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24-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2651877C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам ультразвуковой визуализации. Станция для получения ультразвуковых изображений для использования вместе с мобильным устройством в ультразвуковой системе визуализации, в которой мобильное устройство отображения имеет второй блок памяти для хранения второй операционной системы для управления мобильным устройством отображения, при этом станция содержит решетку преобразователей, аппаратный узел для получения изображения для управления решеткой преобразователей, приема принимаемого ультразвукового сигнала и предоставления данных изображения, первый блок памяти, в котором хранится первая операционная система для управления ультразвуковой системой визуализации, и интерфейсный узел для разъемного соединения мобильного устройства отображения со станцией, причем первая операционная система выполнена с возможностью управления ультразвуковой системой визуализации, включающей в себя мобильное устройство отображения, а ультразвуковая ...

27-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2480147C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно с системам и способам формирования изображений при диагностике биообъектов. Система содержит лазер для генерации фотоакустических сигналов, преобразователь, канал ультразвукового сигнала, канал фотоакустического сигнала, блок оценки движения и блок объединения изображений. Способ объединения изображений образца, использующий устройство, заключается в освещении образца системой освещения, передаче ультразвуковых волн в образец ультразвуковым преобразователем, генерации оценки движения из ультразвуковых сигналов, принятых в разные моменты времени от одного и того же местоположения образца, генерации фотоакустического изображения из принятых фотоакустических сигналов и его коррекции вследствие движения, используя оценку движения. Использование изобретения позволяет проводить точное совмещение изображений, устранить артефакты и улучшить распознавание элементов при использовании фотоакустического формирования изображения в комбинации с ультразвуковым ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2494676C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к системам диагностической визуализации ультразвуком. Способ заключается во введении средства усиления контрастности в отслеживаемую ткань, получении, во время периода действия средства, опорного 3D CEUS объема и информации слежения и изображения в реальном времени отслеживаемой ткани, формировании мультипланарной реконструкции изображения (MPR) с контрастным усилением (CEUS) для одного из полученных изображений в реальном времени, отображении полученного изображения в реальном времени, показывающего инструмент в пределах требуемой части, и соответствующего изображения MPR CEUS для интервенционной навигации после истечения периода действия усиления контрастности. Во втором варианте способа изображение MPR CEUS пространственно регистрируется с соответствующими полученными изображениями в реальном времени. В третьем варианте выполнения способа формируют проекцию максимальной интенсивности (MIP) как функцию, по меньшей мере, полученного ...

27-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013127514A

... 1. Устройство уменьшения помех при применениях для радиочастотной (RF) абляции с использованием ультразвукового мониторинга, причем упомянутое устройство содержит:- устройство (20) абляции, выполненное с возможностью формирования сигналов (S(a)) радиочастотной абляции, подаваемых к абляционному электроду (22),- ультразвуковое устройство (30);- ультразвуковой преобразователь (32), соединенный с упомянутым ультразвуковым устройством (30);при этом упомянутое устройство выполнено с возможностью формирования по меньшей мере двух импульсов (S(c); S(с1), S(c2), S(c3)) ультразвукового возбуждения для возбуждения упомянутого ультразвукового преобразователя (32), причем упомянутый ультразвуковой преобразователь (32) выполнен с возможностью осуществления ультразвукового сканирования для каждого импульса ультразвукового возбуждения, при этом каждое ультразвуковое сканирование содержит ультразвуковые сигналы (S2), и приема ультразвуковых отраженных сигналов (S(d)) в ответ на упомянутые импульсы ультразвукового ...

27-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010124373A

... 1. Способ интервенционной навигации с помощью 3D ультразвуковой визуализации с контрастным усилением (CEUS), содержащий этапы, на которых: ! получают опорный 3D CEUS объем и информацию слежения для требуемой части анатомии, которая подвергается интервенционной процедуре с помощью инструмента, причем получение выполняется во время периода действия средства усиления контрастности, вводимого в требуемую часть анатомии; ! получают изображения ткани, отслеживаемые в реальном времени, во время интервенционной процедуры; ! формируют, по меньшей мере, одну соответствующую мультипланарную реконструкцию ультразвукового изображения с контрастным усилением (MPR CEUS), по меньшей мере, для одного из полученных изображений ткани, отслеживаемых в реальном времени, во время интервенционной процедуры, как функцию опорного 3D CEUS объема и информации слежения; ! отображают, по меньшей мере, одно из полученных изображений ткани, отслеживаемых в реальном времени, причем отображаемое изображение ткани, отслеживаемое ...

20-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009125576A

... 1. Способ использования компактной ультразвуковой системы с крупногабаритной ультразвуковой системой, включающий в себя этапы, на которых: ! выполняют диагностическую визуализацию пациента посредством использования компактной ультразвуковой системы; ! перемещают упомянутую компактную ультразвуковую систему к крупногабаритной ультразвуковой системе; и ! модифицируют упомянутую крупногабаритную ультразвуковую систему так, чтобы упомянутая компактная ультразвуковая система состыковалась с упомянутой крупногабаритной ультразвуковой системой таким образом, чтобы между упомянутой крупногабаритной ультразвуковой системой и упомянутой компактной ультразвуковой системой существовало электрическое соединение. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором упомянутое электрическое соединение является беспроводным соединением. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором упомянутое электрическое соединение является проводным соединением. ! 4. Способ по п.1, дополнительно включающий в себя физическое соединение между упомянутой крупногабаритной ...

11-06-1992 дата публикации

Ultrasonic particle size measurement for gall stone lithotripsy - uses measured velocity of particles in organ body fluid

Номер: DE0004012761A1

The particle size measurement uses evaluation of ultrasonic echo pulses, to determine the sinking rate of the stone particles in the organ body fluid and hence the particle size. Pref. the number of particles of each dia. are counted, with the count values fed to a display. The sinking rates of the particles are measured using 2 successive ultrasonic pulses, with the obtained measured values fed to a processor calculating the particle velocity and particle size, with a histogram of the particle sizes provided. USE - For controlling gall stone lithotripsy.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020208465A1

Ein Ultraschallsensor beinhaltet: ein Ultraschallelement (53), das vorgesehen ist, um eine Ultraschallwelle zu senden und zu empfangen, die sich entlang einer Richtungsachse (DA) ausbreitet; und einen Elementgehäusekasten (4), der ein Kastendiaphragma (44) beinhaltet, das eine Dickenrichtung entlang der Richtungsachse hat. Ein Resonanzraum (SC) ist zwischen dem Kastendiaphragma und dem Ultraschallelement für die Ausbreitungswelle durch Aufnehmen des Ultraschallelements, während das Ultraschallelement von dem Kastendiaphragma separiert ist, konfiguriert. Eine Hornform ist in dem Elementaufnahmekasten definiert, in dem sich eine Breite des Resonanzraums in einer Richtung orthogonal zur Richtungsachse reduziert, wenn sich der Resonanzraum in einer axialen Richtung Parallel zur Richtungsachse erstreckt.

25-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000397034B

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000526882T

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000521906T

15-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000900484A

15-01-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000132722T

15-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000269666T

15-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000236573T

16-01-1997 дата публикации

Method and system to enhance medical signals for real-time analysis and high-resolution display

Номер: AU0000674958B2

08-06-1994 дата публикации

A method and system for near real-time analysis and display of electrocardiographic signals

Номер: AU0003787493A

20-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1164085A

The acoustic wave generated by sudden thermal stress is used to obtain information non-invasively on the composition and structure of the stressed body. One or more acoustic transducers (1 and 1') are coupled with the surface of the body to intercept the acoustic wave and generate a corresponding electrical signal. The sudden thermal stress is induced by a pulse of radiation which deposits energy causing a rapid, but very small, rise of temperature. The radiation may be ionizing radiation, such as high energy electrons, photons (x-rays), neutrons, or other charged particles. The radiation may also be non-ionizing radiation, such as RF(2) and microwave electromagnetic radiation (3) and ultrasonic radiation (4). The electrical signal from the acoustic transducer (1) is amplified (5) and supplied to a digitizer (6), which provides a continuous stream of digital words corresponding to samples of the amplified signal. Because in most situations of practical interest the SJN ratio of a single ...

20-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001164085A1

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA3115354A1

Disclosed is a device, system and method for use with sensors including an accelerator, a gyroscope and magnetometers to determine position and orientation of a probe. The probe may be attached to, or incorporate other instruments such as ultrasound transducer and surgical instruments. Each of the sensors generate sensor data, including calibration data. The system may also have a second position sensor in proximity to the probe. The system also has a processing engine receiving the sensor data for calculating the position and orientation of the probe relative to the second position sensor.

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002996866A1

An ultrasonic probe comprising a housing, a first ultrasonic transducer array, a second ultrasonic transducer array, a first light source, and a second light source. The first ultrasonic transducer array is coupled to the housing and configured to emit a first planar ultrasonic beam in a first direction within a first plane. The second ultrasonic transducer array is coupled to the housing and configured to emit a second planar ultrasonic beam in the first direction within a second plane, which is substantially perpendicular to the first plane. The first light source is coupled to the housing and configured to project a first light line substantially within the first plane. The second light source is coupled to the housing and configured to project a second light line within a third plane, which is substantially perpendicular to the first plane and intersects the second plane at an oblique angle. The first light line intersects and is substantially perpendicular to the second light line.

08-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002934164C

A device and method for performing ultrasound scanning of a substantially cylindrical object, the device comprising a cuff adapted to fit around a circumference of the object, an ultrasound probe mounted about the inner circumference of the cuff and positioned to scan the circumference of the object, and one or more data connections providing control information for the ultrasound probe and receiving scanning data from the ultrasound probe. The probe includes one or more sensors to determine its orientation or location, and this data is used to control the operation of the device and to process data from the array.

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002983444A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

An ultrasound apparatus comprising a plurality of ultrasonic transducers, a non-acoustic sensor, a memory circuitry to store control data for operating the ultrasound apparatus to perform an acquisition task, and a controller. The controller is configured to receive an indication to perform the acquisition task, receive non-acoustic data obtained by the non- acoustic sensor, and control, based on the control data and the non-acoustic data, the plurality of ultrasonic transducers to obtain acoustic data for the acquisition task.

16-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002215663C

An ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system is provided with a personal computer platform which processes digital echo signals and produces ultrasonic image signals for display. The expansion bus structure of the personal computer platform accommodates ancillary processors such as beamformer cards, digital signal processing cards, video cards, and network cards which may be necessary or desirable for the ultrasound system. In a preferred embodiment the digital signal samples produced by a beamformer connected to the expansion bus are processed for display by software executed by the CPU of the personal computer platform. A preferred software architecture for the personal computer based ultrasound system consists of multiple object oriented software tasks, executing under a realtime, multitasking operating system which is both efficient and robust. Performance upgrades of the entire ultrasound system are effected by simple replacement of the CPU with a higher performance CPU, thus providing ...

07-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002235947C

The invention provides an ultrasound transducer assembly which comprises an ultrasound transducer array including a set of ultrasound transducer elements, and a substrate layer comprising a pliable sheet material formed into a substantially cylindrical shape; the substrate layer providing a platform to which the ultrasound transducer elements are fixed. The substantially cylindrical-shaped substrate layer can be at least partially filled with a backing material, or the substrate layer can be bonded to a substantially cylindrical backing material. The ultrasonic transducer probe assembly is mountable to a distal end of a catheter, for providing images within a vascular system. Similarly, in accordance with this invention, a method of making an ultrasound transducer assembly includes the steps of manufacturing a planar sheet comprising a set of ultrasound transducer elements and a substrate, and reshaping the planar sheet into a substantially cylindrical shape. The cylindrical shape is partially ...

16-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002964551A1

Système d'imagerie échographique (100) comprenant une sonde échographique (109) comprenant une pluralité d'éléments transducteurs (104), un écran d'affichage (118) et un processeur (116) connecté à la sonde échographique (109) et à l'écran (118). Le processeur (116) est conçu pour acquérir des données échographiques à l'aide de la pluralité d'éléments transducteurs (104), les données échographiques étant constituées par une pluralité de signaux. Le processeur (116) est conçu pour analyser les données échographiques afin de déterminer un signal de bruit électromagnétique estimé. Le processeur (116) est conçu pour modifier la pluralité de signaux d'après le signal de bruit électromagnétique estimé afin de générer une pluralité de signaux à bruit supprimé. Le processeur (116) est conçu pour générer une image d'après la pluralité de signaux à bruit supprimé et pour afficher l'image sur l'écran (118).

24-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002541108A1

01-09-2014 дата публикации

Beam Forming Apparatus and Method for Improving Beamforming Resolution

Номер: KR1020140105453A

01-09-2015 дата публикации

검사 대상의 핸드 가이드식 초음파 검사를 위한 방법 및 시스템

Номер: KR1020150099800A

... 본 발명은 검사 대상(12)의 초음파 검사 방법에 관한 것이며, 상기 방법은, 검사 대상 표면(14)을 따라 검사 헤드(16)를 이동시키고, 검사 헤드(16)를 이용하여 검사 대상(12) 내로 초음파 펄스를 송신하는 단계와, 송신된 초음파 펄스에 상응하는 각각의 에코 신호를 검사 헤드(16)를 이용하여 수신하는 단계와, 데이터 처리 장치(18)를 이용하여, 수신된 에코 신호의 진폭값의 평균 및 중첩을 기초로 하여, 검사 대상(12)의 사전 설정된 검사 영역의 영상(20)을 컴파일링하는 단계를 포함하며, 본 발명에 따른 방법은, 검사 헤드(16)의 각각의 위치가 초음파 신호의 송신 시에 그리고/또는 상응하는 에코 신호의 수신 시에 검출 장치에 의해 검출되는 단계와, 검사 헤드(16)의 각각 검출된 위치가 검사 대상(12)의 검사 영역의 영상(20) 생성 시에 고려되는 단계를 특징으로 한다.

06-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: KR20010060238A

PURPOSE: To provide a system and method for acquiring ultrasonic data at a certain acquisition speed and displaying at least part of the ultrasonic data at a display speed slower than the acquisition speed. CONSTITUTION: Ultrasonic data are continuously acquired and stored at a frame rate faster than a recognition speed of people's eyes, and at least part of the acquired ultrasonic data is displayed at a frame rate recognizable by a people. The acquisition and display of the data are synchronized from time to time when a condition for synchronization is satisfied. The condition for synchronization relates to a triggering event produced, for example, by a physiological phenomenon, detected with prescribed intervals of time or for example, in the ECG trace, or a triggering event through the triggering produced by the triggering event. Therefore, the acquired ultrasonic data, maintaining the realtime synchronism, are displayed at a display speed slower than the acquisition speed, or preferably ...

04-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008146206A2

A wireless ultrasound probe has a probe case enclosing a transducer array, an acquisition circuit, a transceiver and a battery. The probe also includes a loudspeaker which produces audible sounds as a function of the range between the wireless probe and a host system. When the probe is within a near field range of the host system, the loudspeaker is silent. But if the probe is moved to an intermediate or a far field range from the host system, the loudspeaker sounds an alert. This audible alert can be used to locate the probe by transmitting a paging signal which, upon reception by the probe, causes the probe to sound its alert. If the probe is moved to an unauthorized location where it is within range of a transmitter or receiver, the reception of a signal by the probe, the transmitter, or receiver will sound an alert signaling the unauthorized presence of the wireless probe.

26-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007047457A3

A componentized intravascular ultrasound system is disclosed that flexibly integrates with a catheter lab infrastructure for acquisition and display of intravascular information in a catheter lab environment. The system includes a patient interface module (PIM) adapted to hold a catheter having an imaging probe located near a distal end, a control panel, a monitor for displaying images and patient data, and a processing unit. The processing unit is communicatively coupled to the PIM, the control panel, and the monitor. Furthermore the processing unit adapted to: coordinate operation of the PIM, the control panel, and the monitor; and generate images from image data provides by the PIM. The PIM, control panel and monitor are independently positionable with regard to one another.

13-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: WO2000019905A1

L'invention concerne un instrument à main à ultrasons (87) prévu dans un groupe portatif assurant l'imagerie mode B et Doppler. Ledit instrument comporte un réseau de transducteurs (10) monté dans une enceinte portative, un émetteur/récepteur à circuit intégré étant connecté aux éléments du réseau (10) de sorte que les signaux d'écho soient reçus. Un circuit de traitement de signaux numériques (40) assure une estimation mode B et Doppler, ainsi que des fonctions avancées telles que l'assemblage de lignes de balayage concentrées à zones multiples, la formation d'ouverture synthétique, le filtrage en fonction de la profondeur, la réduction de speckle, la suppression des flash et le moyennage de trame.

23-02-2006 дата публикации

Portable ultrasound unit and docking station

Номер: US20060039105A1
Принадлежит: ZONARE Medical Systems, Inc.

A portable ultrasound unit and docking cart for the unit are provided. When the portable unit is mounted to the docking cart, the docking cart transforms the portable unit into a cart-based system with enhanced features and functionality such as improved ergonomics, ease of use, a larger display format, external communications connectivity, multiple transducer connections, and increased data processing capabilities. A clinician display and patient display may be provided on the cart. Communications circuitry in the docking cart may be used to support communications between the docking cart's processor and external networks and devices. The docking cart may receive physiological signals such as cardiac signals and may use this information to synchronize ultrasound imaging operations with a patient's physiological condition. Adjustable user interface controls, data handling features, security features, power control functions, and thermal management capabilities may be provided in the docking ...

17-08-1999 дата публикации

Ultrasound catheter probe

Номер: US0005938615A1
Принадлежит: EndoSonics Corporation

An ultrasound catheter is disclosed for providing substantially real-time images of small cavities. The ultrasound catheter is characterized by separate and distinct materials for backing the transducers and for carrying the electronics components. The separate materials comprise an electronics carrier meeting the requirements for holding the integrated circuitry of the ultrasound device and a backing material displaying superior characteristics relating to reducing ringing and minimizing the effect of other sources of signal degradation in the transducer assembly. Also, in accordance with the present invention, a technique is described for connecting the conductor lines of the separate transducer assembly and electronics body.

04-05-1993 дата публикации

Transesophageal ultrasonic scanhead

Номер: US0005207225A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Technology Laboratories, Inc.

An ultrasonic transesophageal scanhead is provided which enables a physician to easily and quickly change the orientation of the image plane during a scanning procedure. Means are provided on either the scanhead or the ultrasound system for selecting the imaging plane. As the imaging plane selector is actuated, an indication of the orientation of the selected plane appears concurrently on the monitor of the system along with a display of ultrasonic information of the selected plane. In a preferred embodiment the indication of the selected plane is displayed both graphically and numerically. A recording of the displayed information will thus capture both the ultrasonic information as well as the image plane orientation. A physician reviewing the recording will thereby know the exact orientation of the image being viewed, leading to a better informed and more precise diagnosis of medical conditions of the body.

06-12-1994 дата публикации

Ultrasound imaging apparatus

Номер: US0005370120A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

An ultrasound imaging apparatus employs an ultrasound sensor arrangement formed by an at least two-dimensional sensor matrix and an imaging lens to generate signals which are used to calculate a true-to-scale, real-time, three-dimensional image of a subject according to the pulse-echo principle. A therapy apparatus using such an ultrasound imaging apparatus as its locating system is also disclosed.

11-09-2001 дата публикации

Method and system for configuring a medical diagnostic ultrasound imaging system

Номер: US0006287257B1
Принадлежит: Acuson Corporation, ACUSON, ACUSON CORPORATION

The preferred embodiments described herein provide a method and system for configuring a medical diagnostic ultrasound imaging system. In one preferred embodiment, an ultrasound system analyzes patient information from a hospital information system to determine what ultrasound settings are appropriate. The ultrasound system can then automatically configure itself with these settings or can present a plurality of suggested settings to a sonographer for selection. In another preferred embodiment, the ultrasound system uses patient information received from the hospital information system to automatically configure and/or populate a patient demographic worksheet.

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140160894A1

A method of adaptively scheduling ultrasound device actions starts with an electronic circuit included in an adaptive scheduler selecting a next task in a task list. The task list may include tasks scheduled to be performed by an ultrasound system. Each of the tasks may include a plurality of task actions. The electronic circuit may then determine if a task action included in the next task can start. This determination may include determining if the task action can be completed without interfering with a start of a higher priority task in the task list. When the electronic circuit determines that the next task action can start, the electronic circuit may signal to a beam associated with the task action to start and perform the task action. Other embodiments are also disclosed.

19-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: US2007167774A1

An ultrasound diagnostic system and method of detecting thermal diffusion due to injection of high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) are disclosed. According to the embodiments of the present invention, first receive signals are obtained by ultrasound echo signals from the lesion that did not undergo the HIFU and second receive signals are obtained by ultrasound echo signal from the lesion that underwent the HIFU. Center frequencies of the first and second receive signals are detected, while center frequency shift between the first and second receive signals are calculated. A center frequency shift image is formed with the center frequency shift.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094083A1

A method and system for noninvasive face lifts and deep tissue tightening are disclosed. An exemplary method and treatment system are configured for the imaging, monitoring, and thermal injury to treat the SMAS region. In accordance with an exemplary embodiment, the exemplary method and system are configured for treating the SMAS region by first, imaging of the region of interest for localization of the treatment area and surrounding structures, second, delivery of ultrasound energy at a depth, distribution, timing, and energy level to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, and third to monitor the treatment area before, during, and after therapy to plan and assess the results and/or provide feedback.

17-03-2015 дата публикации

Methods and systems for non-destructive composite evaluation and repair verification

Номер: US0008983794B1

A non-destructive inspection system for a structure is described. The inspection system includes a local positioning system (LPS) configured for determining position and orientation of objects relative to a structure coordinate system, a six degree-of-freedom digitizer operable for at least one of temporary attachment to the structure and placement proximate the structure, a non-destructive sensor array, and a processing device.

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160374643A1

An ultrasound device determines a position and orientation of a surgical instrument based at least in part on tracking information, such as magnetic field strength, emitted by an emitter of a tracking system and detected by a sensor of the tracking system. The sensor and the emitter are attached to or within a different one of a probe of the ultrasound device and the surgical instrument. The ultrasound device determines an ultrasound imaging parameter, such as an ultrasound beam steering angle, based at least in part on the determined position and orientation of the surgical instrument. The ultrasound device applies the ultrasound imaging parameter to acquire ultrasound image data of a target. The ultrasound device generates an ultrasound image based on the acquired ultrasound image data of the target. The ultrasound image includes a representation of the surgical instrument. The surgical instrument may be a needle.

25-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US20100049044A1

The present disclosure provides for a system that is adapted to simultaneously display photoacoustic and ultrasound images of the same object. An image combiner can perform spatial and temporal interpolation of the two images before generating a combined image. The combined image is then displayed on a display such as an LCD or CRT. The system is able to use motion estimates obtained from the ultrasound data to enhance the photoacoustic image thereby increasing its apparent frame rate, registering consecutive frames in order to reduce artifacts. The system is capable of generating combined ultrasound and photoacoustic images which are registered spatially and temporally.

16-03-2021 дата публикации

Portable ultrasonic facilities diagnosis device

Номер: US0010945705B2

A portable facility failure diagnosis device using detection of radiation ultrasonic waves, comprising: an ultrasonic sensor array; a data acquisition board (DAQ board) in which an electronic circuit for acquiring ultrasonic signals at a sampling frequency of the ultrasonic signals sensed by the ultrasonic sensor array is mounted on a substrate of the data acquisition board (DAQ board); a main board in which an operation processing device that processes the ultrasonic signals received from the DAQ board is mounted on the substrate and the processed ultrasonic sound source information to a display device; a data storage medium storing data processed in the operation processing device of the main board; a display device visually displaying the data processed; and an optical camera picking up an image of a direction.

21-07-2015 дата публикации

Transducer array imaging system

Номер: US0009084574B2

The disclosed embodiments include a method, system, and device for conducting ultrasound interrogation of a medium. The method includes transmitting a non-beamformed or beamformed ultrasound wave into the medium, receiving more than one echoed ultrasound wave from the medium, and converting the received echoed ultrasound wave into digital data. The method may further transmit the digital data. The transmission may be wireless. The system may include a main unit, a remote unit, a locator module, transducer elements, an analog-to-digital converter in communication with the transducer elements, and a transmitter in communication with the analog-to-digital converter. The main unit and the remote unit may be part of an ultrasound imaging system and the remote unit may communicate with the main unit. The locator module may communicate with the remote unit or the main unit. The locator module may identify a location of the remote unit or the main unit.

26-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: EP0000879426B1
Принадлежит: Sonometrics Corporation

08-02-2012 дата публикации

Номер: JP0004870749B2

08-01-2014 дата публикации

Номер: JP0005380121B2

28-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: JP2007160093A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a three-dimensional ultrasound image of an affected area with high resolution. SOLUTION: This system includes: a combination head means which produces a first ultrasound signal for removing a first region to be transmitted to and focused on the first region, produces a second ultrasonic signal for producing a three-dimensional ultrasound image of the first region to be transmitted to and focused on the first region, receives an ultrasound echo signal reflected from the first region, and acquires an image signal to produce an image of the second region through which the first and second ultrasound signals are passed when transmitted to the first region; a means for applying high frequency power to the combination head means; a means for producing the three-dimensional ultrasound image of the first region based on the ultrasound echo signal and producing the image of the second region based on the image signal; a means for producing a control signal for controlling ...

29-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: JP2007075589A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To rotate an ultrasonic image displayed on a displaying part using a three-dimensional position sensor and/or a joystick mounted on a probe. SOLUTION: In the ultrasonic diagnostic system for rotating an ultrasonic image and its method, after the probe and the three-dimensional sensor, and/or the joystick are activated, an ultrasonic image is created based on an ultrasonic echo signal obtained through the probe, and then displayed. Then, the ultrasonic image is rotated based on the information on rotation which has been inputted through the three-dimensional sensor and/or the joystick. COPYRIGHT: (C)2007,JPO&INPIT ...

04-03-2003 дата публикации

Номер: JP0003381968B2

21-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2688299C1

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам определения параметра вязкоупругости вязкоупругой среды. Способ включает приложение определенной одночастотной механической вибрации к вязкоупругой среде для формирования в вязкоупругой среде поперечной волны, излучение ультразвуковых волн из одноканального источника на вязкоупругую среду и прием ультразвуковых эхо-сигналов во время распространения поперечной волны в вязкоупругой среде, получение данных о максимальном перемещении поперечной волны на различных глубинах в соответствии с ультразвуковыми эхо-сигналами, причем каждый набор данных о максимальном перемещении представляет максимальную амплитуду колебаний поперечной волны, когда поперечная волна проходит по различным глубинам в вязкоупругой среде, аппроксимацию каждого набора данных о максимальном перемещении для получения графика затухания максимального перемещения, определение параметра вязкоупругости вязкоупругой среды на основании графика затухания максимального ...

20-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009149387A

... 1. Беспроводной ультразвуковой зонд, подходящий для использования с кабелем, содержащий ! корпус зонда; ! матричный преобразователь, расположенный в корпусе; ! схему сбора данных, расположенную в корпусе и связанную с матричным преобразователем; ! приемопередатчик, расположенный в корпусе, который функционирует так, чтобы беспроводным образом передавать информационные сигналы изображения в главную систему; ! схему электропитания, расположенную в корпусе, которая функционирует так, чтобы предоставлять напряжение возбуждения к матричному преобразователю, схеме сбора данных и приемопередатчику; ! аккумулятор, расположенный в корпусе и соединенный со схемой электропитания; ! кабельный разъем, доступный снаружи корпуса; и ! кабель, выполненный с возможностью разъемного соединения с кабельным разъемом для передачи, по меньшей мере, одного из информационных сигналов изображения или возбуждающего потенциала. ! 2. Беспроводной ультразвуковой зонд по п. 1, в котором кабель передает возбуждающий потенциал ...

11-09-1997 дата публикации

Sound therapy device for contactless dispersion of aggregation in bodies of patients

Номер: DE0019641935C1

The device has a shock wave source with a membrane, an ultrasonic location device in the form of an image generating scanner (3), which senses the focal point of the therapeutic wave emitted by the shock wave source, and a coupling bellows (2) between the shock wave source and the patient's body. The coupling bellows or the structure between the membrane and bellows has at least one lateral valve (9) closed by a flexible, extensible membrane (10) for inserting the scanner (3) into the interior of the bellows (2) so that the scanner holder (5) encloses an angle with the therapeutic wave axis (11).

24-10-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008423446D0

15-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000180896T

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000275365T

15-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: ATA900484A

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000309757T

15-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000195024T

15-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000251424T

30-10-1996 дата публикации

Method and system for multi-dimensional imaging

Номер: AU0004754996A

19-03-1998 дата публикации

Ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system with personal computer architecture

Номер: AU0003754097A

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Autonomous ultrasound probe and related apparatus and methods

Номер: AU2016263091A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

An ultrasound apparatus comprising a plurality of ultrasonic transducers, a non-acoustic sensor, a memory circuitry to store control data for operating the ultrasound apparatus to perform an acquisition task, and a controller. The controller is configured to receive an indication to perform the acquisition task, receive non-acoustic data obtained by the non- acoustic sensor, and control, based on the control data and the non-acoustic data, the plurality of ultrasonic transducers to obtain acoustic data for the acquisition task.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Elasticity imaging in high intensity focused ultrasound

Номер: AU2018290991A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Ultrasound devices configured to perform high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) are described. An ultrasound device may include HIFU units configured to emit high acoustic intensities and elasticity detectors configured to determine characteristics of the target area of a human body based on the elasticity of the target area. The elasticity detectors may determine, e.g., whether the target area is healthy, and if not, the type cell in need of treatment (e.g., the type of cancer cell present in the target area). In one example, the elasticity detectors may be configured to determine the stiffness of the target area, which may provide an indication as to the type of cell present in the area, by estimating the velocity of a shear wave propagating away from the target area. The shear wave may arise in response to the application of an ultrasound wave to the target area.

07-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002374206A1

A method and device are provided for use in medical applications that permit affordable 3D imaging of blood flow using a low profile easily long-term unattended Doppler ultrasound monitoring in spite of motion of the patient or pad. The pad, and associated processor collects, Doppler processes ultrasound blood velocity data in a 3D region through the use of a planar phased array of piezoelectric elements. The invention locks onto, and tracks the points in 3D space that produce the locally maximum blood velocity signals. The integrated coordinates of points acquired by the accurate tracking process is used to form a 3D map of blood vessels, provide a display that can be used to select multiple points of interest for expanded data collection, for long-term continuous, and unattended blood flow monitoring.

12-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001221759A1

04-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002760691A1

Photoacoustic imaging systems and methods that allow for the creation of three-dimensional (3D) images of a subject are described herein. The systems include one or more optical fibers attached to an ultrasound transducer. Ultrasonic waves are generated by laser light emitted from the optical fiber(s) and detected by the ultrasound transducer. 3D images are acquired by ultrasound signals from a series of adjacent scan planes or frames that are then stacked together to create 3D volume data.

19-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002948102A1

A method of operating a medical-imaging system is described; the medical-imaging system has an ultrasound-transducer interface configured to operatively interface with an ultrasound transducer including transducer elements; the medical-imaging system also has a spatial sensor configured to provide spatial information indicating spatial movement of the ultrasound transducer; the method includes receiving ultrasound information being associated with a scan-line set having a limited number of selectable scan lines of the ultrasound transducer. Also disclosed is a non-transitory computer-readable medium.

10-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002090069C

A device for ultrasonic imaging, and methods for the use an manufacture thereof, particularly of small coronary vessels. The device comprises an elongate member with a distal end that can be positioned within a small vessel of a patient's body while a proximal end is located outside the body, a transducer located at a distal end of the elongate member and operable to scan the distal coronary vessels with ultrasonic pulses, and a signal processor connected to a proximal end of the elongate member and to the transducer for generating and receiving pulses to and from the transducer. A motor may be also connected to the proximal end of the elongate member for rotating the transducer.

22-08-1993 дата публикации

Intravascular Imaging Guide Wire Apparatus and Methods for Use and Manufacture

Номер: CA0002090069A1

26-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002638532B1

13-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020070060676A

PURPOSE: A high intensity focus ultrasound system is provided to check a skin state in real time by providing a real-time image of a skin between a combination treatment head and a lesion through an imaging unit and a light source which are disposed closely to a probe. CONSTITUTION: A high intensity ultrasound transducer(111) generates a high intensity focus ultrasound based on high frequency power provided from a high frequency power supply, and transmits the high intensity focus ultrasound to a lesion to remove the lesion. A probe(112) transmits focus ultrasound signals to the lesion and receives ultrasound echo signals reflected from the lesion to acquire a 3D ultrasound image of the lesion. An image unit(113) produces a real-time image of a skin disposed between a combination treatment head and the lesion. A light source(114) illuminates light to the skin. © KIPO 2007 ...

27-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011133922A2

Described herein are methods and apparatus for detecting stones by ultrasound, in which the ultrasound reflections from a stone are preferentially selected and accentuated relative to the ultrasound reflections from blood or tissue. Also described herein are methods and apparatus for applying pushing ultrasound to in vivo stones or other objects, to facilitate the removal of such in vivo objects.

16-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005053664A2

The present invention relates to a lightweight, high resolution portable ultrasound system using components and methods to improve connectivity and ease of use. A preferred embodiment includes an integrated system in which the beamformer control circuitry can be inserted into the host computer as a peripheral or within the processor housing. The modular system can include a docking assembly for a cart system having a console to operate the system and house additional communications and peripheral systems.

25-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2008115312A9

Ultrasound imaging systems and methods are described that include a cableless front end having a UltraWideBand transceiver and a beamformer that transmit ultrasound data to a back end physically separated from the front end, with the back end having a UltraWideBand transceiver for receiving ultrasound data from the front end UltraWideBand transceiver via a peer-to-peer communication protocol. The back end unit can also receive and transmit commands to and from the front end unit to select an image mode and has a signal processor and scan converter that can convert ultrasound data into image data for display. An input device in the front end allows the operator to selectively display ultrasound data or patient data on an auxiliary worn display or the nearest local display.

09-06-2020 дата публикации

Ultrasound imaging instrument visualization

Номер: US0010674995B2

A method includes transitioning, via a micro-processor, an ultrasound imaging system (100) running in a first mode (128), in which a first location and a first orientation of an elongate needle (106) of an instrument (102) at a surface (111) of an object (110) is determined based on a first signal from a tracking device (112) at least on the instrument, to a second different mode, in which a second location and a second orientation of the needle within the object is determined based on an ultrasound image representing the object, in response to determining the needle penetrated the surface of the object, wherein a beam steering angle with which the ultrasound image is acquired is determined based on the first location and the first orientation of the needle, and displaying the ultrasound image.

08-10-1996 дата публикации

Three dimensional ultrasound imaging system

Номер: US0005562095A1

A 3-D ultrasound imaging system for the eye, prostate and other organs, comprising an assembly onto which an ultrasound probe may be mounted, a motor and drive for either rotating or scanning the probe relative to the human organ under investigation, and a computer for executing proprietary software for controlling movement of the assembly to rotate or scan the probe. Ultrasound signals from the probe are processed via a clinical ultrasound machine for generating multiple images of the organ. The proprietary software being executed on the computer collects the 2-D ultrasound images of the clinical ultrasound machine and reconstructs these images to form a 3-D display which can be viewed and manipulated in real time, or stored for later retrieval.

22-05-2018 дата публикации

System and method for noninvasive skin tightening

Номер: US0009974982B2

A method and system for noninvasive face lifts and deep tissue tightening are disclosed. An exemplary method and treatment system are configured for the imaging, monitoring, and thermal injury to treat the SMAS region. In accordance with an exemplary embodiment, the exemplary method and system are configured for treating the SMAS region by first, imaging of the region of interest for localization of the treatment area and surrounding structures, second, delivery of ultrasound energy at a depth, distribution, timing, and energy level to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, and third to monitor the treatment area before, during, and after therapy to plan and assess the results and/or provide feedback.

19-06-2003 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for remote diagnosis of an ultrasound scanner

Номер: US2003115018A1

A method and apparatus are disclosed for diagnosing multiple ultrasound scanners from a remote location by applying a diagnostic middleware architecture to act as an interface between a web server and diagnostics section within the scanners. A computer that is remote to the scanners interfaces to the web servers of the scanners over a network. The remote computer has a web browser to survey the scanners by communicating with the web servers over the network. The diagnostic middleware architecture initiates execution of diagnostic programs within the scanners in response to client requests received by the web servers from the remote computer over the network. Diagnostic results are generated within the scanners when running the diagnostic programs of the scanners. Log files are generated within the scanners during normal operation of the scanners. The diagnostic middleware architecture reads the diagnostic results and log files and translates the information such that the web servers are ...

13-07-2021 дата публикации

Bubble-induced color doppler feedback during histotripsy

Номер: US0011058399B2

A Histotripsy therapy system is provided that can include any number of features. In some embodiments, the system includes a high voltage power supply, a pulse generator electrically coupled to at least one signal switching amplifier, at least one matching network electrically coupled to the signal switching amplifier(s), and an ultrasound transducer having at least one transducer element. The Histotripsy therapy system can further include an ultrasound Doppler imaging system. The Doppler imaging system and the Histotripsy therapy system can be synchronized to enable color Doppler acquisition of the fractionation of tissue during Histotripsy therapy. Methods of use are also described.

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190216435A1

A medical imaging apparatus includes: an ultrasound probe to transmit and receive an ultrasound signal to obtain an ultrasound image of an object; a sensor coupled to the ultrasound probe to provide a position information related to an ultrasound imaging position in the object; and a processor to extract a certain anatomical feature from the ultrasound image and the certain anatomical feature from a medical image, perform a first registration between the medical image and the ultrasound image by matching the certain anatomical feature in the ultrasound image the certain anatomical feature in the medical image, perform a second registration between the sensor and the medical image based on the position information and the first registration, and control a display to display a portion of the medical image corresponding to the ultrasound imaging position based on at least one of the first registration and the second registration.

25-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US20100049043A1

A compact, portable ultra sound system is capable of docking with a larger, traditional cart-based ultrasound system. The docking can include a physical and an electrical connectivity between the compact portable ultrasound system and the larger traditional cart-based ultrasound system. The compact system is thus able to use the peripherals ofthe larger system and this provides for a more cost effective use of the larger system.

25-02-1986 дата публикации

Contact agents for ultrasonic imaging

Номер: US4572203A

A method of ultrasonic imaging for use in medical procedures is disclosed. The method comprises injecting specifically defined microparticles or sonicated microbubbles into an animal or human to thereby alter the acoustic properties of an area to be imaged, and then ultrasonically scanning the area so as to obtain an image.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Three -Dimensional Ultrasound Systems, Methods, and Apparatuses

Номер: US20120029358A1
Автор: Shengtz Lin
Принадлежит: SonoWise Inc

In part, the invention relates to an immersible ultrasound probe having a substantially cylindrical shape and a circular or elliptical cross-section. Typically, the circumference of the probe and the length of the cylinder define an inner surface upon which rows and/or columns of transducer are disposed. This surface can also be formed from panels or modules. The transducers can be formed in unitary substrate and electrical connected to a MEMs device and a multiplexer. The inner surface defines a cavity having at least one opening sized to receive a body object. The inner surface configured to receive acoustic signals while immersed in a fluid.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Medical ultrasound 2-d transducer array using fresnel lens approach

Номер: US20120071763A1
Автор: Gregg Miller
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba Medical Systems Corp

The embodiments of the array include at least one first annular-like area and at least one second annular-like area that are concentric with each other. The second annular-like area substantially surrounds the first annular-like area. The first and second annular-like areas each exclusively include either dedicated transmit elements or dedicated receive elements. In addition, certain embodiments include a disabled third area or a spot of Argo located inside the first annular-like area and does not perform either transmit or receive function. In certain other embodiments, the first annular-like area and the third annular-like area are immediately juxtaposed without a gap. In yet other embodiments, the first annular-like area and the second annular-like area are immediately juxtaposed without a gap. Any of these areas are optionally dynamic and or steered.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

3-dimensional (3d) ultrasound system using image filtering and method for operating 3d ultrasound system

Номер: US20120078102A1
Автор: Kwang-Hee Lee
Принадлежит: Samsung Medison Co Ltd

Provided are a 3-dimensional (3D) ultrasound system using image filtering and a method for operating the 3D ultrasound system. The 3D ultrasound system using image filtering may include a scanning unit to generate a volume image of an object, a detecting unit to detect a contour line in each of ‘n’ first slice images extracted from the volume image, ‘n’ being a natural number, and a rendering control unit to correct the ‘n’ first slice images into ‘n’ second slice images by removing a non-feature region based on the contour line, and to combine and render the ‘n’ second slice images.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Coupled Axial and Lateral Displacement Estimation for Elasticity Imaging

Номер: US20120095333A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The determination of axial and lateral displacement in a material subject to compression is determined by fitting a multi-dimensional model function to the match between corresponding portions of the material in two states of compression. In one embodiment, iso-contour lines in a correlation between a reference kernel and a target kernel are fit to an ellipse whose center defines the maximum correlation and hence the displacement.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Providing an ultrasound spatial compound image based on center lines of ultrasound images in an ultrasound system

Номер: US20120095342A1
Автор: Kwang Ju Lee
Принадлежит: Samsung Medison Co Ltd

Embodiments for providing an ultrasound spatial compound image are disclosed. In one embodiment, by way of non-limiting example, an ultrasound system comprises: an ultrasound data acquisition unit configured to acquire ultrasound data by transmitting and receiving ultrasound signals; and a processing unit in communication with the ultrasound data acquisition unit, the processing unit being configured to set a plurality of center lines based on a virtual common point corresponding to predetermined scan-lines, move the virtual common point along each of the center lines to set a plurality of scan-lines, form a plurality of ultrasound images corresponding to the center lines based on the ultrasound data, and perform spatial compounding upon the ultrasound images to form an ultrasound spatial compound image, wherein the ultrasound data acquisition unit is configured to acquire the ultrasound data based on the plurality of scan-lines.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Three Dimensional Imaging Intra Cardiac Echocardiography (ICE) Catheter

Номер: US20120095348A1
Автор: Reinhard J. Warnking
Принадлежит: Sonavation Inc

Provided herein is an ultrasound imaging device including a two dimensional ultrasound imaging array for three dimensional images positioned at least in the vicinity of distal end of a catheter configured to be used for intra organ imaging, wherein the imaging array includes a first number of output ports. The imaging device also includes a high voltage multiplexer configured to (i) reduce the first number of signal lines to a second number of signal lines, wherein the second number is less than the first number and (ii) connect the array to a signal processing system.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Catheter with shape memory alloy actuator

Номер: US20120108980A1
Принадлежит: Gore Enterprise Holdings Inc

Actuators employable for oscillating movement of a load. An improved actuator may include at least a first shape memory member that is actuatable to affect at least a portion of the oscillating movement of the load. The actuator may further include a second shape memory member actuatable to affect at least a second portion of the oscillating movement of the load. The utilization of one or more shape memory members facilitates the realization of controllable and reliable oscillating movement of a load in a compact manner. Such actuators may be used in imaging catheters having an ultrasound transducer disposed for oscillating movement to scan across an internal region of interest. Such imaging catheters may be used in generating three dimensional and/or real-time three dimensional (4D) images.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Enhancing quality of ultrasound spatial compound image based on beam profile in ultrasound system

Номер: US20120114209A1
Автор: Jeong Sik Kim, Song Yi HAN
Принадлежит: Medison Co Ltd

There are provided embodiments for enhancing the quality of an ultrasound spatial compound image based on a beam profile in an ultrasound system. In one embodiment, an ultrasound system comprises: an ultrasound data acquisition unit configured to acquire ultrasound data for obtaining a plurality of ultrasound images corresponding to a plurality of steering angles; a storage unit for storing at least one beam profile indicating a spreading degree of an ultrasound beam according to depth based on at least one focusing point; and a processing unit configured to set an amount of blurring corresponding to spreading of the ultrasound beam according to the depth based on the at least one beam profile, and perform a filtering process for compensating the blurring by the spreading of the ultrasound beam based on the ultrasound data and the amount of blurring to form an ultrasound spatial compound image.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Ultrasound imaging system and method for ultrasound imaging a three dimensional volume

Номер: US20120150036A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method of ultrasound imaging includes acquiring plural groups of ultrasound data sets in an imaged volume that at least partially encompasses an object. The groups of ultrasound data sets include ultrasound image data obtained by transmitting one or more ultrasound pulses from one or more transducer elements into different zones of the imaged volume. The method also includes arranging the ultrasound data sets into one or more temporal groups based on when the ultrasound data sets are acquired. The ultrasound data sets in each temporal group are acquired during a common time period. The method further includes constructing a three-dimensional image of the object based on the ultrasound data sets in at least one of the temporal groups.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for compensating for a parameter change in a synthetic aperture imaging system

Номер: US20120218140A1
Принадлежит: Institut National dOptique

There is described a method for processing data generated by a synthetic aperture imaging system, comprising: receiving raw data representative of electromagnetic signals reflected by a target area to be imaged; receiving a parameter change for the synthetic aperture imaging system; digitally correcting the raw data in accordance with the parameter change, thereby compensating for the parameter change in order to obtain corrected data; and generating an image of the target area using the corrected data.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Three-Dimensional Reconstruction for Irregular Ultrasound Sampling Grids

Номер: US20120235998A1

An irregular ultrasound sampling grid is reconstructed to a three-dimensional grid for imaging. Volume data acquired with a helix transducer includes a fractional offset of data spaced along one dimension, resulting in the irregular ultrasound sampling grid. To determine a voxel value for a grid point on a uniform grid, two adjacent planes are identified. The sample locations in the two planes are not aligned, being on the irregular ultrasound sampling grid. Hardware acceleration devices, such as a graphics processing unit, perform bilinear interpolation in each of the planes. The data of each plane is interpolated to the proper global azimuth-range coordinate corresponding with the grid point. The bilinearly interpolated values from each plane are then linearly interpolated to the grid point.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Ultrasonic Signal Processor for a Hand Held Ultrasonic Diagnostic Instrument

Номер: US20120243367A1
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Sonosite Inc

A hand held ultrasonic instrument is provided in a portable unit which performs both B mode and Doppler imaging. The instrument includes a transducer array mounted in a hand-held enclosure, with an integrated circuit transceiver connected to the elements of the array for the reception of echo signals. A digital signal processing circuit performs both B mode and Doppler signal processing such as filtering, detection and Doppler estimation, as well as advanced functions such as assembly of multiple zone focused scanlines, synthetic aperture formation, depth dependent filtering, speckle reduction, flash suppression, and frame averaging.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Ultrasound imaging apparatus

Номер: US20120253198A1

Ultrasound imaging apparatus including a two-dimensional array of plural transducer elements distributed two-dimensionally and transmits and receives ultrasonic waves while scanning an area to be imaged to create an ultrasound three-dimensional image. Transducer elements are divided into plural element blocks including a first element block of which a size in a second direction of an arrangement surface of the two-dimensional array is larger than a size in a first direction of the surface, and a second element block of which a size in the first direction is larger than a size in the second direction. Each of the element blocks is divided into a predetermined number of groups to form a transmit beam and plural receive beams in the area to be imaged. Further included is a selecting means for making transmit/receive channels of the transducer elements grouped to be one channel in each of the groups.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Balance body ultrasound system

Номер: US20120289829A1
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Sonosite Inc

A hand held ultrasound system includes a balance body incorporating system electronics and a transducer assembly connected to the balance body. The hand held ultrasound system also includes control elements that are arranged in an ergonomic fashion on the balance body so that a user can hold the system and operate at least one of the control elements with the same hand. The system may also include a user interface that comprises a D-controller and a touch screen.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for treatment and diagnosis using ultrasound

Номер: US20120302883A1

A method and system for treatment and diagnosis using ultrasound includes irradiating ultrasound for treatment into a treatment site, inducing a shear wave around the treatment site, irradiating ultrasound for diagnosis into the treatment site, and determining a degree of treatment or necrosis of a tissue of the treatment site by using a measured displacement of the shear wave.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Display and export of individual biplane images

Номер: US20130127845A1
Автор: Michael Schauf

An ultrasound system which is capable of biplane imaging is able to display, store and export independent image frames of only the reference image ( 9 0 ) or only the variable orientation image, or the standard display of both images. The system is also able to sweep through a range of image plane orientations and to automatically acquire a sequence of images ( 9 2 ) comprising an image in each orientation over the range of plane orientations. The system is preferably operable in the biplane tilt mode, the biplane rotate mode, or the biplane elevation tilt mode.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128691A1
Автор: Martins Bo
Принадлежит: B-K MEDICAL APS

An echo processor () for an ultrasound imaging device () includes a frame processor () that aligns a plurality (N) of sequentially received frames of echoes based on a set of motion displacement fields for the plurality of frames and combines the aligned plurality of sequentially received frames, thereby forming a compounded frame. A method includes obtaining a set of frames of echoes acquired at different times, determining a motion displacement field based on at least two of the frames of the set, motion-compensating all of the frames of the set based on the displacement field and previously determined displacement fields, and generating a compounded frame based on the motion-compensated frames. 1. An echo processor for an ultrasound imaging device , comprising:a frame processor that aligns a plurality (N) of sequentially received frames of echoes based on a set of motion displacement fields for the plurality of frames and combines the aligned plurality of sequentially received frames, thereby forming a compounded frame.2. The echo processor of claim 1 , wherein each displacement field is based on a displacement between a most recently acquired frame of the plurality of frames corresponding to a latest angle of insonation and another of the plurality of frames acquired at the latest angle of insonation.3. The echo processor of claim 2 , the frame processor claim 2 , comprising:a motion-compensator that motion-compensates samples of each of the N−1 oldest frames of the plurality of frames based on N−1 latest displacement fields, thereby aligning the frames to the latest frame of the plurality of frames.4. The echo processor of claim 3 , wherein the displacement for each image sample is equal to the displacement field divided by a number of frames in the plurality of frames.5. The echo processor of claim 2 , the frame processor claim 2 , comprising:a displacement field determiner that determines the displacement field based on displacements between corresponding ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus and evaluation calculation method

Номер: US20130158900A1
Автор: Koji Waki
Принадлежит: Hitachi Medical Corp

An ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus including: a two-dimensional elasticity image forming unit that calculates elasticity frame data indicating the elasticity distribution measured by scanning an object in a three-dimensional manner using an ultrasonic wave; an elasticity volume data generation unit that generates elasticity volume data by collecting the plurality of elasticity frame data items; a three-dimensional elasticity image forming unit that forms a three-dimensional elasticity image by performing volume rendering of the elasticity volume data; and a quality calculation unit that calculates a volume evaluation value indicating the quality of the elasticity volume data on the basis of an autocorrelation value between a pair of tomographic frame data items, which are a basis for calculating the elasticity frame data, and a frame evaluation value indicating the quality of the elasticity frame data.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for processing ultrasound image

Номер: US20130170721A1
Автор: Jung-Ho Kim, Yun-Tae Kim

A method and apparatus for processing an ultrasound image are provided. The method includes determining similarities between a first two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound image, among 2D ultrasound images of a three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound image, and the 2D ultrasound images. The method further includes generating a predetermined number of similar ultrasound images with respect to the first 2D ultrasound image based on the similarities. The method further includes generating 3D volume data based on the predetermined number of the similar ultrasound images. The method further includes removing noise from the 3D volume data. The method further includes generating another 3D ultrasound image based on the noise-removed 3D volume data.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Wavefront compensation in optical synthetic aperture imaging processors

Номер: US20130176167A1
Принадлежит: Institut National dOptique

There is provided a System and method of wavefront compensation in a synthetic aperture imaging system. A return signal data representative of a signal reflected by a target area to be imaged is received. A compensation phase figure corresponding to a wavefront compensation to be applied is provided. The compensation phase figure is added or otherwise applied to the phase pattern of the return signal data in order to obtain a compensated phase pattern. An optical beam is spatially modulated according to the compensated phase pattern to produce a modulated optical beam such that the compensation phase figure produces a wavefront compensation on the optical beam. An image of the target area is optically generated using the modulated optical beam.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Ultrasound imaging system with pixel oriented processing

Номер: US20130190622A1
Автор: Ronald Elvin Daigle
Принадлежит: Verasonics Inc

An ultrasound imaging system with pixel oriented processing is provided in which an acoustic signal is generated, echoes from the acoustic signal are received at a plurality of receiving elements to obtain echo signals that are then stored, a given pixel is mapped into a region of the stored signals, the mapped region of the stored echo signals is organized into array for the given pixel after which the array is processed to generate a signal response for the given pixel to obtain acoustic information for the given pixel. The system can be implemented entirely on plug-in cards for a commercial PC motherboard. The system and method can be implemented for pixel-oriented or voxel-oriented image processing and display, eliminating intermediate data computations and enabling extensive use of software processing methods. Advantages include improved acquisition of signal dynamic range, flexible acquisition modes for high frame rate 2D, 3D, and Doppler blood flow imaging.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Automated sweep and exptort of 2d ultrasound images of 3d volumes

Номер: US20130194890A1
Автор: Michael Schauf

An ultrasound system ( 10 ) which is capable of biplane imaging is able to display, store and export independent image frames of only the reference image or only the variable orientation image, or the standard display of both images. The system is also able to sweep through a range of image plane orientations and to automatically acquire an image in each orientation over the range of plane orientations. The system is preferably operable in the biplane tilt mode, the biplane rotate mode, or the biplane elevation tilt mode.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Analysis of mitral regurgitation by ultrasonic imaging

Номер: US20130274606A1

An ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system is described which quantifies regurgitant flow through a mitral valve. A flow quantification processor ( 34 ) in the ultrasound system produces a mathematical model of a flow velocity field proximal to a regurgitant orifice. The velocity field model produces values of velocity vectors directed toward the regurgitant orifice. These modeled values are modified for the effects of ultrasound physics and ultrasound system operation to produce expected velocity values. The expected velocity values are compared with actual Doppler velocities measured by the ultrasound system, and the differences accumulated to a mean square error which is used to adjust parameters of the model such as the orifice location and flow velocities. When this iterative processing converges with a desired comparison, parameters derived from the finally adjusted model are used to calculate the true orifice location, flow rate, and volume flow.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130301381A1

A volume image generating method including transmitting an ultrasonic signal to a target body divided into a plurality of regions and generating a first sub-volume image corresponding to a first region from among the plurality of regions of the target body, based on a response signal reflected from the target body; generating a second sub-volume image corresponding to a second region contacting the first region from among the plurality of regions; connecting the second sub-volume image to the first sub-volume image according to a location relationship between the first region and the second region of the target body; and re-generating the second sub-volume image based on a concordance rate between sectional images of the first and second sub-volume images that contact each other, and connecting the re-generated second sub-volume image to the first sub-volume image. 1. A volume image generating method comprising:transmitting an ultrasonic signal to a target body divided into a plurality of regions and generating a first sub-volume image corresponding to a first region from among the plurality of regions of the target body, based on a response signal reflected from the target body;generating a second sub-volume image corresponding to a second region contacting the first region from among the plurality of regions;connecting the second sub-volume image to the first sub-volume image according to a location relationship between the first region and the second region of the target body; andre-generating the second sub-volume image based on a concordance rate between sectional images of the first and second sub-volume images that contact each other, and connecting the re-generated second sub-volume image to the first sub-volume image.2. The volume image generating method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , when the concordance rate between the sectional images of the first and second sub-volume images that contact each other exceeds a preset value claim 1 , generating ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Ultrasound diagnosis method and apparatus using electrocardiogram

Номер: US20130331695A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Medison Co Ltd

An ultrasound diagnosis method using an electrocardiogram (ECG) including: obtaining ECG information; generating first volume data using at least one piece of sub volume data obtained in a first ECG cycle based on the ECG information; generating second volume data using at least one piece of sub volume data obtained in a second ECG cycle based on the ECG information; and displaying at least one of the first volume data and the second volume data.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140036620A1

An embodiment of a 4D data ultrasound imaging system includes a matrix of transducer elements suitable for transmitting and for receiving ultrasound signals, said transducer elements being divided into sub-matrixes suitable for receiving in a delayed way a same acoustic signal, a plurality of reception channels with one of said reception channels being associated with one of said transducer elements, a beamformer device including a plurality of storage cells arranged in re-phasing matrixes, each re-phasing matrix being associated with a corresponding sub-matrix with each row associated with one of said transducer elements, said storage cells including an input storage stage that is selectively associated with a row and a reading output stage that is selectively associated with a buffer; each storage cell that belongs to a same column has the input stage that is dynamically activated in sequential times with respect to another storage cell of the same column for storing the same delayed acoustic signal, said storage cells that belong to the same column have the output stage that is simultaneously activated. 114-. (canceled)15. An apparatus , comprising:first and second storage cells arranged in a group; and to cause the first cell to store a first value at a first time in response to a first signal generated by a first transducer element in response to a third signal from a location, and', 'to cause the second cell to store a second value at a second time in response to a second signal generated by a second transducer element in response to the third signal., 'a controller coupled to the cells and configured'}16. The apparatus of wherein the first and second storage cells each include a respective storage capacitor.17. The apparatus of wherein the group includes a column.18. The apparatus of wherein the group includes a row.19. The apparatus of wherein the controller is configured such that:the first time corresponds to a time at which the first transducer receives a ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Ultrasound diagnostic imaging apparatus and ultrasound diagnostic imaging method

Номер: US20140046187A1

Described is an ultrasound diagnostic imaging apparatus which includes an ultrasound probe and which generates ultrasound image data sets for displaying an ultrasound image. The ultrasound diagnostic imaging apparatus includes a transmitting unit which performs ultrasound scanning for a plurality of times so that a part of or all of scan regions overlap in a plurality of different directions, an image processing unit which generates a plurality of ultrasound image data sets according to the receive signals and an anisotropic aspect evaluation unit which evaluates an anisotropic aspect of ultrasound wave reflection in the subject according to at least either of the ultrasound image data sets and the receive signals. In the ultrasound diagnostic imaging apparatus, the image processing unit generates synthetic image data in which the plurality of ultrasound image data sets are synthesized according to an evaluation result of the anisotropic aspect evaluation unit.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Ultrasound probe with integrated electronics

Номер: US20140051984A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A hand-held ultrasound system includes integrated electronics within an ergonomic housing. The electronics includes control circuitry, beamforming and circuitry transducer drive circuitry. The electronics communicate with a host computer using an industry standard high speed serial bus. The ultrasonic imaging system is operable on a standard, commercially available, user computing device without specific hardware modifications, and is adapted to interface with an external application without modification to the ultrasonic imaging system to allow a user to gather ultrasonic data on a standard user computing device such as a PC, and employ the data so gathered via an independent external application without requiring a custom system, expensive hardware modifications, or system rebuilds. An integrated interface program allows such ultrasonic data to be invoked by a variety of such external applications having access to the integrated interface program via a standard, predetermined platform such as visual basic or c ++ .

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000450A1

System and method of ultrasound imaging methodology are provided. The system and method can include directing an array to transmit sets of cascaded titled ultrasound waves towards a tissue sample, decoding reflected signals through summing, subtracting, and delay operations. The reflected signals can be reconstructed to provide a final decoded output. 1. A method for ultrasound imaging , the method comprising:transmitting an incident signal towards an object of interest;receiving sets of reflected signals from the object of interest; anddecoding the reflected signals to recover an output,wherein the incident signal is a pulse wave comprised of sets of N number of titled cascaded waves,{'sup': 'k', 'wherein N=2and k being an integer,'}wherein the waves of the incident signal have predetermined polarities, andwherein decoding comprises summing, subtracting, and delaying operations on the reflected or backscattered waves to obtain a processed signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each set of N waves contains at least two source signals.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polarities of the waves are determined as follows:determining a number of waves, N, transmitted in the incident signal;providing a 2×2 Hadamard matrix;repeating the Hadamard matrix to obtain a 2×N first matrix;providing a 2×N second matrix be taking each element in the 2×N first matrix to four a column vector and concatenating the N column vectors; andproviding a third 2×N matrix by element wise multiplication of the 2×N first matrix and the 2×N second matrix.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein an incident tilted wave is a plane wave claim 1 , diverging wave claim 1 , or a focused wave.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the object of interest is tissue of a subject.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the waves are emitted at a pulse repetition frequency below 20 claim 1 ,000 Hz.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the waves are emitted at a pulse repetition frequency above 20 claim 1 ,000 Hz.9. A ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000458A1

In accordance with one aspect of the present disclosure, an ultrasound imaging apparatus comprising: an ultrasonic probe for transmitting ultrasonic waves to a target object and receiving ultrasonic waves reflected from the object; a beamforming unit for beamforming the received ultrasonic wave and outputting a beamforming signal; a sampling unit for adjusting the number of sampling times of the beamforming signal according to the amount of motion of the object; and an image processing unit for matching and synthesizing the sampled signals. 1. An ultrasound imaging apparatus comprising:an ultrasonic probe for transmitting ultrasonic waves to a target object and receiving ultrasonic waves reflected from the object;a beamforming unit for beamforming the received ultrasonic wave and outputting a beamforming signal;a sampling unit for adjusting the number of sampling times of the beamforming signal according to the amount of motion of the object; andan image processing unit for matching and synthesizing the sampled signals.2. The ultrasound imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 ,a motion detection unit for dividing the beamforming signals into groups and comparing beamforming signals of one group and the remaining groups to calculate and store motion vectors.3. The ultrasound imaging apparatus according to claim 2 ,wherein the motion detecting unit compares a beamforming signal of each group divided for each group with a previous beamforming signal to calculate and store a motion vector.4. The ultrasound imaging apparatus according to claim 2 ,wherein the sampling unit adjusts a sampling period of the beamforming signal to be less than a predetermined period when the motion vector of the divided group is less than a predetermined value and adjusts a sampling period of the beamforming signal to exceed the predetermined period when the motion vector of the divided group exceeds a preset value.5. The ultrasound imaging apparatus according to ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008041A1

A method may include generating a series of two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound images of the tissue volume associated with a plurality of positions along a scanning direction of the tissue volume; estimating, for each pair of consecutive 2D ultrasound images of the series of 2D ultrasound images, a distance between the positions associated with the pair of consecutive 2D ultrasound images based on a classification of a difference image generated from the pair of consecutive 2D ultrasound images using a deep neural network to produce a plurality of estimated distances associated with the plurality of pairs of consecutive 2D ultrasound images, respectively; modifying the number of 2D ultrasound images in the series of 2D ultrasound images based on the plurality of estimated distances to produce a modified series of 2D ultrasound images; and rendering the 3D ultrasound image of the tissue volume based on the modified series of 2D ultrasound images. 1. A method for generating a three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound image of a tissue volume using at least one processor , the method comprising:generating a series of two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound images of the tissue volume associated with a plurality of positions, respectively, along a scanning direction of the tissue volume;estimating, for each pair of consecutive 2D ultrasound images of the series of 2D ultrasound images, a distance between the positions associated with the pair of consecutive 2D ultrasound images based on a classification of a difference image generated from the pair of consecutive 2D ultrasound images using a deep neural network to produce a plurality of estimated distances associated with the plurality of pairs of consecutive 2D ultrasound images, respectively;modifying the number of 2D ultrasound images in the series of 2D ultrasound images based on the plurality of estimated distances to produce a modified series of 2D ultrasound images; andrendering the 3D ultrasound image of the tissue volume based on ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003810A1

Microbeamformers coupled to groups of array elements which partially beamform groups of elements for the formation of multiple receive lines are provided. In the microbeamformers, a delay line can be configured to output multiple signal streams that can be delayed by different amounts to support multiline receive in a microbeamformer. A read process during beamforming is not destructive, thereby allowing multiline receive beams to be generated from a single delay line. 1. A receive beamformer comprising a delay element including analog random access memory , wherein the delay element comprises:an input line configured to receive an input analog electrical signal generated from an acoustic signal received by an array of transducer elements;a write shift register configured to operate a plurality of write switches connected to the input line;a plurality of capacitive elements configured to store a charge that can be read from a plurality of outputs of each capacitive element at different delay times;a plurality of read shift registers configured to operate a plurality of read switches connected to the plurality of outputs of each capacitive element such that the charge in each capacitive element is read at the different delay times from different outputs of each capacitive element; anda plurality of summing elements, each summer configured to sum output signals from one of the plurality of outputs of each one of the capacitive elements.2. The receive beamformer of claim 1 , wherein the stored charges can be read from the plurality of outputs of each capacitive element in parallel at different delay times.3. The receive beamformer of claim 1 , wherein at least one capacitive element of the plurality of capacitive elements includes a capacitor that is coupled to the input line and a DC voltage source during a write operation claim 1 , and wherein the capacitor is coupled to a plurality of amplifiers configured to allow interrogation of a stored charge on the capacitor ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003811A1

Performing retrospective dynamic transmit focusing beamforming for ultrasound signals by a) transmitting plural transmit beams, each transmit beam centered at a different position along array, having width or aperture encompassing plural laterally spaced line positions, each transmit beam width or aperture overlapping width or aperture of adjacent transmit beam or more laterally spaced transmit beams; b) receiving echo signals; c) processing echo signals to produce plural receive lines of echo signals at laterally spaced line positions within width or aperture of transmit beam; d) repeating steps b), (c) for additional transmit beams of plural transmitted transmit beams; e) equalizing phase shift variance among receive lines at common line position resulting from transmit beams of different transmit beam positions concurrently with steps c), d); f) combining echo signals of receive lines from different transmit beams spatially related to common line position to produce image data; g) produces an image using image data. 1. A method for performing retrospective dynamic transmit focusing beamforming for ultrasound signals , the method comprising:a) transmitting a plurality of transmit beams from an array transducer, each transmit beam being centered at a different position along the array and each transmit beam having a width or an aperture encompassing a plurality of laterally spaced line positions, each transmit beam width or aperture overlapping at least partially at least the width or the aperture of the immediately adjacent transmit beam or of more laterally spaced transmit beams;b) receiving echo signals with the array transducer;c) processing the echo signals received in response to one transmit beam to produce a plurality of receive lines of echo signals at the laterally spaced line positions within the width or the aperture of the transmit beam;d) repeating the receiving step b) and the processing step c) for the additional transmit beams of the plurality of ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003896A1

Systems and methods for network-based ultrasound imaging are provided, which can include a number of features. In some embodiments, an ultrasound imaging system images an object with three-dimensional unfocused pings and obtains digital sample sets from a plurality of receiver elements. A sub-set of the digital sample sets can be electronically transferred to a remote server, where the sub-set can be beamformed to produce a series of two-dimensional image frames. A video stream made up of the series of two-dimensional images frames can then be transferred from the remote server to a display device. 1. A method of ultrasound imaging comprising:transmitting an unfocused three-dimensional ping into an object from a transmitter element of a transducer array in a probe of a data capture device;receiving echoes of the unfocused three-dimensional ping with a plurality of receiver elements of the transducer array;converting analog signals from each of the plurality of receiver elements into a full dataset of digital sample sets, wherein the full dataset comprises digital sample sets from all the receiver elements;beamforming a sub-set of the digital sample sets locally with the data capture device to form a limited quality video stream, wherein the sub-set comprises fewer digital samples than the full dataset;displaying the limited quality video stream on a first display coupled to the data capture device;communicating the full dataset to a network-based image generation system;beamforming the full data set with the network-based image generation system to form a high quality video stream; anddisplaying the high quality video stream on a second display coupled to the network-based image generation system.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising communicating the full dataset with a wired or wireless data transfer system.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the network-based image generation system is selected from the group consisting of a tablet claim 1 , a personal ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010670A1

Systems, methods, and computer-readable media are provided for detecting a channel behind casing and generating an image that represents the channel. An example method can include receiving data samples associated with at least one casing, each data sample representing channel information behind a representative casing, training a machine learning model using the data samples to generate a mapping between waveform information in each of the data samples and the channel information behind the representative casing, receiving acoustic data from a tool, the acoustic data representing a particular casing, and using the machine learning model to analyze the acoustic data from the tool and determine one of a presence and an absence of a channel behind the particular casing at a plurality of depths. 1. A method comprising:receiving, by at least one processor, data samples associated with at least one casing, each data sample representing channel information behind a representative casing;training, by the at least one processor, a machine learning model using the data samples to generate a mapping between integral amplitudes calculated from waveform information in each of the data samples and the channel information behind the representative casing, wherein at least one integral amplitude is calculated by rectifying the waveform information, determining a peaks-based envelope of the rectified waveform information, using the peaks-based envelope to modulate a sinusoid signal, and integrating a period of the sinusoid signal to obtain the integral amplitude;receiving, by the at least one processor, acoustic data from a tool, the acoustic data representing a particular casing;calculating a plurality of integral amplitudes based on the acoustic data from the tool; andusing, by the at least one processor, the machine learning model to analyze the calculated plurality of integral amplitudes from the acoustic data and determine one of a presence and an absence of a channel behind ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005167A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

A controller has a function that: poygonizes and converts three-dimensional volume data, which is generated by a modality, into polygon data; divides this polygon data into a plurality of clusters; calculates an L2 norm vector of spherical harmonics as a feature vector with respect to each of the clusters based on the polygon data constituting each cluster; identifies whether each cluster is a target or not, based on each calculated feature vector and learning data; and displays an image of a cluster identified as the target at least on a screen. 1. A volume data analysis system comprising:a modality for receiving a measured signal acquired by scanning a measuring object and generating three-dimensional volume data;an input device for inputting information in response to manipulation;a controller for processing the three-dimensional volume data generated by the modality and the information input from the input device; anda display device for displaying a processing result of the controller;wherein the controller includes:a cluster generator for polygonizing and converting the three-dimensional volume data generated by the modality into polygon data and dividing the converted polygon data into a plurality of clusters;a feature vector calculation unit for calculating an L2 norm vector of spherical harmonics as a feature vector with respect to each of the clusters based on the polygon data constituting the each cluster;an identification unit for identifying whether each cluster is a target or not, based on each feature vector calculated by the feature vector calculation unit and learning data acquired by machine learning by using training data; andan image generator for generating an image of a cluster identified as the target by the identification unit among each of the clusters generated by the cluster generator, from the polygon data constituting the relevant each cluster and having the display device display at least the generated image.2. The volume data analysis ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007357A1
Автор: KIM Hyeong Jin

A smart home monitoring apparatus which drives the smart home monitoring apparatus by executing an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm and/or a machine learning algorithm in a 5G environment connected for Internet of Things. The smart home monitoring apparatus and method according to the exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure includes generating a spatial map of a monitoring area, transmitting a first inaudible sound wave signal to the monitoring area to receive a first inaudible sound wave echo signal, predicting a possibility of abnormal state occurrence of the monitoring area through the first inaudible sound wave echo signal based on the spatial map of the monitoring area, obtaining an image of the monitoring area photographed by the camera when the abnormal state occurrence of the monitoring area is predicted, and determining whether an abnormal state occurs in the monitoring area by analyzing the obtained image. 1. A smart home monitoring method , comprising:generating a spatial map of a monitoring area;transmitting a first inaudible sound wave signal to the monitoring area to receive a first inaudible sound wave echo signal;predicting a possibility of abnormal state occurrence of the monitoring area through the first inaudible sound wave echo signal based on the spatial map of the monitoring area;obtaining an image of the monitoring area photographed by the camera when the abnormal state occurrence of the monitoring area is predicted; anddetermining whether the abnormal state occurs in the monitoring area by analyzing the obtained image.2. The smart home monitoring method according to claim 1 , wherein generating the spatial map of the monitoring area includes:obtaining initial information of the first inaudible sound wave echo signal from the monitoring area by scanning the monitoring area through the first inaudible sound wave signal; andobtaining distance information of a fixed object by recognizing a distance from the fixed object in the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Devices, Systems, and Methods for Improved Accuracy Model of Vessel Anatomy

Номер: US20160007947A1
Принадлежит: Volcano Corp

Devices, systems, and methods of imaging a blood vessel are provided. For example, the method can include obtaining fluoroscopic image data of a region of interest in a blood vessel using an x-ray source; obtaining intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) data at a plurality of positions across the region of interest using an IVUS component disposed on an intravascular device; processing the fluoroscopic image data and IVUS data, including: determining, using the fluoroscopic image data, a position of the intravascular device with respect to the x-ray source at each of the plurality of positions across the region of interest; co-registering the fluoroscopic image data and the IVUS image data; and generating, a model of the region of interest including position information of a border of a lumen of the blood vessel at each of the plurality of locations; and outputting a visual representation of the model of the region of interest.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

System for 3d multi-parametric ultrasound imaging

Номер: US20180008237A1

Systems and methods are disclosed that facilitate obtaining two dimensional (2D) ultrasound images, using two or more ultrasound imaging modes or modalities, to generate 2D multi-parametric ultrasound (mpUS) images and/or to generate a three-dimensional (3D) mpUS image. The different ultrasound imaging modes acquire images in a common frame of reference during a single procedure to facilitate their registration. The mpUS images (i.e., 2D or 3D) may be used for enhanced and/or automated detection of one or more suspicious regions. After identifying one or more suspicious regions, the mpUS images may be utilized with a real-time image to guide biopsy or therapy the region(s). All these processes may be performed in a single medical procedure.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008779A1
Принадлежит: ETH Zurich

A medical ultrasound system comprises an ultrasound transducer () for emitting and receiving ultrasound, and a processor (). The ultrasound transducer () is electrically connected to the processor (), and the processor () is configured to determine an ultrasound based tomographic image subject to ultrasound waves (usr) received by the ultrasound transducer () in response to ultrasound waves emitted by the ultrasound transducer () and scattered and/or reflected by tissue to be investigated. 2. The medical ultrasound system according to claim 1 , absent a man-made reflector for reflecting the emitted ultrasound waves.3. The medical ultrasound system according to claim 1 ,wherein the ultrasound transducer is a handheld ultrasound apparatus.4. The medical ultrasound system according to claim 1 ,wherein the ultrasound transducer comprises a set of emitter elements and a set of receiver elements,wherein the processor is configured to, for a set of emitter element—receiver element combinations, trigger the emitter elements of the set of emitter element—receiver element combinations to each emit an ultrasound wave,wherein the processor is configured to, for each of the emitter element—receiver element combinations of the set, determine a time of flight value or an amplitude or an amplitude measurement for the ultrasound wave travelling from the emitter element to the receiver element,wherein the processor is configured to determine ultrasound parameter values of the ultrasound wave for cells in a plane defined by the emitted ultrasound wave dependent on the time of flight values or the amplitudes or the amplitude measurements, andwherein the processor is configured to convert the ultrasound parameter values into the image.5. The medical ultrasound system according to claim 4 ,wherein the processor is configured to determine the ultrasound parameter values dependent on a difference of the time of flight values for different ultrasound wave propagation paths defined by ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008784A1

The invention is to provide an ultrasonic image with a clear tissue structure while reducing speckle noise of the ultrasonic image. An ultrasonic wave is transmitted from the transducer to the subject, and an echo generated in the subject is received. The first ultrasonic image and the second ultrasonic image are generated using a reception signal. The second ultrasonic image is an image smoother than the first ultrasonic image. The image processing unit calculates filter coefficients using pixel values of corresponding pixels of the first ultrasonic image and the second ultrasonic image, and generates an output image by processing one of the first ultrasonic image and the second ultrasonic image using the filter coefficients. 1. An ultrasonic imaging device , comprising:a transmission/reception unit which transmits an ultrasonic wave from one or more transducers to a subject by outputting a transmission signal to the one or more transducers, at the same time receives a reception signal output by the plurality of transducers that received an echo generated in the subject and performs a predetermined processing;an image generation unit which generates a first ultrasonic image and a second ultrasonic image using the reception signal processed by the transmission/reception unit; andan image processing unit which generates an output image using the first ultrasonic image and the second ultrasonic image,wherein the image generation unit generates an image which is smoother than the first ultrasonic image as the second ultrasonic image, andwherein the image processing unit generates the output image by calculating filter coefficients using pixel values of corresponding pixels of the first ultrasonic image and the second ultrasonic image, and processing one of the first ultrasonic image and the second ultrasonic image by the filter coefficients.2. The ultrasonic imaging device according to claim 1 , wherein the first ultrasonic image is an image generated by the image ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180011178A1
Автор: TSUSHIMA Mineo

Ultrasound signal processing device including: transmitter performing transmission events while varying a focal point; receiver generating, for each transmission event, receive signal sequences for transducer elements; delay-and-sum calculator generating, for each transmission event, a sub-frame acoustic line signal including an acoustic line signal for each measurement point located on target lines passing through the focal point and composing a target line group; and synthesizer combining sub-frame acoustic line signals to generate a frame acoustic line signal. The target lines are straight lines, and any measurement point, on any target line, that is spaced away from the focal point by a predetermined distance or more satisfies a condition that distance between the measurement point and a most nearby measurement point on the same target line is smaller than distance between the measurement point and a most nearby one among measurement points on an adjacent target line. 1. An ultrasound signal processing device that performs multiple transmission events of transmitting converging ultrasound beams to a subject by using an ultrasound probe having multiple transducer elements , that performs , for each of the transmission events , reception of ultrasound reflection from the subject and generation of a sub-frame acoustic line signal based on the ultrasound reflection , and that combines sub-frame acoustic line signals for the respective transmission events to generate a frame acoustic line signal ,the ultrasound signal processing device comprising ultrasound signal processing circuitry configured to operate as:a transmitter that varies a focal point defining a position where ultrasound beams converge between a plurality of transmission events and performs each of the transmission events by causing the ultrasound probe to transmit ultrasound beams directed to an inside of the subject;a receiver that, for each of the transmission events, generates sequences of receive ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031287A1

A dual-mode ultrasound system provides real-time imaging and therapy delivery using the same transducer elements of a transducer array. The system may use a multi-channel driver to drive the elements of the array. The system uses a real-time monitoring and feedback image control of the therapy based on imaging data acquired using the dual-mode ultrasound array (DMUA) of transducer elements. Further, for example, multi-modal coded excitation may be used in both imaging and therapy modes. Still further, for example, adaptive, real-time refocusing for improved imaging and therapy can be achieved using, for example, array directivity vectors obtained from DMUA pulse-echo data. 1. A dual mode ultrasound transducer system comprising:an array of ultrasound transducer elements, the ultrasound transducer elements configured to deliver a plurality of sequential therapy bursts of ultrasonic energy to at least a portion of a target region and to transmit/receive imaging ultrasonic energy to/from the target region; and control conveyance of imaging signals to/from one or more of the plurality of ultrasound transducer elements;', 'generate treatment region image data usable to identify at least one or more target points within a target region based on imaging signals conveyed to/from one or more of the plurality of ultrasound transducer elements;', 'generate therapy signals to drive one or more of the plurality of ultrasound transducer elements to deliver a plurality of sequential therapy bursts of ultrasonic energy to at least one of the one or more target points in the target region; and', 'generate control image data based on imaging signals from one or more of the plurality of ultrasound transducer elements during and/or following delivery of each therapy burst of a plurality of sequential therapy bursts, wherein the control image data generated during and/or following delivery of a therapy burst is used to generate therapy signals to drive one or more of the plurality of ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Ultrasound transducer probe with heat transfer device

Номер: US20180014813A1
Принадлежит: EchoNous Inc

Ultrasound systems, devices, and methods for removing heat from within an ultrasound transducer probe are provided herein. An ultrasound transducer probe may include an imaging surface having one or more transducer elements, electronic circuitry, a heat exchanger and a housing. The housing at least partially surrounds the imaging surface, electronic circuitry and heat exchanger or the heat exchanger may simply be operatively coupled to the probe. The electronic circuitry may include processing circuitry that controls transmission of an ultrasound signal from the one or more transducer elements, and driving circuitry operatively coupled to the one or more transducer elements and the processing circuitry. The driving circuitry is configured to drive the transmission of the ultrasound signal by the one or more transducer elements in response to a control signal received from the processing circuitry. The heat exchanger includes a conduit for containing a flow of cooling fluid.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging System and Method for Receiving Information from a Server During An Examination of a Patient to Improve Workflow

Номер: US20190015080A1
Автор: Kreuzer Lloyd B.
Принадлежит: Imorgon Medical LLC

A medical diagnostic ultrasound imaging system and method are provided for receiving information from a server during an examination of a patient to improve workflow. The information provided from the server can be information stored in a server-accessible storage location or generated by the server. The medical diagnostic ultrasound imaging system and server can have bi-directional communication to interact during the examination of the patient. 1. A medical diagnostic ultrasound imaging system with an improved graphical user interface that dynamically displays a worksheet , the medical diagnostic ultrasound imaging system comprising:at least one transmitter;at least one receiver;a set of user input devices;at least one display device; and display on the at least one display device an ultrasound image of the patient, wherein the ultrasound image of the patient is generated by the medical diagnostic ultrasound imaging system; and', display a first section of the worksheet in the graphical user interface;', 'receive a selection of one of the multiple choice options in the worksheet;', 'send the selected multiple choice option to a server, wherein the server stores a plurality of additional sections of the worksheet, some of which are associated with the selected multiple choice option and some of which are not associated with the selected multiple choice option, and wherein the server is configured to identify an additional section of the worksheet that is associated with the selected multiple choice option;', 'receive, from the server, the additional section of the worksheet that is associated with the selected multiple choice option, wherein sections of the worksheet that are not associated with the selected multiple choice option are not received from the server; and', 'display the additional section of the worksheet that is associated with the selected multiple choice option in the graphical user interface;, 'dynamically display a worksheet in a graphical user ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Synthetic aperature image reconstruction system in a patient interface module (pim)

Номер: US20200015779A1
Автор: Paul Douglas Corl
Принадлежит: Volcano Corp

A field programmable gate array (FPGA) circuit including a quadrature internal conditioning circuit is provided. The circuit having a buffer circuit; and a reconstruction engine circuit, wherein the reconstruction engine circuit includes: a circuit to measure a phase of a signal; and a flavor interpolation circuit; wherein: the circuit to measure the phase of a signal includes digitization points forming two complex numbers for each cycle of the center frequency of the signal. A system for collecting tissue images including a patient interface module (PIM); a pulse transmitter circuit; an analog to digital converter circuit; and an FPGA circuit as above; and a catheter having a sensing head is also provided. A method for using the above system to provide an image reconstruction is also provided.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Ultrasound system and method for controlling ultrasound system

Номер: US20210015460A1
Автор: Yukiya Miyachi
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

An ultrasound system 1 includes an ultrasound probe 2 and an image display device 3 . The ultrasound probe 2 includes a transducer array 11 , a transmitting and receiving unit 14 that transmits and receives ultrasonic waves using the transducer array 11 to generate a sound ray signal; a frame image information data generation unit 20 that generates frame image information data from the sound ray signal; and a wireless communication unit 19 that transmits a plurality of frame image information data items to the image display device. The image display device 3 includes a frame type determination unit 33 that determines frame types of the plurality of frame image information data items, a combination determination unit 34 that determines whether or not to combine the frame image information data items on the basis of the frame types, a compound image data generation unit 35 that combines the plurality of frame image information data items, and a display unit 37 that displays a compound image.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017669A1

Provided is an ultrasound diagnosis apparatus including a probe configured to transmit a plurality of plane waves at a plurality of steering angles and a controller configured to determine the plurality of plane waves so that a grating lobe of a synthetic transmit focusing beam pattern using the plurality of plane waves is located outside a region of interest. 1. An ultrasound diagnosis apparatus comprising:a probe configured to transmit a plurality of plane waves at a plurality of steering angles; anda controller configured to determine the plurality of plane waves so that a grating lobe of a synthetic transmit focusing beam pattern using the plurality of plane waves is located outside a region of interest.2. The ultrasound diagnosis apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller determines the plurality of plane waves so that an interval between sine values of the plurality of steering angles is equal to or less than a first reference value.3. The ultrasound diagnosis apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the controller sets a value obtained by dividing a wavelength by a size of an aperture of the probe as the first reference value.4. The ultrasound diagnosis apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller fixes a minimum steering angle and a maximum steering angle claim 1 , and determines the plurality of plane waves so that a number of the plurality of steering angles is equal to or greater than a second reference value.5. The ultrasound diagnosis apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller adjusts a size of the region of interest so that the size of the region of interest is less than a position of the grating lobe.6. The ultrasound diagnosis apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the probe receives echo signals claim 1 , andthe controller applies an apodization window having a low side lobe to the echo signals.7. The ultrasound diagnosis apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller determines the plurality of plane waves so that an intensity of the grating lobe is less than ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018851A1
Автор: NAGAI Sanae

An underwater detection apparatus is provided, which may include a transmission transducer, a reception transducer, and processing circuitry. The transmission transducer may transmit a transmission wave in an underwater transmission space. The reception transducer may include a plurality of reception elements, each reception element generating a reception signal based on a reflection wave comprising a reflection of the transmission wave on an underwater target. The processing circuitry may perform beamforming in each of a plurality of reception spaces based on the reception signals, generate a 3D image data of the target based on the beamforming performed in each reception space, and extract a contour of the target detected in at least one of the reception spaces, and generate a contour image data to be displayed along with the 3D image data on a display unit. 1. An underwater detection apparatus , comprising:a transmission transducer configured to transmit a transmission wave in an underwater transmission space;a reception transducer comprising a plurality of reception elements, each reception element generating a reception signal based on a reflection wave comprising a reflection of the transmission wave on an underwater target; and perform beamforming in each of a plurality of reception spaces based on the reception signals;', 'generate a 3D image data of the target based on the beamforming performed in each reception space; and', 'extract a contour of the target detected in at least one of the reception spaces, and generate a contour image data to be displayed along with the 3D image data on a display unit., 'processing circuitry configured to2. The underwater detection apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the 3D image data and the contour image data comprise display color information to be displayed on the display unit; andthe processing circuitry is further configured to set the display color information of the contour image data to a different display color ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Quantitative Imaging System and Uses Thereof

Номер: US20210018620A1
Автор: Alexander A. Oraevsky

Provided herein are imaging systems such as a system for quantitative tomography and a laser optoacoustic ultrasonic imaging system assembly (LOUISA) for imaging a tissue region, for example, a breast, in a subject. Generally, the system components are a laser that emits instant pulses of laser light in a wavelength cycling mode, fiberoptic bundles or optical arc-shaped fiber bundles configured to deliver laser light, an imaging module with an imaging tank, an optoacoustic array(s) of ultrawide-band ultrasonic transducers and ultrasound array(s) of ultrasonic transducers and a coupling medium and an electronics subsystem. Also provided is a method for imaging quantitative functional parameters and/or molecular parameters and anatomical structures in a volumetric tissue region of interest, such as a breast, in a subject utilizing the system for quantitative tomography.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for compounding ultrasonic images

Номер: US20170020487A1
Принадлежит: Alpinion Medical Systems Co Ltd

A method and an apparatus for compounding ultrasound images are disclosed. A method and an apparatus for compounding ultrasound images are provided to compound frames generated based on reflection signals generated upon receiving reflected transmissions of focused ultrasounds and unfocused ultrasounds to a subject so as to prevent a decreased frame rate as well as moving artifacts from affecting the ultrasound imaging due to movements of the subject.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020488A1

Described is an ultrasound diagnostic imaging apparatus which includes an ultrasound probe and which generates ultrasound image data sets for displaying an ultrasound image. The ultrasound diagnostic imaging apparatus includes a transmitting unit which performs ultrasound scanning for a plurality of times so that a part of or all of scan regions overlap in a plurality of different directions, an image processing unit which generates a plurality of ultrasound image data sets according to the receive signals and an anisotropic aspect evaluation unit which evaluates an anisotropic aspect of ultrasound wave reflection in the subject according to at least either of the ultrasound image data sets and the receive signals. In the ultrasound diagnostic imaging apparatus, the image processing unit generates synthetic image data in which the plurality of ultrasound image data sets are synthesized according to an evaluation result of the anisotropic aspect evaluation unit. 1. An ultrasound diagnostic imaging apparatus which includes an ultrasound probe which obtains receive signals by driving a plurality of transducers and performing transmission and reception of ultrasound waves to and from a subject and which generates ultrasound image data sets for displaying an ultrasound image wherein the receive signals are converted into luminescence in the ultrasound image data , the ultrasound diagnostic imaging apparatus comprising:a transmitting unit which performs ultrasound scanning for a plurality of times so that a part of or all of scan regions overlap by driving the plurality of transducers and performing the transmission and reception of the ultrasound waves in a plurality of directions, the directions being different from each other;an image processing unit which generates a plurality of ultrasound image data sets according to the receive signals obtained as a result of the transmitting unit performing the ultrasound scanning; andan anisotropic aspect evaluation unit which ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Ultrasound Imaging Device and Ultrasound Signal Processing Method

Номер: US20180021023A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

There is realized an ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus that eliminates the restriction on the image generation in ultrasonic diagnostic apparatuses imposed by generation of no more than one delay curve, and enables imaging with higher resolution and higher speed. 1. An ultrasonic imaging apparatus comprising a received signal processor that processes received signals obtained by receiving sound waves from a subject , to which a transmission beam imparted with such a predetermined phase delay that it focuses on a predetermined transmission focus has been transmitted , with a plurality of reception channels to obtain phased signals , wherein:the received signal processor comprises two or more delayers disposed for each of the plurality of the reception channels, and a synthesiser,among two or more of the delayers, a first delayer delays the received signals by a first delay time for phasing the received signals produced from the transmission beam for a predetermined reception focus, a second delayer delays the received signals by a second delay time for phasing the received signals produced from a sound wave of a predetermined phase different from the phase of the transmission beam for the same reception focus, andthe synthesiser adds first phased signals generated by the first delayer through the delaying, and second phased signals generated by the second delayer through the delaying.2. The ultrasonic imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the received signal processor sets a plurality of reception scanning lines in the inside and outside of a transmission region of the transmission beam of the subject for one time of transmission of the transmission beam claim 1 , and sets a plurality of reception focuses on the reception scanning lines.3. The ultrasonic imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the synthesiser performs weighting when it synthesizes the first phased signals and the second phased signals.4. The ultrasonic imaging apparatus according to ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Ultrasound imaging using apparent point-source transmit transducer

Номер: US20190021697A1
Принадлежит: Maui Imaging Inc

An apparent point-source transmit transducers comprises a substantially constant-thickness shell of piezoelectric material in a shape of a spherical-section. Such transducers may be sized such that a single apparent point-source transmit transducer may produce ultrasound waveforms with substantial energy in a medium to be imaged. Use of such transducers in three-dimensional ping-based imaging may permit deeper and higher quality imaging than may be possible with conventional transducers.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040503A1

Systems and methods for non-invasive fat reduction can include targeting a region of interest below a surface of skin, which contains fat and delivering ultrasound energy to the region of interest. The ultrasound energy generates a thermal lesion with said ultrasound energy on a fat cell. The lesion can create an opening in the surface of the fat cell, which allows the draining of a fluid out of the fat cell and through the opening. In addition, by applying ultrasound energy to fat cells to increase the temperature to between 43 degrees and 49 degrees, cell apoptosis can be realized, thereby resulting in reduction of fat. 1targeting a region of interest below a surface of skin, said region of interest containing a fat lobuli;delivering ultrasound energy to said region of interest;generating a conformal lesion with said ultrasound energy, said conformal lesion on a surface of said fat lobuli;creating an opening in said surface of said fat lobuli; andreleasing a fluid out of said fat lobuli and through said opening in reducing an appearance of the cellulite on said surface of skin.. A method of non-invasive treatment of cellulite, the method comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 17/127,691 filed Dec. 18, 2020, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/794,701 filed Feb. 19, 2020, now U.S. Pat. No. 10,888,716, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/272,427 filed Feb. 11, 2019, now U.S. Pat. No. 10,603,519, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/996,249 filed Jun. 1, 2018, now U.S. Pat. No. 10,238,894, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/829,175 filed Dec. 1, 2017, now U.S. Pat. No. 10,010,721 which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/650,525 filed Jul. 14, 2017, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,833,639, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/380,267 filed Dec. 15, 2016, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,713,731, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Ultrasonic Diagnostic Device and Ultrasonic Probe

Номер: US20200022677A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

A plurality of transmission and reception circuits are connected to a plurality of vibration elements. The transmission and reception circuit includes a basic delay circuit and a fine delay circuit. The basic delay circuit delays a transmission signal and a reception signal for sub beamforming. The fine delay circuit is configured to be capable of performing delay finer than that of the basic delay circuit. A quantized delay error is compensated for by the fine delay circuit at the time of transmission.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Ultrasound diagnostic apparatus and non-transitory storage medium

Номер: US20200022679A1
Автор: Tomohisa Imamura
Принадлежит: Canon Medical Systems Corp

According to one embodiment, an ultrasound diagnostic apparatus includes a transmitter/receiver and processing circuitry. The transmitter/receiver sequentially transmits a first transmission beam group and a second transmission beam group and receives at least one reception beam for each transmission beam, via an ultrasound probe having a plurality of transducers arranged along an azimuth direction and an elevation direction. The processing circuitry combines a first reception beam based on a first transmission beam included in the first transmission beam group and a second reception beam based on a second transmission beam included in the second transmission beam group. Transmission beams that are adjacent to each other in the azimuth direction or the elevation direction belong to transmission beam groups that are different from each other.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042951A1

A method for reconstructing a three-dimensional surface of a part using an ultrasonic matrix sensor including scanning the three-dimensional surface using a matrix sensor at different measurement points located at the intersection of scanning rows and of increment rows at each measurement point, acquiring a temporal row image representing a reflected wave amplitude received by each element from a selected row of the matrix sensor and acquiring a temporal column image representing a reflected wave amplitude received by each element from a selected column of the matrix sensor, constructing a two-dimensional row image for each scanning row on the basis of the temporal row images constructing a two-dimensional column image for each increment row on the basis of the temporal column images, and constructing a three-dimensional image on the basis of the two dimensional row images and of the two-dimensional column images. 1. A method for reconstructing a three-dimensional surface of a part using a matrix sensor comprising a plurality of elements arranged in rows and columns , each element being arranged to be able to emit an incident wave in the direction of the part and to generate a signal representing a reflected wave received by said element , the method comprising:scanning the three-dimensional surface with the matrix sensor, the matrix sensor being moved in a plurality of measurement points, each measurement point being defined by the intersection of a scanning line, among a set of scanning lines parallel to the rows of elements of the matrix sensor, and an increment line, among a set of increment lines parallel to the columns of elements of the matrix sensor, acquiring a temporal row image comprising emitting an incident wave by one or more elements of a selected row of the matrix sensor and generating, for each of the elements of the selected row, a temporal signal representing an amplitude over time of a reflected wave received by said element, the temporal row ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043131A1

Systems and methods are disclosed for performing ultrasound imaging. Channel domain data can be received from an ultrasound transducer to form one or more channel domain data sets. A first ultrasound processing operation can be applied to the channel domain data to generate a first subset of one or more images from the one or more channel domain data sets. A second ultrasound processing operation can be applied to the channel domain data to generate a second subset of one or more images from the one or more channel domain data sets. Image characteristics of the first subset of one or more images and the second subset of one or more images can be regionally analyzed to identify regional image characteristics of the first and second subsets of one or more images. The first subset of one or more images can be blended with the second subset of one or more images based on the regional image characteristics to generate one or more composite images. 1. (canceled)2. A method comprising:receiving, from an ultrasound transducer, channel domain data to form one or more channel domain data sets;applying an ultrasound processing operation to at least a portion of the channel domain data using a first variable that modifies the ultrasound processing operation to generate a first subset of one or more images from the one or more channel domain data sets;applying the ultrasound processing operation to at least a portion of the channel domain data using a second variable that modifies the ultrasound processing operation to generate a second subset of one or more images from the one or more channel domain data sets;analyzing one or more image characteristics of a first plurality of regions of the first subset of one or more images and a second plurality of regions of the second subset of one or more images; andgenerating one or more composite images from the one or more channel domain data sets by blending regions of the first plurality of regions and the second plurality of regions ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Free-hand scanning and imaging

Номер: US20140111374A1
Принадлежит: University of Missouri System

Wideband synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging. A probe transmits a signal through its aperture incident to an object located in a medium of interest remotely from the probe. The probe receives through the aperture a plurality of nonuniformly sampled reflected signals from the object as the probe moves in a measurement plane located a predetermined distance from the object. A processor executes a SAR-based reconstruction algorithm to generate an image.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047248A1
Принадлежит: Canon Medical Systems Corporation

In one embodiment, an ultrasonic diagnostic system includes: a plurality of probes; at least one operation/display panel configured to be disposed at a same examination location as at least one of the plurality of probes; communication equipment configured to communicate with the plurality of probes and the operation/display panel; a measurement circuit configured to measure physical quantity related to the plurality of probes; processing circuitry configured to associate a specific probe of the plurality of probes with the operation/display panel based on the measured physical quantity; and an ultrasonic server configured to be disposed at a location different from the examination location, receive first data acquired by the specific probe via the communication equipment, generate second data based on the first data, and transmit the second data to the operation/display panel via the communication equipment. 1. An ultrasonic diagnostic system comprising:a plurality of probes;at least one operation/display panel configure to be disposed at a same examination location as at least one of the plurality of probes;communication equipment configured to communicate with the plurality of probes and the operation/display panel;a measurement circuit configured to measure physical quantity related to the plurality of probes;processing circuitry configured to associate a specific probe of the plurality of probes with the operation/display panel based on the measured physical quantity; andan ultrasonic server configured to be disposed at a location different from the examination location, receive first data acquired by the specific probe via the communication equipment, generate second data based on the first data, and transmit the second data to the operation/display panel via the communication equipment.2. The ultrasonic diagnostic system according to claim 1 , wherein the processing circuitry is configured to determine a probe closest to a predetermined position in the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029640A1
Автор: HAN Ho-san, KIM Kang-sik

Provided is a probe including: a memory configured to store electric charges corresponding to echo signals reflected by an object and output the stored electric charges; a charger configured to generate an amount of electric charges corresponding to an amount of the output electric charges; and a controller configured to control at least one of a first velocity at which the electric charges are stored in the memory and a second velocity at which the electric charges are output from the memory. 1. A probe comprising:a memory configured to store electric charges corresponding to echo signals reflected by an object and output the stored electric charges;a charger configured to generate an amount of electric charges corresponding to an amount of the output electric charges; anda controller configured to control at least one of a first velocity at which the electric charges are stored in the memory and a second velocity at which the electric charges are output from the memory.2. The probe of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to control the second velocity based on a number of scanlines corresponding to ultrasound signals transmitted to the object.3. The probe of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to control the second velocity to be m times higher than the first velocity claim 1 , where m represents a number of scanlines corresponding to ultrasound signals transmitted to the object.4. The probe of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to control the second velocity based on delay values respectively calculated for a plurality of scanlines corresponding to ultrasound signals transmitted to the object.5. The probe of claim 1 , wherein the memory comprises at least one capacitor and at least one switch.6. The probe of claim 1 , wherein the generated electric charges are input to the memory after the electric charges are output from the memory.7. The probe of claim 1 , further comprising a two-dimensional (2D) ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Acoustic orthopedic tracking system and methods

Номер: US20200029931A1
Принадлежит: Decision Sciences Medical Co LLC

Systems, devices, and methods are disclosed for acquiring and providing information about orthopedic features of a body using acoustic energy. In some aspects, an acoustic orthopedic tracking system includes portable acoustic transducers to obtain orthopedic position information for feeding the information to an orthopedic surgical system for surgical operations.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029933A1
Автор: Wegner Allan

Techniques, systems, and devices are disclosed for synthetic aperture ultrasound imaging using spread-spectrum, wide instantaneous band, coherent, coded waveforms. In one aspect, a method includes synthesizing a composite waveform formed of a plurality of individual orthogonal coded waveforms that are mutually orthogonal to each other, correspond to different frequency bands and including a unique frequency with a corresponding phase; transmitting an acoustic wave based on the composite waveform toward a target from one or more transmitting positions; and receiving at one or more receiving positions acoustic energy returned from at least part of the target corresponding to the transmitted acoustic waveforms, in which the transmitting and receiving positions each include one or both of spatial positions of an array of transducer elements relative to the target and beam phase center positions of the array, and the transmitted acoustic waveforms and the returned acoustic waveforms produce an enlarged effective aperture. 1. (canceled)2. A method for synthetic aperture acoustic imaging , comprising:generating, by a waveform generator, a plurality of individual coded waveforms that correspond to different frequency bands, such that each of the individual coded waveforms includes a unique frequency with a corresponding phase;synthesizing, by one or more waveform synthesizers, a first composite waveform and a second composite waveform to be transmitted toward a target, wherein the first composite waveform is formed of one or more of the individual coded waveforms and the second composite waveform is formed of one or more of the individual coded waveforms;selecting one or more transducer elements of an array of transducer elements to transduce the first composite waveform into a first composite acoustic waveforms to be transmitted at a target; andselecting one or more additional transducer elements of an array of transducer elements to transduce the second composite ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Ultrasonic apparatus and method of controlling the same

Номер: US20160034031A1
Автор: Yun-Tae Kim

Disclosed are an ultrasonic apparatus for displaying one of an ultrasonic image, an external image and a composite image thereof by recognizing the position of eyes of a user, and a control method thereof. The ultrasonic apparatus includes a storage configured to store an external image of an object, an image processor configured to generate a composite image by registering an ultrasonic image of the object with respect to the stored external image, a recognizer configured to recognize a position of eyes of a user, and a display configured to display one of the ultrasonic image, the external image and the composite image of the ultrasonic image and the external image, based on the recognized position of the eyes of the user.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030393A1

In an ultrasonic CT device for breast examination, unevenness of an ultrasonic image due to a distribution of inclination angles of a breast is reduced. The distribution of the inclination angles of a surface of a subject in a contour of the subject is obtained from a tomographic image, and a signal level of a reception signal or a pixel value of the tomographic image is corrected using the distribution of the inclination angles. 1. An ultrasonic CT device , comprising:a transducer array configured to irradiate a subject in a medium with an ultrasonic wave from a plurality of directions and receive an ultrasonic wave reflected by the subject and/or an ultrasonic wave transmitted through the subject;an image generation unit configured to generate a tomographic image of the subject using a reception signal of the transducer array; anda correction unit configured to obtain a distribution of inclination angles of a surface of the subject in a contour of the subject from the tomographic image, and correct a signal level of the reception signal or a pixel value of the tomographic image using the distribution of the inclination angles.2. The ultrasonic CT device according to claim 1 ,wherein the correction unit is configured to estimate an intensity reduction distribution of the ultrasonic wave in the subject based on the distribution of the inclination angles of the surface of the subject, and correct the signal level of the reception signal or the pixel value of the tomographic image using the estimated intensity reduction distribution of the ultrasonic wave.3. The ultrasonic CT device according to claim 2 ,wherein the correction unit is configured to calculate a distribution of incident angles of the ultrasonic wave to the surface of the subject as the distribution of the inclination angles of the surface of the subject.4. The ultrasonic CT device according to claim 3 ,wherein the correction unit is configured to obtain a distribution of values corresponding to the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051427A1
Принадлежит: JUC Holdings Limited

To simulate a 3D image of a subsurface below a surface, the system having a memory device for storing an instruction, a processor in communication with the memory device configured to execute the instruction, and a subsurface image capture module in communication with the processor, the subsurface image capture module having one or more wave generating device and one or more sensor affixed to a vehicle to capture a series of digital image datasets of the subsurface with a coordinate reference data, wherein the processor executes an instruction to generate a digital model of the series of digital image datasets of the subsurface while maintaining the coordinate reference data, wherein the processor executes an instruction to determine a depth map of the digital model, and wherein the processor executes an instruction to identify a key subject point in the digital model, where subsurface includes an internal biology, below ground, underwater. 1. A system to simulate a 3D image of a subsurface below a surface , the system comprising:a memory device for storing an instruction, a processor in communication with said memory device configured to execute said instruction, and a subsurface image capture module in communication with said processor, said subsurface image capture module having one or more wave generating device and one or more sensor affixed to a vehicle to capture a series of digital image datasets of the subsurface with a coordinate reference data;wherein said processor executes an instruction to generate a digital model of said series of digital image datasets of the subsurface while maintaining said coordinate reference data;wherein said processor executes an instruction to determine a depth map of said digital model; andwherein said processor executes an instruction to identify a key subject point in said digital model.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a display in communication with said processor claim 1 , said display configured to display ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Ultrasound diagnostic apparatus

Номер: US20150038847A1
Автор: Tsuyoshi Tanabe
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

The ultrasound probe transmits and receives ultrasonic waves in different directions and the diagnostic apparatus body combines a plurality of images captured in the different directions of transmission and reception to produce an ultrasound image. In this process, the ultrasound diagnostic apparatus measures the temperature of the ultrasound probe to change the ultrasound transmission and reception for producing a composite ultrasound image or makes the directions of transmission and reception in the last ultrasound image in one composite ultrasound image coincide with those in the first ultrasound image in its temporally adjacent composite ultrasound image. The ultrasound diagnostic apparatus thus enables consistent ultrasound diagnosis against heat generated in the integrated circuit board of the ultrasound probe while simplifying the control of the ultrasound transmission and reception.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038947A1
Автор: ZWIRN Gil

Methods of ultrasound imaging, some of which comprise: generating one or more transmit beams, wherein the boresight of each of the transmit beams points to a direction associated with a target region generating one or more receive beams using a probe () comprising a transducer array (); for each receive beam or group of receive beams, sampling the received signal one or more times, wherein each sample is associated with a certain volume within the target region (“volume-gate”), and wherein multiple space-dependent samples are taken over the probe for each volume-gate; and processing the space-dependent samples, said processing comprising: applying beamforming sample alignment such that each space-dependent sample associated with a volume-gate is aligned; for each aligned volume-gate, computing one or more clutter suppression features, wherein a clutter suppression feature is dependent on the signal variability of the space-dependent samples; for each aligned volume-gate, computing a metric value wherein the metric value depends on values of one or more of the one or more clutter suppression features for the aligned volume-gate, and performing a beamforming summation step in accordance with the metric value. 1. A method of ultrasound imaging , said method comprising: generating one or more receive beams using a probe comprising a transducer array;', 'for each receive beam or group of receive beams, sampling the received signal one or more times, wherein each sample is associated with a certain volume within the target region (“volume-gate”), and wherein multiple space-dependent samples are taken over the probe for each volume-gate; and', 'processing the space-dependent samples, said processing comprising:', 'applying beamforming sample alignment such that each space-dependent sample associated with a volume-gate is aligned;', 'for each aligned volume-gate, computing one or more clutter suppression features, wherein a clutter suppression feature is dependent on the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Ultrasound imaging flow vector velocity estimation with directional transverse oscillation

Номер: US20180038955A1
Автор: Jorgen Arendt Jensen
Принадлежит: BK Medical AS

An ultrasound imaging system ( 100 ) includes a transducer array ( 102 ) with plurality of transducer elements ( 200 ) configured to transmit an ultrasound signal and receive echoes. Transmit circuitry ( 104 ) is configured to excite the transducer elements to transmit the ultrasound signal along a propagation direction. Receive circuitry ( 106 ) is configured to receive an echo signal produced in response to the ultrasound signal traversing flowing structure in the field of view. A beamformer ( 112 ) is configured to beamform the echo signal and produce a single directional signal at a depth. The directional signal is transverse to the propagation direction of the ultrasound signal. A velocity processor ( 114 ) is configured to transform the directional signal to produce a corresponding quadrature signal, estimate a depth velocity component and a transverse velocity component at the depth based on the directional signal and the quadrature signal, and generate a signal indicative of the estimate.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038258A1
Автор: Huang Lianjie, Lin Youzuo

Synthetic-aperture ultrasound tomography systems and methods using scanning arrays and algorithms configured to simultaneously acquire ultrasound transmission and reflection data, and process the data for improved ultrasound tomography imaging, wherein the tomography imaging comprises total-variation regularization, or a modified total variation regularization, particularly with edge-guided or spatially variant regularization. 1. A synthetic aperture ultrasound tomography imaging method for imaging a tissue medium with one or more ultrasound transducer arrays comprising a plurality of transducers , the method comprising:exciting a first transducer with plurality of transducers to generate an ultrasound field within the tissue medium;acquiring a transmission signal and a reflection signal from a second transducer within the one or more ultrasound transducer arrays; andgenerating an ultrasound waveform tomography image reconstruction;wherein generating an ultrasound waveform tomography image reconstruction is a function of computing an acoustic wave property of the reflection and transmission signals by calculating a minimum mean square difference between observed and synthetic waveforms relating to the reflection and transmission signals.238-. (canceled) This application is a 35 U.S.C. § 111(a) continuation of PCT international application number PCT/US2013/024662 filed on Feb. 4, 2013, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, which claims priority to, and the benefit of, U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. 61/594,865, filed on Feb. 3, 2012, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. Priority is claimed to each of the foregoing applications.The above-referenced PCT international application was published as PCT International Publication No. WO 2013/116854 on Aug. 8, 2013, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.This invention was made with Government support under Contract No. DE-AC52-06NA25396 awarded by the Department of Energy, ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038259A1

Ultrasound tomography imaging methods for imaging a tissue medium with one or more ultrasound transducer arrays comprising a plurality of transducers, wherein said transducers comprise source transducers, receiving transducers. The methods include assigning a phase value or time delay to source transducers, exciting the transducers and calculating a search direction based on data relating to the excited transducers. 1. An ultrasound tomography imaging method for imaging a tissue medium with one or more ultrasound transducer arrays comprising a plurality of transducers , wherein said transducers comprise source transducers , receiving transducers , or both , the method comprising:assigning a phase value to the plurality of source transducers;exciting the plurality of transducers; andcalculating a search direction based on data relating to the excited plurality of transducers.244.-. (canceled) This application is a 35 U.S.C. § 111(a) continuation of PCT international application number PCT/US2013/024676 filed on Feb. 4, 2013, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, which claims priority to, and the benefit of, U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. 61/594,865, filed on Feb. 3, 2012, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. Priority is claimed to each of the foregoing applications.The above-referenced PCT international application was published as PCT International Publication No. WO 2013/116866 on Aug. 8, 2013, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.This invention was made with Government support under Grant No. MIPR0LDATM0144 from the Breast Cancer Research Program of DoD-Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs and Contract No. DE-AC52-06NA25396 awarded by the Department of Energy. The Government has certain rights in the invention.Not ApplicableA portion of the material in this patent document is subject to copyright protection under the copyright laws of the United States and of other countries. The owner of the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037996A1
Автор: TSUSHIMA Mineo

An ultrasound signal processing device: performing events involving transmitting ultrasound towards a subject; receiving ultrasound reflection from the subject in response to each event; and generating a frame signal from sub-frame signals generated based on the ultrasound reflection. The device, in each event, causes a transmission aperture to transmit ultrasound focusing in the subject. A transmission aperture for one event differs in position, in a transducer element array direction, from a transmission aperture for a previous event by a shift amount of at least twice a transducer element width. The device, for each event, sets a target area which includes a position where transmitted ultrasound focuses and whose width in the transducer element array direction, at a depth where the transmitted ultrasound focuses, is equal to or greater than the shift amount. The device generates a sub-frame signal covering measurement points included in the target area. 1. An ultrasound diagnostic device comprising:an ultrasound probe including transducer elements; andan ultrasound diagnostic circuit that functions as:a transmitter performing an ultrasound transmission event of causing a transmission transducer element array composed of all or some of the transducer elements to transmit ultrasound;a receiver generating reception signal sequences, one for each of the transducer elements of a reception transducer element array composed of all or some of the transducer elements, each of the reception signal sequences generated according to a signal based on reflected ultrasound that a corresponding one of the transducer elements receives in response to the transmission of the ultrasound;a delay amount generator generating delay amounts, one for each of the transducer elements of the reception transducer element array; anda delay processor performing delay processing on the reception signal sequences, based on the delay amounts, whereinthe delay amount generator includes:a ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Ultrasound scanning capsule endoscope

Номер: US20170042506A1
Принадлежит: Innurvation Inc

The present invention relates to ultrasound imaging on a capsule endoscope platform. It relates to the generation of a focused ultrasound acoustic signal and the receiving of echo signals from the wall of a body lumen with an array of acoustic transducers wrapped around the circumference of the capsule. It relates to sending the generated echo image signals to receiver devices attached or worn on the body. It relates to the generation of 360° overlapping sidewall ultrasound scans of a body lumen, and image processing techniques to assemble these scans into a high resolution continuous ultrasound image. Finally, it relates to the manufacture and assembly of such an ultrasound scanning capsule endoscope (USCE). The concept is extendable to conventional endoscopes and catheters.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Ultrasound imaging pickup apparatus

Номер: US20170042510A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

Reception beamforming is executed using delay times that complexly vary in accordance with differences between transmission conditions. An irradiation area 32 of a transmission beam is calculated, and the lengths of segments, using which delay times are calculated, are set in accordance with the positional relationships between the calculated irradiation area 32 and reception scanning lines 31 . For example, the reception scanning lines 31 are divided into areas A to C, and the lengths of segments 40 b in the outer area B located outside of the irradiation area 32 are set shorter than the lengths of segments 40 a and 40 c in the inner areas A and C.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042577A1

A system (e.g., an ultrasound imaging system) is provided. The system includes an ultrasound probe configured to acquire three dimensional (3D) ultrasound data of a volumetric region of interest (ROI). The system further includes a display, a memory configured to store programmed instructions, and a controller circuit. The controller circuit includes one or more processors. The controller circuit is configured to execute the programmed instructions stored in the memory. When executing the programmed instructions, the controller circuit performs a plurality of operations. The operations includes collecting the 3D ultrasound data from an ultrasound probe and identifying a select set of the 3D ultrasound data corresponding to an object of interest within the volumetric ROI. The operations further include segmenting the object of interest from the select set of the 3D ultrasound data, generating a visualization plane of the object of interest, and displaying the visualization plane on the display. 1. A method , the method comprising:acquiring three dimensional (3D) ultrasound data of a volumetric region of interest (ROI) from an ultrasound probe;identifying a select set of the 3D ultrasound data corresponding to an object of interest within the volumetric ROI;segmenting the object of interest from the select set of the 3D ultrasound data;generating a visualization plane of the object of interest; anddisplaying the visualization plane on a display.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the visualization plane is projected along three orthogonal two dimensional (2D) planes.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein one of the 2D planes correspond to a mid-coronal plane claim 2 , a mid-sagittal plane claim 2 , or a mid-axial plane.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the visualization plane is displayed as a plurality of two dimensional (2D) slices claim 1 , and further comprising arranging the 2D slices as a polyline.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising receiving a user input ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041644A1

Fresnel elevation focusing at a selected elevation angle is performed by transmitting a sequential set of Fresnel-focused ultrasound pulses, where a different Fresnel phase pattern is used for each pulse, and where the receive signals are coherently compounded. The different Fresnel patterns cause the secondary lobe energy to be reduced via averaging of variations of the pressure fields in the secondary lobe regions. In some embodiments, the method of coherently compounded Fresnel focusing is combined with coherently compounded defocused wave (e.g. plane wave or diverging wave) imaging in the azimuth direction. Each of the elevation slices are collected by changing the Fresnel patterns respectively employed when the sequence of plane waves or diverging waves are transmitted, such that the coherent compounding can benefit both planes simultaneously. Hadamard receive encoding and subsequent dynamic receive beamforming may be employed to further improve performance in the elevation direction. 1. An ultrasound imaging system comprising:an ultrasound array comprising a plurality of ultrasound array elements defined between a first electrode array and a second electrode array;wherein electrodes of said first electrode array are spaced along, and extend perpendicular to, an azimuth direction, and electrodes of said second electrode array are spaced along, and extend perpendicular to, an elevation direction, such that said first electrode array and said second electrode array are provided in a crossed electrode configuration; andwherein each ultrasound array element is capable of acoustic transduction such that a phase of ultrasound waves emitted therefrom is dependent on a polarity of a bias voltage applied thereto; [ wherein the transmit signals are provided to said first electrode array such that each ultrasound pulse is unfocused in the azimuth direction, and such that the plurality of ultrasound pulses have respective wavefronts suitable for performing coherent ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Method of determining beamforming coefficient, beamforming method and ultrasonic imaging apparatus

Номер: US20140121516A1

Disclosed herein are a beamforming method, a method of determining a beamforming coefficient, and an ultrasonic imaging apparatus. The beamforming method includes radiating a target object with ultrasonic waves and receiving a plurality of ultrasonic signals reflected from the target object, acquiring beamforming computation results of some of the plurality of received ultrasonic signals and determining a beamforming coefficient candidate group based on a beamforming computation result of the some of the received ultrasonic signals, acquiring beamforming computation results of the plurality of received ultrasonic signals or the some of the received ultrasonic signals by applying beamforming coefficients of the beamforming coefficient candidate group and selecting at least one beamforming coefficient from the beamforming coefficient candidate group based on the beamforming computation results of the plurality of ultrasonic signals, and beamforming the plurality of ultrasonic signals using the selected at least one beamforming coefficient as a weight.

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Anatomically intelligent echocardiography for point-of-care

Номер: US20200043129A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

An apparatus includes an imaging probe and is configured for dynamically arranging presentation of visual feedback for guiding manual adjustment, via the probe, of a location, and orientation, associated with the probe. The arranging is selectively based on comparisons between fields of view of the probe and respective results of segmenting image data acquired via the probe. In an embodiment, the feedback does not include a grayscale depiction of the image data. Coordinate system transformations corresponding to respective comparisons may be computed. The selecting may be based upon and dynamically responsive to content of imaging being dynamically acquired via the probe.

19-02-2015 дата публикации

High accuracy image matching apparatus and high accuracy image matching method using a skin marker and a feature point in a body

Номер: US20150049907A1

A high accuracy image matching apparatus and a high accuracy image matching method using a skin marker and a feature point in a body, which uses ultrasonic probe or a radiation probe as a portion of the marker for image matching, are disclosed. As an embodiment, the high accuracy image matching apparatus and the high accuracy image matching method using a skin marker and a feature point in a body, use the ultrasonic probe or the radiation probe as a portion of marker for image matching indicating an anatomical feature point to reduce an error in operation point, and more precise operation can be possible and better operation result can be obtained by using the ultrasonic probe or a radiation probe.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052256A1

A hand-held ultrasound system includes integrated electronics within an ergonomic housing. The electronics includes control circuitry, beamforming and circuitry transducer drive circuitry. The electronics communicate with a host computer using an industry standard high speed serial bus. The ultrasonic imaging system is operable on a standard, commercially available, user computing device without specific hardware modifications, and is adapted to interface with an external application without modification to the ultrasonic imaging system to allow a user to gather ultrasonic data on a standard user computing device such as a PC, and employ the data so gathered via an independent external application without requiring a custom system, expensive hardware modifications, or system rebuilds. An integrated interface program allows such ultrasonic data to be invoked by a variety of such external applications having access to the integrated interface program via a standard, predetermined platform such as visual basic or c++. 156-. (canceled)57. A method for portable ultrasound imaging , the method comprising:positioning an ultrasound transducer probe relative to a body, the ultrasound transducer probe being connected to a handheld, portable ultrasound imaging device being battery powered and including a data processor, a touchscreen display with a graphical user interface for unitary operator control, and a memory, wherein the battery powered handheld ultrasound imaging device performs a plurality of imaging modes including Doppler processing;inserting an invasive medical probe into the body;performing an ultrasound imaging operation with the handheld, portable ultrasound imaging device in response to imaging parameters received from a controller that communicates with a beamforming integrated circuit, the ultrasound imaging operation generating an ultrasound image of a portion of the body using the ultrasound transducer probe during insertion of the invasive medical probe ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180049719A1

A Histotripsy therapy system is provided that can include any number of features. In some embodiments, the system includes a high voltage power supply, a pulse generator electrically coupled to at least one signal switching amplifier, at least one matching network electrically coupled to the signal switching amplifier(s), and an ultrasound transducer having at least one transducer element. The Histotripsy therapy system can further include an ultrasound Doppler imaging system. The Doppler imaging system and the Histotripsy therapy system can be synchronized to enable color Doppler acquisition of the fractionation of tissue during Histotripsy therapy. Methods of use are also described. 1. A method of monitoring Doppler-based feedback during Histotripsy treatment comprising the steps of:transmitting Histotripsy pulses into a target tissue, the Histotripsy pulses having a pulse length less than 50 μsec, a peak negative pressure greater than 10 MPa, and a duty cycle less than 5%;generating a cavitation bubble cloud in the target tissue with the transmitted Histotripsy pulses;transmitting Doppler ultrasound imaging pulses into the target tissue after the cavitation bubble cloud collapses;monitoring a coherent motion along a direction of the transmitted Histotripsy pulses with the Doppler ultrasound imaging pulses; andanalyzing a Doppler velocity of the Doppler ultrasound imaging pulses to quantitatively predict a level tissue fractionation in the target tissue in real-time.2. The method of further comprising synchronizing the Histotripsy pulses and the Doppler ultrasound imaging pulses with a predetermined time delay.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining that the target tissue is increasingly fractionated as the Doppler velocity changes.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining that the target tissue is liquefied when the Doppler velocity saturates.5. The method of further comprising:generating a Doppler velocity map;displaying the ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Ultrasound system and method for controlling ultrasound system

Номер: US20210055396A1
Автор: Hiroyuki Karasawa
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

In an ultrasound system 1, a mobile information terminal 3 is wirelessly connected to an ultrasound probe 2 and an external monitor 4. The ultrasound probe 2 includes: a transducer array 11; a transmitting and receiving unit 14 that generates a sound ray signal by directing the transducer array 11 to transmit and receive ultrasonic waves; and an image information data generation unit 19 that generates image information data from the sound ray signal. The mobile information terminal 3 includes: a display unit 34; an operation unit 39 including a touch sensor; an operation image generation unit 37 that generates an operation image for an input operation; an external monitor data generation unit 36 that generates external monitor data from the image information data; and a terminal-side wireless communication unit 32 that transmits the external monitor data to the external monitor 4. The external monitor 4 displays an external monitor ultrasound image based on the external monitor data.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170052254A1
Автор: Tateyama Jiro

An object information acquiring apparatus according to the present invention includes: a supporter which supports a plurality of conversion elements each converting a photoacoustic wave from an object into an electrical signal; an imager which acquires an image of the object; a scanner which changes a relative position between the object and the supporter; an acquirer which acquires first and second specific information of the inside of the object based on an electrical signal acquired at a first and second relative position between the object and the supporter; and a corrector which corrects a deviation between the first and the second specific information based on positional information of the object. 1. An object information acquiring apparatus , comprising:a light source which generates light;a plurality of conversion elements each receiving an acoustic wave generated when an object is irradiated with the light, and outputting an electrical signal;a supporter which supports the plurality of conversion elements;an imager which is provided on the supporter and which acquires an image of the object;a scanner which changes a relative position between the object and the supporter;a specific information acquirer which acquires first specific information of the inside of the object based on an electrical signal acquired at a first relative position between the object and the supporter, and which acquires second specific information of the inside of the object based on an electrical signal acquired at a second relative position between the object and the supporter that differs from the first relative position; anda corrector which corrects a deviation of positions inside the object between the first specific information and the second specific information based on positional information of the object.2. The object information acquiring apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe positional information is information representing a body motion of the object.3. The object ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Method and device for detecting defects within a test object

Номер: US20150057953A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A device and a method for detecting at least one defect in a test object ( 2 ). At least one test head ( 1 ) radiates an ultrasonic signal at different measuring points (MP) into the test object ( 2 ) with each point at an insonation or radiation angle (α) in order to ascertain multiple measurement data sets (MDS). The angle is constant for each data set (MDS). An analyzing unit ( 4 ) carries out an SAFT (Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique) analysis for each ascertained measurement data set (MDS) using a common reconstruction grid (RG) inside the test object ( 2 ) in order to calculate an SAFT analysis result for each measurement data set (MDS). The analyzing unit ( 4 ) superimposes the calculated SAFT analysis results in order to calculate an orientation-independent defect display value (S RP ) for each reconstruction point (RP) of the common reconstruction grid (RG).

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210059535A1

A two-dimensional wideband ultrasound transducer array for three or four-dimensional (volume+time) non-invasively imaging/mapping of electrical current in, for example, the brain through the skull, or the heart. The probe also has unique capabilities for three-dimensional transcranial or transthoracic pulse echo ultrasound (tissue structure, motion, bone thickness) and doppler blood flow imaging. The handheld device interfaces with an ultrasound delivery system for applications to human brain or heart imaging, ultrasound neuromodulation, and therapy. The handheld ultrasound array enables three-dimensional steering of an ultrasound beam through the human skull or chest for ultrasound, doppler, and acoustoelectric imaging and related modalities to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of brain or heart disorders. 1. A method for 3D or 4D non-invasive imaging , the method comprising:providing a 2D wideband ultrasound transducer array;delivering an ultrasound beam non-invasively to a body part using the transducer array, the ultrasound beam being in the form of plane waves with no focus, spherically focused waves, or cylindrically focused waves; andmapping electrical current in the body part using the providing and delivering steps.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of mapping is performed with electrical beam steering without the need of physically moving the transducer array.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of mapping uses an imaging technique selected from the group consisting of acoustoelectric imaging claim 1 , 3D pulse echo ultrasound claim 1 , doppler blood flow imaging claim 1 , and a combination thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of mapping uses acoustoelectric imaging.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transducer array comprises a rectangular aperture.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transducer array allows for excitation pulses with linear or nonlinear coding schemes.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170056062A1
Автор: Buljubasic Neda

An ultrasonic probe comprising a housing, a first ultrasonic transducer array, a second ultrasonic transducer array, a first light source, and a second light source. The first ultrasonic transducer array is coupled to the housing and configured to emit a first planar ultrasonic beam in a first direction within a first plane. The second ultrasonic transducer array is coupled to the housing and configured to emit a second planar ultrasonic beam in the first direction within a second plane, which is substantially perpendicular to the first plane. The first light source is coupled to the housing and configured to project a first light line substantially within the first plane. The second light source is coupled to the housing and configured to project a second light line within a third plane, which is substantially perpendicular to the first plane and intersects the second plane at an oblique angle. The first light line intersects and is substantially perpendicular to the second light line. 1. An ultrasonic probe comprising:a housing;a first ultrasonic transducer array coupled to the housing and configured to emit a first planar ultrasonic beam in a first direction within a first plane;a second ultrasonic transducer array coupled to the housing and configured to emit a second planar ultrasonic beam in the first direction within a second plane, which is substantially perpendicular to the first plane;a first light source coupled to the housing and configured to project a first light line substantially within the first plane; anda second light source coupled to the housing and configured to project a second light line within a third plane, which is substantially perpendicular to the first plane and intersects the second plane at an oblique angle;wherein the first light line intersects and is substantially perpendicular to the second light line.2. The ultrasonic probe of claim 1 , wherein the first light source is a first laser and the second light source is a second laser. ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220075061A1

An autonomous underwater device includes one or more receiver arrays. Each receiver array includes a plurality of receiver elements, and each receiver element is configured to generate a signal responsive to detecting sound energy in an aquatic environment. The autonomous underwater device also includes one or more processors coupled to the one or more receiver arrays and configured to receive signals from the receiver elements, to generate input data based on the received signals, and to provide the input data to an on-board machine learning model to generate model output data. The model output data includes sonar image data based on the sound energy, a label associated with the sonar image data, or both. 1. An autonomous underwater device comprisingone or more receiver arrays, each receiver array comprising a plurality of receiver elements, each receiver element configured to generate a signal responsive to detecting sound energy in an aquatic environment; andone or more processors coupled to the one or more receiver arrays and configured to receive signals from the receiver elements, to generate input data based on the received signals, and to provide the input data to an on-board machine learning model to generate model output data, wherein the model output data includes sonar image data based on the sound energy, a label associated with the sonar image data, or both.2. The autonomous underwater device of claim 1 , further comprising:a propulsion system configured to propel the autonomous underwater device within the aquatic environment; andan on-board navigation control system coupled to the propulsion system and configured to send navigation control signals to the propulsion system to move the autonomous underwater device based on synthetic aperture sonar settings data.3. The autonomous underwater device of claim 2 , wherein the one or more processors are configured to generate the synthetic aperture sonar settings data based on second model output of a second ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Vector Velocity Estimation Using Transverse Oscillation (TO) and Synthetic Aperture Sequential Beamforming (SASB)

Номер: US20180059229A1

An ultrasound imaging system includes a transducer array with a plurality of transducer elements configured to repeatedly emit in a predetermined pattern, a first beamformer configured to beamform echo signals received by the transducer array to produce a low resolution line of data for each emission, and a first communication interface configured to wirelessly transmit the low resolution lines of data for each emission in series. The ultrasound imaging system further includes a second communication interface configured to for each emission in series wirelessly receive the transmitted low resolution lines of data, a second beamformer configured to beamform the received low resolution lines of data to produce high resolution ultrasound data, and a velocity processor configured to estimate vector velocity components from the high resolution ultrasound data in a lateral direction and an axial using an autocorrelation algorithm. 1. An ultrasound imaging system , comprising:a transducer array including a plurality of transducer elements configured to repeatedly emit in a predetermined pattern;a first beamformer configured to beamform echo signals received by the transducer array to produce a low resolution line of data for each emission;a first communication interface configured to wirelessly transmit the low resolution lines of data for each emission in series;a second communication interface configured to continuously wirelessly receive the transmitted low resolution lines of data;a second beamformer configured to beamform the received low resolution lines of data to produce high resolution ultrasound data; anda velocity processor configured to estimate vector velocity components from the high resolution ultrasound data in a lateral direction and an axial direction using an autocorrelation algorithm.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a probe claim 1 , which includes the transducer array claim 1 , the first beamformer claim 1 , and the first communication ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Miniature acoustic leaky-wave antenna for ultrasonic imaging

Номер: US20170059707A1

An ultrasonic imaging system includes a micro-acoustic source configured to generate a broadband ultrasonic pulse. The ultrasonic imaging system further includes an acoustic leaky-wave antenna configured to use a frequency dependent angular dispersion to simultaneously collect reflected signals from multiple angles of the broadband ultrasonic pulse, wherein the reflected signals contain information about a surrounding medium. The ultrasonic imaging system further includes a sensor operationally coupled to the acoustic leaky-wave antenna, the sensor configured to detect the reflected signals collected by the acoustic leaky-wave antenna. 1. An ultrasonic imaging system comprising:a micro-acoustic source configured to generate a broadband ultrasonic pulse;an acoustic leaky-wave antenna configured to use a frequency dependent angular dispersion to simultaneously collect reflected signals from multiple angles of said broadband ultrasonic pulse, wherein said reflected signals contain information about a surrounding medium; anda sensor operationally coupled to said acoustic leaky-wave antenna, said sensor configured to detect said reflected signals collected by said acoustic leaky-wave antenna.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said ultrasonic pulse generated by said micro-acoustic source is in a 1-20 MHz ultrasound range.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said micro-acoustic source is communicatively coupled to said leaky-wave antenna.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said acoustic leaky-wave antenna claim 1 , said micro-acoustic source claim 1 , and said sensor are configured to be placed inside a vein claim 1 , and wherein said reflected signals collected by said leaky-wave antenna is reflected from any of a sidewall of said vein and an object outside said vein.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein said sensor comprises a fiber Bragg grating configured to sense pressure fields.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein said fiber Bragg grating is configured to generate an optical ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063552A1

An ultrasound imaging system according to the present disclosure may include an ultrasound probe, a display unit, and a processor configured to receive source image data having a first dynamic range, wherein the source image data comprises log compressed echo intensity values based on the ultrasound echoes detected by the ultrasound probe, generate a histogram of at least a portion of source image data, generate a cumulative density function for the histogram, receive an indication of at least two points on the cumulative density function (CDF), and cause the display unit to display an ultrasound image representative of the source image data displayed in accordance with the second dynamic range. 1. An ultrasound imaging system comprising:an ultrasound probe operable to detect ultrasound echoes;a display unit operable to display ultrasound images based on the ultrasound echoes; and receive source image data having a first dynamic range, wherein the source image data comprises log compressed echo intensity values based on the ultrasound echoes detected by the ultrasound probe;', 'generate a histogram of at least a portion of source image data;', 'generate a cumulative density function for the histogram;', 'receive an indication of desired percent of black pixels and of a desired percent of pixels having a pixel value at or below a mid-grey, these corresponding to a first and second point respectively on a y-axis of the cumulative density function (CDF); and', 'define a second dynamic range smaller than the first dynamic range, a maximum and minimum value of the second dynamic range being determined based on the first and second points respectively; and', 'cause the display unit to display an ultrasound image representative of the source image data displayed in accordance with the second dynamic range., 'a processor communicatively coupled to the ultrasound probe and the display, and configured to2. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Automated segmentation of tri-plane images for real time ultrasonic imaging

Номер: US20190059858A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

An ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system and method enable the automatic acquisition of standard view planes of the heart in real time, such as the AP4, AP3, and AP2 views. A 3D image of the heart is acquired and the processed in conjunction with a geometrical heart model. The heart model is fitted to the heart in its acquired pose to segment the desired image planes from the 3D image data. During successive image acquisition intervals the image planes are tracked through successive image data as a multi-plane system to update a display of the multiple images. The successive image acquisitions can be volume image acquisitions or multi-plane acquisitions of just the tracked image planes during each acquisition interval.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Method For Ultrafast Compound Plane Wave Imaging Based On Broadband Acoustic Metamaterial

Номер: US20210064993A1
Принадлежит: Zhejiang University

A method for ultrafast compound plane wave imaging based on a broadband acoustic metamaterial: controlling the transmit-receive ultrasonic probe to emit an ultrasonic signal at a preset transmit frequency and a first preset transmit angle, the preset transmit frequency is equal to a response frequency of the acoustic metamaterial structure; controlling the transmit-receive ultrasonic probe to receive, at a preset receive frequency and separately at a first preset receive angle, a second preset receive angle, a third preset receive angle, echo signals reflected by a measured object, where the preset receive frequency is n times the preset transmit frequency, the first preset receive angle is equal to the first preset transmit angle, the second preset receive angle is smaller than the first preset transmit angle, the third preset receive angle is larger than the first preset transmit angle; using the echo signals to reconstruct an image of the measured object. 1. A method for ultrafast compound plane wave imaging based on broadband acoustic metamaterial , whereinthe method for ultrafast compound plane wave imaging is implemented by an apparatus for ultrafast compound plane wave imaging; the apparatus for ultrafast compound plane wave imaging comprises a transmit-receive ultrasonic probe and an acoustic metamaterial structure; an ultrasonic signal emitted by the transmit-receive ultrasonic probe arrives at a measured object after passing through the acoustic metamaterial structure; and the transmit-receive ultrasonic probe further receives echo signals reflected by the measured object;the method for ultrafast compound plane wave imaging specifically comprises:controlling the transmit-receive ultrasonic probe to emit an ultrasonic signal at a preset transmit frequency and a first preset transmit angle, wherein the ultrasonic signal arrives at the measured object after passing through the acoustic metamaterial structure, and the preset transmit frequency is equal to a ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079564A1
Автор: Takahashi Hiroki
Принадлежит: Canon Medical Systems Corporation

According to one embodiment, an ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus includes processing circuitry. The processing circuitry acquires a parameter relating to a predetermined imaging mode, the parameter including at least information on an instruction for executing transmit aperture synthesis, and determines a scanning condition for executing the transmit aperture synthesis together with step-alternating scan based on the parameter. 1. An ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus , comprising processing circuitry configured to:acquire a parameter relating to a predetermined imaging mode, the parameter including at least information on an instruction for executing transmit aperture synthesis; anddetermine a scanning condition for executing transmit aperture synthesis together with a step-alternating scan based on the parameter.2. The ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein information on an instruction for executing transmit aperture synthesis comprises at least one of information on a region of interest claim 1 , information on a flow speed range claim 1 , and information on the step-alternating scan claim 1 , and the processing circuitry is further configured to:calculate, based on the parameter, a number of transmit directions and a number of groups relating to the step-alternating scan, and a number of compounded beams relating to the transmit aperture synthesis; anddetermine the scanning condition based on the number of transmit directions, the number of groups, and the number of compounded beams.3. The ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the parameter includes the information on the flow speed range claim 2 , and the processing circuitry is further configured to calculate the number of compounded beams based on the information on the flow speed range.4. The ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the processing circuitry is further configured to:acquire a changed parameter;calculate a number of second ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Ultrasonic probe and photoacoustic apparatus including same

Номер: US20190064349A1
Автор: Koichi Suzuki
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An ultrasonic probe includes a light source that irradiates a subject with emitted light, an acoustic wave reception unit that receives an acoustic wave generated by the irradiation of the subject with the light and converts the acoustic wave into an electrical signal, an analog-to-digital conversion unit that digitizes the electrical signal, a communication unit configured to wirelessly communicate the digitized electrical signal, and a synchronization control unit that controls time in which the light source emits the light and time in which the communication unit performs the wireless communication, wherein the synchronization control unit controls the light source and the communication unit such that the time in which the light source emits the light and the time in which the communication unit performs the wireless communication do not overlap with each other.

27-02-2020 дата публикации

3-D Imaging and/or Flow Estimation with a Row-Column Addressed 2-D Transducer Array

Номер: US20200064468A1
Принадлежит: B-K MEDICAL APS

An ultrasound imaging system () includes a 2-D transducer array () with a first 1-D array () of one or more rows of transducing elements () configured to produce first ultrasound data and a second 1-D array () of one or more columns of transducing elements () configured to produce second ultrasound data. The first and second 1-D arrays are configured for row-column addressing. The ultrasound imaging system further includes a controller () configured to control transmission and reception of the first and second 1-D arrays, and a beamformer () configured to beamform the received first and second echoes to produce ultrasound data, and an image processor () configured to process the ultrasound data to generate an image, which is displayed via a display (). 1. An ultrasound imaging system , comprising: a first 1-D array of one or more rows of transducing elements configured to produce first ultrasound data; and', 'a second 1-D array of one or more columns of transducing elements configured to produce second ultrasound data,', 'wherein the first and second 1-D arrays are configured for row-column addressing;, 'a 2-D transducer array, includinga controller configured to control transmission and reception of the first and second 1-D arrays;a beamformer configured to beamform the received first and second echoes to produce ultrasound data; andan image processor configured to process the ultrasound data to generate an image, which is displayed via a display.2. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to control the first and second 1-D arrays to transmit a first ultrasound signal with the first 1-D array and receive first echoes with the first and second 1-D arrays claim 1 , and subsequently transmit a second ultrasound signal with the second 1-D array and receive second echoes with the first and second 1-D arrays claim 1 , and the beamformer is configured to combine the beamformed first and second echoes to produce the ultrasound data ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200064470A1
Автор: QIN Jing

An ultrasound device, an ultrasound method, and computer-readable medium are provided. The ultrasound device includes: a sensor data receiver configured to receive ultrasound measurement data; a pre-processor configured to reduce noise of the ultrasound measurement data to obtain denoised data based on non-local self-similarity and phase information; a transfer function generator configured to generate a transfer function based on the denoised data; and a visualization circuit configured to generate a visualization of the ultrasound measurement data based on the transfer function and based on the denoised data. 1. An ultrasound device comprising:a sensor data receiver configured to receive ultrasound measurement data;a pre-processor configured to reduce noise of the ultrasound measurement data to obtain denoised data based on non-local self-similarity and phase information;a transfer function generator configured to generate a transfer function based on the denoised data; anda visualization circuit configured to generate a visualization of the ultrasound measurement data based on the transfer function and based on the denoised data.2. The ultrasound device of claim 1 ,wherein the pre-processor is configured to estimate patch similarities of the ultrasound measurement data.3. The ultrasound device of claim 2 ,wherein the pre-processor is configured to estimate the patch similarities based on integrating phase information of the ultrasound measurement data into a region covariance descriptor.4. The ultrasound device of claim 2 ,wherein the pre-processor is configured to determine a patch group matrix based on the patch similarities.5. The ultrasound device of claim 4 ,wherein the pre-processor is configured to determine a denoised matrix of lower rank corresponding to the patch group matrix.6. The ultrasound device of claim 5 ,wherein the pre-processor is configured to determine the denoised matrix based on a singular value decomposition of the patch group matrix.7. ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200064471A1

Techniques are disclosed for systems and methods to provide three dimensional target selection for use when operating mobile structures. A three dimensional target selection system includes a logic device configured to communicate with a user interface and receive volume data from a volume data source. The logic device is configured to render a first perspective of a three dimensional representation of the volume data on a display of the user interface, determine a first viewpoint vector within the 3D representation based, at least in part, on a first user input received by the user interface; and identify an object or position within the volume data based, at least in part, on the first viewpoint vector and the first user input. 1. A system comprising: render a first perspective of a three dimensional (3D) representation of the volume data on a display of the user interface;', 'determine a first viewpoint vector within the 3D representation based, at least in part, on a first user input received by the user interface; and', 'identify an object or position within the volume data based, at least in part, on the first viewpoint vector and the first user input., 'a logic device configured to communicate with a user interface and receive volume data from a volume data source, wherein the logic device is configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first user input comprises a press force or a touch duration corresponding to detection of a user touch on the display while rendering the first perspective claim 1 , and wherein the logic device is configured to:determine a viewpoint vector length of the first viewpoint vector based, at least in part, on the press force or the touch duration of the first user input; andidentify the object or position by determining a nearest selectable object, within the volume data, to an end of the first viewpoint vector as defined by the viewpoint vector length.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the logic device is configured to: ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Intra-operative image correction for image-guided interventions

Номер: US20140147027A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

An imaging correction system includes a tracked imaging probe ( 132 ) configured to generate imaging volumes of a region of interest from different positions. An image compensation module ( 115 ) is configured to process image signals from a medical imaging device associated with the probe and to compare one or more image volumes with a reference to determine aberrations between an assumed wave velocity through the region of interest and a compensated wave velocity through the region of interest. An image correction module ( 119 ) is configured to receive the aberrations determined by the image compensation module and generate a corrected image for display based on the compensated wave velocity.

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Architecture of single substrate ultrasonic imaging devices, related apparatuses, and methods

Номер: US20170067988A1
Принадлежит: Butterfly Network Inc

Aspects of the technology described herein relate to ultrasound device circuitry as may form part of a single substrate ultrasound device having integrated ultrasonic transducers. The ultrasound device circuitry may facilitate the generation of ultrasound waveforms in a manner that is power- and data-efficient.
