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02-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2701874C2
Принадлежит: Зирокс Корпорейшн (US)

Заявленная группа изобретений относится к способам полимеризации, включающим стирол/акрилатные полимерные смолы с ионом металла, используемые, например, в органических/неорганических наночастицах из ядра и оболочки, например с оболочкой, содержащей иономер, которые могут быть использованы для получения тонера. Заявленная группа изобретений включает композиционную наночастицу, латекс, содержащий композиционную наночастицу, и изделие, содержащее латекс. Причем композиционная наночастица содержит: ядро, содержащее стирол/акрилатную полимерную смолу ядра, необязательно содержащую металл, и оболочку, содержащую металло-ионную иономерную смолу, при этом металло-ионная иономерная смола, содержащая указанную оболочку, содержит стирол/акрилатный полимер, включающий серебряный акрилатный мономер, который вводят в стирол/акрилатный полимер путем полимеризации. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении композиционных материалов, которые могут быть использованы для получения изделий, таких как ...

10-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2525316C2
Принадлежит: ЭлДжи КЕМ, ЛТД. (KR)

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу изготовления полимеризованного тонера и, более конкретно, к способу изготовления полимеризованного тонера, в котором суспензионную полимеризацию осуществляют, используя фосфат кальция в качестве стабилизатора водной дисперсии и используя полимерный стабилизатор пигмента, имеющий молекулярную массу в заданном интервале. Настоящее изобретение относится к способу изготовления полимеризованного тонера, который включает стадии: приготовление водной дисперсионной среды, содержащей фосфат кальция; приготовление смеси мономеров, включающей стабилизатор пигмента на основе стирола, имеющий среднемассовую молекулярную массу от 2000 до 200000, регулятор заряда, пигмент и мономер для связующей смолы; диспергирование смеси мономеров в форме капель в водной дисперсионной среде и осуществление суспензионной полимеризации смеси мономеров, диспергированной в форме капель, и фосфат кальция используют в количестве от 2 до 6 мас.ч. в расчете на 100 мас.ч. смеси мономеров ...

20-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014139009A

... 1. Черный тонер, содержащий частицы тонера, содержащие:связующую смолу;соединение, в котором подструктура, представленная приведенной ниже формулой (1), связана с полимерной составляющей, имеющей мономерное звено, представленное приведенной ниже формулой (2); иуглеродную сажу в качестве окрашивающего вещества:Формула (1),в формуле (1):по меньшей мере одна из групп R, Rи Ar связана с полимерной составляющей связывающей группой или одинарной связью;каждая из групп Rи R, не связанная с полимерной составляющей, независимым образом представляет собой алкильную группу, фенильную группу, группу ORили группу NRR, и Ar, не связанная с полимерной составляющей, представляет собой арильную группу;каждая из группы R, связанной с полимерной составляющей, и группы R, связанной с полимерной составляющей, независимым образом представляет собой двухвалентную группу, полученную удалением атома водорода из алкильной группы, фенильной группы или группы ORили NRR, и Ar, связанная с полимерной составляющей, представляет ...

10-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011127321A

... 1. Тонер для холодного нанесения под давлением, включающий:по меньшей мере одну аморфную смолу,необязательно кристаллическую смолу,необязательно краситель ипо меньшей мере один воск, который выбирают из группы, включающей полиэтиленовый воск, полиметиленовый воск, полипропиленовый воск, полибутиленовый воск, сумаховый воск, масло жожоба, пчелиный воск, монтан-воск, озокерит, церезин, парафиновый воск, микрокристаллический воск; воск, полученный по методу Фишера-Тропша, стеарилстеарат, бегенилбегенат, бутилстеарат, пропилолеат, глицеринмоностеарат, глицериндистеарат, тетрабегенат пентаэритрита; диэтиленгликольмоностеарат, дипропиленгликольдистеарат и их комбинации,причем по меньшей мере один воск присутствует в количестве примерно 4-9,5% от массы тонера.2. Тонер по п.1, в котором по меньшей мере одна аморфная смола представляет собой низкомолекулярную аморфную смолу.3. Тонер по п.1, частицы которого имеют форму ядро/оболочка, причем оболочка включает по меньшей мере одну низкомолекулярную ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011150891A

... 1. Способ, в котором:вводят по меньшей мере одну аморфную полиэфирную смолу на биооснове в контакт с необязательным пластификатором с целью получения предварительно приготовленной смеси,нейтрализуют предварительно приготовленную смесь нейтрализующим агентом, вводят предварительно приготовленную смесь в контакт с поверхностно-активным веществом,смешивают в расплаве предварительно приготовленную смесь,вводят смешанную в расплаве смесь в контакт с деионизированной водой с целью получения эмульсии типа "масло в воде", содержащей латекс, иизвлекают латекс.2. Способ по п.1, в котором полиэфирную смолу на биооснове по меньшей мере частично получают из вещества, выбранного из группы, включающей натуральные триглицеридные растительные масла, фенольные растительные масла и их сочетания.3. Способ по п.1, в котором аморфная полиэфирная смола на биооснове содержит компоненты, выбранные из группы, включающей жирный димерный диол, жирную димерную двуосновную кислоту, D-изосорбид, L-тирозин, глутаминовую ...

10-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013119936A

... п1. Тонер, содержащий:полимерное связующее, содержащее некристаллическую полиэфирную смолу и кристаллическую полиэфирную смолу;красящее вещество; ивоск,при этом тонер удовлетворяет следующей формуле 1 и имеет тангенс угла потерь 1 или менее при 80°C или выше,B-A<20Формула 1,где A представляет собой температуру плавления кристаллической полиэфирной смолы, а B представляет собой температуру, при которой тонер имеет модуль накопления G' 20000 Па.2. Тонер по п. 1, при этом кристаллическая полиэфирная смола содержится в количестве от 1 массовой части до 15 мас. Ч. на 100 мас. Ч. полимерного связующего.3. Тонер по п. 1, при этом тонер получен способом, включающим:диспергирование в водной среде масляной фазы, в которой в органическом растворителе содержится по меньшей мере полимерное связующее, содержащее кристаллическую полиэфирную смолу и некристаллическую полиэфирную смолу, для приготовления жидкой дисперсии М/В; иудаление органического растворителя из жидкой дисперсии М/В.4. Тонер по п. 3, ...

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Harzemulsion, Harzemulsion und deren Verwendung, Toner und dessen Verwendung

Номер: DE112008001027B4
Принадлежит: KAO CORP, Kao Corp.

Ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Harzemulsion, umfassend die Schritte:(a) Miteinander Mischen eines Harzes, das einen Polyester enthält, der mindestens eine Struktureinheit aufweist, ausgewählt aus der Gruppe, die aus einer Struktureinheit, die sich von einer dreiwertigen oder höherwertigen Alkohol-Komponente ableitet, und einer Struktureinheit, die sich von einer dreiwertigen oder höherwertigen Carbonsäure-Komponente ableitet, besteht, eines anionischen grenzflächenaktiven Mittels, eines nichtionischen grenzflächenaktiven Mittels und eines wässrigen Mediums bei einer Temperatur, die nicht niedriger als eine Erweichungstemperatur (Ts) des Harzes ist, wie durch ein Fließprüfgerät-Verfahren gemessen, wobei das nichtionische grenzflächenaktive Mittel bzw. das wässrige Medium in Mengen von 0,1 bis 1,0 Gewichtsteilen bzw. 10 bis 50 Gewichtsteilen auf der Basis von 100 Gewichtsteilen des Harzes verwendet werden;(b) Neutralisieren eines Gemischs, das in dem Schritt (a) erhalten wurde, mit einer ...

17-12-2014 дата публикации

Toner compositions and methods

Номер: GB0002478399B

02-03-2011 дата публикации

Toner compositions

Номер: GB0201100912D0

08-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009315435D0

01-03-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001265492A

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000462157T

28-03-1974 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004695172A

30-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002607515A1

A toner composition having toner particles comprising a gel latex, a high Tg latex, a wax, and a colorant. The gel latex is present in an amount of from about 3 weight percent to about 30 weight percent of the toner composition, the high Tg latex is present in an amount of from about 50 weight percent to about 95 weight percent of the toner composition, the wax is present in an amount of from about 2 weight percent to about 40 weight percent of the toner composition, and the colorant is present in an amount of from about 1 weight percent to about 25 weight percent of the toner composition.

15-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002773805A1

A polyester resin toner-forming composition containing a biopolyol is described. The biopolyol can enhance branching, crosslinking or both.

09-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002770010A1

A toner composition including a colorant-polyester polymer having at least one colorant and at least one polyester resin, an optional non-colorant polyester polymer, an optional additional colorant, an optional wax, and an optional additive, where the colorant is covalently linked to some or all of the polyester resin and the polyester resin is obtained by polymerizing a lactone using an enzyme catalyst. Methods for preparing a toner composition including an emulsion aggregation process.

12-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002772942C

Disclosed is a process for preparing toner particles which comprises: (a) selecting a carbon black; (b) measuring the surface level of sulfur of the carbon black by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy to ensure that the surface level of sulfur is no more than about 0.05 atomic percent; and (c) mixing the carbon black with a resin to generate a toner composition.

17-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002563210A1

The toner includes emulsion aggregation toner particles having a core and a shell. The core includes binder including a first non-crosslinked styrene acrylate polymer and a crosslinked styrene acrylate polymer, at least one colorant, at least one wax, and aluminized silica. The shell includes a second non-crosslinked styrene acrylate polymer that is preferably the same as the non-crosslinked styrene acrylate polymer of the core. The aluminized silica is advantageously used as a coagulant in the emulsion aggregation formation process of the toner. A developer containing the toner and a method of forming an image using the toner are also described.

01-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002526411C

Improved toner particles having a core-shell structure and related processes thereof are provided. The core of the toner comprises a first polymer, a complexed cationic dye pigment, and a heteropoly acid, and the shell comprises a second polymer. The heteropoly acid can effectively retain the complexed cationic dye pigment within the toner particle by complexing with one or more of the pigment cations, thereby improving the toner properties such as parent charge.

11-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002541183C

A process including mixing a sulfonated polyester resin, a colorant, and a coagulant; heating the resulting sulfonated polyester mixture; adding a polymetal halide and an anionic latex to form coated toner particles; and heating the coated toner particles is disclosed.

10-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002608804C

... ²An emulsion aggregation toner including an amorphous resin and a crystalline ²resin, wherein the toner has an acid value of from about 16 mg/eq. KOH to ²about 40 ²mg/eq. KOH and a relative humidity sensitivity ratio of from about 1 to about ²2, and ²wherein the crystalline resin has a melting point of at least about ²60.degree.C. The process ²for forming particles including generating an emulsion of a polyester resin ²having an ²acid value of from about 16 mg/eq. KOH to about 40 mg/eq. KOH and generating ²aggregate particles from the emulsion. Increased charge maintainability and ²resistivity ²of the toner result, thereby generating high print quality and high gloss, and ²provide ²stable xerographic charging in all ambient environments.² ...

06-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002532398C

Toner particles comprise resin, wax and optionally colorants, and the wax is substantially excluded from the interior core of the toner particles. Processes for preparing such toner particles comprise providing an aqueous dispersion of resin particles and optionally colorants, mixing the aqueous dispersion in presence of a coagulant, aggregating to form particles, coalescing to form fused particles, and removing the fused particles from the aqueous dispersion. Wax dispersions can be added either after mixing or during aggregation, so that wax is excluded from the core of the toner particles.

05-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002563210C

The toner includes emulsion aggregation toner particles having a core and a shell. The core includes binder including a first non-crosslinked styrene acrylate polymer and a crosslinked styrene acrylate polymer, at least one colorant, at least one wax, and aluminized silica. The shell includes a second non-crosslinked styrene acrylate polymer that is preferably the same as the non-crosslinked styrene acrylate polymer of the core. The aluminized silica is advantageously used as a coagulant in the emulsion aggregation formation process of the toner. A developer containing the toner and a method of forming an image using the toner are also described.

17-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002638575A1

A method for making toners to include clay composites. The clay composites are incorporated into emulsion of toner and used in making toner via emulsio n aggregation. Such toners may have a core and/or a shell and the clay composites may be included within the core, the shell or both.

01-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002622656A1

Disclosed herein are nano-sized particles having a core portion comprising a crystalline polymer and a shell portion comprising a polymer derived from at least one monomer not miscible with the crystalline polymer of the shell portion.

14-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002909942A1

... (Meth)acrylate resins of at least one bio-based (meth)acrylate monomer, where the monomer includes a rosin or isosorbide moiety obtained from natural sources, can be used in toner, carrier coating or both.

02-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002986539A1

A toner and a toner process including providing at least one hybrid metallic toner component selected from the group consisting of hybrid metallic-latex particles, hybrid metallic-wax particles, hybrid metallic-colorant particles, and combinations thereof; contacting the at least one hybrid metallic toner component with one or more components selected from the group consisting of a latex polymer, a wax; and a colorant to form a blend; heating the blend at a temperature below the glass transition temperature of the latex polymer to form aggregated toner particles; adding a coalescing agent to the toner particles thereby coalescing the toner particles; and recovering the toner particles.

16-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002680954C

A method for making toners to include at least one nanoscale fluorescent pigment particle composition and/or a fluorescent organic nanoparticle composition. The particles are incorporated into emulsion of toner and used in making toner via emulsion aggregation. Such toners may have a core and/or a shell and the clay composites may be included within the core, the shell or both. The fluorescent organic nanoparticle composition includes a polymeric matrix obtained by modified EA latex process and/or emulsion polymerization and one or more fluorescent dyes and the nanoscale fluorescent pigment particle composition includes pigment molecules with at least one functional moiety, and a sterically bulky stabilizer compound including at least one functional group, the functional moiety of the pigment associates non-covalently with the functional group of the stabilizer, and the presence of the associated stabilizer limits the extent of particle growth and aggregation, to afford nanoscale-sized ...

21-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002682456A1

Environmentally friendly toner particles are provided which may, in embodiments, include a biodegradable semi-crystalline polyester resin and a biodegradable amorphous polyester resin.

18-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002847983C

Processes for continuously producing latex emulsions are disclosed. A multi- screw extruder is used for the production of the emulsion. A resin is fed into the extruder, heated, optionally dissolved in a solvent, mixed with a base to neutralize the resin and form particles, then mixed with a surfactant and water to form a phase inverted emulsion (PIE). The PIE may be sent to a distillation column to separate out the solvent, and the resulting latex emulsion is then sent to a receiving tank. These processes are useful for making precursors for toner compositions.

05-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002811081A1

To provide a toner containing: a binder resin containing a non-crystalline polyester resin and a crystalline polyester resin; a colorant; and wax, wherein the toner satisfies the following formula 1, and has loss tangent of 1 or smaller at 80°C or higher, B?A < 20 Formula 1 where A represents a melting point of the crystalline polyester resin and B represents a temperature at which the toner has storage modulus G' of 20,000 Pa.

20-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002811081C

To provide a toner containing: a binder resin containing a non-crystalline polyester resin and a crystalline polyester resin; a colorant; and wax, wherein the toner satisfies the following formula 1, and has loss tangent of 1 or smaller at 80°C or higher, B?A < 20 Formula 1 where A represents a melting point of the crystalline polyester resin and B represents a temperature at which the toner has storage modulus G' of 20,000 Pa.

15-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002838611A1

The disclosure describes a process to produce toner with tunable gloss levels comprising a stabilizer to freeze particle growth following aggregation, where the stabilizer does not chelate metal ions.

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002831889A1

A toner having charge control agents which impart excellent triboelectric charging characteristics. In embodiments, the toner particles are made by a process in which the toner particles are made without a shell which provides homogenous distribution of the charge control agents, providing a toner with higher charge and better environmental stability ...

04-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002867294C

A toner, containing: toner base particles; and an external additive, the toner base particles each including a binder resin and a releasing agent, wherein the external additive includes non-spherical coalesced particles in each of which primary particles are coalesced together, and wherein the coalesced particles satisfy the following formula (1): Nx / 1,000 x 100 = 30% where Nx is a number of the primary particles present alone relative to 1,000 of the coalesced particles, as observed under a scanning electron microscope after stirring 0.5 g of the coalesced particles and 49.5 g of a carrier placed in a 50 mL bottle for 10 minutes by means of a mixing and stirring device at 67 Hz.

30-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002852398C

A phase inversion emulsification process includes dissolving a polyester resin in a mixture comprising (1) an organic solvent, (2) a first portion of a total amount of neutralizing agent, and (3) a first portion of water, neutralizing the dissolved polyester resin with a second portion of neutralizing agent, the second portion of neutralizing agent including the remaining amount of the total amount neutralizing agent, forming an emulsion by adding a second portion of water after the neutralizing step, and removing a portion of the organic solvent from the emulsion to provide a latex.

01-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002107800C

A process for the preparation of toner compositions which comprises generating an aqueous dispersion of toner fines, ionic surfactant and nonionic surfactant, adding thereto a counterionic surfactant with a polarity opposite to that of said ionic surfactant, homogenizing and stirring said mixture, and heating to provide for coalescence of said toner fine particles.

23-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002126592C

A process for the preparation of toner compositions with controlled particle size comprising: (i) preparing a pigment dispersion in water, which dispersion is comprised of a pigment, an ionic surfactant in amounts of from about 0.5 to about 10 percent by weight of water, and an optional charge control agent; (ii) shearing the pigment dispersion with a latex mixture comprised of a counterionic surfactant with a charge polarity of opposite sign to that of said ionic surfactant, a nonionic surfactant, and resin particles, thereby causing a flocculation or heterocoagulation of the formed particles of pigment, resin, and charge control agent; (iii) stirring the resulting sheared viscous mixture of (ii) at from about 300 to about 1,000 revolutions per minute to form electrostatically bound substantially stable toner size aggregates with a narrow particle size distribution; (iv) reducing the stirring speed in (iii) to from about 100 to about 600 revolutions per minute, and subsequently adding ...

23-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN0108873638A

26-09-2017 дата публикации

Toner, toner-housing unit, and image-forming apparatus

Номер: CN0107209466A

17-11-2010 дата публикации

Regulated cooling for chemically prepared toner manufacture

Номер: CN0101889249A

The present disclosure relates generally to chemically prepared toner (CPT) that employs a regulated cooling process subsequent to coalescence and fusing. The cooling process may influence the distribution of domain morphology of the components within a toner particle such as controlling release agent domain formation and accompanying migration to the toner particle surface.

06-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing toner

Номер: CN103384853A

Disclosed is a method for manufacturing toner. The method for manufacturing toner according to the present invention uses specific polyester resin to obtain toner with a wide range of fixing temperatures and superior gloss and density of image.

07-03-2012 дата публикации

Toner and process cartridge

Номер: CN0101308337B

A toner including a fluorine-containing compound partially comprising a quaternary ammonium group at the surface thereof, which is prepared by a method, including dispersing or emulsifying an oil phase including toner constituents including a pigment, and at least one member selected from the group consisting of modified layered inorganic minerals partially including a quaternary alkylammonium group and toner constituent precursors in an aqueous medium, wherein the toner constituents includes the modified layered inorganic mineral in an amount of from 0.05 to 2% by weight and the toner includes a fluorine atom in an amount of from 0.02 to 0.075 K cps when measured with a fluorescent X-ray.

17-04-2013 дата публикации

Electrophotographic toner

Номер: CN102203678B

08-07-2009 дата публикации

Toner and toner binder

Номер: CN0100510975C

30-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100833919B1

PURPOSE: A method for producing a toner by using micro-suspension particles is provided to improve electric charge characteristics and cleaning property of a toner, thereby improving the quality of an imaging device. CONSTITUTION: A method for producing a toner by using micro-suspension particles comprises the steps of: (a) mixing an acid group-containing resin, colored pigment master batch, release agent and at least one additive in an organic solvent and neutralizing the acid group with a base to provide a mixture; (b) adding the mixture to a dispersion medium to form a micro-suspension; (c) removing the organic solvent from the micro-suspension to form a toner composition; and (d) coagulating the toner composition. © KIPO 2008 ...

11-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100926056B1

30-08-2017 дата публикации

전자사진용 토너 및 그의 제조방법

Номер: KR0101773164B1
Принадлежит: 에스프린팅솔루션 주식회사

... 전자사진용 토너 및 그의 제조방법이 제공되며, 상기 토너는 중량평균분자량이 서로 상이한 2종의 수지를 포함하는 바인더, 착색제 및 이형제를 포함한다.

06-11-2014 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020140129223A

09-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020060115596A

PURPOSE: A toner containing polyester resin particles is provided to show fixing ability and fine line reproducing ability, and stably form high quality of image for long term by comprising polymeric composition having tri-valent or more of carboxylic acid and trihydric or more of alcohol and, if required, coagulating the polyester resin particles with the coloring agent particles. CONSTITUTION: The toner is prepared by a process comprising the steps of: forming polymeric composition in oil droplet form which includes bi-valent or more of carboxylic acid and dihydric or more of alcohol in aqueous medium containing surfactant composed of a compound having long chain hydrocarbon group and acidic group; polycondensing the carboxylic acid and the alcohol in the oil droplet composition to form polyester resin particles; and coagulating the polyester resin particles in the aqueous medium to form colored particles. The surfactant is contained in a concentration below critical micelle concentration ...

11-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160051707A

The present invention provides a toner which provides excellent bending resistance in an output image and shows excellent low-temperature fixability and excellent storage stability. The toner comprises a binder resin and a thermoplastic elastomer having a crystalline segment, wherein the binder resin and the thermoplastic resin in the toner are compatible with each other and the toner has a crystalline segment derived from the thermoplastic elastomer. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

24-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020070083780A

Toners for electrostatic-image development which are toners produced through emulsion polymerization and aggregation and which have excellent fixability even at a higher temperature while retaining intact other various properties and emit no odor offensive to people; and a process for producing the toners. One of the toners produced through emulsion polymerization and aggregation is characterized by having an odor index in terms of the odor of aliphatic aldehydes as determined by gas chromatography of 300 or lower. The other toner produced through emulsion polymerization and aggregation is a toner obtained via a polymerization step, aggregation step, and aging step and is characterized in that the latex which has been obtained by emulsion polymerization before the aggregation step is a latex having a peoxide value of 30 or smaller. © KIPO & WIPO 2007 ...

10-04-2012 дата публикации

processos para toner

Номер: BRPI1003161A2

11-10-1998 дата публикации

Electrostatic printing toner particles, monocomponent and two-part developers, their use and method therefor

Номер: TW0000342366B

A toner for electrostatic printing, which comprises 71 to 90 wt% of an inorganic ceramic color, and 29 to 10 wt% of an organic material.

09-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006014019A1

The object of the invention is to provide a toner enabling excellent transferring properties, cleanability, and fixability, and forming a high-precision image without substantially degraded image quality even after printed on a number of sheets of paper. The invention also provides the toner-production method, an image forming apparatus, an image forming method, and a process cartridge. To this end, the present invention provides a toner which comprises toner-base particles containing a binder resin and a filler, and inorganic fine particles, in which the filler is included in a filler-layer in the vicinity of surfaces of the toner-base particles, the number average particle diameter of the primary particles of the inorganic fine particles is 90nm to 300nm, and the average circularity of the toner is 0.95.

18-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007054467A1

The present invention relates to micron to sub-micron sized coloured polymeric electrophotographic toner particles, a process for making those particles and their use as dry or liquid electrophotographic toners, and as component in the preparation of two-component electrophotographic developers. The particles comprise two different kinds of polymers and are made through dewatering of a water-in-oil emulsion.

04-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010013923A2

Provided is a method of preparing a toner. The method includes preparing initial polymer latex, and aggregating solid particles, that is, polymer latex particles, included in the initial polymer latex, wherein the aggregating of the polymer latex particles includes adding at least some of the initial polymer latex and at least one type of cohesive agent into a reactor at a first temperature, quickly increasing the temperature of the reactor from the first temperature to a second temperature at a rate in a range of 2 to 20 ℃/min, and performing aggregation for a first period at the second temperature.

05-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011053014A2

The present invention relates to a production method for polymerised toner, and more particularly relates to a production method for toner comprising the steps of: forming an aqueous dispersion medium containing calcium phosphate; forming a monomer mixture containing a 2,000 to 200,000 weight-average molecular weight styrene-based pigment stabilizer, charge modifier, pigment, and binder-resin monomer; dispersing the monomer mixture in the form of liquid droplets in the aqueous dispersion medium; and subjecting the monomer mixture, which has been dispersed in the form of liquid droplets, to suspension polymerisation, wherein the calcium phosphate is used in an amount of from 2 to 6 parts by weight with respect to 100 parts by weight of the monomer mixture, and also relates to polymerised toner produced by means of the method.

04-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012133967A1

Disclosed is a method for manufacturing a toner. The method for manufacturing a toner of the present invention manufactures polyester resin dispersed liquid by inserting ingredients according to a specific order into a single reactor, thereby enabling the manufacturing of a toner particle having a low content of residual VOC, a narrow particle size distribution, an excellent low temperature fixability, and an excellent image quality.

13-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012169502A1

A toner has a weight-average particle diameter (D4) of 3.0 μm or more and 8.0 μm or less, wherein the average circularity analyzed by dividing particles of the toner having an equivalent circle diameter of 1.98 μm or more and less than 200.00 μm into 800 in a range of a circularity of 0.200 or more and 1.000 or less is 0.960 or more and 0.985 or less, the proportion of particles A having a circularity of 0.990 or more and 1.000 or less is 25.0% or less on a basis of the number of particles, and the ratio of particles B having an equivalent circle diameter of 0.50 μm or more and less than 1.98 μm to the total particles having an equivalent circle diameter of 0.50 μm or more and less than 200.00 μm is 10.0% or less on a basis of the number of particles.

11-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011096736A3

Disclosed is a method for producing toner. The method for producing toner according to the present invention involves adjusting the density of a surfactant, the density of a coagulant, and the density of a hydrogen ion in a reaction liquid in a toner particle coagulation stage, to thereby obtain toner particles which have a dense particle-size distribution and excellent adhesion properties, and which can produce superior quality images.

28-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012087031A3

The present invention provides a polymerization toner having superior anti-static and storing properties. The polymerization toner comprises a binder resin and a colorant, and the dielectric rate of the binder resin is between 2.8 and 3.7.

07-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005030868A1

... [PROBLEMS] A spherical composite composition with high sphericity which comprises a resin comprising unsaturated vinyl units and a magnetic material and which is produced by a simple production process having satisfactory productivity without the need of two or more production steps; and a process for producing the spherical composite composition. [MEANS FOR SOLVING PROBLEMS] The spherical composite composition is obtained by adding a magnetic material to an aqueous medium containing a resin dispersed therein, dispersing the material in the medium, and then forming the dispersion into particles by spray drying.

19-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US20100209840A1

As a first dispersion liquid containing first fine particles and a second dispersion liquid containing second fine particles, those satisfy the relationship represented by the following formula (1) are used, and these two dispersion liquids are mixed with each other, and an aggregating agent and a pH adjusting agent are added thereto in sequence, whereby encapsulation is achieved by selective formation of core particles through aggregation of the first fine particles and shells through aggregation of the second fine particles. 15 mV|Z2Z1|5 mV(1) In the formula, Z1 and Z2 represent zeta potentials of the first dispersion liquid and the second dispersion liquid, respectively, measured when aluminum sulfate is added to each dispersion liquid in an amount of 1% by weight based on the solid content in each dispersion liquid.

30-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US20100248119A1

Compounds and methods of forming compounds useful as a toner or toner precursor are disclosed. The compounds may include an aqueous dispersion, the dispersion including: (A) at least one thermoplastic resin; and (B) 0 to 5 weight percent of a stabilizing agent, based on the total weight of (A) and (B). The dispersion may have an average volume diameter particle size from about 0.05 to about 10 microns. A combined amount of the thermoplastic resin and the stabilizing agent may have an acid number of less than 25 mg KOH/g.

31-01-2008 дата публикации

Toner for developing electrostatic latent image and method of manufacturing same, electrostatic latent image developer, cartridge, and image forming apparatus

Номер: US20080025754A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

A toner for developing an electrostatic latent image that includes a crystalline polyester resin and a release agent, wherein structures in which the crystalline polyester resin contacts the release agent exist in a ruthenium-stained cross section of the toner, and if the cross-sectional area of these structures is labeled A, the cross-sectional area of lone portions of the release agent is labeled B, and the cross-sectional area of lone portions of the crystalline polyester resin is labeled C, then 40≦100×A/(A+B+C)≦70, 10≦100×B/(A+B+C)≦30, and 20≦100×C/(A+B+C)≦30.

21-12-2006 дата публикации

Method of producing toner, and toner

Номер: US20060286480A1

Spherical-shaped liquid droplets are made by dispersing oil phase containing: a resin with an acid group, a first hydrophobic solvent effecting dissolution of the resin, a colorant, and a charge control agent which is positively charged in an aqueous dispersion medium in the presence of a base; and the liquid particles are solidified to be solid particles by removing the first solvent from the liquid droplets. The solid particles obtained in this manner are washed with a second solvent. As the second solvent, a solvent which dissolves the charge control agent and but does not dissolve the resin such as alcohol is selected. Accordingly, the charge control agent in the solid particles are made to elute to the outer surface layer of the solid particles, thereby improving the positive chargeability of the solid particles.

31-05-2007 дата публикации

Method for producing binder resin, particulate resin dispersion and method for producing same, electrostatic image development toner and method for producing same, electrostatic image developer, and image forming method

Номер: US20070122730A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

A method for producing a binder resin comprises polycondensing a polycondensable monomer by using a polycondensation catalyst that comprises: at least one of compounds of formula (I) or (II); and at least one of compounds represented of formula (III) or (IV), wherein weight ratio of total amount of the compounds of formula (I) or (II) to total amount of the compounds of formula (III) or (IV) is from 5:95 to 95:5: wherein R1 represents a C8-C20 straight-chain alkyl group; R2 represents a monovalent organic group; and number n of substituents R2 represents an integer of from 0 to 4; R3—SO3H (II) wherein R3 represents a C8-C20 straight-chain alkyl group; wherein R4 represents a C8-C20 branched alkyl group; R5 represents a monovalent organic group; and number m of substituents R5 represents an integer of from 0 to 4; and R6—SO3H (IV) wherein R6 represents a C8-C20 branched alkyl group.

07-10-2004 дата публикации

Liquid absorptometry method of providing product consistency

Номер: US20040197924A1

The present invention relates to a method of providing product consistency of a particulate material or the product containing the same, by maintaining at least one absorptometry value of the particulate material within a target range. The method may be used as a QA/QC method to insure product consistency.

23-05-1995 дата публикации

Production of toner

Номер: US0005418109A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Paint Company

Disclosed is a preparation method of a toner comprising steps of: (a) preparing a dispersion mixture containing colored polymer particles, a charge controlling agent and organic resin fine particles, in an aqueous medium; (b) allowing said charge controlling agent and organic resin fine particles to be adhered on the surface of said colored polymer particles by salting-out; (c) drying said colored polymer particles having thereon said charge controlling agent and organic resin fine particles; and (d) applying mechanical impact to said colored polymer particles to effect a conversion of said organic resin fine particles into a film on the surfaces of said colored polymer particles.

20-08-1996 дата публикации

Toner for electrostatic latent image developing

Номер: US0005547794A1
Принадлежит: Minolta Co., Ltd.

A toner for electrostatic latent image developing containing at least a binder resin, a coloring agent and a charge controller that are dissolved or dispersed in a non-water soluble organic solvent to form an emulsion dispersion of a colored resin solution in aqueous dispersion. The toner of the present invention is produced by forming the emulsion dispersion of a colored resin solution in aqueous dispersion followed by removal of the non-water soluble organic solvent and water to obtain a toner having a residual organic solvent content of about 5 to about 100 ppm and a residual moisture content of about 0.05 to about 1.0 percent-by-weight of total toner weight.

19-12-2002 дата публикации

Image forming method and image forming apparatus, and electrostatic latent image developing toner used by the same

Номер: US20020192582A1

An image forming method is disclosed. In the image forming method after uniformly charging the surface of a latent image forming body, digital exposure corresponding to an image is carried out; a formed electrostatic latent image is subjected to reversal development, employing a developer comprising a toner; and said obtained toner image is transferred onto an image support, and subsequently fixed. The toner is prepared by fusing at least the resin particles in a water based medium.

22-03-2011 дата публикации

Method for producing polymerized toner

Номер: US0007910280B2
Принадлежит: Zeon Corporation, ZEON CORP, ZEON CORPORATION

The present invention provides a method of producing a polymerized toner which removes a by-product microparticle generated as a by-product upon polymerization in a by-product microparticle removing step, efficiently obtains a wet colored resin particle which has low moisture content (wet cake) by decreasing clogs caused at filter element in a dewatering step, enhances a drying efficiency (shorten the drying time) in a drying step, has an excellent productivity and a printing ability.

24-06-2003 дата публикации

Toner coagulant processes

Номер: US0006582873B2
Принадлежит: Xerox Corporation, XEROX CORP, XEROX CORPORATION

A toner process including, for example, mixing a latex with a colorant wherein the latex contains resin and an ionic surfactant, and the colorant contains a surfactant and a colorant; adding a polyaluminum chloride; affecting aggregation by heating; adding a chelating component and a base wherein the base increases the pH of the formed aggregates; heating the resulting mixture to accomplish coalescence; and isolating the toner.

04-12-2001 дата публикации

Toner and toner binder

Номер: US0006326115B1

A toner comprising a toner binder and a colorant, composed of resin particles produced by causing an extension reaction and/or crosslinking reaction of a dispersion formed of a reactive group-containing prepolymer (alpha) contained in an aqueous medium with an extension agent and/or a crosslinking agent (beta). The toner has a Wadell practical sphericity of 0.90 to 1.00 and is superior in fluidity, transferability, the storage stability under heat, low temperature fixing ability and hot offset resistance.

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160246192A1

A toner having a toner particle that contains a binder resin, a pigment, a pigment dispersant, and a crystalline polyester, wherein the pigment dispersant has a specific pigment adsorption segment and a polymer moiety and a hydrophobic parameter HP1 for the pigment dispersant and a hydrophobic parameter HP2 for the crystalline polyester satisfy the formula −0.28≦(HP1−HP2)≦0.15.

22-12-2009 дата публикации

Toner and developer, toner container, process cartridge, image forming method and image forming apparatus

Номер: US0007635549B2

A toner including a binder resin, a colorant and a release agent, and satisfying the following relationships (1) and (2): 1.0FT120/FT160 wherein FT120 is a maximum tensile strength (N) when a recording medium having the toner unfixed on is vertically separated from the surface of a substrate having a temperature of 120° C. at a constant speed after pressed thereto at a pressure of 100 kPa, and FT160 is same except that the substrate has a temperature of 160° C.; 1.0<=FP100/FP200 wherein FP100 is a maximum tensile strength (N) when a recording medium having the toner unfixed on is vertically separated from the surface of a substrate having a temperature of 160° C. at a constant speed after pressed thereto at a pressure of 100 kPa, and FP200 is same except that the pressure is 200 kPa.

26-03-2013 дата публикации

Electrophotographic toner

Номер: US0008404420B2

A decolorable electrophotographic toner, containing a color former compound, a color developing agent, a binder resin, and a release agent, wherein the toner has a pH of from 6 to 9 when dispersed in water with a pH of from 5.5 to 7 at a mass ratio of toner/water of 1/10.

28-10-2008 дата публикации

Image forming method using toner

Номер: US0007442484B2

An image forming method including: forming a toner image on a support using a toner including toner particles; and feeding the support bearing the toner image thereon through a nip between an endless toner heating member and a pressure roller to fix the toner image on the support, wherein the endless toner heating member is rotated while stretched by a fixing roller and a heat roller which includes a magnetic metal and which is heated by electromagnetic induction, and wherein the pressure roller presses the support to the endless toner heating member and the fixing roller at the nip, wherein the toner particles are prepared by a polymerizing method using a binder resin containing at least a modified polyester resin.

06-01-2015 дата публикации

Tuning toner gloss with bio-based stabilizers

Номер: US0008927679B2
Принадлежит: Xerox Corporation, XEROX CORP, XEROX CORPORATION

The disclosure describes a process to produce toner with tunable gloss levels comprising a stabilizer to freeze particle growth following aggregation, where the stabilizer does not chelate metal ions.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200050121A1

The present disclosure provides toners and toner processes. In embodiments, a toner is provided which comprises a first resin having a weight average molecular weight of no more than about 28,000 and an onset second heat Tg of no more than about 50° C.; a second resin having a weight average molecular weight greater than that of the first resin; and a paraffin wax having a melting point in the range of from about 65° C. to about 95° C.

08-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: US2009253065A1

A toner or two-component developer is provided. The toner includes toner base particles obtained by mixing in an aqueous medium a first resin particle dispersion, a colorant particle dispersion, and a wax particle dispersion, aggregating the mixed dispersion to form core particles at least part of which is melted, adding a second resin particle dispersion to a core particle dispersion in which the core particles are dispersed, and fusing the second resin particles with the core particles by heating. A GPC measurement of the second resin particles shows that the number-average molecular weight (Mn2) is 9000 to 30000, the weight-average molecular weight (Mw2) is 50000 to 500000, and the ratio (Mw2/Mn2) of the weight-average molecular weight (Mw2) to the number-average molecular weight (Mn2) is 2 to 10. The wax particles include at least a first wax and a second wax. An endothermic peak temperature (melting point Tmw1) of the first wax based on a DSC method is 50° C. to 90° C. The relationship ...

08-01-2019 дата публикации

Cold wax dispersion process

Номер: US0010175593B2

A method includes grinding a wax into wax particles having a size in a range from about 600 microns to about 800 microns forming a mixture of the wax particles with water and a surfactant; and homogenizing the mixture to form a wax dispersion, the homogenizing step is maintained below about 35° C. A wax dispersion includes a wax a surfactant; and water, particles of the wax dispersion are a uniform, irregular, non-platelet morphology. A wax dispersion made by a process includes grinding a wax into wax particles having a size in a range from about 600 microns to about 800 microns, forming a mixture of the wax particles with water and a surfactant, and homogenizing the mixture to form a wax dispersion, the homogenizing step is maintained below about 35° C. and the wax has a uniform, irregular, non-platelet morphology imparted by combination of the grinding and homogenizing steps.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038697A1

Provided is a toner for developing electrostatic images containing toner particles. The toner particles contain a crystalline resin and an amorphous resin. The amorphous resin contains an amorphous vinyl resin component containing a polymer of monomers having a structure represented by formula (1). The content of a structural unit derived from the monomers in the toner particles is within a range of 2.4 to 13.5 mass %. 2. The toner for developing electrostatic images according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the structural unit derived from the monomers in the toner particles is within a range of 4.0 to 13.5 mass %.3. The toner for developing electrostatic images according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the structural unit derived from the monomers in the toner particles is within a range of 4.9 to 13.5 mass %.4. The toner for developing electrostatic images according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon number of the branched alkyl group represented by Rin formula (1) is 22 or less.5. The toner for developing electrostatic images according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon number of the branched alkyl group represented by Rin formula (1) is 8.6. The toner for developing electrostatic images according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the crystalline resin in the toner particles is within a range of 1 to 20 mass %.7. The toner for developing electrostatic images according to claim 1 , wherein the crystalline resin comprises a crystalline polyester resin component.8. The toner for developing electrostatic images according to claim 1 , wherein the amorphous resin further comprises an amorphous polyester resin component.9. The toner for developing electrostatic images according to claim 8 , wherein the amorphous polyester resin component comprises a hybrid resin modified with a styrene acrylic resin component.10. The toner for developing electrostatic images according to claim 9 , wherein the content of segments of the styrene acrylic resin component in the hybrid ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010551A1

An electrostatic image developing toner includes: a binder resin containing a crystalline polyester resin and an amorphous resin, wherein when, in differential scanning calorimetry of the toner according to ASTM D3418-8, a temperature of an endothermic peak derived from the crystalline polyester resin in a first heating process is defined as Tm1 (° C.), an endothermic quantity based on the endothermic peak in the first heating process is defined as ΔH1 (J/g), an endothermic quantity based on the endothermic peak in a second heating process is defined as ΔH2 (J/g), and a softening temperature is defined as T(° C.), Tm1 is 60 to 80° C., Tis 95 to 125° C., and ΔH1 and ΔH2 satisfy the relationship represented by the following Formulae (1) and (2): 1. An electrostatic image developing toner comprising:a binder resin containing a crystalline polyester resin and an amorphous resin, wherein{'sub': 'f1/2', 'when, in differential scanning calorimetry of the toner according to ASTM D3418-8, a temperature of an endothermic peak derived from the crystalline polyester resin in a first heating process is defined as Tm1 (° C.), an endothermic quantity based on the endothermic peak in the first heating process is defined as ΔH1 (J/g), an endothermic quantity based on the endothermic peak in a second heating process is defined as ΔH2 (J/g), and a softening temperature is defined as T(° C.),'}Tm1 is 60 to 80° C.,{'sub': 'f1/2', 'Tis 95 to 125° C., and'} [{'br': None, '[Math. 1]'}, {'br': None, 'i': H', 'H, '0.65≦Δ2/Δ1≦0.95\u2003\u2003(1)'}, {'br': None, 'i': Tm', 'T', 'Tm, 'sub': 'f1/2', '205−(1.4×1)<≦220−(1.4×1)\u2003\u2003(2)'}], 'ΔH1 and ΔH2 satisfy the relationship represented by the following Formulae (1) and (2)2. The electrostatic image developing toner according to claim 1 , whereina weight average molecular weight of the resin included in a THF soluble content of the toner is 15,000 to 62,000, andwhen the entire surface integration of an elution curve in GPC obtained by ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170017172A1

A toner includes a crystalline polyester resin in an amount equal to or greater than 25% by mass. The toner satisfies the following formula when the toner is tested using a capillary rheometry measurement during which a pellet of the toner is pressed by a member while being heated: 0.3≦(first temperature−second temperature)/(second temperature−third temperature)≦1, where the first temperature is a temperature at which the member falls 4 mm, the second temperature is a temperature at which the member falls 2 mm, and the third temperature is a temperature at which the member starts to fall.

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Magnetic Spherical Toner

Номер: US20190227447A1

A magnetic chemical toner comprising toner particles with high circularity (i.e., above 0.970) is described. The high circularity of the toner particles can maximize transfer efficiency and prevent toner waste during printing. The toner particles can comprise a polyester resin-based core. If desired, the toner particles can comprise a surface coating to modulate toner properties. Also described is a method of preparing the magnetic toner and a method of using the toner to print an image.

26-06-2012 дата публикации

Method of preparing toner using micro-suspension particles and toner prepared using the method digital image data

Номер: US0008206884B2

A method of preparing a toner using a micro-suspension particle, includes preparing a mixture by mixing a resin having acidic groups, a master batch of coloring pigment, and at least one additive with an organic solvent, and then neutralizing the acid groups of the resin with a base; forming a micro-suspension by adding the prepared mixture to a dispersion medium; and forming a toner composition by removing the organic solvent from the prepared micro-suspension. Therefore, the method of preparing a toner using the disclosed micro-suspension particle and a toner prepared using the same can save manufacturing costs, and can improve charging ability and cleaning properties of the toner.

06-10-2015 дата публикации

Liquid developer and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US0009152068B2

In a liquid developer in which toner particles are dispersed in an insulating liquid, the toner particles have a core-shell structure that first resin particles containing a first resin are attached to or cover surfaces of second resin particles containing a second resin. The second resin particles further contain a pigment and a dispersant for pigment, and solubility of the dispersant for pigment in the insulating liquid is not higher than 10 mass % at 25° C.

15-10-2013 дата публикации

Toner, developer, toner container, process cartridge, and image forming method

Номер: US0008557491B2

A toner according to the present invention contains at least a polyester resin as a binder resin, a colorant, a releasing agent, a fixing-assisting component, and a fatty acid, wherein the fixing-assisting component has a melting point of 60° C. to 120° C. and contains at least one of an esterified compound obtained by esterification of the fatty acid and an amide compound obtained by amidation of the fatty acid.

07-08-2018 дата публикации

Electrostatic ink compositions

Номер: US0010042278B2
Принадлежит: HP Indigo B.V., HP INDIGO BV

Herein is disclosed a magenta liquid electrostatic ink composition comprising a carrier liquid; and ink particles comprising a resin, a magenta pigment and a black pigment, wherein the black pigment is present in the composition in an amount of 0.01 to 0.5 wt % by total solids of the composition.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Toner, method for forming toner, developer, and image forming method

Номер: US20120021347A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

To provide a toner A containing: base particles, each containing polyester, microcrystalline wax, and a colorant; and spherical silica particles having an average primary particle diameter of 100 nm to 150 nm, wherein the microcrystalline wax has an onset temperature of 45° C. to 60° C. as determined by DSC, and a carbon number distribution of 25 to 55.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Emulsion aggregation toners having flow aids

Номер: US20120070776A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

The present disclosure provides processes for producing toners. In embodiments, flow aids are added to a wet cake including the toner particles, prior to drying. The addition of the flow aid improves flow characteristics of the toner, thereby enhancing overall drying time, reducing the amount of coarse particles, and improving yield, without adversely affecting fusing and charging of the toner particles.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Magnetic toner compositions

Номер: US20120107740A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

The present disclosure relates to a process for preparing a polyester based magnetic toner composition. The toner composition includes one or more polyester amorphous binder resins, optionally a cystalline polyester resin, and spherical ferromagnetic particles. In embodiments, the toner is prepared from ferromagentic particles that have been previously encapsulated in an amorphous resin, a crystalline resin or a wax. In yet other embodiments, the process may be conducted under an inert gas such as argon to avoid oxidation of the ferromagnetic particles during toner preparation.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Toner compositions and processes

Номер: US20120156610A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

Processes for producing toners are provided. The processes include determining the desired gloss for a given toner, and determining the desired amount of aluminum in the toner to obtain that gloss. Utilizing the processes of the present disclosure, the solids content of an emulsion utilized to produce such a toner, as well as the mixing speed utilized in the aggregation process and the temperature at which aggregation of the toner particles occurs, may then be selected to obtain toner particles possessing the desired amount of aluminum, and thus the desired gloss.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Carbon based black toners prepared via limited coalescence process

Номер: US20120196221A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A black toner composition comprising toner particles prepared by a chemical process of manufacture comprising carbon black pigment, a first addition polymer comprising carboxylic acid groups along the polymer backbone, and a thermoplastic second polymer binder distinct from the first polymer, wherein the first polymer has an Acid Value of from 30 to 220 and is present at a weight ratio of greater than 1:2 relative to the amount of carbon, and at a relatively lower weight percent than the second polymer. A process for preparation of such toner particles comprising: preparing a masterbatch comprising a carbon black and a first addition polymer comprising carboxylic acid groups along the polymer backbone and having an Acid Value of from 30 to 220, where the first polymer is present at a weight ratio of greater than 1:2 relative to the amount of carbon; dissolving a thermoplastic second polymer binder in an organic solvent; adding the masterbatch to the solution of second polymer binder to form an organic phase, wherein the first polymer is present at a lower weight percent than the second polymer; dispersing the organic phase in an aqueous phase comprising a particulate stabilizer to form a dispersion; and removing the solvent from the organic phase to form toner particles comprising the first polymer, the second polymer binder and carbon black.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Polyester resin comprising a biopolyol

Номер: US20120264047A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

A polyester resin toner-forming composition containing a biopolyol is described. The biopolyol can enhance branching, crosslinking or both.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Toner, method for producing the same, cartridge storing the same, process cartridge, and image forming apparatus

Номер: US20120282545A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba TEC Corp

According to one embodiment, a toner includes at least one encapsulated particle containing a color developable compound, color developer and a color eraser and polymeric particles. The at least one encapsulated particle and the polymeric particles being aggregated and fused in dispersion liquid.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Toner, process cartridge, and image forming apparatus

Номер: US20120288299A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A set of toners including yellow, cyan, magenta, and black toner, each of which containing a binder resin containing a crystalline resin and a non-crystalline resin, a releasing agent, and a corresponding coloring agent, wherein the following relationship is satisfied: 0.8<EBk/EFc<0.95, where EBk represents the amount of heat of melting (mJ/mg) for the black toner and EFc represents the average amount of heat of melting (mJ/mg) of the yellow toner, magenta toner, and cyan toner from 50° C. to 100° C. at the first temperature rising in differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing toner

Номер: US20120301821A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Fine Chemicals Co Ltd

Disclosed is a method of producing toner. According to the method, a concentration of a dispersion stabilizer, a concentration of an aggregating agent, and a concentration of a hydrogen ion in a reaction solution of an aggregation process are controlled to produce toner particles having a narrow particle size distribution and excellent fixability, and providing a high quality image.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Electrostatic charge image developing toner, electrostatic charging image developer, toner cartridge, process cartridge, method of producing electrostatic charge image developing toner, and image forming apparatus

Номер: US20130078565A1
Принадлежит: Fuji Xerox Co Ltd

An electrostatic charge image developing toner contains a binder resin, a release agent, a black colorant, a methylglycine diacetate, and an aluminum element, the content of the methylglycine diacetate is in the range of from 5 ppm to 500 ppm, and the content of the aluminum element is in the range of from 0.07 atomic % to 0.18 atomic % in total element analysis using fluorescent X-rays.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Electrostatic image developing toner and manufacturing method of the same, electrostatic image developer, toner cartridge, process cartridge, image forming apparatus, and image forming method

Номер: US20130084520A1
Принадлежит: Fuji Xerox Co Ltd

An electrostatic image developing toner of the exemplary embodiment of the invention contains an amorphous first polyester resin of a polycondensation product of at least a carboxylic acid component and an alcohol component containing rosin, and a second polyester resin having the difference (absolute value) in parameter of solubility relative to the first polyester resin of from about 0.3 (cal/cm 3 ) 1/2 to about 3 (cal/cm 3 ) 1/2 .

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Transparent electrostatic charge image developing toner, electrostatic charge image developer, toner cartridge, process cartridge, image forming apparatus, and image forming method

Номер: US20130143153A1
Принадлежит: Fuji Xerox Co Ltd

A transparent electrostatic charge image developing toner satisfies the relationships of the following Formulas (1), (2), and (3) wherein Dt (μm) is a volume average particle diameter, upper GSDv is an upper volume particle size distribution index, and lower GSDp is a lower number particle size distribution index: Formula (1): 18≦Dt≦30; Formula (2): 1.05≦upper GSDv≦1.20; and Formula (3): 1.29≦lower GSDp≦1.50.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Carboxylic acid or acid salt functionalized polyester polymers

Номер: US20130149643A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present disclosure describes a polyester that contains plural pendant adjacent carboxylic acid or acid salt side groups for use in making a toner for use in imaging devices.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Toner, method for producing the toner, and image forming method

Номер: US20130164669A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A toner including a binder resin containing an ester bond, and a releasing agent, wherein the releasing agent includes first C30-C50 alkyl monoester compound and second C30-C50 alkyl monoester compound, wherein the number of carbon atoms of the first C30-C50 alkyl monoester compound is different from that of the second C30-C50 alkyl monoester compound, wherein the amount of the first C30-C50 alkyl monoester compound is largest and the amount of the second C30-C50 alkyl monoester compound is second largest or same as the amount of the first C3OC50 alkyl monoester compound, wherein the amount of the first C30-C50 alkyl monoester compound is 30% by mass or more but less than 50% by mass to the releasing agent, and wherein the amount of the second C30-C50 alkyl monoester compound is 10% by mass or more but less than 50% by mass to the releasing agent.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130164670A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

The present invention provides a toner that gives satisfactory fixing image quality in both high-speed fixing process and low-speed fixing process and shows excellent image quality for a long time by inhibiting inside contamination even in repeated use. In a toner including toner particles containing a binder resin, a hydrocarbon wax, and a coloring agent, the hydrocarbon wax is prescribed by a relationship in total amounts of components having carbon atoms in specific ranges in thermal desorption and GC/MS analysis when heated at 200° C. for 10 minutes.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130164673A1

A method of manufacturing electrophotographic toner containing particles obtained by fusing aggregate particles obtained by aggregating an aqueous dispersion of a polyester resin for toner includes: mixing together at least a polyester resin, an organic solvent, and a neutralizer to obtain a mixture (Step 1); mixing the mixture obtained in the step 1 with at least water to obtain a resin dispersion (Step 2); removing an organic solvent from the resin dispersion obtained in the step 2 to obtain an aqueous dispersion of a polyester resin (Step 3); and mixing the aqueous dispersion obtained in the step 3 with a surfactant optionally (Step 4), in which the aqueous dispersion of the polyester resin for toner is obtained through the steps 1-4, the surfactant is added in a content of 70-100 weight % based on the total amount of the surfactant added in the steps 2 and/or 4. 118-. (canceled)19: A method of manufacturing an electrophotographic toner containing particles obtained by fusing aggregate particles obtained by aggregating an aqueous dispersion of a polyester resin for the toner , the method comprising:(1) mixing together at least a polyester resin, an organic solvent, and a neutralizer to obtain a mixture;(2) mixing the mixture obtained in (1) with at least water to obtain a resin dispersion;(3) removing an organic solvent from the resin dispersion obtained in (2) to obtain the aqueous dispersion of the polyester resin; and(4) optionally mixing the aqueous dispersion obtained in (3) with a surfactant,wherein the aqueous dispersion of the polyester resin for the toner is obtained through (1) to (4), and the surfactant is added in a content of from 70 to 100 weight % based on the total amount of the surfactant added in at least one of (2) and (4).20: The method according to claim 19 , wherein the amount of the surfactant added in (4) is from 50 to 100 weight % based on the total amount of the surfactant added in (2) and (4).21: The method according to claim 19 , ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Electrophotographic toner and method for producing the same

Номер: US20130196264A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba TEC Corp

A decolorizable electrophotographic toner, including: toner particles, the toner particle comprising a binder resin; and colorant particles which contain an electron donating color developable agent, an electron accepting color developing agent, and a decolorizing temperature control agent, and have a capsule structure coated with an outer shell, wherein the ratio of an total exposed areas of the colorant particles to the total projected areas of the toner particles calculated on the basis of scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation of the toner is 5.0% or less.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209931A1

A toner including base particles each containing a crystalline polyester and a non-crystalline polyester, wherein the toner has a glass transition temperature of 45° C. or higher where the glass transition temperature is determined from a DSC curve of the toner obtained in the first elevation of temperature thereof, and wherein the toner has a temperature width of 8° C. or lower where the temperature width is a temperature width at ⅓ the height of an endothermic peak attributed to the crystalline polyester in the DSC curve. 1. A toner comprising:base particles comprising a crystalline polyester and a non-crystalline polyester,whereinthe toner has a glass transition temperature of 45° C. or higher and a temperature width of 8° C. or lower,the glass transition temperature is determined from a DSC curve of the toner obtained in a first elevation of temperature thereof, andthe temperature width is a temperature width at ⅓ of an endothermic peak height in the DSC curve.2. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the base particles each further comprises a urea-modified polyester.3. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the crystalline polyester has a melting point of from 60° C. to 80° C. determined from a DSC curve of the crystalline polyester obtained in a first elevation of temperature thereof.4. The toner according to claim 1 , further comprising a colorant and a releasing agent.5. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the toner has a ½ effluent temperature of from 110° C. to 140° C.6. A method for producing the toner according to claim 1 , the method comprising either:(A) dissolving or dispersing the crystalline polyester and the non-crystalline polyester in an organic solvent having a temperature of 30° C. or lower, to prepare a first liquid,mixing the first liquid with materials comprising a colorant and a releasing agent, to prepare a second liquid,emulsifying or dispersing the second liquid in an aqueous medium, to prepare a third liquid, andremoving the ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Toner, developer, and image forming apparatus

Номер: US20130216944A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A toner contains a binder resin, a colorant, and a releasing agent, wherein the toner contains toner particles, and wherein a proportion of the toner particles containing one or more voids having diameters D 1 of larger than 0.0 μm but 0.5 μm or smaller is more than 5.0% to 60%, and a proportion of the toner particles containing one or more voids having diameters D 2 of 1.0 μm or larger is 10% or less.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130244173A1

A process comprising: 1. A process comprising:contacting at least one bio-based amorphous polyester resin with an optional plasticizer to form a pre-blend mixture;neutralizing the pre-blend mixture with a neutralizing agent;contacting the pre-blend mixture with a surfactant;melt-mixing the pre-blend mixture;contacting the melt-mixed mixture with de-ionized water to form an oil in water emulsion possessing a latex; andrecovering the latex.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the bio-based polyester resin is derived at least in part from a material selected from the group consisting of natural triglyceride vegetable oils claim 1 , phenolic plant oils claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the amorphous bio-based polyester resin includes components selected from the group consisting of a fatty dimer diol claim 1 , a fatty dimer diacid claim 1 , D-isosorbide claim 1 , L-tyrosine claim 1 , glutamic acid claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the amorphous bio-based polyester resin comprises isosorbide and 1 claim 1 ,4-cyclohexane dicarboxylic acid.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the neutralizing agent comprises a solid neutralizing agent selected from the group consisting of ammonium hydroxide claim 1 , potassium hydroxide claim 1 , sodium hydroxide claim 1 , sodium carbonate claim 1 , sodium bicarbonate claim 1 , lithium hydroxide claim 1 , potassium carbonate claim 1 , potassium bicarbonate claim 1 , organoamines claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the surfactant is selected from the group consisting of sodium dodecylsulfate claim 1 , sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate claim 1 , sodium lauryl sulfate claim 1 , sodium dodecylnaphthalene sulfate claim 1 , dialkyl benzenealkyl sulfates claim 1 , dialkyl benzenealkyl sulfonates claim 1 , abitic acid claim 1 , alkyl diphenyloxide disulfonates claim 1 , branched sodium dodecyl ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130252162A1

A process includes forming particles in a latex by emulsion polymerization of a mixture including one or more monomers in an emulsion, and about 4 percent or less by weight of the mixture of a non-surfactant-based charge control agent, the non-surfactant-based charge control agent is distributed within a matrix of the particles, and forming toner particles from the particles in the latex, the toner particles supporting a sufficient triboelectric charge for use under A-zone environmental conditions in a single-component development system. 1. A process comprising: one or more monomers in an emulsion; and', 'less than about 4 percent by weight of the mixture of a non-surfactant-based charge control agent, wherein the non-surfactant-based charge control agent is distributed within a matrix of the particles; and, 'forming particles in a latex by emulsion polymerization of a mixture comprisingforming toner particles from the particles in the latex, the toner particles supporting a sufficient triboelectric charge for use under A-zone environmental conditions in a single-component development system.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the non-surfactant-based charge control agent is present at a concentration of less than about 3 percent by weight of the mixture.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the non-surfactant-based charge control agent is present at a concentration of less than about 2 percent by weight of the mixture.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the non-surfactant-based charge control agent is present at a concentration of less than about 1 percent by weight of the mixture.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the toner particles support a sufficient charge for use under C-zone environmental conditions in a single-component development system.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the toner particles are negatively charged.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the sufficient triboelectric charge for use under A-zone environmental conditions is in a range from about ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Toner and Method for Producing the Same

Номер: US20130260304A1
Автор: Jun Ikami, Kumiko Suzuki
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

There is provided a toner, including toner mother particles which contain a binder resin, a colorant, and a wax, wherein a difference between a density of the wax in a solid state and a density of the wax in a liquid state is not less than 0.11 g/cm 3 ; the density of the wax in the liquid state is not more than 0.835 g/cm 3 ; and a heat quantity of the wax per unit mass which is obtained from an endothermic peak area at a low temperature side measured by a differential scanning calorimetry is not less than 190 mJ/mg.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Toner Process

Номер: US20130260308A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

The present disclosure describes a toner produced using a coalescing temperature lower than the melting point of a wax in the toner, quench cooling or both. The resulting toners can exhibit reduced dielectric loss and improved tribo charging.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Method of producing toner

Номер: US20130266897A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

The present invention provides a toner excellent in low-temperature fixability and also excellent in heat-resistant storage property, offset resistance, and durability. In a process for producing a toner containing toner particles by emulsion aggregation, each toner particle includes a binder resin of which a main component is a block polymer having a crystal structure, a colorant, and a release agent; the binder resin includes polyester as a main component; the rate of a portion capable of forming a crystal structure to the binder resin is 50 to 80 mass %; a peak temperature Tp of a maximum endothermic peak attributed to the binder resin is 50 to 80° C. in endothermic amount measurement of the toner with a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC); and fused particles are heated at a heating temperature t (° C.) satisfying Tp′−15.0≦t≦Tp′−5.0 for at least 0.5 hr.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273472A1

Provided is a method for manufacturing a toner. By using a wax dispersion liquid containing silica, the toner which does not have an unpleasant odor can be achieved without influencing other physical properties of the toner. 1. A method of preparing a toner , the method comprising:preparing a polyester resin dispersion by adding a polyester resin and an organic solvent to a polar solvent containing a surfactant and a dispersion stabilizer under stirring, and then heating;mixing a colorant dispersion and a wax dispersion with the polyester resin dispersion to produce a mixed solution;homogenizing the mixed solution by adding a agglomerating agent to produce a homogenized mixture;aggregating the homogenized mixture; andfusing aggregated toner particles,wherein the wax dispersion is prepared by dispersing a wax and silica in a dispersion medium.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein an average particle size of the silica is in a range of about 5 nm to about 50 nm.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein an amount of the silica added is in a range of about 0.5 wt % to about 2.0 wt % in the wax dispersion.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the organic solvent is at least one selected from the group consisting of methyl acetate claim 1 , ethyl acetate claim 1 , isopropyl acetate claim 1 , methyl ethyl ketone claim 1 , dimethyl ether claim 1 , diethyl ether claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,1-dichloroethane claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2-dichloroethane claim 1 , dichloromethane claim 1 , and chloroform.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polyester resin has an acid value ranging from about 5 mg KOH/g to about 50 mg KOH/g claim 1 , a weight-average molecular weight ranging from about 5 claim 1 ,000 to about 50 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 , and a glass transition temperature ranging from about 40° C. to about 80° C.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polyester resin does not comprise a sulfonic acid group.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polar solvent is water.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein an ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302731A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a toner that produces an excellent bending resistance in the output image and that also exhibits an excellent low-temperature fixability and an excellent storage stability. This toner includes a binder resin and a thermoplastic elastomer having a crystalline part, wherein the binder resin and the thermoplastic elastomer in the toner are compatible with each other and the toner has a crystalline part originating from the thermoplastic elastomer. 1. A toner comprising a binder resin and a thermoplastic elastomer , wherein a portion of the thermoplastic elastomer in the toner is compatible with the binder resin and a crystalline part originating from the thermoplastic elastomer is present in the toner.2. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the binder resin has a glass transition temperature of at least 60° C. and the softening point of the thermoplastic elastomer is less than or equal to the softening point of the binder resin.3. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the melting point of the thermoplastic elastomer is from at least 40° C. to not more than 120° C.4. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic elastomer has an elongation at break of 100% to 2000%.5. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the thermoplastic elastomer is from at least 20 mass parts to less than 100 mass parts per 100 mass parts of the binder resin.6. The toner according to according to claim 1 , wherein the crystallinity of the thermoplastic elastomer in the toner is from at least 1% to not more than 50%.7. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic elastomer is a urethane thermoplastic elastomer.8. The toner according to claim 7 , wherein the urethane thermoplastic elastomer is an ester-type urethane thermoplastic elastomer or an ether-type urethane thermoplastic elastomer.9. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the toner is a toner produced via the steps of:producing resin fine ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302732A1

Provided is a method for producing core-shell structured resin particles, comprising the steps of: providing a dispersion liquid of hydrophobic resin particles in which the hydrophobic resin particles are dispersed into an aqueous medium containing an anionic surfactant A and an anionic surfactant B; providing a dispersion liquid of resin microparticles in which resin microparticles are dispersed into an aqueous medium; mixing the dispersion liquid of hydrophobic resin particles and the dispersion liquid of resin microparticles; adhering the resin microparticles to surfaces of the hydrophobic resin particles by adding a water soluble metal salt to a mixture resulting from above step, wherein the surfactant A and the surfactant B satisfy the specific conditions. 2. The method for producing core-shell structured resin particles according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrophobic resin particles are hydrophobic resin particles obtained by melt-kneading a resin composition containing a hydrophobic resin and pulverizing the melt-kneaded resin composition.3. The method for producing core-shell structured resin particles according to claim 1 , whereinthe surfactant A is a sulfonate salt anionic surfactant, andthe surfactant B is a carboxylate salt anionic surfactant.4. The method for producing core-shell structured resin particles according to claim 1 , wherein a molar concentration of the surfactant A and the surfactant B in the aqueous medium is:the surfactant A:the surfactant B=1:7 to 1:15.5. The method for producing core-shell structured resin particles according to claim 1 , wherein the metal salt contains a metal salt of calcium or metal salt of magnesium.6. Toner comprising toner particles claim 1 , wherein the toner particles is the core-shell structured resin particles which are produced by the method according to . 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a method for producing core-shell structured resin particles. The present invention further ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302733A1

A liquid electrophotographic ink is disclosed herein. One example of the liquid electrophotographic ink includes a non-polar carrier liquid; pigmented toner particles; a charge director; and polymer resin encapsulated metal oxide nanoparticles. A method for making the liquid electrophotographic ink is also disclosed herein. 1. A liquid electrophotographic ink , comprising:a non-polar carrier liquid;pigmented toner particles;a charge director; andpolymer resin encapsulated metal oxide nanoparticles.2. The liquid electrophotographic ink as defined in wherein each of the polymer resin encapsulated metal oxide nanoparticles includes:a metal oxide nanoparticle core; anda polymer resin coating formed on the metal oxide nanoparticle core.3. The liquid electrophotographic ink as defined in wherein the metal oxide nanoparticle core is chosen from zinc oxide claim 2 , indium tin oxide claim 2 , zirconium oxide claim 2 , aluminum oxide claim 2 , and mixtures thereof.4. The liquid electrophotographic ink as defined in wherein the polymer resin coating is formed of a thermoplastic polymer.5. The liquid electrophotographic ink as defined in wherein the thermoplastic polymer includes COOH surface groups that react with hydroxyl groups of the metal oxide nanoparticle core.6. The liquid electrophotographic ink as defined in wherein each of the polymer encapsulated metal oxide nanoparticles has an average particle size ranging from about 10 nm to about 200 nm.7. The liquid electrophotographic ink as defined in wherein electrical properties of the liquid electrophotographic ink are unaffected by the polymer resin encapsulated metal oxide nanoparticles.8. The liquid electrophotographic ink as defined in wherein the pigmented toner particles include a pigment and a polymer resin associated with the pigment.9. A method for making a liquid electrophotographic ink claim 1 , comprising:mixing a polymer resin with a non-polar carrier liquid to form a mixture;grinding the mixture with a ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130323636A1

The present disclosure is drawn to an electrostatic ink composition comprising: (a) a carrier liquid; (b) particles comprising: (i) a polymer having a melt flow rate of less than 60 g/10 minutes, (ii) a colorant, (c) a charge director, wherein the electrostatic ink composition excludes a positively charged organic molecule or an organic molecule capable of becoming a positively charged organic molecule during an electrostatic printing process. Also disclosed herein is a method of producing a electrostatic ink composition and a method of electrophotographic printing an electrostatic ink composition. 1. An electrostatic ink composition comprising:(a) a carrier liquid; (i) a polymer having a melt flow rate of less than 60 g/10 minutes,', '(ii) a colorant,, '(b) particles comprising(c) a charge director,wherein the electrostatic ink composition excludes a positively charged organic molecule or an organic molecule capable of becoming a positively charged organic molecule during an electrostatic printing process.2. An electrostatic ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer has a melt flow rate of less than 30 g/10 minutes.3. An electrostatic ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein the charge director is selected from the group consisting of metal salts of fatty acids claim 1 , metal salts of sulfo-succinates claim 1 , metal salts of oxyphosphates claim 1 , metal salts of alkyl-benzenesulfonic acid claim 1 , metal salts of aromatic carboxylic acids or sulfonic acids claim 1 , zwitterionic and non-ionic compounds selected from polyoxyethylated alkylamines claim 1 , lecithin claim 1 , polyvinylpyrrolidone and organic acid esters of polyvalent alcohols.4. An electrostatic ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein the charge director comprises a sulfosuccinate moiety of the general formula [R—O—C(O)CHCH(SO)OC(O)—O—R] claim 1 , where each of Rand Ris an alkyl group.5. An electrostatic ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein the particles of ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Toners with Improved Dielectric Loss

Номер: US20130337377A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

The disclosure describes a pigment treated with a rosin and a toner particle containing that rosin-treated pigment particle. The toner has a lower level of dielectric loss.

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130344426A1
Автор: XIAO Guilin, ZHU Shunquan

A method for preparing a colored toner. The method includes: 1) providing surface-treated colorant, polymerizing the colorant by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) to produce polymer-grafted colorant particles and dispersing the colorant particles in an aqueous solution including a surfactant to yield a first emulsion; 2) providing surface-treated wax, polymerizing the wax by ATRP to produce polymer-grafted wax particles, and dispersing the wax particles in the aqueous solution including the surfactant to yield a second emulsion; and 3) agglutinating the first emulsion and the second emulsion. 1. A method for preparing a colored toner , the method comprising the following steps:a) providing surface-treated colorant as an initiating agent, polymerizing the colorant by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) to produce polymer-grafted colorant particles, and dispersing the colorant particles in an aqueous solution comprising a surfactant to yield a first emulsion;b) providing surface-treated wax as an initiating agent, polymerizing the wax by ATRP to produce polymer-grafted wax particles, and dispersing the wax particles in the aqueous solution comprising the surfactant to yield a second emulsion; andc) agglutinating the first emulsion and the second emulsion.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a third emulsion is added during the agglutinating claim 1 , and the third emulsion is a polymer emulsion produced by emulsion polymerization claim 1 , with polymerized monomers as materials.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein in the colored toner claim 1 , a mass percent of the content of the colorant particles is 3% to 10% and a mass percent of the content of the wax is 3% to 15%.4. The method of claim 1 , whereinthe surface-treated colorant is obtained by: 1) adding a colorant into a solvent, dispersing the colorant while dropwise adding a modifier for surface modification, and washing, filtering, and drying a modified product; andthe surface-treated wax is ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Emulsion Aggregation Toner Formulation

Номер: US20130344434A1
Принадлежит: Lexmark International Inc

An emulsion aggregation toner formulation for electrophotography and a method for preparation thereof. The emulsion aggregation toner formulation includes a polyester resin emulsion formed using an extruded polyester binder resin having a broad molecular weight distribution. The extruded polyester binder resin is formed using a plurality of polyester binder resins. Further, the emulsion aggregation toner formulation comprises at least one colorant dispersion and a wax dispersion.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Emulsion aggregation toner process comprising direct addition of surface-treated pigment

Номер: US20140045116A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

A method of making a toner that includes adding pigments into an emulsion aggregation toner without first preparing a pigment dispersion. The method eliminates the pigment dispersion step in the manufacture of emulsion aggregation toilers by surface-treating pigments. Dry surface-treated pigments can be directly incorporated into the toner prior to aggregation in the aggregation coalescence process without the need to first prepare aqueous pigment dispersions.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Core material of magnetic carrier for electrophotographic developer and process for producing the same, magnetic carrier for electrophotographic developer, and two-component system developer

Номер: US20140065535A1
Принадлежит: Toda Kogyo Corp

The present invention provides a magnetic carrier for an electrophotographic developer which has an excellent durability and a stable charging property and is free from occurrence of spent toner thereonto, and a two-component system developer comprising the magnetic carrier for an electrophotographic developer and a toner. The present invention relates to a core material of a magnetic carrier for an electrophotographic developer comprising spherical composite particles comprising at least ferromagnetic iron oxide fine particles and a cured phenol resin and having an average particle diameter of 1 to 100 μm, a resin index of the spherical composite particles being within the range of 35 to 80%, and a magnetic carrier obtained by coating a surface of respective particles of the magnetic carrier core material with a resin.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140065536A1
Автор: Kikushima Seiji
Принадлежит: KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.

A toner for electrostatic-charge image development contains toner particles in which the surfaces of core particles, including a binder resin composed of a polyester resin, are coated with shell layers. The shell layer is formed of a resin composed of a copolymer of monomers including a monomer having a quaternary ammonium group and a (meth)acrylic copolymer. The molar ratio of units derived from a monomer having a quaternary ammonium group is 5 mol % or more and 35 mol % or less. 1. A toner for electrostatic-charge image development including toner particles in which the surfaces of core particles including a binder resin composed of a polyester resin are coated with shell layers ,wherein the shell layer is a resin composed of a copolymer of monomers including a monomer having a quaternary ammonium group and a (meth)acrylic monomer, andthe molar ratio of units derived from the monomer having a quaternary ammonium group in the copolymer is 5 mol % or more and 35 mol % or less.2. A method for producing a toner for electrostatic-charge image development including toner particles in which the surfaces of core particles including a binder resin composed of a polyester resin are coated with shell layers , the method includingsteps (I) to (IV):(I): a core particle dispersion-preparing step of obtaining an aqueous dispersion (1) containing core particles including a binder resin composed of a polyester resin, where aqueous dispersion (1) contains an anionic or nonionic dispersant;(II): a mixing step of mixing aqueous dispersion (1) adjusted to a pH of 5 or less and an aqueous dispersion (2) containing resin fine particles to obtain an aqueous dispersion (3) containing the core particles and the resin fine particles;(III): a coating step of adjusting the pH of aqueous dispersion (3) to 6 or more and 10 or less, followed by heating of aqueous dispersion (3) to coat the surfaces of the core particles with the resin fine particles, thereby obtaining an aqueous dispersion (4) ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140072911A1

A toner, wherein the toner is obtained by washing a toner particle dispersion liquid which is obtained by adding cellulase to a dispersion slurry, and the dispersion slurry is obtained from a dispersion liquid or an emulsion of a toner material-containing oil phase in an aqueous medium, and wherein the dispersion liquid or the emulsion contains a cellulosic dispersion stabilizing agent. 1. A toner ,wherein the toner is obtained by washing a toner particle dispersion liquid which is obtained by adding cellulase to a dispersion slurry, and the dispersion slurry is obtained from a dispersion liquid or an emulsion of a toner material-containing oil phase in an aqueous medium, andwherein the dispersion liquid or the emulsion comprises a cellulosic dispersion stabilizing agent.2. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the toner particle dispersion liquid which is obtained by adding the cellulase to the dispersion slurry has a viscosity of 2.0 mPa·s to 9.5 mPa·s at 23° C.3. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the toner particle dispersion liquid which is obtained by adding the cellulase to the dispersion slurry has a viscosity of 2.0 mPa·s to 5.0 mPa·s at 23° C.4. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the cellulase is contained at a concentration of 30 ppm to 400 ppm relative to an amount of the toner particle dispersion liquid.5. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the toner material comprises a binder resin claim 1 ,wherein the binder resin comprises at least two binder resins, andwherein the binder resin comprises a modified polyester resin having a urethane group, a urea group, or both thereof.6. The toner according to claim 5 , wherein the polyester resin comprises a modified polyester resin which has been chain-elongated or crosslinked by a reaction of an amine with a modified polyester resin having a terminal isocyanate group.7. A method for producing a toner comprising:washing a dispersion slurry which is obtained from a dispersion liquid or an ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140080048A1

A toner is provided that can maintain high transferability even in long-term image output, can maintain high chargeability even in a high temperature and high humidity environment, and rarely causes fogging due to charging failure. The toner contains toner particles produced by a suspension polymerization method or a dissolution suspension method. The volume-average particle diameter (Dv) of silica particles is 50 nm or more and 800 nm or less. The mass loss rate due to heating of the silica particles from 105° C. to 200° C. is 0.60% or less. The hydrophobicity of the silica particles is 5% or more and less than 40%. 1. A toner containing toner particles produced by a method including the following (i) or (ii):(i) adding a polymerizable monomer composition containing a polymerizable monomer and silica particles to an aqueous medium to form particles of the polymerizable monomer composition, and polymerizing the polymerizable monomer contained in the particles to produce toner particles; or(ii) mixing a binder resin, the silica particles, and an organic solvent that can dissolve the binder resin to prepare a resin solution containing dispersed silica particles and the binder resin dissolved in the organic solvent, adding the resin solution to an aqueous medium to form particles of the resin solution, and removing the organic solvent from the particles to produce toner particles,wherein the silica particles have a volume-average particle diameter (Dv) of 50 nm or more and 800 nm or less,the mass loss rate due to heating of the silica particles from 105° C. to 200° C. is 0.60% or less, andthe hydrophobicity of the silica particles is 5% or more and less than 40%.2. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the coefficient of variation of volume particle size distribution of the silica particles is 23% or less.3. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the silica particles are subjected to hydrophobic treatment with a hydrophobic treatment agent.4. The toner according ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140080051A1

To provide a toner (X), which contains toner particles, each toner particle contains: a core phase (Q) containing a crystalline resin (A); and a shell phase (S) provided on a surface of the core phase (Q), where the shell phase (S) contains a crystalline polyurethane resin (B), wherein maximum peak temperature (Ta) of heat of melting of the crystalline resin (A) is 40° C. to 70° C., and maximum peak temperature (Tu) of heat of melting of the crystalline polyurethane resin (B) is 50° C. to 90° C. 1. A toner (X) comprising:toner particles, each toner particle contains:a core phase (Q) containing a crystalline resin (A); anda shell phase (S) provided on a surface of the core phase (Q), where the shell phase (S) contains a crystalline polyurethane resin (B),wherein maximum peak temperature (Ta) of heat of melting of the crystalline resin (A) is 40° C. to 70° C., and maximum peak temperature (Tu) of heat of melting of the crystalline polyurethane resin (B) is 50° C. to 90° C.2. The toner (X) according to claim 1 , wherein the toner (X) satisfies the following condition 1:{'br': None, '0(° C.)≦(Tu)−(Ta)≦30(° C.)\u2003\u2003Condition 1'}3. The toner (X) according to claim 1 , wherein the crystalline polyurethane resin (B) satisfies the following condition 2:{'br': None, '5≦0.94(B-urethane)+0.70(B-urea)+0.00032(B-Mw)−9.2\u2003\u2003Condition 2'}where (B-urethane) is a concentration (% by mass) of urethane groups in the crystalline polyurethane resin (B); (B-urea) is a concentration (% by mass) of urea groups in the crystalline polyurethane resin (B); and (B-Mw) is a weight average molecular weight (Mw) of the crystalline polyurethane resin (B).4. The toner (X) according to claim 1 , wherein the crystalline polyurethane resin (B) has an acid value of 5 mgKOH/g to 200 mgKOH/g.5. The toner (X) according to claim 1 , wherein the crystalline polyurethane resin (B) contains at least one selected from the group consisting a carboxylic acid group and a salts thereof claim 1 , a ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140087300A1

Toner particles contained in a liquid developer have a core-shell structure that first resin particles containing a first resin are attached to or cover surfaces of second resin particles containing a second resin. The second resin satisfies Equations (1) to (2) below. In Equations (1) to (2) below, x represents a number average molecular weight of the second resin and y represents a urethane group concentration (mass %) in the second resin. 1. A liquid developer comprising an insulating liquid and toner particles dispersed in said insulating liquid , whereinsaid toner particles have a core-shell structure that first resin particles containing a first resin are attached to or cover surfaces of second resin particles containing a second resin, [{'br': None, 'i': x+', '≦y≦−', 'x+, '−0.000032.030.000036.95\u2003\u2003Equation (1)'}, {'br': None, 'i': 'x≦', '10000≦50000\u2003\u2003Equation (2)'}], 'said second resin satisfies'}where x represents a number average molecular weight of said second resin and y represents a urethane group concentration (mass %) in said second resin.2. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , whereinsaid toner particles have a volume average particle size not smaller than 0.01 μm and not greater than 100 μm, andsaid toner particles have a coefficient of variation of volume distribution not lower than 1% and not higher than 100%.3. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , whereinsaid toner particles have an average value of circularity not smaller than 0.92 and not greater than 1.0.4. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , whereinsaid first resin is at least one of a vinyl resin, a polyester resin, a polyurethane resin, and an epoxy resin.5. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , whereinsaid first resin is a vinyl resin, which is a homopolymer or a copolymer containing a bonding unit derived from a vinyl monomer.6. The liquid developer according to claim 5 , whereinsaid vinyl monomer is a vinyl monomer having a first molecular ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140087302A1

In a liquid developer in which toner particles are dispersed in an insulating liquid, the toner particles have a core-shell structure that first resin particles containing a first resin are attached to or cover surfaces of second resin particles containing a second resin. The second resin particles further contain a pigment and a dispersant for pigment, and solubility of the dispersant for pigment in the insulating liquid is not higher than 10 mass % at 25° C. 1. A liquid developer comprising an insulating liquid and toner particles dispersed in said insulating liquid , whereinsaid toner particles have a core-shell structure that first resin particles containing a first resin are attached to or cover surfaces of second resin particles containing a second resin,said second resin particles further contain a pigment and a dispersant for pigment, andin said liquid developer, solubility of said dispersant for pigment in said insulating liquid is not higher than 10 mass % at 25° C.2. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , whereinsaid toner particles have a volume average particle size not smaller than 0.01 μm and not greater than 100 μm, andsaid toner particles have a coefficient of variation of volume distribution not lower than 1% and not higher than 100%.3. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , whereinsaid toner particles have an average value of circularity not smaller than 0.92 and not greater than 1.0.4. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , whereinsaid first resin is at least one of a vinyl resin, a polyester resin, a polyurethane resin, and an epoxy resin.5. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , whereinsaid first resin is a vinyl resin, which is a homopolymer or a copolymer containing a bonding unit derived from a vinyl monomer.6. The liquid developer according to claim 5 , whereinsaid vinyl monomer is a vinyl monomer having a first molecular chain.7. The liquid developer according to claim 6 , whereinsaid vinyl monomer is at least one of a ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Toner for developing latent electrostatic image and method for producing toner for developing a latent electrostatic image

Номер: US20140093820A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

To provide a toner containing toner base particles, in each of which a colorant and a releasing agent are encapsulated with a binder resin, where the toner base particles are obtained by the method containing: mixing and emulsifying a mixture containing the binder resin, the colorant, the releasing agent, and an organic solvent in an aqueous medium in the presence of resin particles, wherein the aqueous medium contains a surfactant and an inorganic salt.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140093821A1

A method of producing a liquid developer containing an insulation liquid and toner particles is provided. The method includes: grinding a toner material under the presence of a substance A in the insulation liquid; subjecting a dispersion liquid to a heat treatment at a higher temperature than a glass transition temperature of a resin material while giving shear force to the dispersion liquid: and mixing the dispersion liquid having been subjected to the heat treatment with a substance B. A liquid developer including an insulation liquid, toner particles, and a substance B is also provided. The toner particles are constituted of a substance A, a resin material and a coloring agent. The resin material is a polyester resin and/or a styrene-acrylic resin. The substance A is an acrylic modified silicone sufficiently soluble to the insulation liquid and the substance B is a silanol group-containing polysiloxane and/or a fluorine modified silicone. 1. A method of producing a liquid developer containing an insulation liquid , toner particles , and a substance B , wherein the toner particles are constituted of a substance A and a toner material including a resin material and a coloring agent , andwherein the resin material is a polyester resin and/or a styrene-acrylic resin, the substance A is an acrylic modified silicone sufficiently soluble to the insulation liquid and the substance B is a silanol group-containing polysiloxane and/or a fluorine modified silicone, the method comprising:grinding the toner material under the presence of the substance A in the insulation liquid to obtain a dispersion liquid in which fine particles are dispersed;subjecting the dispersion liquid to a heat treatment at a higher temperature than a glass transition temperature of the resin material while adding shear force to the dispersion liquid: andmixing the dispersion liquid having been subjected to the heat treatment with the substance B to obtain the liquid developer containing the toner ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096409A1

A heat treating apparatus for powder particles including a cylindrical treating chamber; a powder particle-supplying unit; a hot air-supplying unit that supplies hot air for heat-treating powder particles; a cold air-supplying unit that supplies cold air for cooling the heat-treated powder particles; a regulating unit for regulating a flow of the supplied powder particles; and a recovering unit that recovers the heat-treated powder particles. The regulating unit is a substantially circular columnar member, the hot air-supplying unit has an outlet opposite to the upper end portion of the columnar member, and the regulating unit is equipped with a substantially conic distributing member for distributing the supplied hot air in a circumferential direction and a rotating member for rotating the distributed hot air in a spiral manner, on the center of the upper end portion. 1. A heat treating apparatus for powder particles each of which contains a binder resin and a colorant , the heat treating apparatus comprising:(1) a cylindrical treating chamber in which a heat treatment of the powder particles is performed,(2) a powder particle-supplying unit provided on an outer peripheral portion of the treating chamber, for supplying the powder particles to the treating chamber,(3) a hot air-supplying unit that supplies hot air for heat-treating the supplied powder particles to the treating chamber,(4) a cold air-supplying unit that supplies cold air for cooling the heat-treated powder particles to the treating chamber,(5) a regulating unit provided on the treating chamber, for regulating a flow of the supplied powder particles, and(6) a recovering unit provided at a lower end portion side of the treating chamber, that recovers the heat-treated powder particles, whereinthe regulating unit is a columnar member with a substantially circular cross-section and is arranged on a central axis of the treating chamber so as to be protruded from the lower end portion of the treating ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140099576A1
Автор: HIRAIDE Manami
Принадлежит: Oki Data Corporation

A toner for developing an electrostatic charge image includes toner particles obtained by dissolving or dispersing a binder resin and an additive in an organic solvent to prepare an oil phase component, and dispersing and granulating the oil phase component in an aqueous medium containing an inorganic dispersant dispersed therein. The binder resin is a polyester resin obtained from a material containing from 6.5 to 7.5 mol % of a long-chain alkyl group represented by a formula (1), the polyester resin having an acid value of from 4.9 to 7.0 mgKOH/g: 2. The toner of claim 1 , wherein the additive is substantially free of colorants.3. The toner of claim 1 , wherein the polyester resin has a weight-average molecular weight of from 14 claim 1 ,000 to 18 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 , and the toner has a melt viscosity at 150° C. of 1.2×10Pa·s or less.4. A toner cartridge comprising a container containing the toner of .5. A developing device comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a developing roller that supplies the toner of to an electrostatic latent image carrier to develop an electrostatic latent image formed on the electrostatic latent image carrier;'}a supplying roller that rotates in contact with the developing roller and supplies the toner supplied from a toner supplying portion to the developing roller; anda developing blade that is pressed against the developing roller and regulates a thickness of a layer of the toner on the developing roller.6. An image forming apparatus comprising the developing device of .7. A toner cartridge comprising a container containing the toner of .8. A developing device comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00002', 'claim 2'}, 'a developing roller that supplies the toner of to an electrostatic latent image carrier to develop an electrostatic latent image formed on the electrostatic latent image carrier;'}a supplying roller that rotates in contact with the developing roller and supplies the toner supplied from a ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002396A1

The present invention provides a crystalline polyester resin which has sharp melt property, can achieve both fixing performance and blocking property and has excellent development durability, in which the crystalline polyester resin for toner which has a Young's modulus as measured by an ultramicro durometer at 25° C. of at least 2 GPa and a melting point of at least 60° C. and not more than 125° C. 1. A crystalline polyester resin for toner , having a Young's modulus as measured by an ultramicro durometer at 25° C. of at least 2 GPa and a melting point of at least 60° C. and not more than 125° C.2. The crystalline polyester resin for toner according to claim 1 , which:i) is a resin obtained by condensation polymerization of a dicarboxylic acid component containing at least one compound selected from the group consisting of terephthalic acid and terephthalic acid derivatives, and a diol component containing at least one compound selected from the group consisting of 2-methyl-1,3-propanediol and derivatives of 2-methyl-1,3-propanediol; andii) has a weight-average molecular weight as measured by gel permeation chromatography of at least 5000 and not more than 50000.3. The crystalline polyester resin for toner according to claim 1 ,which has a glass transition temperature of at least 25° C. and not more than 70° C.4. The crystalline polyester resin for toner according to any one of claims 1 ,which has a degree of crystallinity as measured by wide-angle X-ray diffraction of at least 10%.5. The crystalline polyester resin for toner according to claim 1 ,which has a melting point of at least 60° C. and not more than 100° C.6. The crystalline polyester resin for toner according to claim 1 , {'br': None, 'i': H', 'H, '2/1≦0.1\u2003\u2003formula (1), 'which has an amount of heat of fusion, as measured by a differential scanning calorimeter, fulfilling the following formula (1)wherein H1 (J/g) is an amount of heat of fusion during a first heating from 25° C. to 200° C. with a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004536A1

A toner composition with a novel surface additive package for developing images is provided. The additive package comprises a sol-gel silica, a PDMS silica, an HMDS silica, and an organic spacer such as PMMA, and melamine. The toner composition exhibits improved properties and are useful for high speed printing on Single Component Development systems. 1. A composition having particles comprising:a resin;an optional wax;a colorant;a surface additive comprising a mixture of: a hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) surface treated silica, a sol-gel silica that is not surface treated, and a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) surface treated silica; andan organic spacer comprising melamine and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA).2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the HMDS surface treated silica has an average particle diameter of from about 5 to about 75 nm claim 1 , the sol-gel silica has an average particle diameter of from about 90 to about 200 nm and the PDMS silica has an average particle diameter of from about 5 to about 75 nm.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of the HMDS surface treated silica to the sol-gel silica to the PDMS silica is in a range of from about 0.45:0.15:2.3 to about 0.75:0.25:2.7 and the weight ratio of melamine to PMMA is in a range of from about 0.05:0.40 to about 0.15:0.60.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the mixture of HMDS surface treated silica claim 1 , sol-gel silica claim 1 , and PDMS silica is present in the toner composition in an amount of from about 3.05 to about 4% based on the total weight of the toner composition and wherein the mixture of melamine and PMMA is present in the toner composition in an amount of from about 0.45 to about 0.65% based on the total weight of the toner composition.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the toner particles have a circularity of from about 0.920 to about 0.999.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the toner particles have a circularity of from about 0.955 to about 0.965.7. The ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Method of producing toner

Номер: US20170003610A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A method of producing a toner includes preparing a resin solution containing a binder resin, a colorant and an organic solvent; forming a droplet, a surface of the droplet being covered with a resin fine particle L1; introducing a resin fine particle L2; pressuring by introducing carbon dioxide, and extracting the organic solvent in the droplet; and obtaining the toner particle by removing the carbon dioxide together with the extracted organic solvent, wherein the SP value of the resin R1 constituting the resin fine particle L1 and the SP value of the resin R2 constituting the resin fine particle L2 are each within a specific range.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010548A1

A toner is provided. The toner includes toner particles each including a binder resin and a release agent. From 20% to 80% by number of the toner particles satisfy the following formulae (1) and (2): 1. A toner , comprising: a binder resin; and', 'a release agent,, 'toner particles, each toner particle comprising [{'br': None, 'i': 'T/Dv≦', '2/3≦1.5 \u2003\u2003(1)'}, {'br': None, 'i': 'R/Dv≦', '1/3≦1.0 \u2003\u2003(2)'}], 'wherein a first amount of the toner particles satisfy formula (1) and a second amount of the toner particles satisfy formula (2) and a ratio of the second amount of toner particles to the first amount of toner particles is from 20% to 80% by numberwherein Dv represents a volume average particle diameter of the toner particles; andT and R represent the longest cross-sectional diameters of each toner particle and the release agent contained therein, respectively, measured by observing cross-sections of the toner particles with scanning transmission electron microscope.2. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the release agent contained in each cross-section of the toner particles has a shape factor SF-1 of from 100 to 140.3. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the toner particles have an average circularity of 0.96 or more.4. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein each toner particle further comprises:an external additive; and the binder resin;', 'the release agent; and', 'a plurality of fine resin particles on its surface, each fine resin particle composed of a vinyl polymeric resin,, 'a mother particle includingwherein the mother particle has a sea-island structure in which the fine resin particles serve as island portions and constituents other than the fine resin particles serve as sea portions.5. The toner according to claim 4 , wherein each fine resin particle is half embedded in the surface of the mother particle to form surface asperity thereon.6. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein the binder resin comprises a polyester- ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190018332A1
Принадлежит: HP INDIGO B.V.

According to an example, a resin, a carrier liquid, and a pearlescent pigment may be mixed to form a liquid electrophotographic ink. 1. A liquid electrophotographic ink comprising:a carrier liquid;a resin; anda pearlescent pigment.2. The ink of claim 1 , wherein the pearlescent pigment is a mica particle coated with a metal oxide.3. The ink of claim 2 , wherein the metal oxide is selected from the group consisting of titanium dioxide and iron oxide.4. The ink of claim 1 , wherein the pearlescent pigment is encapsulated by the resin.5. The ink of claim 2 , wherein the mica particle comprises naturally occurring mica or synthetic mica.6. The ink of claim 1 , wherein the pearlescent pigment comprises alternating layers of a material with a low refractive index and of a material with a high refractive index.7. The ink of claim 1 , wherein the resin is selected from the group consisting of ethylene acrylic acid copolymers; methacrylic acid copolymers; ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers; copolymers of ethylene and alkyl ester of methacrylic or acrylic acid; copolymers of ethylene acrylic or methacrylic acid and alkyl ester of methacrylic or acrylic acid; copolymers of acrylic or methacrylic acid and at least one alkyl ester of acrylic or methacrylic acid; ethylene-acrylate terpolymers: ethylene-acrylic esters-maleic anhydride or glycidyl methacrylate terpolymers; ethylene-acrylic acid ionomers; and combinations thereof.8. The ink of claim 1 , wherein the carrier liquid has a low dielectric constant.9. The ink of claim 1 , wherein the ink has from about 1% to about 45% non-volatile solids.10. A method comprising:mixing a resin, a carrier liquid, and a pearlescent pigment to form a paste;diluting the paste to form a slurry; andforming a liquid electrophotographic ink with the slurry and a charge director.11. The method of claim 10 , the pearlescent pigment is mixed with the resin and carrier liquid at a temperature above a cloud point for the resin.12. The method of claim 10 ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Barium titanate toner additive

Номер: US20150024318A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

A toner composition includes toner particles and an additive disposed on an exterior surface of the toner particles, the additive includes uncoated barium titanate particles, the toner composition is substantially free of one or more rare earth compounds and the uncoated barium titanate particles are present in a sufficient amount to reduce bias charge roller contamination.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023872A1

An electrostatic latent image-developing toner includes a styrene-acrylic resin, an amorphous polyester resin, and a crystalline polyester resin. The electrostatic latent image-developing toner shows maximum absorption peaks at least in absorption wavenumber ranges of 690 to 710 cm, 1190 to 1220 cm, and 1230 to 1300 cmin an absorption spectrum measured by attenuated total reflection with a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. The ratio (P3/P1) of the height (P3) of the maximum absorption peak in the range of 1230 to 1300 cmto the height (P1) of the maximum absorption peak in the range of 690 to 710 cmis 0.02 to 6.00. 1. An electrostatic latent image-developing toner comprising:a styrene-acrylic resin;an amorphous polyester resin; anda crystalline polyester resin,{'sup': −1', '−1', '−1, 'wherein the electrostatic latent image-developing toner shows maximum absorption peaks at least in absorption wavenumber ranges of 690 to 710 cm, 1190 to 1220 cm, and 1230 to 1300 cmin an absorption spectrum measured by attenuated total reflection with a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, and'}{'sup': −1', '−1, 'the ratio (P3/P1) of the height (P3) of the maximum absorption peak in the range of 1230 to 1300 cmto the height (P1) of the maximum absorption peak in the range of 690 to 710 cmis 0.02 to 6.00.'}2. The electrostatic latent image-developing toner according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the styrene-acrylic resin is in a range of 50% to 90% by mass based on the total amount of the resins contained in the electrostatic latent image-developing toner.3. The electrostatic latent image-developing toner according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio (P2/P1) of the height (P2) of the maximum absorption peak in the range of 1190 to 1220 cmto the height (P1) of the maximum absorption peak in the range of 690 to 710 cmis 0.20 or less.4. The electrostatic latent image-developing toner according to any one of claim 1 , wherein the ratio (P2/P1) of the height (P2) of the maximum ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025724A1

The present disclosure relates generally to a method to make a chemically prepared toner that employs a crash cooling process. In particular, the crash cooling process involves the addition of a toner slurry having a temperature between 70° C. and 90° C. to an equivalent amount of cold water having a temperature between 5° C. and 20° C. Polyester and styrene acrylic toners as well as polyester core shell toners having a borax coupling agent between the toner core and toner shell made from this cooling process results in an improvement to the amount of toner waste, thereby achieving a higher toner usage efficiency for an electrophotographic printing system. 1. A method for producing a core shell toner , comprising:combining and agglomerating a polymer emulsion with a colorant dispersion and a release agent dispersion to form toner cores;combining and agglomerating a second polymer emulsion with the toner cores to form toner shells around the toner cores;fusing the aggregated toner cores and toner shells to form toner particles;forming a hot toner slurry by suspending the toner particles in an aqueous medium wherein the hot toner slurry has a temperature between 70° C. and 90° C.;adding the hot toner slurry to cold water in an external container wherein the cold water has a temperature between 5° C. and 20° C. and the quantity of the hot toner slurry is equivalent to the quantity of the cold water;filtering the toner particles out of the hot toner slurry;washing the filtered toner particles with deionized water; andrepeating the filtering and washing steps until the conductivity of the filtered toner particles less than or equal to 5 μS/cm.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hot toner slurry has a temperature between 80° C. and 84° C.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cold water has a temperature between 7° C. and 14° C.4. A toner prepared by the process of . This application claims priority as a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/629,018, ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140113229A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a magenta toner having high dispersibility of a colorant and good spectral characteristics. 2. The magenta toner according to claim 1 , wherein in the formula (1) claim 1 , Ris an alkyl group or an aryl group.3. The magenta toner according to claim 1 , wherein in the formula (1) claim 1 , Ris a methyl group claim 1 , a n-butyl group claim 1 , a cyclohexyl group claim 1 , or a 4-methylphenyl group.5. The magenta toner according to claim 1 , wherein each of the magenta toner particles contains wax.6. The magenta toner according to claim 1 , wherein the magenta toner particles are obtained by a suspension polymerization method.7. The magenta toner according to claim 1 , wherein the magenta toner particles are obtained by an emulsion agglomeration method. The present invention relates to a magenta toner used in recording methods such as electrophotography, electrostatic recording, magnetic recording, a toner jet method, and liquid development, and a method for producing the magenta toner.Recently, color images are widely spread, and higher image quality has been increasingly demanded. In digital full color copiers and printers, a color image manuscript is subjected to color separation with filters of blue, green, and red, and latent images corresponding to the original image are developed with developers of yellow, magenta, and cyan, which are complementary colors of blue, green, and red, and a black developer. For this reason, the colorants in the developers of the respective colors give a great influence to image quality, particularly, color tone, transparency, and color reproducibility. In the color toners, the magenta toner is important in reproduction of a skin color. Further, the color tone of the skin in a human figure is a halftone. Accordingly, high developing properties are also demanded. For such demands, as a colorant for a magenta toner, quinacridone colorants, thioindigo colorants, xanthene colorants, ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030975A1
Автор: TAKANO Hiroshi

A toner is manufactured by a dissolution suspension method, wherein a colorant that is capable of being dissolved in a predetermined amount into ethyl acetate is used, and no pigment dispersant is used. 1. A toner production method of producing a toner by a dissolution suspension method , whereina colorant that is capable of being dissolved in a predetermined amount into ethyl acetate is used, and no pigment dispersant is used.2. The toner production method according to claim 1 , whereinthe colorant is a fluorescent material.3. The toner production method according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined amount is 5.0 to 20[%] relative to the ethyl acetate.4. The toner production method according to claim 1 , wherein a calcium element content of the produced toner is 0.050[%] or less.5. The toner production method according to claim 2 , wherein the fluorescent material emits a blue light.6. The toner production method according to claim 5 , wherein an amount of the fluorescent material is 0.41 to 6.21[%] relative to a binder resin.7. The toner production method according to claim 2 , wherein the fluorescent material emits a green light.8. The toner production method according to claim 7 , wherein an amount of the fluorescent material is 0.41 to 8.28[%] relative to a binder resin.9. The toner production method according to claim 2 , wherein the fluorescent material comprises a europium complex and emits a red light.10. The toner production method according to claim 9 , wherein an amount of the fluorescent material is 0.41 to 2.07[%] relative to a binder resin.11. The toner production method according to claim 10 , wherein a charge control resin is used in an amount of 0.15 to 0.76[%] relative to the binder resin.12. A toner produced by the toner production method according to .13. A toner comprisinga colorant that is capable of being dissolved in a predetermined amount into ethyl acetate, wherein no pigment dispersant is used.14. A toner cartridge containing therein ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030976A1

A black toner for developing a latent electrostatic image, including: a toner base containing a pigment, a binder resin, a releasing agent, a compound containing fluorine and a compound containing sulfur; and an external additive, wherein the toner contains the external additive on a surface of the toner base, and wherein an amount of the fluorine in the toner base is 200 ppm by mass to 600 ppm by mass as measured by combustion-ion chromatography, and an amount of the sulfur in the toner base is 1,000 ppm by mass to 1,500 ppm by mass as measured by the combustion-ion chromatography. 1. A black toner for developing a latent electrostatic image , comprising:a toner base, which comprises a pigment, a binder resin, a releasing agent, a compound containing fluorine, and a compound containing sulfur; andan external additive,wherein the toner comprises the external additive on a surface of the toner base, andwherein an amount of the fluorine in the toner base is 200 ppm by mass to 600 ppm by mass as measured by combustion-ion chromatography, and an amount of the sulfur in the toner base is 1,000 ppm by mass to 1,500 ppm by mass as measured by the combustion-ion chromatography.2. The black toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the compound containing sulfur is an anionic surfactant containing sulfur.3. The black toner according to claim 2 ,wherein the anionic surfactant containing sulfur is an alkyl diphenyl ether disulfonic acid salt, an alkylbenzenesulfonic acid salt, sodium lauryl sulfate, or any combination thereof.4. The black toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the compound containing fluorine is N,N,N-trimethyl-[3-(4-perfluorononenyloxybenzamide)propyl]ammonium iodide, N,N,N-triethyl-[3-(4-perfluorononenyloxybenzamide)pentyl]ammonium iodide, or both thereof.5. A method for producing the black toner according to claim 1 , comprising:dispersing, in an aqueous medium comprising a compound containing sulfur, an organic phase dispersion liquid comprising a pigment, a binder ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Toner Compositions

Номер: US20170031254A1

The present disclosure provides processes for producing toners by emulsion aggregation where the resulting toner particles have high pigment loadings and desired circularity. The methods include adding a metal, in embodiments a metal salt, at the beginning of coalescence, which surprisingly speeds the coalescence process and produces toner particles having a desired size and circularity for use in electrophotographic imaging systems. 120-. (canceled)21. A process comprising:a) contacting a resin comprising at least two monomers selected from acrylate monomers, styrene monomers and combinations thereof with a colorant, a surfactant and an optional wax to form an emulsion;b) contacting said emulsion with a coagulant;c) adding a transition metal powder or a transition metal salt, wherein said transition metal is copper, zinc, iron, cobalt, nickel, molybdenum, manganese, chromium, vanadium, titanium or alloys thereof, to the emulsion of step b) comprising said coagulant;d) coalescing the emulsion of step c) comprising said transition metal powder or said transition metal salt over a period of time from about 0.5 hours to about 3.5 hours to form toner; ande) recovering said toner.22. The process according to claim 21 , wherein said resin comprises poly(styrene-alkyl acrylate) claim 21 , poly (styrene-alkyl acrylate-acrylic acid) claim 21 , poly(styrene-alkyl methacrylate-acrylic acid) claim 21 , poly(alkyl methacrylate-alkyl acrylate) claim 21 , poly(alkyl methacrylate-aryl acrylate) claim 21 , poly(aryl methacrylate-alkyl acrylate) claim 21 , poly(alkyl methacrylate-acrylic acid) claim 21 , poly(styrene-alkyl acrylate-acrylonitrile-acrylic acid) claim 21 , poly(alkyl acrylate-acrylonitrile-acrylic acid) claim 21 , poly(styrene-butadiene) claim 21 , poly(methylstyrene-butadiene) claim 21 , poly(methyl methacrylate-butadiene) claim 21 , poly(ethyl methacrylate-butadiene) claim 21 , poly(propyl methacrylate-butadiene) claim 21 , poly(butyl methacrylate-butadiene) claim 21 ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170031256A1

Provided is a method of preparing a poly-silicic-ferric coagulant (PSFC) having a controlled aggregating strength. In particular, according to an embodiment, provided is a method of preparing a PSFC that may effectively suppress both formation of fine toner particles having a particle size that is smaller than a desired particle size and formation of coarse toner particles having a particle size that is greater than the desired particle size, wherein the PSFC for a toner is used in preparation of a toner by using an emulsion aggregation (EA) method. The PSFC for a toner prepared by using the method, according to an embodiment, significantly exhibits a controlled aggregating strength, and thus a viscosity of an emulsion aggregation solution for the toner preparation is appropriate, which results in suppressing production of fine toner particles and coarse toner particles. In this regard, a toner preparation yield may improve. 1. A method of producing a coagulant , the method comprising:providing a silicic acid aqueous solution having a silicon content, and polymerizing silicic acid in the silicic acid aqueous solution for a polymerization time to form a polymerized silicic acid; andmixing iron ions and the polymerized silicic acid to produce the coagulant, {'br': None, 'sub': e', 'e, 'i': T', 'pH−', 'C, 'log−(11.7−3.0×2.6×log2.139)≦6.65\u2003\u2003'}, 'wherein the silicon content, a pH of the silicic acid aqueous solution at a start of the polymerizing, and the polymerization time satisfy Formula 1 belowwhere T is the polymerization time in hours, and C is the silicon content in wt % based on 100 wt % of a total weight of the silicic acid aqueous solution.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the silicon content claim 1 , the pH claim 1 , and the polymerization time satisfy Formula 2 below:{'br': None, 'sub': e', 'e, 'i': T', 'pH−', 'C, '5.93 log−(11.7−3.0×2.6×log2.139)≦6.65\u2003\u2003.'}3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the silicon content claim ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Electrostatic ink compositions

Номер: US20180031995A1
Принадлежит: HP Indigo BV

Herein is disclosed a magenta liquid electrostatic ink composition comprising a carrier liquid; and ink particles comprising a resin, a magenta pigment and a black pigment, wherein the black pigment is present in the composition in an amount of 0.01 to 0.5 wt % by total solids of the composition.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150037725A1

A yellow toner is provided which is superior in dispersibility of C. I. pigment yellow 185, has a high color development property, and is superior in light resistance. The yellow toner has toner particles containing at least a binder resin, a wax, and a colorant, wherein the yellow toner contains C.I. pigment yellow 185 and a compound represented by the general formula (1) as the colorant: 2. The yellow toner according to claim 1 , wherein Rin the general formula (1) is a hydrogen atom or an alkyl group.3. The yellow toner according to claim 1 , wherein A in the general formula (1) is —CON(R)R.4. The yellow toner according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the compound represented by the general formula (1) with respect to 100 parts by mass of the C. I. pigment yellow 185 is 10 to 100 parts by mass. The present invention relates to a yellow toner to be used for a recording method, such as an electrophotography method, an electrostatic recording method, a magnetic recording method, and a toner jet method, and to a process for producing the yellow toner.Color imaging has been recently gaining in popularity and a demand for high image quality has been growing. In a digital full color copying machine or printer, a color image original is subjected to color separation by means of respective color filters of blue, green, and red, and then a latent image corresponding to the original image is developed using respective color developers of yellow, magenta, cyan, and black. Consequently, the image quality is strongly influenced by coloring power of colorants in the respective color developers.It is important to reproduce Japan Color in the printing industry or approximate the Adobe RGB used in an RGB workflow. To secure such a color space, improvement of the dispersibility of a pigment, or use of a dye with a broad color gamut is effectual.As a typical example of yellow pigments a pigment with an isoindoline skeleton such as C. I. pigment yellow 185, which has high clarity ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Toner production method

Номер: US20210033993A1
Принадлежит: Kao Corp

A method for producing a toner, including aggregating and coalescing resin particles and colorant particles. The resin particles contain a composite resin containing a polyester resin segment, an addition polymer resin segment which is an addition polymerized product of a raw material monomer containing a styrenic compound, and a structural unit derived from a bireactive monomer bonding to the polyester resin segment and the addition polymer resin segment via a covalent bond. The colorant particles contain a colorant and an addition polymer of a raw material monomer containing a styrenic compound. The addition polymer contains a structural unit derived from the styrenic compound in the main chain. A ratio by mass of the colorant to the addition polymer in the colorant particles is 50/50 or more and 95/5 or less.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160041486A1

A reversibly allochroic toner contains a binder resin and a colorant. The colorant reversibly switches between first and second color states in response to temperature changes. The colorant exhibits a hysteresis in a temperature-color state curve thereof in which the following relationships are satisfied. 1. A reversibly allochroic toner comprising:a binder resin; anda colorant,wherein the colorant reversibly switches between a first color state and a second color state in response to a temperature change, and the colorant exhibits a hysteresis in a temperature-color state curve thereof such that,{'sub': H1', 'H2', 'H1, 'when the colorant is in the first color state, and the temperature keeps increasing, when the temperature reaches a temperature T(° C.), the colorant starts to change from the first color state to the second color state, and in a temperature region in which the temperature is equal to or higher than a temperature T(° C.) which is higher than the temperature T(° C.), the colorant completely changes to the second color state,'}{'sub': L1', 'L2', 'L1, 'when the colorant is in the second color state, and the temperature keeps decreasing, when the temperature reaches a temperature T(° C.), the colorant starts to change from the second color state to the first color state, and in a temperature region in which the temperature is equal to or lower than a temperature T(° C.) which is lower than the temperature T(° C.), the colorant completely changes to the first color state, and'} [{'br': None, 'sub': L2', 'L1', 'H1', 'H2, 'Tr Подробнее

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220057726A1
Принадлежит: RICOH COMPANY, LTD.

A toner includes a crystalline polyester resin and an amorphous polyester resin. A ratio of the storage modulus of the toner G′ (T) at a temperature Tto the storage modulus of the toner G′ (T+3) at a temperature T+3 is greater than or equal to 10, in a case where the temperature Tis within a range from 50° C. to 65° C. 1. A toner comprising:a crystalline polyester resin; andan amorphous polyester resin, wherein{'sub': ['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O'], '#text': 'a ratio of a storage modulus of the toner G′ (T) at a temperature Tto the storage modulus of the toner G′ (T+3) at a temperature T+3 is greater than or equal to 10, in a case where the temperature Tis within a range from 50° C. to 65° C.'}2. The toner according to claim 1 , whereina content of the crystalline polymer resin is less than or equal to 15 mass %3. The toner according to claim 1 , whereina shape factor SF1 of the crystalline polyester resin in a cross-sectional view of the toner is greater than or equal to 100 and less than 130.4. The toner according to claim 1 , whereinthe storage modulus of the toner G′ (100) at a temperature of 100° C. is less than or equal to 3000 Pa.5. The toner according to claim 1 , whereinan endothermic amount derived from the crystalline polyester resin in a first temperature increase of the toner is greater than or equal to 10 J/g.6. The toner according to further comprising:a vinyl polymer modified polyester resin that is obtained by modifying a crystalline polyester resin using either styrene or (meth) acrylic compound or using both the styrene and the (meth) acrylic compound.7. A method of manufacturing the toner according to comprising:mixing an aqueous dispersion including a crystalline polyester resin into an oil phase including an amorphous polyester resin, to prepare a water-in-oil type (W/O type) emulsion in which the crystalline polyester resin is included in a state of being dispersed in the oil phase; andpreparing an oil-in-water type (O/W type) emulsion in which the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041765A1
Принадлежит: HP INDIGO B.V.

According to an example, an electrophotographic ink may include an adsorbent, a volatile fragrance, a resin and a carrier liquid. 1. An electrophotographic ink comprising:an adsorbent;a volatile fragrance;a resin; anda carrier liquid.2. The ink of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent is chosen from fumed aerosols claim 1 , aerogels claim 1 , silica gels claim 1 , silica claim 1 , precipitated silicon claim 1 , vapor deposited silicon claim 1 , clay claim 1 , kaolin claim 1 , perlite claim 1 , bentonite claim 1 , talc claim 1 , mica claim 1 , calcium carbonite claim 1 , titanium dioxide claim 1 , zinc oxide claim 1 , iron oxide claim 1 , silicon dioxide claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The ink of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent has a pore size ranging from about 0.5 nm to about 80 nm.4. The ink of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent has a BET surface area ranging from about 25 to about 1000 m/g.5. The ink of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent has a BET surface area ranging from about 50 m/g to about 600 m/g.6. The ink of claim 1 , wherein for every 1 gram of adsorbent claim 1 , from about 5 to about 20 grams of volatile fragrance is present.7. The ink of claim 1 , wherein the volatile fragrance is chosen from natural and synthetic fragrance materials.8. The ink of claim 1 , wherein the carrier liquid has a low dielectric constant.9. The ink of claim 1 , comprising a pigment.10. A method comprising:soaking an adsorbent and a volatile fragrance in an organic solvent;evaporating the organic solvent to form fragrant adsorbent particles;grinding the fragrant adsorbent particles with a resin and a carrier liquid to form a paste; anddiluting the paste to form an electrophotographic ink.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein a weight ratio of the adsorbent to the volatile fragrance is about 1 g:5-20 g.12. The method of claim 10 , wherein the soaking occurs for a period of time ranging from about 15 to about 48 hours.13. The method of claim 10 , wherein 100 wt. % of the organic ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180046106A1

Provided is a liquid developer that gives a high image density, has a high resistance, suppresses the appearance of image blurring, can be reused, is readily cured by ultraviolet radiation, and can accommodate higher process speeds. This liquid developer contains a carrier liquid, a toner particle insoluble in the carrier liquid, and a compound with the following formula (1) 2. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier liquid contains a liquid cationically polymerizable compound.3. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier liquid contains a vinyl ether compound.4. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the compound with formula (1) in the liquid developer is at least 0.50 mass parts and not more than 5.00 mass parts per 100 mass parts of the toner particle.7. The liquid developer according to claim 5 , wherein the content ratio on a molar basis of the compound with formula (1) to the polymer compound having the structural unit with formula (2) in the liquid developer is 5:1 to 35:1.8. A method of producing the liquid developer according to claim 1 , comprising:a step of applying a shear force and/or a step of applying a heat treatment, to a mixture in which the carrier liquid, the toner particle that is insoluble in the carrier liquid, and the compound with formula (1) are mixed. The present invention relates to a liquid developer used in image-forming apparatuses that utilize an electrophotographic system such as electrophotography, electrostatic recording, electrostatic printing. The present invention also relates to a method of producing this liquid developer.An electrophotographic system is a method in which printed material is obtained by uniformly charging the surface of an image bearing member such as a photosensitive member (charging step), forming an electrostatic latent image on the surface of the image bearing member by photoexposure (photoexposure step), developing the formed ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Toner and method for producing toner

Номер: US20220066339A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A toner comprises a toner particle containing a resin component and a wax; and an inorganic fine particle on a surface of the toner particle, wherein in the cross section of the toner particle, domains including the wax are present in a region ranging from a surface of the toner particle to a depth of 600 nm from the surface, wherein when a percentage ratio of sum of areas of all the domains in the region with respect to an area of the region is R2, and when a percentage ratio of sum of areas of the domains having a major diameter of 10 to 120 nm in the region with respect to the area of the region is R1, R1 and R2 satisfy the following formulae (1) and (2): 2.0≤ R 1(%)≤15.0  formula(1) R 1(%)/ R 2(%)≥0.60  formula (2).

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Polymerized charge enhanced spacer particle

Номер: US20140127620A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

A toner particle has a core and a shell surrounding the core, wherein the shell contains a polymerized charge enhanced spacer particle, which is a copolymer of a charge control agent and a monomer. A method of making toner particles includes forming a slurry by mixing together a first emulsion containing a resin, optionally a wax, optionally a colorant, optionally a surfactant, optionally a coagulant, and one or more additional optional additive, heating the slurry to form aggregated particles in the slurry, forming a second emulsion containing a monomer and a charge control agent, polymerizing the second emulsion to form a copolymer of the monomer and the charge control agent, and incorporating the copolymer into the toner particles, wherein the aggregated particles form a core of the toner particles.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170052467A1

A reversibly allochroic toner contains a binder resin and a colorant. The colorant reversibly switches between first and second color states in response to temperature changes. The colorant exhibits a hysteresis in a temperature-color state curve thereof in which the following relationships are satisfied. 1. A reversibly allochroic toner comprising:a binder resin; anda colorant,wherein the colorant reversibly switches between a first color state and a second color state in response to a temperature change, and the colorant exhibits a hysteresis in a temperature-color state curve thereof such that,{'sub': H1', 'H2', 'H1, 'when the colorant is in the first color state, and the temperature keeps increasing, when the temperature reaches a temperature T(° C.), the colorant starts to change from the first color state to the second color state, and in a temperature region in which the temperature is equal to or higher than a temperature T(° C.) which is higher than the temperature T(° C.), the colorant completely changes to the second color state,'}{'sub': L1', 'L2', 'L1, 'when the colorant is in the second color state, and the temperature keeps decreasing, when the temperature reaches a temperature T(° C.), the colorant starts to change from the second color state to the first color state, and in a temperature region in which the temperature is equal to or lower than a temperature T(° C.) which is lower than the temperature T(° C.), the colorant completely changes to the first color state, and'}the relationship of the following Formula is satisfied,{'sub': 'H2', 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': T', '−T, 'sub': H1', 'L1, '≦7° C.'}, 'T Подробнее

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180059559A1

A method includes grinding a wax into wax particles having a size in a range from about 600 microns to about 800 microns forming a mixture of the wax particles with water and a surfactant; and homogenizing the mixture to form a wax dispersion, the homogenizing step is maintained below about 35° C. A wax dispersion includes a wax a surfactant; and water, particles of the wax dispersion are a uniform, irregular, non-platelet morphology. A wax dispersion made by a process includes grinding a wax into wax particles having a size in a range from about 600 microns to about 800 microns, forming a mixture of the wax particles with water and a surfactant, and homogenizing the mixture to form a wax dispersion, the homogenizing step is maintained below about 35° C. and the wax has a uniform, irregular, non-platelet morphology imparted by combination of the grinding and homogenizing steps. 1. A method comprising:grinding a wax into wax particles having a size in a range from about 600 microns to about 800 microns;forming a mixture of the wax particles with water and a surfactant; and 'wherein the homogenizing step is maintained below about 35° C.', 'homogenizing the mixture to form a wax dispersion;'}2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising passing the wax particles through a sieve to separate out particles larger than about 800 microns.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising returning particles larger than about 800 microns that did not pass through the sieve back to a further grinding step.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising filtering the wax dispersion to a particle size of about 50 microns.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the grinding step is performed with a blender.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the blender is equipped with a blade having a configuration that propels the wax in the grinding step upward in the blender.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the blender is has a fill volume of about 45%.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wax has a ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180059560A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

An electrostatic charge image developing toner includes toner particles including an amorphous resin and a crystalline resin, wherein, when the toner particles are subjected to a measurement by differential scanning calorimetry before and after being heated at a temperature of 50° C. and a humidity of 50% RH for a week, a relationship between an endothermic amount S1 (J/g) derived from the crystalline resin in a first heating process with respect to the toner particles before being heated and an endothermic amount Sh (J/g) derived from the crystalline resin in a first heating process with respect to the toner particles after being heated satisfies Expression (1): 0.50≦S1/Sh≦0.90. 1. An electrostatic charge image developing toner comprising:toner particles including an amorphous resin and a crystalline resin,wherein, when the toner particles are subjected to a measurement by differential scanning calorimetry before and after being heated at a temperature of 50° C. and a humidity of 50% RH for a week, a relationship between an endothermic amount S1 (J/g) derived from the crystalline resin in a first heating process with respect to the toner particles before being heated and an endothermic amount Sh (J/g) derived from the crystalline resin in a first heating process with respect to the toner particles after being heated satisfies Expression (1): 0.50≦S1/Sh≦0.90.2. The electrostatic charge image developing toner according to claim 1 ,wherein a melting temperature of the crystalline resin is from 60° C. to 80° C.3. The electrostatic charge image developing toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the relationship between the endothermic amount S1 (J/g) derived from the crystalline resin and the endothermic amount Sh (J/g) derived from the crystalline resin satisfies Expression (2): 0.58≦S1/Sh≦0.82.4. The electrostatic charge image developing toner according to claim 1 ,wherein a difference between an SP value of the crystalline resin and an SP value of the amorphous resin is ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180059561A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

An electrostatic charge image developing toner includes toner particles including an amorphous resin and a crystalline resin, wherein, when the toner particles are subjected to a measurement by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) before and after being stored at a temperature of 50° C. and a humidity of 90% RH for 24 hours, a relationship between an onset temperature T1 (° C.) of an endothermic peak having the lowest peak temperature in a first heating step with respect to the toner particles before being stored and an onset temperature T2 (° C.) of an endothermic peak having the lowest peak temperature in a first heating step with respect to the toner particles after being stored satisfies Expression (1): 2 Подробнее

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180059562A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

An electrostatic charge image developing toner includes toner particles including an amorphous resin and a crystalline resin, wherein, when the toner particles are subjected to a measurement to determine an area ratio of the crystalline resin present on a surface of the toner particle before and after being heated at a temperature of 50° C. and a humidity of 50% RH for a week, a relationship between an area ratio a (%) of the crystalline resin present on a surface of the toner particles before being heated and an area ratio b (%) of the crystalline resin present on a surface of the toner particles after being heated satisfies Expression (1): 0.05≦(b−a)/b≦0.50. 1. An electrostatic charge image developing toner comprising:toner particles each including an amorphous resin and a crystalline resin,wherein, when the toner particles are subjected to a measurement to determine an area ratio of the crystalline resin present on a surface of the toner particle before and after being heated at a temperature of 50° C. and a humidity of 50% RH for a week, a relationship between an area ratio a (%) of the crystalline resin present on a surface of the toner particles before being heated and an area ratio b (%) of the crystalline resin present on a surface of the toner particles after being heated satisfies Expression (1): 0.05≦(b−a)/b≦0.50.2. The electrostatic charge image developing toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the toner particles include a release agent which has an endothermic peak having a half value width of 5° C. to 12° C. as obtained by differential scanning calorimetry.3. The electrostatic charge image developing toner according to claim 2 ,wherein a melting temperature of the release agent is from 50° C. to 110° C.4. The electrostatic charge image developing toner according to claim 1 ,wherein a domain diameter of the crystalline resin is from 10 nm to 1,000 nm.5. The electrostatic charge image developing toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the crystalline resin is ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180059563A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

An electrostatic charge image developing toner includes toner particles each including an amorphous resin and a crystalline resin, wherein, when the toner particles are subjected to a measurement to determine an area ratio of the crystalline resin on a cross section of the toner particle before and after being heated at a temperature of 50° C. and a humidity of 50% RH for three days, a relationship between an area ratio a (%) of the crystalline resin on a cross section with respect to the toner particles before being heated, and an area ratio b (%) of the crystalline resin on the cross section with respect to the toner particles after being heated satisfies Expression (1): 0.9≦a/b≦1.0. 1. An electrostatic charge image developing toner comprising:toner particles each including an amorphous resin and a crystalline resin,wherein, when the toner particles are subjected to a measurement to determine an area ratio of the crystalline resin on a cross section of the toner particle before and after being heated at a temperature of 50° C. and a humidity of 50% RH for three days, a relationship between an area ratio a (%) of the crystalline resin on a cross section with respect to the toner particles before being heated and an area ratio b (%) of the crystalline resin on the cross section with respect to the toner particles after being heated satisfies Expression (1): 0.9≦a/b≦1.0.2. The electrostatic charge image developing toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the toner particle includes a brilliant pigment.3. The electrostatic charge image developing toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the number of island portions including the crystalline resin (the number of domains of the crystalline resin) is from 10 to 200 per unit area (1 μm×1 μm) on a cross section of the toner particle.4. The electrostatic charge image developing toner according to claim 1 ,wherein a weight ratio between the amorphous resin and the crystalline resin (amorphous resin/crystalline resin) is from 50/50 to ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180059564A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

An electrostatic charge image developing toner includes toner particles including an amorphous resin and a crystalline resin, wherein, when the toner particles are subjected to a measurement by differential scanning calorimetry before and after being heated at a temperature of 50° C. and a humidity of 50% RH for a week, a relationship between an endothermic amount x (J/g) derived from the crystalline resin with respect to the toner particles before being heated and an endothermic amount y (J/g) derived from the crystalline resin with respect to the toner particles after being heated satisfies Expression (1): x/y<0.3. 1. An electrostatic charge image developing toner comprising:toner particles including an amorphous resin and a crystalline resin,wherein, when the toner particles are subjected to a measurement by differential scanning calorimetry before and after being heated at a temperature of 50° C. and a humidity of 50% RH for a week, a relationship between an endothermic amount x (J/g) derived from the crystalline resin with respect to the toner particles before being heated and an endothermic amount y (J/g) derived from the crystalline resin with respect to the toner particles after being heated satisfies Expression (1): x/y<0.3.2. The electrostatic charge image developing toner according to claim 1 ,wherein a weight ratio between the amorphous resin and the crystalline resin (amorphous resin/crystalline resin) is from 50/50 to 97/3.3. The electrostatic charge image developing toner according to claim 1 ,wherein a glass transition temperature of the amorphous resin is from 50° C. to 65° C., anda melting temperature of the crystalline resin is from 60° C. to 85° C.4. The electrostatic charge image developing toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the amorphous resin is an amorphous polyester resin and the crystalline resin is a crystalline polyester resin.5. The electrostatic charge image developing toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the amorphous resin is a urea- ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170060013A1

In a toner containing a binder resin, a pigment, a pigment dispersant, and a fixing assistant, the pigment dispersant has a structure represented by formula (1) or a tautomer thereof and a polymer moiety, the binder resin and the fixing assistant satisfy formula (2), and a hydrophobic parameter HP1 of the pigment dispersant and a hydrophobic parameter HP2 of the fixing assistant satisfy formula (3). 5. The toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the melting point of the fixing assistant is 55° C. to 100° C.6. The toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the pigment dispersant has an adsorbing rate to the pigment of 80.0% or more,as measured for a mixture obtained by mixing together 20.0 parts by mass of a solvent containing 16.0 parts by mass of styrene and 4.0 parts by mass of n-butyl acrylate, 0.1 parts by mass of the pigment dispersant, and 1.0 part by mass of the pigment.7. The toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the weight-average molecular weight of the pigment dispersant is 10,000 to 50,000.8. The toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the content of the fixing assistant is 0.5 to 20.0 percent by mass with respect to the total amount of the binder resin and the fixing assistant.9. The toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the content of the pigment dispersant is 1.0 to 50.0 percent by mass with respect to the pigment.11. The toner according to claim 10 ,wherein the weight-average molecular weight of the crystalline polyester is 10,000 to 40,000.12. The toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the fixing assistant is an ester of a monovalent or a divalent alcohol and an aliphatic monocarboxylic acid, or an ester of a monovalent or a divalent carboxylic acid and an aliphatic monoalcohol.13. The toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the (HP1−HP2) is −0.20 to 0.10.14. A method for manufacturing the toner according to claim 1 ,the method comprising the steps of: forming particle in an aqueous medium to obtain the toner particle. Field of the InventionThe present disclosure relates to ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Toner and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20170060015A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

In a toner containing a resin, a pigment, and a pigment dispersant, the resin contains a polar resin having an acid value of 2.0 to 30.0 mgKOH/g, and the pigment dispersant has the structure represented by the following formula (1) and a polymer moiety bonded thereto.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063916A1

Provided is an image forming apparatus including an image bearer, a developing unit configured to develop with a toner, an intermediate transfer member, and a transferring unit, wherein the intermediate transfer member is a laminate including a base layer and an elastic layer including particles at a surface thereof to form convex-concave shapes at the surface, the particles have volume resistivity of from 1×10ohm*cm through 1×10ohm*cm, the toner includes additive, an amount of the additive separated from the toner is from 20 percent by mass through 35 percent by mass relative to a total amount of the additive in the toner when a toner dispersion liquid in which the toner is dispersed in a dispersant is irradiated with ultrasonic wave vibration with an irradiation energy dose of 4 kJ, and the toner has a dielectric constant of 2.6 or greater but 3.9 or less. 1. An image forming apparatus comprising:an image bearer where a latent image is to be formed on the image bearer and the image bearer can bear a toner image;a developing unit configured to develop a latent image formed on the image bearer with a toner to form the toner image;an intermediate transfer member, on which the toner image formed through the development performed by the developing unit is primary transferred; anda transferring unit configured to secondary transfer the toner image born on the intermediate transfer member to a recording medium,wherein the intermediate transfer member includes a laminate including a base layer and an elastic layer,the elastic layer includes particles at a surface of the elastic layer to form convex-concave shapes at the surface,{'sup': 0', '9, 'the particles have volume resistivity of from 1×10ohm*cm through 1×10ohm*cm,'}the toner includes an additive,an amount of the additive separated from the toner is from 20 percent by mass through 35 percent by mass relative to a total amount of the additive in the toner, when a toner dispersion liquid in which the toner is dispersed ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140142216A1
Автор: Cheng Chieh-Min, Lai Zhen

Methods herein include mixing at least one polyester resin with at least one solvent to form a resin mixture, adding water to cause phase inversion and form a polyester latex, adding at least one buffering agent to the phase inverted mixture to stabilize the phase inverted mixture, and subsequent to the buffering agent addition, substantially removing the at least one solvent from the phase inverted mixture. 1. A polyester latex , wherein the latex has a stability of at least 3 months and contains less than 600 ppm of solvent , prepared by a process comprising;mixing at least one polyester resin with at least one solvent to form a mixture;phase inverting the mixture by adding water;buffering the phase inverted mixture by adding at least one buffering agent; andsubsequent to the buffering agent addition, substantially removing the at least one solvent from the phase inverted mixture.2. The polyester latex of claim 1 , wherein the at least one solvent is selected from the group consisting of ketones of the formula (CH)CO claim 1 , polyols of the formula CHOH claim 1 , acetates of the formula CHOCOCH claim 1 , or mixtures thereof claim 1 , wherein n is greater than or equal to 1 claim 1 , and wherein a solvent to resin weight ratio is from about 0.3 to about 3 claim 1 , and wherein the weight average molecular weight of the at least one crystalline polyester resin is from about 5 claim 1 ,000 to about 90 claim 1 ,000 and the crystalline resin has a melting point from about 60 to about 90° C.3. The polyester latex of claim 1 , wherein the water to resin weight ratio in the polyester latex is from about 5 to about 50.4. The polyester latex of claim 1 , wherein the at least one buffering agent is selected from the group consisting of a buffer or a mixture of buffers claim 1 , and wherein the concentration of buffer in the polyester latex is from about 0.01 to about 5 parts per hundred of the mixture based on the concentration of resin.5. The polyester latex of claim 4 , ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Carboxylic acid or acid salt functionalized polyester polymers

Номер: US20170066872A1

The present disclosure describes a polyester that contains plural pendant adjacent carboxylic acid or acid salt side groups for use in making a toner for use in imaging devices.

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Colored Toners

Номер: US20150072283A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

The disclosure describes a pigment of certain surface area for use in toner.

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150072285A1

According to one implementation, a toner includes a toner mother particle and a convex portion on a surface of the toner mother particle. The toner mother particle includes at least a resin (1). The convex portion is formed from a resin particle including at least a resin (2). An average value of a length of a long side of the convex portion is within a range of 0.1 to 0.5 μm. A ratio between a Young's modulus of a non-convex portion of the toner mother particle (ER (1)) and a Young's modulus of a convex portion of the toner mother particle (ER (2)) is a value (ER (1)/ER (2)) within the range of 1.2 to 2.0. 1. A toner for developing an electrostatic latent image comprising:a toner mother particle; anda convex portion on a surface of the toner mother particle,wherein,(a) the toner mother particle includes at least a resin (1);(b) the convex portion is formed from a resin particle including at least a resin (2);(c) an average value of a length of a long side of the convex portion is within a range of 0.1 to 0.5 μm; and(d) a ratio between a Young's modulus of a non-convex portion of the toner mother particle (ER (1)) and a Young's modulus of a convex portion of the toner mother particle (ER (2)) is a value (ER (1)/ER (2)) within the range of 1.2 to 2.0.2. The toner for developing an electrostatic latent image of claim 1 , wherein the resin (2) is a resin including at least polyester resin.3. The toner for developing an electrostatic latent image of claim 1 , wherein the resin (2) is a resin formed from bonding a vinyl type polymerization segment and a polyester type polymerization segment.4. The toner for developing an electrostatic latent image of claim 3 , wherein a content ratio of the vinyl type polymerization segment in the resin (2) with respect to a total mass of the resin formed from bonding the vinyl type polymerization segment and the polyester type polymerization segment is within a range of 1 to 30% by mass.5. The toner for developing an electrostatic ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180067410A1

A toner including: a binder resin containing an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer; a polysiloxane derivative A represented by structural formula 1; and a polysiloxane derivative B represented by structural formula 2: 2. The toner according to claim 1 , whereina content of the polysiloxane derivative A is at least 5 parts by mass and not more than 30 parts by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the binder resin, anda content of the polysiloxane derivative B is at least 5 parts by mass and not more than 50 parts by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the polysiloxane derivative A.3. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer in the binder resin is at least 50 mass % and not more than 100 mass %.4. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein a kinematic viscosity at 25° C. of the polysiloxane derivative A is at least 5 mm/s and not more than 1000 mm/s.5. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein a melting point of the polysiloxane derivative B is at least 20° C. and not more than 70° C.6. The toner according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': '0', 'when a softening point of the binder resin is denoted by Tm(° C.),'}{'sub': '1', 'a softening point of a mixture obtained by heating and kneading the binder resin and the polysiloxane derivative A at a mass ratio of 100:10 is denoted by Tm(° C.), and'}{'sub': '2', 'a softening point of a mixture obtained by heating and kneading the binder resin and the polysiloxane derivative B at a mass ratio of 100:10 is denoted by Tm(° C.),'} [{'br': None, 'i': Tm', '−Tm, 'sub': 0', '1, '0.0≦[]≦3.0\u2003\u2003(Formula 1)'}, {'br': None, 'i': Tm', '−Tm, 'sub': 0', '2, '5.0≦[]≦12.0\u2003\u2003(Formula 2)'}], 'the relationships shown by formula 1 and formula 2 below are satisfied.'}8. The method for producing a toner according to claim 7 , whereinthe step of obtaining emulsified particles includes a step of mixing the polysiloxane derivative A represented by structural formula 1 and the polysiloxane ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140147172A1

A deinkable liquid toner is disclosed herein. The deinkable liquid toner includes a non-polar carrier fluid, a styrene-alkyl acrylate, and a colorant. The styrene-alkyl acrylate has a glass transition temperature ranging from about 65 C to about 100 C. A method for making the deinkable liquid toner and a printing system are also disclosed herein. 1. A deinkable liquid toner , including:a non-polar carrier fluid;a styrene-alkyl acrylate having a glass transition temperature ranging from about 65° C. to about 100° C.; anda colorant.2. The deinkable liquid toner as defined in wherein the styrene-alkyl acrylate is chosen from copolymers of i) styrene claim 1 , butyl acrylate claim 1 , and methacrylic acid; ii) styrene claim 1 , butyl acrylate claim 1 , methacrylonitrile claim 1 , and methacrylic acid claim 1 , iii) styrene claim 1 , butyl acrylate claim 1 , acrylonitrile claim 1 , and methacrylic acid; iv) methyl methacrylate claim 1 , hexyl acrylate claim 1 , and methacrylic acid; v) methyl methacrylate claim 1 , butyl acrylate claim 1 , and methacrylic acid; and vi) styrene claim 1 , N-phenyl maleimide claim 1 , butyl acrylate claim 1 , and methacrylic acid.3. The deinkable liquid toner as defined in wherein any of:a ratio of styrene:butyl acrylate:methacrylic acid is 80:18:2;a ratio of styrene:butyl acrylate:methacrylonitrile:methacrylic acid is 60:18:20:2;a ratio of styrene:butyl acrylate:acrylonitrile:methacrylic acid is 60:18:20:2;a ratio of methyl methacrylate:hexyl acrylate:methacrylic acid is 85:13:2;a ratio of methyl methacrylate:butyl acrylate:methacrylic acid is chosen from 80:18:2 and 78:20:2; ora ratio of styrene:N-phenyl maleimide:butyl acrylate:methacrylic acid is 70:10:18:2.4. The deinkable liquid toner as defined in wherein:the styrene-alkyl acrylate is the copolymer of styrene, butyl acrylate, and methacrylic acid;the copolymer includes from about 50% to about 90% of styrene;the copolymer includes from about 10% to about 25% of butyl acrylate; andthe ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Toner and image forming method

Номер: US20200064751A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A toner comprises a toner particle including a binder resin, and inorganic fine particles A and silica particles B, wherein the inorganic fine particle A has a rectangular parallelepiped shape; an amount of the inorganic fine particles A is 0.3 to 3.0 mass parts per 100 mass parts of the toner particles; a number average particle diameter of the silica particles B is 80 to 200 nm; a fixing ratio of the inorganic fine particle A is 25% to 70%; where a separation amount of the inorganic fine particles A is denoted by YA (mg), and a separation amount of the silica particles is denoted by YB (mg), YA is 3.00 to 18.0, YA and YB satisfy the following formula, YA/YB >0.75, and a surface potential difference C in a rubbing test using the inorganic fine particle A and the binder resin is −70 V to +70 V.

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140147780A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A toner is prepared by wet granulation methods, including a monoester wax having carbon atoms of from 36 to 46 on average as a release agent. The toner has a DSC endothermic energy amount (ΔH1) originating from the wax of from 10 to 12 mJ/mg and a DSC endothermic energy amount (ΔH2) originating from the wax of from 0.6 to 0.9 times as much as ΔH1 after a part of the wax is separated by hexane extraction from the toner. The hexane extraction includes mixing 1 g of the toner in 7 ml of n-hexane to prepare a mixture; stirring the mixture at 120 rpm for 1 min by a pot mill to prepare a dispersion; and subjecting the dispersion to suction filtration.

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150079517A1
Автор: Kikushima Seiji
Принадлежит: KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.

A method for producing a toner includes: dissolving a thermoplastic resin and a thermosetting resin in an organic solvent; mixing the organic solvent containing the thermoplastic resin and the thermosetting resin with an aqueous medium, and micronizing the thermoplastic resin in a mixture obtained; and forming a film of the dissolved thermosetting resin on surfaces of fine particles formed through the micronization. 1. A method for producing a toner , comprising:dissolving a thermoplastic resin and a thermosetting resin in an organic solvent;mixing the organic solvent containing the thermoplastic resin and the thermosetting resin with an aqueous medium, and micronizing the thermoplastic resin in a mixture obtained; andforming a film of the dissolved thermosetting resin on surfaces of fine particles formed through the micronizing.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the mixture has a smaller pH in the forming the film than in the micronizing.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the mixture has a higher temperature in the forming the film than in the micronizing.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the mixture has a pH of 9.0 or higher at completion of the micronizing.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the mixture has a temperature of 50° C. or lower in the micronizing.6. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the mixture has a pH of 4 or lower at completion of the forming the film.7. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the mixture has a temperature of 75° C. or higher in the forming the film.8. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the thermosetting resin is a melamine resin or a urea resin.9. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the organic solvent is ethyl methyl ketone claim 1 , tetrahydrofuran claim 1 , or ethyl acetate.10. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic resin is dissolved in the organic solvent such that the concentration of the thermoplastic resin is in a range of 10% by mass or higher and 48% by ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160077453A1

A method for producing toner includes adding a liquid containing dispersed resin particles into a liquid containing dispersed colorant particles having a volume average particle size of equal to or greater than 6 μm and having a zeta-potential sign opposite to a zeta-potential sign of the resin particles, until a zeta-potential of aggregates of the colorant particle and the resin particles has a sign opposite to the zeta-potential sign of the colorant particles, adjusting the zeta-potential of the aggregates, such that an absolute value of the zeta-potential of the aggregates is smaller than an absolute value of the zeta-potential of the resin particles by more than 10 mv, and adding a liquid containing dispersed resin particles having a zeta-potential sign that is the same as the sign of the adjusted zeta-potential of the aggregates, into a liquid containing the aggregates. 1. A method for producing toner , comprising:adding a liquid containing dispersed resin particles into a liquid containing dispersed colorant particles having a volume average particle size of equal to or greater than 6 μm and having a zeta-potential sign opposite to a zeta-potential sign of the resin particles, until a zeta-potential of aggregates of the colorant particle and the resin particles has a sign opposite to the zeta-potential sign of the colorant particles;adjusting the zeta-potential of the aggregates, such that an absolute value of the zeta-potential of the aggregates is smaller than an absolute value of the zeta-potential of the resin particles by more than 10 mv; andadding a liquid containing dispersed resin particles having a zeta-potential sign that is the same as the sign of the adjusted zeta-potential of the aggregates, into a liquid containing the aggregates.2. The method according to claim 1 , whereina volume average particle size of the colorant particles is equal to or greater than 6 μm and equal to or smaller than 100 μm.3. The method according to claim 1 , whereina mass ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Electrostatic ink compositions

Номер: US20180074424A1
Принадлежит: HP Indigo BV

Herein is disclosed magenta liquid electrostatic ink compositions. In some examples, the electrostatic ink compositions comprise a magenta pigment, a basic dispersant, a resin comprising a polymer having acidic side groups, a carrier liquid and a charge director, wherein the dispersant comprises a compound comprising a succinimide group linked to a primary, secondary or tertiary amine.

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220091525A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

A toner for developing an electrostatic charge image contains toner particles containing at least one binder resin; the Mg element in an amount such that the net intensity of x-ray fluorescence from the Mg element in the toner is 0.10 kcps or more and 1.20 kcps or less; and at least one external additive including particles of a metal salt of a fatty acid. 1. A toner for developing an electrostatic charge image , the toner comprising:toner particles containing at least one binder resin;a Mg element in an amount such that a net intensity of x-ray fluorescence from the Mg element in the toner is 0.10 kcps or more and 1.20 kcps or less; andat least one external additive including particles of a metal salt of a fatty acid.2. The toner according to for developing an electrostatic charge image claim 1 , wherein the particles of a metal salt of a fatty acid are particles of a zinc salt of a fatty acid.3. The toner according to for developing an electrostatic charge image claim 2 , wherein the particles of a metal salt of a fatty acid are particles of zinc stearate.4. The toner according to for developing an electrostatic charge image claim 1 , wherein the binder resin includes an amorphous resin and at least one crystalline resin.5. The toner according to for developing an electrostatic charge image claim 2 , wherein the binder resin includes an amorphous resin and at least one crystalline resin.6. The toner according to for developing an electrostatic charge image claim 3 , wherein the binder resin includes an amorphous resin and at least one crystalline resin.7. The toner according to for developing an electrostatic charge image claim 4 , wherein the crystalline resin includes at least one polycondensate of a linear aliphatic α claim 4 ,ω-dicarboxylic acid and a linear aliphatic α claim 4 ,ω-diol.8. The toner according to for developing an electrostatic charge image claim 5 , wherein the crystalline resin includes at least one polycondensate of a linear aliphatic α claim ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170075243A1

The toner has a toner particle that contains a binder resin and a wax, wherein the wax is present in domain form in the interior of the toner particle; the proportion of toner particles for which the position of the wax domains are controlled, is in a prescribed range; using d for a major axis length of the domain having the largest major axis length and using D for a number-average particle diameter of the toner, the d and D satisfy a prescribed relationship; and the ratio between the major axis length and the minor axis length of the domain having the largest major axis length is in a prescribed range. 1. A toner comprising a toner particle containing a binder resin and a wax , whereinin a three-dimensional analysis of the internal structure of the toner particle,(i) the wax is present in domain form in the interior of the toner particle;(ii) the proportion of toner particles for which a shortest distance between a surface of the toner particle and a domain having a largest major axis length among the domains of the wax is less than 50 nm, is equal to or less than 10.0 number %;(iii) the proportion of toner particles for which the shortest distance between the surface of the toner particle and the domain having the largest major axis length is at least 50 nm and not more than 500 nm, is equal to or greater than 60.0 number %;{'b': '1', 'claim-text': {'br': None, '0.25D Подробнее

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180081291A1

A method for producing core shell toner particles wherein the toner core includes a unique softening agent consisting of a core shell styrene acrylic latex having an encapsulated IPN microgel. A first polymer emulsion is combined and agglomerated with a pigment dispersion and a wax emulsion and the above described styrene acrylic latex having an encapsulated IPN microgel to form toner cores. A second polymer emulsion is combined and agglomerated with the toner cores to form toner shells around the toner cores. The toner cores and toner shells are then fused to form toner particles. 1. A method of producing toner comprising:combining and agglomerating a first polymer emulsion with a pigment dispersion, a wax emulsion and a synthetic core shell latex having an encapsulated interpenetrating polymer network microgel to form toner cores;combining and agglomerating a second polymer emulsion with the toner cores to form toner shells around the toner cores; andfusing the aggregated toner cores and toner shells to form toner particles having a core shell structure, wherein the encapsulated interpenetrating polymer network microgel is formed by the encapsulation of a self-crosslinkable, non-water soluble oil in the synthetic core shell latex.2. The method of producing toner of claim 1 , wherein the synthetic core shell latex includes a hydrophilic monomer having carboxyl (—COOH) and hydroxy (—OH) functional groups and a hydrophobic monomer having styrene and acrylate functionality.3. The method of producing toner of claim 2 , wherein the hydrophobic monomer having acrylate functionality is an alkyl acrylate.4. The method of producing toner of claim 3 , wherein the alkyl acrylate monomer is lauryl acrylate.5. The method of producing toner of claim 2 , wherein the hydrophilic monomers having carboxyl (—COOH) and hydroxy (—OH) functional groups are hydroxyethyl methacrylate and beta-carboxyethyl acrylate.6. (canceled)7. The method of producing toner of claim 1 , wherein the self ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150086922A1

A process includes dissolving a polymer in an organic solvent to form a polymer solution and forming a latex from the polymer solution by contacting the polymer solution with steam while substantially simultaneously distilling the organic solvent. 1. A process comprising:dissolving a polymer in an organic solvent to form a polymer solution; andforming a latex from the polymer solution by contacting the polymer solution with steam while substantially simultaneously distilling the organic solvent.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising neutralizing acidic residues present in the polymer by adding a neutralizing agent to the polymer solution.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the neutralizing agent is selected from the group consisting of ammonium hydroxide claim 2 , sodium carbonate claim 2 , potassium hydroxide claim 2 , sodium hydroxide claim 2 , sodium bicarbonate claim 2 , lithium hydroxide claim 2 , potassium carbonate claim 2 , triethyl amine claim 2 , triethanolamine claim 2 , pyridine claim 2 , pyridine derivatives claim 2 , diphenylamine claim 2 , diphenylamine derivatives claim 2 , poly(ethylene amine) claim 2 , poly(ethylene amine) derivatives claim 2 , amine bases claim 2 , and piperazine claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. The process of claim 1 , further comprising filtering the polymer solution prior to forming the latex.5. The process of claim 1 , further comprising forming toner particles from the latex.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the polymer comprises a polyester.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the organic solvent is selected from the group consisting of a ketone claim 1 , an alcohol claim 1 , an ester claim 1 , an ether claim 1 , a nitrile claim 1 , a sulfone claim 1 , a sulfoxide claim 1 , a phosphoramide claim 1 , a benzene claim 1 , a benzene derivative claim 1 , an amine claim 1 , and combinations thereof.8. The process of claim 7 , wherein the organic solvent comprises a mixture of methylethylketone (MEK) and isopropanol ( ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098374A1

Methods of making a crosslinked fluorescent latex are provided. In an embodiment, such a method comprises adding a water-soluble initiator to an uncrosslinked fluorescent latex comprising water and uncrosslinked resin particles comprising an unsaturated resin and a fluorescent agent incorporated therein; and exposing the water-soluble initiator to conditions to activate the water-soluble initiator and induce crosslinking reactions between the activated water-soluble initiator and the unsaturated resin, thereby forming a crosslinked fluorescent latex comprising crosslinked fluorescent resin particles comprising crosslinked resin and the fluorescent agent incorporated therein. Crosslinked fluorescent latexes are also provided, as are fluorescent toners made from the same. 1. A method of making a crosslinked fluorescent latex , the method comprising:adding a water-soluble initiator to an uncrosslinked fluorescent latex comprising water and uncrosslinked resin particles comprising an unsaturated resin and a fluorescent agent incorporated therein; andexposing the water-soluble initiator to conditions to activate the water-soluble initiator and induce crosslinking reactions between the activated water-soluble initiator and the unsaturated resin, thereby forming a crosslinked fluorescent latex comprising crosslinked fluorescent resin particles comprising crosslinked resin and the fluorescent agent incorporated therein.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the crosslinked fluorescent latex is characterized by a degree of crosslinking n of no more than 0.50 over range of frequencies from 0.100 to 1.000 rad/s as determined from a rheology sweep test at 120° C.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the degree of crosslinking n is no more than 0.10.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the crosslinked fluorescent latex is characterized by a peak reflectance value that is within ±2% of a peak reflectance value of the uncrosslinked fluorescent latex.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Bio-Based Acrylate And Methacrylate Resins

Номер: US20170082936A1

Methacrylate resins of at least one bio-based methacrylate monomer, where the monomer includes a rosin or isosorbide moiety obtained from natural sources, can be used in toner, carrier coating or both. 1. A carrier composition comprising a core and a coating thereon , wherein said coating comprises a resin comprising a bio-based acrylate or methacrylate monomer , and optionally a styrene , acrylic or methacrylic monomer , wherein said bio-based acrylate or methacrylate monomer comprises a rosin or an isosorbide moiety.2. The carrier composition of claim 1 , wherein the acrylic monomer comprises acryloyl chloride (2-propenoyl chloride) or methacryloyl chloride (2-methylprop-2-enoyl chloride).3. The carrier composition of claim 1 , wherein the bio-based acrylate or methacrylate monomer is selected from the group consisting of isosorbide diacrylate claim 1 , isosorbide acrylate claim 1 , isosorbide methacrylate and isosorbide dimethacrylate.4. The carrier composition of claim 1 , wherein the acrylic monomer comprises an epoxy acrylate or an epoxy methacrylate.5. The carrier composition of claim 1 , wherein the acrylic monomer comprises a glycidyl methacrylate.6. The carrier composition of claim 1 , wherein the bio-based acrylate or methacrylate monomer comprises an abietic-methacrylate.7. The carrier composition of claim 1 , wherein the carrier coating resin comprises a C/O ratio greater than 2.5.8. A toner particle comprising:a first resin comprising a bio-based acrylate or methacrylate monomer, and optionally a styrene, acrylic or methacrylic monomer, wherein said bio-based acrylate or methacrylate monomer comprises a rosin or an isosorbide moiety;an optional second resin that is different from the first resin;an optional wax; andan optional colorant.9. The toner particle of claim 8 , wherein the acrylic monomer comprises acryloyl chloride (2-propenoyl chloride) or methacryloyl chloride (2-methylprop-2-enoyl chloride).10. The toner particle of claim 8 , further ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160091808A1

A toner includes a polymeric resin, a colorant, and a small molecule crystalline aromatic monoester having a molecular weight less than 1,000 g/mol. The polymeric resin may be an amorphous resin and a mixture of the amorphous resin and the crystalline aromatic monoester may be characterized by a reduction in glass transition temperature from that of the resin and by the lack of a melting point for the crystalline aromatic monoester as determined by differential scanning calorimetry, the enthalpy of fusion for the crystalline aromatic monoester in the mixture being measured to be less than 10% of the enthalpy of fusion of the crystalline aromatic monoester in pure form. Furthermore, the toner may be configured to have a crease fix minimum fusing temperature (MFT) less than or equal to the crease fix MFT of a benchmark ultra-low-melt emulsion aggregation toner. Suitable crystalline aromatic monoesters may include 2-Naphthyl benzoate. 2. The method of claim 2 , wherein the small molecule crystalline aromatic monoester is about 5% to about 25% by dry weight of the toner particles.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein a polymeric resin used to form the polymeric resin emulsion has a melt viscosity of from about 10 to about 1 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000 Pascal-seconds (Pa*s) at about 130° C.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein a polymeric resin used to form the polymeric resin emulsion is an amorphous resin.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein a polymeric resin used to form the polymeric resin emulsion is a polyester resin.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein a crystalline polymeric resin is further admixed in the polymeric resin emulsion.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the crystalline polymeric resin is a crystalline polyester resin.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric resin emulsion comprises a mixture of amorphous and crystalline resins.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein a ratio of crystalline resin to amorphous resin is from about 1:99 to about 30:70.10. The ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180088479A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

An electrostatic charge image developing toner set includes an electrostatic charge image developing black toner that includes black toner particles including a black colorant, a binder resin, and a release agent, and inorganic particles containing an oil; and an electrostatic charge image developing color toner that includes color toner particles including a color colorant, a binder resin, and a release agent, and inorganic particles containing an oil, wherein a proportion of the release agent exposed to a surface of the color toner particles is greater than a proportion of the release agent exposed to a surface of the black toner particles. 1. An electrostatic charge image developing toner set comprising:an electrostatic charge image developing black toner that includes black toner particles including a black colorant, a binder resin, and a release agent, and inorganic particles containing an oil; andan electrostatic charge image developing color toner that includes color toner particles including a color colorant, a binder resin, and a release agent, and inorganic particles containing an oil,wherein a proportion of the release agent exposed to a surface of the color toner particles is greater than a proportion of the release agent exposed to a surface of the black toner particles.2. The electrostatic charge image developing toner set according to claim 1 ,wherein the proportion of the release agent exposed to a surface of the color toner particles is from 0.12% to 10.0%, and the proportion of the release agent exposed to a surface of the black toner particles is from 0.1% to 3.2%.3. The electrostatic charge image developing toner set according to claim 1 ,wherein the color toner particle and the black toner particle each includes domains formed of the release agent on the surface, and the domains have an average particle diameter of 0.1 μm to 2.0 μm.4. The electrostatic charge image developing toner set according to claim 1 ,wherein a content of the release agent ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170090317A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

A brilliant toner includes toner particles that include a binder resin having a ratio (Mz/Mn) of a Z average molecular weight (Mz) to a number average molecular weight (Mn) of 5 to 20 and a peak top molecular weight (Mp) of 3,000 to 10,000, and a flake-shaped brilliant pigment. 1. A brilliant toner comprising:toner particles that include a binder resin having a ratio (Mz/Mn) of a Z average molecular weight (Mz) to a number average molecular weight (Mn) of 5 to 20 and a peak top molecular weight (Mp) of 3,000 to 10,000, and a flake-shaped brilliant pigment.2. The brilliant toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the toner particles include a polyester resin as the binder resin.3. The brilliant toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the toner particles include a crystalline polyester resin as the binder resin.4. The brilliant toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the toner particles include a urea-modified polyester resin as the binder resin.5. The brilliant toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the toner particles are obtained through preparing an oil phase liquid, which is a mixed solution obtained by mixing an organic solvent for dissolving the binder resin, the binder resin, and the brilliant pigment, preparing a suspension obtained by dispersing the oil phase liquid in an aqueous medium, and removing the organic solvent from the suspension.6. The brilliant toner according to claim 3 ,wherein a melting temperature of the crystalline polyester resin is from 60° C. to 85° C.7. The brilliant toner according to claim 1 , further comprising:aluminum as the brilliant pigment.8. The brilliant toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the brilliant pigment has an aspect ratio of 5 to 200.9. The brilliant toner according to claim 1 ,wherein a ratio (C/D) of an average maximum thickness C to an average equivalent circle diameter D of the toner particles is from 0.001 to 0.500.10. The brilliant toner according to claim 1 ,wherein the ratio of the brilliant pigment in which an angle formed by ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210096477A1

A liquid developer containing toner particles and a carrier liquid, the toner particles containing a resin component, wherein the resin component includes a resin A and a resin B, the resin A has a unit Y1 represented by the formula (1) and a unit Y2 represented by the formula (2), the resin B has a unit Y3 represented by the formula (3) and a unit Y4 selected from the units represented by the formulae (4) to (8), the resin A has a unit Y2 content of 1% to 20% by mass, the resin B has a unit Y3 content of 5% to 90% by mass, the resin component has a resin A content of 50% to 99% by mass, and the resin component has a resin B content of 1% to 50% by mass. 2. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier liquid is an aliphatic hydrocarbon.3. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , wherein the resin A has a unit Y2 content of 5% to 16% by mass.4. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , wherein the resin B has a unit Y3 content of 5% to 50% by mass.5. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , whereinthe resin component has a resin A content of 50% to 95% by mass, andthe resin component has a resin B content of 5% to 50% by mass.6. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , whereinthe resin component has a resin A content of 50% to 85% by mass, andthe resin component has a resin B content of 15% to 50% by mass.7. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , wherein the resin component has a unit Y2 content W2 and a unit Y3 content W3 that satisfy 0.10≤W2/W3≤4.0.8. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , wherein a total amount of unit or units represented by formula (6) and unit or units represented by formula (7) in the unit Y4 ranges from 50% to 100% by mass.9. The liquid developer according to claim 1 , wherein Rin formulae (4) to (8) denotes an alkyl group having 6 to 22 carbon atoms or an alkenyl group having 6 to 22 carbon atoms. The present disclosure relates to a liquid developer for use in an image-forming apparatus that utilizes ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200096888A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

An electrostatic charge image developer contains a carrier including a core and, on the core, a silicone resin-containing layer serving as a lower layer, and an acrylic resin-containing layer serving as an upper layer, or a carrier including a silicone resin-containing core and an acrylic resin-containing layer on the silicone resin-containing core; strontium titanate particles having an average primary particle size of 20 nm or more and 100 nm or less; and a toner. The percentage of a silicone resin exposed on a surface of the carrier is 0.5 area % or more and 20 area % or less. 1. An electrostatic charge image developer comprising:a carrier including a core and, on the core, a silicone resin-containing layer serving as a lower layer, and an acrylic resin-containing layer serving as an upper layer, or a carrier including a silicone resin-containing core and an acrylic resin-containing layer on the silicone resin-containing core;strontium titanate particles having an average primary particle size of 20 nm or more and 100 nm or less; anda toner,wherein a percentage of a silicone resin exposed on a surface of the carrier is 0.5 area % or more and 20 area % or less.2. The electrostatic charge image developer according to claim 1 , wherein an amount of the strontium titanate particles is 10 area % or more and 40 area % or less in terms of coverage of the toner.3. The electrostatic charge image developer according to claim 2 , wherein a ratio C(t)/C(c) of the amount C(t) (area %) of the strontium titanate particles in terms of coverage of the toner to the percentage C(c) (area %) of the silicone resin exposed on the surface of the carrier is more than 0.5 and 45 or less.4. The electrostatic charge image developer according to claim 1 , wherein an amount of the strontium titanate particles other than the strontium titanate particles being free and the strontium titanate particles firmly adhering to the toner is 10 mas % or more and 70 mass or less relative to a total mass ...
