
Укажите год

Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Укажите год

Применить Всего найдено 18859. Отображено 199.
27-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2320864C2

Изобретение относится к области обработки скважин. Обеспечивает повышение эффективности обработки скважин. Согласно изобретению создают первый и второй пути потока, идущие от устья скважины в область пласта. Закупоривающую текучую среду, состоящую из взвеси закупоривающего материала в форме частиц в жидкости-носителе, прокачивают по первому пути в скважину в контакте со стенкой скважины внутри подземного пласта. Жидкость-носитель отделяют от закупоривающего материала в форме частиц путем закачивания жидкости-носителя через ряд отверстий, ведущих по второму пути потока, размеры которых допускают прохождение жидкости-носителя, одновременно задерживая закупоривающее средство в форме частиц при его контакте с отверстиями. Прокачку закупоривающей текучей среды продолжают до тех пор, пока закупоривающий материал в форме частиц не накопится, образовав в скважине плотную перемычку. После образования плотной перемычки в скважину по первому пути потока вводят текучую среду для обработки пласта и ...

20-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2429340C2

Группа изобретений относится к пакерам или мостовым пробкам для использования в скважине, которые требуют большого увеличения в размерах для установки. Обеспечивает высокий коэффициент расширения посредством использования полимера, обладающего эффектом запоминания формы (ПЭЗФ), а также эффективное уплотнение. Устройство для избирательного блокирования ствола скважины содержит оправку, уплотнительный элемент, установленный на указанной оправке и имеющий жесткость, изменяющуюся в ответ на стимулирующее воздействие, по меньшей мере одно вспомогательное средство для избирательного перемещения, приводящего к сжатию уплотнительного элемента по мере или после уменьшения его жесткости посредством указанного воздействия. При выполнении способа уплотнения ствола скважины используют уплотнительный элемент, размещенный на оправке и имеющий жесткость, изменяющуюся в ответ на стимулирующее воздействие, спускают оправку внутрь ствола скважины и осуществляют сжатие уплотнительного элемента, обеспечивая ...

27-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2592577C2
Принадлежит: ВЕЛЛТЕК А/С (DK)

Группа изобретений относится к нефтегазодобывающей отрасли, в частности к очищающей системе для элемента, расположенного в обсадной колонне скважины. Скважинная система содержит скважинную текучую среду под давлением, обсадную колонну, очищающий инструмент, имеющий продольное направление и содержащий вращающуюся головку, имеющую множество сопел, корпус инструмента, имеющий впускное отверстие, которое сообщается с соплами, для прохода скважинной текучей среды в указанный инструмент, препятствующий потоку элемент, расположенный на наружной стороне корпуса, разделяющий инструмент на первую часть и вторую часть, а также разделяющий обсадную колонну на первую часть и вторую часть, и вращающийся вал, соединяющий головку с корпусом. Система дополнительно содержит насосное устройство, обеспечивающее повышение давления скважинной текучей среды в первой части обсадной колонны до давления, существенно превышающего скважинное давление, а также превышающего давление во второй части обсадной колонны ...

24-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2651865C2

Группа изобретений относится к скважинному захватному устройству, способу захвата объекта внутри скважины и скважинному захватному инструменту для захвата объекта. Скважинное захватное устройство содержит множество выполненных с возможностью радиального перемещения посадочных элементов, расположенных по окружности вокруг продольной оси, в котором посадочные элементы выполнены с возможностью перемещения между радиально выдвинутой конфигурацией и радиально отведенной конфигурацией, и освобождаемое фиксирующее приспособление для освобождаемого радиального ограничения посадочных элементов в радиально выдвинутой конфигурации и против радиального перемещения по направлению к радиально отведенной конфигурации. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности захватного устройства. 3 н. и 35 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

18-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2738918C2

Изобретение относится к внутрискважинной системе для оснащения скважины внутрискважинной беспроводной передачей энергии и сигналов, содержащей: первую скважинную трубчатую конструкцию, вторую скважинную трубчатую конструкцию, расположенную частично внутри первой скважинной трубчатой конструкции, первый электрический блок, содержащий первую часть индуктивного элемента связи, расположенный на наружной поверхности первой скважинной трубчатой конструкции и электрически соединенный с электрическим проводником, затрубный барьер, выполненный с возможностью расширения в затрубном пространстве между первой скважинной трубчатой конструкцией и стенкой ствола скважины или другой внутрискважинной трубчатой конструкцией внутри скважины для обеспечения зонной изоляции между первой зоной, имеющей первое давление, и второй зоной. Причем затрубный барьер содержит: трубчатую металлическую часть для установки в качестве части первой скважинной трубчатой конструкции, причем трубчатая металлическая часть имеет ...

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2735594C2

Группа изобретений относится к скважинному клиновому устройству, узлу, способу управления работой скажинного клинового устройства. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности крепления устройства. Скважинное клиновое устройство содержит радиально раздвижной клиновой узел, содержащий основное клиновое устройство и вспомогательное клиновое устройство. Основное клиновое устройство образует первую взаимодействующую со стенкой поверхность. Вспомогательное клиновое устройство образует вторую взаимодействующую со стенкой поверхность. В первой фазе работы основное и вспомогательное клиновые устройства можно одновременно радиально раздвигать из сложенной конфигурации к и/или в первую раздвинутую конфигурацию. В последующей второй фазе работы вспомогательное клиновое устройство можно радиально раздвигать относительно основного клинового устройства ко и/или во вторую раздвинутую конфигурацию. Первая и вторая взаимодействующие со стенкой поверхности содержат проникающие элементы и взаимодействующие ...

14-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2697439C2

Предложен трубопроводный затвор однократного применения, срабатывающий под действием давления, избирательно выдерживающий давление текучей среды с одной стороны устройства до дистанционного удаления затвора, причем устройство является ломкой куполообразной мембраной, выполненной с возможностью выдерживания давления текучих сред с одной стороны, но разрыва после приложения более высокого давления на своей другой стороне, которая обеспечивает механизм для изоляции скважинной текучей среды под высоким давлением в части скважины во время проведения работ на период времени, выбранный оператором, и затем удаляет изоляцию посредством дистанционного разрушения разрывной куполообразной мембраны с помощью приложения дополнительного давления текучей среды или других сил с поверхности. Ломкая куполообразная мембрана имеет элементы по меньшей мере в одной поверхности для направления и контроля своего разрушения для обеспечения осколков регулируемых размеров и форм и прогнозируемого проема для создания ...

27-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2520794C2

Группа изобретений относится к эластомерам и, конкретнее, к армированным эластомерам. Способ выполнения скважинного уплотнения в стволе скважины содержит создание базового полимера и армирующего активного наполнителя, включающий в себя матрицу дискретных частей первого материала, расположенную в базовом полимере. Развертывают скважинное уплотнение в стволе скважины в первой фазе. Воздействуют на скважинное уплотнение текучей среды ствола скважины, при этом осуществляется переход уплотнения во вторую фазу под воздействием текучей среды ствола скважины. Причем дискретные части первого материала отличаются взаимодействиями между собой и/или с базовым полимером, более слабыми перед воздействием текучей среды ствола скважины, чем после воздействия. При этом первая фаза отличается первым модулем упругости, и вторая фаза отличается вторым модулем упругости, второй модуль больше первого модуля. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности уплотнения. 3 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил., 2 пр ...

29-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2655628C2
Принадлежит: ВЕЛЛТЕК А/С (DK)

Группа изобретений относится к нефтегазодобывающей отрасли. Скважинная разжимная труба предназначена для разжимания в скважине от первого наружного диаметра до второго наружного диаметра так, чтобы примыкать к внутренней поверхности обсадной колонны или ствола скважины, при этом разжимная труба вытянута в продольном направлении, выполнена из металла и изготовлена путем механической обработки из одной металлической трубчатой заготовки с выполнением на скважинной разжимной трубе по меньшей мере одного кругового выступа. Повышается качество и прочность разжимной трубы и надежность уплотнения 5 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2666931C2
Принадлежит: ЭДВАНСТЕК АПС (DK)

Изобретение относится к средствам приведения в действие скважинных устройств. Техническим результатом является обеспечение быстрого и точного приведения в действие многочисленных скважинных инструментов без использования дополнительных средств, таких как, шары или радиочастотные метки. В частности, предложен способ приведения в действие и устройство для его осуществления, в которых датчик (2, 3) давления или расхода принимает сигнал давления или расхода текучей среды для обработки, закачиваемой по бурильной колонне. Контроллер (4), снабжаемый энергией от источника (5) питания, выполняет мониторинг измеряемого давления (2) или расхода (3) в первом временном окне и посредством подвижного элемента (7) приводит в действие первый скважинный инструмент (8) или режим работы его, если измеряемое давление (2) или расход (3) является стабильным в этом временном окне. Кроме того, контроллер (4) выполняет мониторинг измеряемого давления (2) или расхода (3) во втором временном окне и приводит в действие ...

20-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2631301C2

Изобретение относится к скважинному инструменту для герметизации ствола скважины. Описан скважинный герметизирующий материал с регулируемой скоростью разбухания, включающий композицию, содержащую: полимер, содержащий полимер на нитрильной основе или этилен-пропилен -диеновый сополимерный каучук; абсорбент, причем данный абсорбент содержит акриловый сополимер; первичную сшитую сетчатую структуру, включающую первичные связи между цепями полимера; и вторичную сшитую сетчатую структуру, включающую вторичные связи между молекулами абсорбента, где вторичные связи образуются посредством сшивающего реагента, содержащего титанат, цирконат, аминокарбоновую кислоту, металлохелат, борат, кеталь или их комбинацию, и где вторичные связи разрушаются под действием изменения величины рН, температуры, давления, солености, или их комбинации, тогда как первичные связи остаются незатронутыми под действием тех же условий; и где герметизирующий материал разбухает и герметизирует скважину в результате разрушения ...

05-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2615541C2

Группа изобретений относится к бурению и обработке стволов нефтегазодобывающих скважин. Двойная бурильная колонна содержит наружную трубу, внутреннюю трубу, установленную в наружной трубе, компоновку низа бурильной колонны, гидравлически соединяющуюся с наружной трубой и внутренней трубой, отводящий переводник, соединенный с внутренней трубой. Отводящий переводник выполнен с возможностью селективно функционировать в режиме нормального бурения и режиме интенсивного потока. В режиме нормального бурения текучая среда направляется на устье по внутренней трубе. В режиме интенсивного потока возвращающаяся текучая среда направляется на забой по внутренней трубе. Отводящий переводник содержит возвратный патрубок, при этом в режиме нормального бурения возвращающаяся текучая среда проходит во внутреннюю трубу через возвратный патрубок. Повышается эффективность управления текучими средами при бурении и обработке скважин. 2 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

03-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2634757C2

Группа изобретений относится к набухающему изделию, а также к способам его изготовления и применения. Технический результат заключается в облегчении набухания изделия под воздействием текучей среды. Набухающее изделие содержит материал матрицы, способный к расслоению материал на основе графена, расположенный в материале матрицы, и интеркалат, расположенный между слоями материала на основе графена. Способный к расслоению материал на основе графена функционально выполнен с возможностью расширения при приложении ультразвуковых частот к материалу на основе графена и с возможностью облегчения набухания набухающего изделия под воздействием выбранной текучей среды посредством сорбирования углеводородов в текучей среде. Набухание обеспечивает взаимодействие набухающего изделия со смежной структурой. 3 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2767541C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к резиновой смеси для нефтенабухающих уплотнительных элементов. Резиновая смесь включает 100,0 мас.ч. синтетического каучука этиленпропилен-диенового тройного (EPDM) с 10%-ным содержанием звеньев этилиденнонборнена, 60,0, 70,0, 80,0-100,0 мас.ч. технического углерода, 1,2-1,5 мас.ч. серы молотой, 1,0-1,1 мас.ч. ускорителя вулканизации тиурамной группы, 0,5-0,8 мас.ч. ускорителя вулканизации группы тиазолов, 6,0-8,0 мас.ч. активаторов вулканизации и 40,0-50,0 мас.ч. пластификатора. Полученная резиновая смесь обеспечивает высокую прочность при растяжении, высокое условное напряжение при 300% удлинении, относительно невысокий показатель объемного набухания в течение 72 ч, что позволяет обеспечить нефтенабухающим уплотнительным элементам длительное сохранение эксплуатационных свойств. 2 табл., 4 пр.

21-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2774538C1

Группа изобретений относится к соединению для применения в многоствольной системе заканчивания, к многоствольной системе заканчивания и к способу применения соединения в многоствольной системе заканчивания. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности изоляции и крепления. Соединение для применения в многоствольной системе заканчивания содержит металлический герметик, наносимый на боковой компонент, где металлический герметик состоит из материала, выбранного из группы, состоящей из металла, металлического сплава, оксида металла и любой их комбинации. Металлический герметик выполнен с возможностью расширения в ответ на гидролиз, образуя продукт реакции оксида металла, гидроксида металла или любой их комбинации. Боковой компонент и продукт реакции выполнены с возможностью образования уплотнения или образования анкерного крепления с нефтепромысловым трубчатым элементом многоствольной системы заканчивания в ответ на гидролиз. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

27-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU162769U1

... 1. Устройство для изоляции пластов в скважине, включающее корпус с проточкой и заливочными отверстиями, соединенный с составным корпусом, содержащим радиальные отверстия, кожух, образующий с составным корпусом полость, в которой над радиальными отверстиями составного корпуса размещена и зафиксирована срезным элементом втулка-отсекатель с проточкой с возможностью смещения и герметичного перекрытия радиальных отверстий при достижении заданного давления, зафиксированные срезными элементами относительно корпуса запорную втулку с фиксатором и посадочным седлом и заслонку, герметично перекрывающую заливочные отверстия, втулку с упором в нижней части и радиальными отверстиями, имеющими гидравлическую связь с радиальными отверстиями составного корпуса, во внутренней полости которой зафиксировано срезным элементом посадочное седло с возможностью смещения, отличающееся тем, что заслонка и втулка непосредственно соединены между собой, а между посадочным седлом и упором втулки размещен срезной элемент ...

22-05-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018136110A3

22-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016115648A3

11-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016140234A3

10-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU165205U1

Пакер заколонный гидромеханический со сбивным клапаном, включающий в себя цилиндрический полый корпус, который выполнен из двух частей - нижней и верхней, с центральным проходным каналом и установленной на нижней части уплотнительной манжетой с фиксацией одного конца упором, гидроцилиндром на верхней части, полость которого сообщена радиальным переточным каналом с проходным каналом цилиндрического полого корпуса, оснащенным стопорным кольцом с нарезанными канавками для фиксации в рабочем положении на кольцевых проточках, выполненных на верхней части цилиндрического полого корпуса, зафиксированным срезными винтами в транспортном положении, имеющим возможность продольного перемещения в рабочее положение относительно цилиндрического полого корпуса для прижатия манжетного уплотнителя к стенкам скважины, при этом герметизация выполнена при помощи уплотнительных элементов, а торец нижней части гидроцилиндра изготовлен в виде конуса с возможностью входа внутрь уплотнительной манжеты с герметичным ...

23-03-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018120187A3

24-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU178974U1

Полезная модель относится как к области строительства для устройства буроинъекционных свай, цементационном закреплении грунтов, манжетной технологии инъекции растворов через скважины, выполнении проникающей и инъекционной отсечной гидроизоляции, так и к области нефтегазодобывающей промышленности, для проведения ремонтно-изоляционных и других технологических операций при капитальном ремонте скважин, а также селективных обработок пласта под давлением, поинтервальной опрессовки эксплуатационной колонны и поиска ее негерметичности.Предлагаемая конструкция пакера позволяет герметично перекрывать внутреннее пространство инъектора (эксплуатационной колонны) с двух сторон между заданным отверстием перфорации во время инъекции раствора.Рабочий модуль пакера состоит из одной рабочей и двух торцевых полых секций, свободно наращиваемых по глубине за счет центральных секций и резьбовых соединений, обеспечивающих герметичную фиксацию резиновых мембран. Рабочая секция пакера состоит из полого металлического цилиндра с округлыми буртиками на поверхности, значение выступа которых определяется в зависимости от значения конусности фиксационных фитингов и требуемой степени обжатия резиновых мембран при затягивании прижимных фитингов в месте соединения, и боковыми отверстиями, диаметр которых превышает диаметр отверстий в центральной секции. Конструкция торцевых секций состоит из фиксационных и прижимных фитингов. Фиксационные фитинги имеют конические скосы для защемления резиновых мембран рабочей секции. Прижимные фитинги имеют внутренний диаметр, соответствующий наружному диаметру резьбы рабочей секции, и наружный диаметр, соответствующий внутреннему диаметру центральной секции. Центральная секция выполняется без пазов с боковым отверстием для инъекции растворов.Фиксационный фитинг прижимает резиновую мембрану к округлым буртикам рабочей секции за счет конических скосов на внутренней поверхности во время соединения прижимного фитинга с рабочей секцией.Причинно-следственная связь между ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU198231U1

Полезная модель относится к области систем водоснабжения и водоотведения и может быть использована при эксплуатации артезианских скважин для обеспечения водой промышленных и гражданских объектов.Задачей полезной модели является восстановление работоспособности артезианской скважины.Техническим результатом полезной модели является повышение надежности конструкции артезианской скважины.Поставленная задача решается, а технический результат достигается путем разработки и установки герметизирующей муфты для отсечения поврежденной фильтровой зоны скважины и установки новой фильтровой колонны.

18-09-2019 дата публикации

Технологический инструмент для изоляции нижней части колонны управляемый

Номер: RU192491U1

Полезная модель относится к нефтегазодобывающей промышленности, а именно к устройствам для освоения скважин. Может использоваться в комбинировании с гидроперфоратором для разобщения стимулируемых интервалов при проведении гидропескостуйной перфорации с последующим гидроразрывом пласта, предотвращая развития и уход жидкости ГРП в ранее простимулированный интервал, ограничивая высоту трещины ГРП и тем самым предотвращая вовлечение близкорасположенных водонасыщеных горизонтов.Герметичное разобщение интервалов ГПП-ГРП достигается за счет использования заявляемого технологического инструмента для изоляции нижней части колонны управляемого, состоящего из муфты с присоединительной резьбой, отличающегося наличием трубы, соединенной со стволом, на котором расположен манжетный узел, выполненный из металлического корда, покрытого резиной, зафиксированный с помощью чашки и гайки, ствол через муфту с присоединительной резьбой соединен со стволом с кодовым замком, на стволе расположен клапанный узел, ...

05-08-2019 дата публикации

Пакер устьевой

Номер: RU191420U1

Полезная модель относится к нефтегазодобывающей промышленности и представляет собой устройство для герметичного разобщения участков ствола скважины путем закачки рабочего агента под давлением в герметичную полость. Пакер устьевой, включающий полый корпус с двумя манжетами, гидравлически сообщаемыми каналами перетока и расположенными между верхним и нижним подвижными упорами, верхний из которых снабжен каналами подачи в полость верхней манжеты. Корпус выполнен в виде полого патрубка с концевыми технологическими резьбами. Манжеты изготовлены в виде тороидальных камер. Упоры зафиксированы от выпадения сверху и снизу соответственно верхней и нижней стопорными гайками, накрученными на соответствующие концевые резьбы корпуса. Канал подачи верхнего упора через вентиль сообщен с подающим гибким шлангом. Верхний упор также снабжен зацепным механизмом для соединения с гибкой тягой подъемника. Предлагаемый пакер устьевой прост и надежен в работе за счет использования манжет, выполненных в виде тороидальных ...

07-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2782913C1

Изобретение относится к нефтяной промышленности и может найти применение при производстве водонабухающих пакеров. Термостойкий водонабухающий пакер включает корпус и набухающий материал. Набухающий материал выполнен четырехслойным с прослоями в каждом слое, с исходным материалом первого прослоя первого слоя, приклеенным к корпусу, и со всеми исходными материалами всех слоев, подвергнутых совместной и одновременной вулканизации. В качестве первого слоя набухающего материала использованы от 2 до 5 прослоев общей толщины в пределах от 6 до 15 мм исходного материала, имеющего увеличение объема при набухании в пресной воде в течение 8 суток на 1,5-2,0% и термостойкость 250-260 °С, в качестве исходного материала первого слоя использована смесь, масс. ч.: каучуковое связующее 100; вулканизующая группа 10,0-15,0; наполнители 6,0-10,0; природный силикат магния 16,0-17,0; алюмосиликатные полые микросферы 12,0-20,0; пластификатор 16,0-19,0. В качестве второго слоя набухающего материала использованы ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU182236U1

Полезная модель относится к нефтедобывающей промышленности и может найти применение при бурении, эксплуатации и ремонте скважин с использованием пакеров, снабженных средствами для механического закрепления в скважине.Технической задачей полезной модели являются упрощение конструкции уплотнительного узла, увеличение надежности герметизации кольцевого пространства и отказ от операции приспуска колонны труб в процессе герметизации скважины изменением конструкции уплотнительного узла пакера со шлипсовым механизмом, не требующей создания аксиального усилия для его деформации.Поставленная задача решается предлагаемым набухающим уплотнителем в пакере со шлипсовым механизмом.Набухающий уплотнитель в пакере со шлипсовым механизмом включает шлипсовый механизм, состоящий из конуса и шлипсов, и уплотнитель, взаимодействующий с обсадной трубой или стенками скважины и стволом пакера.Новым является то, что уплотнитель в пакере со шлипсовым механизмом включает базовую трубу, набухающий уплотнитель, ограничительное ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Устройство для создания деревянного искусственного забоя

Номер: RU198219U1

Полезная модель относится к области направленного бурения в твердых породах, в частности к средствам, предназначенным для создания временного искусственного забоя. Устройство для создания деревянного искусственного забоя включает переходник, контейнер, выполненный из колонковой трубы, в которой расположены продавочная пробка, щебень, удерживаемый пробкой, деревянная пробка, закрепленная при помощи срезных штифтов. Деревянная пробка закреплена в верхней части колонковой трубы, а снизу снабжена клином с закрепленными на нем распорными плашками. На наружной поверхности деревянной пробки по всей ее длине выполнены углубления для закрепления в них троса. Деревянная пробка выполнена длиной, обеспечивающей забуривание нового направления с отклонением от оси скважины нагде d– диаметр скважины. Обеспечивается повышение эффективности искусственного искривления скважины. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

30-08-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2802635C1

Изобретение относится к нефтегазовой промышленности, а именно к устройствам для проведения селективного гидроразрыва пласта, ремонтно-изоляционных работ и может быть использовано при осуществлении подземного ремонта скважин в целях интенсификации притока углеводородов. Пакер с четырехсекционной гидравлической установочной камерой для производства ГРП содержит: три полностью идентичные гидравлические секции, где гидравлическая секция состоит из внутреннего прижимного поршня, имеющего четыре отверстия для гидравлического сообщения между гидравлической камерой, прижимными цилиндрами и насосно-компрессорными трубами (НКТ), на которых спускается пакер, с уплотнением цилиндра и уплотнительным кольцом; одну гидравлическую секцию, содержащую прижимной поршень с уплотнением, содержащий стопорное кольцо, выполненное с возможностью ограничения хода прижимных цилиндров и регулирования компрессии пакерующего элемента; прижимной цилиндр, имеющий отверстие заданного диаметра для обеспечения сообщения ...

05-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2742382C1

Группа изобретений относится к нефтегазовой промышленности и может найти применение при стимулировании подземного пласта с помощью операций гидравлического разрыва пласта, в частности при временной изоляции трещин гидравлического разрыва пласта, при повторном гидравлическом разрыве пласта, а также при глушении скважин. Способ временной изоляции интервала скважины включает закачивание в скважину первой суспензии, содержащей вязкую несущую жидкость, деградируемые частицы и деградируемые волокна, до формирования первого фильтрующего слоя. Закачивают в скважину вторую суспензию, содержащую вязкую несущую жидкость, недеградируемые частицы и деградируемые волокна, до формирования второго фильтрующего слоя. Первая и вторая суспензии не смешиваются при закачивании в скважину. Для оптимальной изоляции интервала объем первой суспензии относится к объему второй суспензии в пропорции от 1:5 до 2:1. Также предложены способ повторного гидроразрыва в интервале с несколькими трещинами ГРП и способ щадящего ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Устройство для разобщения пласта горизонтальной скважины

Номер: RU2747768C1

Изобретение относится к нефтегазодобывающей промышленности, а именно к устройствам для изоляции зон водопритоков при эксплуатации нефтяных скважин, в том числе с зонами различной проницаемости в боковых и горизонтальных стволах. Устройство для разобщения пласта горизонтальной скважины включает соединенные продольно-гофрированные трубы с герметизирующими элементами, замкнутыми по периметру трубы, верхний и нижний цилиндрические участки. Нижний цилиндрический участок снабжен башмаком с клапаном, а верхний - посадочным переводником с резьбой для соединения с колонной труб. Верхний цилиндрический участок с посадочным переводником снабжен также верхним и нижним пуансонами. Верхний пуансон выполнен подвижным относительно посадочного переводника и взаимодействующим с верхней завальцовкой верхнего цилиндрического участка при создании давления в посадочном переводнике. Нижний пуансон выполнен неподвижным относительно посадочного переводника и взаимодействующим с нижней завальцовкой верхнего цилиндрического ...

26-11-2019 дата публикации

Оборудование для проведения селективной обработки пластов

Номер: RU2707312C1

Изобретение относится к оборудованию для проведения селективной обработки пластов. Техническим результатом является обеспечение возможности доведения рабочей жидкости до обрабатываемого интервала на циркуляции. Оборудование для проведения селективной обработки пластов содержит верхний и нижний чашечные пакеры, манжеты которых закреплены расширяющимися частями навстречу друг другу, центраторы, центральный и кольцевой проходные каналы, образованные двумя концентрично установленными трубами – наружной и внутренней. Внутренняя труба установлена в переходнике, снабженном поперечными каналами, связывающими центральный проходной канал внутренней трубы с пространством над верхним чашечным пакером, и вертикальными отверстиями, связывающими кольцевой проходной канал с внутренней полостью колонны насосно-компрессорных труб. Кольцевой проходной канал посредством радиальных отверстий связан с наружным пространством между манжетами. Кольцевой проходной канал ниже радиальных отверстий загерметизирован ...

22-05-2019 дата публикации

Резиновая смесь для манжеты пакерного устройства, разбухающая в буровом растворе "Полиэконол-Флора"

Номер: RU2688769C1

Изобретение относится к резиновой промышленности, в частности к созданию резиновой смеси на основе каучуков общего назначения. Резиновая смесь для манжеты пакерного устройства, разбухающая в буровом растворе "Полиэконол-Флора", на основе натурального каучука, содержащая целевые добавки, в том числе асбест хризотиловый. Асбест хризотиловый диспергируют в расплаве ε-капролактама с производными п-фенилендиамина, а затем полученную дисперсию диспергируют в двойном этиленпропиленовом каучуке при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас. %: асбест хризотиловый - 63,75-71,25; производное п-фенилендиамина - 1,875-5,625; ε-капролактам - 1,875-5,625; двойной этиленпропиленовый каучук - 25,00. Содержание диспергированного асбеста хризотилового составляет 100-130 мас. ч. на 100 мас. ч. каучука. Изобретение позволяет увеличить диаметр манжеты пакерного устройства, помещенного в буровой раствор "Полиэконол-Флора", на не более 10% на 10 сутки набухания и на не менее 30% через 60 суток. 3 табл.

14-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2757383C1

Заявлен способ заканчивания скважин. Техническим результатом является сокращение сроков бурения и начала освоения. Способ включает вскрытие целевого пласта и бурение в нем ствола скважины, спуск обсадной колонны, имеющей в своем составе устройства для вторичного вскрытия пласта, состоящие из корпуса с радиальными отверстиями максимальной конструктивно допустимой площадью, заглушек из разлагаемого или растворимого в жидкой среде материала, установленных в корпусе посредством резьбового соединения, либо запрессовки, имеющей в своем составе устройство для манжетного цементирования. Устройство состоит из муфты активации, расположенной в нижней части устройства, состоящее из заколонного пакера, активируемого гидравлическим способом, муфты цементировочной, включающее, при необходимости, закачку в зону расположения устройств для вторичного вскрытия раствора щелочи или кислоты, сброс шара, активацию заколонного пакера, открытие окон в муфте цементировочной, цементирование заколонного пространства ...

15-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2654029C1

Изобретение относится к водо- и нефтенабухающим резинам на основе бутадиеннитрильных каучуков, которые могут использоваться в пакерах и другом скважинном оборудовании. Водонабухающая резиновая смесь для пакерного оборудования на основе бутадиен-нитрильного каучука содержит, мас. ч.: каучук БНКС-28 100,0, сера 1,5, альтакс 1,5, оксид цинка 5,0, стеарин 2,0, технический углерод П-234 50,0, асбестовые волокна 10,0-15,0, сшитый полиакриламид POLYSWELL 70,0-150,0. Изобретение позволяет повысить способность к набуханию в концентрированном рассоле и буровых растворах при сохранении прочностных характеристик. 2 табл.

23-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2655135C1

Изобретение относится к пакерам. Техническим результатом является повышение срока службы устройства. Уплотнительный элемент пакера состоит из эластичного элемента с кольцеобразной полостью, разделяющей этот элемент на наружную и внутреннюю боковые части. Наружная боковая часть эластичного элемента выполнена с цилиндрическим кольцевым выступом, расположенным на свободном конце внутренней боковой стенки. Внутренний диаметр кольцевого выступа выбран равным наружному диаметру стенки внутренней части эластичного элемента. Кольцеобразная полость заполнена водой или незамерзающей жидкостью. Внутренняя стенка кольцеобразного выступа приклеена к наружной боковой стенке внутренней части эластичного элемента. 1 ил.

31-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2643248C1

Группа изобретений относится к узлам сопряжения многоствольных скважин высокого давления. Технический результат – поддержание соосности секций главной и боковой скважин. Система скважины содержит главный ствол скважины и боковой ствол скважины, проходящий от главного ствола скважины в узле сопряжения, дефлектор, расположенный в главном стволе скважины в или рядом с узлом сопряжения, узел многоствольного сопряжения, способный проходить внутри главного ствола скважины по меньшей мере один механический элемент жесткости, проходящий в продольном направлении между корпусом коннектора и D-образным округлым коннектором, установленный на одной из секций: на секции главной скважины или на секции боковой скважины. При этом узел многоствольного сопряжения содержит корпус коннектора, секцию главной скважины, прикрепленную к корпусу коннектора в приемном гнезде секции главной скважины, и секцию боковой скважины, прикрепленную к корпусу коннектора в приемном гнезде секции боковой скважины. Секция главной ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации

Пакер-подвеска хвостовика, гидравлический привод якоря пакера-подвески хвостовика, поршень пакера-подвески хвостовика, узел гидравлического привода якоря пакера-подвески хвостовика

Номер: RU2674781C1

Группа изобретений относится к пакеру-подвеске хвостовика гидромеханической цементируемой, гидравлическому приводу якоря пакера-подвески хвостовика, поршню гидравлического привода якоря пакера-подвески хвостовика, узлу гидравлического привода якоря пакера-подвески хвостовика. Техническим результатом является повышение надежности работы. Пакер-подвеска хвостовика гидромеханическая цементируемая содержит неизвлекаемую и извлекаемую части. Неизвлекаемая часть включает нижний переводник с установленной в нем спускаемой подвесной пробкой и соединенный через муфту с корпусом пакера-подвески, на котором последовательно смонтированы узел якоря и узел механического пакера с толкателем и нажимной втулкой. Извлекаемая часть включает узел разъединения транспортировочной колонны с пакером-подвеской хвостовика, узел кулачков привода нажимной втулки пакера, верхний переводник в виде патрубка, разъемно дополненного в верхней части муфтой, выполненной в свою очередь с возможностью разъемного присоединения ...

04-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2653024C1

Изобретение относится к водо- и нефтенабухающим резинам на основе бутадиен-нитрильных каучуков, которые могут использоваться в пакерах и другом скважинном оборудовании. Резиновая смесь для пакерного оборудования на основе бутадиен-нитрильного каучука содержит, мас.ч.: каучук БНКС-28 100,0; сера 1,5; альтакс 1,5; оксид цинка 5,0; стеарин 2,0; технический углерод П-234 50,0; асбестовые волокна 10,0-15,0; сшитый полиакриламид POLYSWELL 70,0-100,0; карбоксиметилцеллюлоза 10,0-15,0. Изобретение повышает способность резиновой смеси к набуханию в концентрированном рассоле и буровых растворах при сохранении удовлетворительных прочностных характеристик. 2 табл.

28-02-2020 дата публикации

Водонабухающая эластомерная композиция для изготовления уплотнительных элементов пакерного оборудования

Номер: RU2715543C1

Изобретение относится к водонабухающим эластомерным материалам и может быть использовано при изготовлении резиновых набухающих уплотнительных элементов пакерного оборудования, применяемого в нефтегазодобывающей отрасли. Водонабухающая эластомерная композиция для изготовления уплотнительных элементов пакерного оборудования на основе бутадиен-нитрильного каучука, включающая вулканизующий агент - серу, ускорители вулканизации меркаптанового ряда - альтакс и каптакс, активаторы вулканизации - оксид цинка и стеарин, диспергирующий агент - глицерин, наполнитель - коллоидную кремнекислоту БС-120 и водонабухающие реагенты - натрий-карбоксиметилцеллюлозу и полимер на основе акриламида, дополнительно содержит в качестве наполнителя технический углерод ТУ П234, а в качестве полимера на основе акриламида - сополимер акриламида с акрилатом калия. Техническим результатом изобретения является увеличение степени набухания эластомерного материала в пресной воде, в 22%-ном водном растворе натриевой соли ...

10-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014117726A

... 1. Эластомерная композиция, содержащая эластомерную матрицу и смешанный с ней прекурсор набухающего соединения, при этом прекурсор имеет ограниченную растворимость в жидкости, такой как вода, и прекурсор может быть превращен в соединение, которое растворимо в указанной жидкости, такой как вода.2. Композиция по п. 1, в которой указанный прекурсор является солью, имеющей низкую растворимость в воде, которая может быть превращена в соль, имеющую более высокую растворимость в воде.3. Композиция по п. 1 или 2, в которой указанный прекурсор может быть превращен путем контактирования с кислым или основным раствором.4. Композиция по п. 1 или 2, в которой указанный прекурсор выбран из группы, состоящей из Ca(PO), BaCO, MgO, ZnS, Fe(OH), BaSOи их комбинаций.5. Композиция по п. 1 или 2, в которой указанная эластомерная матрица включает эластомер, выбранный из группы, состоящей из: каучуковых материалов, которые помимо набухания в воде, также набухают в сырой нефти; каучуковых материалов, которые не ...

19-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017142148A

17-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016113872A

10-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012142711A

... 1. Устройство для системы для проведения испытаний скважины, трубы или других подобных систем, в котором для проведения указанных испытаний в трубу через скважину вставляется пробка из удаляемого материала, отличающееся тем, что участки стенки трубы имеют каналы (3, 4, 8), обеспечивающие проточное соединение соответственно между полостью (70) скважины над пробкой и полостью (72) скважины под пробкой, причем каждый канал (3, 4, 8) имеет осевую полость (4), в которой размещен закрывающий элемент (5), при этом указанный закрывающий элемент выполнен с возможностью повторной регулировки путем осевого перемещения из первого положения в канале (3, 4, 8), в котором указанный элемент обеспечивает проточное соединение через канал, и второго положения, в котором указанное соединение постоянно перекрыто.2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что закрывающий элемент представляет собой поршень (5), имеющий верхнюю расширенную часть (51) и нижнюю расширенную часть (53), причем обе указанные части обеспечивают ...

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014132173A

... 1. Инструмент сброса пробки, содержащий:корпус, образующий камеру;пробку, изначально установленную в камере; иэлемент, установленный с корпусом и приводимый в действие для выборочного обеспечения связи между камерой и кольцевым пространством, по меньшей мере частично образованным корпусом, причем пробка выполнена с возможностью перемещения в кольцевое пространство, когда обеспечивается связь.2. Инструмент по п. 1, в котором пробка является шаром.3. Инструмент по п. 1, в котором корпус включает в себя окно, выборочно блокирующееся элементом.4. Инструмент по п. 1, в котором элемент является стержнем, размещенным в корпусе с возможностью скольжения.5. Инструмент по п. 1, в котором элемент включен в состав по меньшей мере с одной трубной головкой, причем трубная головка выполнена с возможностью предотвращения выхода пробки из камеры.6. Инструмент по п. 5, в котором трубная головка и элемент расположены на аксиально противоположных сторонах пробки и соединены по меньшей мере одной стойкой для ...

27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015104175A

... 1. Забойный инструмент, содержащий:трубное изделие, включающее в себя окно;первый управляемый шаром механизм, включающий в себя первый затвор, аксиально перемещающийся в трубном изделии из первого положения, закрывающего окно, во второе положение, открывающее окно, первое шаровое гнездо, перемещающееся с первым затвором, и опору первого шарового гнезда, несущую первое шаровое гнездо и соединенную в первом состоянии с возможностью отсоединения с первым затвором; ивторой управляемый шаром механизм, включающий в себя второй затвор, аксиально перемещающийся в трубном изделии из первого положения, открывающего окно, во второе положение, закрывающее окно, и второе шаровое гнездо, перемещающееся со вторым затвором, при этом отверстие первого шарового гнезда меньше отверстия второго шарового гнезда.2. Забойный инструмент по п. 1, в котором первый затвор в продольном направлении отделен от второго затвора, и первый затвор установлен ближе к дну забоя, чем второй затвор.3. Забойный инструмент по ...

27-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014149147A

... 1. Разрушающаяся трубная заанкеривающая система, содержащая:элемент в форме конической призмы;втулку для взаимодействия с первым участком элемента в форме конической призмы;уплотнение для взаимодействия со вторым участком элемента в форме конической призмы; игнездо, функционально соединенное с элементом в форме конической призмы,при этом, элемент в форме конической призмы, втулка, уплотнение и гнездо выполнены разрушающимися и независимо содержат металлический композит, который включает в себя:сотовую наноматрицу, содержащую материал наноматрицы с металлическими свойствами; иметаллическую матрицу, размещенную в сотовой наноматрице.2. Разрушающаяся трубная заанкеривающая система по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая нижний переводник, который является разрушающимся и независимо содержит металлический композит.3. Разрушающаяся трубная заанкеривающая система по п. 2, в которой металлическая матрица содержит алюминий, железо, магний, марганец, цинк или комбинацию, содержащую по меньшей мере одно ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015112674A

... 1. Набухающий пакер с контролируемой скоростью набухания, содержащий:сердечник;уплотнительный элемент, расположенный вокруг, по меньшей мере, части сердечника; ирубашку, покрывающую, по меньшей мере, часть наружной поверхности уплотнительного элемента и выполненную с возможностью, по существу, предотвращать сообщение по текучей среде между текучей средой, находящейся снаружи рубашки, и частью наружной поверхности уплотнительного элемента, покрытого этой рубашкой.2. Набухающий пакер с контролируемой скоростью набухания по п. 1, дополнительно содержащий один или более концевых упоров, расположенных вокруг сердечника смежно с уплотнительным элементом, причем эти один или более концевых упоров выполнены с возможностью удержания уплотнительного элемента вокруг части сердечника.3. Набухающий пакер с контролируемой скоростью набухания по п. 1, в котором уплотнительный элемент содержит набухающий материал.4. Набухающий пакер с контролируемой скоростью набухания по п. 3, в котором набухающий материал ...

21-03-2018 дата публикации

Downhole tool seal arrangement and method of sealing a downhole tubular

Номер: GB0002496797B
Принадлежит: BAKER HUGHES INC, Baker Hughes Incorporated

16-03-2016 дата публикации

Interventionless method of setting a casing to casing annular packer

Номер: GB0002530168A

An annular packer 100 and method of use thereof comprising a solid mandrel 110 having first and second ends, a central bore 111 and an exterior, a first 130 and a second 170 sealing element, both connected to the exterior of the mandrel, wherein the second sealing element is expanded radially by axial movement of at least a portion of the second sealing element, a piston 140 movable from a first position to a second position within a chamber 145 on the exterior of the mandrel, the piston and the chamber being positioned between the first sealing element and the second sealing element, wherein a pressure differential exterior of the mandrel moves the first piston from the first position to the second position, the piston moving at least the portion of the sealing element. The annular packer may further comprise a rupture disc or other shearable or frangible device which is burst or broken upon exposure to a predetermined pressure.

17-02-2021 дата публикации

Downhole sealing tool

Номер: GB2544695B

03-05-2017 дата публикации

Downhole system using packer setting joint and method

Номер: GB0002544002A

A downhole system (10) including tubular casing string (12) and a packer setting joint (14) configured to receive a packer (18) therein. The packer setting joint (14) includes an interior and an exterior, and all interior and exterior surfaces (46, 48) from an uphole to a downhole end (42, 44) of the packer setting joint (14) are machined surfaces (46, 48). The uphole end (42) of the packer setting joint (14) is connected to the casing string (12), and the downhole end (44) of the packer setting joint (14) is connected to the casing string (12). The packer setting joint (14) has a greater burst strength than a burst strength of a casing joint (26) connected to the packer setting joint (14) within the casing string (12).

26-05-2004 дата публикации

Plug setting and retrieving apparatus

Номер: GB0000409189D0

10-05-2017 дата публикации

Assessment of flow networks

Номер: GB0002544098A

A method for assessment of an oil and gas flow network comprises: (1) gathering historical data and/or live data relating to the status of multiple control points at different branches within the flow network and to one or more flow parameter(s) in one or more flow path(s) of the flow network in which flows of more than one of the different branches have been combined: (2) identifying time intervals in the data during which all of the control points and all of the flow parameters are in a steady state: and (3) extracting statistical data representative of some or all steady state intervals identified in step (2) to thereby represent the original data from step (1) in a compact form. In an alternative embodiment there is a method of assessing and oil and gas flow network which involves identifying adjustments that have been made in one or more of the control points that result in changes to one of more of the flow parameters and determining relationships between the status of the control ...

11-07-2018 дата публикации

A downhole monitoring method

Номер: GB0002558309A

A downhole monitoring method comprising: setting a barrier 120 in a cased borehole 114, the barrier including a column of flowable sealing material, such as cement, so that pressure and fluid communication is resisted across the borehole thus separating the borehole into a lower section114a below the barrier and an upper section 114b above; bonding said column of flowable sealing material to a portion of formation 168 which defines a portion of the borehole; at least a portion of the lower section being cased with casing 118, thus defining an annulus between the surrounding formation and the casing; wherein an assembly 150 in the lower section, including: a perforating device 154; a control mechanism to control the perforating device, and comprising a wireless communication device configured to receive a wireless control signal for activating the perforating device; a pressure sensor 151; at any time, sending the wireless control signal to the wireless communication device to activate the ...

13-06-2012 дата публикации

Ball and dart launcher with parallel axis release

Номер: GB0201207312D0

10-04-2013 дата публикации

Retrofit barrier valve system

Номер: GB0201303096D0

05-07-2017 дата публикации

System and methodology for coupling tubing

Номер: GB0201708256D0

24-06-2015 дата публикации

Closure device for surge pressure rduction tool

Номер: GB0201508108D0

12-08-2015 дата публикации

Wellbore annular safety valve and method

Номер: GB0201511322D0

21-06-2017 дата публикации

Swellable conformance tool

Номер: GB0201707332D0

18-01-2017 дата публикации

Deployable baffle

Номер: GB0201620385D0

11-08-2021 дата публикации

Communication system for sequential liner hanger setting, release from a running tool and setting a liner top packer

Номер: GB2591956A

A communication system for sequential operation of subterranean tools involves flow based signals that are picked up with a receiver at a master controller 16, the receiver can be acoustic or a ball can be dropped on to seat 40 and a pressure signal sent to the master controller which then signals one or more slave controllers 32, that operate tools and communicate back to the master controller that the subject tool has been operated. Sensors associated with the control system gather data downloaded when the master controller is pulled out of the hole. The system can be used to set a liner hanger and release a running tool 28 and communicate that they have been activated. The liner top packer can be set with a flow-based signal to the master controller which is then removed with the running string 18.

27-10-2021 дата публикации

Tubing hanger with shiftable annulus seal

Номер: GB0002594384A

A tubing: hanger assembly with a shiftable annulus seal is provided. The shiftable annulus seal allows for selectively sealing the tubing hanger within a easing hanger, a wellhead, or a tubing head. The tubing hanger assembly also includes a secondary annulus flow path formed through the body of the tubing hanger. The shiftable annulus seal selectively opens/closes a relatively large flow path to the tubing string annulus for circulation of fluid through the tubing string and setting a -packer. The secondary annulus flow path facilitates monitoring and bleeding of pressure· front the annulus after the shiftable annulus seal is closed.

04-10-1967 дата публикации

Well packer apparatus

Номер: GB0001086113A

... 1,086,113. Wells &c. BAKER OIL TOOLS, Inc. March 30, 1965 [April 22, 1964 (2)], No. 13434/65. Heading E1F. A packer A comprising a tubular body 10, 11, 11a carrying a resilient packing 23 has a valve 95 movable between lower and Upper positions to close the ports 90. The packer is lowered into position in the well casing B on a running string connected to a member-50 of asetting tool C, the member having extensions 52 109 and the extension 109 engaging the valve. At the required position of the packer the string, the member and extensions are rotated to the right, a slip setting and retaining structure 61 being held against rotation by a drag member 66 so that a nut 72 is freed from the member 50 which with the extensions and the packer is then moved downwardly by the string until the slips 28 are freed from a sleeve 60 and expanded by springs 45. The string is lifted to cause the expander 24 to set the slips 28, and to shear a screw 25 to permit the body to move upwardly to expand the ...

24-01-1941 дата публикации

Improvements in plugs for use in cementing well casings

Номер: GB0000532468A

... 532,468. Cementing well casings. DYER, Z. A., LAMB, C., and RADFORD, D. R. July 29, 1939, No. 22086. [Class 85] Relates to lower plugs for use in cementing casing in wells. The plugs may be formed of rubber, "Bakelite" R.T.M., wood, &c. and comprise a cylindrical body 70, Fig. 6, with a central annular channel 32 and a groove 76 in which is a rubber washer 78 of greater outside diameter than the body and less normal inside diameter than the base of the groove 76 ; longitudinal passages 40 are formed in the outer surfaces of the body and central cavities 50 may be formed in the ends. The body may be integral, or formed in two parts with a threaded connection 74, or a frictional connection of smooth-walled or annularly corrugated parts. In Fig. 7, the upper part of the plug is replaced by a cap 80 which may be integral with the lower part or threaded thereto ; alternatively, the cap may be omitted, the washer then being vulcanized &c. to the lower part. Such plugs may be used in tandem. In ...

20-12-1939 дата публикации

An improved appliance for use in packing off, cementing, repressuring, and other operations in wells

Номер: GB0000516027A

... 516,027. Well appliances. TRIGGS, W. W. (Baker Oil Tools, Inc.). June 27, 1938, No. 18968. [Class 85] A device for use in cementing, repressuring and other operations in wells comprises a hollow body adapted to be detachably secured to a string of running-in tubing, slips mounted on the body, means releasable by hydraulic pressure for retaining some of said slips in ineffective position until so released, and packing means mounted on said body. In Figs. -1, 2 and 7, a body 11 has at its lower end a valve 15 pressed by a spring 19 and initially held open by a shear pin 30 connecting the valve stem to a trunnion 29 depending from a sleeve valve 24 controlling a port 32 and abutting against a stop pin 31. A packer 33 surrounds the body and is held between a lower fixed ring 34 and an upper slidable ring 36 initially held by a shear pin 37. Above the packer 33 is a sleeve 38 provided about its periphery with vertical seats each with two parallel inclined faces on which slips 40, pressed by ...

21-07-2010 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for use in well abandonment

Номер: GB0201009378D0

19-08-2015 дата публикации

Wellbore isolation system with communication lines

Номер: GB0201511707D0

23-09-2015 дата публикации

Interventionless method of setting a casing to casing annular packer

Номер: GB0201514066D0

20-08-2003 дата публикации

Resilient packer set at a pressure threshold

Номер: GB2385364A

A packer 80 for use inside a casing (70, figure 4) of a subterranean well includes a resilient element 84, a housing 104 and a rupture disc 124. The resilient element is adapted to seal off the well annulus when compressed by the housing in response to pressure exerted by the annulus fluid on a piston head 119 of the housing. The housing includes a port 122 for establishing fluid communication with the annulus. The rupture disc prevents the fluid in the annulus from entering the port and contacting the piston head until the pressure exerted by the fluid exceeds a predetermined threshold and ruptures the disc. The packer may include a swab cup (figure 14) that allows the annulus above the packer to be pressurised. Once the packer is set, then in some embodiments the tubing can be moved with respect to the packer.

06-01-1999 дата публикации

Downhole lubricator for installation of extended assemblies

Номер: GB0002326892A

The wellbore is adapted for use as a lubricator for assembly of lengthy installations. The subsurface safety valve is used in conjunction with a nipple inserted into the wellbore and held in position by a packer. A plug is part of the nipple assembly. Upon setting of the packer, two barriers downhole are created to facilitate assembly of tools such as a perforating gun in the wellbore behind two barriers. The tool, such as a perforating gun, has a running tool below it which engages the plug. When the assembly is made up in the wellbore, the plug is engaged by the running tool and released from the nipple. The plug can then be advanced through the open subsurface safety valve to the proper location for deployment of a perforating gun, for example. Upon completion of the downhole procedures, such as perforating, the tools are brought uphole and the plug is sealingly relatched in the nipple, thus recreating the necessary two barriers to permit opening the wellbore at the surface to remove ...

18-06-2008 дата публикации

Sealed branch wellbore transition joint

Номер: GB0002410515B

23-03-2005 дата публикации

Method of completing wells with expanding packers

Номер: GB0002406122A

A packer system is positioned in a subterranean well having an opening formed at an intersection between a cased first wellbore and an uncased second wellbore, wherein the packer system includes expandable tubing 120, and first, second and third axially spaced apart expandable sealing elements 115. An expansion pig is passed through the expandable tubing 120 to abut the expandable sealing elements 115 against the well, the first expanding element sealing within the cased first wellbore, the second expanding element sealing within the uncased second wellbore and the third expanding element sealing at least partially within the opening.

17-01-2007 дата публикации

Annular isolators for tubulars in wellbores

Номер: GB0002428062A

The present disclosure addresses apparatus and methods for forming an annular isolator in a borehole (662) after installation of production tubing. A first deployable annular isolator (652) is carried on tubing as it is positioned in a borehole. An annular isolator forming material (650) is placed in the annulus around the first deployable isolator. The first isolator is then deployed into the material in the annulus to form a combined isolator. The annular isolator forming material is carried in a compartment in the tubing and forced from the compartment into the annulus. A second deployable isolator (664) may be deployed before placing the material in the annulus to resist annular flow of the material before the first isolator is deployed. The second isolator may be deployed by material from the compartment. A second compartment may be provided to deploy the first isolator.

05-08-2009 дата публикации

Downhole apparatus and method

Номер: GB2456944A

A downhole apparatus for location on a tubular (30), an assembly, and a method of use are described. The apparatus comprising a body (12) with a throughbore (18) configured to receive a tubular, and at least one swellable member (16) which comprises a material selected to expand upon exposure to at least one predetermined fluid. The swellable member is arranged to provide a seal between the body and a tubular on which it is located during use, for example in a micro-annulus between the body and the tubular. Advantageously, the apparatus may be configured such that the body is moveable on the tubular before expansion, which may permit the apparatus to be slipped or slid onto the tubular into its desired location. The apparatus may be configured to rotate on a tubular, or slide on the tubular.

01-02-2017 дата публикации

degradable downhole tools comprising magnesium alloys

Номер: GB0201621848D0

22-09-2021 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to providing isolation between hydrocarbon producing zones in subterranean oil wells

Номер: GB0002593409A

A method of isolating production zones in a well comprising the steps: (a) running a retrievable packer assembly into the well, the retrievable packer assembly comprising an upper hydraulically set packer A with primary 30 and secondary strings 32 extending therefrom and a lower retrievable packer F; (b) locating a lower end of the secondary string 32 at a lower production zone and a lower end of the primary string 30 at an upper production zone; (c) setting the lower packer F to anchor and seal against an inner wall of a tubular in the well; (d) setting the upper packer A to anchor and seal against the inner wall of the tubular in the well; (e) producing the well; (f) running a tool and severing a tubular section in the upper packer A to unset the upper packer; (g) pulling the secondary string to unset the lower packer F and retrieve the packer assembly; characterised in that: the upper packer is set by applying pressure to the primary string 30; the lower packer is set by applying pressure ...

16-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009026213D0

20-08-1997 дата публикации

Short wellhead plug

Номер: GB0002287267B

09-11-2005 дата публикации

Valve with means to prevent relative rotation of its plunger and seat

Номер: GB0002413809A

A valve 100 comprises a plunger 150 and a seat 110. The engaging faces of the plunger and seat aim to prevent their relative rotation and to this end can be non-spherical and comprise facets 171, serrations on the facets (figure 5b) or serrations on a frustocone (figure 5d). An O-ring can also be provided to improve sealing of the faces. A lug 160 or protrusion can be provided on the plunger and a groove 130 on the seat to prevent rotation within a mandrel. The lug 160 also limits axial movement of the plunger 150. The valve arrangement can be used as a plug in an expandable packer (figures 7 and 8). The specific gravity of the plunger can be less than the specific gravity of a downhole fluid if it is to be used as a cement retainer and slightly more than the specific gravity of the downhole fluid if it is to be used as a frac plug. The invention aids drilling out of plugs by preventing the plug from rotating with the drill bit.

07-06-2006 дата публикации

Annular fluids and methods of emplacing the same

Номер: GB0002413815B
Принадлежит: MI LLC, M-I L.L.C.

27-09-2006 дата публикации

Downhole tubular splitter assembly and method

Номер: GB0002424431A

A splitter assembly (10) is positioned downhole within a conductor (50) for separating two or more tubular strings placed within the conductor. A splitter housing may include a first bore (26) and a second bore (28) for separating a first well from a second well, and a plug (24) positioned in one of the bores including a top face (25) sloping downwardly toward the other bore. One or more guide plates (18) secured to the splitter housing and positioned above the plug guide a bit or other tool toward one of the first bore and the second bore. The splitter housing (10) may be positioned along the conductor (50) after the conductor is jetted in place. According to the method, the plug in one of the bores is retrieved after a casing is run in one well, so that the second bit and the second casing will pass through the bore which previously included the plug.

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Конструкция многопластовой скважины

Номер: RU0000174535U1

Полезная модель относится к нефтегазодобывающей промышленности, в частности к конструкции скважин. Особенно эффективна конструкция для скважин с малым диаметром эксплуатационной колонны (114 мм и меньше).Конструкция многопластовой скважины включает обсадную колонну с установочными муфтами, расположенными выше продуктивных пластов, в промежутках между продуктивными пластами и ниже продуктивных пластов, в которую спущена колонна насосно-компрессорных труб (НКТ) с плунжерами, имеющими уплотнения и выполненными с возможностью герметичного взаимодействия с соответствующими установочными муфтами. Часть промежутков колонны НКТ между плунжерами перфорирована. Внутренняя поверхность всех установочных муфт и наружная плунжеров изготовлены одинаковым диаметром. Выше верхнего из плунжеров может быть установлен упор увеличенного диаметра, выполненный с возможностью взаимодействия с верхней установочной муфтой.Предлагаемая конструкция многопластовой скважины позволяет упростить работу и повысить надежность за счет использования всех установочных муфт и плунжеров одинакового диаметром. Наилучшее применение этой конструкции скважины возможно с малым диаметром эксплуатационной колонны или выполненной из стеклопластика, в который нельзя сажать пакеры, например, для реализации одновременно-раздельной эксплуатации пластов. 2 ил. Ц 1 174535 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) (11) да 52503) ВО тез. < Ата Цл (51) МПК ЕВ 43/14 (2006.01) ЕВ 33/122 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017112159, 10.04.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.04.2017 Дата регистрации: 19.10.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 10.04.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 19.10.2017 Бюл. № 29 Адрес для переписки: 423236, Респ. Татарстан, г. Бугульма, ул. М. Джалиля, 32, ПАО "Татнефть" им. В.Д. Шашина институт "Тат НИПИнефть", Сектор создания и развития промышленной собственности (72) Автор(ы): Гарифов Камиль Мансурович (КО), ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для приведения в действие уплотнительного элемента пакера

Номер: RU0000174801U1

Полезная модель относится к области строительства нефтяных и газовых скважин и, в частности к устройствам для разобщения пластов.Задача полезной модели заключается в повышении надежности работы устройства и в расширении области применения за счет увеличения площади отверстий, пропускающих жидкость к уплотнительному элементу пакера. Устройство для приведения в действие уплотнительного элемента пакера включает составной корпус с радиальным отверстием, перекрытым полым срезным штифтом, уступом, проточкой и заполняющими радиальными отверстиями, кожух, образующий с полым корпусом кольцевую полость, в которой установлен подпружиненный поршень с отверстием и кольцевой проточкой между двумя его внутренними уплотнительными кольцами, причем кольцевая проточка через заполняющие радиальные отверстия гидравлически связана с внутренней полостью устройства. В кольцевой полости расположен также переключатель положений устройства с фигурным пазом по его образующей, состоящим из соединенных между собой коротких и длинной прорезей, выполненных определенным образом для приведения уплотнительного элемента пакера в рабочее положение. Поршень герметично разделяет внутреннюю полость пакера от внутренней полости устройства. Устройство содержит палец, который одной частью установлен в отверстии поршня, а другой частью в фигурном пазу переключателя положений устройства с возможностью перемещения по прорезям фигурного паза в соответствии с его кодом при повышении и сбросе давления в полом корпусе, при этом поршень имеет возможность возвратно-поступательного перемещения, открывая доступ жидкости к пакеру через специальные заполняющие отверстия большой площади. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. 174801 Ц 1 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) (11) за за (13) (51) МПК ЕВ 23/06 (2006.01) ЕВ 33/12 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017125773, 18.07.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.07.2017 Дата регистрации: 02.11. ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации

Установка для одновременно-раздельной эксплуатации пластов

Номер: RU0000193950U1

Полезная модель относится к нефтедобывающей промышленности, в частности к скважинным штанговым насосным установкам для одновременно-раздельной эксплуатации (ОРЭ) нескольких пластов.Установка для ОРЭ пластов включает штанговые насосы, колонны лифтовых труб и пакеры, разделяющие пласты, хотя бы один из которых выполнен гидравлического действия и сообщен с подводящим гидравлическим каналом, при этом другой конец гидравлического канала сообщен с полостью лифтовых труб. Пакер гидравлического действия выполнен надувным.Предполагаемая полезная модель позволяет устанавливать гидравлические пакеры без подачи жидкости с поверхности, что значительно упрощает установку и работу с ней. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 193 950 U1 (51) МПК E21B 43/14 (2006.01) F04B 47/02 (2006.01) E21B 33/122 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E21B 43/14 (2019.02); F04B 47/02 (2019.02); E21B 33/122 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018116972, 19.06.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 21.11.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 21.11.2019 Бюл. № 33 (54) Установка для одновременно-раздельной эксплуатации пластов (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к сообщен с подводящим гидравлическим каналом, нефтедобывающей промышленности, в частности при этом другой конец гидравлического канала к скважинным штанговым насосным установкам сообщен с полостью лифтовых труб. Пакер для одновременно-раздельной эксплуатации гидравлического действия выполнен надувным. (ОРЭ) нескольких пластов. Предполагаемая полезная модель позволяет Установка для ОРЭ пластов включает устанавливать гидравлические пакеры без подачи штанговые насосы, колонны лифтовых труб и жидкости с поверхности, что значительно пакеры, разделяющие пласты, хотя бы один из упрощает установку и работу с ней. 1 ил. которых выполнен гидравлического действия и R U 1 9 3 9 5 0 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 72720 U1, 27.04.2008 ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Submergible oil well sealing device and method for sealing underwater oil wells

Номер: US20120006558A1
Автор: Alan D. Brite
Принадлежит: Individual

An oil well sealing device that is submergible for sealing under water oil wells and a method for sealing underwater oil wells are described. The device comprises a housing having at least one lower opening at a lower end of the housing and at least one upper opening at an upper end of the housing; a pump sucking oil through the lower opening into the housing and pushing the oil through the upper opening out of the housing; and a closing element movable to close or open the upper opening.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Method of fixing a broken oil pipe

Номер: US20120012329A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The usual safety feature of oil pipes is the shut-off valve. Whenever there is a need, such a valve can be closed, and oil is prohibited from spilling into the surroundings. However, the shut-off valve may sometimes be inaccessible. It may be buried deep in the mud, or even worse, there may be no shut-off valve. Such an oil spill could prove disastrous. Fortunately, our invention would provide a solution to just such a situation. We would need to send submarine robots to the scene of the accident. These robots, controlled from the ship on the surface, would insert our specially designed hydraulic head into the pipe. This head would then seal the pipe, stopping any further oil spill.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Drilling tool, apparatus and method for underreaming and simultaneously monitoring and controlling wellbore diameter

Номер: US20120037422A1
Автор: Wajid Rasheed
Принадлежит: Individual

The Smart Reamer® Tool, Apparatus or Method is used to underream an oil or natural gas well while interlinked calipers and calibration sensors simultaneously record data relating to the geometry of the drilling operation (well diameter, diameter of the underreamed zone) and drilling fluid properties (density). Further sensors provide data on the relative position of the cutting and stabilizing blocks. Other sensors measure vibration data. All the sensors are interlinked by means of microprocessors which compare and correlate said data to automatically verify and deliver a desired wellbore diameter without the need to unnecessarily stop drilling or trip out of the hole.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Blapper valve tools and related methods

Номер: US20120043092A1
Принадлежит: Arizmendi Jr Napoleon, Richard Paul Rubbo

Various embodiments of the present invention disclose enhanced and improved well production tools for increasing the stability of production zones in a wellbore. Various embodiments of the present invention generally relate to apparatuses, systems, and processes for efficiently and effectively isolating zones within a wellbore.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Wellbore isolation tool using sealing element having shape memory polymer

Номер: US20120055667A1
Принадлежит: Weatherford Lamb Inc

Anti-extrusion devices, packer elements, and inflatable packers include shape memory polymer (SMP) materials to enhance the operation of a packer, a bridge plug, or other downhole isolation tool. Seal system use seals of various material including SMP materials as booster for the seal produced. Tool for flow shut-off and sliding sleeve applications use SMP materials to open or close off flow through a tool.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for monitoring a parameter of a subterranean formation using swellable materials

Номер: US20120055669A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A system for monitoring a parameter of a subterranean formation using swellable materials is disclosed. The system may include a sensor device configured to detect a parameter of a subterranean formation. The system may also include a swellable material configured to position the sensor device toward a surface of the subterranean formation by swelling of the swellable material. The system may further include a telescoping section coupled to the sensor device and emplaced in the swellable material. The telescoping section may be configured to extend with the positioning of the sensor device.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Retrievable bridge plug

Номер: US20120067596A1
Принадлежит: Weatherford Lamb Inc

A method and apparatus for a bridge plug for isolating portions of a downhole casing is provided comprising a retrievable upper mandrel assembly and a lower mandrel assembly coupled to the upper mandrel assembly, wherein the lower mandrel assembly comprises a drillable material.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Friction Bite with Swellable Elastomer Elements

Номер: US20120073834A1
Автор: Jeffrey J. Lembcke
Принадлежит: Weatherford Lamb Inc

A friction-enhancing material is applied to an outer surface of a swellable element of a downhole tool. The friction-enhancing material helps prevent axial extrusion of the elastomer of the swellable element. The friction-enhancing material may include particles, a mesh, and wickers, among other kinds of friction-enhancing material, and may be disposed on or embedded in all or a portion of an outer surface of the swellable element.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Ring Member for a Swellable Downhole Packer

Номер: US20120103634A1
Автор: Brian Nutley, Kim Nutley
Принадлежит: Swelltec Ltd

A ring member for a downhole apparatus includes a swellable material selected to increase in volume on exposure to at least one triggering fluid. The ring member is configured to cooperate with a swellable member disposed on a body of the apparatus, and may function as a gauge ring or a retaining member. The ring member is secured to the apparatus via a coupling arrangement which couples the body to an adjacent well string section. The ring member is threaded into the well string. Alternately, the ring member may be disposed over an upstanding formation such as a coupling sleeve by clamping.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Device to control the rate of fluid flow in a pipe

Номер: US20120118420A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides a family of devices insertable into a pipe or pipeline for counteracting the force and controlling the rate of flow of a fluid flowing in the pipe or pipeline. The disclosed devices have an overall shape resembling a spear to improve the fluid dynamic performance and are designed to be self-centering in a pipe. The devices can be made from readily available materials using well known manufacturing techniques. Other embodiments showing extensions to the invention are also disclosed.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Systems and Methods of Diverting Fluids In A Wellbore Using Destructible Plugs

Номер: US20120125631A1

A bridge plug arrangement includes a plug having an upper end and a bottom end. The bridge plug arrangement also optionally includes a cylindrical seat. The bridge plug arrangement further includes a tubular member. The tubular member may be part of a casing string. The tubular member is configured to receive the plug and, when used, the seat. The plug and/or the seat may be fabricated from a frangible material. A method for diverting fluids in a wellbore using the bridge plug arrangement is also provided. The method may include landing the plug onto the seat within the wellbore below a subsurface zone of interest. Treatment fluids are then injected into the wellbore, where they are diverted through perforations and into a formation. The plug and/or seat is then optionally broken into a plurality of pieces through use of a downward mechanical force.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Swellable packer having thermal compensation

Номер: US20120125640A1
Автор: Alf Kolbjørn Sevre
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A swellable packer for use in a subterranean well can include a seal element with a swellable material which contracts in response to temperature decrease, and a temperature compensator which applies increased force to the seal element in response to temperature decrease. A method of compensating for thermal contraction of a swellable material in a subterranean well can include a temperature of the swellable material increasing in response to installing the swellable material in the well, and a temperature compensator applying an increased force in response to a temperature decrease occurring after the temperature increasing step. A well tool for use in a subterranean well can include a swellable material and a temperature compensator which applies an increased force when the swellable material contracts.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Bottom set downhole plug

Номер: US20120145378A1
Автор: W. Lynn Frazier
Принадлежит: Individual

A plug for isolating a wellbore. The plug can include a body having a first end and a second end, wherein the body is formed from one or more composite materials and adapted to receive a setting tool through the first end thereof, at least one malleable element disposed about the body, at least one slip disposed about the body, at least one conical member disposed about the body, and one or more shearable threads disposed on an inner surface of the body, adjacent the second end thereof, wherein the one or more shearable threads are adapted to receive at least a portion of a setting tool that enters the body through the first end thereof, and wherein the one or more shearable threads are adapted to engage the setting tool when disposed through the body and adapted to release the setting tool when exposed to a predetermined axial force.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Completion assembly and a method for stimulating, segmenting and controlling erd wells

Номер: US20120160524A1
Автор: Peter Lumbye
Принадлежит: Maersk Olie og Gas AS

The invention relates to an assembly to be run with a well tubular having openings provided in the wall and for being arranged in a well bore and thereby forming a space between said tubing and the well bore surface. The assembly comprising: first fluid control means and second fluid control means being provided in another opening in said well tubular. The assembly further having a set of packers for sealing of the space between said tubing and the well bore surface, said set of packers being positioned such that a part the tubular having both first and second fluid control means is located between the set of packers. The first fluid control means is adapted such that it is capable of blocking fluid flow from the interior of said well tubular to said space between said tubing and the well bore surface. The second fluid control means is adapted such that it is capable of blocking fluid flow from said space between said tubing and the well bore surface to the interior of said well tubular.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Isolation of Zones for Fracturing Using Removable Plugs

Номер: US20120168180A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An interval can be divided into zones by inserting a series of plugs that register with specific profiles at predetermined intervals along a section of pipe. Each plug supports a releasable perforating gun that can release from the plug and perforate an interval for treatment such as fracturing or acidizing. A subsequent plug then isolates the just treated zone and the process is repeated working up toward the surface. When the full interval is treated the plugs can then be removed by making their cores disappear using a reaction or dissolving techniques. Mechanical alternative that push all the plugs to hole bottom or that retrieve them together or individually are possible alternative techniques for removal of the plugs from the treated interval before production is initiated.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Shape Memory Material Packer for Subterranean Use

Номер: US20120175845A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A shape memory polymer is initially fabricated to a size where its peripheral dimension will be at least as large as the borehole wall in which it is to be deployed. After the initial manufacturing the material temperature is elevated above the transition temperature and the material is stretched on a mandrel to retain its inside dimension as its outside dimension is reduced to size that will allow running the seal to a desired subterranean location without failing the material during the stretching. The material is allowed to cool below the transition temperature to hold the new shape. The material on the mandrel is then secured to a tubular string and delivered to the desired location. Wellbore fluid at given temperature raises the material again above the transition temperature, which causes the material to revert to its originally manufactured shape.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Expandable Device for Use in a Well Bore

Номер: US20120181017A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

An expandable device comprising a plurality of expandable cells. The cells may be bistable cells or other types of cells that are expanded from a contracted position towards an expanded position. Additionally, the cells may be combined with locking mechanisms to hold the structure in an expanded position.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Consumable downhole tool

Номер: US20120199340A1
Автор: Michael C. Robertson
Принадлежит: Individual

A torch apparatus for consuming a material having a fuel load that produces heat and a source of oxygen when burned, and a plurality of slots having interstitial spaces therebetween for allowing longitudinal flow of fluid along the torch apparatus without interfering with the flow of fluid through the slots. The slots are oriented such that the heat and source of oxygen are provided to a material that is at least partially consumed when exposed to heat and oxygen, to thereby cause destruction of an object containing the material or disengagement of the object such that it falls into the wellbore.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Open Hole Expandable Packer with Extended Reach Feature

Номер: US20120217003A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

An open hole packer uses mandrel expansion and a surrounding sealing element that can optionally have a swelling feature and further a seal enhancing feature of a ring with an internal taper to match an undercut on the mandrel exterior. As a swage progresses to the taper at the transition between the ring and the extending flat fingers, the fingers get plastically deformed in an outward radial direction to push out the sealing element. Shrinkage of the mandrel axially due to radial expansion brings a ring on the mandrel outer surface under the fingers to act as a support for the fingers against the seal which is pushed against the open hole. Mirror image orientations are envisioned to aid in retaining pressure differentials in opposed directions. Another external mandrel ring extends into the seal to keep its position during differential pressure loading.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Mechanical Liner Drilling Cementing System

Номер: US20120222861A1
Автор: Erik Peter Eriksen
Принадлежит: Tesco Corp Canada

A packer setting tool sets a liner top packer by mechanical rotation of the running tool and set down weight following cementing of a liner. The packer setting tool includes a tubular release body mounted on an end of the running tool. An annular dog sub circumscribes a portion of the release body. The dog sub is linked to the release body with a shear screw. A thread on an outer surface of the release body engages a thread on an inner surface of the dog sub to define a threaded connection between the dog sub and the release body. When the running tool rotates, the thread on the release body rotates with respect to the thread on the dog sub driving the release body in an axial direction fracturing the shear screw and urges an adapter sleeve against the packer assembly to set the packer assembly.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Temperature dependent swelling of a swellable material

Номер: US20120227986A1
Автор: Alf K. Sevre
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A swellable packer can include a material which swells when contacted with a swelling fluid, and a barrier comprising a highly crystalline polymer which is substantially impermeable to the swelling fluid. A method of controlling swelling of a material can include positioning the material and a barrier in a well, the barrier preventing contact between the material and a swelling fluid, the barrier comprising a polymer, and increasing a permeability of the barrier to the swelling fluid in response to the barrier polymer being heated to its crystallization temperature. A well system can include a material which swells in response to contact with a hydrocarbon gas, and a barrier which comprises a crystalline polymer, the polymer being substantially impermeable to the hydrocarbon gas, whereby the polymer initially prevents swelling of the material, but the polymer becomes increasingly permeable to the hydrocarbon gas when heated to its crystallization temperature.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Dual wiper plug system

Номер: US20120234561A1
Автор: Cem Monur, James Hall
Принадлежит: Smith International Inc

A dual wiper plug system having a first wiper including a first body having a first bore therethrough, and at least one wiper fin disposed around the body, a second wiper disposed axially above the first wiper, the second wiper including a second body having a second bore therethrough and a first shoulder formed on the inner surface of the second body, and at least one wiper fin disposed around the body, and a first collet ring coupled to the first wiper and including at least one collet finger extending axially upward, and a collet head disposed on an upper end of the collet finger and configured to engage the first shoulder of the second body.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Ball seat having ball support member

Номер: US20120261115A1
Автор: Ying Qing Xu
Принадлежит: Individual

Apparatuses for restricting fluid flow through a well conduit comprise a tubular member having an inner wall surface defining a bore and a seat in sliding engagement with the inner wall surface. Operatively associated with the seat is a plug element support member having an expanded position when the apparatus is in a run-in position and a contracted position when the apparatus is in a set position. A plug element adapted to be disposed into the bore and landed on the seat to restrict fluid flow through the bore and the well conduit is used to move the seat which in turn moves the plug element support member from the expanded position to the contracted position, thereby providing support to the plug member landed on the seat.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Easy Drill Slip

Номер: US20120292052A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A design for a bridge plug wherein the slip elements include an outer contact portion to engage a surrounding tubular member and an inner body portion designed to easily disintegrate during removal of the bridge plug by subsequent milling. The inner body portion is formed of a softer material than the outer contact portion. Also, the inner body portion is made up of a plurality of segments that are readily separated and dispsersed during milling out.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Annular isolation with tension-set external mechanical casing (EMC) packer

Номер: US20120298380A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

An apparatus comprising a first casing string comprising one or more profiled seats furrowed into the first casing string's inner casing wall, a second casing string comprising an upper casing joint, a lower casing joint, and a tension-set external mechanical casing (EMC) packer positioned between the upper casing joint and the lower casing joint, wherein the tension-set EMC packer comprises a mandrel that is attached to the upper casing joint and to the lower casing joint, wherein the second casing string is disposed within the first casing string such that a casing casing annulus (CCA) is formed between the first casing string's inside diameter (ID) and the second casing string's outside diameter (OD), and wherein the recessed seats are positioned below the tension-set EMC packer prior to any engagement of the tension-set EMC packer with the first casing string.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Downhole tools having radially expandable seat member

Номер: US20120305236A1
Автор: Varun Gouthaman
Принадлежит: Individual

Apparatuses for restricting fluid flow through a well conduit comprise a tubular member having a radially expandable seat member disposed within the tubular member. The radially expandable seat member comprises one or more arcuate members, each having first and second ends. The radially expandable seat member comprises a first position in which the first and second ends are disposed relative to each other to provide a first inner diameter opening through the radially expandable seat member for receiving a plug element, and a second position in which the first and second ends are moved radially outward relative to one another to provide a second inner diameter opening through the radially expandable seat member, the second inner diameter being greater than the first inner diameter thereby facilitating the plug element passing through the radially expandable seat member.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Downhole Tool Delivery System With Self Activating Perforation Gun

Номер: US20130025844A1
Автор: Dennis A. Strickland
Принадлежит: Intelligent Tools IP LLC

An apparatus for use in deployment of downhole tools is disclosed. Preferably, the apparatus includes at least an in-ground well casing, a housing providing a hermetically sealed electronics compartment, a tool attachment portion, and a first flow through core. The housing is preferably configured for sliding communication with the well casing. The hermetically sealed electronics compartment secures a processor and a location sensing system, which communicates with the processor while interacting exclusively with features of the well casing to determine the location of the housing within the well casing. A preferred embodiment further includes a well plug affixed to the tool attachment portion, the well plug includes a second flow through core capped with a core plug with a core plug release mechanism, which upon activation provides separation between the second flow through core and the core plug, allowing material to flow through said first and second flow through cores.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Method Of Fracturing Multiple Zones Within A Well Using Propellant Pre-Fracturing

Номер: US20130032349A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

A method of fracturing multiple zones within a wellbore formed in a subterranean formation is carried out by forming flow-through passages in two or more zones within the wellbore that are spaced apart from each other along the wellbore. The flow-through passages are arranged into clusters, where the directions of all flow-through passages, which belong to the same cluster, are aligned within a single plane (cluster plane). At least one cluster of flow-through passages is formed in each zone. The clusters within each zone have characteristics different from those of other zones provided by orienting the cluster planes at different angles relative to principal in-situ stresses and by placing them into different locations along the wellbore in each of the two or more zones. A propellant pre-fracturing treatment is then performed in the two or more zones to create initial fractures (pre-fractures) in each of the two or more zones. The fracturing fluid in the fracturing treatment is provided at a pressure that is above the pre-fracture propagation pressure of one of the two or more zones to facilitate fracturing of said one of the two or more zones. The pressure of the fracturing fluid is below the pre-fracture propagation pressure of any other non-treated zones of the two or more zones. The isolating of the treated zone is then performed. The fracturing process is then repeated for at least one or more non-treated zones of the two or more zones.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Improving Zonal Isolation in a Well

Номер: US20130037267A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

The disclosure relates to a system ( 10 ) for improving zonal isolation in a well in a subterranean formation, comprising: a tubular ( 1 ) having a outer surface ( 11 ); and a swellable coating ( 2 ) coating the outer surface ( 11 ) of said tubular ( 1 ), said swellable coating ( 2 ) having an external surface ( 21 ); and/or a composition ( 20 ) provided in an annular space outside said tubular ( 1 ). The swellable coating ( 2 ) is made of a first swellable material ( 3 ) able to swell in contact with a first fluid ( 6 ) on said external surface ( 21 ) and/or the composition ( 20 ) is made of a second swellable material ( 4 ) able to swell in contact with a second fluid ( 7 ), and wherein said first ( 3 ) and/or said second ( 4 ) swellable materials include an elastomer compounded with an aqueous inverse emulsion of particles of a polymer comprising a betaine group, said elastomer being able to swell in contact with hydrocarbon and saline aqueous fluids.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Debris barrier for hydraulic disconnect tools

Номер: US20130043038A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A hydraulic connection mechanism for use in a wellbore comprises an upper connection running tool, a lower connection tool configured to engage the upper connection running tool and form a fluid communication pathway through the hydraulic connection mechanism, and a debris barrier disposed in the fluid communication pathway. The debris barrier comprises a body element, and a spring element configured to maintain the body element in a closed position when the upper connection running tool is disengaged from the lower connection tool.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Downhole tool and method of use

Номер: US20130048271A1
Автор: Duke Vanlue
Принадлежит: Individual

Embodiments of the disclosure pertain to a composite slip for a downhole tool, the composite slip having a circular slip body having one-piece configuration with at least partial connectivity around the entire circular slip body, and at least two grooves disposed therein. In aspects, the slip body may be made from one of filament wound material, fiberglass cloth wound material, and molded fiberglass composite.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Enhanced geothermal systems and reservoir optimization

Номер: US20130056198A1
Принадлежит: Altarock Energy Inc

Systems and methods for maximizing energy recovery from a subterranean formation are herein disclosed. According to one embodiment, a selected subterranean open-hole interval is isolated and at least one fracture is stimulated in the isolated subterranean open-hole interval.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Downhole sealing system using cement activated material and method of downhole sealing

Номер: US20130056207A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A downhole sealing system includes a reactive material provided on a tubular and including an oxidizable substance; and a sealing material, wherein the oxidizable substance oxidizes when in contact with the sealing material. Also included is a method of providing a seal in a downhole system.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Packer Assembly with a Standoff

Номер: US20130062073A1
Автор: Nathan Landsiedel
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

An apparatus including a downhole tool for conveyance in a wellbore extending into a subterranean formation. The downhole tool includes a mandrel, and a first packer and a second packer expandable from the mandrel into contact with a wall of the wellbore. The downhole tool includes a standoff coupled to the mandrel between the first packer and the second packer and having a rigid outer perimeter that is diametrically larger than an outer perimeter of the mandrel.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Device for Carrying a Replacement Safety Valve in a Well Tube

Номер: US20130068448A1
Автор: Espen Hiorth, Terje Stormo

Device for carrying a replacement safety valve in a well tube, with a straddle structure for placement inside a damaged “Down Hole Safety Valve” nipple seal area. It is comprising a pair of sealing assemblies ( 15, 16 ) to be activated upon setting of the device to seal said nipple seal area, and a locking dog assembly ( 17 ) for locking the device in the well tube, said elements being carried by a tubular mandrel ( 12 ). At least one of the sealing assemblies ( 15, 16 ) comprises a expandable element ( 22; 34 ) being activated by a pair of annular press elements ( 19, 20 ).

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Tools and Methods for Use in Completion of a Wellbore

Номер: US20130068451A1
Принадлежит: NCS Oilfield Services Canada Inc.

A ported tubular is provided for use in casing a wellbore, to permit selective access to the adjacent formation during completion operations. A system and method for completing a wellbore using the ported tubular are also provided. Ports within the wellbore casing may be opened, isolated, or otherwise accessed to deliver treatment to the formation through the ports, using a tool assembly deployed on tubing or wireline. 1. A method for shifting a sliding sleeve in a wellbore , comprising:providing a valve continuous with a wellbore tubular, the valve comprising a ported housing and a port closure sleeve slidably disposed within the ported housing;providing a tool assembly comprising: a locating device and a resettable sealing member;deploying the tool assembly within the wellbore on wireline;locating the resettable sealing assembly within the port closure sleeve;setting the sealing member across the sliding sleeve; andapplying a downward force to the sealing member to slide the sleeve with respect to the ported housing.2. The method as in claim 1 , wherein the step of setting the sealing member comprises application of a radially outward force with the sealing member to the sleeve so as to frictionally engage the sleeve with the sealing member.3. The method as in claim 2 , wherein the sleeve comprises an inner surface of uniform diameter along its length claim 2 , free of any profile.4. The method as in claim 2 , wherein the sleeve has an inner diameter consistent with the inner diameter of the wellbore tubular.5. The method as in claim 1 , wherein the step of applying a downward force to the sealing member comprises delivering fluid to the wellbore to increase the hydraulic pressure above the sealing member.6. The method as in claim 5 , wherein the port closure sleeve is initially retained in a closed position with respect to the ported housing by a hydraulic pressure above the sealing member generated by the fluid delivery is sufficient to exceed a threshold force ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

A Bottom Hole Assembly For Deploying An Expandable Liner In a Wellbore

Номер: US20130068481A1
Автор: Shaohua Zhou
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

A bottom hole assembly carrying an expandable tubular is disposed in a portion of a wellbore having a lost circulation zone, and the tubular is radially expanded to isolate the wellbore from the formation across the lost circulation zone. The expandable tubular is made up of a rolled up sheet like member and mounts along the outer periphery of a portion of the bottom hole assembly. A bladder on the bottom hole assembly is inflated for expanding the tubular radially outward against the wellbore wall. A drill bit and underreamer are included with the bottom hole assembly.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for wellbore fluid treatment

Номер: US20130068484A1
Принадлежит: Packers Plus Energy Services Inc

A tubing string assembly for fluid treatment of a wellbore includes substantially pressure holding closures spaced along the tubing string, which each close at least one port through the tubing string wall. The closures are openable by a sleeve drivable through the tubing string inner bore.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Forming inclusions in selected azimuthal orientations from a casing section

Номер: US20130075081A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A method of forming multiple inclusions into a subterranean formation can include initiating the inclusions into the formation, the inclusions extending outwardly in respective multiple azimuthal orientations from a casing section, and flowing fluid into each of the inclusions individually, thereby extending the inclusions into the formation one at a time. A system for initiating inclusions outwardly into a subterranean formation from a wellbore can include a casing section having multiple flow channels therein, each of the flow channels being in communication with a respective one of multiple openings formed between adjacent pairs of circumferentially extendable longitudinally extending portions of the casing section. Another system can include a casing section, and an injection tool which engages the casing section and selectively directs fluid into each of the inclusions individually, whereby the inclusions are extended into the formation one at a time.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087322A1

An inflatable packer and control valve () for use on the outside of a casing (), as used in wells and boreholes, and is operated by differential pressure against shear pins () and changes operating conditions by axial displacement of generally cylindrical sleeve valve members () in a control valve (). The control valve () uses relatively large annular flow passageways () for the flow of inflation fluid, especially cementitious slurries, to avoid blockage and allow reliable inflation and thus minimise the risk of under-inflation due to blockage of tubular passageways commonly used in prior art control valves. The control valve () also uses a locking mechanism () to ensure positive engagement of a shut-in sleeve valve member () to ensure shut-in of the valve () to maintain inflation of the Inflatable packer (). 14to . (canceled)5. A single-shot inflatable packer and control valve assembly for use in permanently sealing an annular space between a casing and a borehole surrounding the casing , the assembly including: threaded ends to connect in-line with the casing;', 'a plurality of radial inlet ports to communicate inflation fluid from the interior to the exterior of the mandrel; and', 'an annular recess located proximate the upstream end of the mandrel;', 'wherein the mandrel is made in a single piece, has a substantially uniform cross-section and has a wall thickness substantially the same as that of the casing;, 'a mandrel having'} a housing fixed onto the outer curved surface of the mandrel with a retaining ring secured into the annular recess, the housing defining a substantially annular flow passage with the mandrel, wherein the annular flow passage extends substantially along the length of the housing and is in fluidic communication with the radial inlet ports;', 'a first sleeve valve disposed in an upstream portion of the annular flow passage and overlying the radial inlet ports to control flow of inflation fluid into the annular flow passage from the casing, ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Downhole device actuator and method

Номер: US20130087334A1
Принадлежит: Franks International LLC

A temperature activated actuator installed on a tubular to actuate an adjacent device may include one or more shape-memory alloy elements. The elements may be coupled between a first portion and a second portion of a device, or the elements may be coupled between the tubular and a portion of the device. The elements are activated by raising the temperature to a transition temperature to cause metallurgical phase transformation, causing the elements to shrink and displace at least a portion of the device. The actuator may be used, for example, to actuate a centralizer from a run-in mode to a deployed mode or, alternately, to actuate a packing member from a run-in mode to an isolating mode. A nickel-titanium alloy, for example, may be used as the shape-memory alloy material from which the shape-memory element is made.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Use in Well Abandonment

Номер: US20130087335A1

Apparatus, in the form of a eutectic alloy plug () and a deployment heater () are provided. The plug () and the deployment heated () are provided with means () for releasably retaining the deployment heater () within a cavity () in the plug (). The nature of the retaining means is such that once the plug () is secured in a well the heater () can be recovered without the plug (). An extraction heater (), which is also receivable within the cavity () of the plug (), is provided to re-melt the eutectic alloy and thus enable the extraction of the plug from a well. Various method of plugging abandoned wells are made possible by the control that the provided apparatus gives. 1. A plug for plugging wells , and in particular oil and gas wells , said plug comprising:a plug body having a cavity for receiving heating means;means for receiving a eutectic alloy; andmeans for releasably retaining heating means within the cavity of the plug body, said means being located within the cavity.2. The plug of claim 1 , wherein the means for releasably retaining heating means operate by way of a mechanical interaction with said heating means.3. The plug of or claim 1 , wherein the means for releasably retaining heating means comprise at least one recess in the walls of the plug body cavity.4. The plug of or claim 1 , wherein the means for releasably retaining heating means comprises at least one resiliently biased projection on the walls of the plug body cavity.5. The plug of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the means for receiving a eutectic alloy receives the eutectic alloy on the outside of the plug body.6. The plug of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the means for receiving a eutectic alloy receives the alloy in close proximity to the portion of the cavity that receives a heating means.7. The plug of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , further including a eutectic alloy.8. The plug of claim 7 , wherein the plug further comprises a hollow metal ring that is ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Damage tolerant casing hanger seal

Номер: US20130087977A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A seal assembly is inserted within an annulus between inner and outer coaxially disposed annular members having a common axis. The seal assembly includes a seal stack having a compliant element sandwiched between two anti-extrusion elements that contain the flow of the compliant element. The seal assembly also includes a sealing ring and a locking ring coupled to the sealing ring. The seal assembly also includes an energizing ring configured to be moved axially in a first direction by a ring tool to apply an axial force to the locking ring, which in turn acts on the sealing ring to radially deform the sealing ring into sealing engagement with the annular members. Continued axial movement of the locking ring in the first direction radially deforms the locking ring into locking engagement with the annular members.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130092372A1

A method of flow testing multiple zones in a wellbore includes lowering a tool string into the wellbore. The tool string includes an inflatable packer or plug and an electric pump. The method further includes operating the pump, thereby inflating the packer or plug and isolating a first zone from one or more other zones; monitoring flow from the first zone; deflating the packer or plug; moving the tool string in the wellbore; and operating the pump, thereby inflating the packer or plug and isolating a second zone from one or more other zones; and monitoring flow from the second zone. The zones are monitored in one trip. 1. A method of flow testing multiple zones in a wellbore , comprising: a plurality of inflatable packers, and', 'a pump;, 'lowering a tool string into the wellbore, the tool string comprisinginflating the packers by operating the pump, thereby straddling a first zone; and measuring a flow rate from the first zone; and', 'measuring a flow rate from a second zone located between a lower packer and the bottom of the wellbore., 'while the first zone is straddled2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tool string is lowered into the wellbore on a wireline coupled thereto.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the tool string further comprises a deflation tool, andthe packers are deflated by operating the deflation tool.4. The method of claim 3 , the deflation tool is operated by exerting tension on the wireline.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein:the deflation tool comprises a valve and an electronic actuator, andthe packers are deflated by the electronic actuator opening the valve.6. The method of claim 2 , further comprising reporting the measurements to surface in real time using the wireline.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the tool string further comprises a flow meter, andthe flow rates from the first and second zones are measured with the flow meter.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the flow meter is a single phase meter or a multiphase meter.9. The ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Manufacturing Technique for a Composite Ball for Use Downhole in a Hydrocarbon Wellbore

Номер: US20130098600A1
Автор: Roberts William M.
Принадлежит: Team Oil Tools LP

A system and method for a composite ball for use downhole in a hydrocarbon wellbore, the composite ball having: a core; a fiber structure arranged around the core, wherein the fiber structure has non-uniform oriented fiber; and a resin within and encasing the fiber structure arranged around the core. A system and method for fabricating a composite ball for use downhole in a hydrocarbon wellbore, including arranging at least one fiber m a plurality of non-uniform orientations around a core; infusing a resin onto the at least one fiber arranged around the core; and forming a resin skin on the composite ball. 1. A composite ball for use downhole in a hydrocarbon wellbore , the composite ball comprising:a core;a fiber structure arranged around the core, wherein the fiber structure comprises non-uniform oriented fiber; anda resin within and encasing the fiber structure arranged around the core, wherein the composite ball is substantially spherical.2. The composite ball of claim 1 , wherein the tensile strengths of the composite ball along each of its x-axis claim 1 , y-axis claim 1 , and z-axis are substantially the same claim 1 , and wherein the compression strengths of the composite ball along each of its x-axis claim 1 , y-axis claim 1 , and z-axis are the same.3. The composite ball of claim 1 , wherein the core is substantially spherical claim 1 , and wherein the fiber comprises at least one single fiber wound around the core.4. The composite ball of claim 1 , wherein the fiber structure comprises a plurality of fibers in a compressed mesh wrapped and compressed around the core.5. The composite ball of claim 4 , wherein the compressed mesh also comprises the core.6. The composite ball of claim 1 , wherein the core comprises a plurality of fibers in a compressed mesh.7. The composite ball of claim 1 , wherein the resin is vacuum-deposited within and on the fiber structure claim 1 , and wherein the resin encases the arranged fiber structure forming a resin skin around ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Catching Darts and Other Dropped Objects

Номер: US20130105144A1
Принадлежит: Blackhawk Speciallty Tools, LLC

A dart or other dropped object having a shearable sleeve member is dropped or launched down hole, typically during cementing operations, until it lands on a seat within a dart catcher receptacle. By increasing a pressure differential across the landed dart to a predetermined amount, the shearable sleeve member shears from the dart. The dart extrudes through the still-seated stationary sleeve member and passes to a ported catcher sub. A first alternative embodiment utilizes a novel collet member as a seat in a dart catcher receptacle, while a second alternative embodiment utilizes a resilient flexible seat member. 1. A dart catcher assembly comprising:a) a housing having a central through bore, wherein a portion of said through bore has a reduced internal diameter defining a seat;b) a dart; andc) a sleeve member removably attached to said dart, wherein the outer diameter of said sleeve member is greater than the internal diameter of said seat.2. The dart catcher assembly of claim 1 , wherein said sleeve member is attached to said dart using at least one shearable fastener.3. The dart catcher assembly of claim 2 , wherein said shearable fastener comprises a shear screw claim 2 , shear pin or shear ring. Priority of U.S. Provisional patent application Ser. No. 61/554,255, filed Nov. 1, 2011, incorporated herein by reference, is hereby claimed.None1. Field of the InventionThe present invention pertains to a method and apparatus for performing cementing operations in oil and/or gas wells. More particularly, the present invention pertains to a method and apparatus for catching darts or other objects dropped or launched during such well cementing operations.2. Brief Description of the Prior ArtConventional rotary drilling rigs typically comprise a supportive rig floor, a substantially vertical derrick extending above said rig floor, and a traveling block, top drive unit or other hoisting mechanism that can be raised and lowered within said derrick. During drilling or ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105158A1
Автор: Saltel Jean-Louis

A method of sealing a well comprising introducing a plug axially into the well, with a mouth of the plug turned up and a bottom wall part turned down, the plug being positioned in the well at a desired depth, after which the plug is inflated by injecting a high-pressure liquid into it via its mouth so that a tubular wall part of the plug expands radially beyond its elastic limit and presses firmly and tightly against the wall of the well by a crimping effect, while its bottom wall part serves as a sealing partition, forming a tight barrier between lower and upper parts of the well that it separates, the plug having an internal axial mandrel that connects its mouth to its bottom wall, the mandrel being pierced with channels that allow injection of high-pressure liquid inside the plug via the mouth and channels. 118-. (canceled)19. A method for sealing a well by means of a plug of ductile metal , which comprises a tubular wall part whose diameter is slightly smaller than that of the well , and a bottom wall part connected to the tubular wall part , said plug having an open end forming a mouth , the method comprising the steps of introducing the plug axially into the well , with its mouth turned up and its bottom wall part turned down , the plug being positioned in the well at a desired depth , after which the plug is inflated by injecting a high-pressure liquid into it via its mouth so that its tubular wall part expands radially beyond its elastic limit and comes to press firmly and tightly against the wall of the well by a crimping effect , while its bottom wall part serves as a sealing partition , forming a tight barrier between lower and upper parts of the well that it separates , the plug having an internal axial mandrel that connects its open end forming the mouth to its bottom wall , the mandrel being pierced with channels that allow injection of high-pressure liquid inside the plug via the mouth and channels.20. The method according to claim 19 , wherein liquid ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112398A1
Автор: White Max

Embodiments of the present disclosure generally provide a packer for use within a conduit, such as casing, having non-extrusion rings. The non-extrusion ring is comprised of rigid segments, a support ring and an elastic matrix. 1. A non-extrusion ring for sealing against the inner diameter of a casing , the non-extrusion ring comprising:a plurality of segments arranged in a vertically overlapping manner, each segment having an outer surface, an inner surface, an upper surface and slanted end surfaces, the outer surfaces of the segments having a curvature that approximates the inner diameter of the casing;a rigid conical support ring having an interior surface, an angled outer surface slidably disposed along and supporting each segment of the plurality of segments, and an exterior surface, the exterior surface having a flat base and a protruding shoulder; anda flexible matrix surrounding the support ring and the plurality of segments and maintaining the segments in the vertically overlapping manner while in a relaxed state, but allowing the segments to move radially when force is exerted on the non-extrusion ring.2. The non-extrusion ring of claim 1 , wherein the upper surfaces of the segments are slanted.3. The non-extrusion ring of claim 1 , further comprising a slanted upper surface of the non-extrusion ring.4. The non-extrusion ring of claim 1 , wherein the flexible matrix is vulcanized rubber.5. The non-extrusion ring of claim 1 , wherein the segments move radially under force to form a near solid ring of segments within the flexible matrix and against the inner diameter of the casing.6. The non-extrusion ring of claim 1 , wherein the segments are metal.7. The non-extrusion ring of claim 6 , wherein the metal is steel claim 6 , aluminum claim 6 , bronze claim 6 , cast iron claim 6 , or brass.8. The non-extrusion ring of claim 6 , wherein the segments are formed by slicing a rigid ring of metal.9. The non-extrusion ring of claim 8 , wherein the segments are ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Ported packer

Номер: US20130112408A1
Автор: John A Oxtoby

Disclosed is a packer that is ported to provide fluid communication through the packer between the wellbore annulus above the packer and the wellbore annulus below the packer. Such a ported packer can be used to allow for pressure testing the casing and/or for controlling a failed well.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Formation fracturing

Номер: US20130118751A1
Автор: Nathan Landsiedel
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

A method described herein involves lowering a tool into a wellbore adjacent a subterranean formation; inflating a first packer on the tool to initiate a fracture of the formation; inflating second and third packers on the tool to seal an interval of the wellbore containing the fracture, the first packer being between the second and third packers; and pumping fluid into the interval to increase a pressure in the interval to propagate the fracture.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Wellbore lateral liner placement system

Номер: US20130126165A1
Автор: Daniel Jon Themig
Принадлежит: Packers Plus Energy Services Inc

A system has been invented for placement of a liner in a lateral wellbore, access to which is provided through a window having a V-shaped downhole end. The system includes a running tool including an upper end through which the running tool is manipulated from surface, a lower end, a key positioned between the upper end and the lower end, the key protruding from the running tool for locating the V-shaped down-hole end of the window and a liner-engaging portion on the downhole end for releasably securing the wellbore liner to the running tool, the liner-engaging portion configured to secure the liner adjacent the key with the key protruding above the liner and the liner extending from the lower end. The invention also provides methods for placing a wellbore liner in a lateral well-bore extending from a main wellbore.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Reactive choke for automatic wellbore fluid management and methods of using same

Номер: US20130126184A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Fluid actuated chokes comprise an expandable material that expands due to an undesired fluid coming in contact with the choke. The choke includes one or more passageways through which desired fluids from a well flow unimpeded. The choke is disposed in a downhole tool as part of a downhole completion. When one or more undesired fluids enters a production stream flowing through the downhole completion and, thus, the downhole tool, and contacts the choke, the expandable material expands causing fluid flow through the passageway(s) to be restricted and, in some cases, completely closed off. Thus, the choke automatically detects and reacts, i.e., restricts fluid flow through the choke, when contacted by the undesired fluid(s).

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Ion exchange method of swellable packer deployment

Номер: US20130126190A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A downhole article includes an ion exchange polymer; and a composition that includes an elastomer and an absorbent material. A method of maintaining expandability of a downhole article includes disposing a downhole article comprising an elastomer, absorbent material, and an ion exchange material in a borehole, the ion exchange material comprising host ions; and exchanging fluid ions in a fluid with host ions from the ion exchange material to maintain the expandability of the downhole article.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126191A1

Conventional formation evaluation with dual inflatable packers includes the steps of pressurizing the packers so as to isolate an annular portion of the borehole wall, collecting one or more samples of formation fluid via the isolated portion of the borehole wall, and depressurizing the packers so as to permit movement of the mandrel within the borehole. A sampling method and apparatus that utilize one or more of the following to advantage is provided: restricting deformation of the packers during inflation using an annular bracing assembly; actively retracting the packers using ambient borehole pressure; and substantially centralizing the mandrel intermediate the packers so as to resist buckling of the mandrel. 120-. (canceled)21. An inflatable packer assembly comprising:an expandable tubular element deployed about a mandrel, the tubular element having first and second ends;first and second axially spaced annular support members deployed about the mandrel, the first and second support members supporting the corresponding first and second ends of the tubular element at least the first support member being axially moveable along tire mandrel; andwherein the first support member includes a first axial area facing an interior of the tubular element that is greater than a second axial area facing an exterior of the tubular element.22. The inflatable packer assembly of claim 21 , wherein the first axial area being greater than the second axial area results in ambient borehole fluid pressure exerting a net axial force urging the first support member away from the second support member when the packer assembly is deployed m a subterranean wellbore.23. The inflatable packer assembly of claim 21 , wherein the first support member includes a stepped inner diameter claim 21 , an axial end of the first support member facing an interior of the tubular element having a smaller inner diameter than an opposing axial end of the first support member.24. The inflatable packer assembly ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Equalization Valve

Номер: US20130133891A1
Принадлежит: NCS Oilfield Services Canada Inc.

An equalization valve that allows for continuous equalization of pressure above and below a sealing element is disclosed. The equalization valve includes a housing having a fluid passageway therethrough. The fluid passageway is fluidically continuous across a sealing element disposed on a mandrel. The mandrel is part of a sealing assembly that contains the sealing element. The equalization valve includes a valve plug moveable from an open position in which the valve plug is not engaged with the sealing mandrel to a seated position in which the valve plug is seated against the sealing mandrel. The valve plug defines a conduit, the conduit that provides for a minimal fluid flow across the sealing element, when the valve plug is seated against the sealing mandrel. The sealing element remains sealingly engaged against the wellbore while the plug is in the seated position and while minimal fluid flow is occurring. The conduit may be provided as part of an insert, the insert being positionable within the valve plug. The equalization valve further includes an outer port for permitting lateral flow of fluid from the tubing string to the annulus defined between the tubing string and the wellbore. The equalization valve may be part of a downhole tool assembly which includes the equalization valve and a sealing assembly. 1. An equalization valve adapted for insertion within a tubing string for deployment within a wellbore , the valve comprising:a valve housing comprising: a first end connectable to a length of tubing string and a second end connectable to a mandrel disposed on the tubing string, the housing further including a primary fluid passageway defined therethrough; the primary fluid passageway being continuous with a fluid passageway defined in the interior of the mandrel; and an outer port for permitting fluid flow from the interior of the tubing string to the wellbore;a valve plug slidably disposed within the equalization between a seated position and an open ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Multi-component Anti-extrusion Barrier for a Compression Set Subterranean Barrier

Номер: US20130146277A1
Автор: David S. Bishop
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A backup ring assembly is disposed between opposed cones. The assembly rides up a wedge ring to contact a surrounding tubular when the opposed cones are pressed axially together to also compress the sealing element. The backup ring assembly has nested split rings that are slant cut for the split. The split for the nested rings can be circumferentially aligned or offset. Another ring is stacked axially adjacent the nested rings and has a slant cut for a split that is preferably rotated from the slant cuts of the nested rings. The interface of the nested rings can be along a line that is parallel to the mandrel axis or askew to the mandrel axis. The preferred material is a non-metallic composite material.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Backup System for Packer Sealing Element

Номер: US20130147121A1
Автор: YingQing Xu
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

Backup rings are disposed on opposed sides of a sealing element. The backup rings are initially bow shaped in the run in position. Opposed ends of the bow shape are brought together to extend the extrusion barriers and compress the sealing element. The relative axial movement that brings the opposed ends of the bow shape together results in radially extending the bow shape. The bow shape is reformed into a teardrop shape that extends radially beyond a pinch location created by relative axial movement of adjacent support members coming closer together. A sealing element extends radially during the deployment of the extrusion barriers and is contained between them. The extension of the extrusion barriers allows conformance to surface irregularities in the surrounding tubular or wellbore wall.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153220A1

An expandable fracture ball seat assembly for use in wellbore zone fracturing operations functions to permit passage therethrough and exit therefrom of fracture ball plugs of only diameters less than a predetermined magnitude. In a representative form, the seat assembly includes a ring stack disposed within a tubular member and formed from a first expandable ring coaxially sandwiched between a setting ring and a second expandable ring. When an oversized fracture ball plug is forced into the seat assembly it axially compresses the ring stack and reduces the diameter of the first expandable ring and telescopes it into the second expandable ring, with the first expandable ring and the setting ring blocking passage through and exit from the seat. A reverse passage of a suitably large diameter fracture ball plug through the seat assembly axially returns the setting ring and first expandable ring to their original positions. 1. Wellbore fracturing apparatus comprising:a tubular member; and an expandable ring, and', 'expansion control structure, operative, in response to entry and forcible engagement of said annular fracture plug assembly by an axially moving fracture ball plug having a diameter equal to or greater than said predetermined magnitude, to axially displace said expandable ring within said tubular member and then utilize the axially displaced expandable ring to block the axially moving fracture ball from exiting said annular fracture plug seat assembly., 'an annular fracture plug seat assembly coaxially carried within said tubular member, said annular fracture plug seat assembly being operative to permit axial passage therethrough and exit therefrom of fracture ball plugs only of diameters less than a predetermined magnitude, said annular fracture plug seat assembly including2. The wellbore fracturing apparatus of wherein:said expansion control structure further includes a second ring structure coaxially disposed on a ball exit side of said expandable ring.3. ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Downhole Packer Assembly Having a Selective Fluid Bypass and Method for Use Thereof

Номер: US20130160996A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A downhole packer assembly for steam injection and casing pressure testing. The downhole packer assembly includes a housing assembly having intake and discharge ports. A seal assembly is positioned around the housing assembly between the intake and discharge ports and is operable to provide a fluid seal with a casing string. A mandrel is positioned within the housing assembly forming a micro annulus therewith and providing an internal pathway for fluid production therethrough. A valve assembly is disposed between the housing assembly and the mandrel and is operable between closed and open positions by a piston assembly such that the intake and discharge ports and the micro annulus provide a bypass passageway for steam injection around the seal assembly when the valve assembly is open and the seal assembly provides a downhole surface for pressure testing of the casing string uphole thereof when the valve assembly is closed. 1. A downhole packer assembly for steam injection and casing pressure testing , comprising:a housing assembly having intake and discharge ports;a seal assembly positioned around the housing assembly between the intake and discharge ports, the seal assembly operable to provide a fluid seal with a casing string;a mandrel positioned within the housing assembly and forming a micro annulus therewith, the mandrel providing an internal pathway for fluid production therethrough;a valve assembly disposed between the housing assembly and the mandrel; anda piston assembly disposed between the housing assembly and the mandrel, the piston assembly operable to shift the valve assembly between closed and open positions;wherein, the intake and discharge ports and the micro annulus provide a bypass passageway for steam injection around the seal assembly when the valve assembly is in the open position, andwherein, the seal assembly provides a downhole surface for pressure testing of the casing string uphole thereof when the valve assembly is in the closed position. ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Method of fracturing while drilling

Номер: US20130161004A1
Автор: Shaohua Zhou
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

A method of fracturing a formation that at the same time drills a wellbore through the formation selectively deploys a seal from a drill string and pressurizes the wellbore beneath the seal. The seal can be formed by moving sliding blades into channels between cutting blades on a drill bit. The seal can also be a packer on the drill bit that selectively expands radially outward into sealing engagement with the wellbore. At a designated depth in the wellbore, the seal is deployed and fluid is diverted into the space. A pressurizing system pressurizes the fluid so that pressure in the space overcomes the formation strength and fractures the formation adjacent the enclosed space. The packer can be released, drilling can resume, and fracturing can occur at a different depth in the wellbore.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168087A1

A downhole packer for providing a seal in a well bore to allow integrity testing of well bore with drill ahead capability immediately thereafter has a disengageable packer assembly wherein the packer element may be rendered disengageable by mounting the packer to the string using a tool body () provided with a sleeve () bearing a packer element (), wherein the body is initially restrained from movement within the sleeve by engagement of an internal selectively movable retaining element (). A method of testing a well bore with follow on drilling after disengaging the packer element is described. 1. A packer tool comprisinga tool body provided with an outer packer sleeve bearing a packer element, said tool body having an axial throughbore, wherein in a first configuration of the packer tool, the tool body is restrained from movement within the packer sleeve by engagement of a selectively movable retaining element therebetween.2. The packer tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the selectively movable retaining element is mounted within the packer body and configured to engage directly with a corresponding surface of the packer sleeve claim 1 , in the first configuration.3. The packer tool as claimed claim 1 , in claim 1 , wherein the selectively movable retaining element is mounted within the packer body and configured to engage indirectly through another movable component with a corresponding surface of the packer sleeve claim 1 , in the first configuration.4. The packer tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the retaining element is selectively movable by contact with an inner sleeve disposed within the axial throughbore of the packer body claim 1 , which inner sleeve is axially movable within the packer body in response to a pressure change event.5. The packer tool as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the inner sleeve includes a valve seat adapted to cooperate with an obturator that is deliverable to the seat through the string in the circulating fluid claim 4 , the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175034A1

A grout plug for plugging a drill hole in a mine. The plug comprises an elongate sleeve of porous material adapted to be received in a drill hole and a volume of dry grout material in particulate form. The plug also comprises a liner of water-soluble material, the liner being provided within the porous sleeve for containing the grout material within the porous sleeve in its dry form. In use, when the plug is exposed to water the liner dissolves and the water mixes with the grout material to form a slurry which can seep through the porous sleeve when the plug is tamped into the drill hole to block the drill hole when the grout material cures. A related clay plug is also described having a central core of substantially solid material of low permeability which forms a substrate against which the clay material may cure. 1. A grout plug for plugging a drill hole in a mine , the plug comprising:an elongate sleeve of porous material adapted to be received in a drill hole;a volume of dry, cement-based, grout material in particulate form contained in the sleeve wherein, in use, when the plug is exposed to water it mixes with the grout material to form a slurry which can seep through the porous sleeve when the plug is tamped into the drill hole to block the drill hole when the grout material cures.23-. (canceled)4. A grout plug for plugging a drill hole in a mine as defined in claim 1 , wherein the porous sleeve is made from hessian or jute.5. A grout plug for plugging a drill hole in a mine as defined in claim 1 , wherein the plug further comprises a liner of water-soluble material claim 1 , the liner being provided within the porous sleeve for containing the grout material within the porous sleeve in its dry form and wherein claim 1 , in use claim 1 , when the plug is exposed to water the liner dissolves.6. (canceled)7. A grout plug for plugging a drill hole in a mine as defined in claim 1 , wherein the sleeve is designed with a curved leading edge for installation to ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175035A1
Автор: Lee Paul Bernard

A perforating tool usable in a well casing to perforate the well casing is described. Perforating tool comprises an activation member disposed in body wherein the activation member is moveable relative to the body to move at least one working member between and inwardly retracted condition an outwardly deployed condition relative to the body. A plurality of pistons is arranged to move the activation member relative to the body, each said piston being disposed in a respective pressure chamber arranged to be filled with fluid in response to an increase in fluid pressure in the body. 1. A perforating tool for perforating a downhole well casing , the tool comprising:a body arranged to be disposed in a well casing and at least one cutter block moveable relative to the body between an inwardly retracted condition and an outwardly deployed condition to cut a perforation in the well casing;an activation member disposed in the body, wherein the activation member is moveable relative to the body to move at least one said cutter block between the inwardly retracted condition and the outwardly deployed condition relative to the body;a plurality of pistons arranged to move the activation member relative to the body, each said piston being disposed in a respective pressure chamber; andwherein the activation member defines a bore disposed along a longitudinal axis of the body, and wherein a plurality of ports are formed in the activation member to enable fluid to flow from the bore to each said pressure chamber such that an increase in fluid pressure in the body increases fluid pressure in each said pressure chamber to move each of the plurality of pistons relative to the body and cause the activation member to move relative to the body.2. A tool according to claim 1 , wherein each said piston is disposed concentrically around the activation member.3. A tool according to claim 2 , wherein each said pressure chamber defines an annular chamber arranged concentrically around the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180094A1

An apparatus for isolating at least a portion of a tubular for use in a wellbore comprising a first, inner tubular in the form of carrier tube and a second, outer tubular in the form of protective shroud, coupled to the carrier tube. One or more aperture is provided in a wall of the carrier tube for permitting fluid transfer through the tube and one or more aperture is provided to permit fluid transfer through the shroud A sealing layer is disposed on a surface of the shroud, the sealing layer defining a first configuration permitting fluid flow through the apertures and, on exposure to a selected reactant, adopting a second configuration to restrict fluid flow through the apertures, the sealing layer adapted to return from the second configuration to the first configuration where concentration of the selected reactant falls below a selected threshold. 1. A method for producing an apparatus for isolating at least a portion of a tubular , the method comprising:providing a tubular member comprising at least one aperture in a wall of the tubular member;providing a second member comprising a structural layer and a seal layer;creating at least one aperture in the structural layer and the seal layer; andlocating the second member around the tubular member.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second member is initially provided in planar form.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising forming the second member such that the seal layer is provided on an exterior surface of the second member.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising forming the second member such that the seal layer is provided on an interior surface of the second member.5. The method as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising coupling a first edge of the structural layer to a second claim 2 , opposite edge of the structural layer to create the second member.6. The method as claimed in claim 5 , further comprising welding the first and second edges together to form the second ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180705A1
Автор: FUGLESTAD Kenneth
Принадлежит: Well Innovation Engineering AS

The present invention relates to a downhole plug with an expandable elastomeric packer () having two ends, surrounding a main section (). The intended application of the downhole plug is for sealing wellbores and tubulars (). At least one expansion ring () adjoins at least one of said two ends of the elastomeric packer (), and at least one support ring () applies an axial force () in a longitudinal direction of the downhole plug. At least one of said two ends of the elastomeric packer () is made with a tapered surface. The at least one expansion ring () is made with a tapered surface configured in such a manner that the application of the axial force () in a longitudinal direction of the downhole plug leads to the simultaneous expansion of the elastomeric packer () and the at least one expansion ring (). 19-. (canceled)101254. A downhole plug with an expandable elastomeric packer () having two ends , extending around a main section () , for use in sealing wellbores and tubulars () ,characterized by:{'b': 13', '1', '17', '13', '18', '13', '16', '17, 'at least one expansion ring () adjoining at least one of said two ends of the elastomeric packer () provided with a split groove () that can be opened to allow the ring () to expand in a radial direction, wherein at the end of the split groove, there is a frangible piece () including a small portion of material keeping expansion rings () together during assembly and until an axial force () is applied, wherein said split groove () is slanted at the point at which the gap opens;'}{'b': 14', '1', '13, 'at least one guide ring () having tapered surfaces conducive to the expansion of the elastomeric packer () and the at least one expansion ring ();'}{'b': 15', '16, 'at least one support ring () for exerting an axial force () in a longitudinal direction of the downhole plug;'}{'b': '1', 'at least one of said two ends of the elastomeric packer () being provided with a tapered surface; and'}{'b': 13', '16', '1', '13, 'wherein ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Expandable Device for Use in a Well Bore

Номер: US20130180706A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

An expandable device comprising a plurality of expandable cells. The cells may be bistable cells or other types of cells that are expanded from a contracted position towards an expanded position. Additionally, the cells may be combined with locking mechanisms to hold the structure in an expanded position.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Completions fluid loss control system

Номер: US20130180735A1
Автор: Dinesh Patel
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

A completions fluid loss control system for incorporation into upper completion hardware. The system allows for the avoidance of a dedicated intermediate completion installation in advance of upper completion delivery to a lower completion at a formation interface. The system includes a unique cup packer and flow regulation arrangement such that annular fluid thereabove may be isolated away from space below the system while at the same time allowing annular fluid therebelow to bypass the system. As such, the upper completion may be advanced toward the installed lower completion while maintaining well control at the noted formation interface.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Drill pipe

Номер: US20130180736A1
Принадлежит: Welltec AS

The present invention relates to an expansion device to be inserted in a casing or well tubular structure for expanding an annular barrier downhole. The annular barrier comprises a tubular structure for mounting as part of the well tubular structure, an expandable sleeve surrounding the tubular structure, and a connection part connecting the expandable sleeve with the tubular structure. The tubular structure has an opening and two projecting elements decreasing an inner diameter of the tubular structure. The expansion device comprises a tubular part extending between a first and a second end part, the tubular part comprising at least one opening arranged between the first and the second end; an inner face surrounding an inner space; and an outer face. Furthermore, the expansion device comprises at least a first and second sealing element sealingly connected to the outer face of the tubular part.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186615A1

The present invention relates to an annular barrier for being expanded in an annulus between a well tubular structure and an inside wall of a borehole downhole. The annular barrier comprises a tubular part for mounting as part of the well tubular structure; an expandable sleeve made of a first metal, surrounding the tubular part and defining a space being in fluid communication with an inside of the tubular part, the expandable sleeve having a longitudinal extension, an inner face facing the tubular part and two ends; a connection part made of a second metal, connecting the expandable sleeve with the tubular part; an opening for letting fluid into the space to expand the sleeve, and a transition area comprising a connection of the sleeve with the connection part.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Subterranean well tools having nonmetallic drag block sleeves

Номер: US20130192819A1
Автор: Chieh Yin
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

Disclosed is a drag block assembly for use on a downhole tool for location in a cased wellbore. The tool has a hollow mandrel for suspension from a tubing string. The drag block, slips and packing elements mounted on the mandrel are moveable between the run and set positions by movement of the drag block, while engaging a lug on the mandrel. The drag block assembly comprises longitudinally spaced rings comprising resilient material connected together by longitudinally extending members.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192853A1
Автор: Themig Daniel Jon

A back-up ring assembly for a wellbore packer that acts as an extrusion limiter for a packing element and engages the wellbore bore, also operating as a slip to anchor the packer in place. A wellbore packer includes a single structure that acts both to back up the extrusion of the packing element and to engage the wellbore wall. For example, the structure is a back-up ring that includes a gripping structure on its outer wall-contacting surface. The wellbore packer includes: a mandrel, a deformable packing element surrounding the mandrel and adapted to be radially expanded out from the mandrel, the deformable packing element including an end; a back-up ring surrounding the mandrel and positioned adjacent the end of the deformable packing element, the back-up ring having an inner facing annular surface and an outer facing annular surface defining an outer diameter across the back-up ring, the back-up ring being expandable to increase the outer diameter to expand out from the mandrel along-side the deformable packing element and the outer facing annular surface including a gripping structure for biting into a constraining surface in a well. 1. A wellbore packer back-up ring assembly for limiting the extrusion of a packing element in a packer comprising: a first back-up ring adapted to be positioned about a mandrel at a first end of the packing element; and a second back-up ring adapted to be positioned about the mandrel spaced from the first back-up ring and at a second end of the packing element; wherein the first back-up ring and the second back-up ring each include an inner facing annular surface and an outer facing annular surface defining an outer diameter across the back-up ring and including a gripping structure for biting into a constraining surface in a well and the first back-up ring and the second back-up ring each are expandable to increase the outer diameter and to expand radially outwardly from the mandrel.2. The wellbore of wherein the first back-up ring ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

One-way flowable anchoring system and method of treating and producing a well

Номер: US20130206409A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A one-way flowable anchoring system includes a plurality of same anchors that are sealedly fixedly engagable within a structure and each of the plurality of same anchors has a flow bore longitudinally therethrough with a first seat and a second seat on opposing ends thereof The system also has a plug positionable within the structure between two of the plurality of same anchors positioned longitudinally adjacent one another. The plug is sealedly engagable to substantially block flow through the flow bore of a first of the plurality of same anchors when sealingly engaged with the first seat thereof and the plug is seatingly engagable to allow flow around the plug and into the flow bore of the second of the plurality of same anchors through an area at least equal to that of the flow bore when the plug is seated at the second seat thereof

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Selectively Corrodible Downhole Article And Method Of Use

Номер: US20130206425A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A selectively corrodible downhole article includes a movable cylindrical member comprising a first section and an axially separated second section, the first section comprising a first material having a first galvanic activity, the second section comprising a second material having a second galvanic activity, the first galvanic activity being greater than the second, the first section being electrically isolated from the second section; and a fixed member disposed on the cylindrical member and configured for electrical contact with the first or second section, the fixed member comprising an intermediate material having an intermediate galvanic activity, the intermediate galvanic activity being intermediate the first and second galvanic activity, the movable cylindrical member configured for movement from a first position where the first section is disposed and in electrical contact with the fixed member and a second position where the second section is disposed and in electrical contact with the fixed member.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Closing of Underwater Oil Spills With The Help of Magnetic Powders

Номер: US20130213512A1

A segment of a structure mitigates flow of fluid therethrough. In one embodiment the segment includes an opening for the fluid flow and the modified structure may include a ferromagnetic wall defining the opening and a plurality of permanently magnetized particles. Some of the permanently magnetized particles are attached to the wall by magnetic forces. A system is also provided for injecting magnetic particles into a cavity to impede movement of fluid through the cavity. A method is also described for mitigating a flow of fluid through an opening in a wall. In one embodiment, the method includes positioning a plurality of first magnetic particles along the wall and about the opening and attaching a plurality of second magnetic particles to the first magnetic particles wherein some of the second magnetic particles collectively extend across the opening to cover the opening. 2. The segment of structure of wherein the second plurality of magnetic particles are ferromagnetic particles attached to other ferromagnetic particles by magnetic forces.3. The segment of structure of wherein the second plurality of magnetic particles includes particles each attached to another magnetic particle.4. The segment of structure of wherein the combination of the first and second pluralities of particles form a cluster which extends across the opening to limit flow of the fluid.5. The segment of structure of wherein in extending across the opening the first and second pluralities of particles fill the opening.6. The segment of structure of wherein the second plurality of magnetic particles are ferromagnetic particles.7. The segment of structure of wherein the first plurality of permanently magnetized particles include particles having the shape of spherical balls.8. The segment of structure of wherein each in the first plurality of permanently magnetized particles have the shape of spherical balls.9. The segment of structure of wherein the second plurality of magnetic particles include ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213635A1
Автор: CARRO Gustavo Ignacio

A retrievable well packer for downhole operations, comprising an upper mandrel and a lower mandrel connected through a quick threaded connection, a hydraulic actuating assembly for downwardly moving under fluid pressure, a packing assembly for sealing against the well, first coupling mechanism between the upper mandrel and the hydraulic actuating assembly and second coupling mechanism between the lower mandrel and the hydraulic actuating assembly, with the second coupling mechanism connecting the lower mandrel and the hydraulic actuating assembly against rotation but permitting relative axial movement. 1. A retrievable well packer for downhole operations in a well casing of a wellbore , the packer comprising:{'b': 3', '17, 'a mandrel including an upper mandrel connected to a lower mandrel both connected to each other through a quick threaded connection,'}{'b': 4', '7', '7', '8', '11', '18', '3', '17', '37', '17, 'a hydraulic actuating assembly -, A, -, for downwardly moving over along the upper mandrel and the lower mandrel upon receiving fluid pressure in a hydraulic pressure chamber defined between the hydraulic actuating assembly and the lower mandrel ,'}at least one packing assembly for sealing against the casing upon downward movement of the hydraulic actuating assembly,{'b': 3', '7', '3', '4', '7', '7', '8', '11', '18, 'first coupling means A, A between the upper mandrel and the hydraulic actuating assembly -, A, -, , and'}{'b': 17', '18', '17', '4', '7', '7', '8', '11', '18, 'second coupling means A, A between the lower mandrel and the hydraulic actuating assembly -, A, -, , with the second coupling means connecting the lower mandrel and the hydraulic actuating assembly against rotation but permitting relative axial movement,'}{'b': 3', '17, 'wherein, upon rotation of the upper mandrel relative to the lower mandrel, the quick thread connection between the upper mandrel and the lower mandrel is disconnected and the upper mandrel can be moved upwardly to ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Downhole Apparatus with a Swellable Support Structure

Номер: US20130213672A1
Автор: Nutley Brian, Nutley Kim
Принадлежит: Swelltec Limited

A downhole apparatus having a radially expanding portion and a support structure are described. The support structure comprises an attachment means for coupling to the apparatus and a support portion configured to be deployed from a first unexpanded condition to a second expanded condition by expansion of the apparatus. In one aspect of the invention, the downhole apparatus is expanded by exposing the swellable material to at least one predetermined fluid, and the support structure abuts the swellable material in its expanded form. A method of use and its application to a well packer, a hanging member, an anchor and a centralising apparatus are described. 1. A support structure for a downhole apparatus , the downhole apparatus having a radially expanding portion comprising a swellable elastomeric material selected to expand on exposure to at least one predetermined fluid , wherein the support structure comprises:an attachment means for coupling to the apparatus; anda support portion,wherein the support structure has a first unexpanded condition and a second expanded condition,wherein the support structure is operable to be deployed to its second expanded condition by expansion of the radially expanding portion of the apparatus, andwherein the support portion comprises one or more formations which enable the support portion to at least partially conform to the shape of an inner surface of a bore in which the support structure is located in use.2. The support structure of claim 1 , wherein the inner surface is a borehole lining or casing.3. The support structure of claim 1 , wherein the formation is configured to promote bending claim 1 , flexing claim 1 , folding or deforming of the support portion.4. The support structure of claim 1 , wherein the formation comprises a groove or weakened portion extending circumferentially of the support structure.5. The support structure of claim 1 , wherein the support portion comprises a plurality of support members claim 1 , ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Hard Bottom Cement Seal For Improved Well Control

Номер: US20130220609A1
Автор: Rytlewski Gary L.

Methods include introducing a casing into a wellbore penetrating a subterranean formation, the casing forming an annulus with the wellbore surface, where the casing is subject to a first pressure value at a distal end and a second pressure value at a proximal region within the casing, and where a shoe is positioned at the distal end of the casing. Then, placing a sealable valve within the proximal region of the casing, injecting a first cement composition into the casing, through the sealable valve and shoe, and into the annulus, and the placing a second cement composition in a medial region of the tubular formed between the distal end and the proximal region. Afterward, the sealable valve is closed. 1. An apparatus comprising:a. a tubular subject to a first pressure value at a distal end and a second pressure value at a proximal region within the tubular;b. a shoe disposed within the distal end of the tubular;c. a sealable valve disposed within the proximal region within the tubular; and,d. a cement composition contained within a medial region of the tubular formed between the distal end and the proximal region.2. The apparatus of wherein the tubular is a casing disposed in a wellbore penetrating a subterranean formation.3. The apparatus of wherein the surface of the subterranean formation is positioned undersea.4. The apparatus of wherein the first pressure value is greater than or equal to the second pressure value.5. The apparatus of wherein the sealable valve is a ball valve claim 1 , a sleeve valve claim 1 , flapper valve claim 1 , butterfly valve claim 1 , multiple flapper valves claim 1 , multiple checks valves claim 1 , or any combination of the preceding valves.6. The apparatus of wherein the sealable valve comprises more than one check valve.7. (canceled)8. The apparatus of wherein the shoe comprises a check valve.9. (canceled)10. A method comprising:a. introducing a casing into a wellbore penetrating a subterranean formation, the casing forming an ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228279A1

A technique improves the formation of dependable seals along wellbores. A packer is constructed with a plurality of elastomeric layers and an internal mechanical layer that extend between mechanical extremities. One or more of a variety of features can be added to, or used in conjunction with, the packer to reduce wear and the potential for detrimental damage during use of the packer. 124-. (canceled)25. A method of forming a packer , comprising:providing a packer nipple;locating an extrusion prevention ring adjacent an axially inner end of the packer nipple;positioning an elastomeric packer layer over the extrusion prevention ring and at least a portion of the packer nipple; andcuring the elastomeric packer layer.26. The method as recited in claim 25 , wherein locating the extrusion prevention ring comprises locating a polymer extrusion prevention ring.27. The method as recited in claim 25 , further comprising selecting an extrusion prevention ring material that is incompatible with the elastomeric packer layer.28. The method as recited in claim 25 , wherein curing comprises applying pressure to minimize voids in the packer.29. The method as recited in claim 25 , wherein locating comprises locating an extrusion prevention ring adjacent each packer nipple of a pair of packer nipples. A variety of packers are used in wellbores to isolate specific wellbore regions. A packer is delivered downhole on a conveyance and expanded against the surrounding wellbore wall to isolate a region of the wellbore. Once set against the surrounding wellbore wall, the packer can be subjected to substantial heat, pressures and forces. Consequently, the packer may experience wear that increases the likelihood of packer failure.The packer may be designed with metal cables extending between packer extremities, such as mechanical end fittings. The metal cables are surrounded with a rubber material that expands when the packer is expanded. During expansion, the spacing between each cable is ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Remotely Activated Down Hole Systems and Methods

Номер: US20130233570A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

Systems and methods for remotely setting a down hole device. The system includes a base pipe having inner and outer radial surfaces and defining one or more pressure ports extending between the inner and outer radial surfaces. An internal sleeve is arranged against the inner radial surface and slidable between a closed position, where the internal sleeve covers the one or more pressure ports, and an open position, where the one or more pressure ports are exposed to an interior of the base pipe. A trigger housing is disposed about the base pipe and defines an atmospheric chamber in fluid communication with the one or more pressure ports. A piston port cover is disposed within the atmospheric chamber and moveable between blocking and exposed positions. A wellbore device is used to engage and move the internal sleeve into the open position by applying predetermined axial force to the internal sleeve.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233573A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A packer deactivation system can include a packer and a safety joint. Activation of the safety joint can prevent setting of the packer. A method for use with a subterranean well can include activating a safety joint in the well, and deactivating a packer connected to the safety joint, in response to the safety joint activating. Another packer deactivation system can include a safety joint and a packer drag block locking mechanism. Activation of the safety joint can operate the drag block locking mechanism, thereby preventing a drag block from displacing in a certain direction relative to a mandrel of a packer. 12-. (canceled)3. A packer deactivation system , comprising:a packer; anda safety joint,wherein activation of the safety joint prevents setting of the packer, and wherein activation of the safety joint prevents displacement of a drag block of the packer in at least one direction relative to a mandrel of the packer.4. A packer deactivation system , comprising:a packer; anda safety joint,wherein activation of the safety joint prevents setting of the packer, and wherein activation of the safety joint exposes a chamber to pressure in a wellbore.5. A packer deactivation system , comprising:a packer; anda safety joint,wherein activation of the safety joint prevents setting of the packer, and wherein activation of the safety joint engages a drag block locking mechanism.6. A packer deactivation system , comprising:a packer; anda safety joint,wherein activation of the safety joint prevents setting of the packer, and wherein activation of the safety joint engages a collet, thereby preventing setting of the packer.7. A packer deactivation system , comprising:a packer; anda safety joint,wherein activation of the safety joint prevents setting of the packer, and wherein activation of the safety joint engages a gripping device, thereby preventing displacement of a drag block of the packer in at least one direction relative to a mandrel of the packer.89-. (canceled)10. A ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for setting a wellbore packer

Номер: US20130233574A1
Принадлежит: Packers Plus Energy Services Inc

A wellbore packer for setting one or more packing elements in a borehole having an open hole section. The wellbore packer comprises a port-less mandrel configured with one or more packing elements and one or more setting mechanisms. The setting mechanism is responsive to a to a driving force and configured to set the packing elements in the borehole, wherein the driving force is not tubing string pressure.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240200A1
Автор: Frazier W. Lynn

A plug for isolating a wellbore. The plug can include a body having a first end and a second end, at least one malleable element disposed about the body, at least one slip disposed about the body, at least one conical member disposed about the body, and an insert secured to an inner surface of the body proximate the second end of the body. The insert can be adapted to receive a setting tool that enters the body through the first end thereof. The insert can include a passageway extending therethrough. The insert can be adapted to release the setting tool when exposed to a predetermined axial force, thereby providing a flow passage through the insert and the body. At least one of the body and the insert can be adapted to receive an impediment that restricts fluid flow in at least one direction through the body, wherein the impediment comprises one or more decomposable materials. 1. A plug for isolating a wellbore , comprising:a body having a first end and a second end;at least one malleable element disposed about the body;at least one slip disposed about the body;at least one conical member disposed about the body; and the insert has a passageway extending therethrough;', 'the insert is adapted to release the setting tool when exposed to a predetermined axial force, thereby providing a flow passage through the insert and the body; and', 'at least one of the body and the insert is adapted to receive an impediment that restricts fluid flow in at least one direction through the body, wherein the impediment comprises one or more decomposable materials., 'an insert secured to an inner surface of the body proximate the second end of the body and adapted to receive a setting tool that enters the body through the first end thereof, wherein2. The plug of claim 1 , wherein the outer surface of the insert has a larger diameter and a smaller diameter forming a shoulder therebetween claim 1 , the shoulder adapted to anchor the insert within the body.3. The plug of claim 1 , ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240201A1
Автор: Frazier W. Lynn

A configurable insert for a downhole tool. The configurable insert can include a body having a bore that is blocked by an impediment such that fluid flow is prevented through the body in both axial directions. The impediment can include a decomposable material. The configurable insert can also include at least one shear element disposed on the body for connecting to a setting tool. The shear element can be adapted to shear when exposed to a predetermined force, thereby releasing the setting tool from the body. The configurable insert can also include one or more threads disposed on an outer surface of the body below the at least one shear element for connecting the body to the downhole tool. 1. A configurable insert for a downhole tool , comprising:a body having a bore that is blocked by an impediment such that fluid flow is prevented through the body in both axial directions, wherein the impediment comprises a decomposable material;at least one shear element disposed on the body for connecting to a setting tool, wherein the shear element is adapted to shear when exposed to a predetermined force, thereby releasing the setting tool from the body; andone or more threads disposed on an outer surface of the body below the at least one shear element for connecting the body to the downhole tool.2. The configurable insert of claim 1 , wherein the impediment is a ball.3. The configurable insert of claim 1 , wherein the decomposable material comprises one or more aliphatic polyesters.4. The configurable insert of claim 3 , wherein the one or more aliphatic polyesters is selected from the group consisting of: polyglycolic acid claim 3 , polylactic acid claim 3 , and a copolymer containing a repeating unit derived from a reaction product of glycolic acid and lactic acid.5. The configurable insert of claim 3 , wherein the aliphatic polyester comprises polyglycolic acid.6. The configurable insert of claim 3 , wherein the aliphatic polyester comprises a homopolymer containing a ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240202A1

The invention relates to isolation of part of a well, which comprises pipe provided, along its external face, with a first external sleeve, wherein the opposite ends are connected directly or indirectly to said external face of the pipe. The pipe, first external sleeve and its ends together delimit an annular space, the wall of said pipe exhibiting at least one opening which allows it to communicate with said space, this sleeve being likely to expand and to be applied tightly against the well over an intermediate part of its length. The device also comprises on the one hand, a second internal sleeve, which extends between said pipe and the first sleeve, its ends being also connected directly or indirectly to the external face of said pipe and, on the other hand, at least one communication passage between the exterior of the first sleeve and said space. 1. An isolation device of part of a well which comprises pipe provided along its external face with at least one metallic tubular sleeve called a “first external sleeve”—wherein the opposite ends are connected directly or indirectly to said external face of the pipe , this pipe , the first external sleeve and its ends jointly delimiting an annular space , the wall of said pipe exhibiting at least one opening which allows it to communicate with said space , this sleeve being likely to expand and to be applied tightly against the well over an intermediate part of its length , on the one hand, a second sleeve also expandable—called a “second internal sleeve”—which extends between said pipe and the first sleeve, its ends being also connected directly or indirectly to the external face of said pipe, while being sandwiched between the ends of the first sleeve and the external face of the pipe,', 'on the other hand, at least one communication passage between the exterior of the first sleeve and said space,', 'said space being free of solid or sealant material, or of a liquid or paste which solidify., 'wherein it comprises2. ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240203A1
Автор: Frazier W. Lynn

A plug for isolating a wellbore is provided. The plug can include a mandrel having a bore formed therethrough, at least one sealing element disposed about the mandrel, at least one slip disposed about the mandrel, at least one conical member disposed about the mandrel, and an insert disposed at least partially within the bore of the mandrel. The insert can include a body, at least one circumferential groove disposed on an outer surface of the body, wherein the at least one circumferential groove is adapted to retain an elastomeric seal, and at least one interface disposed on an end of the body for securing the insert into the mandrel. The body can also have a bore formed only partially therethrough or a bore formed completely therethrough with the body being adapted to receive an impediment that restricts fluid flow in at least one direction through the body. At least one of the body and the impediment can include one or more decomposable materials. 1. A plug for isolating a wellbore , comprising:a mandrel having a bore formed therethrough;at least one sealing element disposed about the mandrel;at least one slip disposed about the mandrel;at least one conical member disposed about the mandrel; and a body having a bore formed completely therethrough and adapted to receive an impediment that restricts fluid flow in at least one direction through the body or a bore formed only partially therethrough, and wherein at least one of the body and the impediment comprises one or more decomposable materials;', 'at least one circumferential groove disposed on an outer surface of the body, wherein the at least one circumferential groove is adapted to retain an elastomeric seal; and', 'at least one interface disposed on an end of the body for securing the insert into the mandrel., 'an insert disposed at least partially within the bore of the mandrel, the insert comprising2. The plug of claim 1 , wherein the decomposable material comprises one or more aliphatic polyesters.3. The ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Packer For Alternate Flow Channel Gravel Packing and Method For Completing A Wellbore

Номер: US20130248179A1

Apparatus and method for completing a wellbore including providing a packer having an inner mandrel, alternate flow channels along the inner mandrel, and a sealing element external to the inner mandrel, including connecting packer to tubular body, then running the packer and connected tubular body into the wellbore. In one aspect, the packer and connected tubular body may be placed along an open-hole portion of the wellbore. Tubular body may be a sand screen, with the sand screen comprising a base pipe, a surrounding filter medium, and alternate flow channels. The method includes setting a packer and injecting a gravel slurry into an annular region formed between the tubular body and the surrounding wellbore, and then further injecting the gravel slurry through the alternate flow channels to allow the gravel slurry to at least partially bypass sealing element of the packer. 1. A method for completing a wellbore in a subsurface formation , the method comprising: an inner mandrel,', 'alternate flow channels along the inner mandrel, and', 'a sealing element external to the inner mandrel;, 'providing a packer, the packer comprisingconnecting the packer to a tubular body;running the packer and connected tubular body into the wellbore;setting the packer by actuating the sealing element into engagement with the surrounding subsurface formation;injecting a gravel slurry into an annular region formed between the tubular body and the surrounding formation; andinjecting the gravel slurry through the alternate flow channels to allow the gravel slurry to at least partially bypass the sealing element so that the wellbore is gravel-packed within the annular region below the packer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the injecting steps take place after the packer has been set in the wellbore.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the wellbore has a lower end defining an open-hole portion;the packer and tubular body are run into the wellbore along the open-hole portion;the packer is set ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255946A1

A completion system for arrangement in a borehole including a lower completion, an upper completion string, and an intermediate assembly engaged between the lower completion and the upper completion string. The intermediate assembly includes a single barrier valve only. The barrier valve is operatively arranged to be transitionable to an open position when engaged with the upper completion string and transitions to a closed position via the upper completion string when the upper completion string is pulled out of the borehole. A method of completing a borehole is also included. 1. A completion system for arrangement in a borehole comprising:a lower completion;an upper completion string; andan intermediate assembly engaged between the lower completion and the upper completion string, the intermediate assembly including a single barrier valve only, the barrier valve operatively arranged to be transitionable to an open position when engaged with the upper completion string and transitioning to a closed position via the upper completion string when the upper completion string is pulled out of the borehole.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate assembly includes a packer device for isolating the borehole claim 1 , anchoring the intermediate assembly claim 1 , or a combination including at least one of the foregoing.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the upper completion string includes a shifting tool that extends through the packer device for engagement with the barrier valve.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a subsequent intermediate assembly stacked with the intermediate assembly claim 1 , the subsequent intermediate assembly having a subsequent barrier valve.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the intermediate assembly is engaged between the subsequent intermediate assembly and the lower completion and the subsequent intermediate assembly is engaged between the intermediate assembly and the upper completion string.6. The system of claim 5 , ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255947A1

A completion system, including a lower completion installed in a borehole proximate to a downhole formation. An intermediate completion assembly is included directly engaged with the lower completion. The intermediate completion assembly includes a barrier valve and packer device. The barrier valve is operatively arranged to selectively impede fluid flow through the lower completion and the packer device operatively arranged for isolating the formation. An upper completion string is included that is selectably engagable with the intermediate completion assembly. The barrier valve is operatively arranged to be transitionable to an open position when engaged with the upper completion string and transitions to a closed position via the upper completion string when the upper completion string is pulled out of the borehole. A method of completing a borehole is also included. 1. A completion system , comprising:a lower completion installed in a borehole proximate to a downhole formation;an intermediate completion assembly directly engaged with the lower completion, the intermediate completion assembly including a barrier valve and packer device, the barrier valve operatively arranged to selectively impede fluid flow through the lower completion, the packer device operatively arranged for isolating the formation; andan upper completion string selectably engagable with the intermediate completion assembly, the barrier valve operatively arranged to be transitionable to an open position when engaged with the upper completion string and transitioning to a closed position via the upper completion string when the upper completion string is pulled out of the borehole.2. The completion system of claim 1 , wherein the upper completion string is a production string.3. The completion system of claim 2 , wherein the production string comprises an artificial lift system.4. The completion system of claim 2 , wherein the production string is run in with a removable plug claim 2 , the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255958A1

A retrofit assembly for functionally replacing a fluid isolation valve disposed in a borehole above a lower completion, including a barrier valve operatively arranged to selectively isolate the lower completion when the fluid isolation valve is open. The barrier valve is transitionable between an open position and a closed position due to engagement with an upper completion string. A packer device is included and operatively arranged to isolate a formation in which the borehole is formed. A method of retrofitting a completion system is also included. 1. A retrofit assembly for functionally replacing a fluid isolation valve disposed in a borehole above a lower completion , comprising:a barrier valve operatively arranged to selectively isolate the lower completion when the fluid isolation valve is open, the barrier valve transitionable between an open position and a closed position due to engagement with an upper completion string; anda packer device operatively arranged to isolate a formation in which the borehole is formed.2. The retrofit assembly of claim 1 , wherein the barrier valve transitions to the closed position via the upper completion string when the upper completion string is pulled out of the borehole.3. The retrofit assembly of claim 1 , wherein the upper completion string is a production string.4. The retrofit assembly of claim 3 , wherein the production string comprises an artificial lift system.5. The retrofit assembly of claim 3 , wherein the production string is run in with a removable plug claim 3 , the removable plug enabling fluid to be pressurized thereagainst in the production string for setting the packer device.6. The retrofit assembly of claim 1 , wherein the fluid isolation valve that is functionally replaced is a ball valve.7. The retrofit assembly of claim 1 , wherein the fluid isolation valve is maintained in an open configuration after being functionally replaced.8. A completion system claim 1 , comprising the retrofit assembly of and ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255961A1

A completion system, including a lower completion initially fluidly open. A production string is included having a removable plug configured to impede fluid flow through the production string. The removable plug is run in with the production string. An intermediate completion assembly is included that couples the lower completion to the production string. The intermediate completion assembly has a packer device and a barrier valve. The packer device is operatively arranged to be set by pressurizing fluid in the production string against the removable plug. The barrier valve is operatively arranged for selectively impeding fluid flow between the production string and the lower completion after the removable plug is removed. A method of completing a borehole is also included. 1. A completion system , comprising:a lower completion initially fluidly open;a production string having a removable plug configured to impede fluid flow through the production string, the removable plug being run in with the production string; andan intermediate completion assembly coupling the lower completion to the production string, the intermediate completion assembly having a packer device and a barrier valve, the packer device operatively arranged to be set by pressurizing fluid in the production string against the removable plug, the barrier valve operatively arranged for selectively impeding fluid flow between the production string and the lower completion after the removable plug is removed.2. The completion system of claim 1 , wherein the removable plug is operatively arranged to be removed by exposure to a downhole fluid.3. The completion system of claim 1 , wherein the downhole fluid comprises brine claim 1 , acid claim 1 , water claim 1 , oil claim 1 , or a combination including at least one of the foregoing.4. The completion system of claim 1 , wherein the production string comprises an artificial lift system.5. The completion system of claim 1 , wherein the production string ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256991A1

A sealing assembly including a seal element at least partially formed from a shape memory material. The shape memory material urges the seal element to revert to an original shape upon exposure to a transition stimulus. The seal element is operatively arranged for sealing against a downhole structure when in the original shape. An interlock mechanism is included for holding the seal element in a deformed position in which the seal element is not able to seal against the downhole structure even after exposure to the transition stimulus. A method of setting a downhole sealing assembly is also included. 1. A sealing assembly comprising:a seal element at least partially formed from a shape memory material, the shape memory material urging the seal element to revert to an original shape upon exposure to a transition stimulus, the seal element operatively arranged for sealing against a downhole structure when in the original shape; andan interlock mechanism for holding the seal element in a deformed position in which the seal element is not able to seal against the downhole structure even after exposure to the transition stimulus.2. The sealing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the original shape defines a first radial dimension for the seal element that is greater than a second radial dimension defined by the deformed shape.3. The sealing assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a timer device for releasing the interlock mechanism at a desired time.4. The sealing assembly of claim 3 , wherein the timer device releases the interlock mechanism after a preset amount of time has elapsed.5. The sealing assembly of claim 3 , wherein the timer device includes a sensor and releases the interlock mechanism upon detection of a predetermined downhole condition or parameter.6. The sealing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the interlock is released by shifting a sleeve.7. The sealing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the interlock device is released by shifting one or more dogs radially.8. The ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Pressure control device

Номер: US20130263929A1
Принадлежит: Rubberakins Ltd

A pressure control device for isolating a section of a conduit is described. The device comprises a support member, a flexible cup member mounted to the support member, a first swellable element, the first swellable element adapted, upon activation by an activation fluid, to urge a first portion of the cup member outwards into engagement with a conduit surface and at least one bypass arranged to permit the activation fluid to bypass the swellable element and build up behind a second portion of the cup member.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Well Treatment Apparatus, System, and Method

Номер: US20130269938A1
Принадлежит: Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc.

System, devices, and methods are described relating to the treatment (e.g., perforating, fracturing, foam stimulation, acid treatment, cement treatment, etc.) of well-bores (e.g., cased oil and/or gas wells). In at least one example, a method is provided for treatment of a region in a well, the method comprising: positioning, in a well-bore, a packer above the region of the well-bore, fixing, below the region, an expansion packer, treating the region, the treatment fixing the packer, moving the expansion packer, and moving the packer after the moving of the expansion packer. 1. A packer system comprising:a mandrel,a sleeve disposed around the mandrel in a longitudinally sliding relation, anda packer element fixed to the sleeve.2. A packer system as in claim 1 , further comprising:a shoulder on the sleeve abutting a shoulder on the packer element,a thimble engaging the packer element at a first thimble surface, anda retainer ring threaded on the sleeve, the retaining ring engaging the thimble on a second thimble surface.3. A packer system as in claim 1 , further comprising:a wiper ring attached to a first end of the sleeve, anda second wiper ring attached to the retainer ring.4. A packer system as in claim 1 , further comprising: a seal disposed in the sleeve end of the housing.5. A system as in claim 1 , wherein the sleeve comprises:a packer carrier section having an outer threaded diameter, anda stroke housing, the stroke housing having an inner threaded diameter engaging the outer threaded diameter of the cup carrier.6. A packer system as in claim 5 , further comprising:a wiper connected to an interior diameter of the stroke housing,a seal disposed between the stroke housing and the mandrel, anda seal disposed between the stroke housing and the packer carrier section.7. A packer system as in wherein:the packer carrier section comprises a shoulder,the packer element is disposed between the shoulder and a retainer, and the retainer is threaded to the packer carrier. ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Frac Plug Body

Номер: US20130277044A1

A frac plug mandrel assembly has an inner core that permits flow that is surrounded by a thin wall tube that distributes compressive loading, such as that applied by the set sealing element to the core. The core is a cylindrically shaped insert for inside the tube and allows flow until a ball or plug is landed on a seat to close off the flow through the core. The core can have a star pattern with a series of radially extending segments from a solid hub or a cylindrical shape of a honeycomb or other porous structure that has the requisite strength to resist collapse from compressive loading of the set sealing element while still allowing sufficient flow area for fluid displacement. 1. A mandrel assembly for a frac plug for subterranean use , comprising:a cylindrical shape having a longitudinal axis and an outer peripheral dimension comprising structural members disposed and substantially occupying the three dimensional space between said axis and said peripheral dimension while defining a fluid path therethrough.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein:said shape comprises a cylindrically shaped core surrounded by a tube.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein:said shape comprises a hub with a plurality of ribs.4. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein:said ribs are disposed in a plane that goes through said axis.5. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein:said hub is hollow.6. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein:said ribs extend into contact with a surrounding tube.7. The assembly of claim 6 , wherein:said ribs have ends that contact said tube that are flat or arcuate.8. The assembly of claim 6 , wherein:said ribs are integrated with said tube.9. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein:said ribs define helical paths about said axis.10. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein:adjacent ribs are circumferentially braced in a transverse plane to said axis.11. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein:said ribs have openings along their length.12. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein:said cylindrical shape has a ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Packer, sealing system and method of sealing

Номер: US20130277068A1
Автор: Bennett M. Richard
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A sealing system includes, a body, at least one swellable member in operable communication with the body configured to swell into sealing engagement with a structure proximate the body, and at least one shape memory member in operable communication with the body and configured to increase at least one dimension thereof in response to exposure to transition stimulus to cause the at least one shape memory member to contact both the body and the structure, the at least one shape memory member also configured to support the at least one swellable member against pressure urging it to move relative to at least one of the body and the structure.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Swellable Downhole Apparatus and Support Assembly

Номер: US20130277069A1
Автор: Nutley Brian, Nutley Kim

A downhole apparatus and support assembly is described. The downhole apparatus has a radially expanding portion comprising a swellable elastomeric material selected to increase in volume on exposure to at least one predetermined fluid, and the support assembly is operable to be deployed from a first retracted position to a second expanded condition. The support assembly comprises an inner surface arranged to face the radially expanding portion, and at least a portion of the inner surface is concave. In another aspect the support assembly is configured to direct a force from the swellable material to boost or energize a seal created between the radially expanding portion and a surrounding surface in use. 1. A downhole apparatus comprising:a radially expanding portion comprising a swellable elastomeric material selected to increase in volume on exposure to at least one predetermined fluid; and a main support component operable to be deployed from a first retracted position to a second expanded condition in which it at least partially covers an end of the radially expanding portion; and', 'an energizing ring moveable on a body of the apparatus.', 'an energizing member disposed between the radially expanding portion and the main support component, comprising], 'a support assembly, comprising2. The downhole apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is configured to swell in a wellbore on exposure to a well fluid.3. The downhole apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the main support component is operable to be deployed from the first retracted position to the second expanded condition by swelling of the swellable elastomeric material.4. The downhole apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the support assembly provides an extrusion barrier for the swellable elastomeric material.5. The downhole apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the energizing member transfers a load from the support assembly to compress the radially expanding portion.6. The downhole apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ...
