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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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16-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000002830U1

Кодовый замок-звонок, содержащий источник электропитания, кнопку звонка-кодонабирателя, узел задержки времени (УЗВ), узел антидребезга контактов (УАД), тактовый генератор (ТГ), шифратор, дешифратор, схему совпадения, звонок и исполнительный механизм (ИМ), причем один контакт соединен с первым сигнальным входом УЗВ, а его сигнальный выход соединен с сигнальным первым и вторым входами УАД, выход которого соединен с первым сигнальным входом дешифратора, сигнальные выходы дешифратора соединены с входами шифратора, а его выходы соединены с сигнальными входами схемы совпадения, отличающийся тем, что в него введены ключ источника электропитания с тремя управляющими входами и одним выходом, ключ блок-контакта контактов кнопки с двумя управляющими входами и одним выходом, ключ звонка с двумя входами и одним выходом, ключ ИМ с тремя управляющми входами и одним выходом, кроме того УЗВ имеет два сигнальных входа и четыре выхода управления, дешифратор имеет два входа и четыре выхода, причем выход источника электропитания соединен с первым входом ключа источника электропитания, выход которого соединен с первым входом ключа блок-контакта, выход которого соединен с вторым контактом кнопки звонка-кодонабирателя, вторые входы ключей источника электропитания и блок-контакта, УЗВ и третий вход ключа ИМ соединены между собой, первый выход УЗВ соединен с первым входом ключа звонка, выход ТГ соединен с вторыми входами дешифратора и ключа звонка, второй выход дешифратора соединен с первым входом ключа ИМ, третий выход дешифратора соединен с первым входом ключа ИМ, третий выход дешифратора соединен с третьим ходом ключа источника электропитания, четвертый выход дешифратора соединен с третьим входом схемы совпадения, второй выход схемы совпадения соединен с вторым входом ключа ИМ, четвертый выход УЗВ соединен с вторым входом схемы совпадения и третьим входом УАД, выход ключа звонка соединен с входом звонка, выход ключа ИМ соединен с входом ИМ. (19) RU (11) (13) 2 830 U1 (51) МПК E05B 49/00 ( ...

16-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000004132U1

Кодовый замок, содержащий блок управления, выход которого соединен с входом коммутатора, один выход которого соединен с табло для визуального отображения знаков кода, а другой выход соединен с блоком установки кода, выход которого соединен с входом блока фиксации кода, выход которого соединен с исполнительным блоком, отличающийся тем, что блок установки кода содержит последовательно соединенные таймер и устройство выбора алгоритма изменения кода, в исполнительный блок дополнительно введен счетчик попыток набора кода, а блок фиксации кода снабжен кнопкой, механически связанной с кнопкой блока управления. (19) RU (11) (13) 4 132 U1 (51) МПК E05B 49/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 96101532/20, 24.01.1996 (46) Опубликовано: 16.05.1997 (71) Заявитель(и): Уфимский технологический институт сервиса (72) Автор(ы): Касимов Л.Н., Шаньгин Е.С. R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Уфимский технологический институт сервиса 4 1 3 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Кодовый замок, содержащий блок управления, выход которого соединен с входом коммутатора, один выход которого соединен с табло для визуального отображения знаков кода, а другой выход соединен с блоком установки кода, выход которого соединен с входом блока фиксации кода, выход которого соединен с исполнительным блоком, отличающийся тем, что блок установки кода содержит последовательно соединенные таймер и устройство выбора алгоритма изменения кода, в исполнительный блок дополнительно введен счетчик попыток набора кода, а блок фиксации кода снабжен кнопкой, механически связанной с кнопкой блока управления. 4 1 3 2 U 1 (54) КОДОВЫЙ ЗАМОК RU 4 132 U1 RU 4 132 U1 RU 4 132 U1 RU 4 132 U1

16-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000007129U1

Электронный замок с программируемым ключом, включающий программируемый ключ, считыватель кода ключа, блок управления и исполнительный механизм, отличающийся тем, что считыватель кода ключа содержит подвижный контакт, обеспечивающий замыкание входа блока управления на его корпус при отсутствии ключа, причем блок управления и исполнительный механизм объединены в едином корпусе, а в состав электронного замка введен автономный блок бесперебойного питания с буферным аккумулятором и устройством поддержания аккумулятора в заряженном состоянии. (19) RU (11) (13) 7 129 U1 (51) МПК E05B 49/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 97112061/20, 18.07.1997 (46) Опубликовано: 16.07.1998 (71) Заявитель(и): Руднев Алексей Николаевич, Алиев Сергей Гаджибалович (73) Патентообладатель(и): Руднев Алексей Николаевич, Алиев Сергей Гаджибалович U 1 7 1 2 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Электронный замок с программируемым ключом, включающий программируемый ключ, считыватель кода ключа, блок управления и исполнительный механизм, отличающийся тем, что считыватель кода ключа содержит подвижный контакт, обеспечивающий замыкание входа блока управления на его корпус при отсутствии ключа, причем блок управления и исполнительный механизм объединены в едином корпусе, а в состав электронного замка введен автономный блок бесперебойного питания с буферным аккумулятором и устройством поддержания аккумулятора в заряженном состоянии. 7 1 2 9 (54) ЭЛЕКТРОННЫЙ ЗАМОК С ПРОГРАММИРУЕМЫМ КЛЮЧОМ R U (72) Автор(ы): Руднев Алексей Николаевич, Алиев Сергей Гаджибалович RU 7 129 U1 RU 7 129 U1 RU 7 129 U1 RU 7 129 U1 RU 7 129 U1

16-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000010205U1

Электромеханический замок, включающий корпус, ригель, элемент управления ригелем, фиксатор и элемент управления фиксатором, отличающийся тем, что содержит буферный аккумулятор и блок управления с устройством поддержания аккумулятора в заряженном состоянии, а также подпружиненный блокиратор, установленный на наружном торце замка, и блокиратор, установленный с внутренней стороны двери, а ригель, соединенный с пружиной и выполненный со скосом на выступающем из замка торце, в режиме "замок" взаимодействует с подпружиненным блокиратором и управляющим фиксатором, а в режиме "защелка" взаимодействует с блокиратором. (19) RU (11) 10 205 (13) U1 (51) МПК E05B 17/20 (1995.01) E05B 49/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ Адрес для переписки: 443063, Самара, ул.Вольская, 63-12, Алиеву А.Г. (72) Автор(ы): Алиев А.Г., Руднев А.Н. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Алиев Алексей Гаджибалович, Руднев Алексей Николаевич U 1 1 0 2 0 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Электромеханический замок, включающий корпус, ригель, элемент управления ригелем, фиксатор и элемент управления фиксатором, отличающийся тем, что содержит буферный аккумулятор и блок управления с устройством поддержания аккумулятора в заряженном состоянии, а также подпружиненный блокиратор, установленный на наружном торце замка, и блокиратор, установленный с внутренней стороны двери, а ригель, соединенный с пружиной и выполненный со скосом на выступающем из замка торце, в режиме "замок" взаимодействует с подпружиненным блокиратором и управляющим фиксатором, а в режиме "защелка" взаимодействует с блокиратором. 1 0 2 0 5 (54) ЭЛЕКТРОМЕХАНИЧЕСКИЙ ЗАМОК R U (46) Опубликовано: 16.06.1999 (71) Заявитель(и): Алиев Алексей Гаджибалович, Руднев Алексей Николаевич (21), (22) Заявка: 98114650/20, 05.08.1998 U 1 U 1 1 0 2 0 5 1 0 2 0 5 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU FD 10 205 U1 RU 10 205 U1 RU 10 205 U1 RU 10 205 U1 RU 10 205 U1 RU FA 10 205 U1 RU DR 10 ...

16-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000010207U1

1. Электромагнитный замок, содержащий корпус, подпружиненный ригель, внутреннюю ручку, механизм связи внутренней ручки с ригелем, подпружиненный блокиратор и внутренний фиксатор, отличающийся тем, что содержит электромеханизм с редуктором, блок управления, устройство бесперебойного питания, а подпружиненный блокиратор выполнен в виде диска и имеет односторонний вырез и скос. 2. Замок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что подпружиненный блокиратор выполнен с двусторонними скосами, ригель имеет односторонний скос и снабжен противоотжимной планкой. (19) RU (11) 10 207 (13) U1 (51) МПК E05B 49/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ Адрес для переписки: 443063, Самара, ул.Вольская, 63-12, Алиеву А.Г. (72) Автор(ы): Алиев А.Г., Руднев А.Н. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Алиев Алексей Гаджибалович, Руднев Алексей Николаевич U 1 1 0 2 0 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Электромагнитный замок, содержащий корпус, подпружиненный ригель, внутреннюю ручку, механизм связи внутренней ручки с ригелем, подпружиненный блокиратор и внутренний фиксатор, отличающийся тем, что содержит электромеханизм с редуктором, блок управления, устройство бесперебойного питания, а подпружиненный блокиратор выполнен в виде диска и имеет односторонний вырез и скос. 2. Замок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что подпружиненный блокиратор выполнен с двусторонними скосами, ригель имеет односторонний скос и снабжен противоотжимной планкой. 1 0 2 0 7 (54) ЭЛЕКТРОМЕХАНИЧЕСКИЙ ЗАМОК R U (46) Опубликовано: 16.06.1999 (71) Заявитель(и): Алиев Алексей Гаджибалович, Руднев Алексей Николаевич (21), (22) Заявка: 98114652/20, 05.08.1998 RU FD 10 207 U1 RU 10 207 U1 RU 10 207 U1 RU 10 207 U1 RU FA 10 207 U1 RU DR 10 207 U1

16-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000010208U1

1. Электромеханический замок, включающий корпус, ригель, механизм секретности, ключ и электромагнит, отличающийся тем, что содержит элемент управления ригелем, содержащий механизм секретности и считыватель кода электронного ключа, соединенный с блоком управления, подключенным к устройству бесперебойного питания, фиксатор, взаимодействующий с элементом управления ригелем, средство управления фиксатором, ключ, состоящий из механического ключа и электронного ключа, с секретами в виде разновысоких пазов на торце корпуса и двумя подвижными контактами. 2. Замок по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что ригель выполнен ступенчатым, соединенным с пружиной, а также наличием подвижной рейки и подпружиненного блокиратора. (19) RU (11) 10 208 (13) U1 (51) МПК E05B 49/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ Адрес для переписки: 443063, Самара, ул.Вольская, 63-12, Алиеву А.Г. (72) Автор(ы): Алиев А.Г., Руднев А.Н. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Алиев Алексей Гаджибалович, Руднев Алексей Николаевич U 1 1 0 2 0 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Электромеханический замок, включающий корпус, ригель, механизм секретности, ключ и электромагнит, отличающийся тем, что содержит элемент управления ригелем, содержащий механизм секретности и считыватель кода электронного ключа, соединенный с блоком управления, подключенным к устройству бесперебойного питания, фиксатор, взаимодействующий с элементом управления ригелем, средство управления фиксатором, ключ, состоящий из механического ключа и электронного ключа, с секретами в виде разновысоких пазов на торце корпуса и двумя подвижными контактами. 2. Замок по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что ригель выполнен ступенчатым, соединенным с пружиной, а также наличием подвижной рейки и подпружиненного блокиратора. 1 0 2 0 8 (54) ЭЛЕКТРОМЕХАНИЧЕСКИЙ ЗАМОК R U (46) Опубликовано: 16.06.1999 (71) Заявитель(и): Алиев Алексей Гаджибалович, Руднев Алексей Николаевич (21), (22) Заявка: ...

16-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000011816U1
Автор: Кетов А.А.

1. Электромеханический замок, содержащий ригель, стопорный стержень, электромагнит, кодовый узел, отличающийся тем, что в устройство введена поворотная платформа с расположенным на ней электромагнитом и стопорным стержнем с общей осью, закрепленной на корпусе замка, причем электромагнит выполнен в виде кольца с поперечным зазором, а на ригеле установлен упор, имеющий вертикальную грань в плоскости стопорного стержня и наклонную грань - в плоскости пластины поворотной платформы. 2. Электромеханический замок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что полюса электромагнита установлены без зазора по отношению к плоскости стопорного стержня. (19) RU (11) 11 816 (13) U1 (51) МПК E05B 49/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 99108191/20, 19.04.1999 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.04.1999 (46) Опубликовано: 16.11.1999 (72) Автор(ы): Кетов А.А. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кетов Андрей Антонович R U Адрес для переписки: 620041, Екатеринбург, ул.Солнечная, 35, кв.9, Кетову А.А. (71) Заявитель(и): Кетов Андрей Антонович 1 1 8 1 6 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Электромеханический замок, содержащий ригель, стопорный стержень, электромагнит, кодовый узел, отличающийся тем, что в устройство введена поворотная платформа с расположенным на ней электромагнитом и стопорным стержнем с общей осью, закрепленной на корпусе замка, причем электромагнит выполнен в виде кольца с поперечным зазором, а на ригеле установлен упор, имеющий вертикальную грань в плоскости стопорного стержня и наклонную грань в плоскости пластины поворотной платформы. 2. Электромеханический замок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что полюса электромагнита установлены без зазора по отношению к плоскости стопорного стержня. 1 1 8 1 6 U 1 (54) ЭЛЕКТРОМЕХАНИЧЕСКИЙ ЗАМОК U 1 U 1 1 1 8 1 6 1 1 8 1 6 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 11 816 U1 RU 11 816 U1 RU 11 816 U1

27-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000013230U1

1. Оптическое запорно-предохранительное устройство, состоящее из ключа с идентификационным элементом и корпуса, содержащего элемент для фиксирования ключа в заданном положении, оптический блок для регистрации идентификационного элемента ключа на основе источника и приемника излучения, электронный блок обработки информации и исполнительное устройство, отличающееся тем, что идентификационным элементом ключа служит участок его тела, характеризуемый случайно распределенными неоднородностями, формирующими в оптическом зондирующем излучении уникальный оптический образ, соответствующий данному ключу. 2. Оптическое запорно-предохранительное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что источник излучения и приемник излучения расположены по разные стороны от ключа, выполненного из прозрачного для оптического зондирующего излучения материала, при этом идентификационным элементом служит участок внутренней структуры материала ключа, а приемник излучения выполнен в виде матрицы или линейки фотодиодов. 3. Оптическое запорно-предохранительное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что источник излучения и приемник излучения расположены с одной из сторон ключа, выполненного из материала со светоотражающими свойствами, при этом идентификационным элементом ключа служит участок его поверхности, а приемник излучения выполнен в виде матрицы или линейки фотодиодов. 4. Оптическое запорно-предохранительное устройство по п.2 или 3, отличающееся тем, что ключ покрыт защитной деталью, выполненной с возможностью сдвигания в процессе установки ключа в элемент для размещения ключа. 5. Оптическое запорно-предохранительное устройство по п.2 или 3, отличающееся тем, что ключ покрыт защитной деталью, выполненной из материала, прозрачного для оптического зондирующего излучения, и зафиксированной на поверхности ключа идентификационным элементом. (19) RU (11) 13 230 (13) U1 (51) МПК E05B 49/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) ...

27-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000016663U1

Электромеханический замок, содержащий корпус, подпружиненные ригели, внутреннюю ручку, механизм связи внутренней ручки с ригелем, подпружиненный блокиратор, внутренний фиксатор, электромеханизм, устройство связи электромеханизма с ригелями и блок управления, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно содержит устройство дистанционного отпирания и обогреватели, установленные в корпусе и управляемые термодатчиками, при этом электромеханизм взаимодействует с ригелями через устройство связи, выполненное в виде подпружиненной тяги, подпружиненный блокиратор взаимодействует с ригелем посредством подпружиненного фиксатора, а внутренняя ручка установлена на торце корпуса. (19) RU (11) 16 663 (13) U1 (51) МПК E05B 49/02 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000105422/20, 10.03.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.03.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 27.01.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Алиев А.Г., Руднев А.Н. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Алиев Алексей Гаджибалович, Руднев Алексей Николаевич U 1 1 6 6 6 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Электромеханический замок, содержащий корпус, подпружиненные ригели, внутреннюю ручку, механизм связи внутренней ручки с ригелем, подпружиненный блокиратор, внутренний фиксатор, электромеханизм, устройство связи электромеханизма с ригелями и блок управления, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно содержит устройство дистанционного отпирания и обогреватели, установленные в корпусе и управляемые термодатчиками, при этом электромеханизм взаимодействует с ригелями через устройство связи, выполненное в виде подпружиненной тяги, подпружиненный блокиратор взаимодействует с ригелем посредством подпружиненного фиксатора, а внутренняя ручка установлена на торце корпуса. 1 6 6 6 3 (54) ЭЛЕКТРОМЕХАНИЧЕСКИЙ ЗАМОК R U Адрес для переписки: 443063, г.Самара, ул.Вольская, д.63, кв.12, Алиеву А.Г. (71) Заявитель(и): Алиев Алексей Гаджибалович, Руднев Алексей ...

20-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000023902U1

1. Электропривод замка, имеющий закрепленные в общем корпусе электродвигатель, подключенный к источнику энергии через блок управления, и механизм передачи усилия отпирания-запирания на по меньшей мере один запорный элемент, отличающийся тем, что электродвигатель выполнен реверсивным, а механизм передачи усилия отпирания-запирания выполнен на основе глобоидного червяка, который жестко связан с валом электродвигателя и установленного на оси двуплечего рычага, имеющего жесткое плечо, которое зацеплено с витками глобоидного червяка, и упругое плечо, которое служит средством кинематической связи с запорным элементом. 2. Электропривод по п.1, отличающийся тем, что жесткое плечо двуплечего рычага зацеплено с витками глобоидного червяка через ролик, плоскость симметрии которого, перпендикулярная геометрической оси вращения, включает радиусы внешней и внутренней огибающих витков червяка. 3. Электропривод по п.1, отличающийся тем, что упругое плечо двуплечего рычага выполнено в виде стержнеобразной пружины, у которой один конец жестко связан с жестким плечом двуплечего рычага, а второй конец служит указанным средством кинематической связи с запорным элементом. 4. Электропривод по п.3, отличающийся тем, что стержнеобразная пружина выполнена в виде по меньшей мере одной плоской металлической пластины. 5. Электропривод по п.3, отличающийся тем, что стержнеобразная пружина выполнена из волокнистого анизотропного композиционного материала с полимерным связующим. 6. Электропривод по п.3, отличающийся тем, что стержнеобразная пружина со стороны контакта с запорным элементом замка снабжена опорным роликом. 7. Электропривод по п.1, отличающийся тем, что глобоидный червяк имеет свободные выходы из винтового паза с обоих торцов. 8. Электропривод по п.1, отличающийся тем, что длина R жесткого плеча двуплечего рычага соответствует условию R≥R≥R+0,5(R-R), где R - радиус внешней огибающей витков глобоидного червяка, R - радиус внутренней огибающей этих винтов, а величина 0,5 (R-R) равна ...

27-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000030378U1
Автор: Кетов А.А.

1. Кодовый электронный замок, содержащий корпус, ригель, ручку управления ригелем, стопор, кодовый узел и пульт набора кода, отличающийся тем, что ригель имеет поперечную выемку, стопорный узел состоит из П-образного электромагнита, обмотка которого расположена на одном из его плеч и толкателя, электромагнит крепится на оси, жестко связанной с корпусом, толкатель расположен перпендикулярно к плоскости электромагнита и одним концом касается плоскости электромагнита, другим концом упирается в плоскость ригеля, стопор своей плоскостью касается обоих плеч электромагнита, свободно перемещаясь перпендикулярно оси ригеля. 2. Замок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что выходы ячеек памяти кодового узла подключены к исполнительному устройству, одни входы ячеек памяти через пульт набора кода подключены к источнику питания, выходы последующих ячеек памяти подключены через пульт набора кода и ячейки "И" к управляющим входам предыдущих ячеек, а входы ячеек "И" подключены к входам пульта набора кода. 3. Замок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что неподвижная металлическая пластина пульта набора кода расположена с зазором параллельно пластине с контактами, а в состав пульта введена подвижная пластина с лепестками по числу контактов. 4. Замок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в состав пульта набора кода введены пластины, расположенные с зазором над контактами так, что каждый контакт находится против края каждой стороны пластины, а пластины закреплены в центре посредством подпружиненных стержней. (19) RU (11) 30 378 (13) U1 (51) МПК E05B 49/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002133393/10 , 17.12.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.12.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 27.06.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Кетов А.А. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кетов Андрей Антонович R U Адрес для переписки: 620041, Свердловская обл., г. Екатеринбург, ул. Солнечная, 35, кв.9, А.А. Кетову (71) Заявитель(и): Кетов Андрей Антонович ...

10-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000109186U1

1. Запорное устройство, содержащее основной ключ к нему, корпус, установленный в корпусе пакет пластинчатых элементов, каждый из которых выполнен с, по меньшей мере, одним кодированным отверстием; размещенный с одной боковой стороны пакета пластинчатых элементов источник оптического излучения по числу кодированных отверстий в пластинчатом элементе; размещенный со второй боковой стороны пакета пластинчатых элементов приемник оптического излучения по числу источников оптического излучения; направляющее средство для ключа, а также направляющие поверхности, предназначенные для предотвращения перемещения пластинчатого элемента в направлении, перпендикулярном к плоскостям, в которых лежат его боковые стороны; при этом пластинчатые элементы установлены с возможностью перемещения из исходного положения, при котором кодированные отверстия пластинчатых элементов расположены относительно друг друга так, что оптическое излучение не проходит через пакет пластинчатых элементов, в рабочее положение, при котором отверстия в пластинчатых элементов расположены относительно друг друга так, что образуют канал для прохождения оптического излучения, а также с возможностью их возврата из рабочего положения в исходное, при том, что упомянутый ключ имеет профилированную часть с кодированными вырезами по числу пластинчатых элементов; причем упомянутое перемещение пластинчатого элемента осуществляется при взаимодействии поверхности кодированного выреза ключа с контактным участком поверхности пластинчатого элемента, при том, что упомянутый приемник оптического излучения электрически связан с исполнительным механизмом для приведения его в действие в ответ на выходной сигнал приемника оптического излучения, отличающееся тем, что направляющее средство выполнено в виде имеющего ключевой паз тела вращения, установленного с возможностью поворота посредством вставленного в него ключа между первым положением ключа, при котором пластинчатые элементы находятся в их исходном положении, и вторым ...

10-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000112244U1

Электронное замковое устройство, содержащее электронную часть замка на основе микроконтроллера, электронный ключ, электромеханическое исполнительное устройство, подключенное к микроконтроллеру замка, элементы электропитания электронной части замка и электронного ключа и микроконтроллер, отличающееся тем, что в электронную часть замка введен программатор, выполненный на основе микроконтроллера, установленного с возможностью подключения к микроконтроллеру замка, при этом электромеханическое исполнительное устройство выполнено в виде силового блока, установленного с возможностью взаимодействия с механизмом перемещения заслонки, с которой соединены концевые выключатели, причем к микроконтроллеру замка подключены силовой блок и концевые выключатели, а электронный ключ выполнен на основе микросхемы, установленной с возможностью подключения к микроконтроллеру замка, при этом элементы электропитания выполнены в виде аккумулятора, установленного в электронном ключе для питания его микросхемы, и преобразователя напряжения для питания от аккумулятора микроконтроллеров замка и программатора и электромеханического исполнительного устройства. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 112 244 U1 (51) МПК E05B 49/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011130147/12, 19.07.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.07.2011 (45) Опубликовано: 10.01.2012 Бюл. № 1 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Рахманов Лев Алексеевич (RU), Никифоров Дмитрий Леонидович (RU), Чесноков Валентин Владимирович (RU), Пащенко Андрей Эдуардович (RU), Широкий Глеб Борисович (RU), Егоркин Юрий Семенович (RU) 1 1 2 2 4 4 R U Формула полезной модели Электронное замковое устройство, содержащее электронную часть замка на основе микроконтроллера, электронный ключ, электромеханическое исполнительное устройство, подключенное к микроконтроллеру замка, элементы электропитания электронной части замка и электронного ключа и ...

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000131783U1

1. Электронное замковое устройство, содержащее электронный ключ, состоящий из электронного блока, выполненного на микроконтроллере, элементов питания в виде аккумуляторов для питания электронного замкового устройства, электронный замок, состоящий из исполнительного устройства, электронного блока, соединенного с исполнительным устройством, задвижки, расположенной на выходном валу исполнительного устройства, отличающееся тем, что в электронный ключ введены блок подключения к замку и органы управления, биометрический считыватель, GSM-модуль, светозвуковая сигнализация, подключенные к микроконтроллеру ключа, в электронный замок введены устройство подключения к ключу, соединенное с электронным блоком замка и датчик тока, подключенный между исполнительным устройством и электронным блоком замка. 2. Электронное замковое устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что устройства подключения к ключу, выполненного электрическими контактами, или бесконтактный блок приема энергии и данных от ключа к замку средством приема энергии электромагнитным способом, или световой приемник энергии. 3. Электронное замковое устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что исполнительное устройство выполнено в виде низковольтного (от 0,5 до 4,5 В) электродвигателя с редуктором. 4. Электронное замковое устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что блок подключения к замку выполнен из электрических контактов, или бесконтактного блока передачи энергии и данных от ключа к замку средством передачи энергии электромагнитным способом, или световой передатчик энергии. 5. Электронное замковое устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что датчик тока, подключенный между электродвигателем и электронным блоком, позволяет определить положение задвижки в крайних положениях, без использования электрических контактов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 131 783 U1 (51) МПК E05B 49/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013112201/12, 19.03.2013 (24) ...

20-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000150488U1

Электронный замок, состоящий из платы замка с расположенными на ней стабилизатором напряжения 12 В, соединенного с стабилизатором напряжения 5 В, также стабилизатор напряжения соединен с реле защищаемой цепи, которое соединено с контактами защищаемой цепи, вход управления реле соединен с выходом микроконтроллера замка, микроконтроллер замка соединен шиной питания и шиной передачи данных с микроконтроллером ключа, который расположен на отдельной плате ключа, отличающийся тем, что микроконтроллер по входу питания соединен со стабилизатором напряжения 5 В. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 150 488 U1 (51) МПК E05B 49/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014135987/12, 03.09.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 03.09.2014 (72) Автор(ы): Цышнатий Владимир Андреевич (RU), Агафончиков Евгений Николаевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.02.2015 Бюл. № 5 R U 1 5 0 4 8 8 Формула полезной модели Электронный замок, состоящий из платы замка с расположенными на ней стабилизатором напряжения 12 В, соединенного с стабилизатором напряжения 5 В, также стабилизатор напряжения соединен с реле защищаемой цепи, которое соединено с контактами защищаемой цепи, вход управления реле соединен с выходом микроконтроллера замка, микроконтроллер замка соединен шиной питания и шиной передачи данных с микроконтроллером ключа, который расположен на отдельной плате ключа, отличающийся тем, что микроконтроллер по входу питания соединен со стабилизатором напряжения 5 В. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ЭЛЕКТРОННЫЙ ЗАМОК 1 5 0 4 8 8 Адрес для переписки: 150030, г. Ярославль, Московский пр-кт, 129, корп. 2, кв. 36, Цышнатий Владимир Андреевич R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Цышнатий Владимир Андреевич (RU), Агафончиков Евгений Николаевич (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 03.09.2014 U 1 U 1 1 5 0 4 8 8 1 5 0 4 8 8 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 150 488 U1 Электронный замок является устройством для ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000163280U1
Принадлежит: СИМОН С.А.Ю.

1. Переключающее устройство для карточек-ключей, которые предполагают наличие базы, включающей в себя средства создания и переключения электрических цепей с щелью для вставки карточки-ключа в целях приведения в действие указанных средств переключения, отличающееся тем, что указанная щель (7) для введения карточки-ключа (6) образована за счет наличия одиночного горизонтального продольного проема, включающего в себя верхний сегмент (7а) и, по крайней мере, один боковой сегмент (7b), который сообщается с верхним сегментом (7а) таким образом, что указанную карточку-ключ (6) можно вводить через указанный верхний сегмент (7а), через указанный боковой сегмент (7b) или через оба сегмента (7а и 7b) одновременно. 2. Переключающее устройство для карточек-ключей по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что проем, образующий щель (7) для вставки карточки-ключа (6), дополнительно к верхнему сегменту (7а) включает в себя два боковых сегмента (7b), сообщающихся с верхним сегментом (7а) таким образом, что указанную карточку-ключ (6) можно вводить через указанный верхний сегмент (7а), через указанный боковой сегмент (7b) или через все сегменты (7а и 7b) одновременно. 3. Переключающее устройство для карточек-ключей по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что средства переключения (5) содержат всего один переключающий элемент. 4. Переключающее устройство для карточек-ключей по п. 3, отличающееся тем, что переключающий элемент, который определяет наличие карточки-ключа (6) после ее вставки в щель (7), располагается в наклонной позиции по отношению к верхнему сегменту (7а) щели. 5. Переключающее устройство для карточек-ключей по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что средства переключения (5) содержат более одного переключающего элемента. 6. Переключающее устройство для карточек по любому из пп. 3-5, отличающееся тем, что не менее одного переключающего элемента, который определяет наличие карточки-ключа (6) после ее вставки в щель (7), располагается в наклонной позиции по отношению к верхнему сегменту (7а) указанной щели, и ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle activity module

Номер: US20130106569A1
Принадлежит: SentriLock LLC

Systems and methods are disclosed for maintaining security and data gathering for a number of vehicles. The systems include a vehicle activity module for each of the vehicles. The vehicle activity module has a wireless transmitter, a storage device, at least one sensor for receiving event information from identification devices, such as RFID cards, keypads, magnetic ID cards, and the like, a releasable key container, and a processor for accessing and analyzing information. The VAMs are wirelessly connected to a computer system. The VAMs control access to the keys, monitor information relating to access, and store and transmit information relating to sales events, non-sales events, and intrusion events. The VAMs are capable of autonomous operation, without the need to access the computer system to verify event information. The VAMs further include signal attenuating mechanisms to facilitate use of “smart keys.”

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle access

Номер: US20130141212A1
Автор: Carl Pickering
Принадлежит: JAGUAR CARS LTD

A case for a mobile telephone or other nomadic device, the case comprising communication means for wirelessly communicating with a security and/or access system of a vehicle or property. The communication means may be embedded within the material forming the case or may be retained in a slot or recess within the case. The communication means comprises means arranged to transmit control or operation commands to the vehicle or property so as to operate or control one or more functions or devices. The case may comprise one or more buttons or switches configured to be actuated by the user to transmit said commands. A mobile telephone or other nomadic device having such a case. A vehicle adapted to work with a mobile telephone or a case as described hereinbefore.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167598A1

A transmission mechanism adapted to an electro-mechanical lock and for driving a latch assembly to be unlocked is disclosed. The transmission mechanism includes a bottom plate, a pushing member, a clutch member and an electro-actuating member. The bottom plate includes at least one first pushed structure. The pushing member includes at least one second pushed structure. The clutch member abuts against the pushing member. The electro-actuating member is for driving the pushing member to rotate toward a first direction. The at least one second pushed structure cooperates with the at least one first pushed structure to move the pushing member relative to the bottom board, so that the clutch member is pushed with movement of the pushing member to an unlocked position. 1. A transmission mechanism adapted to an electro-mechanical lock and for driving a latch assembly to be unlocked , the transmission mechanism comprising:a bottom plate comprising at least one first pushed structure;a pushing member comprising at least one second pushed structure;a clutch member abutting against the pushing member; andan electro-actuating member for driving the pushing member to rotate toward a first direction, the at least one second pushed structure cooperating with the at least one first pushed structure to move the pushing member relative to the bottom board, so that the clutch member is pushed with movement of the pushing member to an unlocked position.2. The transmission mechanism of claim 1 , further comprising:a driving cam connected to the latch assembly, the driving cam engaging with the clutch member when the clutch member is pushed with the movement of the pushing member to the unlocked position, so that the clutch member drives the driving and the latch assembly to be in an unlocked status.3. The transmission mechanism of claim 2 , further comprising:an elastic member disposed between the clutch member and the driving cam, the elastic member driving the clutch member to move ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180298A1
Принадлежит: LOCK II, L.L.C.

A high security lock includes a lock bolt movable between extended and retracted positions, a bolt retraction gear coupled to the lock bolt, and a manually-driven gear. When a controller verifies that user-input information is correct for unlocking the lock, the bolt retraction gear and manually-driven gear are operatively coupled such that the gear can drive the lock bolt from the extended position to the retracted position. 1. A locking mechanism , comprising;a lock bolt movable between extended and retracted positions;a bolt retraction gear operatively coupled to the lock bolt and movable between engagement and disengagement positions, the bolt retraction gear being biased toward the engagement position;a manually-driven gear adapted to engage the bolt retraction gear in the engagement position and drive the lock bolt between the extended and retracted positions;a user input device adapted to receive user input information;a controller adapted to store authorization information and verify user input information; andan actuator assembly having a guide element, the guide element operatively movable between a capturing position and a non-capturing position, the guide element in the capturing position inhibiting the movement of the bolt retraction gear, and the guide element in the non-capturing position releasing the movement of the bolt retraction gear,wherein the guide element inhibits the movement of the bolt retraction gear toward the engagement position until the controller verifies that the user input information matches the stored authorization information.2. The locking mechanism of wherein the guide element engages the bolt retraction gear while moving from the non-capturing position to the capturing position for directing the bolt retraction gear to the disengagement position.3. The locking mechanism of wherein the actuator assembly further comprises a cam movable between a first and second position claim 1 , the cam adjacent to the guide element in the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Lock devices, systems and methods

Номер: US20130192316A1
Принадлежит: Schlage Lock Co LLC

Disclosed are various embodiments of lock devices, systems, and methods. A lock of the application can include an internal mechanism to permit backdriven operation and lost motion operation. In one form the lock can be made from an assembly of parts that have locating features that require one way installation/assembly. The lock can include an internal power source capable of driving electronics used to determine handedness of a door.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192317A1

Disclosed are various embodiments of lock devices, systems, and methods. A lock of the application can include an internal mechanism to permit backdriven operation and lost motion operation. In one form the lock can be made from an assembly of parts that have locating features that require one way installation/assembly. The lock can include an internal power source capable of driving electronics used to determine handedness of a door. 1. An apparatus comprising:an auto dead bolt door device having a first side key entry and a back side having a user grappling member;a motor disposed internal to the device capable of providing torque useful in actuating a dead bolt of the auto dead bolt door device, the dead bolt having a retracted position, a dead position opposite the retracted position, and a plurality of extended positions between the retracted position and the dead position; anda gearing system that includes a plurality of toothed members having corresponding intermeshed gear teeth disposed between the motor and the dead bolt and operable to convey torque from the motor to actuate the dead bolt, the plurality of toothed members having a cooperative configuration that permits torque to be applied to move the plurality of toothed members in a first direction and an opposite second direction such that an array of gear teeth of a first toothed member is configured to be a driven gear and a driving gear depending upon a torque applied.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of toothed members includes a series of toothed members numbering more than two.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of toothed members each arranged to permit backdriven operation.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of toothed members include a pinion and a face gear.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , which further includes a loss motion coupling between a cam and first toothed member of the plurality of toothed members such that the loss motion permits the ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Prismatic Lock And Key Security

Номер: US20130214897A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Methods and apparatus for lock and key security, the lock including a light receptacle, a scatter pattern detecting module, and a locking mechanism, the key including a light source and a prism, the lock and key security including receiving, in the light receptacle of the lock, light transmitted by the light source in the key through the prism; identifying, by the scatter pattern detecting module, a scatter pattern of the received light; comparing, by the scatter pattern detecting module, the scatter pattern to a unique preauthorized pattern for operating the lock; if the scatter pattern matches the unique preauthorized pattern, switching, by the scatter pattern detecting module, the current locking state of the locking mechanism; and if the scatter pattern does not match the unique preauthorized pattern, maintaining the current locking state of the locking mechanism.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Lock devices, systems and methods

Номер: US20130222110A1
Принадлежит: Schlage Lock Co LLC

Disclosed are various embodiments of lock devices, systems, and methods. A lock of the application can include an internal mechanism to permit backdriven operation and lost motion operation. In one form the lock can be made from an assembly of parts that have locating features that require one way installation/assembly. The lock can include an internal power source capable of driving electronics used to determine handedness of a door.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239630A1

The invention relates to a movement lock for a locking element or an actuator in a locking system which can be operated in a mechanical or mechatronic manner. Provision is made here for the movement lock to have a blocking element which can be brought into engagement with the locking element or actuator by a system which is maintained under tension or caused to move and can be triggered as a result of an external pulse application on the locking system. 111.-. (canceled)12. A movement lock for a locking element or an actuator in a locking system which can be operated in a mechanical or mechatronic manner , said movement lock comprising a blocking element configured for engagement with the locking element or actuator by a system which is maintained under tension or caused to move and triggered as a result of an external pulse application on the locking system.13. The movement lock of claim 12 , wherein the blocking element is configured for temporary engagement with the locking element or actuator.14. The movement lock of claim 12 , wherein the blocking element is resettable by a legitimate operation of the locking system.15. The movement lock of claim 12 , wherein the blocking element includes a unilaterally supported pivot lever having a free end provided with a section or stop adapted for engagement with the locking element or actuator to lock its movement claim 12 , and a tension spring having one end connected to the pivot lever at a distance to a pivot lever bearing and another end being supported at a distance to the pivot lever bearing at an offset thereto claim 12 , said tension spring being oriented and adjusted such that the pivot lever assumes an intermediate position when the tension spring is aligned substantially in prolongation of a pivot lever axis claim 12 , in which position the spring is tensioned and is relaxed in deflections that are mirror images of one another claim 12 , with one of the deflections of the pivot lever representing a rest or ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Transmission Mechanism Of A Lock Assembly

Номер: US20140041422A1

A transmission mechanism of a lock assembly includes a base; a core assembly partially received in the base and having therein a core adapted to connect to the rod so as to control movement of the rod; an operating element rotatably connected to the base; a clutch device movably received in the base and selectively engaged with the operating element; a driving device received in the core assembly to drive the clutch device to move toward/away from the operating element; and an activation device connected to the base to control operation of the driving device such that the latch is moved with assistance of the rotation of the operating element when the clutch device is connected to the operating element and the latch is immovable when the clutch device is away from engagement with the operating element. 1. A transmission mechanism of a lock assembly having a rod operably connected to a latch to control movement of the latch , the transmission mechanism comprising:a base;a core assembly partially received in the base and having therein a core adapted to connect to the rod so as to control movement of the rod;an operating element rotatably connected to the base;a clutch device movably received in the base and selectively engaged with the operating element;a driving device received in the core assembly to drive the clutch device to move toward/away from the operating element; andan activation device connected to the base to control operation of the driving device such that the latch is moved with assistance of the rotation of the operating element when the clutch device is connected to the operating element and the latch is immovable when the clutch device is away from engagement with the operating element.2. The transmission mechanism as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the driving device is a motor received in the core assembly and connected to the clutch device such that rotation of the motor drives the clutch device to move linearly.3. The transmission mechanism as ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Door locking device

Номер: US20140053618A1
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

A door locking device which is reduced in size relative to a conventional device includes a key operation transmission link, which transmits a key operation force relative to a key cylinder to a relay lever corresponding to “a lock switch member”, and which is arranged to rotate about a common rotation axis shared with the relay lever. In addition, a rotation space for first and second movable contact portions fits within a circular-shaped area around the common rotation axis because a first fan-shaped protruding portion including the first movable contact portion for transmitting a force to the key operation transmission link and the relay lever and a second fan-shaped protruding portion including the second movable contact portion for transmitting the force to the key operation transmission link and the relay lever are arranged around the common rotation axis.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003000A1

A door assembly system including a door assembly frame and a plurality of doors, each door being movably coupled to the door assembly frame. The system further includes an electrically activatable component coupled to the door assembly frame and operatively coupled to at least one door to selectively lock or unlock the at least one door. The door assembly frame is configured to be removably attached to a storage device frame having a plurality of compartments such that each door covers one of the compartments. The electrically activatable component is configured to be operatively connected to a controller coupled to the storage device frame. 1. A door assembly system comprising:a door assembly frame;a plurality of doors, each door being movably coupled to said door assembly frame; andan electrically activatable component coupled to said door assembly frame and operatively coupled to at least one door to selectively lock or unlock said at least one door, wherein said door assembly frame is configured to be removably attached to a storage device frame having a plurality of compartments such that each door at least partially covers at least one of said compartments, and wherein said electrically activatable component is configured to be operatively connected to a controller coupled to the storage device frame.2. The system of wherein said door assembly system includes a plurality of electrically activatable components claim 1 , each electrically activatable component being coupled to the door assembly frame and being operatively coupled to an associated door to selectively lock or unlock said associated door claim 1 , and wherein each electrically activatable component is configured to be operatively connected to the controller.3. The system of wherein the electrically activatable component is at least one of a solenoid or a transducer.4. The system of wherein said door assembly frame includes a plurality of blocks claim 1 , each block being positioned adjacent to one ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005569A1

Systems, apparatuses, and methods are provided herein for securing merchandise. In one embodiment an apparatus for securing merchandise comprises a locking mechanism limiting access to one or more items, one or more optical sensors configured to detect a plurality of wavelengths and an intensity associated with each wavelength from at least one light beam emitted by an optical key, and a control device comprising a control circuit and a memory device. The control device being configured to store a lock code comprising a plurality of wavelength values and a plurality of intensity values each associated with a wavelength value on the memory device and determine whether to release the locking mechanism based on whether intensities of each of the plurality of wavelengths detected by the one or more optical sensors match the lock code. 1. A system for securing items comprising: 'a plurality of optical locks, each optical lock comprising one or more optical sensors configured to detect a plurality of wavelengths and an intensity associated with each wavelength; and', 'a communication device configured to communicate with receive an unlock request associated with an optical key;', 'determine a lock code for optical lock, wherein the lock code comprises a plurality of wavelength values and a plurality of intensity values each associated with a wavelength value; and', 'send the lock code to the optical lock to allow the optical key to access items secured by the optical lock., 'a control circuit coupled to the communication device and configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the lock code comprises a one-time use lock code that is removed from the optical lock after one use.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the unlock request is received from the optical lock in response to detecting a light from an optical key.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the unlock request is received from the optical key and comprises a user credential associated with the optical key.5. The ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Electrically motorized wheel

Номер: US20160009169A1
Принадлежит: Superpedestrian Inc

A system, method, and device for operations of an electrically motorized vehicle. The vehicle can utilize an electrically motorized wheel to convert a non-motorized wheeled vehicle to an electrically motorized wheeled vehicle. The electrically motorized wheeled vehicle includes a plurality of electrically motorized wheels, each of the plurality of electrically motorized wheels in communication with at least one other of the plurality of electrically motorized wheels to coordinate operation of the vehicle.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010052A1

An in-vehicle device includes transmitting antennas, an in-vehicle device transmitter configured to transmit request signals from the respective transmitting antennas, an in-vehicle device receiver configured to receive, from a portable device, an answer signal that includes received signal strengths of the respective request signals, and an in-vehicle device controller configured to calculate a distance from the portable device to each of a plurality of areas, based on both the received signal strengths of the respective request signals included in the answer signal and reference values for the request signals, and to identify an area to which the portable device belongs based on the distance. In a case where there is a request signal whose received signal strength is not included in the answer signal, the in-vehicle device controller calculates the distance by utilizing a corresponding reference value for the request signal as the received signal strength of the request signal. 1. An in-vehicle device comprising:a plurality of transmitting antennas;an in-vehicle device transmitter configured to transmit request signals via the plurality of respective transmitting antennas;an in-vehicle device receiver configured to receive, from a portable device, an answer signal that includes received signal strengths of the respective request signals that have been transmitted from the plurality of respective transmitting antennas; andan in-vehicle device controller configured to calculate a distance from the portable device to each of a plurality of areas, based on both the received signal strengths of the respective request signals included in the answer signal and reference values for the received signal strengths of the respective request signals, the reference values being set for the plurality of respective areas, and to identify an area to which the portable device belongs from the plurality of areas based on the distance,wherein, in a case where there is a request ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

User interface for an electrically motorized vehicle

Номер: US20160011003A1
Принадлежит: Superpedestrian Inc

A system, method, and device for operations of an electrically motorized vehicle. The vehicle can utilize an electrically motorized wheel to convert a non-motorized wheeled vehicle to an electrically motorized wheeled vehicle. A user interface for controlling the device of the electrically motorized wheel includes at least one button displayable by the user interface to control a function associated with the device.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010732A1
Автор: Shen Min-Te

A two-dimensionally driven lock and key are provided. The two-dimensionally driven lock has a lock core having sliders and a block. The sliders are movably and rotatably mounted in the lock core. Each slider has a recessed portion and a non-circular positioning portion. The block has protrusion portions selectively received in the recessed portions. The key has positioning dimples identical to the positioning portion in shape. When the key is inserted into the lock core, the positioning portions match to the positioning dimples respectively and the protrusion portions face to the recessed portions. An unlocking method includes inserting a key into a lock core to make the recessed portion and the protrusion portion face and align to each other by moving and rotating the sliders. Therefore, a location of the recessed portion can vary on the slider in two dimensions, and thus making ulocking very difficult. 2. The two-dimensionally driven lock as claimed in claim 1 , wherein: the inner casing forms:at least one opening; each one of the at least one opening communicating with another end of one of the at least one hole; said another end being opposite to the key way; andeach one of the at least one slider further comprises:a restriction portion; the restriction portion protruding out of a lateral surface of the corresponding slider main body and located in one of the at least one opening, and thereby a rotating angle of the slider is restricted in the opening.3. The two-dimensionally driven lock as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the inner casing further forms:at least one assembling groove; one end of each one of the at least one assembling groove communicating with the key way, each one of the at least one assembling groove laterally communicating with one of the at least one hole, and another end of each one of the at least one assembling groove communicating with an end of one of the at least one opening.4. The two-dimensionally driven lock as claimed in claim 2 , ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

High security electromechanical lock

Номер: US20200011092A1
Принадлежит: Sargent and Greenleaf Inc

A high security electromechanical lock has a lock assembly configured to extend or retract a locking member. The lock assembly includes a first microcontroller communicatively coupled to an electronic storage memory. An electronic key input assembly is electrically and mechanically coupled to the lock assembly. The electronic key input assembly includes an electronic dial ring base having a base plate and a communications hub circuit. The base plate has a side wall. The communications hub circuit has a plurality of communications ports arranged around a periphery of the base plate that are accessible through the side wall. Each of the plurality of communications ports is configured to communicate with a respective peripheral electronic device of a plurality of peripheral electronic devices. The base plate is configured to mechanically removably mount each of the plurality of peripheral electronic devices around the periphery of the side wall of the base plate.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Security for an electrically motorized vehicle

Номер: US20160012652A1
Принадлежит: Superpedestrian Inc

A system, method, and device for operations of an electrically motorized vehicle. The vehicle can utilize an electrically motorized wheel to convert a non-motorized wheeled vehicle to an electrically motorized wheeled vehicle. One method of protecting an electrically motorized wheel includes unlocking at least one feature of the electrically motorized wheel in response to receiving an indicator that a mobile device of the user of the electrically motorized wheel is within a predetermined proximity.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Systems and methods for utilizing geographic positioning data for operation of an electrically motorized vehicle

Номер: US20160012723A1
Принадлежит: Superpedestrian Inc

A system, method, and device for operations of an electrically motorized vehicle. The vehicle can utilize an electrically motorized wheel to convert a non-motorized wheeled vehicle to an electrically motorized wheeled vehicle. One system includes a server in communication with the device of each of a plurality of electrically motorized wheels, the server operable to track a position of each of the electrically motorized wheels and communicate the position thereof to a transportation network.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Door handle and control method thereof

Номер: US20210012596A1
Автор: PENG Wang
Принадлежит: Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co Ltd

A door handle includes a human body detection sensor, a controller, a servo assembly, and an engaging assembly. The controller is electrically connected with the human body detection sensor and the servo assembly, and the engaging assembly is controlled by the servo assembly. The engaging assembly includes a first engaging state and a second engaging state. When the engaging assembly is in the first engaging state, the door handle is able to drive a lock body connecting shaft to rotate; and when the engaging assembly is in the second engaging state, the door handle is unable to drive the lock body connecting shaft to rotate.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016303A1
Автор: NAITOU Kazutaka

Provided is a vehicle door unlocking system and an on-board control device that can ensure security when the vehicle doors are unlocked. The vehicle door unlocking system includes: a mobile device that is provided with an operation unit for accepting an operation to unlock the plurality of doors of a vehicle, and is configured to transmit an operation signal when the operation unit has accepted the operation; and an on-board control device configured to perform, upon receiving the operation signal from the mobile device, control to unlock the plurality of doors based on the received operation signal. The on-board control device includes: a detection unit configured to detect the mobile device, and is configured to unlock only a specific door of the plurality of doors provided on the vehicle upon receiving the operation signal from the mobile device without the mobile device being detected by the detection unit. 1. A vehicle door unlocking system comprising:a mobile device that is provided with an interface for accepting an operation to unlock a plurality of doors provided on a vehicle, and is configured to transmit an operation signal when the interface has accepted the operation; andan on-board controller configured to perform, upon receiving the operation signal from the mobile device, control to unlock the plurality of doors based on the received operation signal, 'a detector configured to detect the mobile device, and', 'wherein the on-board controller includesthe on-board controller is configured to unlock only a specific door of the plurality of doors provided on the vehicle, upon receiving the operation signal from the mobile device without the mobile device being detected by the detector.2. The vehicle door unlocking system according to claim 1 ,wherein the on-board controller is configured to unlock all of the doors of the vehicle, if the mobile device is detected by the detector and the operation signal is received from the mobile device.3. The vehicle ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Locking device

Номер: US20160017636A1
Принадлежит: Henry Squire and Sons Ltd

A locking device and system are disclosed. The locking device includes a barrel within which sets a plug. A plurality of pins sit in pin pathways that extend partially through the barrel and plug and the pins prevent rotation of the barrel within the plug when the ends of the pins are not aligned with a shear line. One of the pins has a recess formed therein within which a locking ball can sit. The engagement or otherwise of the locking ball in the recess is controlled by a linear actuator. When the linear actuator allows the locking ball to disengage the recess the pin with the recess in can engage the key and a line the end of the pin with the shear line.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017639A1

A lock core for a lock assembly is provided including a housing having a first end. An operating member is configured to move between a retracted position and an extended position. When the operating member is in the retracted position, the operating member is at least partially recessed within the housing. A control member is arranged within the housing and is configured to selectively limit movement of the operating member between the retracted position and the extended position. The control member is operably coupled to the controller via an actuator.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Tray device for vehicle

Номер: US20180016823A1

A tray device for a vehicle may include a tray provided in the vehicle and having a cover configured for being opened, a locking module provided in the cover to lock or unlock the cover, and a touch pad provided on an outer side of the cover and interworking with the locking module to unlock the cover through a touch operation.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

System and method for issuing key for door lock at lodging facilities using smart phone

Номер: US20180018594A1
Автор: Jeong Youn Choi
Принадлежит: Urban Design Idea Associates Co Ltd

Disclosed are a system and method of issuing a key for a door lock at lodging facilities using a smart phone, wherein the system includes: a guest smart phone that makes a request for a reservation and payment at lodging facilities; a door-lock key issuing server that is requested to make a reservation and payment from the guest smart phone, acts as a proxy to make the reservation and payment at the lodging facilities; and a lodging-facilities server that approves the reservation and payment made by the door-lock key issuing server, receives the password of the key for the door lock from the door-lock key issuing server, approves the smart phone when accessed by the smart phone, and permits the door to be open by the Bluetooth communication with the approved smart phone.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023320A1

Lock devices, systems, and methods that can include an internal mechanism to permit backdriven operation and lost motion operation. In one form the lock includes an assembly of parts that includes parts having locating features that that can assist in those parts being assembled with other parts of the assembly in a single, relative orientation. Further, lost motion may be utilized to accommodate manual displacement of one or more components of the can also be displaceable, in at least certain situations, via operation of a motor. The lock can also include an internal power source capable of driving electronics used to determine handedness of a door. 119.-. (canceled)20. An apparatus , comprising:a housing having an inner bolt housing and a cam housing, the cam housing being telescopically coupled to the inner bolt housing, the cam housing including a first housing feature;a bolt having an aperture, a portion of the bolt positioned within the inner bolt housing;a cam having an extension, a first cam feature, and an aperture, the aperture sized for receipt of a complementary shaped driver; andwherein the first housing feature and the cam first feature are configured to prohibit the cam from being rotably coupled to the cam housing at more than a single orientation relative to the cam housing, and wherein the extension is engaged with the aperture of the bolt when the cam is rotably coupled to the cam housing at the single orientation.21. The apparatus of claim 20 , wherein the first cam feature of the cam is a first protrusion extending from a first sidewall of the cam claim 20 , the first protrusion sized to be received in the cam housing in only a first opening located on a first sidewall of the cam housing.22. The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein the cam further includes a second cam feature comprising a second protrusion claim 21 , the second protrusion extending from a second sidewall of the cam claim 21 , and wherein the cam housing includes a second housing ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140109632A1

A lock assembly () for securing a container () having an interior region is disclosed. The lock assembly () includes a housing () positionable on the interior of the container (), a bolt () moveable relative to the housing () between an extended position inhibiting access to the interior region of the container () and a retracted position to facilitate access to the interior region, a dial () positionable on an exterior of the container (). The dial () includes a plurality of indicators () indicative of a plurality of dial positions, and an electronic controller () operably coupled to the dial () to detect the relative position of the dial () to determine if a combination entered with the dial () provides authorization to move the bolt () from the extended position to the retracted position. 1. A lock assembly for securing a container having an interior region , the lock assembly including:a housing positionable on the interior of the container,a bolt moveable relative to the housing between an extended position inhibiting access to the interior region of the container and a retracted position to facilitate access to the interior region,a dial positionable on an exterior of the container, the dial including a plurality of indicators indicative of a plurality of dial positions, andan electronic controller operably coupled to the dial to detect the relative position of the dial to determine if a combination entered with the dial provides authorization to move the bolt from the extended position to the retracted position.2. The lock assembly of claim 1 , wherein the operable coupling between the dial and the electronic controller is devoid of electric communication paths.3. The lock assembly of claim 1 , wherein the operable coupling between the dial and the electronic controller is a shaft.4. The lock assembly of claim 1 , wherein the electronic controller is positioned in the housing.5. The lock assembly of claim 1 , wherein the electronic controller includes an ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Positioning system

Номер: US20220043100A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A positioning system executes wireless communication with a portable terminal by adopting a radio wave of 1 GHz or higher to determine a position of the portable terminal relative to a vehicle. The positioning system includes a vehicle exterior communication device and a positioning device. The vehicle exterior communication device is disposed at an outer surface portion at least one of a side surface portion or a rear side surface portion of the vehicle, and includes an antenna receiving a wireless signal transmitted from the portable terminal. The positioning device determines whether or not the portable terminal exists at an exterior operating area being a region outside a vehicle compartment within a predetermined operating distance from the vehicle, based on a reception status of the wireless signal received by the vehicle exterior communication device from the portable terminal. The antenna radiates a main polarized wave and a cross-polarized wave.

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Storage Delivery Box

Номер: US20180029760A1
Автор: Maser Roman

A storage delivery box is provided. The storage delivery box includes a housing having a base, sidewalls, a lid, and an interior volume. The lid is hingedly attached to the housing for selectively providing access to the interior volume. The lid includes a locking mechanism configured to automatically secure the lid when in a closed position. A door lock disposed on the lid includes an input for unlocking the lid when in the closed position. An alarm system disposed on the housing is configured to detect intruders, activate a home alarm system and a recording device, and wirelessly communicate any attempted intrusions to an electronic device. An auxiliary net removably attachable to the interior volume is configured to receive items that are too large to fit within the interior volume and secure them exteriorly to the storage box. 1) A storage delivery box , comprising:a housing including a base, one or more sidewalls, and an interior volume;a lid hingedly connected to a sidewall of the housing for selectively moving the lid between an open position and a closed position;an automated locking mechanism disposed on the lid;an auxiliary net removably attachable to the interior volume of the housing, the auxiliary net including an open upper end, a middle portion, and a closed lower end;a latching mechanism configured to secure the open upper end of the auxiliary net to the interior volume of the housing;an aperture disposed on the housing, the aperture configured to receive a fastener therethrough for securing the housing to a surface; andan alarm system configured to activate upon an attempted intrusion, wherein upon activation the alarm system is configured to alert an owner of the attempted intrusion.2) The storage delivery box of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises a waterproof interior lining configured to protect the interior volume of the housing from precipitation.3) The storage delivery box of claim 1 , wherein the lid includes a door lock including an ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Electronic Locking Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20160032623A1

An electronic locking mechanism has a body portion with movable retaining members that are controlled utilizing an electrically controlled actuator. The actuator operates the retaining member to move radially outwardly of the body portion circumference in a locked position and allows the retaining member to move radially inwardly of the circumference in an unlocked position. An electronic key can be utilized to operate the electronic locking mechanism. 1. A barrel lock comprising:a longitudinal axis,a head portion having a radial extent,a shank portion having a radial extent smaller than the radial extent of the head portion, 'the retaining member being radially extensible and retractable relative to the longitudinal axis,', 'a movable retaining member,'} he actuator having an opened position and a locked position', 'the actuator maintaining at least partial radial extension of the retaining member when in the locked position and allowing radial retraction of the retaining member when in the opened position,, 'an electrically controlled actuator,'} 'the control circuit capable of receiving a signal from a key and of providing an electrical signal to the actuator when the proper signal is received by the control circuit from a key,', 'a control circuit in electrical communication with the actuator,'}wherein the head portion comprises the control circuit.2. The invention of in combination with locking hardware comprising an aperture for receiving the barrel lock and wherein the locking hardware is locked when the actuator is in the locked position.3. The invention of wherein the electrically controlled actuator comprises a shape memory alloy.4. The invention of wherein the electrically controlled actuator comprises a solenoid.5. The invention of wherein the electrically controlled actuator comprises a piezoelectric actuator.6. The invention of wherein the electrically controlled actuator comprises a motor.7. The invention of wherein the electrically controlled ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Open-cabin vehicle

Номер: US20200031415A1
Принадлежит: Yamaha Motor Co Ltd

An open-cabin vehicle is provided that makes it possible to enjoy the convenience provided by electronic devices while suppressing electric power consumption and also suppressing a reduction in the convenience of the open-cabin vehicle. An identification signal transmission unit inside an electric power control apparatus of an open-cabin vehicle intermittently transmits an identification signal (ID). A response signal reception unit receives a response signal (RE) that is transmitted from a portable terminal in response to the identification signal (ID) without any operation by a rider on the portable terminal or the open-cabin vehicle. When the response signal reception unit receives the response signal (RE), a command unit commands current conduction in a first electric power supply circuit and does not command current conduction in a second electric power supply circuit.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051499A1

An example system can include a battery-powered trash compactor or storage device that performs operations including receiving identification information via an external entity from a reader component. The reader component is connected to a control module that manages sensor components or other functions of the battery-powered storage device. The control module also controls a locking mechanism and reader component. Based on the identification information, via the control module, the battery-powered storage device unlocks the locking mechanism. 1. A storage device comprising:a processor;a storage bin configured within the storage device;a battery that stores energy for operation of the storage device;a sensing component that determines a fullness level of the storage bin;an electronic locking mechanism which enables access to an interior portion of the storage device;a memory;a control module having instructions stored in the memory which, when executed by the processor as powered by the battery, manages the sensing component and is in communication with the electronic locking mechanism; anda reader component that communicates with an external entity to obtain access authorization request information, wherein the control module allows or denies access to the storage device based on stored authorization allowances obtained from a remote server.2. The storage device of claim 1 , wherein the reader component comprises one of an RFID reader claim 1 , a near-field communication component claim 1 , a Bluetooth reader component claim 1 , a gesture reading or detecting component claim 1 , a facial recognition component claim 1 , a bio-metric reader claim 1 , a touch-sensitive display claim 1 , a keypad claim 1 , a multi-modal input component claim 1 , and a motion detection component.3. The storage device of claim 1 , wherein upon triggering the electronic locking mechanism claim 1 , the control module maintains the electronic locking mechanism in an unlock position for a ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037656A1
Автор: MIN HAO, SUN Jianping

The present invention relates to a rotating lock latch bolt and a lock having rotating lock latch bolt. In certain embodiments, rotating lock latch bolt may include a first cylindrical body and a second cylindrical body connected co-axially below the first cylindrical body. The lock may include a lock latch, a lock latch control mechanism, a rotating lock latch bolt, and a rotating lock latch bolt control mechanism. Lock latch control mechanism may be configured to drive lock latch to a first position to lock the lock, and to a second position to unlock the lock. The rotating lock latch bolt may be configured to bolt the lock latch to prevent the lock latch from moving when the lock latch is in the first position. The rotating lock latch bolt control mechanism may be configured to rotate the rotating lock latch bolt to bolt and release the lock latch. 2. The rotating lock latch bolt according to claim 1 , wherein the first cylindrical body and the second cylindrical body are connected co-axially and are rotatable along the axes of the first cylindrical body and the second cylindrical body.3. The rotating lock latch bolt according to claim 2 , wherein the first cylindrical body further comprises a lock latch bolt gear to receive rotating driving force from a rotating lock latch bolt control mechanism configured to rotate the rotating lock latch bolt.4. The rotating lock latch bolt according to claim 3 , wherein the rotating lock latch bolt control mechanism comprises a lock latch bolt control gear configured to drive the lock latch bolt gear to rotate the rotating lock latch bolt to a first position to bolt a lock latch claim 3 , and rotate the rotating lock latch bolt to a second position to release the lock latch.5. The rotating lock latch bolt according to claim 4 , wherein the lock latch is positioned in the recess portion and the rotating lock latch bolt bolts the lock latch when the rotating lock latch bolt is in the first position claim 4 , and releases the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038136A1

A security device is provided including a security lock configured to retain an object when locked, a receiver configured to receive a security code transmission, and processing circuitry configured to transition the security lock between a locked state and unlock permissive state based on receipt of a security code. The security lock may initially be set to the unlock permissive state. At the first instance in which a security code is received, the processing circuitry may transition the security lock to a key permissive mode in which the security lock transitions to a locked state and in response to a subsequent receipt of the security code the security lock transitions to the unlock permissive state. 19-. (canceled)10. A security system comprising: a security lock configured to retain an object when locked;', 'a receiver configured to receive a security code transmission; and', 'processing circuitry configured to transition the security lock between a locked state and unlock permissive state based on receipt of a security code;', 'wherein the security lock may initially be set to the unlock permissive state;', 'wherein at a first instance in which a security code is received, the processing circuitry may transition the security lock to a key permissive mode and the security lock transitions to a locked state; and, 'a security device comprisingwherein in response to a subsequent security code receipt the security lock transitions to the unlock permissive state; anda release device configured to cause a transmission of the security code.11. The security system of claim 10 , wherein the security device is configured to claim 10 , in response to the subsequent security code receipt claim 10 , remain in the unlock permissive state for a predetermined period of time claim 10 , and wherein the security device is configured to transition to the locked state in response to an expiration of the predetermined period of time.12. The security system of claim 11 , wherein the ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Packaged terminal climate unit for pest control

Номер: US20160044908A1

In certain embodiments, a packaged terminal device for killing pests in an affected area includes a housing configured to be positioned at least partially within an affected area, a fan positioned within the housing, and one or more heating elements positioned within the housing. The fan is operable to draw a flow of air from the affected area into the housing. The one or more heating elements are operable to generate heated air by transferring heat to the flow of air. The packaged terminal device further includes a control unit operable to control the operation of the one or more heating elements in order to cause the packaged terminal device to operate in either a first mode or a second mode. In the first mode, the operation of the one or more heating elements is controlled such that sufficient heated air is generated to heat at least a portion of the affected area to a temperature less than or equal to a first predefined temperature. In the second mode, the operation of the one or more heating elements is controlled such that sufficient heated air is generated to heat at least a portion of the affected area to a temperature greater than or equal to a second predefined temperature, the second predefined temperature being greater than the first predefined temperature.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Electronic lock and light colour control method for same

Номер: US20210047865A1
Автор: Paul Yeung On TSUI
Принадлежит: Innova Ideas Ltd

Disclosed are an electronic lock (100) and a light colour control method for the electronic lock (100). The electronic lock (100) comprises a lock body (1), a lock hook (2), at least two shifting beads (3), a lock shifter (4), a motor (5), a motor actuator (6), and an elastic member (7), wherein the shifting beads (3), the lock shifter (4), the motor (5) and the motor actuator (6) are mounted in the lock body (1), the motor actuator (6) is mounted on the motor (5) and interlinked with the lock shifter (4), the lock hook (2) is mounted on the lock body (1) and is able to move with respect to the lock body (1), the shifting beads (3) cooperate with the lock hook (2) such that the electronic lock (100) is transformable between a locked state and an unlocked state, and the elastic member (7) is mounted in the lock body (1) and exerts an acting force on the shifting beads (3) in opposite directions towards the lock hook (2) so that the shifting beads (3) do not exert any acting force on the lock shifter (4) during a progress of unlocking and locking. in the electronic lock (100), the shifting beads (3) do not exert any acting three on the motor (5) during a progress of unlocking and locking, and the motor (5) is in an unloaded state, thereby lowering demand for power supply and for the voltage and power of the motor (5), reducing energy loss and prolonging the service life of the electronic lock.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044942A1

The disclosure discloses a door lock including a locking mechanism, a power interface, a main control board, an environmental information collection device and a power supply management device, where the locking mechanism, power interface and power supply management device are respectively connected with the main control board, the environmental information collection device connected with the power supply management device, the environmental information collection device configured to collect and transmit environmental information on the surrounding of the door lock to the power supply management device; the power supply management device configured to carry out processing according to the environmental information and output a power supply mode matched with the environmental information to the main control board; and the power interface configured to execute an operation related to the power supply mode matched with the environmental information according to a power supply instruction from the main control board. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. The door lock according to claim 2 , A door lock claim 2 , comprising: a locking mechanism claim 2 , a power interface claim 2 , a main control board claim 2 , an environmental information collection device and a power supply management device claim 2 , whereinthe locking mechanism, the power interface and the power supply management device are respectively connected with the main control board, and the environmental information collection device is connected with the power supply management device, and whereinthe environmental information collection device is configured to collect environmental information on the surrounding of the door lock and transmit the environmental information to the power supply management device;the power supply management device is configured to carry out matching operation according to the environmental information and output a power supply mode matched with the environmental information to the ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044944A1

Disclosed are various embodiments of lock devices, systems, and methods. A lock of the application can include an internal mechanism to permit backdriven operation and lost motion operation. In one form the lock can be made from an assembly of parts that have locating features that require one way installation/assembly. The lock can include an internal power source capable of driving electronics used to determine handedness of a door. 1. An apparatus comprising:a door access device having a key lock structured to receive a key used to extend and retract a bolt for securing a door, the device also having a user grappling member for use with a hand of a person to grasp and manipulate the door access device, the grappling member configured to extend and retract the bolt;a motor structured to move the bolt to an extended or a retracted position;a drive member drivingly coupled with the bolt and actuatable between the extended or retracted positions using any of the motor, the user grappling member, and the key; anda lost motion assembly interposed between the drive member driving mechanisms and the drive member and having a first lost motion member moveable via the motor and in moveable communication with a second lost motion member moveable via the drive member, the first lost motion member having an engaging portion structured to contact the second lost motion member and cause movement of the drive member between a relatively extended position and a relatively retracted position, the first lost motion member also having a range of motion in which the engaging portion is not in contact with the second lost motion member such that in one mode of operation movement of the bolt results in substantially little corresponding movement of the first lost motion member.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the range of motion corresponds substantially to a full throw of the bolt between the extended position and the retracted position.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein first ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160049034A1
Автор: Stradiota Julie

A personally accessible storage unit includes a support structure, which is configured to house a safety deposit compartment slidably mounted within the support structure. The safety deposit compartment has a bottom surface and a plurality of surrounding side walls defining a storage area for a valuable article. A command panel is mounted on the exterior surface of the support structure and includes a biometric fingerprint scanner programmed to recognize the fingerprints of a user. A latch mechanism attached to the interior surface of the support structure is in communication with the fingerprint scanner and is engageable with the safety deposit compartment, based on input from the command panel. The unit also has means for providing electrical power to the command panel and the latch mechanism, which may include an electrical cord and plug and/or a battery. A storage unit having a hinged access panel is also provided. 1. A personally accessible storage unit for securely housing a valuable article , the storage unit comprising:a support structure with an exterior surface, an interior surface, and a base, the support structure configured to house a safety deposit compartment;a safety deposit compartment slidably mounted within the support structure, the safety deposit compartment having a bottom surface and a plurality of surrounding side walls defining a storage area for receipt and storage of the valuable article;a command panel mounted on the exterior surface of the support structure, the command panel comprising a biometric fingerprint scanner programmed to recognize the fingerprints of a user of the unit;a latch mechanism attached to the interior surface of the support structure, the latch mechanism being engageable with the safety deposit compartment and being in communication with the fingerprint scanner, such that the latch mechanism is engaged and disengaged based on input from the command panel; anda means for providing electrical power to the command panel ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Idling Switch Structure of Shaft of Electronic Lock

Номер: US20220064995A1
Автор: Chen Jeff

An idling switch structure of a shaft of an electronic lock contains: a holding plate, a shell, an electric drive unit, a switching unit, and a manual rotation unit. The holding plate includes a peripheral fringe, multiple positioning posts, a fixing seat, two locating portions, a column, a receiving area, a limiting rib, an extension, and a bolt seat. The shell includes a covering space, multiple recesses, and a locking orifice. The electric drive unit includes a drive wheel, a motor body, and a transmission wheel having a central orifice and two rotation protrusions. The drive wheel has a central orifice, a tooth portion, and an actuation gear. The motor body has two stands and a worm. The switching unit includes a driven sheet, a slider, a first spring, a second spring, and a driving element. The manual rotation unit includes a lock bolt and a key.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048933A1

Disclosed is a wireless power supply smart door lock, comprising: a wireless power transmission control device mounted on a door frame; the wireless power transmission control device comprises a first main control unit and a wireless power transmission coil, a first wireless power conversion unit, a first communication unit and a door body state detecting unit electrically connected to the first main control unit; the wireless power receiving control device comprises a second main control unit and a wireless power receiving coil, a second wireless power conversion unit, an energy storage unit and a second communication unit electrically connected to the second main control unit; the first main control unit detects the acquired door opening or closing state information and the energy storage unit electric quantity information obtained by the communication interaction in real time according to the door body state detecting unit, and determines whether to trigger the wireless power transmission coil to transmit electric energy to the wireless power receiving coil to charge the energy storage unit. The energy storage unit in the lock body can be charged when the door body is closed, and the energy storage unit is always fully charged to ensure the normal operation of the lock body, which greatly improves the operation convenience of the smart lock. 1. A wireless power supply smart door lock , wherein comprising: a wireless power transmission control device mounted on a door frame; and a wireless power receiving control device mounted on the door body;The wireless power transmission control device comprises a first main control unit and a wireless power transmission coil, a first wireless power conversion unit, a first communication unit and a door body state detecting unit electrically connected to the first main control unit;The wireless power receiving control device comprises a second main control unit and a wireless power receiving coil, a second wireless power ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051481A1

A device for preventing unwanted opening of a locked enclosure includes a lock bolt moveable between a locked position and an unlocked position. A face gear is meshable with and rotatable by the worm gear between locking and unlocking positions when the worm gear is driven in the first and second directions, respectively. A blocker member is rotatable between first and second positions. A biasing member is operatively coupled to the face gear and the blocker member to bias the blocker member in a biasing direction. A sliding member selectively disengages the blocker member to allow the blocker member to rotate in the biasing direction. A lever arm is operatively coupled to the sliding member such that the lever arm is in the disengaged and engageable positions when the sliding member engages the blocker member in the first and second positions, respectively. 1. A self-powered lock , comprising;a lock operable by a motor;a display device operable to display information regarding the lock to a user; anda manually operable electricity generator generating electricity upon manual actuation by the user, the electricity generator electrically connected to the display device and the motor to supply electricity thereto for operating the lock and the display device.2. The self-powered lock of claim 1 , wherein the display device further includes a display and a backlight claim 1 , the display operable to display the information and the backlight operable to direct light on the display claim 1 , and the electricity generator is electrically connected to the backlight.3. The self-powered lock of claim 2 , further comprising:a filtering device covering at least a portion of the display, the filtering device adapted to prevent a viewing of the display from a plurality of angles.4. The self-powered lock of claim 2 , wherein the electricity generator is electrically connected to the display.5. The self-powered lock of claim 2 , wherein the display is a liquid crystal display and ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051482A1

A device for preventing unwanted opening of a locked enclosure includes a lock bolt moveable between a locked position and an unlocked position. A face gear is meshable with and rotatable by the worm gear between locking and unlocking positions when the worm gear is driven in the first and second directions, respectively. A blocker member is rotatable between first and second positions. A biasing member is operatively coupled to the face gear and the blocker member to bias the blocker member in a biasing direction. A sliding member selectively disengages the blocker member to allow the blocker member to rotate in the biasing direction. A lever arm is operatively coupled to the sliding member such that the lever arm is in the disengaged and engageable positions when the sliding member engages the blocker member in the first and second positions, respectively. 1. A self-powered lock , comprising:a lock operable by a motor;a controller operative to supply electricity to the motor;a manually operable electricity generator operative to generate electricity upon manual actuation by a user, the electricity being used to supply power input to the controller;an electricity storage device operatively coupled to the electricity generator;a rotatable lock dial coupled with the electricity generator to generate electricity upon rotation of the lock dial; anda sensor sensing a rate of rotation of the lock dial and operatively coupled with the controller,2. A method of preventing an automated device from inputting a correct lock combination into a lock , comprising:sensing the rotation of a lock dial with a sensor;communicating sensed rotation from the sensor to a controller; anddetermining whether the lock dial is being rotated with the automated device via the controller, wherein when the controller determines that the lock dial is being rotated with the automated device, the controller maintains the lock in a locked position regardless of inputting the correct lock combination. ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051531A1

The present invention relates to electronic and mechanical dual combination locks. In certain embodiments, electronic and mechanical dual combination locks include: a lock base, a spin dial, a spin dial cover, and a spin dial release conversion mechanism. The lock base includes a mechanical combination lock inside. An electronic combination lock is positioned inside the spin dial cover. The spin dial release conversion mechanism has a spin dial release positioned on the top of the lock base. The spin dial release is used by the user to switch the electronic and mechanical dual combination lock between the electronic combination lock and the mechanical combination lock. When spin dial release is placed in a first position, the electronic and mechanical dual combination lock becomes the electronic combination lock. When the spin dial release is placed in a second position, the electronic and mechanical dual combination lock becomes the mechanical combination lock. 2. The electronic and mechanical dual combination lock according to claim 1 , wherein when the spin dial release is in the first position claim 1 , the spin dial release is pressed down claim 1 , and when the spin dial release is in the second position claim 1 , the spin dial release is lifted up.3. The electronic and mechanical dual combination lock according to claim 1 , wherein the top portion of the spin dial release is in an arc shape claim 1 , and when the spin dial release is in the first position claim 1 , the arc shape of the spin dial release forms a part of the circular shape of the lock base.5. The electronic and mechanical dual combination lock according to claim 4 , wherein the plurality of numerical markings is displayed along the edge of the dial ring.6. The electronic and mechanical dual combination lock according to claim 5 , wherein the spin dial release comprises a light emit diode (LED) positioned inside the top of the spin dial release configured to illuminate the plurality of numerical ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Electro-Mechanical Locks With Bezel Turning Function

Номер: US20170051534A1
Принадлежит: Spectrum Brands, Inc.

The present disclosure provides an electro-mechanical lock assembly which illustratively includes a motor, a gear, a driver, a torque member, a housing, and a bezel. The motor is operable upon selective input. The motor is also coupled to the driver to engage both the gear and the housing when the motor is in operation. The bezel is attached to the gear such that when the driver is engaged with both the gear and the housing, manual rotation of the bezel will rotate the housing. The housing is attached to the torque member which is configured to move a latch such that when the bezel rotates the latch is moved. 1. An electro-mechanical lock assembly comprising:a keypad;a motor;a gear;a spline-driver;a torque member;a housing;a bezel;wherein the motor is operable upon selective input to the keypad;wherein the motor is coupled to the spline-driver to engage both the gear and the housing when the motor is in operation;wherein the bezel is attached to the gear such that when the spline-driver is engaged with both the gear and the housing, manual rotation of the bezel will rotate the housing; andwherein the housing is attached to the torque member which is configured to move a latch such that when the bezel rotates the latch is moved.2. The electro-mechanical lock assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a base located adjacent the bezel and configured to fit against a door.3. The electro-mechanical lock assembly of claim 1 , wherein the keypad is configured to receive a combination code as the selective input to operate the motor.4. The electro-mechanical lock assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a cable ribbon in communication with a PCB board that determines if a proper combination code as the selective input is entered into the keypad to direct a signal to the motor to operate the motor.5. The electro-mechanical lock assembly of claim 4 , wherein the cable ribbon is extendable from the electro-mechanical lock assembly and connectable to a battery case in a ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170053467A1

Systems and methods for providing secure locks having redundant access channels are disclosed. In some embodiments of the invention, the smart lock has a hardware processor, a power source, a cylinder, a button that forms a rose knob, and a rose protector. The rose knob and rose protector protect and conceal the hardware processor, the power source, and the cylinder. The rose protector forms an annular groove that slidably interlocks with the rose knob. The rose knob has a plurality of redundant access channels for receiving authentication information. The redundant access channels may include a biometric scanner for receiving biometric information, a passcode keypad for entering a token, or a wireless transceiver for receiving a token from a mobile device and transmitting a response to the mobile device. When the user cannot open the lock through the first redundant access channel, the smart lock is configured to allow access through a second access channel. 1. A lock for providing redundant channels of access comprising:a hardware processor;a power source;a cylinder adaptable to fit a standard profile slot of a door, the cylinder comprising a cam to engage a bolt;a button for engaging the cam to unlock the bolt and for forming a rose knob for protecting and concealing the hardware processor, the power source, and the cylinder; anda rose protector for protecting and concealing the hardware processor, the power source, and the cylinder, such that the hardware processor, the power source, and the cylinder are entirely protected and concealed by the rose knob and the rose protector,wherein the rose protector has an outer wall and an inner wall forming an annular groove for interlocking with the rose knob, the inner wall formed substantially perpendicular with respect to the door, the outer wall formed conically with respect to the door, the annular groove having a graduating thickness that decreases along a plane normal to the door as a result of the conical shape of ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Securing and Temperature Regulating a Delivery Container

Номер: US20160058181A1

A delivery container equipped with a lock device, temperature regulating device, sensors and a processor is configured to receive and further store goods without the presence of an owner. The owner is notified by a user device when a delivery is made. The door of the delivery container is opened when a valid passcode is entered. The temperature regulating device heats or cools the interior space of the container, whereby the temperature of the interior space may be automatically determined or manually adjusted. A user via a user device can also communicate with the delivery container to send delivery instructions. The processor of the container is configured to calculate cooling and heating rates and controls the overall operations of the delivery container. 1. A container for receiving and storing an object , the container comprising:a body defining an interior space for receiving the object;a door for accessing the interior space;a lock device for unlocking and locking the door;a temperature regulating device for regulating the temperature of the interior space;a sensor to indirectly or directly detect whether the object has been placed in the container;memory; and receive an expected delivery time of the object; and', 'at a predetermined time period before the expected delivery time, regulate the temperature of the interior space., 'a processor configured to cause the container to at least2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to at least:detect, using the sensor, the object being placed in the interior space;continue regulating the temperature of the interior space;detect, using the sensor, the object being removed from the interior space; anddeactivate the temperature regulating device.3. The container of claim 1 , wherein the sensor sends output to the processor claim 1 , the sensor comprising at least one of:a video camera capable of capturing pictures or video;a door switch capable of notifying the processor that the door ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060008A1
Принадлежит: Architectural Mailboxes, LLC

A delivery receptacle for receiving objects (such as parcels, mail or other deliveries) deposited into the receptacle at residences or other building and locations, and securing the objects within the receptacle from unauthorized access. The receptacle has an input opening and a lid which can be moved between an open position which provides access to the input opening and a closed position which covers the input opening. The receptacle has a locking mechanism which may configured for any one of a plurality of operating modes, including a single-delivery mode which does not require an access code to the lid automatically locks after the delivery and a multi-delivery mode which requires the entry of a security code into a code-operated device to unlock the lid, open the lid, place the delivery into the receptacle, and close the lid which automatically locks closed. 1. A delivery receptacle for receiving and securing an object , comprising:a housing having an input opening and a storage area adjoining the input opening;a lid hingedly attached to the housing allowing the lid to be moved between a closed position in which the lid covers the input opening and an open position in which the lid is substantially completely out of the way of the input opening allowing access the storage area through the input opening;a locking mechanism having a latch, an actuation device operably coupled to the latch and a controller operably coupled to the actuation device and configured to control the actuation device, the locking mechanism having a locked state in which the actuation device positions the latch in a locked position to lock the lid when the lid is in the closed position and an unlocked state in which the actuation device positions the latch in an unlocked position allowing the lid to be moved from the closed position to the open position, the controller including a code-operated device configured to receive a code which causes the controller to adjust the locking mechanism ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054896A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A vehicle locking and unlocking control system, comprising: a lock trigger that is provided outside a vehicle and outputs an output signal when operated by a person; a vehicle side transmitter is configured to transmit a transmission request signal according to reception of the output signal output by the lock trigger; a mobile wireless terminal is configured to transmit a response signal according to reception of the transmission request signal transmitted by the vehicle side transmitter; a vehicle side receiver configured to receive the response signal transmitted by the mobile wireless terminal; a locking controller configured to determine whether or not the response signal received by the vehicle side receiver is suitable for a unique identification signal of the vehicle and output a lock signal on the basis of a result of the determination and the reception of the output signal output from the lock trigger; a door lock mechanism configured to lock a door according to the lock signal output by the locking controller; a first determiner configured to determine whether a driving source for driving the vehicle is in an on state or a power supply of the vehicle is in an on state; a second determiner configured to determine whether or not the mobile wireless terminal is outside the vehicle; a door state detector configured to detect an open state of the door; an alarm output unit configured to output an alarm; and an alarm controller configured to cause the alarm output unit to output an alarm after it is determined by the first determiner that the driving source of the vehicle is in an on state or the power supply of the vehicle is in an on state, the output signal output from the lock trigger has been received, and a predetermined period of time has elapsed from a time when it is determined by the second determiner that the mobile wireless terminal is outside the vehicle, and cause the alarm output unit not to output the alarm when it is detected by the door state ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200054142A1

An outdoor chaise lounge may include a frame, multiple legs coupled to and extending below the frame to support the frame, a seat member coupled to the frame to enable a user to sit or lay on the seat member, a lock-box fixedly supported by the frame that enables a user of the outdoor chaise lounge to store and lock items therein. The lock-box may include a lock-box door inclusive of a user interface that enables a user to lock and unlock the lock-box. A door member may be coupled to the seat member and have a closed position and an open position such that when said door member is in the open position, the user has access to the user interface on the lock-box door. 1a frame;a plurality of legs coupled to and extending below said frame to support said frame;a seat member coupled to said frame to enable a user to sit or lay on said seat member;a lock-box fixedly supported by said frame that enables a user of the outdoor chaise lounge to store and lock items therein, said lock-box including a lock-box door inclusive of a user interface that enables a user to lock and unlock said lock-box; anda door member coupled to said seat member and having a closed position and an open position such that when said door member is in the open position, the user has access to the user interface on the lock-box door.. An outdoor chaise lounge, comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/192,772, filed Jun. 24, 2016, now U.S. Pat. No. 10,390,624 issued on Aug. 27, 2019, entitled “Outdoor Chaise Lounge with Integrated Lock-Box to Secure Valuables,” which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/445,854, filed Jul. 29, 2014, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,375,092 issued on Jun. 28, 2016, entitled “Outdoor Chaise Lounge With Integrated Lock-Box To Secure Valuables,” which is a continuation of co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/021,827, filed Sep. 9, 2013, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,789,884 issued on Jul. 29, 2014, entitled “Outdoor Chaise ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Collation system

Номер: US20220075990A1
Автор: Kenji Saito, Taketo Kochi
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

A collation system of the present invention includes an imaging means for acquiring a captured image of a pre-passage side area with respect to a gate, a collation means for performing a collation process between a previously registered target and a target in the captured image, and a determination means for determining propriety of passage of the target with respect to the gate, on the basis of a result of the collation process. The collation means initiates the collation process on the basis of a condition, set to each area of the captured image, for the target located in the area.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058565A1

The disclosed embodiments include a method for tamper-proof protection of containers used for shipment of goods. The system contains a lock with electronic and mechanical components and a controller. A sensor is connected to a lock so that if forms a closed loop. The sensor can be an optical fiber or a distributed arrangement with an optical or an electrical shield. The electronics in the lock provide real time monitoring of the status of the lock. The lock cannot be opened or reproduced due to the signature of the closed loop which is stored in a remote server. Intrusions detected are relayed to an authorized recipient via a variety of communication channels. The data and control of the entire system is protected with several programs targeted to provide cybersecurity. 1. A system for detecting tampering , comprising:a sensor with two opposing ends; and a transmitter configured to transmit a signal through the sensor; and', 'a receiver configured to receive the signal from the sensor., 'a lock body connected to the two opposing ends of the sensor, the lock body comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the lock body includes a combination lock configured to receive an input by a user claim 1 , and wherein the combination lock is configured to disconnect one of the two opposing ends of the sensor.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein one end of the sensor is fixed to the lock body and connected to the receiver.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor includes an optical fiber.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor includes an electrical conductor.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the lock body is coupled to at least one additional sensor.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the at least one additional sensor includes an electrical shield wallpaper arranged around the container.8. The system of claim 6 , wherein the at least one additional sensor includes an optical shield wallpaper arranged around the container.9. The system of claim 6 , wherein the at ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180063976A1

An anchoring structure for an annular member includes a housing including a first casing and a second casing, and the annular member. The annular member is partially interposed between the first casing and the second casing. The annular member includes an external member that protrudes to an outside of the housing, and an internal member connected to the external member and located on an inside of the housing. The first casing includes a first engagement portion into which a first end of the internal member is inserted, the first engagement portion limiting the first end from moving in a direction away from the first casing. The first casing includes a second engagement portion limiting a second end of the internal member from moving in the direction away from the first casing while the first end of the internal member is engaged with the first engagement portion. 1. An anchoring structure for an annular member , the anchoring structure comprising:a housing including a first casing and a second casing which are engaged and integrated with each other; andthe annular member, a part of the annular member being interposed between the first casing and the second casing, the annular member being anchored to the housing and protruding from the housing, wherein an external member that protrudes to an outside of the housing to define a gap between the external member and the housing, and', 'an internal member that is connected to the external member and is located on an inside of the housing, and, 'the annular member includes'} a first engagement portion that has a shape into which a first end of the internal member is inserted, the first engagement portion limiting the first end of the internal member from moving in a direction away from the first casing, and', 'a second engagement portion limiting a second end of the internal member which is opposite from the first end from moving in the direction away from the first casing while the first end of the internal member is ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Door lock having day-night visible keypad

Номер: US20190063109A1
Автор: Chris R. Snider
Принадлежит: Schlage Lock Co LLC

A door lock apparatus including a door lock housing, a door lock, and a keypad operatively connected to the door lock housing and to the door lock. The keypad includes a protective layer, a decorative layer, and a light source, wherein the protective layer is disposed next to the decorative layer and the decorative layer is disposed between the protective layer and the light source. The decorative layer includes a first surface having a first material located thereon and a second surface having a second material located thereon, and wherein the first material and the second material are generally aligned to provide indicia having a three-dimensional appearance with the indicia being offset from a background plane.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Cabinet for Dispensing Items

Номер: US20190066828A1

A cabinet that can control the distribution of products that can optionally include medications. The cabinet can have a user interface that receives information about a user and the user's identity can then be authenticated. The cabinet can accept a user's request to dispense a product and, if the user is approved, the cabinet can dispense a quantity of product to the approved user. 1. A method of regulating , controlling and distributing products inside of a store comprising:providing a kiosk having a user interface for receiving identification information from a user;prompting the user to request access to a prescribed regulated product;the kiosk directing communications between a user and a healthcare professional authorized to write prescriptions;delivering a quantity of the regulated product to the user; andconfiguring the kiosk to also function as a self-checkout register for non-regulated store products.2. The method of further comprising providing an electronic application for requesting permission from the healthcare professional for access to the regulated product.3. The method of wherein the communications are performed via a telephone.4. The method of wherein the communications are performed via an Internet connection.5. The method of further comprising authenticating the identification information provided by the user.6. The method of further comprising automatically sending the healthcare professional information regarding the user after authenticating the identification information.7. The method of wherein prompting the user is performed remotely.8. The method of further comprising sending the user's request to the healthcare professional.9. The method of wherein the sending step is performed electronically.10. A method of regulating claim 8 , controlling and distributing products inside of a store comprising:providing a kiosk having a user interface for receiving identification information from a user;prompting the user to request access to a ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Electromechanical lock

Номер: US20150075235A1
Автор: Jyrki Kananen
Принадлежит: iLOQ Oy

An electromechanical lock includes a lever coupled with a locking mechanism configured to receive mechanical power from an user, and to output the mechanical power to mechanically disengage the locking mechanism provided that a support of the fulcrum is in an open position, and a return mechanism for the support of the fulcrum including a reset spring whose other end is configured to, during the reception of the mechanical power from the user, move past the support of the fulcrum with the mechanical power outputted by the lever, and, finally, force the support of the fulcrum with the mechanical energy outputted by the return spring through the lever back to a locked position.

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Receiving Enclosure

Номер: US20220087465A1
Автор: Peady Seth

A receiving enclosure for receiving goods, the receiving enclosure having one or more doors movable between an open position and a closed position, and a locking device adapted to releasably secure the one or more doors in the closed position. 1. A receiving enclosure for receiving goods , the receiving enclosure havingone or more doors movable between an open position and a closed position;wherein at least one of the one or more doors includes a slot, and wherein a flap is located adjacent the slot on an external side of the at least one of the one or more doors, and wherein a flap is located adjacent the slot on an internal side of the at least one of the one or more doors; anda locking device adapted to releasably secure the one or more doors in the closed position.2. The receiving enclosure as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising at least one temperature-controlled compartment.3. The receiving enclosure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the locking device is an electronic locking device comprising a locking mechanism which is adapted to releasably secure the one or more doors in the closed position.4. The receiving enclosure as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the locking device can be remotely actuated claim 3 , and wherein when actuated the locking device releases the one or more doors so that the one or more doors can move to the open position.5. The receiving enclosure as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the locking device can remotely communicate with a mobile device claim 4 , and wherein the locking device is actuated when it receives a security code or authorisation code from the mobile device.6. The receiving enclosure as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the receiving enclosure comprises a communication module to communicate wirelessly with the mobile device.7. The receiving enclosure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the locking device comprises a keypad to enable a code to be entered into the locking device to actuate the locking device.8. The receiving enclosure ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072266A1
Автор: HIDAKA Shinichiro
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

A locking/unlocking system includes: a power reception device having a vehicle coil provided in a vehicle and receiving power at a first frequency in a non-contact manner from a ground coil provided on the ground; an operation switch outputting an operation signal in response to a user operation; a locking/unlocking controller that, in response to an input of an operation signal, conducts wireless communication with a key device located within a predetermined distance at a second frequency close to the first frequency and that, in response to successful wireless communication with the key device, locks/unlocks a lock provided in the vehicle; a signal determining part that outputs an input operation signal to the locking/unlocking controller; and a wiring switch that connects wiring so that the operation signal output from the operation switch is input into the signal determining part during a power reception operation of the power reception device. 1. A locking/unlocking system comprising:a power reception device that is provided in a vehicle and has a vehicle coil which receives power at a first frequency from a ground coil provided on a ground in a non-contact manner;an operation switch that is provided in the vehicle and outputs an operation signal in response to a user operation;a locking/unlocking controller that conducts wireless communication at a second frequency close to the first frequency with a key device located within a predetermined distance in response to an input of the operation signal and locks/unlocks a lock provided in the vehicle in response to successful wireless communication with the key device;a signal determining part that outputs the input operation signal to the locking/unlocking controller when the operation signal is input; anda wiring switch that connects wiring so that the operation signal output from the operation switch is input into the signal determining part during a power reception operation of the power reception device.2. The ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Cabinet for Dispensing Items

Номер: US20170076066A1
Принадлежит: Peacock Myers PC

A cabinet that can control the distribution of products that can optionally include medications. The cabinet can have a user interface that receives information about a user and the user's identity can then be authenticated. The cabinet can accept a user's request to dispense a product and, if the user is approved, the cabinet can dispense a quantity of product to the approved user.

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Portable communication device

Номер: US20180076838A1
Автор: Qiying Li

A portable communication device that can suppress degradation in communication efficiency caused by a reduction in device size. The portable communication device includes a mechanical key that is made of an electrical conductor and is for mechanically locking or unlocking a door of a vehicle, and a transmission antenna for transmitting a wireless signal. A storing portion that stores the mechanical key is provided in a case in which the transmission antenna is provided. When the mechanical key is stored in the storing portion, the transmission antenna is electrically connected to the mechanical key. In the portable communication device, the storage state of the mechanical key in the storing portion is detected by a push switch, and impedance correction in a communication circuit is performed by an impedance matching circuit in accordance with the detection result.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Combination Lock with Electronic Override Key

Номер: US20210079692A1
Автор: Gokcebay Asil, Zhang An

A combination lock can be operated manually via the manipulation of dials and by way of an electronic key. The lock includes one or more rotatable selectors each having multiple indicia disposed thereon. Rotation of the rotatable selectors to predetermined indicia places the lock in the unlocked position. The lock can further include an electronic port and an actuator. Upon receipt of a predetermined credential via the port, the actuator can place the lock in in the unlocked position. The lock further includes a knob that, when the lock is in the unlocked position, can be rotated between a first position in which the lock is in a closed position and a second position in which the lock is in an open position. The combination lock may automatically scramble the positions of the dials upon opening for security purposes. 1. A combination lock with electronic override , comprising:a knob rotatable between a first knob position in which the combination lock is in a closed position and a second knob position in which the combination lock is in an open position;a drive shaft selectively couplable to the knob, wherein when the drive shaft is operatively coupled to the knob, the combination lock is in an unlocked position, and when the drive shaft is not operatively coupled to the knob, the combination lock is in a locked position;a coupler disposed between the knob and the drive shaft and shiftable between at least two positions, wherein in a first coupler position, the knob is not operatively coupled to the drive shaft, and in a second coupler position the knob is operatively coupled to the drive shaft, least in part by the coupler,a circuit board including a processor;a port in communication with the processor and configured to receive an access code;an actuator in communication with the processor, the actuator operatively coupled to the coupler, wherein upon receipt of the access code by the port, the processor is configured to instruct the actuator to shift the coupler ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200074392A1

A storage cabinet according to an embodiment stores a plurality of items, each item including a first tag attached thereto, the first tag being an RF tag for recording item information relating to a corresponding item. The storage cabinet includes: a first reader for reading the item information recorded in the first tag of items stored in a housing, when the door is in a closed state; and a second reader for reading item information of a first tag, when the door is in an open state, and an item to which the first tag is attached is made proximate from the outside to a predetermined area on the housing. 19-. (canceled)10. A storage cabinet configured to store a plurality of items , each item of the plurality of items including an RF tag attached thereto for recording item information relating to a corresponding item , the storage cabinet comprising:a housing configured to store the plurality of items, the housing configured to be in an open state in which the plurality of items is accessible from outside, or in a closed state in which the plurality of items is inaccessible from the outside;a first reader configured to read item information from RF tags of the plurality of items stored in the housing, when the housing is in the closed state;a second reader configured to read item information from an RF tag of an item when a user moves the item close to an area exterior of the housing; anda controller programmed to cause generation of a warning based on item information from the first reader and item information from the second reader.11. The storage cabinet according to claim 10 , further comprising a display configured to display the warning.12. The storage cabinet according to claim 10 , further comprising a speaker configured to output the warning.13. The storage cabinet according to claim 10 , wherein the area exterior of the housing is on the housing.14. The storage cabinet according to claim 10 , wherein the warning is that an item has a period of time to an ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140160711A1

A mortise lock includes: a first printed circuit board; a contact pad arranged on the first printed circuit board; a second printed circuit board; a printed circuit board connector arranged on the second printed circuit board, the printed circuit board connector being configured to connect the first printed circuit board to the second printed circuit board; and a plug contact arranged on the second printed circuit board. The plug contact is configured to be accessible from outside of the mortise lock. 112-. (canceled)13. A mortise lock comprising:{'b': '30', 'a first printed circuit board ();'}{'b': 35', '30, 'a contact pad () arranged on the first printed circuit board ();'}{'b': '40', 'a second printed circuit board ();'}{'b': 50', '40', '50', '30', '40, 'a printed circuit board connector () arranged on the second printed circuit board (), the printed circuit board connector () being configured to connect the first printed circuit board () to the second printed circuit board (); and'}{'b': 60', '40', '60, 'a plug contact () arranged on the second printed circuit board (), the plug contact () being configured to be accessible from outside of the mortise lock.'}1435. The mortise lock according to claim 13 , wherein the contact pad () has conductive tracks.1535353535a,b,c. The mortise lock according to claim 13 , wherein the first printed circuit board has cutting edges () formed at the contact pad ().163536363636a,b,c,d. The mortise lock according to claim 15 , wherein the contact pad () has pairs of centering bores ().175055. The mortise lock according to claim 16 , wherein the printed circuit board connector () has centering domes ().1836363636553040a,b,c,d. The mortise lock according to claim 17 , wherein the centering bores () cooperate with the centering domes () in connecting the first printed circuit board () to the second printed board ().1936363636353535a,b,c,da,b,c. The mortise lock according to claim 16 , wherein adjacent pairs of centering bores () have ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Portable Suitcase with Electronic Combination Locking Device

Номер: US20180080259A1
Автор: Yuan Mengxiao

A portable suitcase with an electronic combination locking device includes a suitcase body, a suitcase cover, a pair of lock hooks installed to the suitcase cover, a pair of first openings formed on the suitcase body for accommodating the lock hooks, a first locking device installed on an outer top surface of the suitcase cover, and a set of numeric keys and first buttons installed on the first locking device; a second locking device installed onto the suitcase body, a second button device installed onto the second locking device and disposed opposite to the first button, and a pair of latch mechanisms for receiving the actuation of the second button device, and the first locking device receives a correct unlock password to release the lock of the first button, and the second button device receives the actuation of the first button to detach the latch mechanism from the lock hook. 1. A portable suitcase with an electronic combination locking device , comprising: a suitcase body , a suitcase cover hinged with the suitcase body , a pair of lock hooks symmetrically installed to the suitcase cover , a pair of first openings formed on the suitcase body for accommodating the lock hooks respectively , characterized in that the portable suitcase further comprises: a first locking device installed onto the outer top surface of the suitcase cover , a set of numeric keys and first button installed onto the first locking device; a second locking device installed onto the suitcase body , a second button device installed onto the second locking device and disposed opposite to the first button , and a pair of latch mechanisms for receiving the actuation of the second button device , and the first locking device receives a correct unlock password to release the locking with the first button , and the second button device receives the actuation of the first button to detach the latch mechanism from the hooking of the lock hook.2. The portable suitcase with an electronic combination ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Authentication system and authentication method

Номер: US20220097651A1
Принадлежит: Tokai Rika Co Ltd

An authentication system includes a terminal and a key authentication unit arranged in a communication peer that communicates with the terminal. The key authentication unit receives key information of the terminal carried by a user through wireless communication and performs key authentication that verifies authenticity of the key information. The authentication system further includes detectors that are arranged at different locations and detect biological information of the user and a biometric authentication unit that uses the biological information to perform biometric authentication. The authentication system further includes a controller that controls actuation of the communication peer based on a location of one of the detectors that detected the biological information, an authentication result of the key authentication, and an authentication result of the biometric authentication.

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Electronic Lock Digital Keypad Interface

Номер: US20170081877A1

A digital keypad interface includes a keypad having a plurality of keys, a lock status indicator, a first set of LEDs set around a periphery of the lock status indicator, an unlock status indicator, and a second set of LEDs set around a periphery of the unlock status indicator. A microprocessor is provided to sequentially light LEDs of the first set of LEDs during a locking sequence of inputs via the keypad and to sequentially light LEDs of the second set of LEDs during an unlocking sequence of inputs via the keypad. 1. A digital keypad interface , comprising:a keypad having a plurality of keys;a lock status indicator;a first set of LEDs set around a periphery of the lock status indicator;an unlock status indicator; anda second set of LEDs set around a periphery of the unlock status indicator;wherein the digital keypad interface is configured to sequentially illuminate LEDs of the first set of LEDs during a locking sequence of inputs via the keypad and to sequentially illuminate LEDs of the second set of LEDs during an unlocking sequence of inputs via the keypad.2. The digital keypad interface of claim 1 , wherein in an unlocked state claim 1 , all LEDs in the second set of LEDs are illuminated a solid color.3. The digital keypad interface of claim 2 , wherein in an unlocked state claim 2 , upon receipt of input via the unlock status indicator claim 2 , the LEDs in the second set of LEDs will blink.4. The digital keypad interface of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , during a locking sequence claim 1 , upon entry of a first digit via the keypad a first LED of the first set of LEDs will turn on and remain on until a required number of digits have been entered via the keypad.5. The digital keypad interface of claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , during the locking sequence claim 4 , upon entry of subsequent digits via the keypad claim 4 , subsequent LEDs of the first set of LEDs will turn on and remain on until the required number of digits have been entered via the keypad.6. The ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080343A1
Автор: Lin James, Uyeda Alan

An electronic lock with a latch assembly, an interior assembly, and an exterior assembly. The latch assembly includes a bolt movable between an extended position and a retracted position. The assembly includes an internal spring actuating mechanism. The assembly also includes a touch keypad subassembly configured to detect touches to at least a portion of its surface. 1. A locking assembly comprising:a motor;a spindle actuatable by the motor and positioned to rotate around a first axis in response to actuation of the motor, the spindle including a lateral projection that engages a first spring such that, upon rotation of the spindle, a position of the first spring changes relative to the lateral projection along the first axis between a neutral position and a biasing position;a locking cylinder assembly having a recess operatively engageable by a pin movable between an engaged position in which the pin resides within the recess and a disengaged position in which the pin remains outside the recess, the pin biased toward the disengaged position by a second spring, the locking cylinder assembly being rotatable around a second axis perpendicular to the first axis by an actuator;a flange at least partially surrounding the barrel, the pin, and the second spring, the flange being engageable by the first spring at least when the first spring is in a biasing position, the flange being movable between a first position and a second position, wherein the flange remains in the first position when the first spring is in the neutral position and wherein the flange is biased toward the second position when the first spring is in the biasing position;wherein biasing the flange toward the second position urges the pin toward the engaged position.2. The locking assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a control circuit configured to receive an input and send a signal;wherein the spindle is attached to the motor and upon receiving the signal the motor rotates the spindle to move the ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087291A1

A locking key for changing a locked state by being inserted into a key box includes a first base including a metal complex and in which a first pattern groove is formed, and a first pattern provided in the first pattern groove and including a conductive material. 1. A locking key for changing a locked state by being inserted into a key box or changing an unlocked state by being removed from the key box , comprising:a first base including a metal complex and in which a first pattern groove is formed; anda first pattern provided in the first pattern groove and including a conductive material.2. The locking key of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the first base comprises a resin including one or more of Polycarbonate (PC) claim 1 , Polyamide (PA) and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer (ABS) claim 1 , and a metal oxide including one or more of Mg claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Ba claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Ti and Al.3. A key box for changing a locked state by a locking key being inserted into the key box or changing an unlocked state by the locking key being removed from the key box claim 1 , comprising:an insertion hole into which the locking key is inserted;a second base laminated on one surface of the insertion hole, the second base including a metal complex, and the second base including a second pattern groove formed thereon; anda second pattern provided in the second pattern groove and including a conductive material.4. The key box of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , the second base comprises a resin including one or more of Polycarbonate (PC) claim 3 , Polyamide (PA) and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer (ABS) claim 3 , and a metal oxide including one or more of Mg claim 3 , Cr claim 3 , Cu claim 3 , Ba claim 3 , Fe claim 3 , Ti and Al.5. The key box of claim 3 , further comprising a controller electrically connected to the second pattern claim 3 , wherein the controller receives an input of a signal related to capacitance of the second pattern and ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160090774A1
Автор: Reynolds Paul Donovan

There is disclosed a portable self-storage system comprising a portable container, a portable fence comprising a keypad, wherein the portable fence surrounds the portable container, a portable light, wherein the portable light is a solar powered light that is portable, and a storage medium storing a program having instructions which when executed by a processor will cause the processor to control and operate the portable container, the portable fence, and the portable light. 1. A portable self-storage system comprising:a portable container;a portable fence comprising a keypad, wherein the portable fence surrounds the portable container;a portable light, wherein the portable light is a solar powered light that is portable; anda storage medium storing a program having instructions which when executed by a processor will cause the processor to control and operate the portable container, the portable fence, and the portable light.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the storage medium further comprises instructions which when executed will cause the processor to determine a number of portable containers for a site layout plan and generate an order for a manufacturer to create a the number of portable containers.3. The system of wherein the storage medium includes instructions for opening the portable fence when a code is entered on the keypad.4. The system of wherein the portable container includes a keypad to obtain access to the portable container.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a second portable container claim 1 , wherein the second portable container is bolted to the portable container by using a metal fastener.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a closed-circuit television that is installed within the system.7. The system of wherein the second portable container is smaller in size than the first portable container.8. A method for creating a portable self-storage system comprising:determining a size of a land that is available for the portable ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle Key Apparatus

Номер: US20170088099A1

A vehicle key apparatus, mounted on an outer wall of a vehicle and a driver dashboard of the vehicle and the surroundings, including an electronic cipher keyboard, an RFID reader/writer (), a biological features recognizer, wherein a portable electronic key comprises multi-functional appliances such as a mobile phone, a watch and the like, and an anti-theft system lock extension switch () is set beside an engine switch () of the vehicle; the door lock of the vehicle, the anti-theft system lock, the engine, the air-conditioner and the cargo hold are opened and closed and recorder data is read and so forth by means of the cipher, RFID, biological features, remote control, radio induction and the like. Due to the convenient use of the apparatus, there is no need or less need to carry keys, which enhances the performance of key management. 1. Vehicle key apparatus comprising:electronic combination keyboards both on an outer wall of the vehicle and on or around a vehicle driver instrument panel;wherein said keyboard is touch keypad or mechanical keypad;and through combination operation, said keyboards performs one or more of unlocking and locking the vehicle door lock, unlocking and locking the anti-theft system lock, starting and stopping an engine, making the vehicle be in a running possible state, starting an air conditioner, adjusting air conditioner temperature, unlocking a car glove box lock, and unlocking a cargo door lock.2. Vehicle key apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said keyboard on the outer wall of the vehicle claim 1 , whether it is powered by an internal power supply of the vehicle claim 1 , is powered by one or more of a solar power generation assembly claim 1 , a manual mechanical power generation assembly claim 1 , a thermoelectric power generation assembly claim 1 , a battery removable from the outside claim 1 , and an external power supply connected to an external power supply socket;said keyboard on or around the vehicle instrument panel is ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150098630A1

An iris biometric recognition module includes technology for capturing images of an iris of an eye of a person, whether the person is moving or stationary, and whether the person is located near the iris image capture device or at a distance from the iris image capture device. The iris biometric recognition technology can perform an iris matching procedure for, e.g., authentication or identity verification purposes. The iris biometric recognition module can be incorporated into, for example, a door lock assembly and other access controlled devices, mechanisms, and systems. 1. An iris biometric access control system comprising:one or more non-transitory machine readable storage media, and, embodied in the one or more non-transitory machine readable storage media: by a face imager, detect the presence of a human face in a capture zone defined at least in part by a field of view of the face imager;', 'in response to detection of the human face in the capture zone, align a lens of an iris imager with an iris of the detected human face;', 'operate an illuminator to illuminate the iris; and', 'operate the iris imager to produce a plurality of digital images; and, 'an iris image capture module to'} select one or more of the received iris images for matching;', 'extract a usable portion from each of the selected iris images;', 'compare the extracted portion of each of the selected iris images to a reference iris image; and', 'in response to the comparison of the extracted portions of the selected images and the reference image, operate an access control mechanism., 'an iris image processing and matching module to2. The iris biometric access control system of claim 1 , wherein the iris image capture module is to align the iris imager with the iris of the detected human face by operating a motor.3. The iris biometric access control system of claim 1 , wherein the iris image capture module is to substantially synchronously operate the illuminator and the iris imager to produce ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации

Proximity sensor and keyless entry device including the same

Номер: US20160098877A1
Автор: Tetsuo Tokudome
Принадлежит: U Shin Ltd

In a proximity sensor including a circuit board on which a detection circuit is printed, and a first drive electrode and a lock electrode mounted on one surface of the circuit board and electrically connected to the detection circuit, the first planar drive electrode and the planar lock electrode are formed in a standing manner on one surface of the circuit board to face each other. A second planar drive electrode and a planar unlock electrode are formed in a standing manner on the other surface of the circuit board to face each other. The proximity sensor is used in a keyless entry device of vehicle, and the controller that controls driving of an actuator for locking or unlocking a vehicle door based on detection of the proximity sensor determines that the proximity sensor is turned on when decrease in output of the proximity sensor exceeds a predetermined threshold value.

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170096838A1
Автор: Gartner Klaus W.

A lock including a removable dial is provided. The lock includes locking means configured to lock and unlock a removable dial to replace the dial or to service the lock. The locking means are moveable between a first locked position and a second unlocked position in which the dial may be removed. The locking means may comprise a finger-actuated button that is biased in the locked position by compression means. The compression means may comprise a spring. Applying force to the button overcomes the counterforce being exerted by the compression means and the front facing dial can be easily removed. To replace the dial, force must again be applied to the locking means to move the locking means to the second unlocked position or alternatively the shaft of the dial is inserted into the housing and “snaps” into place. 1. A lock having a removable dial comprising:a housing;a removable dial including a shaft receivable by said housing;a button slidably received within said housing, said button moveable between a first position and a second position;compression means operably coupled to said button for biasing said button in the first position.2. The lock having a removable dial of wherein said shaft includes a ridge thereon configured to engage said button to maintain said button in the first position.3. The lock having a removable dial of wherein said button includes a curved by-pass portion configured to allow said ridge to by-pass said button when said button is moved to said second position and remove said dial from said housing.4. The lock having a removable dial of wherein said compression means comprise a compression spring.5. The lock having a removable dial of wherein said housing includes an opening configured to allow a user's finger to access said button.6. The lock having a removable dial of wherein a first end of said compression means is operably received within an aperture in said button.7. The lock having a removable dial of wherein a second end of said ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200095802A1

A device for preventing unwanted opening of a locked enclosure includes a lock bolt moveable between a locked position and an unlocked position. A face gear is meshable with and rotatable by the worm gear between locking and unlocking positions when the worm gear is driven in the first and second directions, respectively. A blocker member is rotatable between first and second positions. A biasing member is operatively coupled to the face gear and the blocker member to bias the blocker member in a biasing direction. A sliding member selectively disengages the blocker member to allow the blocker member to rotate in the biasing direction. A lever arm is operatively coupled to the sliding member such that the lever arm is in the disengaged and engageable positions when the sliding member engages the blocker member in the first and second positions, respectively. 1. A self-powered lock , comprising:a lock operable by a motor;a manually operable electricity generator generating electricity upon manual actuation by a user, the electricity being used to supply power input to a controller; anda first electricity storage device storing electricity generated by the electricity generator,wherein the controller determines a required amount of electricity to operate the motor and supplies electricity to the motor from the first electricity storage device according to a required amount.2. The self-powered lock of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to determine the required amount of electricity based on an ambient environmental condition.3. The self-powered lock of claim 2 , further comprising:a second electricity storage device having a chargeable state and a non-chargeable state, the second electricity storage device storing electricity generated by the electricity generator in the chargeable state,wherein the controller switches the second electricity storage device from the non-chargeable state to the chargeable state when the generated electricity is greater than ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200095803A1

A device for preventing unwanted opening of a locked enclosure includes a lock bolt moveable between a locked position and an unlocked position. A face gear is meshable with and rotatable by the worm gear between locking and unlocking positions when the worm gear is driven in the first and second directions, respectively. A blocker member is rotatable between first and second positions. A biasing member is operatively coupled to the face gear and the blocker member to bias the blocker member in a biasing direction. A sliding member selectively disengages the blocker member to allow the blocker member to rotate in the biasing direction. A lever arm is operatively coupled to the sliding member such that the lever arm is in the disengaged and engageable positions when the sliding member engages the blocker member in the first and second positions, respectively. 1. A self-powered lock , comprising:a lock operable by a motor;a manually operable electricity generator generating electricity upon manual actuation by a user, the electricity being used to supply power input to a controller; andan electricity storage device storing electricity generated by the electricity generator,wherein at least a portion of the electricity stored by the electricity storage device is used when the lock is operated,wherein the electricity storage device is configured to store an unused portion of electricity after the lock is operated, the unused portion of electricity usable for a subsequent lock operation to supply power input to the controller.2. The self-powered lock of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to indicate to the user that further mechanical actuation of the electricity generator is needed when additional electricity is required to operate the motor.3. The self-powered lock of claim 1 , wherein the electricity generator further includes a rotatable member configured to rotatably generate electricity.4. The self-powered lock of claim 1 , further comprising a display ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170101807A1

A hidden-lock door panel for use in a container includes a door panel body, a covering lid, a first lock, and a second lock. The door panel body includes a hidden space. The covering lid is disposed corresponding to the hidden space and slidably connected to the door panel body. The first lock and the second lock are both disposed in the hidden space. The first lock is an electronic lock and is used to control whether the covering lid can be released to slide. The second lock is used to control the door panel body to be unlocked or locked with respect to the container. Accordingly, unknowing persons are prevented from opening or breaking the door lock. 1. A hidden-lock door panel for use in a container , the door panel comprising:a door panel body including a hidden space;a covering lid, the covering lid being disposed corresponding to the hidden space and slidably connected to the door panel body;a first lock, the first lock being an electronic lock and disposed in the hidden space, the first lock stopping or releasing a sliding movement of the covering lid; anda second lock disposed in the hidden space for unlocking or locking the door panel body with respect to the container.2. The hidden-lock door panel of claim 1 , wherein the covering lid covers the first lock and the second lock corresponding to the hidden space.3. The hidden-lock door panel of claim 1 , wherein the door panel body further includes two slide rails claim 1 , each of the slide rails includes a fixed element and a slide element slidably connected to each other claim 1 , the fixed element of each of the slide rails is fixed to the door panel body claim 1 , and the slide element of each of the slide rails is fixed to the covering lid.4. The hidden-lock door panel of claim 1 , wherein the second lock is a door lock.5. The hidden-lock door panel of claim 1 , further comprising a card reader claim 1 , the card reader being disposed and hidden in the door panel body claim 1 , the first lock being an ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Secure Cabinet for Dispensing Items

Номер: US20170103185A1

A secure cabinet that can secure and distribute products. The cabinet can have a user interface that receives information about a user and the user's identity can then be authenticated. The cabinet can accept a user's request to dispense a product and, if the user is approved, the cabinet can dispense a quantity of product to the approved user. 1. An automated medication dispensing cabinet comprising:a lockable cabinet;an automated medication counter;an electronic locking control mechanism;said electronic locking control mechanism comprising a programmable time delay; andelectronic inventory control.2. The automated medication dispensing cabinet of further comprising a biometric input device.3. The automated medication dispensing cabinet of wherein said biometric input device comprises a fingerprint reader.4. The automated medication dispensing cabinet of further comprising a keypad.5. The automated medication dispensing cabinet of further comprising a touchscreen.6. The automated medication dispensing cabinet of wherein said automated medication dispensing cabinet is connectable to an alarm system.7. The automated medication dispensing cabinet of wherein said lockable cabinet comprises a plurality of sections.8. The automated medication dispensing cabinet of wherein one or more of said plurality of sections can be lockable.9. An automated medication cabinet comprising:a lockable cabinet;an electronic locking control mechanism;said electronic locking control mechanism comprising a programmable time delay; andsaid electronic control locking mechanism maintaining a user access log.10. The automated medication cabinet of wherein said automated medication cabinet is connectable to an alarm system.11. The automated medication cabinet of further comprising a biometric input device.12. The automated medication cabinet of wherein said biometric input device comprises a fingerprint reader.13. The automated medication cabinet of further comprising a keypad.14. The automated ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for securing merchandise with optical lock and key

Номер: US20170103595A1
Принадлежит: Wal Mart Stores Inc

Systems, apparatuses, and methods are provided herein for securing merchandise. In one embodiment an apparatus for securing merchandise comprises a locking mechanism limiting access to one or more items, one or more optical sensors configured to detect a plurality of wavelengths and an intensity associated with each wavelength from at least one light beam emitted by an optical key, and a control device comprising a control circuit and a memory device. The control device being configured to store a lock code comprising a plurality of wavelength values and a plurality of intensity values each associated with a wavelength value on the memory device and determine whether to release the locking mechanism based on whether intensities of each of the plurality of wavelengths detected by the one or more optical sensors match the lock code.

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190108703A1

Systems and methods for providing secure locks having redundant access channels are disclosed. In some embodiments of the invention, the smart lock has a hardware processor, a power source, a cylinder, a button that forms a rose knob, and a rose protector. The rose knob and rose protector protect and conceal the hardware processor, the power source, and the cylinder. The rose protector forms an annular groove that slidably interlocks with the rose knob. The rose knob has a plurality of redundant access channels for receiving authentication information. The redundant access channels may include a biometric scanner for receiving biometric information, a passcode keypad for entering a token, or a wireless transceiver for receiving a token from a mobile device and transmitting a response to the mobile device. When the user cannot open the lock through the first redundant access channel, the smart lock is configured to allow access through a second access channel. 1. A lock comprising:a locking mechanism;a processor configured to unlock the locking mechanism upon validation of authentication information;a protector having a groove; anda knob comprising a rim for interlocking with the groove of the protector so as to protect the processor and locking mechanism.2. A secure lock comprising:a cylinder comprising a cam for engaging and unlocking a bolt;a protector having a groove to protect the cylinder;a button forming a knob comprising a rim for interlocking with the groove of the protector; anda pin disposed between the knob and protector, wherein the pin prevents the button from engaging the cam;wherein the secure lock is configured to validate authentication information received from a user and move the pin and cam to unlock the bolt.3. The secure lock of claim 2 , wherein the knob is irremovably secured to the protector claim 2 , and wherein the cylinder is a double entry cylinder allowing for access from two sides of the cylinder.4. The secure lock of claim 2 , wherein ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Electric Lock and Clutch Mechanism Thereof

Номер: US20220178170A1

An electric lock includes a housing, a manual control member rotatably affixed to the housing, and a clutch mechanism. The clutch mechanism includes a clutch base rotatably affixed to the housing; a retractable plug arranged on the clutch base, wherein the retractable plug is radially movable relative to the clutch base; a driving member abutting against a first end of the retractable plug; and a motor configured to drive the driving member to move relative to the clutch base toward the shaft of the manual control member. 1. An electric lock , comprising:a housing;a manual control member rotatably affixed to the housing, wherein a shaft of the manual control member is formed with a groove; and a clutch base rotatably affixed to the housing;', 'a retractable plug arranged on the clutch base and radially movable relative to the clutch base;', 'a driving member abutting against a first end of the retractable plug; and', 'a motor configured to drive the driving member to move relative to the clutch base toward the shaft of the manual control member., 'a clutch mechanism, comprising2. The electric lock of claim 1 , wherein when the motor drives the driving member to move from an initial position toward the clutch base less than a predetermined distance and when the manual control member is rotated claim 1 , the shaft of the manual control member is configured to abut against a second end of the retractable plug to shorten the retractable plug.3. The electric lock of claim 2 , wherein when the motor drives the driving member to move from the initial position toward the clutch base greater than or equal to the predetermined distance and when the manual control member is rotated claim 2 , the second end of the retractable plug is inserted into the groove claim 2 , so that the clutch base is synchronously rotated with the manual control member.4. The electric lock of claim 1 , wherein the retractable plug comprises:a main body;a push rod movably arranged on the main body; ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114569A1
Автор: Kleinjan Coby

A locking system includes an actuator for controlling actuation of a locking mechanism. An electronic control system controls the actuator. A directional input device is operable to receive directional inputs from a user where the directional inputs form an access code stored in a memory of the electronic control system and used for controlling the actuation of the locking mechanism. 1. A locking system , comprising:an actuator for controlling actuation of a locking mechanism;an electronic control system for controlling the actuator; anda directional input device for receiving directional inputs from a user, the directional inputs forming an access code stored in a memory of the electronic control system and used for controlling the actuation of the locking mechanism.2. The locking system of claim 1 , wherein the directional input device comprises a single input pad.3. The locking system of claim 2 , wherein the single input pad comprises a swivel-rocker mechanism.4. The locking system of claim 1 , further comprising a light emitting diode (LED) operable to provide a visual indication corresponding to a particular directional input received by the directional input device.5. The locking system of claim 4 , wherein the LED comprises a multi-color LED operable to produce a different color for each different directional input.6. The locking system of claim 1 , further comprising a speaker operable to provide an audio indication corresponding to a particular directional input received by the directional input device.7. A locking system claim 1 , comprising:an electronic control system for controlling actuation of a locking mechanism; anda directional input device without visual alphanumeric characters, the directional input device for receiving directional inputs from a user, the directional inputs forming an access code stored in a memory of the electronic control system and used for controlling the actuation of the locking mechanism.8. The locking system of claim 7 , ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114570A1
Автор: Hallett Aaron

An access control device comprising: a locking mechanism for a moveable barrier a first locking/user interface component for positioning on a first side of the moveable barrier; and a second locking/user interface component for positioning on a second side of the moveable barrier. The first and second components are arranged to be secured to an intermediary barrier member , provided with either a first set of through holes for a first alternative locking member or a second set of through holes for a second alternative locking member, the first set of through holes including a hole having a mutually distinct position from a hole included in the second set of through holes. The first and second components are provided with fixing apertures corresponding to the first and second sets of through holes so that the components can be secured via a fixing placed in a hole corresponding to either of the alternative locking members, without requiring additional through holes in the moveable barrier. A method of fitting an access control device is also provided. 1. An access control device comprising:a locking mechanism for a moveable barrier, the moveable barrier having a first side and a second side, the locking mechanism having a locked and an unlocked state;a first locking and/or user interface component for positioning on the first side of the moveable barrier; anda second locking and/or user interface component for positioning on the second side of the moveable barrier;wherein the first and second locking and/or user interface components are arranged to be secured to an intermediary barrier member which has been provided with either a first set of through holes for a first alternative locking member or a second set of through holes for a second alternative locking member, the first set of through holes including at least one hole having a mutually distinct position from at least one hole included in the second set of through holes, and wherein the first and second locking ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112150A1
Автор: UETSU Tatsuya
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A dynamic state management system capable of operating appropriately according to a health condition of a user. The dynamic state management system includes: a reading device provided around an entrance of a management area, the reading device reading identification information from an identifier of a user; and a determination device configured to determine whether or not to permit passage through the entrance based on the identification information read by the reading device and health condition information collected from a wearable terminal of a user corresponding to the identification information. By adopting this configuration, a determination is made in accordance with health condition information collected from a wearable terminal of a user. Therefore, the dynamic state management system can operate appropriately according to a health condition of a user. 112-. (canceled)13. An elevator system , comprising:a plurality of reading devices provided on respective halls of an elevator, the plurality of reading devices reading identification information from an identifier of a user; anda control device configured to control the elevator based on the identification information read by any reading device of the plurality of reading devices and health condition information collected from a wearable terminal of a user corresponding to the identification information,wherein the control device, when health condition information collected from a wearable terminal of a user corresponding to the identification information read by any reading device of the plurality of reading devices is information indicating a poor health condition, causes a car with a shortest waiting time to respond to a call from a hall on which the reading device is present.1416-. (canceled) The present invention relates to a dynamic state management system and an elevator system.PTL 1 discloses a health condition management system. According to the health condition management system, a health condition ...
