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27-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2582884C2

Изобретение относится к области оптических методов контроля и касается датчика для проверки ценного документа. Устройство включает в себя, по меньшей мере, два фотодетектора, принимающих свет в разных спектральных диапазонах. С каждым из фотодетекторов соотнесена детекторная линза, которая принимает частичный пучок света коллимированного за счет светособирающей оптики и направляет на соответствующий фотодетектор таким образом, что область обнаружения для различных фотодетекторов по существу совпадает. Оптические оси детекторных линз расположены снаружи от оптической оси светового пучка таким образом, что коллимированный световой пучок латерально разделяется, по меньшей мере, на два частичных пучка света. Технический результат заключается в уменьшении размеров устройства. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

04-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2659883C2

Изобретение относится к способу оценки времени уборки урожая и системе обработки информации для его осуществления. Способ содержит этапы, на которых получают информацию изображения организма, содержащую набор оптических данных, вычисляют индекс роста на основании набора оптических данных и вычисляют ожидаемое время уборки урожая на основании индекса роста. Указанная информация изображения содержит набор данных изображения по меньшей мере от двух устройств фиксации изображений, которые фиксируют набор данных изображения по меньшей мере из двух положений. Также способ содержит этапы, на которых вычисляют данные изображения параллакса на основании по меньшей мере двух элементов данных изображения из набора данных изображения, полученных от указанных по меньшей мере двух устройств фиксации изображений, и вычисляют индекс роста на основании данных изображения параллакса, при этом указанные по меньшей мере два элемента данных изображения фиксируют с двух углов и/или с указанных по меньшей мере ...

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012125623A

... 1. Оптический спектрометр с вогнутой дифракционной решеткой, содержащий:входную щель (3) для приема и формирования падающего пучка (5), содержащего по меньшей мере одну длину волны λ,вогнутую дифракционную решетку (1) для приема падающего пучка (5) с углом α падения и для дифрагирования указанного пучка с образованием дифрагированного пучка (6, 6а, 6b, 6с), образующего угол β(λ) с нормалью к решетке (1),по меньшей мере одно вогнутое зеркало (8, 8а, 8b, 8с), сформированное в виде части цилиндра круглого поперечного сечения с радиусом r, при этом указанное зеркало (8, 8а, 8b, 8с) выполнено с возможностью приема дифрагированного пучка (6, 6а, 6b, 6с) в направлении β(λ) и фокусирования его по меньшей мере на одной выходной щели (4, 4а, 4b, 4с), ипо меньшей мере один фотодетектор (9, 9а, 9b, 9с), оптически связанный с указанной выходной щелью (4, 4а, 4b, 4с), для измерения пучка (6, 6а, 6b, 6с), дифрагированного и сфокусированного указанным цилиндрическим зеркалом (8, 8а, 8b, 8с),отличающийся ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012112601A

... 1. Датчик (1) света, содержащий- компоновку (11) фильтров, причем компоновка (11) фильтров содержит множество спектральных фильтров (F, F, ..., F) для фильтрации падающего света (L), в которой каждый спектральный фильтр (F, F, ..., F) реализован с возможностью пропуска отдельной составляющей падающего света (L);- компоновку (12) апертур, содержащую множество апертур для впускания части падающего света (L);- компоновку (13) датчика, реализованную с возможностью сбора впущенного отфильтрованного света (L'), причем компоновка (13) датчика содержит матрицу чувствительных элементов (130) для генерации относящихся к изображению сигналов (S, S, S, ..., S), и причем чувствительная матрица подразделена на множество областей (R, R, ..., R), в которой каждая область (R, R, ..., R) чувствительной матрицы содержит множество чувствительных элементов и отведена для апертуры из упомянутого множества апертур и соответствующего спектрального фильтра (F, F, ..., F) из упомянутого множества фильтров так, что ...

25-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019143395A

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014122449A

... 1. Датчик для проверки ценного документа (1), который для проверки ценного документа имеется в плоскости измерения датчика, включающий в себя:- по меньшей мере один источник (18) света, посредством которого в области плоскости измерения может быть освещен имеющийся в плоскости (Е) измерения ценный документ (1),- обнаруживающее устройство (10) по меньшей мере с двумя расположенными рядом друг с другом фотодетекторами (16) для обнаружения обнаруживающего света, который исходит от ценного документа при проверке ценного документа (1) за счет освещения источником (18) света в области (3) обнаружения плоскости (Е) измерения, причем обнаруживающий свет ценного документа является обнаруживаемым фотодетекторами (16) по меньшей мере в двух различных спектральных диапазонах,- общую для фотодетекторов (16) светособирающую оптику (25), через которую исходящий в области (3) обнаружения от ценного документа обнаруживающий свет может быть собран и коллимирован в пучок (L) света, причем фотодетекторы (16 ...

02-06-1999 дата публикации

Wellenlängenüberwachungsvorrichtung für optische Signale

Номер: DE0019830808A1

10-06-2009 дата публикации

Simultanes Doppelgitter-Spektrometer mit Halbleiterzeilensensoren oder Photoelektronenvervielfachern

Номер: DE0019853754B4

Optisches Gitterspektrometer in Rowlandanordnung mit Halbleiterzeilensensoren oder Photoelektronenvervielfachern, bei dem zwei konkave Dispersionsgitter mit gleichem Krümmungsradius derart angeordnet sind, dass die Fokalkreise der beiden Gitter deckungsgleich sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass nur ein Eintrittsspalt (6) existiert, durch den das erste Gitter (1) beleuchtet wird, und dessen Bildort in nullter Beugungsordnung in Verbindung mit einem Umlenkspiegel (8) als virtueller Eintrittsspalt für das zweite Gitter (2) wirkt.

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060201738T2

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Gitterspektrometersystem und Verfahren zur Messwerterfassung

Номер: DE102005024271B4

Gitterspektrometersystem bestehend aus einer Lichtquelle (7) zur Beleuchtung der zu untersuchenden Probe (6), einem Beugungsgitter (1), abbildenden optischen Elementen (4), einem in der Bildebene angeordneten Detektor (9) und einer Steuer- und Regeleinheit (8), bei dem die Lichtquelle (7) aus mindestens zwei Einzellichtquellen (7.1, 7.2, 7.3) unterschiedlicher spektraler Charakteristik besteht, deren Spektralbereich mehrere Beugungsordnungen in der Bildebene überstreicht, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Steuer- und Regeleinheit (8) gleichzeitig nur die Einzellichtquellen (7.1, 7.2, 7.3) einzeln oder in Gruppen einschaltet, die in irgend einer Beugungsordnung nicht dieselbe Stelle des in der Bildebene angeordneten Detektors (9) beleuchten.

22-09-2016 дата публикации

Laser-Scanning-Mikroskop mit spektral auflösender Strahlungsdetektion und zugehöriges Verfahren

Номер: DE102006006277B4

Laser-Scanning-Mikroskop mit einer Detektoreinrichtung (1) zur spektral auflösenden Strahlungsdetektion, wobei die Detektoreinrichtung (1) ein dispersives Element (3), auf das ein Strahl (2) der zu detektierenden Strahlung fällt und das diesen Strahl spektral zu einem Fächer (4) auffächert, und mindestens zwei Detektorzeilen (5) aufweist, auf die die spektral aufgefächerte Strahlung geleitet ist und deren Empfindlichkeit jeweils nur einheitlich einstellbar ist, wobei die mindestens zwei Detektorzeilen (5.1, 5.2) dem gemeinsamen dispersiven Element (3) nachgeordnet sind und so in dem von diesem erzeugten Fächer liegen, dass sie mit spektral aufgefächerter Strahlung (4) unterschiedlicher spektraler Zusammensetzung bestrahlt sind, wobei bei der Empfindlichkeitseinstellung jeder Detektorzeile (5.1, 5.2) die jeweilige spektrale Zusammensetzung der Strahlung im Fächer (4) und die jeweilige spektrale Grund-Empfindlichkeit der Detektorzeile (5.1, 5.2) berücksichtigt ist.

16-09-2010 дата публикации

Mikroskop, insbesondere Laser Scanning Mikroskop

Номер: DE102009012874A1

Mikroskop, insbesondere Laser Scannung Mikroskop, zur optischen Erfassung von in einer Probe angeregter Lichtstrahlung, mit einem Detektionsstrahlengang zur Detektion von Spektralanteilen der Lichtstrahlung in mehreren Detektionskanälen, wobei die Lichtstrahlung auf einen variablen Lang- oder Kurzpassfilter gelangt, von dem reflektierte und/oder transmittierte Anteile mit einem Parallelversatz rückgespiegelt werden und diese nach mindestens einer solchen Rückreflektion auf einen Detektor gelangen.

06-02-2008 дата публикации

Optical imaging device

Номер: GB0002416043B

04-11-1964 дата публикации

Spectroscopic apparatus

Номер: GB0000974114A

... 974,114. Spectroscopic apparatus. BAIRDATOMIC Inc. Aug. 11, 1961 [Oct. 20, 1960], No. 29168/61. Heading G1A. [Also in Divisions G2 and G3] By means of a semi-transparent semireflecting plate 16, Fig. 1, radiation from an arc 10 and a lamp 30 is directed through a first slit 18 and a rotatable deflecting plate 20 on to a concave diffraction grating 22. The spectrum of the arc formed thereby is directed to slits 24 so that radiation forming preselected spectral lines passes through the slits to photomultipliers 26, the relative intensities being registered by integrating and indicating circuits 28. A spectral line of the radiation from the lamp 30 is similarly directed to a second slit 34, which is disposed obliquely to the first slit 18, so that the balance of radiation passing therethrough to a pair of photomultipliers 36 and 38 is dependent on the image 44, Fig. 2, of the first slit relative to the second 34. The outputs of these two photomultipliers 36, 38, controls a servomotor 40 and ...

23-03-2016 дата публикации

Optical computing device having a redundant light source and optical train

Номер: GB0002530428A

An optical computing device having a redundant light source and/or a plurality of optical elements (i.e., optical train) in order to simultaneously determine characteristics of a sample in real-time by deriving the characteristic data from the output of the optical elements.

20-06-2018 дата публикации

Analyte Detection apparatus and method of detecting an analyte

Номер: GB0002557311A
Автор: STEFAN BANKE, Stefan Banke

An analyte detection apparatus comprises a radiation source (8, fig 2) for irradiating a sample such as the skin (11, fig 2); and a receiver 10, to receive an optical Raman spectrum of radiation transmitted back from the sample (11, fig 2) in response to the received radiation from the source (8, fig 2). The receiver 10 comprises a plurality of different types of analysis device 181-4 each arranged to receive a selected part of the received optical spectrum transmitted back from the sample (11, fig 2). There may be filtration elements 141-4 to split the energy in dependence on frequency or wavelength and direct selected parts of the spectrum 161-4 to the desired analysis device 18, such that more data may be derived from the most important parts of the spectrum. The analysis devices 18 may include CCD-based and CMOS-based spectrometers, and may have different levels of resolution or signal-to-noise ratio. The apparatus may be used to determine the concentration of an analyte in the blood ...

31-12-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001582160A

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000452330T

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000418067T

15-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000068266T

15-02-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000118090T

15-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000166151T

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000309525T

18-08-1998 дата публикации

Film measurement system with improved calibration

Номер: AU0006317998A

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Reference switch architectures for noncontact sensing of substances

Номер: AU2020204606A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

This relates to systems and methods for measuring a concentration and type of substance in a sample at a sampling interface. The systems can include a light source, optics, one or more modulators, a reference, a detector, and a controller. The systems and methods disclosed can be capable of accounting for drift originating from the light source, one or more optics, and the detector by sharing one or more components between different measurement light paths. Additionally, the systems can be capable of differentiating between different types of drift and eliminating erroneous measurements due to stray light with the placement of one or more modulators between the light source and the sample or reference. Furthermore, the systems can be capable of detecting the substance along various locations and depths within the sample by mapping a detector pixel and a microoptics to the location and depth in the sample.

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Alignment assembly and method for multi-spectral optical systems

Номер: AU2018353833A1

Aspects are generally directed to an alignment assembly and method for aligning a multispectral optical system. The alignment assembly includes an illumination source (110) configured to emit illumination in a first spectral band, and a first plate (105) having a plurality of apertures formed in a reflective surface thereof. The reflective surface of the first plate is disposed to reflect the illumination emitted by the illumination source. The alignment assembly also includes a second plate (115) positioned proximate to the first plate and spaced apart from the first plate to define a gap (121) between the first plate and the second plate, the first plate being interposed between the second plate and the illumination source, and a heating element (120) coupled to the second plate and configured to heat the second plate to emit thermal infrared radiation, from the second plate, in a second spectral band.

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Methods for optically determining a characteristic of a substance

Номер: AU2013252816A1

Optical computing devices are disclosed. One exemplary optical computing device (300) includes an electromagnetic radiation source (308) configured to optically interact with a sample (306) and at least two integrated computational elements (302, 304). The at least two integrated computational elements are configured to produce optically interacted light (314) and further configured to be associated with a characteristic of the sample. The optical computing device further includes a first detector (316) arranged to receive the optically interacted light from the at least two integrated computational elements and thereby generate a first signal corresponding to the characteristic of the sample.

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Systems and methods for monitoring the quality of a fluid

Номер: AU2013315824A1

Systems and methods for monitoring a fluid having one or more adulterants therein. One method of monitoring the fluid includes containing the fluid within a flow path, the fluid including at least one adulterant present therein, optically interacting at least one integrated computational element with the fluid, thereby generating optically interacted light, receiving with at least one detector the optically interacted light, and generating with the at least one detector an output signal corresponding to a characteristic of the at least one adulterant in the fluid.

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Optical filtering device for detecting gas

Номер: AU2015359174A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

The invention relates to an optical filtering device (10), in particular for detecting gas remotely, comprising a member (22, 24, 26) including a tubular passage housing a plurality of reflecting structures (34a, 34b, 34c, 34d) that are able to reflect infrared wavelengths, said structures (34a, 34b, 34c, 34d) being elongate along the axis of the tubular passage and placed about this axis. According to the invention, the reflective structures (34a, 34b, 34c, 34d) comprise means for filtering by absorption different wavelength bands located in the infrared spectral band.

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Devices for optically determining a characteristic of a substance

Номер: AU2013252855A1

Optical computing devices are disclosed. One exemplary optical computing device (300) includes an electromagnetic radiation source (308) configured to optically interact with a sample (306) and at least two integrated computational elements (302, 304). The at least two integrated computational elements are configured to produce optically interacted light (314), and at least one of the at least two integrated computational elements is configured to be disassociated with a characteristic of the sample. The optical computing device further includes a first detector (316) arranged to receive the optically interacted light (314) from the at least two integrated computational elements and thereby generate a first signal corresponding to the characteristic of the sample.

14-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002387623C

A sensor system for viewing the light energy of a scene has an imaging detector which converts incident light energy into an electrical signal. Two colors are separately imaged by the detector in two imaging regions. The imaging system for each color includes a color filter positioned between the scene and the respective region of the detector, an optical train that forcuses filtered color scene energy, and an optical fiber bundle having an input end that receives the respective color scene energy from the optical train and an output end that directs the color scene energy onto the respective region of the detector using a nonlinear mapping. The optical fiber bundle is formed of a plurality of optical fibers wherein each of the optical fibers has an input shape and size at its input end and an output shape and size at its output end. The output shape and size are different from the input shape and size. The sensor system further includes an electronic device operable to read the electrical ...

23-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002756045A1

A system for performing high-speed, high-resolution imaging cytometry utilizes a line-scan sensor. A cell to be characterized is transported past a scan region. An optical system focuses an image of a portion of the scan region onto at least one linear light sensor, and repeated readings of light falling on the sensor are taken while a cell is transported though the scan region. The system may image cells directly, or may excite fluorescence in the cells and image the resulting light emitted from the cell by fluorescence. The system may provide a narrow band of illumination at the scan region. The system may include various filters and imaging optics that enable simultaneous multicolor fluorescence imaging cytometry. Multiple linear sensors may be provided, and images gathered by the individual sensors may be combined to construct an image having improved signal-to-noise characteristics.

04-02-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001295157C

A wavelength discriminator designed to collect broadband, multiple wavelength input energy, to isolate specific narrow bands of interest, and to image such narrow bands of interest upon closely spaced, separate detectors. This discriminator comprises optical devices (22, 18) for directing incoming radiant energy of a certain quality and involving a wide range of wavelengths through first (26a) and second (26b) wavelength selective reflectors separated by a medium that transmits the wavelengths of interest. The wavelength selective reflectors in accordance with this invention are in a non-parallel configuration and disposed in a double pass geometrical arrangement wherein energy of a certain wavelength reflected from the second wavelength 9 elective reflector (26b) passes back through the first wavelength selective reflector (26a), with the energy from the first and second wavelength reflectors thereafter being directed onto respective detectors (32a and 32b). An embodiment involving a third ...

15-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002616439A1

Methods and systems for monitoring a plurality of different optical signals from a single source of such signals, where each such different optical signal is spatially separated from other such signals and directed to different detectors or locations upon a single detector, which direction is generally accomplished through the use of a small number of optical components and/or manipulations.

19-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002354267A1

... ▓▓▓An optical branching filter by which signals and noises of respective channels ▓of wavelength-multiplexed lights are clearly separated from each other. The ▓optical branching filter has a photodetector array comprising photodetectors ▓receiving branched lights which are separated from a wavelength-multiplexed ▓light in accordance with respective wavelengths and arranged linearly. The ▓photodetector array has a plurality of photodetectors for signal monitoring ▓and a plurality of photodetectors for noise monitoring. The signal monitoring ▓photodetectors and the noise monitoring photodetectors are alternately ▓arranged linearly in the direction of the arrangement of the branched lights.▓ ...

27-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002432447A1

Optical systems that provide for simultaneous images and spectra from an object, such as a tissue sample, an industrial object such as a computer chip, or any other object that can be viewed with an optical system such as a microscope, endoscope, telescope or camera. In some embodiments, the systems provide multiple images corresponding to various desired wavelength ranges within an original image of the object, as well as, if desired, directional pointer(s) that can provide both an identification of the precise location from which a spectrum is being obtained, as well as enhancing the ability to point the device.

20-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002402669A1

This disclosure is of 1) the utilization of the spectrum from 250 nm to 1150 nm for measurement or prediction of one or more parameters, e.g., brix, firmness, acidity, density, pH, color and external and internal defects and disorders including, for example, surface and subsurface bruises, scarring, sun scald, punctures, in N-H, C-H and O-H samples including fruit; 2) an apparatus and method of detecting emitted light from samples exposed to the above spectrum in at least one spectrum range and, in the preferred embodiment, in at least two spectrum ranges of 250 to 499 nm and 500 nm to 1150 nm; 3) the use of the chlorophyl band, peaking at 680 nm, in combination with the spectrum from 700 nm and above to predict one or more of the above parameters; 4) the use of the visible pigment region, including xanthophyll, from approximately 250 nm to 499 nm and anthocyanin from approximately 500 to 550 nm, in combination with the chlorophyl band and the spectrum from 700 nm and above to predict the ...

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003022084A1

A detector system (100) comprising a plurality of light guides (11a, 11b, 11c, 11d) is provided. Each light guide (11a, 11b, 11c, 11d) is guiding incoming light from a respective object in use, wherein the incoming light is provided by means of an illuminating means (10). The detector system (100) comprises diffracting means (12) for diffracting the incoming light in different wavelength ranges, at least one focuser (13) for projecting the incoming light exiting the light guides onto the diffracting means, a detector (14) having a detector area for receiving the diffracted light from the plurality of Sight guides, and a control unit (15). These are arranged to pulsate incoming light via only one light guide at a time based on a pulse timing parameter, and record a spectrum of light diffracted from each light guide and detected by the detector (14) based on the pulse timing parameter.

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003059260A1

Selon un aspect, la présente description concerne un dispositif (20) d'imagerie multispectrale dans l'infrarouge adapté pour la détection à au moins une première et une deuxième longueur d'onde de détection. Il comprend une matrice de détection (23) comprenant un ensemble de détecteurs élémentaires (23i) de dimensions prédéterminées formant un champ image de dimensions données; et une optique (22) de formation d'image présentant un nombre d'ouverture (N) et une distance focale (F) donnés, adaptées pour la formation en tout point du champ image d'une tache élémentaire de focalisation recouvrant un ensemble d'au moins deux détecteurs élémentaires juxtaposés. Le dispositif comprend en outre une matrice (24) de filtres élémentaires à résonance de mode guidé métallo- diélectriques, agencée devant la matrice de détection (23) à une distance inférieure à une profondeur de foyer de l'optique (22), les dimensions des filtres élémentaires étant adaptées de telle sorte que chaque tache élémentaire ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003088289A1
Принадлежит: MACRAE & CO.

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002996476A1

A sequencing instrument optical system having a combined light source with multiple collinear excitation beams having different respective excitation wavelengths, a sequencing surface having DNA templates and nucleobase labels configured to emit a respective emission light at a different respective emission wavelength upon excitation by one or more of the excitation beams, a color camera configured to detect the emission light of each of the nucleobase labels, a first optical pathway configured to direct the collinear excitation beams from the combined light source to the sequencing surface, and a second optical pathway configured to direct the emission light from the sequencing surface to the color camera.

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003026633A1

... [Problem] To automatically retrieve detection algorithm information for acquiring necessary spectrum data in discriminating a target event from a subject. [Solution] In retrieving necessary detection algorithm information in discriminating a target event from an imaged subject 10, input of information relating to the target event of the subject to be newly discriminated is received, reference is made to a first degree of linkage, of at least three stages, between detection algorithm information and each target event of the subject stored in an algorithm database 3; and at least one detection algorithm information item is retrieved on the basis of the information relating to the input target event.

25-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002649772A1

The invention relates to a spectral filter (100) comprising at least one metal layer (101) structured by a grating of traversing slots (102a to 102e, 103a to 103h). The grating consists of at least two subgratings of traversing slots (102a to 102e, 103a to 103h) intercepting one another perpendicularly.

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002943502A1

Provided are methods and systems for concurrent imaging at multiple wavelengths. In one aspect, a hyperspectral/multispectral imaging device includes a lens configured to receive light backscattered by an object, a plurality of photo-sensors, a plurality of bandpass filters covering respective photo-sensors, where each bandpass filter is configured to allow a different respective spectral band to pass through the filter, and a plurality of beam splitters in optical communication with the lens and the photo-sensors, where each beam splitter splits the light received by the lens into a plurality of optical paths, each path configured to direct light to a corresponding photo-sensor through the bandpass filter corresponding to the respective photo-sensor.

22-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002721662A1

Apparatus for detecting airfield light emitters, the apparatus including a plurality of light detection cameras, each detecting at least one respective waveband of electromagnetic radiation within the electromagnetic spectrum, each of the light detection cameras producing a plurality of respective spectral images, and a processor coupled with the light detection cameras, thereby generating a multispectral image of the airfield light emitters from the spectral images, the multispectral image including a multi dimensional set of spectral values, wherein the processor further determines which combination the multi dimensional set of spectral values corresponds with a plurality of distinct light emission characteristics of the airfield light emitters by identifying a particular spectral signature corresponding to the multi dimensional set of spectral values, wherein the processor produces an enhanced image from those spectral values of the multi dimensional set of spectral values which correspond ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002888174A1

A hyperspectral imaging device comprising a photo-sensor array including a plurality of photo-sensors, each providing a respective output, is provided. The device comprises a spectral filter array having a plurality of filter elements, each filter element arranged to filter light received by a respective one or more of the photo-sensors. Each filter element is one of a plurality of filter-types. Each filter-type characterized by a unique spectral pass-band. The device comprises an interface module to select a plurality of subsets of photo-sensor outputs. Each such subset is associated with a single respective filter-type. The device comprises a control module that generates a hyperspectral data cube from the subsets of photo-sensor outputs by generating a plurality of images. Each such image is produced from a single corresponding subset of photo-sensor outputs in the plurality of photo-sensor outputs and so is associated with a corresponding filter-type in the plurality of filter-types ...

30-04-1964 дата публикации

Appareil pour l'analyse chimique d'une matière par voie spectrale

Номер: CH0000377120A

15-04-1973 дата публикации

Colorimètre pour mesurer les caractéristiques de couleur d'un objet

Номер: CH0000535949A
Принадлежит: COATS LTD J & P, J. & P. COATS LIMITED

15-01-1963 дата публикации

Appareil pour l'analyse chimique d'une matière par voie spectrale

Номер: CH0000366680A

31-08-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000604144A5

15-12-2010 дата публикации

Optical sensors for burn control.

Номер: CH0000701198A2

Bestimmte Ausführungsformen der Erfindung können Systeme und Verfahren zur Bereitstellung optischer Sensoren zur Verbrennungssteuerung beinhalten. Gemäss einer beispielhaften Ausführungsform der Erfindung ist ein Verfahren zum Steuern von Verbrennungsparametern, die mit einem Gasturbinenbrenner (102) in Verbindung stehen, geschaffen. Das Verfahren kann eine Bereitstellung wenigstens eines an einen Flammenbereich (106) in dem Brenner (102) angrenzenden optischen Pfades, eine Detektion wenigstens eines Teils der Lichtemission aus dem Flammenbereich (106) in dem wenigstens einen optischen Pfad und eine Steuerung von wenigstens einem der Verbrennungsparameter, basierend zum Teil auf der detektierten Lichtemission, beinhalten.

14-12-2018 дата публикации

Spectrometer and spectrometer manufacturing method.

Номер: CH0000712951B1

Ein Spektrometer (1) weist einen Träger (10) mit einem Bodenwandteil (12), in dem eine Vertiefung (14) mit einer konkav gekrümmten inneren Oberfläche (14a) vorgesehen ist, und einem Seitenwandteil (13), der an einer Seite angeordnet ist, an der die Vertiefung in Bezug auf den Bodenwandteil offen ist, ein Lichterfassungselement (30), das durch den Seitenwandteil gestützt ist, während es der Vertiefung gegenüberliegt, und einen dispersiven Teil (52), der in der Harzschicht (40) an der inneren Oberfläche der Vertiefung vorgesehen ist, auf. Die Harzschicht ist in Kontakt mit einer inneren Oberfläche des Seitenwandteils. Eine Dicke der Harzschicht (40) in einer ersten Richtung, in der die Vertiefung und das Lichterfassungselement einander gegenüberliegen, ist in einem Teil in Kontakt mit der inneren Oberfläche des Seitenwandteils grösser als in einem Teil, der auf der inneren Oberfläche der Vertiefung angeordnet ist.

15-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000714565B1

Ein Spektrometer (1) weist einen Träger (10) mit einem Bodenwandteil (12) und einem Seitenwandteil (13) auf, das an einer Seite des Bodenwandteils angeordnet ist; einen dispersiven Teil (52), der an der einen Seite des Bodenwandteils angeordnet ist; ein Lichterfassungselement (30), das in einem ersten aufgeweiteten Teil (13a) angeordnet ist, in dem ein Raum innerhalb des Trägers an einer gegenüberliegenden Seite von dem Bodenwandteil in dem Seitenwandteil aufgeweitet ist; eine Abdeckung (20), die in einem zweiten aufgeweiteten Teil (13b) angeordnet ist, in dem ein Raum innerhalb des ersten aufgeweiteten Teils an der gegenüberliegenden Seite von dem Bodenwandteil in dem Seitenwandteil aufgeweitet ist; und eine Verdrahtung (11), die elektrisch mit dem Lichterfassungselement verbunden ist, wobei sich die Verdrahtung durch den ersten aufgeweiteten Teil und den zweiten aufgeweiteten Teil zu einer äusseren Oberfläche des Trägers erstreckt, wobei eine Seitenfläche (13a 2 ) des ersten aufgeweiteten ...

30-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000714565B8

Ein Spektrometer (1) weist einen Träger (10) mit einem Bodenwandteil (12) und einem Seitenwandteil (13) auf, das an einer Seite des Bodenwandteils angeordnet ist; einen dispersiven Teil (52), der an der einen Seite des Bodenwandteils angeordnet ist; ein Lichterfassungselement (30), das in einem ersten aufgeweiteten Teil (13a) angeordnet ist, in dem ein Raum innerhalb des Trägers an einer gegenüberliegenden Seite von dem Bodenwandteil in dem Seitenwandteil aufgeweitet ist; eine Abdeckung (20), die in einem zweiten aufgeweiteten Teil (13b) angeordnet ist, in dem ein Raum innerhalb des ersten aufgeweiteten Teils an der gegenüberliegenden Seite von dem Bodenwandteil in dem Seitenwandteil aufgeweitet ist; und eine Verdrahtung (11), die elektrisch mit dem Lichterfassungselement verbunden ist, wobei sich die Verdrahtung durch den ersten aufgeweiteten Teil und den zweiten aufgeweiteten Teil zu einer äusseren Oberfläche des Trägers erstreckt, wobei eine Seitenfläche (13a 2 ) des ersten aufgeweiteten ...

15-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000712906B1

Ein Spektrometer (1) weist erfindungsgemäss einen Träger (10) mit einem Bodenwandteil (12), in dem eine Vertiefung (14) mit einer konkav gekrümmten inneren Oberfläche (14a) und ein an die Vertiefung angrenzender peripherer Teil (16) vorgesehen sind, und einem Seitenwandteil (13), der an einer Seite angeordnet ist, an der die Vertiefung (14) in Bezug auf den Bodenwandteil (12) offen ist, ein Lichterfassungselement (30), das durch den Seitenwandteil (13) gestützt ist, während es der Vertiefung (14) gegenüberliegt, und einen dispersiven Teil (52), der an der inneren Oberfläche (14a) der Vertiefung (14), angeordnet ist, auf. Eine Länge der Vertiefung (14) in einer zweiten Richtung, in der eine Vielzahl von Gitternuten (52a), die in dem dispersiven Teil (52) enthalten sind, ausgerichtet ist, ist grösser als eine Länge der Vertiefung in einer dritten Richtung orthogonal zu der zweiten Richtung, wenn in einer ersten Richtung betrachtet, in der die Vertiefung (14) und das Lichterfassungselement ...

30-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000712906B8

Ein Spektrometer (1) weist erfindungsgemäss einen Träger (10) mit einem Bodenwandteil (12), in dem eine Vertiefung (14) mit einer konkav gekrümmten inneren Oberfläche (14a) und ein an die Vertiefung angrenzender peripherer Teil (16) vorgesehen sind, und einem Seitenwandteil (13), der an einer Seite angeordnet ist, an der die Vertiefung (14) in Bezug auf den Bodenwandteil (12) offen ist, ein Lichterfassungselement (30), das durch den Seitenwandteil (13) gestützt ist, während es der Vertiefung (14) gegenüberliegt, und einen dispersiven Teil (52), der an der inneren Oberfläche (14a) der Vertiefung (14), angeordnet ist, auf. Eine Länge der Vertiefung (14) in einer zweiten Richtung, in der eine Vielzahl von Gitternuten (52a), die in dem dispersiven Teil (52) enthalten sind, ausgerichtet ist, ist grösser als eine Länge der Vertiefung in einer dritten Richtung orthogonal zu der zweiten Richtung, wenn in einer ersten Richtung betrachtet, in der die Vertiefung (14) und das Lichterfassungselement ...

01-08-2007 дата публикации

Transmission based imaging for spectroscopic analysis

Номер: CN0101010573A

The present invention provides a spectroscopic system and a transmission based imaging system for a spectroscopic system as well as a probe head for a transmission based imaging system for a spectroscopic system and a corresponding transmission based imaging method. The spectroscopic system is preferably applicable to in vivo noninvasive blood analysis. Transmission based im tging makes use of a transmitted portion of an imaging or monitoring beam that has been transmitted through biological tissue. By means of transmission based imaging, a contrast decreasing impact of scattered radiation can be effectively reduced. Additionally, by arranging the imaging light source opposite to an objective lens of the spectroscopic system, unintended propagation of spectroscopic excitation radiation into free space can be effectively prevented.

28-08-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods for extended infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry

Номер: CN0108463877A

04-07-2012 дата публикации

Low stray light polychromator

Номер: CN102538962A
Автор: Pan Jiangen

The invention discloses a low stray light polychromator. The polychromator comprises an optical cavity, an incidence slit, a chromatic dispersion system and an array detector. The chromatic dispersion element of the chromatic dispersion system is a raster. The photosensitive surface of the array detector is crossed with a principal section of the raster in a tilted manner. According to the low stray light polychromator disclosed by the invention, the stray light generated by undesired reflection on the photosensitive surface of the array detector is reflected out of a desired optical path by changing the relative positions of the optical appliances in the polychromator. In addition, a small aperture slot with an extinction function is installed on a plane for reflecting the light spot projection on the inner wall of the optical cavity so as to greatly reduce the stray light.

28-09-2016 дата публикации

The optical field imaging system, and method of adjusting all-optical imaging system

Номер: CN0103913807B

24-03-1962 дата публикации


Номер: FR0001288234A

20-08-1952 дата публикации

Device of measurement of radiant intensities by photocells, adaptable to the spectographic apparatuses

Номер: FR0001014660A

09-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002821670B1

06-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002519427B1

09-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002479982A


19-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003056742B1

20-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002956204B1

12-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002956204A1

La présente invention concerne un spectrographe à réseaux de diffraction comprenant une fente d'entrée (3), apte à transmettre un faisceau lumineux d'entrée comprenant une pluralité de longueurs d'onde, un détecteur matriciel (4) comprenant au moins N lignes de photodétecteurs, avec N supérieur ou égal à deux, et une pluralité de N réseaux de diffraction lesdits réseaux étant des réseaux de diffraction concaves en réflexion. Selon l'invention, les réseaux de diffraction (1a, 1b) sont placés et orientés de manière à ce que chaque réseau (1a, 1b) reçoive une partie du faisceau lumineux transmis par la fente d'entrée (3), diffracte angulairement ladite partie du faisceau d'entrée en fonction de la longueur d'onde sur un domaine spectral ([λa1,... λaM], [λb1,... λbM] ...) et forme un spectre sur le détecteur matriciel ledit spectre s'étendant suivant une ligne distincte de photodétecteurs respectivement pour chaque réseau de diffraction (1a, 1b).

06-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002821670A1

L'invention concerne un spectromètre (1) comportant un élément dispersif d'un faisceau lumineux formé d'un ensemble de composants spectraux, l'élément dispersif produisant une dispersion spatiale des composants spectraux sous forme d'un spectre de dispersion (6) spatialement étalé, au moins un détecteur photonique (5, 52) comportant au moins un élément de détection (51) étant disposé en un point de ladite dispersion. Selon l'invention, un dispositif électromicromécanique (3) optique matriciel est disposé entre l'élément dispersif et le détecteur dans le spectre de dispersion, ledit dispositif électromicromécanique étant formé d'une matrice d'éléments optiques, chacun des éléments optiques pouvant renvoyer une partie du spectre de dispersion selon au moins deux directions en fonction d'un signal de commande, afin de permettre la sélection d'un sous ensemble du spectre pour ledit élément de détection. Un procédé et une application du spectromètre sont revendiqués.

27-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002953017A1

L'invention concerne un spectromètre optique à réseau de diffraction concave comprenant une fente d'entrée (3) apte à recevoir et à former un faisceau incident (5) comprenant au moins une longueur d'onde λ, un réseau de diffraction concave (1) apte à recevoir le faisceau incident (5) sous un angle d'incidence α et à diffracter ledit faisceau pour former un faisceau diffracté formant un angle ß(λ) avec la normale au réseau (1), au moins un miroir concave (8, 8a, 8b, 8c) formé d'une portion de cylindre de section circulaire de rayon rcyl, ledit miroir (8, 8a, 8b, 8c) étant apte à recevoir le faisceau diffracté (6, 6a, 6b, 6c) dans la direction ß(λ) et à le focaliser sur au moins une fente de sortie (4, 4a, 4b, 4c), et au moins un photodétecteur (9, 9a, 9b, 9c) couplé optiquement à une fente de sortie (4, 4a, 4b, 4c) pour mesurer le faisceau diffracté et focalisé par un miroir cylindrique(8, 8a, 8b, 8c). Selon l'invention, ledit miroir (8, 8a, 8b, 8c) est situé sur une courbe de folium à une ...

23-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003058263B1

11-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002953017B1

04-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003058263A1

Le dispositif de détection multispectrale comporte des premier et deuxième photodétecteurs (1a, 1b) sensibles à deux longueurs d'onde différentes. Les deux photodétecteurs sont connectés à deux condensateurs d'intégration de deux circuits de lecture différents. Deux circuits de remise à zéro (5a, 5b) sont configurés de manière à initialiser séparément les deux condensateurs d'intégration (3a, 3b). Un premier circuit de synchronisation (7a) est connecté au premier circuit de lecture (2a) et aux générateurs de signal de synchronisation et de signal d'horloge (8, 9). Le premier circuit de synchronisation (7a) est configuré de manière à ○ définir la trame par détection d'un front montant du signal de synchronisation (SYNC), ○ compter le nombre d'occurrences d'un front descendant du signal d'horloge (CLK), ○ initier ou arrêter une phase d'acquisition de donnée lorsque le nombre d'occurrences de fronts descendant est égal à une valeur seuil enregistrée dans un registre (10) du premier circuit ...

07-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002805892A1

L'invention se rapporte à un dispositif de mesure optique, notamment pour la surveillance de la qualité dans des processus continus. Ce dispositif comprend une tête de mesure (1) disposée directement à côté d'un objet de mesure (M), une source de lumière de mesure (3) retenue à la tête de mesure (1) pour éclairer une tache (F) à l'objet de mesure (M), un dispositif de réception de lumière de mesure (6), au moins un spectromètre qui est couplé optiquement par un dispositif de guidage de lumière (7) au dispositif de réception de lumière de mesure (6), où le spectromètre et le dispositif de guidage de lumière (7) sont reçus dans la tête de mesure (1) ainsi qu'un dispositif de traitement de signaux (12) qui est également reçu dans la tête de mesure (1). L'invention est applicable notamment dans le domaine des dispositifs de mesure optique.

30-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003056742A1

L'invention concerne un procédé d'amélioration des capacités de détection d'un système d'imagerie multispectrale 10 intégrant un système d'imagerie bi-télécentrique comprenant successivement : - une première lentille 1, - une pupille 3 située dans le plan focal arrière de ladite première lentille 1, - une seconde lentille 4 dont la distance focale coïncide avec la position de ladite pupille, - une matrice de microlentilles 9, - une matrice de filtres spectraux associée à ladite matrice de microlentilles 9, - et un détecteur sensible au rayonnement à détecter et situé dans le plan focal arrière de ladite matrice de microlentilles 9. Ce procédé est remarquable en ce qu'il comprend une étape de calibration du système d'imagerie multispectrale dans laquelle est utilisée une cible de calibration placée au niveau de la susdite pupille 3, et une étape d'implémentation d'une gigue contrôlée d'au moins un des composants dudit système d'imagerie multispectrale 10, afin d'effectuer une détection synchronisée ...

28-06-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0101994508B1

26-11-2020 дата публикации

Optical configuration method for spectral-scattered oil-cell analysis

Номер: KR0102182575B1

03-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020070001051A

A spectroscopy system (500) is provided which operates in the vacuum ultra-violet spectrum. More particularly, a system utilizing reflectometry techniques in the vacuum ultraviolet spectrum is provided for use in metrology applications. To ensure accurate and repeatable measurement, the environment of the optical paths (506, 508) is controlled to limit absorption effects of gases that may be present in the optical path. To account for absorption effects that may still occur, the length of the optical path is minimized. To further account for absorption effects, the reflectance data may be referenced to a relative standard. © KIPO & WIPO 2007 ...

28-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AR0000091336A1

Se revelan dispositivos informáticos ópticos. Un dispositivo informático óptico ejemplar incluye una fuente de radiación electromagnética configurada para interactuar ópticamente con una muestra y por lo menos dos elementos informáticos integrados. Por lo menos los dos elementos informáticos integrados se pueden configurar para producir luz de interacción óptica, y por lo menos uno de por lo menos los dos elementos informáticos integrados se puede configurar para ser disociados con una característica de la muestra. El dispositivo informático óptico además incluye un primer detector dispuesto para recibir la luz de interacción óptica de por lo menos dos elementos informáticos integrados y así generar una primera señal que corresponde a la característica de la muestra.

21-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010118748A1

The invention relates to a sensor having a filter arrangement, downstream of which there is arranged a detector arrangement, and an evaluating device which is connected to the detector arrangement, the filter arrangement has at least a first filter, the suspect filter, which is configured as a band pass filter allowing the passage of a first predetermined band, the suspect band (58), at least one second filter, the reference filter(s), which is configured as a band pass filter allowing the passage of a second predetermined band(s), the reference band(s) (RBl and RB2), and where the detector arrangement has at least one detector associated with at least one of the filters. The band passes reference filters are distributed above and below the band pass of the suspect filter. The sensor with advantage could be utilized within the IR band, and could advantageously be used to detect CO.

06-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2008026138A2

An optical detector for spectroscopic analysis of a substance within a given spectrum has a first resolution at a first part of the spectrum (101,102) and a second resolution, different from the first resolution, at a second part of the spectrum, different from the first part of the spectrum. High resolution may be used at the important parts of the spectrum only, which thus results in less overall resolution. The detector may be used in a non-invasive glucose detection system having non-equally distributed spectral resolution.

17-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009151700A1

A tunable infrared detector is provided that includes a substrate, a bottom wavelength detector formed over the substrate, a top wavelength detector formed over the first wavelength detector layer, and an interferometer filter formed over the top wavelength detector layer and the bottom wavelength detector layer. The interferometer filter is operatively configured to pass a first wavelength associated with a first portion of a predetermined band and a second wavelength associated with a second portion of the predetermined band to the top wavelength detector. The top wavelength detector is operatively configured to detect each wavelength associated with the first portion of the predetermined band and to transmit each wavelength associated with the second portion of the predetermined band to the bottom wavelength detector. The bottom wavelength detector is operatively configured to detect each wavelength associated with the second portion of the predetermined band.

16-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007091368A1
Автор: OHTA, Naoya

An image pick-up apparatus is provided with an image pick-up element (18A) for receiving light from an object through respective band-pass filters with different spectral transmission characteristics to pick up an image of the object and output first image data, and an image pick-up element (18B) provided at a symmetrical position of the image pick-up element (18A) with respect to the band-pass filters for receiving reflective light from the band-pass filters to pick up the image of the object in synchronization with an image pick-up timing of the image pick-up element (18A) and outputting second image data. By using a plurality of the second image data acquired in correspondence to a plurality of the band-pass filters and coefficients corresponding to desired bands, the plurality of the second image date are converted to image data corresponding to desired bands and the first image data corresponding to desired bands and image data converted from the plurality of the second image data ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013093035A1

The invention provides a high resolution, wide dynamic range, multi-colour detection platform for microfluidic analysers/instruments and methods. The detection platform uses multiple high gain semiconductor optical sensors for the detection of luminescence from cellular or biological samples. The digitized outputs from these sensors are combined and weighted in a signal processing unit, using pre-determined algorithms for each colour, which optimise the resolution in each of these high gain semiconductor optical sensors while extending the dynamic range of the detection platform.

02-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007085932A1

A downhole fluid analysis system comprises an input light signal that is directed through a fluid sample housed in a sample cell (202) . The input light signal may originate from a plurality of light sources (200) . A light signal output from the sample cell is then routed (206) to two or more spectrometers (214, 216) for measurement of the represented wavelengths in the output light signal. The output of the spectrometers is then compared to known values for hydrocarbons typically encountered downhole. This provides insight into the composition of the sample fluid. Additionally, the input light can be routed directly (210) to the two or more spectrometers to be used in calibration of the system in the high temperature and noise environment downhole.

29-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011162636A1

Изобретение относится к фотоэлектронной технике, а именно к технологии регистрации светового сигнала, а также к способам сканирования объектов с использованием данной технологии и может быть использовано, в частности, в различных устройствах для сканирования объектов. Способ регистрации светового сигнала включает разложение светового потока на составляющие спектра, формирование из него когерентного поляризованного светового потока и направление полученного потока на поверхность датчика в виде ПЗС матрицы. Матрица имеет по меньшей мере два слоя фоточувствительных элементов. При этом фотоны светового потока поглощаются фоточувствительными элементами первого относительно их движения слоя матрицы и/или по меньшей мере одного из последующих ее слоев при пробое фотонами предыдущих слоев. При поглощении фотонов фоточувствительные элементы слоев накапливают электрические заряды. При этом разложенный световой поток распределяют по поверхности матрицы с образованием по меньшей мере двух областей, ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013172230A1

A spectral sensor (1A) is provided with an interference filter section (20A), a light detection board (30A) and a separator (15). The interference filter section (20A) comprises a cavity layer (21) and first and second mirror layers (22, 23) facing each other through the cavity layer (21), and in accordance with an input position, selectively lets light of a specified wavelength range penetrate from the first mirror layer (22) side to the second mirror layer (23) side. The light detection board: (30A) comprises a light receiving surface (32a) to which the light that has penetrated the interference filter section (20A) is input; and detects the light input to the light receiving surface (32a). The separator (15) extends from the cavity layer (21) to the first and/or second mirror layer (22, 23), and optically separates the interference filter section (20A) when viewed from a specified direction that intersects the light receiving surface (32a).

17-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002006086382A3

A multi-spectral aerosol particle measurement system (100) including a long wavelength (e g, UV light, 340 nm) emitter (102) and a short wavelength (e g, UV light, 280 nm) emitter (108), an emitter reflector (114) such as a dichroic filter, that is transparent to long wavelength radiation (104) and reflective to short wavelength radiation (110), a flowing fluid (116) that contains particles (118) that may intersect first direction (106) such that they are sequentially exposed, producing elastic and inelastic emission wavelengths, including fluorescence, a collimating lens (122), and a detector reflector (124) to reflect short wavelength radiation and pass fluorescent radiation through one of a plurality of filters (126a-d) placed in the optical path of a detector (128) The detector reflector (124) reflects light having a wavelength shorter than 300 nm, so elastic scatter is detected by the light scatter detector (190).

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for multispectral imaging

Номер: US20120085932A1
Автор: George Themelis
Принадлежит: Individual

A system ( 10 ) for multispectral imaging includes a first optical filter ( 24, 20 ) having at least two passbands disposed in different spatial positions on the first optical filter, a second optical filter ( 20, 24 ) having another at least two passbands, and processor ( 32 ) adapted to identify an intensity of light in the at least two passband of the second optical filter

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Spectrum measuring apparatus for mover

Номер: US20120123637A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

Disclosed is a mover spectrum measuring apparatus, which is able to discriminate an object being measured more reliably by relieving the influences of an environmental light on photographic data by a spectrum sensor mounted on a mover such as a vehicle. A spectrum sensor capable of measuring wavelength information and optical intensity information is mounted on a vehicle, so that an object being measured around the vehicle is discriminated on the basis of the spectrum data relating to the observation light detected by the spectrum sensor. The mover spectrum measuring apparatus comprises an illumination device for making variable the featuring quantity of at least either the wavelength range of the observation light or the optical intensity of each wavelength, and controls the featuring quantity varying mode by the illumination device through an illumination controller on the basis of the control value according to an environmental element.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Multi-path spectrometer

Номер: US20120176615A1
Принадлежит: Wasatch Photonics Inc

A spectrometer in accordance with the present disclosure may provide multiple optical paths from the inputs to the camera, where the paths are as nearly identical as possible. For example, a spectrometer in accordance with the present disclosure may include multiple inputs, input optics, a diffraction grating, output optics, and a camera. The multiple inputs may be imaged onto different sections of the camera using the same input optics, the same diffraction grating, and the same output optics.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Design of Filter Modules for Aperture-coded, Multiplexed Imaging Systems

Номер: US20120226480A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A method for designing the spatial partition of a filter module used in an aperture-multiplexed imaging system. The filter module is spatially partitioned into filter cells, and the spatial partition is designed by considering data captured at the sensor in light of an application-specific performance metric.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Optical sensor and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20120236297A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

An optical sensor includes a light receiving element (for example a photodiode) and an angle limiting filter that limits the incidence angle of incidence light with respect to the light receiving area of the light receiving element. When a wavelength of the incidence light is denoted by λ, a height of the angle limiting filter is denoted by R, and a width of an opening of the angle limiting filter is denoted by d, “d 2 /λR≧2” is satisfied.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Multiband camera, and multiband image capturing method

Номер: US20130235256A1
Автор: Kenichi Kodama
Принадлежит: Nikon Corp

A multiband camera comprises: a band-pass filter having four or more optical filters; a microlens array having arrayed microlenses; a photoelectric conversion element including a plurality of pixels; and a measurement unit for measuring spectral intensity. The multiband camera satisfies the expression below, where Pl is a pitch between the microlenses, Ps is a pitch between the pixels, n is a number of pixels corresponding to one microlens, u is an effective dimension in a prescribed direction of the pixels, t is a dimension in the prescribed direction of a real image that the band-pass filter forms on a plurality of two-dimensionally arrayed pixels, Na is a number of microlenses arrayed in the prescribed direction, L is a distance from an exit pupil to the microlens, and f is a focal length of the microlens. [ Expression   14 ] ( 1 - f L )  n   Ps - 3  Ps - u - t Na ≤ Pl ≤ ( 1 - f L )  nPs + 3  Ps - u - t Na

26-09-2013 дата публикации

System, method and computer software product for detection of ground anomalies using dual-filter infrared imaging

Номер: US20130248715A1
Принадлежит: Lockheed Martin Corp

A system including a sensor to receive scattered light from a scene in a thermal infrared spectral region, a Modified Integrated Thermal (MIT) band filter to acquire MIT band data within a thermal detection bandwidth, a sub-band filter to acquire a first sub-band data within a first sub-band bandwidth which is within the thermal detection bandwidth. The sub-band filter is a Reference band filter to capture Reference band data or a Reststrahlen band filter to capture Reststrahlen band data. The system also includes one or more processors configured to perform differencing of the MIT band data and the first sub-band data to compute a second sub-band data. The computed second sub-band data is Reference band data when the sub-band filter is the Reststrahlen band filter or the computed second sub-band data is Reststrahlen band data when the sub-band filter is the Reference band filter. A method and a computer software product are also disclosed.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Sensor-synchronized spectrally-structured-light imaging

Номер: US20130308045A1
Принадлежит: Digimarc Corp

A smartphone is adapted for use as an imaging spectrometer, by synchronized pulsing of different LED light sources as different image frames are captured by the phone's CMOS image sensor. A particular implementation employs the CIE color matching functions, and/or their orthogonally transformed functions, to enable direct chromaticity capture. A great variety of other features and arrangements are also detailed.

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Systems And User Interface For Collecting A Data Set In A Flow Cytometer

Номер: US20220003658A1
Автор: Rich Collin A.

Systems in a flow cytometer having an interrogation zone and illumination impinging the interrogation zone include: a lens subsystem including a collimating element that collimates light from the interrogation zone, a light dispersion element that disperses collimated light into a light spectrum, and a focusing lens that focuses the light spectrum onto an array of adjacent detection points; a detector array, including semiconductor detector devices, that collectively detects a full spectral range of input light signals, in which each detector device detects a subset spectral range of the full spectral range of light signals; and a user interface that enables a user to create a set of virtual detector channels by grouping detectors in the detector array, such that each virtual detector channel corresponds to a detector group and has a virtual detector channel range including the sum of subset spectral ranges of the detectors in the corresponding detector group. 19-. (canceled)10. A light detection system comprising:a plurality of user-configurable groups of photodetectors; anda plurality of detector channels, wherein each detector channel is assigned to one or more of the user-configurable groups of photodetectors.11. The light detection system according to claim 10 , wherein the light detection system is configured to:detect light from a sample irradiated with a light source; andgenerate a data signal from the detected light.12. The light detection system according to claim 11 , wherein the light detection system is operably coupled to a processor comprising memory having instructions stored thereon claim 11 , which when executed by the processor claim 11 , cause the processor to assign each detector channel to a user-configurable group of photodetectors before generating a data signal from the light detected from the irradiated sample.13. The light detection system according to claim 11 , wherein the light detection system is operably coupled to a processor ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Spectroscopic sensor and angle limiting filter

Номер: US20160003991A1
Автор: Noriyuki Nakamura
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

An angle limiting filter includes: a first light-shielding layer containing a first light-shielding material and provided with a first opening; a second light-shielding layer containing a second light-shielding material and located in a region which surrounds at least one portion of the first light-shielding layer; a third light-shielding layer containing the first light-shielding material, provided with a second opening at least one portion of which overlaps the first opening, and located above the first light-shielding layer; and a fourth light-shielding layer containing the second light-shielding material and located above the second light-shielding layer in a region which surrounds at least one portion of the third light-shielding layer.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003618A1
Автор: FUJITA Katsumasa

A spectroscopic microscope according to the present embodiment includes a light source that generates laser light that enters a sample, a multi-slit part having a plurality of slits through which signal light branched by the edge filter passes, the slits being arranged in the slit width direction, and a spectrometer that disperses the signal light having passed through the slits in the dispersion direction intersecting the slit length direction and detects the signal light with a two-dimensional array photodetector. 1. A spectroscopic microscope comprising:a light source configured to generate light;a multi-slit part including a plurality of slits through which signal light from an illumination region of a sample illuminated with the light passes, the slits being arranged in a slit width direction; anda spectrometer configured to disperse the signal light that has passed through the slits in a dispersion direction intersecting a slit length direction and to detect the signal light with a two-dimensional array photodetector.2. The spectroscopic microscope according to claim 1 , further comprising a wavelength selection part provided in an optical path from the sample to the spectrometer and configured to select a wavelength range of the signal light.3. The spectroscopic microscope according to claim 2 , wherein a wavelength range to be selected by the wavelength selection part is variable.4. The spectroscopic microscope according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of linear illumination regions on the sample is illuminated with the light.5. The spectroscopic microscope according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of a slit width claim 1 , a position claim 1 , and the number of the slits is variable.6. The spectroscopic microscope according to claim 5 , whereinthe multi-slit part is formed by a slit plate comprising at least a first slit group including a plurality of slits having a first slit width and a second slit group including a plurality of slits having a second ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003448A1
Принадлежит: ams Sensors Germany GmbH

A multispectral sensor comprises an opaque housing having a first chamber with a first aperture and a separate second chamber with a second aperture. An optical emitter is arranged in the first chamber and is arranged to emit light of a specified wavelength or range of wavelenghts through the first aperture. An optical sensor is arranged in the second chamber and arranged to detect received photons through the second aperture. A control unit is configured to initiate emission of light by the optical emitter and a measurement unit is configured to provide sensor signals generated by the optical sensor. The optical sensor comprises an array of sensor pixels of a first type and pixels of a second type. The pixels of the first type each have a different transmission characteristic, each generating a multispectral sensor signal, respectively. The pixels of the second type have a same transmission characteristic and each generate a compensation sensor signal. 1. A multispectral sensor comprising:an opaque housing having a first chamber with a first aperture and a separate second chamber with a second aperture,an optical emitter arranged in the first chamber and arranged to emit light of a specified wavelength or specified range of wavelengths through the first aperture,an optical sensor arranged in the second chamber and arranged to detect received photons through the second aperture,a control unit configured to initiate emission of light by the optical emitter, anda measurement unit configured to provide sensor signals generated by the optical sensor;wherein:the optical sensor comprises an array of sensor pixels of a first type and pixels of a second type,the pixels of the first type each have a different transmission characteristic, each generating a multispectral sensor signal, respectively, andthe pixels of the second type have a same transmission characteristic, each generating a compensation sensor signal.2. (canceled)3. The multispectral sensor according to claim 1 ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Enhanced co-registered optical systems

Номер: US20190003891A1
Автор: Thomas A. Mitchell
Принадлежит: Wavefront Research Inc

An imaging optical system including a plurality of imaging optical sub-systems, each having at least one optical element and receiving light from a source, and a plurality of spectrometer optical sub-systems, each spectrometer optical sub-system receiving light from at least one of the imaging optical sub-systems, each imaging optical sub-system and spectrometer optical sub-system combination having a spatial distortion characteristic, each spatial distortion characteristic having a predetermined relationship to the other spatial distortion characteristics.

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Signal collection spectrometer

Номер: US20220026271A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

A spectrometer for studying a sample comprises a light guide for receiving light from the sample. The received light is emitted by the light guide through an exit surface that is on a side of the light guide and extending in a longitudinal direction of the light guide. The light emitted through the exit surface is filtered by a linear variable filter having an array of bandpass filters extending alongside and adjacent the exit surface. The filtered light is detected by the photodetectors of a detector array disposed parallel to the linear variable filter, and signals of the photodetectors are analyzed to obtain a spectral distribution of the light from the sample.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Optical System for Reference Switching

Номер: US20210010860A1

Systems and methods for determining one or more properties of a sample are disclosed. The systems and methods disclosed can be capable of measuring along multiple locations and can reimage and resolve multiple optical paths within the sample. The system can be configured with one-layer or two-layers of optics suitable for a compact system. The optics can be simplified to reduce the number and complexity of the coated optical surfaces, et al. on effects, manufacturing tolerance stack-up problems, and interference-based spectroscopic errors. The size, number, and placement of the optics can enable multiple simultaneous or non-simultaneous measurements at various locations across and within the sample. Moreover, the systems can be configured with an optical spacer window located between the sample and the optics, and methods to account for changes in optical paths due to inclusion of the optical spacer window are disclosed. 124-. (canceled)25. A system for determining properties of a sample , the system comprising:one or more light sources;a detector array; and illumination optics; and', the illumination optics and the first collection optics are formed on one or more surfaces of the first substrate;', 'the illumination optics configured to receive light emitted by the one or more light sources and redirect the light towards the sample; and', 'the first collection optics configured to receive at least a portion of a return of the light and redirect the light towards the detector array; and', 'the detector array configured to detect the light redirected by the first collection optics and generate one or more signals indicative of the properties of the sample., 'first collection optics, wherein], 'a first substrate comprising26. The system of claim 25 , further comprising:second collection optics configured to receive and redirect at least the portion of the return of the light to the first collection optics.27. The system of claim 26 , wherein the second collection ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Accessories for handheld spectrometer

Номер: US20190011313A1
Принадлежит: Verifood Ltd

A protective sheath having a closed end and an open end is sized to receive a hand held spectrometer. The spectrometer can be placed in the sheath to calibrate the spectrometer and to measure samples. In a calibration orientation, an optical head of the spectrometer can be oriented toward the closed end of the sheath where a calibration material is located. In a measurement orientation, the optical head of the spectrometer can be oriented toward the open end of the sheath in order to measure a sample. To change the orientation, the spectrometer can be removed from the sheath container and placed in the sheath container with the calibration orientation or the measurement orientation. Accessory container covers can be provided and placed on the open end of the sheath with samples placed therein in order to provide improved measurements.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Switchable readout device

Номер: US20150014534A1
Принадлежит: National Chi Nan Univ

A readout device is adapted for dual-band sensing, and includes an amplifier, two direct injection (DI) readout circuits to be respectively connected to two sensors, and a switching module. Through operation of the switching module, one of the DI readout circuits can be electrically connected to the amplifier, and cooperate with the other DI readout circuit to achieve a dual-band sensing feature.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014245A1

A spectral imaging device is configured to capture color images synchronized with controlled illumination from different color light emitting diodes. A processor in the device applies a coupling factor to sampled color images to convert sampled pixels into spectral channels corresponding to LED color and color filter. Multi-spectral spectricity vectors produced at pixel locations are used along with spatial information to classify objects, such as produce items. 18-. (canceled)9. An apparatus for spectral imaging comprising:an image sensor operable to obtain images, the images comprising pixel values corresponding to locations in a field of view of the image sensor;an illumination source comprising at least three LEDs, each a different color;a drive circuit that selectively strobes on the LEDs synchronized with capture of frames of the images by the image sensor;means for obtaining multi-spectral channel values per pixel corresponding to the LEDs;means for computing a spatial relationship function of pixels sampled from different locations of the field of view; andmeans for classifying an object depicted in the images as being one of plural different classes based on the multi-spectral channels per pixel and spatial relationship function.10. The apparatus of wherein the object comprises a produce item claim 9 , and the means for classifying identifies a type of produce.11. The apparatus of wherein the spatial relationship function comprises a function of multi-spectral values of pixels at 2 or more spatial dimensions.12. The apparatus of wherein the spatial relationship function comprises a function of multi-spectral values of pixels at 3 or more spatial dimensions. This application is a continuation of Ser. No. 15/456,300, filed Mar. 10, 2017 (now patent Ser. No. 10/027,868), which is a continuation of Ser. No. 14/201,852, filed Mar. 8, 2014 (now U.S. Pat. No. 9,593,982), which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 13/840,451, filed Mar. 15, 2013 (now U.S. Pat. No. ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016768A1

Snapshot spectral imagers comprise an imaging lens, a dispersed image sensor and a restricted isometry property (RIP) diffuser inserted in the optical path between the source image and the image sensor. The imagers are used to obtain a plurality of spectral images of the source object in different spectral bands in a single shot. In some embodiments, the RIP diffuser is one dimensional. An optional disperser may be added in the optical path, to provide further dispersion at the image sensor. In some embodiments, all imager components except the RIP diffuser may be part of a digital camera, with the RIP diffuser added externally. In some embodiments, the RIP diffuser may be included internally in a digital camera. 1. A spectral imaging system , comprising:a) a first imaging lens;b) a first image sensor;c) a single phase transmitting diffractive optical element positioned in a first imaging path extending between a source object and the first image sensor through the first imaging lens, the single phase transmitting diffractive optical element designed to disperse light originating from the source object to form, in a single shot, a diffused-dispersed image of the source object on at least a part of the first image sensor; andd) a processor configured to process the diffused-dispersed image into a plurality of spectral images of the source object.2. The spectral imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the single phase transmitting diffractive optical element is positioned at a system aperture.3. The spectral imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the single phase transmitting diffractive optical element is positioned at a position closer to a system aperture than to the first image sensor.4. The spectral imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the single phase transmitting diffractive optical element is positioned at a position closer to an entrance pupil of the first imaging lens than to the first image sensor.5. The spectral imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the single phase ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018646A1

Provided are a dual coupler device configured to receive lights of different polarization components, a spectrometer including the dual coupler device, and a non-invasive biometric sensor including the spectrometer. The dual coupler device may include, for example, a first coupler layer configured to receive a light of a first polarization component among incident lights. and a second coupler layer configured to receive a light of a second polarization component among the incident lights, wherein a polarization direction of the light of the first polarization component is perpendicular to a polarization direction of the light of the second polarization component. The first coupler layer and the second coupler layer may be spaced apart from each other and extended along a direction in which the light propagates in the first coupler layer and the second coupler layer. 1. A dual coupler device comprising:a first coupler layer configured to receive light of a first polarization component among incident light, the first coupler layer comprising:a first waveguide along which the light of the first polarization component propagates;a first resonator disposed in the first waveguide, the first resonator being configured to resonate light of a first wavelength band among the light of the first polarization component;a second waveguide along which the light of the first polarization component propagates; anda second resonator disposed in the second waveguide, the second resonator being configured to resonate light of a second wavelength band different from the first wavelength band among the light of the first polarization component; anda second coupler layer configured to receive light of a second polarization component among the incident light, the second coupler layer comprising;a third waveguide along which the light of the second polarization component propagates;a third resonator disposed in the third waveguide, the third resonator being configured to resonate light of ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Reference Switch Architectures for Noncontact Sensing of Substances

Номер: US20210018432A1

This relates to systems and methods for measuring a concentration and type of substance in a sample at a sampling interface. The systems can include a light source, optics, one or more modulators, a reference, a detector, and a controller. The systems and methods disclosed can be capable of accounting for drift originating from the light source, one or more optics, and the detector by sharing one or more components between different measurement light paths. Additionally, the systems can be capable of differentiating between different types of drift and eliminating erroneous measurements due to stray light with the placement of one or more modulators between the light source and the sample or reference. Furthermore, the systems can be capable of detecting the substance along various locations and depths within the sample by mapping a detector pixel and a microoptics to the location and depth in the sample. 120-. (canceled)21. A system for taking a measurement , comprising:a light source configured to output light to a sample;a first output region located at an interface of the system and configured to receive a first light from a first location within the sample;a second output region located at the interface of the system and configured to receive a second light from a second location within the sample;a detector; and first optics configured to receive the first light from the first output region and direct the first light from the first output region to the detector; and', 'second optics configured to receive the second light from the second output region and direct the second light from the second output region to the detector., 'an optics unit, comprising22. The system of claim 21 , further comprising a reference claim 21 , wherein:the light comprises is output to the sample and to the reference; and receive the second light from the reference; and', 'direct the second light to the detector., 'the optics unit further comprises third optics configured to23. The ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Multi-spectrum imaging

Номер: US20170026589A1
Автор: Peter N. Kaufman
Принадлежит: Digital Direct Ir Inc

Multi-spectrum imaging systems and methods are provided to imaging in multiple spectrums, e.g., thermal IR (infrared) at 4 μm and 10 μm wavelengths, near-IR, and visible light, all on a same optical centerline. For example, an imaging system includes a first imager and a second imager. The first imager includes an array of thermal IR detectors, wherein the first imager is configured to receive incident photonic radiation and generate a thermal IR image, wherein each thermal IR detector comprises a photon absorber member that is configured to absorb thermal IR photonic radiation from the incident photonic radiation, and reflect remaining photonic radiation in the incident photonic radiation along an optical path of the imaging system. The second imager is disposed in said optical path of the imaging system, wherein the second imager is configured to receive the remaining photonic radiation reflected from the first imager and generate a second image.

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140111802A1
Автор: PAN Jiangen

The invention discloses a low stray light polychromator comprising an optical housing, an entrance slit, a dispersion system and an array detector. The dispersion element of the dispersion system is a grating. A photosurface of the array detector is obliquely intersected with a principal section of the grating. In the invention, by changing the relative operation of optical elements in the polychromator, the stray light generated by the unexpected reflection on the photosurface of the array detector is exactly reflected out from the expected optical path. In addition, on the inner wall of the optical housing, small diaphragms for extinction are disposed in a plane in which reflection faculaee are projected, thus stray light will be reduced greatly. 1123222322. A low stray light polychromator , comprising an optical housing , an entrance slit () , a dispersion system () and an array detector () , characterized in that the dispersion element of the dispersion system () is a grating (-) , and a photosurface of the array detector () is obliquely intersected with a principal section of the grating (-).22322. The low stray light polychromator according to claim 1 , characterized in that a filter is provided on an optical path between the dispersion system () and the array detector () claim 1 , and the filter is obliquely intersected with the principal section of the grating (-).33. The low stray light polychromator according to claim 1 , characterized in that a deviation angle between the photosurface of the array detector () and the vertical plane of the principal section of the grating is 2-12°.4332. The low stray light polychromator according to claim 3 , characterized in that the reflected faculae claim 3 , resulting from the specular reflection on the photosurface of the array detector () of the light dispersed onto the array detector () by the dispersion system () claim 3 , depart from the optical elements in the optical housing of the polychromator.54. The low ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025753A1

A compact spectrometer is disclosed that is suitable for use in mobile devices such as cellular telephones. In preferred embodiments, the spectrometer comprises a filter, at least one Fourier transform focusing element, a micro-lens array, and a detector, but does not use any dispersive elements. Methods for using the spectrometer as an end-user device for performing on-site determinations of food quality, in particular, by comparison with an updatable database accessible by all users of the device, are also disclosed. 1. (canceled)2. A compact spectrometer system for obtaining a spectrum of a sample , comprising:an optical detector configured to detect light emanating from said sample;a plurality of optical filters configured to be disposed between said sample and said optical detector, said plurality of optical filters having different central wavelengths; and,a micro-lens array disposed between said optical detector and said plurality of optical filters, wherein said micro-lens array is configured to sample and decompose light received from said plurality of optical filters to form a plurality of light components corresponding to respective optical filters of said plurality of optical filters at a plurality of positions of a light sensitive surface of said optical detector, wherein said optical detector is configured to measure optical intensity as a function of said plurality of positions.3. The compact spectrometer system of claim 2 , wherein said plurality of optical filters are configured to angle-encode light passing through said plurality of optical filters according to wavelength.4. The compact spectrometer system of claim 2 , wherein dispersive optical elements are absent in said compact spectrometer system.5. The compact spectrometer system of claim 2 , wherein said optical detector comprises a two-dimensional detector array and wherein said plurality of optical filters comprises a filter array having a plurality of filter elements.6. The compact ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031423A1

A problem addressed by the present invention is to reduce the influence of stray light incident on each light-receiving element in the case of receiving each wavelength of light using a plurality of light-receiving elements. The multichannel spectrophotometer according to the present invention is a detector for simultaneously detecting the entirety of wavelength-dispersed light obtained by introducing light from a sample to a light-dispersing element () and dispersing this light into wavelengths by the light-dispersing element (), including: a multichannel-type detector () including a plurality of light-receiving elements arranged in a one-dimensional form in a wavelength-dispersing direction of the light-dispersing element; a light amount calculator () for calculating the amount of light from a detection signal of each of the plurality of light-receiving elements (PD); a spectrum creator () for creating, from the amounts of light calculated by the light amount calculator (), a spectrum showing a relationship between wavelength and the amount of light; and a computing section () for estimating, from the spectrum, the amount of stray light incident on each light-receiving element (PD) and correcting the spectrum by subtracting, from the amount of wavelength-dispersed light incident on each light-receiving element, the amount of stray light. 1. A multichannel spectrophotometer for simultaneously detecting an entirety of wavelength-dispersed light obtained by introducing light from a sample to a light-dispersing element and dispersing this light into wavelengths by the light-dispersing element , comprising:a) a multichannel-type detector including a plurality of light-receiving elements arranged in a one-dimensional form in a wavelength-dispersing direction of the light-dispersing element;b) a light amount calculator for calculating an amount of light from a detection signal of each of the plurality of light-receiving elements;c) a spectrum creator for creating, from ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031468A1
Автор: APHEK Ori

A compact spectrometer system comprising an improved detector is provided herein. The spectrometer system herein disclosed can comprises a filter, a Fourier transform optical element, and a detector. The detector can comprise a custom detector having a shape that corresponds to the pattern of light incident on the detector. The custom detector may comprise a plurality of separate detection areas, each area configured to detect a portion of the light pattern incident on the detector. The custom detector may comprise a material capable of detecting wavelengths in the short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) range. The custom detector may be configured to require a relatively low number of electrical connections such that it may be implemented using standard, low-cost electronic packaging techniques. An improved, custom detector as described herein can provide the functionality of a two-dimensional pixel array detector while being relatively simple and inexpensive to manufacture. 1. A detector to measure spectra of a sample , comprising:a plurality of arcuate photo sensor elements; andcircuitry coupled to the plurality of arcuate photo sensor elements to measure an amount of light incident on each of the plurality of arcuate photo sensor elements.2. The detector of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of arcuate photo sensor elements comprises a plurality of concentric photo sensor elements.3. The detector of claim 2 , wherein each of the plurality of arcuate photo sensor elements comprises a circumferential shape profile corresponding to a center of curvature concentric with other arcuate photo sensor elements of the plurality.4. The detector of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of arcuate photo sensor elements comprises a plurality of ring segments.5. The detector of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of arcuate photo sensor elements comprises a plurality of annular elements extending around a central photo sensor element.6. The detector of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of arcuate ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Multiplexed fluorescent detection of analytes

Номер: US20220049292A1
Принадлежит: Illumina Cambridge Ltd, Illumina Inc

In a first aspect, a method includes: providing a sample, the sample including a first nucleotide and a second nucleotide; contacting the sample with a first fluorescent dye and a second fluorescent dye, the first fluorescent dye emitting first emitted light within a first wavelength band responsive to a first excitation illumination light, the second fluorescent dye emitting second emitted light within a second wavelength band responsive to a second excitation illumination light; simultaneously collecting, using one or more image detectors, multiplexed fluorescent light comprising the first emitted light and the second emitted light, the first emitted light being a first color channel corresponding to the first wavelength band and the second emitted light being a second color channel corresponding to the second wavelength band; and identifying the first nucleotide based on the first wavelength band of the first color channel and the second nucleotide based on the second wavelength band of the second color channel.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150036126A1

There is provided a semiconductor integrated circuit for an optical sensor for receiving environmental light through a cover member that attenuates visible light and transmits infrared light and a collecting lens, performing luminosity factor correction based on an amount of received light, and detecting an illuminance, wherein the semiconductor integrated circuit includes a first light receiving element having a first spectral property; a second light receiving element having a second spectral property; and a luminosity factor correction unit configured to perform the luminosity factor correction according to output of the first light receiving element and output of the second light receiving element, wherein the luminosity factor correction unit includes an AD conversion unit performed by time division on the output of the first light receiving element and the output of the second light receiving element, and a calculating unit subtracting digital signals obtained by the conversion. 1. A semiconductor integrated circuit for an optical sensor for receiving an environmental light through a cover member that attenuates visible light and transmits infrared light and a collecting lens , performing luminosity factor correction based on an amount of received light , and detecting an illuminance of the environmental light , the semiconductor integrated circuit for the optical sensor comprising:a first light receiving element having a first spectral property;a second light receiving element having a second spectral property; anda luminosity factor correction unit configured to perform the luminosity factor correction according to output of the first light receiving element and output of the second light receiving element, an AD conversion unit configured to perform AD conversion by time division on the output of the first light receiving element and the output of the second light receiving element, and', 'a calculating unit configured to subtract digital signals obtained ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033132A1

A spectrometer comprises a plurality of isolated optical channels comprising a plurality of isolated optical paths. The isolated optical paths decrease cross-talk among the optical paths and allow the spectrometer to have a decreased length with increased resolution. In many embodiments, the isolated optical paths comprise isolated parallel optical paths that allow the length of the device to be decreased substantially. In many embodiments, each isolated optical path extends from a filter of a filter array, through a lens of a lens array, through a channel of a support array, to a region of a sensor array. Each region of the sensor array comprises a plurality of sensor elements in which a location of the sensor element corresponds to the wavelength of light received based on an angle of light received at the location, the focal length of the lens and the central wavelength of the filter. 1a light path passing sequentially through a filter matrix, a lens array and a detector; andat least one opaque aperture array between the filter matrix and the lens array,wherein the light path ends at the detector,wherein the detector comprises multiple sensors, andwherein a distance of the light path between the filter matrix and the detector is less than 9 millimeters (mm).. A spectrometer, comprising: The present application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/905,578, filed on Feb. 26, 2018, entitled “Spectrometry System with Decreased Light Path” (attorney docket no. 45151-702.310), which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/385,778, filed on Dec. 20, 2016, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,952,098, entitled “Spectrometry System with Decreased Light Path” (attorney docket no. 45151-702.308), which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/052,286, filed on Feb. 24, 2016, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,574,942, entitled “Spectrometry System with Decreased Light Path” (attorney docket no. 45151-702.305), which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/ ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Light detection device and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20180038732A1
Принадлежит: ROHM CO LTD

A light detection device includes a semiconductor substrate, a signal detection light receiving portion that is formed in the semiconductor substrate, an infrared light receiving portion that is formed in the semiconductor substrate, a first color filter that covers the signal detection light receiving portion and that has a first spectral characteristic such that the first color filter passes therethrough light in a first wavelength range within the wavelength range of visible light and in the wavelength range of infrared light, a second color filter that covers the infrared light receiving portion and that has a second spectral characteristic such that the second color filter passes therethrough light in a second wavelength range within the wavelength range of visible light and in the wavelength range of infrared light, a third color filter that covers the infrared light receiving portion and that has a third spectral characteristic such that the third color filter passes therethrough light in a third wavelength range different from the second wavelength range within the wavelength range of visible light and in the wavelength range of infrared light, and an infrared cut filter that covers the signal detection light receiving portion and that has an opening in a region opposite to the infrared light receiving portion.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210037197A1

In one embodiment, an infrared (IR) imaging system for determining a concentration of a target species in an object is disclosed. The imaging system can include an optical system including an optical focal plane array (FPA) unit. The optical system can have components defining at least two optical channels thereof, said at least two optical channels being spatially and spectrally different from one another. Each of the at least two optical channels can be positioned to transfer IR radiation incident on the optical system towards the optical FPA. The system can include a processing unit containing a processor that can be configured to acquire multispectral optical data representing said target species from the IR radiation received at the optical FPA. Said optical system and said processing unit can be contained together in a data acquisition and processing module configured to be worn or carried by a person. 1. A method for imaging a target species in an object , the method comprising:receiving, by an optical system, infrared (IR) radiation, wherein said optical system comprises an optical focal plane array (FPA) unit and at least one lens array of a lens assembly configured to achieve an f-number less than 2; andacquiring, by the optical system, multispectral optical data representing said target species from the received IR radiation.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the lens assembly comprises an array of two-part lenses.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the optical FPA unit comprises a pixel array and wherein the optical system comprises a plurality of optical channels defining an image detection region on the optical FPA unit claim 1 , the image detection region having an area in a range of about 15% to about 95% of the pixel array.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein a number of the plurality of optical channels is between 4 and 50.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein lenses of the at least one lens array are disposed in a mounting plate.6. The method of claim 1 ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210037198A1

An image processing method includes: an image pickup step of picking up an RGB image of a target object to be picked up, and picking up a spectroscopic image of the target object in a predetermined wavelength range and thus acquiring spectroscopic information peculiar to the target object in the wavelength range; and a display step of displaying a complemented image complemented by superimposing the spectroscopic information on the RGB image. 1. An image processing method comprising:picking up an RGB image of a target object to be picked up, and picking up a spectroscopic image of the target object in a predetermined wavelength range thereby acquiring spectroscopic information peculiar to the target object in the wavelength range; anddisplaying a complemented image complemented by superimposing the spectroscopic information on the RGB image.2. The image processing method according to claim 1 , whereinthe wavelength range where the spectroscopic image is picked up includes a near-infrared range.3. The image processing method according to claim 1 , whereinthe wavelength range where the spectroscopic image is picked up includes a yellow visible light range.4. The image processing method according to claim 1 , whereinthe complemented image is displayed in an RGB representation.5. The image processing method according to claim 1 , whereinthe complemented image is displayed in a CMY representation.6. An image processing device comprising:an RGB camera that picks up an RGB image of a target object to be picked up;a spectroscopic camera that picks up a spectroscopic image of the target in a predetermined wavelength range thereby acquiring spectroscopic information peculiar to the target object in the wavelength range;a storage that stores the RGB image and the spectroscopic information; anda display that displays the RGB image and the spectroscopic information,the display being configured to display a complemented image complemented by superimposing the spectroscopic ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180040662A1

A solid-state imaging device includes an Si substrate in which a photoelectric conversion unit that photoelectrically converts visible light incident from a back surface side is formed, and a lower substrate provided under the Si substrate and configured to photoelectrically convert infrared light incident from the back surface side. 1. An imaging device comprising;a first substrate configured to absorb at least a portion of visible light incident to a first side of the first substrate;a passivation film disposed on the first side of the first substrate;a second substrate configured to convert at least infrared light into a first electric signal, wherein the second substrate is an indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) substrate;a contact layer disposed between a second side of the first substrate and a first side of the second substrate, wherein the second side of the first substrate is opposite the first side of the first substrate;a first metal disposed on a second side of the second substrate, wherein the second side of the second substrate is opposite the first side of the second substrate; anda readout circuit coupled to the second substrate and configured to receive the first electric signal.2. The imaging device according to claim 1 , wherein the first metal receives a first voltage and applies the first voltage to the second substrate.3. The imaging device according to claim 1 , further comprising a second metal bonded to the second substrate.4. The imaging device according to claim 3 , wherein the second metal is electrically connected to the contact layer.5. The imaging device according to claim 1 , wherein the contact layer receives a second voltage.6. The imaging device according to claim 5 , wherein the second voltage is lower than a first voltage.7. The imaging device according to claim 1 , wherein the first substrate is a silicon substrate.8. The imaging device according to claim 1 , further comprising a transfer transistor claim 1 , a reset transistor ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170041560A1

A light detecting device includes: an optical filter () that transmits a first wavelength light having a wavelength in a first wavelength range, a second wavelength light having a wavelength in a second wavelength range, . . . , and an n-th wavelength light having a wavelength in an n-th wavelength range (n is an integer); an optical sensor () that detects at least one of a first wavelength light intensity of the first wavelength light, a second wavelength light intensity of the second wavelength light, . . . , and an n-th wavelength light intensity of the n-th wavelength light; and an analysis unit () that estimates a light intensity of light having a wavelength in a wavelength range other than at least one of the first wavelength range, the second wavelength range, . . . , and the n-th wavelength range based on at least one of the first wavelength light intensity, the second wavelength light intensity, . . . , and the n-th wavelength light intensity. A correlative relationship exists between a light intensity of light having a wavelength in the at least one wavelength range and the light intensity of the light having the wavelength in the wavelength range other than the at least one wavelength range. 1. A light detecting device comprising:a plurality of optical filters each of which transmits a first wavelength light having a wavelength in a first wavelength range, a second wavelength light having a wavelength in a second wavelength range, . . . , and an n-th wavelength light having a wavelength in an n-th wavelength range (n is an integer), in light from an object;an optical sensor that detects at least one of a first wavelength light intensity of the first wavelength light, a second wavelength light intensity of the second wavelength light, . . . , and an n-th wavelength light intensity of the n-th wavelength light; andan analysis unit that estimates a light intensity of light having a wavelength in a wavelength range other than at least one of the first ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041265A1
Автор: Kinrot Uri, Rosen Sagee

An improved compact spectrometer system comprising an improved spatially variable filter is disclosed herein. A spatially variable filter may be configured to have a plurality of different transmission profiles at different locations of the filter, to spectrally separate light incident on the filter. The spatially variable filter may comprise a plurality of different filter regions having different transmission profiles, and a plurality of similar filter regions comprising similar transmission profiles. The spatially variable filter may be optically coupled to a detector comprising a plurality of detector elements configured to measure the intensity of light. The measurement data generated by the plurality of detector elements coupled to the plurality of similar filter regions can be used to determine a spatial variation on incident light intensity. 1. A spectrometer comprising:a spatially variable filter comprising a first plurality of similar spaced apart filter regions having similar transmission profiles and a second plurality of at least five different spaced apart filter regions having at least five different transmission profiles; anda detector comprising a plurality of detector elements coupled to the spatially variable filter; anda processor configured with instructions to receive data from the detector and output spectral data to determine a spectrum in response to transmitted light intensity at the plurality of similar spaced apart filter regions and the plurality of different spaced apart filter regions.2. The spectrometer of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured with instructions to adjust the output spectral data in response to spatial intensity variations of light incident on the spatially variable filter.3. The spectrometer of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured with instructions to adjust the output spectral data in response to transmitted light intensity variations among the plurality of similar spaced apart filter regions.4. The ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Spectroscope and method for producing spectroscope

Номер: US20200041345A1
Принадлежит: Hamamatsu Photonics KK

A spectrometer includes a light detection element having a substrate made of a semiconductor material, a light passing part provided in the substrate, and a light detection part put in the substrate, a support having a base wall part opposing the light detection element, and side wall parts integrally formed with the base wall part, the light detection element being fixed to the side wall parts, the support being provided with a wiring electrically connected to the light detection part, and a dispersive part provided on a surface of the base wall part on a side of a space. An end part of the wiring is connected to a terminal of die light detection element. An end part of the wiring is positioned on a surface in the base wall part on an opposite side from the side of the space.

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for coaxial imaging of multiple wavelengths

Номер: US20150051498A1
Автор: Mark Anthony Darty
Принадлежит: Hypermed Imaging Inc

A hyperspectral/multispectral imager comprising a housing is provided. At least one light source is attached to the housing. An objective lens, in an optical communication path comprising originating and terminating ends, is further attached to the housing and causes light to (i) be backscattered by the tissue of a subject at the originating end and then (ii) pass through the objective lens to a beam steering element at the terminating end of the communication path inside the housing. The beam steering element has a plurality of operating modes each of which causes the element to be in optical communication with a different optical detector in a plurality of optical detectors offset from the optical communication path. Each respective detector filter in a plurality of detector filters covers a corresponding optical detector in the plurality of optical detectors thereby filtering light received by the corresponding detector from the beam steering element.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180049644A1
Автор: Themelis George

An observation apparatus () for enhancing the observation of an object () includes an output color image projector () for projecting a time sequence () of output color images () onto a projection area () on the object (). The projector () has an output spectrum () including, at least in the visible-light range, a set of output spectral bands (). The apparatus () further includes a multispectral camera system () for capturing a time sequence () of input color images () from the projection area () in at least two input spectral bands () different from the output spectral bands (). The apparatus () is configured to derive the output color images () from the input color images () and project the output color images () onto the projection area () in real time. Because the input spectral bands differ from the output spectral bands, the output color images () can be processed to deviate arbitrarily from the input color images () without impacting operation of the camera system (). 112. An observation apparatus () for visual enhancement of an observed object () , comprising:{'b': 8', '31', '32', '40', '8', '60', '62, 'an output color image projector () for projecting a time sequence () of output color images () onto a projection area () on the object, the output color image projector () having an output spectrum () including, at least in the visible-light range, output spectral bands (); and'}{'b': 4', '21', '22', '40', '42', '42', '62, 'a multispectral camera system () for capturing a time sequence () of input color images () from the projection area () in at least two input spectral bands (), the input spectral bands () being different from the output spectral bands () at least in the visible-light range;'}{'b': 1', '32', '22', '32', '40, 'wherein the observation apparatus () is configured to compute the output color images () based on the input color images () and to project the output color images () onto the projection area () in real time.'}21107810406862. The ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210055160A1

To implement a configuration for enabling independent adjustment of a spatial resolution and a wavelength resolution of a spectroscopic measurement device. A spatial resolution adjustment unit configured to adjust a spatial resolution of the spectroscopic measurement device, and a wavelength resolution adjustment unit configured to adjust a wavelength resolution of the spectroscopic measurement device are included, and the spatial resolution adjustment unit maintains output light from a condensing unit to a spectroscopic imaging unit of the spectroscopic measurement device as parallel light, adjusts a parameter of a constituent element of the condensing unit, and changes the spatial resolution without changing the wavelength resolution of the spectroscopic measurement device. The wavelength resolution adjustment unit adjusts a parameter of a spectroscopic imaging unit of the spectroscopic measurement device and changes the wavelength resolution without changing the spatial resolution of the spectroscopic measurement device. 1. A spectroscopic measurement device comprising:a spatial resolution adjustment unit configured to adjust a spatial resolution of the spectroscopic measurement device; anda wavelength resolution adjustment unit configured to adjust a wavelength resolution of the spectroscopic measurement device, whereinthe spatial resolution adjustment unit changes the spatial resolution without changing the wavelength resolution of the spectroscopic measurement device.2. The spectroscopic measurement device according to claim 1 , whereinthe wavelength resolution adjustment unit changes the wavelength resolution without changing the spatial resolution of the spectroscopic measurement device.3. The spectroscopic measurement device according to claim 1 , whereinthe spatial resolution adjustment unit changes the spatial resolution to satisfy a condition of maintaining output light from a condensing unit to a spectroscopic imaging unit of the spectroscopic ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Imaging device with image dispersing to create a spatially coded image

Номер: US20180052050A1
Автор: PENG Wang, Rajesh Menon

An image capturing device ( 202 ) can include a sensor array ( 210 ), a lens ( 230 ) positioned at a first distance from an intermediate image ( 235 ), and apolychromat ( 220 ) positioned at a second distance from the lens ( 230 ). The polychromat ( 220 ) can diffract the intermediate image ( 235 ) according to a transform function ( 207 ) to produce a dispersed sensor image ( 215 ) onto the sensor array ( 210 ). The dispersed sensor image ( 215 ) can represent a spatial code of the intermediate image ( 235 ).

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210058569A1

Provided are methods and systems for concurrent imaging at multiple wavelengths. In one aspect, a hyperspectral/multispectral imaging device includes a lens configured to receive light backscattered by an object, a plurality of photo-sensors, a plurality of bandpass filters covering respective photo-sensors, where each bandpass filter is configured to allow a different respective spectral band to pass through the filter, and a plurality of beam splitters in optical communication with the lens and the photo-sensors, where each beam splitter splits the light received by the lens into a plurality of optical paths, each path configured to direct light to a corresponding photo-sensor through the bandpass filter corresponding to the respective photo-sensor. 130.-. (canceled)31. An imaging device , comprising:a lens disposed along an optical axis and configured to receive light, wherein the lens has a fixed focal distance;one or more photo-sensors;an optical path assembly in optical communication with the lens and the one or more photo-sensors; and when the surface is located at the fixed focal distance from the lens along the optical axis, the composite image forms a first pattern of light onto the surface, and', 'when the surface is located at a distance other than the fixed focal distance from the lens along the optical axis, the composite image forms a pattern of light that is different than the first pattern of light onto the surface., 'at least two projectors, wherein the at least two projectors are configured to project a composite image onto a surface positioned in front of the lens, wherein32. The imaging device of claim 31 , wherein each of the at least two projectors are configured to project a same respective individual pattern of light such that:when the surface is located at the fixed focal distance from the lens along the optical axis, the respective individual pattern of light projected from each of the at least two projectors converge on the surface, ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056267A1

A spectrometer includes a support having a bottom wall part in which a depression including a concave curved inner surface and a peripheral part adjacent to the depression are provided, and a side wall part disposed on a side on which the depression is open with respect to the bottom wall part, a light detection element supported by the side wall part while opposing the depression, and a dispersive part disposed on the inner surface of the depression. A length of the depression in a second direction in which a plurality of grating grooves included in the dispersive part is aligned is larger than a length of the depression in a third direction orthogonal to the second direction when viewed in a first direction in which the depression and the light detection element oppose each other. An area of the peripheral part adjacent to the depression in the second direction is larger than an area of the peripheral part adjacent to the depression in the third direction when viewed in the first direction. 118-. (canceled)19. A spectrometer comprising:a support having a bottom wall part, and a side wall part disposed on aside with respect to the bottom wall part;a dispersive part; anda light detection unit having a light passing part and a light detection part, and supported by the side wall part,wherein a length of the support in a second direction in which the light passing part and the light detection part are aligned is larger than a length of the support in a third direction orthogonal to a first direction and the second direction when viewed in the first direction in which the bottom wall part and the light detection unit oppose each other,the side wall part has a pair of first side walls opposing each other in the second direction and a pair of second side walls opposing each other in the third direction when viewed in the first direction, andan inner surface of the bottom wall part and an inner surface of the pair of first side walls are connected to each other in a ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056269A1

A spectrometry system may include an etalon array having a first etalon and a second etalon. The first etalon may be configured to process light to at least generate a first transmission pattern. The first transmission pattern may have at least a first transmission peak corresponding to a first wavelength in an original spectrum of the light. The second etalon may be configured to process the light to at least generate a second transmission pattern. The second transmission pattern may have at least a second transmission peak corresponding to a second wavelength in the original spectrum of the light. The first etalon may have a different thickness than the second etalon in order for the first transmission pattern to have at least one transmission peak that is at a different wavelength than the second transmission pattern. The first transmission pattern and the second transmission pattern may enable a reconstruction the original spectrum of the light. 1. A system , comprising:an etalon array having a first etalon and a second etalon, the first etalon being configured to process light to at least generate a first transmission pattern, the first transmission pattern having at least a first transmission peak corresponding to a first wavelength in an original spectrum of the light, the second etalon being configured to process the light to at least generate a second transmission pattern, the second transmission pattern having at least a second transmission peak corresponding to a second wavelength in the original spectrum of the light, the first etalon having a different thickness than the second etalon in order for the first transmission pattern to have at least one transmission peak that is at a different wavelength than the second transmission pattern, and the first transmission pattern and the second transmission pattern enabling a reconstruction the original spectrum of the light for spectroscopy.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one data ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for color detection in high-throughput nucleic acid sequencing systems

Номер: US20170058343A1
Принадлежит: Qiagen Instruments AG

A sequencing instrument optical system having a combined light source with multiple collinear excitation beams having different respective excitation wavelengths, a sequencing surface having DNA templates and nucleobase labels configured to emit a respective emission light at a different respective emission wavelength upon excitation by one or more of the excitation beams, a color camera configured to detect the emission light of each of the nucleobase labels, a first optical pathway configured to direct the collinear excitation beams from the combined light source to the sequencing surface, and a second optical pathway configured to direct the emission light from the sequencing surface to the color camera.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Optical Processing of Multiple Spectral Ranges Using Integrated Computational Elements

Номер: US20170059406A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

Systems, tools, and methods are presented for processing a plurality of spectral ranges from an electromagnetic radiation that has been interacted with a fluid. Each spectral range within the plurality corresponds to a property of the fluid or a constituent therein. In one instance, a series of spectral analyzers, each including an integrated computational element coupled to an optical transducer, forms a monolithic structure to receive interacted electromagnetic radiation from the fluid. Each spectral analyzer is configured to process one of the plurality of spectral ranges. The series is ordered so spectral ranges are processed progressively from shortest wavelengths to longest wavelengths as interacted electromagnetic radiation propagates therethrough. Other systems, tools, and methods are presented. 1. A optical computing system comprising:an illumination source that generates electromagnetic radiation, wherein the electromagnetic radiation interacts with a substance;a measurement unit comprising a series of spectral analyzers, wherein each spectral analyzer comprises an integrated computational element coupled to an optical transducer, and wherein each spectral analyzer is configured to process one of a plurality of spectral ranges;a computational unit coupled to the measurement unit, the computational unit comprising at least one memory and at least one processor; andwherein the computational unit stores data from the measurement unit and determines a characteristic of the substance for each of the plurality of spectral ranges.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the measurement unit further comprises a conversion circuit coupled to each optical transducer and operable to output electrical signals from the coupled optical transducers in a frequency domain.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the series of spectral analyzers claim 1 , comprises a first spectral analyzer and a second spectral analyzer.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the measurement unit comprises ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063638A1

An integrated wavelength-selective filter device comprises a first optical element, for directing received radiation into a direction defined by a first angle, and a second optical element being a diffractive element configured for diffracting the directed radiation under a second angle. The second angle is such that for a single reference wavelength the diffracted radiation is directed into a propagation medium for advancing therein towards a predetermined position on the first optical element or on a further optical element for filtering radiation having a wavelength substantially matching the reference wavelength from radiation having a substantially different wavelength. The propagation medium is formed from a material that is different from any material of the substrate of the first and the second optical element. 117.-. (canceled)18. An integrated wavelength-selective filter device comprising:a first optical element patterned in or on a substrate, the first optical element being configured for receiving radiation incident thereon and for directing at least partially said received radiation into a direction defined by a first angle,a second optical element patterned in or on a substrate, the second optical element being a diffractive element and extending longitudinally and arranged distantly to the first optical element, the second optical element being configured for receiving said directed radiation under an angle of incidence and adapted for diffracting said directed radiation under a second angle, said second angle depending on wavelength,wherein the first optical element is directing said received radiation into a propagation medium, said directed radiation propagating through the propagation medium until being received at the second optical element, the propagation medium being formed from a material being different from any material of said substrate of said first and said second optical element, andwherein the second optical element is configured such ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069239A1

A divided-aperture infrared spectral imaging (DAISI) system that is structured to provide identification of target chemical content in a single imaging shot based on spectrally-multiplexed operation. The system is devoid of spectral scanning acquisition of infrared (IR) spectral signatures of target content with an IR detector and does not require content. 1. An infrared (IR) imaging system for determining a concentration of a target species in an object , the imaging system comprising:an optical system including an optical focal plane array (FPA) unit that is devoid of a cooling means, the optical system configured to receive IR radiation from the object along at least two optical channels defined by components of the optical system, said at least two optical channels being spatially and spectrally different from one another;first and second temperature-controlled shutters removably positioned to block IR radiation incident onto the optical system from the object; anda processor configured to acquire multispectral optical data representing said target species from the received IR radiation in a single occurrence of data acquisition.2. A method for operating an infrared (IR) imaging system , comprising:receiving IR radiation from an object along at least two optical channels defined by components of an optical system of the IR imaging system, said at least two optical channels being spatially and spectrally different from one another;transmitting the received IR radiation towards an optical focal plane array (FPA) unit that is not being cooled in the course of normal operation; andremovably positioning at least one of at least two temperature-controlled shutters in front of the optical system to block IR radiation incident onto the optical system from the object. The present application claims benefit of and priority from the U.S. Provisional Applications No. 61/688,630 filed on May 18, 2012 and titled “Divided Aperture Infrared Spectral Imager (DAISI) for Chemical ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Multi-spectral method for detection of anomalies during powder bed fusion additive manufacturing

Номер: US20200061710A1

Embodiments of the systems can be configured to receive electromagnetic emissions of a substrate (e.g., a build material of a part being made via additive manufacturing) by a detector (e.g., a multi-spectral sensor) and generate a ratio of the electromagnetic emissions to perform spectral analysis with a reduced dependence on location and orientation of a surface of the substrate relative to the multi-spectral sensor. The additive manufacturing process can involve use of a laser to generate a laser beam for fusion of the build material into the part. The system can be configured to set the multi-spectral sensor off-axis with respect to the laser (e.g., an optical path of the multi-spectral sensor is at an angle that is different than the angle of incidence of the laser beam). This can allow the multi-spectral sensor to collect spectral data simultaneously as the laser is used to build the part.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Detector Device for Detection of a Spectral Portion for a Microscope

Номер: US20190063993A1

A detection device for a microscope comprises a dispersive element in the beam path of light and a selection element. The selection element separates a beam path of a spectral portion of the light from the beam path of the light. The detector device furthermore comprises a focusing optical unit configured to focus the beam path of the spectral portion of the light onto a sensor. By way of example, the microscope may be a confocal microscope. 1. A detector device for a microscope , wherein the detector device comprises:a dispersive element in the beam path of the light;a selection element, wherein the selection element is arranged downstream of the dispersive clement in a beam path of the light in such a way that it separates a beam path of a spectral portion of the light from the beam path of the light;a focusing optical unit arranged downstream of the selection element in the beam path of the spectral portion of the light, wherein the focusing optical unit is configured to focus the beam path of the spectral portion of the light onto a sensor; andthe sensor arranged downstream of the focusing optical unit in the beam path of the spectral portion of the light.2. The detector device as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the focusing optical unit comprises a transverse chromatic aberration correction element arranged in the beam path of the spectral portion of the light,wherein the selection element comprises at least one wedge-shaped prism,wherein the transverse chromatic aberration correction element comprises at least one wedge-shaped prism, andwherein the selection element and the transverse chromatic aberration correction element are arranged relative to one another in such a way that a transverse chromatic aberration of the at least one wedge-shaped prism of the selection element counteracts a further transverse chromatic aberration of the at least one wedge-shaped prism of the transverse chromatic aberration correction element.3. The detector device as claimed in ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Dichroic Mirror Array

Номер: US20190064535A1

A dichroic mirror array in which a plurality of dichroic mirrors are arranged, and by satisfying a predetermined relationship between a width, a thickness, a material, a tilt, an interval, and a step difference of each dichroic mirror, the dichroic mirror array is miniaturized, an optical path length is reduced, and at the same time, an opening width is increased. 1. A dichroic mirror array in which a plurality of dichroic mirrors of numbers 1 , 2 , . . . , N are arranged in a numerical order in a first direction with N≥2 ,wherein a normal vector on a front surface of the plurality of dichroic mirrors is configured by a sum of a positive component in the first direction and a negative component in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction,wherein the plurality of normal vectors are substantially parallel to each other, and{'sub': 0', '0', '0', '0', '0, 'wherein, with 0≤θ≤90°, when an average of angles which are formed by the plurality of normal vectors and a direction opposite to the second direction is referred to as θ, an average of refractive indices of substrates of the dichroic mirrors is referred to as n, an average of widths of the substrates of the dichroic mirrors is referred to as α, an average of thicknesses of the substrates of the dichroic mirrors is referred to as β, and an average of intervals between the dichroic mirrors is referred to as x, and with 2≤n≤N, when an average of distances by which an end of the nth dichroic mirror in the second direction is shifted in the direction opposite to the second direction with respect to an end of the (n−1)th dichroic mirror in the second direction is referred to as yz, θ, n, α, β, x, and yz satisfy a predetermined relationship so as to increase an opening width of the dichroic mirror array or reduce an optical path length thereof.'}2. The dichroic mirror array according to claim 1 ,{'sub': 2', '0', '0', '0', '2', '2, 'sup': '−1', 'wherein, when θ=sin(1/n×sin(90°−θ)), 0≤yz≤2×sin(90°−θ−θ)/cos θ×β ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210072159A1

A LIBS system to detect constituent elements of interest within a sample from plasma light resulting from irradiation of this sample is presented. The LIBS system has a hybrid configuration which provides both a low-resolution spectrum of the plasma light covering a broad spectral range, and a high-resolution spectrum of the same plasma light over a narrow spectral range centered on a spectral line or feature of a constituent element of interest of the sample. In some implementations, the LIBS system has a portable design and can perform onsite sample analyses. 1. A Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) system to detect a constituent element of interest within a sample , said LIBS system comprising:a pulsed laser source generating light pulses apt to create a plasma upon irradiating said sample;an element detection assembly comprising a high-resolution spectrometer having a narrowband spectral range covering a spectral feature of the constituent element of interest;a broadband detection assembly comprising a low-resolution spectrometer having a broadband spectral range;a probe head transportable by a user to a sample site and having a probing interface configured to irradiate the sample with the light pulses and collect resulting plasma light;probe optics optically coupling the probing interface with the pulsed laser source, the low-resolution spectrometer and the high-resolution spectrometer, the probe optics defining a first output light path directing a narrowband spectral portion of the plasma light encompassing said spectral feature of the constituent element of interest to the high-resolution spectrometer, and a second output light path directing a broadband spectral portion of said plasma light to the low-resolution spectrometer.2. The LIBS system according to claim 1 , wherein the probe optics comprises an upstream dichroic filter centered on a wavelength of the light pulses claim 1 , the upstream dichroic filter being positioned to respectively direct ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200066782A1

A device for multispectral imaging in the infrared, suitable for detecting at at least one first and one second detection wavelength is provided. It comprises a detection matrix array comprising a set of elementary detectors of preset dimensions forming an image field of given dimensions; and an image-forming optic having a given aperture number (N) and a given focal length (F), which aperture number and focal length are suitable for forming, at any point of the image field, an elementary focal spot covering a set of at least two juxtaposed elementary detectors. The device furthermore comprises a matrix array of elementary metal-dielectric guided-resonance filters, which matrix array is arranged in front of the detection matrix array at a distance smaller than a focal depth of the optic, the dimensions of the elementary filters being such that each elementary focal spot formed at each point of the image field covers at least two elementary filters; and the elementary filters are optimised for pass-band transmission in spectral bands centred on two different central wavelengths, equal to two of said detection wavelengths. 1. A device for multispectral imaging in the infrared suitable for detecting at least one first and one second detection wavelength , comprising:a detection matrix array comprising a set of elementary detectors of preset dimensions forming an image field of given dimensions;an image-forming optic having a given aperture number (N) and a given focal length (F), said number and length being suitable for forming, at every point of the image field, an elementary focal spot, said focal spot covering a set of at least two juxtaposed elementary detectors;a matrix array of elementary metallodielectric guided-mode-resonance filters, said matrix array being arranged in front of the detection matrix array at a distance smaller than a focal depth of the image-forming optic, the dimensions of the elementary filters being chosen so that each elementary focal spot ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190072430A1

A spectrometer includes a light detection element having a substrate made of a semiconductor material, a light passing part provided in the substrate, and a light detection part put in the substrate, a support having a base wall part opposing the light detection element, and side wall parts integrally formed with the base wall part, the light detection element being fixed to the side wall parts, the support being provided with a wiring electrically connected to the light detection part, and a dispersive part provided on a surface of the base wall part on a side of a space. An end part of the wiring is connected to a terminal of the light detection element. An end part of the wiring is positioned on a surface in the base wall part on an opposite side from the side of the space. 19-. (canceled)10. A spectrometer comprising:a light detection unit having a substrate made of a semiconductor material;a support having a base wall part opposing the light detection unit through a space, and a side wall part to which the light detection unit is fixed; anda dispersive part configured to disperse and reflect light entering the space to a light detection part of the light detection unit,wherein a first slit and a second slit are formed in the substrate,the first slit is configured to allow light entering, the space to pass therethrough, andthe second slit is configured to allow a part of light reflected by the dispersive part to pass therethrough.11. The spectrometer according to claim 10 ,wherein in the first slit, an end part on an entrance side of light widens toward the entrance side of the light, andin the second slit, an end part on the opposite side from an entrance side of light widens toward the opposite side from the entrance side of the light.12. The spectrometer according to claim 10 , wherein the detection unit further has a cover disposed on the opposite side from the space side with respect to the substrate.131. The spectrometer according to claim claim 10 , ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Systems for Detecting Vascular and Arterial Disease in Asymptomatic Patients and Related Methods

Номер: US20200072670A1

Multispectral imaging systems are provided including an illumination control module configured to image a sample and provide an imaging output sequence including images and data; a multi-spectral physiologic visualization (MSPV) module, a peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO) module and a physiologic status parameters (PSP) module configured to receive the imaging output sequence of the illumination control module simultaneously. The MSPV module is configured to provide real-time blood flow distribution visualization of a field of view (FOV) responsive to the received imaging output sequence. The SpOmodule is configured to provide real-time SpOinformation at a tissue surface level for the FOV responsive to the received imaging and output sequence. The PSP module is configured to derive status parameters in real-time from metadata associated with the received imaging and output sequence of the FOV. The system further includes a processing engine configured to integrate and analyze the real-time blood flow distribution visualization, SpOinformation and derived status parameters. 1. A multispectral imaging system comprising:an illumination control module configured to image a sample and provide an imaging output sequence including images and data;{'sub': '2', 'a multi-spectral physiologic visualization (MSPV) module, a peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO) module and a physiologic status parameters (PSP) module configured to receive the imaging output sequence of the illumination control module simultaneously,'}wherein the MSPV module is configured to provide real-time blood flow distribution visualization of a field of view (FOV) responsive to the received imaging output sequence;{'sub': 2', '2, 'wherein the SpOmodule is configured to provide real-time SpOinformation at a tissue surface level for the FOV responsive to the received imaging and output sequence; and'}wherein the PSP module is configured to derive status parameters in real-time from metadata associated with the ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072671A1

A divided-aperture infrared spectral imaging (DAISI) system that is structured to provide identification of target chemical content in a single imaging shot based on spectrally-multiplexed operation. The system is devoid of spectral scanning acquisition of infrared (IR) spectral signatures of target content with an IR detector and does not require content. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. An infrared (IR) imaging system for imaging a scene , the imaging system comprising:an optical system including an optical focal plane array (FPA) unit, the optical system configured to receive IR radiation from the scene along at least two optical channels defined by components of the optical system to form respective images on the FPA array unit, said at least two optical channels being spatially and spectrally different from one another; and obtain a difference between a plurality of images from respective optical channels to form a temporal difference reference;', (a) the temporal difference image, and', '(b) a difference between a plurality of images obtained from respective optical channels at a later time,, 'obtain a difference between'}, 'thereby obtaining a temporal difference image., 'a data-processing system configured to4. The IR system of claim 3 , wherein the FPA unit comprises a plurality of focal plane arrays claim 3 , different focal plane arrays in different of said optical channels.5. The IR system of claim 4 , wherein said plurality of focal plane arrays and the components of the optical system are arranged in a two-dimensional array.6. The IR system of claim 5 , wherein said optical system includes a plurality of imaging lenses for imaging said scene onto said FPA unit claim 5 , different imaging lenses in different of said optical channels.7. The IR system of claim 6 , wherein said plurality of focal plane arrays comprise infrared focal plane arrays.8. The IR system of claim 3 , wherein said plurality of optical channels further comprise a plurality of spectral ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180077363A1

In one embodiment, an infrared (IR) imaging system for determining a concentration of a target species in an object is disclosed. The imaging system can include an optical system including an optical focal plane array (FPA) unit. The optical system can have components defining at least two optical channels thereof, said at least two optical channels being spatially and spectrally different from one another. Each of the at least two optical channels can be positioned to transfer IR radiation incident on the optical system towards the optical FPA. The system can include a processing unit containing a processor that can be configured to acquire multispectral optical data representing said target species from the IR radiation received at the optical FPA. Said optical system and said processing unit can be contained together in a data acquisition and processing module configured to be worn or carried by a person. 1. (canceled)2. A method for monitoring the presence of one or more target gases , the method comprising:receiving image data from a plurality of IR imaging systems, each IR imaging system configured to capture infrared images of the one or more target gases in real-time and to associate each captured infrared image with a location at which the one or more target gases are present; andprocessing the received image data to identify the location at which the one or more target gases is detected.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising mapping claim 2 , within the one or more installation sites claim 2 , the location at which the one or more target gases is detected.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising mapping claim 2 , within the one or more installation sites claim 2 , the location at which the or more target gases is detected claim 2 , a type of target gas detected and a concentration of the type of target gas detected.5. The method of claim 2 , further comprising detecting the presence of the one or more target gases based on the image data ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080821A1

Apparatus and method for obtaining a plurality of spectral images of a source object in a snapshot using comprising two-dimensional compressed sensing data cube reconstruction (2D CS-SCR) applied to a dispersed-diffused snapshot image. In some embodiments, the snapshot image is obtained through a RIP diffuser. In some embodiments, a randomizer is used to further randomized the dispersed-diffused snapshot image. The 2D CS-SCR includes applying a 2D framelet transform separately to arrays representing different wavebands of spectral cube data derived from the snapshot image. The application of the 2D framelet transform separately to the arrays representing the different wavebands includes application of direct and inverse 2D framelet transforms to the arrays. In some embodiments, the direct and inverse framelet transforms are included in a split Bregman iteration. 1. An assembly , comprising:a) a dispersing optical element;b) a phase transmitting diffusing optical element with a random phase transmission function; and 'wherein the dispersing optical element and the phase transmitting diffusing optical element are positioned in an imaging path extending between a source object and an image sensor and are used to cooperatively diffuse and disperse light originating or reflected from the object to form diffused and dispersed image data related to the object, wherein the randomizer is operative to randomize the diffused-dispersed image data into diffused-dispersed and randomized (DDR) image data at the image sensor, and wherein the DDR image data is transformable into at least three different spectral images of the object.', 'c) a randomizer;'}2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the phase transmitting diffusing optical element includes a plurality of grooves having a plurality of randomly selected groove depths.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of randomly selected groove depths includes four randomly selected depths.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210084213A1

A high dynamic range sensing device is disclosed. The device includes an array of Bayer pattern units. Each of the Bayer pattern units comprises a plurality of pixels and each of the plurality of pixels comprises a plurality of photodiodes. At least one of the plurality of photodiodes in each pixel is configured to detect near infrared (NIR) light and at least one of the plurality of photodiodes in each of the plurality of pixels is configured to detect visible light. 1. A sensing device , comprising:a plurality of pixels, wherein each of the pixels comprises a plurality of photodiodes;wherein at least one of the photodiodes in each pixel is configured to detect non-visible light;wherein at least two of the photodiodes in each pixel are configured to detect visible light; andwherein in each pixel, a single color filter covers the photodiodes configured to detect visible light.2. The sensing device of claim 1 , further comprising:a Bayer pattern unit, wherein the Bayer pattern unit includes the plurality of pixels.3. The sensing device of claim 2 , wherein:the plurality of pixels in one Bayer pattern unit comprise four pixels in a two by two configuration; andthe plurality of photodiodes in one pixel comprise four photodiodes in the two by two configuration.4. The sensing device of claim 1 , wherein:each of the photodiodes in each pixel is associated with an integration time; andat least two photodiodes in each pixel have different integration times.5. The sensing device of claim 4 , wherein:the integration time corresponds to time for the corresponding photodiode to collect charges caused by impinging photons.6. A sensing device claim 4 , comprisingan array of optical filter combinations, wherein each of the optical filter combinations corresponds to a pixel of the sensing device and has at least two different filters, and wherein each of the optical filter combinations is associated with a plurality of photodiodes;wherein one of the filters is a single color filter ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Imaging systems with digital micromirror devices (dmd)

Номер: US20170082487A1
Принадлежит: Sensors Unlimited Inc

An imaging system includes an imager housing having a primary aperture defining an optical axis. A primary lens is disposed over the primary aperture. A first focal plane array (FPA) is within the imager housing. A second FPA is within the imager housing. A digital micro-minor device (DMD) is angled with respect to the optical axis and optically coupled to the primary lens to selectively reflect light entering the primary aperture to at least one of the first FPA or the second FPA.

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210088383A1
Принадлежит: Omron Corporation

The present invention provides a wavelength detection device () provided with: a plurality of optical filters (); a splitting unit () which splits light and allows the split light to pass through each of the plurality of optical filters (); a plurality of light receiving elements () which detect the intensities of different beams of light which have passed through the optical filters, respectively; and a calculation unit () which calculates, from the outputs of the plurality of light receiving elements, physical quantities related to the transmittances of the plurality of optical filters, and calculates the wavelengths of the beams of light which have passed through the plurality of optical filters, on the basis of the transmittance characteristics, wherein the transmittance characteristics of the plurality of optical filters have an inclination section in different wavelength ranges of the wavelength range of the object to be measured. 1. A wavelength detection device , comprising:a plurality of optical filters;a splitting unit which splits light and allows the split lights to pass through the plurality of optical filters;a plurality of light receiving elements which detect the intensities of the lights which have passed through each of the plurality of optical filters or are reflected by each of the plurality of optical filters; anda calculation portion which derives a physical quantity related to the transmittances of the plurality of optical filters from the outputs of the plurality of light receiving elements, and derives the wavelengths of the lights which have passed through the plurality of optical filters on the basis of the transmittance characteristic which is a relationship between the physical quantity related to the transmittance and the wavelength of the light for the plurality of optical filters;wherein the transmittance characteristic of each of the plurality of optical filters has an inclination portion in different wavelength ranges of the ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Optical System for Reference Switching

Номер: US20220136899A1

Systems and methods for determining one or more properties of a sample are disclosed. The systems and methods disclosed can be capable of measuring along multiple locations and can reimage and resolve multiple optical paths within the sample. The system can be configured with one-layer or two-layers of optics suitable for a compact system. The optics can be simplified to reduce the number and complexity of the coated optical surfaces, et al. on effects, manufacturing tolerance stack-up problems, and interference-based spectroscopic errors. The size, number, and placement of the optics can enable multiple simultaneous or non-simultaneous measurements at various locations across and within the sample. Moreover, the systems can be configured with an optical spacer window located between the sample and the optics, and methods to account for changes in optical paths due to inclusion of the optical spacer window are disclosed.

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Wavelength-selective, high temperature, near infrared photodetectors for downhole applications

Номер: US20150096746A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

An apparatus for estimating a property of a downhole fluid includes a carrier configured to be conveyed through a borehole penetrating the earth, a fluid extraction device disposed at the carrier and configured to extract a sample of the downhole fluid, and a probe cell having a window to receive the sample. The apparatus further includes a light source to illuminate the sample through the window with light photons, and a photodetector to receive light photons through the window that have interacted with the downhole fluid and generate a signal indicative of an amount of the received light photons. The generated signal is indicative of the property. The photodetector has an optical cavity having a semiconductor that has a difference between a valence energy band and a conduction energy band for electrons that is greater than the energy of each of the received light photons.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200088573A1

A compact spectrometer is disclosed that is suitable for use in mobile devices such as cellular telephones. In preferred embodiments, the spectrometer comprises a filter, at least one Fourier transform focusing element, a micro-lens array, and a detector, but does not use any dispersive elements. Methods for using the spectrometer as an end-user device for performing on-site determinations of food quality, in particular, by comparison with an updatable database accessible by all users of the device, are also disclosed. 1. (canceled)2. A method of obtaining a spectrum of a sample without using dispersive optics , wherein said method comprises:providing a sample;causing light emanating from said sample to impinge on an optical filter, the center wavelength of which depends on the angle of incidence of the light impinging upon it;passing said light to a first Fourier transform focusing element;{'sub': '1', 'measuring the intensity of light as a function of position in a predetermined plane P; and,'}converting the intensity of light as a function of position in said plane Pito a spectrum.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein said step of measuring the intensity of light as a function of position in a predetermined plane Pcomprises measuring the intensity of light as a function of position in a plane substantially coincident with the focal plane of said first Fourier transform focusing element.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein said step of causing light emanating from said sample to impinge on an optical filter precedes said step of passing said light to a first Fourier transform focusing element claim 2 , whereby the light passing through said optical filter is angle-encoded according to its wavelength and said light is transformed by said Fourier transform focusing element to spatially encoded.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein said step of passing said light to a first Fourier transform focusing element precedes said step of causing light ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Method Of Calibrating Spectroscopic Apparatus And Method Of Producing Calibrated Spectroscopic Apparatus

Номер: US20200088575A1

Spectral apparatus includes sensors that output signals indicating the respective energy amounts of a plurality of wavelength components. For each of the sensors, its reference spectral sensitivity is acquired, and an indicator indicating the reference spectral sensitivity of the sensor, is acquired. The deviation of an indicator indicating the spectral sensitivity of the sensor from the indicator indicating the reference spectral sensitivity of the sensor, is expressed by a linear function of an indicator indicating a mechanical error in the spectral apparatus. The indicator indicating the mechanical error in the spectral apparatus, is acquired to adapt a spectral sensitivity set of sensors to a signal set output by the sensors. For each of the sensors, the deviation of the indicator indicating the spectral sensitivity of the sensor from the indicator indicating the reference spectral sensitivity of the sensor, is acquired, so that the spectral sensitivity of the sensor is acquired. 1. A method of calibrating a spectral apparatus , the method comprising:a step a) of causing the spectral apparatus to be calibrated, the spectral apparatus including: an optical system that converts light to be measured into a spectrum; and a light-receiving sensor including a plurality of sensors that outputs a plurality of signals, the plurality of sensors including sensors that outputs signals indicating respective energy amounts of a plurality of wavelength components included in the spectrum;a step b) of acquiring, for each of the plurality of sensors, reference spectral sensitivity of the sensor;a step c) of acquiring, for each of the plurality of sensors, an indicator indicating the reference spectral sensitivity of the sensor acquired at the step b);a step d) of creating, for each of the plurality of sensors, a model in which a linear function of an indicator indicating a mechanical error in the spectral apparatus, expresses deviation of an indicator indicating spectral ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Hybrid spectral imager

Номер: US20200088579A1
Автор: Konstantinos Balas
Принадлежит: QCELL PC

The invention discloses a hybrid and scanning/snapshot spectral imager operating in both staring-spectral scanning and video snapshot spectral imaging modes. Snapshot spectral imaging operation at a set of selectable critical spectral bands comprise the basis for a machine learning-based estimation and video-rate display of a full hyperspectral cube, without compromising spatial resolution. Operating in the staring-type scanning mode, the disclosed hybrid spectral imager acquires sets of narrow band images at a given tuning step and for a plurality of tuning steps until completing a hyperspectral cube sampling. Scanning operation may be used for optimally configuring snapshot operation, such that redundant information present in the collected spectra is discarded. The disclosed hybrid spectral imager includes embodiments susceptible for miniaturization and low power operation, allowing for their integration into mobile phone and computer platforms. The invention is intended to address applications comprising, at least in part, nondestructive testing, real-time spectral and chemical mapping, noninvasive diagnosis and spectral photography.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200088586A1

Various embodiments disclosed herein describe a divided-aperture infrared spectral imaging (DAISI) system that is adapted to acquire multiple IR images of a scene with a single-shot (also referred to as a snapshot). The plurality of acquired images having different wavelength compositions that are obtained generally simultaneously. The system includes at least two optical channels that are spatially and spectrally different from one another. Each of the at least two optical channels are configured to transfer IR radiation incident on the optical system towards an optical FPA unit comprising at least two detector arrays disposed in the focal plane of two corresponding focusing lenses. The system further comprises at least one temperature reference source or surface that is used to dynamically calibrate the two detector arrays and compensate for a temperature difference between the two detector arrays. 1. An infrared (IR) imaging system configured to image a scene , the imaging system comprising:a plurality of spatially and spectrally different optical channels comprising a plurality of cameras configured to image the scene;at least one thermal reference source having a known temperature placed in front of the plurality of cameras and configured to be imaged by the plurality of cameras; anda data-processing unit comprising a processor, acquire with the plurality of cameras a plurality of frames having regions that include images of the reference source; and', 'apply a dynamic calibration correction to the plurality of cameras to allow at least one camera in the plurality of cameras to be calibrated to agree with another camera in the plurality imaging the reference source., 'wherein the imaging system is configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system includes at least four optical channels.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system includes at least eight optical channels.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein a first optical channel comprises a first FPA ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Systems And User Interface For Collecting A Data Set In A Flow Cytometer

Номер: US20200088625A1
Автор: Rich Collin A.

Systems in a flow cytometer having an interrogation zone and illumination impinging the interrogation zone include: a lens subsystem including a collimating element that collimates light from the interrogation zone, a light dispersion element that disperses collimated light into a light spectrum, and a focusing lens that focuses the light spectrum onto an array of adjacent detection points; a detector array, including semiconductor detector devices, that collectively detects a full spectral range of input light signals, in which each detector device detects a subset spectral range of the full spectral range of light signals; and a user interface that enables a user to create a set of virtual detector channels by grouping detectors in the detector array, such that each virtual detector channel corresponds to a detector group and has a virtual detector channel range including the sum of subset spectral ranges of the detectors in the corresponding detector group. 19-. (canceled)10. A light detection system comprising:a plurality of user-configurable groups of photodetectors; anda plurality of detector channels, wherein each detector channel is assigned to one or more of the user-configurable groups of photodetectors.11. The light detection system according to claim 10 , wherein the light detection system is configured to:detect light from a sample irradiated with a light source; andgenerate a data signal from the detected light.12. The light detection system according to claim 11 , wherein the light detection system is operably coupled to a processor comprising memory having instructions stored thereon claim 11 , which when executed by the processor claim 11 , cause the processor to assign each detector channel to a user-configurable group of photodetectors before generating a data signal from the light detected from the irradiated sample.13. The light detection system according to claim 11 , wherein the light detection system is operably coupled to a processor ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Multispectral Imager

Номер: US20210096027A1

A multispectral imager includes processing circuitry, an illumination assembly, a detector assembly, and a focusing assembly. The illumination assembly includes an array of illumination elements controlled by the processing circuitry to illuminate a scene. The detector assembly includes a detector array controlled by the processing circuitry to capture images from the scene at different wavelengths. The focusing assembly includes a lens and is controlled by the processing circuitry to adjust a focal point for the detector array. The processing circuitry generates and processes the images from the scene, taken at different wavelengths and focal points, combines the images to form a multispectral image cube for the scene, and determines a composition of an object within the scene based on a spectral profile of the multispectral image cube. 1. A multispectral imager comprising:processing circuitry;an illumination assembly comprising an array of illumination elements, the illumination assembly being configured to be controlled by the processing circuitry to illuminate a scene at a plurality of wavelengths comprising a first wavelength and a second wavelength;a detector assembly comprising a detector array, the detector assembly being configured to be controlled by the processing circuitry to capture images at the plurality of wavelengths; anda focusing assembly comprising a lens, the focusing assembly being configured to be controlled by the processing circuitry to adjust a focal point for the detector array; generate a first plurality of images of the scene based on images captured by the detector assembly illuminated by the illumination assembly at the first wavelength, each image in the first plurality of images being captured at a respective different focal point;', 'combine the images of the first plurality of images to form a first merged image for the first wavelength;', 'generate a second plurality of images of the scene based on images captured by the detector ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180095207A1

A spectral filter () is provided with a long-pass filter () and a short-pass filter (). The long-pass filter () has a film thickness gradient GL wherein film thickness increases monotonically in a single direction, and transmits light of a wavelength region longer than a cut-off wavelength WL. The short-pass filter () has a film thickness gradient GS wherein film thickness increases monotonically in a single direction, and transmits light of a wavelength region shorter than a cut-off wavelength WS. The long-pass filter () and the short-pass filter () are overlapped such that the single directions match each other. At the positions in the single directions, a transmittance peak is formed by the cut-off wavelength WL being shorter than the cut-off wavelength WS. The film thickness gradient GL is greater than the film thickness gradient GS. 1. A spectral filter comprising:a long-pass filter having a film thickness gradient GL such that film thickness increases monotonically in one direction, the long-pass filter transmitting light in a wavelength range longer than a cutoff wavelength WL, the cutoff wavelength WL lengthening monotonically as the film thickness increases; anda short-pass filter having a film thickness gradient GS such that film thickness increases monotonically in one direction, the short-pass filter transmitting light in a wavelength range shorter than a cutoff wavelength WS, the cutoff wavelength WS lengthening monotonically as the film thickness increases,whereinthe long-pass filter and the short-pass filter are laid over each other so as to coincide in the one direction in which the film thickness increases monotonically,at any position in the one direction, the cutoff wavelength WL is shorter than the cutoff wavelength WS so as to form a peak in transmittance, andthe film thickness gradient GL is larger than the film thickness gradient GS.2. The spectral filter according to claim 1 , wherein [{'sub': '380', 'a half-maximum width of the transmittance ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190094072A1

Provided are an atomic emission spectrometer (AES), which may be downscaled with high detection intensity, a semiconductor manufacturing facility including the AES, and a method of manufacturing a semiconductor device using the AES. The AES includes: at least one laser generator configured to generate laser beams; a chamber including an elliptical or spherical mirror disposed inside the chamber and configured to reflect the laser beams transmitted into the chamber so that the laser beams are condensed and irradiated on an analyte contained in the chamber to generate plasma and emit plasma light; a supplier connected to the chamber to supply the analyte into the chamber; and a spectrometer configured to receive and analyze the plasma light, and obtain data regarding the plasma light to detect elements in the analyte. 1. An atomic emission spectrometer (AES) comprising:at least one laser generator configured to generate laser beams;a chamber comprising an elliptical or spherical mirror disposed inside the chamber and configured to reflect the laser beams transmitted into the chamber so that the laser beams are condensed and irradiated on an analyte contained in the chamber to generate plasma and emit plasma light;a supplier connected to the chamber to supply the analyte into the chamber; anda spectrometer configured to receive and analyze the plasma light, and obtain data regarding the plasma light to detect elements in the analyte.2. The AES of claim 1 , wherein the supplier comprises a first supply line through which the analyte is supplied into the chamber claim 1 , and a second supply line through which a gas in the chamber is discharged.3. The AES of claim 1 , wherein the supplier is further configured to supply a carrier gas into the chamber.4. The AES of claim 1 , wherein the supplier is connected to the chamber to supply the analyte while the plasma is generated.5. The AES of claim 1 , wherein the supplier comprises a nebulizer configured to vaporize a liquid- ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Optical demultiplexing system

Номер: US20150115140A1
Автор: Jamie Knapp
Принадлежит: Newport Corp USA

Demultiplexing systems and methods are discussed which may be small and accurate without moving parts. In some cases, demultiplexing embodiments may include optical filter cavities that include filter baffles and support baffles which may be configured to minimize stray light signal detection and crosstalk. Some of the demultiplexing assembly embodiments may also be configured to efficiently detect U.V. light signals and at least partially compensate for variations in detector responsivity as a function of light signal wavelength.

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210123810A1

Various embodiments disclosed herein describe a divided-aperture infrared spectral imaging (DAISI) system that is adapted to acquire multiple IR images of a scene with a single-shot (also referred to as a snapshot). The plurality of acquired images having different wavelength compositions that are obtained generally simultaneously. The system includes at least two optical channels that are spatially and spectrally different from one another. Each of the at least two optical channels are configured to transfer IR radiation incident on the optical system towards an optical FPA unit comprising at least two detector arrays disposed in the focal plane of two corresponding focusing lenses. The system further comprises at least one temperature reference source or surface that is used to dynamically calibrate the two detector arrays and compensate for a temperature difference between the two detector arrays. 1. An infrared (IR) imaging system , comprising:an optical system comprising at least two optical channels that are spatially and spectrally different from one another and positioned to transfer IR radiation incident on the optical system towards at least two detectors;at least one reference having an unknown temperature and imaged by the at least two detectors; and acquire a plurality of frames from the at least two detectors, the plurality of frames comprising at least one region that corresponds to the at least one reference, and', 'adjust one or more parameters of the at least two detectors based on a temperature estimate of the at least one reference., 'a data-processing unit configured to2. The IR imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one reference is displaced away from a conjugate image plane of the at least two detectors such that an image of the at least one reference claim 1 , captured by the at least two detectors claim 1 , is defocused.3. The IR imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one reference is positioned at a conjugate image ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Three-Dimensional Imaging Using Swept, Confocally Aligned Planar Excitation and a Customized Image Splitter

Номер: US20200103637A1

In some embodiments, a SCAPE system routes light from a tilted intermediate image plane to an infinity space disposed behind a third objective. A first beam splitter positioned in the infinity space routes light from the intermediate image plane with different wavelengths in different directions. First and second light detector arrays capture first and second wavelength images, respectively, and optical components route light having the first and second wavelength towards the first and second light detectors, respectively. In some embodiments, a SCAPE system is used to capture a plurality of images while a sample is perturbed (e.g., vibrated, deformed, pushed, pulled, stretched, or squeezed) in order to visualize the impact of the perturbation on the sample. 1. An imaging apparatus comprising:a first set of optical components having a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the first set of optical components includes a first objective disposed at the distal end of the first set of optical components;a second set of optical components having a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the second set of optical components includes a second objective disposed at the distal end of the second set of optical components; wherein the scanning element is arranged to route a sheet of excitation light so that the sheet of excitation light will pass through the first set of optical components in a proximal to distal direction and project into a sample that is positioned distally beyond the distal end of the first set of optical components, wherein the sheet of excitation light is projected into the sample at an oblique angle, and wherein the sheet of excitation light is projected into the sample at a position that varies depending on an orientation of the scanning element,', 'wherein the first set of optical components routes detection light from the sample in a distal to proximal direction back to the scanning element, and', 'wherein the scanning element is also arranged to route ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Methods for calibrating an optical emission spectrometer

Номер: US20220178747A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

One or more embodiments described herein generally relate to systems and methods for calibrating an optical emission spectrometer (OES) used for processing semiconductor substrates. In embodiments herein, a light fixture is mounted to a plate within a process chamber. A light source is positioned within the light fixture such that it provides an optical path that projects directly at a window through which the OES looks into the process chamber for its reading. When the light source is on, the OES measures the optical intensity of radiation from the light source. To calibrate the OES, the optical intensity of the light source is compared at two separate times when the light source is on. If the optical intensity of radiation at the first time is different than the optical intensity of radiation at the second time, the OES is modified.

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Optical modulation micro-nano structure, micro-integrated spectrometer and spectrum modulation method

Номер: US20220178748A1

An optical modulation micro-nano structure, a micro-integrated spectrometer and a spectrum modulation method are provided. The optical modulation micro-nano structure includes an optical modulation layer located on a photoelectric detection layer that can modulate incident light to form differential responses on the photoelectric detection layer, so as to obtain an original spectrum by reconstruction, thereby overcoming the defects that the existing spectrometers rely too much on precise optical components, which makes spectrometers bulky, heavy and expensive. The optical modulation layer includes a base plate and at least one modulation unit; the base plate is provided on the photoelectric detection layer, and each of the modulation units is located on the base plate; each modulation unit is provided with several modulation holes penetrating into the base plate, and respective modulation holes inside a same modulation unit are arranged into a two-dimensional graphic structure with a specific pattern.

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Spectrometer including an illumination channel that includes a light pipe

Номер: US20220178818A1
Принадлежит: Ams Sensors Singapore Pte Ltd

An apparatus includes a spectrometer. A housing is attached to a substrate and defines an illumination channel and a receiving channel. The illumination channel includes an illumination source mounted on the substrate and operable to produce light in a particular part of the spectrum. A light pipe is disposed over the illumination source so as to direct light from the illumination source out of the illumination channel toward a target. The receiving channel includes a sensor chip mounted on the substrate. The sensor chip includes light sensitive elements, each of which is selectively sensitive to a respective region of the particular part of the spectrum. The sensor chip further includes an electronic control unit operable to analyze signals from the light sensitive elements.

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200109989A1
Принадлежит: Hamamatsu Photonics KK

A spectrometer includes a support having a bottom wall part in which a depression including a concave curved inner surface and a peripheral part adjacent to the depression are provided, and a side wall part disposed on a side on which the depression is open with respect to the bottom wall part, a light detection element supported by the side wall part while opposing the depression, and a dispersive part disposed on the inner surface of the depression. A length of the depression in a second direction in which a plurality of grating grooves included in the dispersive part is aligned is larger than a length of the depression in a third direction orthogonal to the second direction when viewed in a first direction in which the depression and the light detection element oppose each other. An area of the peripheral part adjacent to the depression in the second direction is larger than an area of the peripheral part adjacent to the depression in the third direction when viewed in the first direction.

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Spectral Sensor for Multispectral Imaging

Номер: US20200109991A1

A spectral sensor comprises (i) a first type of interference filter comprising reflective multilayers of a first type and an intermediate layer configured to give a constructive interference for a wavelength in a first range, and (ii) a second type of interference filter comprising reflective multilayers of a second type and an intermediate layer configured to give a constructive interference for a wavelength in a second range. The sensor further comprises first and second filter stacks configured to selectively transmit light in the first and second wavelength ranges to first and second photo-sensitive areas, respectively. The first filter stack includes the first type of interference filter and a second type of dielectric mirror that is reflective in the second wavelength range. The second filter stack includes the second type of interference filter and a first type of dielectric mirror that is reflective in the first wavelength range.

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220182560A1

In one embodiment, an infrared (IR) imaging system for determining a concentration of a target species in an object is disclosed. The imaging system can include an optical system including an optical focal plane array (FPA) unit. The optical system can have components defining at least two optical channels thereof, said at least two optical channels being spatially and spectrally different from one another. Each of the at least two optical channels can be positioned to transfer IR radiation incident on the optical system towards the optical FPA. The system can include a processing unit containing a processor that can be configured to acquire multispectral optical data representing said target species from the IR radiation received at the optical FPA. Said optical system and said processing unit can be contained together in a data acquisition and processing module configured to be worn or carried by a person. 1. A method for imaging a target species in an object , the method comprising:receiving, by an optical system, infrared (IR) radiation, wherein said optical system comprises an optical focal plane array (FPA) unit and at least one lens array of a lens assembly configured to achieve an f-number less than 2; andprocessing, by the optical system, multispectral optical data representing said target species from the IR radiation.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the optical system comprises a data acquisition and processing module including a communication module claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises:communicating data from the communication module with at least one device physically separate from said data acquisition and processing module, wherein said at least one device comprises eyewear comprising a display.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein said data acquisition and processing module is associated with a dimension of less than 2 inches×2 inches×6 inches.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein said data acquisition and processing module is associated with a ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180120155A1

A hand held spectrometer is used to illuminate the object and measure the one or more spectra. The spectral data of the object can be used to determine one or more attributes of the object. In many embodiments, the spectrometer is coupled to a database of spectral information that can be used to determine the attributes of the object. The spectrometer system may comprise a hand held communication device coupled to a spectrometer, in which the user can input and receive data related to the measured object with the hand held communication device. The embodiments disclosed herein allow many users to share object data with many people, in order to provide many people with actionable intelligence in response to spectral data. 1. An optical spectrometer to measure spectra of a sample , comprising:a plurality of light sources arranged on a support;an optical diffuser located at a distance from the plurality of light sources;one or more photodetectors to receive a multiplexed optical signal from the sample illuminated with light from the plurality of light sources; andcircuitry coupled to the one or more photodetectors to receive the multiplexed optical signal.2. A spectrometer as in claim 1 , further comprising a second optical diffuser located at a second distance greater than the distance from the plurality of light sources.3. A spectrometer as in claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of light sources is mounted on the support and wherein the plurality of light sources is arranged in an array and wherein the first diffuser and the second diffuser are arranged to provide a substantially uniform illumination pattern of the sample.4. A spectrometer as in claim 1 , wherein the support comprises a printed circuit board and each of the plurality of light sources comprises a light emitting diode.5. A spectrometer as in claim 1 , further comprising a housing to support the first diffuser and the second diffuser with fixed distances from the light sources and wherein an inner ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180120160A1

The multispectral detection device comprises first and second photodetectors sensitive to two different wavelengths. The two photodetectors are connected to two integration capacitors of two different readout circuits. Two reset circuits are configured so as to initialise the two integration capacitors separately. A first synchronisation circuit is connected to the first readout circuit and to the synchronisation signal and clock signal generators. The first synchronisation circuit is configured in such a way as to 2. Detection device according to wherein the first synchronisation circuit is configured so as to initiate counting of the number of occurrences of the second predefined pattern in response to detection of the first predefined pattern in the synchronisation signal.3. Detection device according to wherein the first synchronisation circuit is configured so as to initiate counting of the number of occurrences of the second predefined pattern in response to detection of a third predefined pattern in the synchronisation signal and to command switching of the configuration of the first readout circuit by means of the first synchronisation circuit in response to detection of a first predefined pattern.4. Detection device according to wherein the first synchronisation circuit is configured so as to command switching of the configuration of the first readout circuit in response to detection of a priority pattern in the synchronisation signal claim 1 , the priority pattern being different from the first predefined pattern.5. Detection device according to wherein switching of the configuration of the first readout circuit in response to detection of the priority pattern is configured to initiate or terminate the acquisition phase.6. Detection device according to wherein the fourth predefined pattern is identical to the second predefined pattern.7. Detection device according to wherein the first wavelength is identical to the second wavelength.8. Detection device ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Non-dispersive multi-channel sensor assembly having refractive and/or diffractive beamsplitter

Номер: US20220265945A1

A non-dispersive multi-channel radiation sensor assembly includes a beamsplitter assembly, a first band-pass filter, which has a predefined first bandwidth and has a transmission maximum at a predefined first useful-signal wavelength, a first measurement-radiation useful-signal sensor, which is arranged downstream of the first band-pass filter in the beam path, a second band-pass filter, which has a transmission maximum at a predefined first reference-signal wavelength, a first measurement-radiation reference-signal sensor, which is arranged downstream of the second band-pass filter in the beam path. The beamsplitter assembly has a first irradiation region and a second irradiation region, in which irradiation regions the beamsplitter assembly is irradiated with measurement radiation. The irradiation regions are optically designed in such a way that the beamsplitter assembly deflects, in the first irradiation region, a first part of the measurement radiation onto the first band-pass filter and a second part of the measurement radiation onto the second band-pass filter.

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200116568A1

The invention provides methods and apparatus comprising a multi-wavelength laser source that uses a single unfocused pulse of a low intensity but high power laser over a large sample area to collect Raman scattered collimated light, which is then Rayleigh filtered and focused using a singlet lens into a stacked fiber bundle connected to a customized spectrograph, which separates the individual spectra from the scattered wavelengths using a hybrid diffraction grating for collection onto spectra-specific sections of an array photodetector to measure spectral intensity and thereby identify one or more compounds in the sample. 1a Nd YAG laser configured to simultaneously output a single pulse of an unfocused beam of photons in one or more excitation wavelengths selected from 213 nm, 266 nm, 532 nm and 1064 nm onto an sample, said laser output ranging from 1-100 mJ per pulse at 10 Hz;a dichroic Rayleigh filter stack in optical communication with scattered light from the single pulse of unfocused beam of photons incident on the sample;a singlet lens in optical communication with the dichroic Rayleigh filter stack to focus the scattered light from the sample and couple the scattered light into a proximal end of a stacked fiberoptic bundle;a spectrograph equipped with a hybrid diffraction grating attached to a distal end of the stacked fiberoptic bundle, said hybrid diffraction grating comprised of a stack of at least two diffraction surfaces, each diffraction surface configured for wavelength for one of the one or more excitation wavelengths, each diffraction surface individually angle-tuned and target-adjusted to disperse the scattered light, wherein the spectrograph is configured to illuminate all of the at least two diffraction surfaces simultaneously;an array detector system in optical communication with the spectrograph and configured to receive the dispersed scattered light from each diffraction surface onto a specific target section of an array detector, and output ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190123086A1
Автор: OCKENFUSS Georg J.

A device may include a filter array disposed on a substrate. The filter array may include a first mirror disposed on the substrate. The filter array may include a plurality of spacers disposed on the first mirror. A first spacer, of the plurality of spacers, may be associated with a first thickness. A second spacer, of the plurality of spacers, may be associated with a second thickness that is different from the first thickness. A first channel corresponding to the first spacer and a second channel corresponding to the second spacer may be associated with a separation width of less than approximately 10 micrometers (μm). The filter array may include a second mirror disposed on the plurality of spacers. 1. A device , comprising: a first mirror disposed on the substrate,', a first spacer, of the plurality of spacers, being associated with a first thickness,', 'a second spacer, of the plurality of spacers, being associated with a second thickness that is different from the first thickness,', 'a first channel corresponding to the first spacer and a second channel corresponding to the second spacer being associated with a separation width of less than approximately 10 micrometers (μm); and, 'a plurality of spacers disposed on the first mirror,'}, 'a second mirror disposed on the plurality of spacers., 'the filter array including, 'a filter array disposed on a substrate,'}2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the second mirror is aligned with two or more sensor elements of a set of sensor elements.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of spacers are deposited onto the substrate using at least one of:a physical vapor deposition (PVD) process,a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process, ora lift-off process.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first thickness or the second thickness is selected to pass through a particular spectral range of light claim 1 , an ultraviolet (UV) spectral range,', 'a visible spectral range,', 'a near infrared (NIR) spectral range,', 'a ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160131525A1

The present disclosure describes an ultraviolet (UV) sensor configured to detect a target UV spectrum (e.g., UVB spectrum). The UV sensor includes a first photodiode with a first UV spectral response and a second photodiode with a second UV spectral response. A filter layer having a graded spectral response is formed over the second photodiode, and the second UV spectral response is affected by a controlled parameter (e.g., thickness) of the filter layer. The UV sensor further includes a subtraction circuit coupled with the first photodiode and the second photodiode. The subtraction circuit is configured to provide a differential response based on a difference between the first UV spectral response and the second UV spectral response. The controlled parameter of the filter layer can be selected such that the differential response provides a detected spectral response of the target spectrum. 1. An ultraviolet (UV) sensor , comprising:a first photodiode with a first UV spectral response;a second photodiode with a second UV spectral response;a filter layer having a graded spectral response, the filter layer being formed over the second photodiode, wherein the second UV spectral response is affected by a controlled parameter of the filter layer; anda subtraction circuit coupled with the first photodiode and the second photodiode, the subtraction circuit being configured to provide a differential response based on a difference between the first UV spectral response and the second UV spectral response.2. The UV sensor of claim 1 , wherein the differential response is associated with a target spectrum claim 1 , and the controlled parameter is selected to achieve the target spectrum.3. The UV sensor of claim 2 , wherein target spectrum comprises a UVB spectrum.4. The UV sensor of claim 1 , further comprising a UVA filter formed over the first and second photodiodes.5. The UV sensor of claim 1 , wherein the subtraction circuit comprises one or more analog-to-digital ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Illumination and detection apparatus for a metrology apparatus

Номер: US20220276180A1
Принадлежит: ASML Netherlands BV

An illumination and detection apparatus for a metrology tool, and associated method. The apparatus includes an illumination arrangement operable to produce measurement illumination having a plurality of discrete wavelength bands and having a spectrum having no more than a single peak within each wavelength band. The detection arrangement includes a detection beamsplitter to split scattered radiation into a plurality of channels, each channel corresponding to a different one of the wavelength bands; and at least one detector for separate detection of each channel.

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190128734A1

Systems and methods for determining one or more properties of a sample are disclosed. The systems and methods disclosed can be capable of measuring along multiple locations and can reimage and resolve multiple optical paths within the sample. The system can be configured with one-layer or two-layers of optics suitable for a compact system. The optics can be simplified to reduce the number and complexity of the coated optical surfaces, etalon effects, manufacturing tolerance stack-up problems, and interference-based spectroscopic errors. The size, number, and placement of the optics can enable multiple simultaneous or non-simultanous measurements at various locations across and within the sample. Moreover, the systems can be configured with an optical spacer window located between the sample and the optics, and methods to account for changes in optical paths due to inclusion of the optical spacer window are disclosed. 1. A system comprising:one or more light sources that, emit a first light and a second light, the first light directed toward an exterior interface of the system and including a plurality of optical paths, and the second light incident on a reference;one or more first optics that collect at least a portion of a reflection of the first light and change an angle of the first light;one or more second optics configured to receive the first light from the one or more first optics and focus the first light to a detector array; andthe detector array including a plurality of detector pixels that detect at least a portion of the focused first light from the one or more second optics.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising: a launch region configured to reflect or absorb one or more wavelengths different from wavelengths of light emitted from the one or more light sources,', 'a reference region that receives a reflection of the second light, and', 'a measurement region including the one or more first optics., 'a plurality of groups, each of the plurality of ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Divided-aperture infra-red spectral imaging system

Номер: US20200124470A1
Принадлежит: Rebellion Photonics Inc

Various embodiments disclosed herein describe a divided-aperture infrared spectral imaging (DAISI) system that is adapted to acquire multiple IR images of a scene with a single-shot (also referred to as a snapshot). The plurality of acquired images having different wavelength compositions that are obtained generally simultaneously. The system includes at least two optical channels that are spatially and spectrally different from one another. Each of the at least two optical channels are configured to transfer IR radiation incident on the optical system towards an optical FPA unit comprising at least two detector arrays disposed in the focal plane of two corresponding focusing lenses. The system further comprises at least one temperature reference source or surface that is used to dynamically calibrate the two detector arrays and compensate for a temperature difference between the two detector arrays.

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for distinguishing between different tissue types using specific raman spectral regions

Номер: US20160139051A1

A portable apparatus and method for distinguishing between different tissue types, such as normal tissue, necrotic tissue, and tumor tissue are provided, where the apparatus includes a housing and a plurality of Raman spectrometers disposed within the housing, each spectrometer having a different spectral region. A processor is provided in communication with the plurality of spectrometers, the processor analyzing output from the plurality of spectrometers to identify the tissue type of the tissue sample. A method of selecting the spectral regions which provide a desired combined classification accuracy for determining the tissue type is also provided.

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180136040A1

A multifocal spectrometric device is capable of simultaneously performing a measurement of a plurality of sample with high sensitivity, with no restriction on the magnification. A multifocal spectrometric device is a device in which beams of signal light emitted from a plurality of predetermined observation areas on samples placed in a sample placement section are introduced into a spectrograph and thereby dispersed into spectra, the device including: a plurality of objective lenses (objective light-condensing sections) individually located at positions which respectively and optically face the plurality of observation areas; and spectrograph input sections provided in such a manner that each of the plurality of objective lenses has one corresponding spectrograph input section, for introducing signal light passing through the corresponding objective lenses into the spectrograph. Since each objective lens only needs to observe one observation area, both the magnification and the numerical aperture can be simultaneously increased. 2. (canceled)3. The multifocal spectrometric device according to claim 1 , comprising a light source for casting claim 1 , onto the sample or samples claim 1 , irradiation light which causes an emission of the signal light from the sample or samples by irradiating the sample or samples.4. The multifocal spectrometric device according to claim 3 , wherein the light source is placed at a position from which the irradiation light is cast through the objective light-condensing sections onto the sample or samples.5. The multifocal spectrometric device according to claim 4 , comprising a filter placed between the sample placement section and the spectrograph input sections claim 4 , for allowing light having a wavelength of the signal light to pass through while reflecting light having a wavelength of the irradiation light.6. The multifocal spectrometric device according to claim 5 , wherein the filter is arranged so that a plurality of beams of ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180136041A1
Автор: Knapp Jamie
Принадлежит: Newport Corporation

Optical analysis system and methods that may include a demultiplexing assembly with a photodetector array and a plurality of optical channels configured to prevent crosstalk therebetween. Some optical analysis system embodiments may include a multiplexer operatively coupled to a demultiplexing assembly may be used to split a single optical signal into multiple optical signals, or any other suitable purpose. 1. An optical analysis system , comprising:a photo detector array including a plurality of adjacent detector elements having coplanar input surfaces, active portions and inactive portions; and a channel cavity bounded by lateral baffles which are configured to optically isolate each channel cavity from all other channel cavities of said demultiplexing assembly, said channel cavity including an input end and an output end disposed opposite the input end and adjacent the photo detector array, the output end including an output aperture in optical communication with a respective active portion of the photo detector array,', 'a bandpass filter disposed within the channel cavity and including an input surface disposed towards the input end of the channel cavity and an output surface disposed towards the output end of the channel cavity; and', 'an optical conduit including an output end secured relative to the channel cavity such that an output surface of the optical conduit is directed toward and in optical communication with an input surface of the bandpass filter and the output aperture of the channel cavity., 'a demultiplexing assembly comprising a plurality of optical channels, each optical channel including2. The system of wherein each channel cavity further comprises a support baffle which is disposed over at least part of the output surface of each respective band pass filter and with the output aperture of the channel cavity being formed in the support baffle.3. The system of wherein the optical conduit comprises an optical fiber.4. The system of wherein the ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190137336A1

Solar spectral irradiance (SSI) measurements are important for solar collector/photovoltaic panel efficiency and solar energy resource assessment as well as being important for scientific meteorological/climate observations and material testing research. To date such measurements have exploited modified diffraction grating based scientific instruments which are bulky, expensive, and with low mechanical integrity for generalized deployment. A compact and cost-effective tool for accurately determining the global solar spectra as well as the global horizontal or tilted irradiances as part of on-site solar resource assessments and module performance characterization studies would be beneficial. An instrument with no moving parts for mechanical and environment stability in open field, non-controlled deployments could exploit software to resolve the global, direct and diffuse solar spectra from its measurements within the 280-4000 nm spectral range, in addition to major atmospheric processes, such as air mass, Rayleigh scattering, aerosol extinction, ozone and water vapour absorptions. 1. A device comprising:a diffuser disposed in front of a first aperture of a cavity;a first body portion comprising the first aperture having a first predetermined diameter positioned in a first predetermined position on the first body portion and forming a first predetermined potion of the cavity;a second body portion comprising a plurality of second apertures, each second aperture having a second predetermined diameter and positioned in a second predetermined position on the second body portion and forming a second predetermined portion of the cavity;a plurality of optical collimators, each optical collimator coupled to a predetermined second aperture of the plurality of second apertures and defining a maximum angular acceptance angle for each photodetector of a plurality of photodetectors disposed at the distal end of an optical collimator from that coupled to the predetermined second ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172797A1

The present invention is a camera with video-rate acquisition and processing for medical imaging applications. In particular, the invention is used to determine the health of a body area by quantitatively measuring blood oxygen levels and melanin content from a real-time video image of a body segment. In certain embodiments, a camera comprises an objective lens; a filter tray located at an aperture stop of the objective lens, wherein the filter tray comprises a plurality of elements, each element passes a spectral band of light; a micro-lens array located at an exit pupil of the objective lens comprising a plurality of micro lenses to form an image plane, wherein the objective lens produces a focused image at the image plane; and a focal plane array comprising a plurality of sensors, wherein each sensor receives light from at least one micro-lens of the micro-lens array. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. A method of using a camera comprising the steps of:passing an image through a first filter tray and an objective lens, wherein the first filter tray comprises a plurality of first elements, each first element passes a unique spectral frequency band of light preselected for a first diagnostic medical imaging application;selecting the unique spectral frequency band that each first element passes based on the following center wavelength values in nanometers (nm), plus or minus 1 percent: 425.3, 469.4, 517.2, 535.6, 540.1, 560.2, 561.4, 574.9, 612.0, 649.2, 684.6, 800.3, 852.0 and 900.0;focusing, via the objective lens, the image onto a micro-lens array (MLA) comprising a plurality of micro lenses;re-imaging the image, via each one of the plurality of micro lenses, onto each one of a plurality of sensors within a focal plane array (FPA);filtering each re-image associated with each one of the plurality ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Spectrometry system applications

Номер: US20180143073A1
Принадлежит: Verifood Ltd

A spectrometer system may be used to determine one or more spectra of an object, and the one or more spectra may be associated with one or more attributes of the object that are relevant to the user. While the spectrometer system can take many forms, in many instances the system comprises a spectrometer and a processing device in communication with the spectrometer and with a remote server, wherein the spectrometer is physically integrated with an apparatus. The apparatus may have a function different than that of the spectrometer, such as a consumer appliance or device.

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Spectral sensor

Номер: US20150153224A1
Принадлежит: Hamamatsu Photonics KK

A spectroscopic sensor 1A comprises an interference filter unit 20 A, a light detection substrate 30 A, and a separator 15 . The interference filter unit 20 A has a cavity layer 21 and first and second mirror layers 22, 23 opposing each other through the cavity layer 21 and selectively transmits therethrough a predetermined wavelength range of light according to its incident position from the first mirror layer 22 side to the second mirror layer 23 side. The light detection substrate 30 A has a light-receiving surface 32 a for receiving light transmitted through the interference filter unit 20 A and detects the light incident on the light-receiving surface 32 a . The separator 15 extends from the cavity layer 21 to at least one of the first and second mirror layers 22, 23 and optically separates the interference filter unit 20 A as seen in a predetermined direction intersecting the light-receiving surface 32 a .

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Hyperspectral imaging systems and methods for imaging a remote object

Номер: US20150153226A1
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

A hyperspectral imaging system and a method are described herein for providing a hyperspectral image of an area of a remote object. In one aspect, the hyperspectral imaging system includes a fore optic with optics for acquiring and projecting an image from a remote object, a scannable slit mechanism with a plurality of slits for receiving the projected image, where the projected image simultaneously illuminates two or more of the plurality of slits, a spectrometer for receiving and dispersing images passing through the two or more simultaneously-illuminated slits, and a two-dimensional image sensor for recording images received from the spectrometer, where the images received from different slits are recorded on different sets of detection elements of the two-dimensional image sensor.

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170150888A1

Multispectral images, including ultraviolet light and its interactions with ultraviolet light-interactive compounds, can be captured, processed, and represented to a user. Ultraviolet-light related information can be conveniently provided to a user to allow the user to have awareness of UV characteristics and the user's risk to UV exposure. 1. A mobile device comprising:a camera sensor system capable of capturing a multispectral image, comprising representations of wavelengths of light in an infrared spectrum, a visible spectrum and an ultraviolet spectrum, at approximately the same time;a computer system coupled to the camera sensor and configured to process the multispectral image to identify an area of interest by detecting the presence of skin in the representations of infrared light or visible light in the multispectral image and further configured to process the multispectral image to identify a subset of the area of interest by comparing the representations of ultraviolet light in the portion of the multispectral image in the area of interest to a predetermined-ultraviolet-light threshold;wherein the computer system is further configured to render a display image for display from the multispectral image;wherein the rendering indicates whether the subset of the area of interest lacks ultraviolet protection by identifying the subset of the area of interest with a false color on top of the representation of wavelengths of light in the visible spectrum; anda display coupled to the computer system processor and operable to display the rendered display image at approximately the same time the multispectral image is captured.21. The mobile device of , wherein the predetermined-ultraviolet-light threshold is based on a ultraviolet reflectivity of a topical compound comprising sunscreen.31. The mobile device of , wherein the predetermined-ultraviolet-light threshold is based on a ultraviolet reflectivity of a topical compound or a relative-ultraviolet-light threshold ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200141803A1

The present disclosure provides a method of providing a hyperspectral image of a scene comprising a point (p). The method comprises providing an imaging device (′) comprising a two-dimensional image sensing unit () having a spectral characteristic, which varies along at least one direction in a plane parallel with an image sensor (), acquiring a first two-dimensional image () of the scene, the first image comprising the point (p), wherein the spectral content of the scene varies along the direction as a consequence of the varying spectral characteristic of the image sensing unit (), moving the imaging device (′) and the scene relative to each other, acquiring a second two-dimensional image (I) of the scene, the second image comprising the point (p), wherein the spectral content of the scene varies along the direction as a consequence of the varying spectral characteristic of the image sensing unit (), identifying the point (p) in the second image (I) as a second pixel at a position (x, y) depicting the point (p), providing a spectral vector (S(p)) of the point, and providing an updated spectral vector (S′(p)) of the point based on an applicability vector (A(p)) of the point (p), the spectral vector (S(p)) of the point, a spectral value (z(p)) of the second pixel and an applicability vector (B(p)) of the second pixel. 1. A method of providing a hyperspectral image of a scene comprising a point , comprising:providing an imaging device comprising a two-dimensional image sensing unit having a spectral characteristic, which varies along at least one direction in a plane parallel with an image sensor,acquiring a first two-dimensional image of the scene, the first image comprising the point, wherein the spectral content of the scene varies along the direction as a consequence of the varying spectral characteristic of the image sensing unit,moving the imaging device and the scene relative to each other,acquiring a second two-dimensional image of the scene, the second image ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210181020A1

An approach to noninvasively and remotely detect the presence, location, and/or quantity of a target substance in a scene via a spectral imaging system comprising a spectral filter array and image capture array. For a chosen target substance, a spectral filter array is provided that is sensitive to selected wavelengths characterizing the electromagnetic spectrum of the target substance. Elements of the image capture array are optically aligned with elements of the spectral filter array to simultaneously capture spectrally filtered images. These filtered images identify the spectrum of the target substance. Program instructions analyze the acquired images to compute information about the target substance throughout the scene. A color-coded output image may be displayed on a smartphone or computing device to indicate spatial and quantitative information about the detected target substance. The system desirably includes a library of interchangeable spectral filter arrays, each sensitive to one or more target substances. 125-. (canceled)26. A method of detecting a target substance in a scene , comprising the steps of:a) using an image capture array and a spectral filter array, to simultaneously capture a plurality of spectrally filtered images of the scene, wherein the spectral filter array is sensitive to at least two bandwidth portions of the electromagnetic spectrum which provide spectral information effective to identify the target substance; andb) using the spectrally filtered images to generate an output indicative of the presence and the one or more locations of the target substance in the scene.2732-. (canceled)33. A spectral filter system , comprising a plurality of interchangeable spectral filter arrays , wherein each spectral filter array comprises a plurality of spectral filtering elements , wherein at least one spectral filtering element is pre-associated with both a target substance and at least one background substance , wherein said spectral filtering ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Gas imaging system

Номер: US20210181099A1
Принадлежит: Rebellion Photonics Inc

A spectral imaging system configured to obtain spectral measurements in a plurality of spectral regions is described herein. The spectral imaging system comprises at least one optical detecting unit having a spectral response corresponding to a plurality of absorption peaks of a target chemical species. In an embodiment, the optical detecting unit may comprise an optical detector array, and one or more optical filters configured to selectively pass light in a spectral range, wherein a convolution of the responsivity of the optical detector array and the transmission spectrum of the one or more optical filters has a first peak in mid-wave infrared spectral region between 3-4 microns corresponding to a first absorption peak of methane and a second peak in a long-wave infrared spectral region between 6-8 microns corresponding to a second absorption peak of methane.
