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31-05-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2820265C2

Резьбовое соединение для труб, применяемых в скважинах при разведке и добыче углеводородов, содержит соединительный элемент, первый и второй трубные элементы. Соединительный элемент имеет наружный диаметр соединения COD и содержит первую муфтовую часть, вторую муфтовую часть, периферийную часть. При этом периферийная часть расположена между первой муфтовой частью и второй муфтовой частью и имеет радиальную толщину B и осевую длину C. Первая муфтовая часть и вторая муфтовая части имеют радиальную толщину А, расположенную между внутренним ободом и первыми внутренними резьбами и вторыми внутренними резьбами соответственно. Первый трубный элемент, содержащий первую не резьбовую трубную часть и первую ниппельную часть. Второй трубный элемент, содержащий вторую не резьбовую трубную часть и вторую ниппельную часть. Первая не резьбовая трубная часть и вторая не резьбовая трубная части имеют наружный диаметр TOD и радиальную толщину стенки W. Первый трубный элемент и второй трубный элементы имеют ...

25-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2715207C2

Изобретение относится к уплотнительному материалу для уплотнения резьбовых соединений труб. Уплотнительный материал содержит многоволоконную полифениленсульфидную пряжу или крученую полифениленсульфидную пряжу, уплотнительную композицию для соединений, содержащую кремнийорганическое масло или масло природного происхождения, у которого температура дымообразования составляет приблизительно 230°C или выше. Причем многоволоконная полифениленсульфидная пряжа или крученая полифениленсульфидная пряжа покрыта уплотнительной композицией для соединений. Уплотнительный материал обеспечивает эффективное уплотнение и является устойчивым даже при использовании в системах, в которых на него воздействуют температуры, превышающие 280°C. Материал может быть обеспечен в раздаточном устройстве. 5 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

29-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2642922C2

Изобретение относится к резьбовым соединениям для стальных труб. Резьбовое соединение для стальных труб содержит муфту, которая является открывающим концом второй трубы, и ниппель в форме усеченного конуса, который является концом первой трубы и вставлен в муфту. Ниппель содержит участок наружной резьбы, которая является конической резьбой, и уплотняющий участок, который содержит коническую поверхность, а муфта содержит участок внутренней резьбы, которая является конической резьбой, и уплотняющий участок, который содержит коническую поверхность, и в состоянии перед свинчиванием ниппеля и муфты минимальный диаметр конической поверхности ниппеля меньше, чем максимальный диаметр конической поверхности муфты. Изобретение повышает надежность резьбового соединения. 21 з.п. ф-лы, 17 ил., 2 табл.

18-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2764606C1

Изобретение относится к резьбовому соединению для стальных труб, обеспечивающему высокий момент затяжки, высокую устойчивость к растяжению и высокую герметичность. Резьбовое соединение 1 содержит трубчатый ниппель 10, содержащий упор 12 ниппеля, наружную резьбу 11 и уплотнение 13 ниппеля; и трубчатую муфту 20, содержащую упор 22 муфты, внутреннюю резьбу 21 и уплотнение 23 муфты. Наружная резьба 11 и внутренняя резьба 21 выполнены в виде клиновидной резьбы. Уплотнение 13 ниппеля предусмотрено между упором 12 ниппеля и наружной резьбой 11. Уплотнение 23 муфты соответствует уплотнению 13 ниппеля и предусмотрено на внутренней периферийной поверхности муфты 20. Когда соединение свинчено, упор 12 ниппеля находится на расстоянии от упора 22 муфты. Резьбовое соединение 1 удовлетворяет следующему выражению, (1): 3%≤(LP−SP)/LP≤7% (1). В выражении (1) LP означает шаг между опорными сторонами 111 наружной резьбы 11, а SP означает шаг между закладными сторонами 112 наружной резьбы 11. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ...

05-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2615561C1

Изобретение относится к соединительной конструкции между телом и замком бурильной трубы из алюминиевого сплава. Соединительная конструкция содержит первый элемент замка, расположенный на конце тела трубы из алюминиевого сплава, и второй элемент замка, причем первый элемент замка характеризуется наличием участка с внешним конусом, участка с внешней резьбой и первой торцевой поверхности уплотнения, которые последовательно расположены от внутренней части трубы к наружной, причем конусность участка с внешним конусом меньше конусности участка с внешней резьбой; причем второй элемент замка имеет цилиндрическую форму и характеризуется наличием участка с внутренним конусом, сопрягаемым с участком с внешним конусом, участка с внутренней резьбой, сопрягаемого с участком с внешней резьбой, второй торцевой поверхности уплотнения, заплечика под элеватор и переходного участка в форме вогнутой дуги между участком с внутренним конусом и участком с внутренней резьбой. Когда первый элемент замка соединяют ...

13-02-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017113103A3

19-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU180579U1

Упрочненная резьбовая деталь относится к резьбовым соединениям, в частности к резьбовым соединениям, применяемым в нефтегазовой промышленности.Задачами, на решение которых направлена заявляемая полезная модель, являются:– повышение надежности резьбового соединения, в том числе резьбового соединения бурильных труб;– увеличение ресурса работы соединения;– обеспечение длительной сохранности резьбового элемента от истирания, деформации и коррозии поверхностей;– минимизация рисков возникновения образования трещин, возникающих из-за протяженной жесткой поверхности, при воздействии на соединение больших изгибающих, крутящих, сжимающих, растягивающих комбинированных и знакопеременных нагрузок.Поставленные технические задачи решаются за счет того, что резьбовая деталь имеет на резьбовом участке упрочнение, причем согласно полезной модели упрочнение выполнено с пропусками. Под пропусками понимаются неупрочненные участки поверхности резьбовой структуры. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 6 фиг.

29-08-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2802489C1

Изобретение относится к резьбовому соединению для труб. Изобретение отличается превосходной стойкостью к образованию задиров и позволяет предотвратить ослабление при использовании в скважине с горизонтальным окончанием ствола. Также описан способ изготовления резьбового соединения для труб. Резьбовое соединение для труб содержит ниппель (3), муфту (4) и металлизированный слой (100) из сплава Zn-Ni. Ниппель (3) содержит контактную поверхность (34), содержащую часть (31) с наружной резьбой. Муфта (4) содержит контактную поверхность (44), содержащую часть (41) с внутренней резьбой. Металлизированный слой (100) из сплава Zn-Ni расположен на по меньшей мере одной поверхности из контактной поверхности ниппеля (34) и контактной поверхности (44) муфты. Металлизированный слой (100) из сплава Zn-Ni содержит графит. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил., 1 табл.

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2470211C1

Группа изобретений относится к конструкции соединения трубопроводов. В конструкции присоединения трубопроводов на одной ее торцевой части имеется коническая внешняя резьба, а на другой ее торцевой части имеется соединительное приспособление, которое подсоединено к соединительной детали. Коническая внешняя резьба имеет такую длину, что в момент окончания ввинчивания этой резьбы в коническую внутреннюю резьбу, которая образована в концевой головке, коническая внешняя резьба входит в нее на всю длину, и вместе с этим достигается эффект герметизации герметизирующим элементом. Описан вариант выполнения конструкции соединения трубопроводов. 2 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

16-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2694698C1

Изобретение относится к резьбовому соединению для стальной трубы. Ниппель (10) включает в себя, в порядке от свободного конца ниппеля (10): плечевую поверхность (11), первую уплотнительную поверхность (12), первый участок (13) с внешней резьбой, вторую уплотнительную поверхность (14) и второй участок (15) с внешней резьбой. Муфта (20) включает в себя плечевую поверхность (21), первую уплотнительную поверхность (22), первый участок (23) с внутренней резьбой, вторую уплотнительную поверхность (24) и второй участок (25) с внутренней резьбой. Углы наклона нагружаемых сторон (13d и 23d) первого участка (13) с внешней резьбой и первого участка (23) с внутренней резьбой составляют менее 0°. Первый участок (13) с внешней резьбой состоит, в порядке от места вблизи второй уплотнительной поверхности (14), из: секции (31b) неполной резьбы и секции (31а) полной резьбы. Секция (31b) неполной резьбы имеет длину, по меньшей мере равную трехкратной величине шага ее резьбы, и имеет высоту резьбы, меньшую ...

11-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2705783C1

Изобретение относится к резьбовому соединению для трубных изделий нефтепромыслового сортамента, обладающему отличной герметичностью. Резьбовое соединение содержит ниппель с внешней кольцевой периферийной поверхностью, сформированной на концевой торцовой стороне стальной трубы, и участком с внешней резьбой, выполненным на поверхности, отходящей от внешней кольцевой периферийной поверхности к центру стальной трубы в осевом направлении; и муфту с полостью, в которую входит ниппель, в которой выполнены участок с внутренней резьбой, входящий в зацепление с участком с внешней резьбой, и внутренняя кольцевая периферийная поверхность, входящая в контакт и упирающаяся во внешнюю кольцевую периферийную поверхность; в котором ниппель и муфта соединены друг с другом с помощью резьбового соединения участка с внешней резьбой с участком с внутренней резьбой таким образом, что внешняя кольцевая периферийная поверхность и внутренняя кольцевая периферийная поверхность входят в контакт друг с другом. Участок ...

10-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2478865C1

Изобретение относится к изделиям из композиций полимеров ненасыщенных алифатических углеводородов, содержащих одну углерод-углеродную двойную связь, используемым в оборудовании при разработке и эксплуатации месторождений углеводородов. Устройство для защиты соединительной трубной муфты содержит ступенчатую втулку, имеющую средний участок с увеличенным диаметром и два боковых с меньшими наружными диаметрами, установленную между торцами труб с конической резьбой и соединенных муфтой. Устройство снабжено дополнительной ступенчатой втулкой, причем первая ступенчатая втулка имеет постоянный наружный диаметр и два участка с малым и большим внутренним диаметрами, а вторая ступенчатая втулка имеет постоянный внутренний диаметр и два участка с малым и большим диаметрами, причем малый внутренний диаметр первой втулки и внутренний диаметр второй втулки равны внутреннему диаметру соединяемых труб, а наружный диаметр первой втулки и больший наружный диаметр второй втулки равны внутреннему диаметру соединительной ...

21-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2692177C1

Изобретение относится к резьбовому соединению насосно-компрессорных труб для нефтяных скважин, которое обладает достаточной герметичностью при приложении к резьбовому соединению внешнего давления благодаря исключению пластичной деформации переднего участка и достаточному сопротивлению задиру. Достаточное сопротивление задиру обеспечивается путем предотвращения его возникновения во время выполнения резьбового соединения в ходе проверочного испытания, осуществленного в соответствии с ISO 13679:2002, даже при малой толщине резьбового соединения насосно-компрессорных труб для нефтяных скважин. Параметры резьбового соединения, в том числе размеры при установленном отношении Ls/Ln от 0,2 до 0,6, удовлетворяют формулам: (Ds1–Ds0)/(D1–D0)≥0,30 и tgθ>(ΔD+δ)/[2(Lt–Ls)], где Ds1 – диаметр в дюймах наружного конца поверхности контакта торца ниппельной части трубы с упором в муфте; Ds0 – диаметр в дюймах внутреннего конца поверхности контакта торца ниппельной части трубы с упором в муфте; D1 – внешний ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2720524C1

Изобретение относится к резьбовому соединению для стальных труб с улучшенными показателями уплотнения. Резьбовое соединение (1) содержит ниппель (10) и муфту (20). Ниппель (10) содержит поверхность (11) заплечика ниппеля, уплотнительную поверхность (12) ниппеля и охватываемую резьбу (13). Муфта (20) содержит поверхность (21) заплечика муфты, уплотнительную поверхность (22) муфты и охватывающую резьбу (23). Охватываемая резьба (13) и охватывающая резьба (23) представляют собой клиновые резьбы. Когда соединение скреплено, поверхность (11) заплечика ниппеля контактирует с поверхностью (21) заплечика муфты, закладная сторона и опорная сторона охватываемой резьбы (13) контактируют с закладной стороной и опорной стороной соответственно охватывающей резьбы (23) и уплотнительная поверхность (12) ниппеля контактирует с уплотнительной поверхностью (22) муфты. Угол заплечика составляет 4° или больше. Угол заплечика является углом, образованным каждой из поверхностей (11, 21) заплечика с плоскостью ...

22-04-2021 дата публикации

Kunststoffbeschichtetes Metallrohrsystem

Номер: DE102020118114A1

Die Erfindung gehört zum technischen Bereich der Rohrstruktur, insbesondere zu einem kunststoffbeschichteten Metallrohrsystem, das ein Rohr und Rohrverbindungsstück zur Verbindung benachbarter erster und zweiter Rohre umfasst, wobei das erste Rohr, das zweite Rohr und das Rohr alle haben ein inneres Metallrohr mit einer kunststoffbeschichtete Außenverkleidung; Indem ein Kernanschlussstück zwischen dem ersten Rohr und dem Rohr verwendet wird, wird die erste Dichtung durch der Gummiring zwischen den beiden gebildet und dann wird die zweite Dichtung durch die kunststoffbeschichtete Außenverkleidung an der Außenseite gebildet; oder das erste Rohr und das zweite Rohr werden direkt unter Verwendung eines Gewindekernanschlussstück verschraubt und fixiert, und dann durch die äußere Elektrofusionsrohranschlüsse geschweißt und fixiert, oder das erste Rohr und das zweite Rohr werden direkt in ausgerichteter Position geschweißt und fixiert, und dann durch die äußere Elektrofusionsrohranschlüsse geschweißt ...

19-03-1981 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003033859A1

24-12-2014 дата публикации

Seal assembly for a downhole device

Номер: GB0201419995D0

26-01-2011 дата публикации

Breech lock coupling

Номер: GB0002472161A

There is provided a breech lock coupling for coupling riser sections together. The breech lock coupling may be used non-pre-loaded or pre-loaded according to the user's preferences. In addition, the breech lock coupling may be disassembled for inspection and maintenance and reassembled. A locking ring secures two coupling components together. The coupling components may be attached to opposite ends of the riser sections, such as via welding. The locking ring may be pre-attached to the first coupling component for easy storage and fast assembly. Assembly of the riser may be accomplished by inserting the second coupling component into the locking ring and the first coupling component, then rotating the locking ring with respect to the second component. Furthermore, the coupling may be pre-loaded by tightening fasteners on the locking ring to provide a more stable coupling. Unlike with traditional riser couplings, the pre-load fasteners may be tightened via hand-held tools.

06-01-2016 дата публикации

Click-seal torque limiting connector

Номер: GB0002528017A

A fluid connector assembly comprises an outer fastener and an inner fastener. The outer fastener is comprised of a top surface, a bottom surface, and a plurality of radially extending members on the top surface. The inner fastener is provided comprising a top surface, a bottom surface, and a plurality of radially extending projections. The radially extending projections are dimensioned to be received by the radially extending members when the inner fastener is assembled with the outer fastener. A connector is disposed in the inner fastener, wherein the connector may be externally threaded so as to receive a fluid supply line that is internally threaded. The radially extending projections of the inner fastener may be flexible.

28-02-2001 дата публикации

Apparatus and method

Номер: GB0000101084D0

18-10-2006 дата публикации

Double shoulder tool joint

Номер: GB0000617759D0

02-12-2020 дата публикации

A connector

Номер: GB0002575643B
Автор: GLEN ANSELL, Glen Ansell

20-04-2011 дата публикации

Sealing ferrule assembly exerting grip on capillary

Номер: GB0002474588A

A fitting (100) for coupling a tubing (102) to another component (330) of a fluidic device (300), the fitting (100) comprising a male piece (104) having a front ferrule (106) and a back ferrule (108) both being slidable on the tubing (102), the male piece (104) further having a first joint element (110) configured slidably on the tubing (102), and a female piece (112) having a recess (114) configured for accommodating the front ferule (106) and the tubing (102) and having a second joint element (116) configured to be joinable to the first joint element (110), wherein the back ferrule (108) is configured in such a manner that, upon joining the first joint element (110) to the second joint element (116), the back ferrule (108) exerts a pressing force on the front ferrule (106) to provide a sealing between the front ferrule (106) and the female piece (112), and the back female (108) exerts a grip force between the male piece (104) and the tubing (102).

21-06-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001278364A

... 1278364 Tetrafluoroethylene polymer films &c W L GORE & ASSOCIATES Inc 30 April 1970 [3 Oct 1969] 20739/70 Heading B5B [Also in Divisions C3 and F2] A shaped article of an unsintered tetrafluoroethylene polymer which is uniaxially expanded and oriented, has a fibrillow structure and has a specific gravity of less than 1À4 may be produced by increasing, through controlled stretching, the length of the article without a compensating decrease in the other dimensions of the article. The controlled stretching may be achieved by drawing off polymer tape from a drum at a higher speed than it is supplied by the drum. Suitable polymers are polytetrafluoroethylene and tetrafluoroethylene/hexafluoropropylene copolymer. Ethylene or chlorotrifluoroethylene may be present as comonomers. The shaped article may be in the form of a ribbon, rod or pellicle. The stretching may include a heat-setting step comprising applying heat to the stretched article while it is constrained from retraction thereby relieving ...

27-08-1958 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to leakproof joints for tubular elements under pressure

Номер: GB0000800348A

... 800,348. Pipe couplings. DALMINE SOC. PER AZIONI, and PEZZOTTA, G. June 23, 1955 [May 12, 1955], No. 18171/55. Class 99(1). In a coupling for tubular elements A, B each provided with a conical screw-threaded portion and including at least one packing C acted upon by the pressure of the fluid carried by the elements to effect fluid sealing of the coupling, there is a cylindrical portion 1, 11 and 2, 21 at each end of each screw-threaded portion and coaxial therewith, those cylindrical portions co-operating with the packings C which are housed in annular grooves. As shown in Fig. 1, the packings C are circular in crosssection and disposed in grooves formed respectively in the portions 11, 2 ; alternatively, the grooves are provided in the portions 1, 21. In modifications, the elements A, B are connected by an externally screw-threaded sleeve D, Fig. 2, or an internally screw-threaded sleeve.

15-05-2006 дата публикации

Pipe integral threaded joint.

Номер: OA0000012338A

13-12-2006 дата публикации

Threaded joint for steel pipes.

Номер: OA0000013212A

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000453825T

15-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000448168T

15-11-2015 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Montieren einer Ringflanschdichtung

Номер: AT515675B1

Es wird eine Vorrichtung zum Montieren einer Ringflanschdichtung, die einen in eine Ringnut (22) der miteinander verschraubbaren Ringflansche (18) einsetzbaren Dichtungsring (1) aufweist, mit einer den Dichtungsring (1) zwischen Klemmbacken (2) zweier Kopfschenkel (3, 4) fassenden Greifzange beschrieben, deren Maulweite an den Außendurchmesser des Dichtungsrings (1) angepasst ist. Um vorteilhafte Konstruktionsverhältnisse zu schaffen, wird vorgeschlagen, dass einer der beiden Kopfschenkel (3, 4) einen in Richtung der Maulweite der Greifzange verlaufenden Führungssteg (5) für den anderen, auf dem Führungssteg (5) verschiebbar gelagerten Kopfschenkel (3, 4) aufweist, der über eine Klemmeinrichtung (8) am Führungssteg (5) festklemmbar ist.

15-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000901684A

15-08-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000036395T

15-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000043893T

15-06-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000013345T

25-11-1969 дата публикации

Gas density connection of casing pipes for Tiefbohrlöcher

Номер: AT0000276271B

03-10-2019 дата публикации

Threaded joint

Номер: AU2017327625B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a threaded joint that enables reduction of time for machining a thread section and has a high torque. A threaded joint (1) is obtained by connecting a pair of pipes. The threaded joint (1) is provided with a pin (10) and a box (20). The pin (10) has a male thread part (11) around the outer circumference thereof. The box (20) has, in the inner circumference thereof, a female thread part (21) corresponding to the male thread part (11). The box (20) is fastened to the pin (10). The male thread part (11) includes a thread width constant section (111) and a thread width variable section (112). The thread width constant section (111) has a constant thread root width. The thread width variable section (112) has a thread root width that is not less than the thread root width of the thread width constant section (111) and gradually increases from the thread width constant section (111) toward the end of the pin (10). The female thread part (21) ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Threaded joint for oil well pipe

Номер: AU2017316876A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Provided is a threaded joint, for an oil well pipe, having excellent sealing properties. This threaded joint for the oil well pipe is provided with: a pin having an annular outer peripheral surface part located at the leading end side of the steel pipe, and a male thread part provided toward the center of the steel pipe in the steel pipe axial direction from the annular outer peripheral surface part; and a box having a cavity accommodating the pin inside thereof, having a female thread part and being screwed to the male thread part in the cavity, and having an annular inner peripheral surface part that is in contact with and collides with the annular outer peripheral surface part, wherein the pin and the box are joined with each other by screwing of the male thread part and the female thread part, whereby the annular outer peripheral surface part and the annular inner peripheral surface part are in contact with each other, so that the contact part forms a sealing part. The annular outer ...

23-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003246451A1

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Pipe Joint, Air Conditioner, Connecting Pipe, Method for Producing Connecting Pipe and Connection Method

Номер: AU2013244568B2

The pipe joint (10) is a pipe joint (10) for connection of a connecting pipe (101), and has a pipe joint body (20) and a nut member (30). When the connecting pipe (101) having formed therein a bulging portion (101a) that bulges in the diametrical direction is connected to this pipe joint (10), a male thread portion (25) of the pipe joint body (20) threadably mates with a female thread portion (33) of the nut member (30), thereby wedging the bulging portion (101a) between a tapered surface (22) and a tapered surface (34). The joined sections of the bulging portion (101a) and of the tapered surface (22) form a first seal portion, while the joined sections of the bulging portion (101a) and of the tapered surface (34) form a first seal portion. The tapered surface (24) of the pipe joint body (20) is joined to the tapered surface (34) of the nut member (30), forming a third seal portion.

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Threaded joint for ultra thick oil well pipe

Номер: AU2014376828A1

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a threaded joint for an ultra thick oil well pipe, the joint being able to maintain sealability and prevent the occurrence of galling in a state where a high compressive force is applied and high external pressure acts on the joint. A surface of a pin (3) that serves as sealing parts (13, 11) and a surface on a box (1) side respectively have a convex curved surface and a tapered surface. With respect to the pin (3), a pin seal thickness t ...

19-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000502355B2

18-09-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000465214B2

14-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002621300A1

A hermetic seal includes a face seal ring having a first end sealing face and a second end sealing face, a first sealing profile in contact with the first end sealing face, and a second sealing profile in contact with the second end sealing face. The face seal ring comprises a shape memory material. A hermetically-sealed, threaded joint includes a pin sub defining a first sealing profile, a box sub defining a second sealing profile, and a face seal ring comprising a shape memory material. The pin sub is threadedly engaged with the box sub. The face seal ring has a first end sealing face in contact with the first sealing profile and a second end sealing face in contact with the second sealing profile. The face seal ring is disposed about the pin sub.

06-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1246118A

A pipe joint in which a metal-to-metal seal is provided on the exterior of the pipe, a torque shoulder provides a further metal-to-metal seal and a still further seal is provided by a resilient ring. The box is protected against ballooning which might result in jump out of the threads by proportioning the thickness of the box at the point of seal at the maximum diameter of seal to the outer diameter of the box as compared to the full wall thickness of the pipe related to the outer diameter of the pipe.

12-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA957470A

05-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003013300C

Provided is a threaded joint for an oil well tubing which possesses sufficient sealability when the external pressure is applied to the threaded joint by suppressing the plastic deformation of a nose portion and sufficient galling resistance. The sufficient galling resistance is provided by preventing the occurrence of galling at the time of making up the threaded joint during verification test performed in accordance with IS013679:2002 even when the threaded joint for an oil well tubing has a small thickness. Parameters including sizes of the threaded joint at positions of a seal point and shoulder portions satisfy the following formulae 1, 2 and Ls/Ln is set to 0.2 to 0.6. (Ds1 2-Ds0 2)/( D1 2-D0 2) >=0.30 ... (formula 1) tan.theta.> (.DELTA.D+6)/{2(Lt-Ls)} ... (formula 2) ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3120752A1

Provided is a steel-pipe threaded joint that is unlikely to cause seizing of both an internal thread and an external thread. A steel-pipe threaded joint 1 is provided with a pin 10 and a box 20. The pin 10 includes a nose 12, a tapered inner male thread 14, a tapered outer male thread 17, a pin inner sealing surface 13, a pin intermediate shoulder surface 18, and a pin intermediate sealing surface 16. The box 20 includes a tapered inner female thread 24, a tapered outer female thread 27, a box inner sealing surface 23, a box intermediate shoulder surface 28, and a box intermediate sealing surface 26. The inner male thread 14, the outer male thread 17, the inner female thread 24, and the outer female thread 27 include complete thread parts 141, 171, 241, and 271, respectively. Each of the complete threaded parts includes an inner end positioned on the tip side of the pin 10, and an outer end positioned on the opposite side to the tip of the pin 10. The steel-pipe threaded joint 1 satisfies ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3126046A1

Provided is a threaded joint for pipes, which has a large delta torque and can be screw-tightened with both of a tightening torque equal to the conventional one and a tightening torque higher than the conventional one. The threaded joint for pipes according to the present disclosure is equipped with a pin (3), a box (4), a shoulder part plating layer (5) and a non-shoulder part plating layer (6). The outermost surface layer of the shoulder part plating layer (5) is a high-friction-coefficient plating layer (50), and the shoulder part plating layer (5) is arranged on a pin-side shoulder part (33) and/or a box-side shoulder part (43). The outermost surface layer of the non-shoulder part plating layer (6) is a low-friction-coefficient plating layer (60) that has a lower friction coefficient than that of the high-friction-coefficient plating layer (50), and the non-shoulder part plating layer (6) is arranged on at least a part of a pin-side screw part (31), a pin-side metal seal part (32), ...

14-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003001670C

Provided is a threaded fitting for steel pipes, which is capable of improving sealing performance. This threaded fitting (1) for steel pipes is configured from a pin (10) and a box (20). The outer diameter of the box (20) is smaller than 108% of the outer diameter of a steel pipe body (30). The pin (10) is provided with: a pin lip section (12) including a first sealing surface (11); a male threaded section (13) formed as a single-stage tapered screw; and a second sealing surface (14). The box (20) is provided with: a first sealing surface (21); a female threaded section (23) formed as a single-stage tapered screw; and a box lip section (22) including a second sealing surface (24). In a fastened state, the first sealing surfaces (11, 21) come into contact with each other, and the second sealing surfaces (14, 24) come into contact with each other. The male threaded section (13) has a plurality of thread valley bottom surfaces that are parallel to the pipe axis (CL) and have the same diameter ...

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003017114A1

Provided is a steel pipe screw joint that is capable of improving sealing performance against inner pressure without reducing sealing performance against outer pressure. A steel pipe thread joint (1) is provided with a pin (10) and a box (20). The pin (10) has: a pin lip (11) that includes a pin inner seal surface (11a) and a nose (11b); and a male thread (13). The male thread (13) and a female thread (23) of the box (20) are formed as a tapered screw having a dovetail shape. In a fastened state, the inserted flank surface of the male thread (13) and the inserted flank surface of the female thread (23) face each other with a gap therebetween. A distance D between the male thread (13) and the pin inner seal surface (11a) is 1.5 times or more than the thread pitch of the male thread (13). The length L of the nose (11b) is larger than the thread pitch of the male thread (13). The difference between the distance D and the length L is equal to or less than the thread pitch of the male thread ...

13-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3026073C

In accordance with presently disclosed embodiments, a system and method for rotationally orienting two wellbore tool components on a tool string relative to each other is provided. The system may include an alignment sub that is simple to operate and allows for quick adjustments to the relative orientations of downhole tool components. The disclosed alignment sub may include a first tubular component on one side and a second tubular component on the other side, and these tubular components are coupled together. The disclosed alignment sub utilizes an axially deformable and variable length sleeve attached to the first tubular component and adjacent to a tip of the second tubular component. The sleeve may provide an appropriate standoff distance between the opposing tubular components while enabling the components to be rotated relative to each other up to at least one full rotation about an axis of the alignment sub.

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002973743A1

Use of a sealing material which is a multifilament or spun yarn coated with a joint sealing composition to seal a joint in a pipe system in which system a fluid having corrosion inhibitors such as diammonium dimolybdate or benzotriazole; and/or sludge removers; and/or an alcohol such as propane diol, or ethylene glycol; and/or a hydrocarbon such as diesel, including biodiesel, fuel oil, or hydraulic oil; and/or steam at a temperature of at least 180oC and a pressure of at least 10 bar (1000kPa); is to be passed through the sealed joint. It is surprising that the sealing materials of the invention can maintain a sealed joint despite exposure to such materials.

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002932527A1

A threaded joint (1) consists of a pin (13) and a box (12). The pin (13) comprises a shoulder face (59), a seal face (56), and a male threaded portion (51). The box (12) comprises a shoulder face (24), a seal face (22), and a female threaded portion (21). The male threaded portion (51) and the female threaded portion (21) are each a tapered thread for which the longitudinal face has trapezoid-shaped thread ridges (57, 31). The width of the thread ridge (57) of the male threaded portion (51) becomes progressively narrower along the helix of the thread, and the width of a thread groove (62) of the male threaded portion (51) becomes progressively wider along the helix of the thread. The width of the thread groove (42) of the female threaded portion (21) becomes progressively narrower along the helix of the thread, and the width of the thread ridge (31) of the female threaded portion (21) becomes progressively wider along the helix of the thread. By virtue of the present invention, excellent ...

23-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002952382C

This invention provides a threaded connection for oil country tubular goods that can suppress an increase in torque when making up a pin and a box in a cold climate. A threaded connection for oil country tubular goods (1) of the present embodiment includes a pin (2) and a box (3). The pin (2) and the box (3) each have a contact surface (21), (31) that has a thread portion (22), (32) and an unthreaded metal contact portion (23), (33). The contact surface (21) of the pin (2) includes a photocured coating (25) as an uppermost layer. The photocured coating (25) contains a photocurable resin and perfluoropolyether. The contact surface (31) of the box (3) includes a solid lubricating coating (35) as an uppermost layer.

23-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002952381C

A threaded joint is constructed of a pin (10) and a box (20). The pin (10) includes, in order from an end thereof, a shoulder surface (11), a nose portion (12), a first sealing surface (13), a first male threaded portion (14), an annular portion (15a), a second sealing surface (16), and a second male threaded portion (17). The box (20) includes a shoulder surface (21), a recessed portion (22), a first sealing surface (23), a first female threaded portion (24), an annular portion (25a), a second sealing surface (26), and a second female threaded portion (27). In the threaded joint, in a fastened state, the shoulder surfaces (11, 21) are in contact with each other, the first sealing surfaces (13, 23) are in contact with each other, the second sealing surfaces (16, 26) are in contact with each other, a clearance is provided between the nose portion (12) and the recessed portion (22), a clearance is provided between the annular portions (15a, 25a), the first male threaded portion (14) engages ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002912442A1
Принадлежит: SIM & MCBURNEY

A fluid connector assembly comprises an outer fastener and an inner fastener. The outer fastener is comprised of a top surface, a bottom surface, and a plurality of radially extending members on the top surface. The inner fastener is provided comprising a top surface, a bottom surface, and a plurality of radially extending projections. The radially extending projections are dimensioned to be received by the radially extending members when the inner fastener is assembled with the outer fastener. A connector is disposed in the inner fastener, wherein the connector may be externally threaded so as to receive a fluid supply line that is internally threaded. The radially extending projections of the inner fastener may be flexible.

01-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002942246C

This invention provides a threaded connection for pipe or tube that has a non-sticky surface and that suppresses the occurrence of rust and exhibits excellent galling resistance and airtightness even in an extremely low temperature environment without using compound grease, a method of producing the same, and a composition for forming a solid lubricating coating on the threaded connection. A solid lubricating coating (24) formed from a composition containing a binder, a fluorine addition agent, a solid lubricant and a rust proof addition agent is coated as a topmost surface treatment coating on a contact surface of at least one of a pin and a box. Even when exposed to an extremely low temperature environment, the solid lubricating coating (24) can maintain adhesiveness and exhibit a lubricating function, can suppress the occurrence of galling of a threaded connection, and can also secure airtightness after fastening.

14-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002947535C

Provided is a plating solution for a threaded connection for pipe or tube used for forming a plating film excellent in galling resistance, crevice corrosion resistance, and exposure corrosion resistance. The plating solution for a threaded connection for pipe or tube of the present embodiment contains no cyanide, but contains: a water-soluble copper salt; a water-soluble tin salt; a water-soluble bismuth salt; a free acid; and a thiourea-based compound of 10 g/L or less (excluding 0) that is represented by Chemical Formula (1): X1X2N-C(=S)-NX3X4 (1), where each of X1, X2, X3, and X4 is any one of hydrogen, an alkyl group, an allyl group, a tolyl group, or a group represented by Chemical Formula (2), but excluding that X1, X2, X3, and X4 are all hydrogen: -CH2-CH2-S-CH2-CH2-X5 (2), where X5 is 014 or NH2.

11-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002716586C

A threaded joint (1) comprises a first seal ring (30) having a tapered shape in a cross section on an axial plane, this ring having an L-shaped metal reinforcement ring (34) embedded in it, and/ a second seal ring (6) positioned more internal to the first seal ring (30) and located in a housing (18) between the end of a threaded section (5) and the nose (15) of the box. The second seal ring (6) has a first base, a second base axially opposite to the first base, and protruding annular ribs either on the external surface or on an internal surface.

17-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002746027A1

The invention concerns a threaded connection (1) comprising a first and a second tubular component, the first component comprising a male end (3) provided on its outer peripheral surface with, in succession, a threaded zone (5), a sealing surface (13) then a terminal surface (15) finishing in an abutment surface (7) which is orientated radially with respect to the axis of revolution (20) of the connection (1), the second component comprising a female end (2) provided on its inner peripheral surface with, in succession, a threaded zone (4), a sealing surface (12) then a recess (10) finishing in an abutment surface (8) which is orientated radially with respect to the axis of revolution (20) of the connection, the threaded zone (5) of the male end (3) being made up into the threaded zone (4) of the female end (2) such that the sealing surfaces (12) and (13) are in interfering contact, as are the abutment surfaces (7) and (8), the space between the terminal surface (15) and the recess (10) ...

05-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002724365C

For oil production systems, an interior two-part seal ring of resilient material is disposed within a coupling sleeve which receives threaded tubing ends in its opposite ends. The seal is asymmetric, with tapered ends of different lengths and taper angles. A length for mill end engagement is shorter than the length for field end engagement which may be made up and disconnected repeatedly. The seal configuration includes a principal body with a inwardly directed ridge between its tapered ends and a reinforcing ring of different. less permeable material, abutting the ridge and closing off one or more radial ports in the wall of the body. The central body also includes a circumferential gas groove about is periphery, which together with the radial ports, facilitates collection and release of gases permeating the seal body under high down-hole pressures.

13-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002860904C
Принадлежит: REELWELL AS

A seal assembly for a nested dual drill pipe includes a drill pipe member, such as a tube or drill pipe segment, having a female seal assembly (18, 118) and a male seal assembly (16A, 116) at the longitudinal ends thereof. The female seal assembly includes a larger internal diameter portion (18E), a taper (18E1) adjacent thereto, and a smaller internal diameter portion (18F) adjacent to the taper. The male seal assembly includes a smaller external diameter portion (16G), a seal area or groove (16F) adjacent thereto, and a larger external diameter portion (16E) adjacent to the seal groove. The smaller internal diameter portion and the larger external diameter portion have diameters selected to enable free longitudinal movement of the male seal assembly into the female seal assembly while limiting axial displacement to maintain a seal ring (38) in the seal area or groove fully energized.

30-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002884236C

This composition for use in forming a solid coating film comprises a pulverous organic resin at least partial soluble in dipolar aprotic solvents which is contained in a mixed solvent containing water and a dipolar aprotic solvent, wherein the pulverous organic resin is in a dissolved state or a dispersed state in the mixed solvent.

11-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002881342A1

An expandable threaded connection between segments of expandable tubulars that provides a high bearing pressure seal at a specific area along the pin and box members is disclosed. The invention utilizes a "groove" in a surface of the box member and a corresponding "rib" on the pin nose. The radial expansion of the tubulars causes the pin to become shorter in length, thereby causing the pin nose to retract from the back of the box member. As the pin nose retracts, an axial gap is formed between the pin elements of the mating tubulars.

02-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2885597C

According to one embodiment a pipe connection comprises a connection body produced from a plastic material, the connection body having at least one projecting periphery, arranged on the end side, and having a retaining region located axially downstream of said periphery. The pipe connection further comprises a union nut produced from a metal material, the union nut pushed over the connection body and having an annular depression in a region located opposite the retaining region of the connection body. The pipe connection further comprises a retaining ring arranged in the annular depression between the connection body and the union nut, securing the union nut in a rotatable manner on the connection body.

15-07-1967 дата публикации

Lösbare dichtungslose Verbindung

Номер: CH0000439892A

15-07-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000551224A

28-04-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000669981A5

30-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201991285A1

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201992698A1

17-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EA0202090355A1

28-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201891490A1

31-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201692429A1

17-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EA0202090546A1

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201990956A1

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201891896A1

29-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201270782A1

Резьбовой конец (1; 2) трубчатого компонента для бурения или эксплуатации углеводородных скважин, при этом указанный конец содержит резьбовую область (3; 4), созданную на его внешней или внутренней периферической поверхности в зависимости от того, является ли резьбовой конец охватываемого или охватывающего типа, по меньшей мере часть конца (1; 2) покрыта сухой пленкой, содержащей органическую матрицу, в которой ионообменные пигменты рассеиваются в пропорциях в диапазоне от 3 до 30 вес.%; и соединение, получающееся из соединения двух соответствующих концов путем свинчивания.

12-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000082694C2

Нарізне з'єднання для сталевих труб, що містить ніпель (1) і муфту (2). Ніпель має зовнішню різь (11), ущільнювальну поверхню (13) і поверхню (14) заплечика, розташовану на торці ніпеля. Відповідно муфта має внутрішню різь (21), ущільнювальну поверхню (23) і поверхню (24) заплечика, які можуть сполучатися або контактувати з відповідними ділянками ніпеля. Поверхня (14) заплечика ніпеля (1) передбачена на торці ніпеля. Ущільнювальна поверхня (13) ніпеля (1) розташована на стороні кінця труби біля зовнішньої різі (11). Носова ділянка (15) передбачена на ніпелі (1) між ущільнювальною поверхнею (13) і поверхнею (14) заплечика, носова ділянка (15) не контактує з відповідною ділянкою муфти (2).

26-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000112576C2

27-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000119307C2

10-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000122450C2

25-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000122027C2

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000108755C2

10-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000122422C2

10-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000120020C2

13-03-2020 дата публикации

Герметичное резьбовое соединение обсадных труб

Номер: RU0000196759U1

Полезная модель относится к области строительства и эксплуатации нефтяных и газовых скважин различного назначения и конструкций. Герметичное резьбовое соединение обсадных труб включает обсадную трубу и муфту, соединяемые друг с другом посредством резьбового конического соединения, выполненного соответственно на внешней поверхности концевого участка обсадной трубы и на внутренней поверхности муфты. Обсадная труба содержит ниппель, содержащий гладкую герметизирующую поверхность и продолжающуюся в направлении от резьбы до торцевого упора. На ниппеле выполнена торцевая упорная часть, которая контактирует с торцевой упорной частью муфты, при этом муфта также имеет гладкую герметизирующую поверхность. Торцевые упорные части выполнены соответственно на внешней поверхности концевого участка обсадной трубы и на внутренней поверхности муфты. Торцевые упорные части муфты и ниппеля обсадной трубы выполнены в виде клиньев с разными обратными углами, при этом в полости муфты на участке перехода от резьбового конического соединения и поверхности цилиндрической расточки выполнена камера гидрозатвора, заполненная уплотнительной смазкой. Между камерой гидрозатвора и резьбовым коническим соединением в кольцевой выемке муфты расположен кольцевой уплотнительный элемент. Достигается полная герметичность резьбового соединения. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 196 759 U1 (51) МПК E21B 17/042 (2006.01) E21B 17/08 (2006.01) F16L 15/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E21B 17/042 (2020.02); E21B 17/08 (2020.02); F16L 15/04 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020103469, 22.01.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 13.03.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 13.03.2020 Бюл. № 8 1 9 6 7 5 9 R U (54) Герметичное резьбовое соединение обсадных труб (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области строительства и эксплуатации нефтяных и газовых скважин различного назначения и ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Gasket and Seal Apparatus

Номер: US20130076029A1

Embodiments of the present invention feature devices and methods for holding fluids at high pressures. One embodiment of the present invention features a fluid containing conveying device for receiving and discharging fluids. The device comprises a housing having a chamber for containing a fluid. The housing has a first gasket receiving surface for receiving a gasket. A gasket formed of a deformable material and having a first abutment surface and second abutment surface. The first abutment surface received on the first gasket receiving surface and the second abutment surface for receiving a chamber closing piece. The chamber closing piece having a second gasket receiving surface, the chamber closing piece for closing the chamber. At least one of the first gasket receiving surface of the housing and the second gasket receiving surface of the chamber closing piece having a retaining grove, having at least one edge. Compression means for compressing the gasket, deforming the material such that the gasket is pressed into retaining groove and gripped by the edge of the cavity to prevent gasket movement. 111-. (canceled)12. A device for containing or conveying fluids comprising:a housing having a first passage, end wall, recess wall and first mounting gasket receiving surface, said first passage opening for receiving or discharging fluid to a second passage in a second housing, said first mounting gasket receiving surface for compressing a gasket against said second housing to place said first passage in fluid communication with a second passage of said second housing, said end wall defining an end of said housing and defining a plane, said recess wall extending into said housing from said end wall and terminating in said first mounting gasket receiving surface to define a gasket cavity, said first coupling surface having a gasket cavity for receiving a deformable gasket, said cavity recessed in said first coupling surface surrounding in spaced relationship said first ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130127161A1
Автор: Lockwood William T.

A disclosed connector assembly for a refrigerant system mounted within an aircraft includes a metal seal disposed within a seal bore of a connector and compressed against a seal face of a nipple secured to the connector by a threaded member. The connector includes a seal bore that receives the metal seal with the inner portion of the seal bore open to the bore. In one example, the connector and nut are formed from aluminum and the nipple is formed from stainless steel and includes an aluminum coating applied to surfaces in contact with the metal seal and the connector. 1. An aircraft refrigerant line connector assembly comprising:a connector including a bore, an end face, a seal bore and external threads, wherein the seal bore is open to the bore on a radially inward side and defined by an outer wall concentric about the bore;a nipple including a shoulder and a seal face;a securing member including internal threads for engaging the external threads of the connector for holding the end face against the seal face; anda metal seal received within the seal bore, the metal seal comprising a metal substrate having a coating comprising a metal material bonded to the metal substrate that is softer than the metal substrate, the metal seal disposed in sealing engagement with a surface of the seal bore and the seal face.2. The aircraft refrigerant line connector assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the seal bore comprises a bore larger and concentric with the bore through the connector and nipple that includes a depth less than a thickness of the metal seal.3. The aircraft refrigerant line connector assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the connector and the nipple comprise stainless steel and the coating on the metal substrate of the metal seal comprises one of a gold and silver material.4. The aircraft refrigerant line connector assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the connector comprises an aluminum material claim 1 , the nipple comprises a stainless steel ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154253A1

A fluid coupling capable of reliably finding absence of the gasket, if exists, in the leak test is provided. Butted end surfaces of coupling members have annular sealing protrusions and anti-overfastening annular protrusions protruded further than the annular sealing protrusions respectively. At least one of the anti-overfastening annular protrusions has a communication path or communicating internal space Si with external space So when both the anti-overfastening annular protrusions butt against each other. 1. A fluid coupling comprising:first and second coupling members including respective fluid paths communicating with each other;an annular gasket interposed between butted end surfaces of both the coupling members; anda screw means that couples the coupling members to each other, the butted end surface of each coupling member having an annular sealing protrusion and an anti-overfastening annular protrusion protruded further than the sealing protrusion, whereinat least one of the anti-overfastening annular protrusions has a communication path that communicates an internal space with an external space when both the anti-overfastening annular protrusions butt against each other.2. The fluid coupling according to claim 1 , wherein the communication path is formed of a communication groove provided in a front end surface of the anti-overfastening annular protrusion.3. The fluid coupling according to claim 1 , wherein the communication path is formed of a through hole passing through the anti-overfastening annular protrusion in a radial direction. The present invention relates to a fluid coupling, and in particular, to a fluid coupling provided with a anti-overfastening annular protrusion for preventing fastening exceeding proper fastening.A conventional fluid coupling includes first and second coupling members having respective fluid paths communicating with each other, an annular gasket interposed between butted end surfaces of both the coupling members, and a screw ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Fitting for jacketed conduits

Номер: US20130181445A1
Принадлежит: Swagelok Co

A conduit fitting includes a conduit connecting device, a jacket sealing device, and a venting device. The conduit connecting device grips and seals against an unjacketed portion of a metal conduit when the conduit connecting device is assembled on the metal conduit. The jacket sealing device can be joined with at least one of the metal conduit and the conduit connecting device to seal against a jacketed portion of the metal conduit, to at least partially define a cavity between the conduit connecting device and the jacketed portion of the conduit. The venting device is configured to move from a sealing position to a venting position to vent pressure in the cavity.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270171A1

A filtration system comprising a tank-like housing, accommodating a filtration assembly secured within the housing and extending between a respective raw fluid inlet port and a filtered fluid outlet port. The filtration assembly comprises one or more filter units secured over a main pipe disposed within the housing and configured between a fixed, operative position, and a manipulating position. The housing is configured with at least one re-sealable opening on a side wall thereof, through which the filter units are serviced at the manipulating position. 1. A filtration system comprising a tank-like housing , accommodating a filtration assembly secured within the housing and extending between a respective raw fluid inlet port and a filtered fluid outlet port; said filtration assembly comprising one or more filter units secured over a main pipe disposed within the housing and configured between a fixed , operative position , and a manipulating position; said housing configured with at least one re-sealable opening on a side wall thereof , through which the filter units are serviced at the manipulating position.2. A filtration system according to claim 1 , wherein the main pipe is manipulable through an opening at a top portion of the housing claim 1 , about a longitudinal axis thereof.3. A filtration system according to claim 2 , wherein the main pipe is rotatable about said longitudinal axis to facilitate access to all the filter units mounted on the main pipe through the at least one sealable opening on the side wall thereof4. A filtration system according to claim 1 , wherein the main pipe defines an internal confined space being in fluid communication with an external space within the housing only through said filter units.5. A filtration system according to claim 4 , wherein a bottom portion of the main pipe is sealingly yet detachably secured to a receiving portion of the housing.6. A filtration system according to claim 1 , wherein the main pipe is configured ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Quick Connect and Quick Disconnect System Male Component

Номер: US20130341905A1

A quick connect/disconnect system male component includes a first body and a ring assembly. The first body defines a fluid channel therethrough. The first body includes a first coupling portion at a first end portion and a second coupling portion at a second end portion. The first coupling portion is configured to couple with a fluid conduit and the second coupling portion configured to couple with a female quick connect/disconnect system component. The ring assembly is supported by the first body. The ring assembly extends about the second coupling portion and includes a first mating feature on an internal surface of the ring assembly configured to rotatably engage a second mating feature on an external surface of the female quick connect/disconnect system component. 1. A quick connect/disconnect system male component comprising:a first body defining a fluid channel therethrough, the first body having a first coupling portion at a first end portion and a second coupling portion at a second end portion, the first coupling portion configured to couple with a fluid conduit and the second coupling portion configured to couple with a female quick connect/disconnect system component; anda ring assembly supported by the first body, the ring assembly extending about the second coupling portion and including a first mating feature on an internal surface of the ring assembly configured to rotatably engage a second mating feature on an external surface of the female quick connect/disconnect system component.2. The male component of claim 1 , wherein the ring assembly is fixedly connected to the first body.3. The male component of claim 1 , wherein the ring assembly is rotatable with respect to the first body.4. The male component of claim 1 , the ring assembly further comprising:a third mating feature on the internal surface configured to rotatably engage a fourth mating feature on the external surface; anda fifth mating feature on the internal surface configured to rotatably ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Quick Connect and Quick Disconnect System Female Component

Номер: US20130341917A1

A quick connect/disconnect system female component includes a first end portion, a second end portion, a fluid channel, and a first mating feature. The first end portion defines a first coupling portion. The second end portion defines a second coupling portion. The second coupling portion is configured to couple with a male quick connect/disconnect system component. The fluid channel extends between the first end portion and the second end portion. The first mating feature is on an external surface of the second end portion and is configured to rotatably engage a second mating feature on an internal surface of the male quick connect/disconnect system component. 1. A quick connect/disconnect system female component comprising:a first end portion defining a first coupling portion;a second end portion defining a second coupling portion, the second coupling portion configured to couple with a male quick connect/disconnect system component;a fluid channel extending between the first end portion and the second end portion; anda first mating feature on an external surface of the second end portion configured to rotatably engage a second mating feature on an internal surface of the male quick connect/disconnect system component.2. The female component of claim 1 , wherein the fluid channel includes a first diameter portion and a second diameter portion claim 1 , the second diameter portion having a maximum diameter larger than the maximum diameter of the first diameter portion claim 1 , the female component further comprising:a first resilient seal positioned within the first diameter portion;a second resilient seal positioned within the second diameter portion; anda spacer positioned between the first resilient seal and the second resilient seal, wherein the second resilient seal abuts the spacer.3. The female component of claim 2 , wherein the second diameter portion is sized to receive a fluid passing structure of a body coupled to the first coupling portion.4. The ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140028019A1
Автор: Magno Joey D.

A conduit hub includes a conduit hub body having a cylindrical inner surface configured to receive an end of a cylindrical conduit having a male thread, wherein the conduit hub body includes a female thread and a counterbore formed in an outer rim of the cylindrical inner surface. The conduit hub further includes a wiper seal configured to fit into the counterbore such that a lip of the wiper seal extends beyond the outer rim of conduit hub body and a surface of the wiper seal engages with an outer surface of the cylindrical conduit, when the male thread of the cylindrical conduit is threaded to engage with the female thread of the conduit hub body, to resist the ingress of moisture, dirt or contaminants into the conduit hub or the conduit. 1. A conduit hub , comprising:a conduit hub body having a cylindrical inner surface configured to receive an end of a cylindrical conduit having a male thread, wherein the conduit hub body includes a female thread and a counterbore formed in an outer rim of the cylindrical inner surface; anda wiper seal configured to fit into the counterbore such that a lip of the wiper seal extends beyond the outer rim of conduit hub body and a surface of the wiper seal engages with an outer surface of the cylindrical conduit, when the male thread of the cylindrical conduit is threaded to engage with the female thread of the conduit hub body, to resist the ingress of moisture, dirt or contaminants into the conduit hub or the conduit.2. The conduit hub of claim 1 , wherein the conduit hub has an IP69K rating in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60529 rating system or a National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) 4× rating.3. The conduit hub of claim 1 , wherein the hub body comprises stainless steel or Bluekote.4. The conduit hub of claim 1 , wherein the counterbore includes a radial notch that circumscribes the outer rim of the cylindrical inner surface of the conduit hub body.5. The conduit hub of claim 1 , wherein ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003383A1

A fluidic device (), comprising a planar structure () constituted by a plurality of laminated layers () and accommodating a fluid channel () extending up to a surface of the planar structure (), and a female adapter piece () configured for a fluid-tight accommodation of a male adapter piece () having a fluid conduit (), wherein the female adapter piece () is connected or connectable with the planar structure () so that, when the male adapter piece () is accommodated in the female adapter piece (), the fluid conduit () is brought in fluid-tight fluid communication with the fluid channel (), wherein the fluid channel () is exposed to the female adapter piece () at a lateral surface of the planar structure () at which the laminated layers () are exposed. 1. A fluidic device , comprising:a planar structure constituted by a plurality of laminated layers and accommodating a fluid channel extending up to a surface of the planar structure);{'b': '206', 'a female adapter piece configured for a fluid-tight accommodation of a male adapter piece having a fluid conduit, wherein the female adapter piece () is connected or connectable with the planar structure so that, when the male adapter piece is accommodated in the female adapter piece, the fluid conduit is brought in fluid-tight fluid communication with the fluid channel;'}wherein the fluid channel is exposed to the female adapter piece at a lateral surface of the planar structure at which the laminated layers are exposed.2. The fluidic device according to claim 1 , wherein the female adapter piece is integrally fixed with the planar structure.3. The fluidic device according to claim 1 , wherein at least part of the laminated layers is patterned to thereby define the fluid channel.4. The fluidic device according to claim 1 , comprising a fluid processing unit located within the planar structure and configured for processing fluid flowing through the fluid channel.5. The fluidic device according to claim 4 , wherein the fluid ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Threaded Connection for Pipe or Tube and Method of Producing the Threaded Connection for Pipe or Tube

Номер: US20190003620A1

An objective of the present invention is to provide a threaded connection for pipe or tube having an excellent anti-misalignment property and an appropriate shouldering torque, and further having excellent corrosion resistance and an excellent adhesiveness of a solid lubricant coating, and to provide a method of producing the threaded connection for pipe or tube. The threaded connection for pipe or tube according to the present embodiment includes a pin () and a box (). The pin () and the box () have contact surfaces including thread portions () and () and unthreaded metal contact portions. The threaded connection for pipe or tube comprises an alloy plating layer () consisting of a Zn—Ni alloy on the contact surface of at least one of the pin () and the box (), a phosphating layer (), and a solid lubricant coating (). These are stacked in an order of the alloy plating layer (), phosphating layer (), and the solid lubricant coating (), from a contact surface side. 1. A threaded connection for pipe or tube comprising a pin and a box , the pin and the box each including a contact surface that includes a thread portion and an unthreaded metal contact portion , the threaded connection for pipe or tube comprising:on the contact surface of at least one of the pin and the box,an alloy plating layer consisting of a Zn—Ni alloy;a phosphating layer on the alloy plating layer; anda solid lubricant coating on the phosphating layer.2. The threaded connection for pipe or tube according to claim 1 , wherein the phosphating layer is a manganese phosphating layer.3. The threaded connection for pipe or tube according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy plating layer has a thickness of 1 to 20 μm claim 1 , the phosphating layer has a thickness of 5 to 20 μm claim 1 , and the solid lubricant coating has a thickness of 5 to 50 μm.4. (canceled)5. The threaded connection for pipe or tube according to claim 2 , wherein the alloy plating layer has a thickness of 1 to 20 μm claim 2 , the ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008669A1
Автор: MAKINO Hiroaki
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A pipe joint is connected with a connecting pipe, and includes a pipe joint body and a nut member. When the connecting pipe formed with a bead expanded in the radial direction is connected with this pipe joint, a male thread of the pipe joint body is engaged with a female thread of the nut member to hold the bead between a tapered face and a tapered face. In addition, the joined portion between the bead and the tapered face forms a first sealed portion, and a joined portion between the bead and the tapered face forms a second sealed portion. Still further, a tapered face of the pipe joint body is joined with the tapered face of the nut member to form a third sealed portion. 1. A pipe joint connected with a connecting pipe through which a fluid flows , the pipe joint comprising:a pipe joint body formed with a male thread on an outer circumference, and formed with a first insertion hole into which the connecting pipe is fitted, and which comprises a first joining face joined with the connecting pipe; anda nut member formed with a female thread engaged with the male thread, and a second insertion hole into which the connecting pipe is fitted, and which comprises a second joining face joined with the connecting pipe,wherein when the connecting pipe formed with a bead expanded in a radial direction is connected,the bead is held between the first joining face and the second joining face when the male thread of the pipe joint body is engaged with the female thread of the nut member,a joined portion between the bead and the first joining face forms a first sealed portion that suppresses a leakage of the fluid, and a joined portion between the bead and the second joining face forms a second sealed portion that suppresses a leakage of the fluid, andan end face of the pipe joint body is joined with a part of an inner circumference of the second insertion hole of the nut member to form a third sealed portion that suppresses a leakage of the fluid.2. The pipe joint according to ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Integrated metal c-seal with threaded adapter

Номер: US20170009915A1
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

An adapter and seal system is provided. The system may comprise a cylindrical body centered about an axis and a first thread disposed about an outer diameter of the cylindrical body. A protrusion on the cylindrical body may extend radially outward from the cylindrical body with a surface orthogonal to the axis partially defining the protrusion. A circular trench may be formed in the surface and may open in an axial direction towards the first thread. A metallic C-seal may be disposed in the circular trench.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010624A1

A fluid conduit assembly is provided that includes a first conduit coupler, a second conduit coupler and a lock. The second conduit coupler is mated with the first conduit coupler at a threaded interface. The lock is configured to rotationally fix the first conduit coupler with the second conduit coupler. The lock includes a flange, a clip and a fastener. The flange is arranged with the first conduit coupler. The flange is configured with a plurality of flange apertures arranged circumferentially about an axis of the first conduit coupler. The clip is arranged with the second conduit coupler. The clip is configured with a clip aperture. The fastener is mated with the clip aperture and any one of the plurality of flange apertures. 1. A fluid conduit assembly , comprising:a first conduit coupler;a second conduit coupler mated with the first conduit coupler at a threaded interface; anda lock configured to rotationally fix the first conduit coupler with the second conduit coupler, the lock including a flange, a clip and a fastener;the flange arranged with the first conduit coupler, and the flange configured with a plurality of flange apertures arranged circumferentially about an axis of the first conduit coupler;the clip arranged with the second conduit coupler, and the clip configured with a clip aperture; andthe fastener mated with the clip aperture and any one of the plurality of flange apertures.2. The fluid conduit assembly of claim 1 , wherein the flange is an arcuate flange that extends circumferentially about the first conduit coupler.3. The fluid conduit assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first conduit coupler and the flange are configured together as a monolithic body.4. The fluid conduit assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a clamp clamped on the first conduit coupler;the flange connected to and projecting radially out from the clamp.5. The fluid conduit assembly of claim 4 , whereinthe clamp includes a first clamp segment and a second clamp segment ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013799A1
Автор: Ono Yohei, Sarai Naohito

A component attaching structure for attaching a first component and a second component to each other. The first component has an attachment hole and an internal thread formed therein. The second component has an external thread formed thereon. The second component supports a sealing member, which seals an interface between an outer circumferential surface of the second component and an inner circumferential surface of the attaching hole at a position closer to a tip end of the second component than the external thread. If the direction in which the second component moves relative to the first component when the second component is attached to the first component is defined as an attaching direction, a distance between the external thread and the sealing member in the attaching direction is greater than the length of the internal thread in the attaching direction. 1. A component attaching structure for attaching a first component and a second component to each other , whereinthe first component has an attachment hole and an internal thread formed in an inner circumferential surface of the attaching hole,the second component has an external thread formed on an outer circumferential surface thereof,the component attaching structure is configured such that the second component can be attached to the first component by screwing the external thread of the second component into the internal thread of the first component,the second component supports a sealing member, which seals an interface between the outer circumferential surface of the second component and the inner circumferential surface of the attaching hole at a position closer to a tip end of the second component than the external thread, andif the direction in which the second component moves relative to the first component when the second component is attached to the first component is defined as an attaching direction, a distance between the external thread and the sealing member in the attaching direction is ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014989A1

The invention provides a connector assembly for interconnecting tubular elements. The connector assembly comprises at least one pin member, at least one box member, and for each box member a respective coating layer. Each pin member has a threaded outer surface and each box member has a threaded inner surface allowing the pin member and the box member to be screwed together. Herein the respective coating layer is positioned between the threaded surfaces of the pin member and the box member. Each coating layer is of a softer material than said threaded surfaces. The connector assembly further comprises means for removing excess coating material during make up of the pin member and the box member. 1. A connector assembly for interconnecting tubular elements , comprising:at least one pin member having a threaded outer surface;at least one box member having a threaded inner surface corresponding to the threaded outer surface of the pin member allowing the pin member and the box member to be screwed together;at least one coating layer which is positioned between the threaded outer surface and the threaded inner surface, each coating layer being of a softer material than said threaded surfaces; andremoval means for removing excess coating material from the coating layer during screwing of the pin member and the box member together.2. The connector assembly of claim 1 , the removal means comprising a cutting edge provided at one of the pin member and the box member claim 1 , the cutting edge being arranged to cut away at least part of the excess coating material upon screwing of the pin member and the box member together.3. The connector assembly of claim 2 , wherein the cutting edge is provided at the threaded outer surface of the pin member.4. The connector assembly of claim 2 , wherein the cutting edge is formed by a sharp end of the thread of the threaded outer surface of the pin member.5. The connector assembly of claim 2 , wherein the cutting edge is formed by a ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016018A1

There is disclosed a fluid adapter for a breathable gas delivery device, such as a facemask, for delivering breathable gas to a user. The fluid adapter comprises an adapter body defining an adapter chamber; a pressurised gas inlet port in fluid communication with the adapter chamber and arranged to be fluidically coupled to a source of pressurised breathable gas and an ambient air inlet port arranged to provide fluid communication between the adapter chamber and ambient air outside of the fluid adapter. The adapter also comprises an adapter outlet port in fluid communication with the adapter chamber and arranged to be fluidically coupled to a delivery device gas inlet port of the breathable gas delivery device; and an adapter connector arranged to connect the fluid adapter to the breathable gas delivery device such that the adapter outlet port is fluidically coupled to the delivery device gas inlet port.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Breathing apparatus equipment

Номер: US20160016019A1
Принадлежит: Draeger Safety UK Ltd

There is disclosed breathing apparatus equipment which may be in the form of a waist mountable manifold. The breathing apparatus equipment comprises a manifold having a manifold inlet port for a source of breathable gas and at least one manifold outlet port for delivering breathable gas to a user. The equipment further comprises a strap arranged to be worn by the user, and a holder coupled to the strap and having a socket. The socket is configured such that the manifold can be removably located within the socket in multiple orientations.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016559A1
Автор: Chung Chiu-Chih

A gas connector assembly is disclosed and comprises a first pipe member and a second pipe member. The first cap is covered at top of the first pipe body. Part of the male connection section is rotatably inserted into the first pipe body. The first balls are arranged between the first pipe body and the first cap and limited by the male connection section. Top of the second pipe body is fluidly communicated with bottom of the first pipe body. A first obtuse angle is included between the first and second pipe bodies. The second cap is covered at bottom of the second pipe body. The female connection section is rotatably inserted into the second pipe body. The second balls are arranged between the second pipe body and the second cap and limited by the female connection section. 1. A gas connector assembly , comprising:a first pipe member, having a first pipe body, a male connection section, a first cap, and a plurality of first balls, the first cap is covered on a top end of the of the first pipe body, part of the male connection section is passing through the first cap and then inserted into the first pipe body, each of the first balls is arranged between the top end of the first pipe body and an inner top surface of the first cap so that the first balls are limited by the part of the male connection section inserted into the first pipe body and the male connection section is rotatably inserted into the first pipe body; anda second pipe member, having a second pipe body, a female connection section, a second cap, and a plurality of second balls, a top end of the second pipe body is fluidly communicated with a bottom end of the first pipe body opposite to the top end thereof, a first obtuse angle is included between an axis of the second pipe body and an axis of the first pipe body, the second cap is covered at a bottom end of the second pipe body opposite to the top end thereof, part of the female connection section is passing through the second cap and then inserted ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021903A1

A fitting for a tube or pipe capable of functioning a high pressures having a first fitting component adapted to receive the conduit end; a conduit gripping device such as a ferrule or ferrules and a second fitting component that can be joined to the first fitting component to cause the conduit gripping device to grip the conduit and seal when assembled. In one aspect of the invention, the first fitting component is constructed from a material that is softer than the material used to construct the second fitting component. An additional aspect of the invention include a retaining portion on the second fitting component that constrains the tube gripping device against pressure. The retaining portion can also be configured to retain the tube gripping device to the second fitting component prior to installation and in a finger-tight condition. A further aspect of the invention includes a first fitting component in which an exterior portion of the component is work hardened radially outward from the tube gripping device. The fitting may optionally be provided with a structure to effect the pull-up by torque functionality. 1. A conduit fitting , comprising:a first fitting component adapted to receive a conduit end along a central axis;a conduit gripping device;a second fitting component that can be joined to said first fitting component, said second fitting component comprising a portion that engages a tapered surface of said first fitting component when the conduit fitting is pulled up;said second fitting component comprising a socket that receives said conduit gripping device, said engagement providing radial constraint of said conduit gripping device.2. The conduit fitting of wherein said second fitting component radially constrains said conduit gripping device after the conduit fitting is pulled up.3. The conduit fitting of wherein said conduit gripping device comprises a front ferrule and a back ferrule.4. The conduit fitting of wherein said socket retains said back ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022516A1
Автор: LIU Xiang

An electronic cigarette sealing piece for adding liquid by injection, a liquid container and an electronic cigarette are provided. The electronic cigarette sealing piece for adding liquid by injection includes a silicone substrate and a Teflon coating layer coated on a surface of the silicone substrate, the silicone substrate has a thickness of 0.8-1.5 mm, and the Teflon coating layer has a thickness of 0.05-0.2 mm. The liquid container includes a liquid container main body provided with a liquid adding opening thereon, the liquid adding opening is provided with the electronic cigarette sealing piece for adding liquid by injection, the liquid container main body seals the liquid adding opening with the electronic cigarette sealing piece for adding liquid by injection, and the Teflon coating layer of the electronic cigarette sealing piece for adding liquid by injection is provided at an inner side of the liquid adding opening. The electronic cigarette includes an electronic cigarette main body having the liquid container. 1. An electronic cigarette sealing piece for adding liquid by injection , comprising a silicone substrate and a Teflon coating layer coated on a surface of the silicone substrate.2. An electronic cigarette sealing piece for adding liquid by injection as recited in claim 1 , wherein the silicone substrate has a thickness of 0.8-1.5 mm claim 1 , and the Teflon coating layer has a thickness of 0.05-0.2 mm.3. A liquid container claim 1 , comprising a liquid container main body claim 1 , wherein said liquid container main body is provided with a liquid adding opening thereon claim 1 , the liquid adding opening is provided with the electronic cigarette sealing piece for adding liquid by injection as recited in claim 1 , the liquid container main body seals the liquid adding opening with the electronic cigarette sealing piece for adding liquid by injection claim 1 , and the Teflon coating layer of the electronic cigarette sealing piece for adding liquid by ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Hydraulic Fitting Insert

Номер: US20160025247A1

A hydraulic system may include a housing having a housing bore defined by a bore inner surface, wherein the bore inner surface has an internal thread formed thereon and an insert having a flange formed adjacent a first end, a sealing feature formed adjacent a second end opposite the first end, and a cylindrical outer surface extending between the first end and the second end, the cylindrical outer surface having an external buttress thread configured to mesh with the internal thread of the housing bore. The sealing feature and the flange are configured to interface with the housing to provide a fluid seal. 1. An insert for a hydraulic bore , the insert comprising:a flange formed adjacent a first end configured to contact an outer surface of a hydraulic component,a sealing feature formed adjacent a second end opposite the first end, the sealing feature configured to form a seal, anda cylindrical outer surface extending between the first end and the second end, the cylindrical outer surface having an external buttress thread to engage threads on the hydraulic component.2. The insert of claim 1 , wherein the insert is formed from a high tensile material.3. The insert of claim 1 , wherein the sealing feature comprises a compression interface.4. The insert of claim 3 , wherein the compression interface comprises an outer curved surface claim 3 , an inner curved surface claim 3 , and a bottom interface surface.5. The insert of claim 1 , wherein the sealing feature comprises a chiseled edge.6. The insert of claim 1 , wherein the insert has an insert bore formed therethrough claim 1 , the insert bore defined by an inner surface having an internal thread formed thereon.7. A hydraulic system having the insert of claim 1 , wherein the system comprises the hydraulic component including a housing that has an annular channel formed therein to receive the sealing feature of the insert.8. A hydraulic system comprising:a housing having a housing bore defined by a bore inner surface, ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025248A1
Автор: Peirce John M.

A fitting for connecting to a tube includes a connector body, a cartridge, a retaining ring and a fastener. The connector body has a generally cylindrical cavity having an inside body diameter that is larger than an outer diameter of a selected tube that is to be connected to by the fitting. The cartridge is disposed in the cylindrical cavity of the connector body and has a passageway therethrough. The cartridge is selected from a plurality of different sized cartridge and the selected cartridge has an inside diameter that generally corresponds to the outer diameter of the selected tube. When the fastener is attached at the connector body, the fastener urges the retaining ring into engagement with the selected tube and at least one of the end of the connector body and the selected cartridge to secure the selected tube within the selected cartridge and the connector body. 1. A fitting for connecting to a tube , said fitting comprising:a connector body having a first end and a second end with a generally cylindrical cavity, said cylindrical cavity having an inside body diameter that is larger than an outer diameter of a tube that is to be connected to by said fitting;a cartridge disposed in said cylindrical cavity of said connector body at said first end of said connector body, said cartridge having a passageway therethrough, wherein an outer diameter of said cartridge generally corresponds to said inside body diameter of said cylindrical cavity of said connector body, and wherein an inner diameter of said passageway of said cartridge generally corresponds to the outer diameter of the tube;a fastener configured to attach at said first end of said connector body, said fastener comprising a passageway to receive the tube therethrough;a retaining ring disposed at least partially within said passageway of said fastener, wherein said retaining ring comprises an inner diameter and an outer diameter, wherein said inner diameter of said retaining ring generally corresponds to ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025314A1
Автор: II James W., Pattison

A coupling includes a first coupler, a second coupler, a seal, and a friction member. The first coupler is connectable to a first fluid line, and includes a first axial end face with a groove. The second coupler is connectable to a second fluid line, and is couplable with the first coupler to define a passage therethrough. The second coupler includes a second axial end face with a channel. The second axial end face is contactable with the first axial end face. The seal is received within the groove and is adapted to abut the second axial end face of the second coupler to prevent a leakage of fluid from the passage. The friction member is received within the channel and is adapted to engage the first axial end face of the first coupler to restrict a torsional movement between the first coupler and the second coupler. 1. A coupling for a fluid line assembly including a first fluid line and a second fluid line , the coupling comprising:a first coupler adapted to be connected to the first fluid line, and including a first axial end face with a groove;a second coupler adapted to be connected to the second fluid line, and being couplable with the first coupler to combinedly define a passage therethrough for fluidly connecting the first fluid line with the second fluid line, the second coupler including a second axial end face with a channel, the second axial end face being contactable with the first axial end face;a seal at least partly received within the groove and adapted to abut the second axial end face of the second coupler to prevent a leakage of fluid from the passage; anda friction member at least partly received within the channel and adapted to engage the first axial end face of the first coupler to restrict a torsional movement between the first coupler and the second coupler.2. The coupling of claim 1 , whereinthe groove is an annular groove and the seal includes an annular seal, and 'both the annular groove and the annular channel being disposed around the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Threaded Connection for Steel Pipe

Номер: US20200025315A1

A threaded connection for steel pipe is provided that prevents cross-threading and provides good compression load resistance. A threaded connection () includes a pin () and a box (). The male thread stabbing flank () of the pin () includes two male thread stabbing flank portions () and (). The male thread stabbing flank portion () is located farther from the pipe axis (X) of the steel pipe () and has a stabbing flank angle (α1) of −10 to 15 degrees. The male thread stabbing flank portion () is located closer to the pipe axis (X) and has a stabbing flank angle (α2) of 20 to 60 degrees. The female thread stabbing flank () of the box () includes two female thread stabbing flank portions () and (). The female thread stabbing flank portion () is located farther from the pipe axis (X) and has a stabbing flank angle (α1) equal to the stabbing flank angle (α1) of the male thread stabbing flank portion (). The female thread stabbing flank portion () is located closer to the pipe axis (X) and has a stabbing flank angle (α2) equal to the stabbing flank angle (α2) of the male thread stabbing flank portion (). 1. A threaded connection comprising:a tubular pin located on one end of a steel pipe; anda tubular box, the pin being inserted into the box such that the box and pin are made up,wherein the pin includes a male thread provided on an outer periphery of the pin,the box includes a female thread corresponding to the male thread and provided on an inner periphery of the box,the male thread and the female thread are trapezoidal threads and tapered threads,when the connection has been made up, at least a portion of the male thread and at least a portion of the female thread serve as a thread seal,the male thread includes:a male thread crest;a male thread root;a male thread stabbing flank located closer to a tip of the pin; anda male thread load flank located farther from the tip of the pin,the male thread stabbing flank includes:a first male thread stabbing flank portion located ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Screw joint for oil well pipe

Номер: US20210025523A1
Принадлежит: JFE Steel Corp

A screw joint in which an efficient screw length of a joint portion is achieved. This screw joint is for an oil well pipe of an integral type and includes: (i) a pin that is provided with a male screw portion which is a male taper screw, at one end of a steel pipe; and (ii) a box that is provided with a female screw portion which is a female taper screw fitted to the male screw portion, at one end of the steel pipe, in which a structure, in which the pin and the box are in metal contact with each other to seal a fluid, is provided at least at one place of a seal portion on an outer peripheral surface side of a pipe end side of the pin and a seal portion on an inner peripheral surface side of a pipe end side of the box

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Method for Sealing Threaded Pipe Joints

Номер: US20180031153A1

The method relates to pipe production. A method for sealing threaded pipe connections involves preparing the surface of a threaded connection in order to create a porous adhesion layer on the metal, applying a polymer coating with the addition of gamma-aminosilane in an amount comprising 1-15% by mass of the dry polymer residue, and filling the threaded space with a sealing material based on a composition of graphite and a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) and hexafluoropropylene (HFP). Prior to applying the polymer coating to the threaded surface of an item, a synthetic corrosion inhibitor is applied to the porous adhesion layer. The film of inhibitor acts to prevent corrosive processes from taking place on the surface of an item while using same in various climatic conditions, thus increasing corrosion resistance and also the reliability of the applied coating due to high adhesion between the layers thereof. 1preparing a surface of a threaded joint to form a porous adhesive layer on the surface;coating the porous adhesive layer with a synthetic corrosion inhibitor;applying a polymer coating with added gamma-aminosilane in an amount of 1÷15% of a mass fraction of a solid polymer residue; andfilling a threaded space of the threaded joint with a sealing material, the sealing material being based on a composition of graphite and a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) and hexafluoropropylene (HFP), the composition consisting of (by mass):copolymer of TFE and HFP 80÷99graphite 1÷20fillers 0÷15.. A method for sealing a threaded pipe joint comprising: This Application is a Continuation application of International Application PCT/RU2016/000495, filed on Aug. 1, 2016, which in turn claims priority to Russian Patent Applications No. RU2015156657, filed Dec. 28, 2015, both of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.The invention relates to the production of pipes and can be used for sealing threaded pipe joints including those applied in the ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Pipe pressure testing method and apparatus

Номер: US20150035238A1
Принадлежит: Securus Inc

A sealing device is provided for use with a fitting. The fitting has circular port and a flow path with a longitudinal axis. A circular port encircles a portion of the flow path opposite the port with the sealing device inserted into the port. The sealing device has a circular top with two opposing surfaces depending therefrom but inclined so the surfaces are closer at the top. A continuous sidewall joins the periphery of the two surfaces. The opposing surfaces are inclined and spaced apart further at the top than at an end opposite the top. A cylindrical hole through the opposing surfaces encircles the flow path during use.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Threaded Joint for Steel Pipe

Номер: US20190032820A1

A pin () includes, in order from a free end of the pin (), a shoulder surface (), a first sealing surface (), a first male threaded portion (), a second sealing surface (), and a second male threaded portion (). A box () includes a shoulder surface (), a first sealing surface (), a first female threaded portion (), a second sealing surface (), and a second female threaded portion (). The flank angles of load flanks (and ) of the first male threaded portion () and the first female threaded portion () are each less than 0 degrees. The first male threaded portion () is composed of, in order from near the second sealing surface (), an incomplete thread section () and a complete thread section (). The incomplete thread section () has a length of at least three times the thread pitch thereof and has a thread height lower than the thread height of the complete thread section (). The incomplete thread section () is provided with clearances between crests (and ) and roots (and ). 1. A threaded joint for steel pipes , comprising: a tubular pin and a tubular box , the pin and the box being fastened by screwing the pin onto the box ,the pin comprising: in order from a free end thereof, a shoulder surface; a first sealing surface; a tapered first male threaded portion; a second sealing surface; and a tapered second male threaded portion,the box comprising: in order from the closest to a tubular body toward a free end thereof, a shoulder surface; a first sealing surface; a tapered first female threaded portion; a second sealing surface; and a tapered second female threaded portion,the first male threaded portion including: crests; roots; stabbing flanks; and load flanks,the first female threaded portion including: roots facing the crests of the first male threaded portion; crests facing the roots of the first male threaded portion; stabbing flanks facing the stabbing flanks of the first male threaded portion; and load flanks facing the load flanks of the first male threaded ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032821A1
Принадлежит: Oil States International (UK) Limited

A pipe connector comprising tubular pin member having an outer peripheral surface and a tubular box member having an inner peripheral surface corresponding to the outer peripheral surface of the pin member and which overlies the outer surface of the pin member when the members are fully engaged together, the members being provided with inter engaging projections and grooves on said peripheral surfaces for axially locking the members together when they are fully engaged together, the pin member further comprising an annular collar shrink fitted onto the pin member above of the peripheral outer surface, the collar comprising a shoulder at one end of the collar adjacent the outer peripheral surface of the pin member, the arrangement being such that when the members are fully engaged together, the tubular box member abuts the shoulder of the annular collar. 1. A pipe connector comprising tubular pin member having an outer peripheral surface and a tubular box member having an inner peripheral surface corresponding to the outer peripheral surface of the pin member and which overlies the outer surface of the pin member when the members are fully engaged together , the members being provided with substantially annular inter engaging projections and grooves on said peripheral surfaces for axially locking the members together when they are fully engaged together , the pin member further comprising an annular collar shrink fitted onto the pin member such that the outer peripheral surface is between the collar and the free end of the pin member , the collar comprising a shoulder at one end of the collar adjacent the outer peripheral surface of the pin member , the arrangement being such that when the members are fully engaged together , the tubular box member abuts the shoulder of the annular collar.2. A pipe connector according to claim 1 , wherein the outer peripheral surface of the pin member and the inner peripheral surface of the box member are substantially frustoconical. ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Seal apparatus

Номер: US20200032933A1
Принадлежит: Sanoh Industrial Co Ltd

A seal apparatus provides sufficient sealing and is compact and inexpensive. The seal apparatus includes a thread part screwed to the screw fastening part of a hollow component; a seal part that moves along an axis of the screw part and comes into pressure contact with the screw fastening part of the hollow component; a stopper part fixed to the screw part that restricts the movement of the seal part; a pressed part that moves the seal part into pressure contact with the screw fastening part; a spring disposed between the pressed part and the stopper part; and an accumulator formed between the stopper part and the seal part and into which a test fluid which is introduced into the hollow component for inspection flows.

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Threaded Joint for Steel Pipes

Номер: US20190040978A1
Принадлежит: Vallourec Oil and Gas France SAS

A threaded joint is constructed of a pin and a box. The pin includes, in order from an end of the pin toward the tubular body: a first male threaded portion, a first sealing surface, a shoulder surface, a second sealing surface, and a second male threaded portion. The box includes a first female threaded portion, a first sealing surface, a shoulder surface, a second sealing surface, and a second female threaded portion. A length from a boundary of the first sealing surfaces to a position of the shoulder surfaces and a length from a boundary of the second sealing surfaces to a position are each at least 15 mm, and the total length which is a sum of the length and the length is at least 50 mm. Thus, the threaded joint is capable of providing excellent sealing performance.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047507A1
Автор: Young Gregory E.

A permanent test port mounting in a conventional gasoline/diesel fuel dispenser to provide a technician access to the fuel line and perform various tests that enables testing to occur at a highline point in the line system to include all or at least more of the line system head pressure than has been possible before. In particular, the test port has a quick connect/disconnect fitting disposed in a collar intermediate a mounting for a filter in a conventional gasoline/diesel fuel dispenser and the filter to provide a technician access to the fuel line and perform various tests. The quick connect/disconnect fitting may also be coupled to a hose for draining fuel under pressure into a safety can to prevent spillage during replacement of the filter. The safety can may be emptied into the fuel tank to conserve the fuel, prevent polluting the environment and as a safety measure. 1. A test port for a conventional gasoline/diesel fuel dispenser having a filter detachably attachable to a hollow threaded coupling that enables testing to occur at a highline point in the line system to include all or at least more of the line system head pressure than has been previously possible , said test port comprising:(a) a collar threadedly attachable to the threaded coupling;(b) a threaded boss depending from said collar for threadedly engaging the filter;(c) an install tool for installing and removing said collar from said coupling; and(d) a plurality of threaded ports disposed in said collar for supporting a quick connect fitting and including a plurality of plugs for closing unused ones of said plurality of threaded ports.2. The test port as set forth in wherein said install tool includes at least one peg for engaging a cavity in said collar to prevent rotation of said install tool independent of rotation of said collar.3. The test port as set forth in wherein said install tool includes a cavity for engagement by a torque wrench to threadedly engage and disengage said collar with the ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Seal Surface Configuration for Fluid System Components

Номер: US20150048615A1
Принадлежит: Fiskars Oyj Abp, ROBERT BOSCH GMBH

A seal system includes a first connector member, a second connector member, a gland structure, and a seal member. The first and second connector members include respective seal structures. The second connector member is configured for connection to the first connector member. The gland structure is defined by the first connector member and the second connector member, and is located between the first and the second seal structures. The seal member is at least partially positioned in the gland structure. The first and second seal structures are configured to deform the seal member into the gland structure in response to connection of the first connector member and the second connector member.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Connecting Structure for Outlet Pipe of Faucet

Номер: US20170044746A1

A connecting structure for an outlet pipe of a faucet contains: a body and an outlet pipe. The body is a thinly hollow cylinder and includes a circular orifice stamped on an inner wall thereof, a fitting tube horizontally extending outward to the body from a peripheral side of the circular orifice, and inner threads formed in the circular orifice and the fitting tube as one piece. The outlet pipe includes a connecting segment, an outlet segment, and a rotary connector fitted and limited in the connecting segment. The rotary connector has an outer threaded tube partially extending out of the connecting segment of the outlet pipe to screw with the inner threads formed in the circular orifice and the fitting tube, thus securely connecting the outlet pipe and the body together. 1. A connecting structure for an outlet pipe of a faucet comprising:a body being a thinly hollow cylinder and including a circular orifice stamped on an inner wall thereof, a fitting tube extending outward into the body from a peripheral side of the circular orifice, and inner threads formed in the circular orifice and the fitting tube as one piece; andan outlet pipe including a connecting segment, an outlet segment, and a rotary connector fitted and limited in the connecting segment, the rotary connector having an outer threaded tube partially extending out of the connecting segment of the outlet pipe to screw with the inner threads formed in the circular orifice and the fitting tube, thus securely connecting the outlet pipe and the body together.2. The connecting structure for the outlet pipe of the faucet as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fitting tube of the body horizontally extends outward into the body from the peripheral side of the circular orifice claim 1 , such that the outlet pipe horizontally connects with the body.3. The connecting structure for the outlet pipe of the faucet as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fitting tube of the body obliquely extends outward into the body from ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Threaded connection for steel pipe

Номер: US20220065371A1

A method for assembling a threaded connection for a steel pipe, which connects a first pipe formed with a pin having a truncated cone shape at an end thereof, and a second pipe formed with a box having an opening end. The pin includes a male thread portion, which is a tapered thread, and a seal portion, which includes a tapered surface. The box includes a female thread portion, which is a tapered thread, and a seal portion, which includes a tapered surface. The tapered surface of the pin has a minimum diameter smaller than a maximum diameter of the tapered surface of the box. The method includes making-up the male thread portion and the female thread portion by screwing, whereby a root of the male thread portion and a crest of the female thread portion come into contact with each other after the seal portion of the pin and the seal portion of the box come into contact with each other.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065372A1

The disclosure relates to a connector that includes at least a female port, wherein the female port is configured for receiving, in a gas tight manner, alternatively, two male connectors of two different given types. The two male connectors can have the same thread pitch and diameter. The female port can include a female thread suitable for respectively receiving threads of the two male connectors. The female port can include two first parts of two different sealing devices, one having a seal and the other being metal-on-metal, each compatible with one of the male connectors, and each of a given type different to the other.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051421A1

Provided is a plating solution for a threaded connection used for forming a plating film excellent in galling resistance, crevice corrosion resistance, and exposure corrosion resistance. The plating solution contains no cyanide, but contains copper pyrophosphate, tin pyrophosphate, zinc pyrophosphate, pyrophosphate as a metal complexing agent, and a sulfur-containing compound of 40 g/L or less (excluding 0). The sulfur-containing compound includes: a mercapto compound and a sulfide compound defined by Chemical Formula (1); a dimer formed through a disulfide bond of the mercapto compounds; and one or more types of salts thereof: 1. A plating solution for a threaded connection for pipe or tube , the plating solution containing no cyanide ,the plating solution comprising:copper pyrophosphate;tin pyrophosphate;zinc pyrophosphate;pyrophosphate as a metal complexing agent; anda sulfur-containing compound of 40 g/L or less (excluding 0), wherein {'br': None, 'sup': 1', '2', '3', '4, 'sub': m', 'n, 'RS—(CHX)—(CHX)—CHXX\u2003\u2003(1),'}, 'the sulfer-containing compound includes: a mercapto compound and a sulfide compound defined by Chemical Formula (1); a dimer formed through a disulfide bond of the mercapto compounds; and one or more types of salts thereof{'sup': 1', '2', '3', '4', '1', '2', '3', '4, 'sub': 2', '3', '2, 'where each of m and n is an integer of 1 or 0; each of X, X, Xand Xis any one of hydrogen, OH, NH, SOH, and COH, but excluding that X, X, X, and Xare all hydrogen; and R is any one of hydrogen, a methyl group, and an ethyl group.'}2. A producing method of a threaded connection for pipe or tube comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a step of preparing the plating solution according to ; and'}a step of subjecting a pin or a box of the threaded connection to electroplating using the plating solution so as to form a Cu—Su—Zn alloy plating film on the pin or the box. The present invention relates to a plating solution, specifically, to a ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051422A1

Provided is a plating solution for a threaded connection for pipe or tube used for forming a plating film excellent in galling resistance, crevice corrosion resistance, and exposure corrosion resistance. The plating solution for a threaded connection for pipe or tube of the present embodiment contains no cyanide, but contains: a water-soluble copper salt; a water-soluble tin salt; a water-soluble bismuth salt; a free acid; and a thiourea-based compound of 10 g/L or less (excluding 0) that is represented by Chemical Formula (): 1. A plating solution for a threaded connection for pipe or tube , the plating solution containing no cyanide ,the plating solution comprising: {'br': None, 'sup': 1', '2', '3', '4, 'XXN—C(═S)—NXX\u2003\u2003(1),'}, 'a water-soluble copper salt; a water-soluble tin salt; a water-soluble bismuth salt; a free acid; and a thiourea-based compound of 10 g/L or less (excluding 0) that is represented by Chemical Formula (1){'sup': 1', '2', '3', '4', '1', '2', '3', '4, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2, 'sup': '5', '—CH—CH—S—CH—CH—X\u2003\u2003(2),'}, 'where each of X, X, X, and Xis any one of hydrogen, an alkyl group, an allyl group, a tolyl group, or a group represented by Chemical Formula (2), but excluding that X, X, X, and Xare all hydrogen{'sup': '5', 'sub': '2', 'where Xis OH or NH.'}2. A producing method of a threaded connection for pipe or tube comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a step of preparing the plating solution according to ; and'}a step of subjecting a pin or a box of the threaded connection to electroplating using the plating solution so as to form a Cu—Sn—Bi alloy plating film on the pin or the box. The present invention relates to a plating solution, specifically to a plating solution for a threaded connection for pipe or tube, and a producing method of a threaded connection for pipe or tube using the plating solution.Pipes (so called Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG)) used for oil fields ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140131993A1

The present invention discloses a plunger adaptor/collet nut component that connects to the plunger of a down hole pump on the plunger adaptor end and a pull tube on the collet nut end. The pull tube extends through a top seal assembly and into a bushing/collet nut component located above the top seal assembly. In the preferred embodiment, the plunger adaptor/collet nut component is dimensioned such that a 1.125 inch diameter pull tube can connect to the collet nut while the plunger adaptor is dimensioned such that it can connect to the top of plungers for larger diameter pumps such as 1.75 inch and 2.0 inch down hole pumps. The bushing/collet nut component of the preferred embodiment is dimensioned such that the collet nut attaches to the top of the pull tube guide and permits a 1.125 inch diameter pull tube to pass through it while the bushing is dimensioned to accommodate the smaller 1.125 inch diameter pull tube in place of the larger diameter pull tubes usually associated with larger diameter pump drilling operations. 1. A down hole pump system comprising:(a) a bushing/collet nut component with a bushing on one end with an inner diameter that permits passage of a pull tube and a collet nut on the opposite end that has a threaded end with an inner diameter that permits passage of the pull tube and an outer diameter that permits attachment into a pull tube guide wherein the pull tube guide attaches to a top seal assembly; and(b) a barrel adaptor that attaches to the top seal assembly on an opposite end from the pull tube guide and to a barrel of a pump wherein a plunger of the pump attaches to a collet nut/plunger adaptor component wherein the collet nut accepts a threaded end of the pull tube and the plunger adaptor accepts the threaded end of the plunger.2. The down hole pump system of wherein the bushing of the bushing/collet nut component has an inner diameter to accommodate a 1.125 inch pull tube.3. The down hole pump system of wherein the collet nut of the ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Curative Free Joint Sealant

Номер: US20220073784A1

A curative free sealant composition for sealing joints between male and female parts, the sealant composition comprising a solid resin component, a solid (meth)acrylate polyurethane component, and an ethoxylated bisphenol-A (meth)acrylate component. 1. A curative free sealant composition for sealing joints between male and female parts , the sealant composition comprising:(a) a solid resin component,(b) a solid (meth)acrylate polyurethane component,(c) an ethoxylated bisphenol-A (meth)acrylate component.2. The composition of wherein the composition consists of:(a) a solid resin component,(b) a solid (meth)acrylate polyurethane component,(c) an ethoxylated bisphenol-A (meth)acrylate component.3. The composition of wherein the composition is free of cure inducing components.4. The composition of wherein the composition is free from cure accelerators.5. The composition according to wherein the solid resin component has a molecular weight of about 2 claim 1 ,000 g/mol or higher.6. The composition according to wherein the solid resin component has a melting temperature range from about 55° C. to about 80° C. and a resolidification temperature range of from 25° C. to 55° C. as measured by differential scanning calorimetry according to ISO 11357-1:2016.7. The composition according to wherein the composition has a melting point of from about 15° C. to about 100° C.8. The composition according to wherein the solid (meth)acrylate polyurethane component has a melting point in the range of from about 30° C. to about 100° C.9. The composition according to wherein the composition has a re-solidification point in the range from about 10° C. to about 50° C.10. The composition according to wherein the solid resin component is present in an amount of from about 10 to about 60% by weight based on the total weight of the composition claim 1 , based on the total weight of the composition.11. The composition according to wherein the solid (meth)acrylate polyurethane component is present ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056034A1
Автор: Stearns Frank

This disclosure is directed to couplers which significantly reduce the production of noise when disconnected from a mating coupler, thus addressing a significant occupational safety problem in the field of compressed air couplings. Accordingly, one aspect of the disclosure provides a coupler which may be used to connect/disconnect an air hose subjected to high air pressure while suppressing or dampening the noise typically produced upon disconnecting the coupler. In some examples, a coupler is provided with a valve having axial passageways that facilitate the relatively free flow of air during normal operation that become partially occluded upon an action disconnecting the coupler to significantly reduce sound levels. 122.-. (canceled)23. A safety coupler comprising:a. a connector body including a sidewall defining an interior passageway extending along a longitudinal axis between a first open end and a second open end; andb. a valve disposed within the connector body interior passageway, the valve defining one or more axial passageways extending in a direction generally parallel to the longitudinal axis, the valve being movable within the connector body between a normal air flow position and a sound reduction position;c. wherein in the normal airflow position, the valve has less than a 10 psi pressure drop at an airflow rate of 20 to 50 scfm through the interior passageway;d. wherein in the sound reduction position, the valve reduces a coupler disconnect sound level by at least 20 dBA in comparison to a disconnect sound level when the connector body is used without the valve installed within the interior passageway.24. The safety coupler of claim 23 , wherein the valve has less than a 5 psi pressure drop when in the normal airflow position.25. The safety coupler of claim 23 , wherein the valve reduces the coupler disconnect sound level by at least 30 dBA. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/547,038, filed on Aug. 17, 2017, ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056049A1

Provided is a threaded joint for an oil well tubing which possesses sufficient sealability when the external pressure is applied to the threaded joint by suppressing the plastic deformation of a nose portion and sufficient galling resistance. The sufficient galling resistance is provided by preventing the occurrence of galling at the time of making up the threaded joint during verification test performed in accordance with ISO13679:2002 even when the threaded joint for an oil well tubing has a small thickness. Parameters including sizes of the threaded joint at positions of a seal point and shoulder portions satisfy formula 1 ((Ds1−Ds0)/(D1−D0)≥0.30), formula 2 (tan θ>(ΔD+δ)/{2(Lt−Ls)}), and Ls/Ln is set to 0.2 to 0.6. 1a pin having a nose portion on a distal end of a male threaded portion; anda box having a female threaded portion which engages with the male threaded portion of the pin by fitting engagement and portions opposedly facing the nose portion, whereina shoulder portion positioned on a distal end of the nose portion of the pin is brought into contact with a shoulder portion of the box which opposedly faces the shoulder portion of the pin in an axial direction,an outer surface of the nose portion of the pin is formed of a projecting curved surface, and an inner surface of the box which opposedly faces the outer surface of the nose portion is formed of a tapered surface having an inclination angle θ with respect to the axial direction,both the outer surface of the nose portion of the pin and the inner surface of the box are configured to be brought into metal-to-metal contact with each other in a radial direction at the time of making up the joint thus forming a structure which seals a fluid,a seal point is defined as a position in the axial direction where an overlapping margin of seal portions of both the pin and the box in the radial direction becomes maximum in a state where cross sectional views in the axial direction of both the pin and the box are ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061358A1
Автор: CHU Keng-Fong

A valve connector has a tubular body, a connection head, and an annular seal. The tubular body has at least one air inlet, an air outlet, and a first threaded hole. The first threaded hole is defined in the tubular body, communicates with the air outlet, and has a first thread specification and an inner diameter. The connection head is mounted detachably on the tubular body and has a second threaded hole and a recess. The second threaded hole has a second thread specification and an inner diameter larger than that of the first threaded hole. The recess is axially defined in the connection head and has an inner diameter larger than that of the second threaded hole. The annular seal is mounted in the recess in the connection head and is clamped between the tubular body and the connection head. 1. A valve connector for an inflating device comprising: a first end;', 'a second end;', 'an air channel defined in the tubular body;', 'at least one air inlet defined in the tubular body and communicating with the air channel;', 'an air outlet defined in the tubular body and communicating with the air channel; and', 'a first threaded hole defined in the first end of the tubular body, communicating with the air outlet, and having a first thread specification and an inner diameter;, 'a tubular body having'} an inner end;', 'an outer end;', 'a second threaded hole defined through the inner end and the outer end and having a second thread specification and an inner diameter larger than the inner diameter of the first threaded hole; and', 'a recess axially defined in the inner end of the connection head, communicating with the second threaded hole, and having an inner diameter larger than the inner diameter of the second threaded hole; and, 'a connection head mounted detachably on the first end of the tubular body and having'}an annular seal mounted in the recess in the connection head and clamped between the first end of the tubular body and the inner end of the connection head.2. ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061359A1

A drain system for transporting waste from a vehicle to a discharge location located spaced from the vehicle may include first, second and third modular components. The first modular component may be adapted to coupling to the vehicle and may define a first male connection. The second modular component may include a waste transfer portion extending between a first end and a second end. The first end may define a first female connection and the second end may define a second male connection. The third modular component may include an angled central portion, a first end and a second end. The first end may define a second female connection. The second end may define a waste discharge end. The drain system may further include a fourth modular component defining a first end having an opening for receiving the waste discharge end of the third modular component and a second end for interfacing with a tubular intake of the discharge location. 1. A drain system for transporting waste from a vehicle to a discharge location located spaced from the vehicle , the drain system comprising:a first modular component for coupling to the vehicle, the first modular component defining a first male connection;a second modular component including a waste transfer portion extending between a first end and a second end, the first end defining a first female connection and the second end defining a second male connection; anda third modular component including an angled central portion, a first end and a second end, the first end defining a second female connection, the second end defining a waste discharge end.2. The drain system for transporting waste of claim 1 , further comprising a fourth modular component claim 1 , the fourth modular component defining a first end having an opening for receiving the waste discharge end of the third modular component and a second end for interfacing with a tubular intake of the discharge location.3. The drain system for transporting waste of claim 1 , ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Pressure test plug for improved tubular threaded component

Номер: US20200056431A1
Автор: Mickael Pusard
Принадлежит: Individual

A plug for a pressure test configured for a tubular component, the tubular component including a male threaded element at a free end, the male threaded element including a male thread and a sealing surface, the plug including a thread compatible with the male thread, an inner annular groove, and a sealing ring held in the groove such that the sealing ring is radially compressed between an outer periphery of the male threaded element and a bottom of the inner annular groove.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074895A1

An adapter () allows direct connection of a handheld spray device () to paint cans (A, B, C), of varying dimensions. The adapter () includes a cage () for holding the paint can (A, B, C), a cap () that connects the cage () to the hand-held spray device (), and a gasket () that seals the open upper end of the paint can (A, B, C) to the cap (). The adapter () may also include a suction tube extension that is connectable between the pump inlet () and the suction tube () of the spray device (). 1. An adapter for connecting a paint can to an inlet of a handheld spray device , the adapter comprising:a cage for holding an open paint can;a connector for connecting the cage and open paint can to the handheld spray device; anda gasket for sealing the open paint can to the handheld spray device.2. The adapter of and further comprising:a cap mountable on an upper end of the cage and carrying the connector and the gasket.3. The adapter of claim 2 , wherein the cap and the gasket include apertures through which a suction tube connected to the inlet can extend into the paint can.4. The adapter of and further comprising:a suction tube extension connectable between the inlet and an outlet end of the suction tube.5. The adapter of claim 4 , wherein the cage includes a mount aperture for receiving and holding the suction tube extension when the adapter is not in use.6. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein the cap includes a neck and wherein the connector comprise threads on the neck for engaging threads on the handheld spray device.7. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein the cage includes external threads at an upper end of the cage claim 1 , and the cap includes internal threads for engaging the external threads of the cage to mount the cap on the upper end of the cage.8. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein the gasket comprises a foam ring formed of a closed cell crosslinked polyethylene foam.9. The adapter of claim 8 , wherein the foam ring includes a plurality of outward extending tabs for ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Sanitary fitting for fluid handling equipment

Номер: US20170074429A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A sanitary fitting for biopharmaceutical equipment includes an elongate tubular insert having a main tubular section, which is cylindrical and terminates at an annular flange or annulus which seats at a bottom of a socket in an equipment housing. The bottom face of the annulus includes a groove, which receives a gasket that is compressed between the annulus and bottom face of the socket to prevent entry of fluids into this space. A threaded section of the socket is spaced outwardly of the smooth surfaced fitting so as to receive a threaded nut within such space. A threaded nut is slid down the fitting and engaged with the socket threads wherein the nut drives the socket into and retains the fitting tightly within the socket.

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080287A1

A threaded pipe joint, when acted upon by a tensile load, does not break on the female thread-side of a first thread section of a second thread series that extends from an intermediate shoulder. The threaded pipe joint reliably undergoes tensile rupture on the female thread-side of a first thread section of a first thread series, which is the original critical cross-section site. The threaded pipe joint is configured so that when the male and female threads of the intermediate shoulder are screwed together, the load flank-side thread gaps L1G and L2G of a first thread series, which is the radially inward thread series, and a second thread series, which is the radially outward thread series, on the two sides of the intermediate shoulder always satisfy the relationship L1G Подробнее

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084382A1
Автор: Pisasale Davide

A sealing element for a fitting part includes a top section. The top section includes a first surface configured to bear against an outer face of an annular groove of the fitting part and a second surface intersecting the first surface at a first angle. The second surface is configured to bear against a bottom face of the annular groove of the fitting part. The sealing element also includes a bottom section. The bottom section includes a third surface intersecting the second surface at a second angle. The third surface is configured to bear against the bottom face of the annular groove. The bottom section also includes a fourth surface intersecting the third surface. Furthermore, the sealing element includes an indentation formed at an intersection between the second surface and the third surface. The indentation provides a transition between a first width of the top section and a second width of the bottom section. Moreover, the second width is greater than the first width. Additionally, the sealing element extends as a continuous structure along a circumferential axis such that a conical plane of the sealing element is oriented at a third angle to a longitudinal axis of the fitting part. 1. A sealing element for a fitting part , comprising: a first surface configured to bear against an outer face of an annular groove of the fitting part; and', 'a second surface intersecting the first surface at a first angle, wherein the second surface is configured to bear against a bottom face of the annular groove of the fitting part;, 'a top section, comprising a third surface intersecting the second surface at a second angle, wherein the third surface is configured to bear against the bottom face of the annular groove; and', 'a fourth surface intersecting the third surface; and, 'a bottom section, comprisingan indentation formed at an intersection between the second surface and the third surface, wherein the indentation provides a transition between a first width of the top ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084414A1

This document provides fluid handling components. For example, this document relates to taper interface connections such as, but not limited to, luer taper interface connections used to couple fluid handling components in a medical or laboratory setting. In some embodiments, the threaded connection on the male portion of the taper interface is comprised of one or two opposing tabs, rather than a 360° collar like conventional luer lock fittings. As such, the taper interface components provided herein are readily manufacturable with a lower cost than conventional fittings that have a collar. In some embodiments, the taper interface components provided herein are configured for coupling by way of a quick connection technique. 1. A taper interface connection system comprising: a first tab with a first thread portion; and', 'a tapered male body having an axial male component lumen therethrough, the tapered male body spaced apart from the first tab by a distance; and, 'a male component comprisinga female component that is releasably coupleable with the male component, the female component comprising an external thread that meshes with the first thread portion when the male component and the female component are coupled, the female component defining a female component lumen and a tapered female space that tightly receives the tapered male body when the male component and the female component are coupled,wherein the male component lumen and the female component lumen are in fluid communication and provide a substantially leak-proof connection when the male component and the female component are coupled.2. The taper interface connection system of claim 1 , wherein the male component and the female component both comprise moldable materials.3. The taper interface connection system of claim 1 , wherein the male component and the female component both comprise metal materials.4. The taper interface connection system of claim 1 , wherein the tapered male body and the tapered ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190084203A1
Автор: Protopapas Panos

The present invention is a method of sealing threaded connections of plastic fittings with other plastic fittings, or with fittings of any other materials, in order to ensure a non-leaking connection without applying any additional sealing means. This is achieved through the incorporation of an elastomer sealing material on the threads of one of the plastic fittings during its production process, using a two stage injection moulding method. 1. A method for embedding Elastomer sealing material directly on the threads of the fitting during the production (injection process) of the fitting , so that there is no need to apply additional sealing material during installation of the fitting , being characterized by the following two stages with two different materials:The first stage of the injection process is using the normal plastic material and forming the body and the threads of the fitting with the technical properties required according to standards.During the second stage, the Elastomer sealing material is added on the threads and is adhered to the body by the heat of the melted Elastomer sealing material, so that the two materials become attached.2. A method according to claim 1 , characterized by the addition of a supportive thread claim 1 , which is lower than the normal thread claim 1 , under the Elastomer sealing material claim 1 , created together with the main body during the first injection stage claim 1 , so that the threads in the sealing area are rigid enough to ensure proper sealing claim 1 , the Elastomer sealing material being then injected on top of this lower thread in the second injection stage claim 1 , with a height higher than the normal threads claim 1 , in order for the Elastomer sealing material to fill the gap between the threads of the two fittings when they are assembled claim 1 , thus ensuring proper sealing between the two fittings. Traditionally plastic fittings are produced using standard injection molding technology where the whole ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160091126A1

A torque nut with an axially deformable projection protruding from the axially inner end face of the torque nut. The torque nut may be assembled as part of a compression fitting including one or more ferrules for engaging a tube held within the torque nut and a fitting body onto which the torque nut can be threaded. The axially deformable projection will engage an opposing face on the fitting body and this allows a person tightening the torque nut to to feel when the torque nut is madeup to prevent undermaking or overmaking the torque nut. When the axially deformable projection engages the fitting body, there will be an abrupt increase in torque needed to tighten the torque nut on the fitting body after only partial axial deformation of the axially deformable projection relative to the axially inner end face of the torque nut. 1. A tube fitting assembly comprising:a fitting body having an axially inner threaded end portion and a cavity opening to an axially inner end face of the fitting body for receiving an end of a tube, the fitting body having an axially inwardly facing shoulder radially offset from the axially inner threaded end portion;a ferrule assembly for sealing to the tube, the ferrule assembly and fitting body, when axially urged towards one another, having cooperating surfaces for radially inwardly compressing the ferrule assembly around to tube to form a seal with the tube; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00005', 'claim 5'}, 'the torque nut of .'}2. (canceled)3. The tube fitting of claim 1 , wherein the torque nut can be loosened to allow for removal of the tube from the fitting body and then remade up claim 1 , with the axially leading end of the axially deformable projection again moving axially into engagement with the axially inwardly facing shoulder of the fitting body to cause an abrupt increase in torque needed to tighten the torque nut on the fitting body after further axial deformation of the axially deformable projection relative to the ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190085642A1

The present invention relates to a line element comprising a hooped tube provided at both ends thereof with two receptacles in which male and female end fittings made of high-strength steel are fastened. The invention also relates to a riser section comprising at least one auxiliary line element having such characteristics. Furthermore, the invention relates to a method for upgrading a riser pipe by replacing an auxiliary line element with a line element having such characteristics. 1. A line element comprising at least one hooped tube , the hooped tube having a central part consisting of a tubular steel core covered with at least one hoop layer , two receptacles fastened to the ends of the tubular core , a male end fitting and a female end fitting fastened in the receptacles , wherein the male and female end fittings are made of high-strength steel.2. A line element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the receptacles are welded onto ends of the tubular core.3. A line element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one receptacle is partly covered with at least one hoop layer.4. A line element as claimed in claim 2 , wherein at least one additional hoop layer extends on either side of a weld between the tubular core and the receptacle.5. A line element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the receptacles are made of steel whose elastic limit is similar to that of the steel of the tubular core claim 1 , and lower than the elastic limit of the male and female end fittings.6. A line element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein male and female end fittings are fastened in the receptacles by screwing claim 1 , hoop winding or gluing.7. A line element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the inside diameter of the male and female end fittings is substantially equal to the inside diameter of the tubular core.8. A line element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the hoop layers consist of reinforcing elements made of composite material claim 1 , notably from fibres coated with a polymer matrix.9 ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Joint that Prevents a Water Pipe from Twisting

Номер: US20190086019A1
Автор: TENG Po An

A joint for preventing a water pipe from twisting comprises a hanger screw sleeve, a disk-shaped oil seal, a gasket and a connecting pipe. The disk-shaped oil seal is sleeved on one end of the connecting pipe, and the water pipe is sleeved on the other end thereof. The gasket is disposed between the disk-shaped oil seal and the connecting pipe. The disk-shaped oil seal, the gasket and the connecting pipe are all arranged in the hanger screw sleeve. As the hanger screw sleeve screws into a water pipe base and presses onto the disk-shaped oil seal, the disk-shaped oil seal and the gasket also rotate together with the hanger screw sleeve. This prevents the water pipe connecting to the joint from twisting. 1. A joint for preventing a water pipe from twisting , comprising: a hanger screw sleeve , a disk-shaped oil seal , a gasket , and a connecting pipe , wherein the disk-shaped oil seal is sleeved on one end of the connecting pipe; the water pipe is sleeved on the other end thereof; the gasket is disposed between the disk-shaped oil seal and the connecting pipe; the disk-shaped oil seal , the gasket , and the connecting pipe are all disposed inside the hanger screw sleeve; and as the hanger screw sleeve screws into the base of the water pipe , the hanger screw sleeve slowly presses tightly against the disk-shaped oil seal and both the disk-shaped oil seal and the gasket rotate with the hanger screw sleeve.2. The joint of claim 1 , wherein the disk-shaped oil seal further includes a seal ring claim 1 , a convex ring claim 1 , a filter and a plurality of bosses disposed around the seal ring; the convex ring is disposed on one side of the seal ring; and the filter is disposed inside the convex ring.3. The joint of claim 2 , wherein the filter is a 50-mesh stainless steel filter.4. The joint of claim 1 , wherein the disk-shaped oil seal is made of a nitrile rubber material except for the filter.5. The joint of claim 2 , wherein the disk-shaped oil seal is made of a nitrile ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089497A1

A fitting for a tube or pipe capable of functioning a high pressures having a first fitting component adapted to receive the conduit end; a conduit gripping device such as a ferrule or ferrules and a second fitting component that can be joined to the first fitting component to cause the conduit gripping device to grip the conduit and seal when assembled. In one aspect of the invention, the first fitting component is constructed from a material that is softer than the material used to construct the second fitting component. An additional aspect of the invention include a retaining portion on the second fitting component that constrains the tube gripping device against pressure. The retaining portion can also be configured to retain the tube gripping device to the second fitting component prior to installation and in a finger-tight condition. A further aspect of the invention includes a first fitting component in which an exterior portion of the component is work hardened radially outward from the tube gripping device. The fitting may optionally be provided with a structure to effect the pull-up by torque functionality. 1. A fitting subassembly comprising:a conduit gripping device;a fitting component having a socket receiving at least a portion of the conduit gripping device; anda tool including an enlarged head portion at a first end and a radially extending lip portion at a second end, the head portion and the lip portion defining a carriage on which the second fitting component and the conduit gripping device are retained, with the head portion engaging the second fitting component and the lip portion engaging the conduit gripping device;wherein the lip portion is radially compressed to release the conduit gripping device from the tool, thereafter permitting withdrawal of the tool from the fitting component and the conduit gripping device.2. The subassembly of claim 1 , wherein the tool further comprises a groove between the head portion and the lip portion claim 1 ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Installation Method And Device For Pipeline Components

Номер: US20200086464A1

Method and device for tightening a threaded connection, preferably for connecting pipeline components, wherein the threaded connection to be tightened comprises a connecting element unit having an external thread, a connecting element unit having an internal thread, and a seal element arranged therebetween. 1. A method for tightening a threaded connection , preferably for connecting pipeline components , wherein the threaded connection to be tightened comprises a connecting element unit having an external thread , a connecting element unit having an internal thread , and a seal element arranged therebetween , wherein the method comprises the following steps:turning the connecting element unit having internal or external thread until contacting the seal element and reaching the starting point of the compression of the seal element, wherein the seal element is arranged on or in at least one of the connecting element units and is contacted with the other,tightening the connecting element unit having internal or external thread up to a predetermined threshold value, wherein the starting point of the compression of the seal element and the threshold value are ascertained on the basis of the occurring ratio changes between rotational angle and torque during the turning and tightening of the threaded connection.2. The method according to claim 1 , comprising detecting when almost no torque is applied until reaching the starting point of the compression of the seal element and thus the slope of a curve in a torque-rotational angle diagram extends nearly infinitely steeply and/or approximately parallel to the rotational angle axis in the y direction.3. The method according to claim 1 , detecting when a torque is applied from reaching the starting point of the compression of the seal element claim 1 , wherein the ratio occurring between rotational angle and torque significantly changes from reaching the starting point of the compression of the seal element and/or the slope of ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096764A1

An interlock pipe joint includes a first and second tubular member. In some embodiments, an interrupted thread box and pin make up the interlock pipe joint. In other embodiments, a stepped interrupted thread box and pin make up the interlock pipe joint. In other embodiments, a twist-lock box and pin make up the interlock pipe joint. In some embodiments, an external or internal bushing is provided. In a method of operation, the first tubular member is inserted into the second tubular member by an axial insertion followed by a rotation to lock the pipe joint. 1. A pipe joint for use in joining tubular members comprising:a box formed in an end of a first tubular member, the box formed in the interior surface of the first tubular member, the box including internal threads and internal lands, the internal threads positioned in radial segments and separated by the internal lands, the lands being generally cylindrical segments having inner diameter larger than the largest outer diameter of the largest thread; anda pin formed in an end of a second tubular member, the pin formed in the exterior surface of the second tubular member, the pin including external threads and external lands, the external threads positioned in radial segments and separated by the external lands, the lands being generally cylindrical segments having outer diameter smaller than the smallest outer diameter of the smallest thread;the widths and positions of the external threads of the pin positioned to correspond with those of the internal lands of the box, and the widths and positions of the external lands of the pin positioned to correspond with those of the internal threads of the box when the box is inserted into the pin; andthe external threads of the box and the internal threads of the pin adapted to mesh and tighten the box to the pin.2. The pipe joint of claim 1 , wherein each of the internal and external threads and lands are of equal radial width.3. The pipe joint of claim 1 , wherein the ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160097474A1
Принадлежит: Fluidmaster, Inc.

A fluid connector assembly comprises an outer fastener and an inner fastener. The outer fastener is comprised of a top surface, a bottom surface, and a plurality of radially extending members on the top surface. The inner fastener is provided comprising a top surface, a bottom surface, and a plurality of radially extending projections. The radially extending projections are dimensioned to be received by the radially extending members when the inner fastener is assembled with the outer fastener. A connector is disposed in the inner fastener, wherein the connector may be externally threaded so as to receive a fluid supply line that is internally threaded. The radially extending projections of the inner fastener may be flexible. 1. A fluid connector assembly , comprising:an outer fastener comprising a top surface, a bottom surface, and a plurality of radially extending members on the top surface;an inner fastener comprising a top surface, a bottom surface, and a plurality of radially extending projections dimensioned to be received by the radially extending members when the inner fastener is assembled with the outer fastener; anda connector disposed in the inner fastener.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the connector is externally threaded.3. The assembly of claim 2 , further comprising a seal in communication with the connector.4. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein the connector further comprises a shoulder in communication with the seal.5. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the radially extending projections of the inner fastener are received by the radially extending members of the outer fastener claim 1 , wherein when a predetermined torque is reached claim 1 , the radially extending projections slip out of the radially extending members passing over the top surface of the outer fastener and preventing the predetermined torque from being exceeded.6. The assembly of claim 5 , wherein the radially extending projections of the inner fastener do not slip out of the ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190091693A1

A capillary connection unit for analysis devices and medical devices includes a capillary having at least one end section and a free end, at least one connection element arranged on the end section of the capillary, wherein the connection element has an axial guide-through for the capillary, a sealing element surrounding the capillary, and a metal sleeve element which radially externally surrounds the sealing element and which has a first end facing the connection element and a receiving region facing away from the connection element, wherein the connection element is configured to be detachably connected to a counter element and to exert an axial thrust force onto the sealing element. 1. Capillary connection unit for analysis devices and medical devices , comprising: at least one connection element arranged on the end section of the capillary, wherein the connection element has an axial guide-through through which the capillary runs;', 'a sealing element surrounding the capillary at least in the region of its free end;', 'a metal sleeve element which radially externally surrounds the sealing element at least in regions and which has a first end facing the connection element and a receiving region facing away from the connection element;, 'a capillary having at least one end section and a free end thereon;'}the connection element with the free end of the capillary being configured to be detachably connected to a counter element and to exert an axial thrust force onto the sealing element;the sleeve element being axially movably guided in relation to both the connection element and the capillary with the sealing element;{'sub': iH', 'aD, 'an inner diameter dof the sleeve element in the receiving region facing away from the connection element being at least as large as the outer diameter dof the sealing element, the sleeve element being configured to substantially completely accommodate the sealing element in its receiving region; and'}the sleeve element having at its ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140183862A1

A threaded connector for a large diameter tubular member includes a pin member having an external thread formed thereon with a first contact surface located on one side of the external thread and a sealing element located on the other side of the external thread, and a box member having an internal thread formed thereon with a first contact surface located on one side of the internal thread and a second contact surface located on the other side of the internal thread. The first contact surface of the pin member and the second contact surface of the box member correspond with and are configured to engage with each other, and the first contact surface of the box member and the sealing element of the pin member correspond with and are configured to engage with each other. 1. A threaded connector for a large diameter tubular member , the threaded connector comprising:a pin member having an external thread formed thereon with a sealing element located on one side of the external thread and a contact surface located on the other side of the external thread; anda box member having an internal thread formed thereon with a first contact surface located on one side of the internal thread and a second contact surface located on the other side of the internal thread;wherein the external thread of the pin member and the internal thread of the box member correspond with and are configured to engage with each other, the sealing element of the pin member and the second contact surface of the box member correspond with and are configured to engage with each other, and the first contact surface of the box member and the contact surface of the pin member correspond with and are configured to engage with each other.2. The threaded connector of claim 1 , wherein the sealing element of the pin member and the second contact surface of the box member are configured to form a seal therebetween claim 1 , and wherein the first contact surface of the box member and the contact surface of the ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150108723A1
Принадлежит: FMC Kongsberg Subsea AS

A seal assembly () for a piping connection comprising; a first part () having at least one projecting rib () extending at least partially along an outer circumference thereof, and a second part () arranged to be attached to the first part, the second part being provided with at least one recess () on an inner surface thereof, which recess () is adapted to receive the projecting rib () when the first () and second () parts are connected, and the recess () has a larger cross-section area than the cross-section area occupied by the projecting rib () within the recess (), such that when the first () and second () parts are connected, they are free to move relative to each other in at least one direction. 1. A seal assembly for a piping connection between first and second piping ends , the seal assembly comprising:a first part having at least one projecting rib extending at least partially along an outer circumference thereof, said first part comprising first and second shoulders for sealing against corresponding third and fourth shoulders on the first and second piping ends, respectively; anda second part arranged to be attached to the first part, the second part being provided with at least one recess on an inner surface thereof, which recess is adapted to receive the projecting rib when the first and second parts are connected, and said second part comprising fifth and sixth shoulders for sealing against corresponding seventh and eighth shoulders on the first and second piping ends, respectively;wherein the recess has a larger cross-section area than the cross-section area occupied by the projecting rib within the recess, such that when the first and second parts are connected, they are free to move relative to each other in at least one direction.2. A seal assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the second part is provided with at least one section extending at least partially along the inner surface from a first axial end and ending in the recess claim 1 , and ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180106408A1

A connection device for pipes, of a type comprising a hose-holder () mounted on an end portion () of the pipe, a hose-holder () mounted on the other end portion () of the same pipe and an element () for the connection of said hose-holders () consisting of a substantially tubular body having a longitudinal hole () therethrough, wherein said element () comprises a circulating ball portion () for the connection to one () of said hose-holders. The device has the advantage that no connection threads having a shoulder protruding on the pipe surface and capable of damaging it are required. 1183166151618301517161618. An improved connection device for pipes , of a type comprising a hose-holder () mounted on an end portion () of the pipe , a hose-holder () mounted on the other end portion () of the same pipe and an element () for the connection of said hose-holders ( ,) consisting of a substantially tubular body having a longitudinal hole () , characterized in that said element () comprises a circulating ball portion () for the connection to one () of said hose-holders , wherein the inner diameter of said hose-holder () is the same as the inner diameter of said hose-holder ().215192018. A device according to claim 1 , characterized in that said element () further comprises a threaded portion () for the connection to a corresponding thread () of the other hose-holder () of said connection device.321221723241721222526. A device according to claim 2 , characterized in that said circulating ball portion comprises semi-channels ( claim 2 ,) for housing said balls () claim 2 , as well as holes ( claim 2 ,) for inserting the same balls () into the mentioned semi-channels ( claim 2 ,) which are in turn closed by means of corresponding threaded caps ( claim 2 ,).416276282921221715212822291727161715. A device according to claim 3 , characterized in that said hose-holder () has an end portion () protruding from the mentioned end portion () of said pipe and having semi-channels ( claim 3 ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190107230A1
Автор: Vaccaro Ronald A.

An adapter for a sealing boot includes: an annular body having a radially-outward exterior surface; at least one helical thread extending radially inwardly to define a threaded interior surface and defining a plurality of roots and crests, wherein the crests extend radially inwardly a distance A from the roots; and a blocking section that extends axially across the plurality of roots and crests, the blocking section extending radially inwardly at least the distance A from the roots at junctions with the crests, and extending radially inwardly a distance B from the roots in areas between the roots and crests. 1. An adapter for a sealing boot , comprising:an annular body having a radially-outward exterior surface;at least one helical thread extending radially inwardly to define a threaded interior surface and defining a plurality of roots and crests, wherein the crests extend radially inwardly a distance A from the roots; anda blocking section that extends axially across the plurality of roots and crests, the blocking section extending radially inwardly at least the distance A from the roots at junctions with the crests, and extending radially inwardly a distance B from the roots in areas between the roots and crests.2. The adapter defined in claim 1 , wherein the distance A is the same as the distance B.3. The adapter defined in claim 1 , wherein the distance B is less than the distance A.4. The adapter defined in claim 2 , wherein the blocking section defines a scalloped surface.5. The adapter defined in claim 1 , comprising a resilient material.6. The adapter defined in claim 5 , wherein the resilient material is selected from the group consisting of: silicone rubber claim 5 , EPDM and neoprene rubber.7. The adapter defined in claim 1 , wherein the blocking section is a first blocking section claim 1 , and further comprising a second blocking section that extends axially across the plurality of roots and crests claim 1 , the second blocking section extending ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Hose end fitting system for polyetrafluoroethylene (ptfe)-core hose

Номер: US20160116093A1
Автор: Larry Filipczak
Принадлежит: Individual

A hose end fitting apparatus for coupling a PTFE core hose to a rigid fluid carrying tube. The fluid fitting includes a connector including a one piece body having a first and carrying threads for connection to an A-N connector mounted on one end of a PTFE hose. A second end of the body is engageable with a rigid tube.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210140570A1
Автор: STROUD Gary Arthur

An offset-alignment pivotable high-pressure coupler fitting for use to demountably and sealingly engage two misaligned high-pressure fluid lines. The coupler fitting comprises: (i) a female part having a bore therethrough with one end configured for sealing demountable engagement with an end of a first high-pressure fluid line and the other end having a symmetrical spherical recess, (ii) a male part having a bore therethrough with one end configured for sealing demountable engagement with an end of a second high-pressure fluid line and the other end having a symmetrical spherical protrusion that matches and is slidingly communicable with the spherical recess in the female part, and (iii) demountable engagement means configured for demountable and sealing engagement of the symmetrical spherical recess of the female part and the symmetrical spherical protrusion of the male part. 1. An offset-alignment pivotable high-pressure coupler fitting for use to demountably and sealingly engage two misaligned high-pressure fluid lines , the coupler fitting comprising:a female part having a first female end configured for sealing demountable engagement with an end of a first high-pressure fluid line, a second female end having a female collar with a symmetrical spherical recess therein and at least three equidistantly spaced-apart bores therearound and therethrough, and a bore therethrough the female part from the first female end to the second female end for receiving a flow of pressurized fluid therethrough;a male part having a first male end configured for sealing demountable engagement with an end of a first high-pressure fluid line, a second male end with a male collar with a symmetrical spherical protrusion arising therefrom, said symmetrical spherical protrusion matching the symmetrical spherical recess and slidingly communicable therewith, and wherein the male collar has at least three equidistantly spaced-apart bores therearound and therethrough in alignment with the at ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160123506A1
Автор: Strunk Jordan

One aspect of the invention provides a sealing device for connecting a length of corrugated tubing. The sealing device includes: a body member defining a sleeve portion; a nut adapted and configured for threaded engagement with the body member, the nut defining an internal shoulder; and a bushing. The bushing includes: an annular internal rib located on a proximal end, the annular internal rib adapted and configured to engage a corrugation valley of corrugated tubing; a medial external rib adapted and configured to be engaged by the internal shoulder of the nut and to advance the bushing within the sleeve portion of the body member; and a trailing hinged portion located on a distal end. The trailing hinged portion is adapted and configured for inward compression against the corrugated tubing received within the bushing as the nut is advanced over the trailing hinged portion. 1. A sealing device for connecting a length of corrugated tubing , the sealing device comprising:a body member defining a sleeve portion;a nut adapted and configured for threaded engagement with the body member, the nut defining an internal shoulder; and an annular internal rib located on a proximal end, the annular internal rib adapted and configured to engage a corrugation valley of corrugated tubing;', 'a medial external rib adapted and configured to be engaged by the internal shoulder of the nut and to advance the bushing within the sleeve portion of the body member; and', 'a trailing hinged portion located on a distal end, the trailing hinged portion adapted and configured for inward compression against the corrugated tubing received within the bushing as the nut is advanced over the trailing hinged portion;, 'a bushing comprisingwherein either the nut includes an internal taper or the trailing hinged portion of the bushing includes an external taper.2. The sealing device of claim 1 , wherein the trailing hinged portion is defined by living hinge.3. The sealing device of claim 1 , wherein ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160123507A1
Автор: Spears Wayne

A pipe connector fitting comprising a body comprising a longitudinal axis, a throat, opposed side walls, an upstream end and a downstream end, a bore defined by the body, a plurality of internal metal threads disposed within the body, an elongate gasket comprising a non-round cross-section, and a gasket retention area defined by the body, sized and dimensioned. to accept and retain the gasket when the gasket is non-compressed and fully compressed and the gasket is never allowed to escape the gasket retention area into the throat of the body, the gasket retention area comprising a flat gasket retention surface disposed perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the body, the gasket disposed within the gasket retention area, wherein, when a threaded male fitting is threadedly disposed within the body, the threaded male fitting can be rotated 360 degrees while remaining continuously fluid tight for pressures in excess of 300 psig. 1. A pipe connector fitting comprising:a) a body comprising a longitudinal axis, a throat, opposed side walls, an upstream end and a downstream end;b) a bore defined by the body;c) a plurality of metal threads disposed within the body;d) an elongate gasket comprising a non-round cross-section; and wherein, the elongate gasket is disposed within the gasket retention area; and', 'wherein, when a threaded male fitting is threadedly disposed within the body, the threaded male fitting can be rotated within the downstream end of the body 360 degrees while remaining continuously fluid tight for pressures in excess of 300 psig., 'e) a gasket retention area defined by the body and sized and dimensioned to accept and retain the elongate gasket both When the elongate gasket is non-compressed and fully compressed, such that the elongate gasket is never allowed to escape the gasket retention area into the throat of the body, the gasket retention area comprising a flat gasket retention surface disposed perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the body;'}2. ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119852A1

A pin-box well tubular connector assembly having pin and box connector members () with intermeshing external and internal screw thread profiles is optimized for expansion downhole in a wellbore by: 1. A method for expanding a pair of well tubulars that are interconnected by a pin-box connector assembly comprising pin and box connector members with intermeshing external and internal screw thread profiles , the method comprising:configuring the pin and box connector members such that they are optimized for expansion by inserting a swellable pipe dope in a gap between the pin and box connector members;interconnecting the pair of well tubulars by means of the optimized pin-box connector assembly; andradially expanding the interconnected well tubulars by moving an expansion cone therethrough.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said pin and box connector members each have base and tip sections that are configured such that a base section of the pin connector member engages a tip section of the box connector member and a tip section of the pin connector member engages a base section of the box connector member claim 1 , wherein a seal groove is provided in the base section of the box connector member between a down-stream seal support crest and an up-upstream seal support crest claim 1 , wherein the box connector member has an extended tip section claim 1 , wherein a radial height of the up-stream seal support crest is reduced compared to the radial height of the down-stream support crest claim 1 , such that a contact point with the box member is lowered radially inwards.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein after expanding a ring-shaped sealing lip of the extended tip section engages with the up-stream crest claim 2 , which thereby forms a ring-shaped sealing shoulder at the base section of the pin connector member.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the down-stream seal support crest is located between the up-stream seal support crest and the internal screw thread profile.5. ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150130182A1

A threaded joint for a steel pipe includes a pin and a box each of which is provided with a contact surface that includes an unthreaded metal contact portion having a seal portion and a threaded portion. This threaded joint includes an ultraviolet ray-curable resin coating film that is formed on the contact surface of at least one of the pin and the box; and an acrylic silicone resin coating film that is formed on at least a portion of a surface of the ultraviolet ray-curable resin coating film. 1. A threaded joint for a steel pipe including a pin and a box each of which is provided with a contact surface that includes: an unthreaded metal contact portion having a seal portion; and a threaded portion , the threaded joint comprising:an ultraviolet ray-curable resin coating film that is formed on the contact surface of at least one of the pin and the box; andan acrylic silicone resin coating film that is formed on at least a portion of a surface of the ultraviolet ray-curable resin coating film.2. The threaded joint for a steel pipe according to claim 1 ,wherein the acrylic silicone resin coating film is formed on a portion which covers at least the seal portion on the surface of the ultraviolet ray-curable resin coating film.3. The threaded joint for a steel pipe according to claim 1 ,wherein the acrylic silicone resin coating film is formed on an entire surface of the ultraviolet ray-curable resin coating film.4. The threaded joint for a steel pipe according to claim 1 ,wherein the ultraviolet ray-curable resin coating film contains a colorant.5. The threaded joint for a steel pipe according to claim 2 ,wherein the acrylic silicone resin coating film is formed on an entire surface of the ultraviolet ray-curable resin coating film.6. The threaded joint for a steel pipe according to claim 2 ,wherein the ultraviolet ray-curable resin coating film contains a colorant.7. The threaded joint for a steel pipe according to claim 3 ,wherein the ultraviolet ray-curable resin ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Threaded Connection for Steel Pipes

Номер: US20210156204A1

A threaded connection includes a pin and a box. The pin includes, in the order from a free end side of the pin toward a tubular body side thereof, an inner sealing surface, an inner male threaded portion, a shoulder portion, an outer male threaded portion, and an outer sealing surface. The box includes, in the order from a tubular body side of the box toward a free end side thereof, an inner sealing surface, an inner female threaded portion, a shoulder portion, an outer female threaded portion, and an outer sealing surface. Between the inner sealing surface and the inner female threaded portion of the box, an inner groove along a circumferential direction is provided, and some threads of the inner male threaded portion of the pin are contained in the inner groove. 1. A threaded connection for steel pipes comprising a tubular pin and a tubular box , whereinthe pin includes, in the order from a free end side of the pin toward a tubular body side thereof, an inner sealing surface, an inner male threaded portion, a shoulder portion, an outer male threaded portion, and an outer sealing surface,the box includes, in the order from a tubular body side of the box to the free end side thereof, an inner sealing surface, an inner female threaded portion, a shoulder portion, an outer female threaded portion, and an outer sealing surface, andthe threaded connection includes at least one of the following configurations (1) and (2):(1) an inner groove along a circumferential direction is provided between the inner sealing surface and the inner female threaded portion of the box, and some threads of the inner male threaded portion of the pin are contained in the inner groove, and(2) an outer groove along a circumferential direction is provided between the outer sealing surface and the outer male threaded portion of the pin, and some threads of the outer female threaded portion of the box are contained in the outer groove.2. The threaded connection for steel pipes according to claim ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Seal assembly for a downhole device

Номер: US20150139832A1
Принадлежит: RMSpumptools Ltd

A sealing assembly for a downhole device has first ( 12 ) and second sealing ( 22 ) components which are urged together to make up the assembly such that a first sealing surface ( 34 ) on the first component radially presses a lip member ( 44 ) on the second component to change the angle of a second sealing surface ( 45 ) in the connected assembly. The components are urged together by a driving member ( 60 ) which can have screw threads that cooperate with the first component. The lip may be annular and may be formed by an undercut or recess ( 42 ) radially inwardly or outwardly of the lip member, allowing the lip member to bend radially inwards into the recess, during insertion of the second sealing component into the first.

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135784A1
Автор: Wright David C

Fluid connector assembly and methods are usable to establish a sealed fluid connection. The connector assembly comprises a female union connector having an axial bore extending therethrough, internal threads, and an internal shoulder. The connector assembly also comprises two male connectors, each male connector having an axial bore extending therethrough and external threads. The connector assembly further comprises two ring-shaped seals adapted to form a fluid seal between the female union and the male connectors. The first seal contacts the first side of the internal shoulder and a front end of the first male connector to form a fluid seal therebetween. The second seal contacts the second side of the internal shoulder and a front end of the second male connector to form a second fluid seal therebetween. 1. A connector assembly forming a fluid connection , comprising:a union connector having a bore extending therethrough along a longitudinal axis of the union connector, wherein the union connector has a first end with opening and a second end with an opening, and comprises:an internal annular shoulder having a width extending parallel with the longitudinal axis;first internal threads between the first end of the union connector and the internal annular shoulder, the first internal threads slanting in a first direction;second internal threads between the second end of the union connector and the internal annular shoulder, the second internal threads slanting in a second direction that is different than the first direction;a first male connector having a bore extending therethrough along a longitudinal axis thereof, wherein the first male connector comprises a first end and a second end, wherein external threads on the first end engage with the first internal threads of the union connector; anda second male connector having a bore extending therethrough along a longitudinal axis thereof, wherein the second male connector comprises a first end and a second end, ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170138526A1
Автор: Goto Kunio, PETIT Mikael

This invention provides a threaded connection for oil country tubular goods that can suppress an increase in torque when making up a pin and a box in a cold climate. A threaded connection for oil country tubular goods of the present embodiment includes a pin and a box. The pin and the box each have a contact surface that has a thread portion and an unthreaded metal contact portion. The contact surface of the pin includes a photocured coating as an uppermost layer. The photocured coating contains a photocurable resin and perfluoropolyether. The contact surface of the box includes a solid lubricating coating as an uppermost layer. 18-. (canceled)9. A threaded connection for oil country tubular goods comprising a pin and a box that each include a contact surface having a thread portion and an unthreaded metal contact portion , whereinthe contact surface of the pin comprises, as an uppermost layer, a photocured coating containing a photocurable resin and perfluoropolyether, andthe contact surface of the box comprises a solid lubricating coating as an uppermost layer.10. The threaded connection for oil country tubular goods according to claim 9 , whereinthe photocured coating contains 0.2 to 20% by mass of perfluoropolyether.11. The threaded connection for oil country tubular goods according to claim 10 , whereina weight-average molecular weight of the perfluoropolyether is 3,000 or more.12. The threaded connection for oil country tubular goods according to claim 9 , whereina thickness of the solid lubricating coating is 10 to 150 μm, and a thickness of the photocured coating is 5 to 40 μm.13. The threaded connection for oil country tubular goods according to claim 10 , whereina thickness of the solid lubricating coating is 10 to 150 μm, and a thickness of the photocured coating is 5 to 40 μm.14. The threaded connection for oil country tubular goods according to claim 11 , whereina thickness of the solid lubricating coating is 10 to 150 μm, and a thickness of the ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Fitting for connecting a main pipe liner to a branch conduit

Номер: US20200132234A1
Принадлежит: Ina Acquisition Corp

A fitting for connecting a branch conduit to a liner installed in a main pipe is configured to mechanically connect to the branch conduit as it is inserted into the branch conduit from inside the main pipe. The mechanical connection is established without rotating the fitting. The fitting can include a body having an outer shaft section for being received in the branch conduit and an inner flange section for opposing the liner within the main pipe. The fastener include one or more teeth that extend radially from the exterior of the shaft section. The teeth can be secured to the shaft section by deforming portions of the fitting body against the teeth. The flange section supports a gasket for sealing against the liner when the fitting is installed. The flange section can include a rim that maintains the gasket in the proper position.

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Pipe Connectors and Systems

Номер: US20150152986A1
Автор: Jason G. TAYLOR
Принадлежит: Jason G. TAYLOR

A pipe connector includes a housing body defining an axial bore arranged to receive a length of pipe. A plurality of sealing members is positionable in a stacked configuration within the axial bore. The sealing members define a first opening through which the length of pipe can pass and are arranged to form a seal between the length of pipe and the housing body. A locking member is positionable in the axial bore above the sealing members. The locking member defines a second opening. The length of pipe is movable through the second opening in a first direction and the locking member engages the length of pipe when the pipe is forced in a second direction opposite the first direction to form a one-way stop.

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150162736A1
Автор: SHENG Tingxing, XU Yiming

A waterproof assembly that includes a neck that has a main body and an end that has an engagement member. A protective cover of the assembly includes a hollow body with opposite open ends and forms a receiving cavity. Each open end has at least one waterproof gasket. One of the open ends extends around and is sealably coupled to the main body of the neck. 1. A waterproof assembly , comprising:a neck having a main body and an end, said end having an engagement member; anda protective cover including a hollow body with opposite open ends, said hollow body forming a receiving cavity, each open end having at least one waterproof gasket, one of said open ends extending around and being sealably coupled to said main body of said neck.2. A waterproof assembly according to claim 1 , whereinsaid engagement member is threads.3. A waterproof assembly according to claim 2 , whereinan outer diameter of said engagement member is larger than said main body of said neck.4. A waterproof assembly according to claim 1 , further comprisinga plurality of waterproof gaskets disposed in each open end of said protective cover.5. A waterproof assembly according to claim 1 , whereinat least one of said open ends of said protective cover having a chamfer.6. A waterproof assembly according to claim 1 , whereinsaid protective cover is formed of rubber.7. A waterproof assembly according to claim 6 , whereinan outer surface of said protective cover has an anti-slide layer.8. A waterproof assembly claim 6 , comprising:a neck having a main body and an end, said end having an engagement member, said engagement member being configured to engage a cable assembly; anda protective cover including a hollow body with opposite open ends, said hollow body forming a receiving cavity for receiving the cable assembly, each open end having at least one waterproof gasket, one of said open ends extending around and being sealably coupled to said main body of said neck.9. A waterproof assembly according to claim 8 ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160160574A1

The present disclosure provides a connection structure between a pipe body and a joint of an aluminum alloy drill pipe, comprising a first joint located at an end of the aluminum alloy pipe body and a second joint, wherein the first joint comprises an external cone section, an external threaded section and a first seal end face sequentially provided from inside to outside thereof, and a taper of the external cone section is smaller than that of the external threaded section; wherein the second joint is cylindrical and comprises an internal cone section fitted with the external cone section, an internal threaded section fitted with the external threaded section, a second seal end face, an elevator shoulder face, and a concave arc transition section between the internal cone section and the internal threaded section. 1. A connection structure between a pipe body and a joint of an aluminum alloy drill pipe , comprising a first joint located at an end of the aluminum alloy pipe body and a second joint ,wherein the first joint comprises an external cone section, an external threaded section and a first seal end face sequentially provided from inside to outside thereof, the external threaded section is a cone threaded section, and a taper of the external cone section is smaller than that of the external threaded section;wherein the second joint is cylindrical and comprises an internal cone section, an internal threaded section and a second seal end face sequentially fitted with the first joint; the cylindrical second joint comprises a concave arc transition section provided between the internal cone section and the internal threaded section for adapting to plastic deformation of the internal cone section, and an elevator shoulder face provided outside the second joint at the same axial position as the concave arc transition section; andwhen the first joint and the second joint are connected to each other, the internal cone section is plastically deformed to be expanded, ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200149637A1
Автор: Seong Gyun Mok
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a union which is capable of self-sealing without a need for additional piping materials and sealing means, as well as being capable of forming a pipe conduit through a simple installation. The union includes a main pipe which has one end that is connected to an adapter installed to introduce or discharge a fluid into equipment to form a pipe conduit; a joint which is able to be idle and provided at one end of the main pipe, and has a screw thread corresponding to a screw thread formed at an end of the adapter to connect one end of the main pipe to the end of the adapter through the screw thread; and a stopper which is inserted and fixed in a stopper groove formed at one end of the main pipe to prevent the joint from being detached from the main pipe.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180163903A1
Автор: Panagotopulos Louis
Принадлежит: Dynisco Instruments LLC

Flow through connectors and pressure sensing devices as well as their methods of use are described. In some instances a pressuring sensing device may include a ceramic body with a flow path extending through the ceramic body and at least one non-ceramic body attached to the ceramic body. The at least one non-ceramic body may include one or more attachment features formed therein and the flow path extends through the at least one non-ceramic body as well. 1. A multi-piece flow through connector comprising:a ceramic body including a flow path extending through the ceramic body; andat least one non-ceramic body attached to the ceramic body, wherein the at least one non-ceramic body includes one or more attachment features formed therein, and wherein the flow path extends through the at least one non-ceramic body.2. The multi-piece flow through connector of claim 1 , further comprising a pressure sensor associated with a portion of the ceramic body that deforms due to pressure within the flow path.3. The multi-piece flow through connector of claim 1 , wherein the ceramic body includes a pressure window formed in the ceramic body claim 1 , and the pressure sensor is disposed in the pressure window.4. The multi-piece flow through connector of claim 1 , wherein the one or more attachment features comprise at least one of a threaded connection claim 1 , mechanically interlocking features claim 1 , and an interference fit.5. The multi-piece flow through connector of claim 4 , wherein the at least one or more attachment features comprise a threaded connection.6. The multi-piece flow through connector of claim 4 , further comprising a threaded connector that is threaded onto the threaded connection of the at least one non-ceramic body to compress a ferrule against a sealing surface of the ceramic body.7. The multi-piece flow through connector of claim 6 , wherein the sealing surface is a conical sealing surface formed in the ceramic body.8. The multi-piece flow through ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

System, Apparatus and Method Employed with Enteral Systems

Номер: US20160175201A1
Автор: Schuessler Wayne

A connector system is configured to fluidly connect a nasogastric tube assembly including a lumen and a tube to a medical device. The system includes a connector including: a fitting configured to provide a fluid-tight connection with the medical device; a neck coupled to the fitting, the neck configured to attach to the nasogastric tube assembly; and a body coupled to the neck, the body configured to provide a fluid-tight connection with the nasogastric tube assembly when at least partially inserted within the lumen; and a first tether including a first fastening region defining a first opening configured to receive the neck, a second fastening region defining a second opening configured to couple to the nasogastric tube assembly, and a link coupling the first fastening region to the second fastening region, the link configured to maintain a fixed distance separating the first fastening region from the second fastening region. 1. A connector system configured to fluidly connect a nasogastric tube assembly including a lumen and a tube to a medical device , the system comprising: a fitting configured to provide a fluid-tight connection with the medical device;', 'a neck coupled to the fitting, the neck configured to attach to the nasogastric tube assembly; and', 'a body coupled to the neck, the body configured to provide a fluid-tight connection with the nasogastric tube assembly when at least partially inserted within the lumen; and, 'a connector includinga first tether including a first fastening region defining a first opening configured to receive the neck, a second fastening region configured to couple to the nasogastric tube assembly, and a link coupling the first fastening region to the second fastening region, the link configured to maintain a fixed distance separating the first fastening region from the second fastening region.2. The connector system of claim 1 , wherein the connector includes a longitudinal axis claim 1 , andwherein the first opening ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210199232A1

A pipe end protector for protecting pipe threads provided on a pipe end of a pipe component for exploration and production of a hydrocarbon well, said pipe end protector comprising a main body and an annular flexible lip seal, wherein the main body is made from a first polymeric material having a first elastic modulus, and the lip seal is made from a second polymeric material having a second elastic modulus which is lower than the first elastic modulus. 1. A pipe end protector for protecting pipe threads provided on a pipe end of a pipe component for exploration and production of a hydrocarbon well , said pipe end protector comprising:a main body having a longitudinal axis, at least one support portion having an at least partly radially extending annular seal support surface, and a tubular portion provided with protector threads configured to cooperate with the pipe threads of the pipe end, and the main body is made from a first polymeric material having a first elastic modulus,', 'the lip seal is made from a second polymeric material having a second elastic modulus which is lower than the first elastic modulus, and', 'the lip seal comprises an annular lip base portion which extends radially along at least a portion of the seal support surface and is attached to the seal support surface by over moulding., 'an annular flexible lip seal provided on the seal support surface, wherein'}2. The pipe end protector according to claim 1 , wherein the first polymeric material and the second polymeric material are selected to adhesively attach to each other by over moulding.3. The pipe end protector according to claim 1 , wherein the first polymeric material of the main body is a polyolefin claim 1 , preferable polyethylene claim 1 , and the second polymeric material of the lip seal is an elastomer claim 1 , preferably an olefin block copolymer claim 1 , more preferably a block copolymer of blocks of polyethylene alternating with blocks of ethylene/octene copolymer.4. The pipe ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Method of Assembling a Conduit Fitting

Номер: US20180172188A1
Принадлежит: Swagelok Co

In a method of assembling a conduit fitting, a conduit fitting is provided, including a first coupling member, a second coupling member, an internal conduit gripping device disposed between said first coupling member and said second coupling member, and an external deformable structure. The first coupling member is pulled up with the second coupling member on an end portion of a conduit to engage the external deformable structure with an external surface of one of the first and second coupling members. After engaging the external deformable structure with the external surface of one of the first and second coupling members, the first coupling member is further pulled up with the second coupling member to axially compress the external deformable structure, until an amount of torque required to continue pulling up the first coupling member increases to a predetermined torque. The predetermined torque corresponds to an initial pulled-up position in which the conduit gripping device grips and seals the conduit.

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140264117A1
Автор: Lai Hung-Lin
Принадлежит: WEN SHENG FU CO., LTD

A valve structure may include a valve body having a plurality of connecting tubes; a resilient cover, one end of which forming a ring portion and the other of which having a tapered cone portion, and the resilient cover plugs into the connecting tube through the cone portion to form a restricting position; a connecting unit that is tubular, having a tubular connecting section and a plugging section, and the plugging section plugs into the through hole of the resilient cover, so the second stopping surface is against the ring portion of the resilient cover; and a locking cover covering the tubular connecting section of the connecting unit to secure the connecting unit and the resilient cover at the connecting tube of the valve body. 1. A valve structure comprising:a valve body having a plurality of connecting tubes that have outer threads; and a handle formed at junctions of the connecting tubes;a resilient cover, one end of which forming a ring portion having larger diameter than that of the connecting tube, the other of which having a tapered cone portion, diameter of which smaller than the connecting tube; a first stopping surface formed from the ring portion facing the cone portion, a through hole formed between the ring portion and the cone portion, wherein the resilient cover plugs into the connecting tube through the cone portion, and the first stopping surface of the ring portion is against the connecting tube to form a restricting position, so that the through hole of the resilient cover is communicating with the connecting tube of the valve body;a connecting unit that is tubular, having a tubular connecting section and a plugging section with shrinking diameter; a second stopping surface formed from the tubular connecting section facing the plugging section, wherein the plugging section plugs into the through hole of the resilient cover, so the second stopping surface is against the ring portion of the resilient cover; anda locking cover covering the ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140265324A1
Автор: McAlister Roy Edward
Принадлежит: McAlister Technologies, LLC

Fittings and coupling assemblies for relatively easy and quick connections to conduits are disclosed herein. A fitting assembly configured in accordance with an embodiment of the disclosure includes a male connector and a female connector that can be coupled together to form a fitting assembly for attachment to a conduit or tube. The male connector can include a retaining feature, such as an undulated barb, to correspond with a corresponding engagement feature, such as a tooth carried by a shroud of the female connector, to allow the male and female connectors to be rapidly coupled together and also prevent the connectors from unintentional loosening. To couple and also separate the male and female connectors, a user can apply a compressive force to at least one of the male and female connectors, followed by a partial rotation of one of the connectors. 1. An apparatus for providing a connection to a conduit , the apparatus comprising: a retaining feature extending partially around the body, wherein the retaining feature includes a generally undulating surface having a crest section positioned between first and second trough sections; and', 'a channel in the body extending at least approximately parallel to a longitudinal axis of the body, wherein the channel intersects the retaining feature; and, 'a first part comprising a body havinga second part comprising a generally cylindrical housing having an engagement feature configured to move through the channel, wherein the first and second parts are configured to be coupled together by aligning the engagement feature with the channel, at least partially inserting the first part into the second part, and rotating the second part to generally align the engagement feature with the crest section of the retaining feature.2. The apparatus of wherein the body of the first part further comprises a groove axially spaced apart from the retaining feature and the second part comprises a seat claim 1 , and wherein the apparatus ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Threaded Connection for Pipes or Tubes and Method for Producing the Threaded Connection for Pipes or Tubes

Номер: US20200166163A1
Автор: Goto Kunio

This invention provides a threaded connection for pipes or tubes having high over-torque performance, and a method for producing the threaded connection for pipes or tubes. A threaded connection for pipes or tubes according to the present embodiment includes a pin and a box. The pin and the box include a contact surface including a threaded portion and a metal contact portion. The threaded connection for pipes or tubes includes a solid lubricant coating layer on at least one of the contact surfaces of the pin and the box, the solid lubricant coating layer including a resin, a solid lubricant powder, and CrO. 110-. (canceled)11. A threaded connection for pipes or tubes comprising a pin and a box ,the pin and the box each comprising a contact surface having a threaded portion and an unthreaded metal contact portion,the threaded connection for pipes or tubes comprising a solid lubricant coating layer on at least one of the contact surfaces of the pin and the box, a resin,', 'a solid lubricant powder, and', {'sub': 2', '3, 'CrO.'}], 'and the solid lubricant coating layer containing12. The threaded connection for pipes or tubes according to claim 11 , wherein the solid lubricant coating layer contains:{'sub': 2', '3, 'the CrOin a range of 1.0 to 20.0 mass %.'}13. The threaded connection for pipes or tubes according to claim 12 , wherein the solid lubricant coating layer contains:{'sub': 2', '3, 'the CrOin a range of 1.0 to 20.0 mass %,'}the resin in a range of 50.0 to 90.0 mass %,the solid lubricant powder in a range of 5.0 to 30.0 mass %.14. The threaded connection for pipes or tubes according to claim 11 , wherein:the resin is one or more types selected from the group consisting of epoxy resin, phenol resin, furan resin, polyamide-imide resin, polyamide resin, polyimide resin, and polyether ether ketone resin.15. The threaded connection for pipes or tubes according to claim 12 , wherein:the resin is one or more types selected from the group consisting of epoxy resin, ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207644A1

A double wedge locking mechanism provides an attachment mechanism to a liner system for fluid distribution network. 1. A method of establishing a connection to a piping system , comprising:providing a liner of the piping system;inserting the liner into a flange adapter such that a support for the liner contacts the flange adapter;placing a clamp collar over an end of the liner to be located against a raised shoulder of the liner;attaching a subassembly to a main flange to locate a position for a double wedge mechanism; andinserting the double wedge mechanism into a main housing creating a compressive axial force to the liner.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the double wedge mechanism comprises two wedges.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the two wedges interface with the main housing and the clamp collar.4. An arrangement claim 2 , comprising:a main housing with an aperture,two half clamps, wherein a first of the half clamps is configured to interface with a second of the half clamps;a clamp ring with a clamp surface; anda pair of wedges, wherein at least a portion of the pair of wedges is configured to interface with the clamp surface.5. The arrangement according to claim 4 , wherein the interface between the first of the half clamps and the second of the half clamps is a threaded stud configuration.6. The arrangement according to claim 5 , wherein the interface is further configured with at least one nut arrangement.7. The arrangement according to claim 6 , wherein the interface is further configured with at least one washer arrangement.8. The arrangement according to claim 4 , wherein the arrangement is configured from stainless steel.9. The arrangement according to claim 4 , wherein the clamp ring is configured to interface on an inside surface with a liner.10. The arrangement according to claim 9 , further comprising:at least two studs, wherein the clamp ring is configured with a first series of holes to accept a first end of the at least ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Re-deployable pipe fitting systems and methods

Номер: US20210207747A1
Автор: David Michael Gregory
Принадлежит: Trinity Bay Equipment Holdings LLC

Techniques for implementing a pipeline system that includes one or more pipe segments, in which each pipe segment of the one or more pipe segments includes tubing that defines a pipe bore and a fluid conduit implemented in an annulus of the tubing, and a re-deployable pipe fitting to be secured to the one or more pipe segments. The re-deployable pipe fitting includes a fitting body that defines a fitting bore through the re-deployable pipe fitting and a threaded fitting jacket to be deformed around the tubing of a pipe segment of the one or more pipe segments to facilitate securing the re-deployable pipe fitting to the pipe segment. The threaded fitting jacket includes jacket threading that enables the threaded fitting jacket to be coupled to the fitting body, removed from the fitting body, or both without using hot tooling.

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190178427A1
Автор: Stearns Frank Arthur

An orbital coupling arrangement is disclosed. In one example, the orbital coupling arrangement includes a first connector part, an orbital member, and a seal member. The first connector part can define a central passageway and can include a first connection arrangement at a first end. The orbital member can define a spherical segment and an adjacent tubular segment that together define a central passageway extending between a first end proximate the spherical segment and a second end proximate the tubular segment. The seal member is in sealing contact with the orbital member spherical segment at a location between a geometric center of the spherical segment and the orbital member first end. 1. An orbital coupling arrangement comprising:a. a first connector part defining a central passageway and including a first connection arrangement at a first end and a second connection arrangement at a second end;b. an orbital member defining a spherical segment and an adjacent tubular segment that together define a central passageway extending between a first end proximate the spherical segment and a second end proximate the tubular segment;c. a seal member defining a longitudinal axis and forming a seal between the orbital member spherical segment and the first connector part; and i. an annular load ring defining a first interior curved surface in contact with and complementary to a curvature of the spherical segment, the annular load ring defining an outer end surface extending at an oblique angle to a longitudinal axis of the annular load ring; and', 'ii. an annular lock ring securing the load ring to the first connector part, the annular lock ring having a second interior surface in flush surface contact with the annular load ring end surface;, 'd. a retaining member rotatably securing the orbital member to the first connector part, the retaining member being separable from the first connector part, the retaining member includinge. wherein the annular load ring and the ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Pipe Coupling

Номер: US20160195203A1
Принадлежит: Morphpackers Ltd

A coupling system between tubular members such as tubing, pipes, casing and liner for location in a well bore in which the ends of each tubular have cooperating profiled sections. The profiled sections are arranged coaxially and a radially applied force is applied to form a metal to metal sealed connection. At least one profiled section includes a projection, the projection containing an overhang to the surface of the tubular member, the overhang locking with the opposing profile when the force is applied to provide a coupling with increased burst and collapse rating. Embodiments are provided of arrangements of overhangs such as oppositely directed overhangs and interlocking overhangs.

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160195206A1
Автор: BENDER Ilan

A coated conduit end with a perceivable demarcation quickly and reliably indicates how far conduit is screwed or inserted into a coated conduit fitting to form a conduit system. 1. A first conduit end comprising:a male threaded portion suitable to be secured to a female threaded coated conduit fitting comprising a sleeve;a straight portion of coated conduit abutting the threaded portion, which straight portion comprises a perceivable demarcation indicating where the end of a sleeve falls when the male threaded portion is secured to a female threaded receptacle of a coated conduit fitting comprising a sleeve.2. The first conduit end of claim 1 , further comprising a second conduit end claim 1 , substantially similar to the first claim 1 , which first and second conduit ends are attached by a central conduit span.3. The conduit end of claim 2 , wherein the central conduit span is straight.4. The conduit end of claim 2 , wherein the central conduit span follows an arc.5. The conduit end of claim 4 , wherein inception of a bend radius of the arc is coincident with inception of the first and second conduit ends distal to the male threaded portion.6. The first conduit end of claim 1 , wherein the perceivable demarcation is visible.7. The first conduit end of claim 6 , wherein the perceivable demarcation is formed by a first color in a first sub-portion of the first portion proximate to the threaded portion and a second color in a second sub-portion of the first portion distal to the threaded portion.8. The first conduit end of claim 6 , wherein the perceivable demarcation is formed by at least one circumferential line.9. The first conduit end of claim 1 , wherein the perceivable demarcation is tactile.10. The first conduit end of claim 9 , wherein the tactile demarcation is formed by a band about a circumference of the conduit end.11. The first conduit end of claim 10 , wherein the band is encased in an external coating.12. The first conduit end of claim 10 , wherein the ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150198271A1
Автор: Wright David

Fluid connector assembly and methods usable to establish a sealed fluid connection. The connector assembly comprises a female union connector having an axial bore extending therethrough, internal threads, and an internal shoulder. The connector assembly also comprises two male connectors, each male connector having an axial bore extending therethrough and external threads. The connector assembly further comprises two ring-shaped seals adapted to form a fluid seal between the female union and the male connectors. The first seal contacts the first side of the internal shoulder and a front end of the first male connector to form a fluid seal therebetween. The second seal contacts the second side of the internal shoulder and a front end of the second male connector to form a second fluid seal therebetween. 1. A connector assembly usable to form a fluid connection comprising: an internal annular shoulder extending laterally relative to the longitudinal axis;', 'first internal threads between the first end of the union and the internal annular shoulder; and', 'second internal threads between the second end of the union and the internal annular shoulder;, 'a union connector having a generally cylindrical shape with a bore extending therethrough along a longitudinal axis thereof, wherein the union connector has a first end and a second end, wherein the union connector comprisesa first male connector having a generally cylindrical shape with a bore extending therethrough along a longitudinal axis thereof, wherein the first male connector comprises a first end and a second end, wherein the first male connector comprises external threads adjacent to the first end thereof;a second male connector having a generally cylindrical shape with a bore extending therethrough along a longitudinal axis thereof, wherein the second male connector comprises a first end and a second end, wherein the second male connector comprises external threads adjacent to the first end thereof;a first ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150198275A1

A spherical exhaust pipe joint includes an outer case an inner case a seal body facing an inner peripheral surface of the outer case and an outer peripheral surface of the inner case a seal body facing the inner peripheral surface of the outer case and the outer peripheral surface of the inner case and a wave spring which is disposed between the outer case and the inner case to resiliently urge the seal bodies and in an axial direction toward one of the outer case and the inner case 1. A spherical exhaust pipe joint comprising:an outer case which is secured to a pipe end portion of one of an upstream-side exhaust pipe and a downstream-side exhaust pipe having a pipe end portion disposed in such a manner as to oppose a pipe end portion of the upstream-side exhaust pipe;an inner case which is secured to a pipe end portion of another one of the upstream-side exhaust pipe and the downstream-side exhaust pipe, and which faces said outer case with a clearance therebetween in a radial direction;an annular first seal body which is disposed in the clearance on an upstream side and has an outer peripheral surface facing an inner peripheral surface of said outer case and an inner peripheral surface opposing that outer peripheral surface and facing an outer peripheral surface of said inner case;an annular second seal body which is disposed in the clearance on a downstream side of said first seal body and has an outer peripheral surface facing the inner peripheral surface of said outer case and an inner peripheral surface opposing that outer peripheral surface and facing the outer peripheral surface of said inner case; anda resiliently urging member which is disposed between said outer case and said inner case and resiliently urges said first seal body and said second seal body in an axial direction toward one of said outer case and said inner case,wherein in a case where the outer peripheral surface of said first seal body is shaped in a form of a convex spherical shape, a ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210222500A1

A directly connected drill pipe applicable to extreme conditions includes a tool joint pin and a tool joint box, where an external pipe section is located on an external side of a threaded section of the tool joint pin, and an annular groove is formed between the external pipe section and the threaded section of the tool joint pin. An insertion section of the tool joint box can be inserted into the annular groove in a matched manner. A main shoulder of the tool joint pin is located at an end of the external pipe section, a main auxiliary shoulder of the tool joint pin is located on a bottom surface of the annular groove, and an auxiliary shoulder of the tool joint pin is located at a small end of the tool joint pin. The tool joint box has three corresponding shoulders which form a 3-stage sealing with the tool joint pin. 1. A directly connected drill pipe , comprising: an outer annular projection extending axially outwardly and terminating in a main shoulder;', 'an inner annular projection extending axially outwardly and terminating in an auxiliary shoulder;', 'an annular groove disposed between the outer annular projection and the inner annular projection, the annular groove extending axially inwardly and terminating in a bottom surface comprising a main auxiliary shoulder;, 'a tool joint pin having an outer annular groove extending axially inwardly and terminating in a main shoulder;', 'an inner annular groove extending axially inwardly and terminating in an auxiliary shoulder;', 'an annular projection disposed between the outer annular groove and the inner annular groove, the annular projection extending axially outwardly and terminating in a main auxiliary shoulder;, 'a tool joint box having the outer annular projection of the tool joint pin operably connected to the outer annular groove of the tool joint box;', 'the inner annular projection of the tool joint pin operably connected to the inner annular groove of the tool joint box;', 'the annular projection of ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Fluid Connector

Номер: US20210222805A1

An example fitting includes: a fitting body having counterbore, where the counterbore defines an annular shoulder within tire fitting body: a spring having a first end interfacing with the annular shoulder of the counterbore; and a seal carrier having: (i) a first end face interfacing with a second end of the spring, (ii) a second end face configured to interface with an internal surface of a port, such that the spring is configured to apply a biasing force on the seal carrier toward the internal surface of the port, (iii) a first annular groove on an exterior peripheral surface of the seal carrier, where the first annular groove is configured to have a radial seal disposed therein, and (iv) a second annular groove in the second end face, where the second annular groove is configured to have a face seal disposed therein. 1. A fitting comprising:a fitting body having counterbore formed therein, wherein the counterbore defines an annular shoulder within the fitting body;a spring having a first end interfacing with the annular shoulder of the counterbore; anda seal carrier having: (i) a first end face interfacing with a second end of the spring, (ii) a second end face configured to interface with an internal surface of a port, such that the spring is configured to apply a biasing force on the seal carrier toward the internal surface of the port, (iii) a first annular groove on an exterior peripheral surface of the seal carrier, wherein the first annular groove is configured to have a radial seal disposed therein, and (iv) a second annular groove in the second end face, wherein the second annular groove is configured to have a face seal disposed therein.2. The fitting of claim 1 , wherein the fitting has a respective first end configured to be coupled to a fluid line and a respective second end configured to be coupled to the port claim 1 , wherein the fitting body defines therein a fluid passage that fluidly couples the first end to the second end of the fitting.3. The ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160201841A1
Автор: Heutchy Andrew W.

A tube nut and a brake tube assembly are provided. A pipe is disposed within the bore of the nut. A first coating is disposed on an outer surface of the nut. The first coating has a corrosive resistance greater than the bore so as to promote corrosion within the bore. The corrosion forms a seal which is pinched between the bore and the pipe. The tube nut and brake tube assembly may include a second coating disposed on the bore. The first coating has a corrosive resistance greater than the second coating so as to promote corrosion within the bore. 1. A tube nut assembly having a pipe and a nut , the nut having a bore , the pipe disposed within the bore , the tube nut assembly comprising:a first coating disposed on an outer surface of the nut, the first coating having a corrosive resistance greater than the bore so as to promote corrosion within the bore, the corrosion forming a seal pinched between the bore and the pipe.2. The tube nut assembly as set forth in claim 1 , further including a second coating disposed on the bore claim 1 , the first coating having a corrosive resistance greater than the second coating so as to promote corrosion within the bore.3. The tube nut assembly as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the pipe includes a flared end claim 1 , the bore defining a top opening and bottom opening of the nut claim 1 , the nut having a head disposed on the top opening claim 1 , the flared end of the pipe protruding from the bottom opening.4. The tube nut assembly as set forth in claim 3 , wherein the pipe includes a sleeve claim 3 , the sleeve is mounted to the pipe and disposed above the head of the nut.5. The tube nut assembly as set forth in claim 4 , wherein the sleeve has a distal end claim 4 , the distal end of the sleeve is spaced part from the flared end of the pipe.6. The tube nut assembly as set forth in claim 3 , wherein the nut is formed of a metallic material and wherein the first coating is one of either a zinc plating or a chromate plating.7. The ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150211663A1

Described is a mobile phase fitting having reduced corrosion and erosion. The fitting includes a coupling body, compression screw, compression member and gasket. The coupling body has a threaded bore at one end, a tapered cavity, a narrow bore and a fluid channel. The compression screw has an axial bore to receive a tube and a threaded outer surface in engagement with the threaded bore of the coupling body. The compression member is disposed in the tapered cavity and has an axial opening to pass the tube and a tapered surface to engage a surface of the tapered cavity. The gasket is disposed in the narrow bore and has one surface in contact with the first internal surface and has a parallel surface to receive an end face of the tube. Mobile phase flows along a path that includes the tube, an opening in the gasket and the fluid channel. 1. A mobile phase fitting , comprising:a coupling body having a first threaded bore at a first end, a tapered cavity, a narrow bore and a fluid channel, the tapered cavity extending from an internal end of the threaded bore, the narrow bore extending from an end of the tapered cavity that is opposite to the threaded bore to a first internal surface, the fluid channel extending from the first internal surface to a second internal surface;a compression screw having an axial bore to receive a tube for passing a mobile phase and a threaded outer surface in engagement with the threaded bore of the coupling body;a compression member disposed within the tapered cavity and having an axial opening to pass the tube and a tapered surface to engage a surface of the tapered cavity; anda gasket disposed in the narrow bore and having a pair of parallel surfaces with an opening therebetween, one of the parallel surfaces in contact with the first internal surface and the other parallel surface configured to receive an end face of the tube, wherein the mobile phase flows along a path that includes the tube, the opening in the gasket and the fluid ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Threaded Connection for Pipe and Method for Producing Threaded Connection for Pipe

Номер: US20200190683A1

There is provided a threaded connection for pipe having an excellent galling resistance and an excellent appearance. A threaded connection for pipe according to the present embodiment includes a pin () and a box (). The pin () and the box () have contact surfaces () and () that include thread parts () and (), metal seal parts () and (), and shoulder parts () and (), respectively. The threaded connection for pipe includes a Zn—Ni alloy plating layer () on the contact surface () or () of at least one of the pin () and the box (). The Zn—Ni alloy plating layer () contains Cu. The Cu content of the Zn—Ni alloy plating layer () is 4.5% by mass or less (zero excluded). 1. A threaded connection for pipe comprising a pin and a box each of which includes a contact surface including a thread part , a metal seal part , and a shoulder part , the threaded connection comprisinga Zn—Ni alloy plating layer on the contact surface of at least one of the pin and the box, whereinthe Zn—Ni alloy plating layer contains 4.5% by mass or less (zero excluded) of Cu.2. The threaded connection for pipe according to claim 1 , whereinthe Zn—Ni alloy plating layer contains 0.05 to 4.5% by mass of Cu.3. The threaded connection for pipe according to claim 1 , whereinthe Zn—Ni alloy plating layer has a thickness of 1 to 20 μm.4. The threaded connection for pipe according to claim 1 , further comprising a lubricating coating on the contact surface of at least one of the pin and the box claim 1 , or on the Zn—Ni alloy plating layer.5. A method for producing a threaded connection for pipe comprising a pin and a box each of which includes a contact surface including a thread part claim 1 , a metal seal part claim 1 , and a shoulder part claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:preparing the pin, the box, and a plating solution that contains a zinc ion, a nickel ion, and a copper ion, the concentration of the copper ion being 1 g/L or less (zero excluded); andforming a Zn—Ni alloy plating layer by ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180201868A1
Автор: Goto Kunio

This invention provides a threaded connection for pipe or tube that has a non-sticky surface and that suppresses the occurrence of rust and exhibits excellent galling resistance and airtightness even in an extremely low temperature environment without using compound grease, a method of producing the same, and a composition for forming a solid lubricating coating on the threaded connection. A solid lubricating coating () formed from a composition containing a binder, a fluorine addition agent, a solid lubricant and a rust proof addition agent is coated as a topmost surface treatment coating on a contact surface of at least one of a pin and a box. Even when exposed to an extremely low temperature environment, the solid lubricating coating () can maintain adhesiveness and exhibit a lubricating function, can suppress the occurrence of galling of a threaded connection, and can also secure airtightness after fastening. 2. The composition according to claim 1 , comprising:60 to 80% by mass of the binder,8 to 18% by mass of the fluorine addition agent,5 to 15% by mass of the solid lubricant, and2 to 10% by mass of the rust proof addition agent.3. The composition according to claim 1 , further comprising 2 to 15% by mass of talc.414-. (canceled)15. The composition according to claim 2 , further comprising 2 to 15% by mass of talc.16. The composition according to claim 3 , wherein{'sup': '2', 'a particle size of the talc is 1 to 12 μm, and a specific surface area of the talc is 4 to 12 m/g.'}17. The composition according to claim 15 , wherein{'sup': '2', 'a particle size of the talc is 1 to 12 μm, and a specific surface area of the talc is 4 to 12 m/g.'}18. A threaded connection for pipe or tube comprising a pin and a box claim 15 , whereineach of the pin and the box comprises a contact surface including a mutually contacting portion, and the threaded connection for pipe or tube comprises a solid lubricating coating on the contact surface of at least one of the pin and the ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160215906A1

The present invention provides a fitting mechanism capable of distributing pressure applied on an outermost layer of plastic, and contributing to cooperation and complementary reaction between a fitting body and a ferrule body under severe temperature change. A fitting mechanism according to the present invention comprises a fitting body formed of metal, and a ferrule body formed of metal, wherein the fitting body is coupled to the ferrule body by fastening the third threaded portion of the ferrule body with the second threaded portion of the fitting body, and the fitting body slope surface is impinged onto the ferrule body slope surface forming a fluid tight contact and causing the ferrule body deformation portion to be deflected inwardly, tightened around and penetrate into outermost layer of plastic, and the outermost layer of plastic of the leading end of the multilayer composite pipe impinges onto coupling end portion. 1. A fitting mechanism for use with multilayer composite pipe having an outermost layer of plastic and an inner layer of metal , the fitting mechanism comprising: a first threaded portion formed on an inner surface of the fitting body, which is coupled with the outermost layer of plastic;', 'a second threaded portion formed on the inner surface adjacent to an inlet of the fitting body, through which a leading end of the multilayer composite pipe is inserted into the fitting body;', 'a coupling end portion formed on a portion of the fitting body opposite to the inlet with respect to the first threaded portion; and', 'an fitting body slope surface formed on the inner surface between the first threaded portion and the second threaded portion; and, 'a fitting body formed of metal, the fitting body including a ferrule body slope surface formed on a leading end portion of the ferrule body;', 'a third threaded portion formed on an outer surface of the ferrule body to be coupled with the second threaded portion; and', 'a ferrule body deformation portion ...
