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20-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2418966C2
Принадлежит: РЕНО С.А.С. (FR)

Изобретение относится к способу управления двигателем транспортного средства. Способ управления двигателем, оснащенным контуром (17) низкого давления рециркуляции выхлопных газов (6), заключается в регулировании заранее определенного рабочего параметра двигателя посредством управления положением клапана (10), если измерение заранее определенной его величины соответствует заранее заданному критерию, и посредством управления положения выпускной заслонки (19), если не соответствует. Клапан (10) установлен в контуре (17) рециркуляции выхлопных газов. Заслонка (19) установлена за пределами контура (17). Двигатель (1) содержит контур (17) рециркуляции, средства регулирования заранее определенного рабочего параметра двигателя, средства управления положением клапана (10) рециркуляции выхлопного газа и выпускной заслонки (19), а также средства измерения заранее определенной величины клапана (10). Средства регулирования выполнены с возможностью воздействия на средства управления положением клапана ...

20-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2264550C2
Принадлежит: РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к двигателестроению, в частности к способам и устройствам управления двигателями внутреннего сгорания. Изобретение позволяет упростить устройство управления. В способе управления двигателем внутреннего сгорания (ДВС) с системой впуска воздуха на основании, по меньшей мере, одной управляющей величины и, по меньшей мере, одной измеряемой величины, характеризующей состояние окружающего воздуха, с помощью, по меньшей мере, одной модели определяют, по меньшей мере, одну величину, характеризующую параметры системы впуска воздуха. Модель состоит, по меньшей мере, из первой и второй субмоделей, при этом выходные величины определяют с помощью субмодели на основании входных величин. В качестве входных величин для первой субмодели помимо, по меньшей мере, одной выходной величины второй субмодели дополнительно учитывают управляющую величину и измеряемую величину. При этом в качестве управляющей величины учитывают, по меньшей мере, одну величину, характеризующую количество впрыскиваемого ...

16-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2608160C2
Принадлежит: МАН ТРАК УНД БАС АГ (DE)

Изобретение относится к способу десульфуризации устройства для очистки выхлопных газов, расположенного в газоотводе двигателя внутреннего сгорания, в частности дизельного двигателя внутреннего сгорания, причем устройство для очистки выхлопных газов содержит по меньшей мере один катализатор окисления, способный отравляться серой и поэтому подлежащий своевременному обессериванию, к которому во время фазы десульфуризации с потоком выхлопных газов подают определенное количество монооксида углерода. Согласно изобретению катализатор окисления, способный отравляться серой и поэтому подлежащий своевременному обессериванию, образован катализатором NO-окисления (5), обладающем активностью СО-окисления, к которому во время фазы десульфуризации путем гомогенного компрессионного зажигания двигателя внутреннего сгорания или путем частично гомогенного режима работы двигателя внутреннего сгорания подают определенное количество монооксида углерода, чтобы температура на обессериваемом катализаторе (5) повышалась ...

23-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2698225C2
Принадлежит: МАН ТРАК УНД БАС АГ (DE)

Изобретение может быть использовано в двигателях внутреннего сгорания (ДВС). Предложен ДВС с впускным трактом (25), посредством которого к блоку (11) сгорания, в частности к блоку цилиндр-поршень двигателя (1) внутреннего сгорания, может подводиться газ, в частности газовая смесь горючего газа/воздуха/отработавшего газа, и с рециркуляцией (2) отработавшего газа, посредством которой к газу, подводимому к блоку (11) сгорания в зоне (18) подмешивания отработавшего газа, может подводиться отработавший газ блока (11) сгорания. Во впускном тракте (25) выше по потоку от блока (11) сгорания и ниже по потоку от зоны (18) подмешивания отработавшего газа расположено по меньшей мере одно измерительное устройство (22, 27), посредством которого может определяться массовый поток газа, в частности массовый поток горючего газа/воздуха/отработавшего газа, и температура газа, в частности температура горючего газа/воздуха/отработавшего газа. В соответствии с изобретением, для определения возвращенного массового ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Способ (варианты) и система для регулирования подачи топлива в двигатель и крутящего момента

Номер: RU2679367C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в системах управления двигателями внутреннего сгорания. Предложены способы и системы для достоверной оценки заряда всасываемого воздуха в соответствии с показанием датчика кислорода во всасываемом воздухе, расположенного на впуске, в условиях наличия потока углеводородов от рециркуляции отработавших газов, продувки паров топлива или системы вентиляции картера в двигатель. Нескорректированный результат оценки заряда воздуха применяют для регулирования подачи топлива в двигатель, а скорректированный на углеводороды результат оценки заряда воздуха применяют для регулирования крутящего момента двигателя, например, путем регулирования открытия дроссельной заслонки. За счет применения предложенного регулирования достигается улучшение эксплуатационных показателей двигателя. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

11-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2702783C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в двигателях внутреннего сгорания. Предложены способы впрыска воды во впускном тракте двигателя в сторону впускных клапанов или в сторону от них в зависимости от параметров работы двигателя. В одном примере способ может предусматривать впрыск воды во впускной тракт в сторону от впускного клапана в ответ на детонацию в двигателе и впрыск воды во впускной тракт в сторону впускного клапана в ответ на запрос разбавления в двигателе. Способ может также предусматривать регулирование количества впрыскиваемой воды в зависимости от изменения температуры в коллекторе и/или изменения уровня кислорода в отработавших газах. Изобретение позволяет достигнуть лучших показателей работы двигателя за счет оптимизации конструкции и регулирования системы впрыска воды в двигатель. 3 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

10-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2401388C2

Изобретение относится к двигателестроению. Предложен двигатель (1), содержащий нагнетатель (40), состоящий из компрессора (41), имеющего множество лопастей (45) на турбинном валу (42), турбины (42), по меньшей мере, одно средство (44) пошагового перемещения на турбинном валу (42) или множестве лопастей (45) и датчик (62) угловой скорости турбины, который распознает вращение средства (44) пошагового перемещения и вращение множества лопастей (45) соответственно и соединен с БУД 60. В двигателе (1) также предусмотрено средство вычисления угловой скорости турбины, которое вычисляет угловую скорость, принимая множество импульсов на один оборот турбинного вала. Изобретение обеспечивает снижение стоимости, повышение эффективности эксплуатации и надежности двигателя. 5 н.п. ф-лы, 17 ил.

02-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2014142367A3

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017142398A3

24-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2689130C1

Изобретение относится к управлению выходной мощностью двигателя внутреннего сгорания посредством изменения характеристик впускного клапана. Технический результат заключается в подавлении уменьшения выходной мощности двигателя с турбонагнетателем, когда рабочее состояние сдвигается из рабочей области, в которой целевое значение рециркуляции отработавших газов (EGR)-пропорции является высоким, в рабочую область, в которой целевое значение EGR-пропорции является низким. Предложен электронный модуль управления, который выбирает первый кулачок в качестве приводного кулачка впускного клапана в первом рабочем диапазоне, где целевое значение EGR-пропорции задается равным указанной EGR-пропорции, и выбирает второй кулачок в качестве приводного кулачка во втором рабочем диапазоне, имеющем меньшую длительность и высоту подъема клапана, чем первый кулачок. В рабочих областях первый и второй кулачки выбираются только в области высокого крутящего момента и высоких частот вращения. Когда второй кулачок ...

03-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2684057C1

Способ управления рециркуляцией выхлопных газов двигателя внутреннего сгорания, причем двигатель внутреннего сгорания включает в себя: турбонагнетатель; канал для рециркуляции выхлопных газов, обеспечивающий сообщение выхлопного канала с впускным каналом в части выше по потоку от компрессора турбонагнетателя; клапан регулирования объема рециркуляции выхлопных газов, расположенный в канале для рециркуляции выхлопных газов; клапан создания дифференциального давления, расположенный выше по потоку от участка слияния смеси свежего воздуха и газа и выхлопного газа во впускном канале; и контроллер, адаптированный с возможностью управлять открытием клапана регулирования объема рециркуляции выхлопных газов и открытием клапана создания дифференциального давления, при этом в способе контроллер совместно управляет открытием клапана регулирования объема рециркуляции выхлопных газов и открытием клапана создания дифференциального давления таким образом, чтобы инструктировать соотношению рециркуляции выхлопных ...

26-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2683201C1

Изобретение может быть использовано в автомобильных двигателях внутреннего сгорания, снабженных системой рециркуляции отработавших газов. Способ для эксплуатации двигателя заключается в том, что при изменении заданного командой потока рециркуляции отработавших газов, динамически регулируют верхний и нижний пределы рециркуляции отработавших газов на основе заданного командой потока рециркуляции отработавших газов. Указывают на ухудшение системы рециркуляции отработавших газов на основе сравнения с пороговым значением отношения накопленной разности между измеренным потоком рециркуляции отработавших газов и верхним пределом рециркуляции отработавших газов или нижним пределом рециркуляции отработавших газов к накопленному заданному командой потоку рециркуляции отработавших газов. Указанное пороговое значение основано на уровнях оксидов азота в отработавших газах. Регулируют поток рециркуляции отработавших газов на основе указания на ухудшение. Раскрыта система двигателя автомобиля. Технический ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013120203A

... 1. Способ определения степени подачи рециркулируемых выхлопных газов EGR (txegr_cyl(t)), на входе цилиндра (10) двигателя внутреннего сгорания в момент t, при этом указанные выхлопные газы направляют в рециркуляционный канал (14), соединяющий выхлопную магистраль двигателя (200) с его впускной магистралью (100), при этом указанная степень подачи EGR равна соотношению между расходом рециркулируемых выхлопных газов и общим расходом газов во впускной магистрали (100) в заданной точке впускной магистрали (100) и в рассматриваемый момент, согласно которому:a) определяют в какой момент http://t_int.ro, предшествующий моменту t, газ, который поступает на вход цилиндра в момент t, был введен во впускную магистраль (100),b) определяют степень подачи EGR (txegr_adm(t_intro)) на выходе рециркуляционного трубопровода (14) во впускную магистраль (100) в момент http://t_int.ro,c) определяют степень подачи EGR (txegr_cyl(t)) на входе цилиндра (10) в момент t в зависимости от степени подачи EGR (txegr_adm ...

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU150645U8

... 1. Система для рециркуляции выхлопных газов, которая включает в себя впускной коллектор, канал рециркуляции выхлопных газов, соединенный с впускным коллектором, который имеет клапан рециркуляции выхлопных газов, а также корпус датчика, соединенный непосредственно с впускным коллектором и имеющий чувствительный элемент для измерения абсолютного давления и чувствительный элемент для измерения дифференциального давления, которые имеют общее соединение с впускным коллектором.2. Система по п. 1, которая дополнительно содержит диафрагму, которая расположена ниже по потоку от клапана, причем чувствительный элемент для измерения дифференциального давления соединен с областью выше по потоку от диафрагмы с помощью отдельного соединения, где общее соединение включает в себя внутренний коллектор, расположенный внутри корпуса датчика, соединяющего чувствительный элемент для измерения абсолютного давления с чувствительным элементом для измерения дифференциального давления, а внутренний коллектор имеет ...

10-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009107630A

... 1. Способ оценки концентрации кислорода в двигателе внутреннего сгорания, содержащем впускной коллектор, выхлопной коллектор, систему рециркуляции выхлопных газов (РВГ), дроссельный клапан, датчик массы воздуха для измерения потока свежего воздуха (), входящего во впускной коллектор через дроссельный клапан, множество цилиндров, причем способ отличается тем, что: ! оценивают полный поток газа (), входящий в цилиндры; ! вычисляют поток газа РВГ (); ! вычисляют долю воздуха (f_air_em) в газе, протекающем в выхлопном коллекторе; ! вычисляют массу воздуха (mim_air), входящего в цилиндры, на основе доли воздуха (f_air_em) в выхлопном коллекторе, полного потока газа (), входящего в цилиндры, потока газа РВГ () и потока свежего воздуха (); ! вычисляют полную массу (mim) во впускном коллекторе на основе потока свежего воздуха (), потока газа РВГ () и полного потока газа (), входящего в цилиндры; ! вычисляют долю воздуха (fair_im) во впускном коллекторе на основе массы воздуха (mim_air), входящего ...

27-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010142558A

... 1. Способ управления системой двигателя внутреннего сгорания, содержащей, по меньшей мере: ! двигатель внутреннего сгорания (1), имеющий впускной патрубок (10) и выхлопной патрубок (11), ! первый маршрут (50) рециркуляции выхлопного газа для подачи выхлопного газа из выхлопного патрубка (11) во впускной патрубок (10), ! второй маршрут (60) рециркуляции выхлопного газа для подачи выхлопного газа из выхлопного патрубка (11) во впускной патрубок (10), причем второй маршрут (60) рециркуляции выхлопного газа выполнен с возможностью подачи во впускной патрубок (10) выхлопного газа, имеющего более низкую температуру, чем у выхлопного газа, поданного по первому маршруту (50) рециркуляции выхлопного газа, и ! средства регулирования (52, 62, 63) для регулировки скорости потока выхлопного газа по первому маршруту (50) рециркуляции выхлопного газа и скорости потока выхлопного газа по второму маршруту (60) рециркуляции выхлопного газа, ! содержащий этапы: ! определения первого установочного значения ...

27-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011142421A

... 1. Способ контроля за системой рециркуляции отработавших газов, включающий в себя:указание о снижении эффективности системы рециркуляции отработавших газов в ответ на первую модель рециркуляции отработавших газов, когда клапану подают команду на переключение в первое положение; иуказание о снижении эффективности системы рециркуляции отработавших газов в ответ на вторую модель рециркуляции отработавших газов, когда клапану подают команду на переключение во второе положение.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что клапаном направляют поток газа системы рециркуляции отработавших газов через охладитель системы рециркуляции отработавших газов или в обход его.3. Способ по п.1, дополнительно включающий в себя сравнение результата второй модели рециркуляции отработавших газов с выходным сигналом датчика, и предоставление указания о снижении эффективности системы рециркуляции отработавших газов, если температура, указываемая датчиком, выходит за пределы заданной пороговой температуры результата второй ...

20-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013106904A

... 1. Способ управления потоком воздуха в цилиндр двигателя, включающий:если предыдущий поток воздуха цилиндра отличается от требуемого потока воздуха цилиндра, распределение потока во впускной коллектор между дросселем и клапаном EGR для выдачи требуемого потока воздуха цилиндра при поддержании требуемой величины EGR в цилиндре.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором предыдущий поток воздуха цилиндра определяется во время постоянного коэффициента наполнения впускного коллектора.3. Способ по п. 1, в котором предыдущий поток воздуха цилиндра определяется на основании модели наполнения впускного коллектора.4. Способ по п. 3, в котором модель наполнения впускного коллектора основана на объеме впускного коллектора, давлении дросселя на дросселе, давлении EGR на клапане EGR, массе всасываемого воздуха, массе EGR и температуре двигателя.5. Способ по п. 1, в котором распределение потока воздуха во впускной коллектор дополнительно включает распределение потока воздуха во впускном коллекторе на основании возмущений ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Система и способ для двигателя с отключаемыми цилиндрами

Номер: RU2018107441A

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014142367A

... 1. Способ управления двигателем, согласно которому:при работе двигателя с воздушно-топливным отношением, настроенным беднее стехиометрического, в ответ на обеднение воздушно-топливного отношения отработавших газов ниже порогового значения закрывают клапан рециркуляции отработавших газов.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором воздушно-топливное отношение отработавших газов измеряют датчиком кислорода отработавших газов.3. Способ по п. 1, в котором воздушно-топливное отношение, настроенное беднее стехиометрического, является отношением воздуха для горения и топлива в топливной смеси, сгорающей в цилиндре двигателя после ее поджигания искровым зажиганием.4. Способ по п. 3, в котором закрытие клапана рециркуляции отработавших газов включает в себя полную герметизацию клапана рециркуляции отработавших газов относительно своего седла.5. Способ по п. 4, в котором клапан рециркуляции отработавших газов связан с каналом рециркуляции отработавших газов низкого давления, и при этом закрытие клапана рециркуляции ...

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Bestimmung einer Zylinderluftladung für eine Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE102012207895A1

Ein Verfahren zum Schätzen einer Zylinderluftladung für eine Brennkraftmaschine umfasst, dass ein erster volumetrischer Wirkungsgrad bestimmt wird, die einem Kraftmaschinenbetrieb mit einem geöffneten Abgasrückführungsventil entspricht, dass ein zweiter volumetrischer Wirkungsgrad bestimmt wird, die einem Kraftmaschinenbetrieb mit einem geschlossenen Abgasrückführungsventil entspricht, und dass eine Zylinderluftladung unter Verwendung eines gewählten aus den ersten und zweiten volumetrischen Wirkungsgraden bestimmt wird.

13-01-2000 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Brennkraftmaschine insbesondere eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE0019830300A1

Es ist eine Brennkraftmaschine (1) insbesondere für ein Kraftfahrzeug beschrieben, die mit einer Drosselklappe (9) versehen ist, über die Luft einem Ansaugrohr (7) zuführbar ist. Eine Abgasrückführung (13, 14) ist vorgesehen, über die Abgas von einem Abgasrohr (8) dem Ansaugrohr (7) rückführbar ist. Ein Steuergerät ist vorhanden, mit dem die Brennkraftmaschine (1) steuer- und/oder regelbar ist. Durch das Steuergerät kann das Gasgemisch in dem Ansaugrohr (7) in einen Frischgasanteil (rffgabg), einen Inertgasanteil (rfigabg) und einen Brenngasanteil (rfhcabg) aufgeteilt werden.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Ermitteln der Umgebungsluftfeuchte eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102017211442A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Ermitteln der Feuchte der Umgebungsluft in einem Kraftfahrzeug mit Verbrennungsmotor (1) und Abgasrückführung (LP-EGR, HP-EGR) bei abgeschalteter Kraftstoffzufuhr unter Verwendung eines Abgassensors. Gemäß der Erfindung wird die Umgebungsluftfeuchte unter Verwendung zweier getrennter Abgassensoren (5, 6) ermittelt und zur Korrektur einer Messung des Luftmassenstroms und einer Schätzung der Abgasrückführungsrate verwendet.

08-10-2020 дата публикации

Vorrichtung, System und Verfahren zum Überwachen eines Katalysator-Aufwärmprozesses für einen Verbrennungsmotor, Datenanalysevorrichtung, Steuervorrichtung für einen Verbrennungsmotor und Empfänger

Номер: DE102020103441B4

Eine Vorrichtung zum Überwachen des Katalysator-Aufwärmprozesses für einen Verbrennungsmotor umfasst eine Speichervorrichtung (76), die Abbildungsdaten (76a) und Verknüpfungsdaten speichert. Die Abbildungsdaten definieren eine Abbildung, die einen geschätzten Wert der Temperatur (Tcat) eines Katalysators (36) ausgibt, unter Verwendung einer Aufwärm-Betriebsbetragvariable (aigave, aave) und des vorherigen Wertes des geschätzten Wertes als eine Eingabe. Die Verknüpfungsdaten verknüpfen den integrierten Wert (InGa) der Ansaugluftmenge (Ga) der Motors (10) ab dem Start der Motors und der Temperatur des Katalysators. Die Ausführungsvorrichtung (72, 74) berechnet wiederholt den geschätzten Wert der Temperatur auf der Grundlage der Ausgabe der Abbildung. Wenn sich die Korrespondenzbeziehung zwischen dem integrierten Wert und dem geschätzten Wert von der Korrespondenzbeziehung zwischen dem integrierten Wert und der Temperatur des Katalysators in den Verknüpfungsdaten unterscheidet, so wird bestimmt ...

06-05-2021 дата публикации

Ziel-Kompressorverhältnis- und Ziel-Verbrennungsgasverhältniserzeugung bei der Diesel-Luftaufladungs-Mehrgrößensteuerung

Номер: DE102020126891A1

Ein Steuermodul enthält ein Modul für dynamische Zielauswahl, das dafür konfiguriert ist, einen Einlasskrümmerdruck-Sollwert und einen gemessenen Einlasskrümmerdruck zu empfangen, zwischen dem Einlasskrümmerdruck-Sollwert und dem gemessenen Einlasskrümmerdruck zu wählen und auf der Grundlage der Auswahl einen gewählten Einlasskrümmerdruck-Sollwert auszugeben. Ein Mehrgrößensteuermodul ist dafür konfiguriert, wenigstens einen Zielsollwert zu empfangen, der auf dem gewählten Einlasskrümmerdruck-Sollwert beruht, und den Betrieb eines Luftaufladungssystems eines Fahrzeugs auf der Grundlage des wenigstens einen Zielsollwerts zu steuern.

27-05-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Betreiben einer Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE102007030837B4

Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Brennkraftmaschine mit – mindestens zwei Zylindern (Z1–Z4), die jeweils einen Brennraum (9) umfassen, – einem Ansaugtrakt (1), der über je einen Zylindereinlasskanal (7) des Ansaugtrakts (1) abhängig von einer Schaltstellung je mindestens eines Gaseinlassventils (12) mit je einem der Brennräume (9) kommuniziert, – einem Abgastrakt (4), der abhängig von einer Schaltstellung je mindestens eines Gasauslassventils (13) mit je einem der Brennräume (9) kommuniziert, – einer Abgasrückführleitung (22), über die abhängig von einer Schaltstellung eines Abgasrückführventils (24) Abgas aus dem Abgastrakt (4) hin zu den Einlasskanälen (7) des Ansaugtrakts (1) rückführbar ist, bei dem – je eine Gemischlufttemperatur (T_CYL_1, T_CYL_2) in zumindest zwei Zylindereinlasskanälen (7) ermittelt wird, – die ermittelten Gemischlufttemperaturen (T_CYL_1, T_CYL_2) verglichen werden, – auf eine Ungleichverteilung rückgeführten Abgases erkannt wird, falls ein Unterschied (DELTA) zwischen ...

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren und System zur Regelung der Abgasrückführung

Номер: DE102011080316A1

Verfahren und Systeme zum Einstellen eines AGR-Ventils und einer oder mehrerer Ansaugdrosseln unter Ansprechen auf die Ausgabe eines Einlass-Sauerstoffsensors, um eine gewünschte AGR-Menge-Strom bereitzustellen, während das Motordrehmoment aufrechterhalten wird, sind bereitgestellt. Die Einstellungen werden koordiniert, um die verteilte Regelung der AGR-Ventile und Ansaugdrosseln zu verbessern und AGR-Strom zu ermöglichen, selbst wenn ein Stellglied begrenzt ist.

12-06-2003 дата публикации

Determining gas mixture composition in combustion chamber of internal combustion engine with exhaust gas feedback, involves determining state parameters with physically based models

Номер: DE0010158261A1

The method involves determining suitable state parameters of the internal combustion engine using suitable physically based models that simulate the behavior of the internal combustion engine in relation to the state parameters to be determined. The composition and mass of the gas mixture in the combustion chamber are determined using the physically based model. An Independent claim is also included for a control system for an internal combustion engine with exhaust gas feedback.

14-11-2002 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine regulator computes desired choke angle based on required air throughput rate (based on required torque) and desired induction pressure (based on desired air throughput rate)

Номер: DE0010214722A1

The regulator has a device for computing required indicated torque based on the gas pedal position and similar, a device for computing a required air throughput rate based on the required torque or similar and a device for computing the desired suction pressure based on the desired air throughput rate or similar. The desired choke angle is computed based on the required air throughput rate and the desired induction pressure The engine has a demand choke angle computation device (5) and a choke flap controller (6). The regulator has a device (1) for computing the required indicated torque to be produced by internal combustion engine combustion based on the gas pedal position and similar, a device (2) for computing a required air throughput rate based on the required torque or similar and a device (4) for computing the desired induction pressure based on the desired air throughput rate or similar. The desired choke angle is computed based on the required air throughput rate and the desired ...

10-02-2005 дата публикации

Nutzung von Motorparametern für Kondensationsverhinderungsstrategien

Номер: DE102004030270A1

Es werden eine Steuerung und ein Verfahren für einen Verbrennungsmotor mit einem Abgasrezirkulationssystem angegeben, um eine kritische Temperatur (Taupunkt) für einen Einlasskrümmer anzugeben, bei der beim Eintritt in die Abgasrezirkulation eine Kondensation auftreten würde. Die Steuerung berechnet die kritische Einlasskrümmungstemperatur (IMT_Critical) als Funktion von vorbestimmten festgestellten oder angenommenen Werten, indem sie eine Gleichung verarbeitet, in deren Variablen die Werte eingesetzt werden. Die Steuerung veranlasst Anpassungen an den Betrieb des Abgasrezirkulationssystems in Reaktion auf die Berechnung, vorzugsweise nachdem die tatsächliche Einlasskrümmertemperatur den Wert IMT_Critical für eine vorbestimmte Zeitdauer überschritten hat.

30-04-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003248745C2

24-09-2015 дата публикации

Innere-AGR-Menge-Berechnungsvorrichtung für einen Verbrennungsmotor

Номер: DE102013225452B4

Innere-AGR-Menge-Berechnungsvorrichtung für einen Verbrennungsmotor (3), worin eine Ventilüberschneidungszeitperiode durch Ändern der Ventilsteuerzeit eines Einlassventils (4) und/oder eines Auslassventils (5) verändert wird, und eine innere AGR-Menge (Gegr_int), die eine Restgasmenge in einem Zylinder (3a) ist, gemäß der Änderung der Ventilüberschneidungszeitperiode geändert wird, umfassend: ein Zylinderinnenvolumen-Berechnungsmittel zum Berechnen eines Zylinderinnenvolumens (Vcylivc) zu einer Rückblasereigniszeit, die eine Zeit ist, zu der während der Ventilüberschneidungszeitperiode Abgase von einem Auslasskanal (9) in den Zylinder (3a) nach dem Öffnen des Einlassventils (4) zurückgeblasen werden; und ein Innere-AGR-Menge-Berechnungsmittel zum Berechnen der inneren AGR-Menge (Gegr_int) gemäß dem berechneten Zylinderinnenvolumen (Vcylivc).

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Abgasrückführungs-Steuervorrichtung und Verfahren für eine Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE102013108225A1

Ein Bestimmungsabschnitt der Vorrichtung vergleicht einen erfassten Rückführungszustand eines Abgasrückführungssystems mit einem Referenz-Rückführungszustand, welcher vorher gespeichert wurde, und bestimmt dadurch, ob ein Risiko besteht, dass ein Rückführungsventil aufgrund abgelagerter Verbrennungsprodukte verstopft. Falls die Bestimmung ergibt, dass das Risiko vorhanden ist, wird das Ventil (23a, 43a) wiederholt um einen kleinen Betrag nahe der vollständig geschlossenen Position des Ventils (23a, 43a) geöffnet und geschlossen, wodurch Verbrennungsprodukte vom Ventil (23a, 43a) abgekratzt werden. Diese Bestimmung und die Reinigungsmaßnahme werden durchgeführt, wenn die Maschine (10) von einem laufenden zu einem gestoppten Zustand übergegangen ist.

16-07-2009 дата публикации

Nitrous oxide emission determining method for diesel engine, involves forming actual nitrous oxide emission as sum of emission, arising without exhaust gas recycling, and difference between two emission values multiplied by weighing factor

Номер: DE102008004214A1

The method involves determining an actual exhaust recycling rate (rAGR), and determining a nitrous oxide (NOx) reduction assigned to a recycling rate by a characteristic function. The function describes a global characteristic of the reduction that is attained by exhaust gas recycling. A weighing factor (GF) for the reduction is determined, where the factor depends on the reduction assigned to a reference value. An actual NOx emission is formed as a sum of an emission arising without exhaust gas recycling and a difference (NOxDiff) between two emission values multiplied by the factor. Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a control device for controlling and regulating an operation of an internal combustion engine in particular diesel engine (2) a computer program for executing a method for determining nitrous oxide emission.

17-06-2010 дата публикации

Method for adjusting exhaust gas recirculation rate of internal combustion engine, involves detecting exhaust residual percentage in fresh-gas mixture in intake manifold

Номер: DE102008044269A1

The method involves detecting exhaust residual percentage in fresh-gas mixture (F-man) in intake manifold (6). The exhaust residual percentage algorithm of fresh-gas mixture is detected by an algorithm. The exhaust residual percentage of fresh-gas mixture is controlled in intake manifold in a closed-loop. An independent claim is also included for an internal combustion engine.

30-07-2009 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zum Bestimmen nicht abgetasteter Fahrzeugbetriebsparameter

Номер: DE102008063331A1

Es werden ein Verfahren und ein System vorgeschlagen zum Bestimmen nicht abgetasteter Fahrzeugbetriebsparameter eines Fahrzeugsystems. Das Verfahren und das System ermöglichen es ferner, eine Motorluft-Massenstromrate zu bestimmen unter Verwenden der nicht abgetasteten Fahrzeugbetriebsparameter. Es kann eine Vielzahl von Fahrzeugbetriebs-Einstellpunkten bestimmt werden unter Verwenden der nicht abgetasteten Betriebsparameter des Fahrzeugsystems und der nicht abgetasteten Motorluft-Massenstromrate. Ein Controller kann die Fahrzeugbetriebs-Einstellpunkte benutzen, um Emissionen des Fahrzeugsystems zu steuern.

26-04-2017 дата публикации

A method of operating an internal combustion engine having a turbocharger

Номер: GB0002543525A

A method of operating an internal combustion engine 110 having a turbocharger 230 and an exhaust gas recirculation pipe 500 fluidly connecting an exhaust system 270 to an air intake system 195 upstream of a compressor 240 of the turbocharger 230, the method compris­ing the steps of monitoring a first value of a parameter indicative of the density of a mixture of fresh air and exhaust gas in the air intake system 195, and interrupting a flowing of exhaust gas through the exhaust gas recirculation pipe 500 if the first value is lower than a first reference threshold value thereof. The measured parameter may be pressure, and a Fast Fourier Transform may be performed on the measured values. The invention is intended to control the occurrence of condensation in the intake system, which may damage the turbocharger compressor. Also defined are an internal combustion engine, a computer program, a computer program product, and an electromagnetic signal for the defined method.

26-02-2003 дата публикации

Vehicle exhaust gas recirculating system with detection of pressure sensor de terioration.

Номер: GB0002379032A

A method and apparatus for controlling an engine coupled to an EGR system, including two pressure sensors 206, 207. The EGR system may contain an orifice 205 disposed in the EGR tubing, with a first pressure sensor 206 coupled to an air intake manifold 44 of the engine and preferably located upstream of the orifice. A second pressure sensor 207 is coupled to the EGR system and is preferably located downstream of the orifice. The method determines whether at least one sensor has degraded, and resulting in a positive determination, the EGR system is disabled. The controller 12 utilises the non degraded pressure sensor to determine the engine's operation, such as an air/fuel ratio. Preferably the pressure sensors are used to measure absolute pressure and EGR pressure relative to atmospheric pressure. The controller may adjust the fuel injection amount based on an estimated atmospheric pressure. The vehicle may be a hybrid vehicle.

20-12-2006 дата публикации

Limiting smoke in the exhaust of an engine

Номер: GB0002427284A
Автор: Sun,Min, SUN MIN, MIN SUN

Method of smoke limiting an engine. The method may include determining a minimum air/fuel (AFR) ratio and fuel limiting as a function thereof. The method may include determining a maximum fueling rate as a function of the minimum AFR and air mass flow to the engine. The method may include controlling the engine according to a requested fueling rate unless the requested fueling rate is greater than the maximum allowable fueling rate.

25-07-2001 дата публикации

Exhaust gas recirculation apparatus and method

Номер: GB0000113649D0

20-04-2011 дата публикации

Method of regulating the flow rate of EGR gas through short and long EGR routes of a turbocharged i.c. engine

Номер: GB0002474514A

The flow rate of EGR gas through short and long EGR routes 50, 60 of a turbocharged i.c. engine is regulated by a method comprising (a) determining a first setpoint value S1 for the total amount of exhaust gas requested into the intake manifold 10; (b) determining a second setpoint value S2 for a parameter representative of the relationship between the total amount of exhaust gas requested into the intake manifold and the amounts from the short and long EGR routes 50, 60; (c) applying the set-point values S1, S2 to a control routine for adjusting the means 52, 62, 63 which regulate the flow rate through the EGR routes 50, 60; (d) determining a third setpoint value S3 for the temperature in the intake manifold 10; (e) determining the actual intake manifold temperature A3; (f) calculating the error E3 between the actual temperature A3 and the third setpoint value S3; and (g) using the error E3 for generating a correction index I to apply to the second setpoint value S2 in order to minimize ...

03-12-2003 дата публикации

EGR and VGT system diagnostics and control

Номер: GB0000325310D0

06-09-2006 дата публикации

A system and method for high and low pressure exhaust gas recirculation control and estimation

Номер: GB0000614900D0

09-06-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002012000B

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000463662T

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Clogging degree estimation apparatus

Номер: AU2017279673A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A clogging degree estimation apparatus (400) includes an information acquisition unit (402) configured to acquire information indicating a vehicle's traveling status for each predetermined travel section, a coefficient determination unit (404) configured to determine a clogging coefficient K based on the traveling status indicated by the information for each travel section, and a clogging degree calculator (412) configured to calculate an increase in clogging degree based on the product of the clogging coefficient K and a distance of the travel section for each travel section and calculate, as the clogging degree, an integrated value of the increase in clogging degree calculated for each travel section. CLOGGING DEGREE ESTIMATION APPARATUS 202 ,-402 INFORMATION CAR NAVIGATION DEVICE - ACQUISITION UNIT 204 T-404 TIME INFORMATION COEFFICIENT DETECTOR DETERMINATION UNIT 206 FIRST COEFFICIENT DETERMINATION UNIT ACCELERATOR OPENING DEGREE DETECTOR 408 SECOND COEFFICIENT 208 DETERMINATION UNIT ...

11-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003284393A1

18-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002527943C
Принадлежит: YANMAR CO., LTD.

An exhaust gas recirculation control device in a diesel engine, capable of suppressing NOx and smoke discharged. A first temperature sensor (11) is provided at a portion more on the upstream side than a portion where a suction air path (3) joins an exhaust gas recirculation path (4), and a second temperature sensor (12) is provided on the downstream side. Further, an engine load detection sensor (6) and an engine speed detection sensor (7) are arranged. The exhaust gas recirculation control device also has memory means where the temperature of suction air before it is mixed with an exhaust gas and a temperature value at a second temperature sensor installation position are previously memorized, the temperature value corresponding to an appropriate exhaust gas recirculation amount that is uniquely defined by an engine load and an engine speed. Further, judging means is provided. The judging means compares the corresponding temperature value memorized in the memory means and a value detected ...

11-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002404145A1

A system and method for measuring the flow rate of recirculated exhaust gas in a compression ignition engine including a plurality of engine sensors having outputs indicative of current engine conditions and a turbocharger (50). The system includes an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve (60) mounted in the exhaust pipe (56) upstream of the turbocharger for diverting a selectable portion of the exhaust gas for recirculation and combination with the charge air, one or more sensors (68, 70, 80) for sensing current conditions of the recirculated exhaust gas, including temperature and pressure, one or more sensors for sensing current conditions of the intake air, and control logic for determining the flow rate of the recirculated exhaust gas as a function of the sensed conditions.

02-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002990671C

An electronic control unit is configured to select a first cam as a driving cam of an intake valve in a first operation range where a target value of an EGR rate is set to a specified EGR rate, and is configured to select a second cam as the driving cam in a second operation range smaller in valve duration and lift amount than the first cam. Accordingly, in most of the operation regions, the first cam is selected, and the second cam is selected only in a high-torque and high-speed region. When the second cam is selected in the high- torque and high-speed region, the state where an actual compression ratio is high can be eliminated, and suction efficiency can be decreased. Therefore, decrease in a knocking limit can be suppressed.

15-05-1979 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000610987A5

15-04-2009 дата публикации

Method for regulating a combustion process of an internal combustion engine with exhaust-gas recirculation

Номер: CN0101410606A

The invention relates to a method for regulating a combustion process of an internal combustion engine with exhaust-gas recirculation, which can be operated with a variable air/fuel ratio, and a fresh-air flow and a recirculated exhaust-gas flow. According to the invention, both the fresh air and the recirculated exhaust-gas flow are metered. The present invention advantageously provides a method for regulating a combustion process of an internal combustion engine with exhaust-gas recirculation, which method makes precise determination of the exhaust-gas recirculating rate possible with a low fault tolerance.

02-11-2018 дата публикации

For estimating the engine to discharge the nitrogen oxide mass flow rate method

Номер: CN0105275557B

25-12-2002 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for determining gas intake in IC engine

Номер: CN0001097155C

27-06-2003 дата публикации

I.c. engine recycled exhaust gas mass flow calculation procedure and apparatus uses measurements of pressure and fresh air temperature

Номер: FR0002833998A1

On détecte la pression dans une chambre de combustion (19) et d'autres paramètres pour déterminer le flux massique de recyclage des gaz d'échappement (mAGR). Suivant une première variante, on détermine la densité du mélange gazeux admis dans le moteur et on déduit le flux massique de gaz (mELS) admis dans la chambre de combustion (19) avec la température d'air frais (TELS_in) et la différence entre la température des gaz d'échappement et la température (TELS) du mélange gazeux admis dans la chambre de combustion (19). Selon une deuxième variante, on déduit la contre-pression avec laquelle les gaz d'échappement sont expulsés de la chambre de combustion (19) de la pression de la chambre de combustion, et on détermine le flux massique de recyclage des gaz (22) de la pression de suralimentation, de la contre-pression des gaz d'échappement et du rapport cyclique d'une recyclage (23).

02-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002322264B1

25-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002604214A


01-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002894623B1

06-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002965584A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

L'invention concerne un tel procédé de détermination d'un taux de gaz d'échappement recirculés, appelé taux d'EGR, à l'entrée d'un cylindre (10) d'un moteur à combustion interne à un instant t, lesdits gaz d'échappement étant acheminés dans un conduit de recirculation (14) reliant une ligne d'échappement (200) du moteur à une ligne d'admission (100) et ledit taux d'EGR étant égal au rapport entre le débit de gaz d'échappement recirculés et le débit total de gaz dans la ligne d'admission, à l'endroit considéré de la ligne d'admission et à l'instant considéré, selon lequel a) on détermine à quel instant t_intro précédant l'instant t, le gaz qui arrive à l'entrée du cylindre à l'instant t a été introduit dans la ligne d'admission, b) on détermine le taux d'EGR au débouché du conduit de recirculation dans la ligne d'admission (100) à l'instant t_intro, c) on détermine le taux d'EGR à l'entrée du cylindre à l'instant t en fonction du taux d'EGR au débouché du conduit de recirculation dans la ...

08-01-2010 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine operation managing method for automobile, involves estimating upstream temperature of compressor, and estimating down stream temperature of compressor based on upstream temperature

Номер: FR0002933452A3

La présente invention concerne un procédé de gestion du fonctionnement d'un moteur à combustion interne comportant une turbine (110) couplée à un compresseur (100) comprenant une admission d'air frais (101) munie d'un filtre à air (102) et une sortie d'air connectée à un échangeur (106) dont la sortie est connectée à un collecteur d'admission (105) du moteur à combustion, la sortie du collecteur d'admission (105) étant connectée aux cylindres (108) du moteur afin d'introduire de l'air dans la chambre de combustion desdits cylindres (108) et les gaz brûlés étant évacués des chambres de combustion des cylindres par un collecteur d'échappement (109), ledit moteur comportant un système de recirculation des gaz d'échappement dit EGR constitué d'une vanne (119) et d'un refroidisseur (118) ; caractérisé en ce qu'il comporte au moins une étape d'estimation de la température en amont du compresseur. Un autre objet de l'invention concerne un système mettant en oeuvre ledit procédé.

15-10-2004 дата публикации

Exhaust gas pressure estimating method for internal combustion engine e.g. diesel engine, turbine, involves estimating ratio of exhaust gas pressure in upstream and downstream of turbine, based on calculated exhaust gas weight

Номер: FR0002853693A1

Procédé d'estimation de la pression des gaz d'échappement en amont d'une turbine dans un moteur à combustion interne équipé d'un ensemble turbocompresseur de suralimentation comprenant un compresseur et une turbine à géométrie variable, le compresseur alimentant le moteur en air à une pression supérieure à la pression atmosphérique et la turbine étant traversée par les gaz d'échappement issus du moteur, caractérisé par le fait que l'on détermine la température des gaz d'échappement en amont de la turbine (Tavt), on calcule le débit des gaz sortant du moteur à partir d'une mesure du débit d'air entrant dans le moteur et du débit de carburant, on calcule la masse des gaz d'échappement en amont de la turbine (Mavt) en fonction du débit de la turbine, on calcule le débit de la turbine en tenant compte de sa géométrie variable, en fonction d'une première estimation du rapport des pressions des gaz d'échappement en amont et en aval de la turbine, on en déduit une valeur estimée de la pression ...

31-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002765271A1

Le dispositif comprend un papillon des gaz, situé dans une ligne d'admission, et une valve de recyclage de gaz d'échappement située dans un dispositif de recyclage de gaz d'échappement.Il est prévu un premier dispositif pilote dont la grandeur de commande est le débit de recyclage de gaz d'échappement et auquel la valve de recyclage de gaz d'échappement est associée en tant qu'organe de réglage; il est prévu un second dispositif pilote 62 dont la grandeur de commande est le débit de recyclage de gaz d'échappement et auquel le papillon des gaz est associé en tant qu'organe de réglage et il est prévu un premier régulateur 63 ou un second régulateur 64 dont la grandeur de régulation est le débit de recyclage de gaz d'échappement, et auquel la valve de recyclage de gaz d'échappement ou le papillon des gaz est associé en tant qu'organe de réglage.

18-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002949137A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT S.A.S

Procédé d'estimation de la quantité d'air frais (Qmot) ou de la quantité de gaz d'échappement basse pression recirculés (Qegr_bp_mot) entrant dans le moteur (1) d'un groupe motopropulseur pour véhicule automobile, caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend une étape consistant à estimer le retard de ces gaz entre leur entrée dans une voie d'admission (16) et leur arrivée dans le moteur (1) du groupe motopropulseur.

23-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002965016A1

La présente invention concerne principalement un procédé de détermination du débit massique d'air (D1) entrant dans le collecteur d'admission (3) d'un moteur à combustion interne (2) équipé d'un circuit de recirculation des gaz d'échappement (10), lequel collecteur d'admission (3) intègre un échangeur d'air refroidi par eau (6) qui est essentiellement caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend au moins les étapes de : - détermination du débit massique des gaz recyclés (D2) entrant dans le collecteur d'admission (3), et - détermination du débit de gaz (D3) entrant dans le collecteur d'admission (3) par application de la formule de Saint Venant, et - détermination du débit massique d'air (D1) entrant dans le collecteur d'admission (3) par différence entre le débit massique de gaz (D3) entrant dans le collecteur d'admission (3) et le débit massique de gaz recyclé (D2) entrant dans le collecteur d'admission (3). L'invention porte également sur un dispositif mettant en œuvre ce procédé.

09-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003059719B1

30-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002930597A1

04-07-2008 дата публикации

Fresh air flow estimating method for i.e. oil engine, involves estimating fresh air flow by calculation considering data such as pressure and temperature in intake manifold and temperature conduit, exhaust manifold and exhaust conduit

Номер: FR0002910929A1

Ce système comprend un conduit (3) d'amenée d'air au turbocompresseur (2), un volet d'admission (41) en amont du collecteur d'admission (5) du moteur (1), un collecteur d'échappement (6) connecté à la turbine (20) du turbocompresseur (2), un conduit d'échappement (7) muni d'un filtre à particules (70) et d'un volet d'échappement (71), deux circuits EGR, l'un HP (8a) et BP (8b), munis chacun d'une vanne de réglage de débit (81a ; 81b), ainsi qu'une unité de contrôle électronique (9) pilotant lesdits volets (41 ; 71) et vannes (81a ; 81b) afin de réguler le débit d'air frais fourni au moteur, ceci à partir d'une estimation de ce débit qui est calculée par ladite unité en fonction de la pression P22 dans le collecteur d'admission (5) , des températures T21 en amont du volet d'admission (41, T10 dans le conduit (3) d'amenée d'air, T3 dans le collecteur d'échappement (6), et T5 à la sortie du conduit d'échappement (7).

28-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002771450A1

Cette commande vise l'utilisation optimale - pour la montée de la pression d'alimentation - d'un turbocompresseur dont la turbine d'échappement est à géométrie variable. Un dispositif de commande (2) est prévu dans le trajet d'action (1) menant à l'organe de réglage (7) de la géométrie variable. Un dispositif de régulation désactivable (3) sert à déterminer un rapport cyclique de régulation applicable en addition au trajet d'action (1). Un dispositif de commutation est prévu entre le dispositif de régulation (3) et le trajet d'action (1) et un dispositif de pilotage (5) calcule un rapport cyclique de pilotage gradué qui est applicable par un élément d'addition (12) au trajet (1). Applicable en particulier aux moteurs Diesel à injection directe.

07-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002938016A1

L'invention concerne un Procédé d'estimation du débit d'air frais entrant dans un moteur, notamment un moteur diesel, suralimenté par un turbocompresseur (30), équipé au moins d'un collecteur d'admission (20) de volume Vcoll, d'un échangeur (14), d'un filtre à air (16), d'un circuit EGR HP (10), d'un circuit EGR BP (40), d'un volet d'admission (13), d'un volet d'échappement (42), d'un débitmètre (52), d'un capteur de pression (50) et un capteur de température (51) et d'un conduit de volume Vcool entre le débitmètre (52) et l'entrée du collecteur d'admission caractérisé en ce qu'il comporte une étape de mesure de température Tape, de pression Pcoll et de débit d'air frais Qdébitmètre par le débitmètre (52), une étape de calcul du débit moteur Qmot' une étape de calcul de la masse de gaz entre le débitmètre (52) et l'entrée du collecteur d'admission (20), une étape de calcul de la masse de gaz dans le collecteur (20), une étape de mesure ou d'estimation du débit d'EGR HP, une étape de calcul ...

23-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102169227B1

26-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160148101A

The present invention relates to a method to control a low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation (LP-EGR) system and an apparatus thereof. The method of the present invention comprises: a step of a control unit′s detecting if the LP-EGR system is at an initial operation point; a step of, when the LP-EGR system is at the initial operation point, the control unit′s controlling a limited LP-EGR on the LP-EGR system; a step of, while the limited LP-EGR is being controlled, the control unit′s calculating an accumulated value of the exhaust gas heat quantity within an EGR pipe; a step of the control unit′s determining if the accumulated value of the exhaust gas heat quantity within the EGR pipe, which is calculated, is a preset threshold value or higher; and a step of, when the accumulated value of the exhaust gas heat quantity within the EGR pipe, which is calculated, is the threshold value or higher, the control unit′s performing a normal LP-EGR control on the LP-EGR system. The present invention ...

14-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120062362A

PURPOSE: A method for controlling EGR(Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system is provided to rapidly and exactly control the flow of EGR gas according to an operation condition. CONSTITUTION: A method for controlling EGR system comprises following steps. The target mass flow of EGR gas flowing in an EGR line is calculated. An EFA(Effective Flow Area) of an EGR valve installed in the EGR line is calculated. EGR flow sensitivity is calculated by dividing the target mass flow by the EFA. A real opening degree of the EGR valve is controlled by applying the EGR flow sensitivity to a target opening degree of the EGR valve. Foreign materials in exhaust gas generated in an engine are reduced by catalysts and a part of the exhaust gas is re-circulated to an intake line. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2012 ...

29-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120053886A

PURPOSE: A method for estimating quantity of NOx(Nitrogen Oxide) and an exhaust device using the same are provided to exactly estimate amount of the NOx included in exhaust gases by correcting the quantity of the NOx according to environmental factors and amount of intake air. CONSTITUTION: A method for estimating quantity of NOx(Nitrogen Oxide) is as follows. Amount of O2 in suction air is detected (S300). The reference amount of the O2 in the suction air is calculated according to an operation condition of an engine(S310). The reference amount of NOx in exhaust gases is calculated according to the operation condition of the engine(S320). The reference amount of NOx is corrected firstly according to the reference amount of O2 in the suction air based on the operation condition of the engine(S330). COPYRIGHT KIPO 2012 ...

09-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010139880A2

The invention relates to a method for controlling an engine after a phase (82) of deceleration during which fresh air is recirculated into the cylinders, the method being characterized in that during a torque resumption phase (84) immediately following this deceleration phase, the amount of fuel injected into the cylinders is increased as a function of the amount of fresh air recirculated during the deceleration phase.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013132589A1
Автор: HOSOGI Takayuki

The amount of heat (Qg) of low-pressure EGR gas is calculated (step (ST1)) in respect of an engine comprising an LPL-EGR mechanism whereby low-pressure EGR gas is recirculated from the DPF-downstream side of the exhaust system through an EGR cooler to the air intake system. The permissible amount of heat (Qw1) of the EGR cooler cooling water is calculated (step (ST2)), by a calculation formula taking as a variable the difference of the cooling water boiling threshold value (Tm) and the temperature (Ta) of the cooling water flowing into the low-pressure EGR cooler. Also, the permissible amount of heat (Qw2) of the EGR cooler cooling water is calculated (step (ST2)) by a calculation formula taking as a variable the temperature (Ta) of the cooling water flowing into the low-pressure EGR cooler. If at least one of: that the aforementioned permissible amount of heat (Qw1) is less than prescribed; or that the aforementioned permissible amount of heat (Qw2) is less than the amount of heat (Qg) ...

21-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007145021A1

An engine (1) with a supercharger (40) comprises a compressor (41) having blades (45) on a turbine (42) shaft, and the turbine (42). At least one index (44) is provided on the turbine (42) shaft or the blade (45). A turbo angular velocity sensor (62) is provided to detect the rotation of the index (44) and the rotation of the blades (45), and the sensor is connected to an ECU (60). The engine (1) further includes a turbo angular velocity calculation means for receiving pulses per each rotation of the turbine shaft and calculating the angular velocity.

04-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010014998A2
Автор: CHI, John, N.

According to one embodiment, an apparatus for controlling exhaust emissions using a pre-filter includes an intake charge module (200) and EGR system module (210) respectively configured to determine a desired air intake flow rate (202) and desired EGR gas flow rate (212) into an engine (11) based at least partially on a desired oxygen concentration in the engine. Additionally, the apparatus includes a pre-filter module (230) configured to modify the desired air intake flow rate and the desired EGR gas flow rate based at least partially on predetermined transient response characteristics of an air handling system (50) of the engine. The desired air intake flow rate is achievable by commanding a fresh air regulator (51) to achieve the modified air intake flow rate (232) and the desired EGR gas flow rate is achievable by commanding an EGR regulator (32) to achieve the modified EGR gas flow rate (234).

03-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008002753A2

An internal combustion engine is configured with combustion chamber pressure sensing and exhaust gas recirculation apparatus. Exhaust gas recirculation control includes closed-loop controlling exhaust gas recirculation apparatus in accordance with a predetermined control target. Adjustments to the control target are made based on combustion chamber pressure information.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013159899A1

The invention relates to a method for operating an internal combustion engine, in particular a diesel internal combustion engine, having supercharging (300) with exhaust-gas recirculation, an engine with a number of cylinders, and supercharging control with an outer master controller (111, 112) and a cascaded inner secondary controller (113, MIMO), the control variables (191, 192, 193, 194) of which are based at least on a charge-air variable and an exhaust-gas variable of the supercharging, wherein the supercharging is assigned a first manipulated variable (195) which sets the charge air and a second manipulated variable (196) which sets the exhaust gas, by means of the supercharging control.

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150101326A1
Принадлежит: Ford Global Technologies, LLC

Methods and systems are provided for accurately learning the zero point of an intake gas oxygen sensor during selected idling conditions. The learned zero point is used to infer EGR flow and accordingly adjust EGR valve control. In addition, EGR valve leakage is diagnosed based on the zero point learned during an idle adaptation relative to a zero point learned during a DFSO adaptation.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Device and method for controlling fuel injection in an engine depending on the exhaust gas partial recirculation rate

Номер: US20120004834A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

A device for controlling fuel injection in an internal combustion engine of an automobile, the internal combustion engine being connected at an inlet thereof to a fresh air intake pipe and at an outlet thereof to an exhaust gas discharge pipe including a catalytic converter, an exhaust gas partial recirculation circuit connecting the discharge pipe to the fresh air intake pipe. The device includes a mechanism determining the amount of unburned fuel in the exhaust gases, a mechanism determining the amount of fresh air taken into the internal combustion engine, and an electronic controller determining the amount of fuel to be injected depending on signals received of the determined amount of unburned fuel and the determined amount of fresh air taken in.

27-05-2015 дата публикации

Система для указания воды в датчике кислорода на основании потребляемой мощности нагревателя датчика

Номер: RU0000152379U1

1. Система для двигателя, содержащая:впускной коллектор, включающий в себя впускной дроссель;охладитель наддувочного воздуха, расположенный выше по потоку от впускного коллектора;датчик кислорода, расположенный на выходе охладителя наддувочного воздуха, при этом датчик кислорода включает в себя нагревательный элемент; иконтроллер с машинно-читаемыми командами для указания воды в датчике кислорода в ответ на увеличение потребляемой мощности нагревательного элемента датчика кислорода более высокое, чем пороговое значение, во время выбранного состояния.2. Система по п.1, в которой машинно-читаемые команды дополнительно включают в себя команды для настройки условий эксплуатации двигателя на основании указания воды в датчике кислорода, причем условия эксплуатации двигателя включают в себя одно или более из открывания впускного дросселя и установки момента зажигания, при этом выбранное состояние чувствительно к влажности окружающей среды, большей, чем пороговое значение. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 152 379 U1 (51) МПК F02B 29/04 (2006.01) F02D 45/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014133365/06, 13.08.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.08.2014 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): СУРНИЛЛА Гопичандра (US), СОЛТИС Ричард И. (US), МАКЛЕД Дэниел А. (US), КЛАРК Тимоти Джозеф (US) (45) Опубликовано: 27.05.2015 Бюл. № 15 1 5 2 3 7 9 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Система для двигателя, содержащая: впускной коллектор, включающий в себя впускной дроссель; охладитель наддувочного воздуха, расположенный выше по потоку от впускного коллектора; датчик кислорода, расположенный на выходе охладителя наддувочного воздуха, при этом датчик кислорода включает в себя нагревательный элемент; и контроллер с машинно-читаемыми командами для указания воды в датчике кислорода в ответ на увеличение потребляемой мощности нагревательного ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации

Система для датчика кислорода

Номер: RU0000152517U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая:двигатель, включающий в себя впускной коллектор;турбонагнетатель, включающий в себя турбину в системе выпуска и компрессор в системе впуска;охладитель наддувочного воздуха, присоединенный ниже по потоку от компрессора;датчик кислорода на впуске, присоединенный к впускному коллектору ниже по потоку от охладителя наддувочного воздуха и выше по потоку от впускного дросселя;датчик давления, присоединенный к впускному коллектору ниже по потоку от охладителя наддувочного воздуха и выше по потоку от впускного дросселя;систему рециркуляции отработавших газов (EGR), включающую в себя канал EGR и клапан EGR, для рециркуляции отработавших остаточных газов из местоположения ниже по потоку от турбины в местоположение выше по потоку от компрессора; иконтроллер с машиночитаемыми командами для:во время состояния перекрытия топлива при замедлении двигателя,изучения опорной точки для упомянутого датчика кислорода при опорном давлении на впуске; инастройки открывания клапана EGR на основании концентрации кислорода на впуске, оцененной упомянутым датчиком относительно изученной опорной точки, и дополнительно на основании давления на впуске относительно опорного давления на впуске.2. Система по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая датчиквлажности для оценки влажности окружающей среды, причем контроллер включает в себя дополнительные команды для дополнительной настройки открывания клапана EGR на основании влажности окружающей среды относительно опорной влажности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F02M 25/07 F02D 23/00 F02D 41/00 G01M 15/02 (13) 152 517 U1 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014139711/06, 30.09.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.09.2014 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): КЛАРК Тимоти Джозеф (US), СУРНИЛЛА Гопичандра (US), ГЕРХАРТ Мэттью Джон (US), СТАЙЛЗ Дэниел ...

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Egr controller for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20120109493A1
Автор: Hiroyuki TAKEZOE
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

By means of an air model, an estimated quantity of an exhaust gas flowing into a cylinder and a target quantity of the exhaust gas are computed. A deviation between the estimated quantity and the target quantity is multiplied by a feedback gain to obtain a feedback correction quantity. A reference opening degree of an EGR valve is defined according to an engine driving condition and the feedback correction quantity is added to the reference opening degree to obtain a command opening degree of the EGR valve. According to the engine driving condition and the deviation between the estimated quantity and the target quantity, a feedback gain is established so that control accuracy and control stability of a feedback control can be ensured.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Transient control strategy in spark-assisted hcci combustion mode

Номер: US20120118275A1

A method for controlling a multi-cylinder direct-injection internal combustion engine includes establishing an external exhaust gas recirculation valve from a present position to a target position to achieve a target exhaust gas recirculation, and synchronizing combustion initiation timing with actual exhaust gas recirculation as actual exhaust gas recirculation changes from a first exhaust gas recirculation value corresponding to the present position of the external exhaust gas recirculation valve to a second exhaust gas recirculation value corresponding to the target position of the external exhaust gas recirculation valve.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

System and Method to Control an Electronically-Controlled Turbocharger

Номер: US20120297767A1
Автор: Peter Hofbauer
Принадлежит: EcoMotors International Inc

By providing an electrically-controlled turbocharger (ECT) on a compression-ignition (CI) engine, the engine can be provided a desired lambda and a desired EGR fraction over the range of operating conditions. When lambda in the exhaust is leaner than the desired lambda, electrical energy to the electric motor of the ECT is reduced to bring actual lambda to desired lambda. Analogously, when lambda in the exhaust is richer than the desired lambda, electrical energy to the ECT is increased.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

System and method for controlling exhaust gas recirculation

Номер: US20120323469A1
Автор: John R. Bucknell

A control system for an engine includes first and second modules. The first module estimates a total amount of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) in the engine, wherein the total amount of EGR includes (i) EGR within cylinders of the engine and (ii) EGR flowing through an EGR system of the engine. The second module selectively controls an overlap of intake and exhaust valve timing in the engine based on (i) a position of an EGR valve in the EGR system and (ii) a comparison of the estimated total amount of EGR in the engine and an EGR threshold.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130138324A1
Автор: Taku Ibuki
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The present invention relates to a control device for an internal combustion engine including: a first control subject 52 and a second control subject 35 D respectively capable of directly controlling a first control amount Regr and a second control amount Pim interacting with each other; a means for setting a target value of the first control amount as a first target control amount and setting a target value of the second control amount as a second target control amount; and a means for controlling the first control amount at the first target control amount and controlling the second control amount at the second target control amount. Further, in the present invention, a first target control amount TRegr is set as the target value of the first control amount capable of controlling the first control amount with a predetermined followability taking account of at least one of a first operation speed Krie, Krde as the operation speed of the first control subject and a degree of influence Ksee of the first control subject on the first control amount and at least one of a second operation speed Kriv, Krdv as the operation speed of the second control subject and a degree of influence Ksev of the second control subject on the first control amount.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust gas recirculation valve contaminant removal

Номер: US20130213007A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

An exhaust gas purification system including an exhaust gas passageway which routes a flow of exhaust gas from an exhaust gas source to an intake manifold; an exhaust gas passageway valve which controls flow to the intake manifold; a cooling system coupled with the exhaust passageway positioned at a location upstream of the exhaust gas source and downstream of the intake manifold and operable to transfer heat from the flow of exhaust gas to a coolant in flow communication with the cooling system; a bypass passageway coupled with the exhaust gas passageway and bypassing the cooling system; a bypass valve operable to control flow through the bypass passageway; at least one valve operation sensor; and a controller operable to control the bypass valve to direct the flow of exhaust gas to the bypass passageway during exhaust gas recirculation based on a signal from the valve operation sensor.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for adjusting an estimated flow rate of exhaust gas passing through an exhaust gas recirculation valve

Номер: US20130226435A1

A system according to the principles of the present disclosure includes a volumetric efficiency adjustment module and an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) flow adjustment module. The volumetric efficiency adjustment module adjusts an estimated volumetric efficiency of an engine based on a mass flow rate of air entering the engine. The EGR flow adjustment module selectively adjusts an estimated mass flow rate of exhaust gas passing through an EGR valve based on an amount by which the volumetric efficiency adjustment module adjusts the volumetric efficiency.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

System and method for controlling an internal combustion engine for a motor vehicle in transit

Номер: US20130289852A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

A system for controlling a diesel internal combustion engine including a circuit for partially recirculating exhaust gases, including a mechanism estimating set values of intake-air parameters; a mechanism estimating richness of the exhaust gas; a mechanism determining a set value of the intake richness according to set values of the intake-air parameters; and a mechanism correcting at least one of the set values of the intake-air parameters according to the estimation of the richness of the exhaust gas and the richness set value.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Methods and systems for open loop and closed loop control of an exhaust gas recirculation system

Номер: US20180003114A1

Methods and systems are provided for estimating exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) flow in an engine including an EGR system. In one example, a method may include operating the EGR system in an open loop feed forward mode based on an intake carbon di oxide sensor output above a threshold engine load and/or when a manifold absolute pressure (MAP) is above a threshold pressure, and operating the EGR system in a closed loop feedback mode based on a differential pressure sensor output when the engine load decreases below the threshold load and/or when the MAP decreases below the threshold pressure.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Engine system

Номер: US20210003086A1
Автор: Gaku Ito
Принадлежит: Subaru Corp

An engine system includes an intake pipe, an exhaust pipe, an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) pipe, an injection amount deriver, and a fuel injector. The intake pipe is configured to direct intake air into a combustion chamber of an engine. The exhaust pipe is configured to receive exhaust gas discharged from the combustion chamber. The EGR pipe is coupled to the exhaust pipe and the intake pipe and configured to recirculate the exhaust gas into the intake pipe as EGR gas. The injection amount deriver is configured to derive a target injection amount of fuel using a mass of air contained in the EGR gas or a mass of fuel contained in the EGR gas and using a preset target air excess coefficient. The fuel injector is configured to inject an amount of fuel corresponding to the target injection amount derived by the injection amount deriver into the combustion chamber.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009682A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A control device includes a cylinder pressure sensor, a driving condition detector, a reference crank angle setter, a reference cylinder pressure calculator, an EGR ratio estimator, and a controller. The cylinder pressure sensor detects a cylinder pressure inside a cylinder. The driving condition detector detects a driving condition in an internal combustion engine. The reference crank angle setter calculates, according to the driving condition, a reference crank angle immediately before which mixture gas starts combusting. The reference cylinder pressure calculator calculates a reference cylinder pressure at the reference crank angle based on temperature characteristics of a heat capacity ratio of the mixture gas under a condition. The EGR ratio estimator calculates an EGR ratio based on a pressure difference between the reference cylinder pressure and the cylinder pressure at the reference crank angle. The controller controls the internal combustion engine according to the EGR ratio. 1. A control device for an internal combustion engine including an EGR device that , concurrently with direct injection of a fuel into a cylinder , recirculates a portion of an exhaust gas discharged to an exhaust passage from the cylinder back to an intake passage as an external EGR gas , the control device comprising:an in-cylinder pressure sensor that detects a pressure inside the cylinder as an in-cylinder pressure;a driving condition detector that detects a driving condition of the internal combustion engine;a reference crank angle setter that obtains a crank angle immediately before start of combustion of a mixture gas charged in the cylinder depending on the detected driving condition of the internal combustion engine, and sets the obtained crank angle as a reference crank angle;a reference in-cylinder pressure calculator that calculates, as a reference in-cylinder pressure, a pressure inside the cylinder expected to occur at the set reference crank angle, based on a ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009709A1

A driving device for driving a vehicle includes an internal combustion engine, a feed line for feeding combustion air to the internal combustion engine, a discharge line for discharging exhaust gases from the internal combustion engine, a charge air cooler that is arranged in the feed line for cooling the combustion air, and a recirculation line branching off the discharge line for recirculating the exhaust gas from the discharge line into the feed line. The recirculation line includes a bypass line that the exhaust gas can be fed to the internal combustion engine through the charge air cooler and/or bypassing the charge air cooler. 115-. (canceled)16. A driving device for driving a vehicle , comprisingan internal combustion engine;a feed line configured to feed combustion air to the internal combustion engine;a discharge line configured to discharge exhaust gases from the internal combustion engine;a charge air cooler in fluid communication with the feed line and configured to cool the combustion air;a recirculation line branching off the discharge line and configured to recirculate the exhaust gas from the discharge line into the feed line, wherein exhaust gases can be fed by the recirculation line to the internal combustion engine through the charge air cooler; anda bypass line configured to feed exhaust gas can be fed to the internal combustion engine bypassing the charge air cooler.17. The driving device according to claim 16 , wherein the bypass line communicates with the recirculation line and the driving device further comprises a shut-off and directional control device configured to interacts with the recirculation line and the bypass line to shut off the recirculation line or direct the recirculated exhaust gas through the charge air cooler or to the internal combustion engine bypassing the charge air cooler.18. The driving device according to claim 17 , wherein the shut-off and directional control device comprises an actuating device settable in at least ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine control apparatus

Номер: US20190024600A1

Fuel injection control of an internal combustion engine requires an optimized fuel amount that can be burned completely with oxygen in intake air to be supplied, but the oxygen concentration in the atmospheric air is affected by humidity. By separately calculating a dry air flow rate that directly affects the oxygen amount and a humidity flow rate that is a change factor of the oxygen concentration in the intake air of the internal combustion engine, the fuel can be supplied to the cylinder of the internal combustion engine at an optimized air-fuel ratio. In addition, highly precise control involving EGR for flowback of a part of the exhaust gas flowing in the exhaust pipe to the intake pipe can also be achieved.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Engine controls including direct targeting of in-cylinder

Номер: US20200025121A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

Unique engine controls and apparatuses, methods and systems relating to the same are disclosed. One embodiment is method which utilizes an in-cylinder [O2] mass fraction model to generate exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) fraction references for both transient and steady state operating conditions. Further embodiments, forms, objects, features, advantages, aspects, and benefits shall become apparent from the following description and drawings.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Control system for compression ignition engine

Номер: US20200032717A1
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp

A control system for a compression ignition engine is provided, which includes a combustion chamber, a throttle valve, an injector, an ignition, a swirl control valve, a sensor and a controller. The controller is configured to execute a first mode module, a second mode module, and a changing module to change an engine mode from a first mode to a second mode in response to a change demand. The changing module outputs signals to the throttle valve and the injector in response to the demand so that an air-fuel ratio of mixture gas becomes a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, and outputs a signal to the swirl control valve so that an EGR gas amount decreases more than before the demand, and when the EGR gas amount is determined to be decreased to a given amount, the changing module causes the second mode module to start the second mode.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Control system

Номер: US20200032727A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A control system includes an electronic control unit including a feedback controller and a reference governor. The feedback controller is configured to determine a value of control input such that a value of control output approximates a target value. The reference governor is configured to calculate, with a prediction model, a predicted maximum value of an overshoot amount of the control output that overshoots from the target value. The prediction model is derived assuming that an n-th delay (n is a natural number) occurs in a response of the control output. The reference governor is configured to calculate the target value by correcting the provisional target value of the control output based on the predicted maximum value so as to increase a degree of satisfaction of a constraint condition with regard to the control output.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032728A1

A control system for a compression ignition engine includes a combustion chamber, a throttle valve, an injector, an ignition plug, an EGR system, a sensor device and a controller. The controller includes a first mode module, a second mode module and a changing module configured to change an engine mode from a first mode to a second mode in response to a change demand. The changing module outputs signals to the throttle valve and the injector in response to the demand so that an air-fuel ratio of mixture gas becomes a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio or a substantially stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, and outputs a signal to the EGR system so that an EGR gas amount decreases more than before the demand, and when the EGR gas amount is determined to be decreased to a given amount, the changing module permits that the second mode module starts the second mode. 1. A control system for a compression ignition engine , comprising:a combustion chamber of the engine defined by a cylinder, a piston configured to reciprocate inside the cylinder, and a cylinder head closing one end of the cylinder;a throttle valve configured to adjust an amount of air delivered to the combustion chamber;an injector attached to the cylinder head and configured to inject fuel to be supplied into the combustion chamber;an ignition plug disposed so as to be oriented into the combustion chamber and configured to ignite mixture gas inside the combustion chamber;an EGR system configured to introduce EGR gas into the combustion chamber;a sensor device configured to measure a parameter related to operation of the engine; anda controller having a circuitry connected with the throttle valve, the injector, the ignition plug, the EGR system, and the sensor device, configured to perform a calculation in response to a measurement signal from the sensor device and output signals to the throttle valve, the injector, the ignition plug, and the EGR system,wherein the controller includes a first mode module configured ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Method of monitoring egr system

Номер: US20150040862A1
Автор: Ha Dong Bong
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A method of monitoring an EGR system includes setting up an ignition timing map depending on EGR efficiency when the EGR system operates normally. An output value reflecting the driving state of a vehicle is divided into an active area and an inactive area. A detected value of ignition timing depending on the occurrence of knocking for the active and inactive areas is learned and stored. When knocking occurs in the active area, a corrected value of ignition timing influenced by only the operation of the EGR system is extracted using the difference between the detected values of ignition timing learned in the active and inactive areas. The amount of variation in the EGR efficiency influenced by the operation of the EGR system is measured by measuring the EGR efficiency by applying the corrected value of ignition timing to the ignition timing map.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037798A1

A system includes a combustion engine having an intake manifold and an exhaust manifold, an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system coupled to the combustion engine and configured to route exhaust generated by the combustion engine from the exhaust manifold to the intake manifold, and a first knock sensor coupled to the combustion engine and configured to measure vibrations of the combustion engine and output a first vibration signal. The system also includes a controller communicatively coupled to the combustion engine, the knock sensor, the EGR system, or any combination thereof. The controller is configured to determine a peak firing pressure (PFP) within the combustion engine and control operations of both the combustion engine and the EGR system based on the PFP. 1. A system , comprising:a combustion engine comprising an intake manifold and an exhaust manifold;an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system coupled to the combustion engine and configured to route exhaust generated by the combustion engine from the exhaust manifold to the intake manifold;a first knock sensor coupled to the combustion engine and configured to measure vibrations of the combustion engine and output a first vibration signal; anda controller communicatively coupled to the combustion engine, the knock sensor, the EGR system, wherein the controller is configured to determine a location of peak firing pressure (PFP) or a value of absolute pressure within the combustion engine based on the first vibration signal, and control operations of both the combustion engine and the EGR system based on the PFP or the absolute pressure value.2. The system of claim 1 , comprising a second knock sensor coupled to the combustion engine configured to measure the vibrations of the combustion engine and output a second vibration signal.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first knock sensor is coupled proximate to a first cylinder of the combustion engine claim 2 , and the second knock sensor is coupled ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038296A1
Автор: CHOI Choo Saeng

An engine system having an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) apparatus includes: an engine including a plurality of combustion chambers; an intake line through which an intake gas supplied to the combustion chambers flows; an exhaust line in which an exhaust gas discharged from the combustion chambers flows; and a turbocharger including: a turbine disposed at the exhaust line and rotating by the exhaust gas; and a compressor disposed in the intake line and rotating and compressing external air. The EGR apparatus includes a recirculation line branched from the exhaust line; an EGR valve disposed at the recirculation line and adjusting a recirculation gas amount; a pressure sensor disposed at a front end of the EGR valve to measure a pressure of a recirculation gas; and a flow rate adjustment apparatus disposed at a rear end of the EGR valve and adjusting the recirculation gas amount. 1. An engine system having an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) apparatus , the engine system comprising:an engine comprising a plurality of combustion chambers that generate a driving torque by combustion of fuel;an intake line through which an intake gas supplied to the plurality of combustion chambers flows;an exhaust line in which an exhaust gas discharged from the plurality of combustion chambers flows; anda turbocharger comprising: a turbine disposed at the exhaust line and rotating by the exhaust gas that is discharged from the plurality of combustion chambers; and a compressor, which is disposed in the intake line, rotating by interlocking with the turbine and compressing external air,wherein the EGR apparatus includes: a recirculation line branched from the exhaust line to join the intake line; an EGR valve disposed at the recirculation line and adjusting a recirculation gas amount; a pressure sensor disposed at a front end of the EGR valve of the recirculation line to measure a pressure of a recirculation gas; and a flow rate adjustment apparatus installed at a rear end of the EGR ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

System And Method For Controlling Engine Operating Parameters During Engine Warm-up To Reduce Emissions

Номер: US20210047974A1

A system includes a temperature sensor configured to measure a temperature of exhaust gas produced by an engine, and a boost error module configured to determine a boost error of the engine. The system further includes a combustion control module configured to select at least one of a target boost pressure of the engine, a target EGR flow rate of the engine, and a target fuel injection parameter of the engine from a first set of target values when the exhaust gas temperature is less than a predetermined temperature and the boost error is less than a predetermined value, and to select the at least one of the target boost pressure, the target EGR flow rate, and the target fuel injection parameter from a second set of target values when the exhaust gas temperature is less than the predetermined temperature and the boost error is greater than the predetermined value.

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Learning of egr valve lift and egr valve flow transfer function

Номер: US20150053186A1

Methods and systems are provided for improving accuracy of delta pressure over valve (DPOV) based EGR flow measurement during low valve lift conditions by learning errors in EGR valve lift and/or EGR valve flow transfer function.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048810A1

A method of controlling exhaust gas recirculation in the internal combustion engine includes: sensing one or more sensing signals indicative of operating conditions of an internal combustion engine, producing, as a function of the sensing signal or signals sensed, an exhaust gas recirculation control signal for controlling exhaust gas recirculation in the internal combustion engine, producing, e.g., via a “virtual” sensor including a neural network, a particulate size distribution signal indicative of the particulate size distribution in the exhaust of the internal combustion engine, correcting the exhaust gas recirculation control signal as a function of the particulate size distribution control signal, thereby producing a corrected exhaust gas recirculation control signal, and controlling exhaust gas recirculation in the internal combustion engine as a function of the corrected exhaust gas recirculation control signal. 1. A method , including:sensing a sensing signal indicative of an operating condition of an internal combustion engine,producing, as a function of the sensing signal sensed, an exhaust gas recirculation control signal for controlling recirculation of exhaust gas of the internal combustion engine,producing a particulate size distribution signal indicative of a particulate size distribution in the exhaust gas of the internal combustion engine,correcting the exhaust gas recirculation control signal as a function of the particulate size distribution signal, thereby producing a corrected exhaust gas recirculation control signal, andcontrolling exhaust gas recirculation in the internal combustion engine as a function of the corrected exhaust gas recirculation control signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:sensing the sensing signal includes sensing a signal selected out of a speed signal, a load signal and combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein:producing the exhaust gas recirculation control signal includes applying engine control maps ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Controlling a Two-Stage Air Charging System with Mixed EGR

Номер: US20180051639A1

A two-stage air charging system for an internal combustion engine with mixed exhaust gas recirculation includes a high pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop, a low pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop, an air throttle system, a turbo air charging system, and an electric air charging system. A method to control the system includes monitoring desired operating target commands and operating parameters. Feedback control signals are determined based upon the monitored desired operating target commands and the monitored operating parameters. The two-stage air charging system is controlled based on system control commands for each of the high pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop, the low pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop, the air throttle system, the turbo air charging system and the electric air charging system.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055891A1

Methods and systems are provided for operating a split exhaust engine system that provides blowthrough air and exhaust gas recirculation to an intake passage via a first exhaust manifold and exhaust gas to an exhaust passage via a second exhaust manifold. In one example, a flow of exhaust (e.g., exhaust gas recirculation) from engine cylinders to the intake passage, upstream of a compressor, via an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) passage and the first exhaust manifold may be adjusted by adjusting a timing of a first set of cylinder exhaust valves coupled to the first exhaust manifold. Additionally, the first set of cylinder exhaust valves open at a different time than a second set of cylinder exhaust valves coupled to the exhaust passage. 1. A method for an engine , comprising:adjusting a timing of a first set of cylinder exhaust valves to adjust a flow of combusted exhaust gases from engine cylinders to an intake passage, upstream of a compressor, via an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) passage, in response to a change in a desired EGR flow amount, where the first set of cylinder exhaust valves open at a different time than a second set of cylinder exhaust valves coupled to an exhaust passage; andadjusting the timing of the first set of cylinder exhaust valves to adjust a flow of fresh, blowthrough air from engine cylinders to the intake passage via the EGR passage in response to a change in a desired blowthrough flow amount.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting the timing of the first set of cylinder exhaust valves includes advancing a timing of exhaust valve opening of the first set of cylinder exhaust valves in response to a request to increase the flow of exhaust gases from the engine cylinders to the intake passage via the EGR passage due to an increase in the desired EGR flow amount.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising advancing a timing of intake valves of the engine cylinders to increase an amount of valve overlap between the intake valves ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058391A1

Methods and systems for operating an engine including an external exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system are presented. In one non-limiting example, output of a differential pressure sensor and output of an intake manifold pressure sensor are used as a basis for determining whether or not EGR system degradation is present while an engine is operating at conditions other than engine idle conditions. 1. A method for operating an engine , comprising:receiving a differential pressure sensor output and intake manifold pressure sensor output to a controller;judging whether or not exhaust gas recirculation system degradation is present responsive to the differential pressure sensor output and the intake manifold pressure sensor output while operating an engine with intake manifold pressure greater than atmospheric pressure via the controller; andadjusting an actuator via the controller responsive to the judgment.2. The method of claim 1 , where the actuator is a waste gate.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising converting the differential pressure sensor output to a differential pressure claim 1 , and where the judgement is based on the differential pressure exceeding a second threshold.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising converting the intake manifold pressure sensor output to an intake manifold pressure claim 3 , and where the judgement is also based on the intake manifold pressure minus a barometric pressure exceeding a first threshold.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising converting the differential pressure sensor output to a differential pressure claim 1 , and where the judgement is based on an absolute value of the differential pressure exceeding an eighth threshold.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising converting the intake manifold pressure sensor output to an intake manifold pressure claim 5 , and where the judgement is also based on the intake manifold pressure minus a barometric pressure exceeding a seventh threshold.7. The ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058801A1

Embodiments are provided herein for controlling a motor-vehicle internal combustion engine fitted with a fuel injection system and an exhaust gas recirculation system. In one example, in a deceleration phase a closed exhaust gas recirculation circuit is formed, a mass (m) of an air quantity enclosed therein is determined, a first oxygen content (O, O) of the air quantity is detected, a test injection is carried out with an injection valve, a second oxygen content (O, O) of the air quantity is detected, and the fuel mass (m) injected in the test injection is determined from the mass (m) of the air quantity and the first and the second oxygen content (O, O, O, O). The disclosure also relates to a corresponding device for controlling a motor-vehicle internal combustion engine fitted with a fuel injection system and an exhaust gas recirculation system. 1. A method for controlling a motor-vehicle internal combustion engine fitted with a fuel injection system and an exhaust gas recirculation system , comprising:in a deceleration phase, forming a closed exhaust gas recirculation circuit;{'sub': 'circ', 'determining a mass (m) of an air quantity enclosed in the closed exhaust gas recirculation circuit;'}detecting a first oxygen content of the air quantity;carrying out a test injection with an injection valve;detecting a second oxygen content of the air quantity; and{'sub': fuel', 'circ, 'determining a fuel mass (m) injected in the test injection from the mass (m) of the air quantity and the first and the second oxygen contents.'}2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein forming the closed exhaust gas recirculation circuit comprises activating an exhaust valve claim 1 , an intake throttle valve claim 1 , and an exhaust gas recirculation valve claim 1 , or activating the exhaust valve and a three-way valve in an intake tract.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the mass (m) of the air quantity is determined by at least one pressure sensor and at least one ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062738A1

Methods and systems are provided for a hydrogen combustion engine. In one example, a method may include operating the hydrogen combustion engine at one of two combustion air ratios, wherein a combustion air ratio between the two is avoided via adjusting one or more operating parameters. 1. A method for operating a hydrogen combustion engine configured to burn a hydrogen-containing fuel in a combustion chamber of the hydrogen combustion engine , the method comprising:{'sub': 'A', 'operating the hydrogen combustion engine with a first combustion air ratio with a λ≤1 during conditions of higher torque demand;'}{'sub': 'B', 'operating the hydrogen combustion engine with a second combustion air ratio with a λ≥2 during conditions of lower torque demand; and'}switching from the second combustion air ratio to the first combustion air ratio in response to a torque demand increasing, wherein switching comprises advancing an intake valve opening to increase EGR flow to the combustion chamber as a fuel injection amount is increased.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogen combustion engine is operated with only the first combustion air ratio or with the second combustion air ratio.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the torque demand is based on an accelerator pedal position claim 1 , and wherein the torque demand increasing comprises the accelerator pedal position being depressed.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein advancing the intake valve opening comprises overlapping the intake valve opening with an exhaust valve opening.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein advancing the intake valve opening includes adjusting the intake valve opening to a boot lift profile claim 1 , wherein the boot lift profile comprises opening the intake valve at a crank angle of 270°.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein advancing the intake valve opening includes adjusting the intake valve opening to a multi-lift profile claim 1 , wherein the multi-lift profile comprises opening the intake valve at a ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063349A1

Systems, apparatus, and methods are disclosed that include a divided exhaust engine with at least one primary exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cylinder and a plurality of non-primary EGR cylinders. The systems, apparatus and methods control the fueling to the at least one primary EGR cylinder in response to EGR fraction reduction conditions. 1. A system comprising:an internal combustion engine having at least one primary exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cylinder connected to provide an EGR flow to an EGR passage and a plurality of non-primary cylinders connected to provide an exhaust flow to an exhaust passage, wherein the EGR passage is connected to an intake system to provide an EGR flow from the at least one primary EGR cylinder to the intake system, wherein the intake system provides a charge flow to the at least one primary EGR cylinder and the plurality of non-primary cylinders, the charge flow including an intake air flow and an EGR fraction provided by an amount of recirculated exhaust gas from at least the at least one primary EGR cylinder; anda controller configured to interpret an EGR fraction reduction condition in which the EGR fraction provided by the amount of recirculated exhaust gas in the charge flow is reduced from an expected EGR fraction during steady state conditions, and in response to the EGR fraction reduction condition the controller is configured to reduce an air-fuel ratio in the at least one primary EGR cylinder.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a fuel system connected by at least one injector to each of the at least one primary EGR cylinder and the plurality of non-primary EGR cylinders claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to increase the fueling amount from the at least one injector connected to the at least one primary EGR cylinder by an amount that reduces the air-fuel ratio relative to a steady state air-fuel ratio.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one primary EGR cylinder includes at least two ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Method, System and Mobile User Appliance for Adapting an Energy Utilization Process of a Vehicle

Номер: US20190063354A1
Автор: AUGST Alexander

Method, apparatus and mobile user appliance for adapting an energy utilization process of a vehicle. At least one value of an energy utilization characteristic quantity is ascertained that represents a first energy utilization process in a first vehicle, and a value of a parameter is ascertained that represents at least one constraint of the energy utilization in the first vehicle during the energy utilization process. A mathematical relationship between at least one of the provided values of an energy utilization characteristic quantity, the values of the parameters of the first vehicle and parameters for a possible second energy utilization process of a second vehicle is ascertained. Further, a data record is provided on the basis of the ascertained mathematical relationship, and a profile data record is provided that comprises the data record. Depending on the profile data record of the first vehicle and second parameter, a fuel composition and/or a split of energy types for a drive system of a second vehicle and/or control data for an energy distribution process in a second vehicle is/are ascertained for the second energy utilization process. 1. A method for adapting an energy utilization process of at least one vehicle , the method comprising the steps of:{'b': '1', 'ascertaining at least one value of an energy utilization characteristic quantity (K_) that represents a first energy utilization process in a first vehicle,'}{'b': '1', 'ascertaining at least one value of a parameter (P_) that represents at least one constraint of the energy utilization in the first vehicle during the first energy utilization process,'}{'b': 1', '1', '2, 'determining a mathematical relationship between at least one or more of the provided values of the at least one energy utilization characteristic quantity (K_), the applicable values of the parameters (P_) of the first vehicle and one or more parameters (P_) for a possible second energy utilization process of a second vehicle,'} ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for determining abnormality in exhaust gas recirculation amount

Номер: US20140144219A1
Принадлежит: HINO MOTORS LTD

An absolute value of a deviation of an actual EGR ratio, calculated in a current operational status of an engine 1, from a target EGR ratio set on the basis of current operational status of the engine 1 is acquired and is multiplied by a quotient, as gain, acquired from division of a feedback correction amount of opening degree of an EGR valve 12 by an upper limit of the feedback correction amount to determine normality when an acquired product is close to “0” and determine higher degree of abnormality the further the product is away from “0”.

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine egr flow rate estimation apparatus and internal combustion engine control apparatus

Номер: US20160069285A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

Based on an internal EGR ratio and desired external and internal EGR ratios, an EGR valve opening degree is feedback-controlled based on a desired EGR ratio, calculated in such a way as to perform correction so that a total EGR ratio becomes constant, and an EGR effective opening area obtained through learning of the relationship between an EGR valve opening degree and an effective opening area; thus, a correct characteristic of EGR valve opening degree vs. effective opening area can be maintained and hence it is made possible to absorb variations, changes with time, and even environmental conditions, while making an EGR valve and an intake/exhaust VVT collaborate with each other; therefore, an EGR flow rate can accurately be estimated.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063677A1
Автор: KIM Han Sang

The present disclosure relates to a valve opening control apparatus and method of a gasoline EGR system. The valve opening control apparatus includes a gasoline engine generating driving power through combustion, an intake line through which an intake gas flows into a combustion chamber of the gasoline engine, an exhaust line through which an exhaust gas is discharged from the combustion chamber, a recirculation line branched off from the exhaust line and connected to the intake line, an EGR cooler, positioned in the recirculation line, cooling the exhaust gas flowing in the intake line, an EGR valve configured to control an amount of the exhaust gas flowing in the intake line, an emergency (EM) filter positioned in one end of the EGR valve, and a flow rate regulator configured to control an opening amount of the EGR valve according to a clogging state of the EM filter. 1. A valve opening control apparatus of a gasoline exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system , the apparatus comprising:a gasoline engine generating driving power through combustion;an intake line through which an intake gas flows into a combustion chamber of the gasoline engine;an exhaust line through which an exhaust gas is discharged from the combustion chamber;a recirculation line branched off from the exhaust line and connected to the intake line;an EGR cooler, positioned in the recirculation line, cooling the exhaust gas flowing in the intake line;an EGR valve configured to control an amount of the exhaust gas flowing in the intake line;an emergency (EM) filter positioned in one end of the EGR valve; anda flow rate regulator configured to control an opening amount of the EGR valve according to a clogging state of the EM filter.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the flow rate regulator measures the clogging state of the EM filter claim 1 ,in response to a determination that a clogging degree of the EM filter is less than a first reference value, the flow rate regulator is configured to maintain ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Methods and systems for an intake oxygen sensor

Номер: US20150075502A1

Methods and systems are provided for adjusting a reference voltage for an intake manifold oxygen sensor based on ingestion of hydrocarbons from a fuel system canister and/or an engine crankcase. During conditions when purge or crankcase ventilation hydrocarbons are ingested in the intake aircharge, the intake oxygen sensor is transitioned from operating at a lower reference voltage to a higher reference voltage where the effects of the ingested hydrocarbons on the sensor output are nullified. An EGR dilution of the intake aircharge is estimated based on the output of the sensor at the higher reference voltage while an amount of hydrocarbons ingested is estimated based on a difference between sensor outputs at the higher and lower reference voltages.

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Combustion Engine, In Particular Gas Engine, For a Vehicle, In Particular For a Commercial Vehicle

Номер: US20160076467A1

A combustion engine, in particular a gas engine, for a vehicle, in particular for a commercial vehicle, has an intake duct through which a gas, in particular a fuel gas/air/exhaust gas mixture, can be fed to a combustion unit), in particular a cylinder-piston unit, of the combustion engine, and an exhaust gas recirculation system feeding in an exhaust gas from the combustion unit at an exhaust gas admission region to the gas fed to the combustion unit. At least one measuring device that determines the gas mass flow, in particular fuel gas/air/exhaust gas mass flow, and the gas temperature, in particular fuel gas/air/exhaust gas temperature, is arranged in the intake duct upstream of the combustion unit and downstream of the exhaust gas admission region. At least one temperature sensor is arranged both in the exhaust gas recirculation system and in the intake duct, in each case upstream of the exhaust gas admission region, in addition to the measuring device, in order to determine a recirculated exhaust gas mass flow and/or an air mass flow fed to the combustion unit. 1. A combustion engine for a vehicle , comprising:a combustion unit;an intake duct feeding a fuel gas/air/exhaust gas mixture to the combustion unit;an exhaust gas recirculation system feeding an exhaust gas from the combustion unit at an exhaust gas admission region to the gas fed to the combustion unit;at least one measuring device arranged in the intake duct upstream of the combustion unit and downstream of the exhaust gas admission region, the at least one measuring device determining a gas mass flow of the fuel gas/air/exhaust gas mixture and a gas temperature of the fuel gas/air/exhaust gas mixture; anda first temperature sensor arranged in the exhaust gas recirculation system and a second temperature sensor arranged in the intake duct, each of the first temperature sensor and the second temperature sensor being arranged upstream of the exhaust gas admission region to determine at least one of a ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076473A1

A discrete time rate-based model predictive controller for air path control for a diesel engine regulates VGT position and EGR valve position to specified set points by coordinated control of intake manifold air pressure and EGR rate. The controller may be configured to measure or estimate at least one of the intake manifold pressure and EGR rate. A non-linear discrete time rate-based predictive model may be used, as developed by the controller. 1. A system for optimizing engine operation , the system comprising:an internal combustion engine; anda controller configured to control a variable geometry turbine (VGT) and an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve during engine operation, the controller developing a discrete time rate-based predictive model responsive to engine operating parameters, and using the discrete time rate-based predictive model to generate a VGT position and an EGR valve position.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the engine operating parameters comprise engine intake manifold pressure and EGR rate.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to measure or estimate at least one of the intake manifold pressure and the EGR rate.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to develop a non-linear discrete time rate-based predictive model using engine operating parameters claim 1 , and uses the non-linear discrete time rate-based predictive model to generate the VGT position and EGR valve position.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the internal combustion engine is a diesel engine.6. A method for controlling an internal combustion engine claim 1 , the method comprising:obtaining intake manifold pressure and EGR rate measurements or estimates;developing, using a controller, a discrete time rate-based predictive model responsive to the intake manifold pressure and EGR rate measurements; andusing the discrete time rate-based predictive model to generate, by the controller, a VGT position and an EGR valve ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Engine system and control method using the same

Номер: US20180073453A1
Автор: Choo Saeng CHOI
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

An engine system includes: an intake line through which fresh air flows; an exhaust line through which exhaust gas flows; an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system which recirculates some of exhaust gas to a combustion chamber; a turbocharger having: a turbine that rotates by the exhaust gas; and a compressor rotating by the rotation of the turbine; an intercooler disposed in the intake line at a rear end of the compressor; an intake bypass line penetrating the intercooler from the intake line, adjusting the amount of intake gas to be supplied into the combustion chamber, and merging into the intake line at a front end of the compressor; a recirculation valve disposed in the intake bypass line; and a controller controlling opening and closing of the recirculation valve so that some of the intake gas is supplied into the intake line through the intake bypass line.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074215A1

Methods and systems are provided for diagnosing an intake oxygen sensor. In one example, a method may include indicating degradation of an intake oxygen sensor based on a first time constant of an output of the intake oxygen sensor and a second time constant of an output of a throttle inlet pressure sensor. The method may further include adjusting EGR flow based on the output of the intake oxygen sensor and the output of the throttle inlet pressure sensor when the intake oxygen sensor is not degraded. 1. A method comprising:adjusting exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) flow based on a first output of an intake oxygen sensor in response to a difference between a first time constant of the first output and a second time constant of a second output of a throttle inlet pressure sensor being less than a threshold; andadjusting the EGR flow based on an alternate sensor output in response to the difference being greater than the threshold.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting the EGR flow based on the alternate sensor output includes not adjusting the EGR flow based on the first output of the intake oxygen sensor in response to the difference being greater than the threshold.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting the EGR flow based on the alternate sensor output includes adjusting the EGR flow based on a third output of a differential pressure over valve (DPOV) sensor positioned around an EGR valve disposed in an EGR passage coupled between an exhaust passage claim 1 , downstream of a turbine claim 1 , and an intake passage claim 1 , upstream of a compressor claim 1 , where the DPOV sensor detects a pressure difference between an upstream region of the EGR valve and a downstream region of the EGR valve.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting EGR flow includes adjusting an amount of EGR flow delivered to an intake passage claim 1 , upstream of a compressor claim 1 , via adjusting a position of an EGR valve disposed in an EGR passage coupled between an exhaust ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072143A1

Various methods and systems are provided for controlling emissions. In one example, a controller is configured to respond to one or more of intake manifold air temperature (MAT), intake air flow rate, or a sensed or estimated intake oxygen fraction by changing an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) amount to maintain particulate matter (PM) and NOx within a range, and then further adjusting the EGR amount based on NOx sensor feedback. 113-. (canceled)14. A method , comprising:performing a first adjustment of injection timing and intake oxygen concentration targets based on respective maps of engine operation;performing a second adjustment of injection timing and intake oxygen concentration targets based on intake manifold temperature;performing a third adjustment of the intake oxygen concentration target based on NOx sensor feedback; andperforming a fourth adjustment of an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) amount based on oxygen sensor feedback.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein performing the third adjustment of the intake oxygen concentration target based on NOx sensor feedback comprises applying a lower gain and a larger filter to the third adjustment than to the second adjustment of the intake oxygen concentration target.16. The method of claim 14 , wherein performing the fourth adjustment comprises performing a fourth adjustment of the EGR amount based on oxygen sensor feedback and humidity.17. The method of claim 14 , further comprising selectively performing the third adjustment based on engine operational state.18. The method of claim 14 , further comprising claim 14 , after performing the third adjustment claim 14 , converting the intake oxygen concentration to an EGR flow reference and performing the fourth adjustment on the EGR flow reference.19. The method of claim 14 , wherein performing the first adjustment comprises selecting a first map for adjusting the injection timing target and selecting a second map for adjusting the intake oxygen concentration ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150082771A1

A system for detecting a leakage/failure in in an intake line of an internal combustion engine comprising an intake line (IL) and an exhaust line (EL), means (HFM) for measuring or for estimating a quantity of fresh air ({dot over (m)}) entering said intake line (IL), means for measuring or for estimating a quantity of fuel ({dot over (m)}) injected in the engine (E), measurement or estimation means (λ and/or NOx), on the exhaust line, adapted to provide a first value (λ) of an air/fuel ratio introduced in the internal combustion engine (E), the system comprising processing means (ECU) adapted to calculate a second value (λ) of said air/fuel ratio, calculated on the basis of the measured and estimated quantities of fresh air ({dot over (m)}) and fuel ({dot over (m)}) to calculate an error (λ) between the first and the second value (λ−λ) and to detect a condition of leakage/failure if said error is outside a predefined interval [λ−, λ+] containing the value zero. 1. A system for detecting a leakage/failure in an intake line of an internal combustion engine comprisingan intake line (IL) and an exhaust line (EL),{'sub': 'HFM', 'means (HFM) for measuring or for estimating a quantity of fresh air ({dot over (m)}) entering said intake line (IL),'}{'sub': 'FUEL', 'means for measuring or for estimating a quantity of fuel ({dot over (m)}) injected into the engine (HFM),'}{'sub': measured', 'exp', 'HFM', 'FUEL', 'err', 'measured', 'exp', 'err', 'err, 'measurement or estimation means (λ and/or NOx), on said exhaust line, adapted to provide a first value (λ) of an air/fuel ratio introduced in the internal combustion engine (E), the system comprising processing means (ECU) configured to calculate a second value (λ) of said air/fuel ratio, calculated on the basis of said measured or estimated quantities of fresh air ({dot over (m)}) and fuel ({dot over (m)}) injected into the engine (E), to calculate an error (λ) as the difference between said first and second value of air/fuel ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083095A1
Принадлежит: Isuzu Motors Limited

An internal combustion engine includes an Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system having an EGR valve and a reed valve in an EGR passage, and a control device that expresses a relationship between an opening degree of the EGR valve and a mass flow rate of an EGR gas by using a first volume flow rate of the EGR gas that can be expressed by using an isentropic flow equation of a nozzle of the EGR valve and a second volume flow rate of the EGR gas pumped out by the reed valve. Even if the reed valve (check valve) is provided in the EGR passage, the mass flow rate of the EGR gas can be calculated accurately. 1. An internal combustion engine including an EGR system having an EGR valve and a check valve in an EGR passage , wherein , the internal combustion engine comprises:a control device expressing a relationship between an opening degree of the EGR valve and a mass flow rate of an EGR gas by using a first volume flow rate of the EGR gas that can be expressed by using an isentropic flow equation of a nozzle of the EGR valve and a second volume flow rate of the EGR gas pumped out by the check valve.3. The internal combustion engine according to claim 2 , wherein{'sub': 'egr', 'when the control device controls the EGR valve to an opening degree (x) according to a target value of a state amount of the internal combustion engine,'}the control device is provided with:{'sub': egr', 'out', 'in', '1, 'a first device configured to acquire a coefficient (μ·A) of the isentropic flow equation of the nozzle according to the opening degree (x) and a current pressure ratio (P/P) from a first opening map of the EGR valve on the basis of the coefficient of the isentropic flow equation of the nozzle and before and after pressure ratios of the EGR valve and to calculate the first volume flow rate (V) from the Formula (1);'}{'sub': egr', {'sub2': '—'}, 'pump', 'egr', 'out', 'in', '2, 'a second device configured to acquire a pumped-out volume flow rate (V) of the EGR gas per cylinder of the ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084180A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc.

This disclosure provides a system and method for controlling internal combustion engine system to reduce operation variations among plural engines. The system and method utilizes single-input-single-output (SISO) control in which a single operating parameter lever is selected from among exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) fraction and charge air mass flow (MCF), and a stored reference value associated with the selected lever is adjusted for an operating point in accordance with a difference between a measured emissions characteristic and a pre-calibrated reference value of the emissions characteristic for that operating point. Adjusting the selected operating parameter lever towards the theoretical pre-calibrated reference value of the operating parameter lever for each of plural operating points can reduce engine-to-engine variations in engine out emissions. 1. A system , comprising:a selection circuit configured to select, for an operating point of an internal combustion engine, one operating parameter lever and one emissions characteristic, said selected operating parameter lever related to one of an exhaust gas recirculation fraction or a charge air mass flow;a reference retrieving circuit adapted to retrieve a stored pre-calibrated reference value associated with the selected emissions characteristic for the selected operating parameter lever, said pre-calibrated reference value based on predetermined reference data associated with a respective operating point of a nominal internal combustion engine; receive data corresponding to a measured value of the selected emissions characteristic, and', 'calculate a difference between the pre-calibrated reference value of the selected emissions characteristic for the nominal internal combustion engine and the measured value of the selected emissions characteristic for the internal combustion engine;, 'a difference calculating circuit adapted toa controller adapted to provide a control instruction based on the calculated ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170082044A1
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

An EGR control device includes an estimate EGR ratio calculating portion adapted to calculate an estimate EGR ratio from a fresh air flow amount at a joining portion with the EGR passage of an intake passage and an EGR gas amount passing through the EGR valve, and a joining portion EGR ratio estimating portion adapted to correct an estimate EGR ratio on the basis of a gaseous state inside the introduction passage when the EGR valve switches from a closed state to an open state, to calculate a joining portion EGR ratio being a proportion of an EGR gas amount with respect to fresh air in the joining portion. 111.- (canceled)12. An EGR control device configured to control an EGR device , the EGR device is configured by including:an EGR passage branching out from an exhaust passage of an internal combustion engine and joining to an intake passage; andan EGR valve disposed in the EGR passage,the EGR control device comprising:an estimate EGR ratio calculating portion configured to calculate an estimate EGR ratio from a fresh air flow amount at a joining portion of the intake passage with the EGR passage, and an EGR gas amount passing through the EGR valve; anda joining portion EGR ratio estimating portion configured to correct the estimate EGR ratio small on the basis of a gaseous state inside the EGR passage from the EGR valve to the joining portion with the intake passage when the EGR valve switches from a closed state to an open state, and make the estimate EGR ratio serve as a joining portion EGR ratio being a proportion of the EGR gas amount with respect to fresh air in the joining portion.13. The EGR control device according to claim 12 , whereinthe joining portion EGR ratio estimating portion performs the correction of the estimate EGR ratio until an EGR valve passing gas integrated amount exceeds a volume of the EGR passage from the EGR valve to the joining portion with the intake passage, the EGR valve passing gas integrated amount being a integrated value of a ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087988A1
Автор: TASIK Karl, WIMAN Jan

A method is provided for determining exhaust mass flow through a diesel particulate filter (DPF) in an engine arrangement including an engine and an exhaust after treatment system (EATS) comprising the DPF. The method comprises determining soot loading and soot distribution in the DPF, measuring pressure drop over the DPF, measuring pressure in the DPF, measuring temperature in the DPF, and determining exhaust mass flow through the DPF as a function of the measured pressure drop, the measured pressure, the measured temperature, and the soot loading and soot distribution. An arrangement is also provided for determining exhaust mass flow through a diesel particulate filter. A method for controlling one or more engine components, and an engine, are also provided. 1. A method for determining exhaust mass flow through a diesel particulate filter (DPF) in an engine arrangement comprising an engine and an exhaust after treatment system (EATS) comprising the DPF , the method comprising:determining soot loading and soot distribution in the DPF;measuring pressure drop over the DPF;measuring pressure in the DPF;measuring temperature in the DPF; anddetermining exhaust mass flow through the DPF as a function of the measured pressure drop, the measured pressure, the measured temperature, and the soot loading and soot distribution.2. The method as set forth in claim 1 , comprising determining soot loading in the DPF using a radio frequency (RF) sensor.3. The method as set forth in claim 1 , comprising determining soot distribution in the DPF using a radio frequency (RF) sensor.4. A method for controlling an engine in an engine arrangement comprising the engine and an exhaust after treatment system (EATS) comprising a diesel particulate filter (DPF) claim 1 , the method comprising: determining soot loading and soot distribution in the DPF,', 'measuring pressure drop over the DPF,', 'measuring pressure in the DPF,', 'measuring temperature in the DPF, and', 'determining exhaust mass ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Ignition timing control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20210088019A1
Автор: Kenji Senda, Masahiro Mori
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An ignition timing control device for an internal combustion engine includes a storage device and a processor. The storage device stores a first learned neural network and a second learned neural network. The processor is configured to perform, in a next cycle where ignition timing is delayed, control to delay the ignition timing in a cycle after the next cycle based on a difference between a predictive value of an estimate of a value representing knocking intensity calculated with use of the second learned neural network and the estimate of the value representing the knocking intensity calculated with use of the first learned neural network. When the difference is larger than a predetermined set value, the processor is configured not to perform the control to delay the ignition timing in the cycle after the next cycle.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190085782A1

One embodiment is a method comprising operating an internal combustion engine system including multiple cylinders structured to combust a charge mixture and to output exhaust to an exhaust manifold, an electronic control system structured to control operation of the engine system and an exhaust manifold pressure (EMP) sensor structured to provide data to the electronic control system and performing an air-fuel ratio (AFR) imbalance diagnostic with the electronic control system. The AFR imbalance diagnostic may comprise the acts of processing the data to provide at least one output metric sample, determining an output metric statistic based on the at least one output metric sample, evaluating the output metric statistic relative to one or more predetermined criteria to identify an AFR imbalance condition, and providing an operator perceptible indication of the AFR imbalance condition. 1. A method comprising:operating an engine system including a multi-cylinder engine, an exhaust manifold, an electronic control system structured to control operation of the engine system, and an exhaust manifold pressure (EMP) sensor structured to provide data to the electronic control system; processing the data from the EMP sensor to provide at least one output metric sample,', 'determining an output metric statistic in response to the at least one output metric sample, and', 'evaluating the output metric statistic relative to one or more predetermined criteria to identify an inter-cylinder AFR imbalance condition; and, 'performing an air-fuel ratio (AFR) imbalance diagnostic with the electronic control system, the AFR imbalance diagnostic comprising the acts ofperforming a corrective control operation effective to modify operation of the system in response to the inter-cylinder AFR imbalance condition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the AFR imbalance diagnostic further comprises monitoring frequency content of an EMP sensor signal to generate EMP data claim 1 , wherein the cycle ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140172278A1
Автор: Kosaka Yosuke
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

An internal EGR amount calculation device for an internal combustion engine, which is capable of improving calculation accuracy of an internal EGR amount in a case where a valve overlap time period is changed. The internal EGR amount calculation device for an internal combustion engine of which the internal EGR amount is changed according to the valve overlap time period calculates an in-cylinder volume at a blow-back occurrence timing, which is a timing in which blow-back of exhaust gases from an exhaust passage into a cylinder occurs after the intake valve is opened, during the valve overlap time period, according to engine speed and an intake cam phase, calculates a remaining gas amount according to the in-cylinder volume, and calculates the internal EGR amount by adding a blown-back gas amount to the remaining gas amount. 1. An internal EGR amount calculation device for an internal combustion engine in which a valve overlap time period is changed by changing valve timing of at least one of an intake valve and an exhaust valve , and an internal EGR amount , which is an amount of gases remaining in a cylinder , is changed according to the change in the valve overlap time period , comprising:in-cylinder volume-calculating means for calculating an in-cylinder volume at a blow-back occurrence timing, which is a timing at which blow-back of exhaust gases from an exhaust passage into the cylinder occurs after the intake valve is opened, during the valve overlap time period; andinternal EGR amount-calculating means for calculating the internal EGR amount according to the calculated in-cylinder volume.2. The internal EGR amount calculation device according to claim 1 , wherein said internal EGR amount-calculating means includes remaining gas amount-calculating mean for calculating a remaining gas amount of gases remaining in the cylinder according to the in-cylinder volume claim 1 , and calculates the internal EGR amount using the calculated remaining gas amount.3. The ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Rate-based contractive model predictive control method for internal combustion engine air path control

Номер: US20140174414A1

A rate based model predictive controller and method for air path control for a diesel engine regulates intake manifold pressure (MAP) and EGR valve flow rate to specified set points by coordinated control of a variable geometry turbine (VGT) and EGR valve position. A decay and a flexible Lyapunov function is enforced on the rate based model predictive controller for a single step prediction and control arisen.

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150101580A1
Автор: Sorge Gregory Walter

A system includes a reciprocating internal combustion engine with one or more reaction zones configured to receive a charge flow that is configured to react within the one or more reaction zones, thereby forming an exhaust gas flow, and a controller. The charge flow includes an oxidant flow, a fuel flow, and a recirculated portion of the exhaust gas flow. The controller is configured to control a ratio of the recirculated portion of the exhaust gas flow to a fuel mixture. The controller controls the ratio based at least in part on a first temperature, a second temperature of the charge flow, and a third temperature of the recirculated portion of the exhaust gas flow. The fuel mixture includes the oxidant flow and the fuel flow. The first temperature includes one or any combination of a sensed temperature of the oxidant flow, the fuel flow, or the fuel mixture. 1. A system , comprising:a reciprocating internal combustion engine comprising one or more reaction zones configured to receive a charge flow, wherein the charge flow is configured to react within the one or more reaction zones and to form an exhaust gas flow, and the charge flow comprises an oxidant flow, a fuel flow, and a recirculated portion of the exhaust gas flow; anda controller configured to control a ratio of the recirculated portion of the exhaust gas flow to a fuel mixture comprising the oxidant flow and the fuel flow based at least in part on a first temperature, a second temperature of the charge flow, and a third temperature of the recirculated portion of the exhaust gas flow, wherein the first temperature comprises one or any combination of a sensed temperature of the oxidant flow, the fuel flow, or the fuel mixture.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to control the ratio of the recirculated portion of the exhaust gas flow to the fuel mixture based on the equation:{'br': None, 'i': Cp', 'T', '−T', 'Cp', 'T', '−T, 'sub': mixture', 'mixture', 'charge', 'egr', 'charge', ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Boosted engine

Номер: US20190093575A1
Автор: Atsushi Inoue, Keiji Araki
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp

A boosted engine is provided, which includes an engine body formed with a combustion chamber, a spark plug, a fuel injection valve, a booster, a boost controller, and a control unit including an operating range determining module and a compression end temperature estimating module. In a high load range, the fuel injection valve and the spark plug are controlled so that a mixture gas inside the combustion chamber starts combustion through flame propagation by ignition of the spark plug, and unburned mixture gas then combusts by compression ignition, and the boost controller is controlled to bring the booster into a boosting state. When a gas temperature inside the combustion chamber exceeds a given temperature at CTDC, the fuel injection valve is controlled so that a fuel injection end timing occurs on a compression stroke, and the spark plug is controlled so that the mixture gas is ignited after CTDC.

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114367A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

There is provided an internal combustion engine control apparatus that can more accurately calculate a volume efficiency correction coefficient and can more accurately estimate the amount of air that flows into a cylinder and the external exhaust gas recirculation amount. In an internal combustion engine provided with an exhaust gas recirculation apparatus including an exhaust gas recirculation valve and an exhaust gas recirculation path, based on a cylinder flow rate, an exhaust gas recirculation amount, an inner-intake-pipe density, and an inner-intake-pipe density changing amount, a volume efficiency correction coefficient, as a volume efficiency corresponding value, is calculated; then, by use of the calculated volume efficiency correction coefficient, a cylinder intake air amount and a recirculation amount of exhaust gas that is taken into the cylinder are calculated. 1. An internal combustion engine control apparatus comprising:an intake air amount detection unit that detects an amount of air that passes through a throttle valve provided in an intake pipe of an internal combustion engine and is taken into the internal combustion engine;a volume efficiency corresponding value calculation unit that calculates a volume efficiency corresponding value as an index that indicates an amount of air that flows from the intake pipe at the downstream side of the throttle valve into a cylinder of the internal combustion engine;a physical model in which an intake-system response delay in an interval from a time point when air passes through the throttle valve to a time point when the air enters the cylinder is modeled;an exhaust gas recirculation path that connects an intake pipe at the downstream side of the throttle valve with an exhaust pipe;an exhaust gas recirculation valve that opens or closes the exhaust gas recirculation path so as to control a recirculation amount of exhaust gas;an exhaust gas recirculation amount calculation unit that calculates the recirculation ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107923A1

A method is disclosed for operating an internal combustion engine having a turbocharger and an exhaust gas recirculation pipe fluidly connecting an exhaust system to an air intake system upstream of a compressor of the turbocharger. A first value of a parameter indicative of the density of a mixture of fresh air and exhaust gas in the air intake system is determined. A flowing of exhaust gas through the exhaust gas recirculation pipe is interrupted if the first value is lower than a first reference value thereof. 19-. (canceled)10. A method of operating an internal combustion engine having a turbocharger and an exhaust gas recirculation pipe fluidly connecting an exhaust system to an air intake system upstream of a compressor of the turbocharger , the method comprising:monitoring a first value of a parameter indicative of the density of a mixture of fresh air and exhaust gas in the air intake system; andinterrupting a flowing of exhaust gas through the exhaust gas recirculation pipe if the first value is lower than a first reference value thereof.11. The method according to claim 10 , further comprising:monitoring a second value of the parameter indicative of the density of the mixture fresh air and exhaust gas in the air intake system; andinterrupting a flowing of exhaust gas through the exhaust gas recirculation pipe if the second value is lower than a second reference value thereof.12. The method according to claim 11 , wherein the step of monitoring the first and the second value comprises sampling over time pressure values of the mixture of fresh air and exhaust gas claim 11 , performing a fast Fourier transform of the sampled pressure values and integrating the fast Fourier transform in a first and a second predetermined range of frequency.13. A non-transitory computer-readable medium comprising a computer program including program code claim 10 , which when executed on a computer claim 10 , is configured to perform the method according to .14. An internal ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210123396A1

A hybrid vehicle includes an engine, an exhaust gas recirculation device, a traveling motor, and a control device. The exhaust gas recirculation device includes a communication pipe that allows an exhaust pipe and an intake pipe of the engine to communicate with each other and a valve that is provided in the communication pipe. The control device is configured to perform foreign matter removal control for opening and closing the valve when foreign matter caught in the valve is detected and the hybrid vehicle stops. 1. A hybrid vehicle comprising:an engine; a communication pipe that allows an exhaust pipe and an intake pipe of the engine to communicate with each other, and', 'a valve that is provided in the communication pipe;, 'an exhaust gas recirculation device including'}a traveling motor; anda control device configured to perform foreign matter removal control for opening and closing the valve when foreign matter caught in the valve is detected and the hybrid vehicle stops.2. The hybrid vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein prohibit the foreign matter removal control when foreign matter caught in the valve is detected, the hybrid vehicle stops, and a predetermined time dose not elapse from starting of the engine; and', 'perform the foreign matter removal control when foreign matter caught in the valve is detected, the hybrid vehicle stops, and the predetermined time elapses from starting of the engine., 'the control device is configured to3. The hybrid vehicle according to claim 1 , further comprising a pressure sensor configured to detect a pressure in the intake pipe as a detected intake air pressure claim 1 , wherein estimate a pressure in the intake pipe as an estimated intake air pressure; and', 'determine whether foreign matter is caught in the valve through comparison of an intake air pressure difference between the detected intake air pressure and the estimated intake air pressure with a threshold value., 'the control device is configured to The ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Hybrid partial and full step quadratic solver for model predictive control of diesel engine air path flow and methods of use

Номер: US20190107072A1

Methods and systems for use of model predictive control (MPC) controllers utilizing hybrid, quadratic solvers to solve a linear feasibility problem corresponding to a nonlinear problem for an internal combustion engine plant such as a diesel engine air path. The MPC solves a convex, quadratic cost function having optimization variables and constraints and directs the plant per the output solutions to optimize plant operation while adhering to regulations and constraints. The problem includes a combination of iterative and direct calculations in the primal space depending on whether a partial step (iterative) or a full step (direct) is attempted. Further, primal and dual space array matrices are pre-computed and stored offline and are retrieved via use of a unique identifier associated with a specific active set for a set of constraints. Such hybrid and/or offline calculations allow for a reduction in computational power while still maintaining accuracy of solution results.

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160115883A1

Various methods and systems are provided for controlling emissions. In one example, a controller is configured to respond to one or more of intake manifold air temperature (MAT), intake air flow rate, or a sensed or estimated intake oxygen fraction by changing an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) amount to maintain particulate matter (PM) and NOx within a range, and then further adjusting the EGR amount based on NOx sensor feedback. 1. A controller configured to respond to one or more of intake manifold air temperature (MAT) , intake air flow rate , or a sensed or estimated intake oxygen fraction by changing an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) amount to maintain particulate matter (PM) and NOx within a range , and then further adjusting the EGR amount based on NOx sensor feedback.2. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to determine a reference intake oxygen concentration and change the EGR amount based on a difference between the reference intake oxygen concentration and the sensed or estimated intake oxygen fraction.3. The controller of claim 2 , wherein the reference intake oxygen concentration is output from a map that maps to reference intake oxygen amount to engine speed and load.4. The controller of claim 3 , wherein the map is selected from among a plurality of maps based on ambient temperature and pressure.5. The controller of claim 2 , wherein the reference intake oxygen concentration is adjusted based on the MAT.6. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to further adjust the EGR amount based on NOx feedback by determining a brake-specific NOx concentration based on the NOx sensor feedback and adjusting the EGR amount based on a difference between the brake-specific NOx concentration and a reference NOx concentration.7. The controller of claim 6 , wherein the brake-specific NOx concentration is determined further based on humidity claim 6 , exhaust oxygen concentration claim 6 , fuel quantity claim 6 , and ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220178319A1

Methods and systems are provided for a high-pressure exhaust gas recirculation system. In one example, the high-pressure exhaust gas recirculation system comprises pressure seconds arranged on different sides of a valve. The pressure sensors are used to regulate exhaust-gas recirculate flow without a fixed orifice delta pressure sensor. 1. A system , comprising:a high-pressure exhaust gas recirculation (HP-EGR) system comprising a first sensor upstream of a valve and a second sensor downstream of the valve relative to a direction of exhaust gas flow, wherein the HP-EGR system is free of a fixed orifice delta pressure sensor, and further comprising a controller with computer-readable instructions stored on non-transitory memory thereof that when executed enable determination whether one or more of the sensors is degraded.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the instructions further enable the controller to regulate HP-EGR flow based on feedback from only the first sensor and the second sensor.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the instructions further enable the controller to determine a pressure ratio based on feedback from the first sensor and the second sensor in response to the valve being in an open position.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the pressure ratio corresponds to a single position of the valve claim 3 , and wherein a plurality of pressure ratios are calculated for a plurality of open positions of the valve claim 3 , each pressure ratio corresponding to a single open position.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the instructions further enable the controller to compare feedback from the second sensor to a manifold air pressure sensor in response to the valve being fully closed.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the instructions further enable the controller to indicate a degradation of the second sensor in response to feedback from the second sensor differing from feedback from the manifold air pressure sensor by a threshold range.7. The system of claim ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220268222A1
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

An EGR valve is provided in an EGR passage circulating a part of an exhaust gas of an exhaust pipe in an intake pipe as an EGR gas, the EGR valve adjusting an EGR gas amount flowing in the EGR passage when an engine is in an EGR region, a differential pressure device is provided in the intake pipe, the differential pressure device adjusting a differential pressure of the EGR valve, a control unit is provided to control the EGR valve and the differential pressure device, and the EGR control method includes switching whether to adjust the EGR gas amount using the EGR valve and the differential pressure device or to adjust the EGR gas amount using the EGR valve only on the basis of an exhaust gas pressure of an inlet portion of the EGR passage. 18.-. (canceled)9. An EGR control method , whereinan EGR valve is provided in an EGR passage circulating a part of an exhaust gas of an exhaust pipe in an intake pipe as an EGR gas, the EGR valve adjusting an EGR gas amount flowing in the EGR passage when an engine is in an EGR region,a differential pressure device is provided in the intake pipe, the differential pressure device adjusting a front-and-back differential pressure of the EGR valve,a control unit is provided to control the EGR valve and the differential pressure device so as to generate the EGR valve front-and-back differential pressure corresponding to a target EGR rate based on an operating point of the engine, and calculating an exhaust gas pressure of an inlet portion of the EGR passage on the basis of an actual exhaust temperature of the exhaust pipe;', 'switching whether to adjust the EGR gas amount using the EGR valve and the differential pressure device or to adjust the EGR gas amount using the EGR valve only on the basis of the calculated exhaust gas pressure; and', 'when the EGR gas amount is adjusted using the EGR valve and the differential pressure device, controlling the differential pressure device to adjust an EGR valve front-and-back differential ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120181A1
Автор: Romanato Roberto

Described herein is a system and method of controlling an emissions control system for treating exhaust gas in a motor vehicle having an internal combustion engine. The emissions control system includes an electric diesel oxidation catalyst (eDOC) device having an electric heating element, disposed in a stream of the exhaust gas, a temperature sensor disposed at the eDOC device and configured to detect a temperature of the exhaust gas, and a controller that is configured to perform a model based control of the eDOC device based on a dual nested closed loop topology having an inner closed loop control and an outer closed loop control. The inner closed loop control is configured to control the power required for the eDOC device and outer closed loop control is configured to control the temperature of the eDOC device. 1. An emissions control system for treating exhaust gas in a motor vehicle having an internal combustion engine , the emissions control system comprising:an electric diesel oxidation catalyst (eDOC) device having an electric heating element, disposed in a stream of the exhaust gas;a temperature sensor disposed at the eDOC device and configured to detect a temperature of the exhaust gas; anda controller that performs a model based control of the eDOC device based on a dual nested closed loop topology having an inner closed loop control and an outer closed loop control;wherein the inner closed loop control is configured to control the power required for the eDOC device; andwherein the outer closed loop control is configured to control the temperature of the exhaust gas with the eDOC device.2. The emissions control system of claim 1 , further including another temperature sensor and an exhaust flow sensor.3. The emissions control system of claim 1 , wherein the inner closed loop control employs a virtual sensor for the heating element of the eDOC device responsive to at least a temperature of the engine and a flow of the exhaust gas.4. The emissions control ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160131053A1

Methods and systems are provided for improving engine knock tolerance, in particular when rapidly ramping in LP-EGR from low levels of EGR. Until a desired LP-EGR rate is achieved, fuel may be delivered as a split injection with at least an intake stroke injection and a compression stroke injection to compensate for the transport delay in EGR filling the intake system. Subsequently, single fuel injection may be resumed. 1. A method , comprising: 'fueling the engine with split fuel injection per cycle until EGR is higher than a threshold.', 'in response to increasing engine load while operating an engine with lower EGR, increasing EGR; and'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein operating with lower EGR includes operating with no low pressure EGR (LP-EGR) claim 1 , and wherein increasing EGR includes increasing LP-EGR claim 1 , the increasing LP-EGR including increasing recirculation of cooled exhaust residuals from an exhaust manifold claim 1 , downstream of an exhaust turbine claim 1 , to an intake manifold claim 1 , upstream of an intake compressor.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein increasing EGR further includes delivering LP-EGR at a fixed rate relative to airflow as engine load increases.4. The method of further comprising claim 3 , fueling the engine with single fuel injection per cycle after EGR is higher than the threshold.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the threshold is based on knock tolerance of the engine at the increasing engine load.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the split fuel injection per cycle includes at least a first intake stroke injection and a second compression stroke injection.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the increasing engine load is in response to an operator pedal tip-in.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein a timing of the first intake stroke injection is adjusted to be a lean homogeneous intake stroke injection and wherein a timing of the second compression stroke injection is adjusted to be rich stratified compression stroke ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160131057A1

A fresh air and exhaust gas control method and system for an engine air system with an air throttle and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve. The method includes monitoring engine parameters; generating engine state estimates using an engine observer model; generating measured engine states based on the monitored engine parameters; computing observer error based on the differences between the measured and modeled engine states; generating model correction factors; and generating commands for adjusting the air throttle and EGR valve. An inverse engine observer model can generate the desired air throttle and EGR valve positions. The method can include generating feedback actuator commands in generating the desired air throttle and EGR valve positions. The correction factors can include fresh air, EGR and/or turbine mass flow correction factors. 1. A fresh air and exhaust gas control method for an engine having an air system with an air throttle and an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve; the control method comprising:monitoring parameters of the engine using a plurality of sensors;modeling the air system and generating engine state estimates using an engine observer model;generating measured engine states based on the monitored engine parameters from the plurality of sensors;computing an observer error based on the differences between the measured engine states and the engine state estimates;generating model corrections based on the observer error, the model corrections being input to the engine observer model;generating a desired air throttle position and a desired EGR valve position based on setpoint commands, the monitored engine parameters, the model corrections and the engine state estimates;adjusting the air throttle based on the desired air throttle position; andadjusting the EGR valve based on the desired EGR valve position.2. The fresh air and exhaust gas control method of ; wherein the generating a desired air throttle position and a desired EGR valve ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130660A1

Methods and systems are provided for estimating exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) flow in an engine including an EGR system. In one example, a method may include operating the EGR system in an open loop feed forward mode based on an intake carbon di oxide sensor output above a threshold engine load and/or when a manifold absolute pressure (MAP) is above a threshold pressure, and operating the EGR system in a closed loop feedback mode based on a differential pressure sensor output when the engine load decreases below the threshold load and/or when the MAP decreases below the threshold pressure. 1. A method for an engine , comprising:estimating an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) mass flow based on a differential pressure sensor output when an engine load is below a threshold;estimating the EGR mass flow based on an intake carbon dioxide sensor output when the engine load is above the threshold and independent of the differential pressure sensor output; andadjusting a spark timing based on the estimated EGR mass flow.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein an EGR valve is in a fully open position when the engine load is above the threshold.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , turning off EGR system diagnostics when the engine load is above the threshold.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , during a first transition from a first load below the threshold to a second load above the threshold claim 1 , estimating the exhaust gas recirculation mass flow independent of the differential pressure sensor output and based on the intake carbon dioxide sensor output.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , during the transition claim 4 , an EGR valve is ramped open to a fully open position.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , during a second transition from the second load above the threshold to the first load below the threshold claim 1 , estimating the exhaust gas recirculation mass flow independent of the differential ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20170130661A1
Автор: Sho Nakamura
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

First calculation circuitry calculates a command value that is given to an actuator at each predetermined control period in accordance with a first control algorithm. Second calculation circuitry calculates a command value that is given to the actuator at each control period in accordance with a second control algorithm. The second control algorithm includes at least feed-forward control (FF control). When a control algorithm of the actuator is switched from the first control algorithm to the second control algorithm, the second calculation circuitry calculates a this-time value of the command value, with a value between a previous-time value of the command value calculated by the first calculation circuitry and a this-time value of FF control set as a corrected this-time value of the FF control, in an initial control period after switching.

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190128196A1

Systems and methods for a turbocharged gasoline engine utilize a controller configured to receive a set of parameters including a measured pressure delta across an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve disposed in a low pressure EGR (LPEGR) system of the engine and a measured pressure at an outlet of a differential pressure (dP) valve disposed in and distinct from a throttle valve of an induction system of the engine. The controller is further configured to determine a set of modeled pressures based on the set of parameters, a target EGR valve mass flow, a target EGR valve delta pressure, a current dP valve mass flow, and a pressure at an outlet of the air filter, determine target positions for the EGR valve and the dP valve based on the set of modeled pressures, and control the EGR valve and the dP valve based on their respective target positions. 1. A control system for a vehicle including a gasoline engine and a turbocharger , the system comprising:an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve disposed in a low pressure EGR (LPEGR) system of the engine and configured to control a flow of exhaust gas produced by the engine from an exhaust system of the engine at a first point downstream from a turbine of the turbocharger to an induction system of the engine at a second point upstream from a compressor of the turbocharger and a throttle valve and downstream from an air filter;a differential pressure (dP) valve disposed in the induction system of the engine at a third point upstream from the second point and configured to control a flow of air through the induction system; and receive a set of parameters including a measured pressure delta across the EGR valve and a measured pressure at an outlet of the dP valve;', 'determine a set of modeled pressures based on the set of parameters, a target EGR valve mass flow, a target EGR valve delta pressure, a current dP valve mass flow, and a pressure at an outlet of the air filter;', 'determine target positions for the EGR valve ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Control Device for Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20200123989A1

Provided is a novel control device of an internal combustion engine capable of estimating an EGR rate in a transient state with high accuracy. Thus, in the present invention, unit spaces are formed by dividing a reference space of the intake passage into a plurality of spaces along a streamline through which the gas mixture of the intake air and the EGR gas flows, a physical model based on an advection equation for estimating the EGR rate of the gas mixture is established so as to correspond to each of the unit spaces, and the EGR rate at which the gas mixture flows into the combustion chamber is estimated by sequentially estimating the EGR rates of the unit spaces connected to head unit spaces from the head unit spaces by the physical model. 1. A control device of an internal combustion engine that includes control means which is for use in the internal combustion engine including an intake passage which is connected to a combustion chamber and supplies an intake air to the combustion chamber , an exhaust gas recirculation passage which is connected to the intake passage and recirculates an exhaust gas (hereinafter , referred to as an EGR gas) , and a throttle valve which controls a flow rate of a gas mixture of the intake air and the EGR gas , and for estimating a ratio (hereinafter , referred to as an EGR rate) of the EGR gas to the gas mixture to be supplied to the combustion chamber ,wherein the control means includes EGR rate estimation means for forming unit spaces by dividing a reference space of the intake passage into a plurality of spaces along a streamline through which the gas mixture of the intake air and the EGR gas flows, establishing a physical model based on an advection equation for estimating the EGR rate of the gas mixture so as to correspond to each of the unit spaces, and estimating the EGR rate at which the gas mixture flows into the combustion chamber by sequentially estimating the EGR rates of the unit spaces connected to head unit spaces ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160146130A1

An engine includes an exhaust gas recirculation system with a high pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop and a low pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop, and an air charging system. A method of controlling the air charging system includes monitoring an actual exhaust gas recirculation rate, operating conditions of a compressor and turbine in the air charging system. A compressor flow is determined based on a target exhaust gas recirculation rate, a target intake manifold pressure and the actual exhaust gas recirculation rate. A power requested by the compressor is determined based on the compressor flow, the target intake manifold pressure, and the monitored operating conditions of the compressor. A power to be generated by the turbine is determined based upon the power requested by the compressor. A turbine flow is determined based upon the power to be generated by the turbine and the monitored operating conditions of the turbine. A system control command is determined based on the turbine flow and the monitored operating conditions of the turbine. The air charging system is controlled based on the system control command. 1. Method of model-based control of an air charging system in an internal combustion engine including an exhaust gas recirculation system with a high pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop and a low pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop , the method comprising:monitoring an actual exhaust gas recirculation rate;monitoring operating conditions of a compressor in the air charging system and operating conditions of a turbine in the air charging system;determining a compressor flow based on a target exhaust gas recirculation rate, a target intake manifold pressure and the actual exhaust gas recirculation rate;determining a power requested by the compressor in the air charging system based on the compressor flow, the target intake manifold pressure, and the monitored operating conditions of the compressor;determining a power to be generated by ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160146135A1

An output pressure module that sets an output pressure of a first component of an exhaust system of the vehicle equal to one of: an input pressure of a second component that is immediately downstream of the first component in the exhaust system; and ambient air pressure. A pressure drop module determines a pressure drop between an input of the first component and an output of the first component based a temperature of exhaust input to the first component. An input pressure module determines an input pressure of the first component based on a sum of the output pressure of the first component and the pressure drop between the input and the output of the first component. An actuator control module selectively controls at least one engine actuator based on at least one of the input and output pressures of the first component. 1. A pressure determination system for a vehicle , comprising: an input pressure of a second component that is immediately downstream of the first component in the exhaust system; and', 'ambient air pressure;, 'an output pressure module that sets an output pressure of a first component of an exhaust system of the vehicle equal to one ofa pressure drop module that determines a pressure drop between an input of the first component and an output of the first component based a temperature of exhaust input to the first component;an input pressure module that determines an input pressure of the first component based on a sum of the output pressure of the first component and the pressure drop between the input and the output of the first component; andan actuator control module that selectively controls at least one engine actuator based on at least one of the input and output pressures of the first component.2. The pressure determination system of wherein:the output pressure module further sets an output pressure of a third component of the exhaust system that is immediately upstream of the first component in the exhaust system equal to the input ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160146137A1
Автор: HAGARI Hideki
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A basic EGR flow rate calculation part calculates a basic EGR flow rate based on an intake manifold pressure, which is a pressure in an intake manifold, an exhaust pressure, which is a pressure in an exhaust pipe, an exhaust temperature, which is a temperature in the exhaust pipe, and an opening degree of an EGR valve. An EGR flow rate correction part corrects the basic EGR flow rate based on an intake manifold pressure ratio, which is a ratio between the intake manifold pressure and the exhaust pressure, and an exhaust VVT phase angle of an exhaust VVT mechanism, to thereby calculate a corrected EGR flow rate as an EGR flow rate. 1. A control apparatus for an internal combustion engine , comprising:a throttle mounted to an intake pipe of an internal combustion engine;an intake VVT mechanism and an exhaust VVT mechanism for changing valve opening/closing timings of the internal combustion engine;an EGR passage for connecting between an exhaust pipe of the internal combustion engine and an intake manifold mounted to the intake pipe on a downstream side of the throttle, to thereby introduce a part of exhaust gas into the intake manifold;an EGR valve, which is mounted on the EGR passage, for controlling an EGR flow rate flowing from the EGR passage into the intake manifold;an operation state detection part for detecting an operation state of the internal combustion engine; andan EGR flow rate calculation part for calculating the EGR flow rate, a basic EGR flow rate calculation part for calculating a basic EGR flow rate based on an intake manifold pressure, which is a pressure in the intake manifold, an exhaust pressure, which is a pressure in the exhaust pipe, an exhaust temperature, which is a temperature in the exhaust pipe, and an opening degree of the EGR valve; and', 'an EGR flow rate correction part for correcting the basic EGR flow rate based on an intake manifold pressure ratio, which is a ratio between the intake manifold pressure and the exhaust pressure, a ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Turbocharger flow control

Номер: US20140227109A1

A method for controlling a turbocharger is provided. The turbocharger has a turbine operatively connected to an exhaust of an internal combustion engine, and a compressor operatively connected to an intake of the engine. The method includes determining a boost pressure command for the compressor. The boost pressure command is configured to provide sufficient combustion reactant for the engine. The method includes calculating a compressor power from the determined boost pressure command, and calculating a turbine flow from the calculated compressor power. The method commands the turbocharger to operate at the calculated turbine flow.

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Inferential sensor

Номер: US20180149064A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A system and an approach for determining various pressures or flows in an internal combustion engine, such as a pressure adjacent a recirculation exhaust gas flow through a controlled valve of an engine. Also, among the sensors accommodated in the system, is a pressure sensor sensing a pressure in an intake manifold of the engine.

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Method and Device for Determining the Efficiency of an SCR Catalyst

Номер: US20210180497A1
Принадлежит: Vitesco Technologies GmbH

Various embodiments include methods for determining the efficiency of an SCR catalytic converter in a system including a nitrogen oxide sensor, and a metering device for a reducing agent arranged in an exhaust-gas duct, and an exhaust recirculation line with a recirculation valve disposed downstream of the SCR catalytic converter and feeding an intake region of the engine. The methods comprise: setting or identifying a quasi-steady-state operating state and an associated recirculation rate; adding a first quantity of reducing agent using the metering device; measuring a resulting first nitrogen oxide value using the sensor; adding a further predefined quantity, different from the first quantity; measuring the resulting nitrogen oxide values using the sensor; and determining the efficiency of the SCR catalytic converter based at least in part on the associated exhaust-gas recirculation rate and the measured nitrogen oxide values. 1. A method for determining the efficiency of an SCR catalytic converter of an exhaust-gas aftertreatment device of an internal combustion engine , wherein the SCR catalytic converter is disposed downstream of the internal combustion engine in an exhaust-gas duct with regard to the exhaust-gas mass flow , a nitrogen oxide sensor and a metering device for adding a reducing agent are both arranged in the exhaust-gas duct between the internal combustion engine and the SCR catalytic converter , and a low-pressure exhaust-gas recirculation line with an exhaust-gas recirculation valve is disposed between the exhaust-gas duct downstream of the SCR catalytic converter and an intake region of the internal combustion engine , the method comprising:setting or identifying a quasi-steady-state operating state of the internal combustion engine and an associated exhaust-gas recirculation rate in the low-pressure exhaust-gas recirculation line;adding a first predefined reducing agent quantity using the metering device into the exhaust-gas duct;measuring a ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210180544A1

A system and method of integrating an engine having dynamic skip fire control with an exhaust gas recirculation system in a turbocharged internal combustion engine is described. An engine control system determines an appropriate firing pattern based at least in part on a desired exhaust gas recirculation flow rate. Signals from sensors in the intake manifold and exhaust system may also be used as part of a feedback loop to determine a desired exhaust gas recirculation flow rate. 1. A method of selecting a firing pattern in a skip fire controlled internal combustion engine , the engine having an intake manifold and an exhaust system , comprising:determining a desired exhaust gas recirculation flow rate;determining a position of an exhaust gas recirculation valve; andselecting a firing pattern based at least in part on the desired exhaust gas recirculation flow rate and the position of the exhaust gas recirculation valve.2. A method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising:determining an engine speed;determining a firing pattern;determining a boost pressure in the intake manifold; andcalculating a maximum exhaust gas recirculation rate based at least in part on the engine speed, the firing fraction, and the boost pressure.3. A method as recited in claim 2 , further comprising:comparing the desired exhaust gas recirculation flow rate with the maximum exhaust gas recirculation flow rate.4. A method as recited in claim 3 , further comprising:selecting a new firing pattern if the desired exhaust gas recirculation flow rate exceeds the maximum gas recirculation flow rate.5. A method as recited in claim 2 , further comprising:determining a valve timing; andcalculating the maximum exhaust gas recirculation rate based at least in part on the valve timing.6. A method as recited in claim 5 , further comprising:comparing the desired exhaust gas recirculation flow rate with the maximum exhaust gas recirculation flow rate.7. A method as recited in claim 6 , further comprising: ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Control apparatus for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20140236456A1
Автор: Hayato Nakada
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The invention relates to a control apparatus for an internal combustion engine ( 10 ) including a control target ( 60 V, 52 ) that controls controlled variable (Pim, Regr). The control apparatus according to the invention is capable of selectively performing single control that is control for controlling the controlled variable to a target value thereof (Pimt, Regrt) without considering a change in the controlled variable that acts as a disturbance on the control of the controlled variable, and composite control that is control for controlling the controlled variable to the target value thereof in consideration of the change in the controlled variable that acts as the disturbance on the control of the controlled variable. The controlled variable is controlled to the target value thereof through the single control when an absolute value of a controlled variable change rate (Rpim, Rregr) is equal to or smaller than a predetermined value (Rpimth, Rregrth). The controlled variable is controlled to the target value thereof through the composite control when the absolute value of the controlled variable change rate is larger than the predetermined value.

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Valve timing modulation for egr balancing

Номер: US20220298979A1

Methods and systems are provided for increasing EGR delivered to an engine. In one example, a method may include determining an EVO timing set point and an external EGR setpoint in parallel, based on an inverse model. The EVO timing may be adjusted based on a combination of the EVO timing setpoint and an EGR cylinder balancing feedback loop, thereby varying internal EGR to the engine to supplement external EGR.

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Egr controller for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20140251287A1
Автор: Hiroyuki TAKEZOE
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

While an EGR valve is closed, a total gas flow rate is computed based on an intake air pressure. An error of the total gas flow rate is learned and corrected. When the EGR valve is opened, the total gas flow rate is computed based on the intake air pressure. An actual EGR-gas flow rate is computed based on the total gas flow rate and a fresh-air flow rate. By using of the EGR valve model, an estimated EGR-gas flow rate is computed based on the fresh-air flow rate and an opening degree of the EGR valve. An error of the estimated EGR-gas flow rate is learned and corrected based on the actual EGR-gas flow rate and the estimated EGR-gas flow rate. Based on a volume fraction of the corrected estimated EGR-gas flow rate and the fresh-air flow rate, an EGR ratio is computed.

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170167350A1

A method of predicting NOx generation amount of a compression ignition engine is provided. The method includes predicting a composition ratio of a gas in a mixture and a flame temperature using driving variables of an engine and calculating a nitrogen oxide generation rate using the composition ratio of the gas in the mixture and the flame temperature. Additionally, a nitrogen oxide generation concentration around flame is calculated using the nitrogen oxide generation rate and a total nitrogen oxide generation amount of a cylinder is predicted using the nitrogen oxide generation rate and the nitrogen oxide generation concentration. 1. A method of predicting NOx generation amount of a compression ignition engine , comprising:predicting, by a controller, a composition ratio of a gas in a mixture and a flame temperature using driving variables of an engine;calculating, by the controller, a nitrogen oxide generation rate using the composition ratio of the gas in the mixture and the flame temperature;calculating, by the controller, a nitrogen oxide generation concentration around flame using the nitrogen oxide generation rate; andpredicting, by the controller, total nitrogen oxide generation amount of a cylinder using the nitrogen oxide generation rate and the nitrogen oxide generation concentration.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the driving variables of the engine includes at least one selected from the group consisting of: a pilot fuel amount claim 1 , a pilot injection time claim 1 , a pilot injection duration claim 1 , an injected fuel amount claim 1 , a main injection duration claim 1 , a main injection time claim 1 , an engine speed (RPM) claim 1 , an air/fuel ratio (AF) claim 1 , and an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR).3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the predicting of the composition ratio of the gas includes predicting claim 2 , by the controller claim 2 , the composition ratio of the gas of a flame surface of a flame generated by mixing a fuel and an air ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140261344A1

There is provided an internal combustion engine control apparatus having an exhaust gas recirculation amount estimation unit that learns the relationship between an exhaust gas recirculation valve opening area calculated by an exhaust gas recirculation valve opening area calculation unit and an opening degree of the exhaust gas recirculation valve and estimates an recirculation amount of exhaust gas utilized in controlling an internal combustion engine, based on the relationship between the exhaust gas recirculation valve opening area and the opening degree of the exhaust gas recirculation valve. 1. An internal combustion engine control apparatus comprising:an intake air amount detection unit that detects an amount of air that passes through a throttle valve provided in an intake pipe of an internal combustion engine and is taken into the internal combustion engine;an exhaust gas recirculation path that connects an intake pipe at the downstream side of the throttle valve with an exhaust pipe of the internal combustion engine;an exhaust gas recirculation valve that opens or closes the exhaust gas recirculation path so as to control a recirculation amount of exhaust gas that passes through the exhaust gas recirculation path;an intake pipe pressure detection unit that detects a pressure in the intake pipe at the downstream side of the throttle valve;a volume efficiency corresponding value calculation unit that calculates a volume efficiency corresponding value as an index that indicates an amount of air that flows from the intake pipe at the downstream side of the throttle valve into a cylinder of the internal combustion engine;a cylinder flow rate calculation unit that calculates a cylinder flow rate as an amount of air that flows from the intake pipe at the downstream side of the throttle valve into the cylinder, based on the pressure in the intake pipe and the volume efficiency corresponding value;an exhaust gas recirculation amount calculation unit that calculates ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Methods and system for adjusting engine water injection

Номер: US20180171936A1

Methods and systems are provided for water injection at an intake port of an engine toward or away from intake valves in response to engine operating conditions. In one example, a method may include port injecting water away from an intake valve in response to engine knock and port injecting water towards an intake valve in response to engine dilution demand. Further, the method may include adjusting an amount of water injected based on one or more of a change in manifold temperature and a change in exhaust oxygen level.

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150184601A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A control system for an internal combustion engine having a throttle valve disposed in an intake passage of the engine. A target intake air amount of the engine is calculated, and an intake pressure of the engine is estimated. A wide-open intake air amount is calculated according to the engine rotational speed, and a theoretical intake air amount is calculated according to the wide-open intake air amount and the intake pressure. The wide-open intake air amount is an intake air amount corresponding to a state where the throttle valve is fully opened, and the theoretical intake air amount is an intake air amount corresponding to a state where no exhaust gas of the engine is recirculated to a combustion chamber of the engine. further, an exhaust gas recirculation ratio is calculated using the theoretical intake air amount and the target intake air amount, and a target output torque of the engine is calculated using the target intake air amount and the exhaust gas recirculation ratio. The engine is controlled using the target output torque. 1. A control system for an internal combustion engine having a throttle valve disposed in an intake passage of said engine , comprising:rotational speed detecting means for detecting a rotational speed of said engine;intake pressure detecting means for detecting an intake pressure of said engine;wide-open intake air amount calculating means for calculating a wide-open intake air amount according to the engine rotational speed, the wide-open intake air amount being an intake air amount corresponding to a state where said throttle valve is fully opened;theoretical intake air amount calculating means for calculating a theoretical intake air amount according to the wide-open intake air amount and the intake pressure, the theoretical intake air amount being an intake air amount corresponding to a state where no exhaust gas of said engine is recirculated to a combustion chamber of said engine;intake air amount obtaining means for detecting ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150184602A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A control system for an internal combustion engine having a throttle valve disposed in an intake passage of the engine. A target intake air amount of the engine is calculated, and an intake pressure of the engine is estimated. A wide-open intake air amount is calculated according to the engine rotational speed, and a theoretical intake air amount is calculated according to the wide-open intake air amount and the intake pressure. The wide-open intake air amount is an intake air amount corresponding to a state where the throttle valve is fully opened, and the theoretical intake air amount is an intake air amount corresponding to a state where no exhaust gas of the engine is recirculated to a combustion chamber of the engine. further, an exhaust gas recirculation ratio is calculated using the theoretical intake air amount and the target intake air amount, and a target output torque of the engine is calculated using the target intake air amount and the exhaust gas recirculation ratio. The engine is controlled using the target output torque. 1. A control system for an internal combustion engine having a throttle valve disposed in an intake passage of said engine , comprising:rotational speed detecting means for detecting a rotational speed of said engine;intake pressure detecting means for detecting an intake pressure of said engine;wide-open intake air amount calculating means for calculating a wide-open intake air amount according to the engine rotational speed, the wide-open intake air amount being an intake air amount corresponding to a state where said throttle valve is fully opened;theoretical intake air amount calculating means for calculating a theoretical intake air amount according to the wide-open intake air amount and the intake pressure, the theoretical intake air amount being an intake air amount corresponding to a state where no exhaust gas of said engine is recirculated to a combustion chamber of said engine;estimated intake air amount calculating means ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150184608A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A control system for an internal combustion engine having a throttle valve disposed in an intake passage of the engine. A target intake air amount of the engine is calculated, and an intake pressure of the engine is estimated. A wide-open intake air amount is calculated according to the engine rotational speed, and a theoretical intake air amount is calculated according to the wide-open intake air amount and the intake pressure. The wide-open intake air amount is an intake air amount corresponding to a state where the throttle valve is fully opened, and the theoretical intake air amount is an intake air amount corresponding to a state where no exhaust gas of the engine is recirculated to a combustion chamber of the engine. further, an exhaust gas recirculation ratio is calculated using the theoretical intake air amount and the target intake air amount, and a target output torque of the engine is calculated using the target intake air amount and the exhaust gas recirculation ratio. The engine is controlled using the target output torque. 1. A control system for an internal combustion engine having a throttle valve disposed in an intake passage of said engine , comprising:rotational speed detecting means for detecting a rotational speed of said engine;target output torque calculating means for calculating a target output torque of said engine;target intake air amount calculating means including exhaust gas recirculation ratio calculating means for calculating an exhaust gas recirculation ratio of said engine, for calculating a target intake air amount of said engine using the target output torque and the exhaust gas recirculation ratio; andcontrol means for controlling said engine using the target intake air amount,wherein said exhaust gas recirculation ratio calculating means includes:intake pressure estimating means for estimating an intake pressure of said engine;wide-open intake air amount calculating means for calculating a wide-open intake air amount according ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180179965A1

An engine includes an exhaust gas recirculation system with a high pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop and a low pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop, and an air charging system. A method of controlling the air charging system includes monitoring an actual exhaust gas recirculation rate, operating conditions of a compressor and turbine in the air charging system. A compressor flow is determined based on a target exhaust gas recirculation rate, a target intake manifold pressure and the actual exhaust gas recirculation rate. A power requested by the compressor is determined based on the compressor flow, the target intake manifold pressure, and the monitored operating conditions of the compressor. A power to be generated by the turbine is determined based upon the power requested by the compressor. A turbine flow is determined based upon the power to be generated by the turbine and the monitored operating conditions of the turbine. A system control command is determined based on the turbine flow and the monitored operating conditions of the turbine. The air charging system is controlled based on the system control command. 1. Method to control an exhaust gas recirculation system having a high pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop and a low pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop , an air throttle system , and an air charging system in an internal combustion engine , the method comprising:monitoring desired operating target commands for each of the high pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop, the low pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop, the air throttle system, and the air charging system;monitoring operating parameters of the air charging system;determining a feedback control signal for each of the high pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop, the low pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop, the air throttle system and the air charging system based upon the corresponding desired operating target commands and the operating parameters of the air charging ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180179969A1

The inverse engine model or feed forward controller takes the controlled state estimates generated by the engine observer model the model corrections generated by the observer controller desired state inputs and various system parameters and calculates desired engine state commands and feed forward mass flow terms to achieve the desired D/A and F/A values included in the desired state inputs 120-. (canceled)21. A fresh air and exhaust gas control method for an engine having an air system with an air throttle , an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve , an intake manifold , a charge air cooler , an exhaust manifold , and a turbocharger , the control method comprising:monitoring parameters of the engine in an operational state using a plurality of sensors, the plurality of sensors including an intake manifold pressure sensor and an exhaust manifold pressure sensor;generating engine state estimates using an engine observer model, the engine observer model representing the intake manifold volume, the exhaust manifold volume, and the charge air cooler volume, the engine state estimates based on the monitored engine parameters from the plurality of sensors;generating a turbocharger rotational speed estimate using a turbocharger model;calculating a fresh air flow correction factor based on the differences between the measured engine states and the engine state estimates and inputting the fresh air flow correction factor to the engine observer model;determining a desired air throttle position and a desired EGR valve position based on setpoint commands, the monitored engine parameters, the fresh air flow correction factor, the engine state estimates, and the turbocharger rotational speed estimate;adjusting the air throttle based on the desired air throttle position; andadjusting the EGR valve based on the desired EGR valve position.22. The fresh air and exhaust gas control method of claim 21 , wherein the plurality of sensors excludes a mass air flow sensor.23. The fresh air ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180187615A1

A variable geometry turbocharger control method and system for an engine air system with a variable geometry turbocharger having adjustable vanes. The method includes monitoring engine parameters; generating engine state estimates using an engine observer model; generating measured engine states based on the monitored engine parameters; computing observer error based on the differences between the measured and modeled engine states; generating model correction factors; and generating commands for adjusting the vane positions of the variable geometry turbocharger. An inverse engine observer model can generate the desired variable geometry turbocharger vane positions. The method can include generating feedback actuator commands in generating the desired variable geometry turbocharger vane positions. The correction factors can include fresh air, EGR and/or turbine mass flow correction factors. 120-. (canceled)21. A variable geometry turbocharger control method for an engine having a variable geometry turbocharger having adjustable vanes , an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve , an intake manifold , a charge air cooler , and an exhaust manifold , the control method comprising:monitoring parameters of the engine in an operational state using a plurality of sensors, the plurality of sensors including an intake manifold pressure sensor and an exhaust manifold pressure sensor;generating engine state estimates using an engine observer model, the engine observer model representing the intake manifold volume, the exhaust manifold volume, and the charge air cooler volume, the engine state estimates based on the monitored engine parameters from the plurality of sensors;calculating a turbine intake correction factor based on the differences between the measured engine states and the engine state estimates and inputting the turbine intake correction factor to the engine observer model;determining a desired turbocharger vane position based on setpoint commands, the monitored ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180195446A1

A method and a computer program for recognizing and differentiating a flow rate error and a dynamic error of an exhaust gas recirculation system (EGR) of an internal combustion engine. Measured and modeled EGR mass flow signals are each subjected to bandpass filtering using time constants optimized for determining flow rate errors and bandpass filtering using time constants optimized for determining dynamic errors. The energy is determined for each of the filtered signals and an energy quotient is computed between the energies of the signals filtered for dynamic errors and the signals filtered for flow rate errors. A dynamic error and a flow rate error of the exhaust gas recirculation may be recognized and differentiated from one another on the basis of the energy quotients. 1. A method for recognizing and differentiating a flow rate error and a dynamic error of an exhaust gas recirculation system (EGR) in an air charge system of an internal combustion engine , at least one of a high-pressure gas recirculation valve and a low-pressure gas recirculation valve being associated with the air charge system , the method comprising:measuring indirectly or directly, an EGR mass flow to provide a measured EGR mass flow signal;modeling the EGR mass flow to provide a modeled EGR mass flow signal;supplying each of the measured EGR mass flow signal and the modeled EGR mass flow signal to two respective bandpass filters, a first one of the bandpass filters having a time constant adapted for a recognition of flow rate errors, and a second one of the bandpass filtering having a time constant adapted for a recognition of dynamic errors;determining, for each of the measured EGR mass flow signal filtered for flow rate errors and dynamic errors, respectively, and for each of the modeled EGR mass flow signals filtered for flow rate errors and dynamic errors, respectively, an energy;forming a first energy quotient based on the energy of measured EGR mass flow signal filtered for flow ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Control Apparatus for Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20180195451A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

An EGR rate estimation method using an EGR valve opening area involves aggravated EGR rate estimation accuracy as an EGR valve is deteriorated and is unable to satisfy required accuracy when a target EGR rate is high. With a method for correcting a fuel injection amount by a fuel injection valve through estimation of a purge air-fuel ratio on the basis of variations in an air-fuel ratio variable depending on whether purging is performed, the fuel injection correction fails to accommodate the change in the air-fuel ratio when concentration of fuel evaporative emissions adsorbed by an activated carbon of a canister is high, resulting in reduced conversion efficiency of a catalyst. An arrangement includes an introduction port that is disposed in an intake pipe and through which a gas other than fresh air flows in the intake pipe and humidity sensors disposed upstream and downstream, respectively, of the introduction port. The EGR rate or the purge air-fuel ratio in the intake pipe is estimated using detection values of the respective humidity sensors. 1. A control apparatus for an internal combustion engine , the control apparatus controlling the internal combustion engine including an intake pipe and a throttle valve disposed in the intake pipe , the throttle valve controlling an air flow rate , the control apparatus comprising:an introduction port that is disposed in the intake pipe and through which a gas other than fresh air flows in the intake pipe, whereinthe control apparatus controls the internal combustion engine using detection values of humidity sensors disposed upstream and downstream, respectively, of the introduction port.2. The control apparatus for an internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , comprising:a return pipe disposed in the intake pipe, the return pipe returning part of an exhaust gas and introducing an EGR gas as the gas other than fresh air, whereinthe control apparatus controls the internal combustion engine using the detection ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации

Condensate management system for an exhaust gas cooler and heat recovery device

Номер: US20170198664A1

Methods and systems are provided for condensate management in an EGR cooler of an engine system. In one example, an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system with an EGR cooler is coupled to an exhaust system and to an intake system of an engine. The EGR cooler includes an inlet coupled to the exhaust system, a first outlet coupled to the exhaust system, and a second outlet coupled to the intake system, the second outlet positioned vertically higher than the first outlet.

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190195153A1
Автор: Dudar Aed M.

Methods and systems are provided for diagnosing degradation of an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve. In one example, a method may include, during a vehicle key-off condition, routing compressed air through an EGR passage housing the EGR valve, and indicating degradation of the EGR valve based on a change in an estimated EGR pressure, upon a commanded change in EGR valve position. 1. A method , comprising:while an engine is not combusting fuel, testing for degradation of an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve coupled between an air intake and an exhaust of the engine;during the test, turning the EGR valve to at least one predetermined position and forcing compressed air into the EGR valve; andindicating presence or absence of the degradation based on one or more pressure readings across the EGR valve.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the EGR valve is coupled to an EGR passage claim 1 , the EGR passage configured to route at least a portion of exhaust gas from the exhaust to the air intake of the engine.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein forcing the compressed air includes forcing compressed air through the EGR passage by operating an electric booster via an electric motor claim 2 , wherein the electric booster is coupled to a conduit parallel to the air intake claim 2 , the conduit coupled to the air intake downstream of an intake compressor and upstream of a charge air cooler.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined position includes one of a completely closed position and a completely open position.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein indicating the presence of the degradation includes claim 4 , estimating a first EGR pressure across the EGR valve when the EGR valve is in the completely closed position claim 4 , and indicating that the EGR valve is degraded responsive to the first EGR pressure being higher than a first threshold pressure.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the indicating the presence of the degradation includes claim 5 , estimating ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170204798A1
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co Ltd

The objective of the present invention is to provide an engine with improved startability and stable operation regardless of the driving environment and usage conditions. The engine is equipped with a control means, which calculates a standard injection timing on the basis of the target rotational frequency of the engine and a standard injection amount, that is, the amount of fuel injected, and which corrects the standard injection timing using at least one correction amount. A fuel injection control unit calculates a cooling water correction amount on the basis of the target rotational frequency of the engine, the standard injection amount, and the cooling water temperature, and when the cooling water temperature is less than a first prescribed temperature the control unit corrects the standard injection timing using only the cooling water correction amount.

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202374A1

An electronic control unit is configured to select a first cam as a driving cam of an intake valve in a first operation range where a target value of an EGR rate is set to a specified EGR rate, and is configured to select a second cam as the driving cam in a second operation range smaller in valve duration and lift amount than the first cam. Accordingly, in most of the operation regions, the first cam is selected, and the second cam is selected only in a high-torque and high-speed region. When the second cam is selected in the high-torque and high-speed region, the state where an actual compression ratio is high can be eliminated, and suction efficiency can be decreased. Therefore, decrease in a knocking limit can be suppressed. 1. An internal combustion engine system , comprising:a turbocharged engine including a plurality of intake cams different in cam profile, an EGR system, and an ignition device, the intake cams being configured to drive an intake valve, the EGR system being configured to introduce exhaust gas flowing through an exhaust system, as external EGR gas, into an intake system, the ignition device being configured to ignite an air-fuel mixture in a cylinder; andan electronic control unit, the electronic control unit being configured to set a target value of an EGR rate in accordance with an operating state identified with engine torque and engine speed, the EGR rate being expressed as a ratio of the external EGR gas to intake air,in a first operation region where the target value of the EGR rate is set to a specified EGR rate, the electronic control unit being configured to select a first cam as a driving cam of the intake valve and being configured to set closing timing of the intake valve to a first crank angle section, the first crank angle section including a crank angle that offers highest suction efficiency under a condition where the engine speed and turbocharging pressure are fixed, andin a second operation region, the electronic control unit ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202377A1
Автор: Nakamura Toshihiro

A control device for an internal combustion engine including a fuel injection valve and an actuator includes an electronic control unit. The fuel injection valve directly injects fuel into a combustion chamber. The actuator is configured to change the oxygen concentration in intake gas supplied to the combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine. The electronic control unit is configured to control fuel injection from the fuel injection valve and the actuator. 1. A control device for an internal combustion engine including a fuel injection valve that directly injects fuel into a combustion chamber , and an actuator configured to change an oxygen concentration in intake gas supplied to the combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine , the control device comprising an electronic control unit configured to control fuel injection from the fuel injection valve and the actuator such thati) a first injection mode and a second injection mode are executed, the first injection mode being a mode in which main injection is performed after pre-injection is performed, and in which fuel injection from the fuel injection valve is controlled such that heat release from an air-fuel mixture formed by the pre-injection is started after the start of the main injection, and the second injection mode being a mode in which main injection is performed after pre-injection is performed, and in which fuel injection from the fuel injection valve is controlled such that heat release from an air-fuel mixture formed by the pre-injection is started before the start of the main injection,ii) when fuel injection from the fuel injection valve is controlled in the first injection mode, the actuator is controlled such that the oxygen concentration is decreased by a larger amount than when fuel injection from the fuel injection valve is controlled in the second injection mode,iii) a first switching mode and a second switching mode are executed, the first switching mode being a mode in ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации

Control device for internal combustion engine and method for controlling internal combustion engine

Номер: US20180202410A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A control device for an internal combustion engine includes ignition timing control circuitry, exhaust gas amount control circuitry, calculation circuitry, and retard circuitry. The exhaust gas amount control circuitry is configured to control an amount of exhaust gas recirculated to an intake passage via an exhaust gas recirculation passage. The calculation circuitry is configured to calculate an exhaust gas recirculation ratio of an exhaust gas amount in a combustion chamber to an entire gas amount in the combustion chamber. The retard circuitry is configured to retard ignition timing such that the ignition timing is on a retard side with respect to an optimum ignition timing at which the engine outputs maximum torque and such that the ignition timing is before a compression process end timing in a cylinder if the exhaust gas recirculation ratio is higher than a threshold ratio.

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20160215716A1
Автор: Takayuki Yamamoto
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

An object is to provide a control device for an internal combustion engine, at an inexpensive price, whereby it is possible to suppress a decrease in the exhaust gas performance of the internal combustion engine due to an environmental change or damage from aging. The present invention relates to a control device for an internal combustion engine which controls an EGR amount by adjusting an opening degree of an EGR valve ( 20 ) disposed in an EGR channel ( 16 ), the control device comprising temperature detection units ( 24, 26, 30 ), a pressure detection unit ( 28 ), a unit ( 48 ) to calculate a basic opening degree of the EGR valve, a unit ( 44, 56 ) to calculate an estimate value of at least one of an air-excess ratio or an intake oxygen concentration on the basis of detection values obtained by the temperature detection units and the pressure detection unit, a unit ( 46, 48 ) to calculate a target value of the estimate value, a unit ( 50 ) to calculate a correction factor K on the basis of the estimate air-excess ratio λs and the target air-excess ratio λt, a unit ( 52 ) to calculate the opening-degree command value D for the EGR valve on the basis of the basic opening degree Db and the correction coefficient K, and a unit ( 54 ) to control the EGR valve on the basis of the opening-degree command value D.

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Throttle Valve Controller Device for Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20200200100A1

There is provided a novel throttle valve controller device for an internal combustion engine that is capable of accurately producing a target torque for the internal combustion engine. The present invention includes a target fresh intake air flow rate calculating section that calculates a target fresh intake air flow rate passing through a throttle valve, an EGR gas flow rate calculating section that calculates an estimated EGR gas flow rate passing through the throttle valve, a target throttle intake gas flow rate calculating section that calculates a target intake gas flow rate passing through the throttle valve on the basis of the target fresh intake air flow rate and the estimated EGR gas flow rate, and a target throttle valve opening calculating section that calculates a target throttle valve opening from the target intake gas flow rate. Since the target throttle opening is set based on the target fresh intake air flow rate and the through-throttle EGR gas flow rate passing through the throttle valve, a target torque can be produced accurately. 1. A throttle valve controller device for use in an internal combustion engine including a throttle valve disposed in an intake passage connected to a combustion cylinder and an EGR valve disposed in an EGR passage that interconnects the intake passage upstream of the throttle valve and an exhaust passage , for allowing an exhaust gas , hereinafter referred to as “EGR gas ,” to flow into the intake passage , the throttle valve controller device including control means controlling the throttle valve , the control means comprising at least:a target fresh intake air flow rate calculating section that calculates a target fresh intake air flow rate passing through the throttle valve;a through-throttle EGR gas flow rate calculating section that calculates a through-throttle EGR gas flow rate passing through the throttle valve;a target throttle intake gas flow rate calculating section that calculates a target throttle intake ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190203630A1
Автор: Dudar Aed M.

Methods and systems are provided for reducing temperature of an engine or single cylinder(s) of the engine at start/stop events where the engine is stopped from combusting air and fuel, and in response to an overheating engine condition. In one example, a method comprises activating an electric air compressor to direct cooling air flow through a first single cylinder of the engine, to reduce a temperature of the first single cylinder to a desired temperature prior to a request to restart the engine. In this way, a single cylinder indicated to be overheating may be effectively cooled, without employing methodology that would otherwise cool the engine as a whole, which may thus prevent engine degradation and which may conserve power of an onboard energy storage device. 1. A method comprising:activating an electric compressor in an intake of an engine of a vehicle, to direct an air flow through a first single cylinder of the engine during a start/stop event where the engine is not combusting air and fuel, to reduce a temperature of the first single cylinder to a desired temperature prior to a request to restart the engine.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising positioning the first single cylinder with both an intake valve and an exhaust valve of the first single cylinder in an at least partially open configuration claim 1 , to direct the air flow through the first single cylinder.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein positioning the first single cylinder with both the intake valve and the exhaust valve in the at least partially open configuration includes adjusting a timing of opening of the intake valve and the exhaust valve claim 2 , via controlling rotation of a first camshaft mechanically coupled to the intake valve claim 2 , and via controlling rotation of a second camshaft mechanically coupled to the exhaust valve.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising commanding a throttle positioned in the intake of the engine to a fully open position just after the ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190203671A1
Автор: Morishima Akinori

Provided is a control device for an internal combustion engine that includes an EGR device equipped with an EGR cooler bypass passage and a flow-rate-ratio control valve equipped with a valve disc and capable of controlling a flow rate ratio. The control device is configured, when an opening degree control execution condition is met, to execute a vibration reduction control for controlling the flow-rate-ratio control valve such that the opening degree of the valve disc becomes greater than or equal to a vibration reduction opening degree that is greater than a minimum opening degree within an opening degree control range of the valve disc. The opening degree control execution condition includes a requirement that a parameter (pulsation level value) that becomes greater when exhaust pulsation acting on the valve disc is greater is equal to or greater than a first threshold value. 1. A control device for an internal combustion engine ,the internal combustion engine including an EGR device that includes:an EGR passage configured to connect an intake air passage of the internal combustion engine with an exhaust gas passage thereof;an EGR cooler arranged at the EGR passage;an EGR cooler bypass passage through which, when at least a part of EGR gas flowing through the EGR passage bypasses the EGR cooler, the at least a part of EGR gas flows; anda flow-rate-ratio control valve equipped with a valve disc and capable of controlling, by adjustment of an opening degree of the valve disc, a flow rate ratio of a flow rate of a cooler passing-through gas that is an EGR gas flowing through the EGR cooler and a flow rate of a bypass passing-through gas that is an EGR gas flowing through the EGR cooler bypass passage,wherein the control device is configured, when an opening degree control execution condition is met, to execute a vibration reduction control for controlling the flow-rate-ratio control valve such that the opening degree of the valve disc becomes greater than or equal ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170218864A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A control system and a control method for an internal combustion engine, which are capable of accurately calculating an in-cylinder gas amount and an EGR ratio by a relatively simple method even in a case where an in-cylinder gas temperature is changed by execution of internal EGR, and properly controlling the engine using the EGR ratio thus calculated. An in-cylinder gas amount Gact actually filled in the cylinder is calculated by correcting an ideal in-cylinder gas amount Gth, which is an amount of gases filled in a cylinder in an ideal state in which it is assumed that no exhaust gases of the engine are recirculated into the cylinder, using an ideal in-cylinder gas temperature Tcylth according to an in-cylinder gas temperature Tcyl, and an EGR ratio REGRT is calculated using the in-cylinder gas amount Gact and an intake air amount Gaircyl. 1. A control system for an internal combustion engine that draws air into a cylinder via a throttle valve provided in an intake passage , and performs internal EGR for recirculating exhaust gases of the engine , which have been caused to flow back from an exhaust passage into the intake passage by overlap of an intake valve and an exhaust valve , into the cylinder , the control system comprising:rotational speed-detecting means for detecting a rotational speed of the engine;intake pressure-detecting means for detecting an intake pressure in the engine;reference in-cylinder gas amount-calculating means for calculating a reference in-cylinder gas amount, which is an amount of gases filled in the cylinder in a reference state in which the throttle valve is fully open, according to the rotational speed of the engine;ideal in-cylinder gas amount-calculating means for calculating an ideal in-cylinder gas amount, which is an amount of gases filled in the cylinder in an ideal state in which it is assumed that no exhaust gases of the engine are recirculated into the cylinder, according to the reference in-cylinder gas amount and the ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180216546A1

Disclosed is a device for reducing the combustion instabilities of a combustion engine, this device including: an intake circuit admitting oxidizing air to the engine, a valve positioned on the engine oxidizing air intake circuit and designed to regulate the flow rate of oxidant gas admitted to the engine, an exhaust gas recirculation circuit connected to the intake circuit upstream of the oxidizing air flow rate regulating valve. The device is arranged in such a way that, at least when an injection of fuel to the engine is cut off, a minimum opening of the valve is assured so as to eliminate recirculated gases from the intake circuit. 11001. A device () for reducing the combustion instabilities of a combustion engine () , this device comprising:{'b': '2', 'a combustion air intake circuit () of the engine,'}{'b': '3', 'a valve () positioned on the combustion air intake circuit of the engine that is designed to regulate the flow rate of combustion gas admitted to the engine,'}{'b': 5', '2', '3, 'an exhaust gas recirculation circuit () that is connected to the intake circuit () upstream of the valve () regulating the flow rate of combustion air,'}{'b': 100', '1', '3', '2, 'wherein device () is arranged such that, at least when fuel injection to the engine () is cut off, the valve () is opened a minimum amount to eliminate the recirculated gases from the intake circuit ().'}26536. The device as claimed in claim 1 , including a valve () that is arranged on the recirculation circuit () and designed to regulate the flow rate of recirculated exhaust gases claim 1 , according to which the valve () regulating the air flow rate is opened a minimum amount after the exhaust gas recirculation valve () is closed.33. The device as claimed in claim 1 , according to which the minimum amount opened and the time that the valve () regulating the air flow rate is kept open the minimum amount are predefined.42. The device as claimed in claim 1 , according to which the minimum amount ...
