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10-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000016795U1

1. Оптическое устройство, содержащее объектив, цилиндрический канал ввода излучения, две соосно установленные диафрагмы, каждая из которых выполнена в виде непрозрачного усеченного конуса, и фотоприемник, отличающееся тем, что меньшее основание первого главного конуса с диаметром, равным диаметру кружка рассеяния d, расположено в фокальной плоскости объектива, а меньшее основание второго конуса совпадает с кругом, образованным от пересечения телесного угла поля зрения, проходящего через кружок рассеяния, с конической поверхностью, образованной зеркально отраженными лучами первого порядка от стенок цилиндрического канала ввода, при этом конуса контактируют большими основаниями с непрозрачной крышкой по диаметру канала ввода излучения, а фотоприемник расположен за фокальной плоскостью перед крышкой. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что угол между противоположными образующими первого конуса равен где D, f - световой диаметр и фокусное расстояние объектива. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что расстояние между фотоприемником и фокальной плоскостью равно где f, D - фокусное расстояние и световой диаметр объектива; D - диаметр фотоприемника. (19) RU (11) 16 795 (13) U1 (51) МПК G03B 11/04 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000118863/20 , 17.07.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.07.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 10.02.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Рожин В.В., Шабалин Д.А. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Казанский государственный технический университет им. А.Н. Туполева U 1 1 6 7 9 5 R U второго конуса совпадает с кругом, образованным от пересечения телесного угла поля зрения, проходящего через кружок рассеяния, с конической поверхностью, образованной зеркально отраженными лучами первого порядка от стенок цилиндрического канала ввода, при этом конуса контактируют большими основаниями с непрозрачной крышкой по диаметру канала ввода излучения, а фотоприемник расположен ...

27-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000042334U1

1. Фильтр направления излучения, включающий установленный по ходу лучей излучения приемного и/или передающего устройства корпус в виде наружной бленды с вырожденной внутренней поверхностью второго порядка, образующие которой лежат на лучах телесного угла устройства, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен установленной внутри наружной бленды по меньшей мере одной дополнительной блендой с по меньшей мере одной вырожденной поверхностью второго порядка, образующие которой расположены на лучах телесного угла передающего и/или принимающего устройства, при этом кратчайшее расстояние между каждыми обращенными друг к другу поверхностями бленд выбрано большим максимального значения наибольшей длины волны спектра излучения. 2. Фильтр направления излучения по п.1, отличающийся тем, что дополнительная бленда расположена соосно наружной бленде. 3. Фильтр направления излучения по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что по меньшей мере одна вырожденная поверхность второго порядка бленд выполнена конической. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 42 334 (13) U1 (51) МПК G03B 11/04 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004118560/22 , 22.06.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.06.2004 (72) Автор(ы): Великанов А.В. (RU) , Мазейкин Р.Е. (RU) Адрес для переписки: 300004, г.Тула, а/я 1048, пат.пов. В.М. Сергиевскому, рег.№ 311 U 1 4 2 3 3 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Фильтр направления излучения, включающий установленный по ходу лучей излучения приемного и/или передающего устройства корпус в виде наружной бленды с вырожденной внутренней поверхностью второго порядка, образующие которой лежат на лучах телесного угла устройства, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен установленной внутри наружной бленды по меньшей мере одной дополнительной блендой с по меньшей мере одной вырожденной поверхностью второго порядка, образующие которой расположены на лучах телесного ...

27-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000043086U1

1. Фильтр направления излучения, включающий установленный по ходу лучей излучения приемного и/или передающего устройства корпус в виде наружной бленды с вырожденной внутренней поверхностью второго порядка, образующие которой параллельны оси устройства объектива, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен установленной внутри бленды, по меньшей мере, одной дополнительной блендой с вырожденными наружной и внутренней поверхностями второго порядка, образующие которых параллельны оси, при этом кратчайшее расстояние между каждыми обращенными друг к другу поверхностями бленд выбрано большим наибольшего значения наибольшей длины волны спектра излучения. 2. Фильтр направления излучения по п.1, отличающийся тем, что дополнительная бленда расположена соосно наружной бленде. 3. Фильтр направления излучения по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что вырожденные поверхности второго порядка бленд выполнены цилиндрическими. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 43 086 (13) U1 (51) МПК G03B 11/04 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004119245/22 , 29.06.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.06.2004 (72) Автор(ы): Великанов А.В. (RU) , Мазейкин Р.Е. (RU) Адрес для переписки: 300004, г.Тула, а/я 1048, пат. пов. В.М. Сергиевскому, рег.№ 311 U 1 4 3 0 8 6 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Фильтр направления излучения, включающий установленный по ходу лучей излучения приемного и/или передающего устройства корпус в виде наружной бленды с вырожденной внутренней поверхностью второго порядка, образующие которой параллельны оси устройства объектива, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен установленной внутри бленды, по меньшей мере, одной дополнительной блендой с вырожденными наружной и внутренней поверхностями второго порядка, образующие которых параллельны оси, при этом кратчайшее расстояние между каждыми обращенными друг к другу поверхностями бленд выбрано большим ...

27-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000044184U1

1. Фильтр направления излучения, включающий установленный по ходу лучей излучения приемного и/или передающего устройства корпус в виде бленды с вырожденной внутренней поверхностью второго порядка, образующие которой параллельны оси фильтра, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен установленной внутри наружной бленды, по меньшей мере, одной дополнительной блендой выполненной в виде спирали, при этом, кратчайшее расстояние между каждыми обращенными друг к другу витками спирали выбрано большим наибольшего значения наибольшей длины волны спектра излучения. 2. Фильтр направления излучения по п.1, отличающийся тем, что дополнительная бленда расположена соосно основной. 3. Фильтр направления излучения, включающий установленный по ходу лучей излучения приемного и/или передающего устройства корпус в виде бленды с вырожденной внутренней поверхностью второго порядка, образующие которой параллельны оси фильтра, отличающийся тем, что бленда выполнена в виде спирали, при этом, кратчайшее расстояние между каждыми обращенными друг к другу витками спирали выбрано большим наибольшего значения наибольшей длины волны спектра излучения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 44 184 (13) U1 (51) МПК G03B 11/04 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004127365/22 , 15.09.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.09.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 27.02.2005 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Великанов Александр Владимирович (RU), Мазейкин Роман Евгеньевич (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 4 4 1 8 4 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Фильтр направления излучения, включающий установленный по ходу лучей излучения приемного и/или передающего устройства корпус в виде бленды с вырожденной внутренней поверхностью второго порядка, образующие которой параллельны оси фильтра, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен установленной внутри наружной бленды, по меньшей мере, одной дополнительной блендой выполненной в виде ...

10-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000077982U1

Четырехобъективная фотографическая система со съемным фильтродержателем, отличающаяся тем, что держатель фотообъективов и фильтродержатель выполнены в форме выпуклой линзы, а фильтродержатель покрывает в виде кожуха держатель объективов и привод вращательного движения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 77 982 (13) U1 (51) МПК G03B 11/00 (2006.01) G03C 5/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008127432/22 , 08.07.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.07.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2008 (72) Автор(ы): Горбунова Елена Анатольевна (RU) Адрес для переписки: 105318, Москва, а/я 109, М.А. Винник R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "СЕЛЬМАШПРОЕКТ" (RU) (54) ФОТОГРАФИЧЕСКАЯ СИСТЕМА СО СЪЕМНЫМ ФИЛЬТРОДЕРЖАТЕЛЕМ 7 7 9 8 2 Формула полезной модели Четырехобъективная фотографическая система со съемным фильтродержателем, отличающаяся тем, что держатель фотообъективов и фильтродержатель выполнены в форме выпуклой линзы, а фильтродержатель покрывает в виде кожуха держатель объективов и привод вращательного движения. R U 7 7 9 8 2 U 1 U 1 Ñòðàíèöà: 1 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 77 982 U1 Четырех объективная фотографическая система относится к фототехнике и может быть использована для формирования объемного изображения и имеет определенные возможности для панорамной съемки. Известен фильтродержатель, предназначенный для оперативной смены светофильтров с одновременным предотвращением попадания в объектив посторонних лучей света [1]. Фильтродержатель представляет собой усеченную многогранную пирамиду, в вершине которой закреплено кольцо с резьбой для соединения устройства с объективом фотоаппарата. При этом каждый из светофильтров расположен на соответствующей грани внутренней поверхности корпуса и снабжен механизмом для быстрого перевода светофильтров из фиксированного положения в рабочее и обратно. Предлагаемая фотографическая ...

20-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000078337U1

Фотографическая система, содержащая сменные светофильтры, отличающаяся тем, что как минимум четыре светофильтра закреплены на одном держателе, способном совершать вращательные движения вокруг своего центра, и пропускают одновременно излучение с разными частотными характеристиками на четыре объектива, взаимное расположение которых на плоскости образует вершины квадрата, а приемник излучения представляет собой две фоточувствительные пленки, движущиеся во взаимно перпендикулярных направлениях, с отверстиями, расположенными таким образом, чтобы парные световые потоки попадали на соответствующую пленку в месте взаимного наложения пленок. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 78 337 (13) U1 (51) МПК G03B 1/00 (2006.01) G03B 11/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008127430/22 , 08.07.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.07.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 20.11.2008 (72) Автор(ы): Горбунова Елена Анатольевна (RU) Адрес для переписки: 105318, Москва, а/я 109, М.А. Винник R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "СЕЛЬМАШПРОЕКТ" (RU) 7 8 3 3 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Фотографическая система, содержащая сменные светофильтры, отличающаяся тем, что как минимум четыре светофильтра закреплены на одном держателе, способном совершать вращательные движения вокруг своего центра, и пропускают одновременно излучение с разными частотными характеристиками на четыре объектива, взаимное расположение которых на плоскости образует вершины квадрата, а приемник излучения представляет собой две фоточувствительные пленки, движущиеся во взаимно перпендикулярных направлениях, с отверстиями, расположенными таким образом, чтобы парные световые потоки попадали на соответствующую пленку в месте взаимного наложения пленок. 7 8 3 3 7 U 1 (54) ФОТОГРАФИЧЕСКАЯ СИСТЕМА RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 78 337 U1 Система, моделирующая ...

05-10-2018 дата публикации

Бленда светозащитная

Номер: RU0000183840U1

Полезная модель относится к оптическим приборам, в частности к конструкции бленд, и может быть использована для предотвращения попадания в объектив оптического прибора боковых лучей света. Бленда светозащитная содержит корпус с диафрагмами. При этом диафрагмы выполнены на внутренней конусообразной поверхности корпуса в виде набора одинаковых канавок, размещенных с постоянным шагом, образующих повторяющиеся треугольники с диффузно отражающим покрытием черного цвета. При этом вершины треугольников расположены на границе поля зрения. Внутренняя сторона треугольника, обращенная к объективу, перпендикулярна оптической оси визирования, а угол внешней стороны треугольника относительно оптической оси визирования больше угла между границей поля зрения и оптической осью визирования. Технический результат - упрощение конструкции светозащитной бленды. 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 183 840 U1 (51) МПК G03B 11/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G03B 11/045 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018124756, 05.07.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество "Государственный Рязанский приборный завод" (RU) 05.10.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 1788502 A1, 15.01.1993. SU (45) Опубликовано: 05.10.2018 Бюл. № 28 1644068 A1, 23.04.1991. RU 2073903 C1, 20.02.1997. US 9081259 B2, 14.07.2015. 1 8 3 8 4 0 R U (54) Бленда светозащитная (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к оптическим приборам, в частности к конструкции бленд, и может быть использована для предотвращения попадания в объектив оптического прибора боковых лучей света. Бленда светозащитная содержит корпус с диафрагмами. При этом диафрагмы выполнены на внутренней конусообразной поверхности корпуса в виде набора одинаковых канавок, размещенных с постоянным шагом, образующих повторяющиеся треугольники с диффузно отражающим Стр.: 1 покрытием ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Optimized movable ir filter in cameras

Номер: US20120026325A1
Принадлежит: Logitech Europe SA

Embodiments of the present invention include a camera having two modes: a visible light imaging mode (day-mode) and an IR imaging mode (night-mode). In the visible light imaging mode, an IR filter is in line with the lens assembly. In the IR imaging mode, the IR filter is mechanically removed, and IR light is allowed to pass to the sensor. In one embodiment, in the IR imaging mode, IR lighting is provided by an IR LEDs on the camera to illuminate the scene. In one embodiment, the various components are chosen, balanced and optimized so that images captured using visible light and images captured using non-visible light are both in focus. In one embodiment, an algorithm determines when there sufficient visible light is present and when it is not, and thus determines when to switch the camera from one mode to another.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Lens barrel assembly

Номер: US20120039595A1
Автор: Yeo-tak Youn

A lens barrel assembly that is attached to and detached from a camera includes: a lens barrel, which surrounds a lens and includes an inlet through which an external light enters; and an outlet through which light, which has passed through the lens, exits; a rotating unit, which is attached to the lens barrel such that the rotating unit rotates in a circumferential direction of the lens barrel; a shield plate, which has a first side rotatably connected to the rotating unit and a second side rotatably connected to the lens barrel and moves between a position of closing the outlet and a position of opening the outlet as the rotating unit rotates; and a driving unit, which contacts the camera when the lens barrel is attached to the camera, generates rotation force from friction force, and rotates the rotating unit.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Filter conversion device

Номер: US20120044592A1
Автор: Ming-Chih Hsieh
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A filter conversion device includes a first filter, a second filter, a motor, and a comparator. The motor moves the first and second filters according to a control signal from a processor of the camera. Two input terminals of the comparator are respectively connected to two input terminals of the motor. An output terminal of the comparator is connected to the processor. The comparator detects the control signal transmitted to the motor and feeds back the detection result to the processor, for determining whether the control signal is correct.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Image pickup apparatus

Номер: US20120050860A1
Автор: Koji Sakatani
Принадлежит: Olympus Imaging Corp

An image pickup apparatus includes an image pickup unit, a shutter unit located at a front surface at a subject side of the image pickup unit, a first optical member disposed at a subject side of the shutter unit, and preventing dust particles from entering the shutter unit, a second optical member disposed at the image pickup unit side of the shutter unit, and preventing dust particles from entering the shutter unit, and a vibration applying vibration member disposed on at least one of the first optical member and the second optical member, and vibrating the first optical member or the second optical member at a position outside a region where a subject light transmits.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Privacy ensuring covert camera

Номер: US20120113263A1
Автор: Seth Cirker
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for monitoring a privacy sensitive area, includes an image receiving device, such as a camera, disposed inside a housing chassis. The image receiving device includes a camera lens. Additionally, a movable obstruction member configured to selectively obstruct a camera lens is disposed on the device and is configured to change a position to selectively obstruct or expose the camera lens. The position of the movable obstruction member is dependent upon a threat level received by the device.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Lens assembly and camera module

Номер: US20120194923A1
Автор: Kee Tae Um
Принадлежит: LG Innotek Co Ltd

Disclosed are a lens assembly and a camera module. The lens assembly includes a lens unit and a spacer provided at an upper portion or a lower portion of the lens unit. The spacer includes polymer having the glass transition temperature of about 140° C. to about 500° C.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Image pickup apparatus

Номер: US20120262624A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image pickup apparatus includes: a lens apparatus; and a camera apparatus that can be attached and removed from the lens apparatus, wherein the camera apparatus includes: an image pickup element; and an optical element configured to be inserted and removed from an optical path, the optical element is a ND filter, and the ND it has a surface with positive refractive power. A ratio of a thickness of the optical element on an optical axis and a thickness of the optical length adjustment unit on the optical axis is appropriately set.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Anti-glare camera hood with integrated movable lens

Номер: US20120263451A1
Принадлежит: Koozoo Inc

A support assembly for a camera having lens protruding from the camera includes (a) a hood having an opening to accommodate the protruding lens and a front end having a rim that lies on a single plane configured to rest snugly against a flat surface, the hood further includes a gimbaling collar around the opening to allow rotation of protruding lens around a symmetrical axis of the hood, so as to enable the camera to be positioned in any one of a number of positions that result in the protruding lens being pointed in one of a plurality of corresponding directions; (b) a base structure having a suction cup for attachment by suction on the flat surface; and (c) a connecting arm connecting the base structure to the hood.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Lens barrel that performs photographic lens extension and retraction, image pickup apparatus including lens barrel

Номер: US20130016961A1
Автор: Yosuke Fukai
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A lens barrel which can be extended over a larger amount without increasing the length of the lens barrel in a collapsed state. A movable barrel having a cam formed on an inner periphery thereof is movable in an optical axis direction. The movable barrel is extended toward an object in a shooting state, and is housed in a collapsed state. A lens holding frame holds a first lens group disposed closest to an object side of lens groups arranged in the optical axis direction. The lens holding frame including a fitting portion for slidably fitting to the cam is capable of moving in the optical axis direction, following a profile line of the cam. Barrier blades are disposed on the object side of the first lens group. A barrier drive ring is connected to the lens holding frame is rotatable to open and close the barrier blades.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Combination of Cover with Hood

Номер: US20130051784A1
Автор: Chung Jen Chang
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a hood-cover combination for a lens of a camera. The hood-cover combination includes a hood, two covers and at least one button. The hood includes at least one canopy formed thereon. The covers are pivotally connected to the hood between an opening position and a closing position. The button is provided on the hood. The button is normally in a locking position for locking the covers in the opening position. The button is movable to a releasing position for allowing the pivoting of the cover to the opening position.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Sliding apparatus

Номер: US20130089281A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Steel Mfg Co Ltd

The sliding apparatus includes a substrate fixed to a main body, a slide plate being fixed to a sub-body and being slidable between a closed position and an open position in an opening/closing direction, a hole formed in the slide plate, a sloped surface part being formed in the main body, and being engaged with the hole in the closed position, and including a sloped surface being sloped toward a rear direction in the opening/closing direction, a slide guiding part guiding the slide plate in a sliding direction, a restricting part restricting movement of a closing direction end of the slide plate in the front/rear direction during an initial stage of sliding the slide plate from the closed position to the open position, and a sloped part being formed in a closing direction end of the slide guiding part and being sloped in a rear direction.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130093903A1
Принадлежит: Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc

Apparatus and methods for using infra-red light provide for enhanced operation in camera applications. In an embodiment, a safety camera includes an optical filter that provides an input to an imager from received light having wavelengths in the infra-red spectrum. Output from the imager can be analyzed to determine safety hazard events in an area viewed by the safety camera. 1. An apparatus comprising:an optical filter structured to receive radiation and structured to provide an optical signal converted from the received radiation, the received radiation having a wavelength in a first wavelength range, the optical signal having a wavelength in a second wavelength range that is different from the first wavelength range, the optical signal converted from the received radiation without converting the received radiation to an electrical signal;an imager arranged to the receive the optical signal; anda signal processor to analyze output from the imager, based on the optical signal, associated with an area from which the received radiation was provided to the optical filter.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein first wavelength range includes wavelengths of infra-red radiation.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the optical filter is structured to provide the optical signal to the imager as spatially modulated radiation having a wavelength in the visible spectrum.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the signal processor is configured to determine an object in the area claim 1 , the determination based on the received radiation corresponding to a thermal signature of the object.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus includes a memory device having stored data to identify objects in the area based on the sensed radiation.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the data includes data generated from a training process.7. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the data includes data to determine motion claim 5 , data to differentiate people from objects claim 5 , ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Protective Lens Cover

Номер: US20130129338A1
Автор: Dowell Michael

A padded protective frusto-conical shaped cup covering sized to slip over a camera lens is disclosed. The covering is designed to fit on either the front portion of the lens or the rear lens mount. The protective covering has beveled side walls which allow it to fit easily on a variety of different lenses. The protective covering is made from two separate layers of material, an outer cup made from a firm yet flexible material, and the inner liner made from a soft pliable material. In one embodiment the outer cup includes a circumferential retaining ring on the inside of the cup to help secure the cup onto a lens. The soft inner liner allows the covering to easily adhere to the camera lens, and also provides impact protection. The outer cup provides additional impact protection. The outer cup also includes a domed top portion which provides a crumple zone or impact bumper. In one embodiment the outer cup has an opening in the domed top, and in one embodiment thereof there is a clear optical grade lens or filer lens inserted or incorporated into the opening, which allows the camera user to take a photograph without removing the protective lens. 1. A removable protective covering for a lens or other optical device comprising:a protective outer cup having an inside surface and a cup interior space defined therein;a protective inner liner sized to fit inside the cup interior space and against said inside surface, said protective inner liner having a liner interior space sized to fit over the lens or other optical device;wherein said outer cup and inner liner have beveled walls having a top circumference and an opening circumference, said opening circumference being larger than said top circumference thereby giving said protective covering a frusto-conical shape, and wherein said opening circumference is slightly larger than said lens or other optical device and said top circumference is slightly smaller than said lens or other optical device such that said protective ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Snap-on camera filter mount

Номер: US20130148955A1
Автор: Overall Jeffrey

The present invention generally relates to devices for attaching light transmissive elements, such as a filter or an additional lens, to a camera lens. The present invention provides a quick release camera mount. The camera mount includes a filter mount that holds a light transmissive element fixed in place over a camera lens. It further includes: a sidewall; a first flexion plate attached to a release tab extending outwards from the sidewall, where the release tab provides for quick attachment or release from a camera lens; a second flexion plate attached to at least two locking teeth extending inwards from the sidewall. 1. A quick release camera filter mount comprising: a filter mount , wherein the mount holds a light transmissive element fixed in place over a camera lens , and wherein the mount comprises a sidewall , a first flexion plate attached to an release tab extending outwards from the sidewall , a second flexion plate attached to at least two locking teeth extending inwards from the sidewall , and wherein the release tab provides for quick attachment or release from a camera lens.2. The quick release camera mount according to claim 1 , wherein the light transmissive element is permanently affixed to the sidewall.3. The quick release camera mount according to claim 1 , wherein the light transmissive element is not permanently affixed to the sidewall claim 1 , which allows a user to switch out lenses and filters in the mount. The present invention generally relates to devices for attaching light transmissive elements, such as a filter or an additional lens, to a camera lens.There has been research and development directed to the attachment of filters and additional lenses to a camera lens. For instance, U.S. Pat. No. 5,528,328, entitled, “Camera Filter Quick Release Adapter” is allegedly directed to the following: “A camera filter quick release adapter has mobile thread grips in a lower unthreaded guide rim section of a ring fitting the female threads of a ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162895A1
Автор: Ito Masato

A lens barrier unit capable of improving the external force-resistance without increasing the size of the lens barrier unit itself. The lens barrier unit opens/closes an opening portion of a cover member. Each of a first panel member and a second panel member has an opening communicating with the opening portion and a plate-shaped portion for partially defining the opening. A lens barrier member moves between a lens protection position and a lens exposed position. A link member moves a lens barrier member to the lens protection position or the lens exposed position. The lens barrier member and the link member are arranged between the first panel member and the second panel member with the link member located on a side of the second panel member side, and the second panel member and the link member overlap with each other through a static pressure receiving structure. 1. A lens barrier unit adapted to open or close an opening portion of a cover member disposed in front of an image pickup lens in a direction of an optical axis of the image pickup lens , comprising:a first panel member and a second panel member, each of which having an opening communicating with said opening portion and a plate-shaped portion for partially defining the opening;a lens barrier member adapted to move between a lens protection position where said opening portion is closed and a lens exposed position where said opening position is opened; anda link member adapted to pivotally move around a rotating shaft with one end thereof as a center and to move said lens barrier member to said lens protection position or said lens exposed position, whereinsaid lens barrier member and said link member are arranged between said first panel member and said second panel member with said link member located on a side of said second panel member side, andsaid second panel member and said pivotally moving link member overlap with each other through a static pressure receiving structure portion.2. The lens ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130170037A1
Автор: IIZUKA Atsushi

A barrier mechanism includes a barrier blade group (G) having barrier blades (A), (B), (C) which are rotatably retained by a single spindle (S); an elastic member (E) provided to the spindle (S) substantially coaxially with a rotating center of the barrier blade group (G), and configured to generate torque for driving the barrier blade (A) to rotate,' and a frame member formed by a barrier cover (F) and a barrier (F) each including an aperture serving as a window for opening an effective optical path of an optical lens, and configured to house the barrier blade group (G) and the elastic member (E) between these members. The spindle (S) includes a flange portion (S) configured to separate the barrier blade group (G) from the elastic member (E) in a direction of an optical axis. 1. A barrier mechanism including a barrier blade group having at least two barrier blades which are rotatably retained by a single spindle , at least one barrier blade among the barrier blades being configured to be driven to rotate , and the rest of the barrier blades being configured to rotate following the rotation of the driven barrier blade ,the barrier mechanism placed on a front face of an optical lens, to establish a barrier closed state for protecting the optical lens by making the barrier blades of the barrier blade group rotationally enter an effective optical path of the optical lens, and thereby shielding the effective optical path of the optical lens, and', 'to establish a barrier opened state for opening the effective optical path of the optical lens by making the barrier blades of the barrier blade group rotationally recede out of the optical path of the optical lens,, 'the barrier mechanism configured'}the barrier mechanism comprising:an elastic member provided to the spindle substantially coaxially with a rotating center of the barrier blade group, and configured to generate torque for driving the one barrier blade to rotate; anda frame member formed of two plate-shaped ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Dome camera

Номер: US20130223834A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A dome camera includes a camera lens capable of rotating in a tilt direction, and a dome cover for covering the camera lens. A tilt rotation axis of the camera lens is positioned more in a zenith direction than a center of the dome cover, and a polarizing filter or a partially darkening filter is inserted on an optical axis of the camera lens as a tilt angle of the camera lens becomes larger than a predetermined threshold angle. According to this dome camera, both securing of a wide field of view and reduction in the image quality deterioration may be achieved when capturing an image in a direction at a large tilt angle (a direction near the horizontal direction).

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Multiband camera, and multiband image capturing method

Номер: US20130235256A1
Автор: Kenichi Kodama
Принадлежит: Nikon Corp

A multiband camera comprises: a band-pass filter having four or more optical filters; a microlens array having arrayed microlenses; a photoelectric conversion element including a plurality of pixels; and a measurement unit for measuring spectral intensity. The multiband camera satisfies the expression below, where Pl is a pitch between the microlenses, Ps is a pitch between the pixels, n is a number of pixels corresponding to one microlens, u is an effective dimension in a prescribed direction of the pixels, t is a dimension in the prescribed direction of a real image that the band-pass filter forms on a plurality of two-dimensionally arrayed pixels, Na is a number of microlenses arrayed in the prescribed direction, L is a distance from an exit pupil to the microlens, and f is a focal length of the microlens. [ Expression   14 ] ( 1 - f L )  n   Ps - 3  Ps - u - t Na ≤ Pl ≤ ( 1 - f L )  nPs + 3  Ps - u - t Na

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for coupling a cover to an enclosure

Номер: US20130240112A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

An electronic device may include a proximity sensor for determining when a user's face is near the device. The sensor can include an emitter and a detector that are separated by a foam block to limit cross-talk between the emitter and detector. A sheet can be placed over the foam block to define openings for each of the emitter and detector. Some electronic devices can also include a camera. A glass cover secured to the device enclosure can protect the camera. To improve an adhesive bond between the glass cover and a metal enclosure, an ink layer can be placed between an adhesive and the glass. During assembly, the position of the camera can shift due to closing an enclosure. A grounding assembly that maintains contact with the camera in its initial and final positions may be provided.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Camera matte box

Номер: US20130272689A1
Автор: Andrew Subratie
Принадлежит: Individual

A matte box system for a camera is presented, including one or more filter rings each capable of accommodating a filter or filter holder, the filter rings each having a substantially planar forward face and a substantially planar rear face, one face having one or more bearing elements and the other face having a corresponding bearing surface adapted to engage with the bearing element. The bearing surface includes one or more circular or arcuate channels, and the bearing element including a spring-loaded or otherwise biased surface that protrudes from the face and is urged in a generally axial direction to engage with the bearing surface such that the bearing surface and bearing element of consecutive filter rings allow the filter rings to independently rotate about the optical axis, while resisting radial movement of the filter rings.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Lens Cap with Integrated Storage Mechanism

Номер: US20130287387A1
Автор: Michael Garber
Принадлежит: Individual

Described is a lens cap with an integrated threaded screw that allows the cap to be stored on the camera securely without the use of any additional hardware. In one embodiment, a standard camera lens cap has a screw as found on standard male tripod mounts protruding from the front of the lens cap. When the camera is in use, the screw protruding from the lens cap may be used to secure the lens cap to the threaded female tripod mount found on the underside of most cameras.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Device having a camera unit

Номер: US20130293713A1
Принадлежит: Huf Huelsbeck and Fuerst GmbH and Co KG

The invention relates to a device, comprising a camera unit, which is used to record images of the exterior area of a motor vehicle, and a cover element, which can be moved from a closed position to an open position by means of a drive, wherein the camera unit is behind the cover element and inaccessible from outside in the closed position of the cover element and images can be recorded in the open position of the cover element. For this purpose, the cover element has an outer surface facing away from the camera unit, and the drive interacts with a mechanism in such a way that the outer surface is always in the exterior area of the motor vehicle in each position of the cover element during the movement of the cover element between the closed position and the open position.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130322865A1
Автор: Jo Ki-yun, Kang Yoon-seok

A zoom lens barrel assembly includes: a first barrel including an inlet through which light is incident on the first barrel; a second barrel that surrounds at least a part of an external surface of the first barrel and supports the first barrel to be movable to protrude forward from a front portion of a main body; a plurality of blades disposed to be moved between an open position in which the plurality of blades are retreated to an outside of the inlet and a closed position in which the inlet is blocked; and an accommodation unit that extends from an end of the first barrel to an outside of the first barrel so as to accommodate the blades that have been moved to the open position. 1. A zoom lens barrel assembly comprising:a first barrel comprising an inlet through which light is incident on the first barrel;a second barrel that surrounds at least a part of an external surface of the first barrel and supports the first barrel to be movable to protrude forward;a plurality of blades disposed to be moved between an open position in which the plurality of blades are retreated to an outside of the inlet and a closed position in which the inlet is blocked; andan accommodation unit that extends outwards from an end of the first barrel so as to accommodate the blades that have been moved to the open position.2. The zoom lens barrel assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a driving plate that rotates the blades between the open position and the closed position.3. The zoom lens barrel assembly of claim 2 , wherein the driving plate is rotatably disposed on the accommodation unit claim 2 , is rotated by a driving force transferred from outside claim 2 , and rotates the blades.4. The zoom lens barrel assembly of claim 3 , further comprising a driving unit that generates a driving force for rotating the driving plate.5. The zoom lens barrel assembly of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , while the accommodation unit and the first barrel are rotated claim 2 , the driving plate is ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Angular filter for vehicle mounted cameras

Номер: US20140043465A1

A vision system for a vehicle includes a camera disposed at a windshield of a vehicle and having a field of view forward of the vehicle and through the windshield of the vehicle. A processor is operable to process image data captured by the camera. An angular filter is disposed at or near the windshield forward of the camera. The angular filter includes a substantially transparent film that limits reflection of light through an angular range that generally corresponds to the stray light that reflects off of the vehicle dashboard and would otherwise impinge a lens aperture of the camera.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140049615A1
Автор: Uwagawa Satoshi

Provided is a lens protection device including one lens protection cover configured to be disposed in front of two surfaces of two image capture lenses that have the two surfaces directed in a same direction and arranged in a transverse row and to be movable between a covering position for covering the two surfaces from an outside and a retreat position for exposing the two surfaces to the outside. 1. A lens protection device comprising:one lens protection cover configured to be disposed in front of two surfaces of two image capture lenses that have the two surfaces directed in a same direction and arranged in a transverse row and to be movable between a covering position for covering the two surfaces from an outside and a retreat position for exposing the two surfaces to the outside.2. The lens protection device according to claim 1 , comprising:a lens-side frame configured to be opposite to an interval between the two surfaces of the two image capture lenses and to be disposed in front of the two surfaces,wherein the lens protection cover is installed in front of the lens-side frame.3. The lens protection device according to claim 2 , comprising:a front frame configured to have a pore for individually or simultaneously exposing the two surfaces of the two image capture lenses and to be disposed in front of the lens protection cover while the pore is opposite to the two surfaces.4. The lens protection device according to claim 3 , wherein the lens protection cover is disposed between the lens-side frame and the front frame to be installed to be movable between the covering position and the retreat position.5. The lens protection device according to claim 4 , wherein the lens protection cover is installed to be movable between the covering position and the retreat position on at least one of a side over and a side under the two surfaces of the two image capture lenses.6. The lens protection device according to claim 5 , wherein the lens protection cover is ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Information display using electronic diffusers

Номер: US20140063049A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Embodiments of systems and methods for using electronic diffusers to implement message indicators are described. A segment of a diffuser attached to an electronic device is configured to indicate an informational message in response to signals that result in a change to an optical property. A set of information to be displayed using the segment is determined, and a signal is transmitted to the segment to display the information.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000335A1

An illuminator apparatus and method for illuminating an object field imaged by a rectangular image sensor having a first aspect ratio is disclosed. The apparatus includes an optical fiber having a proximal end disposed to receive a plurality of input light beams, each light beam having differing spectral properties, the optical fiber being operable to transmit the light beams along the fiber to a distal end of the optical fiber. The apparatus also includes an integrating element disposed to receive the light beams from the distal end of the fiber and combine the light beams to produce a generally homogenous illumination beam at a rectangular output face of the integrating element. The apparatus further includes an illumination projector operable to project an image of the output face of the integrating element into the object field to produce a generally rectangular illuminated region of the object field substantially corresponding to the portion of the object field imaged by the rectangular image sensor.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220004082A1
Автор: Takatori Tatsuo

An apparatus includes a control unit configured to control an aperture diameter of a diaphragm based on a result of photometry, a determination unit that, in a case where t light flux enters the imaging unit via a predetermined optical member which has light transmitted in quantities varying stepwise in a radial direction with respect to and optical axis, determine whether there exists a plurality of F numbers that indicates the aperture diameter of the diaphragm at which approximately identical quantities of light enter the imaging unit. In a case where the determination unit determines that there exists a plurality of F numbers at which approximately identical quantities of light enter the imaging unit, the control unit controls the F number to be differently set in accordance with information regarding an image capturing condition. 1. An apparatus that includes an imaging unit and is capable of controlling an aperture diameter of a diaphragm for adjusting quantity of light entering the imaging unit , the apparatus comprising:at least one processor; anda memory coupled to the processor storing instructions that, when executed by the processor, cause the processor to function as:a photometry unit;a control unit configured to control a plurality of control values including the aperture diameter of the diaphragm, based on a result of photometry using the photometry unit;a first determination unit configured to determine whether light flux entering the imaging unit enters via a predetermined optical member; anda second determination unit configured to determine, in a case where the light flux enters the imaging unit via the predetermined optical member, whether there exists a plurality of F numbers that indicates the aperture diameter of the diaphragm at which approximately identical quantities of light enter the imaging unit,wherein the predetermined optical member has light transmitted in quantities varying stepwise in a radial direction with respect to an optical ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180004068A1

An example shutter assembly for protecting cameras, such as webcams, integrated into computing devices is disclosed. The shutter assembly includes an actuator element and shutter element. The actuator element can rotate an axis to pivot the shutter element into and out of the field of view of the camera assembly. The actuator can extend through or be otherwise accessible through the housing of the computing device so that the shutter can move in a plane parallel to the front surface or bezel of the computing device. Because the shutter element operated from a surface other than the front facing surface, the bezel can include a single surface with a window to protect the camera assembly and allow for a touch control capabilities. The shutter element can be disposed between the bezel and the camera assembly to provide privacy from the camera being inadvertently or maliciously activated. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a shutter element to selectively cover a camera lens disposed in a housing assembly of a computing device; anda manually operable actuator coupled to the shutter element to pivot the shutter element relative to the camera lens and the housing assembly.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shutter element and the manually operable actuator are formed as a single integrated unit.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the manually operable actuator is rotatable about an axis parallel to an optical axis of the camera lens.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the shutter element is disposed relative to the manually operable actuator to pivot in a plane that intersects the optical axis of the camera lens.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the manually operable actuator comprises a cylindrical body element and the shutter element is coupled to a perimeter surface of the cylindrical body element.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a housing assembly comprising a first surface nd a second surface coupled to the first surface at a first angle; ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003745A1

A transparent member according to the present invention is formed by providing at least a substrate or a layer on the substrate, and has a surface section in which the contact angle with respect to water continuously changes. 1. A transparent member comprising at least a base material or a base material provided with a layer on the base material , wherein the transparent member has a surface portion whose contact angle to water changes continuously.2. The transparent member described in claim 1 , wherein the surface portion is included in a water-repellent layer.3. The transparent member described in claim 2 , wherein a thickness of the water-repellent layer changes continuously.4. The transparent member described in claim 2 , wherein the water-repellent layer contains a fluoride.5. The transparent member described in claim 2 , wherein an antireflection layer is provided on a rear surface of the water-repellent layer.6. The transparent member described in claim 1 , wherein a surface roughness of the surface portion changes continuously.7. The transparent member described in claim 1 , being used in an optical component for vehicle use or outdoor use.8. The transparent member described in claim 7 , wherein the optical component is an optical lens.9. A method for manufacturing a transparent member described in claim 1 , comprising the step of forming a water-repellent layer by forming a water-repellent material claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the water-repellent layer changes continuously.10. The method for manufacturing a transparent member described in claim 9 , wherein the step of forming a water-repellent layer uses either a vapor deposition method or a coating method. The present invention relates to a transparent member and a method of manufacturing the transparent member. More particularly, the present invention relates to a transparent member which can remove water droplets on a surface by a simple method and can clearly maintain a photographed image when used ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003753A1

An optical filter includes a light absorbing layer and a conductive nanodisk. The light absorbing layer includes a near-infrared absorbing material configured to absorb light of a first wavelength spectrum within a near-infrared wavelength spectrum. The conductive nanodisk is configured to absorb or reflect light of a second wavelength spectrum within the first wavelength spectrum. An image sensor includes the optical filter, a camera module includes the optical filter, and an electronic device includes the optical filter. 1. An optical filter , comprising:a light absorbing layer including a near-infrared absorbing material configured to absorb light of a first wavelength spectrum, the first wavelength spectrum encompassed within a near-infrared wavelength spectrum; anda conductive nanodisk configured to absorb, reflect, or scatter light of a second wavelength spectrum, the second wavelength spectrum at least partially overlapping the first wavelength spectrum.2. The optical filter of claim 1 , wherein the light absorbing layer is in contact with at least one of a lower surface claim 1 , an upper surface claim 1 , or a side surface of the conductive nanodisk.3. The optical filter of claim 1 , wherein the conductive nanodisk is a metal nanodisk claim 1 , such that the conductive nanodisk includes a metal material.4. The optical filter of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a diameter of the conductive nanodisk to a thickness of the conductive nanodisk is greater than or equal to about 8.5. The optical filter of claim 1 , wherein a diameter of the conductive nanodisk is about 80 nm to about 300 nm.6. The optical filter of claim 5 , wherein a thickness of the conductive nanodisk is about 1 nm to about 20 nm.7. The optical filter of claim 1 , whereina transmission spectrum of the near-infrared absorbing material has a first minimum transmission wavelength that is within the first wavelength spectrum,a transmission spectrum of the conductive nanodisk has a second minimum ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004399A1
Автор: Aliev Adil Aliyevich

A portable apparatus for providing acoustic and/or weather shielding for audio and/or video recording devices. The apparatus includes a collapsible housing case having a top panel, two side panels each attached to opposite sides of the top panel, and a rear panel attached to the top panel and a rigid side support attached to each side panel. The apparatus additionally includes a mounting bar that is attachable to each of the rigid side supports and at least one sound absorbing inner liner arranged on an interior side of the top panel, the two side panels and the rear panel. When the apparatus is in an operable configuration, the rear panel is structured and arranged to be moveable from a rear-access covering position to a rear-access non-covering position to provide a selectively openable rear access to an interior of the apparatus. 1. A portable apparatus for providing acoustic and/or weather shielding for audio and/or video recording devices , the apparatus comprising:a collapsible housing case having a top panel, two side panels each attached to opposite sides of the top panel, and a rear panel attached to the top panel;a rigid side support attached to each side panel;a mounting bar that is attachable to each of the rigid side supports; andat least one sound absorbing inner liner arranged on an interior side of the top panel, the two side panels and the rear panel.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the mounting bar further comprises a grip bracket so that the apparatus is mountable on a support.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein when the apparatus is in an operable configuration claim 1 , the rear panel is structured and arranged to be moveable from a rear-access covering position to a rear-access non-covering position to provide a selectively openable rear access to an interior of the apparatus.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the rear panel is arrangeable to form a base panel for use as a table-top shield when in a table-top ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Protective Case for Electronic Camcorders for Air, Land and Underwater Use Employing Dual Lens Covers

Номер: US20170010518A1
Автор: Tang Larry

A protective case for electronic camera/camcorders for air, land and underwater use employing a discardable, dispensable second lens cover within a second surrounding lens cover frame in overlying protection of a first clear lens cover within a first surrounding lens cover frame incorporated within a front surface of the protective case. 1. In combination with a digital video electronic camera/camcorder enclosed within a protective case , the apparatus comprising:a first clear lens cover and a surrounding first lens cover frame incorporated within a front surface of said protective case, and a second lens cover and a surrounding second lens cover frame detachably securable in overlying protection thereof.2. The apparatus of wherein said first clear lens cover and said surrounding first lens cover frame are characterized by a first durability characteristic and wherein said second lens cover and said surrounding second lens cover frame are characterized by a second lesser durability characteristic.3. The apparatus of wherein said second lens cover and said surrounding second lens cover frame include a clip fastener to secure over said first clear lens cover and said surrounding first lens cover frame.4. The apparatus of wherein said second lens cover and said surrounding second lens cover frame include a snap fastener to secure over said first lens cover and said surrounding first lens cover frame.5. The apparatus of wherein said first clear lens cover and said surrounding first lens cover frame are incorporated within a front surface of a waterproof protective case having an audio port to admit sound to a built-in microphone of a digital video electronic camera/camcorder enclosed within said protective case. A Provisional Patent Application covering the invention described herein was filed on Jul. 6, 2015, and assigned Ser. No. 62/188,789.Research and development of this invention and Application have not been federally sponsored, and no rights are given under any ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Protective Case for Electronic Camera/Camcorders for Air, Land and Underwater Use Employing Sun Blocking Shade of Display Screen

Номер: US20170010519A1
Автор: Tang Larry

A protective case for an electronic camera/camcorder including a sunblock shade, opaque and impervious to light, to close off the display screen of the camera/camcorder when viewed through a transparent back surface of the case. 1. In combination with a digital video electronic camera/camcorder enclosed within a case , the apparatus comprising:a transparent back surface of the case overlying a display screen of the camera/camcorder; andan opaque shade operable to adjustably close off and open said screen for viewing by a user thereof through said back surface.2. The apparatus of wherein said opaque shade is manually operable to adjustably close off and open said screen for viewing in accordance with conditions of ambient light shining on said transparent back surface of the case.3. The apparatus of wherein said opaque shade claim 2 , when manually opened claim 2 , is operable to block sunlight from falling onto the display screen on the digital video camera/camcorder.4. The apparatus of wherein said opaque shade is hinged to a back cover of the case in rotating upwardly from a vertical towards a horizontal position in blocking sunlight from falling onto the display screen of the protective case.5. In a protective case enclosing a digital video electronic camera/camcorder claim 3 , apparatus comprising:a transparent back cover on said protective case for viewing a display screen of said video camera/camcorder;a first hinge at a lower portion of said cover;a second hinge at an upper portion of said cover;a latch member rotatable upward about said first hinge for locking and unlocking said back cover in position for a viewing of said display screen; anda sunshade rotatable upwardly about said second hinge for blocking sunlight from shining on said display screen through said back cover.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , also including means at a top surface of said back cover for connecting individual ones of mount couplings and/or accessory couplings to said protective ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011354A1
Автор: Duke Danny Ray

A vehicular component shield providing a base plate with an aperture, wherein a shield surface extends from the base plate and circumscribes the aperture. The shield surface has an upper shield surface extending to a downwardly tapered moisture accumulation surface which in turn communicates to a moisture drip point. The distal surfaces of the remaining portion of the shield surface have a plurality of airfoil deflection surfaces defined by a non-zero or non-linear slope or gradient relative to the y-z plane of the base plate, wherein the plurality of airfoil deflection surfaces slope inward toward the aperture relative to the x-y plane of the base plate. 1. A vehicular component shield , comprising:a base plate with an aperture;a shield surface extending from the base plate and circumscribing the aperture; 'said moisture accumulation surface tapers downwardly to a moisture drip point.', 'the shield surface having an upper shield surface that transitions, at an interface, to a moisture accumulation surface; and'}2. The vehicular component shield of claim 1 , further comprising:the shield surface having a lower shield surface extending from the base plate to a plurality of airfoil deflection surfaces defined by a non-zero or non-linear gradient relative to a y-z plane of the base plate.3. The vehicular component shield of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of airfoil deflection surfaces slopes inward toward the aperture relative to a x-y plane of the base plate.4. The vehicular component shield of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of airfoil deflection surfaces is dimensioned to deflect an airflow thereacross from contacting the aperture.5. The vehicular component shield of claim 1 , wherein the interface is an uppermost portion of the shield surface.6. The vehicular component shield of claim 1 , wherein the upper shield surface slopes downward from the interface to the base plate.7. A vehicular component shield claim 1 , comprising:a base plate with an aperture;a shield ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015977A1
Автор: KARASAWA Yutaka

A digital camera filter frame reduces the load imposed on an autofocus motor provided in the main body of a camera due to a reduced weight, and prevents a situation in which the optical axis of a lens barrel of a digital camera varies when the digital camera filter frame is fitted to the front side of the lens barrel, and collides with something hard during use. A ring-like filter frame main body is produced by molding a polymer elastic body, and a filter lens having a specific effect is fitted to the ring-like filter frame main body. 1. A digital camera filter frame that is formed of a polymer elastic body , and fitted to a front side of a lens barrel of a digital camera to control light , the digital camera filter frame being produced as a ring-like filter frame main body by molding the polymer elastic body , and a filter lens having a specific effect being fitted to the ring-like filter frame main body.2. The digital camera filter frame according to claim 1 , the digital camera filter frame being produced by producing the ring-like filter frame main body by molding the polymer elastic body claim 1 , forming a lens-retaining inward protrusion section and a lens fitting section for the filter lens on an inner surface of the ring-like filter frame main body claim 1 , fitting the filter lens to the lens-retaining inward protrusion section and the lens fitting section claim 1 , and plastically deforming an end of a peripheral edge section of the lens fitting section by thermal caulking to secure the filter lens on the ring-like filter frame main body.3. The digital camera filter frame according to claim 1 , wherein the ring-like filter frame main body is produced by molding a thermosetting resin claim 1 , a thermoplastic resin claim 1 , or a composite material that utilizes a synthetic resin (e.g. claim 1 , fiber-reinforced plastic) as the polymer elastic body claim 1 , a polymer elastic body that exhibits relatively high elasticity being selected as the polymer ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Solar rejection system with movable sunshade

Номер: US20160016678A1
Автор: Andrew L. BULLARD
Принадлежит: Raytheon Co

A solar rejection system includes an enclosure for housing a sensor, and a movable sunshade. The housing has an opening or aperture for admitting light to the sensor, and the sunshade is moved as needed to prevent harmful solar illumination of the sensor. The sunshade may be a flat panel. The sunshade panel is mounted to a hinge that is located on one side of a large diameter bearing that allows the shade to be rotated around the aperture of the sensor to always prevent the sun from illuminating the aperture. The hinge allows the shade to be tilted to either allow the sensor to see further off axis without obscuration or to block the sun when it moves in front of the sensor. Full closure of the sunshade on its hinge allows it to also function as an aperture door, blocking the opening or aperture.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Optical Filter And Imaging Device

Номер: US20170017025A1

In this optical filter, each side of a substrate that is at most 0.3 mm in thickness is coated with a multilayer film. Both of the multilayer films are under compressive stress, and the optical filter satisfies the relation F≧−1.25t+1.525 (where F represents the ratio of the strength of the optical filter to the strength of the substrate (the strength of the optical filter with the substrate coated divided by the strength of the uncoated substrate) and t represents the thickness of the substrate (in mm)).

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170017135A1

The present disclosure relates to an imaging apparatus, an iris device, an imaging method, and a program that are capable of performing multispectral imaging in a small mechanism. The imaging apparatus includes: an image sensor that captures an image of a subject; an optical system that forms an image on the image sensor with light from the subject; and an iris mechanism that restricts the amount of light passing through the optical system. The iris mechanism includes aperture blades that adjust a size of an aperture causing the light from the subject to pass through the aperture, and an optical filter that is provided to at least one of the aperture blades and transmits light having a predetermined wavelength. The aperture blades are driven to positions where the aperture has a predetermined size, in a state where the optical filter provided to the at least one of the aperture blades is hidden by one of the aperture blades other than the aperture blade of the optical filter. The aperture blades provided with predetermined optical filters are driven such that the predetermined optical filters sequentially cover the aperture at predetermined timings. The present technology can be applied to, for example, an imaging apparatus including an iris mechanism. 1. An imaging apparatus , comprising:an image sensor that captures an image of a subject;an optical system that forms an image on the image sensor with light from the subject; and aperture blades that adjust a size of an aperture causing the light from the subject to pass through the aperture, and', 'an optical filter that is provided to at least one of the aperture blades and transmits light having a predetermined wavelength,, 'an iris mechanism that restricts the amount of light passing through the optical system, the iris mechanism including'}the aperture blades being driven to positions where the aperture has a predetermined size, in a state where the optical filter provided to the at least one of the aperture ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018576A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

Provided is an infrared cut filter including: an infrared absorbing layer of a transparent resin containing an infrared absorber; and a selected wavelength cut layer stacked on the infrared absorbing layer, wherein the following requirements are satisfied. (i) In a spectral transmittance curve for an incident angle of 0°, an average transmittance in a 450-600 nm range is 80% or more, a transmittance in a 700-1200 nm range is 2.0% or less, and Drepresented by the following expression is less than 0.04. D(%/nm)=(Tmax·0−Tmin·0)/(λ(Tmax·0)−λ(Tmin·0)) (ii) wherein a spectrum transmittance curve for an incident angle of 30°, an average transmittance in the 450 to 600 nm range is 80% or more, a transmittance in the 700-1200 nm range is 2.0% or less, and Drepresented by the following expression is less than 0.04. D(%/nm)=(Tmax·30−Tmin·30)/(λ(Tmax·30)−×(Tmin·30)) 2. The infrared cut filter according to claim 1 , further comprising a transparent substrate supporting the infrared absorbing layer and the selected wavelength cut layer.3. The infrared cut filter according to claim 1 , wherein the selected wavelength cut layer satisfies the following requirements (iii-1) to (iii-3).(iii-1) In a spectral transmittance curve for the incident angle of “0” (zero) degree, a transmittance in the wavelength range of 430 to 670 nm is 90% or more, and a transmittance in the wavelength range of λa to 1150 nm is 1% or less, wherein λa is a maximum wavelength whose transmittance is 1% in the wavelength range of 670 to 800 nm.(iii-2) In a spectral transmittance curve for the incident angle of 30 degrees, a transmittance in the wavelength range of 430 to 650 nm is 90% or more, and a maximum wavelength whose transmittance is 1% in the wavelength range of λb to 1200 nm is 1100 nm or more, wherein λb is a maximum wavelength whose transmittance is 1% in the wavelength range of 670 to 800 nm).{'sub': 1200', '1200', '1200', '1200, '(iii-3) A ratio [T(30)/T(0)] between a transmittance T(30) at a ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Camera cover

Номер: US20160018718A1
Автор: Darren Jones
Принадлежит: Individual

A cover or shell for a camera is disclosed and described. The cover can have multiple openings for accessing various portions of the camera so that the camera can be operated without substantially removing the cover.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Shifted reality display device and environmental scanning system

Номер: US20180017791A1
Принадлежит: Individual

New visual control systems are provided that implement a new form of mediated reality, known as shifted-reality. In some embodiments, a matrix of specialized pixels creates redirected light with a plurality of angle-alterable, shiftable sources, which aids in creating virtual, 3-D objects of greater realism than conventional 3-D imaging methods, and aids in reducing the appearance of other objects or conditions. In these aspects, existing images and objects viewed through a screen may be shifted in perspective for an observer, and enhanced and overlaid with effects and demonstrative information related to viewable objects and a surrounding environment. In other aspects of the invention, the system builds and accesses an object structure and materials library, based on observation with a specialized group of sensors. Preferably, one observation sensor is non-visual (e.g., ultrasound), but observes an environment in a mappably-related perspective as a visual sensor. The system may create an array of subdividing material and structural categories. The system then applies the library to an object inventory, and later corrects the object inventory.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017843A1
Автор: TSAI Ming-Shan

In one example, a webcam shutter assembly includes a first sub-assembly and second sub-assembly formed independently of each other. The first sub-assembly includes a shutter for selectively covering a camera lens, and the second sub-assembly includes a manually operable actuator. The actuator is biased in a non-engaging arrangement with the shutter and is positioned to releasably engage the shutter for movement of the shutter in a lateral direction. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a first sub-assembly comprising a shutter for selectively covering a camera lens; anda second sub-assembly, formed independently of the first sub-assembly and comprising a manually operable actuator positioned to releasably engage the shutter for movement of the shutter in a lateral direction,wherein the actuator is biased in a non-engaging arrangement with the shutter.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shutter is mounted on a roller.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the roller comprises:a cylindrical body having a first end and a second end; anda threaded portion positioned between the first end and the second end.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the roller further comprises:a first travel stop positioned at the first end of the cylindrical body; anda second travel stop positioned at the second end of the cylindrical body.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the first travel stop and the second travel stop are positioned to limit a distance in the lateral direction that the shutter travels.6. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the actuator comprises a wheel.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the wheel is biased in the non-engaging arrangement with the shutter by a spring that applies a biasing force to an axle of the wheel.8. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the wheel is positioned to releasably engage the threaded portion of the roller when a pressure sufficient to overcome the biasing force is applied to the wheel.9. The apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the pressure is ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Case for smart phone & tablet with privacy capability to cover the front and back cameras (No Spy cover case/ No Snoop cover case)

Номер: US20190018305A1
Автор: Gahche Mohamed

It's a case for smart phone and tablet devices designed specifically to provide a feature that will give users a privacy capability to cover the front and back cameras of the device as needed. 1. A device case comprising of a front and back privacy feature to allow for a way to cover the front and back cameras when not in use or as needed.2. A device case according to claim 1 , wherein the front of the case covers a section of the top of the device and keeps the rest of the front of the device features visible.3. A device case according to claim 2 , wherein the section where the camera is located has a shutter mechanism that goes either right/left or up/down to cover/uncover the camera.4. A device case according to claim 2 , wherein the section where the speaker is located and other features are kept uncovered and are visible at all times.5. A device case according to claim 1 , wherein the section where the camera is located has a shutter mechanism that either moves left/right or up/down to cover/uncover camera.6. A device case according to claim 6 , wherein the section where the flash light claim 6 , sensors claim 6 , and other features are located are kept uncovered and visible at all times. Device cases with a feature that gives the ability to cover the device's camera as needed for privacy purposes.Available smart device cases today in the market do not provide any camera privacy protection feature to their users. Hackers today can easily break into smart devices and gain access to the camera feature and be able to watch user's activities even when the device is turned off.By providing an optional privacy feature in smart device cases, it will give the user the ability to cover the camera in the front and back of the device when not in use and will allow the user to be worry free from potential spying activities and privacy invasion.The solution is a case for smart devices to include phones and tablets designed specifically to provide a feature that will give ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200019039A1
Принадлежит: SZ DJI Technology Co., Ltd.

A novel imaging system is provided for capturing imaging data. According to the disclosed embodiments, the imaging system comprises one or more cameras configured to capture the same scene within each camera's field of view. The imaging system also includes a plurality of bandpass filters that may be positioned in front of one or more cameras. Each bandpass filter may allow the transmission of incident electromagnetic signals between different pairs of first and second wavelengths. Accordingly, when the bandpass filters are positioned in front of the one or more cameras, each camera captures a different spectral image, i.e., containing only certain frequency components of the same scene being imaged in the cameras. The bandpass filters may be selectively aligned with one or more cameras by rotating and/or translating the filters relative to the cameras' positions in the imaging system. 1. An imaging system , comprising:one or more cameras, each camera comprising an image sensor; anda plurality of bandpass filters each having a respective passing band that permits signals between a first wavelength and a second wavelength of the respective passing band to pass to at least one image sensor in the imaging system.2. The imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the imaging system comprises multiple cameras arranged in a linear array of cameras claim 1 , one of the plurality of bandpass filters positioned in front of each camera's image sensor.3. The imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the imaging system comprises multiple cameras arranged in a multidimensional array of cameras claim 1 , one of the plurality of bandpass filters positioned in front of each camera's image sensor.4. The imaging system of claim 1 , further comprising:a rotatable stage on which at least some of the plurality of bandpass filters are mounted; anda rotation mechanism configured to rotate the rotatable stage and cause at least one of the plurality of bandpass filters to align with at least one camera ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200019043A1
Автор: Clark David Graham

A magnetic lens filter system includes an external rotational element having a plurality of ridges allowing a photographer to grip and rotate the external rotational element. A plurality gears extend the rotation from the external rotating element to an interface member. One or more magnetic lens filters are configured to magnetically engage with the interface member, enabling the magnetic lens filter system to rotate the one or more attached magnetic lens filters. The magnetic lens filter system is configured to attach to a rectangular filter hold enabling the addition of rectangular filters. The one or more magnetic lens filters are stackable. 1. A magnetic lens filter system comprising:a primary structural member including an attachment ring;an external rotational element attached to the primary structural member;a plurality of gears positioned in a plurality of gear positioning structures provided in the primary structural member, wherein the plurality of gears is in engagement with the external rotational element;an interface member configured to engage an inner gear in engagement with the plurality of gears such that when the external rotational element is rotated the interface member rotates, wherein the inner rotational element is positioned inside the primary structural member; and,a removable magnetic lens filter configured to magnetically engage with the interface member such that the removable magnetic lens filter rotates when the external rotational element rotates.2. The magnetic lens filter system of claim 1 , wherein the attachment ring is threaded and configured to attach to a front portion of a camera.3. The magnetic lens filter system of claim 1 , wherein the primary structural member includes a flange claim 1 , wherein the flange is configured to engage a rectangular filter holder such that the magnetic lens filter system may be used in conjunction with the rectangular filter holder claim 1 , wherein the rectangular filter holder is configured to ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Housing, removable lens, and housing system for an image capture device

Номер: US20220038607A1
Принадлежит: GoPro Inc

A housing system for an image capture device includes a housing and a removable lens assembly. The housing is formed of an elastomeric material and defines a cavity for receiving the image capture device therein. The removable lens assembly includes a protective lens and is removably coupleable to the housing to protect a lens of the image capture device.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Image pickup apparatus, setting apparatus, wavelength acquiring apparatus, and storage medium

Номер: US20210021754A1
Автор: Masaki Kamba
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image pickup apparatus includes an image sensor that photoelectrically converts an object image formed by an image pickup optical system including a zoom lens and a focus lens, a data storage that stores focus data indicating an in-focus position of the focus lens according to an object distance and a position of the zoom lens, and a wavelength acquirer that acquires a wavelength of imaging light incident on the image sensor. The focus data includes data for visible light and data according to a wavelength of infrared light. The wavelength acquirer acquires includes the wavelength of the imaging light using the focus data, the object distance, the position of the zoom lens, and a position of the focus lens when the image pickup optical system is in focus in a state where the visible light and the infrared light can enter the image sensor.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180024416A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

The invention provides a dome cover for a camera and a camera with a cover that can effectively acquire an image in which a visually-recognizable range is wide and blurring is suppressed and that are durable. In one aspect of the invention, a dome cover () for a camera includes a curved section () of which a front surface and a back surface have a spherical shape; a skirt section () of which a front surface and a back surface have a cylinder shape; and a light-shielding part () that shields a part or whole of at least one of light that is incident from the skirt section () and is emitted from the curved section () or light that is incident from the curved section () and is emitted from the skirt section (). The curved section () and the skirt section () are integrally molded. 1. A dome cover for a camera comprising:a curved section of which a front surface and a back surface have a spherical shape;a skirt section of which a front surface and a back surface have a cylinder shape; anda light-shielding part that shields a part or whole of at least one of light that is incident from the skirt section and is emitted from the curved section or light that is incident from the curved section and is emitted from the skirt section,wherein the curved section and the skirt section are integrally molded,wherein the light-shielding part includes a first light-shielding part and a second light-shielding part, andwherein the first light-shielding part is a portion of the boundary surface between the curved section and the skirt section and is disposed on the back surface side of the curved section and the skirt section, and the second light-shielding part is provided on the back surface of the curved section and the front surface of the skirt section.2. The dome cover for a camera according to claim 1 ,wherein the light-shielding part is provided on at least one of the front surface of the curved section or the front surface of the skirt section.3. The dome cover for a camera ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043324A1

In an example, a lens cap may include a cover sized to overlay and/or conceal or cover an eye lens of a head-mounted display. The lens cap may further include a dual hinge to move the cover between an open position and a closed position. The dual hinge may include a first hinge attached to or disposed on the cover, and a second hinge to attach to a chassis of the head-mounted display. 1. A lens cap , comprising:a cover sized to overlay an eye lens of a head-mounted display (HMD); anda dual hinge to move the cover between an open position and a closed position, the dual hinge having a first hinge attached to the cover and a second hinge to attach to a chassis of the HMD.2. The lens cap of claim 1 , wherein the dual hinge is to space the cover away from the eye lens and adjacent to a face gasket attached to the chassis when the cover is disposed in the open position.3. The lens cap of claim 2 , wherein the dual hinge is to rotate and translate the cover away from the eye lens when the cover is moved to the open position.4. The lens cap of claim 1 , wherein the second hinge has an upper hinge portion and a lower hinge portion claim 1 , the upper hinge portion and the lower hinge portion engaged with the first hinge by an upper hinge bracket and a lower hinge bracket claim 1 , respectively.5. The lens cap of claim 1 , wherein the second hinge is attached to a lens trim peripherally surrounding the eye lens claim 1 , wherein the cover is to move relative to the lens trim when moved between the open position and closed position.6. A head-mounted display (HMD) claim 1 , comprising:a chassis;a display disposed within the chassis;an eye lens disposed in front of the display; and a cover to removably cover the eye lens; and', 'a dual hinge having a first hinge and a second hinge, the dual hinge to pivotably attach the lens cap to the chassis adjacent to the eye lens., 'a lens cap, comprising7. The HMD of claim 6 , wherein the cover is movable between a closed position claim 6 ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043332A1

A camera module, which is mounted on an inside of a front windshield of a vehicle and configured to image an external environment of the vehicle, includes multiple lens units on which an optical image of the external environment is incident, individually, and an imaging system to generate an outside image of the external environment by imaging through each of the lens units, individually. 130.-. (canceled)31. A camera module configured to be mounted on an inside of a windshield of a vehicle and to image an external environment of the vehicle , the camera module comprising:a plurality of lens units having optical axes, respectively, wherein the optical axes are shifted from each other, an optical image of the external environment individually enters within angles of view, which are around the optical axes, respectively, the angles of view are different from each other; andan imaging system to perform imaging individually through the lens units and to generate an outside image of the external environment, whereinan other of the lens units is shifted relative to one of the lens units in a longitudinal direction of the vehicle, andthe other of the lens units coincides with the one of the lens units in a vertical direction of the vehicle.32. The camera module according to claim 31 , whereinthe lens units further include a third lens unit,the one of the lens units is shifted relative to the other of the lens units and the third lens unit in the longitudinal direction of the vehicle, andthe one of the lens units coincides with the other of the lens units and the third lens unit in the vertical direction of the vehicle.33. The camera module according to claim 32 , whereinthe other of the lens units coincides with the third lens unit in the longitudinal direction of the vehicle.34. The camera module according to claim 31 , whereinthe other of the lens units and the one of the lens units overlap with each other when viewed in a lateral direction of the vehicle.35. The camera ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Augmented Reality Display Systems With Variable, Directional Light Transmission Enhancing Virtual Images At An Observation Point

Номер: US20200026076A1

New augmented reality display systems are provided, including a new form of mediated reality technique, known as shifted-reality techniques. In some embodiments, an augmented reality display system includes a matrix of light-augmenting pixels within a variable-transmission, semi-transparent screen (e.g., an augmented reality headset, comprising a semi-transparent L.E.D. screen) and creates redirected, attenuated and augmented light to form and alter virtual objects. In some embodiments with a plurality of angle-alterable, shiftable sources (e.g., light-focusing and -directing pixels), which aids in creating virtual, 3-D objects of greater realism than conventional 3-D imaging methods, and aids in reducing the appearance of other objects or conditions. In these aspects, existing images and objects viewed through a screen may be shifted in perspective for an observer, and enhanced and overlaid with effects and demonstrative information related to viewable objects and a surrounding environment. In other aspects of the invention, the system builds and accesses an object structure and materials library, and object inventory, to enrich a user's 3D experience using an augmented reality display system. 1. An assistance device for assisting in the driving of a motor vehicle , comprising:a screen with variable transmission arranged between a road scene in front of said motor vehicle and a driver of said motor vehicle, said assistance device comprising a plurality of sensors suitable for recovering data representative of an environment in which said motor vehicle is located, said assistance device being configured to drive at least one transmission coefficient of said screen with variable transmission, wherein said assistance device is configured to take account of data recovered by said plurality of sensors and to compute said at least one transmission coefficient by combining said data.2. The assistance device for assisting in the driving of a motor vehicle of claim 1 , ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200026140A1

A switchable image capturing system is provided. Through modulating light by an electro-optical switch, the light intake received by the lens assembly and the image sensor may be changed. Specifically, when the electro-optical switch receives a positive voltage, the electro-optical switch obstructs the light so that the lens assembly and the image sensor are not able to image by receiving the light; when the electro-optical switch receives a negative voltage, the electro-optical switch allows the light to pass through so that the lens assembly and the image sensor is able to image by receiving the light. Through the configuration in the aforementioned statements, the image time of the image sensor may be controlled to interrupt or continue filming according to the user's needs. 1. A switchable image capturing system comprising:at least one image sensor positioned in a direction in which a light travels;at least one lens assembly positioned in the direction in which the light travels and in front of each of the image sensors, and an optical axis of the lens assembly overlapping a central normal line of a sensing surface of the image sensors in such a way that the light focuses on the image sensor;at least one electro-optical switch positioned in the direction in which the light travels, and each of the electro-optical switches changing a transmission rate thereof according to a control signal to obstruct a travel route of the light or to make the light pass through each of the electro-optical switches; anda microcontroller electrically connected to each of the electro-optical switches.2. The switchable image capturing system according to claim 1 , the microcontroller sends the control signal to each of the electro-optical switches according to a user command.3. The switchable image capturing system according to claim 2 , the microcontroller sends the control signal having a first voltage to each of the electro-optical switches according to the user command claim 2 , ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200026150A1
Автор: Decker Cary Allen

A removable and flexible protective cap that is configured and dimensioned to stretch and slip over fixed camera lenses, detachable camera lenses and other tubular-shaped objects. The protective cap fits on objects having different diameters. The protective cap further includes integrated bumpers to provide improved protection against impacts. The protective cap has a memory such that when it is removed from a lens, it returns to its original shape. The protective cap may include a lint-resistant feature to prevent lint and dust from adhering to the cap. The protective cap is particularly suited for lenses used in photography, videography, hunting, military, and astronomy. The protective cap is also suited for use on non-optical devices, including gun barrels. In addition, the protective cap is suitable for use on other tubular-shaped objects. 1. An apparatus for protecting tubular-shaped objects , comprising:a base member having an outer surface, an inner surface and an outer rim;a sidewall extending rearwardly from the outer rim of the base member to a terminal end, the sidewall having an outer surface and an inner surface;the inner surface of the base member and the inner surface of the sidewall defining a contiguous inner surface;the outer surface of the base member and the outer surface of the sidewall defining a contiguous outer surface;the contiguous outer surface having a first region and a second region; andwherein a thickness of the first region is less than a thickness of the second region as measured between the contiguous outer surface and the contiguous inner surface.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the first region is between 50% and 95% of the thickness of the second region.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the first region is between 0.3 and 3.0 mm.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the second region is between 1.5 and 3.5 mm.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the first ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046179A1
Автор: van der Sijde Arjen

The invention describes an imaging device () comprising an image sensor (), an imaging lens (), an infrared light source () to illuminate a scene (SC), and an infrared autofocus system () for providing an autofocus function, wherein the image sensor () comprises an array () of sensor pixels each arranged as dual pixel () comprising two separate pixel sensors () per dual pixel () to record the image data (D) as a sum signal from both pixel sensors () and providing infrared data (D) as individual signals from each of the two pixel sensors () for phase contrast (PC) autofocusing, wherein an infrared filter () arranged between an aperture () of the imaging device () and an imaging sensor () and is adapted to locally transmit only a portion of the infrared light (IR) to the imaging sensor () by comprising at least one first area () arranged as infrared blocking area and at least one second area () arranged as infrared bandpass area. The invention further relates to a method () to automatically focusing this device (). 1. An imaging device , comprising:a filter configured to partially attenuate infrared light reflected from a scene, the filter including an annular first area that is substantially transparent to infrared light and substantially transparent to visible light, the filter including a second area that is substantially opaque to infrared light and substantially transparent to visible light.2. The imaging device of claim 1 , further comprising an imaging lens configured to form the image of the scene using the infrared light reflected from the scene and using visible light that is reflected from the scene or emitted by the scene.3. The imaging device of claim 2 , wherein the filter is positioned between the imaging lens and the scene.4. The imaging device of claim 2 , wherein the imaging lens defines a central axis that extends through the second area of the filter.5. The imaging device of claim 4 , wherein the second area of the filter is centered with respect ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031117A1

A vision system for a vehicle includes a camera having a field of view exterior of the vehicle and being operable to capture image data. An angular filter is disposed at least partially in the field of view of the camera. The angular filter limits reflection of light through an angular range that corresponds to stray light that would otherwise impinge the lens of the camera. A control includes an image processor operable to process image data captured by the camera. Responsive at least in part to processing at the image processor of image data captured by the camera, the control controls a driver assistance system of the vehicle. 1. A vision system for a vehicle , said vision system comprising:a camera disposed at a vehicle and having a field of view exterior of the vehicle;wherein said camera comprises (i) a CMOS imaging array sensor and (ii) a lens;wherein said camera is operable to capture image data;an angular filter disposed at least partially in the field of view of said camera wherein said angular filter limits reflection of light through an angular range that corresponds to stray light that would otherwise impinge said lens of said camera;a control comprising an image processor operable to process image data captured by said camera;wherein, responsive at least in part to processing at said image processor of image data captured by said camera, said control controls a driver assistance system of the vehicle; andwherein said driver assistance system comprises a driver assistance system selected from the group consisting of (i) a headlamp control system of the vehicle, (ii) a lane change assistance system of the vehicle, (iii) a lane departure warning system of the vehicle, (iv) an object detection system of the vehicle, (v) a traffic sign recognition system of the vehicle and (vi) a distance determining system of the vehicle that is operable to determine a distance to a leading vehicle.2. The vision system of claim 1 , wherein said angular filter is disposed ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Light-quantity control apparatus and optical apparatus

Номер: US20140119719A1
Принадлежит: Canon Electronics Inc

The light-quantity control apparatus includes a stop blade including a stop portion and a supported portion rotatably supported with respect to a base member, a shutter blade having a shutter portion and a supported portion rotatably supported with respect to the base member, and a driving member disposed between the shutter and stop blades and rotating around the light-passing aperture to rotate the stop blade. The stop and shutter blades have tilts in their supported portions toward a same one side in the optical axis direction so that the stop and shutter portions are distant from the supported portions in the optical axis direction. The driving member has a shape concave toward the one side from its outer circumferential side portion to its inner circumferential side portion. A concave space facing the light-passing aperture is formed inside than the stop and shutter blades and the driving member.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033686A1
Принадлежит: Lenovo (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

The present disclosure provides an electronic device without the necessity of a separate member shielding a camera. The electronic device comprises a lens cover unit of a Laptop PC at least partially accommodated in a cover. The lens cover unit is movable between a first position, where a light transmitting cover which is a light transmitting portion faces a camera, and a second position, where a thick portion which is a camera shielding portion shields the camera. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a display panel displaying predetermined information;a cover surrounding a circumference of the display panel;a camera in the cover and can photograph in front of the cover; anda lens cover unit integrally configured with a light transmitting portion formed of a material transmitting light and a camera shielding portion formed of a material not transmitting light, wherein:the lens cover unit is at least partially accommodated in the cover and is movable between a first position where the light transmitting portion faces the camera and a second position where the camera shielding portion shields the camera.2. The electronic device according to claim 1 , wherein:a long hole is formed in the cover, andthe lens cover unit is disposed in the long hole and is configured to be slidable and movable in a longitudinal direction of the long hole.3. The electronic device according to claim 2 , wherein:the camera shielding portion and the light transmitting portion are adjacent to each other in the longitudinal direction of the long hole.4. The electronic device according to claim 3 , wherein:a shield indicator, indicating that the camera shielding portion shields the camera, is at a portion facing the light transmitting portion when the lens cover unit is at the second position of the cover.5. The electronic device according to claim 2 , wherein:a hold for a user to place a finger is on the camera shielding portion.6. The electronic device according to claim 5 , wherein:the hold ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033567A1

A camera module, which is mounted on an inside of a front windshield of a vehicle and to image an external environment of the vehicle, includes a lens unit and an imager to image the external environment by forming an optical image, which is from the external environment through the lens unit. 1. A camera module configured to be mounted to an inside of a windshield of a vehicle and to image an external environment of the vehicle , the camera module comprising:a lens unit through which an optical image from the external environment enters;an imager to image the external environment by forming the optical image thereon through the lens unit; anda hood to restrict incidence of light on the lens unit from the external environment outside an imaging target range of the imager, whereinunder a definition that an imaginary intersection is a point, at which a lower light ray imaginarily intersects with the windshield, that the lower light ray is incident on the lens unit at a taper angle within the imaging target range, and that the taper angle defines a horizontal angle of view range which is smaller than that of the lens unit,the hood includes:a base wall portion to be located to face the windshield across an imaging space in which the optical image within the imaging target range is led to the lens unit; anda side wall portion raised from the base wall portion on a lateral side of the imaging space and formed to spread from a periphery of the lens unit toward the imaginary intersection, whereinthe side wall portion is formed to spread along parallel the taper angle on an outside of the taper angle on the external environment side beyond the imaginary intersection.2. A camera module configured to be mounted to an inside of a windshield of a vehicle and to image an external environment of the vehicle , the camera module comprising:a lens unit through which an optical image from the external environment enters;an imager to image the external environment by forming the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Electrochromic device and method of driving the same, lens unit, image pickup apparatus, and window member

Номер: US20200033686A1
Автор: Jun Yamamoto
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An electrochromic device including an electrochromic element with a complementary electrochromic layer containing an anodic organic electrochromic material and a cathodic organic electrochromic material, an optical density detection unit to detect the optical density of the electrochromic element, a temperature detection unit to detect the temperature of the electrochromic element, and a voltage supply unit to supply a drive voltage to the electrochromic element, the voltage supply unit being configured to apply a voltage of an opposite polarity to the electrochromic element based on the optical density of the electrochromic element detected by the optical density detection unit, and/or the temperature of the electrochromic element detected by the temperature detection unit, when the electrochromic element is to be decolored from a current optical density to a next target optical density.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033697A1
Автор: Rami Anil

The invention discloses an improved design of slim mechanical webcam cover or more specifically, it is a slidable concealing webcam cover for the devices with cameras and webcams such as laptop, smartphone, tablet, Television or any personal digital assistant, etc. to protect the owner of such devices from unauthorized access of their camera by any unknown person without knowledge of the owner, for any reasons such as for stalking, blackmailing or voyeurism etc. The slidable concealing webcam cover comprises a main body having; a holder, a slider and an attachment member. The holder of the concealing cover is divided into two main portions which are holding frame and aperture, wherein the holding frame supports and ensures the displacement of the slider within the aperture allowing it to move only in one direction which is parallel to upper-lower frame, while it locks the movement of the slider in any other direction. The aperture encloses the slider so that slider can run within the length of the aperture only, to cover or uncover the lens of the camera. The permanent attachment member attaches the concealing cover over the surface of the camera from the side support members of the holder frame. Furthermore, the covers get attached over the camera in such a way that the lens of the camera fall beneath the aperture of the concealing cover allowing the slider to cover or uncover it by moving within the aperture. 1. The Slidable webcam concealing apparatus for protection from camfecting comprising of:a) A main body or holding frame having a parallel upper and lower frame members, a side support members and an aperture;b) A sliding member or slider; andc) An attachment member.2. The slidable webcam concealing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the holding frame is made as a single unit.3. The slidable webcam concealing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the aperture encloses the slider from two sides when installed together allowing it to run longitudinally within the length ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Removable Camera Lens Cover

Номер: US20200033698A1

A camera is configured for use with a removable camera lens cover, which can be secured to or removed from the camera by a user without the use of a tool set. The mechanism which allows the lens cover to be secured to and removed from the camera includes a set of wires embedded into the lens cover and a set of wedges protruding from the lens wall of the camera. To secure the lens cover to the camera, the lens cover is placed onto the front of the camera and rotated until the wires align with corresponding wedges, securing the wires underneath the tapered surface of the wedges. To remove the lens cover from the camera, a force is applied outward and normal to the lens cover, causing the wires to flex outward and enabling the rotation and removal of the lens cover from the camera. 1. A camera system comprising: a lens protruding from a front surface of the camera;', 'a lens wall surrounding the lens and comprising an outside surface;', 'protrusions protruding radially from the outside surface of the lens wall; and, 'a camera comprising a protective lens surface; and', 'flexible securing structures coupled to the protective lens surface;, 'a removable lens cover comprisingwherein when the removable lens cover is secured to the camera, each of the flexible securing structures is aligned with and positioned underneath a corresponding one of the protrusions, and the flexible securing structures are positioned outward of the lens wall.2. The camera system of claim 1 , wherein the removable lens cover includes an outer wall with a top segment claim 1 , a bottom segment claim 1 , a left segment claim 1 , and a right segment.3. The camera system of claim 2 , wherein the protective lens surface and the flexible securing structures are affixed to the outer wall.4. The camera system of claim 2 , wherein the outer wall surrounds the lens wall when the removable lens cover is secured to the camera.5. The camera system of claim 1 , wherein the camera and the removable lens cover ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033947A1

A technique reduces images unintended by the user captured with an electronic device by, for example, unauthorized access or an accidental operation performed by the user. An electronic device includes a camera module including a camera drive that activates or deactivates a camera function, a blade that opens or closes a lens aperture in the camera module, a blade drive that drives an actuator to open or close the blade, a controller that controls the camera drive and the blade drive, and a switch that transmits, to the controller, an opening signal or a closing signal for forcibly driving the blade drive independently of the camera drive. The controller activates the camera function in the camera drive in response to the opening signal transmitted from the switch. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a camera module including a camera drive configured to activate or deactivate a camera function;a blade configured to open or close a lens aperture in the camera module;a blade drive configured to drive an actuator to open or close the blade;a controller configured to control the camera drive and the blade drive; anda switch configured to transmit, to the controller, an opening signal or a closing signal for forcibly driving the blade drive independently of the camera drive,wherein the controller activates the camera function in the camera drive in response to the opening signal transmitted from the switch.2. The electronic device according to claim 1 , whereinthe controller causes the blade drive to perform a closing operation in response to detecting an open state of the blade in response to an input to activate the camera function.3. The electronic device according to claim 1 , whereinthe controller outputs a confirmation signal to confirm that the blade is to be open in response to detecting a closed state of the blade in response to an input to activate the camera function, and causes the blade drive to perform an opening operation in response to a confirming ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033948A1

A technique reduces images unintended by the user captured with an electronic device having a camera function by unauthorized access or an accidental operation performed by the user. A blade open-close device includes a blade that opens or closes a lens aperture in a camera module, an actuator that opens or closes the blade, a drive that drives the actuator, and a switch that inputs an opening signal and a closing signal into the drive. The switch includes a mechanical switch operation member that generates the opening signal and the closing signal in response to a manual operation performed by a user. The drive is independent of a drive output from the camera module. 1. A blade open-close device , comprising:a blade configured to open or close a lens aperture in a camera module;an actuator configured to open or close the blade;a drive configured to drive the actuator; anda switch configured to input an opening signal and a closing signal into the drive,wherein the switch includes a mechanical switch operation member configured to generate the opening signal and the closing signal in response to a manual operation performed by a user, andthe drive is independent of a drive output from the camera module.2. The blade open-close device according to claim 1 , whereinthe drive is connected to an independent power source or to a power supply circuit commonly usable with the camera module.3. The blade open-close device according to claim 1 , whereinthe drive and the switch are mounted on a substrate.4. The blade open-close device according to claim 1 , whereinthe drive is supported integrally with the actuator.5. The blade open-close device according to claim 1 , whereinthe actuator retains an open and/or closed state of the blade without being energized.6. The blade open-close device according to claim 1 , whereinthe blade includes a light shading configured to fully or partially shade light incident on the lens aperture to obstruct image capturing.7. The blade open-close ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037119A1
Автор: UCHIDA Akihiro
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

A subject information acquisition section acquires a subject distance difference, which is distance difference between a main subject and a subject farthest from the main subject, on the basis of an imaging signal sent from an imaging element. A program diagram storage section stores a first program diagram where an aperture value is fixed at an open aperture value at a first amount of exposure EV or less, and stores a second program diagram where an aperture value is fixed at an open aperture value at a second amount of exposure EV, which is greater than the first amount of exposure EV, or less. An imaging exposure determination section selects the second program diagram in a case where an APD filter is disposed on the optical path and a case where the subject distance difference is equal to or greater than a threshold value and there is an imaged scene in which a blurred image tends to occur, and selects the first program diagram in a case where the subject distance difference is less than the threshold value and there is an imaged scene in which a blurred image is hard to occur. 1. An imaging apparatus comprising:an imaging element that photoelectrically converts incident light so as to output an imaging signal;a stop that adjusts a light amount of the incident light; andan electric signal processing device configured for:performing photometry based on the imaging signal;storing a first program diagram in which an aperture value is fixed at an open aperture value in a case where an amount of exposure is equal to or less than a first amount of exposure, and a second program diagram in which an aperture value is fixed at an open aperture value in a case where the amount of exposure is equal to or less than a second amount of exposure which is greater than the first amount of exposure;acquiring subject information based on the imaging signal;determining whether an apodization filter is present or not;selecting the second program diagram in a case where the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

System and method for the harmonization of evaluation between two or more digital data gathering devices

Номер: US20180038734A1
Автор: Don Atkinson
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method for harmonizing evaluation results between a plurality of separate digital data gathering devices includes first and second digital data gathering devices each having a lens through which the digital data gathering devices are operative to accept incoming light. The system further includes a calibration device to perform a first initial calibration of the first digital data gathering device during a first initial calibration exposure of the first digital data gathering device, and a second initial calibration of the second digital data gathering device during a second initial calibration exposure of the second digital data gathering device. The first and the second digital data gathering devices adjust subsequent exposures in dependence upon the first and the second initial calibrations, such that the subsequent exposures obtained by the first and the second digital data gathering devices are harmonized with one another through use of the common calibration device.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038997A1
Автор: CHOU Ming-Ta

A light blocking member includes a first surface, a second surface, an outside surface and an inside surface. The first surface includes a first asymmetric opening. The second surface includes a second asymmetric opening corresponding to the first asymmetric opening. The outside surface disposed between the first surface and the second surface includes a cutting portion and an arch portion. The cutting portion connects the first asymmetric opening and the second asymmetric opening. The inside surface is disposed between the first surface and the second surface. A virtual curved surface is formed between two ends of the cutting portion, and a virtual line is formed between a central point of the virtual curved surface and a central axis of the light blocking member. Two shapes of both of the first asymmetric opening and the second asymmetric opening with respect to two sides of the virtual line are asymmetric. 1. An imaging lens , comprising:a lens assembly;a plurality of light blocking members being coaxial with the lens assembly, the plurality of light blocking members are disposed in correspondence to the lens assembly;a barrel, wherein the lens assembly is disposed in the barrel: a first lens element comprising a first axial assembling surface;', 'a second lens element comprising a second axial assembling surface, wherein the second axial assembling surface is for assembling the first lens element and the second lens element to align a center of the first lens element and a center of the second lens element; and, 'wherein the lens assembly compriseswherein at least one of the plurality of light blocking members is disposed between the first lens element and the second lens element, the light blocking member has a maximum diameter, one of the first axial assembling surface and the second axial assembling surface has a minimum diameter, and the maximum diameter of the light blocking member is smaller than or equal to the minimum diameter of one of the first axial ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038999A1
Автор: Ueda Kei

An optical element includes an optical surface with a random uneven shape that satisfies 0.30≦I≦1.00 and 0.00≦C≦0.60 where P is an average pitch, Iis a ratio of a component intensity sum from 0.9P to 1.1P to a component intensity sum of an entire frequency spectrum calculated with a square area in which each side is equal to or longer than 40 μm, and Cis a value of a second largest intensity peak in an autocorrelation function calculated with a square area in which each side is 20P. 3. The optical element according to claim 2 , wherein σspec is a value calculated based on a plurality of spectra made by linearizing each of a two-dimensional frequency spectra into one dimension along a radial direction claim 2 , the each of a two-dimensional frequency spectra obtained by Fourier-transforming each of the plurality of divided areas.4. The optical element according to claim 3 , wherein the number of divided areas is sixteen.6. The optical element according to claim 5 , wherein the wavelength of light entering the optical surface is 550 nm.8. The optical element according to claim 1 , wherein the following conditional expression is satisfied:{'br': None, 'i': 'P≦', '0.7 (μm)≦20.0 (μm).'}10. The optical element according to claim 1 , wherein the optical element is a light diffusion element. The present invention relates to an optical element, an optical apparatus, and a method for forming a random uneven shape.Use of a random uneven shape for a diffusion plate has recently been developed. The light diffusion with an ordered shape can control a diffused angle range through a pitch, but generates an azimuthal anisotropy that causes a steep intensity peak at a specific angle. The azimuthal anisotropy causes strong glares at specific observation angles. The light diffusion with a random uneven shape can relax the azimuthal anisotropy but cannot provide a desired diffusion angle distribution to a perfectly disordered random structure. For the desired diffusion angle ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180039041A1
Принадлежит: DRS Network & Imaging Systems, LLC

A method of fabricating an optical housing includes forming a pattern comprising a predetermined surface feature on an interior surface of the optical housing. The predetermined surface feature is configured to control reflections of stray light along an optical path between an aperture at a proximal end of the optical housing and a detector at a distal end of the optical housing. 1. A method of fabricating an optical housing , the method comprising:forming a pattern comprising a predetermined surface feature on an interior surface of the optical housing, wherein the predetermined surface feature is configured to control reflections of stray light along an optical path between an aperture at a proximal end of the optical housing and a detector at a distal end of the optical housing.2. The method of further comprising mounting one or more input optics to the optical housing.3. The method of wherein the optical housing is operable to be mated to an objective lens assembly.4. The method of wherein the pattern is formed on an insert that is adapted to be inserted into the optical housing.5. The method of wherein the predetermined surface feature comprises a series of geometric structures arranged substantially transverse to an optical axis of the optical housing.6. The method of wherein the series of geometric structures are characterized by a symmetric pattern.7. The method of wherein the symmetric pattern comprises at least one of a sawtooth pattern claim 6 , a rounded sawtooth pattern claim 6 , or a seagull pattern.8. The method of wherein the series of geometric structures are characterized by a non-symmetric pattern having an upstream surface facing toward the aperture that is characterized by a curved surface feature and a downstream surface facing toward the detector that is characterized by a substantially planar surface feature.9. A method of designing an internal structure of an optical housing claim 5 , the method comprising:providing an optical lens assembly ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180039159A1

To enable continuous operational control of the blade member with high resolution and good accuracy, even when achieving miniaturization and thickness reduction in a blade driving device, through enabling smooth movement of a movable member in a blade driving device. A blade driving device comprises: a base member that has an opening A; one or a plurality of blade members that operate so as to advance into the opening A or withdraw from the opening A; a driving member that moves within a plane that is perpendicular to the optical axis that passes through the opening A, to drive the blade member ; and supporting members that are provided between the base member and the driving member , so as to provide sliding support or elastic support of the driving member in a state that is separated from the base member 1. A blade driving device comprising:a base member comprising an opening;a blade member that operates so as to advance into the opening or withdraw from the opening;a driver moving within a plane that is perpendicular to an optical axis that passes through the opening, driving the blade member; anda support provided between the base member and the driver, to at least one of slidably or elastically support the driving member in a state separated from the base member.2. The blade driving device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein: the supporting member comprises a rolling element that supports sliding of the driver in respect to the base member claim 1 , and is rolled by the movement of the driver.3. The blade driving device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein: the driver comprises a driving frame that is able to move along the plane claim 1 , and at least one of a magnet or a coil held on the driving frame and that is driven electromagnetically.4. The plate driving device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein:the driver comprises a driving frame that can move along the plane, and a linear driving source that causes the driving frame to undergo linear motion in an axial ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Phone adapter for optical devices

Номер: US20150042873A1
Автор: Fred Hunt
Принадлежит: FIELD LOGIC Inc

An adapter that optically couples a camera on a mobile device to an eye piece of an optical device. The adapter includes a base plate configured to retain the mobile device without obstructing a display screen on the mobile device. The base plate includes an optical interface configured to attach to the eye piece of the optical device. A mounting structure is configured to secure the optical interface to the eye piece of the optical device. The mounting structure includes a high friction interface that prevents rotation of the adapter relative to the eye piece. An adjustment system with threaded micro-adjust mechanisms is configured to move the base plate relative to the optical interface in at least two degrees of freedom to optically couple the camera on the mobile device with an optical axis of the eye piece. Images captured by the optical device are displayed on a viewing screen of the mobile device.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170041560A1

A light detecting device includes: an optical filter () that transmits a first wavelength light having a wavelength in a first wavelength range, a second wavelength light having a wavelength in a second wavelength range, . . . , and an n-th wavelength light having a wavelength in an n-th wavelength range (n is an integer); an optical sensor () that detects at least one of a first wavelength light intensity of the first wavelength light, a second wavelength light intensity of the second wavelength light, . . . , and an n-th wavelength light intensity of the n-th wavelength light; and an analysis unit () that estimates a light intensity of light having a wavelength in a wavelength range other than at least one of the first wavelength range, the second wavelength range, . . . , and the n-th wavelength range based on at least one of the first wavelength light intensity, the second wavelength light intensity, . . . , and the n-th wavelength light intensity. A correlative relationship exists between a light intensity of light having a wavelength in the at least one wavelength range and the light intensity of the light having the wavelength in the wavelength range other than the at least one wavelength range. 1. A light detecting device comprising:a plurality of optical filters each of which transmits a first wavelength light having a wavelength in a first wavelength range, a second wavelength light having a wavelength in a second wavelength range, . . . , and an n-th wavelength light having a wavelength in an n-th wavelength range (n is an integer), in light from an object;an optical sensor that detects at least one of a first wavelength light intensity of the first wavelength light, a second wavelength light intensity of the second wavelength light, . . . , and an n-th wavelength light intensity of the n-th wavelength light; andan analysis unit that estimates a light intensity of light having a wavelength in a wavelength range other than at least one of the first ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Light Field Imaging Device and Method for Depth Acquisition and Three-Dimensional Imaging

Номер: US20220057550A1

A light field imaging device and method are provided. The device can include a diffraction grating assembly receiving a wavefront from a scene and including one or more diffraction gratings, each having a grating period along a grating axis and diffracting the wavefront to generate a diffracted wavefront. The device can also include a pixel array disposed under the diffraction grating assembly and detecting the diffracted wavefront in a near-field diffraction regime to provide light field image data about the scene. The pixel array has a pixel pitch along the grating axis that is smaller than the grating period. The device can further include a color filter array disposed over the pixel array to spatio-chromatically sample the diffracted wavefront prior to detection by the pixel array. The device and method can be implemented in backside-illuminated sensor architectures. Diffraction grating assemblies for use in the device and method are also disclosed. 189.-. (canceled)90. A method of imaging a scene , the method comprising:diffracting an optical wavefront originating from the scene with a diffraction grating having a grating period along a grating axis to generate a diffracted wavefront, the diffracted wavefront having, in a near-field diffraction region, an intensity profile that is spatially modulated according to the grating period and that shifts laterally along the grating axis upon varying an angle of incidence of the optical wavefront;detecting the diffracted wavefront with a pixel array comprising a plurality of light-sensitive pixels disposed under the diffraction grating in the near-field diffraction region, wherein said detecting comprises sampling different spatial parts of the intensity profile of the diffracted wavefront with first and second adjacent pixel groups of the plurality of light-sensitive pixels and generating therefrom respective first and second pixel responses that vary differently with the angle of incidence of the optical wavefront; ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220057692A1

A blade open-close device mountable on a module board including a lens unit includes a base including peripheral walls adjacent to the lens unit, a cover plate covering at least part of the base, and a blade movable in a blade chamber between the cover plate and a surface of the peripheral walls. A partition and the cover plate each have an opening aligned with an optical axis of the lens unit. The blade open-close device includes an actuator that moves the blade between a closing position to cover the openings and an opening position to uncover the openings. A distance from the surface of the peripheral walls to a surface of the cover plate opposite to the base along the optical axis is one fifth or less of a total of a thickness of the module board and a height of the lens unit measured along the optical axis. 1. A blade open-close device mountable on a module board including a lens unit , the device comprising:a base located on the module board and including walls adjacent to the lens unit;a cover plate covering at least part of the base and having an opening aligned with an optical axis of the lens unit;a blade movable in a direction perpendicular to the optical axis in a blade chamber defined between the cover plate and an upper surface of the walls of the base; andan actuator configured to move the blade between a closing position to cover the opening and an opening position to uncover the opening,wherein a distance from the upper surface of the walls of the base to a surface of the cover plate opposite to the base along the optical axis is one fifth or less of a total of a thickness of the module board and a height of the lens unit measured along the optical axis.2. The blade open-close device according to claim 1 , whereinthe actuator includesa flat U-shaped yoke including two arms,a coil wound around one of the two arms of the yoke,a rotor magnet rotatably located between the two arms of the yoke, anda lever connected to the rotor magnet and including a ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041871A1
Автор: Wan Jia

Provided is a lens module, including a lens barrel, a set of lenses and a light-blocking member. The set of lenses includes a first lens disposed adjacent to the light-blocking member. The first lens includes a first optical portion for imaging and a first fixing portion surrounding the first optical portion. The lens module further includes a first positioning structure configured to fix the first lens to the light-blocking member. The first positioning structure includes a first positioning part arranged on one of the first fixing portion and the light-blocking member, and a first holding part arranged in the other one of the first fixing portion and the light-blocking member; the first holding part holds the first positioning part. The lens module according to the present disclosure has an improved stability and reliability of fixation between the lens and the light-blocking member. 1. A lens module , comprising:a lens barrel having a receiving space;a set of lenses received in the receiving space;a light-blocking member; anda first positioning structure,wherein the set of lenses comprises a first lens adjacent to the light-blocking member,the first lens comprises a first optical portion for imaging and a first fixing portion surrounding the first optical portion,the first positioning structure is configured to fix the first lens to the light-blocking member, and the first positioning structure comprises a first positioning part arranged on one of the first fixing portion and the light-blocking member, and a first holding part arranged on the other one of the first fixing portion and the light-blocking member, the first holding part being configured to fixedly hold the first positioning part.2. The lens module as described in claim 1 , wherein the first fixing portion comprises a first surface close to the light-blocking member claim 1 , and the light-blocking member comprises a first light-blocking surface disposed opposite to the first surface claim 1 ,the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Lens and lens assembly

Номер: US20210048666A1
Автор: Lingyun Xu
Принадлежит: AAC Optics Solutions Pte Ltd

Provided are a lens and a lens assembly including a lens barrel defining a receiving space and provided with a light-through hole and the lens received in the receiving space. The lens includes an optical portion for imaging and a peripheral portion provided with through holes penetrating through the peripheral portion along an optical axis of the lens. The through holes are distributed on circumferences of different diameters, centers which are located on the optical axis. The farther the circumference is from the optical axis, the more through holes are arranged on the circumference. When light enters regions of the lens where the through holes are arranged, stray light is absorbed, effectively reducing the reflection of the stray light at the peripheral portion and improving imaging quality. The through holes do not affect assembly accuracy of the lens and reduce appearance yield of the lens or increase cost.

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Electronic device and picture processing method

Номер: US20220060620A1
Автор: Jianxin Ding, Jing Xiao
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

Embodiments of this application provide an electronic device and a picture processing method. The electronic device includes a rear cover, a front-facing camera, a rear-facing camera, and a light reflective apparatus. The light reflective apparatus may be switched between a usage state and an idle state. The picture processing method includes: controlling the light reflective apparatus to switch from the idle state to the usage state, when an operation that a user enables the front-facing camera is detected, where the usage state of the light reflective apparatus indicates that the light reflective apparatus is located on an object-facing side of the rear-facing camera and is configured to reflect a picture in a direction in which the front-facing camera is located, so that the rear-facing camera captures the picture reflected by the light reflective apparatus; separately obtaining a picture captured by the front-facing camera and a picture captured by the rear-facing camera; processing the picture captured by the rear-facing camera; and fusing the picture captured by the front-facing camera and a picture obtained by processing the picture captured by the rear-facing camera. In this application, a field of view of a picture taken by the front-facing camera can be increased with relatively low costs.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200042862A1
Автор: Perone Christian S

A system for recommending a photographic filter is described. The system includes an inference manager which extracts a feature vector from an input image, searches a database for a stored feature vector that is within a predetermined mathematical window of the feature vector in the database, identifies a photographic filter associated with the stored feature vector, and recommends the photographic filter. 1. A system for recommending a photographic filter , comprising an inference manager to:extract a feature vector from an input image;search a database for a stored feature vector that is within a predetermined mathematical window of the feature vector in the database; andidentify a photographic filter associated with the stored feature vector.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the inference manager is to recommend the photographic filter.3. The system of claim 1 , comprising a training manager to:extract a trained vector from a training image; andsave the trained vector and an identification of an associated photographic filter to the database, wherein the associated photographic filter is used to obtain the training image.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the associated photographic filter is chosen by a user claim 1 , and wherein the user captures the training image.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein a deep learning model extracts the feature vector from the input image.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the deep learning model is trained using a natural image dataset.7. A method for recommending a photographic filter claim 5 , comprising:extracting a feature vector from an input image;searching a database for a stored feature vector that is within a predetermined mathematical window of the feature vector in the database;identifying a photographic filter associated with the stored feature vector; andrecommending the photographic filter.8. The method of claim 7 , comprising:extracting a trained vector from a training image; andsaving the trained vector and an ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Polarizer, polarizing plate, and image display apparatus

Номер: US20170045656A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

There is provided a polarizer that can realize the multi-functionalization and high-functionalization of an electronic device, such as an image display apparatus. A polarizer 1 according to an embodiment of the present invention includes a resin film containing a dichromatic substance, wherein the polarizer has a low dichromatic substance concentration portion whose content of the dichromatic substance is relatively low in the resin film. The low dichromatic substance concentration portion 2 is brought into contact with an acidic solution. In one embodiment, the low dichromatic substance concentration portion corresponds to a camera portion of an image display apparatus on which the polarizer is mounted.

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170045735A1
Автор: CHOU Ming-Ta

A light blocking member includes a first surface, a second surface, an outside surface and an inside surface. The first surface includes a first asymmetric opening. The second surface includes a second asymmetric opening corresponding to the first asymmetric opening. The outside surface disposed between the first surface and the second surface includes a cutting portion and an arch portion. The cutting portion connects the first asymmetric opening and the second asymmetric opening. The inside surface is disposed between the first surface and the second surface. A virtual curved surface is formed between two ends of the cutting portion, and a virtual line is formed between a central point of the virtual curved surface and a central axis of the light blocking member. Two shapes of both of the first asymmetric opening and the second asymmetric opening with respect to two sides of the virtual line are asymmetric. 19.-. (canceled)10. A lens assembly , comprising:a first lens element comprising a first axial assembling surface;a second lens element comprising a second axial assembling surface, wherein the second axial assembling surface is for assembling the first lens element and the second lens element to align a center of the first lens element and a center of the second lens element; anda light blocking member disposed between the first lens element and the second lens element, the light blocking member comprising:a first surface with a central hole, the first surface comprising a first asymmetric opening;a second surface with a central hole, the second surface being corresponding to the first surface and comprising a second asymmetric opening corresponding to the first asymmetric opening;an outside surface disposed between the first surface and the second surface, comprising:a cutting portion connecting the first asymmetric opening and the second asymmetric opening; andan arch portion connecting an edge of the first surface and an edge of the second surface, and ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045867A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

For causing a near-infrared light image obtained through imaging in a second imaging mode to be easily viewed while suppressing an increase in size and number of components, in a case where an imaging unit is operating in the second imaging mode, a change region where there is a change is detected through comparison with the second image data that the imaging unit has acquired before the second image data, from within the second image data acquired by the imaging unit. Combination image data obtained by combining the change region image data corresponding to the change region within the second image data with background image data of a color image generated on the basis of first image data acquired in a first imaging mode immediately before the second imaging mode by the imaging unit and corresponding to a background region different from the change region within the second image data is generated on the basis of the detection result of the change region. 1. An imaging device installed at a fixed position , comprising:an optical system in which an infrared ray cut filter is insertable into an imaging optical path or retractable from the imaging optical path;an imaging unit having a first imaging mode in which the imaging unit images a subject through the optical system in which the infrared ray cut filter has been inserted into the imaging optical path to acquire first image data indicating a visible light image that is a visible light image of the subject, the visible light image being a color image, and a second imaging mode in which the imaging unit images the subject through the optical system in which the infrared ray cut filter has been retracted from the imaging optical path to acquire second image data including a near-infrared light image that is a near-infrared light image of the subject, the near-infrared light image being a monochrome image;an imaging mode switching unit that alternately switches between the first imaging mode and the second imaging mode ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045950A1
Автор: Jasperse Jeffrey R.

A shutter assembly includes a first shutter blade having a first toothed arm extending therefrom and a first light transmitting aperture therein, and a second shutter blade positioned adjacent and parallel to the first shutter blade. The second shutter blade has a second toothed arm extending therefrom and a second light transmitting aperture therein. The first and second shutter blades are supported to allow parallel linear motion. A motor gear is disposed between, and meshed with, the first and second toothed arms such that rotation of the gear causes the first and second shutter blades to move linearly in opposite directions between an open position in which the first and second light transmitting apertures are in an overlapping relationship with respect to one another, and a closed position in which the first and second light transmitting apertures are in a non-overlapping relationship with respect to one another. 1. A shutter assembly , comprising:a first shutter blade having a first toothed arm extending therefrom and a first light transmitting aperture therein;a second shutter blade positioned adjacent and parallel to the first shutter blade, the second shutter blade having a second toothed arm extending therefrom and a second light transmitting aperture therein, the first and second shutter blades supported to allow parallel linear motion; anda motor having a gear disposed between, and meshed with, the first and second toothed arms such that rotation of the gear causes the first and second shutter blades to move linearly in opposite directions between an open position in which the first and second light transmitting apertures are in an overlapping relationship with respect to one another, and a closed position in which the first and second light transmitting apertures are in a non-overlapping relationship with respect to one another.2. The shutter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the motor and gear provide a direct drive mechanism.3. The shutter assembly of ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180046064A1
Автор: Fong Gary

A diffuser for a camera, the diffuser including a base configured to be accommodated on a hotshoe assembly of the camera; a body configured to cover a display screen of the camera and also configured to act as a light diffuser; and a bridge being directly coupled to and extending between the base and the body; wherein the diffuser can be oriented in a first orientation in the hotshoe assembly such that the body extends away from the camera to act as a light diffuser or in a second orientation in the hotshoe assembly such that the body covers a display screen of the camera. 1. A diffuser for a camera , the diffuser comprising:a base configured to be accommodated on a hotshoe assembly of the camera;a body configured to cover a display screen of the camera and also configured to act as a light diffuser; anda bridge being directly coupled to and extending between the base and the body;wherein the diffuser can be oriented in a first orientation in the hotshoe assembly such that the body extends away from the camera to act as a light diffuser or in a second orientation in the hotshoe assembly such that the body covers a display screen of the camera.2. The diffuser of claim 1 , wherein the body has a first surface that is planar and a second opposing surface that has at least one protrusion thereon.3. The diffuser of claim 2 , wherein in the second orientation the first surface of the body is configured to directly contact the display screen of the camera.4. The diffuser of claim 1 , wherein the base comprises a first plate claim 1 , a second plate claim 1 , and a block between the first and second plates claim 1 , wherein a width of the first and second plates is greater than a width of the block.5. The diffuser of claim 4 , wherein outer longitudinal edges of the first and second plates define first and second flanges claim 4 , respectively.6. The diffuser of claim 5 , wherein the first and second flanges and a portion of the block define a channel being configured to ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210051261A1

An imaging device having an imager that includes first pixels having sensitivity to a first light and second pixels having sensitivity to a second light, a wavelength of the first light being different from a wavelength of the second light. The imager being configured to acquire first image data from the first pixels and being configured to acquire second image data from the second pixels. Each of the first image data and the second image data including an image of a code, the code being configured to output the second light. The imaging device further including an image processor configured to extract an image of the code based on the first image data and the second image data. 1. An imaging device comprising:an imager that includes first pixels having sensitivity to a first light and second pixels having sensitivity to a second light, a wavelength of the first light being different from a wavelength of the second light, the imager being configured to acquire first image data from the first pixels and being configured to acquire second image data from the second pixels, each of the first image data and the second image data including an image of a code, the code being configured to output the second light; andan image processor configured to extract an image of the code based on the first image data and the second image data.2. The imaging device according to claim 1 , wherein a reflectance of the code with respect to the second light is greater than a reflectance of the code with respect to the first light.3. The imaging device according to claim 1 , wherein the code emits the second light.4. The imaging device according to claim 1 , wherein the second pixels have sensitivity to the first light.5. The imaging device according to claim 1 , further comprisinga day-or-night determiner that determines whether it is daytime or nighttime, whereinin a case where the day-or-night determiner has determined that it is nighttime, the image processor extracts the image of the ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170049321A1
Автор: Nguyen Kelvin

The present invention describes a rectangular parabolic hood for blocking accommodation and reducing depth of focus to offset the negative affects of extraneous light and visual stimulus during examination of the pupil using ophthalmic instruments. 1. An ophthalmic system comprising:an ophthalmic instrument comprising a housing and a light collecting device; anda substantially rectangular opaque parabolic hood anchored to one or more outer surfaces of said instrument, wherein the apex of said parabolic hood is above the housing of the instrument and the base of said parabolic hood runs parallel to the horizontal axis of the housing, wherein the parabolic hood comprises one or more thin sheets, and wherein the parabolic hood is configured to cover at least: (i) the light collecting device of the instrument; and (ii) the front of the head of a subject substantially mid-cranially when the front of the head of the subject is proximal to said light collecting device.2. The optical system of claim 1 , wherein the parabolic hood comprises at least two substantially rectangular deflectable plates attached to an inner surface of said parabolic hood claim 1 , wherein the top of the deflectable plates is proximal to the beginning of the inner curvature of the arc of the parabolic hood and the bottom of the deflectable plates is parallel to the base of the parabolic hood.3. The optical system of claim 2 , wherein the deflectable plates are configured to substantially oppose each other.4. The optical system of claim 3 , wherein the deflectable plates are attached to the inner surface of the hood through hinges attached to the base of the parabolic hood distal to the parabolic apex.5. The optical system of claim 2 , wherein the deflectable plates deviate 180° relative to the long axis of said base of the parabolic hood.6. The optical system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more thin sheets comprise a material selected from a polymer claim 1 , metal claim 1 , composite or ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049820A1
Автор: Yamaguchi Yutaka

An optical low-pass filter includes a stack of N (N≥3) optical anisotropic layers each configured to separate an incident ray into a plurality of rays, wherein the following condition is satisfied: Ds≤0.50 Da, where Da [μm] is a total value of ray separation widths of the first to (N−1)th optical anisotropic layers among the N optical anisotropic layers, and Ds [μm] is a distance between a ray having a maximum phase difference and a ray having a minimum phase difference among the rays separated by the first to (N−1)th optical anisotropic layers. 4. The optical low-pass filter according to claim 1 , wherein an angle formed between ray separation directions of two adjacent optical anisotropic layers among the N optical anisotropic layers is 120° or more and no more than 150°.5. The optical low-pass filter according to claim 1 , wherein all the N optical anisotropic layers have the same ray separation width.7. The optical low-pass filter according to claim 1 ,wherein the N optical anisotropic layers include alternately-stacked first and second optical anisotropic layers,wherein the first optical anisotropic layer separates the incident ray in a first direction or a second direction orthogonal to the first direction, andwherein the second optical anisotropic layer separates the incident ray in a direction of 45° or 135° with respect to the first or second direction.8. The optical low-pass filter according to claim 7 , wherein the ray separation width of the first optical anisotropic layer is smaller than that of the second optical anisotropic layer.10. The optical low-pass filter according to claim 1 , comprising a stack of four optical anisotropic layers.11. The optical low-pass filter according to claim 1 , wherein the following condition is satisfied:{'br': None, 'i': 'Ds≤', '4.2.'}12. The optical low-pass filter according to any one of claim 1 , wherein the following condition is satisfied:{'br': None, 'i': Ds≤', 'Da., '0.4'}15. An imaging apparatus comprising:{' ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Camera device

Номер: US20210055461A1
Автор: Wei-Jin CHEN
Принадлежит: Qisda Corp

The present invention provides a camera device comprising a housing, an image sensing unit, an optical unit and a neutral density filter assembly. The housing has a light entrance. The image sensing unit is disposed in the housing. The optical unit is disposed between the light entrance and the image sensing unit. Light enters the housing through the light entrance and forms an image at the image sensing unit via the optical unit. The neutral density filter assembly is disposed between the light entrance and the optical unit and includes a first neutral density filter layer and a second neutral density filter layer. The first neutral density filter layer and the second neutral density filter layer are disposed along the direction in which the light is transmitted.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200050079A1

To improve usability. An annular mounting portion to which an accessory is attachable, an imaging element that receives object light taken through an opening, a barrier moved between a closing position for closing the opening and an opening position for opening the opening, a portion to be acted that moves the barrier with an attaching action of the accessory to the mounting portion, and an operation portion that moves the barrier regardless of the attaching action of the accessory to the mounting portion are provided, and the operation portion is located inside the mounting portion or at a front portion of the mounting portion. 1. An imaging device comprising:an annular mounting portion to which an accessory is attachable;an imaging element that receives object light taken through an opening;a barrier moved between a closing position for closing the opening and an opening position for opening the opening;a portion to be acted that moves the barrier with an attaching action of the accessory to the mounting portion; andan operation portion that moves the barrier regardless of the attaching action of the accessory to the mounting portion, whereinthe operation portion is located inside the mounting portion or at a front portion of the mounting portion.2. The imaging device according to claim 1 , whereina restriction portion that restricts an operation of the operation portion to disable the movement of the barrier is provided.3. The imaging device according to claim 2 , whereinthe barrier is held at the opening position by the restriction of the operation of the operation portion by the restriction portion.4. The imaging device according to claim 1 , whereinan actuation lever including the portion to be acted and moved with the attaching action of the accessory is provided.5. The imaging device according to claim 4 , whereina support base that movably supports the actuation lever is provided,a restriction portion that restricts an operation of the operation portion to ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200050080A1
Автор: Wei Chuandong

The present disclosure relates to the field of optical lenses, and discloses a lens module. In the present disclosure, the lens module includes a lens barrel, a first lens disposed in the lens barrel, and a light shading member disposed in the lens barrel and abutting against the first lens. The first lens includes an optical portion for imaging and a supporting portion surrounding the optical portion. The supporting portion is recessed from an object side towards an image side to form a receiving portion. The light shading member is at least partially disposed in the receiving portion in a direction of an optical axis. The lens module according to the present disclosure can facilitate achieving a miniaturized design. 1. A lens module , comprising:a lens barrel;a first lens disposed in the lens barrel; anda light shading member disposed in the lens barrel and abutting against the first lens,wherein the first lens comprises an optical portion for imaging and a supporting portion surrounding the optical portion, the supporting portion is recessed from an object side towards an image side to form a receiving portion, and the light shading member is at least partially disposed in the receiving portion in a direction of an optical axis.2. The lens module as described in claim 1 , wherein the optical portion comprises a first surface close to the object side claim 1 , the supporting portion comprises a second surface extending from an edge of the first surface towards the image side in a direction facing away from the optical axis and a third surface extending from the second surface in a direction facing away from and perpendicular to the optical axis claim 1 , the second surface and the third surface defining the receiving portion.3. The lens module as described in claim 2 , wherein the light shading member comprises an object side surface close to the object side claim 2 , an image side surface close to the image side claim 2 , an inner edge surface connecting the ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200050081A1
Автор: Wei Chuandong

The present disclosure provides a lens module. The lens module includes a lens barrel provided with a light through hole and defining a receiving space; a lens group having a plurality of lenses and disposed in the receiving space; and a pressing ring disposed on an image side of the lens group. The plurality of lenses has a common optical axis. The lens barrel includes an inner side surface facing the optical axis. The inner side surface is provided with a plurality of extinction structures surrounding both the pressing ring and a lens of the plurality of lenses closest to the image side. The plurality of extinction structures is arranged in sequence in a direction from the object side towards the image side. Each of the plurality of extinction structures extends from the inner side surface towards the optical axis and has a triangular cross section. 1. A lens module , comprising:a lens barrel provided with a light through hole and defining a receiving space;a lens group having a plurality of lenses and disposed in the receiving space; anda pressing ring disposed on an image side of the lens group,wherein the plurality of lenses has a common optical axis, the lens barrel comprises an inner side surface facing the optical axis, the inner side surface is provided with a plurality of extinction structures surrounding both the pressing ring and a lens of the plurality of lenses closest to the image side, the plurality of extinction structures is arranged in sequence in a direction from the object side towards the image side, and each of the plurality of extinction structures extends from the inner side surface towards the optical axis and has a triangular cross section.2. The lens module as described in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of extinction structures is threads formed on the inner side surface.3. The lens module as described in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of extinction structures is a plurality of annular projections formed on the inner side surface.4. The ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200050082A1

A case for a mobile electronic device with a screen on one face and at least one camera on an opposite face. The case comprises a main body having a back wall () and upstanding sidewalls to define a cavity for the device. The back wall () has an aperture () which is aligned with the camera in the device. A recess () is formed in the side of the back wall opposite to the side forming the cavity. The recess extending laterally to the aperture and extending only partially through the depth of the back wall. A shutter () is snap fitted into the recess () and is slidably mounted with respect to the aperture. The shutter is slidable between an open position in which the aperture is uncovered and a closed position in which the aperture is covered. The surface of the shutter () facing the cavity is configured to wipe the or each camera as the shutter moves between the open and closed positions. 1. A case for a mobile electronic device with a screen on one face and at least one camera on an opposite face;the case comprising a main body having a back wall and upstanding sidewalls to define a cavity for the device;the back wall having an aperture which, in use, is aligned with the camera in the device;a recess in the side of the back wall opposite to the side forming the cavity, the recess extending laterally to the aperture and extending only partially through the depth of the back wall;a shutter snap fit into the recess and slidably mounted with respect to the aperture, the shutter being slidable between an open position in which the aperture is uncovered and a closed position in which the aperture is covered;wherein the surface of the shutter facing the cavity is configured to wipe the or each camera as the shutter moves between the open and closed positions.2. A case according to claim 1 , wherein the shutter does not project out of the recess.3. A case according to claim 1 , wherein the recess is at least partially defined by an upstanding rim extending around the ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180052382A1
Автор: Themelis George

The invention relates to an iris device () for optical imaging systems (), comprising an aperture arrangement () and to a medical imaging system () comprising a sensor (), in particular a camera (). Conventional iris devices () known from the art unavoidably suffer a necessary trade-off between the depth of field and the amount of light transmitted through the optical system (), i.e. in particular the amount of light incident on the sensor (). This disadvantage results from the fact that iris devices (Wo one) of the art transmit or reject light in the same way for all wavelengths (), i.e. show a spectrally flat transmission property. The disadvantages of prior art iris devices () are overcome by the present invention by providing an aperture arrangement () which comprises simultaneously at least two apertures () coaxially arranged with respect to a light-transmission direction (), each of the at least two apertures () limiting light in a different spectral band () of the at least two discrete non-overlapping spectral bands (). The inventive medical imaging system () solves the above disadvantages by further comprising at least one inventive iris device (). 11711552643. An iris device () for optical imaging systems () , the iris device () comprising an aperture arrangement () , the aperture arrangement () comprising an integrated filter system () limiting light at different degrees of limitation in at least two different wavelengths ().21264754. The iris device () according to claim 1 , wherein the filter system () comprises at least one filter () having at least one light transmitting spectral band ().31264756. The iris device () according to claim 1 , wherein the filter system () comprises at least one filter () having at least one light blocking spectral band ().41268139395a. The iris device () according to claim 3 , wherein the filter system () comprises at least one ring-shaped edge filter () which surrounds a central aperture region () and in that the central ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Stereo Camera

Номер: US20140132739A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

Although a conventional method can eliminate a mounting position deviation when left and right camera units only are taken into consideration, a problem is posed that deviation again occurs due to poor machining precision and assembly precision at the mounting surface between a camera unit and a member when a camera unit is mounted to a stay. According to this invention, mounting surfaces for mounting left and right imaging elements to a stay are provided to directly position left and right imaging elements to the stay, whereby built-up tolerance between components is reduced and the positional mounting precision between imaging elements is improved.
