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13-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2785801C1

Изобретение относится к контрольно-измерительной технике машиностроительных и ремонтно-эксплуатационных предприятий, в частности для контроля радиального биения коренных шеек коленчатого вала. Технический результат - уменьшение времени при переустановке призм в случае измерения различных коленчатых валов, возможность контроля радиального биения любых шеек относительно друг друга и исключение ручного проворота коленчатого вала при измерении биения. Устройство для контроля радиального биения коренных шеек коленчатого вала содержит раму, две роликовые призмы с установленным коленчатым валом, направляющие для призм и индикатор на штативе, при этом имеет измерительную плиту, расположенную на раме, линейный электродвигатель, фрикционный обрезиненный диск, мотор-редуктор, малую плиту, установленную на раме, пневмоцилиндр, при этом на измерительной плите расположены неподвижная роликовая призма, индикатор на штативе и направляющие с подвижной роликовой призмой и линейным электродвигателем, а на ...

25-07-2017 дата публикации

Способ измерения искривления технологического канала ядерного реактора типа РБМК и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: RU2626301C1

Группа изобретений относится к ядерной технике. Способ измерения искривления технологического канала ядерного реактора типа РБМК, заключающийся в том, что гибкий стержневой элемент, оснащенный оптоволоконными датчиками деформации, помещают в центральный канал тепловыделяющей сборки, пропускают через оптоволоконный датчик световой сигнал, а регистрацию изгиба стержневого элемента осуществляют за счет анализа отраженных световых сигналов. Устройство для осуществления указанного измерения, включающее гибкий стержневой элемент, снабжённый датчиками деформации. Причем оптоволоконные датчики деформации, соединённые с перестраиваемым лазером и фотоприемником, представляют собой решётки Брэгга, внедренные в структуру радиационно-стойкого кварцевого оптического волокна. Технический результат заключается в упрощении и повышении точности измерений. 2 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

09-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017100424A3

23-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU211123U1

Полезная модель относится к измерительным устройствам, служащим для наблюдения за режущими инструментами, а также измерения углов, и может быть использована для измерения геометрии прямой и винтовой режущей кромки металлорежущего инструмента. Устройство для измерения геометрии режущей кромки металлорежущего инструмента содержит основание, закрепленные на основании стол с контролируемым инструментом, стойку, подвижную платформу, измерительный элемент. Измерительный элемент выполнен в виде стержня со сферой на конце и установлен на подвижной платформе с возможностью прецизионного перемещения по трем координатным осям, прецизионного поворота вокруг трех координатных осей относительно стола и прецизионного отсчета перемещений и поворотов. Технический результат заявленного устройства заключается в расширении технологических возможностей при измерении геометрии винтовых режущих кромок, а также измерения радиуса скругления вершины и биения режущих кромок металлорежущего инструмента. 4 фиг.

24-01-2018 дата публикации

Устройство периодического контроля остаточной деформации в поперечном сечении паропровода из жаропрочной стали

Номер: RU176609U1

Полезная модель относится к области теплоэнергетики и может быть использована в качестве одного из средств диагностирования состояния оборудования тепловых электростанций, в частности для измерения остаточной деформации ползучести трубных элементов высокотемпературных паропроводов из жаропрочной стали, в том числе в составе энергоблоков на суперсверхкритические параметры.Устройство содержит два измерительных репера, расположенных по периметру контролируемого сечения указанного трубного элемента. Устройство представляет собой съемное приспособление, выполненное в виде ленты, с закрепленными на концах элементами подпружиненного замкового соединения, причем последнее в зоне расположения пружины снабжено ходовым винтом и стержневым ограничителем его осевого перемещения, в одном из элементов предусмотрен сквозной продольный канал для прохода щупа штангенциркуля. В качестве реперов служат взаимодействующие с измерительными торцами линейки и щупа последнего ответные торцевые поверхности указанных ...

28-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2698483C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению. Способ измерения угла между радиальной осью и линией центров тяжести сечений цилиндрической лопатки осевой вращающейся машины с использованием инструмента, причем указанная лопатка (1) проходит в радиальном наружном направлении от поверхности ступицы (3), при этом первый компонент (6) инструмента располагают в радиальном направлении (R), затем второй компонент (7) инструмента располагают в соответствии с направлением (S) линии центров тяжести сечений указанной лопатки и, наконец, определяют относительное положение первого и второго компонентов (6, 7). 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

18-11-2020 дата публикации

Устройство периодического контроля изменения геометрических размеров сечения трубопровода

Номер: RU2736561C1

Изобретение может быть использовано в качестве средства диагностирования состояния паропроводных систем тепловых электростанций для измерения остаточной деформации ползучести трубных элементов из жаропрочной стали. Устройство периодического контроля изменений геометрических размеров сечения трубопровода выполнено в виде съемного приспособления, содержащего гибкую ленту с закрепленными на концах элементами подпружиненного замкового соединения, совмещаемыми в этом соединении с охватом лентой периметра контролируемого сечения трубопровода. При этом лента снабжена магнитными пластинами, жестко прикрепленными с периодическим шагом к ее внешней поверхности. Причем элементы замкового соединения имеют одинаковую длину их оснований и выполнены со скошенными верхними поверхностями, при этом угол их скоса α между плоскостями их оснований и плоскостями их верхних поверхностей определяется соотношением:где G - половина длины основания одного из вышеуказанных элементов замкового соединения, R - номинальный ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zum Kalibrieren eines Bildverarbeitungssystems bezüglich eines Messtasters

Номер: DE102015013770B4

Bildverarbeitungssystem zum Führen eines Messtasters, umfassend:eine Bildverarbeitungssystem-Kamera-Anordnung mit einer Kamera-Achse, die bezüglich einer beweglichen Messtaster-Anordnung mit einer Längsachse montiert ist;eine Kalibriervorrichtung, die eine Prismenanordnung definiert, die einen optischen Pfad um 180 Grad zwischen parallelen Achsen abwinkelt, die um einen Abstand S versetzt sind, wobei der Abstand S ungefähr gleich dem Abstand zwischen der Längsachse und der Kamera-Achse ist; undeine Zwischenlinsen-Anordnung im optischen Pfad.

29-03-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002243739C3

19-05-1982 дата публикации

Distortion measurement and alignment of vehicles - or establishing reference points with vehicle raised and lowering for measurement

Номер: DE0003038890A1

The equipment testing the measurement accuracy of measurement points beneath vehicle frames is applicable to vehicle distortion measurement and alignment. At least four measurement heads (18), from various possible sites, are fixed in stable alignment with the vehicle raised. The centres of the two measurement traverses (12,14) are aligned w.r.t. their measurement heads as required, e.g. centrally, by transversely adjusting the heads. The measurement traverses are also aligned by vertical adjustment of their measurement heads w.r.t. themselves and horizontal adjustment of the heads w.r.t. each other. When satisfactory alignment is achieved, the vehicle is lowered and measurements made w.r.t. the established alignment.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Vermessen eines Höhenprofils einer Oberfläche entlang einer Vermessungsrichtung

Номер: DE102017116095B4
Автор: ENGELS JOST, Engels, Jost

Verfahren zum Vermessen eines Höhenprofils einer Oberfläche (4) entlang einer Vermessungsrichtung (7),- wobei eine bewegliche Einheit (2) gegenüber einer stationären Einheit (1) ohne mechanische Führung an der stationären Einheit (1) in der Vermessungsrichtung (7) über die Oberfläche (4) verfahren wird,- wobei von einer der Einheiten zu der anderen der Einheiten mindestens ein Lichtstrahl (6) längs der Oberfläche (4) ausgesandt wird, der in Höhenrichtung eine definierte Ausrichtung zu der Vermessungsrichtung (7) aufweist,- wobei der Lichtstrahl (6) von der anderen der Einheiten mit einem in der Höhenrichtung ausgedehnten optischen Positionssensor (10) empfangen wird,- wobei eine Höhenlage der Oberfläche (4) gegenüber dem Lichtstrahl (6) an der beweglichen Einheit (2) festgehalten oder erfasst wird, und- wobei der Lichtstrahl (6) von der anderen der Einheiten direkt mit dem Positionssensor (10) empfangen wird, so dass der Positionssensor (10) für eine Relativlage der anderen der Einheiten ...

31-10-1957 дата публикации

Geraet zum Pruefen der Evolventenform von Zahnflanken kegeliger Zahnraeder

Номер: DE0001018632B

21-12-1995 дата публикации

Rod shaped workpiece measuring device

Номер: DE0004428364A1

A control unit is provided which includes storage memory for storing the measurement values. A first and a second measuring unit (1,2) are provided for determining the distance of a first and an opposite lying second endface (3,4) of the workpiece (5) lying on the support unit, from a reference point. The first measuring unit (1) at least has a sensor unit (6) for determining the cross sectional measurement of the workpiece (5). The sensor unit has a laser measuring unit. A measuring head (7) of the laser measuring unit is arranged on a measurement carriage (8,fig.2), which is located on a first guide (9).

21-04-2011 дата публикации

Höhen- und Neigungseinstellvorrichtung

Номер: DE602009000835D1

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Meßgeometrie, Meßeinrichtung mit einer solchen Meßgeometrie und Meßverfahren

Номер: DE102013015253A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Meßgeometrie für ein verzahntes, insbesondere zum Wälzschälen von Werkstückverzahnungen ausgelegtes Werkzeug zur Bestimmung wenigstens einer Meßgröße, welche für einen mit dem Werkzeug durchzuführenden Prozeß, insbesondere Schälprozeß verwendbar ist, in einer Phase dessen das Profil der zu erzeugenden Werkstückverzahnung in Verzahnungseingriff mit der Werkzeugverzahnung gebildet wird, gekennzeichnet durch einen Verzahnungsbereich, mit welchem die Werkzeugverzahnung bei Bestimmung der Meßgröße in einem dem Verzahnungseingriff zwischen Werkzeug und Werkstück in der profilbildenden Phase entsprechenden Verzahnungseingriff steht, sowie eine Meßeinrichtung und ein Meßverfahren.

10-05-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001448406B2

29-10-1970 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Pruefen der Zaehne von Zahnraedern

Номер: DE0001623171A1

14-12-2016 дата публикации

Circumferential surface profile measurement device

Номер: GB0002539172A

A measurement device 1 for measuring a circumferential surface profile of a wheel 6 comprises a base 2 mounted at a position axially and radially fixed relative to the rotation axis of the wheel 6 and a probe 8a-c ending in a measurement head 10a-c. Measurement head 10a-c measures the radial position of a location on the surface profile relative to the rotation axis. Rotation of probe 8a-c relative to the wheel 6 allows it to detect variation in the measured radial position with distance around the surface profile. Base 2 may be removable such that the device can measure surface profiles of different wheels. Measurement head 10a-c may measure surface profiles of different diameters and/or may move in the axial direction relative to the base 2. Measurement head 10a-c may be contactless or may be a contact head biased to keep it in contact with the surface profile. There may be a reference probe 8b which measures the radial position of a location on the surface profile relative to the rotation ...

07-09-1955 дата публикации

Gear wheel testing instrument

Номер: GB0000736574A

... 736,574. Testing gear teeth. ERNST, D. Oct. 23, 1953, No. 29389/53. Class 106 (2). An instrument for testing the helical and involute flank profiles of a gear-wheel tooth comprises a shaft 3 for both the gear-wheel 4 to be tested as well as a generating cylinder 5, a first sliding member 6 in driving engagement with the cylinder 5, a second sliding member 11 movable parallel to the member 6, and a lever 7 rotatable about a pivot 8 fixed in relation to the shaft 3. The sliding member 11 is pivoted to the lever 7 at 10 to be moved by it, the sliding member 6 being pivoted to the lever 7 at 9 to be moved by it, and an angularly adjustable third sliding member 14 is set to slide at the helix angle B degrees of the tooth to be tested and coupled to the sliding member 11. The grooved member 15 for the sliding member 14 is displaceable parallel to the shaft 3 by a lead-screw 27 and/or at a tangent to the cylinder 5 by a lead-screw 26, and a feeler 22 pivotally connected to the slide 14 about an ...

15-01-1969 дата публикации

Improvements in devices for measuring the shape of an article

Номер: GB0001140197A

05-03-1969 дата публикации

Sensing device

Номер: GB0001144747A

... 1,144,747. Sensing surface contours. IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES Ltd. Jan.3, 1968 [Feb. 7, 1967], No.5838/67. Heading G1M. A sensing device for surface contours comprises sensing rollers 5, 12 mounted respectively on shaft 1 and rod 9, rod 9 extending through shaft 1, the opposite ends of the rod and shaft supporting a rod 14 and micro-switch 7, such that on meeting a surface depression the rollers 5, 12 are relatively displaced to cause actuation of the micro-switch 7 by rod 14, when a predetermined relative angular displacement is reached. The sensing device may be moved relative to the surface or vice versa. The device may be used for detecting the absence of closures in bottle necks.

14-09-1933 дата публикации

Improvements in or connected with apparatus for drawing graphs for recording the camber of rolls

Номер: GB0000398352A

... 398,352. Surface and outline gauges. GILBERTSON & CO., Ltd., W., Pontardawe Steel, Tinplate & Galvanising Works, Pontardawe, and THOMAS, E., Greenbank, Coed-Gwylym, Clydach, Swansea, both in Glamorgan. Oct. 17, 1932, No. 28964. [Class 106 (ii).] Apparatus for recording the camber or longitudinal contour of rolls or other cylindrical bodies comprises a straight edge a having two feet c<2>, c<3> at each end adapted to make line contact with any cylindrical surface, and a carriage d movable along the straight edge and carrying a follower e<1> pressed by gravity or springs against the cylindrical surface, the vertical sliding movement of the follower being transmitted and amplified by levers and links g, g<3>, g<6>, g<7>, g4 so as to actuate a marker g<5> which bears on a sheet of paper on a drum h<4> rotated through worm-gearing by a roller h on the carriage running on the straight edge. The amplification may be varied by changing the pivot of the lever g from g<1> to g<*>. The device may ...

11-11-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001211953A

... 1,211,953. Fluid couplings. MAAG GEAR WHEEL & MACHINE CO. Ltd. 6 March, 1969 [30 April, 1968], No. 11882/69. Heading F2C. [Also in Division G1] A slipping clutch comprises an oil filled drive gear-wheel 32, Fig. 4, in a gear testing machine (see also Division G1) and is provided with a fixed ring 36 and a ring 35 which is driven by a continuously variable speed motor 34. It is stated that by this arrangement the torque transmitted may be varied and may be added or subtracted to the alternative drive to the gear-wheels 3, 4, Fig. 1 (not shown), under test.

04-01-2006 дата публикации

A sensor finger module for a pipeline inspection tool

Номер: GB0002415761A

An inspection sensor module (100) for an in-line pipe inspection tool (110) has a support (170) for mounting the module (100) on the tool (110), a finger (150) pivotally attached at one end (160) to the support (170) and pivotally attached at the other end (158) to an inspection sensor, preferably a sensor block (190) carrying one or more inspection sensors. Means for resiliently biasing the finger (150) outwardly, preferably a first leaf spring (180) extending from the support (170) to the finger (150) to bias the finger (150) outwardly, and a second leaf spring (182) extending from the support to the carrier to bias the sensor block (190). At least one, but preferably a pair of biasing sensors (142, 144) detect movement of the biasing means, and are preferably mounted on the leading and trailing edges of the first leaf spring (15) to detect movement of the first leaf spring(180) corresponding to movement of the inspection sensors towards or away from the support (170). The biasing sensors ...

03-09-1981 дата публикации

Recording and measuring profiles of objects

Номер: GB2070251A
Автор: Holtom, Graham Roy

Apparatus for checking and calculating the contour of inside radiuses and diameters of objects traces the profile of an object as a series of minute holes in a piece of frame held paper, or indentations into plastics material 20, accurately made by a pointer 6 which either traces a line or is operated manually or automatically by solenoids to make holes so that when enlarged 10, 25, 50 or even 100 to 1, a true picture of the profile can be measured. The pointer moves in unison with a holder 12 and a probe 14 contacting the object, vertical movements of the probe operating a dial gauge 36 and horizontal movements being made by means of a screw 10 and nut 11 moving a carriage 23 on a shaft 3. With conductive materials the mechanism employs a probe which is connected to a battery of low voltage and a bulb indicating when the probe and object make contact, with non-conductive materials the device forms a measurable line. ...

05-06-2019 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for characterising instrument error

Номер: GB0002529131B
Автор: SHAOJUN XIAO, Shaojun xiao
Принадлежит: TAYLOR HOBSON LTD, Taylor Hobson Limited

22-03-1923 дата публикации

Improved apparatus for testing the accuracy of toothed wheels

Номер: GB0000175619A

... 175,619. Soc. Anon. A. Saurer. Feb. 18, 1921, [Convention date]. Surface and outline gauges.-In apparatus for testing the accuracy of toothed wheels, the means for transmitting motion to the indicating mechanism is arranged to include at least one lever mechanism having a leverage adjustable in accordance with the diameters of the toothed wheels to be tested. Upstanding spindles 3, 21 are adapted to receive the wheels to be tested, the bearings for the spindle 21 being carried in a slide 25 moved by a screw 24. The spindles carry at their ends inside the casing 1 friction wheels 5, 26. The wheel 5 engages a coupling-bar 6 having an enlarged head 9. A similar bar 16 is also provided with an enlarged head 9 and engages a friction wheel 17 on a spindle 18 passing through a hollow spindle 29 and carrying at its upper end a needle 19. Between the coupling-bars 6, 16 is arranged an adjustable lever device, 12, 13. The arms 12, 13 are arranged to slide in a block 34 pivoted at 14 and carry at ...

18-05-1966 дата публикации

Improved container gauging apparatus

Номер: GB0001029886A

11-09-1922 дата публикации

Improvements in gauges

Номер: GB0000185774A

... 185,774. Opperman, O. R., and Taylor, A. F. March 9, 1921. Surface and outline gauges.-Relates to means for testing, by gauging, the accuracy of toothed gearwheels &c. and comprises apparatus which may be attached to a machine or lathe bed or may be used separately. A slotted base plate a carries adjustably fixed uprights n, e perpendicular to it, the latter of which is graduated and carries a slide h and clamping screws and vernier, on which is mounted a second slide i spring controlled and carrying a spherical-ended plunger j and dial indicator k. The upright e is supported by a block d sliding against a spring in a block b bolted to the base and adjusted by a micrometer screw f. A cam-lever l<1> engages a pin l<2> on the slide of the plunger j to withdraw it from engagement with the tested gear. The upright n carries a bracket o' a three armed lever o of which one arm is forced against a tooth of the tested gear by turning an adjusting screw o<7> engaging a second arm, after the release ...

23-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002075193B

11-10-2017 дата публикации

A modular fixture system

Номер: GB0002549204A

The universal modular fixture system comprises elongate side frame sections 2 comprising an outer straight edge and an inner side edge comprising an ordered series of receiving sockets (5, figure 1); cross-member sections 3 comprising rounded distal ends (3a, figure 3) with at least one side edge comprising an ordered series of receiving sockets (10, figure 3); and a plurality of connector components 11,12,13. The connector components 11,12,13 detachably connect the side frame sections 2 and cross member sections 3. The rounded ends 3a of the cross-member sections matingly engage with the receiving sockets on the side frame sections 2 and cross member sections 3 forming different fixture configurations. The rounded ends 3a permit the cross member sections 3 to engage with the sockets at a range of angles. The fixture system forms a frame or rack within which objects or items for measurement may be clamped.

09-05-1946 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to a tool for testing gears

Номер: GB0000577217A

... 577,217. Gauging toothed gearing. KODAK, Ltd. Feb. 7, 1944, No. 2251. Convention date, March 4, 1943.. [Class 106 (ii)] A device for use in checking toothed gearing comprises a rack-form bar 3 having teeth 2 which are sections of a worm, and an accurately formed pad 4 adjacent the teeth and having a predetermined relation to their pitch line. The bar is of V form below the teeth and is mounted in a grooved rail 21 for longitudinal movement by rack and pinion gearing 23, 24. A pin 20a on the rack engages a slot 20 in the bar. The gear-wheel to be checked is mounted on a spindle 17 and mates with the bar as described in Specification 577,218. The pad 4 may be plane or curved and can be used to check the radius or pitch diameter of the gearwheel.

22-04-1924 дата публикации

Improvements relating to the production of gear wheels

Номер: GB0000214335A

... 214,335. Muir & Co., Ltd., W., and Melloy, J. H. Jan. 20, 1923. Surface and outline gauges.-The spiral angle of the teeth of a helicoidal gear wheel is ascertained while. the wheel is being cut by mounting upon the tool carrying slide of the cutting machine a bracket b carrying a narrow toothed wheel c that can be brought into engagement with the teeth being cut. The wheel c, which can rotate freely, has a boss on which an arm d is secured. A clock type indicator f is carried by a block g adjustable upon the bracket b and another clock type indicator i is arranged upon the . tool slide to co-operate with a dead length gauge h. In operation the wheel c is brought into contact with the teeth of the gear k being tested, the gauge h being in place and both indicators being at zero. The gauge h is removed and the tool slide travelled along the machine until the indicator i is engaged by the stop against which the gauge h was held, the wheel c rotating through its engagement with the teeth of ...

29-11-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to apparatus for testing the diameter of a cylindrical surface

Номер: GB0001093183A

... 1,093,183. Linear dimension gauges. RANK PRECISION INDUSTRIES Ltd. [trading as RANK ORGANISATION, RANK TAYLOR HOBSON DIVISION]. May 28, 1965 [May 28, 1964], No.22090/64. Heading G1M. Apparatus for measuring or indicating variations in the diameter of a cylindrical test surface G along the length thereof, comprises a guide B, a carriage C mounted for movement along the guide, a pair of oppositely directed feelers F, F1 carried by such carriage for engagement with diametrically opposite points of the test surface throughout traversing, at least one of the feelers F1being mounted for movement relative to the carriage in a plane through the axis of the test surface, whereby the distance between the tips of the feelers varies with the diameter of the test surface along the length thereof detecting means F2, F3 responsive to said variations for operating a measuring or indicating instrument, and testing means L, L1 operable at will for imparting a ...

15-04-1970 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Length Measuring Instruments

Номер: GB0001188536A

... 1,188,536. Measuring length. MARCONI CO. Ltd. May 25, 1967 [Aug. 25, 1966], No.38207/66. Heading G1M. In a length measuring apparatus a wire anchored to a reference point at one end, extends at the other end through a hollow screw 3 to be clamped in a chuck mounted at the end of the actuating shaft 5 of a dial indicator 6 which is mounted on a slidable carriage 8. A spring 13 surrounds the other end of the actuating shaft 5 and lies compressed between the indicator 6 and a plate disc 12 which contacts the end piece 19 of the actuating shaft of a further slidably mounted dial indicator 14. In use, the wire is attached to the reference point and the end piece 20 checked on a point at the required distance from the reference point to zero the indicator dials. The piece 20 is then moved to another point on the surface of a radioreflector, and, if necessary, screw 3 is adjusted to bring indicator 6 to its zero point (thus ensuring the same tension in the wire as before) and then any difference ...

24-12-1947 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to machines for testing gears

Номер: GB0000596016A

... 596,016. Testing gears. KODAK, Ltd. July 13, 1945, No. 17971. Convention date, July 13, 1944. [Class 106 (ii)] A gear-testing machine includes a gear-testing tool mounted to move on a slideway provided on the base of the machine, and an arm hinged to a post movably mounted on the base, the angular position of said arm with respect to the slideway being determined by a gauge means including a post extending upwardly from the base and carrying an accurately formed sleeve provided with an accurately formed surface which extends axially of the gauge post and engages a second arm carried by and extending from the movable post. As shown, the base 1 has a V-shaped pair of rails 3, beneath which is an undercut slideway 5 in which runs a slide 6, provided with a handle 17 and the movement of which is limited by stops 7 and 9. A pin upstanding from the slide 6 engages in a notch in a gear-testing tool, shown as a master worm section 15, which slides in the rails 3. A gear G to be tested is supported ...

18-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001323533A

... 1323533 Measuring edge profile BRITISH GAS CORP 14 June 1972 [17 June 1971] 28525/71 Heading G1M The edge profile of the orifice 20 in an orifice plate 21 is measured by bringing the edge of a lead foil 18 into contact with the edge 19, advancing the foil by a measured amount to cause the edge to indent the foil, and magnifying the indentation produced to examine the condition of the edge 19 and measure its radius of curvature. A bar 1 is clamped to the orifice plate by means of clamp plates 25 and clamp screws 22 adjustable along the bar. A carriage 3 slides along the bar and is lockable in a desired position by means of screws 6, spring 6a and plate 6b. Arm 9 is pivotally mounted on the carriage 3 by means of a precision roller bearing 10 and is biased anti-clockwise by spring 13. A holder 17 for the lead foil 18 consists of two clamping jaws and is mounted on one end of arm 9 at an angle which is preferably adjustable. The other end of arm 9 carries a micrometer 12, the spindle 14 of ...

15-08-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001326873A

... 1326873 Testing gears BJURO VZAIMOZAMENYAEMOSTI MINISTERSTVA STANKOSTROITEL NOI I INSTRUMENTALNOI PROMYSHLENNOSTI SSSR 13 Jan 1972 1566/72 Headings G1M and G1N In a device for testing a pair of gears 20, 21 or 22, 23, Fig. 2 (not shown), one of which may be a master gear, drive from a motor 9 and reducer 10 is transmitted to a belt 13 along a transmission path including the test gears, and to a carriage 14 by a path excluding the test gears, and any relative movement between belt 13 and carriage 14, which represents gear error, is measured by pick-up 15 and displayed by recorder 39. Belt 13 is driven from motor 9 via spindle 2, gears 20, 21 and spindle 12. Carriage 14 is driven from motor 9 via spindle 2, belt 3, carriage 4 connected to belt 3, and a lever 7 which pivots about a roller 6, the position of the roller 6 being vertically adjusted by means of a carriage 5 so that carriage 14 is driven at the same overall speed as belt 13. The spindle 12, belt 13 and carriage 14 are mounted on ...

29-04-1970 дата публикации

Appliance for Testing the Flanks of Gear Teeth

Номер: GB0001189923A

... 1,189,923. Gauging toothed gears. W. FERD KLINGELNBERG SOHNE G.m.b.H. May 15, 1968 [Aug. 4, 1967], No. 23104/68. Addition to 1,189, 922. Heading G1M. The Parent Specification describes a testing apparatus comprising a slide 27 which when moved across a bed 10 by rotating a crank handle rotates a test gear 1 and at the same time a cylinder 25 mounted in bearing plates fixed to the bed. A shaft 20 carries a radially adjustable feeler head 17 and feeler 18 is keyed to rotate with the cylinder 25 but not move axially within the cylinder. In this Specification however the shaft 20 is made to be axially movable within the cylinder by arranging that an adjustable guide 94 moving laterally with the slide 27 engages a peg 97 in the bearing housing 96 thus giving the housing 96 and the shaft 20 axial movement. In Fig. 2 (not shown) the axial movement of 20 combined with its rotation gives a helical movement to the feeler mounted on the end of the shaft, and in Fig. 3 (not shown) the feeler head is ...

23-02-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001264333A

08-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001500093A

... 1500093 Testing gears W HOFLER 27 Oct 1975 [20 Dec 1974] 44052/75 Heading G1M A machine for testing tooth flange obliquity of straight or helical spur gears is of the kind in which the gear 3 rotates coaxially with an exchangeable "cylinder" 5 the cylinder being engaged by a rule 6 on a reciprocably slideable member 7 and a feeder 12 being mounted for vertically sliding movement in a block 14 fixed to the frame to follow the tooth flank. It has a structure 9 slidable parallel to the member 7 and driven by the latter through arms 23, 24 fixed to a spindle 25 pivoted on the frame, the connection between one of these arms and the slide being variable to alter the drive ratio. The drive ratio remains always close to 1:1 and the arms 23, 24 pivot through only a small angle to either side of a plane through their pivotal axis parallel to the axis of rotation of the gear. As shown, the arm 23 has a slide-block connection 19, 21 with the structure 9 adjustable by a spindle 20. The structure 9 carries ...

13-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001547363A

03-07-1957 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to rolling gear testing machines

Номер: GB0000778386A

... 778,386. Gauging gears. GOULDER & SONS, Ltd., J., and HORNE, J. A. Oct. 25, 1954 [Sept. 8, 1953], No. 24768/53. Class 106 (2). In apparatus of the kind wherein the teeth of a gear are tested against those of a master gear by bringing the two into mesh, causing them to drive and indicating movement between the gear centres, one gear is mounted on the bed of the apparatus and the second gear is mounted on a slide floatably slidable longitudinally on another slide adjustable longitudinally on the bed. As shown, the bed 2, Fig. 1, has a first slide 3A, 3B driven longitudinally relatively thereto by screw 32 and handle 31 and has slidingly mounted on its upper surface a second slide 7 provided with an arbor 14 for a master gear-wheel. The floating bearings of the slide 7 comprise a rod 8, Fig. 2, fixed between its ends to slide 3 and having reduced ends 9 engaged in ball bearing journals 10 mounted on the slide 7. The mounting is completed by ball bearing runners on the side of the slide 7 opposite ...

25-08-1921 дата публикации

Improved device for examining or measuring the accuracy of the teeth of pinions, gear wheels, gear cutting hobs and the like

Номер: GB0000167911A

... 167,911. Mensforth, H., Cowell, F. A., and Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd. June 9, 1920. Surface and outline gauges. -A device for examining the accuracy of the teeth of a helical pinion, gear-wheel or hob comprises means for taking measurements of the teeth at determined distances along lines parallel with the axis of the pinion, and means for accurately rotating the pinion through determined angles. The gear-wheel 1 having helical teeth 2 is mounted by the shaft portions 3 on the roller bearings of brackets 4, 5 which are adjustable along a groove 6 in a base-plate 7, and may be clamped in the adjusted position. The ends of the pinion abut against ball stops on brackets 12, 13, of which the stop on the bracket 13 is adjustable. An arbor 25 is mounted on V-blocks 22, 23, which slide in transverse grooves 24 in the bed-plate and are adjusted so that the axis of the arbor is parallel with that of the pinion 1. The arbor is movable longitudinally and is positioned by means of " ...

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000525929T

15-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000150684T

15-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000136114T

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Chicken-tenderloin extraction device

Номер: AU2015285484A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Provided is a chicken-tenderloin extraction device which increases the ability to extract a chicken tenderloin, and does not entail any risk of bone fragments being mixed into the tenderloin. This chicken-tenderloin extraction device has: tenderloin extraction body sections positioned both to the left and right sides in the direction of transport of a fixing jig which holds and moves a chicken carcass; a first movement means for moving the tenderloin extraction body sections toward the moving fixing jig; and a second movement means for moving the tenderloin extraction body sections away from the moving fixing jig. The tenderloin extraction body sections are equipped with a sandwiching instrument for sandwiching a chicken tenderloin between upper and lower sandwiching plates, and provided with the lower sandwiching plate which, when approaching the fixing jig, is inserted below the chicken tenderloin from the widthwise direction relative to the lengthwise direction of the chicken tenderloin ...

16-02-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001118197A1

30-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002781804A1

Apparatus for revealing the geometry of operative cylinders, in particular during the grinding operation of the same, comprising a pair of movable clamps (13, 14) which can be moved away from and towards each other with respect to a fixed intermediate structure (15), the clamps (13, 14) having tilted surfaces (19, 20) in opposite directions to each other according to a swallowtail arrangement with respect to a cylinder (11) being measured, positioned between them and between a surface (21) of the fixed intermediate structure (15), the surfaces (19, 20) of the movable clamps (13, 14) and the surface (21) of the fixed intermediate structure (15) always being kept in contact with the cylinder (11) whether it be still or rotating, wherein the fixed structure (15) also has in its interior, parts of a group which interact with each other (32, 33; 29, 43; 28, 35, 36, 37, 38) to correlate the movement of the clamps (13, 14).

08-06-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001125005A1

19-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000928491A1

03-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3064552C

Methods and systems for evaluating integrity of a tubular located within a wellbore are provided. The method includes measuring an operation parameter of the wellbore, measuring a feature of the tubular two or more times to produce an integrity log each time the feature is measured, and determining a tubular integrity analysis for the tubular by using the integrity logs and the operation parameter. The tubular integrity analysis contains parameter limitations for the tubular. The method also includes determining if tubular integrity is within or outside the parameter limitations. If the tubular integrity is within the parameter limitations, then determine a duration of integrity for the tubular. If the tubular integrity is outside of the parameter limitations, then determine a location on the tubular for loss of tubular integrity.

20-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002954039C

A poultry tenderloin extraction apparatus is provided that can achieve higher poultry tenderloin extracting process performance without posing a risk of bone chips mixing in the poultry tenderloin. The poultry tenderloin extraction apparatus includes: a fixing jig configured to move while holding a poultry carcass; a poultry tenderloin extraction body section disposed on each of left and right sides with respect to a conveying direction of the fixing jig; a first moving unit configured to move the poultry tenderloin extraction body section toward the moving fixing jig; and a second moving unit configured to move the poultry tenderloin extraction body section away from the moving fixing jig. The poultry tenderloin extraction body section includes a clamping device including: a clamping lower plate to be inserted under the poultry tenderloin in a width direction relative to a longitudinal direction of the poultry tenderloin of the poultry carcass held by the fixing jig; and a clamping upper ...

21-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002880239C

Outil de mesure (1) de caractéristiques dimensionnelles (D) d'une pièce de production (2), cet outil (1) comportant : - des moyens de positionnement (3a, 3b) de l'outil de mesure (1) par rapport à la pièce (2); - au moins un appareil de mesure (4a, 4b) relié mécaniquement aux moyens de positionnement (3a, 3b) par des moyens de liaison mécanique (5). Les moyens de positionnement (3a, 3b) comportent : - des premiers et seconds moyens de centrage (6a, 6b) pour venir en contact contre une surface interne (7a) d'un premier alésage (22a1) de la pièce de production (2); - des seconds moyens de centrage (6b) pour venir en contact contre une surface interne (7b) d'un second alésage (22b1) de la pièce de production (2), ces premier et second alésages (22a1, 22b1) étant coaxiaux. Les moyens de liaison mécanique (5) autorisent le déplacement relatif de l'appareil de mesure (4a, 4b) par rapport aux premiers et seconds moyens de centrage (6a, 6b) de manière que l'appareil de mesure (4a, 4b) palpe une ...

07-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002007772A1

An apparatus for measuring the profile of a rail head includes a base, an actuating unit, a carriage and a sensing device. These components cooperate to laterally move the sensing device across the width of the rail as it is moved longitudinally along the length of the rail, so that a single sensing element may be used to measure the profile of the rail head.

16-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002298341A1

A tracer is provided for tracing a lens mount of an eyeglass frame, a lens or a lens pattern. The tracer comprises an object engager and an actuator. The object engager is adapted to engage the lens mount, the lens or the lens pattern. The actuator is adapted to move the object engager into contact with and then along the lens mount, the lens or the lens pattern in such a way that during movement therealong, the object engager remains against the object being traced even when the shape thereof includes high wrap. Preferably, the tracer has a shift mechanism adapted to shift the object engager from alignment with the lens mount to alignment with a second lens mount of the eyeglass frame. The actuator preferably is further adapted to trace the second lens mount in substantially the same way as the first. The actuator further includes a rotator and a pivot mechanism. The rotator is adapted to rotate the object engager along the object being traced. The pivot mechanism facilitates movement ...

01-02-1927 дата публикации

Appareil pour le traçage des cames.

Номер: CH0000118748A
Принадлежит: BECHLER ANDRE

28-02-1946 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Prüfen von Zahnradgetrieben nach dem Einflankenabrollverfahren.

Номер: CH0000241224A

15-03-1947 дата публикации

Gerät zum Prüfen der Teilungen von Zahnrädern.

Номер: CH0000247471A

15-01-1951 дата публикации

Abwälzprüfgerät für Zahnräder.

Номер: CH0000272857A

31-08-1950 дата публикации

Gerät zur Bestimmung des Rinnenprofils von Keilriemenscheiben.

Номер: CH0000270287A
Принадлежит: UEBERSAX & CO, UEBERSAX & CO.

30-06-1948 дата публикации

Profilschieblehre zur Messung der Zahnstärke von Verzahnungen.

Номер: CH0000255456A

30-06-1949 дата публикации

Messgerät für nach dem Abwälzverfahren hergestellte Verzahnungen.

Номер: CH0000262308A

15-03-1943 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Prüfen von Zahnrädern mit gerader und schräger Verzahnung.

Номер: CH0000226044A

31-10-1965 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000401494A

31-03-1965 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000389918A

31-03-1967 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000432862A

15-10-1966 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000422360A

30-06-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000577125A5
Принадлежит: MOVOMATIC SA

31-03-1971 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000505363A

30-09-1967 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000444505A

31-05-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000576123A5

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Method of calibrating surface texture measurement device

Номер: US20120234075A1
Принадлежит: Mitutoyo Corp

A method of calibrating a surface texture measurement device includes obtaining Y-axis shape measurement data and a maximum diameter portion to obtain upper and lower maximum diameter portions of a reference sphere from Y-axis upper and lower shape data obtained by relatively moving in the Y-axis direction while a downward and an upward styluses are in contact with an upper and a lower surfaces, respectively, of the reference sphere; obtaining X-axis shape measurement data to obtain X-axis upper and lower shape data of the reference sphere by relatively moving in the X-axis direction while the downward stylus is in contact with the upper diameter portion and the upward stylus with the lower diameter portion of the reference sphere; and calculating offset amounts Δx and Δz of the upward and downward styluses from center coordinates O3 and O4 obtained from the shape data.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Calibration device for Measurement Gauges of the Diameter and other Geometrical Characteristics of Cylinders

Номер: US20130125615A1

A calibration device for gauges for the measurement of the geometrical characteristics of cylinders, such as the diameter, profile, rotundity and eccentricity errors, wherein such gauges include a pair of movable opposing arms equipped with feelers or sensors at their free ends, includes a pair of abutments reciprocally approachable and/or withdrawable by means of motors until a sample measure is obtained, as desired, within the measuring range of the gauge, on which the calibration device is assembled, revealed by means of measuring means cooperating with the abutments, such that consequently the feelers or sensors are respectively abutted or approached to the abutments to reveal the sample measure. 1. A gauge calibration device for gauges for measuring geometrical characteristics of cylinders , wherein said gauges comprise a pair of movable opposing arms equipped with feelers or sensors at free ends of the movable opposing arms , comprising:a pair of abutments reciprocally approachable or withdrawable by motors until a sample measure is obtained, as desired, within a measuring range of the gauge on which this calibration device is assembled; and{'b': '51', 'measuring means cooperating with said abutments, such that said feelers or sensors () are respectively abutted or approached to said abutments to sense said sample measure, thereby providing said sample measure.'}2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said abutments are integral with respective female screws in which male screws are screwed claim 1 , rotated by said motors.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said measurement means comprise readers integral with said abutments and cooperating with optical lines integral with a supporting structure. The present invention relates to a calibration device (so-called “preset”) for measurement gauges of the diameter and other geometrical characteristics of cylinders, such as, for example, the rotundity, eccentricity and profile.An example of the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Digital indicator and multipoint measuring apparatus

Номер: US20130247403A1
Автор: Shuji Hayashida
Принадлежит: Mitutoyo Corp

A digital indicator includes: a body; a spindle formed in the body, movably in an axial direction; a displacement detecting sensor configured to detect a movement displacement amount of the spindle; a display device configured to display the movement displacement amount of the spindle detected by the displacement detecting sensor; and a display controller configured to linearly move a measured value display mark representing a measured value in a display surface of the display device according to variations in the measured value.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020254A1

An eyeglass frame shape measurement apparatus includes a measuring unit measuring shapes of right and left rims of an eyeglass frame. Measuring modes include a first measuring mode in which whole peripheries of both rims are measured; a second measuring mode in which the whole periphery of one of the right and left rims; and a third measuring mode in which nose side portions of the left rim and the nose side portion of the right rim are partially measured. A controller drives the measuring unit to measure the whole peripheries of both rims in the first measuring mode, for driving the measuring unit to measure the whole periphery of one of the left and right rims in the second mode, and drive the measuring unit to measure partially the nose side portions of both rims in the third mode. 1. An eyeglass frame shape measurement apparatus , comprising:a frame holder configured to hold right and left rims of an eyeglass frame, the right and left rims including grooves respectively;a measuring unit including a tracing stylus configured to be inserted into the grooves of the right and left rims, and detect movement of the tracing stylus to measure shapes of the rims;a first measurement start signal input unit configured to input a first measurement start signal for a first measuring mode in which whole peripheries of the right and left rims are measured in a state that the right and left rims of the eyeglass frame are held by the frame holder;a second measurement start signal input unit configured to input a second measurement start signal for a second measuring mode in which the whole periphery of one of the right and left rims of the eyeglass frame is measured in a state that the one of the right and left rims of the eyeglass frame is held by the frame holder;a third measurement start signal input unit for inputting a third measurement start signal for a third measuring mode in which nose side portions of the left rim and the nose side portion of the right rim are ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053422A1

A surface profile measurement probe comprising two spaced apart points for contacting a convex surface to be measured and a straight edge or surface moveable relative to the two points to enable the straight edge to be brought into contact with a convex surface contacted by the two points. A tip protrudes from and is moveably mounted relative to the straight edge or surface for measuring the profile of a surface contacted by the straight edge. 1. A surface profile measurement probe comprising two spaced apart points for contacting a convex surface to be measured , at least a straight edge moveable relative to the two points to enable the straight edge to be brought into contact with a convex surface contacted by the two points and a tip protruding from and moveably mounted relative to the straight edge for measuring the profile of a surface contacted by the straight edge.2. A probe as claimed in wherein the straight edge is comprised in a substantially flat surface.3. A probe as claimed in wherein the surface is substantially annular in shape and the tip protrudes from substantially the centre of the annulus.4. A probe as claimed in wherein the straight edge lies in a plane which is substantially parallel to a straight line extending through the two points.5. A probe as claimed in wherein the straight edge extends in a direction substantially perpendicular to a straight line extending through the two points.6. A probe as claimed in wherein the straight edge is moveable relative to the two points in a direction substantially at right angles to a straight line extending through the two points.7. A probe as claimed in wherein the straight edge is constrained to move in that direction.8. A probe as claimed in wherein the straight edge is movable from a position so that it is displaced from a straight line extending through the two points to claim 1 , at least claim 1 , a position where it contacts that line.9. A probe as claimed in wherein the straight edge is ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140059871A1
Автор: YAMAMOTO Takayasu
Принадлежит: NIDEK CO., LTD.

An eyeglass frame shape measuring apparatus includes: a frame holding unit holding an eyeglass frame; a tracing stylus inserted into a bevel groove of the rim; a moving unit moving the tracing stylus; and a controller controls the moving unit and obtains measurement data of a shape of the rim. The controller controls the moving unit based on a first measurement operation to perform a first measurement. The controller decides whether the first measurement is performed in a first state in which the tracing stylus is inserted into the bevel groove at the time of starting the first measurement or a second state in which the tracing stylus is not inserted into the bevel groove at the time of starting the first measurement. If the controller decides that it is the second state, the controller performs a second measurement based on a second measurement operation. 1. An eyeglass frame shape measuring apparatus comprising:a frame holding unit configured to hold a rim of an eyeglass frame;a tracing stylus configured to be inserted into a bevel groove of the rim;a moving unit configured to move the tracing stylus;a detector configured to detect a position of the tracing stylus; anda controller configured to control the moving unit and obtain measurement data of a shape of the rim based on the detection result by the detector,wherein the controller controls the moving unit based on a first measurement operation to perform a first measurement,wherein the controller decides, based on a change in the measurement data obtained by moving the tracing stylus from a measurement starting point of the rim at the first measurement, whether the first measurement is performed in a first state in which the tracing stylus is inserted into the bevel groove of the rim at the time of starting the first measurement or a second state in which the tracing stylus is not inserted into the bevel groove of the rim at the time of starting the first measurement, andwherein if the controller decides that ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140068957A1

An apparatus for measuring the shape of a material includes: a width roller configured to roll a width of the material; a plurality of transfer rollers arranged in a rear side of the width roller to transfer the width rolled material; and a measurement unit disposed between the transfer rollers to contact the material moved over the transfer rollers to measure the shape of the material. 1. An apparatus for measuring the shape of a material , comprising:a width roller configured to roll a width of the material;a plurality of transfer rollers arranged in a rear side of the width roller to transfer the width rolled material; anda measurement unit disposed between the transfer rollers to contact the material moved over the transfer rollers to measure the shape of the material.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the measurement unit includes:a contact part configured to contact the material;an elevating part configured to lift and lower the contact part; anda pressure sensor configured to measure pressure applied to the elevating part.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the contact part includes:a body lifted and lowered by the elevating part; anda rotating part disposed at an end of the body to contact the material.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the rotating part includes a roller.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the measurement unit further includes:a guide disposed at a circumference of the body to guide the body.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the guide has a stepped portion at a top of the guide claim 5 , and the body has a locking portion formed at a side of the body to be locked to the stepped portion.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of measurement units are arranged in a line perpendicular to a transfer direction of the material.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the measurement units include:a central measurement unit that contacts the material at a center of the material;a first side measurement unit disposed at a first ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Measuring Device

Номер: US20140083162A1
Автор: SEEWIG Jörg

A measuring device for in-process measurement of test pieces during a machining operation on a machine tool, in particular a grinding machine, has a base body, and a measuring head movable between a neutral position and a measuring position and which is connected to the base body via a rod assembly which is configured and set up in such a way that the measuring head in the measuring position follows orbital rotations of a test piece about a rotational axis. The measuring head has a measuring sensor which is deflectable along a linear axis for recording measured values during a measuring operation. A control apparatus is provided for controlling the measuring operation. The control apparatus is configured and set up in such a way that the measuring device may be calibrated in a calibration mode. 1. Measuring device for in-process measurement of test pieces during a machining operation on a machine tool comprising:a) a base body;b) a measuring head which is movable between a neutral position and a measuring position and which is connected to the base body via a rod assembly which is configured and set up in such a way that the measuring head in the measuring position follows orbital rotations of a test piece about a rotational axis;c) the measuring head having a measuring sensor which is deflectable along a linear axis for recording measured values during a measuring operation;d) a control apparatus for controlling the measuring operation; ande) the control apparatus is configured and set up in such a way that the measuring device may be calibrated in a calibration mode.2. Measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein:a) the control apparatus is configured and set up for switching the measuring device between a measuring mode in which a measuring operation may be carried out, and a calibration mode in which a calibration operation may be carried out.3. Measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein:a) the measuring head includes a measuring prism having an opening ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003109A1
Автор: Pieri Marco

A tool to measure the radial stacking angle of a cylindrical blade comprises a base configured to indicate a radial direction of the hub, a component slidable over the blade and configured to indicate the stacking direction of the cylindrical blade, reference elements to provide a reference scale, a setting element configured to set the position of the component with respect to the base, a marker element configured to indicate the magnitude of the angle between the stacking direction and the radial direction using the reference elements; the angle corresponds to the radial stacking angle. 1. A tool to measure the radial stacking angle of a cylindrical blade of an axial flow rotating machine , the blade extending radially outwardly from the surface of a hub , the tool comprising:a base configured to indicate a radial direction of the hub;a component slidable over the blade and configured to indicate the stacking direction of the cylindrical blade;a plurality of reference elements to provide a reference scale;a setting element configured to set the position of the component with respect to the base;a marker element configured to indicate the magnitude of the angle between the stacking direction and the radial direction using the reference elements;wherein the angle corresponds to the radial stacking angle.2. The tool according to claim 1 , further comprising means to indicate a radial reference on the cylindrical blade defining a radial direction passing for the radial reference claim 1 , and radially align the base to the blade when the means and the base are in contact.3. The tool according to claim 2 , wherein the means to indicate a radial reference comprise a pin connected on the face of the shroud of the blade.4. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the base is configured to be positioned over the lateral external surface of the hub.5. The tool according to claim 4 , wherein the base comprises two elements configured to be positioned over the hub for aligning ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003538A1
Принадлежит: Grant Prideco, L.P.

A tool for evaluating a thread depth includes a frame having an elongate portion extending in a first direction; a first contact member coupled to the frame and reciprocable in a second direction between a baseline height and a retracted height, the baseline height being greater than the retracted height. An output device provides an output in response to the height of the first contact member. A reference member is coupled to the frame at a first distance D from the first contact member as measured in the first direction; and a second contact member coupled to the frame is disposed at a second distance D from the first contact member as measured in the first direction, such that D is greater than D 1. A tool for evaluating a thread depth dimension of a tubular member having threads with a plurality of spaced apart troughs formed in part by a plurality of spaced apart thread roots , the tool comprising:a frame having an elongate portion extending in a first direction;a first contact member configured to contact a trough and coupled to the frame, the first contact member configured to reciprocate in a second direction between a baseline height relative to the elongate portion and a retracted height relative to the elongate portion, the baseline height being greater than the retracted height;an output device coupled to the first contact member and configured to provide an output in response to the height of the first contact member;{'b': '1', 'a reference member coupled to the frame at a first distance D from the first contact member as measured in the first direction; and'}{'b': '2', 'a second contact member configured to contact a trough and coupled to the frame, the second contact member disposed a second distance D from the first contact member as measured in the first direction;'}{'b': 1', '2, 'wherein D is greater than D.'}2. The tool of further including a sensor configured to sense the height of the first contact member and to communicate data indicative of ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003542A1

A control method of surface characteristic measuring apparatus relatively displaces by a relative displacement mechanism, detects when the distal end of the stylus contacting the measurable surface, calculates an amount of relative displacement in the Z-axis direction between the measuring device and the measured object required for a measuring arm to be leveled after the distal end of the stylus contacts the measurable surface, calculates a displacement amount generated in the distal end of the stylus in an X-axis direction when the measuring device and the measured object are relatively displaced only by in the Z-axis direction; and levels the measuring arm by relatively displacing only by the measuring device and the measured object in the Z-axis direction by the relative displacement mechanism, and relatively displaces only by the measuring device and the measured object in the X-axis direction by the relative displacement mechanism at the same time. 1. A control method of a surface characteristic measuring apparatus , the surface characteristic measuring apparatus including:a measuring device that measures a surface characteristic of a measurable surface by profiling and scanning the measurable surface while in contact with the measurable surface of a measurable object; anda relative displacement mechanism that relatively displaces, three-dimensionally, the measuring device and the measurable object such that the measuring device scans and displaces along the measurable surface, the measuring device including:a measuring arm supported so as to be capable of performing a circular arc movement with a rotation axis as a fulcrum;a stylus provided to a distal end of the measuring arm; anda movement detector that detects displacement by the circular arc movement of the measuring arm, andwith a vertical direction defined as a Z-axis direction and one direction orthogonal to the Z-axis direction defined as an X-axis direction,the control method of the surface ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010898A1

A device () for measuring a valve seat formed in a piece has an elongate shape and defines a longitudinal axis (A), and includes: a slide (), slidingly coupled to a guide () for translating in a scanning direction (B) inclined to the longitudinal axis; a sensor (), mounted on the slide for measuring a parameter relating to a profile of the seat; a processing unit connected to the sensor; a rotary actuator () defining a longitudinal rotation axis substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the device; and a transmission assembly interposed between the rotary actuator and the slide for transforming a rotary motion about a longitudinal rotation axis in a reciprocating linear motion of the slide along the scanning direction. 2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the transmission assembly comprises:a first transmission element, rotatable about the longitudinal rotation axis of the rotary actuator;a second transmission element, configured to oscillate about an axis perpendicular to a plane parallel to the scanning direction and containing the longitudinal axis of the device.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the transmission assembly comprises a lever having a first end kinematically connected to the first transmission element and a second end pivoted to the second transmission element claim 2 , wherein the lever is arranged along an axis substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the device.4. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the second transmission element is a rocker arm having a manoeuvring projection movably coupled to the slide.5. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the first transmission element is a pin eccentric with respect to the longitudinal rotation axis of the rotary actuator.6. The device according to claim 5 , wherein the transmission assembly comprises a bracket claim 5 , configured to oscillate about an axis parallel to the oscillating axis of the second transmission element and movably coupled to the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011658A1

The invention relates to measurement technology and is intended for measuring the shape, the internal dimensions and the flexibility of shoes. The proposed measurement method consists in using probes with indicators, which create tension on the measured surface. A camera and a flat marking band are used for tracing the shape of the internal surface of a shoe. On the basis of the sum of the images, a three-dimensional model of the internal surface of the tested shoe is made, and the flexibility properties are determined by scanning the object with different forces. A device comprises a body, a camera mounted therein, two or more probes with indicators, and a flat marking band. The invention makes it possible to increase accuracy and to reduce the labor intensiveness and time of measurements. 1. A method of measuring a shape , dimensions and elastic properties of an inner surface of hollow objects , comprising: a device being inserted into the object to be measured , a camera , which through indicators located on probes that create a uniform state of stress on the surface to be measured , receives spatial data in relation to a flat marking strip , by means of which a three-dimensional model of the interior space of the object is built , the dimensions of which are received as a result of measuring the three-dimensional model , and the elastic properties are obtained as a result of scanning the same object with a different force applied and measuring a difference modulus between a final and an original dimensions of the deformed object.2. A method of building a three-dimensional model of an inner surface of hollow objects , said method consisting in: detecting a position of indicators of probes on video image frames , calculating a position of points and of a total of contact points of the probes with the surface through a mathematical algorithm and obtaining a set of current sections of the inner surface in a form of a set of points; detecting on the video image ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for Gear Measurement

Номер: US20170016708A1
Автор: Marsh Richard G.

A system and method is provided for measuring a physical parameter of a gear. The system and method includes moving a contact probe into a start position on the pitch circle of the gear in a gap between adjacent teeth. The contact probe is moved in a path substantially along the pitch circle of the gear until the contact probe contacts the flank of one of the adjacent gear teeth at a contact point. Spatial coordinates of the contact point are determined. A measurement of a physical parameter of the gear is determined based on the spatial coordinates of the contact point. 1. A method for measuring a physical parameter of a gear , the gear having a pitch circle and a plurality of teeth with adjacent teeth separated by a gap that is defined by a flank of each of the adjacent teeth , the method comprising:moving a contact probe into a start position on the pitch circle of the gear in a gap between adjacent teeth;moving the contact probe in a path substantially along the pitch circle of the gear until the contact probe contacts the flank of one of the adjacent gear teeth at a contact point;determining spatial coordinates of the contact point; anddetermining a measurement of a physical parameter of the gear based on the spatial coordinates of the contact point.2. The method of wherein the step of moving the contact probe into the start position involves determining an approach vector for moving the contact probe from a current position to the start position.3. The method of wherein the step of moving the contact probe in the path along pitch circle involves dividing a segment of the pitch circle into a plurality of circumferentially spaced points and determining vectors that define paths of travel for the contact probe between those points that substantially match the pitch circle.4. The method of further including the step of determining the pitch circle of the gear.5. The method of further including the step of displaying the measurement of the physical parameter.6. The ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Measuring apparatus management system and program

Номер: US20190017797A1
Принадлежит: Mitutoyo Corp

A measuring apparatus management system of the present invention includes an acquirer acquiring condition information indicating a status of a replacement component in each of a plurality of measuring apparatuses, and a predictor predicting a replacement time of the replacement component based on the condition information obtained by the acquirer.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Thread Identification Kit

Номер: US20150020393A1
Автор: Henry Y. Shallcross
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention is a fitting identification kit that includes a set of short aluminum fitting gages with male threads on one end, female threads on the other, a knurled surface to allow ease of handling, and a milled flat surface on the exterior where the thread size of each fitting gages is engraved. The kit fits in one side of a carrier, which has a location diagram fixed on the other side of the carrier showing the location and sizes of the fitting gages as they sit in the carrier, held in place by the placement foam.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025844A1
Автор: Mansfield Daniel Ian

A metrological apparatus has a workpiece support surface () and a mover () to carry out a measurement by effecting relative movement in a measurement direction, X, between the workpiece support surface and a stylus () such that the stylus is deflected as a stylus tip of the stylus follows surface variations. A transducer () provides a measurement data set in a measurement coordinate system representing the deflection, a, of the stylus at measurement points in the measurement direction, X. A rotation device () effects relative rotation of the workpiece support surface and the mover about a rotation axis. A data processor is provided to determine a location of intersection of a first measurement data set representing a measurement along a measurement path on a calibration component surface which is not symmetric about the rotation axis and a second measurement data set representing a measurement along a measurement path on the calibration component surface after rotation of 180 degrees about the rotation axis and to determine the frame of reference of the apparatus using the determined intersection. 1. A metrological apparatus for measuring a surface characteristic of a workpiece , the apparatus comprising:a workpiece support surface defining a frame of reference having a first axis, x, extending parallel to the workpiece support surface and a second axis, z, normal to the workpiece support surface;a mover to carry out a measurement by effecting relative movement in a measurement direction, X, between the workpiece support surface and a stylus such that the stylus is deflected as a stylus tip of the stylus follows surface variations along a measurement path on a surface of a workpiece supported on the workpiece support surface;a transducer to provide a measurement data set in a measurement coordinate system representing the deflection, a, of the stylus at measurement points in the measurement direction, X, along the measurement path;a rotation device to effect ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025845A1
Автор: Mansfield Daniel Ian
Принадлежит: Taylor Hobson Limited

A stylus is deflected as a tip of the stylus follows surface variations along a measurement path on a surface of a workpiece. A transducer provides measurement data in a measurement coordinate system. A data processor is configured to: determine a relationship between the data in the measurement coordinate system and nominal surface data representing the expected surface characteristic of the workpiece in a workpiece coordinate system; simulate a measurement data set for the nominal surface using the nominal surface data and the determined relationship; if a simulated range of the simulated data set does not meet a given criterion, adjust a selected measurement data value for a selected point and repeat the simulation to determine an adjusted data value for which the simulated range meets the criterion; and determine start conditions required for a measurement procedure to provide the adjusted data value for the selected measurement point. 1. A metrological apparatus for measuring a surface characteristic of a workpiece , the apparatus comprising:a mover to carry out a measurement procedure by effecting relative movement in a measurement direction between a workpiece and a stylus such that the stylus is deflected as a stylus tip of the stylus follows surface variations along a measurement path on a surface of the workpiece;a transducer to provide a measurement data set in a measurement coordinate system representing the deflection of the stylus at measurement points along the measurement path, the transducer having a measurement range; anda data processor configured to:receive nominal surface data representing the expected surface characteristic of the workpiece in a workpiece coordinate system;determine a relationship between the measurement data in the measurement coordinate system and the nominal surface data in the workpiece coordinate system;simulate a measurement data set for the nominal surface using the nominal surface data and the determined relationship, ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140109419A1

A profile measuring instrument usable to perform a rotary scanning measurement and a linear scanning measurement on a workpiece in the form of a revolution solid, includes: a turntable on which the workpiece is mounted, the turntable being rotatable around a predetermined rotation axis; a rotary scanning measurement unit being adapted to measure a displacement of a surface of the workpiece mounted on the turntable; a linear scanning measurement unit being adapted to measure a profile of the surface of the workpiece mounted on the turntable along a predetermined measurement axis; and an aligning mechanism being adapted to relatively move the linear scanning measurement unit and the turntable in a direction intersecting with the measurement axis. The linear scanning measurement unit and the turntable are adjusted to relative positions at which the measurement axis passes through the rotation axis. 1. A profile measuring instrument usable to perform a rotary scanning measurement and a linear scanning measurement on a workpiece in a form of a revolution solid , comprising:a turntable on which the workpiece is mounted, the turntable being rotatable around a predetermined rotation axis;a rotary scanning measurement unit being adapted to measure a displacement of a surface of the workpiece mounted on the turntable;a linear scanning measurement unit being adapted to measure a profile of the surface of the workpiece mounted on the turntable along a predetermined measurement axis; andan aligning mechanism being adapted to relatively move the linear scanning measurement unit and the turntable in a direction intersecting with the measurement axis, whereinthe linear scanning measurement unit and the turntable are adjusted to relative positions at which the measurement axis passes through the rotation axis.2. An adjusting method for a profile measuring instrument being usable to perform a rotary scanning measurement and a linear scanning measurement on a workpiece in a form of a ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Method for the Laser Alignment of Guide Rails

Номер: US20210031314A1

A method includes producing a preform of a guide rail from steel, putting the preform in a holding device so that the preform is held fixed in position, analyzing the preform held in the holding device, a deviation from a straight shape being measured at a plurality of locations along the longitudinal axis. The method further includes irradiating the preform held in the holding device with a laser beam, a surface section being irradiated with the laser beam along the longitudinal axis at a plurality of locations, respectively on one of two side surfaces facing in opposite directions in relation to the first transverse axis, in such a way that it is heated into the plastic range. 1. A method for producing a guide rail for a linear rolling bearing , comprising:producing a preform of a guide rail from steel, the preform comprising at least one running track which extends parallel to a longitudinal axis and is hardened;placing the preform in a holding device so that the preform is held fixed in position; and analyzing the preform held in the holding device so as to measure a deviation from a straight shape in a direction of the first transverse axis at a first plurality of locations along the longitudinal axis; and', 'after analyzing the preform to measure the deviation in the direction of the first transverse axis, irradiating a first surface section of the preform held in the holding device with a laser beam along the longitudinal axis at a second plurality of locations, respectively, on one of two first side surfaces that face in opposite directions in relation to the first transverse axis, in such a way that the first surface section is heated into a plastic range, wherein the first surface section is arranged outside the at least one running track, and the one first side surface and a size of the first surface section are selected according to results of said analysis of the preform., 'processing the preform in relation to a first transverse axis, which is oriented ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033050A1
Принадлежит: CITIC Dicastal CO., LTD

Disclosed is a wheel flange detection device. A positioning column and a linear guide rail are mounted on a flange plate, a connecting plate is connected with the linear guide rail via a guide rail sliding seat, a shaft sleeve is fixed on the connecting plate, and a dial indicator is fixed on the shaft sleeve via a lock sleeve; the upper side wall of the shaft sleeve is a conical surface, and is matched with an inner hole conical surface of the lock sleeve; threads are formed in the middle of the side wall of the shaft sleeve and matched with threads of the inner hole of the lock sleeve; 12 groups of vertical slots are formed in the upper side wall of the shaft sleeve. 1. A wheel flange detection device , comprising a positioning column , a flange plate , a linear guide rail , a guide rail sliding seat , a connecting plate , a shaft sleeve , a lock sleeve and a dial indicator , wherein the positioning column and the linear guide rail are mounted on the flange plate , the connecting plate is connected with the linear guide rail via the guide rail sliding seat , the shaft sleeve is fixed on the connecting plate , and the dial indicator is fixed on the shaft sleeve via the lock sleeve.2. The wheel flange detection device of claim 1 , wherein the upper side wall of the shaft sleeve is a conical surface claim 1 , and the conical surface is matched with an inner hole conical surface of the lock sleeve.3. The wheel flange detection device of claim 1 , wherein threads are formed in the middle of the side wall of the shaft sleeve and the threads are matched with threads of the inner hole of the lock sleeve.4. The wheel flange detection device of claim 1 , wherein 12 groups of vertical slots are formed in the upper side wall of the shaft sleeve; and when the lock sleeve locks the dial indicator claim 1 , the lock sleeve moves down relatively to the shaft sleeve via threaded fit between the shaft sleeve claim 1 , and the lock sleeve claim 1 , the conical surface of the lock ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033110A1
Автор: Choi Hyun, SHIN Sang Jong

A gear inspection apparatus includes: a measurement unit which has a probe installed to be movable forward and rearward relative to a work gear rotatably mounted on a frame, and measures a dimension of the work gear, which rotates, by a measurement ball provided at a tip of the probe; a drive unit which is installed on the frame so as to be connected to the measurement unit and moves the probe forward and rearward; and a controller which receives a displacement measurement value related to a position of the probe which is measured by the measurement unit, and converts the displacement measurement value into a digital value. 1. A gear inspection apparatus , comprising:a measurement unit including a probe installed to be movable forward and rearward relative to a work gear rotatably mounted on a frame, the measurement unit configured to measure a dimension of the work gear configured to rotate, by a measurement ball provided at a tip of the probe;a drive unit installed on the frame so as to be connected to the measurement unit and configured to move the probe forward and rearward; anda controller configured to receive a displacement measurement value related to a position of the probe which is measured by the measurement unit, the controller configured to convert the displacement measurement value into a digital value.2. The gear inspection apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a mounting unit installed on the frame and configured to rotate the work gear.3. The gear inspection apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the mounting unit includes:a clamping unit which is installed on an upper surface of the frame and inserted into a rotation center of the work gear;a spindle connected to a lower portion of the clamping unit;a spindle motor connected to the spindle through a belt and configured to rotate the spindle by a predetermined angle; anda supply unit installed on the upper surface of the frame and connected to the clamping unit, and configured to selectively supply ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Profile measuring machine and profile measuring method

Номер: US20210033377A1
Принадлежит: Mitutoyo Corp

A profile measuring machine is for measuring a profile of a workpiece having a plurality of known-profile portions and a plurality of unknown-profile portions, the known-profile portions being cyclically arranged via the respective unknown-profile portions. The profile measuring machine includes: a scanning probe having a contact piece capable of being in contact with the workpiece; a drive mechanism for moving the scanning probe; an autonomous scanning measurement unit for controlling the drive mechanism to perform the autonomous scanning measurement; a measurement-path calculator for calculating a movement path of the scanning probe; and a nominal-value scanning measurement unit for controlling the drive mechanism to move the scanning probe along the movement path to perform a nominal-value scanning measurement. The measurement-path calculator calculates the movement path for the workpiece based on measurement results of the unknown-profile portions measured by the autonomous scanning measurement unit and design data of the known-profile portions.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033392A1
Автор: Omori Yoshiyuki

A method for calibrating parameters includes a measurement step that obtains measurement data by scanning a defined surface; a correction step that obtains corrected data by correcting the measurement data based on the parameters; a determination step that calculates a roundness of the corrected data and determines whether the calculated roundness is equal to or less than a predetermined value; and an adjustment step that increases or reduces at least one of the parameters when the roundness is determined to be greater than the predetermined value, and the correction step, the determination step, and the adjustment step are repeated until the roundness is determined to be equal to or less than the predetermined value. 2. The method for calibrating parameters of the surface texture measuring apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising plotting the corrected data into a two-dimensional graph claim 1 , wherein:the one of increasing or reducing comprises one of increasing or reducing at least one of the parameter L and the parameter H based on a pattern shape exhibited by the corrected data in the two-dimensional graph.3. The method for calibrating parameters of the surface texture measuring apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein:the defined surface has a shape of a portion of a spherical surface, anda vertical axis and a horizontal axis of the two-dimensional graph correspond to respective values in the corrected data expressed by polar coordinates. The present application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119 of Japanese Application No. 2019-138771, filed on Jul. 29, 2019, the disclosure of which is expressly incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.The present invention relates to a method for calibrating parameters of a surface texture measuring apparatus.Conventionally, a surface texture measuring apparatus is known which measures a surface texture of a measured object/measureable object by profiling and scanning the surface of the measured object ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150039247A1

A press-forming analysis method includes a step of analyzing press forming including setting an initial temperature distribution to a heated press-forming metallic sheet, and acquiring shape information, a temperature distribution, a stress distribution, and a strain distribution before mold release, in which a temperature analysis and a structural analysis are coupled; a step of analyzing springback including conducting a springback analysis based on the shape information, the temperature distribution, the stress distribution, and the acquired strain distribution, and acquiring shape information, a temperature distribution, a stress distribution, and a strain distribution after springback; and a step of analyzing cooling stress including restraining particular nodes based on the shape information, the temperature distribution, the stress distribution, and the acquired strain distribution, and analyzing stress distributions during cooling and after the cooling by coupling a temperature analysis and a structural analysis. 15.-. (canceled)6. A press-forming analysis method comprising: setting an initial temperature distribution to a heated press-forming metallic sheet, and', 'acquiring shape information, a temperature distribution, a stress distribution, and a strain distribution before mold release by conducting a press forming analysis in which a temperature analysis and a structural analysis are coupled;, 'a step of analyzing press forming comprising conducting a springback analysis based on the shape information, the temperature distribution, the stress distribution, and the strain distribution acquired at the step of analyzing press forming, and', 'acquiring shape information, a temperature distribution, a stress distribution, and a strain distribution after springback by the springback analysis; and, 'a step of analyzing springback comprising restraining particular nodes based on the shape information, the temperature distribution, the stress distribution, and ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150040414A1

A hole-shape measuring apparatus is provided with a hole diameter measuring mechanism which measures the diameter of a flush bolt hole, and a countersunk head depth measuring mechanism which measures a countersunk head depth. The hole diameter measuring mechanism has a hole diameter measuring rod configured so as to be inserted into a constant portion at a tip portion and displaced according to the diameter of the constant portion, and a hole diameter measuring sensor which measures the amount of displacement of the hole diameter measuring rod. The countersunk head depth measuring mechanism has a countersunk head depth measuring rod configured so as to be inserted into a countersunk head portion at a tip portion and displaced according to the countersunk head depth, and a countersunk head depth measuring sensor which measures the amount of displacement of the countersunk head depth measuring rod. 1. A hole-shape measuring apparatus for measuring a shape of a flush bolt hole provided in a target member which includes a composite material ,wherein the flush bolt hole hasa countersunk head portion which is connected to an opening provided in a principal surface of the target member and has a shape in which a diameter decreases as a depth from the principal surface increases, anda constant portion which is connected, at one end, to a bottom portion of the countersunk head portion and connected, at the other end, to an opening provided in a back surface of the target member and has a constant diameter,the hole-shape measuring apparatus comprising:a hole diameter measuring mechanism which measures a diameter of the constant portion; anda countersunk head depth measuring mechanism which measures a depth of the countersunk head portion where a diameter becomes a reference diameter determined in advance, as a countersunk head depth,wherein the hole diameter measuring mechanism hasa hole diameter measuring rod configured so as to be inserted into the constant portion at a tip ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220057186A1

A method and system for measuring a turbine shape is provided in which an appropriate measurement accuracy can be achieved that is sufficient to prevent a failure to recognize features of shape of a measurement object, with extension of a measurement time suppressed. In a turbine including casings, recesses and protrusions on flange surfaces of the casings are measured at measurement intervals M set on the basis of the entire length L of flange portions in an axial direction, the number of bolts N joining the flange portions, and intervals between the bolts in the axial direction of the flange portions. 1. A method for measuring a turbine shape of a turbine including a casing having an upper half casing and a lower half casing with respective flange portions joined by bolts , a stationary body housed inside the casing , and a rotating body housed inside the casing and rotating with respect to the stationary body , the method comprising:measuring, along an axial direction, recesses and protrusions on respective contact surfaces of the flange portions of the casing disassembled into the upper half casing and the lower half casing at an interval equal to or smaller than a measurement interval M predetermined on a basis of an entire length of the flange portions in the axial direction, the number of bolts joining the flange portions, and an interval between the bolts in the axial direction of the flange portions and,{'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': 'M=L/N', '#text': '×(Pmi/Pma)\u2003\u2003(Equation 1).'}, '#text': 'assuming that L denotes the entire length of the flange portions in the axial direction, N denotes the number of the bolts, and Pmi and Pma denote a minimum value and a maximum value for the interval between the bolts in the axial direction of the flange portion, the measurement interval M are represented by:'}2. A measurement system for a turbine including a casing having an upper half casing and a lower half casing with respective flange portions joined by ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Adjustable print bed for 3d printing

Номер: US20210046704A1
Принадлежит: Arctic Biomaterials Oy, Minifactory Ltd Oy

According to an aspect, there is provided a pin board tool for facilitating three-dimensional (3D) scanning and printing, comprising: an array (301) of parallel pins, wherein the parallel pins in the array are aligned in the longitudinal direction when the pin board tool is empty; a fixture (303) holding the array; and locking means (302) configured to lock the array of parallel pins in place when activated to provide a print bed for 3D printing an object having a surface corresponding to a pattern formed by the array locked in place, wherein the parallel pins are configured to be able to move freely in a longitudinal direction of the parallel pins independent of each other within a movement range when the locking means are inactive and an object is pushed against the parallel pins, the movement range being equal to or smaller than a length of each parallel pin. The application further relates to a 3D scanning and printing system (300) and also to a method for three dimensional (3D) scanning and printing.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041246A1
Автор: KANEMATSU Toshihiro

A form measuring apparatus that is provided with a form measuring device that includes a detection device detecting a position on a surface of an object, and a feeding mechanism that moves the form measuring device in an axis direction. The feeding mechanism includes a drive shaft provided so as to be rotatable around an axis; a traction nut that is provided so as to hold the drive shaft from a direction orthogonal to an axis line of the drive shaft, and that also can switch between a frictional contacting state frictionally contacting the drive shaft and a separation state separated from the drive shaft; and a bracket coupling the traction nut and the form measuring device. The bracket is provided with a motor that includes a rotation shaft that is inclined with respect to the axis line, and the motor rotates the drive shaft. 1. A form measuring apparatus comprising:a form measuring instrument comprising a detector that detects a position on a surface of an object; and a drive shaft that rotates about an axis;', 'a traction nut that holds the drive shaft in a direction orthogonal to an axis line of the drive shaft, and that is switchable between a frictional contacting state wherein the traction nut frictionally contacts the drive shaft and a separation state wherein the traction nut is disengaged from the drive shaft; and', 'a bracket that couples the traction nut and the form measuring instrument,, 'a feeding mechanism that moves the form measuring instrument in an axial direction, the feeding mechanism comprisingwherein:the traction nut includes a twist roller rotatably and axially supported in a state having an inclination angle equivalent to a lead angle with respect to the axis line of the drive shaft,when the drive shaft is rotated in a state where the traction nut frictionally contacts the drive shaft, the traction nut finely moves along the drive shaft according to the lead angle,in a state where the traction nut is separated from the drive shaft, the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065607A1
Принадлежит: AUE KASSEL GMBH

A device () at least for measuring the geometry of an axle () of a motor vehicle, with at least two mounting devices () for fastening the opposing ends () of the axle (), and at least one detection means () for detection of at least one geometric parameter of the axle (), wherein the mounting devices () are displaceably mounted in at least two spatial directions (X, Y), wherein each mounting device () features at least one fastening region () for fastening of one end () of the axle (). A device () at least for measuring the geometry of an axle () of a motor vehicle which features a low-level of complexity and is of compact design is obtained in that at least the fastening region () of the mounting device () is pivot-mounted at least partially by means of at least two mutually movable, arched bearing surfaces ().

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050275A1
Принадлежит: Harbin Institute of Technology

Aircraft engine rotors traditionally have low coaxiality after assembly. This is solved by the methods and devices described herein, having advantages that the rotors have high coaxiality after assembly, reduced vibration, easy installation, high flexibility, and improved engine performance. A measurement method and device use an air flotation rotary shaft system determining a rotary reference. An induction synchronizer determines angular positioning of a turntable. Using a four probe measurement device, a radial error of a rotor radial assembly surface and an inclination error of an axial mounting surface are extracted and an influence weight value of the rotor on the coaxiality of assembled rotors is obtained. All rotors required for assembly are measured and an influence weight value of each on the coaxiality of the assembled rotors is obtained. Vector optimization is performed on the weight value of each rotor and an assembly angle of each rotor is obtained. 2. A device for assembling a rotor of aircraft engine , the device comprising: the workbench located on an upper end portion of the air bearing upper platen which is arranged on an upper end portion of the air bearing spindle;', 'the air bearing spindle is located on an upper end portion of the air bearing lower platen;', 'the inductosyn sliding scale is fitted to an outer ring of the air bearing lower platend) and the inductosyn fixed scale is fixed to a lower portion of an inner side of the central position of the base and is located above the inductosyn sliding scale;', {'b': '2', 'i': 'g', 'the motor stator () is fixed to the lower portion of the inner side of the central position of the base and is located below the inductosyn fixed scale and outside the motor rotor;'}, 'the motor rotor is fitted to the outer ring of the air bearing lower platen and is located below the inductosyn sliding scale;, 'an air bearing system fitted to a central position of a base, the air bearing system comprising an air ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049229A1
Автор: Omori Yoshiyuki

A threaded shaft measuring device includes a table that supports a threaded shaft to be measured, and that is capable of adjusting a rotation position about a perpendicular Z axis, adjusting a rotation position about an X axis that is horizontal and intersects with the Z axis, and adjusting a position in a Y axis direction that is horizontal and intersects with the X axis; and a stylus that performs scanning measurement of a surface of the threaded shaft. An adjustment jig capable of making contact with the threaded shaft and an elevator that brings the adjustment jig into contact with the threaded shaft are installed on the table. The adjustment jig includes an abutting bottom surface; an abutting side surface; a measurement surface; and an axis line marker that enables a tilt relative to the X axis to be detected. 1. A threaded shaft measuring device comprising: adjust a rotation position about a perpendicular Z axis,', 'adjust a rotation position about an X axis that is horizontal and intersects with the Z axis, and', 'adjust a position in a Y axis direction that is horizontal and intersects with the X axis;, 'a table that supports a threaded shaft to be measured, and that is configured toa base that supports the table;a head supported on a column that stands upright from the base;an arm supported by the head and displaceable in the horizontal X axis direction;a stylus that is installed on the arm and that performs scanning measurement of a surface of the threaded shaft;an adjustment jig that is engageable with the threaded shaft and installed on the table; and an abutting bottom surface that is engageable with the threaded shaft from below;', 'an abutting side surface that engageable with the threaded shaft from the side;', 'a measurement surface that is installed at a predetermined height from and is parallel to the abutting bottom surface; and', 'an axis line marker that allows a tilt relative to the X axis to be detected., 'an elevator that brings the ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140130603A1

Methods, devices, and systems relating to a sensing device are disclosed. A device may comprise a structure including a first surface and a second, opposite surface, wherein the structure comprises one or more segments. Further, the device may include a plurality of sensors disposed on the structure, wherein each segment of the one or more segments comprises a first sensor of the plurality of sensors coupled to the first surface and an associated second sensor of the plurality of sensors coupled to the second surface. Moreover, each sensor of the plurality of sensors may be configured to measure a strain exhibited on an adjacent surface of the structure at an associated segment of the one or more segments. 1. A device , comprising:a structure having a first side and a second side opposite the first side;a first plurality of sensors coupled along the first side of the structure;a second plurality of sensors coupled along the second side of the structure, each sensor of the first plurality of sensors having an associated sensor of the second plurality of sensors, wherein each sensor of the first and second plurality of sensors is configured to measure a strain exhibited by at least a portion of the structure; anda processor configured to determine a characteristic of the structure based on strain data from the first and second plurality of sensors.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to determine a shape of at least one segment of the structure at a moment in time.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to determine a shape of the structure at a moment in time by integrating curvature over a length of the structure.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to determine a shape of the structure as a function of time.5. The device of claim 1 , further comprising an object to which the structure is coupled.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the object includes:a stationary reference object; anda non- ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056210A1

The present invention relates to a measuring unit () for in-process measurement during a machining operation on machine tool, in particular a grinding machine comprising at least a wheel head arranged at a headstock, comprising a measuring head (), which is movable between a rest position and a measuring position, and means for moving the measuring head between the rest position and the measuring position. The measuring unit () is configured such that the rest position and the measuring position of the measuring head () are infinitely adjustable by a user by controlling the movement of the measuring head () between the rest position and the measuring position. 1. Measuring unit for in-process measurement during a machining operation on a grinding machine comprising at least a wheel head arranged at a headstock , the measuring unit comprising a measuring head movable between a rest position and a measuring position , and means for moving the measuring head between the rest position and the measuring position and a control unit , wherein the rest position and the measuring position of the measuring head are infinitely adjustable by a user by controlling the movement of the measuring head between the rest position and the measuring position.2. Measuring unit according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit comprises an input unit for entering an adjustment position of the measuring head in the measuring position and is adapted to control the moving of the measuring head.3. Measuring unit according to claim 1 , wherein the measuring head is movable into a reference position to determine reference data of a reference surface.4. Measuring unit according to claim 1 , wherein the means for moving the measuring head is a servomotor drive.5. Measuring unit according to claim 1 , further comprising a base element connectable to a part of the grinding machine claim 1 , an arm and a support connectable with the measuring head claim 1 , wherein the base element claim 1 , the arm ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058836A1

A roundness measuring device including: an angle detector detecting a current rotation angle of a table relative to an X axis direction; a joystick (external operator) issuing an instruction for an operation amount of a rotation axis line of the table; a centering controller calculating a CX axis displacement amount and a CY axis displacement amount from the operation amount and the rotation angle, and displacing a CX axis displacement mechanism and CY axis displacement mechanism based on the calculated CX axis displacement amount and CY axis displacement amount; and a centering controller calculating an LX axis tilt amount and an LY axis tilt amount from the operation amount and the rotation angle, and displacing an LX axis tilt mechanism and LY axis tilt mechanism based on the calculated LX axis tilt amount and LY axis tilt amount. 1. A roundness measuring device comprising:a table provided with a placement plate on which a work piece is to be placed, the table configured to rotate around a rotation axis line and cause the work piece placed on the placement plate to rotate; the stylus is brought into contact with a peripheral surface of the work piece when the table is rotated, and', 'a measurement is made of a circular shape of the work piece from the change in position of the stylus detected by the detector;, 'a detector provided with a stylus brought into contact with the work piece placed on the placement plate, the detector configured to detect a change in position of the stylus, whereina first displacer and a second displacer installed on the table, the first displacer and second displacer configured to respectively displace the placement plate in a first displacement axis direction and a second displacement axis direction orthogonal to the rotation axis line;an angle detector configured to detect a current rotation angle of the table;an external operator configured to issue an instruction for an operation amount of the work piece placed on the placement ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220082198A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A pipeline profiler includes an elongated body and a plurality of mechanical arms projecting radially about the elongated body. Each mechanical arm has an adjustable angle bracket shape and a hinge joint formed at a corner of the adjustable angle bracket shape. Odometers to measure a travel distance of the elongated body are coupled to the mechanical arms at the hinge joints of the mechanical arms. Motion devices are coupled to the elongated body to detect the azimuth and inclination of the elongated body. To obtain a profile of a pipeline, the pipeline profiler is attached to a pig that is movable through the pipeline by a fluid pressure in the pipeline. 1. An apparatus comprising:an elongated body;a plurality of mechanical arms projecting radially about the elongated body, each mechanical arm having an adjustable angle bracket shape and a hinge joint formed at a corner of the adjustable angle bracket shape;a plurality of odometers to measure a travel distance of the elongated body, each odometer coupled to one of the mechanical arms at the respective hinge joint of the mechanical arm;a first motion device coupled to the elongated body to detect an azimuth of the elongated body; anda second motion device coupled to the elongated body to detect an inclination of the elongated body.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each mechanical arm comprises a first linearly adjustable arm and a second linearly adjustable arm arranged to form the adjustable angle bracket shape.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein a first end of the first linearly adjustable arm and a first end of the second linearly adjustable arm of each mechanical arm are coupled together by the respective hinge joint of the mechanical arm claim 2 , andwherein a second end of the first linearly adjustable arm and a second end of the second linearly adjustable arm of each mechanical arm are pivotally coupled to the elongated body at spaced apart locations along the elongated body.4. The apparatus of claim 3 ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Contour Standard Having A Rotationally Symmetrical Calibration Region, Use Of The Standard and Method For Calibrating And/Or Monitoring A Contour Measuring Instrument

Номер: US20140144203A1

The invention is a contour standard, which consists of a body having a rotationally symmetrical calibration region. The rotationally symmetrical calibration region encompasses a plurality of non-cylindrical axial sections, which can be concave, convex, by forming a predefined angle as radial projection or as radial depression. The calibration region has at least one measuring section, which runs parallel to the longitudinal axis of the body and which provides for axial calibration variables, as well as radial calibration variables. These calibration variables are compared with the sensed values to the calibration of a measuring instrument and the measuring instrument is adjusted based on the basis of the determined deviation. Due to the rotationally symmetrical calibration region, the contour standard is suitable both for the calibration of touch contour measuring instruments and also for the calibration of contour measuring instruments, which measure optically. 1101114. A contour standard () of a body () having a rotationally symmetrical calibration region () for calibrating and/or monitoring a contour measuring instrument , comprising:{'b': 17', '14', '11', '18', '19', '23', '11', '22, 'a plurality of non-cylindrical axial sections () in the calibration region () of the body (), which encompass at least one axial concave section (), which is embodied so as to be concave, at least one axial convex section (), which is embodied so as to be convex, and at least one axial prismatic section having a triangular depression (), viewed in longitudinal section through the body (), or having a triangular radial projection (), viewed in longitudinal section.'}2. The contour standard according to claim 1 ,{'b': 17', '26, 'characterized in that the adjacent non-cylindrical axial sections () are in each case connected by means of a cylindrical connecting section ().'}3. The contour standard according to claim 1 ,{'b': 27', '14', '18', '19', '11, 'characterized in that the jacket ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210072014A1

A method for mounting a sensor bearing unit providing a bearing and an impulse ring provided with a target holder and with a target mounted on an axial portion of the target holder. The method including measuring an eccentricity Ebetween the target and the axial portion of the target holder, measuring an eccentricity Ebetween a groove made in the bore of an inner ring of the bearing and the bore, introducing the target holder inside the groove, turning the target holder inside the groove to an angular position in which the eccentricity Ebetween the target and the bore of the inner ring is less than or equal to a predetermined value which is lower than the sum of the eccentricities Eand E, and securing the target holder inside the groove of the inner ring at the angular position. 1. Method for mounting a sensor bearing unit comprising:providing a bearing having an inner ring and an outer ring centered on an axis, and an impulse ring provided with a target holder secured into a groove made in a cylindrical surface of the inner or outer ring, and with a target mounted on an axial portion of the target holder extending parallel to the axis, the method comprising the following steps:{'sub': '1', 'a) measuring an eccentricity Ebetween the target and the axial portion of the target holder of the impulse ring,'}{'sub': '2', 'b) measuring an eccentricity Ebetween the groove and the cylindrical surface of the inner or outer ring,'}c) introducing the target holder of the impulse ring inside the groove of the inner or outer ring,{'sub': total', '1', '2, 'd) turning the target holder of the impulse ring inside the groove of the inner or outer ring to an angular position in which the eccentricity Ebetween the target of the impulse ring and the cylindrical surface of the inner or outer ring is less than or equal to a predetermined value which is lower than the sum of the eccentricities Eand E, and'}e) securing the target holder of the impulse ring inside the groove of the inner or ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075020A1

A lever-type measuring machine swinging around a supporting point includes a stylus measuring a shape of a measured object, an arm having a first end connected to the stylus and a second end connected to the supporting point, and a balancer having a first end connected to the supporting point. The balancer is formed of a material having high specific flexural rigidity. The lever-type measuring machine enables more accurate measurement. 1. A lever-type measuring machine swinging around a supporting point , comprising:a stylus configured to measure a shape of a measured object;an arm having a first end connected to the stylus and a second end connected to the supporting point; anda balancer having a first end connected to the supporting point and formed of a material having a high specific flexural rigidity.2. The lever-type measuring machine according to claim 1 , wherein the material having high specific flexural rigidity is a material having specific flexural rigidity greater than that of aluminum.3. The lever-type measuring machine according to claim 1 , wherein the balancer comprises one of a ceramic claim 1 , a carbon resin claim 1 , and a magnesium alloy.4. The lever-type measuring machine according to claim 1 , wherein the arm comprises one of a ceramic claim 1 , a carbon resin claim 1 , and a magnesium alloy.5. The lever-type measuring machine according to claim 1 , wherein the arm and the balancer together are a unitarily-formed one-piece member.6. The lever-type measuring machine according to claim 1 , further comprising a balance adjuster at the supporting point.7. The lever-type measuring machine according to claim 6 , wherein the balance adjuster comprises:a support pillar connected in a generally perpendicular direction above the supporting point to generally create a right angle with the arm; anda weight provided at the intermediate portion of the support pillar.8. The lever-type measuring machine according to claim 1 , further comprising a weight ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180073852A1

A roundness measuring machine includes: a base; a table rotatable relative to the base; a probe configured to scan a surface of a workpiece mounted on the table; a motor configured to rotate the table; and a control device configured to control a rotation of the motor. The control device includes: a starting current detector configured to detect a starting current of the motor; and an acceleration/deceleration time setting unit configured to detect at least one of acceleration time and deceleration time for the motor in accordance with the starting current. The roundness measuring machine can suitably set the acceleration time and the deceleration time for the motor corresponding to the inertia moment of the workpiece mounted on the table. 1. A roundness measuring machine comprising:a base;a table rotatable relative to the base; a probe configured to scan a surface of a target workpiece mounted on the table; a motor configured to rotate the table; anda control device configured to control a rotation of the motor, the control device comprising:a starting current detector configured to detect a starting current of the motor; andan acceleration/deceleration time setting unit configured to set at least one of acceleration time and deceleration time for the motor in accordance with the starting current of the motor.2. The roundness measuring machine according to claim 1 , whereinthe roundness measuring machine is configured to measure roundnesses of a plurality of workpieces comprising the target workpiece, andthe acceleration/deceleration time setting unit is configured to set in advance an initial value of the at least one of acceleration time and deceleration time based on an inertia moment of one of the plurality of measurable workpieces having a largest weight or a largest diameter, and to update the at least one of acceleration time and deceleration time to be shorter as the detected starting current is smaller. The entire disclosure of Japanese Patent Application ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150081083A1

A profile gauge that embodies a measurement geometry for a tool that has a toothed profile designed in particular for the skiving of toothed work pieces, wherein the profile gauge serves to determine at least one measurement quantity which can be used for a machining process, specifically a skiving process, that is to be performed with the tool and wherein, in a phase of said process, the toothed profile of the work piece that is to be generated is formed by a meshing engagement with the teeth of the tool, wherein the profile gauge is distinguished by having a toothed profile section with which, for determining the measurement quantity, the teeth of the tool are brought into a meshing engagement that corresponds to the tooth engagement between the tool and the work piece during the profile-forming phase. The invention further concerns a measuring device and a measurement method. 11. Profile gauge () embodying a measurement geometry for a toothed tool with geometrically defined cutting edges that is designed for the machining of toothed profiles on work pieces through rolling engagement of the tool with the work piece , wherein the profile gauge serves for the determination of at least one measurement quantity for use in a machining process , that is to be performed with the tool ,wherein during a phase of said machining process the toothed profile to be generated on the work piece is formed by a meshing engagement with the toothed profile of the tool,{'b': 4', '6, 'said profile gauge being characterized by a toothed profile section (, ) with which, for determining the measurement quantity, the teeth of the tool are brought into a meshing engagement that is representative of the tooth engagement between the tool and the work piece during the profile-forming phase.'}2. Profile gauge according to claim 1 , wherein the toothed profile section of the profile gauge duplicates at least a section of the tooth flanks of the toothed profile of the work piece.3. Profile gauge ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Contour shape measurement method

Номер: US20140157564A1
Автор: Akinori Miyata
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A contour shape measurement method that can more accurately align an article to be measured to a predetermined position to enable high-precision evaluation even in a state where a probe measurement axis and a table rotation axis do not match with sufficient precision is provided. A spatial position of the table rotation axis relative to the probe measurement axis is obtained as a rotation axis vector. Alignment data obtained in at least two directions is coordinate-transformed around the rotation axis vector, to constitute synthesized alignment data. The article is aligned based on the synthesized alignment data. Since three-dimensional data of a surface to be measured of the article can be calculated, the article can be directly aligned to the probe measurement axis.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078867A1
Автор: NODA Takashi

There is provide a method for controlling a shape measuring apparatus that synchronize an acceleration/deceleration changing timing of a velocity pattern with a control sampling cycle, and prevents a control lag. 1. A method for controlling a shape measuring apparatus that moves a probe along a surface of an object to be measured to measure a shape of the object to be measured , the method comprising:generating, based on a shape of a movement path set based on preliminarily-obtained shape data of the object to be measured, a velocity pattern for the probe to move along the movement path;determining whether a velocity changing timing of the velocity pattern is synchronized with a control sampling cycle of the shape measuring apparatus; andcorrecting, when the velocity changing timing of the velocity pattern is not synchronized with the control sampling cycle, the velocity pattern such that the velocity changing timing of the velocity pattern is synchronized with the control sampling cycle of the shape measuring apparatus.2. The method for controlling the shape measuring apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the correcting the velocity pattern to be synchronized with the control sampling cycle comprising:when an initial velocity and a final velocity of the velocity pattern are zero, and when the velocity pattern is a trapezoid pattern,calculating a value Nm by adding the number of times of control sampling in an acceleration section Na to the number of times of control sampling in a uniform velocity section Nf and rounding up the sum after the decimal points;calculating a correction maximum velocity Vm, which is a velocity in the uniform velocity section, with S/(T×Nm) where S is a total moving distance, and T is one control sampling cycle;calculating a value Nam, which is a rounded value of the number of times of control sampling in the acceleration section Na, with ROUNDUP (Na′, 0) where Na′=Vm/(T×α), and α is acceleration before the correction; ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084064A1
Автор: Clemens Jack Gammill

A downhole tool includes a housing including a base and an end open to an exterior of the housing opposite the base; and a plurality of moveable members at least partially enclosed within the housing, at least a portion of the moveable members contactingly mounted in the housing against at least one of a friction member or an adjacent moveable member, each moveable member in the portion of moveable members configured to translate between a first position extended a first distance from the base and a second position extended a variable second distance from the base less than the first distance based on contact of the moveable member with a downhole object. 1. A downhole tool , comprising:a housing comprising a base and an end open to an exterior of the housing opposite the base; anda plurality of moveable members at least partially enclosed within the housing, at least a portion of the moveable members contactingly mounted in the housing against at least one of a friction member or an adjacent moveable member, each moveable member in the portion of moveable members configured to translate between a first position extended a first distance from the base and a second position extended a variable second distance from the base less than the first distance based on contact of the moveable member with a downhole object.2. The downhole tool of claim 1 , wherein the housing further comprises an aperture adjacent to or in the base that is open to the exterior of the housing.3. The downhole tool of claim 1 , wherein each moveable member in the portion of moveable members is configured to remain set in the second position extended the variable second distance from the base less than the first distance based on a frictional contact with at least one adjacent moveable member or the friction member.4. The downhole tool of claim 1 , further comprising an actuation circuit comprising a memory and a battery claim 1 , each moveable member of the portion of moveable members ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084629A1

A contour gauge may include a fixture with an opening and a first contact on a surface of the fixture. A lacing fixture may be configured to at least partially cover the opening of the fixture. A second contact may be on the lacing fixture. The second contact may correspond to the first contact on the fixture. The fixture may be made from a translucent or transparent material. The first contact may be an electrical contact. The second contact may be a pressure sensitive switch. An output panel including a light may be present on the lacing fixture. The fixture may be made of polymethyl methacrylate. 1. A contour gauge , comprising:a measuring fixture including an opening;a first contact on a surface of the measuring fixture;a lacing fixture configured to at least partially cover the opening; anda second contact on the lacing fixture corresponding to the first contact.2. The contour gauge of claim 1 , wherein the measuring fixture comprises at least one of a translucent material or a transparent material.3. The contour gauge of claim 1 , wherein the first contact comprises an electrical contact.4. The contour gauge of claim 1 , wherein the second contact comprises a pressure sensitive switch.5. The contour gauge of claim 1 , further comprising an output panel on the lacing fixture including an indicator.6. The contour gauge of claim 5 , wherein the indicator comprises at least one of a light bulb and an LED.7. The contour gauge of claim 1 , wherein the measuring fixture comprises polymethyl methacrylate.8. The contour gauge of claim 1 , further comprising an output panel on the measuring fixture.9. A fixture for measuring a packed emergency evacuation device claim 1 , comprising:a surface configured to measure a contour of the packed emergency evacuation device, wherein the surface comprises at least one of a translucent material or a transparent material; andan opening opposite the surface.10. The fixture of claim 9 , further comprising a contact on a perimeter of ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084630A1
Автор: Oota Tetsuji

The present invention provides a calculation method of calculating a shape of a measurement target surface, including a step of obtaining first corrected shape data by correcting first shape measurement data by using a first correction parameter for correcting a measurement error caused by scanning a probe in a first direction, obtaining second corrected shape data by correcting second shape measurement data by using a second correction parameter for correcting a measurement error caused by scanning the probe in a second direction, and generating first whole shape data representing a shape of the whole measurement target surface by synthesizing the first corrected shape data and the second corrected shape data. 1. A calculation method of calculating a shape of a measurement target surface , comprising:a first step of obtaining first shape measurement data which is obtained by measuring a line region of the measurement target surface while scanning a probe on the measurement target surface in a first direction, and represents a shape of the line region, and obtaining second shape measurement data which is obtained by measuring a line region of the measurement target surface while scanning the probe on the measurement target surface in a second direction different from the first direction, and represents a shape of the line region; anda second step of obtaining first corrected shape data by correcting the first shape measurement data by using a first correction parameter for correcting a measurement error caused by scanning the probe in the first direction, obtaining second corrected shape data by correcting the second shape measurement data by using a second correction parameter for correcting a measurement error caused by scanning the probe in the second direction, and generating first whole shape data representing a shape of the whole measurement target surface by synthesizing the first corrected shape data and the second corrected shape data.2. The method ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084631A1
Автор: NAKAYAMA Tatsuki

A roundness measurement device provides a rotation table on a base and measures roundness of a measured object placed on the rotation table while rotating the rotation table, and includes a detecting main body, a detecting device driving mechanism, a stylus, a contact member, and a control device. The detecting device driving mechanism displaces the detecting device main body with respect to the base. The stylus has a base end rotatably supported on the detecting device main body and can change an angle position with respect to the detecting device main body using an external force. The contact member is provided at a position where the stylus comes in contact due to displacement of the detecting device main body by the detecting device driving mechanism. The control device controls driving of the detecting device driving mechanism. 1. A roundness measurement device having a rotation table on a base and configured to measure roundness of a measured object placed on the rotation table while rotating the rotation table , the roundness measurement device comprising:a detector main body;a displacer configured to displace the detector main body with respect to the base;a stylus having a base end rotatably supported on the detector main body and configured to change an angle position with respect to the detector main body using an external force;a contactor provided at a position so as to be contactable with the stylus due to displacement of the detector main body by the displacer; anda driving controller configured to control driving of the displacer.2. The roundness measurement device according to claim 1 , further comprising an angle position acquirer configured to obtain the angle position of the stylus.3. The roundness measurement device according to claim 1 , wherein the contacter has a projecting shape with respect to an installation surface.4. The roundness measurement device according to claim 2 , wherein the contacter has a projecting shape with respect to an ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170082417A1

A roundness and/or dimension measuring device for in-process measurement of crank pins during a machining operation on a grinding machine having a base body, and a measuring head, which is connected to the base body via a rod assembly and which is movable between a neutral position and a measuring position. The measuring head has a measuring probe for contacting the crank pin, and the rod assembly is designed and configured in such a way that the measuring head in the measuring position follows orbital rotations of the crank pin. At least one oscillation damping element is operatively associated with the measuring head for holding it in engagement with the crank pin during the orbital rotation. 1. A roundness and/or dimension measuring device for in-process measurement of crank pins during a machining operation on a grinding machine , the measuring device comprising:a) a base body;b) a measuring head connected to the base body via a rod assembly and which is movable between a neutral position and a measuring position, the measuring head having a measuring probe for contacting the crank pin, and the rod assembly being configured in such a way that the measuring head in the measuring position follows orbital rotations of the crank pin; andc) at least one oscillation damping element is operatively associated with the measuring head for holding the measuring head in engagement with the crank pin during the orbital rotation.2. The measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein:a) the oscillation damping element has a first component and a second component which is linearly movable relative to the first component in an oscillation-damping manner, the first component and the second component each being connected via a linkage point to a functional element of the measuring device or a grinding machine provided with the measuring device, and the location of the linkage points being selected in such a way that the distance of the linkage points from one another changes ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150088458A1
Автор: MIYATA Akinori

A shape measurement method includes acquiring a plurality of partial measurement data sets of a measurement surface and inclination data corresponding to the partial measurement data sets; performing fitting of the partial measurement data sets so that differences between a reference equation and the partial measurement data sets are reduced, while the relative tilt between the partial measurement data sets is maintained less than or equal to a predetermined threshold; and obtaining the shape of the measurement surface by connecting the fitted partial measurement data sets. 1. A shape measurement method for measuring a shape of a measurement surface of a measurement object , the shape measurement method comprising:acquiring a plurality of partial measurement data sets of the measurement surface and inclination data corresponding to the partial measurement data sets;moving the plurality of partial measurement data sets such that a relative tilt between the partial measurement data sets is reduced;performing fitting of the partial measurement data sets so that differences between a reference equation and the partial measurement data sets are reduced, while the relative tilt between the partial measurement data sets is maintained less than or equal to a predetermined threshold; andobtaining the shape of the measurement surface by connecting the fitted partial measurement data sets.2. The shape measurement method according to claim 1 , wherein the inclination data corresponding to the partial measurement data sets is acquired by measuring a reference object claim 1 , whose position and orientation is fixed relative to the measurement object for which partial measurement data sets are to be acquired.3. The shape measurement method according to claim 1 , wherein the inclination data is acquired on the basis of information of an angle of a jig claim 1 , on which the measurement object is mounted claim 1 , at a position and an orientation of the measurement object for which ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190082794A1

A sole measuring device includes a slow recovery memory unit configured to receive a foot sole and to create a foot print, an alignment unit connected to the slow recovery memory unit used for indicating an alignment position of the foot, and a scale unit connected to the slow recovery memory unit used for providing a scale mark. The present invention is able to measure not only foot length but also foot width precisely, as well as foot arch can be inferred properly. 1. A sole measuring device , comprising:a slow recovery memory unit configured to receive a foot sole and to create a foot print;an alignment unit connected to the slow recovery memory unit and used for indicating an alignment position of the foot sole; anda scale unit connected to the slow recovery memory unit and used for providing a scale mark.2. The sole measuring device according to claim 1 , further including a sensing unit arranged on top of the slow recovery memory unit and used for detecting the foot print in order to provide a sole measuring information.3. The sole measuring device according to claim 2 , wherein the sensing unit is an optical sensor.4. The sole measuring device according to claim 2 , wherein the sensing unit is a distance sensor.5. The sole measuring device according to claim 2 , wherein the sensing unit is a temperature sensor.6. The sole measuring device according to claim 2 , wherein the sole measuring information is any one of a foot length information claim 2 , a foot width information claim 2 , an arch information or a combination thereof.7. The sole measuring device according to claim 2 , further comprising a processing unit and a pressure sensing unit; wherein the processing unit is connected to the pressure sensing unit claim 2 , the pressure sensing unit is combined with the slow recovery memory unit claim 2 , and the sole measuring device is configured in such a way that when the pressure sensing unit detects that the foot sole has moved away from the slow recovery ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160091295A1
Автор: Oota Tetsuji

The present invention provides a calculation method of calculating a shape of a surface to be measured, including a step of, based on an inclination angle of the surface in a scan direction of a probe, determining a first correction parameter used to correct a measurement error caused by scanning the probe in the first direction and a second correction parameter used to correct a measurement error caused by scanning the probe in the second direction. 1. A calculation method of calculating a shape of a surface to be measured , comprising:a first step of obtaining first shape measurement data representing a shape of a line region of the surface obtained by measuring the line region while scanning a probe in a first direction with respect to the surface and second shape measurement data representing a shape of a line region of the surface obtained by measuring the line region while scanning the probe in a second direction different from the first direction with respect to the surface;a second step of, based on an inclination angle of the surface in a scan direction of the probe, determining a first correction parameter used to correct a measurement error caused by scanning the probe in the first direction and a second correction parameter used to correct a measurement error caused by scanning the probe in the second direction; anda third step of obtaining first corrected shape data by correcting the first shape measurement data using the first correction parameter, obtaining second corrected shape data by correcting the second shape measurement data using the second correction parameter, and generating total shape data representing a total shape of the surface by compositing the first corrected shape data and the second corrected shape data.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first direction is an upward direction with respect to the surface claim 1 , and the second direction is a downward direction with respect to the surface.3. The method according to ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136816A1

An inspecting device including a carrier, multiple telescopic probes, a locking component and a conductive structure is provided. The carrier has a through hole and a ground pad corresponding to the through hole. The through hole penetrates from the first surface to the second surface of the carrier, and the ground pad is disposed on the second surface. The telescopic probes are disposed in parallel on the first surface of the carrier. The locking component passes through the through hole and is disposed between two adjacent telescopic probes of the multiple telescopic probes. The locking component includes a screw. A head of the screw has a first pitch and a second pitch, and a density of the first pitch is different from a density of the second pitch. The conductive structure is partially embedded in the locking component, and the conductive structure, the locking component and the ground pad are electrically connected.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095953A1
Принадлежит: NIDEK CO., LTD.

An eyeglass frame shape measurement device includes an optical measurement unit, a probe unit, a holding unit that holds the optical measurement unit and the probe unit, a changing portion that integrally moves the optical measurement unit and the probe unit with respect to an eyeglass frame to change a measurement position with respect to a groove of a rim of the eyeglass frame, and a controller that controls an operation of the eyeglass frame shape measurement device. The controller controls an operation of the changing portion to measure the groove of the rim of the eyeglass frame, acquires a cross-sectional shape of the groove of the rim of the eyeglass frame based on a detection result detected by the optical measurement unit, and acquires a shape of the rim of the eyeglass frame based on a detection result detected by the probe unit. 1. An eyeglass frame shape measurement device that measures a shape of an eyeglass frame , comprising:an optical measurement unit including a light projecting optical system that emits a measurement light flux from a light source toward a groove of a rim of an eyeglass frame, and a light receiving optical system that causes a first detector to receive a reflected light flux of the measurement light flux emitted toward the groove of the rim of the eyeglass frame by the light projecting optical system and reflected by the groove of the rim of the eyeglass frame;a probe unit including a probe to be pressed against the groove of the rim of the eyeglass frame and a second detector that detects a position of the probe;a holding unit that holds the optical measurement unit and the probe unit;a changing portion that includes an actuator and drives the actuator to integrally move the optical measurement unit and the probe unit with respect to the eyeglass frame by moving the holding unit with respect to the eyeglass frame, to change a measurement position with respect to the groove of the rim of the eyeglass frame; anda controller that ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220146246A1

A form measuring instrument includes: a contact tip configured to contact with a workpiece; a movement mechanism configured to cause relative movement of the contact tip with respect to the workpiece; a movement controlling unit configured to control the movement mechanism; a contact sensor configured to detect a contact amount of the contact tip with the workpiece and output a detection signal corresponding to the contact amount; and an abnormality determining unit configured to determine an abnormality of sensitivity of the contact sensor based on a change in the detection signal outputted from the contact sensor during an operation of the movement mechanism in which the contact tip is pressed against the workpiece. 1. A form measuring instrument comprising:a contact tip configured to contact with an object to be measured;a movement mechanism configured to cause relative movement of the contact tip with respect to the object to be measured;a movement controlling unit configured to control the movement mechanism;a contact sensor configured to detect a contact amount of the contact tip with the object to be measured and output a detection signal corresponding to the contact amount; andan abnormality determining unit configured to determine an abnormality of sensitivity of the contact sensor based on a change in the detection signal outputted from the contact sensor during an operation of the movement mechanism in which the contact tip is pressed against the object to be measured.2. The form measuring instrument according to claim 1 , wherein the abnormality determining unit compares a change amount of the detection signal for a predetermined time with a predetermined threshold to determine the abnormality of the sensitivity of the contact sensor.3. The form measuring instrument according to claim 1 , wherein the abnormality determining unit compares a required time for a predetermined change amount of the detection signal with a predetermined threshold to determine ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160102961A1

A first aspect of the invention provides an apparatus to indicate an amplitude of an uneven measurement surface. The apparatus may include a frame slidingly supporting a set of pins, each pin including a high point stop and a low point stop; a low point isolator member moveable relative to the frame, the low point isolator member indicating a lowest point of the uneven measurement surface by a respective low point stop of a first; a high point isolator member moveable relative to the frame, the high point isolator member indicating a highest point of the uneven measurement surface by a respective high point stop of a second pin; a low point displacement sensor for identifying a low point displacement; a high point displacement sensor for identifying a high point displacement; and a calculator for calculating a difference between the low point displacement and the high point displacement. 1. An apparatus to indicate an amplitude of an uneven measurement surface , the apparatus comprising ,a frame slidingly supporting a set of pins, each pin individually spring biased to engage the uneven measurement surface, each pin including a high point stop and a low point stop fixedly coupled thereto;a low point isolator member moveable relative to the frame, the low point isolator member indicating a lowest point of the uneven measurement surface engaged by the set of pins based on engagement of the low point isolator member by a respective low point stop of a first pin in the set of pins that engages a low point of the uneven measurement surface;a high point isolator member moveable relative to the frame, the high point isolator member indicating a highest point of the uneven measurement surface engaged by the set of pins based on engagement of the high point isolator member by a respective high point stop of a second pin in the set of pins that engages a high point of the uneven measurement surface;a low point displacement sensor fixedly coupled to the frame, and having a ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160103060A1
Автор: IGARASHI Toshiyuki
Принадлежит: NIIGATA SEIKI CO., LTD.

A thread gauge, which allows to reliably know the time for replacement by visual checking and improves the predetermined dimensional accuracy of a thread product has a go-side thread measuring portion extending from one side of a shank portion coaxially with the shank portion or a not-go-side thread measuring portion extending from an other side of the shank portion coaxially with the shank portion, a wear checking gauge line having a predetermined length and a predetermined depth formed on male thread portions and female thread portions formed on the go-side thread measuring portion or the not-go-side thread measuring portion. 1. A thread ring gauge with a maintenance line , comprises:at least one thread ring gauge body having an upper surface portion and a lower surface portion and having a go-side thread measuring portion formed on an inside portion to have a male thread portion and a female thread portion of the same class as that of a screw to be measured or having a not-go-side thread measuring portion formed on an inside portion to have a male thread portion and a female thread portion of the same class as that of a screw to be measured; andat least one wear checking gauge line having a predetermined length and a predetermined depth or at least one round point having a predetermined depth and a predetermined diameter formed on the male thread portion and female thread portion of the go-side thread measuring portion and the not-go-side thread measuring portion which are engraved between the upper surface portion and the lower surface portion which constitute the at least one of the thread ring gauge body.2. The thread ring gauge with the maintenance line according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one wear checking gauge line has a linear shape.3. The thread ring gauge with the maintenance line according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one wear checking gauge line is printed on the male thread portion and the female thread portion so as to have a depth of 0. ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100730A1

A comparator tool is provided for evaluating the profile of a multi-lobe helical rotor. The comparator tool includes a housing with a first end and a second end and an internal bore extending from the first end to the second end. The internal bore includes a first diameter having nominal clearance for an original equipment manufacturer (OEM)-specified major diameter of the rotor, a second diameter having nominal clearance for an OEM-specified minor diameter of the rotor, and multiple helical grooves corresponding to a number of lobes in the helical rotor. Each of the multiple helical grooves has nominal clearance for an OEM-specified tip diameter of the rotor. The comparator tool slides along the length of the rotor and provides visibility of an interface between a circumference of the rotor and the first end at any place along a length of the rotor. 1. A comparator tool for evaluating a profile of a multi-lobe helical rotor , the comparator tool comprising:a housing comprising a first end and a second end, the housing including an internal bore extending from the first end to the second end, a first diameter having nominal clearance for a factory-specified major diameter of the rotor,', 'a second diameter having nominal clearance for a factory-specified minor diameter of the rotor, and', 'multiple helical grooves corresponding to a number of lobes in the multi-lobe helical rotor, wherein each of the multiple helical grooves have nominal clearance for a factory-specified tip diameter of the rotor,, 'the internal bore includingwherein the comparator tool provides visibility of an interface between a circumference of the rotor and the first end at any place along a length of the rotor.2. The comparator tool of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises a substantially square cross-section orthogonal to a primary axis of the internal bore.3. The comparator tool of claim 1 , wherein the housing is formed from a plastic material.4. The comparator tool of claim 1 , wherein ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Method of Calibrating an Apparatus for Pointing Spatial Coordinates as Well as a Corresponding Apparatus

Номер: US20200096305A1
Автор: Rene Teune
Принадлежит: Prodim International BV

A method of calibrating an apparatus for pointing spatial coordinates, wherein said apparatus comprises a moveable hand-held probe, having a pointing tip for pointing at said spatial coordinates, and a portable base unit, wherein said portable base unit is provided with sensors for measuring, in a predefined three dimensional, 3D, working area surrounding said portable base unit, a relative position of said pointed spatial coordinates with respect to said portable base unit, wherein said method comprises the steps of determining an actual 3D working area for a particular measurement, wherein said actual 3D working area is a sub-area of said predefined 3D working area, calibrating said apparatus in said actual 3D working area.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200096306A1

The invention provides a solution according to which many various circumferential toothing contours () of many various toothed revolving objects () can be measured accurately and quickly by means of an inexpensive apparatus (). In concise summary, the key features of the invention are formed by detective tracing actions of two asymmetrically sharp tracer fingers (), wherein said detective tracing actions take place at opposite tooth flanks () during opposite rotation directions () between the tracer fingers and the circumferential toothing. 1939099919294. A method for accurately measuring at least part of a circumferential toothing contour () of internal or external toothing of a toothed revolving object () , wherein said circumferential toothing contour occurs in a cross-sectional plane perpendicular to a central revolving axis () of the toothed revolving object , and wherein said circumferential toothing contour has a plurality of pairs of mutually opposite first () and second () contour flanks corresponding to a plurality of pairs of mutually opposite first and second tooth flanks , respectively , of a corresponding plurality of teeth () of said toothing , respectively , the method comprising:{'b': '1', 'claim-text': [{'b': '2', 'an apparatus frame (),'}, {'b': 3', '90, 'a holding structure () connected to said apparatus frame and configured for effecting a holding condition in which the holding structure is holding the toothed revolving object (),'}, {'b': 11', '12', '21', '31', '12', '22', '32, 'a tracing structure connected to said apparatus frame and comprising a first tracer finger () and a second tracer finger (), wherein the first tracer finger comprises a first tracer bevel surface () and a first tracer point (), wherein the first tracer finger by said first tracer bevel surface is asymmetrically narrowing in its longitudinal direction up to said first tracer point, being a free end of the first tracer finger, and wherein the second tracer finger () ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190101371A1
Автор: Steuer Philipp

Surface measuring apparatus for measuring a surface of a workpiece has a probe including a probe arm bearing a probe element for contacting workpiece surface to be measured. Surface measuring apparatus also has a feed apparatus for moving probe element relative to workpiece to be measured. Probe arm is detachably connectable or connected to a movable part of feed apparatus via a mechanical interface having a first part and a second part, which in installed position of probe arm are connected to one another with static determinacy on movable part of feed apparatus, and one of the parts is associated with probe arm and the other part is associated with feed apparatus. At least one alignment protrusion is on first part as an installation alignment aid, which in installed position of probe arm contactlessly or essentially contactlessly engages in an alignment recess formed on second part. 1. A surface measuring apparatus for measuring a surface of a workpiece , comprising:a) a probe that includes a probe arm bearing a probe element for contacting the surface of a workpiece to be measured;b) a feed apparatus for moving the probe element relative to the workpiece to be measured;c) the probe arm is detachably connectable or connected to a movable part of the feed apparatus via a mechanical interface;d) the interface has a first part and a second part which in the installed position of the probe arm are connected to one another with static determinacy on the movable part of the feed apparatus;e) one of the first and second parts is associated with the probe arm and the other part is associated with the feed apparatus; andf) at least one alignment protrusion is provided on the first part as an installation alignment aid, which in the installed position of the probe arm contactlessly or essentially contactlessly engages in an alignment recess that is formed on the second part.2. The surface measuring apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:a) the installation alignment aid ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140187355A1
Автор: Hixenbaugh Chris

Golf ball dimples having a cross-sectional profile shape defined by the envelope of the response of an under damped harmonic oscillator are disclosed. 2. A golf ball having a plurality of recessed dimples on the surface thereof claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the recessed dimples have a surface defined according to the method of . The present invention relates to a golf ball dimple cross-sectional profile based on the envelope of the response of an under damped harmonic oscillator.Golf ball dimples are known to have a significant effect on the aerodynamic forces acting on the ball during flight. For example, the dimples on a golf ball create a turbulent boundary layer around the ball. The turbulence energizes the boundary layer and helps it stay attached further around the ball to reduce the area of the wake. This greatly increases the pressure behind the ball and substantially reduces the drag. Based on the significant role that dimples play in golf ball design, manufacturers continually seek to develop novel dimple patterns, sizes, shapes, volumes, cross-sections, etc. Thus, the present invention provides a novel dimple cross-sectional profile having unique aesthetic and aerodynamic characteristics.In one embodiment, the present invention is directed to a method for defining a golf ball dimple surface. The method comprises providing a response of an under damped harmonic oscillator, wherein the response has an envelope of oscillation described according to the equations disclosed herein; defining a golf ball dimple profile based on the positive or negative solution of the envelope of oscillation for a time equal to one half of the dimple diameter; and rotating the dimple profile 360° about the vertical axis to define the dimple surface.In another embodiment, the present invention is directed to a golf ball having a plurality of recessed dimples on the surface thereof, wherein at least a portion of the recessed dimples have a surface defined by the envelope ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180106587A1
Автор: VEIT Duane B.

According to one aspect of this disclosure a comparative measurement gauge is described. The gauge includes a portable U-shaped body having two arms connected by an intermediate portion, wherein at least one of the arms engages a part to be measured. At least one rod is disposed in a space defined between the two arms. A slide is disposed on the rod in the space and one portion of the slide is attached to a measurement probe. A measurement indicator extends from one of the arms. The measurement indicator includes a tip that is adjacent to the slide. As the slide moves along the rod to measure the part the measurement indicator provides a measurement value. 1. A multi-function gauge comprising:a U-shaped body including first and second arms connected by an intermediate portion;a fixed measurement probe connected to one of the arms;a slide disposed between the two arms, the slide being supported on a guide rail for movement between the two arms;a movable measurement probe connected to the slide;a spring operatively engaging the slide to bias the slide in one direction relative to the fixed measurement probe; anda linear displacement gauge mechanically connected to the movable measurement probe to measure the distance between the fixed and movable measurement probes, wherein the linear displacement gauge is attached to the intermediate portion in a first mode and in a second mode the linear displacement gauge is attached to one of the arms and operatively engages the slide.2. The multi-function gauge of wherein in a third mode the linear displacement gauge is attached to the other arm and operatively engages the slide.3. The multi-function gauge of wherein the spring biases the slide towards the fixed measurement probe to measure an external feature of a part.4. The multi-function gauge of wherein the guide rail includes at least one rod disposed in a space defined between the first and second arms.5. A gauge comprising:a U-shaped body including first and second arms ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Extensometer for measuring high-temperature structural deformations by magnification

Номер: US20140196296A1

The present invention relates to an extensometer for measuring high-temperature structural deformations by magnification, the structure of the extensometer is that: two mounting block assemblies are mounted at the planar ends of two extension bars respectively, the top ends of the extension bars are connected tightly with the surface of a test piece, two connecting pieces are mounted at the inner sides of the two mounting block assemblies respectively, a deformation magnifying mechanism and a sensor bracket are mounted on the connecting pieces, a sensor is mounted on the sensor bracket, two connecting pieces are mounted on a same straight line, and the straight line is parallel to a straight line at which the top ends of the two extension bars are located, so as to ensure that the deformation of the test piece is delivered equally to the deformation magnifying mechanism on the connecting pieces. The present invention can measure local deformations of various metal and non-metallic structures online for a long time in real time at high temperatures, extend the deformation of the test piece at high temperatures outside of the high temperature region, and measure the deformations after they are magnified through a mechanical magnifying mechanism, thus the present invention has a very high linearity, resolution, and accuracy, meanwhile has a light structure and a small size, and is easy to install.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170115109A1

During a retraction where a stylus tip separates from a work piece from a state where the stylus tip and the work piece are in contact, whether there is contact between the stylus tip and the work piece is monitored. When the contact between the stylus tip and the work piece is detected during the retraction, a probe is displaced to a position where the stylus tip does not come in contact with the work piece and a recovery process is executed. When a distance between a point on a surface of the work piece at a retraction start point and a contact point between the stylus tip and the work piece is Lm, and a value defined by (Lm−d) multiplied by a coefficient k (0 Подробнее

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180120078A1

A flatness measurement device includes a movement platform, a standard component, a first flatness measuring device, a second flatness measuring device and a processor. The movement platform is used for driving a to-be-measured object to move. The standard component and the movement platform move together. The first flatness measuring device is used for measuring a first flatness information of the to-be-measured object when the to-be-measured object moves. The second flatness measuring device is used for measuring a second flatness information of the standard component when the standard component moves. A flatness information of the to-be-measured object is obtained by deducting the second flatness information from the first flatness information by the processor. 1. A flatness measuring device , comprising:a movement platform for driving an to-be-measured object to move;a standard component moving collaboratively with the movement platform;a first flatness measurer for measuring a first flatness information when the to-be-measured object moves;a second flatness measurer for measuring a second flatness information when the standard component moves; anda processor for deducting the second flatness information from the first flatness information to obtain flatness information of the to-be-measured object.2. The flatness measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the first flatness measurer is a micrometer gauge or a linear variable differential transformer displacement sensor.3. The flatness measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the to-be-measured object and the standard component are interposed between the first flatness measurer and the second flatness measurer.4. The flatness measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the to-be-measured object and the standard component are separated from each other.5. The flatness measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the to-be-measured object has a to-be-measured surface and a first surface opposite ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing and inspecting gas washed components in a gas turbine engine

Номер: US20180120079A1
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce PLC

Producing a component having an in use gas washed surface includes: obtaining a reference component having a reference shape with an in use gas washed surface; setting one or more performance threshold for the reference shape, the threshold defining an acceptable performance for the reference shape; obtaining a manufactured component made to the reference shape; measuring the manufactured component and determining a displacement distribution indicative of the geometric deviation of the manufactured component from the reference shape; determining a performance sensitivity distribution for the reference component, the sensitivity distribution having a plurality of points, each point indicative of a performance factor for the reference component; combining the sensitivity distribution and displacement distribution to determine a performance prediction for the manufactured component; determining whether the performance prediction is within the performance threshold; accepting or rejecting the component for use if the predicted performance is within or outside the performance threshold, respectively.

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Method and equipment for measuring the filter sectors in disc filters

Номер: US20150128434A1
Автор: Nicholas Rowe
Принадлежит: VALMET AB

The method and equipment relates to the measurement of deflections of filter sectors in a disc filter. The filter discs in the disc filter are constituted by a number of filter sectors, and the distance between a position fixed relative to the filter, most commonly the scraper itself, and the filter surface is conventionally measured by manual measurement methods. The equipment is instead used that has a measuring head with a quick-release coupling for its mounting fixed in the filter, and a position sensor in the measuring head that measures the distance between the measurement arrangement and the surface of the filter disc in order to form momentary measurement results. The momentary measurement results are transferred by a data transfer link from the measurement arrangement to a data collection unit PC that has a memory.

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Foot Shape Measurer

Номер: US20150131865A1
Автор: YE Jianxin

An apparatus for measuring feet, for the purpose of gathering measurements for custom shoes, is disclosed. The apparatus is shaped like a shoe, and has an opening where the shoe lace opening is normally present on the shoe, in addition to openings near the big toe and the little toe. Each opening has holes for laces that are tightened so that the gap, or overlap, of the openings can be measured. Additionally, mats of known thickness can be used to measure the distance between the heel of the shoe and the heel of the foot. Furthermore, markings are used to identify the different shoe lace holes so measurements can be taken at multiple places along the top of the foot. Furthermore, a size indicator can be shown on the shoe, so that measurements can be taken on a picture of the foot in the shoe rather than on the foot and shoe themselves, and then scaled to actual size with reference to the size indicator. 1. A shoe-shaped apparatus for measuring a foot inserted into the apparatus , said apparatus comprising an upper surface having: one or more first opening holes along sides of the first opening for insertion of a first lace, ribbon or thread, said first lace, ribbon or thread, when threaded through the one or more first opening holes, capable of closing the first opening;', 'a marking line along at least one side of the first opening;', 'identifying markings proximal to, and functional to uniquely identify, each of the first opening holes; and, 'a first opening beginning on a toe end of the apparatus and extending toward a heel end of the apparatus, substantially in the horizontal center of the apparatus, said first opening having'}a second opening situated in the approximate location of a big toe of the foot, said second opening having one or more second opening holes along sides of the second opening for insertion of a second lace, ribbon or thread, said second lace, ribbon or thread, when threaded through the one or more second opening holes, capable of closing ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Lever indicator

Номер: US20210156659A1
Автор: Biao Zhao, Sheng Zhong

The lever indicator includes a housing, a measuring lever, a displacement sensor and a microcontroller. After extending to the interior of the housing, a tail end of the measuring lever synchronously swings with the displacement sensor for measurement. The microcontroller is located in the housing, and amends and calculates a measurement result according to a signal generated by the swinging of the displacement sensor, and a liquid crystal display for displaying the measurement result is further arranged outside the housing. The displacement sensor includes a fixing grid and a moving grid of a sector structure. The fixing grid is fixed inside the housing, and is correspondingly located above the tail end of the measuring lever. The moving grid is fixed onto the tail end of the measuring lever and swings relative to the fixing grid after linked with the measuring lever.

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Method of placing work piece on table of measuring device

Номер: US20160131302A1
Принадлежит: Mitutoyo Corp

A method of placing a work piece on a measuring device in which a work piece is placed on a table of a measuring device is provided. The method includes: using a retainer capable of holding the work piece above the table and a lifting/lowering device lifting and lowering a top surface of the table; holding the work piece above the table with the retainer; lifting the top surface of the table with the lifting/lowering device to bring the top surface of the table into contact with a bottom surface of the work piece; and, after a load of the work piece is borne by the table, releasing the hold of the retainer on the work piece.

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220276037A1
Автор: SEKIMOTO Michihiro
Принадлежит: Tokyo Seimitsu Co., Ltd.

When an index table is installed on a rotary table in a surface shape measuring device, deterioration in measurement accuracy can be suppressed. The surface shape measuring device includes: a rotary table which is configured to place a workpiece thereon and to be freely rotatable around a rotation center axis; and a detector configured to detect a displacement of a probe brought into contact with the workpiece. The rotary table has a centering mechanism configured to align a center axis of the workpiece and the rotation center axis. An index table freely detachably mounted on the rotary table is provided, the index table configured so as to be able to perform indexing along a first axis and a second axis which are perpendicular to the rotation center axis. Eccentric load cancelling means configured to cancel an eccentric load caused by the indexing of the index table is provided. 1. A surface shape measuring device including:a rotary table which is configured to place a workpiece thereon and to be freely rotatable around a rotation center axis; anda detector including a probe to be brought into contact with the workpiece placed on the rotary table, the detector configured to detect a displacement of the probe,wherein the rotary table has a centering mechanism configured to align a center axis of the workpiece and the rotation center axis,an index table freely detachably mounted on the rotary table is provided, the index table configured so as to be able to perform indexing along a first axis and a second axis which are perpendicular to the rotation center axis, andeccentric load cancelling means configured to cancel an eccentric load caused by the indexing of the index table is provided.2. The surface shape measuring device according to claim 1 , further comprisinga sensor configured to detect a tilt amount of the rotation center axis to acquire the eccentric load.3. The surface shape measuring device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a shared drive circuit ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150143708A1

Stylus head displacer displaces a stylus head on a first measurement path. A path definer defines the first measurement path. A displacement controller controls the stylus head displacer such that the stylus head displaces along the first measurement path. A position detector detects a position of the stylus head. A depression amount detector detects the depression amount of the stylus head. A measurement results memory stores the position and amount of depression of the stylus head. The depression amount detector outputs an error signal when detecting a measurement error. The displacement controller stops displacement of the stylus head in response to the error signal and displaces the stylus head to a starting point of the first measurement path, and controls the stylus head displacer such that the stylus head is displaced from the starting point to an end point of the first measurement path with a fixed depression amount. 1. A form measuring apparatus comprising:a probe having a stylus head provided at a distal end thereof;a stylus head displacer configured to displace the stylus head along a first measurement path scanning a surface of a measured object;a path definer configured to define the first measurement path based on design information for the measured object;a displacement controller configured to obtain the first measurement path from the path definer, and further configured to control the stylus head displacer such that the stylus head displaces along the first measurement path;a position detector configured to detect a position of the stylus head on the first measurement path;a depression amount detector configured to detect an amount of depression of the stylus head toward the measured object along the first measurement path; anda measurement results memory configured to store the detected position and amount of depression of the stylus head as measurement results,wherein:the depression amount detector outputs an error signal when a measurement error ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Envelope-Outlining Device

Номер: US20160144589A1
Автор: Davies Hugh Howell

An envelope-outlining device that comprises first and second tracing members, the members being movable relative to each other. Each tracing member has a respective tracing edge, and each tracing edge has a protrusion extending from the tracing edge. A method of using the same is also disclosed. 121-. (canceled)22. An envelope-outlining device comprising first and second tracing members , the members being movable relative to each other , and wherein each tracing member has a respective tracing edge , and each tracing edge has:a proximal end and a distal end; anda protrusion extending from the tracing edge at a point between the proximal and distal ends.23. The device of wherein the tracing edges are substantially linear.24. The device of wherein the first and second tracing members are pivotally attached to each other.25. The device of wherein the first and second tracing members are slidably attached to each other.26. The device of further comprising means to releasably secure the tracing members in a fixed position relative to each other.27. The device of wherein each respective protrusion extends from the tracing edges at a point approximately midway between the proximal and distal ends.28. The device of wherein the tracing members are substantially planar.29. The device of wherein each protrusion extends from the tracing edge substantially in the plane of its respective tracing member.30. The device of wherein a protrusion is substantially triangular in shape.31. The device of wherein both protrusions are substantially triangular in shape.32. The device of wherein the means to releasably secure the tracing members in a fixed position relative to each other comprises a slot formed in at least one tracing member and a connecting member adapted to pass through the slot.33. The device of wherein the slot is arcuate.34. The device of wherein the slot extends along at least a third of the length of the tracing member.35. The device of wherein the slot extends along ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140223751A1
Автор: Alxneit Heiko

A method for measuring a three-dimensional object (), comprising: —the stationary fixing of the object () to a holder () which can be rotated about an axis of rotation (R), —the scanning of at least one surface () of the object () by means of a probe (), wherein the object () is rotated about the axis of rotation (R) and the holder () and the probe () are moved relative to one another, and —the detection of the position (b(X, Y)) of the probe (), is characterized in that the holder () and the probe () are moved linearly with respect to one another along a translation axis (T) which encloses an acute angle (0°<φ<90°) with the axis of rotation (R) of the holder () and spans a plane within which the probe () can be moved. 110101010aah. A method for measuring a three-dimensional object ( , , ′ , ) , comprising:{'b': 10', '10', '10', '10', '12, 'i': a', 'a', 'h, 'the stationary fixation of the object (, , ′, ) to a holder (), which can be rotated around an axis of rotation (R),'}{'b': 22', '22', '24', '26', '26', '28', '28', '10', '10', '10', '10', '20', '10', '10', '10', '10', '12', '20, 'i': a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'h', 'a', 'a', 'h, 'the scanning of at least one surface (, ′, , , ′, , ) of the object (, , ′, ) by means of a sensing device (), wherein the object (, , ′, ) is rotated about the axis of rotation (R), and the holder () and the sensing device () are moved relative to one another, and'}{'b': '20', 'the detection of the position (b(X, Y)) of the sensing device (),'}{'b': 12', '20', '12', '20, 'characterized in that the holder () and the sensing device () are moved linearly with respect to one another along a translation axis (T), which forms an acute angle (0°<φ<90°) with the axis of rotation (R) of the holder () and defines a plane, within which the sensing device () can be moved.'}220. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the detection of the position (b(X claim 1 , Y)) of the sensing device () is carried out in a coordinate system (X claim 1 ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200132429A1
Автор: NAKAYAMA Tatsuki

The present disclosure uses a surface property measuring device that includes an arm swingably supported so as to displace a stylus vertically, and an arm lifter that holds the stylus at a predetermined height by rotating the arm. After arranging the arm lifter in a state where the arm can be held at a lower limit height that is only a predetermined drop amount below a predetermined measurement height, the arm is arranged at the measurement height and the stylus contacts a measured object, and in this state surface properties of the measured object are measured. 1. A surface property measuring method that uses a surface property measuring device that includes an arm swingably supported so as to displace a stylus vertically , and arm lifter that holds the stylus at a predetermined height by rotating the arm , the method comprising:positioning, via the surface property measuring device, the arm lifter such that the arm is positioned at a lower limit height, which is a predetermined drop amount below a predetermined measurement height;thereafter positioning, via the surface property measuring device, the arm at the predetermined measurement height such that the stylus contacts a measurable object; andthereafter measuring, via the surface property measuring device, surface properties of the measurable object.2. The surface property measuring method according to claim 1 , wherein the surface property measuring device includes a measuring instrument main body in which the arm and the arm lifter are installed claim 1 , and a displacement mechanism capable of displacing the measuring instrument main body relative to the measurable object claim 1 , wherein:the positioning of the arm lifter further comprises positioning the arm lifter in the measuring instrument main body in a state where the arm is positioned at the lower limit height,the thereafter positioning of the arm further comprises displacing, via the displacement mechanism, the measuring instrument main body such ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180149457A1
Автор: MASUTA Hikaru

There are provided a surface shape measuring method and a surface shape measuring device which can measure the diameter of a workpiece to be measured with high precision and high reproducibility and have excellent versatility. These method include: acquiring first shape data indicating a surface shape of the workpiece with a detector being disposed on one side across a workpiece while rotating the workpiece relatively to the detector around a rotational center; acquiring second shape data indicating the surface shape of the workpiece with the detector being disposed on the other side across the workpiece while rotating the workpiece relatively to the detector around the rotational center; and calculating a shape parameter defining the surface shape of the workpiece by collating the first shape data and second shape data. In calculating the shape parameter, a deviation of the detector from the reference line is calculated based on the collation result. 1. A surface shape measuring device which measures a surface shape of a workpiece by detecting a displacement of a probe being in contact with a surface of the workpiece with a detector while rotating the workpiece relatively to the detector around a rotational center , the device comprising:a first measuring unit configured to measure a surface shape of the workpiece in a state where the detector is disposed at one of two positions across the workpiece, the two positions on a straight line which is parallel to a reference line passing through the rotational center and is shifted from the reference line;a second measuring unit configured to measure the surface shape of the workpiece in a state where the detector is disposed at the other of the two positions; anda shape parameter calculation unit configured to calculate a shape parameter defining the surface shape of the workpiece by collating the measurement result by the first measuring unit and the measurement result by the second measuring unit, whereinthe shape ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180149460A1

A robotic coordinate measurement machine (CMM) having a contact direction sensitive (CDS) probe is usable to detect internal dimensions for an object of interest. A robot arm may contact a surface with the CDS probe which may then detect a magnitude and direction of the resulting reaction force. The robotic CMM may monitor the magnitude and/or direction of the reaction force while the CDS probe is being slide across a surface to determine dimensions for the surface. Changes in the reaction force sensed by the CDS probe may be used to identify contact with other surfaces of contours in the surface the CDS probe is being slid across. A path of the CDS probe may be altered based on the contact with other surfaces or the contours. 1. A system for determining internal dimensions of a shoe , the system comprising:a fixture to support the shoe;a robot arm to traverse a contact direction sensitive (CDS) probe along one or more interior surfaces of the shoe to generate a reaction force against the CDS probe, the CDS probe configured to detect at least a magnitude of the reaction force and a direction of the reaction force;one or more processors; and cause the robot arm to move the CDS probe into contact with a first interior surface of the shoe to initiate the reaction force;', 'cause the robot arm to slide the CDS probe in a first direction along the first interior surface to determine first internal dimension data corresponding to the first interior surface;', 'identify, based on a first change in the direction of the reaction force, contact between the CDS probe and a second interior surface of the shoe to determine second internal dimension data corresponding to the second interior surface;', 'in response to the contact between the CDS probe and the second interior surface, cause the robot arm to move the CDS probe in a second direction toward a third interior surface of the shoe to determine an additional amount of the first internal dimension data or the second ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150160049A1
Автор: OKI Tadahiro

A geometric error identification method of multi-axis machine tool includes a measuring step of indexing a position of a target ball mounted on one of a main spindle and a table into a plurality of angles around an rotation axis, and measuring the position of the target ball at respective indexed positions by using a touch probe mounted on the other one of the main spindle and the table, a geometric error calculation step of calculating a geometric error from the measured position of the target ball, an ellipse-expression calculation step of calculating an ellipse approximate expression by an arc trajectory measured by operating the rotation axis, and an error correcting step of calculating and correcting a scaling error of translation axes from the calculated ellipse approximate expression. 1. A geometric error identification method of a multi-axis machine tool including a main spindle on which a tool can be mounted and a table on which a workpiece is retained configured to move relative to each other by a control device via two or more translation axes and at least one rotation axis so that the workpiece is machined with the tool , the method being a method of identifying a geometric error relating to the translation axes and the rotation axis and correcting a scaling error of the translation axes by the control device of the multi-axis machine tool , the method comprising:a measuring step of indexing a position of a measured jig mounted on one of the main spindle and the table into a plurality of angles around the rotation axis, and measuring the position of the measured jig at indexed positions by using a position measuring sensor mounted on the other one of the main spindle and the table;a geometric error calculation step of calculating a geometric error from the measured position of the measured jig;an ellipse-expression calculation step of calculating an ellipse approximate expression by an arc trajectory measured by operating the rotation axis, andan error ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140237834A1

A form measuring instrument includes: a body; a movable member including: a stylus holder being rotatably supported by the body; a stylus being held by the stylus holder; and a tip being provided at an end of the stylus and being contactable with a workpiece surface; a measurement-force-applying unit being adapted to generate a rotation force acting on the stylus holder to bring the tip of the stylus into contact with the workpiece surface; a displacement detector being provided to a portion of the stylus holder to detect a displacement of the stylus holder resulting from a rotation thereof; and a vibration generator being adapted to apply vibration to the stylus holder. 1. A form measuring instrument comprising:a body; a stylus holder being rotatably supported by the body;', 'a stylus being held by the stylus holder; and', 'a tip being provided at an end of the stylus and being contactable with a workpiece surface;, 'a movable member comprisinga measurement-force-applying unit being adapted to generate a rotation force acting on the stylus holder to bring the tip of the stylus into contact with the workpiece surface;a displacement detector being provided to a portion of the stylus holder to detect a displacement of the stylus holder resulting from a rotation thereof; anda vibration generator being adapted to apply a vibration to the stylus holder.2. The form measuring instrument according to claim 1 , wherein the vibration applied by the vibration generator comprises a first vibration that makes the stylus holder move around a turn shaft thereof.3. The form measuring instrument according to claim 2 , wherein the vibration applied by the vibration generator comprises a bidirectional vibration comprising: the first vibration making the stylus holder move around the turn shaft thereof; and a second vibration in a direction intersecting with a direction of the first vibration.4. The form measuring instrument according to claim 1 , whereinthe vibration generator is ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160161239A1
Автор: Takanashi Ryo

A roundness measuring apparatus, which has a small space required for installation and of which measurement error due to a temperature change is small, is disclosed. The roundness measuring apparatus includes: a base; a turn-table which is fixed to the base and rotates a work placed on the turn-table; a two-dimensional moving mechanism provided at the base so as to move a holder holding part in parallel to a measurement plane including a rotation axis of the turn-table and a measuring point of the work; a detector holder attached to the holder holding part; and a detector attached to the detector holder so that a probe can be displaced on the measurement plane. 1. A roundness measuring apparatus comprising:a base;a turn-table which is fixed to the base and rotates a work placed on the turn-table;a two-dimensional moving mechanism provided at the base so as to move a holder holding part in parallel to a measurement plane including a rotation axis of the turn-table and a measuring point of the work;a detector holder attached to the holder holding part; anda detector attached to the detector holder so that a probe can be displaced on the measurement plane.2. The roundness measuring apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe two-dimensional moving mechanism includes:a first column which extends in parallel to the rotation axis of the turn-table and moves in parallel to the measurement plane; anda first holding part moving mechanism which supports the holder holding part to be movable along the first column.3. The roundness measuring apparatus according to claim 2 , comprising a moving mechanism which moves the first column in parallel to the measurement plane claim 2 , whereinthe moving mechanism includes:a guide mechanism which holds the column in parallel to the rotation axis of the turn-table; anda feed mechanism which moves the column.4. The roundness measuring apparatus according to claim 2 , comprising:a second column which extends in parallel to the first column ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170156354A1
Принадлежит: MAYEKAWA MFG. CO., LTD.

A contour measurement apparatus and a contour measurement method for measuring a contour of a poultry carcass, and a deboning device for a poultry carcass are provided. The contour measurement apparatus includes: a fixing jig on which the poultry carcass is placed and fixed; a conveyer forming a conveyance path for conveying the fixing jig; a contact element being supported movably in an upper and lower direction within a two-dimensional plane, and being able to be in contact with a measurement target portion of the poultry carcass; an upper and lower direction position sensor for detecting a position of the contact element in the upper and lower direction; a fixing jig position sensor for detecting a position of the fixing jig moving in a conveying direction; and a contour calculation unit for calculating a contour of a surface of the poultry carcass on the two-dimensional plane based on detected values. 1. A contour measurement apparatus for measuring a contour of a poultry carcass which is eviscerated and which has leg portions removed , the contour measurement apparatus comprising:a fixing jig on which the poultry carcass is placed and fixed;a conveyer forming a conveyance path for the fixing jig and configured to convey the fixing jig along the conveyance path;a contact element that is supported movably in an upper and lower direction within a two-dimensional plane including a conveying direction of the fixing jig and extending in a vertical direction, and is able to be in contact with a measurement target portion of the poultry carcass;an upper and lower direction position sensor configured to detect a position of the contact element in the upper and lower direction;a fixing jig position sensor configured to detect a position of the fixing jig moving in the conveying direction; anda contour calculation unit configured to calculate a contour of the measurement target portion of the poultry carcass on the two-dimensional plane based on detected values obtained ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200149861A1
Автор: LIU Huiying, LU Yuexin

A wheel flange height difference detection and annular groove burr clearing device includes a turntable, a detection platform, a first intelligent compression meter, a second intelligent compression meter, a first burr cutter, a second burr cutter and the like. 1. A wheel flange height difference detection and annular groove burr clearing device , comprising a frame , a bottom support plate , a servo motor , a shaft , a bearing seat , a bearing , a turntable , a guide post , a detection platform , first guide rails , a first cylinder , a first sliding block , a second sliding block , a second cylinder , a first intelligent compression meter , a second intelligent compression meter , a first feeding platform , a second feeding platform , a second guide rail , a third cylinder , a third sliding block , a third guide rail , a fourth sliding block , a fourth cylinder , a fifth cylinder , a sixth cylinder , a seventh cylinder , a first burr cutter , a second burr cutter , axial positioning blocks , radial positioning blocks and corner cylinder pressure claws; characterized in that: the horizontal positions of the first intelligent compression meter and the second intelligent compression meter can be adjusted by the first cylinder and the second cylinder , so that the hand of the first intelligent compression meter is located directly below the outer ring of a flange , and the hand of the second intelligent compression meter is located directly below the inner ring of the flange; the horizontal positions of the first burr cutter and the second burr cutter can be adjusted by the third cylinder and the fourth cylinder , so that the first burr cutter is located directly below burrs on the outer ring of an annular groove , and the second burr cutter is located directly below burrs on the inner ring of the annular groove; and in an initial state , the first burr cutter and the second burr cutter have equal height , and are as high as the hands of the first intelligent ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210190469A1

A computer-implemented method for determining a two-point size of a workpiece includes receiving a set of measuring points of the workpiece, determining a longitudinal axis of the workpiece based on the set of measuring points, projecting at least a part of the set of measuring points into a projection plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis to obtain a set of projection points, and determining a two-point size of the workpiece based on the projection point. 1. A computer-implemented method for determining a two-point size of a workpiece , the method comprising:receiving a set of measuring points of the workpiece;determining a longitudinal axis of the workpiece based on the set of measuring points;projecting at least a part of the set of measuring points into a projection plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis to obtain a set of projection points; anddetermining a two-point size of the workpiece based on the projection points.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the set of measuring points includes measuring points obtained from one or both of a helix-measurement of the workpiece or the workpiece having a generally cylindrical shape.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining of the longitudinal axis comprises:determining a shape model of the workpiece based on the set of measuring points; andproviding the longitudinal axis of the shape model as the longitudinal axis of the workpiece.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the shape model is a cylindrically-shaped model claim 3 , and the longitudinal axis of the workpiece corresponds to a cylinder axis of the cylindrically-shaped model.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the projecting of at least the part of the set of measuring points into the projection plane comprises projecting at least the part of the set of measuring points parallel to the longitudinal axis.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining of the two-point size of the workpiece comprises:determining a circle center of a circle ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210190470A1
Автор: HWANG Jae Eun

The present invention relates to a shape measurement apparatus comprising: a driving body ; a measurement arm part having a stylus coming into contact with an object to be measured, and an arm for supporting the stylus so that the stylus comes into contact with the object to be measured; a measurement arm support part coupled to an end of the arm ; a pivot for rotatably supporting the measurement arm support part with respect to the driving body ; and an actuator part for controlling the measurement arm support part to rotate up and down with respect to the pivot so that the stylus moves along the object to be measured. The actuator part comprises: a casing partitioned into an upper space and a lower space by a partition wall ; an arm coupling base for connecting the casing and the measuring arm support part ; an upper actuator provided in the upper space; and a lower actuator provided in the lower space, wherein the upper actuator and the lower actuator each comprise: magnetic coupling plates ; first magnets provided in an upper portion of the magnetic coupling plates ; second magnets provided in a lower portion of the magnetic coupling plates ; and coils coupled to the arm coupling base and surrounding the magnetic coupling plates 1. A sharp measurement apparatus , comprising:{'b': '130', 'a driving body ;'}{'b': 110', '111', '113', '111, 'a measuring arm member (“arm member”) which has a stylus coming into contact with an object to be measured (“target object”) and an arm to support the stylus , thereby enabling the stylus to be in contact with the target object;'}{'b': 120', '113, 'a measuring arm support member (“support member”) () coupled to an end of the arm ;'}{'b': 121', '120', '130, 'a pivot to rotatably support the support member () with respect to the driving body ; and'}{'b': 140', '120', '121', '111, 'an actuator unit for adjusting the support member to rotate up and down with respect to the pivot so that the stylus is controlled to move along the ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Foot measuring and sizing application

Номер: US20180160777A1
Принадлежит: Black Brass Inc

Systems and processes for measuring and sizing a foot are provided. In one exemplary process, at least one image of a foot and a horizontal reference object from a first point of view is captured. A portion of the foot may be disposed against a vertical reference object. The at least one image may be displayed, where one or more camera guides are overlaid on the at least one displayed image. In response to aligning the one or more camera guides with one or more of the horizontal reference object and the vertical reference object, a measurement of the foot based on the at least one captured image from the first point of view is determined.

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140249775A1
Автор: Weber Hero

A workpiece contour () at least first and second contour geometries (K-K) adjoining one another tangentially at a first transition point (U). Measurement points (M) are recorded along the geometries (K-K). Using some measurement points within the first geometry (K), a first replacement element () is determined and assigned to the first geometry (K). Analogously, using some measurement points (M) of the second geometry (K) a second geometry element (G) assigned to the latter is determined. The size and/or the position of the second geometry element (G) are calculated under the boundary condition that the second replacement element (G) adjoins the first replacement element (G) tangentially. The tangential transition point between the two replacement elements (G), (G) forms the first transition point (U). This method can be iterated using additional or other measurement points (M), until the first transition point (U) is determined with sufficient accuracy. 114121121. A method for measuring the contour of a workpiece () comprising a first contour geometry (K) and a second contour geometry (K) and a first transition point (U) , at which the first and the second contour geometry (K , K) adjoin one another , wherein the connection at the first transition point (U) is to run tangentially , the method comprising:{'b': 1', '2, '(a) measuring a plurality of measurement points (M) along the first contour geometry (K) and the second contour geometry (K),'}{'b': 1', '1', '1, '(b) determining a first replacement element (G) for the first contour geometry (K) using at least one measurement point (M) in the area of the first contour geometry (K),'}{'b': 2', '2', '2, '(c) determining a second replacement element (G) for the second contour geometry (K) using of at least one measurement point (M) in the area of the second contour geometry (K),'}{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2, '(d) calculating the position and/or the size of the first replacement element (G) and/or of the second replacement ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140250947A1
Принадлежит: Quality Casting, Inc.

The invention is directed to tools and methods for matching a first ring to a second ring. The apparatus comprises a plurality of contour bands, each contour band having a contoured portion that differs from the contoured portion of the other bands. Preferably the bands differ by increments such that a wide range of matching can be performed to identify a correct contour, which is then provided to a manufacturer for creation of the matching band.

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170167840A1
Автор: FURUTA Makoto

A measuring device which reduces reading errors caused by parallax. The measuring device has a gauge head abutting against an object to be measured, and includes a pointer-type display part which displays displacement of the gauge head obtained by being enlarged by an enlarging mechanism and being converted into a rotation amount of a pointer. The measuring device further includes a transparent cover plate provided so as to cover the pointer-type display part, and the cover plate has an antireflection film on the surface. The cover plate further has an antifouling film on the antireflection film. The cover plate has a flat surface. 1. A measuring device having a gauge head to be contacted to an object to be measured , the measuring device comprising:a pointer-type display part configured to display displacement of the gauge head obtained by being enlarged by an enlarging mechanism and converted into a rotation amount of a pointer; anda transparent cover plate provided so as to cover the pointer-type display part, whereinthe cover plate has an antireflection film on a surface.2. The measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the cover plate further has an antifouling film on the antireflection film.3. The measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein a surface of the cover plate is a flat face.4. The measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the pointer-type display part has a graduated dial plate claim 1 , and the dial plate is rotatable about an axis of the pointer.5. The measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the measuring device is a lever-type dial gauge or a dial gauge. This application is based upon and claims the benefit of priority from Japanese patent application No. 2015-244669, filed on Dec. 15, 2015, the disclosure of which are incorporated herein in its entirety by reference.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a measuring device. More specifically, the present invention relates to a measuring device having a ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190162516A1
Автор: Abe Shinsaku

The measuring device according to the present invention includes: a measuring element that contacts with an object to be measured; a detector that detects a displacement amount of the measuring element in a process in which the measuring element slides relatively in a certain direction on a surface of the object to be measured during time from a measurement start to a measurement end; a storage unit; a data collecting unit that acquires the displacement amount detected by the detector in a predetermined cycle and causes the storage unit to successively store the displacement amount; a display unit that can perform graphical displaying; and a display controller that causes the display unit to display predetermined information on the basis of a displacement amount for each predetermined cycle. 1. A measuring device comprising:a measuring element that contacts with an object to be measured;a detector that detects a displacement amount of the measuring element in a process in which the measuring element slides relatively in a certain direction on a surface of the object to be measured during time from a measurement start to a measurement end;a storage unit;a data collecting unit that acquires the displacement amount detected by the detector in a predetermined cycle, and causes the storage unit to successively store the displacement amount;a display unit that can perform graphical displaying; anda display controller that causes the display unit to display predetermined information based on the displacement amount for each predetermined cycle.2. The measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the display controller causes the display unit to display the displacement amount for each of the predetermined cycle in a format of a graph showing a position dependent change of the displacement amount.3. The measuring device according to claim 2 , wherein the graph is expanded each time the displacement amount is acquired by the data collecting unit in the predetermined cycle. ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

System for monitoring seedbed floor conditions and related methods

Номер: US20200158486A1

In one aspect, a system for monitoring seedbed floor conditions within a field may include a frame and a wheel coupled to the frame. The wheel may be configured to support the frame relative to a soil surface of the field as the frame is moved across the field. The system may also include a support arm pivotably coupled to the frame and a disc coupled to the support arm, with the disc configured to penetrate the soil surface of the field and roll relative to a seedbed floor within the field. Furthermore, the system may include a sensor configured to detect pivotable motion of the support arm relative to the frame. As such, the pivotable motion of the support arm may be indicative of variations in a profile of the seedbed floor as the ground engaging assembly is moved across the field.

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170176163A1

A method for determining a surface profile change in a filling compound in a recess includes determining a first surface profile of a surface of the filling compound across the recess at an initial temperature; cooling or heating the recess comprising the filling compound to a predetermined measurement temperature; determining a second surface profile of the surface of the filling compound across the recess at the measurement temperature; and comparing the second surface profile with the first surface profile to determine the surface profile change. 1. A method for determining a surface profile change in a filling compound in a recess , comprising:determining a first surface profile of a surface of the filling compound across the recess at an initial temperature;cooling or heating the recess comprising the filling compound to a predetermined measurement temperature;determining a second surface profile of the surface of the filling compound across the recess at the measurement temperature; andcomparing the second surface profile with the first surface profile to determine the surface profile change.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first surface profile or the second surface profile is determined by at least one of a tactile profile measurement or an optical profile measurement.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first surface profile or the second surface profile is determined under at least one of a mechanical tensile stress claim 1 , compressive stress or shear stress load on the recess.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the recess comprising the filling compound is cooled using a nitrogen cooling system.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the recess is in the form of one of a joint transition between joining components or a depression in a component.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the recess is formed between at least one of aluminum or carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics material joining components.7. The method of claim 5 ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190170492A1

Disclosed is a system for shape error in-situ measurement of large-scale torus, which comprises an attitude adjusting part, a rotating part and a measuring part. The attitude adjusting part comprises an attitude adjusting platform, an attitude adjusting platform motor and an adapter panel, wherein the attitude adjusting platform can adjust the rotation angles along z-axis and x-axis, the angle adjusted is controlled by the attitude adjusting platform motor, and the attitude adjusting part is connected with the rotating part through the adapter panel; the rotating part comprises a rotating index plate base and a high-precision rotating index plate which is released from fixation by a lever for rotating, rotated manually for a required angle, and then fixed again by restoring the lever; the measuring part comprises a sensor clamp, sensor holders, contact sensors and associated equipment, wherein the sensor clamp is positioned with the rotating index plate by a mandrel and then fixed by two bolts and nuts; and the sensor clamp has four groups of sensor jacks in total, with at least three jacks in each group, and a sensor holder is installed in each sensor jack and used for fixing each sensor. 1{'b': 5', '4', '6', '5', '4', '4', '5', '4', '6', '5', '6', '7, 'the attitude adjusting part comprises an attitude adjusting platform (), an attitude adjusting platform motor () and an adapter panel (); the attitude adjusting platform () is used for adjusting the rotation angles along z-axis and x-axis and is controlled by the attitude adjusting platform motor (), and the attitude adjusting platform motor () is controlled by a controller; z-axis is the axis perpendicular to the plane of the attitude adjusting platform (), and the angle adjusted is from 0° to 360°; x-axis is the axis perpendicular to the axis of the attitude adjusting platform motor (), and the angle adjusted is from −30° to 30°; the bottom surface of the adapter panel () is connected to the top surface of the ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190170493A1

A form measuring apparatus includes a base; an arm capable of swinging relative to the base; a coupler coupling the base and the arm, and having a deformation region that is capable of elastic deformation between the base and the arm; and a distortion detector installed in the deformation region. In the form measuring apparatus, a stylus is mounted to the arm and can slide along a surface of a work piece. 1. A form measuring apparatus comprising:a base;an arm configured to swing relative to the base;a coupler that couples the base and the arm, the coupler having a deformation region that is capable of elastic deformation between the base and the arm; anda distortion detector installed in the deformation region.2. The form measuring apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a distance adjuster that adjusts a distance between the base and the arm claim 1 , wherein the coupler is formed of an elastic material.3. The form measuring apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a placement adjuster that adjusts a position of the distortion detector within the deformation region in the coupling direction of the base and the arm.4. The form measuring apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising a placement adjuster that adjusts a position of the distortion detector within the deformation region in the coupling direction of the base and the arm.5. The form measuring apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a limiter that constrains elastic deformation of the coupler in a portion between the base and the arm claim 1 , wherein the coupler is formed of an elastic material.6. The form measuring apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the coupler comprises at least one plate spring claim 1 , a middle portion of which comprises the deformation region.7. The form measuring apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the coupler comprises at least one plate spring claim 2 , a middle portion of which comprises the deformation region.8. The form ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150185000A1

A method for measuring 3D coordinates of points on a surface of an object by providing an articulated arm connected to a laser line probe. The laser line probe having a color camera sends color images to a processor, which determines 3D surface coordinates using triangulation. The processor weights each of the colors received from the pixels to enable dark and bright regions of the surface to be measured simultaneously. 1. A method for measuring three-dimensional (3D) coordinates of points on a surface of an object , the method comprising:providing a 3D coordinate measurement device, the device including a manually positionable articulated arm portion having opposed first and second ends, the second end coupled to a base, the arm portion including a plurality of connected arm segments, a laser line probe, and an electrical circuit, each of the arm segments including at least one position transducer configured to produce a position signal, the laser line probe coupled to the first end, the laser line probe including a projector and a camera, the projector separated from the camera by a baseline, the baseline being a line segment, the projector configured to project a line of light onto the surface, the camera including a lens and photosensitive array, the camera configured to form an image on the photosensitive array of the line of light projected onto the object, the photosensitive array having a plurality of pixels, each pixel configured to provide electrical signal levels for a plurality of colors, the camera configured to send the electrical signal levels from the pixels to the electrical circuit, the electrical circuit including a processor;projecting the line of light onto the surface;forming a color image of the line of light on the photosensitive array;sending to the electrical circuit an electrical signal in response to the color image, the electrical signal containing a signal level for each of the plurality of colors for each of the plurality of pixels; ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Thickness measuring device

Номер: US20140268182A1
Автор: Cheng-Hsin Tsai
Принадлежит: JETEAZY SYSTEM CO Ltd

A thickness measuring device for measuring an object includes a thickness measuring component and a sensing determining means. The thickness measuring component includes a plurality of measuring members provided respectively in correspondence with a plurality of the objects. Each measuring member respectively measures one object by moving itself along an extending direction and/or by irradiating a light to the object. The sensing determining means retrieves an image of the measuring member and/or an image of the light reflected from the object to further obtain and display a thickness value of the object. The thickness measuring device of the present invention is more effective and inexpensive.

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170184386A1

A method for measuring a deflection amount of a columnar structure includes the following steps. The method includes placing a longitudinal direction of a columnar structure in a direction parallel to a ground to place the columnar structure on a support member that supports the columnar structure such that the columnar structure is rotatable around an axis in the longitudinal direction; determining that the columnar structure placed has stopped rotating under its own weight around the axis; and measuring, after the stop of the rotation is determined, measuring a distance in a vertical direction between a straight line connecting both ends in the longitudinal direction of the columnar structure and a curved line along a shape in the longitudinal direction of the columnar structure. 1. A method for measuring a deflection amount of a columnar structure , comprising:placing a longitudinal direction of a columnar structure in a direction parallel to a ground to place the columnar structure on a rolling surface of a support member, the rolling surface being parallel to the ground and configured to support the columnar structure such that the columnar structure is rotatable around an axis in the longitudinal direction;waiting for a relative position between a position on the rolling surface where the columnar structure has been placed and a position of the columnar structure to change when the columnar structure placed on the rolling surface rotates under its own weight of the columnar structure around the axis of the columnar structure;determining that the columnar structure has stopped rotating under its own weight around the axis; andmeasuring, after the stop of the rotation is determined, a distance in a vertical direction between a straight line connecting both ends in the longitudinal direction of the columnar structure and a curved line along a shape in the longitudinal direction of the columnar structure.2. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe support ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210215474A1

A retrographic sensor includes a clear elastomer substrate, a deformable reflective layer, and a contact surface with an array of rigid, non-planar features formed of a material or a pattern of particles to mitigate adhesion to a target surface while permitting the egress of trapped air around a region of interest. This combination of features permits the contact surface of the sensor to more closely conform to the target surface while physically transferring the topography of the target surface to the deformable layer for imaging through the substrate. 1. A retrographic sensor comprising:a substrate with a first surface, the substrate formed of a first elastomer capable of transmitting an image and having a first hardness;a deformable layer disposed on the first surface of the substrate, the deformable layer including a material that reflects light passing through the substrate and incident on the first surface; anda contact surface for placement in contact with an imaging target, the contact surface including particles disposed in a pattern on the deformable layer and separated from the substrate by the deformable layer, the particles having a second hardness greater than the first hardness of the first elastomer.2. The retrographic sensor of claim 1 , wherein the pattern forms a single layer of the particles on the deformable layer.3. The retrographic sensor of claim 1 , wherein the pattern is a closely spaced array.46-. (canceled)7. The retrographic sensor of claim 1 , wherein the particles contact one another within the pattern.8. (canceled)9. The retrographic sensor of claim 1 , wherein the pattern of the particles forms interstitial channels that permit a flow of air between the particles on a side opposing the deformable layer.10. (canceled)11. The retrographic sensor of claim 1 , wherein the particles are monodisperse microspheres.12. (canceled)13. The retrographic sensor of claim 11 , wherein the particles have an average diameter in a range between 3-10 ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации

Mechanism for tool, method and marking system

Номер: US20150197005A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Particularly the present invention will allow a detail and precise contour reading and contour marking on surfaces with sharp angles, angles, curves or any difficult shapes, in particular the present invention pertains generally as a mechanism for patented tool: TOOL, METHOD AND MARKING SYSTEM, Canadian Patent No. 2,625,566, U.S. Pat. No. 8,127,457 B2. As the level of difficulty during the wood flooring/tile installation around curved and/or off angle surfaces arises, and there are limited number of workers who can perform such trade, the MECHANISM FOR TOOL, METHOD AND MARKING SYSTEM, will enable anyone who is familiar with the trade to perform the complicated assignment in a shorter period of time and without waste of material; moreover, it will allow performers to acquire the precise craftsmanship results.

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Measuring apparatus

Номер: US20190186900A1

A measuring apparatus for measuring surface topography of the slides to be measured of a guide rail is provided. The measuring apparatus includes a plurality of detecting probe and at least one moving device. The detecting probes are mounted on a probe support according to the surface topography of the slides to be measured. The moving device shifts the probe support or the slides to be measured on the cross section of the guide rail so that the detecting probe has a displacement relative to the slides to be measured. Each of the detecting probes has a corresponding coordinate system, and the corresponding coordinate system is different from each other. A standard part is utilized to correct deviations among the corresponding coordinate systems to the same coordinate system, and then the same coordinate system as a benchmark to measure the surface topography of the slides to be measured.

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Nozzle inspection method and apparatus

Номер: US20190187173A1
Автор: Hiroki Haremaki
Принадлежит: Sugino Machine Ltd

A method for inspecting a nozzle includes producing a jet from the nozzle, moving the nozzle to cause the jet to approach a stylus of a touch probe, generating a contact signal under a force acting on the stylus, and determining that the jet is appropriate in response to a contact signal received first after the jet has an axis at a distance from the stylus that is equal to or less than a first normal distance calculated from a normal jet shape.
