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10-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2316389C2

Изобретение относится к химическому реактору или к теплообменнику с тонкой пластиной для труб, например нефтехимическому и нефтеочистительному реактору. Химический реактор или теплообменник содержит по меньшей мере одну трубу, имеющую ось трубы, тонкую пластину для труб, прикрепленную первой стороной к трубе и расположенную перпендикулярно трубе, камеру, образованную тонкой пластиной для труб, основанием, расположенным напротив второй стороны пластины, и соединяющей пластину и основание боковой секцией с образующими, параллельными оси трубы, и соединительный элемент, непосредственно соединенный с основанием и пластиной для труб и расположенный между ними и по оси трубы. В другом варианте выполнения химический реактор или теплообменник содержит трубу, имеющую ось трубы и стенку, тонкую пластину для трубы, прикрепленную к трубе перпендикулярно ее оси, камеру, образованную второй стороной тонкой пластины для труб, основанием камеры, расположенным противоположно тонкой пластине для труб, соединяющей ...

12-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2734089C2
Принадлежит: ЭВАПКО, ИНК. (US)

Предложена новая конструкция высокопроизводительных, сооружаемых на месте промышленных конденсаторов пара, в которых все из пучков выполнены как вторичные пучки, в форме А-образной рамы или V-образной форме, с трубами, ориентированными под углом 25-35 градусов к вертикали, причем пар подается снизу, и конденсат собирается из пучков снизу с использованием комбинированного/гибридного коллектора, который как подает пар в трубы, так и собирает конденсат из труб и который выполнен таким образом, что препятствует возврату конденсата вниз по стояку (стоякам) для подачи пара, при этом размеры поперечного сечения труб составляют 125 мм в ширину при высоте поперечного сечения меньшей чем 10 мм, с ребрами высотой 9,25 мм с расстановкой от 9 до 12 ребер на дюйм (25,4 мм). 16 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

22-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2636358C2

Изобретение относится к теплообменнику, в частности, охладителю газообразных отходов или охладителю наддувочного воздуха, содержащему пакет (2) пластин, состоящий из нескольких продолговатых пар (32) пластин, причем соответственно соединенные друг с другом две пластины (18, 18') образуют между собой второй канал (4) рабочей среды, а между двумя парами пластин образован первый канал (30) рабочей среды, причем первый канал (30) рабочей среды охвачен двумя вторыми каналами (4) рабочей среды, причем каждый второй канал (4) рабочей среды присоединен, по меньшей мере, к одному сборному каналу (11, 12) охлаждающего агента. 15 з.п. ф-лы, 21 ил.

17-08-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018144943A3

15-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2785979C1

Изобретение относится к гелиоэнергетике, в частности к устройствам, предназначенным для поглощения солнечной энергии с последующим преобразованием в тепловую энергию, в частности к солнечным коллекторам с принудительной циркуляцией, и может быть использовано в системах отопления и горячего водоснабжения. В способе коллектор-распределитель изготавливается из двух параллельно расположенных труб, в которых закреплены отводы. После установки труб в пресс-форму происходит процесс заливки коллектора-распределителя алюминиевым сплавом. После необходимой механической обработки и установки заглушек коллектор-распределитель готов к сборке. При необходимости вместо заглушек можно установить штуцера и соединить с ними еще один солнечный коллектор. Технический результат заключается в повышении долговечности пресс-формы и отсутствии необходимости в заточке знаков. 3 ил.

21-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2739102C1
Принадлежит: Данфосс А/С (DK)

Изобретение относится к теплотехнике и может быть использовано в спиральных теплообменниках. В спиральном теплообменнике, образованном из по меньшей мере двух листов, проходящих по траектории в форме спирали вокруг общего центрального корпуса и разделенных с образованием по меньшей мере первого и второго по существу параллельных проточных каналов в форме спирали, проходящих и обеспечивающих сообщение по потоку между радиально внешним отверстием и радиально внутренним отверстием, центральный корпус содержит корпус стенки с первым контуром на внутренней поверхности корпуса стенки, соединенным по текучей среде с первым проточным каналом, и вторым контуром, сформированным на внешней поверхности корпуса стенки и находящимся в соединении по текучей среде со вторым проточным каналом. Технический результат – повышение точности прокатки листов в спиральной конфигурации, способность выдерживать высокие давления и соединение по текучей среде в центре спирали к теплообменнику и от него. 11 з.п. ф-лы ...

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013157341A

... 1. Теплообменник (1), в частности теплообменник для отработавших газов или для надувочного воздуха (2), включающий:- корпус (3) с кожухом (4) корпуса,- первое днище (5) и второе днище с отверстиями (6),- трубы (7) в качестве первого проточного канала (9) для пропуска первой текучей среды, в частности, отработавших газов, концы которых расположены в или у отверстий (6) первого и второго днища (5),- трубы (7) и первое и/или второе днище (5) расположены внутри корпуса (3), так что между корпусом (3) и трубами (7) образуется второй проточный канал (10) для пропуска второй текучей среды, в частности, охлаждающей жидкости,- первое впускное отверстие (11) для первой текучей среды,- первое выпускное отверстие для первой текучей среды,- второе впускное отверстие (12) для второй текучей среды,- второе выпускное отверстие для второй текучей среды,- первый диффузор (13) для направления первой текучей среды в трубы (7),- второй диффузор для вывода первой текучей среды из труб (7),отличающийся тем, что ...

27-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008130127A

... 1. Средство (25), предназначенное для расположения смежно с теплопередающей пластиной (1) пакета (2) пластин с постоянно соединенными теплопередающими пластинами для теплообменника (3), причем теплопередающая пластина (1) содержит первую длинную сторону (4) и противоположную вторую длинную сторону (5), первую короткую сторону (6) и противоположную вторую короткую сторону (7), теплопередающую поверхность (8), имеющую структуру (9) гребней (10) и впадин (11), первую и вторую области (12 и 13) каналов, при этом упомянутая первая область (12) канала находится на первом угловом участке (14), выполненном на стыке между первой длинной стороной (4) и первой короткой стороной (6), упомянутая вторая область (13) канала находится на втором угловом участке (15), выполненном на стыке между второй длинной стороной (5) и первой короткой стороной (6), а упомянутая первая область (12) канала соединена с некоторым количеством гребней (10а-d) и впадин (11а-е), причем эти гребни (10а-d) и впадины (11а-е) имеют ...

10-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013140684A

... 1. Пластинчатый теплообменник, содержащий:множество пластин (2) теплообменника, расположенных одна за другой и образующих пакет (1) пластин с первыми промежутками (3) для первой среды и вторыми промежутками (4) для второй среды, при этом первый и второй промежутки (3, 4) чередуются в пакете (1) пластин,множество каналов, проходящих через пакет пластин и образующих первые впускной и выпускной каналы (5, 6), предназначенные для передачи первой среды в первые промежутки (3) и из первых промежутков (3),вкладыш (10), который обеспечен в одном из каналов для первой среды и содержит кольцевой корпус (11) и кольцевой фланец (12), выступающий из кольцевого корпуса (11) и обеспеченный между двумя пластинами (2) теплообменника пакета (1) пластин,при этом кольцевой фланец (12) имеет первую сторону (12a) и противоположную вторую сторону (12b), которая упирается в соответствующую одну из двух пластин (2) теплообменника,отличающийся тем, что первая сторона (12a) содержит кольцевое углубление (15) вблизи ...

07-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: SU1668841A1

Изобретение относится к теплотехнике, преимущественно к системам охлаждения или нагрева воздуха, в частности к системам кондиционирования. Выравнивание температуры по сечению воздушного потока обеспечивается подключением труб 4 смежных секций 2 и 3 к противолежащим боковым ветвям 11, 10 и 13, 12 соответственно, раздающего 6 и собирающего 7 П-образных коллекторов, установленных упомянутыми ветвями навстречу другу. При этом стенки всех этих ветвей со стороны труб 4 образованы трубными досками 5. При работе теплообменника среда в трубах 4 смежных секций 2 и 3 движется противотоком. 1 ил.

22-02-1973 дата публикации


Номер: SU371404A1

29-07-2004 дата публикации

Device for exchanging heat used especially for cooling combustion air in IC engines of vehicles has flow units arranged in a two-part profiled housing

Номер: DE0010302708A1

Device for exchanging heat has flow units arranged in a two-part profiled housing. A first housing part has a U-shaped profile and a second housing part is closed on he open side of the first housing part. The housing has an inlet and an outlet for the combustion air. The flow units are spaced from each other using a frame.

25-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE202010000027U1
Принадлежит: LATHERM GMBH

11-06-1981 дата публикации

Heating radiator immersion tube unit - has annular seal pressed home by flanges on telescoping sections

Номер: DE0002949249A1

The immersion tube unit for water distribution is controlled by valves, and is applicable to a heating radiator. It comprises a screw head with immersion tube and sealing joint. The annular seal (14) allows the interior of the top and/or bottom manifold to be divided according to length. Two annular flanges are formed on the ends of immersion tubes telescoping together, and pressing the seal into the sealing position. The two flanges can extend outwards, having the same external diameter, with frusto-conical faces towards each other forming a prismatic annular space.

22-12-2005 дата публикации

Radiator for hydraulic fluid, has distribution box provided with cylindrical space, which is lined with filter body, where cooled fluid flowing out of fluid canals is allowed to flow into exit opening by filter body

Номер: DE202005016332U1

The radiator has bypass-canals that run between a distribution box (11) parallel to fluid canals. A valve allows a connection to be provided between a distribution canal and by-pass canals, in the cold condition of the fluid. The box is provided with a cylindrical space, which is lined with a filter body on its circumference. The body allows the cooled fluid that is flowing out of the fluid canals to be flow into an exit opening.

02-11-2006 дата публикации

The condenser collector tube for a motor vehicle heat air conditioning system is formed as a split tubular structure from a flat sheet of aluminium

Номер: DE202006013389U1

The split tube is formed from aluminium coil whose width is the same as the tube length and the cut ends are made as a series of incomplete holes into which the opposite end tongues are pressed after rolling.

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Hocheffektiver Rohr/Wellrippen-Kühler aus Aluminium mit geringer Ionenfreisetzung

Номер: DE202018102555U1

Hocheffektiver Rohr/Wellrippen-Kühler aus Aluminium mit geringer Ionenfreisetzung, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Rohr/Wellrippen-Kühler (101) eine Hauptplatte (1), eine Hilfshauptplatte (2), eine Silikonkautschuk-Dichtbeilage (3), Kühlrohre (4), gewellte Kühlrippen (5), ein Kernschutzblech (6), eine Wasserkammer (7) umfasst, wobei die Hauptplatte (1) und die Kühlrohre (4) durch Verlöten unter Verwendung eines Silizium-Aluminium-Legierung-Lots miteinander verbunden sind, wobei an der Stelle des Silizium-Aluminium-Legierung-Lots die Silikonkautschuk-Dichtbeilage (3) anliegt, welche durch die Hilfshauptplatte (2) von außen abgedeckt ist und sich zwischen der Hauptplatte (1) und der Hilfshauptplatte (2) befindet, wobei sich die gewellten Kühlrippen (5)zwischen benachbarten Kühlrohren (4) befinden und das Kernschutzblech (6) am Außenumfang des Rohr/Wellrippen-Kühlers (101) angeordnet ist, und wobei die Wasserkammer (7) fest mit der Hauptplatte (1) verbunden ist, um eine geschlossene Formkavität ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Wärmetauscher und Herstellungsverfahren von diesem

Номер: DE112017002122T5

Ein Wärmetauscher hat einen Kanal (1), einen Kern (2), der in dem Kanal aufgenommen ist und Wärme zwischen einem ersten Fluid und einem zweiten Fluid austauscht, einen Tank, der einen Vorsprung (48, 44) hat, der von einem Randabschnitt (47) nach außen vorsteht, und eine Crimpplatte. Die Crimpplatte hat eine gegenüberliegende Wand (32), die einem Rand des Tanks benachbart zu dem Kanal zugewandt ist, und eine Außenwand (35), die sich von einem Außenumfang der gegenüberliegenden Wand erstreckt. Die gegenüberliegende Wand oder ein Innenumfang der gegenüberliegenden Wand ist mit dem Kanal gefügt und fixiert den Tank. Der Vorsprung hat eine Fläche, die in eine Richtung gewandt ist, die zu dem Innenraum hin von einer Richtung in einem Winkel angeordnet ist, in die sich die Außenwand von der gegenüberliegenden Wand erstreckt.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Kühlvorrichtung für eine Fahrzeugbatterie sowie Fahrzeugbatterie mit Kühlvorrichtung

Номер: DE102012005871A1

Eine Kühlvorrichtung für eine Fahrzeugbatterie ist mit einer Kühlplatte (22), welche ein erstes, der Batterie (10) zugewandtes Plattenteil (24) mit einer ersten Wandstärke (d1), ein zweites Plattenteil (30) mit einer zweiten Wandstärke (d2) und eine Mehrzahl von im zweiten Plattenteil (30) ausgebildeten Vertiefungen (32) umfasst, versehen. Die Kühlplatte (22) weist eine Mehrzahl von Kältemittelkanälen (34) mit einem ersten Kanalquerschnitt auf, welche zwischen dem ersten und zweiten Plattenteil (24, 30) in den Vertiefungen (32) des zweiten Plattenteils (30) ausgebildet sind. Die Kühlplatte (22) hat ferner einen Verteilerabschnitt (42) und einen Sammlerabschnitt, welche jeweils wenigstens einen Anschluss (46) für eine Kältemittelzuleitung (56) bzw. eine Kältemittelrückleitung aufweisen. Die Wandstärke (D) der Kühlplatte (22) im Verteilerabschnitt (42) und/oder Sammlerabschnitt (44) ist größer als die Wandstärke (d2) des zweiten Plattenteils (30).

17-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002718966A1

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Aufnahmekasten für eine Wärmeübertrager

Номер: DE102018222815A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft einen Aufnahmekasten (2) für einen Wärmeübertrager (1) zur Aufnahme und fluidischen Versorgung von Rohrkörpern (3) des Wärmeübertragers (1), wobei der Aufnahmekasten (2) einen Kastenkörper (9) aufweist, der zumindest einen Kanal (12) begrenzt, der fluidisch mit Aufnahmen (12) verbunden ist, in welchen die Rohrkörper (3) aufgenommen sind. Eine vereinfachte Herstellung und/oder eine erhöhte mechanische Stabilität des Aufnahmekastens (2) werden/wird dadurch erreicht, dass der Kastenkörper (9) ein Einspritzrohr (17) ausbildet, das von dem Kanal (12) getrennt ist und welches über eine Auslassöffnung (18) mit wenigstens einem der zumindest einen Kanäle (12) fluidisch verbunden ist.Die Erfindung betrifft des Weiteren einen Wärmeübertrager (1) mit einem solchen Aufnahmekasten (2).

22-12-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002818892C2

11-12-2014 дата публикации

Kühler für Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102013114128A1

Eine Kühlvorrichtung für ein Fahrzeug kann aufweisen einen Hauptkühler, welcher gekühltes Kühlwasser an einen Verbrennungsmotor zuführt durch Wärmeaustausch mit Außenluft, sowie einen untergeordneten bzw. Nebenkühler, welcher parallel vor dem Hauptkühler angeordnet ist und gekühltes Kühlwasser an einen Zwischenkühler oder eine elektronische Einheit zuführt durch Wärmeaustausch mit der Außenluft, wobei bei dem Hauptkühler entsprechende Kopftanks unterschiedliche Größen haben und ein Ölkühler in dem Kopftank mit der größeren Größe unter den Kopftanks aufgenommen ist und ein Getriebeöl kühlt, wobei bei dem Nebenkühler entsprechende Kopftanks unterschiedliche Größen haben und ein Kondensator in dem Kopftank mit der größeren Größe unter den Kopftanks aufgenommen ist und Kältemittel kondensiert, und wobei die Kopftanks des Hauptkühlers und des Nebenkühlers gemäß den Größen zueinander entgegengesetzt angeordnet sind.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Sammmeln und/oder Austauschen von Wärmeenergie

Номер: DE102011014187A1

Die Vorrichtung zum Sammeln und/oder Austauschen von Wärmeenergie umfasst ein Panel (1; 100; 110), das eine erste und eine zweite Abdeckplatte (5, 6) und dazwischen Stege (7) aufweist, welche mehrere nebeneinander verlaufende Kanäle (1016) bilden. Die Kanäle (1016) weisen jeweils einen Einlass und einen Auslass auf. Zudem sind ein erster Anschlusskanal (2), der mit den Einlässen verbunden ist, und ein zweiter Anschlusskanal (3) vorgesehen, der mit den Auslässen verbunden ist.

27-03-1997 дата публикации

Collector tube for heat exchanger

Номер: DE0019605108A1

The collector tube has a D-section longitudinal section of tube which has receiver slits (6,10-12) perpendicular to the tube axis and separated from each other by bridging webs, into which an open-ended flat tube can be inserted for soldering to the receiver slit. The collector tube is pre-formed from an endless sheet tube with the receiver slits made in it before it is made into a tube. The strip from which it is made is rolled into a D-section tube, with the impact edges (26,27) are connected to each other at the ends.

30-12-2010 дата публикации

Heat exchanger, particularly coolant cooler for motor vehicles, has tubes, ribs and collecting tank communicating with tubes, where tubes are formed as single ribbed tubes

Номер: DE102009030824A1

The heat exchanger has tubes (2), ribs and a collecting tank communicating with the tubes, where the tubes are formed as single ribbed tubes. Multiple parallel individual ribs are mounted on each tube. The individual ribs which are flat and have passages. An independent claim is also included for a method for manufacturing a heat exchanger.

17-01-1996 дата публикации

Securing cooling tubes to headers

Номер: GB0002291178A

A heat exchanger for a motor vehicle having a fluid tank 10 having a body with at least one longitudinal passage (12, 14, figure 1) with a plurality of hollow nipples 18 extending laterally from the body and communicating with the longitudinal passage (12, 14) where each nipple 18 has an external surface which forms an interference fit with the inner surface of an end 48 of a coolant tube 34. The heat exchanger may also comprise a retaining plate 42 adjacent the fluid tank. ...

17-01-2001 дата публикации

Header pipe for use in a heat exchanger

Номер: GB0002352026A

A header pipe for use in a heat exchanger includes integrally formed header pipe body and fluid receiving container (5). The header pipe body includes complementary first and second pipe sections (3,4) extending in a longitudinal direction to confine a passage chamber. The second pipe section (4) has a wall portion (41) with two parallel second longitudinal edges (42) that engage tightly the first pipe section (3). The receiving container (5) has a tubular surrounding wall (500) which includes a longitudinal proximate segment (50) integrally formed with and extending along the wall portion (41), and a longitudinal distal segment (51) complementary with the proximate segment (50) to confine a receiving chamber therein. An inlet (510) is formed in the proximate segment (50) proximate to a lower portion, and communicates fluidly the passage chamber and the receiving chamber so as to permit passage of a working fluid. An outlet (52) is disposed in the distal segment (51) proximate to an upper ...

02-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009005389D0

21-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB2231650A

A manifold formed from a plurality of segments (6), each having an aperture (7) therethrough and at least one recess in a surface thereof extending between the aperture and an edge of the segment, such that, when the plurality of segments are secured together, the apertures together form a manifold chamber (13) and the recesses define between the segments flow passages (10a, 10b, 10c) opening into the chamber, and closure members (8) at each end of the chamber, a common flow passage (4) being provided between the chamber and the exterior of the manifold.

21-02-2007 дата публикации

Fluid flow distribution device

Номер: GB0002429277A

A fluid flow distribution device (10) is provided for use in a heat exchanger (12) having multiple heat exchange units (14) that receive a fluid flow (18) from a fluid inlet (16). The device includes a plurality of tortuous flow paths (31) to direct distributed portions of the fluid flow (18) from the inlet (16) to the heat exchange units (141). Each tortuous flow path (31) is defined by a pair of flow chamber plates (24, 26), and an orifice plate (281) sandwiched between the flow chamber plates (24, 26). Each tortuous flow path (31) includes a series (34) of orifices (36) extending through the orifice plate (28), a first pattern (38) of first flow chambers (40) formed in one of the flow chamber plates (24, 261) and aligned with sequential pairs of the orifices (36), and a second pattern (42) of second flow chambers (44) formed in the other of the flow chamber plates (24,26) and offset with respect to the first pattern (38) and the pairs of orifices (36).

18-11-2009 дата публикации

Heat exchanger means

Номер: GB0002450244B8

12-05-1982 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to heat exchanges

Номер: GB0002086561A
Автор: Moranne, Jean-Pierre

The heat exchanger comprises a tubular core having tubes engaged into perforations of fins inside which they are inflated. The tubes are designed for being tightly connected to tube-plates by means of deformable gaskets. The tube-plates comprise resilient interlocking elements cooperating with mating portions of the core.

13-03-1919 дата публикации

Method of Making, Heating, or Cooling Units.

Номер: GB0000120391A

... 120,391. Locomotive Superheater Co., (Assignees of True, C. H.). April 10, 1917, [Convention date]. Steam generators, radiators, and coils for heating and cooling.-The ends of sets of pipes are joined by slitting, opening out, and welding adjacent walls, and the common open end is then closed to form a header of a heating or cooling unit. The heated pipes 1, 2 are clamped between a pair of grooved dies 11, Fig. 1, and acted on by a die 14, which connects them in the known manner. Other pipes are connected thereto similarly till the required number is obtained or all the pipes may be connected at one operation by a multiple die 14, Fig. 20. The ends of the common opening may be opened out after cutting as at 19, 20, Fig. 9, and the sides 21 are bent over a mandrel and autogenously welded at 22, Fig. 13. Bosses 23, Fig. 26, are then built or welded on and tapped. Both ends of a set of pipes may be connected in this way, and the pipes or the headers may be curved. In a modification, the common ...

29-08-2012 дата публикации

Automatic processing machine for header

Номер: GB0002488475A

An automatic processing machine for header includes a frame (1), a pipe clamp (21), a punch assembly (22) and a translation mechanism (23) which can drive the pipe clamp (21) and the punch assembly (22) to slide. The pipe clamp (21), the punch assembly (22) and the translation mechanism (23) are all positioned on the working table (101) of the frame (1). The translation mechanism (23) includes a first slide seat (231) sliding along X axis. One of the pipe clamp (21) and the punch assembly (22) is positioned on the first slide seat (231) and the other is positioned on the frame (1). A separator transferring device (3) is also positioned on the working table (101) for transferring the separator into the pipe. The separator transferring device (3) and the pipe clamp (21) are separately positioned on either side of the punch assembly (22). The automatic processing machine for header combines a hole punching device with a separator transferring device, thereby improves the processing efficiency ...

14-03-2018 дата публикации

Automatic processing machine for header

Номер: GB0002488475B
Автор: XIAOBIN LONG, Xiaobin Long

21-05-2014 дата публикации

Brazed microchannel heat exchanger with thermal expansion compensation

Номер: GB0201406037D0

20-07-2016 дата публикации

A header plate for a heat exchanger

Номер: GB0201609678D0

03-04-1930 дата публикации

Improvements relating to headers for heat-exchanging apparatus

Номер: GB0000310819A

... 310,819. Skoda Works, Plzen. April 30, 1928, [Convention date]. Headers for heat-exchangers are constructed with inwardly arched ends 3 and outwardly arched side walls 2 stiffened by corrugating as at 1. The ends 3 may also be stiffened similarly as at 4. The thickness of the metal is either the same throughout or does not exceed two and a half times the thickness at any one part.

13-10-2021 дата публикации

Heat exchanger

Номер: GB0002593929A

A tube type heat exchanger 10 comprises a core 12 having a plurality of tubes (14, fig 1) through which a first fluid communicates. Each tube has an inlet and an outlet, wherein the tube inlets define an inlet plane 16 and the tube outlets define an outlet plane (18). The tubes are spaced from one another for receiving a second fluid therebetween for heat transfer between the first and second fluids. A jacket 20 provided adjacent the core contains the second fluid, and comprises a jacket inlet 22 for passage of the second fluid en-route to the core. The jacket extends between the inlet plane and the outlet plane, and the jacket inlet is offset from the inlet plane towards the outlet plane. The heat exchanger further comprises a deflector arrangement 26 for directing a flow of the second fluid from the jacket inlet towards the inlet plane prior to entering the core via one or more core openings 34. The jacket inlet may comprise one or more inlet apertures 40 upstream of the core openings ...

13-11-1968 дата публикации

Improvements relating to recuperative heat exchangers

Номер: GB0001133291A

... 1,133,291. Plate - type heat exchangers. DAIMLER BENZ A.G. 17 Jan., 1967 [18 Jan., 1966], No. 2389/67. Heading F4S. A recuperative heat exchanger matrix comprises a plurality of corrugated plates joined together in pairs 11, 12 by welding to form a series of passageways 14 for a first fluid, e.g. air. Adjacent pairs are stacked in spaced relation as shown to define sinuous cross-flow passages 15 for a second fluid, e.g. exhaust gases, corrugated edge strips 16 and 22 having their ends folded over as shown, providing the spacing means. Surface indentations (20, 21, Fig. 2) in the plates 11, 12 extend into the passages 14, 15 respectively, the crests of oppositely placed indentations (21) contacting each other and providing mutual support for the plates. The air passages 14 at the exhaust gas inlet and outlet sides are formed by tubes (24a, 24b, Fig. 3).

03-12-1980 дата публикации

Cooling equipment for liquid-cooled internal combustion engines, particularly for water-borne craft

Номер: GB0002047873A
Автор: Obernberger, Klaus

A cooling installation for liquid-cooled internal combustion engines, especially for water crafts having a combined fresh-water/sea-water cooling system of the internal combustion engine, with a housing that includes a liquid heat-exchanger for the engine cooling medium and an external cooling medium, a by-pass channel for the engine cooling medium in parallel to the heat-exchanger, a mixing chamber for the cooled and non-cooled portion of the engine cooling medium and a thermostat for the temperature-dependent proportional through-flow control of the engine cooling medium through the heat-exchanger and through the by-pass channel; the mixing chamber is arranged at a distance from the outlet side of the heat-exchanger while the thermostat is arranged in the mixing chamber and alternately controls a respective inlet opening leading into the mixing chamber; a closure cover which is removably secured externally at the housing is arranged opposite an inlet opening of the mixing chamber and ...

27-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001481412A

... 1481412 Tubular heat exchangers MARSTON RADIATORS Ltd 26 July 1974 [6 Aug 1973] 37204/73 Heading F4S In a finned heat exchanger, e.g. a motor vehicle radiator, comprising a plurality of U-tubes extending between a pair of parallel elongate, side-by-side inlet and outlet header tanks 1 and 2, each U-tube lies in a plane extending at an acute angle to the longitudinal axis of the header tanks. The fins 6 may extend perpendicularly to the legs of the U-tubes or be in the form of louvred corrugated strips (13, Fig. 4, not shown), extending between and contacting opposing faces of the leg portions of adjacent U-tubes, which leg portions may be of flattened cross-section. The tubes may be provided with turbulators in the form of bent wire or twisted metal strip. The inlet and outlet header tanks can be formed integrally of a plastics material and have a common wall (see Figs. 4 and 5).

28-05-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001590196A

31-03-2015 дата публикации

Air-cooled heat exchanger system

Номер: AP2015008326A0

31-03-2015 дата публикации

Air-cooled heat exchanger system

Номер: AP0201508326A0

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000413577T

27-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000405882B

10-02-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000365775B

10-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000352352B

15-06-1991 дата публикации


Номер: ATA235686A

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000485486T

15-06-2008 дата публикации

Shaft base for a shaft of a geothermal probe arrangement comprises a base element and a distributor for a liquid medium for joining a geothermal probe

Номер: AT0000504526A4

Shaft base (1) comprises a base element (2) and a distributor (3) for a liquid medium for joining a geothermal probe. Preferred Features: The base element is formed in one piece and has the shape of a flay cylinder with a height smaller than its radius. A square recess (4) is arranged in the base element for holding the distributor.

15-06-2008 дата публикации

Shaft base for a shaft of a geothermal probe arrangement comprises a base element and a distributor for a liquid medium for joining a geothermal probe

Номер: AT0000504526B1

Shaft base (1) comprises a base element (2) and a distributor (3) for a liquid medium for joining a geothermal probe. Preferred Features: The base element is formed in one piece and has the shape of a flay cylinder with a height smaller than its radius. A square recess (4) is arranged in the base element for holding the distributor.

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000479489T

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000483145T

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000501879B1

15-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000421670T

15-06-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA111680A

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000537413T

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000543064T

25-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000406418B

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000408113T

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508537A1

The invention relates to a plate heat exchanger (1) having a plurality of plates (2) stacked one above the other, each alternatingly spanning a first and a second flow space (3) for a first or second medium, wherein each plate (2) comprises a circumferential edge (4) and is designed substantially having the shape of a basin, and wherein two adjacent plates (2) are each connected to each other by the circumferential edges (4), and wherein an end plate (7) is fixedly connected to at least one adjacent plate (2) at at least one end (14, 15) of the stack (5), wherein the circumferential edge (4) of the adjacent plate (2) is supported on a wall surface (19) of the end plate (7) implemented parallel to said edge (4) and is fixedly connected to said wall surface. In order to increase the strength without substantial weight disadvantage, the end plate (7) is made of an aluminum alloy, wherein the wall surface (19) is preferably implemented between two substantially flat, parallel surfaces (7', ...

15-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000936674A

15-10-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000112385T

15-06-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000235686A

15-02-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000118271T

15-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000230302T

25-03-1975 дата публикации

Heat exchanger, in particular bank of tubes heat exchanger

Номер: AT0000321329B

15-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: ATA48284A

15-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000288577T

16-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035428773B

24-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033216537T

26-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031991039B

03-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034299635T

10-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035537352T

16-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039574133T

04-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037794774T

16-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031089102T

08-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039257161B

07-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032702599T

14-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036097057B

09-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033946612T

15-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034930050B

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Plate heat exchanger and refrigeration air conditioner

Номер: US20120012291A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

It is aimed to enhance the strength of a plate heat exchanger while maintaining the heat exchange capability of the plate heat exchanger. A plate heat exchanger 20 is configured with a plurality of stacked plates 2 and 3 . Each of the plates 2 and 3 includes at four corners thereof a first inlet hole 5 which acts as an inlet for a first fluid, a first outlet hole 6 which acts as an outlet for the first fluid, a second inlet hole 7 which acts as an inlet for a second fluid, and a second outlet hole 8 which acts as an outlet for the second fluid. Each of the plates 2 and 3 and an adjacent plate define therebetween a first flow path for passing the first fluid and a second flow path for passing the second fluid, so as to exchange heat between the first fluid and the second fluid. In each of the plates 2 and 3 , a longitudinal length L 1 is 4 or more times a lateral length L 2.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Waste heat boiler

Номер: US20120017853A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Waste heat boiler ( 1 ) being an elongated vessel comprising a co-axial positioned tubular channel ( 4 ) for hot gas, said channel further being provided with an inlet ( 11 ) for hot gas and an outlet for cooled gas, wherein a gas pathway ( 6 ) is defined between said inlet and outlet of said tubular channel and wherein in the gas pathway one or more bundles of tubular cooling surfaces are present, said tubular cooling surfaces ( 7 ) positioned co-axial with the channel, wherein the tubular channel is closed at one end ( 8 ), thereby forming a gas reversal chamber ( 9 ), and wherein the gas inlet is an opening in the wall of the tubular channel positioned between the gas reversal chamber and the gas pathway, wherein the inlet for hot gas is connected to an inlet conduit ( 11 ), which conduit is positioned under an angle α with said tubular channel and wherein at the hot gas inlet in the tubular channel a diverter plate ( 12 ) is present.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger and Fin Suitable for Use in a Heat Exchanger

Номер: US20120031594A1
Автор: Arendt Jan Smit
Принадлежит: Magic Boiler IP BV

A heat exchanger for a heating appliance, comprising a channel for conveying a heated gas in a longitudinal direction of said channel and a multitude of fins for conveying a liquid, said fins being provided with an inlet and an outlet, which open in a common plane, wherein the fins are provided on a wall of the channel, extending into said channel, wherein the inlets and outlets of the fins open in the plane of the wall and wherein the heat exchanger further comprises connecting elements for connecting at least one outlet to at least one inlet of separate fins.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Air-oil heat exchanger

Номер: US20120060466A1
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

A heat exchange system for use in fluid operated equipment to provide air and working fluid heat exchanges to cool the working fluid in airstreams on a stream side of a wall. An actuator is mounted to be substantially located on a side of the wall opposite the stream side thereof having a positionable motion effector. A heat exchanger core having a plurality of passageway structures therein to enable providing the working fluid to, and removal therefrom. The heat exchanger core is mounted on the motion effector so as to be extendable and retractable thereby through the opening for selected distances into that region to be occupied by the airstreams.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Monolithic cold plate configuration

Номер: US20120085523A1

A cold plate assembly includes a monolithic cold plate which defines a trough located to intersect a fluid path.

19-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120090818A1
Принадлежит: MAHLE International GmbH

A cooler having a first component made of at least one of steel, stainless steel, plastic and ceramic. A second component may be made of aluminum, wherein the two components may be connected to each other in a connecting area via a friction stir weld joint.

26-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120096894A1
Принадлежит: Showa Denko KK

A leeward upper header portion of an evaporator includes first through third sections which communicate with upper ends of heat exchange tubes of first through third tube groups of a leeward tube row. The second tube group, which is an upward flow tube group, and the third tube group, which is a downward flow tube group, form a tube group set. A baffle plate is provided in the second section to be located on the side toward the third section. The baffle plate divides a portion of the interior of the second section into upper and lower spaces and prevents flow of refrigerant toward the upper space. A flow prevention member is provided below the baffle plate so as to prevent flow of refrigerant from the second section into the third section. These two sections communicate with each other in a region above the baffle plate.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Fluid cooling system and associated fitting assembly for electronic component

Номер: US20120106071A1
Автор: Jason R. Eagle
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A fluid cooling system and associated fitting assembly for an electronic component such as a multi-processor computer offer easy and reliable connect and disconnect operations while doing so in a minimum amount of available space without damaging associated components of an electronic device, computer or cooling system. One exemplary fitting assembly includes a manifold mount with a port that is in fluid communication with a manifold tube. A fitting is sized and configured to mate with the port and is in fluid communication with associated cooling tubes of a cold plate. A latch is pivotally mounted to the manifold mount for movement to and between a first position in which the latch secures the fitting to the manifold mount and a second position in which the fitting is capable of being disconnected from the manifold mount.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Orifice plate for controlling solids flow, methods of use thereof and articles comprising the same

Номер: US20120111535A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Technology AG

Disclosed herein is an orifice plate comprising one or more plates having orifices disposed therein; the orifices being operative to permit the flow of solids from a moving bed heat exchanger to a solids flow control system; where the orifice plate is downstream of a tube bundle of the moving bed heat exchanger and upstream of the solids flow control system and wherein the orifice plate is operative to evenly distribute the flow of solids in the solids flow control system.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Heat transfer system

Номер: US20120151950A1
Принадлежит: Grundfos Holdings AS

A heat transfer system includes a heat exchanger configured to transfer heat between a first fluid and a second fluid. The heat exchanger includes an outer sleeve and a microchannel unit. The outer sleeve has an interior surface defining a cavity and an exterior surface configured to be in direct thermal communication with the first fluid. The microchannel unit is received in the cavity. The microchannel unit has a plurality of microchannels configured to receive the second fluid therein and be in direct thermal communication with the second fluid. The microchannel unit has an exterior surface in direct thermal communication with the interior surface of the outer sleeve to transfer heat therebetween. At least one of the interior surface of the outer sleeve and the exterior surface of the microchannel unit has grooves defining breach channels for the first fluid or the second fluid should a breach in the outer sleeve or the microchannel unit occur.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Heat exchanger and method of manufacturing same

Номер: US20120152501A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Provided is a heat exchanger having a swirl chamber, an impact chamber and a swirl nozzle connecting the swirl chamber to the impact chamber for directing a swirl spray exiting the swirl nozzle against an impact surface of the impact chamber for outward expansion along the impact surface. The swirl spray impacting the impact surface is a high velocity spray that produces a turbulent flow across the impact surface allowing for increased heat transfer between the impact surface and a heat transfer surface.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

solar collector

Номер: US20120186577A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A solar collector of the direct flow type comprises a solar absorbing tube 3 containing elongate tube 11, and a working fluid. The elongate tube 11 contains a concentrically positioned inner pipe 12 thereby forming two concentric internal flow passage ways 13, 14 for the flow of a fluid to be heated. The elongate tube 11 extends out of one end of the solar absorbing tube 3 and into an end fitting 15 wherein an annular outer passageway 13 of the elongate tube 11 communicates with a cold fluid inlet conduit 16 within the end fitting 15 and the inner passageway 14 of the elongate tube 11 communicates with a hot water outlet conduit 17 within the end fitting 15. A central dividing wall 19 divides the fitting 18 into the cold fluid inlet conduit 16 and the hot fluid outlet conduit 17. The dividing wall 19 is a separate insert component which is mounted in the passageway. Fluid can flow between the tubular passages 18 of adjacent solar tubes 3. The open ends of the passages 18 comprise recesses to provide a circumferential seat 20 for an o-ring 21 or similar sealing means to provide a fluid-tight seal when adjacent end fittings 15 are mounted together.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Floor for a heat exchanger, production method, and device for the production

Номер: US20120205083A1
Принадлежит: Behr Industrieanlagen GmbH and Co KG

A method and apparatus for producing a floor for a heat exchanger may include supplying a material strand to a tool and at least partially introducing a passage of the floor into the material strand by at least one stamp of the tool. The material strand may be advanced by a predetermined distance in a longitudinal direction. The introducing and advancing may be repeated until a predetermined number of passages has been introduced into the floor.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Refrigerant distributor

Номер: US20120210744A1
Автор: Bruce I. Nelson
Принадлежит: Colmac Coil Manufacturing Inc

A refrigerant distributor is described and which includes a tank defining an internal cavity for receiving a source of refrigerant; an inlet conduit for delivering the source of the refrigerant to the internal cavity of the tank; a contaminant collection container coupled in fluid receiving relation relative to the internal cavity of the tank and in disposal fluid receiving relation relative to the inlet conduit; and a plurality of refrigerant distributor conduits coupled in fluid flowing relation relative to the internal cavity of the tank and which have a multiplicity of apertures having variable diametral dimensions and which facilitate a variable flow of the source of refrigerant out through the refrigerant distributor conduits as the volume of the refrigerant in the tank increases.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Flat water cooling block

Номер: US20120211197A1
Принадлежит: QUALITICS Inc

A flat convective cooling cell is providing the vortical boiling regime of flow of coolant inside it what allows exploiting important advantages of the vortical boiling phenomenon: highest coefficient of heat transfer at very small increasing of hydro-resistance, unchangeable or even increasing performance (thermo-resistance) at increasing of the coolant's discharge, and anti-adhesive action of stream inside cooling cell. The cell comprises a heat intake box and coolant entrance and exit channels with couplers on their ends. The triangular lattice of hemi-spherical dimples on the top and bottom sides of cell provides generation of coherent system of vortical tubes that effectively sucks heat from the dimple into the core of the coolant's stream. Essentially, the cell allows many technologies of manufacturing: milling, stamping, melting, and/or their combinations.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Economized vapor compression circuit

Номер: US20120234036A1
Автор: Mustafa Kemal Yanik
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

An economized vapor compression circuit is disclosed. An evaporator, compressor, condenser and economizer are fluidly connected by a refrigerant line containing refrigerant. A portion of the liquid refrigerant leaving the economizer is diverted away from the evaporator to sub-cool liquid refrigerant at a location between the condenser and the evaporator.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Nested heat exchangers

Номер: US20120247740A1
Принадлежит: Denso International America Inc

A heat exchanging apparatus may include a first heat exchanger and a second heat exchanger, which may be flat plate heat exchangers and may be located entirely within an end tank of a third heat exchanger. The first and second heat exchangers each may include an inlet and an outlet and may be plate style heat exchangers. The entire first heat exchanger is located between the inlet and the outlet of the second heat exchanger. A first heat exchanger inlet mount surface, a first heat exchanger outlet mount surface, a second heat exchanger inlet mount surface and a second heat exchanger outlet mount surface may each terminate in a single plane. The third heat exchanger end tank may define a hole such that the hole is located aft of the first heat exchanger and the second heat exchanger with respect to a direction of coolant flow through the end tank.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger Plate and Evaporator Comprising Same

Номер: US20120266599A1

The invention relates to a heat exchanger plate for an evaporator; with a longitudinal axis and a transverse axis, with the transverse axis being disposed perpendicularly or substantially perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis; with at least one flow channel which extends in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the heat exchanger plate through a heat supply area of the heat exchanger plate and conducts the medium to be evaporated; with an inlet for the medium to be evaporated, which inlet is in a flow-conducting connection with the at least one flow channel arranged in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the heat exchanger plate, with a meandering inflow channel being provided in the direction of the longitudinal axis between the inlet and the at least one flow channel arranged in the direction of the longitudinal axis, which inflow channel is in a flow-conducting connection with the inlet and the at least one flow channel, and conducts the medium which flows out of the inlet to the at least one flow channel in an alternating manner along the transverse axis in the direction of the at least one flow channel. The invention is characterized in that the meandering inflow channel is formed by a plurality of webs which are disposed on the heat exchanger plate or a base plate which forms the bottom or top of the inflow channel and the at least one flow channel arranged in the direction of the longitudinal axis, which webs extend in the direction of the transverse axis, and the inflow channel between the webs is subdivided into individual partial channels by a plurality of plates which extend in the direction of the transverse axis.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Means, Method and System for Heat Exchange

Номер: US20120298332A1

A heat transfer device and its manufacturing method are provided. The heat transfer device has a heat transfer member defining a heat exchange surface with which a heat transportable medium contact in use and via which heat is transferable between the heat transportable medium and a working medium, and a device body for containing the heat transportable medium. The body of the device defines a first chamber, a second chamber and a third chamber which are in fluid communicable relationship. The body is configured to allow the heat transportable medium fluid to pass from the second chamber to the first chamber and then to the third chamber, or from the third chamber to the first chamber and then to the second chamber, and the second chamber is sandwiched or positioned between the first chamber and the third chamber in the body.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Header for heat exchanger

Номер: US20120298344A1
Принадлежит: Visteon Global Technologies Inc

A header for a heat exchanger includes an elongate header plate having a pair of substantially parallel long edges. The header plate includes an elongate slot extending in a first direction across the header plate and a pair of ridges extending in a second direction along the header plate. The second direction is substantially perpendicular to the first direction. Edge regions of the header plate are formed on sides of the ridges adjacent the long edges. At least one of the edge regions lie in a first plane and crests of the ridges lie in a second plane. The first plane is substantially parallel to and offset from the second plane.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Formed microchannel heat exchanger

Номер: US20130020061A1
Автор: Charles J. Bergh
Принадлежит: Ingersoll Rand Co

A heat exchanger ( 80 ) includes a plurality of heat exchange layers ( 95 ) stacked in a stackwise direction. Each of the layers includes a first plate (110) and a second plate ( 115 ), each of the first plate and the second plate includes a portion of a first enclosed header ( 120 ), a second enclosed header ( 125 ) and at least one flow channel ( 130 ) that extends between the first enclosed header and the second enclosed header. The first plate and the second plate are fixedly attached to one another to completely define the first enclosed header, the second enclosed header, and the at least one flow channel. An inlet header ( 85 ) is in fluid communication with the first enclosed header of each of the plurality of heat exchange layers ( 95 ) to direct a flow of fluid to the heat exchange layers. An outlet header is in fluid communication with the second enclosed header of each of the plurality of heat exchange layers to direct the flow of fluid from the heat exchange layers. The heat exchanger also includes a plurality of fins ( 100 ) with each positioned between adjacent heat exchange layers.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Header tank for heat exchanger

Номер: US20130025838A1
Принадлежит: Calsonic Kansei Corp

A header tank for a heat exchanger for supplying a heat exchange fluid to a core unit in which a plurality of tubes are provided side by side includes an inlet part for introducing the heat exchange fluid into the header tank, and a plurality of ribs projecting into the header tank, extending in directions intersecting with a central axis direction of the inlet part, arranged side by side in the central axis direction and configured to cause the heat exchange fluid to flow into the tubes. The plurality of ribs project more into the header tank with increasing distance from the inlet part.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Low Profile, Split Flow Charge Air Cooler with Uniform Flow Exit Manifold

Номер: US20130105128A1
Автор: Doug Vanderwees
Принадлежит: Dana Canada Corp

A low profile, split flow charge air cooler with uniform flow exit manifold comprises a first heat exchanger core comprising a plurality of gas flow passages and a plurality of coolant flow passages arranged in alternating order. First and second gas outlet manifolds are in communication with the gas flow passages, and a gas inlet manifold is in communication with both the first and second gas outlet manifolds. The gas inlet manifold is located between the first and second gas outlet manifolds, such that the gas flows in two different directions from the inlet manifold toward the outlet manifolds. A gas outlet chamber receives the gas flows from the gas outlet manifolds and provides a space in which the gas flows are combined before being discharged from the heat exchanger.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112380A1
Автор: TANIGAWA Shigetoshi

The heat exchanger uses multi-layer tubes, performing efficient heat exchange. Each heat transfer tube includes an outer tube and an inner tube. Header unit directs first fluid through gaps between the inner tube and the outer tube from outer circumferences of the inner tube. The header units are stacked in a top-bottom direction with gap-forming members therebetween, leaving predetermined gap portion. Furthermore, a header cover directs the second fluid through the inner tubes extending from the header units, and is fitted from the outer side, and the second fluid is introduced. With this configuration, the second fluid flowing from the header cover is directed through the inside of the inner tubes and over outer surfaces of the outer tubes along the axial direction via the gap portions, enabling heat exchange to be performed from both inside and outside of the outer tubes. 1. A heat exchanger using heat transfer tubes each including an outer tube and an inner tube , the heat exchanger performing heat exchange between first fluid flowing through a gap between the outer tube and the inner tube and second fluid flowing through the inner tube , the heat exchanger comprising:header units that direct the first fluid through the gaps between the inner tubes and the outer tubes from the outer circumferences of the inner tubes, the ends of the inner tubes extending from the outer tubes;second headers that direct second fluid through the inner tubes extending from the header units; andgap portions provided between the stacked header units, through which the second fluid from the second headers flows,wherein the second fluid from the second headers is directed through the inside of the inner tubes and over outer surfaces of the outer tubes along the axial direction via the gap portions.2. A heat exchanger using heat transfer tubes each including an outer tube and an inner tube , the heat exchanger performing heat exchange between first fluid flowing through a gap between the ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112384A1
Принадлежит: Rinnai Corporation

Provided are a heat exchanger that does not impede downsizing and removes water in the heat absorbing pipe adequately with a simple configuration even when the reduction in diameter of the heat absorbing pipe is made. A heat exchanger in which heat absorbing pipes are disposed in a multi-tier arrangement within a casing which is the passage of combustion exhaust gas, both pipe ends of each of the heat absorbing pipes 51 are connected respectively to two headers provided on a side plate of the casing and water introduced from an external pipe to each of the heat absorbing pipes through the header is heat-exchanged and heated by combustion exhaust gas. The pipe ends of the heat absorbing pipes are arranged at a predetermined vertical interval. A drainage plate for forming a drainage passage through which the water that has reached the pipe end openings A of respective heat absorbing pipes is removed during drainage operation for the heat absorbing pipes is disposed in the header disposed on a lower side of the heat absorbing pipes so as to face a number of the pipe end openings A vertically arranged in a state of continuous. 1. A heat exchanger in which heat absorbing pipes are disposed in a multi-tier arrangement within a casing which is the passage of combustion exhaust gas , both pipe ends of each of the heat absorbing pipes are connected respectively to two headers provided on a side plate of the casing , and water introduced from an external pipe to each of the heat absorbing pipes through the header is heat-exchanged and heated by combustion exhaust gas , whereinthe pipe ends of the heat absorbing pipes are arranged at a predetermined vertical interval, anda drainage plate for forming a drainage passage through which water that has reached the pipe end openings of respective heat absorbing pipes is removed during drainage operation for the heat absorbing pipes, is disposed in the header disposed on a lower side of the heat absorbing pipes so as to face a number ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Heat exchanger and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130126136A1

A heat exchange system and a method of manufacturing the same are provided. The heat exchange system may include a first heat exchanger, a second heat exchanger spaced apart from the first heat exchanger, a connection device provided between the first and second heat exchangers to guide refrigerant into the first and second heat exchangers, and one or more connection pipes that couple the connection device to the first and second heat exchangers, the connection pipes including at least one bent portion.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126141A1
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

A heat exchanger comprising: an inlet manifold ; an outlet manifold ; and a tube matrix comprising a plurality of tubes , each tube being connected at one end to the inlet manifold and at the other end to the outlet manifold ; wherein each tube extends generally along a longitudinal axis defined between the connection of the tube with the inlet manifold and the connection of the tube with the outlet manifold ; and wherein a single portion of each tube is offset to one side of the longitudinal axis. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:an inlet manifold;an outlet manifold; anda tube matrix comprising a plurality of tubes, each tube being fixedly connected at one end to the inlet manifold and at the other end to the outlet manifold;wherein each tube extends generally along a longitudinal axis defined between the connection of the tube with the inlet manifold and the connection of the tube with the outlet manifold, wherein a single portion of each tube is offset to one side of the longitudinal axis; and wherein the tubes are arranged in one or more rows in a plane defined by a longitudinal axis of the inlet and outlet manifolds and a plurality of rows are disposed side-by-side to form columns.2. A heat exchanger matrix as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tubes are fixedly connected between the inlet manifold and outlet manifold independently from each other.3. A heat exchanger matrix as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tubes are each separated from an adjacent tube by a substantially similar gap at corresponding portions along the longitudinal axis.4. A heat exchanger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tubes are generally C-shaped.5. A heat exchanger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the offset portion comprises a curved portion which curves away from the longitudinal axis.6. A heat exchanger as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the curved portion has a constant curvature.7. A heat exchanger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the offset portion comprises a straight portion and pair ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140012A1
Автор: Al-Otaibi Dhawi A.
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A header for an air cooled heat exchanger is provided. The header includes a housing having top and bottom walls and side walls and an inlet and an outlet, one of said side walls being a tube wall for connection to a plurality of heat exchanger tubes. The header includes a partition wall between the top and bottom walls defining upper and lower regions, the partition being a sheet having a higher central area which extends downward to corners of the upper region. Each corner has a drain aperture for fluid in the upper region to drain by gravity out of the upper region. 1. A header for an air cooled heat exchanger which includes an inlet for receiving a fluid to be cooled , comprising:a housing having top, bottom and side walls which define within said walls a chamber;a partition wall positioned within said housing between said top and bottom walls and defining an upper portion of said chamber with an inlet and a separate lower portion of said chamber with an outlet, said partition wall having a central area and extending laterally to its peripheral edges that are sealed with said housing side walls, said peripheral edges being at a lower elevation than said central area, anda plurality of drain apertures at said peripheral edges for fluid in said upper portion to drain by gravity out of said upper portion of said chamber.2. The header of claim 1 , wherein said housing is generally rectangular with four corner regions claim 1 , and said partition wall is a rectangular plate having four peripheral side edges claim 1 , wherein each of said side edges defines a convex curve highest at its center claim 1 , said partition wall descending from its highest center to four corners situated at said corner regions of said housing claim 1 , and said drain apertures are located in said corner regions of said upper portion of said chamber near said corners of said partition wall.3. The header of where two opposite side edges of said partition wall define a concave curvature about ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Heat exchanger for vehicle

Номер: US20130146264A1
Автор: Jae Yeon Kim, Wan Je Cho
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A heat exchanger apparatus for a vehicle may include a tank receiving a first operating fluid therein through a first inflow port and exhausting the first operating fluid therefrom through a first exhaust port, first and second headers formed to lower and upper portion of the tank and receiving and exhausting a second operating fluid respectively through a second inflow port and a second exhaust port formed respectively at the lower portion and the upper portion of the tank, and mounted respectively at the lower portion and the upper portion of the tank so as to form first and second chambers at the lower and upper portion of the tank, and at least one heat radiating unit provided with at least one coupling pipe fluidly connecting the first chamber of the first header with the second chamber of the second header.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Variable capacity core type heat exchanger unit

Номер: US20130149119A1
Автор: Jungmin Seo
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A variable capacity core type heat exchanger unit, may include a heat exchanger heat-exchanging high-temperature cooling water, a reservoir tank in which the high-temperature cooling water is inputted and thereafter, transmitted to the heat exchanger and the low-temperature cooling water is inputted and thereafter, discharged to the engine and the electric system, wherein the reservoir tank includes an introduction space and a discharge space, and an actuator module installed to the reservoir tank and controlled by a controller, varying the introduction space through which the high-temperature cooling water is inputted into the heat exchanger and the discharge space through which the low-temperature cooling water is discharged from the heat exchanger, wherein the variation in the introduction space is associated with the variation in the discharge space.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Flow control devices and methods for a once-through horizontal evaporator

Номер: US20130180474A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Technology AG

Disclosed herein is a once-through evaporator comprising an inlet manifold; one or more inlet headers in fluid communication with the inlet manifold; one or more tube stacks, where each tube stack comprises one or more substantially horizontal evaporator tubes; the one or more tube stacks being in fluid communication with the one or more inlet headers; one or more outlet headers in fluid communication with one or more tube stacks; an outlet manifold in fluid communication with the one or more outlet headers; and a plurality of flow control devices to dynamically control the fluid flow to a respective inlet header.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180695A1

A header unit having an improved assembly method of a body and a header and a heat exchanger having the same, capable of preventing a body from being incompletely bonded to a cover at an inner side of the header as a result of the instability of a manufacturing process, and thus capable of preventing the leaking of the refrigerant in between two tanks at an inside of the header. The heat exchanger includes a body, and a cover coupled to the body, wherein the body includes a base part forming a bottom surface of the body, and a middle partition protrudedly formed from the base part, and the cover includes a coupling groove to which the middle partition of the body is coupled while passing through the coupling groove. 1. A header unit , comprising:a body; anda cover coupled to the body,wherein the body comprises a base part forming a bottom surface of the body, and a middle partition protrudedly formed from the base part, andthe cover comprises a coupling groove to which the middle partition of the body is coupled while passing through the coupling groove.2. The header unit of claim 1 , wherein:the middle partition comprises a first middle partition extended from the base part and a second middle partition extended from the first middle partition; andthe second middle partition has a width narrower than a width of the first middle partition.3. The header unit of claim 2 , wherein:the second middle partition is coupled to the coupling groove of the cover while passing through the coupling groove.4. The header unit of claim 3 , wherein:the second middle partition is protruded by passing through the coupling groove of the cover.5. The header unit of claim 1 , wherein:the middle partition of the body comprises at least one step part that comprises a predetermined section having a height lower than a height of an other section of the step part.6. The header unit of claim 5 , wherein:the cover is provided with a joint part at a position corresponding to the at least one ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Porous blocker bar for plate-fin heat exchanger

Номер: US20130191079A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A plate-fin heat exchanger adapted to reduce thermal fatigue is described. The plate-fin heat exchanger includes a cold fluid pathway running along a first axis, a hot fluid pathway running along a second axis perpendicular to the first axis, and at least one porous blocker bar running along the first axis. The porous blocker bar includes a set of pores adapted to control the flow along the hot fluid pathway and coupled to an inlet of the hot fluid pathway.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192808A1
Автор: Liu Huazhao

A refrigerant guiding pipe having a pipe wall in which an inner chamber is formed, an opening formed in the pipe wall, and a refrigerant guiding portion. At least a part of the refrigerant guiding portion is disposed to be substantially inclined with respect to an axial direction of the refrigerant guiding pipe to guide refrigerant passing through the opening. The refrigerant guiding pipe can distribute and guide refrigerant well to help avoid non-uniform distribution of refrigerant due to layering of gaseous refrigerant and liquid refrigerant. 1. A refrigerant guiding pipe for a heat exchanger , comprising:a pipe wall in which an inner chamber is formed;an opening formed in the pipe wall; anda refrigerant guiding portion, wherein at least a part of the refrigerant guiding portion is disposed to be substantially inclined with respect to an axial direction of the refrigerant guiding pipe to guide refrigerant passing through the opening.2. (canceled)3. The refrigerant guiding pipe of claim 1 , wherein the opening is a channel formed in the pipe wall claim 1 , the channel has an inner wall claim 1 , and the inner wall forms the refrigerant guiding portion.4. The refrigerant guiding pipe of claim 2 , wherein an axis of the channel is inclined with respect to an axial direction of the refrigerant guiding pipe.5. The refrigerant guiding pipe of claim 3 , further comprising an inclined wall portion claim 3 , wherein the inclined wall portion as a portion of the pipe wall is inclined with respect to the axial direction of the refrigerant guiding pipe claim 3 , and the channel is formed in the inclined wall portion.6. The refrigerant guiding pipe of claim 3 , wherein the axis of the channel is inclined with respect to the axial direction of the refrigerant guiding pipe by an angle of more than zero degree and less than 90 degrees claim 3 , preferably from about 5 degrees to about 75 degrees.7. The refrigerant guiding pipe of claim 3 , further comprising:a first end of the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192810A1

Disclosed herein is a once-through evaporator comprising an inlet manifold; one or more inlet headers in fluid communication with the inlet manifold; one or more tube stacks, where each tube stack comprises one or more inclined evaporator tubes; the one or more tube stacks being in fluid communication with the one or more inlet headers; where the inclined tubes are inclined at an angle of less than 90 degrees or greater than 90 degrees to a vertical; one or more outlet headers in fluid communication with one or more tube stacks; and an outlet manifold in fluid communication with the one or more outlet headers; and a baffle system comprising a plurality of baffles; the baffle system being disposed adjacent to a tube stack so that the baffle system contacts a tube. 1. A once-through evaporator comprising:an inlet manifold;one or more inlet headers in fluid communication with the inlet manifold;one or more tube stacks, where each tube stack comprises one or more inclined evaporator tubes; the one or more tube stacks being in fluid communication with the one or more inlet headers; where the inclined tubes are inclined at an angle of less than 90 degrees or greater than 90 degrees to a vertical;one or more outlet headers in fluid communication with one or more tube stacks; andan outlet manifold in fluid communication with the one or more outlet headers; anda baffle system comprising a plurality of baffles; the baffle system being disposed adjacent to a tube stack so that the baffle system contacts a tube.2. The once-through evaporator of claim 1 , where the once-through evaporator comprises two or more tube stacks and where the baffle system is disposed in a passage between the tube stacks.3. The once-through evaporator of claim 2 , where the baffle system comprises a plurality of rods that are disposed atop and under a plurality of baffles.4. The once-through evaporator of claim 3 , where an angle between the rods and the baffles can be varied by varying a position of ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Device For Connection Between A Component Of An Air-Conditioning Loop And A Heat Exchanger

Номер: US20130200611A1
Принадлежит: Valeo Systemes Thermiques SAS

A device ( 4 ) is for connection between a component ( 2 ) of an air-conditioning loop ( 1 ) and a heat exchanger ( 3 ), including at least one channel ( 6.1, 6.2 ) through which a fluid ( 9.1, 9.2 ) can flow. The device includes an inner part ( 11 ) having at least one collar ( 12.1, 12.2 ) at least partially defining a channel ( 10.1, 10.2 ) and capable of engaging with an opening ( 6.1, 6.2 ) of the exchanger ( 3 ), and an outer part ( 15 ) mounted against the inner part ( 11 ), having at least one end piece ( 16.1, 16.2 ) at least partially defining the channel ( 10.1, 10.2 ) and capable of engaging with an opening of the component ( 2 ). The invention also relates to a heat exchanger provided with the connection device ( 4 ).

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Condenser having a receiver/dehydrator top entrance with communication capable of stabilized charge plateau

Номер: US20130206378A1
Автор: Scott E. Kent
Принадлежит: Delphi Technologies Inc

A sub-cooled condenser for an air conditioning system includes a condenser portion, a sub-cooler portion located below that of the condenser portion, an integral receiver tank having an upper receiver first chamber with a first fluid port in hydraulic connection with the condenser portion and a lower receiver second chamber having a second fluid port in hydraulic connection with the sub-cooler portion, and a refrigerant conduit disposed in the receiver tank. The refrigerant conduit may include a top entry end extending into the upper receiver first chamber and a bottom discharge end extending in the lower receiver second chamber, wherein the bottom discharge end may extend below the second fluid port. The condenser portion may include multiple passes in which the refrigerant flows in an upward direction from the inlet of the condenser portion to the first fluid port that is in hydraulic connection to the upper receiver first chamber.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213625A1

A modular system for heat exchange between fluids includes a plurality of open elements that, by means of two end plates, are connected together. An open element is constituted of a folded and sealed sheet material that is arranged in a frame. 1. An open element for heat exchange between fluids , comprising:a sheet material folded to form a plurality of slits, which slits constitute the fluids' flow paths,wherein the sheet material over at least a part of its width and length is by means of stiffening devices stiffened,wherein the ends of the folded sheet material are sealed by means of an end seal,wherein the open element further comprises an open frame, the folded sheet material being arranged in the open frame, each of the ends of the frame being configured with two through holes forming inlets and outlets for each of the fluids, andwherein the open frame is constituted of a top and a bottom frame configured with an open portion, the open frame thereby only covering the edges of the folded sheet material.2. The element according to claim 1 , wherein the sheet material is made of titanium.3. The element according to claim 1 , wherein the element further comprises at least one gasket.4. The element according to claim 1 , wherein the slit width to slit depth ratio is less than 0.15.5. The element according to claim 1 , wherein walls are configured as planar faces claim 1 , part circles claim 1 , arcs or the like.6. The element according to claim 1 , wherein the top and bottom frames are connected to each other by fastening devices.7. The element according to claim 6 , wherein the frame in at least one side is configured with at least one through hole claim 6 , extending into at least one gasket.8. A modular system for heat exchange between fluids claim 6 , comprising:two end plates,wherein at least one end plate is configured with inlets and outlets for fluids,{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'wherein the modular system comprises a plurality of open ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220584A1

A heat exchanger () is provided with: two header pipes () which are disposed parallel to each other with a space therebetween; a plurality of flat tubes () which are disposed between the header pipes, refrigerant passages () provided therein communicating with the interiors of the header pipes; and fins () which are disposed between the flat tubes. The plurality of flat tubes are divided into two parts: an upper group () located in the upper part; and a lower group () located in the lower part. The flat tubes of the upper group and parts corresponding thereto of the header pipes constitute an upper heat exchange part (), and the flat tubes of the lower group and parts corresponding thereto of the header pipes constitute a lower heat exchange part (). 1. A side-flow type parallel-flow heat exchanger comprising:a plurality of header pipes disposed in parallel at intervals;a plurality of flat tubes disposed between the plurality of header pipes, the flat tubes each having a refrigerant passage formed therein to communicate with insides of the header pipes; anda fin disposed between adjacent ones of the plurality of flat tubes,whereinthe plurality of flat tubes are divided into an upper group located in an upper part of the heat exchanger and a lower group located in a lower part of the heat exchanger,a flat tube belonging to the upper group and part of the plurality of header pipes corresponding to the flat tube belonging to the upper group form an upper heat exchanging portion, anda flat tube belonging to the lower group and part of the plurality of header pipes corresponding to the flat tube belonging to the lower group form a lower heat exchanging portion.2. The heat exchanger of claim 1 ,whereinone of the upper heat exchanging portion and the lower heat exchanging portion functions as an evaporator, andanother one of the upper heat exchanging portion and the lower heat exchanging portion functions as a condenser.3. The heat exchanger of claim 2 ,whereinin one of ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Tube bundle heat exchanger and waste gas heat recovery device

Номер: US20130227946A1

The invention relates to a tube bundle heat exchanger having a plurality of tube windings ( 1 ) through which a heat transfer medium flows in parallel. The tube windings start from a common inlet chamber ( 2 ) for the heat transfer medium and open into a common outlet chamber ( 3 ). Each tube winding comprises an alternating sequence of tube sections ( 6 ) running alternately in two planes parallel to each other, and tube bends ( 7 ) connecting same, wherein within each of the two planes four or more pipe sections extend disposed side by side or parallel to each other, and wherein the pipe bends are designed to have a change of direction through 180° with respect to an associated bend axis and have the same bend radii. The invention is characterised in that along each tube winding the bend axes of tube bends that are connected to the same tube section are positioned at an angle of between 85° and 95° to each other, and the bend axes of tube bends, between which a tube section, a tube bend and a further tube section are arranged in immediate sequence, run parallel.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Heat exchanger with headering system and method for manufacturing same

Номер: US20130264031A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A heat exchanger with headering system is provided. The heat exchanger includes a body that extends between first and second headers. The central span of the body includes two sets of channels arranged in a checkerboard pattern to provide efficient heat transfer between heat transfer fluids in each set. End portions of the body, within the headers, include offsets that transition the sets of channels from a linear alignment to the checkerboard pattern. This configuration allows heat exchange fluids to be introduced into the appropriate sets of channels through the headers with less complexity. A method of manufacturing the heat exchanger is also provided.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Heat transfer apparatus and method

Номер: US20130269909A1
Автор: David Zietlow, John Seeli

A heat transfer apparatus and related methods are provided. The heat transfer apparatus and related methods more evenly distribute fluid flow in two-phase heat exchange systems by restricting fluid flow to one or more tube.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Heat exchanger with thermal storage function and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130284395A1
Принадлежит: Keihin Thermal Technology Corp

A heat exchanger with a thermal storage function includes a plurality of heat exchange tubes, a plurality of thermal storage material containers, and a first thermal storage material charging member. A circumferential wall of the first thermal storage material charging member is deformed such that a collapsed portion is formed on the first thermal storage material charging member and the thermal storage material charging passage is closed and sealed. The collapsed portion of the first thermal storage material charging member includes a first collapsed part and a second collapsed part. A relation T2<T1≦2t is satisfied where “t” represents a thickness of the circumferential wall of an uncollapsed portion of the first thermal storage material charging member, “T1” represents a thickness of the first collapsed part, and “T2” represents a thickness of the second collapsed part.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Heat exchanger and air conditioner

Номер: US20130292098A1
Принадлежит: Daikin Industries Ltd

A plurality of flat tubes is, at one end thereof, connected to a first header collecting pipe, and is, at the other end thereof, connected to a second header collecting pipe. Some of the flat tubes forms a main heat exchange part, and the other flat tubes forms an auxiliary heat exchange part. The number of flat tubes of the auxiliary heat exchange part is less than the number of flat tubes of the main heat exchange part. The total cross-sectional area of flow paths per flat tube provided in the auxiliary heat exchange part is greater than the total cross-sectional area of flow paths per flat tube provided in the main heat exchange part.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Multichamber heat exchanger

Номер: US20130292099A1
Автор: David Cook

A heat exchanger includes: a housing; a working fluid inlet and a working fluid outlet in the housing through which a working fluid enters and exits the housing, respectively, wherein a working fluid flow path connects the working fluid inlet and the working fluid outlet; and a heat transfer medium inlet and a heat transfer medium outlet in the housing through which a heat transfer medium enters and exits the housing, respectively; wherein a heat transfer medium flow path connects the heat transfer medium inlet and the heat transfer medium outlet; further wherein the heat transfer medium flow path includes at least two distinct zones of operation including a radiation dominant zone and a conduction dominant zone.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292104A1

Provided is a heat exchanger. The heat exchanger includes a plurality of refrigerant tubes in which a refrigerant flows, a heat dissipation-fin in which the plurality of refrigerant tubes are inserted and through which the refrigerant and a fluid are heat-exchanged with each other, a header coupled to at least one side of the plurality of refrigerant tubes to define a refrigerant flow space, and a guide device disposed within the header to branch the refrigerant into a plurality of passages corresponding to the plurality of refrigerant tubes. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a plurality of refrigerant tubes in which a refrigerant flows;a heat dissipation-fin in which the plurality of refrigerant tubes are inserted and through which the refrigerant and a fluid are heat-exchanged with each other;a header coupled to a side of the plurality of refrigerant tubes to define a refrigerant flow space; anda guide device disposed within the header to route the refrigerant into a plurality of passages corresponding to the plurality of refrigerant tubes.2. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the guide device comprises:a partition part partitioning an inner space of the header; anda plurality of guide parts provided in a side of the partition part to extend in a direction of the header or the partition part, thereby routing the refrigerant into a plurality of flow spaces.3. The heat exchanger according to claim 2 , wherein the header comprises:a header body comprising a tube coupling part coupled to the refrigerant tubes; anda header cover coupled to the header body,wherein at least one of the guide parts extends from the partition part and is coupled to an inner surface of the header body or the header cover.4. The heat exchanger according to claim 3 , wherein the header body claim 3 , the header cover claim 3 , and the guide device are integrated with each other through brazing welding.5. The heat exchanger according to claim 2 , wherein the partition part has a ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger For A Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20130299150A1

A heat exchanger comprises: a plurality of tubes for the circulation of a coolant which are arranged as a core bundle of tubes having a width in a longitudinal direction, a depth in a transverse direction, and a height in a vertical direction; a first header and a second header into which the tubes of the core bundle open; and a first partition arranged respectively in the first and second headers. The first partition respectively divides the first header and the second header, at least partially, into a first compartment and a second compartment which are adjacent in the transverse direction. The heat exchanger further comprises at least one second partition dividing the first compartment and the second compartment of the first header into a first chamber, a fourth chamber, and at least one return compartment which is adjacent, in the longitudinal direction, to the first and fourth chambers. 2. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of tubes is arranged in a first row and in a second row claim 1 , and wherein some of the tubes of the first row open into the first chamber of the first header and into the first compartment of the second header claim 1 , some of the tubes of the second row open into the fourth chamber of the first header and into the second compartment of the second header claim 1 , and some of the tubes of the first row and of the second row open into the return compartment of the first header.3. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a first pipe and a second pipe opening respectively into the first chamber and the fourth chamber of the first header.4. The heat exchanger has claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first partition divides the return compartment into a second chamber and a third chamber.5. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the first partition is a dividing partition separating the second chamber from the third chamber and is pierced with at least one through-passage.6. The ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130299151A1

A head collecting tank for a tubular heat exchanger of a motor vehicle having an inner end in the form of a right parallelogram, on which is secured across a sealing element, a tube panel for mounting and securing of one of the lengthwise ends of a bundle of tubes of the heat exchanger. The tube panel is formed by a frame part with a set of mutually parallel braces having in cross section the shape of the letter U and passing into the frame part, which also has in cross section the shape of the letter U with an elongated arm on the side away from the braces. 1. A tube panel of a head collecting tank for a tubular heat exchanger of a motor vehicle , comprising:a frame part having an inner wall, an outer peripheral wall, and a bottom; anda plurality of braces integrally formed with the frame part and having a pair of walls extending laterally outwardly therefrom, the plurality of braces and the frame part cooperating to form a plurality of spaces configured to secure a plurality of tubes of the tubular heat exchanger therein, and wherein a thickness of the pair of walls of the braces is greater than a thickness of the inner wall of the frame part bounding the plurality of spaces.2. The tube panel of claim 1 , wherein the inner wall claim 1 , the outer peripheral wall claim 1 , and the bottom of the frame part form a substantially u-shaped cross-section of the frame part.3. The tube panel of claim 2 , wherein the bottom of the frame part has an arcuate shape and further comprises a transition formed intermediate the inner wall and the bottom of the frame part.4. The tube panel of claim 1 , wherein the frame part is rectangular and the plurality of braces extends between opposing sides of the frame part and are substantially parallel to each other.5. The tube panel of claim 1 , wherein the braces have a substantially u-shaped cross section.6. The tube panel of claim 1 , further comprising a sealing element having a circular cross-section disposed adjacent the bottom of ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306285A1

A first header collecting pipe is divided into an upper space corresponding to an upper heat exchange region and a lower space corresponding to a lower heat exchange region. The lower space is divided into a plurality of communication spaces corresponding respectively to auxiliary heat exchange parts of the lower heat exchange region. A second header collecting pipe is divided into a communication space corresponding to both of a first main heat exchange part and the third auxiliary heat exchange part, and into communication spaces corresponding respectively to other main heat exchange parts and the other auxiliary heat exchange parts. Each of pairs of communication space and communication space is connected to an associated one of communication pipes. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a standing first header collecting pipe and a standing second header collecting pipe;a plurality of flat tubes which are arranged one above the other, which are each connected to the first header collecting pipe at one end and connected to the second header collecting pipe at the other end, and which are each formed with a passage of refrigerant; anda plurality of fins each configured to divide part of the heat exchanger between adjacent ones of the flat tubes into a plurality of air passages through each of which air flows,wherein the flat tubes are divided foran upper heat exchange region divided into a plurality of heat exchange parts arranged one above the other, anda lower heat exchange region divided into one or more heat exchange parts arranged one above the other,an internal space of the first header collecting pipe is divided into an upper space which is for gas refrigerant and which corresponds to the upper heat exchange region, anda lower space which is for liquid refrigerant and which corresponds to the lower heat exchange region,in the lower space of the first header collecting pipe, one or more communication spaces corresponding respectively to the one or more heat exchange ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Heat exchanger and air conditioner

Номер: US20130306286A1
Принадлежит: Daikin Industries Ltd

A heat exchanger ( 30 ) includes vertically arranged flat tubes ( 33 ) and plate-like fins ( 36 ) arranged in the direction in which the flat tubes ( 33 ) extend. The flat tubes ( 33 ) are inserted into notches ( 45 ) of the fins ( 36 ). Parts of the fins ( 36 ) between vertically adjacent ones of the notches ( 45 ) are windward plate parts ( 70 ), and parts of the fins ( 36 ) at leeward sides of the notches ( 45 ) are leeward plate parts ( 75 ). Each of the windward plate parts ( 70 ) includes windward heat transfer promotion parts ( 71 ) constituted by protrusions ( 81 - 83 ) and louvers ( 50 a, 50 b). On the plate parts ( 75 ), leeward heat transfer promotion parts ( 76 ) constituted by leeward protrusions ( 84 ) are provided. The heat transfer promotion parts ( 76 ) are located at leeward sides of the notches ( 45 ), and overlap with the heat transfer promotion parts ( 71 ) when viewed from front edges ( 38 ) of the fins ( 36 ).

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger for Combustion Engines

Номер: US20130307268A1
Автор: Thillen Thomas V.

A specific electrical generator powered by an external combustion steam engine that functions through the initial combustion of various potential fuel sources to consequently generate steam from an internal working fluid that drives an electric motor or alternator to generate electricity is provided. The steam is then condensed to return to its liquid form in order to again be heated into steam through further combustion. The all-in-one electric generator combusts the fuel provided within the generator and incinerates such fuel in a manner and in an environment to effectively eliminate the potential for appreciable resultant levels of nitrogen and/or sulfur oxides. The combustion fuel may be any type of material, such as used vehicle or equipment oil, waste vegetable or cooking oil, diesel, gasoline, syngases, natural gases, and the like. 1. A heat exchanger including a housing having a top panel , a bottom panel , two side panels , a front panel , and an end panel , wherein said housing includes therein a heating manifold formed by a refractory tube , wherein said refractory tube is configured in perpendicular relation to and extending from said front panel such that said tube includes an opening within said housing; wherein said housing includes a dividing tube that is configured in perpendicular relation to and extending from said end panel such that said tube includes an opening within said housing and within which is disposed said refractory tube; wherein said housing includes an energy retention disc disposed along the internal wall of said end panel , and thus substantially perpendicular to said dividing tube; wherein said housing includes at least one coiled tube encircling said dividing tube; and wherein said housing further includes at least two exhaust ports disposed within said end panel and with one of said ports disposed between said dividing tube and said top panel and the other disposed between said dividing tube and said bottom panel.2. The heat ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger Manifold And A Heat Exchanger Equipped With Such A Manifold

Номер: US20130319644A1

Header for a heat exchanger and resulting heat exchanger are disclosed. The tubular header is of the type which can receive at least one connecting flange () with an internal fluid passage (), and is composed of: a header plate () with a longitudinally open wall, provided with slots intended to receive parallel fluid flow tubes; and a cover () which, after assembly, closes a longitudinal opening of said header plate, the wall of this cover having at least one external collar () delimiting a hole for the flow of fluid (), said connecting flange () being attached to said cover () and being configured in such a way that it can be crimped onto the header (), thereby bringing the internal passage () into fluid communication with the hole () in said collar. Advantageously, said collar () has a wall thickness () which is reduced relative to that of said cover () from which the collar extends, thereby maximizing the cross section of said hole () for the flow of fluid toward the internal passage () of said flange. 1. A header for a heat exchanger adapted to receive at least one connecting flange with an internal fluid passage , comprising a cover which , after assembly , closes a longitudinal opening of a header plate which interacts with said cover to form said header , the wall of said cover having at least one external collar delimiting a hole for the flow of fluid , said header being configured to allow said flange to be crimped onto said cover , thereby bringing the internal passage into fluid communication with the hole in said collar , wherein said collar has a wall thickness smaller than that of said cover from which the collar extends , thereby maximizing the cross section of said hole for the flow of fluid.2. The header as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the reduction of thickness of the wall of the collar is at least 30% relative to the thickness of the wall of said cover.3. The header as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the reduction of thickness of the wall of the ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Passive air bleed for improved cooling systems

Номер: US20130327511A1
Принадлежит: Tesla Motor Inc

An apparatus, including a sealed housing defining a manifold having an inlet port for receiving an input fluid stream into the manifold and an outlet port for exiting an output fluid stream from the manifold; and a bleed structure having a proximal end, a distal end, and a hollow channel communicating a first opening at the proximal end to a second opening at the distal end, the distal end disposed within the manifold and the proximal end disposed in the outlet port outside of the manifold.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger for Exhaust Gas Recirculation

Номер: US20140014077A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A heat exchanger associated with an exhaust gas recirculation system cools the exhaust gasses before directing them to an internal combustion engine. The heat exchanger can include a tube core having a plurality of exhaust gas tubes that can extend along a longitudinal axis. The tube core can also include a plurality of coolant channels disposed between and spacing apart the plurality of exhaust gas tubes. A coolant inlet line is disposed about at least a portion of the tube core to direct coolant inwardly toward the coolant channels. At least a portion of the coolant can converge approximately at the longitudinal axis line.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for cooling containers

Номер: US20140014293A1
Автор: Andres Bernal

An apparatus for cooling containers includes a cooling chamber having a side wall with a circular interior surface defining a cylindrical interior chamber cavity. The interior chamber cavity has a diameter and length sufficient to receive the container therein, and an open top permitting insertion of the container and egress of the fluid. At least one fluid inlet is positioned so as to inject a cooling fluid tangential to the circular side wall. At least one fluid outlet is provided for removing the cooling fluid from the cooling chamber. A method for cooling containers is also disclosed.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger Header and Related Methods and Apparatuses

Номер: US20140014307A1
Принадлежит: Richardson Cooling Packages LLC

A heat exchanger (such as a radiator) that provides for a consistent tank-to-header joint location. The header generally includes a drafted wall that is movable adjacent to or within a tank and may include a curved fillet to maintain header alignment.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041840A1
Принадлежит: Cooper-Standard Automotive, Inc.

An apparatus for transferring heat between a first fluid and second fluid in a motor vehicle includes a housing, a first header, a second header, and a plurality of heat exchange tubes. The housing defines a chamber and includes a first inlet, a second inlet, a first outlet, and a second outlet. The first and second headers separate a central portion of the chamber from a first and second header portion of the chamber, respectively. The first inlet and the first outlet are in fluid communication with the central portion. The second inlet is in communication with the first header portion. The second outlet is in fluid communication with the second header portion. Each of the plurality of heat exchange tubes passes through the central portion of the chamber and has a first end in fluid communication with the first header portion and a second end in fluid communication with the second header portion. 1. An apparatus for transferring heat between a first fluid and second fluid in a motor vehicle , the apparatus comprising:a housing defining a chamber, the housing having a first inlet, a second inlet, a first outlet, and a second outlet;a first header separating a central portion of the chamber from a first header portion of the chamber, the first inlet and the first outlet in fluid communication with the central portion, the second inlet in communication with the first header portion;a second header separating the central portion of the chamber from a second header portion of the chamber, the second outlet in fluid communication with the second header portion; anda plurality of heat exchange tubes passing through the central portion of the chamber, each of the tubes having a first end in fluid communication with the first header portion, a second end in fluid communication with the second header portion;wherein the tubes are oriented parallel to one another and have a wavy configuration extending through the central portion.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041842A1

A heat exchange chamber includes an inlet, an outlet and a plurality of walls defining a chamber interior. The inlet receives a heat exchange medium flowing in a first flow direction in an initial line of flow. Disposed within the chamber interior is a medium directing member, having an inclined surface, which diverts the medium from the initial flow direction so that it disperses within the chamber interior. Exposure to the contact surfaces provided by the chamber walls causes the medium to exchange heat with the chamber and the external environment. The medium exits the chamber, via the outlet, in the initial line of flow. The chambers are interconnected by tubes to form assemblies. Plural sets of chamber and tube assemblies are arranged between manifolds to provide a heat exchanger. 2. The heat exchange chamber according to wherein the chamber interior has a generally cylindrical shape.3. The heat exchange chamber according to claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of at least one of the chamber walls extends beyond the chamber interior in a radial direction.4. The heat exchange chamber according to further including at least one redirection member claim 1 , disposed within the chamber interior claim 1 , for assisting dispersion of the medium within the chamber interior.5. The heat exchange chamber according to wherein the redirection member is realized by an indentation in at least one of the chamber walls.6. The heat exchange chamber according to claim 1 , wherein the heat exchange chamber is realized by a plate claim 1 , the chamber interior being formed by a cavity within the plate and the inlet being formed by a hole in the plate claim 1 , the cavity being centered on the hole and having a diameter larger than a diameter of the hole.7. The heat exchange chamber according to wherein the inlet and outlet are axially aligned along the initial line of flow.8. A heat exchange assembly comprising:a plurality of tube-like segments for transporting a heat exchange ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Battery module

Номер: US20140050952A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

A battery module is provided. The battery module includes a battery cell and a heat exchanger disposed adjacent to the battery cell. The battery module further includes a cooling manifold having a tubular wall, a first fluid port, and a ring shaped member. The tubular wall defines an interior region and having first and second end portions. The first fluid port extends outwardly from an outer surface of the tubular wall and fluidly communicates with the interior region of the tubular wall. The ring shaped member is disposed on an outer surface of the first fluid port a predetermined distance from the outer surface of the tubular wall.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054018A1
Принадлежит: BEHR GMBH & CO. KG

A heat exchanger, in particular an intercooler, is provided that includes at least one collector box that has a base. At least one tube engages into a passage in an approximately perpendicular manner with respect to the base, the passage protruding out of the base and surrounding a tube end, and the passage has a rectangular cross-section that is adapted to the outer circumference of the tube. The aim of the invention is to further extend the service life of the heat exchanger with a further reduction of the wall thickness of the collector box base as well as of the tube. This is achieved in that a wall thickness of the passage is thinned at least in a corner region. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:at least one header box that has a plate; andat least one tube arranged approximately perpendicular to the plate engages a passage that projects out of the plate and surrounds a tube end,wherein the passage has a quasi-rectangular cross-section matched to an outer circumference of the tube, andwherein a wall thickness of the passage is reduced in at least one corner region by tool forming, relative to a narrow side and a wide side.2. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the reduced wall thickness of the corner region extends radially with regard to the tube.3. The heat exchanger according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , starting from the corner region of the passage claim 2 , the reduced wall thickness extends at least partially into the narrow side and/or the wide side of the passage.4. The heat exchanger according to claim 3 , wherein the reduced wall thickness of the corner region is continuously matched to a relevant wall thickness of the narrow side and/or the wide side of the passage.5. The heat exchanger according to claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , at least on the wide side of the passage starting from the continuously increasing reduced wall thickness that extends into the wide side claim 4 , an abrupt transition to a specified wall thickness of the wide ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060052A1

One embodiment of a moisture separator reheater includes: heater headers that supply the heating fluid to heat transfer tube groups for heat exchange with the steam; partition plates that guide the steam from a moisture removal section to the heat transfer tube group and then to the heat transfer tube group. The heat transfer tube groups each includes a plurality of heat transfer tubes each having a forward passage part, a backward passage part, and a bent tube part. The forward and the backward passage parts extend in a longitudinal direction of a body drum and the bent tube part connects the forward and the backward passage parts. The bent tube pipe is provided outside end plates. 1. A moisture separator reheater comprising:a horizontal cylindrical type body drum having a steam inlet for introducing thereinside steam to be heated at its lower portion and a steam outlet for exhausting therefrom the steam at its upper portion;end plates that seal both end portions of the body drum in a longitudinal direction thereof;a moisture removal section that removes moisture in the steam distributed inside the body drum;a heat transfer tube group disposed above the moisture removal section, heating fluid for heating the steam being distributed in the heat transfer tube group;a heater header that supplies the heating fluid to the heat transfer tube group and exhausts outside the heating fluid that has been heat exchanged with the steam; anda partition plate disposed inside the body drum so as to guide the steam from the moisture removal section to the heat transfer tube group;the heat transfer tube group including a plurality of heat transfer tubes each having a forward passage part, a backward passage part, and a bent tube part,the forward and the backward passage parts extending in longitudinal direction of the body drum and the bent tube part connecting the forward and the backward passage parts,the bent tube part being provided outside the end plates.2. The moisture ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Methods and devices for heating liquid for injection into a wellbore or pipeline system

Номер: US20140083408A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Super heater systems include self-contained units which are easily transported to remote locations. Such super heater systems include heat exchanger assemblies adapted to heat liquid on-the-fly (i.e., directly from the supply source to a wellbore or pipeline system. A heat exchange assembly may include a first header with a plurality of first header layers in alternating fluid communication, and a second header with a plurality of second header layers in alternating fluid communication. A plurality of heat exchange coils can be coupled between the first header and the second header such that the heat exchange coils are exposed to heat generated by a burner manifold. Other aspects, embodiments, and features are also claimed and described.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Heat exchanger and production method thereof

Номер: US20140090827A1
Принадлежит: Nortiz Corp

The heat exchanger HE comprising a case 2 housing a plurality of heat transfer tubes 1 and a header 3 having a hollow main body 30 with an open edge 33. A side wall 21 of the case 2 is provided with a bulging portion 22 having a cylindrical circumferential wall 22 a bulging out of the case 2 and an end wall 22 b which blocks a tip portion of the circumferential wall 22 a. Each end of the heat transfer tubes 1 is inserted into a penetrating hole 22 c provided for the end wall 22 b of the bulging portion 22, and is jointed to the end wall 22 b, and the open edge 33 of the header 3 is fitted onto the circumferential wall 22 a of the bulging portion 22, thereby forming a chamber 36 communicating with the inside of each heat transfer tube 1. Therefore, it is possible that the number of the members of the heat exchanger HE is reduced, the configuration is simplified, and the heat exchanger HE is easily manufactured at low cost.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Plate-type reactor with in-situ injection

Номер: US20140094617A1
Автор: Jean-Luc Dubois
Принадлежит: Arkema France SA

A chemical reactor including: a plurality of heat exchange plates which between them define reaction compartments, in which reactor each heat exchange plate includes two walls between them defining at least one heat exchange space, the respective walls being fixed together by joining regions, and the reactor also comprises at least one injection device for injecting substance into the reaction compartments, said substance-injection device passing through the heat-exchange plates in respective joining regions thereof. Also, a chemical reaction process that can be carried out in this reactor.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096944A1

A heat exchanger having an improved distribution structure in which one inlet pipe is connected to a header which is partitioned into a first sub-chamber in which a refrigerant flows through the inlet pipe and a second sub-chamber in which tubes communicate with each other, and a distribution pipe is installed at the header and causes the first sub-chamber and the second sub-chamber to communicate so that the refrigerant in the first sub-chamber can be distributed to the tubes. The distribution pipe can pass through and can be combined with a partitioning baffle that is combined with the header to partition a chamber of the header into the first sub-chamber and the second sub-chamber. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:an inlet pipe through which a refrigerant flows into the heat exchanger;an outlet pipe through which the refrigerant flows out of the heat exchanger;tubes into which the refrigerant flows and is heat-exchanged with air outside the heat exchanger and which are disposed in a plurality of rows comprising a first row and a second row;a first header having a first chamber in which the refrigerant flows into the heat exchanger through the inlet pipe and the first-row tubes communicate with one another and a second chamber in which the refrigerant flows out of the heat exchanger through the outlet pipe and the second-row tubes communicate with one another;a second header having a third chamber in which the first-row tubes communicate with one another and a fourth chamber in which the refrigerant in the third chamber flows and the second-row tubes communicate with one another;a first partitioning baffle that partitions the first chamber into a first sub-chamber in which the refrigerant flows through the inlet pipe and a second sub-chamber in which the first-row tubes communicate with one another; anda distribution pipe that passes through and is combined with the first partitioning baffle, is disposed in a lengthwise direction of the first header, and has a ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220003510A1
Автор: RYMAN Morgan
Принадлежит: Oetiker Schweiz AG

The invention relates to a connector assembly including a plate () having an orifice () and a spigot (), said spigot () having an internal flow path for liquid, and connector means () for connecting the spigot () to the metal plate () so as to guide the liquid flowing in the flow path through said orifice (), said connector means () including a protruding collar structure () surrounding said orifice (). 1. A connector assembly , comprising:{'b': 10', '10', '12', '12', '14', '12', '10', '10', '14', '16', '10, 'i': a', 'a', 'a, 'a plate () having an orifice () and a spigot (), said spigot () having an internal flow path for liquid, and connector means () for connecting the spigot () to the metal plate () so as to guide the liquid flowing in the flow path through said orifice (), said connector means () including a protruding collar structure () surrounding said orifice (),'}{'b': 12', '16, 'wherein a male end of said spigot () is configured to be inserted in said collar structure (),'}{'b': 14', '18', '16', '18', '18', '10', '16', '18', '16, 'i': a', 'a', 'a, 'wherein the connector means () further includes a ring-shaped snap-on module () configured to be fitted over the collar structure (), said snap-on module () including a cylindrical insertion part () configured to be inserted into an orifice () of said collar structure (), wherein a remote end of the cylindrical insertion part () in the insertion direction is provided with first snap-on structures engaging with the collar structure ().'}21010. The connector assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said plate is a sheet metal plate () and wherein said collar is integrally made of the sheet metal of said sheet metal plate () by a sheet metal forming process.3181820a. The connector assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the cylindrical inner wall of the insertion part () of the ring-shaped snap-on module () is provided a with a notch configured to receive a first O-ring ().4. The connector assembly according to ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001733A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

An airflow direction plate elongated in a direction perpendicular to a direction of an air flow from an indoor fan is disposed between the indoor fan and an air supply duct opening. The airflow direction plate has air vents arranged in a longitudinal direction, inclined plates each disposed to a corresponding one of the air vents and having different angles of inclination corresponding to positions of the air vents, and an acoustic material disposed on a surface facing the indoor fan. An indoor unit has a first air passageway allowing the air from the indoor fan to flow in the longitudinal direction of the airflow direction plate for a detour to the air supply duct opening and a second air passageway allowing the air from the indoor fan to flow into the air vents along the inclined plates. 1. An air-conditioning apparatus for a vehicle , comprising:an indoor unit including an evaporator, an indoor fan, a return inlet from which air from the vehicle is drawn, and an air supply duct opening through which the air is supplied to the vehicle, the indoor unit being configured to operate the indoor fan to cause the air in the vehicle to flow from the return inlet to the evaporator and send the air passing through the evaporator to the air supply duct opening;an outdoor unit including a compressor, a condenser, and an outdoor fan and configured to form a refrigeration cycle together with the Indoor unit; andan airflow direction plate elongated in a direction perpendicular to a direction of an air flow from the indoor fan and disposed between the Indoor fan in the indoor unit and the air supply duct opening,the airflow direction plate havingair vents arranged in a longitudinal direction,inclined plates each disposed to a corresponding one of the air vents, having different angles of inclination corresponding to positions of the air vents, and adjusting an amount and a speed of the air from the indoor fan, andan acoustic material disposed on a surface facing the indoor fan, ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006141A1

A battery coolant heater assembly including a coolant manifold having liquid coolant pathways and a heat transfer surface for transferring heat to liquid coolant flowable within the coolant manifold, an electric heater element thermally contacted to the heat transfer surface of the manifold, and a cover sealably enclosing the heating element between the heat transfer surface and the cover via a gasket. The electric heater element is electrically connected via an electrical connector extending through and formed integrally with the gasket. 1. A battery coolant heater assembly comprising:a coolant manifold having liquid coolant pathways and at least one heat transfer surface for transferring heat to liquid coolant flowable within the coolant manifold;at least one electric heater element thermally contacted to the at least one heat transfer surface; anda cover sealably enclosing the at least one heating element between the at least one heat transfer surface and the cover via a gasket between the cover and the at least one heat transfer surface, the at least one electric heater element electrically connected to at least one electrical connector extending through and formed integrally with the gasket.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the coolant manifold includes a gasket mounting substrate circumscribing an area of the heat transfer surface and the electric heater element thermally contacted thereto.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the gasket is positioned upon the gasket mounting substrate so as to fully circumscribe the area of the heat transfer surface and the electric heater element positioned therein.4. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein the cover includes a gasket engaging surface sized to match the gasket and sealably engage with the gasket and the gasket mounting substrate there below.5. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the cover claim 1 , due to electrical conductors extending through the at least one gasket-integral electrical connector extending ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003076A1

An annular duct including a modular annular heat exchanger for a gas turbine engine is provided, where the modular annular heat exchanger includes a plurality of radial modules in circumferentially adjacent arrangement. Each radial module includes a cooled fluid inlet plenum segment, a plurality of blades, and a cooled fluid outlet plenum segment. The plurality of blades is configured in circumferentially adjacent arrangement and defines an angular space that is conformal between each circumferentially adjacent blade. The cooled fluid inlet plenum segment, the plurality of blades, and the cooled fluid outlet plenum segment are in serial axial flow arrangement and define an internal cooled fluid flowpath and an external cooling fluid flowpath parallel to the internal cooled fluid flowpath. Each radial module further includes an inner annular ring segment and an outer annular ring segment. The inner annular ring segment and the outer annular ring segment define a plurality of blade retainers. The blade retainers define an axial, radial, and circumferential position of the blades, the cooled fluid inlet plenum segment, and the cooled fluid outlet plenum segment. 1. An annular duct including a modular annular heat exchanger for a gas turbine engine , comprising: a cooled fluid inlet plenum segment;', 'a plurality of blades, configured in circumferentially adjacent arrangement and defining an angular space that is conformal between each circumferentially adjacent blade;', 'a cooled fluid outlet plenum segment, wherein the cooled fluid inlet plenum segment, the plurality of blades, and the cooled fluid outlet plenum segment are in serial axial flow arrangement and define an internal cooled fluid flowpath and an external cooling fluid flowpath parallel to the internal cooled fluid flowpath;', 'an inner annular ring segment; and', 'an outer annular ring segment, wherein the inner annular ring segment and the outer annular ring segment define a plurality of blade retainers, ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003558A1

A heat exchange sub-system and fluid processing system is provided containing an inlet header; an outlet header; a plurality of heat exchange tubes in fluid communication with the inlet header and outlet header. The heat exchange tubes are configured to exchange heat with a cold ambient environment. A liquid-gas separator is coupled to the outlet header. The heat exchange sub-system is configured to receive a hot gaseous fluid comprising condensable and non-condensable components, and to condense at least a portion of the condensable components. The system is configured such that the cold ambient subsea environment serves as a heat sink. 2. The heat exchange sub-system of claim 1 , wherein the liquid-gas separator comprises at least one weir separator.3. The heat exchange sub-system of claim 1 , further comprising a condensate re-evaporator coupled to the liquid-gas separator.4. The heat exchange sub-system of claim 3 , wherein the condensate re-evaporator comprises a shell and tube heat exchanger configured to evaporate at least a portion of a condensate formed within the heat exchange sub-system.5. The heat exchange sub-system of claim 4 , wherein the condensate re-evaporator is configured to receive a hot process gas.6. The heat exchange sub-system of claim 5 , further comprising a by-pass valve configured to regulate a flow of the hot gaseous fluid to the inlet header and outlet header.7. The heat exchange sub-system of claim 1 , wherein the liquid-gas separator is disposed within the outlet header.9. The fluid processing system of claim 8 , wherein the liquid-gas separator comprises at least one weir separator.10. The fluid processing system of claim 8 , further comprising a condensate re-evaporator coupled to the outlet header.11. The fluid processing system of claim 10 , wherein the condensate re-evaporator comprises a shell and tube heat exchanger configured to evaporate at least a portion of the condensate formed within the heat exchange sub-system.12. The ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003135A1

The invention concerns a seal () for sealing off the gap between a heat exchanger () and the inside wall of a groove () in a fluid channel for accommodating said heat exchanger [], the seal () comprising at least one fixing member () for fixing the seal () on at least part of the circumference of the heat exchanger () and at least a first () and second lip () adapted to contact opposite sides () of the groove () to thereby seal off the gap between the heat exchanger () and the fluid channel and to fix said at least part of the circumference of the heat exchanger () inside the groove (). 11715515251535471727117. A seal for sealing off the gap between a heat exchanger () and the inside wall of a groove () in a fluid channel for accommodating said heat exchanger (] , the seal () comprising at least one fixing member ( , ) for fixing the seal () on at least part of the circumference of the heat exchanger () and at least a first () and second lip () adapted to contact opposite sides ( , ) of the groove () to thereby seal off the gap between the heat exchanger () and the fluid channel and to fix said at least part of the circumference of the heat exchanger () inside the groove ().2. The seal according to claim 1 , wherein at least the first lip comprises a flexible material claim 1 , to allow the lip to bend under pressure.3. The seal according to claim 1 , wherein the second lip comprises material with a higher resistance against bending than the first lip.4. The seal according to claim 1 , wherein the seal comprises a first and second fixing member adapted to snap fit a part of the heat exchanger between the two members.5. The seal according to claim 1 , wherein the seal is obtained by means of extrusion.6. The seal according to claim 1 , wherein the seal is obtained by means of injection moulding.7. An assembly claim 1 , comprising:a heat exchanger;a fluid channel for guiding a fluid through said heat exchanger,wherein the fluid channel comprises a groove for receiving ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003447A1
Автор: Mougnier Jérôme

The present invention concerns a heat-exchange element () for a heat exchanger () enabling heat exchange between a first fluid and a second fluid, said heat-exchange element () being designed to guide said first fluid through the inside of said heat-exchange element () and said second fluid around the outside of said heat-exchange element, said heat-exchange element () including at least one first duct () having a first essentially cylindrical wall and a second duct () having a second essentially cylindrical wall, the at least first and second ducts () being connected to one another by a portion of the first wall adjacent to a portion of the second wall. 1. A heat-exchange element for a heat exchanger enabling heat exchange between a first fluid and a second fluid , said heat-exchange element comprising:at least one first duct having a first substantially cylindrical wall; anda second duct having a second substantially cylindrical wall,the heat-exchange element being configured to guide said first fluid through the inside of said heat-exchange element and to guide said second fluid around the outside of said heat-exchange element,the at least first and second ducts being connected to one another by a portion of the first substantially cylindrical wall adjacent to a portion of the second substantially cylindrical wall.2. The heat-exchange element as claimed in claim 1 , in which the heat-exchange element includes a plurality of ducts claim 1 , wherein odd-numbered ducts are positioned on a first level and even-numbered ducts are interconnected between the odd-numbered ducts on a second level.3. The heat-exchange element as claimed in claim 1 , in which the heat-exchange element extends from a first end towards a second end claim 1 , in which the heat-exchange element has at least one undulation between the first end and the second end.4. The heat-exchange element as claimed in claim 1 , in which the first and/or second ducts are of a constant thickness.5. An exchange ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Tube Sheet Assembly for a Heat Exchanger

Номер: US20180003449A1
Автор: Little Curry, Lucius John

A tube sheet assembly for a heat exchanger is disclosed. The tube sheet assembly includes a plastic sheet having multiple tube-retention holes defined therein and a metal plate having multiple holes defined therein, each hole being substantially coaxial with a corresponding tube-retention hole of the plastic sheet. The metal plate is connected to the plastic sheet. The metal plate can be fabricated of, for example, steel or other metals. The plastic sheet can be fabricated of, for example, nylon, ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene, or polytetrafluoroethylene. Tubes can be disposed in the tube-retention holes of the plastic sheet and the holes of the metal plate. In an example, the tube-retention holes of the plastic sheet have a smaller diameter than the holes of the metal plate and the tubes contact the plastic sheet without contacting the metal plate. 1. A tube sheet assembly for a heat exchanger , comprising:a plastic sheet having a plurality of tube-retention holes defined therein, wherein each tube-retention hole has a diameter substantially the same as an outside diameter of a heat-exchanger tube; anda metal plate attached to the plastic sheet, the metal plate having a plurality of holes defined therein, each hole coaxial or substantially coaxial with a corresponding tube-retention hole of the plastic sheet.2. The tube sheet assembly of claim 1 , wherein the metal plate is fabricated of steel.3. The tube sheet assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plastic sheet is fabricated of nylon claim 1 , ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene claim 1 , or polytetrafluoroethylene.4. The tube sheet assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of heat-exchanger tubes disposed through the holes of the plastic sheet and the holes of the metal plate.5. The tube sheet assembly of claim 4 , wherein the holes of the plastic sheet have a smaller diameter than the holes of the metal plate.6. The tube sheet assembly of claim 5 , wherein the tubes contact the plastic ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger

Номер: US20210003349A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A heat exchanger for exchanging heat between first and second fluids, comprising first fluid channels extending in a longitudinal direction for carrying a first fluid, and second fluid channels extending in the longitudinal direction for carrying a second fluid, wherein the first and second fluid channels are arranged in an alternating pattern such that each of a plurality of the first channels is located laterally between second channels and each of a plurality of second channels is located laterally between first channels, and wherein the second fluid channels extend longitudinally beyond ends of the first fluid channels, and have ends that decrease in cross section such that the first fluid is able to pass around and between the ends of the second channels.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003353A1

A distributor and a heat exchanger each include a first plate, a second plate, and a third plate. The first plate is stacked on the second plate in a stacking direction. The second plate is stacked on the third plate in the stacking direction. The first plate has a first through hole. The second plate has a first hollow portion communicating with the first through hole, a plurality of second hollow portions communicating with the first hollow portion, and a plurality of third hollow portions each communicating with one of the plurality of second hollow portions. The third plate has a plurality of second through holes each communicating with one of the plurality of third hollow portions. A first dimension L that is the width of the first hollow portion is larger than a second dimension L that is the width of each of the plurality of second hollow portions. 1. A distributor comprising:a first plate, a second plate, and a third plate, the first plate being stacked on the second plate in a stacking direction, the second plate being stacked on the third plate in the stacking direction,the first plate having a first through hole, a first hollow portion communicating with the first through hole,', 'a plurality of second hollow portions communicating with the first hollow portion, and', 'a plurality of third hollow portions each communicating with its associated one of the plurality of second hollow portions,, 'the second plate having'}the third plate having a plurality of second through holes each communicating with its associated one of the plurality of third hollow portions,the first hollow portion having an elongate shape having a length along which a fluid flows and a width orthogonal to the length in a plane perpendicular to the stacking direction,the plurality of second hollow portions each having an elongate shape having a length along which the fluid flows and a width orthogonal to the length in the plane perpendicular to the stacking direction,wherein the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003739A1
Принадлежит: PURPOSE CO., LTD.

A heat exchanger tube for transferring a heat of an exhaust gas to a fluid to be heated includes a turn-back portion formed in an intermediate portion of the heat exchanger tube and a reciprocating conduit portion. The reciprocating conduit portion includes a conduit portion leading from a starting end of the heat exchanger tube to the turn-back portion, and a conduit portion leading from the turn-back portion to a terminal end of the heat exchanger tube. A space equal to or greater than the outer diameter of the conduit portions is provided between these conduit portions. 1. A heat exchanger tube for transferring a heat of an exhaust gas to a fluid to be heated , the heat exchanger tube comprising:a turn-back portion formed in an intermediate portion of the heat exchanger tube; and a reciprocating conduit portion, whereinthe reciprocating conduit portion includes a conduit portion leading from a starting end of the heat exchanger tube to the turn-back portion, and a conduit portion leading from the turn-back portion to a terminal end of the heat exchanger tube, wherein a space equal to or greater than the outer diameter of the conduit portions is provided between these conduit portions.2. The heat exchanger tube according to claim 1 , wherein the turn-back portion includes a flattened portion that is a conduit flattened in a direction orthogonal to a curved surface.3. The heat exchanger tube according to claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger tube is a seamless tube made of a corrosion resistant metal including stainless steel.4. A heat exchange unit for transferring heat of an exhaust gas to a fluid to be heated claim 1 , the heat exchange unit comprising:a heat exchanger tube part including one or more heat exchanger tubes allowing the fluid to be heated to flow through the one or more heat exchanger tubes; anda header part including a plurality of chambers coupled by the heat exchanger tube part, the chambers forming a flow passage of the fluid to be heated ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003784A1
Автор: Singh Krishna P.

A heat exchanger for severe temperature and fluid flow conditions in one configuration includes a first longitudinal shell, a second longitudinal shell, and a transverse shell extending transversely between the longitudinal shells. The longitudinal shells may be parallel to each other. The shells are fluidly coupled directly together to form a common shell-side space between an inlet and outlet tubesheet. A generally U-shaped assembly of shells is thus formed. The tube bundle has a complementary U-shaped configuration comprising a plurality of tubes which extend through the longitudinal and transverse shells between the tubesheets. An expansion joint fluidly couples each longitudinal shell to one of the tubesheets. The shell-side inlet and outlet nozzle may be fluidly coupled to the expansion joints for introducing and extracting the shell-side fluid from the heat exchanger. In another configuration, the heat exchanger may be L-shaped with tube bundle of the same configuration. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a longitudinally-extending first shell defining a first shell-side space and a first longitudinal axis;a longitudinally-extending second shell defining a second shell-side space and a second longitudinal axis, the second shell arranged parallel to the first shell;a transverse third shell fluidly coupling the first and second shells together, the third shell extending laterally between the first and second shells and defining a third shell-side space in fluid communication with the first and second shell-side spaces;a tube bundle comprising a plurality of tubes each defining a tube-side space, the tube bundle extending through the first, second, and third shells;a shell-side inlet nozzle fluidly coupled to the first shell; anda shell-side outlet nozzle fluidly coupled to the second shell;wherein a shell-side fluid flows in path from the first shell-side space through the third shell-side space to the second shell-side space.2. The heat exchanger according to ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220011048A1

A heat exchanger is provided. The heat exchanger comprises: a first header comprising a first globe and a second globe; a second header disposed in parallel with the first header; a tube assembly comprising multiple first tubes for connecting the first header and the second header and causing a refrigerant introduced from the first globe to flow in a first direction toward the position of the second header, and multiple second tubes disposed continuously with the multiple first tubes so as to cause a refrigerant introduced from the second header to flow in a second direction that is opposite to the first direction; and multiple heat exchange-fins individually having multiple insertion portions, into which the multiple first tubes and the multiple second tubes are inserted, respectively, and heat exchange surfaces disposed between the multiple insertion portions. The first heat-exchange fin, which is adjacent to the first header among the multiple heat exchange fins, has a heat-exchange surface including a first surface having a louver formed thereon, and a second surface formed to be flat and adjacent to insertion portions into which multiple second tubes are inserted. The second heat-exchange fin, which is adjacent to the second header, has a heat-exchange surface including a first surface. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a first header including a first mouth and a second mouth;a second header disposed parallel to the first header;a tube assembly configured to connect the first header and the second header, the tube assembly including a plurality of first tubes configured to flow a refrigerant introduced from the first mouth in a first direction in which the second header is located and a plurality of second tubes that are continuously disposed with the plurality of first tubes and configured to flow the refrigerant introduced from the second header in a second direction opposite to the first direction; anda plurality of heat exchange fins including a plurality of ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220011050A1
Принадлежит: ContiTech Fluid Korea Ltd.

Disclosed herein is a double tube for heat exchange. The double tube for heat exchange includes: a spiral pipe having ridges and valleys alternately formed on a circumferential surface thereof along a spiral track thereof and guiding a first fluid to flow therethrough; an outer pipe receiving the spiral pipe axially inserted thereinto and guiding a second fluid to flow along the circumferential surface of the spiral pipe in an axial direction such that the second fluid exchanges heat with the first fluid; and a resistance member protruding from the spiral pipe or the valleys to increase residence time of the second fluid in the valleys on the circumferential surface of the spiral pipe and to support the ridges adjacent thereto. Unlike typical double tubes, the double tube for heat exchange can improve heat exchange efficiency between a second fluid flowing inside an outer pipe and a fluid flowing inside a spiral pipe axially inserted into the outer pipe to increase residence time of the second fluid inside the outer pipe by virtue of a spiral shape of the spiral pipe; can improve flow directionality of the second fluid through formation of the grooves in valleys of the spiral pipe along a spiral track of the valleys; can reduce flow-induced noise through expansion of a space defined between an end joint of the outer pipe and the inner pipe to reduce the pressure of the second fluid; and further improve heat exchange efficiency through resistance members protruding from the valleys to increase residence time of the second fluid. 1. A double tube for heat exchange , the double tube comprising:a spiral pipe having ridges and valleys alternately formed on a circumferential surface thereof along a spiral track thereof and guiding a first fluid to flow therethrough;an outer pipe receiving the spiral pipe axially inserted thereinto and guiding a second fluid to flow along the circumferential surface of the spiral pipe in an axial direction such that the second fluid ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Heat exchanger for battery cooling

Номер: US20180006344A1
Автор: Li Ma, Qi Zhang, Zengfang GE
Принадлежит: Nextev Ltd

A heat exchanger for battery cooling is provided to improve an efficiency of cooling of the current heat exchangers. The heat exchanger for battery cooling comprises an upper housing with a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet, a lower housing capable of hermetically connecting with the upper housing to form a chamber for accommodating fluid. The fluid flows into the chamber through the fluid inlet and then exits through the fluid outlet. The fluid chamber is provided with at least one S-shaped fluid directing element with several through holes. With the S-shape directing elements within the fluid chamber and the through holes formed on the directing elements, fluid can flow in an injecting manner within the chamber to realize effective cooling of the upper housing.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007971A1
Автор: Lee Duck-Ho, Oh Kwang Hun
Принадлежит: Halla Visteon Climate Control Corp.

Provided is a cold storage heat exchanger, and more particularly, a cold storage heat exchanger capable of increasing cooling comfort for a user and minimizing energy and time consumed upon performing a re-cooling by discharging cooled air stored in a cold storage tube upon operating an air conditioner of a vehicle even in the case in which an engine is stopped because the cold storage tube is provided between refrigerant tubes in an evaporator used in an air conditioner apparatus of the vehicle to thereby prevent a rapid increase in an interior temperature of the vehicle. 19-. (canceled)10. A cold storage heat exchanger , comprising:a pair of header tanks spaced apart from each other by a predetermined distance and formed in parallel with each other, each of the pair of header tanks partitioned by partition walls forming a first column, a second column, and a third column, each of the first column and the third column forming a refrigerant header tank having a refrigerant flowing therein, the second column disposed between the first column and the third column and forming a cold storage header tank having a cold storage material disposed therein;an inlet manifold formed at one end of one of the header tanks;an outlet manifold formed at an opposing end of the one of the header tanks, each of the inlet manifold and the outlet manifold in fluid communication with the refrigerant header tanks formed by the first column of each of the header tanks and the refrigerant header tanks formed by the third column of each of the header tanks;a plurality of first refrigerant tubes extending between the refrigerant header tanks formed by the first column of each of the header tanks;a plurality of second refrigerant tubes extending between the refrigerant header tanks formed by the third column of each of the header tanks, each of the first refrigerant tubes and the second refrigerant tubes having the refrigerant flowing therein; anda plurality of cold storage tubes extending ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Plate Assembly for Heat Exchanger

Номер: US20200006822A1

A plate assembly for a heat exchanger includes a first plate, a second plate, and an intermediate plate arranged between the first and second plates. The intermediate plate is joined to the first and second plates at peripheral edges to create a sealed periphery of the plate assembly. Corrugations of the intermediate plate provide crests and troughs that are in contact with inwardly facing surfaces of the first and second plates. The plate assembly can be configured as a battery cooling plate heat exchanger to transfer heat from a battery to fluid flowing through the plate assembly. 1. A battery cooling plate heat exchanger , comprising:a first plate;a second plate;an intermediate plate arranged between the first and the second plate and joined thereto at peripheral edges to create a sealed periphery, the intermediate plate having corrugations with crests and troughs in contact with inwardly facing surfaces of the first and the second plate;a fluid manifolding area arranged at an end of the battery cooling plate heat exchanger in a lengthwise direction of the battery cooling plate heat exchanger;a first inlet chamber, first outlet chamber, second inlet chamber, and second outlet chamber arranged within the fluid manifolding area;a first plurality of nonlinear fluid flow paths arranged between the intermediate plate and the first plate and providing fluid connections between the first inlet chamber and the first outlet chamber; anda second plurality of nonlinear fluid flow paths arranged between the intermediate plate and the second plate and providing fluid connections between the second inlet chamber and the second outlet chamber.2. The battery cooling plate heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein:each of the first plurality of nonlinear fluid flow paths includes at least two linear flow segments extending in said lengthwise direction of the battery cooling plate heat exchanger;each of the second plurality of nonlinear fluid flow paths includes at least two linear flow ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Methods and Devices for Heating or Cooling Viscous Materials

Номер: US20180007941A1

Methods and devices heat or cool viscous materials, such as meat emulsions useful for producing food and other products. The devices have a heat exchanger including a first plate, a second plate attached to the first plate, and a first spacer and a second spacer arranged between the first plate and the second plate. The first plate, the second plate, the first spacer, and the second spacer define at least one temperature controlled passage for a product to pass through the heat exchanger. 1. A device comprising:a first plate;a second plate attached to the first plate;a first spacer and a second spacer arranged between the first plate and the second plate, wherein the first plate, the second plate, the first spacer and the second spacer define a first passage for a first product to pass through the device;a third plate attached to the second plate, at least one of the first plate, the second plate and the third plate comprising energy exchanging capabilities; anda third spacer and a fourth spacer arranged between the second plate and the third plate, wherein the second plate, the third plate, the third spacer and the fourth spacer define a second passage for a second product to pass through the device.2. The device of wherein at least one of the second plate and the third plate comprises a passage through a portion of the second plate and the third plate.3. The device of wherein the passage comprises a fluid that cools or heats the temperature controlled zone of the device.4. The device of wherein the first plate and the second plate define a plurality of temperature controlled zones.5. The device of wherein at least one of the first plate and the second plate comprises a plurality of separate passages through individual portions of the first plate and the second plate.6. The device of wherein the passages comprise a fluid that cools or heats the temperature controlled zones of the device.7. The device of wherein the second plate and the third plate define a ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010053A1

Disclosed herein is a once-through evaporator comprising an inlet manifold; one or more inlet headers in fluid communication with the inlet manifold; one or more tube stacks, where each tube stack comprises one or more inclined evaporator tubes; the one or more tube stacks being in fluid communication with the one or more inlet headers; where the inclined tubes are inclined at an angle of less than 90 degrees or greater than 90 degrees to a vertical; where each tube stack comprises a plurality of tubes arranged in a plurality of columns and a plurality of rows; where a plurality of tubes in a first column are offset from a plurality of tubes in a second column by a distance d2 and where a plurality of tubes in a first row are offset from a plurality of tubes in a second row by a distance d1; where d1 varies from 0.1d2 to 1000d2; one or more outlet headers in fluid communication with one or more tube stacks; and an outlet manifold in fluid communication with the one or more outlet headers. 1. A once-through evaporator comprising:an inlet manifold;one or more inlet headers in fluid communication with the inlet manifold;one or more tube stacks, where each tube stack comprises one or more inclined evaporator tubes; the one or more tube stacks being in fluid communication with the one or more inlet headers; where the inclined tubes are inclined at an angle of less than 90 degrees or greater than 90 degrees to a vertical; where each tube stack comprises a plurality of tubes arranged in a plurality of columns and a plurality of rows; where a plurality of tubes in a first column are offset from a plurality of tubes in a second column by a distance d2 and where a plurality of tubes in a first row are offset from a plurality of tubes in a second row by a distance d1; where d1 varies from 0.1d2 to 1000d2one or more outlet headers in fluid communication with one or more tube stacks; andan outlet manifold in fluid communication with the one or more outlet headers.2. The once- ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010054A1

The invention relates to a heat exchanger (1), especially an exchanger for the air-conditioning system of a vehicle, allowing heat exchange between first (F1) and second (F2) fluids, said exchanger (1) comprising a plurality of tubes (3) for the circulation of the first fluid (F1), which are stacked one on top of the other, and at least one collector (5) comprising a collector plate (7), said collector plate (7) comprising openings (13) for inserting the ends (3) of tubes (3), characterised in that said ends (3) of said (3) are assembled at least two by two in the insertion openings of the collector plate (7). 1. A heat exchanger for an air-conditioning circuit of a vehicle , allowing an exchange of heat between first and second fluids , said exchanger comprising:a plurality of tubes for circulation of the first fluid stacked on top of each other; andat least one collector comprising a collector plate, said collector plate comprising openings for insertion of the ends of the tubes,said ends of said tubes are assembled at least two by two in a same of said insertion openings of the collector plate.2. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said collector comprises an intermediate reinforcing plate comprising openings for passage of the fluid and resting on said collector plate.323. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said reinforcing plate comprises webs claim 2 , said collector plate comprises collars bordering said openings of said collector plate claim 2 , and said collector is configured such that said collars () rest on said webs.4. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 3 , wherein each of said webs is in contact with a lower part and an upper part of a collar bordering two adjacent openings of said openings of said collector plate.5. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said openings of said reinforcing plate have a dimension which is greater than the dimension of the openings of said collector plate.6. The heat ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010055A1

A heat exchanger and an integral sealing device () used for a manifold () in the heat exchanger. The manifold () on one side of the heat exchanger comprises two pipelines () which are parallel to each other and communicated with each other. A first bore () and a second bore () are formed in two pipelines () due to a drilling process. The first bore () is used for enabling refrigerant to flow from a cavity of one of two pipelines () into a cavity of the other pipeline. The second bore () is a process hole left by the drilling process, and the integral sealing device () seals the process hole. 1. An integral sealing device for a manifold in a heat exchanger , wherein a manifold on one side of the heat exchanger comprises two pipelines which are parallel and in communication with each other , first drill holes and second drill holes are provided on the two pipelines due to a drilling process , wherein the first drill holes are used for causing a coolant to flow from a cavity of one of the two pipelines into a cavity of the other pipeline , the second drill holes are process holes left by a drilling process , and the integral sealing device seals the process holes.2. The integral sealing device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the integral sealing device comprises at least one continuous collar and at least one continuous plug which are arranged alternately and connected to each other.3. The integral sealing device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein:each continuous collar comprises at least one rib and at least one loop, with the loop being disposed at an end of the rib.4. The integral sealing device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein:the continuous plug comprises at least one plug part and a connecting part connected to the plug part.5. The integral sealing device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein:the continuous collar comprises two integrally formed loops and a connecting part connecting the two loops, or the continuous collar is formed by winding a cylindrical element to form ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010056A1
Принадлежит: MAHLE International GmbH

The invention relates to a heat exchanger, in particular for a motor vehicle, having a first coolant circuit which has multiple first tubes and having a second coolant circuit which has multiple second tubes, having a plate, wherein the plate has a bead, wherein the plate has a first plate region with openings for receiving the first tubes and a second plate region with openings for receiving the second tubes, having a cover which is connected to the plate, wherein the cover has a first collecting tank and a second collecting tank, wherein the first collecting tank is connected in fluid-tight fashion to the first plate region and the second collecting tank is connected in fluid-tight fashion to the second plate region, wherein the cover has, between the first and the second collecting tank, an opening for receiving the bead. 1. A heat exchanger , in particular for a motor vehicle , having a first coolant circuit which has multiple first tubes , and having a second coolant circuit which has multiple second tubes , having a plate , wherein the plate has a bead , wherein the plate has a first plate region with openings for receiving the first tubes and a second plate region with openings for receiving the second tubes , having a cover which is connected to the plate , wherein the cover has a first collecting tank and a second collecting tank , wherein the first collecting tank is connected in fluid-tight fashion to the first plate region and the second collecting tank is connected in fluid-tight fashion to the second plate region , wherein the cover has , between the first and the second collecting tank , an opening for receiving the bead.2. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the opening is punched out of the cover.3. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plate has an encircling region.4. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cover is connected to the plate in non-positively locking and positively locking fashion.5. The ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger Floating Head Manipulation Device

Номер: US20170010057A1
Автор: Griffis, JR. David E.

A device for the manipulation of a floating head between secured and removed positions relative to a heat exchanger housing, and for suspension of the floating head between said positions as heat exchanging tubes are replaced or cleaned. The floating head has holding means such as a ring welded to the exterior for affixation of a lifting member, such as a chain, of a lifting means, such as a crane. The device comprises an elongated body having first and second opposed ends. The body has at least one opening for selective receipt of means for attaching the body to the holding means, whereby when the device is affixed to the floating head, the floating head may be manipulated and suspended at a pre-selected degree, such as approximately a 90 degree angle relative to the heat exchanger. A spinal projection extends from one end of the device body and is offset relative to the body at a pre-selected degree, such as approximately a 45 degree angle. A securing member is provided on the projection for selective receipt of the lifting member. 1) A device for the manipulation of a floating head between secured and removed positions relative to a heat exchanger housing , said floating head having holding means on the exterior thereof for affixation of a lifting member of a lifting means , comprising:(a) An elongated body having first and second opposed ends, said body having at least one opening there through for selective receipt of means for attaching said elongated body to said holding means on said floating head, whereby when the device is affixed to the floating head, said floating head may be manipulated and suspended at a pre-selected degree angle relative to said heat exchanger;(b) a spinal projection extending from one end of said device body and offset relative to said body at approximately a 45 degree angle and including a spinal opening there through; and(c) a securing member received within said spinal opening on said projection for selective receipt of said ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010058A1

A tube header for a heat exchanger includes a header plate having two major dimensions defining a header plane. The header plate has a row of oblong passages extending through the header plate. Each passage is bordered by a ferrule monolithically formed with the header plate. The ferrule has a surrounding wall extending perpendicular to the header plane. A transitional area between the ferrule and the header plate has a reduced thickness that is smaller than the wall thickness of the ferrule. This transitional area provides a flexible hinge-like function for compensating dimensional changes during thermal cycles of a heat exchanger. 1. A tube header for a heat exchanger comprisinga header plate having two major dimensions defining a header plane, the header plate having a row of oblong passages extending through the header plate,each passage bordered by a ferrule monolithically formed with the header plate, the ferrule having a surrounding wall extending perpendicular to the header plane and having a wall thickness; anda transitional area between the ferrule and the header plate having a reduced thickness that is smaller than the wall thickness of the ferrule.2. The tube header according to claim 1 , wherein each passage has a pair of opposing wide sides and a pair of opposing narrow sides claim 1 , each transitional area has a taper toward the ferrule at least along the wide sides of each passage claim 1 , the taper gradually reducing the thickness of the header plate toward the transitional area.3. The tube header according to claim 2 , wherein the taper has a slope angle relative to the header plane in a range of 45° through 80°.4. The tube header according to claim 3 , wherein the slope angle is in a range of 60° through 66°.5. The tube header according to claim 2 , wherein the reduced thickness has a minimum thickness in a portion of the taper close to the ferrule.6. The tube header according to claim 1 , wherein the tube header has a maximum thickness and the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010059A1

A tube header for a heat exchanger includes a header plate having two major dimensions defining a header plane. The header plate has a row of oblong passages extending through the header plate, and a plurality of tie bars. Each tie bar is arranged between a pair of adjacent oblong passages. At least one of the tie bars is a support tie bar with a generally W-shaped support tie bar profile in a cross-section across the row of oblong passages. The support tie bar has a center area forming a plateau surface parallel to the header plane and connecting two generally V-shaped portions of the support tie bar profile. The plateau surface supports an internal header baffle extending perpendicular to the header plane. 1. A tube header for a heat exchanger , the tube header comprisinga header plate having two major dimensions defining a header plane, the header plate having a row of oblong passages extending through the header plate, anda plurality of tie bars, each tie bar arranged between a pair of adjacent oblong passages,wherein at least one of the tie bars is a support tie bar with a generally W-shaped support tie bar profile in a cross-section across the row of oblong passages.2. The tube header of claim 1 , wherein the support tie bar has a center area forming a plateau surface parallel to the header plane and connecting two generally V-shaped portions of the support tie bar profile.3. The tube header of claim 2 , wherein each passage is bordered by a ferrule monolithically formed with the header plate claim 2 , each of the generally V-shaped portions of the support tie bar profile having an outer tie bar side wall connected to an adjacent ferrule and an inner tie bar side wall connected to the center area.4. The tube header of claim 3 , wherein the ferrule has a length perpendicular to the header plane and wherein the plateau surface defines a plateau plane intersecting the length of the ferrule.5. The tube header of claim 2 , wherein in an installed position claim 2 , ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Plate with flow channel

Номер: US20220026151A1
Принадлежит: NHK Spring Co Ltd

A plate includes: a main body; a flow channel provided in the main body and configured to flow inert gas therein; a cover configured to cover a surface of the main body where the flow channel is formed; a buried member buried in an opening of the flow channel, the buried member including a buried portion fixed to the flow channel and made of dense ceramic, and a flow portion held by the buried portion and configured to let the inert gas flow from an inside to an outside of the main body, at least a part of the flow portion being made of porous ceramic; and a plurality of through holes provided in the flow portion. A ratio of a diameter of an outer circumference of the buried portion to a diameter of a smallest circle among circles including all of the through holes is 1.2 or higher.

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Heat exchanger for cooling multiple fluids

Номер: US20220026159A1
Автор: Tobias Schumacher
Принадлежит: Modine Manufacturing Co

A heat exchanger having a stack of nested shells joined to a base plate includes two coolant manifolds and four fluid manifolds extending through the stack. The coolant manifolds extend the entire length of the stack in the stacking direction. Two of the fluid manifolds extend from one end of the stack to an intermediate location along the stacking direction, and the other two fluid manifolds extend from the other end of the stack to the intermediate location. Fluid transfer conduits extend through the stack, from a face of the base plate opposite the stack to the fluid manifolds at the end of the stack opposite the base plate, in order to transfer fluid to and from fluid flow passages extending between those fluid manifolds at that end of the stack.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Connecting plug, cooling circuit equipped with such a connecting plug and method for connecting such a cooling circuit and a cold plate

Номер: US20160010772A1
Принадлежит: Staubli Faverges SCA

This connection plug ( 14 A, 14 B; 14 ) includes a connecting plate ( 18 ) equipped with at least a passage channel ( 46 ) centered on a central axis (X 46 ), at least one fluid coupling element ( 20 A, 20 B) able to be fluidly coupled with an external fluid coupling element of a cold plate. The fluid coupling element is movable (M 1 ), in a housing of the connecting plate, with respect to the passage channel of the connecting plate for misalignment compensation of the fluid coupling element while being in fluid communication with the passage channel. This connection plug also includes a support member ( 22 ) able to be fixed with respect to an internal channel ( 16 ) for a fluid communication between the internal channel and the passage channel. The connecting plate ( 18 ) is movable (M 2 ) with respect to the support member ( 22 ) along a principal axis (T) transverse to the central axis (X 46 ) of the passage channel ( 46 ). This connection plug ( 14 A, 14 B; 14 ) also includes a spring ( 34 ) designed to elastically push the connecting plate with respect to the support member along the principal transverse axis towards a position in abutment against an internal surface of the support member.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010929A1

A stacked heat exchanger including a core portion having a plurality of plates stacked on each other to define a flat refrigerant passage and a flat heat medium passage. A first connection member that provides an inlet and an outlet for allowing the refrigerant to flow into the refrigerant passage. A second connection member that provides an inlet and an outlet for allowing the heat medium to flow into the heat medium passage, in which the inlet and the outlet are configured in a state where the heat medium flowing into the heat medium passage flows in an opposite direction to that of the refrigerant flowing in the refrigerant passage. The core portion includes an offset fin disposed in at least the refrigerant passage. 1. A stacked heat exchanger including a core portion having a plurality of plates stacked on each other in a stacking direction to define a plurality of flat refrigerant passages for refrigerant which flows in a refrigeration cycle , and a plurality of flat heat medium passages for heat medium which performs a heat exchange with the refrigerant , the stacked heat exchanger comprising:a first connection member that provides an inlet and an outlet for allowing the refrigerant to flow into the refrigerant passage; anda second connection member that provides an inlet and an outlet for allowing the heat medium to flow into the heat medium passage, in which the inlet and the outlet are configured in a state where the heat medium flowing into the heat medium passage flows in an opposite direction to that of the refrigerant flowing in the refrigerant passage, whereinthe core portion includes an offset fin disposed in at least the refrigerant passage, a refrigerant inlet through passage extending in the stacking direction and providing an inlet by communicating with one end of the refrigerant passages;', 'a refrigerant outlet through passage extending in the stacking direction and providing an outlet by communicating with the other end of the refrigerant ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010931A1

A tank for a heat exchanger comprises a casing including a substantially planar header opening formed therein and a foot disposed around a perimeter of the header opening. The foot forms an outwardly extending flange from which a pair of oppositely arranged walls extend, the oppositely arranged walls forming an arcuate shape including a spine extending along an apex of the arcuate shape. The oppositely arranged walls each have a corrugated profile adjacent the foot due to the presence of outwardly projecting ribs formed in the oppositely arranged walls. Each of the ribs extend lengthwise from the foot toward the spine, wherein a distal end of each of the ribs is formed adjacent a neutral stress portion of the casing which undergoes a minimal stress when the casing is subjected to an internal pressure from a fluid flowing therethrough. 1. A tank for a heat exchanger , the tank comprising:a casing including a hollow interior, a foot of the casing forming an outwardly extending flange around a perimeter of an opening providing access to the hollow interior opening, wherein oppositely arranged walls of the casing have a corrugated profile adjacent the foot of the casing.2. The tank of claim 1 , wherein the oppositely arranged walls of the casing meet at a spine of the casing.3. The tank of claim 2 , wherein a portion of the spine of the casing has a corrugated profile.4. The tank of claim 3 , wherein a plurality of depressions form the corrugated profile in the spine claim 3 , and each depression formed in the corrugated profile of the spine is aligned with a corresponding outwardly projecting portion of the corrugated profile of each of the oppositely arranged walls of the casing adjacent the foot in a direction perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the casing.5. The tank of claim 1 , wherein each of the oppositely arranged walls includes a plurality of outwardly projecting ribs formed in an outer surface thereof to form the corrugated profile adjacent the foot of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Heat exchanger and multi-split system having same

Номер: US20180010857A1

A heat exchanger ( 100 ) and a multi-split system having the same are provided. The heat exchanger ( 100 ) includes: a manifold ( 1 ) including a main body ( 11 ), an inlet ( 12 ) disposed in a bottom portion of the main body ( 11 ) and a plurality of split-flow ports distributed in a side wall of the main body ( 11 ) along a length direction thereof, in which the main body ( 11 ) includes a plurality of pipes from bottom to top, the pipe located downstream has a smaller flow area than the pipe located upstream in each two adjacent pipes, each pipe has a height no greater than 0.5 m, and a number of the pipes is 2≦N≦3; a header ( 2 ) communicated with the manifold ( 1 ) via a plurality of heat exchange tubes spaced apart from one another along an up and down direction, the header ( 2 ) having an outlet ( 21 ) for discharging a refrigerant.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010858A1
Автор: SULLIVAN Brian Thomas

A return waterbox for a heat exchanger, such as a shell-and-tube heat exchanger, is provided. The return waterbox may include an insert configured to direct a fluid flow(s) in the return waterbox. In some embodiments, such as in a two-pass heat exchanger, the insert can be configured to receive water from one portion of the heat exchanger tubes in the first pass and redirect the received water to another portion of the heat exchanger tubes in the second pass. 1. A return waterbox for a heat exchanger , comprising:a return waterbox cover having an open end and a back end; andan insert positioned in the return waterbox cover;wherein the insert defines a first water flow path, and a space between the insert and the back end of the return waterbox cover defines a second water flow path.2. The return waterbox of claim 1 , wherein a direction of the first water flow path and the direction of the second water flow path are different relative to a vertical direction of the return waterbox.3. The return waterbox of claim 1 , wherein a direction of the first water flow path and a direction of the second water flow path has a diagonal relationship.4. The return waterbox of claim 1 , wherein the insert has a first portion and a second portion in fluid communication claim 1 , the first portion is configured to receive water claim 1 , and the insert is configured to direct the received water to the second portion.5. The return waterbox of claim 4 , wherein at least a portion of the first portion and at least a portion of the second portion are shaped to conform to a profile of the open end claim 4 , and the first portion and the second portion are diagonally positioned relative to a vertical direction of the return waterbox.6. The return waterbox of claim 1 , wherein the insert and the open end are configured to form a first open area and a second open area claim 1 , the first open area and the second open area are in fluid communication through a space between the insert and the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010864A1

A heat exchanger includes first fluid passages that each have a first inlet that communicates into a first core passage and then a first outlet. The first inlet has a first inlet cross-sectional perimeter. The first core passage has a first core cross-sectional perimeter. Second fluid passages are interleaved with the first fluid passages. Each of the second passages have a second inlet that communicates into a second core passage and then a second outlet. The second inlet has a second inlet cross-sectional perimeter. The second core passage has a second core cross-sectional perimeter. The first and second core cross-sectional perimeters are larger than their respective first and second inlet cross-sectional perimeters. The first and second core passages are undivided from their respective first and second inlets to their respective first and second outlets. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:first fluid passages each having a first inlet that communicates into a first core passage, and then a first outlet, the first inlet having a first inlet cross-sectional perimeter, the first core passage having a first core cross-sectional perimeter;second fluid passages interleaved with the first fluid passages, each of the second passages having a second inlet that communicates into a second core passage, and then a second outlet, the second inlet having a second inlet cross-sectional perimeter, the second core passage having a second core cross-sectional perimeter; andwherein the first and second core cross-sectional perimeters are larger than their respective first and second inlet cross-sectional perimeters, and the first and second core passages are undivided from their respective first and second inlets to their respective first and second outlets.2. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , comprising:first inlet manifolds communicating into the first inlets and first outlet manifolds communicated into by the second outlets;second inlet manifolds communicating into the second inlets ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Heat exchanger and coupling method of connecting part thereof

Номер: US20180010865A1
Принадлежит: Hanon Systems Corp

A heat exchanger in which a connecting part may be coupled to a header tank of the heat exchanger in the short term without using a separate coupling component before a brazing process is performed, and a coupling method of a connecting part thereof. The connecting part is coupled to a first header tank or a second header tank while surrounding a predetermined region of an outer peripheral surface of the first header tank or the second header tank, a region of the connecting part to which external force is locally applied being coupled to the first header tank or the second header tank while protruding together with the first header tank or the second header tank.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for additively manufacturing microtube heat exchangers

Номер: US20190011187A1
Автор: John Russell BUCKNELL
Принадлежит: Divergent Technologies Inc

Apparatus and methods for additively manufacturing microtube heat exchangers are disclosed herein. A heat exchanger header is additively manufactured with high density microtube arrays to achieve an integrated structure achieving values of heat transfer effectiveness E ff up to ninety percent and values of transfer surface area densities up to 20,000 m 2 /m 3 . The heat exchanger header can be printed with a high density microtube array to separate different types of fluids or liquids into different microtubes and to form a high quality seal. Additionally, microtubes and/or microtube arrays can be additively manufactured to be curved or to have pleats; and microtube lattice arrays can be compactly positioned within hollow support structures.
