case claim 2 , a comforter claim 2 , a coverlet claim 2 , a pillow sham claim 2 , a dust ruffle claim 2 , a blanket claim 2 , a bedspread claim 2 , and ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220307164A1

An apparatus for collection and disposal of fats, oil and grease that includes a fabric container having at least one open end, a biogradable material capable of absorbing a large quantity of fats, oil and grease positioned in the container through the open end, the container and biogradable material adapted for being placed in a source of fats, oil and/or grease for absorbing the fats, oil and/or grease for removal from the source and for transport to a location for processing. 1. An apparatus for collection and disposal of fats , oil and grease , comprising:a. a container formed of a fabric having a multiplicity of openings and at least one open end, the container is a tube;b. the container adapted to receive an absorbent material into the container capable of absorbing a quantity of fats, oil and grease, the container and biogradable material adapted for being placed in a source of fats, oil and/or grease for absorbing the fats, oil and/or grease for removal from the source and for transport to a location for processing; andc. a closure for closing the open end of the container with the biodegradable material positioned within the container.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the fabric is a geotextile.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the fabric is a biodegradable material.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the fabric is constructed of a biodegradable yarn selected from the group consisting of cotton claim 3 , hemp claim 3 , ramie or jute.5. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the fabric is constructed of a synthetic yarn.6. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the fabric has an apparent opening size (AOS) of 0.25 mm to 0.5 mm.7. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the tube includes one closed end and an open end adapted for being closed after being filled with the absorbent material.8. The apparatus according to claim 7 , wherein the tube includes an element adapted for receiving an elongate cord ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Fleece fabric and method for producing the same

Номер: US20190161892A1

A fabric having a first side and a second side and comprising weft yarns and warp yarns woven together in pattern. At least some of the weft, or warp, yarns float over a number of warp yarns, or weft yarns, and below a number of warp yarns, or weft yarns, to provide weft, or warp, over portions on the first side and under portions on the second side. The under portions and/or over portions of the yarns form loops. At least some of the yarns that form the loops are conjugate yarns comprising a plurality of filaments that are separable, i.e., splittable into sub-filaments. The loops of the conjugate yarns extend for a length of at least three adjacent warp, or weft, yarns.

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150176198A1
Автор: Strickland Aaron D.

Disclosed in this specification is a composition and method for controlled synthesis of interconnects to crosslink nanoparticles, wherein the said particles conformally coat the surface of non-planar substrates. A method is provided for crosslinking nanoparticles that are conformally coated on fibrous materials, wherein the presence of initiator units on the surface of the particles guide the formation of interconnects. A second method uses preformed interconnects to crosslink nanoparticles that are conformally coated on fibrous materials. The nanoparticles on the coating are crosslinked in order to impart new and/or enhanced properties to the particle-coated non-planar substrates. 1. An assembly including:a non-planar fiber with a cross-sectional diameter between 10 nm and 100 μm;a conformal layer of nanoparticles disposed on the surface of the fiber, the nanoparticles having an average size of between 1 nm and 2000 nm;interconnects, each one of which is bound to at least two of the nanoparticles;the assembly having less than about 20 weight percent nanoparticles relative to total weight of the fiber, the nanoparticles and the interconnects.2. The assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the fiber is part of a textile substrate selected from the group consisting of a woven textile claim 1 , a non-woven textile claim 1 , a woven composite claim 1 , a knit claim 1 , a braid or a yarn.3. The assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the nanoparticles include a metal or metal oxide.4. The assembly as recited in claim 2 , wherein the nanoparticles include silver claim 2 , gold claim 2 , copper claim 2 , copper oxide claim 2 , or aluminum-doped zinc oxide.5. The assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the nanoparticles comprise a material selected from the group consisting of palladium claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , zinc oxide claim 1 , silicon dioxide claim 1 , titanium dioxide claim 1 , iron oxide claim 1 , aluminum oxide claim 1 , ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Non-Woven Fabric Containing Cotton And Method For Manufacturing Same

Номер: US20160176158A1
Автор: XIE Jihua, XIE JIQUAN

Provided are a non-woven fabric containing cotton and a method for manufacturing same. The non-woven fabric containing cotton is composed of at least a surface layer and a non-woven fabric reinforcement layer, wherein the surface layer is composed of 30%-100% of cotton fibers in a gram weight of 5-30 g/m2, and the cotton fibers permeate the non-woven fabric reinforcement layer. The non-woven fabric containing cotton can not only maintain the advantages of softness and kindness to skin of the cotton fibers, but can also improve the strength of a spunlace non-woven fabric. 1. Anon-woven fabric containing cotton , composed of at least one surface layer and a non-woven fabric reinforcement layer , the surface layer being composed of 30%-100% of cotton fibers in a grain weight of 5-30 g/m2 , the cotton fibers permeating the non-woven fabric reinforcement layer.2. The non-woven fabric containing cotton as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the surface layer is in a gram weight of 5-20 g/m2.3. The non-woven fabric containing cotton as claimed in or claim 1 , wherein the cotton fibers are hydrophilic cotton fibers or hydrophobic cotton fibers.4. The non-woven fabric containing cotton as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the surface layer includes 70%-100% of cotton fibers.5. The non-woven fabric containing cotton as claimed in or claim 3 , wherein the non-woven fabric reinforcement layer is one of a polypropylene spunbond non-woven fabric claim 3 , a hot blast non-woven fabric claim 3 , and a hot-rolled non-woven fabric.6. The non-woven fabric containing cotton as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the non-woven fabric reinforcement layer is in a gram weight of 8-50 g/m2.7. The non-woven fabric containing cotton as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the non-woven fabric reinforcement layer is in a gram weight of 10-30 g/m2.8. The non-woven fabric containing cotton as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the surface layer is disposed on upper and lower surfaces of the non-woven fabric reinforcement layer. ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180171514A1

It is disclosed a woven textile fabric comprising a first and a second electrically conductive layer () of interwoven conductive yarns () and a first intermediate pseudo-layer () of structural and insulating yarns () comprised between the first and the second electrically conductive layer and a plurality of binding yarns () interlacing the first and second conductive layers () and the intermediate layer (). The structural yarns () and the binding yarns () have piezoelectric properties. 110. A woven textile fabric () comprising:{'b': 20', '22', '24, 'a first electrically conductive layer () of interwoven conductive yarns (,);'}{'b': 30', '32', '34, 'a second electrically conductive layer () of interwoven conductive yarns (,);'}{'b': 40', '45', '20', '30, 'a first intermediate layer () of structural yarns () disposed between the first and the second electrically conductive layer (, ), and'}{'b': 47', '20', '30', '40', '45', '47, 'a first plurality of binding yarns () interlacing the first and second conductive layers (,) and the intermediate layer (), wherein said structural yarns () and said binding yarns () have piezoelectric properties.'}21045474547. The woven textile fabric () according to claim 1 , wherein said structural yarns () and said binding yarns () are polarized under heat exceeding their glass-transition temperature (Tg) and under an electric field to provide piezoelectric properties to the yarns ( claim 1 ,).310472020. The woven textile fabric () according to claim 1 , wherein the binding yarns () cross upper portions of the first electrically conductive layer () and bottom portions of the second electrically conductive layer () or viceversa.4104045. The woven textile fabric () according to claim 1 , wherein the first intermediate layer () of structural yarns () is an electrically insulating layer.5102224. The woven textile fabric () according to claim 1 , wherein the conductive yarns ( claim 1 ,) are made of natural or synthetic material coated with a ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Proliferated thread count of a woven textile by simultaneous insertion within a single pick insertion event of a loom apparatus multiple adjacent parallel yarns drawn from a multi-pick yarn package

Номер: US20170175303A1
Автор: Arun Agarwal
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed are a method, a device and/or a system of proliferating a thread count of a woven textile by simultaneous insertion within a single pick insertion event of a loom apparatus multiple adjacent parallel yarns drawn from a multi-pick yarn package. In one or more embodiments, multiple texturized polyester weft yarns of denier between 15 and 65 are wound on a single bobbin in a parallel adjacent fashion such that they may be fed into an air jet pick insertion apparatus and/or a rapier pick insertion apparatus of an air jet loom to weave a textile that has between 90 to 235 ends per inch cotton warp yarns and between 100 and 1410 polyester weft yarns.

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207293A1

Embodiments described herein generally relate to textile structures comprising core spun yarns, and associated methods for manufacturing. One example embodiment is a textile structure including one or more layers of warp yarns interwoven with one or more layers of weft yarns, wherein at least one of the one or more layers of warp yarns and one or more layers of weft yarns include one or more core spun yarns. 1. A sheeting fabric comprising:one or more layers of warp yarns; and wherein the one or more layers of warp yarns consist essentially of core spun yarns and the one or more layers of weft yarns consist essentially of non-core spun yarns, wherein the core spun yarns consist essentially of a polyester filament core and a cotton sheath, and the non-core spun yarns consist essentially of polyester yarns,', 'wherein the wefts per inch consisting essentially of the non-core spun yarns is up to 50 percent less than the warps per inch consisting essentially of the core spun yarns,', 'wherein the non-core spun yarns are selected from spun yarns and filament yarns,', 'wherein a total thread count of the sheeting fabric is between 120 and 400,', 'wherein the sheeting fabric further comprises core spun yarns in the range of 40-80% by weight., 'one or more layers of weft yarns interwoven with the one or more layers of warp yarns,'}2. The sheeting fabric of claim 1 , wherein a core to sheath ratio by weight of the core spun yarns is at least 20:80.3. The sheeting fabric of claim 1 , wherein a tensile break strength of the core spun yarns is at least 40 kgf.4. The sheeting fabric of claim 1 , wherein a tensile break elongation of the core spun yarns is at least 20%.5. The sheeting fabric of claim 2 , wherein the sheath provides 100% coverage to the core.6. The sheeting fabric of claim 1 , wherein the warp yarns claim 1 , the weft yarns claim 1 , or the core spun yarns have a yarn count between 8 and 60 Ne.7. The sheeting fabric of claim 1 , wherein the warp yarns claim 1 , ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Insert Made of a Textile Fabric

Номер: US20210207933A1

The disclosure relates to an insert () made of a textile fabric for being received in a jacket wall of a cylindrical case () made of a combustible, felted fibrous material, wherein in particular embodiments the textile fabric includes one, several, or a plurality of yarns which along a longitudinal direction (L) of the insert form a plurality of mesh rows () which each include a plurality of meshes () that extend in a circumferential direction (U) of the insert. 15612. A textile fabric insert () configured for being received in a jacket wall of a cylindrical case () , wherein the case comprises a combustible , felted fibrous material , wherein the textile fabric is a knitwear () comprising a natural fiber yarn and a natural fiber-plastic blended yarn.2. The insert according to claim 1 , wherein the textile fabric includes only one layer.3. The insert according to claim 1 , wherein the natural fiber is cotton.4. The insert according to claim 1 , wherein the natural fiber-plastic blended yarn comprises polyurethane.5. The insert according claim 1 , wherein the natural fiber yarn comprises a proportional yarn content and/or a weight content of 30% to 50% in the textile fabric and/or the natural fiber-plastic blended yarn comprises a proportional yarn content and/or a weight content of 50% to 70% in the textile fabric.6. The insert according to claim 5 , wherein the proportions of natural fiber yarn and natural fiber-plastic blended yarn are 50/50.7. The insert according claim 1 , wherein the natural fiber-plastic blended yarn has a content of natural fiber from 70% to 95% and/or a content of plastic fiber from 5% to 30%.8. The insert according to claim 7 , wherein the proportions of natural fiber to plastic fiber are 89/11.95. The insert according to claim 1 , wherein the textile fabric insert () includes a knitted claim 1 , woven claim 1 , and/or crocheted fabric.105. The insert according to claim 9 , wherein the insert () is formed as a hose.11. The insert according ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170181504A1
Автор: KARNI Meitar

The invention relates to a fabric which can attach to itself by use of hand pressure, and methods for its manufacture. The invention provides a fabric having at least part of its surface covered with small monofilament loops. The self-attaching fabric having at least part of its surface covered with small monofilament hooks which removably engage each other when the surface is pressed into contact with another similar surface to retain together the two portions of the fabric until they are separated by a peeling action. 1. A self-attaching fabric having at least part of its surface covered with small monofilament hooks and loops which removably engage each other when said surface is pressed into contact with another similar surface to retain together said two portions of said fabric until they are separated by a peeling action.2. The fabric as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said monofilament hooks and loops are made of transparent polyester yarn.3. The fabric as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said hooks and loops are attached integral to the manufacturing process to a base fabric chosen from the group containing wool claim 1 , cotton claim 1 , viscose claim 1 , silk claim 1 , linen and blends thereof or others.4. The fabric as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a first part of its surface is covered with small monofilament hooks which removably engage a second part of its surface to enter the base fabric when pressed into contact therewith.5. The fabric as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the filament is composed of two filaments.6. A method for manufacturing the fabric as claimed in :STEP A: providing an industrial flat knitting machine having a front needle bed and a rear needle bed and being provided with electronic controls;STEP B: loading said machine with yarns as needed to form the base fabricSTEP C: loading said machine with said monofilament yarn to form loops;STEP D knitting the fabric including forming of said loops on at least one surface of said fabric, andSTEP E ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200173065A1

A fiber assembly including cellulose water-repellent fibers of the present invention is at least one selected from cotton, a fiber bundle, a yarn, and a gray fabric. A water-repellent agent is in a cross-linked state and fixed to the surface of cellulose fibers. A method for producing a fiber assembly including cellulose water-repellent fibers of the present invention includes applying a water-repellent agent to at least one fiber assembly selected from cotton, a fiber bundle, a yarn, and a gray fabric, and cross-linking the water-repellent agent to the surface of cellulose fibers by drying and then heat curing. Thus, the present invention provides a fiber assembly including cellulose water-repellent fibers that has durable water repellency, can be used for resist dyeing, and does not cause color transfer, a method for producing the fiber assembly, and a fiber product using the fiber assembly. 1. A fiber assembly comprising cellulose water-repellent fibers ,wherein the fiber assembly is at least one selected from cotton, a fiber bundle, a yarn, and a gray fabric, anda water-repellent agent is in a cross-linked state and fixed to a surface of cellulose fibers.2. The fiber assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber assembly comprising the cellulose water-repellent fibers is a fiber assembly for resist dyeing.3. The fiber assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the cellulose fibers are natural cellulose fibers.4. The fiber assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the water-repellent agent is a fluorine-based water-repellent agent.5. The fiber assembly according to claim 4 , wherein the cellulose water-repellent fibers have a fluorine content of 0.01 to 1.4% by mass.6. A method for producing the fiber assembly comprising the cellulose water-repellent fibers claim 4 ,the method comprising:applying a water-repellent agent to at least one fiber assembly selected from cotton, a fiber bundle, a yarn, and a gray fabric; andcross-linking the water-repellent agent to a ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

V-Ribbed Belt and Manufacturing Method for Same

Номер: US20200173523A1

The present invention relates to a V-ribbed belt in which a frictional power-transmission surface is formed from a weft knitted multilayer knitted fabric, characterized in that the weft knitted multilayer knitted fabric contains cellulose based natural spun yarn, polyester based composite yarn, and polyamide based yarn, and in that at least the cellulose based natural spun yarn and the polyamide based yarn are disposed in a layer on the frictional power-transmission surface side. 1. A V-ribbed belt having a frictional power-transmission surface constituted by a multilayer weft-knitted cloth , wherein:the multilayer weft-knitted cloth comprises a cellulose-based natural spun yarn, a polyester-based composite yarn, and a polyamide-based yarn; andat least the cellulose-based natural spun yarn and the polyamide-based yarn are disposed in a layer on a frictional power-transmission surface side.2. The V-ribbed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the multilayer weft-knitted cloth has a content of the polyamide-based yarn of 5 to 60 mass %.3. The V-ribbed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the multilayer weft-knitted cloth has a content of the cellulose-based natural spun yarn of 5 to 60 mass %.4. The V-ribbed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the multilayer weft-knitted cloth has a mass ratio between the polyamide-based yarn and the cellulose-based natural spun yarn claim 1 , satisfying a relation of (polyamide-based yarn):(cellulose-based natural spun yarn)=5:95 to 95:5.5. The V-ribbed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the polyester-based composite yarn included in the multilayer weft-knitted cloth is a bulk textured yarn comprising two or more kinds of polymers having different thermal shrinkage ratios from each other.6. The V-ribbed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the polyester-based composite yarn included in the multilayer weft-knitted cloth is a conjugate yarn comprising a polyethylene terephthalate (PET).7. The V-ribbed belt according to claim 1 , wherein ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180184738A1

An article of apparel is disclosed that includes zones with a textile having a structure than changes or is otherwise modified by a physical stimulus, such as the presence of water or a temperature change, to modify a property of the textile. The zones may be along a center back area and/or side areas of the apparel, and the textile may increase in air permeability when exposed to water. In some embodiments, slits are formed in the textile. 1. An upper-body article of apparel , comprising:a torso portion formed from a fabric, the torso portion having a front side, a back side, a left shoulder opening, a right shoulder opening, a neck opening, and a torso opening;a first row of incisions formed through the torso portion; anda second row of incisions formed through the torso portion adjacent the first row of incisions, the second row offset from the first row, the incisions of the second row staggered from the incisions of the first row,wherein each incision of the first row of incisions and the second row of incisions are in a first closed configuration at a first state of the fabric, wherein each said incision is in a second open configuration at a second state of the fabric, wherein the first state corresponds to a physical stimulus not being applied to the fabric, wherein the second state corresponds to a physical stimulus being applied to the fabric.2. The upper-body article of apparel of claim 1 , wherein each of the incisions of the first row are formed through the torso portion in parallel.3. The upper-body article of apparel of claim 1 , wherein the first row is parallel to the second row.4. The upper-body article of apparel of claim 1 , wherein each incision in the first row of incisions and each incision in the second row of incisions are semi-circular.5. The upper-body article of apparel of claim 1 , wherein each incision in the first row of incisions and each incision in the second row of incisions are v-shaped.6. The upper-body article of apparel of ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214865A1
Автор: Hsu Chih-Chang

This disclosure relates to techniques for designing and manufacturing an elastic fabric, and fabric manufactures therefrom. An example method includes (i) determining a density ratio of the elastic fabric based on a set of rules; (ii) determining a weft density of a weft yarn of the elastic fabric based on the set of rules and the density ratio; (iii) determining a warp density of a warp yarn of the elastic fabric based on the density ratio, the weft density, and the set of rules; (iv) forming warp yarns of the elastic fabric based on the warp density; and (v) forming weft yarns of the elastic fabric based on the weft density. Example multi-directional elastic woven fabrics may have a density ratio of the elastic fabric from a range of 1.1 to 2.625, depending on the weaving pattern and a set of rules disclosed here. 2. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the elastic fabric has a density ratio determined based on the warp density and the weft density.3. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the density ratio has a range from 1.1 to 2.625 claim 1 , the density ratio being a ratio of the warp density to the weft density.4. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the elastic fabric has a stretch attribute of 10% to 50%.5. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the elastic fabric has a growth attribute of 1% to 10%.6. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the elastic fabric has a recovery attribute of 40% to 99%.7. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the elastic fibers contribute 1% to 20% by weight of the fabric.8. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the fabric includes a poplin pattern.9. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the warp yarn and the weft yarn each include a secondary fiber.10. The fabric of claim 9 , wherein the secondary fiber includes a natural fiber.11. The fabric of claim 9 , wherein the secondary fiber includes an artificial fiber.12. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the elastic fibers include a polyurethane-based fiber.13. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the warp yarns and the weft yarns are ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for attaching chip to a textile

Номер: US20180187347A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Embodiments disclosed herein provide approaches for attaching scan control and other electronic chips to textiles, e.g., on a loom as part of a real-time manufacturing process.

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Process for Manufacturing Air Rich Yarn and Air Rich Fabric

Номер: US20190186054A1

A process for manufacturing air-rich yarn and air-rich fabric is provided. The process of the present invention uses optimized parameters for blending, doubling, drafting and spinning in draw frame, roving frame and ring frame respectively. The process of the present invention provides an air rich yarn comprising a plurality of fibers of a water soluble material interlinked and distributed homogenously across a cross-section of the yarn using the optimized parameters. The plurality of fibers of water soluble material after treatment with water provides an improved air rich yarn comprising a plurality of interlinked through-pores distributed homogenously across the cross-section of the yarn. Further, the present invention provides a process of preparing an air-rich fabric from the air-rich yarn, where the fabric exhibits high wettability, easy dry ability, quick absorbency and increased thickness due to homogenous distribution of the plurality of interlinked through-pores across the cross-section of the yarn. 1. A process for manufacturing a yarn comprising a plurality of interlinked through-pores distributed homogenously across a cross-section of the yarn , said process comprising:preparing a plurality of blended slivers, wherein each of the plurality of blended slivers are prepared by blending one or more slivers of a water soluble material with one or more slivers of a base material;doubling the plurality of blended slivers to obtain a homogenously blended sliver such that a plurality of fibers of the water soluble material in each of the one or more slivers of the water soluble material and a plurality of fibers of the base material in each of the one or more slivers of the base material distribute radially and homogenously across a cross-section of the homogenously blended sliver;drafting the homogenously blended sliver to obtain a roving such that the plurality of fibers of the water soluble material and the plurality of fibers of the base material distribute ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190186055A1
Автор: OHARA Tetsuya

Described herein are spun yarns, core spun yarns, and fabrics such as denim fabrics made thereof that contain recycled cotton fibers and recycled para-aramid fibers. The combination of fibers in the yarns and fabrics provide desirable properties such as increased tear strength, breaking strength, and abrasion resistance compared to yarns and fabrics made of 100 wt % cotton. 1. A garment comprising a denim fabric comprising a twill weave comprising a warp yarn and a weft yarn , i) a spun yarn comprising from about 1 wt % to about 30 wt % recycled para-aramid fiber, about 5 wt % to about 15 wt % recycled cotton fiber, and about 10 wt % to about 94 wt % virgin cotton fiber;', 'ii) a first core spun yarn comprising a first filament yarn comprising elastomeric fiber and a first wrap yarn comprising about 1 wt % to about 30 wt % recycled para-aramid fiber, about 5 wt % to about 15 wt % recycled cotton fiber, and about 10 wt % to about 94 wt % virgin cotton fiber; or', 'iii) a second core spun yarn comprising a second filament yarn comprising about 1 wt % to about 30 wt % recycled para-aramid fiber, about 5 wt % to about 15 wt % recycled cotton fiber, and about 10 wt % to about 94 wt % virgin cotton fiber and a second wrap yarn comprising a second filament yarn comprising elastomeric fiber;, 'wherein said warp yarn comprises i) a spun yarn comprising from about 1 wt % to about 30 wt % recycled para-aramid fiber, about 5 wt % to about 15 wt % recycled cotton fiber, and about 10 wt % to about 94 wt % virgin cotton fiber;', 'ii) a first core spun yarn comprising a first filament yarn comprising elastomeric fiber and a first wrap yarn comprising about 1 wt % to about 30 wt % recycled para-aramid fiber, about 5 wt % to about 15 wt % recycled cotton fiber, and about 10 wt % to about 94 wt % virgin cotton fiber; or', 'iii) a second core spun yarn comprising a second filament yarn comprising about 1 wt % to about 30 wt % recycled para-aramid fiber, about 5 wt % to about 15 wt % ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing and application of body smoothing knitted underwear capable of being used as outerwear

Номер: US20200181815A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides a method of manufacturing and an application of body smoothing knitted underwear capable of being used as an outerwear. The method includes the following steps: raw material preparation, knitting, dyeing, setting, cutting and sewing, bonding, ironing and finishing. The method can be realized by using the existing combined cylinder knitting device. Through the innovation of raw materials and processes, the underwear produced is soft, comfortable, breathable and warm, and has modest elasticity and the body smoothing function, which can tighten the skin. It is beautiful and elegant, and suitable for outside wearing as well.

13-07-2017 дата публикации

Cotton performance products and methods of their manufacture

Номер: US20170198432A1
Принадлежит: Tommie Copper Ip Inc

Performance fabrics and methods of manufacturing them where the fabric is knit or woven cotton and cotton elastane blends to which a moisture-management treatment of wax or wax emulsion is applied to one side of the woven or knitted fabric. The treated fabric is wicking, absorbent and not water repellant or water resistant.

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Terry Products Comprising Plied Yarns and Associated Methods for Manufacture

Номер: US20190194841A1

Terry products including plied yarns and associated methods of manufacture are disclosed. One example terry product includes a ground component including a plurality of ground warp yarns and a plurality of weft yarns interwoven with the plurality of ground warp yarns, the ground component including a lower side and an upper side opposed to the lower side along a vertical direction, and a pile component including a plurality of piles that extend away from the ground component along the vertical direction, the plurality of piles formed from a set of pile yarns including plied yarns. The plied yarns include two-ply yarns including natural fiber yarns and polymeric yarns. The natural fiber yarns can include cotton and the like. The polymeric yarns can include polyester and the like. 1. A terry product comprising:a ground component including a plurality of ground warp yarns and a plurality of ground weft yarns interwoven with the plurality of ground warp yarns, the ground component including a lower side and an upper side opposed to the lower side along a vertical direction; anda pile component including a plurality of piles that extend away from the ground component along the vertical direction, the plurality of piles formed from a set of pile yarns comprising plied yarns.2. The terry product of claim 1 , wherein the plied yarns comprise at least one of two-ply yarns claim 1 , three-ply yarns claim 1 , four-ply yarns claim 1 , five-ply yarns and six-ply yarns.3. The terry product of claim 1 , wherein the plied yarns comprise two-ply yarns.4. The terry product of claim 3 , wherein the two-ply yarns comprise a natural fiber yarn and a polymeric yarn.5. The terry product of claim 4 , wherein the natural fiber yarn comprises cotton yarn that is white or undyed.6. The terry product of claim 4 , wherein the polymeric yarn comprises polyester yarn.7. The terry product of claim 6 , wherein the polyester yarn is disperse dyed polyester yarn.8. The terry product of claim 6 , ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170204540A1
Автор: DUAN Hongwei

A highly absorbent, super-soft composite yarn includes a core formed of microfibers and a covering layer formed of natural fibers which are twisted and surround the microfibers. The microfiber is a composite fiber having two or more components. In one structure, the two components are held together in an interleaved structure resembling an orange in cross-section. In another structure, the microfibers have undergone a splitting process and the two components are separated from each other, where the single filaments of the two components have a linear mass density below 0.55 dtex. The natural fibers of the covering layer cotton fibers, hemp fibers, wool fibers, bamboo fibers, silk fibers, or soybean fibers. The microfibers are functionalized with one or more additives, such as antibacterial, aromatic, and UV-blocking additives. A method for manufacturing the composite yarn and related textile is also described. 1. (canceled)2. A composite yarn comprising:a core formed of microfibers, wherein each microfiber has two components which are different materials, the two components being held together in an interleaved arrangement in a cross-sectional view; anda covering layer formed of natural fibers which are twisted and surround and cover the core.3. The composite yarn of claim 2 , wherein the two components are polyamide 6 and polyester.4. The composite yarn of claim 3 , wherein either the polyamide 6 component or the polyester component or both are functionalized with a functional material.5. The composite yarn of claim 4 , wherein the functional material is selected from a group consisting of antibacterial materials claim 4 , aromatic materials claim 4 , and UV-blocking materials.6. The composite yarn of claim 21 , wherein the microfibers are separate filaments of polyamide 6 and polyester which have a linear mass density of less than or equal to 0.55 dtex.7. The composite yarn of claim 6 , wherein either the polyamide 6 filaments or the polyester filaments or both ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Upholstery fabrics for automobile, train and aircraft seats produced from regenerative nature fibers

Номер: US20150218747A1
Автор: Oschatsz Christian

A novel pure natural and regenerative automotive and aircraft upholstery fabric made from linen and blends of linen and cotton, bamboo, wool and/or viscose with physiological and fastness properties comparable with those of currently-used materials and meeting all the requirements of the automobile and aircraft industry. 112.-. (canceled)13. An automotive seat upholstery fabric or aircraft seat upholstery fabric made substantially from renewable and environmental-friendly natural fiber material wherein the said fabric contains at least about 50% by weight of the said upholstery fabric is linen.14. An automotive seat upholstery or aircraft seat upholstery fabric according to claim 13 , wherein said fabric consists of linen and cellulose fibers selected from the group consisting of: cotton claim 13 , bamboo and/or viscose.15. An automotive seat upholstery or aircraft seat upholstery fabric according to claim 14 , wherein the said fabric consists of at least about 50% by weigh of linen claim 14 , and the fabric further consists of one or more further fibers selected from the group consisting of cotton claim 14 , bamboo and/or viscose claim 14 , and further wherein cotton and/or bamboo is present in an amount of between about 0% by weight and about 50% by weight and in which the viscose is present in an amount of between about 0% by weight and about 50% by weight.16. An automotive seat upholstery or aircraft seat upholstery fabric according to claim 13 , wherein the said fabric consists of 50% by weight linen and about 10% by weight to about 50% by weight cotton and about 4% by weight to about 20% by weight of viscose.17. An automotive seat upholstery or aircraft seat upholstery fabric according to claim 13 , wherein the said fabric has a weight of between about 100 and about 700 g/m.18. An automotive seat upholstery or aircraft seat upholstery fabric according to claim 13 , wherein the said fabric is washed claim 13 , desized claim 13 , demineralized claim 13 , ...
