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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 7069. Отображено 200.
20-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2421643C2

Изобретение относится к коробке передач с теплообменником в транспортных средствах. Коробка передач содержит корпус (26) коробки передач и теплообменник (30), для отвода тепла от коробки передач (8). В корпусе (26) коробки передач предусмотрено углубление (56), через которое проходит смазочное средство коробки передач и в котором расположен теплообменник (30). На теплообменнике (30) расположен перепускной клапан (48), который, начиная с заданного пониженного или же повышенного давления, позволяет обход теплообменника (30). При этом перепускной клапан (48) выполнен в виде седельного клапана и имеет крышку (52) клапана, пружину (50) крышки клапана и седло (54) клапана. Крышка (52) клапана и пружина (50) крышки клапана расположены на теплообменнике, а седло (54) клапана представляет часть корпуса (26) коробки передач. Достигается упрощение и удешевление конструкции. 2 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

26-07-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2800696C2

Изобретение относится к теплообменнику (1), содержащему: царгу (2), окружающую внутреннее пространство (3) теплообменника (1), причем внутреннее пространство (3) выполнено с возможностью приема первой текучей среды (M); внутреннюю трубу (4), проходящую во внутреннем пространстве (3); трубный пучок (5), содержащий несколько труб (50), намотанных вокруг внутренней трубы (4), причем трубный пучок (5) выполнен с возможностью приема по меньшей мере одной второй текучей среды (M’) с возможностью опосредованной передачи тепла между первой средой (M) и по меньшей мере одной второй средой (M’), и распределитель (6) жидкости, расположенный над трубным пучком (5) во внутреннем пространстве (3), для подачи жидкой фазы (F) первой среды (M) к трубному пучку (5), причем распределитель (6) жидкости содержит распределительные элементы (60), выступающие в радиальном направлении (R) от внутренней трубы (3); кольцевой канал (61), проходящий над распределительными элементами (60) в направлении вдоль окружности ...

15-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2669719C2
Принадлежит: САНАМП ЛИМИТЕД (GB)

По настоящему изобретению предлагается система (10) аккумулирования энергии, предназначенная для использования с котлом (20). Система (10) аккумулирования энергии содержит множество блоков (101, 102, 103, 104) аккумулирования тепловой энергии. Каждый блок (101, 102, 103, 104) аккумулирования тепловой энергии содержит фазоизменяющий материал, имеющий заданную температуру фазового перехода. Система (10) аккумулирования энергии также содержит устройство (105, 115) отбора энергии, выполненное с возможностью рекуперации неиспользованной энергии котла (20). Устройство (105, 115) отбора энергии способно осуществлять отбор неиспользованной энергии котла (20) и подавать такую энергию по меньшей мере в один (101) из блоков (101, 102, 103, 104) аккумулирования тепловой энергии. Регулятор (106) в рабочем состоянии предназначен для включения устройства (105, 115) отбора энергии при работе котла (20). 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 3 ил.

10-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2351851C2

Изобретение относится к внутреннему узлу кондиционера с использованием защитного элемента. Внутренний узел кондиционера, содержащий теплообменник и вентилятор для подачи воздуха в теплообменник, выпуск и теплопередающие трубки, включая теплопередающую трубку, которая является переключаемой между прохождением и блокировкой потока холодильного агента, содержит защитный элемент, установленный с возможность блокировки прохождения воздуха в часть теплообменника, соответствующую теплопередающей трубке, к которой поток холодильного агента блокирован. Таким образом, теплообменники, имеющие разные теплообменные производительности, могут быть изготовлены с общим уменьшенным количеством элементов, и следовательно, может быть уменьшена стоимость производства. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2679997C2

Холодильная установка содержит компрессор, конденсатор, регулирующий вентиль и теплообменник. Последний содержит сосуд для холодильного агента, содержащий внутреннее пространство, ограниченное замкнутой поверхностью стенок сосуда, а также содержащий впускной патрубок и выпускной патрубок для транспортировки холодильного агента во внутреннее пространство и наружу через стенку сосуда. В указанном внутреннем пространстве по меньшей мере частично размещена трубка, при этом первый конец указанной трубки закреплен в первом отверстии в стенке сосуда и второй конец указанной трубки закреплен во втором отверстии стенки сосуда для обеспечения переноса жидкости в указанную трубку и/или из нее через первое отверстие и второе отверстие. При этом блок управления давлением контролирует давление во внутреннем пространстве на основании целевой температуры. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил., 1 табл.

11-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2633318C2

Группа изобретений относится к машиностроению, а именно к способам и системам охлаждения наддувочного воздуха двигателя. Охлаждающее устройство (220) наддувочного воздуха содержит охладитель (200) наддувочного воздуха. Охладитель (200) содержит рабочую теплопередающую площадь (222), выполненную с возможностью передачи тепла изнутри охладителя (200) наддувочного воздуха наружу охладителя (200) наддувочного воздуха. Клапан (224) выполнен с возможностью изменения рабочей теплопередающей площади (222) с относительно большой площади (226) на относительно малую площадь (228). Также раскрыты варианты способа работы охладителя наддувочного воздуха двигателя. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении регулирования образования конденсата в охладителе наддувочного воздуха. 3 н. и 10 з.п ф-лы, 13 ил.

20-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2389959C2

Для регулирования работы решетчатого охлаждающего устройства для охлаждения сыпучего материала, например горячего цементного клинкера, в соответствии с управлением технологическим процессом, так чтобы во всех зонах охлаждающей решетки объемные потоки (21) охлаждающего воздуха и/или длительность их пребывания в соответствующей зоне слоя охлаждаемого материала могли приводиться в соответствие с возникающей в данной зоне потребностью в охлаждении, предлагается, чтобы во время работы решетчатого охлаждающего устройства осуществлялось регулирующее воздействие на соответствующий локальный объемный поток (21) охлаждающего воздуха и/или на соответствующую локальную скорость транспортировки охлаждающей решетки в зависимости от соответствующей локальной, измеренной в отдельных зонах высоты слоя сыпучего материала, и/или температуры слоя сыпучего материала, и/или сопротивления протеканию охлаждающего воздуха таким образом, чтобы при изменении одного или нескольких из измеренных параметров: высота ...

19-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2675438C2

Изобретение относится к способу управления для системы передачи теплоты, а также к такой системе передачи теплоты. Система передачи теплоты имеет подающий трубопровод, по меньшей мере один контур нагрузки, определяющий поток, и одно устройство передачи теплоты между подающим трубопроводом и по меньшей мере одним контуром нагрузки, при этом подаваемый поток в подающем трубопроводе регулируют на основе заданной входной температуры контура нагрузки, фактической входной температуры контура нагрузки, которую измеряют в контуре нагрузки, и потока нагрузки в контуре нагрузки. Это позволяет обеспечить улучшение управления системой передачи теплоты так, что она обеспечивает возможность оптимального регулирования во всех рабочих режимах. 2 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 17 ил.

14-04-2022 дата публикации

Способ изменения профиля массового расхода жидкости на выходе из раздающего коллектора и устройство для его реализации

Номер: RU2770262C1

Изобретение относится к области гидродинамики и может быть использовано в раздающих коллекторных системах теплообменников и реакторов. Устройство для изменения профиля массового расхода жидкости на выходе из раздающего коллектора включает корпус (5), днище (3), выходной элемент (2), отводящие каналы (6), дросселирующие элементы (4), подвижные элементы (7) и фиксаторы (9). В выходном элементе (2) установлена система изолированных друг от друга отводящих каналов (6). В выходных каналах (6) размещены дросселирующие элементы (4). По меньшей мере один дросселирующий элемент (4) установлен во входной части отводящего канала (6), длина которой не превышает его 20 гидравлических диаметров. Дросселирующие элементы (4) снабжены подвижными элементами (7). Отводящие каналы (6) имеют фиксаторы (9). Изобретение также относится к способу изменения профиля массового расхода жидкости на выходе из раздающего коллектора. Технический результат - обеспечение локального изменения профиля массового расхода жидкости ...

07-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017132882A3

20-02-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017105843A3

26-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2743818C2

Изобретение относится к области энергетики. Теплообменник содержит несколько пластин, размещенных параллельно друг другу таким образом, чтобы образовывать первый ряд проходов для направления по меньшей мере одной охлаждающей текучей среды (F1) и второй ряд проходов для направления по меньшей мере одной теплотворной текучей среды (F2) для приведения ее в теплообменный контакт по меньшей мере с указанной охлаждающей текучей средой (F1). По меньшей мере один проход первого ряда, образованный между второй пластиной, образующей смежный проход второго ряда, и первой пластиной. Смесительное устройство, также размещаемое в указанном по меньшей мере одном проходе первого ряда и содержащее: по меньшей мере один первый канал для направления газовой фазы охлаждающей текучей среды (F1), по меньшей мере один второй канал для направления жидкой фазы охлаждающей текучей среды (F1). Продольное сечение второго канала, измеряемое параллельно второй пластине, уменьшается в направлении указанной второй пластины ...

21-11-2023 дата публикации

Витой теплообменник

Номер: RU2807843C1

Изобретение относится к области теплотехники и может быть использовано при производстве сжиженного природного газа на предприятиях газовой промышленности. Витой теплообменник, включающий: кожух, первый пучок, сердечник, множество труб, первую и вторую группу трубных решеток, множество клапанов, распределители хладагента, опоры трубных пучков, разделители труб, а также витые трубы пучков труб множества зон теплообменника одинакового диаметра; при этом потоки текучей среды и хладагента, входящие при разных температурах, выводят из множества труб пучка труб при одинаковой температуре. Изобретение позволяет разработать витой теплообменник, обеспечивающий равную поверхность теплопередачи у всех витков для выравнивания теплопередачи по слоям витков трубных пучков. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

28-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2689478C1
Принадлежит: Данфосс А/С (DK)

Изобретение относится к радиаторной установке, содержащей радиатор (1), имеющий проточное соединение (4), соединенное с проточным каналом (7), и обратное соединение (5). Такая радиаторная установка имеет простую конструкцию, которая, однако, обеспечивает возможность управления давлением. Для этого между проточным соединением (4) и обратным соединением (5) расположен соединительный канал (9), при этом в радиатор встроены средства (10) регулировки давления, обеспечивающие управление давлением потока в проточном канале (7) на основе обратного давления в соединительном канале (9). 9 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2116031C1

Изобретение касается непрерывного охлаждения пищевых продуктов, нагретых до высокой температуры. Устройство размещено между выдерживающей камерой в установке для тепловой обработки и установкой для дополнительной обработки. Оно содержит две секции непрямого охлаждения. Вторая секция расположена за первой по направлению потока продукта. При осуществлении способа охлаждения нагретый продукт принудительно пропускают через обе секции. Во время первого периода охлаждающую среду пропускают в противотоке с продуктом только через первую секцию. Поэтому охлаждение осуществляется только в первой секции. Во время второго периода охлаждающую среду пропускают также и через вторую секцию. Изобретение позволяет значительно увеличить эксплуатационные периоды при работе устройства без очистки теплообменных поверхностей и сохранении охлаждающей способности. 2 с. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012135066A

... 1. Способ удовлетворения требований нагрузки кондиционируемого помещения, включающий:передачу первичного воздуха из центрального блока подготовки воздуха на вход первичного воздуха охлаждающей балки; ипередачу кондиционированного рециркуляционного воздуха на вход первичного воздуха упомянутой охлаждающей балки.2. Способ по п.1, в котором упомянутая передача кондиционированного рециркуляционного воздуха включает охлаждение рециркуляционного воздуха из кондиционируемого помещения и смешивание результата охлаждения с первичным воздухом из центрального блока подготовки воздуха для формирования объединенного потока первичного воздуха, который подают на вход первичного воздуха упомянутой охлаждающей балки.3. Способ по п.1, в котором упомянутая передача кондиционированного рециркуляционного воздуха включает охлаждение рециркуляционного воздуха из кондиционируемого помещения и смешивание результата охлаждения в терминальном блоке с первичным воздухом из центрального блока подготовки воздуха для ...

27-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2735048C1

Изобретение относится к устройству (1) для рекуперации тепла отработанного газа, который при работе создающего отработанный газ источника отходящего тепла протекает через газовыпускную систему (2). При этом газовыпускная система (2) содержит по меньшей мере одно устройство (3) нейтрализации отходящего газа, а также по меньшей мере один теплообменник (4), причем теплообменник (4) находится ниже по потоку и/или внутри устройства (3) нейтрализации отработанного газа, и через теплообменник (4) при работе источника отходящего тепла протекает отработанный газ, а также рабочая среда для передачи тепла на рабочую среду. Кроме того, теплообменник (4) содержит основной проточный канал (6), окруженный дополнительным проточным каналом (5), а также находящийся внутри дополнительного проточного канала (5) теплообменный элемент (7), причем ниже по потоку от выпуска (8) основного проточного канала (6) теплообменника (4) находится затвор (9) канала, который служит для регулирования объемного потока через ...

21-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2727499C1

Изобретение относится к устройству (1) для рекуперации тепла из нагревательной среды, которая при работе генератора нагревательной среды течет через тракт (2) нагревательной среды, содержащему затвор (3) канала, а также систему (4) теплообменника, содержащую основной проточный канал (6), окруженный дополнительным проточным каналом (5), при этом основной проточный канал (6) и дополнительный проточный канал (5) имеют, каждый, по меньшей мере один впуск (7, 9), а также по меньшей мере один выпуск (8, 10), причем в дополнительном проточном канале (5) находится по меньшей мере один теплообменный элемент (11). Объемный поток нагревательной среды через основной проточный канал (6) и/или дополнительный проточный канал (5) может регулироваться в зависимости от степени раскрытия затвора (3) канала. Кроме того, затвор канала расположен ниже по потоку от выходов (8, 10) основного проточного канала (6) и дополнительного проточного канала (5) системы (4) теплообменника. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011102019A

... 1. Подводный конвекционный теплообменник (1) для охлаждения или нагревания под водой текучей среды, содержащей углеводороды, включающий конвекционную секцию с трубой (7), транспортирующей текучую среду, для теплообмена между транспортируемой текучей средой с одной стороны стенки трубы и окружающей водой с противоположной стороны стенки трубы, причем конвекционная секция расположена в корпусе (9), имеющем впускное отверстие (11) и выпускное отверстие (13) для морской воды, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен средством (15) в виде насоса, обеспечивающим регулируемое протекание окружающей морской воды из впускного отверстия (11) к выпускному отверстию (13). ! 2. Подводный конвекционный теплообменник (1) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он гидростатически сбалансирован, так как пространство внутри корпуса (9) гидравлически сообщается с пространством снаружи него, предпочтительно через указанные впускное отверстие (11) и/или выпускное отверстие (13) для морской воды. ! 3. Подводный конвекционный теплообменник ...

10-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008111635A

... 1. Передатчик тепла отработавшего газа с пучком (2) выпускных труб (3) и обводным каналом (4), с корпусом (6), по которому пропускается поток жидкого охлаждающего средства, причем пучок (2) труб и обводной канал (4) впадают соответственно в общую впускную зону (8) для отработавшего газа, в которой расположен клапан (9) для отработавшего газа для управления проходом потока А отработавшего газа через пучок (2) труб или обводной канал (4), отличающийся тем, что обводной канал выполнен в виде трубы (10) из нержавеющей стали с рубашкой (11) из стойкого к высокой температуре синтетического материала и расположен в корпусе (6), по которому может пропускаться поток охлаждающего средства. ! 2. Передатчик тепла отработавшего газа по п.1, отличающийся тем, что труба из нержавеющей стали имеет овальное поперечное сечение. ! 3. Передатчик тепла отработавшего газа по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что труба (10) из нержавеющей стали имеет толщину стенки около 0,4 мм. ! 4. Передатчик тепла отработавшего ...

10-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013140684A

... 1. Пластинчатый теплообменник, содержащий:множество пластин (2) теплообменника, расположенных одна за другой и образующих пакет (1) пластин с первыми промежутками (3) для первой среды и вторыми промежутками (4) для второй среды, при этом первый и второй промежутки (3, 4) чередуются в пакете (1) пластин,множество каналов, проходящих через пакет пластин и образующих первые впускной и выпускной каналы (5, 6), предназначенные для передачи первой среды в первые промежутки (3) и из первых промежутков (3),вкладыш (10), который обеспечен в одном из каналов для первой среды и содержит кольцевой корпус (11) и кольцевой фланец (12), выступающий из кольцевого корпуса (11) и обеспеченный между двумя пластинами (2) теплообменника пакета (1) пластин,при этом кольцевой фланец (12) имеет первую сторону (12a) и противоположную вторую сторону (12b), которая упирается в соответствующую одну из двух пластин (2) теплообменника,отличающийся тем, что первая сторона (12a) содержит кольцевое углубление (15) вблизи ...

20-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013132516A

... 1. Модульная система для формирования устройства радиатора для автомобильного транспортного средства, содержащая- основной модуль (10), обеспеченный главным впускным отверстием (15), предназначенным для соединения с трубопроводом автомобильного транспортного средства, чтобы подать циркулирующую охлаждающую среду в устройство радиатора, сформированное посредством модульной системы, и выпускным отверстием (16), предназначенным, чтобы соединяться с трубопроводом автомобильного транспортного средства, чтобы выпускать упомянутую охлаждающую среду из устройства радиатора, соединительным выпускным отверстием (17а) и соединительным впускным отверстием (18а), и- два или более вспомогательных модулей (40, 40'), которые являются соединяемыми с основным модулем, и каждый из которых содержитвпускной бак (41), обеспеченный впускным отверстием (47), сконфигурированным для соединения с соединительным выпускным отверстием (17а) основного модуля (10),выпускной бак (42), обеспеченный выпускным отверстием ...

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014148525A

... 1. Система охлаждения, содержащая вход (А) и выход (В), а также по меньшей мере первый охладитель (20, 21, 22, 23, 24) и второй охладитель (20, 21, 22, 23, 24), причем первый охладитель (20, 21, 22, 23, 24) и второй охладитель (20, 21, 22, 23, 24) соединены друг с другом последовательно, при этом система охлаждения дополнительно содержит по меньшей мере третий охладитель (20, 21, 22, 23, 24), соединенный параллельно с первым охладителем (20, 21, 22, 23, 24) и вторым охладителем (20, 21, 22, 23, 24), а также система охлаждения содержит по меньшей мере один регулятор потока для направления потока по меньшей мере через один охладитель (20, 21, 22, 23, 24), при этом по меньшей мере один из охладителей (20, 21, 22, 23, 24) содержит перепускной контур и/или контур (35) рециркуляции.2. Система охлаждения по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что по меньшей мере два из охладителей (20, 21, 22, 23, 24) обладают различной охлаждающей способностью.3. Система охлаждения по п. 1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что содержит ...

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014146052A

... 1. Способ управления для системы передачи теплоты, при этом система передачи теплоты имеет подающий трубопровод (12), по меньшей мере один контур (2) нагрузки и одно устройство (6; 28) передачи теплоты между подающим трубопроводом (12) и по меньшей мере одним контуром (2) нагрузки, отличающийся тем, что подаваемый поток (q) в подающем трубопроводе (12) регулируют на основе заданной входной температуры (T) контура нагрузки, фактической входной температуры (T) контура нагрузки, которую измеряют в контуре (2) нагрузки, и потока (q) нагрузки в контуре (2) нагрузки.2. Способ управления по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что подаваемый поток (q) регулируют с применением насоса (48) и/или клапана (16, 16', 16”).3. Способ управления по любому из пп. 1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что устройство передачи теплоты имеет по меньшей мере один теплообменник (28) с первым каналом (30) прохождения потока, который соединен с подающим трубопроводом (12), и вторым каналом (34) прохождения потока, который соединен по ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015116267A

... 1. Змеевиковый теплообменник, содержащий:множество входов (30-36), каждый из которых соединен по меньшей мере с одной согласованной трубой (20) теплообменника (1), так что по меньшей мере один поток (S) первой среды, а также один поток (S') второй среды можно направлять по меньшей мере через один согласованный вход (30, 32, 36, 33, 35) в соответствующую согласованную по меньшей мере одну трубу (20), при этом теплообменник (1) имеет кожух (10), окружающий пространство (11) кожуха, в котором расположены указанные трубы (20), так что, в частности, проходящий в пространстве (11) кожуха поток (S''') среды вступает в косвенный теплообмен с проходящим в соответствующей трубе (20) потоком (S, S') среды, и при этом указанные трубы (20) навиты вокруг центральной трубы (12) теплообменника (1), отличающийся тем, что каждая из согласованных с соответствующим входом (30-36) труб (20) задает нагревательную поверхность, при этом теплообменник (1) имеет по меньшей мере одно переключательное средство (100 ...

23-08-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002733931B2

30-01-2003 дата публикации

Kühleranordnung und luftgekühlter Kühler

Номер: DE0019724728C2

Die Erfindung betrifft einen luftgekühlten Kühler und eine Kühleranordnung (1), bestehend aus mehreren luftgekühlten Kühlern, beispielsweise Wasserkühler (2), Ladeluftkühler (3) und Ölkühler (4), die kastenförmig angeordnet sind und einen Ventilator (5) einschließen. Die Aufgabe der Erfindung besteht darin, die Kühleranordnung und den luftgekühlten Kühler so weiterzubilden, daß mit konstruktiv einfachen Mitteln eine schnelle Anpassung an wechselnde Lastfälle möglich ist. Erfindungsgemäß ist bei der Kühleranordnung vorgesehen, daß mindestens einer der Kühler ein Kühlnetz (6), bestehend aus Flachrohren (7) und dazwischen angeordneten Luftlamellen (8), aufweist und der vom Ventilator (5) erzeugte Volumenstrom der Kühlluft, die durch die Kühleranordnung (1) strömt, an mindestens einem der Kühler mittels einer Schiebejalousie (9) regulierbar ist, die als ein einziges flaches, mit parallelen Schlitzen (10) versehens Bauteil ausgebildet ist, dessen Schlitze (10) und dazwischen angeordnete Stege ...

13-11-2008 дата публикации

Luftgekühlter Abgaswärmeübertrager, insbesondere Abgaskühler für Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: DE202005021555U1
Принадлежит: BEHR GMBH & CO KG, BEHR GMBH & CO. KG

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Verbrennungskraftmaschine für einen Kraftwagen und Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Verbrennungskraftmaschine

Номер: DE102016013704A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10) für einen Kraftwagen, mit wenigstens einem Kühler (12) zum Kühlen eines einem Brennraum der Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10) zuführbaren Mediums, welches zum Verbrennen eines Kraftstoffs in den Brennraum der Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10) einbringbar ist, und mit einer Vorrichtung zum Ablassen von Kondensat aus dem wenigstens einen Kühler (12). Die Vorrichtung umfasst ein Ventil (16), welches mittels einer Steuerungseinrichtung (18) betätigbar ist. Durch das Betätigen des Ventils (16) kann das Kondensat in eine Umgebung (20) der Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10) und/oder in einen Sammelbehälter eingebracht werden. Des Weiteren betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10).

19-10-2006 дата публикации

Wärmetauscher mit einem Bypassrohr

Номер: DE0050304958D1
Принадлежит: BORSIG GMBH

20-02-2003 дата публикации

Tube bundle reactor for catalytic gas phase reactions, automatically bypasses recirculated heating medium in cold, viscous state, during start up

Номер: DE0020219279U1

During reactor (2) start up, heat exchange medium bypass (22) throughput, corresponds with a comparatively-cold and viscous state. In this case, the reactor vessel (8) is partially bypassed. During steady-state reactor operation, flow is automatically controlled as a function of the instantaneous heating power required in the reactor. In this case, heat exchange medium passes through the reactor at an essentially constant flow rate. Preferred Features: Control functions are carried out in a common unit. Bypassing is controlled on temperature and ranges of bypass ratio are specified for start-up and running conditions. Annular channels and openings form inlets and outlets for the heat exchange medium. A heater (30) is provided for the medium, and is used during start up. It is in e.g. a valved, auxiliary circuit in a location unrelated to the main medium inlet and outlet. An external heating medium is employed in a heater. Further details of the bypass, its valving and circulating pump ( ...

04-11-1982 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003025661C2

17-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE102008028370A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Wärmeaustauscher, der Kanäle zur Durchleitung eines ersten Mediums (B) zur Kühlung bzw. Aufheizung eines zweiten Mediums (A) aufweist, und der ferner eine an den Wärmeaustauscher angeordnete Strömungsmaschine (1) zur Förderung des ersten Mediums (B) durch die Kanäle des Wärmetauschers aufweist, wobei der Wärmeaustauscher wenigstens zwei Teile umfasst, zwischen denen die Strömungsmaschine angeordnet ist. Durch die Integration der Strömungsmaschine zwischen einzelnen Teilen (Segmenten) des Wärmeaustauschers kann einerseits die Bauweise kompakt gehalten werden und anderseits fungiert der Wärmeaustauscher als Schalldämpfer für die Strömungsmaschine, die zum Durchleiten des Kühl- bzw. Heizmittels durch den Wärmetauscher benötigt wird. Das erfindungsgemäße Verfahren zum Kühlen bzw. Aufheizen eines zweiten Mediums (A) durch ein erstes Medium (B) ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das zweite Medium (A) in einem Wärmeaustauscher an wenigstens zwei Seiten einer Strömungsmaschine ...

23-05-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003131405C2

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Verbesserter Wärmeübertrager

Номер: DE0010392610B4
Принадлежит: VALEO INC, Valeo Inc.

Wärmeübertrager (10,400,402), der Folgendes umfasst:einen ersten Endbehälter (12,420,514,554);einen zweiten Endbehälter gegenüber dem ersten Endbehälter;mehrere erste Rohre (408), die mit dem ersten und dem zweiten Endbehälter in Strömungsverbindung stehen, wobei die mehreren ersten Rohre (408) so ausgeführt sind, dass ein Fluidstrom durch sie hindurch verläuft, und mit einem ersten Endrohr (404), das ein Ende (412) des Wärmeübertragers (400, 402) definiert;mehrere zweite Rohre (408), die mit dem ersten und dem zweiten Endbehälter in Strömungsverbindung stehen, wobei die mehreren zweiten Rohre (408) so ausgeführt sind, dass ein Fluidstrom durch sie hindurch verläuft, und mit einem zweiten Endrohr (404), das ein Ende (414) des Wärmeübertragers (400, 402) definiert;wobei die mehreren ersten und zweiten Rohre (28, 30) mehrere gekrümmte Ränder (54) aufweisen;mehrere Rippen (34), die zwischen den ersten und den zweiten Rohren (408) angeordnet sind, wobei die ersten und die zweiten Rohre (408 ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Führung eines Fluidstroms, Strömungsapparat und dessen Verwendung

Номер: DE102014201908A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Führung einer Fluidströmung (10) die einen Anström- und einen Abströmabschnitt (12, 13) mit einer im Wesentlichen parallelen, vorzugsweise koaxialen An- und Abströmachse (14, 15) aufweist. Dabei wird vorgeschlagen, dass die Fluidströmung (10) durch mindestens ein zwischen dem Anströmabschnitt (12) und die Abströmabschnitt (13) angeordneten Führungsmittel (20) in einem Umströmungsabschnitt um einen Umfangswinkel UW die An- und Abströmachse radial umlaufend gelenkt wird, wobei der Umfangswinkel UW größer als 0° ist. Weiters betrifft die Erfindung einen Strömungsapparat (50) zur Durchführung eines Verfahrens umfassend ein erstes Leitungssystem (60) zur Durchleitung eines ersten Fluidstroms (100), wobei das erste Leitungssystem (60) ein Führungsrohr (21) und mindestens ein, eine Strömungsrichtung des Fluidstroms (100) beeinflussendes Führungsmittel (20, 22) umfasst, so dass der Fluidstrom (100) zwischen einem Anströmbereich (61b) und einem Abströmbereich ...

26-04-2007 дата публикации

Dreikammer-Rohraufgeber im Untertagebergbau

Номер: DE102004059071B4
Принадлежит: SIEMAG GMBH

Dreikammer-Rohraufgeber mit einem Kalt- bzw. Warmwasserbecken zum Austausch von Gruben- bzw. Warmwasser und von Frisch- bzw. Kaltwasser und/oder zur quasi kontinuierlichen, hydraulischen Förderung von Feststoffen über große, mehrere tausend Meter betragende Höhenunterschiede im Untertagebergbau, wozu in jedem Abschnitt einer Teufe jeweils ein einen Kühlkreislauf bereitstellender Dreikammer-Rohraufgeber angeordnet ist, der den direkten und kontinuierlichen Austausch zwischen einem einerseits die übertägige Einspeisung des Frisch- bzw. Kalt- oder Klarwassers und andererseits einem die Förderung des Gruben- bzw. Warmwassers oder der Trübe ermöglichenden Hochdruck-Flüssigkeitskreislauf und einem untertägigen Niederdruck-Flüssigkeitskreislauf gewährleistet, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die in den jeweiligen Teufen (I, II, III...n) angeordneten Dreikammer-Rohraufgeber (1a, 1b, 1...n) mit in Reihe geschalteten, geschlossenen Kühlkreisläufen ausgebildet sind, ohne Zwischenschleusung in ein Kait- ...

12-04-2007 дата публикации

Wassergekühlte Konstanttemperatur-Flüssigkeitszirkuliervorrichtung und Verfahren zur Steuerung der Temperatur der zirkulierenden Flüssigkeit

Номер: DE102006045034A1

Die Erfindung ist auf eine wassergekühlte Konstanttemperatur-Flüssigkeitszirkuliervorrichtung gerichtet, bei welcher die Stabilität der Temperatur einer zirkulierenden Flüssigkeit durch Optimierung eines Strömungskanals für das Radiatorwasser verbessert werden kann, und auf ein Verfahren zur Steuerung der Temperatur der zirkulierenden Flüssigkeit in der Vorrichtung. In einer wassergekühlten Konstanttemperatur-Flüssigkeitszirkuliervorrichtung ist ein Wärmetauschbereich des Radiatorrohres, in dem die Strömungsmenge des Radiatorwassers gesteuert wird, an einem Tank angebracht, eine Pumpe ist in einer Leitung vorgesehen, um die zirkulierende Flüssigkeit in dem Tank durch die externe Vorrichtung zu zirkulieren, und eine Konstanttemperaturzirkulationsflüssigkeit wird durch die Pumpe in die Leitung in der externen Vorrichtung gefördert. Ein elektrisches Proportionalventil zur Steuerung der Strömungsmenge des Radiatorwassers, das dem Wärmetauschbereich des Radiatorrohres zugeführt wird, und ein ...

06-05-2010 дата публикации

Heat exchanger, particularly cooler for motor vehicle, has block, which is formed from cooling medium and from fin element, where cooling medium is flowed through pipe element

Номер: DE102009043064A1

The heat exchanger (1) has a block (2), which is formed from a cooling medium and from a fin element. The cooling medium is flowed through a pipe element. A locking element (7) is provided with multiple fins (8), which are arranged in parallel and in level at a front side (6) or a rear side of the block. The locking element is made of plastic, metal, silicon and rubber.

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Kühlen und/oder Temperieren von Öl

Номер: DE0010019029C5
Принадлежит: MAHLE INT GMBH, MAHLE International GmbH

Vorrichtung zum Kühlen und/oder Temperieren von Getriebeöl eines Fahrzeugantriebes mit einem von dem Öl durchströmten Wärmetauscher, dem gekühltes und/oder heißes Kühlmittel eines Verbrennungsmotors über wenigstens ein Ventil zuführbar ist, dem ein von dem Öl umspültes Arbeitselement zugeordnet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein flanschartig an dem Wärmetauscher (14) anbringbares Bauteil (10) vorgesehen ist, das einen an einen Ölaustritt des Wärmetauschers anschließbaren Ölkanal (18) enthält, in welchem ein Gehäuse (21) des thermostatischen Arbeitselementes (22) angeordnet ist, dessen Arbeitskolben (26) mit einem in dem Bauteil (10) untergebrachten Ventil (27, 28; 33, 34) verbunden ist, das zwischen wenigstens einem Zulauf (29, 39) des Bauteils (10) für Kühlmittel und einem Eintritt (37) des Bauteils (10) in den Wärmetauscher (14) angeordnet ist, wobei dem thermostatischen Arbeitselement (22) ein erstes Ventil (27, 28) zugeordnet ist, das bis zum Erreichen einer Mindesttemperatur des ...

22-01-2004 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Wärmeaustausch zwischen strömungfähigen Medien

Номер: DE0010230042A1

Eine Vorrichtung zum Wärmetausch zwischen strömungsfähigen Medien, von denen zumindest eines im flüssigen Zustand ist, weist einen Wärmetauscher-Block auf, der auf einer Seite durch eine Einströmkammer 1 und auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite durch eine Ausströmkammer 3 für Zufuhr bzw. Abfuhr des flüssigen Mediums begrenzt ist, der Fluidwege 7 für das flüssige Medium, die sich durch den Block von der Einströmkammer 1 zur Ausströmkammer 3 erstrecken und durch zwischen ihnen befindliche Strömungswege 8 für das Hindurchleiten des anderen strömungsfähigen Mediums voneinander getrennt sind, sowie eine Deckplatte 9 aufweist, die sich, die Fluidwege 7 und Strömungswege 8 überdeckend, von Einströmkammer 1 zur Ausströmkammer 3 erstreckt und den Block an einem Ende abschließt, wobei die Deckplatte 9 zumindest einen inneren Durchgangskanal 13 aufweist, der sich, die Fluidwege 7 umgehend, als Nebenstromkanal von der Einströmkammer 1 zur Ausströmkamme 3 erstreckt, durch zumindest eine Druckbegrenzhungseinrichtung ...

07-11-2012 дата публикации

A heat exchanger with temperature dependent coolant flow rate control

Номер: GB0002490572A

A heat exchanger, which is designed to exchange thermal energy of a coolant fluid inside a refrigerant circuit, comprises an inner tube or pipe 12 which is entirely or partially surrounded by an outer tube 14, which is coaxial with the inner tube, creating an intermediate space 18 within which a flow regulating unit 30 is situated. The regulating unit is designed to alter the flow resistance as a function of the temperature of the coolant, and may consist of at least one bimetallic segment and may be secured to either of the surfaces forming the intermediate space. The intermediate space may be divided into several channels in the circumferential direction of the inner or outer tube, each of which may contain a separate regulating unit which may function at different temperatures. The heat exchanger may form part of a motor vehicle air conditioning system. Figure 1 ...

24-09-1997 дата публикации

Hot water-type heating device

Номер: GB0009715056D0

27-02-1952 дата публикации

Improvements in heat exchangers

Номер: GB0000667167A

... 667,167. Regenerators heating air for combustion.- SOC. ANON. DE COMMENTRY-FOURCHAMBAULT ET DECAZEVILLE. July 7, 1948 [Feb. 5, 1948], No. 18305/48. Class 64(i) In apparatus for the exchange of heat between gaseous fluids, e.g. metal airheaters or cowpers for blast furnaces heated by gases obtained by combustion of the furnace gas, hot gas is introduced intermediately of an inlet 11 and outlet 13 for the heated gas, situated at the respective ends of a wall through which heat exchange takes place, so that the temperature of the wall between the hot gas inlet part and the heated gas outlet end is kept uniform. In a heatexchanger, Fig. 4, a gas entering at 11 and passing out at 13 is heated by gases, from a combustion chamber 6 and burner 7 for fuel such as pulverized coal, injected at successive points 1, 2, 3 &c.. between baffles 14 by means of distributers D1 D2, D3 etc. which are thermostatically controlled to maintain the heat-exchange walls in the vicinity of the injection points at ...

10-08-2011 дата публикации

Heat exchanger

Номер: GB0201110796D0

04-04-2007 дата публикации

Constant temperature liquid circulating device with pressure control

Номер: GB2430731A

A constant temperature liquid circulating device 10 having a conduit 12 for delivering a temperature controlled constant temperature circulating liquid from a pump 13 is used with an external device 20 connected thereto to form a circulating flow channel. The pressure of the circulating liquid in piping 23 of the external device is controlled so as not to exceed a preset maximum pressure value to protect the piping in the external device. One or more pressure sensors 18 monitor the pressure in the flow channel at points where excessive pressure should be avoided and pressure signals are sent to a controller 15. Pressure control may be by adjusting pump output via an inverter 16 or by bypassing the external device with a three way valve or throttling the input to the external device with a proportional valve.

10-12-1997 дата публикации

An engine and a cooling system therefor

Номер: GB2313907A

An engine cooling system is disclosed having two distinct cooling circuits, a primary circuit (40, 35, 41, 42, 31, 43, 38) to supply coolant to the engine (30) and a secondary circuit (44, 37, 45) to provide coolant to a fuel cooler (34) used to cool the fuel used by the engine (30). The supply of coolant for the secondary circuit (44, 37, 45) is extracted from the primary circuit (40, 35, 41, 42, 31, 43, 38) at a position prior to entry of the primary flow into the engine (30). The coolant entering the secondary circuit (44, 37, 45) is therefore cooler than it would be if it were to be extracted downstream from the engine (30).

17-03-2010 дата публикации

A heat exchange unit

Номер: GB0002463482A

A mandrel 50 for forming helically coiled heat exchange tubes, the mandrel comprising:a roller 16 to form the tube into a helical coil;a drive 52 for rotating the roller;a carriage 82 for indexing the tube with respect to the roller, wherein the roller comprises a plurality of winding beams 60, which beams are arranged to be radially movable by associated powered adjustable supports so as to permit rapid setting of the radius of a heat exchange coil formed on the roller.

24-03-2010 дата публикации

Leak resistant by-pass valve

Номер: GB0002463623A

A by-pass valve that includes a housing defining a chamber therein, and a by-pass valve port and a first port communicating with the chamber. The by-pass valve port has a central axis and a peripheral valve seat. The by-pass valve also includes a valve assembly comprising a central shaft disposed along said central axis, and an annular ring slidably mounted on the central shaft for movement between a closed position in which the annular ring engages the valve seat and an open position in which the annular ring is spaced apart from the valve seat, the annular ring having a cylindrical inner surface surrounding the central shaft with a first circumferential rib extending inward from a portion of the inner surface and slidably engaging the central shaft.

22-03-2017 дата публикации

System and method for cooling vehicle computing device

Номер: GB0201701733D0

15-10-2008 дата публикации

Heat recovery unit

Номер: GB2448462A

A heat recovery unit comprise a heat exchanger (3) which is arranged in an annular space (4) which constitutes a part of an exhaust conduit (2) from e.g. a gas turbine or diesel engine. A bypass conduit (6) for the exhaust is arranged through the annular space (4), and the distribution of exhaust flow through the heat exchanger (3) and the bypass conduit (6) is regulated by means of a regulating valve (7). The regulating valve is a rotating damper valve (7) which is arranged in the exhaust conduit (2) adjacent to the heat exchanger (3), said rotating damper valve having a stationary part (8) and a rotatable part (9) which both are provided with openings (10, 12; 11, 13) which may be brought to cover or overlap each other. Both the stationary part (8) and the rotatable part (9) are formed by two conical oppositely directed portions (8a, 8b; 9a, 9b).

07-09-2005 дата публикации

Working fluid circuit for a turbocharged engine having exhaust gas recirculation

Номер: GB0000515925D0

12-09-2001 дата публикации

A heat exchanger

Номер: GB0000117752D0

16-03-2011 дата публикации

Subsea heat exchanger

Номер: GB0002473563A

Subsea convection heat exchanger (1) for cooling or heating a hydrocarbon-containiing fluid in subsea environment. The heat exchanger (1) comprises a convection section with a fluid carrying pipe (7) adapted for heat transfer between the carried fluid on one side of the pipe wall and the surrounding water on the opposite side of the pipe wall. The convection section is enclosed by an enclosure (9) with sea water inlet (11) and a sea water outlet (13). The heat exchanger (1) is furthermore provided with means (15) for controlled through-flow of surrounding sea water from the sea water inlet (11) to the sea water outlet (13).

09-05-2018 дата публикации

Air conditioner

Номер: GB0002555738A

In an air conditioner according to the present invention, a second branching section and a heat exchange section are formed integrally by a multilayer plate in which a plurality of plate members are layered. The multilayer plate and a valve device of a first branching section are arranged side by side in the width direction within a housing.

22-10-2008 дата публикации

A heat exchange unit

Номер: GB0000816710D0

15-06-2022 дата публикации

A heat exchange unit

Номер: GB0002601773A

A heat exchange unit 1 comprises an inlet duct 11 receiving hot gas and a heat exchange duct 22 containing a heat exchanger 25 for recovering heat from the hot gas. A bypass duct 24 bypasses the heat exchange duct. A cone-shaped damper 30 comprises shafts (34, Fig. 2) extending from the base of the cone towards an apex, the shafts fitted with paddles (35, 36, Fig. 2) rotatable to open and close the heat exchange duct and bypass duct and apportion hot gas flowing from the inlet duct between the heat exchange duct and the bypass duct. The damper may comprise struts (31, Fig. 2) attached to an inner casing pipe 20 and an outer casing pipe 10, the inner and outer casing pipes defining the heat exchange duct and bypass duct. Each shaft may comprise two paddles (35, 36, Fig. 3), controlling flow of gas into the heat exchange duct and the bypass duct respectively. Heat exchange units with cone-shaped dampers comprising struts or having paddles with converging sides tapering radially away from ...

05-05-1970 дата публикации

Improvements with the unit heaters.

Номер: OA0000002129A

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000412823T

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000409826T

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000357636T

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000382840T

15-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000385540T

15-12-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA674979A

15-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: ATA687775A

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000449301T

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000431498T

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000434738T

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000430297T

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000469779T

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000469305T

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000488717T

15-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: ATA152499A

15-09-2018 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for preventing freezing of ventilation systems

Номер: AT0000519686A1

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Vermeidung des Einfrierens von Kreuz-Gegenstrom Luft/Luftwärmetauschern bei der Außenluft (14) über Wärmetauscher (2,3) als Zuluft (11) in den Raum geblasen wird und Abluft (13) vom Raum im Gegenstrom über den Wärmetauscher (3,2) als Fortluft (12) ins Freie geblasen wird, wo zwei in einem Gehäuse (1) getrennt aufgebaute Wärmetauscher (2 13) in getrennten Luftkanälen (15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25) und mit getrennt regelbaren Luftklappen (5,6,7,8) versehen sind die bei Vereisung abwechselnd, periodisch und komplett und oder teilweise geschlossen werden und ein für jeden Wärmetauscher (2,3) eigenes Vorheizregister (9,10) angebracht ist das ebenfalls bei Vereisung einzeln und oder gemeinsamperiodisch eingeschaltet wird, dadurch wird eine Vereisung bei sehr geringer oder keiner Heizleistung der Vorheizregister (9,10) verhindert.

15-05-2018 дата публикации

System for recovering heat

Номер: AT0000519237B1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Anlage (100) für die Rückgewinnung der bei Verbrennung von Brennmaterialien (10) generierten Hitzeenergie mit einem Rohrwärmetauscher (6), dessen Rohrbündel in zwei Rohrzüge (61, 62) geteilt ist, wobei die Verbrennungsgase (50) dieselben nacheinander und hierbei den an sie angeschlossenen Rauchrohrverbindungsraum (7) mit Verbindungsraumtrennwand (75) und Rohrverdampfer (90) durchströmen, wobei weiters vom Rauchrohrverbindungsraum (7) eine Bypassrohrleitung (8) ausgeht, und wobei entweder in eine die Verbrennungsgasführung (50) durch den Rauchrohrverbindungsraum (7) und über den dortigen Rohrverdampfer (90) gewährleistende Trennwandverbindungsposition (A) zur Rohrbündeltrennwand (65) hin, oder in eine die Verbrennungsgasführung (50) durch den Rauchrohrverbindungsraum (7) verhindernde und gleich durch die Bypassrohrleitung (8) gewährleistende Sperrposition verschwenkbare Zweiwegesperrklappe (70) vorgesehen ist.

15-05-2018 дата публикации

System for recovering heat

Номер: AT0000519237A4

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Anlage (100) für die Rückgewinnung der bei Verbrennung von Brennmaterialien (10) generierten Hitzeenergie mit einem Rohrwärmetauscher (6), dessen Rohrbündel in zwei Rohrzüge (61, 62) geteilt ist, wobei die Verbrennungsgase (50) dieselben nacheinander und hierbei den an sie angeschlossenen Rauchrohrverbindungsraum (7) mit Verbindungsraumtrennwand (75) und Rohrverdampfer (90) durchströmen, wobei weiters vom Rauchrohrverbindungsraum (7) eine Bypassrohrleitung (8) ausgeht, und wobei entweder in eine die Verbrennungsgasführung (50) durch den Rauchrohrverbindungsraum (7) und über den dortigen Rohrverdampfer (90) gewährleistende Trennwandverbindungsposition (A) zur Rohrbündeltrennwand (65) hin, oder in eine die Verbrennungsgasführung (50) durch den Rauchrohrverbindungsraum (7) verhindernde und gleich durch die Bypassrohrleitung (8) gewährleistende Sperrposition verschwenkbare Zweiwegesperrklappe (70) vorgesehen ist.

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000377736T

25-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000411546B

To cool returned exhaust gas, in a water-cooled internal combustion motor, a cooling unit (7) is in the coolant circuit channel (6) of the motor. It has a shape structure so that the section (1) which defines the coolant circuit channel (6) at the unit (7) ensures that the coolant in the channel (6) also cools the unit (7) where the returning exhaust gas flows through, before it is returned to the fuel combustion stage of the motor.

29-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000411394B

15-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000414042B

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000408113T

15-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506358B1

The invention relates to a simple design for hydropneumatic systems, which comprise three-dimensional connections of heat exchangers, pumps, and measuring and control elements, wherein the three-dimensional system is divided into a system of two-dimensional superimposed elements where connections inside the levels are established by channels and connections between the levels are established by openings in the levels, and wherein said levels have additional two-dimensional components, comprising separating plates (T) made of material with good thermal conductivity, insulating plates (I) made of material with poor thermal conductivity, molding plates (F), regulating plates having movable parts, and special plates (S), which are connected into a block by being jointed tightly and areally on top of each other, wherein each molding plate (F) is disposed between separating plates (T) or insulating plates (I), cut-out channels conducting media inside the plate level are provided in the molding ...

15-11-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000030767T

15-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000589779A

15-02-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000118271T

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Heat Cycle System

Номер: US20120024517A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

A heat cycle system includes: a refrigerating cycle system that circulates a refrigerant; a medium circulation circuit that includes a circulation pump for circulating a heat-transfer medium, and adjusts a temperature of a temperature control target with the heat-transfer medium; a heat exchanger that executes heat exchange between the refrigerant in the refrigerating cycle system and the heat-transfer medium in the medium circulation circuit; and a volume altering unit that alters a volume of the heat-transfer medium circulating in the medium circulation circuit.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Air-cooled motor-generator and method for operating a motor-generator

Номер: US20120068561A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Hydro France SAS

An air-cooled motor-generator ( 10 ) includes a rotor ( 34 ) with a rotor shaft ( 11 ), which is arranged rotatably about a machine axis ( 15 ) and on which a rotor winding ( 16 ) is arranged, and a stator ( 35 ) with a stator laminate stack ( 18 ) and a stator winding ( 17 ) arranged therein, which concentrically surrounds the rotor winding ( 16 ) A closed cooling circuit operating with cooling air ( 24 ) is provided, with the cooling air in the cooling circuit flowing through the rotor winding ( 16 ) and the stator winding ( 17 ) radially from the inside outwards, the cooling air being cooled in coolers ( 19 ) arranged outside the stator ( 35 ) and being fed back to the rotor ( 34 ). Cooling which can be changed before or during operation is achieved in a simple manner by virtue of the fact that adjustable throttle devices are provided for adjusting the volume flow of the cooling air in the cooling circuit at the coolers ( 19 ).

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Operating resource store, heat transfer device, and heating pump

Номер: US20120090345A1
Принадлежит: Behr GmbH and Co KG

heating pump is provided that has a plurality of heat transfer devices, each having at least one first zone and one second zone for displacing an operating resource arranged in the heat transfer device based on thermodynamic state variables. Each of the heat transfer devices are thermally connectable by the first zone thereof to a first flow channel through which a first fluid can flow and by a second zone thereof to a second flow channel through which a second fluid can flow, so that heat energy can be exchanged between one of the fluids and one of the zones. The flow channels of one of the zones can be interconnected to one another sequentially by a valve arrangement and an interconnecting sequence changes in the course of an operation of the heat pump by the valve arrangement.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Orifice plate for controlling solids flow, methods of use thereof and articles comprising the same

Номер: US20120111535A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Technology AG

Disclosed herein is an orifice plate comprising one or more plates having orifices disposed therein; the orifices being operative to permit the flow of solids from a moving bed heat exchanger to a solids flow control system; where the orifice plate is downstream of a tube bundle of the moving bed heat exchanger and upstream of the solids flow control system and wherein the orifice plate is operative to evenly distribute the flow of solids in the solids flow control system.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Cooling Device For a Hybrid Vehicle

Номер: US20120199313A1

The invention relates to a device for cooling the heat engine ( 10 ), electrical components ( 26, 14, 28 ), and an electrical power storage means (18) of a hybrid vehicle, said device including a first circuit ( 60, HT) for cooling the heat engine, a second circuit (BT) for cooling the electrical components, and a third circuit ( 78, TBT) for cooling the electrical power storage means, a heat transfer fluid being capable of flowing inside said circuits, comprising heat exchdange means ( 46, 48, 52 ). According to the invention, the heat exchange means consist of a heat exchanger ( 88 ) that is separated into three portions, and the device comprises a means for placing the first circuit in communication with the third circuit, the means being actuated on the basis of the temperature of the heat transfer fluid and on the basis of the flow of the heat transfer fluid inside the first circuit. The invention also relates to radiator for a hybrid vehicle.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Controllable heat exchanger for a motor vehicle air conditioning system

Номер: US20120279242A1

A heat exchanger for a motor vehicle air conditioning system is provided. The heat exchanger includes an inner tube through which a heat exchanger medium can flow, an outer tube that at least regionally envelops the inner tube forming an intermediate space, and a regulating unit fluidically connected to the intermediate space. The regulating unit is configured to alter the flow resistance of the intermediate space as a function of the temperature of a heat exchanger medium that flows through the intermediate space.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Cooling apparatus for controlling airflow

Номер: US20120298327A1
Автор: Jeffrey David Suckow
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A cooling apparatus for providing airflow to a cooling core, the cooling apparatus includes a housing, a fan assembly and an air diverter. The fan assembly is mounted to the housing and configured to direct air along a first plane towards a second plane. The first plane is substantially perpendicular to the second plane. Moreover, the air diverter is positioned substantially perpendicular to the second plane and configured to move in angular relation to the first plane.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Work Machine

Номер: US20130092366A1

A work machine includes a thermostat provided upon a path that conducts the cooling water to the radiator, and that opens and closes the path according to a temperature of the cooling water, a fan device that blows external air at the radiator, an output changeover switch that changes over output of the engine between high and low, a rotational speed setting unit that sets a rotational speed for the fan device according to the temperature of the cooling water, and a rotational speed adjustment unit that adjusts rotational speed of the fan device, wherein, within a temperature range for the cooling water in which the thermostat is fully opened from fully closed, the rotational speed of the fan device to be lower when the output changeover switch is changed over so as to limit the output of the engine. 16.-. (canceled)7. A work machine , comprising:an engine;a radiator for cooling a cooling water of the engine;a thermostat, provided upon a path that conducts the cooling water to the radiator, and that opens and closes the path between fully closed and fully open according to a temperature of the cooling water;a fan device that blows external air at the radiator;an output changeover switch that changes over whether or not output of the engine is limited;a rotational speed setting unit that sets a rotational speed for the fan device according to the temperature of the cooling water; anda rotational speed adjustment unit that adjusts the rotational speed of the fan device so that it becomes equal to the rotational speed set by the rotational speed setting unit, wherein:within a temperature range for the cooling water in which the thermostat is fully opened from fully closed, the rotational speed setting unit performs setting so that the rotational speed of the fan device becomes lower when the output changeover switch is changed over so that the output of the engine is limited, as compared to when the output changeover switch is changed over so that the output of the ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105081A1

Methods and systems for controlling temperatures in plasma processing chamber via pulsed application of heating power and pulsed application of cooling power. In an embodiment, fluid levels in each of a hot and cold reservoir coupled to the temperature controlled component are maintained in part by a coupling each of the reservoirs to a common secondary reservoir. Heat transfer fluid is pumped from the secondary reservoir to either the hot or cold reservoir in response to a low level sensed in the reservoir. In an embodiment, both the hot and cold reservoirs are contained in a same platform as the secondary reservoir with the hot and cold reservoirs disposed above the secondary reservoir to permit the secondary reservoir to catch gravity driven overflow from either the hot or cold reservoir. 1. A plasma processing apparatus , comprising:a process chamber including a chuck configured to support a workpiece during processing;a first primary heat transfer fluid reservoir at a first temperature;a second primary heat transfer fluid reservoir at a second temperature;supply lines and return lines coupling each of the first and second primary heat transfer fluid reservoirs to the chuck for conducting heat transfer fluid at the first and second temperature through the chuck;a secondary reservoir fluidly coupled to both the first primary heat transfer fluid reservoir and the second primary heat transfer fluid reservoir; anda first pump to dispense heat transfer fluid from the secondary reservoir to the first or second primary heat transfer fluid reservoir in response to a heat transfer fluid level within the first or second primary heat transfer fluid reservoir dropping below a threshold level.2. The apparatus as in claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second primary heat transfer fluid reservoirs are disposed above the secondary reservoir to overflow heat transfer fluid by gravity into the secondary reservoir in response to the heat transfer fluid level within the first ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Storage and recovery of thermal energy based on counter current principle of heat transfer medium transportation

Номер: US20130111903A1
Автор: Henrik Stiesdal
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A thermal energy storage device is provided. The device has a heat exchanger arrangement for guiding a flow of a heat transfer medium between a first end and a second end of the heat exchanger arrangement, and a heat storage material surrounding the heat exchanger arrangement. The heat exchanger arrangement transports the heat transfer medium from the first end to the second end if the thermal energy storage device is in a first operational mode, in which the heat storage material is supposed to receive thermal energy from the heat transfer medium, and transports the heat transfer medium from the second end to the first end if the thermal energy storage device is in a second operational mode, in which the heat storage material is supposed to release thermal energy to the heat transfer medium.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Rebalancing a main heat exchanger in a process for liquefying a tube side stream

Номер: US20130111947A1
Принадлежит: Linde GmbH

A process for liquefying a tube side stream in a main heat exchanger is described. The process comprises the steps of: a) providing a first mass flow to the warm end of a first subset of individual tubes, b) providing a second mass flow to the warm end of a second subset of individual tubes, c) evaporating a refrigerant stream on the shell side; d) measuring an exit temperature of the first mass flow; e) measuring an exit temperature of the second mass flow; and, f) comparing the exit temperature of the first mass flow measured in step d) to the exit temperature of the second mass flow measured in step e), the process characterized in that at least one of the first and second mass flows is adjusted to equalise the exit temperature of the first mass flow with the exit temperature of the second mass flow.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust gas heat recovery heat exchanger having a lobed tube coil

Номер: US20130112371A1
Принадлежит: Delphi Technologies Inc

An exhaust gas heat recovery (EGHR) heat exchanger, for recovering waste heat from the hot exhaust gases of an internal combustion engine, having a housing and a cylindrical body disposed within the housing. The cylindrical body defines a central passageway and together with the housing defines an annular passageway for the flow of hot exhaust gases. A bypass means is disposed within the central passageway and adapted to selectively by-pass at least a portion of the exhaust gas from the central passageway to the annular passageway. The EGHR heat exchanger also includes at least one fluid tube extending along a tube axis and having at least one lobe extending the length of the tube thereby defining a lobed tube. The lobed tube is twisted about the tube axis forming a twisted lobed tube which is then coiled about the longitudinal axis within the annular exhaust gas passageway.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger for Vehicle

Номер: US20130140017A1
Автор: Jae Yeon Kim
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A heat exchanger may include a heat radiating portion provided with first, second, and third connecting lines formed in a predetermined sequence by stacking a plurality of plates, and receiving first, second, and third operating fluids respectively into the first, second, and third connecting lines, the first, second, and third operating fluids exchanging heat with each other while passing through the first, second, and third connecting lines and the first, second, and not being mixed with each other while being circulated, and a bifurcating portion connecting an inflow hole for flowing one operating fluid of the first, second, and third operating fluids with an exhaust hole for exhausting the one operating fluid, adapted for the one operating fluid to bypass the heat radiating portion according to a temperature of the one operating fluid, and mounted at an exterior of the heat radiating portion.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Variable capacity core type heat exchanger unit

Номер: US20130149119A1
Автор: Jungmin Seo
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A variable capacity core type heat exchanger unit, may include a heat exchanger heat-exchanging high-temperature cooling water, a reservoir tank in which the high-temperature cooling water is inputted and thereafter, transmitted to the heat exchanger and the low-temperature cooling water is inputted and thereafter, discharged to the engine and the electric system, wherein the reservoir tank includes an introduction space and a discharge space, and an actuator module installed to the reservoir tank and controlled by a controller, varying the introduction space through which the high-temperature cooling water is inputted into the heat exchanger and the discharge space through which the low-temperature cooling water is discharged from the heat exchanger, wherein the variation in the introduction space is associated with the variation in the discharge space.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Double flow-circuit heat exchange device for periodic positive and reverse directional pumping using a bidirectional pump

Номер: US20130168046A1
Автор: Tai-Her Yang
Принадлежит: Individual

A double flow-circuit heat exchange device for periodic positive and reverse directional pumping having at least two bi-directional fluid pumps. The bi-directional fluid pumps produce positive pressure or negative pressure at fluid ports on two sides of the bi-directional heat exchange device to periodically pump the fluid in positive and reverse flowing directions. During operation of the periodically positive and reverse pumping, the directional flow of the fluid in first and second flow fluid circuits are maintained in different flowing directions.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Low pressure oil cooled composite ram bushing with secondary cooling

Номер: US20130175023A1
Автор: Rodney Adolph BLUE
Принадлежит: Stolle Machinery Co LLC

A low pressure system for cooling a ram bushing is provided. The low pressure system includes at least one check valve disposed on a T-coupling downstream of the low pressure pump. The check valve allows for the pressure to be maintained in the cooling system, but also allows pressure to be relieved in the event of an over pressure condition.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180475A1

A waste heat boiler has heat exchange tubes for indirect heat exchange of a relatively hot process gas and a cooling media, and a by-pass tube for by-passing a part of the process gas; a process gas collector collects and mixes a part of the heat exchanged process gas and at least a part of the by-passed process gas before the mix is lead via a control valve to the process gas outlet of the waste heat boiler together with the rest of the heat exchanged process gas. 2. Waste heat boiler according to claim 1 , wherein the outlet process gas collector further comprises mixing means located upstream of the control valve claim 1 , for mixing the relatively hot process gas exiting the at least one by-pass tube with the cooled process gas exiting a part of the heat exchange tubes.3. Waste heat boiler according to claim 1 , comprising one by-pass tube claim 1 , wherein the outlet process gas collector collects the process gas exiting the bypass tube gas and the exiting process gas of at least one of the heat exchange tubes.4. Waste heat boiler according to claim 1 , wherein the process gas inlet section is lined with a ceramic liner.5. Waste heat boiler according to claim 4 , wherein further the inside wall of the bypass tube is lined and at least part of the outlet process gas collector is lined with a ceramic liner .6. Waste heat boiler according to claim 1 , wherein the cooling media is water or steam or both water and steam.7. Waste heat boiler according to claim 1 , wherein said shell has a substantially cylindrical shape and said at least two tube sheets have a substantially circular shape.8. Waste heat boiler according to any claim 1 , wherein said heat exchange tubes are arranged in a circular array in the tube sheets and said by-pass tube is arranged substantially in the center of said array.9. Process for heat exchanging a relatively hot process gas with a cooling media in a waste heat boiler according to any of the preceding claims comprising the steps of claim 1 ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192287A1

An outdoor heat exchanger in cooling operation includes: a first header pipe into which a refrigerant compressed by a compressor flows; a first heat exchanging unit connected with the first header pipe and allowing a refrigerant to exchange heat with the air; a bypass pipe through which the refrigerant exchanging heat in the first heat exchanging unit flows; a first distribution pipe connected with the bypass pipe; a distribution pipe check valve that is disposed in the first distribution pipe and preventing the refrigerant exchanging heat in the first heat exchanging unit from passing through the first distribution pipe; a second header pipe into which the refrigerant passing through the bypass pipe flows; a second heat exchanging unit connected with the second header pipe and allowing a refrigerant to exchange heat with the air; and a second distribution pipe through which the refrigerant exchanging heat in the second heat exchanging unit passes. 1. An outdoor heat exchanger that operates as a condenser in cooling operation and as an evaporator in heating operation in an air conditioner , the outdoor heat exchanger comprising:a first header pipe into which a refrigerant compressed by a compressor flows in cooling operation;a first heat exchanging unit connected with the first header pipe and allowing a refrigerant to exchange heat with the air;a bypass pipe through which the refrigerant exchanging heat in the first heat exchanging unit flows in cooling operation;a first distribution pipe connected with the bypass pipe;a distribution pipe check valve that is disposed in the first distribution pipe and preventing the refrigerant exchanging heat in the first heat exchanging unit from passing through the first distribution pipe in cooling operation;a second header pipe into which the refrigerant passing through the bypass pipe flows in cooling operation;a second heat exchanging unit connected with the second header pipe and allowing a refrigerant to exchange heat with ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Annular Heat Exchanger

Номер: US20130213017A1
Принадлежит: Dana Canada Corp

An annular heat exchanger for cooling hot gases comprises an inner shell, an intermediate shell and an outer shell. Where the heat exchanger is integrated with a catalytic converter for treatment of hot exhaust gases in a motor vehicle, the inner shell contains a catalyst for treatment of the exhaust gases. Inner and outer gas flow passages are provided between the shells, and a coolant flow passage is provided, either on the outer surface of the outer shell, or inbetween the intermediate and outer shells. The exhaust gases change direction twice as they pass through the heat exchanger, and the annular structure of the heat exchanger provides a large surface area, and a large flow section, relative to volume, and thereby provides effective heat exchange without significantly increasing space requirements.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213606A1
Автор: Greber Frederic
Принадлежит: Faurecia Systemes D'Echappement

The heat recuperation device for an exhaust line comprises 1. A heat recuperation device for an exhaust line , comprising:a valve body having at least one exhaust gas inlet and at least one exhaust gas outlet, the valve body inwardly defining a direct passage pathway for exhaust gases from the inlet to the outlet;a shutter element positioned in the valve body and able to move relative to the valve body at least between a blocking off position in which the shutter element blocks off a cutoff section of the direct passage pathway along which the exhaust gases pass and thereby prohibits the circulation of the exhaust gases from the inlet toward the outlet along the direct passage pathway, and an uncovering position in which the shutter element frees said cutoff section of the direct passage pathway along which the exhaust gases pass and thereby allows the circulation of the exhaust gases from the inlet toward the outlet along the direct passage pathway;wherein the valve body has an inlet zone situated along the direct passage pathway between the inlet and the cutoff section, and an outlet zone situated along the direct passage pathway between the cutoff section and the outlet; anda plurality of heat exchange tubes provided for circulation of the exhaust gases, each heat exchange tube having an upstream end connected directly to the inlet zone and communicating with the direct passage pathway, a downstream end connected directly to the outlet zone and communicating with the direct passage pathway, and at least one curved portion between the upstream and downstream ends.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the shutter element prohibits the circulation of the exhaust gases in the heat exchange tubes in the uncovering position.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the shutter element covers the upstream ends the heat exchange tubes or the downstream ends of the heat exchange tubes the uncovering position.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the heat ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213633A1

An apparatus for preheating hydraulic oil which is located at low temperatures in at least one air-cooled hydraulic oil cooler, wherein at least one hydraulic oil cooler is arranged outside an engine compartment, in particular of a large hydraulic excavator, characterized in that the oil, in particular hot oil, coming from a tank is fed to the inlet box of the hydraulic oil cooler and is passed on via connecting lines and an interposed pressure relief valve or a non-return valve to the outlet box of at least one hydraulic oil cooler, wherein the outlet box and the cold oil located therein can be heated and fed to the tank. 1. A device for preheating hydraulic oil in a large hydraulic excavator at low temperatures comprising:at least one hydraulic oil cooler is arranged outside an engine compartment;a tank configured to direct hot oil to an inlet box of the hydraulic oil cooler;connecting lines and an interposed pressure-limiting valve or a check valve configured to conduct the hot oil to the outlet box of the at least one hydraulic oil cooler, wherein the cold oil situated in the outlet box can be heated and supplied to the tank.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the oil flowing from the inlet box of the hydraulic oil cooler to the pressure-limiting valve claim 1 , or the check valve claim 1 , and from there to the outlet box of the hydraulic oil cooler is raised from a low temperature level to a higher temperature level before it passes into the outlet box of the hydraulic oil cooler.3. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pressure-limiting valve opens the line to the outlet box of the hydraulic oil cooler when a preset response pressure is reached claim 1 , wherein the preset response pressure lies below the admissible operating pressure of the hydraulic oil cooler.4. The device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , when the response pressure preset at the pressure-limiting valve is undershot claim 3 , the line to the outlet box of the ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228323A1

A substrate processing apparatus includes: a processing chamber; a support base; an electrostatic chuck; a chiller; a first channel; a second channel; a bypass channel; and a flow rate control valve. The first channel connects the chiller and a coolant entrance of the support base and the second channel connects the chiller and a coolant exit of the support base. The bypass channel branches from a midway of the first channel and is connected to a midway of the second channel. The flow rate control valve controls a flow rate of coolant flowing through the bypass channel. 1. A substrate processing apparatus , comprising:a processing chamber including a processing space;a mounting table including a support base in which a coolant channel having an entrance and an exit is provided and an electrostatic chuck attached to the support base with an adhesive and provided with one or more heaters disposed inside the electrostatic chuck or at a bottom surface thereof;a chiller including a main body configured to control a temperature of a coolant and a pump configured to circulate the coolant;a first channel which connects the chiller and the entrance;a second channel which connects the chiller and the exit;a bypass channel which branches from a midway of the first channel and is connected to a midway of the second channel; anda flow rate control valve configured to control a flow rate of the coolant flowing through the bypass channel.2. The substrate processing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pump circulates the coolant at a constant first flow rate claim 1 , and the flow rate control valve is configured to allow the coolant to flow through the coolant channel at a second flow rate claim 1 , which is smaller than the first flow rate claim 1 , by flowing the coolant through the bypass channel.3. The substrate processing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a gas supply unit configured to supply a processing gas into the processing space;a first electrode provided in the ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Controlling data center cooling

Номер: US20130233532A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A data center cooling system includes a data center having electronic equipment that is supported in multiple racks; a cooling fluid source; multiple cooling units in the data center, where each cooling unit is configured to cool air warmed by a sub-set of the electronic equipment in the data center; multiple control valves, including a control valve associated with a particular cooling unit of the cooling units; and a controller arranged to modulate the control valve associated with a particular cooling unit, to open or close the control valve to substantially maintain an approach temperature set point of the particular cooling unit.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Steam generator for a rankine cycle

Номер: US20130239571A1

A steam generator ( 1 ) is provided for a Rankine cycle, especially for a waste heat recovery device ( 37 ) of an internal combustion engine ( 36 ), and preferably in a motor vehicle. The steam generator includes: a heat exchanger channel ( 2 ), in which a heat exchanger ( 3 ) is arranged, and a bypass channel ( 4 ) for bypassing the heat exchanger channel ( 2 ). A heating fluid can flow through the heat exchanger channel ( 2 ) and bypass channel ( 4 ) during the operation of the steam generator ( 1 ). A medium to be evaporated can flow through the heat exchanger ( 3 ) during operation of the steam generator ( 1 ). A compact structural shape with high energy efficiency is achieved with the heat exchanger channel ( 2 ) enveloping the bypass channel ( 4 ).

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248148A1
Автор: Yang Xu

A cooling device includes a case including two side plates and defining an air inlet and an air outlet, a first frame, a second frame, a first cooling member, a second cooling member, and a blocking plate. The first frame defines a first opening. The second frame defines a second opening. The blocking plate is capable of being secured to the case in an initial position, where the blocking plate is secured to the two side plates, a first air path is defined by the air inlet, the first opening, and the air outlet, and a second air path is defined by the air inlet, the second opening, and the air outlet; or a first blocking position, where the blocking plate is secured to the second frame and covers the second opening, to prevent air from flowing from the second opening to the air outlet. 1. A cooling device comprising:a case comprising two side plates opposite to each other and defining an air inlet and an air outlet;a first support frame and a second support frame secured between the two side plates;the first support frame defining a first ventilation opening, and the second support frame defining a second ventilation opening;a first cooling member;a second cooling member; anda blocking plate;wherein the blocking plate is configured to be secured to the case in an initial position or a first blocking position; when the blocking plate is in the initial position, the blocking plate is secured to the two side plates, a first air path is defined by the air inlet, the first ventilation opening, the first cooling member, and the air outlet, and a second air path is defined by the air inlet, the second ventilation opening, the second cooling member, and the air outlet; when the blocking plate is in the first blocking position, the blocking plate is secured to the second support frame and covers the second ventilation opening to prevent air from flowing from the second ventilation opening to the air outlet.2. The cooling device of claim 1 , wherein the blocking plate ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Multi-zone vehicle radiators

Номер: US20130255601A1

The present disclosure relates to a multiple zone vehicle radiator, including: a housing; a first zone included in the housing; a second zone included in the housing; a baffle between the first and second zone, located in an outlet manifold of the housing; and a zone modifier configured to regulate coolant distribution between the first zone and second zone according to predetermined conditions.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276463A1
Автор: Bollmann Klaus

The disclosed embodiments describe a cost and energy efficient combined lighting and air conditioning fixture. This combined system may employ a flexible distributed air handler that can employ distributed heat exchangers to a liquid loop. The described system may be comprised of distributed dampers, heat exchangers, and air handlers that are controlled from a controller integrated into a ceiling, floor, or wall unit. The controller may also be part of a combined LED lighting drop-in ceiling fixture. 1. A combined lighting and air conditioning fixture comprising:at least one distributed damper, said damper opening and closing depending on a temperature of air in a room;at least one heat exchanger, said heat exchanger in thermal contact with a fluid and a portion of said air in said room, wherein said heat exchanger either transfers heat from a liquid medium to said air or transfers heat from said air to said liquid medium depending on the difference between a desired temperature of said room and said temperature of air in said room;an air handler, said air handler forcing said air in said room to contact said heat exchanger;an LED lighting fixture, wherein said at least one distributed damper, said at least one heat exchanger, said air handler, and said LED lighting fixture are combined such that said combination is capable of replacing a single drop in ceiling panel; andan electronic control device, said electronic control device controlling said at least one distributed damper, said at least one heat exchanger, said air handler, and said LED lighting fixture to adjust or maintain both said temperature of said room and the brightness of said LED lighting fixture.2. The fixture of claim 1 , wherein said distributed damper is open and closed by a motor.3. The fixture of claim 2 , wherein said motor receives power from a LED driver power supply claim 2 , said LED driver power supply also powering said LED lighting fixture.4. The fixture of claim 1 , wherein said at ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger with Bypass Valve

Номер: US20130277011A1
Автор: Jainek Herbert

A heat exchanger for cooling a liquid has an inlet and an outlet for a liquid to be cooled. A bypass is provided that bypasses the heat exchanger. A valve controls flow of liquid into the heat exchanger or into the bypass. The valve has a valve seat, a valve cone, and at least one spring made of a shape memory material. The at least one spring counteracts a liquid pressure existing in the inlet. 1. A heat exchanger unit for a liquid , comprising:a housing;a heat exchanger element having a fluid inlet opening and a fluid outlet opening for the liquid to be cooled;a bypass fluidically connecting said fluid inlet opening with said fluid outlet opening and operable to bypass liquid around said heat exchanger element;a valve controlling a liquid stream through said heat exchanger element and through said bypass, wherein said valve comprises a valve seat;a valve cone operable to close on said valve seat;at least one spring comprised of a shape memory material providing a closing force to said valve cone urging said valve to close counteracting the liquid pressure in an inlet passage of the heat exchanger unit;wherein the valve is arranged in or upstream of said bypass;wherein said shape memory material of said at least one spring exhibits a change of mechanical properties in the range of 60 to 100 degrees C.;wherein below a limit temperature of approximately 60 to 100 degrees C. said at least one spring has a spring constant and closing force providing said valve with an opening pressure of approximately 0 to 0.4 bar;wherein above a limit temperature of approximately 60 to 100 degrees C. said at least one spring has a different spring constant and closing force providing said valve with an opening pressure of at least 0.4 bar.2. The heat exchanger unit according to claim 1 , further comprising:a filter insert including a filter element, said filter insert received into said housing; a lower terminal disk; and', 'a non-return diaphragm arranged at said lower terminal disk ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130284401A1

The radiator shutter provided for the frontal arrangement at a motor vehicle shows two groups of lamellae (--), which are pivotally supported at opposite sides of a drive unit (), each parallel in reference to a shutter frame (). For a joint pivoting of the lamellae (-) an entrainer tappet (-) provided here at a distance from its bearing axis () in the direction perpendicular in reference to the longitudinal direction of the lamellae, engages a common coupling element (). For a simple production of the engagement of the bearing tappets of the lamellae in the shutter frame () and its entrainer tappets (-) in the coupling element () they are latched in bearing recesses (-) open perpendicular in reference to the bearing axis. 12724578910154045273467101539834671015323724269. A shutter for the arrangement in front of the radiator of a motor vehicle , with its linear lamellae (-) , formed in one piece in a plastic injection molding process being supported in two groups (- , -) on opposite sides of an actuator () , each parallel in reference to each other in a shutter frame () provided pivotally at their ends via bearing tappets (-) , with an entrainer (-) being provided at both these lamellae (-) and each lamella parallel thereto ( , , , ) at a distance from its pivotal axis (-) , perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the lamellae , engaging a coupling element () connecting parallel lamellae with each other so that an adjustment motion triggered by the actuator () is transmitted to at least one lamella ( , , , ) parallel thereto , characterized in that at least the bearing tappets (-) of one of the lamella ends are inserted in a bearing recess (-) open perpendicular to the bearing axis in a lateral wall ( , ) of the shutter frame ().232371015. A shutter according to claim 1 , characterized in that the opening width of the bearing recesses (-) is smaller than the diameter of the bearing tappets (-) so that they latch in the bearing recesses.3323724269. A shutter ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292091A1
Автор: Ishikawa Keitaro

A cooler comprising a coolant space (R) which is in contact with a heat dissipator; an inflow-side coolant reservoir (Ri) which is in communication with one end of the coolant space (R) via an inflow-side narrowed portion (Rsi); and an outflow-side coolant reservoir (Ro) which is in communication with another end of the coolant space (R) via an outflow-side narrowed portion (Rso). By forming fins () or a guide () to stand upright in an area located near a downstream side end portion of the inflow-side coolant reservoir (Ri), the flow channel cross-sectional area is reduced and regulated, and the flow velocity of a coolant in this area is increased. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. A cooler comprising:a coolant space through which a coolant flows;an inflow-side coolant reservoir which is in communication with one end side of the coolant space via an inflow-side narrowed portion; andan outflow-side coolant reservoir which is in communication with another end side of the coolant space via an outflow-side narrowed portion, whereinthe inflow-side coolant reservoir and the inflow-side narrowed portion are formed to extend in a first direction,a coolant supplied to the inflow-side coolant reservoir flows along the first direction, flows through the coolant space via the inflow-side narrowed portion, and flows out to the outflow-side coolant reservoir via the outflow-side narrowed portion, anda regulator is formed in an area located near a downstream side end portion of the inflow-side coolant reservoir, the regulator reducing and regulating a flow channel cross-sectional area to increase a flow velocity of the coolant in this area, wherein the regulator comprises pin fins.4. The cooler according to claim 3 , wherein the pin fins are formed to be unevenly distributed toward the side with which the inflow-side narrowed portion is in communication.5. The cooler according to claim 3 , wherein the pin fins have relatively large fin diameters on the side with which the inflow-side ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306265A1
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

The invention relates to a heat exchanger comprising: a first unit having a first conduit for passing a flow of a first fluid through the first unit a second unit having a second conduit for passing a flow of a second fluid through the second unit wherein the flow of the first fluid is isolated from the second unit and the flow of the second fluid is isolated from the first unit and, a third conduit connecting the first and second units, wherein the third conduit is for carrying a flow of an intermediate fluid between the first and second units so as to transfer heat between the first fluid and the second fluid, when in use. 1. A heat exchanger , comprising:a first unit having a first conduit for passing a flow of a first fluid through the first unit;a second unit having a second conduit for passing a flow of a second fluid through the second unit, wherein the flow of the first fluid is isolated from the second unit and the flow of the second fluid is isolated from the first unit;a third conduit connecting the first and second units, wherein the third conduit is for carrying a flow of an intermediate fluid between the first and second units so as to transfer heat between the first fluid and the second fluid, when in use; and,a sensor for determining a condition of the intermediate fluid, the condition being indicative of the integrity of the system.2. A heat exchanger as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising the first claim 1 , second and intermediate fluids claim 1 , wherein the intermediate fluid is at a lower pressure than the first and second fluids when in use.3. A heat exchanger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sensor is configured to detect the pressure of the intermediate fluid.4. A heat exchanger as claimed in wherein first fluid is a combustible fuel.5. A heat exchanger as claimed in wherein the second fluid is a compressed gas.6. A heat exchanger as claimed in further comprising an isolating valve in the third conduit claim 1 , the isolating valve ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312934A1
Автор: Yasui Tsutomu
Принадлежит: Nabtesco Corporation

To provide a liquid cooling system for an electric component mounted in an aircraft, in which a flow rate of a coolant fed to the electric component mounted in the aircraft is optimized by a simple method, a liquid cooling system for an electric component mounted in an aircraft adopts a flow rate adjusting valve which is a thermostat valve such that the opening degree of the valve increases with an increase in the temperature of the coolant flowing into the flow rate adjusting valve so as to raise the flow rate of the coolant fed to the electric component , and the opening degree of the valve decreases with a decrease in the temperature of the coolant flowing into the flow rate adjusting valve so as to reduce the flow rate of the coolant fed to the electric component 1. A liquid cooling system for cooling an electric component mounted in an aircraft with a use of a coolant , comprising:a pump configured to feed a coolant to the electric component;a coolant feeding path connected to the electric component and coupled with the pump;a coolant discharging path connected to the electric component, in which the coolant having cooled the electric component flows; anda flow rate adjusting valve provided to the coolant discharging path, which is configured to adjust a flow rate of the coolant fed to the electric component,wherein the flow rate adjusting valve isa thermostat valve configured so that an opening degree of the valve increases with an increase in the temperature of the coolant flowing into the flow rate adjusting valve so as to raise the flow rate of the coolant fed to the electric component, and the opening degree of the valve is decreased with a decrease in the temperature of the coolant flowing into the flow rate adjusting valve so as to reduce the flow rate of the coolant fed to the electric component.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein a valve housing in which a valve actuation chamber is formed therein, the valve housing having an intake port and a ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014296A1

A first header tank of a condenser serves as a condensation section outlet header section. A second header tank has lower end upper ends respectively located below and above the lower end of the first header tank. A portion of a second header tank located below the lower end of the first header tank serves as a super-cooling section inlet header section. The second header tank also serves as a reservoir section. The interior of the condensation section outlet header section of the first header tank communicates, through a communication section, with a portion of the interior of the second header tank, which portion is located above the lower end of the first header tank. A flow velocity reducing member is provided in the second header tank so as to reduce the flow velocity of liquid-phase dominant refrigerant which flows into the reservoir section through the communication section. 1. A condenser comprising:a super-cooling section;a condensation section provided above the super-cooling section and including at least one first heat exchange path comprising a plurality of first heat exchange tubes disposed in parallel;a reservoir section provided between the condensation section and the super-cooling section, a longitudinal direction of the reservoir section extending along a vertical direction, a longitudinal direction of the plurality of heat exchange tubes extending along a left-right direction perpendicular to the vertical direction, the plurality of heat exchange tubes being spaced apart from one another in the vertical direction;a condensation section outlet header section which communicates with a downstream end portion with respect to a flow direction of refrigerant in the first heat exchange path at a lower end of the condensation section;the super-cooling section including at least one second heat exchange path comprising a plurality of second heat exchange tubes disposed in parallel, a longitudinal direction of the plurality of second heat exchange tubes ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020883A1

A flow module or plate reactor includes one or more sectioned or un-sectioned heat exchanger plates. Each sectioned heat exchanger plates has a plurality of sections, each of which has a heat exchanger inlet and a heat exchanger outlet configured to flow one or more fluids therein in a first direction. The flow module or plate reactor includes one or more thermocouples and/or sensors and a regulating valve positioned either downstream of each of the heat exchanger outlets or upstream of one of the heat exchanger inlets. The flow module or plate reactor includes one or more serpentine configured process flow channels which have a channel inlet point and a channel outlet point which define a line oriented in a second direction which is at an angle of ninety degrees relative to the first direction. The flow module or plate reactor includes one or more flow plates and/or reactor plates. 1. A sectioned flow module or sectioned plate reactor comprising:at least one heat exchanger plate, at least one of the at least one heat exchanger plate being a sectioned heat exchanger plate and at least one of the at least one heat exchanger plate being an un-sectioned heat exchanger plate, each of the sectioned heat exchanger plates having a plurality of heat exchanger sections, each of the plurality of heat exchanger sections having a heat exchanger inlet and a heat exchanger outlet configured to flow one or more heat exchanger fluids therein in a first direction from the heat exchanger inlet to the heat exchanger outlet;at least one of a thermocouple and a sensor, connected to at least one of the heat exchanger inlet, the heat exchanger outlet and between the heat exchanger inlet and the heat exchanger outlet; downstream of each of the heat exchanger outlets; and', 'upstream of one of the heat exchanger inlets;, 'a regulating valve positioned one ofeach of the regulating valves being in communication with the at least one thermocouple and sensor for regulation of the one or more ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140044525A1

A heat exchanger assembly for use in a gas turbine engine includes a bypass valve and at least one body portion. The body portion includes at least one de-congealing inlet channel in flow communication with the bypass valve, a plurality of cooling channels in flow communication with the bypass valve and the at least one de-congealing inlet channel, and at least one de-congealing outlet channel in flow communication with the bypass valve and the at least one de-congealing inlet channel. The bypass valve is configured to deliver a fluid between the at least one de-congealing inlet channel and the plurality of cooling channels during a first mode of operation to facilitate reducing a temperature of the fluid. The bypass valve is further configured to deliver the fluid between the at least one de-congealing inlet channel and the at least one de-congealing outlet channel during a second mode of operation. 1. A heat exchanger assembly for use in a gas turbine engine including a core gas turbine engine having an axis of rotation , a splitter circumscribing the core gas turbine engine , a fan assembly positioned upstream of the core gas turbine engine , a fan casing substantially circumscribing the fan assembly , and a bypass duct that is defined between the fan casing and the splitter , said heat exchanger assembly comprising:a bypass valve; and at least one de-congealing inlet channel in flow communication with said bypass valve;', 'a plurality of cooling channels in flow communication with said bypass valve and said at least one de-congealing inlet channel, wherein said bypass valve is configured to deliver a fluid between said at least one de-congealing inlet channel and said plurality of cooling channels during a first mode of operation to facilitate reducing a temperature of the fluid; and', 'at least one de-congealing outlet channel in flow communication with said bypass valve and said at least one de-congealing inlet channel, wherein said bypass valve is configured ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Systems and methods for transferring heat and/or sound during fluid extraction and/or cleaning processes

Номер: US20140082880A1
Автор: Michael James Roden
Принадлежит: Sapphire Scientific Inc

Systems and methods for transferring heat and/or sound during liquid extraction and/or cleaning processes are disclosed. A fluid extraction system in accordance with a particular embodiment includes a fluid extractor having an outlet positioned to deliver extracted waste fluid, and a fluid tank operatively coupled to the extractor. A blower, having an air intake and an air outlet through which blower air passes, is operatively coupled to the extractor outlet to draw the extracted waste fluid from the extractor. A muffler is positioned at least partially within the liquid tank and has a flow path along which the blower air passes. In particular embodiments, the muffler can also provide a heat exchanger function, for example, to heat cleaning fluid provided to the extractor.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001784A1

A vehicle includes a refrigerant system having a chiller and a coolant system having a chiller loop and a radiator loop. The chiller loop is arranged to circulate coolant through the chiller, and the radiator loop is arranged to circulate coolant through a battery, a radiator, and a bypass valve connected to a bypass conduit. A controller is configured to, in response to an ambient-air temperature exceeding a battery-coolant temperature, actuate the valve to circulate coolant to the bypass conduit to skip the radiator. 1. A thermal-management system for a traction battery of a hybrid vehicle , the thermal-management system comprising:a refrigerant subsystem including a compressor, a condenser, a battery chiller, and an evaporator; a proportioning valve having first and second outlets, and an inlet connected in fluid communication with an outlet side of the traction battery via an outlet conduit,', 'a temperature sensor disposed on the outlet conduit and configured to output a signal indicative of a coolant temperature,', 'a chiller loop connected in fluid communication with the first outlet and arranged to convey coolant through the chiller to transfer heat from the coolant subsystem to the refrigerant subsystem, and', 'a radiator loop connected in fluid communication with the second outlet and arranged to convey coolant through the radiator to transfer heat from the coolant subsystem to outside air, the radiator loop having a bypass valve configured to route coolant around the radiator via a bypass line when the valve is actuated to a bypass position and configured to route coolant to the radiator when the valve is actuated to a radiator position; and, 'a coolant subsystem including'}a controller configured to, in response to the proportioning valve directing at least a portion of the coolant to the second outlet and the outside air temperature exceeding the coolant temperature, actuate the bypass valve to the bypass position.2. The thermal-management system of ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001993A1
Автор: Retersdorf Alan

An environmental control system includes a cross-flow heat exchanger, a first valve, and a second valve. The heat exchanger includes three cores each with their own respective inlet, outlet, and cold air passage. The first inlet is fluidly connected with a hot air source. The second outlet is fluidly connected to the first outlet. The third inlet is fluidly connected to the second inlet and to a hot air destination. The first valve is fluidly connected with the hot air source, the second inlet, and the third inlet. The first valve is positioned in-line between the hot air source and the second and third inlets. The second valve is fluidly connected to the hot air destination, to the first outlet, and to the second outlet. The second valve is positioned in-line between the hot air destination and the first and second outlets. 1. An environmental control system comprising: [ a first inlet;', 'a first outlet, wherein the first inlet is fluidly connected with a hot air source; and', 'a first cold air passage;, 'a first core comprising, a second inlet;', 'a second outlet, wherein the second outlet is fluidly connected to the first outlet; and', 'a second cold air passage;, 'a second core comprising, a third inlet;', 'a third outlet, wherein the third inlet is fluidly connected to the second inlet, wherein the third outlet is fluidly connected to a hot air destination; and', 'a third cold air passage in series flow communication with the first and second air passages, wherein the heat exchanger assembly is configured in a cross-flow arrangement such that a direction of a cold air flow through the heat exchanger assembly is orthogonal to a flow of hot air through the heat exchanger assembly;, 'a third core comprising], 'a heat exchanger assembly comprisinga first valve fluidly connected with the hot air source, the second inlet, and the third inlet, wherein the first valve is positioned in-line between the hot air source and the second and third inlets; anda second valve ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003564A1

A method and corresponding device for transferring heat between a discharge fluid () of a first system () and a second system (). The discharge fluid () from the first system () is received and conveyed to a given location (). There is provided at least one non-vertical elongated member () being positioned, shaped and sized so as to define an array of stacked cross-sectional profiles () extending within at least one wall segment (), said at least one wall segment () being operatively connectable to the second system (). The discharge fluid () is allowed to free-flow (ex. free-fall, cascade, etc.) over said at least one wall segment () of stacked cross-sectional profiles () so as to allow a heat exchange between the discharge fluid () and the array of stacked cross-sectional profiles. 161-. (canceled)6213571. A device () for transferring heat between a discharge fluid () of a first system () and a second system () , the device () including:{'b': '37', 'a housing ();'}{'b': 55', '3', '5', '9, 'a conveying assembly () for conveying the discharge fluid () from the first system () to a given location ();'}{'b': 57', '57', '11', '13', '15', '15', '7, 'a heat exchanger assembly () operatively connectable to the conveying assembly, the heat exchanger assembly () including at least one non-vertical elongated member () being positioned, shaped and sized so as to define an array of stacked cross-sectional profiles () extending within at least one wall segment (), said at least one wall segment () being operatively connectable to the second system (); and'}{'b': 59', '3', '55', '13', '3', '13, 'a distributing assembly () for allowing discharge fluid () provided by the conveying assembly () to free-flow over a part of the array of cross-sectional profiles () so as to allow a heat exchange between the discharge fluid () and the array of cross-sectional profiles ().'}6374-. (canceled)751596133. The device () according to claim 62 , wherein the distributing assembly () includes a ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Heat exchangers that save energy by heat exchange between a fresh liquid and waste fluids

Номер: US20200003496A1
Автор: MacKelvie Winston

An apparatus to preferentially temper a liquid (only heat it, or, only cool it) by heat exchange with a fluid of indeterminate temperature. A tank of the liquid is plumbed to a liquid dispenser such as a water faucet, heater or chiller and has a internal heat exchanger sealed through each end. A drainpipe with a slit sleeve for double-wall safety, passes through the housing with an annular space between and is connected to a supply of fluids. A gasket seals the space forming a conduit for the liquid. One end of the housing extends from the tank for the liquid inlet. The conduit has natural convection holes into the tank controlled by convection valves which are moved by convection allowing convection only in the direction which preferentially tempers the liquid in the tank, regardless of the temperature, volume, rate, and time of flow of fluids. 2. The apparatus of further including a slit sleeve between the drainpipe and the gasket.3. The apparatus of and where the liquid is potable water and the fluid is waste fluid.4. The apparatus of wherein the tank has more that one heat exchanger. The field is heat exchangers that save energy by heat exchange between a fresh liquid and waste fluids.Current drainpipe heat exchangers only work in the ‘continuous flow mode’ when fresh water is being used and drained so both flow through the exchanger at the same time. They don't work in ‘batch flow mode’ where fresh water is used and drained separately, such as in wash machines, tubs, clothes dryers, furnace exhausts and the like. This is because they can't store heat between the fill-drain cycles. The instant invention uses a tank of the fresh water to overcome this problem and is thereby able to exchange more heat with the fresh water. Therefore a great deal of heat energy continues to be wasted adding to global warming and pollution.Hygienic hot water is unique in that, in any given time zone, its use peaks at certain narrow times-of-day: morning, mid-day and evening at which ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003777A1

A thermal management loop system may include an accumulator, an evaporator in fluid receiving communication with the accumulator, a condenser in fluid receiving communication with the evaporator, and a membrane separator in fluid receiving communication with the condenser. Gas exiting the membrane separator may recirculate back to the condenser and liquid exiting the membrane separator may flow to the accumulator. The thermal management loop system may be a dual-mode system and thus may be operable in a powered-pump mode or a passive-capillary mode. 1. A thermal management loop system comprising:an accumulator;an evaporator in fluid receiving communication with the accumulator;a condenser in fluid receiving communication with the evaporator; anda membrane separator in fluid receiving communication with the condenser, the membrane separator configured to recirculate gas to the condenser and to provide liquid to the accumulator.2. The thermal management loop system of claim 1 , wherein the membrane separator is coupled to a liquid inlet of the accumulator.3. The thermal management loop system of claim 1 , further comprising a flow sensor coupled to the membrane separator claim 1 , wherein identifying a heat transfer load on the thermal management loop system is based on flow data received from the flow sensor.4. The thermal management loop system of claim 1 , further comprising a pump that drives fluid circulation claim 1 , wherein the pump pumps liquid from the accumulator to the evaporator.5. The thermal management loop system of claim 4 , further comprising a valve in fluid communication between the evaporator and the accumulator claim 4 , wherein liquid exiting the evaporator flows through the valve to the accumulator.6. The thermal management loop system of claim 5 , wherein the valve comprises a back pressure valve that controls back pressure in the evaporator.7. The thermal management loop system of claim 5 , wherein the valve controls flow of gas from the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220011063A1

A monitoring apparatus includes an interface and a controller. The interface is configured to acquire a signal that is based on the temperature of the inside of a cooling tower configured to cool a cooling target. The controller is configured to acquire the signal from the interface and calculate the temperature distribution of the inside of the cooling tower. The controller analyzes an abnormal site of the cooling tower based on the temperature distribution. 1. A monitoring apparatus comprising:an interface configured to acquire a signal that is based on a temperature of an inside of a cooling tower configured to cool a cooling target; anda controller configured to acquire the signal from the interface and calculate a temperature distribution of the inside of the cooling tower, whereinthe controller is configured to analyze an abnormal site of the cooling tower based on the temperature distribution.2. The monitoring apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe cooling tower comprises a plurality of fillers through which the cooling target passes, andbased on the temperature distribution, the controller is configured to analyze at least one filler in the plurality of fillers as being an abnormal site.3. The monitoring apparatus of claim 2 , whereinthe cooling tower further comprises a plurality of shower nozzles configured to spray the cooling target towards the fillers, andbased on the temperature distribution, the controller is configured to analyze the fillers and/or the shower nozzles as being an abnormal site.4. The monitoring apparatus of claim 3 , further comprisinga memory configured to store a history of the temperature distribution, whereinbased on the history of the temperature distribution, the controller is configured to estimate a replacement timing of the fillers and/or a maintenance timing of the shower nozzles.5. A non-transitory computer readable medium storing a monitoring program configured to cause a computer to execute operations comprising:acquiring a ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150010030A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

A reservoir unit which is included as an element along a circulation path of a cooling system includes a cartridge and a cartridge loading unit which are configured to be removable from each other. The cartridge includes a reservoir chamber that stores a circulating liquid, and a connection portion in fluid communication with the reservoir chamber. The cartridge loading unit includes a connection receiving portion, to which the connection portion is connected, and a connection port. When the cartridge and the cartridge loading unit are attached to each other, the connection portion, the connection receiving portion and the connection port form a feed path that allows feeding the circulating liquid to the circulation path outside, and a collection path that allows collecting the circulating liquid into the reservoir chamber. 1. A cooling system for cooling a heat source , the system comprising a circulation path in which a circulating liquid circulates , whereinthe circulation path comprises, as elements along the path, a reservoir unit that stores the circulating liquid, a pump for feeding the circulating liquid in the circulation path, a heat absorbing section where heat generated from the heat source is absorbed by a coolant which is the circulating liquid, and a heat release section where the coolant releases heat,the reservoir unit comprises a cartridge and a cartridge loading unit configured to be removable from each other,the cartridge comprises a reservoir chamber that stores the circulating liquid, and a connection portion that includes a first communication port in fluid communication with the reservoir chamber,the cartridge loading unit comprises a connection receiving portion and a connection port, wherein the connection portion is connected to the connection receiving portion, the connection receiving portion comprises a second communication port that communicates with the first communication port when the connection portion is connected to the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010051A1
Автор: CONNOLLY Steve

We describe a combined heating and cooling system, the system comprising: a working fluid circuit comprising a compressor, a gas cooler and an evaporator; a heating circuit, thermally coupled to said working fluid circuit via said gas cooler; and a cooling circuit, thermally coupled to said working fluid circuit via said evaporator; wherein said heating circuit further comprises a thermal storage tank, in particular a stratified thermal storage tank, controllably coupled to said heating circuit to controllably store heat for said heating circuit. 1. A combined heating and cooling system , the system comprising:a working fluid circuit comprising a compressor, a gas cooler and an evaporator;a heating circuit, thermally coupled to said working fluid circuit via said gas cooler; anda cooling circuit, thermally coupled to said working fluid circuit via said evaporator;wherein said heating circuit further comprises a thermal storage tank, in particular a stratified thermal storage tank, controllably coupled to said heating circuit to controllably store heat for said heating circuit.2. A combined heating and cooling system as claimed in wherein said heating circuit further comprises a thermal dump controllably coupled to said heating circuit to controllably dump heat from said heating circuit.3. A combined heating and cooling system as claimed in wherein said stratified thermal storage tank comprises a set of heat storage temperature sensors at different stratified levels within the tank claim 1 , the combined heating and cooling system further comprising a heating side control system responsive to said storage temperature sensors to control storage of heat in said thermal storage tank and dumping of heat from said heating circuit.4. A combined heating and cooling system as claimed in wherein said heating side control system is configured to control said compressor to maintain thermal energy stored in said stratified thermal storage tank within a target range.5. A combined ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger With Dual Internal Valve

Номер: US20180010866A1
Автор: Sheppard Jeff

A heat exchanger apparatus having a first fluid channel, a second fluid channel, a bypass channel, and inlet and outlet manifolds. A thermal bypass valve assembly is positioned within the inlet manifold, and contains an outer sleeve having a first, second and third apertures axially displaced. An inner sleeve positioned within the outer sleeve and moveable from a first to a second position upon actuation of a first actuator. The inner sleeve has a first orifice on a wall of the inner sleeve and a second orifice defined by the inner sleeve second end. The first orifice aligns with the first aperture in the first position and the second aperture in the in the second position. A second actuator coupled to a stopper that engagingly disengages from the second orifice upon actuation of the second actuator. 1. A heat exchanger apparatus , comprising: a top end heat exchanger plate, a bottom end heat exchanger plate and a plurality of heat exchanger plates positioned between the top end heat exchanger plate and the bottom end heat exchanger plate, the plurality of heat exchange plates defining a first fluid channel and a second fluid channel;', 'a first fluid inlet manifold having a first fluid inlet, a first fluid outlet manifold having a first fluid outlet, the first fluid channel in fluid communication with the first fluid inlet manifold and the first fluid outlet manifold;', 'a second fluid inlet manifold having a second fluid inlet, a second fluid outlet manifold having a second fluid outlet, the second fluid channel in fluid communication with the second fluid inlet manifold and the second fluid outlet manifold;, 'a heat exchanger section comprising 'a bypass channel cover plate coupled to the top end heat exchanger plate, the bypass channel cover plate together with the top end heat exchanger plate defining a bypass channel with the bypass channel being in fluid communication with the second fluid inlet manifold and the second fluid outlet manifold; and', 'a bypass ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Heat exchanger

Номер: US20190011202A1

There is provided a fuel tank inerting system for an aircraft. The system comprises: a catalytic heat exchanger comprising a first flow path and a second flow path for heat exchange with the first flow path, wherein the first flow path comprises a plurality of core flow paths each fluidly isolated from one another within the catalytic heat exchanger and each arranged to exchange heat with the second flow path; and a control valve arranged upstream of the first flow path of the catalytic heat exchanger and arranged to selectively control a flow to each of the core flow paths.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Drive Train Assembly Thermal Management System

Номер: US20210010766A1
Автор: Dlala Emad
Принадлежит: ATIEVA, INC.

A multi-mode vehicle thermal management system is provided that optimizes drive train operating efficiency by thermally de-coupling the drive train thermal control loop from other vehicle thermal control loops during initial vehicle start-up when drive train coolant/lubricant is cold, thus taking into account the temperature dependence of the coolant/lubricant characteristics (e.g., viscosity and density) and the effects of these characteristics on viscous drag and bearing/seal preload force. 1. A multi-mode thermal management system , comprising:a drive train thermal control loop comprising a first circulation pump, wherein said first circulation pump circulates a first heat transfer fluid within said drive train thermal control loop, and wherein said drive train thermal control loop is thermally coupled to a drive train assembly;a second thermal control loop comprising a second circulation pump, wherein said second circulation pump circulates a second heat transfer fluid within said second thermal control loop, wherein said second heat transfer fluid is comprised of a different coolant than said first heat transfer fluid;a heat exchanger thermally coupled to said drive train thermal control loop and thermally coupled to said second thermal control loop, wherein said heat exchanger thermally couples said drive train thermal control loop to said second thermal control loop; anda bypass valve, wherein said bypass valve in a first operational mode thermally decouples said drive train thermal control loop from said second thermal control loop, wherein said bypass valve in a second operational mode thermally couples said drive train thermal control loop to said second thermal control loop via said heat exchanger, wherein said bypass valve is configured to operate in said first operational mode when a temperature corresponding to said first heat transfer fluid is less than a preset temperature, and wherein said bypass valve is configured to operate in said second ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013935A1

The disclosure describes a non-condensable gas collection, detection, and removal system for a WHR system that helps to maintain cycle efficiency of the WHR system across the life of an engine system associated with the WHR system. A storage volume is configured to collect non-condensable gas received from the working fluid circuit, and a release valve is configured to selectively release non-condensable gas contained within the storage volume. 1. A waste heat recovery system for use with an internal combustion engine , comprising:a working fluid circuit;a fluid containing and cooling system positioned along the working fluid circuit;a heat exchange portion positioned along the working fluid circuit;a feed pump communicatively connected to the heat exchange portion along the working fluid circuit, the feed pump configured to pump a working fluid within the working fluid circuit; and a storage volume configured to collect non-condensable gas received from the working fluid circuit,', 'a non-condensable gas detector configured to detect the presence of non-condensable gas within the storage volume, and', 'a release valve configured to selectively release non-condensable gas contained within the storage volume., 'a non-condensable gas system communicatively connected to the working fluid circuit, the non-condensable gas system including2. The waste heat recovery system of claim 1 , wherein the non-condensable gas system is coupled to an upper surface of a conduit of the working fluid circuit such that non-condensable gas from the working fluid circuit naturally flows upwardly into the storage volume.3. The waste heat recovery system of claim 1 , wherein the non-condensable gas detector is configured to resonate at a different frequency for each of a plurality of gases claim 1 , each of the plurality of gases having a different density.4. The waste heat recovery system of claim 1 , wherein the non-condensable gas detector is configured to detect a speed of sound in a ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013744A1

A pressure control system within a multi-phase heat transfer immersion cooling tank includes: a differential pressure transducer that measures a differential pressure between a first vapor pressure internal to the immersion cooling tank and a second pressure outside of the immersion cooling tank; and a condenser inflow valve assembly that controls a flow rate of condensation liquid within the condenser located within the immersion tank. The pressure control system also includes a controller coupled to both the differential pressure transducer and the condenser inflow valve assembly having control logic that, in response to the measured differential pressure exceeding a pre-set threshold difference, triggers the condenser inflow valve assembly to increase a flow rate of the condensation fluid in order to reduce an amount of vapor within the immersion tank and bring the measured differential pressure back to below the threshold difference. 1. A pressure control system within a multi-phase heat transfer immersion cooling tank , the pressure control system comprising:a differential pressure transducer that measures a differential pressure between a first vapor pressure internal to the immersion cooling tank and a second pressure outside of the immersion cooling tank;a condenser inflow valve assembly that controls a flow rate of condensation liquid within the condenser located within the immersion tank; anda controller coupled to both the differential pressure transducer and the condenser inflow valve assembly having control logic that, in response to the measured differential pressure exceeding a pre-set threshold difference, triggers the condenser inflow valve assembly to increase a flow rate of the condensation fluid in order to reduce an amount of vapor within the immersion tank and bring the measured differential pressure back to below the threshold difference.2. The pressure control system of claim 1 , further comprising:a cooling mechanism that reduces a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034240A1
Принадлежит: CLIMEON AB

A method for preventing formation of droplets in a heat exchanger, in which a second medium transfers heat to a first. The method is performed by a controller which receives different temperature values (T, T, T) and a pressure (P) value to be used for calculating a boiling point temperature value (T) and determining a first temperature difference (ΔT) and a second temperature difference (ΔT). Generating a flow control signal, for controlling the flow of the first medium into the heat exchanger, based on the first temperature difference (ΔT), the second temperature difference (ΔT) and the first temperature value Tand sending the flow control signal to a regulator device for controlling the flow of the first medium in the heat exchanger. 1. A method of preventing formation of droplets in a heat exchanger , in which a second medium transfers heat to a first medium , said method being performed by a controller and comprising:{'sub': '1', 'receiving a first temperature value (T), from a first temperature unit, of a temperature at a first position of the first medium exiting the heat exchanger,'}receiving a pressure value (P), from a pressure sensor unit, of a pressure of the first medium exiting the heat exchanger,{'sub': '2', 'receiving a second temperature value (T), from a second temperature unit, of a temperature of the second medium entering the heat exchanger,'}{'sub': '3', 'receiving a third temperature value (T), from a third temperature unit, of a temperature of the second medium exiting the heat exchanger,'}{'sub': 'B', 'calculating a boiling point temperature value (T) based on the pressure value (P) and heat exchanger parameters,'}{'sub': 1', '2', '1, 'determining a first temperature difference (ΔT) between the second temperature value (T) and the first temperature value (T),'}{'sub': 2', '3', 'B, 'determining a second temperature difference (ΔT) between the third temperature value (T) and the boiling point temperature value (T),'}{'sub': 1', '2', '1, ' ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017342A1
Автор: Rambo Jeffrey Douglas

A heat exchanger apparatus includes: a shell extending over a flow length from an inlet at a upstream end to an outlet at a downstream end, and defining a first flowpath for a first fluid; a structure disposed within the shell defining a second flowpath for a second fluid; at least one secondary inlet in the shell disposed downstream from the upstream end; and a nozzle disposed downstream of the inlet. 1. A heat exchanger apparatus , comprising:a shell extending over a flow length from an inlet at a upstream end to an outlet at a downstream end, and defining a first flowpath for a first fluid;a structure disposed within the shell defining a second flowpath for a second fluid;at least one secondary inlet in the shell disposed downstream from the upstream end; anda nozzle disposed downstream of the at least one secondary inlet.2. The apparatus of wherein the second flowpath is defined by a plurality of tubes.3. The apparatus of wherein the tubes are grouped into a plurality of bundles spaced along the flow length.4. The apparatus of wherein the shell has a characteristic dimension at the inlet claim 1 , and an aspect ratio of the flow length divided by the characteristic dimension is unity or greater.5. The apparatus of wherein the nozzle is defined by spaced-apart walls of the shell.6. The apparatus of further comprising a centerbody disposed between the walls upstream of a throat of the nozzle.7. The apparatus of wherein the nozzle is defined by one or more baffles disposed in the shell.8. The apparatus of wherein the baffles are perforated.9. The apparatus of further comprising an outer housing which surrounds the shell such that a bypass duct is defined between the shell and the outer housing.10. The apparatus of further comprising a flow control apparatus operable to selectively control flow through the nozzle.11. A heat exchanger apparatus for a gas turbine engine claim 1 , comprising:a shell extending over a flow length from an inlet at a upstream end to an ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020994A1
Принадлежит: Calsonic Kansei Corporation

An integrated cooling system comprises a first cooling circuit including a first heat exchanger that cools a first cooling medium by a core portion arranged between an inlet tank and an outlet tank; a second cooling circuit including a second heat exchanger installed in the outlet tank to cool a second cooling medium by the first cooling medium, a pressure of the second cooling medium of the second heat exchanger being higher than that of the first cooling medium, in which at a power position that can secure in the first cooling circuit a minimum necessary amount of the first cooling medium for functioning the first cooling circuit, there is provided a fragile portion that is broken when applied with a pressure equal to or larger than a predetermined level thereby to permit communication between the interior and the outside of the outlet tank. 1. An integrated cooling system characterized by having:a first cooling circuit including a first heat exchanger that cools a first cooling medium by a core portion arranged between an inlet tank and an outlet tank;a second cooling circuit including a second heat exchanger that is installed in either one of the inlet and outlet tanks to cool a second cooling medium by the first cooling medium, a pressure of the second cooling medium of the second heat exchanger being higher than that of the first cooling medium; anda communicating portion that is placed below the inlet tank or the outlet tank at a position that can secure in the first cooling circuit a minimum necessary amount of the first cooling medium, the communicating portion being able to permit a communication between an interior of either one of the inlet and outlet tanks and the outside of the same when an internal pressure of the communicating portion becomes to or larger than a predetermined pressure.2. An integrated cooling system as claimed in claim 1 , which is further characterized in that the communicating portion is a relief valve.3. An integrated cooling ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Device for continuous heating of fluids

Номер: US20180020868A1
Принадлежит: Gruppo Cimbali SpA

A device for continuous heating of fluids, using steam, includes a first tubular circuit, having one inlet and one outlet, in which to fluid or mixture of liquids with gases to be heated is circulated, and a second tubular circuit in which the heating steam is circulated. The first tubular circuit comprises a section that is helically wound around a section of the axial length of a hollow first cylindrical body, closed at both ends. The device further comprises a hollow second hollow cylindrical body in which said first cylindrical body and said helically wound section are coaxially housed. The second cylindrical body is closed at both ends and has radial passageways communicating between the cavity of said first cylindrical body and the cavity of said second cylindrical body. The first cylindrical body, second cylindrical body and radial passageways forming part of said second tubular circuit.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023318A1

A heat exchanger apparatus containing a heat exchanger and a thermally actuated bypass valve is described. The heat exchanger has a plurality of plates defining a first, a second and a bypass channels. A first fluid inlet manifold is in fluid communication with the first and the bypass channels. The bypass valve is positioned in the first fluid inlet manifold, and contains a sleeve having a first slot and a second slot, that permit fluid flow from a first fluid inlet to the bypass channel and to the first fluid inlet manifold, respectively. A drum is positioned within the sleeve and is movable from a first position to a second position. The drum has an aperture permitting first fluid flow to the first slot in the first position and to the second slot in the second position. An actuator engages the drum and actuates it to move from the first position to the second position. 1. A heat exchanger apparatus comprising: a plurality of plates defining a first fluid channel, a second fluid channel and a bypass channel;', 'first fluid inlet and outlet manifolds having first fluid inlet and outlet, respectively, the first fluid inlet and outlet manifolds being in fluid communication with the first fluid channel; and, the first fluid inlet manifold also being in fluid communication with the bypass channel; and, 'a heat exchanger, comprising'} a sleeve having a first slot and a second slot, the first slot permitting fluid flow from the first fluid inlet to the bypass channel, and the second slot permitting fluid flow from the first fluid inlet to the first fluid inlet manifold;', 'a drum positioned within the sleeve and slidably movable from a first position to a second position, the drum having a first aperture and one or more additional apertures, the first aperture in fluid communication with the first fluid inlet and the one or more additional apertures directing fluid to the first slot or the second slot in the first or second position; and', 'a thermal actuator engaging ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023231A1

A washer liquid supply system is disclosed which includes: a washer tank mounted on a vehicle to store washer liquid; a supply section mounted on the vehicle to supply the washer liquid in the washer tank to an object of the vehicle; a heat-retaining tank mounted on the vehicle and disposed between the washer tank and the supply section to temporarily store the washer liquid supplied from the washer tank to the supply section; a delivering section mounted on the vehicle to deliver the washer liquid stored in the washer tank to the supply section through the heat-retaining tank; and a control section that controls the delivering section, wherein the control section controls the delivering section to temporarily increase a delivering amount of the washer liquid at an initial time of supplying the washer liquid. 1. A washer liquid supply system , comprising:a washer tank mounted on a vehicle to store washer liquid;a supply section mounted on the vehicle to supply the washer liquid in the washer tank to an object of the vehicle;a heat-retaining tank mounted on the vehicle and disposed between the washer tank and the supply section to temporarily store the washer liquid supplied from the washer tank to the supply section;a delivering section mounted on the vehicle to deliver the washer liquid stored in the washer tank to the supply section through the heat-retaining tank; anda control section that controls the delivering section, wherein the control section controls the delivering section to temporarily increase a delivering amount of the washer liquid at an initial time of supplying the washer liquid.2. The washer liquid supply system according to claim 1 , wherein the heat-retaining tank includes a liquid-amount detecting section detecting a liquid amount of the washer liquid in the heat-retaining tank; and wherein the control section sets an increase amount of the delivering amount for temporarily increasing the liquid amount of the washer liquid in the heat-retaining ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023683A1

A system and method for managing transmission temperature includes a transmission housing enclosing transmission components for transmitting kinetic energy and transmission fluid, and a heat exchanger within the transmission housing. 1. A system for managing transmission fluid temperature comprising:a transmission housing enclosing transmission components for transmitting kinetic energy and transmission fluid; anda heat exchanger within the transmission housing.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an inlet of one of a pump within the transmission housing and a filter within the transmission housing claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger is positioned adjacent to the inlet.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the pump circulates the transmission fluid within the transmission housing.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein heat exchanging surfaces of the heat exchanger substantially surround the inlet such that substantially all of the flow of the transmission fluid contacts the heat exchanging surfaces before entering the inlet.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the heat exchanger comprises a stacked set of plates.6. The system of claim 2 , wherein the heat exchanger is configured to contact a substantial majority of a flow of transmission fluid into the inlet.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger is positioned within a transmission fluid sump within the transmission housing.8. The system of claim 1 , further comprising baffling to direct a flow of transmission fluid across a heat exchanging surface of the heat exchanger.9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the baffling is on the heat exchanging surface of the heat exchanger.10. The system of claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger comprises a tube assembly heat exchanger.11. A method for managing transmission fluid temperature comprising:providing a transmission housing enclosing transmission components for transmitting kinetic energy and transmission fluid; andproviding a heat exchanger within the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023906A1

A valve and a heat exchanger apparatus for a gas turbine engine include a valve body having a valve seat and an actuation component including a plate formed from a set of metal layers and responsive to a change in at least one of a thermal condition and a pressure exerted thereon such that the plate moves and the valve moves between an opened and a closed position where a portion of the plate engages with the valve seat. 1. A valve , comprising:a valve body having a valve seat; andan actuation component including a plate formed from a set of metal layers responsive to a change in at least one of a thermal condition or a pressure exerted thereon such that the valve moves between an opened and a closed position where the plate engages with the valve seat.2. The valve of wherein the plate is mounted to the valve body at a first end and a second end of the plate defines a free end.3. The valve of wherein the plate comprises an extension at its free end that is configured to engage with the valve seat of the valve body.4. The valve of wherein the plate is configured to move the extension to the closed position in response to a predetermined temperature exerted thereon.5. The valve of wherein the plate includes a monolithic composite metal sheet.6. The valve of wherein the plate includes a bi-metal strip comprising a layer of aluminum alloy and a layer of aluminum silicon carbide.7. The valve of wherein the coefficient of thermal expansion for the layer of aluminum silicon carbide ranges from 20 ppm/C to 7 ppm/C.8. The valve of wherein the valve is incorporated in a heat exchanger.9. The valve of wherein the heat exchanger is an air-cooled oil cooler for a turbine engine.10. The valve of wherein the plate comprises two fixed ends and a central extension configured to engage the valve seat of the valve body.11. The valve of wherein the plate further comprises a secondary temperature controlled portion that is configured to allow bi-modal flows.12. The valve of wherein the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042747A1
Автор: Bishop Simon
Принадлежит: BAE SYSTEMS plc

The present invention provides a vehicle () comprising: a body () having a skin; a heat source (); and a thermal management system. The thermal management system comprises: a heat pipe () comprising: an evaporator end (close to ) and a condenser end (close to heat exchanger ); a vapour arranged to flow from the evaporator end to the condenser end; and a working fluid arranged to flow from the condenser end to the evaporator end, wherein the heat pipe () is arranged such that the evaporator end is arranged in proximity to the heat source to absorb heat from the heat source; and one or more heat exchangers arranged in proximity to the condenser end and integrated with the skin. The present invention also provides a method of managing temperature in a vehicle. 1. A vehicle comprising:a body having a skin;a heat source; and a heat pipe comprising:', 'an evaporator end and a condenser end;', 'a vapour arranged to flow from the evaporator end to the condenser end; and', 'a working fluid arranged to flow from the condenser end to the evaporator end,', 'wherein the heat pipe is arranged such that the evaporator end is arranged in proximity to the heat source to absorb heat from the heat source; and', wherein the one or more heat exchangers each comprise one or more fins disposed in an opening in the body of the vehicle; and', 'wherein a portion of each of the one or more fins is/are arranged to substantially fill the opening and to match the contour of the adjacent skin surrounding the opening to form a portion of the skin, and wherein the condenser end of the heat pipe is arranged adjacent to each of the one or more fins., 'one or more heat exchangers arranged in proximity to the condenser end and integrated with the skin;'}], 'a thermal management system comprising2. The vehicle according to claim 1 , comprising:a first temperature sensor for measuring the temperature of the heat source;translation means for causing the heat pipe to translate from a first configuration to ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Heat dissipation device

Номер: US20140110090A1
Принадлежит: ASUSTeK Computer Inc

A heat dissipation device is provided. The heat dissipation device is applied to an electronic device with a first heat source and a second heat source. The heat dissipation device includes a housing, an impeller, a first heat conductive assembly, a second heat conductive assembly and an switch. The housing includes an accommodating space, a first outlet and a second outlet. The first outlet and the second outlet are connected to and through the accommodating space. The impeller is disposed in the accommodating space. The first heat conductive assembly is connected to the first outlet and the first heat source. The second heat conductive assembly is connected to the second outlet and the second heat source. The switch is disposed at the first outlet to open or dose the first outlet.

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140110097A1

Disclosed herein is a system for managing a battery including: a coolant pump to circulate a coolant through the system; a first cooling channel including a first shutoff valve to circulate the coolant through a radiator and a plurality of electrical devices, wherein the coolant is configured to heat and cool the battery when the battery is overcooled and overheated; a second cooling channel including a second shutoff valve connected in parallel with the first cooling channel, wherein the second cooling channel is configured to circulate the coolant through a thermoelectric device; and a controller configured to check a temperature of the battery, open and close the shutoff valves, and control the coolant pump to circulate the coolant through the electrical devices and the thermoelectric device when the battery is overcooled, and to circulate the coolant through the radiator and the thermoelectric device when the battery is overheated. 1. A system for managing a battery comprising:a coolant pump configured to circulate a coolant through the system;a first cooling channel including a first shutoff valve, configured to circulate the coolant through a radiator and a plurality of electrical devices, wherein the coolant heats and cools the battery when the batter is overcooled and overheated;a second cooling channel including a second shutoff value connected in parallel with the first cooling channel, wherein the second cooling channel is configured to circulate the coolant through a thermoelectric device; and check a temperature of the battery;', 'open and close the first and the second shutoff valve; and', 'control the coolant pump for circulation of the coolant through the plurality of electrical devices and the thermoelectric device when the battery is overcooled, and circulate the coolant through the radiator and the thermoelectric device when the battery is overheated., 'a controller configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024994A1
Автор: Sun Xi, Zha Shitong

According to one embodiment, a system includes a high side heat exchanger, a load, a compressor, and a horizontal oil separator. The high side heat exchanger is configured to remove heat from a refrigerant. The horizontal oil separator comprises a centrifugal chamber, an oil, a cut line, a filter, a collector, and an outlet. The centrifugal chamber is configured to receive the refrigerant from the compressor and rotate the refrigerant, wherein rotating the refrigerant separates an oil from the refrigerant. The cut line is configured to prevent the oil separated in the centrifugal chamber from combining with the refrigerant. The filter is configured to separate additional oil from the refrigerant. The collector is configured to collect the oil separated in the centrifugal chamber and the additional oil. The outlet is configured to discharge the refrigerant to the high side heat exchanger. 1. A system comprising:a high side heat exchanger configured to remove heat from a refrigerant;a load configured to use the refrigerant to remove heat from a first space proximate to the load;a compressor configured to compress the refrigerant from the first load; [ receive the refrigerant from the compressor; and', 'rotate the refrigerant, wherein rotating the refrigerant separates an oil from the refrigerant;, 'a centrifugal chamber configured to, 'a cut line configured to prevent the oil separated in the centrifugal chamber from combining with the refrigerant;', 'a filter configured to separate additional oil from the refrigerant;', 'a collector configured to collect the oil separated in the centrifugal chamber and the additional oil; and', 'an outlet configured to discharge the refrigerant to the high side heat exchanger., 'a horizontal oil separator comprising2. The system of claim 1 , the horizontal oil separator further comprising a second filter comprising a mesh claim 1 , wherein the filter comprises a plate.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the filter is between the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024995A1
Автор: Rauser Wolfgang

A supply circuit for a heat exchange medium for a consumer having an inflow line for the heat exchange medium and a return line for the heat exchange medium, the lines being connected to one another by way of a consumer heat exchanger. A pumping device for conveying the heat exchange medium through the supply circuit is a frequency-controlled pumping device having a conveying pump and a frequency converter which is assigned to the conveying pump. For an industrial plant, a primary circuit is connected to a supply circuit of this type as a secondary circuit. In either case, the supply circuit is operated selectively in one of two operating modes. In a first operating mode, the temperature of the heat exchange medium which enters into the consumer heat exchanger from the inflow line is set by way of an admixture control operation in which the temperature of the heat exchange medium which enters into the consumer heat exchanger from the inflow line is set by way of an actuation of the valve. In a second operating mode, the temperature of the heat exchange medium which enters into the consumer heat exchanger from the inflow line is set by a volumetric flow control operation, by the frequency converter of the pumping device being actuated. 1. A supply circuit for a heat exchange medium for a consumer comprising:a) an inflow line for a heat exchange medium and a return line for the heat exchange medium, the lines being connected to one another by way of a consumer heat exchanger;b) a pumping device for conveying the heat exchange medium through the supply circuit, whereinc) the pumping device is a frequency-controlled pumping device with a conveying pump and a frequency converter which is assigned to the conveying pump.2. The supply circuit according to claim 1 , whrein the inflow line and the return line are connected to one another by way of a circulation line in such a way that heat exchange medium can be guided out of the return line in the supply circuit into the ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027665A1
Автор: Cooke Kenneth

A temperature regulation device dispenses a fluid at a unique temperature. The device achieves the unique temperature by blending an ambient temperature of the fluid with a cooled temperature of the fluid to form a blended temperature of the fluid. The cooled temperature of the fluid is reached by passing a portion of the ambient temperature fluid through a cooling apparatus. The cooled fluid and the ambient fluid can then be blended through a series of valves and choke lines to form the desired blended temperature for the fluid. A plurality of individual fluids can simultaneously pass through the device and have different dispensing temperatures based on adjustments to the blend between ambient temperature fluid and cool temperature fluid. 1. A device comprising:an ambient fluid line configured to carry a fluid at an ambient temperature;a cooled fluid line configured to carry a portion of said fluid to a cooling apparatus, said cooling apparatus configured to cool said fluid to a cooled temperature,an ambient fluid valve configured to regulate flow of said fluid before said cooling apparatus;a cooled fluid valve configured to regulate flow of said fluid after said cooling apparatus,wherein said valves regulate flow of said fluid from said ambient fluid line and said cooled fluid line to blend into a fluid having a blended temperature; anda dispensing line configured to dispense said fluid at said blended temperature.2. The device of claim 1 , in which said fluid comprises a wine.3. The device of claim 2 , in which said device comprises a pump configured to force said fluid to flow.4. The device of claim 3 , in which said device comprises three ambient fluid lines.5. The device of claim 4 , in which said device comprises three cooled fluid lines.6. The device of claim 5 , in which said device comprises three dispensing lines.7. The device of claim 6 , in which said device comprises an ambient intake portion configured to receive said fluid at said ambient ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Heat exchanger and heat exchange device

Номер: US20150027666A1
Принадлежит: Yutaka Giken Co Ltd

A heat exchanger including a tubular core case, a pair of end plates for closing opposite ends of the core case, and a plurality of heat exchange tubes supported at opposite ends thereof by the end plates and allowing flow of a first heating medium inside thereof. One end plate is disposed on an upstream side of the first heating medium as an upstream end plate while the other end plates is disposed on a downstream side of the first heating medium as a downstream end plate. The downstream end plate comprises a downstream bottom surface part for supporting downstream end parts of the heat exchange tubes, and a downstream wall part formed integrally with and rising from a peripheral edge of the downstream bottom surface part, and a top end part of the downstream wall part is oriented toward upstream of the flow of the first heating medium.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Dampening Flow Variations and Pressurizing Carbon Dioxide

Номер: US20150027682A1
Автор: Guerra Peter D.
Принадлежит: Denbury Resources Inc.

An apparatus is provided for maintaining a steady flow rate and pressure of a carbon dioxide stream at high pressure when a low-pressure source of the carbon dioxide varies with time. Liquid level in an accumulator that is sized to accommodate variations in supply rate is controlled by sub-cooling of liquid entering the accumulator and heating in the accumulator, the sub-cooling and heating being controlled by a pressure controller operable in the accumulator. 1. Flow-connected apparatus for decreasing fluctuations in rate of flow of a stream of carbon dioxide from an intermittent or variable rate source of carbon dioxide , comprising:a heat exchanger;an accumulator connected to the heat exchanger;a heat source or sink for supplying heat flux in the heat exchanger and the accumulator, the heat source or sink controlled by a pressure controller responsive to pressure in the accumulator;upper and lower liquid level controls in the accumulator, determining an accumulator volume in the accumulator between the liquid level controls, the accumulator volume selected to accommodate predicted variations of output rate from the source;a conduit for carrying heated fluid, the conduit disposed between or below the liquid level controls in the accumulator, flow through the conduit being controlled by the pressure controller responsive to pressure in the accumulator; anda pump connected to the accumulator for pumping carbon dioxide.2. The apparatus of wherein the heat source or sink is a heat pump containing a refrigerant.3. The apparatus of wherein the heat source or sink is a heat source of sink provided by an outside process.4. The apparatus of further comprising a valve disposed between the source and the heat exchanger to control backflow.5. The apparatus of further comprising a mister system in the accumulator to increase thermal mixing of sub-cooled liquid and vapor.6. The apparatus of wherein the refrigerant is selected for carbon dioxide liquefaction at applicable ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025641A1

A leak-detectable liquid-heat-transmission device including a heat conductive plate, a cover covering on one surface of the heat conductive plate, and a channel structure disposed in the cover is provided. The channel structure is arranged on the heat conductive plate and the cover. A flow chamber and a leak detecting channel surrounding and isolated from the flow chamber is defined between the cover and the heat conductive plate by the channel structure. An inlet and an outlet respectively communicated with the flow chamber are defined on the cover, and a fluid sensor for detecting the working fluid leaking from the flow chamber is arranged in the leak detecting channel. 1. A leak-detectable liquid-heat-transmission device , comprising a heat conductive plate , a cover covering one of sides of the heat conductive plate , and a channel structure disposed in the cover , and the channel structure having a flow chamber formed and enclosed between the heat conductive plate and the cover , surrounding the flow chamber , and a leak detecting channel separated from the flow chamber , and the cover having an inlet and an outlet formed on the cover and communicated to the flow chamber , and the leak detecting channel having a fluid sensor installed therein.2. The leak-detectable liquid-heat-transmission device of claim 1 , wherein the channel structure comprises a plurality of fins arranged with an interval apart from one another and disposed inside the flow chamber and between the inlet and the outlet claim 1 , and each of the fins is extended longitudinally along a surface of the heat conductive plate claim 1 , and each of the fins is coupled to the heat conductive plate and the cover.3. The leak-detectable liquid-heat-transmission device of claim 2 , wherein each of the fins is formed and protruded from a surface of the heat conductive plate and transversely protruding to touch the cover.4. The leak-detectable liquid-heat-transmission device of claim 2 , wherein each of ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025288A1

Cooling sub-systems and methods of manufacturing cooling sub-systems are provided. For example, a cooling sub-system comprises a heat exchanger and a manifold that comprises a first sensor seat and a first valve seat, which are in fluid communication with a flow of a working fluid through the heat exchanger and the manifold. The heat exchanger and manifold are integrally formed as a single unit. In some embodiments, the manifold further comprises a second sensor seat, a second valve seat, and a plurality of internal passageways, which fluidly connects the first and second sensor seats and the first and second valve seats a working fluid inlet and a working fluid outlet for an ingress of working fluid into and out of the manifold. The cooling sub-system may be manufactured by one or more additive manufacturing methods. 1. A cooling sub-system , comprising:a heat exchanger; and a first sensor seat, and', 'a first valve seat,, 'a manifold comprising'}wherein the first sensor seat and the first valve seat are in fluid communication with a flow of a working fluid through the heat exchanger and the manifold, andwherein the heat exchanger and the manifold are integrally formed as a single unit.2. The cooling sub-system of claim 1 , wherein the manifold further comprises a working fluid inlet and a working fluid outlet.3. The cooling sub-system of claim 2 , wherein the manifold further comprises a working fluid filter seat.4. The cooling sub-system of claim 3 , wherein the manifold further comprises a second sensor seat.5. The cooling sub-system of claim 4 , wherein the manifold further comprises a first internal passageway for the working fluid to flow therethrough claim 4 , the first internal passageway extending from a working fluid inlet passageway that extends from the working fluid inlet to the second sensor seat.6. The cooling sub-system of claim 4 , wherein the manifold further comprises a second internal passageway for the working fluid to flow therethrough claim 4 ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030266A1

A thermal management system for a gas turbine engine and/or an aircraft is provided including a thermal transport bus having a heat exchange fluid flowing therethrough. The thermal management system also includes a plurality of heat source exchangers and at least one heat sink exchanger. The plurality of heat source exchangers and the at least one heat sink exchanger are in thermal communication with the heat exchange fluid in the thermal transport bus. The plurality of heat source exchangers are arranged along the thermal transport bus and configured to transfer heat from one or more accessory systems to the heat exchange fluid, and the at least one heat sink exchanger is located downstream of the plurality of heat source exchangers and configured to remove heat from the heat exchange fluid. 1. A thermal management system for incorporation at least partially into at least one of a gas turbine engine or an aircraft , the thermal management system comprising:a thermal transport bus having a heat exchange fluid flowing therethrough;a pump for generating a flow of the heat exchange fluid in the thermal transport bus;a plurality of heat source exchangers in thermal communication with the heat exchange fluid in the thermal transport bus, the plurality of heat source exchangers arranged along the thermal transport bus; andat least one heat sink exchanger permanently or selectively in thermal communication with the heat exchange fluid in the thermal transport bus at a location downstream of the plurality of heat source exchangers.2. The thermal management system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of heat source exchangers are configured to transfer heat from an accessory system of the gas turbine engine to the heat exchange fluid in the thermal transport bus claim 1 , and wherein the at least one heat sink exchanger is configured to remove heat from the heat exchange fluid in the thermal transport bus.3. The thermal management system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030456A1

A heat exchange device is provided according to the present application, which includes a heat exchanger, a mounting plate, and a connecting block. The heat exchanger includes several first plates, several second plates, and an end plate and a bottom plate located at two sides of the heat exchanger. Each of the first plates and an adjacent second plate form a first flow passage or a second flow passage, the mounting plate and the end plate are fixedly mounted, and the connecting block is fixedly mounted to the bottom plate. A passage running through the heat exchanger and not in communication with the first flow passage and the second flow passage is formed in the heat exchanger, the passage has one end in communication with a communicating hole of the mounting plate, and another end in communication with a connecting channel of the connecting block. 1. A heat exchange device , comprising:a heat exchanger,a mounting plate, anda connecting block,wherein the mounting plate and the connecting block are located at two sides, opposite to each other, of the heat exchanger, the heat exchanger comprises a plurality of first plates, a plurality of second plates, and an end plate and a bottom plate located at the two sides of the heat exchanger,wherein each of the first plates and an adjacent second plate form a first flow passage or a second flow passage, the first flow passage and the second flow passage are isolated from each other, the heat exchanger comprises a heat exchange core, the heat exchange core comprises the bottom plate, the end plate, the first plates and the second plates which are fixedly mounted, the mounting plate and the end plate are fixedly mounted, the connecting block and the bottom plate are fixedly mounted, the mounting plate comprises at least one communicating hole, the connecting block comprises a first connecting channel and a second connecting channel, and the first connecting channel is in communication with the first flow passage, andthe heat ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033214A1
Автор: KIM Hyun

Disclosed are a universal controlling method and a system for a flow rate of cooling water and an active air flap. The universal controlling method for a flow rate of cooling water and an active air flap includes: adjusting, by a controller, a temperature of the cooling water based on a predetermined flow rate mode; and selectively opening, by the controller, the active air flap based on the predetermined flow rate mode. 1. A universal controlling method for a flow rate of cooling water and an active air flap , comprising:adjusting, by a controller, a temperature of the cooling water based on a predetermined flow rate mode; andselectively opening, by the controller, the active air flap based on the predetermined flow rate mode.2. The universal controlling method of claim 1 , wherein in the cooling water temperature adjustment claim 1 , the active air flap is closed while the temperature of the cooling water is increased.3. The universal controlling method of claim 1 , wherein in the cooling water temperature adjustment claim 1 , the active air flap is opened while the temperature of the cooling water is reduced.4. The universal controlling method of claim 2 , wherein during an initial start of an engine claim 2 , a flow of the cooling water is stopped and the active air flap is closed.5. The universal controlling method of claim 2 , wherein during a warm-up time of an engine claim 2 , a required amount of the cooling water is supplied to an oil warmer or a heater and the active air flap is closed.6. The universal controlling method of claim 3 , wherein when the temperature of the cooling water is a predetermined reference value or greater claim 3 , an amount of cooling water to be moved to a radiator is maximally increased claim 3 , and the active air flap is opened.7. A universal controlling system for a flow rate of cooling water and an active air flap claim 3 , comprising:a flow rate controller configured to determining whether to increase a temperature of the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031110A1

An irrigation system having mobile towers interconnected by spans, a plurality of fluid conduits supported on or formed through the spans and connectable to a source of water, and a drive system for actuating movement or travel of the spans or towers. The fluid conduits may include orifices or sprinkler heads for dispersing water onto a field. The drive system may include a gearbox with gears and lubricant therein. The irrigation system may also include heat exchanger conduits fluidly coupled at one or both ends with the fluid conduits and extending through one or more of the gearboxes, such that irrigation fluid flowing through the heat exchanger conduit from the fluid conduits cools the temperature of the lubricant therein, thus cooling components of the drive system. The irrigation system may also include thermostat-controlled valves for allowing water into the heat exchanger conduits once a threshold temperature is reached. 1. An irrigation system comprising:a plurality of fluid conduits moveable across a field and connectable to a source of irrigation fluid, wherein the fluid conduits have one or more orifices formed therethough for dispersing of the irrigation fluid therefrom;a drive system for actuating movement of one or more of the fluid conduits, the drive system including at least one chamber operable to hold oil, lubricant, or hydraulic fluid therein; andat least one heat exchanger conduit fluidly coupled at one or both ends with at least one of the fluid conduits and extending through the at least one chamber, such that at least a portion of the irrigation fluid flows through the heat exchanger conduit from the fluid conduits to cool the oil, lubricant, or hydraulic fluid therein, thus cooling one or more components of the drive system with the irrigation fluid.2. The irrigation system of claim 1 , wherein the drive system comprises a plurality of gears and the at least one chamber is a gearbox substantially surrounding the plurality of gears and having ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031111A1
Автор: Mehravaran Meisam

A system for bypass control within a transmission oil cooler of U-flow design in a motor vehicle is disclosed. In particular, the system provides for a thermostat configured to selectively bypass transmission fluid directly from an inlet tank to an outlet tank of the transmission oil cooler in response to a temperature difference within the tanks relative a predefined threshold. The thermostat includes a thermal-sensitive element, such as a bimetal strip, that has one end bendable at a predetermined rate in a predetermined direction in response to a temperature difference between the inlet and outlet tanks of the transmission oil cooler. 1. A transmission cooler , comprising:an inlet tank adjacent an outlet tank and separated by a baffle defining a bypass channel for fluid flow therethrough; anda thermostat disposed within the bypass channel and configured to bypass fluid through the bypass channel in response to a temperature difference between the inlet tank and the outlet tank exceeding a predefined threshold.2. The transmission cooler of claim 1 , wherein the thermostat is further configured to inhibit fluid flow through the bypass channel in response to the temperature difference between the inlet tank and the outlet tank being below the predefined threshold.3. The transmission cooler of claim 1 , wherein the thermostat includes a bimetal element having a first end secured to a frame and a second end bendable at a predetermined rate in one direction in response to a temperature difference between the tanks to open and close the bypass channel.4. The transmission cooler of claim 3 , wherein a protrusion extends outwardly from the frame towards the second end of the bimetal element in such a manner as to reduce leakage of fluid between the tanks.5. The transmission cooler of claim 3 , wherein the bimetal element is a bimetal strip having a first metal on a first side of the bimetal strip and a second metal on a second side of the bimetal strip claim 3 , wherein ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031338A1
Автор: HARRINGTON Jeffrey K.

A reactor liquid cool down method is provided. The method includes obtaining a warm recycle stream () from a reactor () and compressing the warm recycle stream (), thereby producing a compressed warm recycle stream (); cooling a compressed warm recycle stream () with a controlled liquid cryogen stream () in a heat exchanger (), thereby producing a cool recycle stream (), wherein the cool recycle stream has a mean fluid temperature, monitoring the mean fluid temperature and comparing the mean fluid temperature to a predetermined control valve set point, thereby defining a temperature deviation; modulating a temperature control valve () to vary the controlled liquid cryogen stream () in order to produce a temperature deviation that is less than a predetermined value, and returning the cool recycle stream () to the reactor (). 1. A reactor liquid cool down method , comprising:obtaining a warm recycle stream from a reactor and compressing the warm recycle stream, thereby producing a compressed warm recycle stream,cooling the compressed warm recycle stream with a controlled liquid cryogen stream in a heat exchanger, thereby producing a cool recycle stream, wherein the cool recycle stream has a mean fluid temperature,monitoring the mean fluid temperature and comparing the mean fluid temperature to a predetermined control valve set point, thereby defining a temperature deviation,modulating a temperature control valve to vary the controlled liquid cryogen stream in order to produce a temperature deviation that is less than a predetermined value, andreturning the cool recycle stream to the reactor.3. The reactor liquid cool down method of claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger is stainless steel.4. The reactor liquid cool down method of claim 1 , wherein the mean fluid temperature is monitored by temperature indicators.5. The reactor liquid cool down method of claim 4 , further comprising at least three temperature indicators claim 4 , wherein a two out of three voting ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031340A1
Автор: Wilson Stephen C.

A heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system includes a furnace having a primary heat exchanger and a secondary heat exchanger, where the primary heat exchanger and the secondary heat exchanger form a heat exchange relationship between an airflow and an exhaust gas, and where the primary heat exchanger is positioned upstream of the secondary heat exchanger, a burner configured to generate the exhaust gas, a sensor configured to monitor an ambient temperature, and a control system configured to receive feedback from the sensor, compare the feedback to a threshold, operate the furnace in a first mode when the ambient temperature exceeds the threshold, and operate the furnace in a second mode when the ambient temperature is at or below the threshold, where the furnace operates above a condensation temperature when in the second mode, such that the exhaust gas does not condense when operating in the second mode. 1. A heating , ventilating , and air conditioning (HVAC) system , comprising:a furnace comprising a primary heat exchanger and a secondary heat exchanger, wherein the primary heat exchanger and the secondary heat exchanger are configured to form a heat exchange relationship between an airflow through the furnace and an exhaust gas flowing through the primary heat exchanger and the secondary heat exchanger, and wherein the primary heat exchanger is positioned upstream of the secondary heat exchanger with respect to a flow of the exhaust gas;a burner of the furnace configured to generate the exhaust gas and direct the exhaust gas to the primary heat exchanger;a sensor configured to monitor an ambient temperature; anda control system configured to receive feedback from the sensor indicative of the ambient temperature, compare the feedback indicative of the ambient temperature to a temperature threshold, operate the furnace in a first operating mode when the ambient temperature exceeds the temperature threshold, and operate the furnace in a second ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116648A1
Автор: CHO Wan Je, Kim Jae Yeon

A heat exchanger for a vehicle includes a heat radiating portion provided with first and second connecting lines formed by alternately stacking a plurality of plates and first and second operating fluids heat-exchanging with each other while passing through the first and second connecting lines; a bifurcating portion connecting an inflow hole for flowing one of the operating fluids with an exhaust hole for exhausting the one operating fluid, and adapted for the one operating fluid to bypass the heat radiating portion according to a temperature of the one operating fluid; and a valve unit mounted at the inflow hole forming the bifurcating portion and adapted to flow the operating fluid selectively to the heat radiating portion or the bifurcating portion according to a temperature of the one operating fluid flowing into the inflow hole. 1. A heat exchanger for a vehicle , comprising:a heat radiating portion provided with a first connecting line and a second line formed alternately by stacking a plurality of plates, and receiving first and second operating fluids into the first and second connecting lines, respectively, the first and second operating fluids heat-exchanging with each other while passing through the first and second connecting lines, wherein the first and second operating fluids supplied to the first and second connecting lines, respectively, are not mixed with each other while circulated;a bifurcating portion connecting an inflow hole for flowing one operating fluid of the first and second operating fluids with an exhaust hole for exhausting the one operating fluid, and adapted for the one operating fluid to bypass the heat radiating portion according to a temperature of the one operating fluid; anda valve unit mounted at the inflow hole forming the bifurcating portion and adapted to flow the operating fluid selectively to the heat radiating portion or the bifurcating portion according to a temperature of the one operating fluid flowing into the inflow ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030743A1

A counter-current cross-flow heat exchanger for heating a first gas and cooling a second gas, includes modules in fluid communication with one another, each module being positioned on a plane, the planes mutually overlapping. Conduits allow entry and exit of the first and second gases into and out of the exchanger. Each module has heat exchange plates, with heating and cooling faces. The plates are orthogonal to the module plane and parallel to define alternating heating and cooling spaces. The first gas crosses each heating space with a direction substantially parallel to the plane of each module and the second gas crosses each cooling space with a direction substantially orthogonal to the plane of each module. The cooling spaces between adjacent modules are in direct fluid communication. The heating spaces between adjacent modules are in fluid communication with one another by conduits/conveyors, creating a serpentine path. 1. A counter-current cross-flow heat exchanger for heating a first gas represented by SOand cooling a second gas represented by SO , comprising a plurality of modules in fluid communication with one another , each module being positioned on a plane , said planes being mutually overlapping , further comprising conduits for the entry of said first gas , conduits for entry of said second gas and conduits for exit of said first gas and conduits for exit of said second gas into and out of the exchanger , each module comprising a plurality of heat exchange plates , each plate having a heating face and a cooling face , said plates being positioned orthogonal to the plane of each module and parallel to one another to define heating spaces between said heating faces , and cooling spaces between said cooling faces , said heating spaces and cooling spaces alternating relative to one another , wherein said first gas crosses the exchanger from a lower module to an upper module crossing each heating space with a direction substantially parallel to the plane ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Heat exchange apparatus

Номер: US20220049859A1
Принадлежит: Carrier Corp

The present application provides a heat exchange device, which includes: a fluid passage; and two or more heat exchangers, each heat exchanger having a thermal connection with the fluid passage and having an input pipeline and an output pipeline respectively, wherein each input pipeline and each output pipeline are configured to be selectively communicated and closed, and wherein each input pipeline is connected to all other input pipelines through input branch pipe(s), and each output pipeline is connected to all other output pipelines through output branch pipe(s); each input branch pipe and each output branch pipe are configured to be selectively communicated and closed. The heat exchange device of the present application has the advantages such as simple in structure, easy for manufacturing, and convenience in use. The efficiency of heat exchange can be effectively improved, and additional operating modes are provided, thereby improving the user experience.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049911A1

A method of regulating a temperature associated with a heat exchanger assembly of a turbine engine, the method includes, in a single cycle: measuring the temperature of an air stream at the outlet from a heat exchanger; receiving a setpoint temperature for the air stream at the outlet from the heat exchanger; estimating a theoretical temperature for the air stream at the outlet from the heat exchanger as a function of an estimate of the shutter position of a controlled valve bleeding off a cooling air stream for the heat exchanger; determining a correction current from the difference between the measured temperature and the theoretical temperature; and determining a control current for the shutter from the difference between the measured temperature and the setpoint temperature and the correction current determined during the preceding cycle, the shutter position being determined from the control and correction currents determined during the preceding cycle. 1. A regulator system for regulating a temperature associated with a heat exchanger assembly of a turbine engine , the regulator system including a controlled valve , a heat exchanger having connected thereto as input a first pipe bleeding off a first air stream under pressure downstream from a compression stage of the turbine engine , and a second pipe bleeding off via the controlled valve a second air stream formed by air bled off downstream from a fan of the turbine engine , the temperature of the second air stream at the inlet to the heat exchanger being less than the temperature of the first air stream at the inlet to the heat exchanger , the heat exchanger being suitable for lowering the temperature of the first air stream at the outlet from the heat exchanger by exchanging heat with the second air stream , and said valve including a shutter of position that can be controlled electrically by a control unit to vary the flow rate of an air stream passing through said heat exchanger assembly in order to ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033011A1
Автор: WEI Wenjian, Zhang Zhifeng

A heat-exchanging plate (), and plate heat exchanger () using same. The heat-exchanging plate () comprises concave locations () and/or convex locations (). In at least one partial region of the heat-exchanging plate (), a transitional curved surface between at least two adjacent concave location () and/or convex location () is configured to be controllable. 1. A heat exchange plate , comprising depressions and/or protrusions , wherein a transitional curved surface between at least two adjacent depressions and/or protrusions on an at least partial region of the heat exchange plate is configured to be restricted.2. The heat exchange plate as claimed in claim 1 , whereinflow paths on two adjacent sides of an at least partial region of the heat exchange plate have different minimum flow cross section profiles and/or areas.3. The heat exchange plate as claimed in claim 1 , whereinat least one of pressure drop, heat exchange performance and volume of an entire plate heat exchanger is/are adjusted by means of at least one of the following parameters of an at least partial region of the heat exchange plate:Ta: edge spacing between two adjacent protrusions or shortest distance between two adjacent protrusions on the heat exchange plate;Tb: edge spacing between two adjacent depressions or shortest distance between two adjacent depressions, wherein a distance connecting line of said Tb and a distance connecting line of said Ta intersect with each other in space;Ha: perpendicular distance between the highest point of the heat exchange plate and the lowest point of an upper surface of a depressed transitional curved line connected across Ta;Hb: perpendicular distance between the lowest point of the heat exchange plate and the highest point of a lower surface of a protruding transitional curved line connected across Tb;Wa: distance between two ends of the curved line corresponding to Ha;Wb: distance between two ends of the curved line corresponding to Hb;e: perpendicular distance ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Heat exchanging device

Номер: US20170037954A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A heat exchanging device includes: a heat exchanger configured to perform heat exchange between first operating oil used in an engine and second operating oil used in a fluid transmitting device and an automatic transmission; and a heat exchanging amount decreasing unit configured to, when a temperature of the second operating oil is lower than a predetermined temperature at which it is allowed to engage a lock-up mechanism, decrease a flow amount of at least one of the first and second operating oil flowing in the heat exchanger as compared to a case in which the temperature of the second operating oil is not lower than the predetermined temperature.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038657A1
Автор: Pal Debabrata

An electronics cooling system for an aircraft includes a heat exchanger comprising a coolant circuit, an air circuit, and a fuel circuit such that each of the circuits is in thermal communication with at least one of the other circuits. The coolant circuit is in thermal communication with one or more aircraft electronics. The air circuit is in fluid communication with at least one air source. The fuel circuit is in fluid communication with a fuel tank between the fuel tank and an engine of the aircraft. 1. An electronics cooling system for an aircraft , comprising:a heat exchanger comprising a coolant circuit, an air circuit, and a fuel circuit such that each of the circuits is in thermal communication with at least one of the other circuits,wherein the coolant circuit is in thermal communication with one or more aircraft electronics,wherein the air circuit is in fluid communication with at least one air source,wherein the fuel circuit is in fluid communication with a fuel tank between the fuel tank and an engine of the aircraft.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the air circuit and the fuel circuit are in direct thermal communication with the coolant circuit within the heat exchanger.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the coolant circuit includes a coolant.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the coolant includes propylene glycol.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one air source includes at least one of a cabin exhaust port and/or a ram air inlet.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the air circuit is in fluid communication with both a cabin exhaust port and a ram air inlet.7. The system of claim 5 , further comprising at least one air valve disposed between the at least one air source and the heat exchanger to selectively permit airflow from the at least one air source.8. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a fan disposed between the cabin exhaust port and the heat exchanger to facilitate airflow from the cabin exhaust port to the heat exchanger.9. ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Systems, assemblies, and methods of reducing head loss in heating devices

Номер: US20220056719A1
Автор: Bruce William Maskell

Low head loss systems are detailed. The systems may include chambers having low impedance to water flow therethrough and repositionable gates or other valves within the chambers. The valves may direct water as a function of whether an associated heating device is active. At least some gates may incorporate poppet valves or other high-flow by-passes.

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Three-way modulating valve for temperature control

Номер: US20190041145A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A temperature sensor for a first fluid senses a temperature of the first fluid downstream of a heat exchanger. A supply for a second fluid changes a temperature of the first fluid. The supply for the second fluid passes through the heat exchanger. A valve is positioned upstream of the said heat exchanger on the supply for the second fluid, and controls a flow rate of the second fluid diverted into a bypass line compared to a flow rate of the second fluid directed through the heat exchanger, with the three-way valve controlled by a control in response to feedback from said temperature sensor. The valve changes the respective flow rates delivered into the bypass line and through the said heat exchanger in a non-linear manner with a change in valve position. A manned spaceship is also disclosed.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041219A1

A method and assembly for conveying heat from a heat exchanger having a housing defining a fluid pathway including at least one fluid passageway leading from an inlet port of the heat exchanger to an outlet port of the heat exchanger, the housing have a first side and a second side, opposite the first side where the housing includes at least one aperture extending through the housing from the first side to the second side and where the aperture is fluidly separate from the fluid pathway and heat from liquid flowing through the fluid pathway is transferred via at least one of conduction or convection to the housing. 1. Avionics control assembly , comprising:an engine control device having an avionics housing defining an exterior and an interior, with at least one connector extending from the exterior of the avionics housing and at least one sensor located within the interior; anda heat exchanger having a heat exchanger housing defining a fluid pathway including at least one fluid passageway leading from an inlet port of the heat exchanger to an outlet port of the heat exchanger, the heat exchanger housing have a first side and a second side, opposite the first side where the heat exchanger housing includes at least one aperture extending through the heat exchanger housing from the first side to the second side and where the aperture is fluidly separate from the fluid pathway, where the heat exchanger is operably coupled to the exterior of the avionics housing with the at least one connector located within the aperture and heat from liquid flowing through the fluid pathway is transferred via at least one of conduction or convection to the avionics housing.2. The avionics control assembly of wherein at least a portion of the heat exchanger is spaced from the exterior of the avionics housing and the heat is transferred via both conduction and convection to the avionics housing.3. The avionics control assembly of claim 2 , further comprising a backing plate mounted to ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Heated bypass valve for heat exchanger

Номер: US20150048617A1
Автор: Leo J. Veilleux, Jr.
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A heat exchanger bypass system comprises a liquid circuit, a first fluid circuit, a second fluid circuit, a first heat exchanger, a second heat exchanger, a liquid bypass line and a heated bypass valve. The first heat exchanger thermally couples the first fluid circuit to the liquid circuit. The second heat exchanger thermally couples the second fluid circuit to the liquid circuit. The liquid bypass line circumvents the first heat exchanger. The heated bypass valve controls flow through the liquid bypass line.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Thermal management system and method for a vehicle

Номер: US20180045100A1
Принадлежит: Engineered Machined Products Inc

A thermal management system and method for a vehicle includes a cooling system having a variable cooling capacity and which is connectable to a heat-producing system of the vehicle. A control system is configured to increase the cooling capacity of the cooling system to a first predetermined level in response to the at least one input indicating an increase in the future heat load of the heat-producing system when a temperature of the cooling system is at least a predetermined temperature and the cooling system is operating below the first predetermined level. The control system is also configured to inhibit increasing the cooling capacity of the cooling system to the first predetermined level in response to the at least one input indicating an increase in the future heat load of the heat-producing system when the temperature of the cooling system is less than the predetermined temperature.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045464A1

An apparatus () for adjusting the heat exchange, comprising shielding means () intended to be arranged facing at least one portion of a heat exchanger (), and provided with at least one screen () movable between a position of maximum covering (C) of the heat exchanger () and an exposure position, in which the heat exchanger () is left at least partially uncovered by the screen (). 1110210112211. An apparatus () for adjusting the heat exchange , comprising shielding means () intended to be arranged facing at least one portion of a heat exchanger () , said shielding means () being provided with at least one screen () movable between a position of maximum covering (C) of the heat exchanger () and at least an exposure position , in which the heat exchanger () is left at least partially uncovered by the screen ().21112. An apparatus () according to claim 1 , wherein said screen () is movable in a plurality of exposure positions claim 1 , in each of which it covers the heat exchanger () for a predetermined extension.3111. An apparatus () according to claim 1 , wherein said screen () is rotatable about an axis of rotation (A).41511. An apparatus () according to claim 1 , comprising activating means () able to automatically move said screen ().5110112. An apparatus () according to claim 1 , wherein said shielding means () comprises a plurality of screens () mutually arranged in such a way that claim 1 , in the position of maximum covering (C) thereof claim 1 , they completely cover the above mentioned portion of the heat exchanger ().6111. An apparatus () according to claim 5 , wherein claim 5 , in their position of maximum covering (C) claim 5 , the screens () are substantially coplanar.7110112111111. An apparatus () according to claim 3 , wherein said shielding means () comprises a plurality of screens () mutually arranged in such a way that claim 3 , in the position of maximum covering (C) thereof claim 3 , they completely cover the above mentioned portion of the heat ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124189A1

A coolant-conditioning unit is provided which includes a facility coolant path, having a facility coolant flow control valve, and a system coolant path accommodating a system coolant, and having a bypass line with a system coolant bypass valve. A heat exchanger is coupled to the facility and system coolant paths to facilitate transfer of heat from the system coolant to facility coolant in the facility coolant path, and the bypass line is disposed in the system coolant path in parallel with the heat exchanger. A controller automatically controls a regulation position of the coolant bypass valve and a regulation position of the facility coolant flow control valve based on a temperature of the system coolant, and automatically adjusts the regulation position of the system coolant bypass valve to facilitate maintaining the facility coolant flow control valve at or above a specified, partially open, minimum regulation position. 1. A coolant-conditioning unit comprising:a facility coolant path comprising a facility coolant flow control valve;a system coolant path comprising a system coolant, and a bypass line with a system coolant bypass valve, the system coolant facilitating cooling of at least one electronic component;a heat exchanger coupled to the facility coolant path and to the system coolant path, the heat exchanger facilitating transfer of heat from the system coolant of the system coolant path to facility coolant within the facility coolant path, wherein the bypass line is disposed in the system coolant path in parallel with the heat exchanger; anda controller to automatically control a regulation position of the system coolant bypass valve and a regulation position of the facility coolant flow control valve based, at least in part, on a temperature of the system coolant, and wherein the controller, in part, automatically adjusts the regulation position of the system coolant bypass valve to facilitate maintaining the facility coolant flow control valve at or ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049187A1

A heat exchanger includes a plate with an external surface, a channel, and a nozzle. The external surface bounds an interior of the plate. The channel is disposed in the heat exchanger and passes through a portion of the interior. The nozzle is integrally disposed in the heat exchanger, extends through a portion of the external surface, and is fluidly connected to the channel. The nozzle is configured to transport a liquid from the channel, through the external surface, and to distribute the liquid onto a portion of the heat exchanger. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a plate with an external surface, wherein the external surface bounds an interior of the plate;a channel disposed in the heat exchanger, wherein the channel passes through a portion of the interior of the plate; anda nozzle integrally disposed in the heat exchanger, wherein the nozzle extends through a portion of the external surface and is fluidly connected to the channel, wherein the nozzle is configured to transport a liquid from the channel, through the external surface, and to distribute the liquid onto a portion of the heat exchanger.2. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger is designed for and built by a layer-by-layer additive manufacturing process.3. The heat exchanger of claim 2 , wherein the heat exchanger is formed with an additive manufacturing process comprising direct metal laser sintering claim 2 , selective metal laser sintering claim 2 , injection molding claim 2 , or stereolithography.4. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , further comprising a valve disposed in the channel.5. The heat exchanger of claim 4 , wherein the valve comprises a passive valve claim 4 , and wherein the valve is configured to control the flow rate of the liquid.6. The heat exchanger of claim 5 , wherein the valve comprises at least one of a fixed-geometry passive check valve claim 5 , a pulsating valve claim 5 , and a bi-stable valve.7. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein the channel is ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049416A1
Автор: Pal Debabrata

An electronics cooling system for an aircraft includes a heat exchanger comprising a coolant circuit, an air circuit, and a fuel circuit such that each of the circuits is in thermal communication with at least one of the other circuits. The coolant circuit is in thermal communication with one or more aircraft electronics. The air circuit is in fluid communication with at least one air source. The fuel circuit is in fluid communication with a fuel tank between the fuel tank and an engine of the aircraft. 1. A method for cooling electronics on an aircraft , comprising:controlling at least one air valve disposed between at least one air source and a heat exchanger to be closed during ground operations, taxi, take off, and climb, and to be open during cruise, descent and landing; andcontrolling a fuel valve disposed between a fuel tank and the heat exchanger to be open during ground operations, taxi, take off, and climb, and to be closed during cruise, descent, and landing.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein controlling the at least one air valve includes controlling the at least one air valve to allow only ram air to flow to the heat exchanger during cruise.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein controlling the at least one air valve includes controlling the at least one air valve to allow only cabin exhaust air to flow to the heat exchanger during descent and landing. This application is a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/229,569 filed on Aug. 5, 2016, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The present disclosure relates to cooling systems, more specifically to aircraft electronics thermal regulation systems.High power motor controllers and power conversion devices are either cooled by air flow or liquid cooling. Liquid is cooled by a ram air heat exchanger. A ram fan is used for heat rejection on ground. Existing ram air fans can have poor reliability due to foreign object damage and insufficient motor cooling issues. In ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049435A1

A recirculating cooling system includes a coolant sampling line, a deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) microfluidic separation device, a monitoring device, and an alert generation device. The coolant sampling line is in fluid communication with a recirculating coolant line, and the DLD microfluidic separation device receives a coolant sample diverted into the coolant sampling loop from the recirculating coolant line via the coolant sampling line. The DLD microfluidic separation device includes a separation array for separating bacteria into an output channel according to a size threshold. The monitoring device monitors a characteristic property of the coolant sampling loop for comparison to a threshold for bacterial growth in the recirculating cooling system. The alert generation device generates an alert to remediate the bacterial growth in the recirculating cooling system responsive to the characteristic property of the coolant sampling loop satisfying the threshold. 1. A recirculating cooling system comprising:a coolant sampling line in fluid communication with a recirculating coolant line;a deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) microfluidic separation device to receive a coolant sample diverted into a coolant sampling loop from the recirculating coolant line via the coolant sampling line, the DLD microfluidic separation device including a separation array for separating bacteria into an output channel according to a size threshold;a monitoring device to monitor a characteristic property of the coolant sampling loop for comparison to a threshold for bacterial growth in the recirculating cooling system; andan alert generation device to generate an alert to remediate the bacterial growth in the recirculating cooling system responsive to the characteristic property of the coolant sampling loop satisfying the threshold.2. The recirculating cooling system of claim 1 , wherein the monitoring device includes an imaging device to collect image data at the output ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Method and systems for an exhaust gas recirculation cooler including two sections

Номер: US20180051660A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Various methods and systems are provided for an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) EGR cooler for an engine system. In one example, the EGR cooler includes a first section with a first group of tubes adapted to flow exhaust gases, and also includes a first group of passages formed by exterior surfaces of the first group of tubes and adapted to flow coolant from a coolant source. The EGR cooler also includes a second section including a second group of tubes adapted to flow coolant from the coolant source, and a second group of passages formed by exterior surfaces of the second group of tubes and adapted to flow the exhaust gas from the first group of tubes.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051644A1
Автор: LAGERLOF Fredrik

A fluid control valve includes a cylindrical housing with at least one opening through a housing wall, a cylindrical main valve axially movably arranged inside the housing for controlling a fluid flow through the at least one opening and a main valve spring member acting on the main valve. The main valve includes a base wall defining a fluid control volume and fluid main volume in the cylindrical housing. The base wall includes an opening for fluidly connecting the fluid control volume with the fluid main volume. The fluid control valve further includes a pilot valve positioned at the base wall opening, which pilot valve is moveably arranged for controlling a fluid flow through the base wall opening, and an electro-mechanical actuator configured to act on the pilot valve for controlling the main valve via the pilot valve. A method for adjusting the axial position of a cylindrical main valve of a fluid control valve is also provided. 1. A fluid control valve comprising a cylindrical housing with at least one opening through a housing wall , a cylindrical main valve axially movably arranged inside the housing for controlling a fluid flow through the at least one opening and a main valve spring member acting on the main valve , wherein the main valve comprises a base wall defining a fluid control volume and fluid main volume in the cylindrical housing , that the base wall comprises an opening for fluidly connecting the fluid control volume with the fluid main volume , that the fluid control valve further comprises:a pilot valve positioned at the base wall opening, which pilot valve is moveably arranged for controlling a fluid flow through the base wall opening; andan electro-mechanical actuator configured to act on the pilot valve for controlling the main valve via the pilot valve.2. The fluid control valve according to claim 1 , wherein the cylindrical housing comprises a fluid drain outlet for draining fluid from the control volume.3. The fluid control valve ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051945A1
Автор: HANOV Nail, NICKS Eric L.

A computer-implemented method, environmental control system (ECS) for an aircraft, and system are provided. Air temperatures at the inlet and outlet of a ram air duct for an ECS are measured. Also, air temperatures at outlets from one or more heat exchangers arranged in the ram air duct are measured. The temperatures are typically measured when the aircraft is on the ground and when aircraft engines supplying air to the ECS are operating at idle. Shortly thereafter, the heat exchangers are manually inspected to determine a level of actual fouling (e.g., dirt, dust, or other debris accumulated on heat exchanger surfaces). A supervised machine learning or other statistical analysis is performed on the measured temperatures and associated actual fouling levels to develop a model that predicts an amount of heat exchanger fouling, based on the temperature measurements. An alert can be output if the predicted fouling exceeds a fouling threshold. 1. A computer-implemented method of detecting fouling of a heat exchanger system in a vehicle , comprising:receiving a first temperature measurement from an upstream end of an air duct supplying air to a heat exchanger and a second temperature measurement from a downstream end of the air duct;receiving a third temperature measurement of air exiting a first heat exchanger;receiving a fourth temperature measurement of air exiting a second heat exchanger, wherein the second heat exchanger is in serial fluid communication with and downstream of the first heat exchanger;calculating a first heat exchanger fouling indication and a second heat exchanger fouling indication, based on a heat exchanger fouling model; andoutputting a first alert upon at least one of the first heat exchanger fouling indication and the second heat exchanger fouling indication exceeding a heat exchanger fouling threshold.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising generating the heat exchanger fouling model claim 1 , wherein generating the ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051946A1
Автор: SR. Craig T., Stambaugh

A heat exchanger arrangement includes a heat exchange body, a first fluid path extending through the heat exchange body, and a second fluid path extending through the heat exchange body in thermal communication with the first fluid path and fluidly isolated from the first fluid path. A bypass path is arranged externally of the heat exchange body and is fluidly connected in parallel with the first fluid path. A control module is operably connected to the bypass path to control temperature of fluids traversing the first fluid path and the second fluid path. 1. A heat exchanger arrangement , comprising:a heat exchange body;a first fluid path extending through the heat exchange body;a second fluid path extending through the heat exchange body in thermal communication with the first fluid path and fluidly isolated from the first fluid path;a bypass path external of the heat exchange body and fluidly connected in parallel with the first fluid path; anda control module operably connected to the bypass path and configured to control flow rate of fluids traversing the first fluid path and the second fluid path.2. The heat exchanger arrangement as recited in , further comprising a bypass valve disposed along the first bypass path. The heat exchanger arrangement as recited in , wherein the control module is operatively connected to the bypass valve ,4. The heat exchanger arrangement as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a temperature sensor in thermal communication with the first fluid path downstream of the heat exchange body.5. The heat exchanger arrangement as recited in claim 4 , wherein the control module is connected to the temperature sensor.6. The heat exchanger arrangement as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a bypass valve disposed along the second bypass path.7. The heat exchanger arrangement as recited in claim 6 , wherein the control module is operatively connected to the bypass valve.8. The heat exchanger arrangement as recited in claim 1 , further ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150060007A1
Автор: Smith Steven Michael
Принадлежит: Benson Global Pty Ltd.

A heat pump including a fluid circuit and a control arrangement. The fluid circuit includes a first heat exchanger, a second heat exchanger, a third heat exchanger and a driver for driving fluid about the fluid circuit. The control arrangement has one or more modes of operation. The first heat exchanger is arranged to exchange heat between the fluid of the fluid circuit and further fluid. The control arrangement is configured to in at least one of the modes of operation control a flow control mechanism to control a flow rate of the further fluid of the first heat exchanger. 1. A heat pump including a first heat exchanger;', 'a second heat exchanger;', 'a third heat exchanger; and', 'a driver for driving fluid about the fluid circuit; and, 'a fluid circuit including'}a control arrangement having one or more modes of operation; the first heat exchanger is arranged to exchange heat between the fluid of the fluid circuit and further fluid; and', 'the control arrangement is configured to in at least one of the modes of operation control a flow control mechanism to control a flow rate of the further fluid of the first heat exchanger., 'wherein'}2. The heat pump of wherein the control of the flow rate of the further fluid of the first heat exchanger is dependent on a parameter characterising the further fluid of the first heat exchanger.3. The heat pump of wherein the parameter is temperature.4. The heat pump of wherein the control arrangement is configured to when in another mode of operation to substantially stop the flow of the further fluid of the first heat exchanger.5. The heat pump of wherein the control of the flow rate of the further fluid of the first heat exchanger is substantially stopping the flow of the further fluid of the first heat exchanger.6. The heat pump of further including a sensor claim 1 , for sensing a parameter characterising the fluid of the fluid circuit claim 1 , in communication with the control arrangement.7. The heat pump of wherein the ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Techniques for Controlling Vapor Pressure in an Immersion Cooling Tank

Номер: US20150060009A1
Принадлежит: DELL PRODUCTS L.P.

A method that controls pressure within an immersion cooling tank having condensation fluid flowing through a condenser, includes: a controller receiving a signal that indicates a current level of vapor pressure within the tank; determining from the signal when the current level of vapor pressure exceeds or is below a first preset threshold pressure level; and in response to the current level of vapor pressure exceeding or being below the first preset threshold pressure level, signaling a flow control mechanism that modulates a flow rate of the condensation fluid through the condenser to increase or decrease the rate of flow from a current rate of flow. The controller receives the signal by a pressure sensor within the immersion cooling tank detecting the current vapor pressure, generating the signal and forwarding the signal to the controller. The pressure sensor can be a differential pressure transducer that measures a differential pressure internal to and outside of the immersion tank. 1. A method for controlling pressure within a multi-phase heat transfer immersion cooling tank having a condenser through which a condensation fluid flows , the method comprising:a controller receiving a signal that indicates a current level of vapor pressure within the immersion cooling tank;determining from the signal when the current level of vapor pressure exceeds a first preset threshold pressure level; andin response to the current level of vapor pressure exceeding the first preset threshold pressure level, signaling a flow control mechanism that modulates a flow rate of the condensation fluid through the condenser to increase the rate of flow from a current rate of flow.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the controller receiving a signal comprises: a pressure sensor within the immersion cooling tank detecting the current vapor pressure within the immersion cooling tank; and the pressure sensor generating the signal and forwarding the signal to the controller claim 1 , wherein ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150060012A1

An analyzing device includes a heating device, a cooling device, and a controller. The cooling device includes a piezoelectric pump, a check valve, an exhaust valve, and an air tank. The analyzing device heats a subject by the heating device. The cooling device drives the piezoelectric pump while the heating device heating the subject. With this, the outside air is sucked through a suction port and the air that is discharged from the piezoelectric pump is accommodated in the air tank through the check valve. Then, the pressure in the air tank is increased. Thereafter, the cooling device stops driving of the piezoelectric pump. With this, the air in the air tank is discharged toward the subject via the exhaust valve so as to cool the subject. 1. A cooling device comprising:a pump having a suction hole and a discharge hole;a tank that accommodates a gas; anda valve having a first ventilation hole in fluid communication with the discharge hole of the pump, a second ventilation hole in fluid communication with the tank, and an exhaust hole that discharges the gas in the tank,wherein the valve is configured to switch between a first communication state where the first ventilation hole and the second ventilation hole fluidly communicate with each other and gas flow is blocked between the second ventilation hole and the exhaust hole and a second communication state where gas flow is blocked between the first ventilation hole and the second ventilation hole and the second ventilation hole fluidly communicates with the exhaust hole.2. The cooling device according to claim 1 ,wherein the valve includes a valve housing in which the first ventilation hole, the second ventilation hole, and the exhaust hole are disposed, andwherein a diaphragm divides an inner portion of the valve housing such that a first region is in fluid communication with the first ventilation hole and a second region is in fluid communication with the second ventilation hole in the valve housing.3. The ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Cooling ring

Номер: US20180056456A1
Принадлежит: CRC Evans Pipeline International Inc

A cooling system which achieves temperature control of a heat affected portion of a pipe.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057962A1
Автор: Debuf Geert

A machine for producing synthetic threads comprises at least one extruder station and at least one controller, further comprising a cooling liquid system for cooling at least one controller, the cooling liquid system comprising at least one cooling member having a cooling liquid channel for the passage of a cooling liquid and being in heat transfer contact with at least a part of the electrical components of a controller. 1. Machine for producing synthetic threads , comprising at least one extruder station and at least one controller , further comprising a cooling liquid system for cooling at least one controller , the cooling liquid system comprising at least one cooling member having a cooling liquid channel for the passage of a cooling liquid and being in heat transfer contact with at least a part of the electrical components of a controller.2. The machine according to claim 1 , wherein at least one cooling member comprises at least one cooling plate claim 1 , at least a part of the electrical components being supported by at least one cooling plate claim 1 , and/or wherein at least one cooling member comprises a body of an electrical component.3. The machine according to claim 1 , wherein the cooling liquid system comprises a primary cooling liquid circuit and a primary cooling liquid flowing through the primary cooling liquid circuit claim 1 , further comprising a primary heat exchanger for cooling the primary cooling liquid.4. The machine according to claim 3 , wherein the cooling liquid system comprises at least one secondary cooling liquid circuit and a secondary cooling liquid flowing through the secondary cooling liquid circuit and passing through the cooling liquid channel of at least one cooling member.5. The machine according to claim 4 , wherein the cooling liquid system comprises at least one first secondary heat exchanger for transferring heat from the secondary cooling liquid of at least one secondary cooling circuit to the primary cooling liquid of ...
