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20-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2264550C2
Принадлежит: РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к двигателестроению, в частности к способам и устройствам управления двигателями внутреннего сгорания. Изобретение позволяет упростить устройство управления. В способе управления двигателем внутреннего сгорания (ДВС) с системой впуска воздуха на основании, по меньшей мере, одной управляющей величины и, по меньшей мере, одной измеряемой величины, характеризующей состояние окружающего воздуха, с помощью, по меньшей мере, одной модели определяют, по меньшей мере, одну величину, характеризующую параметры системы впуска воздуха. Модель состоит, по меньшей мере, из первой и второй субмоделей, при этом выходные величины определяют с помощью субмодели на основании входных величин. В качестве входных величин для первой субмодели помимо, по меньшей мере, одной выходной величины второй субмодели дополнительно учитывают управляющую величину и измеряемую величину. При этом в качестве управляющей величины учитывают, по меньшей мере, одну величину, характеризующую количество впрыскиваемого ...

25-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2692606C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в двигателях внутреннего сгорания. Способ для двигателя включает следующие этапы. При холодном запуске двигателя (100) регулирование положения клапана (164) противодавления исходя из требуемого противодавления отработавших газов. Определение фактического противодавления отработавших газов выше по потоку от клапана противодавления. Подача требуемого количества вторичного воздуха в выпускной канал (145) выше по потоку от каталитического нейтрализатора (170) на основе фактического противодавления отработавших газов. Регулирование величины задержки зажигания исходя из фактического противодавления отработавших газов. Увеличение количества впрыскиваемого топлива исходя из фактического противодавления отработавших газов. Раскрыты варианты способа для двигателя. Технический результат заключается в уменьшении токсичных выбросов при холодном запуске двигателя благодаря ускоренной активации каталитического нейтрализатора. Ускоренная активация каталитического нейтрализатора ...

11-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2753072C2

Предложены способы для эксплуатации системы двигателя с разветвленной выпускной системой, обеспечивающей рециркуляцию продувочного воздуха и отработавших газов в заборный канал через первый выпускной коллектор и отработавших газов в выпускной канал через второй выпускной коллектор. В одном примере первый клапан, расположенный в магистрали рециркуляции отработавших газов (РОГ), установленной между заборным каналом и первым выпускным коллектором, соединенным с первой группой выпускных клапанов цилиндров, и/или второй клапан, расположенный в проточном канале, установленном между первым выпускным коллектором и выпускным каналом, можно регулировать в зависимости от измеренного давления в первом выпускном коллекторе. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 25 ил.

17-12-2019 дата публикации

Способ (варианты) и система для обеспечения отсечки топлива при замедлении движения автомобиля

Номер: RU2709235C2

Изобретение относится к способам и системам для управления двигателем транспортного средства в целях регенерации сажевого фильтра при отсечке топлива в режиме замедления движения автомобиля. Предложены способы и системы для управления продолжительностью процедуры отсечки топлива при замедлении движения автомобиля - процедуры ОТЗ (DFSO, Deceleration Fuel Shut-Off). Согласно одному примеру, способ может содержать регулирование продолжительности ОТЗ (DFSO) исходя из изменения температуры сажевого фильтра. Технический результат – улучшение регенерации сажевого фильтра. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

14-10-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017134877A3

09-01-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015120960A3

21-11-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016134124A3

17-03-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016152392A3

15-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016105345A3

16-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2677298C1

Изобретение относится к устройству управления двигателем и способу управления двигателем. Двигатель включает в себя механизм с переменной степенью сжатия, выполненный с возможностью изменять степень сжатия двигателя, и нагнетатель, выполненный с возможностью подавать сжатый воздух в двигатель. Устройство управления двигателем, которое управляет двигателем, управляет механизмом с переменной степенью сжатия посредством задания целевой степени сжатия таким образом, что чем выше скорость отклика при повышении давления нагнетания посредством нагнетателя, тем ниже целевая степень сжатия. Техническим результатом является подавление детонации в двигателе с переменной степенью сжатия. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

20-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011128554A

... 1. Способ диагностики неисправностей регулятора давления отработавших газов, обеспечиваемого в системе отработавших газов, соединенной с двигателем внутреннего сгорания с турбонаддувом, включающий:а) задание торможения двигателем;б) измерение обратного давления в системе отработавших газов с помощью датчика обратного давления при задании торможения двигателем;в) измерение давления наддува с помощью датчика давления наддува при задании торможения двигателем;г) сравнение измеренного обратного давления и измеренного давления наддува с хранящимися значениями обратного давления и давления наддува для определения неисправности регулятора давления или датчика обратного давления.2. Способ диагностики по п.1, в котором датчик обратного давления устанавливают между регулятором давления отработавших газов и турбоагрегатом.3. Способ диагностики по п.1, в котором датчик обратного давления устанавливают в коллекторе отработавших газов, по потоку выше турбоагрегата.4. Способ диагностики по п.1, в котором ...

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012106141A

... 1. Способ эксплуатации двигателя (1) внутреннего сгорания с искровым зажиганием, имеющего по меньшей мере один цилиндр (3) и по меньшей мере один выхлопной трубопровод (4) для вывода выхлопных газов из по меньшей мере одного цилиндра (3), а также сажевый фильтр (6) для сбора и сжигания частиц сажи в выхлопных газах, установленный в по меньшей мере одном выхлопном трубопроводе (4), в котором для инициирования процесса регенерации сажевого фильтра (6) увеличивают температуру фильтра до значения, большего, чем предварительно заданная минимальная температура регенерации фильтра, и эксплуатируют двигатель (1) внутреннего сгорания в режиме сверхстехиометрии (λ>1).2. Способ по п.1, в котором двигатель (1) внутреннего сгорания эксплуатируют при воздушном коэффициенте λ≤1,15 для регенерации сажевого фильтра (6).3. Способ по п.1, в котором двигатель (1) внутреннего сгорания эксплуатируют при воздушном коэффициенте λ≤1,15, предпочтительно при λ≤1,05 для регенерации сажевого фильтра (6).4. Способ по ...

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Bestimmung einer Zylinderluftladung für eine Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE102012207895A1

Ein Verfahren zum Schätzen einer Zylinderluftladung für eine Brennkraftmaschine umfasst, dass ein erster volumetrischer Wirkungsgrad bestimmt wird, die einem Kraftmaschinenbetrieb mit einem geöffneten Abgasrückführungsventil entspricht, dass ein zweiter volumetrischer Wirkungsgrad bestimmt wird, die einem Kraftmaschinenbetrieb mit einem geschlossenen Abgasrückführungsventil entspricht, und dass eine Zylinderluftladung unter Verwendung eines gewählten aus den ersten und zweiten volumetrischen Wirkungsgraden bestimmt wird.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Diagnosevorrichtung und Verfahren zum Ermitteln einer Wirkung einer Additivzugabe auf einen Antriebsstrang eines Kraftfahrzeuges

Номер: DE102012216533A1

Die Erfindung schafft eine Diagnosevorrichtung zum Ermitteln einer Wirkung einer Additivzugabe auf einen Antriebsstrang (110) eines Kraftfahrzeuges (100), mit einer Steuereinrichtung (10), welche dazu ausgelegt ist, einen Verbrennungsmotor (120) des Antriebsstranges (110) basierend auf mindestens einem Steuergeräteparameter während der Additivzugabe zu steuern; einer Erfassungseinrichtung (20), welche dazu ausgelegt ist, mindestens einen Prozessparameter der Additivzugabe und mindestens einen Betriebsparameter des Antriebsstranges (110) während der Additivzugabe zu erfassen; einer Vergleichseinrichtung (30), welche mit der Erfassungseinrichtung (20) gekoppelt ist und welche dazu ausgelegt ist, den erfassten mindestens einen Prozessparameter und den erfassten mindestens einen Betriebsparameter mit in einer Speichereinrichtung (35) abgespeicherten Parameterwerten zu vergleichen und darauf basierend mindestens ein Vergleichsergebnis zu ermitteln; und einer Auswertungseinrichtung (40), welche ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zum Steuern eines variablen Turboladers

Номер: DE102015222331A1

Ein System zum Steuern eines variablen Turboladers enthält: eine erste Steuerung, die einen Sollwert zum Einstellen eines Öffnungsgrades einer Schaufel eines Turboladers ausgibt, und eine zweite Steuerung, die einen Öffnungs- oder Schließbetrieb der Schaufel prüft, wenn die erste Steuerung den Öffnungsgrad der Schaufel einstellt. Insbesondere gibt die zweite Steuerung einen korrigierten Sollwert aus, indem der ausgegebene Sollwert korrigiert wird, basierend auf einem Korrekturfeld, unter Berücksichtigung eines Gegendrucks, abhängig davon, ob die Schaufel geöffnet oder geschlossen wird.

26-01-2006 дата публикации

Abgassteuervorrichtung und Abgassteuerverfahren

Номер: DE102005018575A1

Eine Abgassteuervorrichtung für ein Hybridsystem hat einen Differenzdruckerfasser, der einen Differenzdruck eines Abgases zwischen einer stromaufwärtigen Seite und einer stromabwärtigen Seite eines Partikelfilters erfasst, eine Partikelmaterialablagerungsmengenabschätzeinheit (S209), die eine Menge an Partikelmaterial, das an dem Partikelfilter abgelagert ist, basierend auf dem erfassten Differenzdruck abschätzt, und eine Steuerung, die einen Verbrennungsmotor steuert, um eine Schwankung einer Menge des Abgases, das durch den Partikelfilter gelangt, in einen vorgegebenen Bereich zu bringen, und steuert einen Leistungsausgang durch einen Elektromotor, um eine schwankende Ausgangsleistung durch den Verbrennungsmotor zu kompensieren, wenn die Partikelmaterialablagerungsmengenabschätzeinheit die Ablagerungsmenge in dem Fall abschätzt, in dem die Menge des Abgases, das durch den Partikelfilter gelangt, schwankt, um den vorgegebenen Wert zu überschreiten.

16-06-2016 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zur optimalen Brennstoffversorgung eines Motors

Номер: DE102015121544A1

Ein Verfahren zur optimalen Brennstoffzufuhr eines Motors ist offenbart. Das Verfahren enthält das Bestimmen einer Menge von Restgasanteilen in jedem Zylinder unter einer Mehrzahl von Zylindern in dem Motor. Außerdem enthält das Verfahren das Bestimmen einer Einlassverteilertemperatur und/oder einer Abgasverteilertemperatur, eines Einlassverteilerdrucks und/oder eines Abgasverteilerdrucks und einer Menge eines ersten Brennstoffs, der in jeden Zylinder eingespritzt wird, und das Berechnen eine charakteristischen Temperatur von jedem Zylinder basierend auf der Menge von Restgasanteilen, der Einlassverteiler- und/ Abgasverteiler-Temperatur und -druck und der Menge des ersten Brennstoffs. Das Verfahren enthält außerdem das Ermitteln einer Substitutionsrate des ersten Brennstoffs für jeden Zylinder basierend auf der charakteristischen Temperatur und das Steuern der Menge des ersten Brennstoffs und/oder einer Menge eines zweiten Brennstoffs, die in jeden Zylinder basierend auf der Substitutionsrate ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Überprüfung der Funktion eines Drucksensors im Luft-Ansaugtrakt oder Abgas-Auslasstrakt eines Verbrennungsmotors im Betrieb und Motor-Steuerungseinheit

Номер: DE102017215849B4

Verfahren zur Überprüfung der Funktion eines Drucksensors (44) im Luft-Ansaugtrakt (20) oder Abgas-Auslasstrakt (30) eines Verbrennungsmotors (1) im Betrieb, wobei- dynamische Druckschwingungen der Ansaugluft im Luft-Ansaugtrakt (20) oder des Abgases im Abgas-Auslasstrakt (30) des betreffenden Verbrennungsmotors (1) im Betrieb mittels des betreffenden Drucksensors (44) gemessen werden und daraus ein entsprechendes Druckschwingungssignal (DS_S) erzeugt wird; und- wobei auf Basis des Druckschwingungssignals (DS_S) mit Hilfe Diskreter-Fourier-Transformation (DFT), für mehrere ausgesuchte Signalfrequenzen (SF1...X) jeweils ein Wert eines bestimmten Betriebscharakteristikums (BChk_W1...X) des Verbrennungsmotors (1) ermittelt wird und Abweichungswerte (Aw_W1...Y) der für unterschiedliche Signalfrequenzen (SF1...X) ermittelten Werte des Betriebscharakteristikums (BChk_W1...X) voneinander ermittelt werden;- wobei die einwandfreie Funktion des Drucksensors (44) bestätigt wird (DSens=ok), wenn keiner ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb einer Abgasnachbehandlung und Einrichtung zum Steuern einer Abgasnachbehandlung sowie Abgasnachbehandlung und Brennkraftmaschine mit Abgasnachbehandlung

Номер: DE102013210898B4

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zum Betrieb einer Abgasnachbehandlung 300, bei dem ein Dieselpartikelfilter DPF während des Betriebes regeneriert wird, aufweisend die Schritte: Messen eines aktuellen Differenzdrucks (P) über den Dieselpartikelfilter (DPF) bei einem aktuellen Abgasvolumenstrom (V_AG) und Bestimmen eines aktuellen Korrekturfaktors (AscheP_K) für einen Differenzdruck (P); Bestimmen eines unteren Differenzdrucks (P MIN) in einem vorbestimmten Zeitintervall bei einem bestimmten Abgasvolumenstrom (V_AG), und Vergleich des unteren Differenzdrucks (P MIN) mit einem vorgegebenen aktuellen Referenzwert (Ref-Wert). Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass der Dieselpartikelfilter (DPF) während des Betriebs passiv regeneriert wird und Berechnen eines korrigierten Differenzdrucks aus dem Differenzdruck (P) und dem aktuellen Korrekturfaktor (Asche P_K), wobei ohne, dass ein Zeitpunkt bestimmbar ist, an dem der Differenzdruck (P) nur von einer Aschebeladung und nicht ...

25-05-2000 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zur Detektion von Fehlzündungen

Номер: DE0019950484A1

Ein System und Verfahren, bei denen der Abgaskrümmerdruck durch einen einzigen manometerartigen Drucksensor, der in dem Abgaskrümmer angeordnet ist, gemessen wird, um Fehlzündungen in allen Zylindern eines Verbrennungsmotors zu erfassen. Der Drucksensor erfaßt den Abgaskrümmerdruck und liefert ein Signal über einen Analog-Digital-Wandler zu einem Mikrocomputer. Eine Datenverarbeitungsvorrichtung überwacht die Druckwellenform, die von den Daten von dem Sensor erzeugt wird, um festzustellen, ob eine vollständige oder teilweise Fehlzündung auftritt. Wenn ein Zylinder eine teilweise oder vollständige Fehlzündung aufweist, wird die Stärke des Druckimpulses für diesen Zylinder gesenkt, so daß die Datenverarbeitungsvorrichtung die Fehlzündung identifizieren kann. Die Datenverarbeitungsvorrichtung kann eine Fehlzündung bestimmen, indem ein durchschnittlicher Spitzendruck für jeden Verbrennungszyklus, ein Druckschwellenwert als Funktion der Motordrehzahl und der Kraftstoffverbrauchsrate und ein ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018106370A1

Verfahren und Systeme für einen Dieseloxidationskatalysator werden bereitgestellt. In einem Beispiel umfasst der Dieseloxidationskatalysator einen Washcoat mit unterschiedlichen katalytisch aktiven Abschnitten zum Reagieren mit einer oder mehreren kohlenstoffhaltigen Verbindungen und NO. Der Dieseloxidationskatalysator befindet sich stromaufwärts eines Partikelfilters in einem Abgaskanal.

29-07-2010 дата публикации

Differential pressure sensor frozen state detection method for exhaust gas tract of motor vehicle, involves using value of sensor signal if it is determined that curing condition is fulfilled to indicate sensor is not frozen

Номер: DE102009057735A1

The method involves determining whether freezing condition is fulfilled to indicate a differential pressure sensor (1) is frozen. A default value for a sensor signal is used if the freezing condition is fulfilled. Determination is made to find whether curing condition is fulfilled to indicate that the differential pressure sensor is not frozen. A value of the sensor signal is used if the curing condition is fulfilled, where frozen state of the sensor comprises frozen state of connection lines (2, 3) of the sensor. An independent claim is also included for a device for detecting frozen state of a differential pressure sensor in an exhaust gas tract of a motor vehicle.

15-12-2005 дата публикации

Combustion motor e.g. diesel motor, loss determining method, involves determining loss as sum of determined load-dependent loss share, temperature-dependent loss share and gas exchange-loss share

Номер: DE102004026213A1

The method involves determining load-dependent loss-share, temperature-dependent loss-share and gas exchange-loss share. A loss is determined as a sum of the load dependent loss share, temperature-dependent loss share and gas exchange-loss share. An indicated medium pressure in a high pressure phase is determined by measurement of pressure in a combustion chamber. The medium pressure in the phase is adjusted by an offset. Independent claims are also included for the following: (A) a method for controlling a combustion motor (B) a motor controlling device has a device for determination of loss of a combustion motor.

23-01-2003 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Abgasreinigung von Kraftmaschinen

Номер: DE0010226963A1

Die Durchlässigkeit eines an einer Dieselkraftmaschine 1 angebrachten DPF 21 wird dadurch ermittelt, dass der scheinbare Durchlassflächeninhalt (A) auf der Grundlage einer Differenz der Drücke zwischen der stromaufwärtigen Seite und der stromabwärtigen Seite des DPF 21 und auf der Grundlage von anderen Kraftmaschinendaten berechnet wird, dass ein Alarm zu einem Fahrer auf Grundlage der Ermittlungsergebnisse abgegeben wird und dass der Betriebsmodus umgeschaltet wird, um den DPF 21 wiederherzustellen. Eine durch eine Zerstörung verursachte anormale Vergrößerung des Durchlassflächeninhalts wird genau erfasst, und die PM werden nicht in die Außenluft in langen Zeitperioden aufgrund der Zerstörung des DPF 21 ausgelassen. Des Weiteren kann der DPF 21 zuverlässig ausgebrannt und wiederhergestellt werden, ohne dass der DPF 21 demontiert werden muss oder ohne dass er bei jedem Betriebsmodus der Kraftmaschine 1 in unerwünschter Weise überhitzt wird.

26-02-2003 дата публикации

Vehicle exhaust gas recirculating system with detection of pressure sensor de terioration.

Номер: GB0002379032A

A method and apparatus for controlling an engine coupled to an EGR system, including two pressure sensors 206, 207. The EGR system may contain an orifice 205 disposed in the EGR tubing, with a first pressure sensor 206 coupled to an air intake manifold 44 of the engine and preferably located upstream of the orifice. A second pressure sensor 207 is coupled to the EGR system and is preferably located downstream of the orifice. The method determines whether at least one sensor has degraded, and resulting in a positive determination, the EGR system is disabled. The controller 12 utilises the non degraded pressure sensor to determine the engine's operation, such as an air/fuel ratio. Preferably the pressure sensors are used to measure absolute pressure and EGR pressure relative to atmospheric pressure. The controller may adjust the fuel injection amount based on an estimated atmospheric pressure. The vehicle may be a hybrid vehicle.

05-02-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008531725D0

15-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506338A1

A method for regenerating a soot-laden particle filter in the exhaust gas train of a diesel engine in a vehicle, wherein the engine is equipped with a fuel injection system having an injection valve for each cylinder and an exhaust braking device including a butterfly valve in the exhaust gas train upstream of the particle filter. An exhaust braking phase is initiated by closing the butterfly valve, thereby causing hot exhaust gas to be compressed upstream of the butterfly valve. Regeneration of the particle filter is then initiated by injecting diesel fuel into the cylinders substantially after the respective pistons pass top dead center, and allowing the hot exhaust gas mixture containing unburned fuel and air to flow past the butterfly valve so that the mixture ignites the soot and then supports combustion of the soot, thereby regenerating the particle filter.

15-08-2017 дата публикации

Method for reducing the fluctuation width of the exhaust emission values

Номер: AT0000518174B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Verringerung der Schwankungsbreite der Abgasemissionswerte mehrerer baugleicher Motoranordnungen einer Produktionsserie mit einen Verbrennungsmotor und eine Abgasnachbehandlungsanlage, umfassend folgende Schritte: - Herstellen mehrerer baugleicher Verbrennungsmotoren (100), - Versetzen ihrer Motorsteuerungen in einen Kalibrierbetriebsmodus (200), - Betreiben der Verbrennungsmotoren im Kalibrierbetriebsmodus (300), - Aufnehmen von mindestens einer Abgaszustandsgröße an einer Stelle entlang des Abgasstroms nach dem jeweiligen Verbrennungsmotor (400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411), - Vergleichen des Ist-Wertes der jeweils aufgenommenen Abgaszustandsgröße mit einem für diese Produktionsserie festgelegten Soll-Wert oder Soll-Wertebereich (500), - Anpassen mindestens einer Einstellgröße des jeweiligen Verbrennungsmotors, sodass der Ist-Wert der aufgenommenen Abgaszustandsgröße dem Soll-Wert der betreffenden Abgaszustandsgröße entspricht ...

15-06-2019 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for pressure control of the combustion exhaust gas and/or a working machine -

Номер: AT0000520648B1

Verfahren und Vorrichtung (1) zur Druckregelung des Verbrennungs- und/oder Abgases einer Arbeitsmaschine (2), insbesondere eines Verbrennungsmotors, wobei das Verbrennungsgas über eine Versorgungsleitung (10) der Arbeitsmaschine (2) zugeführt wird wobei das Verbrennungsgas in einer Gasaufbereitungsstrecke (14) in Bezug auf Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit konditioniert wird, und über eine Abgasleitung (20) abgeführt wird, wobei die Versorgungsleitung (10) und/oder die Abgasleitung (20) eine Regeleinrichtung (11, 21) aufweist, wobei die Regeleinrichtung (11, 21) einen druckgeregelten Abschnitt (12, 22) der Versorgungsleitung (10) und/oder der Abgasleitung (20) begrenzt, wobei im druckgeregelten Abschnitt (12) der Versorgungsleitung (10) und/oder im druckgeregelten Abschnitt (22) der Abgasleitung (20) der Druck an mehr als einer Stelle (4, 4', 4'') gemessen wird.

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000325264T

15-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AT510237B1

The engine braking method involves measuring exhaust-gas counter-pressure and charge air pressure. A position of throttle device to obtain predetermined braking action is determined based on measurement of exhaust-gas counter-pressure and charge air pressure. The exhaust-gas counter-pressure and charge air pressure are controlled by adjusting the throttle device corresponding to previously determined position of throttle device. An independent claim is also included for an engine braking device of multi-cylinder internal combustion engine of vehicle.

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506447B1

The present invention relates to a method for Combustion ventilation (scavenging) in a two stroke internal combustion engine, and in the internal combustion engine, each air cylinder (1) is provided with at least one gas admittance valve (3) and exhaust valve (4) on a air cylinder head (10), wherein a piston (2) plays stroke movement between a upper dead point (OT) and a lower dead point (UT) inside the air cylinder (1), and is provided with a air cylinder chamber (11) with volume variable relative to the air cylinder head (10). The ventilation (scavenging) controls by means of the gas admittance valve (3) and the exhaust valve (4), and improves intake pressure higher than delivery pressure by means of a pressurization system. The method is capable of realizing effective scavenging and energy produced in combustion can be maximally utilized, namely efficiency is enhanced. A suggestion is give to complete the ventilation (scavenging) in upper section of the stroke sport (9) from the UT to ...

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506447A1

The present invention relates to a method for Combustion ventilation (scavenging) in a two stroke internal combustion engine, and in the internal combustion engine, each air cylinder (1) is provided with at least one gas admittance valve (3) and exhaust valve (4) on a air cylinder head (10), wherein a piston (2) plays stroke movement between a upper dead point (OT) and a lower dead point (UT) inside the air cylinder (1), and is provided with a air cylinder chamber (11) with volume variable relative to the air cylinder head (10). The ventilation (scavenging) controls by means of the gas admittance valve (3) and the exhaust valve (4), and improves intake pressure higher than delivery pressure by means of a pressurization system. The method is capable of realizing effective scavenging and energy produced in combustion can be maximally utilized, namely efficiency is enhanced. A suggestion is give to complete the ventilation (scavenging) in upper section of the stroke sport (9) from the UT to ...

15-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AT510236B1

The engine braking method involves conducting exhaust-gas flow through bypass line to turbine wheel of exhaust-gas turbine, throttling exhaust-gas flow, and generating pressure increase in exhaust gas upstream of throttling device. The position of throttling device is determined based on measurement of exhaust-gas counter-pressure and charge air pressure. The exhaust-gas counter-pressure and charge air pressure is controlled based on determined position of throttling device for throttling the exhaust-gas flow. An independent claim is also included for an engine braking device.

15-02-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Überwachung zumindest eines Abgasturboladers

Номер: AT0000513137A4

The invention relates to a method for monitoring at least one exhaust gas turbocharger (ATL) of a large internal combustion engine (BKM), comprising at least one compressor (1a) and one exhaust gas turbine (1b) arranged on the same shaft as the compressor, wherein the current pressures (p1, p2) upstream and downstream of the compressor (1a) and the current temperatures (T1, T4) upstream of the compressor (1a) and upstream of the exhaust gas turbine (1b) are measured. In order to monitor an exhaust gas turbocharger effectively and as simply as possible, the current pressures (p4, p5) upstream and downstream of the exhaust gas turbine (1b), the current temperatures (T2, T5) downstream of the compressor (1a) and downstream of the exhaust gas turbine (1b), and the rotational speed (nA) of the exhaust gas turbine (1b) are measured, preferably continuously, the efficiencies () of the compressor (1a) and of the exhaust gas turbine (1b) are calculated from the measured data, and a diagnostic algorithm ...

03-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003257819A1

10-09-2015 дата публикации

Control device for diesel engine with turbosupercharger

Номер: AU2011380116B2

This control device calculates a steady-state target value that is the target value of supercharging pressure during a steady operation on the basis of the engine RPM and fuel injection quantity, and operates an actuator by feedback control such that the actual supercharging pressure calculated from the signal of a supercharging pressure sensor approaches the steady-state target value. However, when any condition among a plurality of different conditions that are likely to be met during a transient operation is met, the transient target value of supercharging pressure suitable for the met condition is calculated in accordance with a calculation rule prepared for each of the conditions. On this occasion, if one transient target value is present, this transient target value is selected, and if a plurality of transient target values are present simultaneously, one transient target value is selected in accordance with priorities determined according to acceleration. Then, the target value of ...

01-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004325489A

07-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002373774A1

A device (a silencer) for silencing a flow, comprises at least one acoustic chamber through-flowed by gas, e.g., exhaust gas, at least one inlet pipe and at least one pipe or passage interconnecting two chambers or a chamber and an exterior environment or chamber and is designed with such cross-sectional area transitions between passages and the chambers that the sound attenuation achieved by the device is high while the pressure drop across the silencer is low and that high attenuation at low characteristic frequencies of flow systems comprising the device are obtained. One or more diffusers and/or monolithic bodies or catalysts may be comprised in the device. The passages may be curved or helical so as to allow for a low natural frequency. Embodiments with resonance chambers attenuating at selected frequencies are disclosed. A method for operating a vehicle comprising a combustion engine and a silencing system is disclosed.

14-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001172731A1

15-01-2016 дата публикации

Exhaust gas turbine, and method of operating a waste heat recuperation systemwaste heat recuperation system.

Номер: CH0000704827B1
Принадлежит: MAN DIESEL & TURBO SE

Abgasnutzturbine (20), Abwärmerückgewinnungssystem (1) und Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Abwärmerückgewinnungssystems, wobei die Abgasnutzturbine ein Turbinengehäuse (21), einen Rotor (23), der drehbar im Turbinengehäuse gelagert ist, und eine Mehrzahl von Turbinenschaufeln (23a) hat, und ein im Turbinengehäuse angeordnetes Leitgitter (24) zum Steuern einer Abgasanströmung der Turbinenschaufeln aufweist, wobei das Turbinengehäuse eine Mehrzahl von Abgaseinlasspassagen (22a, 22b) hat zum über das Leitgitter Leiten von Abgas auf die Turbinenschaufeln, wobei die jeweiligen Abgaseinlasspassagen bis zum Leitgitter hin voneinander separat sind, und wobei in jeder Abgaseinlasspassage ein Drucksensor angeordnet ist zum Messen eines Abgasdrucks (PI, PII) in der jeweiligen Abgaseinlasspassage. Mit der Erfindung ist bei Mehrmotorenanlagen unter Vermeidung von Schwingungsinduzierung an den Turbinenschaufeln ein verbesserter Wirkungsgrad bei der Abwärmerückgewinnung realisierbar.

15-10-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust gas turbine for waste heat recovery system of internal combustion engine in e.g. ship, has exhaust gas inlet passages formed separately for directing exhaust gas towards the blades, and pressure sensor for measuring gas pressure

Номер: CH0000704827A2

The turbine (20) comprises a turbine housing (21) and a rotor (23) mounted rotatably and having several turbine blades (23a). A guide vane (24) is arranged for controlling the exhaust gas flow of turbine blades. The exhaust gas inlet passages (22a,22b) are formed separately for directing exhaust gas towards the blades, using the vane. In each gas inlet passage, a pressure sensor is arranged to measure the respective exhaust gas pressures. A turbine control device adapted to the respective exhaust gas pressures in the inlet passages is connected with pressure sensors. Independent claims are included for the following: (1) waste heat recovery system; and (2) operating method of waste heat recovery system.

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201592050A2

31-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201592050A3

21-03-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust gas cleaning system for engineering vehicle

Номер: CN0102383900A

26-08-2015 дата публикации

Method for engine braking

Номер: CN102345516B

17-07-2013 дата публикации

System And Method For Controlling Regeneration Within An After-treatment Component Of A Compression-ignition Engine

Номер: CN103206291A

Method for controlling regeneration within an after-treatment component of an engine comprises receiving an upstream temperature signal, receiving a downstream temperature signal, and calculating a temperature difference based on a difference between the upstream temperature signal and the downstream temperature signal. The temperature difference is compared to a predetermined temperature change limit to determine whether the temperature difference is less than or greater than the predetermined temperature change limit. If the temperature difference is less than the predetermined temperature change limit, an estimate of accumulated particulate matter in the after-treatment component is calculated using a primary soot accumulation model. If the temperature difference is greater than the predetermined temperature change limit, an estimate of accumulated particulate matter in the after-treatment component is calculated using a secondary soot accumulation model. The estimate of accumulated ...

10-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003073252A1

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002945317B1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

09-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002849675A1

Un moteur à combustion interne comprend : un moyen de calage de soupapes variable (200, 201) destiné à modifier un calage de soupape d'au moins l'une d'une soupape d'admission (60) et d'une soupape d'échappement (70), un moyen de détection de pression (230, 231) destiné à détecter une pression d'admission et une pression d'échappement du moteur à combustion interne qui pulse en association avec les actions du piston, de la soupape d'admission et de la soupape d'échappement, et un moyen de commande (250) destiné à régler le calage de soupapes sur la base d'une relation des amplitudes entre la pression d'admission et la pression d'échappement détectées par le moyen de détection de pression.

21-01-2005 дата публикации

False start detecting and unburnt exhaust gas mixture reintroducing method, involves passing mixture into return duct between seizure point in exhaust gas duct and catalyst in downstream, if presence of mixture is observed

Номер: FR0002857701A1

Procédé et dispositif pour détecter les ratés et réintroduire des mélanges de gaz d'échappement brûlés incomplètement dans un conduit de gaz d'échappement (1) raccordé à au moins une chambre de combustion (10) et une conduite de retour (6) ouverte ou fermée suivant le degré de combustion, par une installation de commande (7). On peut détecter rapidement les ratés et commander le retour de mélanges gazeux brûlés incomplètement, par une température ou variation de température des gaz d'échappement dépendant du degré de combustion dans la chambre de combustion (10) respective, et/ou une pression ou variation de pression de gaz d'échappement, au moins après un instant d'allumage avant l'instant d'allumage suivant. A partir de la déviation par rapport à une valeur normale et si l'on constate la présence d'un mélange de gaz d'échappement brûlé incomplètement, on fait passer ce mélange dans la conduite de retour (6) entre le point de saisie dans le conduit de gaz d'échappement (1) et un premier ...

27-06-2008 дата публикации

Intake manifold's boost pressure regulating method for internal combustion engine, involves controlling units to regulate exhaust gas pressure in upstream of turbine in below value of maximum pressure authorized in upstream of turbine

Номер: FR0002910542A3

Procédé de régulation de pression (P2mes) dans un collecteur d'admission (2) d'un moteur à combustion interne (3) doté d'un turbocompresseur haute pression (4) et d'un turbocompresseur basse pression (5), le procédé comprenant la mesure de la pression régnant dans le collecteur d'admission (P2mes) et la commande (13) des moyens mécaniques de réglage (14) de la pression des gaz d'échappement de manière à réguler la pression régnant dans le collecteur (2) autour d'une première valeur de consigne de pression d'admission (Cons P2). Le procédé étant caractérisé en ce : - qu'on évalue en outre une pression (P3mes) régnant en amont de l'une au moins des dites turbines (6, 7) ; - et on commande lesdits moyens mécaniques de réglage (14) de la pression des gaz d'échappement de manière à réguler ladite pression de gaz d'échappement (P3mes) en amont de l'une au moins des dites turbines (6, 7) en dessous d'une deuxième valeur de consigne de pression maximale autorisée en amont de l'une au moins des ...

28-11-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002455681A1

18-06-2010 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine i.e. diesel engine, controlling method for motor vehicle, involves calculating error between set point and actual value of thermodynamic parameter of combustion, and controlling engine based on error

Номер: FR0002939845A1

L'invention concerne un procédé de pilotage d'un moteur à combustion interne, comportant : a) une étape d'acquisition d'au moins un écart maximum relatif à la différence entre les émissions polluantes réelles du moteur et les émissions maximales autorisées, b) une étape de détermination d'une valeur de consigne (µCombcons) d'au moins un paramètre thermodynamique de la combustion dans le moteur à combustion interne en fonction dudit écart maximum, c) une étape de mesure sur le moteur à combustion interne d'une valeur réelle (µCombreel) dudit paramètre thermodynamique de combustion, d) une étape de calcul d'erreur (ε) entre ladite valeur de consigne et ladite valeur réelle dudit paramètre thermodynamique de combustion, e) une étape de pilotage du moteur à combustion interne en fonction de ladite erreur.

06-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002936277B1
Принадлежит: AUDI AG

06-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002955892B1
Принадлежит: RENAULT S.A.S.

09-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003059719B1

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002974392B1
Принадлежит: RENAULT S.A.S.

06-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003085430A1

10-03-2006 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine`s e.g. overfed diesel engine, boost pressure controlling method for motor vehicle, involves determining set point value of pressure in upstream of turbine of turbocompressor

Номер: FR0002874968A1

Dans le procédé de commande d'une pression de suralimentation dans un moteur (2) de véhicule comprenant un turbocompresseur (6), on détermine une valeur de consigne de pression en amont d'une turbine (8) du turbocompresseur.

12-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003053729A1

L'invention porte principalement sur un procédé de détection de présence d'un filtre à particules (24) dans une ligne d'échappement (26) d'un moteur à combustion interne (12), notamment d'un véhicule automobile, ladite ligne d'échappement (26) étant susceptible d'être pourvue d'un filtre à particules (24), caractérisé en ce que ledit moteur à combustion interne (12) étant équipé d'un compresseur électrique (13) pour comprimer l'air à l'admission, ledit procédé comporte: - une étape d'activation dudit compresseur électrique (13) pour créer un débit d'air dans ladite ligne d'échappement (26), - une étape de mesure d'une différence de pression en amont et en aval dudit filtre à particules (24), et - une étape de déduction de présence dudit filtre à particules (24) en fonction de ladite étape de mesure de différence de pression précédemment réalisée.

10-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002897109A1

Procédé de régulation d'une grandeur de sortie, réelle (Trq) d'un moteur à combustion interne sur une grandeur guide (W). En fonction d'au moins une grandeur physique (mA3,p3) dans la conduite des gaz d'échappement du moteur à combustion interne, on forme une valeur maximale (Mp3) de la grandeur guide (W) et on limite cette grandeur guide (W) à la valeur maximale (Mp3).

07-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002901845A1

Procédé de régulation de pression (P2mes) dans un collecteur d'admission (2) d'un moteur à combustion interne (3) doté d'un turbocompresseur haute pression (4) et d'un turbocompresseur basse pression (5), le procédé comprenant la mesure de la pression régnant dans le collecteur d'admission (P2mes) et la commande (13) des moyens mécaniques de réglage (14) de la pression des gaz d'échappement de manière à réguler la pression régnant dans le collecteur (2) autour d'une première valeur de consigne de pression d'admission (Cons P2). Le procédé étant caractérisé en ce : - qu'on évalue en outre une pression (P3mes) régnant en amont de l'une au moins des dites turbines (6, 7) ; - et on commande lesdits moyens mécaniques de réglage (14) de la pression des gaz d'échappement de manière à réguler ladite pression de gaz d'échappement (P3mes) en amont de l'une au moins des dites turbines (6, 7) en dessous d'une deuxième valeur de consigne de pression maximale autorisée en amont de l'une au moins des ...

10-12-2004 дата публикации

Particle filters load state determining process for internal combustion engine, involves determining pressure variation in upstream of filter in exhaust gas zone, and determining load state of filter from pressure variation

Номер: FR0002855847A1

Procédé pour déterminer l'état de charge avec une composante des gaz d'échappement d'un composant (20) installé dans la zone des gaz d'échappement (18) d'un moteur à combustion interne (10). On augmente le débit massique des gaz d'échappement (61) dans le moteur à combustion interne (10), on saisit une variation de pression dans la zone de gaz d'échappement (18) en amont du composant (20) et à partir de la variation de pression, on détermine l'état de charge du composant (20).

09-04-2010 дата публикации

Soot mass determining method for four-cylinder diesel engine of motor vehicle, involves determining estimated value of pressure by calculating average of measurements of pressure that are separated by time interval

Номер: FR0002936838A1

Dans un procédé de détermination de la masse de suies piégée dans un filtre à particules (8) monté dans la ligne d'échappement (6) d'un moteur à combustion interne (1) à pistons alternatifs, à partir d'estimations de la pression des gaz en amont du filtre ou à partir d'estimations de la pression différentielle entre l'amont et l'aval du filtre, on détermine chaque valeur estimée de pression en effectuant la moyenne de deux mesures obtenues par un capteur (14) ou un couple de capteurs de pression, les deux mesures de pression étant espacées d'un intervalle de temps qui est fonction du régime du moteur.

05-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002934638A1

Un moteur (1) à combustion interne comprenant au moins un cylindre (2) est équipé - d'une prise d'air atmosphérique (5) reliée à un conduit d'alimentation en air (20) dudit cylindre, - d'un réservoir d'air sous pression (3) apte à emmagasiner de l'air, relié directement ou indirectement audit conduit d'alimentation en air (20), et relié directement audit cylindre (2) par un conduit direct (9), - d'une ligne d'échappement (15) équipée d'un catalyseur (16), - d'une unité de commande électronique (UCE) (13) apte à gérer le fonctionnement du moteur (1) alternativement soit en mode exclusivement pneumatique, soit en mode totalement ou partiellement thermique. L'unité de commande électronique est en outre apte à piloter, lors d'au moins un mode de fonctionnement thermique du moteur, une injection d'air provenant du réservoir (3) et arrivant dans la ligne d'échappement (15) sans avoir subi les phases successives de compression-combustion dans un cylindre (2).

21-02-1992 дата публикации

Process of ordering of the pressure of overfeeding in a combustion engine internesuralimenté by a turbocompressor with geometry of adjustable turbine and device for the implementation duprocédé

Номер: FR0002665928A1

L'invention décrit un procédé pour, dans un moteur à combustion interne suralimenté par un turbocompresseur dont le mécanisme directeur de turbine est réglable, régler la pression de suralimentation à une consigne prédéterminée de pression de suralimentation, dépendante du point de fonctionnement. L'invention propose qu'à la suite d'une alternance positive de charge pendant le fonctionnement transitoire, en dessous d'une valeur de seuil prédéterminée pour la contre-pression des gaz d'échappement en amont de la turbine (3), la pression de suralimentation soit réglée selon une première courbe caractéristique correspondant à l'écart momentané effectif entre la valeur réelle et la consigne de pression de suralimentation, et, à la suite du dépassement de cette valeur de seuil pour la contre-pression des gaz d'échappement, de la régler en allouant au circuit de réglage de pression de suralimentation des écarts de réglage fictifs, selon une courbe caractéristique particulière.

16-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100668555B1

27-06-2017 дата публикации

Controlling a compression release brake

Номер: BR112014030742A2

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013159899A1

The invention relates to a method for operating an internal combustion engine, in particular a diesel internal combustion engine, having supercharging (300) with exhaust-gas recirculation, an engine with a number of cylinders, and supercharging control with an outer master controller (111, 112) and a cascaded inner secondary controller (113, MIMO), the control variables (191, 192, 193, 194) of which are based at least on a charge-air variable and an exhaust-gas variable of the supercharging, wherein the supercharging is assigned a first manipulated variable (195) which sets the charge air and a second manipulated variable (196) which sets the exhaust gas, by means of the supercharging control.

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013190365A3
Автор: LEGRAND, Agnès

The invention relates to a method for comparing and reducing the polluting emissions of a motor vehicle, comprising the steps involving: by means of a probe for analysing exhaust gases, detecting the emissions of a vehicle during a test of the engine under given running conditions; establishing an actual footprint corresponding to the vehicle on which the emissions are measured; comparing the actual footprint obtained to a standard footprint corresponding to the vehicle on which the emissions are measured; depending on the deviations measured between the two footprints, determining a corrective action to be carried out on the vehicle in order to reduce the polluting emissions of same.

07-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: WO1999050539A2

A device (a silencer) for silencing a flow, comprises at least one acoustic chamber through-flowed by gas, e.g., exhaust gas, at least one inlet pipe and at least one pipe or passage interconnecting two chambers or a chamber and an exterior environment or chamber and is designed with such cross-sectional area transitions between passages and the chambers that the sound attenuation achieved by the device is high while the pressure drop across the silencer is low and that high attenuation at low characteristic frequencies of flow systems comprising the device are obtained. One or more diffusers and/or monolithic bodies or catalysts may be comprised in the device. The passages may be curved or helical so as to allow for a low natural frequency. Embodiments with resonance chambers attenuating at selected frequencies are disclosed. A method for operating a vehicle comprising a combustion engine and a silencing system is disclosed.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014055177A1
Автор: TIMMONS, Adam

Artificial aspiration methods and systems for increasing engine efficiency and or power. The methods include determining an engine operation status, determining an artificial aspiration goal value based on the engine operating status, determining an artificial aspiration system configuration based on the artificial aspiration goal value and the engine operating status, and configuring the artificial aspiration system to obtain the determined artificial aspiration system configuration. The system includes a plurality of sensors for sensing characteristics of an operating engine, and an artificial aspiration control unit comprising a processor connected to receive the sensed characteristics of the engine. On one example, the processor is configured to determine the engine operating status, determine an artificial aspiration goal value based on the engine operating status, determine an artificial aspiration system configuration based on the artificial aspiration goal value and the engine operating ...

12-04-2007 дата публикации

System and method for high pressure and low pressure exhaust gas recirculation control and estimation

Номер: US20070079614A1

A system for a diesel engine having an intake manifold and an exhaust manifold, comprising a turbocharger coupled between the intake and exhaust manifolds of the engine; a low pressure exhaust gas recirculation system with a first end coupled to the exhaust manifold downstream of the turbocharger and a second end coupled to the intake manifold upstream of the turbocharger, said low pressure exhaust gas recirculation having a first valve coupled thereto for regulating flow; a high pressure exhaust gas recirculation system with a first end coupled to the exhaust manifold upstream of the turbocharger and a second end coupled to the intake manifold downstream of the turbocharger, said high pressure exhaust gas recirculation having a second valve coupled thereto for regulating flow; a first mass airflow sensor coupled in the engine intake manifold upstream of said second end of said low pressure exhaust gas recirculation system; a second mass airflow sensor coupled in the engine intake manifold ...

18-08-2005 дата публикации

Cylinder intake air quantity determination device

Номер: US20050178361A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

A cylinder intake air quantity determination device is configured to calculate a manifold internal air quantity based on an inflow air quantity and an outflow air quantity of an intake manifold. Then, a manifold internal pressure is calculated based on the manifold internal air quantity and an intake air temperature, and a cylinder internal pressure corresponding to a crank angle is calculated based on the previous cylinder intake air quantity. The cylinder intake air quantity is then calculated based on the manifold internal pressure, the cylinder internal pressure, and the intake air temperature. Thus, the cylinder intake air quantity determination device is configured to calculate the cylinder intake air quantity with a good precision.

28-06-2005 дата публикации

System for controlling particulate filter temperature

Номер: US0006910329B2
Принадлежит: Cummins, Inc., CUMMINS INC, CUMMINS, INC.

A system for controlling the temperature of a particulate filter coupled to an exhaust outlet of an internal combustion engine includes a controller responsive to volumetric flow and temperature of exhaust gas to determine a filter regeneration parameter. In a hybrid electric-engine vehicle application, various control strategies are implemented as a function of the regeneration parameter to control exhaust gas temperature suitably for proper regeneration of the particulate filter. Such strategies include shifting the duty cycle of the engine toward lower engine speed operation along lines of constant power output, modifying the ratio of electrical power and engine power and controlling recharging of the battery supplying electrical energy to the vehicle's electric drive motor under vehicle deceleration conditions. In vehicle applications including a transmission coupled directly to the engine, shift points of the transmission are modified as a function of the regeneration parameter to ...

11-01-2005 дата публикации

Exhaust diaphragm assembly

Номер: US0006840095B1

The present invention, in one aspect, includes a diaphragm assembly for being connected between an engine exhaust path and an engine electronic control unit to transmit changes in exhaust gas pressure from the exhaust path to the control unit. In an exemplary embodiment, the diaphragm assembly includes a diaphragm housing and a diaphragm positioned in the housing and separating a first chamber and a second chamber. The first chamber is configured to be in flow communication with the exhaust path and the second chamber is configured to be in flow communication with the engine control unit. The diaphragm housing, in the exemplary embodiment, includes a first housing member and a second housing member. An inner surface of the first housing member also is a side wall of the first chamber, and the inner surface has a conical shape to facilitate drainage of water from the first chamber. Also, the first chamber has a first volume and said second chamber has a second volume. The first volume is ...

08-07-2008 дата публикации

Control system for internal combustion engine

Номер: US0007398149B2

A control system for an internal combustion engine having a compressor wheel and a turbine wheel connected with the compressor wheel and rotationally driven by kinetic energy of exhaust gases from the engine, an exhaust gas flow rate changing device for changing a flow rate of exhaust gases injected to the turbine wheel, an exhaust gas recirculation passage for recirculating the exhaust gases to an intake pipe of the engine, and an exhaust gas recirculation control valve disposed in the exhaust gas recirculation passage. An exhaust pressure is detected, and a value of an intake gas parameter is obtained. A target value of the exhaust pressure and a target value of the intake pipe gas parameter are calculated. A control amount of the exhaust gas flow rate changing device and an opening control amount of the exhaust gas recirculation control valve are calculated using a model predictive control.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114748A1

A method for controlling the combustion behavior of an engine is provided. The engine is equipped with a plurality of actuators that influence combustion in the engine. The method includes receiving a target value for each of a plurality of charge air properties. The method further includes communicating signals operative to control the plurality of actuators so as to urge the actual values of the charge air properties to their target values.

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170145935A1

An internal combustion engine includes a number of cylinders and a controller operably connected to interpret operating parameters related to the operation of the number of cylinders. A cylinder torque adjustment for each cylinder is determined from the operating parameters to provide a torque balancing response that reduces noise, vibration and/or harshness in engine operation. 112-. (canceled)13. A method , comprising:operating an internal combustion engine having a plurality of cylinders;determining an indicated torque for each, of the plurality of cylinders;determining a pumping torque for each of the plurality of cylinders;determining a net torque for each of the plurality of cylinder from a difference between the indicated torque and the pumping torque;determining a base torque from the net torques of the plurality of cylinders;determining a torque adjustment for each of the plurality of cylinders as a function of the net torque for the cylinder and the base torque; andcontrolling a torque output of each of the plurality of cylinders in response to the torque adjustment for each of the plurality of cylinders.14. The method of claim 13 , further comprising:outputting exhaust gas from at least one primary exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cylinder to an FOR manifold connected to the at least one primary EGR cylinder and to an intake passage of the internal combustion engine; andoutputting exhaust gas from remaining ones of the plurality of cylinders to an exhaust manifold connected to an exhaust system.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the indicated torque for each cylinder is determined as a function of a speed of the internal combustion engine claim 14 , a fraction of exhaust gas in a charge flow to the cylinder claim 14 , a nominal spark timing of the cylinder claim 14 , and an air amount in the cylinder.16. The method of claim 15 , wherein the pumping torque for each cylinder is determined as a function of the speed of the internal combustion engine claim ...

23-02-2021 дата публикации

Methods and systems for oil leak determination and/or mitigation

Номер: US0010927782B2

Methods and systems are provided for a dual function imaging device. In one example, a method may comprise imaging exhaust gas outside of a reverse engine condition via the imaging device. The imaging device may image a surrounding area during the reverse engine condition.

02-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001904724A1

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust gas cleaning system for engineering vehicle

Номер: US20120047883A1

An exhaust gas cleaning system is provided in an engineering vehicle such as a hydraulic excavator. During automatic regeneration, when a gate lock lever 5 is in a locked state and work is not performed, the exhaust gas temperature detected by the exhaust temperature detecting device 37 may be lower than the threshold value, so temperature-rising assistance is started as follows. The minimum engine output PS 1 (pump discharge pressure P 1 and pump discharge amount Q 1 ) is brought to engine output PS 2 (pump discharge pressure P 2 and pump discharge amount Q 2 ). In this way, a hydraulic load is applied to an engine to thereby increase exhaust gas temperature. When the work is resumed during the regeneration, an operator pulls down the gate lock lever to the first position A, and the engine output is returned to PS 1. Thus, the temperature-rising assistance is stopped, however the automatic regeneration is continued.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust gas pressure loss calculation device for engine

Номер: US20120192635A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

An object of the present invention is to provide a corrected exhaust gas pressure loss calculation device which corrects an exhaust gas pressure loss that varies from moment to moment in accordance with engine operating conditions to a corrected exhaust gas pressure loss that can be used directly in control. The present invention converts an exhaust gas pressure into the corrected exhaust gas pressure loss, which is an exhaust gas pressure loss under a reference condition, from a relationship between an exhaust gas mass flow rate and an exhaust gas mass flow rate under the reference condition, a relationship between an exhaust gas temperature and an exhaust gas temperature under the reference condition, a relationship between the exhaust gas pressure and an exhaust gas pressure under the reference condition, and a relationship between an exhaust gas viscosity coefficient under a condition of the exhaust gas temperature and a viscosity coefficient of a viscous gas under the reference condition.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for operating a turbocharger arrangement and control unit for a turbocharger arrangement

Номер: US20120210710A1

A method for operating a turbocharger arrangement of an internal combustion engine, the turbocharger arrangement comprising a low-pressure and a high-pressure turbocharging stage arranged sequentially, the low-pressure turbo-charging stage comprising a low-pressure turbine with a sensorless low-pressure turbine bypass valve, is provided. The method comprises evaluating at least one sensor signal of the turbocharger arrangement for detecting a failure mode of the sensorless low-pressure turbine bypass valve. In this way, the low-pressure turbine bypass valve may be monitored for degradation without utilizing a position sensor.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Accumulated ash correction during soot mass estimation in a vehicle exhaust aftertreatment device

Номер: US20140033679A1

A method of correcting a soot mass estimate in a vehicle exhaust aftertreatment device includes monitoring an exhaust gas pressure drop across a particulate filter included with the vehicle exhaust aftertreatment device. Following the detection of a pressure drop, a controller may determine a soot mass estimate from the monitored pressure drop; determine an ash volume estimate representative of an amount of ash within the particulate filter; determine an ash correction factor from the soot mass estimate and the ash volume estimate; and calculate a corrected soot mass value by multiplying the ash correction factor with the soot mass estimate. If the corrected soot mass value exceeds a threshold, the controller may generate a corresponding particulate filter regeneration request.

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Vent Insert

Номер: US20220003153A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Flow Engineering Inc

A vent insert is disclosed for use with an automotive turbocharger system. The vent has a substantially cylindrical hollow tube with a first end for seating the vent and a second open end. The first end has a rim around an opening. The second end of the vent has an angled opening that faces away from the direction of the gas flow when the vent insert is operating within the turbocharger system. There are a plurality of protrusions extending outward from the outside surface of the vent to assist in keeping the vent insert in place in the turbocharger system.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003123A1
Автор: MITSUDA Tetsuji

A control apparatus of an internal combustion engine having an injector which directly injects fuel into a combustion chamber of a cylinder and a spark plug which ignites an air-fuel mixture containing the fuel injected by the injector includes an air-fuel ratio acquisition unit acquiring an air-fuel ratio of the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber, a nitrogen oxide concentration acquisition unit acquiring a concentration of nitrogen oxide in a combustion gas exhausted from the internal combustion engine, and a stratification level estimation unit estimating a level of stratification as a measure of level of distribution of the air-fuel mixture at a predetermined air-fuel ratio or below in a vicinity of the spark plug. The stratification level estimation unit estimates the level of stratification according to the air-fuel ratio acquired by the air-fuel ratio acquisition unit and the concentration of nitrogen oxide acquired by the nitrogen oxide concentration acquisition unit. 1. A control apparatus of an internal combustion engine having an injector which directly injects fuel into a combustion chamber of a cylinder , and a spark plug which ignites an air-fuel mixture containing the fuel injected by the injector , comprising:an air-fuel ratio acquisition unit acquiring an air-fuel ratio of the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber;a nitrogen oxide concentration acquisition unit acquiring a concentration of nitrogen oxide in a combustion gas exhausted from the internal combustion engine; anda stratification level estimation unit estimating a level of stratification as a measure of level of distribution of the air-fuel mixture at a predetermined air-fuel ratio or below in a vicinity of the spark plug,wherein the stratification level estimation unit estimates the level of stratification according to the air-fuel ratio acquired by the air-fuel ratio acquisition unit and the concentration of nitrogen oxide acquired by the nitrogen oxide concentration ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003088A1

Using machine learning for cylinder misfire detection in a dynamic firing level modulation controlled internal combustion engine is described. In a classification embodiment, cylinder misfires are differentiated from intentional skips based on a measured exhaust manifold pressure. In a regressive model embodiment, the measured exhaust manifold pressure is compared to a predicted exhaust manifold pressure generated by neural network in response to one or more inputs indicative of the operation of the vehicle. Based on the comparison, a prediction is made if a misfire has occurred or not. In yet other alternative embodiment, angular crank acceleration is used as well for misfire detection. 1. A vehicle , comprising:an internal combustion engine having a plurality of pistons operating within a plurality of cylinders respectively;a dynamic firing level modulation module arranged to operate the internal combustion engine in a dynamic firing level modulation mode;an exhaust manifold fluidly coupled to outputs of the plurality of pistons and arrange to provide exhaust gases from the plurality of cylinders to an aftertreatment system; anda machine learning module arranged to:(a) receive a measured exhaust manifold pressure signal indicative of the pressure in the exhaust manifold; and(b) detect a misfire of one of the cylinders while operating in the dynamic firing level modulation mode, the machine learning module arranged to detect the misfire of the one cylinder by learning to differentiate between the intentional skipping or modulation of the one cylinder versus an actual misfire of the one cylinder at least partially based on the received measured exhaust manifold pressure signal indicative of the pressure in the exhaust manifold.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the machine learning module includes a neural network arranged to rely on a first distribution model for exhaust manifold pressure readings for successful cylinder firings and a second distribution model for ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010744A1

Using machine learning for cylinder misfire detection in a dynamic firing level modulation controlled internal combustion engine is described. In a classification embodiment, cylinder misfires are differentiated from intentional skips based on a measured exhaust manifold pressure. In a regressive model embodiment, the measured exhaust manifold pressure is compared to a predicted exhaust manifold pressure generated by neural network in response to one or more inputs indicative of the operation of the vehicle. Based on the comparison, a prediction is made if a misfire has occurred or not. In yet other alternative embodiment, angular crank acceleration is used as well for misfire detection. 1. A system , comprising:an internal combustion engine having a plurality of cylinders;a skip fire engine controller arranged to operate the cylinders of the internal combustion engine in a skip fire manner, the skip fire operation involving firing the cylinders during some working cycles and skipping the cylinders during other working cycles; a first model of exhaust pressures indicative of successful firings of the cylinders of the internal combustion engine; and', 'a second model of exhaust pressures indicative of successful skips of the cylinders of the internal combustion engine; and, 'a storage unit arranged to storea neural network arranged to generate fault signals for working cycles of the cylinders that were either unsuccessfully fired or unsuccessfully skipped by comparing a measured exhaust pressure with (a) the first model for fire commands and (b) the second model for skip commands.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first model includes:a first distribution range of exhaust pressures for successful firings;a second distribution range of exhaust pressures for unsuccessful firings; anda threshold exhaust pressure between the first distribution range and the second distribution range.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the neural network makes a decision to generate a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Exhaust gas purification system of working machine

Номер: US20190010843A1
Автор: Kenta Saitou
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co Ltd

An exhaust gas purification system of a working machine is operable to reduce a loss of a working time caused by a point that it takes a long time to renew an exhaust gas purification device by throttle devices. The exhaust gas purification system of the working machine is provided with a common rail type engine which is mounted to the working machine, an exhaust gas purification device which is arranged in an exhaust system of the engine, and at least one of the intake air throttle device and the exhaust gas throttle device. It is provided with mode selection input means which selects whether an auxiliary renewing mode is executed or a forced renewing mode is executed in the case that a clogged state of the exhaust gas purification device is equal to or more than a prescribed level.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Takeoff power boost

Номер: US20210010436A1
Принадлежит: Bell Textron Inc

Embodiments are directed to boosting aircraft engine performance for takeoff and critical mission segments by reducing airflow used for cooling exhaust gases. The airflow is reduced by stopping an accessory blower or by closing an external air vent. Eliminating the cooling airflow to the exhaust has the effect of lowering the backpressure on the engine, which thereby increases maximum engine power.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010438A1

A turbocharger system () of a combustion engine () comprises a turbocharger turbine () operable by exhaust gases, a valve () configured to control gas flow of pressurized gas from a pressurized gas reservoir () to the turbocharger turbine (), and a sensor (). Turbocharger system operation comprises injecting a test pulse of pressurized gas from the pressurized gas reservoir () to drive the turbocharger turbine () by means of controlling the valve (), detecting an impact of injected pressurized gas on the turbocharger turbine () by means of the sensor (), collecting data from the sensor (), and diagnosing the turbocharger system () by evaluating an operational response of the turbocharger turbine () as a result of the injected test pulse of pressurized gas, based on the collected data. 2. A method according to claim 1 , characterized by that the step of evaluating the operational response of the turbocharger turbine comprises the further step ofcomparing the data collected after the test pulse has been injected to data collected before the test pulse is injected.3. (canceled)5. A method according to claim 4 , characterized by the further steps of when a current delay time has been determined claim 4 ,injecting a control pulse of pressurized gas from the pressurized gas reservoir to drive the turbocharger turbine, wherein the control pulse is longer than the current delay time,detecting impact of injected pressurized gas on the turbocharger turbine by means of the sensor,collecting data from the sensor, andevaluating if the operational response as a result of the injected control pulse indicates that the turbocharger system operates as expected.6. A method according to claim 4 , characterized by the further step ofstoring current delay time as a stored system delay time, whereby stored system delay time is used to optimize operation of the turbocharger system.7. A method according to claim 6 , characterized by the further step ofcorrelating and storing the stored ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Control device of engine and control method of engine

Номер: US20190010862A1
Автор: Tsuyoshi Matsuda
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

An engine includes a variable compression-ratio mechanism adapted to change a compression ratio of an engine and a supercharger adapted to supply a compressed air to the engine. An engine control device that controls the engine controls the variable compression-ratio mechanism by setting target compression ratio such that the higher responsiveness of a supercharging pressure rise by the supercharger is, the lower the target compression ratio is.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Exhaust Gas Purifying Apparatus

Номер: US20150017070A1
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co Ltd

Provided is an exhaust gas purifying apparatus capable of making a filter entrance temperature reach a target temperature while suppressing excessive temperature increases and release of THC even upon extension of the exhaust path or decreases in outside air temperature. The exhaust gas purifying apparatus includes an oxidation catalyst 18 and a filter 19 that are placed in an exhaust path 5 of an engine 1 , a fuel injection device 13 for injecting fuel in accordance with a fuel injection pattern, and a control device 50 configured to be capable of setting the fuel injection pattern including post-injection, wherein an upper-limit value of post-injection quantity increases with decreasing outside air temperature and/or with elongating path length of the exhaust path 5.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015326A1

A working vehicle includes an engine, a pair of right and left traveling portions rotated by a power of the engine, a pair of right and left brake operation devices for respectively operating to brake the traveling portions, an engine controller which controls driving of the engine, and a control mode selection switch which can alternatively select the isochronous control and the droop control. The engine controller selects any of an isochronous control and a droop control so as to control the engine. In the case that the isochronous control is designated by the control mode selection switch, the engine is controlled according to the isochronous control when one of the right and left brake operation devices is under a non-operation state, and the engine is controlled according to the droop control when both of the right and left brake operation devices are under an operation state. 1. A working vehicle comprising:an engine which is mounted to a travel machine body;a pair of right and left traveling portions which are rotated by a power of the engine;a pair of right and left brake operation devices for respectively operating to brake the pair of right and left traveling portions;an engine controller which controls driving of the engine; andthe engine controller selecting any of an isochronous control and a droop control so as to control the engine,wherein the working vehicle has a control mode selection switch which can alternatively select the isochronous control and the droop control, andwherein in the case that the isochronous control is designated by the control mode selection switch, the engine is controlled according to the isochronous control when one of the right and left brake operation devices is under a non-operation state, and the engine is controlled according to the droop control when both of the right and left brake operation devices are under an operation state.2. The working vehicle according to claim 1 ,wherein the engine controller stores a ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017450A1

A method for determining the quantity of filling components in a cylinder of an internal combustion engine. The cylinder is connected to an air supply via an inlet valve and to an exhaust gas conduit via an outlet valve. The method includes the steps of obtaining an exhaust gas back pressure at a specified point in time when the outlet valve is opened during a work cycle of the internal combustion engine and calculating the quantity of the filling components at the specified point in time on the basis of the obtained exhaust gas back pressure. A controller is also provided for carrying out the method and a motor vehicle is also provided that includes the controller. 1. A method for determining a quantity of a charge component in a cylinder of an internal combustion engine , wherein the cylinder is connected by an intake valve to an air inlet and by an exhaust valve to an exhaust duct , the method comprising:obtaining an exhaust gas back pressure at a predetermined point in time during an operating cycle of the internal combustion engine when the exhaust valve is open; andcalculating the quantity of the charge component at the predetermined point in time based on the exhaust gas back pressure obtained.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined point in time during the operating cycle is a point in time when the intake valve is open.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the quantity of the charge component includes a residual gas quantity claim 1 , a fresh air quantity claim 1 , and/or a scavenging air quantity.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein there is a predetermined relationship between the exhaust gas back pressure at the predetermined point in time and the quantity of the charge component.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the quantity of the charge component is additionally dependent on a state parameter of the internal combustion engine.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the quantity of the charge ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024552A1

Methods and systems are provided for adjusting engine compression ratio (CR) and spark timing to attain particulate filter (PF) regeneration temperature. In one example, a method may include, in response to PF load reaching a threshold and PF temperature being lower than the PF regeneration temperature, lowering the CR and then selectively adjusting spark timing based on an estimated residual gas fraction (RGF) at the lower CR. 1. A method , comprising:responsive to each of a higher than threshold load and a lower than threshold temperature at an exhaust particulate filter (PF),selectively lowering an engine compression ratio (CR), mechanically, via a variable compression ratio (VCR) mechanism; andselectively adjusting spark timing based on each of a PF temperature and an estimated residual gas fraction (RGF) at the lower CR.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the estimated RGF includes a fraction of residuals remaining after completion of an exhaust stroke in each engine cylinder claim 1 , the method further comprising claim 1 , estimating the RGF at the lower CR based on each of an exhaust pressure measured upstream of the PF claim 1 , and the lower CR.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein selectively lowering the CR includes claim 2 , in response to a torque converter being in a locked position claim 2 , lowering the CR from a current CR to a lowest possible CR claim 2 , and in response to the torque converter being in an unlocked position claim 2 , maintaining the CR at the current CR.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein selectively adjusting spark timing includes claim 3 , in response to the PF temperature at the lower CR being higher than the threshold temperature claim 3 , maintaining the spark timing at maximum brake torque (MBT) timing claim 3 , and in response to the PF temperature at the lower CR being lower than the threshold temperature claim 3 , retarding spark timing to a first spark timing based on a difference between the threshold temperature and the PF ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine and method to increase the temperature of a liquid in the internal combustion engine

Номер: US20200025119A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

A method, controller, and internal combustion engine including the controller and operable in accordance with the method by: determining a temperature of a working liquid in an engine block circuit ( 31, 35 ) of the internal combustion engine ( 10 ), the working liquid comprising a cooling liquid or a lubrication liquid; operating the internal combustion engine ( 10 ); engaging a thermal load responsive to the temperature of the liquid being below a first temperature threshold, wherein engaging the thermal load comprises at least one of increasing a pumping load of the internal combustion engine ( 10 ), or changing an air/fuel ratio, thereby adding heat to the engine block circuit ( 31, 35 ); controlling the thermal load as a function of the temperature of the liquid; and disengaging at least a portion of the thermal load responsive to the temperature of the liquid being above the low temperature limit.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030284A1
Автор: Tanaka Satoru

Respective learned values of four parameters, that are an intake valve working angle deviation amount, an exhaust valve working angle deviation amount, an intake valve timing deviation amount and an exhaust pressure loss deviation amount, are calculated based on learned values of an intake valve flow rate error that are obtained under at least four different operating conditions. A correction amount with respect to an intake valve flow rate that is calculated with an intake valve model equation is calculated based on respective learned values of the four parameters using an intake valve flow rate error model equation in which coefficients are represented by functions of state quantities of an engine that include an engine speed and an intake pipe pressure. 1. A control device for an internal combustion engine equipped with an air flow sensor and an intake pipe pressure sensor that is configured to estimate an intake valve flow rate based on an estimated value or a measured value of an intake pipe pressure using an intake valve model equation in which an intake valve flow rate is represented by a linear expression that adopts an intake pipe pressure as a variable , the control device comprising:an error learning unit that is configured to learn, under at least four different operating conditions of the internal combustion engine, an intake valve flow rate error that is an error between a first intake valve flow rate obtained by inputting a measured value of an intake pipe pressure that is measured by the intake pipe pressure sensor into the intake valve model equation and a second intake valve flow rate that is calculated based on a measured value of a fresh air flow rate that is measured by the air flow sensor;a parameter learned value calculating unit that is configured to use an intake valve flow rate error model equation in which the intake valve flow rate error is represented by a polynomial expression comprising a first order term of a first parameter that is ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033034A1

A method and a device for regulating the pressure of the combustion gas and/or exhaust gas of a machine, in particular an internal combustion engine. The combustion gas is supplied to the machine via a supply line and is discharged via an exhaust gas line, and the supply line and/or the exhaust gas line has a regulating device, the regulating device delimiting a pressure-regulated section of the supply line and/or the exhaust gas line, and wherein the pressure in each pressure-regulated section is measured at more than one point. 1. A method for regulating pressure of a combustion gas and/or exhaust gas of a machine , the combustion gas being supplied to the machine via a supply line and being discharged via an exhaust gas line , the supply line and/or the exhaust gas line having a regulating device , the regulating device delimiting a pressure-regulated section of the supply line and/or of the exhaust gas line ,whereinin each pressure-regulated section the pressure is measured at more than one point in order to reduce the effects of resonances, fluctuations and pressure waves on the pressure measurement, the pressure in each pressure-regulated section being adjusted on the basis of a weighted arithmetic mean value of the pressures measured at a plurality of points in the pressure-regulated section by regulation of the regulating device.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure in each pressure-regulated section is kept substantially constant.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure regulation in the pressure-regulated section in question is carried out on a basis of a time mean value of the measured pressures claim 1 , the mean value being formed over a period of time which is equal to or greater than a period of a resonance of a standing pressure wave in the pressure-regulated section in question.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure in the pressure-regulated section is measured at exactly three points.5. The ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

System and method for controlling exhaust braking in a vehicle

Номер: US20150040859A1

A system and method can control exhaust braking in a vehicle. The vehicle includes an engine system. The engine system includes internal combustion engine, an intake manifold, a control module, an exhaust system, and a variable geometry turbocharger (VGT) having a turbine. The turbine includes turbine blades and vanes movable with respect to the turbine blades. The method includes the following: (a) receiving an exhaust brake torque request; (b) determining target pumping losses in the internal combustion engine based on the exhaust brake torque request; (c) determining a target exhaust gas pressure within the exhaust system based on the target pumping losses; and (d) determining a target vane position of the vanes based on the target exhaust gas pressure, wherein the target vane position yields an exhaust brake torque in accordance with the exhaust brake torque request.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037786A1

Methods and systems are provided for mitigating excessive exhaust pressures in an engine. In one example, a method may include adjusting an intake throttle responsive to exhaust pressure upstream of an exhaust turbine being higher than a threshold without reducing boost level. In this way, boost pressures may be maintained while reducing exhaust pressures. 1. A method for an engine , comprising:adjusting an intake throttle responsive to pre-turbine exhaust pressure greater than a threshold without reducing boost level and while maintaining valve timing.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pre-turbine exhaust pressure is a predicted pressure.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the pre-turbine exhaust pressure is modeled based on a post-turbine exhaust manifold pressure.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the engine includes a soot filter coupled downstream of a turbocharger turbine claim 3 , and wherein the pre-turbine exhaust pressure is further modeled based on soot load of the soot filter and the boost level.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the pre-turbine exhaust pressure is further modeled based on one or more of engine air flow claim 4 , exhaust flow claim 4 , spark timing claim 4 , air-fuel ratio claim 4 , cam timing claim 4 , manifold temperature claim 4 , vehicle speed claim 4 , and manifold pressure.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the post-turbine exhaust manifold pressure is estimated by an exhaust pressure sensor.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adjusting includes reducing an opening of the intake throttle until the pre-turbine exhaust pressure is below the threshold claim 1 , the threshold based on a pressure required to force open a closed exhaust valve.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the adjusting includes reducing an opening of the intake throttle for a threshold duration claim 7 , and responsive to the pre-turbine exhaust pressure remaining greater than the threshold after the threshold duration claim 7 , reducing boost level by ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038295A1

An internal-combustion engine includes an EGR device that recirculates a portion of exhaust gas, as EGR gas, from an exhaust passage to an intake passage through an EGR valve. A control device for the control device is configured to perform: EGR ratio estimation processing that calculates, by using an estimation model, an estimated EGR ratio; and estimation model update processing that updates the estimation model. The estimation model is configured to calculate the estimated EGR ratio based on a pressure parameter being a ratio of or a difference between gas pressures upstream and downstream of the EGR valve. The pressure parameter is represented by a pressure parameter model that is updatable. The estimation model update processing includes: calculating an actual EGR ratio; and updating the pressure parameter model such that the estimated EGR ratio becomes closer to the actual EGR ratio. 1. A control device for an internal-combustion engine ,the internal-combustion engine comprising an EGR device configured to recirculate a portion of exhaust gas, as EGR gas, from an exhaust passage to an intake passage through an EGR valve,the control device being configured to perform:EGR ratio estimation processing that calculates, by using an estimation model, an estimated EGR ratio being an estimate of an EGR ratio; andestimation model update processing that updates the estimation model, whereinthe estimation model is configured to calculate the estimated EGR ratio based on a pressure parameter being a ratio of or a difference between gas pressures upstream and downstream of the EGR valve,the pressure parameter is represented by a pressure parameter model that is updatable, andthe estimation model update processing includes:calculating an actual EGR ratio; andupdating the pressure parameter model such that the estimated EGR ratio becomes closer to the actual EGR ratio.2. The control device for the internal-combustion engine according to claim 1 , whereinthe pressure parameter ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047601A1
Автор: HELLEMANN Fabian

A method and system to control an engine brake of a vehicle is provided. The vehicle is provided with a combustion engine having cylinders, an exhaust pressure governor (EPG) regulating the air flow out of the cylinders, an intake air throttle valve (ITV) regulating the air flow into the cylinders, pressure sensing means for sensing a pressure downstream of the cylinders, wherein an engine braking torque can be regulated in two different engine braking modes (a, b), a first engine braking mode (a), in which the air flow through the EPG is regulated by a closed loop control using the pressure downstream of the cylinders and the ITV is regulated in a feed forward control dependent of the engine speed and a demanded brake torque; a second engine braking mode (b), in which the EPG is regulated in a feed forward control dependent of the engine speed and the demanded brake torque, and the my regulates the braking torque by a closed loop control using the pressure downstream of the cylinders. 1. Method to control an engine brake of a vehicle , the vehicle is provided with a combustion engine having cylinders , an exhaust pressure governor (EPG) regulating the air flow out of the cylinders , an intake air throttle valve (ITV) regulating the an flow into the cylinders , pressure sensing means for sensing a pressure downstream of the cylinders , wherein an engine braking torque can be regulated in two different engine braking modes (a , b) ,a first engine braking mode (a), in which the air flow through the EPG is regulated by a closed loop control using the pressure downstream of the cylinders and the ITV is regulated in a feed forward control dependent of the engine speed and a demanded brake torque;a second engine braking mode (b), in which the EPG is regulated in a feed forward control dependent of the engine speed and the demanded brake torque, and the ITV regulates the braking torque by a closed loop control using the pressure downstream of the cylinders.2. Method ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Learning of egr valve lift and egr valve flow transfer function

Номер: US20150053186A1

Methods and systems are provided for improving accuracy of delta pressure over valve (DPOV) based EGR flow measurement during low valve lift conditions by learning errors in EGR valve lift and/or EGR valve flow transfer function.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Method for determining the cylinder air-charge of an internal combustion engine in a non-fired operation

Номер: US20210054793A1
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG

A method for determining the cylinder air-charge of an internal combustion engine in a non-fired operation, wherein a method for determining the cylinder air-charge in a fired operation is performed. According to the invention, provision is made that in the method for determining the cylinder air-charge in the fired operation, a correction factor is provided as a function of engine speed and engine load which adjusts the value of the cylinder air-charge determined by the method in the fired operation to the non-fired operation. Thus, the previously known methods can be improved and made more efficient, in particular in view of the deviations of up to 30% between the cylinder air-charge values in the non-fired operation and the modeled values of the fired operation.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062736A1

A method and control unit for cylinder equalization of an internal combustion engine having at least two cylinders, and includes the following steps: Determination of exhaust gas back pressure values of the individual cylinders over at least two operating cycles, correlation of the exhaust gas back pressure values with the camshaft position and/or the operating cycle, determination of the exhaust gas back pressure maxima for each cylinder, comparison of the exhaust gas back pressure maxima between the individual cylinders and detection of differences, adjustment of the cylinder-specific charge quantities of fresh air and/or fuel. In addition, the invention relates to a controller for carrying out the method and a motor vehicle having such a controller. The method improves the previously known methods and makes them more efficient, especially with regard to the efficiency of the combustion process and thus also of exhaust-gas aftertreatment. 1. A method for cylinder equalization of an internal combustion engine having at least two cylinders , the method comprising:determining exhaust gas back pressure values of individual cylinders over at least two operating cycles;correlating the exhaust gas back pressure values with a camshaft position and/or an operating cycle;determining an exhaust gas back pressure maxima for each cylinder;comparing the exhaust gas back pressure maxima between the individual cylinders and detecting differences; andadjusting the cylinder-specific charge quantities of fresh air and/or fuel.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the exhaust gas back pressure in the exhaust duct is measured adjacent to the exhaust valve by an exhaust back pressure sensor.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:measuring the exhaust gas back pressure;correlating the measured values with time and/or the camshaft position and/or an operating cycle;determining the maxima of the correlation curve from the correlating step;associating the maxima ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine egr flow rate estimation apparatus and internal combustion engine control apparatus

Номер: US20160069285A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

Based on an internal EGR ratio and desired external and internal EGR ratios, an EGR valve opening degree is feedback-controlled based on a desired EGR ratio, calculated in such a way as to perform correction so that a total EGR ratio becomes constant, and an EGR effective opening area obtained through learning of the relationship between an EGR valve opening degree and an effective opening area; thus, a correct characteristic of EGR valve opening degree vs. effective opening area can be maintained and hence it is made possible to absorb variations, changes with time, and even environmental conditions, while making an EGR valve and an intake/exhaust VVT collaborate with each other; therefore, an EGR flow rate can accurately be estimated.

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Determination of an Ash Loading of a Particulate Filter for an Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20210071562A1
Автор: Ralf Schulz
Принадлежит: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

A measuring device for the determination of an ash loading of a particulate filter for an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle, where a regeneration operation of the particulate filter is carried out such that, after termination of the regeneration operation, a predefined, minimum soot loading remains on the particulate filter. The measuring device is configured to determine an actual regeneration variable which is characteristic for a loading combustion operation during the regeneration operation of the particulate filter via a pressure sensor which is attached downstream in the exhaust gas flow of the particulate filter in the exhaust gas system of the internal combustion engine. The measuring device is further configured to determine the ash loading of the particulate filter dependent on the actual regeneration variable and a variable which is characteristic for the time duration of the regeneration operation.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072154A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc.

A system and method of inducing an operational response change in an operating direct-injection internal combustion engine is provided such that the engine includes a cylinder into which liquid fuel injection is directly performed. The method starts by operating the direct-injection engine using a start of injection (SOI) protocol. At some point during operation, it is determined that a change is desired for a first parameter of engine operation that is at least partially a function of a charge provided to the cylinder (such as the torque output). In response an operational response in the engine is induced by altering the SOI protocol via a first SOI alteration that alters the volumetric efficiency of the cylinder and changes the first parameter. 19.-. (canceled)10. A method of operating an internal combustion engine , the engine having an intake manifold fluidly coupled to multiple cylinders including at least a first and second cylinder , the method comprising:determining the existence of an imbalance between the first and second cylinders with respect to a first engine property; andaltering a volumetric efficiency experienced by the first cylinder independently of the volumetric efficiency experienced by the second cylinder to reduce the imbalance between the first and second cylinders.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the engine includes an exhaust gas recirculation loop in which recirculated exhaust flows from at least one cylinder into the intake manifold claim 10 , such that the recirculated exhaust is intermixed with fresh air in the intake manifold to form a charge; and the imbalance is in a fraction of the charge comprised of recirculated exhaust (EGR fraction) claim 10 , and altering a volumetric efficiency experienced by the first cylinder independently of the volumetric efficiency experienced by the second cylinder alters the EGR fraction experienced by the first cylinder independently of the EGR fraction experienced by the second cylinder.12. The ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Spark ignition engine control with exhaust manifold pressure sensor

Номер: US20210079858A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

Control of a spark ignited internal combustion in response to an exhaust manifold pressure measurement of an engine is disclosed. An engine out NOx amount for at least one cylinder is determined at least in part in response to the exhaust manifold pressure measurement and a brake mean effective pressure of the at least one cylinder. An operating condition of the engine is adjusted in response to the engine out NOx amount.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099039A1

Disclosed are methods and systems for monitoring a diesel generator system that includes a DPF filter in order to provide a highly efficient approach for monitoring the status of a DPF filter in order to determine if a regeneration is required. The methods and systems not only permit the ongoing determination of when a regeneration is appropriate in order to prevent excessive engine backpressure, but also accomplish this objective in a manner that reduces fuel consumption over the course of engine use 1. A method of monitoring a regeneration status of a diesel particulate matter filter within a diesel generator system that further includes a diesel generator , a diesel particulate filter monitor , and a load bank that includes a load bank controller , the method comprising:activating the diesel generator;detecting activation of the diesel generator;using detection of the activation to commence adding electrical load in predetermined increments by the load bank to the diesel generator, wherein the incremental addition of electrical load continues until the total electrical load on the diesel generator reaches the maximum load of the load bank or higher, and wherein the total electrical load on the diesel generator reaches at least the maximum load within a preset period of time;measuring the temperature of exhaust from the diesel generator and engine back pressure using the diesel particulate filter monitor while the diesel generator is operating at the maximum load or higher;determining whether measured back pressure exceeds a reference back pressure value; and,if the measured back pressure does not exceed the reference back pressure value, decreasing electrical load on the generator until the load imposed by the load bank reaches a predetermined minimal load, and,if the measured back pressure does exceed the reference back pressure value, using the load bank to maintain an electrical load on the diesel generator that is effective to regenerate the diesel ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190085782A1

One embodiment is a method comprising operating an internal combustion engine system including multiple cylinders structured to combust a charge mixture and to output exhaust to an exhaust manifold, an electronic control system structured to control operation of the engine system and an exhaust manifold pressure (EMP) sensor structured to provide data to the electronic control system and performing an air-fuel ratio (AFR) imbalance diagnostic with the electronic control system. The AFR imbalance diagnostic may comprise the acts of processing the data to provide at least one output metric sample, determining an output metric statistic based on the at least one output metric sample, evaluating the output metric statistic relative to one or more predetermined criteria to identify an AFR imbalance condition, and providing an operator perceptible indication of the AFR imbalance condition. 1. A method comprising:operating an engine system including a multi-cylinder engine, an exhaust manifold, an electronic control system structured to control operation of the engine system, and an exhaust manifold pressure (EMP) sensor structured to provide data to the electronic control system; processing the data from the EMP sensor to provide at least one output metric sample,', 'determining an output metric statistic in response to the at least one output metric sample, and', 'evaluating the output metric statistic relative to one or more predetermined criteria to identify an inter-cylinder AFR imbalance condition; and, 'performing an air-fuel ratio (AFR) imbalance diagnostic with the electronic control system, the AFR imbalance diagnostic comprising the acts ofperforming a corrective control operation effective to modify operation of the system in response to the inter-cylinder AFR imbalance condition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the AFR imbalance diagnostic further comprises monitoring frequency content of an EMP sensor signal to generate EMP data claim 1 , wherein the cycle ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200088119A1

Methods and systems are provided for monitoring a change in exhaust particulate filter (PF) soot load during an engine non-combusting condition. In one example, a method may include, responsive to a higher than threshold PF temperature immediately prior to an engine shutdown, estimating a rate of soot burn when the engine is no longer combusting, and estimating a soot load on the PF during and at an onset of immediately subsequent engine start based in part on the rate of soot burn. 1. A method , comprising:estimating soot loading of a particulate filter (PF), coupled to an exhaust of an engine, during an engine shutdown period to account for soot oxidation during the engine shut down period based on a temperature of the PF at shutdown and a corresponding temperature profile of the PF during the engine shutdown period.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising estimating an initial soot loading of the PF immediately prior to engine shutdown based on one or more of exhaust pressure claim 1 , exhaust temperature claim 1 , engine load claim 1 , engine speed claim 1 , and time elapsed since an immediately previous PF regeneration.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein estimating soot loading of the PF during the engine shutdown period includes estimating a rate of soot burn as a function of one or more of the temperature of the PF at shutdown claim 2 , the corresponding temperature profile of the PF during the engine shutdown period claim 2 , the initial soot loading of the PF immediately prior to the engine shutdown claim 2 , and an amount of oxygen flowing via the PF during the engine shutdown period.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising claim 3 , estimating an amount of soot burned during the engine shutdown period based on each of the rate of soot burn and the initial soot loading of the PF immediately prior to the engine shutdown.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the temperature profile of the PF during the engine shutdown period is based on a rate of ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Rate-based contractive model predictive control method for internal combustion engine air path control

Номер: US20140174414A1

A rate based model predictive controller and method for air path control for a diesel engine regulates intake manifold pressure (MAP) and EGR valve flow rate to specified set points by coordinated control of a variable geometry turbine (VGT) and EGR valve position. A decay and a flexible Lyapunov function is enforced on the rate based model predictive controller for a single step prediction and control arisen.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093588A1

The method for determining fuel injection profiles in an internal combustion engine, comprising the steps of providing data of a setpoint combustion profile; measuring data of an actual combustion profile; and varying a fuel injection profile, such that the actual combustion profile comes closer to the setpoint combustion profile. 1. A method for determining fuel injection profiles in an internal combustion engine , comprising the following steps:providing data of a setpoint combustion profile;measuring data of an actual combustion profile; andvarying a fuel injection profile, such that the actual combustion profile comes closer to the setpoint combustion profile.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the setpoint combustion profile is given by a pressure in the combustion chamber as a function of the crank angle.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the actual combustion profile is measured by a cylinder pressure sensor.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the setpoint combustion profile is predefined as a function of an operating point of the engine.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the fuel injection profile comprises a number of different injection events having respective injection start and end times claim 1 , and wherein the combustion controller varies the respective injection start and end times claim 1 , the number of injection events and/or the spacing between the injection events such that a local or global minimum for the deviation is obtained.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the fuel injection profile is converted into actuation data for an injector claim 1 , and the actuation data are written to an electronic control unit for actuating injectors.7. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the electronic control unit can select the actuation data as a function of an operating point of the internal combustion engine.8. The method Method according to claim 6 , wherein the respective claim 6 , operating point- ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170413A1

Systems and methods are described for operating a turbocharger. A current exhaust manifold pressure is determined based on an engine operating condition. A current operating condition of the turbocharger is determined. A surge correction factor is determined based on the current operating condition of the turbocharger. The current exhaust manifold pressure is adjusted based on the surge correction factor. 1. A method for operating a turbocharger the method comprising:determining, via a control unit comprising processing circuitry, a current exhaust manifold pressure of an exhaust system based on an engine operating condition of an engine;determining, via the processing circuitry, a current operating condition of the turbocharger;determining, via the processing circuitry, a surge correction factor based on the current operating condition of the turbocharger; andadjusting, via an actuator of the exhaust system, the current exhaust manifold pressure based on the surge correction factor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the engine operating condition comprises at least one of: an aftertreatment condition; an aftertreatment condition at idle; an engine speed; an engine loading condition; an engine temperature; an air flow rate; an engine operating condition at high altitudes; and a combustion mode.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the current operating condition of the turbocharger comprises at least one of a current boost pressure claim 1 , a compressor mass flow rate and a compressor inlet pressure.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the surge correction factor comprises determining claim 1 , via the processing circuitry claim 1 , a maximum operating boost pressure of the turbocharger corresponding to a surge limit of the turbocharger.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising determining by the processing circuitry claim 4 , a surge ratio claim 4 , the surge ratio being a ratio of the maximum operating boost pressure to the current boost pressure.6. ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Determination of the effective fuel-air ratio of a supercharged internal combustion engine with scavenging air component

Номер: US20150114374A1
Автор: Stefan Horst

A method for the fuel consumption reduction and/or power increase of an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle is disclosed. A crank angle of a crankshaft is detected at which out of a cylinder the exhaust gases of a cylinder can be representatively measured on a lambda probe. The exhaust gas flow is measured on the lambda probe. A signal of the lambda probe is scanned at the time of the detection of the crank angle. A value indicated the detected angle and/or the scanned signal is sent to a computer. The value is corrected with the help of an exhaust gas pressure or exhaust gas back pressure model stored in the computer. An effective combustion lambda of the cylinder is calculated based on the sent values and a global lambda value stored in the computer and used to the control of the internal combustion engine.

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Pressure Sensing Systems and Methods

Номер: US20190107023A1
Автор: Perry Paielli
Принадлежит: Tenneco Automotive Operating Co Inc

A pressure sensor includes: a housing; a substrate that is fixed within the housing, that includes a first side that is in contact with a fluid of an exhaust aftertreatment system, and that flexes based on a pressure of the fluid; a first voltage divider that is connected between a first reference potential and a ground potential and that varies a first potential based on flexing of the substrate; and a second voltage divider connected in parallel with the first voltage divider between the first reference potential and the ground potential and that varies a second potential based on flexing of the substrate. A pressure control module is configured to selectively switch switches to connect and disconnect different reference potentials to and from an amplifier, to sample an output of the amplifier, and to convert samples of the output of the amplifier into corresponding digital values.

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine and method for operating an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20220178323A1
Принадлежит: Innio Jenbacher GmbH and Co OG

An internal combustion engine with an open-loop or closed-loop control device (2), wherein at least one combustion chamber (3) of the internal combustion engine (1) is designed to burn a fuel-air mixture using at least one combustion parameters that can be influenced by the open-loop or closed-loop control device (2), wherein the open-loop or closed-loop control device (2) has an emission control loop that is configured to actuate the at least one actuator that influences the at least one combustion parameter as a substitute parameter for NOx emissions by means of a functional relationship in such way that at last one combustion parameter can be set for each target or actual power rating of the internal combustion engine (1), wherein the functional relationship takes account of an influence of a change of the exhaust backpressure (p3′) affecting at least one combustion chamber (3).

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200109659A1

A method for charge pressure control of an internal combustion engine that is an integral part of a drive train, wherein the drive train comprises at least the internal combustion engine, an intake line, an exhaust gas line, and an exhaust gas turbocharger. The internal combustion engine has at least one intake valve that fluidically connects the intake line to a combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine, and at least one exhaust valve that fluidically connects the combustion chamber to a first section of the exhaust gas line. The exhaust gas line has a first section between the combustion chamber and the exhaust gas turbocharger, and a second section downstream from the exhaust gas turbocharger. The exhaust gas turbocharger and/or a bypass that bypasses the exhaust gas turbocharger are/is adjustable. In the method, an opening point in time of the at least one intake valve and a closing point in time of the at least one exhaust valve are taken into account. 1. A method for charge pressure control of an internal combustion engine that is an integral part of a drive train ,wherein the drive train comprises at least the internal combustion engine, an intake line, an exhaust gas line and an exhaust gas turbocharger;wherein the internal combustion engine has at least one intake valve that fluidically connects the intake line to a combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine, and has at least one exhaust valve that fluidically connects the combustion chamber to a first section of the exhaust gas line;wherein the exhaust gas line has a first section between the combustion chamber and the exhaust gas turbocharger, and has a second section downstream from the exhaust gas turbocharger;wherein an overall cross-sectional area between the first section and the second section through which an exhaust gas may flow is adjustable via an adjustable bypass and/or an adjustable exhaust gas turbocharger between a first position having a smallest flow cross section for ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Unit for Regulating or Controlling a Fluid Pressure

Номер: US20180119660A1

The invention concerns a unit () for regulating or controlling a fluid pressure, with at least one housing part () and a switching film () connected with the at least one housing part () for switching at pressure differences of 1 to 250 mbar, preferably of 1 to 100 mbar, relative to an ambient pressure acting on the switching film () and for regulating, releasing or blocking a flow of the fluid between an inlet () and an outlet () for the fluid. The switching film () is formed of thermoplastic synthetic material. In this context, an opening cross section () of the at least one housing part () is closed off by the switching film (). 1. A unit for regulating or controlling a fluid pressure of a fluid , the unit comprising:a housing comprising at least one housing part and further comprising an inlet and an outlet for the fluid;a switching film connected to the at least one housing part and configured to switch at pressure differences of 1 to 250 mbar relative to an ambient pressure acting on the switching film and configured to regulate, release or block a flow of the fluid between the inlet and the outlet for the fluid;the switching film comprised of thermoplastic synthetic material;wherein an opening cross section of at least one housing part is closed off by the switching film.2. The unit according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one housing part comprises at least one circumferential joining surface arranged radial outwardly claim 1 , wherein the switching film is connected to the at least one circumferential joining surface of the at least one housing part.3. The unit according to claim 2 , wherein the switching film is connected fixedly and fluid-tightly to the at least one circumferential joining surface of the at least one housing part.4. The unit according to claim 2 , wherein a radial outwardly positioned joining region of the switching film is fluid-tightly pressed against the at least one circumferential joining surface of the at least one housing part.5 ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200116092A1
Автор: Nakagawa Norihisa

An internal combustion engine comprises a filter and is configured to enable attachment of a secondary air feed system feeding air into exhaust gas flowing into the filter. A control device of the engine is configured, in the PM removal control for removing particulate matter deposited on the filter, to perform temperature raising processing for controlling the engine so that the air-fuel ratio of the exhaust gas discharged from the engine body is a rich air-fuel ratio and for feeding air from the secondary air feed system, and to perform regeneration processing for controlling the engine so that the air-fuel ratio of the exhaust gas discharged from the engine body is a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio and for feeding air from the secondary air feed system so that the air-fuel ratio of the exhaust gas flowing into the filter is a lean air-fuel ratio. 1. A control device of an internal combustion engine for controlling an internal combustion engine , the engine comprising a particulate filter arranged in an exhaust passage of the internal combustion engine and configured to enable attachment of a secondary air feed system feeding air into exhaust gas flowing into the particulate filter , whereinthe control device of an internal combustion engine is configured, in the PM removal control for removing particulate matter deposited on the particulate filter, to perform temperature raising processing for controlling the internal combustion engine so that the air-fuel ratio of the exhaust gas discharged from the engine body is a rich air-fuel ratio richer than the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio and for feeding air from the secondary air feed system, and to perform regeneration processing for controlling the internal combustion engine so that the air-fuel ratio of the exhaust gas discharged from the engine body is leaner than an air-fuel ratio during the temperature raising processing and for feeding air from the secondary air feed system so that the air-fuel ratio of the ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210156320A1
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

An internal-combustion engine includes a variable compression ratio mechanism for changing a mechanical compression ratio, and a variable valve timing mechanism for changing the valve timing of an intake valve. When acceleration is demanded, a target compression ratio is set to a lower compression ratio than the target value in a normal condition, and the valve timing is set to the advance angle side. Since the allowable combustion pressure decreases in a prescribed intermediate compression ratio region, if an actual compression ratio exists in the prescribed intermediate compression ratio region in the course of a compression ratio change accompanying acceleration, the variable compression ratio mechanism restricts the intake pressure by increasing a degree of opening of a wastegate valve or reducing a degree of opening of a throttle valve, for example. 110.-. (canceled)11. A control method for an internal combustion engine including a variable compression ratio mechanism that is structured to vary a mechanical compression ratio of the internal combustion engine , and has tolerance against combustion pressure wherein the tolerance is relatively low in a middle compression ratio region between a maximum compression ratio and a minimum compression ratio , the control method comprising:setting a target compression ratio of the variable compression ratio mechanism lower than a regular value of target compression ratio which is based on engine operation condition under steady state, in response to presence of a request for acceleration; andrestricting a maximum combustion pressure to be lower in a predetermined middle compression ratio region than in a high compression ratio region with respect to the predetermined middle compression ratio region, during process in which the variable compression ratio mechanism varies in compression ratio to reach the target compression ratio.12. The control method as claimed in claim 11 , wherein:the internal combustion engine further ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Method for operating an exhaust gas aftertreatment, device for controlling an exhaust gas after treatment, exhaust gas aftertreatment and internal combustion engine having exhaust gas after treatment

Номер: US20160131012A1
Принадлежит: MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH

A method and a device for operating an exhaust gas aftertreatment, wherein a diesel particulate filter is regenerated during the operation, in particular passively regenerated, wherein a corrected differential pressure is calculated from a current differential pressure across the diesel particulate filter at a current exhaust gas volumetric flow rate and with a current correction factor. The current correction factor is determined by determining a lower differential pressure in a predetermined time interval at a defined exhaust gas volumetric flow rate, in particular in a specified exhaust gas volumetric flow rate interval around the defined exhaust gas volumetric flow rate, and comparing the lower differential pressure with a specified current reference value and, depending thereon, calculating a new correction factor or retaining the previous correction factor as the current correction factor.

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Methods and systems for determining engine misfire

Номер: US20150136080A1
Автор: Gopichandra Surnilla

Systems and methods for improving detection and mitigation of engine misfire are presented. Engine misfire is determined by sampling exhaust pressure of a cylinder only during a time when an exhaust valve of the cylinder is in an open state. If misfire is indicated, an actuator is adjusted to reduce the possibility of misfire during a subsequent cylinder cycle.

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Method and system for an exhaust diverter valve

Номер: US20180128145A1

Methods and systems are provided for diagnosing an exhaust diverter valve in an engine system and adjusting the diverter valve position to regulate vehicle exhaust noise so that the same exhaust diverter valve can be used to reduce emissions and expedite engine heating during a cold-start as well as regulate exhaust noise. In one example, a method for diverter valve diagnostics may include determining diverter valve degradation during an engine cold-start, when the diverter valve is closed, based on the change in the temperature upstream of the diverter valve from the temperature at engine start. In another example, a method for exhaust noise adjustment may include adjusting the diverter valve position to provide a target exhaust backpressure that produces a desired change in vehicle exhaust noise.

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128197A1

Systems and methods for non-intrusive closed-loop control of internal combustion engines are provided. Systems of the non-intrusive closed-loop control of internal combustion engines include a plurality of engine operating condition sensors, an electronic control unit with a Gaussian process model, and a look-up table. The electronic control unit estimates an MFB50 of the internal combustion engine using the Gaussian process model and with engine operating condition data as input. A desired MFB50 is obtained from the look-up table and a command of a control parameter to a fuel injector for the internal combustion engine is executed by the electronic control unit and as a function of the comparison of the estimated MFB50 and the desired MFB50. 1. A non-intrusive closed-loop control system for an internal combustion engine comprising:an internal combustion engine with a plurality of cylinders;a plurality of engine operating condition sensors configured to sense engine operating conditions of the internal combustion engine;an electronic control unit (ECU) with one or more processors and a non-transitory computer-readable medium storing computer-executable instructions, the computer-executable instructions comprising a Gaussian process model, the ECU configured to receive engine operating condition data from the plurality of engine operating condition sensors sensing engine operating conditions of the internal combustion engine;{'sub': 'est', 'wherein the ECU is configured to estimate a combustion parameter of the internal combustion engine using the Gaussian process model with the engine operating condition data as input to the Gaussian process model, compare the MFB50with a desired combustion parameter obtained from an empirically determined look-up table, and command a control parameter for a fuel injector for each the plurality of cylinders of the internal combustion engine as a function of the comparison of the estimated combustion parameter with the desired ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135541A1

Control of a spark ignited internal combustion in response to an exhaust manifold pressure measurement of an engine is disclosed. An engine out NOx amount for at least one cylinder is determined at least in part in response to the exhaust manifold pressure measurement and a brake mean effective pressure of the at least one cylinder. An operating condition of the engine is adjusted in response to the engine out NOx amount. 1. A method , comprising:operating an internal combustion engine system including an intake system connected to an engine with a plurality of cylinders and at least one fuel source operably connected to the internal combustion engine system to provide a flow of fuel to each of the plurality of cylinders, wherein the intake system is coupled to each of the plurality of cylinders to provide a charge flow from the intake system to a combustion chamber of the respective cylinder, the internal combustion engine system further including an exhaust system including an exhaust manifold;determining a pressure in the exhaust manifold during a combustion cycle associated with at least one of the plurality of cylinders;determining a brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) in the exhaust manifold during the combustion cycle of the at least one of the plurality of cylinders;determining an engine out NOx amount for the at least one cylinder in response to the pressure in the exhaust manifold and the BMEP; andadjusting an operating condition of the at least one engine in response to the engine out NOx amount.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining a gross indicated mean effective pressure (GIMEP) of the at least one of the plurality of cylinders in response to the pressure in the exhaust manifold and the BMEP of the at least one cylinder; anddetermining the engine out NOx amount for the at least one cylinder in response to the GIMEP.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the GIMEP is determined in response to a sum of a pumping mean effective pressure ( ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220282676A1

The invention relates to a method to control an internal combustion engine. The internal combustion engine comprises a cylinder, an air guide arranged to guide an airflow to the cylinder, an exhaust guide arranged to guide an exhaust flow from the cylinder. The method comprises the step to determine a value of at least one engine operation parameter. Further, the method comprises the step to determine a target value of an exhaust performance parameter depending on the determined engine operation parameter value. Lastly, the air flow through the air guide and the exhaust flow through the exhaust guide is controlled depending on the determined target exhaust performance parameter value. 1. A method for controlling an internal combustion engine comprising a cylinder , an air guide arranged to guide an air flow to the cylinder , an adjustable air flow restriction element arranged upstream of the cylinder to control the air flow guided through the air guide , an exhaust guide arranged to guide an exhaust flow from the cylinder , an adjustable exhaust flow restriction element arranged downstream of the cylinder to control the exhaust flow through the exhaust guide , and an engine speed, and/or', 'an engine load, and/or', 'a coolant temperature, and/or', 'an ambient temperature,, 'determining a value of at least one engine operation parameter, wherein the at least one engine operation parameter is at least one of the following, 'the method comprising the steps [ an exhaust temperature, and/or', 'an exhaust mass flow, and/or', 'an exhaust manifold pressure, and/or', 'an exhaust power, and, 'determining a target value of an exhaust performance parameter depending on the determined engine operation parameter value, wherein the exhaust performance parameter is at least one of the following, controlling the air flow through the air guide and', 'controlling the exhaust flow through the exhaust guide., 'depending on the determined target exhaust performance parameter value,'}], ' ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Gasoline Particulate Reduction Using Optimized Port Fuel Injection Plus Direct Injection

Номер: US20190136790A1

An optimized port plus direct injection (PFI+DI) fueling system for reducing DI-generated particulates from a spark ignition gasoline engine is disclosed. It uses information from a computational model that includes piston wetting. Means for DI particulate reduction include control of DI timing and duration as a function of various parameters. Illustrative computational results for decreasing particulates in various drive cycles are presented. These calculations illustrate large potential particulate reductions (e.g. 95%) that can be obtained relative to DI operation alone. The optimized PFI+DI system could provide DI generated particulate reduction, efficiency and cost advantages relative to operation of a DI alone engine with a gasoline particulate filter (GPF). Alternatively, it could be used in combination with a GPF to ease GPF operation requirements and provide additional particulate reduction. Techniques for reducing piston wetting generation of particles from use of DI alone are also described. 1. A fuel management system for a spark ignition engine that is fueled with gasoline and uses port fuel injection and direct injection;wherein the use of port fuel injection is such as to reduce particulate emission by reducing the fraction of fuel in the engine that is directly injected;and wherein during at least part of a drive cycle the fraction of fuel that is provided by direct injection is increased as torque is increased and wherein it is matched to that needed for preventing knock as engine torque and engine speed change;and wherein reduction of particulate emission is obtained by use of port fuel injection to increase the fraction of directly injected fuel that is introduced between a selected first crank angle degree on the intake stroke and a selected second crank angle degree on the compression stroke;and wherein particulate emission decreases when the directly injected fuel is introduced after the first crank angle and before the second crank angle;and ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172392A1

Proposed is a gas heat-pump system capable of supplying recirculation exhaust gas using a motor-driven turbocharger and thus actively controlling an amount of flowing recirculation exhaust gas and pressure thereof. 1. A gas heat-pump system comprising:a compressor of an air conditioning module;a gas engine generating a drive force of the compressor;an exhaust gas turbocharger supplying at least a portion of exhaust gas discharged from the gas engine, as recirculation exhaust gas, to the gas engine; anda controller controlling operation of the exhaust gas turbocharger, a turbocharger impeller applying pressure to the recirculation exhaust gas and supplying the resulting recirculation exhaust gas to the gas engine; and', 'a turbocharger motor rotating the turbocharger impeller, and, 'wherein the exhaust gas turbocharger comprisesthe controller performs control in such a manner that an rpm of the turbocharger motor is adjusted according to a concentration of harmful substances contained in the exhaust gas.2. The gas heat-pump system of claim 1 , further comprising:an exhaust pipe through which the exhaust gas is discharged to the outside of the gas heat-pump system;an exhaust gas sensor attached to the exhaust pipe, the exhaust gas sensor being configured to sense the concentration of the harmful substances contained in the exhaust gas; andan exhaust bypass pipe branching off from the exhaust pipe upstream from a position where the exhaust gas sensor is attached, the exhaust bypass pipe being configured to guide the recirculation exhaust gas to the exhaust gas turbocharger,wherein the controller receives a signal associated with the concentration of the harmful substances from the exhaust gas and measures the concentration of the harmful substances.3. The gas heat-pump system of claim 2 , wherein the harmful substances comprise at least one of carbon monoxide claim 2 , nitrogen oxide claim 2 , and hydrocarbon.4. The gas heat-pump system of claim 2 , wherein the ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150152779A1
Автор: Hoffmann Stefan

Disclosed are a turbocharger for a combustion engine and a method of operating a turbocharger. The turbocharger may include a variably positionable flow restrictor for restricting flow in a turbocharger inlet of the turbocharger by an amount dependent on a flow restrictor position. The method may include determining an operating point variable of the combustion engine, controlling a first actuator to exert on the flow restrictor a first actuating force for varying the flow restrictor position depending on the operating point variable, determining a crank angle variable of the combustion engine, and controlling a second actuator to exert on the flow restrictor a second actuating force for varying the flow restrictor position depending on the crank angle variable. 1. A method of operating a turbocharger for a combustion engine , the turbocharger including a variably positionable flow restrictor for restricting flow in a turbocharger inlet of the turbocharger by an amount dependent on a flow restrictor position , the method comprising the steps of:determining an operating point variable of the combustion engine;controlling a first actuator to exert, on the flow restrictor, a first actuating force for varying the flow restrictor position depending on the operating point variable;determining a crank angle variable of the combustion engine; andcontrolling a second actuator to exert, on the flow restrictor, a second actuating force for varying the flow restrictor position depending on the crank angle variable.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the operating point variable comprises at least one of an engine speed and/or an engine load of the combustion engine.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of providing a modulation function claim 1 , which defines a desired modulation of the flow restrictor position claim 1 , wherein the step of controlling the second actuator is performed based on the modulation function.4. The method according to ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for Control of Volumetric Efficiency in A Direct Injection Engine

Номер: US20170159599A1

A system and method of inducing an operational response change in an operating direct-injection internal combustion engine is provided such that the engine includes a cylinder into which liquid fuel injection is directly performed. The method starts by operating the direct-injection engine using a start of injection (SOI) protocol. At some point during operation, it is determined that a change is desired for a first parameter of engine operation that is at least partially a function of a charge provided to the cylinder (such as the torque output). In response an operational response in the engine is induced by altering the SOI protocol via a first SOI alteration that alters the volumetric efficiency of the cylinder and changes the first parameter. 1. A method of inducing an operational response change in an operating direct-injection internal combustion engine including:operating a direct-injection engine according to a start of injection (SOI) protocol, the engine including a cylinder into which liquid injection is directly performed;determining that a change of a first parameter of engine operation is desired where such first parameter is at least partially a function of a charge provided to the cylinder; andinducing an operational response in the engine, responsive to the determination of the desired change, by altering the SOI protocol via a first SOI alteration that alters the volumetric efficiency of the cylinder and changes the first parameter.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein altering the SOI protocol is performed as a transient alteration.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the desired change in first parameter is also achievable via alteration of a second engine parameter claim 2 , wherein the first SOI alteration is introduced to initiate the desired change and the second engine parameter is varied to maintain the desired change when the first SOI alteration is removed.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the second engine parameter is an intake air ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160169142A1

A method for optimal fueling of an engine is disclosed. The method includes determining a quantity of exhaust residuals in each cylinder among a plurality of cylinders in the engine. Further, the method includes determining at least one of an intake and exhaust manifolds temperature, at least one of an intake and exhaust manifolds pressure, and a quantity of a first fuel being injected to each cylinder, and calculating a characteristic temperature of each cylinder based on the quantity of exhaust residuals, at least one of the intake and exhaust manifolds temperature and pressure, and the quantity of the first fuel. The method further includes determining a substitution rate of the first fuel for each cylinder based on the characteristic temperature, and controlling at least one of the quantity of the first fuel, and a quantity of a second fuel being injected to each cylinder based on the substitution rate. 1. A method comprising:determining a quantity of exhaust residuals in each cylinder among a plurality of cylinders in an engine, wherein the exhaust residuals comprise a fraction of burnt combustion gases remaining in each cylinder between each engine cycle among a plurality of engine cycles;determining at least one of an intake and exhaust manifolds temperature, at least one of an intake and exhaust manifolds pressure, and a quantity of a first fuel being injected to each cylinder;calculating a characteristic temperature of each cylinder based on the quantity of exhaust residuals, at least one of the intake and exhaust manifolds temperature, at least one of the intake and exhaust manifolds pressure, and the quantity of the first fuel;determining a substitution rate of the first fuel for each cylinder based on the characteristic temperature; andcontrolling at least one of the quantity of the first fuel, and a quantity of a second fuel being injected to each cylinder based on the determined substitution rate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first fuel ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Method and system for pre-ignition control

Номер: US20170167424A1

Methods and systems are provided for adjusting spark and/or fuel injection to a cylinder based on late combustion, partial burn, or misfire in a neighboring cylinder. A pressure sensor coupled to a cylinder exhaust port is used to sample exhaust pressure pulsations over a cylinder exhaust valve event, and accurately estimate an amount of residuals generated in and released from the cylinder as well as residuals received from the neighboring cylinder. Mitigating actions are performed in the cylinder in accordance before the occurrence of a pre-ignition event.

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods for a split exhaust engine system

Номер: US20180171898A1

Methods and systems are provided for operating a split exhaust engine system that provides blowthrough air and exhaust gas recirculation to an intake passage via a first exhaust manifold and exhaust gas to an exhaust passage via a second exhaust manifold. In one example, each of a first valve positioned in an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) passage, the EGR passage coupled between the intake passage and the first exhaust manifold coupled to a first set of cylinder exhaust valves, and a second valve positioned in a flow passage coupled between the first exhaust manifold and the exhaust passage may be adjusted based on a measured pressure in the first exhaust manifold.

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200165989A1

A method for controlling a supercharging system for an internal combustion engine, the supercharging stage including a compressor and a turbine, and the turbine being settable with the aid of a VTG driving circuit. The method including: detecting an operating state setpoint variable, setting a maximum VTG control criterion for implementing the torque increase by an increase in a boost pressure. The setting of the maximum VTG control criterion comprising: ascertaining a setpoint boost pressure; ascertaining a VTG setpoint position as a function of the setpoint boost pressure; ascertaining an actual exhaust gas back pressure; ascertaining an actual exhaust gas pressure downstream from the turbine; ascertaining a maximum exhaust gas back pressure, taking into account the actual exhaust gas pressure downstream from the turbine; determining the VTG control criterion, based on the difference between the actual exhaust gas back pressure and the maximum exhaust gas back pressure. 1. A method for controlling a supercharging system , including a supercharging stage , for an internal combustion engine , the supercharging stage comprising a compressor and a turbine , the turbine being settable with the aid of a VTG driving circuit , the method comprising:detecting an operating state setpoint variable; and ascertaining a setpoint boost pressure;', 'ascertaining a VTG setpoint position as a function of the setpoint boost pressure;', 'ascertaining an actual exhaust gas back pressure;', 'ascertaining an actual exhaust gas pressure downstream from the turbine;', 'ascertaining a maximum exhaust gas back pressure, taking into account the actual-exhaust gas pressure downstream from the turbine; and', 'determining the VTG control criteria, taking into account a difference between the actual exhaust gas back pressure and a maximum exhaust gas back pressure,, 'setting a maximum VTG control criterion for implementing the torque increase by an increase of a boost pressure, the setting of ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Method and system for diagnosing operation of an engine compression ratio changing mechanism

Номер: US20190178193A1

Methods and systems for diagnosing operation of a compression ratio adjusting mechanism are described. In one example, an output of a pressure sensor is sampled and an assessment of the engine's present compression ratio is made after adjusting sampling of the output. Engine operation may be adjusted responsive to whether or not degradation of the compression ratio adjusting mechanism is indicated.

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200173324A1

Systems are provided for a diesel oxidation catalyst. In one example, the diesel oxidation catalyst comprises a washcoat with different catalytically active portions for reacting with one or more of carbon containing compounds and NO. The diesel oxidation catalyst is located upstream of a particulate filter in an exhaust passage. 17-. (canceled)8. A system comprising:a catalyst located in an exhaust passage of an engine driven vehicle, where the catalyst comprises a washcoat having a zirconium oxide support, one or more base metal oxides and at least a precious metal;a particulate filter located in a position of the exhaust passage downstream of the catalyst relative to a direction of exhaust gas flow; anda controller with computer readable instructions stored thereon that enable the controller to:actively regenerate the particulate filter via adjusting an actuators to increase an exhaust gas temperature to a temperature greater than a threshold temperature and adjust an exhaust gas flow rate to a rate between upper and lower threshold exhaust gas flow rates.9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the threshold temperature is a threshold NOfacilitated regeneration temperature and where the threshold NOfacilitated regeneration temperature is lower than a threshold oxygen facilitated regeneration temperature.10. The system of the claim 9 , wherein the threshold NOfacilitated regeneration temperature is determined based on a regeneration temperature of the particulate filter in the presence of NObeing greater than a threshold amount of NO claim 9 , and where the threshold oxygen facilitated regeneration temperature is based on a regeneration temperature of the particulate filter in the presence of an amount of NObeing less than the threshold amount of NO.11. The system of claim 8 , wherein the catalyst is physically coupled to the exhaust passage claim 8 , and where exhaust gas from the engine flows through the catalyst before flowing into the particulate filter.12. The ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190195153A1
Автор: Dudar Aed M.

Methods and systems are provided for diagnosing degradation of an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve. In one example, a method may include, during a vehicle key-off condition, routing compressed air through an EGR passage housing the EGR valve, and indicating degradation of the EGR valve based on a change in an estimated EGR pressure, upon a commanded change in EGR valve position. 1. A method , comprising:while an engine is not combusting fuel, testing for degradation of an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve coupled between an air intake and an exhaust of the engine;during the test, turning the EGR valve to at least one predetermined position and forcing compressed air into the EGR valve; andindicating presence or absence of the degradation based on one or more pressure readings across the EGR valve.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the EGR valve is coupled to an EGR passage claim 1 , the EGR passage configured to route at least a portion of exhaust gas from the exhaust to the air intake of the engine.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein forcing the compressed air includes forcing compressed air through the EGR passage by operating an electric booster via an electric motor claim 2 , wherein the electric booster is coupled to a conduit parallel to the air intake claim 2 , the conduit coupled to the air intake downstream of an intake compressor and upstream of a charge air cooler.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined position includes one of a completely closed position and a completely open position.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein indicating the presence of the degradation includes claim 4 , estimating a first EGR pressure across the EGR valve when the EGR valve is in the completely closed position claim 4 , and indicating that the EGR valve is degraded responsive to the first EGR pressure being higher than a first threshold pressure.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the indicating the presence of the degradation includes claim 5 , estimating ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210231064A1

A spark ignited internal combustion engine is controlled in response to a self-learned TOB reference. The self-learned TOB reference is based on a difference between a learned TOB offset and a desired or target TOB, and a sensed TOB. The learned TOB offset at a given operating condition, such as charge pressure, can be found by interpolating between the learned charge pressure breakpoints in a TOB learning algorithm. The TOB learning algorithm can include using a filtered charge pressure value to indicate the engine load at which the TOB is learned. An index determination is made with a look up table with charge pressure as an input and an array index of learned charge pressure and learned TOB offset as outputs. 1. A method , comprising:determining a pressure in a charge flow to at least one of a plurality of cylinders of an internal combustion engine system;determining a torque over boost (TOB) error associated with the pressure in the charge flow;learning a TOB offset and a charge pressure at the associated pressure in the charge flow;determining an updated TOB error in response to the learned TOB offset, a desired TOB, and a sensed TOB; andadjusting an operating condition of the at least one engine in response to the updated TOB error.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the internal combustion engine system includes an intake system connected to the plurality of cylinders and at least one fuel source operably connected to the internal combustion engine system to provide a flow of fuel to each of the plurality of cylinders claim 1 , wherein the intake system is coupled to each of the plurality of cylinders to provide the charge flow from the intake system to a combustion chamber of the respective cylinder claim 1 , the internal combustion engine system further including an exhaust manifold connected to an exhaust system.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the exhaust system includes first and second exhaust conduits connected to respective ones of first and second ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190203652A1

A method of operating an engine assembly is provided. The engine assembly comprises an engine and a turbocharger assembly, wherein a control parameter of the turbocharger assembly is controllable in order to control a level of boost provided by the turbocharger assembly. The method comprises determining a desirable pressure limit of exhaust gases upstream of a turbine of the turbocharger assembly, predicting a desirable limit value of the control parameter to be applied to the turbocharger assembly in order to achieve the desirable pressure limit, determining an error in the desirable limit value of the control parameter, adjusting the desirable limit value of the control parameter based on the error, and controlling the operation of the turbocharger assembly such that the adjusted limit value is not exceeded. 1. A method of operating an engine assembly , the engine assembly comprising:an engine; anda turbocharger assembly, wherein a control parameter of the turbocharger assembly is controllable in order to control a level of boost provided by the turbocharger assembly, and wherein the method comprises:determining a desirable pressure limit of exhaust gases upstream of a turbine of the turbocharger assembly;predicting a desirable limit value of the control parameter to be applied to the turbocharger assembly in order to achieve the desirable pressure limit;determining an error in the desirable limit value of the control parameter;adjusting the desirable limit value of the control parameter based on the error; andcontrolling operation of the turbocharger assembly such that the adjusted desirable limit value is not exceeded.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the error in the desirable limit value of the control parameter comprises:predicting a current value of the control parameter based on a current pressure of exhaust gases upstream of the turbine;determining a current value of the control parameter; anddetermining an error between the predicted current ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации

System and method for detecting malfunctioning turbo-diesel cylinders

Номер: US20210239064A1
Автор: Jan Gillot, John DE GRAAF
Принадлежит: DAF Trucks NV

According to the invention, a diagnostic system is provided for diagnosing a misfire condition is provided of individual engine cylinders in a turbocharged diesel engine having at least a first and a second cylinder associated with a common exhaust path. The system comprises a pressure sensor in an exhaust path, for measuring a pressure value; a crankshaft position sensor, for detecting a rotational crankshaft position; and a processor unit for reading the pressure sensor and the crankshaft position sensor. The processor unit is arranged for performing acts of: sampling pressure values of the pressure sensor in the common exhaust path as a function of crankshaft angle position; attributing for each cylinder fired in succession at least two sampling values (Pα, Pβ) for at least two successive crankshaft angle positions of a pressure pulse during a cylinder firing operation; determining a boundary for a coordinate (Pα, Pβ) formed by a tuple of sampling values (Pα, Pβ); diagnosing a misfire condition if the coordinate formed by said tuple of sampling values is outside the boundary.

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208581A1

Methods and systems are provided for operating a split exhaust engine system that provides blowthrough air and exhaust gas recirculation to an intake passage via a first exhaust manifold and exhaust gas to an exhaust passage via a second exhaust manifold. In one example, each of a first valve positioned in an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) passage, the EGR passage coupled between the intake passage and the first exhaust manifold coupled to a first set of cylinder exhaust valves, and a second valve positioned in a flow passage coupled between the first exhaust manifold and the exhaust passage may be adjusted based on a measured pressure in the first exhaust manifold. 1. A method , comprising:adjusting each of a first valve positioned in an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) passage, the EGR passage coupled between an intake passage and a first exhaust manifold coupled to a first set of cylinder exhaust valves, and a second valve positioned in a flow passage coupled between the first exhaust manifold and an exhaust passage based on a measured pressure in the first exhaust manifold, the exhaust passage coupled to a second exhaust manifold coupled to a second set of cylinder exhaust valves.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising further adjusting the first valve and the second valve based on a desired pressure of the first exhaust manifold claim 1 , the desired pressure of the first exhaust manifold determined based on an intake manifold pressure and a timing of a cylinder intake valve and a timing of the first and second sets of cylinder exhaust valves.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the adjusting each of the first valve and the second valve includes decreasing an amount of opening of the first valve in response to a request to reduce EGR and the determined desired pressure of the first exhaust manifold being higher than the measured pressured in the first exhaust manifold.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising further adjusting the first valve and the ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190211743A1

Methods and systems are provided for controlling a boosted engine system, having a turbocharger and a charge air cooler, to limit overheating of a compressor outlet. In one example, a method includes predicting an engine torque profile based on current and future engine operating conditions. The method then models a compressor outlet temperature profile and reduces engine torque output to limit overheating of the compressor outlet. 1. A method for an engine coupled to a vehicle , comprising:adjusting an engine torque output based on a future compressor outlet temperature profile to maintain an actual compressor outlet temperature below a threshold, the future compressor outlet temperature profile based on current and predicted engine operating conditions estimated based on inputs from external vehicle communications.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the future compressor outlet temperature profile includes predicted compressor outlet temperatures over a future horizon of vehicle operation.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the predicted compressor outlet temperatures are based on a predicted engine torque required over the future horizon of vehicle operation.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the adjusting includes limiting the engine torque output to below a threshold torque responsive to a duration over which the predicted compressor outlet temperatures are above a threshold temperature claim 2 , a torque level to which engine torque is limited being reduced as the duration increases.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the threshold temperature is based on a material property of a tubing coupling an intake compressor outlet to a downstream intercooler.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the torque level to which the engine torque output is limited is further reduced responsive to a degree beyond which a peak predicted temperature of the future compressor outlet temperature profile is above the threshold temperature claim 4 , the torque level reduced further as the ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210254530A1
Принадлежит: Cummins, Inc.

Systems, methods, and apparatuses are provided for increasing exhaust gas temperature. A system includes a valve and a controller coupled to the valve. The controller is structured to determine that a plurality of cylinders of an engine are active; compare an exhaust aftertreatment temperature to an exhaust aftertreatment temperature setpoint; and in response to the comparison, adjust an effective flow area for exhaust gas from the plurality of cylinders of the engine to increase an exhaust gas temperature. 1. A method , comprising:determining that a plurality of cylinders of a particular cylinder bank of an engine are active;comparing an exhaust aftertreatment temperature to an exhaust aftertreatment temperature setpoint; andin response to the comparison, adjusting an effective flow area for exhaust gas from the plurality of cylinders of the particular cylinder bank of the engine to increase an exhaust gas temperature.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the exhaust aftertreatment temperature is an inlet temperature of a selective catalytic reduction system.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising comparing an exhaust manifold pressure for the particular cylinder bank to an exhaust manifold pressure setpoint.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising reducing the effective flow area in response to the comparison indicating that the exhaust manifold pressure is at or below the exhaust manifold pressure setpoint and that the exhaust aftertreatment temperature is below the exhaust aftertreatment temperature setpoint.5. The method of claim 3 , further comprising increasing the effective flow area for the exhaust gas in response to the comparison indicating that the exhaust manifold pressure is above the exhaust manifold pressure setpoint.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting the effective flow area comprises adjusting a position of at least one of a wastegate valve or an exhaust throttle valve.7. A system of a vehicle claim 1 , the system comprising: ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Fuel control system

Номер: US20160237942A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A fuel control system for an engine is provided. The fuel control system includes a first sensor configured to generate a signal indicative of a pressure within a cylinder of the engine, a second sensor configured to generate a signal indicative of an amount of Nitrous Oxide (NOx), a fuel reformer, an Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) unit, and a controller. The controller is configured to receive the signals indicative of the pressure and the amount of NOx. The controller is configured to determine a Coefficient of Variation (COV) of Indicated Mean Effective Pressure (IMEP) and compare the COV of IMEP and the amount of NOx with a threshold combustion stability and a threshold amount of NOx respectively. The controller is further configured to regulate at least one of the fuel reformer and the AFR unit to control at least one of the combustion stability and the amount of NOx.

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Methods and systems for an exhaust gas aftertreatment device

Номер: US20180238219A1

Methods and systems are provided for an exhaust gas aftertreatment device. In one example, a method may include adjusting one or more engine operating parameters to produce ammonia in an ammonia generating device in response to an ammonia demand.

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170241357A1

Methods and systems are provided for detecting air-fuel ratio imbalances across all engine cylinders. In one example, a method (or system) may include indicating cylinder imbalance based on each of the exhaust air-fuel ratio, exhaust manifold pressure, and cylinder torque weighted by a confidence factor, where in the confidence factor is determined based on operating conditions. 1. A method for an engine , comprising:supplying fuel to an engine cylinder via a combination of a direct injector and a port injector; andindicating cylinder-to-cylinder imbalance based on each of exhaust air-fuel ratio estimated by an exhaust gas sensor, exhaust manifold pressure estimated by a pressure sensor, and individual cylinder torque estimated by a crankshaft torque sensor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the exhaust air-fuel ratio claim 1 , exhaust manifold pressure claim 1 , and individual cylinder torque are estimated at different operating conditions over a given drive cycle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the indicating cylinder-to-cylinder imbalance includes weighting each of the estimated exhaust air-fuel ratio claim 1 , the estimated exhaust manifold pressure claim 1 , and the estimated individual cylinder torque with a confidence factor based on an operating condition at which the estimating was performed.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the confidence factor applied during an engine cold-start condition is different from the confidence factor applied during engine idle steady-state condition.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the confidence factor is further based on a type of the estimating.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the confidence factor is further based on a composition of the fuel.7. The method of claim 3 , wherein the confidence factor is different for each cylinder of the engine.8. The method of claim 3 , wherein the weighting includes weighting the estimated exhaust air-fuel ratio with a first confidence factor claim 3 , weighting the ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190234327A1

Methods and systems are provided for operating a split exhaust engine system that provides blowthrough air and exhaust gas recirculation to an intake passage via a first exhaust manifold and exhaust gas to an exhaust passage via a second exhaust manifold. In one example, during a cold start, a method may include adjusting a position of a first valve disposed in an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) passage based on an engine operating condition, the EGR passage coupled between the first exhaust manifold coupled to a first set of exhaust valves and the intake passage, upstream of a compressor. As one example, the engine operating condition may include an engine temperature or a temperature of a catalyst disposed in the exhaust passage. 1. A method for an engine , comprising:during a cold start, adjusting a position of a first valve disposed in an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) passage based on an engine operating condition, the EGR passage coupled between a first exhaust manifold coupled to a first set of exhaust valves and an intake passage, upstream of a compressor, while flowing a portion of exhaust gases to an exhaust passage including a turbine and an emissions control device via a second set of exhaust valves; andadjusting an amount of fuel injected to the engine in response to an output of a first oxygen sensor positioned in the exhaust passage upstream of the emissions control device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the emissions control device is arranged downstream of the turbine in the exhaust passage and further comprising supplying air to the exhaust passage at a location downstream of the emissions control device via the first exhaust manifold claim 1 , the air not having participated in combustion in the engine.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising adjusting the amount of fuel injected to the engine in further response to output of a second oxygen sensor positioned downstream of the emissions control device.4. The method of claim 2 , where the ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Engine control method and control device

Номер: US20190234328A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd, RENAULT SAS

A basic opening (A 0 ) of an EGR control valve ( 22 ) is set, based on a current engine operation state. A differential pressure (ΔP 1 ) across the EGR control valve ( 22 ) is calculated, based on an actual exhaust system temperature (T 1 ) sensed by an exhaust temperature sensor ( 33 ). A reference differential pressure (ΔP 0 ) is calculated, which is a differential pressure across the EGR control valve ( 22 ) in a steady state corresponding to the current engine operation state. A reference pulsation amplitude (D) is calculated, which is an amplitude of pulsation of the reference differential pressure (ΔP 0 ). The basic opening (A 0 ) is corrected, based on the differential pressure (ΔP 1 ), the reference differential pressure (ΔP 0 ), and the reference pulsation amplitude (D).

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190234352A1

Systems and methods are provided for controlling exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). In one example, an engine system includes a first EGR valve coupling an exhaust manifold to an engine exhaust system, a second EGR valve coupling the exhaust manifold to an engine intake system, and a control unit. The control unit selectively adjusts a position of the first EGR valve based on a target amount, and adjusts a position of the second EGR valve based on the target amount and a position of the first EGR valve. Responsive to a first degradation condition of the first EGR valve, the control unit adjusts the position of the second EGR valve based on the target amount and based on a pressure of the first exhaust manifold, and responsive to a second degradation condition of the first EGR valve, adjusts the position of the second EGR valve based on the target amount. 15.-. (canceled)6. A method for an engine system , comprising:during a first condition, adjusting a position of a first exhaust valve based on a target amount, and adjusting a position of a second exhaust valve based on a position of the first exhaust valve; andresponsive to a second condition, adjusting the position of the second exhaust valve based on the target amount and based on exhaust manifold pressure.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein during the first condition claim 6 , the position of the second exhaust valve is further adjusted based on the target amount claim 6 , and wherein the adjusting of the position of the first exhaust valve and the adjusting of the position of second exhaust valve during the first condition are independent of the exhaust manifold pressure.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein the adjusting of the position of the second exhaust valve during the second condition is independent of a position of the first exhaust valve.9. The method of claim 6 , wherein the first condition comprises steady state engine operation claim 6 , and wherein the second condition comprises an indication of ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200232402A1

Methods and systems are provided for coordinating operation of a high pressure EGR control loop with a boost pressure control loop. In one example, following a tip-in, turbine vane position may be adjusted as a function of a maximum permissible exhaust pressure upstream of a turbocharger turbine. The maximum permissible exhaust pressure may be determined as a function of a HP EGR valve position at the time of the tip-in. 18-. (canceled)9. An engine system , comprising:an engine;a turbocharger including an intake compressor driven by an exhaust turbine;a high pressure exhaust gas recirculation (HP EGR) system including an HP EGR duct and an HP EGR valve for recirculating exhaust gas from upstream of the exhaust turbine to downstream of the intake compressor;a manifold air flow sensor coupled to an engine intake; and determining an exhaust manifold (EM) pressure upstream of the exhaust turbine;', 'estimating a maximum permitted rate of increase in EM pressure based on a position of the HP EGR valve; and', 'adjusting operation of the exhaust turbine, including adjusting turbine geometry, to maintain a rate of increase in EM pressure at or below the maximum permitted rate of increase in EM pressure., 'an engine controller including computer readable instructions stored on non-transitory memory for10. The engine system of claim 9 , wherein the estimating is based on a non-linear inversely proportional function with asymptotic ends between the maximum permitted rate of increase in EM pressure and the position of the HP EGR valve claim 9 , and wherein the engine controller includes further computer readable instructions for:estimating a maximum EM pressure based on the maximum permitted rate of increase in EM pressure and an initial EM pressure, and wherein the adjusting operation of the exhaust turbine maintains the EM pressure, estimated upstream of the exhaust turbine, at or below the maximum EM pressure.11. The engine system of claim 10 , wherein the engine controller ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210277849A1

The invention relates to an internal combustion engine comprising a crankshaft, one or more cylinders including a cylinder head, a piston, a combustion chamber, one or more intake valves, one or more exhaust valves, an intake system configured for feeding intake air to the engine, an exhaust system configured for conveying exhaust gas away from the engine, a pressure charging system connected to the intake system and an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system arranged to feed branched off exhaust gas from the exhaust system to the intake system via an EGR conduit wherein: * the internal combustion engine includes a valve actuation device configured to allow for late or early closing of the intake valves in accordance with late or early Miller-type valve timing, and wherein * the EGR system includes a gas feeding device configured to feed exhaust gas through the EGR conduit in modes of operation wherein the pressure in the intake system exceeds the pressure in the exhaust system, * wherein the gas feeding device is a displacement pump and wherein the gas feeding device is arranged so that exhaust gas recirculating in the EGR system during operation of the engine passes the gas feeding device before being mixed with intake air in the intake system. Additionally, a method of improving efficiency of an internal combustion engine is described. 1. An internal combustion engine comprising a crankshaft , one or more cylinders including a cylinder head , a piston , a combustion chamber , one or more intake valves , one or more exhaust valves , an intake system configured for feeding intake air to the engine , an exhaust system configured for conveying exhaust gas away from the engine , a pressure charging system connected to the intake system and an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system arranged to feed branched off exhaust gas from the exhaust system to the intake system via an EGR conduit , characterized in:that the internal combustion engine includes a valve actuation ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации

Estimation systems and methods with model predictive control

Номер: US20150275794A1

A prediction module generates predicted engine operating parameters for a set of possible target values based on a plurality of values indicative of states of the engine and a first set of predetermined values set based on characteristics of the engine. A parameter estimation module determines one or more estimated operating parameters of the vehicle based on the plurality of values indicative of states of the engine and a second set of predetermined values. A cost module determines a cost for the set of possible target values based on the predicted engine operating parameters. A selection module, based on the cost, selects the set of possible target values from a group including the set of possible target values and N other sets of possible target values, wherein N is an integer greater than zero, and sets target values based on the selected set of possible target values.

13-08-2020 дата публикации

Vent Insert

Номер: US20200256244A1

A vent insert is disclosed for use with an automotive turbocharger system. The vent has a substantially cylindrical hollow tube with a first end for seating the vent and a second open end. The first end has a rim around an opening. The second end of the vent has an angled opening that faces away from the direction of the gas flow when the vent insert is operating within the turbocharger system. There are a plurality of protrusions extending outward from the outside surface of the vent to assist in keeping the vent insert in place in the turbocharger system. 13-. (canceled)4. A vent insert for use with the air inlet system of a turbocharger of an internal combustion engine , the vent insert comprising:a cylindrically shaped hollow tube having a first end, a second end, an inner surface and an outer surface;the first end of the cylindrically shaped hollow tube having an opening and a rim extending outwardly from the outer surface of the cylindrical shaped hollow tube in the locality of the first end opening and partially surrounding the opening of the first end;the second end of the cylindrically shaped hollow tube having an angled cut forming an angled opening;the cylindrically shaped hollow tube adapted to cooperate with a gas inlet tube of a turbocharger system such that the rim restricts access into the gas inlet tube; andthe outer surface of the cylindrically shaped hollow tube having a plurality of non-contiguous surface protrusions disposed circumferentially and extending along the length of the cylindrical body from approximately the first end toward the second end and adapted to secure the cylindrically shaped hollow tube in place;wherein, during operation the second end extends into the gas inlet tube with the angled opening facing away from a direction of a gas flow in the gas inlet tube thereby resulting in a low pressure region that can be registered by a pressure sensor in communication with an electronic control unit that in turn can regulate the ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации

Methods and systems for boost control

Номер: US20170276067A1

Methods and systems are provided for pressure control in a boosted engine system. A variable geometry turbine (VGT) geometry, and/or wastegate (WG), and/or an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve opening is adjusted based a difference between the exhaust pressure and an intake pressure, and optionally other signals (e.g., engine speed, exhaust pressure) in order to reduce the difference between exhaust and intake manifold pressures, thereby reducing pumping work losses.

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190264594A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc.

Systems, methods, and apparatuses are provided for increasing exhaust gas temperature. A system includes a valve and a controller coupled to the valve. The controller is structured to determine that an exhaust manifold pressure does not meet an exhaust manifold pressure setpoint and in response, cause an adjustment of an effective flow area of exhaust gas from an engine. The adjustment of the effective flow area is structured to increase an exhaust gas temperature. 1. A method , comprising:determining that an exhaust manifold pressure does not meet an exhaust manifold pressure setpoint; andin response, causing an adjustment of an effective flow area for exhaust gas from an engine, the adjustment of the effective flow area structured to increase an exhaust gas temperature.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising reducing the effective flow area in response to the exhaust manifold pressure being at or below the exhaust manifold pressure setpoint.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising increasing the effective flow area for the exhaust gas in response to the exhaust manifold pressure being above the exhaust manifold pressure setpoint.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein causing the adjustment of the effective flow area comprises adjusting a position of at least one of a wastegate valve or an exhaust throttle valve.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining that a temperature of a catalyst in an exhaust aftertreatment system coupled to the engine is below a temperature setpoint; andin combination with the exhaust manifold pressure not meeting the exhaust manifold pressure setpoint, causing the adjustment of the effective flow area for exhaust gas from the engine.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the catalyst is part of a selective catalyst reduction (SCR) system.7. An apparatus claim 5 , comprising: determine that an exhaust manifold pressure does not meet an exhaust manifold pressure setpoint; and', 'in response, cause an adjustment of an ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190264625A1

Methods and systems are provided for exhaust heat recovery and EGR cooling via a single heat exchanger. In one example, a method may include selecting a specific mode of operation of an engine exhaust system with the heat exchanger based on engine operating conditions and an estimated fuel efficacy factor. The fuel efficiency factor may take into account fuel efficacy benefits from EGR and exhaust heat recovery. 1. An engine method , comprising:during an engine cold-start, operating an exhaust system in a mode with exhaust flowing to a tailpipe via a heat exchanger coupled in a bypass passage; andafter the engine cold-start, operating the exhaust system in another mode with exhaust recirculating through a recirculation passage to an intake manifold via the heat exchanger, the recirculation passage coupled to the bypass passage downstream of the heat exchanger.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , while operating in each of the mode and the another mode claim 1 , circulating an engine coolant through the heat exchanger to transfer heat from the exhaust flowing through the heat exchanger to the circulating engine coolant.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , after transferring heat to the engine coolant claim 2 , flowing the engine coolant through one or more of the engine claim 2 , a heater core claim 2 , and a radiator to transfer the heat from the engine coolant to one or more of the engine claim 2 , the heater core claim 2 , and the radiator claim 2 , wherein heat is drawn from the circulating engine coolant as a function of engine heating demand and a cabin heating demand.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , transitioning from the mode to the another mode based at least on engine temperature being higher than a threshold engine temperature.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising claim 4 , transitioning from the mode to the another mode based on engine load being lower than a threshold engine load.6. The ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190264626A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc.

A cylinder head defines an EGR crossover tube integrally formed in the cylinder head. The EGR crossover tube includes a first end fluidly coupled to an exhaust port of an engine. A second end is fluidly coupled to an intake port of the engine. A Venturi tube configuration is positioned between the first and second ends. A first sensor port extends through the cylinder head to the EGR crossover tube. The first sensor port is positioned at a restriction of the Venturi tube configuration. A second sensor port extends through the cylinder head to the EGR crossover tube. The second sensor port is positioned proximate the first end. A differential pressure sensor includes a first pressure sensor positioned in the first sensor port and a second pressure sensor positioned in the second sensor port. 1. An apparatus , comprising: a first end fluidly coupled to an exhaust port of an engine;', 'a second end fluidly coupled to an intake port of the engine;', 'a Venturi tube configuration positioned between the first and the second ends;, 'a cylinder head defining an exhaust gas recirculation crossover tube integrally formed in the cylinder head, the exhaust gas recirculation crossover tube comprisinga first sensor port extending through the cylinder head to the exhaust gas recirculation crossover tube, the first sensor port positioned at a restriction of the Venturi tube configuration;a second sensor port extending through the cylinder head to the exhaust gas recirculation crossover tube, the second sensor port positioned proximate the first end; anda differential pressure sensor comprising a first pressure sensor positioned in the first sensor port and a second pressure sensor positioned in the second sensor port,a flow rate of exhaust gas through the exhaust gas recirculation crossover tube is determined from pressure measurements from the differential pressure sensor.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the exhaust gas recirculation crossover tube has a first diameter at the ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180274467A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc.

Methods and apparatuses for calibration and control of various engine subsystems using a target value approach. Under the target value approach, the control of each engine subsystem is separated or decoupled to include a set of target values, or a reference value set. A subsystem has a corresponding target determiner, which provides a target value set, or reference value set, in response to a basis variable set and optionally an overall subsystem target. The basis variable set includes parameters selected to robustly characterize the variables that affect the operation of the particular subsystem. The target determiner is optionally calibrated to provide a reference value set within specifications of the subsystem. A physical subsystem controller operates in response to the reference value set. 1. A method , comprising:interpreting a basis variable set, the basis variable set including an engine speed, a commanded fueling value, an in-cylinder oxygen concentration value, and oxygen-to-fuel related value;determining a reference value set in response to the basis variable set and a fuel controller specification set, wherein the reference value set includes a start-of-injection command and a rail pressure command; andproviding the reference value set to a fuel control commander.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the basis variable set includes at least one of an in-cylinder temperature value and a related cylinder temperature value.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the commanded fueling value includes a combustion-relevant fueling value and an additional fueling amount.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the reference value set includes a fuel rail pressure trajectory including a plurality of rail pressure values.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein determining the reference value set is further in response to a set of reference surfaces claim 4 , each reference surface corresponding to a reference value claim 4 , the set of reference surfaces being calibrated in ...

16-12-2021 дата публикации

Pre-chamber type diesel engine

Номер: US20210388755A1
Принадлежит: Yanmar Power Technology Co Ltd

Provided is a pre-chamber type diesel engine wherein the fuel system is not complicated, regardless of whether a regeneration function is provided. An injector is employed, which is able to inject fuel at a given timing by means of an electrical signal from a controller, and when a prescribed amount of particles have been trapped in a particle collection filter the injector carries out an additional fuel injection during the expansion stroke of a piston.

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200271028A1

Systems and methods for operating a spark ignition engine that includes a particulate filter in the engine's exhaust system are described. In one example, the spark ignition engine is prevented from exceeding a threshold engine load when the engine is supplying power to an electric machine so that engine emissions may be reduced. 1. An engine operating method , comprising:adjusting a not to exceed threshold engine load via a controller in response to an amount of soot stored in a particulate filter of a spark ignited engine; andoperating an engine without exceeding the not to exceed threshold engine load via the controller.2. The method of claim 1 , where adjusting includes lowering the not to exceed threshold engine load in response to a reduction in the amount of soot stored in the particulate filter.3. The method of claim 1 , where adjusting includes increasing the not to exceed threshold engine load in response to an increase in the amount of soot stored in the particulate filter.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising restricting an opening amount of a throttle to operate the engine without exceeding the not to exceed threshold engine load.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising restricting a fuel injection amount to operate the engine without exceeding the not to exceed threshold engine load.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising regenerating the particulate filter and reducing the not to exceed threshold engine load in response to the amount of soot stored in the particulate filter immediately following the regeneration.7. The method of claim 1 , where operating the engine without exceeding the not to exceed threshold engine load includes supplying engine output power to an electric machine.8. An engine operating method claim 1 , comprising:adjusting a not to exceed threshold engine load via a controller in response to an amount of soot stored in a particulate filter of a spark ignited engine;operating an engine without exceeding the not to ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine control device

Номер: US20150308364A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An internal combustion engine control device is provided. An engine executes A/F oscillation that alternates between lean combustion and rich combustion every cylinder. If a reaction state between rich gas and lean gas inside an exhaust passage on the upstream side of a catalyst is judged to be low, the assignment of cylinders conducting lean combustion and cylinders conducting rich combustion is swapped, so that rich combustion is conducted by a #1 cylinder farthest away from the catalyst in terms of the length of the exhaust passage, and also so that lean combustion is conducted by a #2 cylinder closer to the catalyst than the cylinder that is farthest away.

12-11-2015 дата публикации

System and method for estimating engine exhaust manifold operating parameters

Номер: US20150323421A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

A system and method are provided for estimating an operating parameter of an exhaust manifold of an engine. In the system, a flow value is determined that corresponds to a flow rate of exhaust gas through an EGR conduit fluidly coupled between the exhaust manifold and the intake manifold. The EGR conduit includes an exhaust gas cooler disposed in-line with the EGR conduit and a property of the exhaust gas exiting an exhaust gas outlet of the cooler is measured. The operating parameter of the exhaust manifold is estimated as a function of at least the flow value and the property of the exhaust gas exiting the exhaust gas outlet of the cooler. Illustratively, the operating parameter of the exhaust manifold may be exhaust manifold pressure and/or temperature.

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine

Номер: US20170314493A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An internal combustion engine includes a twin entry type turbocharger with which a first exhaust passage and a second exhaust passage respectively communicate individually, a communication path that causes the first exhaust passage and the second exhaust passage to communicate with each other, a communication valve that opens and closes the communication path, an abnormality diagnosis device that diagnoses presence or absence of abnormality of the communication valve, a variable valve timing mechanism capable of changing a period of valve overlap of the engine, and a control device. When it is determined that abnormality of a valve closure failure of the communication valve is present, the control device operates the mechanism to reduce the valve overlap in an operating state in which the communication valve is closed, more than in a case where it is determined that abnormality of a valve closure failure of the communication valve is absent.

26-11-2015 дата публикации

Systems and methods for purge and pcv control

Номер: US20150337696A1

Methods and systems are provided for improving purge air-fuel ratio control. Fuel vapors from a canister and the crankcase are selectively purged to a group of cylinders and not to remaining engine cylinders. Exhaust is recirculated from the selected group of cylinders to the engine intake wherefrom the EGR is ingested in the remaining engine cylinders and the selected group of cylinders.

26-11-2015 дата публикации

Control method for variable geometry exhaust turbine

Номер: US20150337720A1

A method of setting actuator position of a variable geometry turbine linked to drive a compressor for a compression ignition engine using exhaust gas recirculation. The method includes detecting an engine transient event; determining current mass air flow through the compressor and exhaust temperature; resetting variable geometry turbine position to maximize mass air flow through the compressor; adding the maximum allowable quantity of fuel; determining exhaust temperature increase; adjusting exhaust pressure to allow an increase in mass air flow and exhaust temperature; and returning to the resetting step until a limit is reached.

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190316538A1

Methods and systems are provided for diagnosing a source of degradation in an exhaust system of a vehicle. In one example, a method may include actuating an electric turbocharger to rotate in a first direction to evaluate integrity of an exhaust pipe of the exhaust system and rotation the turbocharger in a second direction to assess an exhaust manifold of the exhaust system, after an engine of the vehicle is turned off. Pressures generated in the exhaust system are compared to thresholds based on barometric pressure and/or turbocharger speed. 1. A method , comprising:upon engine shutdown, operating an electric turbocharger to draw air into an exhaust system and indicating degradation of the exhaust system based on a comparison of a pressure in the exhaust system measured during operating the electric turbocharger to a threshold pressure that is based on a barometric pressure.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising measuring the barometric pressure in an exhaust manifold of the exhaust system before operating the electric turbocharger claim 1 , following engine shutdown.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein operating the electric turbocharger includes spinning a turbine of the electric turbocharger in a first claim 1 , forward direction and wherein the pressure in the exhaust system is a measured exhaust pipe pressure measured via a pressure sensor arranged directly upstream of or at a particulate filter arranged in an exhaust pipe of the exhaust system claim 1 , downstream of the turbine.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising claim 3 , upon engine shutdown and prior to spinning the turbine in the forward direction and measuring the pressure in the exhaust system claim 3 , adjusting a stopping position of a crankshaft so that opening of intake and exhaust valves of each engine cylinder are overlapping so that air flows through the engine cylinders during the operating the electric turbocharger claim 3 , and opening an intake throttle.5. The method of claim ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170350330A1
Автор: Fisher Kevin Michael

Various methods and systems are provided for a multi-fuel capable engine. The system includes a liquid fuel system to deliver liquid fuel to an engine, a gaseous fuel system to deliver gaseous fuel to the engine, and a control system. The control system, during a gaseous fuel system test mode, controls the liquid fuel system and the gaseous fuel system to deliver the liquid fuel and the gaseous fuel to the engine over a range of engine operating points, and indicate degradation of the gaseous fuel system based on engine output at each of the engine operating points. 1. A system , comprising:a liquid fuel system to deliver liquid fuel to an engine;a gaseous fuel system to deliver gaseous fuel to the engine; anda control system configured to:during a gaseous fuel system test mode, control the liquid fuel system and the gaseous fuel system to deliver the liquid fuel and the gaseous fuel, respectively, to the engine over a range of engine operating points; andindicate degradation of the gaseous fuel system based on engine output at each of the engine operating points.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the range of engine operating points includes each notch throttle setting predicted to be operated at during a subsequent engine operating period claim 1 , from a minimum to a maximum notch throttle setting.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the range of engine operating points includes a range of ratios of an amount of gaseous fuel relative to an amount of liquid fuel predicted to be operated at during a subsequent engine operating period claim 1 , from a minimum ratio to a maximum ratio.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the control system is configured to determine the engine output based on one or more of exhaust temperature claim 1 , exhaust pressure claim 1 , or power conversion unit load.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a power conversion unit coupled to the engine and a power dissipater unit coupled to the power conversion unit claim 1 , and the ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Determination of nitrogen oxide concentration in engine exhaust gas

Номер: US20180347495A1

A method of operating an internal combustion engine having a turbocharger for pressurizing an intake airflow and an after-treatment (AT) system including an AT device for reducing nitrogen oxides (NOX) concentration in the engine exhaust gas. The method includes operating the engine with a variable high-pressure exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and low-pressure EGR split in the intake airflow. The method also includes determining the NOX concentration in the exhaust gas and determining a current high-pressure EGR to low-pressure EGR split in the intake airflow. The method additionally includes determining an EGR corrective factor using the determined current high-pressure EGR to low-pressure EGR split and applying the determined EGR corrective factor to the determined NOX concentration to generate a corrected NOX concentration. Furthermore, the method includes regulating operation of the AT system to treat the exhaust gas via the AT device in response to the generated corrected NOX concentration.

15-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160363077A1

An abnormality detecting device of an internal combustion engine, has a heat generation amount calculating portion for calculating a heat generation amount on the basis of an in-cylinder pressure detected by an in-cylinder pressure sensor, a combustion mass percentage calculating portion for calculating a combustion mass percentage on the basis of the heat generation amount, a fuel injection amount calculating portion for calculating a fuel injection amount on the basis of a crank angle period from ignition timing of a spark plug to when the combustion mass percentage reaches a first value, an ignition timing calculating portion for calculating the ignition timing on the basis of a crank angle when the combustion mass percentage reaches a second value, and an abnormality cause discriminating portion for discriminating a cause of abnormality on the basis of the fuel injection amount, the in-cylinder pressure, and the heat generation amount. 1. An abnormality detecting device of an internal combustion engine , comprising:a cylinder;an in-cylinder pressure sensor for detecting an in-cylinder pressure, the in-cylinder pressure being a combustion pressure in the cylinder;a spark plug placed in the cylinder;a fuel injection valve;a crank angle sensor;a heat generation amount calculating portion for calculating a heat generation amount on the basis of the in-cylinder pressure detected by the in-cylinder pressure sensor;a combustion mass percentage calculating portion for calculating a combustion mass percentage on the basis of the heat generation amount calculated by the heat generation amount calculating portion;a crank angle period calculating portion for calculating a crank angle period from ignition timing of the spark plug to when the combustion mass percentage reaches a first value on the basis of crank angles detected by the crank angle sensor;a fuel injection amount calculating portion for calculating a fuel injection amount injected from the fuel injection valve ...

15-12-2016 дата публикации

Fuel injection device

Номер: US20160363081A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A fuel injection device is used in an internal combustion engine having a combustion chamber partitioned by a cylinder head, a cylinder, and a piston crown surface so that at least one of the amount of NOx, Pmax, and a thermal efficiency η is maintained at a predetermined value. The fuel injection device includes a fuel injection change unit. The fuel injection change unit virtually divides the combustion chamber into N number of combustion zones where N is a natural number of 2 or more, and can change a fuel injection method according to the respective combustion zones. The fuel injection change unit divides the combustion chamber into the N number of combustion zones, thereby being capable of eliminating a difference of heat in the respective combustion zones, and precisely controlling an in-cylinder pressure P in the combustion chamber. As a result, the amount of NOx and the thermal efficiency can be optimized. Therefore, both of a reduction in the amount of NOx and the high thermal efficiency can be achieved.

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Method and system for torque control

Номер: US20160369724A1

Methods and systems are provided for detecting air-fuel ratio imbalances across all engine cylinders. In one example, a method (or system) may include indicating cylinder imbalance based on each of the exhaust air-fuel ratio, exhaust manifold pressure, and cylinder torque weighted by a confidence factor, where in the confidence factor is determined based on operating conditions.

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180363585A1

In a method for operating an internal combustion engine with intake manifold injection and direct injection, a value of at least one parameter that is correlated with an exhaust gas of a combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine and that is influenced by purging of uncombusted fuel through the combustion chamber into the exhaust gas is ascertained, and, if it is concluded, based on the ascertained value of the at least one parameter, that uncombusted fuel is purged, at least one operating parameter for filling the combustion chamber is adjusted. 111-. (canceled)12. A method for operating an internal combustion engine with intake manifold injection and direct injection , the method comprising:ascertaining a value of at least one parameter that is correlated with an exhaust gas of a combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine and that is influenced by purging of uncombusted fuel through the combustion chamber into the exhaust gas;responsive to concluding, based on the ascertained value of the at least one parameter, that uncombusted fuel is purged, adjusting at least one operating parameter for filling the combustion chamber in order to avoid upstream or downstream deposition of fuel in an intake manifold, wherein the at least one operating parameter includes a fuel quantity to be introduced into the intake manifold via intake manifold injection and an injection duration of the intake manifold injection; andresponsive to ascertaining, during the adjustment of the at least one operating parameter, that a fuel quantity to be introduced into the combustion chamber is not completely introducible into the combustion chamber via the intake manifold injection, setting a fuel quantity to be introduced into the combustion chamber via direct injection, to covers at least a portion of the fuel quantity to be introduced into the combustion chamber that is not introducible into the combustion chamber via the intake manifold injection.13. The method of claim 12 ...

17-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200392917A1
Автор: Brahma Avra, Yoon Yongsoon

A system for detecting and controlling misfire and/or AFR imbalance conditions in cylinders of an internal combustion engine having a plurality of cylinders is disclosed. 1. A method for diagnosing one or more of a misfire condition and an air-fuel ratio (AFR) imbalance during operation of an internal combustion engine , comprising:determining one or more enable conditions for diagnosing the one or more of the misfire condition and the AFR imbalance condition are met;in response to one or more enable conditions being met, providing raw sensor signals from one or more of an exhaust manifold pressure (EMP) sensor and an oxygen sensor to a controller;performing a spectral analysis on multi-harmonics of the raw sensor signals;extracting one or more frequency components from the spectral analysis using a signal processing method;determining a monitoring parameter associated with the one or more of the misfire condition and the AFR imbalance condition in response to the frequency components;comparing the monitoring parameter to pre-defined criteria; andif the monitoring parameter satisfies the pre-defined criteria, determine and/or output a misfire condition fault and/or an AFR imbalance condition fault.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spectral analysis includes a sliding discrete Fourier transform filter.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spectral analysis includes a finite impulse response filter.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spectral analysis includes a Kalman filter.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising modulating the raw sensor signals to shift multi-harmonics to a DC component before performing the spectral analysis.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the spectral analysis includes a sliding discrete Fourier transform filter of the modulated data to extract the DC component of the raw sensor signals claim 5 , the DC component including amplitude and initial phase data for each harmonic component of the raw sensor signals.7. The method of ...

10-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220356837A1

Systems and methods are described for operating a turbocharger. A current exhaust manifold pressure is determined based on an engine operating condition. A current operating condition of the turbocharger is determined. A surge correction factor is determined based on the current operating condition of the turbocharger. The current exhaust manifold pressure is adjusted based on the surge correction factor. 1. A method for operating a turbocharger the method comprising:determining a current exhaust manifold pressure based on an engine operating condition;determining a current operating condition of the turbocharger;determining a surge correction factor based on the current operating condition of the turbocharger; andadjusting the current exhaust manifold pressure based on the surge correction factor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the engine operating condition comprises at least one of: an aftertreatment condition; an aftertreatment condition at idle; an engine speed; an engine loading condition; an engine temperature; an air flow rate; an environmental operating condition (e.g. claim 1 , at high altitudes); and a combustion mode.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the current operating condition of the turbocharger comprises at least one of a current boost pressure claim 1 , a compressor mass flow rate and a compressor inlet pressure.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the surge correction factor comprises determining a maximum operating boost pressure of the turbocharger corresponding to a surge limit of the turbocharger.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising determining a surge ratio claim 4 , the surge ratio being a ratio of the maximum operating boost pressure to the current boost pressure.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising integrating the surge ratio to determine the surge correction factor.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising limiting the surge correction factor to an upper limit equal to 1 and a lower limit.8. The ...

26-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN113700549A
Принадлежит: Dongfeng Automobile Co Ltd


24-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CN101680383A
Автор: T·兹里利
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

