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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 5435. Отображено 200.
02-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2618023C2

Изобретение относится к области ремонта и восстановления трубопроводов, в частности к ремонту без выкапывания трубопровода из земли с обеспечением на его внутренней кольцевой поверхности облицовки с помощью сегмента. Сегмент для восстановительной трубы, используемой для ремонта внутренней поверхности действующего трубопровода, содержит внутреннюю поверхностную пластину, образующую внутреннюю окружную поверхность, боковые пластины и торцевые пластины, расположенные вертикально на периферийном крае внутренней поверхностной пластины, причем внутренняя поверхностная пластина, боковые пластины и торцевые пластины выполнены за одно целое из пластмассы. Сегмент выполнен с возможностью соединения посредством соединительных элементов с другим сегментом в окружном направлении и вдоль трубы с формированием сегментной восстановительной трубы, предназначенной для установки внутрь ремонтируемого трубопровода, при этом в торцевых пластинах выполнено отверстие, обеспечивающее вставку соединяющего элемента ...

16-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2738736C2

Изобретение относится к области футеровки труб, таких как трубы для кухни и канализации, в частности к световой головке для использования при футеровке труб. Световая головка (200) для использования при футеровке трубы содержит крышку (204) ближнего конца с впускным отверстием для воздуха, крышку (208) дальнего конца и корпус между крышкой ближнего конца и крышкой дальнего конца. В корпусе имеется продольное отверстие и воздушный канал. Продольное отверстие проходит от крышки ближнего конца через центр корпуса к крышке дальнего конца. Воздушный канал проходит в радиальном направлении от указанного продольного отверстия к радиальному выпускному отверстию для воздуха. Продольное отверстие выполнено с возможностью приема воздуха из впускного отверстия для воздуха таким образом, что при использовании воздух из впускного отверстия для воздуха проходит через корпус и выходит в радиальное выпускное отверстие для воздуха. Светодиод (240) прикреплен к корпусу на его периферии для излучения света ...

29-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2750607C2

Изобретение относится к созданию сварного шва между внутренним покрытием, расположенным внутри металлической основной трубы секции трубы с внутренним покрытием, и электрофузионным фитингом, содержащим по меньшей мере один нагревательный элемент. Осуществляют размещение конца электрофузионного фитинга внутри конца секции трубы с внутренним покрытием. Размещают индукционную катушку внутри канала электрофузионного фитинга рядом с указанным по меньшей мере одним нагревательным элементом. Осуществляют подачу электрической энергии на индукционную катушку для питания указанного по меньшей мере одного нагревательного элемента за счет электромагнитной индукции. В результате достигается высокая надежность целостности внутренних покрытий труб. 7 н. и 62 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

21-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2673023C2
Принадлежит: 3Х ЭНДЖИНИРИНГ (FR)

Изобретение относится к области ремонта трубопроводов, используемых для транспортировки текучей среды, такой как нефть. Усилительную ленту (20) для ремонта трубопровода (10) наматывают с натяжением вокруг участка трубопровода, и одновременно на нее наносят смолу с сетчатой структурой, чтобы получить муфту вокруг ремонтируемого участка. Лента содержит по меньшей мере один интегрированный металлический провод. Электрические свойства провода используют для операций, включающих в себя поперечное сшивание смолы, обнаружение участка трубопровода, содержащего муфту, или обнаружение отремонтированных участков трубопровода, диаметр которых увеличился в результате утонения стенки. Способ ремонта поврежденного участка трубопровода (10) включает подачу напряжения на провод, чтобы получить повышение температуры за счет эффекта Джоуля для достижения минимальной температуры, например 10°C, необходимой для начала полимеризации нанесенной на указанную ленту смолы с сетчатой структурой. Техническим результатом ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2509950C2

Группа изобретений относится к области строительства и ремонта подземных коммуникаций, и может быть использовано, предпочтительно, для изоляции поверхностей стальных трубопроводов. Способ включает сматывание изоляционной ленты с рулона, закрепленного на шпуледержателе. Протягивают ленту через накопитель и наматывают ее на трубопровод по винтовой линии, с закреплением на трубопроводе, с последующим наращиванием ленты по окончанию ленты используемого рулона. Узел содержит корпус, два шпуледержателя, средство прижима ленты к поверхности трубопровода, систему направляющих и разворачивающих ленту валков, блок нагрева и накопитель. Накопитель представляет собой систему валов, установленных параллельно шпуледержателям и способных перемещаться относительно друг друга с обеспечением запаса ленты на поверхность трубопровода при замене рулона. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы.

11-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016108862A3

13-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016107024A3

30-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU172205U1

Полезная модель относится к трубопроводному транспорту и предназначена для проведения ремонтных работ на подводных переходах магистральных трубопроводов без применения сварки. Муфта состоит из двух полумуфт, имеющих продольные фланцы, средства крепления и стягивания полумуфт между собой, узлов герметизации, включающих упорные фланцы, эластичные уплотнители, кольцевые запорные вкладыши, кольцевую обойму. На наружной поверхности кольцевых запорных вкладышей выполнены два выступающих конуса, а кольцевые обоймы выполнены с двумя конусными канавками. При сборке узла наружные поверхности конусов запорных вкладышей входят во взаимодействие с ответными конусными канавками кольцевых обойм. Уплотнительные элементы располагаются между упорным фланцем и кольцевой обоймой. Предлагаемая конструкция муфты надежна, содержит минимальное количество узлов и деталей, возможность ее многоразового использования, без применения сварки, простота и удобство ее монтажа на дефектном участке трубы.

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Передвижная установка для герметизации трубопроводов

Номер: RU183200U1

Передвижная установка для герметизации внутренней полости трубопровода любого диаметра, включающая шасси автомобиля повышенной проходимости, на раме которого установлен утепленный фургон с отоплением, освещением, дверьми, окнами, люками и отсеком для комплекта инструментов, необходимых при создании технологических отверстий в трубопроводе, внутри утепленного фургона со стороны, сообщающейся с кабиной автомобиля, расположен воздушный компрессор, подающий сжатый воздух в емкости дозатора, расположенного с левой боковой стороны утепленного фургона, а с противоположной стороны утепленного фургона расположен резервуар для сырья компонентов пенополиуретана, размещенных в емкостях с погружными насосами, подающими компоненты пенополиуретана в емкости дозатора и соединенными с дозатором шлангами, сбоку от резервуара для сырья компонентов пенополиуретана расположена смесительная камера, снабженная пистолетом, соединенная с дозатором шлангом, обеспечивающим поступление из емкостей дозатора смешанных ...

21-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2697911C2

Изобретение относится к трубопроводному транспорту и может быть использовано для герметизации течей в трубопроводе. Предлагаемая система герметизации течи в трубопроводе содержит по меньшей мере одну гелевую пробку и по меньшей мере один герметизирующий состав, которые образуют пробочную сборку, выполненную с возможностью перемещения вдоль трубопровода к области течи и возможностью герметизации течи. 38 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил., 3 табл.

06-09-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU228615U1

Полезная модель относится к строительству и может быть использована при ремонте и реконструкции сетей водоотведения, при которой профильная лента посредством специальной навивочной машины формируется в конечное изделие – трубу большого диаметра, с различным поперечным сечением. Технический результат заключается в уменьшении затрат энергии при образовании замкового соединения в процессе спиральной навивки труб из профилированной ленты. Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что профильная лента для формирования спиральновитой трубы содержит элементы замкового соединения, выполненные в виде группы замковых пазов, расположенных вдоль ленты на одной ее боковой стороне и группы замковых ребер, расположенных вдоль ленты на противоположной ее боковой стороне с возможностью вхождения замковых ребер в замковые пазы соединяемого участка навиваемой ленты. На вершине каждого замкового ребра выполнен кольцевой выступ с шириной, превышающей ширину ребра с образованием двух фиксаторных кольцевых ...

14-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU199678U1

Полезная модель относится к конструкциям, используемым в газовой промышленности при выполнении технического обслуживания и ремонта трубопроводной арматуры (далее - ТПА) условного диаметра 50 мм (далее - ДУ 50).Задачей полезной модели является возможность ревизии и ремонта ТПА ДУ 50 без замены ее на новую, а также снижение трудоемкости при выполнении данных работ.Технический результат - возможность разъединения фланцев шарового крана для выполнения ревизии и ремонта дефектной ТПА ДУ 50.Поставленная задача решается, а технический результат достигается путем создания устройства для ревизии и ремонта ТПА ДУ 50.Устройство для ревизии и ремонта ТПА ДУ 50 состоит из четырех полупластин толщиной от 25 до 33 мм, в которых просверлены отверстия под разжимные шпильки с гайками. Полупластины стягивают между собой восемью стягивающими шпильками, образуя при этом две пластины с отверстиями под пазы патрубков крана.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU169580U1

Полезная модель применяется в нефтедобывающей промышленности, относится к регулируемым опорам для закрепления труб. Технический результат заключается в упрощении конструкции и уменьшении габаритов устройства для подъема труб при поддержании надлежащей степени надежности подъема и фиксации труб на необходимой высоте. Подъемник труб содержит основание с установленной на нем вертикально трубчатой опорой, состоящей из двух вложенных друг в друга труб, причем внешняя труба является подвижной, а внутренняя - неподвижной. При этом на верхнюю часть подвижной трубы с помощью крепежного элемента вертикально установлен стержень, заходящий внутрь трубчатой опоры и выполненный с возможностью перемещения вдоль оси устройства. К верхнему концу стержня закреплен фиксатор для установки на него трубы. Причем к стрежню крепится ручной привод для регулировки перемещения стрежня вдоль оси устройства. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 1 фиг.

12-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU190795U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для ремонта трубопроводов. Устройство для ремонта трубопровода, содержащее металлический корпус, крепежные элементы и резиновую прокладку, выполненную с выемками, имеет продольные края выемок, выполненные параллельными, а поперечные края выемок, выполненные криволинейными, при этом угол между каждым продольным краем выемки и прилегающим к нему поперечным краем выемки больше 90°, кроме того, длина каждого продольного края больше, чем длина каждого поперечного края в продольном направлении. Таким образом, применение полезной модели позволяет повысить способность резиновой прокладки противостоять деформации под воздействием напора воды за счет предлагаемой конструкции краев выемок. 1 ил.

01-02-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2789293C1

Устройство для ремонта трубопровода предназначено для проведения аварийно-восстановительных работ в процессе ликвидации течей в действующих нефтяных и газовых трубопроводах высокого давления как в чрезвычайных ситуациях, так и при выполнении плановых профилактических ремонтных работ. Устройство содержит корпус, стягивающий узел, запорный узел, включающий опорный элемент, фиксирующий элемент и уплотняющий элемент. Конструкция устройства позволяет осуществить полную герметизацию течи в трубопроводе сварными швами, нанесенными на корпусе и запорном узле, а также восстановить механическую прочность ремонтируемого участка трубопровода. Благодаря небольшим массогабаритным характеристикам устройства для ремонта трубопровода и незначительным усилиям, необходимым для его установки, работу с ним может выполнить один оператор. Применение устройства позволяет повысить качество и надежность ремонта. 10 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009111246A

... 1. Устройство инвертирования рукава для установки трубного вкладыша, вулканизируемого на месте эксплуатации, содержащее: ! гибкий трубчатый рукав; ! жесткий бандажированный кожух с впускным отверстием для текучей среды, выполненным в его боковой стенке; при этом ! дальний конец гибкого рукава закреплен к ближнему концу бандажированного кожуха. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, характеризующееся тем, что в гибком рукаве выполнено впускное отверстие для текучей среды. ! 3. Устройство по п.1, характеризующееся тем, что рукав имеет внутренний гибкий трубчатый слой пропитанного материала и слой непроницаемого материала. ! 4. Устройство по п.3, характеризующееся тем, что гибкий рукав имеет более одного слоя пропитанного материала. ! 5. Устройство по п.1, характеризующееся тем, что гибкий рукав содержит арматуру для повышения его устойчивости к деформации. ! 6. Устройство по п.5, характеризующееся тем, что арматура расположена в слое пропитанного материала. ! 7. Устройство по п.5, характеризующееся тем, ...

20-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94030730A

Для достижения обогащения природного газа или других углеводородных газов водородом, поступающих на сжигание в виде питающего потока природный газ или углеводородные газы подвергаются пиролизу, причем это приводит к уменьшению содержания углерода и тем самым достигается уменьшение или устранение выбросов в процессе сжигания диоксида углерода. Газ проходит через реактор, в котором разлагается по крайней мере частично до углеродной составной части и водородной составной части. Углеродная составная часть удаляется до требуемого уровня. Различные оставшиеся составные части вместе с водородной составной частью поступают на процесс сжигания, в то время как углеродная составная часть удаляется из процесса для отдельного использования. Пиролизу может быть подвергнут весь поток или только часть потока.

10-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012122893A

... 1. Способ нанесения изоляции на наружную поверхность трубопровода, включающий сматывание изоляционной ленты с рулона, закрепленного на шпуледержателе, протягивание ее через накопитель, наматывание ее на трубопровод по винтовой линии с закреплением ленты на трубопроводе и наращивание ленты по окончанию ленты используемого рулона, отличающееся тем, что располагают накопитель ленты между шпуледержателем и трубопроводом, в качестве изоляционной ленты используют ленту с адгезивом, в процессе намотки после прохождения накопителя разворачивают ленту слоем адгезива от трубопровода, разогревают участок ленты со стороны адгезива, разворачивают ленту слоем адгезива к трубопроводу, а в момент контакта слоя адгезива с поверхностью трубопровода воздействуют на основу ленты рассредоточенной нагрузкой, ленту, направленную слоем адгезива от трубопровода, пропускают с внешней относительно трубопровода стороны валков, размещенных по окружности вокруг изолируемого трубопровода, при этом сменный рулон расположен ...

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014123507A

... 1. Способ заполнения разрыва в покрытии трубопровода с нанесенным на нем покрытием, предпочтительно термоизоляционным покрытием, включающий в себя стадии:- размещения в разрыве смеси твердых элементов и термопластичного полимерного материала в жидком состоянии; и- выдерживания термопластичного полимерного материала в жидком состоянии для твердения.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором твердые элементы включают полимерный материал.3. Способ по п. 2, в котором полимерный материал твердых элементов представляет собой термопластичный полимерный материал, при этом предпочтительно твердые элементы состоят из термопластичного полимерного материала.4. Способ по п. 3, в котором термопластичный полимерный материал твердых элементов такой же, что и указанный термопластичный полимерный материал в жидком состоянии.5. Способ по п. 1, в котором стадия размещения в разрыве смеси твердых элементов и термопластичного полимерного материала в жидком состоянии включает в себя:- окружение разрыва с помощью формы;- введение ...

07-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU189577U9

Предлагается хомут для ремонта участка трубопровода и способ подготовки трубопровода. Хомут содержит несколько частей (12) хомута и уплотнение (30), расположенное на внутренней поверхности (42) по меньшей мере одной из нескольких частей (12) хомута. Части хомута выполнены с возможностью крепления друг к другу так, чтобы части хомута и уплотнение взаимодействовали для охватывания участка трубопровода (20) образованным между ними каналом, при этом уплотнение (30) прилегает к поверхности участка трубопровода (20). Части (12) хомута содержат композиционный материал на основе полимера.

23-08-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для перекрытия трубопровода

Номер: SU1672094A1

Изобретение относится к трубопроводному транспорту жидкости и газов и предназначено для перекрытия концов трубопровода после вырезки дефектного участка при замене этого участка ремонтной катушкой с использованием сварки. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности работы устройства. Устройство содержит корпус, выполненный в виде жестко соединенных трубчатого элемента 1, глухого диска 2, кольцевого упора 3, кольцевого диска 4 и кольцевой перегородки 5. Между перегородкой 5 и дисками 2, 4 корпуса размещены кольцевые уплотнения 6, 7. Каждое кольцевое уплотнение 6, 7 имеет на внутренней поверхности проточку 10 с боковыми коническими поверхностями, которыми оно взаимодействует с конической поверхностью цилиндрического эластичного кольца 13. Устройство снабжено крышкой 21, образующей с кольцевым упором 3 и глухим диском 2 изолированную полость. Крышка 21 снабжена отверстием 25, перекрытым разрушаемой под действием давления перекачиваемой жидкости предохранительной пластиной 26. Через кольцевые направляющие ...

30-04-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для ликвидации течи газопровода

Номер: SU1645739A1

Изобретение относится к газовой промышленности и может быть использовано при ликвидации течей из трещин на сварных швах и стенках газопроводов без остановки перекачки и снижения давления. ЦРЛЬ изобретения - снизить трудоемкость процесса при одновременном обеспечении безопасности работ для ремонтного персонала. Ус- тройсто состоит из полой накладки, выполненной с проходным отверстием и снабженной пневмоприводом, цилиндр которого жестко соединен с накладкой. При этом полости пневмопривода и накладки соединяются между собой посредством подпружиненного подвижного полого штока, проходящего через проходное отверстие, один конец которого снабжен поршнем и расположен в цилиндре пневмопривода, а другая - в полости накладки и снабжен подпружиненным очистным органом, установленным на поверхности трубопровода. При этом цилиндр привода выполнен с выхлопным отверстием и снабжен патрубком с краном для сбора газа, поступающего из накладки в полость привода, в атмосферу. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил. сл С ...

07-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1807289C

07-08-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для перекрытия трубопровода

Номер: SU1328634A1

Изобретение относится к области трубопроводного транспорта жидкостей и газов и предназначено для перекрытия трубопровода при производстве врезок в действующий трубопровод. Целью изобретения является перекрытие трубопровода без остановки перекачки при одновременном повышении надежности фиксации устройства в трубопроводе, что обеспечивается тем, что стопорный узел устройства выполнен в виде размещенного по оси корпуса 2 цилиндра 9 двойного действия, на концах подпружиненных щтоков 10 которого закреплены щар- нирные тяги 11, связанные со стопорными бащмаками 12, при этом на одном из щтоков цилиндра установлен перепускной элемент , состоящий из снабженных сквозными отверстиями 13 неподвижного диска 14 и поворотно-подвижного диска 15, кинематически связанного со штоком посредством винтовой пары в виде зуба на ступице диска 15 и паза на штоке 10 цилиндра 9. 1 3. п. ф-лы, 3 ил. S (Л 4 JW 5 ь19- 4; я12со ND СХ) Oi со 4: ...

15-01-1989 дата публикации

Способ ремонта протяженного трубопровода

Номер: SU1451423A1

Изобретение относится к строительству и может найти применение при капитальном ремонте магистральных трубопроводов. Цель изобретения - сокращение сроков работ при ремонте трубопроводов с поверхностными дефектами - достигается тем, что переводят дефектный участок поверхности трубопровода в верхнее ремонтное положение путем кручения трубопровода вокруг продольной оси. 1 з.п. ф-лы.

30-06-1992 дата публикации

Устройство для ремонта трубопровода

Номер: SU1744356A1

Изобретение относится к вспомогательным устройствам для трубопроводной сети, в частности к средствам для остановки течи из труб, и предназначено для ликвидации свищей и разрывов в труднодоступных местах без доступа к ним. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности перекрытия сквозных повреждений в трубопроводах, преимущественно с внутренним диаметром не менее 25 мм. Устройство содержит две надувные оболочки 1 и 2, соединенные перемычкой 3. На внутренней поверхности оболочки 2 размещен уплотнитель 5. При этом должны быть соблюдены соотношения 50/DTp - (1,5-2). do/Dtp - 0.1-0,35; 0,9 (йпл/Отр) 2: 0,75. где д0 - толщина стенок упругих оболочек; do - гидравлический диаметр сквозного повреждения; d(™ - диаметр пластыря; DTp - внутренний диаметр трубопровода . Устройство устанавливается внутрь трубопровода и подается к месту повреждения потоком жидкости или газа. 1 э.п.ф-лы, 4 ил.

15-01-1990 дата публикации

Устройство для перекрытия трубопровода

Номер: SU1536153A1

Изобретение относится к трубопроводному транспорту жидкостей и газов и предназначено для перекрытия трубопровода при его ремонте. Целью изобретения является повышение эксплуатационной надежности устройства за счет исключения его заклинивания в полости трубопровода при транспортировке в потоке перекачиваемой среды. Это достигается выполнением корпуса устройства из двух соединенных между собой полусферических оболочек 1 и 2 из эластичного материала и поджимной манжеты 4 с расположенными по окружности у ее основания соединительными ушками, с которыми связаны торцы охватывающих полусферические оболочки 1 и 2 защитных сеток 6 и 7. При заполнении сообщающихся между собой полостей полусферических оболочек 1 и 2 рабочей средой поджимная манжета 4 прижимается к внутренней поверхности трубопровода, надежно перекрывая его живое сечение. После окончания ремонта за счет упругости корпуса устройство в потоке транспортируемой по трубопроводу среды беспрепятственно перемещается через узкие места до камеры ...

30-11-1990 дата публикации

Способ повышения прочности действующего трубопровода

Номер: SU1610188A1

Изобретение может быть использовано при ремонте нефтепроводов, имеющих поверхностные дефекты. Цель изобретения - повышение ресурса и долговечности трубопровода, имеющего дефектный участок с повреждением, не превышающим половины толщины его стенки. На обнаруженный асфектный участок с натягом навивают бандажирующий профиль (проволоку) с выходом за границы участка на длину не менее 25% длины участка. Передний конец проволоки закрепляют в специальной струбцине, к-рую устанавливают перед вершиной трещины. При медленном вращении устр-ва бандажирования укладывают первый виток, под к-рый подкладывают стальную пластину. Конец пластины загибают и прижимают к проволоке. Создают необходимый натяг и продолжают намотку на необходимую длину, после чего струбцину снимают. В процессе навивки периодически осуществляют контроль натяжения проволочным динамометром. Бандаж создает после сжимающих напряжений, что способствует снижению номинальных кольцевых напряжений.

07-07-1990 дата публикации

Устройство для ликвидации утечек

Номер: SU1576770A1

Изобретение относится к нефтяной и газовой промышленности, в частности к технике ремонта трубопроводов для транспортирования нефти, газа или химреагентов и других продуктов. Цель изобретения - повышение безопасности и надежности герметизации дефектного участка трубопровода, например сварочных швов. Поставленная цель достигается тем, что в устройстве для ликвидации утечек, содержащем два полухомута, уплотнения и нагнетательный механизм, уплотнение выполнено в виде сменной камеры, заполненной например клеем "Спрут", в которой смонтированы резиновая мембрана и два обратных клапана: нагнетательный и выпускной. Причем открытие одного связано с закрытием другого, а нагнетательный механизм выполнен в виде силового цилиндра, заполненного жидкостью с возможностью воздействия на резиновую мембрану сменной камеры. Для ускорения процесса схватывания клеем дефектного места последний через выемку в хомуте обогревается беспламенной горелкой инфрокрасного излучения или паром. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

30-10-1991 дата публикации

Способ ремонта трубопровода

Номер: SU1688008A2

Изобретение относится к трубопроводному транспорту и предназначено преимущественно для ремонта нефтегазопроводов . Цель изобретения - обеспечение безопасности работ за счет исключения образования в трубопроводе газовоздушной смеси. Для этого через предварительно вырезанные в трубопроводе 1 технологические отверстия 6 локализуют дефектный участок 4 посредством надувных запорных элементов 5 и дегазируют его путем подачи пены (инертной среды) в рукав 8 одного из элементов 5 до выхода ее из рукава 8 другого элемента 5. Через вырезанные в трубопроводе 1 отверстия 6 в трубопроводе 1 устанавливают дополнительные надувные запорные элементы 9, ориентируя их сквозными каналами в сторону линейных задвижек 2, перед заваркой отверстий б сквозные каналы смежных элементов 5 и 9 сообщают между собой, а после заварки отверстий 6 надувные запорные элементы транспортируют в потоке транспортируемой среды. 1 ил.

03-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069422416D1

16-01-1992 дата публикации

Inserting pipe or tube into elongated duct - involves compressor, discharge piece, outlet and deflector

Номер: DE0004021858A1

The inserter for tubular or pipes (8) into a lengthwise duct consists of a source (2) of liquid and/or gaseous fluid (4), connected to a compressor (6). At the other end of the pipe (8) is a discharge-piece (10) with at least one outlet (12) from which the fluid (4) emerges diagonally downwards against the direction of flow (14). A deflector (24) deflects part of the pipe (8) crosswise to the direction of the fluid (4) travelling in the pipe (8). A control (24) after the deflector (24) changes the pressure or volumetric flow. USE/ADVANTAGE - The pipe or tube can be easily inserted into a long duct.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Anordnung zum Ziehen eines Zugmittels

Номер: DE102012103151A1

Vorrichtung (20, 200) zum Ziehen eines Zugmittels (22), insbesondere zum Ziehen eines Seils (22), eines Gestänges oder einer Kette, mit mindestens einer Klemmbacke (116, 118, 140, 142, 400, 500) zum Herstellen zumindest einer kraftschlüssigen Verbindung mit dem Zugmittel (22) und zum Übertragen einer von einer Antriebseinheit (30) erzeugten Zugkraft auf das Zugmittel (22), wobei das Zugmittel (22) zum Herstellen der kraftschlüssigen Verbindung in einem zwischen der Klemmbacke (116, 118, 140, 142, 400, 500) und mindestens einem Gegendruckelement (116, 118, 140, 142, 400, 500) gebildeten Klemmbereich anordenbar ist, wobei die Klemmbacke (166, 402, 504, 506) eine Klemmnut (164) hat, deren Längsachse parallel zu der Längsachse eines Zugmittels (22) verläuft, wenn dieses im Klemmbereich angeordnet ist. In zumindest in einem Teilbereich der Klemmnut (164) ist mindestens eine Freiraumnut (166, 402, 504, 506) ausgebildet, deren Längsachse parallel zur Längsachse der Klemmnut (164) verläuft. Ferner ...

10-08-1995 дата публикации


Номер: DE0068923382D1

13-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE202014010523U1

Kanalsanierungssystem mit einem in einer Hauptleitung (3) eines Abwasserkanalsystems verfahrbaren Roboter (2) und einem in eine Hausanschlussleitung (9) einführbaren Sanierungswerkzeug (5), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Roboter (2) ein fernsteuerbares Greiforgan (4) aufweist, mit dem das Sanierungswerkzeug (5) ergreifbar ist, und dass der Roboter (2) und das Sanierungswerkzeug (5) über separate Kabel (6, 8) von über Tage her mit Energie versorgbar und fernsteuerbar sind.

02-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE0020321810U1

Rohr mit einer für die Prüfung und/oder Wandreparatur bestimmten Spirale, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Schraubenteilung der Spirale (3, 4, 6) nicht größer als die Länge des kritischen Risses des Rohrs (1) mit der Schweißnaht (16) gewählt wird.

28-03-1996 дата публикации

Method for removing dents from oil pipe lines

Номер: DE0019503555C1

The dent is drawn outwards by a tractive device suspended in the draw plate and supported on the pipe line. The draw plate is then removed and the undented area is covered with a covering, the edges of which are tightly connected to the pipe wall by a welding seam. A traverse (11) is used with two parallel spaced apart supports (12), the free ends of which are fixed to the pipe line (1) by pipe clamps (13). On the traverse is a lift cylinder (14) with a piston rod (15) fixed between the supports. At its end, the piston rod has a coupling for connection to the draw plate (3).

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Tränken eines mit einer harzabsorbierbaren Schicht ausgestatteten Auskleidungsmoduls

Номер: DE102008055943B4

Verfahren zum Tränken eines mit einer harzabsorbierbaren Schicht (14, 104) ausgestatteten Auskleidunr Rohrleitung eingesetzt wird, wobei das Verfahren folgende Schritte umfasst: Einbringen wenigstens eines Endbereiches des mit der harzabsorbierbaren Schicht (14, 104) und mit einer luftdichten, äußeren Beschichtung (16, 106) ausgestatteten Auskleidungsmoduls (10, 100) in eine luftdichte Hülle (20, 200); Befestigen einer Einfüllhilfe (30) an einem Einfüllbereich des Auskleidungsmoduls (10, 100); luftdichtes Abschließen der Übergänge zwischen dem Auskleidungsmodul (10, 100) und der Hülle (20, 200) und zwischen dem Einfüllbereich und der Einfüllhilfe (30) mittels wenigstens eines Abdichtmittels (50); luftdichtes Abschließen der Einfüllhilfe (30) gegenüber der Außenumgebung mit einem lösbaren Absperrmittel (40) derart, dass die durch die Hülle (20, 200) und die Einfüllhilfe (30) und wahlweise auch das Auskleidungsmodul (10, 100) begrenzte Kammer (26) luftdicht abgeschlossen ist und dass eine ...

08-06-2011 дата публикации

Pipe clamp device and repairing pipes

Номер: GB0002475982A

The clamp device 1 comprises first and second portions 2, 3 connected together at a hinge. At least one portion 2 is adapted to move pivotally around the hinge relative to the other portion 3, the first and second portions being adapted to co-operate with one another to close around and at least partially encircle a pipe to be clamped. The clamp device 1 has securing members to secure the first and second portions 2, 3 in a clamped arrangement around the pipe. The clamp device 1 has a sealing mechanism configured to seal between one of the first and second portions and comprising first and second seal devices housed in respective recesses 8, 9 and defining a sealed chamber between the recessed first and second seal devices. A settable fluid is injected into the sealed chamber between the first and second seal devices. The clamp device 1 can have a branch opening in one portion 2, 3. The clamp device 1 is used to repair defective pipes and can have a flange at one end to couple with a spool ...

10-09-2003 дата публикации

A device for renewing underground supply pipes

Номер: GB0000318700D0

19-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009306528D0

08-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001409553A

... 1409553 Repairing pipes J MURPHY & SONS Ltd 25 May 1973 [25 May 1972] 24572/72 Heading F2P A method of continuously resealing yam-filled pipe joints in a gas main comprises introducing a perforated feed tube 26 into the main, connecting the tube 26 to a source of sealing liquid in a reservoir 34 attached to the main and allowing the liquid to continuously discharge into the main from the perforations in the tube. Reservoir 34 are sited at spaced intervals along the main preferably at "high" spots and are provided with covers 36 for inspection and topping- up purposes. A pressure equalizing tube 22 is provided in each reservoir which extends from the main to a level above the liquid level in the reservoir so that the sealant feeds by gravity alone. Filters are provided in the outlet assemblies 15. Prior to the fitting of the reservoir the tube(s) 26 may be connected to a pressurized reservoir of sealing liquid (Fig. 2, not shown) to spray sealant into the main to initially seal the joints ...

08-10-2014 дата публикации

A clamp

Номер: GB0201415066D0

27-07-2011 дата публикации

Device for repairing a kink in a hosepipe

Номер: GB0201109739D0

05-07-2017 дата публикации

Maintenance and repair device

Номер: GB0201708326D0

20-08-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008616898D0

18-12-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method

Номер: GB0201319319D0

19-08-1992 дата публикации

Apparatus for lining installed pipework.

Номер: GB0002252809A

Apparatus for lining installed pipework comprises a support structure 1, a swaging die 3 disposed within the structure 1 for reducing the diameter of a liner pipe 7 passed through it and fixing means 2 for enabling the structure 1 to be fixed to the pipework 10, the swaging die 3 being provided with a swaging surface which or part of which is inclined at an angle between 6 DEG and 32 DEG and no part at an angle of more than 32 DEG to the die axis and the fixing means 2 being adapted to fix the structure 1 at a spacing from the pipework 10, together with a pusher device located with the spacing and adapted to grip the liner pipe 7 after its emergence from the die 3 and urge it towards and through the pipework 10. Where the liner pipe 7 is heated either before it reaches the die or within the die structure there may be cooling means 12 located within the spacing to cool the heated liner pipe 7 as it emerges from the die 3. ...

14-08-2002 дата публикации

Method of inserting a device in a pipe to reduce the internal cross-section of the pipe

Номер: GB0002372055A

A method of reducing the opening of a first flow modifying device (3) set in a pipe (1) involves introducing a second device (45) into the pipe (1) ahead of a foam pig (4). The fluid flow in the pipe (1) moves the foam pig (4), which inturn moves the second device (45) along the pipe (1) until it engages with the first flow modifying device (3), reducing it's internal cross-section. The foam pig (4) then passes through the opening in the device (34) by the continuing action of fluid pressure.

16-11-2005 дата публикации

Pipe guide adapter

Номер: GB0002414055A

A pipe guide adapter (3) used to draw in pipes (1) in a channel (21) with the aid of a traction means (25). Said adapter is provided with conical ribs (7) arranged on a base pipe, enabling a pipe (1) to be guided, while at the same time ensuring a simple adapter (3) arrangement. The pipe guide adapter (3) can also be provided with rollers (13) which are arranged in the free areas between the ribs (7) and improve the guide function of the pipe guide adapter (3).

27-06-2001 дата публикации

Repair of lined pipes

Номер: GB0002357560A

A method of selectively repairing the lining of a lined pipeline utilising a conveyance adapted to be receivable within and to travel through the pipeline. The conveyance consists of a plurality of vehicles comprising an inspection means, an excising means, a debris removal means and an application means. The method comprises: an identification step whereby the conveyance travels along the pipeline inspecting and locating damaged portions of the lining; an excising step whereby damaged portions of the lining identified from the inspection step are removed by the conveyance; a debris removal step whereby the conveyance travels along the pipeline to remove debris and/or water left in the pipeline by the excising step; and an application step whereby the conveyance travels along the pipeline and applies a fresh lining composition to replace the excised portions of lining removed by the excising step. The invention also relates in a conveyance for effecting the selective repair of the lining ...

26-08-2009 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for lining a conduit

Номер: GB2457596A

Disclosed is an apparatus for locating an instrument within a pipe, the apparatus comprising a body portion defining a cavity therein, a pipe engagement region for slideable engagement with a pipe, and an instrument retention portion for receiving at least a portion of an instrument therein and retaining the instrument in position relative to the body. Also provided is a method of an instrument within a pipe using said apparatus.

11-05-1994 дата публикации

Pipe block

Номер: GB0002263748B

02-05-2007 дата публикации

Pipe cutter with retractable cutting tip

Номер: GB0002431607A

The cutter includes at least one cutting tip 68 and releasable means for holding 20 the apparatus in place. Each culling tip 68 can be selectively advanced or retracted by a deployment arrangement 22 located outside the tube. Preferably the holding means 20 include a resilient ring 50 that is deformed when it is pressed between screw clamps 44A, 44B. Preferably each cutting tip 68 is pivoted 64 into position or moved by a cam 72. Preferably the tips are steel, tungsten carbide or diamond. The cutter forms holes in a bore 12 wall 18 from the inside.

11-12-1985 дата публикации

Sealing pipe joints

Номер: GB0002159906A

02-12-2015 дата публикации

Underwater pipeline repair by automated composite lamination

Номер: GB0002526631A

An apparatus for repairing pipelines or the like under water, comprising an enclosure (1) which is adapted to be placed around a pipeline section (4) to be repaired and form an enclosed chamber between the pipeline section (4) and the enclosure (1). A lamination tool (6) for applying a repair chemical, typically epoxy, and a sheet material is adapted to orbit around the circumference of the pipeline section. The enclosure on the inside surface of the enclosure is equipped with at least two pitch racks (5a, 5b) along which the lamination tool (6) is moveable. A method for applying is described whereby the repair chemical is provided with magnetic particles to attract the chemical to the surface of the pipe. The repair chemical per se is also claimed.

24-09-2003 дата публикации

Lined pipe wherein the liner comprises a one-way valve

Номер: GB0002386664A

A pipe (1) for the transport of fluids, which pipe (1) is internally provided with a liner (2), wherein the liner (2) is provided with at least one non-return valve (16) arranged in the liner wall (7), wherein the non-return valve (16) has an inlet end (18) arranged near the outer surface (9) of the liner wall (7) and an outlet end (19) arranged near the inner surface (10) of the liner wall (7).

08-06-2005 дата публикации

Method of reinforcing an embedded cylindrical pipe

Номер: GB0000509074D0

17-02-2021 дата публикации

Repairing a wet buckle in a pipeline

Номер: GB2532185B

13-01-2021 дата публикации

System and methods for protecting a tether line disposed in a pressurized pipe

Номер: GB0002585417A

A system for protecting a tether line attached to an inspection probe for use in a pipe containing fluid at an elevated pressure, the pipe including an interior surface defining a sharp edge, the system comprising: a launch housing defining an interior chamber sized to receive the inspection probe, the launch housing including a first end fluidly communicating with the pipe, thereby to place the interior chamber at the elevated pressure; a tether line drive coupled to the tether line and configured to advance and retract the inspection probe within the pipe; and a protective structure disposed within the pipe and positioned proximate the sharp edge, the protective structure configured to maintain a space between the intermediate portion of the tether line and the sharp edge. As the tether line is extended and retracted, portions of the tether line are prevented from directly engaging jagged profiles formed in the pressurized pipe. A method comprises: hot-tapping the pipe; attaching a launch ...

13-01-2021 дата публикации

Injection valve and method of use

Номер: GB0002585476A

An injection valve 10 for use with pressurised pipework systems, comprising a valve body 11 defining a tubular region 14 having an inlet 12 and outlet 13 for connecting to pipework, and an injection port 15 in fluid connection with the tubular region, wherein the injection valve 10 further comprises an injection device 16 attached to the injection port, the injection device comprising a substance vessel 20 and an explosively driven actuator 30 for automatically pushing a substance 21 from the substance vessel 20 and through the injection port 21, such that in-use a substance can be injected into a pressurised pipework system. In some embodiments the actuator comprises an explosively driven piston initiator arranged to impact-initiate a propellant within the propellant housing. The emergency injection valve comprises the injection device as a preinstalled attachment, thereby reducing the time required to take remedial action to fix a fault (leakage or overheating for instance) or to inject ...

10-02-1982 дата публикации

Repairing underground pipes

Номер: GB0002080917A
Автор: Nakashin, Yasushi

An apparatus for repairing leaks in underground pipe which comprises a carriage movable axially along the pipe, a flexible and stretchable tubular cover sheet surrounding a portion of the carriage, a plurality of power driven back-up plates supported by the carriage and expandable radially to press the sheet into intimate contact with the internal wall surface of the pipe, and retractable radially for separating the sheet from the pipe wall, and a conduit inside the cover sheet for delivering grout radially outwardly through the cover sheet.

10-12-2003 дата публикации

Plumbing tool and method for repairing a pipe therewith

Номер: GB0000325634D0

06-12-2017 дата публикации

A liner

Номер: GB0002550910A

A liner 1 for insertion into a pipe comprises a continuous tubular construction which is capable of eversion. The continuous tubular construction comprises an extender tube 2, a connector tube 3 and a liner tube 4. The connector tube 3 forms a fluid tight seal with the extender tube 2 at one end, and with the liner tube 4 at its other end. The liner 1 further comprises a load transfer member 7 which is attached to the extender tube 2 at a first attachment point 8, and the connector tube 3 at a second attachment point 9. The connector tube 3 has a deformation portion 10 located between the second attachment point 9 and where it is connected to the extender tube 5. A second aspect only features the extender tube and liner tube, with the two tubes joined in a frangible connection. The load transfer member is connected to the extender tube at first and second attachment points, the second attachment point being located closer to the frangible connection than the first attachment point. A deformation ...

03-04-2019 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for rehabilitation of water conduit with lateral openings

Номер: GB0002567054A

A method of rehabilitating a network of underground water conduits 18 which have at least one lateral opening (15, fig. 1) comprises the steps of blocking and sealing the lateral opening with a membrane impregnated with a hardening resin 20. The membrane is positioned over the lateral opening, and the resin hardens to form a rigid membrane over the lateral opening. The membrane can be installed onto an inflatable device (30, fig 3) which is brought into position in front of the lateral opening. Once in position it is inflated, thereby expanding and pressing the membrane into contact with the inner wall of the conduit around the lateral opening. The inflatable device can include a commercial inflatable pipe plug (38, fig. 3) modified to have fore and aft skates (32, 34, fig. 3). The membrane can be wrapped around the inflatable device such that ends of the membrane overlap. The membrane can include a cylindrical plug comprising a cylindrical C-shaped inner spring made of a preformed composite ...

18-03-2020 дата публикации

Additive manufacture system

Номер: GB0002577229A

A system (10) is provided for performing an operation on a subsea body (100), the system (10) comprises: a housing (20) configured to establish a sealed chamber around a section of the body (100); an environmental system configured to monitor and/or control an environment within the sealed chamber; and an operational tool (40) mounted to a positioning system (30) within the housing (20), wherein the operational tool (40) is configured to perform an additive manufacture operation on the body (100) within the sealed chamber. Also provided is a system (201) for performing an operation on an interior surface of a tubular body (200).

24-06-1981 дата публикации

Apparatus for reinforcing and repairing a pipe line

Номер: GB0002065263A

A method and apparatus for reinforcing and repairing piping are disclosed for forming a film on the inside of a pipe line. The apparatus includes a film forming device having spaced radially extending front and rear walls which is inserted within the pipe line. When so inserted, the apparatus and the inside surface of the pipe line define an annular space into which film forming material is introduced. This annular space can be used to staddle a cracked portion of the pipe line, a joint or other inadequately sealed areas in which leakage may occur. A film adjusting device comprising a rotary driving element and a rotary film adjusting element are provided and are flexibly connected to the film forming device. The rotary drive device includes a motor and spaced front and rear discs each of which is attached to a plurality of outwardly extending fragments. A hauling device is provided for moving both the film forming device and film adjusting device within the pipe line and an inspection ...

04-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002131910B
Принадлежит: HAKKO CO, * HAKKO CO LTD

24-06-2009 дата публикации

Device and method to split pipe near utilities

Номер: GB0000908047D0

31-08-2016 дата публикации

Pipleline maintenance and inspection vehicle

Номер: GB0201612517D0

07-09-2016 дата публикации

Fluid leak repair

Номер: GB0201612736D0

20-05-2020 дата публикации

A method of inhibiting leakage of fluid through a detect in a wall of a pipe

Номер: GB0202004981D0

24-06-2020 дата публикации

Injection valve and method of use

Номер: GB0202006890D0

24-02-2021 дата публикации

Pipe supporting device

Номер: GB202100384D0

05-12-2018 дата публикации

Pipe core sampling and tapping apparatus

Номер: GB0201817246D0

03-04-2019 дата публикации

Method for repairing a tubular

Номер: GB0201902247D0

07-10-2020 дата публикации

A repairing device for tap water pipeline damage

Номер: GB0202012976D0

15-02-2023 дата публикации

A method of inhibiting leakage of a fluid through a defect in a wall of a pipe

Номер: GB0002609837A

A method of inhibiting leakage of a fluid through a defect (4) in a wall of a pipe (2), comprising the steps: introducing a loss control medium (30) into a first portion of a pipe (2); conveying the loss control medium (30) along the pipe from the first portion to a second portion of the pipe, wherein the second portion is embedded in a porous medium and has a defect (4) through which fluid conveyed by the pipe during normal use leaks into the porous medium; and applying a pressure to the loss control medium (30) such that at least a portion of the loss control medium (30) is expelled from the pipe through the defect (4) into the porous medium thereby causing the loss control medium to accumulate within the porous medium in the vicinity of the defect which inhibits flow of a liquid through the defect into the porous medium.

13-07-2022 дата публикации

Pipe supporting device

Номер: GB0002602674A

The pipe supporting device is a tool used to support vertical or substantially vertical industrial pipes arranged to support a first pipe section and a second pipe section that are connected by a pipe joint to enable the pipe joint to be removed. The pipe support device supports a first pipe section 102 and a second pipe section 104 that are connected by a pipe joint 106 to enable the pipe joint to be more easily and safely removed. The pipe supporting device comprises at least a first pipe clamping device 108 arranged to be removably clamped to the first pipe section and a second pipe clamping device 122 arranged to be removably clamped to the second pipe section. The first and second pipe clamping device may be held in a spaced apart relationship by first and second bar members 132, 134 and comprise first and second pipe socket support members 112, 114 (seen in Fig 2), arranged to engage with the first and second bar members to reduce bowing.

31-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201709779D0

31-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP2017009779A0

31-05-1981 дата публикации

Couplings for immersed pipes

Номер: OA0000005741A

31-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201709779A0

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000500174A1

15-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000500174B8

10-07-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000378238B

15-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000134240T

20-11-2016 дата публикации

Устройство для ремонта жидкостного электрического теплого пола

Номер: RU0000166378U1

1. Устройство для ремонта жидкостного электрического теплого пола, содержащее емкость для теплопроводящей жидкости, трубопроводы для соединения емкости с системой жидкостного электрического теплого пола, насос, отличающееся тем, что выполнено в одном корпусе, который разделен горизонтальной перегородкой на две части, при этом в нижней части корпуса размещен насос, а в верхней части корпуса, представляющей собой емкость для теплопроводящей жидкости, размещены система трехходовых шаровых кранов, состоящая из двух трехходовых шаровых кранов и снабженная патрубком для соединения с одним концом трубы жидкостного электрического пола, и кран прямой подачи теплопроводящей жидкости, соединенный с насосом; при этом каждый трехходовой шаровый кран также соединен с насосом; шланг для соединения со вторым концом трубы жидкостного электрического пола, снабжен участком всасывания теплопроводящей жидкости.2. Устройство для ремонта жидкостного электрического теплого пола по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что снабжено съемной крышкой.3. Устройство для ремонта жидкостного электрического теплого пола по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что участок всасывания выполнен перфорированным.4. Устройство для ремонта жидкостного электрического теплого пола по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что участок всасывания выполнен сетчатым.5. Устройство для ремонта жидкостного электрического теплого пола по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что нижняя часть корпуса выполнена с вентиляционными отверстиями. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 166 378 U1 (51) МПК F24D 13/04 (2006.01) F16L 55/18 (2006.01) F24D 3/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016113090/12, 05.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.04.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Ким Сергей Геннадьевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ДЭУ ЭНЕРТЕК ГРУПП" (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 05.04.2016 (45) Опубликовано: ...

12-12-2019 дата публикации

Устройство для устранения течи трубопровода

Номер: RU0000194485U1

Предложение относится к трубопроводному транспорту и предназначено для устранения сквозных нарушений в трубопроводе. Устройство для устранения течи трубопровода, включающее захватный элемент, соединенный с двух концов с пластинчатой гайкой, оснащенной натяжным винтом, колодку с эластичной прокладкой, выполненной с возможностью герметичного перекрытия течи при установке, причем один конец пластинчатой гайки закреплен относительно захватного элемента, а второй – с возможностью отсоединения от захватного элемента. Захватный элемент выполнен в виде траверсы с упором со стороны трубопровода, концы которой при охвате трубопровода соединены с соответствующими концами пластинчатой гайки жесткими элементами, концы которых установлены с возможностью вращения в соответствующие концы траверсы и пластинчатой гайки. Колодка может быть установлена с возможностью взаимодействия с натяжным винтом или упором траверсы. Предлагаемое устройство для устранения течи трубопровода за счет жесткости элементов позволяет изолировать течь на длительное время с возможностью удобной установки колодки с изоляцией со стороны натяжного винта или траверсы с упором. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 194 485 U1 (51) МПК F16L 55/168 (2006.01) F16L 55/18 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16L 55/168 (2019.08); F16L 55/18 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019127133, 28.08.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Публичное акционерное общество «Татнефть» имени В.Д. Шашина (RU) Дата регистрации: 12.12.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 12.12.2019 Бюл. № 35 1 9 4 4 8 5 R U (54) Устройство для устранения течи трубопровода (57) Реферат: Предложение относится к трубопроводному транспорту и предназначено для устранения сквозных нарушений в трубопроводе. Устройство для устранения течи трубопровода, включающее захватный элемент, соединенный с двух концов с пластинчатой гайкой, оснащенной ...

30-09-2020 дата публикации

Муфта для трубопровода

Номер: RU0000199972U1

Полезная модель относится к трубопроводному транспорту и может быть использована при ремонте эксплуатирующихся трубопроводов с дефектами, преимущественно трещиноподобными, в частности эксплуатирующихся газопроводов, нефтепроводов.Задача создания полезной модели: обеспечение удобства работы.Достигнутый технический результат: обеспечение удобства работы.Решение указанной задачи достигнуто в муфте для трубопровода, содержащей две полуобечайки, при этом каждая полуобечайка выполнена трехслойной, причем средний слой выполнен из углепластика, а внутренний и наружные слои - из стеклопластика, отличается тем, что все слои соединены между собой продольными и поперечными клеевыми полосами.По меньшей мере один слой из стеклопластика может быть выполнены калондрированным.Калондрированным может быть выполнен внутренний слой.Толщина среднего слоя из углепластика может быть выполнена в диапазоне от 30 до 70% от толщины обечайки.Края полуобечаек могут быть соединены внахлест.Края полуобечаек могут быть соединены болтовыми соединениями. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 199 972 U1 (51) МПК F16L 55/18 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16L 55/18 (2020.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020117563, 18.05.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Агентство ГЛИНТ" (RU) Дата регистрации: 30.09.2020 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 130034 U1, 10.07.2013. RU 2285192 C2, 10.10.2006. RU 2191317 C2, 20.10.2002. FR 2664360 A1, 10.01.1992. (45) Опубликовано: 30.09.2020 Бюл. № 28 1 9 9 9 7 2 R U (54) МУФТА ДЛЯ ТРУБОПРОВОДА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к трубопроводному транспорту и может быть использована при ремонте эксплуатирующихся трубопроводов с дефектами, преимущественно трещиноподобными, в частности эксплуатирующихся газопроводов, нефтепроводов. Задача создания полезной модели: ...

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Cured in place liner system and installation methods

Номер: US20120012217A1
Принадлежит: Ina Acquisition Corp

A cured in place liner system and associated connections and methods are disclosed. The cured in place pipe system forms a completely rehabilitated, stand-alone, fluid-tight flow path between upstream and downstream portions of an existing pipe system. The rehabilitated flow path is stand-alone in that the liner system does not rely on structure of the portion of the pipe system through which the liner system is installed to define the fluid-tight flow path. The flow path between upstream and downstream portions of the liner system is defined by and made fluid-tight solely by components of the rehabilitation system such as cured in place liners and couplers. The portion of the pipe system through which the rehabilitation system is installed merely provides a path (e.g., through the ground) through which the cured in place liner system can be inserted. After the cured in place liner system is installed, the liner system forms a fluid-tight flow path between an upstream portion of the pipe system and a downstream portion of the pipe system. Various types of connections may be used. In addition, various types of methods may be used in forming the connections, such as using a mold to cure connecting sections of the cured in place liners in desired configurations (e.g., having a generally circular outer profile) for forming connections with the liners.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Lateral pipe lining method and lateral pipe lining apparatus

Номер: US20120060346A1
Принадлежит: Shonan Plastic Manufacturing Co Ltd

A lateral pipe lining material having a flange on one end thereof is installed on a head collar which is hermetically mounted on a pressure bag that stores the lateral pipe lining material. The head collar comprises a curved section and a cylindrical section projecting from the curved section. An expandable member is mounted to the outer circumferential surface of the cylindrical section of the head collar, and expanded so that the outer circumferential surface of the expanding member comes into close contact with the inner circumferential surface near the flange, and the inner circumferential surface thereof comes into close contact with the outer circumferential surface of the cylindrical section of the head collar. This allows a hermetical connection between the lateral pipe lining material and the head collar and ensures a reliable eversion and insertion of the lining material into a lateral pipe.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Pipe bursting apparatus

Номер: US20120170980A1
Принадлежит: Ding Robert M J, Robert Ward Carter

Apparatus for replacing underground pipe is described, including a resistance plate from which a pair of hydraulic cylinders extend perpendicularly in parallel with each other. The cylinders operate cyclically with a pulling bridge having a cable gripper to provide a sequence of pulling strokes to a cable pulling a mole. The mole pulls a replacement pipe behind it through the old pipe, which has been burst, slit, or otherwise expanded by the mole. The resistance plate is provided with a slot, and the cylinders are positions such as to allow the mode to be pulled substantially completely into the apparatus. A holding bridge is releasably mounted spanning the slot in the reaction plate to position a second cable gripper for holding the cable on return stroke of the pulling bridge. The holding bridge may be removed at the end of the pulling operation to accommodate the mole.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Lining Pipes with Isocyanate and Hydroxyl-Amine Resin Based on Castrol or Soy Oil

Номер: US20120172507A1
Принадлежит: Kent Weisenberg, Primeaux Ii Dudley

A method is disclosed for installing in a conduit a monolithic liner comprised of an amine terminated resin and a hydroxyl resin combined with isocyanate. The hydroxyl resin may include caster oil or soy based oil. The liner mixture may include anti-static agents such as quaternary ammonium ethosulfates, ethoxylated amines or glycerol esters. The coating does not utilize a catalyst. The lining forms a structural pipe component. The lining has a Shore D hardness of 60 and 65 with an NCO index of 1.10 and 1.25. The apparatus includes a main component body including an umbilical comprising hoses for lining and air components and electrical power signal, an impingement block for mixing the liner and controlled by a termination rod. The device may reciprocate forward and reverse in the pipe. The method and apparatus can structurally reinforce the pipe to allow operation at the pipe's original maximum allowable operating pressure.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Method of inspecting and preparing a pipeline

Номер: US20120305031A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A sewer preparation from the main (PFM) device provides for the inspection and preparation of the sewer pipe from the main sewer pipe. The PFM device provides for the insertion of one or more individual and separately controllable tools into the sewer pipe. The tools include a clean out tool and a camera. Each of the tools is controlled separately such that each tool can be inserted and retracted from the lateral as desired. A method includes the steps of inserting and operating separately controllable tools from a single preparation device that provides access to the lateral without a cleanout or other alternate access passage.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Rehabilitation pipe and pipe rehabilitation method employing rehabilitation pipe

Номер: US20130008549A1
Принадлежит: Shonan Plastic Manufacturing Co Ltd

Segments each comprising an internal surface panel and outer wall panels at the peripheral edges of the internal surface panel are linked together in the circumferential direction to constitute a pipe unit. A wire or a band of aramid fibers is attached to the pipe unit, and the pipe units with the wire or the band of aramid fibers attached thereto are linked in succession in the pipe length direction to assemble a rehabilitation pipe inside an existing pipe. The wire or band of aramid fiber has high tensile strength, and can be embedded within a solidified filler that fills the gap between an existing pipe and the rehabilitation pipe, and therefore a high-strength composite pipe can be constructed.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for turning a pipeline repairing tube inside out

Номер: US20130014847A1
Автор: Chun Gi Jang
Принадлежит: Bando Construction Co Ltd

An apparatus for turning a pipeline repairing tube inside out. A pulling apparatus 200 pulls a tube T into an internal space 102 of a main chamber 100 before the tube T is transferred to the outside from the interior of the main chamber by the force of compressed air, thereby turning the tube inside out and smoothly transferring the tube. The pulling apparatus includes a plurality of support rollers 201 supporting the tube T in the internal space so that the tube can be transferred without drooping, a plurality of movable rollers 203 enabling a bracket 202 to move in the vertical direction, a plurality of vertical guide rods 204 supporting the bracket such that the bracket is slidable; and a roller-elevating cylinder 205 for moving the bracket downward such that the tube supported by the support rollers moves downward, and thus is pulled into the main chamber.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Snap fitting for plumbing

Номер: US20130056104A1
Автор: David J. Kriens, Jr.
Принадлежит: Individual

A snap fitting for use in plumbing is provided. The snap fitting includes a main body formed of plastic and shaped to extend partially around a cylindrical pipe to snap over the pipe and an inset for extending from an interior side of the main body into a hole in the cylindrical pipe.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Device and method to split pipe near utilities

Номер: US20130058726A1
Автор: Michael Tjader
Принадлежит: TT Technologies Inc

A splitter system and methods are shown. Examples of splitter systems provide limited possibility of damage to adjacent utilities in the ground. Further, examples of splitter systems relax a shape memory of split pipe, which in turn reduces friction in a splitting operation. Configurations are further shown that provide lubrication to splitting operations in a number of locations along a splitter system. Configurations are also shown that provide electrical isolation to cutting blades.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130061970A1
Принадлежит: Timberline Tool, L.L.C.

A multi-layered patch including a backing layer, an outer layer, polymer adhesive layers that include a polymer foam and a solvent, and a heating layer that includes a polymer substrate, a heating element and a sensor, and methods of making and using the multi-layered patch. 1. A multi-layered patch comprising:a backing layer;a first polymer adhesive layer comprising a polymer foam and a solvent;a heating layer comprising a polymer substrate, a heating element and at least one sensor;a second polymer adhesive layer comprising a polymer foam and a solvent; andan outer layer.2. The multi-layer patch of claim 1 , further comprising a solvent injection port.3. The multi-layer patch of claim 1 , wherein the heating element comprises metal wire claim 1 , metal mesh or wire traces.4. The multi-layer patch of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is attached to the polymer substrate by stitching.5. The multi-layer patch of claim 4 , wherein the heating element is stitched onto the polymer substrate in a pattern comprising at least one pocket area.6. The multi-layer patch of claim 5 , wherein the at least one sensor is in the at least one pocket area.7. The multi-layer patch of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor comprises at least one thermal measuring device.8. The multi-layer patch of claim 1 , wherein the polymer substrate comprises polyethylene.9. The multi-layer patch of claim 1 , wherein the polymer substrate comprises a polymer film claim 1 , a polymer non-woven fabric or a polymer mesh.10. The multi-layer patch of claim 1 , wherein the solvent in the first polymer adhesive layer or the second polymer adhesive layer comprises decalin claim 1 , tetralin claim 1 , tetrachloroethylene claim 1 , tetrachloroethane claim 1 , xylene claim 1 , or combinations thereof.11. The multi-layer patch of claim 1 , wherein the polymer foam of the first polymer adhesive layer or the second polymer adhesive layer is saturated with the solvent.12. The multi-layer patch of claim 1 , ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Coating and Sealing Inside of Piping Systems

Номер: US20130074970A1
Принадлежит: Pipe Restoration Technologies, LLC

Methods and systems for cleaning, coating and sealing leaks in existing pipes, in a single operation. A piping system can be cleaned in one pass by dry particulates forced and pulled by air throughout the piping system by a generator and a vacuum. Pipes can be protected from water corrosion, erosion and electrolysis, extending the life of pipes such as copper, steel, lead, brass, cast iron piping and composite materials. Coatings can be applied to pipes having diameters up to approximately 6″. Leak sealants of at least approximately 4 mils thick can cover insides of pipes, and can include novel mixtures of fillers and epoxy materials, and viscosity levels. A positive pressure can be maintained within the pipes during applications. Piping systems can be returned to service within approximately 96 hours. 1. A system for profiling and cleaning interior surfaces of pipes , comprising:a compressed gas source for drying interior walls of the piping system; anda cleaning source for profiling the interior walls of the dried piping system, wherein streaks, and discolorations caused by stains of mill scale, rust and old coatings remain on no more than approximately 33 percent of surface of the interior walls; anda leak sealant source for coating the profiled interior walls with a coating.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the compressed air source includes:a pressurized air source for air drying the interior walls of the piping system.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the cleaning source:a dry abrasive agent introduced into the piping system by compressed air from a source outside of the piping system; and air flushing the piping system to remove any remaining residuals.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the coating includes:an epoxy material having a viscosity range of approximately 1,200 cps to approximately 60,000 cps when measured at room temperature.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the coating source includes:the generator for generating air with the coating into the ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130094911A1
Автор: Tjader Michael
Принадлежит: TT Technologies, Inc.

Pipe splitting apparatuses and systems including a replaceable blade, and methods therefor, are provided. In various examples, a pipe splitting apparatus includes an outer surface including a recess. A blade including a portion is disposed within the recess. A hardenable material is disposed within the recess. The hardenable material is configured to flow upon application to fill empty space within the recess and at least partially around the portion of the blade disposed within the recess. The hardenable material is further configured to harden after application to secure the portion of the blade within the recess and fix the blade to the pipe splitting apparatus. 1. A pipe splitting apparatus comprising:an outer surface including a recess;a blade including a portion disposed and secured within the recess;an elongate passage extending through the outer surface to a portion of the recess, the passage configured to allow access to the blade, when disposed within the recess, to push the blade out of the recess.2. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 1 , comprising a hardenable material disposed within the recess and at least partially around the portion of the blade disposed within the recess claim 1 , the hardenable material configured to flow upon application claim 1 , wherein the hardenable material is configured to harden after application to secure the portion of the blade within the recess and fix the blade to the pipe splitting apparatus.3. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the hardenable material includes an adhesive.4. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the hardenable material includes an epoxy.525. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the hardenable material includes solder.6. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the recess includes at least one rounded end.7. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the outer surface includes more than one recess claim 1 , each recess being configured to ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112303A1
Автор: JR. Larry W., Kiest

A liner tube is provided for repairing either a single pipe line or a main pipe line having a lateral pipe line connected thereto. The liner tube assembly includes a liner tube impregnated with a liquid material capable of curing and hardening. The liner tube includes a gasket or band positioned about the juncture of the pipe lines. The gasket or bands form a tight seal between the liner tube and the pipe line. 1. A method of repairing a main pipe and a lateral pipe connected thereto and in communication therewith to form a pipe joint , comprising:taking a bladder assembly comprising a main bladder tube and a lateral bladder tube;taking a liner assembly comprising a main liner member and a lateral liner tube in communication with one another at a liner juncture;impregnating the liner assembly with a material capable of curing and hardening;applying a hydrophilic paste to the liner assembly about at least a portion of the liner juncture;expanding the bladder assembly to position the lateral liner tube against the lateral pipe and the main liner member against the main pipe with the hydrophilic paste at least partially disposed between the main liner member and the main pipe; andallowing the material capable of curing and hardening to cure and harden.2. The method of wherein the hydrophilic paste is applied on the main liner member.3. The method of wherein the hydrophilic paste is spaced apart from the liner juncture on the main liner member.4. The method of wherein the hydrophilic paste fully encircles the liner juncture.5. The method of wherein the hydrophilic paste is applied to form a ring or band around the liner juncture.6. The method of wherein the paste is applied at least partially on both the main liner member and the lateral liner tube.7. The method of wherein the main liner member forms a tube.8. The method of further comprising removing the bladder assembly from the main pipe and the lateral pipe.9. The method of wherein the lateral line tube is inverted ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112307A1
Автор: Glejbøl Kristian

The invention relates to a unbonded flexible pipe and a method for manufacturing such pipe. The unbonded flexible pipe has a length and a center axis along its length, and comprises an internal sealing sheath around its center axis, a carcass arranged inside the internal sealing sheath, and at least one armor arranged around the internal sealing sheath. The carcass comprises at least one helically wound elongate carcass reinforcement element providing a plurality of carcass reinforcement element windings along the length of the pipe wherein the carcass reinforcement element windings surround and/or are surrounded by a polymer structure, which polymer structure locks said carcass reinforcement element windings relative to each other. Accordingly the carcass reinforcement element windings need not be directly interlocked with each, but are mainly or totally locked to each other by the polymer structure. 148-. (canceled)49. An unbonded flexible pipe having a length and a center axis along said length , the unbonded flexible pipe comprising an internal sealing sheath around said center axis , a carcass arranged inside said internal sealing sheath , and at least one armor arranged around the internal sealing sheath , said carcass comprises at least one helically wound elongate carcass reinforcement element providing a plurality of not directly interlocked carcass reinforcement element windings along the length of said unbonded flexible pipe wherein said carcass reinforcement element windings surrounds and/or are surrounded by a polymer structure , which polymer structure locks said carcass reinforcement element windings relative to each other.50. The unbonded flexible pipe as claimed in claim 49 , wherein said plurality of carcass reinforcement element windings do not overlap.51. The unbonded flexible pipe as claimed in claim 49 , wherein said plurality of carcass reinforcement element windings partly overlaps neighboring windings but without any mutual interlocking.52. ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126028A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd.

The present invention relates to a mobile pipe lining apparatus for installing strip lining material into a host pipe. The apparatus comprises a lining machine for receiving a feed of strip lining material and placing it in a host pipe to form a new pipe lining, a carriage attached to the lining machine such that the full weight of the lining machine is borne by the carriage, and adjusting means for adjusting a position of the lining machine relative to the carriage. 1. A mobile pipe lining apparatus for installing strip lining material into a host pipe , comprising:a lining machine for receiving a feed of strip lining material and placing it in a host pipe to form a new pipe lining;a carriage attached to the lining machine such that at least a portion of the weight of the lining machine is borne by the carriage; andadjusting means for adjusting a position of the lining machine relative to the carriage.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the adjusting means adjust a lean angle of the lining machine relative to the carriage.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the adjusting means adjust a turn angle of the lining machine relative to the carriage.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the adjusting means adjust a height of the lining machine relative to the carriage.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the carriage further comprises a weight holder for holding weighted objects to counterbalance the weight of the lining machine.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the carriage further comprises a weight distributor for distributing the weight of the forming frame and the weighted objects over a defined surface area sufficient to prevent damage to the new pipe lining.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the weight distributor comprises a set of wheels.8. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the weight distributor is configured as a pivot point on which the weight of the lining machine and the weight of the weighted objects are counterbalanced.9. The apparatus of ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126030A1
Автор: Green Kenneth H.
Принадлежит: Timberline Tool, L.L.C.

A system for repairing a pipe including a tool, a programmable logic controller and a patch. The tool includes a clamp base having an opening, a first jaw coupled to the clamp base with a first linkage, a second jaw coupled to the clamp base with a second linkage, an operating mechanism carried by the clamp base and operably coupled to the first and second jaws via one or more adjusting links and a junction box carried by the clamp base and operably connected to the controller, wherein the one or more adjusting links are coupled at a first end to either or both of the first and second jaws and at a second end to the operating mechanism, and wherein the first and second jaws are adapted to move, under force of the adjusting links. Methods of repairing pipes are disclosed. 1. A tool comprising:a clamp base having an opening;a first jaw coupled to the clamp base with a first linkage, the first jaw comprising a first generally semi-cylindrical portion having a first curvilinear support surface, the first curvilinear support surface extending between a top end and a bottom end and shaped to complement a selected generally tubular workpiece;a second jaw coupled to the clamp base with a second linkage, the second jaw comprising a second generally semi-cylindrical portion having a second curvilinear support surface, the second curvilinear support surface extending between a top end and a bottom end and shaped to complement a selected generally tubular workpiece;an operating mechanism carried by the clamp base and operably coupled to the first and second jaws via one or more adjusting links;a programmable logic controller; anda junction box carried by the clamp base and operably connected to the controller;wherein the one or more adjusting links are coupled at a first end to either or both of the first and second jaws and at a second end to the operating mechanism; andwherein the first and second jaws are adapted to move, under force of the adjusting links, within the ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133770A1

An induction heating device for heating the surface of a pipe or pipeline comprises an induction heating head () having a main body () and a handle portion () extending therefrom. The main body is configured to be removably secured to the surface of the pipe or pipeline and includes a first magnet () disposed in a first end () and a second magnet () disposed in a second end (). The main body further includes an induction heating portion () disposed in a central portion () of the main body between the first and second magnets (). The handle portion includes a grip area extended from the main body. 1. An induction heating device for heating the surface of a pipe or pipeline , comprising:an induction heating head having a main body and a handle portion extending therefrom, the main body configured to be removably secured to the surface of the pipe or pipeline and including a first magnet disposed in a first end and a second magnet disposed in a second end, wherein the main body further includes an induction heating portion disposed in a central portion of the main body between the first and second magnets, and wherein the handle portion includes a grip area extended from the main body.2. The induction heating device of claim 1 , further comprising:a power supply electrically coupled to the induction heating head to provide current to the induction heating portion.3. The induction heating device of claim 1 , further comprising:a temperature sensor disposed in at least one of the main body and handle to provide a temperature of a pipe surface proximate to the induction heating device.4. The induction heating device of claim 1 , further comprising:a pad disposed on an underside of the central portion of the main body.5. The induction heating device of claim 1 , further comprising:a switch disposed on the grip area to allow a user to turn the induction heating device on or off.6. The induction heating device of claim 1 , further comprising:a visual indicator disposed on at ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Pipe Compression Clamp

Номер: US20130186502A1
Принадлежит: Carl Brooks, Larry Mehlenbacher

Disclosed herein is a high compression pipe clamp which in one embodiment has a hollow rigid inner housing and a hollow rigid outer housing. The hollow rigid inner housing may have a first end, an outer diameter, and a first strap bracket. The hollow rigid outer housing may have a first end, and inner diameter and a second strap bracket wherein the inner diameter of the outer housing is larger than the outer diameter of the inner housing to fit thereover. A threaded rod is also disclosed, the threaded rod passing through the inner housing and outer housing and a threaded nut engaging the threads on the threaded rod.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Steam Generator Heating Tube Repair Device and Repair Method

Номер: US20130199462A1

A steam generator heating tube repair sleeve has an encircling flange, conical region, and a straight region. The encircling flange merges into a conical region that tapers on the outside in the direction of the other sleeve end and which is adjoined to the straight region. A steam generator heating tube repair method is used to repair a steam generator heating tube that is installed in a steam generator having a defective tube end. The method includes conical milling out of the defective tube end, inserting a steam generator heating tube repair sleeve into the conically milled-out defective tube end, rolling in the steam generator heating tube repair sleeve, and welding the flange region. 1. A steam generator heating tube repair sleeve , comprising:a conical region having two ends and being tapered on an outside of said conical region toward a first of said two ends, said conical region having a wall thickness;an encircling flange merging into said conical region, said encircling flange being disposed on a second of said two ends of said conical region;a straight region being adjoined to said first of said two ends of said conical region, said straight region having a wall thickness;said wall thickness of said conical region being greater than said wall thickness of said straight region.2. The steam generator heating tube repair sleeve according to claim 1 , wherein:said second of two ends has an inside diameter; anda length of said conical region corresponds to at least one and a half times said inside diameter.3. The steam generator heating tube repair sleeve according to claim 1 , wherein said thickness of said conical region is reduced towards said straight region.4. The steam generator heating tube repair sleeve according to claim 1 , further comprising a thin rough layer being formed on at least a partial area of an outer surface.5. The steam generator heating tube repair sleeve according to claim 4 , wherein said thin rough layer is formed on at least a ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199652A1
Автор: JR. Larry W., Kiest

A liner tube is provided for repairing either a single pipe line or a main pipe line having a lateral pipe line connected thereto. The liner tube assembly includes a liner tube impregnated with a liquid material capable of curing and hardening. The liner tube includes a gasket or band positioned about the juncture of the pipe lines. The gasket or bands form a tight seal between the liner tube and the pipe line. 1. A liner assembly for repairing an existing sewer pipe comprising:a body portion comprising a resin impregnatable material for extending into a lateral portion of asewer pipe;a flange assembly supported by the body portion, the flange assembly including a collar portionextending into a main portion of a sewer pipe; anda seal attached to the collar portion of the flange assembly for sealing against an inner surface ofthe main portion of the sewer pipe, wherein the seal comprises a hydrophilic gasket.2. The assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the collar portion comprising a resin impregnatable material attached to the body portion.3. A method of lining a sewer pipe comprising:positioning a liner assembly within a sewer pipe, wherein the liner assembly includes a bodyportion of resin absorbable material and a flange assembly attached to the body portion, the flange assembly including a collar portion for extending around an opening of a lateral portion of the sewer pipe at a junction between the lateral sewer pipe and a main sewer pipe and a hydrophilic gasket secured to the collar portion;aligning the collar portion with the opening to the lateral portion of the sewer pipe;applying a fluid pressure within the body portion to extend the lateral portion within the lateralportion of the sewer pipe, and holding the body portion against an inner surface of the lateral portion until resin absorbed within the body portion cures; andapplying a fluid pressure against the collar portion to force the hydrophilic gasket against aninner surface of the main sewer pipe ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213513A1
Автор: JR. Larry W., Kiest

A liner tube is provided for repairing either a single pipe line or a main pipe line having a lateral pipe line connected thereto. The liner tube assembly includes a liner tube impregnated with a liquid material capable of curing and hardening. The liner tube includes a gasket or band positioned about the juncture of the pipe lines. The gasket or bands form a tight seal between the liner tube and the pipe line. 1. An apparatus for repairing a main pipe and a lateral pipe connected thereto and in communication therewith to form a pipe joint , comprising:a bladder assembly comprising a main bladder tube and a lateral bladder tube extending from the main bladder tube;a liner assembly comprising a main liner member at least partially surrounding the main bladder tube and a lateral liner tube extending from the main liner member;the lateral liner tube and lateral bladder tube extendable to a position within the lateral pipe with the lateral liner tube between the lateral pipe and the lateral bladder tube; anda gasket formed from a hydrophilic material, the gasket positioned on the main liner member and at least partially surrounding a liner juncture between the main liner member and the lateral liner tube.2. The apparatus of wherein the gasket includes a tubular portion having a first end and a second end and a flange portion extending outwardly from one of the first and second ends of the tubular portion.3. The apparatus of wherein the tubular portion is positioned around the lateral liner tube and the flange portion is positioned on main liner member.4. The apparatus of wherein the flange portion of the gasket is attached to the main liner member lateral liner tube.5. The apparatus of wherein the main liner member is formed as a tube.6. The apparatus of further comprising a launcher claim 1 , the main bladder tube at least partially surrounding the launcher device.7. The apparatus of wherein the main bladder tube is configured to expand under fluid pressure to press ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for holding and releasing a cable in a pipe splitter

Номер: US20130219670A1
Автор: Michael Tjader
Принадлежит: TT Technologies Inc

A cable retention and release mechanism includes a cable gripping device including a cable passage. A cable extends through the cable passage. A cable gripping device collar is movably coupled around the cable gripping device. An outer cable gripping device surface is seated against a cable gripping device receiving inner surface preventing movement of the cable gripping device relative to the cable gripping device collar. The cable gripping device receiving inner surface clamps the cable gripping device on the cable and prevents sliding movement of the cable. A jack is movably coupled with the cable gripping device collar. In a first engaged position the jack is engaged against the cable gripping device proximal end. In a second engaged position the jack unseats the outer cable gripping device surface from the cable gripping device receiving inner surface and releases the clamping of the cable.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233402A1
Автор: Lawrence James L.
Принадлежит: Emco Wheaton Retail Corporation

An apparatus for repairing an existing spill containment manhole operably associated with an underground fuel storage tank. The apparatus includes a containment vessel for containing fuel spilled during filling of the underground fuel storage tank. A major portion of the containment vessel is adapted to be inserted into an existing spill containment manhole. Preferably, the containment vessel includes an upper annular flange that extends over and surrounds a portion of an existing cover rim of an existing spill containment manhole thereby isolating an upper portion of the containment vessel from an upper portion on the existing spill containment manhole when the containment vessel is installed. Optionally, a replacement cover is provided to replace an existing cover of the existing spill containment manhole. The replacement cover may include at least one sealing member that engages the inner surface of the at least one wall of the containment vessel when installed. 1. A kit for repairing an existing spill containment manhole operably associated with an underground fuel storage tank , said kit comprising:(a) a containment vessel for containing fuel spilled during filling of the underground fuel storage tank, a major portion of said containment vessel being adapted to be inserted into an existing spill containment manhole, said containment vessel including at least one wall that surrounds an existing pipe section operably associated with the underground fuel storage tank when said containment vessel is installed, said at least one wall having an inner surface and an outer surface; and,(b) a replacement cover to replace an existing cover of the existing spill containment manhole, said replacement cover having at least one sealing member that engages said inner surface of said at least one wall of said containment vessel when installed.2. A kit as set forth in claim 1 , wherein:(a) said replacement cover includes a first portion and a second portion, said second portion ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263957A1

A segment for a rehabilitation pipe comprises an inner surface plate constituting an inner circumferential surface, and side plates and end plates provided upright on a peripheral edge of the inner surface plate. The plates are formed integrally from a plastic material and the segments are linked in a circumferential direction and in a pipe-length direction to install a segmental rehabilitation pipe inside an existing pipe. Each side plate is provided in the vicinity of the end plate with an opening used for a linking operation of the segments in the circumferential direction. It is possible to insert a linking member through the opening and readily link the segments in the circumferential direction. The opening formed in the side plate enables filler material injected into the space between the existing pipe and the segmental rehabilitation pipe to flow in or out through the opening. 1. A segment for a rehabilitation pipe comprising an inner surface plate constituting an inner circumferential surface , and side plates and end plates provided upright on a peripheral edge of the inner surface plate , wherein the inner surface plate , the side plates , and the end plates are formed integrally from a plastic material and the segments are linked in a circumferential direction and in a pipe-length direction to install a segmental rehabilitation pipe inside an existing pipe;wherein each of the side plates is provided at an end in the vicinity of the end plate with an opening used for a linking operation of the segments in the circumferential direction.2. A segment for a rehabilitation pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the opening is provided to each of both ends of the side plate.3. A segment for a rehabilitation pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the opening is formed so that a filler material injected into a space between the existing pipe and the rehabilitation pipe flows in or out through the opening.4. A pipe rehabilitation method for installing a rehabilitation ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and arrangement for treatment of liner sleeve

Номер: US20130299068A1
Автор: Mika Lokkinen
Принадлежит: PICOTE OY LTD

A method for preparing a resizing sleeve for lining a joining point in a pipe assembly having pipes of thicker and thinner diameter. The method includes stretching the resizing sleeve in diameter to the size of the thicker pipe in diameter of the pipe assembly, installing an installation hat according to the thicker pipe in diameter of the pipe assembly by airtightly gluing it onto the stretched resizing sleeve, and returning the resizing sleeve to the size of the thinner pipe in diameter of the pipe assembly to be lined. A suitable tool for implementing the method is also disclosed.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Spring Lock Culvert Pipe Liner

Номер: US20130302095A1
Автор: Wadleigh Robert

Devices, apparatus, systems and methods for forming rolled up spiral shaped tubular inserts of interlocking seams of elongated strip material and for inserting the inserts into damaged channels such as culverts, sewer lines, pipes, and the like. The inserts are released to expand outward and unravel until the walls of the unraveling insert abut against interior walls of the damaged channel forming a protective interior wall for the damaged channel. One side of the insert strips can have a hook, and an opposite side of the strips can have a longitudinal groove wherein the hook attaches to and slides within the groove. Slidable surfaces such as bushings, Teflon coatings and O-rings can be used along the interlocking seams to allow for reduced friction as the strip materials are rolled into contracted positions and later expanded out. 1. An insert for a channel comprising:a semi-rigid elongated strip in a spiral wrapped tube configuration having an upper face surface and a lower face surface with a first longitudinal side and a second longitudinal side;a seam having an H shape with a first pair of spaced apart parallel protruding arms, which are perpendicular to and extend sideways from a wall, and a second pair of spaced apart parallel protruding arms which are perpendicular to and extend sideways from the wall facing opposite to the first pair of arms, the second pair of parallel protruding arms being fixably attached to the first longitudinal side of the elongated strip,the first pair of parallel protruding arms extending sideways away from the first longitudinal side of the elongated strip, the first pair of parallel arms having first protruding hook with an end attached to one of the protruding arms and a free end extending toward another of the protruding arms; anda longitudinal groove running through at least one of the upper face and the lower face adjacent to the second longitudinal side of the rectangular strip, where the second longitudinal side is ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Repair-pipe/designed-pipe measuring system

Номер: US20130305550A1
Автор: Kenji Nohmi
Принадлежит: Plus One Techno Co Ltd

Provided is a repair-pipeldesig led-pipe measuring system for measuring the flange faces of a pair of flanges at both ends of a repair pipe or a designed pipe and obtaining spatial position data of the flange faces, the repair pipe being brought in a factory and repaired when a defect such as leakage occurs in a pipe used for carrying a liquid or a gas in ships, plants, and other places in order that the defective portion is reworked, and the designed pipe being made on the basis of a design in order that the error between the design and itself is checked. An object ( 2 ) to be measured such as a pipe or the like is set between a reference stage to which a position measuring device ( 3 ) previously invented by the present inventor for the purpose of another use is attached and a related stage which is processed to have an accurate positional relationship with respect to the reference stage and to which the position measuring device is attachable. The object to be measured is measured from both the reference stage side and the related stage side by using the position measuring devices, which the position measuring devices may be moved by connecting the reference stage with the related stage by a sliding mechanism. This accurately checks the positional relationship of the flanges at both ends of a pipe or the like.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130330130A1
Автор: GOSS Chris

Pusher apparatus and a method of using the apparatus inserts a flexible liner into an in-situ pipe. At least a pair of contra-rotating resilient drive assemblies, having a nip therebetween, drive the liner into the pipe. A guide tube can extend between the drive assemblies and the pipe. A pull head can be affixed to a leading end of the liner and adapted for sealing within a bore of the pipe and pressured fluid can be applied to pull a leading end of the liner into the pipe while the pusher pushes. The contra-rotating resilient drive assemblies can be one or more pair of opposing wheels or opposing tracks. Track assemblies can be mounted to a frame which is movable on rails and restrained with a load cell for measuring reactive forces while pushing. The rails can be angled for aligning the nip with the pipe. 1. Apparatus for inserting a flexible liner into the bore of an existing in-situ pipe , the apparatus comprising:a drive for pushing a flexible liner in the bore of the in-situ pipe, the drive having at least a first pair of contra-rotating resilient liner-engaging drive members having a nip formed therebetween through which the flexible liner is frictionally driven;a drive motor connected to drive at least one of the first pair of contra-rotating drive members;a guide tube extending between the drive and the bore of the in-situ pipe, and sealed thereto, for guiding the liner into the bore of the in-situ pipe;a pull head, which is sealable to the in-situ pipe, and secured to a leading end of the flexible liner;a liner seal for sealing about the flexible liner in the guide tube; anda fluid port for introduction of fluid intermediate the pull head and the liner seal for hydraulically urging the pull head along the in-situ pipe and pulling the flexible pipe therewith while the drive members push the flexible pipe.2. The apparatus of further comprising a pull-head launcher along the guide tube and between the liner seal and in-situ pipe.3. The apparatus of wherein ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Winch boom and method for trenchless replacement

Номер: US20140037386A1
Автор: Michael Tjader
Принадлежит: TT Technologies Inc

A pipe replacement system and method are shown. Configurations are shown that include a pulley that does not damage a bursting tool, as the bursting tool is pulled into a pit. Configurations are also shown that include a boom that does not need an extraction cage for the bursting tool.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140044426A1
Принадлежит: PER AARSLEFF A/S

A system for curing a pipeline liner that includes a resin curable by exposure to radiation includes first and second liner curing apparatuses, each of which includes a housing defining opposite first and second ends, and outer and inner walls defining a passage between the first and second ends; a plurality of LED's on the outer wall and operable to irradiate the radiation; and a plurality of heat dissipating elements on the inner wall. The LED's are connected in thermally-conductive relationship to the heat dissipating elements, whereby heat is dissipated from the heat dissipating elements to cool the LED's when a stream of cooling fluid passes through the passage. In use, the apparatuses, joined end-to-end, are moved within the liner while irradiating radiation from the LED's onto the liner, and the velocity of the apparatuses moving through the liner is adjusted to cause a complete curing of the resin. 1. A system for curing a liner of a pipeline , the liner including a resin that is curable by exposure to electromagnetic radiation of a specific wavelength or in a specific wavelength range , the system comprising: a housing defining opposite first and second ends, the housing comprising an outer wall and an inner wall defining a passage extending longitudinally through the housing between the first and second ends;', "a plurality of LED's on the outer wall of the housing and operable to irradiate electromagnetic radiation of the specific wavelength or in the specific wavelength range; and", 'a plurality of heat dissipating elements on the inner wall of the housing and exposed to the passage;', "wherein the LED's are connected in thermally-conductive relationship to the heat dissipating elements, whereby heat is dissipated from the heat dissipating elements so as to cool the LED's when a stream of cooling fluid passes through the passage; and"], 'a first liner curing apparatus and a second liner curing apparatus, each of the first liner curing apparatus and the ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140082919A1

A method for assembling a safety hose sleeve system using a crimper die set which includes an upper die comprising an upper curved compressive face, upper recess walls extending contiguous from the upper compressive face at an acute angle to the upper compressive face, each defining a portion of a cavity. Thrust plate slots extend upward from ends of the upper recess walls. A lower die comprises a lower curved compressive face. Lower recess walls extend contiguous from the lower compressive face at an acute angle to the lower compressive face and define another portion of each cavity. Lower thrust plate slots extend downward from an end of the lower recess walls. Thrust plates extend from the lower thrust plate slot into the upper thrust plate slot, across the cavity at an acute angle to each of the recess walls, defining an outer abutment of the cavity. 1. A method comprising:disposing a collar, which is disposed over the end of a safety sleeve that is disposed over a fluid conduit, between curved compressive faces of a pair of spaced apart dies of a die set; andcompressing said collar, with at least one portion of said collar compressed by said curved compressive faces to capture an end of said sleeve between said collar and a an end of said conduit, and at least one other portion of said collar pressed into a cavity defined by said dies coming together to form at least one raised portion in said collar that provides a fluid flow path to allow fluid to exit from an interstitial space defined between said sleeve and said conduit at said end of said sleeve.2. The method of wherein said at least one portion of said collar compressed by said curved compressive faces comprises opposite portions of said collar claim 1 , each capturing an opposite side of said sleeve between said collar and said end of said conduit.3. The method of wherein said least one other portion of said collar pressed into a cavity defined by said dies coming together comprises opposite portions of ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140086689A1
Автор: Tjader Michael
Принадлежит: TT Technologies, Inc.

Pipe splitting apparatuses and systems including a replaceable blade, and methods therefor, are provided. In various examples, a pipe splitting apparatus includes an outer surface including a recess. A blade including a portion is disposed within the recess. A hardenable material is disposed within the recess. The hardenable material is configured to flow upon application to fill empty space within the recess and at least partially around the portion of the blade disposed within the recess. The hardenable material is further configured to harden after application to secure the portion of the blade within the recess and fix the blade to the pipe splitting apparatus. 1. A pipe splitting apparatus comprising:a splitter body, having an outer surface including a recess;a blade including a portion disposed and secured within the recess;a passage extending from a location on substantially an opposite side of the splitter body from the recess, to a bottom surface of the recess, the passage configured to allow access to a bottom surface of the blade, when disposed within the recess, to push the blade out of the recess.2. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the recess includes substantially vertical sidewalls.3. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 1 , further including a hardenable material disposed within the recess and at least partially around the portion of the blade disposed within the recess.4. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the hardenable material includes an adhesive.5. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the hardenable material includes an epoxy.6. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the hardenable material includes solder.7. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pipe splitting apparatus includes at least two opposed blades.8. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each recess includes two corresponding passages.9. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each passage ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Segment for a rehabilitation pipe, and pipe rehabilitation method

Номер: US20140096855A1
Принадлежит: Shonan Plastic Manufacturing Co Ltd

A segment for a rehabilitation pipe comprises an inner surface plate constituting an inner circumferential surface, and side plates and end plates provided upright on a peripheral edge of the inner surface plate. The plates are formed integrally from a plastic material and the segments are linked in a circumferential direction and in a pipe-length direction to install a segmental rehabilitation pipe inside an existing pipe. The end plates are provided with an insertion hole through which a linking member is inserted when the segments are linked in the circumferential direction, and provided separately from the insertion hole with an opening for passing therethrough a filler material injected into a space between the existing pipe and the rehabilitation pipe. The side plates are provided at upper edges thereof with notches for passing therethrough a filler material injected into the space between the existing pipe and the rehabilitation pipe.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Assembly and method for processing a pipe section for a pipeline

Номер: US20200001324A1

The invention provides an assembly for processing a pipe section for a pipeline, in particular for coating said pipe section, said assembly having a longitudinal axis which in use functionally coincides with a rotational axis of said pipe section, said assembly comprising a surface-heating device for heating a surface, said surface-heating device comprising at least one heating module, said heating module comprising at least one infrared (IR) radiation laser device, said surface-heating device arranged for projecting a beam of said at least one infrared (IR) radiation laser device at said longitudinal axis for in use heating a ring-section of a surface of said pipe section. 1. An assembly for processing a pipe section for a pipeline , in particular for coating said pipe section , said assembly having a longitudinal axis which in use functionally coincides with a rotational axis of said pipe section , said assembly comprising a surface-heating device for heating a surface , said surface-heating device comprising at least one heating module , said heating module comprising at least one infrared (IR) radiation laser device , said surface-heating device arranged for projecting a beam of said at least one infrared (IR) radiation laser device at said longitudinal axis for in use heating a ring-section of a surface of said pipe section.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein said heating device comprises a series of said heating modules claim 1 , positioned around said longitudinal axis and functionally forming a ring around said longitudinal axis claim 1 , and with their at least one infrared (IR) radiation laser devices arranged for projecting their beams at said longitudinal axis.3. (canceled)4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein each of said at least one heating module comprises a series of infrared (IR) radiation laser devices claim 1 , directed for projecting their beam at said longitudinal axis.5. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein said heating device comprises a heating ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002969A1

A method and apparatus for lining a host pipe in which a liner is positioned on a carrier tube at a work site. The liner and carrier tube are separately positioned at the work site near a first access point to the host pipe. Ends of the liner and carrier tube are fed through a folding die, and the liner and carrier tube are pulled conjointly through the folding die into the host pipe. As the liner and carrier tube are pulled, the folding die folds the liner to wrap the liner around the carrier tube. In some embodiments, the folding die includes an inner slot for receiving the carrier tube and an outer slot for receiving the liner. The outer slot includes first and second overlapping sections. Portions of the liner received in the overlapping sections are positioned in overlapping engagement as the liner is pulled through the die. 1. A method of lining an interior surface of a host pipe at a work site , the host pipe having a first access point , said method comprising:positioning a pliable liner near the first access point, the liner having a first end, a second end, and a length extending between the first and second ends, the liner further having a first longitudinal edge, a second longitudinal edge, and a width extending between the first and second longitudinal edges;positioning a radially expandable carrier tube near the first access point, the carrier tube having a first end and a second end;positioning a folding die between the first ends of the liner and carrier tube and the first access point, the folding die being configured to receive the liner and carrier tube therethrough and to fold at least the liner for entry of the liner and carrier tube into the host pipe when the liner and carrier tube are pulled through the folding die;feeding an end portion of the carrier tube adjacent the first end thereof through the folding die;feeding an end portion of the liner adjacent the first end thereof through the folding die;pulling the liner and carrier tube ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002970A1

A system for removing structural liners (whether cured-in-place liners or cement-mortar liners) from a dry conduit is disclosed. The system uses a set of cutters of progressively larger diameters, front and rear supports designed for this purpose, and a drive means for driving the system down the conduit where the structural liner is to be removed. 1. An apparatus for removing a liner from a generally cylindrical conduit , comprising:a front support axially displaceable inside a conduit provided with a first guide means engagable with the inner periphery of said conduit;a shaft extending axially from said front support;a rear support axially displaceable inside a conduit supporting said shaft provided with a second guide means engageable with the inner periphery of said conduit;a set of cutters mounted on said shaft for rotation about the axis of said conduit and mounted between said front support and said rear support;drive means for rotating said set of cutters about said axis and pushing said shaft down the conduit where the drive means provides at least 1000 ft lbs of torque; andat least one third support for the shaft located between said driver and said rear support.2. The apparatus of wherein the set of cutters consists of at least two cutters of progressively larger diameter.3. The apparatus of wherein the at least two cutters are circular cutters equipped with carbide tips.4. The apparatus of wherein the at least two cutters include cutouts positioned to allow debris to move axially up behind the at least two cutters.5. The apparatus of where said at least one third supports are slidable in the axial direction of the conduit;6. The apparatus of wherein said shaft comprises a connected series of push rods.7. The apparatus of wherein the rear support includes at least three spring-loaded rollers oriented radially to the axis of the conduit.8. The apparatus of wherein the spring-loaded rollers include wheels oriented axially down the pipe.9. The apparatus of ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003354A1

A device for curing resin in a pipe liner using electromagnetic radiation includes a heat sink and LEDs for generating the radiation mounted on the heat sink. The device conducts heat away from the LEDs through the heat sink. The heat sink is positioned in the flow path of cooling fluid that draws heat away by convection. The heat sink can include elements at the ends of the LEDs that are exposed to the cooling fluid. The device can guide the cooling fluid along a flow path that includes a segment that extends over the LEDs. The device can limit fluid flow through a central cavity of the heat sink. 1. A curing device for curing a material impregnating a pipe liner that is curable by electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range , the curing device comprising:a housing having an axis, a distal end portion and a proximal end portion spaced apart along the axis, and a side wall extending along and about the axis between the distal and proximal end portions and defining an interior chamber disposed between the distal and proximal end portions, the side wall being at least partially transparent to electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range, the housing defining a cooling fluid inlet and a cooling fluid outlet that are each configured to provide fluid communication between the interior chamber and a location external to the housing;at least one light emitting diode (LED) configured for transmittingelectromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range and supported in the interior chamber of the housing for transmitting the electromagnetic radiation through the side wall to the liner; anda heat sink comprising thermally conductive material disposed in the interior chamber of the housing, the heat sink being positioned within the interior chamber so that the heat sink and the housing define a fluid flow path that extends from the cooling fluid inlet to the cooling fluid outlet and includes at least a segment that is located between the heat sink and the housing, the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008857A1
Принадлежит: Mac & Mac Hydrodemolition Inc.

Material lining the inside surface of a section of pipe is removed by a hydrodemolition nozzle assembly mounted on a working end of an elongated boom. The opposed end of the boom is supported outside the pipe on a movable support for inserting and retracting the boom from the inside of the pipe. The nozzles remove the liner while the working end of the boom is supported by a wheel resting on the liner that has not yet been removed and that rolls along the inside liner as the pipe is made to revolve around the boom. The nozzles are oriented to eject the liner and water downstream and away from the boom. 1. A method for removing an inside liner from a pipe by hydrodemolition using high pressure water , said pipe having a proximal end and a distal end , comprising:mounting said pipe on a support structure for rotation of the pipe about its longitudinal axis;providing an elongated boom having at least one high pressure water nozzle at a first end of the boom, the boom and nozzle being insertable into said pipe;inserting said first end of the boom into said pipe and supporting an opposite end of the boom outside said pipe such that said boom is aligned axially with the longitudinal axis of the pipe;supporting the first end of the boom on the liner inside the pipe on at least one roller having an axis of rotation parallel to the longitudinal axis of the pipe; revolving the pipe about its longitudinal axis on its support structure;', 'producing a high pressure water spray from the nozzle in a substantially fixed direction in relation to said boom to disintegrate the liner by hydrodemolition;', 'retracting said boom from said pipe as said roller rolls circumferentially about the inside of said revolving pipe;', 'using a rate of rotation of the pipe in relation to the speed of retraction of the boom to ensure substantially full removal of the liner as the pipe revolves while also enabling the roller to travel along the circumference of the pipe without substantial ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Tool for intervention on the wall of a fluid pipe, with motorized rollers

Номер: US20220026009A1
Принадлежит: GRTgaz SA

A tool for intervention on the wall of a fluid pipe, comprising a duct segment through which the fluid is intended to flow when the tool is in the pipe, and at least first and second modules for creating seals between the wall of the pipe and the duct segment, to isolate the fluid circulating in an outer part of a section of the pipe, between the first and second seal creation modules. The tool includes motorized rollers for moving the tool in the pipe and a module for determining the location of the tool in the pipe.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010779A1
Автор: Warren Daniel

A method for installing a liner in a large diameter pipeline. In accordance with the method, the interior surface of the pipeline to be repaired is prepared by removing excess debris and dirt. A repair composite is brought into the tunnel or pipeline in a dry state. Once the dry repair composite is laid out in the structure to be repaired the repair composite is folded out and saturated and wetted out with high pressure spray guns. The spray guns are employed within the structure and an appropriate resin material is applied as required to wet out the fiber material. A calibration bladder is inflated and holds the repair composite in place against the pipeline walls until the epoxy resin is fully cured. Once the process is complete, the bladder tube is retrieved out of the system leaving the repair composite as a stand-alone system. 1. A method for installing a liner in an underground pipeline , having an interior surface , comprising the steps of:placing a repair composite, in a dry, collapsed state into the pipeline;wetting out said repair composite within said pipeline with a resin;introducing pressurized fluid into a calibration hose positioned within said repair composite;pressing the repair composite against the interior surface of the pipeline so that the repair composite bonds to the interior surface of the pipeline; andremoving the calibration hose from the repair composite.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the repair composite is a circular tube formed from a woven fiber.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the repair composite is a circular tube formed from a biaxial weave of a fiber selected from the group consisting of: carbon fiber claim 1 , S glass claim 1 , E glass claim 1 , Kevlar and combinations thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said repair composite is wetted out by spray applying said resin to said repair composite within said pipeline.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the resin is a slow cure claim 4 , NSF epoxy.6. The method of claim 1 ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Lining a Pipe

Номер: US20160010781A1
Принадлежит: LMK Technologies LLC

The method for rehabilitating a damaged section of a pipe without a need for a resin absorbent liner is provided. The method includes pumping a low viscosity material towards a damaged section of pipe and changing the viscosity prior to dispensing of the material. For example, the material may be partially cured prior to dispensing. The partially cured or higher viscosity material is compressed between an inflating bladder and interior wall of the pipe, and the material that is allowed to fully cure. The bladder either can then be removed from the pipe or could be allowed to

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010782A1
Автор: Skinner Stephen J.

A clamp for repair of a pipe coupling, includes a clamp unit including a side wall with an inner surface, the inner surface having a curvature dimensioned to match an outer curvature of a pipe coupling to be repaired. A coupling on the clamp unit is constructed and arranged to couple a first portion of the clamp unit with a second portion of the clamp unit. The coupling, when secured, operates to induce a radially inward force on the inner surface of the clamp unit. A window is formed as an opening in the side wall of the clamp unit. The window is dimensioned to expose a flange of a pipe coupling to be repaired. 1. A clamp for repairing a pipe coupling between a first pipe section and a second pipe [ a first flange; and', 'a first flange hole extending through the first flange;, 'a first end, the first end comprising, a second flange; and', 'a second flange hole extending through the second flange;, 'a second end, the second end comprising;'}, 'a first body portion extending between the first end and the second end; and', 'a first window in the first body portion for exposing a first flange of the pipe coupling;', 'a second clamp unit removably coupled to the first clamp unit, the second clamp unit comprising:', a third flange; and', 'a third flange hole extending through the third flange, and aligned with the first flange hole of the first clamp unit;, 'a first end, the first end comprising, a fourth flange; and', 'a fourth flange hole extending through the fourth flange, and aligned with the second flange hole of the first clamp unit;, 'a second end, the second end comprising;'}, 'a second body portion extending between the first end and the second end; and', 'a second window in the second body portion for exposing a second flange of the pipe coupling; and', 'a coupling constructed and arranged to extend through at least one of the aligned first and third flange holes or the aligned second and fourth flange holes., 'a first clamp unit, the first clamp unit ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010785A1

In a method of reinforcing a pipe, a water penetration resistant layer and strengthening layer of fibrous material are impregnated with a curable polymer, positioned in a lining position near the pipe, and cured to form a water penetration resistant liner and a strengthening liner. The two layers can be impregnated and positioned separately or at once, for example, as a composite liner. Together, the liners provide a waterproof barrier and structural reinforcement to the resulting pipe. In a method of waterproofing a reinforced pipe, a water penetration resistant layer is impregnated with curable polymer, positioned over a previously installed reinforcing liner, and cured to form a waterproof barrier inhibiting ground water egress into the pipe. In certain embodiments of the methods, the water penetration resistant layer includes fibers woven in one of a satin weave and a twill weave. 1. A method of reinforcing a pipe having a pipe wall comprising:impregnating a water penetration resistant layer of fiber laden fabric comprising fibers woven in a weave that is resistant to water penetration, and a strengthening layer of fiber laden material comprising strengthening fibers;positioning the water penetration resistant layer and the strengthening layer in relation to the pipe to substantially cover one of an inner surface and an outer surface of at least a portion of the pipe wall;curing the curable polymer in the water penetration resistant layer and the strengthening layer while the water penetration resistant layer and strengthening layer are positioned in relation to the pipe substantially covering one of the inner and outer surfaces of said portion of the pipe wall to form a strengthening liner of fiber reinforced polymer and a water penetration resistant liner adjacent said portion of the pipe wall, wherein the strengthening liner and the water penetration resistant liner are configured in combination to enhance the strength of said portion of the pipe wall and to ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Pipe Compression Clamp

Номер: US20150013816A1

Disclosed herein is a high compression pipe clamp which in one embodiment has an inner housing and an outer housing. The hollow rigid inner housing may have a first end, an outer diameter, and a first strap bracket. The hollow rigid outer housing may have a first end, and inner diameter and a second strap bracket wherein the inner diameter of the outer housing is larger than the outer diameter of the inner housing to fit thereover. A tensioning device such as for example threaded rod is also disclosed, the threaded rod passing through the inner housing and outer housing and a threaded nut engaging the threads on the threaded rod. 1. A high compression pipe clamp comprising:a. an inner housing having a first end, an outer diameter, and a first strap bracket at a first end of the inner housing;b. an outer housing having a first end, an inner diameter and a second strap bracket attached to the outer housing wherein the inner diameter of the outer housing is larger than the outer diameter of the inner housing and is positioned thereover;c. a tensioning device connecting the inner housing and outer housing;d. a strap having a first end attached to the first strap bracket and a second end attached to the second strap bracket;e. a strap length adjustment system allowing for adjustment of the effective length of the strap between the first end and the second end; andf. wherein actuation of the tensioning device repositions the first strap bracket towards the second strap bracket and reduces the effective inner diameter of the strap and housing combination.2. The pipe clamp as recited in wherein the strap is removably coupled to one or both of the first strap bracket or second strap bracket.3. The pipe clamp as recited in wherein the strap comprises a first strap portion and a separate second strap portion adjustably coupled to the first strap portion.4. The pipe clamp as recited in wherein the hollow rigid inner housing and the hollow rigid outer housing are rectangular in ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Multilayered Film

Номер: US20170016567A1

A multilayered film is provided, especially in form of a tubular film for use as preliner in trenchless sewage pipe renovation that uses the pipe lining process. The multilayered film has at least one layer (a), which contains at least a homo- or co-polyamide with a proportional weight expressed in percent of more than 25% by weight, preferably as external layer, as well as by at least one layer (b) containing at least one thermoplastic, if need be modified, olefin homo- or copolymer and/or by at least one layer (c) containing at least one thermoplastic elastomer (TPE). Various uses of the multilayered film according to the invention are suggested as well. 1. An insertion tube for trenchless sewer pipe renovation using a pipe lining process , said insertion tube comprising:an inner tube film in the form of a multilayer tubular film,an external tubular film, anda carrier material between the inner tube film and the external tubular film, the carrier material impregnated with a reactive plastic resin that forms a renovated inner sewer pipe after curing; and at least one layer (a) comprising at least a homo- or copolyamide having a proportional weight expressed in percent of more than 25% by weight; and', 'a layer (c) containing at least one thermoplastic elastomer (TPE)., 'wherein the inner tube film comprises2. The insertion tube according to claim 1 , wherein the layer (a) contains more than 75% by weight of thermoplastic homo- or copolyamides.3. The insertion tube according to claim 1 , wherein the layer (a) contains up to 100% by weight of thermoplastic homo- or copolyamides.4. The insertion tube according to claim 1 , wherein the inner tube film comprises a further layer (b) that contains a thermoplastic olefin homo- or copolymer.5. The insertion tube according to claim 4 , wherein the layer (b) contains more than 20% by weight of the thermoplastic olefin homo- or copolymer.6. The insertion tube according to claim 4 , wherein the layer (b) contains up to 100% by ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Method for rehabilitating a pipe

Номер: US20170016568A1
Принадлежит: Shonan Plastic Manufacturing Co Ltd

Segments are linked in the circumferential direction to assemble a pipe unit, which is linked to another pipe unit in the pipe-length direction to assemble a rehabilitation pipe inside an existing pipe. Before the pipe unit is assembled or after the pipe unit has been assembled, a spacer is attached to the segment using a spacer holder to prevent the spacer from falling down from the segment. The pipe unit having the spacer attached to the segment is linked to the pipe units that have already been linked. The rehabilitation pipe is positioned relative to the existing pipe using the spacer that is attached to the segment. A filler is injected between the positioned rehabilitation pipe and the existing pipe.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018043A1

Systems and methods for the repair and maintenance of pipelines are disclosed. An example embodiment includes a pipeline maintenance apparatus comprising: a skid for insertion into a pipe, the skid being fabricated from a low-friction material, the skid being configured with sloped or angled ends; a plumber's snake being removably connected to a rear or trailing end of the skid; and a camera being removably encased in the forward end of the skid. 1. A pipeline maintenance apparatus comprising:a skid for insertion into a pipe, the skid being fabricated from a low-friction material, the skid being configured with sloped or angled ends;a plumber's snake being removably connected to a rear or trailing end of the skid; anda camera being removably encased in the forward end of the skid.2. The pipeline maintenance apparatus of wherein the low-friction material is polyethylene.3. The pipeline maintenance apparatus of further including light openings positioned at the forward end of the body.4. The pipeline maintenance apparatus of wherein the skid is fabricated with a dimension of the skid at the middle being larger than dimensions of the skid at the ends of the skid.5. The pipeline maintenance apparatus of wherein the pipeline maintenance apparatus being pushable or pullable through a pipe using the plumber's snake.6. The pipeline maintenance apparatus of wherein the pipeline maintenance apparatus being pushable or pullable through a pipe of a dimension in the range of two inches to three feet.7. The pipeline maintenance apparatus of wherein the pipeline maintenance apparatus being pushable or pullable through a hollow passageway of a type from the group consisting of: a pipe claim 1 , a pipeline claim 1 , a vent claim 1 , a duct claim 1 , a conduit claim 1 , a tubular hollow passageway claim 1 , and a rectangular hollow passageway.8. The pipeline maintenance apparatus of wherein the pipeline maintenance apparatus being pushable or pullable through a hollow passageway ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102576A1
Автор: JR. Larry W., Kiest

A method and means for repairing the junction of a main and lateral pipe are provided. A repair assembly includes a launcher device, a bladder assembly surrounding the launcher device, and a liner assembly surrounding the bladder assembly. The bladder assembly is frangibly connected to the launcher device to maintain the position of the bladder assembly relative to the launcher device during transport and positioning of the assembly. Likewise, the liner assembly, which includes main and lateral liner members, is frangibly connected to the bladder assembly. The frangible connections allow the position of the repair assembly to be maintained. The frangible connections can be broken, such as by inflation and/or tearing or pulling apart of the components of the repair assembly. Thus, the invention provides a way to mitigate the movement of components of the repair assembly during transport and positioning of the repair assembly. 1. A repair assembly for repairing the junction of a main and lateral pipe , comprising:a launcher device;a bladder assembly at least partially surrounding the launcher device and comprising a main bladder tube and a lateral bladder tube extending from a main bladder tube opening;a liner assembly comprising a main liner member at least partially surrounding the main bladder tube and a lateral liner tube extending from a main liner member opening to form a liner juncture;wherein the bladder assembly is frangibly connected to the launcher device and the liner assembly is frangibly connected to the bladder assembly to aid in maintaining the position of the bladder and liner assemblies during transport and inflation.2. The repair assembly of further comprising a gasket positioned at the juncture of the main and lateral liners.3. The repair assembly of wherein the gasket is frangibly connected to the liner assembly.4. The repair assembly of wherein the gasket comprises a compressible hydrophilic material.5. The repair assembly of further comprising ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020908A1
Автор: Warren Danny

A method and system for applying a liner to an underground utility structure is provided. First a layer of epoxy is applied to the interior surface of the host pipe using a machine such as a spincast machine. A dry liner is inverted into the pipe directly behind the coating application at a limited speed and pressure. A drag is set on the inversion equipment relative to the speed of the epoxy spinner unit to control inversion speed. Once the liner is completely inverted the internal pressure of the liner is raised and infused into the uncured epoxy. 1. A method for installing a liner in an underground utility structure , having an interior surface , comprising the steps of:applying a first resin coating to the interior surface of the pipeline;inverting a dry liner into the interior of said pipeline at a controlled inversion rate and low inversion pressure; andincreasing a pressure on the interior of said dry liner, after said liner is fully inverted to imbed said dry liner into said resin coating to fully bed said liner into said resin coating.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dry liner is a non-woven fibrous material.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said resin is an epoxy.4. The method of wherein the increased pressure of said liner is done using a calibration hose.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inversion rate of the dry liner is limited to 0.5 feet per minute.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said resin coating is applied using a spincast machine.7. A system for installing a liner in an underground utility structure claim 1 , having an interior surface claim 1 , comprising:a drum supporting a length of dry liner material;a controller to control the speed that said drum rotates to limit a speed at which said dry liner is installed into said utility structure, wherein said controller allows said dry liner to invert into a utility structure at a predetermined and controlled speed.8. The system of further comprising:a device for applying a coating of ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Coating and Sealing Inside Piping Systems

Номер: US20150024125A1

Methods and systems for cleaning, coating and sealing leaks in existing pipes, in a single operation. A piping system can be cleaned in one pass by dry particulates forced and pulled by air throughout the piping system by a generator and a vacuum. Pipes can be protected from water corrosion, erosion and electrolysis, extending the life of pipes such as copper, steel, lead, brass, cast iron piping and composite materials. Coatings can be applied to pipes having diameters up to approximately 6″. Leak sealants of at least approximately 4 mils thick can cover insides of pipes, and can include novel mixtures of fillers and epoxy materials, and viscosity levels. A positive pressure can be maintained within the pipes during applications. Piping systems can be returned to service within approximately 96 hours. 1. A method for applying a barrier coating leak sealant to internally barrier coat , to internally seal leaks in a piping system , the method comprising the steps of:blowing through a pipe compressed air that is charged with particles of an abrasive substance to clean the inside of the pipe;introducing an epoxy barrier coating leak sealant into the pipe by a continuous positive pressure of air in a single sealant stage; andcoating interior walls of the pipe in the single sealant stage.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the introducing step further comprises the step of mixing the epoxy barrier coating with fillers.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the fillers comprise an inert material comprised of any one of the group of epoxy claim 2 , glass claim 2 , plastic foam parts claim 2 , cork claim 2 , clay.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the compressed air is filtered when exiting the pipe.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the introducing step further includes the step of: introducing the epoxy barrier coating leak sealant into the pipe by compressed air.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pipe is a water pipe. ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023746A1
Автор: Tjader Michael

A pipe replacement system and method are shown. Configurations are shown that include a pulley that does not damage a bursting tool, as the bursting tool is pulled into a pit. Configurations are also shown that include a boom that does not need an extraction cage for the bursting tool. 1. (canceled)2. A pipe replacement system , comprising:a boom, having a first end to couple to a winch, and a second end to deploy in a pit;at least one reaction plate coupled to the second end of the boom;a first pulley coupled to the second end of the boom;a second pulley coupled to the pipe replacement system to be fixed at the first end of the boom when in operation;a pivot joint to couple the boom to the winch; anda coupling located at the pivot joint to removably secure the boom to the winch.3. The pipe replacement system of claim 2 , wherein the coupling includes a fork that is optionally placed over an axis of the second pulley.4. The pipe replacement system of claim 2 , wherein the second pulley is coupled to the winch.5. The pipe replacement system of claim 2 , further including a mechanism to select and fix an angle between the reaction plate and the boom.6. The pipe replacement system of claim 2 , further including a limiter to stop a pipe to be replaced from jamming the winch.7. The pipe replacement system of claim 6 , wherein the limiter is removable from a side surface of the boom.8. The pipe replacement system of claim 2 , wherein the first pulley includes a bursting tool guide surface having a diameter greater than a cable diameter claim 2 , the diameter being sized to substantially match a bursting tool diameter.9. The pipe replacement system of claim 8 , wherein the first pulley includes a cable groove in a center of the pulley claim 8 , within the bursting tool guide surface10. The pipe replacement system of claim 2 , wherein the first pulley is a single polymer casting.11. The pipe replacement system of claim 2 , wherein the first pulley includes a metallic pulley ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Fluid leak repair

Номер: US20180023747A1
Автор: Bruce Hutt
Принадлежит: Enduratec Ltd

A fluid leak repair kit, comprising: a putty; a self-amalgamating tape; and a composite material for use in encompassing the self-amalgamating tape, said composite material comprising a flexible sheet or tape and a matrix component for binding the flexible sheet or tape, the matrix component comprising a resin or water-activated matrix component which, when cured, forms an outer shell.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025531A1

A number of mechanisms are provided for aiding in animal handling through various security screening processes. An animal control implement makes it possible to undergo security screening while maintaining control of the animal while also not generating any security related false rejects. 17-. (canceled)8. An animal control implement comprising:(a) a non-metallic lead portion;(b) a single non-metallic human handler interface loop portion which is attached to the lead portion via a weave type interface;(c) a single non-metallic animal control noose portion, which is attached to the lead portion via a braided connection; and (i) securely retain a size adjustment when the noose portion is under tension; and', '(ii) enable size adjustments when the noose portion is without tension;, '(d) a non-metallic mechanism to extend and contract the diameter of the noose portion configured tothereby enabling a human and animal to undergo security screening at the same time while tethered to each other.9. The animal control implement of claim 8 , wherein the non-metallic mechanism is at least one soft sliding tensioner.10. The animal control implement of claim 9 , wherein the at least one soft sliding tensioner is at least one sliding disk tensioner.11. The animal control implement of claim 10 , wherein the at least one soft sliding tensioner is three sliding disk tensioners positioned serially about the non-metallic lead portion.12. The animal control implement of claim 10 , wherein the at least one sliding disk tensioner includes two slots that are about 0.2 inch (5 mm) wider than the thickness of the non-metallic noose portion.13. The animal control implement of claim 8 , wherein the non-metallic lead portion claim 8 , loop portion claim 8 , noose portion claim 8 , and mechanism to extend and contract the diameter of the noose portions are comprised primarily of leather.14. The animal control implement of further comprising:(e) a non-metallic separate body strap portion ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025532A1
Автор: Hasegawa Takeshi

A linking pin made of elastic plastic having linking pin halves is used to link segments in the longitudinal direction to assemble a rehabilitation pipe. The linking pin includes a tubular portion having on its outer periphery surface first and second protrusions separated by a distance of twice the thickness of the side plate of the segment and a rear protruding portion that enlarges in diameter due to elasticity. The linking pin is inserted into one segment and the other segment so that the side plates of both the segments come between the first and second protrusions. The linking pin is then enlarged in diameter due to elasticity to fit the side plates between the first and second protrusions and link both the segments in the longitudinal direction. The linking pin that is enlarged in diameter can be reduced in diameter to unlink both the segments. 1. A method for linking segments in the longitudinal direction to assemble a rehabilitation pipe , the segment being formed by integrally molding an inner surface plate constituting an inner circumferential surface , side plates that have insertion holes and are provided upright on both sides extending in the circumferential direction of the inner surface plate , and inner plates between the side plates having insertion holes each smaller in diameter than those of the side plates , comprising:preparing a linking pin made of elastic plastic having linking pin halves symmetrically connected via a connecting portion and capable of being folded back and overlapped with each other, the linking pin being, when the linking pin halves are overlapped, provided with a front protruding portion capable of passing through the insertion hole of the inner plate, a tubular portion having on its outer periphery surface first and second protrusions that are separated by a distance of twice the thickness of the side plate of the segment and can pass through the insertion hole of the side plate, and a rear protruding portion that enlarges ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Trenchless drainage structure replacement

Номер: US20140112721A1
Автор: Robert E. Harr
Принадлежит: Harr Technologies Inc

Replacement drainage structures and methods for replacing drainage structures are disclosed. An example method includes driving a plurality of sections of a replacement drainage structure around a buried drainage structure to be replaced. At least a portion of the drainage structure to be replaced is positioned within the interior of a section of the replacement drainage structure. Portions of the drainage structure to be replaced are removed.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Pipe sealing apparatus & method

Номер: US20170030505A1
Автор: Angus George Bowie
Принадлежит: Stats UK Ltd

A pipe sealing apparatus, such as a split sleeve clamp, has a body including a first body portion and a second body portion. Each body portion includes axially extending flanges having bores for receiving bolts and nuts to secure the body portions together. The apparatus includes a seal arrangement, a lock arrangement, and an actuation arrangement including an actuation member configured to both actuate the seal arrangement and activate the lock arrangement. The lock arrangement is carried by the actuation member of the actuation arrangement.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030506A1
Автор: Tjader Michael

Pipe splitting apparatuses and systems including a replaceable blade, and methods therefor, are provided. In various examples, a pipe splitting apparatus includes an outer surface including a recess. A blade including a portion is disposed within the recess. A hardenable material is disposed within the recess. The hardenable material is configured to flow upon application to fill empty space within the recess and at least partially around the portion of the blade disposed within the recess. The hardenable material is further configured to harden after application to secure the portion of the blade within the recess and fix the blade to the pipe splitting apparatus. 1. A pipe splitting apparatus comprising:a splitter body including a cable passage in a front end of the splitter body;a first plurality of splitter blades located at a first axial location along a length of the splitter body;a second plurality of splitter blades located at a second axial location along the length of the splitter body, wherein the second axial location is located behind the first axial location; andwherein the second plurality of splitter blades are each located angularly between splitter blades in the first plurality of splitter blades.2. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each blade in the first and second plurality of splitter blades is secured to the splitter body within a recess with a hardenable material disposed within the recess and at least partially around a portion of each blade disposed within a respective recess.3. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 1 , further including a passage extending from a location on substantially an opposite side of the splitter body from each recess claim 1 , to a bottom surface of the recess claim 1 , the passage configured to allow access to a bottom surface of the blade claim 1 , when disposed within the recess claim 1 , to push the blade out of the recess.4. The pipe splitting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the hardenable ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033073A1

A cured in place liner system and associated connections and methods are disclosed. The cured in place pipe system forms a completely rehabilitated, stand-alone, fluid-tight flow path between upstream and downstream portions of an existing pipe system. The rehabilitated flow path is stand-alone in that the liner system does not rely on structure of the portion of the pipe system through which the liner system is installed to define the fluid-tight flow path. The flow path between upstream and downstream portions of the liner system is defined by and made fluid-tight solely by components of the rehabilitation system such as cured in place liners and couplers. The portion of the pipe system through which the rehabilitation system is installed merely provides a path (e.g., through the ground) through which the cured in place liner system can be inserted. After the cured in place liner system is installed, the liner system forms a fluid-tight flow path between an upstream portion of the pipe system and a downstream portion of the pipe system. Various types of connections may be used. In addition, various types of methods may be used in forming the connections, such as using a mold to cure connecting sections of the cured in place liners in desired configurations (e.g., having a generally circular outer profile) for forming connections with the liners. 1. A rehabilitated pipe system comprising:an existing pipe system;a cured in place pipe system comprising separately formed lengths of resin cured liner installed in the existing pipe system, the separately formed lengths of resin cured liner being adjacent to each other and sealed to each other so that the cured in place pipe system is stand alone having no fluid communication with the existing pipe system.2. A pipe system as set forth in further comprising lateral taps in the lengths of resin cured liner sealed to each other claim 1 , the lateral taps being formed of resin cured liner sealed directly to one of the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032835A1
Автор: CHANG Tae Soo, Fujii Kenji

Segments are linked in the circumferential direction and in the pipe-length direction to assemble a rehabilitation pipe inside an existing pipe in order to rehabilitate the existing pipe. A stackable spacer that is held by a spacer holder is inserted between the existing pipe and the rehabilitation pipe to adjust the position of the rehabilitation pipe relative to the existing pipe. The spacer holder is provided with a movable member that is movable in the circumferential and vertical directions between the inner wall surfaces thereof. The movable member is positioned in the circumferential and vertical directions depending upon the circumferential width of the spacer and the number of spacers stacked. The spacer is held between the positioned movable member and the inner wall surface of the spacer holder. 1. A pipe rehabilitation method in which segments are linked in the circumferential direction and in the pipe-length direction to assemble a rehabilitation pipe inside an existing pipe and rehabilitate the existing pipe , comprising:linking the segments in the circumferential direction to assemble a pipe unit;attaching to the segment using a spacer holder a stackable elongated spacer that is inserted between the existing pipe and the rehabilitation pipe to adjust the position of the rehabilitation pipe inside the existing pipe;linking the pipe units in the pipe-length direction while adjusting the position of the rehabilitation pipe relative to the existing pipe using the spacer; andinjecting a filler between the rehabilitation pipe and the existing pipe after installing the rehabilitation pipe inside the existing pipe,wherein the spacer holder is provided with a movable member that is movable in the circumferential direction and in the vertical direction between the surfaces of inner walls that are formed on both circumferential ends thereof, andwherein the movable member is positioned in the circumferential and vertical directions depending upon the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032836A1
Автор: Sprague Scott

A pipe repair tool and method of use, for use with a coupler of the type having a first end and a second end, the first end having an outwardly projecting flange, such that the repair tool includes a cuff portion having a leading edge and a trailing edge, the cuff engaging a sleeve portion of the coupler with the leading edge of the cuff facing the flange of the first end of the coupler. The tool may include an outwardly projecting first leading ear having a pry surface near the leading edge of the cuff, the pry surface facing the trailing edge of the cuff such that force applied to the pry surface urges the leading edge of the tool toward the flange of the first end of the coupler. 1. A pipe repair tool for use with a coupler of the type having a first end , a second end , and a sleeve portion between said first and second ends , said first end of said coupler having an outwardly projecting flange , said repair tool comprising:a. a cuff having a leading edge and a trailing edge, said cuff engaging said sleeve portion of said coupler with said leading edge of said cuff facing said flange of said first end of said coupler;b. said repair tool including at least one outwardly projecting ear, said at least one outwardly projecting ear comprising a first leading ear located near said leading edge of said cuff and having a force-receiving pry surface facing said trailing edge of said cuff such that a force applied to said pry surface urges said leading edge of said cuff toward said flange of said first end of said coupler.2. The tool of claim 1 , wherein said cuff has a midline substantially equidistant from said leading edge and said trailing edge claim 1 , said tool further including at least one outwardly projecting trailing ear claim 1 , said at least one outwardly projecting trailing ear comprising a first trailing ear located between said midline and said trailing edge of said cuff claim 1 , and having a pry surface near said trailing edge of said cuff and facing ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032936A1

A jet pump slip joint repair assembly includes at least one clamp and a bushing configured to be inserted in a bore of a diffuser and to surround a portion of an inlet mixer. The clamp includes a gripping surface and a gripping collar. The bushing includes a generally cylindrical sidewall, the sidewall configured to surround the portion of the inlet mixer, a grooved flange on an upper surface of the sidewall, at least one cutout between adjacent portions of the grooved flange, and a groove on an inner, bottom surface of the sidewall. The assembly also includes a seal in the groove. The seal is flexible and formed of a metallic material. The seal is configured to be compressed when the at least one clamp engages the bushing. 1. A method of repairing a jet pump slip joint comprising:removing an inlet mixer from a bore of a diffuser;machining an inner surface of the bore of the diffuser so as to remove damaged metal and form a substantially smooth inner surface;machining an outer surface of the inlet mixer so as to remove damaged metal from the inlet mixer and form a substantially smooth outer surface; a grooved flange on an upper surface, the grooved flange configured to receive a gripping portion of a clamp, and', 'an internal groove on an inner, bottom surface of the bushing, a seal inserted in the internal groove of the bushing., 'inserting a bushing in the bore of the diffuser, the bushing including,'}2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:inserting the inlet mixer through the bushing and into the bore of the diffuser.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:clamping the bushing to a collar of the diffuser such that the seal is compressed.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the clamping comprises:inserting the gripping portion of the clamp in the grooved flange of the upper surface of the bushing; andsecuring a gripping collar to the collar of the diffuser.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:mounting a slip joint clamp around the bushing, the ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037993A1
Автор: Tjader Michael

A pipe splitting assembly includes an articulating hammer nose assembly having a pipe splitting cutter and a rotatable joint coupled with the pipe splitting cutter. A pneumatic hammer is distal to the articulating hammer nose assembly. The pneumatic hammer is configured to drive the articulating hammer nose assembly proximally away from the pneumatic hammer. The rotatable joint is coupled between the pipe splitting cutter and the pneumatic hammer, and the articulating hammer nose assembly is rotatable into one or more angles relative to the pneumatic hammer through the rotatable joint. A cable coupling is interposed between the pneumatic hammer and the articulated hammer nose assembly. The cable coupling is configured to attach a cable to the pipe splitting assembly. The cable coupling and the rotatable joint are configured to transmit to the pipe splitting cutter a compression force from the cable coupling and dynamic percussive forces from the pneumatic hammer. 1. (canceled)2. A pipe splitting assembly comprising:an expander;a number of cable gripping anchors coupled to the expander, wherein the number of cable gripping anchors are configured to slide against a tapered surface to clamp around a cable;an anchor jack in contact with a leading portion of the number of cable gripping anchors, wherein the anchor jack is configured such that axial movement of the anchor jack drives the number of cable gripping anchors loose from the tapered surface; anda leading cutter body in front of the anchor jack, wherein the leading cutter body forms a rotatable joint in front of the anchor jack.3. The pipe splitting assembly of claim 2 , wherein the rotatable joint is a ball and socket joint.4. The pipe splitting assembly of claim 2 , wherein the leading cutter body is configured to abut a front portion of the pipe splitting assembly claim 2 , but is not fastened to the pipe splitting assembly.5. The pipe splitting assembly of claim 2 , wherein the leading cutter body includes ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Pipe-Conforming Structure

Номер: US20170038546A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present techniques are directed to systems and methods for forming a pipe-conforming structure. The pipe-conforming structure includes a polymer material and one or more optic fibers embedded within the polymer material. The polymer material is formed into a structure that is conformed to the shape of a pipe. A method includes forming a polymer material into a structure including an edge region and a center region. The center region has a greater thickness than the edge region. The method includes inserting one or more optic fibers into the polymer material.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220057039A1

A steam generator for use with a liner assembly for pipeline repair or reinforcement, includes: a water heater configured to heat water to generate steam; a water feed conduit configured to convey water to the water heater; an air heater configured to generate heated air; an air supply conduit configured to convey pressurized air to the air heater; a heated air supply conduit configured to convey heated air from the air heater to the water heater to yield a steam-air mixture; and an output conduit configured to convey the steam-air mixture from the water heater. An automated steam generator system including the steam generator is also described. 1. A steam generator for use with a liner assembly for pipeline repair or reinforcement , the steam generator comprising:a water heater configured to heat water to generate steam;a water feed conduit configured to convey water to the water heater;an air heater configured to generate heated air;an air supply conduit configured to convey pressurized air to the air heater;a heated air supply conduit configured to convey heated air from the air heater to the water heater to yield a steam-air mixture; andan output conduit configured to convey the steam-air mixture from the water heater.2. The steam generator of claim 1 , further comprising a flow meter in fluid communication with the air supply conduit.3. The steam generator of claim 2 , wherein the flow meter is configured to output a signal indicating a flow rate of the pressurized air.4. The steam generator of claim 1 , further comprising a regulator valve for adjusting a pressure of the pressurized air.5. The steam generator of claim 1 , further comprising a temperature sensor or a temperature gauge in thermal communication with the output line.6. The steam generator of claim 1 , wherein the steam generator is portable.7. The steam generator of claim 6 , wherein the steam generator is sized to be transported by a single individual.8. The steam generator of claim 1 , wherein ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040990A1
Автор: KOMORI Yuki

The member linking mechanism includes: a first member having a member linking part that has an opening at its distal-end surface; a second member to be linked to the member linking part of the first member; an elastic sealing member sandwiched between the first and second members so as to seal the opening of the distal-end surface of the member linking part; and a linking member for linking the first and second members together. The linking member includes: a linking member body configured to hold an end part, of the second member, adjacent to the first member; and an elastic deformation part provided to the linking member body, the linking member links the first and second members together by pressing, with an elastic force of the elastic deformation part, the first and second members in a direction in which the first and second members come close to each other. 18-. (canceled)9. A member linking mechanism comprising:a first member including a member linking part which is in a cylindrical shape and has an opening on a distal-end surface thereof, and a stepped part on an outer peripheral surface or inner peripheral surface of the member linking part, the stepped part being inclined from a distal end to a base end of the member linking part in a circumferential direction;a second member to be linked to the member linking part;an elastic sealing member sandwiched between the first member and the second member so as to seal the opening of the distal-end surface of the member linking part; anda linking member having a linking member body configured to hold an end part, of the second member, adjacent to the first member, and an elastic deformation part provided to the linking member body, the linking member being configured to link the first and second members together by pressing, with an elastic force of the elastic deformation part, the first and second members in a direction in which the first and second members come close to each other, whereinthe elastic ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047509A1
Автор: Long John N.

A repair tool for use in repairing a break in a water main pipe comprises a saddle member which includes a downward facing pipe-engaging surface that is configured to conform to an outer diameter surface of the pipe, a sealing member which is attached to the pipe-engaging surface and is configured to seal between the saddle member and the pipe, a brace member which is connected to the saddle member and includes first and second end portions, first and second arm members, each of which is pivotally connected to a corresponding end portion and each of which comprises an upper end portion that extends upwardly from the brace member and a lower end portion that extends downwardly from the brace member and inwardly toward the other arm member, and a clamping arrangement connected between the upper end portions for moving the upper end portions toward and away from each other to thereby move the lower end portions away and toward each other, respectively. In use of the repair tool the saddle member is positioned over the break and the clamping arrangement is operated to move the lower end portions towards each other and into engagement with a portion of the pipe located opposite the saddle member in order to secure the saddle member to the pipe and thereby seal the break. 1. A repair tool for use in repairing a break in a water main pipe , the repair tool comprising:a brace member which includes first and second end portions;a saddle member which is connected to the brace member and which includes a downwardly facing pipe-engaging surface that is configured to conform to an outer diameter surface of the pipe;a sealing member which is attached to the pipe-engaging surface and is configured to seal between the saddle member and the pipe, the sealing member defining an opening which is aligned with a hole that extends through the saddle member from the pipe-engaging surface;a nipple which is connected to the saddle member over the hole and which extends upwardly through the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Replacing Culverts

Номер: US20170045175A1

A system for installing a drainage structure in the subsurface. The system has a casing, a drive device, and at least one fin. The casing has opposed first and second ends and defines a hollow region. The drive device is supported at the first end of the casing and configured to drive movement of the casing in a first direction. The at least one fin projects from the casing into the hollow region and is configured to buckle a corrugated metal culvert positioned at least partially within the casing when the casing is driven in the first direction. The drive device may be a pneumatic hammer or puller attached to a rod pulling machine. 1. An assembly , comprising:a casing having opposed first and second ends and defining a hollow region;a drive device supported at the first end of the casing and configured to drive movement of the casing in a first direction; anda first fin projecting from the casing into the hollow region and configured to buckle a pipe positioned at least partially within the casing when the casing is driven in the first direction.2. The assembly of further comprising a segmented sleeve demountably supported within the first end of the casing; and in which the drive device is partially disposed within the segmented sleeve.3. The assembly of in which the first fin is supported proximate the second end of the casing.4. The assembly of in which the first fin is supported a distance from the second end of the casing equal to approximately three times an internal diameter of the casing.5. The assembly of in which the first tin tapers toward the second end of the casing.6. The assembly of in which a second and third fin each project from the casing into the hollow region.7. The assembly of in which the casing is symmetric about a longitudinal axis and in which the first claim 6 , second claim 6 , and third fins are positioned to be offset about the longitudinal axis by an angle of 120 degrees.8. The assembly of further comprising a frame supported on the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Pipe Liner and Method of Using the Same

Номер: US20170045176A1
Автор: JR. Larry W., Kiest

A pipe liner and a method of using the same are provided. The method includes inserting a pipe liner impregnated with a resinous material into a length of pipe, where the pipe liner has an outer diameter substantially equal to or greater than an inner diameter of the pipe. A bladder having an unstretched outer diameter less than the inner diameter of at least a portion of the length of pipe and capable of stretching circumferentially is inserted into the pipe liner. The bladder is expanded under fluid pressure against the pipe liner, pressing the pipe liner against an inner wall of the length of pipe. The resinous material is allowed to cure and harden, leaving a renewed pipe wall. The length of pipe may have a plurality of inner diameters, and the bladder stretches to produce a smooth interior surface of the pipe liner across the plurality of pipe diameters. 1. A liner assembly for lining a pipe having varying diameters along a length of the pipe , comprising:a bladder having a first end, an opposite second end, and a bladder body there between, wherein the bladder body has a diameter smaller than or equal to a smallest diameter of the pipe;wherein the bladder body is capable of stretching circumferentially;a pipe liner having a pipe liner body along its length, the pipe liner body having a diameter larger than the smallest diameter of the pipe; andwherein the pipe liner is impregnated with a resinous material capable of curing and hardening to create a cured pipe liner.2. The liner assembly of wherein the pipe liner is tubular shaped.3. The liner assembly of wherein the pipe liner is a seamless construction.4. The liner assembly of wherein the cured pipe liner produces a smooth inner surface in areas where the diameter of the pipe is less than the diameter of the pipe liner body.5. The liner assembly of wherein the diameter of the pipe liner body is substantially equal to a largest diameter of the pipe.6. The liner assembly of wherein the cured pipe liner does not ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053296A1
Автор: Voisin Andrew

An assembly for repairing a damaged portion of a fusion bonded epoxy coating on a steel body of a pipe at least partially surrounded by an undamaged portion of the coating. The assembly includes a housing defining a cavity therein and having an opening in communication with the cavity, the housing being attachable to the pipe to locate the cavity in communication with an epoxy patch positioned on the steel body to replace at least the damaged portion. The assembly also includes a heat source positioned for directing heated air heated thereby into the cavity, for curing the epoxy patch. The opening is at least partially defined by a perimeter, and the assembly includes an insulation strip positioned on the perimeter for impeding heat transfer from the housing to the undamaged portion of the coating when the housing is attached to the pipe. 1. An assembly for repairing a damaged portion of a fusion bonded epoxy coating on a steel body of a pipe at least partially surrounded by an undamaged portion of the coating , the assembly comprising:a housing defining a cavity therein and comprising at least one opening in communication with the cavity, the housing being attachable to the pipe to locate the cavity in communication with an epoxy patch positioned on the steel body to replace at least the damaged portion;at least one heat source positioned for directing heated air heated thereby into the cavity, for curing the epoxy patch;said at least one opening being at least partially defined by a perimeter; andan insulation strip positioned on the perimeter for impeding heat transfer from the housing to the undamaged portion of the coating when the housing is attached to the pipe.2. An assembly according to additionally comprising at least one attachment device for attaching the housing to the pipe with the insulation strip at least partially positioned between the housing and the undamaged portion of the coating.3. An assembly according to in which the attachment device ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Sealing Pipes and Underground Structures

Номер: US20160053456A1
Автор: JR. Larry W., Kiest

An apparatus and method for sealing pipes or underground structures is provided. In one embodiment, the end of a pipe is sealed by the use of a pipe liner and a sealing member. The sealing member may be a hydrophilic material, a hydrophobic material, a compressible material, or a paste. The sealing member is held in place by a mechanical fastener and a liner is installed adjacent the sealing member and against the wall of the pipe or other structure to be sealed. In another embodiment, a manhole is sealed by the use of a sealing member, a mechanical fastener, and a manhole liner. 1. An apparatus for sealing a manhole having an inner wall , comprising:a sealing member having an outer profile approximately equal to an inner manhole wall diameter;wherein the sealing member is positioned adjacent to the inner wall of the manhole to provide sealing at the location of placement; andwherein the sealing member is comprised of at least one of a hydrophilic material, a hydrophobic material, an absorbent material, and a compressible material.2. The apparatus of wherein the sealing member is a tubular sleeve.3. The apparatus of further comprising a mechanical fastener adapted to retain the sealing member against the inner wall of the manhole.4. The apparatus of wherein the mechanical fastener comprises a retaining ring.5. The apparatus of wherein the hydrophilic material is a grout.6. The apparatus of wherein the hydrophilic material is a paste.7. The apparatus of wherein the hydrophobic material is a grout.8. The apparatus of wherein the hydrophobic material is a paste.9. An assembly for sealing a manhole and an adjacent pipe claim 1 , comprising:a sealing member having an outer profile approximately equal to a manhole diameter, wherein the sealing member is comprised of at least one of a hydrophilic material, a hydrophobic material, an absorbent material, and a compressible material;and a manhole liner, wherein the sealing member is positioned between the manhole liner and ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049058A1
Автор: Tjader Michael

Pipe splitting apparatuses and systems including a replaceable blade, and methods therefor, are provided. In various examples, a cable retention and release mechanism is configured to releasably engage a cable and includes one or more segments of a pipe splitting apparatus including a cable passage. A segmented collet includes tapered segments and is disposed within a tapered portion of a cable passage of the one or more segments. Channel surfaces of the tapered segments together form a cable channel through the segmented collet. The cable channel is configured to widen in a disengaged position of the segmented collet and narrow in an engaged position of the segmented collet. A spring is disposed within the spring pocket of the one or more segments to bias the segmented collet distally in the engaged position. 1. A pipe breaking assembly , comprising:an expander;a coupling attached to the expander portion, the coupling adapted to connect to a pneumatic hammer; anda cable gripping anchor attached to the expander.2. The pipe breaking assembly of claim 1 , wherein the coupling is a threaded coupling.3. The pipe breaking assembly of claim 1 , wherein the cable gripping anchor includes a number of tapered anchor jaws.4. The pipe breaking assembly of claim 1 , further including a segment extractor in contact with a front end of the cable gripping device.5. The pipe breaking assembly of claim 1 , further including one or more cutting blades located in front of the expander.6. The pipe breaking device of claim 1 , wherein the cable gripping device is located within the expander.7. A pipe breaking assembly claim 1 , comprising:a pilot segment;an expander located behind the pilot segment;a coupling attached to the expander portion, the coupling adapted to connect to a pneumatic hammer; anda cable gripping anchor attached to the expander.8. The pipe breaking device of claim 7 , wherein the cable gripping device is located within the expander.9. The pipe breaking assembly of ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Uv-curable tubular lining material for pipelines

Номер: US20140130927A1
Автор: Mirko Heuser

The present invention relates to a tubular lining material for reinforcing pipelines comprising an air-impervious and light-impervious inner layer of a polymer, an outer tubular jacket comprising a textile, a woven, a non-woven and/or a felt structure and a curable resin, said resin comprising a mixture of UV initiators and peroxides.

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Cutting guide and method of installing exhaust tube

Номер: US20160059406A1
Принадлежит: Noritz Corp

A cutting guide serves to adjust a length of an exhaust tube introduced in an exhaust pipe so as to adapt to combination of the exhaust pipe communicating from the inside to the outside of a building with an exhaust terminal attached to an end portion of the exhaust pipe on an outdoor side. The cutting guide has a reference site for alignment with an exhaust pipe portion including the exhaust pipe, and has an indication of a cutting position of the exhaust tube for adjusting a length of the exhaust tube protruding from the end portion of the exhaust pipe portion on the outdoor side to a length adapted to a type of the exhaust terminal.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Pipe cleaning device

Номер: US20180056342A1
Автор: Mika Lokkinen
Принадлежит: Picote Solutions Inc

The cleaning device is for cleaning a pipe before lining of the pipe and for removing a collapsed liner inside the pipe. The cleaning device has a connector for a drive shaft, a body rotatable around a rotation axis with the drive shaft and grinding cutters pivotally attached to the body by pins. The cutters have cutting edges provided on outer periphery of the cleaning device and the pivotal connection to the body allows for the cutters to turn and increase the diameter of the cleaning device until the cutters face an obstacle.

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Rehabilitation of Water Conduit with Lateral Openings

Номер: US20190056054A1

A method of rehabilitating a network of underground water conduits having at least one lateral opening and a membrane for that purpose is disclosed. The method comprising the steps of blocking and sealing the at least one lateral opening with a membrane impregnated with a hardening resin positioned over the at least one lateral opening, and allowing the resin to harden thereby forming a rigid membrane over the at least one lateral opening.

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Method for the Rehabilitation of a Pipeline, Application Device and Read-out Device

Номер: US20160061374A1

A method for the rehabilitation of a pipeline with a lining element made of a resin-absorbing material, comprising the following steps: Impregnating the lining element with a hardenable resin; inserting the lining element into the pipeline and positioning the lining element at the pipeline section to be rehabilitated; pressing the lining element against the inner wall of the pipeline; hardening the lining element; and applying at least one information parameter to the lining element subsequent to its hardening. 1. A method for the rehabilitation of a pipeline with a lining element made of a resin-absorbing material , comprising the following steps:a. impregnating the lining element with a hardenable resin;b. inserting the lining element into the pipeline and positioning the lining element at the pipeline section to be rehabilitated;c. pressing the lining element against the inner wall of the pipeline;d. hardening the lining element; ande. applying at least one information parameter to the lining element subsequent to its hardening.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the applied information comprises an evaluation protocol and/or refers to an evaluation protocol stored in a cloud.3. The method according to claim 2 , characterized in that the evaluation protocol stored in the cloud is provided with an access code.4. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the information is stored as a QR code applied to the lining element.5. The method according to claim 4 , characterized in that the QR code is applied by means of laser engraving claim 4 , laser printing and/or inkjet printing.6. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the information is applied to a storage medium connected to the lining element.7. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the information is stored on a storage medium that is connected to the lining element.8. The method according to claim 7 , characterized in that the storage ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

System For And Method of Sealing A Flowline With A Metal Seal After Hot Tapping

Номер: US20180058621A1

In embodiments, a hot tap clamping system comprises a clamp which fits over and secures against a pipe, an actuator interface, an actuator operatively in communication with clamp, and a hot tap assembly. In a further embodiment, a system for sealing a flowline with a metal seal after hot tapping comprises a sealer, a hot tap drill/plug running tool, and a metal seal plug which is typically configured for use in sealing a flowline, e.g. a pipe, with a metal seal after hot tapping where the metal plug seal is inserted into the pipe and engages with and seals as a hot tap. 1. A hot tap clamping system , comprising: i. a housing sized to fit over a pipe, the housing comprising a port sized to allow insertion of a hot tap therethrough;', 'ii. a movable gripper displaced at least partially within the housing, the movable gripper movable between first position which allows insertion of the housing about a predetermined portion of the pipe and a second position which secures the housing against the pipe, one portion of the movable gripper comprising a gripper latch;', 'iii. an actuator interface; and', 'iv. an actuator operatively in communication with the movable gripper;, 'a. a clamp, the clamp comprising i. a valve operatively connected to the clamp proximate the port;', 'ii. an upper portion connected to a portion of the valve distally from the clamp;', 'iii. a lower portion connected to a portion of the valve proximally from the clamp and extendable to engage the pipe, the lower portion comprising a seal; and', 'iv. a valve interface operatively connected to the valve;, 'b. a hot tap assembly, comprising i. an aligner; and', 'ii. a latch receiver; and, 'c. a hot tap interface operatively connected to the valve, the hot tap interface comprisingd. a support operatively connected to the actuator interface, the support comprising an actuator operatively in communication with the actuator.2. The hot tap clamping system of claim 1 , further comprising a common interface ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140137972A1
Автор: Bichler Andreas

The invention relates to an apparatus () for the rehabilitation of pipelines using a fluid line system () with at least one fluid line () for supplying and/or removing a fluid medium, wherein the fluid line system () is provided with at least one pivot joint (). 1. Apparatus for the rehabilitation of pipelines using a fluid line system with at least one fluid line for supplying and/or removing a fluid medium , characterized in that the fluid line system is provided with at least one pivot joint.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , characterized in that at least one fluid chamber is configured in the pivot joint.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , characterized in that the pivot joint subdivides the at least one fluid line into a first fluid line section and a second fluid line section.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , characterized in that the pivot joint has at least one fluid inlet opening which connects the first fluid line section to the fluid chamber and at least one fluid outlet opening which connects the second fluid line section to the fluid chamber.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , characterized in that the pivot joint is formed from a first disk-shaped element and a second disk-shaped element.6. The apparatus according to claim 5 , characterized in that at least one bearing which connects the two elements to each other so as to be rotatable claim 5 , is provided between the two elements.7. The apparatus according to claim 5 , characterized in that the first element has a circumferential indentation and a circumferential shoulder claim 5 , in that the second element has a first circumferential projection and a second circumferential projection claim 5 , wherein claim 5 , in the assembled state of the pivot joint claim 5 , the first projection engages over the shoulder and the second projection engages in the indentation.8. The apparatus according to claim 5 , characterized in that at least one seal is provided between the two elements for ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220082196A1

An expandable pipe for restoring a damaged pipe is provided. The expandable pipe includes a liner formed of thermoplastic polyurethane, and grout material applied to the exterior surface of the liner. The exterior surface includes a plurality of flared tips and grooves, and each groove is located between adjacent flared tips. The grout material is disposed on the flared tips and in the grooves of the liner. The method used to restore the damaged pipe includes clamping the liner with the grout material on a puller-sealer fixture having a U-shaped cross-section to prevent debris from entering the interior of the liner, and pulling the puller-sealer fixture and liner through the damaged pipe. The grout material expands in volume upon exposure to moisture, ultra violet radiation, heat, and/or ultrasonics, and fills cracks or other imperfections and voids along the interior surface of the conduit, caused by corrosion, erosion, or other circumstances. 1. An expandable pipe for restoring a damaged pipe , comprising:a liner formed of a polymer-based and/or elastomer-based material, said liner including a plurality of fibers,said liner including an exterior surface,said exterior surface of said liner including a plurality of grooves,a grout material formed of polyurethane and fibers disposed in said grooves of said liner, andsaid grout material being expandable in a dimension upon exposure to moisture, ultra violet radiation, heat, and/or ultrasonics.2. The expandable pipe of claim 1 , wherein said grout material is expandable in a dimension upon exposure to moisture.3. The expandable pipe of claim 1 , wherein said grout material is expandable in a dimension upon exposure to heat.4. The expandable pipe of claim 1 , wherein said grout material is expandable in a dimension upon exposure to ultrasonics.5. The expandable pipe of claim 1 , wherein said liner is formed of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) or polyethylene.6. The expandable pipe of claim 1 , wherein said liner is ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063661A1

A method and apparatus for inserting a tubular liner impregnated with a hardening resin into the conduits or pipes to be rehabilitated is disclosed. The apparatus is a tool comprising a cylindrical segment and a conical segment, the cylindrical segment and the conical segment connected together to form a passageway adapted to guide a tubular liner inside a host pipe. 1. An insertion and guiding tool comprising a cylindrical segment having an edge and a conical segment having an edge , the cylindrical segment and the conical segment connected together at their edges to form a passageway adapted to guide a CIPP tubular liner inside a host pipe.2. The insertion and guiding tool of claim 1 , wherein the cylindrical segment includes an opening and the conical segment includes an opening aligned with the opening of the cylindrical segment.3. The insertion and guiding tool of claim 1 , further comprising at least one anchoring device adapted to secure the tool onto an opening of a host pipe.4. The insertion and guiding tool of claim 1 , wherein the cylindrical segment is made of a sheet metal bent in the form of a ⅔ cylinder and the conical segment is made of a sheet metal bent in the form of a ⅔ conical lip.5. A method of inserting a CIPP tubular liner into a host pipe comprising the step of reducing a width of the CIPP tubular liner using a conical insertion tool positioned at an opening of the host pipe. The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for rehabilitating underground conduits or pipes and more specifically to a method and apparatus for inserting a tubular liner impregnated with a hardening resin into the conduits or pipes to be rehabilitated.Underground and surface pipes, either potable water pipes, waste water pipes or sewer pipes, are typically made of rigid materials such as reinforced concrete, cast iron, ductile iron, steel and hard polymers such as PVC, HDPE, etc., that are durable and adapted to resist internal fluid pressure and the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Latch Assembly For Use With An Inversion Drum

Номер: US20190063662A1

A hinged cover overlays an opening that provides access to a pressurized inversion drum. A releasable latch assembly holds the cover in a closed and locked position. The latch assembly comprises a plurality of first knuckles formed in the cover that are interlaceable with a plurality of second knuckles formed in the body adjacent the opening. The latch assembly further comprises a rotatable latch pin that may be installed within the first and second knuckles. The latch assembly is moved from an unlocked to a locked position by rotation of the latch pin within the knuckles. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a body having an opening formed therein;a cover sized to cover the opening; and a plurality of spaced and aligned first knuckles formed in a selected one of the cover and body, each first knuckle having an exposed semi-cylindrical groove formed therein;', 'a plurality of spaced and aligned second knuckles formed in the unselected one of the cover and body adjacent the opening; and', 'a rotatable latch pin having aligned and alternating first and second sections, each first section having a size and shape complementary to the semi-cylindrical groove of a first knuckle., 'a latch assembly, comprising2. The apparatus of in which each second knuckle has a cylindrical passage extending therethrough.3. The apparatus of in which each second section of the latch pin has a size and shape complementary to the cylindrical passage of a second knuckle.4. The apparatus of in which the plurality of first and second knuckles are interlaceable.5. An apparatus claim 1 , comprising:a pressurized inversion drum; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the apparatus of , in which the body and opening are those of the pressurized inversion drum.'}6. An apparatus claim 1 , comprising:a drum having an opening; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the apparatus of positioned over the opening.'}7. The apparatus of in which a series of semi-cylindrical grooves are ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069501A1
Автор: Choi Sang Hwan

The object of the present invention is to provide a fluid leakage counteraction instrument upon damage of fluid conveying pipe which can rapidly recover the damaged part in case where the conveying pipe is damaged so that the fluid is leaked. 1. A fluid leakage counteraction instrument upon damage of fluid conveying pipe which is installed to recover a damaged part c of the conveying pipe P conveying the fluid such as fluid and gas , comprising:{'b': 110', '112', '114, 'a recovery tubular body , at one end of which is installed a pad which can be closely attached to the damaged part c of the conveying pipe P, and at the other end of which is installed a valve ; and'}{'b': 120', '112', '110, 'a fixing means which can closely fix the pad installed at the recovery tubular body to the damaged part c of the conveying pipe P;'}{'b': '120', 'wherein the fixing means comprises{'b': 122', '112', '112, 'a fixing band which is fixed in the form of wrapping the conveying pipe P by being installed at the pad so as to closely fix the pad to the conveying pipe P; and'}{'b': 126', '112', '112', '112', '122, 'a clamp installed to fix the pad to press the conveying pipe P from the outside of the pad so as to press and fix the pad , which is closely installed to the conveying pipe P by the fixing band , to the conveying pipe P;'}{'b': 122', '124, 'wherein the fixing band is at one end thereof formed with an opening so as to be installed in the form of wrapping the conveying pipe P, and is installed with a fixture which can fix the opening,'}{'b': 126', '126', '126', '126', '126', '128', '128, 'i': a,', 'b', 'a,', 'b', 'a', 'b,, 'wherein the clamp comprises upper and lower clamps in the form of half circle to be able to press the conveying pipe P in the form of wrapping the conveying pipe P, and can be pressed and fixed by screwing the upper and lower clamps by bolts and nuts'}{'b': 110', '140', '112', '112, 'wherein the recovery tubular body is installed with a pad fixing magnet so ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Tubing everting apparatus, assemblies, and methods

Номер: US20180066786A1

Tubing everting apparatus, assemblies, and methods are disclosed herein. The tubing everting apparatus include a pressure chamber that defines an internal volume, a liner inlet port that is configured to receive a flexible tube liner into the internal volume, an inlet sealing structure that is configured to resist fluid flow therepast from the pressure chamber, and a liner outlet port that is configured to permit the flexible tube liner to extend from the internal volume. In some embodiments, the apparatus include a lubricator that is configured to apply a lubricant to the flexible tube liner. In some embodiments, the apparatus include a non-deflation valve that is configured to selectively transition between open and closed states. The assemblies include the apparatus and a cart that includes a lubricant reservoir. The methods include methods of operating the apparatus.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063906A1

A drilling apparatus includes a hydraulic motor 27 for rotating a drilling blade 30 that drills a pipe lining material 13, laser light sources 40, 41 for emitting laser beams toward the pipe lining material parallel to the rotary shaft of the drilling blade from positions near the drilling blade to form laser spots on the inner circumferential surface of the pipe lining material, an electric motor 28 for rotating the laser light sources coaxially with the rotary shaft of the drilling blade, and a camera 50 for photographing the trajectory of the laser spots rotating on the inner circumferential surface of the pipe lining material and a bright area that is formed on the inner circumferential surface of the pipe lining material by illumination light from the lateral pipe side. The positioning of the drilling blade is performed so that the trajectory image and the bright area image match. 1. A drilling apparatus in which a pipe lining material that blocks a lateral pipe opening is drilled from the main pipe side by rotating a drilling blade comprising:a robot that moves in the pipe-length direction inside the main pipe;a drilling blade mounted on the robot;a motor for rotating the drilling blade;a laser light source disposed in the vicinity of the drilling blade for emitting a laser beam parallel to the rotary shaft of the drilling blade to form a laser spot on the inner circumferential surface of the pipe lining material;a camera mounted on the robot for photographing a trajectory of the laser spot that is drawn on the inner circumferential surface of the pipe lining material by rotating the laser light source coaxially with the rotary shaft of the drilling blade, and a bright area corresponding to the lateral pipe opening that is formed on the inner circumferential surface of the pipe lining material by illumination light from the lateral pipe side; andpositioning means for positioning the drilling blade so that the trajectory image of the laser spot photographed by ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071780A1
Автор: Olander John A.

A pipe loosening device and methods are shown. In one example, the pipe loosening device enables a method wherein a pipe to be replaced is deformed but not burst, and a portion of a sidewall of the pipe is forced outward into the surrounding soil to compact a local region of the surrounding soil and loosen the existing pipe. The pipe may then pulled from the ground along an axis of the pipe. 1. A pipe loosening device , comprising:a deforming die, including:a body portion sized to fit closely within an inner diameter of a pipe to be replaced, the body portion having a longitudinal axis; andone or more protrusions on a side of the body portion, wherein the one or more protrusions extend from the body portion by a distance, wherein the one or more protrusions include two protrusions on a same side of the body portion, the two protrusions spaced apart from one another along the longitudinal axis, and a central protrusions on a side of the body portion opposite the two protrusions, and located longitudinally between the two protrusions.2. The pipe loosening device of claim 1 , wherein the distance is between 5 and 10 percent of a body portion diameter.3. The pipe loosening device of claim 2 , wherein the distance is approximately 7 percent of the body portion diameter.4. The pipe loosening device of claim 1 , further including a threaded connection on the body portion that is adapted to couple to a directional drill rod section.5. The pipe loosening device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more protrusions are formed from tungsten carbide.6. The pipe loosening device of claim 1 , wherein a protrusion direction of each of the one or more protrusions all protrude in a common plane.7. The pipe loosening device of claim 6 , further including reduced width sides of the deforming die along all of the longitudinal axis in a direction perpendicular to the common plane.8. A pipe loosening device claim 6 , comprising:a deforming die, including:a body portion sized to fit closely ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071801A1

An apparatus includes a pipe crawler (). The pipe crawler () includes one or more drive wheels () capable of moving along and around a pipe, and one or more instruments coupled to the one or more drive wheels (). An instrument includes one or more of a sensor instrument and a maintenance instrument. The pipe crawler () includes a retention mechanism () that retains the one or more drive wheels () against an outer surface of the pipe. The retention mechanism () provides adjustable positions for the one or more drive wheels () for disposing the one or more drive wheels () against the outer surface of the pipe. The apparatus includes a controller () that communicates with the one or more drive wheels () to move the one or more drive wheels () on the outer surface of the pipe, and that operates the one or more instruments. 1. An apparatus comprising: one or more drive wheels capable of moving along and around a pipe;', 'one or more instruments coupled to the one or more drive wheels, an instrument comprising one or more of a sensor instrument and a maintenance instrument;', 'a retention mechanism that retains the one or more drive wheels against an outer surface of the pipe, the retention mechanism providing adjustable positions for the one or more drive wheels for disposing the one or more drive wheels against the outer surface of the pipe; and', 'a controller that communicates with the one or more drive wheels to move the one or more drive wheels on the outer surface of the pipe, and that operates the one or more instruments., 'a pipe crawler, the pipe crawler comprising2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pipe crawler further comprises an obstacle sensor that detects obstacles along the pipe and communicates with the controller claim 1 , wherein the controller controls the drive wheels to avoid the obstacles.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the one or more drive wheels comprises one or more of an omni wheel and a mecanum wheel.4. The ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

CIPP Liner Feed Roller

Номер: US20210071802A1

A CIPP liner feed roller for manipulating and feeding CIPP liner by pulling CIPP liner from a liner source and feeding it to where it is needed. The CIPP liner feed roller generally includes a main roller attached to a frame, a clamping roller attached to the frame and configured to be in parallel with the main roller, wherein the distance between the clamping roller and the main roller can be adjusted using one or more actuators, a drive unit comprising a motor configured to control the rotation of the main roller within the frame, a controller coupled to the drive unit and the one or more actuators, wherein the controller is configured to control the rotation of the main roller and the distance between the clamping roller and the main roller, and a support beam attached the frame and configured to be in parallel with the main roller. 1. A CIPP liner feed roller apparatus , comprising:a frame;a main roller attached to the frame;a clamping roller attached to the frame and configured to be in parallel with the main roller;a drive unit connected to the main roller, wherein the drive unit is configured to rotate the main roller;a controller coupled with the drive unit, wherein the controller is configured to control the drive unit;a bridge beam attached to the frame; anda bridge connector attached to the bridge beam;wherein the CIPP liner feed roller apparatus can be lifted using the bridge connector or an attachment thereto; andwherein the CIPP liner feed roller apparatus is configured to pull a CIPP liner between the main roller and the clamping roller from a liner source and push the CIPP liner away from the main roller and the clamping roller.2. The CIPP liner feed roller apparatus of claim 1 , including a support beam attached to the frame and configured to be in parallel with the main roller.3. The CIPP liner feed roller apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising one or more guide rollers attached to the support beam configured to guide the CIPP liner before it is ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140150913A1
Автор: Baker Jimmie Lynn

The present disclosure provides an inexpensive wrap-around irrigation tube patch composed of a thin, flexible polymer film and having a closure mechanism for quickly and effectively wrapping and sealing the patch around a damaged section of irrigation tubing. In addition, the present disclosure provides a method for sealing water leaks in irrigation tubing, the method including wrapping a wrap-around irrigation tube patch around a damaged section of irrigation tubing and sealing said patch around the irrigation tubing via a closure mechanism. 1. A wrap-around irrigation tube patch , the patch comprising:a flexible polymer film having a thickness of from about 0.0254 mm to about 0.254 mm and including at least a first longitudinal edge portion and a second longitudinal edge portion; anda closure mechanism having a first closure member attached to the first longitudinal edge portion of the flexible polymer film and a second closure member attached to the second longitudinal edge portion of the flexible polymer film;wherein the wrap-around irrigation tube patch comprises a substantially uniform circumference diameter of from about 2.5 cm to about 40 cm.2. The wrap-around irrigation tube patch as set forth in wherein the flexible polymer film comprises a thermoplastic polyolefin.3. The wrap-around irrigation tube patch as set forth in wherein at least one of the first and second closure members comprises one or more of an attachment means selected from the group consisting of teeth claim 1 , hooks claim 1 , loops claim 1 , buttons claim 1 , clamps claim 1 , Velcro claim 1 , and adhesive.4. The wrap-around irrigation tube patch as set forth in wherein the closure mechanism comprises a slide fastener.5. The wrap-around irrigation tube patch as set forth in wherein the patch comprises a circumference diameter of from about 20 cm to about 40 cm.6. The wrap-around irrigation tube patch as set forth in wherein the patch comprises a length of from about 2.5 cm to about 122 cm. ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140150915A1
Автор: Burd Steven W.

The oscillating tube () includes a first end (), an opposed second end (), and a fluid conduit () defined by the tube extending between the opposed ends (). A segmented damping coating () covers in intimate contact a covered or coated portion () of the tube () so that the coated portion () of the tube includes at least about ten percent of an axial length of the tube and an uncoated portion () that is not covered by the segmented damping coating () includes greater than about ten percent of an axial length of the tube (). The segmented damping coating () may include polymers, polytetrafluoroethylene, single composition polymers, ceramic fibers, polymer fibers, reinforced polymer fibers including a polytetrafluoroethylene, ceramics, including monolithic and matrix ceramics, thermoplastics, carbon/graphic materials, silicon materials, metal rings or clamps, and combinations thereof. 1. An oscillating tube having a segmented coating for damping the tube , the tube comprising:a. the oscillating tube having a first end, an opposed second end and a fluid conduit defined by the tube extending between the first end and the second end, wherein the tube is subject to between about 60 Hz and about 2,000 Hz;b. the segmented damping coating covering in intimate contact a portion of the oscillating tube, the coated portion of the tube including at least about ten percent of an axial length of the tube extending between the first end and the second end of the tube, and the tube including at least one uncoated portion not covered by the segmented damping coating, the uncoated portion of the tube including greater than about ten percent of an axial length of the tube; and,c. wherein the segmented coating comprises material selected from the group consisting of polymers, polytetrafluoroethylene, single composition polymers, ceramic fibers, polymer fibers, reinforced polymer fibers including a polytetrafluoroethylene, ceramic, including monolithic and matrix ceramics, thermoplastics, ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070684A1
Автор: GUNN Daniel Owen

A handheld induction heater may be used to deliver heat to a coated steel pipe in a localized area of where the coating has been damaged, to heat the steel pipe to a high enough temperature for curing a coating repair material applied in the damaged area without causing heat damage to the existing coating. In one embodiment, the handheld induction heater has a main body housing two or more induction “pancake” coils. The main body is configured for conformation with the diameter of the specific pipe on which the induction heater is to be used. The main body may also incorporate electromagnets to hold the heater in place on the pipe during the heating cycle, as well as a thermocouple for sensing the temperature of the pipe so that the heater can be automatically shut off when the pipe reaches a preset temperature. 1. An induction heating apparatus comprising an induction generator and an induction heater , wherein:(a) the induction heater comprises a main body made from non-electrically-conductive materials, and houses one or more induction coils;(b) the induction heater is adapted to receive electrical power from the induction generator to energize the one or more induction coils;(c) a bottom portion of the main body is shaped to substantially conform to the shape of an external surface of a steel workpiece on which the induction heater is to be mounted; and(d) the configuration and weight of the induction heater are such that the induction heater can be lifted and manipulated by one or more human operators without using auxiliary handling apparatus.2. An induction heating apparatus as in claim 1 , wherein the induction heater further comprises one or more electromagnets for maintaining the induction heater in a desired position on a steel workpiece.3. An induction heating apparatus as in claim 1 , wherein the induction heater further comprises a thermocouple for detecting the temperature of the steel workpiece.4. An induction heating apparatus as in claim 3 , ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Fast Epoxy Resin for Repairing Glazed Surfaces by Manual Lamination

Номер: US20160075818A1
Автор: Bumbu Gina Gabriela

The present invention relates to a fast curing two component epoxy resin which has excellent adhesion properties to glazed surfaces and a short tack free time at ambient and low temperature conditions. The invention also relates a process for the rehabilitation of glazed surfaces, especially glazed ceramic surfaces or glazed cement surfaces. Furthermore the present invention describes a cartridge for the transportation and risk-free mixing of the described epoxy resin on site. 1. A system comprising a composition A and separately a composition B whereincomposition A comprises a resin of diglycidyl ether of Bisphenol A which carries at least one electron-withdrawing substituent at the aromatic moiety; and whereincomposition B comprisesa) a phenalkamine andb) a mercaptan.2. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the resin diglycidyl ether of Bisphenol A which carries at least one electron-withdrawing substituent at the aromatic moiety is present in an amount ranging from 10 weight-% to 70 weight-% claim 1 , preferably from 20 weight-% to 60 weight-% claim 1 , and most preferably from 35 weight-% to 45 weight-% claim 1 , based on the total weight of composition A.3. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of phenalkamine in composition B ranges from 10 weight-% to 70 weight-% claim 1 , preferably 20 weight-% to 60 weight-% claim 1 , and most preferably 30 weight-% to 50 weight-% claim 1 , based on the total weight of composition B.5. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of mercaptan of formula (I) in composition B ranges from 1 weight-% to 60 weight-% claim 1 , preferably from 3 weight-% to 50 weight-% claim 1 , and most preferably from 8 weight-% to 30 weight-% claim 1 , based on the total weight of composition B.6. A process for the trenchless rehabilitation of pipes claim 1 , preferably sewage pipes claim 1 , involving the following steps:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'preparing a reactive mixture by mixing the ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190072198A1
Принадлежит: Forge Tech, Inc.

In some implementations, an apparatus includes a body, a receiver in contact with the body, at least one tensioner operable coupled to the receiver, and a strap further comprising a strong and flexible material, each end of the strap operably coupled to one of the at least one tensioner, the strap being in contact with the body. 1. An apparatus comprising:a body;a receiver in contact with the body;at least one tensioner operably coupled to the receiver; anda strap further comprising a strong and flexible material, each end of the strap operably coupled to one of the at least one tensioner, the strap being in contact with the body.2. The apparatus of further comprising:a friction bonder operably coupled to the receiver.3. The apparatus of further comprising:a chuck operably coupled between the receiver and friction bonder.4. The apparatus of further comprising:an inert gas in the receiver.5. The apparatus of wherein the receiver further comprises:a threaded receiver.6. The apparatus of wherein the body further comprises:a valve.7. The apparatus of wherein the body further comprises:a pipe.8. wherein the receiver further comprises a shroud.9. wherein the strap further comprises a cable Claim 1 , chain or any strong flexible material.10. wherein the tensioner further comprises a lever type or screw type tensioner.11. A method comprising:attaching a receiver to a body;coupling at least one tensioner to the receiver; andattaching each end of a strap to one of the at least one tensioner, the strap further comprising strong and flexible material, the strap being in contact with the body.12. The method of further comprising:coupling a friction bonder to the receiver.13. The method of further comprising:operably coupling a chuck between the receiver and friction bonder.14. The method of further comprising:adding an inert gas in the receiver.15. The method of wherein the receiver further comprises:a threaded receiver.16. The method of wherein the body further comprises:a ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074448A1
Автор: MAIMETS Lembit

An apparatus and method for repairing a damaged host pipe, such as a culvert or other conduit. A trough is positioned over the invert of the host pipe and a longitudinally successive series of ribs are positioned and expanded against the interior of the damaged host pipe and against the trough, the rib having one or more segments and a pair of circumferentially successive flaps hinged together. With a hydraulic jack or other appropriate pushing device, a pushing force is applied against the hinged flaps until the hinged flaps are locked in an installation position. Grout, such as a cementitious grout is then installed in spaces between the trough and the host pipe. Alternatively, the ribs extend transversely beneath the trough, but not beyond the longitudinal edges of the trough, and the trough is anchored to the host pipe. 1. A method for repairing a host pipe in the form of a culvert or other conduit , said method comprising:positioning one or more longitudinally extending troughs over the invert of the host pipe;positioning a plurality of longitudinally spaced-apart ribs to be expanded within the interior of the host pipe on each of the troughs, each of the ribs having one or more segments and a pair of circumferentially successive flaps hinged together;with a hydraulic jack or other pushing device, apply a pushing force against the hinged flaps until the hinged flaps are in an installation position; andinstalling grout in spaces between each of the troughs and the host pipe.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein:each of the rib extends along the entirety of the interior of the host pipe.3. A repair apparatus used for the method of .4. A method for repairing a host pipe in the form of a culvert or other conduit claim 3 , said method comprising:positioning one or more longitudinally extending troughs over the invert of the host pipe;positioning a plurality of longitudinally spaced-apart ribs beneath the one or more troughs, the ribs not extending significantly ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072385A1
Автор: Olander John A.

A pipe loosening device and methods are shown. In one example, the pipe loosening device enables a method wherein a pipe to be replaced is deformed but not burst, and a portion of a sidewall of the pipe is forced outward into the surrounding soil to compact a local region of the surrounding soil and loosen the existing pipe. The pipe may then pulled from the ground along an axis of the pipe. 1. A pipe loosening device , comprising: a cylinder portion sized with a cylinder diameter to fit closely within an inner diameter of a pipe to be replaced; and', 'one or more inserts coupled to a side of the cylinder portion, wherein the one or more inserts protrude from the cylinder portion by a distance., 'a deforming die, including2. The pipe loosening device of claim 1 , wherein the distance is between 5 and 10 percent of the cylinder diameter.3. The pipe loosening device of claim 2 , wherein the distance is approximately 7 percent of the cylinder diameter.4. The pipe loosening device of claim 1 , further including a threaded connection on the cylinder portion that is adapted to couple to a directional drill rod section.5. The pipe loosening device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more inserts are formed from tungsten carbide.6. The pipe loosening device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more inserts include two end inserts and a central insert on a side of the cylinder portion opposite the end inserts.7. The pipe loosening device of claim 1 , further including reduced width sides of the deforming die in a direction perpendicular to a direction of protrusion of the one or more inserts.8. A pipe loosening device claim 1 , comprising: a cylinder portion sized with a cylinder diameter to fit closely within an inner diameter of a pipe to be replaced;', 'one or more inserts coupled to a side of the cylinder portion, wherein the one or more inserts protrude from the cylinder portion by a distance; and', 'a threaded connection on the cylinder portion that is adapted to couple to a ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078841A1
Автор: Tjader Michael

A portable winch and method of use is shown. One advantage of winches shown includes an ability to lower a boom or boom sections into limited access exit pit for winching operations such as pipe bursting. Sectional boom designs shown provide the ability to easily raise and lower a boom large distances without the need for a single long boom. Selected winch designs shown include flexible inserts between the boom and the winch frame that help resist damage from unforeseen shifting of the device during operation. Designs and methods shown also include multiple pulleys on a boom end unit. Fasteners are shown that reduce build up of debris. 1. A portable winch , comprising:a winch;a boom including one or more boom sections;a top pulley positioned at a top of the boom;a flexible line coupled to the winch; a first pulley with a tangent substantially in line with the boom; and', 'a second pulley spaced laterally apart from the first pulley, wherein the boom end unit is configured to space the second pulley farther away from a working surface than the first pulley., 'a boom end unit, including2. The portable winch of claim 1 , further including a joint between the first pulley and the second pulley claim 1 , wherein a relative position of the first pulley with respect to the second pulley is selectable within a range of motion.3. The portable winch of claim 1 , further including at least one strut coupled to the boom end unit claim 1 , the strut having a length adjustment.4. The portable winch of claim 3 , wherein the length adjustment includes a threaded member.5. The portable winch of claim 4 , wherein the length adjustment further includes a pin and hole length adjustment.6. The portable winch of claim 5 , further including a bumper with a ball and socket joint between a distal end of the strut and the bumper.7. The portable winch of claim 1 , wherein the end unit further includes at least one fastener including a spring pin claim 1 , wherein the fastener includes an ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140158243A1
Автор: JR. Larry W., Kiest
Принадлежит: LMK Technologies LLC

An apparatus for repairing a junction between a main sewer pipe and a lateral sewer pipe comprises a tubular portion having opposite first and second ends. A collar extends outwardly from one of the first and second ends of the tubular portion. The tubular portion and the collar are formed of a curable, waterproof putty, such as an epoxy or silicate putty. 1. An apparatus for repairing a junction between a main sewer pipe and a lateral sewer pipe comprising:a tubular portion having opposite first and second ends; anda collar extending outwardly from one of the first or second ends of the tubular portion;wherein the tubular portion and the collar are formed of a curable, waterproof putty.2. The apparatus of wherein the putty is an epoxy putty.3. The apparatus of wherein the putty is soft claim 1 , malleable claim 1 , and flexible.4. The apparatus of wherein the resin is a silicate putty.5. The apparatus of wherein the putty comprises a thermoset resin.6. The apparatus of wherein the resin is cured at ambient temperatures.7. The apparatus of wherein the resin is cured by a heat source.8. The apparatus of wherein the putty is cured by ultraviolet light.9. The apparatus of wherein the putty includes abrasive materials.10. The apparatus of wherein the abrasive materials include stones or metal shavings.11. The apparatus of wherein the collar has a circular shape.12. A method of repairing a junction between a main sewer pipe and a lateral sewer pipe that obviates the need for a resin-impregnated liner claim 1 , the method comprising:forming a repair apparatus from a curable, waterproof putty, the repair apparatus including a tubular portion having opposite first and second ends and a collar extending outwardly from one of the first and second ends of the tubular portion;providing a main bladder and a lateral bladder;positioning the collar of the repair apparatus at least partially on the outside of the main bladder;positioning the tubular portion of the repair apparatus ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140158244A1
Автор: Lunghi Luca

Liner for CIPP rehabilitation comprising a layer of thermoplastic polymer material, a resin absorbent layer, thermosetting hot curing-resin impregnating the absorbent layer; wherein said thermoplastic is a heterophasic polyolefin composition (I) having flexural modulus equal to or lower than 200 MPa, and comprising a crystalline propylene homopolymer (a); and a copolymer or a composition of copolymers of ethylene with other alpha-olefins (b) containing from 15% by weight to less than 40% by weight of ethylene. 1. A liner comprising:a layer comprising a thermoplastic polymer material, wherein the thermoplastic polymer material is a heterophasic polyolefin composition (I) which comprises:(a) a crystalline propylene homopolymer; and{'sub': 3', '10, '(b) a copolymer or a composition of copolymers of ethylene with at least one other C-Calpha-olefin, containing from 15% by weight to less than 40% by weight of ethylene, and'}wherein the heterophasic polyolefin composition (I) has a flexural modulus equal to or lower than 200 MPa;a resin absorbent layer;(iii) a thermosetting hot curing resin impregnating the absorbent layer.2. The liner according to wherein the heterophasic compositions (I) is comprising:1) 5-40% by weight of a propylene homopolymer component (a), insoluble in xylene at ambient temperature in an amount of more than 90%.2) 60-95% by weight of an elastomeric component (b) consisting of one or more copolymer(s) of ethylene said copolymer(s) containing from 15% to 40% by weight of ethylene; and being soluble in xylene at ambient temperature in an amount of more than 70%.3. The liner according to wherein the heterophasic compositions (I) is comprising:1) 5-40% by weight of a propylene homopolymer component (a), insoluble in xylene at ambient temperature in an amount of more than 90%.{'sub': 4', '10, '2) 60-95% by weight of a component (b1) consisting of one or more copolymer(s) of ethylene with propylene and/or C-Calpha-olefin(s) said copolymer(s) containing ...
