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20-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2434175C2

FIELD: transport. SUBSTANCE: flexible hosed comprises tubular element, knitted fabric comprising composite thread containing first thread from co-para-aramide fibers and second thread from meta-aramide fibers. Invention covers also method of producing flexible hose and hose for low-pressure fluids that comprises first thread from co-para-aramide fibers and second thread from meta-aramide fibers. First and second threads are twisted to 39-197 turns per metre (1-5 turns per inch). EFFECT: higher operating performances. 15 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 434 175 (13) C2 (51) МПК F16L 11/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 26.09.2006 US 11/527,174 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ДЗЕ ГЕЙТС КОРПОРЕЙШН (э Делавэр ЮЭсЭй Корпорейшн) (US) R U (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.09.2007 (72) Автор(ы): БРАНЧ Моррис (US), ГРЭЙ Елена (US), ШЕЛЬХААС Даг (US) (21)(22) Заявка: 2009115693/06, 21.09.2007 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.11.2010 Бюл. № 31 2 4 3 4 1 7 5 (45) Опубликовано: 20.11.2011 Бюл. № 32 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: JP 2006226339 А, 31.08.2006. JP 2002302837 А, 18.10.2002. WO 2006000735 А1, 05.01.2006. SU 941768 А1, 07.07.1982. 2 4 3 4 1 7 5 R U (86) Заявка PCT: US 2007/020491 (21.09.2007) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 27.04.2009 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2008/039373 (03.04.2008) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б.Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. А.В.Мицу, рег.№ 364 (54) ШЛАНГ ЖИДКОСТНЫЙ, АРМИРОВАННЫЙ КОМПОЗИЦИОННОЙ НИТЬЮ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к транспортировочному шлангу. Сущность изобретения: гибкий шланг содержит трубчатый элемент, вязаную ткань, которая содержит композиционную нить, содержащую первую нить из со-пара-арамидных волокон и вторую нить из мета-арамидных ...

25-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2617647C1

Изобретение может быть использовано во впускных системах двигателей внутреннего сгорания транспортных средств. Впускная система транспортного средства содержит кожух (1), (2) воздухоочистителя, воздушный фильтр (3) и нейтрализатор (10) статического электричества саморазрядного типа. Воздушный фильтр (3) расположен в кожухе (1), (2) воздухоочистителя и заряжен положительно. Нейтрализатор (10) статического электричества саморазрядного типа уменьшает величину электрического заряда на поверхности стенки кожуха (1), (2) воздухоочистителя в пределах ограниченного диапазона около местоположения, где он установлен. Периферийная крайняя часть воздушного фильтра (3) удерживается с помощью части удержания воздушного фильтра кожуха (1), (2) воздухоочистителя. Нейтрализатор (10) статического электричества установлен на внешней поверхности стенки части, удерживающей воздушный фильтр, кожуха воздухоочистителя. Технический результат заключается в снятии электростатического заряда. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 18 ил.

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU115834U1

... 1. Впускной коллектор для двигателя внутреннего сгорания, содержащий: ! кожух, выполненный, по существу, из полимерного материала; ! первую стойку, соединенную с кожухом в двух местах соединения на внутренней поверхности кожуха, причем стойка выполнена, по существу, из металла. ! 2. Впускной коллектор по п.1, в котором первая стойка прикреплена к двум местам соединения с кожухом на первом и втором концах первой стойки, при этом часть стойки между первым и вторым концами первой стойки не соприкасается с кожухом. ! 3. Впускной коллектор по п.1, в котором: ! кожух состоит из верхней части, имеющей первый краевой фланец, и нижней части, имеющей второй краевой фланец; ! верхняя часть и нижняя часть соединены между собой первым и вторым краевыми фланцами; ! первое из двух мест соединения, в котором первая стойка прикреплена к кожуху, расположено на верхней части кожуха; ! второе из двух мест соединения, в котором первая стойка прикреплена к кожуху, расположено на нижней части кожуха; и ! места ...

10-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95110671A

Система впуска для двигателе внутреннего сгорания с впускным коллектором, включающим в себя мкость, имеет со стороны входа потока впускной штуцер, а со стороны выхода потока - несколько отдельных впускных труб, которые примыкают к головке блока цилиндров двигателя внутреннего сгорания и соединяются с отдельными цилиндрами. У впускного штуцера имеется воздухонаправляющее устройство, которое пролегает приблизительно до плоскости, проходящей между обеими средними впускными трубами и разделяет стенку воздухонаправляющего устройства, направленную к внутренним отверстиям, расположенным на расстоянии к этим отверстиям.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012134547A
Принадлежит: Хускварна Аб

1. Система (100) впуска воздуха для двигателя внутреннего сгорания, причем система (100) впуска воздуха содержит:воздушный фильтр (1), который включает в себя по меньшей мере один фильтрующий элемент (12); внутреннюю камеру (3); и всасывающее отверстие (6) для соединения упомянутой внутренней камеры (3) с всасывающим каналом (7) двигателя внутреннего сгорания; причем воздух для горения течет через по меньшей мере один фильтрующий элемент (12) во внутреннюю камеру (3) и из внутренней камеры (3) через всасывающее отверстие (6) во всасывающий канал (7); и причем двигатель предусмотрен с проходом (16) подачи воздуха, который соединяет внутреннюю камеру (3) по меньшей мере с одним передающим каналом двигателя для подачи дополнительного воздуха в упомянутый по меньшей мере один передающий канал;причем система (100) впуска воздуха дополнительно содержит средство (2) сопротивления потоку;отличающаяся тем, что внутренняя камера (3), всасывающее отверстие (6) и всасывающий канал (7) образуют путь потока воздуха для горения, причем средство (2) сопротивления потоку представляет собой пластиковую или резиновую пену, расположенную в упомянутом пути потока воздуха для горения так, что по меньшей мере 30% и предпочтительно по меньшей мере 40% воздуха для горения течет через средство (2) сопротивления потоку так, что средство (2) сопротивления потоку поглощает топливо и/или смазку, текущие назад из двигателя внутреннего сгорания через путь воздуха для горения в направлении по меньшей мере одного фильтрующего элемента (12), и посредством этого предотвращает достижение по меньшей мере одного фильтрующего элемента (12) упомянутыми топливом и смазкой.2. Система (10 РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F02M 35/024 (13) 2012 134 547 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2012134547/06, 14.01.2010 (71) Заявитель(и): ХУСКВАРНА АБ (SE) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 14.01.2010 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20 ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014151474A

1. Система турбонагнетателя, содержащая:гибкий трубопровод, имеющий удлиненный эластомерный корпус, продолжающийся продольно между первым и вторым концами, выполненными с возможностью крепления к соответствующим устройствам турбонагнетателя; имножество стягивающих колец, разнесенных продольно между концами, причем каждое стягивающее кольцо прикладывает радиальное сжимающее усилие вокруг соответствующей окружности трубопровода, и каждое кольцо выполнено из формованного термопласта, удерживаемого в концентрической форме фиксатором, при этом разнесение стягивающих колец имеет плотность, достаточную для ограничения увеличения объема трубопровода под рабочим давлением турбонагнетателя до менее чем 20%.2. Система по п. 1, в которой каждое стягивающее кольцо содержит первую и вторую захватные части, соединенные гибким шарниром.3. Система по п. 2, в которой каждый фиксатор содержит язычок на первой захватной части и щель на второй захватной части на концах захватных частей, противоположных от гибкого шарнира, при этом язычок захватывается посредством введения в щель.4. Система по п. 1, в которой каждое стягивающее кольцо имеет внутреннюю поверхность, содержащую элемент проникновения, обеспечивающий уменьшенное сжимающее усилие на трубопровод, так чтобы участок трубопровода входил в элемент проникновения с закреплением стягивающего кольца в по существу фиксированном положении.5. Система по п. 4, в которой элемент проникновения включает в себя внутренние карманы, разнесенные по внутренней поверхности.6. Система по п. 4, в которой элемент проникновения включает в себя по существу цилиндрическую канавку, утопленную во внутреннюю пове РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F02C 7/06 (13) 2014 151 474 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2014151474, 18.12.2014 (71) Заявитель(и): ФОРД ГЛОУБАЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ, ЭлЭлСи (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 19.12.2013 US 14/133,876 Адрес для переписки: ...

15-09-1982 дата публикации

Впускной трубопровод двигателя внутреннего сгорания

Номер: SU958683A1

13-03-2008 дата публикации

Akustischer Schalldämpfer für Verbrennungsmotoren

Номер: DE202007017661U1

Akustischer Schalldämpfer für Verbrennungsmotoren mit einem mehrlagigen Aufbau und im Wesentlichen rohrförmiger Gestalt, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Innenraum (5) des Rohres von einem Innenmantel (1) aus Weichschaum eines Volumengewichts zwischen 20 und 50 kg/m3 umgeben ist, und dass um diesen Innenmantel (1) eine Außenschicht (2) aus Schwerschaum eines Volumengewichts zwischen 300 und 600 kg/m3 herumgelegt ist.

28-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE202005013293U1

Filterrohrleitung insbesondere für die Saugrohranlage eines Verbrennungsmotors, mit einem Rohluftrohr (2), welches in ein Filtergehäuse (3) mündet, in dem ein Filterelement (5) aufgenommen ist, und mit einem an das Filtergehäuse (3) angeschlossenen Reinluftrohr (4) zur Abfuhr der durch das Filterelement (5) getretenen Reinluft, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Rohluftrohr (2), das Filtergehäuse (3) und das Reinluftrohr (4) ein einteiliges Filterrohr (1) bilden, wobei eines der an das Filtergehäuse (3) angeschlossenen Rohre (2) einen temporär aufweitbaren Querschnitt (Q) aufweist.

25-02-1999 дата публикации

Plastic fuel line suction unit with integral undercut hose union and moulding process

Номер: DE0019745332C1

A process is claimed for manufacturing a plastic component with a hollow cylindrical union (20) in one wall having one or more undercuts perpendicular to the demoulding direction of one (30) of the moulding tool parts. For easier removal of the undercut part a core(32) for forming the internal chamber (22) of the union (20) is retracted before the surrounding tool part (30) allowing the undercut area to be elastically deformed into the hollow chamber (22) as the tool part is retracted. Also claimed is a plastic component with an integral suction hose union manufactured by the above process. The union (20) is injected in one piece with the suction unit (12) and the undercut, which forms a positively interlocking attachment for a hose on the union, is formed by an annular bulge (28). A second union (24) is injected around the union (20) and the undercut extends into an annular chamber (26) between the unions (20, 24). Both core (32) and tool part (30) are retracted in the same direction.

25-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003824792A1

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016105487A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft einen Wellschlauch (100) mit einem rohrförmigen Abschnitt (101), in welchem ein umlaufender Wellenberg (103) und seitlich des Wellenberges (103) ein umlaufendes Wellental (105) geformt sind. Der Wellschlauch (100) umfasst einen thermisch kontrahierbaren Kunststoffhaltering (109), welcher in dem Wellental (105) angeordnet ist und den rohrförmigen Abschnitt (101) umfasst. Der thermisch kontrahierbare Kunststoffhaltering (109) ist mit dem rohrförmigen Abschnitt (101) verbunden.

16-06-2005 дата публикации

Ansaugeinrichtung für eine Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE0010354687A1

Eine Ansaugeinrichtung für eine Brennkraftmaschine besteht aus einem Befestigungsflansch mit mehreren Ansaugrohren und einer Befestigungseinrichtung zur Befestigung des Befestigungsflansches am Zylinderkopf der Brennkraftmaschine. Die Befestigungseinrichtung umfasst mehrere Klammerpaare, in denen jeweils Halteelemente formschlüssig aufnehmbar sind, welche in Montageposition am Zylinderkopf abgestützt sind. Die Klammerpaare sind am Befestigungsflansch der Ansaugeinrichtung angespritzt.

10-06-2010 дата публикации

Ansaugsystem zum Ansaugen einer Verbrennungsluft und handgeführtes Arbeitsgerät

Номер: DE102009052171A1

Um ein Ansaugsystem (2) zum Ansaugen einer Verbrennungsluft einer Brennkraftmaschine (3) eines Arbeitsgerätes, insbesondere eines tragbaren, handgeführten Arbeitsgerätes (1), mit mehr als einem Fliehkraftabscheider (20, 22) umfassend ein Fliehkraftabscheidergehäuse (19, 21) und mit einer Luftfiltereinrichtung (24) umfassend ein Luftfiltergehäuse (23), welches einen Luftfilteraufnahmeraum (25) für einen Luftfilter begrenzt, bei welchem die Verbrennungsluft mittels des Fliehkraftabscheiders (20, 22) in einen Kernvolumenstrom und in einen Mantelvolumenstrom getrennt werden kann, wobei der Kernvolumenstrom durch den Luftfilteraufnahmeraum (25) hindurch der Brennkraftmaschine (3) zugeleitet wird, bereitzustellen, welches möglichst kompakt und dementsprechend nicht sehr bauteilintensiv ausgestaltet ist, wird vorgeschlagen, dass das Fliehkraftabscheidergehäuse (19, 21) unmittelbar an dem Luftfilteraufnahmeraum (25) hineinragend an dem Luftfiltergehäuse (23) angeordnet ist.

21-07-1994 дата публикации

Reciprocating piston IC-engine for motor vehicle

Номер: DE0004343373A1

The elastic mounting (6, 7) flexes parallel to the direction in which the lifting piston (10) moves. The limiting rotational speed is an idling speed which, when altered by temperature, is formed by the idling speed belonging to the temperature.Supports are fixed onto an intake manifold (2) of the engine (1). At least one support point is formed by an emulsifier (8). A seal (9) is positioned between the emulsifier and the air filter (3) and which is much softer than the elastic mountings.

23-01-2003 дата публикации

Reinluftleitungen und Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung

Номер: DE0069806883T2

28-04-2005 дата публикации

Air induction system for V8 internal combustion engine has central pipe between cylinder banks carrying incoming air and passing air via swirl outlets to outer pipe with offtakes leading to cylinders

Номер: DE0010344900A1

The induction system carries air or a fuel-air mixture to the inlet ports of cylinders of a V8 internal combustion engine. It has a central pipe (16) between the cylinder banks of the V8 engine carrying incoming air or fuel-air mixture. The air passes via asymmetrical swirl outlets (18,20) into a concentric outer pipe (14) with curved offtakes (10,12) leading to outlets (28,36) leading to the cylinders. The inner pipe may be rotated with respect to the outer pipe.

30-12-2010 дата публикации

Abdeckung mit integrierten Versteifungen

Номер: DE102010025348A1

Eine Verbundmaterial-Ansaugkrümmerabdeckung umfasst Versteifungen integral mit der Außenfläche der Abdeckung, um die Abdeckung zu versteifen und Geräusch und Vibration, die mit der Abdeckung einhergehen, zu verringern. Die Abdeckung weist einen Flansch um den Umfang mit einer erhabenen Schweißwulst auf, wobei die Schweißwulst zum Schweißen der Abdeckung an ein Gegenstück vorgesehen ist. Der Flansch erstreckt sich von der Abdeckung eine erste Strecke lang über den Großteil des Umfangs nach außen und eine zweite Strecke, um die Versteifungen über dem Rest des Umfangs zu stützen. Die Versteifungen erstrecken sich von der oberen Fläche des Flansches an den Teilen des Flansches, die sich die zweite Strecke erstrecken, nach oben und können zwischen benachbarte Saugrohranschlüsse gesetzt werden. Durch Vorsehen von Abschnitten des Flansches, die sich über eine größere Strecke erstrecken, kann eine größere Versteifung gestützt werden, wodurch die Geräusch- und Vibrationseigenschaften im Verhältnis ...

10-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069902540T2

05-01-2011 дата публикации

Ansaugsystem für eine Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE602004030201D1

02-09-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001448189A

... 1448189 Pipe couplings FILTERWERK MANN & HUMMEL GmbH 7 Feb 1975 [15 May 1974] 5227/75 Heading F2G A pipe socket section 4 and a pipe spigot section 7 connected by insertion therein, are secured against twisting by an axially parallel tongue 12 and groove 10 connection, and against displacement by a stud 18 located in a hole in the wall 5 of the socket section 4 and a hole in the wall 9 of the spigot section 7. Sections 4, 7 and the stud 18 are made of synthetic plastics material. The socket section 4 may be made of such material, e.g. non-reinforced polypropylene, having a relatively high thermal coefficient of expansion compared with the material, e.g. fibreglass-reinforced polyamide, of the spigot section 7 and stud 18. The spigot section 7 may be provided on its outer circumference with an annular rib 27 including a shoulder 28 against which the end of the socket section 4 abuts. The coupling forms part of an air intake filter for internal combustion engines, compressors and other air ...

01-09-1993 дата публикации

A plastic intake pipe and a method for forming same

Номер: GB0002264450A

A plastic intake pipe for an internal combustion engine, has an inside pipe provided in the plastic intake pipe and formed integrally from the intake duct portion to the intake manifold portion, a supporting member inserted in the inside pipe for supporting an inside wall of the inside pipe for fixing the intake duct portion and the intake chamber, and an outside pipe for entirely covering the inside pipe. The intake pipe prevents itself from deforming and damaging while assembling in the internal combustion engine and provides a simple structure for handling. A method of producing the plastic intake pipe forms integrally an inside pipe of the intake pipe body having an intake duct portion, an intake chamber portion connected to a downstream side of the intake duct portion, and an intake manifold portion connected to a downstream side of the intake chamber portion, then fixes at least the intake chamber and the intake duct portion of the inside pipe by a supporting member, thereafter inserts ...

25-03-1998 дата публикации

An exhaust gas recirculating system having a plastic intake passage

Номер: GB0002317420A

An exhaust gas recirculating system having a plastic intake passage 4 comprises an exhaust gas recirculating valve (not shown), a cooling device 6 positioned between the valve and the intake passage 4 having mutually separated first and second passages 14, 15. The first passage 14 connects the valve to the intake passage 4 and passes through the cooling device 6, said first passage 14 having a pipe portion 17 which penetrates the plastic intake passage 4. An annular clearance is maintained between the outer surface of the first passage and the plastic intake passage wall to prevent hot exhaust gases damaging the intake passage. The cooling device 6 comprises a housing formed from two sections 11,12 held together by threaded bolts 21. Also disclosed (figure 7) is a further means of protecting a plastic intake passage from hot exhaust gases by using a bell shaped collar to maintain a clearance between a pipe - which introduces the exhaust gas through an opening into the intake passage - and ...

02-10-1996 дата публикации

I.c.engine air intake manifold

Номер: GB0002299375A

The internal volume of a plastics manifold 2, formed in two parts connected by friction welding at a parting plane (T, Fig. 2), is variable to suit engines of different capacity by inserting one or more bodies 7 into the manifold. The bodies 7 may have flanges (9, Fig. 3) friction welded to the manifold and be of different shape (Figs. 4 to 7).

30-09-1998 дата публикации

An air intake system for an internal combustion engine

Номер: GB0002299375B

02-12-2004 дата публикации

Drain hole shape for vessel

Номер: GB0002397101A8

24-06-2015 дата публикации

Engine mount

Номер: GB0002502808B

12-02-2003 дата публикации

Integrated fuel delivery and electronic powertrain control module and method of manufacture

Номер: GB0000300441D0

19-11-1997 дата публикации

Exhaust gas recirculation system of internal combustion engine

Номер: GB0009719921D0

05-12-2007 дата публикации

Fuel saving combustion engine insulation method and system.

Номер: AP0000001803A

A method and apparatus for reducing fuel consumption in an internal combustion engine including gasoline, petrol and diesel engines used in trucks, cars and for pumps including the steps of providing a thermal insulation shield that includes reflective fabric over the exhaust manifold, around the intake plenum for intake air and intake air box, covering the turbo charger compressor with a heat insulating material that includes a reflective fabric layer and the turbo charger drive turbine housing except for the bearing area to greatly reduce heat build up in the engine compartment thereby reducing intake air temperature for increased engine efficiency. The invention has been found to increase fuel efficiency in large trucks by ten to fifteen percent. The materials are light weight and do not significantly increase engine weight or truck loan weight.

30-06-2004 дата публикации

Fuel saving combustion engine insulation method and system.

Номер: AP2004003048A0

03-07-2006 дата публикации

Fuel saving combustion engine insulation method and system.

Номер: OA0000012746A

30-06-2004 дата публикации

Fuel saving combustion engine insulation method and system.

Номер: AP0200403048A0

30-06-2004 дата публикации

Fuel saving combustion engine insulation method and system.

Номер: AP0200403048D0

15-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000397155T

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000373044T

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000440214T

15-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000355454T

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000514855T

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000517247T

15-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000221442T

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000264453T

03-04-2008 дата публикации

Fluid transfer hose reinforced with hybrid yarn

Номер: AU2007300576A1

28-11-2019 дата публикации

Air intake manifold

Номер: AU2015338922C1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

An air intake manifold for an internal combustion engine having a top shell and a base weldment. The base weldment is formed by permanent joining of a bottom shell having a plurality of air outlets with a runner assembly having a plurality of runner components each having an air inlet and an air outlet, wherein the plurality of runner components are attached to one another via a support member to form the runner assembly.

17-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001329520C

An inlet manifold for an internal combustion engine, including a combustion mixture flow passage enclosed by walls, which are at least in part electrically conductive. Such walls consist of electrically conductive polymer material which can be connected to a power source by spaced apart connectors and are heated by current from the power source.

30-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003005800C

An air intake device for an internal combustion engine of the present invention includes a water discharge passage extending from a bottom surface of a control valve housing part recessed in a housing passage forming part of an air intake passage to an air intake port. The water discharge passage is formed independently from the air intake passage, and includes: a water collection groove recessed in the bottom surface; a water discharge hole formed penetrating a cover of a valve control housing; and a water discharge hole penetrating a flange part of an insert inserted into the air intake port. The downstream end of the water discharge hole is connected to a space defined between an air intake port inner wall surface and an insert cylindrical part.

16-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002791773C

In an outboard motor having an engine and an engine cover adapted to cover the engine, the engine having an air intake passage that opens at the engine cover, it is configured such that a secondary air passage having an inlet disposed at an internal space of the engine cover and an outlet connected to the air intake passage at a position downstream of a throttle valve of the engine. The inlet of the secondary air passage is disposed at an internal space of the engine cover and near a belt cover that covers a timing belt adapted to transmit rotation of a crankshaft of the engine to a cam shaft of the engine.

07-05-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002028498A1

G-1693/C-4212 INTEGRATED INDUCTION SYSTEM An integrated induction system for providing fluids to the cylinders in an engine comprises a casing adapted for mounting on the engine. The casing has an air inlet and a plurality of fluid outlets. A plurality of air tubes are disposed within the casing so that air entering the air inlet flows through the air tubes and respective fluid outlets to the cylinders. A fuel injection assembly is mounted within the casing to inject fuel into the air exiting the air tubes adjacent each of the fluid outlets causing a mixture of air and fuel to enter the respective cylinders. Connected to the fuel injection assembly is a carrier upon which are mounted induction system components. The casing is mounted on distribution mountings which are connected to the engine. The distribution mountings have passages to allow communication between air and fuel contained within the casing and the cylinders, and to allow communication between a supplemental fluid source and ...

30-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002246469A1

A clean air duct (300) comprises a pair of tubular bodies (302, 310), each tubular body having a pair of opposed ends (304. 306, 312, 314), one of the oppo sed ends of one tubular body having an annular ring (346) which terminates at an inwardly extending lip (340), the other tubular body having an outwardly extendi ng rib (322) at one end; and a cuff (320) connecting the outwardly extending rib an d the inwardly extending lip. Another clean air duct (400) comprises a first blow molded tubular body (406) having a first open end (408) and an annular ring (450 ) which terminates at an inwardly extending lip (444), and a second blow molded tubular body (402) which has an open end (404). A cuff (412) connects the blow molded tubular bodies to one another wherein the lip (444) exerts a compressive sealing force around the second tubular body (402). Both tubular bodies (402, 40 6) extend from the cuff (412) in the same direction.

11-01-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002192356A1

The present invention provides a method for manufacturing a tubular body member for use as a clean air duct (10) including the steps of providing a blow mold (50) with at least one embedded knife (54), forming a tubular body (12) with an apex (78) where the embedded knife is located; removing the tubular body from the blow mold, and cutting the tubular body at the apex so as to form an open end (14, 16). Another method for manufacturing a clean air duct includes the steps of providing a tubular body (12) having at least one open end, inserting the open end onto a mandrel (90), closing an injection mold (110) around the tubular body and the mandrel, and injecting a polymeric material into the mold, to secure a connecting means (30) to the tubular body so as to form the air duct. The method concludes by opening the injection mold and removing the air duct from the injection mold. The invention also includes clean air ducts (10) for interconnecting an air filter to a throttle body comprising ...

30-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002295004A1

The invention relates to an induction port with an optimal noise level, especially a suction pipe for use as an induction port of an internal combustion engine. The noise level is optimised by introducing shunt resonators (16, 18) in the collecting chamber (12) of the suction pipe. Said suction pipe is produced using a multi-shell technique. The inserted structures (16, 18) can be stuck or welded before the shells are joined. The inventive shunt resonators (16, 18) require little space and can also be used for subsequently optimising the suction pipes in the test phase, should the test results be acoustically unsatisfactory.

31-01-2014 дата публикации

PP molding material, manufacturing process and thereafter manufactured molded articles from the PP molding material as well as their use as lines, which come with motor vehicles with exhaust gases into contact.

Номер: CH0000706751A1

Es wird eine Polyamid-Formmasse vorgeschlagen, welche zusammengesetzt ist aus 4597.9 Gew.-% eines Copolyamids, das aufgebaut ist aus mindestens einem Diamin ausgewählt aus der Gruppe bestehend aus 1,6-Hexandiamin, Nonandiamin, und 1,10-Decandiamin, sowie Terephthalsäure, und mindestens einem weiteren polyamidbildenden Monomeren ausgewählt aus der Gruppe Dicarbonsäure mit 818 Kohlenstoffatomen, Lactam mit 6 bis 12 Kohlenstoffatomen, Aminosäure mit 6 bis 12 Kohlenstoffatomen, und Mischungen davon, sowie 210 Gew.-% zumindest eines Schlagzähmodifikators, 0.110 Gew.-% zumindest eines Viskositätsmodifikators, und 035 Gew.-% Additiven und/oder Zusatzstoffen, wobei sich die Komponenten in der Summe auf 100 Gew.-% der Polyamid-Formmasse ergänzen. Diese Polyamid-Formmasse eignet sich durch ihre Schmelzefestigkeit zum Blasformen von Formkörpern, und durch ihre Säurebeständigkeit zur Verwendung als Leitung, insbesondere als Leitung in Luftsystemen, die bei Motorfahrzeugen mit Abgasen in Kontakt kommen ...

15-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000077242C2

27-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000008414B1

Способ и устройство для снижения расхода топлива в двигателе внутреннего сгорания, включая бензиновые и дизельные двигатели, используемые в грузовиках, легковых автомобилях и для насосов, согласно которым обеспечивают теплоизоляционный экран, включающий в себя отражающую ткань, на выхлопном патрубке, вокруг патрубка воздухозаборника и всасывающего воздушного короба; закрывают компрессор турбонагнетателя теплоизоляционным материалом, включающим в себя слой отражающей ткани; и кожух турбины привода турбонагнетателя, кроме подшипниковых частей, чтобы в значительной степени уменьшить количество тепла в моторном отделении и тем самым снизить температуру всасываемого воздуха для повышения КПД двигателя. Изобретение целесообразно для повышения КПД крупных грузовиков на 10-15%. Применяемые материалы легковесные и не повышают вес двигателя или общий вес грузовика.

20-04-2005 дата публикации

Elastic connecting pipe

Номер: CN0001607325A

23-09-2015 дата публикации

Sensor mounting structure

Номер: CN0102434334B

08-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CN0001179122C

... 进气导管用于将外部空气导入内燃机的空气滤清器,包括:一中空导管体,有树脂的周壁,导管体有一形成在周壁上的开口,以提供平的端面;非纺织纤维连接于导管体覆盖开口,使导管体的树脂渗透进入非纺织纤维,使非纺织纤维固定在导管体上。和生产进气导管的方法,包括:制备一中空导管体,包括一树脂周壁;在周壁形成一开口;熔化限定了开口的周边,周边由围绕开口的周壁一部分形成;将非纺织纤维压靠在仍然熔化的开口周边上,从而将非纺织纤维连接到导管体上。 ...

08-10-1999 дата публикации

Integrated structure to reinforce a structure of a housing

Номер: FR0002777050A1

La présente invention concerne un dispositif intégré pour renforcer la structure d'un boîtier comprenant un fond et un couvercle, ce dispositif permettant d'une part d'améliorer la qualité du procédé d'assemblage et d'autre part d'assurer la fixation du couvercle sur le fond de manière à augmenter la tenue du boîtier à l'éclatement. Le dispositif est constitué d'un harpon (35) solidaire du couvercle (2) et d'un logement (39) solidaire du fond (3), délimité par des parois (38) déformables élastiquement et pourvues d'un crochet (41). Lors de l'assemblage du boîtier (1'), une force (F) est exercée sur le couvercle (2) qui est déformé jusqu'à ce que le harpon (35) dépasse les crochets (41) des parois (38). Après relâchement, la base (37) du harpon (35) vient au contact de la face inférieure (44) du crochet (41). Le harpon (35) est ainsi retenu dans son logement (39) et tiendra à l'éclatement jusqu'à rupture de la matière. En effet, la face inférieure (44) du crochet (41) présente un angle positif ...

14-02-1997 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002727722B1

01-05-2009 дата публикации

Pipe's end connecting device for internal combustion engine of vehicle, has internal partition supported around holes, where holes have contour/opening with width less than diameter of portion of sealing piece to exert maintenance effort

Номер: FR0002922987A3

La présente invention concerne un dispositif de connexion d'une extrémité de conduit (1) sur un embout (4) d'un circuit d'admission d'un moteur, ce dispositif bon marché permettant une bonne étanchéité entre l'embout (4) d'entrée d'air, pouvant être à forte température, et le conduit résistant aux surpressions et aux dépressions notamment grâce à une pièce (3) d'étanchéité comprenant une cloison (34) interne s'appuyant sur la paroi interne du conduit, autour d'au moins un trou, et une cloison (33) externe s'appuyant sur la paroi externe du conduit, autour dudit trou, la cloison externe et la cloison interne étant liées par au moins une portion (32) traversante passant par ledit trou, ledit trou ayant un contour fermé ou avec une ouverture de largeur inférieure au diamètre de la portion traversante et exerçant un effort de maintien de la portion traversante, selon l'axe (A1 ) longitudinal.

06-09-1963 дата публикации

Tube of aspiration for air filters of internal combustion engines

Номер: FR0001336979A

09-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002911093B1

23-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002878603B1

10-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003073257A1

16-01-2004 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine inlet manifold is made from one component comprising plenum chamber and one group of ducts and second component with remaining ducts

Номер: FR0002842258A1

La présente invention a pour objet un procédé de fabrication d'un répartiteur d'admission comprenant une structure de plénum et deux groupes d'au moins deux tubulures sensiblement sous forme de portions de conduits courbes. Procédé caractérisé en ce qu'il consiste à fournir, d'une part, une première pièce (5) comprenant la structure de plénum (2) et un premier (3) des deux groupes (3 et 4) de tubulures et, d'autre part, une seconde pièce (6) comprenant le second groupe (4) de tubulures (4'), à amener les extrémités (4") concernées desdites tubulures (4') du second groupe (4) vers des sites (7) de solidarisation respectifs de ladite structure de plénum (2) en faisant passer les tubulures (4') de ladite seconde pièce (6) entre les tubulures (3') de ladite première pièce (5) avec une interpénétration mutuelle des deux groupes (3, 4) de tubulures et, enfin, à réaliser la solidarisation et le branchement étanche desdites extrémités (4") desdites tubulures (4) de ladite seconde pièce (6), également ...

07-03-1997 дата публикации

IC engine intake manifold with grouped auxiliary vacuum connections

Номер: FR0002738293A1

Dispositif d'admission d'air pour moteur à combustion interne multicylindre comprenant un filtre à air (1) et un collecteur d'admission (2) venant se fixer sur ledit moteur, ledit filtre à air (1) comportant un boîtier (10, 11) définissant un logement pour une cartouche filtrante et ledit collecteur d'admission (2) coopérant avec un capteur de pression (3) pour fournir la valeur de la pression de l'air dans le collecteur (2) nécessaire au fonctionnement du système électronique de contrôle du moteur, caractérisé en ce que ledit boîtier (10, 11) du filtre à air comporte un support (6) adapté pour recevoir ledit capteur de pression (3).

22-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002927124B1

07-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002768464B1

16-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002831216B1

02-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002804740B1

25-04-2003 дата публикации

Thermoformed intake duct for internal combustion engine, has bellows portions formed on outer duct surface, in which each bellows portion has two longitudinal flanges diametrically opposing along diameter of duct

Номер: FR0002831216A1

Conduit 1 d'admission, thermo-formé en matériau non tissé et comportant des trottoirs 6, 7, 8, 9, parallèles à l'axe longitudinal du conduit faisant saillie de la surface extérieure du conduit, un premier tronçon 4 du conduit étant formé sous la forme d'un premier soufflet, le premier tronçon 4 en forme de soufflet ayant deux trottoirs 6, 7 longitudinaux diamétralement opposés suivant un premier diamètre D2, caractérisé en ce que le conduit comporte au moins un deuxième tronçon 5 en forme de soufflet ayant deux trottoirs 8, 9 longitudinaux diamétralement opposés suivant un deuxième diamètre D3 du conduit qui fait par rapport au premier diamètre D2 des deux trottoirs 6, 7 du premier tronçon en forme de soufflet un angle non nul, et notamment 90°.

11-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002911093A1

L'invention se rapporte à un dispositif de calage d'un répartiteur (2) d'admission d'air sur un moteur (1) à combustion interne d'un véhicule automobile, le répartiteur (2) étant situé en surplomb du moteur (1) et étant prolongé par un doseur (3) d'air placé à distance dudit moteur (1). La principale caractéristique du dispositif de calage selon l'invention est qu'il comprend une pièce (6) de soutien en matière plastique, insérée entre le répartiteur (2) et le moteur (1), de façon à supporter le doseur (3) et à réduire les contraintes exercées par ledit doseur (3) sur ledit répartiteur (2).

16-06-2006 дата публикации

Air distributor for internal combustion engine of motor vehicle, has exhaust gas injecting tube at its plenum, including end fixed on wall of distributor by fixation system that limits heat transfer between tube and distributor

Номер: FR0002879262A1

L'invention concerne un répartiteur d'air (1) en matière plastique pour un moteur à combustion interne, comportant une admission d'air (2) et une pluralité de conduits (3) de répartition d'air, le répartiteur étant destiné à être raccordé à un système de recirculation des gaz d'échappement, caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend un dispositif d'injection (6) des gaz d'échappement dont une partie (6a), raccordée au système de recirculation, est fixée sur la paroi du répartiteur au moyen d'un système de fixation (8) l'isolant thermiquement de la paroi, et dont une autre partie, pourvue d'orifices (7) ou de zones de diffusion des gaz de recirculation, s'étend à l'intérieur du répartiteur sensiblement au centre de ce dernier de manière à ce que les orifices ou zones de diffusion soient situés sensiblement en regard des conduits de répartition.

07-12-2001 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine outboard motor has improved synthetic resin air admission collector with air over-pressure reservoir fitted with diverters feeding air to engine cylinders

Номер: FR0002809772A1

L'invention concerne un collecteur d'admission. Elle se rapporte à un collecteur d'admission de moteur hors-bord, celui-ci étant muni d'un moteur (3) à combustion interne à plusieurs cylindres, l'air d'admission étant distribué par le collecteur d'admission aux cylindres respectifs du moteur (3) à combustion interne. Le collecteur d'admission (21) est formé d'une résine de synthèse et il comporte un réservoir (22) de surpression, et une dérivation (23) ayant plusieurs tronçons qui s'étendent du réservoir (22) de surpression vers les cylindres respectifs, le réservoir (22) de surpression et la dérivation (23) constituant un corps de collecteur d'admission (21) qui est divisé dans la direction de circulation de l'air d'admission qui s'écoule dans les tronçons de dérivation (23). Application aux moteurs hors-bord.

18-11-2005 дата публикации

Air intake equipment for internal combustion engine, has clamping plate with sealing joint placed between air manifold and different intake manifolds of cylinders, where joint has support frame and elastic sealing lip inserted on frame

Номер: FR0002870297A1

Installation d'admission (10) de moteur à combustion interne comportant un collecteur d'air (11), une entrée d'air (12) reliée à celui-ci, une bride (13) pour relier le collecteur d'air aux différentes tubulures d'admission conduisant vers les différents cylindres du moteur à combustion interne ainsi qu'un joint d'étanchéité (15) installé entre le collecteur d'air et les différentes tubulures d'admission au niveau de la bride. Le joint (15) comporte une lèvre d'étanchéité (17) élastique prévue d'un côté sur une surface d'étanchéité périphérique de la bride, la lèvre d'étanchéité (17), élastique, étant injectée sur le bord extérieur d'un châssis de support (16) de forme stable.

20-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002833511A1

Dans un processus de moulage secondaire destiné à assembler une multiplicité de produits moulés primaires (6, 7) formés par un processus séparé, on injecte une résine de moulage secondaire (13) dans des parties de jonction (12) après que les surfaces (10, 11) des parties de jonction (12) des produits moulés primaires (6, 7) à assembler ont été chauffées. Le chauffage est effectué en faisant passer un fluide de chauffage, par exemple de l'air chaud, dans des chemins tubulaires formés par les surfaces (10, 11) des parties de jonction. Ce procédé peut éviter une déformation ou une rupture des produits moulés primaires au cours du processus de moulage secondaire, pour améliorer ainsi la résistance mécanique de l'assemblage.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Air Inlet System for an Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20120318143A1
Принадлежит: HUSQVARNA AB

An air inlet system ( 100 ) for an internal combustion engine includes an air filter ( 1 ) and a flow resistance means ( 2 ). The air filter ( 1 ) includes one or more filter elements ( 12 ), an interior chamber ( 3 ) and a suction opening ( 6 ). The suction opening ( 6 ) is provided to connect the interior chamber ( 3 ) to a suction channel ( 7 ) of an engine. During operation of the engine, the combustion air flows through the one or more filter elements ( 12 ) into the interior chamber ( 3 ) and from the interior chamber ( 3 ) into the suction channel ( 7 ). Further, the interior chamber ( 3 ), the suction opening ( 6 ) and the suction channel ( 7 ) together define a combustion air flow path. The flow resistance means ( 2 ) is provided in the combustion air flow path. During the operation of the engine, a portion of the combustion air flows through the flow resistance means ( 2 ).

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Intake device of engine

Номер: US20130180507A1
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp

An intake device of an engine comprises an intake manifold of a four-cylinder inline engine and a water-cooling type of intercooler. The intake manifold includes a downstream branch pipe portion connecting to cylinders, a chamber portion connecting to the downstream branch pipe portion, and an upstream intake pipe portion connecting to the chamber portion. A rectangular opening portion having a vertically-long shape is formed at the upstream intake pipe portion. The intercooler includes an intercooler body portion having a pair of faces which has the widest face-area and faces to each other in an engine width direction. The intercooler body portion is installed in the chamber portion, by being inserted through the rectangular opening portion, so as to divide an inside of the chamber portion into two parts in the engine width direction thereby.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Squeeze clip ground strap

Номер: US20130291837A1

Vehicles and engines are provided. The engine, for example, may include a first engine component configured to be ohmically coupled to a common ground, a second engine component configured to be coupled to the first engine component, the second engine component comprising an insulative materially ohmically isolating the second engine component from the first engine component, the second engine component including an inclusion having a predetermined depth along a surface of the second engine component configured to be coupled to the first engine component, a third engine component configured to be coupled to the second engine component, and a spring clip configured to be ohmically coupled to the third engine component, wherein the spring clip is further configured to be disposed within the inclusion of the second engine component and to have a deflectable surface having an undeflected depth greater than the predetermined depth of the inclusion.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016966A1
Принадлежит: Cummins, Inc.

An engine assembly and methods of supporting components of an engine assembly. An internal combustion engine includes an intake port. A charge air cooler is coupled to the intake port. A turbocharger including a charge air output port is fluidly coupled to the charge air cooler. A charge air tube is coupled to the charge air output port of the turbocharger. The charge air tube fluidly couples the turbocharger to the charge air cooler for transfer of compressed charge air from the turbocharger to the intake port of the internal combustion engine. A charge air tube support assembly is coupled to the charge air tube. The charge air tube support assembly is configured to allow axial displacement of the charge air tube along an axis of the charge air tube extending from the output port of the turbocharger to the charge air cooler in response to thermal expansion of the charge air tube. The charge air tube support assembly comprises a wear sleeve and a clamp. 1. An assembly , comprising:an internal combustion engine including an intake port;a charge air cooler coupled to the intake port;a turbocharger including a charge air output port fluidly coupled to the charge air cooler;a charge air tube coupled to the charge air output port of the turbocharger, the charge air tube fluidly coupling the turbocharger to the charge air cooler for transfer of fluid from the turbocharger to the intake port of the internal combustion engine; and a wear sleeve coaxially positioned about the charge air tube, the wear sleeve formed from non-metallic material, and', 'a clamp coaxially positioned about the wear sleeve and coupled to the internal combustion engine., 'a charge air tube support assembly coupled to the charge air tube, the charge air tube support assembly configured to allow axial displacement of the charge air tube along an axis of the charge air tube extending from the output port of the turbocharger to the charge air cooler in response to thermal expansion of the charge air ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022946A1

A turbocharger system includes a flexible duct having an elongated elastomeric body extending longitudinally between first and second ends configured to attach to respective turbocharger devices. A plurality of constricting rings are spaced longitudinally between the ends. Each constricting ring applies a radial compression force around a respective circumference of the duct. Each ring is comprised of a molded thermoplastic retained in a concentric shape by a clasp. The spacing of the constricting rings has a density sufficient to limit a volume increase of the duct under turbocharger operating pressure to less than 20%. Each constricting ring has an inner surface including an intrusion feature providing a reduced compression force on the duct so that a portion of the duct enters the intrusion feature, thereby anchoring the constricting ring in a substantially fixed position. 1. A turbocharger air-transfer system comprising:a flexible duct having an elongated elastomeric body extending longitudinally between first and second ends configured to attach to respective turbocharger devices; anda plurality of constricting rings spaced longitudinally between the ends, each constricting ring applying a radial compression force around a respective circumference of the duct, wherein each ring is comprised of a molded thermoplastic being retained in a concentric shape by a clasp, wherein the spacing of the constricting rings has a density sufficient to limit a volume increase of the duct under turbocharger operating pressure to less than 20%, and wherein each constricting ring has an inner surface including an intrusion feature providing a reduced compression force on the duct so that a portion of the duct enters the intrusion feature, thereby anchoring the constricting ring in a substantially fixed position.2. The system of wherein the intrusion feature includes interior pockets spaced around the inner surface.3. The system of wherein the intrusion feature includes a ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023456A1
Автор: CHOI Chi-Hoon, KIM Gi-Hwan

A car intercooler pipe includes an inlet of the intercooler pipe positioned at an upper side of the car intercooler pipe, an upper corrugated portion having upper corrugated bodies protruding in a rib shape from a surface of a pipe body extending in a direction toward the inlet, an outlet of the intercooler pipe positioned at a lower side of the car intercooler pipe, a lower corrugated portion, and an intermediate portion bent downward from the upper corrugated portion and having the pipe body connected to the lower corrugated portion, wherein a thickness of the pipe body of the intermediate portion is greater than a thickness of the upper corrugated body of the upper corrugated portion and a thickness of the lower corrugated body of the lower corrugated portion, and wherein disconnection portions having corrugations with different heights are formed in the upper corrugated body and the lower corrugated body. 1. A car intercooler pipe comprising:an inlet of the intercooler pipe positioned at an upper side of the car intercooler pipe;an upper corrugated portion having upper corrugated bodies protruding in a rib shape from a surface of a pipe body extending in a direction toward the inlet;an outlet of the intercooler pipe positioned at a lower side of the car intercooler pipe;a lower corrugated portion having lower corrugated bodies protruding in a rib shape from a surface of the pipe body extending in a direction toward the outlet; andan intermediate portion bent downward from the upper corrugated portion and having the pipe body connected to the lower corrugated portion,wherein a thickness of the pipe body of the intermediate portion is greater than a thickness of the upper corrugated body of the upper corrugated portion and a thickness of the lower corrugated body of the lower corrugated portion, andwherein disconnection portions having corrugations with different heights are formed in the upper corrugated body and the lower corrugated body.2. The car intercooler ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Handheld work apparatus and elastic connecting piece for a handheld work apparatus

Номер: US20150027396A1
Принадлежит: Andreas Stihl AG and Co KG

A handheld work apparatus has at least one tool which is driven by a combustion engine. A portion of an intake channel of the combustion engine is formed by an elastic connecting piece which has a first section and a second section between which an expansion fold is arranged. The expansion fold has a first side wall and a second side wall arranged downstream of the first side wall. A peripheral wall, which extends in the region of the largest outside diameter (a) of the expansion fold, is arranged in flow direction between the first side wall and the second side wall. The connecting piece has a stop for the expansion fold which prevents a segment of the first side wall adjoining the peripheral wall from bearing against the second side wall.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025162A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Flow Engineering, Inc.

A sealed intake air system incorporates a positive connection seal interface between the air filter and the airbox with captive fasteners to provide a positive connection between the air filter and the one-piece airbox. 1. A sealed intake air system comprising:a one-piece airbox with an intake opening and an air filter interface;a rigid air filter base with a filter flange configured to engage the air filter interface in the airbox;a plurality of captive fasteners secured to the rigid air filter base for securing the filter flange to the airbox;an air filter with filter media secured between the rigid air filter base and a top;a bellows coupler operably connected to the rigid air filter base; andan intake tube operably connected to the bellows coupler to conduct filtered air to an engine air intake.2. The sealed intake air system of wherein the one-piece airbox includes a plurality of intake openings.3. The sealed intake air system of wherein the rigid air filter base and the top each have a surface angled to conform to the filter media.4. The sealed intake air system of further comprising:a straight coupler between the bellows coupler and the rigid air filter base.5. A sealed intake air system comprising:a one-piece airbox with an intake opening and an air filter interface;an integrated air filter base and bellows coupler wherein the integrated air filter base includes a base flange engaged to the air filter interface in the airbox;a plurality of captive fasteners secured to the integrated base flange for securing the integrated base flange to the airbox;an air filter with filter media secured between the integrated air filter base and a top; andan intake tube operably connected to the bellows coupler to conduct filtered air to an engine air intake.6. The sealed intake air system of wherein the one-piece airbox includes a plurality of intake openings.7. The sealed intake air system of wherein the integrated air filter base and the top each have a surface angled to ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040635A1
Автор: Satarino Charles

An adaptive air intake joint for an internal combustion engine comprising a molded elastomeric duct body having standing ribs constructed and arranged to provide a continuous and sufficient contact force across the face of a joint of an adjoining duct body. A clamp secured to the duct causes the ribs to provide a continuous and sufficient contact force across a seal surface, eliminating the need for constant tension clamp and improving the air intake joint seal to prevent leakage that is especially common in cold environments. 1. An adaptive air intake joint for an internal combustion engine comprising:{'b': 12', '15', '17', '15', '21', '19', '23', '14', '17', '23, 'a first duct body () having an interior surface () and an exterior surface (), said interior surface () providing a first air flow passageway () between a first end () and a receptacle end (), at least two ribs () positioned over the exterior surface () of said receptacle end ();'}{'b': 29', '31', '33', '31', '29', '32', '35', '37', '35', '23', '12', '33', '35', '15', '23', '41', '20', '14, 'a second duct body () having an interior surface () and exterior surface (), said interior surface () of said second duct body providing a second air flow passageway () between an insertion end () and a second end (), said insertion end insertable into said receptacle end () of said first duct body () with said exterior surface () of said insertion end () constructed and arranged to frictionally engage said interior surface () of said receptacle end () to form a joint (); and a clamp () positioned over said ribs ();'}{'b': 20', '14', '41', '21', '29', '19', '37, 'wherein said clamp () is tightened to cause compression of the ribs () to provide a constant pressure on the joint (), said first duct body () and said second duct body () forming a sealed passageway between said first () and second ends ().'}214. The adaptive air intake joint for an internal combustion engine according to wherein said ribs () are formed by ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Air intake device for motorcycle

Номер: US20160040637A1
Автор: Toshiyuki Tsubone
Принадлежит: Kawasaki Jukogyo KK

In an air intake device for motorcycle, an air cleaner having a front end formed with a main intake port is disposed between a pair of left and right main frame pieces forming a main frame. An introducing passage is formed within the main frame for capturing an incoming wind. An intake air introducing port of the introducing passage is provided at a location rearwardly of the main intake port in the main frame piece. An intake air discharge port is defined in an intermediate portion of a front portion of the main frame with respect to a motorcycle widthwise direction so as to open rearwardly and to be fluid connected with the main intake port. A sub intake port is provided in communication with the main intake port so as to introduce an intake air into the main intake port.

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Intake device

Номер: US20220056855A1
Принадлежит: Aisan Industry Co Ltd

An intake duct that includes a first flange projecting outward from an edge of the intake duct on a throttle body side. An intake manifold that includes a second flange projecting outward from an edge of the intake manifold on a throttle body side. A plurality of spacers is provided between the first flange and the second flange around the throttle body. The first flange and the second flange are fastened via the plurality of spacers in a state where the throttle body is held between the intake duct and the intake manifold.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043765A1

A motor vehicle having a frame-like assembly carrier as a component of a bodywork in the front end region of the motor vehicle which is driven by means of an internal combustion engine. The assembly carrier has an inner side and an outer side and includes a plurality of web-like carriers. In the installation position of the assembly carrier, two lateral carriers spaced apart from each other are connected by an upper carrier with a frame being formed. The upper web-like carrier has at least one air passage defined by the upper carrier which leads from the outer side to the inner side of the assembly carrier. A suction system is arranged on the inner side of the assembly carrier for supplying the internal combustion engine with air. At least one air inlet opening of the suction system adjoins at least one air passage of the upper carrier. 1. A motor vehicle having an assembly carrier of a bodywork in a front end region of the motor vehicle which is driven by means of an internal combustion engine and in which the assembly carrier has an inner side and an outer side and comprises four web-like carriers , wherein in an installation position of the assembly carrier two lateral carriers which are spaced apart from each other are connected by means of a lower carrier and an upper carrier with a frame being formed , the motor vehicle comprising:at least one air passage defined by the upper carrier which leads from the outer side to the inner side of the assembly carrier; anda suction system arranged on the inner side of the assembly carrier for supplying the internal combustion engine with air, wherein the suction system defines at least one air inlet opening that adjoins at least one air passage of the upper carrier.2. The motor vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the upper carrier has at least two air passages defined by the upper carrier that lead from the outer side to the inner side of the assembly carrier.3. The motor vehicle as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the at ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054811A1

An air cleaner assembly can contain an air filter element to filter contaminant material out of an air stream. In some examples, the air cleaner assembly includes a housing with an integrated noise suppression chamber for supplying air to a downstream compressor. The housing forms a cavity into which an air filter element is inserted. Contaminated air enters the housing and passes through the air filter. Filtered air can discharge from the housing through a first opening supplying air to a combustion engine and a second opening supplying air to a compressor. Air supplied to the compressor passes from the interior of the housing containing the filter element and through the integrated noise suppression chamber before being discharged. The acoustic energy released by the filtered air stream exiting the air cleaner assembly may be reduced by passing through the noise suppression chamber. 1. An air cleaner assembly comprising: an interior cavity configured to receive an air filter element;', 'an inlet opening configured to receive air to be filtered;', 'a first outlet opening configured to discharge filtered air, and', 'a second outlet opening configured to discharge filtered air;, 'a housing having at least one sidewall, the housing defining wherein the second outlet opening extends through the at least one sidewall of the housing in a region of the noise suppression chamber such that air is delivered through the second outlet into the noise suppression chamber, and', 'the noise suppression chamber has an airflow outlet configured to discharge air from the noise suppression chamber., 'a noise suppression chamber formed by the at least one sidewall of the housing and an exterior sidewall spaced from the at least one sidewall of the housing,'}2. The air cleaner assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second outlet opening has a cross-sectional size less than a cross-sectional size of the first outlet opening.3. (canceled)4. The air cleaner assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Intake duct for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20200049112A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Boshoku Corp

An intake duct for an internal combustion engine includes a tubular side wall. The side wall includes a first molded body and a second molded body that are separate from each other in a circumferential direction of the side wall. The first molded body includes first and second joints. The second molded body includes first and second joints. The first and second joints of the first molded body and the first and second joints of the second molded body are joined to each other. The first molded body includes a rib protruding toward the second molded body and extending in an axial direction of the side wall. The rib is located inward from the first and second joints of the first molded body. The second molded body includes an accommodation recess that accommodates the rib. The accommodation recess is located outward from the rib.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051662A1

A manifold assembly includes a clevis-style mounting structure, a first manifold section, a second manifold section, an accessory disposed between the first and second manifold sections, and a plurality of threaded clevis fasteners. The clevis-style mounting structure includes an upper clevis structure and a lower threaded clevis structure. The clevis-style mounting structure may be operatively configured to be mounted on a cylinder head. The first manifold section has distal and proximal ends. The first manifold section is integral to the clevis style mounting structure. The plurality of threaded clevis fasteners operatively configured to mount the clevis-style mounting structure to a cylinder head via a plurality of corresponding passageways defined in the cylinder head. 1. A manifold assembly comprising:a clevis-style mounting structure operatively configured to be mounted on a cylinder head;a first manifold section integral to the clevis style mounting structure, the first manifold section having a proximal end and a distal end;an accessory affixed to the distal end of the first manifold section;a second manifold section affixed to the accessory opposite the first manifold section; anda plurality of fasteners operatively configured to mount the clevis-style mounting structure to a cylinder head via a plurality of corresponding passageways defined in the cylinder head.2. The manifold assembly as defined in wherein the clevis-style mounting structure includes an upper clevis structure operatively configured to span along an upper portion of the cylinder head and a lower clevis structure operatively configured to span along a lower portion of the cylinder head.3. The manifold assembly as defined in wherein the accessory is a charge air cooler.4. The manifold assembly as defined in further comprising a plurality of radial seals mounted to the first manifold section.5. The manifold assembly as defined in wherein a plurality of thread inserts are disposed in the lower ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061166A1

A structure of an intake manifold () for an engine is constituted of divided pieces (). The structure of the intake manifold includes a gas supply hole () formed in a predetermined position of an outer surface of the intake manifold, and configured to supply predetermined gas from the outside, and a gas inlet passage () formed in predetermined joint surfaces () of the divided pieces (), and configured to guide the gas supplied through the gas supply hole to a predetermined gas inlet position () of an intake passage (E). 1. A structure of an intake manifold constituted of a plurality of divided pieces for an engine , comprising:a gas supply hole formed in a predetermined position of an outer surface of the intake manifold, and configured to supply predetermined gas from an outside of the intake manifold; anda gas inlet passage formed in predetermined joint surfaces of the divided pieces, and configured to guide the gas supplied through the gas supply hole to a predetermined gas inlet position of an intake passage.2. The structure of the intake manifold for an engine according to claim 1 , further comprising:a purge valve mounted on the intake manifold, and configured to regulate an amount of fuel vapor to be introduced to the intake passage, whereinthe gas supply hole is a purge gas supply hole which supplies purge gas of fuel vapor to be discharged from the purge valve, andthe gas inlet passage is a purge passage which guides the purge gas supplied through the purge gas supply hole to a downstream portion of the intake passage with respect to a throttle valve.3. The structure of the intake manifold for an engine according to claim 2 , whereinthe purge valve is mounted on a joint portion recessed between runners of the intake manifold adjacent to each other.4. The structure of the intake manifold for an engine according to claim 3 , whereinthe intake manifold includes a throttle body provided with the throttle valve, a single pipe portion formed downstream of the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Intake Device

Номер: US20180058399A1

An intake device includes: a rotary shaft; and a resin-made intake valve including a rotary shaft press-fit guide hole provided at an end portion in a rotary axis direction to guide the rotary shaft when the rotary shaft is press-fitted, a rotary shaft press-fit hole provided on a more inner side than the rotary shaft press-fit guide hole in the rotary axis direction, the rotary shaft inserted through the rotary shaft press-fit guide hole being press-fitted into the rotary shaft press-fit hole, and a window portion exposing an outer surface of the rotary shaft, the resin intake valve being rotated together with rotation of the rotary shaft in the intake port to change intake air, in which the rotary shaft press-fit guide hole has a tapered shape portion which gradually decreases in cross-sectional area toward the rotary shaft press-fit hole when viewed from the rotary axis direction. 1. An intake device comprising:a rotary shaft; anda resin-made intake valve including a rotary shaft press-fit guide hole provided at an end portion in a rotary axis direction to guide the rotary shaft when the rotary shaft is press-fitted, a rotary shaft press-fit hole provided on a more inner side than the rotary shaft press-fit guide hole in the rotary axis direction, the rotary shaft inserted through the rotary shaft press-fit guide hole being press-fitted into the rotary shaft press-fit hole, and a window portion configured to expose an outer surface of the rotary shaft press-fitted to the rotary shaft press-fit hole, the resin intake valve being rotated together with rotation of the rotary shaft in the intake port to change intake air,wherein the rotary shaft press-fit guide hole has a tapered shape portion which gradually decreases in cross-sectional area toward the rotary shaft press-fit hole when viewed from the rotary axis direction.2. The intake device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a bearing part disposed on an intake port side to rotatably support the intake ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080498A1

An engine includes: a throttle body that is joined to an intake port and that makes a butterfly valve within an intake path actuate based on driving force of an electric actuator so as to adjust an opening degree of the intake path; a receptor that extends from the throttle body to a direction distant from the throttle body above a crankcase and that receives the electric actuator therein; and a supporting piece that extends from the receptor to the direction distant from the throttle body and that is supported on the crankcase. Accordingly, in the engine, it is possible to alleviate the influence of vehicle vibrations on the throttle body and actuator by enhancing the rigidity with which to support the throttle body and actuator in a simple structure. 1. An engine comprising:a crankcase;a cylinder block that is joined to the crankcase and that guides a linear reciprocal movement of a piston;a cylinder head that is joined to the cylinder block so as to define a combustion chamber between the cylinder head and the piston, the cylinder head being provided with an intake port communicating with the combustion chamber; anda throttle body that is joined to the intake port and that makes a butterfly valve within an intake path actuate based on driving force of an electric actuator so as to adjust an opening degree of the intake path, a receptor that extends from the throttle body to a direction distant from the throttle body above the crankcase and that receives the electric actuator therein; and', 'a supporting piece that extends from the receptor to the direction distant from the throttle body and that is supported on the crankcase., 'wherein the engine further comprises2. The engine according to claim 1 , wherein the supporting piece is secured to the crankcase through an elastic body.3. The engine according to claim 1 , whereinthe crankcase is provided with: a crankcase main body that is joined to the cylinder block so as to define a crank room; and a breather cover ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Air intake system for an engine

Номер: US20160090948A1
Принадлежит: Electro Motive Diesel Inc

An air intake system is disclosed. The air intake system may have an air box. The air box may be configured to receive air from an ambient. The air intake system may also have a filter assembly disposed within the air box. The filter assembly may be configured to clean the air. In addition, the air intake system may have a duct. The duct may have a first duct end configured to receive the air exiting the filter assembly. The duct may also have a second duct end configured to deliver the air to the engine. The second duct end may be located at a gravitationally higher position than the first duct end.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190085756A1
Автор: Parekh Bipin

A fan shroud assembly according to an example of the present application includes an air intake duct configured to receive ambient air, a fan configured to receive hot air, a motor driving the fan, and an air induction intake box in fluid communication with the fan and the air intake duct to mix the hot air and the ambient air. A vehicle and a method of providing cooling air to a vehicle engine are also disclosed. 1. A fan shroud assembly , comprising:an air intake duct configured to receive ambient air;a fan configured to draw hot air;a motor driving the fan; andan air induction intake box in fluid communication with the fan and the air intake duct to mix the hot air and the ambient air.2. The fan shroud assembly of claim 1 , wherein the fan is arranged in a fan housing.3. The fan shroud assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a protective screen arranged over the fan.4. The fan shroud assembly of claim 1 , wherein a temperature of air in the air induction intake box is lower than a temperature of the hot air.5. The fan shroud assembly of claim 4 , wherein a temperature of air in the air induction intake box is higher than a temperature of the ambient air.6. The fan shroud assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a cooler in the air induction intake box configured to cool the air in the air induction intake box.7. The fan shroud assembly of claim 6 , wherein a temperature of air in the air induction intake box is lower than a temperature of the ambient air and a temperature of the hot air.8. The fan shroud assembly of claim 6 , wherein the cooler is an evaporative heat exchanger.9. The fan shroud assembly of claim 1 , wherein the fan shroud assembly comprises a plastic material.10. The fan shroud assembly of claim 9 , further comprising a reservoir integral with the fan shroud assembly.11. The fan shroud assembly of claim 1 , wherein the hot air is from a vehicle engine compartment.12. The fan shroud assembly of claim 1 , wherein the air induction intake box ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine with lubrication system

Номер: US20140174398A1
Принадлежит: S&S Cycle Inc

An internal combustion engine for a vehicle, such as a motorcycle, includes a crankcase defining a sump, and a lubrication system scavenging oil from the crankcase and supplying oil to the crankshaft and to first and second cylinder heads. The lubrication system includes a pump with housing and rotor, the housing being fixed to the crankcase and the rotor being rotatable around a crankshaft axis and being rotated by the crankshaft. A plurality of oil supply passages extend through the crankcase, potentially including at least one being formed in the crankcase.

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Tubular body

Номер: US20180093421A1
Принадлежит: Uchiyama Manufacturing Corp

A tubular body formed by joining two semi-tubular portions that are divided in radial direction, the tubular body having a connection flange portion provided with a bolt hole on at least one end portion. The two semi-tubular portions have joint projection portions at both edge portions in circumferential direction, the joint projection portions projecting in radial direction and extending in axial direction, and each joint projection portion of the semi-tubular portions on at least one of both sides in circumferential direction is configured to be bent so as to deviate from a virtual division face passing a central axis in such a manner that a joint portion formed by abutting the joint projection portions does not interfere with a tool for fastening a bolt inserted into the bolt hole in a predetermined area in the vicinity of the bolt hole of the connection flange portion.

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160108868A1

An intake device for a vehicle, in which an intake passage wall surface defining an intake passage is charged with positive charges, includes: a self-discharge static eliminator that is provided on the intake passage wall surface and that decreases an electrification charge amount on that part of the intake passage wall surface which is within a limited range around a mounting part of the self-discharge static eliminator, by providing the self-discharge static eliminator on the intake passage wall surface. 1. An intake device for a vehicle , in which an intake passage wall surface defining an intake passage is charged with positive charges , the intake device comprising:a self-discharge static eliminator that is provided on the intake passage wall surface and that decreases an electrification charge amount on that part of the intake passage wall surface which is within a limited range around a mounting part of the self-discharge static eliminator, by providing the self-discharge static eliminator on the intake passage wall surface.2. The intake device according to claim 1 , whereinthe self-discharge static eliminator is provided on an outer wall surface of the intake passage wall.3. The intake device according to claim 1 , whereinthe self-discharge static eliminator is provided on an intake passage wall surface of an intake air flow path reduced section part at which an intake air flow path section is reduced on an intake air flow path.4. The intake device according to claim 3 , whereinthe self-discharge static eliminator is provided on at least one of an air introduction port to the intake device, an air cleaner outlet port, and a surge tank outlet port.5. The intake device according to claim 3 , whereinthe self-discharge static eliminator is provided only on an air introduction port to the intake device, an air cleaner outlet port, and a surge tank outlet port.6. The intake device according to claim 1 , whereinthe self-discharge static eliminator is provided on an ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Ejector Integrally Formed with an Intake Air Component and a Method to Manufacture

Номер: US20180112634A1

Vapors in the fuel tank of a vehicle are collected in a carbon canister. An ejector or aspirator is used to purge the carbon canister in a pressure-charged engine in which a positive pressure exists in the intake. A compact ejector includes a substantially planar flange and a venturi tube coupled to the flange with a central axis of the venturi tube substantially parallel to the flange. By manufacturing the ejector in two pieces, dimensions within the ejector: throat, converging section, and diverging section, is more accurate than prior art manufacturing techniques thereby providing better flow characteristics throughout the boost range. By forming one of the two pieces of the ejector integrally with the air intake component in which it is coupled, decreases part count and the number of manufacturing processes. 1. An ejector system for a boosted internal combustion engine , comprising:a first section of an intake air component having a first ejector portion unitarily formed; and the first and second ejector portions comprise a venturi tube having a converging section, a throat, and a diverging section;', 'the ejector further comprises a first tube and a second tube; and', 'the second tube fluidly couples to the venturi tube proximate the throat., 'a second ejector portion affixed to the first ejector portion wherein2. The ejector system of claim 2 , further comprising:a second section of the intake air component affixed to the first section of the intake air component.3. The ejector system of wherein the first and second ejector portions each comprise about one-half of the venturi tube.4. The ejector system of wherein:the first and second tubes are integrally formed with the first ejector portion; andthe second tube fluidly couples with an upstream end of the converging section.5. The ejector system of wherein the intake air component an air filter box.6. The ejector system of wherein the intake air component is an intake air duct.7. The ejector system of wherein ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190118502A1

The present disclosure relates to a fluid line for conducting a fluid. The fluid line may include an external layer including a crosslinked chlorinated polyethylene (CPE); a reinforcement system arranged within the external layer, and a barrier layer arranged within the reinforcement system and configured to delimit an internal passage of the fluid line configured to conduct the fluid, where the barrier layer is configured to reduce diffusion of the fluid through the barrier layer. 1. A fluid line for conducting a fluid , comprising:an external layer comprising a crosslinked chlorinated polyethylene (CPE);a reinforcement system arranged within the external layer; anda barrier layer arranged within the reinforcement system and configured to delimit an internal passage of the fluid line configured to conduct the fluid, wherein the barrier layer is configured to reduce diffusion of the fluid through the barrier layer.2. The fluid line according to claim 1 , wherein the fluid line comprises an intermediate layer arranged between the barrier layer and the reinforcement system.3. The fluid line according to claim 2 , wherein the intermediate layer comprises the crosslinked CPE.4. The fluid line according to claim 1 , wherein the barrier layer comprises an aminically crosslinked ethylene-acrylate rubber (AEM) claim 1 , an aminically crosslinked polyacrylate rubber (ACM) claim 1 , or a combination thereof claim 1 , wherein the aminically crosslinked AEM rubber claim 1 , or the aminically crosslinked ACM rubber comprises a diamine and a basic activator.5. The fluid line according to claim 4 , wherein the diamine comprises hexamethylenediamine (HMD) claim 4 , hexamethylenediamine carbamate (HMDC) claim 4 , 2 claim 4 ,2-bis[4-(4-aminophenoxy)phenyl]propene claim 4 , or some combination thereof claim 4 , and wherein the basic activator comprises diphenylguanidine (DPG) claim 4 , diazabicycloundecene (DBU) claim 4 , or a combination thereof.6. The fluid line according to claim 1 ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Frictional Weld Joint For An Article Comprising A Thermoplastic Material

Номер: US20150132046A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A frictional weld joint couples together first and second body portions of an article. The first body portion has a first nominal wall thickness and a first joint surface. The second body portion has a second nominal wall thickness and a second joint surface. A total bead height is defined between the joint surfaces. A first bead extends from the first joint surface defining a first bead height. A second bead extends from the second joint surface and is coupled to the first bead. A final second bead height is defined between the first bead and the second joint surface. A ratio of the first bead height to the final second bead height is of from about 0.40 to about 1.70. A ratio of the total bead height to at least one of the first and second nominal wall thicknesses is equal to or less than 6.00.

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130046A1
Принадлежит: TOYOBO CO., LTD.

The present invention provides a thermoplastic polyester elastomer composition which is flexible and exhibits excellent thermal aging resistance and water resistance. According to the present invention, there is provided a thermoplastic polyester elastomer composition wherein, to 100 parts by mass in total of a thermoplastic polyester elastomer (A) and a modified hydrogenated styrene-type elastomer (B), 0.1 to 10 part (s) by mass of a carbodiimide compound (C), 0.01 to 5 part (s) by mass of an antioxidant of a hindered phenol type (D) and 0.01 to 5 part (s) by mass of an antioxidant of a sulfur type (E) are contained, wherein the thermoplastic polyester elastomer (A) comprises a hard segment comprising a polyester constituted from an aromatic dicarboxylic acid and an aliphatic diol or an alicyclic diol and a soft segment comprising an aliphatic polyether as main constituent ingredients, wherein a content of the soft segment is 3 to 40% by mass, wherein a rate by mass of the above (A) to the above (B) ((A)/(B)) is from 95/5 to 40/60. 1. A thermoplastic polyester elastomer composition wherein , to 100 parts by mass in total of a thermoplastic polyester elastomer (A) and a modified hydrogenated styrene-type elastomer (B) , 0.1 to 10 part(s) by mass of a carbodiimide compound (C) , 0.01 to 5 part(s) by mass of an antioxidant of a hindered phenol type (D) and 0.01 to 5 part(s) by mass of an antioxidant of a sulfur type (E) are contained , wherein the thermoplastic polyester elastomer (A) comprises a hard segment comprising a polyester constituted from an aromatic dicarboxylic acid and an aliphatic diol or an alicyclic diol and a soft segment comprising an aliphatic polyether as main constituent ingredients , wherein a content of the soft segment is 3 to 40% by mass , wherein a rate by mass of the above (A) to the above (B) ((A)/(B)) is from 95/5 to 40/60 , and wherein , in a tensile test measured in accordance with JIS K6251:2010 , initial tensile elongation at break of ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130683A1
Автор: Somerville Kenneth

A device for fitting to a vehicular snorkel air intake is provided. The device comprises a shield and at least one arm extending from the shield, wherein the at least one arm is adapted to position the shield in front of an inlet of the snorkel air intake. 1. A device for fitting to a vehicular snorkel air intake , said device comprising a shield and at least one arm extending from the shield , wherein the at least one arm is adapted to position the shield in front of an inlet of the snorkel air intake.2. A forward facing vehicular snorkel air intake , the snorkel air intake having a shield positioned , or adapted to be positioned , in front of an inlet of the snorkel air intake.3. A kit comprising the device of and mounting means for mounting the device to a vehicular snorkel air intake.4. A method of fitting a device to a vehicular snorkel air intake claim 1 , said device comprising a shield and at least one arm claim 1 , wherein the method comprises the step of (i) mounting the at least one arm to a vehicular snorkel air intake claim 1 , such that the shield is at least partially in front of an inlet of the snorkel air intake.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the at least one arm is adapted to mount the device to the snorkel air intake.6. A device for fitting to a vehicular snorkel claim 4 , the device comprising a shield for positioning at least partially in front of a forward facing inlet of an air intake of the snorkel claim 4 , and mounting means for mounting the device to the snorkel.7. An end portion of a vehicular snorkel air intake claim 4 , the end portion comprising a forward facing closed end and a body portion extending from the closed end claim 4 , wherein the body portion comprises one or more openings to enable air to flow through the one or more openings and into the snorkel.8. The device of when used with a vehicular snorkel air intake.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the snorkel air intake is a portion of snorkel or a complete snorkel.10. The ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153409A1

Disclosed is an intake apparatus for an engine transversely mounted within an engine compartment at a front of a vehicle. The intake apparatus comprises: an intake manifold made of a synthetic resin and disposed on a front side of the engine, the engine front side being a front side of the vehicle; and a fuel distribution pipe disposed between the engine and the intake manifold to extend in the cylinder row direction and capable of delivering fuel to respective cylinders of the engine; wherein the intake manifold has a protruding portion provided on a front surface thereof to protrude from the front surface in a vehicle forward direction, wherein the protruding portion is provided at a position capable of allowing a member disposed in front of the intake manifold to come into collision therewith in the event of a vehicle frontal collision. 1. An intake apparatus for an engine transversely mounted within an engine compartment at a front of a vehicle in such a manner as to allow a cylinder row direction to be oriented in a vehicle width direction , comprising:an intake manifold made of a synthetic resin and disposed on a front side of the engine, the engine front side being a front side of the vehicle; anda fuel distribution pipe disposed between the engine and the intake manifold to extend in the cylinder row direction and capable of delivering fuel to respective cylinders of the engine;wherein the intake manifold has a protruding portion provided on a front surface thereof to protrude from the front surface in a vehicle forward direction, the protruding portion being provided at a position capable of allowing a member disposed in front of the intake manifold to come into collision therewith in the event of a vehicle frontal collision.2. The intake apparatus as recited in claim 1 , wherein the intake manifold comprises: a plurality of intake pipes connected claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , to a plurality of intake ports of a cylinder head of the engine; a surge tank ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации

Fluid Guiding Element of an Air Intake System of an Engine

Номер: US20150159602A1

In a method for producing a fluid guiding element of an air intake system of an engine, a polymer is melted to a melted polymer material. A foam-generating foaming agent is added to the melted polymer material. The melted polymer material together with the foaming agent is molded to a fluid guiding element by forming a polymer foam. Molding is preferably done by injection molding in an injection mold. 1. A method for producing a fluid guiding element of an air intake system of an engine , the method comprising:a) melting a polymer to a melted polymer material;b) adding a foam-generating foaming agent to the melted polymer material;c) molding the melted polymer material together with the foaming agent to a fluid guiding element by forming a polymer foam.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising selecting the polymer in method step a) from polypropylene (PP) claim 1 , polyamide (PA) claim 1 , polyethylene (PE) or polyurethane (PU).3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , prior to method step c) claim 1 , adding several fibers to the melted polymer material for stabilizing the fluid guiding element.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising selecting the foaming agent in method step b) to be a chemical gas forming agent.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the chemical gas forming agent is sodium hydrogen carbonate; potassium hydrogen carbonate; or a mixture of sodium hydrogen carbonate and potassium hydrogen carbonate.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the fluid guiding element in method step c) is formed as a single layer.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in method step c) the fluid guiding element is formed to have a thickness of more than 4 mm.8. The method according to claim 7 , wherein the thickness is between 5 mm and 20 mm.9. The method according to claim 8 , wherein the thickness is between 5 mm and 15 mm.10. The method according to claim 9 , wherein the thickness is between 5 mm ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Intake distributor with an integrated heat exchanger

Номер: US20180156170A1
Принадлежит: Sogefi Air and Cooling SAS

Disclosed is an intake distributor for an internal combustion engine that includes an integrated heat exchanger. This exchanger includes a support plate that ensures its rigid mounting in the distributor and peripheral seal that form an essentially continuous circumferential airtight barrier between the exchanger and the distributor, peripherally dividing the interstitial volume into two. The subdivision plane of the interstitial volume is perpendicular in relation to the plane of the support plate, and the peripheral seal consist of two complementary components that are connected to one another and made integral with the exchanger.

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Air-Conveying Component, in Particular an Intake Manifold, with Charge Air Cooler Arranged Therein, and Charge Air Cooler

Номер: US20170159550A1
Автор: Speidel Gerrit-Tobias

The invention relates to a housing, in particular an intake manifold (), of an intake duct of a charged, in particular turbocharged, internal combustion engine. At least one charge air cooler () arranged therein, and also relates to a charge air cooler (). The at least one charge air cooler () is fastened by means of at least one adapter device () on at least one wall portion () of the housing part (). At least one frame part () of the charge air cooler () facing the wall portion () has at least one adapter holding part () of the at least one adapter device (), by which at least one adapter element () of the at least one adapter device () is held at least by non-positive and/or positive engagement. The at least one adapter element () is connected at least cohesively to the at least one wall portion (). 1. An intake manifold of an internal combustion engine , comprising:{'b': '18', 'claim-text': [{'b': '14', 'at least one inlet () for charge air;'}, {'b': '16', 'at least one outlet () for charge air;'}], 'a housing part () having'}{'b': 12', '18, 'claim-text': {'b': 32', '20, 'at least one frame part () secured onto a side of the at least one charge air cooler facing a wall portion () of the housing part;'}, 'at least one charge air cooler () arranged in the housing part () and positioned between the at least one inlet and the at least one outlet, the at least one charge air cooler including'}{'b': 23', '12', '20', '18', '23, 'claim-text': {'b': 38', '32', '12, 'at least one adapter holding part () secured onto the at least one frame part () of the at least one charge air cooler ();'}, 'at least one adapter device () fastening the the at least one charge air cooler () onto at least one wall portion () within an interior of the housing part (), the at least one adapter device () comprising{'b': 48', '12', '38', '48, 'at least one adapter element () held onto the at least one charge air cooler () by the at least one adapter holding part (), the at least one adapter ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190162111A1

This air distributor () has an exterior casing defining an interior volume, an air inlet () opening into this interior volume, several air outlets () intended to convey air from the interior volume towards the cylinders of an engine, and a heat exchanger () arranged in the interior volume. The heat exchanger () comprises a stack of plates () of plastic material where adjacent plates () are arranged so as to define a set of intermediate spaces comprising closed intermediate spaces () in fluid communication to enable circulation of fluid through the stack of plates (), and open intermediate spaces () configured to enable a passage of air through the stack of plates () from the air inlet () to the air outlets (). 1. An air distributor having an outer enclosure delimiting an interior volume , an air inlet opening into this interior volume , and several air outlets intended to conduct air from the interior volume to the cylinders of an engine , wherein the air distributor comprises a heat exchanger arranged in the interior volume , the heat exchanger comprising a stack of plates made of plastic material , where the adjacent plates of the stack of plates are arranged so as to delimit a set of intermediate spaces , the set of intermediate spaces comprising closed intermediate spaces that are fluidically connected together to allow a circulation of fluid through the stack of plates , and open intermediate spaces that are configured to allow an air passage through the stack of plates from the air inlet to the air outlets of the distributor.2. The air distributor according to claim 1 , wherein plates of the stack of plates have an edge secured to the outer enclosure of the distributor.3. The air distributor according to claim 2 , wherein the edge of the plates is continuously bonded to the outer enclosure of the distributor.4. The air distributor according to claim 1 , wherein the outer enclosure of the distributor has a side wall claim 1 , and the contour of the plates is ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150176549A1
Автор: Hikiji Osamu, NAITO Tetsu

An intercooler () is received in an intercooler receiving portion () of an intake manifold () leaving a given space therebetween and longitudinally opposed walls () of the intercooler receiving portion () are formed with ribs () to increase a mechanical strength thereof, so that, even when a heat exchanging device () of the intercooler () is set in the intercooler receiving portion () having longitudinally opposed walls thereof placed close to the longitudinally opposed walls () of the intercooler receiving portion (). undesired contact or interference between mutually opposed ones of the longitudinally opposed walls is suppressed permitting a larger amount of intake air flow through a major portion of the heat exchanging device () thereby causing increased cooling efficiency of the intercooler (). 14-. (canceled)5. A resin-made intake manifold having an intercooler receiving portion for receiving therein an intercooler ,in which the intercooler receiving portion is formed in a rectangular parallelopiped shape extending along a cylinder line direction of an engine and has an opening exposed to the outside of an outer surface of the intake manifold, one end part of the intercooler receiving portion being placed in the vicinity of an air inlet opening formed in the intake manifold,in which of wall portions that constitute the intercooler receiving portion, wall portions placed at the one end part and the other end part in the cylinder line direction are formed, on inner surfaces thereof with ribs that project toward the inside of the intercooler receiving portion for suppressing interference of the inner surfaces with the intercooler, andin which a clearance between the intercooler in the intercooler receiving portion and the intercooler receiving portion is set to a minimum value in such a range as not to bring about interference between the intercooler receiving portion and the intercooler while permitting a clearance between the intercooler and leading ends of the ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140261279A1
Автор: HORII Kiyohide

An intake manifold for an internal combustion engine, comprises an upstream unit of molded resin, the upstream unit including an elongate collector portion that has an inlet opening for introducing cleaned air, and a manifold portion that includes a plurality of curved tubes that are fixed to one another, each curbed tube having an inlet opening exposed to an interior of the elongate collector portion; a downstream unit of molded resin, the downstream unit including a base portion that is to be connected to a cylinder head of the engine and a plurality of apertured collar portions that are projected from the base portion; and a plurality of sealing members through which leading ends of the curved tubes are hermetically inserted into the apertured collar portions thereby to constitute an entire construction of the intake manifold, wherein the molded resin of the downstream unit has a heat resistance that is higher than that of the upstream unit. 1. An intake manifold for an internal combustion engine , comprising:an upstream unit of molded resin, the upstream unit including an elongate collector portion that has an inlet opening for introducing cleaned air, and a manifold portion that includes a plurality of curved tubes that are fixed to one another, each curbed tube having an inlet opening exposed to an interior of the elongate collector portion;a downstream unit of molded resin, the downstream unit including a base portion that is to be connected to a cylinder head of the engine and a plurality of apertured collar portions that are projected from the base portion; anda plurality of sealing members through which leading ends of the curved tubes are hermetically inserted into the apertured collar portions thereby to constitute an entire construction of the intake manifold,wherein the molded resin of the downstream unit has a heat resistance that is higher than that of the upstream unit.2. An intake manifold as claimed in claim 1 , in which the molded resin of the ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160186704A1

Disclosed is an exhaust gas recirculation system provided in an engine to recirculate, to an intake manifold, a part of exhaust gas discharged from an engine body, as EGR gas. The exhaust gas recirculation system comprises: an in-head gas passage formed in a cylinder head to allow the EGR gas to pass through a position adjacent to a first coolant jacket formed in the cylinder head to allow coolant to flow therethrough an EGR cooler configured to cool the EGR gas after passing through the cylinder head via the in-head gas passage and before being introduced into the intake manifold; and a relay pipe configured to guide the EGR gas just after passing through the cylinder head, to the EGR cooler. The relay pipe is provided with a second coolant jacket for allowing coolant to flow therethrough so as to cool the EGR gas being flowing inside the relay pipe. 1. An exhaust gas recirculation system provided in an engine to recirculate , to an intake manifold , a part of exhaust gas discharged from an engine body as EGR gas , comprising:an in-head gas passage formed in a cylinder head to allow the EGR gas to pass through a position adjacent to a first coolant jacket formed in the cylinder head to allow coolant to flow therethrough;an EGR cooler configured to cool the EGR gas after passing through the cylinder head via the in-head gas passage and before being introduced into the intake manifold; anda relay pipe configured to guide the EGR gas just after passing through the cylinder head, to the EGR cooler, wherein the relay pipe is provided with a second coolant jacket for allowing coolant to flow therethrough so as to cool the EGR gas being flowing inside the relay pipe.2. The exhaust gas recirculation system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the relay pipe is connected directly to each of the cylinder head and the EGR cooler.3. The exhaust gas recirculation system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first coolant jacket of the cylinder head has a portion surrounding the in- ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Switching Device with Air Gap Insulation in Cylinder Head Flange

Номер: US20160195048A1

A switching device for influencing the air current in at least one air intake channel of an internal combustion engine, wherein the switching device comprises: a housing having an open interior through which the air intake channel extends; at least one switching unit arranged in the housing and having with at least one switching element for at least partially closing and opening the at least one intake channel; wherein the housing is received in a cylinder head of an internal combustion engine and which has a distance corresponding to an air gap between the housing and the cylinder head in a radial direction. 1. A switching device for influencing the air current in at least one air intake channel of an internal combustion engine , wherein the switching device comprises:a housing having an open interior through which the air intake channel extends;at least one switching unit arranged in the housing and having with at least one switching element for at least partially closing and opening the at least one intake channel;wherein the housing is received in a cylinder head of an internal combustion engine and which has a distance corresponding to an air gap between the housing and the cylinder head in a radial direction.2. The switching device according to claim 1 , whereinin predetermined operating states of the engine, the switching device induces a tumble current in the at least one air intake channel of the internal combustion engine.3. The switching device according to claims 1 , whereinthe housing of the switching unit is formed as a plastic part.4. The switching device according to claim 1 , whereinthe switching element is a flap which is operable to change an air current cross-section in the air intake channel.5. The switching device according to claim 1 , whereinthe switching element is as a rotary vane, which is operable to change an air current cross-section in the air intake channel.6. A suction system for intake air of an internal combustion engine claim 1 , ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190186444A1
Автор: Yamaguchi Takuma

The present connection structure of an intake pipe is a connection structure of an intake pipe for an engine head. The connection structure includes a partition wall member partitioning an intake passage along its axial direction and being inserted into the engine head, and an elastic gasket having a frame shape provided between the engine head and the intake pipe to seal therebetween. The intake pipe is provided at its connection end portion with an elastic body that presses the partition wall member in its insertion direction. 1. A connection structure of an intake pipe for an engine head , comprising:a partition wall member partitioning an intake passage along its axial direction and being inserted into the engine head; andan elastic gasket having a frame shape provided between the engine head and the intake pipe to seal therebetween, whereinthe intake pipe is provided at its connection end portion with an elastic body that presses the partition wall member in its insertion direction.2. The connection structure of the intake pipe claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the elastic body is integrally formed inside the elastic gasket.3. The connection structure of the intake pipe claim 1 , according to claim 1 , whereinthe intake pipe is provided at its connection end portion with a cutout portion recessed in an axial direction of the intake pipe, andthe cutout portion is provided in its inside wall with a stepped portion supporting a portion of the elastic body on its insertion side to be inserted into the cutout portion.4. The connection structure of the intake pipe claim 2 , according to claim 2 , whereinthe intake pipe is provided at its connection end portion with a cutout portion recessed in an axial direction of the intake pipe, andthe cutout portion is provided in its inside wall with a stepped portion supporting a portion of the elastic body on its insertion side to be inserted into the cutout portion.5. The connection structure of the intake pipe claim 3 ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200181320A1

The invention relates to a process for preparing a fluid conduit comprising a mono-layer comprising a thermoplastic elastomer in an amount of at least 80 wt % with respect to the total weight of the mono-layer, comprising at least the 5 following steps: a. Melting a composition comprising at least a thermoplastic elastomer having a melt volume flow rate measured at 230° C. under a load of 10 kg (MVR 230° C./10 kg), according to IS01133 (2011) of at most 40 g/10 min and having a heat resistance of at least 250 hours at 175° C. at which the 10 elongation at break remains at least 100% as measured according to ISO 527 with a test speed of 50 mm/min; b. Forming a parison from the melt; c. Placing the parsion in a mold; d. Blow-up the parison against the mold; 15 e. Cooling down the mold, thereby obtaining the fluid conduit comprising the mono-layer. The invention also relates to a fluid conduit. 1. Process for preparing a fluid conduit comprising a mono-layer comprising a thermoplastic elastomer in an amount of at least 80 wt % with respect to the total weight of the mono-layer , comprising at least the following steps:a. Melting a composition comprising at least a thermoplastic elastomer having a melt volume flow rate measured at 230° C. under a load of 10 kg (MVR 230° C./10 kg), according to ISO1133 (2011) of at most 40 g/10 min and having a heat resistance of at least 250 hours at 175° C. at which the elongation at break remains at least 100% as measured according to ISO 527 with a test speed of 50 mm/min;b. Forming a parison from the melt;c. Placing the parsion in a mold;d. Blow-up the parison against the mold;e. Cooling down the mold, thereby obtaining the fluid conduit comprising the mono-layer.2. Process according to wherein in step c) the parison is placed in a mold by drawing the parison through the mold by reduced pressure or by clamping the parison in a mold.3. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic elastomer is a block copolymer elastomer ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170204817A1
Автор: Nola Gary

A method and a system to eliminate the flow of accumulated liquid water from the intake manifold into the cylinders of an internal combustion engine are disclosed. Particularly, the disclosed inventive concept provides a negative draft to the top of a water containment feature in the form of opposed baffles. The baffles increase the minimum angle the water has to reach to overflow out of the intake manifold and into the cylinders. The angle required to overflow is a composition of gravity and the acceleration of the vehicle. If the maximum acceleration (and thus maximum water angle) is less than the designed negative draft overflow protection, there will not be expected overflow. The water containment reservoir includes two opposed side walls, a front wall, a back wall, and a base. Each side wall has an upper end. The baffle extends from the upper end of at least one side wall. 1. An intake manifold for an internal combustion engine comprising:a manifold body having an interior plenum, said plenum having a lower end;a water containment feature associated with said body, said feature including a water containment reservoir having a substantially open upper portion and a water-restricting baffle positioned substantially over said upper portion, said reservoir including a side wall having an upper end, said baffle being attached to said upper end and sloping downward therefrom.2. The intake manifold of wherein said water containment reservoir includes a base and said baffle is sloped at an angle relative to said base.3. An intake manifold for an internal combustion engine comprising:a manifold body having an interior plenum, said plenum having a lower end;a water containment feature associated with said manifold body, said feature comprising a water containment reservoir having a substantially open upper portion and a water-restricting baffle positioned substantially over said upper portion.4. The intake manifold of wherein said reservoir includes a side wall having an ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Intake duct for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20200200129A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Boshoku Corp

An intake duct for an internal combustion engine includes a pipe-shaped shell. The shell includes a first molded product and a second molded product. The first molded product is formed by a plastic molded product and includes an opening extending through the first molded product in the thickness direction. The second molded product is formed by a fiber molded product produced through compression molding. The second molded product includes an air-permeable fitting projection fitted into the opening, and the second molded product is joined with an outer surface of the first molded product.

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190203676A1
Автор: Yamaguchi Takuma

The present intake manifold consists of segments including an upper member, a lower member, and a middle member that is interposed between these members to demarcate and form intake passages so that the intake passages are arranged in a straight line, and has first welded portions at which the upper member and the middle member are welded together, and second welded portions at which the middle member and the lower member are welded together. The first welded portions are extended outward from the intake passage formed by the upper member and the middle member, and the second welded portions are extended outward from the intake passage formed by the middle member and the lower member. The middle member is provided with ribs holding the first welded portions and the second welded portions in one piece. 1. An intake manifold formed of resin with a throttle valve mounting portion to which a throttle body is mounted , a surge tank , intake passages communicating with intake ports of a multi-cylinder engine in a one-to-one relationship , and engine-side mounting portions mounted to an engine side , arranged and connected in sequence downstream in intake air flow directions , the intake manifold comprising:segments including an upper member, a lower member, and a middle member that is interposed between the upper member and the lower member to demarcate and form the intake passages so that the intake passages are arranged in a straight line; andfirst welded portions at which the upper member and the middle member are welded together, and second welded portions at which the middle member and the lower member are welded together,the first welded portions being extended outward from one of the intake passages formed by the upper member and the middle member,the second welded portions being extended outward from the other one of the intake passages formed by the middle member and the lower member,the middle member being provided with at least one rib holding the first welded ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Intake Passage Structure for Multi-Cylinder Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20180216586A1
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

A sleeve structure comprises a plurality of sleeve main bodies fitted respectively into intake ports of a cylinder head of a multi-cylinder internal combustion engine and a shared base provided on one end of the plurality of sleeve main bodies. By fixing this sleeve structure to the cylinder head, an amount of labor involved in a fixing operation for fixing sleeves to a cylinder head is reduced. 1. An intake passage structure for a multi-cylinder internal combustion engine , wherein a sleeve structure , which includes a plurality of sleeve main bodies made of resin and inserted respectively into intake ports of a cylinder head of the multi-cylinder internal combustion engine so as to be attached thereto by fitting and a shared base provided on one end of the plurality of sleeve main bodies , is fixed to the cylinder head.2. The intake passage structure for a multi-cylinder internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , wherein the sleeve main bodies and the base are molded by the resin and exhibit lower thermal conductivity than the cylinder head.3. The intake passage structure for a multi-cylinder internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , wherein the sleeve main bodies and the base are molded integrally in advance.4. The intake passage structure for a multi-cylinder internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , wherein the sleeve main bodies are fixed to the base in advance by auxiliary bolts.5. The intake passage structure for a multi-cylinder internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , wherein a positioning mechanism is provided between the base and the cylinder head.6. The intake passage structure for a multi-cylinder internal combustion engine according to claim 5 , wherein the positioning mechanism is constituted by a projection formed on the base claim 5 , and an engagement hole that is formed in the cylinder head and engaged to the projection.7. The intake passage structure for a multi-cylinder internal combustion engine according to ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210246855A1
Автор: Becker Dan Joseph

An apparatus may comprise a base member being defined by a rectangular aperture configured to receive and engage an automobile intake box, the base member being further defined by a perimeter surrounding the rectangular aperture and having at least one fastener or aperture configured to receive a fastener dimensioned to avoid disturbing the automobile intake box; a gooseneck member fixedly attached to the base member, the gooseneck member having a first end opening and a second end opening, the gooseneck member having an interior cavity configured to direct air into the automobile intake box from the second end opening to the first end opening through the interior cavity; and an interchangeable bell housing removably secured to the second end opening of the gooseneck member, the interchangeable bell housing having a frustoconical shaped cross section on at least one plane. 1. An interchangeable intake assembly , comprising:a base member being defined by a rectangular aperture configured to receive and engage an automobile intake box, the base member being further defined by a perimeter surrounding the rectangular aperture and having at least one fastener or aperture configured to receive a fastener dimensioned to avoid disturbing the automobile intake box;a gooseneck member fixedly attached to the base member, the gooseneck member having a first end opening and a second end opening, the gooseneck member having an interior cavity configured to direct air into the automobile intake box from the second end opening to the first end opening through the interior cavity; andan interchangeable bell housing removably secured to the second end opening of the gooseneck member, the interchangeable bell housing having a frustoconical shaped cross section on at least one plane.2. The interchangeable intake assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rectangular aperture includes at least one rounded corner.3. The interchangeable intake assembly of claim 1 , wherein the base member is ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190219008A1

An engine component includes an intake manifold of stratified layers defining a plurality of runners each having a gas outlet leading to a cylinder head, and a plenum including partial walls that form channels radiating from a common gas inlet and transitioning into the runners such that there is no seal between the plenum and runners. The partial walls form endoskeletal structure configured to support the intake manifold. 1. An engine component comprising:stratified layers defining an intake manifold having a plurality of runners each including a gas outlet leading to a cylinder head, and a plenum including endoskeletal support structure that forms channels radiating from an inlet and transitioning into the runners such that there is no seal between the plenum and runners.2. The engine component of claim 1 , wherein the endoskeletal support structure protrudes inward from opposing faces of the plenum.3. The engine component of claim 1 , wherein the endoskeletal support structure has a greater thickness than a remainder of the plenum.4. The engine component of claim 1 , wherein the endoskeletal support structure has nonuniform dimensions.5. The engine component of claim 1 , wherein a channel transitioning to a runner adjacent to the inlet comprises an expansion area defined by a partial wall and an outer side of the plenum.6. The engine component of claim 1 , wherein each of the channels transitions into one of the runners via an opening having an oval cross-section.7. The engine component of claim 6 , wherein the opening comprises a flange.8. The engine component of claim 1 , wherein the intake manifold is metal claim 1 , plastic claim 1 , composite claim 1 , or a combination thereof.9. An engine component comprising:an intake manifold of stratified layers defining a plurality of runners each having a gas outlet leading to a cylinder head, and a plenum including endoskeletal support structure forming channels radiating from a shared gas inlet that extends outwardly ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150240762A1
Автор: NOMURA Takeshi

An intake manifold for an internal combustion engine includes branch pipes, each of which is connected to one of intake ports and has an intake passage, valve cases, each of which is provided to one of the branch pipes and connected to the corresponding intake port, branch pipe bodies, each of which is connected to the upstream end of one of the valve cases, valves, each of which is provided in one of the valve cases to change the cross-sectional area of the intake passage of the corresponding branch pipe, and a coupling portion, which is located between downstream ends of each adjacent pair of the branch pipe bodies to couple the downstream ends to each other. 1. An intake manifold for an internal combustion engine , wherein the intake manifold is connected to a plurality of intake ports of a cylinder head , the intake manifold comprising:a plurality of branch pipes, each of which is connected to one of the intake ports and has an intake passage;a plurality of valve cases, each of which is provided to one of the branch pipes and connected to the corresponding intake port;a plurality of branch pipe bodies, each of which is connected to an upstream end of one of the valve cases;a plurality of valves, each of which is provided in one of the valve cases to change a cross-sectional area of the intake passage of the corresponding branch pipe; anda coupling portion, which is located between downstream ends of each adjacent pair of the branch pipe bodies to couple the downstream ends to each other.2. The intake manifold for an internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , wherein a clearance is formed between each adjacent pair of the branch pipe bodies at a position of the branch pipe bodies that is upstream of parts coupled to the corresponding coupling portion.3. The intake manifold for an internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , whereina case coupling portion is provided between each adjacent pair of the valve cases to couple the valve cases to each other, ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180230950A1

Air pipe for the intake tract of an internal combustion engine, for example a turbo engine, including a first pipe component composed of a first material and a second pipe component composed of a second material, the first material being more flexible than the second material. 1. An air pipe for the intake tract of an internal combustion engine , preferably a turbo engine , comprising a first pipe component composed of a first material and a second pipe component composed of a second material , wherein the first material is more flexible than the second material.2. The air pipe as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first material is free of reinforcing means.3. The air pipe as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second material comprises a reinforcing means.4. The air pipe as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the reinforcing means is selected from the group comprising carbon or carbonaceous fibers claim 3 , glass fibers claim 3 , glass beads claim 3 , minerals and combinations thereof.5. The air pipe as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first material comprises a polyamide claim 1 , and preferably an unreinforced polyamide.6. The air pipe as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the polyamide is a copolyamide claim 5 , and preferably terpolyamide.7. The air pipe as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the polyamide is (poly(hexamethylene adipamide co-caprolactam).8. The air pipe as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second material comprises a polyamide claim 1 , preferably a reinforced polyamide claim 1 , and more particularly a glass fiber-reinforced polyamide.9. The air pipe as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the polyamide is a homopolyamide claim 8 , more particularly of the diamine-dicarboxylic acid type.10. The air pipe as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the polyamide is polyhexamethylene adipamide.11. The air pipe as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first pipe component and the second pipe component are connected to each other in a materially locking manner.12. The air pipe as claimed in claim ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Intake manifold for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20190226432A1
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd, Toyota Motor Corp

An intake manifold for an internal combustion engine includes a plurality of pieces joined with each other at a linearly extending joint. The pieces include a first piece and a second piece. The joint of the first piece and the second piece includes a first portion and a second portion excluding the first portion. The intake manifold is configured so that the first portion is opposed to a fuel system component of the internal combustion engine when the intake manifold is coupled to the internal combustion engine. A force required to separate the second piece from the first piece is referred to as a joining force. The joining force at the first portion is greater than the joining force at the second portion.

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140338629A1

A method for manufacturing an intake manifold is provided that is capable of suppressing deterioration in the dimensional accuracy by correcting warping and deformation caused during molding. When an intake manifold that is made of plastic and has a surge tank and intake pipes extending from the surge tank is manufactured, distal members, which form the distal ends of the intake pipes, are positioned on a jig. In this state, the distal members and the main bodies of the intake pipes are fixed to each other by vibration-welding. 1. A method for manufacturing an intake manifold that is made of plastic and has a surge tank and intake pipes extending from the surge tank , the method comprising:positioning distal members, which form distal ends of the intake pipes, on a jig; andfixing the distal members and main bodies of the intake pipes to each other after the positioning of the distal members.2. The method for manufacturing an intake manifold according to claim 1 , wherein the fixing includes vibration-welding the distal members and the main bodies to each other.3. The method for manufacturing an intake manifold according to claim 1 , wherein two or more of the intake pipes are provided on each of opposite sides of the surge tank.4. The method for manufacturing an intake manifold according to claim 3 , whereinthe intake pipes and the surge tank are formed by a main portion with an opening and a cap portion closing the opening, andthe method further comprises fixing the main portion and the cap portion to each other prior to the positioning.5. The method for manufacturing an intake manifold according to claim 4 , wherein the fixing the main portion and the cap portion to each other includes vibration-welding the cap portion to the main portion.6. An intake manifold that is manufactured by the manufacturing method according to .7. An intake manifold that is manufactured by the manufacturing method according to .8. An intake manifold that is manufactured by the ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Intake manifold

Номер: US20180245552A1
Автор: Hirobumi OOSAWA
Принадлежит: Mikuni Corp

To provide an intake manifold which can reliably prevent the step from being formed in the inner wall surface of the intake passage (15) while having provided therein the fitting holding portion (32) for fitting and holding the flame arrester (25) in the axial direction, the intake manifold (10) includes a base member (21), a cover member (22) and a flame arrester (25) having a flame suppression structure. Between the flame arrester (25) and the radical stepped surface (31b) of the recessed body portion (31) is provided a retaining rectifying member (23) that prevents the flame arrester (25) from coming off with respect to the fitting holding portion (32) and forms a third inner peripheral surface (23a) continuous without a step from an opening portion on the other end side (25b) of the flame arrester (25) to the base side second inner wall surface (31c).

24-09-2015 дата публикации

Intake control valve and intake apparatus

Номер: US20150267656A1
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

An intake control valve includes a valve body being made of resin, the valve body configured to be pivotally mounted to a surge tank of an internal combustion engine, the valve body pivoting between an open position and a closed position to for opening and closing a fluid passage formed at a division wall, the division wall dividing inside of the surge tank into two portions; and a bearing being made of metal, the bearing being integrally provided with a first end portion of the valve body by insert molding when resin molding the resin-made valve body.

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Air distributor made of plastic material and method for manufacturing this air distributor

Номер: US20190257584A1
Принадлежит: Novares France SAS

This air distributor ( 1 ) comprises two half-shells ( 2 ) made of plastic material and a stack of plates ( 4 ) made of plastic material, the two half-shells ( 2 ) defining a volume inside of which the stack of plates ( 4 ) is positioned, the stack of plates ( 4 ) comprising two end plates ( 40 ) and the stack of plates ( 4 ) defining between its adjacent plates ( 4 ) a set of intermediate spaces ( 10 ) suitable for a fluid circulation. The plates ( 4 ) of the stack of plates ( 4 ) are attached to one another, each end plate ( 40 ) is attached to one of the two half-shells ( 2 ), and the two half-shells ( 2 ) are attached to one another.

20-08-2020 дата публикации

Air Intake Cover with Replaceable and Interchangeable Sections

Номер: US20200263641A1
Автор: Blanks, I Stevenson T.

A cover for an air intake box that is installed within an engine bay of an automobile and beneath a hood of the automobile is presented. The air intake box comprises an air filter and a housing. The cover comprises a base structure configured to be mounted to the housing. The base structure has an opening sized to allow access to the air filter. A hood is configured to be mounted to the opening, wherein the hood is sized to seal the opening. The hood is configured to uncover the opening and comprises a decorative ornamentation and is replaceable and interchangeable. The base structure and the hood are configured to seal the air intake box when the cover is installed on the housing. 1. A cover for an air intake box that is installed within an engine bay of an automobile and beneath a hood of the automobile , the air intake box comprising an air filter and a housing , the cover comprising:a base structure configured to be mounted to the housing, said base structure having an opening sized to allow access to the air filter;a hood configured to be mounted to said opening, wherein said hood is sized to seal said opening, said hood is configured to uncover said opening, said hood comprises a decorative ornamentation, and said hood is replaceable and interchangeable; andwherein said base structure and said hood are configured to seal the air intake box when the cover is installed on the housing.2. The cover of further comprising a filter support insert mounted to said base structure configured to support the air filter.3. The cover of further comprising a gasket interposed between said base structure and the housing.4. The cover of further comprising said hood is mounted to said opening with a hinge on said base structure.5. The cover of further comprising said hood is mounted to said opening with a pressure fit.6. The cover of further comprising:said base structure comprises guide rails around said opening;said hood comprises channels; andsaid hood is configured to mount ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160290293A1

An air intake tract with a hydrocarbon adsorber is provided for adsorbing hydrocarbons of a motor vehicle. The hydrocarbon adsorber includes at least one first layer constructed of a hydrocarbon adsorbing material. Optionally, one or more stacked layers are provided including at least an uppermost layer and at least one intermediate layer. The at least one first layer includes a solid shape within an outer boundary and is adapted for sonic welding onto an interior of the air intake tract. The uppermost layer and any intermediate layers include an opening such that the uppermost layer provides access for a sonic welding tool from an upper side of the subassembly to the at least one first layer through the opening. 1. An air intake system of a motor vehicle , comprising:a housing having a working chamber in communication with the air flow in the air intake system; [ a least one sheet of a fibrous material;', 'activated carbon arranged on the at least one sheet, the activated carbon at least substantially enclosed by or impregnated into the at least one sheet;, 'at least one first layer constructed of a hydrocarbon adsorbing material, the at least one first layer including'}, 'wherein the at least one first layer has a solid shape within an outer boundary, the at least one layer adapted for attachment to a component within an interior of the housing;', 'wherein the at least one layer has a mounting surface;', 'wherein the mounting surface is fixedly mounted onto an interior surface of the housing, the fixed mounting by sonic welding of the mounting surface of the hydrocarbon adsorber onto the interior surface of the housing., 'a hydrocarbon adsorber arranged within the working chamber and in communication with the air flow in the air intake system, the hydrocarbon adsorber including2. The air intake system of claim 1 , whereinthe at least one first layer is a plurality of first layers each having a solid shape;wherein the plurality of first layers are stacked face to ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170306901A1

An exemplary intake manifold may include an upper manifold configured to receive fresh air, an EGR tube configured to introduce exhaust gas into the upper manifold to be mixed with the fresh air, and a lower manifold configured to distribute the mixture of the fresh air and the exhaust gas cylinders of the internal combustion engine. The upper manifold may include an upper shell and a lower shell that may cooperate to define at least one channel in which at least a portion of the EGR tube may be secured. 1. An intake manifold for an internal combustion engine , the intake manifold comprising:an upper manifold configured to intake fresh air, the upper manifold having an upper shell and a lower shell;an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) tube configured to introduce exhaust gas into the upper manifold to be mixed with the fresh air;a lower manifold configured to distribute the mixture of fresh air and exhaust gas to cylinders of the internal combustion engine;wherein the upper shell and the lower shell cooperate to define at least one channel in which at least a portion of the EGR tube is secured.2. The intake manifold of claim 1 , wherein the EGR tube is made of a plastic material.3. The intake manifold of claim 2 , wherein the plastic material is configured to withstand a continuous temperature of at least 220 degrees C. and an intermittent temperature of at least 240 degrees C.4. The intake manifold of claim 2 , wherein the plastic material is a polyamide resin.5. The intake manifold of claim 1 , wherein the EGR tube and at least one of the upper shell and the lower shell are made of different materials claim 1 , where the material of the EGR tube is configured to withstand higher temperatures than the material of the at least one of the upper shell and the lower shell.6. The intake manifold of claim 1 , wherein the upper manifold comprises a dual plenum configuration having two plenums branching from an air intake of the upper manifold to opposing sides of the upper ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180313305A1
Автор: Yamaguchi Takuma

An intake manifold includes a plurality of intake pipes that are provided in line to send air to an engine mounted on a vehicle through the intake pipes. Each of the intake pipes includes a main body formed of resin and an end pipe formed of resin, welded to a lower stream end side of the main body, and joined to the engine. Further, one member of the main body and the end pipe is provided with a rib that is formed on a side surface portion of the one member and that extends toward a lateral side of the other member. The other member is provided with a restriction portion that is formed on a side surface portion of the other member and that interferes with the rib to restrict moving of the main body in the crash direction relative to the end pipe when a weld portion of the main body and the end pipe is broken due to a collision load applied to the intake pipe at a vehicle crash. 1. An intake manifold comprisinga plurality of intake pipes that are provided in line to send air to an engine mounted on a vehicle through the intake pipes, a main body formed of resin; and', 'an end pipe formed of resin, welded to a lower stream end side of the main body, and joined to the engine,, 'each of the intake pipes includingwhereinone member of the main body and the end pipe is provided with a rib that is formed on a side surface portion of the one member and that extends toward a lateral side of the other member, andthe other member is provided with a restriction portion that is formed on a side surface portion of the other member and that interferes with the rib to restrict moving of the main body in a crash direction relative to the end pipe when a weld portion of the main body and the end pipe is broken due to a collision load applied to each intake pipe at a vehicle crash.2. The intake manifold according to claim 1 , whereinthe one member is the main body, andthe other member is the end pipe.3. The intake manifold according to claim 2 , wherein a pair of vertical ribs each of ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190330470A1

A polyphenylene sulfide resin composition includes a polyphenylene sulfide resin (A), an amino group-containing compound (B), an epoxy group-containing elastomer (C), wherein the polyphenylene sulfide resin (A) forms a continuous phase and the amino group-containing compound (B) and the epoxy group-containing elastomer (C) form a dispersed phase in the morphology of a forming product composed of the resin composition observed with a transmission electron microscope, and the modulus of elongation (the elastic modulus determined by performing a tensile test on an ASTM type 1 dumbbell test piece obtained by injection molding at a cylinder temperature of 300° C. and at a mold temperature of 150° C., under the conditions in which the distance between chucks is 114 mm, the test piece distance is 100 mm, and the elongation rate is 10 mm/min) of the resin composition is 1.0 MPa or more and 1000 MPa or less.

06-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180347520A1

In this air intake apparatus for an internal combustion engine, an external gas passage includes external gas introduction nozzles that introduce external gas into air intake pipes, and a length of each of the external gas introduction nozzles in a direction in which the external gas introduction nozzles extend is larger than an equivalent diameter of an exit of each of the external gas introduction nozzles. 1. An air intake apparatus for an internal combustion engine , comprising:a plurality of air intake pipes respectively connected to a plurality of cylinders of the internal combustion engine; andan external gas passage that distributes external gas to the plurality of air intake pipes, whereinthe external gas passage extends toward a head port of a head of the internal combustion engine connected to the air intake pipes, and includes external gas introduction nozzles that introduce the external gas into the air intake pipes, anda length of each of the external gas introduction nozzles in a direction in which the external gas introduction nozzles extend is larger than an equivalent diameter of an exit of each of the external gas introduction nozzles.2. The air intake apparatus for an internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , whereinan inner peripheral surface of each of the external gas introduction nozzles is formed in a tapered shape tapered toward the head port.3. The air intake apparatus for an internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , whereina corner of an entrance of each of the external gas introduction nozzles into which the external gas is introduced is rounded.4. The air intake apparatus for an internal combustion engine according to claim 3 , whereinthe external gas passage further includes an external gas inlet and an external gas distributor, andthe corner of the entrance in a vicinity of a boundary between the external gas distributor and each of the external gas introduction nozzles is rounded.5. The air intake apparatus for an ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Air intake device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20180347522A1
Автор: Kazuki Iijima, Osamu Ooki
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

An air intake device for an internal combustion engine of the present invention includes a water discharge passage extending from a bottom surface of a control valve housing part recessed in a housing passage forming part of an air intake passage to an air intake port. The water discharge passage is formed independently from the air intake passage, and includes: a water collection groove recessed in the bottom surface; a water discharge hole formed penetrating a cover of a valve control housing; and a water discharge hole penetrating a flange part of an insert inserted into the air intake port. The downstream end of the water discharge hole is connected to a space defined between an air intake port inner wall surface and an insert cylindrical part.

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170356401A1
Принадлежит: ROKI CO., LTD.

The present invention provides an intake manifold which can improve distribution of a drawn fluid among cylinders of an internal combustion engine without major changes. An intake manifold made of resin includes: an intake port formed by welding together a base member and a cover member and adapted to take in outside air; a chamber connected with the intake port through a connecting passage formed by including a cavity portion and plural discharge ports connected with one another through a branch passage branching from the chamber wherein a shielding member adapted to shield the cavity portion and function as a wall surface of the connecting passage is provided in the connecting passage 1. An intake manifold made of resin and comprising: an intake port formed by welding together a base member , a port member having a cavity portion , and a port cover member and adapted to take in outside air; a chamber connected with the intake port through a connecting passage; and a plurality of discharge ports connected with one another through a branch passage branching from the chamber ,wherein the connecting passage or the branch passage is formed by including the cavity portion, anda shielding member adapted to shield the cavity portion and function as a wall surface of the connecting passage is provided in the connecting passage or the branch passage.2. The intake manifold according to claim 1 , wherein:the cavity portion is formed in a portion where the chamber and the connecting passage are connected; the shielding member is formed in a curved shape, being expanded in diameter toward an open end; and a surface of the shielding member is formed smoothly.3. The intake manifold according to claim 1 , wherein:the connecting passage and the branch passage are formed on different planes of the port member; and the cavity portion is formed on one face of the port member, that is, on that face of the port member on which the connecting passage is formed.4. The intake manifold ...

31-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150377186A1

A system for the recirculation of exhaust gases is disclosed. The system includes an air intake device for an internal combustion engine with intake ducts feeding air to the combustion cylinders, each combustion cylinder including an intake duct of its own, and the intake ducts include an exhaust gas inlet orifice for exhaust gases. The system also includes a recirculation circuit for the exhaust gases, an injection rail including outlet orifices for the exhaust gases connected to the inlet orifices of the intake ducts, the connection between the inlet orifices and the outlet orifices being produced by a tapered coupling element. The tapered coupling element includes a connection tube connected to the outlet orifice of the injection rail and descending within the inlet orifice to guide the exhaust gases emerging from the injection rail within the intake duct. 1. A system for the recirculation of exhaust gases comprising:an air intake device for an internal combustion engine comprising intake ducts feeding air to the combustion cylinders, each combustion cylinder including an intake duct of its own, said intake ducts including an inlet orifice for exhaust gases; anda recirculation circuit for the exhaust gases comprising an injection rail including outlet orifices for the exhaust gases connected to the inlet orifices of the intake ducts, wherein a connection tube connected to the outlet orifice of the injection rail and descending within the inlet orifice in such a way as to guide the exhaust gases emerging from the injection rail within the intake duct, said connection tube having a diameter smaller than the diameter of the inlet orifice, and', 'a tapered connector including a top attached to the connection tube and a bottom attached to the periphery of the inlet orifice., 'the connection between the inlet orifices and the outlet orifices is produced by a tapered coupling element, said tapered coupling element including2. The system for the recirculation of exhaust ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200362801A1

A fluid conduit coupling for mechanically and fluidically coupling a fluid-conducting first component to a fluid-conducting second component, may include a tubular body, a connecting piece, which may be insertable coaxially into the tubular body, and a securing clamp, which may be arranged on an outside of the tubular body and which may surround the tubular body over more than 180° in a circumferential direction, and which may be radially adjustable relative to the tubular body between a securing position, in which the connecting piece cannot be pulled out of the tubular body, and a release position, in which the connecting piece is able to be pulled out of the tubular body. The connecting piece may have, on its outside, a securing groove extending in the circumferential direction, the tubular body may have a securing slot extending in the circumferential direction and aligned radially to the securing groove when the connecting piece is inserted into the tubular body, and the securing clamp may have, on its inside, a securing web sticking out radially to the inside, extending in the circumferential direction, and, in the securing position, radially engages with the securing groove through the securing slot, and, in the release position, does not radially engage with the securing groove. The tubular body may have, on its outside, at least one guide groove extending in the circumferential direction, and the securing clamp may have, on its inside, at least one guide web sticking out radially to the inside and, at least in the securing position, radially engages with the associated guide groove. The securing web and the guide web each may be formed to be segmented in the circumferential direction and may have several segments. Viewed in an axial direction of the fluid conduit coupling, the securing web segments and the guide web segments do not overlap one another in the circumferential direction. The securing clamp may be made without undercuts in an injection molding ...

26-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200370520A1
Автор: VENEZIANI Thomas
Принадлежит: RENAULT S.A.S.

An air intake circuit for a heat engine is intended to be positioned between an air compression element and at least an upper portion of a hollow combustion chamber in a cylinder head of the engine. The air intake circuit includes the cylinder head, an air intake manifold, and at least one air intake duct. The circuit also includes at least one concave receptacle turned towards the outside of the engine, housed in a cavity of the cylinder head, and connected to a tubular element pushed into the at least one air intake duct. 111-. (canceled)12. An air intake circuit for a heat engine , said air intake circuit being configured to be positioned between an air compression element and at least an upper portion of a combustion chamber hollowed out of a cylinder head of the engine , said air intake circuit comprising:the cylinder head;an air intake manifold;at least one air intake duct; andat least one concave receptacle that is turned towards the outside of the engine, seated in a cavity of the cylinder head and connected to a tubular element pushed into the at least one air intake duct.13. The air intake circuit as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the receptacle is surrounded by a radial rim configured to bear against a fastening wall of the cylinder head.14. The air intake circuit as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the tubular element connected to the receptacle is conical.15. The air intake circuit as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the receptacle has a deflecting wall that is designed to direct an air flow towards an opening connected to the tubular element.16. The air intake circuit as claimed in claim 12 , wherein a wall of the tubular element has an annular channel that faces the at least one air intake duct and is designed to accommodate a sealing gasket.17. The air intake circuit as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the radial rim of the receptacle has a sealing element facing the fastening wall of the cylinder head.18. The air intake circuit as claimed in claim 17 , ...

06-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE102007037009A1
Принадлежит: Andreas Stihl AG and Co KG

Ein Verbrennungsmotor besitzt einen Ansaugkanal (22) zur Zufuhr von Kraftstoff und Verbrennungsluft, der über mindestens einen Teil seiner Länge in einen Gemischkanal (10) und einen Zuführkanal (8) zur Zufuhr von weitgehend kraftstofffreier Luft geteilt ist. Eine einfache Herstellung des Verbrennungsmotors und ein einfacher Aufbau werden erreicht, wenn ein Abschnitt des Ansaugkanals (22) in einem elastischen Ansaugstutzen (20, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 130, 140) geführt ist, wobei der Ansaugstutzen (20, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 130, 140) eine Trennwand (21, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, 101, 131, 141) besitzt, die sich über mindestens einen Teil der Länge des Ansaugstutzens (20, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 130, 140) erstreckt und die den Ansaugkanal (22) in einen Gemischkanal (10) und einen Zuführkanal (8) teilt.

19-04-2001 дата публикации

Induction system of an internal combustion engine comprises a body having inlet channels, a flap arrangement for controlling the inlet channels, and a supporting frame for inserting in the body and holding the flap arrangement

Номер: DE19946861A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

Induction system of an internal combustion engine comprises a body (1) having a number of inlet channels (2) arranged essentially next to each other, a flap arrangement (3) for controlling the inlet channels, and a supporting frame (4) for inserting in the body and holding the flap arrangement. The flap arrangement and the supporting frame are injection molded from plastics with different melting points. The supporting axle (13) of the flap arrangement is held completely within supporting openings (18) on the supporting frame so that the flap arrangement and the supporting frame form an inseparable unit.

02-11-2006 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine, has mixing pipe, having curvature ranging between certain degrees, arranged before inlet in air manifold, with respect to one axis that is arranged parallel to longitudinal axis of engine

Номер: DE102005019776A1
Принадлежит: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

The engine has an exhaust gas recirculation device (1) to recirculate exhaust gas from an exhaust gas tract to a suction tract. A recirculated exhaust gas discharging area is arranged in a mixing pipe (4) in the flow direction of fresh air, before from an air manifold (5). The pipe has a curvature ranging between 250 and 340 degree before an inlet in the air manifold, with respect to an axis that is arranged parallel to a longitudinal axis of the engine.

02-01-2003 дата публикации

Intermediate flange for a direct injection combustion engine

Номер: EP1270917A2

A cylinder head flange attached to a cylinder head of the combustion engine machine has outlets for the combustion-air. The interface for attachment to a suction-pipe has combustion air inlets in front o f which are suction-ducts. The duct-system for pressurized fuel has a connecting opening for a fuel-pipe and holders for injection valves. The duct system is contained in one strong group of components (10), while the suction-ducts form a second less strong group (11). Both groups are combined in the intermediate flange system.

03-06-2004 дата публикации

Inlet module for an internal combustion engine comprises at least one inlet manifold which at least on one longitudinal side has recesses for cooling water pipe elements

Номер: DE10251406A1
Принадлежит: Mann and Hummel GmbH

The inlet module (100) for an internal combustion engine comprises at least one inlet manifold (20) which at least on one longitudinal side has recesses (22.1, ...) for branches (12, 13, 14) and/or a bend (15) of a cooling water pipe (10).

23-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN108698383A
Принадлежит: Mitsui Chemical Industry Co Ltd


03-06-2020 дата публикации

Laminate and its application

Номер: JP6703093B2
Принадлежит: Mitsui Chemicals Inc

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Cone closure for laser welding seam on a component of an air intake

Номер: DE10345105B4
Принадлежит: Siemens VDO Automotive Inc

Laserschweißverbindung, – mit einem ersten Bestandteilsabschnitt (12), welcher eine als konische Oberfläche ausgebildete erste Laserschweißfläche (28) festlegt und welcher eine erste konische Oberfläche (30) gegenüber der ersten Laserschweißfläche (28) umfasst, – mit einem zweiten Bestandteilsabschnitt (14), welcher eine als konische Oberfläche ausgebildete zweite Laserschweißfläche (58) festlegt und welcher eine zweite konische Oberfläche (60) gegenüber der zweiten Laserschweißfläche (58) umfasst, – wobei die erste und die zweite konische Oberfläche (30, 60) zusammen die erste und die zweite Laserschweißfläche (28, 58) bei einem vorbestimmten Druck in Stoßverbindung zwingen, – wobei ein Laserstrahlverbindungsbereich (16) ausgebildet wird, und – wobei ein Laserstrahl (92) auf den Laserstrahlverbindungsbereich (16) gerichtet wird, um den ersten und den zweiten Bestandteilsabschnitt (12, 14) dauerhaft aneinander zu befestigen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, – dass die Wandstärke der zusammengefügten Bestandteilsabschnitte (12, 14) im Verbindungsbereich (16) gleich wie oder kleiner als die maximale Wandstärke eines der Bestandteilsabschnitte (12, 14) ist, – dass der erste Bauteilabschnitt (12) eine erste Verlängerung (22) mit einem ersten Abschnitt (24) und einem zweiten Abschnitt (26) aufweist, – dass die erste Laserschweißfläche (28) in einen ersten Vorsprung (32) übergeht, welcher sich von einem Ende (34) der konischen Oberfläche der ersten Laserschweißfläche (28) bis zu einer äußeren Oberfläche (36) des ersten Abschnitts (24) der ersten Verlängerung (22) ausdehnt, – dass die erste konische Verschlussfläche (30) in einen zweiten Vorsprung (38) übergeht, welcher sich von einem Ende (40) der ersten konischen Verschlussfläche (30) bis zu einer äußeren Oberfläche (42) des zweiten Abschnitts (26) der ersten Verlängerung (22) ausdehnt, – dass der zweite Bauteilabschnitt (14) eine zweite Verlängerung (52) mit einem ersten Abschnitt (54) und einem zweiten Abschnitt (56) aufweist, ...

25-11-2008 дата публикации

Laser welding of a plastic manifold

Номер: US7455745B2
Принадлежит: MAHLE International GmbH

An example plastic intake manifold is assembled with an inner shell received within an outer shell. The method of assembling the outer shell to the inner shell comprises a localized thickness that defines a desired laser weld joint along which laser energy is utilized to form the desired joint between the outer shell and the inner shell. The method also provides for completing a desired weld around an interfering protrusion on an outer surface of the outer shell.

28-06-2007 дата публикации

Method of maintaining appearance criteria in laser welded article air induction assembly

Номер: US20070144665A1
Автор: Bobbye Baylis, Paul Daly
Принадлежит: Siemens VDO Automotive Inc

A method of assembling a plastic article includes laser welding a first laser absorbent part having a first surface finish and a second laser transparent part with a second surface finish that is different than the first surface finish. The first part includes a surface finish that is textured and grained. The second part includes a substantially smooth non-textured surface finish. One of the first and second parts includes a carbon black dye that provides a desired black color. The other of the first and second parts does not include the black dye but instead utilizes another dark colored dye. The carbon black dye provides for the part to be laser absorbent and the other type of dye is utilized to provide a substantially similar appearance in a laser transparent part.

05-02-2021 дата публикации

Laminate and its use

Номер: KR102213323B1

본 발명은, 접착제층을 개재하여 적층되거나 또는 개재하지 않고서 적층된 비극성 또는 극성이 작아 타 재료와의 접착이 곤란한 고무와, 이종 고무의 적층체를 제공하는 것을 목적으로 하고, 본 발명의 적층체는 층(1) 및 층(2)로부터 선택되는 적어도 1종의 층을 포함하고, 또한 층(3) 및 층(4)로부터 선택되는 적어도 1종의 층을 포함하며, 층(1) 및 층(2)로부터 선택되는 적어도 1종의 층 중 적어도 하나의 층이, 층(3) 및 층(4)로부터 선택되는 적어도 1종의 층 중 적어도 하나의 층과 직접 접하고 있거나 또는 접착제층을 개재하여 접하고 있다. 층(1): 에틸렌·α-올레핀·비공액 폴리엔 공중합체를 이용하여 제작된 층 층(2): 에틸렌·카복실산 공중합체를 이용하여 제작된 층 층(3): 아크릴계 고무를 이용하여 제작된 층 층(4): 할로젠 함유 중합체를 이용하여 제작된 층 It is an object of the present invention to provide a laminate of a non-polar or low-polarity rubber laminated with or without an adhesive layer, which is difficult to adhere to other materials, and a heterogeneous rubber. Comprises at least one layer selected from layer (1) and layer (2), and also comprises at least one layer selected from layer (3) and layer (4), and layer (1) and layer At least one layer of at least one layer selected from (2) is in direct contact with at least one layer of at least one layer selected from layer (3) and layer (4) or via an adhesive layer I am in contact. Layer (1): A layer made of ethylene/α-olefin/non-conjugated polyene copolymer Layer (2): A layer made of an ethylene-carboxylic acid copolymer Layer (3): A layer made of acrylic rubber Layer (4): a layer made using a halogen-containing polymer

20-03-1998 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine intake device

Номер: RU2107182C1

FIELD: mechanical engineering; multicylinder internal combustion engines of automobiles with injection of fuel into cylinders. SUBSTANCE: intake device 1 has reservoir with intake branch pipe 3 and separate intake pipes 4-7 communicating with cylinder head and separate cylinders of engine. Branch pipe 3 has air conducting device 8 forming a channel in reservoir space whose length is limited by plane X-X passing between middle intake pipes 5 and 6. Device 8 is made either in form of separate pipe of artificial material or made en-block with reservoir. EFFECT: enlarged operating capabilities. 7 cl, 9 dwg сз О0тс ПЧ ГЭ РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) ВИ” 2107 182‘ (51) МПК 13) Сл Е 02 М 35/10 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 95110671/06, 22.08.1992 (30) Приоритет: 22.08.1992 ЕР РСТ/ЕР 9201928 (46) Дата публикации: 20.03.1998 (56) Ссылки: ПЕ, заявка 1941875, Е 02М 35/10, 1975. (86) Заявка РСТ: ЕР 92/01928 (22.08.92) (71) (72) (73) Заявитель: Акционерное общество "АВТОВАЗ" (КЦ), Акционерное общество "Д-Р-инж Ф.Порше" (ОЕ) Изобретатель: Фесина Михаил Ильич[КЦ], Старобинский Рудольф Натанович[ В], Лысенко Евгений Васильевич[К], Лазарев Юрий Петрович[В 1], Тепфер Вальтер[ОЕ], Еберле Франц[ОЕ], Кляйнехакенкамп Норберт[ОЕ], Крюгер Дитмар[0Е] Патентообладатель: Акционерное общество "АВТОВАЗ" (КИ), Акционерное общество "Д-Р-инж Ф.Порше" (0Е) (54) ВПУСКНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ДВИГАТЕЛЯ (57) Реферат: Изобретение ОТНОСИТСЯ К многоцилиндровым двигателям внутреннего сгорания, преимущественно автомобильным с впрыском топлива в цилиндры. Впускное устройство 1 содержит емкость с впускным патрубком 3 и отдельными впускными трубками 4 - Г, которые сообщаются с ГОЛОВКОЙ цилиндров и отдельными цилиндрами двигателя. Патрубок 3 снабжен воздухопроводящим устройством 8, образующим в полости емкости канал, длина которого ограничена плоскостью Х-Х, проходящей между средними впускными трубками 5 и 6. Устройство 8 выполнено или в виде ...

08-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: WO2017150612A1
Принадлежит: 三井化学株式会社

本発明は、接着剤層を介して積層、あるいは介さずに積層された非極性または極性が小さく他材料との接着が困難なゴムと、異種ゴムとの積層体を提供することを目的とし、本発明の積層体は層(1)および層(2)から選択される少なくとも1種の層を含み、かつ層(3)および層(4)から選択される少なくとも1種の層を含み、層(1)および層(2)から選択される少なくとも1種の層の少なくとも一つの層が、層(3)および層(4)から選択される少なくとも1種の層の少なくとも一つの層と、直接接しているか、または接着剤層を介して接している。 層(1):エチレン・α-オレフィン・非共役ポリエン共重合体を用いて作製された層 層(2):エチレン・カルボン酸共重合体を用いて作製された層 層(3):アクリル系ゴムを用いて作製された層 層(4):ハロゲン含有重合体を用いて作製された層

04-09-2018 дата публикации

Turbocharger system and the turbocharger air transmission system

Номер: RU2665838C2

FIELD: machine building.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the turbocharger systems for motor vehicles with internal combustion engines. Turbocharger system comprises the flexible conduit, which has an elongated elastomeric body extending longitudinally between the first and second ends, which are designed with the possibility to be attached to the respective turbocharger devices, and a plurality of clamping rings, which are spaced longitudinally between the ends, where each clamping ring applies a radial compressive force around the corresponding circumference of the pipeline, and each ring is made of a molded thermoplastic, which is held in a concentric shape by a retention pin, where each clamping ring comprises the first and second gripping portions, which are connected by a flexible hinge. Spacing of the clamping rings has a density sufficient to limit the increase in the volume of the pipeline under the operating pressure of the turbocharger to less than 20 %.EFFECT: increased strength of the pipeline.12 cl, 17 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 665 838 C2 (51) МПК F02C 7/06 (2006.01) F02M 35/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F02M 35/10137 (2018.05); F02M 35/10144 (2018.05); F02M 35/10157 (2018.05); F02M 35/10321 (2018.05); F02M 35/10354 (2018.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2014151474, 18.12.2014 18.12.2014 Дата регистрации: 04.09.2018 19.12.2013 US 14/133,876 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.07.2016 Бюл. № 19 2 6 6 5 8 3 8 R U Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" 2118693 C1, 10.09.1998. US 5915739 A1, 29.06.1999. US 6354937 B1, 12.03.2002. US 7644956 B2, 12.01.2010. US 7699036 B2, 20.04.2010. (54) СИСТЕМА ТУРБОНАГНЕТАТЕЛЯ И СИСТЕМА ПЕРЕНОСА ВОЗДУХА ТУРБОНАГНЕТАТЕЛЯ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к системам окружности трубопровода, и каждое кольцо турбонагнетателя для моторных транспортных выполнено из ...

12-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: JPS5943917A

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Air inlet system for internal combustion engine

Номер: RU2511910C2
Принадлежит: Хускварна Аб

FIELD: engines and pumps. SUBSTANCE: invention can be used in internal combustion engines. Air inlet system (100) for an internal combustion engine includes air filter (1) that comprises a filter element, internal chamber (3) and suction opening (6) for connection of internal chamber (3) to suction channel (7) of the internal combustion engine. Combustion air flows through the filter element to internal chamber (3) and from internal chamber (3) through suction opening (6) to suction channel (7). The engine is provided with an air supply pass that attaches internal chamber (3) to a transfer channel of the engine for supply of additional air to the transfer channel. In addition, air inlet system (100) includes flow resistance device (2). Internal chamber (3), suction opening (6) and suction channel (7) form a combustion air flow path. Flow resistance device (2) represents plastic or rubber foam located on the way of the combustion air flow. At least 30% and preferably at least 40% of combustion air flows through flow resistance device (2) so that flow resistance device (2) absorbs fuel and/or lubricant, which flow backwards from the internal combustion engine through the combustion air path in the direction of at least one filter element. Due to this, penetration of fuel and lubricant onto the filter element is prevented. EFFECT: preventing penetration of fuel and lubricant onto a filter element. 22 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 511 910 C2 (51) МПК F02M 35/024 (2006.01) F02M 33/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012134547/06, 14.01.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.01.2010 (72) Автор(ы): СТАРК Стефан (SE), ОКЕССОН Сесилия (SE) (73) Патентообладатель(и): ХУСКВАРНА АБ (SE) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.02.2014 Бюл. № 5 R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 14.01.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 10.04.2014 Бюл. № 10 US5503649 A, 02.04.1996. JP ...

30-08-2006 дата публикации

Outboard motor intake system

Номер: JP3815255B2
Принадлежит: Suzuki Motor Co Ltd

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Air line for an intake tract of an internal combustion engine

Номер: DE102014018035A1
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Luftleitung (10) für einen Ansaugtrakt einer Verbrennungskraftmaschine, mit wenigstens einem von Luft durchströmbaren Kanal (12) zum Führen der Luft zu wenigstens einem Brennraum der Verbrennungskraftmaschine, mit einem ersten Anschlussbereich (14), in welchem ein Luftmassenmesser (16) mit der Luftleitung (10) verbindbar ist, mit einem in Strömungsrichtung der Luft durch den Kanal (12) stromab des ersten Anschlussbereichs (14) angeordneten, zweiten Anschlussbereich (18), in welchem die Luftleitung (10) mit einem Verdichter eines Abgasturboladers verbindbar ist, und mit wenigstens einer stromab des ersten Anschlussbereichs (14) und stromauf des zweiten Anschlussbereichs (18) angeordneten Anschlussstelle (20), an welcher die Luftleitung (10) mit einer Kurbelgehäuseentlüftung der Verbrennungskraftmaschine fluidisch verbindbar ist, wobei die Luftleitung (10) eine Mehrzahl von stromauf des zweiten Anschlussbereichs (18) angeordneten, von einer den Kanal (12) zumindest teilweise begrenzenden Wandung (24) der Luftleitung (10) nach innen abstehenden und in Umfangsrichtung der Luftleitung (10) voneinander beabstandeten Leitrippen (26) zum Leiten der Luft aufweist. The invention relates to an air line (10) for an intake tract of an internal combustion engine, having at least one air passable passage (12) for guiding the air to at least one combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine, having a first connection region (14) in which an air mass meter (16). with the air line (10) is connectable, with a in the flow direction of the air through the channel (12) downstream of the first connection region (14) arranged second connection region (18), in which the air line (10) is connectable to a compressor of an exhaust gas turbocharger , and with at least one connection point (20) arranged downstream of the first connection region (14) and upstream of the second connection region (18), to which the air line (10) is fluidically connectable to a ...

29-07-2009 дата публикации

Intake manifold for internal combustion engine

Номер: JP4305828B2
Автор: 武 遠山
Принадлежит: Suzuki Motor Co Ltd

29-07-2003 дата публикации

Metallic coating on a component of an internal combustion engine

Номер: US6598581B2
Автор: James John Kempf
Принадлежит: Visteon Global Technologies Inc

The present invention relates to a component for an internal combustion engine of an automobile having reduced NVH properties. The component has a shell formed with a plastic composite material. The shell defines an inlet port, an outlet port, an outer surface and an inner surface. The inner surface defines an inner cavity to allow air passage to the internal combustion engine. A damping layer is disposed on the outer surface such that damping layer substantially dampens the noise emitted from the component.

24-07-2003 дата публикации

Process for connecting synthetic resin molded parts by effectively heating their connecting surfaces

Номер: DE10259031A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

Ein Verfahren, das verhindern kann, dass primäre Formteile während einem sekundären Formgebungsvorgang verformt werden oder brechen, um die Verbindungsfestigkeit von Verbindungsabschnitten zu verbessern. DOLLAR A In dem Verfahren zum Verbinden einer Vielzahl von primären Formteilen 6, 7, die durch einen getrennten Vorgang ausgebildet wurden, wird in einem sekundären Formgebungsprozess ein sekundäres Formgebungskunstharz 13 zu Verbindungsabschnitten 12 eingespritzt, nachdem die Flächen 10 und 11 des Verbindungsabschnitts 12 der zu verbindenden primären Formteile 6, 7 erwärmt wurden. A method that can prevent primary moldings from being deformed or broken during a secondary molding process to improve the joint strength of joint portions. DOLLAR A In the method of connecting a plurality of primary molded parts 6, 7 formed by a separate process, a secondary molding resin 13 is injected into connecting portions 12 in a secondary molding process after the surfaces 10 and 11 of the connecting portion 12 of the parts to be joined primary moldings 6, 7 were heated.

27-06-2018 дата публикации

Patent RU2014151474A3

Номер: RU2014151474A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

7 ВУ"” 2014151474” АЗ Дата публикации: 27.06.2018 Форма № 18 ИЗПМ-2011 Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение 5 «Федеральный институт промышленной собственности» (ФИПС) ОТЧЕТ О ПОИСКЕ 1. . ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ЗАЯВКИ Регистрационный номер Дата подачи 2014151474/06(082480) 18.12.2014 Приоритет установлен по дате: [ ] подачи заявки [ ] поступления дополнительных материалов от к ранее поданной заявке № [ ] приоритета по первоначальной заявке № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи первоначальной заявки № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи ранее поданной заявки № [Х] подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) в государстве-участнике Парижской конвенции (31) Номер первой(ых) заявки(ок) (32) Дата подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) (33) Код страны 1. 14/133,876 19.12.2013 05 Название изобретения (полезной модели): [Х] - как заявлено; [ ] - уточненное (см. Примечания) СИСТЕМА ТУРБОНАГНЕТАТЕЛЯ И СИСТЕМА ПЕРЕНОСА ВОЗДУХА ТУРБОНАГНЕТАТЕЛЯ Заявитель: ФОРД ГЛОУБАЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ, ЭлЭлСи, ЦЗ 2. ЕДИНСТВО ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ [Х] соблюдено [ ] не соблюдено. Пояснения: см. Примечания 3. ФОРМУЛА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ: [Х] приняты во внимание все пункты (см. Примечания) [ ] приняты во внимание следующие пункты: [ ] принята во внимание измененная формула изобретения (см. Примечания) 4. КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ОБЪЕКТА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ (ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ) (Указываются индексы МПК и индикатор текущей версии) Е02С 7/06 (2006.01) Е02М 35/10 (2006.01) 5. ОБЛАСТЬ ПОИСКА 5.1 Проверенный минимум документации РСТ (указывается индексами МПК) Во2С 1/00-9/00; Е02М 1/00-71/00 5.2 Другая проверенная документация в той мере, в какой она включена в поисковые подборки: 5.3 Электронные базы данных, использованные при поиске (название базы, и если, возможно, поисковые термины): СТРО, РЕРАТБ пес, РУУРТ, ЕАРАТКУ, Езрасепев, 7-Р1а Рас, КТРК5, РАТЕМТСОРЕ, Ра еагсЬ, ВКОРТО, ТРО, ИЗРТО 6. ДОКУМЕНТЫ, ОТНОСЯЩИЕСЯ К ПРЕДМЕТУ ПОИСКА Кате- Наименование документа с указанием (где необходимо) частей, ...

28-04-1987 дата публикации

Article of integrally-merged hard and soft polyvinyl chloride

Номер: US4661396A
Автор: Hans Jager, Paul Andorf

An article has a wall with a first, continuous region and a second, smaller region on the first region and integrally mereged with the first region thereat, both wall regions being made of PVC materials for so integrally merging by the common PVC constituent thereof in the process of forming the regions one on the other. The second wall region is preferably made harder by irradiation crosslinking after forming the regions.

17-12-2001 дата публикации

Exhaust gas recirculation valve apparatus for internal combustion engine

Номер: KR100299364B1
Автор: 김경운, 이홍철
Принадлежит: 대우자동차 주식회사, 정주호

PURPOSE: An exhaust gas recirculation valve apparatus for an internal combustion engine is provided to prevent the thermal effect on an intake manifold due to high temperature of recirculated exhaust gas. CONSTITUTION: An exhaust gas recirculation valve apparatus for an internal combustion engine comprises an intake manifold mounted on an outer wall of an engine cylinder head and having a first flange(12) at one end of the intake manifold; and an exhaust gas recirculation valve(200) for delivering exhaust gas discharged from a combustion chamber of the engine to the intake manifold. The exhaust gas recirculation valve is attached on the first flange by an adapter(20) having a second flange(22). A gap(40) is provided between a first border(12E) of the first flange and a second border(22E) of the adapter, thereby interrupting heat transfer, the first border facing to the adapter and the second border facing to the first border.

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014130186A

1. Рабочий инструмент, направляемый вручную, с по меньшей мере одним рабочим органом, который приводится в движение двигателем (7) внутреннего сгорания, причем двигатель (7) внутреннего сгорания всасывает сквозь воздушный фильтр (25) воздух для сгорания через впускной канал (20), причем участок впускного канала (20) выполнен в эластичном соединительном патрубке (30, 60, 70, 80, 100), а указанный эластичный соединительный патрубок (30, 60, 70, 80, 100) содержит первый участок (38) и второй участок (39), между которыми расположена растягивающаяся складка (40, 61, 71, 81), обеспечивающая в процессе эксплуатации возможность относительных перемещений между первым участком (38) и вторым участком (39), причем растягивающаяся складка (40, 61, 71, 81) содержит первую боковую стенку (44, 64, 74, 84) и вторую боковую стенку (45, 65, 75, 85), причем первая боковая стенка (44, 64, 74, 84) расположена во впускном канале (20) выше второй боковой стенки (45, 65, 75, 85) по отношению к направлению (50) потока, причем в направлении (50) потока между первой боковой стенкой (44, 64, 74, 84) и второй боковой стенкой (45, 65, 75, 85) расположена периферийная стенка (46) растягивающейся складки (40, 61, 71, 81), которая соединяет между собой первую боковую стенку (44, 64, 74, 84) и вторую боковую стенку (45, 65, 75, 85) и проходит в области максимального наружного диаметра (а) растягивающейся складки (40, 61, 71, 81), отличающийся тем, что предусмотрен упор (52, 63, 73, 83, 90, 113) для растягивающейся складки (40, 61, 71, 81), который препятствует прилеганию участка (67, 77, 87) первой боковой стенки (44, 64, 74, 84), смежного с периферийной стенкой (46), ко второй боковой стенке (45, 65, 75, 85).2. Рабочий инструмент по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что участок (67, 77, 87) первой боковой стенки (44, 64, 74, 84), который не может прилегать ко второй боковой стенке (45, 65, 75, 85), представляет собой кольцеобразный участок (67, 77, 87), который проходит по меньшей мере на 30% ширины (d) ...

02-08-2017 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of intake manifold

Номер: JP6175274B2
Принадлежит: Subaru Corp

27-10-2010 дата публикации

Intake passage of an internal combustion engine

Номер: EP1508687B1
Автор: Shigeki Uchiyama
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

28-06-2007 дата публикации

Valve assembly having a sealing member

Номер: US20070144483A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A valve assembly is disclosed that includes a first and a second valve assembly parts that collectively define a duct. The valve assembly also includes a valve unit that includes a housing defining a fluid flow path therethrough. The valve unit is coupled to the first valve assembly part such that the fluid flow path is in fluid communication with the duct. A control valve is also included for controlling flow of fluid in the flow path. Furthermore, the valve assembly includes a sealing member that seals a space between the first valve assembly part and the second valve assembly part, that seals a space between the first valve assembly part and the valve unit, and that dampens vibration transmitted to the valve unit.

14-08-1997 дата публикации

Connection arrangement

Номер: DE3915732C2
Принадлежит: Magneti Marelli SpA

24-05-2005 дата публикации

Device for regulating flow in a duct portion or an intake passage and manifold comprising same

Номер: US6895926B1
Принадлежит: Mark IV Systemes Moteurs SAS

The invention concerns a device for regulating flow in a duct portion or an intake passage and a manifold comprising such a device. The device is characterized in that each valve ( 3 )/control pin ( 4 ) assembly is incorporated in the structure of said duct portion ( 2 ) or in the structure of the part ( 1 ) comprising at least a duct portion ( 2 ), at the opening of through passage, being enclosed, with the possibility of rotating between two matching parts ( 2′, 2 ″ or 1′, 1 ″) forming by being assembled said duct portion ( 2 ) or said part ( 1 ) and being mounted in corresponding housing recesses ( 5, 5′ ) provided in the walls of duct portions ( 2 ) and/or in one or several separate corresponding bearing(s) ( 6 ).

12-09-2007 дата публикации

Engine intake system

Номер: JP3975980B2
Автор: 茂樹 内山
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Flexible tubular moulded body part, such as corrugated tube, and method of its manufacture

Номер: RU2636521C2
Принадлежит: Ральф-Гюнтер МАТЦЕН

FIELD: technological processes.SUBSTANCE: flexible tubular moulded body part is made of a non-profiled or profiled with a straight or curved shape and contains a peripheral surface with a corrugated profile. The peripheral surface is formed from an insert to maintain strength. The insert is embedded in a thermoplastic material comprising of framework surfaces, extending in the longitudinal direction of the moulded body part as pressure-tight members, and fastening threads, extending transversely to the threads and holding them in the required position.EFFECT: improved physical and mechanical properties of products.6 cl, 62 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 636 521 C2 (51) МПК B29D 24/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2012136101, 23.08.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 23.08.2012 (72) Автор(ы): МАТЦЕН Ральф-Гюнтер (DE) (73) Патентообладатель(и): МАТЦЕН Ральф-Гюнтер (DE) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 3058493 A, 16.10.1962. US Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 1648046 A, 08.11.1927. US 1746701 A, 11.02.1930. US 2002006491 A1, 17.01.2002. SU 910437 A1, 07.03.1982. 26.07.2012 EP 12178108.2 (45) Опубликовано: 23.11.2017 Бюл. № 33 2 6 3 6 5 2 1 R U (54) ГИБКАЯ ТРУБЧАТАЯ ФОРМОВАННАЯ КОРПУСНАЯ ДЕТАЛЬ, ТАКАЯ КАК ГОФРИРОВАННАЯ ТРУБКА, И СПОСОБ ЕЕ ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Группа изобретений относится к гибкой материал, содержащий каркасные поверхности, рукавообразной формованной корпусной детали проходящие в продольном направлении и к способу ее формирования. Гибкая трубчатая формованной корпусной детали в качестве формованная корпусная деталь выполнена элементов, выдерживающих давление, и непрофилированной или профилированной с скрепляющие нити, проходящие поперек по прямой или изогнутой формой и содержит отношению к нитям и удерживающие их в периферийную поверхность с гофрированным необходимом положении. ...

06-01-2003 дата публикации

Structure for metal insert type plastic-throttle body

Номер: KR100366485B1
Автор: 이필기
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

본 발명은 메탈 삽입 타입의 플래스틱 스로틀 보디 구조에 관한 것으로, 내부에 벤츄리가 형성되고 그 양단부의 입구와 출구에 흡입호스와 흡기 매니폴드가 연결가능하도록 플라스틱으로 스로틀 보디 본체를 성형하고, 상기 벤츄리 내부에는 일측 오목부에 메탈 삽입재게 삽입되어 이루어진 것을 특징으로 하는 메탈 삽입 타입의 플래스틱 스로틀 보디 구조를 제공하는데 있다. The present invention relates to a metal insert type plastic throttle body structure, wherein a venturi is formed therein, and a throttle body main body is formed of plastic so that a suction hose and an intake manifold can be connected to the inlet and the outlet of both ends thereof, and the venturi inside The present invention provides a metal insertion type plastic throttle body structure, which is formed by inserting a metal insert into one recess.
