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10-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2472059C2

Изобретение относится к покрытию шланга высокого давления. Покрытие шланга содержит внешнюю оболочку и помещенную в нее внутреннюю оболочку. Каждая из оболочек имеет плетеную структуру с множеством нитей основы и вплетенной между ними уточной нитью. Уточная нить вплетена между нитями основы внутренней и внешней оболочек с образованием такого узора, при котором уточная нить распределена между внутренней и внешней оболочками, а внутренняя и внешняя оболочки переплетены между собой. Техническим результатом изобретения является увеличение сопротивления разрыву покрытия шланга. 2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

27-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2476751C2

Изобретение относится к конструкциям трубопроводов для применения в аэрокосмической промышленности. Секция трубопровода включает многослойный защитный кожух, действующий в качестве вспомогательного трубопровода. Конструкция трубопровода содержит основную металлическую трубу с многослойным защитным кожухом, окружающим эту трубу, и отделенным от нее кольцевым зазором. Многослойный кожух содержит внутренний слой металлического покрытия и слой внешнего покрытия из полимерного материала. Предпочтительно тонкий слой металлического покрытия выполняется из коррозионно-устойчивого материала, такого как коррозионно-устойчивая нержавеющая сталь и или титан. В одном из вариантов осуществления изобретения полимерное покрытие выполнено из полиимидного материала, такого как стеклоткань, импрегнированная полиимидной смолой. Описан способ изготовления трубопровода. Изобретение повышает надежность соединения трубопровода. 3 н. и 23 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

30-10-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для обеспечения сохранности изоляционного покрытия труб

Номер: RU2634464C1

Изобретение относится к строительству трубопроводов и может быть использовано для сохранения защитных свойств изоляционного покрытия труб больших диаметров при их транспортировании, складировании и хранении. Устройство включает листовой прокладочный материал, выполненный длиной не менее периметра изолируемой трубы с возможностью обхвата трубы. Прокладочный материал снабжен для усиления, по меньшей мере, одним съемным криволинейным подкладочным элементом из твердого листового материала, повторяющим форму изолированной трубы. Для закрепления на трубе листового прокладочного материала используются стягивающие ленты-фиксаторы. Криволинейные подкладочные элементы выполнены с возможностью прикрепления при помощи стягивающих лент-фиксаторов к листовому прокладочному материалу. Устройство может быть снабжено сегментированным ложементом из твердого листового материала, повторяющим форму изолированной трубы. На наружной поверхности ложемента укреплены стяжные кольцевые ремни для охвата изолированной ...

18-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016144195A3

13-02-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017113103A3

11-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU204147U1

Полезная модель относится к приспособлениям, предназначенным для предотвращения последствий разрывов сварных швов в зоне присоединения трубопровода к патрубку большего диаметра, в частности патрубку парогенератора атомной электростанции. Ограничитель разрыва трубопроводов, присоединенных с помощью сварного шва к патрубку, включает смонтированную над сварным швом трубопровода втулку, выполненную из двух симметричных половин, снабженных продольными взаимно ориентированными фланцами, стянутыми резьбовыми соединениями. Своими торцевыми фланцами втулка взаимодействует с установочными элементами, приваренными к трубопроводу, при этом втулка имеет переменный диаметр и дополнительно взаимодействует с установочными элементами, приваренными к внешней поверхности патрубка. Ограничитель разрыва трубопроводов позволяет предотвратить негативные последствия разрыва сварного шва трубопровода и патрубка и может быть применен в различных отраслях хозяйства. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

22-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU215705U1

Полезная модель относится к нефтяной промышленности, в частности к оборудованию для эксплуатации нефтяной или газовой скважины, и может быть использована для предотвращения механических повреждений фильтрующих элементов, входящих в состав скважинных фильтров. Техническим результатом заявленного технического решения является повышение сопротивляемости разрушению, являющегося следствием воздействия разнонаправленных вибрационных нагрузок, кожуха для фильтрующего элемента, за счет кожуха защитного для фильтрующего элемента, характеризующегося тем, что он выполнен трубчатой формы и образован уложенной по спирали перфорированной лентой, края смежных витков которой соединены непрерывным лежачим фальцевым швом с отсечкой.

07-11-2022 дата публикации

Способ установки защитного футляра на действующий подземный трубопровод в стеснённых условиях и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: RU2782946C1

Изобретение относится к области эксплуатации трубопроводов сетей инженерно-технического обеспечения и может быть использовано при установке на них защитных футляров в стесненных условиях. Способ установки защитного футляра на действующий подземный трубопровод в стесненных условиях включает пооперационные технологии выемки грунта на участках установки защитного футляра, укладки нижнего 2 и верхнего 3 сегментов защитных футляров с фиксацией их соединения между собой, продольного присоединения монтируемых частей защитного футляра к установленным на трубопровод частям защитного футляра, сохранения проектного положения трубопровода при производстве земляных и монтажных работ, обеспечения прочности, герметичности и долговечности конструкции «трубопровод-защитный футляр». Устройство для установки защитного футляра на действующий подземный трубопровод в стесненных условиях содержит монтажные крюки 20, попарно жестко закрепленные на каждом из продольных ребер каждого из верхних сегментов 3 защитного ...

21-12-2021 дата публикации

Система разделения

Номер: RU2762581C1

Изобретение относится к области космической техники и может быть использовано для разделения силовых конструкций космических аппаратов. Система разделения силовых конструкций космических аппаратов содержит силовые узлы, установленные по окружности разделяемых конструкций. Силовые узлы стянуты бандажом, который закреплен двумя диаметрально расположенными пироузлами. Пироузлы расположены диаметрально противоположно друг от друга без жесткого крепления к конструкции. Между силовыми узлами на разделяемую часть конструкции установлена защита в виде решетчатого кожуха замкнутого контура, на котором закреплен полимерный материал с помощью ниток и клеящего материала, например с помощью полиамидных ниток и лент с липким слоем. Достигается повышение надежности. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018145317A

27-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010130359A

... 1. Секция трубопровода для транспортировки газообразной текучей среды из первого местонахождения во второе местонахождение, содержащая: ! основной компонент трубопровода, имеющий первый конец и второй конец; ! многослойный защитный кожух, имеющий первый конец и второй конец и окружающий по периметру по меньшей мере часть основного компонента трубопровода; ! причем первый конец основного компонента трубопровода расположен поблизости от первого конца многослойного защитного кожуха, и второй конец основного компонента трубопровода расположен поблизости от второго конца многослойного защитного кожуха; ! первое закрывающее кольцо, расположенное поблизости от первых концов основного компонента трубопровода и многослойного защитного кожуха, соответственно, и прикрепленное к ним; ! второе закрывающее кольцо, расположенное поблизости от вторых концов основного компонента трубопровода и многослойного защитного кожуха, соответственно, и прикрепленное к ним; ! причем защитный кожух имеет внутреннюю ...

30-09-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для защиты изоляционных покрытий трубопровода от механических повреждений

Номер: SU1681131A1

Изобретение относится к области строительства , в частности к строительству магистральных трубопроводов, когда грунты сложены гравийно-галечниковыми или щебеночными отложениями. Цель изобретения - снижение капзатрат при обеспечении надежности защиты изоляционного покрытия трубопровода от механических повреждений путем использования передвижных устройств при подземной прокладке трубопровода в обломочных грунтах. На трубопровод укладывают защитный кожух 1, расположенный по дуге окружности. По длине кожуха расположены ролики 2 в три ряда в шахматном порядке, которые служат для перемещения и опирания кожуха на трубопроводе . Передняя часть кожуха снабжена защитным козырьком 3, препятствующим попаданию грунта на трубопровод впереди устройства при его засыпке , форкопфом 4 для крепления тяговых тросов 5 при перемещении кожуха по трубопроводу на его длину. Для устойчивости защитного кожуха на трубопроводе по его бокам расположены лыжи 6, которые установлены выше дна траншеи на 20 см. 1 з.п. ф-лы ...

01-06-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002632534B2

20-01-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001551569B2

17-08-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002449159C3

28-10-1982 дата публикации

Rust protection device for the inner surface of tubes

Номер: DE0003114264A1

In order to protect the inner surface, in particular of tubes provided with a thread, against rusting, a substrate, for example in the form of a strip, is provided, which can be introduced into the tubes and on which a plurality of containers, for example in the form of pads, are arranged spaced apart successively (Figure 1). The containers are filled with dry powder and consist of moisture-permeable material. The substrate is preferably fixed to the two ends of the tube. ...

21-02-1985 дата публикации

Process for reinforcing glass pipes

Номер: DE0003425184A1

The process according to the invention can be used for glass pipe reinforcement in order to extend the fields of application of glass pipelines. The object is to propose a highly productive, material-saving reinforcing process and the continuous shaping thereof with little stressing of the glass pipe and a high reinforcing effect. The solution according to the invention provides for partial lengths of the glass pipes to be forcibly pushed at their centre axis end to end through round mesh-forming machines. The force necessary in this direction for forming the mesh is applied. The sheathing takes place with high filament tension.

22-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: DE8122399U1

15-05-2003 дата публикации

Overhead mounting for pipelines has movable mountings to allow lateral and longditudinal movements for thermal compensation

Номер: DE0010200433C1

An overhead mounting system for pipelines has the pipeline rigidly fixed at set points and with movable mountings in between the set points. The movable mountings have the hangers located on sliding mountings to follow thermal movements along the line of the pipeline. The mountings are improved by having the slides pivot mounted about a fixed point, enabling the pipeline to be deflected to either side to allow for thermal movements. The mountings have a compact design and allow the pipeline to be mounted close under the overhead supports, which can be a ceiling or a gantry support.

10-09-2014 дата публикации

Improved safety shield for a pipe joint

Номер: GB0201413239D0

19-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008421013D0

10-10-2012 дата публикации

Device for securing subsea structures

Номер: GB0201215378D0

26-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009720362D0

04-10-2000 дата публикации

Protective sleeving

Номер: GB0000020188D0

27-07-2016 дата публикации

A protective sleeve

Номер: GB0002534340A

The protective sleeve 10 has a tubular body 15 formed with a central lumen 20 such that the body can fit or wrap around an article 30 such as a pipe, post, or scaffolding pole, the body being formed of luminescent and/or biodegradable and/or thermally insulating material. The sleeve may have an annular, circular, polygonal, square or oval section and a longitudinal slot or slit 25, and may be formed from a foamed, plastics, or polyolefin material such as ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) or polyethylene. The sleeve or lagging may have a striated or striped appearance, or be reflective or fluorescent. The sleeve material may include a biodegradation accelerator or promoter. Also disclosed is a scaffold tube safety sleeve, impact absorbing jacket, a multi-purpose protection sleeve or sheath, high visibility safety tube and an impact protection system.

12-02-2020 дата публикации

Hydrodynamic damper

Номер: GB0002507252B
Принадлежит: EQUINOR ENERGY AS, Equinor Energy AS

13-01-2021 дата публикации

System and methods for protecting a tether line disposed in a pressurized pipe

Номер: GB0002585417A

A system for protecting a tether line attached to an inspection probe for use in a pipe containing fluid at an elevated pressure, the pipe including an interior surface defining a sharp edge, the system comprising: a launch housing defining an interior chamber sized to receive the inspection probe, the launch housing including a first end fluidly communicating with the pipe, thereby to place the interior chamber at the elevated pressure; a tether line drive coupled to the tether line and configured to advance and retract the inspection probe within the pipe; and a protective structure disposed within the pipe and positioned proximate the sharp edge, the protective structure configured to maintain a space between the intermediate portion of the tether line and the sharp edge. As the tether line is extended and retracted, portions of the tether line are prevented from directly engaging jagged profiles formed in the pressurized pipe. A method comprises: hot-tapping the pipe; attaching a launch ...

06-08-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002133498B

25-03-2015 дата публикации

Systems and methods for duct protection of a vehicle

Номер: GB0002518510A

Methods and systems for duct protection of a vehicle, e.g. an aircraft, are provided. The methods and systems provided include an apparatus for directing flow discharged from a facture in a duct. The apparatus includes a ballistic containment layer 202, an air containment layer 204 substantially surrounding the ballistic containment layer, and a vent 210 defined in the ballistic containment layer 202 and the air containment layer 204. The vent 210 is configured to direct a flow discharged from the duct fracture. It can further comprise an insulation layer 206 in contact with the duct or integrated in one of the ballistic containment layer 202 or air containment layer 204. An anti-rotation feature can be used to retain a tab coupled to the duct. The ballistic containment layer comprises at least one of a ceramic fiber, para-aramid fiber and a carbon fiber.

01-03-2006 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to pipes and pipe cladding

Номер: GB0000601176D0

11-08-1982 дата публикации

Sealing cover for protecting threaded members

Номер: GB0002092092A

A sealing cover for preventing ingress of fluid between water- engaging screw threads of an impact protection nipple (3) and e.g. the end (51) of a pipe (1), comprises a closure portion (4) for closing an end of the nipple (3) and a ring portion (30, 31) for sealingly engaging the outer surface of the pipe and connection to the closure portion (4). The ring portion is constructed as separate or articulated parts (30, 31) so that it can be assembled and secured around the pipe (1) without the need to remove the nipple (3) and closure portion (4) from the end of the pipe. ...

30-10-2019 дата публикации

Safety apparatus

Номер: GB0002560978B
Принадлежит: SCORE EUROPE LTD, Score (Europe) Limited

22-02-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008401200D0

27-01-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001220975A

... 1,220,975. Pipes. J. TAITTO. 31 Oct., 1968 [1 Nov., 1967], No. 51582/68. Heading F2P. An extruded pipe, which may be of plastics material, is provided with transverse, i.e. annular or helical, corrugations which extend around a part 1 of the pipe circumference having the other part 2 of the pipe circumference either smooth or longitudinally corrugated Fig. 6 (not shown). The other part may have the same or different radius of curvature to that of the transversely corrugated part and may be of different wall thickness. The pipe wall may be provided with apertures therein to permit the pipe to be used as a drainage pipe. Protective ledges may be formed above the apertures. The pipe may be provided with more than one transversely corrugated part, Fig. 7 (not shown).

24-03-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001226190A

17-06-1998 дата публикации

Flexible protective sleeve

Номер: GB0009808290D0

09-02-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001263041A

... 1,263,041. Clamp. FORD MOTOR CO. 13 Jan., 1970 [24 Feb., 1969], No. 1498/70. Headings E2A and E2B. [Also in Divisions F1 and F2] A resilient pipe socket comprises half portions 10, 12, linked by hinge-like portion 18. To close the socket over the pipe the pair of pins 32 (not shown), 34 are pushed together and passed through the rectangular hole 26, defined by box 24. The hole is chamfered at 28, and has a 10‹ reverse angle at 25 (Fig. 4, not shown) at the bottom of open box 24. Pins 32, 34 have outwardly projecting ledges 36 (not shown), 38, with a 10‹ reverse angle. These engage 25 to hold the socket together. The pins may make an interference fit with hole 26, even when the pins are pushed together, thereby giving a more dependable latch.

28-03-1979 дата публикации

A method of protecting a pipe and a wear protective element therefor

Номер: GB0002004343A
Автор: Fricker, Hans

A C-shaped open base element of sheet metal is used to form a protective sleeve about a pipe mounted in a mounting. The element is bent about the pipe and welded together to form the sleeve. Wedges are used to secure the formed sleeve to the pipe. Shoulders are provided on the sleeve to stiffen the sleeve in the unbent regions and to prevent axial displacement of the sleeve in the mounting.

30-09-1988 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for protecting consecutive multiple variable diameter couplings.

Номер: OA0000008554A

28-03-2006 дата публикации

Device for arresting the propgation of a buckle ina double-walled pipe.

Номер: OA0000011886A

31-07-1983 дата публикации

Device to improve resistance and rigidity of a subsea pipe.

Номер: OA0000006980A

27-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000387271B

15-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: ATA421173A

15-08-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA463977A

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509798A1

15-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000512150B1

The invention relates to a coupling for cryogenic liquefied gases, comprising two detachable connectable complementary coupling halves (1, 2), each of which has a valve blocking or opening the through-flow of the gas, wherein the valves each have a valve closure member (15, 27) mounted such as to be slidable in the axial direction, which closure member can be pressed against a valve seat (22, 36), wherein the valve closure members (15, 27) interact with each other along a parting plane (43) of the coupling in the axial direction in the connected state of the coupling halves (1, 2). According to the invention, the surfaces (39, 40) interacting with each other in the parting plane (43) define a sealed cavity (41).

15-12-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000131132T

10-10-1973 дата публикации

Device to the Aussteifen of pipes

Номер: AT0000310678B

10-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000334295B

25-10-2018 дата публикации

Submarine pipe comprising a sheath comprising a polypropylene block copolymer

Номер: AU2017247618A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

The invention relates to a submarine pipe comprising a metallic reinforcement layer around an inner sealing polymeric sheath that can be in contact with hydrocarbons, characterised in that the inner sealing polymeric sheath comprises a polypropylene block copolymer or a mixture of polypropylene block copolymers, wherein the polypropylene block copolymer or the mixture has a density of more than 0.900 g/cm ...

24-02-2003 дата публикации

Damped flexible protective sleeving

Номер: AU2002326521A1

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Leakage protection apparatus

Номер: AU2016102369A4
Автор: LIU MICHAEL, Liu, Michael
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

Abstract Provided is a leakage protection device, comprising a wrapping tape, two tiers and a diverter nozzle. The wrapping tape is used for wrapping around outer surfaces 5 of pipe connectors. One end of the wrapping tape is provided with a loop fastener and buttons. The loop fastener and the buttons are located on a front face of the wrapping tape. The buttons are located on one side of the loop fastener close to the middle of the wrapping tape. The other end of the wrapping tape is provided with button holes and a hook fastener. The button holes and the hook fastener are located .o on a back face of the wrapping tape. The hook fastener is located on one side of the button holes close to the middle of the wrapping tape. The loop fastener is used for attachment to the hook fastener. The buttons are used for fastening by passing through the button holes. The middle of the wrapping tape is further provided with a diverter hole. The two tiers are used for tying two side edges of the wrapping ...

28-08-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000554569B2

19-02-2004 дата публикации

Pipe cage

Номер: AU0000770218B2

05-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001182183A1

09-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001085127A1

03-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001051987A1

17-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002496520C

An elongated sleeve structure (10) for insertion and protection of elongated items (46) within a duct (31) is disclosed. The sleeve structure (10) is formed from a flexible sleeve woven from warp yarns (20) and fill yarns (22) to produce opposed layers (14 & 16) in closely spaced relation. The layers (14 & 16) have a common seamless edge and are joined along a second edge by a knit stitch formed by interlooping of successive traverses of the fill yarn (22) which is common to both layers (14 & 16). The layers (14 & 16) are of equal width and are resiliently separable into a spaced apart relationship defining a central space which accommodates the elongated items (36). A pull tape (36) is positioned between the opposed layers for drawing the elongated items through the sleeve central space once the sleeve structure is positioned within the duct (31). Multiple sleeve structures (10) may be joined together in an assembly using an attachment piece allowing a plurality of sleeve structures (10 ...

11-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002482548C

A rigid fastener, for securing to one another adjacent portions of a cover member made of resiliently deformable material, has an end portion with an outward end section of relatively small outside diameter and an axially adjacent inward section of relatively large outside diameter. The end portion of the fastener is engagable in either of two positions in a corresponding recess formed into at least one of the adjacent portions of the cover piece, affording a high level of holding power in its fully inserted position and of fording a low level of holding power in a partially inserted position.

17-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA924652A

26-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1145271A

TITLE: MATERIAL FOR WRAPPING AROUND A PIPE, CABLE OR THE LIKE A material for wrapping around a pipe, cable or the like in which a flexible sheet of heat shrinkable material such as cross-linked polyolefin, is provided on each edge with a metal clip element. In one construction, the two elements being formed with a body portion attached to the sheet material and hook members which extend in the opposite sense to one another and are inclined towards the body member to hook into one another. A strip of material on one of the clip elements, or on the flexible material, extends under the free edge of one of the hook members to maintain the other hook member in engagement. In another construction the first clip element is provided with spaced apart bridge which are engaged with cooperating spaced apart hooks on the second clip element.

25-12-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1068623A

This invention relates to means for arresting longitudinal propagation of a crack in pipelines carrying natural gas or highly volatile normally gaseous liquids or combinations thereof, and to methods for applying said crack arrestor means to pipelines.

26-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1045057A

A pipeline, for example a submerged pipeline, provided with tubular or annular crack/buckle arresters which are arranged around, and at regular intervals along, the pipeline, wherein at least one crack/buckle arrester is combined with an anode of a suitable material.

08-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002999232A1

... [Solution] A reinforcing device for reinforcing a boiler pipe including a first boiler pipe, a second boiler pipe, and a weld part for joining the end edges of the first boiler pipe and the second boiler pipe to each other, wherein the reinforcing device is characterized in being provided with a first steel sheet that has a plate shape and that is wrapped onto a region of the boiler pipe that includes the weld part to reinforce the boiler pipe, the first steel sheet having a plurality of fold parts formed along the longitudinal direction of the boiler pipe and formed at uniform intervals in the circumferential direction of the boiler pipe so as to facilitate the wrapping of the first steel sheet onto the aforementioned region of the boiler pipe.

22-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003040493A1

A pipe assembly comprising a composite pipe, and end connector provided at an end of the pipe, and means for providing a visual indication of impact damage to the pipe, the means for providing a visual indication of impact damage to the pipe comprising a thin sleeve mounted around, but spaced from, a pipe body of the composite pipe, whereby at each end of the pipe body, the pipe body, the sleeve and the end connector are preferably sealingly fitted together, and wherein the sleeve is configured to provide a visual indication indicative of an impact acting on the sleeve even if the impact does not reach the pipe body.

03-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002601301C

A pipe (300) having an axially extending bore is defined by a pipe wall including a corrugated outer wall (320) having axially adjac annular outwardly-extending crests separated by valleys (340). The pipe wall also includes a non-linear outer layer (350) having adjacent concave portions (360) and convex portions (370). The concave portions are aligned with the corrugation crests of the out wall so that the convex portion of the outer layer extends outwardly between at least two corrugation crests to provide improved resistance to deformation.

24-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002643351A1

27-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002635821A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

02-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2945410C

Structural body comprises a concrete core 104 and a cap 106 around the opening. A first wrap 102 is wrapped under tension around the concrete core 104 and a portion of the cap to form a continuous wa-ter resistant barrier around the outer surface of the concrete core. A second wrap 103 can be wrapped under tension around the inner surface of concrete core to form a continu-ous water resistant barrier around the inner surface of the concrete core 104. Structural body can be formed as a pipe with a male and female ends to interconnect multiple pipes. The joint formed between two struc-tural bodies has a continuous water resistant barrier that prevents the environment from contacting the concrete core.

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002888515A1
Принадлежит: MCMILLAN LLP

The subject matter of the invention is a lining tube as a composite tube for lining a pressure pipe to be renovated, comprising at least one first layer (1) and a second layer (2) which adjoins the first layer (1), the first layer (1) forming a substantially fluid-tight and/or gas-tight diffusion barrier and the second layer (2) being a textile fabric soaked in a resin and being provided for an all-over adhesive connection to an inner wall of the pressure pipe to be renovated, the lining tube being flexible in a state in which the resin has not cured. The second layer (2) is at least 3 mm thick, the textile fabric and the resin being selected such that the lining tube forms a self-supporting pipe in a state in which the resin has cured. The invention also relates to a method for renovating a pressure pipe using such a lining tube and a corresponding renovated pressure pipe.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002957104A1

The invention relates to polymeric pipes reinforced with a metal casing, which are used for transporting oil and gas, acids, alkali products, drinking water and industrial water, and also in the transportation of aggressive and neutral pulps, for example, in the event of the underground leaching of rock. What is claimed is: a metal-containing polymeric reinforced pipe comprising a welded metal casing and a polymeric matrix having an amorphous-phase-based molecular structure. The metal-containing polymeric reinforced pipe is produced by extrusion moulding with simultaneous feeding of a polymer melt and the reinforcing metal casing into the mould cavity, followed by intensive cooling of the internal and external surfaces of the pipe being moulded. The technical result of the invention is an increase in the quality and endurance limit in the radial direction of the metal-containing polymeric reinforced pipe, with an increase in productivity of the process for manufacturing said pipe, and also ...

29-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002974008A1

A conduit fitting for a hazardous environment includes a main body that has a distal portion and a proximate portion. The main body includes a longitudinal bore with openings at each of the distal portion and the proximate portion. The opening is configured to receive ends of a conduit. The fitting includes a first sealing region that includes a crimp feature configured to be crimped and a second sealing region adjacent the first sealing region. The second sealing region is configured to house a sealing component. The first and second sealing regions are configured to create an explosion proof seal around an end of the conduit.

24-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002849622A1

The invention relates to an annularly closable band for encircling one or more articles, having an inner side, which is intended to face the article or articles to be encircled, an outer side located opposite the inner side, and two end regions (4, 5), which are made to overlap one another in order to close the band, wherein the end regions have corresponding closing elements, which are designed to be brought into engagement with one another such that the band has a substantially smooth outer circumferential surface in the closed state. The invention also relates to the use of a corresponding band as a protective cover for a component of a dispensing device, preferably as a protective cover for a breakaway coupling of a dispensing nozzle.

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002850201A1

A method of hardbanding a tubular component. The method involves placing a helical band of hardbanding material forming spaced coils around an exterior wear surface of a body of the tubular component. The helical band is at an angle of not less than 5 degrees relative to a longitudinal axis of the tubular component and the spacing between the coils is a minimum of 18 mm.

02-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002038296A1

16-01-1995 дата публикации

Jacket Reinforcement for Piping

Номер: CA0002165093A1

13-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002232927C

The present invention provides a disposable protective cover which securely yet releasably attaches to a conventional plumbing fixture via locking tabs, thereby reserving an annular space around the fixture and the underlying pipe during floor constructi on and allowing easy and rapid access to the fixture once the floor construction has be en completed.

31-07-1931 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000148603A

28-02-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000534321A

28-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000546374A

13-09-1974 дата публикации

Pipeline protection against oil leakage - using plastic hose sections and flexible spacers

Номер: CH0000553938A

A pipeline for crude or refined oil is surrounded by short rigid sections of synthetic resin hose which are supported by mushroom-shaped spacers. The gaps between the butt ends of the hoses filled by a sealing compound which is kept in position by a flexible bandage.

15-01-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000571681A5

28-11-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000569917A5

31-12-1971 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Aussteifen von Rohren

Номер: CH0000517264A
Принадлежит: NORM PLASTICS

31-07-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000564721A5
Принадлежит: FAGERSTA AB

15-04-1981 дата публикации

Collar formed from a flexible strip and intended to be fastened to a pipe

Номер: CH0000622598A5

The collar consists of a single piece in the form of a flexible strip whose thickness may be between 1 and 10 mm according to the applications. The collar serves to provide the connection between two pipes, for example two elements of a gas pipe engaged in one another. At one end, the strip has extensions (1) with the teeth (4) separated from the extension itself by slits (3) whilst at the other end it has elements with internal teeth (11). The ribs (12) and the domed parts (10) facilitate fitting the collar. The projecting elements (13 and 9) serve as an application point for pliers or tongs during tightening. ...

27-08-2010 дата публикации

Предохранитель резьбы для бурильной трубы

Номер: RU0000097118U1
Автор: Шиджун КИАО
Принадлежит: Шиджун КИАО

1. Предохранитель резьбы для бурильной трубы, представляющий собой надетую на бурильную трубу внешнюю втулку и содержащий противоударный корпус, пластмассовый вкладыш, днище, буферную зону, зазор для сбора резьбовой смазки, уплотнительное кольцо, стопорный элемент для блокировки вращения и резьбу, причем буферная зона находится между верхним торцом противоударного корпуса и пластмассовым вкладышем, внутренний диаметр которого обеспечивает возможность его насаживания на бурильную трубу; на пластмассовом вкладыше выполнена резьба, которая при установке предохранителя соединяется с резьбой бурильной трубы; уплотнительные кольца расположены внутри пластмассового вкладыша на обоих его концах; на верхнем конце участка соединения бурильной трубы с внутренней стороной пластмассового вкладыша образован зазор для сбора резьбовой смазки, отличающийся тем, что он включает по меньшей мере одно монтажное отверстие, расположенное в верхней части противоударного корпуса, средняя часть которого плотно прилегает к средней части пластмассового вкладыша, так что противоударный корпус и пластмассовый вкладыш соединены посредством насаживания, а в месте их соединения расположен стопорный элемент, а еще один зазор для сбора резьбовой смазки имеется также на нижнем конце участка соединения бурильной трубы с внутренней стороной пластмассового вкладыша. ! 2. Предохранитель резьбы по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он также содержит вентиляционное отверстие, расположенное в верхнем торце противоударного корпуса. ! 3. Предохранитель резьбы по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он также содержит маркировочное отверстие, расположенное РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 97 118 (13) U1 (51) МПК B65D 59/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ(титульный лист) (21), (22) Заявка: 2008143585/22, 08.01.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.01.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): КИАО Шиджун (CN) R U (30) ...

21-12-2017 дата публикации

Заглушка для трубы

Номер: RU0000175855U1

Предложенная полезная модель относится к области защиты цилиндрических труб от воздействия влаги, грязи, мусора, механических повреждений фаски или резьбы при хранении, транспортировке, подготовке к использованию и установке. В частности, настоящая полезная модель относится к заглушке для защиты труб, используемых в нефтедобывающей, газодобывающей отраслях и при транспортировке нефти, газа и нефтепродуктов.Предложена заглушка для защиты трубы, выполненная из оксо-биоразлагаемого полимерного материала, причем заглушка содержит: внешний полый цилиндрический элемент, внутренний полый цилиндрический элемент, расположенный внутри внешнего цилиндрического элемента с образованием зазора между стенками внешнего и внутреннего цилиндрических элементов, основание, имеющее круглую форму и закрывающее нижний торец внутреннего цилиндрического элемента с образованием первых углов соединения, и верхний кольцевой элемент, соединяющий верхние торцы внешнего и внутреннего цилиндрических элементов с образованием вторых углов соединения.(Фиг.1) Ц 1 175855 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ < а хх ххх хх 1 175 3884 Я & <“ За п РЦ ‘’ (50) МПК Вб5р 59/06 (2006.01) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК В65р 59/06 (201708) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017132620, 19.09.2017 (72) Автор(ы): (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.09.2017 Дата регистрации: 21.12.2017 Приоритет(ь): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 19.09.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 21.12.2017 Бюл. № 36 Адрес для переписки: 420015, г. Казань ул. Жуковского, д.26, Филиал ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" Сницарь Денис Николаевич (КП), Чернусский Дмитрий Викторович (КП) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Мехсервис" (КП) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: КИ 144296 01, 20.08.2014. СМ 106586244 А, 26.04.2017. РЕ 202006019193 ЦТ, 31.05.2007. СМ 205678348 Ц, 09.11.2016. (54) ЗАГЛУШКА ДЛЯ ТРУБЫ (57) Реферат: Предложенная ...

28-02-2018 дата публикации

Секционный защитный футляр

Номер: RU0000177511U1

Полезная модель относится к композитным секционным защитным футлярам, используемым при ремонте и монтаже трубопроводов, в частности газопроводов, нефтепроводов и водопроводов, для защиты от внешних повреждений. Секционный защитный футляр выполнен из композиционного материала, включающего элементы, соединенные между собой элементами скрепления, при этом внутри футляра установлены центраторы, а на его поверхности оборудован переходник под контрольную трубку. Согласно заявленному решению, футляр состоит из крайних и центрального элементов. Технический результат полезной модели заключается в повышении скорости ремонта газопроводов, нефтепроводов и водопроводов, находящихся в местах пересечения их с автомобильными дорогами, трамвайными и железнодорожными путями, подземными коммуникациями; в повышении технологичности конструкции; в одновременном снижении трудозатрат и затрат материалов; а также в отсутствии необходимости останавливать движение транспорта, прекращать передачу электроэнергии и подачу передаваемых газов и жидкостей во время ремонта. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 177 511 U1 (51) МПК F16L 57/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16L 57/00 (2017.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017114231, 25.04.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Нанотехнологический центр композитов" (ООО "НЦК") (RU) Дата регистрации: 28.02.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 133248 U1, 10.10.2013. RU (45) Опубликовано: 28.02.2018 Бюл. № 7 1 7 7 5 1 1 R U (54) СЕКЦИОННЫЙ ЗАЩИТНЫЙ ФУТЛЯР (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к композитным секционным защитным футлярам, используемым при ремонте и монтаже трубопроводов, в частности газопроводов, нефтепроводов и водопроводов, для защиты от внешних повреждений. Секционный защитный футляр выполнен из композиционного материала, включающего элементы, соединенные ...

04-09-2018 дата публикации

Невращающийся протектор для бурильных колонн

Номер: RU0000182805U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам, предназначенным для защиты от износа бурильных труб и обсадных колонн от взаимного истирания при бурении наклонных и горизонтальных нефтяных и газовых скважин.Предлагается невращающийся протектор для бурильных колонн, который содержит цилиндрический корпус и два упорных кольца, устанавливаемых по обе стороны от протектора. Корпус выполнен из двух одинаковых частей, представляющих собой полимерные полукольца со спиральными ребрами снаружи. Полимерные полукольца имеют армирующий каркас с петлями. С одной стороны полимерные полукольца соединены подвижно с помощью петель и оси, а с другой стороны выполнено разъемное соединение, осуществляемое при помощи петель и клина. Каждое упорное кольцо состоит из двух металлических полуколец. С одной стороны металлические полукольца соединены подвижно с помощью пластин и болтов, а с другой стороны выполнено разъемное соединение, осуществляемое при помощи болтов. Армирующий каркас с петлями каждого полимерного кольца выполнен в виде единой гнутой листовой детали и полностью покрыт полимерным материалом.Технический результат, на достижение которого направлена предлагаемая полезная модель, заключается в повышении надежности и срока службы невращающегося протектора для бурильных колонн за счет защиты соединений в корпусе протектора и способа изготовления каркаса, а также повышении технологичности изготовления протектора. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 182 805 U1 (51) МПК E21B 17/10 (2006.01) F16L 57/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E21B 17/10 (2018.08); E21B 17/1085 (2018.08); F16L 57/00 (2018.08); F16L 57/06 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018126378, 17.07.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 04.09.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 04.09.2018 Бюл. № 25 1 8 2 8 0 5 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 8668007 B2, 11.03.2014. RU 2123100 C1, 10.12.1998. RU 92456 ...

21-06-2019 дата публикации

Коврик уплотнительный

Номер: RU0000190167U1

Настоящая полезная модель относится к устройствам защиты изоляционной поверхности трубопровода, в том числе, балластируемого охватывающими и кольцевыми утяжелителями, от механических повреждений, а также для обеспечения надежного, без возможности взаимного смещения, закрепления утяжелителей на трубопроводе. Полезная модель может быть применена в нефтегазовой промышленности при укладке трубопроводов, в частности, в обводненных грунтах.В соответствии с настоящей полезной моделью коврик уплотнительный состоит из гибких листов, соединенных между собой с образованием множества замкнутых полостей, отличающийся тем, что один из листов выполнен, по существу, плоским из геосинтетического материала, а в каждой замкнутой полости размещена объемная опорная площадка, выполненная из полимерного материала. 10 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 190 167 U1 (51) МПК F16L 57/00 (2006.01) F16L 1/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16L 57/00 (2019.05); F16L 1/06 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019106987, 13.03.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Абсолют-Полимер" (RU) Дата регистрации: 21.06.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP 546934 B1, 19.07.1995. RU 2220352 C1, 27.12.2003. RU 2252356 C1, 20.05.2005. RU 2288397 C1, 27.11.2006. (45) Опубликовано: 21.06.2019 Бюл. № 18 1 9 0 1 6 7 R U (54) Коврик уплотнительный (57) Реферат: Настоящая полезная модель относится к устройствам защиты изоляционной поверхности трубопровода, в том числе, балластируемого охватывающими и кольцевыми утяжелителями, от механических повреждений, а также для обеспечения надежного, без возможности взаимного смещения, закрепления утяжелителей на трубопроводе. Полезная модель может быть применена в нефтегазовой промышленности при укладке трубопроводов, в частности, в Стр.: 1 обводненных грунтах. В соответствии с ...

28-07-2020 дата публикации

Укрывной материал для защиты от повреждений антикоррозионного покрытия изделий и конструкций

Номер: RU0000198758U1

Техническое решение относится к области защиты антикоррозионных покрытий на заглубленных в грунт конструкциях, предпочтительно металлоконструкциях, изделиях и сооружениях от механического повреждения извне, как в процессе монтажа, так и в процессе эксплуатации.Задача - создание укрывного материала, обладающего способностью демпфировать прилагаемые извне динамические нагрузки, не допуская передачи на укрываемое сооружение усилий, способных повредить его антикоррозионное покрытие. Технический результат - снижение передаваемых на защищаемое изделие или конструкцию динамических нагрузок, возникающих при засыпке ее грунтом с условными допустимыми размерами фракции подсыпки 70 мм и фракции присыпки 150 мм, за счет их демпфирования укрывным материалом без его повреждения.Для этого укрывной материал для защиты от повреждений антикоррозионного покрытия включает лист из полимерного материала и соединенную с ним подложку, которая выполнена из нетканого материала поверхностной плотностью от 1100 до 1700 г/мтолщиной 25-55 мм, при которых стойкость укрывного материала к удару составляет 200-300 Дж. Укрывной материал для защиты от повреждений антикоррозионного покрытия может быть ламинирован с лицевой стороны стеклотканью, а в качестве материала для листа может быть использована композиция Метален-21 по ТУ 2211-021-63341682-2015. При этом укрывной материал для защиты от повреждений антикоррозионного покрытия должен иметь стойкость к прокалыванию индентором не менее 45 кН. Предпочтительно, чтобы лист из полимерного материала и подложка выполнены с отверстиями только по одному из их краев, через которые они соединены между собой имеющими замки стяжками из полимерного материала. При этом лист из полимерного материала выполнен по одной из боковых сторон и смежной с ней стороне шире, чем соединенная с ним подложка, на величину, превышающую толщину подложки с образованием Г-образного в плане козырька.1 илл., 5 з.п. ф-лы РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 198 758 U1 (51) МПК E04B 1/ ...

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Water Pipe Structure

Номер: US20120125471A1
Автор: Chun-Ping Kuo
Принадлежит: Individual

A water pipe structure includes an inner water pipe, and a protective layer mounted on and combined with the inner water pipe to cover an outer periphery of the inner water pipe. The inner water pipe has an outer side provided with at least one extension wing which extends outwardly from the inner water pipe. Thus, the protective layer encompasses the outer periphery of the inner water pipe to protect the inner water pipe.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Pipe coupling cover

Номер: US20120193907A1
Автор: Nils Mittet Skarbovig
Принадлежит: Individual

A cover is provided for a pipe coupling ( 1 ) wherein the cover has a first part ( 2 ) in the form of an impervious collection chamber adapted to cover approximately one circumferential half of a pipe coupling. The collection chamber is defined by a pair of spaced generally parallel flexible side walls ( 3, 41 ) and a peripheral wall ( 4 ) that preferably includes a transparent zone interconnecting corresponding radially outer edges of the side walls to form the collection chamber. Free edges of the walls that form an opening communicating with the collection chamber have deep generally semi circular recesses ( 5 ) for accommodating one half of the circumference of a pipe ( 6 ) adjacent a coupling in use. A co-operant second part ( 9 ) of the cover serves as a retainer for the first part, in use. The second part has similar side walls ( 11 ) and at least one interconnecting peripheral wall ( 12 ) with recesses in free edges of the side walls for accommodating an opposite half of the circumference of a pipe adjacent a coupling in use. Each of the recesses has a lateral collar ( 7, 13, 33, 40 ) extending around its periphery. Means are provided for holding the collars around the outer surface of a pipe in use.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118606A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

In a hydraulic pressure unit, a housing is equipped with a plurality of piping connections having respectively corresponding openings exposed to an external or plurally grouped piping connections; and a protective tape includes one surface onto which a pressure-sensitive adhesive is disposed by means of which the tape is adhered onto an outer surface of the housing, one sheet of the tape covering simultaneously at least two of the openings or plurally grouped piping connections, the protective tape including: a division section dividing and peeling off the protective tape for each of the openings of the piping connections or for each of the groups of the piping connections; and a grip section disposed to be enabled to be gripped by an operator, an adhesion region of the protective tape to the outer surface of the housing by means of the adhesive being disposed on a region excluding the division section. 1. A hydraulic pressure unit comprising:a housing equipped with a plurality of piping connections having respectively corresponding openings exposed to an external or plurally grouped piping connections; anda protective tape including one surface onto which a pressure-sensitive adhesive is disposed by means of which the tape is adhered onto an outer surface of the housing, one sheet of the tape covering simultaneously at least two of the openings or plurally grouped piping connections, the protective tape including: a division section dividing and peeling off the protective tape for each of the openings of the piping connections or for each of the groups of the piping connections; and a grip section disposed to be enabled to be gripped by an operator, wherein an adhesion region of the protective tape to the outer surface of the housing by means of the adhesive is disposed on a region excluding the division section.2. The hydraulic pressure unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the adhesive is disposed on a region except the division section.3. The hydraulic pressure ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130125655A1

Method for testing a pipe for carrying hydrocarbons. The pipe has at least one internal sealing sheath made of polymer material, incorporating elements of reactive compound capable of reacting with corrosive gases contained in the hydrocarbons which diffuse radially through the sheath. The reaction forms a first layer, extending radially from the internal surface, in which the elements of reactive compound have reacted with the gases. A second layer, extends between the first layer and the external surface, in which the elements of reactive compound have not yet reacted with the gases. The method uses ultrasound to determine the position of an interface between the first and second layers to measure the progression of the diffusion of the gases through the sheath. 116-. (canceled)17. A method for monitoring a tubular pipe which transports hydrocarbons containing corrosive gases , the pipe comprising:an internal polymer sheath through which the hydrocarbons pass, the sheath having an inner surface past which the hydrocarbons pass and having an opposite radially outer surface and having a thickness between the inner and outer surfaces, the sheath being comprised of a polymer through which the corrosive gases are liable to diffuse radially from the inner surface through the thickness toward the outer surface thereof;reactive-compound elements dispersed throughout the thickness of the sheath between the inner and the outer surfaces thereof, and the reactive-compound elements reacting with the corrosive gases which diffuse through the sheath such that the reactive-compound elements are operable to neutralize the corrosive gases diffusing through the sheath in a neutralizing reaction;the incorporated reactive-compound elements and their neutralizing reaction with the corrosive gases and the radial diffusion of the corrosive gases forming a first layer radially outward from the inner surface of the sheath in the thickness of the sheath, and the first layer is where the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130150807A1
Автор: HAMURO Kota, ISE Hiroyoshi

Disclosed herein is a strain relief having a plurality of enclosing parts arranged in an axial direction and enclosing a longitudinal axis of the strain relief. A space portion can be formed between adjacent enclosing parts so that the strain relief is freely bendable. In the strain relief, the adjacent enclosing parts are interconnected, and one or both of opposed surfaces of the adjacent enclosing parts can be provided with a projection that projects in a direction substantially parallel with the longitudinal axis. 1. A strain relief having a plurality of enclosing parts arranged in an axial direction and enclosing a longitudinal axis of the strain relief , with a space portion located between adjacent enclosing parts so that the strain relief is freely bendable ,wherein adjacent enclosing parts are interconnected and a first of the adjacent enclosing parts includes a first opposed surface and a second of the adjacent enclosing parts includes a second opposed surface that opposes the first opposed surface, and at least one of the first opposed surface and second opposed surface of the adjacent enclosing parts includes a projection that projects in a direction substantially parallel with the longitudinal axis.2. The strain relief according to claim 1 ,wherein the projection projects at a position continuous with an outer circumferential surface of at least one of the first and second of the adjacent enclosing parts.3. The strain relief according to claim 1 ,wherein a plurality of the space portions are formed in the axial direction and each have an axial length in the axial direction substantially parallel with the longitudinal axis, the axial length defined between an end face of the projection that is directly opposed and spaced at a set distance from one of the first opposed surface and second opposed surface.4. The strain relief according to claim 3 ,wherein the set distance for each of the space portions of the strain relief is substantially equal in length ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183464A1

Provided is an article comprising a flexible tube having an inner surface, an outer surface, a first end and a second end, the inner surface at least partially covered with a low friction material. Also provided is an article comprising a cold shrinkable sleeve disposed on a tubular support core in a stretched condition, at least a portion of the cold shrinkable sleeve folded such that at least one portion of the cold shrinkable sleeve overlaps another portion of the cold shrinkable sleeve, wherein a flexible tube having an inner surface, an outer surface, a first end and a second end, the inner surface at least partially covered with a low friction material, is positioned between the overlapping portions of the cold shrinkable sleeve. 1. An article comprising:a flexible tube having an inner surface, an outer surface, a first end and a second end, the inner surface at least partially covered with a low friction material.2. The article of wherein the first and second ends of the tube are joined to form a closed tube.3. The article of wherein the first and second ends of the tube are heat sealed to each other.4. The article of wherein the heat seal forms a seam perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the closed tube.5. The article of wherein the heat seal forms a seam parallel to the longitudinal axis of the closed tube.6. The article of wherein the first and second ends of the tube are taped together.7. The article of wherein the flexible tube comprises one or more materials selected from the group consisting of heat sealable thermoplastics claim 1 , thermoplastic elastomers claim 1 , and elastomers.8. The article of wherein the flexible tube comprises one or more materials selected from the group consisting of polyethylene claim 7 , polypropylene claim 7 , butyl rubber claim 7 , silicone claim 7 , and EPDM.9. The article of wherein the low friction material is selected from the group consisting of fluids claim 1 , particulates claim 1 , films or a combination ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Universal Pipe Thread Protector

Номер: US20130213516A1

A protector for protecting a helical thread of a pipe comprises a body. The body has a central axis, an upper end comprising a base, a lower end opposite the upper end, and an annular connecting member extending axially from the base to the lower end. The connecting member comprising a radially inner surface and a radially outer surface. The connecting member comprises a helical thread extending radially inward from the radially inner surface or radially outward from the radially outer surface. The helical thread comprises a convex profile that is different than a thread profile of the thread of the pipe. 142. A protector for protecting a helical thread of a pipe having a central axis , a thread pitch P , a radial thread height H , an axial thread width W , an L length , an L length , and a thread profile , the protector comprising:a body having an central axis, an upper end comprising a base, a lower end opposite the upper end, and an annular connecting member extending axially from the base to the lower end, the connecting member comprising a radially inner surface and a radially outer surface;wherein the connecting member comprises a helical thread extending radially inward from the radially inner surface or radially outward from the radially outer surface; andwherein the helical thread comprises a convex profile that is different than the thread profile of the helical thread of the pipe.2. The protector of claim 1 , wherein the convex profile is defined by a semi-cylindrical surface extending radially inward from the radially inner surface or radially outward from the radially outer surface.3. The protector of claim 1 , wherein the convex profile comprises a radius of curvature greater than 0.03 in.4. The protector of claim 3 , wherein the radius of curvature is between 0.045 in. and 0.06 in.52. The protector of claim 2 , wherein the helical thread of the connecting member has an axial length Lthat is less than the L length.6. The protector of claim 5 , wherein ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213517A1

The invention relates to an assembly comprising: an oil extraction pipe () having a thread; and a protector () for the thread of the extraction pipe (), said protector () including a body and a thread complementary to that of the extraction pipe (). The assembly is characterised in that it also comprises an elastomer film () affixed to the protector and designed to form a sealed connection between the extraction pipe () and the protector () when the protector () is positioned on the extraction pipe (). 1. Assembly comprising:{'b': '4', 'an oil extraction pipe () equipped with a thread;'}{'b': 1', '4', '1', '4, 'a protector () for said thread of the extraction pipe (), said protector () comprising a body and a female thread, complementary to the thread of said extraction pipe (),'}{'b': 60', '4', '1', '1', '4, 'said assembly being characterised in that it further comprises an elastomer film () attached to said protector, and suitable for producing a tight connection between the extraction pipe () and the protector () when said protector () is positioned on the extraction pipe ().'}260. Assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said elastomer film () is a single-layer urethane ester type film.3606163626162. Assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said elastomer film () is a tri-layer film comprising two external layers ( claim 1 , ) and one median layer () claim 1 , of ethylene propylene diene monomer composition on the two external layers () and ethylene methyl acrylate on the median layer ().460. Assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said film () is a bi-layer film consisting of a first layer of elastane and polyhexamethylene adipamide in 20%/80% proportions and a second urethane ester type layer.560. Assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said film () has a thickness between 0.001 mm and 5 mm.6. Assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said film has a slip coefficient between 0.05 and 0.5.76014. Assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said film () forms a sleeve ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Protector for an oil extraction pipe

Номер: US20130299037A1

The invention relates to a protector ( 1, 7 ) for an oil extraction pipe. The invention comprises: a hollow, substantially frustoconical connecting segment ( 2 ) having a proximal end ( 21 ), a distal end ( 22 ) and a thread ( 42 ) complementary to that of the pipe; and a bumper segment ( 3 ) having a connecting end ( 31 ) in the extension of the connecting segment ( 2 ) and a free end ( 32 ), said bumper segment including an internal ring ( 33 ) extending in the extension of the connecting segment ( 2 ) and an external ring ( 34 ) extending coaxially from the connecting segment, defining an internal space between the internal ( 33 ) and external ( 34 ) rings and increasing the outer diameter of the protector ( 1, 7 ). The protector ( 1, 7 ) is characterised in that all of the walls thereof having a substantially equal thickness, such that the shape is suitable for production by means of injection, and in that it is produced by means of injection.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319565A1
Принадлежит: Slingmax, Inc.

A high strength, high temperature resistant roundsling for use as a restraint safety device. The roundsling uses a blend of fibers having characteristics of high strength, improved heat resistance, low weight, and improved handibility, as compared to roundslings assembled from non-blended fibers. Use of the roundslings of the present invention to secure sections of pipeline systems, will assist to maintain safety and reduce failure conditions in such pipeline systems that are subject to higher pressures and elevated temperatures. An exemplary and preferred range of the fiber blend for the inventive roundsling device are within a range of 30-70% Para-Aramid fibers and 70-30% LCP fibers, respectively. An exemplary embodiment of the present invention that has been tested is a roundsling manufactured to include a blend of fibers within the approximate range of 55-65% Para-Aramid and 45-35% LCP. 1. A high strength , heat resistant roundsling manufactured from a composite of disparate fibers , being a blend of Para-Aramid fibers and liquid crystal polymer fibers , comprising:a plurality of Para-Aramid fibers, anda plurality of liquid crystal polymer fibers,wherein the plurality of Para-Aramid fibers and the plurality of liquid crystal polymer fibers are commingled and intertwined such that the plurality of liquid crystal polymer fibers are at least in part located in between the plurality of Para-Aramid fibers.2. The high strength claim 1 , heat resistant roundsling according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of Para-Aramid fibers is within the approximate range of 30-70% of the roundsling fibers claim 1 , and the plurality of liquid crystal polymer fibers is respectively within the approximate range of 70-30% of the roundsling fibers.3. The high strength claim 1 , heat resistant roundsling according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of Para-Aramid fibers is within the approximate range of 55-65% of the roundsling fibers claim 1 , and the plurality of liquid crystal ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Coatings, Materials and Processes for Lead and Copper Water Service Lines

Номер: US20130344241A1
Принадлежит: Pipe Restoration Technologies, LLC

Methods, processes, compositions and systems for preventing leaching effects from drinking water service pipes (such as lead, steel and copper) having an inner diameter of at least approximately 12 mm. 2-part thermoset resin coating is applied to the inner surfaces of the pipes where the curing agent can be a phenol free and plasticizer free adduct type. The coating can reduce heavy metals, such as lead, from leaching from installed pipes to less than approximately 10 μg/L (10 ppb). When cured, specific leachates, Bisphenol A and Epichlorohydrin from the coatings will be (less than) <1 μg/L (1 ppb) with overall TOC levels measured at (less than) <2.5 mg/L (2.5 ppm). Pipes can be returned to service from at least approximately 1 to approximately 2 hours. 1. A method for providing a protective barrier coating to interior surfaces of lead based water service pipes , comprising the steps of:providing water service pipes formed from lead having internal diameters from at least approximately 12 mm;coating the interior surfaces of the water service pipes with a leak sealant barrier coating in a single pass run coating operation;curing the leak sealant barrier coating in at least approximately 1 to approximately 4 hours to return the water service pipes to service, wherein lead levels leaching into the drinking water from the leak sealant barrier-coated water service pipes is less than 10 μg/L (10 ppb).2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:curing the leak sealant barrier coating in at least approximately 1 to approximately 2 hours to return the water service pipes to service.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein leachates claim 1 , Bisphenol A and Epichlorohydrin leaching from the leak sealant barrier coating to be less than approximately 1 μg/L (1 ppb).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the overall TOC levels leaching from the leak sealant barrier coating measured is less than approximately 2.5 mg/L (2.5 ppm).5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007969A1
Автор: Tomas Julek Romuald

A method of forming a protection system and a protection system for a secondary conduit adapted to be coupled to a main conduit is disclosed. The main conduit and the secondary conduit are for installation below the sea surface. The method includes spooling onto a reel an elongate member in a first configuration for transportation and/or storage until such a time that it is ready to be deployed. The first configuration is a substantially planar configuration. The method also includes paying the elongate member out from the spool and causing or allowing the elongate member to adopt a second configuration and form the protection system for the secondary conduit. The second configuration is a substantially non-planar configuration. The elongate member is coupled to an external surface of the main conduit. 118-. (canceled)19. A method of forming a protection system for a secondary conduit adapted to be coupled to a main conduit , wherein both the main conduit and the secondary conduit are for installation below the sea surface , the method comprising:spooling onto a reel a resilient elongate member from a first configuration for transportation and/or storage until such a time that it is ready to be deployed, the first configuration being a substantially planar configuration, and wherein the elongate member comprises a plurality of ribs extending along a length of the elongate member;paying the elongate member out from the reel;causing or allowing the elongate member to adopt a second configuration and form the protection system for the secondary conduit, the second configuration being a substantially cylindrical configuration for surrounding and protecting the secondary conduit when the elongate member has been unspooled from the reel; andcoupling the elongate member with the secondary conduit retained within it to an external surface of the main conduit.20. A method of forming a protection system according to wherein the main conduit is a conduit through which oil ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014220A1

Methods of coating surfaces of a (e.g. drinking water) pipeline and pigments dispersions are described. The coating composition of the method and pigment dispersion comprise one or more alkyl phenyl ester compounds wherein the alkyl group comprises at least 8 carbon atoms. 1. A method of forming a coating on a surface of a pipeline the method comprising the steps of: a first part comprising at least one aliphatic polyisocyanate, and', 'a second part comprising at least one diamine;, 'a) providing a coating composition comprising'}wherein the coating composition comprises one or more alkyl phenyl ester compounds wherein the alkyl group comprises at least 8 carbon atoms;b) combining the first part and the second part to form a liquid mixture;c) applying the liquid mixture to internal surfaces of the pipeline; andd) allowing the mixture to set forming a cured coating.2. The method of wherein the alkyl phenyl ester compound has the general formula{'br': None, 'R-L-Ph'}wherein R is an alkyl group comprising at least 8 carbon atoms,L is a divalent linking group, andPh is phenyl.4. The method of wherein the alkyl group comprises at least 10 or 12 carbon atoms.5. The method of wherein the alkyl phenyl ester compound comprises a mixture of compounds having alkyl groups ranging from 12 to 20 carbon atoms.6. The method of wherein the coating composition is free of hydroxy-functional compounds.7. The method of wherein the coating composition further comprises a pigment.8. The method of wherein the pigment comprises titanium dioxide.9. The method of wherein the alkyl phenyl ester compounds are present in an amount ranging from 0.2 to 5 wt-% of the total coating composition.10. The method of wherein the mixture of alkyl phenyl ester compounds are present in an amount ranging from 5 wt-% to 20 wt-% of the total coating composition.11. The method of wherein the pipeline is a drinking water pipeline and the cured coating comes in contact with the drinking water.12. (canceled)13. The ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053908A1

Disclosed is a multilayer structure useful for preparing highly abrasion-resistant protective liners, including tubular articles such as multilayer tubes or pipes. 1. A thermoplastic multilayer structure comprising at least three layers wherein(a) a first surface layer acts comprises a soft thermoplastic polyether based urethane composition with melting point in a range from about 120 to about 220° C., Shore A hardness (ASTM D2240, ISO 868) from 85 to 95, and Shore D hardness from 32 to 50; optionally blended with a surface modifying agent;(b) a second surface layer comprises a thermoplastic ethylene acid copolymer composition, or an ionomer thereof, with melting point in a range from about 60 to about 100° C.;{'sub': 4', '8, '(c) at least one tie layer positioned in contact with one of the surface layers and in contact with one other layer, comprising a coextrudable tie layer composition comprising a polyolefin graft copolymer comprising a trunk polymer comprising polyethylene, polypropylene, styrene-ethylene-butene-styrene triblock copolymer, polybutadiene or a copolymer comprising copolymerized units of ethylene and copolymerized units of vinyl acetate, alkyl acrylate or alkyl methacrylate wherein the alkyl groups have from 1 to 8 carbon atoms, wherein the trunk polymer is modified by grafting thereto a cyclic anhydride of C-Cunsaturated acids; and optionally'}{'sup': '2', '(d) an interior layer of a material comprising a thermoplastic composition with melting point in a range from about 75 to about 150° C., and moisture vapor permeation value less than 2 g-mil/100 in-day.'}2. The multilayer structure of wherein the second surface layer comprises an ethylene acid terpolymer comprising an E/X/Y terpolymer wherein E represents copolymerized units of ethylene claim 1 , X is present in an amount of about 2 to about 30 weight % of the E/X/Y polymer and represents copolymerized units of a Cα claim 1 ,β-ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acid claim 1 , and Y is ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Conduit Apparatus, System, and Methods Thereof

Номер: US20140053935A1
Принадлежит: Dekoron Unitherm, Inc.

A conduit apparatus, system, and method of using a conduit are disclosed. The conduit apparatus includes a plurality of fluid-transporting tubes. A cable channel is positioned substantially parallel to the plurality of fluid-transporting tubes. An elongated, temperature-controlling device is positionable within the cable channel. A bundling jacket is surrounding the plurality of fluid-transporting tubes and the cable channel. 1. A conduit apparatus comprising:a plurality of fluid-transporting tubes;a cable channel positioned substantially parallel to the plurality of fluid-transporting tubes;an elongated, temperature-controlling device positionable within the cable channel; anda bundling jacket surrounding the plurality of fluid-transporting tubes and the cable channel.2. The conduit apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the bundling jacket further comprises:an aluminum shield;a thermal insulation positioned abutting the aluminum shield; anda jacket positioned abutting the aluminum shield.3. The conduit apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the elongated claim 1 , temperature-controlling device further comprises an electric heat trace cable.4. The conduit apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the elongated claim 1 , temperature-controlling device further comprises a cooling element.5. The conduit apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cable channel has a fully enclosed cross-section.6. The conduit apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cable channel is positioned between at least two of the plurality of fluid-transporting tubes.7. The conduit apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cable channel is in contact the plurality of fluid-transporting tubes.8. The conduit apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the elongated claim 1 , temperature-controlling device is not affixed to an interior surface of the cable channel.9. The conduit apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cable channel further comprises a plurality of cable channels claim 1 , each positioned substantially parallel to the plurality of fluid- ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076483A1
Принадлежит: Subsea Services International, INC.

Exposed pipe joints formed of adjacent lengths of corrosion protective coated pipe sections have a protective sheet of synthetic resin material wound about the joint between the adjacent segments of coated pipe. The synthetic resin sheet is deployed from a reel on a coating applicator machine. The pipe joint and adjacent coated pipe sections are initially heated. The sheet of synthetic resin is then wrapped in successive layers over the joint. Pressure is also applied to the sheet material as it is being wrapped. The sheet layers are heated after being applied onto the joint. Wrapping and heating continues during deployment of the sheet material from the reel, and the resin sheet is cylindrically wound over the joint in successive layers until the desired coating thickness is obtained. The successive layers of wrapped sheet material fuse to form an integral protective coating over the pipe joint and the adjacent coated pipe sections. 1. A method of applying a protective coating to a pipe joint between welded end stubs of coated sections of pipe for a pipeline with an unheated sheet of synthetic resin from a storage reel on a transport carriage mounted on the pipeline , the method comprising the steps of:unreeling the unheated sheet of synthetic resin from the storage reel;applying the unheated sheet of synthetic resin to the pipe joint;applying pressure to the unheated sheet of synthetic resin as it engages the pipe joint to press the synthetic resin on the pipe joint into a unitary coating;heating the unheated sheet of synthetic resin after its application to the pipe joint from the storage reel; androtating the transport carriage about the pipe joint to cylindrically apply successive layers of the unheated sheet of synthetic resin to the pipe joint.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:applying tensile forces to the unheated sheet of synthetic resin as it is being applied to the pipe joint.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Adjustable Sanitary Hose Donut

Номер: US20140083549A1
Автор: Boyanich John Robert

An adjustable sanitary hose donut has a variable inner diameter, which allows the adjustable sanitary hose donut to be used with multiple hoses having different diameters. The adjustable sanitary hose donut has an annular body and a fastener. The annular body has a plurality of sectors that are divided by a plurality of flex points. The plurality of flex points allows the plurality of sectors to bend inwards or outwards from one another in order to adjust the inner diameter of the annular body. A first overlapping section and a second overlapping section of the annular body also aid in allowing the inner diameter of the annular body to expand or contract. The fastener is positioned through both the first overlapping section and the second overlapping section and is used to lock the annular body at the desired inner diameter. 1. An adjustable sanitary hose donut comprises:an annular body;the annular body comprises a center point, a plurality of sectors, and a plurality of flex points;each of the plurality of flex points comprises an elastic portion and an at least one open space;the plurality of sectors and the plurality of flex points being radially positioned around the center point, wherein the center point is coincident with the central axis of a hose;the plurality of flex points being alternated with the plurality of sectors; andthe at least one open space being positioned adjacent to the elastic portion.2. The adjustable sanitary hose donut as claimed in comprises:the elastic portion of each of the plurality of flex points being connected to the plurality of sectors.3. The adjustable sanitary hose donut as claimed in comprises:the adjustable sanitary hose donut further comprises a fastener;the annular body further comprises a first overlapping section and a second overlapping section;the plurality of sectors comprises a first sector and a second sector;the first overlapping section being adjacently connected to the first sector;the second overlapping section ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220003049A1
Автор: Skjevik Geir

A protective cap () is proposed for an end of an elongate member (), such as a male connecting end of a pipe or tube. The cap () comprises a sheath of flexible, resilient (i.e. elastic) material () to cover part of the outer surface of the member () at an end of the member. The protective cap () can be applied to the end of the member by unfurling at least part of the sheath from a gathered configuration, such as a rolled-up configuration. The protective cap () includes resilient ridges () extending inwardly from an insert member (), and/or a chip at least partly within the cap. 1. A protective cap for covering an outer surface of an elongate member , the protective cap comprising:a rigid base portion having an end section and a tubular wall upstanding from the end section to define a cavity;an insert portion of flexible, resilient material, inserted into the cavity, an inner surface of the insert portion being for receiving and contacting an end of the elongate member, the inner surface of the insert portion having one or more ridges; andwhereby, when the end of the elongate member is received within the insert portion the ridges grip a portion of the outer surface of the elongate member,the cap defining a central axis surrounded by each of the base portion and the insert position, wherein the ridges are circular.2. A protective cap according to claim 1 , wherein the cap further comprises a cover portion of flexible resilient material claim 1 , extending out of the base portion claim 1 ,whereby, when the end of the elongate member is received within the insert portion with the cover portion in a non-gripping configuration, the cover portion can be manipulated into a gripping configuration where the cover portion grips a portion of the outer surface of the elongate member.3. A protective cap according to claim 2 , wherein the insert portion is contiguous with the cover portion.4. A protective cap according to claim 2 , wherein the insert portion is formed of the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002476A1

A tubular component includes at least one threaded portion for connecting the component with a complementary component, wherein at least a portion of the threaded portion is coated with a strippable film which protects against corrosion. The film can be manually strippable. The film can be applied to a lubricating layer which has already been deposited on the surface of the threaded portion. The strippable film can be used to improve maintenance of mechanical properties of the threaded portion during storage thereof. 120-. (canceled)21. A tubular component comprising:at least one threaded portion for connecting the component with a complementary component,wherein at least a portion of the threaded portion is coated with a strippable film which protects against corrosion.22. A tubular component according to claim 21 , wherein a precursor composition for forming the strippable film comprises an aqueous dispersion of a film-forming polymer claim 21 , the film-forming polymer being selected from natural or synthetic latexes claim 21 , acrylic resins claim 21 , acrylic copolymers such as styrene-acrylates claim 21 , butadiene-acrylates claim 21 , vinyl chloride-acrylates claim 21 , polyvinylidene chloride-acrylates claim 21 , vinyl acetate-acrylates claim 21 , polyvinyl-styrene butadiene copolymers claim 21 , polyvinyl butyrals claim 21 , polyisocyanates claim 21 , polycondensate type aliphatic polyurethanes such as anionic claim 21 , cationic claim 21 , non-ionic or amphoteric polyurethanes claim 21 , acrylic polyurethanes claim 21 , polyester-polyurethanes claim 21 , and mixtures thereof.23. A tubular component according to claim 21 , wherein the strippable film has a glass transition temperature in a range of −10° C. to +35° C.24. A tubular component according to claim 21 , wherein the strippable film comprises a corrosion inhibitor claim 21 , or selected from an alkaline salt of an alkylarylsulphonic acid claim 21 , the alkaline compound being a barium claim 21 , a ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Encapsulated system for pressurized fluid processes

Номер: US20180003305A1
Принадлежит: Alphinity LLC

Fluid management systems for handling pressurized fluid connect various subsystems or subunits without the need to use reinforced tubing. The system utilizes one or more segments of unreinforced conduit that are encapsulated at various points along a length of the segment with one or more rigid encapsulating members. The unreinforced conduit may be made a disposable element while the rigid encapsulating members may be re-used. In one aspect, the encapsulating member may include a two-part valve body that surrounds and encapsulates a portion of the unreinforced conduit. In another aspect, the encapsulating member may include a two-part jacket that surrounds and encapsulates a portion of the unreinforced conduit. The two-part valve bodies and two-part jackets may be joined at various points within the system as part of the overall flow system.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Pipe Joint Fitting with Earthquake Resistant Functions

Номер: US20190003627A1
Автор: GAINES Scott R.

Pipe joints and more particularly cylindrical push-on type pipe joint fittings with earthquake resistant functions. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. An earthquake resistant pipe joint assembly comprising:a first pipe including a first pipe bell end with an interiorly extending axial flange formed around an inner surface of an end of the first pipe bell end, a first pipe socket/groove formed in and around the inner surface and immediately adjacent to and extending rearwardly away from the axial flange to an inwardly extending first pipe radial protrusion, which is adjacent a first pipe gasket socket that is formed rearwardly of the inwardly extending radial protrusion and in a front section of a first pipe back groove;a second pipe including a second pipe spigot end with an annular second pipe ring extending around an outer circumference of the second pipe spigot end;a pipe fitting including a pipe fitting bell end with an interiorly extending axial flange formed around an inner surface of an end of the pipe fitting bell end, an extended pipe fitting socket/groove formed in and extending around the inner surface and adjacent to the flange, a back side of the pipe fitting socket/groove extending inwardly from a bottom of the extended pipe fitting socket/groove to an inwardly extending pipe fitting radial protrusion, which is adjacent a pipe fitting gasket socket that is formed rearwardly of the inwardly extending pipe fitting radial protrusion and in a front section of an extended back groove of the pipe fitting, the pipe fitting also including a pipe fitting spigot end with an annular pipe fitting weld bead extending around an outer circumference of the pipe fitting spigot end;a first annular gasket positioned in the first pipe gasket socket;a first annular restraining ring positioned in the first pipe socket/groove against the first pipe interiorly extending axial flange;a second ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008663A1

The clamping device comprises a clamping collar () having a belt () that is suitable for being tightened. The device further comprises an outer sleeve () carried by the collar () while being disposed around the belt, the sleeve extending axially on either side of the belt. 1. A clamping device comprising a clamping collar having a belt suitable for being tightened and an outer sleeve carried by the collar while being disposed around the belt , said sleeve extending axially on both sides of the belt.2. A device according to claim 1 , wherein clearance exists between an outside periphery of the belt and the inside periphery of the sleeve.3. A device according to claim 1 , wherein a width of the sleeve claim 1 , as measured along the axis of the belt claim 1 , is at least equal to three times a width of the belt.4. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the sleeve is fastened to the collar at at least two spaced-apart fastening zones.5. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the sleeve is provided with projections claim 1 , on a inside face of the sleeve claim 1 , said projections co-operating with the belt.6. A device according to claim 5 , wherein at least some of the projections serve as fastening zones.7. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the sleeve is fastened to the belt by welding or by clinching.8. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the sleeve has fastening tabs suitable for co-operating with the collar.9. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the sleeve co-operates with the belt by clipping claim 1 , snap-fitting or latching.10. A device according to claim 1 , the collar having tightening lugs that are suitable for being brought towards each other for tightening the collar claim 1 , the sleeve being carried by the collar via at least one of the tightening lugs.11. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the belt is provided with tightening lugs projecting radially relative to the belt claim 1 , and the sleeve is provided with a window through ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010960A1

Zinc ribbon anodes and methods of making the same are provided herein. In some embodiments, the zinc ribbon anode includes a hollow elongated zinc ribbon having a first end, a second end opposite the first end, an outer surface, and an inner surface defining a hollow space extending from the first end to the second end; and an elongated metal core disposed within the hollow space and in contact with the inner surface, wherein a cross-section of the hollow elongated zinc ribbon taken between the first end and the second end and perpendicular to the outer surface is polygonal in shape, and wherein the cross-section has an aspect ratio of at least 1.5:1. 1. A zinc ribbon anode comprising:a hollow elongated zinc ribbon having a first end, a second end opposite the first end, an outer surface, and an inner surface defining a hollow space extending from the first end to the second end; andan elongated metal core disposed within the hollow space and in contact with the inner surface,wherein a cross-section of the hollow elongated zinc ribbon taken between the first end and the second end and perpendicular to the outer surface is polygonal in shape, andwherein the cross-section has an aspect ratio of at least 1.5:1.2. The zinc ribbon anode of claim 1 , wherein the cross-section has an aspect ratio of at least 2:1.3. The zinc ribbon anode of claim 1 , wherein the cross-section has an aspect ratio of at least 5:1.4. The zinc ribbon anode of claim 1 , wherein the cross-section has an aspect ratio of at least 15:1.5. The zinc ribbon anode of claim 1 , wherein the outer surface has an area of at least about 35 square inches per pound of zinc ribbon anode.6. The zinc ribbon anode of claim 1 , wherein the outer surface has an area of at least about 52 square inches per pound of zinc ribbon anode.7. The zinc ribbon anode of claim 1 , wherein the outer surface has an area of at least about 70 square inches per pound of zinc ribbon anode.8. The zinc ribbon anode of claim 1 , wherein ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010979A1
Автор: Eihusen John

A system and method of predicting impending failure of a pressure vessel include a pressure vessel, a fluid source, a line coupled to the pressure vessel and to the fluid source, an apparatus, a sensor and a controller. The apparatus includes a conduit and a containment structure. The containment structure includes a cavity separated from an interior of the conduit by a portion of a conduit wall of the conduit. The sensor is configured to determine a value of a physical property in the cavity. The controller is in signal communication with the sensor and configured to detect a change in the value. The method includes determining a first value of a physical property in the cavity, experiencing a failure of the conduit wall, determining a second value of the physical property in the cavity, and detecting a difference between the first and second values. 2. The system of comprising:a containment structure including a cavity separated from the interior of the conduit by the portion of the conduit wall; anda sensor configured to determine a value of a physical property in the cavity, wherein the physical property is selected from the group consisting of pressure, temperature, acoustic emission, conductivity, resistance, capacitance, optical, and substance concentration.3. The system of claim 2 , comprising:a controller in signal communication with the sensor and configured to detect a change in the value; andan indicator in signal communication with the controller.4. The system of further including a valve disposed between the fluid source and the pressure vessel.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the valve is in signal communication with a controller.6. The system of herein the weakness is a discrete structure located on the portion of the conduit wall.7. A method of predicting impending failure of a pressure vessel claim 1 , the method including:fluidly connecting the pressure vessel to a source of pressurized fluid via a line so that pressurized fluid flows through ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011466A1
Автор: Kim Byung Sub

The present invention relates to a pipe coupler having a function of covering a pipe. More particularly, the present invention relates to a pipe coupler which can prevent a coating layer of a pipe coated with the coating layer from being peeled from a tip of the pipe by a continuously acting hydraulic pressure by forming a pipe locking protrusion in which a front end of the pipe is surrounded and covered with a packing member, seal even a pipe having a non-smooth or grooved outer peripheral surface, and furthermore ensure watertightness or airtightness more reliably by using a pair of packing members acting in the form of a swash cam plate in accordance with an insertion of a pipe. 1. A pipe coupler which connects pipes , in which a fluid with a predetermined pressure moves while maintaining watertightness or airtightness , the pipe coupler comprising:a coupler main body having a hollow formed in a length direction thereof and configured to communicates with the pipe, wherein the pipe is inserted into a front side of the hollow;a grip ring provided in the hollow of the coupler main body and configured to fix the pipe so as to allow the pipe to be inserted thereinto and prevent the inserted pipe from coming out; anda packing member provided in the hollow of the coupler main body and made of an elastic material to seal a gap between the coupler main body and the pipe when the pipe is inserted into the packing member,wherein the packing member includes a pipe locking protrusion protruding inward from an inner surface of a lower end portion thereof so that a front end portion of the pipe inserted into the packing member is surrounded and covered.2. The pipe coupler of claim 1 , wherein the packing member includes a first packing member having the pipe locking protrusion formed thereon and an inner surface which is in contact with the pipe and a second packing member having an inner surface which is in contact with an outer surface of the first packing member and an ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015869A1
Принадлежит: EPCON Industrial Systems, LP

Systems and methods for treating metal pipe couplings, including a frame and insulated panels attached to the frame forming an oven. A pre-heat zone and a bake zone inside the oven, the pre-heat zone separated from the bake zone by a shared oven wall. A combustion burner and recirculation blower are positioned in opposite ends of the oven in a pre-heat zone combustion/recirculation chamber. Another burner and recirculation blower pair are positioned in opposite ends of the oven in a bake zone combustion/recirculation chamber. Heated air supply plenums are fluidly connected to respective recirculation blowers, and include direction-adjustable nozzles to direct heated air generally downward onto pipe couplings moving through the preheat and bake zones. Return air plenums positioned in each of the pre-heat and bake zones each have an air inlet, and an outlet fluidly connected to respective combustion/recirculation chambers. Coating-cured metal pipe couplings made by the methods. 1. A system comprising:(a) a platform, generally rectangular and having longitudinal axis;(b) a plurality of insulated panels attached to the platform and defining sidewalls, a front end wall, a rear end wall, a ceiling, and a bottom of an oven;(c) a pre-heat zone and a bake zone inside the oven, the pre-heat zone separated from the bake zone by a shared internal vertical oven wall, non-insulated, extending from the front end wall to the rear end wall, and from the bottom to the ceiling of the oven;(d) one or more pre-heat zone combustion burners and one or more pre-heat zone recirculation blowers positioned in opposite ends of the oven in a pre-heat zone combustion/recirculation chamber positioned in an upper region of the pre-heat zone, and one or more bake zone combustion burners and one or more bake zone recirculation blowers positioned in opposite ends of the oven in a bake zone combustion/recirculation chamber positioned in an upper region of the bake zone;(e) one or more pre-heat zone ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Process for Coating the Interior Surface of Non-Metallic Pipes with Metal Valves and Metal Fittings

Номер: US20180021808A1
Принадлежит: Pipe Restoration Technologies LLC

Methods, processes, compositions and systems for preventing leaching effects from water pipes (such as lead, steel and copper) having an inner diameter of at least approximately 12 mm. 2-part thermoset resin coating is applied to the inner surfaces of the pipes where the curing agent can be a phenol free and plasticizer free adduct type. The coating can reduce heavy metals, such as lead, from leaching from installed pipes to less than approximately 10 μg/L (10 ppb). When cured, specific leachates, Bisphenol A and Epichlorohydrin from the coatings will be (less than) <1 μg/L (1 ppb) with overall TOC levels measured at (less than) <2.5 mg/L (2.5 ppm). Pipes can be returned to service within approximately 24 hours, and preferably within approximately 4 hours.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Thread protector

Номер: US20180023748A1
Автор: Darcy Ludwig
Принадлежит: Individual

A thread protector for use with a threaded end of a tubular member comprises a first end having an opening with an inside diameter, a second end, and an interior having an inside diameter that is substantially the same as the inside diameter of the opening. The interior is adapted to accept and surround the threaded end. The thread protector may be actuated between a locked and an unlocked configuration. When the thread protector is in the locked configuration, a portion of the inside diameter is reduced, as compared to when the thread protector is in the unlocked configuration, so as to securely mount the tread protector to the threaded end.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023749A1
Автор: Ludwig Darcy

This tubular member thread protector generally comprises an outer member capable of rotation in a first direction about an axis and an inner member coaxially integrated within the first member and capable of rotation in an opposite direction. The inner member comprises a flexible annular sleeve having an outer surface and an interior surface defining an interior annular space capable of receiving the tubular threaded end. One or more camming surfaces are disposed about the inner sleeve outer surface. The outer member comprises a generally annular structure having a closed end, an open end, an outer surface and an inner surface. One or more raised camming members are disposed about the outer member inner surface and are aligned with sleeve camming members during rotation, the outer member camming members press against the inner sleeve camming members to radially compress the sleeve inner surface against the threaded member. 1. A thread protector for protecting the outside threaded end of a tubular member comprising: i. a first housing having a substantially closed top end, an open bottom end, an outer side wall structure extending about the axis between the top end and the bottom end, an outer surface defined by a side wall surface and an outer top end surface, an inner side wall surface, an inner top end surface, and an interior space defined by the open bottom end, the inner side wall surface and the inner top end surface;', 'ii. one or more outer member lugs disposed on the inner side wall surface of the outer member, each lug having an outer member lug entrance oriented in the first direction of rotation, an outer member lug slope, and an outer member lug slope exit opposite the lug entrance, the slope generally increasing between the lug entrance and the lug exit;', 'iii. one or more outer member retaining shoulders axially disposed about a circumference of the inner side wall surface and extending inwardly toward the axis; and, 'a. an outer member capable of ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Joint cover

Номер: US20170030507A1
Принадлежит: Nitta Corp

The present invention provides a joint cover capable of improving working efficiency in mounting a joint cover on a joint. A joint cover provided on the outside of a joint includes a first cover body provided with an opening and adapted to house one side of the joint; and a second cover body detachably attachable to the first cover body, wherein a dividing position formed when the first cover body and the second cover body are in contact with each other is offset toward the second cover body.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150035271A1
Автор: Luce William

The disclosed hose guide may prevent a hose from bending within a specified distance of a hose fitting, and therefore prevent weakening of the hose at the hose fitting interface. The hose guide may include a hose fitting stage, a straight hose stage, and a bell stage. The hose fitting stage may secure the hose guide around the hose fitting. The straight hose stage may prevent the hose from bending. The bell stage may allow the hose to bend at a radius greater than a minimum bend radius for the hose. 1. A hose guide comprising:a straight section comprising at least one hose fitting stage; anda bell section directly coupled to and axially aligned with the straight section, the bell section comprising a curved inner profile, wherein the straight section is configured to prevent a hose from bending within the straight section.2. The hose guide of claim 1 , wherein the at least one hose fitting stage comprises a plurality of hose fitting stages.3. The hose guide of claim 2 , wherein an inside diameter of a first hose fitting stage of the plurality of hose fitting stages is greater than an inside diameter of a second hose fitting stage of the plurality of hose fitting stages.4. The hose guide of claim 1 , further comprising one or more grooves in an outer surface of the hose guide.5. The hose guide of claim 4 , further comprising one or more fasteners located in the one or more grooves.6. The hose guide of claim 1 , wherein the hose guide comprises a first piece including a first fastening member claim 1 , and a second piece including a second fastening member claim 1 , and wherein the first piece and the second piece are configured to be coupled together with a fastening device coupling the first and second fastening members.7. The hose guide of claim 1 , wherein the curved inner profile corresponds to a minimum bend radius of a hose.8. The hose guide of claim 1 , further comprising a first piece and a second piece claim 1 , wherein one or more fasteners couple the first ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Hazardous environment conduit sealing

Номер: US20180034256A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Ltd

A conduit fitting for a hazardous environment includes a main body that has a distal portion and a proximate portion. The main body includes a longitudinal bore with openings at each of the distal portion and the proximate portion. The opening is configured to receive ends of a conduit. The fitting includes a first sealing region that includes a crimp feature configured to be crimped and a second sealing region adjacent the first sealing region. The second sealing region is configured to house a sealing component.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032939A1

This device () for a coupling box portion () of a steel tube () intended for use in a tubular hydrocarbon working string includes a cylindrical sleeve portion () defining an inner cavity () intended to receive the coupling box portion (). The protective device () is so configured to surround the coupling box portion (). 1. A device for a coupling box portion of a steel tube intended for use in a tubular hydrocarbon working string , the device including a cylindrical sleeve portion defining an inner cavity intended to receive the coupling box portion , wherein the device is so configured to surround the coupling box portion.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the axial length of the cylindrical sleeve portion is within a range of from 145 mm to 305 mm.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the cylindrical sleeve portion is radially outwardly delimited by an outer cylindrical surface having a circular radial cross-section.4. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the diameter of the radial cross-section of the outer cylindrical surface is within a range of from 113.3 mm to 115.3 mm claim 3 , or within a range of from 126 mm to 128 mm claim 3 , or within a range of from 138.7 mm to 140.7 mm claim 3 , or within a range of from 176.8 mm to 178.8 mm claim 3 , or within a range of from 243.475 mm to 245.475 mm claim 3 , or within a range of from 338.725 mm to 340.725 mm.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the inner cavity comprises a distal shoulder surface and a proximal shoulder surface.6. The device according to claim 5 , wherein the proximal shoulder surface is part of at least two snap-fit connectors claim 5 , the number of snap-fit connectors being within a range 4 to 12.7. The device according to claim 5 , further comprising a metal ring wherein the proximal shoulder surface is part of the metal ring.8. The device according to wherein the metal ring is threaded on the device.9. The device according to claim 3 , further including at least ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033203A1
Принадлежит: ALPHINITY, LLC

Fluid management systems for handling pressurized fluid connect various subsystems or subunits without the need to use reinforced tubing. The system utilizes one or more segments of unreinforced conduit that are encapsulated at various points along a length of the segment with one or more rigid encapsulating members. The unreinforced conduit may be made a disposable element while the rigid encapsulating members may be re-used. In one aspect, the encapsulating member may include a two-part valve body that surrounds and encapsulates a portion of the unreinforced conduit. In another aspect, the encapsulating member may include a two-part jacket that surrounds and encapsulates a portion of the unreinforced conduit. The two-part valve bodies and two-part jackets may be joined at various points within the system as part of the overall flow system. 131-. (canceled)32. A fluid management system for handling pressurized fluid within a fluidized process comprising:a length of unreinforced flexible polymer conduit having a lumen therein dimensioned to carry the pressurized fluid;a plurality of two-part jackets disposed along the length of the unreinforced flexible polymer conduit and secured to one another in an end-to-end configuration, wherein each of the plurality of two-part jackets comprises a rigid polymer-based two-part rigid jacket comprising a first half and a second half joined together via a hinge, the first half defining a semi-circular inner surface, the second half defining a semi-circular inner surface, the first half and the second half configured to mate with each other to define a circular passageway through the respective two-part rigid jacket which contacts and surrounds the unreinforced flexible polymer conduit; andat least one fastener disposed on at least one of the first half or the second half of each of the plurality of two-part rigid jackets, the at least one fastener configured to hold the first half and the second half of each respective two-part ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Systems and methods for duct protection of a vehicle

Номер: US20150040994A1
Автор: Michael D. Gonzales
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Methods and systems for duct protection of a vehicle are provided. The methods and systems provided include an apparatus for directing flow discharged from a facture in a duct. The apparatus includes a ballistic containment layer, an air containment layer substantially surrounding the ballistic containment layer, and a vent defined in the ballistic containment layer and the air containment layer. The vent is configured to direct a flow discharged from the duct fracture.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040822A1

The present disclosure enables the protection of tubing secured within an apparatus from a moving object impacting the apparatus by way of a hooking member that extends from the apparatus. The apparatus includes a housing which has an exterior surface and a passage. The passage is configured to receive the tubing, and extends from a first end to a second end of the housing. The hooking member extends from the exterior surface of the housing, and is configured to catch onto the moving object to protect piece of tubing. Also disclosed herein is a method for protecting a piece of tubing from a moving object using the apparatus. 1. An apparatus for protecting a piece of tubing secured therein from a moving object impacting said apparatus , said apparatus comprising:a housing having an exterior surface and a passage; anda hooking member extending from said exterior surface of said housing;said passage extending from a first end of said housing to a second end of said housing, said passage configured to receive and secure the piece of tubing;said hooking member configured to catch onto the moving object and prevent contact between the moving object and the piece of tubing.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said exterior surface includes a generally flat area claim 1 , said generally flat area located adjacent said hooking member.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said hooking member extends from said first end of said housing.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said hooking member has an elongated catching surface.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein said elongated catching surface extends from said exterior surface perpendicular to an axial direction of said passage.6. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein said elongated catching surface extends from said exterior surface parallel to an axial direction of said passage.7. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein said passage has a diameter claim 5 , and said elongated catching surface extends perpendicular to said axial ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Auto extruded split/spherical tee and full encirclement saddle

Номер: US20220055328A1

The disclosure describes an automated system and method to manufacture extruded split tees, spherical tees, and full encirclement saddle (FES) component parts. The system and method provide for the manufacture of pipe reinforcement components from raw material plates, comprising: an input storage for the raw material plates; one or more ovens for heating the plates; one or more extrusion presses for extruding the heated raw material plates into one or more pipe reinforcement components and an output storage for the pipe reinforcement components. A robotic device is adapted to automatically access and perform operations at the input storage, at the one or more ovens, at the one or more extrusion presses, and at the output storage.

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048612A1

A seismic slip joint may include a fixed sealing surface, a moveable sealing surface, and a solenoid device. The moveable sealing surface is configured to engage the fixed sealing surface to form a sealing interface during a deactivated state. The sealing interface may be a juncture that precludes passage of a fluid therethrough. The solenoid device is configured to switch between the deactivated state and an activated state. The solenoid device may include a piston and a spring structure. The piston is connected to the moveable sealing surface. The spring structure exerts a force on the piston so as to press the moveable sealing surface against the fixed sealing surface to form the sealing interface during the deactivated state. The piston may be configured to compress the spring structure and retract during the activated state so as to separate the moveable sealing surface from the fixed sealing surface. 1. A seismic slip joint comprising:a fixed sealing surface;a moveable sealing surface configured to engage the fixed sealing surface to form a sealing interface during a deactivated state, the sealing interface being a juncture that precludes passage of a fluid therethrough; anda solenoid device configured to switch between the deactivated state and an activated state, the solenoid device including a piston and a spring structure, the piston connected to the moveable sealing surface, the spring structure exerting a force on the piston so as to press the moveable sealing surface against the fixed sealing surface to form the sealing interface during the deactivated state, the piston configured to compress the spring structure and retract during the activated state so as to separate the moveable sealing surface from the fixed sealing surface.2. The seismic slip joint of claim 1 , wherein the moveable sealing surface is between the fixed sealing surface and the solenoid device.3. The seismic slip joint of claim 1 , wherein the spring structure is wrapped around the ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124074A1

The present invention is directed to generally to protection of structures from explosives, and specifically to a blast resistant pipe protection system and method for using same. The present invention is directed to a system and method for protecting a pipe. In some embodiments, the present invention is directed to a system for protecting a pipe, comprising an energy absorbing inner matrix bound to the pipe; an outer wrap comprising fire resistant foil; and a blast resistant material disposed between the inner matrix and the outer wrap, wherein the blast resistant material comprises Purlite. In some embodiments, the present invention is directed to a method for protecting a pipe comprises binding an energy absorbing inner matrix to the pipe; disposing Purlite around the inner matrix; and wrapping the Purlite with fire resistant foil. 1. A system for protecting a pipe , comprising:an energy absorbing inner matrix bound to the pipe;an outer wrap comprising fire resistant foil; anda blast resistant material disposed between the inner matrix and the outer wrap, wherein the blast resistant material comprises Purlite.2. The system for protecting a pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the Purlite is contained in a plurality of bags.3. The system for protecting a pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the bags are arrayed circumferentially around the pipe.4. The system for protecting a pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the system is resistant to at least about 50 pounds of TNT at about 10 feet distance.5. The system for protecting a pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the energy absorbing inner matrix comprises:a polymeric annulus; anda pair of fiberglass half-pipes disposed over the annulus.6. The system for protecting a pipe according to claim 5 , wherein the polymeric annulus comprises first and second polymers.7. The system for protecting a pipe according to claim 6 , wherein the first polymer comprises urethane foam.8. The system for protecting a pipe according to claim ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Open ended industrial pipe cap

Номер: US20140124084A1
Автор: Zeyfang Frederick W.
Принадлежит: Protective Industries, Inc.

An open ended cap for a pipe is provided comprising a flexible tubular body wherein one end has an inwardly-extending radial rim extending in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the tubular body of the end cap. The tubular body includes a finger grip member located entirely within the radial rim which is connected to a tear strip extending across the rim and downwardly along at least a portion of the tubular body. In another embodiment, the tubular body has an interior wall surface having multiple compressible longitudinal fit beads extending from the interior wall surface and spaced about the circumference of the interior wall surface and which are configured to provide contact with the external surface of a pipe upon being inserted into the end cap. 1. An open ended cap for an industrial pipe comprising a flexible tubular body having first and second open ends , said first end having an inwardly-extending radial rim serving as an abutment surface for a pipe when inserted into the end cap , the rim extending in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the tubular body of the end cap , and a detachable finger grip member residing entirely within said rim , with the finger pull grip member being connected to a tear strip extending across said rim and downwardly along at least a portion of the longitudinal extent of the tubular body.2. The end cap of claim 1 , wherein one lateral edge of said tear strip extends downwardly along a portion of said longitudinal extent of the tubular body claim 1 , whereby an opposing lateral edge extends along the full extent of said tubular body.3. The end cap of claim 1 , wherein said tear strip extends downwardly along the longitudinal extent of the tubular body.4. The end cap of claim 1 , wherein said finger grip member is oval-shaped.5. The end cap of claim 1 , wherein said tubular body has an interior wall surface having multiple compressible longitudinal fit beads extending from said interior wall surface ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052688A1

A cover for an end of a pipe has a cover body having an inner cavity that is open at a first end, an end wall that closes the cavity at a second end, and a pipe engaging sidewall between the first end and the second end. The pipe engaging sidewall has an inner surface and an outer surface that are sized to engage the outer and inner diameters, respectfully, of the male and female connections of the pipe. The pipe engaging sidewall has one or more inner ribs that extend inward into the inner cavity from the inner surface that are collapsible toward the inner surface and one or more outer ribs that extend outward from the outer surface relative to the inner cavity that are collapsible toward the outer surface. 1. A cover for an end of a pipe , the pipe comprising a male connection at a first end of the pipe and a female connection at a second end of the pipe , the male connection having an outer diameter and the female connection having an inner diameter at a second end of the pipe , the inner diameter of the female connection being substantially the same as the outer diameter of the male connection , the cover comprising:a cover body comprising an inner cavity that is open at a first end, an end wall that closes the cavity at a second end, and a pipe engaging sidewall between the first end and the second end; an inner surface sized to engage the outer diameter of the male connection of the pipe;', 'an outer surface sized to engage the inner diameter of the female connection of the pipe;', 'one or more inner ribs that extend inward into the inner cavity from the inner surface, the inner ribs being collapsible toward the inner surface; and', 'one or more outer ribs that extend outward from the outer surface relative to the inner cavity, the outer ribs being collapsible toward the outer surface., 'the pipe engaging sidewall comprising2. The cover of claim 1 , wherein the inner ribs are spaced along the pipe engaging sidewall relative to the outer ribs.3. The cover of ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051844A1
Автор: Yeater Joshua

A magnetic flange protector for protecting the surface of a flange. The magnetic flange protector includes a planar member having an upper surface and a lower surface, a handle secured to the upper surface of the planar member, and a magnet secured to the lower surface of the planar member. The handle has a first end and a second end, wherein each end is secured to the upper surface. The magnet is secured to the lower surface of the planar member within a recessed area, thereby allowing the lower surface to rest flush against and cover a gasket face surface of a flange. In an alternate embodiment, the planar member is circular, wherein a concentric annular seal is secured to the lower surface, and the handle is arcuately shaped. 1) A magnetic flange protector , comprising:a planar member having an upper surface and a lower surface;a handle secured to the upper surface of the planar member; anda magnet secured to the lower surface of the planar member;wherein the lower surface is configured to removably secure to a gasket face surface of a flange, such that the lower surface rests flush against the gasket face surface and a perimeter of the lower surface containing the magnets does not extend beyond an interior edge of the gasket face surface.2) The magnetic flange protector of claim 1 , wherein the magnet is secured to the lower surface within a recessed area claim 1 , thereby allowing the lower surface to rest flush against the gasket face surface of the flange.3) The magnetic flange protector of claim 1 , wherein the planar member is circular.4) The magnetic flange protector of claim 1 , wherein the planar member comprises rounded edges.5) The magnetic flange protector of claim 1 , wherein the handle has a first end and a second end secured thereto the upper surface.6) The magnetic flange protector of claim 1 , wherein the handle is arcuate shaped.7) The magnetic flange protector of claim 1 , wherein a seal is secured to the lower surface.8) The magnetic flange ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150059911A1

The polymeric pipes reinforced with a metal casing are used for transporting oil and gas, acids, alkali products, drinking water and industrial water, and also in the transportation of aggressive and neutral pulps. A metal-containing polymeric reinforced pipe includes a welded metal casing and a polymeric matrix having an amorphous-phase-based molecular structure. The metal-containing polymeric reinforced pipe is produced by extrusion moulding with simultaneous feeding of a polymer melt and the reinforcing metal casing into the mould cavity, followed by intensive cooling of the internal and external surfaces of the pipe being moulded. The invention increases the quality and endurance limit in the radial direction of the metal-containing polymeric reinforced pipe, productivity of the process for manufacturing the pipe, and also the strength and technological effectiveness of a pipeline constructed from the pipes produced. 159-. (canceled)60. A method for producing a metal-polymeric pipe by extrusion molding , comprising the steps of:feeding of a polymer melt from an extrusion head into a mold cavity formed by a cooled mandrel and an external mold barrel; andsimultaneous feeding of a welded metal reinforcing framework made with the use of at least one roll electrode,wherein, during welding of the reinforcing framework, the roll electrode is provided with pulses synchronized with time of mutual crossing of longitudinal reinforcement elements and transverse reinforcement elements as well as time of feeding a current pulse to the roll electrode,wherein the roll electrode forms a coil when making a framework, the roll electrode ensuring constant pressing of the transverse reinforcement elements to the longitudinal reinforcement elements by a force applied by a hydraulic actuator, andwherein, during extrusion molding, a heat-resistant non-metal bush is arranged before the mandrel, an internal surface and an external surface of the molded pipe being cooled so as to produce ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Automotive pipe

Номер: US20180056777A1
Автор: Kazuhisa Nakamura
Принадлежит: Sanoh Industrial Co Ltd

An automotive pipe mounted on an automobile includes an inner pipe portion through which a fluid passes, an outer pipe portion surrounding a part of the inner pipe portion, and a restricting portion restricting the outer pipe portion from moving in an axial direction thereof, and at least an outer circumferential surface of the inner pipe portion facing the outer pipe portion is made of a resin.

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140150516A1

An embodiment for disposing a sleeve on a fluid conduit includes positioning a sleeve through lead rollers, pressing sleeve edges to flatten the sleeve against its normal geometry, aligning the flattened sleeve with opposing guide channels defined in an passage through a sleeve guide, feeding the sleeve through the passage, and compressing the sleeve in the passage, letting the edges of the sleeve ride against the guide channels to open the sleeve. A length of the compressed sleeve exiting the guide may be cut using a heated device that fuses the sleeve material, leaving the sleeve clear to receive a fluid conduit. A collar may be disposed around an end of the cut sleeve and over the conduit, then compressed, with an end of the sleeve captured between the collar and end of the conduit. This compressing may define at least one raised portion in the collar. 1. A guide for a sleeve , said guide comprising a body defining a generally symmetrical sleeve receptive passage therethrough , said passage comprising a transverse elongated slot with guide channels defined in a top and a bottom of said passage.2. The guide of wherein said passage is flared at an entrance opening of said guide.3. The guide of wherein said passage is tapered from an entrance of said guide to an outlet of said guide.4. A method comprising:flattening sleeve stock;aligning the flattened sleeve stock with an opening in a sleeve guide, said aligning comprising aligning flattened edges of said sleeve stock with guide channels defined in the top and bottom of a passage through a body of said sleeve guide;feeding said sleeve stock into said opening of said sleeve guide, compressing said sleeve stock and allowing said edges of the sleeve stock to ride against the guide channels; andcutting compressed sleeve exiting said sleeve guide using a heated device that fuses the material comprising said sleeve stock.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising:running said sleeve stock through a set of lead rollers ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Cap for water closet flange

Номер: US20180080594A1
Автор: Armenta Lewis R.

A cap for water closet flange which fits over the water closet flange is disclosed. The cap for water closet flange contains a round structure, the round structure contains a top surface section, the top surface section containing: first threaded screw opening, second threaded screw opening, a first screw, a second screw a side section and an underside, with the underside comprising a first projection having a first head, a second projection having a second head, a continuation of said fast threaded screw opening; and a continuation of the second threaded screw opening. The underside of the cap for water closet flange is aligned with a water closet flange. The first head of the first projection and the second head of the second projection are inserted into head slots of the water closet flange and rotated. The first screw and the second screw are screwed into position, locking the cap for the water closet flange into position. 2) The cap for water closet flange of claim 1 , further comprising a centered handle on said top surface section.3) The cap for water closet flange of claim 2 , wherein said centered handle is positioned in a sunken center of the top surface section.4) The cap for water closet flange of claim 1 , further comprising:a) A first support mound positioned over said first threaded screw opening, said first support mound having a first support mound threaded screw opening which aligns with, said first threaded screw opening;b) A second support mound positioned over said second threaded screw opening, said second support mound having a second support mounded threaded screw opening which aligns with said first threaded screw opening.5) The cap for water closet flange of claim 1 , further comprising notices indicia warning users not to stand on said cap for water closet flange.6) The cap for water closet flange of claim 1 , further comprising a central rim on the underside claim 1 , said central rim being slightly smaller than the width of a water ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080595A1

A thread protector comprises a hollow cylindrical body with a substantially closed end and a threaded inner annular wall extending from the substantially closed end. An annular ring extends inwardly from the substantially closed end. The annular ring has a sloped wall which is spaced-apart from and faces the threaded inner annular wall. 1. A thread protector comprising:a hollow cylindrical body with a substantially closed end;a threaded inner annular wall extending from the substantially closed end; andan annular ring extending inwardly from the substantially closed end, the annular ring having a sloped wall which is spaced-apart from and faces the threaded inner annular wall.2. The thread protector as claimed in wherein the sloped wall of the annular ring is deformable while the annular ring is rigid to withstand torque and resist deflection.3. The thread protector as claimed in wherein the sloped wall of the annular ring and the threaded inner annular wall of the hollow cylindrical body define a tapered groove.4. The thread protector as claimed in wherein the sloped wall of the annular ring is oblique relative to a longitudinal axis of the thread protector.5. The thread protector as claimed in further including spaced-apart bumpers extending circumferentially about the substantially closed end.6. The thread protector as claimed in wherein the bumpers are crescent-shaped and each has a crescent-shaped recess.7. A combination of a pipe and a thread protector:the pipe having an inner wall and a male threaded pipe end; andthe thread protector having a hollow cylindrical body with a substantially closed end, a threaded inner annular wall extending from the substantially closed end and an annular ring extending inwardly from the substantially closed end, the annular ring having a sloped wall which is spaced-apart from and faces the threaded inner annular wall;wherein the sloped wall of the annular ring frictionally engages the inner wall of the pipe when the threaded ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140166146A1
Принадлежит: Wellstream International Limited

An apparatus and method are disclosed for protecting an outer layer of a flexible pipe. The apparatus includes a protective sleeve body comprising a first end region and a further end region. At least one connector element is also provided which is securable to the first end region of the sleeve body for securing the sleeve body with respect to a flexible pipe located proximate to a wear hazard. The sleeve body is securable uncovered over a portion of an outer sheath of the flexible pipe between the outer sheath and the wear hazard to provide a protected portion of flexible pipe having a bending stiffness substantially equal to a bending stiffness of a remaining portion of the flexible pipe which is uncovered by the sleeve body. 1. Apparatus for protecting an outer layer of a flexible pipe , comprising:a protective sleeve body comprising a first end region and a further end region; andat least one connector element securable to the first end region for securing the sleeve body with respect to a flexible pipe located proximate to a wear hazard; whereinthe sleeve body is securable uncovered over a portion of an outer sheath of the flexible pipe between said outer sheath and said wear hazard, to provide a protected portion of flexible pipe having a bending stiffness substantially equal to a bending stiffness of a remaining portion of the flexible pipe uncovered by said sleeve body.2. The apparatus as claimed in wherein an outer surface and an inner surface of the sleeve body is substantially smooth and cylindrical.3. The apparatus as claimed in wherein the sleeve body is a unitary element having a common cross-sectional thickness and stiffness and substantially circular cross-section along a whole length of the sleeve body.4. The apparatus as claimed in wherein an opening extends through the sleeve body between a first and further end of the sleeve body.5. The apparatus as claimed in wherein the connector element is an intermediate connector connectable to a friction ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160091132A1

A method of supporting an intake pipe for deep seawater, the intake pipe being made of resin having a smaller specific gravity than the deep seawater, the method including: mooring at least a neighborhood part of an intake port of the intake pipe with a plurality of mooring devices (e.g., pendant-type anchors) each including a mooring wire (e.g., wire rope) and a heavy weight (e.g., concrete block); and mooring the neighborhood part of the intake port in the form of an arc directed to the sea surface. 1. A method of supporting an intake pipe for deep seawater , the intake pipe being smaller in specific gravity than the deep seawater , the method comprising:mooring at least a neighborhood part of an intake port of the intake pipe with a plurality of mooring devices each including a mooring wire and a heavy weight; andmooring the neighborhood part of the intake port in the form of an arc directed to the sea surface.2. The method of supporting an intake pipe for deep seawater claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein respective lengths of the mooring wires are adjusted so that an angle from a horizontal plane toward a direction of the sea surface claim 1 , of an intake direction of an end portion of the intake port claim 1 , is set within a range of 30 degrees to 70 degrees.3. The method of supporting an intake pipe for deep seawater claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein when an obstacle exists on the seafloor claim 1 , the intake pipe is moored with a plurality of mooring devices each including a mooring wire of a predetermined length.4. The method of supporting an intake pipe for deep seawater claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein each of the mooring devices includes a concrete block and a wire rope. This application is based upon and claims the benefit of priority to the Japanese Patent Application No. 2014-201935, filed on Sep. 30, 2014, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087708A1
Автор: Jenski Gary M.

A coupling assembly () is provided that includes a first coupling member (), a second coupling member () configured to selectively connect with and disconnect from the first coupling member, a locking sleeve () configured to selectively release the first coupling member from the second coupling member; and a layered flame retardant structure (). The layered flame retardant structure () may include a first flame retardant layer (), a generally cylindrical sleeve () that extends over the first flame retardant layer, and a second flame retardant layer () that extends over a substantial portion of the generally cylindrical sleeve. In embodiments, the generally cylindrical sleeve () and the second flame retardant layer () may overhang the locking sleeve (). 1. A coupling assembly , comprising:a first coupling member that includes a first coupling portion;a second coupling member that includes a second coupling portion, the first coupling portion and the second coupling portion being configured to selectively connect and disconnect;a locking sleeve configured to selectively release the first coupling member from the second coupling member; anda layered flame retardant structure including a first flame retardant layer, a generally cylindrical sleeve configured to extend over the first flame retardant layer, and a second flame retardant layer configured to extend over a substantial portion of the generally cylindrical sleeve.2. The coupling assembly of claim 1 , wherein the generally cylindrical sleeve and the second flame retardant layer are configured to extend beyond the locking sleeve.3. The coupling assembly of claim 1 , wherein the generally cylindrical sleeve and the second flame retardant layer are configured to extend over an otherwise exposed portion of the second coupling member to form a gap.4. The coupling assembly of claim 3 , wherein a flame retardant plug is provided within in the gap.5. The coupling assembly of claim 4 , wherein the flame retardant plug is ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Enclosed Hose End Thread Protector

Номер: US20200088342A1
Автор: Stock Derek R

Hose end protector intended to be carried on the end of a hose so as to surround and completely enclose the threaded coupling for its protection. The protector includes an elastic body having been secured by a retaining ring on a solid fitting adapted to engage with the hose. The fully enclosed protector protects the threaded coupling from damage, prevents debris and small objects from entering hose, and provides a method of diffusing flow, and is used as a means of handling hose. 1. An enclosed hose end thread protector for threaded connection to a threaded male fitting of a hose , comprising in combination:a base fitting comprising a core having a distal end and a proximal end, said proximal end of said core including a threaded female fitting for connection to the threaded male fitting of the hose, said distal end including a threaded male fitting; andan elastic body having a distal end and proximal end, said distal end comprising a thin wall with perforations enclosing said distal end of said core allowing water flowing from the hose to exit therefrom, said thin wall comprising an elongated slit that when opened, allows access to the threaded male fitting of said core for threaded connection to a female threaded fitting of another device.2. The enclosed hose end thread protector of claim 1 , wherein said base fitting includes a retaining ring.3. The enclosed hose end thread protector of claim 1 , wherein said elastic body is removably connected to said base fitting.4. The enclosed hose end thread protector of claim 1 , wherein said distal end of said elastic body comprises a bulbous configuration.5. A method of connecting a hose to an enclosed hose end thread protector comprising the steps of:grasping the enclosed hose end protector at a gripping location;the enclosed hose end protector comprising:a base fitting comprising a core having a distal end and a proximal end, said proximal end of said core including a threaded female fitting for connection to the ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Inline Cycle Fuse

Номер: US20200088690A1
Автор: Eihusen John

A system and method of predicting impending failure of a pressure vessel include a pressure vessel, a fluid source, a line coupled to the pressure vessel and to the fluid source, an apparatus, a sensor and a controller. The apparatus includes a conduit and a containment structure. The containment structure includes a cavity separated from an interior of the conduit by a portion of a conduit wall of the conduit. The sensor is configured to determine a value of a physical property in the cavity. The controller is in signal communication with the sensor and configured to detect a change in the value. The method includes determining a first value of a physical property in the cavity, experiencing a failure of the conduit wall, determining a second value of the physical property in the cavity, and detecting a difference between the first and second values. 1. A system including:a pressure vessel;a fluid source;a line coupled to the pressure vessel and to the fluid source, wherein pressurized fluid flows through the line; a conduit connected in the line so that the pressurized fluid flows through the conduit between the pressure vessel and the fluid source, the conduit having a conduit wall that is exposed to pressure cycling of the pressure vessel; and', 'a containment structure including a cavity separated from an interior of the conduit by a portion of the conduit wall;, 'an apparatus includinga sensor configured to determine a value of a physical property in the cavity; anda controller in signal communication with the sensor and configured to detect a change in the value.2. The system of wherein the physical property is selected from the group consisting of pressure claim 1 , temperature claim 1 , acoustic emission claim 1 , conductivity claim 1 , resistance claim 1 , capacitance claim 1 , optical claim 1 , and substance concentration.3. The system of further including an indicator in signal communication with the controller.4. The system of further including a valve ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Open ended industrial pipe cap for smaller diameter pipes

Номер: US20140174584A1
Автор: Frederick W. Zeyfang
Принадлежит: Protective Industries Inc

An open ended cap for an industrial pipe is provided, comprising a flexible tubular body having first and second open ends, the first end having an inwardly-extending radial rim serving as an abutment surface for a pipe when inserted into the end cap, the rim extending in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the tubular body of the end cap, and a detachable finger grip member, with the finger grip member being connected to a tear strip extending downwardly along at least a portion of the longitudinal extent of the tubular body, the rim having a gap within at least a portion thereof across which the finger grip member extends, and the finger grip member including a gripping portion extending into the interior of the open first end and adjacent to a portion of the rim.

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Universal protector for garden hose ends

Номер: US20200096144A1
Автор: Patrick Simon
Принадлежит: Individual

A universal protector for garden hose ends, including a first main body half having a semi-cylindrical shape, a second main body half having a semi-cylindrical shape, and a hinge to connect the first main body half to the second main body half.

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170108149A1
Принадлежит: Surpass Industry Co., Ltd.

There is provided a flow rate adjustment apparatus including a main body inside which a fluid flow passage that guides a fluid has been formed, in which the main body is formed of a conductive fluorine resin material containing a fluorine resin material, and a carbon nanotube dispersed in the fluorine resin material, and in which a volume resistivity of the conductive fluorine resin material is more than 1.0×10Ω·cm and less than 1.0×10Ω·cm. 1. Fluidic device comprising a main body inside which a fluid flow passage that guides a fluid has been formed , whereinthe main body is formed of a conductive fluorine resin material containing a fluorine resin material, and a carbon nanotube dispersed in the fluorine resin material, and wherein{'sup': 3', '4, 'a volume resistivity of the conductive fluorine resin material is more than 1.0×10Ω·cm and less than 1.0×10·Ω·cm.'}2. The fluidic device according to claim 1 , wherein the conductive fluorine resin material contains the carbon nanotube at a rate not less than 0.020 weight % and not more than 0.030 weight %.3. The fluidic device according to claim 1 , further comprising a diameter reduction part that is arranged in the fluid flow passage claim 1 , and locally decreases a flow passage cross-sectional area of the fluid flow passage.4. The fluidic device according to claim 1 , further comprising a metal conduction member that is attached in a state of being in contact with the main body claim 1 , and is connectable to a ground cable maintained to have a ground potential.5. The fluidic device according to claim 2 , whereinthe fluid flow passage has: an upstream-side flow passage that is communicated with an inflow port; and a downstream-side flow passage that is communicated with an outflow port,the fluidic device further comprises: a valve chamber that is communicated with the upstream-side flow passage and the downstream-side flow passage; and a valve body part that is inserted into a valve hole that guides the fluid from ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200103065A1

In order to further improve a method and a device for rehabilitating a pipe section, wherein the rehabilitation device has at least one tube-shaped inliner for sealing damage to the pipe section and a heating element, in such a way that the rehabilitation may be carried out more easily, safer, and more economically, it is proposed to design the heating element as a tube-shaped and electric heating element and to arrange it essentially across an entire length of the inliner arranged within the pipe section, and to cure the inliner essentially along the entire length in one step by means of the tube-shaped electric heating element. 1. A method for rehabilitating a pipe section of a pipeline system using a rehabilitation device , wherein the rehabilitation device has at least one tube-shaped inliner for sealing damage to the pipe section and a tube-shaped electric heating element , wherein the method has at least the following steps:{'b': '110', 'a) Inserting the rehabilitation device into the pipeline system (), wherein the inliner and the tube-shaped heating element are positioned in the pipe section, and'}b) Supplying compressed air, so that the tube-shaped inliner is applied to an inner wall of the pipe section, andc) Activating the tube-shaped electric heating element for curing the inliner, by which means damage to the pipe section is sealed,whereinthe tube-shaped electric heating element is arranged in step a) essentially across an entire length of the inliner arranged within the pipe section and the inliner is cured in step c) essentially along its entire length in one step.2. Method according to claim 1 ,whereinthe rehabilitation device additionally has a calibration tube, which is positioned in the pipe section in step a), together with the inliner and the tube-shaped electric heating element, wherein the inliner is arranged around the calibration tube.3. Method according to claim 1 ,whereinthe rehabilitation device is inserted into the pipe section by means ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Wrappable protective sleeve with closure and locating feature and methods of construction and use thereof

Номер: US20200108589A1
Принадлежит: Federal Mogul Powertrain LLC

A wrappable protective sleeve for providing protection to at least one elongate member contained therein and methods of construction and use thereof are provided. The sleeve includes a flexible textile wall having opposite inner and outer faces bounded by opposite edges and opposite ends. The opposite edges extend generally parallel to one another between the opposite ends. A pair of adhesive layers is bonded to the inner face, with each of the adhesive layers being spaced from one another. The adhesive layers extend between the opposite ends adjacent the opposite edges. Further, a release paper is releasably adhered to the pair of adhesive layers for subsequent removal and use of the sleeve.

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Fuel Tube Protector for Vehicle

Номер: US20210140397A1

A fuel tube protector for a vehicle includes a protective member configured to surround a circumferential surface of a fuel tube disposed between a fuel tank and an internal combustion engine, and a fixing member provided at both distal ends of the protective member to fix the protective member to the fuel tube, wherein each fixing member includes a body surrounding and holding the circumferential surface of the fuel tube, and first fixing legs protruding from a side surface of the body and fastened to the respective distal end of the protective member. 1. A fuel tube protector for a vehicle , the fuel tube protector comprising:a protective member configured to surround a circumferential surface of a fuel tube disposed between a fuel tank and an internal combustion engine; and a body surrounding and holding the circumferential surface of the fuel tube; and', 'first fixing legs protruding from a side surface of the body and fastened to the respective distal end of the protective member., 'a fixing member provided at both distal ends of the protective member to fix the protective member to the fuel tube, wherein each fixing member comprises2. The fuel tube protector of claim 1 , wherein:the body is provided with a first tube through hole, the fuel tube passing through the first tube through hole; andthe first fixing legs protrude from the side surface of the body to be disposed at an edge of the first tube through hole.3. The fuel tube protector of claim 2 , wherein:the first fixing legs are arranged in a circumferential direction of the first tube through hole;each of the first fixing legs comprises a tapered part tapered toward an outside of the body and a leg latching protrusion formed at an end of the tapered part; andeach distal end portion of the protective member is latched and fastened to the leg latching protrusion when fitted into the first fixing leg along the tapered part.4. The fuel tube protector of claim 3 , wherein the tapered part and the leg latching ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Protective Shield for Concrete Hose Joints

Номер: US20160123518A1
Принадлежит: Line Dragon, LLC

A protective shield device is mounted on the joint between connected concrete hoses to protect the joint connecting one concrete hose to another from accidentally catching on an obstruction on the surface over which the concrete hose joint is moved during operation and disconnecting the two concrete hoses. The protective shield device is formed by two hollow shells that are hinged on one side and connected by friction closure members to surround and encapsulate the concrete hose joint. The assembled protective shield device is preferably in the shape of an ovoid with a larger central portion to accommodate the joint structure, and narrower end portions to provide no protruding structure that will catch any underlying obstructions that could cause the enclosed joint latch to be exposed. The protective shield device can be opened by forcing the two shell members apart, or by using a mechanically disengagable latch. 1. A protective shield device for encapsulating a joint mechanism connecting two concrete hose segments , comprising:first and second members carrying latching members that can be aligned and engaged to secure one member to the other member, each respective member including a central portion defining a first diameter when the first and second members are secured together, each central portion including a pair of internal arcuate supports having a central passageway formed therein and establishing a central hole when said first and second members are secured together, each member further including a pair of frusto-conical portions integrally formed with said central portion, said frusto-conical portions extending from said central portion on opposing sides thereof to terminate at respective end portions defining an end opening, said end openings being aligned with said central hole through said arcuate supports for the passage of said concrete hose segments.2. The protective shield device of wherein said concrete hose segments are connected together by said ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200112151A1

A protective member for a wire harness, the wire harness including a wire, an exterior material that has flexibility and covers the wire, a route regulator that has an axis extending along a wiring route of the wire and regulates the wiring route of the wire from outside the exterior material, a fixing member for fixing the route regulator to a vehicle, and at least one connector that connects the route regulator to the exterior material, the protective member being configured to protect the exterior material of the wire harness, the protective member including: a cover for covering the exterior material; an attachment that is to be attached to the exterior material or the route regulator; and a protective member connector that connects the cover and the attachment to each other. 1. A protective member for a wire harness ,the wire harness including a wire, an exterior material that has flexibility and covers the wire, a route regulator that has an axis extending along a wiring route of the wire and regulates the wiring route of the wire from outside the exterior material, a fixing member for fixing the route regulator to a vehicle, and at least one connector that connects the route regulator to the exterior material,the protective member being configured to protect the exterior material of the wire harness, the protective member comprising:a cover for covering the exterior material;an attachment that is to be attached to the exterior material or the route regulator; anda protective member connector that connects the cover and the attachment to each other,the cover having a longitudinal axis extending in an axial direction of the exterior material, andan outer face of the cover that is on an opposite side to an exterior material side having a shape that conforms to an outer circumference of the exterior material.2. The protective member according to claim 1 ,wherein the protective member connector has a bend or a curve.3. The protective member according to claim 1 , ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119846A1
Автор: Kuwagaki Daisuke

The apparatus includes a telescopic double tubular member accommodated in an outer case that is mounted such as to surround an outer circumferential surface of a water pipe K, and placed from above between a pair of cut faces formed by making a full cut of the water pipe K. The double tubular member includes an anti-corrosion member that faces the pair of cut faces of the pipe and a core member to be inserted into the anti-corrosion member from above, and is configured such that the anti-corrosion member is radially expanded by the core member being inserted into the anti-corrosion member so as to be pressed against the pair of cut faces of the pipe. The anti-corrosion member has a through hole that communicates with the water pipe K, and a flange positioned above the through hole and extending radially outward. The flange has an abutment surface that abuts on an outer circumferential surface of the water pipe K, and this abutment surface is curved along the outer circumferential surface of the water pipe K. 1. A corrosion prevention apparatus for cut faces of pipes , comprising:a telescopic double tubular member accommodated in an outer case that is mounted such as to surround an outer circumferential surface of a fluid pipe, and placed from above between a pair of cut faces formed by making a full cut of the fluid pipe,the double tubular member including an anti-corrosion member that faces the pair of cut faces of the pipe and a core member to be inserted into the anti-corrosion member from above, and the double tubular member being configured such that the anti-corrosion member expands radially by the core member being inserted into the anti-corrosion member, so as to be pressed against the pair of cut faces of the pipe,the anti-corrosion member having a through hole that communicates with the fluid pipe, and a flange positioned above the through hole and extending radially outward, andthe flange having an abutment surface that abuts on an outer circumferential ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Protective Cap for Beverage Dispensing Spigot

Номер: US20220268394A1

A protective cap for a container's spigot is configured with a looped section and a cap. The looped section may have one or more loops to secure and hang around a spigot's neck for convenient use. The looped section may have an upper loop distal from the cap and a lower loop proximal to the cap, in which the lower loop has a relatively smaller diameter than the upper loop. A bottom of the looped section may have an incline that provides additional support to the looped section. The cap includes an opening that leads to a bottom surface that covers the outlet along with the cap's sidewalls and enhances cleanliness. 1. A protective cap for protecting a spigot's outlet , comprising:a looped section; anda cap attached to an end of the looped section, wherein the cap includes an opening and a bottom surface at the bottom of the opening.2. The protective cap of claim 1 , wherein the looped section includes an upper loop and a lower loop claim 1 , the lower loop being proximal to the cap and the upper loop being distal from the cap.3. The protective cap of claim 2 , wherein the lower loop has a smaller diameter than the upper loop claim 2 , such that the smaller diameter is adapted to press-fit against the spigot's stem.4. The protective cap of claim 3 , wherein the upper and lower loops are formed of a single opening in the looped section claim 3 , and the looped section includes curvatures at the lower loop that creates the smaller diameter relative to the upper loop.5. The protective cap of claim 4 , wherein an incline in the looped section gradually increases toward the exterior of the cap.6. The protective cap of claim 5 , wherein the incline begins at a bottom side of the looped section and begins substantially at the beginning of the lower loop.7. The protective cap of claim 1 , wherein the cap's opening gradually decreases in diameter toward the bottom surface and is configured to provide a press-fit against a spigot's outlet.8. The protective cap of claim 1 , ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160128334A1
Автор: Poston Laura L.

An adhesive used in underground applications where vegetation is present wherein the adhesive has been doped with a material or materials that deter the growth properties of adjacent vegetation. The materials can include Zinc, Copper Sulfate, Copper Oxide, as well as sulfates of Zinc, Manganese, and Nickel, in quantities that will repel or deter the advancement of roots and invasive vegetation into fittings and joints in an underground system. The adhesive is used to bond a conduit and a fitting in an air-tight and water tight seal, and the inclusion of the root deterrent material resists invasion of nearby roots into the piping. The root deterring supplements to the adhesive to not degrade the performance of the adhesive and actually repel roots in the vicinity of the materials. 1. An adhesive compound for use in fluid transport systems where vegetation is present , comprising:a base adhesive; andan additive incorporated into the base adhesive to form a compound, the additive selected for its vegetation deterring properties;wherein the additive resists vegetation from migrating across the adhesive without impairing bonding properties of the base adhesive.2. The adhesive of claim 1 , wherein the base adhesive is a natural adhesive.3. The adhesive of claim 1 , wherein the base adhesive is a synthetic adhesive.4. The adhesive of claim 2 , wherein the additive includes Zinc.5. The adhesive of claim 2 , wherein the additive includes Manganese.6. The adhesive of claim 2 , wherein the additive includes Nickel.7. The adhesive of claim 2 , wherein the additive includes Copper Sulfate.8. The adhesive of claim 2 , wherein the additive includes Copper Oxide.9. The adhesive of claim 3 , wherein the additive includes Zinc.10. The adhesive of claim 3 , wherein the additive includes Manganese.11. The adhesive of claim 3 , wherein the additive includes Nickel.12. The adhesive of claim 3 , wherein the additive includes Copper Sulfate.13. The adhesive of claim 3 , wherein the ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127594A1

The present disclosure describes a strategy to create self-healing, slippery liquid-infused porous surfaces. Roughened (e.g., porous) surfaces can be utilized to lock in place a lubricating fluid, referred to herein as Liquid B to repel a wide range of materials, referred to herein as Object A (Solid A or Liquid A). Slippery liquid-infused porous surfaces outperforms other conventional surfaces in its capability to repel various simple and complex liquids (water, hydrocarbons, crude oil and blood), maintain low-contact-angle hysteresis (<2.5°), quickly restore liquid-repellency after physical damage (within 0.1-1 s), resist ice, microorganisms and insects adhesion, and function at high pressures (up to at least 690 atm). Some exemplary application where slippery liquid-infused porous surfaces will be useful include energy-efficient fluid handling and transportation, optical sensing, medicine, and as self-cleaning, and anti-fouling materials operating in extreme environments. 184-. (canceled)85. A container comprising a slippery surface , wherein the slippery surface comprises:a roughened surface; anda lubricating liquid having an affinity for the roughened surface,wherein the affinity is such that the lubricating liquid spontaneously wets the roughened surface and adheres within the roughened surface to form a stabilized liquid overlayer forming the slippery surface.86. The container according to claim 85 , wherein the roughened surface is chemically functionalized with one or more chemical functional groups claim 85 , andwherein the lubricating liquid has an affinity for the one or more chemical functional groups.87. The container according to claim 86 , wherein the roughened surface has a roughness factor that is greater than 1 claim 86 , wherein the roughness factor is defined as a ratio between a real surface area of the roughened surface and a projected surface area of the roughened surface.88. The container according to claim 87 , wherein the roughness factor ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150136481A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

An exterior member has a straight tube body to be arranged at a vehicle underfloor portion of a vehicle and at least one rigidity adding portion to add rigidity to the straight tube body. 1. A wire harness exterior member having a shape of a tube body covering a conducting path ,the wire harness exterior member comprising a straight tube body to be arranged at a vehicle underfloor portion of a vehicle, and at least one rigidity adding portion to add rigidity to the straight tube body.2. The wire harness exterior member according to claim 1 , wherein the rigidity adding portion is provided so as to protrude on an outer surface of the straight tube body claim 1 , or the rigidity adding portion is formed such that the straight tube body is deformed outward.3. The wire harness exterior member according to claim 1 , wherein the rigidity adding portion is provided so as to protrude on an inner surface of the straight tube body claim 1 , or the rigidity adding portion is formed such that the straight tube body is deformed inward.4. The wire harness exterior member according to claim 2 , wherein the rigidity adding portion is formed such that a surface area of the straight tube body is large as compared with a case where a cross section of the straight tube body is circular.5. The wire harness exterior member according to claim 1 , wherein the rigidity adding portion is formed to have a shape extending in an axial direction of the straight tube body.6. The wire harness exterior member according to claim 1 , comprising a straight tube portion including the straight tube body and the rigidity adding portion and formed as an inflexible portion claim 1 , and a flexible tube portion continuing from the straight tube portion and formed as a flexible portion.7. The wire harness exterior member according to claim 1 , wherein the rigidity adding portion is provided at a vertically lower side of an outer surface of the straight tube body in a state of being fixed to the vehicle ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210161122A1
Автор: Hagan Michael T.

A rodent deterrent system for a pipe system, the pipe system including a T-junction and a midsection riser. The deterrent system for the T-junction includes a first mesh screen configured to surround a vertical portion of the T-junction and a second mesh screen configured to surround a horizontal portion of the T-junction. Also, the deterrent system for a perforated riser includes a mesh wrap sleeve configured to surround the midsection of the riser. Alternatively, the riser midsection sleeve can be lengthened so that the second mesh is not needed as the lengthened sleeve also performs the same function as the second screen. 1. A system to deter rodents from accessing a pipe system including a midsection riser pipe , the deterrent system comprising: a riser mesh screen folded so that opposed ends align , a strap folded over the aligned ends and sewn along the length of the screen to form a screen , the screen having a diameter so that it will fit over the midsection riser pipe and a length at least as long as the length of the midsection riser pipe.2. In the deterrent system of where the pipe system further includes a T-junction having three openings claim 1 , two of the openings aligned at opposing ends of a first generally cylindrical portion claim 1 , the third opening at the end of a second generally cylindrical portion claim 1 , transverse to the first generally cylindrical portion claim 1 , the third opening receiving one end of the midsection riser pipe claim 1 , the deterrent system further comprising: a first mesh screen having opposed long sides and opposed short sides claim 1 , the opposed long sides having elliptical cutouts therein claim 1 , each of the long sides having a strap folded over their side portion from their respective elliptical cutout to the first short side claim 1 , the straps sewn along their length to secure each strap to the screen claim 1 , with a fastener material then being sewn to these straps along their lengths; the elliptical ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180131320A1
Автор: Hood David C.

A PV assembly wire tray includes a PV panel-support purlin and a wire cover secured to the purlin. The purlin includes a web, having first and second ends, and first and second plates extending from the first and second ends. The wire cover includes a first panel, extending from the first end oft web, and a second panel extending from the second end of the web. A wire-protecting chamber is defined by the web, the second plate, the second panel and the first panel. 1. A photovoltaic (PV) assembly wire tray comprising: a web having first and second ends; and', 'first and second plates extending from the first and second ends, respectively;, 'a PV panel-support purlin comprising a first panel extending from the first end of the web; and', 'a second panel extending from the second end of the web; and, 'a wire cover secured to the purlin, the wire cover comprisinga wire-protecting chamber defined by the web, the second plate, the second panel and the first panel.2. The PV assembly wire tray according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second plates of the PV panel-support purlin extend in opposite directions.3. The PV assembly wire tray according to claim 1 , wherein the wire-protecting chamber has a rectangular cross-sectional shape.4. The PV assembly wire tray according to claim 1 , wherein the wire cover comprises a hole for the passage of wires therethrough.5. The PV assembly wire tray according to claim 1 , wherein the web has an opening through which wires can pass.6. The PV assembly wire tray according to claim 1 , further comprising a wire-chamber-terminating end cap secured to at least one of the PV panel-support purlin and the wire cover.7. The PV assembly wire tray according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second plates are generally parallel to one another and extend from the first and second ends in opposite directions.8. A PV assembly wire tray comprising: a web having first and second ends; and', 'first and second plates extending from the first and ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135787A1

A hose repair kit includes a retaining sleeve having a first opening to receive an end of a hose. There is a swivel coupling inserted into a second end of the hose retaining sleeve to engage with the hose. The swivel coupling includes a first annular member with an annular barb at one end and a socket to receive a key at a second end. There is an annular retaining ring groove with a retaining ring therein. A second annular member receives, within an internal bore having an annular recess, the first annular member and the retaining ring engages the annular recess to secure the first annular member to the second annular member. The surface of the bore is frusto-conically shaped allowing the retaining ring to be compressed as it travels into the bore until it reaches the annular recess and expands into and is seated in the annular recess. 1. A hose end repair kit , comprising:a hose retaining sleeve having a first end with a first opening in communication with an interior portion of the hose retaining sleeve, the first opening configured to receive an end of a first hose into the interior of the hose retaining sleeve when the hose retaining sleeve is mounted on the first hose; the hose retaining sleeve further having a second end, opposite the first end, the second end having a second opening;a swivel coupling partially inserted into the second opening of the hose retaining sleeve; the swivel coupling configured to engage with an interior of the first hose when the hose retaining sleeve is mounted on the first hose; wherein the swivel coupling, comprises: a first end portion having at least one annular barb on the outer surface and configured to be inserted into the interior of the first hose;', 'a second end portion spaced from the first end portion, the second end portion having an opening allowing access to the inner surface of the first annular member wherein there is formed a socket to receive a key;', 'an angled shoulder positioned between the at least one ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135792A1

A universal thread protector is provided for protecting either of the pin and box ends of a pipe. The thread protector has a cap with an open end the closed end. A seal element is positioned within and adjacent to the open end of the cap. A ring member is positioned against the seal element between the seal element and the closed end of the cap. Bolts are provided having an end positioned against the ring member. The bolts are movable from an unactuated position to an actuated position wherein the bolt applies a force against the ring member when in the actuated position. As such, the ring member pushes against the seal element so as to deform or compress the seal element against the outer diameter of the pipe positioned within the cap. A method of protecting the threaded ends of pipe is also disclosed. 1. A thread protector comprising:a cap having an open end and a closed end;a seal element positioned within and adjacent to said open end of said cap;a ring member positioned against said seal element between said seal element and said closed end of said cap; andat least one bolt having an end positioned against said ring member, said at least one bolt being movable from an unactuated position to an actuated position, said at least one bolt applying a force against said ring member when in said actuated position such that said ring member pushes against said seal element.2. The thread protector of claim 1 , said seal element being deformed when said at least one bolt is in said actuated position.3. The thread protector of claim 1 , said at least one bolt having a bolt head extending outwardly of said closed end of said cap claim 1 , said at least one bolt being threadedly received in a passageway in said cap.4. The thread protector of claim 3 , said at least one bolt comprising three radially disposed bolts.5. The thread protector of claim 4 , said cap having recessed areas on an outside thereof claim 4 , said recessed areas formed between said three radially ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160146386A1

Disclosed is a fluid-connection device for connecting a first wall defining a first fluid space, in the form of a flexible pipe, to a second wall defining a second fluid space, in the form of a flexible or rigid disposable pipe or enclosure, in a biopharmaceutical assembly, including a first connector in fluid communication with the first space, the first connector including a tubular nozzle for receiving the pipe by insertion along the axis A, a pipe clamp arranged around the end of the pipe in order to clamp the pipe onto the tubular nozzle of the first connector, a protective cover forming a separate part, capable of being snap-fit in an operative position in which the cover is at least partially surrounding the first connector and the pipe clamp thereof, by way of which the pipe clamp cannot come into direct contact with external elements. 115-. (canceled)17. The device according to claim 16 , wherein the protective cover is formed by two half-portions configured to come together around the clamp in the radial direction.18. The device according to claim 17 , wherein the protective cover comprises two complementary semi-cylindrical portions connected by a flexible hinge portion claim 17 , and the two portions are adapted to snap-fit together in an area diametrically opposite the hinge area.19. The device according to claim 17 , wherein the protective cover comprises flexible radial tabs intended to bear against the flexible pipe in an area between the position of the clamp and the front end of the pipe.20. The device according to claim 17 , wherein the protective cover comprises radial walls to enclose the pipe clamp and thereby immobilize or limit movement of the cover in the axial direction.21. The device according to claim 16 , wherein the protective cover is a single part that is rotationally symmetrical claim 16 , the protective cover being placed in an inoperative rearward position on the pipe prior to insertion of the pipe onto the tubular nozzle claim 16 ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Pneumatic hose fastener

Номер: US20210172545A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A pneumatic hose fastener having a flange with a pair of overlapping non-concentric holes attached by a neck to a hook. The overlapping non-concentric holes are adapted to receive a pneumatic hose and quick-connect coupler body. The hook includes an inner hook leg attached to an outer hook leg by a bridge. The bridge connects to the neck. A side profile of the inner hook leg, the bridge and the outer hook leg form substantially a u-shape adapted to secure the hook of the pneumatic hose fastener to another surface.

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172560A1

A thread protector for threads of the pipe has a collet having an inner surface, and outer surface and an end surface, a sleeve cooperative with the collet, and an arm pivotally mounted to the sleeve and having a surface bearing against the and surface of the collet. The collet is adapted to engage the threads of the pipe. The sleeve has a plurality of tapered surfaces thereon. The arm is movable between a first position in which the collet is free of the threads of the pipe and a second position in which the collet moves along the tapered surfaces of the sleeve such that the collet engages the threads of the pipe. 1. A thread protector for threads of a pipe , the thread protector comprising:a collet having an inner surface and an outer surface and an end surface, said collet adapted to engage the threads of the pipe;a sleeve cooperative with said collet, said sleeve having a surface therein; andan arm pivotally mounted to said sleeve and having a surface bearing against the end surface of said collet, said arm being movable between a first position in which said collet is free of the threads of the pipe and a second position wherein the collet moves along a surface of said sleeve such that said collet engages the threads of the pipe.2. The thread protector of claim 1 , the surface being formed on an interior of said sleeve claim 1 , said sleeve residing over the outer surface of said collet claim 1 , the threads of the pipe being external threads.3. The thread protector of claim 2 , said collet having a plurality of fingers extending from the end surface of said collet claim 2 , each of the plurality of fingers having the inner surface that engages the threads when said arm is in the second position.4. The thread protector of claim 3 , the inner surface of said collet having ridges formed thereon claim 3 , the ridges adapted to be received by the threads of the pipe when said arm is in the second position claim 3 , the ridges being free of the threads when said arm ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153603A1

An existing pipe that is to be rehabilitated has concavely curved portions and straight portions as viewed in cross-section orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the existing pipe. For pipe rehabilitation at the curved portion of the existing pipe, a plurality of rectangular parallelepiped segments whose inner surface plate, side plates and end plates are all rectangular are used. A spacer is interposed between the end plates of the rectangular parallelepiped segments. The spacer has first and second contact surfaces that are inclined relative to each other and come into contact with the end plates of the rectangular parallelepiped segments when they are linked in the circumferential direction. 1. A method for rehabilitating an existing pipe having a curved portion as viewed in cross-section orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the existing pipe comprising:preparing a plurality of segments each comprising an inner surface plate, and side plates and end plates provided upright on a peripheral edge of the inner surface plate, the inner surface plate, the side plates, and the end plates being formed integrally from a plastic material; andlinking the segments in a circumferential direction and in a pipe-length direction to assemble a rehabilitation pipe inside the existing pipe;wherein, for pipe rehabilitation at the curved portion of the existing pipe, a plurality of rectangular parallelepiped segments whose inner surface plate, side plates and end plates are all rectangular are used, and a spacer is interposed between the end plates of the rectangular parallelepiped segments when they are linked in the circumferential direction.2. A method for rehabilitating an existing pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the spacer has a first contact surface that comes into contact of the end plate of the rectangular parallelepiped segment and a second contact surface that comes into contact with the end plate of the rectangular parallelepiped segment on the side ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145568A1

A quick coupling assembly includes a first coupling element () and a second coupling element () that is inserted into the first coupling element. The first coupling element has a coupling body () and a valve (), which define a volume displacement passage. When the second coupling element () is inserted, the second coupling element mechanically acts on the valve () to expel contaminants from the quick coupling assembly via the volume displacement passage. The valve includes a poppet () and a biasing spring (), and the volume displacement passage includes a leak path () defined between the coupling body and the poppet. The poppet has an inward contour () that is spaced apart from the coupling body to define the leak path. The poppet has a widened portion () that provides a sealing surface when the assembly is fully coupled. The second coupling element () mechanically acts on the poppet () during insertion to expel the contaminants via the volume displacement passage. 1. A quick coupling assembly comprising:a first coupling element and a second coupling element that is inserted into the first coupling element;the first coupling element comprising a coupling body and a first valve that is enclosed within the coupling body, and the first valve and the coupling body define a volume displacement passage; andwherein when the second coupling element is inserted into the first coupling element, the second coupling element mechanically acts on the first valve of the first coupling element to expel contaminants from the quick coupling assembly via the volume displacement passage.2. The quick coupling assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first valve includes a first poppet and a first biasing spring claim 1 , and the volume displacement passage includes a leak path defined between the coupling body and the first poppet.3. The quick coupling assembly of claim 2 , wherein the first poppet includes an inward contour that is spaced apart from the coupling body to define a portion of ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Flow-through Piping Cap CIP

Номер: US20190145654A1
Автор: Bryant Darwin

A pipe cap and the methods for using the pipe cap are provided. The invention includes a pipe cap, which can include a body having one or more openings disposed therein. The pipe cap can also include a connector, and the connector can be configured to connect to a drain pipe. The pipe cap can be configured to prevent insects and animals from entering and clogging fluid drainage systems, e.g., HVAC systems. 1. A pipe cap , comprising:a main body having a connector disposed about a first end thereof; anda plurality of openings disposed about the main body, wherein the pipe cap is configured to connect to a drain line.2. The pipe cap of claim 1 , wherein the one or more opening is defined as a mesh screen disposed about the circumference of the main body.3. The pipe cap of claim 2 , wherein the mesh screen extends from the first end to the second end of the main body.4. The pipe cap of claim 3 , wherein the mesh screen is about 20-mesh to about 40-mesh.5. The pipe cap of claim 3 , wherein the mesh screen is about 30-mesh.6. The pipe cap of claim 3 , wherein the drain line is that of an HVAC system.7. A pipe cap claim 3 , comprising:a main body having a connector disposed about a first end thereof; anda plurality of openings disposed about the main body, wherein the plurality of openings includes a mesh screen and wherein the pipe cap is configured to connect to a drain line of an HVAC system.7. The pipe cap of claim 7 , wherein the mesh screen is between 20-mesh and 40-mesh.8. The pipe cap of claim 7 , wherein the mesh screen is 30-mesh.9. A pipe cap system claim 7 , comprising:a main body having a connector disposed about a first end thereof;a plurality of openings disposed about the main body, wherein the plurality of openings includes a mesh screen and wherein the pipe cap is configured to connect to a drain line of an HVAC system; anda conduit, wherein the conduit is configured to attach the pipe cap to the drain line of the HVAC system.11. The piping cap of claim ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220299121A1

Fluid management systems for handling pressurized fluid connect various subsystems or subunits without the need to use reinforced tubing. The system utilizes one or more segments of unreinforced conduit that are encapsulated at various points along a length of the segment with one or more rigid encapsulating members. The unreinforced conduit may be made a disposable element while the rigid encapsulating members may be re-used. In one aspect, the encapsulating member may include a two-part valve body that surrounds and encapsulates a portion of the unreinforced conduit. In another aspect, the encapsulating member may include a two-part jacket that surrounds and encapsulates a portion of the unreinforced conduit. The two-part valve bodies and two-part jackets may be joined at various points within the system as part of the overall flow system. 1. A fluid management system , comprising:a two-part jacket comprising a first half and a second half, the first half defining a semi-circular inner surface, the second half defining a semi-circular inner surface, the first half and the second half configured to mate with each other to define a passageway through the two-part jacket;wherein the first and second halves form a cross-shaped assembly and the passageway comprises a cross-shape; andwherein the first and second halves are held together with a pair of projections that extend from the second half and are inserted into corresponding recesses located in the first half.2. The fluid management system of claim 1 , wherein the pair of projections comprise male dowels.3. The fluid management system of claim 1 , wherein a friction fit is formed between the projections and the recess.4. The fluid management system of claim 1 , wherein flanges are disposed at respective ends of the first half and the second half of the two-part jacket.5. The fluid management system of claim 1 , further comprising an unreinforced polymer conduit having a cross-shape disposed within the cross-shaped ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Retaining Ring

Номер: US20190154171A1
Автор: Jody Massey
Принадлежит: Individual

A plumbing fastener, having a retaining ring to encircle a pipe and a fastener to lock the retaining ring around the pipe is described. The fastener is flush with the retaining ring. The plumbing fastener has a joint, including a T-joint, a post tab joint, or a Y-joint. In the T-joint, a male tab includes a T-joint tab received by a female slot. The T-joint reversibly locks the retaining ring around the pipe. In the post clip, the joint includes a post clip; a male tab includes a tongue. The post clip reversibly locks the retaining ring around the pipe. In the Y-joint, a male tab includes a Y-joint tab received by a Y-joint female slot. Fasteners may be an elastomer, a silicone, a rubber, a flexible plastic, or a flexible metal. Some rings have an interior ring surface with a flat cross-section. Other rings have a concave cross-section.

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Vacuum control method for a riser line

Номер: US20160168820A1
Принадлежит: IHC Holland lE BV

Disclosed is a method for deep sea mining including: generating an upward flow of valuable matter in a riser line from the bottom of a body of water to a matter processing platform; processing the matter at the processing platform; generating a return flow in a return pipe of a mixture of seawater and a non-valuable part of the matter from the processing platform towards the bottom of the body of water; and controlling the pressure in the return pipe for avoiding collapse of the return pipe and/or cavitation of the return pipe, in particular for avoiding collapse of or cavitation in an upper part of the return pipe.

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160169437A1

The subject matter of the invention is a lining hose as a composite hose for lining a pressure pipe to be renovated, comprising at least one first layer and a second layer which adjoins the first layer, the first layer forming a substantially fluid-tight and/or gas-tight diffusion barrier and the second layer being a textile fabric soaked in a resin and being provided for an all-over adhesive connection to an inner wall of the pressure pipe to be renovated, the lining hose being flexible in a state in which the resin has not cured. The second layer is at least 3 mm thick, the textile fabric and the resin being selected such that the lining hose forms a self-supporting pipe in a state in which the resin has cured. The invention also relates to a method for renovating a pressure pipe using such a lining hose and a corresponding renovated pressure pipe. 1. A lining hose for lining a pressure pipe to be renovated , said lining hose comprising;at least one first layer and a second layer which is adjacent the first layer,wherein the first layer forms a fluid-tight and/or gas-tight diffusion barrier and wherein the second layer is a textile sheet formation which is impregnated with a resin, has a thickness of at least 3 mm and is configured for a gapless and full-surfaced, non-positive bonding connection to an inner wall of the pressure pipe to be renovated,wherein the lining hose is flexible in a condition, in which the resin is not cured, and wherein the textile sheet formation and the resin are selected such that the lining hose forms a self-supporting pipe in a condition in which the resin is cured,wherein the textile sheet formation together with the resin forms a fibre-reinforced plastic,wherein the resin is or contains an unsaturated polyester resin or an unsaturated vinyl ester resin, andwherein an acrylic resin or epoxy resin is additionally provided as an adhesive, which either as an adhesive layer which in a cured condition is suitable for creating a bonding ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170167654A1
Автор: Erickson Jeff

A shield for a pipe carrying fluid includes a pipe-engaging portion and a shielding portion. The pipe-engaging portion is configured for holding the shield in place with respect to the pipe. The shielding portion is fixed to the pipe-engaging portion and configured for blocking at least one side of the pipe and protecting the pipe against external disturbance applied in a specific direction. The pipe-engaging portion may be configured for engaging and holding in place the pipe. The pipe-engaging portion is configured for engaging and holding in place the pipe. Alternatively, the pipe-engaging portion is configured for being disposed in a vicinity of the pipe and holding the shield portion in place with respect to the pipe. 1. A shield for a pipe carrying fluid , the shield comprising:a pipe-engaging portion configured for holding the shield in place with respect to the pipe; anda shielding portion fixed to the pipe-engaging portion and configured for blocking at least one side of the pipe and protecting the pipe against external disturbance applied in a specific direction.2. The shield of claim 1 , wherein the pipe-engaging portion is configured for engaging and holding in place the pipe.3. The shield of claim 2 , wherein the pipe-engaging portion comprises a single faster engaging through an elongated contacting portion with the pipe.4. The shield of claim 2 , wherein the pipe-engaging portion comprises a plurality of fasteners claim 2 , each of which is fixed to the shielding portion.5. The shield of claim 4 , wherein the faster comprise a clip claim 4 , a clamp claim 4 , an adjustable clamp claim 4 , hook-and-loop fastener claim 4 , or doubled sided tape.6. The shield of claim 5 , wherein the clip is flexible and has an opening smaller than a diameter of the pipe.7. The shield of claim 6 , wherein the clip comprise two guiding portions provided at end portions of the clip configured for receiving the pipe smoothly.8. The shield of claim 5 , wherein the clamp ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Connection Tube for Hydraulic Cylinder

Номер: US20200158145A1
Автор: Edward Worth
Принадлежит: Keith Manufacturing Co

A hydraulic connection tube interconnects two port fittings of a hydraulic cylinder. The tube includes a bend or bent portion that reduces forces and stresses at the fittings.

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150176747A1

Embodiments of the present invention may include a connector cover covers a connector body having a pipe connection portion to which a pipe is connected and a tube connection portion to which a tube is connected. The connector cover has two divisional bodies formed through division in a radial direction of the connector body and configured to be capable of being engaged with each other. At least one of the divisional bodies has a large-diameter fit-engagement portion fit-engaged with a divergent portion of the tube connected to the tube connection portion, and a small-diameter fit-engagement portion which is of a smaller opening diameter than that of the large-diameter fit-engagement portion and which is fit-engaged with a non-divergent portion of the tube adjacent to the large-diameter fit-engagement portion. 1. A connector cover for covering a connector body having a pipe connection portion to which a pipe is connected and a tube connection portion to which a tube is connected , the connector cover comprising:two divisional bodies formed through division in a radial direction of the connector body and configured to be capable of being engaged with each other, 'a small-diameter fit-engagement portion which is of a smaller opening diameter than that of the large-diameter fit-engagement portion and which is fit-engaged with a non-divergent portion of the tube adjacent to the large-diameter fit-engagement portion.', 'a large-diameter fit-engagement portion fit-engaged with a divergent portion of the tube connected to the tube connection portion, and'}, 'wherein at least one of the divisional bodies comprises2. The connector cover of claim 1 , wherein the divisional bodies are asymmetrical with respect to each other in the radial direction of the connector body.3. The connector cover of claim 1 , further comprising a rattling prevention means configured to prevent mutual rattling of the divisional bodies by utilizing elasticity of at least one of the divisional bodies. ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210199229A1
Автор: LUPPI Davide

A threaded plug includes a structure which extends along an axis and includes a head, a body provided with an outer thread, and a clamping flange inserted between the head and the body; wherein the head includes, along the axis, at least one first portion having an outer lateral surface which features a first profile and at least one second portion having an outer lateral surface which features a second profile which is not coincident with the first profile. 1. A threaded plug comprising a structure which extends along an axis and includes a head , a body provided with an outer thread , and a clamping flange inserted between the head and the body wherein the head comprises , along the axis , at least one first portion having an outer lateral surface which features a first profile and at least one second portion having an outer lateral surface which features a second profile which is not coincident with the first profile.2. The threaded plug according to claim 1 , wherein the second portion is adjacent to the first portion in the direction of the axis.3. The threaded plug according to claim 1 , wherein the first portion extends from the flange in a direction substantially parallel to the axis of the plug.4. The threaded plug according to claim 1 , wherein the second portion comprises the free end of the head of the plug.5. The threaded plug according to claim 1 , wherein the first profile of the outer lateral surface of the first portion is substantially polygonal claim 1 , in particular hexagonal claim 1 , and the second profile of the outer lateral surface of the second portion is substantially circular.6. The threaded plug according to claim 5 , wherein the outer lateral surface of the second portion features a plurality of ribs which develop in the direction of the axis of the plug and are distributed along the circumference of the second profile.7. The threaded plug according to claim 5 , wherein the second profile of the outer lateral surface of the second ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210199232A1

A pipe end protector for protecting pipe threads provided on a pipe end of a pipe component for exploration and production of a hydrocarbon well, said pipe end protector comprising a main body and an annular flexible lip seal, wherein the main body is made from a first polymeric material having a first elastic modulus, and the lip seal is made from a second polymeric material having a second elastic modulus which is lower than the first elastic modulus. 1. A pipe end protector for protecting pipe threads provided on a pipe end of a pipe component for exploration and production of a hydrocarbon well , said pipe end protector comprising:a main body having a longitudinal axis, at least one support portion having an at least partly radially extending annular seal support surface, and a tubular portion provided with protector threads configured to cooperate with the pipe threads of the pipe end, and the main body is made from a first polymeric material having a first elastic modulus,', 'the lip seal is made from a second polymeric material having a second elastic modulus which is lower than the first elastic modulus, and', 'the lip seal comprises an annular lip base portion which extends radially along at least a portion of the seal support surface and is attached to the seal support surface by over moulding., 'an annular flexible lip seal provided on the seal support surface, wherein'}2. The pipe end protector according to claim 1 , wherein the first polymeric material and the second polymeric material are selected to adhesively attach to each other by over moulding.3. The pipe end protector according to claim 1 , wherein the first polymeric material of the main body is a polyolefin claim 1 , preferable polyethylene claim 1 , and the second polymeric material of the lip seal is an elastomer claim 1 , preferably an olefin block copolymer claim 1 , more preferably a block copolymer of blocks of polyethylene alternating with blocks of ethylene/octene copolymer.4. The pipe ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180169933A1

A wrap-around heat shrinkable protective jacket is used on conduits such as cables, pipes or tubes carrying liquids, gas or electricity to name a few. The protective jacket is applicable to junction blocks, junction tees and wire harnesses and to protect or repair damaged areas of such configurations. A lay-flat design is used to easily install around existing cables, pipes or tubes. A shrinkable material is used to secure and protect these cables, pipes or tubes. Other materials can be added to the jacket interior for additional protection. 1. A wrap-around breakout jacket comprising:a lay-flat apparatus defining a first section and a second section;a plurality of fasteners disposed on the first section and the second section;the first section is folded onto itself so as to form a main conduit portion;the second section is folded onto itself so as to form a breakout conduit portion;a first portion of the fasteners secure the first section in a first folded position; anda second portion of the fasteners secure the second section in a second folded position.2. The wrap-around breakout jacket according to wherein:the first section comprises a first plurality of tabs and a first plurality of tab slots; andthe tabs insert into the tab slots to form the main conduit portion.3. The wrap-around breakout jacket according to wherein:the second section comprises a jacket center section disposed between a second plurality of tabs; andthe second plurality of tabs fold onto and bow the jacket center section so as to form the breakout conduit portion.4. The wrap-around breakout jacket according to wherein:the first section is a generally larger square defining a plurality of main conduit wraps separated by a conduit sleeve;the second section is a generally smaller square;the first section and the second section are separated by a plurality of elongated notches; andthe first section and the second section fold into the elongated notches to form the main conduit portion.5. The wrap ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180171261A1

The invention concerns a threaded tubular connection for drilling or operating hydrocarbon wells, comprising a portion of a tubular element with a male end having an axis of revolution and provided with a first threading extending about the axis of revolution, said male end portion being complementary with a portion of a tubular element with a female end having an axis of revolution and provided with a second threading extending about the axis of revolution, said male and female end portions being capable of being connected by makeup, each of the male and female end portions further comprising a sealing surface with a metal-metal interference, wherein the threading and the sealing surface of one of the two, male or female, end portions are coated with a first metallic anti-corrosion and anti-galling layer wherein zinc (Zn) is the major element by weight, said first metallic anti-corrosion and anti-galling layer being coated with a first passivation layer, and the complementary threading and sealing surface of the male or female end are coated with a second metallic anti-galling layer wherein zinc (Zn) is the major element by weight, the second metallic anti-galling layer being at least partially coated with a lubricant layer comprising a resin and a dry solid lubricant powder dispersed in said resin. 1. A threaded tubular connection , comprising:a male end portion which is a portion of a tubular element with a male end having an axis of revolution and provided with a first threading extending about the axis of revolution, anda female end portion which is a portion of a tubular element with a female end having an axis of revolution and provided with a second threading extending about the axis of revolution,wherein said male end portion is complementary with the female end portion,said male and female end portions are connected by makeup, andeach of the male and female end portions further comprises a sealing surface with a metal-metal interference, and the threading ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Inground Protective Housing

Номер: US20140263343A1

An improved inground protective housing for components of underground systems is provided. The housing is configured so that it may be placed over the components that are already installed in the ground. Window knockouts, as well as an easily removable bottom flange portion corresponding to a window knockout, are provided to ease the installation of the housing. 1. An inground protective housing comprising:at least one wall forming an interior cavity and having a flange;at least one knockout formed in the at least one wall and adapted for removal from the at least one wall to form a first opening into the interior cavity;at least one flange portion corresponding to the at least one knockout and adapted for removal to form a breach in the flange; andat least one frangible connection defining the first flange portion of the frangible connection configured to fracture from the flange.2. The housing of wherein the at least one frangible connection has a first thickness claim 1 , the flange has a second thickness claim 1 , and the first thickness being less than the second thickness.3. The housing of further comprising at least one wall extending between the at least one wall and the flange adjacent the at least one frangible connection.4. The housing of wherein the at least one frangible connections includes two frangible connections and the at least one wall comprises two walls and each wall being adjacent one of the two frangible connections.5. The housing of wherein the at least one frangible connection is formed from at least one groove.6. The housing of wherein the at least one grooves has a rounded cross-section.7. The housing of wherein the at least one grooves has a triangular cross-section.8. The housing of wherein the at least one grooves has a rectangular cross-section.9. The housing of wherein the at least one knockout comprises a plurality of knockouts claim 1 , a second frangible connection attaching each knockout to the at least one wall of the housing.10 ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Coupler Guard System

Номер: US20190169821A1
Автор: Lewis William

A coupler guard configured to protect an aux coupler assembly from side impacts in the rough use environment of a loader. Said coupler guard comprises an encasement and a side plate. Said loader comprises said aux coupler assembly and a hinge extension. Said encasement wraps around a top portion and interior side of said aux coupler assembly. Said side plate attaches to a portion of said encasement and protect an exterior side portion of said aux coupler assembly. A screw assemblies selectively attaches said encasement to said side plate. A ring attaches to a portion of said side plate. Said ring selectively wraps around a portion of said hinge extension of said loader. A ring screw assembly selectively holds said ring and the rest of said coupler guard to said hinge extension. An edge trim selectively sits on top of a portion of a first arm. 1said coupler guard comprises an encasement and a side plate;said loader comprises said aux coupler assembly and a hinge extension;said encasement wraps around a top portion and interior side of said aux coupler assembly;said side plate attaches to a portion of said encasement and protect an exterior side portion of said aux coupler assembly;a screw assemblies selectively attaches said encasement to said side plate;a ring attaches to a portion of said side plate;said ring selectively wraps around a portion of said hinge extension of said loader;a ring screw assembly selectively holds said ring and the rest of said coupler guard to said hinge extension;an edge trim selectively sits on top of a portion of a first arm; anda set screw selectively adjusts a fit of said ring with respect to said hinge extension.. A coupler guard configured to protect an aux coupler assembly from side impacts in the rough use environment of a loader, wherein: This application claims benefit to US Patent Application No. 62/465,627 filed on Mar. 1, 2017.Not applicable.Not applicable.No prior art is known to the ApplicantNone of the known inventions and ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190170286A1

A joint assembly for joining two pipes together comprises first and second liners and first and second pipe flanges. Each liner includes a sleeve and a liner flange with the liner flange coupled to one end of the sleeve. The first liner may be positioned within a first pipe and the second liner may be positioned within a second pipe. Each pipe flange includes an inner surface and an opposing outer surface with a plurality of circumferentially spaced plateaus positioned thereon. Each plateau has a height above the outer surface. The first pipe flange may be coupled to one end of the first pipe and the second pipe flange may be coupled to one end of the second pipe. The first and second pipe flanges may couple to one another such that each plateau on the first pipe flange contacts a corresponding plateau on the second pipe flange. 1. A joint assembly for joining two pipes together , the joint assembly comprising:first and second liners, each liner including a sleeve and a liner flange, the liner flange coupled to one end of the sleeve, the first liner configured to be positioned within a first pipe and the second liner configured to be positioned within a second pipe; andfirst and second pipe flanges, each pipe flange of generally annular disc shape with an inner surface and an opposing outer surface including a plurality of circumferentially spaced plateaus positioned thereon, each plateau having a height above the outer surface, the first pipe flange configured to be coupled to one end of the first pipe and the second pipe flange configured to be coupled to one end of the second pipe, the first and second pipe flanges configured to couple to one another such that each plateau on the first pipe flange contacts a corresponding plateau on the second pipe flange.2. The joint assembly of claim 1 , wherein an inner surface of the liner flange of the first liner is configured to contact at least a portion of the outer surface of the first pipe flange and an inner surface ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190170287A1

A joint assembly for joining two pipes together comprises first and second liners and first and second pipe flanges. Each liner includes a sleeve and a liner flange with the liner flange coupled to one end of the sleeve. The first liner may be positioned within a first pipe and the second liner may be positioned within a second pipe. Each pipe flange is of generally annular disc shape with an inner surface, an opposing outer surface, an inner edge, and a radially-spaced outer edge. Each pipe flange includes an annular outer recess formed on the outer surface adjacent to the inner edge. The first pipe flange may be coupled to one end of the first pipe and the second pipe flange may be coupled to one end of the second pipe. Each liner flange may be positioned within the outer recess of a successive one of the pipe flanges. 1. A joint assembly for joining two pipes together , the joint assembly comprising:first and second liners, each liner including a sleeve and a liner flange, the liner flange coupled to one end of the sleeve, the first liner configured to be positioned within a first pipe and the second liner configured to be positioned within a second pipe; andfirst and second pipe flanges, each pipe flange of generally annular disc shape with an inner surface, an opposing outer surface, an inner edge, and a radially-spaced outer edge, each pipe flange including an annular outer recess formed on the outer surface adjacent to the inner edge, the first pipe flange configured to couple to one end of the first pipe and the second pipe flange configured to couple to one end of the second pipe, the liner flange of the first liner configured to be positioned within the outer recess of the first pipe flange and the liner flange of the second liner configured to be positioned within the outer recess of the second pipe flange.2. The joint assembly of claim 1 , wherein each pipe flange further includes an annular inner recess formed on the inner surface adjacent to the outer ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and Methods for Temporarily Sealing a Pipe

Номер: US20150184787A1
Автор: Rubin David Edward
Принадлежит: DPR Futures LLC

Apparatus and methods for temporarily sealing a pipe including apparatus and methods for creating a temporary airtight seal at the open end of a pipe in a plumbing or refrigeration system. One such apparatus includes a body, grommet, washer, and a nut. Multiple airtight seals are created including a first primary seal between an exterior of the pipe and the grommet and a secondary seal between the open end of the pipe and the washer. The grommet does not require teeth and the apparatus does not require adhesive, sealant, or any other type of similar materials. Use of the apparatus and methods greatly minimizes and/or eliminates the potential for marring or otherwise distorting the open end of the pipe, thereby facilitating reuse of same. 1. An apparatus for creating a seal on the end of an open pipe comprising:a body, said body including a threaded end, said threaded end surrounding a grommet cavity, said grommet cavity located external to and adjacent a recess;a grommet, said grommet shaped substantially identical to a shape of said grommet cavity, said grommet seated in said grommet cavity;a washer seated upon a floor of said substantially cylindrical recess; anda nut, said nut including a cavity, said cavity inversely threaded to mate with said threaded end, said nut threaded to said threaded end.2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said seal is airtight.3. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said recess is substantially cylindrical.4. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said grommet and said grommet cavity include a frusto-conical first end and a substantially cylindrical second end claim 1 , said substantially cylindrical second end having a diameter smaller than a smallest diameter of said frusto-conical first end claim 1 , said first end connected to said second end via a substantially horizontal radial wall extending from an exterior perimeter of said second end to an inner perimeter of a smallest diameter portion of said frusto- ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140270967A1
Принадлежит: Chevron U.S.A. INC.

Disclosed are systems and methods for protecting subsea pipeline from damage caused by excessive stress or fatigue loading caused by geo-hazards, and environmental and operating loads. The systems and methods utilize lifting buoyancy modules capable of being attached to a section of subsea pipeline to lift the subsea pipeline off the seabed to a predetermined height over a predetermined length upon being activated by a planned or unplanned triggering event. 1. A system for protecting subsea pipeline from excessive stress and/or fatigue loading , comprising:a plurality of lifting buoyancy modules capable of being attached to a subsea pipeline in a normally non-activated state and having an activation mechanism associated there with;wherein the plurality of lifting buoyancy modules has sufficient buoyancy when at least a portion of the plurality of lifting buoyancy modules is activated to lift the subsea pipeline off the seabed to a predetermined height over a predetermined length.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one sensor in communication with at least one of the activation mechanisms of the plurality of lifting buoyancy modules for detecting the onset of a triggering event and upon detecting the onset of a triggering event, sending a signal to the at least one activation mechanism to activate the associated lifting buoyancy module to lift the pipeline.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the sensor is selected from the group consisting of an accelerometer claim 2 , a magnetometer claim 2 , a gyroscope claim 2 , a current meter claim 2 , a sound detector claim 2 , a vibration detector and combinations thereof.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the sensor is attached to the subsea pipeline or at least one of the plurality of lifting buoyancy modules.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the sensor is located on the seabed remote from the subsea pipeline.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one signaling buoy having a global ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180179328A1
Автор: Warren Danny

A resin composition and method for installing a pipe liner that allows the liner to be fully wet out with a resin and activator and stored for a period of up to six months prior to installation and curing. A method of lining a pipe with a delayed curing resin composition is also provided that includes fully wetting out a liner with a blended two part epoxy composition such that the liner can be transported in a wet out fashion, placed in a pipe to be lined and repositioned as needed without concern for the resin composition to begin curing. 1. A single component resin composition that is delayed in curing , the resin comprising:a base resin; andan activator preblend,wherein said activator preblend and base are fully blended providing a one component resin composition that can be mixed for an extended period of time and only cures when subjected to elevated temperature.2. The single component resin of claim 1 , further comprising:said base resin containing cyclic anhydride, bisphenol A and bisphenol F resins;and said activator preblend containing liquid bisphenol, granular bisphenol and tetraethylenepentamine.3. The single component resin composition of claim 1 , wherein said single component resin remains liquid at temperatures below 160 degrees Fahrenheit.4. The single component resin composition of claim 1 , wherein said single component resin fully cures in one hour at temperatures above 170 degrees Fahrenheit.5. A pipe lining composition that is delayed in curing claim 1 , comprising:a base resin;an activator preblend, wherein said activator preblend and base are fully blended; anda pipe lining composite fully wet out with said fully blended activator and base providing a pipe lining composition that can be mixed for an extended period of time and only cures when subjected to elevated temperature.6. The pipe lining composition of claim 5 , further comprising:said base resin containing cyclic anhydride, bisphenol A and bisphenol F resins;and said activator ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180180209A1
Принадлежит: Stucchi USA, Inc.

A push pull coupler for hydraulic or other line that pivots about two axes in response to a predetermined tensile force exerted by a line connected to an adapter of the coupler, so that a face of the adapter is normal to the predetermined tensile force. A tensile force greater than the predetermined tensile force causes the disconnection of the line from the adapter. In one embodiment, a second push-pull coupler pivots around a third axis different from the first and second axes, responsive to a second predetermined tensile force that doesn't have to be parallel to the first predetermined tensile force. The faces of the couplers' adapters therefore become normal to the respective tensile forces exerted on them prior to disconnection of the lines. 1. A push pull coupler for at least one line , comprising:a base;a pivot bracket attached along a first axis with a first swivel to the base; andat least one coupler connected by a second swivel to the pivot bracket along a second axis at an angle to the first axis, the coupler having an adapter for receiving an end of the line, a face of the adapter being disposed at an angle to the first and second axes.2. The push pull coupler of claim 1 , wherein the adapter pivots responsive to a predetermined tensile force exerted by the line connected to the adapter claim 1 , such that the face is normal to the tensile force.3. The push pull coupler of claim 1 , wherein the line is selected from the group consisting of hydraulic hoses and pneumatic hoses.4. The push pull coupler of claim 1 , wherein the second axis is at a ninety degree angle to the first axis.5. The push pull coupler of wherein at least one clamp forms a portion of the coupler claim 1 , the clamp affixed to the pivot bracket.6. The push pull coupler of claim 1 , wherein the pivot bracket is a u-shaped bracket.7. The push pull coupler of claim 1 , wherein the base is a u-shaped bracket claim 1 , a third swivel aligned with the first swivel along the first axis claim ...
