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26-12-2018 дата публикации

Герметизатор трубопровода

Номер: RU0000186031U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для ограждения части трубопровода и может быть использована, например, при ремонтных, диагностических или сварочных работах. Сущность: герметизатор представляет собой сварную стальную конструкцию с гальваническим покрытием и включает плоскую перемычку (1), имеющую нижнюю часть, выполненную в форме полукруга и повторяющую форму трубы. К торцу перемычки (1) приварена выгнутая прямоугольная опорная пластина (9) с загнутыми внутрь концами. К внешней поверхности опорной пластины (9) приварено не менее двух прутков. Между прутками на концах опорной пластины (9) с помощью прижимных пластин (5) и гаек (4) закреплены резиновые шнуры (6). С внутренней стороны перемычки (1) приварен подпятник (7) для гидроцилиндра (2), на конце которого размещен шток с упором (3). Подпятник (7) имеет выемку (8) для установки насоса в гидроцилиндр (2). На перемычке (1) выполнено отверстие (10), в которое вставлен штуцер для закрепления на нем водоотливного шланга. Технический результат: обеспечение безопасности при проведении ремонтных работ. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 186 031 U1 (51) МПК F16L 55/07 (2006.01) F16L 55/105 (2006.01) F16L 55/162 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16L 55/07 (2018.08); F16L 55/105 (2018.08); F16L 55/162 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018134415, 27.09.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Емельянов Алексей Андреевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 26.12.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: Герметизатор трубопровода серии (45) Опубликовано: 26.12.2018 Бюл. № 36 R U (54) ГЕРМЕТИЗАТОР ТРУБОПРОВОДА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к устройствам для ограждения части трубопровода и может быть использована, например, при ремонтных, диагностических или сварочных работах. Сущность: герметизатор представляет собой сварную стальную конструкцию с гальваническим покрытием ...

23-12-2019 дата публикации

Клапан запорный пневматический для герметизации дренажных систем и удержания разлива химических веществ

Номер: RU0000194781U1

Полезная модель относится к коммунальному хозяйству и касается запорного устройства для перекрытия трубопроводов дренажных систем и ливневых канализаций, применяемого для удержания разлива опасных химических веществ. Техническим результатом патентуемого решения является повышение защиты ливневых канализаций от опасных загрязнений за счет надежной фиксации пневмокамеры в трубопроводе и автоцентровки цилиндрической камеры в трубе при её активации, что обеспечивает точное её положение в трубе и заполнение собой внутритрубного пространства без образования щелей между стенками камеры и внутренней поверхностью сточной трубы. Клапан запорный пневматический для герметизации дренажных систем и удержания разлива химических веществ содержит эластичную цилиндрическую камеру с рукавами на концах и механизм фиксации камеры в трубопроводе, рукава камеры запрессованы посредством хомутов в две трубчатые крышки, между которыми коаксиально камере закреплены посредством резьбового крепления усиленная трубка с отверстиями на поверхности и вал, подвижно соединенные посредством втулки, установленной в ложементе, образованном во внутренней поверхности усиленной трубки, и фиксируемой в нем посредством стопорного кольца, на трубчатых крышках коаксиально закреплены трубчатые направляющие, в которые вставлены диаметрально суппорты с опорами и закреплены гайками, на торцах направляющих установлены гайки, при этом одна из них глухая, а вторая соединена со штуцером, выполненным с возможностью подключения к воздушной магистрали для подачи воздуха в камеру через трубчатую направляющую и усиленную трубку с отверстиями под давлением, со стороны штуцера закреплен механизм фиксации камеры в трубопроводе, включающий серьги, с одной стороны коаксиально закрепленные на опорах, а с другой стороны - на шпильках с возможностью перемещения вдоль шпилек, на которых закреплен фильтр с одной стороны и кольцеобразный элемент крепления для зацепления с торцом сточной трубы трубопровода с другой стороны, причем ...

08-02-2022 дата публикации

Устройство для перекрытия трубопровода к сосуду высокого давления

Номер: RU0000209235U1

Полезная модель направлена на повышение надежности и безопасности сосудов высокого давления. Устройство для перекрытия трубопровода к сосуду высокого давления содержит фланцы 1, 2 с бобышками 3, 4, поворотный кронштейн 5, оснащенный вкладышами 6, 7 для перекрытия и пропускания потока транспортируемой среды, монтажные шпильки 8 и стягивающие шпильки 9 с гайками 10 для сжатия фланцев и вкладышей. Фланцы связаны монтажными шпильками 8, каждая из которых размещена параллельно трубопроводу и установлена в бобышках 3, 4 на резьбовых соединениях противоположного направления. Поворотный кронштейн установлен между фланцами и посажен на одну из монтажных шпилек. Устройство снабжено штуцером 11 под сварку со стенками сосуда высокого давления. Фланец 2 выполнен на штуцере, место под сварку на штуцере выполнено в виде кольцевого гребня 12, диаметр которого равен наружному диаметру фланца 2. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 209 235 U1 (51) МПК F16L 55/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16L 55/00 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021130151, 16.10.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 08.02.2022 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Надточиев Евгений Викторович (RU), Гунько Владимир Юрьевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 08.02.2022 Бюл. № 4 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПЕРЕКРЫТИЯ ТРУБОПРОВОДА К СОСУДУ ВЫСОКОГО ДАВЛЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель направлена на повышение которых размещена параллельно трубопроводу надежности и безопасности сосудов высокого и установлена в бобышках 3, 4 на резьбовых давления. Устройство для перекрытия соединениях противоположного направления. трубопровода к сосуду высокого давления Поворотный кронштейн установлен между содержит фланцы 1, 2 с бобышками 3, 4, фланцами и посажен на одну из монтажных поворотный кронштейн 5, оснащенный шпилек. Устройство снабжено штуцером 11 под вкладышами 6, 7 для перекрытия и пропускания сварку со стенками сосуда ...

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Rapid-connect coupler

Номер: US20120037247A1
Автор: Howard M. Konishi
Принадлежит: Macro Technologies LLC

A rapid-connect gas coupler is shown and described herein. In an embodiment, the rapid-connect gas coupler includes a spring-loaded probe within a probe cavity, which is defined by a housing and one or more latch segment. The probe can engage with a gas connector, which causes the latch segment to engage and couple with the gas connector.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Pounding tune mass damper with viscoelastic material

Номер: US20120103739A1
Принадлежит: University of Houston

A vibration dampener, including, a first beam comprising a first mounting end portion and a first peripheral end portion, wherein the first peripheral end portion comprises a tunable mass, and the first beam is configured to vibrate in tune with a vibrational frequency of a structure supporting the first beam at the first mounting end portion, a second beam comprising a second mounting end portion and a second peripheral end portion, wherein the second peripheral end portion comprises a ring disposed about the first beam, and a viscoelastic material disposed between the first beam and the ring, wherein the viscoelastic material is configured to dampen vibrational energy as the first beam vibrates toward the ring until the viscoelastic material becomes compressed between the first beam and the ring during the course of the impact.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Flow limiter and use of a flow limiter in an air distribution system of an air conditioning system of an aircraft

Номер: US20120118408A1
Автор: Joakim Holmgren

A flow limiter comprises a line segment with an air inlet and an air outlet and at least one resistance element. The resistance element is positioned within the line segment and impresses a predetermined flow resistance on an air flow that extends from the air inlet to the air outlet. Preferably, the resistance element extends at least in part in an axial direction of the line segment. Such a flow limiter is used to adjust an air volume flow and comprises particularly low generation of intrinsic noise.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Device to control the rate of fluid flow in a pipe

Номер: US20120118420A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides a family of devices insertable into a pipe or pipeline for counteracting the force and controlling the rate of flow of a fluid flowing in the pipe or pipeline. The disclosed devices have an overall shape resembling a spear to improve the fluid dynamic performance and are designed to be self-centering in a pipe. The devices can be made from readily available materials using well known manufacturing techniques. Other embodiments showing extensions to the invention are also disclosed.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Tubular body soundproof cover and covered tubular body

Номер: US20120118664A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd

A purpose is to provide a tubular body soundproof cover and a covered tubular body, for which elastic deformation of the tubular body is unlikely to be inhibited. The tubular body soundproof cover includes a sound absorbing layer arranged on outside in an axially perpendicular direction of a tubular body having tubular body side curved sections; a skin layer arranged on outside in the axially perpendicular direction of the sound absorbing layer; and cover side curved sections arranged on outside in the axially perpendicular direction of the tubular body side curved sections, including at least a portion of the sound absorbing layer and at least a portion of the skin layer. The cover side curved sections have non-adherent sections in which the sound absorbing layer and the skin layer are not bonded over the entire circumferential length.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Conduit assembly and method of making and using same

Номер: US20120211235A1
Автор: David R. Smith
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides conduit assemblies of substantial length that have an inner member disposed in an opening of a conduit member and connected to the interior of the conduit member. The inner member can serve to protect sensitive measuring equipment, such as optical sensors or well logging equipment, from damages, including damages incurred during deployment into subsurface environments, including oil and gas wells and oceans, while allowing for improved data collection by the equipment once deployed. The conduit assemblies can be deployed permanently or as intervention logging equipment. The present disclosure also provides for methods of making and using such conduit assemblies.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Methods and systems for detecting and sealing dry fit connections in a piping assembly

Номер: US20120255345A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Fire Products LP

Systems and methods for evaluating a piping system for an improperly assembled fluid tight connection. Provided is a preferred joint assembly unable to hold fluid pressure in either one of a dry fit connection and partial seal connection. The joint assembly includes a coupler to identify a leak. More specifically, the coupler includes a substantially tubular wall portion having an outer surface, an inner surface and a channel disposed along one of the inner and outer surfaces. The channel has a first configuration for carrying a fluid between an interior of the piping system and an exterior of a piping system, and a second configuration to prevent fluid from being carried between the interior and the exterior of the piping system. The channel is further preferably convertible from the first configuration to the second configuration in the presence of a minimum amount of sealant material.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Rapid-connect coupler with vent-stop

Номер: US20120280493A1
Автор: Howard M. Konishi
Принадлежит: Macro Technologies LLC

An embodiment includes a rapid-connect coupler including a coupler body configured to convey a fluid; a coupling head at a first end of and communicating with the coupler body, the coupling head configured to transition between a coupled configuration and a de-coupled configuration. The coupler may further include a stop apparatus configured to allow the coupling head to transition from the de-coupled configuration to the coupled configuration without obstruction, and the stop apparatus may be configured to provide a hard-stop as the coupling head transitions from the coupled configuration to the de-coupled configuration.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Water volume and pressure control system

Номер: US20120291886A1
Автор: Federico Rivera
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for remotely controlling the supply and pressure of water to a building includes one or more sensors for detecting the presence of water in undesirable locations, a water flow and pressure regulation unit connected to the building water input supply, and a system controller capable of providing wireless communication with a user via a plurality of external devices.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Branching device for a pulsation attenuation network

Номер: US20120291896A1
Автор: W. Norm Shade
Принадлежит: ACI Services Inc

A pulsation attenuation network branching device or transition apparatus for controlling pulsation of a fluid in a piping system includes at least one large flow channel, at least two small flow channels, and at least one divider that transitions the large flow channel into the small flow channels internally. Fluid can flow through the device in either direction. One embodiment of the branching device can include a main inlet and a main outlet, an internal attenuating conduit, a branching outlet, and a branching inlet, a first divider for dividing the fluid flow from the main inlet into the internal attenuating conduit and the branching outlet, and a second divider for joining the fluid flowing from the branching inlet and the internal attenuating conduit into the main outlet. Another embodiment can include a main inlet, three branching outlets, and two dividers for transitioning the main inlet into the three branching outlets.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Joint and method for manufacturing joint

Номер: US20120306118A1
Принадлежит: Onda Mfg Co Ltd

An inner tubular portion ( 15 ) and an outer tubular portion 16 for forming an insertion space for a plastic pipe ( 11 ) are formed integrally with a joint body ( 13 ). Two fitting grooves ( 17 ) are formed in the outer peripheral surface of the inner tubular portion 15 . Two sealing members ( 18 ) for maintaining water-tightness in the gap between the plastic pipe ( 11 ) received in the insertion space and the inner tubular portion ( 15 ) are fitted in the corresponding fitting grooves 17 . A pair of view windows ( 25 ) for visually checking the fitting grooves ( 17 ) and the sealing members ( 18 ), which are fitted in the fitting grooves ( 17 ), from the exterior are formed in the outer tubular portion ( 16 ). The view windows ( 25 ) are arranged at opposing positions.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Female connector for pipes

Номер: US20120318387A1
Автор: Wan-Pao Chen

A male connector includes a connecting member which has a cone-shaped exit defined therein and the connecting member is connected to a pipe connector to define a space therebetween. A movable member has a cone-shaped end and multiple openings are defined through the wall of the movable member. The movable member is movably located in the space and the cone-shaped end seals the cone-shaped exit of the connecting member along the direction of the fluid. The cone-shaped end has multiple grooves or release holes to slowly release the residual pressurized fluid of the pneumatic tool or the hydraulic tool so as to safely separate the male and female connectors and mitigate the noise.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Method for water hammerless opening of fluid passage, and method for supplying chemical solutions and device for water hammerless opening for which the method is used

Номер: US20130000737A1
Принадлежит: Fujikin Inc

The water hammerless opening device comprises an actuator operating type valve installed on the fluid passage, an electro-pneumatic conversion device to supply the 2-step actuator operating pressure Pa to the afore-mentioned actuator operating type valve, a vibration sensor removably fixed to the pipe passage on the upstream side of the actuator operating type valve, and a tuning box to which the vibration detecting signal Pr detected by the vibration sensor is inputted, through which the control signal Sc to control the step operating pressure Ps′ of the afore-mentioned 2-step actuator operating pressure Pa is outputted to the electro-pneumatic conversion device, and with which the 2-step actuator operating pressure Pa, of the step operating pressure Ps′ which makes the vibration detecting signal Pr nearly zero, is outputted from the electro-pneumatic conversion by adjusting the control signal Sc.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Condensate removal device

Номер: US20130008525A1
Автор: Sam Mawby
Принадлежит: Gardner Energy Management Ltd

An in-line venturi orifice trap ( 10 ) in which a condensate flow path ( 26 ) defined by the venturi is at an oblique angle with respect to the axis ( 18 ) of a pipeline in which the trap is to be mounted. With this configuration, the orifice ( 30 ) may be accessible (e.g. through a port ( 36 ) formed in a side wall of the trap or pipeline) without requiring removal of the steam trap from the pipeline.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

System and method for dissipation of an effect of a tube wave

Номер: US20130032431A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A tube wave reduction system for a borehole includes a tubular member. One or more openings in the tubular member. A dissipater in fluid communication with the one or more openings. Also included is a method for reducing an effect of a tube wave.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

System and method for reduction of an effect of a tube wave

Номер: US20130037261A1
Автор: Darin H. Duphorne
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A tube wave reduction system for a borehole includes a tubular member; one or more openings in the tubular member, the one or more openings having a through-passage and a deformation region surrounding the through-passage; and an absorber in fluid communication with the one or more openings. Also included is a method for reducing an effect of a tube wave

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Composite inflow control device

Номер: US20130048081A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A flow control device, including a flow path for a fluid therethrough; a geometry defining at least a portion of the flow path, the geometry operatively arranged to cause a pressure drop in the fluid thereacross; a material disposed along the flow path, the material having a surface energy less than that of an undesirable component of the fluid. A method of controlling inflow of an undesirable fluid including: receiving a fluid in a flow control device; and reducing an undesirable component of the fluid flowing out from the flow control device by directing the fluid along a flow path of the flow control device, the flow path at least partially defined by a geometry operatively arranged to cause a pressure drop in the fluid thereacross and at least partially defined by a material having a surface energy less than that of the undesirable component of the fluid.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Digital hydraulic system

Номер: US20130061946A1
Автор: Elton D. Bishop
Принадлежит: Digital Hydraulic LLC

A digital hydraulic system including a fluid having three portions each at a pressure and a digital hydraulic transformer having a first and second element. The first element has a first end and a second end. The first and second elements operating along a common axis, and together defining at least four variable volume working chambers. The at least two of the at least four variable volume working chambers containing fluid directing force on the second element in a direction toward the first end. Another two of the at least four variable volume working chambers containing fluid directing force on the second element toward the second end. A control system individually selectively fluidically connects and disconnects each of the four variable volume working chambers to and from the three portions of the fluid at the three pressures.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130068319A1

A coded cartridge holder for use with a drug delivery device is provided. The cartridge holder includes a fastener that becomes operative based in part on a length of a cartridge or a diameter of the cartridge. In one embodiment, the cartridge holder is coupled to the drug delivery device. The cartridge holder comprises a first blocking feature. The drug delivery device includes a cartridge detector comprising a second blocking feature. This feature may be a pin, for engagement with the first blocking feature of the cartridge holder when the cartridge acts on the cartridge detector. The cartridge holder may further include a fastening mechanism configured to fasten the cartridge holder to the drug delivery device only when the second blocking feature engages the first blocking feature. 1. A cartridge holder for use with a drug delivery device , the cartridge holder comprising:an inner bore being configured to receive a cartridge;a fastening mechanism configured to fasten the cartridge holder to the drug delivery device,wherein the fastening mechanism is configured such that an elastic deformation of at least one of a part of the drug delivery device and the cartridge holder by mechanical interaction with a cartridge accommodated in the cartridge holder enables fastening the cartridge holder to the drug delivery device.2. The cartridge holder of claim 1 , configured such that a fastening of the cartridge holder to the drug delivery device is disabled by a cartridge having at least one of an incorrect length or diameter.3. The cartridge holder of claim 1 , further comprising:a first blocking feature configured for engagement with a second blocking feature of the drug delivery device if a correct cartridge is accommodated in the cartridge holder, and configured such that on an elastic deformation of a part of the drug delivery device the first blocking feature is enabled to engage with the second blocking feature, thereby enabling a fastening of the cartridge holder to ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130068671A1

A parallel assembly () of chromatography column modules () connected in a rigid housing (), the assembly having one common assembly inlet () and one common assembly outlet (), each column module comprising a bed space () filled with chromatography medium and each column module comprises integrated fluid conduits which when the column module is connected with other column modules in the rigid housing are adapted to connect the bed space () of the column module with the assembly inlet () and the assembly outlet (), wherein the total length and/or volume of the fluid conduit from the assembly inlet to one bed space together with the length and/or volume of the fluid conduit from the same bed space to the assembly outlet is substantially the same for all bed spaces and modules installed in the parallel assembly. 121151313539021611555175729333583852915551757a,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca, ba,ba,baiai. A parallel assembly (; ; ) of chromatography column modules (; ; , ) connected in a rigid housing (; ) , the assembly having one common assembly inlet (; ) and one common assembly outlet (; ) , each chromatography column module comprising a bed space () filled with chromatography medium and each chromatography column module comprises integrated fluid conduits ( , ; - , -) which when the chromatography column module is connected with other chromatography column modules in the rigid housing are adapted to connect the bed space () of the chromatography column module with the assembly inlet (; ) and the assembly outlet (; ) , wherein the total length and/or volume of the fluid conduit from the assembly inlet to one bed space together with the length and/or volume of the fluid conduit from the same bed space to the assembly outlet is substantially the same for all bed spaces and modules installed in the parallel assembly.2313532161a,b,ca,b,ca,b,c. The parallel assembly of claim 1 , wherein said chromatography column modules (; ; ) are stacked together inside the rigid housing (; ).3. The ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074952A1

The invention pertains to a protective device for a pressure line for conveying pressurized fluids, as well as to a pressure line section with a pressure line for conveying pressurized fluids and a corresponding protective device. 1. A protective device for a pressure line for conveying pressurized fluids that extends in the longitudinal direction , the radial direction and a circumferential direction referred to the radial direction , featuring:spacers; andenergy absorption means that are locally fixed by the spacers and feature at least two shell parts that extend in the longitudinal direction and are curved in the radial direction, wherein said shell parts surround an inner region that is protected by the protective device and in which at least one pressure line is arranged such that the edge regions of the shell parts circumferentially overlap along the longitudinal direction and a direct fluid jet discharged from pressure lines arranged in the inner region in case of a leak in the at least one pressure line is intercepted by at least one of the shell parts.2. The protective device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the shell parts are secured against moving relative to one another in the circumferential direction.3. The protective device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the radial clearance between the shell parts at the overlaps is greater than or equal to the thickness of one of the two shell parts.4. A pressure line section for a pressure line for conveying pressurized fluids comprising:a pressure line for conveying pressurized fluids that extends in the longitudinal direction, the radial direction and a circumferential direction referred to the radial direction; anda protective device that features spacers, as well as energy absorption means that are locally fixed by the spacers and feature at least two shell parts that extend in the longitudinal direction and are curved in the radial direction, wherein said shell parts surround an ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Sanitary Component, Namely Jet Regulator or Jet Former for Flowing, Fluid Media, Method of Producing such a Sanitary Component and Use of a Sanitary Component

Номер: US20130074968A1
Автор: Denzler Oliver
Принадлежит: NEOPERL GMBH

The invention relates to a sanitary component, namely a stream regulator or stream former for flowing fluid media, consisting of property-defining components in a sandwich-like arrangement in the direction of flow which comprise at least one screen attachment, one diffuser plate assembly as well as a shell body having segments of stream-forming openings extending across its cross-sectional surface. The property-defining components are exchangeable and combinable so as to realize adaptability to different user and user requirements. A locking means is provided e.g. on the inner circumference of the shell body for this purpose as is a corresponding counter-locking means on the outer circumference of the diffuser plate assembly. The diffuser plate assembly exhibits, at least on its exterior, a flow rate class-specifying optical code and the shell body exhibits a stream type-specifying, namely laminar or aerated, optical code. 1. The sanitary component according to claim 25 ,wherein the shell body includes one of a stream flow-specifying laminar optical code and a stream flow-specifying aerated optical code.2. The sanitary component according to claim 1 ,wherein the flow rate class-specifying optical code of the diffuser plate assembly has a first color, and the at least one of the stream flow-specifying laminar optical code and the stream flow-specifying aerated optical code of the shell body has a second color, the first color being different from the second color.3. The sanitary component according to claim 2 ,wherein the first color and the second color include color temperatures which are visually identifiable.4. The sanitary component according to claim 25 ,wherein the property-defining components further include a flow regulator, the flow regulator being disposed between the screen attachment and the diffuser plate assembly, the flow regulator including an optical code, the screen attachment being one of translucent and transparent.5. The sanitary component ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074971A1

A fuel pipe which is inexpensive and is excellent in salt spray corrosion resistance, characterized by being comprised of a steel pipe member having as a material a ferritic stainless steel which contains, by mass %, C: 0.015% or less, Si: 0.01 to 0.50%, Mn: 0.01 to 0.50%, P: 0.050% or less, S: 0.010% or less, N: 0.015% or less, Al: 0.010 to 0.100%, and Cr: 13.0 to 18.0% and further, one or both of Ti: 0.03 to 0.30% and Nb: 0.03 to 0.30% and a metal fitting part, the metal fitting part and the steel pipe member having between them a crevice structure at the surface which the structure is exposed to a salt spray environment, an opening amount at a crevice part of the crevice structure being 0.2 mm or more, and an inside of the crevice part being coated by electrodeposition. 15-. (canceled)6. A fuel pipe comprised of a steel pipe member which is formed from , a steel pipe having as a material a ferritic stainless steel which contains , by mass % ,C: 0.015% or less,Si: 0.01 to 0.50%,Mn: 0.01 to 0.50%,P: 0.050% or less,S: 0.010% or less,N: 0.015% or less,Al: 0.010 to 0.100%, andCr: 13.0 to 18.0% andfurther, one or both ofTi: 0.03 to 0.30% andNb: 0.03 to 0.30%, andhaving a balance of Fe and unavoidable impurities, anda metal fitting part which is attached to said steel pipe member,said racial fitting part and said steel pipe member having between them a crevice structure at the surface which the structure is exposed to a salt spray environment,an opening amount at a crevice part of said crevice structure being 0.2 mm or more, andan inside of said crevice part being coated by electrodepositionhere, the “crevice opening amount” being the penetratable thickness of metal roll which was measured by the method of inserting metal foil of a minimum unit thickness of 10 μm and a width of 5 mm into a crevice by a 0.5 mm penetration depth.7. The fuel pipe as set forth in claim 6 , characterized by further containing claim 6 , by mass % claim 6 ,B: 0.0002 to 0.0050%.8. The fuel pipe ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074973A1
Автор: Saiki Kenzo
Принадлежит: IBIDEN CO., LTD.

An exhaust pipe includes a base material, a surface coating layer, and an information display. The base material is made of a metal. The surface coating layer is provided on a surface of the base material. The surface coating layer includes an amorphous inorganic material. The information display includes a character portion and a background portion. At least one of the character portion and the background portion is located in the surface coating layer. 1. An exhaust pipe comprising:a base material made of a metal;a surface coating layer provided on a surface of said base material, the surface coating layer comprising an amorphous inorganic material; andan information display comprising a character portion and a background portion, at least one of said character portion and said background portion being located in said surface coating layer.2. The exhaust pipe according to claim 1 ,whereina thickness of said base material is from about 0.2 mm to about 10 mm.3. The exhaust pipe according to claim 1 ,whereinsaid surface coating layer includes a first part of the surface coating layer in which the character portion is located and a second part of the surface coating layer in which the background portion is located, anda thickness of the first part of the surface coating layer is different from a thickness of the second part of the surface coating layer.4. The exhaust pipe according to claim 3 ,wherein(Ta−Tb) is from about 1 μm to about 20 μm, wherein a greater thickness and a smaller thickness are defined as Ta and Tb, respectively, among the thickness of the first part of the surface coating layer and the thickness of the second part of the surface coating layer.5. The exhaust pipe according to claim 3 ,whereinamong the thickness of the first part of the surface coating layer and the thickness of the second part of the surface coating layer, a greater thickness is from about 8 μm to about 30 μm.6. The exhaust pipe according to claim 3 ,whereinamong the thickness of ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105011A1
Автор: LI Jing, Yun Sheng, Zhang Jian
Принадлежит: Shanghai Kohler Electronics, Ltd.

A liquid supply apparatus (e.g., for dispensing soap, shampoo, etc.) includes a liquid storage tank and a pump module connected to the storage tank. The liquid supply apparatus further includes a suck-back module. The suck-back module includes a chamber formed by a piston cover disposed at an end of a cylinder, a piston rod having a first end disposed in the chamber and a second end configured to extend through an opening in the piston cover, and a plug disposed in the chamber and connected to the first end of the piston rod. 1. A liquid supply apparatus , comprising:a liquid storage tank;a pump module connected to the liquid storage tank, the pump module being disposed at a side of a cam and configured to engage the cam;a driving module for controlling the rotation of the cam;a liquid transport pipe having a first end connected to the pump module and a second end connected to a nozzle module;a suck-back module;a transmission module connected to the suck-back module, the transmission module having an end that is disposed at a second side of the cam and is configured to abut the cam;a first return pipe having a first end connected to the suck-back module and a second end connected to the liquid transport pipe, the first return pipe having a first check valve disposed therein; anda second return pipe having a first end connected to the liquid storage tank and a second end connected to the suck-back module, the second return pipe having a second check valve disposed therein.2. The liquid supply apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the suck-back module includes:a chamber formed by a piston cover disposed at an end of a cylinder;a piston rod having a first end disposed in the chamber and a second end configured to extend through an opening in the piston cover;a plug disposed in the chamber and connected to the first end of the piston rod;a biasing member disposed in the chamber and configured to bias the piston rod relative to the one of the piston cover and the cylinder.3. ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for User-Installable Chlorinators

Номер: US20130105373A1

The present disclosure relates to a do-it-yourself kit for the installation of a pool or spa device, such as a chlorinator. A first nut associated with a first port, compression ring, collar, and face sealing gasket may be placed over a first pipe segment, and a second nut associated with a second port, compression ring, collar, and face sealing gasket may be placed over a second pipe segment. The chlorinator body can be placed between the two pipe segments such that first and second ports of the device are substantially coaxial with the first and second pipe segments, respectively. The first and second nut can be threadably secured to the first and second port, respectively, of the chlorinator. Also provided is a cutting template cutting template that may be placed over a pipe of a pool or spa plumbing system, and a saw for cutting the pipe. 1. A user-installable chlorinator , comprising:a chlorinator body for removably receiving a chlorinator cartridge, said chlorinator body including first and second flow ports for allowing water flow through said chlorinator body, and an area for receiving a chlorinator cartridge;first and second compression fittings for attaching the first and second flow ports of said chlorinator to first and second pipe segments of a pool or a spa plumbing system; anda screw cap threadably engageable with a cartridge port of said chlorinator body for securing the chlorinator cartridge within said chlorinator body.2. The chlorinator of claim 1 , wherein the first and second compression fittings each include a nut claim 1 , a compression ring claim 1 , a collar claim 1 , and a face sealing gasket.3. The chlorinator of claim 2 , wherein the nut biases the compression ring against a respective pipe segment and the face sealing gasket against the chlorinator body.4. The chlorinator of claim 1 , further comprising a connector lid in electrical communication with a controller via a cable claim 1 , and removably connectable to the cartridge.5. The ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Line for transporting a fluid containing a hydrocarbon, and method for producing such a line

Номер: US20130108250A1
Принадлежит: TOTAL SE

The invention relates to a line for transporting a hydrocarbon. The line comprises a hollow tube having an electrically insulating outer surface, a heating layer with carbon fibers embedded in a polymer material, an electrical insulation layer arranged on the heating layer, a reinforcing layer with carbon fibers embedded in a polymer material arranged on the electrical insulation layer, and power supply means for feeding an electrical current to the heating layer for heating the tube.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130111722A1

Mounting apparatus includes a shaft member having a shaft fluidic channel therein and a shaft exterior surface. The shaft exterior surface includes a base portion and a sidewall portion forming an intersecting angle therebetween. The mounting apparatus also includes a compression member disposed across from the sidewall portion of the shaft member. 1. A conduit mounting system , comprising:a conduit including a conduit fluidic channel therein and a wall member surrounding the conduit fluidic channel, the wall member including an end, an exterior wall surface, and an interior wall surface;a shaft member having a shaft fluidic channel therein and a shaft exterior surface, the shaft exterior surface including a base portion and a sidewall portion forming an intersecting angle therebetween; anda compression member disposed across from the sidewall portion of the shaft member, the compression member having a compression portion configured to compress the exterior wall surface of the conduit by a compressed amount in a manner such that the interior wall surface of the conduit is forced against the sidewall portion of the shaft member and the end of the wall member of the conduit is forced against the base portion of the shaft member.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the compression portion is configured to contact the exterior wall surface at a compression angle with respect to a line parallel to the external wall surface of the conduit such that a first component of the force is in a direction perpendicular to the sidewall portion of the shaft member and a second component of the force is in a direction perpendicular. to the base portion of the shaft member.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the compression angle is in a range of 10 to 80 degrees claim 2 , the intersecting angle is in a range of 85 to 95 degrees claim 2 , and the compressed amount is in a range of 20 to 35 percent compression by volume or cross sectional area of a thickness of the ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112294A1

A hot melt dispensing system includes a hot melt tank having a tank outlet, a flow passage extending from the tank outlet, and a check valve. The flow passage has a first end and a second end. The first end is adjacent the tank outlet. The check valve is positioned at the first end of the flow passage. 1. A hot melt dispensing system comprising:a hot melt tank having a tank outlet; a valve socket at a first end adjacent the tank outlet; and', 'a pump receptacle at a second end; and, 'a flow passage extending from the tank outlet, the flow passage comprisinga check valve positioned in the valve socket.2. The hot melt dispensing system of claim 1 , wherein the hot melt tank and the flow passage are a single piece unit.3. The hot melt dispensing system of claim 1 , wherein the pump receptacle has a threaded inner surface.4. The hot melt dispensing system of claim 1 , and further comprising:a pump connected to the flow passage at the pump receptacle.5. The hot melt dispensing system of claim 4 , and further comprising:a container for storing adhesive pellets;a feed system for transporting adhesive pellets from the container to the hot melt tank; anda dispenser connected to the pump for administering liquefied adhesive from the pump.6. The hot melt dispensing system of claim 4 , wherein the pump comprises:a pump inlet;a pump outlet;a piston; anda piston check valve connected to the piston and positioned fluidically between the pump inlet and the pump outlet.7. The hot melt dispensing system of claim 3 , wherein movement of the piston in a first direction draws liquefied adhesive from the hot melt tank to the pump when the check valve is open and the piston check valve is closed claim 3 , and wherein movement of the piston in a second direction pushes liquefied adhesive from the pump out the pump outlet when the check valve is closed and the piston check valve is open.8. The hot melt dispensing system of claim 1 , wherein the pump receptacle and the valve socket are ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Disposable connector for hemofiltration

Номер: US20130112301A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention refers to a disposable connector 20 suitable for engagement on the substitution port 180 of a hemo filtration machine 18. The connector 20 comprises: a rigid main body 22 defining a duct 220; and a soft element 24 fitted on an end of the main body 22. In the connector 20 according to the invention, the soft element 24 comprises a membrane 240 occluding the duct 220 and performing a valve function; and a seal portion 242 radially expanding outward of the duct 220.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Brace bar with a reduced coupling gap

Номер: US20130112304A1
Принадлежит: Micro Motion Inc

A brace bar ( 200 ) is provided. The brace bar ( 200 ) includes a brace bar plate ( 206 ). At least one aperture ( 201 ) is formed in the brace bar plate ( 206 ). The brace bar ( 200 ) also includes at least one tab ( 202 ) located proximate the at least one aperture ( 201 ) and extending from the brace bar plate ( 206 ).

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130127152A1
Автор: ADEYEMI Marie

The invention relates to the installation of pipes, for example aircraft fuel pipes and fuel systems, in an aircraft. The invention further relates to guidance tool for restricting the potential angular misalignment between the axial centrelines of a pipe end and corresponding socket arrangement during a pipe installation process. The guidance tool may comprise a sleeve and a clamp. The clamp may be configured to removably engage the sleeve with an external surface of a pipe end, such that at least part of the sleeve and pipe end may be inserted into a corresponding socket arrangement. 1. A guidance tool for restricting the potential angular misalignment between the axial centrelines of a pipe end and corresponding socket arrangement during a pipe installation process , the guidance tool comprising:a sleeve; anda clamp; wherein the clamp is configured to removably engage the sleeve with an external surface of a pipe end, such that at least part of the sleeve and pipe end may be inserted into a corresponding socket arrangement.2. A guidance tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the clamp is configured to allow removal of the sleeve from engagement with the external surface of a pipe end claim 1 , once the pipe end has been inserted into a corresponding socket arrangement.3. A guidance tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sleeve is approximately cylindrical.4. A guidance tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sleeve comprises a first half and a second half claim 1 , the first half and second half being distinct and separate elements.5. A guidance tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sleeve comprises a first half and a second half claim 1 , the first half and the second half of the sleeve connected to each other by a hinge.6. A guidance tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the clamp is approximately cylindrical.7. A guidance tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the clamp comprises a first half and second half claim 1 , the first half and second half being ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130130361A1
Принадлежит: Tokyo Women's Medical University

A processing system for cell cultures for carrying out cell/tissue culturing processes in the field of regenerative medicine, etc. which is a processing system for cell cultures which prevents viruses and human-derived cells, etc. other than a culturing processing target from entering the interior of a closed space from outside of the system to maintain sterility, maintains sealability of the closed spaces of modules, and couples or detaches the plurality of modules in accordance with a wide variety of cell culturing processing steps so that cell culturing processes can be carried out by combining the plurality of culturing processing modules is provided. 1. A processing system for cell cultures comprising:a plurality of modules that can be mutually connected;a first closed space provided in each of the modules;a door that opens/closes an aperture provided in the first closed space;a connecting member provided at a peripheral part of the aperture; anda decontaminating-agent supplying module that supplies a decontaminating agent; whereinthe decontaminating agent is supplied to the first closed space by the decontaminating-agent supplying module;the decontaminating agent is supplied to a second closed space formed by the connecting members and the doors of one and the other modules connected each other to form an integrated closed space maintaining the plurality of connected modules in a sterile state.2. The processing system for cell cultures according to claim 1 , further comprisingmodule control devices that carry out control so that the modules execute predetermined process in accordance with a command; andan integrated control device that is electrically connected to the module control devices of the modules connected each other via the connecting member and controls operation of the modules; whereinthe integrated control device carries out communication with the plurality of connected modules, recognizes IDs of the modules, and carries out operation commands ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134172A1
Принадлежит: Anti-Pollution Technology, LP.

An injection-molded load line connection spillage container for catching and retaining liquid spilled when liquids are pumped between storage tanks and tankers provides an injection-molded reservoir and an injection-molded cover attached to the reservoir by hinges. Reinforcing ribs molded into the reservoir provide strength and ruggedness without the need for reinforcing steel collars and saddles. Gussets molded into the reservoir hinge brackets ensure repeated stresses produced by energetic opening of the cover does not result in failure of the hinge brackets. An optional load line mounting assembly permits secure mounting of the load line container directly onto the load line. An optional cleanout assembly provides a valved suction line for removing retained spillage, and an optional sampling assembly provides a valved sample line for sampling the liquid being transferred. 1. A load line connection spillage container device comprising:a reservoir comprising a bottom and an upstanding wall, wherein the upstanding wall comprises a front upstanding wall portion, a rear upstanding wall portion, a left upstanding wall portion and a right upstanding wall portion, and wherein the upstanding wall terminates in a J-shaped lip comprising a sidewall portion and a rollover portion;a plurality of gussets positioned between the sidewall portion and the rollover portion of the J-shaped lip;a load line throughway in the rear upstanding wall portion;reinforcing ribs positioned below the load line throughway in the rear upstanding wall portion; anda reservoir cover.2. The device of wherein the reservoir further comprises a lock bracket projecting outward from the J-shaped lip claim 1 , and wherein the reservoir cover further comprises a lock recess positioned on the reservoir cover such that the lock recess mates with the lock bracket when the reservoir cover is closed.3. The device of further comprising a pipe positioned in the load line throughway claim 1 , wherein a first end of ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Working vehicle

Номер: US20130139921A1
Принадлежит: Iseki and Co Ltd

A working vehicle includes: a cabin; an air conditioning unit disposed at a rear upper portion of the cabin; and drain hoses connected to a drain portion of the air conditioning unit, water drained from the drain portion flowing through the drain hoses, wherein the drain hoses are respectively disposed at both left and right sides of the air conditioning unit in front and rear direction, and both front and rear portions of the drain hoses are provided with drain hose outlets from which the water flowing through the drain hoses is drained.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153048A1

A method for the sterile connection of pipes, consisting of: providing a first and a second pipe; a separating area of the first and second pipes is heated; both pipes are mechanically separated by exerting traction and/or shear force onto the pipes so that both pipes are respectively separated in the heated separating area; after the pipes are separated, a mechanical contact between the end of the first pipe section of the first pipe formed by the separation of the first pipe is established with the end of the first pipe section of the second pipe, formed by the separation of the second pipe, and mechanical contact is established such that the ends of the pipe sections still have, following heating when they come into mechanical contact with each other, a temperature such that they form a material fit connection without additional heating after separation. 1. A method for the sterile connection of tubes , said method comprising the following steps:{'b': 1', '1, 'i': a', 'b, 'a) providing a first and a second tube (, );'}{'b': 1', '1, 'i': a', 'b, 'b) heating a separating region of each of the first and second tubes (, ) using heating means;'}{'b': 1', '1', '1', '1', '100', '100', '101', '101, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'c) mechanically separating the two tubes (, ) by exerting a tensile and/or shear force onto the tubes such that the two tubes (, ) are each separated in the heated separating region into a first and a second tube portion (, , , ); and'}{'b': 1', '1', '1001', '100', '1', '1001', '100, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b, 'd) producing mechanical contact, after separation of the tubes (, ), between the end () of the first tube portion () of the first tube (), formed by the separation of the first tube, and the end () of the first tube portion () of the second tube (lb), formed by the separation of the second tube (lb), wherein'}{'b': 1001', '1001', '100', '100, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'e) the mechanical contact is produced such that ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153052A1
Автор: Dewsnap Gregory Craig

Discharge apparatus for use with a pump the pump including a pump casing () and a discharge outlet (). The apparatus comprises an adaptor () which includes a main body () which in use is operatively connected to the discharge outlet () and outlet pipework () through which material passes from the discharge outlet. The adaptor further includes a displacement device () operable to cause relative displacement of the adaptor body () and the discharge outlet (). 1. A discharge apparatus for use with a pump that includes a pump casing and a discharge outlet , the discharge apparatus comprising:an adaptor that includes a one piece main body that is arranged in use to be operatively connected to the discharge outlet of the pump and to outlet pipework through which material passes from the discharge outlet of the pump, the adaptor further including a displacement device operable to cause relative displacement of the adaptor body and the discharge outlet of the pump as a result of a reaction against the discharge outlet of the pump or the outlet pipework.2. The discharge apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the displacement device comprises a jack device operable to cause the relative displacement between the discharge outlet of the pump and the main body of the adaptor.3. The discharge apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the jack device comprises one or more jacking bolts having a threaded shank and a head claim 2 , the threaded shank being received within a threaded aperture in the adaptor body claim 2 , a free end of the shank acting against the discharge outlet of the pump claim 2 , so that rotation of one or more of the jacking bolts in one direction causes the relative displacement between the adaptor body and the discharge outlet of the pump.4. The discharge apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the jack device comprises one or more jacking bolts having a threaded shank and a head claim 2 , the threaded shank being received within a threaded aperture in the ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153059A1

A holder for at least one electrode, in particular a discharge electrode which is suitable for producing a corona discharge, in an exhaust-gas line, includes a body through which an exhaust gas can flow and at least one electric contact for the at least one electrode. Preferably, the at least one electric contact is integrated into the body. An apparatus for fixing at least one electric electrode in an exhaust-gas line is also proposed. The apparatus has at least one such holder and the apparatus has a particle separator disposed downstream in exhaust gas flow direction. 1. A holder for at least one electrode in an exhaust-gas line , the holder comprising:a body through which an exhaust gas can flow; andat least one electric contact for the at least one electrode in the exhaust-gas line.2. The holder according to claim 1 , wherein:said at least one electrode is a discharge electrode suitable for producing a corona discharge;said body through which the flow can occur has channels and holds the at least one electrode; andsaid at least one electric contact is integrated into said body.3. The holder according to claim 1 , wherein:said body through which the flow can occur has at least one housing and at least one metallic honeycomb structure; andsaid at least one electric contact passes through said at least one housing.4. The holder according to claim 1 , wherein said body through which the flow can occur has at least one distributor claim 1 , and said at least one distributor makes electric contact with a plurality of the electrodes in said body.5. The holder according to claim 1 , wherein said body through which the flow can occur has at least one first channel with a channel cross section and at least one second channel with an electrode cross section.6. The holder according to claim 1 , wherein said body through which the flow can occur is electrically segmented and has segments being at least partially isolated from one another.7. An apparatus for fixing at least ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153066A1

Exemplary embodiments relate to a color changer module including an inlet channel, an outlet channel, a duct channel arranged between them to form a fluidic connection, and a first valve for interrupting the duct channel. A docking valve, lies fluidically in series with the first valve and with which the duct channel can also be interrupted. 1. A color changer module comprising:an inlet channel and an outlet channel;a duct channel arranged between the inlet and outlet channels to form a fluidic connection;a first valve means for interrupting the duct channel; anda docking valve in series with the first valve means and with which the duct channel can also be interrupted.2. The color changer module according to claim 1 , wherein the docking valve has a first valve part which encompasses the inlet channel and a second valve part claim 1 , wherein at least the first valve part is movable so that claim 1 , through a coupling movement claim 1 , both valve parts can be hermetically coupled to one another at coupling surfaces or completely separated from one another.3. The color changer module according to claim 2 , wherein the coupling movement includes a linear movement that is substantially perpendicular to the respective coupling surfaces.4. The color changer module according to claim 2 , wherein the first moving valve part is configured to connect to a paint supply line which opens out fluidically into the inlet channel.5. The color changer module according to claim 4 , wherein the first moving valve part is configured to connect to a return line which opens out into the inlet channel claim 4 , so that a material circulation from the paint supply line into the return line is enabled at least when the docking valve is closed.6. The color changer module as claimed in claim 1 , comprising:a second valve means for supplying air and/or a cleaning fluid into the duct channel.7. The color changer module according to claim 1 , comprising:a central return channel and a third ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160571A1
Принадлежит: Xtralis Technologies Ltd.

There is described a duct detector and components for duct detectors. In one form the duct detector includes: a port unit and detector unit. The port unit is mountable to a duct in use so as to position one or more ports in the duct. The detector unit includes a detection region. The port unit and detector unit are reconfigurable between a close coupled configuration and a separated configuration in which the units are mountable with a variable separation between them and coupled by one or more elongate conduits to provide fluid communication between the units. 1. A port unit for a duct detector , the unit including a portion mountable to a duct with one or more ports configured to open into the interior of the duct in use; and being: a unit separable from a portion of the duct detector including a detection region , and attachable to the portion of the duct detector including the detection region via one or more conduits to provide fluid communication between them.2. The port unit of being a probe arrangement including a probe or probes having the one or more ports and extending from the mountable portion to extend into the interior of the duct to position the port(s) in the duct.3. The port unit of wherein the probe includes;a portion having one or more ports and extending from the mountable portion to extend into the interior of the duct to position the port(s) in the duct; and structure to which an extension piece having one or more ports is mountable.4. The port unit of wherein the unit includes mating structure configured to engage the portion of the duct detector including the detection region claim 1 , to enable engagement of the port unit and portion of the duct detector including the detection region in a close coupled configuration.5. The port unit of wherein the unit includes mating structure configured to engage the one or more conduits to enable connection of the probe unit to the portion of the duct detector including the detection region when ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Microfluidic Bubble Logic Devices

Номер: US20130167958A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Fluid-based no-moving part logic devices are constructed from complex sequences of micro- and nanofluidic channels, on-demand bubble/droplet modulators and generators for programming the devices, and micro- and nanofluidic droplet/bubble memory elements for storage and retrieval of biological or chemical elements. The input sequence of bubbles/droplets encodes information, with the output being another sequence of bubbles/droplets or on-chip chemical synthesis. For performing a set of reactions/tasks or process control, the modulators can be used to program the device by producing a precisely timed sequence of bubbles/droplets, resulting in a cascade of logic operations within the micro- or nanofluidic channel sequence, utilizing the generated droplets/bubbles as a control. The devices are based on the principle of minimum energy interfaces formed between the two fluid phases enclosed inside precise channel geometries. Various devices, including logic gates, non-volatile bistable memory, ring oscillators, bubble synchronizers, analysis chips, and printers have been designed. 1. A bubble synchronizer for a fluidic device , comprising: at least two data-carrying channels; and', 'at least one interconnecting channel, each interconnecting channel connecting at least two data-carrying channels and being thinner than the data-carrying channels, the data-carrying and interconnecting channels being configured so that the flow of gaseous or liquid bubbles disposed within an immiscible liquid within each data-carrying channel becomes synchronized with the flow of gaseous or liquid bubbles disposed within an immiscible liquid within the other data-carrying channels., 'a non-linear ladder network, the non-linear ladder network comprising2. The bubble synchronizer of claim 1 , wherein the non-linear ladder network claim 1 , the data-carrying channels claim 1 , and the interconnecting channels are configured so that the flow claim 1 , through the channels claim 1 , of the gaseous ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167962A1

A pressure compensator for a subsea device for performing a pressure compensation between an ambient medium surrounding the subsea device and a liquid medium filling a volume of the subsea device is provided. The pressure compensator has at least one outer bellow and a first chamber enclosed by the outer bellow. It further has at least one inner bellow which is arranged inside the first chamber, and a second chamber enclosed by the inner bellow. Between the outer bellow and the inner bellow, a compensation volume is confined, which is provided with a fluid connection to the volume of the subsea device.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Hose for Transporting Refrigerant

Номер: US20130174933A1

A hose for transporting refrigerant includes an inner tube layer having a gas barrier layer and a rubber layer adjacent to the outer surface of the gas barrier layer. The gas barrier layer is formed using a thermoplastic resin composition comprising a polyamide resin and a modified rubber having an acid anhydride group or an epoxy group, the modified rubber being obtained by modifying a modified raw rubber having an acid anhydride group or an epoxy group with a hydrogen bond-forming compound having a functional group which reacts with the acid anhydride group or the epoxy group and a functional group which is able to form a hydrogen bond with an amide bond or a hydroxyl group. The rubber layer is formed using a rubber composition comprising from 1 to 15 parts by mass of an alkylphenol-formaldehyde resin per 100 parts by mass of a raw rubber. 1. A hose for transporting refrigerant comprising an inner tube layer having a gas barrier layer and a rubber layer adjacent to an outer surface of the gas barrier layer , wherein:the gas barrier layer is formed using a thermoplastic resin composition comprising a polyamide resin (A) and a modified rubber (B) having an acid anhydride group or an epoxy group, the modified rubber (B) being obtained by modifying a modified raw rubber having an acid anhydride group or an epoxy group with a hydrogen bond-forming compound (C) having a functional group which reacts with the acid anhydride group or the epoxy group and a functional group which is able to form a hydrogen bond with an amide bond or a hydroxyl group;the rubber layer is formed using a rubber composition comprising from 1 to 15 parts by mass of an alkylphenol-formaldehyde resin per 100 parts by mass of a raw rubber; the raw rubber comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of a BIMS and a butyl rubber and/or a halogenated butyl rubber, which is a copolymer rubber; the raw rubber and/or the alkylphenol-formaldehyde resin has a halogen; andthere is no adhesive ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175958A1

Systems and methods for transmitting and/or utilizing high voltage DC (HVDC) electric current in a submarine environment. The systems and methods may include the use of a submarine hydrocarbon pipeline to transmit both the HVDC electric current and a fluid stream. The systems and methods also may include the use of the HVDC electric current to do mechanical work within the submarine environment. Additionally or alternatively, the systems and methods may use a pressure-compensated electronics apparatus (PCEA) to receive the HVDC electric current and to produce a conditioned electric current therefrom. The systems and methods further may include controlling a pressure within the PCEA, controlling a temperature of electronic equipment contained within the PCEA, providing the conditioned electric current to a submarine energy consuming device, controlling the operation of the submarine energy consuming device, and/or producing, processing, and/or transmitting hydrocarbons with the submarine energy consuming device. 1. A submarine hydrocarbon pipeline for transmitting a fluid stream and a high voltage DC (HVDC) electric current , the submarine hydrocarbon pipeline comprising:an electrically conductive conduit defining a fluid pathway for transmitting the fluid stream and an electrical pathway for transmitting the HVDC electric current.2. The submarine hydrocarbon pipeline of claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive conduit includes a metallic pipe.3. The submarine hydrocarbon pipeline of claim 1 , wherein the submarine hydrocarbon pipeline further includes an electrical insulator operatively attached to at least a portion of the electrically conductive conduit.4. The submarine hydrocarbon pipeline of claim 3 , wherein the electrical insulator includes an external electrical insulator configured to electrically isolate an external surface of the submarine hydrocarbon pipeline from electrical contact with the submarine environment.5. The submarine hydrocarbon pipeline ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180613A1

A pipe, in particular in the air supply system of internal combustion engines which are provided, in particular, with an intake system and/or control electronics, is described, wherein the internal pipe and/or the internal pipe surface () have/has at least one element () which changes the diameter () of the internal pipe and/or the cross-sectional area of the internal pipe. 110-. (canceled)11. A pipe for an air-supply system of a burner system comprising:at least one of an inner pipe and an inner surface, the at one of the inner pipe and the inner surface including at least one element for changing an inner diameter or an inner cross-sectional surface of the pipe.12. The pipe as recited in wherein the at least one element includes at least one swelling element on the inner surface of the pipe claim 11 , the at least one swelling element having a changeable volume.13. The pipe as recited in wherein the at least one swelling element has foaming elements.14. The pipe as recited in wherein the at least one swelling element communicates with least one of an intake system and an electronic control unit of an internal combustion engine.15. The pipe as recited in wherein the volume of the at least one swelling element changes as a function of the temperature.16. The pipe as recited in further comprising at least one temperature sensor.17. The pipe as recited in wherein the at least one temperature sensor communicates with at least one of an intake system and with an electronic control unit of an internal combustion engine18. The pipe as recited in wherein the at least one element includes at least two elements that are movable with respect to each other.19. The pipe as recited in wherein the pipe is configured as a diffuser.20. The pipe as recited in the at least one element includes a layer that is at least one of air-permeable claim 11 , liquid-permeable claim 11 , temperature-resistant and foaming.21. A method to protect an air supply system of a burner system from ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181437A1

Coupling element for a fluid line, an unlocking element, and a method of engaging and/or disengaging the coupling element with an insertion element. The coupling element includes a housing having a receptacle region structured and arranged to receive an insertion element, and a snap-in locking device in the receptacle region that is structured and arranged for a locking connection with the insertion element. The snap-in locking device includes at least one locking element having an unlocking lever and an unlocking element is movable between a first position, in which the unlocking element interacts with the unlocking lever, and a second position, in which the unlocking element releases the unlocking lever. 1. A coupling element for a fluid line comprising:a housing having a receptacle region structured and arranged to receive an insertion element;a snap-in locking device in the receptacle region that is structured and arranged for a locking connection with the insertion element;the snap-in locking device including at least one locking element having an unlocking lever; andan unlocking element movable between a first position, in which the unlocking element interacts with the unlocking lever, and a second position, in which the unlocking element releases the unlocking lever.2. The coupling element according to claim 1 , wherein the unlocking lever is structured as one piece with the locking element.3. The coupling element according to claim 1 , wherein the snap-in locking device has at least two locking elements that are disposed on a circular path claim 1 , the locking element being movable radially outward by pressing the unlocking lever radially inward.4. The coupling element according to claim 3 , wherein the unlocking element has a number of members claim 3 , corresponding to a number of locking elements claim 3 , which are disposed in parallel and have effective surfaces.5. The coupling element according to claim 4 , wherein the effective surfaces are disposed ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186470A1

The invention relates to a method for identifying a blockage of one or more spray openings of a dosing valve of an SCR catalytic converter system. Said method comprises the closure of the dosing valve, the determination of a first pressure profile in the hydraulic system in the delivery module of the SCR catalytic converter system, and the determination of the stiffness of the hydraulic system from the first pressure profile. The dosing valve is subsequently opened, a second pressure profile in the hydraulic system in the delivery module of the SCR catalytic converter system is determined, and a blockage of one or more spray openings of the dosing valve is determined from the stiffness and from the second pressure profile. 15. A method for identifying a blockage of one or more spray openings of a dosing valve () of an SCR catalytic converter system , comprising:{'b': '5', 'closing the dosing valve ();'}{'b': '4', 'determining a first pressure profile in the hydraulic system () in a delivery module of the SCR catalytic converter system;'}{'b': '4', 'determining a stiffness of a hydraulic system () in the delivery module of the SCR catalytic converter system from the first pressure profile;'}{'b': '5', 'opening the dosing valve ();'}{'b': '4', 'determining a second pressure profile in the hydraulic system () in the delivery module of the SCR catalytic converter system; and'}{'b': '5', 'determining a blockage of one or more spray openings of the dosing valve () from the stiffness and from the second pressure profile.'}2534. A method according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , before the opening of the dosing valve () claim 1 , a motor of a delivery pump () of the SCR catalytic converter system is stopped claim 1 , and the stiffness is determined from a pressure profile in the hydraulic system ().34. A method according to claim 2 , characterized in that the stiffness is determined claim 2 , with the assistance of a model claim 2 , from the pressure profile in ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Fluid resistance device

Номер: US20130186499A1
Принадлежит: Horiba Stec Co Ltd

In order to provide a fluid resistance device that is easily manufactured, compact, accurate, and uniform in performance, the fluid resistance device comprises two members that have facing surfaces that face each other and a downstream end of the upstream side flow channel and an upstream end of the downstream side flow channel open at positions displaced from each other on the facing surfaces, and a ring body that is arranged to surround the downstream end opening and the upstream end opening and that forms the fluid resistance channel between the downstream end opening and the upstream end opening by being sandwiched by the facing surfaces, and is so configured that the ring body is made of a material harder than that of each member, and the ring body breaks into the facing surfaces by fastening two members so as to make the facing surfaces approach each other.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190184A1

A superconducting machine for supporting a coolant feed line for superconducting machines includes a hollow shaft that can be connected to the superconducting machine in a first region, the coolant feed line being disposed in the interior thereof for feeding the coolant from the refrigeration unit to the superconducting machine. A magnetic support is disposed in the first region of the hollow shaft so that a radial and thus motion-damping, centering force is exerted on the coolant feed line. The magnetic support has a first and a second magnetic cylinder, wherein the first magnetic cylinder is disposed on the outer jacket of the coolant feed line and the second magnetic cylinder is disposed on the inner face of the hollow shaft. The first magnetic cylinder is a cylinder made of highly electrically conductive material having ohmic resistance. 110.-. (canceled)11. A device for supporting a coolant feed line for a superconducting machine , comprising:a hollow shaft having a first area for connection to the superconducting machine and a second area for connection to a cooling unit, said hollow shaft having an interior for accommodating a coolant feed line for feeding coolant from the cooling unit to the superconducting machine, said coolant feed line being fixed in the second area of the hollow shaft; anda magnetic support arranged in the first area of the hollow shaft for exerting a radial force on the coolant feed line to effect damping or centering, said magnetic support having first and second magnetic cylinders, said first magnetic cylinder disposed on an outer jacket of the coolant feed line and made of a material with good electrical conductivity with ohmic resistance, and said second magnetic cylinder disposed on an inner side of the hollow shaft so that the first and second magnetic cylinders lie opposite one another in a radial direction.12. The device of claim 11 , wherein the material is selected from the group consisting of copper claim 11 , silver claim 11 ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192682A1
Автор: Freese Matthew J.

Methods and apparatus for fluid conditioning to reduce scaling, inactivate microbes, reduce surface tension, maintain fluid composition, and improve pumping are provided for use in treating crude petroleum, industrial water, agricultural water, municipal water supplies, or any fluid flow system and comprise electromagnets of variable control that can be powered or in which a current can be induced by a permanent magnet. Magnetic field direction and intensity can be selected depending on the nature of the fluid and in some embodiments, the field can be varied during operation, including pulsing and variably selecting one or more field directions and intensities, or combinations thereof, during operation. A non-magnetic fluid transfer conduit section has at least one conductor assembly mounted about the section. In one embodiment, the conductor assembly comprises a concentric, tilted double helix coil or multipole coil. If desired, one or more rotating or reciprocating permanent magnets may be located in magnetic field contact with one or more multipole conductor assemblies and rotated or reciprocated to induce a current in the multipole conductor assembly, thereby to induce a magnetic field in the conductor assembly. 1. A method for magnetically conditioning fluids comprising the steps of:a) evaluating the characteristics of the fluid and determining the desired characteristics of the fluid;b) preparing one or more multipole conductor assemblies having at least two or more concentric helical coil rows of conductor, each coil having lead-in and lead-out conductor connectors, the conductor assembly positioned along a path of variable direction relative to a reference axis and, when conducting current, generating a magnetic field, or, when in the presence of a changing magnetic field, being subjected to an induced voltage that generates a current to establish a magnetic field, the coil generating a directional and variably controllable magnetic field that is selected ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206251A1
Автор: Harr Sherry L.

Containment devices, for example for containing fluid or contaminant spills, are described. An example containment device includes a flexible absorbent structure which is configured to absorb a first liquid material, for example a liquid hydrocarbon, antifreeze, engine coolant, or combinations thereof, while being further configured to repel and/or resist the absorption of a second liquid material, such as water. The absorbent structure may be attached to a containment structure, which is made from a flexible material impervious to the first liquid material, and which may include a pocket for receiving a reinforcement member therein. During use, a reinforcement member is provided in a pocket along a perimeter of the containment structure, the containment structure being adapted to be collapsed into a compact configuration when not use. A method of forming a portable containment device includes overlaying a first sheet of plastic with a second sheet of plastic and attaching the two sheets of plastic to one another. An absorbent layer is provided and attached to the first and/or second sheets of plastic. 1. A containment device comprising:a containment structure comprising a flexible material impervious to a first liquid material; andan absorbent structure enclosed, at least in part, by the containment structure and configured to absorb the first liquid material and further configured to resist absorption a second liquid material.2. The containment device of claim 1 , wherein the first liquid material is a liquid hydrocarbon claim 1 , and wherein the second liquid material is water.3. The containment device of claim 1 , wherein the containment structure includes a base portion and a sidewall portion claim 1 , the sidewall portion having a height which is greater than a height of the base portion claim 1 , the absorbent structure extending at least partially over the sidewall portion.4. The containment device of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent structure includes a fill ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220428A1
Автор: Lips Jon

A method for operating a fluid drainage control system to drain a fluid from a fluid dispensation system is provided. The method includes determining a first ambient air temperature, determining if the first ambient air temperature is less than a predetermined drain set point temperature, isolating the fluid dispensation system from a fluid supply source by closing a supply valve located inside a temperature controlled area in response to the first ambient air temperature being less than the predetermined drain set point temperature, and draining the fluid from the fluid dispensation system by opening a drain valve subsequent to closing the supply valve. The method further includes determining a second ambient air temperature, determining if the second ambient air temperature is greater than a predetermined operation set point temperature, closing the drain valve in response to the second ambient air temperature being greater than the predetermined operation set point temperature, and opening the supply valve subsequent to closing the drain valve. 1. A method for operating a fluid drainage control system to drain a fluid from a fluid dispensation system comprising:determining a first ambient air temperature;determining if the first ambient air temperature is less than a predetermined drain set point temperature;isolating the fluid dispensation system from a fluid supply source by closing a supply valve located inside a temperature controlled area in response to the first ambient air temperature being less than the predetermined drain set point temperature;draining the fluid from the fluid dispensation system by opening a drain valve subsequent to closing the supply valve;determining a second ambient air temperature;determining if the second ambient air temperature is greater than a predetermined operation set point temperature;closing the drain valve in response to the second ambient air temperature being greater than the predetermined operation set point ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

No-Tools Spread Faucet Assembly, Kits and Methods

Номер: US20130220439A1
Принадлежит: AS IP Holdco, LLC

A spread faucet assembly, an installation kit, and an installation method are described herein. The spread faucet assembly has a spout assembly with a spout, a tailpiece, and at least one fluid inlet conduit. It also include at least one valve assembly having a shank, an fluid inlet conduit, a fluid outlet conduit and a valve cartridge, wherein the shank has an inner surface having a fluid receiving area in fluid communication with the valve cartridge and the fluid outlet conduit, the inner surface defines an opening in fluid communication with the valve cartridge and valve assembly fluid inlet conduit, and the valve cartridge is positioned in the opening. A connector is also included for coupling the at least one valve assembly fluid outlet conduit with the at least one spout assembly fluid inlet conduit. A self-turning nut assembly is also provided having a nut with an outer surface and a tightening sleeve having an outer surface with at least one outwardly extending projection for securing the nut to a fluid supply connection. 1. A spread faucet assembly , comprising:a spout assembly having a spout, a tailpiece and at least one fluid inlet conduit; the shank has an inner surface having a receiving area in fluid communication with an outlet of the valve cartridge and with the fluid outlet conduit,', 'the inner surface of the shank defines an opening in fluid communication with an inlet to the valve cartridge and with the valve assembly fluid inlet conduit, and', 'the valve cartridge is positioned in the opening; and, 'at least one valve assembly having a shank, a fluid inlet conduit, a fluid outlet conduit and a valve cartridge, wherein'}a connector for connecting the at least one valve assembly fluid outlet conduit with the at least one spout assembly fluid inlet conduit.2. The spread faucet assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the inner surface of the shank defines a bullet-shaped opening.3. The spread faucet assembly according to claim 1 , wherein at least ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220442A1

An air release valve which includes a housing, an inlet, an outlet, a valve seat, a buoyant closure member and a variable throttle arrangement is provided. The housing defines a chamber and the buoyant closure member is positioned in the chamber and is displaceable between a lower position in which it is clear of the valve seat and permits the flow of fluid through the chamber and an upper position in which it seats sealingly against the valve seat to interrupt the flow of fluid through the chamber, the closure member being displaced, in use, from its lower position to its raised position by the buoyant forces acting thereon as a result of the entry of liquid into the chamber through the inlet. The throttle arrangement is configured to throttle air flow and inhibit premature closing of the closure member. 1. An air release valve which includes:a housing defining a chamber;an inlet leading into the chamber at or towards the bottom thereof, the inlet being connectable to a fluid reticulation system;an outlet leading from the chamber at or towards a top thereof;a valve seat positioned between the inlet and the outlet;a buoyant closure member positioned in the chamber and displaceable between a lower position in which it is clear of the valve seat and permits the flow of fluid through the chamber and an upper position in which it seats sealingly against the valve seat to interrupt the flow of fluid through the chamber, the closure member being displaced, in use, from its lower position to its raised position by the buoyant forces acting thereon as a result of the entry of liquid into the chamber through the inlet; anda variable throttle arrangement for providing a throttling effect, the throttle arrangement being positioned between the valve seat and the outlet and being configured to throttle air flow and inhibit premature closing of the closure member.2. An air release valve which includes:a housing defining a chamber;an inlet leading into the chamber at or towards ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Pressure damping device for brake system

Номер: US20130220463A1
Автор: Hyun Jun Kim, Yong Kap Kim
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a pressure damping device for a brake system. The pressure damping device is installed at the brake system having a hydraulic block provided with a first hydraulic circuit to control transfer of fluid pressures generated by a first port of a master cylinder and discharged from a first pump to a first wheel, and a second hydraulic circuit to control transfer of fluid pressures generated by a second port of the master cylinder and discharged from a second pump to a second wheel, and the hydraulic block includes a bore connecting the master cylinder with discharge outlets of the first and second pumps and formed between first and second main oil paths to communicate with the first and second main oil paths, and a pressure damping unit provided in the bore and having a volume changed according to the fluid pressures from the first and second pumps.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220464A1

The invention relates to a flow control () for reducing the flow velocity of a liquid heating medium flowing into an accumulator tank () or a boiler. The flow control () comprises an inner tubular member () and an outer cylindrical member (), The inner tubular member () has an inlet opening () and at least one outlet opening (). A deflector means () deflects the flow of liquid heating medium out of the inner tubular member through said outlet opening. A perforated member () covers the outlet opening () such that the flow of liquid heating medium from said outlet opening passes through said perforated member. The outer cylindrical member () comprises a solid part () and a perforated part (). The outer cylindrical member () is positioned such that the solid part () deflects the flow of liquid heating medium from said inner tubular member towards the perforated part () of the outer cylindrical member and through that into the accumulator tank () or boiler. 115675558291059125913614156514915162222aca,b,c. Flow control in an accumulator tank or a boiler for a heating system for reducing the flow velocity of a liquid heating medium flowing into the accumulator tank or boiler , wherein the flow control () comprises an inner substantially tubular member () and an outer substantially cylindrical member () which defines a space () for accommodating at least a part () of said inner tubular member , the inner tubular member () is at one end () thereof configured with an inlet opening () for a liquid heating medium flowing into the accumulator tank () or boiler and at least one outlet opening () in a side wall thereof , a deflector means () is provided in the inner tubular member () at the outlet opening () for deflecting the flow of liquid heating medium out of the inner tubular member through said outlet opening , a perforated member () is provided on the inner tubular member () covering at least the outlet opening () such that the flow of liquid heating medium deflected ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220466A1

A leak-detecting sensor device () for a hose section () comprises a sensor (b).The sensor () comprises an optical fibre arranged to react to the presence of a fluid. The sensor () is housed in a protective sleeve that is arranged for expansion and contraction when the hose section () expands and contracts, respectively. Tension means connects first end of the sensor to the protective sleeve and is arranged to tension the sensor within the sleeve. 1. A leak-detecting sensor device for a hose section , the device comprising:a sensor comprising an optical fibre and arranged to react to the presence of a fluid;a protective sleeve housing the sensor, arranged for expansion and contraction when the hose section expands and contracts, respectively; andtension means connecting a first end of the sensor to the protective sleeve, arranged to tension the sensor in the protective sleeve.2. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the protective sleeve comprises a coiled elongate member and the tension means comprises biasing means connected to the coiled elongate member at the first end of the protective sleeve and to the first end of the sensor.3. A device according to claim 2 , wherein the biasing means is positioned within the protective sleeve between the first end of the protective sleeve and the first end of the sensor and is arranged to bias the respective first ends towards each other.4. A device according to claim 2 , wherein the tension means comprises: a thread connecting the first end of the sensor to the biasing means; and a collar arranged to secure the thread to the first end of the sensor.5. A device according to claim 3 , wherein the collar is arranged to contract on exposure to heat thereby securing the thread to the first end of the sensor.6. A device according to wherein the optical fibre comprises at its first end a mirrored surface arranged to reflect back along the optical fibre light that is emitted into the optical fibre.7. A device according to claim 1 ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220467A1

An automotive selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system assembly includes a holder for receiving an SCR system sensor. The holder has a tube, a chamber, and a retainer. The tube receives incoming fluid from a first SCR line and leads exiting fluid to a second SCR line. A passage is located in the tube. The chamber has a interior for receiving the SCR system sensor, and has an opening. The retainer has a portion moveable in and out of the chamber's opening for holding and releasing the SCR system sensor in the chamber's interior. 1. An automotive selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system sensor holder , the holder comprising:a tube having an inlet to receive incoming fluid from a first SCR line, having an outlet to lead exiting fluid to a second SCR line, and having a passage between said inlet and said outlet;a chamber having an interior accessible to said passage, said interior receiving an SCR system sensor, said chamber having an opening leading to said interior; anda retainer having a portion moveable in said opening of said chamber, wherein, when said portion is moved in said opening toward said interior, said portion abuts the SCR system sensor and holds the SCR system sensor in the automotive SCR system sensor holder, and wherein, when said portion is moved away from said interior, the SCR system sensor is releasable out of the automotive SCR system sensor holder.2. An automotive SCR system sensor holder as defined in claim 1 , wherein said inlet has an opening leading to said passage claim 1 , said outlet has an opening leading to said passage claim 1 , the automotive SCR system sensor holder further comprising an inlet retainer having a portion moveable in said opening of said inlet claim 1 , and the automotive SCR system sensor holder further comprising an outlet retainer having a portion moveable in said opening of said outlet.3. An automotive SCR system sensor holder as defined in claim 2 , further comprising an inlet connector to receive incoming ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220468A1

The invention relates to a flexible pipe system comprising an unbonded flexible pipe having a centre axis and a sensor system at least partly integrated in the unbonded flexible pipe. The unbonded flexible pipe has a length and a longitudinal direction along the length and comprises an inner sealing sheath and at least a first sensor containing armoring layer. The first sensor containing armoring layer comprises a plurality of elongated armoring elements arranged around the internal sealing sheath. The sensor system comprises: a plurality of optical fiber sensor units, at least one light pump for the optical fiber sensor units, a data collecting unit, and a computing unit. The optical fiber sensor units are optically connected to the data collecting unit, and the data collecting unit is in data communication with the computing unit. At least one of the elongated armoring elements of the first sensor containing armoring layer is a sensor containing element. The sensor containing elements each having integrated therein at least a part of one or more of the optical fiber sensor units, the optical fiber sensor units of the first sensor containing armoring layer extending along a monitoring length section of the flexible pipe, and the optical fiber sensor units being arranged to measure a change in strain of the respective sensor containing elements. The invention further relates to a method of detecting a break in an elongated armoring element. 156-. (canceled)58. The flexible pipe system according to claim 57 , wherein the sensor system and/or at least one optical fiber sensor unit is/are configured to detecting a change in strain of less than about 30μ strain.59. The flexible pipe system according to claim 57 , wherein the first sensor containing armoring layer comprises at least one elongated armoring element without an integrated fiber optical sensor unit for measuring strain claim 57 , referred to as a secondary elongate element claim 57 , the sensor system being ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221024A1

Disclosed is a halogen-containing gas supply apparatus for supplying a halogen-containing gas from a container filled with the halogen-containing gas at a high pressure to an external apparatus, the halogen-containing gas supply apparatus including: a supply tube connecting the container and the external apparatus; a supply valve attached to the supply tube to supply the halogen-containing gas from the container; and a shock wave prevention mechanism installed downstream of the supply valve to prevent generation of a shock wave. 1. A halogen-containing gas supply apparatus for supplying a halogen-containing gas from a container filled with the halogen-containing gas at a high pressure to an external apparatus , the halogen-containing gas supply apparatus comprising:a supply tube connecting the container and the external apparatus;a supply valve attached to the supply tube to supply the halogen-containing gas from the container; anda shock wave prevention mechanism installed downstream of the supply valve to prevent generation of a shock wave.2. The halogen-containing gas supply apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the shock wave prevention mechanism includes a flow direction change mechanism installed in a part of the supply tube downstream of the supply valve to change a direction of a flow of the halogen-containing gas.3. The halogen-containing gas supply apparatus according to claim 2 ,wherein the flow direction change mechanism includes a baffle having an opening installed inside the supply tube to partially block the flow of the halogen-containing gas, andwherein an area of the opening in the baffle is ½ or less than a cross-sectional area of the supply tube.4. The halogen-containing gas supply apparatus according to claim 3 ,wherein a plurality of the baffles are disposed in a longitudinal direction of the supply tube, andwherein the plurality of the baffles are disposed in such a manner that the openings of adjacent baffles do not overlap with each other ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228505A1

Systems, methods, and devices for preparation of purified water and medicaments for various uses including blood treatment are described. Methods, devices, and systems for creating multiple-treatment batches are described. For example, a medicament fluid circuit can include a container with an interior chamber. The container can have a fluid filling port and a fluid extraction port. Both ports can be connected to the interior chamber. The filling port can have two sterilizing filters, each of which has a membrane. The sterilizing filters can be connected in series the membranes are separated by a distance of at least 0.5 cm. A first of the sterilizing filters can have a sealed inlet. The fluid extraction port can be sealed. 118-. (canceled)19. A medicament fluid circuit , comprising:a container with an interior chamber;the container having a fluid filling port and a fluid extraction port, both connected to the interior chamber;the filling port having two sterilizing filters, each with a membrane, the sterilizing filters being connected in series such that their membranes are separated by a distance of at least 0.5 cm.;a first of the sterilizing filters having a sealed inlet;the fluid extraction port being sealed.20. The fluid circuit of claim 19 , where the fluid extraction port includes a line and the fluid extraction port line has a pyrogen filter connected thereto to filter contents passing through the fluid extraction port line.21. The fluid circuit of claim 19 , wherein the filling port has a filling line with a clamp pre-attached to it.22. A medicament fluid circuit claim 19 , comprising:a container with an interior chamber;the container having a fluid filling port, a fluid extraction port, and a pre-fill port all connected to the interior chamber;the pre-fill port having an inline ultrafilter;the fluid extraction port and the fluid filling ports being sealed by removable seals.23. The fluid circuit of claim 22 , wherein the container is a flexible bag capable ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Enhancing and/or Maintaining Oil Film Stability in a Droplet Actuator

Номер: US20130233425A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Liquid Logic Inc.

The present invention is directed to modified droplet actuators, fluids and methods for enhancing and/or maintaining oil film stability in a droplet actuator. In an exemplary embodiment, the invention provides a droplet actuator with one or more substrates arranged to form a droplet operations gap comprising gap-facing surfaces; droplet operations electrodes configured to conduct droplet operations in the droplet operations gap; at least one barrier included on at least one of the substrate surfaces and having dimensions selected to: permit droplet transport from atop a first droplet operations electrode to a second droplet operations electrode when the second droplet operations electrode is activated; and prevent movement of a droplet from atop a first droplet operations electrode when the first and second droplet operations electrodes are inactive. 1. A droplet actuator comprising:(a) one or more substrates arranged to form a droplet operations gap comprising gap-facing surfaces;(b) droplet operations electrodes configured to conduct droplet operations in the droplet operations gap; and (i) permit droplet transport from atop a first droplet operations electrode to a second droplet operations electrode when the second droplet operations electrode is activated; and', '(ii) prevent movement of a droplet from atop a first droplet operations electrode when the first and second droplet operations electrodes are inactive., '(c) at least one barrier included on at least one of the substrate surfaces and having dimensions selected to2. The droplet actuator of wherein the at least one barrier comprises a physical barrier.3. The droplet actuator of wherein the at least one barrier comprises a chemical barrier.4. The droplet actuator of wherein the at least one barrier comprises a projection from one or more of the gap-facing surfaces.5. The droplet actuator of wherein the at least one barrier comprises a hydrophobic surface.6. The droplet actuator of wherein the projection ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Lng receiving structure

Номер: US20130233427A1
Автор: Kenji Okayama
Принадлежит: IHI Corp

An LNG receiving structure ( 101 ) is provided with: a leader pipe ( 1 ) that is located below a receiving pipe ( 102 ) that penetrates a roof of an LNG tank, and extends as far as a bottom portion of the LNG tank; a hopper ( 2 ) that is provided at a top end of the leader pipe, and receives LNG expelled from the receiving pipe; a regulating component ( 3 ) that is provided inside the hopper, and regulates the flow of the LNG expelled from the receiving pipe such that this LNG flows down along an inside wall of the leader pipe; and a gas discharge port ( 4 ) that is provided in the hopper, and discharges to an outside of the hopper gas that has risen upwards from the leader pipe. By providing this LNG receiving structure, when a plurality of types of LNG that each have a different density are stored in the same LNG tank, it is possible to keep to a minimum any risk that rollover might occur.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Basement Sewer Drain Recovery and Discharge Device

Номер: US20130240058A1

Disclosed is a basement sewer drain pump housing that draws fluid from a drain and into a fluid housing, whereafter the fluid is discharged from the housing and out of the basement to prevent leakage through the floor drain. The device comprises a pickup tube having a fluid level sensor, which is placed within a sewer main drain or floor drain. The housing comprises an enclosed volume, a suction tube connected to the pickup tube, a suction pump, and a discharge pump. The pump is activated by a switch controlled by the pickup tube fluid sensor, whereby the fluid is drawn into the housing from the drain and discharged through a discharge pipe that terminates outside of the dwelling. The device operates from outlet power or battery power and serves as a basement drain pump device that prevents fluid and sewage backflow during power outages and plumbing blockages. 1) A basement drain sewage recovery and discharge device , comprising:a container housing having a base, upstanding sidewalls, an interior volume, and a lid;a suction pump;a discharge pump;a power source;a pickup tube connecting to a suction tube, said suction tube connecting to said suction pump within said housing for drawing fluid into said housing;said discharge pump connecting to a discharge tube for discharging said fluid out of said housing.2) The device of claim 1 , where said pickup tube further comprises fluid level sensor and suction pump switch claim 1 , wherein detection of fluid beyond a threshold level activates the pump switch and energizes said suction pump.3) The device of claim 1 , wherein said suction pump further comprises:a water pump having an electric motor driving an impeller having an inlet and outlet;said suction tube through said inlet;said impeller suctioning fluid through said inlet and out said outlet into said container interior.4) The device of claim 1 , wherein said suction pump further comprises:an air vacuum pump having an electric motor driving a vacuum impeller fan;said ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Restraining a Flow Line

Номер: US20130248004A1
Принадлежит: S.P.M. FLOW CONTROL, INC.

Loops may be installed on a high pressure flow line and/or well service flow line to reduce movement of components of the flow line in the event of a rupture and/or substantial dislocation of at least a portion of the flow line. At least one restraining link having at least one flexible loop extends across at least one swivel assembly and is secured to adjoining pipes of the flow line. The at least one restraining link is secured while the swivel assembly is in an angled position. A length of the at least one restraining link is less than a horizontal length of the at least one swivel assembly while in an in-line position, preventing, or substantially preventing, the swivel assembly from moving to, or substantially towards, the in-line position. Also, at least one flexible anchor support tether may be wrapped around a coupling between tubular components of the flow line so as to create a right connection loop and a left connection loop. Right and left anchor tethers are looped through the connection loops. Opposite end portions of the anchor tethers are connected to well site equipment and/or other suitable securing sites. 1. A method of substantially restraining movement of at least a portion of a high pressure flow line in the event of a rupture and/or substantial dislocation of at least a portion of the flow line , the flow line including at least one swivel assembly secured between first and second pipes of the flow line by first and second couplings , respectively , the at least one swivel assembly having portions that are movable from an in-line position relative to the first and second pipes to a plurality of angled positions relative to the first and second pipes , the method comprising:securing opposite ends of at least one restraining link between the first and second pipes, creating a first fixed end of the at least one restraining link at the first pipe that is substantially immoveable toward the second pipe and creating a second fixed end of the at ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248025A1

The invention relates to a light-weight device for loading solid particles into an enclosure including at least one pipe () for the circulation of said solid particles and at least one movable element for controlling the fall velocity of the particles, which is designed to be slidably moved inside of said pipe (). The device further includes a plurality of identical guide plates () connected to each other by attachment means. Said at least one pipe () is made of a flexible material and each guide plate () has at least one through opening for receiving and guiding said at least one pipe () in a position in which the longitudinal axis of the pipe extends substantially perpendicular to the plane of each guide plate. 119-. (canceled)201820401820121214161820121228301820abab. A device for loading solid particles into an enclosure , notably a chemical or petrochemical reactor , comprising at least one conduit ( , ) for the passage of the solid particles and at least one movable element () for controlling the fall velocity of the particles , this element being designed to be slidably movable inside said conduit ( , ) , characterized in that said device comprises a plurality of identical guide plates ( , ) interconnected by fastening means ( , ) , and in that said at least one conduit ( , ) is made from a flexible material , each guide plate ( , ) having at least one through opening ( , ) for receiving and guiding said at least one conduit ( , ) in a position of use in which the longitudinal axis of the conduit extends substantially perpendicularly to the plane of each guide plate.211820. The device as claimed in claim 20 , characterized in that each conduit ( claim 20 , ) is formed by a plurality of segments interconnected by fastening and joining means.221614. The device as claimed in claim 20 , characterized in that claim 20 , in the position of use of the device claim 20 , the fastening means ( claim 20 , ) are shaped so that the guide plates are spaced apart from each ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248038A1

A shield conductor includes a pipe made of metal and an electric wire passed through the pipe. The pipe includes a round portion and a deformed portion. The round portion has a constant outer diameter in a peripheral direction of the pipe and curves in an extension direction in which the pipe extends. The deformed portion is in a different position from the round portion in the extension direction and has a short diameter portion and a long diameter portion having different outer diameters in the peripheral direction of the pipe. 18-. (canceled)9. A shield conductor comprising:a pipe made of metal and including a round portion and a deformed portion, the round portion having a constant outer diameter in a peripheral direction of the pipe and curving in an extension direction in which the pipe extends, the deformed portion being in a different position from the round portion in the extension direction and having a short diameter portion and a long diameter portion having different outer diameters in the peripheral direction of the pipe; andan electric wire passed through the pipe.10. The shield conductor according to claim 9 , wherein the deformed portion has a flat shape.11. The shield conductor according to claim 9 , wherein the deformed portion is formed by deforming a pipe having a tubular shape.12. The shield conductor according to claim 9 , wherein the pipe is provided with a heat shrinkable tube that adheres to an outer surface of the pipe.13. The shield conductor according to claim 9 , whereinthe pipe is made of a cladding material including a first member on an inner side thereof and a second member on the outer side thereof that are layered,the second member is made of a material such that electrical corrosion is less likely to occur against a shield member compared with a material of the first member,the shield member is connected to at an end of the pipe, andthe shield member covers an outer periphery of the second member at the end of the pipe.14. The ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248041A1

The invention provides a device () for guiding a cable () in a duct (), the device () being characterized in that it comprises at least one guide tube () receiving the cable () and at least one expandable clamp () secured to one end () of the tube (), the expandable clamp () being deployed so as to be blocked against the inside wall of the duct () in order to hold the tube () in the duct (). The device serves to guide and hold the cable in the duct without damaging the duct. 128842a,b. A device () for guiding a cable () in a duct () , the device () comprising:{'b': 12', '8', '8, 'i': a,', 'b, 'at least one guide tube () receiving the cable (); and'}{'b': 13', '12', '12, 'i': 'a', 'at least one expandable clamp () secured to one end () of the tube (),'}{'b': 13', '4', '12', '4, 'wherein the expandable clamp () being deployed so as to be blocked against an inside wall of the duct () in order to hold the tube () in the duct ().'}213204. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the expandable clamp () includes at least one movable pad () arranged to exert a force on the wall of the duct ().3. The device according to claim 1 ,{'b': 13', '18', '25, 'wherein the expandable clamp () comprises a frame () including a central opening (), and'}{'b': 12', '4', '2', '4', '13, 'wherein the tube () is arranged substantially against the wall of the duct () so that the device () allows access to the inside of the duct () through the expandable clamp ().'}4191920214ab,. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the pads ( claim 2 , ) have soles () made of elastomer that bear against the inside wall of the duct ().51328338812a,b. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the expandable clamp () includes blocking means ( claim 1 , ) for blocking the cable () relative to the tube ().6. An aircraft landing gear including a device according to .788410a,b. A method of guiding a cable () in a duct () having an entry and an outlet orifice () for the cable claim 1 , the method comprising the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255813A1

A duct for fluid under pressure for an air-conditioning circuit having a conduit including a male end fitting of nominal inside diameter D0 and a female end fitting connected to it in a fluid-tight manner in or in the immediate vicinity of an enlarged axial portion of inside diameter D2 of the male or the female end fitting, the female end fitting having a nominal inside diameter D0′, and a tubular noise-reducing device that is mounted inside the male end fitting and defines between an axially internal end and an axially external end of this device at least one fluid flow channel. The enlarged portion of the male or female end fitting has a length L2 such that L2≧0.6D, where D designates their common value if D0 and D0′ are equal or whichever is the lower of the values D0 and D0′ if they are not equal. 1. A Duct for fluid under pressure of gas or supercritical type for an air-conditioning circuit of a motor vehicle or a building , the duct comprising:a conduit (including a tubular male end fitting of nominal inside diameter D0 and a tubular female end fitting that is connected in fluid-tight manner to the male end fitting in an enlarged axial portion of the female end fitting or in the immediate vicinity of an enlarged axial portion of the male end fitting, this male or female end fitting enlarged portion having a maximum inside diameter D2 and the female end fitting having a nominal inside diameter D0′ identical to D0 or not, anda globally tubular noise-reducing device that is mounted axially and radially inside the male end fitting and defines, between an axially internal end and an axially external end of this device relative to the male end fitting at least one fluid flow channel in the direction of the axis (X) of the conduit, the external end of the device being mounted in fluid-tight manner against a terminal edge of the male end fitting in line with the female end fitting,wherein said enlarged portion of the male or female end fitting has, starting from said ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255815A1

A fluid-carrying conduit achieves variable resistance to flow. An elongate, hollow body casing has at least one chamber containing either a dilatant fluid or an electroactive polymer. In the case of the dilatant fluid, a reduction in an effective flow cross section of the fluid line occurs in reaction to an increase in the shear rate of a fluid flowing through the fluid line. In the case of the electroactive polymer, a reduction in an effective flow cross section of the fluid line occurs in reaction to an electric current being applied to the body casing. The conduit may be configured for use as a degassing line in a cooling system of an internal combustion engine. The conduit may have a reinforcement encircling the electroactive polymer. The conduit may have an electrically conductive connecting surface adjacent to the electroactive polymer. The electroactive polymer may be an ionic electroactive polymer. 1. A variable flow resistance conduit comprising:a fluid line having an elongate, hollow body casing containing a dilatant fluid which causes a reduction in an effective flow cross section of the fluid line in reaction to an increase in the shear rate of a fluid flowing through the fluid line.2. The conduit of wherein the dilatant fluid exhibits an increase in volume under an increasing pressure.3. The conduit of wherein the dilatant fluid is located in at least one chamber formed in the hollow body casing.4. The conduit of wherein the dilatant fluid is configured such that the flow of the fluid can be interrupted completely.5. The conduit of wherein the conduit is configured for use as a degassing line in a cooling system of an internal combustion engine.6. A variable flow resistance conduit comprising:a fluid line having an elongate, hollow body casing comprising an electroactive polymer which causes a reduction in an effective flow cross section of the fluid line in reaction to an electric current applied to the body casing.7. The conduit of wherein the hollow ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Polymer Tube Comprising an Identification Sensor, as its Manufacturing Process

Номер: US20130263958A1
Автор: Vinoy Bernard

A polymer tube for conducting a pipe buried underground, having a a plurality of RFID tags arranged at regular intervals along the tube and a protective layer of the RFID tags. 1. A polymer tube for conducting a pipe buried underground , said tube comprising:the polymer tube;a plurality of radio-tags arranged at regular intervals along the tube; anda protective layer of said tags.2. The polymer tube according to wherein said radio-tags are situated on a ribbon wrapped around the tube.3. The Polymer tube according to wherein said radio-tags are located on a sheet of polymer before welding its ends to the tube.4. The polymer tube according to wherein said radio-tags are located on a continuous tape glued on one generatrix of the tube.5. The polymer tube according to wherein said radio-tags are directly glued after pre-forming.6. The polymer tube according to claim 1 , further comprising a protective polymer layer protecting said radio-tags during bending and packaging of the tube and the operations involved before and during installation.7. The polymer tube according to claim 1 , comprising communication means for communicating identity claim 1 , characteristics relevant to the manufacturing process of the tube and the localization of the tube.8. The polymer tube according to wherein it is adapted to the realization of a water distribution pipeline (e.g. drinking water) or gas claim 7 , or for protecting an electric wire or optical fiber.9. A method of manufacturing a tube of polymer dedicated for an underground pipeline claim 7 , said method comprising the steps:providing a polymer tube;providing a ribbon comprising a series of RFID tags, each having a longitudinal axis at an angle α relative to the axis of said tape;winding said tape around the polymer tube at an angle equal to said angle α so as to align the longitudinal axes of the RFID tags with the axis of the tube;optionally covering with a protective layer.10. The method according to claim 9 , wherein said ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Valve Combined With Water Hammer Arrester

Номер: US20130269813A1
Автор: Jang Jae Ik

The present invention relates to a valve combined with a water hammer arrester, including the water hammer arrester having a cylindrical casing having one side closed and the other side open, a shock-absorbing material being put into the cylindrical casing, and a piston adapted to be inserted into the cylindrical casing, the piston having packing members mounted thereon to prevent the leakage of the shock-absorbing material, wherein a drive part of the valve has an insertion portion formed by reducing the lower portion of the water hammer arrester, so that the insertion portion of the water hammer arrester functions as a spindle of the valve and a body of the water hammer arrester functions as an operating handle of the valve. 1. A valve combined with a water hammer arrester , the valve having a first connection port connected to an inlet side to control a passage in a pipe , a second connection port connected to other pipe at an outlet side , a pipe line formed between the first connection port and the second connection port , a shutoff part disposed in the pipe line to control a fluid flowing along the pipe line , and a drive part adapted to transmit a drive force to the shutoff part , comprising the water hammer arrester having a cylindrical casing having one side closed and the other side open , a shock-absorbing material being put into the cylindrical casing , and a piston adapted to be inserted into the cylindrical casing , the piston having packing members mounted thereon to prevent the leakage of the shock-absorbing material , wherein the drive part of the valve has an insertion portion formed by reducing the lower portion of the water hammer arrester , so that the insertion portion of the water hammer arrester functions as a spindle of the valve and a body of the water hammer arrester functions as an operating handle of the valve.2. The valve combined with a water hammer arrester according to claim 1 , wherein the insertion portion of the water hammer ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276910A1
Автор: Hirota Naoaki

There are provided a generator internal pipe section that extends in the horizontal direction inside a steam generator; and a communication pipe section that is connected to the generator internal pipe section and is provided with a communication path, wherein one end of the communication path is connected to the pipe path at an upper end of a cross-section perpendicular to the flow direction of the cooling water in the pipe path and the other end of the communication path is positioned at the downside in the vertical direction in relation to one end of the communication path, and wherein one end side and the other end side of the communication path are connected at a position existing at the upside in the vertical direction in relation to one end. 1. A feed water pipe for a steam generator comprising:a generator internal pipe section that extends in the horizontal direction inside a steam generator and includes a pipe path through which cooling water supplied from the outside of the steam generator circulates; anda communication pipe section that is connected to the generator internal pipe section and is provided with a communication path which allows communication between the pipe path and a space outside the generator internal pipe section inside the steam generator,wherein one end of the communication path is connected to the pipe path at an upper end of a cross-section perpendicular to a flow direction of the cooling water in the pipe path and another end of the communication path is positioned lower than the one end of the communication path in a vertical direction, andwherein a side of the one end and a side of the another end of the communication path are connected at a position upper than the one end in the vertical direction.2. The feed water pipe according to claim 1 ,wherein the another end of the communication path is positioned at or lower than a position of a lower end of the generator internal pipe section in the vertical direction.3. The feed water ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276929A1
Автор: Oikawa Shinobu
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A damper device includes a first diaphragm having a first peripheral part, a second diaphragm having a second peripheral part, a first support portion disposed on the opposite side from the second peripheral part with respect to the first peripheral part, and a second support portion disposed on the opposite side from the first peripheral part with respect to the second peripheral part. The first peripheral part and the second peripheral part are supported between the first support portion and the second support portion. Radially outer sections of the first peripheral part, the second peripheral part, the first support portion, and the second support portion are integrally welded with each other. 1. A damper device disposed in a fluid passage of a high-pressure pump , the damper device comprising:a first diaphragm including a first damper part which is elastically deformable, and a first peripheral part having an annular shape around the first damper part;a second diaphragm including a second damper part and a second peripheral part having an annular shape around the second damper part and overlapping with the first peripheral part, a damper chamber being defined between the first damper part and the second damper part, the second damper part being elastically deformable together with the first damper part to increase or decrease a volume of the damper chamber according to a pressure of fluid in the fluid passage;a first support portion made of metal and having an annular shape located on an opposite side from the second peripheral part with respect to the first peripheral part; anda second support portion made of metal and having an annular shape located on an opposite side from the first peripheral part with respect to the second peripheral part, the first peripheral part and the second peripheral part being supported between the first support portion and the second support portion, whereinradially outer sections of the first peripheral part, the second peripheral ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283520A1
Автор: Schulte Michael
Принадлежит: GROHE AG

A shower system with a wall connection, a conduit connected thereto to connect the wall connection to a changeover device, and an overhead shower head and a hand shower to which water can be supplied via the changeover device. A first flow restrictor with a first flow restriction is disposed in an area of the wall connection and a second and third flow restrictor are disposed in an area of the overhead shower head and hand shower in a series connection. In the area of the changeover device at least one fourth flow restrictor with at least one second flow restriction is provided and the changeover device provides at least one first direct line connection between the wall connection and at least the overhead shower head or hand shower and a second indirect line connection with a series connection of the fourth flow restrictor. 1. A shower system comprising:a wall connection;a changeover device;a conduit connectable to the wall connection, the conduit connecting the wall connection to the changeover device; andan overhead shower head and a hand shower to which water is supplied alternatively via the changeover device;a flow restrictor adapted to limit a maximum flow rate, the first flow restrictor, with a first flow restriction, is arranged in an area of the wall connection;a second and third flow restrictor being arranged in an area of the overhead shower head and hand shower, which are functionally in a series connection; andat least one fourth flow restrictor with at least one second flow restriction is arranged in an area of the changeover device,wherein the changeover device provides at least one first direct line connection between the wall connection and at least the overhead shower head or hand shower, andwherein the changeover device provides a second indirect line connection with a series connection of the fourth flow restrictor.2. The shower system according to claim 1 , wherein the wall connection is a mixed water connection.3. The shower system according ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130284296A1

A corrosion protected metal pipe for installation in an offshore structure or for producing a pipeline laid in water is provided. The metal pipe has an at least two-layer covering on the pipe with a lower layer facing the pipe and an upper layer on a side of the lower layer not facing the pipe is provided. The layers are formed such that the lower layer is electrically conductive and the upper layer is electrically insulating, the lower layer is optically contrasting to the upper layer, or the lower layer is electrically conducting and optically contrasting to the upper layer and the upper layer is electrically insulating. Thus, in the event of damage to the layer or layers lying above, a visual or electrical signal can be detected. Damage to the corrosion protection covering can therefore be detected easily and, if appropriate, reported by remote monitoring. 1. A corrosion protected metal pipe , comprising:a metal pipe; andan at least two-layer covering on the pipe having a lower layer facing the pipe and an upper layer on a side of the lower layer not facing the pipe;whereinthe lower layer is electrically conductive and the upper layer is electrically insulating,the lower layer is optically contrasting to the upper layer, orthe lower layer is electrically conducting and optically contrasting to the upper layer andthe upper layer is electrically insulating.2. The corrosion protected metal pipe according to claim 1 ,whereinthe lower layer is electrically conductive and the upper layer is electrically insulating.3. The corrosion protected metal pipe according to claim 1 ,whereinthe lower layer is optically contrasting to the upper layer.4. The corrosion protected metal pipe according to claim 3 , whereinthe optical contrast corresponds at least to a grey scale of 4 according to DIN EN 20105-A02.5. The corrosion protected metal pipe according to claim 1 , whereinthe upper and the lower layer each, independently, comprise a polymer material.6. The corrosion protected ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130284299A1

The composite tube comprises a tubular arrangement of knitted fiber having plurality of interlocking loops. The knitted pattern allows for variable electrical, mechanical and geometrical options. A matrix material is applied over the knitted fiber pattern and is allowed to cure. The matrix material may be applied by a vacuum bag molding process. The flexible knitted reinforcing layer allows use of an inflatable bladder to hold the reinforcing layer in the desired shape, thereby facilitating tube constructions of varying shapes and diameters. Continuous application of the matrix material avoids overlapping seams that are prone to delamination. Identification and labeling of the composite tube may be achieved with distinguishing knitted patterns having different types and colors of knitted fibers within the knitted reinforcing layer. A clear or translucent matrix material enables viewing of the underlying knitted patterns. Identification may also include RF ID tags Incorporated directly within the knitted reinforcing layer. 1. A composite element especially adapted for conveying fluid , comprising:a knitted reinforcement layer comprising a plurality of interlocking loops of fiber formed in a plurality of rows, and said adjacent rows interlocking one another to form a first knitted pattern;an integral identifier incorporated within said knitted reinforcement layer, said integral identifier comprising at least one of (i) a second knitted pattern incorporated within said first knitted pattern, and said second knitted pattern being visually distinct from said first knitted pattern and (ii) a plurality of different threads or fibers being visually distinct from threads or fibers of said first knitted pattern;a matrix applied over said reinforcement layer, said matrix comprising resin and epoxy constituents, said matrix filling voids between said loops of said reinforcement layer, and between and around both said reinforcement layer and said integral identifier, said matrix ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Pipe with vibrational analytics

Номер: US20130298664A1
Принадлежит: Logimesh IP LLC

A system is disclosed that includes a pipe and a device for measuring and storing vibration data related to the use of the pipe and its remaining lifespan. The data can be collected wirelessly using a radio frequency device.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130299029A1
Автор: Spedding Isaac

A water hammer arrester for installation into a water pipeline, the water hammer arrester including an inlet for receiving water from the water pipeline, an outlet for returning the water to the water pipeline, a body connecting the inlet and the outlet, and a piston assembly positioned in the body to allow water to flow from the inlet to the outlet between the piston assembly and the body, wherein the piston assembly is adapted to absorb pressure variations in the water pipeline to thereby at least partially reduce water hammer in the water pipeline in use. 1. A water hammer arrester the water hammer arrester including:a) a water inlet;b) a water outlet;c) a body connecting the inlet and the outlet; and,d) a piston assembly positioned in the body to allow water to flow from the inlet to the outlet between the piston assembly and the body, the piston assembly being adapted to absorb pressure variations in the water pipeline to thereby at least partially reduce water hammer in the water pipeline in use, wherein the body and the piston assembly are configured to allow water to flow substantially around the piston assembly and wherein the inlet and the outlet are positioned at opposite ends of the body such that the water hammer arrester is provided in an in-line arrangement.2. (canceled)3. A water hammer arrester according to claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the body is in the shape of an elongate hollow cylinder.4. (canceled)5. A water hammer arrester according to claim 3 , wherein the piston assembly includes an elongate housing dimensioned to fit within an inner wall of the body and wherein at least a portion of the housing has a substantially cylindrical outer surface claim 3 , the outer surface of the housing having a diameter that is less than a diameter of the inner wall of the body.6. (canceled)7. A water hammer arrester according to claim 5 , wherein the body and the piston assembly define respective axes claim 5 , and wherein the piston assembly is ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306170A1

A water control and security system includes one or more leak detection units for detecting the presence of water in undesirable locations, a water-source control unit includes a controller that is in communication with a valve functioning to allow and prevent water from entering a structure, and a remote control unit capable of communicating with each of the water source control unit and the one or more leak detection units. 1. A water control and security system , comprising: a sensor that is configured to detect the presence of water and generate an alarm, and', 'a transmitter that is in communication with the sensor, said transmitter being configured to transmit a wireless signal containing the alarm;, 'one or more leak detection units, each of said units including'} a valve having an input, an output and a valve actuator, said valve being configured to be interposed between a water supply source and a building plumbing,', 'a controller having a plurality of visual indicators, a plurality of user inputs, and a wireless receiver, said controller being configured control an operation of the valve based on at least one of a user input and a received wireless signal; and', 'a remote control unit having at least one visual indicator, a plurality of user inputs, a transmitter and a receiver, said remote control unit being configured to communicate with each of the one or more leak detection units and the water-source control unit., 'a water-source control unit that includes'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of visual indicators on the controller include a system power indicator claim 1 , an active sensor indicator claim 1 , a valve status open indicator claim 1 , and a valve status closed indicator.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of user inputs on the controller include a power on/off button claim 1 , a water-flow-on button claim 1 , and a water-flow-off button.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the controller is configured to instruct ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313819A1

The invention relates to a decoupling element for an exhaust system () of a combustion engine, with an elastic exhaust gas-conducting body (), with at least one support ring () connected to the body () in a fixed manner, which encloses an axial end portion () of the body () on the outside in the circumferential direction (), and with at least one flange (), which is fastened to the support ring () by means of a weld seam (), wherein the flange () comprises a connecting piece (), which is inserted in the end portion () of the body () enclosed by the support ring (), and wherein the weld seam () is configured circumferential on the outside and connects an axial face end () of the support ring () facing away from the body () to the outer circumference () of the connecting piece () of the flange (). 1. A decoupling element for an exhaust system of a combustion engine comprising:an elastic exhaust gas-conducting body;at least one support ring connected to the body in a fixed manner, the support ring enclosing an axial end portion of the body in a circumferential direction;at least one flange fastened to the support ring by means of a weld seam, wherein the flange comprises a connecting piece inserted into the axial end portion of the body enclosed by the support ring;wherein the weld seam extends circumferentially around the decoupling element, connecting an axial face end of the support ring facing away from the body to the outer circumference of the connecting piece of the flange.2. The decoupling element according to claim 1 , wherein the end portion of the body arranged between the outer circumference of the connecting piece and the support ring axially extends as far as to the face end of the support ring claim 1 , and wherein the circumferential weld seam connects the face end of the support ring to the outer circumference of the connecting piece.3. The decoupling element according to claim 2 , wherein the face end of the end portion of the body is incorporated in ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333789A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Described herein are conduits for conveying fluids and/or solids, the conduits having an interior surface that provide a high-slip boundary condition, thereby facilitating the flow of material therethrough. In some embodiments, the conduit has an interior surface with an impregnating liquid and a plurality of micro-scale and/or nano-scale solid features spaced sufficiently close to stably contain the impregnating liquid therebetween. The impregnating liquid fills spaces between the solid features, the interior surface stably contains the impregnating liquid between the solid features, and the impregnating liquid is substantially held in place between the plurality of solid features regardless of orientation of the interior surface and regardless of flow, passage, or removal of fluids and/or solids through, into, or out of the conduit. 1. A conduit for conveying fluids and/or solids , the conduit having an interior surface comprising an impregnating liquid and a plurality of micro-scale and/or nano-scale solid features spaced sufficiently close to stably contain the impregnating liquid therebetween , wherein said impregnating liquid fills spaces between said solid features , wherein said interior surface stably contains said impregnating liquid between said solid features , and wherein said impregnating liquid is substantially held in place between said plurality of solid features regardless of orientation of said interior surface and regardless of flow , passage , or removal of fluids and/or solids through , into , or out of said conduit , said interior surface configured to provide a high-slip boundary condition at said interior surface , thereby facilitating the flow , passage , or removal of fluids and/or solids through , into , or out of said conduit.2. The conduit of claim 1 , wherein the conduit is a tube claim 1 , pipe claim 1 , or channel.3. The conduit of claim 1 , wherein the conduit is a nozzle.4. The conduit of claim 1 , wherein the conduit is a mold ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130341908A1

A fluid system includes a loading arm connected to a swivel joint. A counterbalance mechanism is connected between the loading arm and the swivel joint. An adjustment mechanism adjusts the counterbalance force applied by the counterbalance mechanism to the loading arm. The adjustment mechanism includes a guide plate connected to the swivel joint and includes a guide slot and a straight bore guide. A bracket is movably connected to the guide plate and has one or more apertures and a threaded bore guide. Fasteners extend through the guide slot and the one or more apertures to selectively secure the bracket to the guide plate. A lead screw is disposed at least partially within the straight bore guide and the threaded bore guide. Rotation of the lead screw causes the bracket to move along a length of the lead screw and thereby adjust the counterbalance force. 1. A fluid system , comprising:a loading arm;a swivel joint configured to couple the loading arm to a fluid source and allow fluid communication between the fluid source and the loading arm, wherein the swivel joint enables movement of the loading arm about one or more axes of rotation;a counterbalancing mechanism connected between the loading arm and the swivel joint, the counterbalancing mechanism having a first end and a second end and being configured to apply a counterbalancing force to oppose displacement of the loading arm; andan adjustment mechanism adapted to selectively adjust a position of the counterbalance mechanism relative to the loading arm, whereby the counterbalancing force applied by the counterbalancing mechanism is selectively adjusted.2. A fluid system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the adjustment mechanism comprises a guide plate connected to the swivel joint.3. A fluid system as recited in claim 2 , wherein the adjustment mechanism further comprises one or more fasteners configured to selectively fix the position of the second end of the counterbalancing mechanism relative to the guide ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Coupling for a Plug-In Connection

Номер: US20130341910A1

A coupling component is provided for a plug-in connection for media-carrying lines, and includes a flow channel that has an inner cross-section that is enlarged in steps in order to allow the formation of a reflux zone when carrying the media, and a vent opening. The step-like enlargement is asymmetrically formed over the circumference of the inner cross-section so as to achieve an improved separation capacity. 1. A component of a plug-in connection for media-carrying lines , comprising:a coupling have a flow channel through the coupling, an inner cross-section of the flow channel being enlarged in steps in order to form a reflux zone when carrying the media;a vent opening formed in the coupling; andwherein the step enlargement is asymmetrically formed over a circumference of the inner cross-section of the flow channel.2. The component according to claim 1 , wherein the step enlargement has an area of minimal enlargement and an area of maximal enlargement.3. The component according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the area of minimal enlargement claim 2 , only a slight step or no step is formed.4. The component according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the area of maximal enlargement claim 2 , a step enlargement has a height of approximately 10-60% of a nominal width of the coupling.5. The component according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the area of maximal enlargement claim 2 , a step enlargement has a height of approximately 20-50% of a nominal width of the coupling.6. The component according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , in the area of maximal enlargement claim 3 , a step enlargement has a height of approximately 10-60% of a nominal width of the coupling.7. The component according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , in the area of maximal enlargement claim 3 , a step enlargement has a height of approximately 20-50% of a nominal width of the coupling.8. The component according to claim 2 , wherein the vent opening is arranged in the area of maximal enlargement ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000724A1
Автор: Park James F.

A plumbing freeze protection system comprises a fluid connection between a water supply line and a waste line. The fluid connection bypasses a plumbing fixture fluidly connected to the water supply line. A valve operable with the fluid connection alternately prevents water flow from the water supply line to the waste line, and allows water flow from the water supply line to the waste line within about 25 percent of maximum volumetric flow rate of the water supply line through the fluid connection. A timer is adapted to control the valve. The valve is open for a predetermined time period to deliver a short duration, high volumetric flow rate of water to the waste line to minimize ice formation in, and remove existing ice from, the water supply and waste lines. 1. A plumbing freeze protection system , comprising:a fluid connection between a water supply line and a waste line, wherein the fluid connection bypasses a plumbing fixture fluidly connected to the water supply line;a valve operable with the fluid connection to alternately prevent water flow from the water supply line to the waste line, and allow water flow from the water supply line to the waste line within about 25 percent of maximum volumetric flow rate of the water supply line through the fluid connection; anda timer adapted to control the valve, wherein the valve is open for a predetermined time period to deliver a short duration, high volumetric flow rate of water to the waste line to minimize ice formation in, and remove existing ice from, the water supply and waste lines.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the water supply line includes a cold water line and a hot water line claim 1 , and further comprising a mixing valve at the fluid connection between the water supply line and the waste line claim 1 , the mixing valve fluidly connecting the cold water line and the hot water line claim 1 , such that flow through the mixing valve allows for flow through the cold and hot water lines to minimize ice ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000744A1

Pliable-wall air ducts with internal expanding structures are disclosed. An example air duct system includes a shaft to be disposed within an air duct, to extend in a longitudinal direction, and to be in longitudinal compression. The air duct system also includes a plurality of ribs to be coupled to the shaft and to engage an inner surface of the air duct and a spring to be disposed within the air duct, the spring to be coupled to the shaft. The spring under stress being a contributing factor in both the shaft being in longitudinal compression and the air duct being in longitudinal tension. 126-. (canceled)27. An air duct system , comprising:a shaft to be disposed within an air duct, to extend in a longitudinal direction, and to be in longitudinal compression;a plurality of ribs to be coupled to the shaft and to engage an inner surface of the air duct; anda spring to be disposed within the air duct, the spring to be coupled to the shaft, the spring under stress being a contributing factor in both the shaft being in longitudinal compression and the air duct being in longitudinal tension.28. The air duct system of claim 27 , wherein the shaft has a continuously adjustable length extending in the longitudinal direction.29. The air duct system of claim 28 , wherein the spring is to urge the shaft to extend in the longitudinal direction.30. The air duct system of claim 27 , wherein the shaft includes a telescopic connection to enable the shaft to be adjustable in the longitudinal direction claim 27 , and the spring urges the shaft to extend in the longitudinal direction.31. The air duct system of claim 30 , further comprising a structure for inhibiting longitudinal extension at the telescopic connection claim 30 , the structure for inhibiting longitudinal extension being movable selectively to a holding position and a release position claim 30 , the structure for inhibiting longitudinal extension in the holding position inhibits longitudinal length extension of the shaft ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Snap on vibration damper

Номер: US20140001000A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp, Denso International America Inc

A vibration damper for a conduit line. The damper includes a flexible body defining a bore and a slot adjacent to the bore. The body is flexible between a first configuration in which the slot has a first width that is insufficient to permit the conduit line to pass therethrough, and a second configuration in which the slot has a second width that is sufficient to permit the conduit line to pass therethrough, the second width is greater than the first width. The flexible body further includes a plurality of tuning splines. The tuning splines include a length and a width configured to reduce vibration of the conduit line when the damper is connected to the conduit line such that the conduit line extends through the bore.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014209A1
Автор: King Jürgen, Werner Jörg

A system of sanitary fittings is proposed with differing fitting housings, where the arrangement of a receptacle in the fitting housing for receiving of a mixer cartridge differs from housing to housing. For compensation of the differing arrangement of the receptacles, an adapter insert adapted to the specific arrangement is inserted into the housing through the receptacle for the mixer cartridge. This adapter insert interacts with the always identical connecting insert for connection of the supply lines. 1. A sanitary fitting , comprising:a fitting housing with a substantially straight-line interior for at least one of supply and discharge lines, wherein the fitting housing has a variant connected to the straight-line interior, the variant diverging from the straight line interior and having a receptacle for a mixer cartridge;a connecting insert arranged in the straight-line interior, the connecting insert on one end face thereof having a connection at least for one supply line; and,an adapter insert between the connecting insert and the receptacle for the mixer cartridge.2. The sanitary fitting according to claim 1 , wherein the straight line interior forms a passage and the receptacle for the mixer cartridge is arranged in a side branch of the fitting housing.3. The sanitary fitting according to claim 1 , wherein the connecting insert in the straight-line interior has a lateral separation surface facing the receptacle for the mixer cartridge claim 1 , the lateral separation surface of the connecting insert being contacted by the separation surface of the adapter insert.4. The sanitary fitting according to claim 1 , wherein the adapter insert forms a bottom for the mixer cartridge.5. The sanitary fitting according to claim 1 , wherein the connecting insert has claim 1 , on an end face of the connecting insert other than the one end face for the connection at least for the supply line claim 1 , a connection for a line leading out of the sanitary fitting.6. The ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021383A1

Disclosed is a device for reducing flow noise. In order to achieve a low flow noise, the device includes inlet apertures for receiving a fluid flow, chambers into which one or more inlet apertures open up, a cross-sectional area of a single chamber being larger than a combined flow cross-sectional area of the inlet apertures opening up thereto, and chamber-specific outlet apertures for forwarding the fluid flow from the chamber, a flow cross-sectional area of each outlet aperture being smaller than the cross-sectional area of the chamber, and the combined flow cross-sectional area of all outlet apertures of the single chamber being larger than the combined flow cross-sectional area of the inlet apertures opening up into said chamber. 117-. (canceled)18. A device for reducing flow noise , the device comprising:an inlet surface provided with inlet apertures for receiving a fluid flow,chambers into which said inlet apertures of the inlet surface open up, the inlet apertures being chamber-specific and one inlet aperture opening up into each chamber, and a cross-sectional area of a single chamber being larger than a flow cross-sectional area of the inlet aperture opening up thereto, andchamber-specific outlet apertures for forwarding the fluid flow from the chambers, a flow cross-sectional area of each outlet aperture being smaller than the cross-sectional area of the chamber, and the combined flow cross-sectional area of all outlet apertures of the single chamber being larger than the flow cross-sectional area of the inlet aperture opening up into said chamber, and whereinthe chambers are shaped to follow the edges of the outlet apertures, andat least one of the chambers is provided with three six or seven apertures.19. A device as claimed in claim 18 , wherein the device comprises a first part wherein the inlet apertures are formed claim 18 , a second part which is arranged against the first part and wherein the chambers are formed claim 18 , and a third part which is ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140026966A1

A safety apparatus for a lever activated valve having a tubular outlet to which a hose is coupled, a valve member and a lever secured to the valve member which pivots to move the valve member between a valve open and valve closed position. The safety apparatus includes a support having a clamp adapted for attachment to a tubular outlet of a lever activated valve. A shroud is pivotally mounted to the support for movement between an operative position overlying the tubular outlet to prevent access to cam lock coupling ears and an inoperative position spaced from the tubular outlet. A lever cradle is provided on the shroud. The lever engages the lever cradle of the shroud when the lever position is pivoted to move the valve member to the valve open position, so that the shroud is held in the operative position by the lever. 1. A safety apparatus , comprising , in combination:a lever activated valve having a tubular outlet to which a hose is coupled, a valve member and a lever secured to the valve member which pivots to move the valve member between a valve open and valve closed position;a support secured to a tubular outlet of a lever activated valve downstream of the valve member; anda shroud pivotally mounted to the support for movement between an operative position overlying the tubular outlet to prevent access to cam lock coupling ears and an inoperative position spaced from the tubular outlet, such that when the lever is pivoted to move the valve member to the valve open position the shroud is held in the operative position by the lever preventing access to the cam lock coupling.2. The safety apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a lever cradle extends laterally from the shroud claim 1 , the lever engaging the lever cradle of the shroud when the lever position is pivoted to move the valve member to the valve open position claim 1 , so that the shroud is held in the operative position by the lever.3. A method of preventing a cam lock having coupling ears from being ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Anti-Siphon Assembly

Номер: US20140034176A1

An anti-siphon assembly includes a siphon tube having a first end region adapted for securement to the inner surface of a fuel filler neck and a second end region adapted to be positioned in a fuel tank for allowing fuel to flow there through into said tank. The assembly includes a locking ring which secures, in an off axis manner, the first end region of the siphon tube within the fuel filler neck with the use of specialized installation tool. 13-. (canceled)4. An anti-siphon apparatus , comprising:an anti-siphon tube that defines a cylindrical exterior surface;a lock ring including a cylindrical exterior surface that defines an outside diameter and a central elongate axis, and an inner cylindrical surface axially offset from said central elongate axis of said exterior surface, said inner cylindrical surface sized to receive therein said exterior surface of said anti-siphon tube; andan installation tool including a locking structure that engages said lock ring and said anti-siphon tube when said tube is positioned in said lock ring.5. The apparatus of wherein said anti-siphon tube includes a tool aperture and wherein said locking structure is a pin that is received within said tool aperture.6. The apparatus of wherein said lock ring includes a tool aperture and wherein said pin of said installation tool simultaneously is received within said tool aperture of said anti-siphon tube and said tool aperture of said lock ring.7. The apparatus of wherein said anti-siphon tube includes first and second tool apertures claim 4 , said lock ring includes first and second tool apertures claim 4 , said locking structure includes a first pin received simultaneously within said first tool apertures of said anti-siphon tube and said lock ring claim 4 , and wherein said locking structure includes a second pin received simultaneously within said second tool apertures of said anti-siphon tube and said lock ring.8. The apparatus of wherein said installation tool includes an inner shaft ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140035271A1

A connecting structure, including: a volute including an air inlet and an air outlet; and a conversion interface. A connecting part is disposed on an outer side of the air outlet. The connecting part includes: a lower plate; a lower lug protruding outward from each end of the lower plate; and an upper flange disposed above the lower plate. The conversion interface includes a sleeve. An upper plate protrudes from a rear part of the sleeve. Two upper lugs protrude outward from two ends of the upper plate, respectively. A lower flange is disposed on the rear part of the sleeve beneath the upper plate. The upper plate is disposed on the upper flange. The lower flange is disposed on a curved convex block that protrudes upward from an outer edge of the lower plate. The upper lug is disposed on the lower lug. 224. The connecting structure of claim 1 , wherein the upper plate () is a semicircular plate.315. The connecting structure of claim 1 , wherein the lower plate () is a semicircular plate.415. The connecting structure of claim 2 , wherein the lower plate () is a semicircular plate.514014. The connecting structure of claim 1 , wherein a through hole () is arranged on a middle part of the boss ().62521. The connecting structure of claim 1 , wherein a water drainage pipe () is arranged on a bottom of the sleeve (). Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §119 and the Paris Convention Treaty, this application claims the benefit of Chinese Patent Application No. 201220376885.1 filed Jul. 31, 2012, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference. Inquiries from the public to applicants or assignees concerning this document or the related applications should be directed to: Matthias Scholl P.C., Attn.: Dr. Matthias Scholl Esq., 14781 Memorial Drive, Suite 1319, Houston, Tex. 77079.1. Field of the InventionThe invention relates to a connecting structure between a volute of a blower and a conversion interface.2. Description of the Related ArtA conversion interface is usually used to ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Displacement Sensor, In Particular For Use In A Subsea Device

Номер: US20140048163A1

A displacement sensor for sensing the displacement of a movable component is provided. The displacement sensor includes a displacement transmission mechanism configured to reduce a large displacement provided at its input into a smaller displacement at its output. The displacement sensor further includes a fiber optic displacement sensor, wherein the output of the displacement transmission mechanism is coupled to the fiber optic displacement sensor. 1. A displacement sensor system for sensing a displacement of a movable component of a device , the displacement sensor system comprising:a displacement transmission mechanism configured to reduce a displacement provided at its input into a smaller displacement at its output, wherein the input of the displacement transmission mechanism is coupled to the movable component of the device, anda fiber optic displacement sensor,wherein the output of the displacement transmission mechanism is coupled to the fiber optic displacement sensor.2. The displacement sensor system according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber optic displacement sensor comprises a fibre Bragg grating sensor or an interferometric sensor.3. The displacement sensor system according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber optic displacement sensor is mounted to an inner face of a wall of a pressure compensator forming part of the device.4. The displacement sensor system according to claim 1 , wherein the displacement transmission mechanism comprises a gearbox and uses a gear reduction to reduce the displacement.5. The displacement sensor system according to claim 1 , wherein the displacement transmission mechanism comprises a toothed rack.6. The displacement sensor system according to claim 1 , wherein:the displacement transmission mechanism comprises a gearbox and a toothed rack,the toothed rack is coupled to the movable component of the device, andthe gearbox comprises a gearwheel engaged with the toothed rack.7. The displacement sensor system according to claim 1 , ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048228A1

The invention relates to a condenser, having a process gas side and a heat transfer medium side said condenser being configured for feeding a hot process gas containing a condensable component to an inlet of the condensing side, and being further configured for withdrawing a cooled process gas from an outlet of the condensing side, and being even further configured for with-drawing a condensate in a position proximate to one end of the condenser, and said condenser having the process gas side divided in a process gas cooling zone configured for having a cool heat transfer medium inlet and a heated heat transfer medium outlet, and a process gas re-heating zone downstream the process gas cooling section, configured for re-heating of the process gas, as well as a processes for condensation and production of sulphuric acid employing such a condenser. 1. A sulphuric acid condenser , having a process gas side and a heat transfer medium sidesaid condenser being configured for feeding a hot process gas containing sulfuric acid to an inlet of the condensing side,and being further configured for withdrawing a cooled process gas from an outlet of the condensing side,and being even further configured for withdrawing a sulfuric acid or oleum condensate in a position proximate to one end of the condenser,and said condenser having the process gas side divided in a process gas cooling zone configured for having a cool heat transfer medium inlet and a heated heat transfer medium outlet,and a process gas re-heating zone downstream the process gas cooling section, configured for re-heating of the process gas.2. A condenser according to claim 1 , in which the condenser is configured for the process gas side of the process gas re-heating zone to receive thermal energy from the heated heat transfer medium.3. A condenser according to claim 2 , configured for the heat transfer medium and the process gas in the reheating zone to flow counter-current.4. A condenser according to claim 2 , ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Hydrostatic plate bearing

Номер: US20140053937A1

The present disclosure relates to a hydrostatic plate bearing, which comprises: a body, and a plurality of restrictors. Wherein, the body is formed with a mounting surface and an oil chamber that are disposed opposite to each other; the plural restrictors includes an orifice restrictor and a membrane restrictor while allowing the orifice restrictor and the membrane restrictor to be serially connected to each other. Operationally, a working fluid that is flowing into the body via the mounting surface is split to flow through the orifice restrictor and the membrane restrictor, in that the split flow of the working fluid that is flowing through the orifice restrictor is guided to flow into the oil chamber.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Pipe Travelling Apparatus and Use Thereof

Номер: US20140054525A1
Принадлежит: JELCER-IP B.V.

The pipe travelling apparatus () for travelling through a curved sewerage pipe and for performing a task in said pipe comprises a first segment () and a second segment (), each comprising a body () provided with a sliding surface () for sliding along an inner bottom surface of a pipe, said first and second segment mutually coupled by a bendable coupling member (). The apparatus further comprises a tool () suitable for performing said task in the pipe and provided in or to at least one of said first segment () and said second segment (). The apparatus further comprises a driving means () coupled to said first and/or second segment (), such as a driving cable. The pipe travelling apparatus () is intended for transportation of a cable () into the pipe, and for fastening cable fastening elements () attached to said cable () to an inner wall of said pipe. 1. A pipe travelling apparatus for travelling through a curved sewerage pipe and for performing a task in said pipe is provided , said apparatus comprising:a first segment and a second segment, each comprising a body provided with a sliding surface for sliding along an inner bottom surface of a pipe, said first and second segment mutually coupled by a bendable coupling member;a tool suitable for performing said task in the pipe and provided in or to at least one of said first segment and said second segment; anda driving means coupled to said first and/or second segment.2. The pipe travelling apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the driving means comprise a driving cable.3. The pipe travelling apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the sliding surface extends both axially to a front side claim 1 , to a rear side of the body claim 1 , as well as radially claim 1 , relative to said pipe.4. The pipe travelling apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the sliding surface is continuous and curved.5. The pipe travelling apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the sliding surface is hemispherical or hemi-ovate.6. The ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Valve Insert

Номер: US20140060673A1
Автор: Lyons Ian
Принадлежит: Connaught Lithoservices Ltd

An insert is provided for insertion through an opening in the surface of a conduit, the insert comprising an insert body having first and second open ends defining an axis of flow therebetween. The insert further comprises a valve flap connected to the insert body. The valve flap is movable between a closed position in which it creates a closure, thereby preventing flow along said axis, and an open position in which the valve flap allows flow along the axis. The valve flap is arranged so that, when in the open position, it is substantially U-shaped in side cross-section and is oriented with respect to the insert body so that said U-shape arches over the axis of flow. 1. An insert for providing a valve in a conduit , the insert being arranged for insertion through an opening in the surface of said conduit , the insert comprising:an insert body having first and second open ends, defining an axis of flow therebetween;a valve flap connected to said insert body;the valve flap being movable between a closed position in which the valve flap creates a closure, thereby preventing flow along said axis, and an open position in which the valve flap allows flow along said axis;the valve flap being arranged so that, when in the open position, it is substantially U-shaped in side cross-section and is oriented with respect to the insert body so that said U-shape arches over the axis of flow.2. An insert as claimed in wherein the valve flap is hingedly attached to said insert body.3. An insert as claimed in wherein movement of the valve flap from said closed position to said open position is permitted in a single rotational direction only.4. An insert as claimed in wherein claim 1 , in the closed position claim 1 , the cross section of the valve flap when viewed along the axis of flow matches either a cross section of the insert body or a cross section of the conduit to form said closure.5. An insert as claimed in wherein at least a portion of an inner surface of the insert body is ...
