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10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2484318C2

Изобретение относится к анкерной гайке из армированного волокном полимера и направлено на упрощение и уменьшение анкерной гайки без уменьшения ее несущей способности. Анкерная гайка из армированного волокном полимера имеет внутреннюю резьбу для навинчивания на резьбу анкера, а также наружные профили или формообразования, посредством которых анкерная гайка при помощи инструмента может навинчиваться на резьбу анкера. Анкерная гайка снабжена первым средством ограничения крутящего момента, которое выполнено с возможностью предотвращения дальнейшего завинчивания частично завинченного анкера с крутящим моментом, значение которого ниже первого предельного значения крутящего момента. Первое средство ограничения крутящего момента образовано посредством штифта, который перпендикулярно продольной оси анкерной гайки пересекает внутреннюю резьбу. Анкерная гайка снабжена вторым средством ограничения крутящего момента, которое предотвращает дальнейшую передачу крутящего момента на анкерную гайку через ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016136134A3

21-03-2017 дата публикации

Крепежный элемент

Номер: RU2613873C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и строительству и может быть использовано в различных узлах резьбового крепления строительных конструкций и узлов деталей машин и механизмов. Техническим результатом является повышение надежности и долговечности крепежного элемента. В крепежном элементе, состоящем из внутреннего элемента с резьбой и наружного элемента с поверхностью под шестигранный ключ с возможностью совместного завинчивания и отвинчивания, при этом внутренний элемент с резьбой выполнен в виде катушки с буртиками, на цилиндрическую часть которой напрессован наружный элемент с поверхностью под ключ, который выполнен из упругого фрикционного материала в виде кольца с возможностью смещения относительно цилиндрической части, при этом на наружном элементе выполнена канавка, в которой размещен с определенным натягом регулятор усилия затяжки крепежного элемента по резьбе, который выполнен в виде металлического разрезного кольца, установленного с возможностью его опрессовки для достижения ...

07-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU183020U1

Полезная модель относится к резьбовым соединениям конструктивных элементов в машинах и механизмах.Гайка самоконтрящаяся, герметизирующая содержит корпус (1) с резьбовым отверстием (2). Корпус обжат с первого торца и снабжен фланцем (3), со второго торца фланец выполнен с гранями (4, 5) и лапками (14, 15). Также гайка содержит обойму (6) с отверстием (7) под корпус и полостью (8), ограниченную гранями (9, 10). Корпус (1) вставлен с зазором (11) в отверстие (7) обоймы (6). Грани (4, 5) фланца корпуса противолежат к граням (9, 10) обоймы (6) с зазорами (12, 13) между ними. Лапки охватывают обойму (6). Гайка оборудована кольцом (16), выполненным из эластичного материала, при этом отверстие кольца соосно с резьбовым отверстием (2) корпуса. Кольцо (16) жестко закреплено (17) на втором торце корпуса.Технический результат заключается в возможности самостоятельной герметизации гайкой отверстия в сборочном соединении без использования дополнительных средств и элементов и в повышении технологичности ...

12-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2694375C1

Предлагаемый узел относится к ответственным узлам, используемым в машиностроении. В резьбовых соединениях с использованием шпилек при работе в условиях сложного нагружения имеет место значительный изгиб шпильки по всей длине, причем максимальные изгибающие напряжения приходятся на сечение резьбовой части, которое совпадает с первым витком, где имеют место значительные концентрации напряжений, и которое разрушается, прежде всего, в данных соединениях. Цель изобретения - повышение прочности соединения путем уменьшения изгибающих напряжений под резьбовой частью, повышение равномерности распределения поперечной нагрузки в групповом резьбовом соединении, повышение жесткости соединения на сдвиг. Поставленная цель достигается тем, что в пределах одной соединяемой детали шпилька имеет конический участок, большим основанием направленный в сторону гайки, а в другой детали выполнено отверстие для установки цилиндрической втулки под посадку шпильки без зазора, переходящее к цилиндрической расточке ...

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005120744A

... 1. Устройство (1) для крепления приборов (4) на многокамерных профилях (5), которое имеет монтажный винт (2) и крепежный винт (3), при этом монтажный винт (2) имеет наружную резьбу (11), опорный буртик (13), расположенный на заднем конце относительно направления ввода, внутреннюю резьбу (19) и поверхности (10) под монтажный инструмент, и при этом крепежный винт (2) может быть ввинчен во внутреннюю резьбу монтажного винта (2), отличающееся тем, что опорный буртик (13) имеет внешний периметр (16), который с центрированием и с зацеплением входит в отверстие (15) прибора (4). 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что периметр (16) опорного буртика (13) имеет зубцы (16). 3. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что диаметр окружности головок зубцов (16) на опорном буртике (13) больше, а диаметр окружности впадин зубцов (16) меньше, чем диаметр отверстия (15) в приборе (4). 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что внутренняя резьба (19) расположена в монтажном винте (2) сзади по направлению ...

07-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016102839A

20-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008146034A

... 1. Гайка, содержащая ! корпус с отверстием, расположенным в корпусе; ! резьбу, расположенную в отверстии корпуса; и ! множество захватных областей, расположенных по окружности корпуса, причем множество захватных областей обеспечивают визуальные и тактильные сигналы направления относительно направления вращения, требуемого для присоединения к резьбовому элементу и (или) отсоединения гайки от резьбового элемента. ! 2. Гайка по п.1, в которой каждая захватная область содержит нажимную опорную грань и ненажимную опорную грань. ! 3. Гайка по п.2, в которой каждая нажимная опорная грань и ненажимная опорная грань имеет угол рычага и при этом угол рычага ненажимной опорной грани меньше, чем угол рычага нажимной опорной грани. ! 4. Гайка по п.1, в которой гайка выполнена для присоединения системы водяного фильтра к водяному патрубку. ! 5. Гайка по п.1, в которой каждая захватная область является асимметричной относительно любой плоскости, которая содержит продольную ось гайки. ! 6. Гайка по п.1 ...

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015119036A

26-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018122763A

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013125000A

... 1. Резьбонарезная гайка (13) для соединения с силовым и геометрическим замыканием, а также разъемного соединения с болтом (21) или цапфой, в особенности, цилиндрической формы, содержащая резьбовое отверстие (3) с несущими нагрузку витками (14) резьбы, причем эти витки резьбы размещены по периферийной поверхности резьбового отверстия в окружном направлении, отличающаяся тем, что витки (14) резьбы в окружном направлении на отдельных участках (7, 8, 9) полностью сформованы, а между этим полностью сформованными участками (7, 8, 9) витков резьбы предусмотрены свободные промежутки (10, 11, 12) с не полностью сформованными по своей высоте витками резьбы, причем несущие нагрузку витки резьбы в резьбовом отверстии (3) расположены своими впадинами (18) на наружном диаметре (Dn) резьбы, а своими вершинами (15) профиля - на внутреннем диаметре резьбы (D1), причем витки (14) резьбы имеют свободные промежутки (10, 11, 12), по меньшей мере, частично расширяющие резьбовое отверстие (3) в направлении от ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE102012100850A1

Um eine Mutter und ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Mutter, umfassend einen mit einem Innengewinde versehenen oder versehbaren Mutternkörper, der einen Mehrkantabschnitt mit einer Mehrkantaußenkontur aufweist, die einerseits Kantenbereiche und andererseits zwischen den Kantenbereichen liegenden Schlüsselflächen aufweist, die sich in normgerecht verlaufenden Schlüsselflächenebenen erstrecken, derart zu optimieren, dass diese möglichst optimale mechanische Eigenschaften bei möglichst geringem Gewicht aufweist, wird vorgeschlagen, dass der Mutternkörper mehrere sich ausgehend von den jeweiligen Schlüsselflächenebenen in den Mutternkörper hinein in Richtung der Bohrung erstreckende Ausnehmungen aufweist.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015113676A1

Ein Blindnietelement zur Befestigung an einem Werkstück, welches ein insbesondere vorgeformtes Loch aufweist, umfasst einen Hülsenkörper und ein durch den Hülsenkörper geführtes Bolzenelement, wobei das Blindnietelement in das Loch des Werkstücks einbringbar ist und der Hülsenkörper durch eine Axialbewegung des Bolzenelements relativ zu dem Hülsenkörper abschnittsweise verformbar ist, um das Blindnietelement an dem Werkstück zu befestigen. Der Hülsenkörper weist wenigstens einen Kontaktabschnitt auf, welcher derart angeordnet und ausgestaltet ist, dass der Kontaktabschnitt in eine Wandung des Lochs und/oder einen Bereich um das Loch einschneidet und/oder eine Verformung der Wandung des Lochs und/oder des Bereichs um das Loch zu bewirkt, insbesondere um zwischen dem Werkstück und dem Blindnietelement einen elektrischen Kontakt herzustellen.

30-10-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0008016159U1

16-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010351446A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Gewindeplatte mit einer von einem flächigen Grundkörper (2) abstehenden Gewindehülse (3). Der flächige Grundkörper (2) weist zumindest ein winklig abstehendes Distanzelement (4) auf.

30-11-1967 дата публикации

Geschlitzte Ringmutter oder Stellring

Номер: DE0001255396B
Принадлежит: RUDOLF MELZER

17-12-2015 дата публикации

Hochfeste Befestigungsvorrichtung

Номер: DE102014008166A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Befestigungsvorrichtung (1) zur Befestigung mindestens eines Montageelementes an einem Gewindebolzen (6), umfassend eine Mutter (2) mit einer Gewindebohrung (7) und ein mit der Mutter (2) zusammenwirkendes Spannelement (3) mit einer Öffnung (8), wobei die Mutter (2) einen außenseitigen konusförmigen Auflagebereich (9) aufweist, mit dem sie im montierten Zustand zumindest teilweise in die Öffnung (8) des Spannelements (3) eingreift und dort an einem komplementären Innenkonus (10) aufliegt, den das Spannelement (3) aufweist, und wobei die Mutter (2) mindestens einen Schlitz (12) aufweist, der die Mutterwandung über einen Teilbereich ihrer axialen Erstreckung unterbricht, wobei der mindestens eine Schlitz (12) an dem axialen Ende der Mutter (2) mündet, welches näher an dem größeren Durchmesser als an dem kleineren Durchmesser des konusförmigen Auflagebereichs (9) liegt, und welches als oberseitiges Ende bezeichnet wird, wobei der mindestens eine Schlitz (12) sich ...

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Funktionselement in Form eines Einpresselements

Номер: DE102011009012A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Funktionselement in Form eines Einpresselements zur Befestigung an ein Blechteil, wobei das Funktionselement einen Kopfteil und einen Schaftteil aufweist, der Kopfteil auf der dem Schaftteil zugewandten Seite eine ringförmige Blechanlagefläche und innerhalb dieser ringförmigen Blechanlagefläche eine ringförmige axiale Vertiefung aufweist, die am Übergang des Kopfteils in den Schaftteil diesen umgibt. Erfindungsgemäß weist der Schaftteil mehrere umfangsmäßig verteilte, sich in axialer Richtung erstreckende radiale Vertiefungen und dazwischen ebenfalls axial erstreckende und radial hervorstehende Nasen auf, wobei an den Stellen der radialen Vertiefungen, an deren dem Kopfteil zugewandten axialen Enden Materialerhöhungen vorliegen, die im Bereich der ringförmigen Vertiefung mit dem Kopfteil Hinterschneidungen bilden.

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015103491A1

Distanzmutter zur Verbindung von zueinander beabstandeten Befestigungsabschnitten von zwei Bauteilen mit – einem ein Innengewinde für eine Schraube ausbildenden Gewindeteil, – einem ein Gewinde und eine Durchgangsöffnung ausbildenden Zwischenstück, wobei – das Gewindeteil und das Zwischenstück derart miteinander verbindbar oder verbunden sind, dass – zwischen diesen ein Aufnahmeraum für den Befestigungsabschnitt eines ersten Bauteils ausgebildet ist und – das Innengewinde und die Durchgangsöffnung in dem Zwischenstück fluchtend angeordnet sind, und mit – einem Distanzstück mit – einem Gewinde, das mit dem Gewinde des Zwischenstücks verschraubbar ist, – einer zu dem Innengewinde fluchtend ausgerichteten Durchgangsöffnung und – einer das eine Ende der Durchgangsöffnung des Distanzstücks integrierenden Kontaktfläche, die zur Anlage an dem Befestigungsabschnitt des zweiten Bauteils vorgesehen ist.

19-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018218372A1

Eine Fahrzeugkarosserieseitenverstärkungsstruktur ist vorgesehen, um die Effizienz der Lastübertragung und der Leistung gegen eine Fahrzeugkollision zu verbessern. Die Struktur weist eine mittlere Bodenplatte, die eine Bodenfläche einer Fahrzeugkarosserie ausbildet, und ein Batteriegehäuse, das mit einer unteren Oberfläche der Platte gekoppelt ist, auf. Ein Seitenschweller ist mit beiden Seiten der Platte in einer Breitenrichtung gekoppelt, um auf beiden Seiten des Batteriegehäuses angeordnet zu sein, und hat einen Querschnitt, der in einer Kastenform ausgebildet ist und sich in einer Vorwärts- und Rückwärtsrichtung einer Fahrzeugkarosserie erstreckt. Ein Sitzquerelement hat ein unteres Ende, das mit der Platte verbunden ist, und kreuzt die Platte in einer Breitenrichtung, um mit dem Seitenschweller verbunden zu sein. Eine Rohrmutter erstreckt sich vertikal, um nacheinander das Batteriegehäuse, den Seitenschweller, die Platte und das Sitzquerelement zu durchdringen, und ist an dem Batteriegehäuse ...

13-05-1993 дата публикации

Fastening reinforcing element with threaded plate - has threaded passage and centring aid in form of collar like expansion which adjoins threads and has inlet radius

Номер: DE0004223551A1

The fastening element has threaded passages (4) extending up from the base (5) and provided in the attachment area for the screw with a centring aid (7,8) such as a collar-like expansion (7). On one side this adjoins the thread (6) and on the other is provided on the inlet side with an inlet radius (8). The collar like expansion (7) can be moulded at the same time as producing the threaded passage. The fastening plate can be made from sheet metal or aluminium. ADVANTAGE - Easier manufacture without the need for stock-removing work.

17-02-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001684519B2

27-04-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE8900085U1

21-02-2008 дата публикации

Self-locking attachment device for electronic ignition lock to instrument panel of motor vehicle, has rosette with radially adjusted teeth that cooperates with teeth of spacer unit such that loosening of rosette and device is avoided

Номер: DE102007031319A1

The attachment device (1) has a sleeve-like spacer unit (4) clamped between an electronic ignition lock (2) and an instrument panel (3), and a rosette (5) supported over flanges (6) at the panel. The rosette is screwed with the ignition lock over an inner teeth and is co-axially arranged within the sleeve-like spacer unit. The rosette has a teeth that is adjusted radially outward and cooperates with a teeth of the spacer unit in such a manner that a loosening of the rosette and the attachment device is avoided. The attachment device is made of plastic.

14-12-2016 дата публикации

A pin assembly

Номер: GB0002539218A

A pin assembly 100 comprises a pin 10 having a screw threaded portion 15 and a nut 20 having a screw threaded portion 25. The pin 10 (or nut 20) has a number of recesses 17 and the nut 20 (or pin 10) has a splined portion 26 having a number of splines. The assembly 100 further comprises a sleeve 30 having a splined portion 33 having a number of splines, and a number of sleeve recesses 35, and a cross-member 40 for insertion through at least one recess 17 in the pin 10 (or nut 20), and at least one sleeve recess 35.

22-03-1944 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to nuts for securing articles or structural parts to tubular and like members

Номер: GB0000560154A

... 560,154. Bolting; nuts. BISHOP, W. H., and CLEMENTS, W. E. Aug. 19, 1942, No. 11679. [Class 89 (i)] Nuts for attaching articles or structural parts to tubular members used in aircraft, or for supporting light machinery-instruments &c., in work shops, in which attachment has to be made to a cylindrical or part cylindrical surface, have lateral extensions to rest on the cylindrical surface in suchwise that on tightening slots in the nut effect a closure on to the bolt and render the device self locking. The nut' has a sleeve portion or shank 10 extending through the hole 14 into the cylindrical member 13 and has a head portion with lateral extensions 15. The under-surface of the extensions has a radius of curvature less than that of the part 13 so that on tightening pressure develops at the extremities of the extensions and causes a transverse slot 16 to close and the nut to grip the bolt.

06-05-2015 дата публикации

Self-sealing fixing element

Номер: GB0201504591D0

21-09-2016 дата публикации

Self-sealing fixing element

Номер: GB0002536471A

A self-sealing fixing element is provided. The fixing element (20 in Figure 2) comprises a body 21, 22 with a bearing surface 23, and a bore with an opening in the bearing surface. A curable sealant layer 40 is carried by the bearing surface 23 and encircles the opening in the bearing surface. The curable sealant layer 40 is formed from a sealant material which cures when exposed to atmosphere. A barrier layer 41 overlays the curable sealant layer 40 and can break apart when the fixing element is installed in order to expose the sealant layer 40 to atmosphere. The curable sealant layer 40 has a thickness which decreases away from the bore, and the barrier layer 41 has a thickness which increases away from the bore. Alternatively the fixing element may include a fitting comprising a washer (245 in Figure 9) which contacts the bearing surface 23 and encircles the opening in the bearing surface.

21-11-2001 дата публикации

Anti-loosening nut assembly

Номер: GB0000123648D0

02-10-2019 дата публикации

Cap with sealant flow path

Номер: GB0002572377A

A cap 200 for forming a sealed cavity around an end of a fastener has a cap body 201 with an annular base terminating at a base rim 211 which surrounds an opening into a central cavity. The cap also has an annular skirt 220 providing an annular pocket 240 between the skirt 220 and the base. An inlet hole 251 is provided in the skirt 220 which is in fluid communication with the annular pocket 240. A protuberance 300 protrudes in the annular pocket and faces the inlet hole 251 to promote a flow of sealant injected through the inlet hole 251 to flow annularly around the annular pocket 240.

14-02-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001306818A

... 1306818 Thread cutting nuts KEYSTONE CONSOLIDATED INDUSTIRES Inc 17 Dec 1970 [22 May 1970] 60073/70 Heading B3N A polygonal thread cutting nut 10 Figs. 2 and 4 has a central threaded opening 11 and is characterized in that the nut body has at least two passages 16 near one face thereof, wheels passages are offset from the center of the nut and form thread cutting edges 18 at the intersection of the passages and the screwthread. The outer part of each passage 16 is preferably tangential at the root of thread 12, also the nut is counterbored at 19. In an alternative embodiment, Fig. 6, cutting edges 29 are formed by. channels 26. A further embodiment, Figs. 8 and 9 has the cutting edges 39 formed by channels 34. Each channel is formed by an inclined surface 35 terminated by an abrupt shoulder or wall 36. The plane of each shoulder 36 is offset from the axis of the nut.

02-07-1969 дата публикации

Securing means for attaching plates to opposite sides of structures.

Номер: GB0001156667A

... 1,156,667. Bolting. E. HOLDEN & CO. 16 March, 1967 [22 April, 1966], No. 17661/66. Heading F2H. [Also in Division E2] Means for securing plates 12 and 13 to opposite sides of a structure 10, formed with a bore 11, comprises two headed sleeves 14, 15, e.g. of nylon or aluminium, and screws 16, 17. The screws engage in opposite ends of the longer sleeve 14 and the longer screw 17 passes with small clearance through sleeve 15 so as to be laterally supported thereby. Means (not shown) for preventing rotation of sleeve 14 in the bore 11 may comprise a projection on the head of the sleeve for engaging a recess formed on plate 12.

05-08-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001200995A

... 1,200,995. Two-part nuts. G. E. TINNERMAN. 22 May, 1968, No. 24504/68. Heading F2H. A composite nut comprises upper and lower portions 3, 4 formed of synthetic resinous plastics material having a stud engaging opening 2 and a separate sheet metal nut element 7 which is adapted to be disposed in a cavity 6 formed between the upper and lower portions and closed on at least two opposite sides, the nut element also having a stud engaging opening 8 which when in position aligns with the opening 2. The nut element has edges which engage the sides 9 of the cavity to prevent relative rotation. The threads 5 of the nut portions 3, 4 are of reduced depth to ensure a tight and secure engagement of the nut on a stud.

16-07-1958 дата публикации

Improved connecting means for rods, bars or the like, for display purposes

Номер: GB0000798278A

... 798,278. Furniture joints. HARRIS & SHELDON (DISPLAY), Ltd. Sept. 6, 1956 [June 7, 1955], No. 16266/55. Class 52(2) Shop window display fittings consist of vertical rods 51 passing through connecting blocks 8 which are clamped in place by horizontal rods 511 the ends of which are screwed into lateral bores in the blocks and bear on rods 51.

27-05-1959 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to sealing nut assemblie

Номер: GB0000813977A

... 813,977. Nuts &c. UNITED-CARR FASTENER CORPORATION. Oct. 18. 1957 [Oct. 18, 1956], No. 32679/57 Class 89(1) A sealing-nut-assembly comprises a nut 18 having a screwed-barrel 24 and an outwardly and downwardly-extending-flange 26, and a sealing-member 20, e.g. of polyethylene, having a flange 30 and a nose 32 gripped by the barrel to retain the nut and member in assembly. The screwedbarrel is joined to an outer-barrel 22 shaped for engagement by a spanner and carrying the flange 26. In use, the nose is torn off by an inserted bolt, the portion 36 sealing the bolt threads, and the flange 30 is compressed between flange 26 and the surface of a workpiece.

16-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002024975A
Автор: Takegawa, Tetuo

A clip (20) for fastening two members or structures (100, 102) together, comprising a base portion (44), a plurality of resilient limbs (46) projecting in one axial direction from the base portion and arranged generally in flower bud or corolla form about the center axis of the clip, and a threaded member or portion (56) fast on the base portion, each of the limb portions being formed with an indent (50) recessed toward the center axis of the clip and extending in a circumferential direction about the center axis for being engaged by one of the members or structures (102). The threaded member (56) may be a nut, as shown, or a bolt or stud, and may be integral with or secured to the base portion (44). ...

01-03-1923 дата публикации

Improvements in sheet metal nuts

Номер: GB0000178819A

... 178,819. Schrader's Son, Inc., A., (Assignees of Kraft, H. P.). April 20, 1921, [Convention date]. Tyre and like inflating - valves.-A sheet metal nut, of the type described in Specifications 131,560 and 162,160 [Class 100 (i) Feeding and delivering webs &c.], suitable for tyre valves, comprises two inter-fitting sheetmetal parts D, E with flanges facing in the same direction and a filling washer F. The parts D, E have extensions D<1>, E<1>, the former threaded externally to receive the valve cap, and the latter internally to engage the valve stem. The opening in the wheel rim is larger than the valve stem, and the lower extension E<1> passes into it.

12-04-2023 дата публикации

Cable gland

Номер: GB0002611524A

A cable gland 8 for terminating an armoured cable 25, the cable gland has a gland body 10 having a through-going passage 12, a torquable head, a mounting stub 24, with an external screw thread which lies on an inner side of the torquable head for receipt in an opening of a housing wall 58, an armour-gripper portion 18 (Figure 2), and an externally-threaded gland-nut-receiving portion 20 which lies on an outer side of the torquable head and is configured such that armour of the armoured cable gripped against the armour-gripper portion by a gland nut 36 screwed onto the screw thread; the gland body is able to be secured to a housing wall by use of a mounting nut 48 threadedly received upon the mounting stub; the gland additionally has an earthing ring 38a having an opening to receive the mounting stub; the earthing ring is provided with at least one locking surface 50 which is engageable with the mounting nut when the earthing ring and the mounting nut are both on the mounting stub to lock ...

31-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009311A0

31-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609311A0

31-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609311D0

15-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000457052T

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000499734T

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000523702T

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000504680T

12-11-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000353448B

15-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000389816T

15-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510133T

15-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000062327T

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000309478T

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000309476T

10-12-1971 дата публикации

Device for the attachment of cables, lines od.dgl.

Номер: AT0000294953B

15-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000278599T

30-08-2004 дата публикации

Liquid pressure device

Номер: AU2003231379A8

23-06-2011 дата публикации

A lock for an excavator wear assembly

Номер: AU2009326840A1

A lock for an excavator wear assembly. The lock has a first member a key way located on an internal face of the first member. The lock also has a second member having a key located on an internal face of the second member such that the key is receivable within the keyway of the first member. Furthermore, the lock has a fastening member receivable within the first member and the second member to thereby releasably secure the first member to the second member.

17-09-1970 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005193269A

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002590198A1

29-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002740039A1

II apparaît que suivant le procédé de fabrication, les dimensions des moyens d'entraînement à embase incorporée de même référence, peuvent varier. Les dimensions de l'embase doivent être adaptées en conséquence au mode de fabrication, au détriment de sa résistance ou de sa masse. De plus, le couple transmissible pour le serrage et le desserrage varie en fonction d'une hauteur utile de prise de clé. Dans l'invention, on a eu l'idée, pour disposer d'une hauteur utile identique à la hauteur de fût (7), d'enfoncer l'embase tronconique (152) d'un moyen d'entraînement (151 ) vers son centre dans le prolongement des faces du fût. Le moyen d'entraînement à embase incorporée proposé par l'invention est adapté à tous les modes de fabrication, et ce sans affecter les dimensions du moyen d'entraînement et son mode de mise en place.

08-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1069356A

TITLE OF THE INVENTION: 35-015-3 HUB NUT WITH WASHER A hub nut with a washer, characterized in that an annular band of alternating ridges and grooves is formed by knurling circumferentially a part of the outer surface of a cylindrical part projectingly provided on the nut base and a washer with at least partially an inner diameter smaller than the outer diameter of the ridges of the knurled part is press-fitted thereover between the nut base and the knurled part.

27-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002432651A1

A fastener assembly (10), in respect to forces which are subsequently applied, after installation thereof, when forces is applied in one direction, this fastener assembly (10) is self adjusting incrementally, as needed in travel or actuation; yet when a force is applied in the opposite direction, this fastener assembly (10) is not self adjusting and there is no travel or actuation. The invention includes also the building structure and method.

26-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002978485C

A locking member for a fastener, such as a nut (10) or a collar, includes a shank portion (16) and a flanged portion (18), a bore (20) extending the shank portion (16) and the flanged portion (18) and including a first interior portion located within the shank portion (16) and a containment cavity (22) located within the flanged portion (18), and an inner wall (25) defining the containment cavity (22). The containment cavity (22) includes an inner diameter that is greater than an inner diameter of the first interior portion of the bore (20). The inner wall (25) of the containment cavity (22) includes one or a combination of flat/linear surfaces, concave surfaces, and convex surfaces.

20-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002988522A1

An assembly comprising first and second structural elements having aligned holes, a fastener that occupies at least respective portions of the holes without a surrounding sleeve, and a mating part that is coupled to the fastener. The fastener comprises: a head; a circular cylindrical shank extending from the head; a mating portion comprising external projections; and a transition portion disposed between the shank and the mating portion. The transition portion comprises a tapered lead-in section that meets the shank at a shank/lead-in intersection and a radiused lead-in section that meets the tapered lead-in section. The tapered lead-in section tapers gradually in a first axial direction toward the mating portion and has a first profile that is linear and a taper angle equal to or less than 20 degrees, while the radiused lead-in section curves abruptly in the first axial direction and has a second profile that is a circular arc having a radius.

02-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002950078A1

The invention relates to a blind nut, a fastening arrangement and further to a method of fastening. The blind nut comprises a cylindrical outer surface portion provided with one or more sealing elements. The sealing elements of the blind nut may seal against a cylindrical inner surface of a nut space inside which the blind nut is configured to penetrate when being tightened.

13-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002928980A1

An intershaft integrated seal and lock-nut assembly includes spaced apart forward and aft shafts, forward lock-nut threaded onto aft end of forward shaft, aft lock-nut threaded onto a forward end of aft shaft, and seal ring sealingly engaging and disposed between forward and aft lock-nuts operable to seal annular gap between forward and aft shafts. Seal ring may be disposed in annular ring groove extending radially inwardly into one of forward and aft lock-nuts and annular cylindrical inner surface on other one of lock-nuts operable to seal against seal ring. Seal ring may be carbon seal ring and split. Aft lock-nut may include forwardly extending annular arm having annular cylindrical inner surface. Retention tabbed rings may engage lock-nuts and shafts and snap rings may engage retention tabbed rings and lock-nuts. Seal ring may be in ring groove in aft lock-nut.

13-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002752087C

A duplex-threaded body having a right-handed thread and a left-handed thread on the circumferential surface of a single solid member. The duplex-threaded body may be an internally-threaded single-nut body or a internally-threaded double-nut body that demonstrates a locking effect even at an intermediate position without substantially loosening by using a combination of a duplex externally-threaded body and one or more internally-threaded bodies. Also provided is a screw structure in which a pair of internally-threaded bodies can only be removed by destruction once they are mutually coupled by screwing onto a duplex externally-threaded body, thereby making it possible to impart tamper-proof characteristics in addition to a locking effect. The duplex externally-threaded body has, on the outer circumferential surface of a rod-like member, an overlapping region in which a clockwise spiral right-handed thread and a counter-clockwise spiral left-handed thread are provided in at least an overlapping ...

03-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002029526A1

16-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002005565A1

COMPOSITE NUT AND BOLT A hollow composite internally threaded member such as a nut includes a reinforcing fabric layer such as a braided or knit layer extending in the axial direction of the member and conforming to its threads. A method of making such an internally threaded member comprises forming and embedding in a polymeric matric a reinforcing fabric layer on an externally threaded cylindrical core and thereafter removing the core. Such internally threaded member may be threadedly joined and adhesively bonded to an externally threaded member of complementary thread pitch and thread diameter to form a bolt. The externally threaded member may comprise an elongate core having an integral tubular fabric layer bonded to its exterior surface. 2449E ...

14-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002249732C

This invention relates to a novel hitch receiver/implement threaded fastening assembly. More particularly, this invention pertains to a novel device for securing in place an implement such as a tow bar, hitch, bicycle rack, and the like, in a hitch receiver mounted on a vehicle. The device replaces a conventional draw pin. A device for detachably securing an implement to a hitch receiver comprising a resilient elongated double "U"-shaped frame which at a first central location bends in a "U"-shape along a first plane, and the pair of arms of the frame at a pair of complementary second locations on the frame, bending in a pair of "U"-shapes in parallel along a second plane perpendicular to the first plane, a first nut secured within one of the arms of the second "U"-shape, and a second nut secured within the other of the arms of the second "U"-shape, the first and second nuts being spaced and aligned in parallel arrangement with one another.

29-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002316578C

A T nut has a cap portion (45) integrally formed continuous from a tip e nd portion of a flarable portion (34). At a connecting region between flarable portion (34) and cap portion (45), an inner surface (44) of flarable portion (34) is form ed recessed outward. Because of this structure, a metal fastening member can be provided which has such a structure that enables driving into an object of fixing exactly, without the necessity of providing a receiving hole in advance.

30-11-1950 дата публикации

Schnelleinspannvorrichtung, beispielsweise für Fahrradräder.

Номер: CH0000272137A

15-09-1947 дата публикации

Versenkmutter für die Verschraubung von Holzteilen.

Номер: CH0000250594A

28-02-1942 дата публикации

Sicherungsmutter mit Befestigungsflansch.

Номер: CH0000219732A

30-04-1961 дата публикации

Abdichtung für Gewindeverbindungen

Номер: CH0000353950A

30-06-1964 дата публикации

Kippdübel für die Montage in Hohlkörpern und -wänden

Номер: CH0000379099A

15-04-1967 дата публикации

Dispositif d'assemblage démontable d'au moins deux profilés métalliques

Номер: CH0000433872A

31-10-1966 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000423365A

15-12-1966 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Befestigung von Gegenständen an Wänden

Номер: CH0000426381A

15-05-1966 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur elastischen Befestigung von Gegenständen an Wänden

Номер: CH0000413504A

15-12-1969 дата публикации

Verankerungsvorrichtung zum lösbaren Befestigen von Gegenständen an einer Hohlprofilschiene

Номер: CH0000482929A
Принадлежит: TUFLEX AG

31-10-1967 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000445955A

11-04-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000547961A

14-06-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000550334A

29-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000556479A

31-12-1961 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000359324A

30-11-1967 дата публикации

Einsatzelement, Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung und Verwendung desselben

Номер: CH0000447722A

31-10-1970 дата публикации

Verankerungsvorrichtung zum lösbaren Befestigen von Gegenständen an einer Hohlprofilschiene

Номер: CH0000498312A
Принадлежит: TUFLEX AG

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000179124U1
Принадлежит: УМЗЕН ЛТД.

В качестве полезной модели заявлена гайка, содержащая:- внутреннюю резьбу для ввинчивания в нее болта;- головку, окружающую указанную внутреннюю резьбу в качестве корпуса ее резьбовой части с обеспечением вращения болта относительно внутренней резьбы; и- самонарезающую резьбу для вворачивания указанной гайки через объект, где самонарезающая резьба характеризуется тем, что не обеспечивает линейный шаг относительно объекта при вращении между ними на завершение ввертывания. Указанная самонарезающая резьба содержит указанную внутреннюю резьбу для ввинчивания в нее болта, тем самым позволяя присоединяться указанной гайке к объекту, причем, перемещая болт относительно объекта, либо путем вращения болта относительно указанной гайки, либо путем вращения указанной гайки относительно объекта, позволяют зафиксировать объект к строительной структуре на приемлемом регулируемом расстоянии. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 179 124 U1 (51) МПК F16B 33/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16B 33/02 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016140107, 22.02.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): УМЗЕН ЛТД. (IL) Дата регистрации: 26.04.2018 SU1718732 A3, 07.03.1992. RU99115963 A, 20.06.2001. EP1929163 B2, 26.11.2014. 26.03.2014 IL 231729 (45) Опубликовано: 26.04.2018 Бюл. № 12 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 26.10.2016 1 7 9 1 2 4 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU2410574 C1, 27.01.2011. Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 22.02.2015 (72) Автор(ы): КЕСХЕТ Итамар (IL), ЙЕХЕЦКЕЛИ Томер (IL) (86) Заявка PCT: IL 2015/050199 (22.02.2015) U 1 (87) Публикация заявки PCT: R U 1 7 9 1 2 4 U 1 WO 2015/145420 (01.10.2015) Адрес для переписки: 105425, Москва, ул. 5 Парковая, 55, корп. 3, кв. 60, Аргасов Олег Вячеславович (54) ГАЙКА (57) Реферат: В качестве полезной модели заявлена гайка, содержащая: - внутреннюю резьбу ...

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Contaminant-rejecting screw threads

Номер: US20120014764A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A threaded connection ( 10 ) has an improved ability to engage and tighten screw threads ( 16 ) when they are contaminated with gritty materials. Adding axial grooves ( 18 ) to the male ( 14 ) and/or female ( 12 ) halves of a screw thread ( 16 ) enables the tightening action to expel gritty contaminants from the mesh of the threads by providing an “escape path” for the contaminants.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Clamping element

Номер: US20120192387A1
Автор: Manfred Krueger

Clamping element and method of forming clamping element. Clamping element includes a spring bracket, which is locked to the clamping element, a polygonal threaded nut, and a tightening screw, which is interacteable with the polygonal threaded nut. The threaded nut is held secured against rotation in the spring bracket.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Fixing module and device housing using the same

Номер: US20120248119A1

A fixing module used for connecting a first housing to a second housing, includes a first connecting member, a second connecting member, and a fixing member. The first connecting member extends from the inner side of the first housing towards the second housing. The second connecting member extends from the inner side of the second housing towards the first housing, and opposite to the first connecting member. The fixing member is engaged with the first connecting member and the second member, for connecting the first housing to the second housing. A housing with the fixing module is also provided.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Universal Fastening Device

Номер: US20120284973A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A fastener for a machine frame is disclosed. The fastener may comprise a seat portion, at least one arm extending from the seat portion, and a back portion oriented to extend from the seat portion. The back portion may define an aperture therethrough. The fastener may also include a clip having a first side and a second side. The first side may define a window and the second side may include a flange that defines a port therethrough. The back portion may be sandwiched between the first and second sides of the clip and the window and port may each be generally aligned with the aperture.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Nut and vehicle part comprising such a nut

Номер: US20130026788A1
Принадлежит: Faurecia Interieur Industrie SAS

A nut in the form of a mounting element made in a single piece and having a first branch and a second branch connected by a web, the first branch and the second branch each including a proximal portion connected to the web and a distal portion extending the proximal portion. The nut includes a screwing element supported by the distal portion of the first branch, with a bore extending inside the screwing element along a screwing axis and emerging inside the mounting element through the distal portion of the first branch. The second branch includes an opening passing through the distal portion of the second branch opposite the bore. The proximal portion of at least one of the first and second branches is deformable so as to allow the distal portions of the first branch and the second branch to be positioned parallel to one another with different spacings.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174408A1

A clamp () for holding two members together. The first member includes a recess into which a fastener is located. A bore is provided to the recess to allow a tool to be used to operate the fastener. The second member is arranged to accept the fastener and so join the members. The recess and bore are sized to prevent release of the fastener through the bore. In this way, the fastener cannot easily be removed or lost when the clamp is in use and is tamperproof. Embodiments of a downhole tool are described where the clamp is used to hold portions of a sleeve around a body of the tool, and to hold scraper blades and/or brushes to the body. 19-. (canceled)10. An apparatus comprising: at least two part cylindrical portions; and', 'at least two fasteners operable by a tool to engage adjacent the at least two part cylindrical portions, each portion having an inner surface, an outer surface and first and second mating surfaces therebetween for engagement with opposite mating surfaces of adjacent portions;', 'a fastener retainer located at the first mating surface;', 'a recess at the inner surface proportioned to accept the fastener; and', 'a port at the outer surface proportioned to allow entry of the tool to operate the fastener,, 'a substantially cylindrical body upon which is located a sleeve, the sleeve comprisingwherein an aperture between the recess and the port is sized to prevent release of the fastener through the port.11. The apparatus as claimed in wherein the recess includes oppositely directed engaging lips at the mating surface.12. The apparatus as claimed in wherein the aperture comprises a portion of the port.13. (canceled)14. The apparatus as claimed in wherein the fastener is a threaded bolt claim 10 , operable to engage a threaded bore being the fastener retainer.15. The apparatus as claimed in wherein the fastener is operable by an Allen key.16. (canceled)17. An apparatus comprising: a cleaning member located on a base portion and at least two fasteners ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130177366A1

A nut for a channel of a strut is disclosed. In one embodiment, the length of the nut is greater than the width of the nut. In one embodiment, the first end surface of the nut meets the first side surface at a first rounded corner, and the second end surface meets the second side surface of the nut at a second rounded corner (opposite the first rounded corner). In one embodiment, the first side surface includes a first protrusion at a third corner adjacent the first rounded corner and the second side surface includes a second protrusion at a fourth corner adjacent the second rounded corner. In one embodiment, the first rounded corner and the second rounded corner allow the nut to be rotated in a channel of a strut. In one embodiment, the third corner and the fourth corner disallow further rotation in the channel of the strut. 1. A system comprising: wherein the nut includes a length along the first face and the second face and a width along the first face and the second face, the length being greater than the width,', 'wherein the nut includes a first end surface and a second end surface at ends of the length, and wherein the nut includes a first side surface and a second side surface at ends of the width;', 'wherein the first end surface meets the first side surface at a first rounded corner, and wherein the second end surface meets the second side surface at a second rounded corner, wherein the first rounded corner is opposite the second rounded corner;', 'wherein the first side surface includes a first protrusion at a third corner adjacent the first rounded corner, wherein the second side surface includes a second protrusion at a fourth corner adjacent the second rounded corner, wherein the third corner is opposite the fourth corner;', 'wherein the first rounded corner and the second rounded corner allow the nut to be rotated in a channel of a strut, and wherein the third corner and the fourth corner disallow further rotation in the channel of the strut., 'a nut ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189051A1
Принадлежит: PROFIL Verbindungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG

A hollow element such as a hollow rivet or a nut element for attachment to a component consisting of a composite material such as a fiber reinforced plastic part or a fabric reinforced plastic part is presented. The element has a flange part and a shaft part extending away from the flange part and/or a rivet section, wherein the rivet section, is present, can also be formed at the free end of the shaft part, with the a hollow element furthermore having a central passage, which is optionally provided with a thread cylinder. The hollow element is used in combination with an auxiliary tip which is either inserted from the flange side of the element through the passage, or from the side of the free end of the shaft part of the rivet section into the passage, such that a conically converging region of the auxiliary tip projects from the free end of the shaft part or of the rivet section. 1100130102104106106104108100126108104106128126. Hollow element () such as a hollow rivet or a nut element for attachment to a component () consisting of a composite material such as a fiber reinforced plastic part or a fabric reinforced plastic part , wherein the element has a flange part () and a shaft part () extending away from the flange part and/or a rivet section () , wherein the rivet section () , if present , can also be formed at the free end of the shaft part () , wherein the hollow element furthermore has a central passage() , wherein the hollow element () is used in combination with an auxiliary tip () which is either inserted from the flange side of the element through the passage () or from the side of the free end of the shaft part () of the rivet section () into the passage such that a conically converging region () of the auxiliary tip () projects from the free end of the shaft part or of the rivet section respectively.2108112. The hollow element in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the central passage () is provided with a thread cylinder ().3118120102100130. The hollow ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189053A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

There is provided a nut having a thread portion having a female thread, a metallic plate portion having a base segment, and a hardness gradient portion provided between the thread portion and the metallic plate portion. The thread portion, metallic plate portion and the hardness gradient portion are monolithic each other, a metallographic structure of the metallic plate portion differs from a metallographic structure of the thread portion and a hardness of the hardness gradient portion is lower than a hardness of the thread portion and lowers from the thread portion toward the metallic plate portion. 1. A nut comprising:a thread portion having a female thread;a metallic plate portion having a base segment; anda hardness gradient portion provided between the thread portion and the metallic plate portion,wherein the thread portion, metallic plate portion and the hardness gradient portion are monolithic each other,a metallographic structure of the metallic plate portion differs from a metallographic structure of the thread portion anda hardness of the hardness gradient portion is lower than a hardness of the thread portion and lowers from the thread portion toward the metallic plate portion.2. The nut according to claim 1 , whereinthe thread portion contains bainite as a main component,the base segment contains cementite and ferrite as a main component,the hardness gradient portion contains cementite and ferrite as a main component anda metallographic structure of the ferrite in the hardness gradient portion becomes more microscopic from the thread portion to the metallic plate portion.3. The nut according to claim 1 , whereinat least an inner diameter portion of the hardness gradient portion is convex so as to project toward the thread portion.4. The nut according to claim 1 , whereinthe hardness gradient portion is smoothly connected to the metallic plate andthe thread portion is projected from the hardness gradient portion.519-. (canceled) 1. Field of the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130195581A1

In order to optimize a nut and a method for the production of a nut, comprising a nut body which is provided or can be provided with an internal thread and has a polygonal section with a polygonal outer contour which has, on the one hand, edge areas and, on the other hand, key faces which are located between the edge areas and extend in key face planes extending in a manner conforming to standards, in such a manner that it has mechanical properties which are as ideal as possible with as low a weight as possible, it is suggested that the nut body have a plurality of recesses which extend into the nut body in the direction of the bore proceeding from the respective key face planes. 1. Nut , comprising a nut body provided or providable with an internal thread , said nut body having a polygonal section with a polygonal outer contour having , on the one hand , edge areas and , on the other hand , key faces located between the edge areas and extending in key face planes extending in a manner conforming to standards , wherein the nut body has a plurality of recesses extending into the nut body in the direction of the bore proceeding from the respective key face planes.2. Nut as defined in claim 1 , wherein recesses extend into the nut body each proceeding from key face planes located opposite one another.3. Nut as defined in claim 1 , wherein a recess extends into the nut body proceeding from each key face plane of the polygonal section.4. Nut as defined in claim 1 , wherein the recess extends from the respective key face plane as far as a thread-bearing casing surrounding the internal thread in a stabilizing manner.5. Nut as defined in claim 4 , wherein the thread-bearing casing has claim 4 , proceeding from an external diameter of the internal thread claim 4 , a radial minimum thickness of 0.05 times the external diameter of the internal thread.6. Nut as defined in claim 1 , wherein the nut body has a first end face designed as a pressure side with a pressure surface and ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202382A1
Автор: Corbett Robert J.
Принадлежит: ALCOA INC.

A swage collar including a shank having a first end, a second end opposite the first end, and an outside diameter, a flange extending circumferentially from the first end of the shank and having a outer diameter, and a transition step formed at a location where the first end of the shank transitions to the flange. When the swage collar is swaged, the transition step is deformed from an undeformed state to a deformed state such that the transition step is blended with the outside diameter of the shank and the outer diameter of the flange. The transition step is substantially linear in its undeformed state and is oriented at an angle from a longitudinal axis of the swage collar. When the transition step is in its deformed state, the transition step includes a curved portion having a radius of curvature visually indicating a complete swage of the collar. 1. A swage collar , comprising:a shank having a first end, a second end opposite the first end, and an outside diameter;a flange extending circumferentially from the first end of the shank and having a outer diameter; anda transition step formed at a location where the first end of the shank transitions to the flange,wherein the swage collar is adapted to be swaged, and wherein when the swage collar is swaged, the transition step is deformed from an undeformed state to a deformed state wherein the transition step is blended with the outside diameter of the shank and the outer diameter of the flange.2. The swage collar of claim 1 , wherein the transition step is substantially linear in its undeformed state.3. The swage collar of claim 2 , wherein the transition step is oriented at an angle from a longitudinal axis of the swage collar.4. The swage collar of claim 3 , wherein the angle is about 90 degrees.5. The swage collar of claim 3 , wherein the angle is about 120 degrees.6. The swage collar of claim 3 , wherein the angle is about 135 degrees.7. The swage collar of claim 3 , wherein the angle is within a range of ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202384A1
Автор: Dolan Michael F.

According to a first aspect of the invention we provide an apparatus for torsionally coupling a threaded fastener and a torque output device including:—a first coupling member: rotatably and threadedly engagable with the threaded fastener; rotatably and taperedly engagable with a second coupling member; non-rotatably engagable with an action portion of the torque output device; the second coupling member non-rotatably engagable with a reaction portion of the torque output device; and wherein the first coupling member, when rotated by the action portion of the torque output device, applies a load to the threaded fastener. Advantageously apparatus with alternative geometries for torsion coupling allow for more efficiently and evenly distributed load stress distribution; higher torsion strength; and lower fastener mass and volume. 114-. (canceled)15. An apparatus for coupling a threaded fastener and a torque input device including:a first coupling member having a tapered external surface; anda second coupling member having an inversely tapered internal surface non-rotatably engagable with the tapered external surface of the first coupling member.16. An apparatus according to wherein a load bearing surface area between the first and the second coupling members is increased without increasing the diameter of the apparatus.17. An apparatus according to claim wherein a load bearing surface area between the first and the second coupling members is in three dimensional space rather than a two dimensional plane.18. An apparatus according to wherein the tapered external surface of the first coupling member and the inversely tapered internal surface of the second coupling member are angled.19. An apparatus according to wherein the tapered external surface of the first coupling member and the inversely tapered internal surface of the second coupling member are shaped as frustums of an angled stepped cone.20. An apparatus according to wherein the tapered external surface of the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130223954A1
Автор: AMBROS Olaf
Принадлежит: Baier & Michels GmbH & Co. KG

A thread-producing nut for a screwed connection, wherein a core hole which is provided with thread turns is designed for positively locking, frictionally locking and releasable connection to an, in particular, cylindrical bolt or pin, in such a way that the thread turns have completely formed thread turns in certain sections when viewed in the circumferential direction and that free spaces with thread turns which are formed incompletely in terms of their height are provided between the completely formed sections of the thread turns. Furthermore, a blank for manufacturing the nut and a screwed connection composed of such a nut and a bolt are disclosed herein. 111. A thread-foaming nut for positive , nonpositive and releasable connection to a stud or bolt , the thread-forming nut comprising: a core hole provided with load-bearing thread turns and the thread turns are disposed on a peripheral surface of the core hole in a peripheral direction , wherein the thread turns , as regarded in the peripheral direction , partially comprise perfectly formed thread turns , wherein between perfectly formed regions of the thread turns there are provided free spaces comprising in terms of height imperfectly formed thread turns and wherein the load-bearing thread turns in the core hole lie at their roots on a minor thread diameter (Dn) and at their crests on a major thread diameter (D) , wherein the thread turns comprise , at least in part , free spaces that widen the core hole from the minor thread diameter (D) towards the major thread diameter (Dn) , and wherein the free spaces terminate at a distance from the major thread diameter (Dn) on an outer circle diameter (Da).2212. The nut according to claim 1 , wherein the thread turns have a pitch diameter D situated between the minor thread diameter (Dn) and the major thread diameter (D) and wherein the outer circle diameter (Da) is smaller than the minor thread diameter (Dn) and is at least as large as the pitch diameter (D).311. The ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248534A1
Автор: Dang Nguyen Thai

A nut configured to threadably engage an external thread of a bolt is provided. The nut generally comprises an upper portion that defines a first thread, a lower portion that defines a second thread, and a sidewall portion that connects the upper portion and the lower portion. The upper portion may be separated from the lower portion by a gap, and the sidewall portion may include a first sidewall spaced apart from a second sidewall. 1. A tamper resistant closure mechanism for selectively securing a lid to a utility vault , comprising:a utility vault having a plurality of sidewalls and an opening;a cap operably engaged to an opening of said utility vault and including a recessed lip;a cap sized to rest on said lip with the cap and having a perimeter entirely positioned within the interior edge of said cap; an upper portion having an aperture configured to receive the bolt;', 'a lower portion spaced apart from the upper portion by a gap, the lower portion comprising a first lower portion plate opposed by a second lower portion plate, the first lower portion plate and the second lower portion plate each having a leading edge with an arcuate portion configured to matingly engage the external thread of the bolt; and', 'a sidewall portion, the sidewall portion comprising a first sidewall opposed by, and spaced apart from, a second sidewall, wherein the first sidewall integrally connects the upper portion and the first lower portion plate, and wherein the second sidewall integrally connects the upper portion and the second lower portion plate., 'a locking assembly interconnected to said cap and comprising2. The tamper resistant closure mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the arcuate portion of the leading edge of the first lower portion plate and of the second lower portion plate each comprise a chamfer configured to engage the external thread of the bolt.3. The tamper resistant closure mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the first lower portion plate and the second lower portion ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Ballistic Resistant Fastener

Номер: US20140064879A1
Автор: McGrade Steve

A ballistic resistant bolt to be used in securing straps on a military combat helmet is provided, the bolt having a bolt head and a shaft extending from the underside surface of the bolt head. The bolt head has a generally circular shape and a side surface. The shaft has a bore extending from the end opposite the bolt head. The ratio of the diameter of the bolt head to the diameter of the shaft is approximately 1.65 to 1. The ratio of the diameter of the bolt head to the height of the side surface is approximately 11 to 1. The proportion of the diameter of the bore measured relative to the diameter of the shaft is between approximately 50% and approximately 73%. Also provided is a means for rotationally engaging the bolt head. 1. A ballistic resistant fastening member comprising: a rounded top surface;', 'a side surface disposed about the edge of said rounded surface; and', 'an underside surface disposed opposite said top surface;, 'a bolt head having a generally circular shape, said bolt head further comprising'} a first end disposed on said underside surface;', 'an opposite end; and', 'a bore extending from said opposite end into said shaft;, 'a shaft extending from said underside surface, said shaft further comprising'}wherein the ratio of the diameter of said bolt head to the diameter of said shaft is about 1.65 to 1;wherein the ratio of the diameter of said bolt head to the height of said side surface is about 11 to 1; andwherein the ratio of the diameter of said bore to the diameter of said shaft is between about 50% and about 73%.2. The ballistic resistant fastening member of further comprising means for rotationally engaging said bolt head.3. The ballistic resistant fastening member of wherein said rotational engagement means comprises a slot disposed on said top surface of said bolt head and wherein the length of said slot is less than the diameter of said bolt head.4. The ballistic resistant fastening member of wherein the width of said slot is less than ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140064880A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A fastening element for fastening an attachment on a vehicle body includes a basic body having a recess and multiple spring tongues arranged in the recess, wherein the multiple spring tongues are constructed for holding the fastening element on a fastening bolt arranged on the vehicle body and received in the recess, wherein the recess has two opening regions enabling connection of the fastening element with the fastening bolt in at least two joining directions. 1. A fastening element for fastening an attachment part on a vehicle body said fastening element comprising a basic body having a recess and multiple spring tongues arranged in the recess , said multiple spring tongues being constructed for holding the fastening element on a fastening bolt arranged on the vehicle body and received in the recess , wherein the recess has at least two opening regions enabling connection of the fastening element with the fastening bolt in at least two joining directions.2. The fastening element of claim 1 , wherein the at least two joining directions are essentially perpendicular to each other.3. The fastening element of claim 1 , wherein the multiple spring tongues are arranged in the recess so as to pair-wise oppose each other and to rest form fittingly and/or force fittingly against the fastening bolt and thereby holding the fastening element on the fastening bolt.4. The fastening element of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the opening regions of the recess is configured with an outer slant or rounding.5. The fastening element of claim 1 , wherein the recess has a lateral opening region which is stabilized by a ribbing formed on the basic body.6. The fastening element of claim 1 , wherein a wall thickness of the basic body corresponds approximately to twice a thickness of the spring tongues.7. The fastening element of claim 1 , wherein the spring tongues are hingedly connected to the basic body on one side and are otherwise configured free standing.8. The fastening element ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Threaded Fastening And Repair Device

Номер: US20140068908A1
Автор: Robert L. Hickey
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus and method for repairing stripped female thread holes in workpieces that form a support for a direct screw connection. A female thread connector is formed from a pop rivet modified with a rotation-preventing outer surface or layer, and installed in the stripped hole with its inner end protruding from the inner side of the support and enlarged into a secondary head in conventional fashion. The rotation-preventing outer surface engages the hole so that a self-tapping screw can be threaded through the connector rivet to make a solid, durable, blind screw connection between an outer workpiece and the support.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140075817A1
Автор: Gomez Jesus S.

A firearm barrel nut assembly including a barrel nut, generally cylindrical in shape with a threaded central bore, and an externally threaded locknut which is used in conjunction with the barrel nut to secure a barrel to a firearm upper receiver. The barrel nut has an integral bushing on its exterior constructed to support either the gas tube or piston of the host firearm's operating system. The barrel nut is configured so that it may be independently and non-rotationally held within a vice or other fixture during installation of the barrel and while the locknut is tightened to a preset torque to hold the barrel in place while the barrel nut is independent of the torque applied to the locknut to properly secure the barrel to the upper receiver. 1. A barrel nut assembly for connecting a firearm barrel to the receiver of a gas operated rifle , said barrel nut assembly comprising:a barrel nut which is generally cylindrical in shape and defines a generally longitudinally extending bore extending from a back end of said nut along a longitudinal axis to a front end of the nut, said bore having internal threads to be secured at the rear end to an externally threaded front end part of the receiver, the front end of said bore being configured to receive a rear end portion of the firearm barrel therein; anda locknut having external threads that engage with the internal threads in the barrel nut bore, enabling the locknut to be threadedly received within and connected to the barrel nut, said locknut being configured to compressively engage and secure said firearm barrel in position against said receiver as the locknut is screwed into the barrel nut and tightened to a preset torque value, a rotational orientation of said barrel nut about the barrel being independent of torque applied to the locknut.2. The barrel nut assembly of claim 1 , wherein a forward face of said barrel nut has an external structure configured to be captured within a fixture used to secure the receiver and ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140087914A1

A hub nut for a planetary transmission has a body configured to secure against unscrewing and to seal the planetary transmission. 1. A hub nut for a planetary transmission , comprising:a body configured to secure against unscrewing and to seal the planetary transmission.2. The hub nut according to claim 1 , wherein the body is further configured to axially secure a main bearing of the planetary transmission and to receive an anti-rotation safeguard of the planetary transmission.3. The hub nut according to claim 1 , wherein the body is configured in such a way that rotation seals with different geometrical dimensions are configured to be used without the need for changes to the planetary transmission.4. The hub nut according to claim 1 , wherein the body has a coated region configured to contact an annulus of the planetary transmission claim 1 , the coated region being configured to secure against unscrewing and as a seal for the planetary transmission.5. The hub nut according to claim 4 , further comprising a contact region configured to contact an annulus or a sealing element and/or a bearing of the planetary transmission claim 4 , wherein the contact region is arranged substantially transversely to the coated region.6. The hub nut according to claim 4 , further comprising a receiving region configured to receive an anti-rotation safeguard of the planetary transmission claim 4 , wherein the receiving region is arranged substantially parallel to the coated region.7. A planetary transmission claim 4 , comprising:an annulus;a main bearing unit configured to support the annulus on a supporting axle of the planetary transmission; anda hub nut having a body configured to secure against unscrewing and to seal the planetary transmission,wherein the hub nut is arranged on the annulus and the main bearing unit to secure against unscrewing, to axially fix the main bearing unit, and to seal off the planetary transmission from outside.8. The planetary transmission according to ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003936A1

In a part having a surface, a bolt hole is provided extending into the part from the surface. Threads in the hole have crests with a fishmouth shape at the crests defined by a central concave portion and raised corner portions at ends of the concave portion. At least one start thread preceding the threads with the fishmouth shape crests is provided having a substantially flat crest without the fishmouth shape. A tap for manufacturing the threaded bolt hole has a first thread section and a second thread section. The second thread section has a plurality of threads for creating at least one improved start thread in the hole to be threaded, minor diameters at valleys between the threads of the second thread section being greater than minor diameters at valleys between threads of the first thread section or major diameters at crests of the threads of the second thread section being greater than major diameters at crests of the first thread section. 1. A bolt hole , comprising:a part having a surface with said bolt hole extending into the part from the surface;threads in the hole having crests with a fishmouth shape at the crests defined by a central concave portion and raised corner portions at ends of the concave portion; andat least one start thread preceding the threads with the fishmouth shaped crests which has a substantially flat crest without the fishmouth shape.2. The bolt hole of wherein the at least one start thread is a first start thread directly followed by a second start thread also having a substantially flat crest without the fishmouth shape.3. The bolt hole of wherein a chamfer is provided at an entry of the bolt hole with the first start thread being located substantially at an inward end of chamfer.4. The bolt hole of wherein a minor diameter at the at least one start thread crest is greater than a minor diameter at the crests of the threads having the fishmouth shape.5. The bolt hole of wherein the substantially flat crest of the second start thread ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003281A1
Автор: Hutter, III Charles G.

A hollow screw and related process of making is provided, wherein the hollow screw is formed from a generally circular corrosion resistant stainless steel disk cut from flat roll stock. The hollow screw includes a head and an elongated and hollow shaft having a wall thickness between about 0.2 to about 0.7 millimeters extending therefrom and defining a shank portion and a threaded portion having a plurality of threads thereon with a rotational drive mechanism configured to facilitate tightening via the threads. The process involves annealing to soften the stamped hollow screw, followed by thread rolling, and then age hardening the hollow screw. As such, the resultant hollow screw is relatively lightweight, about 50% the mass of a solid core screw made from the same material, with a sufficient thread strength to meet most aerospace applications and contributes to important aircraft fuel economy. 1. A hollow screw , comprising:a head formed from a flat stock of metal material;an elongated and hollow shaft formed from the flat stock of metal material and integrally extending from the head, the elongated and hollow shaft including a shank portion and a threaded portion having a plurality of threads thereon; anda rotational drive mechanism integrally formed from the flat stock of metal material and coupled with the head or the elongated and hollow shaft, and configured to facilitate tightening of the hollow screw by way of the threads.2. The hollow screw of claim 1 , wherein the elongated and hollow shaft comprises a wall thickness between about 0.2 and 0.7 millimeters.3. The hollow screw of claim 1 , including an integral washer formed from the flat stock of metal material and extending outwardly from the head.4. The hollow screw of claim 3 , including a captive washer at least partially formed around the integral washer in a manner permitting free rotation of the captive washer relative to the integral washer claim 3 , the head and the elongated and hollow shaft.5. The ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003247A1

The present invention discloses a blind bolt fastening device, and belongs to the technical field of bolts. The blind bolt fastening device includes Z-shaped gaskets, a fixed plate, elastic hinges, a screw cap, a nut, an integrated gasket and the like. The top end of the screw cap is connected to the fixed plate in a spot welding manner. A plurality of elastic hinges is uniformly mounted on the fixed plate. One end of each elastic hinge is rotatably fixed on the fixed plate. Connection points of the elastic hinges and the fixed plate do not exceed the outer edge of the fixed plate. The other end of each elastic hinge is connected to one Z-shaped gasket in a spot welding manner. In an initial state, the plurality of Z-shaped gaskets are uniformly distributed and fitted onto the outer wall of the screw cap along a circumferential direction. When needing to pass through amounting hole, the plurality of Z-shaped gaskets may be folded through the elastic hinges to the top end of the screw cap and form elastic potential energy for rebounding. The present invention realizes simple and quick single side installation of a bolt and may be widely applied to civil and architectural engineering, mechanical engineering and the like. 148714742323232231147113414141717171311713. A blind bolt fastening device , comprising a screw cap () and a screw () , wherein a mounting hole (-) capable of allowing the screw cap () to pass through is formed in a plate () to be connected; top end of the screw cap () is connected to a fixed plate () in a spot welding manner; a plurality of elastic hinges () are uniformly mounted on the fixed plate (); one end of each elastic hinge () is rotatably fixed on the fixed plate (); connection points between the elastic hinges () and the fixed plate () do not exceed outer edge of the fixed plate (); the other end of each elastic hinge () is connected to a Z-shaped gasket () in a spot welding manner; in an initial state , the plurality of Z-shaped gaskets () ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003507A1
Принадлежит: NHK SPRING CO., LTD.

A fastening member includes: a first alloy section made of aluminum alloy containing zinc in an amount of 0.005 wt % or more and 6.5 wt % or less and containing magnesium in an amount of 0.6 wt % or more and 2.0 wt % or less, and provided at a portion being in contact with at least one of the plurality of members; and a second alloy section made of an aluminum alloy containing magnesium in an amount of greater than 0.2 wt % and 2.3 wt % or less and containing copper in an amount of greater than 1.0 wt % and 8.0 wt % or less, and bonded to the first alloy section. 1. A fastening member that fastens members , the fastening member comprising:a first alloy section made of aluminum alloy containing zinc in an amount of 0.005 wt % or more and 6.5 wt % or less and containing magnesium in an amount of 0.6 wt % or more and 2.0 wt % or less, is the first alloy section being provided in a portion in contact with at least one of the members; anda second alloy section made of an aluminum alloy containing magnesium in an amount of greater than 0.2 wt % and 2.3 wt % or less and containing copper in an amount of greater than 1.0 wt % and 8.0 wt % or less, the second alloy section being bonded to the first alloy section.2. The fastening member according to claim 1 , wherein Vickers hardness of the second alloy section is 130 or more.3. The fastening member according to claim 1 , wherein a screw thread is formed in a part of a surface of the first alloy section.4. The fastening member according to claim 3 , wherein a cylindrical shaft section with the screw thread formed in at least a part of the outer periphery;', 'a head section provided at one end of the shaft section in an axial direction; and', 'a neck section demarcating a boundary between the shaft section and the head section,, 'the fastening member is a male screw includingthe first alloy section constitutes at least a surface layer portion of the screw thread, a surface of the neck section and a surface layer portion of a ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010305A1

A coupler interconnects adjacent sections of soil nails to extend the lengths of the nails. The coupler includes projections extending from the exterior surface of the coupler. The projections serve multiple purposes. One purpose is to center the soil nail within a drilled hole. 1. A coupler especially adapted for use in interconnecting of soil nails , said coupler comprising:a body having a threaded opening formed through the body, said body having a length and a longitudinal axis, said threaded opening extending along said longitudinal axis;a plurality of projections mounted to an exterior surface of said body, said projections extending radially outward from said longitudinal axis; andat least one port formed in said body and communicating with said threaded opening.2. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said projections are substantially evenly spaced about a periphery of said body.3. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said coupler and said plurality of projections are integrally formed in a casting process.4. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said coupler and said plurality of projections are integrally formed in a forging process.5. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said projections are welded to said exterior surface of said body.6. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said projections are arranged in a helical shape about the exterior surface of said body.7. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said plurality of projections have a frangible joint, wherein said frangible joint breaks at a predetermined stress or torque separating said plurality of projections from said body.8. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:at least one of said plurality of projections has a forward oriented edge especially adapted for cutting or drilling as said coupler is advanced into a hole in the ground.9. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Selectively Applying Powder Coatings onto Internally Threaded Fasteners

Номер: US20160010677A1
Принадлежит: Nylok LLC

An apparatus for applying a thermoplastic powder to internal threads of a fastener includes a vacuum nozzle having an end adapted to engage a first surface of the fastener. A spray tube is sized to be inserted within the bore of the fastener and communicates with a source or sources of thermoplastic powder and pressurized air. A bushing is mounted on the spray tube so that the spray tube is able to slide with respect to the bushing. The bushing is adapted to engage a second surface of the fastener. The spray tube and bushing are movable between clamping positions, where the vacuum nozzle and the bushing engage the first and second surfaces of the fastener, and release positions where the vacuum nozzle and the bushing do not engage the first and second surfaces of the fastener. A fastener holder holds the fastener between the vacuum nozzle and the bushing so that when the vacuum nozzle and the bushing are in the clamping positions, the spray tube enters the bore of the fastener and sprays thermoplastic powder on the internal threads of the fastener with excess thermoplastic powder collected by the vacuum nozzle. The vacuum nozzle and bushing may be machined and to permit either, both or neither of first and second chamfers of the fasteners to also be coated.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010678A1

METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING A NUT BY THE PROGRESSIVE PRESS FORGING OF A LAMINAR METAL SHEET AND RESULTING NUT, in which said method comprises the steps of: 1. A METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING A NUT BY THE PROGRESSIVE PRESS FORGING OF A LAMINAR METAL SHEET AND RESULTING NUT , of the type of nut incorporating a supporting base and an external hexagonal profile for the application of a tightening tool , wherein said method comprises the steps of:starting from a laminar metal sheet of suitable material and thickness, producing a piece with a supporting washer and an emergent hexagonal part by press forging, said part being of uniform thickness; andcreating a threaded interior through progressive press forging in the interior of said hexagonal emergent part, displacing material laterally from the central zones of said faces into the zones of the edges;applying heat treatment to the piece obtained, treatment intended to provide the piece with greater strength.2. THE METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING A NUT BY THE PROGRESSIVE PRESS FORGING OF A LAMINAR METAL SHEET AND RESULTING NUT as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said press forging produces an approximately hemispherical junction zone between said supporting washer and said emergent part claim 1 , in the manner of a dome.3. THE METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING A NUT BY THE PROGRESSIVE PRESS FORGING OF A LAMINAR METAL SHEET AND RESULTING NUT as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said treatment of the carbon steel results in a piece having a yield strength Rp 0.2% of approximately 1200 MPa and a tensile strength Rm of approximately 1400 MPa.4. A NUT claim 1 , of the type incorporating a supporting base and an outer hexagonal profile for the application of a tool claim 1 , produced by the method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein it has an emergent part which ends in a supporting washer without any discontinuity; said emergent part has an exterior forming a hexagon claim 1 , that is having six faces claim 1 , while there is a threaded interior within it.5. THE ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034355A1

A nut is configured to be secured to a bolt. The nut includes a main body that defines an axially aligned bore with threads disposed on an inner wall thereof. Further, the nut includes a dome-shaped head that has an axially aligned aperture and that is provided to be deformed by threads on the bolt when a predetermined burst-through torque is applied thereto. 1. A nut configured to couple to a bolt , the nut comprising:a main body defining an axially aligned bore and including a first end, a second end, and threads disposed on an interior wall thereof; anda dome-shaped head disposed at the second end thereof having an axially aligned aperture with an aperture diameter that is smaller than a bore diameter of the axially aligned bore,wherein the dome-shaped head is provided to be deformed by threads disposed on the bolt when a predetermined burst-through torque is applied thereto, and wherein the aperture diameter of the axially aligned aperture is inversely related to the predetermined burst-through torque.2. The nut of claim 1 , wherein the main body includes a plurality of equidistantly spaced walls.3. The nut of claim 2 , wherein the main body includes six equidistantly spaced walls.4. The nut of claim 1 , wherein the dome-shaped head further includes a cavity adjoining the axially aligned bore and the axially aligned aperture.5. The nut of claim 4 , wherein the cavity has a greatest diameter that is greater than the diameter of the axially aligned bore.6. The nut of claim 5 , wherein the cavity has a volume that is equal to or less than a volume defined by a threaded portion of the bore.7. The nut of further including a flange disposed at the first end and extending radially outward therefrom.8. The nut of claim 7 , wherein the main body and the flange are integrally formed.9. The nut of claim 1 , wherein the bore comprises a circular cross-section.10. A nut configured to couple to a bolt claim 1 , the nut comprising:a main body defining an axially aligned bore ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102040A1

A wall anchor assembly and method of installing such to a wall assembly, ceiling assembly, door, or other surface. The wall anchor assembly generally includes a thin line anchor which includes a drill guide, a threaded receiver, and a pair of cord holes. A flexible cord is threaded through the cord holes and can be used to position the anchor on the interior face of a wall assembly once a hole is drilled using the drill guide located on the anchor and the anchor has been inserted through the drilled hole. The anchor may be made from cutting a flat bar or stamping, milling, extruding, or molding the anchor from steel, aluminum, or plastic. 1. An anchor assembly comprising:a anchor having a generally planar anchor body;a drill hole guide passing through said anchor body, the width of said drill hole greater than the width of said anchor body, and the height of said drill hole guide greater than the thickness of said anchor body;a threaded receiver passing through said anchor body;a pair of cord receiver holes passing through said anchor body; anda flexible cord adapted for threading through said cord receiver holes.2. The anchor assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:said anchor body having a proximal end and a distal end;said anchor body distal end being generally pointed; andsaid anchor body proximal end being generally blunted.3. The anchor assembly of claim 2 , further comprising:said anchor body distal end adapted for being driven through a predrilled hole in a wall structure.4. The anchor assembly of claim 2 , further comprising:said anchor body proximal end adapted for being struck, thereby driving said anchor through a predrilled hole in a structure.5. The anchor assembly of claim 4 , further comprising:said structure comprising an interior face and an exterior face; andsaid flexible cord adapted for temporarily positioning said anchor against said interior face of said structure.6. The anchor assembly of claim 5 , further comprising:said structure exterior ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Nut with lug flare

Номер: US20150023762A1
Принадлежит: R B and W Manufacturing LLC

A clinch nut for attachment to a plastically deformable metal substrate is provided. The clinch nut comprises a body portion with a central axis and a punch portion extending from the body portion and coaxial with the central axis. The body portion includes an annular-shaped surface encircling the central punch portion. The annular-shaped surface includes a plurality of spaced apart lugs encircling the central punch portion. The plurality of lugs each includes a contact surface with a recessed portion where the contact surface engages the metal substrate. A first portion of the contact surface is biased outwards from the central axis upon insertion in the metal substrate to form at least one lug flare during attachment of the nut to the metal substrate. A portion of the metal substrate is entrapped between the at least one lug flare and the body portion.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023045A1
Автор: Lemacks Michael A.

A fastening system for attaching a cover to an underground vault having a bolt with course threads and a composite fiber reinforced polymer nut having a threaded portion extending through the nut which will fail in sheer before the nut and bolt seize. The fastening system can also include a nut retainer sized to allow the nut to float within the retainer. 1. A fastening system for attaching a cover to an underground vault comprising:a bolt having course threads; anda composite fiber reinforced polymer nut having a threaded portion extending through at least a portion of the nut, wherein the threaded portion fails in sheer before the nut and bolt seize.2. The fastening system of further comprising a nut retainer sized to allow the nut to float within the nut retainer.3. The fastening system of wherein the nut further includes an unthreaded bolt alignment portion positioned above the threaded portion.4. The fastening system of wherein the nut has a bolt shroud section positioned below the threaded portion.5. The fastening system of wherein the nut further includes a lead-in chamfer and a lead-out chamfer adjacent the threaded portion.6. The fastening system of wherein the nut includes at least one lobe extending radially outwardly in an upper portion of the nut.7. The fastening system of wherein there are two lobes each having a hole for receipt of a fastener.8. The fastening system of wherein the nut retainer has a cavity for receipt of at least a portion of the nut and sized for preventing the nut from fully rotating in the nut retainer.9. The fastening system of wherein the nut retainer has mounting holes.10. The fastening system of wherein the composite fiber reinforced fiber polymer nut is glass filled nylon.11. The fastening system of wherein the composite fiber reinforced polymer nut is an engineering plastic with fiber or particulate filler.12. The fastening system of wherein the fiber is at least one of aramid fiber claim 11 , carbon fiber claim 11 , glass ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023046A1
Автор: Lemacks Michael A.

A fastening system for attaching a cover to an underground vault having a bolt with threads and a composite fiber reinforced polymer nut having a thread engagement portion extending through the nut which will fail in shear after the bolt is inserted before the nut and bolt seize. The fastening system can also include a nut retainer sized to allow the nut to float within the retainer. 1. A fastening system for attaching a cover to an underground vault comprising:a bolt having threads; anda composite fiber reinforced polymer nut having a thread engagement portion extending through at least a portion of the nut, wherein the thread engagement portion fails in shear after receiving the bolt before the nut and bolt seize.2. The fastening system of further comprising a nut retainer sized to allow the nut to float within the nut retainer.3. The fastening system of wherein the nut further includes an unthreaded bolt alignment portion positioned above the thread engagement portion.4. The fastening system of wherein the nut has a bolt shroud section positioned below the thread engagement portion.5. The fastening system of wherein the nut further includes a lead-in chamfer and a lead-out chamfer adjacent the thread engagement portion.6. The fastening system of wherein the nut includes at least one lobe extending radially outwardly from a portion of the nut.7. The fastening system of wherein there are two lobes each having a hole for receipt of a fastener.8. The fastening system of wherein the nut retainer has a cavity for receipt of at least a portion of the nut and sized for preventing the nut from fully rotating in the nut retainer.9. The fastening system of wherein the nut retainer has mounting holes.10. The fastening system of wherein the composite fiber reinforced polymer nut is glass filled nylon.11. The fastening system of wherein the composite fiber reinforced polymer nut is an engineering plastic with fiber or particulate filler.12. The fastening system of wherein the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Female threaded body, and threaded body fastening structure

Номер: US20180023615A1
Автор: Hiroshi Michiwaki
Принадлежит: Nejilaw Inc

A female threaded body ( 100 ) is provided with: a female threaded helical structure ( 114 ) formed on the inner circumferential surface of a hole ( 106 a ) in a cylindrical member ( 106 ); a contact surface ( 110 a ) formed on an axial direction end face of said cylindrical member ( 106 ); and a reverse rotation-preventing member ( 160 ), which has a protruding section ( 168 ) that is disposed and fixed on said contact surface ( 110 a ) and protrudes radially inward toward the rotation axis and in which the tip of said protruding section ( 168 ) configures an engaging edge ( 168 a ) that forms a continuous or discontinuous helix of a different lead angle and/or lead direction from the lead angle and/or lead direction of the female threaded helical structure ( 114 ). The engaging edge ( 168 a ) may allow a relative rotation of a male thread body ( 10 ) and the female threaded helical structure ( 114 ) in one direction.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Compressor-impeller fixing nut, impeller assembly, and supercharger

Номер: US20190024670A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A compressor-impeller fixing nut has a tubular shape, and includes: a curved-surface shaped portion disposed in a first range from a first end side in an axial direction, the curved-surface shaped portion having an outer diameter which increases toward a second end side in the axial direction and including an outer peripheral surface having a curved shape which protrudes outward in a radial direction in a cross section along the axial direction; and a nut portion disposed in a second range closer to the second end side from the first range in the axial direction, the nut portion having an outer peripheral surface with a nut shape. An expression (D 1 max−D 1 min)/2<L is satisfied, where L is a length of the first range in the axial direction, and D 1 max is a maximum value and D 1 min is a minimum value of the outer diameter of the curved-surface shaped portion in the first range.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Method for remanufacturing ultra-large copper nut

Номер: US20160031048A1
Принадлежит: Wuhan Kaiming High Tech Co ltd

A method for remanufacturing an ultra-large copper nut includes steps of: step (1) coarsening treatment; step (2) purifying treatment; step (3) detecting a material of the ultra-large copper nut; step (4) sleeving a thermal insulation device; step (5) preheating the ultra-large copper nut; step (6) melting-deposition shaping; step (7) post-processing; and step (8) detecting. The method of the present invention simultaneously utilizes water, electricity, gas, fire and machine and performs melting-deposition on materials by simultaneously supplying water, electricity, gas, fire and machine according to the designed requirements. The method of the present invention solves problems of large thickness abrasion and remediation of fracture components. The method of the present invention is capable of preventing the ultra-large copper nut from deformation and collapse and is a feasible remanufacturing for decreasing the huge economic loss caused by damages of expensive ultra-large of nonferrous metals.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048433A1

An apparatus for securing a side mirror to a vehicle includes a solid body having base and top surfaces. The base surface has a contour complementary to that of an exterior surface of the vehicle. First and second holes are formed through the solid body from the base surface to the top surface. Positioning the base surface face-to-face with the exterior surface of the vehicle aligns the first hole with a first threaded hole in the vehicle and aligns the second hole with a second threaded hole in the vehicle. Each of the first and second holes has a counterbore that opens to the top surface of the rigid body. A third hole in the solid body opens to the top surface between the counterbores of the first and second holes, wherein the third hole is threaded to receive a threaded screw that attaches a mirror. 1. An apparatus for securing a side mirror to a vehicle , comprising:a solid body having a base surface and a top surface, wherein the base surface has a contour that is complementary to a contour of an exterior surface of the vehicle;first and second holes through the solid body from the base surface to the top surface, wherein positioning the base surface face-to-face with the exterior surface of the vehicle enables a central axis of the first hole to be aligned with a central axis of a first threaded hole in the vehicle and enables a central axis of the second hole to be aligned with a central axis of a second threaded hole in the vehicle, and wherein each of the first and second holes has a counterbore that opens to the top surface of the rigid body; anda third hole that opens to the top surface in an area between the counterbores of the first and second holes, wherein the third hole is threaded to receive a threaded screw that attaches a mirror, and wherein the threaded screw is a threaded end of an arm that extends laterally to secure a mirror.2. (canceled)3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the threaded hole in the top surface is a blind threaded hole that ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Method of connecting a press-in bolt with a metal sheet and cover element for carrying out the method

Номер: US20180031024A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

In a method for connecting a press-in bolt with a metal sheet, the metal sheet is positioned upon a cover element of a joining tool. The press-in bolt is forced by the joining tool in a pilot hole of the metal sheet as the metal sheet is supported by the cover element in its capacity as a die, until a head portion of the press-in bolt rests upon one side of the metal sheet and the cover element is pressed upon a shaft portion of the press-in bolt and radially deformed to rest upon another opposite side of the metal sheet.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032381A1
Автор: Witting Adam C.

In at least one implementation, a nut for a hinge pin includes a head and a sidewall portion extending from the head to a free end. The sidewall portion includes at least one void that defines part of at least one sidewall section. The void extends radially through the sidewall portion and along at least part of the axial extent of the sidewall portion including the free end so that the free end of the sidewall portion is not circumferentially continuous. 1. A nut for a hinge pin , comprising:a head; anda sidewall portion extending from the head to a free end and including at least one void that defines part of at least one sidewall section, wherein the void extends radially through the sidewall portion and along at least part of the axial extent of the sidewall portion including the free end so that the free end of the sidewall portion is not circumferentially continuous, where the terms axial, radial and circumferential relate to an axis of the nut, wherein when not coupled to another component the sidewall portion includes an inner surface that defines part of a cylinder and an outer surface that defines part of a cylinder.2. The nut of wherein two voids are provided and the sidewall portion includes two sidewall sections.3. The nut of wherein the voids extend from a free end of the sidewall portion to the head so that the sidewall sections are spaced apart from each other along their full axial length and may bend relative to each other.4. The nut of wherein the sidewall portion includes internal threads along at least part of an interior surface of the sidewall sections.5. The nut of wherein the head includes a void outboard of the sidewall portion and enclosed radially between the sidewall portion and the head.6. The nut of wherein the void of the head extends axially through the head.7. The nut of wherein the sidewall sections define portions of a cylinder.8. A hinge for a removable component of a vehicle claim 2 , comprising:a first hinge part adapted to be ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Self-positioning screw joint

Номер: US20190032712A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd

The disclosure relates to a vehicle component with a bearing bush system for mounting the vehicle component on a fastening portion of a vehicle. The vehicle component includes a bearing bush which has an internal thread, and a bearing bush receptacle which is configured to at least partially accommodate the bearing bush, wherein the bearing bush is configured to be at least partially shifted in the bearing bush receptacle by means of an interaction between the internal thread of the bearing bush and a bearing screw, in order to enter into engagement with the fastening portion. The disclosure furthermore relates to the use of the vehicle component, and to a method for the mounting of the vehicle component.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Improvements in or Relating to Screwbolts

Номер: US20200032832A1
Автор: Bickford Charles

The present invention relates to fasteners such as screwbolts in general and to anti-shake screwthreaded systems and anti-shake screwthreaded assemblies employing screwbolts in particular. As is universally known, in relation to screws and threaded fasteners, a thread comprise a continuous helical ridge formed on the inside (nut) or outside (screw) of a cylinder. An issue of concern for all types of screw fasteners is that if they rotate relative to a fastened item, they diminish the degree of fastening. Many methods of preventing a relative rotation between bolt and nut have been devised. The present invention seeks to provide an improved screwbolt system for use in engineering and construction. The present invention also seeks to provide a screwbolt for use as a fastener in harsh conditions of load and have a reduced tendency to unfasten. The present invention also seeks to provide a method of installing such screwbolts. 1. A screwthreaded fastening arrangement , the arrangement comprising a generally circularly cylindrical shank component having a first surface hardness and a nut component having a generally circularly cylindrical aperture with an inside surface with a second hardness , wherein an outside diameter of the shank corresponds with an inside diameter of the nut; wherein one of the components is provided with a screwthread helix angle in the range of 10°-80° , the screwthread having a surface hardness greater than the surface hardness of the other component , the screwthread extending outwardly with respect to the surface of the respective component; wherein the screwthread is operable to engage with the surface of the other component , and wherein , upon relative rotational movement and axial advancement therebetween , is operable to cut a corresponding thread therein; and , upon cessation of such rotational advancement to induce a state of fixation as between the screwthread and the corresponding cut thread , whereby to provide a vibration-proof ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032833A1

A method for increasing tensile strength of a cold workable alpha-beta titanium alloy comprises solution heat treating a cold workable alpha-beta titanium alloy in a temperature range of T−106° C. to T−72.2° C. for 15 minutes to 2 hours; cooling the alpha-beta titanium alloy at a cooling rate of at least 3000° C./minute; cold working the alpha-beta titanium alloy to impart an effective strain in the range of 5 percent to 35 percent in the alloy; and aging the alpha-beta titanium alloy in a temperature range of T−669° C. to T−517° C. for 1 to 8 hours. Fastener stock and fasteners including solution treated, quenched, cold worked, and aged alpha-beta titanium alloys are also disclosed. 1. A method for producing an alpha-beta titanium alloy fastener stock , comprising:heating an alpha-beta titanium alloy in a temperature range of 866° C. to 899° C. for 15 minutes to 2 hours;water quenching the alpha-beta titanium alloy;cold working the alpha-beta titanium alloy using at least one of cold drawing and cold swaging the alpha-beta titanium alloy to impart an effective strain in the range of 5 percent to 35 percent to the alpha-beta titanium alloy; andaging the alpha-beta titanium alloy in a temperature range of 302° C. to 454° C. for 1 to 8 hours; 2.9 to 5.0 aluminum;', '2.0 to 3.0 vanadium;', '0.4 to 2.0 iron;', '0.2 to 0.3 oxygen;', '0.005 to 0.3 carbon;', 'titanium;', 'impurities; and, 'wherein the alpha-beta titanium alloy comprises, in percentages by weight based on total alloy weightoptionally, one or more of tin, zirconium, molybdenum, chromium, nickel, silicon, copper, niobium, tantalum, manganese, cobalt, boron and yttrium;wherein the sum of the weight percentages of any tin, zirconium, molybdenum, chromium, nickel, silicon, copper, niobium, tantalum, manganese, cobalt, boron, and yttrium present in the titanium alloy is less than 0.5 weight percent;wherein the individual concentrations of any tin, zirconium, molybdenum, chromium, nickel, silicon, copper, niobium, ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150043991A1
Автор: HOWARD Peter

Disclosed herein is a prevailing torque nut () comprising a body () having a longitudinal opening () extending therethrough. The body has a hexagonal outer surface () and an inner surface () defining the opening (). A female thread () is formed on the inner surface and extends from one longitudinal end to an opposite longitudinal end of the opening (). The thread () has a constant depth along its entire length, is of helical configuration along its entire length, and tapers radially inwardly in diameter at one end of the opening (). 1. A prevailing torque nut comprising:a body having a longitudinal opening extending at least partially therethrough, the body having an outer surface and an inner surface defining the opening; and having a constant depth along its entire length,', 'being of helical configuration along its entire length, and', 'tapering radially inwardly in diameter at one end of the opening., 'a female thread formed on the inner surface and extending from one longitudinal end toward an opposite longitudinal end of the opening, the thread2. A nut according to claim 1 , wherein the thread is formed by machining.3. A nut according to claim 2 , wherein the thread is machined with a computer numerically controlled (CNC) lathe.4. A nut according to claim 1 , wherein the radial tapering of the thread is adapted to produce a predetermined prevailing torque when a bolt is engaged with the nut.5. A nut according to claim 1 , wherein the distance between the outer and inner surfaces of the nut is constant along the entire length of the opening.6. A nut according to claim 1 , wherein the distance between the outer and inner surfaces of the nut reduces in that portion of the nut in which the thread is tapered.7. A nut according to any claim 1 , wherein the nut is a multi-sided nut.8. A nut according to claim 1 , wherein the nut is a hex nut.9. A method of manufacturing a prevailing torque nut claim 1 , said method comprising forming the nut with:a body having a ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048057A1
Принадлежит: Aoyama Seisakusho Co., Ltd.

The coating film peeling nut of the present invention has a notch formed in an inner surface of a nut main body on which a female screw is formed, the notch extending in a direction different from that of a lead angle of the female screw . The notch is formed helically, and a winding direction thereof is the same as that of the female screw . A pitch of the notch is 2 to 10 times a pitch of the female screw , and a depth of the notch is 20 to 80% of a thread height of the female screw

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Hanger With Bolt Closure

Номер: US20150048219A1
Автор: Richards Peter S.

A pipe hanger method and apparatus wherein a bolt is threaded upwardly through a first opening within a lower arm portion of a saddle, then, in one form, through an opening in a liner, then through a larger opening in the upper arm portion of the saddle. The opening is non-cylindrical in shape. A nut is then installed on the bolt. The nut has a tapered end portion which interoperates with the shape of the opening in the upper arm of the saddle. The nut is hand-tightened and then is aligned with the opening so that the small end portion would drop into the opening. A wrench is then used on the head of the bolt to rotate the bolt for the purpose of drawing the nut and bolt together and applying a clamping force on a pipe positioned within the saddle. The liner extends along the inside of the bolt and then extends about the pipe, between it and the bight of the saddle, and then in one form extends along the inside of the upper arm portion. 1. An improved pipe receiving saddle assembly constructed from a plurality of flat metal bars and comprising a lower clamp strap , an upper clamp strap , said upper and lower clamp straps each having at least one free outer end , said upper and lower clamp straps defining between them a pipe avenue for accommodating a pipe section ; a support leg having an end that is attached to an external surface of said upper clamp strap; and an improved system for securing a pipe within the saddle assembly , the improvement comprising:a first bolt comprising a rod body, an enlarged head at the first end of said rod body and a threaded end portion at the second end of said rod body;a first improved nut comprising a central opening that is threaded with threads which complement the threads on the first bolt, said first nut including a tapered small end portion having a cross-sectional shape that is other than circular, and a flange portion substantially larger in diameter than the tapered small end portion;wherein the non-circular surface of the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065283A1

A sleeve for the centering of fasteners when installing structural parts on substructure of a building envelope is designed substantially as a hollow cylindrical sleeve body or split hollow cylindrical sleeve body. It has at least two gutter-like shell elements each having a head end and a rear end. The shell elements are grouped symmetrically about a central axis A and span between them a middle space with inner surfaces facing each other. The shell elements are spaced apart from each other and separated by axially parallel longitudinal slots, except for a connecting joint section at the head end. These sleeves are placed on a fastener and allow a precise centering in the predrilled hole of a facade plate, for example. The sleeve remains in the predrilled hole until such time as the centering of the fastener has been accomplished and is then ejected safely by driving the fastener home.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053800A1

A thin walled fastener nut of the present invention includes a tapered bell flange extending from one end towards the other. The tapered bell flange provides structural support to the nut when used in aerospace application. The thin walled fastener nut with the tapered bell flange meets the dimensional requirements of the National Aerospace Standard Specification MS21042 (NASM21042) and National Aerospace Standard Specification MS1291 (NAS1291). 1. A thin walled nut fastener comprising:a bore extending from a first end through the nut fastener to a second end and adapted to threadedly receive a complementary threaded bolt;a first flat wall adjacent the first end adapted to receive a wrench or socket for tightening to the bolt;a first wrenching corner at an edge of the first flat wall, the wrenching corner extending from adjacent the first end towards the second end; anda tapered bell flange extending from adjacent the second end towards an apex contacting the fiat wall.2. The nut fastener of claim 1 , further comprising:an external first angle measured between an outer surface on the first flat wall and an outer surface on the tapered bell flange, the first angle greater than 90 degrees; andan internal second angle supplementary and adjacent to the first angle.3. The nut fastener of claim 2 , wherein the internal second angle is in a range from about 20 degrees to about 50 degrees.4. The nut fastener of claim 3 , wherein the internal second angle is in a range from 20 degrees to 25 degrees.5. The nut fastener of claim 3 , wherein the internal second angle is in a range from 25 degrees to 30 degrees.6. The nut fastener of claim 3 , wherein the internal second angle is in a range from 30 degrees to 35 degrees.7. The nut fastener of claim 3 , wherein the internal second angle is in a range from about 35 to about 40.8. The nut fastener of claim 3 , wherein the internal second angle is in a range from 40 degrees to 45 degrees.9. The nut fastener of claim 3 , wherein the ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051738A1

A nut and washer assembly includes a washer unit that is coupled to a nut. The washer unit includes a housing and a washer that is disposed within a sleeve on an inner surface of the housing such that the washer is inseparable from and axially rotatable with respect to the housing. The housing is attached to the nut such that the washer captured within the housing of the washer unit and the nut operate as a single unit. 1. A nut and washer assembly comprising:a nut; a substantially ring shaped washer (washer) that comprises a top outer annular edge that is chamfered; and', wherein the inner surface comprises a sleeve, and', 'wherein using a mechanical forging process, the washer is captured within the sleeve of the housing such that the washer is inseparable from the housing and allows an axial rotation of the washer with respect to the housing., 'a substantially ring shaped housing (housing) that has an inner surface that defines a through cavity,'}], 'a washer unit that is coupled to the nut such that the washer unit is concentric with the nut; the washer unit comprising2. The nut and washer assembly of claim 1 , wherein a portion of the inner surface of the housing that is opposite to the sleeve is attached to an outer surface of the nut.3. The nut and washer assembly of claim 1 , wherein inner surface of the housing further comprises a lip that extends radially inward towards the through cavity claim 1 , and wherein the washer rests on the lip.4. The nut and washer assembly of claim 1 , wherein the mechanical forging process includes swaging.5. The nut and washer assembly of claim 1 , wherein the mechanical forging process is applied to the housing to capture the washer within the sleeve of the housing.6. The nut and washer assembly of claim 1 , wherein the mechanical forging process is applied to the washer to capture the washer within the sleeve of the housing.7. The nut and washer assembly of claim 1 , wherein the washer is a tang washer.8. The nut and washer ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Blind Rivet Element

Номер: US20170051774A1

A blind rivet element for fastening to a workpiece which has a hole, which is in particular preshaped, comprises a sleeve body and a bolt element led through the sleeve body, wherein the blind rivet element can be introduced into the hole of the workpiece and the sleeve body can be sectionally deformed by an axial movement of the bolt element relative to the sleeve body to fasten the blind rivet element to the workpiece. The sleeve body has at least one contact section which is arranged and configured such that the contact section cuts into a wall of the hole and/or into a region around the hole and/or effects a deformation of the wall of the hole and/or of the region around the hole, in particular to establish an electrical contract between the workpiece and the blind rivet element.

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061250A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A barrel nut with features for reducing tensile stresses under heavy load within the barrel nut has a partial-cylindrical body having a first planar end surface and a second planar end surface. A threaded bore extends through the partial-cylindrical body with a central axis substantially parallel to the first planar end surface and the second planar end surface. At least one groove is formed in each of the first planar end surface and the second planar end surface, the groove having a rounded surface extending at least a part of a distance between a curved upper surface of the partial-cylindrical body to a bottom surface thereof in a direction substantially parallel to the central axis of the threaded bore. 1. A barrel nut comprising a partial-cylindrical body having a first planar end surface and a second planar end surface , a threaded bore extending through the partial-cylindrical body with a central axis substantially parallel to the first planar end surface and the second planar end surface , and at least one groove in each of the first planar end surface and the second planar end surface extending at least a part of a length of the partial-cylindrical body in a direction substantially parallel to the central axis of the threaded bore.2. The barrel nut of claim 1 , wherein a surface of the at least one groove is rounded.3. The barrel nut of claim 1 , wherein the at least one groove in each of the first planar end surface and the second planar end surface is aligned with the central axis of the threaded bore such that the at least one groove is positioned on a center line of each of the first planar end surface and the second planar end surface.4. The barrel nut of claim 1 , wherein each of the first planar end surface and the second planar end surface comprises two grooves extending in a direction substantially parallel to the central axis from a curved upper surface to a bottom surface of the partial-cylindrical body.5. The barrel nut of claim 4 , wherein the ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068048A1

Provided is a structure for preventing the falling of a fastening nut of a portable power work machine, the structure reliably preventing loss of the nut and containing assembly cost, manufacturing cost, and component cost while reducing the possibility of damage, failure or the like and increasing the nut fastening and loosening workability and durability. A nut anchor member comprises a single bent wire or bar of elastically deformable material, and includes: a split ring-shaped portion externally retained in a circular groove provided at the outer periphery of a nut; a pair of left and right leg-like piece portions continuous with both ends of the split ring-shaped portion; and hook piece portions continuous with lower portions of the leg-like piece portions. A cover includes a locking portion that locks the hook piece portions so as to prevent the nut and the nut anchor member from falling from the cover when the nut is detached from the bolt. 1. A structure for preventing the falling of a fastening nut of a portable power work machine including a machine body portion , a cover attached to cover a predetermined region of the machine body portion , a guide bar held between the machine body portion and the cover , a bolt passed through an elongated hole or an elongated groove provided in the guide bar and through an insertion hole provided in the cover , the bolt being securely embedded in the machine body portion , and a fastening nut threadably engaged with the bolt so as to compressively hold the guide bar between the machine body portion and the cover ,wherein the structure includes an elastically deformable nut anchor member comprising a single wire, bar, or plate material,the nut anchor member comprising:a split ring-shaped portion externally retained on an outer periphery of the nut and configured to prevent a fall from the nut while permitting rotation relative to the nut;a pair of left and right downwardly extending leg-like piece portions continuous with ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150071733A1

A threaded barrel nut is provided. The threaded barrel nut may include a plate having a front surface and a rear surface. The threaded nut may further include a threaded barrel attached to the plate. The present invention may further include a decorative face attached to the plate and covering at least a portion of the rear surface. A bolt may pass through an opening of a utility component and through an opening in the fence. The bolt may secure to the threaded barrel nut on an opposite side of the fence, thereby attaching the utility component to the fence. The decorative face may cover the rear surface of the threaded barrel nut. 1. A threaded barrel nut comprising:a plate comprising a front surface and a rear surface;a threaded barrel attached to the plate; anda decorative face attached to the plate and covering at least a portion of the rear surface.2. The threaded barrel nut of claim 1 , wherein the threaded barrel is attached to and protrudes from the front surface.3. The threaded barrel nut of claim 1 , wherein the threaded barrel comprises a first end and a second end claim 1 , wherein the first end forms an opening leading into an internal threaded portion and the second end is attached to the plate and forms an opening through the plate.4. The threaded barrel nut of claim 1 , wherein the decorative face is permanently affixed to the plate.5. The threaded barrel nut of claim 1 , wherein the decorative face is removably attachable to the plate.6. The threaded barrel nut of claim 1 , further comprising at least one spike protruding from the front surface of the plate.7. The threaded barrel nut of claim 6 , wherein the at least one spike is a plurality of spikes.8. A method of attaching a utility component to a wall comprising:drilling a hole through the wall;providing a threaded barrel nut comprising a front surface and a rear surface, a threaded barrel comprising an opening disposed towards the front surface and a decorative face covering at least a portion ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074917A1
Автор: SIMON Timothy

A method of forming a hollow threaded part is provided. The method includes extruding a blank to form an annular protrusion and forming threads along an inner circumferential surface of the annular protrusion. A hollow threaded part is also provided. The hollow threaded art includes a base and a hollow threaded protrusion segment formed integrally within the base. The hollow threaded protrusion segment includes an annular protrusion extruded from the base. 1. A method of forming a hollow threaded part comprising:extruding a blank to form an annular protrusion; andforming threads along an inner circumferential surface of the annular protrusion.2. The method of wherein the extruding includes stamping a thinned section into the blank radially inside of the annular protrusion.3. The method of further comprising piercing the thinned section to form a hole before forming the threads.4. The method of wherein the extruding includes contacting a first surface on a first side of the blank using a first die section including an annular groove formed therein claim 1 , the annular protrusion extending into the annular groove during the extruding.5. The method wherein the extruding includes contacting a second surface on a second side of the blank opposite the first side using a second die section such that the second die section forms a depression on the second side.6. The method of wherein the second die section includes an axially movable subsection claim 5 , the axially movable subsection axially moving with respect to a further subsection of the second die section during the extruding.7. The method of wherein the further subsection of the second die section is axially fixed during the extruding.8. The method wherein the first die subsection includes a first internal subsection and a second internal subsection radially outside of the first internal subsection.9. The method of wherein the annular groove is formed radially between the first internal subsection and the second ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Method Of Making Nut Fasteners

Номер: US20170072629A1
Автор: Reznar Jason F.
Принадлежит: A. RAYMOND ET CIE

A fastener is provided. In another aspect, a fastener is made of layers of material, a light curable material and/or multiple built-up materials. Another aspect uses a three-dimensional printing machine to emit material from an ink jet printing head to build up a fastener. 1. A method of making a fastener , the method comprising:(a) creating a first layer of material to define a first section of the fastener;(b) emitting light onto the first layer after the prior step to cure, harden or bond the layer;(c) creating a second layer of the material upon the first layer to define a second section of the fastener after the prior step;(d) emitting light onto the second layer after the prior step to cure, harden or bond the second layer;(e) creating at least a third layer of the material upon the second layer to define at least a third section of the fastener after the prior step;(f) emitting light onto the third layer after the prior step to cure, harden or bond the third layer;(g) making flexible side walls from at least some of the creating steps that are moveable away from each other if an elongated shaft is inserted therebetween, and making a base wall with an internal bore from at least some of the creating steps, the side walls extending from the base wall;(h) removing the finished fastener from a machine which performs the creating and emitting steps, with the layers all being integrally connected to their adjacent layers; and(i) the finished fastener being functional and made by the machine in less than ninety minutes.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising depositing the first layer of the material from a printing head onto a support surface of the machine in an ambient and unpressurized air environment.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the material is a light curable polymer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the light is ultraviolet light which is immediately passed over each layer of the fastener after it is deposited.5. The method of claim 1 , further ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150078915A1

The present disclosure relates generally to a piloted nut. The piloted nut may be used on a tie-shaft to apply an axial load to a rotor. A piloting feature on an exterior surface of the nut provides radial piloting to the rotor. The piloted nut may be used in a gas turbine engine to apply an axial load to a rotor. 1. A rotating assembly , comprising: a tie-shaft shoulder;', 'a tie-shaft outer surface including a tie-shaft threaded portion disposed upon the tie-shaft outer surface;, 'a tie-shaft comprisinga rotor disposed on the tie-shaft outer surface, the rotor including a rotor interior piloting surface; and a nut threaded portion disposed on an interior surface of the nut;', 'a nut piloting feature disposed on an exterior surface of the nut and abutting the rotor interior piloting surface; and', 'a radial flange abutting the rotor and extending further in a radial direction than the nut piloting feature;, 'a nut comprisingwherein the nut threaded portion is threadingly engaged with the tie-shaft threaded portion such that an axial compressive load is applied to the rotor between the tie-shaft shoulder and the radial flange.2. The rotating assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rotor comprises a plurality of rotating members.3. The rotating assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a spacer proximate the tie-shaft outer surface;wherein an axial compressive load is applied to the rotor and the spacer between the tie-shaft shoulder and the radial flange.4. The rotating assembly of claim 3 , wherein the spacer is disposed between the tie-shaft shoulder and the rotor.5. The rotating assembly of claim 3 , wherein the spacer comprises a hollow cylinder.6. The rotating assembly of claim 5 , wherein the spacer comprises a toroid with a substantially rectangular cross-section.7. The rotating assembly of claim 6 , wherein the substantially rectangular cross-section is square.8. The rotating assembly of claim 1 , wherein the nut piloting feature is continuous around a ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Coupler for Soil Nail and Method of Emplacing Same

Номер: US20190078284A1

A coupler interconnects adjacent sections of soil nails to extend the lengths of the nails. The coupler includes projections extending from the exterior surface of the coupler. The projections serve multiple purposes. One purpose is to center the soil nail within a drilled hole. Another purpose is to provide mixing for amounts of drilled material to remain within the hole, and/or evacuation of drilled material to be removed from the hole. Another purpose is to create a drilled hole with varying diameters in response to different geological layers encountered during drilling. The coupler may include a plurality of ports or openings formed in the body of the coupler enabling injected material such as grout to be further mixed by the rotating action of the coupler during use. The invention further includes a soil nail assembly and a method for installing a soil nail assembly including couplers with projections. 1. A coupler especially adapted for use in interconnecting of soil nails , said coupler comprising:a body having an opening formed through the body, said body having a length and a longitudinal axis, said opening extending along said longitudinal axis;a plurality of projections mounted to an exterior surface of said body, said projections extending radially outward from said longitudinal axis, said plurality of planar shaped projections having a frangible joint wherein said frangible joint breaks at a predetermined stress or torque separating said plurality of projections from said body; andat least one port formed in said body and communicating with said opening.2. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said projections are substantially evenly spaced about a periphery of said body.3. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said coupler and said plurality of projections are integrally formed in a casting process.4. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said coupler and said plurality of projections are integrally ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078786A1

A combustor panel may include an attachment feature. Because conventional attachment features of conventional combustor panels may be insufficiently cooled, the present disclosure provides various combustor configurations for reducing hotspots in the vicinity of attachment features and/or for providing cooling airflow to and in the vicinity of attachment features. 1. A combustor of a gas turbine engine , the combustor comprising:a combustor panel comprising an attachment feature extending from a cold side of the combustor panel;a combustor shell defining a hole extending through the combustor shell from a combustor-facing side to a diffuser-facing side, wherein the attachment feature of the combustor panel extends through the hole; and 'wherein the retention feature defines a passage that provides fluid communication between a diffuser chamber and an annular cooling cavity defined between the cold side of the combustor panel and the combustor-facing side of the combustor shell.', 'a retention feature coupled to the attachment feature, wherein the hole defined in the combustor shell is disposed between the retention feature and the combustor panel;'}2. The combustor of claim 1 , wherein the retention feature is a nut.3. The combustor of claim 2 , further comprising a washer disposed between the nut and the hole defined in the combustor shell.4. The combustor of claim 2 , wherein an inner edge defining the hole is non-circular.5. The combustor of claim 4 , wherein the inner edge comprises a lobe aligned with the passage defined in the nut.6. The combustor of claim 5 , wherein the passage defined in the nut is one of a plurality of passages defined in the nut claim 5 , wherein the inner edge defining the hole comprises a lobed geometry having a plurality of lobes circumferentially distributed around the inner edge defining the hole claim 5 , wherein the plurality of lobes are configured to align with the plurality of passages.7. The combustor of claim 1 , wherein the ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140161560A1
Автор: Steffl Kevin
Принадлежит: QwikLine Industrial Products, Inc.

A fastener system is provided. The fastener system includes a pair of nuts having a beveled end and opposed flats, a nut housing having a cavity, the cavity including an end wall with an aperture and a tapered interior portion to engage the beveled end, and opposing internal flats to engage the nut flats, a resilient member to urge the beveled ends against the tapered portion; and retaining element. The nuts may include tapered thread edges to accommodate damaged male threads, or cutting thread edges to repair damaged mail threads. 1. A fastener system , comprising:a first nut assembly engageable with a male threaded rod, the first nut assembly including opposing first and second nuts,each first and second nut including first and second end faces and a female threaded semicircular interior surface engageable with the male threaded rod, each of the first and second end faces extending from an interior edge to and exterior edge;a nut housing receiving the first and second nuts and having an end wall interior surface;a compression portion including a resilient member disposed within the nut housing cavity and urging the first and second nuts against the end wall interior surface; anda retaining element retaining the resilient member in the nut housing.2. The fastener system according to claim 1 , where each of the first and second nuts further comprise a plurality of female threaded portions engageable with a selected male thread claim 1 , each female threaded portion extending from a first thread edge to a second thread edge and having a selected thread depth claim 1 , the first thread edge forming a thread cutting edge.3. The fastener system according to claim 2 , where the thread cutting edge is configured to form positive engagement around intermittent damaged regions of the male threaded rod.4. The fastener system according to claim 3 , when the thread cutting edge forms positive engagement with the intermittent damaged regions and the first nut assembly is ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099143A1
Автор: Katsaros Padelis

A grooved nut for axially securing an inner ring of a bearing that is mounted on an axle or shaft includes a body portion surrounding a threaded inner bore. The body portion has a circumferential outer surface and an axial thickness, the outer surface includes at least one recess, and an axial depth of the recess is smaller than the axial thickness. 1. A grooved nut for axially securing an inner ring of a bearing that is mounted on an axle or shaft , the grooved nut comprising:a body portion surrounding a threaded inner bore, the body portion having a circumferential outer surface and an axial thickness,wherein the outer surface includes at least one recess, andwherein an axial depth of the recess is smaller than the axial thickness.2. The grooved nut according to claim 1 ,wherein t is the axial depth,wherein D is the axial thickness, andwherein 0.3D Подробнее

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140165369A1

A thermally-insulative insert device and method of use of same is disclosed. Specifically, the thermally-insulative insert device, comprising internal and external threads, allows attachment of an assembled part to a heat source while reducing heat transfer between the assembled part and the heat source. It is also an aspect of the present disclosure to provide easy-to-implement and cost-effective methods of using and assembling the thermally-insulative insert device. 1. A thermally-insulative threaded insert device comprising:an outer surface configured to threadably engage a first assembly component; andan inner surface configured to threadably engage a screw.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first assembly component comprises a heat source and wherein the device reduces thermal communication between the heat source and the screw.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the outer surface and the inner surface each comprise a first insulative material.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the outer surface and the inner surface comprise a void therebetween.5. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a top portion and a bottom portion claim 1 , wherein the top portion comprises a first circumference and the bottom portion comprises a second circumference.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein top portion forms a flange and wherein the flange comprises a shape that is at least one of circular claim 5 , rounded claim 5 , and polygonal.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the outer and inner surfaces are substantially concentric.8. An assembled system comprising:an attachment screw comprising a screw head and a screw threaded portion;a heat source;an assembly part; and an outer surface configured to threadably engage the heat source; and', 'an inner surface configured to threadably engage the screw;', 'a top portion; and', 'a bottom portion, wherein the screw head engages the assembly part, the screw threaded portion engages the inner surface and the heat source engages the ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136552A1
Принадлежит: IWATA BOLT CO., LTD.

There is provided a nut in which occurrence of galling is prevented. The nut in which a depth t of a counterbore hole is set to be greater than (D−d×cos θ)/tan θ, when a nominal diameter is D, an average value of a maximum outer diameter and a minimum outer diameter taking into account a tolerance of a bolt to be fitted is d [mm], an inner diameter of the counterbore hole provided on an insertion side of a screw hole is D+0.2 [mm], a pitch of a screw thread is P [mm], and θ satisfies θ=arc tan(P/d).

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160096047A1
Автор: Sailer Glenn

A fall arrest device configured for attachment to a step bolt is provided for use in climbing a utility structure. The fall arrest device includes: a tube member having a shape of generally a hollow cylinder having an internal surface defining a bore therethrough, wherein one end portion of the internal surface is threaded to provide an internal thread section; and a loop member having a shape of generally an open loop, each of two end portions of which is integrally attached to an outer surface of the tube member, providing an opening defined by the loop member and the tube member between the two end portions of the loop member. 1. A fall arrest device configured for attachment to a step bolt for use in climbing a utility structure , wherein the step bolt comprises a thread section at one end portion , a head section at the other end portion and a shank section therebetween , the fail arrest device comprising:a tube member having a shape of generally a hollow cylinder having an internal surface defining a bore therethrough, wherein one end portion of the internal surface is threaded to provide an internal thread section; anda loop member having a shape of generally an open loop, each of two end portions of which is integrally attached to an outer surface of the tube member, providing an opening defined by the loop member and the tube member between the two end portions of the loop member.2. The fall arrest device of claim 1 , whereina pitch of the internal thread section is configured to correspond to a pitch of the thread section of the step rod, anda length of the internal thread section is configured to be shorter than a length of the thread section of the step rod, allowing for the internal thread section to be entirely engaged with a part of the thread section of the step rod.3. The fall arrest device of claim 1 , whereinthe tube member is configured to cylindrically envelop a part of the thread section and a part of the shank section, which is contiguous to ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150101154A1

A fastening device for fastening an element to the slot of a C-profile rail with a gripping element which can be inserted through the slot into the interior of the profile rail and which can be turned in the profile rail around at least one screw-in axis in such a way that it grips behind the leg of the profile rail that delimits the slot is provided. The gripping element has at least one receptacle that runs perpendicular to the screw-in axis and that serves to secure a threaded rod. 112-. (canceled)13. A fastening device for fastening an element to a slot of a C-profile rail , the fastening device comprising:a gripping element insertable through the slot into an interior of the profile rail turnable in the profile rail around at least one screw-in axis to grip behind at least one leg of the profile rail delimiting the slot, the gripping element having at least one receptacle running perpendicular to the screw-in axis for securing a threaded rod.14. The fastening device as recited in wherein at least one receptacle includes two receptacles.15. The fastening device as recited in wherein the two receptacles are arranged coaxially on opposite sides of the gripping element.16. The fastening device as recited in wherein the gripping element has at least one further receptacle running parallel to the screw-in axis for securing a further threaded rod.17. The fastening device as recited in wherein the at least one further receptacle is coaxial to the screw-in axis.18. The fastening device as recited in wherein the at least one further receptacle includes two parallel receptacles arranged coaxially on opposite sides of the gripping element.19. The fastening device as recited in wherein the two parallel receptacles are coaxial to the screw-in axis.20. The fastening device as recited in wherein the gripping element is configured so as to be ring-shaped claim 13 , at least one of the receptacles or a further receptacle parallel to the screw-in axis is configured on an outside ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140178125A1

A clevis including a bridge portion, a cylindrically shaped neck formed from the bridge, and folded side walls extending from the bridge portion in a first direction. One side wall includes a first hole and a first surface parallel to a longitudinal axis. The other side wall includes a second hole and a second surface facing the first surface. The clevis includes a threaded opening, in the bridge and neck, aligned with the axis and a space formed by the bridge and side walls. The neck is formed from the bridge portion in the first direction or is formed from the bridge portion in a third direction, opposite the first direction. The material includes one only single piece of low carbon steel. The first and second surfaces are parallel to the longitudinal axis. 1. A clevis for an air brake assembly , comprising:a longitudinal axis;a bridge portion;a cylindrically shaped neck formed from the bridge portion; a first surface facing in a second direction orthogonal to the longitudinal axis; and,', 'a first hole passing through material forming the clevis and wholly surrounded by the material;, 'a first folded side wall extending from the bridge portion in a first direction parallel to the longitudinal axis and comprising a second surface facing the first surface; and,', 'a second hole passing through the material and wholly surrounded by the material;, 'a second folded side wall extending from the bridge portion in the first direction and comprisinga threaded opening passing through the bridge portion and the neck, wholly surrounded by the material forming the clevis, and aligned with the longitudinal axis; and, the cylindrically shaped neck is formed from the bridge portion in the first direction or is formed from the bridge portion in a third direction, opposite the first direction;', 'the material includes one only single piece of low carbon steel;', 'the first and second surfaces are parallel to the longitudinal axis;', 'the first and second holes are aligned in the ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170097025A1
Автор: Foser Thomas

A method for fastening a component to a base element, in which method there is produced in the base element a blind bore which defines a depth direction and which has a force transmission surface which has a depth T in the depth direction, wherein the force transmission surface is of frustoconical form with a cone opening half-angle (β) and a mean diameter (d), wherein the blind bore has a conical blind bore base with a cone opening angle (α) and, at the edge thereof, a bevel which extends in the depth direction to a bevel depth L, wherein, in the method, a fastening element is anchored in the blind bore by way of the force transmission surface, and wherein the component is held by the fastening element. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the blind bore consists of the blind bore base claim 1 , the force transmission surface and the bevel.3. The method according to claim 1 , comprising anchoring the fastening element only by the force transmission surface in the blind bore.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the fastening element has an external thread.5. The method according to wherein the force transmission surface has an internal thread.6. The method according to claim 1 , comprising anchoring the fastening element by pressing claim 1 , gluing claim 1 , welding claim 1 , soldering claim 1 , and/or screwing into the blind bore.7. The method according to claim 1 , comprising producing a bevel angle between the bevel and the depth direction of between 30° and 60°.8. The method according to claim 1 , comprising producing a driving angle between a surface of the base element angle and the depth direction of at least 80°.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the fastening element is made of metal claim 1 , an alloy or a plastic.10. The method according to claim 1 , comprising drilling the blind bore into the base element.11. The method according to claim 1 , including predetermining the depth T with a stop bit.12. The method according to claim ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150104268A1
Принадлежит: STEMCO LP

A nut assembly is provided. The nut assembly includes a nut having a bottom extension surface and an intermediate member. The intermediate member includes at least one radially extending slot. The nut assembly also includes a washer having a base and an inner wall. The inner wall has a locking feature. The nut and the washer are operably coupled by a plurality of locking pins. The locking pin slidingly fits in the slot on the intermediate member and engages the locking feature when the nut assembly is in the installed configuration. 1. A nut assembly comprising:a nut comprising a conduit extending along a longitudinal axis, a top surface, an outer surface, an intermediate member, at least one bottom extension surface, and at least one radially extending elongate slot in the intermediate member;a washer comprising a conduit extending along the longitudinal axis, a base, an inner circumferential edge, a bottom surface, a stop surface opposite the bottom surface, an inner wall proximal the inner circumferential edge and extending parallel to the longitudinal axis, the inner wall having a rim with a locking feature;at least one locking pin operably coupling the nut and the washer, the at least one locking pin sized to engage to and disengage from the locking feature; andan elastic member extending around the at least one bottom extension surface and engaging the at least one locking pin, whereinthe nut assembly comprises an installed configuration where the at least one locking pin engages the locking feature and the nut assembly comprises an uninstalled configuration where the at least one locking pin is disengaged from the locking feature.2. The nut assembly of wherein the elastic member is a spring.3. The nut assembly of wherein the locking feature comprises a flanged surface and at least one notch.4. The nut assembly of wherein the at least one locking pin comprises:a top cap;a plug;a bottom cap; anda shaft extending between the top cap and the plug and between the ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Locking fastener

Номер: US20150110573A1
Принадлежит: MacLean Fogg Co

A locking fastener is provided that may be automatically unlocked and locked by sliding a wrench onto the nut and removing the wrench. The fastener includes a biased arm extending outward from a wrench bearing surface that presses against a pawl. The pawl includes ratchet teeth that engage ratchet teeth of a retainer to lock the fastener. The fastener is unlocked by compressing the arm with a wrench.

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160108951A1
Автор: HSU Chia-Che

A nut includes a body having a neck connected to one end thereof and the neck has a breaking portion formed on the first end thereof. The breaking portion is connected to the end of the body. The thickness of the breaking portion is smaller than that of the neck. A polygonal holding portion is formed to the second end of the neck. The body has a threaded hole defined axially therethrough and the holding portion has a through hole which communicating with the threaded hole. Once the body of the nut is locked to a bolt, the breaking portion is broken and only the body is mounted onto the bolt. The body has a smooth cylindrical outer face. 1. A nut comprising:a body having a neck connected to an end thereof, the neck having a breaking portion formed on a first end thereof, the breaking portion connected to the end of the body, a thickness of the breaking portion being smaller than that of the neck, a polygonal holding portion formed to a second end of the neck, the body having a threaded hole defined axially therethrough, the holding portion having a through hole which communicating with the threaded hole.2. The nut as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the body has a smooth cylindrical outer face.3. The nut as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the body has a smooth tapered outer face. 1. Fields of the InventionThe present invention relates to a nut, and more particularly, to a nut that cannot be removed from the bolt.2. Descriptions of Related ArtThe conventional nut is disclosed in and generally is a hexagonal nut and a tool is able to clamp two sides of the hexagonal nut and rotate it so as to lock the nut to an object , or remove the nut from the object . If the users want the nut to be permanently locked to the object and cannot be removed, at least one welding spot is applied to the connection portion between the nut and the bolt as shown in , However, it takes a lot of time to weld the nut to the bolt and this also increases the cost.The present invention intends to ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180104981A1
Автор: Cox Daniel, Roll Jensen

A system for attaching a plate to a vehicle is provided. The system includes lug nuts and lug bolts for attaching the plate to a threaded wheel stud. The lug nuts each define a threaded stud recess for engagement with a threaded wheel stud and a threaded bolt recess for engagement with a threaded portion of a lug bolt. The lug bolts each define a head for rotating the threaded portion of the lug bolt into the bolt recess of the lug nut, a shaft positioned between the threaded portion and the head, and a rotatable portion. The rotatable portion defines a center aperture freely rotatable about the shaft and a bolt aperture for accepting a fastener. A lock nut is positioned about each of the lug bolts for locking the lug bolt into position relative to the lug nut. 1. A system for attaching a plate to a vehicle , comprising: a threaded stud recess for engagement with a threaded wheel stud; and', 'a threaded bolt recess for engagement with a threaded portion of a lug bolt;, 'lug nuts each defining a head for rotating the threaded portion of the lug bolt into the bolt recess of the lug nut;', 'a shaft positioned between the threaded portion and the head;', a center aperture freely rotatable about the shaft; and', 'a bolt aperture for accepting a plate fastener; and, 'a rotatable portion defining], 'the lug bolts each defininga lock nut positioned about each of the lug bolts for locking the lug bolt into position relative to the lug nut.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each shaft defines a recessed portion about which the rotatable portion rotates.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the lug nut includes a tapered end which is conical-shaped or rounded for engagement with the vehicle.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising threaded wheel studs for being accepted by a threaded hole of the vehicle.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the rotatable portion defines:a washer portion extending radially from the center aperture for rotating about the shaft; anda mounting ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105216A1

A track nut comprises a main body defining a central aperture with threads disposed in the central aperture, the aperture defining a cylindrical axis and a radial direction, a first end and a second end disposed along the cylindrical axis, and wherein the first end defines an at least partially circular perimeter and the second end defines a generally polygonal perimeter with a plurality of corners, the polygonal perimeter including at least one variable blend portion. 1. A track nut comprising: a first end and a second end disposed along the cylindrical axis; and', 'wherein the second end defines a generally polygonal perimeter with a plurality of corners, the polygonal perimeter including at least one variable blend portion that defines a radius of curvature that decreases between the plurality of corners., 'a main body defining a central aperture with threads disposed in the central aperture, the aperture defining a cylindrical axis and a radial direction;'}2. The track nut of wherein the polygonal perimeter is a square perimeter that defines four corners and includes a variable blend portion between each of the corners that defines a radius of curvature that decreases between each of the corners and wherein the first end defines an at least partially circular perimeter.3. The track nut of wherein the variable blend portion includes an exact radius.4. The track nut of wherein the radius of curvature varies from 2 to 5 mm.5. The track nut of wherein the radius of curvature varies from 2.5 to 4 mm.6. The track nut of wherein each corner defines a radius extending along a direction parallel to the cylindrical axis.7. The track nut of wherein the body defines a chamfer between the corner and the circular perimeter of the first end of the track nut.8. A track nut comprising:a main body defining a central aperture with threads disposed in the central aperture, the aperture defining a cylindrical axis and a radial direction;a first end and a second end disposed along ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210123665A1

An appliance mounting assembly includes a mounting bracket with first and second distal arms that flare outward in opposing directions from an attachment body and couple to a panel. The mounting bracket includes a pair of coupling members that extend from the attachment body toward the panel surface and distal ends that curve inward toward one another. A self-clinching nut has an undercut, serrated clinching ring, and base. The undercut and the serrated clinching ring are disposed within an aperture defined by the attachment body. A ladder rack has first and second sides coupled via an attachment wall. The first and second sides define protrusions that engage the pair of coupling members in an interference fit. The attachment wall defines a receiving hole that aligns with the aperture. A threaded fastener extends through the receiving hole and engages the self-clinching nut to fasten the ladder rack to the mounting bracket. 1. An appliance mounting assembly , comprising: an attachment body;', 'distal arms extending from the attachment body and configured to engage the panel surface;', 'a first coupling member coupled to the attachment body; and', 'a second coupling member coupled to the attachment body, wherein the first coupling member and the second coupling member extend from the attachment body toward the panel surface;, 'a mounting bracket configured to engage a panel surface, wherein the mounting bracket includesa nut disposed partially within an aperture defined by the attachment body; anda ladder rack having a first side and a second side coupled via an attachment wall, wherein the first side and the second side each define a protrusion, wherein the protrusions engage the first coupling member and the second coupling member, respectively, in an interference fit.2. The appliance mounting assembly of claim 1 , wherein the nut is a self-clinching nut having an undercut claim 1 , a serrated clinching ring claim 1 , and a base.3. The appliance mounting assembly ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200103123A1
Принадлежит: Uponor Innovation Ab

The present invention relates to a slidable mounting block for insertion into a rail having a partially closed profile, the mounting block having a front face and a rear face opposite to the front face, the front face facing an open part of the partially closed profile when inserted into the rail. The mounting block comprises a first hole accessible from the front face in a first fixing area of the mounting block and configured for screwing in a threaded part of a first fastener, a recess accessible from the rear face in a second fixing area of the mounting block and configured for holding a head of a second fastener, and a second hole accessible from the front face in the second fixing area, the second hole being co-aligned with the recess and configured for passing a shaft of the second fastener through the mounting block. 1. A slidable mounting block for insertion into a rail having a partially closed profile , wherein the slidable mounting block has a front face and a rear face opposite to said front face , the front face facing an open part of the partially closed profile when inserted into the rail , the slidable mounting block comprising:at least two spring arms configured for holding the slidable mounting block within the partially closed profile when inserted into the rail;a first hole accessible from the front face in a first fixing area of the mounting block and configured for screwing in a threaded part of a first fastener;a recess accessible from the rear face in a second fixing area of the mounting block and configured for holding a head of a second fastener; anda second hole accessible from the front face in the second fixing area of the mounting block, the second hole being co-aligned with the recess and configured for passing a shaft of the second fastener through the mounting block.2. The slidable mounting block according to claim 1 , wherein the two spring arms are arranged at opposite side faces of the mounting block perpendicular to the front ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150117977A1

A drive-in bushing () is provided for the releasable connection of a fiber-reinforced plastic first component of a motor vehicle structure to a fiber-reinforced plastic or metal second component of the motor vehicle structure. The drive-in bushing () has a sleeve-like basic body () manufactured from a metal and having an external wall () formed without a thread, and an internal wall () formed with an internal thread (). The drive-in bushing () can be driven into a recess in the fiber-reinforced plastic of the first component (). A screw penetrates a recess in the second component and can be screwed into the internal thread (). 1. A drive-in bushing for the releasable connection of a fiber-reinforced plastic first component of a motor vehicle structure to a metal or plastic second component of the motor vehicle structure , the drive-in bushing comprising a sleeve-like basic body manufactured from metal and having an external wall formed without a thread , and an internal wall with an internal thread , wherein the drive-in bushing can be driven into a recess in the fiber-reinforced plastic of the first component , and wherein a screw penetrating a recess in the second component can be screwed into the internal thread.2. The drive-in bushing of claim 1 , further comprising at least one groove formed in the external wall of the basic body to accommodate a spreading of adhesive between the drive-in bushing and the first component.3. The drive-in bushing of claim 2 , wherein the groove extends helically or spirally on the external wall of the basic body.4. The drive-in bushing of claim 1 , further comprising a collar protruding radially out from the external wall at one end of the basic body for restricting a drive-in depth of the drive-in bushing into the recess of the first component.5. The drive-in bushing of claim 1 , further comprising a projection formed on the external wall of the basic body and aligned for preventing rotation.6. A motor vehicle structure claim 1 , ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Connection device for piezoceramics of an ultrasonic transducer

Номер: US20190111453A1
Автор: Qun Cao, Zhen Feng
Принадлежит: Jiangsu SMTP Technology Co Ltd

Disclosed is a connection device for piezoceramics of an ultrasonic transducer, comprising a nut (1), an ultrasonic transducer (5) having a screw structure and to be used with the nut (1), and a plurality of piezoceramics (3) and a plurality of metal sheets (4) fitted on an outer circumference of the screw of the ultrasonic transducer (5) and arranged at intervals. The connection device for the piezoceramics of the ultrasonic transducer further comprises a washer (2) located between the nut (1) and the piezoceramics (3), and the washer (2) is provided with a through hole through which the screw passes. The connection device has high connecting precision, strong working stability, and high working reliability.

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Whisker reinforced high fracture toughness ceramic threaded fasteners

Номер: US20170114819A1
Автор: Robert A. DiChiara
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A high temperature fastener including a bolt and a nut, where the bolt and the nut are constructed of an aluminum oxide ceramic material reinforced with silicon-carbide crystal whiskers or silicon nitride.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114820A1

A fastening element is disclosed for screwing onto a threaded pin. The fastening element includes a rotation-symmetrical hole of an inner diameter formed by a recess, which is larger than a thread base diameter and smaller than a thread outer diameter of the threaded pin. At least one chip receiving groove in a longitudinal direction of the recess is formed in the recess of the break-through. The fastening element has a lower hardness than the threaded pin. 115-. (canceled)16. A fastening element configured to screw onto a threaded pin , the fastening element comprising a rotation-symmetrical hole formed by a recess of an inner diameter that is greater than a thread base diameter and smaller than a thread outer diameter of the threaded pin , wherein at least one chip receiving groove extending in longitudinal direction of the recess is formed in the recess and the fastening element has a lower hardness than the threaded pin.17. The fastening element according to claim 16 , wherein the hole comprises a blind hole.18. The fastening element according to claim 16 , wherein the hole comprises a through-hole.19. The fastening element according to further comprising a plurality of chip receiving grooves evenly distributed about a circumference of the hole.20. The fastening element according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one chip receiving groove extends in an axial direction of the hole.21. The fastening element according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one chip receiving groove extends at an angle to an axial direction of the hole.22. The fastening element according to claim 16 , wherein the hole comprises a cylindrical bore.23. The fastening element according to claim 16 , wherein the hole comprises a tapered bore.24. The fastening element according to claim 16 , wherein the fastening element comprises a handling projection.25. The fastening element according to claim 24 , wherein the ha projection is formed quadrangular-like.26. The fastening element according ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114823A1

The invention relates to a sealing nut comprising a nut and a deformable sealing ring, wherein the nut comprises an annular body, a base comprising a counterbore, and a bore made in the base, the bore comprises an annular back wall having a length extending between a first inner radius and a second inner radius, the sealing ring comprises an annular body and an end face suitable for resting against the back wall, and the end face has a length extending between an inner radius and an outer radius. The ratio between the length of the back wall of the bore and the length of the end face of the ring is between 20 and 45%. 111222122. A sealing nut comprising a nut and a deformable sealing ring , wherein the nut comprises an annular body extending in a direction of an axis of revolution (A) , a base comprising a counterbore , and a second counterbore made in said base , the second counterbore comprises an annular back wall having a length extending between a first inner radius (R) and a second inner radius (r) , the sealing ring comprises an annular body and an upper end face (A) suitable for resting against the back wall of the second counterbore , and said upper end face has a length extending between an inner radius (r) and an outer radius (R) , characterized in that the ratio between the length (L) of the back wall of the second counterbore and the length (L) of the upper end face (A) of the ring is between 20 and 45%.2. A sealing nut according to claim 1 , wherein the nut comprises a bevel between the back wall of the second counterbore and a wall of the counterbore of said nut.3. A sealing nut according to claim 2 , wherein the bevel makes an angle (a) between 45° and 60° with respect to the axis of revolution (A).42. A sealing nut according to claim 1 , such that the back wall of the second counterbore and the upper end face (A) of the ring have complementary shapes.52. A sealing nut according to claim 4 , such that the back wall and the upper end face (A) each ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle Shifter Mechanism with Shifter Lever Fitting

Номер: US20190113134A1
Автор: Ford Kevin S., Walls Van

A vehicle shifter mechanism comprises a shift control member configured with an outer threaded portion proximate an upper end, and an inwardly tapered bore proximate the upper end. A shift lever is configured with an outwardly extending annular shoulder proximate a lower end. The annular shoulder has a tapered lower portion configured to register with the tapered bore of the shift control member. A locking nut is configured to fit over the shift lever and to mate with the threaded portion of the shift control member to compress the tapered lower portion of the annular shoulder to the tapered bore to fix the shift control member to the shift lever. 1. A shifter mechanism comprising:a shift rod configured with an outer threaded portion proximate an upper end, and an inwardly tapered bore proximate the upper end;a shift lever configured with an outwardly extending annular shoulder proximate a lower end, the annular shoulder having a tapered lower portion configured to register with the tapered bore of the shift rod; anda locking nut configured to fit over the shift lever and to mate with the threaded portion of the shift rod to compress the tapered lower portion of the annular shoulder to the tapered bore to fix the shift rod to the shift lever.2. The shifter mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the shift rod upper end comprises a blind bore extending from an upper surface of the shift rod inwardly along an axial dimension of the shift rod.3. The shifter mechanism of claim 2 , wherein the annular shoulder and tapered lower portion is defined by a ferrule surrounding a circumference of the shift lever lower end.4. The shifter mechanism of claim 3 , the ferrule being frictionally engaged by the shift lever lower end.5. The shifter mechanism of claim 4 , the shift rod further comprising an annular portion extending outwardly below the outer threaded portion of the shift rod claim 4 , the annular portion defining a pair of oppositely disposed flat surfaces.6. The shifter ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200109576A1

A utility pole anchoring system and associated methods are shown. In one example, a set of anchoring nuts is provided having at least one non-standard thread dimension. In one method of anchoring, a number anchor nuts from a set of non-standard thread dimensioned anchor nuts are selected to correspond to measured deviations in anchor thread dimensions. 1. A method for anchoring a utility pole , comprising:measuring deviations in anchor thread dimensions from a standard anchor thread dimension in anchor posts protruding from a ground fixture;selecting a number of anchor nuts from a set of non-standard thread dimensioned anchor nuts to correspond to the deviations in anchor thread dimensions; andsecuring the utility pole to the ground fixture with the selected non-standard thread dimensioned anchor nuts.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the deviations in anchor thread dimensions includes two or more different anchor thread dimensions.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein securing the utility pole to the ground fixture includes securing using a same tooling size for all selected anchor nuts.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein selecting a number of anchor nuts from a set of non-standard thread dimensioned anchor nuts includes selecting non-standard thread dimensioned anchor nuts with thread dimensions that all fall between two adjacent standard thread dimensions.515.-. (canceled)16. The method of claim 1 , wherein measuring deviations in anchor thread dimensions includes using a caliper to measure deviations in anchor thread dimensions.17. The method of claim 3 , wherein securing using the same tooling size for all selected anchor nuts includes securing using hexagonal tooling.18. The method of claim 17 , wherein the tooling dimension is a standard 2-inch hexagonal nut.19. The method of claim 3 , further including consulting a chart to associate a specific size anchor nut from the set of non-standard thread dimensioned anchor nuts to correspond to individual deviations in ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160123371A1

The invention relates to a fastening means provided for engaging with factional or positively locking means in a friction or positively locking fashion comprising a protuberance realized as an extrusion, wherein the protuberance projects from a plate expanding along a main plane and having a prime surface facing away from the protuberance and comprises an inner side, wherein the inner side forms a circle having an inside diameter Di in a plane being parallel to the main plane, wherein a first plane being parallel to the main plane includes a circle with the first inside diameter Di′ and a second plane being parallel to the main plane includes a circle with the second inside diameter Di″, and wherein the first plane is closer to the prime surface than the second plane, and wherein the first inside diameter Di′ is greater than the second inside diameter Di″. 2. The fastening means as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the protuberance has an opening.3. The fastening means as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plate has a thickness T and half of the difference between the inside diameter Di and an outer diameter Do is smaller than the thickness T of the plate.4. The fastening means as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a maximal difference ΔDi between the first inside diameter Di′ and the second inside diameter Di″ corresponds to ΔDi=DIS*tan α claim 1 , wherein a tilt angle α is 1° substantially and DIS is the distance between the first plane and the second plane.5. The fastening means as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fastening means has a throat section that at least partially forms a circle segment with a circle radius R in a plane being perpendicular to the main plane claim 1 , wherein the throat section links the prime surface of the plate with the inner side of the protuberance and wherein the throat section comprises a circle segment with a circle radius R corresponding to R=0.33*T.8. The fastening means as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fastening means has a protuberance ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119721A1
Автор: Gomez Jesus S.

A barrel nut assembly for use on a variety of firearms is provided. The assembly is made up of a barrel nut, generally cylindrical in shape with a threaded central bore, and an externally threaded locknut which is used in conjunction with the barrel nut to secure a barrel to a firearm upper receiver. The barrel nut has an integral bushing on its exterior constructed to support either the gas tube or piston of the host firearm's operating system. The barrel nut is configured so that it may be independently and non-rotationally held within a vice or other fixture during installation of the barrel and while the locknut is tightened to a preset torque to hold the barrel in place. The barrel nut assembly affords the user a method and apparatus that aligns a central bore in the bushing with the opening in the upper receiver that receives an operating system component of the firearm while the barrel nut is independent of the torque applied to the locknut to properly secure the barrel to the upper receiver. 19.-. (canceled)10. A method of securing a barrel having an annular flange proximate to a rear end of said barrel , to a firearm using a barrel nut , a locknut and a fixture which is configured to receive a receiver of the firearm and the barrel nut and restrain both from rotational movement , the receiver having an externally threaded front end part which is configured to be threadedly engaged within a rear end of the barrel nut , the barrel nut having an internally threaded central bore that receives a chamber end of the barrel and a bushing with a bore therethrough which aligns with an opening located on the front face of the firearm receiver , the bore in the bushing and the opening in the firearm being configured to receive a part of the firearm's operating system therein , the lock nut being configured to slide onto and down the barrel and having external threads to threadedly engage with internal threads on a front end of the barrel nut bore , the method ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации

LED Module Sealing Technology

Номер: US20150128409A1

A sealing process of LED modules includes a waterproof wire put through a wire-through hole of a heat sink to be connected with a positive-negative solder joints on a PCB board, which are subjected to glue sealing treatment. A waterproof sealing process is operated between the waterproof wire and wire-through hole. The PCB board is fixed on the heat sink. One sealing ring is placed into a groove. A ring of liquid silica gel is evenly applied along the other groove. The heat sink installed with the PCB board and the waterproof wire are inversely buckled on the lens set which is fixed with the solid silica gel ring and liquid silica gel. At least two waterproof sealing rings are used to isolate an LED chip from the outside so as to prevent all water vapor or other harmful gases from corroding the chip and the PCB 1. A sealing process for an LED module , comprising:(1) a waterproof wire goes through a wire-through hole of a heat sink to be connected with a positive-negative solder joints on a PCB board, wherein the positive-negative solder joint and the position that the waterproof wire going through are subjected to glue sealing treatment, and a waterproof sealing process is operated between the waterproof wire and the wire-through hole;(2) fix the PCB board onto the heat sink;(3) fix a lens set with at least two grooves at inner and external side into a stationary fixture of a glue machine and place one sealing ring into one of the grooves;(4) apply evenly a ring of liquid silica gel along the other groove of the lens set, and the amount of the liquid silica gel is limited to completely sticking the solid silica gel sealing ring;(5) the heat sink installed with the PCB board and the waterproof wire(s) as processed in step (2) is inversely buckled on the lens set which is set with the solid silica gel ring and the liquid silica gel as processed in step (4), so as to fix the heat sink entirety and the lens set; and(6) make the assembled LED module stand still so that ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Nut and tightening method

Номер: US20200116190A1
Автор: Tomoki Yamashita
Принадлежит: Individual

Provided is a nut that resists being loosened and is easy to be tightened. A nut 600 includes a nut main body 10 having a tapped hole 30 formed therein; an annular member 41 formed on the side of a top surface of the nut main body 10; and an outer frame member 45 formed on the side of an outer edge of the annular member 41. The annular member 41 includes a second end portion 42b in contact with a top surface 11 of the nut main body 10 and a first end portion 42a located opposite to the second end portion 42b. A top surface of the first end portion 42a is located above a top surface of the second end portion 42b. A first gap 40 is formed between the first end portion 42a and the top surface 11 of the nut main body 10. A second gap 49 is formed between a side surface of the annular member 41 and an inner wall 47 of the outer frame member 45. The top surface of the first end portion 42a of the annular member 41 is located above a top surface 46 of the outer frame member 45. The inner wall 47 of the outer frame member 45 is inclining while tapering in an upward direction.

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Backing Bar for Mounting Objects on Thin Walls and Methods of Use

Номер: US20150139752A1
Автор: Torres Carlos A.

Methods and apparatuses are described for providing a threaded backing plate for mounting objects on a thin wall and/or on walls where it is difficult or impossible to access the back of the wall for placing and backing up a nut or for using other mounting and retention means. 1. A method for securing an object to an external surface of a dividing structure having an internal and external surface , comprising:providing at least one structure opening through the dividing structure, said structure opening extending from the external surface to the internal surface;extending an attachment portion of an elongated attachment tool through said structure opening in a direction extending from the external surface to the internal surface of said dividing structure;providing a backing member having at least one internally tapped hole for receiving one end of a threaded bolt and having at least one alignment opening proximal said at least one internally tapped hole;engaging a flexible securing line with said alignment opening of said backing member;securing said attachment portion of said elongated attachment tool to said flexible securing line;retracting said attachment tool and said flexible securing line from said structure opening in a direction from said internal surface toward said external surface;exerting a force on said securing line to bring said internally tapped hole on said backing member into registry with said structure opening;extending a fastener through said structure opening and securing said fastener in said internally tapped hole, said flexible line engaged with said backing structure at a point removed from said attachment configuration whereby said registry may be achieved without interfering with the securing of said fastener to said internally tapped hole.2. A method for securing an object to an external surface of a dividing structure having an internal and external surface , comprising:providing at least one structure opening through the dividing ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Threaded connector for pole, machinery and structural elements

Номер: US20140219743A1
Автор: Milan Mitrovic
Принадлежит: Individual

A threaded connector for securing a panel member to a structure and for adjusting the position of the panel member relative to the structure. The connector comprises an elongate one-piece stud, a first spacer, a threaded nut, a second spacer and a turning formation. The connector permits the panel member to be mounted on the stud and the stud to be rotated to adjust the position of the panel member relative to the structure.

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150147134A1
Принадлежит: ALCOA INC.

A fastener including a bolt having an elongated shank having a first end, a second end opposite the first end, and a threaded portion having an external bolt thread, the bolt thread including a bolt pitch. The fastener includes a nut having a first end, a second end opposite the first end of the nut, and an internal nut thread extending between the first and second ends of the nut and adapted to engage threadedly the bolt thread of the bolt. The nut thread includes a nut pitch and a hardness that changes gradationally between the first and second ends of the nut. The bolt pitch of the bolt thread of the bolt is mismatched with the nut pitch of the nut thread of the nut. 1. A fastener , comprising:a bolt including an elongated shank having a first end, a second end opposite the first end, and a threaded portion having an external bolt thread, wherein the bolt thread includes a bolt pitch; anda nut including a first end, a second end opposite the first end of the nut, and an internal nut thread extending between the first and second ends of the nut and adapted to engage threadedly the bolt thread of the bolt, wherein the nut thread includes a nut pitch,wherein the bolt pitch of the bolt thread of the bolt is mismatched with the nut pitch of the nut thread of the nut.2. The fastener of claim 1 , wherein the nut pitch of the nut thread of the nut is shorter than the bolt pitch of the bolt thread of the bolt.3. The fastener of claim 2 , wherein when the nut thread of the nut engages the bolt thread of the bolt claim 2 , an initial contact and engagement between the nut thread and the bolt thread is located at a pitch of the nut pitch that is proximate to the first end of the nut.4. The fastener of claim 1 , wherein the nut pitch of the nut thread of the nut is longer than the bolt pitch of the bolt thread of the bolt.5. The fastener of claim 4 , wherein when the nut thread of the nut engages the bolt thread of the bolt claim 4 , an initial contact and engagement between ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150147138A1
Автор: HSIEH Chih-Ching

A nut includes a thread portion and a pressing portion. The thread portion is formed at an end of the nut. The thread portion includes a threaded inner wall surface for engaging with a screwing shaft of a screwing piece. The pressing portion is extended from the thread portion and formed at the other end of the nut. A wall thickness of the pressing portion is smaller than a wall thickness of the thread portion. An outer wall surface of the pressing portion is aligned with an outer wall surface of the thread portion. 1. A nut , comprising:a thread portion formed at an end of the nut, wherein the thread portion comprises a threaded inner call surface for engaging with a screwing shaft of a screwing piece; anda pressing portion extended from the thread portion and formed at the other end of the nut, wherein a wall thickness of the pressing portion is smaller than a wall thickness of the thread portion, and an outer wall surface of the pressing portion is aligned with an outer wall surface of the thread portion.2. The nut of claim 1 , wherein the nut formed in a hexagonal shape.3. The nut of claim 1 , wherein the nut is formed in a square shape.4. The nut of claim 1 , further comprising:a stress detection piece disposed on an inner wall surface of the pressing portion.5. A nut claim 1 , comprising:a thread portion formed at an end of the nut, wherein the thread portion comprises a threaded inner wall surface for engaging with a screwing shaft of a screwing piece, at least one groove is recessedly formed on the threaded inner wall surface, and the groove is coaxial with the nut; anda pressing portion extended from the thread portion and formed at the other end of the nut, wherein a wall thickness of the pressing portion is smaller than a wall thickness of the thread portion, and an outer wall surface of the pressing portion is aligned with an outer wall surface of the thread portion.6. The nut of claim 5 , wherein the nut is formed in a hexagonal shape.7. The nut of ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Nut structure for electric pushing rod

Номер: US20220282775A1
Автор: Yu-Chang Lin
Принадлежит: Timotion Technology Co Ltd

The disclosure is a nut structure for an electric pushing rod. The electric pushing rod has a guide screw (A) with an outer thread (A 1 ). The nut structure includes a metal cylinder ( 10 ) and a plastic intermediate component ( 20 ). The metal cylinder ( 10 ) has a pivot hole ( 11 ) being passed through by the guide screw (A). An inner wall of the pivot ( 11 ) is provided with an inner thread ( 12 ). The plastic intermediate component ( 20 ) covers the inner thread ( 12 ) and is disposed of between the outer thread (A 1 ) and the inner thread ( 12 ). The plastic intermediate component ( 20 ) includes a fixed side thread ( 21 ) mounted on the inner thread ( 12 ) and a driving side thread ( 22 ) screwed with the outer thread (A 1 ). Therefore, the strength may be enhanced to avoid both the nut structure from being broken and the driving side thread ( 22 ) from getting stripped.

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136899A1
Принадлежит: GlobalTech Subsea, Inc.

A plated fastener for use in marine environments is provided, the fastener including at least a composite metal base member including one or more of nickel, bronze and aluminum, wherein the composite metal base member further includes at least an engagement nut manufactured to mate with an associated flanged connector receptacle having one or more of a 4-pin, 6-pin and 8-pin connector; and a coating layer including at least nickel, wherein the coating layer inhibits electrolysis and corrosion and pitting of the composite metal base member is avoided. 1. A plated fastener for use in marine environments , said fastener comprising:a composite metal base member comprising one or more of nickel, bronze and aluminum; anda coating layer further comprising nickel,wherein said coating layer inhibits electrolysis and corrosion and pitting of the composite metal base member is avoided.2. The plated fastener of claim 1 , wherein said composite metal base member further comprises an engagement nut.3. The plated fastener of claim 2 , wherein said engagement nut is manufactured so as to mate with an associated connector receptacle.4. The plated fastener of claim 3 , wherein said engagement nut is manufactured so as to mate with an associated flanged connector receptacle.5. The plated fastener of claim 3 , wherein said associated connector receptacle further comprises a 4-pin connector.6. The plated fastener of claim 3 , wherein said associated connector receptacle further comprises a 6-pin connector.7. The plated fastener of claim 3 , wherein said associated connector receptacle further comprises an 8-pin connector.8. The plated fastener of claim 3 , wherein said associated connector receptacle further comprises a connector having more than 8-pins.9. The plated fastener of claim 1 , wherein said coating layer further comprises another metal in additional to nickel.10. The plated fastener of claim 1 , said fastener comprising:a composite metal base member comprising one or more of ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Fastening element and fastening assembly

Номер: US20160146242A1
Автор: Mattias Andersson
Принадлежит: Nord Lock AB

A fastening assembly includes a fastening element extending along a central axis between a first and a second end. The fastening element includes a head section extending from the second end along the central axis and engageable by a tool, such as a hexagonal head. A protruding cylindrically shaped section has a smaller diameter than the head section. A flanged section is arranged between the head section and the protruding cylindrically shaped section. The fastening element on the cylindrically shaped section includes an engaging section. A first portion of the engaging section is positioned at a distance from the surface of the flanged section facing the first end, such that a locking washer will be stopped from reaching the surface of the flanged section if introduced on the cylindrically shaped section with its smaller central diameter in the direction of the engaging section.

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Concrete masonry anchor and method of fastening

Номер: US20150152907A1
Принадлежит: 9170-9980 QUEBEC Inc

An anchoring assembly and method adapted to secure a screw fastener at a pre-drilled hole in a concrete, brick or masonry building material with an elongated engagement cavity between the screw and the pre-drilled hole radially offset to one side of and extending axially along the depth of the hole, an elongated anchor strip axially adjacent the screw including an elongated malleable and non-resilient anchor member adapted to frictionally engage both the helical threads and the building material and to frictionally engage the threads to the building material radially opposite to the engagement cavity, the malleable anchor member having at least one transverse dimension which is substantially greater than the transverse radial dimension of the axial engagement cavity.

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170146046A1

A method for increasing tensile strength of a cold workable alpha-beta titanium alloy comprises solution heat treating a cold workable alpha-beta titanium alloy in a temperature range of T-106° C. to T-72.2° C. for 15 minutes to 2 hours; cooling the alpha-beta titanium alloy at a cooling rate of at least 3000° C./minute; cold working the alpha-beta titanium alloy to impart an effective strain in the range of 5 percent to 35 percent in the alloy; and aging the alpha-beta titanium alloy in a temperature range of T-669° C. to T-517° C. for 1 to 8 hours. Fastener stock and fasteners including solution treated, quenched, cold worked, and aged alpha-beta titanium alloys are also disclosed. 1. A method for increasing tensile strength of a cold workable alpha-beta titanium alloy , comprising:{'sub': β', 'β, 'solution heat treating a cold workable alpha-beta titanium alloy by heating the alpha-beta titanium alloy in a temperature range of T-106° C. to T-72.2° C. for 15 minutes to 2 hours;'}cooling the alpha-beta titanium alloy at a cooling rate of at least 3000° C. per minute to ambient temperature;cold working the alpha-beta titanium alloy to impart an effective strain in the range of 5 percent to 35 percent; and{'sub': β', 'β, 'aging the alpha-beta titanium alloy by heating the alpha-beta titanium alloy in a temperature range of T-669° C. to T-517° C. for 1 to 8 hours.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alpha-beta titanium alloy comprises claim 1 , in weight percentages based on total alloy weight:2.9 to 5.0 aluminum;2.0 to 3.0 vanadium;0.4 to 2.0 iron;0.2 to 0.3 oxygen;0.005 to 0.3 carbon;titanium;impurities; andoptionally, one or more of tin, zirconium, molybdenum, chromium, nickel, silicon, copper, niobium, tantalum, manganese, cobalt, boron and yttrium;wherein the sum of the weight percentages of any tin, zirconium, molybdenum, chromium, nickel, silicon, copper, niobium, tantalum, manganese, cobalt, boron, and yttrium present in the titanium alloy is less than 0.5 ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Stud-engaging engine cover pocket plug

Номер: US20180149080A1

An engine cover assembly including a stud-engaging engine cover pocket plug is disclosed. The plug conceals the cover fastener assembly. The plug includes a concealing cover and a stud attachment assembly extending from the cover. The assembly comprises a bridge, a pair of spaced apart legs attached to the bridge, and a base having a stud-retaining aperture. The bridge, the pair of spaced apart legs, and the base define a parallelogram such as a rectangle. The base of the stud attachment assembly has a long axis. According to one embodiment, the base includes a pair of opposed slots extending from the stud-retaining aperture in opposite directions along the long axis of the base. According to another embodiment, the base also includes a pair of opposed slots extending from the stud-retaining aperture. However, each slot extends in a direction that is perpendicular to the long axis of the base.

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Compensator assembly for a vehicle frame

Номер: US20160159410A1

A compensator assembly for a vehicle frame includes a base member having a clip engaging a first frame component spaced from a second frame component. An extension member is threadably coupled with the base member. A fastener extends coaxially through the base and the extension members to engage the first and second frame components. Rotation of the fastener unthreads the extension member until it contacts the second frame component.

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140241831A1

A hollow element such as a hollow rivet or a nut element for attachment to a component consisting of a composite material such as a fiber reinforced plastic part or a fabric rein-forced plastic part is presented. The element has a flange part and a shaft part extending away from the flange part and/or a rivet section, wherein the rivet section, is present, can also be formed at the free end of the shaft part, with the a hollow element furthermore having a central passage, which is optionally provided with a thread cylinder. The hollow element is used in combination with an auxiliary tip which is either inserted from the flange side of the element through the passage, or from the side of the free end of the shaft part of the rivet section into the passage, such that a conically converging region of the auxiliary tip projects from the free end of the shaft part or of the rivet section. 1100130102106102108100126106128126126128106129133112108. A hollow nut element () for attachment to a component () comprising a composite material such as a fiber reinforced plastic part or a fabric reinforced plastic part , wherein the element has a flange part () and a and a rivet section () having an outer diameter and a free end and extending away from the flange part () , wherein the hollow element furthermore has a central passage() and a thread cylinder provided in the hollow passage , wherein the hollow nut element () is used in combination with an auxiliary tip () which is inserted from the free end of the rivet section () into the passage such that a conically converging region () of the auxiliary tip () projects from the free end of the rivet section , the auxiliary tip () having , behind the conically converging tip () , a maximum diameter which corresponds to or is somewhat smaller than the outer diameter of the rivet section () and merges via a rounded neck () into a portion () of smaller diameter which is received in the thread cylinder () or in the central passage (). ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200149271A1

A construction anchoring system includes one or more anchor apparatuses which are mountable relative to a form used to create a concrete support structure. The concrete is deposited in the form and cures whereby the one or more anchor apparatuses becomes embedded within the concrete support structure. The embedded anchor apparatus is readily accessible to be coupled with, or to support, construction supplies or equipment such as ductwork, electrical cables, plumbing, sprinklers, safety lines or fences, etc. within a construction site. A plurality of anchor apparatuses may be mounted relative to the concrete form to create a system for organizing the installation of construction materials and/or safety equipment. 1. An anchoring system for installation in a concrete support , which comprises: a locking plate configured for securement relative to a form board used to form a concrete support;', 'an elongate anchor including a connector segment at one end for connecting with a construction tool; and', 'a coupler mounted to the elongate anchor; and', 'wherein one of the locking plate and the coupler defines an aperture and a keyed slot adjacent the aperture;', 'wherein the other of the locking plate and the coupler defines a main segment and a wing segment depending from the main segment', 'wherein the main segment and the wing segment are respectively positioned into the aperture and the keyed slot when in a first rotational orientation of the coupler and the locking plate; and', 'wherein relative rotational movement of the coupler and the locking plate to a second rotational orientation thereof secures the coupler and the elongate anchor to the locking plate., 'at least one anchoring apparatus, including2. The anchoring system according to wherein the coupler defines a central opening configured to at least partially receive the connector segment of the elongate anchor claim 1 , and wherein the coupler and the connecting segment include cooperating structure to ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170159695A1

The present disclosure relates to a blind nut, a fastening arrangement and further to a method of fastening. The blind nut includes a cylindrical outer surface portion provided with one or more sealing elements. The sealing elements of the blind nut may seal against a cylindrical inner surface of a nut space inside which the blind nut is configured to penetrate when being tightened. 1. A blind nut comprising:an open first end and a closed second end;a space with inside threads disposed at a portion of the first end;turning surfaces located at a portion of the second end arranged to direct turning torque for tightening and loosening the blind nut; andan axial support surface at the first end, wherein an outer surface of the blind nut includes at least one cylindrical outer surface portion the cylindrical outer surface portion having at least one sealing element, the sealing element surrounding the outer surface of the cylindrical portion.2. The blind nut as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sealing element is made of compressible elastic material.3. The blind nut as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cylindrical outer surface portion includes at least one seal groove the seal groove having a ring-shaped seal.424. The blind nut as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the ring-shaped seal () is an O-ring.5. The blind nut as claimed claim 1 , wherein the cylindrical outer surface portion extends in a longitudinal direction of the blind nut from the first end to at least a longitudinal middle point of the blind nut claim 1 , the sealing element being positioned closer to the first end than the middle point.6. The blind nut as claimed claim 1 , wherein the blind nut includes one single sealing element and is located at the cylindrical outer surface portion.7. A fastening arrangement comprising:a first machine element provided with a first fastening surface;a second machine element provided with a second fastening surface;at least one fastening screw having an end portion provided ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170159696A1
Принадлежит: HEWI G. Winker GmbH & Co. KG

In order to optimize a nut and a method for the production of a nut, comprising a nut body which is provided or can be provided with an internal thread and has a polygonal section with a polygonal outer contour which has, on the one hand, edge areas and, on the other hand, key faces which are located between the edge areas and extend in key face planes extending in a manner conforming to standards, in such a manner that it has mechanical properties which are as ideal as possible with as low a weight as possible, it is suggested that the nut body have a plurality of recesses which extend into the nut body in the direction of the bore proceeding from the respective key face planes. 2. Nut as defined in claim 1 , wherein recesses extend into the nut body each proceeding from key face planes located opposite one another.3. Nut as defined in claim 1 , wherein a recess extends into the nut body proceeding from each key face plane of the polygonal section.4. Nut as defined in claim 1 , wherein the recess extends from the respective key face plane as far as a thread-bearing casing surrounding the internal thread in a stabilizing manner.5. Nut as defined in claim 4 , wherein the thread-bearing casing has claim 4 , proceeding from an external diameter of the internal thread claim 4 , a radial minimum thickness of 0.05 times the external diameter of the internal thread.6. Nut as defined in claim 1 , wherein the nut body has a first end face designed as a pressure side with a pressure surface and a second end face facing away from the pressure side.7. Nut as defined in claim 6 , wherein the recess extends as far as the second end face.8. Nut as defined in claim 6 , wherein the recess extends as far as the pressure side.9. Nut as defined in claim 6 , wherein the recess extends from the one end face to the other end face only over a partial section of the extension of the nut body.10. Nut as defined in claim 1 , wherein the recess extends as far as a pressure base provided on the ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Variable bleed valve systems including a stop mechanism with a self-lubricating follower nut assembly

Номер: US20160169104A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Variable bleed valve systems thereof including a stop mechanism with a self-lubricating follower nut assembly are provided. Self-lubricating follower nut assembly includes a follower nut and a pair of grease reservoirs. Follower nut has a recess at each of a first end and a second end and a groove extending between the first and second ends. A grease reservoir is disposed within each recess. Each grease reservoir has an outlet opening substantially aligned with a corresponding end of the groove. Each grease reservoir is compressible to expel lubricating grease into the groove upon compression. The self-lubricating follower nut assembly is configured to translate along a hollow screw between opposed end stops disposed within a housing of the stop mechanism. Each grease reservoir is compressed each time the self-lubricating follower nut assembly impacts an end stop of the opposed end stops.

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140248104A1
Принадлежит: Aoyama Seisakusho Co., Ltd.

A pierce nut used for a high-strength steel plate according to the invention includes a female screw thread portion formed in the center of a nut body, an annular piercing portion projecting around the female thread portion, and an annular outer peripheral projection extending from the periphery of the nut body. The outer periphery of the piercing portion forms a first sloping surface increasing in diameter toward the leading end thereof, and also the inner peripheral surface of the outer peripheral projection forms a second sloping surface increasing in diameter toward the leading end thereof. Serrations are formed on the second sloping surface. Even where a mating member is a high-strength steel plate, the pierce nut according to the invention can ensure the same peeling strength and rotation torque as with a conventional nut, without deformation of the pierce nut itself. 1. A pierce nut used for a high-strength steel plate , comprising:a female screw thread portion formed in a center of a nut body;an annular piercing portion projecting around the female thread portion; andan annular outer peripheral projection extending from the periphery of the nut body,wherein the outer periphery of the piercing portion forms a first sloping surface increasing in diameter toward a leading end thereof, and also the inner peripheral surface of the outer peripheral projection forms a second sloping surface increasing in diameter toward a leading end thereof, andwherein serrations are formed on the second sloping surface.2. The pierce nut for a high-strength steel plate according to claim 1 , wherein the central angle of the second sloping surface is greater than the central angle of the first sloping surface.3. The pierce nut for a high-strength steel plate according to claim 1 , wherein the inner peripheral surface of the piercing portion forms a third sloping surface increasing in diameter toward a leading end thereof. The present invention relates to a pierce nut used for a ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Pet nail caps

Номер: US20220304277A1
Автор: Kazban Roman V.

Pet nail caps cover pets' nails to prevent scratches on surfaces (e.g., hardwood and tiled flooring) and avoid injuries to themselves and others (e.g., pets' eyes and ears, human extremities) while not compromising pet's mobility but rather improving it. The treads on the caps' tips increase the coefficient of friction between the caps (i.e., individual pet's nails) and the hard-surface flooring improving traction and overall pet's mobility. Internal spirals allow the caps to twist onto pets' nails and stay securely attached. A rubber-like material of construction (e.g., thermoplastic elastomers, thermoplastic polyurethane) provides for cap's flexibility and durability. 1. A method for covering pet's nails , comprising attaching one or more nail caps to one or more nails of the pet , wherein the one or more nail caps each comprises a tubular element having an upper end with an opening , a closed lower end with one or more treads on the exterior edge , and a hollow interior with one or more spirals on the interior surface , the attaching step being practiced by twisting the tubular element onto the pet's nail.2. A method for reducing slippage of a pet on a hard-surface flooring , comprising attaching one or more nail caps to one or more nails of the pet , wherein the one or more nail caps each comprises a tubular element having an upper end with an opening , a closed lower end with one or more treads on the exterior edge , and a hollow interior with one or more spirals on the interior surface , the attaching step being practiced by twisting the tubular element onto the pet's nail.3. A method for improving traction of a pet on a hard-surface flooring , comprising attaching one or more nail caps to one or more nails of the pet , wherein the one or more nail caps each comprises a tubular element having an upper end with an opening , a closed lower end with one or more treads on the exterior edge , and a hollow interior with one or more spirals on the interior surface , ...
