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27-05-2013 дата публикации

Встроенный клапан

Номер: RU0000128663U1

1. Выпускной клапан, содержащий первую заслонку, выполненную с возможностью перекрытия первой части перепускного трубопровода турбины и первой части впускного трубопровода турбины; и вторую заслонку, выполненную с возможностью перекрытия второй части перепускного трубопровода турбины и второй части впускного трубопровода турбины, причем перепускной трубопровод турбины находится по существу в полностью заблокированном состоянии, когда первая и вторая заслонки вместе расположены в первой плоскости.2. Выпускной клапан по п.1, отличающийся тем, что первая заслонка и вторая заслонка по существу полностью блокируют впускной трубопровод турбины, когда указанные заслонки вместе расположены во второй плоскости.3. Выпускной клапан по п.2, отличающийся тем, что первая заслонка вложена в кольцо второй заслонки, когда первая и вторая заслонки расположены в первой или во второй плоскости.4. Выпускной клапан по п.2, отличающийся тем, что первая плоскость перпендикулярна перепускному трубопроводу турбины, а вторая плоскость перпендикулярна впускному трубопроводу турбины.5. Выпускной клапан по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждая из указанных заслонок выполнена с возможностью поворота на одной приводной оси.6. Выпускной клапан по п.1, отличающийся тем, что выполнен с возможностью установки по меньшей мере в два состояния: первое состояние, при котором первая и вторая заслонки расположены так, что проход выхлопных газов во впускной трубопровод турбины по существу полностью заблокирован, и второе состояние, при котором первая и вторая заслонки расположены так, что проход выхлопных газов в перепускной трубопровод турбины по су� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 128 663 (13) U1 (51) МПК F02B 41/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2012107683/06, 01.03.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.03.2012 (72) Автор(ы): ВЕЙД Роберт Эндрю (US), НАДДАФ Фади Марун (US) (45) ...

20-06-2014 дата публикации

Система для двигателя

Номер: RU0000141938U1

1. Система для двигателя, содержащая:компрессор, расположенный на впуске двигателя и присоединенный к турбине, расположенной на выпуске двигателя;эжектор, расположенный в протоке выхлопных газов;клапан регулятора давления наддува турбины, приводимый в действие вакуумным исполнительным механизмом; ивакуумный трубопровод, присоединяющий эжектор к вакуумному исполнительному механизму.2. Система по п.1, в которой впуск эжектора расположен в выпуске выше по потоку от турбины, а выпуск эжектора расположен в выпуске ниже по потоку от турбины.3. Система по п.1, в которой впуск эжектора расположен в выпуске выше по потоку от турбины, а выпуск эжектора расположен на впуске выше по потоку от компрессора.4. Система по п.1, дополнительно содержащая вентиляционную магистраль, присоединяющую вакуумный трубопровод к впускному каналу выше по потоку от компрессора.5. Система по п.4, дополнительно содержащая вентиляционный клапан, расположенный в вентиляционной магистрали, и контроллер, содержащий команды для регулировки вентиляционного клапана на основании требуемого давления наддува.6. Система по п.1, дополнительно содержащая второй эжектор, расположенный в параллель дросселю и присоединенный по текучей среде к вакуумному трубопроводу.7. Система по п.6, дополнительно содержащая третий эжектор, расположенный в параллель компрессору и присоединенный по текучей среде к вакуумному трубопроводу. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 141 938 U1 (51) МПК F02B 37/18 (2006.01) F01N 5/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013150993/06, 15.11.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.11.2013 (72) Автор(ы): АЛРИ Джозеф Норман (US), ПЕРСИФУЛЛ Росс Дикстра (US) 16.11.2012 US 13/679,700 (45) Опубликовано: 20.06.2014 Бюл. № 17 1 4 1 9 3 8 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Система для двигателя, содержащая: компрессор, расположенный на впуске двигателя и присоединенный к турбине, ...

20-09-2014 дата публикации

Система двигателя

Номер: RU0000145307U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая:двигатель с воспламенением от сжатия, включающий в себя камеру сгорания;топливную форсунку, непосредственно впрыскивающую топливо в камеру сгорания; исистему управления, содержащую компьютерную программу, хранимую на постоянном носителе, включающем в себя исполняемые команды для впрыска топлива в цилиндр, включающего в себя предварительные впрыски топлива, основной впрыск топлива и впрыски топлива после сгорания, в ответ на концентрацию биодизеля у топлива, подаваемого в двигатель.2. Система двигателя по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая дополнительные команды для оценки концентрации биодизеля в ответ на температуру при восстановлении дизельного сажевого фильтра.3. Система двигателя по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая дополнительные команды для оценки концентрации биодизеля в ответ на выходной сигнал датчика кислорода.4. Система двигателя по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая дополнительные команды для оценки концентрации биодизеля в ответ на выходной сигнал датчика NOx.5. Система двигателя по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая дополнительные команды для оценки концентрации биодизеля в ответ на выходной сигнал датчика давления в цилиндре.6. Система двигателя по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая дополнительные команды для установки опережения момента впрыска топлива в ответ на повышение концентрации биодизеля.7. Система двигателя по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая дополнительные команды для оценки концентрации биодизеля в ответ на событие заправки топлива. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 145 307 U1 (51) МПК F02D 41/30 (2006.01) F02M 45/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014103597/06, 03.02.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 03.02.2014 (72) Автор(ы): КУРТЦ Эрик Мэттью (US), ТЕННИСОН Пол Джозеф (US) 04.02.2013 US 13/758,901 (45) Опубликовано: 20.09.2014 Бюл. № 26 (54) СИСТЕМА ДВИГАТЕЛЯ R U 1 4 5 3 0 7 U 1 и систему управления ...

20-09-2014 дата публикации

Система двигателя

Номер: RU0000145314U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая:двигатель, содержащий впуск и выпуск;турбонагнетатель для подачи подвергнутого наддуву заряда воздуха в двигатель, причем турбонагнетатель включает в себя турбину с приводом от выхлопных газов и впускной компрессор;регулятор давления наддува, присоединенный в параллель турбине;непрерывно регулируемый клапан рециркуляции, присоединенный в параллель компрессору;дроссель, присоединенный к впуску ниже по потоку от компрессора; иконтроллер с машиночитаемыми командами для:осуществления работы системы двигателя в первом режиме, в котором положение регулятора давления наддува, впускного дросселя и положение клапана рециркуляции регулируются для обеспечения требуемого давления наддува на основании требования крутящего момента водителя; иосуществления работы системы двигателя во втором режиме, в котором регулируется только положение регулятора давления наддува и впускного дросселя для обеспечения требуемого давления наддува на основании требования крутящего момента водителя.2. Система по п. 1, в которой контроллер выполнен с возможностью осуществления работы системы двигателя в первом режиме в ответ на отсутствие указания ухудшения работы клапана рециркуляции и осуществления работы системы двигателя во втором режиме в ответ на указание ухудшения работы клапана рециркуляции.3. Система по п. 1, в которой при работе системы двигателя в первом режиме положение регулятора давления наддува регулируется с более высокой регулировкой коэффициента передачи, а при работе системы двигателя во втором режиме положение регулятора давления наддува регулируется с более низкой регул� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 145 314 U1 (51) МПК F02B 37/16 (2006.01) F02D 23/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014109740/06, 13.03.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.03.2014 (72) Автор(ы): ЯНКОВИЧ Мрдьян Я. (US), БАКЛЕНД Джулия Хелен (US) 14.03. ...

27-10-2014 дата публикации

Система двигателя

Номер: RU0000147208U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая:двигатель, содержащий первую группу цилиндров и вторую группу цилиндров,первый турбонагнетатель, включающий в себя первый регулятор давления наддува, привод первого регулятора давления наддува и датчик первого турбонагнетателя;второй турбонагнетатель, включающий в себя второй регулятор давления наддува, привод второго регулятора давления наддува и датчик второго турбонагнетателя; иконтроллер, выполненный с возможностью регулировки привода первого регулятора давления наддува, пока параметр первого турбонагнетателя не станет равен параметру второго турбонагнетателя, на основании выходного сигнала с датчиков первого и второго турбонагнетателя,при этом первый турбонагнетатель выполнен с возможностью приема выхлопных газов из первой группы цилиндров, а второй турбонагнетатель выполнен с возможностью приема выхлопных газов из второй группы цилиндров.2. Система двигателя по п.1, в которой датчик первого турбонагнетателя и датчик второго турбонагнетателя содержат датчик скорости вращения турбины.3. Система двигателя по п.2, в которой контроллер дополнительно выполнен с возможностью расчета скорости вращения первого турбонагнетателя и скорости вращения второго турбонагнетателя на основании выходного сигнала из первого и второго датчика скорости вращения турбины, при этом контроллер выполнен с возможностью регулировки привода первого регулятора давления наддува, пока скорость вращения первого турбонагнетателя не совпадет со скоростью вращения второго турбонагнетателя.4. Система двигателя по п.1, в которой датчик первого турбонагнетателя и датчик второго турбонагне РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 147 208 U1 (51) МПК F02B 37/007 (2006.01) F02D 23/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013156849/06, 20.12.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.12.2013 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): ХИЛДИТЧ Джим ...

27-05-2015 дата публикации

Система для указания воды в датчике кислорода на основании потребляемой мощности нагревателя датчика

Номер: RU0000152379U1

1. Система для двигателя, содержащая:впускной коллектор, включающий в себя впускной дроссель;охладитель наддувочного воздуха, расположенный выше по потоку от впускного коллектора;датчик кислорода, расположенный на выходе охладителя наддувочного воздуха, при этом датчик кислорода включает в себя нагревательный элемент; иконтроллер с машинно-читаемыми командами для указания воды в датчике кислорода в ответ на увеличение потребляемой мощности нагревательного элемента датчика кислорода более высокое, чем пороговое значение, во время выбранного состояния.2. Система по п.1, в которой машинно-читаемые команды дополнительно включают в себя команды для настройки условий эксплуатации двигателя на основании указания воды в датчике кислорода, причем условия эксплуатации двигателя включают в себя одно или более из открывания впускного дросселя и установки момента зажигания, при этом выбранное состояние чувствительно к влажности окружающей среды, большей, чем пороговое значение. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 152 379 U1 (51) МПК F02B 29/04 (2006.01) F02D 45/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014133365/06, 13.08.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.08.2014 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): СУРНИЛЛА Гопичандра (US), СОЛТИС Ричард И. (US), МАКЛЕД Дэниел А. (US), КЛАРК Тимоти Джозеф (US) (45) Опубликовано: 27.05.2015 Бюл. № 15 1 5 2 3 7 9 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Система для двигателя, содержащая: впускной коллектор, включающий в себя впускной дроссель; охладитель наддувочного воздуха, расположенный выше по потоку от впускного коллектора; датчик кислорода, расположенный на выходе охладителя наддувочного воздуха, при этом датчик кислорода включает в себя нагревательный элемент; и контроллер с машинно-читаемыми командами для указания воды в датчике кислорода в ответ на увеличение потребляемой мощности нагревательного ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации

Система двигателя

Номер: RU0000152593U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая:устройство сжатия, содержащее компрессор, расположенный во впускном канале;первый дроссель, расположенный ниже по потоку от компрессора во впускном канале;второй дроссель, расположенный выше по потоку от компрессора во впускном канале;контроллер, содержащий процессор и машиночитаемое запоминающее устройство, содержащее команды, исполняемые процессором, дляоткрывания второго дросселя для повышения давления на впуске первого дросселя при переходном состоянии, когда требуемое давление во впускном коллекторе больше, чем давление на впуске дросселя у первого дросселя, если падение давления на втором дросселе больше, чем пороговое значение давления.2. Система двигателя по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая:систему регулируемой установки фаз клапанного распределения;при этом машиночитаемое запоминающее устройство дополнительно содержит команды, исполняемые процессором для:регулировки системы регулируемой установки фаз клапанного распределения для уменьшения внутреннего захватывания EGR в цилиндрах двигателя при переходном состоянии, когда требуемое абсолютное давление во впускном коллекторе больше, чем давление на впуске дросселя, если коэффициент наполнения цилиндров меньше, чем пороговое значение коэффициента наполнения.3. Система двигателя по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая:систему LP-EGR для подачи LP-EGR из выпускного канала во впускной канал выше по потоку от компрессора;при этом машиночитаемое запоминающее устройство дополнительно содержит команды, исполняемые процессором для:уменьшения потока LP-EGR при переходном состоянии, когда требуемое абсолютное давление во впуск� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 152 593 U1 (51) МПК F02D 23/00 (2006.01) F02D 43/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014120400/06, 20.05.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.05.2014 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (45) Опубликовано: ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации

Система для улучшения запуска двигателя

Номер: RU0000152595U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая:двигатель, включающий в себя цилиндр, клапан и турбонагнетатель; иконтроллер, включающий в себя исполняемые инструкции, хранимые в невременной памяти, для подстройки давления наддува двигателя в ответ на объем цилиндра у цилиндра при останове двигателя.2. Система двигателя по п. 1, где исполняемые инструкции включают в себя инструкции для повышения давления наддува двигателя по мере того, как уменьшается объем цилиндра.3. Система двигателя по п. 1, где исполняемые инструкции включают в себя инструкции для понижения давления наддува двигателя по мере того, как увеличивается объем цилиндра.4. Система двигателя по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая дополнительные исполняемые инструкции для открывания клапана, чтобы повышать давление в цилиндре во время останова двигателя.5. Система двигателя по п. 1, где исполняемые инструкции повышают давление наддува двигателя, в то время как двигатель остановлен.6. Система двигателя по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая исполняемые инструкции для непосредственного запуска двигателя. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 152 595 U1 (51) МПК F02N 19/00 (2010.01) F02B 37/12 (2006.01) F02D 23/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014108780/06, 06.03.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.03.2014 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): ХЭШЕМИ Сиамек (US), СТЭЙНЕК Джо Ф. (US), ФРЭНКС Дональд Чарльз (US), ЛОКВУД Тони Э. (US) (45) Опубликовано: 10.06.2015 Бюл. № 16 1 5 2 5 9 5 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Система двигателя, содержащая: двигатель, включающий в себя цилиндр, клапан и турбонагнетатель; и контроллер, включающий в себя исполняемые инструкции, хранимые в невременной памяти, для подстройки давления наддува двигателя в ответ на объем цилиндра у цилиндра при останове двигателя. 2. Система двигателя по п. 1, где исполняемые инструкции включают в себя инструкции для ...

10-10-2015 дата публикации

Система двигателя

Номер: RU0000155440U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая:двигатель, содержащий впуск и выпуск;турбонагнетатель, содержащий впускной компрессор, приводимый в действие выпускной турбиной;охладитель наддувочного воздуха, присоединенный ниже по потоку от компрессора;первый канал рециркуляции компрессора, содержащий первый клапан и диффузор, причем первый канал присоединяет выпуск охладителя наддувочного воздуха к впуску компрессора, а диффузор расположен ниже по потоку от первого клапана в канале;второй канал рециркуляции компрессора, содержащий второй клапан, причем второй канал присоединяет выпуск охладителя наддувочного воздуха к впуску компрессора, и второй канал расположен параллельно первому каналу;канал рециркуляции выхлопных газов (EGR), содержащий клапан EGR для рециркуляции выхлопных остаточных газов на впуск двигателя через первый канал рециркуляции компрессора, причем канал EGR присоединен к первому каналу на диффузоре; иконтроллер с машиночитаемыми командами дляв ответ на требование EGR,открывания клапана EGR;увеличения открывания первого клапана на основании требования EGR для рециркуляции сжатого воздуха через диффузор и формирования разрежения на диффузоре; ивтягивания EGR в двигатель с использованием разрежения, сформированного на диффузоре.2. Система по п. 1, в которой контроллер содержит дополнительные команды для увеличения открывания второго клапана наряду с сохранением открывания первого клапана в ответ на указание помпажа.3. Система по п. 1, в которой открывание первого клапана дополнительно основано на давлении выхлопных газов, оцененном выше по потоку от впуска канала EGR, причем открывание первого клапана у� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F02D 23/00 F02B 37/00 F02M 25/07 F02B 29/04 (13) 155 440 U1 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014133173/06, 12.08.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.08.2014 Приоритет(ы ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Method and control device for determining a characteristic viscosity variable of an oil

Номер: US20120006289A1
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

In order for the viscosity of the engine oil to be determined as directly as possible, particularly in the case of a motor vehicle with hydraulic control of the gas exchange valves, provision is made for a time period which a hydraulic component, in particular a solenoid valve, requires to move from a first position to a second position to be used as a measure of the viscosity. In particular, an electrical control signal for the solenoid valve is evaluated in the process. An additional sensor arrangement is not required. The determined viscosity is preferably actively used for controlling the gas exchange valves.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Method for Purging Fuel Vapors

Номер: US20120016566A1

A method for improving purging of fuel vapors from a boosted engine is presented. In one embodiment, the method increases the efficiency of a venturi that supplies vacuum to purge fuel vapors from a vapor storage canister.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for determining the pressure upstream from the turbine of a supercharging turbocharger of a thermal engine

Номер: US20120016602A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

A method for determining, in a turbocharger for supercharging a thermal engine including a turbine and a compressor, the pressure upstream from the turbine based on the inlet air flow, the pressure upstream from the compressor, the temperature upstream from the compressor, the pressure downstream from the compressor, the temperature upstream from the turbine, and the pressure downstream from the turbine.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for operating a compression ignition engine

Номер: US20120031384A1

A method for operating an internal combustion engine includes monitoring oxygen concentration in an exhaust gas feedstream, a mass flowrate of intake air, and a commanded fuel pulse of fuel. A blend ratio of biodiesel fuel and petrodiesel fuel of the fuel is determined. Engine operation is controlled in response to the blend ratio of biodiesel fuel and petrodiesel fuel of the fuel.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Torque limiting engine lubrication protection system

Номер: US20120067327A1

A lubrication torque limit module includes a temperature module that determines a temperature of an engine and generates an engine temperature signal. A limit module generates a torque limit signal based on the temperature signal and a speed of the engine. The torque limit signal identifies an indicated torque maximum limit. A torque arbitration module limits indicated torque of the engine based on the indicated torque maximum limit. The indicated torque of the engine is equal to an unmanaged brake torque of the engine plus an overall friction torque of the engine.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for pre-ignition control

Номер: US20120073542A1

Methods and systems are provided for mitigating engine pre-ignition based on a feed-forward likelihood of pre-ignition and feedback from a pre-ignition event. In response to an indication of pre-ignition, a cylinder may be enriched while an engine load is limited. The enrichment may be followed by an enleanment to restore exhaust catalyst feed-gas oxygen levels. The mitigating steps may be adjusted based on engine operating conditions, a pre-ignition count, as well as the nature of the pre-ignition.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Engine controlling apparatus

Номер: US20120083991A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Motors Corp

An engine controlling apparatus includes an idle speed setting unit that sets a target idle speed upon idling of an engine mounted on a vehicle, and a target torque setting unit that sets a target torque in response to the target idle speed. The apparatus further includes an ignition timing controlling unit that controls an ignition timing and an intake air amount controlling unit that controls an intake air amount, and a steering angle detection unit that detects a steering angle. The apparatus further includes a torque value setting unit that sets a torque value in response to the steering angle. The intake air amount controlling unit controls the intake air amount in response to both the target torque and the torque value. The ignition timing controlling unit controls the ignition timing so that the engine outputs the target torque.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for controlling vacuum

Номер: US20120097130A1

An engine with a two vacuum sources is disclosed. In one example, a valve position is adjusted in when engine load is low and intake manifold pressure is low to arbitrate vacuum between the two vacuum sources. The approach may increase engine operating efficiency during at least some conditions.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Method for controlling the speed of an internal combustion engine supercharged by means of a turbocharger

Номер: US20120109491A1
Автор: Marco Panciroli
Принадлежит: Individual

A method controls a supercharged internal-combustion engine and comprises steps of: establishing predetermined lower-limit and higher-limit speeds (PLLS, PHLS) of a turbocharger; calculating a reduced lower-limit speed (RLLS) according to the PLLS and an absolute temperature upstream of a compressor; calculating a reduced higher-limit speed (RHLS), according to the PHLS and temperature, higher than the RLLS; determining an “over-speed” interval (OSI) between the RRLS and RHLS; calculating a current reduced-limit speed (CRLS); controlling the turbocharger to bring the CRLS back to no greater than the RLLS every time the CRLS is detected and within the OSI; establishing in a preliminary adjustment and set-up phase a threshold value; and controlling the turbocharger to bring the CRLS back to no greater than the RLLS after a time interval, which is equal to the threshold value, has elapsed from a moment in which the CRLS is detected and within the OSI.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Deterioration determination apparatus for airflow meter and deterioration determination method

Номер: US20120111100A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

When a deterioration determination apparatus determines a degree of deterioration in characteristics of an airflow meter, a driving condition of an engine is maintained at a specified condition in which intake air flow rate is greater than a specified value. A measurement error of the airflow meter is computed based on an intake air flow rate measured with the airflow meter. The degree of deterioration due to stain is determined based on the measurement error.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine with turbocharger

Номер: US20120137677A1
Автор: Akira Sato
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An internal combustion engine with a turbocharger that can favorably prevent an exhaust gas purifying catalyst from being clogged with a manganese oxide contained in an exhaust gas is provided. The internal combustion engine includes a turbocharger that includes a turbine disposed in an exhaust passage, the turbine being operative by exhaust energy of the internal combustion engine; an upstream catalyst, disposed in the exhaust passage at a downstream side of the turbine, for purifying an exhaust gas; an exhaust bypass passage for bypassing the turbine; and a waste gate valve for opening or closing the exhaust bypass passage. The waste gate valve is controlled to be in an open state during performance of a fuel cut of the internal combustion engine.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Engine Idle Speed and Turbocharger Speed Control

Номер: US20120173123A1

Various methods are described for controlling engine operation for an engine having a turbocharger and direction injection. One example method includes performing at least a first and second injection in response to a driver action. The first and second injection may be performed during a cylinder cycle, the first injection generating a lean combustion and the second injection injected after combustion such that it exits the cylinder unburned into the exhaust upstream of a turbine of the turbocharger.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Supercharged internal combustion engine and method for operating an internal combustion engine of said type

Номер: US20120174576A1

A supercharged internal combustion engine is provided. The engine comprises a cylinder; an intake line in an intake system, for supplying charge air to the cylinder via an inlet manifold on an inlet side of the internal combustion engine into an inlet opening on the cylinder; an exhaust line for discharging exhaust gases; an exhaust-gas turbocharger including a turbine arranged in the exhaust line and a compressor arranged in the intake line; an exhaust-gas recirculation arrangement including a recirculation line which branches off from the exhaust line downstream of the turbine and opens into the intake line upstream of the compressor; and a charge-air cooler in the intake line downstream of the compressor, the charge-air cooler arranged above the inlet opening of the cylinder.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Control device for turbocharged engine

Номер: US20120179356A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

An object of the present invention is to provide a control device for a turbocharged engine capable of accurately estimating the revolution speed of a turbine without using additional components for directly detecting the turbine revolution speed, and by accurately estimating the turbine revolution speed, capable of accurately keeping the turbine revolution speed at an allowed value or below and preventing excessive rotation. The control device for a turbocharged engine includes a turbocharger having a compressor disposed in an intake passage of an engine, and a turbine disposed in an exhaust passage of the engine, a fuel injection amount control unit for controlling a fuel injection amount to the engine according to an operating state of the engine, and a turbine revolution speed estimation unit for determining by calculations an estimated value of a revolution speed of the turbine from the operating state of the engine. When the estimated value of the turbine revolution speed exceeds a predetermined allowed value, the fuel injection control unit controls the fuel injection amount such that the estimated value of the turbine revolution speed becomes equal to or less than the allowed value.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus, system, and method for vaporizing fuel mixture

Номер: US20120186557A1
Автор: Walter P. JENKINS
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus, system, and method are disclosed for vaporizing fuel. A method for vaporizing fuel includes providing a fuel vaporizer. The fuel vaporizer includes a chamber for receiving a liquid, the chamber comprising at least one inlet and at least one outlet. The fuel vaporizer also includes a driver module coupled with the chamber, and a oscillator disposed within the chamber and configured to be driven by the driver module. The method includes feeding water through an inlet of the at least one inlet into the chamber. The method includes driving the oscillator using the driver module at a predetermined frequency, wherein a mist is created from the liquid. The method also includes introducing the mist from the chamber via an outlet of the at least one outlet into an intake of an internal combustion engine.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Engine control apparatus

Номер: US20120197509A1
Автор: Shinji Watanabe
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

An engine control apparatus includes an ISS control unit provided with ISS determination means for inputting at least an engine cooling water temperature, vehicle speed, and brake information, and target opening setting means for setting a target opening in an idle stop/start control period; and a throttle control unit provided with proportional gain correction coefficient operation means for correcting a proportional gain to a value that is larger than a proportional gain outside the idle stop/start control period, throttle opening feedback control means for performing a throttle opening feedback control operation based on an opening deviation between a target opening and an actual opening, and PWM driving means for outputting a voltage that is in proportion to the operation amount to a motor.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for controlling the operation of a compressor

Номер: US20120204560A1
Автор: Jon Dixon

A method for controlling a compressor of a turbocharger is disclosed. In one example, the method comprises varying a maximum permitted compressor outlet temperature based upon a function of compressor outlet temperature and operating time, and controlling the operation of the compressor so that the maximum permitted compressor outlet temperature is not exceeded. In this way a higher boost pressure can safely be used during the early life of the compressor but excessive coking of the compressor with a resultant loss of efficiency later in the life of the compressor is reduced.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for operating a turbocharger arrangement and control unit for a turbocharger arrangement

Номер: US20120210710A1

A method for operating a turbocharger arrangement of an internal combustion engine, the turbocharger arrangement comprising a low-pressure and a high-pressure turbocharging stage arranged sequentially, the low-pressure turbo-charging stage comprising a low-pressure turbine with a sensorless low-pressure turbine bypass valve, is provided. The method comprises evaluating at least one sensor signal of the turbocharger arrangement for detecting a failure mode of the sensorless low-pressure turbine bypass valve. In this way, the low-pressure turbine bypass valve may be monitored for degradation without utilizing a position sensor.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Method for correcting fuel injection amount in common-rail-type fuel injection control device and common-rail-type fuel injection control device

Номер: US20120234294A1
Принадлежит: Bosch Corp

A common-rail-type fuel injection control device where an error in the correction of a fuel injection amount when an exhaust brake is used is eliminated enabling a more reliable correction of a fuel injection amount. A minute injection is performed plural times in a non-injection state. A difference between a reference energizing time, which becomes the reference for a fuel injection valve, and an actual energizing time based on a frequency component corresponding to a variation in an engine speed which is generated in the minute injection is learned. A correction control corrects an energizing time and timing. The correction control is corrected corresponding to a presence or non-presence of an operation of an exhaust brake and a magnitude of a supercharging pressure, and an amount of variation in an engine speed calculated based on a rotational variation frequency component.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

System and method for cam phaser control in an engine

Номер: US20120247411A1

A control system for an engine includes a position determination module and a position control module. The position determination module determines a first cam phaser position for starting the engine prior to engine shut down, and determines a second cam phaser position for starting the engine while the engine is shut down. The position control module adjusts a cam phaser to the first cam phaser position at engine shut down. The position control module adjusts the cam phaser from the first cam phaser position to the second cam phaser at engine start up when a difference between the first cam phaser position and the second cam phaser position is greater than a predetermined difference. A method for controlling an engine is also provided.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Engine combustion control at low loads via fuel reactivity stratification

Номер: US20120247421A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A compression ignition (diesel) engine uses two or more fuel charges during a combustion cycle, with the fuel charges having two or more reactivities (e.g., different cetane numbers), in order to control the timing and duration of combustion. By appropriately choosing the reactivities of the charges, their relative amounts, and their timing, combustion can be tailored to achieve optimal power output (and thus fuel efficiency), at controlled temperatures (and thus controlled NOx), and with controlled equivalence ratios (and thus controlled soot). At low load and no load (idling) conditions, the aforementioned results are attained by restricting airflow to the combustion chamber during the intake stroke (as by throttling the incoming air at or prior to the combustion chamber's intake port) so that the cylinder air pressure is below ambient pressure at the start of the compression stroke.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for managing the automatic stoppage of an automobile

Номер: US20120271535A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

A method including: a) determining a value representative of temperature of exhaust gases flowing in an exhaust duct of an engine upstream from a turbine; b) comparing the representative value with a predetermined threshold value; c) if the representative value is higher than the threshold value, initiating timing-out of a first time delay during which a) and b) are repeated; d) if the representative value is lower than the threshold value, initiating the timing-out of a second time delay during which a) and b) are repeated; e) if the first time delay has elapsed and the representative value is higher than the threshold value, preventing the automatic stoppage of the engine; f) if the second time delay has elapsed and the representative value is lower than the threshold value, authorizing the automatic stoppage of the engine and resetting the measure of the timing-out of the first time delay.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Multiple Compressor System and Method For Locomotives

Номер: US20120272857A1
Принадлежит: Norfolk Southern Corp

A system and method for maintaining a supply of compressed air on a locomotive. In one embodiment of the invention a compressed air system for a railroad locomotive comprises: a first air compressor; a second air compressor; a layover heater for maintaining the temperature of engine coolant; and a control system, wherein the first air compressor, the second air compressor, the layover heater, and the control package can be powered by at least one of the following power sources: an onboard electrical power source; or an offboard power source, wherein the layover heater can utilize heat generated by the first air compressor and the second air compressor to maintain the temperature of engine coolant, and wherein the control system operating the compressed air system utilizes a first logic when the power source is the onboard electrical power source and a second logic when the power source is the off board power source.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Internal Combustion Engine Control Device

Номер: US20120290193A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

An internal combustion engine control device is provided which can accurately estimate intake pipe temperature behavior during transient time even in an internal combustion engine embedded with a variable valve or a turbocharger. The internal combustion engine control device estimates transient behavior of the intake pipe temperature, on the basis of a flow rate (dGafs/dt) of gas flowing into the intake pipe, a flow rate (dGcyl/dt) of gas flowing from the intake pipe, an intake pipe pressure Pin, and a temporal changing rate (dPin/dt) of the intake pipe pressure. The device performs knocking control during transient time, on the basis of the estimated transient behavior of the intake pipe temperature.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

System and Method to Control an Electronically-Controlled Turbocharger

Номер: US20120297767A1
Автор: Peter Hofbauer
Принадлежит: EcoMotors International Inc

By providing an electrically-controlled turbocharger (ECT) on a compression-ignition (CI) engine, the engine can be provided a desired lambda and a desired EGR fraction over the range of operating conditions. When lambda in the exhaust is leaner than the desired lambda, electrical energy to the electric motor of the ECT is reduced to bring actual lambda to desired lambda. Analogously, when lambda in the exhaust is richer than the desired lambda, electrical energy to the ECT is increased.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for an engine

Номер: US20120304887A1
Автор: Manoj Gokhale
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Various methods and systems for an engine are provided. In one example, an engine system includes an exhaust passage through which exhaust gas is configured to flow from the engine, and a turbocharger with a turbine positioned in the exhaust passage. The engine system further includes an exhaust gas treatment system disposed in the exhaust passage upstream of the turbine, the exhaust gas treatment system including at least one exhaust gas treatment device and a bypass with a bypass valve, the bypass valve configured to be adjusted to reduce exhaust gas flow through the exhaust gas treatment system in response to a transient engine operating condition.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Control system and method for coordinating throttle and boost

Номер: US20120318235A1

An engine control system according to the principles of the present disclosure includes a manifold air pressure (MAP) determination module, a boost control module, and a throttle control module. The MAP determination module determines a desired MAP based on a driver torque request. The boost control module controls a boost device based on the desired MAP and a basic boost pressure. The boost device is actuated using boost pressure and the boost pressure is insufficient to actuate the boost device when the boost pressure is less than the basic boost pressure. The throttle control module controls a throttle valve based on the desired MAP and the basic boost pressure.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

System and method implementing air shutoff position detection strategy

Номер: US20130000730A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

An engine air shutoff valve system with an improved sensor that facilitates a position detection of the shutoff valve is disclosed. The air shutoff valve system may include a shutoff valve, an indicator, and at least one solid-state proximity sensor. The shutoff valve is moveable between an open and closed position. The indicator is operatively coupled to the shutoff valve. The indicator is movable between a normal state and a tripped state in respective correspondence with the open and closed positions of the shutoff valve. At least one solid-state proximity sensor can be configured to detect when the indicator is in the tripped state.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Method for controlling a turbocharger arrangement of an internal combustion engine, and control device

Номер: US20130006494A1
Автор: Simon Petrovic

Embodiments for controlling exhaust gas turbines are provided. In one embodiment, a method for controlling a turbocharger arrangement of an internal combustion engine, the turbocharger arrangement having at least a first exhaust-gas turbine and a second exhaust-gas turbine arranged downstream of the first, and an exhaust-gas aftertreatment system being arranged downstream of the second exhaust-gas turbine comprises, in a warm-up mode, controlling at least one exhaust-gas turbine so as to increase an inlet temperature of an exhaust-gas flow at the inlet into the exhaust-gas aftertreatment system. In this way, the exhaust-gas aftertreatment system may be rapidly heated.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Approach for Controlling a Vehicle Engine That Includes an Electric Boosting Device

Номер: US20130006507A1

A method of operating a vehicle including an engine is provided. The engine may include at least one cylinder, a boosting device to boost intake air to the at least one cylinder, a fuel tank, a fuel vapor canister to store fuel vapors vented from the fuel tank, and an emission control device to treat exhaust gas from the engine. The boosting device includes a compressor at least partially driven by an electric motor. The method includes during an engine cold start condition, operating the electric motor of the boost device to boost intake air, directing the boosted intake air through the fuel vapor canister to release a fuel vapor stored in the fuel vapor canister, directing the fuel vapor from the fuel vapor canister to the engine, and performing combustion in the at least one cylinder using the fuel vapor during the engine starting.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for improving engine starting

Номер: US20130066539A1

An engine system and method for improving engine starting are disclosed. In one example, engine port throttles are adjusted differently during automatic and operator initiated engine starts. The system and method may improve engine torque control during an engine start.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for adjusting port throttles

Номер: US20130066540A1

An engine system and method for improving engine starting are disclosed. In one example, two engine cylinder port throttles are adjusted differently during engine starting. The system and method may improve engine torque control during an engine start.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Method for Operating a Particle Filter

Номер: US20130074476A1
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

A method for operating a particle filter that filters particles contained in the exhaust of motor vehicle combustion engines. A conditioning step is performed such that the separation efficiency of the particle filter for particles is increased relative to the value existing in the new condition.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

System for controlling an air handling system including an electric pump-assisted exhaust gas recirculation

Номер: US20130080034A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

A system controlling an air handling system for an internal combustion engine. An EGR valve in-line with an EGR passageway fluidly coupled between exhaust and intake manifolds of the engine is controllable between fully closed open positions to control a flow rate of exhaust gas through the EGR passageway. A control circuit determines a pump enable value as a function of at least one of a target engine speed and a total fueling target, determines a maximum achievable flow rate of recirculated exhaust gas through the EGR passageway with the EGR valve in the fully open position, and activates an electric gas pump to increase the flow rate of exhaust gas through the EGR passageway if the pump enable value exceeds a threshold pump enable value and a target flow rate of recirculated exhaust gas through the EGR passageway is less than the maximum achievable flow rate.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Method For Reducing The Rate Of Exhaust Heat Loss

Номер: US20130086887A1
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

Disclosed is a method for reducing the rate of exhaust heat loss. The method comprises the steps of determining whether an engine is motoring and determining whether a diesel particulate filter needs to be regenerated. Further, the method comprises the step of closing an air throttle to a substantially closed position for reducing the flow of intake gas into the engine if the diesel particulate filter needs to be regenerated and if the engine is motoring. Further yet, the method comprises the step of opening the EGR valve to an at least partially open position for allowing the exhaust gas to recirculate through the engine if the diesel particulate filter needs to be regenerated and if the engine is motoring.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090839A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A control system for an internal combustion engine where when the engine is decelerating the amount of intake air supplied to a combustion chamber is controlled. A target auxiliary intake air amount SAIRCMD necessary for preventing misfiring of the engine by supplying only an auxiliary intake air amount to a combustion chamber and a target intake air amount GAIRCMD which is a target value of the amount of intake air supplied to the combustion chamber are calculated according to the state NE, AP of the engine. When the engine is decelerating, and misfires, misfire avoidance control is executed controlling an auxiliary intake air amount control valve to be more opened such that the auxiliary intake air amount becomes the target auxiliary intake air amount SAIRCMD and a throttle valve to be more closed such that the amount of intake air supplied to the combustion chamber becomes the target intake air amount GAIRCMD. 1. A control system for an internal combustion engine that includes an EGR passage connected to an intake passage and an exhaust passage , and is provided with an EGR device for recirculating part of exhaust gases which are exhausted to the exhaust passage , as EGR gas , via the EGR passage to the intake passage , comprising:a throttle valve provided on a downstream side of a connecting portion of the intake passage to the EGR passage, for controlling an amount of intake air flowing through the intake passage;a bypass passage connected to an upstream side of the connecting portion of the intake passage to the EGR passage, and to a downstream side of the throttle valve in the intake passage;an auxiliary intake air amount control valve provided in the bypass passage, for controlling an auxiliary intake air amount which is an amount of fresh air supplied to a combustion chamber of the engine via the bypass passage;operation state-detecting means for detecting an operation state of the engine;target auxiliary intake air amount-calculating means for calculating ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Methods and systems for an engine

Номер: US20130091844A1

Various systems and methods for an engine system which includes a throttle turbine generator having a turbine which drives an auxiliary generator and disposed in a throttle bypass are described. In some examples, a throttle bypass valve is controlled to adjust airflow through the throttle bypass responsive to airflow to cylinders of the engine. In other examples, an operating parameter such as throttle position is controlled based on transient operating conditions of the engine. In still other examples, charging of a battery is coordinated between the auxiliary generator and a primary generator.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicles

Номер: US20130096752A1
Принадлежит: PAICE LLC

A hybrid vehicle comprises an internal combustion engine, a traction motor, a starter motor, and a battery bank, all controlled by a microprocessor in accordance with the vehicle's instantaneous torque demands so that the engine is run only under conditions of high efficiency, typically only when the load is at least equal to 30% of the engine's maximum torque output. In some embodiments, a turbocharger may be provided, activated only when the load exceeds the engine's maximum torque output for an extended period; a two-speed transmission may further be provided, to further broaden the vehicle's load range. A hybrid brake system provides regenerative braking, with mechanical braking available in the event the battery bank is fully charged, in emergencies, or at rest; a control mechanism is provided to control the brake system to provide linear brake feel under varying circumstances.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for reducing turbocharger noise during cold start

Номер: US20130098032A1

An approach for controlling a turbocharger bypass valve is disclosed. In one example, the turbocharger bypass valve is opened during engine cold start conditions to reduce turbocharger speed. The approach may reduce noise produced by the turbocharger during engine start and warm-up.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130103243A1
Автор: Teraya Ryuta

A purge control implementation determination unit determines whether or not to implement purge control in accordance with predetermined implementation conditions. If it is determined to implement the purge control, a purge control unit actually implements the purge control. A throttle opening degree upper limit switching unit switches an upper limit value of an opening degree of a throttle based on a determination result of the purge control implementation determination unit. A throttle opening degree control unit controls the opening degree of the throttle so as not to exceed the upper limit value set by the throttle opening degree upper limit switching unit. 1. A control device for an internal combustion engine , said internal combustion engine including a purge mechanism for implementing purge control which causes evaporated fuel generated within a fuel tank to flow into an intake pipe , utilizing a negative pressure within said intake pipe which varies in accordance with an opening degree of a throttle provided in said intake pipe , said control device for the internal combustion engine comprising:a determination unit determining whether or not to implement said purge control in accordance with predetermined implementation conditionsa switching unit switching an upper limit value of the opening degree of said throttle based on a determination result of said determination unit, wherein,when it is determined by said determination unit to implement said purge control, said switching unit sets said upper limit value to a first value, and when it is determined by said determination unit not to implement said purge control, said switching unit sets said upper limit value to a second value larger than the first value; anda throttle opening degree control unit controlling the opening degree of said throttle to a fuel efficiency-optimizing opening degree for optimizing fuel efficiency of said internal combustion engine, when it is determined by said determination unit ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Engine and aftertreatment optimization system

Номер: US20130111878A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell sro

An approach and system for engine and aftertreatment system optimization. Emissions of an engine may be reduced by an aftertreatment mechanism. Control of the engine and the aftertreatment mechanism may be coordinated for the best overall efficiency relative to both fuel consumption and the emissions reduction. Engine and aftertreatment control may also be optimized in terms of cost function minimization. Individual efficiencies of the engine and aftertreatment mechanism are not necessarily significant by themselves. Therefore, the engine and aftertreatment mechanism should be controlled in a manner to achieve the optimality of the engine and the aftertreatment mechanism together as one entity.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131955A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc.

Systems and methods for correcting mass airflow sensor drift include an operation conditions module to interpret a base calibration function, a MAF sensor input value, and a current operating condition. A MAF correction module determines an expected MAF value in response to the current operating condition and a predetermined operating condition. The MAF correction module will also determine an adjusted MAF value in response to the expected MAF value, the base calibration function, and the MAF sensor input value. A MAF reporting module is structured to provide the adjusted MAF value. 1. A system , comprising:an internal combustion engine having an air intake assembly;a mass airflow (MAF) sensor operably coupled to the air intake assembly; and an operation conditions module structured to interpret a base calibration function, a MAF sensor input value, and a current operating condition;', 'a MAF correction module structured to determine an expected MAF value in response to the current operating condition and a predetermined operating condition, and to determine an adjusted MAF value in response to the expected MAF value, the base calibration function, and the MAF sensor input value; and', 'a MAF reporting module structured to provide the adjusted MAF value., 'a controller comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the internal combustion engine is a diesel engine having an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) inlet operably coupled to the air intake assembly downstream of the MAF sensor.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the MAF sensor is one of a hot-film MAF sensor and a hot-wire MAF sensor.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the air intake assembly includes a turbocharger having a compressor inlet and claim 1 , wherein the MAF sensor is positioned upstream of the compressor inlet.5. The system of claim 1 , the controller further comprising an error margin module structured to interpret a threshold MAF sensor difference and to determine a MAF sensor difference in ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131959A1

When a fuel oil leakage from an injector during a stop of an engine is large and a fuel oil leakage determination condition is satisfied, an intake air flow rate is increased and then the engine is started. Through such control, while the engine is cranked at the time of a start, it is possible to early scavenge an air-fuel mixture having a high concentration of HC, and it is possible to optimize an air-fuel ratio (set an air-fuel ratio to an appropriate value within a combustible range) at the time of a start of the engine. As a result, a combustion state gets better, torque at the time of a start of the engine increases, and the startability of the engine improves. 1. A starting control device for an internal combustion engine that causes an air-fuel mixture of intake air and fuel injected from a fuel injection valve to combust in a combustion chamber to obtain power , comprising:a control unit configured to execute scavenging control at the time of a start of the engine when a condition for determining a fuel oil leakage from the fuel injection valve is satisfied.2. The starting control device according to claim 1 , wherein the scavenging control is control for increasing an intake air flow rate at the time of a start of the engine.3. The starting control device according to claim 2 , wherein the control unit increases the intake air flow rate by controlling an opening degree of a throttle valve claim 2 , provided in an intake passage that communicates with the combustion chamber claim 2 , at the time of a start of the engine.4. The starting control device according to claim 3 , wherein the control unit controls the opening degree of the throttle valve in the case of increasing the intake air flow rate to an opening degree at which negative pressure is not generated in the intake passage downstream of the throttle valve in a flow of the intake air.5. The starting control device according to claim 3 , wherein the control unit sets the opening degree of the ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131964A1

The invention relates to a method of controlling an internal-combustion engine () equipped with an exhaust gas recirculation circuit and with variable timing means, having a first actuator () and of a second actuator (). The method comprises acquiring a torque setpoint for said engine Tdetermining a position setpoint for the first actuator () and a position setpoint for the second actuator () by using a burnt gas flow model (MEGB) that relates the position setpoints of the actuators to the engine torque setpoint T. The burnt gas flow model (MEGB) comprises a cylinder filling model (MR), the burnt gas fraction in the cylinder is controlled by applying position setpoints and to the variable timing means ( and ). 110-. (canceled)11. A method of controlling an internal-combustion engine comprising at least one cylinder , at least one intake valve in the at least one cylinder and at least one exhaust valve for burnt gas discharge from the at least one cylinder , an exhaust gas recirculation circuit and with variable timing means , including a first actuator of the intake valve and a second actuator of the exhaust valve comprising:{'sub': 'q', 'sup': 'sp', 'acquiring a torque setpoint for the engine T;'}{'o': [{'@ostyle': 'single', 'VVT'}, {'@ostyle': 'single', 'VVT'}], 'sub': int', 'exh', 'q, 'sup': 'sp', 'determining a position setpoint for the first actuator and a position setpoint for the second actuator by using a burnt gas flow model which relates position setpoints of the actuators to the engine torque setpoint Tand includes a cylinder filling model; and'}{'o': [{'@ostyle': 'single', 'VVT'}, {'@ostyle': 'single', 'VVT'}], 'sub': int', 'exh, 'controlling a burnt gas fraction in the at least one cylinder by controlling the first and second actuators respectively with the position setpoints and .'}12. A method as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the filling model is a static cylinder filling model estimating a sucked air mass and a burnt gas mass in the cylinder as a ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130138324A1
Автор: Taku Ibuki
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The present invention relates to a control device for an internal combustion engine including: a first control subject 52 and a second control subject 35 D respectively capable of directly controlling a first control amount Regr and a second control amount Pim interacting with each other; a means for setting a target value of the first control amount as a first target control amount and setting a target value of the second control amount as a second target control amount; and a means for controlling the first control amount at the first target control amount and controlling the second control amount at the second target control amount. Further, in the present invention, a first target control amount TRegr is set as the target value of the first control amount capable of controlling the first control amount with a predetermined followability taking account of at least one of a first operation speed Krie, Krde as the operation speed of the first control subject and a degree of influence Ksee of the first control subject on the first control amount and at least one of a second operation speed Kriv, Krdv as the operation speed of the second control subject and a degree of influence Ksev of the second control subject on the first control amount.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for pre-ignition control

Номер: US20130139786A1

Methods and systems are provided for addressing pre-ignition that may be induced in response to actions taken to mitigate a cylinder misfire. An amount of engine load limiting applied may be adjusted to reduce the likelihood pre-ignition while also addressing component over-temperature issues. By limiting an engine load while shutting off fuel in a misfiring cylinder, and while combusting a lean air-fuel mixture in the remaining cylinders, pre-ignition induced by the misfire-mitigating lean combustion conditions can be reduced.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130151124A1

An engine control system () apportions smoke and NOx in engine-out exhaust gas by a strategy () that corrects a target percentage for fresh air and a target percentage for exhaust gas to recalculate a set-point for fresh air mass flow. The target percentage for fresh air mass flow is calculated as a function of engine speed (N) and an engine output torque request (TQI_DRIV). 1. A compression ignition engine comprising:engine cylinders within which combustion of fuel occurs to operate the engine;an intake system for introducing fresh air into the engine cylinders;a fueling system for introducing fuel into the engine cylinders for combustion with the fresh air;an exhaust manifold into which the engine cylinders deliver exhaust gas created by combustion of fuel in the engine cylinders;an exhaust system for conveying exhaust gas from the exhaust manifold to atmosphere;an EGR system for diverting some of the exhaust gas coming from the exhaust manifold to mix with fresh air coming from the intake system and form an air/exhaust mixture that enters the engine cylinders through the intake manifold; anda control system for processing data to control certain aspects of engine operation and comprising a strategy: for calculating the difference between actual mass flow of the air/exhaust mixture that enters the engine cylinders and a set-point for fresh air mass flow calculated by the control system and then dividing the difference by the actual mass flow of the air/exhaust mixture that enters the engine cylinders to yield a target percentage for exhaust gas in the air/exhaust mixture while imposing both a maximum limit and a minimum limit on the target percentage for exhaust gas in the air/exhaust mixture; for dividing the multiplication product of an engine output torque request and a minimum air/fuel ratio that is a function of engine speed and the engine output torque request by the actual mass flow of the air/exhaust mixture that enters the engine cylinders to yield a ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130166177A1

The invention relates to a method for stopping an internal combustion engine, wherein an amount of air which is supplied via an air metering device of the internal combustion engine, in particular a throttle flap (), is reduced after a stopping order has been detected. According to the invention, the amount of air which is supplied via the air metering device of the internal combustion engine is again increased when the detected speed (n) of the internal combustion engine falls below a predefinable speed threshold value (ns), wherein an intake cylinder (ZYL) to which the amount of air is supplied does not enter any working cycle after the amount of supplied air has been increased. 12. A method for stopping an internal combustion engine , in which a quantity of air supplied to the internal combustion engine via an air metering device is reduced after a stop request has been detected , characterized in that the quantity of air supplied to the internal combustion engine via the air metering device is increased again if a detected speed (n) of the internal combustion engine falls below a specifiable speed threshold value (ns) , wherein an inlet cylinder (ZYL) , to which the quantity of air is supplied , no longer goes into a power stroke after the quantity of air supplied is increased.22. The method as claimed in claim 2 , characterized in that the speed threshold value (ns) is reduced if the inlet cylinder (ZYL) goes into the power stroke after the quantity of air metered in is increased and before the internal combustion engine comes to a halt.32. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the speed threshold value is increased if the inlet cylinder (ZYL) no longer goes into a compression stroke after the quantity of air metered in is increased.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the specifiable speed threshold value is modified in accordance with a reverse oscillation angle (RPW).5. The method as claimed in claim 4 , ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130173138A1
Автор: Vasichek Shawn R.

Disclosed embodiments include throttle engine speed control systems, methods and power machines incorporating the same. In one embodiment, a power machine has a controllable power source that receives a command signal to control the power source. First and second throttle input devices provide first and second throttle input signals, respectively, that are indicative of actuation thereof. A controller receives and combines the first and second throttle input signals to generate the command signal. 1. A power machine having a controllable power source that is configured to receive a command signal for controlling the power source , the power machine comprising:a first throttle input device configured to provide a first throttle input signal indicative of actuation thereof;a second throttle input device configured to provide a second throttle input signal indicative of actuation thereof;a controller capable of receiving the first and second input signals and combine the first and second throttle input signals to generate the command signal.2. The power machine of claim 1 , wherein the power source includes a power source control unit in communication with the controller and configured to receive the command signal for controlling the power source.3. The power machine of claim 1 , wherein the power source is an engine and wherein the electronic control unit is configured to control engine speed based upon the command signal generated from the combined first and second throttle input signals.4. The power machine of claim 3 , wherein the controller is configured to calculate the command signal as a function of a baseline command signal claim 3 , indicated by the first throttle input device and an offset signal claim 3 , indicated by the second throttle input device claim 3 , that is added to the baseline signal so that the command signal is between the baseline command signal a maximum command signal.5. The power machine of claim 4 , wherein the controller is configured ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130173145A1

The internal combustion engine () has a throttle () for controlling an intake air amount and performs start-up through cranking. The starter switch () detects cranking initiation, and the crank angle sensor () detects the number of revolutions of the engine. The controller () drives the throttle () in a closed position along with the cranking initiation. The controller () can obtain both the intake negative pressure for promoting vaporization of fuel and the intake air amount necessary to maintain the idle rotation speed by counting the number of strokes or the number of revolutions of the internal combustion engine () from the cranking initiation and opening the throttle () from the closed position as the count number reaches a predetermined number. 1. A method of controlling start-up of an internal combustion engine that has a throttle for controlling an intake air amount and performs a start-up through cranking , the method comprising:detecting cranking initiation of the internal combustion engine;closing the throttle when the cranking is initiated;counting a number of strokes from the cranking initiation or a number of revolutions from the cranking initiation of the internal combustion engine;determining whether or not a count number has reached a predetermined number; andopening the throttle when the count number has reached the predetermined number.2. The method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the predetermined number is set in advance such that thereafter an intake negative pressure is developed and an intake air amount required to maintain a target idle rotation speed is obtained.3. The method as defined in claim 1 , further comprising stopping opening of the throttle when a throttle opening corresponding to the target idle rotation speed has been achieved.4. The method as defined in claim 1 , further comprising determining whether or not a rotation speed of the internal combustion engine has reached a target idle rotation speed and delaying an ignition ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust gas throttle valve

Номер: US20130199176A1

A method for driving exhaust gas recirculation comprising the steps of restricting exhaust gas flow into the turbine inlet to create backpressure in the exhaust system under low engine operating conditions, and providing an unrestricted exhaust gas flow to the turbine under normal engine operating conditions. Restriction of exhaust gas flow is accomplished through the use of an exhaust gas throttle valve disposed upstream of the turbine inlet. The valves can be adjustable knife edge flap valves or D-shaped valves situated in each passageway of a divided exhaust manifold, which are closed to varying degrees to generate desired levels of backpressure while allowing exhaust gas to pass though open regions of the partially obstructed flow pathway to reach the engine turbocharger. This allows the turbine to continue to spin, while at the same time exhaust gas back pressure upstream of the turbocharger is used to drive exhaust gas recirculation.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Position detecting device

Номер: US20130214767A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A position detecting device has an output circuit, which controls voltages of signal lines connecting a power supply and a ground by a power side transistor and a ground side transistor. An output signal line connects a connection point of the signal lines and an output terminal. A first comparator circuit outputs a signal “1” when a current flowing in the line between the power supply and the connection point is larger than a normal current flowing into the ground from the power supply in a normal state. A second comparator circuit outputs a signal “1” when a current flowing in the line between the connection point and the ground is larger than the normal current. When the signal “1” is output from the first comparator circuit or the second comparator circuit, a cutoff circuit turns off a switch disposed in the output signal line.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Oxygen-Rich Plasma Generators for Boosting Internal Combustion Engines

Номер: US20130220240A1
Принадлежит: Deec Inc

Systems and methods for improving the efficiency and/or reducing emissions of an internal combustion engine are disclosed. The system may comprise a tank configured to store an aqueous solution consisting essentially of water and a predetermined quantity of electrolyte. The system may further comprise a cell configured for aiding in the electrolysis of the aqueous solution, the cell may comprise a plurality of plates arranged substantially parallel to one another and the plurality of plates may be spaced substantially equidistant from an adjacent one of the plurality of plates. In exemplary embodiments, at least one seal may be located between the plurality of plates to create a substantially air tight and substantially water tight seal between adjacent ones of the plurality of plates to aid in preventing the aqueous solution located between adjacent ones of the plurality of plates from leaking out of the cell. The systems and methods may provide an improved oxygen-hydrogen gas mixture for use with an internal combustion engine.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231843A1

Provided is a control apparatus for an internal combustion engine, which can determine whether or not there is a failure concerning a switching of an operational state of an intake valve, in the internal combustion engine that includes a valve stop mechanism that is capable of switching the operational state of the intake valve between a valve operating state and a valve closed/stopped state, without the need of adding a new sensor for the failure determination. An intake variable valve operating apparatus () is provided that includes a valve stop mechanism capable of switching the operational state of the intake valve () between the valve operating state and the valve closed/stopped state. A crank angle sensor () is provided for detecting the crank angle of the internal combustion engine (). An intake pressure sensor () is provided for detecting the actual intake pressure pim. It is determined whether or not there is a failure concerning the switching of the operational state of the intake valve () between the valve operating state and the valve closed/stopped state by the valve stop mechanism, based on an intake pressure difference dlpm (first difference) between the actual intake pressure pim and the pseudo intake pressure pmcrt at a predetermined crank angle (for example, 60° C.A after the top dead center in each cylinder). 1. A control apparatus for an internal combustion engine , comprising:a valve stop mechanism that is capable of switching an operational state of an intake valve between a valve operating state and a valve closed/stopped state;a crank angle sensor for detecting a crank angle of an internal combustion engine;an intake pressure sensor for detecting an actual intake pressure at an integral part of an intake passage that leads to a plurality of cylinders equipped with the internal combustion engine; anda controller that is configured to determine whether or not there is a failure concerning the switching of the operational state of the intake ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231849A1

In a method for stopping an internal combustion engine, a quantity of air supplied to the internal combustion engine via an air-metering device, e.g., a throttle valve, is reduced after a stop request has been determined, and the quantity of air supplied to the internal combustion engine via the air-metering device is increased again when a detected speed of the internal combustion engine falls below a predefinable speed threshold value. The predefinable speed threshold value is increased when, after the metered quantity of air is increased up to stopping of the internal combustion engine, an intake cylinder no longer passes through a bottom dead center. 113-. (canceled)14. A method for controlling an internal combustion engine , comprising:reducing a quantity of air supplied to the internal combustion engine via an air-metering device after a stop request for stopping the engine has been detected; andsubsequently increasing the quantity of air supplied to the internal combustion engine via the air-metering device when a detected speed of the internal combustion engine falls below a predefined speed threshold value;wherein the predefined speed threshold value is increased when, after the metered quantity of air is increased up to stopping of the internal combustion engine, an intake cylinder no longer passes through a bottom dead center, and wherein the speed threshold value is reduced when, after the metered quantity of air is increased up to stopping of the internal combustion engine, the intake cylinder goes into a power stroke.15. The method as recited in claim 14 , wherein the quantity of air metered in by the air-metering device is increased immediately after closing of an exhaust valve of the intake cylinder.16. The method as recited in claim 14 , wherein fuel is injected to provide an ignitable fuel/air mixture in the intake cylinder when the intake cylinder goes out of the intake stroke.17. The method as recited in claim 14 , wherein fuel is injected one of ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Control apparatus for variable valve actuation system and control method for variable valve actuation system

Номер: US20130239918A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In a variable valve actuation system capable of changing the angle of action of intake valves by using an actuator whose movement range is between a high end and a low end at which the movement of the actuator is mechanically stopped, it is determined that a fixation is present on condition that the actual amount of movement of the actuator in response to a command A for movement toward the low end that is issued when the present movement position of the actuator is unknown is not more than a prescribed movement criterion value a and that the actual amount of movement in response to a command B output subsequently to the command A in order to cause the actuator to operate in a direction opposite to the direction of the movement in response to the command B is not more than a prescribed movement criterion value b.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247869A1
Автор: Hokuto Hiroyuki

A control apparatus for an internal combustion engine is provided that can successfully achieve a desired acceleration by avoiding an absence of torque of the internal combustion engine due to an influence of EGR gas when the torque increases toward a required torque. A required throttle valve opening degree TAreq is set based on a required torque TQreq in accordance with a required throttle valve opening degree map that defines a relation between the required torque TQreq and the required throttle valve opening degree TAreq. In addition, a required EGR valve opening degree EGRreq is set based on a required load factor KLreq in accordance with a required EGR valve opening degree map that defines a relation between the required load factor KLreq and the required EGR valve opening degree EGRreq. 1. A control apparatus for an internal combustion engine , comprising:a throttle valve that adjusts an air amount that is taken into an internal combustion engine;an EGR valve that opens and closes an EGR passage that makes an intake passage and an exhaust passage communicate with each other; anda controller that is configured to:control, in accordance with a required throttle valve opening degree, a throttle valve opening degree of the throttle valve;control, in accordance with a required EGR valve opening degree, an EGR valve opening degree of the EGR valve;obtain a required torque that is required of the internal combustion engine;obtain an air amount information concerning the air amount;set the required throttle valve opening degree based on the required torque in accordance with a first relation information that defines a relation between the required torque and the required throttle valve opening degree; andset the required EGR valve opening degree based on the air amount information in accordance with a second relation information that defines a relation between the air amount information and the required EGR valve opening degree,wherein the second relation information ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Control Apparatus Of Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20130261938A1

An object of the present invention is to obtain a control apparatus of an internal combustion engine capable of respectively accurately detecting a combustion change in a plurality of combustion modes. In the present invention, the control apparatus of the internal combustion engine operable upon switching the combustion mode sets a detection time and a detection duration to detect a sensor signal of a crank angle sensor 10 in accordance with the combustion mode, and determines whether or not there is the combustion change based on the sensor signal detected by the crank angle sensor 10 at the detection time and for the detection duration set by the control apparatus.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Supercharger-equipped internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130283787A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In a multicylinder internal combustion engine including a turbocharger, the turbocharger employs a twin-entry turbo where a turbine includes two exhaust gas inflow ports. A first exhaust passage guides an exhaust gas discharged from a first cylinder group of the internal combustion engine to one exhaust gas inflow port of the turbocharger. A second exhaust passage guides an exhaust gas discharged from a second cylinder group of the internal combustion engine to the other exhaust gas inflow port of the turbocharger. An exhaust gas collecting portion of the first exhaust passage and an exhaust gas collecting portion of the second exhaust passage each include an air-fuel ratio sensor. This configuration allows efficiently contact of the exhaust gas on an element portion of the air-fuel ratio sensor, thus accurately detecting an air-fuel ratio of the exhaust gas at an upstream side of a catalyst for each cylinder.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130289851A1
Автор: Kentaro NISHIDA
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An ECU 70 A is applied to an internal combustion engine 50 of in-cylinder injection type equipped with a fuel injection valve 56 that injects fuel into a combustion chamber E, an intake valve 54 and an exhaust valve 55 provided for the combustion chamber E, and VVTs 57 and 58 that cause the intake valve 54 and the exhaust valve 55 to overlap each other. In a case where the VVTs 57 and 58 cause the intake valve 54 and the exhaust valve 55 to overlap each other to thereby scavenge the combustion chamber E, the ECU 70 A sets the injection pressure of fuel injected by the fuel injection valve 56 lower than that for a case where the intake valve 54 and the exhaust valve 55 are not caused to overlap each other.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

System and method for controlling an internal combustion engine for a motor vehicle in transit

Номер: US20130289852A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

A system for controlling a diesel internal combustion engine including a circuit for partially recirculating exhaust gases, including a mechanism estimating set values of intake-air parameters; a mechanism estimating richness of the exhaust gas; a mechanism determining a set value of the intake richness according to set values of the intake-air parameters; and a mechanism correcting at least one of the set values of the intake-air parameters according to the estimation of the richness of the exhaust gas and the richness set value.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Control device for internal combustion engine with supercharger

Номер: US20130304355A1
Автор: Kiyonori Takahashi
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An object of the present invention is to prevent hunting of a throttle in a region in which a throttle upstream pressure and a throttle downstream pressure become substantially equal to each other in an internal combustion engine with a supercharger. For this purpose, a control device for an internal combustion engine with a supercharger provided by the present invention processes a signal of a throttle opening which is calculated by using a formula of throttling when a ratio of the throttle upstream pressure and the throttle downstream pressure has a value close to 1, and controls an operation of the throttle with the throttle opening the change speed of which is lessened as a target throttle opening.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

System and method for preventing misfire during engine startup

Номер: US20130304362A1

A system according to the principles of the present disclosure includes a stop-start module and a throttle control module. The stop-start module stops an engine when a driver depresses a brake pedal while an ignition system is on and the engine is idling. The throttle control module selectively opens a throttle valve when fuel injection in the engine is stopped while the ignition system is on based on engine speed and a manifold pressure within an intake manifold. The stop-start module starts the engine when the driver releases the brake pedal.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Boost reservoir and throttle coordination

Номер: US20130305716A1

Methods and systems are provided for reducing turbo lag in a boosted engine. A boost reservoir coupled to the engine may be charged with compressed intake air and/or combusted exhaust gas. The pressurized charge may then be discharged during a tip-in to either the intake or the exhaust manifold.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Device for controlling a heat engine

Номер: US20130306037A1
Принадлежит: Valeo Systemes de Controle Moteur SAS

The invention relates to a device for controlling a heat engine, comprising a plurality of cylinders ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ), at least one of which ( 2, 3 ) is provided with at least two inlet valves ( 2 a, 2 b, 3 a, 3 b ). According to the invention, the device comprises a control unit ( 5 ) arranged to deactivate said inlet valves in series.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust air injection

Номер: US20130312407A1

Embodiments for controlling exhaust air-fuel ratio are provided. In one example, an engine method comprises adjusting upstream exhaust air-fuel ratio to maintain a first emission control device at or below a threshold temperature, and when the upstream exhaust air-fuel ratio is below a threshold, injecting air into an exhaust passage between the first emission control device and a second emission control device to maintain downstream exhaust at a different, higher air-fuel ratio. In this way, excess emissions may be converted while maintain the emission control devices below a maximum temperature.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Combustion controller for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130317722A1
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, an apparatus for controlling combustion in an internal combustion engine having a fuel delivery system includes a cylinder contents prediction module configured to predict at least one condition within a combustion cylinder of the internal combustion engine. The apparatus also includes a fueling parameter selection module configured to generate a fuel command for the fuel delivery system. The fuel command is based at least partially on the predicted at least one condition within the combustion cylinder.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

method and device for carrying out an adaptive control of a position of an actuator of a position transducer

Номер: US20130325294A1

A method for operating a controller for a position transducer system, of a throttle valve position transducer in an engine system having an internal combustion engine, the control being performed to obtain a manipulated variable for triggering an actuating drive of the position transducer system, the control being performed by initially applying a transfer function to a system deviation to obtain an adapted system deviation and subsequently applying a transfer function to the adapted system deviation to obtain the manipulated variable, the transfer function being a function which indicates a deviation of a model of a nominal position transducer system having predefined nominal parameters from the model of the position transducer system to be controlled, an adaptation of the control process being performed by adapting the transfer function, in that the parameters of the model of the position transducer system to be controlled are adapted, in particular in real time. 1. A method for operating a controller for a position transducer system , which is a throttle valve position transducer in an engine system having an internal combustion engine , the method comprising:performing the control so as to obtain a manipulated variable for triggering an actuating drive of the position transducer system, including:initially applying a transfer function to a system deviation to obtain an adapted system deviation and then applying a transfer function to the adapted system deviation to obtain the manipulated variable, the transfer function being a function which indicates a deviation of a model of a nominal position transducer system having predefined nominal parameters from the model of the position transducer system to be controlled; andadapting the control process being carried out by adapting the transfer function in that the parameters of the model of the position transducer system to be controlled are adapted, in real time.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transfer ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Air supply device of gas engine

Номер: US20140000255A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

An air supply device of a gas engine having a turbocharger includes a first intake passage configured to guide the mixture of outdoor air and unpurified gas into the turbocharger, a second intake passage configured to guide indoor air into the turbocharger, a filter configured to remove a solid impurity in the unpurified gas which is disposed in the first intake passage, a first damper capable of opening and closing the first intake passage disposed on the downstream side of the filter in the first intake passage, a heating unit for heating the indoor air disposed in the second intake passage, a second damper capable of opening and closing the second intake passage disposed on the downstream side of the heating unit in the second intake passage, and a damper control device configured to control the opening degree of each of the first and second dampers.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Engine system

Номер: US20140007839A1
Автор: Hiroshi Inoue
Принадлежит: Yamaha Motor Co Ltd

An engine system includes an engine, an air intake passage to supply air to the engine, a throttle valve provided in the air intake passage to adjust a throttle opening degree that is an opening degree of the air intake passage, a bypass passage to supply air to the engine while bypassing the throttle valve, an on/off valve provided in the bypass passage to open and close the bypass passage, and a control unit that performs ignition lag control of the engine to control an output of the engine when the on/off valve is in an open state.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle, and method and device for controlling internal combustion engine

Номер: US20140025279A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle includes an engine in which an intake valve is provided in each of a plurality of cylinders and an ECU for controlling the engine. An intake valve provided for at least any one of the plurality of cylinders opens when an output shaft of the engine stops. The ECU changes an intake valve which opens when the output shaft of the engine stops, while the vehicle is running.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140032077A1
Автор: Sasaki Yuta

The opening control mechanism includes a frame, a support shaft, a first pulley, a second pulley, a first elastic member and a second elastic member. A position taken by the second pulley when no force acts on the grip is referred to as a second reference position. The second pulley can be rotated in a second direction of rotation, starting from the second reference position. A processing unit performs a specified operation when the second pulley has been rotated in the second direction of rotation, starting from the second reference position, by a predetermined amount. 1. A straddle type vehicle , comprising:a handlebar;a grip attached to the handlebar;an engine;an intake passage connected with the engine;a throttle body, including a throttle valve, provided on the intake passage;a drive pulley configured to be rotated as the grip is rotated;a first throttle cable and a second throttle cable located between the drive pulley and the throttle valve;a processing unit configured to perform a specified operation or issue an instruction in response to an operation of the grip; and a frame,', 'a support shaft supported by the frame and rotatable in a first direction of rotation starting from a first reference position,', 'a first pulley attached to the support shaft, the first pulley being non-rotatable relative to the support shaft, and the first throttle cable being connected with the first pulley,', 'a second pulley attached to the support shaft, the second throttle cable being connected with the second pulley, and', 'a first elastic member located between the frame and the first pulley,, 'an opening control mechanism configured to control a degree of opening of the throttle valve, wherein the opening control mechanism includes'} a force is transmitted from the first throttle cable to the first pulley such that the first pulley is rotated in the first direction of rotation to move the support shaft from the first reference position in the first direction of rotation,', ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048050A1
Автор: Pfab Christian
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A method for operating a combustion engine comprising charging and charge air cooling, wherein in a critical operating state the charge air volume flow through a charge air cooler is adjusted and/or temporally changed by means of at least one charge air cooler valve in such a manner that condensation water present in the charge air cooler and/or in the subsequent induction tract is fed only in harmless quantities successively into the combustion chamber and is thus discharged. The invention further relates to a combustion engine that can be operated according to the method 110.-. (canceled)11. A method for operating a combustion engine with charge and charge air cooling , comprising adjusting or changing over time a charge air volume flow through a charge air cooler by means of at least one charge air cooler valve in a critical operating state so that condensation water present in the charge air cooler and/or in an induction tract downstream of the charge air cooler is gradually fed in harmless amounts into a combustion chamber of the combustion engine and discharged.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the critical operating state of the combustion engine includes a cold start phase of the combustion engine.13. The method of claim 12 , further comprising dividing the charge air volume flow into a partial volume flow through the charge air cooler and a partial volume flow through a bypass claim 12 , with the partial volume flow through the bypass being separately settable and/or changeable over time with at least one bypass valve.14. The method of claim 13 , wherein the charge air cooler valve and the bypass valve are controlled and/or regulated by a control device.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the charge air cooler valve and optionally the bypass valve are controlled or regulated as a function of measuring values of at least one temperature sensor which is arranged in a region of the charge air cooler or in the downstream induction tract.16. The method of ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Twin scroll turbocharger with egr takeoffs

Номер: US20140053550A1

Systems and methods for operating a twin scroll turbocharged engine with a junction configured to selectively control exhaust gas delivery to an exhaust gas recirculation system and a twin scroll turbine are provided.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Method and system for operating an engine turbocharger

Номер: US20140060006A1

A system and method for operating an engine turbocharger is described. In one example, the turbocharger is rotated in different directions in response to operating conditions. The system and method may reduce engine emissions.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Throttle body structure

Номер: US20140060483A1
Автор: Naoto Yamagishi
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A throttle body structure includes a plurality of throttle bores, an idle air control valve that is provided between the throttle bores, a plurality of bypass passages that extend toward a downstream side of the throttle bores, and bypass ports that are arranged between the throttle bores and supply idle air to throttle bores which are spaced apart from the idle air control valve. Compound bypass passages and third bypass passages are arranged parallel to each other. The third bypass passages communicate with the throttle bores arranged adjacent to the idle air control valve, and the compound bypass passages communicate with the bypass ports.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060485A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

An intake control system for an internal combustion engine, which, even when there are a plurality of intake air amounts for attaining one target torque, is capable of positively selecting a minimum intake air amount therefrom without causing hunting, and setting the minimum intake air amount as a target intake air amount, thereby making it possible to improve fuel economy. The intake control system calculates a maximum intake air amount, sets a plurality of provisional intake air amounts within a range of 0 to the maximum intake air amount, calculates torques estimated to be output from the engine with respect to the provisional intake air amounts, respectively, selects a minimum provisional intake air amount that makes the estimated torque equal to or close to the target torque from the relationship between the provisional intake air amounts and the estimated torques, and sets the same as the target intake air amount. 1. An intake control system for an internal combustion engine , for setting a target intake air amount according to a target torque of the engine and controlling an intake air amount based on the set target intake air amount , comprising:maximum intake air amount-calculating means for calculating, based on operating conditions of the engine, a maximum amount of intake air that can be drawn into a combustion chamber, as a maximum intake air amount;provisional intake air amount-setting means for setting a plurality of provisional intake air amounts different from each other within a range of the intake air amount, which ranges from 0 to the calculated maximum intake air amount;estimated torque-calculating means for calculating, based on the operating conditions of the engine, estimated torques that are estimated to be output from the engine assuming that the set plurality of provisional intake air amounts of intake air are drawn into the combustion chamber, respectively, as a plurality of estimated torques;provisional intake air amount-estimated torque ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069372A1

Systems and methods are provided for operating an internal combustion engine in a two-stroke mode or a four-stroke mode to achieve greater fuel efficiency and minimize emissions. The system comprises a mode-adaptable valve; a valve rocker arm to actuate opening and closing of the mode adaptable valve; a cam follower of a first cam for carrying out a two-stroke mode; a cam follower of a second cam for carrying out a four-stroke mode; and a pin to mechanically couple the valve rocker arm to the cam follower of the first cam or the cam follower of the second cam. Coupling the valve rocker arm to the cam follower of the first cam enables a two-stroke mode and coupling the valve rocker arm to the cam follower of the second cam enables a four-stroke mode. 2. The internal combustion engine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the valve actuation device comprises two cam followers associated with the first and second cams and a valve rocker arm suitable to open and close the mode-adaptable valve.3. The internal combustion engine as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the two cam followers are able to be individually claim 2 , mechanically coupled to the valve rocker arm in order to actuate the mode-adaptable valve in the two-stroke mode when the valve rocker arm is mechanically coupled to the cam follower of the first cam and in the four-stroke mode when the valve rocker arm is mechanically coupled to the cam follower of the second cam.4. The internal combustion engine as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the at least one valve rocker arm is a tilting lever and the two cam followers comprise tilting levers.5. The internal combustion engine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein both the at least one inlet opening and the at least one outlet opening of the at least one cylinder are provided with the mode-adaptable valve.6. The internal combustion engine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one outlet opening of the at least one cylinder is provided with the mode-adaptable valve.7. The ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076279A1

An engine control system for a vehicle, includes a delay and rate limit module, a throttle control module, a phaser control module, and an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) control module. The delay and rate limit module applies a delay and a rate limit to a first torque request to produce a second torque request. The throttle control module determines a target throttle opening based on the second torque request and selectively adjusts a throttle valve based on the target throttle opening. The phaser control module determines target intake and exhaust phasing values based on the second torque request and selectively adjusts intake and exhaust valve phasers based on the target intake and exhaust phasing values, respectively. The EGR control module determines a target EGR opening based on the first torque request and selectively adjusts an EGR valve based on the target EGR opening. 1. An engine control system for a vehicle , comprising:a delay and rate limit module that applies a delay and a rate limit to a first torque request to produce a second torque request;a throttle control module that determines a target throttle opening based on the second torque request and that selectively adjusts a throttle valve based on the target throttle opening;a phaser control module that determines target intake and exhaust phasing values based on the second torque request and that selectively adjusts intake and exhaust valve phasers based on the target intake and exhaust phasing values, respectively; andan exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) control module that determines a target EGR opening based on the first torque request and that selectively adjusts an EGR valve based on the target EGR opening.2. The engine control system of further comprising an adjustment module that determines a first torque adjustment based on a product of a first predetermined value and a difference between the second torque request and an estimated torque output of the engine claim 1 , that determines a second ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Method and Device for Controlling a Variable Valve Train of an Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20140090614A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A method is disclosed for controlling a variable valve timing mechanism of an internal combustion engine having a plurality of cylinders, wherein, at a first operating point of the internal combustion engine, the fuel quantity which is fed in in each case is reduced successively for each cylinder until a predetermined unsmooth-running limiting value is reached. The variable valve timing mechanism is controlled with consideration of the cylinder-individual values for the fuel-quantity reduction at the first operating point.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Cylinder activation/deactivation sequence control systems and methods

Номер: US20140090623A1
Автор: Randall S. Beikmann

A target cylinder count module determines a target number of cylinders of an engine to be activated during a future period. The future period includes N sub-periods, and N is an integer greater than one. Based on the target number, a first sequence setting module generates a sequence indicating N target numbers of cylinders to be activated during the N sub-periods, respectively. A second sequence setting module retrieves N predetermined sequences for activating and deactivating cylinders during the N sub-periods, respectively, and generates a target sequence for activating and deactivating cylinders during the future period based on the N predetermined sequences. During the future period, a cylinder actuator module: activates opening of intake and exhaust valves of the cylinders that are to be activated based on the target sequence; and deactivates opening of intake and exhaust valves of the cylinders that are to be deactivated based on the target sequence.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Engine control system and method

Номер: US20140100758A1

Methods and systems are provided for purging condensate from a charge air cooler to an engine intake. During an engine deceleration event, airflow through a charge air cooler is temporarily increased to purge stored condensate to the engine intake. By delivering condensate while an engine is not fueled, misfire events resulting from ingestion of water are reduced.

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Vent Insert

Номер: US20220003153A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Flow Engineering Inc

A vent insert is disclosed for use with an automotive turbocharger system. The vent has a substantially cylindrical hollow tube with a first end for seating the vent and a second open end. The first end has a rim around an opening. The second end of the vent has an angled opening that faces away from the direction of the gas flow when the vent insert is operating within the turbocharger system. There are a plurality of protrusions extending outward from the outside surface of the vent to assist in keeping the vent insert in place in the turbocharger system.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001806A1

In an industrial hybrid engine, an endless rotary band wound around a drive pulley of a crankshaft and a motor pulley of an electric motor for power is provided. The electric motor is attached to an engine body by using a support bracket. A tension mechanism is supported by the support bracket, the tension mechanism tensioning the endless rotary band in a direction in which the endless rotary band is stretched. A second support bracket that supports the electric motor separately from the support bracket is provided. 1. An industrial hybrid engine , whereinan endless rotary band wound around a drive pulley of a crankshaft and a motor pulley of an electric motor for power is provided,the electric motor is attached to an engine body by using a support bracket, anda tension mechanism is supported by the support bracket, the tension mechanism tensioning the endless rotary band in a direction in which the endless rotary band is stretched.2. The industrial hybrid engine according to claim 1 , wherein the electric motor is disposed on one side of the support bracket in a direction protruding from the engine body claim 1 , and the tension mechanism is disposed on the other side.3. The industrial hybrid engine according to claim 1 , wherein the support bracket is attached to the exhaust manifold disposed side of the engine body.4. The industrial hybrid engine according to claim 2 , wherein the support bracket is attached to the exhaust manifold disposed side of the engine body.5. The industrial hybrid engine according to claim 1 , wherein the support bracket is attached to a transmission case mounted on one end of a cylinder block.6. The industrial hybrid engine according to claim 2 , wherein the support bracket is attached to a transmission case mounted on one end of a cylinder block.7. The industrial hybrid engine according to claim 3 , wherein the support bracket is attached to a transmission case mounted on one end of a cylinder block.8. The industrial hybrid engine ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002722A1

A system includes a compressed air system configured to couple to an engine. The compressed air system includes a compression device configured to compress an air flow, a heat exchanger configured to exchange heat with the air flow along a first flow path, and a bypass system configured to flow the air along a second flow path that bypasses the heat exchanger. The compressed air system is configured to selectively flow the airflow along the first flow path, the second flow path, or a combination thereof, to the engine. 1. A system comprising: a compression device configured to compress an air flow;', 'a heat exchanger configured to exchange heat with the air flow along a first flow path; and', 'a bypass system configured to flow the air along a second flow path that bypasses the heat exchanger, wherein the compressed air system is configured to selectively flow the airflow along the first flow path, the second flow path, or a combination thereof, to the engine., 'a compressed air system configured to couple to an engine, the compressed air system comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the compressed air system may include exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) gases.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger is coupled to a first coolant circuit claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger is configured to transfer heat from a portion of the compressed air flow to a first coolant flow through the first coolant circuit.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the heat exchanger comprises a high pressure stage and a low pressure stage claim 3 , wherein the high pressure stage is coupled to the first coolant circuit claim 3 , the low pressure stage is coupled to a second coolant circuit claim 3 , and the low pressure stage is configured to transfer heat from the portion of the compressed air flow to a second coolant flow through the second coolant circuit.5. The system of claim 4 , comprising an engine cooling system claim 4 , wherein the engine cooling system comprises:a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002728A1
Автор: SAEKI Masanori

An electric waste gate valve system includes a waste gate valve, an electric actuator that drives waste gate valve, an impeller rotation speed sensor, and an electronic control unit. The waste gate valve opens and closes a bypass passage that bypasses a turbine impeller of a turbocharger. The electronic control unit is configured to calculate a predicted value of the rotation speed of the impeller when the waste gate valve is closed. The electronic control unit is configured to drive the electric actuator in a valve-closing direction to close the waste gate valve. The electronic control unit is configured to stop the driving of the waste gate valve by the electric actuator when the rotation speed of the impeller detected by the impeller rotation speed sensor increases to a reference value determined based on the predicted value. 1. An electric waste gate valve system comprising:a waste gate valve configured to open and close a bypass passage that bypasses a turbine impeller of a turbocharger;an electric actuator configured to drive the waste gate valve;an impeller rotation speed sensor configured to measure a rotation speed of the turbine impeller of the turbocharger; andan electronic control unit configured to:calculate a predicted value of the rotation speed of the turbine impeller when the waste gate valve is closed;drive the electric actuator in a valve-closing direction to close the waste gate valve; andstop the driving of the waste gate valve by the electric actuator when the rotation speed of the turbine impeller detected by the impeller rotation speed sensor increases to a reference value determined based on the predicted value;detect a current value of a driving current of the electric actuator when the waste gate valve is closed; anddecrease an operation speed of the waste gate valve, driven by the electric actuator when the current value exceeds a reference current value, the operation speed of the waste gate valve when the current value exceeds the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Engine control device and engine control method

Номер: US20170002753A1
Автор: Tsutomu Miyazaki
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

Determination criteria for an excessive torque state are changed based on a predetermined vehicle speed related parameter. The determination criteria are changed such that when the vehicle speed related parameter is a value corresponding to a relatively high vehicle speed state, the excessive torque state is difficult to determine compared to when the vehicle speed related parameter is a value corresponding to a relatively low vehicle speed state.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002762A1

Methods and systems are provided for diagnosing compressor bypass valve degradation. In one example, a method may include indicating degradation of a compressor bypass valve coupled in a compressor bypass based on intake aircharge temperature measured upstream of a compressor inlet via an air charge temperature sensor. 1. A method for diagnosing a continuously variable compressor bypass valve of an engine , comprising:adjusting continuously variable compressor bypass valve responsive to operating conditions of the engine; andindicating degradation of a compressor bypass valve coupled in a compressor bypass based on intake aircharge temperature being different then a threshold temperature measured upstream of a compressor inlet, and changing engine operating parameters due to the indication.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein if the compressor bypass valve is stuck open claim 1 , changing engine operation includes close a wastegate valve.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein if the compressor bypass valve is stuck closed claim 1 , changing engine operation include increasing flow through the compressor.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein increasing flow through the compressor includes adjusting a throttle position.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein increasing flow through the compressor includes adjusting an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) rate.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the intake aircharge temperature is measured by a temperature sensor coupled at a junction of the compressor bypass and an air intake passage at the compressor inlet.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the compressor bypass is configured to recirculate boosted aircharge from downstream of the compressor and upstream of a charge air cooler to the compressor inlet.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the indicating includes claim 1 , during higher boost conditions claim 1 , indicating degradation of the compressor bypass valve based on intake aircharge temperature being higher than a first threshold ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003130A1

An engine system for a motor vehicle is provided. The engine system includes a first exhaust-gas turbine in a first turbocharger driven by exhaust gas from the engine, a second exhaust-gas turbine in a second turbocharger driven by exhaust gas from the engine, a bypass coupled upstream and downstream of the first exhaust-gas turbine, and a pneumatic charge pressure control device including a bypass valve positioned in the bypass and a charge pressure control valve pneumatically coupled to the bypass valve and an intake line downstream of a first compressor included in the first turbocharger, the pneumatic charge pressure control device further including an adaptation unit pneumatically coupled to the bypass valve and an exhaust line upstream of the second exhaust-gas turbine. 1. A motor vehicle comprising:an engine;a supply air tract;a throttle flap arranged in the supply air tract;an exhaust tract which comprises a first exhaust line and a second exhaust line;a first turbocharger including a first exhaust-gas turbine and a first compressor connected in torque-transmitting fashion to the first exhaust-gas turbine;a second turbocharger which has a second exhaust-gas turbine and a second compressor connected in torque-transmitting fashion to the second exhaust-gas turbine;where the first exhaust-gas turbine is arranged in the first exhaust line and the second exhaust-gas turbine is arranged in the second exhaust line, and the compressors are arranged in the supply air tract, and where the exhaust-gas turbines and thus the compressors are configured to be driven by exhaust gas that is generated during operation of the engine to generate a charge pressure in the supply air tract;a bypass configured to conduct the exhaust gas past the first exhaust-gas turbine;a bypass valve opens up the bypass, such that at least a part of the exhaust gas is conducted through it in a first configuration and block said bypass in a second configuration; anda charge-pressure control device ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003133A1
Автор: MIHARA Noriyuki

In a case where a vehicle is in a steady running state or in a slow acceleration state, opening of an electric waste gate valve is set so that an actual air flow rate becomes minimum. Then, a feedback control is applied to opening of an electronically controlled throttle valve so that an actual amount of intake air generates output torque of an engine corresponding to an engine load. When the electronically controlled throttle valve is fully opened, while opening of the electronically controlled throttle valve is maintained, the feedback control is applied to opening of the electric waste gate valve so that output torque of the engine corresponds to an engine load, or an actual amount of intake air becomes a target amount of the intake air. 16-. (canceled)7. A control device for an internal combustion engine , the control device comprising:a supercharging unit that includes a turbine that is provided in an exhaust passage of the internal combustion engine mounted on a vehicle, and a compressor that is provided in an intake passage of the internal combustion engine and is driven by the turbine;an intake air amount adjusting unit that is provided in the intake passage and that adjusts the actual amount of intake air;a waste gate valve that is provided in a bypass passage bypassing the turbine and adjusts a flow rate of exhaust gas flowing to the bypass passage;a target amount of intake air calculating unit that calculates a target amount of intake air of the internal combustion engine on the basis of a load applied to the internal combustion engine; andan operation control unit that controls opening of the intake air amount adjusting unit and the waste gate valve in response to a running state of the vehicle and an operation state of the internal combustion engine,wherein the operation control unit adjusts opening of the waste gate valve so that the actual amount of intake air of the internal combustion engine becomes the target amount of, after opening of the intake ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Flow rate control valve

Номер: US20170002948A1
Автор: Masayoshi Sakaguchi
Принадлежит: Mikuni Corp

A flow rate control valve in which a valve body can be assembled and removed to a driving source. Where a valve body is assembled to a motor, a moving member is screwed to one end of a rotating shaft, the moving member is inserted into the valve member, the valve member is abutted on a locking portion, the valve member is prevented from coming off from the moving member, the valve member is disposed to an energizing member provided in the body, and the valve body can be assembled to the motor. Where the valve body is removed, the valve member prevented from coming off is pulled out from the body with the moving member, the valve member is removed from the moving member by releasing coming-off prevention of the valve member, further the moving member is removed from the rotating shaft, and the valve body can be removed.
