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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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27-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2432490C2

Изобретение относится в целом к турбине или электрогенератору, производящему электричество из энергии потока воды. Гидравлическая турбина погружного типа содержит ротор 20, корпус-статор, в который заключен ротор 20, и средства для выработки электричества. Ротор 20 имеет внешний обод 22, охватывающий лопасти 21. Во внешнем ободе расположены одна или более камер 60 плавучести. Изобретение направлено на уменьшение веса ротора 20 для обретения плавучести. 9 з.п.ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2605487C2

Группа изобретений относится к центробежным насосам. Рабочее колесо (2) для центробежного насоса, включающее в себя имеющий лопатки (8) первый закрывающий диск (4) и присоединенный посредством сварки к первому закрывающему диску (4) второй закрывающий диск (6). Каждая лопатка (8) имеет область (12) вершины, в которой она контактирует со вторым закрывающим диском (6). По меньшей мере одна лопатка (8) из всех лопаток (8) на первом участке (20) области (12) вершины имеет сварное соединение со вторым закрывающим диском (6), причем по меньшей мере один второй участок (14) области (12) вершины свободен от сварного соединения. Один из закрывающих дисков (4, 6) изготовлен из светопроницаемого материала, а другой из закрывающих дисков (4, 6) изготовлен по меньшей мере частично из светопоглощающего материала. Группа изобретений направлена на повышение эффективности насоса. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2597323C2

Изобретение относится к элементам скольжения, которые скользят относительно друг друга и могут быть использованы в поршневых насосах и двигателях, выполненных с использованием этих элементов. Скользящая часть одного элемента скольжения выполнена из аморфного гидрогенизированного углерода, легированного хромом, а скользящая часть другого элемента скольжения выполнена из медного сплава или алюминиевого сплава. В поршневом насосе или двигателе один из элементов скольжения применен в качестве пластины клапана, закрепленной внутри корпуса, а другой элемент скольжения применен в качестве цилиндрового блока, помещенного в корпусе таким образом, чтобы обеспечивать скольжение относительно пластины клапана. Предотвращается отслаивание аморфной углеродной пленки с улучшением скольжения между ними.2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл. 5 ил.

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2618804C2

Изобретение относится к машиностроительной гидравлике, конкретно - к способу работы электронасосного агрегата (ЭНА) для систем терморегулирования самолетов и космических аппаратов. Способ работы ЭНА включает обеспечение циркуляции жидкости посредством электродвигателя (ЭД) с герметично разделенными корпусами из титана. Циркуляцию обеспечивают в следующей последовательности: входной патрубок, вход и выход правого рабочего колеса, идущий на один из переводных каналов, вход и выход левого рабочего колеса, идущий на другой переводной канал, выходной патрубок. Циркуляцию осуществляют относительно диафрагмы с герметично соединенным ее внешним периметром с обоймой, по герметичным составным каналам, один переводной канал выполняют на участках обоймы и втулки и соединяют им выход рабочей полости правого колеса и вход рабочей полости левого колеса, другой переводной канал выполняют на участках обоймы и корпуса ЭНА и соединяют им выход рабочей полости левого колеса и выходной патрубок корпуса ЭНА.

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2555099C2
Принадлежит: СНЕКМА (FR)

Вентилятор газотурбинного двигателя содержит диск ротора, на наружной периферийной части которого предусмотрены ячейки (14), предназначенные для установки корневых частей (24) лопаток и ограниченные продольными ребрами (12). Каждое из ребер содержит радиальное ушко (26), предназначенное для крепления упомянутого диска на роторе компрессора, располагающегося по потоку позади этого вентилятора. Боковые поверхности упомянутых ушек (26) образуют упоры, предназначенные для удержания лопаток, установленных на диске. Скобки (32), имеющие U-образную форму, устанавливаются на ушки диска. Каждая из этих скобок содержит две боковые лапки, покрывающие боковые поверхности одного радиального ушка. Скобки для ушек диска исключают износ боковых поверхностей этих ушек в результате их повторяющегося механического контакта с лопатками в том случае, когда вентилятор подвергается воздействию эффекта авторотации. Таким образом, отпадает необходимость демонтировать газотурбинный двигатель для того, чтобы выполнить ...

20-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2551017C2

Изобретение может быть использовано при изготовлении двигателя внутреннего сгорания. В двигателе (10) внутреннего сгорания на всей стенке, выходящей в камеру сгорания (NS), или на ее части сформировано анодно-оксидированное пленочное покрытие (61), (62), (63), (64). Анодно-оксидированное пленочное покрытие (61), (62), (63), (64) имеет структуру, в которой имеется связывающая область, в которой каждая из полых ячеек, образующих пленочное покрытие, связана со смежными полыми ячейками, и несвязывающая область, в которой три или более смежных полых ячейки не связаны друг с другом. Пористость анодно-оксидированного пленочного покрытия (61), (62), (63), (64) определяется первой полостью, присутствующей в полых ячейках, и второй полостью, образующей несвязывающую область. Раскрыт способ изготовления двигателя внутреннего сгорания. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении низкой теплопроводности и низкой теплоемкости покрытия. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 39 ил., 7 табл.

10-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2175722C2

Изобретение относится к области двигателестроения и позволяет повысить долговечность выпускного клапана и поршня за счет использования коррозионно-стойкого при высоких температурах покрытия. Подвижный перегородочный элемент в виде выпускного клапана или поршня в двигателе внутреннего сгорания на стороне перегородочного элемента, обращенной к камере сгорания, покрыт коррозионно-стойким при высоких температурах материалом, изготовленным из зернистого исходного материала из сплава, содержащего никель и хром, который с помощью процесса горячего изостатического прессования был преобразован в плотный (когерентный) материал, по существу, без расплавления исходного материала. Коррозионно-стойкий материал имеет твердость менее 310 HV, измеренную при приблизительно 20°С после того, как произвели нагрев материала до температуры 550-850°С и выдерживание его при данной температуре более 400 ч. 13 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 2 табл.

20-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2347080C2

Изобретение относится к лопатке турбины, имеющей покрытие для сдерживания реакционной способности суперсплава на основе Ni. Указанное покрытие сформировано нанесением материала для сдерживания реакционной способности на поверхность суперсплава на основе Ni перед нанесением диффузионного алюминиевого покрытия. Материал для сдерживания реакционной способности представляет собой чистый Ru, сплав Co-Ru, сплав Cr-Ru или твердый раствор, основным компонентом которого является Ru, при этом сдерживается образование вторичных реакционных зон. Получают лопатки турбины, обладающие повышенной стойкостью к окислению суперсплава на основе Ni за счет сдерживания образования вторичных реакционных зон. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл., 13 ил.

20-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2355891C2
Принадлежит: СНЕКМА (FR)

Деталь газовой турбины содержит металлическую подложку из суперсплава, связующий нижний слой и внешнее керамическое покрытие. Связующий нижний слой сформирован на подложке и содержит интерметаллический материал, содержащий алюминий, никель и платину. Внешнее керамическое покрытие прикреплено пленкой окиси алюминия, образованной на связующем нижнем слое. Связующий нижний слой в основном содержит трехкомпонентную систему Ni-Pt-Al, состоящую из структуры типа α-NiPt с добавками алюминия, в частности систему Ni-Pt-Al, имеющую состав NizPtyAlx, где z, у, х подобраны таким образом, что 0,05 Подробнее

31-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2662842C2

Изобретение относится к области двигателестроения, а именно к двигателям с внешним подводом тепла. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности теплопередачи. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что двигатель Стирлинга содержит корпус, вытеснитель и рабочий поршень, выполненные с возможностью осуществления возвратно-поступательного перемещения друг относительно друга. Рабочая часть (1) является смежной с вытеснителем для поглощения тепла и окружена блоком (14, 20) из меди или алюминия. Существенная часть блока представляет собой облицовку из слоя (18) нержавеющей стали или Инконеля толщиной между 3 мм и 0,15 мм. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

21-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2613757C2
Принадлежит: Х.Э.Ф. (FR)

Изобретение может быть использовано в двигателях внутреннего сгорания. Внутренняя сторона гильзы двигателя внутреннего сгорания обработана так, чтобы быть абсолютно гладкой, и на нее нанесено покрытие типа DLC. Значение шероховатости поверхности гильзы перед напылением, Ra, составляет менее 0,06 мкм. Покрытие DLC нанесено на внутреннюю сторону полированной гильзы при помощи технологии вакуумного напыления, включающей этап ионного травления и этап, соответствующий собственно напылению. Технический результат заключается в минимизации количества масла на стенке цилиндра и уменьшении потери сил трения на сдвиг масляной пленки. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 1табл.

10-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2497627C2
Принадлежит: СНЕКМА (FR)

Изобретение относится к изготовлению металлических лопаточных аппаратов низкого давления газотурбинного двигателя, в котором лопатки имеют внутреннюю полость, предназначенную для размещения в ней датчика детектирования газов или для сообщения с таким датчиком. Лопатка 1 имеет отверстие 9, выполненное в стенке, обеспечивающее проход газов из зоны низкого давления газотурбинного двигателя в направлении внутренней полости и размещение датчика. Способ включает установку в литейную форму сердечника, соответствующего внутренней полости лопатки, и заливку расплавленного металла в литейную форму. Сердечник для каждого отверстия 9, сообщенного с внутренней полостью лопатки, выполняют с выступом, проникающим через внутреннюю поверхность литейной формы и образующим единственный элемент удержания сердечника в литейной форме. Обеспечивается повышение качества лопаток за счет исключения операции сверления отверстий. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

29-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2620626C1

Группа изобретений относится к многоступенчатым погружным насосам для откачки пластовой жидкости из скважин. Установка погружного лопастного насоса компрессионного типа включает в себя двигатель, протектор с осевой опорой вала, насосную секцию. Насосная секция включает в себя: вал, корпус, основание, головку, сборку пакета центробежных ступеней. Каждая ступень содержит направляющий аппарат и рабочее колесо с лопастями между ведущим и покрывным дисками и ступицей. Рабочие колеса и направляющие аппараты выполнены в виде цельнолитых конструкций из чугуна. На ведущем диске каждого колеса выполнен лопаточный венец. Между боковыми гранями каждой лопатки лопаточного венца и ведущим диском выполнены скругления; высота лопаточного венца не превышает минимальное расстояние между ведущим и покрывным дисками рабочего колеса, а радиус скруглений составляет от 0,2 до 0,8 от этой величины. Рабочие колеса сжаты гайкой по ступицам, направляющие аппараты зафиксированы относительно корпуса, валы насосных ...

27-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2145956C1

Описываются новые амиды карбамоилкарбоновой кислоты общей формулы (I), где R1 - С1 - С8-алкил; R2 - водород; R3 - С1 - С8-алкил; R4 и R5 - водород, Х независимо друг от друга - водород, С1 - С8-алкил, Y независимо друг от друга - один из радикалов Х; q и p независимо друг от друга обозначают 0, 1 при условии, что оба одновременно не могут иметь значение 0; r = 0, 1, 2, и их соли, которые обладают фунгицидной активностью. Описываются способ их получения, средство и способы для борьбы с вредоносными грибами. 7 с.п. ф-лы, 5 табл.

11-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2702889C1

Изобретение относится к насосам возвратно-поступательного действия. Насос возвратно-поступательного действия может содержать приводную часть и напорную часть, функционально соединенную с приводной частью. Напорная часть может включать в себя плунжер, цилиндр, выполненный с возможностью функционально сцепляться с плунжером, и головку. Плунжер, цилиндр и головка напорной части могут быть, каждый, изготовлены из мартенситной нержавеющей стали с высокой ударной вязкостью, содержащей, мас.%: до 0,06 углерода, от 11,50 до 17,00 хрома, от 3,50 до 6,00 никеля, от 0,30 до 1,50 молибдена, от 0,01 до 0,20 ванадия, до 0,060 алюминия, остальное - железо. Обеспечивается повышение прочности, коррозионной стойкости и ударной вязкости материала, увеличение стойкости деталей насоса к воздействию агрессивных и абразивных сред. 3 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл., 7 ил., 1 пр.

20-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005117832A

... 1. Газовая турбина, содержащая кольцевую камеру (10) сгорания со стенками (12, 13), изготовленными из композитного материала с керамической матрицей, установленную внутри металлического корпуса при помощи соединительных компонентов, прикрепленных к камере методом пайки и соединяющих камеру с внутренней металлической оболочкой (30) и с внешней металлической оболочкой (40) корпуса, отличающаяся тем, что соединительные компоненты содержат внутренние соединительные пластины (50) и внешние соединительные пластины (60), которые соединяют камеру (10) сгорания соответственно с внутренней металлической оболочкой (30) и с внешней металлической оболочкой (40) корпуса, причем каждая из соединительных пластин содержит первый участок (52, 62), прикрепленный к наружной поверхности стенки (12, 13) камеры сгорания методом пайки, при этом первые участки соединительных пластин отделены друг от друга в направлении по окружности так, что паяное соединение между камерой и соединительными компонентами выполнено ...

10-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005137173A

... 1. Способ нанесения покрытия для контроля реакционной способности, включающий в себя стадию нанесения материала для контроля реакционной способности на поверхность суперсплава на основе Ni перед нанесением диффузионного алюминиевого покрытия на суперсплав на основе Ni, причем материал для контроля реакционной способности представляет собой Co, Cr или Ru, или сплав, основной компонент которого выбран из группы, состоящей из Co, Cr, Ru. 2. Способ нанесения покрытия для контроля реакционной способности по п.1, в котором материалом для контроля реакционной способности является любой материал из чистого Co, чистого Cr, чистого Ru, сплава Co-Cr, сплава Co-Ru, сплава Cr-Ru, твердого раствора Co, твердого раствора Cr и твердого раствора Ru. 3. Способ нанесения покрытия для контроля реакционной способности по п.1, в котором материалом для контроля реакционной способности является сплав или твердый раствор, основным компонентом которого является Co, Ru или их комбинации, и сплав или твердый раствор ...

20-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009133730A

... 1. Паровая турбина (10), содержащая: ! ступень (100), включающую в себя множество лопаток, включающих в себя комплект первых лопаток (150), выполненных из первого материала, и комплект вторых лопаток (152), выполненных из второго материала, причем первый материал отличается от второго материала. ! 2. Паровая турбина (10) по п.1, в которой первые лопатки (150) и вторые лопатки (152) чередуются через одну лопатку по окружности ступени (100). ! 3. Паровая турбина (10) по п.1, в которой комплект первых лопаток (150) расположен в подгруппах, по меньшей мере, из двух лопаток, равномерно распределенных по окружности вокруг ступени (100) между комплектом вторых лопаток (152). ! 4. Паровая турбина (10) по п.1, в которой первый материал включает в себя сплав нержавеющей стали, а второй материал включает в себя никелевый сплав. ! 5. Паровая турбина (10) по п.1, в которой каждая лопатка включает в себя интегрированную накладку (154), причем интегрированные накладки, по меньшей мере, двух лопаток имеют ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014150077A

... 1. Стойкая к износу деталь, содержащаясоставную смазывающую пластину, приклеенную к металлическому основанию, при этом составная смазывающая пластина содержитткань, по меньшей мере, частично заключенную в смолу, при этом ткань содержит пряжу из ароматического полиамида и смешанную пряжу, содержащую пряжу из ароматического полиамида и пряжу с низким коэффициентом трения; иметаллический слой, приклеенный к одной стороне ткани.2. Деталь по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что металлическое основание содержит часть, выбранную из группы, состоящей из диска ротора и лопатки вентилятора турбины.3. Деталь по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что металлическое основание представляет собой встроенный компонент газотурбинного двигателя.4. Деталь по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что металлическое основание содержит металл, выбранный из группы, состоящей из титана, алюминия, стали, никеля и их сплавов.5. Деталь по п. 4, отличающаяся тем, что металлическое основание выполнено из титана.6. Деталь по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что ...

20-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004129296A

... 1. Способ защиты детали из композитного материала от окисления, включающий нанесение на деталь состава, содержащего смесь, по меньшей мере, одного борида в форме порошка, по меньшей мере, одного термостойкого стекловидного оксида в форме порошка, обладающего способностью к заживлению трещин путем образования стекла, и связующего вещества, содержащего смолу-источник термостойкого керамического материала; и структурирование смолы, отличающийся тем, что основным компонентом порошка борида является диборид титана TiB2, а основным компонентом порошка, по меньшей мере, одного термостойкого оксида является смесь боросиликатов. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что связующее вещество содержит полимер-источник керамического материала, выбранный из поликарбосиланов, полититанокарбосиланов, полисилазанов, поливинилсиланов и силиконовых смол. 3. Способ по п.2, отличающийся тем, что структурирование осуществляют при температуре, меньшей 400°С. 4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на деталь наносят ...

10-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011122113A

... 1. Двигатель внутреннего сгорания с поршнем возвратно-поступательного движения с, по меньшей мере, одним цилиндром, причем каждый цилиндр имеет гильзу цилиндра и поршень, расположенный в ней для возвратно-поступательного движения, при этом поршень имеет, по меньшей мере, одно поршневое кольцо на поверхности своей рубашки, отличающийся тем, что материалы гильзы цилиндра и поршневых колец поршня, который движется по рабочей поверхности гильзы цилиндра, идеально согласуются друг с другом по стойкости к износу, причем поршневые кольца имеют покрытие, выполненное из хромовой керамики, по меньшей мере, на поверхности, обращенной к рабочей поверхности гильзы цилиндра, и гильза цилиндра содержит долю твердой фазы от 0,01 до 1,99%.2. Двигатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что гильза цилиндра выполнена из чугуна с внедренными в него твердыми фазами.3. Двигатель по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что твердая фаза выбрана из группы, состоящей из карбидов, цементита и стедита.4. Двигатель по п.1 или 2, отличающийся ...

20-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008144757A

... 1. Клапан разгрузки в газотурбинном двигателе, имеющий в своем составе створку (116, 216), предназначенную для установки с возможностью ее поворота относительно оси (120) между положением перекрытия отверстия (14), предназначенного для прохождения воздуха, и положением открытия этого отверстия, уплотнительную прокладку герметизации (152, 252), проходящую вдоль, по меньшей мере, части периферийной кромки створки, и средства (158, 258) крепления этой уплотнительной прокладки герметизации на периферийной кромке створки, отличающийся тем, что створка и средства крепления уплотнительной прокладки герметизации изготовлены из пластического материала и сформированы в виде единой детали или жестко скреплены друг с другом при помощи сварки или приклеивания. ! 2. Клапан разгрузки по п.1, отличающийся тем, что створка (116, 216) и/или средства крепления (158, 258) изготовлены из термопластического материала, усиленного волокнами, такими, например, как стекловолокно. ! 3. Клапан разгрузки по п.1, отличающийся ...

27-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011105823A

... 1. Приводимая в действие текучей средой электрическая генерирующая система, содержащая: ! раму, сконфигурированную с возможностью соединения с привязной системой; ! по меньшей мере, один модуль генерации мощности, установленный на раму и сконфигурированный с возможностью обеспечения подъемной силы от текущей текучей среды, чтобы удерживать электрическую генерирующую систему в текущей текучей среде, причем, по меньшей мере, один модуль генерации мощности содержит: ! фиксирующую конструкцию, прикрепленную к раме; ! вращающуюся конструкцию, включающую в себя вал ротора, расположенный внутри и сконфигурированный с возможностью вращения относительно фиксирующей конструкции; ! ротор, имеющий множество лопаток, прикрепленных к валу ротора, и сконфигурированный с возможностью быть вращаемым текущей текучей средой, чтобы создавать крутящий момент на валу ротора, который вращает вал ротора и вращающуюся конструкцию относительно фиксирующей конструкции; и ! множество генераторов, прикрепленных к фиксирующей ...

20-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007146369A

... 1. Система предотвращения износа концевой насадки (106) лопатки (100) турбины турбинного двигателя, содержащая ! гнездо (212), образованное на поверхности (200) контакта концевой насадки (106), и ! пробку (211), устанавливаемую в гнездо (212) и имеющую износостойкую внешнюю поверхность (214). ! 2. Система по п. 1, в которой износостойкая внешняя поверхность (214) содержит твердосплавной порошок на основе кобальта. ! 3. Система по п. 1, в которой гнездо (212) выфрезеровано на поверхности (200) контакта, а пробка (211) представляет собой пробку заданного размера, которая плотно устанавливается в гнездо (212). ! 4. Система по п. 1, в которой износостойкая внешняя поверхность (214), по существу, выровнена с поверхностью (200) контакта после установки пробки (211) в гнездо (212). ! 5. Система по п. 1, в которой износостойкая внешняя поверхность (214) остается слегка приподнятой над поверхностью (200) контакта после установки пробки (211) в гнездо (212). ! 6. Система по п. 1, в которой концевая ...

20-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010142184A

... 1. Чугунный сплав с пластинчатым графитом, отличающийся тем, что чугунный сплав содержит в качестве добавок ! от 2,80 вес.% до 3,60 вес.% углерода (C), ! от 1,00 вес.% до 1,70 вес.% кремния (Si), ! от 0,10 вес.% до 1,20 вес.% марганца (Mn), ! от 0,03 вес.% до 0,15 вес.% серы (S), ! от 0,05 вес.% до 0,30 вес.% хрома (Cr), ! от 0,05 вес.% до 0,30 вес.% молибдена (Mo), ! от 0,05 вес.% до 0,20 вес.% олова (Sn) ! и обычные загрязняющие примеси. ! 2. Чугунный сплав по п.1, отличающийся тем, что кремний (Si) содержится в количестве от 1,00 вес.% до 1,50 вес.%. ! 3. Чугунный сплав по п.1, отличающийся тем, что чугунный сплав содержит в качестве добавок ! от 3,20 вес.% до 3,50 вес.% углерода (C), ! от 1,30 вес.% до 1,50 вес.% кремния (Si), ! от 0,50 вес.% до 0,60 вес.% марганца (Mn), ! от 0,08 вес.% до 0,12 вес.% серы (S), ! от 0,10 вес.% до 0,15 вес.% хрома (Cr), ! от 0,20 вес.% до 0,25 вес.% молибдена (Mo), ! от 0,05 вес.% до 0,10 вес.% олова (Sn) ! и обычные загрязняющие примеси. ! 4. Чугунный ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016135073A

10-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95110671A

Система впуска для двигателе внутреннего сгорания с впускным коллектором, включающим в себя мкость, имеет со стороны входа потока впускной штуцер, а со стороны выхода потока - несколько отдельных впускных труб, которые примыкают к головке блока цилиндров двигателя внутреннего сгорания и соединяются с отдельными цилиндрами. У впускного штуцера имеется воздухонаправляющее устройство, которое пролегает приблизительно до плоскости, проходящей между обеими средними впускными трубами и разделяет стенку воздухонаправляющего устройства, направленную к внутренним отверстиям, расположенным на расстоянии к этим отверстиям.

10-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002121629A

... 1. Малообъемный насос высокого давления для жидкостной хроматографии высокого давления и аналогичных процедур, содержащий насосную часть, включающую насосный цилиндр, каналы для потока перекачиваемой жидкости в указанный цилиндр и из него, поршневой узел, содержащий поршень, установленный с возможностью возвратно-поступательного перемещения в указанном цилиндре, при этом поршневой узел содержит держатель поршня, удерживающий указанный поршень на своем первом конце, двигатель, и приводную систему для привода поршня, подсоединенную между указанным двигателем и вторым концом держателя поршня для обеспечения возвратно-поступательного перемещения поршневого узла под действием работы двигателя, причем указанный поршень представляет собой удлиненный тонкий стержень, диаметр которого составляет приблизительно менее 10 мм, соединение указанной приводной системы и второго конца держателя поршня включает шаровое шарнирное соединение, сферический элемент которого расположен в гнезде с возможностью ...

27-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007121325A

... 1. Компрессор, содержащий камеру (20), перемещающийся в камере (20) поршень (23) и расположенные между камерой (20) и всасывающим подводом (24) или напорным подводом (25) клапаны (26, 27), отличающийся тем, что на подвижных частях (29) клапанов нанесено покрытие большей твердости, чем твердость указанных подвижных частей. 2. Компрессор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что твердое покрытие является керамическим покрытием. 3. Компрессор по п.2, отличающийся тем, что керамическое покрытие образовано путем нанесения материала на подвижные части (29). 4. Компрессор по п.2, отличающийся тем, что керамическое покрытие образовано путем поверхностного преобразования материала подвижных частей (29). 5. Компрессор по любому из пп.2-4, отличающийся тем, что керамическое покрытие является оксидом, нитридом, карбидом или смесью этих материалов. 6. Компрессор по любому из пп.1-4, отличающийся тем, что материал подвижных частей представляет собой пружинную сталь. 7. Компрессор по любому из пп.1-4, отличающийся ...

20-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013104542A

... 1. Устройство (10) для генерирования электроэнергии от источника воздуха или другого газа или текучей среды под давлением, содержащее турбину (22, 34), имеющую лопастное колесо (22), и электрический генератор (12, 24), имеющий статор (12), снабженный обмотками статора, распределенными по цилиндрической поверхности (X), коаксиальной лопастному колесу (22), а также постоянный магнит (24), выполненный с возможностью вращения относительно статора (12) и соединенный с лопастным колесом (22) с возможностью передачи приводного усилия для вращения, при этом лопастное колесо (22) заключено внутри постоянного магнита (24), а сборка, образованная лопастным колесом (22) и постоянным магнитом (24), заключена внутри статора (12), отличающееся тем, что постоянный магнит (24) выполнен в виде единого полого цилиндрического тела из материала с высокой магнитной плотностью с диаметральной намагниченностью.2. Устройство по п. 1, в котором турбина (22, 34) является осевой турбиной.3. Устройство по п. 1 или ...

20-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013132351A

... 1. Узел насосного агрегата для устройства (10) очистки высокого давления, у которого транспортируемая насосным агрегатом (34) чистящая жидкость используется для охлаждения двигателя (22), с кожухом (32) двигателя, окружающим двигатель (22), и окружающим двигатель (22) и выполненным с возможностью протекания через него чистящей жидкостью для отвода тепла каналом (42) охлаждения, отличающийся тем, что канал (42) охлаждения окружает кожух (32) двигателя, причем узел (12; 120; 140) насосного агрегата содержит по меньшей мере один теплопроводный разделительный элемент (48), посредством которого канал (42) охлаждения находиться на расстоянии относительно кожуха (32) двигателя.2. Узел насосного агрегата по п.1, отличающийся тем, что образованное между кожухом (32) двигателя и каналом (42) охлаждения, перекрытое по меньшей мере одним разделительным элементом (48) промежуточное пространство (58) заполнено газом.3. Узел насосного агрегата по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что по меньшей мере один разделительный ...

30-11-1991 дата публикации

Поршень из алюминиевого сплава для двигателя внутреннего сгорания

Номер: SU1694961A1

Изобретение относится к двигателест- роению, а именно к конструкциям поршней с терморегулирующими вставками. Изобретение позволяет уменьшить вес поршня, снизить боковые нагрузки на поршень, обеспечивает постоянство тепловых зазоров между юбкой поршня и цилиндром на всех режимах работы двигателя и улучшает литейные свойства поршня. Поршень содержит головку 1 с поршневыми кольцами, юбку 2, бобышки 3 с отверстиями под поршневой палец 4. Юбка поршня имеет форму овала, малая ось которого совпадает с осью поршневого пальца, а большая его ось перпендикулярна оси поршнего пальца. В нижней части головки 1 поршня залита термо- регулирующая вставка из материала с меньшими , чем у алюминия, коэффициентами теплового расширения и теплопроводности. Вставка выполнена в виде двух сегментов, соединенных перемычками 9, отогнутыми под острым углом к вертикальной оси 10 поршня. Продольная ось терморегулирую- щей вставки совпадает с большой осью овала юбки поршня. 2 ил.

23-05-1987 дата публикации

Поршень из алюминиевого сплава для двигателя внутреннего сгорания

Номер: SU1312216A1

Изобретение относится к двигате- лестроению и позволяет повысить надежность путем улучшения охлаждения и упрощения конструкции. Кольцевая не- ризистовая вставка 1 размещена в зоне верхнего компрессионного кольца. Верхняя и нижняя части 7 и 8 имеют связь через кольцевую перемычку, величина которой обеспечивает тепловую связь и механическую прочность соединения этих частей. Кольцевая трубка 4 вьшолнена изгибом по окружности с взаимным герметичным соединением ее концов. Трубка 4 может быть выполне- на с эллипсным поперечным сечением, с гофрами вдоль кольцевой поверхности в части трубки или с гребенкой со стороны корпуса. При изготовлении такой конструкции поршня отпадает необходимость в вьшоде газов из трубки , т.к. в процессе заливки весь газ остается внутри кольцевой герметичной металлической трубки. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил. I (Л N3 ГО Фиг.1 ...

23-12-1991 дата публикации

Цилиндр двигателя внутреннего сгорания с воздушным охлаждением

Номер: SU1700275A1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения и позволяет уменьшить влияние теплового расширения корпуса цилиндра на механизм газораспределителя (МГР). Гильза выполнена из стали, а корпус с охлаждающими ребрами - из алюминия и они обьединены в моноблок. Гильза имеет бобышку 8 из того же металла, на к-рой при помощи одного винта 9 установлена стальная ось 8 коромысел 6 МГР. Поскольку изменения линейных размеров стальной гильзы в три раза меньше, чем у алюминиевого корпуса , установка оси на гильзу, минуя корпус, уменьшает влияние расширения корпуса на МГР. 2 ил.

07-06-1985 дата публикации

Поршень двигателя внутреннего сгорания

Номер: SU1160085A1

ПОРШЕНЬ ДВИГАТЕЛЯ ВНУТРЕННЕГО СГОРАНИЯ, содержащий головку и корпус, в котором выполнено центральное отверстие с верхним и нижним торцами, причем головка и корпус сопряжены между собой по кольцевой конической поверхности и связаны при помощи стяжного болта с гайкой, размещенного в центральном отверстии корпуса с упором гайки в нижний торец отверстия корпуса, о т л и - чающийся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности, вершина образующей конической понерхности сопряжения головки и корпуса расположена в точке пересечения плоскости нижнего торца центрального отверстия корт пуса с вертикальной осью симметрии поршня. . О) ф сю ел ...

07-04-1982 дата публикации

Гидравлическое устройство

Номер: SU919605A3
Принадлежит: ТРВ ИНК (ФИРМА)

31-01-1991 дата публикации

Axial piston machine - with pistons running on cam track with two top and two bottom dead-centres

Номер: DE0004022858A1

Axial piston machine (2) has twelve parallel cylinder/piston units (6) around a common axis (8), with cylinder bores (12) in a drum (10) and pistons (14). The pistons are oscillated by springs (18), urging them on balls (32) against a cam track (16). This track is designed as a multi-stroke curve with at least two top dead-centres and bottom dead-centres. The balls (32) rest in the piston pref. on discs of PTFE. ADVANTAGE - Combines long service life with simplified bearing elements with silent and low-wear run.

17-02-1994 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004114071C2

11-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069520602T2

31-10-1974 дата публикации

Air compressor cylinder and piston assembly - esp. compressors with tumbler discs for air conditioning vehicles

Номер: DE0002418657A1

The piston of an easily assembled compressor cylinder aggregate has at least one piston ring produced mainly from a polymer of a fluoro-olefine, with an additive to increase its resistance to abrasion. At rest the outside dia of the ring is smaller than the internal dia. of the cylinder bore, and dimensions of groove and ring are chosen to ensure that under working conditions, contact between ring and cylinder results in the max. efficiency.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Membrane for use as circular plate in membrane pumps, has membrane body, which is made of electrically conductive thermoplastic elastomer material in certain areas

Номер: DE102011120829A1

The membrane has a membrane body (1), which is made of electrically conductive thermoplastic elastomer material in certain areas. The membrane body is formed as a circular plate. The thermoplastic elastomer material is formed as elastomer material doped with graphite powder in certain areas and as elastomer material, particularly silicone, coated with silver-filled silicone in certain areas.

20-11-1997 дата публикации

Kurbelgehäuse einer Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE0019619974C1

A crankcase for an internal combustion engine is of two-part design, with a crankcase top part 9 and a crankcase bottom part 1, each of which is composed of a aluminium material. The crankcase bottom part comprises a plurality of bearing pedestals 2 for supporting a crankshaft. Bearing surfaces 3,4 are formed in at least one bearing pedestal to act as thrust bearings for the crankshaft. Vertically - extending lubrication grooves 7 may be provided. The axial width of the pedestals may increase or decrease from top to bottom.

03-01-2012 дата публикации

WANKEL - Motorkolbenwärmedämmbeschichtung

Номер: DE202011107284U1

Aufbringung einer Wärmedämmbeschichtung auf die Kolbenflanken von WANKEL Motorkolben, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Beschichtung mit einem Flammspritzverfahren aufgebracht wird und aus einem keramischen Material besteht.

12-12-1991 дата публикации

Shaft sealing ring e.g. of PTFE - seated in interfitting metal housing rings

Номер: DE0004018216A1

A shaft sealing ring consists of a lip seal ring of PTFE or similar material with an inner peripheral radial portion, which is bent to form a sealing lip resting on the shaft, and an outer peripheral axial portion, which is pressed into the seating bore formed by metallic housing rings coaxially surrounding the shaft. The novelty is that the axial portion (7) is enclosed by at least two axially interfitting housing rings (3, 4). ADVANTAGE - The design provides optimal seating of the ring in the housing, together with good static sealing over an extremely long service life under operating conditions.

27-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: DE0019720268A1

26-05-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003376348D1

05-06-1986 дата публикации

Multi-part cylinder block

Номер: DE0003538540A1

A multi-part cylinder block for internal combustion engines is proposed, in which the components are structurally divided by functions and materials. In this the materials are selected according to the respective stresses of the individual areas, so that the individual component areas can be manufactured separately and then assembled to form a seal. The proposed function-related division into components and materials brings a 20 to 40% weight reduction compared to known solutions. ...

11-06-1981 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002949091A1

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Wärmepumpe, Kältemaschine oder Klimaanlage mit einem Antrieb aus Formgedächtnismaterial

Номер: DE102013004145B4
Принадлежит: RHP GMBH, RHP GmbH

Wärmepumpe, Kältemaschine oder Klimaanlage bestehend aus mindestens einem Raum (1), in dem sich mindestens ein Bauteil aus Formgedächtnismaterialien (2) befindet, einem Kondensator (3), einem Verdampfer (4) und mindestens einem Kompressionsraum (5), in dem ein Fluid (6) verdichtet wird, wobei der Antrieb der Wärmepumpe, der Kältemaschine oder der Klimaanlage mittels eines Bauteils aus Formgedächtnismaterial (2) erfolgt, das Bauteil aus Formgedächtnismaterial (2) durch das Fluid (6) zeitweise erhitzt und zeitweise gekühlt wird und das verdichtete Fluid (6) vom Kompressionsraum (5) in den Raum (1) mit dem Bauteil aus Formgedächtnismaterial (2) gelangt, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Bauteil aus Formgedächtnismaterial (2), welches sich während des Betriebes durch Wärmezufuhr und Wärmeabfuhr zyklisch ausdehnt und wieder zusammenzieht, im Verhältnis zu seinem äußeren Bauvolumen eine große innere Oberfläche aufweist, welche vom Fluid (6) gekühlt oder erwärmt wird und dieses Bauteil (2) aus ...

12-02-1998 дата публикации

Piston for internal combustion engine

Номер: DE0019733814A1

The piston has a crown section (10) with an outer combustion chamber face and a peripheral skirt (12). It also has a lower crown face with piston pin trunnions (14) which define a cooling oil space (15). A piston body section (20) has a pair of transverse bores (21) to receive the piston pin and defines a pair of semi-cylindrical upper faces to carry loads. The thickness of the one pair of low loaded sections is less than that of the other faces which are above the piston pin bores.

08-03-1990 дата публикации

Light metal casting esp. engine housing

Номер: DE0003912664A1

In a light metal casting, esp. a pressure die casting, including a fastening system, the novelty is that (i) a fibre insert, i.e. moulding, is provided in the casting, i.e. i.c. engine housing; and (ii) the fastening system, i.e. threaded bushes and tie-rods, is connected to a fibre-free zone of the cast material adjacent the fibre insert.

15-10-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003831084C2

21-06-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE3831285C2

08-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003860721D1

25-02-1999 дата публикации

Plastic fuel line suction unit with integral undercut hose union and moulding process

Номер: DE0019745332C1

A process is claimed for manufacturing a plastic component with a hollow cylindrical union (20) in one wall having one or more undercuts perpendicular to the demoulding direction of one (30) of the moulding tool parts. For easier removal of the undercut part a core(32) for forming the internal chamber (22) of the union (20) is retracted before the surrounding tool part (30) allowing the undercut area to be elastically deformed into the hollow chamber (22) as the tool part is retracted. Also claimed is a plastic component with an integral suction hose union manufactured by the above process. The union (20) is injected in one piece with the suction unit (12) and the undercut, which forms a positively interlocking attachment for a hose on the union, is formed by an annular bulge (28). A second union (24) is injected around the union (20) and the undercut extends into an annular chamber (26) between the unions (20, 24). Both core (32) and tool part (30) are retracted in the same direction.

25-11-1999 дата публикации

Producing dimensionally accurate components with nitrided or nitrocarburized surface layers, and resultant component

Номер: DE0019752051C1

The finished components are hardened and subsequently tempered at temperatures of only 200-300 deg C, contrary to the usual practice. The hardened and tempered components are brought to the required dimensions by further machining, and are then subjected to nitriding or nitrocarburizing.

25-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003824792A1

24-03-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002221804C2

02-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: DE0019639735A1

24-07-1997 дата публикации

Ölwanne für Verbrennungsmotoren

Номер: DE0029706837U1

08-08-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003210289C2

17-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0059705655D1
Принадлежит: UTH GMBH

26-01-1984 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003227747A1

07-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003636853A1

31-07-1958 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000969934C

31-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003715970A1

A cylinder block 12 has an air-fuel mixture passage 28 extending between a crankcase chamber 22, and a combustion chamber 52 and provided with a first valve 150 for opening and closing the passage 28 at predetermined timed intervals, the crankcase chamber 22 being divided into two portions located below a cylinder bore 20 and the passage 28 respectively, a crankshaft 70 having a fluid passage for communicating the first portion and the second portion. A rotary second valve assembly 100 is secured to the crankcase 14 for admitting air-fuel mixture into the first portion of the crankcase chamber 22 during a predetermined interval of each revolution of the crankshaft 70, the mixture being forced through the crankshaft passage, apertures 86, Fig. 2, and the passage 28 to the combustion chamber 42. The engine may be made of injection mouldable plastics and used for electric power plants, lawnmowers, mopeds, bicycles and pumps is disclosed. ...

04-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003722437A1

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Zahnradpumpe und Luftbefeuchtungsvorrichtung mit einer derartigen Zahnradpumpe

Номер: DE202015100277U1

Zahnradpumpe (1), mit einem einen Einlass (3) und einen Auslass (4) aufweisenden Gehäuse (2), in dem ein auf einer Antriebswelle (5) angeordnetes Zahnrad (6) aufgenommen ist, das mit einem auf einer mitlaufenden Welle (7) angeordneten Zahnrad (8) im Eingriff ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass in einem zwischen den beiden Zahnrädern (6, 8) und dem Auslass (4) gebildeten Freiraum eine Strömungsblende (11) angeordnet ist.

23-07-1987 дата публикации

Thermal-shock-resistant ceramic material and process for its manufacture

Номер: DE0003601794A1

The present invention describes the structure, the composition and the manufacture of ceramic materials for special applications such as, for example, adiabatically operating engines, transmissions and other combustion machines and also every type of machine element. The composition allows matching of the thermal conductivity, the strength, the thermal shock resistance, the precision machinability and thus the performance in exactly defined application areas of such units. The composition and the low thermal expansion of the material allow precision machining of its surfaces and the lubricant-free movement of the surfaces of this material on one another at high temperature with high precision.

09-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003777180D1
Принадлежит: FORD WERKE AG

23-10-2008 дата публикации

Abgasturbolader für oder in einem Kraftfahrzeug mit einer verdichterseitig an einer inneren Oberfläche vorgesehenen selbstreinigenden Beschichtung

Номер: DE102007017827A1

Innerhalb eines Turboladers für ein oder in einem Kraftfahrzeug ist zumindest ein Verdichter angeordnet. Der Turbolader weist verdichterseitig an einer inneren Oberfläche eine selbstreinigende Beschichtung auf. Unter einem weiteren Gesichtspunkt stellt die Erfindung ein Verfahren zur Beschichtung einer verdichterseitigen inneren Oberfläche eines Turboladers bereit. Hierbei wird in einem ersten Schritt ein Sol hergestellt. In weiteren Schritten wird eine Schicht des Sols auf die innere Oberfläche aufgetragen, die Schicht in einem Sol-Gel-Prozess kondensiert und bei einer Einbrenntemperatur eingebrannt, die oberhalb einer verdichterseitigen Betriebstemperatur des Turboladers liegt.

24-12-2008 дата публикации

Axiallager für eine Welle, insbesondere für die Welle einer Wasserturbine

Номер: DE102007028456A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Axiallager zum Aufnehmen hoher Axiallasten einer Welle - mit einem Lagerring, der eine Zentralbohrung zum Hindurchführen der Welle aufweist und der sich auf einer festen Unterlage abstützt; - mit einer Mehrzahl von auf dem Lagerring aufgebrachten Federelementen aus elastischem Material; - mit einer Lastübertragungseinrichtung zum Übertragen der Last von der Welle auf die Federelemente. Die Erfindung ist gekennzeichnet durch die folgenden Merkmale: - Die Federelemente sind elastische Körper, die nach Art eines Puzzles formschlüssig aneinander- und/oder ineinanderfügbar sind; - die Konturen der Federelemente sind derart gestaltet, dass zwischen einander benachbarten Federelementen zumindest ab einem gewissen Belastungszustand kein Spalt verbleibt.

19-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010052895A1

In einem Kompressor ist ein Kopf (15), der mit einer Ausstoßkammer (14) und einer Ansaugkammer (13) versehen ist, durch eine Kombination aus unterschiedlichen Materialien mit unterschiedlicher mechanischer Festigkeit ausgebildet. Genauer gesagt hat der Kopf eine äußere Trennwand (44), die die Ansaugkammer und die Umgebungsluft trennt, und eine innere Trennwand (45), die die Ausstoßkammer bildet. Die äußere Trennwand ist aus einem Aluminiumgussmaterial hergestellt, während die innere Trennwand aus einem Stahlgussmaterial hergestellt ist, dessen mechanische Festigkeit höher als die des Aliminiumgussmaterials ist.

17-10-2002 дата публикации

Brennkraftmaschine mit Direkteinspritzung

Номер: DE0010117513A1

The invention relates to an internal combustion engine, especially a spark injection engine, comprising admission valves (20) and a fuel injection device (40) arranged and configured in such a way that it injects fuel (42) directly into a combustion chamber (16) of the working cylinders (14) of the internal combustion engine.The admission valves (20) are provided, at least in the area of a groove (68) thereof, with a surface which is configured in such a way that it counteracts coking. .

10-06-2016 дата публикации

Ступень высокоскоростного многоступенчатого погружного центробежного насоса

Номер: RU0000162421U1

1. Ступень высокоскоростного многоступенчатого погружного центробежного насоса, содержащая рабочее колесо со ступицей и направляющий аппарат, состоящий из стакана, верхнего диска с радиально-осевой опорой, нижнего диска с радиальной опорой и лопаток, нижний диск направляющего аппарата с радиальной опорой, которые выполнены монолитно со стаканом, причем стакан выполнен из перфорированного металлического цилиндра со слоем полимерного материала на его внутренней поверхности и перфорациями, заполненными полимерным материалом, причем верхний диск, нижний диск, лопатки направляющего аппарата и рабочее колесо изготовлены из полимерного материала.2. Ступень по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве полимерного материала используются композиции на основе полифениленсульфида.3. Ступень по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что перфорации металлического цилиндра выполнены в поперечном сечении в виде кругов диаметром от 1 мм до 6 мм, общей площадью от 10 до 70% от внутренней площади металлического цилиндра, причем круги расположены по поверхности равномерно.4. Ступень по п. 2, отличающаяся тем, что перфорации металлического цилиндра выполнены в поперечном сечении в виде кругов диаметром от 1 мм до 6 мм, общей площадью от 10 до 70% от внутренней площади металлического цилиндра, причем круги расположены по поверхности равномерно, а в качестве полифениленсульфида используется фортрон.5. Ступень по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что перфорации металлического цилиндра выполнены в поперечном сечении в виде овалов, общей площадью от 10 до 70% от внутренней площади металлического цилиндра, причем овалы расположены по поверхности равномерно.6. Ступень по п. 2, отличающаяся тем, что перфорации м РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 162 421 U1 (51) МПК F04D 13/10 (2006.01) F04D 29/02 (2006.01) F04D 29/44 (2006.01) F04D 29/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015118507/06, 18.05.2015 (24) Дата начала ...

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Improved coating composition for wind turbine blades

Номер: US20120093657A1
Принадлежит: Hempel AS

The present application discloses a wind turbine blade having on the outer surface thereof a polyurethane-based coating including a polyurethane binder prepared from polyol(s) having an average functionality of ≧2.0 and <8.0; at least 50% (w/w) of the polyols have aliphatic polyester segments included therein and have a Mw of 300-3,000 g/mol; and polyisocyanate(s) having an average functionality of <3.0; at least 50% (w/w) of the polyisocyanate(s) are selected from: (i) polyisocyanates having aliphatic polyester segments included therein, and having a molecular weight of 500-3,000 g/mol and a functionality of ≧2.0 and <3.0; (ii) polyisocyanates of the allophanate type having a Mw of 250-2,000 g/mol and a functionality of ≧2.0 and <3.0; and (iii) polyisocyanates of the uretdion type having a Mw of 250-2,000 g/mol and a functionality of ≧2.0 and <3.0. The application also discloses corresponding coating compositions and a method for coating a substrate.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Pump for vehicle suspension system

Номер: US20120098215A1
Принадлежит: Oshkosh Corp

A pump includes a housing defining an interior volume, and a diaphragm, where the diaphragm partitions the interior volume into a pumping chamber and an actuating chamber. The diaphragm is formed from a polymeric material, and the pump further includes a diaphragm support configured to limit a stroke of the diaphragm. The diaphragm support includes an array of apertures through which fluid passes to interface with the diaphragm during operation of the pump.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Slide Parts and Equipment Including Same

Номер: US20120103182A1
Автор: Itto SUGIMOTO
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

It is an objective of the invention to provide a slide part in which a seal member formed of an elastic body is in sliding contact with a hard member. There is provided a slide part comprising: a hard member having an amorphous carbon coating containing nitrogen formed on an outermost surface of a substrate; and a seal member formed of an elastic body, the seal member being in sliding contact with the hard member, wherein: content of the nitrogen in the coating is 3 at. % or more and 25 at. % or less, taking a total content of the carbon and the nitrogen in the coating as 100 at. %; the seal member contains fluorine at least in a sliding contact surface region thereof; and content of the fluorine in the surface region of the seal member is equal to or more than the nitrogen content in the coating.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Device for assembling sections of wind-turbine blades and method for linking sections of wind-turbine blades

Номер: US20120141284A1
Принадлежит: Astrium SAS

A device for assembling sections of wind-turbine blades provided with casings, including at least one tie including a first portion and a second portion, the first portion being a portion for assembly with a casing of a first section and the second portion being a portion for mounting with a complementary tie supported by a casing of a second section, wherein the first portion includes at least one composite/metal shear link provided with a continuous fitting element on at least one surface of the casing which receives one end of the aformentioned surface of the casing, provided with attachment pins passing through the fitting and the end of the surface. According to a preferred embodiment, the composite/metal link has at least double shear and is additionally provided with a back-fitting element, the end of the aforementioned surface of the casing being received between the fitting and the back fitting, the attachment pins passing through the fitting, the end of the surface and the back fitting, the link also being provided with a means for attaching the back fitting to the fitting.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Enhanced elastomeric stator insert via reinforcing agent distribution and orientation

Номер: US20120148432A1
Принадлежит: National Oilwell Varco LP

A progressive cavity type motor or pump including a stator insert with a reinforcing agent dispersed in a manner to improve properties of the stator insert. The reinforcing agent may be a fiber, nanotube, metal, ceramic, or polymer. A dispersing agent may be used to obtain a homogenous distribution. A magnetic reinforcing agent may be incorporated into a stator insert. The stator insert is subjected to a magnetic field to orient the magnetic reinforcing agent in a particular orientation. The magnetic field may also reposition the magnetic reinforcing agent within the stator insert. The stator insert may be formed by injection molding, transfer, or compression molding among other methods.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Composite-material vane

Номер: US20120171044A1
Автор: Herve Grelin, Sacha Berard
Принадлежит: Techspace Aero SA

The present invention relates to a composite-material turbomachine vane ( 1 ) comprising a blade ( 2 ), wherein said vane ( 1 ) comprises a first resin ( 4 ) reinforced with long fiber and a second resin ( 5 ) reinforced with short fibers, said first and second resins being chemically compatible or identical, said long fibers ( 4 ) serving to stiffen the vane ( 1 ) and said short fibers ( 5 ) dispersed in the second resin serving to fill in the parts of the vane that are not reinforced by the long fibers ( 4 ) and giving the vane ( 1 ) its substantially final shape.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Protective layer against hot gas corrosion in the combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20120180748A1
Автор: Gunter BÜRKLE

A coating for a tribologically heavily loaded component, wherein the coating is in the form of a ceramic coating made of an organic-inorganic prepolymer which is pyrolyzed after being applied to the component.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Nickel-based superalloy and parts made from said superalloy

Номер: US20120183432A1
Принадлежит: Aubert and Duval SA

A nickel superalloy has the following composition, the concentrations of the different elements being expressed as wt-%: Formula (I), the remainder consisting of nickel and impurities resulting from the production of the superalloy. In addition, the composition satisfies the following equation, wherein the concentrations of the different elements are expressed as atomic percent: Formula (II).

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Engine cooling apparatus

Номер: US20120204820A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The cooling apparatus 1 includes the engine 50 having a cylinder block 51 provided with a partial W/J 511 a circulating a coolant in the periphery of a cylinder 53 a , and a cylinder head 52 . In the cooling apparatus 1 , the cylinder 53 a is formed with a cylinder liner 53 , and the cylinder liner 53 is configured with a functionally graded material such that a heat conductivity of a top dead center side is larger than that of a bottom dead center side.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Flexible anti-crack slip-surface ceramic engine cylinder sleeve

Номер: US20120227718A1
Автор: Gyula Kis-Benedek
Принадлежит: Individual

An array of ceramic tiles is arranged on a machine bearing surface. A tile matrix is bonded to the ceramic tiles that separates the ceramic tiles from one another on the machine bearing surface by a tile spacing.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Swash plate type variable displacement compressor

Номер: US20120247319A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Industries Corp

A housing has a peripheral wall that surrounds a crank chamber. The peripheral wall has a valve chamber that is recessed radially inward from an outer surface of the peripheral wall with respect to the axis. A bimetal member, which deforms in correspondence with the temperature in the crank chamber, is arranged in the valve chamber. A valve body, which is supported by the bimetal member, is arranged in the valve chamber. The peripheral wall has a first oil discharge passage and allows communication between the crank chamber and the valve chamber, and a second oil discharge passage through which the valve chamber and a suction chamber communicate with each other. When the temperature in the crank chamber exceeds a predetermined value and deforms the bimetal member to move the valve body, communication between the first and second oil discharge passage is permitted through the valve chamber.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Impeller and centrifugal fan

Номер: US20120251321A1
Автор: Manabu FUCHIBE
Принадлежит: Minebea Motor Manufacturing Corp

Herein disclosed are an impeller and a centrifugal fan having the same. The impeller includes a cup-shaped metallic hub having a cylindrical portion. The hub includes a flange extending outwardly from an edge of the cup, a plurality of resin vanes disposed above an outer portion of the flange and coaxially with the cylindrical portion, and an annular part made of resin supporting the plurality of resin vanes thereon and holding the outer portion of the flange embedded therein.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Recycled nylon materials for use in refrigeration systems

Номер: US20120282409A1
Автор: Matthew J. Heidecker
Принадлежит: Emerson Climate Technologies Inc

Methods of forming an integral component for a compressor and methods for improving ductility of an integral component for a compressor are provided. The integral component is formed of a recycled nylon and a recycled polypropylene. Recycled carpet is used to provide the recycled nylon and recycled polypropylene. The integral components are useful for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and refrigeration devices.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Wind turbine blade having an outer surface with improved properties

Номер: US20130034447A1
Принадлежит: SAAB AB

A wind turbine blade including an outer surface that serves as an aerodynamic surface when the blade is subjected for an air stream. A resin matrix made of a laminate of at least one ply includes the outer surface. The outer ply includes a nano structure embedded therein such that the filaments of the nano structure in the ply have essentially the same angular orientation relative a plane of the outer surface.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Lubrication of screw machines

Номер: US20130052072A1
Принадлежит: City University of London

A screw machine for use with a working fluid with a liquid phase present comprises rotors having meshed, lubricated helical formations. The rotors have an ‘N’ profile as disclosed in WO 97/43550. In use, lubrication of the helical formations of the rotors and optionally of the rotor bearings is achieved substantially exclusively with the liquid phase of the working fluid.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Cylinder liner with a thermal barrier coating

Номер: US20130055993A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A cylinder liner includes a body formed of a metal material extending circumferentially around a center axis with an outer surface facing away from the center axis. A thermal barrier coating including an insulating material having a thermal conductivity of not greater than 5 W/(m·K) is applied to the outer surface. The thermal barrier coating is thermally applied to the outer surface at a velocity of 100 to 1,000 m/s, for example by a high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) spray, a plasma spray, or a detonation gun.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Rotor blade for a wind turbine

Номер: US20130078105A1

The invention relates to a rotor blade for a wind turbine, comprising a root of the rotor blade and a rotor blade aerofoil. The object of providing a rotor blade which can be easily and inexpensively produced even when of great lengths and which, what is more, enables a system for protection against lightning to be incorporated in a simplified way is achieved, for a rotor blade of the generic kind, by having the rotor blade consist of at least partly a fibre-reinforced plastics composite having metal inserts embedded in the matrix of the fibre-reinforced plastics composite.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Refrigerant compressor

Номер: US20130129537A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A refrigerant compressor according to the present invention is configured that at least one member constituting an electric element and a compression element is made of a rubber material. This rubber material is nitrile rubber, in which: Condition 1: bound acrylonitrile content is within a range of 35 to 51% by weight; Condition 2: organic compound having carbon atom, which is capable of creating double bond with sulfur atom, nitrogen atom or carbon atom and is also capable of creating single bond with sulfur atom or nitrogen atom, is not used as a vulcanizing accelerator in the process for creating cross-linkage; and Condition 3: no phthalic ester is contained.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Swash plate for swash plate compressor and swash plate compressor

Номер: US20130174724A1
Принадлежит: NTN Corp

The present invention provides a swash plate, for a swash plate compressor, which is excellent in a resistance to the occurrence of seizing in a condition where an extreme pressure is generated owing to local contact between the swash plate and a shoe which slides thereon and in a condition where lubricating oil is depleted, capable of preventing cavitation-caused erosion of a resin film when the swash plate is operated at a high surface pressure and a high speed in the presence of the lubricating oil and the swash plate compressor having the swash plate. A swash plate ( 3 ) for a swash plate compressor is so constructed that inside a housing ( 1 ) where a refrigerant is present, the refrigerant is compressed and expanded by converting a rotational motion of the swash plate ( 3 ) mounted perpendicularly and obliquely on a rotational shaft ( 2 ) by directly fixing the swash plate ( 3 ) to the rotational shaft ( 2 ) or indirectly fixing the swash plate ( 3 ) to the rotational shaft ( 2 ) through a coupling member into a reciprocating motion of a piston ( 5 ) through a shoe ( 4 ) which slides on the swash plate ( 3 ) into a reciprocating motion of a piston ( 5 ) through a shoe ( 4 ) which slides on the swash plate ( 3 ). A resin film containing 25 to 70 parts by weight of fluororesin and 1 to 20 parts by weight of graphite for 100 parts by weight of matrix resin and having a tensile shear adhesive strength not less than 25 MPa is formed on a sliding contact surface of the swash plate ( 3 ) on which the shoe ( 4 ) slides.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Piston for a radial piston machine

Номер: US20130205996A1
Автор: Brian Kane

A piston for a radial piston machine includes a metal core that is substantially provided with a casing made of plastic. The casing is configured to be produced from PEEK together with a bearing shell as one piece and injection-molded onto the core.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Combustion chamber inserts and associated methods of use and manufacture

Номер: US20130269666A1
Автор: Roy Edward McAlister
Принадлежит: McAlister Technologies LLC

Combustion chamber inserts and associated methods of use and manufacture are disclosed herein. In some embodiments, a combustion chamber assembly comprises a cylinder having a cylinder wall at least partially defining a combustion chamber, an intake valve, an exhaust valve, and a piston. The intake valve has an intake valve surface exposed to the combustion chamber, the exhaust valve has an exhaust valve surface exposed to the combustion chamber, and the piston has a piston surface exposed to the combustion chamber. At least one of the cylinder wall, the intake valve surface, the exhaust valve surface, and/or the piston surface includes an insulative portion composed of a synthetic matrix characterization of crystals that is configured to retain heat in the combustion chamber that is generated from a combustion event in the combustion chamber.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Cylinder Bore With Selective Surface Treatment And Method of Making The Same

Номер: US20130291823A1

A cylinder bore with selective surface treatment includes a longitudinal axis and a cylindrical wall extending along the longitudinal axis, the cylindrical wall including first and second end portions and a middle portion positioned between the first and second end portions, the middle portion having a greater surface roughness than at least one of the first and second end portions.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302154A1
Автор: James Alex FINLAYSON
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce PLC

A containment case for a gas turbine including: a cylindrical outer casing extending about an axis and having a radially outer and a radially inner surface; a coaxially arranged cylindrical inner skin formed of a harder material than the outer casing joined to the inner surface of the cylindrical outer casing; and an array of ribs extending radially from the inner skin towards the axis. The case for can have the coaxially arranged cylindrical inner skin formed of a harder material than the outer casing joined to the inner surface of the cylindrical outer casing by a galvanic isolation layer.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Pump Housing, in Block Form, of a Vehicle Brake System, and Method for Producing the Same

Номер: US20130330181A1

In a pump housing, in block form, of a vehicle brake system, having a top side which is manufactured to final dimensions and a bottom side which is manufactured to final dimensions, the final dimensions of the top side and of the bottom side are obtained by means of a non-cutting deformation process starting from a blank.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Polyetherimide pump

Номер: US20140010697A1
Автор: Peter Haug

A positive displacement pump and methods of making a positive displacement pump having a component, the component having a density ranging from more than 0 to 3 g/cm 3 , a glass transition temperature (Tg) greater than or equal to 150° C., and a yield strength retention greater than 90% after soaking in engine oil for 7 days at 150° C.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Steel piston with counter-bore design

Номер: US20140076264A1
Принадлежит: Federal Mogul LLC

A piston for an internal combustion engine is provided. The piston includes a piston body which is made of steel. The piston body has a crown portion with an upper combustion surface, a pair of skirts which depend from the crown surface, a pair of pin bosses for receiving a wrist pin and a plurality of pin boss bridges which extend from the pin bosses to the skirts. Each of the pin boss bridges extends axially to a lower end which is opposite of the crown portion and has a rib with an increased thickness at its lower end. At least one of the pin boss bridges has a generally flat counter-bore surface for providing a reference location for machining of the piston body.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Surface treating agent for wear-resistance surface, manufacturing method thereof and compressor using the same

Номер: US20140086776A1

The present disclosure relates to a wear-resistant surface treating agent, a manufacturing method thereof, and a compressor using the same. According to one aspect of the present disclosure, the surface treating agent includes an organic solvent, nanodiamond powder and carbon nanotube powder dispersed in the organic solvent, and a PTFE solution mixed with the organic solvent, wherein the organic solvent is an amide-based organic solvent.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Simplified roots-type blower

Номер: US20140099226A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Corp

The present disclosure relates to a simplified roots-type blower having an improved sound signature. The roots-type blower includes a rotor bore housing having a molded, one-piece polymeric construction. The rotor bore housing defines a first rotor bore and a second rotor bore. The rotor bore housing also defines a first bearing pocket corresponding to the first rotor bore and a bearing pocket corresponding to the second rotor bore axis. The rotor bore housing further defining a timing gear chamber.

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Piston for an internal combustion engine and internal combustion engine

Номер: US20220003186A1
Принадлежит: MAHLE International GmbH

A piston for an internal combustion engine may include a piston crown and a heat management coating. The heat management coating may be disposed on at least a region of an outer surface of the piston crown. The heat management coating may include a base layer and a functional layer. The base layer may be disposed between the piston crown and the functional layer, and may be adjoining the outer surface of the piston crown. The base layer may have a base layer matrix including a first polysilazane. The functional layer may have a functional layer matrix including a second polysilazane. The second polysilazane may be different from the first polysilazane.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Rotary compressor

Номер: US20170003057A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu General Ltd

A rotary compressor includes a sealed vertical compressor housing, a compressing unit, and a motor. A refrigerant discharging unit is provided at an upper part and a refrigerant intake unit is provided at a lower part side surface in the sealed vertical compressor housing. The compressing unit is disposed on the lower part of the compressor housing, includes an annular cylinder, an end plate including a bearing unit and a discharge valve unit and blocking end portions of the cylinder, an annular piston that engages with an eccentric portion of a rotation axis supported by the bearing unit, revolves along a cylinder inner wall of the cylinder in the cylinder, and forms a cylinder chamber between the cylinder inner wall and the annular piston, and a vane. The motor is disposed on the upper part of the compressor housing, and drives the compressing unit via the rotation axis.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Adaptive self-sealing microfluidic gear pump

Номер: US20200003208A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A microfluidic pumping system configured to prevent backflow from an outlet of the system toward an inlet of the system. The microfluidic pumping system comprising a gear housing that has an inlet and an outlet and that houses a drive gear, an idler gear and a drive shaft. The system further includes a front end plate that is coupled to a first surface of the gear housing and a rear end plate that is coupled to a second, different surface of the gear housing. Also coupled to the gear housing is a first and second Halbach magnet arrays that is disposed between the front end plate and the rear end plate. The first and second Halbach magnet arrays include one or more solenoids and the first Halbach magnet array is disposed proximate to the drive gear and the second Halbach magnet array is disposed proximate to the idler gear.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150010427A1

In a Ni-base alloy, an area-equivalent diameter D is calculated. D is defined by D=Afrom an area A of a largest nitride in a field of view when an observation area Sis observed. This process is repeated in n fields of view for measurement, where n is the number of the fields of view for measurement, so as to acquire n pieces of data on D, and the pieces are arranged in ascending order D, D, . . . , Dto obtain a reduced variate y. The obtained values are plotted on X-Y axis coordinates, where an X axis corresponds to D and a Y axis corresponds to y. In a regression line y=a×D+b, yis obtained when a target cross-sectional area S is set to 100 mm. When the obtained yis substituted into the regression line, the estimated nitride maximum size is ≦25 μm in diameter. 2. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 1 , wherein 13 mass % to 30 mass % of Cr and 8 mass % or less of at least one of Al and Ti are contained in the alloy.3. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 2 , wherein 25 mass % or less of Fe is further contained in the alloy.4. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 2 , wherein 0.01 mass % to 6 mass % of Ti is contained in the alloy.5. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the nitride is a titanium nitride.6. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 3 , wherein 0.01 mass % to 6 mass % of Ti is contained in the alloy.7. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 2 , wherein the nitride is a titanium nitride.8. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 3 , wherein the nitride is a titanium nitride.9. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 4 , wherein the nitride is a titanium nitride.10. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 6 , wherein the nitride is a titanium nitride. This is the U.S. National Phase Application under 35 U.S.C. §371 of International Patent Application No. PCT/JP2013/052683 filed Feb. 6, 2013, which designated the United States and claims the benefit of Japanese Patent Application No. 2012-024294 filed on Feb. 7, 2012, both of which are incorporated by ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150010428A1

A cobalt-nickel alloy composition comprising by weight: about 29 to 37 percent cobalt; about 29 to 37 percent nickel; about 10 to 16 percent chromium; about 4 to 6 percent aluminium; at least one of Nb, Ti and Ta; at least one of W, Ta and Nb; the cobalt and nickel being present in a ratio between about 0.9 and 1.1. 1. A cobalt-nickel alloy composition comprising by weight (wt):29.2 to 37 percent Co;29.2 to 37 percent Ni;10 to 16 percent Cr;4 to 6 percent Al;at least one of W, Nb, Ti and Ta;the Co and Ni being present in a ratio between about 0.9 and 1.1.2. An alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the Co and Ni are present in the ratio between 0.95 and 1.05.3. An alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy comprises 5 to 10 wt % W.4. An alloy according to claim 3 , wherein the alloy comprises 9 to 10 wt % W.5. An alloy according to claim 3 , wherein the alloy comprises 6 to 6.5 wt % W.6. An alloy according to claim 3 , wherein the alloy further comprises one or more of Si or Mn in a respective amount up to 0.6 wt % of the alloy.7. An alloy according to claim 3 , wherein the alloy comprises Ti in an amount up to 1.0 wt % of the alloy.8. An alloy according to claim 3 , wherein the alloy comprises Nb in an amount up to 1.8 wt % of the alloy.9. An alloy according to claim 3 , wherein the alloy comprises Mo in an amount up to 5 wt % of the alloy.10. An alloy according to claim 3 , wherein the alloy further comprises Hf in an amount up to 0.5 wt % of the alloy.11. An alloy according to claim 3 , wherein the alloy further comprises C in an amount from 0.02 to 0.04 wt % of the alloy.12. An alloy according to claim 3 , wherein the alloy further comprises B in an amount from 0.015 to 0.035 wt % of the alloy.13. An alloy according to claim 3 , wherein the alloy further comprises Zr in an amount from 0.04 to 0.07 wt % of the alloy.14. An alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy further comprises Fe in an amount up to 8.0 wt % of the alloy.15. An alloy according to claim ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220025888A1
Автор: Müllner Peter

A system may include a magnetic shape memory (MSM) element having a longitudinal axis that extends from a first end of the MSM element to a second end of the MSM element. The system may further include a rotatable permanent magnet configured to rotate around an axis of rotation and positioned proximate to the MSM element. The system may also include a first solenoid having a first solenoid axis directed at the rotatable permanent magnet. The system may include a second solenoid having a second solenoid axis directed at the rotatable permanent magnet. A method may include applying a first alternating current (AC) signal to the first solenoid and a second AC signal to the second solenoid to cause the rotatable permanent magnet to rotate. 1. A system comprising:a magnetic shape memory (MSM) element having a longitudinal axis that extends from a first end of the MSM element to a second end of the MSM element;a rotatable permanent magnet configured to rotate around an axis of rotation and positioned proximate to the MSM element;a first solenoid having a first solenoid axis directed at the rotatable permanent magnet; anda second solenoid having a second solenoid axis directed at the rotatable permanent magnet.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a pump housing having an inlet and an outlet formed within an inner surface of the pump housing, wherein the MSM element is positioned adjacent to the inner surface of the pump housing and extends from the inlet to the outlet.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein a rotating magnetic field produced by the rotatable permanent magnet causes a contracted portion of an MSM element to move from the first end of the MSM element to the second end of the MSM element.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein magnetic fields produced by the first solenoid and the second solenoid cause the rotatable permanent magnet to rotate.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first solenoid axis and the second solenoid axis intersect at an angle of ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Bearing member

Номер: US20210010537A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A bearing member (B1) having a coating layer (1) on an internal circumferential surface of a shaft hole (H) configured to mount a shaft body (P1), the coating layer (1) having a metal layer (2) whose surface is formed unevenly, and a resin layer (3) formed on the metal layer (2), the metal layer (2) having a part thereof exposed (2A) on a surface of the resin layer (3), to inhibit the increase in temperature caused by sliding contact with the shaft body (P1), and accomplishing improvement in seizure resistance.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011236A1
Автор: KAWAE Tsutomu, TANNO Shiro

A compression-ignition internal combustion engine includes a fuel injection nozzle including a tip end portion exposed in a combustion chamber and a nozzle hole formed at the tip end portion; and a passage forming member forming a flow guide passage through which fuel injected from the nozzle hole passes. The passage forming member includes a passage wall portion located radially outward of the flow guide passage. The passage wall portion includes a first layer that is a base portion connected to a cylinder head, and a second layer located radially outward or radially inward of the first layer. The toughness of the first layer is higher than the toughness of the second layer. The thermal conductivity of the second layer is lower than the thermal conductivity of the first layer. 1. A compression-ignition internal combustion engine , comprising:a fuel injection nozzle including a tip end portion exposed in a combustion chamber and a nozzle hole formed at the tip end portion; anda passage forming member forming a flow guide passage through which fuel injected from the nozzle hole passes,wherein the passage forming member includes a passage wall portion located radially outward of the flow guide passage,wherein the passage wall portion includes a first layer that is a base portion connected to a cylinder head, and a second layer located radially outward or radially inward of the first layer,wherein a toughness of the first layer is higher than a toughness of the second layer, andwherein a thermal conductivity of the second layer is lower than a thermal conductivity of the first layer.2. The compression-ignition internal combustion engine according to claim 1 ,wherein the second layer is located radially outward of the first layer.3. The compression-ignition internal combustion engine according to claim 1 ,wherein a gap is formed between an outlet of the nozzle hole and an inlet of the flow guide passage, andwherein a heat capacity per unit volume of the second layer is ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine

Номер: US20200011237A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The present embodiment relates to an internal combustion engine having an anodic oxide coating formed on at least a portion of an aluminum-based wall surface facing a combustion chamber. The anodic oxide coating has a plurality of nanopores extending substantially in the thickness direction of the anodic oxide coating, a first micropore extending from the surface toward the inside of the anodic oxide coating, and a second micropore present in the inside of the anodic oxide coating; the surface opening diameter of the nanopores is 0 nm or larger and smaller than 30 nm; the inside diameter of the nanopores is larger than the surface opening diameter; the film thickness of the anodic oxide coating is 15 μm or larger and 130 μm or smaller; and the porosity of the anodic oxide coating is 23% or more.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Nickel Based Alloy for Forging

Номер: US20150017015A1

A nickel (Ni) based alloy for forging includes: 0.001 to 0.1 wt. % of carbon (C); 12 to 23 wt. % of chromium (Cr); 3.5 to 5.0 wt. % of aluminum (Al); 5 to 12 combined wt. % of tungsten (W) and molybdenum (Mo) in which the Mo content is 5 wt. % or less; a negligible small amount of titanium (Ti), tantalate (Ta) and niobium (Nb); and the balance of Ni and inevitable impurities. 1. A forged product made of an Ni based alloy capable of being forged , the Ni based alloy including:{'sub': 3', '3, '0.001 to 0.04 wt. % of C; 12 to 23 wt. % of Cr; 3.5 to 5.0 wt. % of Al; more than 15 wt. % but not more than 23 wt. % of Co; 5 to 12 combined wt. % of W and Mo in which the Mo content is 5 wt % or less; a negligible small amount of Ti, Ta and Nb; and the balance of Ni and inevitable impurities, wherein NiAl phase grains of an average diameter of 50 to 100 nm precipitate in the alloy with a volume percentage of 30% or more at or below 700° C.; temperature of solid solution limit line (solvus temperature) of the NiAl phase is 1000° C. or lower; and 100,000-hour creep rupture strength of the alloy is 100 MPa or more at 750° C.'}2. The forged product according to claim 1 , wherein the forged product is a component for use in a steam turbine plant.3. The forged product according to claim 1 , wherein the forged product is a boiler tube for use in a steam turbine plant having main steam temperature of 720° C. or higher.4. The forged product according to claim 1 , wherein the forged product is a bolt for use in a steam turbine plant and used at a temperature of 750° C. or higher.5. The forged product according to claim 1 , wherein the forged product is a steam turbine rotor used at a temperature of 750° C. or higher.6. The forged product according to claim 1 , wherein the forged product is prepared by a procedure including:{'sub': '3', 'hot forging the Ni based alloy into a predetermined shape at a temperature higher than a temperature of solid solution limit line (solvus temperature) ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034257A1

A thermal barrier coating for an internal combustion engine includes an insulating thermal spray coating, where a chosen material of the insulating thermal spray coating has a thermal conductivity lower than 2 W/mK in fully dense form and the chosen material includes a coefficient of thermal expansion within 5 ppm/K of a coefficient of thermal expansion of a material of a component of the internal combustion engine upon which the coating is placed. 1. A thermal barrier coating for an internal combustion engine , comprising:an insulating thermal spray coating, wherein:a chosen material of the insulating thermal spray coating has a thermal conductivity lower than 2 W/mK in fully dense form; and{'b': '5', 'the chosen material includes a coefficient of thermal expansion within ppm/K of a coefficient of thermal expansion of a material of a component of the internal combustion engine upon which the coating is placed.'}2. The thermal barrier coating of claim 1 , wherein the insulating thermal spray coating comprises a perovskite material.3. The thermal barrier coating of claim 2 , wherein the perovskite material is of the ABOcategory claim 2 , where A and B are cations.4. The thermal barrier coating of claim 1 , wherein the insulating thermal spray coating comprises lanthanum molybdate (LaMoO).5. The thermal barrier coating of claim 1 , wherein the insulating thermal spray coating comprises lanthanum molybdate (LaMoO) with at least one dopant claim 1 , wherein the dopant is one of Bi claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Rb claim 1 , Y claim 1 , Gd claim 1 , Nd claim 1 , Ba claim 1 , Sr claim 1 , Ca.6. The thermal barrier coating of claim 1 , wherein the insulating thermal spray coating comprises gadolinium zirconate (GdZrO).7. The thermal barrier coating of claim 1 , wherein the insulating thermal spray coating comprises lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrites claim 1 , of the type LaSrCoFeOoxides.8. The thermal barrier coating of claim 7 , wherein the x=0.4.9. The thermal barrier coating ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Compressor housing having pressure limitation, and method for operation

Номер: US20180017049A1
Принадлежит: Magna Powertrain Bad Homburg GmbH

A housing of an air-conditioning compressor comprising at least two housing components is proposed, wherein the at least two housing components are sealed with respect to each other and are connected to each other by means of screws, and the housing components comprise aluminum or an aluminum alloy and the screws are ultra-high-strength screws. UHS screws are means for further ensuring an excess pressure safety function.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017055A1

A scroll compressor includes a first chamfered portion formed at a distal end potion of a spiral blade of a fixed scroll, a second chamfered portion formed at a distal end portion of a spiral blade of an orbiting scroll, a third chamfered portion formed at a bottom portion of the spiral blade of the fixed scroll, and a fourth chamfered portion formed at a bottom portion of the spiral blade of the orbiting scroll. An expression of 0<{(Av+Av)/2}/Ac<1×10is satisfied where a sectional area of a space between the first chamfered portion and the fourth chamfered portion is defined as Av, a sectional area of a space between the second chamfered portion and the third chamfered portion is defined as Av, and a sectional area of a compression chamber is defined as Ac. 1. A scroll compressor , comprising:a fixed scroll including a first base plate portion and a first spiral blade provided to stand on one surface of the first base plate portion;an orbiting scroll including a second base plate portion and a second spiral blade provided to stand on a surface of the second base plate portion opposite to the fixed scroll, and is configured to perform an orbiting motion with respect to the fixed scroll, the first spiral blade and the second spiral blade being in mesh with each other to form a compression chamber;a first chamfered portion formed at each of both corner portions of a distal end portion of the first spiral blade;a second chamfered portion formed at each of both corner portions of a distal end portion of the second spiral blade;a third chamfered portion formed on each of both sides of a bottom portion of the first spiral blade, the third chamfered portion having a same shape as a shape of the second chamfered portion; anda fourth chamfered portion formed on each of both sides of a bottom portion of the second spiral blade, the fourth chamfered portion having a same shape as a shape of the first chamfered portion,a chamfer dimension of the first chamfered portion and a ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Two-Cycle Diesel Engine Configured for Operation with High Temperature Combustion Chamber Surfaces

Номер: US20200018220A1

A 2-cycle, direct-injection diesel engine configured to accommodate low cetane diesel and jet fuels. The engine includes combustion chambers having surfaces which are operable at high temperatures during engine operation to increase the combustion rate of low cetane fuels. The engine is further configured to reduce starting times in cold and/or low pressure situations such as those experienced during attempts to restart a plane engine at relatively high altitudes. 1. An engine , comprising: a cylinder comprising an intake port proximate to a first side of the cylinder and an exhaust port proximate to a second side of the cylinder opposite the first side; and', 'a first fluid flow channel located adjacent at least one of the intake port and the exhaust port to cool the cylinder of the engine block;, 'an aluminum engine block, comprisinga composite sleeve located within the cylinder;a head assembly comprising a second fluid flow channel to cool the head assembly engaged with the engine block; a fuel flow channel between a fuel source and an injector tip;', 'a return fuel channel between the injector tip and the fuel source; and', 'a cooling fuel channel between the injector tip and the fuel source;, 'a fuel injector assembly coupled to the head assembly, the injector assembly comprisinga fire plate fixed between the sleeve and the head assembly; anda piston having a crown and located within the sleeve and configured to oscillate within the sleeve.2. The engine of claim 1 , wherein the first fluid flow channel includes a first branch passing over the exhaust port and a second branch passing under the exhaust port.3. The engine of claim 1 , wherein the composite sleeve is a metal composite.4. The engine of claim 3 , wherein the metal composite is a metal matrix aluminum alloy coated with steel.5. The engine of claim 4 , wherein the aluminum alloy comprises an Al—Si alloy claim 4 , an SiC particulate claim 4 , and a Ni coated graphite that are solution and precipitation ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Method of Designing and Producing High Performance Carbon Ceramic Pistons

Номер: US20190022805A1
Автор: Gill Bryan

A method is provided of designing and producing a piston using chopped carbon ceramic pre-impregnated composite material, wherein the method allows piston designers to produce a fiber/composite preform, then machine any of several different piston designs, diameters, with different ring and chamber designs or dimensions and dimensional offsets. The piston preform is shaped in a basic form, and then machined into a piston that fits a specific engine. After the specific machining is performed, the pin bosses are bored and fitted with bronze inserts; ring lands are cut, skirts are shaped, finish machining is performed on all surfaces. Pistons are preferably then plated to seal carbon ceramic based materials, and the skirts as well as regions that engage in part-to-part moving contact, are plasma coated with anti-friction material(s). The skirts may be made as a separate skirt preform which is fitted, machined or cut to fit the specific piston. The overall process is adapted to skirt regions of differing size, length or offset that are assembled into a unitary structure of improved strength/weight characteristics. The method is useful for making high-performance engine modification parts having high strength and reduced inertial mass 1. A method of designing and producing fully plated composite pistons using a carbon based composite material , comprising the steps of:Choosing one or a plurality of piston designs;Overlaying said piston designs to determine a single piston blank design;Creating a reverse mold of said piston blank design;Compression molding a piston blank using said reverse mold; andMachining said piston blank into one of said piston designs.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said choosing said piston designs further comprises the steps of:Determining diameter, combustion surface, and ring package if necessary of said piston designs prior to overlaying said piston designs.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein compression molding said piston blank further ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023021A1
Автор: Atsumi Hidetoshi

A diaphragm pump includes a pump chamber, a diaphragm, and a diaphragm deformer. The pump chamber is box-shaped and includes at least an inlet opening, an outlet opening, and a diaphragm attaching opening. The pump chamber is provided with an inner space. A diaphragm is made of an elastically deformable material, and is provided in the pump chamber so as to cover the diaphragm attaching opening. The diaphragm deformer elastically deforms the diaphragm to change a capacity of the inner space. The outlet opening is located at a highest position in the inner space of the pump chamber. 1. A diaphragm pump , comprising:a pump chamber that is box-shaped and includes at least an inlet opening allowing a liquid to flow into the pump chamber therethrough from outside, an outlet opening allowing the liquid to flow out of the pump chamber therethrough, a diaphragm attaching opening, and an inner space;a diaphragm made of an elastically deformable material and provided in the pump chamber so as to cover the diaphragm attaching opening; anda diaphragm deformer provided outside the pump chamber and coupled with the diaphragm, the diaphragm deformer elastically deforming the diaphragm to change a capacity of the inner space; whereinthe outlet opening is located at a highest position in the inner space of the pump chamber.2. The diaphragm pump according to claim 1 , whereinthe pump chamber includes a top surface provided with the outlet opening; andthe top surface includes an inclining surface extending downward from the outlet opening.3. The diaphragm pump according to claim 2 , wherein the inlet opening is provided in the inclining surface.4. The diaphragm pump according to claim 1 , whereinthe pump chamber includes a first inner wall facing the diaphragm; andthe diaphragm deformer elastically deforms the diaphragm such that a gap is provided between the diaphragm and the first inner wall even in a state where the diaphragm and the first inner wall are closest to each other.5. ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023551A1

A gaseous fluid pump includes a compression chamber, a plurality of pistons, a plurality of electric coils, and a magnet. The chamber contains at least one inlet and one outlet and a plurality of open volumes created by an inner surface of the compression chamber. The plurality of pistons are within the compression chamber and each piston containing a body with at least a first diametrically polarized magnet centered in the body such that the first magnet attracts or repels depending on the relative position of the first magnet. The plurality of electric coils wound around laminations on an outside of the compression chamber with each of the plurality of electric coils configured to create flux paths centered around each of the pistons when provided electricity to act as a polarizing motor stator. A second magnet is centered within the compression chamber between two of the plurality of pistons. 1. An apparatus for pumping and compressing fluids comprising:a compression chamber, the chamber containing at least one inlet and one outlet, and a plurality of open volumes created by an inner surface of the compression chamber;a plurality of pistons within the compression chamber, each piston containing a body with at least a first diametrically polarized magnet centered in the body, such that the first magnet attracts or repels depending on the relative position of the first magnet;a plurality of electric coils wound around laminations on an outside of the compression chamber, each of the plurality of electric coils configured to create flux paths centered around each of the pistons when provided electricity to act as a polarizing motor stator; anda second magnet centered within the compression chamber between two of the plurality of pistons.2. The apparatus of wherein the compression chamber is made of glass.3. The apparatus of wherein each piston body is comprised of graphite.4. The apparatus of wherein the compression chamber contains a third magnet on a first end of ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Piston and tribological system consisting of a piston and a cylinder running surface of a cylinder crank case for an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20140109861A1
Принадлежит: MAHLE International GmbH

A piston for an internal combustion engine may include a piston head and a piston skirt. The piston skirt may have piston bosses provided with boss bores. The piston bosses may be connected to each other at running surfaces. The running surfaces may be provided at least partially with a coating which is sprayed using a cold gas method. The material of the coating may be selected from the group comprising at least one of nickel, iron, copper, nickel-based alloys, iron-based alloys, copper-nickel-tin-based alloys and copper-tin-silver-based alloys.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Tubing retention mechanism usable with a peristaltic pump

Номер: US20200025190A1
Автор: James VAN STELL
Принадлежит: Cole Parmer Instrument Co

An apparatus, method, and system for retaining tubing used in a peristaltic pump. The apparatus includes tubing retention device usable with a peristaltic pump, the tubing retention device including a movable tubing retainer having a tubing engaging portion capable of engaging with a first surface of a tube and a track portion for movably supporting the tubing retainer. At least one of the movable tubing retainer or the track portion has a surface formed of or at least partially coated with a friction reducing coating. The apparatus further comprises a second tubing engaging portion capable of engaging with a second surface of the tube and a biasing member biasing the movable tubing retainer towards the second tubing engagement portion. Engagement of the tubing retainer and the second tubing engaging portion reduces longitudinal movement of the tube.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025195A1

A gear pump for a gas turbine engine including a first gear having a plurality of gear teeth supported for rotation on a gear shaft relative to a second gear, wherein the gear teeth are formed from a steel base material and surfaces of the gear teeth are coated with a cavitation resistant coating material, and a journal bearing for carrying a gear shaft load through a fluid film pressure between a surface of the gear shaft and a surface of the journal bearing, wherein at least a portion of the journal bearing is formed from a cavitation resistant base material. 1. A gear pump , comprising:a) a first gear having a plurality of gear teeth supported for rotation on a gear shaft relative to a second gear, wherein the gear teeth are formed from a steel base material and surfaces of the gear teeth are coated with a cavitation resistant coating material; andb) a journal bearing for carrying a gear shaft load by way of a fluid film between a first surface of the gear shaft and a second surface of the journal bearing, wherein at least a portion of the journal bearing is formed from a cavitation resistant base material.2. A gear pump as recited in claim 1 , wherein the cavitation resistant base material from which at least portion of the journal bearing is formed is an aluminum (Al) bronze material.3. A gear pump as recited in claim 1 , wherein the cavitation resistant base material from which at least a portion of the journal bearing is formed is a nickel aluminum (NiAl) bronze material.4. A gear pump as recited in claim 1 , wherein the gear teeth are coated with a vapor-deposited cavitation resistant coating selected from the group consisting of titanium nitride (TiN) claim 1 , titanium aluminum nitride (TiAlN) claim 1 , titanium aluminum silicon nitride (TiAlSiN) claim 1 , titanium aluminum carbonitride (TiAlCN) claim 1 , chromium nitride (CrN) claim 1 , aluminum chromium nitride (AlCrN) claim 1 , and chromium aluminum carbonitride (CrAlCN).5. A gear pump as recited in ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

High pressure pumping system

Номер: US20200025196A1
Принадлежит: Viking Pump Inc

One or more techniques and/or systems are disclosed for a pump technology that provides for more effective and efficient transfer of liquids, such as petroleum products and components, to and through pipelines. Such a technology can comprise a type of external gear pump that creates higher flow, resulting in higher pressures in the pipeline, to move the liquids, while providing for longer pump life, simpler and less maintenance, and fewer undesired conditions, with a smaller footprint, in a cost-effective system.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Compressor, compressor housing, and method for manufacturing compressor housing

Номер: US20170030343A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Bakelite Co Ltd

A housing ( 10 ) of a compressor ( 1 ) according to the present embodiment includes at least one compression chamber ( 101 ) that compresses a gas aspirated into the inside thereof and is composed of a metal-resin composite ( 16 ) in which a resin member ( 14 ) composed of a thermosetting resin composition and a metal member ( 12 ) are bonded to each other. In a case where the metal-resin composite ( 16 ) is made into a test piece in which the resin member ( 14 ) having a thickness d 1 and the metal member ( 12 ) having a thickness d 2 are laminated on and bonded to each other and a ratio of d 1 /d 2 is 3, and the test piece is put in a first state where the test piece is disposed, the surface on the resin member ( 14 )-exposed side up, on two supports with no stress applied thereto and a second state where a 1-point bending stress of 140 MPa is applied in a thickness direction to the center of the surface on the resin member ( 14 ) side such that the center caves in after the first state, when putting in the first and second states is alternately repeated 1,000,000 times at a frequency of 30 Hz under a temperature condition of 25° C., the metal-resin composite exhibits bending fatigue resistance in which neither peeling nor fracture occurs.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Compressor With Thermally-Responsive Modulation System

Номер: US20170030354A1
Автор: Robert C. Stover
Принадлежит: Emerson Climate Technologies Inc

A compressor may include a first scroll, a second scroll and a modulation system. The first scroll may include a first endplate and a first spiral wrap. The second scroll may include a second endplate and a second spiral wrap interleaved with the first spiral wrap and cooperating to form a plurality of working fluid pockets therebetween. The modulation system may include a temperature-responsive displacement member that actuates in response to a temperature within a space rising above a predetermined threshold. Actuation of the displacement member may be controlled to control a capacity of the compressor.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Method of Designing and Producing Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Pistons

Номер: US20220048146A1
Принадлежит: AWA Forged Composites, LLC

A method is provided for designing and producing fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) pistons. Pistons made with FRP have a lower mass than prior art metal pistons conferring advantageous engine efficiency and stability. FRP pistons also increase the thermal efficiency of engines by having a lower thermal conductivity, with tighter piston-to-bore clearance, and/increased air-fuel ratio than pistons of metal. The technical parameters of the piston are identified, and a piston body blank is produced. The blank is then machined, a bearing surface for the pin bore is created, the piston blank is optionally coated, is optionally subjected to Heavy Metal Ion Implantation (HMII) treatment and is subjected to sodium silicate impregnation to produce the final pistons. 1. A method for manufacturing at least one fiber-reinforced polymer piston , the method comprising:determining at least one dimension of the at least one fiber-reinforced polymer piston selected from: dome area, piston ring lands, pin bore area, skirt area, for designing and producing a piston body blank comprising at least 50% fiber-reinforced polymer by volume;machining the piston body blank for integral parts of the piston to obtain a piston blank;generating a bearing surface for a pin bore in the piston blank, the bearing surface having a surface roughness of 0-32 Ra;finishing the piston blank to obtain the fiber-reinforced polymer piston; andimpregnating the piston with sodium silicate impregnation.2. The method according to claim 1 , producing the piston body blank further comprises building a one-piece claim 1 , a two-piece claim 1 , or a three-piece piston body blank.3. The method according to claim 2 , producing the piston body blank by at least one process selected from: contour compression molding; injection molding; over mold injection molding; manufacturing a standard FRP Billet Rod; and resin injection molding; or alternatively creating a standard FRP Billet Rod and machining the standard FRP Billet rod ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Swash plate

Номер: US20150033884A1
Принадлежит: Taiho Kogyo Co Ltd

This swash plate comprises a resin film layer formed on the front surface and the rear surface, and said resin film layer serves as the sliding surface which slides on a shoe. The inner periphery of the resin film layer is a tilted surface which a lubricant can easily cross over. In other words, angle θ1 is 10° or less and angle θ2 of the rising part is set to 20° or less, and when the lubricant is supplied from the inner periphery side of the swash plate, said lubricant easily crosses over said inner periphery which is a tilted surface, and is quickly supplied to the surface (the sliding surface) outside of said inner periphery. Because the lubricant is quickly supplied to the front surface and the rear surface (the sliding surface) of the swash plate, seizure of the swash plate can be prevented.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033940A1

The outer periphery of the outer part of a substrate is a chamfer, and the outer part of the substrate is covered by a resin film layer. The thickness of the resin film layer at the chamfer is thicker than the locations radially further inwards from said chamfer. The surface of the resin film layer on the outer peripheral edge of the outer part is coplanar with the surface of the resin film layer further inwards. These locations act as the sliding surface the surface of the swash plate) that slides on a shoe, and compared with conventional techniques, because the resin film layer in the outer peripheral edge is thick, attrition of the portion being pressed against the shoe is suppressed. For that reason, the outer peripheral edge of the substrate and the vicinity thereof are prevented from being exposed, and seizure of the swash plate can be prevented. 1. A swash plate comprising:a substrate formed in a disk shape and with a chamfered part on an outer peripheral edge of an end surface; anda resin film layer arranged to cover an end surface of the substrate and formed beyond an outer peripheral edge of an end surface serving as the chamfered part to cover up to the chamfered part, a flat surface of the resin film layer serving as a sliding surface sliding with a shoe;wherein{'b': 2', '1', '2', '1, 'the resin film layer in the chamfered part is thicker than the chamfered part and thicker than the resin film layer in a radial inner direction side, the outer peripheral edge of the flat surface of the resin film layer serving as a sliding surface is located above the chamfered part serving as a radial outer direction than an outer peripheral edge of the end surface of the substrate, and when a thickness of the resin film layer at the outer peripheral edge of the flat surface of the resin film layer is given as T and a thickness of the resin film layer at the outer peripheral edge on the end surface of the substrate is given as T, the thickness T is set larger than the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049326A1

A nickel superalloy has the following composition, the concentrations of the different elements being expressed as wt-%: Formula (I), the remainder consisting of nickel and impurities resulting from the production of the superalloy. In addition, the composition satisfies the following equation, wherein the concentrations of the different elements are expressed as atomic percent: Formula (II). 1. A process for the preparation of a part comprising manufacturing a part from a nickel-based superalloy of the following composition , the contents of the various elements being expressed as weight percentages:1.3%≤Al≤2.8%;trace amounts≤Co≤11%;14%≤Cr≤17%;trace amounts≤Fe≤12%;2%≤Mo≤5%;0.5%≤Nb+Ta≤2.5%;2.5%≤Ti≤4.5%;1%≤W≤4%;0.0030%≤B≤0.030%;trace amounts≤C≤0.1%;0.01%≤Zr≤0.06%;the remainder consisting of nickel and impurities resulting from the production, [{'br': None, '8 Al at %+Ti at %+Nb at %+Ta at %≤11'}, {'br': None, '0.7≤(Ti at %+Nb at %+Ta at %)/Al % at %≤1.3'}], 'and such that the composition satisfies the following equations wherein the contents are expressed as atomic percentages2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the composition of the nickel-based superalloy satisfies the following equation wherein the contents are expressed as atomic percentages:{'br': None, '1≤(Ti at %+Nb at %+Ta at %)/Al at %≤1.3'}3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the nickel-based superalloy contains between 3.6 and 12% of Fe claim 1 , as weight percentages.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the composition of the nickel-based superalloy is claim 1 , expressed as weight percentages:1.3≤Al≤2.8%;7%≤Co≤11%;14%≤Cr≤17%;3.6%≤Fe≤9%;2%≤Mo≤5%;0.5%≤Nb+Ta≤2.5%;2.5%≤Ti≤4.5%;1%≤W≤4%;0.0030%≤B≤0.030%;trace amounts≤C≤0.1%;0.01%≤Zr≤0.06%; [{'br': None, '8≤Al at %+Ti at %+Nb at %+Ta at %≤11'}, {'br': None, '0.7≤(Ti at %+Nb at %+Ta at %)/Al at %≤1.3'}], 'and said composition satisfies the following equations wherein the contents are expressed as atomic percentagesthe remainder ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and system for processing an automotive engine block

Номер: US20190032594A1

A method and system for processing an engine block that includes a cylinder liner. The engine block having a first material with different coefficient of thermal expansion than a second material forming the cylinder liner. The method includes providing an insulating barrier to the cylinder liner, and quenching the engine block. The insulating barrier provides a lower cooling rate to the second material forming the cylinder liner than a cooling rate for the first material forming the engine block during the quenching.

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Dynaco Stepper Pump Hydraulic System

Номер: US20150040554A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A hydraulic linear actuator system known as the “Dynaco Stepper Pump Hydraulics System” is which is an electrically driven hydraulic pump system made of durable materials for use in an electronically controllable hydraulic system comprised of: (a) an electrically driven stepper motor; (b) a hydraulic pump to pressurize a hydraulic fluid; (c) a means to connect the stepper motor to the hydraulic pump; (d) a pressurized reservoir for a quantity of hydraulic fluid; (e) a means to supply pressurized fluid to a hydraulic actuator; (f) the hydraulic actuator with a means to provide linear motion to an object; (g) the means to provide linear motion to an object; (h) a means to return lowered pressurized fluid to the reservoir. An alternative embodiment is further comprised of a controller with a series of feedback signals.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038247A1
Принадлежит: Cummins, Inc.

An engine block, an engine subassembly, and method for providing and manufacturing an engine block. The engine block includes a plurality of cylinder barrels positioned in the engine block, at least one oil jacket channel formed in the engine block, and an oil inlet port positioned in a peripheral wall of the engine block and connected to the at least one oil jacket channel. The at least one oil jacket channel includes a plurality of curved channel sections. Each curved channel section in the plurality of curved channel sections extends about at least a portion of a circumferential portion of a respective cylinder barrel in the plurality of cylinder barrels. The at least one oil jacket channel extends between adjacent cylinder barrels of the plurality of cylinder barrels in the engine block. 1. An engine block comprising:a plurality of cylinder barrels positioned in the engine block;at least one oil jacket channel formed in the engine block, the at least one oil jacket channel including a plurality of curved channel sections, each curved channel section in the plurality of curved channel sections extending about at least a portion of a circumferential portion of a respective cylinder barrel in the plurality of cylinder barrels, wherein the at least one oil jacket channel extends between adjacent cylinder barrels of the plurality of cylinder barrels in the engine block; andan oil inlet port positioned in a peripheral wall of the engine block, the oil inlet port connected to the at least one oil jacket channel.2. The engine block according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one oil jacket channel is opened to the cylinder barrel in each curved channel section in the plurality of curved channel sections.3. The engine block according to claim 1 , further comprising a cylinder liner positioned in each cylinder barrel in the plurality of cylinder barrels claim 1 , the cylinder liner engaging the curved channel section of the at least one oil jacket channel such that the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Aluminum Based Alloy Containing Cerium and Graphite

Номер: US20190040496A1

The present invention provides an aluminum hybrid metal matrix composite including cerium and graphite. The aluminum-cerium intermetallic is stable at temperatures up to a melting point of aluminum and graphite provides in situ lubrication. This stability is advantageous in applications such as cylinder liners and other applications where strength and stiffness at elevated temperatures are required. 1. An aluminum cast alloy having the following composition:between 6 and 16 weight percent cerium;between 1 and 20 volume percent graphite; andthe remainder being aluminum.2. The aluminum cast alloy of wherein the graphite is coated with a metal promoting wettability with aluminum.3. The aluminum cast alloy of . wherein the graphite is coated with nickel claim 2 , the graphite coated nickel having between 30 and 70 weight percent nickel.4. The aluminum cast alloy of wherein the aluminum alloy further comprises between 1 and 7 weight percent nickel.5. The aluminum cast alloy of wherein the aluminum alloy further comprises between 4 and 25 weight percent silicon.6. The aluminum cast alloy of wherein the aluminum alloy further comprises up to 25 volume percent silicon carbide.7. The aluminum cast alloy of wherein the aluminum alloy further comprises between 0.3 and 10 weight percent magnesium.8. The aluminum cast alloy of wherein the aluminum alloy forms an AlCeintermetallic.9. A method for manufacturing an aluminum cast alloy comprising: first, mixing between 4 and 25 weight percent silicon or up to 25 volume percent silicon carbide into a melted base of aluminum;', 'second, mixing between 1 and 20 volume percent graphite into the melted base of aluminum;', 'third, mixing between 6 and 16 weight percent cerium into the melted base of aluminum;, 'preparing a melted base of aluminum by'}pouring the melted base of aluminum into a mold;cooling the melted base of aluminum to solidify the aluminum composite within the mold;removing the aluminum composite from the mold; ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Piston for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20150047498A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A piston that moves reciprocally in the cylinder of an internal combustion engine and has a piston skirt that makes sliding contact with the inner wall of the cylinder. Solid lubrication parts are provided on the sliding-contact surface of the piston skirt. The solid lubrication parts include at least one type of silver, silver alloy, copper, or copper alloy, and at least one type of carbon material or carbide ceramics.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Coating to reduce coking deposits on steel pistons

Номер: US20220065192A1
Принадлежит: Tenneco Inc

A piston for an internal combustion engine is provided. The piston includes a coating applied to a ferrous body portion to reduce or prevent chemical bonding of carbon deposits or coking on the body portion at temperatures ranging from 200 to 400° C. The coating includes a fluoropolymer, such as polytetrafluoroethylene, fluorosilane, fluorocarbon, fluoroplastic resin, and/or perfluoroplastic, and may be hydrocarbon or silicone based. The coating also has a thickness of 25 microns to 1 millimeter. The coating can be disposed on an undercrown surface, ring grooves, ring lands, pin bosses, and/or skirt sections of the body portion.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Friction and wear reduction in cryogenic mechanisms and other systems

Номер: US20140126848A1
Принадлежит: Raytheon Co

An apparatus includes a first component having a first surface and a second component having a second surface. The first surface includes sputtered gold, and the second surface includes a stainless steel alloy. The first surface is configured to contact the second surface, and one of the components is configured to move against another of the components. The stainless steel alloy could consist of a UNS 21800/AISI Type S21800 metal. The sputtered gold could include ion sputtered gold, and the sputtered gold could have a thickness of about 1 micron. The first component could include a first blade of an adjustable aperture mechanism, where the adjustable aperture mechanism also includes a second blade. The second component could include a first plate of the adjustable aperture mechanism, where the adjustable aperture mechanism further includes a second plate. The blades can be configured to move within a space between the plates.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048721A1

A scroll pump tip seal to seal a single stage of a scroll pump that includes a first scroll and a second scroll. The tip seal is formed of a plurality of seal segments fitted contiguously end to end to a tip face the scroll wall of the scroll to form a continuous seal between the tip face and a base plate of the second scroll. 1. A scroll pump comprising:an orbiting scroll;a fixed scroll; anda driver configured to impart an orbiting motion to the orbiting scroll relative to the fixed scroll;wherein said orbiting scroll comprises an orbiting scroll base plate and an orbiting scroll wall extending from said orbiting scroll base plate towards said fixed scroll and said fixed scroll comprises a fixed scroll base plate and a fixed scroll wall extending from said fixed scroll base plate towards said orbiting scroll,said orbiting scroll wall has a tip face that faces said fixed scroll base plate and said fixed scroll wall has a tip face that faces said orbiting scroll base plate,said tip face of the orbiting scroll wall is provided with a first tip seal arrangement for sealing between the orbiting scroll wall and the fixed scroll base plate and said tip face of the fixed scroll wall is provided with a second tip seal arrangement for sealing between the fixed scroll wall and the orbiting scroll plate, andat least one of said first and second tip seal arrangements comprises a plurality of seal segments disposed contiguously end to end on the respective said tip face.2. The scroll pump as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said seal segments each comprise planar end faces and are arranged such that respective opposed said end faces of adjacent said seal segments are in abutting relationship.3. The scroll pump as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said seal segments each comprise end faces and are arranged such that respective opposed said end faces of adjacent said seal segments are disposed in overlapping relationship.4. The scroll pump as claimed in claim 3 , wherein said overlapping ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049149A1

Corrosion due to salt water, or the like, is prevented or suppressed between fastening end portions of housing members, while minimizing increase in production cost with respect to corrosion. A housing of a compressor has a front housing a center housing and a rear housing The front housing and the center housing are fastened to each other by a plurality of fastening members and mutual fastening end portions ( and ) thereof are welded together. The center housing and the rear housing are fastened to each other by a plurality of fastening members and mutual fastening end portions ( and ) thereof are welded together. A weld bead W is formed between the fastening end portion and the fastening end portion and a weld bead W is formed between the fastening end portion and the fastening end portion 1. A compressor comprising:a housing made of an aluminum alloy; anda compression mechanism accommodated in the housing,wherein the housing has a first housing member and a second housing member which are fastened to each other by a plurality of fastening members and fastening end portions of which are welded to each other, with a weld bead being formed between the fastening end portion of the first housing member and the fastening end portion of the second housing member.2. The compressor according to claim 1 , wherein blow holes are dispersed within the weld bead over an outer peripheral direction of the housing.3. The compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the weld beads are formed in portions excluding the regions which corresponds to the plurality of fastening members in an annular region between the fastening end portion of the first housing member and the fastening end portion of the second housing member.4. The compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the first housing member and the second housing member are welded to each other from a housing outer surface side in a state in which the end surfaces of the respective fastening end portions of the first housing member ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Composition for Sliding Member

Номер: US20150057199A1
Принадлежит: Nok Klueber Co Ltd

A composition for sliding member includes a binder resin, a solid lubricant, and an epoxy modified silicone oil having an epoxy group at both ends or at one end thereof. A weight ratio of the binder resin and the epoxy modified silicone oil is 97:3 to 75:25.

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Lubricating coating composition and compressor including the same

Номер: US20160060564A1
Принадлежит: Hanon Systems Corp

A lubricating coating composition and a compressor including a sliding member coated with the lubricating coating composition. The lubricating coating composition includes a thermosetting or thermoplastic polyimide-based resin as a binder, a solid lubricant, various solvents, and other additives at a controlled ratio. The compressor includes a first member including a first sliding surface and a second member moving relative to the first member including a second sliding surface. The lubricating coating composition is applied to the first sliding surface or the second sliding surface.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger for Gas Turbine Engine Mounted in Intermediate Case

Номер: US20180058328A1
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

A gas turbine engine has a compressor section including a lower pressure compressor and a higher pressure compressor, and a turbine section. A core engine housing surrounds the compressor section and the turbine section. An outer intermediate housing wall defines an internal chamber between the core housing and the outer intermediate housing. A fan rotor and a fan casing surround the fan rotor to define a bypass duct between the fan case and the outer intermediate housing. A heat exchanger is mounted in the internal chamber and receives high pressure air for cooling the high pressure air and delivering the high pressure air into the core engine housing to be utilized as cooling air for a component. Air from the lower pressure compressor is utilized to cool the higher pressure air in the heat exchanger.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063365A1

An aluminum piston including a cooling gallery with titled inner and outer side walls is provided. The piston comprises a ring belt with a ring grooves, and an iron insert is disposed in a top one of the ring grooves. To reduce stress and mass of the piston, material located under the iron insert is removed, so that the outer side wall of the cooling gallery is tilted toward the center axis. The inner side wall of the cooling gallery is tilted away from the center axis. 1. A piston , comprising:a body portion formed of an aluminum material and extending around a center axis,said body portion including a crown containing a cooling gallery,said crown presenting a combustion surface,said crown including a ring belt with a plurality of ring grooves,said ring grooves including a top ring groove located closer to said combustion surface than the other ring grooves,said cooling gallery of said body portion including an inner side wall and an outer side,said inner side wall of said cooling gallery being tilted away from said center axis of said body portion,said outer side wall of said cooling gallery being tilted toward said center axis of said body portion, andan insert disposed in said top ring groove of said ring belt.2. A piston according to claim 1 , wherein said inner side wall and said outer side wall of said cooling gallery are connected by a top wall and a bottom wall claim 1 , and said inner and outer side walls of said cooling gallery are longer than said top wall and longer than said bottom wall.3. A piston according to claim 1 , wherein said inner side wall and said outer side wall of said cooling gallery are connected by a top wall and a bottom wall claim 1 , and said bottom wall is wider than said top wall of said cooling gallery.4. A piston according to claim 1 , wherein said outer side wall and said center axis of said body portion present an angle ranging from 5 to 45 degrees therebetween.5. A piston according to claim 1 , wherein said cooling gallery has ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Piston for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20190063604A1
Принадлежит: Art Metal Manufacturing Co Ltd

A piston in which a solid lubricant resin layer made of a resin containing a solid lubricant is formed at a skirt portion. A guide groove absent area where no guide groove is formed, which is provided in a predetermined range of the solid lubricant resin layer at a center portion in a width direction. The guide grooves directing from the both ends in the width direction of the guide groove absent area to both ends in the width direction of the skirt portion. The end portions of the guide grooves extended to end edges of the solid lubricant resin layer to form open ends. The solid lubricant resin layer and the guide grooves are formed at least at a thrust side skirt portion. The guide grooves are formed in a shape inclined upward from the guide groove absent area toward the end edges of the solid lubricant resin layer.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063690A1

A cylinder head assembly for an engine assembly is provided herein. The cylinder head assembly may include a head framework, an exhaust liner include a thermal barrier material, an intake liner, and a polymeric housing disposed around at least a portion of the metal head framework and the exhaust liner. The cylinder head assembly may further include a plurality of channels for heating and/or cooling the cylinder head assembly, which can be defined in one or more of: the metal head framework, the exhaust liner, and the polymeric housing. Methods of making the cylinder head assembly are also provided herein. 1. A cylinder head assembly for an engine comprising:a metal head framework defining a portion of: a combustion chamber, an intake valve guide, and an exhaust valve guide;an exhaust liner defining an exhaust port, wherein the exhaust liner comprises a thermal barrier material comprising an insulating layer, and wherein at least a portion of the exhaust liner is disposed adjacent to at least a portion of the metal head framework;an intake liner defining an intake port, wherein the intake liner comprises a material selected from the group consisting of a metal material, a polymeric material, the thermal barrier material, and combinations thereof;a polymeric housing disposed around at least a portion of the metal head framework and the exhaust liner; anda plurality of channels defined in one or more of:(i) the metal head framework;(ii) the exhaust liner; and(iii) the polymeric housing.2. The cylinder head assembly of claim 1 , wherein the polymer in the polymeric housing and the polymeric material each comprise a thermoplastic polymer or a thermoset polymer.3. The cylinder head assembly of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric housing and the polymeric material each further comprise a plurality of reinforcing fibers claim 1 , wherein the plurality of reinforcing fibers are selected from the group consisting of carbon fibers claim 1 , glass fibers claim 1 , aramid fibers ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067466A1

A scroll compressor is provided that may include a casing having a sealed inner space; a drive motor provided in the inner space of the casing to generate a rotational force; a rotational shaft rotatably coupled to the drive motor; an orbiting scroll formed of an aluminum material, and coupled to the rotational shaft to perform an orbiting movement; a fixed scroll coupled to the orbiting scroll to form a compression space; and an Oldham ring coupled to the orbiting scroll, and formed of a sintered metal. With this structure, it may be possible to prevent the Oldham ring from being worn out due to contact with the orbiting scroll. Further, a weight loss portion or wear-resistant coating layer may be formed on a portion of the Oldham ring, thereby suppressing or preventing vibration noise of the scroll compressor from being increased due to a weight increase of the Oldham ring. 1. A scroll compressor , comprising:a casing having a sealed inner space;a drive motor provided in the inner space of the casing to generate a rotational force;a rotational shaft rotatably coupled to the drive motor;an orbiting scroll formed of an aluminum material, and coupled to the rotational shaft to perform an orbiting movement;a fixed scroll coupled to the orbiting scroll to form a compression space; andan Oldham ring coupled to the orbiting scroll, and formed of a sintered metal.2. The scroll compressor of claim 1 , wherein the Oldham ring includes:a ring; anda plurality of keys formed in a protruding manner on at least one of axial-direction lateral surfaces of the ring to allow the Oldham ring to be slidably coupled in a radial direction to key grooves of the orbiting scroll, wherein the ring is formed with a stepped surface on at least one of the axial-direction lateral surfaces.3. The scroll compressor of claim 1 , wherein the Oldham ring includes:a ring; anda plurality of keys formed in a protruding manner on at least one of axial-direction lateral surfaces of the ring to allow the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071571A1

A thermal barrier coating for an internal combustion engine includes an insulating thermal spray coating, where a chosen material of the insulating thermal spray coating has a thermal conductivity lower than 2 W/mK in fully dense form and the chosen material includes a coefficient of thermal expansion within 5 ppm/K of a coefficient of thermal expansion of a material of a component of the internal combustion engine upon which the coating is placed. 1. A thermal barrier coating for an internal combustion engine , comprising:an insulating thermal spray coating, wherein:a chosen material of the insulating thermal spray coating has a thermal conductivity lower than 2 W/mK in fully dense form; andthe chosen material includes a coefficient of thermal expansion within 5 ppm/K of a coefficient of thermal expansion of a material of a component of the internal combustion engine upon which the coating is placed.2. The thermal barrier coating of claim 1 , wherein the insulating thermal spray coating comprises a perovskite material.3. The thermal barrier coating of claim 2 , wherein the perovskite material is of the ABOcategory claim 2 , where A and B are cations.4. The thermal barrier coating of claim 1 , wherein the insulating thermal spray coating comprises lanthanum molybdate (LaMoO).5. The thermal barrier coating of claim 1 , wherein the insulating thermal spray coating comprises lanthanum molybdate (LaMoO) with at least one dopant claim 1 , wherein the dopant is one of Bi claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Rb claim 1 , Y claim 1 , Gd claim 1 , Nd claim 1 , Ba claim 1 , Sr claim 1 , Ca.6. The thermal barrier coating of claim 1 , wherein the insulating thermal spray coating comprises gadolinium zirconate (GdZrO).7. The thermal barrier coating of claim 1 , wherein the insulating thermal spray coating comprises lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrites claim 1 , of the type LaSrCoFeOoxides.8. The thermal barrier coating of claim 7 , wherein the x=0.4.9. The thermal barrier coating of claim 1 , ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Protecting a target pump interior with an ALD coating

Номер: US20160076148A1
Принадлежит: Picosun Oy

An apparatus and method for protecting a target pump interior, where a target pump ( 10 ) inlet is provided with an inlet manifold ( 20 ) and a target pump outlet with an exhaust manifold ( 30 ). The target pump interior is exposed to sequential self-saturating surface reactions by sequential inlet of reactive gases according to an ALD method via the inlet manifold into the target pump interior and outlet of reaction residue via the exhaust manifold, while the target pump is kept running or not running. A technical effect of the invention is protecting a pump interior, which can be also an assembled pump interior, by a confomral protective coating.

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Pressure differential pumps

Номер: US20150078919A1
Принадлежит: MAG Aerospace Industries LLC

Embodiments of the present disclosure relate generally to pumps and systems that use a differential pressure gradient to transfer fluids. In one example, the pumps may use available differential pressure that exists due to outside pressure and cabin pressure due to altitude on-board a vehicle such as an aircraft.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180073502A1
Принадлежит: Bio-Chem Fluidics, Inc.

A reciprocating piston pump may include a pump chamber, a piston seal, a monolithic partially fluorinated polymer piston with a fluid engaging end, a seating end, and a longitudinal outer piston surface extending between the fluid engaging end and the seating end. The reciprocating piston pump may further include a drive assembly coupled to the seating end of the monolithic partially fluorinated polymer piston. The drive assembly operates to reciprocate the monolithic partially fluorinated polymer piston within the pump chamber between full aspirate and full dispense positions. The piston seal forms an interface between the longitudinal outer piston surface of the piston and the pump chamber. The monolithic partially fluorinated polymer piston and the drive assembly are configured such that the piston seal interfaces with the longitudinal outer piston surface over a full stroke length of the drive assembly between the full aspirate and full dispense positions. 1. A reciprocating piston pump comprising:a pump chamber;a piston seal;a monolithic partially fluorinated polymer piston comprising a fluid engaging end, a seating end, and a longitudinal outer piston surface extending between the fluid engaging end and the seating end; anda drive assembly coupled to the seating end of the monolithic partially fluorinated polymer piston; whereinthe drive assembly operates to reciprocate the monolithic partially fluorinated polymer piston within the pump chamber between full aspirate and full dispense positions,the piston seal forms an interface between the longitudinal outer piston surface of the piston and the pump chamber, andthe monolithic partially fluorinated polymer piston and the drive assembly are configured such that the piston seal interfaces with the longitudinal outer piston surface over a full stroke length of the drive assembly between the full aspirate and full dispense positions.2. The reciprocating piston pump of claim 1 , wherein the monolithic partially ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074399A1
Автор: Kim Hak Soo

A method for manufacturing a lightweight piston pin includes preparing a mixture of a base metal powder comprising chromium, carbon and iron, a TiC powder and a binder, metal powder injection molding (MIM) the mixture into a piston pin shape, degreasing the molded body to remove the binder from the mixture, sintering the binder-deprived, molded body, forming an intermediate layer composed of chromium carbide that surrounds the TiC powder in the sintered body, and transforming a matrix structure of the sintered body into a martensitic structure. 1. A method for manufacturing a lightweight piston pin , comprising:preparing a mixture of a base metal powder comprising chromium, carbon and iron, a TiC powder and a binder;metal powder injection molding (MIM) the mixture into a piston pin shape;degreasing the molded body to remove the binder from the mixture;sintering the binder-deprived, molded body;forming an intermediate layer composed of chromium carbide that surrounds the TiC powder in the sintered body; andtransforming a matrix structure of the sintered body into a martensitic structure.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate layer-forming step is carried out by maintaining the sintered mixture of the sintering step at 1000˜1050° C. for 2˜4 hours to deposit chromium carbide around TiC powder claim 1 , and then furnace cooling the sintered mixture.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the preparing step is carried out by mixing the base metal powder having a particle size of 1˜10 μm claim 1 , the TiC powder having a particle size of 0.5˜5 μm claim 1 , and a liquid binder.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the preparing step is carried out by combining a mixture containing a weight ratio of 78˜82% : 18˜22% of the base metal powder : the TiC powder with the binder claim 3 , the base metal powder comprising claim 3 , by weight: C: 1.4˜1.6% claim 3 , Si: 0.4% or less (0% exclusive) claim 3 , Mn: 0.6% or Less (0% exclusive) claim 3 , P: 0.03% or less (0% exclusive ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170082105A1
Автор: ANDREIS Diego

The present document describes a pump () comprising a casing () that encloses a pumping group (). On the casing () at least one inlet conduit for inletting a fluid (F) and at least one outlet conduit for outletting the fluid (F) are obtained. The pumping group () comprises a pair of mutually coupled gears, each mounted on a respective support shaft. The relative movement of a first gear with respect to the second gear defines a pumping chamber having variable volume inside the pumping group (), so as to suck the fluid (F) from the suction conduit to expel it through the delivery conduit. A first support shaft () is operatively connected to an actuator assembly () so that the first gear can operate as a driving gear to set the second gear in rotation. The pump () comprises at least one element () for compensating the increase in volume of the fluid (F) and/or the increase in the pressures inside such a pump (). The element () for compensating the pressure/volume is at least partially manufactured from a shape memory metal alloy having superelastic properties. 110121412141416181020101020. Pump () comprising a casing () enclosing a pumping group () , at least one inlet conduit for inletting a fluid (F) and at least one outlet conduit for outletting said fluid (F) being obtained on said casing () , said pumping group () comprising a pair of mutually coupled gears , each mounted on a respective support shaft , wherein the relative movement of a first gear with respect to the second gear defines a pumping chamber having variable volume inside the pumping group () , so as to suck the fluid (F) from the suction conduit and to eject it through the delivery conduit , a first support shaft () being operatively connected to an actuator assembly () so that the first gear can operate as driving gear to set the second gear in rotation , the pump () comprising at least one element () for compensating the increase in volume of the fluid (F) and/or the increase in the pressures ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Seals for natural gas compressor

Номер: US20170082202A1

An exemplary reciprocating compressor includes a compression chamber enclosed by a cylinder and a piston. The piston includes a piston seal for sealing a gas in the compression chamber. The piston seal is formed of about 70 to about 90 percent by weight of a fluorinated polymer, about 2 to about 18 percent by weight of an organic filler, and about 2 to about 18 percent by weight of boron nitride.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099080A1
Автор: Baba Kazuhiko

A compressor includes a motor, a compression mechanism portion driven by the motor, and a rotation shaft connecting the motor and the compression mechanism portion. At least a part of the rotation shaft is composed of a material having a higher Young's modulus than that of cast iron, and having a higher thermal conductivity than that of cast iron. 1. A compressor comprising:a motor;a compression mechanism portion driven by the motor; anda rotation shaft connecting the motor and the compression mechanism portion,wherein the rotation shaft has a first shaft portion on an inner side in a radial direction about a rotation center of the rotation shaft, and has a second shaft portion on an outer side of the first shaft portion in the radial direction, andwherein the first shaft portion is composed of a material having a higher Young's modulus than that of cast iron and having a higher thermal conductivity than that of cast iron.2. The compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the at least a part of the rotation shaft is composed of carbon fiber reinforced plastic.3. The compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the rotation shaft has an eccentric shaft portion which is eccentric with respect to a rotation center of the rotation shaft claim 1 , andwherein the compression mechanism portion has a rolling piston attached to the eccentric shaft portion and a cylinder chamber in which the eccentric shaft portion and the rolling piston are disposed.4. (canceled)5. The compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the first shaft portion and the second shaft portion extend from one end to the other end of the rotation shaft in an axial direction of the rotation shaft.60110. The compressor according to claim 1 , wherein when D represents an outer diameter of the rotation shaft in the radial direction and D represents an outer diameter of the first shaft portion in the radial direction claim 1 , D<0.9×D is satisfied.7. The compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the second shaft ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Compressor including laser-hardened bearing surfaces

Номер: US20220099091A1
Принадлежит: Trane International Inc

This disclosure is directed to compressors with hardened bearing surfaces, particularly laser-hardened bearing surfaces. Laser hardening can be used to precisely harden selected areas of the bearing surfaces of the compressor components. By hardening those selected areas, wear resistance can be improved and sliding wear can be reduced. This can result in thrust plates having different material structures configured to contact one another, such as one having a primarily pearlitic microstructure with the opposing thrust plate having a primarily martensitic microstructure. This can reduce adhesive wear by providing dissimilarity on the wearing surfaces.

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210088037A1

A method for producing a water-hydraulic machine having a first member () and a second member () in sliding contact with a contact surface () of the first member (), wherein the second member () comprises a surface made of a friction reducing plastic material and the contact surface () is a metallic surface, is disclosed. The machine should have a low risk of damages. To this end, the method includes the steps of using a first member () comprising a first part () having the contact surface () and a second part (), using a high temperature hardening process at a temperature of at least 1000° C. to give a deep surface hardening of the contact surface () of the first part (), machining of the first part () to the desired geometry, assembling the first part () and the second part () to form the first member. 1. A method for producing a water-hydraulic machine having a first member and a second member in sliding contact with a contact surface of the first member , wherein the second member comprises a surface made of a friction reducing plastic material and the contact surface is a metallic surface , characterized in that the method comprises the steps of:using a first member comprising a first part having the contact surface and a second part ,using a high temperature hardening process at a temperature of at least 1000° C. to give a deep surface hardening of the contact surface of the first partmachining of the first part to the desired geometryassembling the first part and the second part to form the first member.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the high temperature hardening process is carried out in the presence of nitrogen.3. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that wherein a low temperature hardening process at a temperature of 550° C. or lower is used to give a final super hard contact surface of the first part.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least the contact surface is polished.5. The method according to claim 1 , ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Air intake system for an engine

Номер: US20160090948A1
Принадлежит: Electro Motive Diesel Inc

An air intake system is disclosed. The air intake system may have an air box. The air box may be configured to receive air from an ambient. The air intake system may also have a filter assembly disposed within the air box. The filter assembly may be configured to clean the air. In addition, the air intake system may have a duct. The duct may have a first duct end configured to receive the air exiting the filter assembly. The duct may also have a second duct end configured to deliver the air to the engine. The second duct end may be located at a gravitationally higher position than the first duct end.

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Centrifugal pump for cryogenic pumped media

Номер: US20190085858A1
Автор: Stephane Boeglin
Принадлежит: Fives Cryomec AG

In a rotary direct-drive single-stage or multi-stage centrifugal pump (1) for cryogenic liquids, having a pump housing (2) for the pump (1) and an electric drive motor unit (12) in a motor housing (10) serving as a pump drive, wherein a shaft (11) of the drive motor unit (12) is mounted on two roller bearings (20; 21), and wherein at least one roller bearing (20; 21) is an unlubricated roller bearing, the structural design of the centrifugal pump (1) should be kept as simple as possible. This is achieved in that at least a first communicating connection, in particular a direct connecting channel (16), is configured between the pressure side (D) in the pump housing (2) and the roller bearing (21) on the pump housing side for a diverted part (FA1) of the main conveying flow (FH) of the cryogenic pumped medium to the roller bearing (21), and that a second communicating connection is configured between the roller bearing (21) on the pump housing side and the suction side (S) for the diverted part (FA2) of the cryogenic pumped medium back to the suction side (S) in the main conveying flow (FH) of the cryogenic pumped medium, so that a circulation of the diverted part (FA1, FA2) of the cryogenic pumped medium is ensured between the pressure side (D) in the pump housing (2) and only the roller bearing (21) on the pump housing side.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200088185A1
Принадлежит: Microjet Technology Co., Ltd.

A MEMS pump includes a first substrate, a first oxide layer, a second substrate, a second oxide layer, a third substrate and a piezoelectric element sequentially stacked to form the entire structure of the MEMS pump. The first substrate has a first thickness and at least one inlet aperture. The first oxide layer has at least one fluid inlet channel and a convergence chamber, wherein the fluid inlet channel communicates with the convergence chamber and the inlet aperture. The second substrate has a second thickness and a through hole, and the through hole is misaligned with the inlet aperture and communicates with the convergence chamber. The second oxide layer has a first chamber with a concave central portion. The third substrate has a third thickness and a plurality of gas flow channels, wherein the gas flow channels are misaligned with the through hole. 1. A micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) pump , comprising:a first substrate having a first thickness and at least one inlet aperture, wherein the first substrate is manufactured by a thinning process of a semiconductor process, and the at least one inlet aperture is formed by a lithography and etching process;a first oxide layer having at least one fluid inlet channel and a convergence chamber, wherein the first oxide layer is formed and covered upon the first substrate by the semiconductor process, and the at least one fluid inlet channel and the convergence chamber are formed by the lithography and etching process, wherein one end of the at least one fluid inlet channel communicates with the convergence chamber, and the other end of the at least one fluid inlet channel communicates with the corresponding inlet aperture;a second substrate having a second thickness and a through hole, wherein the second substrate is manufactured by the thinning process of the semiconductor process and placed upon the first oxide layer, and the through hole is formed by the lithography and etching process, wherein the through ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095667A1

Screw compressor element provided with a housing wherein a rotor is rotatably arranged by way of two bearings, respectively being a cylinder bearing () and a ball bearing (), each provided with an inner ring () and an outer ring (), separated by respectively cylindrical, or ball-shaped rolling elements () that contact the inner ring () and the outer ring () at the location of a raceway (), characterised in that, next to the respective raceway (), the inner rings () of the aforementioned bearings () have a smaller outer diameter (B) than the respective raceway () on the side facing the other bearing () and in that next; to the respective raceway (), the inner rings () of the bearings have a greater outer diameter (C, D) than the respective raceway () on the side facing away from the other bearing (). 136-. (canceled)373456789105678101111121211125634111234111256111134111278320411123434ababaaaaaaabbbbb. A screw compressor clement provided with a housing wherein a rotor is rotatably arranged by way of two bearings , respectively being a cylinder bearing () and a ball bearing () , each provided with an inner ring ( ,) and an outer ring ( , ) , separated by respectively cylindrical , or ball-shaped rolling elements ( , ) that contact the inner ring ( , ) and the outer ring ( , ) at the location of a raceway ( , , , ) , characterized in that next to the respective raceway ( , ) , the inner rings ( , ) of the aforementioned bearings ( , ) have a smaller outer diameter (B) than the respective raceway ( , ) on the side facing the other bearing ( , ) and in that next to the respective raceway ( , ) , the inner rings ( , ) of the bearings have a greater outer diameter (C , D) than the respective raceway ( , ) on the side facing away from the other bearing ( , ) , and wherein next to the respective raceway ( , ) , the outer rings ( , ) of the bearings ( , ) have a smaller inner diameter (D , G) than the respective raceway ( , ) both on the side facing the other bearing ( , ) and ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Snap-in mounting for mounting an engine top cover

Номер: US20180094669A1

The present invention is directed to a snap-in mounting for mounting a top cover onto the engine of a motor vehicle, the top cover with the snap-in mounting, a mounting system with the snap-in mounting and a male part and a method of producing the snap-in mounting. The snap-in mounting for mounting a top cover onto the engine of a motor vehicle according to the invention comprises a female part including, a receiving part, which is adapted to receive the ball-shaped end of a male part by a snap-in connection, and a holding part for holding the receiving part, wherein the receiving part and the holding part are, preferably, separate parts, wherein the holding part is adapted to be fixed to the top cover's bottom side, which faces the engine of a motor vehicle when mounted, wherein the holding part, preferably, has a sliding portion, which is adapted to allow for a relative displacement of the receiving part and the holding part by a sliding motion, wherein the receiving part is moulded from a polymer material containing at least a thermoplast.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093597A1
Принадлежит: Achates Power, Inc.

A piston crown for a piston of a pair of pistons in a two-stroke, opposed-piston, compression ignition combustion engine has a barrier layer and a conductive layer. The barrier layer at least partially surrounds a combustion chamber formed by the piston crown and an end surface of an opposing piston. The conductive layer connects the crown to the rest of the piston body. The barrier layer and the conductive layer are joined either through welding or through the fabrication process. Optionally, the piston crown includes an insulating layer between the barrier and conductive layers. 1. An internal combustion engine including at least one cylinder with longitudinally-separated exhaust and intake ports and a pair of pistons disposed in opposition to one another in a bore of the cylinder , each piston including:a piston body with a crown at one end; andan end surface on the crown, in which an end surface of a first piston has a bowl that cooperates with the end surface of an opposing piston to define a combustion chamber, a barrier layer located in the end surface such that the combustion chamber is enclosed at least in part by the barrier layer;', 'an insulating layer; and', 'a conductive layer located adjacent to the barrier layer, the conductive layer connecting the crown to the piston body by welding above piston ring grooves,, 'the crown comprising the insulating layer is between the barrier layer and the conductive layer,', 'the barrier layer and the conductive layer each have a bowl, a pair of notches, and a sidewall portion, and', 'the insulating layer does not have a sidewall and has a circumference that fits within the sidewall of the barrier layer., 'in which2. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , in each piston at least one void between the barrier layer and the conductive layer of the crown.3. The internal combustion engine of either or claim 1 , wherein the insulating layer has a thermal conductivity of 2 W/m·° C. or less ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

A beverage dispensing machine and a gear pump therefor

Номер: US20200095991A1
Автор: Thomas LISBY

A gear pump for a beverage dispensing machine, has a pump chamber, and a driving gear wheel meshing with a driven gear wheel inside the pump chamber.

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180106250A1

A pump for an oil and gas well includes a barrel with a surface configured to contact oil and gas well fluid. The pump further includes a first coating formed on at least a portion of the barrel surface. The first coating includes a combination of diamond particles and a composition including nickel and phosphorous. The pump also includes a plunger with a surface configured to contact oil and gas well fluid. The pump additionally includes a second coating formed on at least a portion of the plunger surface. The second coating includes a combination of tungsten carbide particles and a composition including cobalt and chromium. 115-. (canceled)16. A pump for an oil and gas well , said pump comprising:a barrel comprising a surface configured to contact oil and gas well fluid;a first coating formed on at least a portion of said barrel surface, said first coating including a combination of diamond particles and a composition comprising nickel and phosphorous;a plunger comprising a surface configured to contact oil and gas well fluid; anda second coating formed on at least a portion of said plunger surface, said second coating including a combination of tungsten carbide particles and a composition comprising cobalt and chromium.17. The pump in accordance with claim 16 , wherein said diamond particles have a diameter within a range from approximately 0.5 micrometers (μm) to approximately 4 μm.18. The pump in accordance with claim 16 , wherein said first coating is formed by an electroless nickel plating process.19. The pump in accordance with claim 16 , wherein said tungsten carbide particles have a diameter less than or equal to approximately 5 micrometers (μm).20. The pump in accordance with claim 16 , wherein said second coating is formed from high velocity air-fuel spray. The field of the invention relates generally to oil and gas well assemblies and, more specifically, to coatings applied to surfaces of plunger and barrel components for rod pump systems.At least some ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации

Piston for an internal combustion engine and method for its production

Номер: US20140190443A1
Принадлежит: MAHLE International GmbH

A piston for an internal combustion engine, having a piston base body, a piston ring element having at least an inner region of a piston crown, and a piston skirt. The piston is provided with pin bosses having pin bores and the ring element has at least an outer region of a piston crown having a circumferential top land and a circumferential ring belt provided with ring grooves. The piston base body and piston ring element are joined together by way of corresponding, conical joining surfaces configured on them.

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Scroll compressor with wrap having gradually decreasing thickness

Номер: US20200102957A1

A scroll compressor is provided that may include a casing; a drive motor provided at an inner space of the casing; a rotational shaft coupled to a rotor of the drive motor, and rotated together with the rotor; a frame provided below the drive motor; a fixed scroll provided below the frame, and having a fixed wrap; and an orbiting scroll provided between the frame and the fixed scroll, having an orbiting wrap so as to form a compression chamber including a suction chamber, an intermediate pressure chamber, and a discharge chamber, by being engaged with the fixed wrap. In a state in which a center of the fixed scroll and a center of the orbiting scroll are substantially the same, an interval between the fixed wrap and the orbiting wrap gradually increases towards the suction chamber from the discharge chamber.

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Compressor, Oil-Free Screw Compressor, and Method of Manufacturing Casing Used Therefor

Номер: US20160115950A1

An object of the invention is to provide a compressor that includes a corrosion-resistant film formed on the surface of a casing having a complicated shape. A compressor pumps gas in a compression chamber formed by a casing, the casing is made of cast iron, and a layer made of a mixture of iron nitride and a compound of iron, nitrogen, and carbon and an oxide layer made of triiron tetraoxide are formed on the surface of the casing. Accordingly, since the corrosion resistance of the casing, which includes a film formed by a gas soft-nitriding treatment and an oxidation treatment, is improved, the generation of rust is suppressed. Therefore, it is possible to provide a compressor in which galling or sticking caused by rust occurs less. 1. A compressor that pumps gas in a compression chamber formed by a casing ,wherein the casing is made of cast iron, anda layer made of a mixture of iron nitride and a compound of iron, nitrogen, and carbon and an oxide layer made of triiron tetraoxide are formed on the surface of the casing.2. The compressor according to claim 1 ,wherein the layer made of the mixture and the oxide layer are formed on the entire surface of the casing.3. The compressor according to claim 1 ,wherein the compressor is an oil-free compressor that pumps gas by the rotational motion of a rotor, the reciprocating motion of a piston, or the turning motion of a spiral tooth-shaped member in the compression chamber formed by the casing.4. An oil-free screw compressor that includes a male rotor including teeth formed in a helical shape on an outer surface thereof in an axial direction claim 1 , a female rotor meshing with the male rotor and rotating claim 1 , and a casing storing the male rotor and the female rotor claim 1 , and sucks and discharges fluid claim 1 ,wherein the casing is made of cast iron, and includes a film that is formed on the surface of a flow passage, with which a compressed medium comes into contact, by a gas soft-nitriding treatment and an ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Refrigerant compressor shaft seal

Номер: US20160116071A1
Автор: Richard T. Pandzik
Принадлежит: Carrier Corp

A shaft sealing mechanism is provided including a first component having a first surface and a second component having a second surface. The first component and the second component are arranged in contact such that the first surface and the second surface form a dynamic interface. The first surface includes a conformable carbon or carbon-graphite material. The second surface includes a rigid, highly polished, silicon carbide material having a plurality of graphite particles embedded therein.

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190113030A1
Принадлежит: TAIHO KOGYO CO., LTD.

There is provided a shoe capable of suppressing deformation of a member on which the shoe slides. The shoe includes: a first sliding surface which slides on a concave surface of a piston (first movable member); and a second sliding surface which bulges toward a side opposite to the first sliding surface and slides on a flat surface of a swash plate (second movable member). The second sliding surface includes: a curved outer peripheral portion which is provided along an outer periphery of the second sliding surface ; and a central portion which is provided at a center of the second sliding surface so as to be continuous with the curved outer peripheral portion and has a radius of curvature greater than a radius of curvature of the curved outer peripheral portion 1. A shoe comprising:a first sliding surface which slides on a concave surface of a first movable member; anda second sliding surface which bulges toward a side opposite to the first sliding surface and slides on a flat surface of a second movable member, the second sliding surface includinga curved outer peripheral portion which is provided along an outer periphery of the second sliding surface, anda central portion which is provided at a center of the second sliding surface so as to be continuous with the curved outer peripheral portion and has a radius of curvature greater than a radius of curvature of the curved outer peripheral portion,wherein the central portion has a diameter of not less than 5 mm and a bulging height of not greater than 3 μm.2. The shoe according to claim 1 , wherein a bulging height of the second sliding surface is not greater than 15 μm.3. A swash plate compressor comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the shoe according to ; and'}a swash plate which is the second movable member and has a resin coating layer provided on the flat surface of the second movable member.4. (canceled)5. A swash plate compressor comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00002', 'claim ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Rotating heating chamber apparatus and method of use thereof

Номер: US20210140317A1
Автор: Merton W. Pekrul
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention comprises a method for heating a fluid in an engine, including: a rotor rotating relative to a stator about a shaft and a set of vanes extending radially outward, relative to an elongated axis of the shaft, between the rotator and the stator, the set of vanes separating a set of expansion chambers, where the method comprises the steps of: (1) applying a shear force to the fluid to form a gas with a rotatable chamber within the shaft of the engine; and (2) exhausting the gas from the shaft to a rotor-vane chamber, the rotor-vane chamber comprising a void in a vane slot on a shaft side of a first vane, of the set of vanes. Optionally, the gas applies a rotation force by passing the gas from the first vane to a trailing expansion chamber of the set of expansion chambers.

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119697A1
Автор: Coghlan Edmond Tate

A stator for a helical gear device includes a first section having first helically convoluted chamber with a set of radially inwardly extending lobes and a second section adjacent to the first section. The second section includes a stack of cutter disks. Each cutter disk includes a front surface, a rear surface, an interior surface defining a central opening extending from the front surface to the rear surface, a forward cutting edge, and a rearward cutting edge. The interior surface forms a same number of lobes for the central opening as the set of radially inwardly extending lobes in the first section. Each cutter disk is aligned along a common centerline, and each cutter disk is rotated slightly relative to each other to form a second helically convoluted chamber with a same pitch as the first helically convoluted chamber. The second helically convoluted chamber exposes, to materials passing through, portions of the forward cutting edge or the rearward cutting edge of each cutter disk. 1. A stator for a helical gear device , comprising:a first section including a first helically convoluted chamber with a set of radially inwardly extending lobes; and a front surface,', 'a rear surface,', 'an interior surface defining a central opening extending from the front surface to the rear surface,', 'a first cutting edge along the front surface and the interior surface, and', 'a second cutting edge along the rear surface and the interior surface,, 'a second section adjacent to, and axially aligned with, the first section, the second section including a stack of cutter disks, each of the cutter disks includingthe interior surface forming a same number of lobes for the central opening as the set of radially inwardly extending lobes, each of the cutter disks being aligned along a common centerline, and each of the cutter disks being rotated slightly relative to each other such that the stack of cutter disks forms a second helically convoluted chamber with a same pitch as the ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Two-Cycle Diesel Engine Configured for Operation with High Temperature Combustion Chamber Surfaces

Номер: US20190120117A1

A 2-cycle, direct-injection diesel engine configured to accommodate low cetane diesel and jet fuels. The engine includes combustion chambers having surfaces which are operable at high temperatures during engine operation to increase the combustion rate of low cetane fuels. The engine is further configured to reduce starting times in cold and/or low pressure situations such as those experienced during attempts to restart a plane engine at relatively high altitudes. 1. A two-cycle diesel engine for operating with high combustion chamber surface temperatures , the engine comprising:an aluminum engine block including at least one cylinder including a first intake port and a first exhaust port, the engine block including a first fluid flow channel for cooling the engine block and a second fluid flow channel located at the exhaust port to cool the portion of the cylinder proximate the exhaust port;a cylinder sleeve having a top end and a bottom end, and fabricated from a metal composite to include a second intake port and a second exhaust port proximate the bottom end, the sleeve being fastened to the interior of the cylinder with the intake ports being in fluid communication and the exhaust ports being in fluid communication;a head assembly engaged with the engine block, the head assembly including a third cooling fluid flow channel;a fuel injector assembly including an injector tip, the assembly supported by the head assembly, the injector assembly including a fuel flow channel between a fuel source and the injector tip, a return fuel channel between the injector tip and the fuel source and a cooling fuel channel between the injector tip and the fuel source ;a stainless steel fire plate resiliently supported between the top end of the cylinder sleeve and the head assembly to cooperate with the fuel injector assembly to close the top end of the cylinder sleeve;a crank shaft coupled to a connecting rod;an aluminum piston having a titanium alloy crown, the piston being ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128389A1

A check valve is provided having a seat and a poppet. The seat is made of a plastic material, has an aperture for enabling fluid to flow through the seat, and also has one end portion that has a circumferential edge with a thin sealing lip. The poppet is slidably arranged in the aperture of the seat and has an elastic member. The poppet is configured for opening to enable fluid to flow in one direction when fluid pressure is detected. The elastic member is configured for ensuring sealing between an outer surface of the poppet and the thin sealing lip of the seat when there is no fluid flow in the one direction so as to substantially prevent fluid flow in the opposite direction. According to some embodiments of the present invention, the thin plastic sealing lip may have a thickness of about 0.01″ Embodiments are also envisioned where the thickness may be in a range of 0.003″-0.03″. 1. A check valve comprising:a seat being made of a plastic material, having an aperture for enabling fluid to flow through the seat, and also having one end portion that has a circumferential edge with a thin sealing lip formed thereon; anda poppet being slidably arranged in the aperture of the seat and having an elastic member, the poppet configured for opening to enable fluid to flow in one direction when fluid pressure is detected, and the elastic member configured for ensuring sealing between an outer circumferential surface of the poppet and the thin sealing lip of the seat when there is no fluid flow in the one direction so as to substantially prevent fluid flow in the opposite direction.2. A check valve according to claim 1 , wherein the plastic material is polypropylene.3. A check valve according to claim 1 , wherein the thin sealing lip has a thickness of about 0.01″ claim 1 , where the thickness is measured in terms of the sealing material on the circumferential edge that physically contacts the outer circumferential surface of the poppet.4. A check valve according to claim 3 , ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150139842A1
Автор: Bratu Christian

A progressive cavity pump comprising a casing, a helical stator including a helical cylinder and a helical rotor capable of rotating inside said helical cylinder. The helical stator also comprises at least one compensator arranged in said casing, between the casing and said helical cylinder; said helical cylinder and said compensator being deformable in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the casing. 1. A progressive cavity pump comprising:a cylindrical casing having a longitudinal axis, said casing being provided with an inlet opening at one end and with an outlet opening at its opposite end,a helical stator contained within said casing, said helical stator comprising a helical cylinder having a central axis coinciding with the longitudinal axis of said casing;a helical rotor suitable for rotating inside said helical cylinder so as to move a fluid from the inlet opening toward the outlet opening,wherein said helical stator further comprises at least one compensator arranged within said casing, between the casing and said helical cylinder, said helical cylinder and said compensator being adapted to deform in a direction perpendicular to said longitudinal axis.3. The progressive cavity pump according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one compensator has a closed profile.4. The progressive cavity pump according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one compensator has an elliptical cross-section.5. The progressive cavity pump according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one compensator has an open profile.6. The progressive cavity pump according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one compensator is arranged on a concave portion of said helical cylinder.7. The progressive cavity pump according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one compensator is arranged on a convex portion of said helical cylinder.8. The progressive cavity pump according to claim 1 , wherein said helical stator comprises a plurality of compensators evenly distributed along the casing. ...
