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27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2600826C2

Изобретение относится к обработке выхлопных газов двигателя внутреннего сгорания. Бак для хранения жидкой присадки к выхлопным газам выполнен из двух частей, нижней и верхней, изготовленных как две отдельные детали. Части собираются вместе, лишь когда по меньшей мере один внутренний компонент вставлен/установлен на по меньшей мере одной из этих двух отдельных деталей. Внутренним компонентом, закрепленным внутри по меньшей мере одной из половин, является нагреватель. Использование изобретения позволяет упростить размещение протяженного нагревателя и реализовать непосредственное соединение модуля насоса сквозь отверстие в баке. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2670772C2

Система выпуска ОГ, в частности, для ДВС транспортного средства, содержащая направляющий канал (14) для ОГ, устройство (20) впрыска реактива (R) в протекающие в направляющем канале (14) ОГ (А), ниже по потоку за устройством (20) впрыска реактива смесительное устройство (22) для поддержания перемешивания впрыскиваемого устройством (20) впрыска реактива (R) с протекающими в направляющем канале (14) ОГ (А), ниже по потоку за устройством (20) впрыска реактива и выше по потоку перед смесительным устройством (22) устройство (24) нагрева реактива, расположенное в направляющем канале (14) для ОГ (А) и обтекаемое протекающими ОГ (А) и впрыскиваемым устройством (20) впрыска реактивом (R). Нагревательный элемент для устройства нагрева реактива системы выпуска ОГ содержит по меньшей мере два извитых в форме меандра электронагревательных участка. Каждый электронагревательный участок имеет в своем продольном направлении несколько выпуклостей, следующих друг за другом, ориентированных попеременно напротив ...

09-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2650142C2

Изобретение относится к выхлопной системе, предназначенной для обработки выхлопного газа двигателя внутреннего сгорания. Выхлопная система включает тройной катализатор (TWC – three-way catalyst), катализатор реформинга топлива, расположенный по потоку после TWC, и устройство подачи топлива, расположенное по потоку до катализатора реформинга топлива, при этом первую часть выхлопного газа направляют в обход TWC и приводят в контакт с катализатором реформинга топлива в присутствии топлива, добавляемого из устройства подачи топлива, с образованием потока газообразных продуктов реформинга, а вторую часть выхлопного газа приводят в контакт с TWC и используют для нагревания катализатора реформинга топлива, после чего сбрасывают в атмосферу, и при этом поток газообразных продуктов реформинга рециркулируют в систему впуска двигателя. Изобретение обеспечивает улучшение теплообмена и максимальное снятие тепла выхлопного газа с целью улучшения каталитического реформинга. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 4 табл.

17-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2759725C2

Изобретение относится к катализатору-ловушке обедненных NOx, содержащему: i) первый слой, причем указанный первый слой содержит смесь или сплав платины и палладия, первый неорганический оксид, который выбран из группы, состоящей из оксида алюминия и диоксида кремния-оксида алюминия, активатор, где данный активатор содержит барий, и материал, абсорбирующий углеводороды, причем материал, абсорбирующий углеводороды, является бета-цеолитом; и ii) второй слой, причем указанный второй слой содержит один или несколько металлов платиновой группы, материал, способный к аккумулированию кислорода (OSC), где указанный OSC выбран из группы, состоящей из оксида церия, и смешанного оксида церия-диоксида циркония, и второй неорганический оксид, причем указанный второй неорганический оксид выбран из группы, состоящей из оксида алюминия и сложного оксида лантана/оксида алюминия; где первый слой по существу не содержит материала, способного к аккумулированию кислорода (OSC), и где второй слой нанесен на первый ...

05-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2744310C2

Изобретение относится к ловушке NОх для выхлопных систем двигателей внутреннего сгорания и к способу очистки выхлопного газа из двигателя внутреннего сгорания. Катализатор-ловушка NОх содержит подложку, первый слой и второй слой. Первый слой содержит композицию ловушки NОх, содержащую один или несколько благородных металлов, компонент для сохранения NОх, первый носитель и первый церийсодержащий материал, где первый церийсодержащий материал предварительно выдерживают перед внедрением в первый слой. Второй слой содержит родий, второй церийсодержащий материал и второй носитель, где второй церийсодержащий материал не выдерживают перед внедрением во второй слой. Изобретение также включает в себя выхлопные системы, содержащие данный катализатор-ловушку NОх и способ очистки выхлопного газа, использующий данный катализатор-ловушку NОх. Техническим результатом изобретения является повышение качества системы очистки выхлопных газов. 5 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

10-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006141845A

... 1. Железо-хромо-алюминиевый сплав с высокой долговечностью, содержащий, мас.%: 4-8 Al, 16-24 Cr, добавки 0,05-1 Si, 0,001-0,5 Mn, 0,02-0,2 Y, 0, 1-0,3 Zr или 0,1-0,3 Zr и 0,02-0,2 Hf, 0,003-0,05 С, 0,0002-0,05 Mg, 0,0002-0,05 Ca, макс. 0,04 N, макс. 0,04 Р, макс. 0,01 S, макс. 0,5 Cu и обычные, обусловленные плавкой примеси, остальное железо, причем Hf может быть заменен одним или несколькими из элементов Sc, Ti, V, Nb, Та или Се. 2. Сплав по п.1, содержащий, мас.%: 5-6 Al, 18-22 Cr, добавки 0,05-0,7 Si, 0,001-0,4 Mn, 0,03-0, 1 Y, 0,15-0,25 Zr или 0,15-0,25 Zr и 0,02-0,15 Hf, 0,003-0,03 С, 0,0002-0,03 Mg, 0,0002-0,03 Ca, макс. 0,04 N, макс. 0,04 Р, макс. 0,01 S, макс. 0,5 Cu и обычные, обусловленные плавкой примеси, остальное железо. 3. Сплав по п.1 или 2, содержащий, мас.%: 5-6 Al, 18-22 Cr, добавки 0,05-0,7 Si, 0,001-0,4 Mn, 0,03-0,08 Y, 0,15-0,25 Zr или 0,15-0,25 Zr и 0,03-0,11 Hf, 0,003-0,025 С, 0,0002-0,01 Mg, 0,0002-0,01 Ca, макс. 0,04 N, макс. 0,04 Р, макс. 0,01 S, макс. 0,5 Cu и ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015110980A

... 1. Краска для детали выхлопной системы, предназначенная для нанесения на основу, изготовленную из металла, причем данная краска содержитаморфный неорганический материал, содержащий диоксид кремния,частицы кристаллического неорганического материала, содержащие диоксид циркония, ичастицы порообразующего материала;причем частицы кристаллического неорганического материала имеют средний размер от 0,1 до 150 мкм,масса частиц кристаллического неорганического материала составляет от 30 до 180 мас. ч. на 100 мас. ч. аморфного неорганического материала,частицы порообразующего материала имеют средний размер от 0,1 до 25 мкм, имасса частиц порообразующего материала составляет от 0,001 до 1 мас. ч. на 100 мас. ч. аморфного неорганического материала.2. Краска для детали выхлопной системы по п. 1, в которой порообразующий материал содержит углерод, карбонат или пенообразующее вещество.3. Краска для детали выхлопной системы по п. 1 или 2, в которой порообразующий материал образует газ при температуре от ...

10-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010123042A

... 1. Сферический кольцевой уплотнительный элемент для использования в соединении выхлопной трубы, имеющий сферическое кольцевое основание, образованное цилиндрической внутренней поверхностью, частично выпуклой сферической поверхностью и имеющими стороны большого и малого диаметра кольцевыми торцевыми поверхностями частично выпуклой сферической поверхности; и наружный слой, выполненный за одно целое на частично выпуклой сферической поверхности упомянутого сферического кольцевого основания, ! при этом сферическое кольцевое основание содержит упрочняющий элемент из металлической проволочной сетки и термостойкий материал, содержащий вспененный графит, который заполняет ячейки упрочняющего элемента, и сжат таким образом, что составляет единое целое с упрочняющим элементом в смешанной форме, и ! в упомянутом наружном слое термостойкий материал, содержащий вспененный графит, твердый смазочный материал, образованный смазочным составом, содержащим по меньшей мере 70-85% по весу гексагонального нитрида ...

20-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013116732A

... 1. Устройство (1) для электропитания (2) компонента в системе (3) выпуска отработавшего газа, в котором предусмотрен по меньшей мере один электрический контакт (4) на выпускном трубопроводе (5), и в котором, по меньшей мере, электрический контакт (4) окружен электрическим изоляционным материалом (6).2. Устройство (1) по п.1, в котором, по меньшей мере, один электрический контакт (4) залит в электрическом изоляционном материале (6).3. Устройство (1) по п.1 или 2, в котором выпускной трубопровод (5) на внешней стенке (7), по меньшей мере, частично окружен электрическим изоляционным материалом (6).4. Устройство (1) по п.1 или 2, в котором, по меньшей мере, один электрический контакт (4) образует вывод (8) через выпускной трубопровод (5) и размещает в себе, по меньшей мере, один электрод (9).5. Устройство (1) по п.4, в котором вывод (8) выполнен с керамической трубкой (10).6. Устройство (1) по п.1 или 2, в котором в выпускном трубопроводе (5) предусмотрены, по меньшей мере, один электрод (9 ...

15-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019121945A

25-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004033858A1

12-02-1981 дата публикации

Hot gas conduit assembly - consists of composite aluminium hollow body with sheet steel end and gas impinges on steel deflector

Номер: DE0002930730A1

The composite aluminium hollow-body, sheet-steel closure, hot gas conduit, is basically as in 28 04 875. It comprises a one-piece elongated, partitionless aluminium extrusion plus mild- or alloy-steel sheet end pieces configured to complete space enclosure and cause a thermal down-gradient in gas flowing from inlet to outlet. The aluminium extrustion, is externally finned. It is shaped to leave an annular space (10) between it and a cylindrical or other sectional shape steel inner pipe. Holes (12) in the pipe (1) at the devices inlet allow some gas to flow into that space, impinging first on delfecting surfaces of the steel end piece (7). The flow paths recombine via holes (13) in the outlet end piece (8).

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Titanmaterial und Abgasrohr für Motor

Номер: DE112007000544B4

Titanlegierung mit äquiaxialer Struktur und hervorragender Hochtemperatur-Oxidationsbeständigkeit, bestehend aus 0,15 bis 2 Massen-% Si, unter 0,30 Massen-% Al, gegebenenfalls mindestens einem Element von Cu, Nb, Mo und Cr als ein Additiv, wobei die Summe des Si-Gehalts und des Additivgehalts oder die Summe des Si-, des Al- und des Additivgehalts 2 Massen-% oder weniger beträgt, gegebenenfalls Sauerstoff und Eisen, wobei die Summe des Sauerstoff- und Eisengehalts 0,20 Massen-% oder weniger beträgt, und als Rest Titan und unvermeidbaren Verunreinigungen, wobei die äquiaxiale Struktur eine mittlere Korngröße von 15 μm oder mehr aufweist.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Bauteil einer Abgasanlage

Номер: DE102015113159A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Bauteil (1, 2, 3) einer Abgasanlage für eine Verbrennungskraftmaschine, mit einer Wandung, in der mindestens eine Öffnung (10) vorgesehen ist, und einer perforierten Abdeckung (12), die der Öffnung (10) zugeordnet ist, wobei ein Halter (14) vorgesehen ist, mittels dem die perforierte Abdeckung (12) an der Wandung des Bauteils (1, 2, 3) angebracht ist, und wobei ein Spiel (s) zwischen dem Halter (14) und der Abdeckung (12) vorgesehen ist, so dass sich die Abdeckung (12) parallel zur Wandung des Bauteils (1, 2, 3) verschieben kann.

24-11-2016 дата публикации

Abgassystemfeder mit Torsionsdämpfung

Номер: DE112014006464T5
Автор: ABRAM KWIN, Abram, Kwin

Eine adaptive Ventilbaugruppe umfasst eine Leitung, die einen Durchgang zur Leitung von Motorabgasen definiert, eine von der Leitung gehaltene Drehachse und einen Ventilkörper, der mit der Drehachse gekoppelt ist. Der Ventilkörper ist zwischen einer Offenstellung, in der ein Abgasstrom durch den Durchgang vergrößert wird, und einer Geschlossenstellung verstellbar, in der ein Abgasstrom durch den Durchgang verringert wird. Eine Feder spannt den Ventilkörper in die Geschlossenstellung vor. Die Feder umfasst mehrere Windungen, die relativ zueinander verdreht werden, wenn der Ventilkörper zwischen der Offenstellung und der Geschlossenstellung verstellt wird. Ein Torsionsdämpfungselement ist wenigstens einer der Windungen zugeordnet, um die Feder bezüglich Torsion zu dämpfen.

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE112015000317T5
Принадлежит: BORGWARNER INC, BorgWarner Inc.

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Aufladevorrichtung (1) mit zumindest einem zu dämpfenden Bauteil (2), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Bauteil (2) mit einem Dämpfungselement (3; 7) versehen ist, dessen Dämpfungsmaterial (4) aus Sol-Gelen und/oder Aerogelen aufgebaut ist.

23-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003729219C2
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Bereitstellung einer korrosionsgeschützten Kraftfahrzeug-Abgasanlagenkomponente

Номер: DE102013019108B3
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

Die vorliegende Erfindung stellt ein Verfahren zur Bereitstellung einer korrosionsgeschützten Kraftfahrzeug-Abgasanlagenkomponente (2, 3) aus legiertem Edelstahl durch Gasphasenabscheidung einer siliziumbasierten Beschichtung auf der Oberfläche der Abgasanlagenkomponente (2, 3) bereit. Das Verfahren umfasst die Schritte: Erzeugen eines Plasmastrahls (1) und Ausrichten des Plasmastrahls (1) auf einen kundensichtbaren Abschnitt der Oberfläche der Abgasanlagenkomponente (2, 3), Eindüsen einer stickstofffreien Silizium-organischen Verbindung in den Plasmastrahl (1), Bewegen des Plasmastrahls (1) mit der eingedüsten stickstofffreien Silizium-organischen Verbindung relativ zu der Oberfläche der Abgasanlagenkomponente (2, 3), dabei Abscheiden der siliziumbasierten Beschichtung zumindest auf dem kundensichtbaren Abschnitt der Oberfläche der Abgasanlagenkomponente (2, 3). Ferner offenbart die Erfindung eine korrosionsgeschützte Kraftfahrzeug-Abgasanlagenkomponente (2, 3).

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Zylinderkopf und Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Zylinderkopfes

Номер: DE102013216293A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Zylinderkopf für eine mehrere Zylinder aufweisende Brennkraftmaschine, mit einem integrierten Abgaskrümmer (3) und Auslasskanälen (5), wobei der Zylinderkopf aus einem ersten Werkstoff besteht und die Auslasskanäle (5) und/oder der Abgaskrümmer (3) zumindest abschnittsweise von einem in dem Zylinderkopf eingegossenen Mantel (6) aus einem zweiten Werkstoff ausgekleidet sind. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass der Mantel (6) aus mehreren Abschnitten (9) und/oder Segmenten (11) besteht. Weiterhin betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Zylinderkopfes für eine mehrere Zylinder aufweisende Brennkraftmaschine, bei dem der Zylinderkopf in einer Kavität aus einem ersten Werkstoff gegossen wird, wobei vor dem Gießen ein einen Abgaskrümmer (3) und/oder Auslasskanäle (5) der Brennkraftmaschine zumindest abschnittsweise auskleidender Mantel (6) aus einem zweiten Werkstoff in der Kavität positioniert wird. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass vor dem Positionieren ...

17-01-1980 дата публикации

Vitreous enamel for exhaust gas silencers of IC engines - where slip consists of aluminium powder mixed with alumino-borate frit contg. no silica

Номер: DE0002829993A1

The exhaust gas system, and esp. the silencer, is coated with an enamel contg. Al powder and a glass phase which has compsn. (I) by wt. 8-12% Al2O3, 40-60% B2O3, 6-14% Na2O, 0-7% PbO, 6-11% CaO, 7-12% BaO, 2-6% MnO, 0.2% CoO, and 1%, esp. zero % SiO2. The glass phase may also contain fine Si, ZrSiO4, CrO3, and/or CuO. The pref. milled slip contains all pts.wt., 30-60 frit with compsn. (I); 5-60 Al powder, 0-8 Si powder; 0-10 CrO3; 0-10 ZrSiO5; 0-3 CuO; 0.5-3 bentonite; and 70-80 water. The slip is applied to the substrates, which are then baked at 800-950 degrees C. The enamel has good adhesion, and withstands, heat, thermal shock, corrosion and vibration. The enamelled parts can be welded, and can be repeatedly quenched from red heat into cold water without impairing the properties of the enamel.

13-03-1980 дата публикации

Protecting vehicle exhaust or silencer against corrosion - by coating with metal powder embedded in glass or ceramic matrix

Номер: DE0002833649A1

Motor vehicle exhaust device or part is protected against corrosion at least internally, by coating with an adhering protective layer which contains 5-50% metallic Al-, Ni-, Fe- and/or stainless steel powder embedded in a glass or ceramic material matrix. The matrix is formed by using a frit contg. 6-50% SiO2, 5-45% B2O3, 5-15% Na2O, 4-11% Al2O3, 2-8% CaO, 0-11% TiO2, 0-8% BaO, 0-6% PbO, 0-3% MnO, 0-2% K2O and 0-2% Fe2O3. High temp.- and electrolyte corrosion resistance are improved and service life is lengthened.

20-07-2006 дата публикации

Absorption muffler for exhaust equipment, has damping pipe enclosed by casing, where pipe and casing are rotatable and/or adjustable against each other along longitudinal axis of pipe

Номер: DE102005000968A1

The muffler has a damping pipe (10) enclosed by a casing (11). The pipe and casing are rotatable and/or adjustable against each other along a longitudinal axis of the pipe. Perforation holes of pipe and perforation holes of the casing are displaceably arranged against each other in a position. The pipe and the casing are formed of materials with different thermal expansion coefficients, where coefficients differ around 20 percent.

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Dichtring, Dichtungsanordnung mit einem Dichtring und Verwendung einer Dichtungsanordnung und eines Dichtrings

Номер: DE102008061870B4

Dichtring, umfassend eine statische Dichtung (1) aus einem gummielastischen Werkstoff mit einer radial innen angeordneten statischen ersten Dichtfläche (2), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass in der statischen Dichtung (1) radial außen eine umfangsseitig umlaufende Einbaunut (3) für einen weiteren Dichtring (4) angeordnet ist, dass der weitere Dichtring (4) in der Einbaunut (3) angeordnet ist und die statische Dichtung (1) auf der der statischen ersten Dichtfläche (2) radial abgewandten Seite radial außen mit einer zweiten Dichtfläche (5) überragt, die an eine abzudichtende Fläche dichtend anlegbar ist und dass der weitere Dichtring (4) als Gleitring (6) ausgebildet ist.

24-11-2010 дата публикации

Heat shield for automotive vehicle

Номер: GB0002470390A

Heat shield 1' for use in an engine compartment of an automotive vehicle and a vehicle including a heat shield 1' are disclosed. The heat shield 1' comprises a body 4 having a first major surface 5 and a second major surface 6 arranged opposite to the first major surface 5. The first major surface 5 having an emissivity constant 0.7 and the second major surface 6 having an emissivity constant 0.2. A first additional layer 12 may be present and may be iron oxide, zirconium oxide, alumina, zircon, titania, aluminium titanate, cordierite or aluminium silicate. Optionally the body 4 comprises an oxidisable material such as aluminium or copper and the first major surface 5 may comprise an oxide of the oxidisable material. A second additional layer 13 may be provided and is optionally formed of aluminium, copper, aluminium with a protective transparent layer or a resin film.

26-02-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008601725D0

30-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002243404A

A moulded ceramic or porcelanic body 1 has at least one end cover 3 with an aperture for an exhaust flow pipe 5. The body is covered by insulating rock wool packing 10. Figs. 4 and 5 inside a protective aluminum-plated metal casing (11). The metal casing (11) has end covers (12, 13) made of the same metal, which have edges flanged over end flanges (15) of the body. Both metal covers have holes, each with a neck (16), through which the ends of the exhaust flow pipe 5 project. ...

06-12-2017 дата публикации

Exhaust system

Номер: GB0002551033A

An exhaust system 2 comprising a lean NOx trap 4 and a wall flow monolithic substrate having a pre-coated porosity of ≥ 40%, the substrate comprising an oxidation catalyst zone 6 comprising a PGM on a first support, the first support comprising at least one inorganic oxide and a zinc compound. The first support may comprise alumina and ceria-zirconia mixed and the zinc compound is preferably zinc oxide. The PGM may be selected from platinum, palladium, rhodium and a mixture thereof such as Pt:Pd with a weight ratio from1:1 to 6:1. In an embodiment, the exhaust system (Fig 2; 13) may further comprise a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) zone (Fig 2; 17) (comprising copper or iron loaded on a second support such as a zeolite. Preferably the oxidation zone (Fig 2; 16) is on a first wall flow monolith and the SCR zone (Fig 2; 17) is on a second monolithic substrate. Further aspects relate to a catalytic wall flow monolithic substrate and a method of making the catalysed monolithic wall flow ...

05-12-2018 дата публикации

Selective catalytic reduction catalyst composition

Номер: GB0002563128A

A selective catalytic reduction catalyst (SCR) composition comprises a SCR catalyst; and a binder comprising a porous inorganic material which comprises a disordered arrangement of delaminated layers, has a disordered porous structure, and a multimodal pore size distribution comprising at least a first modal maximum having a macroporous or mesoporous pore size and a second modal maximum having a microporous pore size. The catalyst may be an Fe or Cu SCR, and the porous inorganic material may be a clay such as a three layered (2:1) clay mineral, e.g. bentonite. The catalyst composition is manufactured using a method comprising the steps of: (I) providing an inorganic material having a layered structure; (ii) contacting the material with a cationic surfactant to form a swollen material; (iii) agitating the swollen material to form an agitated material; and (iv) calcining the agitated material to recover a delaminated inorganic material, wherein an SCR catalyst is mixed with the inorganic ...

18-01-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002067664B

31-01-2018 дата публикации

NOx adsorber Catalyst

Номер: GB0201720937D0

01-12-2021 дата публикации

Particulate filters

Номер: GB202114732D0

15-06-2006 дата публикации

Motor vehicle exhaust gas purifying device, has purification module arranged within housing in such a manner that discharged streams flows through purification module to outlet, and gas porous metal foam body connected upstream of module

Номер: AT0000501042B1

The device has a metallic housing (2) with inlets for a delayed discharge of individual exhaust gas streams (Z1- Z4). The housing has an outlet (4) for dissipation of exhaust gas. A purification module (51 - 54) has a filter unit (6) and catalyst units, and is arranged within the housing in such a manner that discharged streams flows through the module to the outlet. A gas porous metal foam body (8) is connected upstream of the module.

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000453796T

15-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000423896T

15-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA257678A

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000378296T

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000505322T

15-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000047210T

15-08-2017 дата публикации

Insulating element

Номер: AT0000015413U1

Dämmelement, aufweisend eine Innenlage (2) mit einem textilen Gebilde, und eine Außenlage (1) aus einer Metallfolie, wobei umlaufend ein Keder (3), der ganz oder teilweise aus Metall besteht, an der Innenlage (2) mittels Nähen befestigt ist und mit der Außenlage (1) durch Schweißen (4) verbunden ist.

15-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000207020T

28-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006594274A

08-04-2021 дата публикации

A marine engine assembly

Номер: AU2019342890A1

A marine engine assembly (2) is provided for propelling a marine vessel (1). The marine engine assembly (2) includes an internal combustion engine (30) configured to drive a propulsion arrangement (8), a turbocharger (42) comprising a turbine portion (43) having a turbine outlet (45), and a turbocharger exhaust conduit (60) coupled to the turbine outlet (45). The turbocharger exhaust conduit (60) acts as a primary support to the turbocharger (42) within the marine engine assembly (2).

15-06-1995 дата публикации

Exhaust device

Номер: AU0008034194A

05-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001183460A1

20-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002740658A1

A high-temperature composite hose (100) allows for the carrying out of high temperature air, gases and liquids in a range of 600 to 2000°F. The hose remains flexible at such elevated temperatures and may be used in situations where solid or flexible metal hose was previously used. The hose construction preferably includes a spirally wound inner wire element (10) over which is applied multiple layers (21, 23, 17) preferably beginning with a layer of heat resistant textile or fabric (21) and ending with a cover layer (17) which serves to provide abrasion and other resistance to the composite hose. A 2nd outer wire element (16) is preferably applied which, in connection with the inner wire element 10, serves to sandwich or compress and hold the heat resistant and other hose layers (21, 23, 17) together.

24-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000924976A1

16-01-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002037760C

A glass fiber for use in severe environments that included nitrogen acids, sulfuric acids, alkalis, and ammonia, wherein said glass fiber contains about 5% to 40% by weight of ZrO2. The glass fiber can be used to make a reinforced synthetic resin product that is excellent in resistances to acids and alkalis, such as a silencer for the exhaust system of an internal combustion engine.

01-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002023946A1

30-06-1965 дата публикации

Pot d'échappement pour moteurs à combustion interne

Номер: CH0000394713A

30-04-1955 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000306755A
Принадлежит: TECHAG AG, TECHAG AG.

30-04-1965 дата публикации

Utilisation d'une résine durcissable à la chaleur

Номер: CH0000391384A

31-01-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000594814A5

31-07-2015 дата публикации

deposit prevention procedure and turbocharger.

Номер: CH0000706248B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Ablagerungsverhinderungsverfahren. Das Ablagerungsverhinderungsverfahren verhindert die Bildung eines Carbids auf mindestens einer Oberfläche eines Schaufelabschnitts, einer Düse und eines Gehäuses eines Strömungspfadabschnitts einer Turbine (122) eines Turboladers (120). Das Carbid wird hervorgerufen durch eine organische Verbindung aus einem Kraftstoff oder einem Schmierstoff. Der Turbolader (120) umfasst neben der Turbine(122) mit dem Strömungspfadabschnitt, welcher den Schaufelabschnitt, die Düse und das Gehäuse umfasst, einen Verdichter (124), der so gestaltet ist, dass er unter Nutzung der Drehung des Schaufelabschnitts der Turbine (122) Luft in den Motor (110) einführt. Das Ablagerungsverhinderungsverfahren umfasst die Bildung einer aus Nickel bestehenden Schicht auf mindestens einer Oberfläche des Schaufelabschnitts, der Düse und des Gehäuses des Strömungspfadabschnitts der Turbine (122).

29-08-2008 дата публикации

Prismatic or cylindrical honeycomb filter for the removal of fine dust particles from an exhaust gas stream of diesel engines, comprises channels running parallel in a z-direction of the spatial coordination, and an open porous inner wall

Номер: CH0000697364B1

The prismatic or cylindrical honeycomb filter for the removal of fine dust particles from an exhaust gas stream (22) of diesel engines, comprises channels (12, 14) running parallel in a z-direction of the spatial coordination, and an open porous inner wall for separating the channels from one another. The channels are alternately closed in the area of the two front-side openings (16, 18) in x- and y-directions. Each channel has a closed- and a free opening (16, 18). The porous inner wall comprises a non-calcined monolith matrix of a ceramic powder (85-90%) having a particle size of 60 mu m. The prismatic or cylindrical honeycomb filter for the removal of fine dust particles from an exhaust gas stream (22) of diesel engines, comprises channels (12, 14) running parallel in a z-direction of the spatial coordination, and an open porous inner wall for separating the channels from one another. The channels are alternately closed in the area of the two front-side openings (16, 18) in x- and y-directions ...

30-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN0110072620A

11-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002644088B1

12-08-1966 дата публикации

Exhaust for internal combustion engines

Номер: FR0001449510A

15-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002514414A


18-08-1995 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002696804B1

30-04-1964 дата публикации

Exhaust box

Номер: FR0001359738A

03-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003040072B1

13-01-1984 дата публикации

Protection of exhaust pipes against corrosion - by immersion in molten aluminium alloy at elevated temp.

Номер: FR0002411962B1

27-04-1990 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002573836B1

23-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002599457B1

09-12-1983 дата публикации

Exhaust silencer for motor vehicle - has perforated tube through cylindrical shell formed from two halves with wire insulation

Номер: FR0002467974B1

12-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002902423B1

22-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003081919B1

03-03-1967 дата публикации

Sophisticated silencer

Номер: FR0001471627A

05-06-2009 дата публикации

Exhaust collector for internal combustion engine of motor vehicle, has inlet and outlet flanges extending around respective inlet and outlet orifices, and insert connecting each inlet orifices with outlet orifice, where insert are flexible

Номер: FR0002924468A3

L'invention propose un collecteur d'échappement (2) d'un moteur à combustion interne (1), comprenant au moins une bride d'entrée (3) s'étendant autour d'au moins un orifice d'entrée du collecteur, une bride de sortie (4) s'étendant autour d'un orifice de sortie du collecteur, et des tubulures (5) reliant chaque orifice d'entrée à l'orifice de sortie du collecteur d'échappement (2). Selon l'invention, les tubulures (5) du collecteur d'échappement sont entièrement flexibles.

15-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003071011A1

29-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003013763A1

L'invention a pour objet un procédé de conception d'une ligne (1) postcombustion comprenant un système de recirculation de ces gaz d'échappement, cette ligne (1) post-combustion étant composée d'une pluralité de sections (2) aboutées les unes aux autres, ce procédé comprenant les étapes consistant à : - prélever des condensats issus des gaz d'échappement ; - mettre en évidence la composition chimique et le potentiel hydrogène (pH) des condensats prélevés ; - calculer la concentration pondérée, de chaque composé chimique précédemment mis en évidence ; - regrouper les condensats par similarité de pH ; - mesurer à intervalle constant le pH de chaque famille ; - analyser les mesures du pH au moyen de courbes de tendances - rechercher les sections (2) où les condensats ont tendance à rester piégés dans la ligne (1) ; - choisir un matériau adéquat pour chaque section (2).

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust pipe

Номер: US20120159936A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An exhaust pipe through which an exhaust port of an internal combustion engine and a catalyst for purifying an exhaust gas of the internal combustion engine are connected to each other includes a porous portion that is provided on at least a part of an inner peripheral face of the exhaust pipe. A thermal conductivity that the porous portion exhibits in a high temperature state where a temperature of the exhaust gas is as high as it is required to radiate a heat of the exhaust gas through the exhaust pipe is at least ten times higher than a thermal conductivity that the porous portion exhibits in a low temperature state where the temperature of the exhaust gas is as low as it is required to warm the catalyst up.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Delivery device and tank configuration for a reducing agent and motor vehicle having a tank configuration

Номер: US20120186237A1

A delivery device for a reducing agent includes a metallic housing, at least one externally mounted metal suction pipe and an external pressure port. A metallic base plate, at which at least one pump and ducts are provided, is disposed inside the housing. The suction pipe, the housing, the metallic base plate, and the pump are in heat-conducting contact with each other. An elongate heating element is disposed next to the suction pipe. A tank configuration for a reducing agent and a motor vehicle having a tank configuration, are also provided.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Muffler assembly with mounting adapter(s) and process of manufacture

Номер: US20120273301A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

A muffler assembly including one or more exhaust pipe(s), one or more mounting adapter(s) attached to the one or more exhaust pipe(s), a polymeric housing carried by one or more mounting adapter(s), a thermal insulating layer lining the housing interior surface and extending between the housing and one or more mounting adapter(s) at the housing-mounting adapter interface(s); wherein the thermal insulating layer includes a nonwoven fabric; wherein when the fabric is exposed to heat, the fabric increases in thickness to seal the muffler assembly at the housing-exhaust pipe interface and provides thermal insulation to the polymeric housing.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Muffler assembly and method of making

Номер: US20120325578A1
Автор: Fabrice S. J-M Giaume
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

A muffler 1 comprises a polymeric housing 3 and a support bracket 16 for mounting the muffler on a vehicle. The support bracket 16 is made of a polymer composite material comprising a polymer and fibres and is integrally formed with the housing 3. The muffler is made by a method comprising providing a support bracket 16 made of a polymer composite material comprising a polymer and fibres, and forming a polymer housing 3 by contacting molten polymer with the support bracket 16 to bond the support bracket to the housing.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust emission control device

Номер: US20120328479A1
Принадлежит: HINO MOTORS LTD, Isuzu Motors Ltd

Arranged are a selective reduction catalyst for reacting NO x in exhaust gas 2 with ammonia, an exhaust passage 5 for guiding the exhaust gas 2 to the selective reduction catalyst, and a urea water addition unit 4 incorporated in the exhaust passage 5 for adding urea water 3 into the exhaust gas 2. A portion of the exhaust passage 5 adjacent to an added position of the urea water 3 is constituted by a divisional piece 5 a made of material having higher corrosive resistance to a substance produced by addition of the urea water 3 than that of a material constituting the remaining portion of the exhaust passage 5 other than the adjacent portion.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130095003A1
Автор: Lutz Dieter

A high-temperature-resistant component for an exhaust-gas treatment unit, an exhaust-gas treatment unit and a method for producing such a unit, include providing the component or the exhaust-gas treatment unit with a surface layer intended to prevent the formation of chromium carbide bridges during a brazing process for producing the exhaust-gas treatment unit. 1. A high-temperature-resistant component for an exhaust-gas treatment unit , the component comprising:a material formed at least of iron, chromium and aluminum;an at least partial surface layer at least containing cobalt; andsaid surface layer being a physical vapor deposition layer.2. The component according to claim 1 , wherein the component is at least one of a metal foil or a housing.3. The component according to claim 1 , wherein said surface layer has a thickness of at most 5 μm.4. An exhaust-gas treatment unit for an exhaust system claim 1 , the exhaust-gas treatment unit comprising:at least one component formed of a material containing at least iron, chromium and aluminum, said at least one component at least partially having a surface layer at least containing cobalt;other individual parts;brazed connecting points connecting said at least one component to itself or to said other individual parts; andat least said component having a coating applied to said surface layer.5. The exhaust-gas treatment unit according to claim 4 , wherein said coating renders at least the cobalt in said surface layer inert with respect to an exhaust gas.6. The exhaust-gas treatment unit according to claim 4 , wherein said coating completely covers said surface layer and is gas-tight to such an extent that claim 4 , during use of the exhaust-gas treatment unit claim 4 , said surface layer is not in contact with an exhaust gas.7. The exhaust-gas treatment unit according to claim 4 , wherein said coating includes at least washcoat.8. A method for producing an exhaust-gas treatment unit claim 4 , the method comprising the ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Antistatic coating of fuel cell exhaust systems made of plastic

Номер: US20130120893A1
Автор: Axel Heise

An exhaust system for a fuel cell vehicle that is made of plastic. An inner surface of flow pipes that are part of the exhaust system are coated with a conductive material. A conductive through bolt extends through the pipes to be electrically coupled to the conductive coating and chasse ground of the vehicle so that any electro-static charge build-up as a result of the flow of water vapor and exhaust gas through the pipe will be dissipated.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust subsystem with polymer housing

Номер: US20130126034A1
Автор: Baljit Sierra
Принадлежит: Novo Plastics Inc

A vehicle exhaust system includes a subsystem having an exterior pipe formed of a polymer. A rigid liner extends along the length of the exterior pipe and defines a passageway. A fiber insulating layer is formed between the rigid liner and the exterior pipe. The liner is formed to define at least one groove circumscribing the periphery of the passage-way. The groove defines a region of increased volume of the exhaust passage along the length. The liner is further formed to define at least one void extending between the wall of the liner and the insulating layer, around the periphery of the passageway. A plurality of apertures in the liner, allow sound waves to pass from the passageway into the fiber insulating layer, and into the void.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Heat transfer element for manifold

Номер: US20130139493A1
Принадлежит: Nisshin Steel Co Ltd

A heat transfer element for manifold prevents thermal fatigue of a manifold main body and has good high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance. At least one part of the heat transfer element for manifold is formed from ferritic stainless steel. The ferritic stainless steel contains at least one element, in terms of mass %, of: C: 0.03% or less; Si: 2.0% or less; Mn: 2.0% or less; Cr: 10 to 30%; Nb: 0.8% or less; and Ti: 0.8% or less, and N: 0.03% or less, and the remaining part thereof is formed from Fe and inevitable impurities. _Further, an alloy content of the ferritic stainless steel is adjusted so that an A value in equation (1), where A value=Nb+Ti−4(C+N), is 0.10 or more, and a B value in equation (2), where B value=Cr+15Si, is 18 or more.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183190A1

An object is to provide ferritic stainless steel excellent in heat resistance (oxidation resistance, a thermal fatigue property and a high-temperature fatigue property) and formability, while preventing a decrease in oxidation resistance due to Cu, without adding expensive chemical elements such as Mo and W. Specifically, ferritic stainless steel having a chemical composition containing, by mass %, C: 0.015% or less, Si: 0.4% or more and 1.0% or less, Mn: 1.0% or less, P: 0.040% or less, S: 0.010% or less, Cr: 12% or more and less than 16%, N: 0.015% or less, Nb: 0.3% or more and 0.65% or less, Ti: 0.15% or less, Mo: 0.1% or less, W: 0.1% or less, Cu: 1.0% or more and 2.5% or less and Al: 0.2% or more and 1.0% or less, while the relationship Si≧Al is satisfied, and the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities. 1. Ferritic stainless steel having a chemical composition containing , by mass % , C: 0.015% or less , Si: 0.4% or more and 1.0% or less , Mn: 1.0% or less , P: 0.040% or less , S: 0.010% or less , Cr: 12% or more and less than 16% , N: 0.015% or less , Nb: 0.3% or more and 0.65% or less , Ti: 0.15% or less , Mo: 0.1% or less , W: 0.1% or less , Cu: 1.0% or more and 2.5% or less and Al: 0.2% or more and 1.0% or less , while the relationship Si≧Al is satisfied , and the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities.2. Ferritic stainless steel having a chemical composition further containing one , two or more chemical elements selected from among , by mass % , B: 0.003% or less , REM: 0.08% or less , Zr: 0.5% or less , V: 0.5% or less , Co: 0.5% or less and Ni: 0.5% or less. The present invention relates to ferritic stainless steel having high heat resistance (a thermal fatigue property, oxidation resistance and a high-temperature fatigue property) and formability which can be ideally used for the parts of an exhaust system which are used in a high temperature environment such as an exhaust pipe and a catalyst outer cylinder (also called a converter case) of an ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130195713A1

A heat-resistant, ferritic cast steel having excellent melt flowability, gas defect resistance, toughness and machinability, which has a composition comprising by mass, C: 0.32-0.45%, Si: 0.85% or less, Mn: 0.15-2%, Ni: 1.5% or less, Cr: 16-23%, Nb: 3.2-4.5%, Nb/C: 9-11.5, N: 0.15% or less, S: (Nb/20-0.1) to 0.2%, W and/or Mo: 3.2% or less in total (W+Mo), the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities, and a structure in which the area ratio of a eutectic (δ+NbC) phase of δ ferrite and Nb carbide (NbC) is 60-80%, and the area ratio of manganese chromium sulfide (MnCr)S is 0.2-1.2%, and an exhaust member made thereof. 2. An exhaust member made of the heat-resistant claim 1 , ferritic cast steel recited in . The present invention relates to a heat-resistant, ferritic cast steel having excellent melt flowability, gas defect resistance, toughness and machinability and suitable for exhaust members, particularly exhaust manifolds, turbine housings, etc. for gasoline engines and diesel engines of automobiles, and an exhaust member made thereof.To prevent global warming, there is strong demand for the reduction of the amount of COdischarged from automobiles. To reduce the amount of a COgas emitted, it is mainly necessary to improve the fuel efficiency of automobiles. Technologies for improving fuel efficiency include fuel direct injection, increase in compression ratios, the reduction (downsizing) of engine weights and sizes by supercharging, increase in the boost pressure of turbochargers, etc. With these technologies introduced, fuel combustion tends to occur at higher temperatures and higher pressure in automobile engines, so that the temperatures of exhaust gases discharged from engines are elevated to nearly 1000° C., and that the temperatures of exhaust members such as exhaust manifolds, catalyst cases, turbine housings, etc. reach about 900° C. Exhaust members exposed to such high-temperature exhaust gases are required to have excellent heat resistance properties ( ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Ferritic Stainless Steel for Use as Conduit Members for Emission of Automotive Exhaust Gas

Номер: US20130263979A1
Принадлежит: NISSHIN STEEL CO., LTD.

A ferritic stainless steel useful as conduit members for emission of automotive exhaust gas consists of C up to 0.03 mass %, Si up to 1.0 mass %, Mn up to 1.5 mass %, Ni up to 0.6 mass %, 10-20 mass % of Cr, Nb up to 0.50 mass %, 0.8-2.0 mass % of Cu, Al up to 0.03 mass %, 0.03-0.20 mass % of V, N up to 0.03 mass % and the balance being Fe except inevitable impurities with a provision that at least 90% of Cu contained is dissolved in a steel matrix and that Nb□8(C+N). The steel may further contain 0.05-0.30 mass % of Ti and/or 0.0005-0.02 mass % of B. Mo as an inevitable impurity is controlled to be less than 0.10 mass %. The steel has excellent formability, low-temperature toughness and weldability as well as the same heat-resistance as Nb, Mo-alloyed steel. 1. A ferritic stainless steel for use as a conduit member for emission of automotive exhaust gas , consisting essentially of C up to 0.03 mass % , Si up to 1.0 mass % , Mn up to 1.5 mass % , Ni up to 0.6 mass % , 10-20 mass % of Cr , 0.50 mass % or less of Nb , 0.8-2.0 mass % of Cu , Al up to 0.03 mass % , 0.03-0.20 mass % of V , N up to 0.03 mass % and the balance being Fe except inevitable impurities with a provision that at least 90% of Cu contained is dissolved in a steel matrix and that Nb≧8(C+N).2. The ferritic stainless steel defined by claim 1 , wherein Mo as an inevitable impurity is controlled to be less than 0.10 mass %.3. The ferritic stainless steel defined by claim 1 , which further contains 0.05-3.0 mass % of Ti.4. The ferritic stainless steel defined by claim 1 , which further contains 0.0005-0.02 mass % of B.5. The ferritic stainless steel defined by claim 2 , which further contains 0.05-3.0 mass % of Ti.6. The ferritic stainless steel defined by claim 2 , which further contains 0.0005-0.02 mass of B.7. The ferritic stainless steel defined by claim 3 , which further contains 0.0005-0.02 mass % of B.8. The ferritic stainless steel defined by claim 5 , which further contains 0.0005-0.02 mass % of ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Ferritic stainless steel sheet excellent in heat resistance and workability and method of production of same

Номер: US20140023550A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides ferritic stainless steel sheet which is excellent in heat resistance at 950° C. and workability at ordinary temperature, that is, ferritic stainless steel sheet excellent in heat resistance and workability which is characterized by containing, by mass %, C: 0.02% or less, N: 0.02% or less, Si: over 0.1 to 1.0%, Mn: 0.5% or less, P: 0.020 to 0.10%, Cr: 13.0 to 20.0%, Nb: 0.5 to 1.0%, Cu: 1.0 to 3.0%, Mo: 1.5 to 3.5%, W: 2.0% or less, B: 0.0001 to 0.0010%, and Al: 0.01 to 1.0% and having a balance of Fe and unavoidable impurities, where Mo+W is made 2.0 to 3.5%.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140099489A1
Автор: Cha Sung-Chul

Disclosed is a coating material for parts of an engine exhaust system and a method for manufacturing the same. The coating material includes a second junction layer made of CrN or Ti(C)N, a support layer made of TiAlN/CrN disposed on a surface of the second junction layer, and a functional layer made of TiAlN/CrSiN or TiAlN/CrSiCN disposed on a surface of the support layer. The coating material improves abrasion resistance and seizure resistance of the parts of the engine exhaust system. 1. A coating material for parts of an engine exhaust system , comprising:a second junction layer made of CrN or Ti(C)N;a support layer made of TiAlN/CrN disposed on a surface of the second junction layer; anda functional layer made of TiAlN/CrSiN or TiAlN/CrSiCN disposed on a surface of the support layer.2. The coating material for parts of an engine exhaust system of claim 1 , wherein the second junction layer has a thickness of about 0.1 to about 10 μm claim 1 , the support layer has a thickness of about 0.5 to about 10 μm claim 1 , and the functional layer has a thickness of about 0.5 to about 10 μm.3. The coating material for parts of an engine exhaust system of claim 1 , further comprising a first junction layer made of Ti or Cr on a surface of which the second junction layer is disposed.4. A method for manufacturing a coating material for parts of an engine exhaust system claim 1 , comprising:changing an inside of a chamber from a vacuum state to a plasma state;optionally depositing a first junction layer of Ti or Cr on a surface of a substrate disposed in the chamber;depositing a second junction layer of CrN or Ti(C)N on a surface of the first junction layer or on a surface of the substrate;depositing a support layer of TiAlN/CrN on a surface of the second junction layer; anddepositing a functional layer of TiAlN/CrSiN or TiAlN/CrSiCN on a surface of the support layer.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the second junction layer is deposited at a thickness of about 0.1 to ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

High Temperature Thermo-Acoustic Barrier Material with Low Smoke and Odor

Номер: US20220002204A1
Автор: DEATS Mary C.

A thermal barrier material for use in shielding components of a vehicle from hot exhaust surfaces includes 35 to 53% of a plurality of clays by weight and a remainder including magnesium silicate, alumina trihydrate, alumino-borosilicate glass, rock wool, basalt fiber, acrylamide copolymer coagulant, acrylic latex, fatty alcohol alkoxylate, or anionic polyacrylamide. A sample of the thermal barrier material, when exposed to a temperature of 400° Celsius, produces smoke having a density less than 5 g/cmas measured according to the ISO 5659-2:2006(E) standard. 1. A thermal barrier material for use in shielding components of a vehicle from hot surfaces comprising:35 to 53% of a plurality of clays by weight; 'a sample of the thermal barrier material, when exposed to a temperature of 400° Celsius, produces smoke having a density less than 5 g/cm3 as measured according to the ISO 5659-2:2006(E) standard.', 'magnesium silicate, alumina trihydrate, alumino-borosilicate glass, rock wool, basalt fiber, acrylamide copolymer coagulant, acrylic latex, fatty alcohol alkoxylate, or anionic polyacrylamide, wherein'}, 'a remainder comprising2. The thermal barrier material of claim 1 , whereinthe sample of the thermal barrier material, when exposed to a temperature of 400° Celsius, produces smoke having a density less than 2 g/cm3 as measured according to the ISO 5659-2:2006(E) standard.3. The thermal barrier material of claim 1 , whereinthe sample of the thermal barrier material produces less than 4 ppm of 1-butanal gas as measured by Gas Chromatography (GC) and Mass Spectrometry (MS).4. The thermal barrier material of claim 1 , whereinthe sample of the thermal barrier material produces no detected 1-butanal gas as measured by Gas Chromatography (GC) and Mass Spectrometry (MS).5. The thermal barrier material of claim 1 , whereinthe sample of the thermal barrier material produces less than 150 ppm Dimethoxymethane gas as measured by Gas Chromatography (GC) and Mass Spectrometry (MS). ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003106A1

A vehicle exhaust system includes a vehicle body structure, an exhaust system, a rear bumper assembly, an exhaust finisher and a boot. The exhaust assembly is supported to an underside of the vehicle body structure. The rear bumper assembly is also supported to the vehicle body structure. The exhaust finisher is non-movably attached to one of the vehicle body structure and the rear bumper assembly. The exhaust finisher extends at least part way through an opening of the rear bumper assembly. The boot has a first end, a second end, and a flexible portion. The first end is attached to a rear end of the exhaust assembly. The second end is attached to a forward end of the exhaust finisher and the flexible portion extends from the trout end to the second end. The flexible portion is elastically deformable in response to thermal expansion and contraction of the exhaust assembly. 1. A Vehicle exhaust system , comprising:a vehicle body structure;an exhaust assembly supported to an underside of the vehicle body structure;a rear bumper assembly supported to the vehicle body structure;an exhaust finisher fixedly and non-movably attached to one of the vehicle body structure and the rear bumper assembly, the exhaust finisher extending at least part way through an opening of the rear bumper assembly; anda boot having a first end, a second end and a flexible portion, the first end being attached to a rear end of the exhaust assembly, the second end being attached to a forward end of the exhaust finisher and the flexible portion extending from the front end to the second end, the flexible portion being elastically deformable in response to thermal expansion and contraction of the exhaust assembly.2. The vehicle exhaust system according to claim 1 , whereinthe flexible portion of the boot includes an accordion-like bellows such that the first end and the second end are movable relative to one another.3. The vehicle exhaust system according to claim 1 , whereinthe first end of the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Catalyzed ceramic candle filter and method of cleaning process off- or exhaust gases

Номер: US20180008963A1
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe AS

Ceramic candle filter and use of the filter in the removal of particulate matter in form of soot, ash, metals and met-al compounds, together with hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides being present in process off-gas or engine exhaust gas, the filter includes a combined SCR and oxidation catalyst being arranged on the dispersion side and within wall of the filter; and a palladium including catalyst arranged on the permeation side and within wall of the filter facing the permeation side.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008524A1

A SCR catalyst composition comprises a SCR catalyst; and a binder comprising a porous inorganic material, wherein the porous inorganic material comprises a disordered arrangement of delaminated layers, has a disordered porous structure, and has a multimodal pore size distribution comprising at least a first modal maximum having a macroporous or mesoporous pore size and a second modal maximum having a microporous pore size. The SCR catalyst composition can be manufactured using the method comprising the steps of: (i) providing an inorganic material having a layered structure; (ii) contacting the material with a cationic surfactant to form a swollen material; (iii) agitating the swollen material to form an agitated material; and (iv) calcining the agitated material to recover a delaminated inorganic material, wherein an SCR catalyst is mixed with the inorganic material prior to step (iv). 1. A selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst composition comprising:a SCR catalyst; anda binder comprising a porous inorganic material,wherein the porous inorganic material comprises a disordered arrangement of delaminated layers, has a disordered porous structure, and has a multimodal pore size distribution comprising at least a first modal maximum having a macroporous or mesoporous pore size and a second modal maximum having a microporous pore size.2. The SCR catalyst composition of claim 1 , wherein the multimodal pore size distribution is bimodal.3. The SCR catalyst composition of claim 1 , wherein a powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the porous inorganic material obtained using Cu Kα radiation is devoid of peaks at 2θ values of 10° or less.4. The SCR catalyst composition of claim 1 , wherein the first modal maximum has a mesoporous and/or macroporous pore size.5. The SCR catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the delaminated layers are delaminated silicate layers.6. The SCR catalyst composition of claim 1 , wherein the porous inorganic material comprises one or more of: a clay ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Spheroidal graphite cast iron for an engine exhaust system

Номер: US20170016098A1
Принадлежит: Doosan Infracore Co Ltd

A spheroidal graphite cast iron for a component of an engine exhaust system includes carbon ranging from about 3.0 wt % to about 3.4 wt %, silicon ranging from about 4.2 wt % to about 4.5 wt %, manganese ranging from about 0.1 wt % to about 0.3 wt %, sulfur ranging from about 0.002 wt % to about 0.01 wt %, phosphorous in a range equal to or less than about 0.05 wt %, magnesium ranging from about 0.035 wt % to about 0.055 wt %, molybdenum ranging from about 0.9 wt % to about 1.2 wt %, nickel ranging from about 0.2 wt % to about 0.5 wt %, vanadium ranging from about 0.4 wt % to about 0.6 wt %, niobium ranging from about 0.1 wt % to about 0.4 wt %, cerium ranging from about 0.005 wt % to about 0.01 wt %, aluminum ranging from about 0.003 wt % to about 0.007 wt %, and a remainder of iron.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Exhaust gas purifying apparatus

Номер: US20190017425A1
Автор: Norio Ishikawa
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

Provided is an exhaust gas purifying apparatus including a first catalyst and a second catalyst that passes exhaust gas from the first catalyst, in which the temperature of the second catalyst can be increased in an early stage after an engine is started, and thus exhaust gas purification efficiency can be enhanced in an earlier stage than in conventional apparatuses. The apparatus includes an exhaust gas purifying catalyst that includes a first catalyst for purifying exhaust gas from an exhaust manifold and a second catalyst for purifying exhaust gas having passed through the first catalyst. The heat capacity of the first catalyst is lower than that of the second catalyst. The heat capacity of the second catalyst is 184 to 322 J/K under a temperature environment of 25° C., and that of the first catalyst is less than or equal to 20 J/K under a temperature environment of 25° C.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030246A1

An exhaust system for a vehicle includes a heat insulation coating layer formed on an inner wall surface of an exhaust gas flow tube through which exhaust gas passes. The heat insulation coating layer includes an inorganic binder including two or more silicon-based compounds and an aerogel dispersed in the inorganic binder, includes 5 to 50 parts by weight of the aerogel for 100 parts by weight of the inorganic binder, and has heat conductivity of at most 1.0 W/mK, measured by ASTM E1461. 1. An exhaust system for a vehicle , comprising:a heat insulation coating layer formed on an inner wall surface of an exhaust gas flow tube through which exhaust gas passes,wherein the heat insulation coating layer includes an inorganic binder including two or more silicon-based compounds and an aerogel dispersed in the inorganic binder, includes 5 to 50 parts by weight of the aerogel for 100 parts by weight of the inorganic binder, and has a heat conductivity of at most 1.0 W/mK, measured by ASTM E1461.2. The exhaust system for a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein:the heat insulation coating layer has a thickness of 10 μm to 2000 μm.3. The exhaust system for a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein:the heat insulation coating layer has an adhesion strength for metal of 5 or less, measured by ISO 16276-2.4. The exhaust system for a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein:the heat insulation coating layer has a melting point of 100° C. to 500° C., measured by ASTM D3418.5. The exhaust system for a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein:the heat insulation coating layer is formed in the exhaust gas flow tube including an exhaust port of a cylinder head, an exhaust manifold communicating with the exhaust port, and a front muffler communicating with the exhaust manifold.6. The exhaust system for a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein:the two or more silicon-based compounds include two or more selected from a group consisting of silane, siloxane, silicate, silanol, silazane, and silsesquioxane.7. The exhaust system for a vehicle ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030498A1
Принадлежит: IBIDEN CO., LTD.

The diffusing member of the present invention is disposed in an exhaust pipe to partially block exhaust gas flowing in from upstream of the exhaust pipe, the diffusing member including a ceramic member and a metal member, wherein the ceramic member surrounds the metal member in such a manner that the metal member is partially exposed, and the volume of the ceramic member constituting the diffusing member is larger than the volume of the metal member constituting the diffusing member. 1. A diffusing member to be disposed in an exhaust pipe to partially block exhaust gas flowing in from upstream of the exhaust pipe , the diffusing member comprising:a ceramic member; anda metal member,wherein the ceramic member surrounds the metal member in such a manner that the metal member is partially exposed, andthe volume of the ceramic member constituting the diffusing member is larger than the volume of the metal member constituting the diffusing member.2. The diffusing member according to claim 1 ,wherein the exposed area of the ceramic member is larger than the exposed area of the metal member on an outermost surface of the diffusing member.3. The diffusing member according to claim 1 ,wherein pores are formed in the ceramic member.4. The diffusing member according to claim 3 ,wherein the ceramic member has a porosity of 5 to 60%.5. The diffusing member according to claim 3 ,wherein no continuous pores are formed in the ceramic member.6. The diffusing member according to claim 3 ,wherein the pores formed in the ceramic member are closed pores.7. The diffusing member according to claim 1 ,wherein the ceramic member comprises a crystalline inorganic material and/or an amorphous inorganic material.8. The diffusing member according to claim 7 ,wherein the crystalline inorganic material comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of alumina, silica, zirconia, zircon, yttria, calcia, magnesia, ceria, and hafnia.9. The diffusing member according to claim 7 ,wherein the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032531A1
Автор: HAGAWA Tatsuya
Принадлежит: Koki Holdings Co., Ltd.

Provided are an engine and an engine work machine. An engine in which a substantially box-shaped muffler made by joining a partitioning plate with inner and outer housings is directly secured to a cylinder, wherein the center axis of the cylinder is slanted rearward at an angle. The muffler has the partitioning plate inclined from the cylinder-side upper corner part toward the opposing lower corner part; and the muffler is secured at three points, i.e., two screws near an exhaust port, and an attachment screw near the upper corner part. Exhaust gas is discharged so as to flow forward along the upper wall surface of the muffler from near the end that is close to the cylinder in the upper surface of the muffler, and the exhaust gas is diffused, with the front corner part (curved surface part) being shaped as a curved surface having a large radius of curvature. 1. An engine , comprising: a cylinder , which is connected to a crankcase and forms a combustion chamber; and a muffler , which is secured to the cylinder;wherein the muffler comprises: an outer housing and an inner housing, which form an external wall of an expansion chamber; and a partitioning plate, which separates the expansion chamber into a first expansion chamber on an inner housing side and a second expansion chamber on an outer housing side; and the muffler is a substantial box shape formed by joining the outer housing and the inner housing with the partitioning plate; seen from an axis direction of the cylinder, the partitioning plate is disposed with a slope so that a distance from the partitioning plate to the cylinder decrease as the partitioning plate gets away from the crankcase;the outer housing comprises an upper wall surface, andan exhaust outlet is disposed on a cylinder side of the upper wall surface and discharges an exhaust gas toward a counter-cylinder side along a wall surface of the muffler.2. The engine according to claim 1 , wherein in the wall surface where the exhaust outlet is ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040582A1

An exhaust system component is disclosed. The exhaust system component may have a tubular body that defines a passage. The tubular body may have a joining portion that is configured to fluidly connect the passage to another exhaust system component. The joining portion may have a first layer of cast iron. The joining portion may also have a second layer covering at least a portion of the first layer. The second layer may contain at least iron, chromium, and aluminum. 1. An exhaust system component , comprising:a tubular body defining a passage and including a joining portion configured to fluidly connect the passage to another exhaust system component, a first layer of cast iron; and', 'a second layer covering at least a portion of the first layer and containing at least iron, chromium, and aluminum., 'wherein the joining portion includes2. The exhaust system component of claim 1 , wherein the joining portion defines an open end of the tubular body.3. The exhaust system component of claim 2 , wherein the joining portion extends from the open end to a material intersection claim 2 , the material intersection being a location where an exposed surface of the second layer is continuous with an exposed surface of the first layer.4. The exhaust system component of claim 1 , wherein the second layer is mechanically bonded to an outer surface of the first layer.5. The exhaust system component of claim 1 , wherein the second layer is mechanically bonded to an inner surface of the first layer.6. The exhaust system component of claim 1 , wherein the second layer contains approximately 65-80% iron claim 1 , 15-30% chromium claim 1 , and 3-6% aluminum.7. The exhaust system component of claim 1 , wherein the second layer has a thickness of approximately 0.1-2.0 mm.8. The exhaust system component of claim 1 , wherein the tubular body is configured to be mounted to an engine and the passage is configured to receive exhaust gas from a combustion chamber of the engine.9. A method of ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Component of an Exhaust System

Номер: US20170044965A1

A component of an exhaust system for a combustion engine has a wall in which at least one opening is provided, and a perforated cover which is associated with the opening. A support is provided by which the perforated cover is mounted to the wall of the component. Further, a clearance is provided between the support and the cover such that the cover can shift parallel to the wall of the component. 1. A component of an exhaust system for a combustion engine comprising:a wall in which at least one opening is provided,a perforated cover which is associated with said opening,a support to mount said perforated cover to said wall of said component, anda clearance provided between said support and said cover such that said cover is adapted for shifting parallel to said wall of said component.2. The component of wherein said support is a frame which is mounted to said wall and surrounds an outer edge of said cover.3. The component of wherein the clearance is formed between an end face of said cover and a stop face of said support which is arranged at a distance opposite said end face.4. The component of wherein said support has a mounting portion which is mounted to said wall and a retaining portion for said cover which is offset with respect to said mounting portion as seen in a direction perpendicular to said wall claim 3 , said stop face being formed by a step at a transition from said mounting portion to said retaining portion.5. The component of wherein said support is a stamped sheet-metal component.6. The component of wherein said mounting portion is welded to said wall.7. The component of wherein said cover is held in a prestressed manner between said mounting portion and said wall.8. The component of wherein at least portions of said support are configured in a double-layered manner.9. The component of wherein said support claim 8 , as seen in a cross section claim 8 , has a U-shaped cross-section with two legs claim 8 , said cover being received between said legs ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Line with arched structure

Номер: US20150053387A1

A line is provided for hot gas, for the use particularly in a motor vehicle with an internal combustion engine, with the line including at least one guiding pipe ( 2 ), having deformations ( 4 ) over at least a portion of its length at least over parts of its circumference, which seen from an exterior of the guiding pipe ( 2 ) are embodied convexly or concavely and are interrupted at least once in the circumferential direction.

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150056881A1

A flexible, wrappable multilayered heat shield is provided. The heat shield includes a reflective metal outermost layer, an innermost layer of high temperature yarn capable of withstanding temperatures up to about degrees° C. continuously, and about C. intermittently, and an intermediate layer of nonwoven material capable of withstanding temperatures up to about C. continuously sandwiched between the outermost and innermost layers. 1. A protective heat shield having a multilayered wrappable wall , comprising:a reflective outermost layer;an innermost layer of interlaced high temperature yarn; andan intermediate layer of non-woven material sandwiched between said outermost and innermost layers.2. The protective heat shield of wherein said outermost layer is impervious.3. The protective heat shield of wherein said outermost layer is metal.4. The protective heat shield of wherein said outermost layer is aluminum foil.5. The protective heat shield of wherein said innermost layer is woven.6. The protective heat shield of wherein said innermost layer is braided.7. The protective heat shield of wherein said innermost layer is knit.8. The protective heat shield of wherein said knit innermost layer has a knit inner layer and a knit outer layer knit fixed to one another via a knit middle layer.9. The protective heat shield of wherein said interlaced high temperature yarn are selected from the group consisting of basalt claim 1 , silica claim 1 , ceramic claim 1 , and stainless steel.10. The protective heat shield of wherein said intermediate layer is formed of high temperature fibers.11. The protective heat shield of wherein said high temperature fibers are fiberglass.12. A protective exhaust system heat shield having a multilayered wrappable wall claim 10 , comprising:a reflective outermost layer of impervious metal foil;an innermost layer of interlaced high temperature yarn selected from the group consisting of basalt, silica, ceramic, and stainless steel; andan intermediate ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055876A1

An exhaust component assembly includes a heat shield and a mounting structure to attach the heat shield to an outer housing of an exhaust component. The mounting structure includes a primary insulator located between an outer surface of the outer housing and an inner surface of the heat shield, and at least one secondary insulator positioned adjacent the primary insulator. The primary insulator comprises a sheet of material including at least one encapsulated insulating cavity. 1. An exhaust component assembly comprising:a heat shield; anda mounting structure to attach the heat shield to an outer housing of an exhaust component, wherein the mounting structure comprisesa primary insulator located between an outer surface of the outer housing and an inner surface of the heat shield, wherein the primary insulator comprises a sheet of material including at least one encapsulated insulating cavity, andat least one secondary insulator positioned adjacent the primary insulator.2. The exhaust component assembly according to wherein the sheet of material comprises an insulating mat wrapped around the outer housing claim 1 , and wherein the at least one encapsulated insulating cavity comprises a sealed cavity that is fully encapsulated within the insulating mat.3. The exhaust component assembly according to wherein the sealed cavity is empty.4. The exhaust component assembly according to wherein the sealed cavity is filled with an insulating material.5. The exhaust component assembly according to wherein the insulating material comprises a first insulating material having a first heat transfer coefficient and wherein the insulating mat comprises a second insulating material having a second heat transfer coefficient that is greater than the first heat transfer coefficient.6. The exhaust component assembly according to whereinthe first insulating material comprises a non-fibrous material with a high porosity, a low density aerogel, a porous fibrous material, a foam material ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058301A1
Автор: JANG Chun-Soon

A structure of a warm-up catalytic converter (WCC) for a high power engine may include a front cone transferring exhaust gas to a catalyst carrier, a mat supporting the catalyst carrier, and a shell surrounding the mat and being directly coupled with the front cone. An interior diameter of the front cone is equal to or longer than an exterior diameter of the shell. 1. A structure of a warm-up catalytic converter (WCC) for a high power engine comprising:a front cone transferring exhaust gas to a catalyst carrier;a mat supporting the catalyst carrier; anda shell surrounding the mat and directly coupled with the front cone,wherein an interior diameter of the front cone is equal to or longer than an exterior diameter of the shell.2. The structure of claim 1 , wherein the front cone and the shell are engaged by welding a lower end portion of an overlapping portion of the front cone and the shell.3. The structure of claim 2 , wherein an upper end portion of the mat extends upwardly such that the front cone and the mat are overlapped as a predetermined length with respect to a horizontal direction.4. The structure of claim 3 , wherein the upper end portion of the mat is disposed lower than an upper end portion of the catalyst carrier.5. The structure of claim 2 , wherein a thickness of a lower end portion of the front cone is gradually decreased from a main part of the front cone to the overlapping portion of the front cone and the shell.6. The structure of claim 5 , wherein a material of the front cone is a stainless (SUS) cast steel claim 5 , and the front cone is casting-manufactured such that the thickness of the lower end portion of the front cone has a shape of being gradually decreased from the upper portion of the overlapping portion of the front cone and the shell toward the lower portion of the overlapping portion of the front cone and the shell.7. The structure of claim 5 , wherein a material of the front cone is a SUS cast steel claim 5 , and the front cone is ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Heating Element

Номер: US20210068205A1
Автор: BRÜCK Rolf

A heating element for heating a component for exhaust gas aftertreatment using ohmic resistance includes: an unheated end region; an intermediate region; and a heated end region. The unheated end region and the heated end region are separated by the intermediate region, and the intermediate region consists of a thermally insulating material configured to minimize heat flow from the heated end region to the unheated end region. 17.-. (canceled)811. A heating element () for heating a component for exhaust gas aftertreatment using ohmic resistance , the heating element () comprising:{'b': '3', 'an unheated end region ();'}{'b': '4', 'an intermediate region (); and'}{'b': '5', 'a heated end region (),'}{'b': 3', '5', '4', '4', '5', '3, 'wherein the unheated end region () and the heated end region () are separated by the intermediate region (), and wherein the intermediate region () consists of a thermally insulating material configured to minimize heat flow from the heated end region () to the unheated end region ().'}91. The heating element () as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the thermally insulating material is a ceramic material.101. The heating element () as claimed in claim 8 , further comprising:{'b': 7', '3', '4', '5, 'a channel guide () arranged through the unheated end region () and the intermediate region () and into the heated end region (), and'}{'b': 6', '7, 'an electric conductor () arranged to pass through the channel guide ().'}111. The heating element () as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the thermally insulating material is also configured so as to be electrically insulating.121514. The heating element () as claimed in claim 8 , wherein heat output from the heated end region () toward the environment takes place exclusively in a radial direction of the heating element () and in an axial direction away from the intermediate region ().132. A component () for exhaust gas aftertreatment comprising:a housing; and{'b': '1', 'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00008', ' ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069245A1
Автор: Cha Sung-Chul

Disclosed is a coating material for parts of an engine exhaust system and a method for manufacturing the same. The coating material includes a second junction layer made of CrN or Ti(C)N, a support layer made of TiAlN/CrN disposed on a surface of the second junction layer, and a functional layer made of TiAlN/CrSiN or TiAlN/CrSiCN disposed on a surface of the support layer. The coating material improves abrasion resistance and seizure resistance of the parts of the engine exhaust system. 1. A coating material for parts of an engine exhaust system , comprising:a second junction layer made of CrN or Ti(C)N;a support layer made of TiAlN/CrN disposed on a surface of the second junction layer; anda functional layer made of TiAlN/CrSiN or TiAlN/CrSiCN disposed on a surface of the support layer.2. The coating material for parts of an engine exhaust system of claim 1 , wherein the second junction layer has a thickness of about 0.1 to about 10 μm claim 1 , the support layer has a thickness of about 0.5 to about 10 μm claim 1 , and the functional layer has a thickness of about 0.5 to about 10 μm.3. The coating material for parts of an engine exhaust system of claim 1 , further comprising a first junction layer made of Ti or Cr on a surface of which the second junction layer is disposed.49-. (canceled) This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119 to Korean Patent Application No. 10-2012-110234, filed on Oct. 4, 2012, in the Korean Intellectual Property Office, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.(a) Technical FieldThe present disclosure relates to a coating material for parts of an engine exhaust system and a method for manufacturing the same, and more particularly, to a multi-layered coating material for parts of an engine exhaust system, which includes a first junction layer made of Ti or Cr, a second junction layer made of CrN or Ti(C)N, a support layer made of TiAlN/CrN, and a functional layer made of TiAlN/CrSi(C)N, all of ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066563A1

A vortex flow apparatus including a cylindrical housing that contains a fluid that flows in a swirling circular path. The apparatus may be utilized as a muffler for a combustion engine, a particle separator, or an energy conversion device that physically or chemically acts upon the fluid flow and particles contained within the apparatus. The housing defines an inlet opening that opens into the first end of the housing proximate a first end wall. An outlet tube defines an outlet opening through a first end wall. A projection is attached to a second end wall of the housing and extends into the housing. The outlet tube and projection are aligned with and centered relative to a central axis. 1. An apparatus comprising:a cylindrical housing having a central axis, a first end and a second end, wherein the housing defines an inlet opening, and wherein the inlet opening opens into the first end of the housing proximate a first end wall, and wherein the housing has a side wall that includes a combined oxidation/reduction catalyst coating applied to an inner surface of a side wall of the housing;an outlet tube defining an outlet opening that extends from inside the housing and through the first end wall; anda projection attached to a second end wall of the housing and extending into the housing, wherein the outlet tube and projection are aligned with and centered relative to the central axis.2. The apparatus of wherein the combined oxidation/reduction catalyst coating is applied to an outer surface of the outlet tube.3. The apparatus of wherein the combined oxidation/reduction catalyst coating is applied adjacent the inlet opening.4. The apparatus of wherein the combined oxidation/reduction catalyst coating is applied to the inner surface of the side wall outboard of the outlet tube. This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/713,036 filed May 15, 2015, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,803,667 issued Oct. 31, 2017, which claims the benefit of U.S. ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063625A1

Diesel Exhaust Fluid is metered into an engine exhaust gas aftertreatment system having a close coupled SCR catalyst and a main SCR catalyst. The DEF is injected into two injector locations, one upstream of the close coupled SCR catalyst and another upstream of the main SCR catalyst, the quantity of DEF in each injector being based on primarily the temperature at the main SCR catalyst and the mass flow of the NOx through the aftertreatment system. This method of injection enables a relatively better fuel economy outcome while meeting the regulated tailpipe NOemission levels and the NO formation limits. 2. The internal combustion engine of wherein a quantity of DEF to be injected through the first injector is additionally based on temperature of the diesel particulate filter.3. The internal combustion engine of where in the first injector is upstream of the close coupled SCR catalyst and the second injector is upstream of the main SCR catalyst and downstream of the diesel particulate filter.4. The internal combustion engine of wherein the close coupled SCR is a vanadium-based formulation.5. The internal combustion engine of wherein the main SCR is a Cu Zeolite formulation.6. The internal combustion engine of wherein temperature of the main SCR is measured using a temperature probe in the main SCR and the mass flow of the NOx is measured using a flow sensor placed in the exhaust manifold.7. A control system of an internal combustion engine claim 1 , the control system comprising:a controller;a first data source providing data defining a first value of a main SCR temperature;a second data source providing a mass flow of NOx;a first pre-determined map determining a desired total DEF dosing quantity based on the main SCR temperature and the mass flow of NOx;a second pre-determined map determining a desired first fraction of the desired total DEF dosing quantity through a first injector; whereinthe controller calculates DEF dosing quantity through the first injector based ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Exhaust Tip

Номер: US20170072874A1
Автор: Frank Hodges
Принадлежит: Individual

A decorative automotive exhaust comprising cut outs on an exterior portion to expose a decorative plate. The depth of the decorative plate relative to the cut outs creates a 3D perspective.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076427A1

Various embodiments are directed towards a modular thermal-insulating assembly. The assembly is operative to thermally insulating an exhaust duct of an engine. The engine may be an engine for a watercraft. The assembly includes a lower-base segment and a top-cover segment. The lower-base segment is positioned vertically below the exhaust duct. The top-cover segment includes a top-cover outer wall. The top-cover outer wall includes a first lateral portion, a second lateral portion, and a horizontal portion. The top-cover segment is coupled to a portion of the lower-base segment. A portion of the exhaust duct is vertically intermediate the portion of the lower-base segment and the horizontal portion of the top-cover outer wall. Furthermore, the portion of the exhaust duct is laterally intermediate the first and the second lateral portions of the top-cover outer wall. 1. A modular thermal-insulating assembly for thermally insulating an exhaust duct of an engine , the assembly comprising:a lower-base segment that is positioned vertically below the exhaust duct; anda top-cover segment that includes a top-cover outer wall that has a first lateral portion, a second lateral portion, and a horizontal portion, wherein the top-cover segment is coupled to a portion of the lower-base segment such that a portion of the exhaust duct is vertically intermediate the portion of the lower-base segment and the horizontal portion of the top-cover outer wall and laterally intermediate the first and the second lateral portions of the top-cover outer wall.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the top-cover segment includes a first longitudinal opening and a second longitudinal opening that opposes the first longitudinal opening such that the portion of the exhaust duct is longitudinally intermediate the first and the second longitudinal openings claim 1 , and a first end of the exhaust duct longitudinally extends out the first longitudinal opening and a second end of the exhaust duct ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074135A1
Автор: Abram Kwin

An adaptive valve assembly includes a pipe defining a passageway for conducting engine exhaust gases, a pivot shaft supported by the pipe, and a valve body coupled to the pivot shaft. The valve body is moveable between an open position where exhaust gas flow through the passageway is increased and a closed position where exhaust gas flow through the passageway is reduced. A spring biases the valve body toward the closed position. The spring includes a plurality of coils that have torsional displacement relative to each other as the valve body moves between the open and closed positions. A torsional damper feature is associated with at least one coil of the plurality of coils to provide torsional spring damping. 1. An adaptive valve assembly comprising:a pipe defining a passageway for conducting engine exhaust gases at a location downstream of a vehicle engine;a pivot shaft supported by the pipe;a valve body coupled to the pivot shaft, the valve body moveable between an open position where exhaust gas flow through the passageway is increased and a closed position where exhaust gas flow through the passageway is reduced;a spring biasing the valve body toward the closed position, the spring comprised of a plurality of coils that have torsional displacement relative to each other as the valve body moves between the open and closed positions; anda torsional damper feature associated with at least one coil of the plurality of coils to provide torsional spring damping.2. The adaptive valve assembly according to wherein the plurality of coils includes at least a first set of at least two adjacent coils that are spaced apart from each other by a first distance and a second set of at least two adjacent coils that are spaced apart from each other by a second distance that is greater than the first distance.3. The adaptive valve assembly according to wherein the spring has a first spring end fixed to a non-rotating structure and a second spring end configured for rotation with ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Method for improving durability of exhaust pipe, and exhaust gas purification apparatus

Номер: US20150082776A1
Принадлежит: UD Trucks Corp

In an exhaust gas purification apparatus or other apparatuses that are supplied with ammonia generated from a urea aqueous solution and causes selective reduction and purification of nitride oxides, a shot peening treatment is applied to a welded portion of its exhaust pipe which is made of a ferritic stainless steel plate and through which exhaust gas containing ammonia and hydrogen passes. By shot peening the welded portion of the exhaust pipe, a tensile residual stress in the welded portion of the exhaust pipe can be replaced with a compressive residual stress, and further the diameter of metal crystal grains in the welded portion can be reduced. In this way, the durability of the exhaust pipe can be improved.

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150086412A1

A heat-resistant, austenitic cast steel having excellent machinability comprising by mass 0.4-0.55% of C, 1-2% of Si, 0.5-1.5% of Mn, 18-27% of Cr, 8-22% of Ni, 1.5-2.5% of Nb, 0.01-0.3% of N, 0.1-0.2% of S, and 0.02-0.15% of Al, the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities, a machinability index I represented by the following formula: I=100×S+75×Al+0.75×Mn−10×C−2×Nb−0.25×Cr−0.15×Ni−1.2×N, wherein each element symbol represents % by mass of each element in the cast steel, meeting the condition of −3.0≦I≦+14.0, and an exhaust member made thereof. 2. The heat-resistant claim 1 , austenitic cast steel according to claim 1 , which further comprises by mass 0.5-3.2% of W and/or Mo (as W+2 Mo).3. The heat-resistant claim 1 , austenitic cast steel according to claim 1 , which has a structure claim 1 , in which the area ratio of sulfide particles having equivalent circle diameters of 2 μm or more to all sulfide particles is 60% or more.4. The heat-resistant claim 1 , austenitic cast steel according to claim 1 , wherein when it is milled with a cemented carbide tool at a cutting speed of 150 m/minute claim 1 , a feed of 0.2 mm/tooth claim 1 , and a cutting depth of 1.0 mm claim 1 , under a dry condition without a cutting liquid claim 1 , a tool life expressed by cutting time until the flank wear of the cemented carbide tool reaches 0.2 mm is 25 minutes or more.5. An exhaust member made of the heat-resistant claim 1 , austenitic cast steel having excellent machinability recited in . The present invention relates to a heat-resistant cast steel suitable for exhaust members, etc. of gasoline engines and diesel engines of automobiles, particularly to heat-resistant, austenitic cast steel having excellent machinability, and an exhaust member made thereof.For the purpose of environmental load reduction and environmental protection recently needed on a global scale, the cleaning of exhaust gases for reducing the emission of air-polluting materials, and the improvement of fuel ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080174A1
Автор: Kim Hyung Joon

Provided are a ferritic stainless steel for automotive exhaust systems with improved heat resistance and condensate corrosion resistance and a method for manufacturing the same. The ferritic stainless steel according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention includes a stainless steel base material comprising, in % by weight, C: 0.01% or less, Si: 0.5 to 1.0%, Mn: 0.5% or less, P: 0.035% or less, S: 0.01% or less, Cr: 11 to 18%, N: 0.013% or less, Ti: 0.15 to 0.5%, Sn: 0.03 to 0.5%, and the remainder of Fe and other inevitable impurities, and an Al-plated layer formed on the stainless steel base material, wherein the ferritic stainless steel comprises a plating compound comprising (AlFeMnSi)(Aluminum Iron Manganese Silicide) at an interface between the stainless steel base material and the Al-plated layer. 1. A ferritic stainless steel for automotive exhaust systems with improved heat resistance and condensate corrosion resistance , comprising:a stainless steel base material comprising, in % by weight, C: 0.01% or less, Si: 0.5 to 1.0%, Mn: 0.5% or less, P: 0.035% or less, S: 0.01% or less, Cr: 11 to 18%, N: 0.013% or less, Ti: 0.15 to 0.5%, Sn: 0.03 to 0.5%, and the remainder of Fe and other inevitable impurities, and an Al-plated layer formed on the stainless steel base material,{'sub': 19', '2', '5,31, 'wherein the ferritic stainless steel comprises a plating compound comprising (AlFeMnSi)(Aluminum Iron Manganese Silicide) at an interface between the stainless steel base material and the Al-plated layer.'}2. The ferritic stainless steel according to claim 1 , wherein the plating compound further comprises at least one selected from a group consisting of AlFeSi(Aluminum Iron Silicon) claim 1 , AlFeSi(Aluminum Iron Silicon) claim 1 , and Al (Aluminum)3. The ferritic stainless steel according to claim 1 , wherein Sn is concentrated on a surface of the stainless steel base material adjacent to the Al-plated layer by 4.5 times or more as compared to the ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Exhaust gas post-processing system

Номер: US20170089240A1
Автор: Jin Woo Choung
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

An exhaust gas post-processing system includes an oxidation catalyst configured to oxidize substances included in the exhaust gas; a diesel particulate filter configured to collect particulate matters included in the exhaust gas and disposed subsequent to the oxidation catalyst; a dosing module configured to inject a reducing agent and disposed subsequent to the diesel particulate filter; and a selective catalytic reduction configured to remove nitrogen oxide using the reducing agent included in the exhaust gas and disposed subsequent to the dosing module. The diesel particulate filter includes a catalytic component represented by La 1-x Ag x MnO 3 (where 0<x<1).

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093192A1
Принадлежит: NISSHIN STEEL CO., LTD.

A Ti-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet having a large gauge thickness and excellent toughness has a chemical composition containing, in terms of percentage by mass, from 0.003 to 0.030% of C, 2.0% or less of Si, 2.0% or less of Mn, 0.050% or less of P, 0.040% or less of S, from 10.0 to 19.0% of Cr, 0.030% or less of N, from 0.07 to 0.50% of Ti, from 0.010 to 0.20% of Al, from 0 to 1.50% of Mo, and from 0 to 0.0030% of B, the balance of Fe and unavoidable impurities. The steel has a K value defined by the following expression of 150 or more: K value=−0.07′Cr−6790′Free(C+N)−1.44′d+267, and having a sheet thickness of from 5.0 to 11.0 mm. Herein, Free(C+N) corresponds to the solid-dissolved (C+N) concentration (% by mass), and d represents an average crystal grain diameter (μm). 2. The Ti-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the Ti-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet has the chemical composition further containing claim 1 , in terms of percentage by mass claim 1 , 1.50% or less of Mo.3. The Ti-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the Ti-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet has the chemical composition further containing claim 1 , in terms of percentage by mass claim 1 , 0.0030% or less of B.4. A method for manufacturing the Ti-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet according to claim 1 , comprising:a step of heating a slab of a steel having the chemical composition in a heating furnace, then taking out the slab at a temperature of from 950 to 1,120° C. from the furnace, rolling the slab with a rough rolling mill to provide an intermediate slab having a sheet thickness of from 20 to 50 mm and a surface temperature of from 700 to 850° C., then hot-rolling the intermediate slab to a sheet having a thickness of from 5.0 to 11.0 mm, and then coiling the sheet at a surface temperature of from 650 to 800° C., so as to provide a hot rolled steel sheet; anda step of annealing the hot ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Marine engine assembly

Номер: US20200095925A1
Автор: Martin Selway
Принадлежит: Cox Powertrain Ltd

A marine engine assembly is provided for propelling a marine vessel. The marine engine assembly includes an internal combustion engine configured to drive a propulsion arrangement, a turbocharger comprising a turbine portion having a turbine outlet, and a turbocharger exhaust conduit coupled to the turbine outlet. The turbocharger exhaust conduit acts as a primary support to the turbocharger within the marine engine assembly.

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101829A1
Автор: Wataru Kato
Принадлежит: Subaru Corp

A vehicle includes a turbine engine. The turbine engine is mounted on a frame member on a front side of the vehicle and has a turbine engine body and an exhaust pipe coupled to a rear side of the turbine engine body in a front-rear direction of the vehicle. A fragile part configured to be crushed more easily than another part of the exhaust pipe is formed in the exhaust pipe on the turbine engine body side.

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112233A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a molded part from glass fiber and/or mineral fiber material with an inorganic binder. The inorganic binder is cured using electromagnetic radiation in order to form the molded part. The tool is designed to be at least partly permeable for the electromagnetic radiation for curing purposes, and the inorganic binder is a binder which can be cured by electromagnetic radiation. The invention further relates to a molded part which can be obtained in the aforementioned manner. Finally, the invention relates to a manufacturing unit for producing a molded part from glass fiber and/or mineral fiber material and an inorganic binder. The manufacturing unit comprises a device for providing a tool for forming the molded part, a device for introducing the glass fiber and/or mineral fiber material and the inorganic binder into the tool, a device for generating electromagnetic radiation to cure the inorganic binder in order to form a molded part, and optionally a device for removing the molded part from the tool. 2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the glass fiber material and/or mineral fiber material is a textured glass fiber material and/or mineral fiber material.3. The process as claimed in wherein the glass fiber material is an E glass claim 1 , S glass or ECR glass or combinations of these.4. The process as claimed in wherein the mold that is transparent to the electromagnetic radiation is or includes a material selected from the group consisting of polypropylene (PP) claim 1 , polyethylene (PE) claim 1 , polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) claim 1 , polyvinylchloride (PVC) claim 1 , glass claim 1 , ceramic or mixtures of these.5. The process as claimed in wherein the inorganic binder is or includes a sodium- claim 1 , potassium- and/or lithium-based waterglass claim 1 , and/or a silica sol.6. The process as claimed in wherein the proportion of the inorganic binder in the molding is not more than 15% by weight of solids ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Device for supplying ammonia with solid adblue

Номер: US20220266681A1
Принадлежит: Hefei University of Technology

A device for supplying ammonia with solid adblue includes a urea tank, a gasholder, a heating apparatus, a mixing mechanism, a one-way valve, a first temperature sensor, a second temperature sensor, a first baroceptor, a controller. The mixing mechanism includes a first pipe, second pipe a third pipe, and media. The device is easy to has the same temperature everywhere, and then the heat distribution of the urea tank can be evenly, thus the effectiveness about the heating apparatus is elevated.

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120112A1
Автор: Ito Yuzuru

An exhaust leak detecting apparatus includes an exhaust pressure sensor to detect the exhaust pressure in a portion of an exhaust passage that allows exhaust gas discharged from an engine to flow therethrough, the portion being located at a position upstream of a catalyst for purifying exhaust gas, and an exhaust leak determining part to determine that exhaust gas is leaking or may leak from the exhaust passage upstream of the catalyst and generate a warning when the exhaust pressure detected by the exhaust pressure sensor falls outside a predetermined range. 1. An exhaust leak detecting apparatus comprising:an exhaust pressure detecting part configured to detect pressure of exhaust gas in an exhaust passage at a position upstream of a catalyst provided in the exhaust passage, the exhaust passage being configured to allow the exhaust gas that is discharged from an internal combustion engine to flow through the exhaust passage and the catalyst being configured to purify the exhaust gas; andan exhaust leak determining part configured to determine that the exhaust gas is leaking or may leak from the exhaust passage upstream of the catalyst and generate a warning when the exhaust pressure detected by the exhaust pressure detecting part falls outside a predetermined range.2. The exhaust leak detecting apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinwhen the exhaust pressure detected by the exhaust pressure detecting part is higher than an upper limit of the predetermined range, the exhaust leak determining part is configured to determine that the exhaust gas is leaking or may leak from the exhaust passage upstream of the catalyst due to clogging of the catalyst.3. The exhaust leak detecting apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe upper limit and a lower limit of the predetermined range are calculated based on an amount of intake air to be sucked into the internal combustion engine.4. The exhaust leak detecting apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinwhen an amount of intake ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Heat exchanger of an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20140208725A1

A heat exchanger ( 18 ) is provided for an internal combustion engine ( 1 ) for heat transfer between a gas stream ( 8 ) and a working medium stream ( 10 ). The heat exchanger ( 18 ) comprises a housing ( 28 ), which encloses a gas path ( 38 ), and with at least one spiral tube ( 29 ), which carries a working medium path ( 30 ) and which is arranged in the gas path ( 38 ) and which extends helically in relation to the central longitudinal axis ( 31 ) of the housing ( 28 ). Increased fatigue strength is achieved with an elastic outer mounting layer ( 32 ). The elastic outer mounting layer ( 32 ) is arranged between the housing ( 28 ) and the at least one spiral tube ( 29 ).

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128140A1
Автор: PARK Cheol-Hyun

A urea-water solution heating and cooling device for construction equipment capable of reducing nitrogen oxides in exhaust gas discharged from an engine includes: an SCR mounted on an exhaust pipe of an engine to perform a reduction process on nitrogen oxides in exhaust gas discharged along the exhaust pipe; a urea-water solution tank that stores a urea-water solution; an injector mounted on the exhaust pipe on the upstream of the SCR to inject the urea-water solution supplied from the urea-water solution tank into the exhaust pipe; a valve installed on a conduit between an engine coolant pump and the urea-water solution tank to supply engine coolant introduced from the engine coolant pump to the urea-water solution tank when being opened in order to increase the temperature of the urea-water solution in the urea-water solution tank to a set value; and a controller that opens the valve in order to supply the engine coolant to the urea-water solution tank and controls to drive a urea-water solution pump in order to supply the urea-water solution in the urea-water solution tank to the injector. 1. A urea-water solution heating device for construction equipment , the device comprising:an engine including a heat exchanger and an engine coolant pump;an SCR mounted on an exhaust pipe of the engine to perform a reduction process on nitrogen oxides in exhaust gas discharged along the exhaust pipe;a urea-water solution tank storing a urea-water solution;an injector mounted on the exhaust pipe at an upstream of the SCR to inject the urea-water solution, supplied from the urea-water solution tank by a urea-water solution pump, into the exhaust pipe;a valve installed on a conduit between the engine coolant pump and the urea-water solution tank and supplying an engine coolant from the engine coolant pump to the urea-water solution tank when being opened in order to increase a temperature of the urea-water solution in the urea-water solution tank to a set value; anda controller ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128151A1

An exhaust manifold may include a main body provided with a plurality of branching passages communicating with a vehicle engine and provided with a single passage communicating with an exhaust canister, the branching passages merging with the single passage; and a coating layer coated on an internal surface of the main body forming the branching passages and the single passage, the coating layer including an aerogel. 1. An exhaust manifold comprising:a main body provided with a plurality of branching passages communicating with a vehicle engine, and provided with a single passage communicating with an exhaust canister, the branching passages merging with the single passage; anda coating layer coated on an internal surface of the main body forming the branching passages and the single passage, the coating layer including an aerogel.2. The exhaust manifold of claim 1 , wherein the main body includes:an upper portion provided with a first curved surface on a bottom surface thereof by being curved upwardly at a location corresponding to a location where the branching passages and the single passage are provided, and provided with a first bonding surface between the plurality of the branching passages; anda lower portion provided with a second curved surface on a top surface thereof by being curved downwardly, forming the branching passages and the single passage by being coupled with the upper portion, and provided with a second bonding surface between the plurality of the branching passages to contact with the first bonding surface,wherein the coating layer is coated along the first curved surface and the second curved surface to have a predetermined thickness.3. The exhaust manifold of claim 1 , whereinthe coating layer further includes an additive to improve adhesion, wherein particles form the aerogel cluster on the internal surface of the main body.4. The exhaust manifold of claim 3 , whereinthe coating layer is in a multilayer structure formed by repeatedly ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130626A1
Принадлежит: IBIDEN CO., LTD.

A honeycomb filter includes a plurality of cells and porous cell walls. Exhaust gas is to flow through the plurality of cells. The plurality of cells include exhaust gas introduction cells and exhaust gas emission cells. The honeycomb filter has a round cross sectional shape. Each of the exhaust gas emission cells is adjacently surrounded fully by the exhaust gas introduction cells. In the cross section, the exhaust gas introduction cells and the exhaust gas emission cells each have a polygonal shape. In the cross section, a side forming a cross sectional shape of each of the first exhaust gas introduction cells faces one of the exhaust gas emission cells, a side forming a cross sectional shape of each of the second exhaust gas introduction cells faces one of the exhaust gas emission cells. 1. A honeycomb filter comprising:a plurality of cells through which exhaust gas is to flow and which include exhaust gas introduction cells and exhaust gas emission cells, the exhaust gas introduction cells each having an open end at an exhaust gas introduction side and a plugged end at an exhaust gas emission side, the exhaust gas emission cells each having an open end at the exhaust gas emission side and a plugged end at the exhaust gas introduction side;porous cell walls defining rims of the plurality of cells;a round cross sectional shape;a ratio of length of the honeycomb filter to a diameter of the round cross sectional shape of less than 1.0;the exhaust gas introduction cells and the exhaust gas emission cells each having a uniform cross sectional shape except for a plugged portion in a cross section perpendicular to a longitudinal direction of the plurality of cells thoroughly from the exhaust gas introduction side to the exhaust gas emission side;the exhaust gas introduction cells including first exhaust gas introduction cells and second exhaust gas introduction cells, each of the second exhaust gas introduction cells having a cross sectional area larger than a cross ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Ferritic stainless steel

Номер: US20150139851A1
Принадлежит: JFE Steel Corp

The invention provides ferritic stainless steels having excellent scale adhesion and thermal fatigue properties. The ferritic stainless steels include, by mass %, C: not more than 0.020%, Si: not more than 1.0%, Mn: not more than 1.0%, P: not more than 0.040%, S: not more than 0.030%, Cr: 16.0% to 20.0%, N: not more than 0.020%, Nb: 0.30% to 0.80%, Ti: from 4×(C %+N %) % to 0.50% wherein C % and N % indicate the C content and the N content (mass %), respectively, Al: less than 0.20%, Ni: 0.05% to 0.40%, and Co: 0.01% to 0.30%, the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities.

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220275743A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A tubular member for an exhaust gas treatment device according to at least one embodiment of the present invention includes: a tubular main body made of a metal; and an insulating layer formed at least on an inner peripheral surface of the tubular main body. The insulating layer contains glass containing a crystalline substance, and the glass contains silicon, boron, and magnesium. 1. A tubular member for an exhaust gas treatment device , comprising:a tubular main body made of a metal; andan insulating layer formed at least on an inner peripheral surface of the tubular main body,wherein the insulating layer contains glass containing a crystalline substance, andwherein the glass contains silicon, boron, and magnesium.2. The tubular member for an exhaust gas treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the insulating layer has a pressing deformation temperature of 750° C. or more claim 1 , which is defined as follows:the pressing deformation temperature is a temperature at which the insulating layer is deformed by 10% with respect to a thickness of the insulating layer in a thickness direction of the insulating layer when the insulating layer is heated at a temperature increase rate of 10° C./min from normal temperature while being pressed at a pressure of 0.1 MPa through use of an alumina needle of 1 mmΦ.3. The tubular member for an exhaust gas treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the glass has a content of silicon of 20 mol % or less.4. The tubular member for an exhaust gas treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the glass has a content of magnesium of 10 mol % or more.5. The tubular member for an exhaust gas treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the insulating layer has a thickness of from 30 μm to 800 μm.6. The tubular member for an exhaust gas treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the glass contains barium claim 1 , and one of lanthanum claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , and a combination thereof.7. The tubular member for an ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123960A1
Автор: Hwang Dae Gil

An exhaust tail trim for a vehicle capable of being manufactured in various colors and having advantages of improving aesthetic sense, improving sense of integrated design and improving merchantability of a vehicle may include a heat pipe assembly disposed at an outside of an exhaust pipe through which exhaust gas is discharged; and a trim cover disposed at an end portion of the exhaust pipe and located at an outside of the heat pipe assembly, where the trim cover is made of synthetic resin. 1. An exhaust tail trim for a vehicle , comprising:a heat pipe assembly disposed at an outside of an exhaust pipe through which exhaust gas is discharged; anda trim cover disposed at an end portion of the exhaust pipe and located at an outside of the heat pipe assembly; andwherein the heat pipe assembly receives heat of the exhaust gas passing through the exhaust pipe and emits the heat to the outside of the heat pipe assembly.2. The exhaust tail trim for the vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising:an expanding tube portion being connected with the end portion of the exhaust pipe and having a shape in which a diameter thereof increases gradually toward an outlet of the exhaust gas; anda bracket disposed between the exhaust pipe and the trim cover to fix and support the trim cover with respect to the exhaust pipe; andwherein the trim cover is installed to surround the expanding tube portion.3. The exhaust tail trim for the vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the heat pipe assembly comprises:a plurality of heat pipes disposed around the exhaust pipe and the expanding tube portion; anda holder connecting and fixing the plurality of heat pipes.4. The exhaust tail trim for the vehicle of claim 3 , wherein each of the plurality of heat pipes is disposed on an exterior of the exhaust pipe and the expanding tube portion in a longitudinal direction thereof to absorb the heat from the expanding tube portion.5. The exhaust tail trim for the vehicle of claim 4 , wherein the plurality of heat pipes ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153339A1
Автор: Chu Dong Ho

An exhaust manifold for vehicles may include a partition provided between a first junction where at least two of runners of the exhaust manifold leading to a cylinder join and a second junction where remaining runners join. 1. An exhaust manifold for vehicles comprising:a partition provided between a first junction where at least two of runners of the exhaust manifold leading to a cylinder join and a second junction where remaining runners join.2. The exhaust manifold for the vehicles of claim 1 , wherein a reinforcing member is configured to form the partition to have a higher temperature endurance than a remaining exhaust manifold.3. The exhaust manifold for the vehicles of claim 2 , wherein the reinforcing member forms the partition to have a material of the higher temperature endurance than that of the remaining exhaust manifold.4. The exhaust manifold for the vehicles of claim 3 , wherein the partition is formed from a stainless steel or a cast iron claim 3 , and the remaining exhaust manifold is formed from aluminum.5. The exhaust manifold for the vehicles of claim 4 , wherein the partition is formed from a sheet material of the stainless steel or the cast iron.6. The exhaust manifold for the vehicles of claim 1 , wherein the partition is formed integrally with the exhaust manifold.7. The exhaust manifold for the vehicles of claim 1 , wherein a connector member is connected to an exhaust port claim 1 , and the partition is formed at the connector member to be provided between the first junction and the second junction.8. The exhaust manifold for the vehicles of claim 7 , wherein the partition is formed monolithically with the connector member.9. The exhaust manifold for the vehicles of claim 7 , wherein the connector member is a turbocharger or a post-treatment device. The present application claims priority of Korean Patent Application Number 10-2014-0167093 filed on Nov. 27, 2014, the entire contents of which application are incorporated herein for all ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170159539A1

An exhaust connection unit for a catalytic converter for connecting a turbocharger and a warm-up catalytic converter provided in a downstream side of the turbocharger includes a flange of which one end is installed to the turbocharger, and a connection member integrally formed by using a single cylindrical pipe through bending, cutting, and hydro-forming molding, and where one end of the pipe is connected to the other end of the flange and the other end of the pipe is connected to the warm-up catalytic converter. 1. An exhaust connection unit for a catalytic converter for connecting a turbocharger and a warm-up catalytic converter provided in a downstream side of the turbocharger , comprising:a flange of which one end is installed to the turbocharger; anda connection member integrally formed by using a single cylindrical pipe through bending, cutting, and hydro-forming molding, and where one end of the pipe is connected to the other end of the flange and the other end of the pipe is connected to the warm-up catalytic converter.2. The exhaust connection unit for the catalytic converter of claim 1 , wherein the flange comprises:a connection portion connected to the turbocharger; andan insertion portion inserted into the connection member.3. The exhaust connection unit for the catalytic converter of claim 2 , wherein a supporting step claim 2 , by which one end of the connection member is supported claim 2 , is formed between the connection portion and the insertion portion.4. The exhaust connection unit for the catalytic converter of claim 1 , wherein the flange is formed by molding austenite-based carbon alloy steel.5. The exhaust connection unit for the catalytic converter of claim 1 , wherein the connection member is formed by shaping a cylindrical shaped pipe into a “U” through bending-molding claim 1 , cutting the U-shaped pipe and then expanding the entire shape and lateral ends of each cut pipe through hydro-forming molding.6. The exhaust connection unit for ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190154177A1

A Ti-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet for an exhaust pipe flange member has a composition containing, in mass percentage, from 0.003 to 0.030% of C, 2.0% or less of S i, 2.0% or less of Mn, 0.050% or less of P, 0.040% or less of S, from 10.0 to 19.0% of Cr, 0.030% or less of N, from 0.07 to 0.50% of Ti, from 0.010 to 0.20% of Al, from 0 to 1.50% of Mo, and from 0 to 0.0030% of B, with the balance Fe and unavoidable impurities, has a K value of 150 or more, has a sheet surface hardness of 170 HV or less, and has a sheet thickness of from 5.0 to 11.0 mm. The K value equals −0.07×Cr−6790×Free(C+N)−1.44×d+267, wherein Free(C+N) corresponds to the solid-dissolved (C+N) concentration (% by mass), and d represents an average crystal grain diameter (μm). 2. The Ti-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet for an exhaust pipe flange member according to claim 1 , wherein the Ti-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet has the chemical composition further containing claim 1 , in terms of percentage by mass claim 1 , 1.50% or less of Mo.3. The Ti-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet for an exhaust pipe flange member according to claim 1 , wherein the Ti-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet has the chemical composition further containing claim 1 , in terms of percentage by mass claim 1 , 0.0030% or less of B.4. A method for producing the Ti-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet for an exhaust pipe flange member according to claim 1 , comprising:a step of heating a slab of a steel having the chemical composition in a heating furnace, then taking out the slab at a temperature of from 950 to 1,120° C. from the furnace, rolling the slab with a roughing mill to provide an intermediate slab having a sheet thickness of from 20 to 50 mm and a surface temperature of from 700 to 850° C., then hot-rolling the intermediate slab to a thickness of from 5.0 to 11.0 mm, and then coiling at a surface temperature of from 650 to 800° C., so as to provide a hot rolled steel ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210189927A1

A noise muffler for an air moving device can include a housing with a housing inlet, a housing outlet, and at least a first foam component and a second foam component. The first foam component and the second foam component are placed within a cavity of the housing and define an air passageway. The first foam component and the second foam component redirect air flow through the cavity in three dimensions in order to muffle noise generated by the air moving device. 1. A noise muffler for an air moving device , the noise muffler comprising:a housing defining a cavity;a housing inlet;a housing outlet;a first foam component within the housing; anda second foam component within the housing, wherein the first foam component and the second foam component are configured to redirect an air flow through the cavity of the noise muffler in three dimensions.2. The noise muffler of claim 1 , wherein the first foam component and the second foam component comprise one of melamine and urethane.3. The noise muffler of claim 1 , wherein the first foam component and the second foam component define an air channel through which the air flow passes.4. The noise muffler of claim 3 , wherein the entirety of the air channel through the first foam component and the second foam component is surrounded by foam material.5. The noise muffler of claim 1 , further comprising a third foam component.6. The noise muffler of claim 5 , wherein the third foam component has a cross-sectional shape of a rectangle.7. The noise muffler of claim 1 , wherein the first foam component comprises a first opening and a second opening.8. The noise muffler of claim 7 , wherein the second foam component comprises a third opening and a fourth opening.9. The noise muffler of claim 8 , wherein the air flow enters the housing inlet claim 8 , passes through the first opening claim 8 , the second opening claim 8 , the third opening claim 8 , and the fourth opening claim 8 , and then exits through the housing outlet.10. The ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Honeycomb bodies with multi-zoned honeycomb structures and co-extrusion manufacturing methods

Номер: US20210197185A1
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

A honeycomb body with a honeycomb structure having an inner zone of a first plurality of walls and an outer zone of a second plurality of walls at least partially surrounding the inner zone. The honeycomb structure has Pi that is greater than Po and MPSi that is greater than MPSo, wherein Pi is an average bulk porosity of the first plurality of walls, Po is an average bulk porosity of the second plurality of walls, MPSi is a median pore size of pores in the first plurality of walls, and MPSo is a median pore size of pores in the second plurality of walls. Various honeycomb structures, honeycomb extrusion apparatus, and co-extrusion methods are disclosed.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180169624A1

A lean NO x trap catalyst and its use in an emission treatment system for internal combustion engines is disclosed. The lean NO x trap catalyst comprises a first layer and a second layer.

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160177801A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

An exhaust system for an internal combustion engine includes an injection nozzle for injecting a liquid reductant into exhaust gas streaming through the exhaust system. A mixer is arranged in the exhaust-gas stream for swirling and dispersing the liquid reductant in the exhaust-gas stream. The mixer is provided with a heat-resistant, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant non-stick coating which is made of a glass or ceramic material to promote rolling off of the reductant. A SCR catalyst is arranged downstream of the mixer for selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides with the aid of the reductant or decomposition products of the reductant. 1. An exhaust system for an internal combustion engine , comprising:an injection nozzle for injecting a liquid reductant into exhaust gas streaming through the exhaust system;a mixer arranged in the exhaust-gas stream for swirling and dispersing the liquid reductant in the exhaust-gas stream, said mixer being provided with a heat-resistant, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant non-stick coating which is made of a glass or ceramic material to promote rolling off of the reductant; anda SCR catalyst, arranged downstream of the mixer, for selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides with the aid of the reductant or decomposition products of the reductant.2. The exhaust system of claim 1 , wherein the glass or ceramic material is of a composition suitable for application as liquid sol or gel upon the mixer and for sintering through heating.3. The exhaust system of claim 1 , wherein the glass or ceramic material contains particles with a grain size in a nanometer range.4. The exhaust system of claim 1 , wherein the glass or ceramic material contains silicon or silicon oxide.5. The exhaust system of claim 1 , wherein the glass or ceramic material includes a dense glassy surface that promotes the rolling off of the reductant.6. The exhaust system of claim 1 , wherein the glass or ceramic material has a hydrophobic nano ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Method for producing a corrosion resistant steel and corrosion resistant steel provided thereby

Номер: US20180171858A1
Принадлежит: Hille & Müller GmbH

A method for producing a corrosion resistant metal substrate and corrosion resistant metal substrate provided thereby. The method involves forming a plated substrate including a metal substrate provided with a nickel layer or with a nickel and cobalt layer followed by electrodepositing a molybdenum oxide layer from an aqueous solution onto the plated substrate, which is subsequently subjected to an annealing step in a reducing atmosphere to reduce the molybdenum oxide in the molybdenum oxide layer to molybdenum metal in a reduction annealing step and to form a diffusion layer which contains nickel and molybdenum, and optionally cobalt. 1. A corrosion resistant metal substrate comprisinga plated substrate comprising a steel or aluminium substrate and a plating layer selected from:i. a nickel or nickel-based layer on the steel or aluminium substrate, orii. a nickel or nickel-based layer on the steel or aluminium substrate having a cobalt layer on the nickel or nickel-based layer, anda diffusion layer directly on the plating layer;the diffusion layer produced by electrodepositing a molybdenum oxide layer from an aqueous solution onto the plated substrate, wherein the plated substrate acts as a cathode, wherein the aqueous solution comprises a molybdenum salt and an alkali metal phosphate and wherein the pH of the aqueous solution is adjusted to between 4.0 and 6.5, wherein the plated substrate provided with the molybdenum oxide layer is subjected to an annealing step in a reducing atmosphere to, at least partly and preferably fully, reduce the molybdenum oxide in the molybdenum oxide layer to molybdenum metal in a reduction annealing step and to form, simultaneously or subsequently, in the annealing step the diffusion layer which contains nickel and molybdenum, and optionally cobalt, wherein the nickel originates from the nickel or nickel-based layer, the cobalt originates from the optional cobalt layer, and the molybdenum originates from the molybdenum oxide layer, ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160186639A1

A vehicle engine exhaust system includes an exhaust component and a non-conductive support member. The exhaust component is supported by a vehicle body via the non-conductive support member. The vehicle body and the exhaust component are positively charged. The vehicle engine exhaust system further includes a self discharge type static electricity eliminator that reduces, in a state where the self discharge type static electricity eliminator is installed on a non-conductive wall surface, an amount of electrification charge on the non-conductive wall surface within a limited area around a location where the self discharge type static electricity eliminator is installed. The self discharge type static electricity eliminator is installed on the non-conductive support member such that static electricity elimination is performed for the exhaust component. 1. A vehicle engine exhaust system comprising:an exhaust component;a non-conductive support member, the exhaust component being supported by a vehicle body via the non-conductive support member, the vehicle body and the exhaust component being positively charged; anda self discharge type static electricity eliminator that reduces, in a state where the self discharge type static electricity eliminator is installed on a non-conductive wall surface, an amount of electrification charge on the non-conductive wall surface within a limited area around a location where the self discharge type static electricity eliminator is installed, the self discharge type static electricity eliminator being installed on the non-conductive support member such that static electricity elimination is performed for the exhaust component.2. The vehicle engine exhaust system according to claim 1 , wherein the non-conductive support member is formed from a rubber material.3. The vehicle engine exhaust system according to claim 2 , wherein:the non-conductive support member is a rubber piece;an upper part of the rubber piece is supported by the ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190178125A1
Автор: Wessels Michael

A method for producing a gasoline engine exhaust gas system having a particulate filter includes using at least one spacer for positioning at least two components provided for the passage of exhaust gas from the engine. The spacer includes ash-forming constituents. The method then includes permanently connecting the components, and burning the spacer element during a first heating up of the exhaust gas system, thereby releasing the ash-forming constituents and depositing the ash-forming constituents on the particulate filter. An exhaust gas system of a gasoline engine also is provided in a state before a first heating up of the exhaust gas system. The exhaust gas system includes a burnable spacer element between two exhaust gas system components that are provided for the passage of exhaust gas. The burnable spacer elements include ash-forming constituents. 1. An exhaust gas system of a gasoline engine in a state before a first heating up of the exhaust gas system , comprising:at least first and second exhaust gas system components defining parts of a passage for exhaust gas from the engine, the components being connected permanently in the passage, the first component being arranged between an outlet valve of the gasoline engine and a particulate filter, the second component being downstream of the first component; andat least one burnable spacer element arranged between the first and second components and positioning the first and second components, the at least one spacer element including ash-forming constituents.2. The exhaust gas system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one spacer element is composed of plastic with ash-forming constituents or paper with ash-forming constituents.3. The exhaust gas system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one spacer element is a ring arranged between the first and second components.4. The exhaust gas system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one spacer element is arranged between the particulate filter and a catalytic converter. ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150192056A1

The present invention provides a titanium sheet covered with a protective film superior in high temperature oxidation resistance and high temperature salt damage resistance and a method of production of the same and an automobile exhaust system using the same. The titanium sheet covered with a protective film is formed on its surface with a protective film of a thickness of 1 to 100 μm where flake-shaped metal Al with an average thickness of 0.1 to 5 μm and average width or average length of 1 to 50 μm or grain-shaped metal Al with an average size of 0.1 to 30 μm is dispersed in 20 to 60 mass % silicone resin or silicone grease and comprised of Si: 15 to 55 mass % and C: 10 to 45 mass % and having a balance of unavoidable impurities. Preferably the titanium sheet of the substrate contains one or both of 0.5 to 2.1 mass % of Cu and 0.4 to 2.5 mass % of Al. The method of production is to brush or spray the above composition of a silicone resin on a titanium sheet to form a protective film and heat it at 150 to 300° C. for 5 to 60 minutes. 1. A titanium sheet covered with a protective film superior in high temperature oxidation resistance and high temperature salt damage resistance characterized by comprising a titanium sheet on the surface of which is formed a protective film of a thickness of 1 μm to 100 μm comprising Si: 15 to 55 mass % and C: 10 to 45 mass % and having a balance of unavoidable impurities.2. A titanium sheet covered with a protective film superior in high temperature oxidation resistance and high temperature salt damage resistance as set forth in claim 1 , characterized in that said protective film further contains Al: 20 to 60 mass %.3. A titanium sheet covered with a protective film superior in high temperature oxidation resistance and high temperature salt damage resistance as set forth in claim 2 , characterized in that said protective film has said Al of metal Al of a thin flake shape with an average thickness of 0.1 to 5 μm and an average ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200173334A1
Принадлежит: Achates Power, Inc.

An exhaust manifold assembly with a thermal barrier coating for an opposed-piston engine reduces heat rejection to coolant, while increasing exhaust temperatures, fuel efficiency, and quicker exhaust after-treatment light-off. The exhaust manifold assembly can include a coating on the inside surface of the manifold assembly. The coated exhaust manifold assembly can ensure structural robustness of the exhaust manifold assembly over a larger range of operating temperatures. 1. An opposed-piston engine comprising:an engine block;a cylinder disposed in the engine block, the cylinder including a cylinder wall having an interior surface defining a bore centered on a longitudinal axis of the cylinder and an intake port and an exhaust port formed in the cylinder wall near respective opposite ends of the cylinder, the intake and exhaust ports each including an array of port openings extending through the cylinder wall to the bore;an exhaust manifold assembly comprising a runner, an exhaust pipe, and a runner plenum in the engine block, the runner plenum surrounding the exhaust port openings; anda coating layer on an inside surface of the exhaust manifold assembly that reduces heat transfer from exhaust gas to the engine block.2. The opposed-piston engine of claim 1 , wherein the coating layer comprises a thermally insulating material.3. The opposed-piston engine of claim 2 , wherein the thermally insulating material has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity.4. The opposed-piston engine of claim 2 , wherein the coating layer comprises any one of zirconia claim 2 , alumina claim 2 , a chrome-containing composition claim 2 , a cobalt-containing composition claim 2 , a nickel-containing composition claim 2 , and an yttrium-containing composition claim 2 , or any combination thereof.5. The opposed-piston engine of claim 2 , wherein the coating layer is spray deposited or dip coating deposited onto the inside surface of the exhaust manifold assembly.6. The opposed-piston ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Support structure for exhaust system part

Номер: US20190186331A1

A support structure for an exhaust system part that configures an exhaust system of an internal combustion engine for a vehicle includes a bracket and a support member. The bracket includes a first plate and a second plate. The first plate has both end portions attached to the second plate, and the second plate has both end portions attached to the exhaust system part. A first space is defined between the first plate and the second plate, and a second space is defined between the second plate and the exhaust system part. Each of the first space and the second space has a first open end disposed on the vehicle front side, and has a second open end disposed on the vehicle rear side. The first plate, the first space, the second plate, and the second space are disposed between the support member and the exhaust system part.

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180195154A1

A titanium alloy material for exhaust system parts excellent in oxidation resistance and cold workability able to be used for an exhaust manifold, exhaust pipe, catalyst device, muffler, or other part characterized by containing, by mass %, Cu: 0.5 to 1.5%, Sn: 0.5 to 1.5%, Si: 0.1% to 0.6%, O: 0.1% or less, and Fe: 0.15% or less, and a balance of Ti and impurities, having a total of the contents of Cu and Sn of 1.4 to 2.7%, and having a total of the volume rates of the β-phases and Ti—Cu and Ti—Si intermetallic compounds of 1.0% or less. 1. A titanium alloy material containing , by mass % ,Cu: 0.5 to 1.5%,Sn: 0.5 to 1.5%,Si: over 0.1% to 0.6%,O: 0.10% or less, a balance of Ti and impurities,', 'having the total of the contents of Cu and Sn of 1.4 to 2.7%, and', 'having the sum of the volume fractions of the β-phases and Ti—Cu and Ti—Si intermetallic compounds of 1.0% or less., 'Fe: 0.15% or less, and'}2. The titanium alloy material according to claim 1 , further containing claim 1 , by mass % claim 1 , Nb: 1.0% or less.3. An exhaust system comprising an exhaust manifold claim 1 , exhaust pipe claim 1 , catalyst device claim 1 , and muffler claim 1 , the exhaust system characterized by using a titanium alloy material described in or for one or more of the exhaust manifold claim 1 , exhaust pipe claim 1 , catalyst device claim 1 , and muffler. The present invention relates to a titanium material used for an exhaust system for four-wheeled vehicles, motorcycles, and other automobiles and relates as well as to a titanium alloy material which is light in weight and excellent in corrosion resistance, workability, heat resistance, and oxidation resistance able to be used for a main muffler part of course and also an exhaust manifold, exhaust pipe, catalyst device, muffler, or other location which is temporarily exposed to a high temperature of near 800° C. and where heat resistance and oxidation resistance are particularly required and to an exhaust system using this ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации

Method for producing a corrosion resistant steel and corrosion resistant steel provided thereby

Номер: US20170198624A1

A method for producing a corrosion resistant metal substrate and corrosion resistant metal substrate provided thereby. The method involves forming a plated substrate including a metal substrate provided with a nickel layer or with a nickel and cobalt layer followed by electrodepositing a molybdenum oxide layer from an aqueous solution onto the plated substrate, which is subsequently subjected to an annealing step in a reducing atmosphere to reduce the molybdenum oxide in the molybdenum oxide layer to molybdenum metal in a reduction annealing step and to form a diffusion layer which contains nickel and molybdenum, and optionally cobalt. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the molybdenum salt is ammonium molybdate.3. The method according to or claim 1 , wherein the phosphate is sodium dihydrogen phosphate.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the nickel or nickel-based layer provided on the substrate is between 0.5 and 5 μm in thickness claim 1 , and/or wherein the diffusion layer has a thickness of between 10 and 200 nm.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:the temperature of the aqueous solution for the electrodeposition of the molybdenum oxide layer onto the nickel plated steel or aluminium substrate is between 40° C. and 75° C., and/orthe plating time for the electrodeposition of the molybdenum oxide layer onto the nickel plated steel or aluminium substrate is between 5 and 30 seconds, and/orthe current density for the electrodeposition of the molybdenum oxide layer onto the nickel plated steel or aluminium substrate is between 2 and 25 A/dm2, and/orthe maximum annealing temperature during the annealing step is between 500 and 1050° C., and/orthe annealing time is between 6 and 10 hours for a batch annealing process and between 10 and 120 seconds for a continuous annealing process.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous solution for the electrodeposition of the molybdenum oxide layer onto the nickel plated steel or aluminium ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150211398A1

A vehicle exhaust system includes a mixer having an inlet that receives engine exhaust gases and an outlet to direct swirling engine exhaust gas to a downstream exhaust component. The mixer has a plurality of internal surfaces that come into contact with the engine exhaust gases. At least one of the internal surfaces has a coating comprised of a low-coefficient of friction material. 1. A mixer for a vehicle exhaust system comprising:a mixer body having an inlet configured to receive engine exhaust gases and an outlet to direct swirling engine exhaust gas to a downstream exhaust component, the mixer body having a plurality of internal surfaces that come into contact with the engine exhaust gases, and wherein at least one of the internal surfaces has a coating comprised of a low-coefficient of friction material.2. The mixer according to wherein all of the internal surfaces include a coating comprised of the low-coefficient of friction material.3. The mixer according to wherein the mixer body includes at least one baffle configured to swirl the engine exhaust gases claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of internal surfaces includes a plurality of internal baffle surfaces for the at least one baffle claim 1 , the internal baffle surfaces including the coating.4. The mixer according to wherein the at least one baffle comprises at least an upstream baffle and a downstream baffle claim 3 , and wherein both the upstream and downstream baffles have internal baffle surfaces with the coating.5. The mixer according to wherein the mixer body includes an outer peripheral surface with an injector boss having an opening to receive an injector claim 4 , and wherein the opening is positioned axially between the upstream and downstream baffles.6. The mixer according to wherein the low-coefficient of friction material comprises a non-stick material.7. A vehicle exhaust system comprising:a first exhaust component having an inlet to receive engine exhaust gases;a second exhaust component ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Thermal barrier coating with temperature-following layer

Номер: US20190195126A1

A temperature-following layer may be applied to a surface of components within an internal combustion engine. The temperature-following layer follows the temperature swing of adjacent gases (for example, in a combustion chamber). The temperature-following layer may be applied directly to a substrate, or the temperature-following layer may be an outer layer of a multi-layer thermal barrier coating. The multi-layer thermal barrier coating may include, for example, an insulating layer, a sealing layer bonded to the insulating layer, and a porous temperature-following layer disposed on the sealing layer. The sealing layer is substantially non-permeable and configured to seal against the insulating layer.

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210230725A1

Austenitic stainless steel sheet excellent in high-temperature fatigue characteristics able to be applied to exhaust manifolds and turbo exhaust pipes of automobiles and other parts subjected to vibration at 400° C. to 600° C. temperatures is provided, specifically, austenitic stainless steel sheet excellent in high-temperature fatigue characteristics comprising, by mass %, C: 0.002 to 0.3%, Si: 1.0 to 4.0%, Mn: 0.05 to 3.0%, P: 0.01 to 0.05%, S: 0.0001 to 0.01%, Ni: 5 to 15%, Cr: 15 to 30%, Mo: 0.5 to 4.0%, and N: 0.01 to 0.3%, having a balance of Fe and unavoidable impurities, satisfying Si+Mo≥1.8%, and satisfying A+B>2.5 mm/mmprescribing the grain boundary lengths. 1. An austenitic stainless steel sheet comprising , by mass % ,C: 0.0020 to 0.3000%,Si: 1.00 to 4.00%,Mn: 0.05 to 3.00%,Ni: 5.00 to 15.00%,Cr: 15.00 to 30.00%,Mo: 0.50 to 4.00%,N: 0.010 to 0.300%,V: 0.05 to 1.00%,Cu: 0.10 to 2.50%,Al: 0.002 to 0.100% or less,P: 0.05% or less,S: 0.0100% or less, anda balance of Fe and impurities, {'br': None, 'i': 'A+B>', 'sup': '2', '2.5 mm/mm\u2003\u2003(formula 1)'}, 'satisfying Si+Mo≥1.80%, having grain boundary lengths satisfying (formula 1){'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein, A is the sum of general grain boundary lengths per 1 mmand B is the sum of Σ3 coincidence site lattice grain boundary lengths per 1 mm.'}2. The austenitic stainless steel sheet according to further comprising claim 1 , by mass % claim 1 , one or more elements selected fromNb: 0.005 to 0.300%,Ti: 0.005 to 0.300%,B: 0.0002 to 0.0050%,Ca: 0.0005 to 0.0100%,W: 0.05 to 3.00%,Zr: 0.05 to 0.30%,Sn: 0.01 to 0.50%,Co: 0.03 to 0.30%Mg: 0.0002 to 0.0100%,Sb: 0.005 to 0.500%,REM: 0.001 to 0.200%,Ga: 0.0002 to 0.3000%,Ta: 0.001 to 1.000%, andHf: 0.001 to 1.000%.3. The austenitic stainless steel sheet according to or claim 1 , wherein a fatigue limit in a 400° C. to 600° C. atmosphere plane bending fatigue test is 250 MPa or more.4. An exhaust part comprising the austenitic stainless steel sheet according to .5. A ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Device For Providing A Liquid Additive

Номер: US20160215668A1

A device for providing a liquid additive for exhaust-gas purification, having at least one duct for conducting the liquid additive, the duct having a duct wall which has a first stiffness. There is inserted into the duct an insert component () that extends at least in sections along the duct, wherein the insert component is composed of a solid material. 18.-. (canceled)9. A device configured provide a liquid additive for exhaust-gas purification , comprising:at least one duct configured to conduct the liquid additive, the at least one duct having a duct wall; andan insert component is inserted into the at least one duct that extends at least in sections along the at least one duct,wherein the insert component is composed of a solid material.10. The device according to claim 9 , wherein a first cross-sectional area of the at least one duct and a second cross-sectional area of the insert component are circular.11. The device according to claim 9 , a gap is defined between the duct wall and the insert component that surrounds the insert component over at least 210° and through which gap a flow can pass.12. The device according to claim 9 , wherein a second cross-sectional area of the insert component fills at least 30% of a first cross-sectional area of the at least one duct.13. The device according to claim 9 , wherein the insert component is comprises at least one of:a metal;a ceramic; anda plastic that is resistant to the liquid additive.14. The device according to claim 13 , wherein the duct wall is produced by an injection-moulding process.15. The device according to claim 9 , wherein the insert component has a thermal expansion of greater than 100 μm/mK in a temperature range between −30° C. and +50° C.16. A motor vehicle comprising:an internal combustion engine;an exhaust-gas treatment device configured to purify exhaust gases of the internal combustion engine; and at least one duct configured to conduct the liquid additive, the at least one duct having a duct ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200206723A1

The present disclosure generally provides a catalyst composition comprising a zeolite containing iron and/or copper with a reduced amount of extra-framework aluminum. The catalyst composition is useful to catalyze the reduction of nitrogen oxides in exhaust gas in the presence of a reductant. 1. An SCR catalyst composition comprising:a metal-containing molecular sieve comprising a zeolitic framework of silicon and aluminum atoms; and{'sup': '27', 'extra-framework aluminum atoms that are present in an amount of about less than 15% based on the total integrated peak intensity determined by Al NMR of aluminum species present in the zeolite as measured prior to addition of the metal.'}2. The catalyst composition of claim 1 , wherein the extra framework aluminum atoms are present in an amount of about 0.1% to about 10% based on the total integrated peak intensity determined by Al NMR of aluminum species present in the zeolite.3. The catalyst composition of claim 1 , wherein the extra framework aluminum atoms are present in an amount of about 0.1% to about 5% based on the total integrated peak intensity determined by Al NMR of aluminum species present in the zeolite.4. The catalyst composition of claim 1 , wherein the molecular sieve has a pore size of about 3 to about 8 Angstroms.5. The catalyst composition of claim 2 , wherein the molecular sieve has a pore size of about 3 to about 5 Angstroms.6. The catalyst composition of claim 1 , wherein the zeolitic framework comprises a d6r unit.7. The catalyst composition of claim 1 , wherein the zeolitic framework is selected from AEI claim 1 , AFT claim 1 , AFV claim 1 , AFX claim 1 , AVL claim 1 , CHA claim 1 , DDR claim 1 , EAB claim 1 , EEI claim 1 , ERI claim 1 , IFY claim 1 , IRN claim 1 , KFI claim 1 , LEV claim 1 , LTA claim 1 , LTN claim 1 , MER claim 1 , MWF claim 1 , NPT claim 1 , PAU claim 1 , RHO claim 1 , RTE claim 1 , RTH claim 1 , SAS claim 1 , SAT claim 1 , SAV claim 1 , SFW claim 1 , TSC claim 1 , UFI claim 1 , ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации

Muffler system

Номер: US20190211737A1
Принадлежит: Futaba Industrial Co Ltd

A muffler system with a muffler in one aspect of the present disclosure includes an outer wall, and a first separator and a second separator that partition a muffling space. An attachment member is arranged on an outer surface of the outer wall, and a muffler pipe to communicate with the muffling space is arranged to pass through an attachment member hole in the attachment member. The outer surface of the outer wall includes a first area and a second area. The first area is located between a first end of the muffling space and the first separator, and the second area is located between a second end of the muffling space and the second separator. The attachment member is welded to the first and second areas of the outer surface of the outer wall.

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140318228A1
Принадлежит: NGK SPARK PLUG CO., LTD.

A temperature sensor () is configured such that a ring pressure section () is fixed to a ring seat face () by screwing a fixing member () into a screw attachment member () in a state in which the ring pressure section () is seated on the ring seat face (), and pressing a front-end facing surface () of the fixing member () against a rear-end facing surface () of the ring pressure section (). A dry film () containing an organic silicon polymer having a polycarbosilane skeleton that is cross-linked by a metal element and a solid lubricant such as molybdenum disulfide and mica is provided on at least one of the front-end facing surface () of the fixing member () and the rear-end facing surface () of the ring pressure section (). 1. An attachment member for an internal combustion engine that is attached to a screw attachment member mounted on a flow pipe through which exhaust gas exhausted from the internal combustion engine flows , the attachment member comprising:a ring pressure section having a front-end facing surface that is seated on a ring seat face provided on an exterior wall of the flow pipe; anda fixing member having a cylindrical shape and comprising a threaded section on an outer periphery of the fixing member, the threaded section being screwable into the attachment member, the ring pressure section being fixed to the ring seat face by screwing the fixing member into the screw attachment member in a state which the ring pressure section is seated on the ring seat face, and pressing a front-end facing surface of the fixing member that is closer to a front-end side than the threaded section against a rear-end facing surface of the ring pressure section,wherein a dry film comprising an organic silicon polymer having a polycarbosilane skeleton that is cross-linked by a metal element and a solid lubricant is provided on at least one of the front-end facing surface of the fixing member and the rear-end facing surface of the ring pressure section.2. The attachment ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200217237A1

A heat shield for shielding hot regions of a component is described. The component may be an exhaust manifold with a heat shield and also an internal combustion engine with an exhaust manifold or heat shield. 117-. (canceled)18. A heat shield for shielding hot regions of a component , comprising:at least one metallic shielding layer anda single-layer metallic sealing element,wherein the shielding layer and the sealing element in each case have at least one media throughflow opening, wherein the media throughflow openings are arranged adjacent to each other in the direction of throughflow,wherein the sealing element is arranged at least in portions on both sides along the inner peripheral edge of the media throughflow opening of the shielding layer and has at least one overlap portion which is arranged overlapping with the shielding layer at least in portions along the inner peripheral edge of the media throughflow opening of the shielding layer and has a sealing portion which is arranged in encircling manner within the media throughflow opening of the shielding layer at least in portions along the inner peripheral edge.19. The heat shield according to the claim 18 , wherein the sealing portion in each case forms a sealing line running along the inner peripheral edge of the media throughflow opening of the shielding layer and/or of the sealing element claim 18 , which sealing lines are arranged on different sides of the layer plane (E) of the shielding layer.20. The heat shield according to claim 18 , wherein the sealing portion has a transition portion spaced apart from but adjacent to the overlap portion claim 18 , which transition portion extends through the media throughflow opening of the shielding layer.21. The heat shield according to claim 18 , wherein the sealing portion in cross-section in the direction pointing from the overlap portion to the passage has in succession an outer portion claim 18 , a middle portion and an inner portion which merge into one ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150240957A1

An exhaust gate, in particular for a heavy-goods vehicle, has a housing, which has an inlet and first and second outlets, on which first and second valve seats are formed, and a valve flap, which can be pivoted between the two valve seats to close the first or second outlet. The housing is formed as a cast part, which connects the inlet and at least the first outlet integrally to each other. The valve flap has a larger cross section than the inlet and the first and second valve seats. 1. An exhaust gate for heavy-good vehicles , having a housing , which has an inlet and first and second outlets , on which first and second valve seats are formed , and having a valve flap , which can be pivoted between the two valve seats to close the first or second outlet , wherein the housing is formed as a cast part , which connects the inlet and at least the first outlet integrally to each other , and that the valve flap has a larger cross section than the second valve seat.2. An exhaust gate according to claim 1 , wherein at least one introduction slot is provided on the inlet or on one of the outlets claim 1 , which introduction slot allows the introduction of the valve flap into the interior of the housing.3. An exhaust gate according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one introduction slot is provided on a flange on the inlet or on one of the outlets.4. An exhaust gate according to claim 3 , wherein two mutually opposite introduction slots are provided.5. An exhaust gate according to claim 1 , wherein the valve flap is held on a valve shaft claim 1 , which is mounted pivotably at an edge in the housing between the first and second outlets.6. An exhaust gate according to claim 5 , wherein the valve flap is fixed in a slot on the valve shaft.7. An exhaust gate according to claim 1 , wherein a cylindrical outlet connection piece having an end face as the valve seat is formed at the second outlet.8. An exhaust gate according to claim 7 , wherein the outlet connection piece can be ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации

Exhaust tip

Номер: US20180230888A1
Автор: Hodges Frank J.

The present invention is directed to a vehicle exhaust tip where in cuts are made in the outer surface of the exhaust tip to expose a decorative plate within the exhaust tip. The decorative plate can be colored or have other decorative attributes that can be seen from the outside of the exhaust tip. The decorative elements appear to create three dimensional art due to the shadowing effect of the cut in the outer surface of the exhaust tip. 1. An exhaust tip comprising a main exhaust tip portion , a neck portion , an attachment portion and a decorative plate affixed to a main exhaust tip portion inside surface and at least one logo cut through the main exhaust tip portion outside surface and inside surface.2. The exhaust tip of wherein the decorative plate is curved or flat.3. The exhaust tip of wherein the decorative plate is shorter or longer than the main exhaust tip portion.4. The exhaust tip of wherein the decorative plate is metal claim 1 , ceramic and high temperature tolerant polymer.5. The exhaust tip of wherein the decorative plate is painted or anodized. The present invention is in the field of exhaust tips for vehicles in particular trucks that have custom appearance.There are numerous silencers and muffler exhaust tips available on the market for vehicle owners that want to customize their vehicles. Most of the aftermarket exhaust tips on the market are decorative in nature given that the exhaust tip is usually the only part of the engine muffler system that is visible to ordinary observers. Presently, most exhaust tips are limited in appearance and customization. U.S. Pat. No. 6,085,863 to Shuen, U.S. Design Pat. No. 413,296 to Hussaini, U.S. Design Pat. No. 384,319 to Harutiunian, U.S. Design Pat. No. 191,509 to Feinberg, and U.S. Design Pat. No. 164,960 to Russell, disclose a decorative exhaustion pipe.U.S. Pat. No. 6,006,859 to Hussaini discloses a decorative muffler exhaust tip that serves to amplify exhaust noise.U.S. Pat. No. 4,354,573 to Tabata, ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Honeycomb catalytic converter

Номер: US20200222881A1
Принадлежит: Ibiden Co Ltd, Toyota Motor Corp

The present invention relates to a honeycomb catalytic converter, including: a honeycomb structured body in which multiple through-holes are arranged longitudinally in parallel with one another with a partition wall therebetween; and Pd and Rh supported on the partition walls of the honeycomb structured body, wherein the honeycomb structured body is an extrudate containing a ceria-zirconia complex oxide and alumina, a Pd-carrying region where only Pd is supported is formed on the partition walls within a predetermined width from one end of the honeycomb structured body, and a Rh-carrying region where only Rh is supported is formed on the partition walls within a predetermined width from the other end of the honeycomb structured body, and the Pd-carrying region extends to at least 50% of the length of the honeycomb structured body, and the Rh-carrying region extends to at least 20% of the length of the honeycomb structured body.

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Honeycomb catalytic converter

Номер: US20200222890A1
Принадлежит: Ibiden Co Ltd, Toyota Motor Corp

The present invention relates to a honeycomb catalytic converter including: a honeycomb structured body in which multiple through-holes are arranged longitudinally in parallel with one another with a partition wall therebetween; and a noble metal supported on the honeycomb structured body, wherein each partition wall includes a substrate portion in the form of an extrudate containing a ceria-zirconia complex oxide and alumina, and a coat layer formed on a surface of the substrate portion and containing the noble metal, and the partition walls have a thermal expansion coefficient of 7.0×10 −6 /° C. to 8.0×10 −6 /° C. in a longitudinal direction.

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Composite exhaust isolators with reduced absorptivity

Номер: US20210262380A1

Methods and systems are provided for a coupling device. In one example, the coupling device may be formed of a composite material and positioned between an exhaust system and a vehicle chassis. The composite material may include aluminum particles dispersed in an elastomer matrix to reduce an overall thermal absorptivity of the composite material.

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180238221A1

A flexible tube system having an end section formed from an inner rigid tube and an outer shell, and the end section is joined to a central flexible portion having an inner decoupler tube, and an outer shell bridge is joined to the outer shell and the flexible central portion to define an insulation space. 1. A flexible tube system comprising:an end section having an inner rigid tube and an outer shell spaced apart from the inner rigid tube;a flexible central portion joined to the first end section, the flexible central portion including an inner decoupler tube joined to the end section rigid tube;a flange joined to and extending radially outwardly from the end section inner rigid tube; andan end section outer shell bridge joined to the outer shell and the flange to at least partially define an insulation space with the end section inner rigid tube and the flange.2. The flexible tube system of claim 1 , and the flexible central portion further comprises:an outer flexible tube disposed at least partially around and spaced apart from the inner decoupler tube, and joined to the flange.3. The flexible tube system of claim 1 , wherein:the end section outer shell bridge is an extension of the outer shell.4. The flexible tube system of claim 1 , wherein:the insulating space is at least partially filled with insulation.5. The flexible tube system of claim 2 , wherein the outer shell bridge is joined to the outer flexible tube.6. The flexible tube system of claim 1 , and further comprising:a second end section having an inner rigid tube and an outer shell spaced apart from the inner rigid tube;a second flange joined to and extending outwardly from the second end section inner rigid tube; anda second end section outer shell bridge joined to the second end section outer shell and the flange to at least partially define an insulation space between the end section inner rigid tube and the flange.7. The flexible tube system of claim 1 , wherein the flexible central portion ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Diffusion Surface Alloyed Metal Exhaust Component

Номер: US20200232376A1
Автор: QUAN Guangchun

An exhaust component for a motor vehicle with improved corrosion resistance, including an internal volume, an inlet for receiving exhaust gas, and an outlet for expelling exhaust gas. The exhaust component includes at least one wall that is made of a diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet. The diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet comprises a secondary metal that is formed to a primary metal substrate by diffusion. The primary metal substrate of the diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet is a stainless steel containing at least 10 percent chromium. The secondary metal of the diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet is a metal alloy containing 20 to 35 percent chromium. As a result, the secondary metal of the diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet provides improved corrosion resistance to salt spray and urea. 1. An exhaust component for a motor vehicle , comprising:an internal volume;an inlet disposed in fluid communication with said internal volume for receiving exhaust gases;an outlet disposed in fluid communication with said internal volume for expelling exhaust gases; andat least one wall made of a diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet comprising a secondary metal that is formed to a primary metal substrate by diffusion,wherein said primary metal substrate is stainless steel and has a primary metal chromium content of at least 10 percent chromium and said secondary metal has a secondary metal chromium content that is greater than said primary metal chromium content and is within a range of 20 to 35 percent chromium.2. The exhaust component set forth in claim 1 , wherein said diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet includes a core layer made of said primary metal substrate and at least one cover layer made of said secondary metal.3. The exhaust component set forth in claim 2 , wherein said diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet includes at least one transition zone between said core layer and said at least one cover layer where a molecular concentration of said secondary ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Diffusion Surface Alloyed Metal Exhaust Component With Inwardly Turned Edges

Номер: US20200232377A1

An exhaust component for a motor vehicle with improved corrosion resistance, including a housing with outer walls that define an internal volume and one or more inner walls that divide the internal volume into an exhaust chamber and an interior chamber. The interior chamber is isolated from the exhaust chamber and the external environment. At least part of one outer wall or one inner wall is made of a diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet. The diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet comprises a secondary metal that is formed to a primary metal substrate by diffusion. The diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet includes edges that are oriented toward and exposed to the interior chamber. As a result, the primary metal substrate at the edges of the diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet is protected from exposure to corrosives such as salt spray in the external environment and urea in the exhaust chamber respectively. 1. An exhaust component for a motor vehicle , comprising:a housing including at least one outer wall defining an internal volume of said housing;said at least one outer wall having an inside surface facing said internal volume of said housing and an outside surface facing an external zone positioned outside of said housing;at least one inner wall positioned in said internal volume of said housing that divides said internal volume into an exhaust chamber and an interior chamber;said interior chamber being isolated from said external zone by said at least one outer wall and from said exhaust chamber by said at least one inner wall;at least part of one of said outer and inner walls being made of a diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet comprising a secondary metal that is formed to a primary metal substrate by diffusion; andsaid diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet including at least one edge that is oriented toward and exposed to said interior chamber such that said primary metal substrate at said at least one edge of said diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Diffusion Surface Alloyed Metal Exhaust Component With Welded Edges

Номер: US20200232378A1
Автор: QUAN Guangchun

An exhaust component for a motor vehicle with improved corrosion resistance, including an internal volume, an inlet for receiving exhaust gas, and an outlet for expelling exhaust gas. The exhaust component includes at least one wall that is made of a diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet. The diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet comprises a secondary metal that is formed to a primary metal substrate by diffusion. A weld bead is applied to at least one of the edges of the diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet for edge protection or to join the edge of the diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet to another diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet. The weld bead includes a high chromium content filler metal to protect the weld bead and the primary metal substrate at the weld joint from corrosion. 1. An exhaust component for a motor vehicle , comprising:an internal volume;an inlet disposed in fluid communication with said internal volume for receiving exhaust gases;an outlet disposed in fluid communication with said internal volume for expelling exhaust gases;at least one wall made of a diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet comprising a secondary metal that is formed to a primary metal substrate by diffusion;said diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet including at least one exposed edge that terminates in and is exposed to said internal volume or an external zone positioned outside said exhaust component; anda weld bead extending along and covering said at least one exposed edge of said diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet such that said primary metal substrate at said at least one exposed edge of said diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet is protected from exposure to said internal volume or said external zone by said weld bead.2. The exhaust component set forth in claim 1 , wherein said diffusion surface alloyed metal sheet includes a core layer made of said primary metal substrate that is positioned between two cover layers made of said secondary metal.3. The exhaust ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190242289A1

A processing system includes a heat insulating pipe , a temperature measuring device , and a control device . The heat insulating pipe has an inner pipe and an outer pipe. An airtight space is formed between the inner pipe and the outer pipe. A fluid having a temperature lower than that of an indoor space in which the heat insulating pipe is placed is flown within the inner pipe. The temperature measuring device measures a temperature of a surface of the heat insulating pipe . The control device is controls a pressure within the airtight space by controlling an exhaust device configured to exhaust a gas within the airtight space based on the temperature of the surface of the heat insulating pipe and a dew-point temperature calculated from a humidity and the temperature of the indoor space. 1. A heat insulating pipe system , comprising:a heat insulating pipe, having an inner pipe and an outer pipe, in which an airtight space is formed between the inner pipe and the outer pipe, a fluid having a temperature lower than a temperature of an indoor space in which the heat insulating pipe is placed being flown within the inner pipe;a first measuring unit configured to measure a temperature of a surface of the heat insulating pipe; anda control unit configured to control a pressure within the airtight space by controlling an exhaust device configured to exhaust a gas within the airtight space based on the temperature measured by the first measuring unit and a dew-point temperature calculated from a humidity and the temperature of the indoor space in which the heat insulating pipe is placed.2. The heat insulating pipe system of claim 1 ,wherein the heat insulating pipe has a curved portion, andthe first measuring unit measures the temperature of the surface of the heat insulating pipe in the vicinity of the curved portion.3. The heat insulating pipe system of claim 2 , further comprising:a second measuring unit configured to measure the temperature of the indoor space in ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170254244A1

An exhaust system, especially for an internal combustion engine of a vehicle, includes an exhaust gas-carrying duct () and a reactant injection device () for injecting reactant (R) into exhaust gas (A) flowing in the exhaust gas-carrying duct (). Downstream of the reactant injection device (), a mixer device () supports the mixing of reactant (R) injected by the reactant injection device () with exhaust gas (A) flowing in the exhaust gas-carrying duct (). Downstream of the reactant injection device () and upstream of the mixer device (), a reactant heating device () extends in the exhaust gas-carrying duct (). The exhaust gas (A) flows in and reactant (R) injected through the reactant injection device () flow around the heating device (). 1. An exhaust system for an internal combustion engine of a vehicle , the exhaust system comprising:an exhaust gas-carrying duct;a reactant injection device injecting reactant into exhaust gas flowing in the exhaust gas-carrying duct;a mixer device for supporting a mixing of reactant injected by the reactant injection device with exhaust gas flowing in the exhaust gas-carrying duct, the mixer device being disposed downstream of the reactant injection device; anda reactant heating device which extends in the exhaust gas-carrying duct downstream of the reactant injection device and upstream of the mixer device, the reactant being positioned such that exhaust gas, flowing in said duct and reactant injected by the reactant injection device flow around the reactant heating device.2. An exhaust system in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the reactant heating device extends in a volume area covered by a reactant spray cone formed at the reactant injection device.3. An exhaust system in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the reactant heating device comprises at least one heating element comprised of a heat conductor element claim 2 , which is heated by electrical energization and around which exhaust gas and reactant flow.4. An exhaust ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150267597A1
Принадлежит: Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH

An exhaust manifold for an exhaust system of a combustion engine includes an internal pipe system having a plurality of pipe sections and an outer shell which is disposed in spaced-apart surrounding relationship to the internal pipe system and joined to an outlet flange. The outlet flange includes a neck portion, an outer flange portion adjacent to the neck portion, and an inwardly directed shoulder portion which extends from the neck portion outwards, with the outer shell being joined at the shoulder portion to the outlet flange. 1. An exhaust manifold for an exhaust system of a combustion engine , comprising:an internal pipe system having a plurality of pipe sections;an outer shell in spaced-apart surrounding relationship to the internal pipe system; andan outlet flange including a neck portion, an outer flange portion adjacent to the neck portion, and an inwardly directed shoulder portion extending from the neck portion outwards, said outer shell being joined at the shoulder portion to the outlet flange.2. The exhaust flange of claim 1 , wherein the shoulder portion has a mean wall thickness which is greater than a wall thickness of the outer shell.3. The exhaust flange of claim 1 , wherein the shoulder portion has a mean wall thickness which is greater or equal to twice a wall thickness of the outer shell.4. The exhaust flange of claim 1 , wherein the shoulder portion is configured to taper to a free end thereof.5. The exhaust flange of claim 1 , wherein the outer shell rests upon an outer side of the shoulder portion and is joined to the outlet flange.6. The exhaust flange of claim 1 , wherein the shoulder portion has a length claim 1 , as measured in a longitudinal direction of the outer shell claim 1 , the length of the shoulder portion being greater than a length of the shoulder portion in transverse direction.7. The exhaust flange of claim 1 , wherein the outer shell is comprised of at least two shell members having edges connected to one another.8. The ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150267598A1
Автор: Haunstetter Frank

A device is provided for protecting at least one metallic surface against discolorations under the action of heat. The device includes a metallic surface with a lacquer applied a lacquer applied thereto to the metallic surfaces and then stoving the metallic surface while sealing the metallic surface against oxygen contact to form a permanently effective oxygen barrier. 1. A device for discharging exhaust gases and waste heat of an internal combustion engine , the device comprising: a covering for an engine space in which the internal combustion engine is arranged; at least one exhaust tract branching off from the internal combustion engine and connected from the internal combustion engine upward to the covering over substantially a shortest possible distance so that the exhaust gases are dischargeable into surroundings of the vehicle via the covering , wherein the covering has at least one metallic surface against discolorations , a lacquer applied to the metallic surface and sealing the metallic surface against oxygen contact and the sealed metallic surface with the lacquer thereon being stoved to form a permanently effective oxygen barrier that prevents discoloration.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the lacquer is a clear lacquer stoved at a suitable temperature.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the clear lacquer is a NANO-X clear lacquer with an oxygen barrier.4. A vehicle comprising:an internal combustion engine that produces a heated exhaust gas;an exhaust system component that accommodates a flow of the exhaust gas from the internal combustion engine and directs the heated exhaust gas from the vehicle in a direction up and away from a road on which the vehicle is disposed;a covering disposed at least partially above the internal combustion engine and the exhaust system component and being integrated into an outer body area of the vehicle, the covering having an array of orifices that permit heat from the internal combustion engine and from the exhaust ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации

Heat-resistant, cast ferritic steel having excellent machinability and exhaust member made thereof

Номер: US20150275344A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Metals Ltd

A heat-resistant, cast ferritic steel having excellent machinability comprising by mass 0.32-0.48% of C, 0.85% or less of Si, 0.1-2% of Mn, 1.5% or less of Ni, 16-23% of Cr, 3.2-5% of Nb, Nb/C being 9-11.5, 0.15% or less of N, 0.05-0.2% of S, and 0.01-0.08% of Al, the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities, and an exhaust member made thereof.

18-12-2014 дата публикации

Air gap-insulated exhaust manifold

Номер: US20140366525A1

An air gap-insulated exhaust manifold ( 10 ) for a supercharged internal combustion engine ( 1 ), preferably of a motor vehicle has an engine flange ( 11 ) fastening the exhaust manifold to an engine block ( 2 ) and a turbine flange ( 12 ) fastening the exhaust manifold to a turbine ( 8 ) of an exhaust gas turbocharger ( 7 ). Two inner pipes ( 13, 14 ) lead from an inlet opening, for exhaust gas, adjacent to the engine flange to an outlet opening ( 18 ), for exhaust gas, adjacent to the turbine flange. An outer pipe ( 15 ) envelopes the two inner pipes, forming an air gap insulation ( 21 ), and extends from the engine flange to the turbine flange. A separation partition ( 16 ) separates, in the interior space ( 22 ) of the outer pipe, two interior spaces ( 23, 24 ), in which one each of the two inner pipes is arranged. Reduced wear is achieved with the partition arranged loosely at the turbine flange.

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180274424A1

A vehicle system includes a container for the storage of ammonia solution; a vehicle consuming unit; and a line including at least one residence time chamber arranged between the container and the vehicle consuming unit. The container is in fluid communication with the vehicle consuming unit through the line. The residence time chamber is arranged to be in thermal communication with a heat source on-board the vehicle. The heat source is the vehicle consuming unit and the residence time chamber forms loops coiled around the vehicle consuming unit. 1. A vehicle system comprising:a container for the storage of ammonia solution;a vehicle consuming unit;a line comprising at least one residence time chamber arranged between said container and said vehicle consuming unit, said container being in fluid communication with said vehicle consuming unit through the line, said residence time chamber being arranged to be in thermal communication with a heat source on-board the vehicle characterized in that said heat source is the vehicle consuming unit and in that said residence time chamber forms loops coiled around the vehicle consuming unit.2. The vehicle system according to claim 1 , wherein said residence time chamber is made in one piece with the line.3. The vehicle system according to claim 1 , wherein said residence time chamber comprises a wall made of a material adapted to absorb heat present in the external environment of said line.4. The vehicle system according to claim 1 , wherein it comprises heat transfer means configured to transfer heat present in the external environment of said line to said residence time chamber.5. The vehicle system according to claim 1 , wherein said line is made of thermoplastic claim 1 , preferably polyamide.6. The vehicle system according to claim 1 , wherein said line is made of metal claim 1 , preferably stainless steel.7. The vehicle system according to claim 1 , wherein said residence time chamber is made of metal claim 1 , preferably ...

25-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140373515A1
Автор: Seiler Valeri

An exhaust gas aftertreatment component includes a ceramic carrier body with a plurality of axial flow channels, wherein the carrier body has an inner region and an outer region, which radially surrounds the inner region. A cell density of the carrier body is smaller in the inner region than a cell density in the outer region. At least the outer region of the carrier body has a coaling, wherein the coating of the outer region has an HC adsorber function for a reversible adsorption of unburnt hydrocarbons. An exhaust gas system, which is equipped with such an exhaust gas aftertreatment component, and a vehicle, which has such an exhaust gas system are also provided. 1. An exhaust gas aftertreatment component comprising:a ceramic carrier body with a plurality of axial flow channels, said carrier body having an inner region and an outer region, said outer region radially surrounding said inner region;said carrier body having a cell density in said inner region and having a cell density in said outer region, said cell density in said inner region of said carrier body being smaller than said cell density in said outer region of said carrier body; andat least said outer region of said carrier body having a coating, said coating of said outer region having an HO adsorber function for a reversible adsorption of unburnt hydrocarbons.2. The exhaust gas aftertreatment component according to claim 1 , wherein said carrier body is a one-piece carrier body claim 1 ,3. The exhaust gas aftertreatment component according to claim 1 , wherein said outer region further has a particulate filter function claim 1 ,4. The exhaust gas aftertreatment component according to claim 1 , wherein said inner region has no coating.5. The exhaust gas aftertreatment component according to claim 1 , wherein said inner region has a coating with a catalytic function.6. The exhaust gas aftertreatment component according to claim 1 , wherein said inner region has a coating with a three-way catalytic ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150292068A1

The present invention provides a Sn-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet having excellent heat resistance. The ferritic stainless steel contains, in terms of mass %, 0.015% or less of C, 1.5% or less of Si, 1.5% or less of Mn, 0.035% or less of P, 0.015% or less of S, 13-21% of Cr, 0.01-0.50% of Sn, 0.05-0.60% of Nb and 0.020% or less of N, with the remainder consisting of Fe and unavoidable impurities. The ferritic stainless steel satisfies formula 1 and formula 2, and has a grain boundary Sn concentration of 2 atom % or less when subjected to a heat treatment at 600-750° C. in which the value of L, as shown in formula 3, is 1.91×10or higher. 8≦CI=(Ti+0.52Nb)/(C+N)≦26 (formula 1) GBSV=Sn+Ti−2Nb−0.3Mo−0.2≦0 (formula 2) L=(273+T)(log(t)+20) (formula 3) I: Temperature (° C.), t: time (h) 114-. (canceled)15. Ferritic stainless steel containing , by mass % ,Cr: 13.0 to 21.0%,Sn: 0.01 to 0.50%, andNb: 0.05 to 0.60%,restricted to:C: 0.015% or less,Si: 1.5% or less,Mn: 1.5% or less,N: 0.020% or less,P: 0.035% or less, andS: 0.015% or less,containing a balance of Fe and unavoidable impurities,satisfying formula 1 and formula 2, and{'sup': '4', 'claim-text': [{'br': None, 'i': '≦CI=', '80.52Nb/(C+N)≦26 \u2003\u2003(formula 1)'}, {'br': None, 'i': 'GBSV=', 'Sn−2Nb−0.2≦0 \u2003\u2003(formula 2)'}, {'br': None, 'i': L=', 'T', 't, '(273+)(log()+20) \u2003\u2003(formula 3)'}, 'where, T: temperature (° C.), t: time (h)., 'having a grain boundary Sn concentration of 2 at % or less when performing heat treatment at a temperature of 600 to 750° C. so that an L value shown by formula 3 becomes 1.91×10or more, and wherein a grain size number after annealing the cold-rolled sheet is made 5.0 to 9.016. The ferritic stainless steel according to claim 15 , wherein said heat treatment is performed at a temperature of 700° C. for 1 hour.17. The ferritic stainless steel according to further containing claim 15 , by mass % claim 15 , one or more of:Ti: 0.32% or less,Ni: 1.5% or less,Cu: 1 ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Exhaust purification device, internal combustion device, and power generation device

Номер: US20180280856A1
Автор: Tadahiro Imada
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

There is provided an exhaust purification device including a particulate filter configured to collect particulates contained in an exhaust gas, an oxidation catalyst disposed in a front stage of the particulate filter and configured to have a carrier partially or entirely made of a material which absorbs a microwave, a housing in which the particulate filter and the oxidation catalyst are arranged, and a microwave generator configured to generate a microwave to be irradiated onto the oxidation catalyst in a direction to which the exhaust gas flows.

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150300494A1

A spherical annular seal member for use in an exhaust pipe joint includes: a spherical annular base member defined by a cylindrical inner surface a partially convex spherical surface and large- and small-diameter side annular end faces and of the partially convex spherical surface and an outer layer formed integrally on the partially convex spherical surface of the spherical annular base member 1. A spherical annular seal member for use in an exhaust pipe joint , comprising:a spherical annular base member defined by a cylindrical inner surface, a partially convex spherical surface, and large- and small-diameter side annular end faces of said partially convex spherical surface; and an outer layer formed integrally on said partially convex spherical surface of said spherical annular base member,wherein at least three protrusions, which are formed of expanded graphite capable of being scraped off by an exhaust pipe when inserted into a through hole defined by said cylindrical inner surface and which extend between said large-diameter side annular end face and said small-diameter side annular end face in an axial direction at intervals with each other in a circumferential direction, are provided integrally on said cylindrical inner surface in such a manner as to protrude from said cylindrical inner surface in a direction toward an axis.2. The spherical annular seal member according to claim 1 , wherein said large-diameter side annular end face is constituted by an annular flat end face which is continuously connected at an annular large-diameter edge thereof to a large-diameter side annular end of said partially convex spherical surface and which is continuously connected at an annular small-diameter edge thereof to one annular axial end of said cylindrical inner surface claim 1 , and said protrusions extend in the axial direction between the one axial end of said cylindrical inner surface and another axial end thereof.3. The spherical annular seal member according to ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus, System, and Method for Assembly of an Exhaust Aftertreatment Component

Номер: US20150300555A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Intellectual Property Inc

An exhaust aftertreatment assembly for treating exhaust gas. According to various embodiments, a first housing has a first end and a second housing has a second end, the second end being coupled to the first end. At least one alignment bracket is coupled to the first housing proximate the first end. An annular gasket is supported on the at least one alignment bracket between the first and second ends. The at least one alignment bracket may comprise a base having a curved surface conforming to the interior surface of the housing, the base having a length that is less than a circumference of the interior surface. A stop arm extends substantially transversely from the base. A support arm extends substantially transversely from the stop arm and substantially parallel to the base. An insulation receiving space is defined between the base, stop arm, and support arm.

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190283314A1

A method for manufacturing a thermoplastic component for fuel systems or SCR systems includes the following steps: (1) molding and/or forming of a thermoplastic substrate from a first thermoplastic material, and (2) three-dimensional printing of a second thermoplastic material onto a first area of the thermoplastic substrate obtained after step (1). The first thermoplastic material of the thermoplastic substrate and the second thermoplastic material have a chemical compatibility. 112-. (canceled)13. A method for manufacturing a thermoplastic component for fuel systems or SCR systems comprising the following steps:1. Molding and/or forming of a thermoplastic substrate from a first thermoplastic material,2. Three-dimensional printing of a second thermoplastic material onto a first area of the thermoplastic substrate obtained after step 1, wherein the first thermoplastic material of the thermoplastic substrate and the second thermoplastic material have a chemical compatibility, and wherein the second thermoplastic material is three-dimensionally printed in a volume being cubic and having an edge equal to or less than 50 mm.14. The method for manufacturing a thermoplastic component according to claim 13 , comprising the step of:3.a Three-dimensional printing of a third thermoplastic material onto a second area of the thermoplastic substrate obtained after step 1, wherein the first thermoplastic material of the thermoplastic substrate, the second thermoplastic material and the third thermoplastic material have a chemical compatibility.15. The method for manufacturing a thermoplastic component according to claim 14 , wherein the third thermoplastic material is three-dimensionally printed on the second thermoplastic material claim 14 , or the third thermoplastic material is three-dimensionally printed partly on the second thermoplastic material and partly on the first thermoplastic material claim 14 , or the second and third thermoplastic materials are three-dimensionally ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180291795A1

The present disclosure relates to a vehicle exhaust assembly () for an internal combustion engine. The vehicle exhaust assembly () comprises an exhaust system () and an exhaust mounting assembly () for mounting the exhaust system () to a vehicle (). The exhaust system () comprises an inlet section () for connection to the internal combustion engine; an intermediate section () connected to the inlet section (); an outlet section () for exhausting gases from the internal combustion engine; and one or more exhaust decoupler () for decoupling the intermediate section () from the inlet section (). The exhaust mounting assembly () comprises one or more first isolator device (--) for resiliently constraining movement of the intermediate section () of the exhaust system () in a longitudinal direction; and one or more second isolator device (--) for resiliently constraining movement of the outlet section () of the vehicle () exhaust in a transverse direction. The present disclosure also relates to a vehicle () including a vehicle exhaust assembly (). 1. A vehicle exhaust assembly for an internal combustion engine , the vehicle exhaust assembly comprising;an exhaust system; and an inlet section for connection to the internal combustion engine;', 'an intermediate section connected to the inlet section;', 'an outlet section for exhausting gases from the internal combustion engine; and', 'at least one exhaust decoupler for decoupling the intermediate section from the inlet section, and, 'an exhaust mounting assembly for mounting the exhaust system, wherein the exhaust system comprises at least one first isolator device for resiliently constraining movement of the intermediate section of the exhaust system in a longitudinal direction and for substantially inhibiting movement of the intermediate section of the exhaust system in a transverse direction; and', 'at least one second isolator device for resiliently constraining movement of the outlet section of the vehicle exhaust in ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170298796A1

An exhaust system for treating an exhaust gas produced by a diesel engine comprises: (a) an emissions control device (ECD) for oxidising carbon monoxide (CO) and/or hydrocarbons (HCs), wherein the emissions control device comprises a platinum group metal (PGM) and a substrate, wherein the PGM is platinum, palladium or a combination thereof; (b) an injector for introducing an ammonia precursor into the exhaust gas, which is downstream of the ECD; (c) a first selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst downstream of the injector, wherein the first SCR catalyst comprises a substrate and a first SCR composition, wherein the substrate is either a flow-through substrate or a filtering substrate; (d) a second SCR catalyst downstream of the first SCR catalyst, wherein the second SCR catalyst comprises a flow-through substrate and a second SCR composition; and wherein at least one of the ECD and the first SCR reduction catalyst has a filtering substrate. 1. An exhaust system for treating an exhaust gas produced by a diesel engine comprising:(a) an emissions control device for oxidising at least one of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HCs), wherein the emissions control device comprises a platinum group metal (PGM) and a substrate, wherein the platinum group metal (PGM) is selected from platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd) and a combination thereof;(b) an injector for introducing an ammonia precursor into the exhaust gas, which is downstream of the emissions control device for oxidising at least one of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HCs);(c) a first selective catalytic reduction catalyst downstream of the injector for introducing an ammonia precursor into the exhaust gas, wherein the first selective catalytic reduction catalyst comprises a substrate and a first selective catalytic reduction composition, wherein the substrate is either a flow-through substrate or a filtering substrate;(d) a second selective catalytic reduction catalyst downstream of the first selective ...
